LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Gl FT OF Class ^ UNITED STATES ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS, 1908. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. LJ. S. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1903 S2 WAR DEPARTMENT, Document No. 308. Office of the Chief of Staff. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, D. C., March 30, 1908. These United States Army Transport Service Regulations, as corrected and amended, are published for the information and guid- ance of all concerned; they will not be modified except by specific authority given in each case. By order of the Secretary of War: J. FRANKLIN BELL, Major-General, Chief of Staff. 3 UNITED STATES ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. ORGANIZATION. 1. The Army Transport Service is organized as a special branch of the Quartermaster's Department, United States Army, for the pur- pose of transporting troops and supplies by water. All necessary expenses incident to that service will be paid from the appropriations made for the support of the Army. 2. The Transport Service will be under the supervision of the Quartermaster-General and conducted by its own officers and em- ployees and made, as far as practicable, independent of other branches of the service. Such matters as relate to subsistence and medical attendance will be under the supervision of the Chiefs of the Subsistence and Medical Departments. To insure efficient service the officers representing the different departments in the Transport Service must use their best endeavors in cooperating with each other in the execution of the duties respectively intrusted to them. 3. The headquarters of each line of transports in the United States are termed home ports. Each home port will have the necessary equipment of officers and employees and be provided with proper terminal facilities, including wharfage, storage room, and offices. 4. The. general organization of the personnel for each home port will be as follows, subject to such reduction as may be practicable: 1. General superintendent. 2. Assistant to general superintendent. 3. Subsistence superintendent. 4. Medical superintendent. 5. Marine superintendent. 6. Assistant marine superintendent. 7. Superintending engineer. 8. Assistant to superintending engineer. 9. Port steward. 10. Quartermaster's purveyor. 11. Chief stevedore. 12. Army transport agent at over-sea ports, where there is no officer of the Quartermaster's Department. 5 6 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. On each transport 1. Transport quartermaster. 2. Transport commissary. 3. Transport surgeon. 5. The general superintendent and his assistant, the subsistence superintendent, and the medical superintendent will be assigned by orders from the War Department. The transport quartermaster, commissary, and surgeon will be assigned for the voyage under instructions from the Quartermaster-General, Commissary-General, and Surgeon-General, respectively, from among the officers assigned by the War Department to duty in the Transport Service with station at the home port. 6. The Quartermaster-General will appoint the marine superintend- ent and his assistant, the superintending engineer and his assistant, the quartermaster's purveyor, chief stevedore, the ship's officers, and agents at over-sea ports. Subject to the approval of the Commissary-General, the subsistence superintendent will appoint the port steward. ^. Upon the recommendation of the superintendents of the Quarter- master's, the Subsistence, and the Medical Departments, the chiefs of those departments will authorize the employment of such number of accountants, bookkeepers, clerks, messengers, watchmen, and others as may be necessary to transact the business of the service at home and foreign ports and on board the transports with certainty and dispatch. In cases of emergency, superintendents will direct the employment of additional men and report action to the chiefs of their respective bureaus. GENERAL DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 8. General superintendent. To be an officer of the Quartermaster's Department, with headquarters at the home port, and charged with the entire administration of the service, pursuant to its regulations and the requirements of law, except such matters as relate to the Subsistence or Medical Department. The general superintendent will receive his general instructions from the Quartermaster-General, and all orders, excepting such as relate to the Subsistence or Medical Department, relative to the service will be made to and through him. He will be responsible for the efficient and economical administration of the service and the maintenance and operation of the vessels engaged therein; for the management and security of all property, and for the satisfactory service of all the officers and employees under his direction. He will be charged under the provisions of law and the Regulations of the Army Transport Service with the procuring and accounting for all services and supplies, except subsistence and medical services and supplies, required for the establishment and ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 7 satisfactory maintenance of the service by such means as shall be in conformity with the kw and be most advantageous and economical to the Government. 9. Assistant to general superintendent. To be an officer of the Quartermaster's Department, stationed with the general superintend- ent, and acting under his immediate direction, and as his deputy when the general superintendent is absent. He will perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the general superintendent. 10. Subsistence superintendent. To be an officer of the Subsist- ence Department, stationed at the home port, and charged with the entire administration of the service relating to the subsistence of troops, officers, passengers, and crews. He will have immediate charge of the steward's department of all transports and will select and appoint all the authorized employees of that department. He will receive his general instructions from the Commissary-General, and be responsible for the efficient and economical administration of his branch of the service. He will be charged with the procuring and accounting for all subsistence services and supplies required in his department. 11. Medical superintendent. To be an officer of the Medical De- partment of the Army, stationed at the home port, and in accordance with the regulations of the Medical Department of the Army, acting as assistant and professional adviser of the general superintendent in all matters pertaining to the sanitation and hygiene of the transports and to the hospital and medical accommodation and service on board. He will make personal and minute inspection of each transport on arrival and prior to departure, and will submit to the general super- intendent such recommendations relative to sanitation and hospital equipment as he may deem needful. He will detain and make proper disposition of persons embarking or disembarking having infectious diseases and will provide for the reception and care of disabled mili- tary passengers unfit to travel ; and make to the subsistence superin- tendent such recommendations relative to the food supply as he may deem advisable. He Avill make himself familiar with all the quarantine laws and facilities that may exist at home and over-sea ports, and be responsi- ble for the competency and satisfactory service of the transport sur- geons and all other employees of the medical department of the transport service. 12. Transport quartermasters. To each transport shall be assigned, when required by the nature of the service, a transport quartermaster, who, under the direction of the general superintendent, will act as quartermaster, supercargo, and disbursing officer of the ship. The transport quartermaster will be the representative on board of ship of the general superintendent, and all orders for the ship will be 8 AKMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. given to and through him. He will have the general direction of the movements of the ship and be in general charge of its business and responsible for the proper care and disposition of the passengers and freights until delivered at destination, leaving, however, the master and chief engineer of the ship to exercise full and unquestioned con- trol and authority over all matters within their technical purview, and for which they are professionally responsible as the immediate heads of the deck and engine departments. Any orders to be given by the transport quartermaster touching the deck or engine depart- ments will be made to or through the master. 13. The transport quartermaster will be furnished, on the day pre- vious to sailing, the names of the cabin passengers assigned to the ship. He will, under the direction of the general superintendent, make assignment of the staterooms, and give to each cabin passenger upon his arrival on board the number of his stateroom. 14. As a rule separate staterooms will be provided for general offi- cers and for the commanding officer of the troops, if of rank of field officer. The quarters permanently assigned to the master, transport quartermaster, transport surgeon, or other permanent officers of the transport will not be for assignment; subject to the foregoing excep- tions only, staterooms or berths will be assigned according to rank. All protests regarding the assignment will be taken up as soon as practicable after sailing. 15. The transport quartermaster will furnish the commanding offi- cer of the troops with one copy of all sailing orders. 16. The transport quartermaster on each U. S. Army transport engaged in Atlantic or Pacific traffic shall at the beginning of each voyage, or as soon thereafter as practicable, forward through the general superintendent of the home port to the Quartermaster-Gen- eral of the Army a complete passenger list of all officers of the Army and their servants and of all persons not belonging to any military organization aboard who were transported as passengers on such voy- age, giving a copy of the authority under which he furnished trans- portation to each, or making proper references to such authority if previously furnished. He shall at the same time forward to the Com- missary-General, through the subsistence superintendent of the home port, a copy of such passenger list, unaccompanied by copies of authority, but giving notations of the same. The names of officers of the Army and their servants and of passengers not entitled to free subsistence aboard will be grouped together in one class on these lists, and the names of those entitled to subsistence free \vill be grouped in another. Transport quartermasters on IT. S. Army trans- ports engaged in interisland traffic will forward similar passenger lists through their chief quartermaster and chief commissary of the department in which employed. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 9 IT. Neither the wives nor members of families of the transport commissioned officers or of the ship's officers shall be permitted to accompany them on the transport at sea. 18. Whenever any Army transport arrives at or is about to depart from a terminal port on a transoceanic voyage, its arrival or depart- ure will be reported by the transport quartermaster, as follows: In the Philippine Islands, to the adjutant-general of the division; in the United States, to the adjutant-general of the department in which the port is located; in Cuba, to the adjutant-general of the Army of Cuban Pacification. The report in each case will show the name of the transport, the date of its arrival or departure, and the designa- tions of organizations and the names of officers on board as passen- gers. The report will be telegraphed if the division or department headquarters is so far from the terminal port that it is impracti- cable for the transport quartermaster to deliver the report in person or by messenger. This report will not include either the names or number! of officers or enlisted men, not passengers, who are serving under regular detail in the transport service. 19. Immediately on the return to the home port from each voyage the transport quartermaster will render, in accordance with printed instructions on Form No. 234, a report of the expenditures, passen- gers and freight, with a comparative statement of the cost upon the basis of lowest obtainable rates for transportation and showing the difference in cost, whether in favor of the transport service or not. 20. Upon the arrival of an army transport at a foreign port the transport quartermaster will call in person at the United States em- bassy or legation, if there is one at the port, and at the United States consulate, and report the arrival of his ship in port. 21. The transport quartermaster is to be charged with the prep- aration of all the ship's papers required by law and prescribed by the general superintendent. 22. He must make all arrangements for having the crew sign the ship's articles, etc., and have on board the official log, copy of agree- ment with the crew, officers' and engineers' certificate. 23. In case of death among the registered passengers on an army transport, i. e., officers and enlisted men not belonging to distinct commands on board, as well as civilians and employees, the transport quartermaster will secure the effects and prepare a letter to the near- est relative setting forth the name, rank, company, regiment, employ- ment, or condition of the deceased; place, cause, day, and hour of death ; disposition made of remains and effects, and list of the latter, and mail the communication at the earliest opportunity. Such noti- fication of death in the case of an officer, enlisted man, or civilian employee of the Army will also include the information that, if it be desired, the remains will be shipped home at Government expense 10 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. upon application therefor, by the nearest relative, addressed to the Quartermaster-General, United States Army, Washington, D. C. ; but if not applied for within six weeks after arrival at port in the United States the remains will be buried in a post or national ceme- tery and will not be disinterred thereafter and shipped home at public expense. The notification should also state that inquiries concerning the pay and effects of deceased officers and soldiers should be ad- dressed to the Auditor for the War Department, Washington, D. C., and, in the case of civilian employees, to the staff bureau of the Wai- Department under which they were employed. 24. The transport quartermaster will be provided with small printed plans of all decks of his ship, copies of which will be mailed by the general superintendent to commanding officers of troops to embark, and posted under glass on all decks. 25. The transport quartermaster will see that his ship is properly supplied at all times with the necessary mess utensils, scrubbing and cleaning materials, disinfectants, etc., and that cabins are provided with all the necessary furniture, bed linen, and towels; and he will keep on board for issue on memorandum receipt to the quartermaster of the embarking command- Brooms 4 to each company. Mops 4 to each company. Buckets 4 to each company. And, in addition, on transports carrying animals: Stable brooms : __ C to each 100 head. Stable forks to each 100 head. Buckets G to each 100 head. Shovels, short-handle 4 to each 100 head. Manure baskets 4 to each 100 head. Hoes 4 to each 100 head. Brooms 4 to each 100 head. 26. Transport commissaries. To each transport shall be assigned, when required by the nature of the service, a transport commis- sary, who, under the direction of the subsistence superintendent and the transport quartermaster of the ship will have charge of the steward's department and the subsistence of troops and all au- thorized persons on the transport ; also of all sales made by the Sub- sistence Department. When deemed in the interests of the service, the duties of transport quartermaster and commissary may be com- bined and performed by one officer. 27. The transport commissary is in immediate charge of the stew- ard's department and will be held responsible for its proper adminis- tration, good order, and cleanliness : for the discipline, good conduct, and efficiency of its employees ; and for the proper supply, care, and issue of subsistence stores. He will keep a record of daily expendi- ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 11 tures of stores. Form No. 52, office of the Commissary-General, will be kept in the office of the transport commissary. Daily issue slips will be retained and filed as subvouchers to Form No. 52. He will take monthly and at the end of each voyage an accurate inventory and make a careful inspection of all subsistence stores on his trans- port. He will see that the savings of fat, slush, etc., and all empty vinegar, pickle, beef, butter, and other barrels, boxes, etc., which may be salable, are stored and turned over at the home port to the author- ized commissary representative at the dock. 28. The transport commissary will submit to the home office at the close of each month, a statement of expenditures prepared on Form No. 53, showing quantities issued, their money value by items and by messes, and such other information as the form calls for. He will also submit copies of the several bills of fare and such other state- ments and reports as may be required by the subsistence superin- tendent. 