iM • ^N-rrr-i,— 3 = TY OF CUIPORNti LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA TY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIE ^^» i ^mu^i^£^^wm^ i %^^ E UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOR W>{>i^ ^ ^^^ E UmVERSITT OF CALIFORIIIl LIBRlRy OF THE UNIVERSIIY OF CUIFOR Of CIIIFO 25 eft: ^ If CALIF /Soft: ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation 1 > COLLECTION OF SEVENTY- NINE iiSIacK ' letter jSaUatJis antJ iiroalifities, PRINTED IN THE REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, BETWEEN THE YEAR'S 1 559 AND 1597. ACCOMPANIED WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES. r LONDON : JOSEPH LILLY, 17 and 18, NEW STREET, AND 5a, Garrick Street, Covent Garden. 1867. PREFACE. LOVE a ballad in print," arc the (x I words put by Shakefpcare into the mouth of one of his charadters, and from his evident fondnefs for them we muft infer that he is conveying his own feelings through the mouth of the fpeaker. vnother great writer of our own days, Sir Walter Scott, had an equal prediledlion for this fpecies of literature, and has availed himfelf of them in the fafcinating produdions of his pen. The CollcdHons of Phillips, Percy, Evans, Ritfon, Pinkerton, Jamiefon and others, arc a convincing proof of the favour with which they have been received by the public. It may be confidently afTerted that the prefent collection is not lefs interefting, and is certainly much more curious, than any that have preceded it, illuftrating as it does the language, opinions, manners, ufages, the feelings and pafTmg events of the greater part of the reign of Queen Eliza- beth. 457196 iv PREFACE. Thefe ballads, all of the higheft intereft and curiofity, hitherto unknown and prefumed to be unique, are reprinted without the flighteft altera- tion from the celebrated Colledlion formerly in the library of Mr. George Daniel, of Canonbury Square, at the fale of whofe library it was pur- chafed by the publifher for Henry Huth, Efq., to whom his beft thanks are due for his kindnefs and liberality in permitting the prefent publication. The Introdudion and Notes are fupplied by two gentlemen profoundly verfed in early Eng- lifh literature. Joseph Lilly. INTRODUCTION. T is remarkable how foon after its in- vention the art of printing became an inftrument of popular amufement and inftrudion, — an adive agent in the developmentof themindofthe people. Thischa- radler, however, arofe in fome degree out of the neceflity which called the art itfelf into exiftence, and which would naturally extend itfelf rapidly in proportion as it was indulged. The works which the firft experimenters in printing fought to pro- duce were prints and fmall books intended for religious teaching, which had been previoufly drawn and written by the hand, and which were thus neceflarily fold at higher prices than the majority of the clafs for whom they were intended could afford to pay. The great want, therefore, to be fupplied, was the means of producing an indefinite number of copies of a book in the fame time and at the fame coft which had for- merly been employed in producing one, and thus reducing the coft of each individual copy to a very fmall fraction of the whole. In moft coun- tries, for fome length of time after the introduc- tion of printing, the full advantage of the art was imperfedlly appreciated, perhaps for want of an agency by which a great number of copies of a b vi INTRODUCTION. book could be rapidly and widely circulated ; and the firft books were bulky, no doubt expenfive, and calculated for anything but what we fhould call popular reading. It was in France that the art of printing firft aflumed a more popular cha- radler. There already exifted in that country during the laft twenty years of the fifteenth cen- tury, which muft, therefore, have originated within very few years of the invention of the art, an extenfive literature of a very popular charadler, confifting chiefly of farces and drolleries in a dramatic fhape, poetical tra6ls on various fub- jedts, tales in verfe and profe, fatires on contem- porary manners and fentiments, almanacks and facetiae, many of the later degenerating into fimple coarfe obfcenities, fo early did the objec- tionable ufes of printing accompany this more than ufeful art. All thefe appeared in the form of fmall pamphlets, of a few, often not more than three or four, leaves each. They appear to have been fold by itinerant bookfellers, who hawked them about the country, and were called technically bi/ouarts^ and who ftill preferve in France another of their old names, that of colporteurs. This literature fpread from