THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SHORTTYPING A System of Shorthand for the Typewriter By John Ira Brant BLUE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY 261 Broadway New York Copyright 1914 by BLUE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY All Rights Reserved (or all Countries PUBLISHED. AUGUST 1914 Typography and Presswork by THE MILLER PRESS, J^EW, YORK 7J 2 PREFACE The contracting principles which form the basis of *JT the stenographic systems are as applicable to type as JJ to pen-made characters. The system of typewriting presented herein applies those principles to type, the result being a syllabic ^code, based to some extent on fonetics, and employing ^ f or syllabic purposes, the special keys which ordinarily * take no part in alfabetic work. Its purpose is to ^ secure a method of operation by which the words of a rapid speaker can be recorded verbatim with the machine. 449501 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 1 ELEMENTARY ASSIGNMENTS 1 2 FONETIC SPELLING 3 3 VOWEL CHANGES 5 4 FUNCTION OF THE SMALL LETTERS 8 5 USE OF THE CAPITALS 12 6 COMPOUND ASSIGNMENTS 14 '7 WORD-SIGNS 16 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTIONS 18 9 VOCABULARY 20 10 FRASING 66 11 FRASES 68 12 THE LARGER KEYBOARDS 87 13 ILLUSTRATIVE WORK 89 14 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS . 93 KEYBOARD A (DCDCDCDCDQQQ o WE: R T Y u MOP A S D F G H J K L ; 2 X)(C)(VHB)(N)(M)( ; KEYBOARD B QJIWIIEJIRJITIIYIIU AllSllDllFlfGllHltJlfKllL ZJiXJICitVllBIINllMll CHAPTER 1 ELEMENTARY ASSIGNMENTS Each of the characters in column two is used to repre- sent the syllables between which it stands in this list: Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Prefixes Suffixes dis 2 able, abel com, or con 3 ect cor 4 ant bra 5 ans, ance miss 6 any par 7 par pre, or pro 8 shun sha 9 ish tra - ter sta ; ast spe , asp thi / ing Each syllable in the prefix column is represented by its character from column two, when the syllable is the central syllable of the word, or occurs forward of the centre. The meanings in the suffix column are shown by their corresponding characters from column two, in all positions following the centre of the word. disable 22 This arrangement illustrates the method followed for presenting illustrative words, the short form which follows a word, as shown at the beginning of this paragraph, being the abbreviated method of writing that word. A glance at the prefixes and suffixes in the list above, will show how this short form is derived. label 12 In typewriting, on many machines, the small L (1) and the figure one (1) are made with the same key. This character (1) is never used in a short form as a figure to represent a syllable, but always indicates small L. The syllabic characters, that is, those which repre- sent syllables, are used in the short forms to represent sounds regardless of how those sounds are spelled. For instance, the sound "shun" has various spellings, all of which may be shown by the figure eight: action ac8 optician opts luncheon In8 passion pa8 tension tn8 ocean 08 The theoretical pronunciation which the dictionaries give for "cian" in "optician" is not precisely "shun," but the sound is so similar that when spoken it becomes " hun" ; so that the figure eight is used in all words of tha\. group: politician, mathematician, etc. In this system the actual spoken sound is written. The short forms given above are not all to be con- sidered as the final forms, since contracting principles presented later, further reduce some of the short forms given early, the shorter combinations being shown in Chapter Nine. part 7t missing 6/ protect 8t3 comparing 37/ station ;8 thing // CHAPTER 2 FONETIC SPELLING The system is reinforced by the following contracting expedients: 1. Omit silent letters: league leag 2. Where the name of a letter is a word, use that letter for that word: be b owe o why y 3. Words which are pronounced the same are, as a rule, shown by the same short form: see c sea c scene en seen en 4. Whenever possible make a letter represent its full name: beat bt seem cm decay dk envy nvy Here in each instance the first letter in the short form carries the exact sound by which that letter is named when repeating the alfabet, so that every sound in the word is shown by the short form as completely as by standard spelling. 5. If there is only one vowel that produces a word when placed between two letters, that vowel may be omitted, because in such a case there can be no conflict with any other word: confide 3fd 6. The dash is never used, as such, in the short forms for compound words: dining- table dn/t2 When reading short forms consisting of two letters, the following considerations are of assistance: A. If a word is produced by giving both letters their full names, that is the word represented: excel xl excess xs B. If no word results under A, give the first letter of the short form its full name: bean bn bead bd seed cd C. If no word results under either A or B, give the second letter of the short form its full name: far fr mar mr die di D. If no word results under either A, B or C, then a vowel is to be read between the letters from the following list, the vowels taking precedence in the order shown, viz: a as in take a " father a " all a " had a " hair e " eat e " yet i " ivy i " lid fade fd late It judge jj luggage Igj o as in only on u unite u oi up oil ou out oo food oo foot wage wj voidable st vd2 we weight wt CHAPTER 3 VOWEL CHANGES Each of the syllables shown in columns one and three on page one belongs to a group of associated syllables, and each of those groups is assigned to one character. Consequently any syllable from a group may be shown by the character assigned to that group. The groups are shown below, being represented by the characters opposite thereto in the central column. The order in which the syllables occur in the groups is, in general, the order of their precedence for being repre- sented by the character opposite that group, thus preventing conflict in reading. PREFIXES das des dis dos dus bal bel bil bol bul com con cog car cor cur kar ker kir kor kur bra bre bri bro bru par pare per pir por pur pra pre pri pro pru sha she shi sho shu tra tre tri tro tru tar ther sta ste sti sto stu spa spe spi spo spu tha the thi tho thu SUFFIXES 2 bal bel bil bol bul able abel eble ible oble uble amble emble imble umble 3 act ect ict oct uct 4 ant ent int ont unt mant ment 5 ans ens ins ons uns ance ence ince once unce mans mance mass mess miss moss muss 6 any eny my ony uny amy emy imy omy umy ney 7 par pare per pir por pur 8 shan shen shin shon shun san zan zhan ashun eshun ishun oshun ushun 9 ash esh ish osh ush shall shell ential, as in providential tar ter tir tor tur ther ; ast est ist ost ust , asp esp isp osp usp / ang eng ing ong ung ank enk ink onk unk ath The vital point shown by the above list is that the vowel in a syllable may be changed without changing the character which represents that syllable. The rule governing these vowel changes is that if the remainder of the word gives the clue as to which vowel must be there, the vowel is not written. If the remainder of the word does not give such clue, the vowel must be inserted, or the syllable must be shown by letters. Under those restrictions, any vowel sound in the language may be read into a syllable which is represented by a single character. connect 33 The prefix shows which vowel is in this suffix, since there is only one (ect) in the Suffix-3 Group which will produce a word with any syllable in the Prefix-3 Group. correct 43 conduct 3d3 Here also the prefixes give the clue as to which vowel belongs in the suffix. If ect and uct were interchanged in these words, there would be no result in either case. This representation of various associated syllables by the same character does not cause difficulty in reading, for as soon as thorough familiarity with the short forms is acquired, they are written and read without the slightest hesitation. ash a,9 In this case the vowel must be inserted. The figure nine at the .beginning of a word indicates sh without a vowel preceding it: share 9r prepare 87 proper 8o7 Pre, standing ahead of pro, in their group, has precedence for being shown with- out inserting the vowel. When it is desirable to get a short form for a much used word which, under the general rule, would have to give precedence to an obsolete word, exceptions to the general rule naturally occur: shall 9 Under the general rule, the figure nine, standing alone, would represent "shay," a word used so little that it must give way to "shall" in the suffix-9 group. Another class of exceptions occasionally met are those in which a character in the prefix position indi- cates a suffix meaning, and vice versa: anticipate 4cpt dismiss 26 privation 8iv8 provision 8v8 In this case the word of more frequent occurrence takes the shorter combination. The assigning of short forms to two or more words that enter into competition for the same syllabic character is, in fact, not a question of adhering to any inflexible 6 rule, but rather a matter of the person wno is using the system assigning the shortest combination to the word which he uses most frequently. But when the equities among several such competing words, from the standpoint of frequency, appear to be equal, then the general rule of giving precedence in accordance with the order in which the syllables stand in the syllabic groups, furnishes a convenient guide for making the assignments. The reason why the characters are given one meaning at the beginning and a different meaning at the end of a word, is that certain syllables are prefixes by nature, seldom occurring in rear of the centre of a word, while with others the case is the opposite, so that various meanings can be attached to the same character, making it perform additional work. But the syllables of the "par" group occur with sufficient frequency in all positions to require one character for their exclusive use. CHAPTER 4 FUNCTION OF THE SMALL LETTERS The small letters may be made to do more work by having them represent additional sounds as shown below. Where this is done, the entire combination for the word gives the key as to which sound the letter represents. LETTER SOUNDS REPRESENTED a au, as in auditor; an (initial); am (initial) b be bee ba bay c sea see ic, as in socialistic ack, as in attack d de dee day e ee, as in employee; the f ef for full (final) g gay Not used for the j sound. h hay ch, as in teach; tch, as in patch i eye in (initial); im (initial) j jay adge edge, as in pledge; ju, as in judge k cou, as in counsel; kay; ac, as in accept; coi, as in coinage 1 ell, as in tell; lay; law, as in lawless m em may ember, as in member n en, as in enact; na, as in name; nay o owe, oi, as in join; ou, as in amount p pe pa pay, as in payable q qu, as in quality; accu, as in accuse r ar, as in argue; are; our; re, as in refer s ess, as in less; sub, as in subject t tea, as in team; tee, as in teeth Also represents th when the line (/) is not available on account of conflict. u you ewe oo, as in look; urn (initial); un (initial) v ve va vay w wa, as in wave; ow, as in now; ou, as in house x ex ax y why Used for short i when the letter i is not available on account of conflict. z sla ze zee ize au ought, as in bought; aught, as in naught axiom xim This illustrates how one letter may represent several sounds and at the same time escape conflict, since the remainder of the word gives the key as to the sound intended. In xim no word results by calling x "ex"; consequently it must be the alternative, ax. park 7c beak bk Apparent inconsistencies will occasionally be noticed, as shown in these two words, in representing the k sound. The abbreviated forms are not worked out in