29. The transport commissary will forward direct to the Commis- sary-General as vouchers to his accounts and returns a copy of the abstract of subsistence stores expended Form No. 53 and of the list of passengers Form No. 54 and at the end of each month will forward to the Commissary-General, through the subsistence super- intendent, a complete return on Form No. 51 of all civilians employed during the month in the Subsistence Department aboard ship. 30. Transport surgeon. To each transport will be assigned a transport surgeon who, under the direction of the medical superin- tendent and the transport quartermaster of the ship, will act as med- ical officer of the ship. He will be held responsible for the proper equipment and supply of the hospital, for the proper and thorough sanitation of the ship, for the satisfactory service of the hospital at- tendants, and for the care and treatment of the sick and injured among the ship's officers, crew, casual passengers, and for all patients in hospital. When there are medical officers on duty with troops on board, the transport surgeon will provide hospital accommodations, supplies, and attendants for the sick of the command and the families of officers and enlisted men pertaining to it. 31. Marine superintendent. To be a person skilled in the naviga- tion, handling, loading, and care of ships in port and at sea, and familiar with the duties of masters and other officers on board of seagoing vessels of the first class. Under direction of the general superintendent, the marine superintendent will have personal charge of all transports at the home port, will supervise and direct their movements, docking, loading, and repairs of the hull, deck, and stew- ard's departments, and be responsible for their care and maintenance in a condition of complete efficiency at all times and in all respects other than in matters pertaining to the superintending engineer. The 12 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. marine superintendent will be responsible for the discipline and effi- ciency of the deck department employees of all vessels ; he will inspect every transport on arrival and prior to departure, and will recom- mend to the superintending engineer for authorization by the general superintendent such interior repairs or alterations or improvements as he may consider necessary or advisable in the interests of the serv- ice. He will supervise and direct the quartermaster's purveyor and chief stevedore in the discharge of their duties and will perform such other duties as may be directed by the general superintendent. 32. Assistant to marine superintendent. To be a person of similar qualifications to those of the marine superintendent, to assist him in the discharge of his duties, and to perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the marine superintendent. 33. Superintending engineer. To be a person familiar with the construction and repair of seagoing vessels, and skilled in the design- ing, construction, and practical management of marine engines and their appurtenances, including electrical, ventilating, heating, and sanitary, and other appliances in use in seagoing vessels of the first class. Under direction of the general superintendent, the superin- tending engineer will be responsible for the care and maintenance in a condition of complete efficiency at all times of all the steam and mechanical appliances in the transports, and for the repairs, altera- tions, and improvements in hull or machinery that may be authorized. He will make personal inspection of the machinery and mechanical appliances on board on arrival and again prior to the departure of each transport, and will recommend to the general superintendent such repairs, renewals, and modifications as he shall deem needful. He will be responsible for the discipline and efficiency of the engi- neer's department employees of all vessels, and for the economical and satisfactory working of the machinery and steam and electrical appliances. He will perform such other duties as may be directed by the general superintendent. 34. Assistant to superintending engineer. To be a person of sim- ilar qualifications to those of the superintending engineer, to assist him in the discharge of his duties, and to perform such duties as may be assigned him by the superintending engineer. 35. Pert steward. To be a person skilled in cabin and saloon equipment and maintenance of seagoing vessels of the first class. He will inspect the refrigerators and storerooms for subsistence supplies of transports and see that everything is in proper condition to re- ceive the stores. Upon the arrival of a transport he will inspect all perishable stores remaining on hand and recommend the disposition of the same. He will, in conjunction with the chief steward, inspect all subsistence stores received for use aboard the transport and render reports in all cases to the subsistence superintendent. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 18 36. Quartermaster's purveyor. To be a person skilled in matters connected with the supplies required in the equipment and mainte- nance of seagoing vessels of the first class. He will examine and keep the records of requisitions for all quartermaster's departments and submit the engineer's to the superintending engineer, and deck and steward's to the marine superintendent. He will, under direction of the marine superintendent, inspect all supplies furnished on said requisitions. He will perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the marine superintendent. 37. Chief stevedore. To be a person skilled in the safe and eco- nomical loading of seagoing vessels, and under direction of the marine superintendent will be responsible for the loading and discharge of the transports at the home port according to such instructions as to points of delivery as he may receive. He will employ such number of stevedores, laborers, and watchmen as may be necessary and authorized by the general superintendent from time to time and be responsible for their service and discipline. He will also have charge of the storage and care of freights delivered at the wharf for ship- ment and be responsible for the preservation and security of wharf and property. He Avill perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the marine superintendent. 38. The quartermasters or transport agents, where there is no quar- termaster at over-sea ports to which a regular service is maintained, shall be responsible for making all necessary arrangements for the mooring, docking, lightering, loading, and discharge of the transport ships arriving at their respective ports, and shall receive and receipt to the transport quartermaster for all stores and property consigned to and unloaded at the ports in accordance with the forms prescribed by the general superintendent. They shall also invoice to and take receipt from the transport quartermaster for all stores or property shipped on the transport from their respective ports and keep a record of their transactions. The general superintendent will fur- nish to the quartermaster at over-sea ports the necessary books and blanks for the proper transaction of the business connected with the Army Transport Service. GENERAL RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE SHIP'S COMPANY. 39. All employees in the Army Transport Service upon their entry shall be sworn to observe its regulations, to obey the lawful orders of their superiors, and to use their utmost endeavors to carry such orders into effect with promptitude and zeal. Any commissioned officer on duty in the Army Transport Service, authorized to employ men in its service, is authorized to administer the oath of service. 14 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 40. Punishments shall be in strict conformity to law and in accord- ance with the usages of the sea service, and will follow the offense as promptly as circumstances will permit. 41. The following punishments may be imposed : 1. Upon the ship's officers private reprimand; suspension from duty, or confinement. 2. Upon the ship's company reduction of rating; confinement with or without irons ; confinement on bread and water not exceeding five days; deprivation of liberty on shore; extra duties; and for- feiture of pay under section 4596, Revised Statutes. 42. Deserters from the Army Transport Service shall forfeit all pay due them at the time of desertion. 43. Absence without leave for a period of three days may be re- garded as desertion. 44. Any absence without leave with a manifest intention not to return shall be regarded as desertion. 45. A reward not exceeding fifteen days' pay may be offered for the recovery of a deserter, and such amount may be deducted from the pay that may subsequently become due him. The Government will not be responsible for the payment of rewards for the appre- hension of deserters, the matter being left to the discretion of the transport quartermaster. 46. Paragraphs 39 to 45, inclusive, will be read to all employees before they take the oath of service and sign the shipping articles. 47. The ship's company is divided into four departments, viz, the deck department, the engine department, the steward's department, and the hospital department. All employees must make themselves familiar with the rules and regulations of the transport service and observe them strictly. For this purpose copies of the regulations will be supplied to the heads of departments for the use of their subordinates. 48. Every person exercising authority of any kind is required to exact from all under him prompt and implicit obedience to and cheerful compliance with his orders, and it is required of all that they observe a respectful demeanor in word and act whenever they address or are addressed by their superiors. 49. Employees in their intercourse with each other and with all others on board must observe a decorous and civil deportment. 50. The uniform prescribed for the several classes of employees will be habitually worn on board ship and at all other times and places when on duty. All employees must present at all times a neat, clean, and orderly appearance. 51. Improper, profane, or boisterous language or conduct is strictly forbidden. 52. While on duty employees will not smoke or engage in any con- versation or occupation not directly connected with their duty. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 15 53. No communication with reference to the ship or its affairs will be made by any employee to others than his -superiors in the service. 54. No employee shall be engaged. in the conveyance or transport of any articles or packages other than such as are officially authorized, or in any traffic, sale, or barter on board ship. 55. The steam whistle must be blown at least every minute when the ship is under way in thick weather. Both at sea and in port the signals enjoined by the rules of the road must be strictly observed and the prescribed signal lights must always be set in proper position at sunset and kept burning until daylight. 56. In port an officer must always be on deck and a petty officer or wheelman at all gangways. 57. When the ship is at anchor the watch, night and day, will con- sist of a junior officer, wheelman, and the requisite number of seamen. 58. The ship's company must be mustered at the boats before sail- ing, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and at least once each week while at sea, so they will know the boat to which they belong. They must also be mustered at fire quarters at least once each passage, the hose stretched fore and aft on deck and below, water run through it under pressure, the fact to be recorded in the ship's log book and a report made through the transport quartermaster to the marine superintendent in writing by the chief officer on the ship's arrival. 59. When in port care must be taken that the harbor and dock regulations are not violated by refuse being thrown overboard or otherwise. 60. The ship's log must be a careful, detailed, and accurate record of current events. Xo erasures are to be made in the log nor any leaves removed or closed up. Any errors in the log are to be cor- rected by ruling lines through them in red ink and attaching the initials of the officer making the alteration. 61. No intoxicating liquors of any kind will be brought or secretly used on board by any employee, and no isues of any intoxicating liquor will be made to employees except on the recommendation of the transport surgeon, approved by the transport quartermaster. 62. No employee will leave the ship without order or authorized leave of absence. When in port leaves of absence of not to exceed twelve hours may be granted by the heads of departments to their employees when their services can be spared, if recommended by the master and approved by the transport quartermaster. For the stew- ard's department leaves of absence must be recommended by the chief steward and approved by the transport commissary. Leave of absence for a longer period than twelve hours must also be approved by the general superintendent. 16 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. DECK DEPARTMENT. 63. Master. The master shall have full and paramount control of the navigation of the ship and be responsible for the discipline and efficiency of the crew. He must maintain and enforce strict disci- pline at all times and require his authority and the authority of the officers to be thoroughly respected by all employees on board. 64. He must make himself thoroughly familiar with the regulations of the service and the orders made from time to time, and will be responsible for their strict observance so far as the ship is concerned. 65. He must see and satisfy himself that his vessel is in all respects seaworthy and properly fitted for the voyage, directing special atten- tion to the hull, boats, davits, rigging of all kinds, steering gear, pumps, fire engines, lights and signals, deadlights, side ports, wind sails, ventilators, gangways, companion ladders, etc. 66. He must pay close attention to compasses and chronometers and see that no opportunity is neglected to ascertain their errors and have the same noted for comparison on the next voyage. 67. He must acquaint himself with the navigation laws and rules and the customs and quarantine laws and regulations of the United States and conform to them in all respects. 68. He shall be in daily attendance at the ship, both at home and abroad, during loading and discharging, and not absent himself with- out the knowledge and authority of the transport quartermaster, and shall at all times superintend in person any movement of the ship. 69. Before leaving the ship the master will inform the chief officer and give him instructions as to the care of the ship during his absence. 70. He shall have the ship ready to sail precisely at the time ap- pointed. 71. He shall specially attend to regulations in regard to lights and signals and the assignment of the crew to fire stations and boat sta- tions and shall see that the lead is used on all proper occasions, par- ticularly when nearing land, or when needed for the ship's position, and that this is entered in the log book. 72. He is to be held responsible for the safe conduct of his vessel, notwithstanding the presence of a pilot, and also while bringing the ship to piers and docks, and he will be held strictly responsible for accidents occurring. 73. He must himself take the bridge in thick weather and when approaching and leaving land, and keep it as much as possible while in channel or crowded waters, especially during night. 74. He shall enter regularly in the night order book the course to be steered and all necessary instructions to the officer on duty, and this book shall be signed every night by the second, third, and fourth officers. AKMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 17 75. When navigating narrow channels or crowded waters, and passing tows or deep-laden small craft, he must see that a safe and moderate rate of speed is maintained. 76. He shall regulate the speed of the vessel at sea, being especially careful in case of thick and heavy weather, when the speed will be checked and the lookout doubled. 77. He is to take special care that the boats of all kinds are con- stantly ready for immediate service, with all the gear in them prop- erly fitted and ready for hoisting them out; that the boat falls are kept rove, and the lowering apparatus at all times ready for use. 78. The crew is to be properly organized for service of the boats and exercised occasionally in getting them out and in handling them in the water. 79. They must also be organized for fire service and occasionally drilled in the use of the fire appliances. Each day before sunset it is to be ascertained that the fire engines and pumps are ready for imme- diate service, with hose screwed on, and that buckets with lanyards are at hand and kept filled. 80. Strict attention must be paid to the lights on board. 81. The master is to take care that cleanliness, dryness, and proper ventilation are at all times observed. 82. Any neglect or inattention in regard to cleanliness or any other matter affecting the discipline of the ship which the master may observe on the part of the troops is to be brought to the notice of the transport quartermaster, or, in his absence, to the commanding officer of the troops, in order that steps may be immediately taken for cor- recting and preventing it for the future. 83. The master is to afford all needful facilities and assistance to the transport quartermaster and the commanding officer of the troops in stowing and unstowing beds or hammocks, cleaning decks, drying and airing bedding, and for washing and drying clothes, and in ships carrying horses or mules will use the crew when necessary to assist in caring for them. 84. The hold and lower part of the ship are at all times to be kept perfectly clean and well ventilated and free from noxious smells. 85. Immediately after disembarking of troops and supplies the ship is to be thoroughly cleaned throughout. In case there should have been any sickness on board, special fumigations and extra white- washing below, with a free use of the necessary disinfectants, are to be resorted to at once, as may be indicated by the ship's surgeon or other competent authority. 86. When necessary to fumigate transports, the transport commis- sary will be given ample notification of such fact, and he will take steps to have subsistence stores which are liable to be injured bv the 3698108 2 18 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. fumigation temporarily, removed from the vessel. Proper arrange- ments to protect and guard the stores while so removed from the transport will be taken. 87. Collisions, groundings, and similar occurrences shall be entered iri the ship's log book, with full and exact particulars. 88. In case of collision or other occurrences of like nature he shall at once prepare a written report signed by him, through the transport quartermaster, to the general superintendent, detailing the circum- stances in connection with the occurrence. If he is not on deck at the time of the casualty he shall, for the purpose of making his report, obtain from witnesses a verbal report of all the facts. 89. First officer. The first officer is the executive officer of the ship and subject to the master's instructions; is particularly responsible for the good order and cleanliness of the ship, the discipline and efficiency of the crew T , and the serviceable conditions of all navigation and deck applicances. 90. He must relieve the master or assist him on the bridge in thick weather when approaching land or at any time when the master may require his services. 