France into Italy and Spain at an early period. It was introduced into England at the beginning of the fixteenth century, no doubt from FVance, becaufe nearly all the Englifh famples of it we know are tranf- lations or adaptations from the language of that country. Our literary antiquaries call them chap- books. They were a clafs of books expofed by their nature to fpeedy deftrudion, but a fufficlent number of them are prefer ved, though in unique INTRODUCTION, vii or very rare copies, to leave no doubt that they were very numerous, even at an early period. There was another clafs of literature, we may perhaps fay ftill more popular, which appears to have flourifhed mo ft in England, and which we ufually call broad/ides. The Germans call them fliegende Blatter^ and the French feuilles volanteSy both comparatively modern terms, and the laft perhaps translated from the other. Thefe broadfides became far more popular in England than in other countries, and during a long period they have been the ufual mode of publifhing popular ballads. They were the form employed with us for royal proclamations and fimilar documents from a very early period in the hiftory of printing- Setting thefe afide, the broadfide appears to have been employed firft for printing papal indulgences, feveral examples of which, dating from 15 13 to 1527, will be found in the colledlion of broadfides preferved in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, of which a valuable catalogue, compiled by Mr. Robert Lemon, has been recently publifhed. In this collection, which is, for the earlieft period, the richeft and moft valuable in exiftence, we find no example before the middle of the fixteenth century of what we now underftand more fpe- cially by the name of ballad, — of that peculiar clafs of popular literature which belonged to the long period of tranfition in our country between mediaeval fociety and the fociety of our own times. We foon find the printed broadfide em- ployed in the various circumftances of temporary agitation, whether political or focial. In fad, the prefs was deftined very foon to become the viii INTRODUCTION. moft powerful agent in all fecial agitation. On the nth of June, 1540, late in the reign of Henry VIII., Thomas Lord Cromwell, that king's minifter and counfellor in all his ads of hoftility againft the Church of Rome, fell into difgrace, and was committed to the Tower. To the papal party it was of courfe a fubjedl of exultation, which was difplayed in a ballad, pub- lifhed no doubt foon after his imprifonment, at all events before his execution on the 28 th of July following. The Proteftant party took up the caufe of their protedlor, and the refult was a rather bitter warfare carried on by means of ^ poetical broadfides, eight of which are contained in the collection of the Society of Antiquaries. The original ballad againft Cromwell is printed in Percy's " R cliques." Cromwell's aflailants offended the king, who was perfonally identified with the ads for which they cenfured Cromwell, and it is curious that the writer of moft of the ballads in defence of the fallen minifter was Thomas Smith, who defcribes himfelf as " fer- vaunt to the kynges royall majeftye ; and clerke of the queenes graces counfell, though moft un- worthy." Three or four known broadfides of a fimilar charader belong to the clofing years of \ the reign of Henry VIII. When we enter the reign of his fon and fuccefTor, Edward VI., we find rhyming broadfides of the fame charader. Firft in date of thofe preferved in the colledion of the Society of Antiquaries are two ballads for V and againft Bifhop Gardner, printed probably in /1548, when that prelate was committed to the Tower. We now fall in with the names of printers who were fubfequently remarkable for INTRODUCTION. ix the number of ballads which ifliied from their prefTes. John Waley, who lived in Fofter Lane in London, printed " A Newe Balade made by Nicholas Balthorp, which fuffered in Calys the 20 daie of Marche, M.D.L./' which means March, 1 55 1. In the year following, another of the I great printers of ballad literature, Richard Lant, I introduces us to a new controverfy in thefe poeti- — ^ cal broadfides. It was provoked by a young man in literature who afterwards rofe to confi- derable celebrity, Thomas Churchyard, who wrQte a fhort metrical fatire on contemporary fo — ciety entitled " Davy Dycars Dreame." Church- yard found an opponent in a man who figned himfelf T. Camel, and whofe printer was Henry Sutton, another well-known printer of ballads-, who dwelt in St. Paul's Churchyard. In the coUedlion of the Society of Antiquaries there are no