strict adherence to fonetics. When there is room to select between c or k, the one is used which gives the quicker sequence of letters, the speedy movements in typewriting operation being where one hand follows the other. This consideration requires that the k sound before 1 be shown by c; before r by k. But this difficulty with the syllables era and cla is solved on the larger key- boards. Chapter Twelve, by their being assigned to syllabic characters. When final c represents the k sound, it (the final c) is generally associated with a short vowel, whether the vowel be omitted or expressed. Final k to show the k sound is generally associated with a long vowel when the vowel is omitted: lack Ic lake Ik leak lek lick lye like lik lock loc look luk luck luc luke luk In lye is seen the use of y to indicate short i, corresponding with the use of y for the same purpose in standard spelling, as in "money." In the short forms both i and y are used for short i , depending upon which produces the quicker sequence of keys; but y must be used when needed to prevent conflict, as with a pair of words such as "like" and "lick." The sound ow as in now (also shown in standard spelling by ou in house) is generally represented in the short forms by w: down dwn now nw house hws But in a few cases o is used where it is available and gives a quicker movement than w: amount ao4 sound so& unsound uso& Small letters are doubled and tripled for the syl- lables, words and f rases shown below: g Q 9 U HA I I aa bb cc (initial) cc (final) dd ff ff (final) fff fff (final) gg hh jj kk (final) 11 11 (final) 111 mm ni nun nn oo oo (final) qq ss sss tt ttt uu vv ww XX XXX yy zz crat, as in democrat bant bent sera, as in scrawl cracy hold efficient ficient fulness fant efficiency ficiency agnify ignify ignifi fent agnanim gant, as in extravagant Used for ther when the dash is not available on account of conflict. judge cific lific tific entific ratic matic cratic cler, as in clerk lessness lawlessness member memorandum noon of our owledge ology nology acular nacular icular ticular culiar, as in peculiar satis ses, as in disposes sizes, trast trist trust teristic trust it suit zult vant vent spra change exchange diet vict divid zez 10 When different meanings are assigned to the same key or to the same combination, it does not follow that all of those meanings are so indicated in every instance, but it means that they may be used provided no conflict results. For example: infant if4 inefficient iff Opposite ff in the above list, fant and efficient both appear, but if ff were used in both words here shown, a conflict might result. The contractions bb, ff , gg, and vv, for bant, fant, gant, and vant, respectively, while not reducing the number of touches as compared with b4, f4, g4, and v4, are used to increase speed. Miscellaneous examples of contractions referred to in this chapter: announce a5 unchangeable uxx2 inform ifm slash z9 immediate ied democracy dmcc counsel k51 holding dd/ consult 3uu deficient dff subject sj3 particular 7qq 11 CHAPTER 5 USE OF THE CAPITALS The capital letters are used for the syllables con- tained in the following list, with the privilege of changing the vowels under the rules stated in Chapter Three. The conditions under which the same capital letter may have one meaning in the prefix position, and a dif- ferent meaning as a suffix, are the same as those govern- ing the other syllabic characters. PREFIX ab bla sea, as in scatter ad od ed fra gra gar har char cham il ill ig jar jan jam kal kail al el ul mar am em nar an en ob ord pla pan quar cure ar er sar sir as es ses out et it ot ut SUFFIX A oans fans gans pans tance vans zance B bla berg burgh bourg C city acity icity osity uosity scope D der dure ded E ted F fra graph G gra gar H har ham han hand I ty thy aty ity dity tity anity ice vice J jar jan jam K kal kail ical dical tical itical apital L lar ality ility tility bility ability M mar gram gramme N nar ord cord P pla pan Q quar cure scure R sar sir arity S ses, as in cases as es T tive tant tent out 12 up U duce dule tude var V ivity tivity vate var war W ward word v/ar ext man X man ext yar sure Y sure tsure ture zure yar ion, as in million sal sel cell Z dize lize mize nize rize size thize vize wise sal sel cell margin Mjn activity ktV manage Xj manner mN preserve 8Rv sociability s9L In the abbreviated forms the capitals are never used for the purpose which they serve in standard spelling: Denver dnV Liverpool IV) France F5 In the case of France, the short form begins with capital F, not because the word is the name of a country, but because capital F represents the syllable fra. With capital to represent vowel plus rd, the present tense is often changed to past tense, without increasing the number of characters: hire hir hired hiO wire yr wired yO Sometimes the past tense is a shorter form than the corre- sponding present tense: dare dar dared dO pour por poured pO 13 CHAPTER 6 COMPOUND ASSIGNMENTS The characters standing in the central column below are used for the compound syllables shown, and are also available to indicate the simple syllables in the fol- lowing list, with the privilege of changing the vowels under the rules given in Chapter Three. PREFIXES ten tern trans stra super claim # dra contra counter $ tel tell % recom recon recog recor bate unde under undou indur endure and mand accom accomp fla over aver fal appra pal impar far incom incon incog incor SUFFIXES ten tern assable sessible sistible ustible stra ster straction struction claim dra counter satipn cession zession ization lization lition tel tell beration bration deration dration ' geration gration teration tration tuation stration stition stitution poration tiation bate under stand & and mand imate timate estimate ulate tulate tunate uctuate icipata ipulate itulate porate ' fla bation dation gation Ration lation mation nation pation qution ration tation vation ( fal full ) pal ample imple eous ious uous : far fy ify cify dify nify tify form 14 bar extra exter val enter inter intra possession p interval ?? recommend %& extraordinary overestimate '& accommodation &' position ps8 understand superstition #% bar ry try ary dary mary rary tary trary porary endary oundary ordinary ? val action ection iction uction transaction construction temptation counterclaim bargain incorporation appreciation impartial translation 3# tnT $# .gn '% (% )9 The compound "ification" may be shown either by f8 or : ' When the character which precedes this com- pound requires the shift key, use :' In other cases, f8 is generally used: gratification G:' justification j;f8 But since the colon may represent cify, tify, etc. , a touch may often be saved by using :' after a character which does not require the shift: specification , : ' On a board having no shift key either combination may be used. When two words differ only in a vowel sound, it is generally necessary to insert the vowel in one of the short forms: command 3& communed 3u& In 3u& is also seen how the standard meaning of any syllabic character is altered by a change of vowel, when it becomes necessary to insert the vowel. In 3u& the u cancels the a which is ordinarily included in the character &, so that u& represents und. If two similar words do not conflict, one abbreviated form may represent both: sV severe sV sever Since the undersore at the end of a word, and in some cases in the body of a word, carries the meaning "stand," the word "understand" is shown by the doubled underscore. "Misunderstand" and "misunderstanding" also require the doubled underscore. "Under" when beginning a word is shown by the single underscore. 15 CHAPTER 7 WORD -SIGNS Single characters are used to represent words as shown below. The characters so used are known as word- signs; the words which they represent are called sign- words. Word- Sign- Word- Sign- sign word sign word a a an A same b be bee B but c sea see C city could d day and D did deed e the E each f for F from g give G against h which H hear here i in eye I I if j not J some k know no K upon call 1 law will (in f rasing) L all m me my may M more n on N nor of who P he P had q to too two Q after r are our hour R or s is us S so t it T out u you U up V have V very w we with W where wear were X as X him man (final) y why one Y year sure your z was use (verb) Z sell whose in f rasing 2 able am ii time ten (in frasing) 3 can # would 4 other 8 many 5 that % them 6 any _ under 7 much 16 such shall there their ; state , has this thing (final) Examples: It is not the same. Are you sure you can see him? We know he has been there for some time. they over made make what whom been s j e A u Y u 3 c w k p , ? - f J 17 CHAPTER 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTIONS The syllables in column 1 are represented by the con- tractions placed opposite in Column 2. Column 1 Column 2 EXAMPLES Standard Short Standard Short Form Form ade d blockade Bkd apt ap adapt Dap ate t abate At body by everybody eVby cate k indicate idk cept cp accept kcp cks X rocks rox cute q acute aq date d accommodate &d diate d intermediate ?md ept ep adept Dep gate g investigate iv;g half hf one half yhf house hs counting-house c4/hs ight it light lit Also shown by i when no conflict results blight Bi ignification ' signification s:' late It regulate rglt less Is careless 41s li (initial) X lit xt iy X ably Ax ness ns goodness gdns ography Fy stenography ;nFy pate P anticipate 4cp phone fn telephone %tn quate k adequate Dk quence q5 consequence 3cq5 quent q4 subsequent scq4 self Zf yourself YZf selves Zs themselves /mZs ship, after n or r P seamanship cXp ship, elsewhere, 9p shipment 9p4 stitute ;tt constitute 3;tt 18 Of the syllables in column 1, which are also words, apt, half, late and less are written as shown in column 2, whether they occur alone or in combination as part of a larger word. The other syllables in column 1 which are also words (ate, body, cute, date, gate, house and ship) are written as shown in column 2, only when they occur in combination as part of a larger word; when standing alone they are written as shown in Chapter Nine. 19 CHAPTER 9 VOCABULARY There are numerous cases in the following short forms, where an additional touch may be avoided by omission of a vowel under paragraph 5, Chapter Two. In fact, these short forms are not all to be considered as ultimate reductions. They serve merely as a basis for further contractions, which proceed along lines governed by the particular keyboard "used. This matter is treated more fully hereafter. As a preliminary to practice in writing these short forms, it will be an advantage, if the keyboard used con- tains additional characters as shown in Chapter Twelve, to examine that chapter before beginning the practice work. The short forms can then be given the further reductions possible, in accordance with the assignments there made. A absorption ARp8 abandon A&n abstain A;n abandonment A&n4 abstract A#3 abate At abstraction A# abatement At4 absurd ARd abbreviate a5vt absurdity ARI abbreviation a5v8 abundance A&5 abdication Ad' abundant A&4 abduct Ad3 abuse Aus abduction Ad? abut Aut abeyance Aa5 abutment Aut4 abide Aid abutting Aut/ abiding Aid/ academy kd6 ability AL accede kcd abject Aj3 accent ks4 able 2 accept kcp ably Ax acceptable kcp2 abnormal ANml acceptance kcp5 abnormally ANmx access xS abolish A19 accessible k" abound A& accident xd4 about AT accidental xd41 above Av accommodate &d abridgment a5j4 accommodating &d/ abroad a5d accommodation &' abrogate a5g accompany &6 abrogation a5' accomplice &ls abscond AC& accomplish &19 absence AA accomplished &19t absent As4 accomplishment &194 absentee As4e accord kO absolute AZt accordance k05 20 according kO/ admittance accordingly kO/x admitted account k4 adopt accountable k42 adult accountant k44 advance