91. He must station the officers and seamen and keep complete watch and station bills, which are to be posted the day previous to sailing in some conspicuous place in the ship where the w r hole ship's company can see them and perfect themselves in their several stations, and no alterations must be made in them without the master's knowl- edge and approval. 92. He shall have a printed book containing an inventory of all stores in his department and will not allow any expenditure without an order signed by himself. In addition, he will be supplied with an expenditure book, showing the amounts received at each port, together with the amounts remaining on hand. He must submit requisitions for each trip through the master to the transport quartermaster prior to arrival. 93. He must make no alteration in the ship or rigging without consulting the master, and whether at sea or in port he must examine or cause to be examined by the proper officer every part of the ship above and below deck every morning, and see that she is clear and in proper condition in all parts, and make his report to the master before 9.30 a. m. 94. He will have the ship ready for inspection at a designated hour, when everything will be in thorough good order. 95. He must see that the boats and rafts and their tackle are kept in perfect order, and their lockers kept constantly filled with signal lights, bread, and water, so that all may be ready day or night; and when the night watch is set he must see that a wheelman examines the ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 19 bridge and quarter life buoys and have the hose fixed, buckets in place, and the ship ready throughout for any emergency, and report these preparations to the master. Each lookout must call his station every half hour when the ship's bell strikes, adding the words, "All's well." 96. He must be particular in keeping the ship's log and write it up carefully each day, giving the officer of the deck positive instructions to make a note of everything that is of importance, so that the log may conform to the requirements of the regulations. 97. He must always, both during loading and discharging, have an officer or petty officer in the hold to see that the cargo is properly handled and to prevent stealing, and when the cargo is discharged he must have every compartment of the ship thoroughly examined to see that nothing is left on board. 98. He must not permit anyone on board without authority nor allow any friends of the crew or others to be on board without per- mission from the transport quartermaster. 99. Before arrival in port he must give a written list to the master for the information of the chief engineer of all defects or derange- ments of steam windlass, capstans, or steering gear; also steam heat and exhaust pipes and all other mechanical arrangements in his department. 100. When holds are empty he must examine, in company with the chief engineer or some one detailed by him, the steam jets for extin- guishing fire connected with the various departments, see that they and their connections are in proper working order, and report their condition in writing to the transport quartermaster. 101. The ordinary requisitions for repairs must contain no request for any alterations or new work to any part of the structure of the ship. All requests or suggestions for these alterations or additions must be submitted in a letter from the master to the transport quarter- master, who in turn will forward same to the general superintendent with his indorsement, with reasons therefor. Replacing necessary old articles (worn out) by new are repairs. 102. Second, third, and fourth officers. The second, third, and fourth officers will each have charge of a watch. They will be re- sponsible for the safety and proper navigation of the ship during their watch, for the accurate steering of the prescribed course, for the efficient service of the lookouts, and generally for the observance of all ship's regulations pertaining to deck duties during their tour. DECK OFFICER. 103. The station of the officer of the deck is on the bridge. He may visit other parts of the ship if his duties or necessity require it, but 20 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. on no account will he leave the bridge without another officer reliev- ing him. 104. From dark to daylight either a junior officer, wheelman, or boatswain must be constantly on the bridge with the senior officer. 105. The officer of the deck must diligently observe that the look- outs are vigilant and pay particular attention to the steering and the course the ship makes. He must examine the compasses frequently, compare them during his watch, and take all proper steps for ascer- taining their exact deviation. 106. He is not to alter the course without acquainting the master, unless it is to avoid some sudden danger. 107. He must notify the master when land or ice is discovered and when any unusual change in the weather or any unusual occurrence is observed. 108. He must have the hand and deep sea lines and leads at hand ready for immediate use. 109. He must see that the pumps are sounded at least once every watch and that the ship is pumped out whenever any compartment contains 2 inches more water than when the pumps usually suck. 110. He must keep a vigilant outlook and preserve order in the ship and never permit an order to be executed in a careless or slovenly manner. 111. He must be particular in keeping all his watch on deck, be the weather moderate or otherwise; must see that the ship and binnacle lights are kept trimmed and in good order ; that the time by the deck timepiece is regularly attended to by night as w^ell as by day ; and that the bells are properly struck every half hour, and that the log is hove arid the revolutions noted every half hour in channel and every two hours at sea. 112. He must take cross bearings frequently to verify his position. When the patent log is set it is to be noted when abreast of particular marks or headlands. 113. All data required for the careful navigation of the vessel must be noted in the log book. 114. The deck officer must sign his name to all transactions noted in the log at the termination of his watch, after the junior officer has filled up the same. 115. He must always, when at anchor in harbor, acquaint himself with the condition of the hawser, number of anchors down or ready to let go, scope of chain, and depth of water. 116. In thick weather or at night he will keep a hand ready with a line. 117. He is to deliver to the officer who may relieve him all orders that he may have received and which remain to be executed. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 21 118. No boats are to be allowed alongside without an order from the master or transport quartermaster. 119. In all cases when the ship seems to be approaching danger of any kind which can not be seen he is expressly commanded to stop the engines instantly, and, if necessary, to reverse them without waiting for the master's instructions. 120. The deck officer must never give up charge of the deck during his watch, except with the knowledge and consent of the master, when he may be temporarily relieved for his meals, etc., by the third or fourth officer; but he must on no account leave the bridge to go below without another officer relieving him, and the bridge must never be left in charge of a junior officer in thick weather. ENGINE DEPARTMENT. 121. The chief engineer is responsible for the care and good man- agement of all steam, propelling, pumping, hydraulic, refrigerating, electrical, auxiliary, and other apparatus on board, and all air, water, and steam pipes for sanitary, ventilating, and all heating, cooking, and other purposes. Heads of deck and steward's departments will promptly report any defects to the chief engineer, and will prepare lists of known derangements or new requirements, to be handed to him before arrival, which he will investigate, and if necessary in- clude in his list of repairs. He must use all the resources of his de- partment to keep all machinery in proper working order, and will make detailed report of its performance and condition and the repairs required through the master to the transport quartermaster, who in turn will forward same to the general superintendent with his in- dorsement. He will also supervise and keep himself fully acquainted with all repairs and alterations made in port. 122. At sea he is responsible to the master for the general super- vision and conduct of his department. 123. He will have control over all persons in his department and will see that strict discipline and efficiency are maintained at all times. 124. He will keep the watch, fire, and boat station bills in promi- nent and accessible places for the observation of the engine depart- ment crew, and see that they are familiar with their respective stations. 125. He will keep the engine-room log, according to the form pre- scribed by the superintending engineer, being careful in making all entries, and in recording the times when the various orders to the engines are received. 126. When under way, if from any cause he may find it necessary to stop the engines, he must at once acquaint the master or officer of 22 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. the deck with the cause, and the probable duration of the stoppage, and if practicable consult the master before stopping the engines. . 127. He is responsible for the pumping of the ship so far as is possible with the main and auxiliary pumps. 128. He will give close attention to the hold soundings, as reported to him by the carpenter, also to soundings taken in his own depart- ment, and keep these reports on file until the termination of the next succeeding voyage. 129. He will see that the engines are worked accurately to signals from the bridge or deck, and also keep accurate memorandum for entry in the engineer's log. Before making official entry of any memorandum of this kind he should confer with the deck officers as to the same occurrence or transaction. 130. He will also be careful to keep the time by which the engine department is worked in accord with that of the deck department. 131. At sea he must fill up and hand to the master the form of daily report prescribed by the general superintendent. He will also on each voyage make such tests of the quality and efficiency of each kind of coal used for steaming purposes, and collect such data as will enable him to prepare and submit to the transport quartermaster on Form No. 235 a report as to the efficiency of the coal. The blank forms for this report will be furnished by the general superintendent. 132. He is relieved of no part of his responsibility for the care and safety of the ship in port, and must at all times keep a sufficient number of men on board to work the steam pumps and hoists, accord- ing to the direction of the officer in charge of the deck or his repre- sentative. 133. Before arrival at port he will prepare a careful list of all repairs, alterations, or changes that he may deem necessary for the proper and efficient working of his department for the ensuing voyage, and make report of what was done during the current voyage through the master to the transport quartermaster, who in turn will forward them to the general superintendent with his recommendation. 134. He must have carefully prepared requisition and expenditure lists of fuel and stores used during the voyage and required for the subsequent voyage, and must make out a written report as to any article not up to the standard required by the service through the master to the transport quartermaster, who in turn will forward them to the general superintendent with his recommendation. 135. Before arrival in port he must see that the cargo-hoisting en- gines are prepared for use. After he has had notice that the main engines are no longer required he will see that fire, steam, and water in main boilers are properly and safely disposed of and his depart- ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 23 ment generally cleaned up and made ready for the inspection of the superintending engineer. A day or two before arrival in port he will see that all hands are turned out to clean down the engines and boilers as far as practicable. 136. He must be present during the opening and overhauling of engines and boilers and have a general supervision of all repairs and alterations made, and the general condition of everything in his de- partment. When the holds are empty, he must examine, in company with the chief officer, the steam jets for extinguishing fire connected with the various compartments and see that they and their connec- tions are in proper working order. 137. He will be responsible for any infringement of the laws of the country to which the ship is bound, by any of his crew, and is expected to make thorough search at proper time (or when directed to do so by the master) for contraband goods or stowaways. 138. He is responsible for the proper care and cleanliness of his crew's quarters, and is required to inspect the same each day at sea, and in port when they are occupied ; also for the men being clean and properly dressed when called to muster for service or boats. In port the quarters must be thoroughly cleaned and prepared to receive the crew shipped for the ensuing. voyage, locked up, and kept so until required for occupation. 139. He will see that the ship is at no time left without an engineer on board. The duty of keeping watch at night in ports in regular service, or when undergoing repairs, must be divided among the assistant engineers, according to the judgment of the chief engineer, provided always that the man left in charge is sufficiently well acquainted with all pipes and pumping facilities to work them promptly in case of emergency. He will make such arrangements for the meals of the engineers on night watch that the ship will at no- time be left without their presence. 140. In port he will see that the designation of the night-watch engineer is placed on a board to be hung at the ship's gangway, and that the private addresses of all engineers are given in and kept in some accessible place by the night watchman. He will see that suffi- cient steam pressure is at all times kept upon the auxiliary boiler and be prepared to work the pumps immediately upon notice. 141. ^ Twin-screw ships must at all times have two night-watch, engineers, who will relieve each other in keeping alternate walking watches. 142. The chief engineer will at all times keep in view economy and high efficiency in his department and never fail to impress the importance of these considerations on his staff. He will see that his, 24 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. staff are all familiar with the use of the indicator, and that diagrams are taken daily from each cylinder, and that the indicated power is compared with the fuel expenditure, so that these important matters may always be before the officers of his department. He will see that a sufficient number of diagrams, representing the average work at sea, are sent through the transport quartermaster to the general superintendent with the other papers and reports at the end of each voyage. DUTIES OF CHIEF STEWARD. 143. The chief steward has charge of the cabins, saloons, mess rooms, galleys, pantries, and other adjuncts of the steward's depart- ment, with their furniture, equipment, and articles necessary for efficient service. 144. He will enforce absolute cleanliness and good order through- out his department, giving special attention to the supplies, refriger- ators, and storeroom, and to the cabin, saloon, and galley furnishings. He will see that employees of the steward's department are clean and neat in appearance and attentive and polite in their duties, and that they wear the prescribed uniform. He will give as much time as practicable to the galleys and assure himself that nothing is wasted or misappropriated. He will inspect all portions of the transport in his charge at least once a day, giving special attention to the cleanliness and ventilation, and will supervise the preparation and serving of meals, and see that in quality and quantity the stores are good and satisfactory. He shall station a saloon watch, who will report to the officer of the deck every hour. He will keep books showing receipt and expenditures of subsistence stores, so that he will know at all times the kind and quantity of stores on hand. He will submit to the transport commissary requisitions for such sub- sistence stores as may be required. 145. He will report, in writing, to the transport quartermaster through the transport commissary any defects or deficiencies that he may discover in the working or mechanical appliances of his department. He will prepare the necessary requisitions for repairs in his department and for quartermaster's supplies and submit them through the master, transport commissary, and quartermaster to the general superintendent. 146. At the termination of a voyage he will have all the vacated staterooms thoroughly cleaned and put in order, and will report to the transport quartermaster any deficiencies in the articles belonging to the staterooms. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 25 MESSES. 147. The following messes shall be established, when practicable, on each ship of the transport service and on each hospital ship : 1. Saloon mess. 2. Ship's officers' mess. 3. Ship's petty officers' mess. 4. Sailors and firemen's mess. 5. Troop ,mess. 6. Hospital mess. 148. Saloon mess. The persons who may be subsisted in the saloon mess shall be the transport quartermaster, the transport commissary, the transport surgeon, female nurses assigned to the transport, all authorized persons traveling as first-class passengers, and the follow- ing ship's officers, viz : The master, the first officer, the chief engineer, the first assistant engineer, and the chief steward. 