lefs than thirteen broadfide poems belong- ing to this controverfy, thofe by Churchyard and^^ / his friends printed by Lant, and thofe of his af- y failant by Sutton, and all within the year 1 5 5 2/ The number of broadfides of this defcription be-v^ longing to Edward's reign is very fmall, but among them is the earlieft example of which we have any knowledge of the true ballad litera— — ' ture, though it is not written in what was after- wards confidered as fpecially ballad verfe, John ' Waley printed, as it is prefumed, in the reign of ^^'/^ Edward VI., a broadfide in verfe, entitled, *^ A^"^*^ new mery balad of a maid that wold mary wyth a fervyng man," the author of which informs us that his name was Thomas Emley. Two or three poetical broadfides printed in the reign of Queen Mary are all more or lefs of a political charadler. n ^ X INTRODUCTION, One only, which is afcribed by conjedlure to Mary's reign, and which is entitled, " A new ballet entituled ho we to wyve well," is a veritable ^ — ballad, and is written in ballad metre. The au- thor was Lewis Evans, and it was printed by Owen Rogers, " at the Spread Egle, betwyxte both the Saynft Bartholomews." It is probable, however, that it belongs to the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth, rather than to that of her predecefTor. We are thus only able to point out one liter- ary ballad printed in England previous to the middle of the fixteenth century, and that belong- ing to fo late a period as the reign of the Sixth Edward, and we can hardly imagine that this clafs of literature was very common at that period. We know that it was circulated in a very perifhable form, and we fhould not exped to find now any very large remains of it from fo early a date, yet ftill we ought to find more fre- quent allufions to it. We are unable to fay \ exactly when the literature of the ballad firft ; came into exiftence, but it appears to have become fuddenly very popular. It was a new branch of commerce, and which, as is often C . the cafe, created a new want. The Stationers' Company was incorporated in the year 1556, and its regifters begin in the following year. When we look at thefe, we are aftonifhed at the great number of ballads which, from the firft opening, were licenfed for publication, and yet, of them all, there is only a rare example here and there of which we have any trace beyond the entry of the title in thefe regifters. But it would feem that this multiplicity of broadfide ballads was then only beginning, for at the commence- INTRODUCTION, xi ment of the Stationers* Reglfters we find only- one or two printers of ballads, and it is a year oi^ two later when they become more numerous. During the firft ten years of the reign of Queen" Elizabeth, the names of about forty printers "7 from whofe prefles ballads were ifTued appear in! the regiflers of the Stationers' Company, and other names of ballad-printers are met with which; are not to be found in the regillers. It is chiefly to this moft interefl:ing period of the hiftory of our ballad literature that we owe the ballads printed in the prefent volume. The greater number of them range from 1560 to ^ 1570, and only a very fmall number pafs the year 1572. They have no doubt been originally colledled by fome man of pofition who lived at that time and took a lively intereft in all that was pafTmg around him, and were moft likely preferved among his family papers. Mr. Payne Collier, in 1840, edited for the Percy Society twenty-five ballads of the fame charader, and belonging to the fame period, which are known to have belonged to the fame colledion. Alto- gether they form, no doubt, the moft extraordi- nary and valuable colledion of early Englifti ballads now known to exift. They are the more interefting, becaufe they have not been colledled by one whofe tafte ran upon any particular clafs of fuch produdlions, but they prefent a variety which embraces the whole field of broadfide lite- rature ; and it will be worth our while, in our pre- fent confideration of them, to treat them in detail in this point of view. In the firft place, they naturally feparate into two great divifions, thofe of a purely literary charader, and thofe which xii INTRODUCTION. are more or lefs political or relate to contempo- rary events or feelings. To the former of thefe divlfions belong fenti- mental and love poetry, romances and ftories, and facetiae. A part of the latter clafs was taken or imitated from the French popular literature ; they were the fabliaux of an earlier period.