accounting k4/ advantage accrue kru adversary accumulate qm& adverse accumulation qm&8 advertise accuracy qrc advice accurate qrt advisable accusation q$ advise accuse qs advocate accustomed k;md affair achieve ahv affect acknowledge koo affidavit acknowledging koo/ affiliate acknowledgment koo4 affirm acquainted kw4d affix acquiesce kwS afford acquire kwr aforesaid acquisition kws8 afraid acquit kwt after across kros afternoon act kt afterwards action 9 again activity ktV against actual kt9 age acute aq agency adapt Dap agent addict D3 aggression addition D8 agitation additional D81 agreeable address afts ahead ademption Dm8 aid adept Dep aim adequate Dk air adhere DH alienate adjacent js4 alike adjoining ajn/ alimony ad j ourn aJ all adjudicate jdk allegation adjust aj; allege administer DX# allotment administration DX% allowance admirable DM2 allowing admissibility D6L almost admissible D62 alone admission Dmi8 along admit Dmt alphabet DmA DmE Dop Dul DA Dvvj DVs. DVs DVZ DI DZ2 DZ Dvk a: at 3 fdV a(t a:m afx afd afsd aFd Q Qnn QWs agn G j . aJc aj4 G8 j' G2 and ad am ar Lnt Lik LXy L L' Lj Lt4 Lw5 Lw/ Lm; Lon Lo/ Lf_ 21 alphabetic Lf_c appoint ap4 already Lrd appointment ap44 also LS apportion a78 alter L- appraise (z although L/o appraiser (zr altitude LtU appreciable (92 altogther Ltg- appreciate (9t always Lws appreciation \% am 2 approach (h ambition ab8 appropriate (8t ambitious ab9s appropriation (88 amend a& approval (? amendment a&4 approve (v among ao/ approximate (x& amount ao4 appurtenance a7"5 amputation ap' April a81 an a apt ap ancestor ac# arbitrary R-. anchor /r arbitrate R-rt ancient a94 arbitration Rb% and d architect Rkt3 anger /gr are r announce a5 argue rgu another a4 argument rg4 answer 5r arise aZ anticipate 4cp arm Rm any 6 arose Ros apart a7t around Rw& apartment a7t4 arouse Rws apiece aps arraigned R& apologize a)Z arraignment Rn4 apparent a74 arrange Rnj appeal a) array Ra appear a? arrear Rr appearance a75 arrest R; appellant a)4 arrive Riv appellate a)t arrival Ri? appellee a)e arson R8 append ap& article RK appendix ap&x artificial Rtf9 appertain a7" as X apple apl ascend Snd apples apis ascertain aR" appliance aP5 ash a9 applicable aPk2 aside Sid applicant aPk4 ask Sk application aP' aspect Sp3 applied aPid aspirant S74 applies aPz aspiration S% apply aP aspire S7 22 assail assassin assassination assault assemblage assemble assent assertion assess assesses assessment assets assign assigned assignee assignment assignor assist assistance assistant association assortment assume assumption assure astonishing astray at ate Atlantic attach attack attainable attained attempt attend attention attest attestation attitude attorney attract attribute auction audible auditor August authentic authority authorize si autumn Ssn autumnal Ss' available Sit avenge S2j avenue S2 aver S4 average Sr8 aversion Ss avoid SS await Ss4 award Sts aware Sn away S& awe Sne awful Sn4 awning SN axiom Si; axis S;5 axle S;4 So% Srt4 back Sm backed Sm8 backward aY badly S"9/ badge a#a baffle at baggage at bail at!4c bake ath balance ate ballot a"2 band at& banded a"t banish a"d bank a"8 banker at; banking at;8 bankrupt atU bankruptcy a-6 banner a-3 bar a-_ bargain ac8 barge ad2 barn ad- barred ag; barrel a/4c base a-R basement a-Z bases a" a"nl a?2 avnj avnu aV 'j '8 avd awt aW awr aw aw awf an/ xim axs axl be b3 bcW bdx bj b( bgj bal bk 25 2ot b& b&d bn9 bnk b/r b// b/rp b/rpc bN br .gn j brn .d .1 bs bs4 bS 23 basin basis battle bay be beach bead bean beak bear bearing bearish beat beaten beating beautiful became because beckon become becoming bee been before beforehand befriend beg begin beginner beginning begrudge behalf behave behind being belief believe belligerent belong belonging below belt bench bend beneath beneficial benefit bent bequeath bequest bsn berth bss beside b% best ba bestow b betray bh better bd between bn beverage bk beware bar beyond ./ bias .9 big bt bilge b" bill bt/ billed -< billing bkm bind bks binding ben biting bcm bitter b3/ bitterly b black ? blame bf blank bfH blanket bF& blend bg blew bgn blight bgN blind bgn/ block bGj blockade bhf blotting bhv blow bh& blowing b/ blue 2f bluff 2v blunder 2J4 blunt 2o/ blurr 2o// board 2o boastful bit boat bnh bodily bnd body bn/ boiler bnf9 bomb bnft bond bb bonus bq/ book bq; bookkeeper .th bsd b; b;o b-a be- bwn bVj bwr by& biS bg blj byl 2d 2/ bi& bi&/ bit/ bi- b-x Be Bm B/ B/T B& Bu Bi Bi& Boc Bkd Btt/ Bo Bo/ Bu Bf BnD B4 Bur bO bo;f bot bodx bdy boL bom bo& bnS buk bk7 24 bookkeeping border borough borrow borrowing both bother bottle bottom bought bound boundary box brand breach bread breadth break breaker breakfast breath breathe breathing breeze brevity bribery bridge brief bright brightest bring bringing broad Broadway broker brokerage brought brunt brush bubble budge budget build builder building built bulk bunch bundle bungle bkp/ burden .D bureau .0 burglar .0 burn o/ bury _h busily _- business bo% busy b" but bau butter bw& buy bw&. buyer bx by 5& 5h 5ead cake 5dt calamity 5k calculate 5kr calculation 5kf ; calendar 5e/ call 5e/e came 5e// can 5z cancel 5vl cancellation 5b. candidate 5j cannot 5f can't 5i capability 5i; capable 5/ capacity 5// capital Sod capitalize 5dw capsize 5o4 caption 54j capture 5au car 54 carbon 59 card bu2 care buj cared bjt careful 2d carefulness 2D careless 2d/ carelessness bit carpet blk carriage buh carry b&l cars b/1 cartage .dn .u gL . n .y bsx bsns bsy B bu- bi bir bi kk Kml K& Kq' KnD K km 3 3Z 3Z8 3ddt 3j knt cpL cp2 cpC cK cKz cpZ cp8 cpY kr 4bn krd 4e 4d 4f 4ff 41s 411 4pt 4j 4y krz 4tj 25 case ks chasing hs/ cases kS chattel h% cash k9 cheap hp cashier k9r cheating cht/ cast ca; check hk casting ca;/ checking hk/ catalogue ktlg cheerful Hf catch kh chief hef causation ks8 chiefly hfx cause kz choice hos caution k8 choose huz cautionary k8. choosing huz/ cautious k9s Christianity kr;I cease cs chronology kroo ceased c; church Hh ceases cS cipher ci: cede cd circle crK ceiling ol/ circuit Rk celebration Z% circulate Rq& cellar sL circulation Rq' cement c4 circumstance R3;5 censure s4Y circumstantial R3;9 cent s4 citation c' central S4rl citizen Czn centralization s4r$ citizenship Cznp centralize s4rZ city C centre s4r civil c? century s4Yy civilization c?a cereal Rl civilize c?z certain R" claim elm certificate R:k classification ol:' certification R:' classify ol: certify R: clause clz chairman HX clean cln challenge hlnj clear 11 chamberlain H.ln clearing IV champion hmP clearly llx chance h5 clerk Ilk chancellor h5L client cli4 chancery h5. climax clmx change XX climbing clim/ changeable xx2 cling cli/ chapter hp- clinging cli// character 43r cloak clok characteristic 4ktt close (adj) clos charge Hj close (verb) cloz chargeable HJ2 clothing cl// charter H- clutch clh contempt 3"t coalition kaS chartered H-d coarse krs 25 coast code codicil coercion cognizance cohabit coinage coincide coincidence collapse collateral collect collection college collision collusion column combination combine combustible come comfortable coming command commandant commence comment commercial commission commit committee commodity common communed communicate communication commute company comparative compare comparing compel compensation compete competition complain complaint complete compliant complication coa; compliment kd composition kdZ compound kR8 comprehend 3nA comprise kh_ compromise knj computation kncd compute kncA conceal Kps concede K-l conceive K3 concentrate K? conception Kj concern Ki8 concession Ku8 conclusion Km concrete 3b' condemn 3bn condemnation 3b" condense com condition 3ft2 conduct 3/ confection 3& confer 3&4 confess 35 confident 34 confide 3r9 confidential 318 confinement 3it confirmation 31 confiscate 3ol conflict 3n conform 3u& conformation 3nik confuse 3ni' congeal 3ut congestion 3p6 congratulate 37T congress 37 conjecture 37/ conjunction 3) connect 3PS connection 3pt conscientious 3pt8 conscious 3Pn consecutive 3P4 consent 3Pt consequence 3P14 conservative 3P' conserve 3Pm4 3ps8 3p& 38h& 38z 38Z 3pu' 3put 3d 3cd 3cv 3cn-t 3cp8 3Rn 3$ 3kl8 3krt 3dm 3dm' 3d5 3d8 3d3 3f? 3: 3fs 3fd4 3fd 3fd9 3fn4 3: ' 3fsk 3'3 3fm 3f 3fus 3jl 3j;8 3G& 3Gs 3J3Y 3i/8 33 3? 39n9s 39s 3skT 3s4 3cq5 3RvT 3Rv 27 consider 3sD convertible 3Vt2 considerable 3sD2 convey 3v consideration 3s% conveyance 3va5 consign 3sin convict 3yy consignee 3sne convince 3v5 consist 3s; cooperate k7t consolidate 3Zd cooperation k78 conspicuous 3,k) copy cpy constant 3;4 copyright cpri constantly 3;4x cord cO constitute 3;tt cordage cOj constitution 3% cordial 4dl constitutionality 3 f *L cordiality 4dL construct 3#3 corn 4n construction 3# corner 4N construe 3#u coroner 4oN consult 3uu corporate 4& consultation 3Z' corporation 4% consummation 3sma8 correct 43 consumption 3sm8 corrected 43d contact 3t3 correspond 4,& contain 3" corroborate 4o.t contained 3t& corrosion 4o8 contemplate 3"Pt corrupt 4up contemporary 3"7. cost co; contemptible 3"t2 cotton ktn contend 3"d could C contents 3Ts council k51 contest 3t; counsel k51 context 3tX counselor k5L continental 3"41 count c4 contingent 3 n j4 counted c4d continual 3"ul counter c4r continue 3"u counteract Sr3 contract S3 counterclaim S# contradict Sd3 countermand S& contrary 1. counting-house c4/hs contrast 3tt country 3. contribute s_ county k4y contribution Sb8 coupon qP control Si course krs controversy SVc court 4t controvert SVt courtesy 4tc convene 3vn covenant kvn4 convenience 3vn5 cover kV convenient 3vn4 coward kW convention 3vn8 crash kr9 convergence 3V j 5 crate krat conversant 3Vs4 create kret conversation 3VS creation kre8 28 credential credit crime critical criticism cross cruelty crush crying culminate cultivate cumbersome cumulative curiosity curious currency current curtailment custodian custody custom cute cylinder daily damage dance dare dared daring dark darken darkness dash date dating day deal dealer dean dear dearly death debate debenture debit debt debtor decay krdn9 deceit crdt deceive krim December krK decent krtSm deception cros decide krll decision kru9 decisive kri/ declaration KXt declare KtV decline decorate 3ulT decrease 4C decreased 4) decree 45y dedicate 44 dedication 4%4 deduce k;dn deduct k;d deduction k;m deed qt deem Z&r deep default defaulter dax defeasible dmj defeat d5 defect dar defective dO defense dr/ defend drk defendant drkn defendants drkns defer d9 defiance dt defiant dt/ deficiency d deficient dl deficit dL define dn definite dr definition drx deflect dth deform d_ defraud dbnY defray dbit defunct dbt defy de- degenerate dk degree dct dcv dcm dc4 dcp8 dcd d$ dcsv dl!8 dll dcln d4t dkrs dkr; dkre ddk dd' dU dd3 dd? D dm dp d(t d(- dfs2 dft df3 df3v dA df& df&4 df&5 d: dfi5 dfi4 dfff dff dfct dfn dfnt dfnS d'3 dfm dFd dF df/t dfi dJrt dG 29 dejected delay delegate deliberate deliberation delicate delight delighted delinquent deliver delivery delusion demand demarcation demise democracy democrat demolish demonstrate demoralize demur demurrage denial denomination denounce dent dented Denver deny depart department departure dependence dependent depict deplorable deponent depose deposit deposition depreciate deprive derivation descent description desert (noun) desert (verb) deserve design designate dj3d desire dR dla despatch d,h dig despise d,z dl.t destination d;' dl% destitution d;t8 dlik destruction d# dli detail d% dliE detect dt3 dl/4 determination d-X8 dlV detract d-3 dlVy detrimental d-41 dlu8 develop d?p dm& development d?p4 dM' devise dZ dmz devisee dZe dmcc devoted dvoE dmaa dictate dktt dm!9 dictation dk' dX#t did D dMZ die di dM differ di: dMj difficult dfKt dnil digging dg/ dnX8 dignify dgg dn5 dignity dgnl d4 diligent dlj4 d4d dimension diX8 dnV diminish dX9 dni diminution dXu8 d7t dining-room dn/rm d?t4 dining-table dn/t2 dTY direct dr3 dp&5 disable 22 dp&4 disability 2L