149. Ship's officers' mess. The persons subsisted in the ship's offi- cers' mess shall be the second, third, and fourth officers; the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth assistant engineers; the refrigerating engineers; the deck engineer; the electricians; the plumber; the clerks to the transport quartermaster and transport commissary; all authorized persons traveling as second-class passengers ; and the fol- lowing enlisted men, viz: Sergeant-major, regimental; sergeant- major, senior grade, Coast Artillery Corps; master electrician, Coast Artillery Corps; master signal electrician; engineer, Coast Artillery Corps; electrician-sergeant, first class, Coast Artillery Corps; ord- nance-sergeant; post commissary-sergeant; post quartermaster-ser- geant ; sergeant, first class, Hospital Corps ; first-class signal-sergeant ; electrician-sergeant, second class, Coast Artillery Corps ; master gun- ner, Coast Artillery Corps; quartermaster-sergeant and commissary- sergeant, regimental; chief musician; sergeant-major, squadron and battalion; sergeant-major, junior grade, Coast Artillery Corps; color- sergeant ; chief trumpeter ; principal musician ; battalion quarter- master-sergeant, Engineers and Field Artillery ; first sergeant ; drum major; and fireman, Coast Artillery Corps. The enlisted men above mentioned w r ill be assigned to dormitory quarters when such quarters are available. Enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps of grades correspond- ing to any of the above Army grades will also, when traveling on transports, upon request by competent naval authority, be assigned to the ship's officers' mess. A special mess is provided on some transports for enlisted men's wives, and other second-class passengers, in order to relieve the crowded condition of the regular ship's officers' mess, but the regula- 26 AKMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. tions applicable to the latter apply also to the former, being one and the same except in location. 150. Ship's petty officers' mess. The ship's petty officers' mess shall consist of the donkeymen, storekeepers, oilers, water tenders, boat- swains, carpenter, quartermasters, master-at-arms, boatswains' mates, carpenter's mates, assistant master-at-arms, assistant stewards, bakers, butchers, cooks, and pantrymen. Waiters will mess as directed by the chief steward, approved by the transport commissary. The food supplied will be of the same variety and kind as served in the ship's petty officers' mess and the cost charged to that mess. Passengers subsisted in any but the saloon mess are not allowed the privileges of the promenade deck without special permission. 151. Sailors and firemen's mess. The sailors and firemen's mess shall consist of the sailors, firemen, and coal passers connected with the' transport. 152. Troop mess. The troop mess shall consist of the troops travel- ing, the mess being under the supervision of the mess officer of the command aboard. Enlisted men traveling on detached service or on furlough, other than those mentioned in paragraph 149, and dis- charged enlisted men entitled by Army Regulations to subsistence on transports, will be assigned to the troop mess. All passengers with " troop " transportation will ordinarily be assigned to the troop mess, but the transport commissary may, in his discretion, assign any such passenger to the ship's petty officers' mess, provided the passenger elects to pay the increased charges for meals. 153. Hospital mess. A hospital mess will be established on hos- pital ships, and on transports when practicable for the transport surgeon to operate such a mess, in which shall be subsisted all persons sick in hospital. The ration of enlisted men and military convicts sick in hospital shall be commuted at the rate of 30 cents a day, to be paid to the transport surgeon by the transport commissary. Other persons sick in hospital will be furnished such subsistence as may be prescribed by the transport surgeon from the mess to which the person belongs and the cost thereof will be charged by the trans- port commissary to that mess. CHARACTER OF MEALS. 154. The Subsistence Department will provide suitable and proper meals for the various messes except the hospital mess. The transport surgeon is responsible for the hospital mess and will procure his sup- plies therefor as far as practicable from the transport commissary. 155. The subsistence superintendent will in general terms prescribe the bills of fare for the various vessels. 156. In accordance with the bills of fare prescribed, meals for the saloon mess, the ship's officers' mess, and the ship's petty officers' mess OF FO ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 27 will be prepared from the articles of food carried by the transport, with the restriction that the total cost of the food consumed in those messes shall not exceed $1, 75 cents, and 50 cents a day, respectively, for each person 5 years of age or over, subsisted therein. 157. Food for the sailors and firemen's mess will be prepared from the articles of subsistence stores aboard, the total cost of the food consumed not to exceed 30 cents per man per day. On inter-island or other transports having native Philippine crews, the Filipino ration will be issued. 158. Food for troops traveling on U. S. Army transports will be prepared from the articles of subsistence stores which compose the ration for troops in garrison varied by the substitution of other arti- cles of authorized subsistence stores, the total cost of the food con- sumed not to exceed 24 cents per man per day. All orders affecting the messing of troops will be given to the transport commissary by the commanding officer of the troops, direct or through the officer in charge of the mess. The first meal on board for troops will be served at the next regular hour after embarkation. 159. Stores not consumed in one mess will be utilized in some of the other messes aboard the transport. 160. No meals, luncheons, or refreshments will be served to passen- gers, ship's officers, or crews of transports in their staterooms or quar- ters, unless under written orders of the transport surgeon. These instructions will not apply to officers and crew on duty at night. 161. All complaints in regard to service or to sufficiency or quality of food will be made to the transport commissary and by him referred to the subsistence superintendent with report of action taken. 162. The officers and crews of seagoing tugs that are ordinarily at sea ten days or more during the month will be allowed one ration per day when necessary, the total cost of the same not to exceed 30 cents per man per day. Civilians employed on launches, harbor- -tugs, and lighters whose pay does not exceed $60 per month, if the circumstances of their service make it necessary and the terms of their engagement provide for it, may have issued to them one garrison or field ration per day> according to the exigencies of the case. The ration for the various vessels mentioned above will, when al- lowed, be issued in kind and shall not under any circumstances be com- muted. The subsistence superintendent will determine which vessels of these classes shall be provided with cooks and waiters. CHARGES FOR MEALS. 163. The ship's officers, the clerks to the transport quartermaster and transport commissary, nurses assigned to the transport, petty officers, sailors, firemen, and coal passers, employees of the steward's 28 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. department, and enlisted men are subsisted in their respective messes without charge. 164. Persons chargeable for subsistence will pay the transport commissary before the sailing of the transport at the following rates : Adults and children 12 years of age or over subsisting in the saloon mess, $1 per day ; in the ship's officers' mess, 75 cents per day ; in the ship's petty officers' mess, 50 cents per day; in the troop mess, 25 cents per day. Children between 5 and 12 years of age will be charged half rate, and children under 5 years of age will be sub- sisted free. Officers of the Army traveling on transports under competent orders which entitle them to reimbursement for their subsistence, will not be required to pay for the same, provided they furnish the transport commissary copies of their orders in duplicate. They will sign a receipt roll for the meals furnished them, which roll will, upon the conclusion of the voyage, be presented by the transport commis- sary to the subsistence superintendent or officer in charge of sub- sistence matters at the port, who will collect the amount of the roll from the Pay Department and account for the same. Officers unable to furnish copies of their orders will pay for their subsistence. Deductions will not be allowed for meals not taken during a voy- age, except that officers serving as transport quartermaster, transport commissary, or transport surgeon will not be subject to mess charges when in port if they elect to take their meals ashore. 165. When in port guests may be entertained aboard transport by permission of the transport commissary; but the person inviting them must pay the fixed charges for the same. Hospitality at the expense of the Government will not be permitted. 166. When commercial vessels are chartered for the transportation of troops or supplies the arrangements for the subsistence of the troops and any civilian employees who may travel on such vessels will be made by the Subsistence Department, and the rate charged to officers of the Army on board such vessel shall not exceed the rates charged in like cases on board regular Government transports. SUBSISTENCE DURING REPAIRS. 167. Whenever a vessel of the Army Transport Service is under- going repairs in port and it becomes necessary to close the steward's department thereon, no board money will be furnished the members of the crew by the Subsistence Department. In all such cases the Quartermaster's Department is authorized to retain in service, pend- ing repairs, only such members of the crew as the public interests and responsibilities of that department may require, and to tempo- rarily increase the monthly compensation of those retained in such ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 29 service to cover their expenses for subsistence ; which increase in pay for this service must not exceed $1 per clay for those entitled to meals in saloon mess, 75 cents to those entitled to meals in ship's officers' mess, and 50 cents per day for all others. When the transport is again put in commission and the steward's department resumes operations, the increase in pay provided for in this paragraph for the members of the crew retained by the Quarter- master's Department, pending repairs, will be discontinued and the Subsistence Department will thereafter provide the subsistence. 168. When a vessel of the Army Transport Service is in port undergoing repairs, and cooking facilities are not available, board money for such members of the steward's department as the public interests or terms of engagement require to be retained will be paid by the Subsistence Department at the rate of $1 per day for chief stewards, 75 cents per day to those who receive a salary of $60 or more per month, and 50 cents per day for those who receive less than that amount, in lieu of subsistence (meals), for such length of time as the subsistence superintendent of the Army Transport Service may consider necessary. 169. Noncommissioned staff officers and members of the hospital corps assigned to duty on a transport will be allowed commutation of rations at 75 cents per day while the vessel is undergoing repairs, if the steward's department is not in operation. SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES. 170. Seventy-five days' rations, except of perishable articles, will be carried on transports plying between the United States and the Philippine Islands, of the type necessary for the different messes. Of the perishable articles, such as fresh beef, fresh vegetables, and fresh fruit, enough only will be put aboard to last the maximum trip. If complete rations are being shipped on the transport, but thirty- five days' rations for the troops will be put aboard, and in case of emergency the supplies in transit will be utilized. 171. As an additional reserve for emergency use or issue as travel rations when necessary, there will be carried on each trans-Pacific transport the following: 5,000 pounds hard bread, 25-pound cans. 2,580 cans corned beef, 2-pound cans. 570 cans baked beans, No. 3 can. To insure good condition of these stores at all times, there will be issued on each voyage to each person subsisted in the troop mess one ration of each of these articles, or more if necessary to prevent de- terioration and loss. One can of hard bread will be carried in each of the ship's boats. This will be frequently examined and issued before it becomes deteriorated, and will be replaced by fresh hard bread. 30 AKMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 172. The transport commissary will submit all requisitions for sub- sistence funds and stores at the home port to the subsistence super- intendent, and at all other ports to the purchasing commissary on duty there. 173. Upon arrival at any over-sea port, the transport commissary will report to the chief commissary or other commissary on duty there and will transfer to him or to an officer designated by him any excess of subsistence funds on hand and any stores in good condition which may be aboard in excess or liable to deteriorate, and will make requi- sitions for such subsistence stores as will be required for the com- pletion of the voyage, and for the hire of such authorized employees of the steward's department as may be necessary. 174. Transport commissaries will not hire employees nor purchase subsistence stores in ports where no officer of the Subsistence Depart- ment is on duty, except in case of absolute emergencj^, and the neces- sity for such purchase will be immediately reported to the subsistence superintendent. 175. In addition to the supplies needed for consumption, authorized sales stores will be kept on hand for sale to those authorized to pur- chase from the Subsistence Department. Under the transport com- missary, the subsistence storekeeper will have exclusive charge of sub- sistence stores and of sales. When practicable, post commissary- sergeants will be detailed as subsistence storekeepers on transports. The subsistence storekeeper will keep books showing receipt, issues, and sales of subsistence stores in his charge. Price lists of subsistence stores for sale will be conspicuously posted on all transports. Any overcharges should be reported immediately to the transport commissary. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 176. The hospital is under the charge of the transport surgeon, w T ho is responsible for the proper care and use of the hospital equip- ment and property and for the discipline and instruction of the hospital attendants. The hospital will not be used for other purposes than for the accommodation of the sick, except in cases of emergency, and then not without the approval of the medical superintendent if the vessel is at a home port, or of the transport surgeon if at sea. 177. The personnel of the medical service on Army transports will be detailed from the medical service of the Army, by proper authority, on the recommendation of the medical superintendent. Nurses traveling under orders on transports will be assigned to duty thereon, and under the direction of the transport surgeon will assist in the care of sick officers and enlisted men. 178. Transport surgeons will carefully observe quarantine regula- tions at home and foreign ports ; and at infected ports will take care to ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 31 prevent the embarkation of infected persons and property. They will personally examine all persons coming on board at infected ports who are unprovided with health certificates by proper authority, and will recommend in writing to the transport quartermaster such action as may be necessary to avoid infection of the ship. 179. Transport surgeons will keep a record of the inspections re- quired by paragraphs 230 and 250 of these regulations, and during each voyage will note: 1. The quantity and quality of the water supply of the vessel. 2. The quantity, quality, and cooking of the rations. 3. The ventilation of all berth decks, including staterooms and the hospital, and quarters of the crew. '4. The adequacy and cleanliness of the bedding and clothing. 5. The sanitary condition of bathrooms, lavatories, closets, and storerooms. 6. The prevalence (or absence) of infectious diseases on board. 180. During the voyage the transport surgeon will make to the transport quartermaster such recommendations for the correction of defective sanitation on board as may be noted during inspections. On completion of the voyage he will submit a sanitary report (Form 41, Med. Dept.) of the vessel, with copies of special reports made dur- ing the voyage and the action of the transport quartermaster thereon. 181. The transport surgeon will make a physical examination of men applying for shipment with the crews of Army transports, report- ing to the transport quartermaster on their physical fitness for service. 182. Transport surgeons and medical officers on duty with troops on transports arriving at a home port will report promptly in person to the medical superintendent. They will report the names of all hospital corps men under their charge, with remarks on the conduct and efficiency of each man and his availability for further transport service; the amount and condition of medical supplies on hand; the articles expended, lost, or destroyed during the voyage, and submit an estimate of what will probably be required for the next round trip of the vessel. With the report showing the amount of medical property on hand a requisition will be submitted to the medical superintendent of the Transport Service for any additional articles that may be judged as necessary to last during the round trip of the vessel out and back to this port. A report will also be submitted showing the number of patients treated during the voyage, with results and the general character of the disease and injuries observed. This will be supplemented by such observations as the medical officers may have to make on the practical working of our transport medical service, the character of hospital accommodations, the facilities for storing and preserving hospital 32 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. supplies, the quantity and quality of the latter, treatment of the sick, sanitary defects observed, and improvements needed. Medical officers in charge of transports are enjoined to observe clue care and economy in the expenditure of medical supplies to avoid unnecessary waste. QUARANTINE. 183. Transport surgeons are reminded that if passengers and crew are properly vaccinated and an ample supply of vaccine taken on each transport there is no danger of an epidemic of smallpox on board. If a case should occur the patient will be placed in the isolation ward and objects exposed to infection will be disinfected. What has been said about smallpox applies as well to cholera or bubonic plague. Neither of these diseases should become epidemic on a Government transport if well-known precautions are taken as soon as a case develops. 