- Many of them were fatires upon the failings of the other fex, which then formed a favourite therpe. Of thefe we have examples in the pre- fent volume, in the ballad of " The Pinnyng of the Bafket," (p. 105), in "A mery Balade, how a wife entreated her hufband to haue her owne wyll," (p. 1 29), and in " A very proper dittie, to the tune of Lightie Loue," (p. 1 13). Some are loofe and indelicate ftories, fuch as that of the Brewer and Cooper, (p. 60), a true reprefen- tative of the ancient fabliaux, which appears to have been very popular, as two or three editions of it have been traced. Others, again, are more jor lefs openly obfcene, of which there is one ex- ample only in the prefent volume, the ballad of " Mother Watkins Ale," (p. 251). This, alfo, appears to have been extremely popular, for it is not unfrequently alluded to in the lighter litera- ture of the Elizabethan age, though no traces of its exiftence had been difcovered until the prefent colledlion came to light. Perhaps we may con- fider as belonging to this clafs the dittie '^ Shew- ing what vnkindnes befell by a kiffe," (p. 214), and the verfes entitled, " Adewe, Sweete Harte," (p. 222). This defcription of literature appears to have been fufficiently abundant in Elizabeth's, as it was indeed in the ages which followed. Among the " Old Ballads" is one by a preacher INTRODUCTION, xiii named Thomas Brice, who is known as the author of fome other publications, and died before 1 570, " Againft filthy writing, and fuch like de- lighting." This ballad appears to hav^e been diredled againft two of the licentious writers of the day, who had written ballads in defence of ' their productions, and it commences with the lines, — What meane the rimes that run thus large in every ftiop to fell, _ , With wanton found and filthie fenfe ? Me thinke it grees not well. We are not Ethnickes, we forfoth at leaft profefie not fo; /' Why range we then to Ethnickes trade ? Come back, / where will ye go? ' | Tel me, is Chrift or Cupide lord ? Doth God or Venus | reigne ? In the prefent collection, we have another 1 fatirical ballad on the contemporary literature, or \ at leaft on the poets, which has for its title the following rather clumfy lines (p. 205), — To fuch as write in metres, I write Of fmall matters an exhortation. By readyng of which men may delite In fuch as be worthy commendation. My verfe alfo it hath relation To fuch as print, that they doe it well, — ^ The better they (hall their metres fell. The writer of this ballad, who feems to think that it was the duty of the printer to look to the goodnefs of what came from his prefs, pro- fefles to imitate the example of Horace, who protefts againft the inferior poets among the Romans, fuch as Lucilius for example, and there were plenty of fuch wretched rhymefters in the days of Elizabeth, — \ ^ xiv INTRODUCTION. Wherfore let vs not open a gate, Eyther the printer, or they which write To fuch as they be, knowyng their Hate. And he (ingles out efpecially for his critlcifm the writers on love, — Your balades of loue, not worth a beane, A number there be, although not all; Some be pithie, fome weake, fome leane. Some doe runne as round as a ball ; — Some verfes haue fuch a pleafant fall. That pleafure it is for any man, "-^ Whether his knowledge be great or fmall, /So that of a verfe fome ikyll he can. Of thefe love ballads there is no great number in our colledlion, and many of them to which we can give a date, as well, indeed, as of all the purely literary divifion, belong to rather a later <^ y period than mod of the hiftorical and political bjllads, fo that they were perhaps colleded by another and younger member of the family, who afterwards mixed them with the others. To this clafs of amorous and fentimental ballads belong, "A Newe Ballade of a Louer extollinge his Ladye," (p. 24), a fheet of poems of this de- fcription preferved in manufcript (pp. 190-194), and "A prettie newe Ballad, intytuled, — " The Crowe fits vpon the wall, Pleafe one and pleafe all." The writer of the latter, who is unufuafly large and liberal in his fentiments, recommends his reader to pay his homage to the whole fex and not to confine himfelf to an individual. There are three ballads in this colledlion ^hich belong to the clafs of novels and romance. One has for its fubjedt the well-known ftory of INTRODUCTION. xv Patient GrifTel (Grifeldis), which has been a favourite with Englifh poets fince the days of Chaucer, and appears here in its earlieft ballad form, under the title of "A moft pleafant Ballad of Patient Griflell," (p. 17). The other two are, the ballad of " The Marchants Daughter of Briftow," (p. 66)^ which was no lefs popular than Patient Griflel, and that of "The Faire Widow of