dp3 disadvantage 2Dvvj dpL2 disagreeable 2G2 dP4 disappear 2a7 dpos discipline 2Pn dpst disconnect 233 dps8 discontinue 23"u d89t discord 20 d8iv discount 2k4 dr' discourage 24j ds4 discover 2kV dccpS discretion 2kr8 2rt discriminate 2krXt dRt discuss 2kus dRv disease 2z dsn dish di9 2gnt dishonest 2n; 30 dismiss 26 during disobey 2ob dwelling display 2P dyeing dispose 2ps dying disposes 2pss dispossess 2pS dispossesses 2pSs each dispute 2put earlier dissatisfaction 2ssf? early dissent 24 earn dissolution 21u8 earth dissolve 21v ease distance 2A easement distant 2T easiest distinct 2t/t easily distraction 2-? east distribution 2-b8 eastern district 2-i3 eastward divergence dVA easy divert dVt eat divest dv; economize divide yy economy edge dividend yy& edification division dv8 edition do du editor doctor dc- education document dq4 effaced does ds effect dollar doL efficiency domestic dm;c efficient done dun effort donor double doubled doN du2 du2d either eject ejection ejectment doubt dT elapse doubtful dT( elastic down dwn elation dozen dzn elder draft if elect drainage Snj election dressing 8s/ electricity drinking due // du element elementary dumb dum elevate elevated duplication dP' elevation durable dur2 elevator duration durS eligible dur/ dwl/ di/ di/ E rlr rx urn urt ez z4 z ; zx e; e#n e;W zy et e3Z e36 ej e: ' ed8 ed- ed' ef ; ef3 fff ff eft e- ej3 ej? ej34 Lps L;c L8 LD L3 L? Lc-C L4 L4. LV LvE Lv8 Lv- LJ2 31 eliminate elk else elsewhere embarrass embody embrace emerge emigration empanel emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enact enclose enclosed enclosing enclosure encounter encourage end ended endless endorse endurance enemy energy enforcement engage engineer England English enjoin enjoy enjoyment enlarge enormous enough enrage enter enterprise entertain entice entire entitled entrance entry LXt envelope Lk envy Ls equal LsW equality m.s equalize mby equipment m5s equitable eMj equity MG8 equivalent mPl erect mfZ error mPo escape mPe especially mPr establish mPo4 establishment ml estate n3 estimate ncls evade nclsd evasion ncls/ even nclY evening n$ event n4j ever nd every nD everybody ndls everyday nDs everything _5 everywhere n6 evict eNj eviction nfs4 evidence ngj evident njN ewe /!& exact /19 exaction njon exaggerate njo examination nj4 examine nLj example Nms excavation nf exceed nrj excel n- except ?8z exception ?" exceptionable ntis excess ntr exchange nt%d excitement ?5 exclude ?y excuse n?p nvy eql eqL eqZ qp4 qt2 ql q?4 R3 Rr Skp e,9y ;B9 ;B94 e;t e& evd ev8 evn evn/ evv eV eVy eVby eVd eV/ eVW ev3 ev? evd5 evd4 u x3 x? xaJt xaX8 xaX xm) xk' xcd xl xcp xcp8 xcp82 xs XXX xct4 xcld xqs execute execution executor exempt exemption exercise exertion exhaust exhibition exist existing exonerate exorbitant expand expanse expansion expect expectation expel expend expenditure expense expensive experience experiment expert expire explain explanation exploration export expose exposition express extend extensive extent extermination extinct extinguish extort extortion extra extract extraction extraordinary extravagant extreme extrinsic eye xq x' fable xq- facility xmt fact xm8 faction xrZ factor xr8 fade x; fail xb8 failure xi ; fair xi;/ faithful xNt faithfulness xrbT familiar xp& familiarity xA family xpn8 far xp3 fare xp38 farm x) farther xpnd fashion xp&Y fashionable xp5 fast xp5v faster x75 fatality x74 father x7t favor x7 fear xPn feasible xP' feather xPo' feature xprt February xps federal xps8 federation x8s fee X& feel X5v fell xT felony .X8 female X/t fermentation X/9 ferry .t fertility .8 feverish x-a few .3 fictitious .? fiduciary fight vgg figure .m file .5c fill i final f2 fsL f3 f? f3r fd fal (Y far f/f f/ff fmL fmLI fmx fr far frm fr- f8 f82 f ; f# ftL fhh fV fer fz2 fehh feY fb. fDl fD8 fe fel fl (6 feml :X' :y :L fV9 fu fkt9s fd9. fi fgr fil fyl fnl 33 finance financial find fine fined finish finishing firm first fixed fixture flash flat flavor flexible flight float floor flow fluctuation follow following for forbearance forbid forbidding force forego foreign foresight forfeit forfeiture forge forgery form formality former forthcoming fortification fortify forum forward found foundation fraction fragment France franchise fraudulent free fn5 freehold fnn9 freezing fi& frequent fn fresh fi& friction fn9 Friday fn9/ friendly :m frightful ; j from fX front fxY frontage '9 frozen j. fruitful 'V frustrate 'x2 fuel 'it fugitive 'ot fulfil 'or full 'o fully '0% fulness (0 fumigate (o/ function f fund f.5 fundamental fbd fundamentally fbd/ funnel :s funny fgo furnace :n furnish fsi furniture fft further ffY fusion fj futile fj. future fm fmL G fM gage f/3/ gain ' gained : gallon urn galvanize fW gang fw& garden f&8 garment F? garnish Fg4 gash F5 gate Fnhz gather Fdl4 gathering Fe gauge Fdd Fez/ Fq4 F9 Fi? Fd F&x Fif F Fo4 Fo4j Fzn Futf F#t fuL fjT (( ful (y (ns fmg f/8 fu& f&41 f&4x funl f6 :nas :n9 :nY fu8 fu% fuY gj gn g& gin glvZ ga/ grdn gr4 Gn9 g9 gt ghh ghh/ gj 34 gave gv gratitude gaze gz gravitation general JN1 gravity generalization JN$ great generally jNx greed gentleman J41X greeting gentlemen j41mn grievance genuine jnn grind geology joo grinding germination JX8 grinned get gt groaned ghost go; grocer gift gft ground girlish G19 grow give g grudge given g grudging gives gs guarantee giving g/ guard glad gld guardian gladness gldns guess glance g!5 guest glitter gl- guidance glorify gL: guide glow glo guilty glue glu gust go go gutter goes gos gyration going go/ good gd goodness gdns habit goods gds habitable goodwill gdl habitation gored go had gorge grj haggling govern gVn hail government gV4 half governor gVN halfway graceful Gsf hammer grade Gd handling graduation Gdu8 handsome grand G& handy grant G4 happen grantee G4e hard grantor G4r hardly grasp G, hardship grate Gt hardware grateful Gtf harm grating Gt/ harmless gratification G:' harmonious gratifying G:/ harmonize GtU GV Gvl Gt Ged Get/ GA Gi& G&/ Gy& Go& GR Gw& Go Gj Gj/ grnt grd Gdn gs g; gd5 gid gll gu; gu- J8 h_ h_2 h_8 P hgl/ hal hf hfw hM h&l/ h&sm h&y hP Hd Hdx Hd9p HdW Hm Hmls HX) HXz 35 harmony hart has hash haste hasten have haze he head healing healthful healthy hear heard hearsay heart hearty heating heavy hedge heed height held help hence her herald here hereafter hereditament hereditary herein hereinafter hereto herewith heritage hers herself hesitate hesitation high highway hill him himself hire hired his historical HXy hit Ht hitch i hoarding h9 hoe h; hold hsn holding V holiday hz hollow P home hd homely hel/ homestead hltf homeward hll honest H honey Hd honorable Hsa hope Ht hopeful HI horrible het/ horse hvy horsemanship hj hospitable hed hospital hit hospitality hid hotel hip hour he5 house hr householder Hid housekeeping H how HQ however Hdt4 humanity Hd. humble Hi humiliation HiQ humor Hq hundred Hw hunt Htj hunter Hz hunting HZf hurled hstt hurrying hs' husband hi hush hiw hydraulic hyl hysterics X XZf I hir I hiO identical hs identification hs-K identify hyt hih hO/ ho dd dd/ hlid holo horn hmx hm;d hmW on; h6 oN2 hp hpf H2 Hs HsXp h,t2 h,% h,L ho% r hws hslD hskp/ hw hwV hXI um2 hmliS huM HSd hu4 hu4r hu4/ hrld hur/ hsb& hu9 h$lc hs-x i id4K id4f8 id4: 3ft identity id4I imposing ips/ idiom idm imposition ips8 if I impossibility ip"I ignition In8 impossible ip" ignorance INS impoverish ipV9 ignorant IN4 impracticable i832 ignore IN impression 188 illegal Igl imprisonment i884 illegality IgL improbable i8b2 illegible Ij2 improper i87 illegitimate Ij& improve i8v illiterate li-t impudent ipud4 illness Ins impulsive i)sv illumination IuX8 impunity iPI illustrate I#t imputation ip' illustrated I#E in i illustration 1% inability iL image ij inaccessible ik" imagine ijn inaction i? imitate iitt inadequate iDk imitation ii' inadmissible iD62 immediate ied inappreciable i(92 immediately iedx inattention ia"8 immense i5 inaudible iad2 immorality iML incapability icpL immovable iv2 incapable icp2 immunity iul incapacity icpC impair i7 incessant iS4 impart i7t inch ih impartial )9 incident icd4 impassable ipa" incidental icd41 impatience ip95 incidentally icd4x impatient ip94 inclination id' impeach iph incline icln impeachment iph4 include icld impede ipd inclusive iclsv impediment ipd4 incognito :nq impel i) income i3 imperatively )aTx incoming :/ imperfect jf3 incompatible :pt2 imperishable )92 incompetent :pT impersonal )81 inconceivable :cv2 implant iP4 inconsiderable :sD2 implement iPm4 inconsistent :ST implicate iPk inconvenient :vn4 implication iP' incorporate :& implied iPid incorporation :% . import )t incorrectly :3x importance )A incorruptible :up2 important )T increase ikrs 4^9501 incredible ikrd2 inflict i'i3 incumbent i3bb influence i'5 incur ikr influential i'9 incurable iQ2 inform ifm indebted idE informal ifl indebtedness idEns informality ifL indecision idS information if indeed iD infringement iFnj4 indefinite idfnt inhabit ih_ indelible id!2 inheritance iHA indemnification idm: ' initial 119 indemnify idm: initiation 11% indemnity idml inject ij3 indent id4 injudicious ijd9s indenture idnY injunction iJ/8 independent idp&4 injure iJ indestructible id#32 injury iJy index idx inkling /!/ indicate idk inlaid ild indication id' innocence ioA indict idi innocent ios4 indicted idid innovation io' indictable idi2 innumerable iuM2 indifferent id:4 inquest iq: indigestible idj;2 inquire 1Q indignant idgn4 inquiry iQy indignation idg' inquisition iqs8 indirect iD3 inscribe iccb indispensable i2A2 insect is3 indistinct i2t/t insert IRt individual iyyi insertion iR8 individually iyyx inside isid individuality iyyL insight isi induce iU insignificance is: A inducement iU4 insignificant is:4 induction id? insinuation i8u8 indulgence idlA insolent iZ4 industrial id#l insolvency iZAy inefficient iff insolvent iZvv inequality ieqL inspect 1,3 inevitable ieV2 inspection i,? inexhaustible ix;2 instalment i;14 infamous ifm) instance i;5 infant if4 instant i;4 infection if? instantly i;4x infer i: instead i;d inference 1:8 instill i;i inferior i:Y instinct i;/t infirm i:m institution i% inflation i'8 instruct 1*3 38 instruction i# invent instrument i#4 inventory instrumentality i#4L invert insuffiency isfff inversion insufficient isff invest insult iuu investigate insurable iY2 investment insurance iY5 invisible insure iY invite intelligence i%A invoice intend i"d involuntary intense iA involve intent iT irreconcilable intention i"8 irregular interact ?3 irregularity interchangeable ?xx2 irresistible intercourse ?4s irrespective interest ?st irrigation interesting ?;/ is interference ?:5 island interim ?m isolation interior ?Y issue interlineation ?ln8 it interlocutory ?lc. item intermediate ?md itemize intermission ?m8 items intermittent ?mT itself internal ?nl international ?'l J interpretation ?8' jail interrogate ?g January interrupt ?up jeopardize intersect ?s3 job interstate ?; jobber interval ?? jobbing intervene ?vn join interview ?vu joint intestacy it;c jointure intestate it;t journal intimate i& journey into iq judge intoxicated itxkd judgment intrigue ?eg judicial introduce ?U judiciary introduction ?d? judicious intrusion ?8 July inundation iu' junction invalidate i?dt June invaluable i?u2 junior invariably iV2y junk 1VV ivv. iVt iV8 iv; iv;g iv;4 ivs2 iV ivos i%s!2 irgL irgLI ir" ir,3v ir ' s il& iZ8 i9u t i" tZf 4 1 j . jf^ jb j. jb/ jon Jt J/ Jl J6 jj JJ4 jd9 jd9. jd9s jli J/8 Je jnY J/ 39 jurisdiction jurisprudence jurist juror jury just justice justifiable justification justify justly K keen keep keeper key kick kill killing kind kindly king kingdom knack knee knife knock know knowing knowingly knowledge known label labor laced lack lad ladder lading laid lake lame lament lamentation lance land landing Jsd? landlord Jwwd5 languish J; lapse Jr larceny Jy lard ju; large j;s lashing j;f2 last j;f8 lasting j; : lastly