184. All bills incident to detention in quarantine, such as for sub- sistence, medical attendance, fumigation, cremation, etc., whether for the transports or for officers, enlisted men, discharged soldiers, crew, or passengers traveling on or taken from United States trans- ports, will be audited and settled by the several superintendents to whose departments these charges naturally pertain. Transport quartermasters, commissaries, and surgeons will at once report to their respective superintendents the name, occupation, etc., of all parties removed from a United States transport by quarantine officers, giving the date of removal. 185. All correspondence in reference to securing permission for landing of troops at ports en route shall be made through the United States consuls at ports of call. FLAGS. 186. The Army transport flag should be hoisted only at the main truck. Whenever the President, the Secretary of War, or other cabi- net officer having a flag, shall be aboard, the Army transport flag should be hauled down and the President's or Secretary's flag dis- played at the main. The following sizes of flags and ensigns will be carried in each transport : Two sizes of the Army transport flag, one full size, 12-feet fly and 8-feet hoist, and one storm size, 6-feet fly and 4-feet hoist; two sizes of the jack, and three sizes of the ensign, one size the dress ensign, 18-feet fly, the full size 12-feet fly, and the storm size 6-feet fly. In addition, two sets of international code flags, boat ensigns in proportion to the number of boats carried, and set of flags of all nations, the number and nationality to be regulated by the duty in which the transport is engaged, will also be carried. The jack i& not hoisted at sea and when flown must be from a jackstaff or from halyards bent to the forestay. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 33 Ships should be dressed when lying in a port on a national holiday and when invited to do so by the senior officer of a foreign war vessel to participate in some occasion which requires the latter ship to be dressed. It is an act of courtesy to dress ship when on arrival in a foreign port it is found that other ships are dressed. When a ship is dressed in honor of a national holiday of a foreign nation the flag of that nation is hoisted at the fore. The method of dressing ship will follow as far as practicable the regulations of the United States Navy, the international signal flags to be used for that purpose, spread on each bulwark or on a line running fore and aft over the trucks. The use of flags of other nations is not permissible. Whenever a transport entering harbor or in harbor has on board the remains of commissioned officers or representatives of the United States diplomatic or consular service, who have died en route, the flag will be displayed at half-mast until the removal of the remains from the ship. All transports while in sight of a flag at half-mast on another trans- port or naval vessel or Government building on shore shall also carry their flag at half-mast. Whenever remains of officers, soldiers, employees, or others are being transported as a part of the cargo of the ship the flag will be half-masted only during the transfer of the bodies from the ship and for one hour thereafter. On Memorial Day the flag will be displayed at half-mast until mid- day, when it will be mastheaded. 187. The provisions of Army Regulations and of the Manual of Guard Duty in respect of honors, except salutes with cannon, will be carried out whenever a transport is visited by an officer or official whose rank or position entitles him to the honors in question, the guard being paraded near the gangway by which the officer arrives or departs. Proper precautions will be taken to insure the com- mander of the guard receiving timely notice of such visits. The commanding officer will receive the visiting officer at the gang- way on his arrival and accompany him there Avhen leaving. MOVEMENTS BY SEA. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 188. WTien stores are to be shipped, timely notice must be given the general superintendent as to the kind, quantity, weight, marks, and destination thereof by the officer desiring to make the shipment. He will then be notified by the general superintendent as to the place and time for delivering the stores. The authority for such shipments will be furnished by the Quartermaster-General. 3698108 3 34 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 189. The disposition of freights when received on the pier for shipment will be such as to simplify and facilitate their loading for one or more ports of destination, and the same principle will be fol- lowed in loading the freights into the transports in order to facilitate their discharge. 190. Bills of lading or invoices of stores, consigned to the general superintendent at the home ports for transport, will be entered by him in his books and charged to the transport quartermaster, who will make receipts for the shipments of stores actually placed on board the vessel and which shall appear on the ship's manifest. 191. Upon arrival at destination, the transport quartermaster, hav- ing entered the invoices in his books, will deliver the invoices with the stores to the army transport agent or other official authorized to receipt for them. This general method of procedure will govern in all cases of shipments made by the Army Transport Service. 192. At the port of destination the quartermaster or transport agent where there is no quartermaster on duty will make the neces- sary arrangements in advance of arrival of the transport for the docking or berthing the ship, and for lightering and unloading any stores or property consigned to his post, and for delivering on board any stores to be loaded on the ship, and render such assistance to the transport quartermaster as will facilitate the departure of the ship from this port. 193. As soon as practicable after the promulgation of orders requir- ing the transportation o.f a body of troops, the commanding officer thereof will furnish to the War Department a statement setting forth the number of officers and enlisted men belonging to the command to be transported, and showing, in time of peace, the number of wives, children, other members of families, and servants; also an accurate estimate of the weight of property and baggage to be shipped. This information will be telegraphed by the Quartermaster-General to the general superintendent of the Transport Service, who will furnish a copy of same to the subsistence superintendent. Any changes in this statement should be communicated by telegraph to the War Department. 194. Troops ordered for service beyond the sea will be inspected prior to departure from station by a medical officer who will submit recommendations for discharge, transfer, or other disposition of all enlisted men found unfit for such service or who, having infectious or contagious diseases, should not, in the opinion of the medical officer, be taken on transports. All troops ordered for service beyond the sea will be vaccinated, if not already protected against smallpox, and will be provided with certificates showing that they are protected against that disease. These certificates and a report containing the names, grades, and organizations of all enlisted men having infectious or contagious ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 35 diseases who can be transported with safet} r to the command will be forwarded to the transport quartermaster for the information and guidance of the transport surgeon. 195. Ordinarily the troops to form an expedition will be assembled in temporary camps near the port of embarkation several days before the probable date of sailing. When the enemy has no fleet, and sin- gle transports may therefore carry reinforcements without escort, ar- rangements may be made to march the troops from the cars direct to the transport. This method of embarking troops will be employed for changes of station in time of peace whenever practicable. PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS. 196. The company property and rations, all articles not indispen- sable in camp, and all baggage which can not be taken to staterooms of officers or the quarters of the men will be loaded on the vessel as soon as may be convenient with due regard to accessibility and the order in which the property will be required by the troops on landing. The ammunition will be loaded first and put into the magazine, which will be locked, the key to be kept by the transport quarter- master. The property and baggage of each company will be stored sepa- rately, as far as possible, and not mixed with other stores. 197. All articles of an explosive or highly combustible nature are to be excluded, and no one is allowed to have inflammable oils or explosives in his possession. 198. The baggage of troops will be securely packed beforehand, so as to take up the least amount of space. 199. Every article of baggage or property and every package that is put on board must be plainly marked or labeled. If large, to be labeled on each end and on top, the label to give the name of the owner and a general idea as to the contents. 200. The commanding officer of troops will communicate with the general superintendent and with the transport quartermaster concern- ing arrangements for loading and embarkation. He will cause a reconnaissance to be made of the roads and streets leading from the camp to the wharf or pier in order that the command may effect the march without confusion or delay and without incon- venience to other traffic. He will make a survey of the ship in person and supervise the as- signment of the enlisted men of his command. The assignment com- pleted, the transport quartermaster will furnish the commanding officer with a number of typewritten copies of the assignments, each copy giving the organizations assigned to each compartment, the lat- ter designated by numbers, as u Upper, No. 1," etc. 36 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. At the same time a staff officer of the command will consult with the transport quartermaster and draw up a memorandum of the num- ber of sentinels and their posts on board required during the em- barkation. EMBARKATION. 201. On the day set for sailing all camp equipage and baggage still in possession of the troops and required to be stowed 011 the transport, including light trunks of officers and valises of the men, will be con- veyed to the wharf accompanied by details of men to load this prop- erty and to guard it pending the arrival of the command. The cook- ing utensils will be cleaned and neatly packed; clothing or similar articles, tightly packed in lockers, and tent age securely tied in bales, with the poles in crates or bundles. 202. The command will be marched to the pier at convenient inter- vals, in such formations as the commanding officer of troops may direct. The first transport guard under command of its officer will march with the first battalion. Upon arrival at the pier the guard will be marched on board and will immediately be posted and in- structed under the direction of the new officer of the day, assisted by the transport quartermaster. 203. With a view to preventing unauthorized persons boarding U. S. Army transports in the uniform of enlisted men of the Army, the commander of the troops to embark will have ranks formed on the wharf immediately before embarkation, and a careful roll call and inspection made to see that only men who are to embark are present, and will use due diligence to see that no others go on board with the troops. After the transport is in the stream and before an- chor is weighed to commence the voyage, if there is reason to suspect that stowaways or other unauthorized persons are aboard, the trans- port will be thoroughly searched by the ship's officers under the direction of the transport quartermaster. The commanding officer will form the troops in ranks or otherwise dispose of them so as to facilitate a thorough search of every part of the ship. 204. The assignment having been previously explained to company commanders, as per list furnished by the transport quartermaster, the command will then be marched on board by company in a quiet and orderly manner, and each company will be conducted to its quarters by a staff officer of the command. The rifles will be placed in the designated racks and the packs and equipments stowed in the proper places. In order to prevent confusion and to keep the gangways clear, it is necessary that all men not on duty be held in their as- signed quarters until the whole command is loaded. 205. The men will be informed of the location of the water supply, latrines, wash rooms, etc., and be instructed in their use, sanitation, and preservation. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 37 206. Departure from camp should be so timed that the whole com- mand will be on board for the first meal which is served at the next regular meal hour after embarkation. 207. The assignment of officers to staterooms, according to rank, is made by the transport quartermaster, who will take cognizance of reservations made by higher authority. 208. Officers are allowed to have only steamer trunks and hand bag- gage in their cabins. No baggage of any description shall be allowed on the upper decks, in the saloon, or in the smoking room. 209. Commanding officers of troops will see that only authorized baggage and persons of their command are taken on board. 210. After the command has embarked neither officers nor enlisted men of the command are permitted to leave the ship without authority from the commanding officer of troops. 211. Before sailing, the commanding officer of troops will send a return of the command to The Adjutant-General and to the com- mander of the department in which the port is located. He will also make a special return to the same authorities of all casuals and un- attached officers and enlisted men who are passengers on the ship. DUTIES ON BOARD. GENERAL REGULATIONS. 212. Each transport will be provided with a bulletin board 2| by 3 feet, with hinged glass cover, properly framed to lock. It will be hung in a conspicuous place, and all orders and announcements which are to be copied will be posted thereon. 213. Suitable extracts from the transport regulations, properly printed and framed under glass, will be displayed at conspicuous places on board by the transport quartermaster. These will contain the rules governing smoking, noises, fire, etc. 214. All officers and noncommissioned officers are required to give careful attention to the police and cleanliness of the parts of the ship occupied by their men, and to enforce the regulations relating to the conduct of enlisted men on board. 215. Defacing paint or woodwork, throwing sweepings or food out of ports, interfering with ports or electric lights, spitting on floors, leaving packages or bundles about the deck, crowding about the ports or hanging clothes in them is prohibited. 216. A noncommissioned officer will be in charge of and at all times present and alert in the quarters of each company. 217. Loud talking, gambling, profane or obscene language, and all unnecessary noise and confusion are strictly prohibited. 218. No one shall go on the bridge except the commanding officer of the troops, the transport quartermaster, and the authorized ship's 38 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. officers and employees, and these only when their duties require their presence there. 219. All persons will refrain from talking with the watch officer on duty. 220. Smoking will be allowed on the upper decks only and in the smoking room officers will not smoke in the saloon nor in their state- rooms. 221. No intoxicating liquors, wine, or beer will be allowed to be taken on board the transport, except in charge of the transport sur- geon for medicinal purposes. 222. Wet clothes will never be hung about the berth decks, but will be taken on deck and hung on lines provided for that purpose. 223. Officers and enlisted men will refrain from making com- plaints direct to officers of the ship or members of the crew, and will not enter into controversy with them concerning deficiencies of serv- ice, equipment, or supplies. When there is reasonable ground for dissatisfaction proper representation will be made by officers to the police officer, the mess officer, or the officer of the day, as circum- stances may require ; in important cases they will address themselves to the commanding officer of troops. All requests upon the deck or engine departments will be made to the transport quartermaster. 224. When recruits or convalescents are on board they will be divided into temporary companies and put under noncommissioned officers, or privates detailed as noncommissioned officers, who will enforce these regulations. COMMANDING OFFICER. 225. In all cases when practicable an embarkation order will be issued by proper authority designating the commanding officer of troops for the voyage; in the absence of such order the senior line officer authorized to sail on the transport will assume command of the troops embarked, and will be directly responsible for the disci- pline of his command. All requests regarding the management of the ship, or complaint in reference thereto, shall be submitted by the commanding officer of troops to the transport quartermaster, who will be responsible for the proper conduct of the transport and the care and disposition of the passengers and freight on board until delivery at destination. The commanding officer of troops will ascertain the names of the men under his command skilled in lowering, clearing from the ship, and handling the boats. He will have all such men report to the master for assignment to such boats as he may consider necessary. 225 J. Upon the arrival of an Army transport in a foreign port, the commanding officer of the troops on board will immediately report, in person or through a proper representative, to the American ambassa- ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 39 dor at the port the character and number of troops on board, the probable length of stay, and any other information that may, in par- ticular cases, be desirable. In the event that there is no American embassy at the port the report will be made to the American consul thereat. 