Watling-Street, and her 3 daughters," both of them in two parts. Thefe are both the earlieft editions known, belonging to a period approaching near to the clofe of the fixteenth century, when this clafs of ballad hiftories was coming into great popularity. The political and hiftorical ballads in the pre- fent colle6lion poflefs an extraordinary intereft, for they belong to one of the moft momentous periods of our national hiftory. Little more than a generation had pafted fince the overthrow of feudalifm. Henry VIII. had broken the power of the papacy in England, and his fon, Edward VI., feemed to have eftabliftied Pro- teftantifm ; but, on the death of the latter, the older religion, in the perfon of Mary, refumed its fway during more than five years, under its leaft pleafing attribute, that of perfecution. Mary alfo was juft dead, and her fifter Elizabeth had ftepped into her place with a cautioufnefs which, although the proteftant party looked upon her as their friend, almoft left room to doubt which party (he intended to efpoufe. The cloud, which was already burfting over Weftern Europe, added greatly to people's doubts and fears, and they were filled with anxiety, not only to be made acquainted with xvi INTRODUCTION. the prefent, but to get even a flight glimpfe into the probabilities of the future. The publi- cation of news, whether true or falfe, — and the latter was, perhaps, the mod faleable, becaufe it was the mod extraordinary, — became thus a pro- fitable trade. For thefe reafons the political ballads and broad fide literature are now very important evidence not only of the popular feel- ings of the time, but of the means employed to influence thofe feelings. In the fuperftition of thofe days, every unknown or unufual natural phenomenon was looked upon as a warning from heaven of focial and political difafter, and was, therefore, watched with the moft intenfe intereft. Among thefe figns, none created greater ap- prehenfion than monftrous births, which we find continually recorded even by the hiftorians and more ferious writers of the day. The year 1562, the fourth of Elizabeth's reign, is recorded by the Englifh chroniclers, fuch as Hollinfhed and Stowe, as efpecially fertile in monfters. The . prefent colleftion contains nearly a dozen broad- x^ fides defcriptive of thefe prodigies, generally accompanied with a picflure. No lefs than ^vt of them belong to the year juft mentioned, i ^62. The firft (p. 27) is a " true reporte*' of a child born at Great Horkefley, near Colchefter, having neither legs nor arms ; the defcription of the child is prefaced by verfes fetting forth the myfterious defign of thefe monfters. The next (p. 45) is an account of a monftrous pig with a dolphin's head, born at Charing Crofs a few days fub- fequently, fimilarly accompanied with verfes moralizing upon the phenomenon. Another pig, farrowed at Hampftead, near London, in INTRODUCTION. x\ni the October of that year, is defcribed in a third broadfide, "imprinted" by Alexander Lacy (p. 112). A fourth broadfide (p. 186), alfo belonging to the year 1562, as we learn from the entry in the Stationers* Regifters, defcribes another monftrous pig, and is accom- panied with a poetical "exhortacion or warnynge to all men, for amendment of lyfe." And another of the fame year (p. 201), entirely in ballad verf^ reprefents a monftrous child born at Chichefter. Another monftrous child, born at Freftiwater, in the Ifle of Wight, in 1564, is defcribed and explained in a moral or religious light, in a ballad by John Barker (p. G^). The year 1566 produced twins joined together at the ftomach, defcribed in a ballad by one John Mellys of Norwich (p. 217), and a child with ruft^s round the neck, born at Mitcham in Surrey (p. 243). In 1 56 8, we have a monftrous child born at Maid- ftone, in Kent (p. 194), having "firft the mouth flitted on the right fide, like a libarde's (leopard's) mouth, terrible to beholde," which the author of the ballad explains as a rebuke to the kingdom for its wickednefs, and as a fign of God's dif- pleafure, — This monftrous fhape to thee, England, Playn fhewes thy monftrous vice. If thou ech part wylt vnderftand. And take thereby aduice. And finally we have a defcription of a "mar- ueilous ftraunge fifhe," caught between Calais and Dover, in June, 1569 (p. 145). People lived in that condition which naturally arifes out of the breaking up of one great focial fyftem, and the tranfition towards another, the xviii INTRODUCTION. chara<5ter of which is as yet unknown. Men were confcious that the whole frame of fociety was disjointed and corrupt, and looked forward anxioufly to the coming