j ;x late lately latent ken later kp lather k7 latitude ke latter kik laudable kil laugh kil/ laughing ki& laughter k&x law k/ lawful k/dm lawfulness nc lawless ne lawlessness nif lawyer noc lay k laying k/ laziest k/x lazy noo lead (metal) kn lead (verb) leader leading 12 leaf 1. league la; leak Ic leakage Idd lean ID leaned Id/ leap lad learn Ik learning lam lease Ia4 least IX' leather 15 leave 1& lecture IV led 1&10 la/9 Ips Ls6 Ld Lj I 9 / it Itx IT 1- Ihh ItU It- Id2 If If/ If- 1 K iff 11s 111 1Y la la/ lz; Izy Id led leD led/ lef leag lek Ikj len le& lep Ln Ln/ les le; lehh lev IkY Id 4U ledge ledger left legacy legal legality legalize legatee legend legibility legible legislate legislation legislative legislator legislature legitimate lend length lengthen lengthwise lengthy lenient lent less lessee lessen lesser lesson lessor lest let letter level leverage levy liable liability libel liberal liberality liberation liberty library license licensee lick lie life light Ij lighted 1J lighten 1ft lighter Igc lightly Igl lightening IgL likelihood IgZ like Ige likely Ijnd likewise 1JL liking 1J2 limber Ijsl lime Us' limit IjslT limitation Ijsl- line IjslY lined lj& linen Ind liniment l// n link liquid i/z n liquidate liquidation Ini4 liquor 14 list Is lit Ise literally Isn literature Isr litigate Isn litigated 1R litigation 1st little It live (verb) le- live (adj) 1? lively IVj Liverpool Ivy living Ii2 load liL loam libl loan 1.1 loaned IJL local 1% locality l.t localize 15. locate 1A location lAe lock lye locomotive li lodge lif lodging lit London HE li" li- litx li"/ Ikxhd lik likx IkZ lik/ 1m. lim Imt 1m' lin li& Inn In4 1/k Iqd Iqdt lq' 1Q li; xt x-x 1-Y Itg Itgd It' x% XV liv livx IV) xv/ lod lorn Ion lo& IK 1KI IKz Ikt lo' loc 13oT loj U/ l&n 41 lone lonely long longer longest longing look looking-glass loose (adj ) loosen lord lose (verb) loss lovable low lower lowest lubrication luck luggage luke lumber lunacy lunatic lunch luncheon luxuriant luxury lye lying machine made magazine magistrate magnanimity magnanimous magnificence magnificent magnify magnitude mail main (adj) maintain maintainable maintenance major majority make Ion making Inx male V malicious 1/r malignant V; malleable lo// malt luk man Ik/gls manage lus management Iu8 manager 10 mandatory luz manifest los manifestation Iv2 manipulate lo manner 1W manoeuvre lw; mansion 15' manslaughter luc manufactory Igj manufacture luk manufacturer lum. many Inac mar Into march Inh March In8 margin Ixr4 mark Ix. marked li market li/ marketable marriage marriageable m8 marrow ( marshal mg8 marvel mj#t marvelous mggl mason mgg) master mggA masterpiece mggs4 mastication mgg match mgnU mate ml mated mn material X" mating X"2 matrimonial X"5 matrimony mJ matter mJI matting ) mature 42 ml m!9s mlgn4 mle2 mlt X Xj XJ4 XJ Xd. Xf ; Xf ;8 mn& mN XuV X8 Xz- Xf3. Xf3r Xf3rr I mr Mh Mh Mjn Mk Mkt MkT Mkt2 Maj Mj2 Mo M91 M? M?) msn m# m#ps m; ' mh mt mE m-1 mt/ m-Xl m-Xy m- mtt/ maY maturity maxim maximum may May mayor maze me meagre meal mean meaning meanly measure measurement measuring mechanic mechanical mechanics meddle mediation Mediterranean medium meek meet meeting mellow melon melt melting member membership memorable memoranda memorandum memory men mend mending mention mercenary merchandise merchant merciful mere merely merge merger merit meritorious mYI mess ms mxm message 6j nixnun messenger 6nJ m met mt ma meter me- myr method m/d mz metropolis m-)s m metropolitan m-)" meG microscope mkrC mel middle midl men midland mdl& x/ midsummer mdsM Xx might mit mY mighty mil mY4 migration mG8 mY/ mile mil m3c mileage mlj m3K military ml. m3x militia m!9a mdl milk mlk mdi8 mill myl md-nn million mlY mdim mind mi& mek mindful mi&( met mine min met/ mineral mNl mlo mingle m/1 mln miniature XiY mlt minimum mnmm mlt/ minor miN mm minority mNI mmp mint mi4 mM2 minute Xut mma minutely Xutx mmm misbehave 6bhv mm. miscalculation 6Kq' mn miscellaneous 61n) m& mischief 6hf m&/ misconduct 63d3 mn8 misdemeanor 6dmN M8. miserable 6r2 MhnZ misinformed 6i:d Mh4 mislaid 61ad Mcf mislead 61ed mr misled 61d MX mismanagement 6XJ4 Mj misrepresent 6r8s4 MJ misrepresentation 6r88' Mit missing 6/ M-) mission mi8 43 missionary mi8. motive mT mistake 6tk mould mold Mister M mound mw& misty m;y mount mw4 misunderstand 6 mountain mw4n misunderstanding 6_/ mounting mw4/ misused 6zd mouth mw/ mitigation mt' mouthful m/f mode mod movable mv2 model modi move mv moderate mDt movement mv4 modern mDn much 7 modernize mDZ mucilage mZj modification m: ' mule mul modify m: multiplication mltP' moisture mo# municipal XS) molest ml; municipality XS)I molestation ml;8 murder MD moment mm4 must m; momentary mm4 . mutilation mut' momentous mm4) mutual mt9 moments mm4s my m Monday Xd myself mZf monetary X. mystery m#y money Xy monopolize X)z N monopoly X)y nail nl monotony X"y name nnr month Xt nameless nmls monthly Xtx namely nmx monument Xu4 narrative NT monumental Xu41 narration N8 moral Ml narrow No morality ML nation n8 moralize MZ national n81 more 11 native nT moreover M' natural nYl morgue Mg naturalization nY$ morning Mn/ naturalize nYZ morsel Msl nature nY mortal 11% naught nau mortality M%I naughty nl mortgage Mgj navigable nvg2 mortgagee Mgje navigate nvg mortgagor MgJ navigation nv' mortification M: ' navy nav . most mo; near nr mostly m;x nearly NX mother mhh neat nt motion mo8 necessarily nS.x 44 necessary necessity need needless negative neglect negligence negligent negotiable negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nephew nervous neutral neutrality neutralize never nevertheless new newly news newspaper newsy next nice niece night nightly nitrate no nobody noise noisy nominal nominate nomination non nonpayment nonsense nonsuit noon nor north northeast northeaster northerly northern nS. northwest Ntw; nSI not j ned notable nt2 nedls notary no. ngT notation no' ng!3 note nt nglA notes nts nglj4 noted noE ng92 nothing n/ ng9t notice nis ng% notification n: ' n. notify n: n.hd notion no8 nhh notwithstanding j , nfu nourish N9 Nv) November nvm nu-1 now nw nu-L nowhere noW nu-Z nuisance nuA nV nullify nl: nVls number nm. nu numerous nM) nux nutriment nu-4 nus nutrition nu-8 nsp? nuz nX oath oth nis obedience Od5 ns obey Oa nit object Oj3 nitx objection Oj? ni-t objectionable Oj?2 k obligate Olg kby obligation 01' nois oblige Olj noiz obliging Olj/ nXl obliterate 01-t nXt obliteration 019; nX8 obscure OQ nn obscurity OQI nnp4 observance OFA nnA observation OR' nnst observe ORv nn obstacle 0;K N obstinate 0;nt Nt obstruct 0#3 Nt; obstruction 0# Nte# obtain 0" N-x obviate Ovt N-n ' occasion 0* 45 occasional occasionally occupancy occupant occupation occupy occur occurrence ocean October odium of off offend offer offering offhand office officer official officials officious often oil omission omit on once one only onward open opening openly operate operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition oppressive oppression optician option optional or' oral o'l ordeal o'x order oqAy orderly oqp4 ordinance oq' ordinary oqpi organization okr organize 045 origin 08 original o3. originally Dim originate ornament of ornamental of& orphan o: ossify o:/ ostensible ofH other ofs otherwise ofR ought of9 ounce of9s our of9) ourselves ofn out ol outlaw om8 outlay omt outlet n outline y5 outrage y outrageous nx outright nW outset oP outside oP/ ovation oPx oven o7t over 0% overcharged 07- overcome oPY overdone oP4 overdraw o7"I overdue ops overestimate opst overrule ops8 oversee o8sv oversight 088 overtake opt8 overthrow op8 overtook op81 overture R owe Rl owing 01 Or Orx On5 0. rgnft rgZ RJ RJ1 RJx RJt Rn4 Rn41 Rfn os: o;52 4 4Z au ou5 r rZs T Tl Tla Tit Tin Trj Trj) Tri Tst Tsd ov8 ovn 'Hjd 'cm 'dn *$ 'du '& 'ul 'c 'si 'tk ' /ro 'tuk 'Y o o/ 46 own owner ownership pace pacific pack pacification package packing page paid pain painful pair palatable palatial pale pamphlet panel panic panther paper par parable paragraph parallel paralyze parcel parchment pardon pardonable parentage Paris parish park parliament parsimony parson part partial partiality participate participation particular parting partition partner partnership on parts oN party oNp passable passage passenger pas passes pkk passing pc passion p: ' past pcj paste pc/ pasture PJ patch pd patent pn patentable pnf paternal pr . patient plt2 patrimony )a9 patron Pi patronize pm' t pattern PI pave pnc pavement Phh pay p7 payable pr paying 72 payment 7F peace 711 peaceable 7Z peaceful 7sl peach 7h4 peal 7dn peculiar 7dn2 peculiarity 74j pecuniary 7S peel pr9 peep 7c pen 714 pencil 7sXy pending pr8 penetrate 7t penitentiary 791 penniless 79L penny 7& pension 7tc' people 7qq per 7t/ perceptible 7t8 perception 7tN peremptory 7tNp perfect 7ts 71 pa" psj p8J paS pass/ P8 p; p;e psY pah pT pT2 p-nl p94 p-Xy p-n p-Z ptrn pv pv4 pa p2 P/ pm4 ps ps2 psf Ph Pi pqq pqqR pqn. pi PP pn Psl P&/ P-t P"9. Pyls Py P8 P) pr 7cp2 7cp8 7m. 7f3 47 perfection perforation perform performance perhaps period periodical perish perishable perjury permanence permanent permeate permissible permission permit perpendicular perpetration perpetual perpetuate perpetuity persecute persecution perseverance persistence person personal personality personalty persons persuade pertain perusal pester petition petitioner petrify petty pharmacy phenomenon phonetic phonograph phrase phrases physician pick picture pie piece piety 7f? pike 7f8 pile 7fm pillage 7fm5 pillow 7aps pinch 7id pine 7idK pink 79 pitch 792 pitiable 7Jy pitiful 7X5 pittance 7X4 pity 7met place 762 placed 7m8 plague 7mt plaid 7p&qq plain 7p% plainly 7ptl plaintiff 7ptt plan 7ptl plane 7cq plant 7c' plantation 7cV5 planting 7SA plaster 7sn plate 7snl platform 78L plating 781 1 plausible 7s5 playful 7swd plea 7" plead 7uZ pleadings P# pleasant pt8 please pt8r pleasing pt: pleasure pty pledge :mc plenty fnXn pliable fntc plight fnF plum Fs plumb Fss plumber fs8 plumbing pyc plume pcY plump Pi plunder ps plunge Pil plurality pik pil )j )o Ph pin P/k pih pti2 ptif PA Pi Ps P; Pg Pd Pan Pnx P4f Pn Pan P4 P48 P4/ P# Pt Ptfm Pt/ Pas2 P( Pe Ped Pd/s Ps4 Pz Pz/ PY Pj P4y P12 Pi Pm Pm PM Pm/ Pme Pmp PnD Pnj PrL 48 point po4 precious 89s pointed po4d precipitate Scptt pointing po4/ precise 8cis policy )c preclude 8cld polish )9 predecessor 8dSr politeness )ins predicament 8dk4 polite )i predicate 8dk political )K predict 8yy politician )t8 prediction 8d? ponderous PD) predispose 82ps poor pur predominate 8dXt popular ppuL preface 8fas popularity ppLI prefer 8: population PP' preferable 8:2 port prt preferably 8:2y portable 7t2 preference 8:5 portend 7"d prefix 8fx porter 7- prejudice 8jds portion 78 prejudicial 8jd9 portray 7-a preliminary SIX. position ps8 premeditate Smdtt possess PS premeditation 8md' possession pS premises 8mS possibility p"I premium 8mm possible P" preparation 8% postage P;J preparatory 87. post-office p;fs prepare 87 postpone p;P preparing 87/ postponement p;P4 prepay Spa potential p"9 prepayment 8p4 pound pw& preponderance 8PD5 poundage P&J preposition SepsS pour por preposterous 8p#) poured PO prerogative 8rgT poverty pVt prescribe Sccb power pW prescription 8ccp8 powerful pW( presence 8A powerless pWls present (noun) 8s4 practicability 83L present (verb) 8z4 practicable 832 presentation 88' practical 83K preservation 8R' practice 83s preserve SRv practitioner 838r preside 8sd praise 8z president 8sd4 preamble 82 press 8s precaution 8k8 pressing 8s/ precautionary 8k8. pressure 8Y precede 8cd prestige 8;j precedent 8cd4 presumable 8sm2 preceding 8cd/ presumably SsmB 49 presume presumption pretend pretense pretension prevailing prevalent prevent prevention previous price prices primarily primary prime principal principality principally print prison privacy private privation privilege prize probability probable probate probation problem procedure proceed proceeding proceedings process procession procure produce product production productive profess profession professional profit profitable programme progress progression progressive Ssm prohibit 8sm8 prohibition 8"d project 8t5 projection 8"8 prolong 8?