226. It is most important that the commanding officer of troops work in harmony with the transport quartermaster and commissary and with the master of the ship. These officers must on all occasions use their best endeavors in co- operating with each other in the execution of the duties respectively intrusted to them, in order that by their united exertions the service on which the ship is employed may be performed in the most efficient and satisfactory manner possible. 227. They must by every means in their power cause a good under- standing to be cultivated between the crew of the transport and the troops and other persons embarked, setting an example by civility and by showing every attention to the health and convenience of all on board. 228. The quartermaster of the ship will receive the support of the commanding officer of troops in all necessary and lawful measures. Interference with the duties and prerogatives of the transport quar- termaster and of the master and with their control of the ship are to be scrupulously avoided, except in grave military emergencies in- volving the health, discipline, or safety of the command. 229. The routine on board and the uniform to be worn by officers and men of the command when on deck will be prescribed by the commanding officer of troops. 230. The commanding officer of troops, accompanied by the trans- port quartermaster, the transport commissary, the officer of the day, the police officer, the transport surgeon, and the senior surgeon on duty with the troops, will inspect the berth and mess decks, latrines, bathrooms, hospital, cooking galleys, etc., each morning at 10 o'clock. All officers making inspections on board ship will carefully observe any damage to or loss or destruction of any of the ship's fittings or property which may have been caused by individuals and make im- mediate report thereof in writing to the commanding officer, who will thereupon take action, as prescribed in Army Regulations, for fixing the responsibility and securing restitution to the Government for such damage, loss, or destruction as has been due to carelessness, willfulness, or neglect. Copies of each report and action thereon will be furnished the transport quartermaster. Orders will be issued requiring all staterooms to be vacated daily for cleaning and inspection at a fixed hour. 231. Prior to disembarkation a return will be furnished to the transport quartermaster showing the number of persons of all ranks carried to destination. 40 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 232. During the closing days of the voyage the commanding officer of the troops will prepare a report relating to the accommodation, food, and health of the troops, and giving any information which may enable the War Department to detect and correct abuses and punish neglect. This report will be handed to the officer of the In- spector General's Department detailed to inspect the transport, or to the officer in charge of water transportation, as the case may be, to be forwarded by him to The Adjutant-General of the Army, through military channels, with his report of the inspection. In the event that it is impracticable for the commanding officer to deliver the report in person, he will seal it and turn it over to the transport quartermaster, who will hand it to the inspecting officer upon his arrival. POLICE OFFICER. 233. Immediately after completion of embarkation a suitable officer will be detailed as police officer. He will have general charge of the police of all parts of the ship occupied and used by the troops, espe- cially the parts used in common, such as baths, wash rooms, and latrines. He will see that the troop decks are swept clean each morn- ing, and the mess decks after each meal, and will accompany the commanding officer of troops in his inspections. 234. A noncommissioned officer will be detailed on special duty as police sergeant, and will be the assistant of the police officer. He will have immediate charge of the general police, and particularly of all the closets, wash and bath rooms, and of the cuspidors therein and on the upper decks. 235. A noncommissioned officer will be detailed on special duty in charge of each separate wash room, bathroom, or set of closets, under the orders of the police officer. Such number of privates as may be necessary w411 be detailed to report to the police officer for special duty in connection with the police of the ship. 236. In minor matters concerning the police of quarters, the police officer will deal directly with the commanders of organizations. The latter will report to the police officer any minor deficiencies in water supply, ventilation, toilet facilities, etc. If not able to rectify them himself, the police officer will apply to the transport quartermaster. MESS OFFICER. 237. Before embarkation a suitable officer will be detailed to have charge of the enlisted men at mess. A noncommissioned officer will be detailed on special duty under his immediate orders. Such assist- ants to cooks and bakers and such number of waiters as may be called for by the transport commissary will be detailed by the commanding officer of troops. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 41 238. All orders affecting the mess of the men will be prepared after consultation with the mess officer ; copies thereof will be furnished to the transport commissary. 239. The mess officer will draw up a scheme for the service of messes in accordance with the facilities of the ship, fixing the time of arrival and departure of each organization, prescribing the doors of entry and exit of the mess room, and arranging all details necessary to prevent crowding and confusion. After approval by the com- manding officer this plan will be published in orders. 240. The mess officer will see that the meals are served as prescribed, that the utensils are cleaned and put away, and that the mess deck is properly policed. 241. No food of any sort will be taken into the sleeping quarters of the men. 242. The mess officer will be responsible for all articles of table furniture used by the troops. He will give a memorandum receipt therefor on taking charge, and will turn the articles over to the trans- port quartermaster on departure. ROUTINE ON BOARD. * 243. The following list of calls, amended as circumstances may re- quire, will be published. by the commanding officer: Reveille ^ G.OOa. m. Breakfast 6.30 a. m Sick 7.15 a. m. Guard mounting 8.00 a. m. Inspection 10.00 a. m. Dinner 12.00m. Sick 4.00 p. m. Inspection Thirty minutes before sunset. Supper 5.00 p. in. Retreat . Sunset. Call to quarters 8.45 p. m. Taps 9.00p.m. 244. At reveille roll call the men will stand at " attention " at or near their bunks. Immediately after reveille the bedding, except that which is to go on deck for airing, will be neatly folded and placed at the head of the bed. 245. When practicable, the berth decks of the men are to be cleared of all persons except those detailed to clean them, daily, from 8 a. m. until morning inspection is completed. 246. Advantage will be taken of each fair day to air the bedding of the men on lines provided for that purpose, according to a sched- ule prepared by the police officer and approved by the commanding officer. 42 AEMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 247. Every man not on duty should be vigorously exercised or drilled at least twenty minutes daily. The commanding officer of troops will arrange the schedule in accordance with the space avail- able. 248. Bathing, according to facilities, will be enforced. The police officer will draw up an assignment of hours for the organizations of the command. Company commanders will prepare lists and cause the names of men to be checked off as they bathe. 249. Swimming will be allowed, under the direction of the guard, in harbor where there is no danger. Thirty men only are allowed to swim at one time, and for but fifteen minutes. A boat will always be lowered and in attendance when men are swimming, and they will not be allowed by the guard to swim more than 150 feet from the ship's side. 250. Inspection without arms will be held by company, daily, at 10 a. m. and thirty minutes before sunset. Inspection under arms will be held when ordered by the command- ing officer. Inspection in underwear should be held once a week, weather per- mitting. The surgeon shall attend these inspections and make a gen- eral examination as to the condition of the men to ascertain whether they exhibit any signs of disease. 251. Saloon and cabin lights will be put out at 11 p. m., unless special permission is obtained from the transport quartermaster to the contrary, which fact will be reported to the officer of the day. 252. In fair weather when a band is aboard the commanding officer of troops will order one or more band concerts daily for the entertain- ment of the troops. The music must not interfere with the handling of the ship in going into or leaving harbor. The repertory of the band should include the national airs of the principal nations in order that the commanding officer may be able to respond to courtesies from foreign vessels and other sources. GUARD. 253. The detail for guard will consist of an officer of the day, an officer of the guard (two when there is a regiment on board), and of the necessary noncommissioned officers, trumpeters, and privates. 254. Guard duty on board ship will be performed in accordance with the principles laid down in the Manual of Guard Duty, with such additions to and modifications of the special orders as may be necessary. A separate place will be assigned for the guard ; other enlisted men will not be allowed to trespass thereon. 255. The guard will be used to preserve order, to protect property, to deny access to certain portions of the ship, to prevent the illegal ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 43 selling of or other unauthorized disposition of food or subsistence stores by employees of the steward's department in the various gal- leys and messes and the bakery, and in general to assist in enforcing these regulations and the prescribed routine of duty. 256. The guard will see that lights are put out at the proper time and that no unauthorized lights are allowed. OFFICER OF THE DAY. 257. The officer of the day is responsible for the preservation of good order, and will enforce compliance with these regulations on the part of the troops. With this object in view he will cause sentinels to be posted at places where disorder, confusion, disregard of regulations, or neglect of property are likely to occur; for example, on the decks, over the water supply, in the wash room, in the mess room, over the baggage when necessary, and at ports, gangways, and ladders when in harbor. 258. The officer of the day will see that the sentinels are properly posted and instructed ; that the calls are sounded at the proper time ; that the troops wear the prescribed uniform ; that there is no disorder at the serving of the meals or the airing of the bedding; that the troops keep out of the engine room and other forbidden parts of the ship ; that the lights are extinguished at the prescribed time and that no unauthorized lights are allowed. He will inspect between decks after taps and at other times when necessary. He will be particularly on his guard against the introduc- tion of intoxicating liquor by men returning from pass, and will require careful inspection of such men and of all packages coming on board. All liquor in possession of the men will be seized, and thorough search for it will be made when its presence is suspected. OFFICER OF THE GUARD. 259. The senior officer of the guard is the commander of the guard and the assistant of the officer of the day in the performance of the duties required of him. He has the immediate responsibility for the posting and instruction of sentinels. He will make frequent inspection, both by day and by night, and will exact the strictest performance of the duties required of them. 260. The colors will be hoisted at guard mounting and lowered at retreat, under the direction of the guard, which will be formed at the time, the band in both cases playing " The Star-Spangled Ban- ner," or, if there be no band on board, the field music sounding " to the color." All persons on deck will face the colors and stand at " attention," and officers and enlisted men, if not in ranks, will render the prescribed salute at the last note of the music. 44 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. SENTINELS. 261. The special orders for sentinels will be prescribed by the officer of the day, under instructions from the commanding officer. A written copy of the special orders for all the posts should be kept with the guard. 262. Sentinels must be on the alert and observe everything going on in their vicinity. In compliance with their orders they will pre- vent blocking up of ladders and gangways, spitting on the deck or over the side, throwing of slops or dirt or stumps of cigars or cigar- ettes onto the deck or over the side, interference with any of the machinery or the lights, troops from going aloft or to forbidden parts of the ship, sitting on the ship's rail or about the rigging; smoking, except on the upper decks; noise or irregularity in the latrines or wash rooms; waste of water; the throwing of any im- proper substance or articles into the closets or urinals, and all loud talking, profane or obscene language, gambling, or unnecessary con- fusion. 263. Talking, noise, or congregating of men on the upper deck must not interfere with movement of the ship, or handling of the anchors, winches, or other machinery. 264. Sentinels on duty at entry ports or gangways will prevent soldiers from leaving the ship without authority ; other persons than soldiers or members of the crew from coming on board ; lounging of persons about ports or ladders ; throwing of articles from ports. 265. Sentinels will not interfere with the ship's officers or crew in the discharge of their duties. They will arrest soldiers failing to obey their orders or behaving with disrespect toward them while on duty. They will seize any liquor found and arrest any intoxicated persons. 266. Should a sentinel discover a fire on or near his post, he is not to cry " fire," but to report it immediately and quietly to the ship's officer on the bridge, who will at once notify the master ; the sentinel will then notify the officer of the guard, for which purposes he may quit his post temporarily. On the alarm of " fire " or a " man overboard " sentinels will cry in a loud and clear voice, " attention," and will cause all soldiers to remain at " attention " in their places to receive any order that may be issued. 267. Prisoners. Prisoners may be used for police purposes, under charge of a sentinel and under direction of the police officer. The prisoners are to be brought up for air and for exercise at such time as prescribed by the officer of the day. They will not be allowed to have tobacco or matches in the prison cells. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 45 FIRE. 268. It must be impressed on all on board that on the occurrence of -fire the most important and essential thing is silence and order; a quiet waiting for orders and a prompt and orderly execution of them. 269. As soon as possible after embarking stations will be designated where each company is to form on the alarm of fire. The commanding officer will make, in consultation with the trans- port quartermaster, any details for assisting with the pumps or hosa that may be necessary. These will be selected men, who will be instructed in their duties and the use of hose and appliances, and practiced in taking their posts once each day and once each evening, under direction of the police officer. They will not be detailed for guard. On the alarm of fire they will take their posts at once, without waiting for orders. 270. Any person discovering fire will make it known quietly and immediately to the officer of the guard, who will cause the trumpeter of the guard to sound the " attention," followed by the fire call. 271. In case of fire, the commanding officer of troops will be noti- fied at once, and will go on deck to preserve order and to render as- sistance to the transport quartermaster and the master in any measures that may be necessary. 272. The staff and noncommissioned staff will report at once to the commanding officer to assist him at such place as shall have been pre- viously designated by him. 273. In the absence of the commanding officer of troops the officer of the day is charged with giving the necessary orders; all officers will be careful not to give conflicting instructions. 274. Company commanders will form their companies and remain with them, enforcing order and silence and awaiting instructions. The guard will form on deck ; extra sentinels will be posted where needed, to preserve order. The medical officer and hospital men will repair to the hospital and prepare to remove the sick, if necessary. 275. The transport quartermaster will see that all staterooms are emptied, and that all passengers, including the women and children, are collected in the main saloon and will remain there with them, un- less urgent duties require his presence elsewhere, in which case the senior officer present will assume charge. 276. In case of collision, man overboard, or other form of danger, the regulations prescribed for fire will be observed as far as ap- plicable, all preserving silence, and all commands forming quietly at once in their designated places. 277. The recall will be sounded only by order of the commanding officer of troops, in the case of fire or collision, when the danger is past ; of " man overboard," when the lifeboat shall have been hoisted up. 46 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. DISEMBARKATION. 278. On nearing port preliminary arrangements will be made with a view to facilitating prompt discharge of the baggage. A guard, commanded by an officer, will be formed just prior to arrival of the ship at the wharf. This guard will be the first to disembark and will furnish sentinels to guard the baggage and keep the wharf clear. 279. Staff officers, with the instructions of higher authority, and orderlies to act as guides, should meet the command at the wharf. 280. The troops will leave the ship by company, the order of departure being the inverse of the order of embarkation, and will form on the wharf under their officers. Each battalion will make the details required of it, and will then be marched to its camp. The regimental noncommissioned staff and band will march with one of the battalions. 