reform. Latterly the revolution had taken a ftrongly religious charac- ter, and the feeling of difcontent partook alfo of >^ religious (hade, and one clafs of the popular ballads, of which there are fome good examples in the prefent colledion, formed a powerful / agent in fowing and cherifhing the feeds of that / puritanifm which was to exercife fo great an / influence on the deftinies of our country in the L next generation. None of thefe ballads, indeed, are more curious than thofe which attempt to pic5lure the vices and corruptions of the times during the earlier, and, perhaps we may fay, lefs fettled part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. One of the earlieft of thefe, belonging to the year 1561 is entitled, "A balade declaryng how neybourhed (neighbourlinefs), loue, and trew dealyng, is gone" (p. 134). The author, John Barker, complains of the illcondition of the world generally, — How ftraunge it is to men of age. The which they fe before their face, This world to be in fuch outrage. It was neuer fene in fo bad cafe. Neibourhed nor loue is none, Trew dealyng now is fled and gone. Thefe two lines form the burthen of the fong, if one can call it a fong. John Barker complains that flattery and deceit were then the means of fuccefs; that wickednefs prevailed everywhere; that covetoufnefs was the great principle of men*s adions ; that the landlords adled unjuftly INTRODUCTION. xix towards their tenants ; and that every man was the enemy of his neighbour. Another balla4, pubhfhed in the fame year, bearing the name of a better known writer, John Heywood, is entitled, "A Ballad againft Slander and Detrac- tion" (p. 9). Another ballad of this clafs, which appears from the Stationers* Regifters to have been pubHfhed in 1566 or 1567, is directed againft the crime of bribery, and, the text being ^^ taken from Scripture, is entitled, "A proper new Balad of the bryber Gehefie" (p. 42). Another ballad, printed in November, 1566 (p. lOi), is directed againft the licentioufnefs of the age; as is alfo one publiftied a few years later, under the title, "Of the horrible and wofull deftrudtion of Sodome and Gomorra" (p. 125). With thefe may be clafTed "A new Ballad againft Unthrifts" (p. 153), which is aimed againft the then numerous clafs of fpendthrifts and rioters, who, the writer tells us, fpent their money in the tavern, or threw it away at dice, until they fell into ftill worfe pradtices, and finifhed with Tyburn and the gallows, — Then fome at Newgate doo take fhip. Sailing ful fall vp Holborne Hil ; And at Tiborn their anckers piche, Ful fore indeed againft their wil. Another ballad, " The xxv. orders of Fooles " (p. 88), which, according to the Stationers* Regifters, belongs to the year 1569, is more playfully fatirical. It had long been the faftiion ^^ to reprefent mankind, as then exifting, in the { garb of fools, and clafTifying thefe according to } their various weaknefTes and peculiarities. The Ship of Fools, of Sebaftian Brandt, is well XX INTRODUCTION. known, and it was popular here in an Englifh verfion as well as in its original form in Germany ; and our own Sir Thomas More wrote in praife of Folly. The writer of the "ballad divides the fools of this world into twenty-five orders. Some fools, according to his view, look upon wifdom with difdain ; fome preach to others virtues which they do not pradife themfelves ; others fpend all in their youth, and make no provifion for their old age; others again delight in difcord and ftrife ; and fo on to the end of the lift. One of the moft curious broadfides in the whole colledion is the ballad which pidures the various orders in the ft ate, arranged under the heads of the prieft, the king, the harlot, the lawyer, and the clown, each boafting of the power he holds over the others (p. 98). The prieft alleges that he prays for the other four ; the king that he defends and pro teds them ; the harlot, introduced in a manner which would feem to fhow a low ftate of morals at that period, fays, " I vanquefti you fower;" the lawyer, "I helpe yov iiij. to yovr right ;" the clown, " I feede yov fower ;" and death comes in and proclaims his errand, "I kill yov all." This fubjedt is found, treated a little differently, in the French popular literature of that age, from which the idea was taken by the Englifti ballad-writer, who has, no doubt, modified it a little to make it accord with the difi^erence of Englifti fentiments. It is to be remarked that we have here alfo (p. 173) one of the moft curious and earlieft of the Englifti reprefentations of that well-known allegory, the Dance of Death, a very popular fubjed during Elizabeth's