/ prolongation 8?4 prominent 8vv promise 8vn8 promises 8v) promissory Sis promote SiS promotion 8.x prompt 8. promulgation 8m pronunciation 85) proof 85)1 prop 85px propagate 84 propel 88 proper 8vc properly 8V property 8i' propitious 8?j proponent 8z proportion SbL proportional 8b2 proportionate 8_ proposal So' propose SBm proposition ScJ propound 8ocd prosecute Socd/ prosecution 8cd/s prospect 8oS prospective Soft prosper 8Q prosperous 8U prostration 8d3 protect Sod? protecting 8od3v protection 8fs protest 8f8 protestation 8f81 protrude 8ft prove 8ft2 provide 8oM providential 80s province 8G8 provision SGsv provisional 8h_ 8hb8 8J3 8j? 81/ 81n* 8X4 8ms 8omS 8ms. 8mot 8m8 8mt 8ml' 8n58 8f Sop 8pg 8) 8o7 87x 87t 8p9s 8P4 8o78 8781 878t 8pZ 8pos 8ps8 8p& 8cq 8c' 8,3 8,3v 8s7 8s7) 8#8 813 8t3/ 8t? 8t; 8t;8 8-d 8v 8vd 8vd9 8v5 8v8 8v81 50 proviso provocation provoke provoking proximate prudent prudential public publication publicity publish publisher pugnacious pulverize pump punch punctual punctuation puncture punish punishable punishment purchase purchasing pure purification purify purity purpose pursuance pursuant pursue pursuit push put puzzle Q quack quadrant quadrilateral quaint qualification qualified qualify quality quantity quarrel quarry quart 8vS quarter 8V quash 8vk quell 8vk/ quest 8x& question 8d4 questionable 8d9 quibble pblc quick pbl' quickly pblC quiet pb!9 quire pblY quit pgn9s quite )Vz quiz pmp quizzing pnh quorum P/9 quota P/% quotation p/Y quote pn9 P92 P94 race 7hs racing 7hs/ radiance 7e radiant 7:' radiantly 7: radiation 71 radical 7ps rail 7su5 railroad 7su4 railway 7su raise 7st rally P9 ramification Pt ramify pZ ran 1 random rang qc range q$4 rapid q8l-l rapidity q4 rare qlf8 rarely qlfd rash ql: rate qL rather qnl ratification Ql ratify . Qy ration Qt rational q9 qel q; q;n q;n2 q2 qic qcx qet qir qyt qi qiz qz/ Qm qta q' qot rs rs/ rdi5 rdi4 rdi4x rdi8 rdK rl rlrd rlw rz rx rmf8 rm: rn r&m r/ rnj rpd rpl rr rrx r9 rt rhh rtf8 rt: ra8 r81 51 ray ra recurrence reach rh redeem react re3 redress reaction re? reduce read rd reduction readily rdx reenforce readjust rj; refer ready rdy reference real rel reform reality rLI refrain realization raS refresh realize raZ refugee really rex refund realty rLt refusal reapportion ra78 refuse rear rer regard reason r8 regarding reasonable r82 regardless rebate r_ register rebuild r2d regret rebut rB regulate rebuttal rBl regulation recall rK rehearing recapitulate rkp& reiteration recapitulation rkp&8 reject recede red rejected receipt ret rejoinder receivable rcv2 relation receive rev relative receiver rcV release recent rc4 rplevant recently rc4x reliable recession r$ reliance recipient rcp4 relief reciprocity rc8C relieve recital rc% relish recognize %Z reluctant recognition %n8 rely recollect rK3 remain recollection rK? remark recommend %& remedy recommendation %&8 remember reconcilable %s!2 remit reconsider %sD remittance record %d remote recording %d/ remove recover rkV remuneration recreation rkreS rename rectify rk: render recuperation rq% rendition %5 rdm r$s rU rd? rnfs r: r:5 rfm rFn rF9 rfje rf& rfZ rfz rgO rgO/ rgOls rj# rGt rglt rg' rH/ ri-8 rj3 rj3d rJD r' rlT rles rlvv rli2 rli5 rlf rlv r!9 r!34 rli rX rMk rmed rmm rmt rmA rraot ruv rXr8 mm rnD r&8 52 renew rnu renewal rnL renounce rn5 renouncing rn5/ rent r4 rented r4d renunciation rn58 repair r? reparation r78 repay rpa repeal r) repel rpl repetition rpt8 replace rPs replevy rPv reply rP report rTt represent r8s4 represented r88E reprimand r8m& reproduce r8U republic rpblc republican rpb!3 repudiate rpdt repulse r)s reputable rput2 reputation rpu' request rq; require rQ requisite rqst requisition rqs8 rescind rsy& rescission rc8 resemble rs2 reservation rR' reside rsd residuary rsd. residue rsdu resign rzn resist rs; resolution rZ8 resort rRt resource rRs respect r,3 respond r,& responsibility r,5L responsible r,52 restitution r;'t8 restoration r;r8 restore r:r r#n/ r#? ruu rsm rsmS r% rtn r%\. r-d r"8 rtir r-4 r-3 r-t r-b8 r-n r-n2 r?a8 rvnj rvnu rVZ rVs rVt rvu rv8 rvv rvk2 r?u8 r?8 rW ryd rid rdqls rdql) rit rify rix r / riz rsk r?. roc rox ruf rmy rop ros ro' rgh rw& 53 rout rT scan i uuj.mental rd41 scantling ruin i Ji scar rule rul scarce ruling rul/ scarcity rumor rM scare run ru scatter running ru/ scattering rush ru9 scene rushing r9/ scent S sceptical rustle ruZ schedule rusty r;y scheme rye ri scheming science sad sd scientific sacrifice skrfs scope safe sf scornful sage sj Scotland said sed scourge sail sal scramble sailing sal/ scraping salary Z. scratch sale sal scrawl salutation Zu' screen salvage Zvj screw salvation Z' scripture same A scrutinize sample s) scrutiny sanctification s/:' sculptor sanctify s/: sea sanction 8/8 seal sanctity S/I sealing sand s& seam sane san seamanship sanguine sngn search sanitary sn. seas sanity snl season sash s9 seasonable satisfaction ssf? seat satisfactory ssfk. seaward satisfy ss: secession saturate sYt seclusive saturation sY8 secondary Saturday s-d secret save sv secretary saving sv/ secretion say sa section saying sa/ secure says S3 security Cn C41/ Cr Crs CrC Car C- C-/ en S4 CpK CU Cm Cm/ si5 sikk Cop Crnf Ctl& Crj ccm2 ccp/ cch ccl ccn ecu ccpY cc"z cc"y Clp- c cl ol/ cm cXp Rh cz c8 c82 ct cW cS cclsv sk&. ckrt skr . ckr8 s? cQ cQI 54 sediment sedition see seeding seeds seek seem seen sees segment seize seizes seizure seldom select selfish selfishness sell selling seller seminary senator send senior sensation sense sensibility sensible sent sentence sentimental sentimentality sentimentally separable separate separation September sequel sequence sequester sequestrate sequestration serial series serious servant serve service serviceable session sd< set cd8 settle c settlement cd/ settling cds sever ck several cm severally en severe cz severity sg4 sew cz sewing CSS shabby cY shade Zdm shadow Z3 shady Zf9 shall Zf9ns shallow Z sham z/ shame sL shameful sX. shape sna- share se& sharpen cnY shatter s58 shave s5 shay s5L she s52 sheet s4 shell s45 shingle s441 ship s44L shipment s44x shipping S72 shivering s7t shoe S78 shop sp". shopping cql short cq5 shortening cq# shorthand cq#t should cq% show Rl shrill Rz shrinkage R) shudder Rvv shun Rv shutter RI shy RI2 sick S8 side sV sVl sVx sV sVI so so/ 9by 9d 9do 9dy 9 91o 9m 9me 9mf 9p 9r 9rpn 9- 9v 9a 9e 9et 9el 9/1 9ip 9p4 9p/ 9V/ 9u 9op 9op/ 9rt 9r"/ 9rtH 9ud 9o 9rl 9r/j 9uD 9un 9u- 9i sic sid 55 siege cj smash sieve siv smell sigh si smelling sight sit smile sign sin smith signature sgnY smuggle signed si& smuggling significance s:A sneer signification s: * sneeze signify sgg snobbish silence Z5 snow silent Z4 so silver ZV soak similar smL sociability similarity smLl sociable simple si) social simplicity si)C socialism simplify si): socialist simply smP socialistic simulation smu' sojourn sin syn sold since sy5 solemn sing s/ solemnize singing s// solicitation single 8/1 solicitor sink s/k solidify sir R solidity sit syt solitaire sitting syt/ solitude situation s% solution size sz solve sizes sss solvency sketch Ch solvent skilful Clf some slander z&r somewhat slant z4 soon slash z9 sorrow sleep zep sorry sleeve zev sought slender znD sound slight zit south slightly ztx sovereign sling zy/ Spain sloping zop/ span slow zo spar sluggish zg9 spare slumber zm. sparkle smack smc speak small smal speaking smart oHt special sm9 sml sml/ smii sm/ smgi smgl/ sner snz snb9 sno S sok s9L s92 so9 s9sm s9; s9;c sj Zd Zm ZmZ Z;8 Z# Zd: Zdl Zi- ZU Z8 Zv ZAy Zvv J J: sn Ro Ry sau so& sth sVn ,ar ,rK 56 specially specialty specification specify specimen spectacular speculate speculation speculator speed spelling spend sphere spinning spire spoke spontaneous spray spraying spring sprinkle squall square squarely saueeze stability stable stack stage stagnation stake stale stall stamp stanch stand standard standing staple star starch start state stated stating statement station stationary statistics statute ,9y statutory ;tt. ,9t stay ;a staying ;a/ f : steadily ;dx ,cX steady ;dy ,cqq steal ; el ,c& steam ;em ,q' steamship ;m9p > qi~ steel ; el ,ed stem ;m , I/ stencil ;nZ ,nd stenography ;nFy s: sterilize ;rz yn/ steward ;w > ir stiff ; if ,ok still ;yl ,n") stimulation ;mu' ww sting ;/ wwa/ stipulate ; ) t ww/ stipulation ;p' ww/K stitch ;h sql stock ;oc sQ stockholder ;clD sQx stoke ;ok sqz stone ;on ;L stony ;o6 ;2 stood ;ud ;c stop ;op , stoppage PJ ;g' storage ; r j ;k storeroom ;rrm ;le storm ;rm ;1 story ; . >mp stowage ;wj ;ah straight #t ;& straightforward #tfW ;&0 strain #n ;&/ strange #nj strategy #tj ;r stream #m ;rh street #t ;rt strengthen #//n ; stretch $h ;E strew #w ;V strewing # w / ;t4 stricture #ikY ;8 strike #ik ;8. striking #k/ ;t;x strip #yp ;tt stripped #ypt 57 striving #v/ superficial #f9 stroll #ol superintend #4& strong #o/ superior #Y structural #kYl supersede #cd strung #u/ superstition i% stubble ;u2 superstructure ##kY stubborn ; .n supervision #v8 student ;d4 supplant sP4 stuff ;uf supplement sPm4 stupidity ;pi supply sP style ;ii support SU7t stylish ;19 supposition sps8 subdivide syy supreme s8m subdue sdu sure Y subject sj3 surety YI subjection sj? surpass Rps subjugate sjg surprise R8z sublet sblt surround sr& submission smS survey Rva submit sbmt survival srv? subordination 80' suspect s,3 subpoena sPa suspend Sp& subscribe sccb suspicion Sp8 subscription sccpS sustain S" subsequent scq4 swallowing swlo/ subsidiary ss. sway swa subsidize ssZ swell swl substance s;5 sweep swp substitution sb% sweet swt subtract s-3 swimmer swM succeed skcd swindle sw&l success skS syllabic Zbc such 8 syllable Z2 suction su? symmetrical sm-K sue su sympathize smpZ suffer su: system s ;m sufficient sff systematic s;kk suffrage sFj systematize s;mZ suggest sj; suit sut T suitable sut2 table t2 sum sm tabulate tb& summary am. tack tc summer sM tactical tcK summons sXs tactician t38 sun sn take tk Sunday snd takes tks sunny s6 taken tkn sunrise snZ taking tk/ sunshine sn8 talk tlk 58 talking tangible tangle tape tar tardy tarnish task taste tasteful tasteless tasting taught taunt tax taxable taxation tea teach teacher teaching teak team tear (noun) tear (verb) tease teeth teething telegram telegraph telegraphic telephone tell temper temperament temperature tempest temporary temptation tempting ten tenable tenant tenantable tend tendency tender tending tenement tension tlk/ tent "J2 term t/1 terminate tp termination trr terminus -dy terms -n9 terrify tsk territory t;e terror t;f test t;ls testament t;/ testamentary tau testate ta^ testator tx testify tx2 testimonial tx8 testimony te text th textile tY than th/ thank tk thankful tin that tr the tar theatre tz their tth them tth/ themselves %M then %F thence %Fc theorize %fn theory tl there "7 thereafter "74 thereby "7Y therefore "P; therefrom "7. therein tm' thereof "t/ thereon tn thereunder "2 thereupon "4 therewith "42 thermometer "d these "dnc they "D thigh "d/ thin "m4 thing "8 think "t trm -Xt -X8 -X) trms -r t; t;4 t;4. t;t t;a- t; : t;Xl t;Xy tx tx% /an /k /kf 5 e /a- /mZs /n /5 /oZ -Q -b -f -F -i -o -on -K -w -mm /z & /i /yn // //k 59 thinking //k/ to-morrow qWo this / to-night qni thorough /oro tonnage "j thoroughfare /oro: tontine mm thoroughly /orx too q those /oz took tuk thou /ou torment trm4 though /o torrent tr4 thought /au torture trY thoughtlessness /aull total ttl threat /rt totally ttx threatening /r"/ touch tun three /re touching tuh/ threw /ru tough tuf thriving /rv/ tourist tr; through /ru towage toj throughout /ruT toward tw throw /ro towards tWs thunder /- town twn Thursday -sd trace -s thus /us traction -7 ticket tkt trade -d tide tid traffic -fc tidings td/s train -n tidy tdy traitor -- tie ti transact "3 tied tid transaction ? tight tit transcribe "ccb tighten ti" transfer it . tiling ' til/ transform "fm. till tyi transient n 14 tillage %J transition "8 timber n translate "It time n translation n timely "x transmission "m8 timesaving "sv/ transparent "74 tinge "j transpire -57 tint ti4 transport "7t tip typ transportation "7' tissue t9u transverse "Vs title t%- travel -vl to q tray -a tobacco tbko tread -ed to-day qd treason -8 together tg- . treasonable -82 token tokn treasurer -Yr told tid treasury -Yy tolerable tL2 treat -t tolerably tL2y treatment -t4 toleration tL8 treble -2 60 tree trend trespass trespasser triable trial tribulation tribute trick trifling trip triplicate triumphant trivial trouble trover truck true trump trunk trust trustee trustworthy truth truthful try Tuesday tuition tumult tunnel turn twice twilight two type typewriter typewriting typical U ugly ultimate ultimatum umpire unable unaccustomed unacquainted unarmed unauthorized unaware -e unbalanced u25t -nd unbecoming ub3/ -,s uncertain uR" -,R unchangeable uxx2 -i2 unchanged uxxd -il uncivilized uc?zd -b' uncollected uK3d -bt uncommon u3n -ic unconcerned u3R& -'/ unconscionable u382 -yp unconscious u39s -Pk unconstitutional u3%l -uff unconstitutionally u37' L -vil uncover ukV -u2 undated udE -V undeniable _ni2 -uc under -u underestimate I& -up underground _G& -/ underhanded _Hd tt undermine _X tte underneath -n/ ttwi underrate _rt -th undersigned _s& -tf undersized _szd -i undersold _Zd qsd understand tu8 undertake _tk tmlt undertook _tuk tnl underwrite _ri trn underwriter _r- tws undesirable _B2 twit undoing udu/ q undoubted JE tip undoubtedly _Ex 18- undue udu 181/ uneasy uzy tpK unemployed umPd unequal ueql uneven uevn ugx unexpected uxp3d L& unfair u: L&m unfaithful uf/f um7 unfamiliar ufmL u2 unfasten ufsn uk;md unfavorable ufV2 ukw4d unfilled u(d urmd unfit uft uaZd unfold u(d uaW unforeseen ufcn 61 unfortunate unfound unfounded unfurnished ungentlemanly ungrateful unhandy unhealthy uniform uniformity unincumbered uninhabitable uninjured union unit universal university unjust unkind unknown unlawful unless unlike unlikely unlimited unload unlucky unmanageable unmarried unmistakable unnecessary unofficial unpaid unpleasant unpopular unprecedented unprincipled unprofitable unreasonable unrivaled unsafe unsaid unsealed unseat unsightly unsold unsound unsuited unsurpassed until uf& untilled ufw& untimely ufw&d untold u:n9t untrue uj41Xx unwilling uGtf unwise uHy unworthy uhll up uifm upheld ui:I uphold ui3bO upon uih_2 upper uiJd upright un uprising ut upward uiVZ urge uiVC urgent uj; us uk& usable ukn use (noun) ulf use (verb) uls used ulk useful ulkx useless ulmE usual ulod usurious ulcy usury uXj2 utility uMid utilize u6tk2 utmost unS. utter uof9 utterly upd uPs4 uppL vacancy u8cd4d vacant u85)d vacation u8ft2 vague ur82 valid uri?d validity usf valuable usd valuation ucld value uct vanish ustx variance uZd variation USO& variety usuE various uRp; vary u% veal u%d u"x utld u-u uwl/ uZ uWI U Uld Udd K Ur Uri UZ/ UW urj RJ4 s us2 us z zd us( usls u9 uY) uYy a%l U','Z Tm; u- u-x v3c vk4 v' vg ?u2 ?u8 ?u vn9 Vi5 Vi8 Vil V) Vy vl 62 vegetation veil velocity vend vendee vendor veneration vent ventilation ventilator venture veracity verbal verdict verge verification verify vernacular version very vessel vest veto vexation vicinity victim view vindication vine violation violence violent visible vision vitality vitiate vocation vogue void voidable volition volume voluntary vote voter voting voyage vulcanize vj' val wade ?C wage v& wages v&e waist v&r wait vN8 waiter waive vv wander vv' want ' vvl- wanted vnY wants VC war V2 ward Vyy warehouse Vj warn * \J V: ' warrant V: warranty Vqq wary was V8 wash V waste VZ watch v; water vto wave vx8 way vcl ways vc" wayward we vu v&' vin weak wealth wear vi' vi!5 vi!4 weary weather weave vs2 vi8 viL v9t weaving wedge Wednesday week vo' weekly vog weigh vd weight vd2 welcome voS welfare ?um well ??y went vt were V- west vt/ western voj wharfage ?3z what wd wj wjs w; wt wa- wv wnD w4 w4d w4s wr wO Whs Wn W4 W4y w. z wa9 w; wh w- wv wa ws wW w wek with W we. whh wev wev/ wej w5d wk wkx wa wt w!3 wl: wl wnt W wst w#n Wfj 63 when wn within whenever wnV without where W withstand whereabouts W_s withstood whereas Wx witness whereby Wb witty wherefore Wf wonderful wherein Wi word whereof Wo work whereon Won workmanship whereupon WK workshop wherever WV world whether whh worry which h worth whichever hV worthy while yi would white wit wreck who wren whoever whole 0V hoi wretched wholesale whom hlZ wring wringing whose Z wrinkle why y writ wide yd write widely ydx writing widen ydn written widow wdo wrong wife yf wrongful wild wilful yld wlf wrongly wrote will willing 1 wl/ wrought win wyn wine yn wing w/ yacht wink w/k yard winning wyn/ yardage winter wn- year wire yr yearly wired yo years wiry y. yellow wisdom wsdm yes wise wish yz w9 yesterday _, _ A wit wyt yet with w you withdraw w/S your witdrawal withheld w/Sl w/ld yours yourself withhold w/dd youthful w/i w/T w/- w/;d wtns wyl yD( Wd Wk WkXp Wk9p Wld wo. Wt WI # rec rn rhd r/ r// r/K ryt rit rit/ ry" wr/ wr/f wr/x rot rau yat Yd Ydj Y Yx Yz ylo ys y#d yt u Y Ys YZf u/f 64 Z zigzag zgz zeal zl zinc z/ zealous zl) zone zn zenith zn/ zoo zu zero zro zoology zoo The short forms shown in this chapter contain only the characters that are on practically every keyboard, being designed for use when the work is done on a small keyboard, such as Keyboard A. When a word is frased on a small board, the frasing often further reduces the form. When written on a larger board, such as B, C or D, page 87, the additional characters which those boards contain, in many cases permit a reduction in a word standing alone. In a further class of cases, when writing on a larger board, both the board and a frasing principle operate jointly on the same short form to produce a double reduction. These additional contractions are treated in the following chapters. 65 CHAPTER 10 FRASING The term "frasing," as here used, means either the representation of a frase by a single character, or by joining two or more characters with no intervening space. The following frases are shown by the single charac- ters placed opposite thereto: that the " under the _ from the ) by the # and the & with the : of a of an ft at the in the of the % for the ( to the ? Generally these characters should stand alone when indicating their frase meaning: the records of the corporation e %ds % 4% Here the character % is seen in three positions, initial, alone, and final, each carrying a different meaning. But in work where "the records of the corporation" occurs with any frequency, it can be written as a unit, thus: e%ds%4% The basic principle upon which frasing rests is that a frase is regarded as a unit between the words of which, in many cases, spaces are not needed, and the contractions for frases which are shown by more than one character are accomplished by the following methods: 1 Initial Letter Frasing is using the first letter of each word. executor or administrator eoa 2 Word-Sign Frasing is using the word-signs for the individual words. on which nh 3 Capital Letter Frasing shows each of the principal words by a single capital letter. Collector of the Port C%P Chief of the General Staff C%GS Chancellor of the Exchequer C%X Supreme Court of the United States SC9US Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals CJ r ;CA the opinion of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals 4 Compound Frasing combines any two or more of the preceding methods. in order to ioq In this group it is sometimes an advantage to show the more important sounds, thereby placing less burden on the memory. in restrain of trade ir#4o-d 66 Each frase, then, gravitates to one of these four groups, and the application of the principles of the four methods to any frase will show to which group it belongs. The main point is that when the short form derived under either method conflicts with any word or frase of greater importance, that method will not answer. For instance, "after the" if contracted by the first method produces "at"; under the second, "Qe." To promote rapidity in reading, Qe is adopted. It is thus seen that frasing is not only a means of reducing the number of touches, but also of distinguishing between the several meanings of the same character: and overestimated the time d '&d e" he said that the necessary information would be given at the proper time p sed " nSif #bg ' 8o7" In frasing, a word is not necessarily written the same as when it stands alone, but it may often be re- duced, as is the case with "necessary" in the last frase shown . Where a capital letter is a word-sign for more than one word, the handling of such capitals in frases may be illustrated by K. When necessary to prevent conflict, it stands alone for "upon," and is frased for "call": they will, upon information being furnished &1, K if b/ :n9t they will call, information being furnished &1K, if b/ :n9t Where there is no danger of conflict, there is no necessity for spacing: has been there , ?- construction of the 3#% The names of individuals, business houses and corporations are written as a unit, except when necessary to distinguish them from a slightly different name. In these frases, "company" is shown by k trust company ttk insurance company iY5k J. S. Anderson js&r8 J. Sanderson j s&r8 J. J. Barrington jj./" Judge Barrington jj ./" . Smith & Company sm/dk George Jones & Company JjjSdk Pennsylvania Railroad Company prrk 67 CHAPTER 11 FRASES This list is designed to illustrate the principles stated in the previous chapter, and after seeing their application, one can readily assign a short form for any frase. a few afu a few more afuM a great many agm a number of ano a young man ay/X able to 2q able to make 2q) about that time ATS" about which ATh absolutely necessary an according to the kO? according to your kOY acknowledging your kY acknowledging your favor kYV acknowledging your order kYO acknowledging your order of the 27th kY027 acknowledging your order of the 10th instant kYOlOi acknowledging your telegram kY% acknowledging your wire kYW after that time Q5" after the Qe after the time Qe" am a ) am an) 2a am able 22 am able to 22q am able to be 22qb am able to be there 22qb- am unable 2u2 am unable to 2u2q am unable to be 2u2qb am unable to be there 2u2qb- 68 amounted to and a ) and an) and any and Company and that and the and this another one answering your communication answering yours of the 26th any other any other one are not as far as as follows as it is as long as as much as as per his as per their as per your as per your order as per your telegram as per your wire as soon as as soon as you can as the as well as at all at all times at any rate at first at home at last at least at length at most at once at one time at present 69 aoEq da d6 dk d5 & d/ a4y 5 Y38 5/Ys26 64 64y rj x:x x(s xts xl/x x?x x7hs x7- x7Y xTYO x7Y% x7YW xsx xsxu3 xe xwlx TL TL"s T6rt T: ; Thorn Tl; Tie; Tl// Tm; Ty5 Ty" T8s4 at some time at that time at the at the last minute at the present time at the present moment at the same time at their request at your at your convenience awaiting his awaiting their awaiting their instructions awaiting your awaiting your advice awaiting your instructions awaiting your order B better prices better than bill of lading bill of sale bond and mortgage British Empire brother-in-law by a ) by an) by any by any other by any other means by reason of by return mail by that by that means by the by their by this by this mail TJ" T5" 'l;Xut V 'pm 'A" T-qq TY TY35 a/hs a/- a/-i#s a/Y a/YI a/Yi#s a/YO b-8S b-t 21/ bos bam 5t9m7 Shhil be b6 b64 b64Xs bro brml b5 b5Xs # ta- b/a b/ml 70 can a ) can an) 3a can be 3b cannot be 3jb cannot be done 3jbdn cannot be made 3jb( capital stock cK;c careful consideration 4f3s?