281. The following details will be required : One group to report to the police office to clean up the parts of the ship vacated by the troops. One group to report to the quartermaster of the troops to unload light baggage of officers and men and the camp equipage. One group to report to the quartermaster of the troops to unload ammunition and property. Each group of details will be assembled on the wharf, stack arms, unsling packs, and place a guard over them; they will then be marched back to the ship and assigned to work by their officers. 282. The regimental and battalion quartermasters and the regi- mental and company quartermaster-sergeants in conjunction with the ship's officers will have charge of the unloading and sorting of the baggage, ammunition, and property, and of its transfer to camp ; each wagonload should have two men as guard. 283. No men, except the authorized details, will be allowed to re- turn to the ship. The guard on board will be kept until the baggage and property are discharged and the police of the mess and berth decks is com- pleted, and will be the last to leave the ship. 284. When the transport is unable to come alongside the wharf the troops will be landed in small boats, towed by launches, or by means of tugs or lighters. The same general method of procedure will be followed as at a wharf, the details previously arranged and an advance guard being first landed, followed by the men with their arms and equipments; though in this case men who are detailed for fatigue duty on board will not leave the ship with their companies. Great care must be taken to avoid overcrowding the small boats, and the men will be cautioned to remain seated and quiet. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 47 When there is no wharf, each ship's boat will be manned by men of the crew to row and beach the boat after it is released by the launch. TRANSPORTATION OF ANIMALS AT SEA. 285. For the transportation of animals at sea the transport service should be equipped with large steamers provided with bilge keels. The interior fittings should be of the most substantial character, the construction and arrangement of the stalls being in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Quartermaster-General. 286. Before loading animals the quartermaster in charge should satisfy himself that ample forage and water is provided for the voy- age ; that the provisions for electric lighting and for ventilation are satisfactory ; that there is a sufficient number of attendants ; that ade- quate veterinary supplies, disinfectants, and appliances for feeding, watering, grooming, and policing are on board, and that the ship is clean and sanitary. 287. All animals suffering from infectious or contagious disease and those which are weak or very old should be separated as unfit for embarkation. 288. For short voyages and immediate service upon landing the animals may be shod ; but when the voyage is to occupy a month or more the shoes should be removed, as the growth of the hoofs would necessitate reshoeing anyway immediately after landing. 289. It is not desirable that animals be embarked in high condi- tion ; their forage should be reduced, and the day before embarkation they should be fed bran mash. They should not be watered or fed for several hours before embar- kation. EMBARKATION. 290. With the transport at the wharf the animals are led on board on ramps, or they are hoisted by means of slings or flying stalls. The ramps, decks, etc., should be covered with sawdust or litter; the ramps should have closed sides 5 feet high. 291. The animals should be led in quietly, without interruption, starting with a gentle animal. Those that refuse the ramp should be led aside and later may be blindfolded, and, if necessary, be assisted by a rope passed in rear of the haunches. On reaching the stable deck the animals will at once be led to the farthest vacant stalls, where a feed of hay should be ready for them. 292. When animals are slung, all the apparatus will be carefully inspected beforehand, and great care will be taken to prevent injury in hoisting or lowering. Two guys will be fastened to the halter ring, one to be held on the wharf and the other on board. 48 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. When all is ready and the word " hoist away " is given, the animals should be hoisted steadily and rapidly to the required height and then carefully swung and lowered. Two or more men should be stationed at the hatchway and between decks to guide the animals when being lowered and to receive them and prevent their plunging. 293. When the transport can not come alongside a wharf the ani- mals must be conveyed to it in lighters or flatboats and hoisted or led on board. To reach the lighter from shore, gangways or tem- porary platforms may be used. CARE OF ANIMALS ON BOARD. 294. Personnel. For the whole cargo of animals there should be 1 senior noncommissioned officer, 3 cooks, 1 forage master, 1 veteri- narian and 1 assistant, and for each 100 animals there should be 1 noncommissioned officer and 15 privates. After making details for guard, kitchen police and mess attendants, and the usual allowance for sickness, every private will be required to care for about 10 ani- mals. When the personnel consists of civilian employees, a train master and wagon masters take the places of noncommissioned offi- cers and teamsters take the place of privates indicated in this para- graph. 295. Assignment. The ship will be divided into sections, to each of which a noncommissioned officer with a squad will be assigned. The stalls should be numbered and the limits of the sections accurately defined so that each noncommissioned officer may know exactly for what animals and space he is responsible. The noncommissioned officer in charge of a squad makes his own details, calls the roll, keeps a forage record, and notes on the bulletin board the names of men on guard and the number of horses sick. The senior noncommissioned officer exercises a general supervision, keeps the forage accounts, makes out the morning report, and is re- sponsible for cleanliness and good order. 296. Feeding. For the first day or two at sea the full ration of hay should be fed, but no grain. After that half a ration of oats should be given daily and bran mashes about twice a week. Extra hay may be fed and a larger allowance of grain given to animals needing it. Salt may be fed in the bran mash or otherwise. 297. Watering. A supply of pure drinking water of not less than 10 gallons per day for each animal must be provided. Animals will be watered three times a day before being fed in the morning, at noon, and before afternoon stables. Watering will be from buckets or zinc tubs filled through a hose provided with a stopcock at the end, thus avoiding Avaste. 298. Grooming and stable police. The animals should be thor- oughly groomed at afternoon stables, particular attention being given to hand rubbing the legs and sponging out the eyes, nostrils and dock. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 49 299. After breakfast each day the ship will be thoroughly policed. Stable orderlies at the rate of one for each 50 animals will be con- stantly on duty with the animals, and all manure will be at once removed and not allowed to accumulate. With the aid of a hose the decks will then be scrubbed and washed down. Vinegar will be ap- plied once a day to the feed troughs with a brush, and disinfectants sprinkled about the stalls and in the passageways. 300. Sick animals. A few large stalls near hatchways should be reserved for sick animals. As forage is fed, x)ther space will become available for ailing animals. The veterinary surgeon and his assist- ant will take charge of the treatment. In fairly smooth weather it will be better to supply sufficient litter for the animal to lie down than to trice him up in a sling. 301. Inspection. When the morning's work is completed the ship should be thoroughly inspected. The stalls and passageways must be clean and the scuppers clear. The commanders of squads must be held to strict responsibility for the condition of the animals and space assigned to them. The veterinary surgeon will inspect at least once a day and keep a sharp lookout for signs of infectious or contagious diseases. He will make recommendations concerning necessary sanitary measures to the officer in charge. 302. Mess. The detachment may be fed by the ship's cook, or it may do its own cooking in the galley provided for that purpose. In either case the mess should be carefully looked after to see that the galley and surroundings are kept clean, and that a sufficient quantity and variety of food is properly cooked and served. 303. Miscellaneous. Each stall will have cleats nailed to the floor and continued into the passageway in front. Two halter chains will be provided, one fastened to each front stanchion with end and center straps, so that they can be used either long or short, as desired. The animals will at all times be fastened in the stalls by chain from each stanchion, the short attachment being used in fair weather, the long in rough weather or when feeding from deck, the object being in rough weather to allow the animals to step forward and get room to swing with the vessel and not be thrown. DISEMBARKATION. 304. With the transport alongside a wharf the animals may be led up on ramps and down a gangway, or hoisted and lowered by means of slings or the flying stall, the latter being preferred. A bed of sawdust, soft earth, or straw should be prepared to pre- vent injury to the knees of animals, which may fall upon landing. 3698108 4 50 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. Animals will be received by men on shore, and when a sufficient num- ber has landed they will be led to the stables, picket lines, or corrals provided. 305. When it is necessary to lower horses into lighters the greatest care must be taken, especially if there is a swell, to prevent injury. The horse should be received by several careful men on a bed of straw, and the tackle must be slacked down rapidly or let go alto- gether as soon as he strikes the boat in order that he may gain his footing. In smooth water it is best to construct a ramp from the ship to the lighter. This will facilitate unloading and save risk of injury. 306. Animals may be landed by swimming, being lowered into the water by means of a sling or the flying stall, or they may be led to a port and forced into the water. The latter method, when practicable, is safer and quicker. A gang plank constructed of boards 16 feet long, the crosspieces being nailed on the under side, is poised on the edge of the port. The animal is led to the port, a light rope is tossed up from a boat below and passed through the halter ring; the animal is then forced into the water by lifting up the interior end of the plank. When he begins to swim he is pulled up close to the boat, care being taken not to hold his head too high for swimming. At the beach the rope is given to a man who wades out from shore and takes charge of the animal. 307. Animals landed after a long voyage should not be used for several days. By means of ample rest, gentle exercise, good groom- ing and feeding, they should be recuperated before requiring work of them, being in the meantime reshod if necessary. RULES FOR NAVAL CONVOY OF MILITARY EXPEDITIONS. 308. All matters relating to the purchase, charter, fitting out, equip- ping, and maintenance of transports, engaging their officers and crews and providing rules for their government, their interior dis- cipline and administration, shall be controlled by the Army. 309. If practicable, all transports carrying troops or animals shall be supplied with distilling apparatus adequate for the supply of water required. As a reserve in case of emergency, a distilling ship, furnished by the Navy, shall, if practicable, accompany each convoy. 310. All matters relating to the loading of the transports with troops, animals, or stores, and the quota or cargo to be assigned each vessel, will be under the charge of the Army. (a) The discharging of troops, animals, and stores from the trans- ports into the boats will be under the charge of the Army, and their transfer in boats to the shore will be under charge of the Navy, at such time and in such order as the Army commander directs. ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 51 311. An expedition over-sea which requires naval convoy being decided upon, as soon as the transports begin to assemble at the rendezvous, a naval officer of suitable rank shall be appointed as convoy commander and be supplied with information concerning the strength of the expedition and its proposed objective. (a) He shall be given by the Army authorities facilities for in- specting the transports as they assemble for the purpose of ascer- taining if they are properly fitted with ground tackle, boats, lines, and all equipment necessary for the proper management and control of the convoy while in transit and while disembarking men and animals under the conditions which will probably be met. Deficien- cies in this direction shall be by him called to the attention of the proper Army authorities. (b) In case of a failure to remedy such deficiencies, if in his opin- ion such neglect would threaten the safety of the convoy or the suc- cess of the expedition, he shall certify the fact to the Army command- ing officer, who, if in his judgment it is impracticable to remedy such deficiencies, shall so inform the naval convoy commander in writing. 312. A naval lieutenant and a junior or warrant officer and four quartermasters or signalmen for each transport and supply vessel under convoy shall be supplied by the Navy Department and shall be detailed by the naval convoy commander to the vessels when they are ready to proceed to the anchorage determined upon as the final rendezvous for departure. Means of making flag, hand semaphore, and wigwag signals by day and night shall also be provided by the Navy Department. 313. The orders as to the destination of convoy and time of sailing shall be issued by the Army commanding officer under the authority of the War Department and communicated to the naval convoy commander. Should circumstances arise after sailing which render a change in plan or destination necessary or desirable, which change it is not practicable to refer to higher authority, the Army com- mander shall, after consultation with the naval convoy commander, decide as to such change. (a) The naval convoy commander shall have control of all move- ments of the convoy and shall establish all orders of sailing and formation. He shall make provision for emergencies, such as an attack by an enemy or dispersion of the convoy by weather or other circumstances. (b) He will make his subordinates, placed on the transports and supply vessels, familiar with his dispositions and plans. (c) Should the transports be separated from the convoying vessels by accident or design, the senior naval officer present and on duty will take charge of the convoy and control its movements in accord- ance with the plans of the convoy commander. 52 ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE REGULATIONS. 314. The senior naval officer attached to a transport or supply ves- sel shall, under the authority of the naval convoy commander, and in obedience to his orders and signals, control entirely the movements of the vessel in which he is embarked, including her anchorage. (a) He shall have no other authority on board. The master and officers of the vessel shall perform their navigation duties affecting her speed and movement under his direction, and should there be any opposition to or interference with his authority in any way he shall call upon the commanding officer of troops on board, who shall take such steps with the force under his command as may be necessary to enforce the authority of the naval officer attached to the vessel. 315. The plans of landing will be decided upon by the Army officer commanding, who will consult with the naval convoy commander as to naval assistance, such as the covering and protection of the landing by the artillery of the men-of-war, and use of naval boats. This assistance the naval convoy commander will render to the fullest extent practicable and with the sole object in view of assisting to the utmost the plan of campaign of the Army commanding officer. After the order of landing is made known to him, the naval convoy com- mander will, in accordance therewith, control the placing of the trans- ports and supply vessels for disembarking their troops, animals, muni- tions, and stores, and will control their withdrawal when discharged to the harbor or anchorage selected. 316. It is deemed desirable that the Army commanding officer shall, if convenient, be embarked in the flagship of the naval convoy com- mander. If not convenient, the Army commanding officer's transport should be out of the formation and near the flagship of the naval convoy commander, in order that communication between them may be readily had at any time, and in this case the senior naval officer as- signed to transports should be embarked in the same transport as the Army commanding officer. INDEX. [References are to paragraphs.] Absence. ( See Leaves of Absence.) Agent at Over-sea Ports. (See Transport Agent.) Alterations, 101, 121, 136. Ammunition: Loading, 196. Animals: Care of, on board general rules Assignment, 295. Feeding, 296. Grooming, 298. Inspection, 301. Miscellaneous, 303. Personnel, 294. Sick animals, 300. Stable police, 299. Watering, 297. Condition of, 287, 289. Crew to assist in care of, 83. Disembarkation, 304-307. Embarkation, 290-293. Fitting ships for, 285, 286, 295, 303. Preparation of, for embarkation, 289. Shoeing, 288. Supplies, etc., for, 286. Appointments : Agent at over-sea ports, 6. Assistant to general superintendent, 5. Assistant to marine superintendent, 6. Assistant to superintending engineer, 6. Chief stevedore, 6. General superintendent, 5. Marine superintendent, 6. Medical superintendent, 5. Oath of service, 39, 46. Personnel At home ports, 5-7. On transports, 5-7. Port steward, 6. Quartermaster's purveyor, 6. Ship's officers, 6. Subsistence superintendent. 