reign. INTRODUCTION, xxi The earlieft dated ballad in this colledion is of the year 1559 (the firft of the reign of Queen Elizabeth), and is entitled, "The Wonders of England" (p. 94). It is a brief retrofpedlive review of Englifh hiftory fince 1553, when God, as a punifhment for the fins with which the land , abounded, took away from us the good King Edward. The people had fince fuffered from mental darknefs and perfecution, until God re- lented and fent us. Elizabeth, and, — Straightway the pebple out dyd cry — Prayled be God, and God faue thee, Quene of England ! It may be remarked that this ballad is one of the poetical produdions of the printer from whofe prefs it ifTued, John Awdeley, who feems to have fought frequently to exhibit his talents as a ballad-writer. There is another ballad of a iatirical charader, which belongs apparently to the earlier part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, which defcribes the defedls of contemporary fociety by their contraries. It has for title, "Other (i. e. either) thus it is, or thus it fhoulde bee" (p. 247), and ends with a prayer that Eliza- beth might rule her fubjeds well, and that they might prove true in their obedience. We have' a ballad breathing a fimilar vein of fatire (p. 208), which unfortunately bears no diredl evidence of date, though it is believed to be very early. This ballad declares that the gofpel was then read in its original purity throughout Chriftendom ; that all people led their lives j " after Chrifle's rule ;" all neighbours lived lovingly together as though they were kinsfolk ; the earth had become like heaven, and the people \ ) xxii INTRODUCTION, in it like angels ; the prifons were empty ; and all things went on fo flourifhingly, that it was believed that doomfday was near at hand ; but the writer adds, rather waggifhly, " O wounders good tydynges, yf al fayinges be tru !" The religious and moral poems are hardly fo numerous in the following colledlion as might be expedted. A poet nam^ed Chriftopher Wilfon is the author of a ballad written in 1566 (p. 166), in which an acroftic, containing his name, runs through the initial letters of the lines from be- ginning to end. In another ballad, printed in 1568 (p. 1 3 8), the well-known writer Elderton has , expounded the fayings of the ancient philofo- ' phers in verfe. A third poet, John Symon, has given a metrical commemoration of Scripture worthies, under the title of "A pleafant pofie, or fweete nofegay of fragrant fmellyng flowers, gathered in the garden of heauenly pleafure" (p. 5). This belongs to the year 1572. The ballads againft popery are more numerous, and every incident which could be made the ground of an attack upon the Romifh party appears to have been feized upon with eagernefs. We have here '*A Balade of a Preift that lofte his nofe" (p. 141), to which the writer adds, as a rhyme, "for fayinge of mafle, as I fuppofe." It is a very fatirical defcription of the mifhap of a prieft, fl:ated to have been the vicar of Lee, who had been waylaid, it would appear, on his return from mafs, robbed, and his nofe cut off. A broadfide, probably of a later date than the laft, gives an engraving, accompanied with verfes, of two friars of the order of Capuchins (p. 156). The pope's bull, hung againft the INTRODUCTION. xxiii Bifhop of London's palace-gate, in 157I5 is the fubjedt of two ballads in this colledion (pp. 22 y 224). We have alfo a rather earneft pro- tell: againft the mafs, in a ballad printed in 1566 (p. 171) ; and a rather good ballad, belonging apparently to a rather early period of the queen's reign, and publilhed under the fimple title of a ^' A newe Ballade" (p. 30), was intended to warn her againft the hoftile defigns of the fpiritualty, meaning thereby the Romifh party, by the examples of fuch of her predeceftbrs as had fallen vidims to the unfcrupulous ambition of the clergy. The ftrong feelings of the pro- teftant party in England at this time led to a fpirit of exaggerated loyalty and devotion which not unfrequently difplays itfelf in thefe ballads. A curious ballad by Elderton, entitled, " Prepare ye to the Plowe" (p. 174), and to be fung to ^ the rather fingular tune of "Pepper is blacke," reprefents the queen as holding the plough, and exhorts her fubjedls to be always ready to help her, — The queene holdes the plowe, to continew good feede ; Truftie fubiedles, be readie to helpe, if fhe neede. This loyalty, which led Elizabeth's fubjec5ls to employ the extreme of flattery, is fhown in a ballad by a not unknown writer of that age, named Bernard Garter, entitled, "A ftrife be- twene Appelles and Pigmalion" (p. 