^ certified check cc Chancellor of the Exchequer C%X Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals CJ?rCA Chief of the General Staff C%GS Civil Engineer c?njN clerical error UKRr collateral security K-1QI Collector of the Port C%P comes from 3sF common sense 3ns5 common stock 3n;c construction of the 3#% Court not of Record cnor Court of Equity coe Court of Record cor Dear Madam Dm Dear Sir DR did not Dj did not accomplish DJ&19 did not expect Djxp3 did not receive Djrcv do I understand dui do I understand that they will dui 5&1 do you duu do you recommend duu%& does not dsj each and every each and every one each one EdeVy EdeVyy Ey Eastern States entitled to receive entitled to recover every part every particular executive committee executor or administrator express charges e#n;s nt%qrcv nt7 c qrkV eVy7t eVyTqq xqT3I eoa xSsHjs favorable conditions first mortgage for a ) for an) for another for another one for any for anyone for any kind for any other for any purpose for example for if for instance for its for that for that purpose for the for the purpose of for there is for these for these reasons from day to day from the from time to time from week to week from year to year fV23d8s :;Mgj fa fa4 fa4y f6 f6y f6k& f64 f67ps fx) fl fi;5 fts f5 f57ps ( (7pso f-s f/z f/zr8s Fdd ) pun Fwkwk FYY give a ) give an) give instructions 72 gi#s give their giving the giving their glad to hear glad to know glad to see good weather Great Britain great deal greater than g- g/e g/- gqH gqk gqc gdwhh Gt5" Gtdl G-t had been has been has been there has been under have been have been received have been shipped have you have you a ) have you an) have you another have you another one have you any have you any of the have you some have you some of the having been having occasion he had he has he has not he has not been highest bidder P? v? v?rcvd v?9pt vu vua vua4 vua4y vu6 vu6% vuJ vuJ% v/? v/o' pp P) p.j p,j? i;bD I am I may if a ) if an) if another 73 i2 im la ISA if any if anybody if anybody else if anyone if anyone of the if he if it will if it will be if the if there if there are if there are not if there is if you if you are if you are in touch if you are interested immediate attention imported from France in a ) in an) in accordance with in any in connection with in consideration of in consideration of the in every case in fact in favor of in like manner in my in order to in reference to in regard to in regard to the in respect to the in restraint of trade in the in the first place in the manner in the meantime 16 I6by I6byLs ley I6y% IP iti Itlb le I- I-r I-rj I-s lu lur lurith Iur?;d id"8 )EFF5 ia ikOSw i6 i3w i3o 13% ieVks if3 ifVo ilkmN i m ioq ir:5q irgq irg? ir,3? ir#4o-d .mN .X" 74 in the same .A in the same manner .AmN in the same way .Aw in their possession i-p$ in trust itt Interstate Commerce Commission ?;338 into a ) into an) iqa into the i? is a ) is an) sa is another sa4 is not sj is not a ) is not an) sja is one of the sy% is or is not sRsj is the se it cannot t3j it cannot be t3jb it is ts it is a ) it is an) tsa it is necessary tsnS it is necessary for tsnSf it is necessary for him tsnSfX it is necessary for his tsnSfhs it is necessary for his own protection tsnSfhsnSt? it is necessary for me tsnSfm it is necessary for my tsnSfm it is necessary for my own tsnSfmn it is necessary for our tsnSfr it is necessary for our own tsnSfrn it is necessary for that tsnSf5 it is necessary for you to be there tsnSfuqb- it is not tsj it is not a ) it is not an) tsja it is not necessary tsjnS it is safe to say tssfqs it is understood ts_;d 75 it is understood that it might it might be it might have been it was not it was not a it would it would be ts_;d5 tmt tmtb tmtv? tzj tzja t# t#b jet black jtBc jobbing house jb/hs joint stock company J4;ck judgment for the plaintiff jj4(P4f judgment reversed jj4rV; just as good as j;xgdx just as long as j :xl/x just as soon as j;xsx just as soon as possible j;xsxp" just as well as j;xwlx just as well as not j;xwlxj just heard j ;Hd K kindly inform us know there is know there is no know they are knowing the knowing their knowledge of the knowledge of the fact knowledge of the fact that knowledge of the fact that you are known to be knows there is ks-s last Monday last Monday night last Thursday 76 l;Xd l;Xdnt l;-sd last year latest and best latter part of leave it to us leave there legal tender less than liberty of the press lower than lt;db; Ipo Ivtqs Iv- lgl"D Is/n 1. 1' ',8s iwt many more many other may a ) may an) may another may be may be a ) may be an) may be any may be anyone may be that may be that that may have been may have been there may see mechanic's lien more or less more than must be must be given must be there must begin ma ma4 mb mba mb6 mb6y mb5 mb55 mv? mv?- mc m3xln MRls Mt m;b m;bg m;b- m;bgn national bank negotiable instrument new styles no less than no more than not all not greater than n81b/ ni nu;ils kit kMt JL jG-t 77 not less than not more than not only not the Jit jMt jnx Je of a ) of an) of another of any of any other of any other kind of any other one of anybody of anybody else of anyone of anyone else of course of our of the of their off and on on a ) on an) on account on account of on account of the on or about on or before on the on the contrary on the one hand on the other hand on time on which once a week once or twice one half one of a ) one of an) one of the one of the most 8 oa4 06 064 o64k& o64y o6by o6byLs o6y o6yLs oc oo % o- ofdn na nk4 nk4o nk4% nRAT nrbf ne ne3 neyH ne4H n" nh ySawk y5rtws yhf y% 78 one thousand other than outstanding indebtedness owing to the y/& o-t oi o/? Pacific Coast per cent per annum personal opinion personal propery please advise please advise us please call our attention please wire us proceeds of the sale promissory note prompt acceptance prompt remittance public opinion public policy public property pkkc; %7a poPY ppy PzDZ PzDZs PzKra"8 PzWs P%Z 8ms . nt Smkcp SmrA pboPY pb)c pbpy question of fact question of law quick returns quick selling quitclaim deed quite as well quite likely quite probable quite sure there is quoted below quoted by us quoted for prompt acceptance qof qol qcr-5 qcZ/ qt#D qixwl qilkx qi8b2 qiY-s qoE2o qoEbs qoEfSmk rather than receiver's certificate 79 r-t rcVR:k receiver's sale referring to the referring to your referring to your order relative to the replying to the replying to your respectfully yours right of action right, title and interest Roman Empire rcVZ r:/? r:/qY r:/qYO rlT? rP/? rP/qY ,xY roa rt%d?st rXm7 Saturday afternoon s-Qnn seem to cmq seem to be cmqb seem to be a ) seem to be an) cmqba Sermont on the Mount RXnem4 shall be 9b shall not 9j six per cent per annum 6%7a small amount smlao4 so as Sx so as not Sxj so as to Sxq so that S5 so the Se some of the J% special price ,98s statute of limitations sol such information 8if ' sum of money soX Supreme Court of the United States SC7;US ten thousand dollars ten thousand people thanking you thanking you for the 80 "/P) //u thanking you for the order //u(0 that a ) that an) 5a that gives 5gs that gives me 5gsm that if 51 that if a ) that if an) 5Ia that if I 511 that if that 515 that if they 5I& that that 55 that the " that the record " %d that the time "" that there) that their) 5- that there are 5-r that there are not 5-rj that there is 5-s that there is not 5-sj that there may be 5-mb that there shall be 5-9b that there was 5-z that there was not 5-zj that this 5/ that you 5u that you are 5ur that you are not 5urj the first time e: ;" the last time el;" the other e4 the receipt of which erctoh there is -s there is not -sj there were -W there were other -W4 there will -1 there will be -Ib there will not be -Ijb time of the day " % d time record "%d 81 to a ) to an) qa to be qb to be able qb2 to be able to qb2q to be given qbg to beg q bg to begin gbgn to do qdu to do so qdS to take effect qtkf3 to the ? to their q- to wit qwt to-morrow afternoon qMQnn to-morrow evening qMe/ to-morrow morning qMM/ trade mark -dMk trust it ttt trusting this tt// trusting this will tt//l trusting to hear tt/qH trusting to hear from you tt/qHFu trusting to hear from you further tt/qHFu: two months qXts two or three 2r3 two thousand q/& U under a ) under an) _a under separate cover use under the _ under the circumstances uec under the impression uei understand that 5 understand that it is 5ts understand that it is not 5tsj understand that you 5u understand that you are 5ur understand that you will , 5ul understand that you will not 5ulj unless there is uls-s 82 validity of the contract value of the property various reasons very brief ly very greatly very much Very respectfully Very truly Very truly yours Vice admiral Vice president V)r8s V5fx VGtx V7 V,x V- V-Y IDM1 I8sd4 W was a ) was an) was not was not a ) was not an) we are we are in receipt of we are not we are not able we are not able to make we can we cannot we do we do not we do not have we give we give you we have we have in stock we have not we have not heard we will ship them to-morrow we wish you would when a ) when an) when he when he once 83 za zj zja wr wriro wrj wrj2 wrj2q) w3 w3j wdu wduj wdujv wg . wgu wv wvi ;c wvj wvjHd w!9p%qMo ww9u# wna wnp wnpy5 when he wants when the when wanted where there are where there are not where there is whether or not will be will be able to give you with a ) with an) with or without with reference to the with regard to the with respect to the with the would be would have would have to would not would not be would not do would not have would not have to would not take would say wnpw4s wne wnw4d W-r W-rj W-s whhrj Ib Ib2qgu wa wow wr:5? wrg? wr,? #v #j #jb #jdu #jv #jvq #jtk #sa yesterday afternoon you are well aware your favor your order your order for your order of the your order of the 19th inst Yours cordially Yours respectfully Yours sincerely Yours truly Yours very truly 84 y#Qnn urwlaW YV YO YOf Y0% Y0%19i Y4x Y,x YRx Y- YV- zero weather zrwhh zinc methyl z/m/1 zoological garden zooKGdn 85 KEYBOARD C (Non-Shift-key) KEYBOARD C (Shift-key] zl 00 fcl fvl CB} frO CM) C! Keyboard Using Two Shift-keys, each of which accomplishes a different purpose CHAPTER 12 THE LARGER KEYBOARDS Thus far no use has been made of the additional keys with which some typewriters are equipped. Columns B, C and D below, show the extra characters on three repre- sentative boards, so that one using either of these boards has the additional advantage of the following assign- ments, together with the benefits of the vowel changes under the rules stated in Chapter Three. KEYBOARD PREFIXES BCD gla irri eru * J A * dam dan J4 /4 ~l~ infor infer cla , y> l /2 uncom uncon at ate repra (&? @ @ era discom discon van unf or unfur $4 dal circum dif prepar pub equal suppla SIGN- SIGN- SUFFIXES WORDS FRASES gla gal aid ever by a dam dan ness these as the less ral mal nal date mate nate rate sate wait bent dent fent gent rent sent cent vent zent by at to a as a than on the those within the feet ject lect nect rect tect dal save sive ! dif amd do about the new into the = ism cism nism every upon the The arrangement of the syllabic characters in the above list, indicates how the characters should be interchanged for each other on the various keyboards, since only one of these additional characters (@) is common to all three of the larger boards shown. The manner in which these keyboards further reduce the touches is shown by the following words illustrating the use of Keyboard C: 87 Standard Short Form Keyboard A Keyboard C glad gld %d irrigation ir' J/6' damage dmj J4j informal ifl gladness gldns unconstitutionality u3%L 1 /2%L attained at&