5. Superintending engineer, 6. Army Transport Service (see Transports) : Cooperation between officers, 2, 226-228. Employees to be sworn, 39. Expenses of, 1. Home ports, 3. Organization, 1, 4. Regulations of, supplied to ship's com- pany, 47. Supervision, 2, 8. Supplies, 8, 10. Assistant to General Superintendent, 4. Assignment, 6, 9. Duties, 9. Qualifications, 9. Assistant to Marino Superintendent, 4. Appointment, 6, 32. Duties, 32. Qualifications, 32. Assistant to Superintending Engineer, 4. Appointment, 6. Duties, 34. Qualifications, 34. Baggage : Combustibles and explosives excluded, 197. Disembarkation, 278, 281-283. Loading, 196, 201, 208, 209. Marking, 199. Officers', 208. Packing, 198. Band: Concerts by, 252. Board Money : Increase in pay in lieu of, 167. Rate of payment, 167, 168. When paid, 167, 168. Boat Muster, 58. (See Boats.) Boats : Condition of, and apparatus, 77, 95. Detail of troops for assignment to, 225. Exercise of crew. 78. Landing by, 284. Muster, 58. Books and Blanks: Supplied by general superintendent, 38, 131. Bridge: Officer always stationed on, 103. Who allowed upon, 218. Bugle Calls, 243. Bulletin Board, 212. To contain what, 212, 213. Cabins. ( See Staterooms.) Cargo (see Stores) : Duty of first officer as to, 97. Storage and care of, 37. Casualties : Report of collisions, etc., 88. General regulations, 276. Chief Engineer: Duties, 121-142. Chief Stevedore, 4. Appointment, 6. Duties, 37. 53 54 INDEX. Chief Stevedore Continued. Qualifications, 37. Under supervision of marine superintend- ent, 31. Chief Steward : Books kept by, 144. Duties, 143-146. Inspection by, 144. Requisitions, 144, 145. Responsibility for cleanliness, 144, 146. Saloon watch, 144. Waste, 144. Children: Subsistence on transports, 164. Civilian Employees. (See Employees.) Cleanliness : Responsibility of chief engineer, 138. Responsibility of chief steward, 144, 146. Responsibility of master, 81, 84. Ship, 83, 85. Staterooms, 230. Troops, 82. Collisions, etc. (See Casualties.) Commanding Officer of Troops : Assignment of troops, 200, 204. Band concerts, 252. Control of ship, 225, 228. Deck plans of ships, 24, 200. Embarkation of troops, 195, 200. Extra details of troops, 225, 237. Fire, duties in case of, 269, 271, 277. General duties, 225-232. Harmony to be promoted, 2, 226, 227. Inspection by, 230, 250. Prevention of embarkation of unauthor- ized persons, 203. Reports, 193, 230, 232. Returns of troops, etc., 193,211,231. Routine on board, 229. Sailing orders, 15. Sentinels, 200. Stateroom, 14. Support of transport quartermaster, 228. Uniform prescribed by, 229. Visits of officials, 187. Commercial Vessels : Subsistence on, 166. Company Commander : Embarkation of command, 203. Fire, duty in case of, 274. To report men who have infectious dis- eases, 194. Complaints : Assignment of staterooms, 14. By officers and men generally, 223. Food, 161. Management of ship, 225. Convalescents : Disposition of, 224. Convoys : General regulations, 308-316. Cooperation : Promotion of, 2, 226-228. Crew (see Ship's Company) : Boat exercise, 78. Boat muster, 58. Fire muster, 58. Friends of, when permitted on board, OS. Crew Continued. Increase of pay in lieu of board wages, 167. Physical examination, 181. Prevention of disease, 183. Ration, 157. Retention of, when ship undergoing re- pairs, 167. Signing ship's articles, 22. Damages : Responsibility for, 230. Deaths, 23. Deck Department, 47. Deck officer, 102-120. First officer, 89-101. Fourth officer, 102. Master, 63-88. Second officer, 102. Third officer, 102. Deck Officer : Duties, 103-120. Precautions to be taken by, 105-120. Stationed on bridge, 103. Desertion, 42-45. Reward for apprehension of deserter, 45. Disease : Fumigation of ship, 85. Prevention of, 178, 183, 194. Disembarkation : Animals, 304-307. Baggage, 278, 281, 282, 283. In boats, 284. Property, 281, 282. Troops, 185, 280, 283, 284. Docking : At home ports, 31. At over-sea ports, 38, 192. Observation of dock regulations, 59. Dock Regulations: Observance of, 59. Dressing Ship, 186. Embarkation : Animals, 290-293. Leaving ship after, 210. Property, etc., 196-199, 201, 208, 209. Troops, 195, 200-211. Unauthorized persons, 203. Emergency Rations : Issue, 171. Quantity carried, 171. Employees (see Appointments; Ship's Com- pany) : Employment, 7. List of. in subsistence department. 20. Oath of service, 39, 46. Engine Department. ( See Chief Engineer. ) Enlisted Men, Discharged : Subsistence for, 152. Epidemics : Measures to prevent, 183, 194. Expenditures: Report of, 19. Fire: Condition of apparatus, 79, 95. Duty of sentinels, 266. Fire muster, 58. General regulations, to govern troops, 268- 277. Steam jets, 100, 136. INDEX. 55 Fire Muster : Crew, 58. Troops, 269, 274. First Officer : Alterations, 93. Cargo, 97. Condition of boats, etc., 95. Daily examination of ship, 93. Duties, 89-101. Inspection, 93, 94. Inventory, 92. On bridge, 90. Requisitions, 92. Ship's log, 96. Steam apparatus, 99. Steam jets for extinguishing fire, 100. Stores, 92. To station officers and seamen, 91. Flags : Dressing ship, 186. Sizes, etc., 186. When at half-mast, 186. When hoisted. 186. Fourth Officer (see Deck Officer) : Duties, 102. Forage Master, 294. Freights. ( See Stores. ) Fumigation, 85, 86. Gambling: Prohibited, 217. General Officers : Staterooms, 14. General Superintendent, 4. Assignment, 5, 8. Assistant, 9. Duties, 8. Employment of civilian employees, 7. Leaves of absence, 62. Qualifications, 8. Guard: Baggage guard, 278. Colors, 260. Composition of, 253. Duties, 254-256, 260. Fire, duty as to, 274. Officer of the, 259, 260. Posting, 202. Guests : Entertainment in port, 165. Harbor Regulations: Observance of, 59. Home Ports, 3. Appointment of personnel of, 6, 7. Facilities at, 3. Personnel of, 3, 4, 5. Honors, 187. Horses. ( See Animal ft. ) Hospital (see Medical Department) : For use of sick only, 176. Medical officers to treat troops, 30. Report as to condition, etc., 182. Report of patients, 182. Under charge of transport surgeon, 30, 176. Hospital Corps (see Hospital) : Report of hospital corps men on trans- port, 182. Hospital Mess, 147, 153. Inspections : By chief engineer, 136, 138. By chief steward, 144. By commanding officer, 230, 250. By marine superintendent, 31. By medical superintendent, 11. By officer of the day, 230, 258. By officer of the guard, 259. By police officer, 230, 233. By port steward, 35. By superintending engineer, 35. By transport commissary, 27. By transport quartermaster, 230. By transport surgeon, 179, 230, 250. By veterinary surgeon, 301. General supplies, 36. Subsistence stores, 27, 35. Intoxicating Liquors : Not allowed on transport, 61, 221. Seizure, 258, 265. When may be issued, 61. Laborers : Employment, 37. Leaves of Absence : Absence without leave, 43, 44, 62. When granted, 62. Lights : Attention to, 80, 111. Duty of guard as to, 256. Saloon and cabin, 251. When burned, 55. Loading and Unloading: At home ports. 31, 188, 189. At over-sea ports, 38, 192. Duty of chief stevedore, 37. Duty of first officer, 97. Log. (See Ship's Log.) Lookout : To call stations, 95. Vigilance of, 105. Man Overboard : Duty of sentinel, 266. When recall sounded, 277. Marine Superintendent, 4. Appointment, 6, 31. Assistant, 32. Duties, 31. Qualifications, 31. Master : Absence, 68, 69. Assistance to transport quartermaster, etc., 83. Boats, 77, 78. Chief engineer responsible to, I'. Chronometers, 66. Cleanliness on board ship, 81-85. Collisions, etc., 87, 88. Compasses, 66. Condition of ship, etc., 65, 77. Customs, 67. Duties, 63-88. Fire service, 79. Lights, 80. Navigation, 63, 67, 70, 72-76. Quarantine, 67. Regulations, 64. 56 INDEX. Master Continued. Repairs, 101. Ventilation, 81, 84. Meals (see Messes) : Army officers, 164. Children, 164. Complaints, 161. Guests, 165. Not served in staterooms or quarters, 160, 241. Passengers, 148, 149, 152, 153. Payment for, 163, 164, 165, 166. Subsistence Department to provide, 154. Who entitled to free subsistence, 163. Medical Department (see Medical Superin- tendent) : Employment of civilian employees, 7. Hospital, 176. Nurses, 177. Personnel, 177. Requisitions for supplies, 182. Supervision, 2. Medical Officers : Duties on transports, 182. Report men who have infectious diseases, 194. Reports, 182. Treat sick of command on board ship, .'10. Medical Superintendent, 4. Assignment, 5, 11. Duties, 11. Employment of civilian employees, 7. Personnel of medical department, 177. Qualifications, 11. Memorial Day : Flag at half-mast, 186. Messes (see Meals ; Rations) : Animal detachment, 302. Complaints, 161. Enlisted men Discharged, 152. Sick, 153. General regulations, 147-153. Hospital mess, 147, 153. Meals or food prohibited in quarters, etc. 160, 241. Mess officer, 237-242. Nurses, 148, 163. Passengers, 148, 149, 152, 153. Patients', 153. Ration of crew, 157. Sailors' and firemen's, 147, 151. Saloon, 147, 148, 164. Ship's officers', 147, 149, 164. Ship's petty officers', 147, 150, 164. Special diet, 153. Special mess, 149. Stores, 159. Troop, 147, 152, 158. Troops on detached duty, 149, 152. "Waiters, 150. Mess Officer: Detail of, 237. Duties, 237-242. Movements by Sea, Animals (see A nimals) : Care of animals on board, 83, 294-303. Disembarkation, 304-307. loveuients by Sea, Animals Continued. Embarkation, 290-293. Transportation, 285-289. Movements by Sea, Troops (see Troops) : Commanding officer, duties, 225-231*. Convoys, 308-316. Disembarkation, 278-284. Duties on board, 212-224. Embarkation, 201-211. Fire regulations, 268-277. General provisions, 188-195. Guard, 253-256. Mess officer, 237-242. Officer of the day, 257, 258. Officer of the guard, 259, 260. Police officer, 233-236. Preliminary arrangements, 196-200. Prisoners, 267. Routine on board, 243-252. Sentinels, 261-267. Navigation : Duties of watch or deck officers, 102-120. Responsibility of master, 03, 67. Nurses : Duties, 177. Mess, 148, 163. Oath of Service : Administered by any commissioned officer, 39. Taken by all employees, 39, 46. Obedience to Orders, 48. Officer of the Day : Assistance by officer of the guard, 259. Duties, 257, 258. Inspections by, 230, 258. Posting of guard, 202. Sentinels, 257, 258, 261. Officer of the Deck. ( See Deck Officer, > Officer of the Guard (see Guard) : Details, 253. Duties, 259, 260. Inspections, 259. Passenger Lists : Prepared by transport quartermaster, 16. Passengers : Lists, 13, 16. Meals, 148, 149, 152, 153. Members of families of transport officers, etc., not allowed, 17. Promenade deck, 150. Staterooms, 13, 14. Protests regarding assignment of, 14. Personnel. (See Appointments.) Police Officer : Detail of, 233. Duties, 233-236. Inspection by, 230. Policsof Ship: General provisions, 233-236. Use of prisoners, 267. Port Steward, 4. Appointment, 6. Duties, 35. Qualifications, 35. Prisoners : General regulations. 267. INDEX. 57 Promenade Deck: Use of, 150. Punishments, 40-42, 45. Quarantine : Bills incident to detention, 184. Duties of medical superintendent, 11. Duties of transport surgeons, 178. Master to observe quarantine laws, 67. Precautions to prevent epidemics, 183. Report of persons removed from ship, 185. Quartermaster-General : Appointment of personnel, 6, 7. Authorizes shipments, 188. Instructions to general superintendent, 8. Supervision of transport service, 2. Quartermasters (see Transport Quartermas- ter) : Duties of, at over-sea ports, 38, 192. Quartermaster's Department (see Quarter- master-General; Transport Quartermas- ter) : Employment of civilian employees, 7. Quartermaster's Purveyor, 4. Appointment, 6, 36. Duties, 36. Qualifications, 36. Under supervision of marine superintend- ent, 31. Ration (see M esses) : Commutation of, for N. C. S. O. and mem- bers of H. C., 169. Crew, 157. Emergency stores, 171. Officers and crew of tugs, etc., 162. Philippine crews, 157. Recruits : Disposition of, 224. Repairs : Alterations, 101. Chief engineer to supervise certain, 121, 136. Disposition of crew when ship undergoing, 167. Requisitions for, not to include alterations or new work, 101. Steward's department, 145. Under direction of marine superintendent, 31. Under direction of superintending engi- neer, 33. What constitutes, 101. Reports : Boat muster, 58. By chief engineer, 121, 131, 142. By chief steward, 145. By commanding officer, 193, 230, 232. By medical officers, 182, 194. By transport commissary, 28, 29, 173, 174, 184. By transport quartermaster, 16, 18, 19, 23, 184. By transport surgeon, 179, 180, 182, 184. Collisions, etc., 88. Condition of steam apparatus, 99. Condition of steam jets, 100. Deaths, 23. Expenditures, 19. Fire muster, 58. Returns, 193, 211,231. Routine on Board: Band concerts, 252. Bathing, 248. Bedding, 244, 246. Berth decks, cleared, 245. Calls, 243, 244. Exercise, 247. Inspection, daily, 250. Lights, 251. Prescribed by commanding officer, 229. Swimming in harbor, 249. Saloon Watch : Stationing of, 144. Savings : Disposition of articles saved, 27. Second Officer (see Deck Officer) : Duties, 102. Sentinels : Duties, 261-266. Fire, duty as to, 274. Number, 200. Posting, 200, 257, 258. Prisoners, 267. Ship's Company (see Crew ; Master) : Absence without leave, 43, 44, 62. Board money. 167, 168. Boat muster, 58. Departments into which divided, 47. Deportment, 49. Desertion, 42-45. General rules for operation of ship, 55. Increase in pay in lieu of board wages, 167. Information regarding ship not to be given, 53. Intoxicating liquors, 61. Leaves of absence, 62. Lookout, 95. Neat appearance, 50. Oath of service, 39, 46. Obedience, 48. Prevention of disease, 183. Profane or boisterous language forbid- den, 51. Punishments, 40, 41. Regulations, 47. Smoking on duty forbidden, 52. Station bill, 91. Traffic, sale, or barter on board ship pro- hibited, 54. Uniform, 50. Watch bill, 91. Ship's Log : Collisions, etc., recorded, 87. Method of keeping, 60, 96, 113, 114. Record of fire muster, 58. Smoking: Rules as to, 213. Where permitted, 220. Staterooms, 13, 14. Assignment, 13, 14, 207. Baggage, 208. Bed linen, 25. Cleaning, 144, 146, 230. Commanding officer of troops, 14. Furniture. 25. General officers, 14. 58 INDEX. Staterooms Continued. Inspection, 230. Permanent officers of transport, 14. Protests regarding assignment, 14. Towels, 25. Vacation of, for cleaning, etc., 230. Stevedores : Employment, 37. Steward's Department (see Chief Steward; Meals; Messes) : Board money, 167, 168. Cleanliness, 144, 230. Defects, 145. Duties of guard in relation to, 255. Stores: Authority for shipment, 188. Bills of lading, 190. Delivery at destination, 191, 192. Disposition of freights, 189. Invoices, 190, 191. Loading, 189, 192. Notice of intended shipment, 188. Receipts for, 38. Stowaways : Steps to prevent carrying of, 203. Subsistence (see Meals; Messes; Subsistence Stores) : Children, 164. Free, to whom, 163. On commercial vessels, 166. Subsistence Department (see Meals; Messes; Subsistence Superintendent) : Employment of civilian employees, 7. Supervision, 2. To provide suitable meals, 154. Subsistence Storekeeper : In charge of sales, 175. To be commissary sergeant if practicable, 175. Subsistence Stores : Condition, 27, 144, 169. Emergency rations, 171. Estimates, 172. Inspection, 27, 35. Inventory, 27. Issue, 27. Overcharges, 175. Price lists, 175. Removal during fumigation, 86. Sales, 175. Subsistence Superintendent, 4. Assignment, 5, 10. Duties, 10. Employment of civilian employees, 7. Messes, 147. Qualifications, 10. Superintending Engineer, 4. Appointment, 6. Assistant, 34. Duties, 33. Qualifications, 33. Third Officer (see Deck Officer) : Duties, 102. Train Master, 294. Transport Agent, 4. Appointment, 6. Duties, 38, 192. Transportation (see Movements by Sea) : Wives and families of transport and ship's officers, 16. Transport Commissary, 4. Assignment, 5, 26. Clerk's subsistence, 149, 163. Complaints made to, 161. Duties, 26, 27, 28, 29, 172-175, 226. When performed by transport quarter- master, 26. Fumigation of ship, 86. Hire of employees, 174. Inspections, 27, 230. List of employees, 29. Meals, 164. Quarantine regulations, 184. Reports, 28, 29. Requisitions, 172. Savings, 27. Steward's department, 27. Subsistence of troops, 26. Subsistence on transport, 147-153. Transport Quartermaster, 4. Assignment, 5, 12. Cabin lights, 251. Clerk's subsistence, 149, 163. Control of ship, 12, 225, 228. Deck plans of ship, 24. Disbursing officer, 12. Duties, 12-25, 26, 38, 225-228. Duty as transport commissary, 26. Fire, duties in case of, 275. Inspection by, 230. Leaves of absence, 62. Mess utensils, 2.1. Not to exercise authority over deck and engine departments, 12. Official calls, 20. Orders for ship, 12. Passenger lists, 16. Passengers, 13, 16, 19. Qualifications, 12. Quarantine regulations, 184. Quarters, 14. Receipts for stores, etc., loaded and un- loaded, 38. Report of arrival and departure, 18. Report of expenditures, 19. Responsibility for movement of ship, etc., 12, 225, 226, 228. Return of troops furnished to, 231. Saloon lights, 251. Scrubbing and cleaning materials, 2.1. Ship's papers, 21, 22. Staterooms, 13, 14, 207. Subsistence on transport, 148, 164. Transports : Alterations, 101, 121, 136. Appointment of personnel, 5, 7. Cleanliness of ship, 81-85. Control of, 12, 225, 228. Convoys, 308-316. Docking, 31, 38. Expenditures on voyage, 19. Inspection. (See Inspections.) Loading and unloading, 31, 37, 38. INDEX. 59 Transports Continued. Marine superintendent has charge of, at home port, 31. Officers of transport service, 4-6. Repairs, 31, 33, 121, 136, 145. Routine (for troops) on board, 243-252. Supervision, 8. Supplies, 8, 10, 25. Traffic, sale, or barter on board ship pro- hibited, 54. Transport Service. (See Army Transport Service. ) Transport Surgeon, 4. Assignment, 5, 30. Duties, 30, 176, 178. Fumigation, etc., when indicated, 85. Hospital, 30, 176, 182. Hospital Corps, report on men of, 182. Inspections, 179, 230, 250. Medical attendance given discharged en- listed men, 30. Physical examination of crew, 181. Precautions to prevent epidemics, 183. Quarantine regulations, etc., 178, 183, 184. Reports, 179, 180, 182, 184. Requisitions for medical supplies, 182. Subsistence on transport, 148, 164. Troops treated by medical officer of com- mand, 30. Troops : Assignment on ship, 20o. Assignment to boats, 225. Cleanliness, 82. Complaints by, 223. Discipline on board, 82. Diseased, embarkation of, prohibited, 194. Embarkation, 195, 200-211. First meal on board, 158, 206. Troops Continued. Food prohibited in sleeping quarters, 241. General duties on board, 212-224. Landing at ports en route, 185. Mess, 147, 152, 158, 237-242. Movements by sea. (See Movements ~by Sea, Troops.) Police of quarters on ship, 233, 236. Quarters for, when traveling on detached duty, 149. Returns of, by commanding officer, 193, 211, 231. Routine on board, 229, 243-252. (See Routine on Board.) Subsistence of, when traveling on de- tached duty, 149, 152. Swimming in harbor, 249. Tugs, etc. : Rations of crew, etc., 162. Uniform : Employees', when worn, 50. Military, prescribed by commanding of- ficer, 229. Unloading. (See Loading and Unloading.) Vaccination, 183, 194. Ventilation: Responsibility of master, 81, 84. Steward's department, 144. Veterinarian, 294. Inspection by, 301. Wagon Master, 294. Watchmen: Employment, 37. Watch Officer (see Deck Officer) : Talking to, prohibited, 219. Whistle : When blown, 55. o Sg&i OF THE " UNIVERSITY OF YC 63125