151), who feigns a conteft between thofe two artifts for fuperiority, the refult of which was a ftatue, by the latter, of a woman of fuch furpafting beauty as had never been feen before, and dame nature took it away, gave Hfe to it, and reftored it to xxiv INTRODUCTION, j earth in the perfon of Queen Elizabeth. The , pious Enghfhman of that day imagined, in his I P devotion, that no beauty could furpafs that of '■ Vthe great champion of Proteftantifm. Thefe earHer years of the reign of Elizabeth \ formed, indeed, a period of anxiety and uncer- tainty among all clafTes. Elizabeth and her '\ minifters knew that the catholic party, not only j at home but on the Continent, were confpiring ; againft her, and that not only her religion, but i her throne, and even her life, were in danger. I People's doubts were not leflened by occafional \ difplays of exultation on the part of fome of the , lefs difcreet of the catholic party, who could not ; conceal their hopes of fuccefs ; and by the know- | ledge that a very great part of the population ! of the country was ready to join to whichever \ fortune (hould feem to promife fuccefs. People ■ were, by no means, aflured of the fate of Pro- j teftantifm, until the rebellion of the Dukes of \ Northumberland and Weftmoreland, in the au- j tumn of 1 569, which difplayed the real weaknefs j of the other party. The alarm which this \ rifing created, not only among the people, but : in Elizabeth and her court, was very great ; but ; it did not laft long : before the end of the year \ the rebellion was crufhed, and the two earls were j fugitives. This fuccefs evidently drew forth a | I great number of broadfide ballads, the titles, of : 1 many of which are entered in the Stationers' | Regifters, and a few of which are preferved. \ No lefs than five of thefe are in the prefent col- ' ledlion, the earlieft of which is a metrical prayer I for divine prote6lion againft the rebels (p. 121) ; j the others all relate to the period which followed i A 1 ft* ri^. o 4 1 \ P INTRODUCTION. xxv the fuppreflion of the rebellion. The fir ft ballad in the prefent volume commemorates the exe- cution of a prieft named Plumtree, who had taken poflefTion of the church of St. Nicholas, in Durham, and of the flight of the leaders of the rebellion. Another, entitled "The Plagues of Northomberland" (p. c^G)^ is alfo fomething like a fong of triumph over the defeat of the rebels ; and a third (p. 231), having for its title the diftich,— Joyfull Nevves for true Subieftes to God and the Crowne, The Rebelles are cooled, their Bragges be put downe, — is written in the fame fpirit, but in a more fcorn- ful tone. Laftly, we have " A Newe Ballade, intituled, Agaynft Rebellious and falfe rumours" (p. 239), bearing the date 1570, and publiflied no doubt early in the year. Before thefe curious pieces were made known by the difcovery of the colledlion now printed, only two or three contem- porary ballads on the northern rebellion ot 1569 were known to exift. Two, publifhed by Bifhop Percy in his Reliques, from his folio manufcript, are border ballads, compofed by minftrels who feem to have fympathized more or lefs with the two Earls and their followers, and they are of an ; entirely different character from thofe here printed. Among the " Old Ballads" printed by Mr. Payne Collier, which had originally formed part of the prefent colledlion, there is alfo a ballad on this rebellion, written by Thomas Pref- ton, and entitled, — A lamentation from Rome how the Pope doth bewayle. That rebelles in England can not prevayle. And there is one in the colledion of broadfides xxvi INTRODUCTION. in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, alfo exulting over the defeat of the rebellion, and en- titled, " Newes from Northumberland." Thefe are, we believe, all the popular ballads now known to exill relating to this important event ; I and they are very curious as illuftrating the po- ^ pular feelings which it excited. The other hiftorical ballads in this colledlion are chiefly of a lefs degree of importance, becaufe they relate generally to events of no great inter- eft at the prefent day, with two efpecial excep- tions. Thefe are two Scottifh ballads, both by Sempill, a known Scottifh poet. The fubjedl of the firft is the maflacre of the Proteftants in Paris on St. Bartholomew's Day, 1572, and it is enti- tled, " Ane new Ballet fet out be ane fugitiue Scottifman that fled out of Paris at this lait mur- ther" (p. 37). The Scots, who were of courfe by their form of religion more clofely allied in feeling with the French Proteftants than the Englifti, were greatly aff^ec5i:ed by thefe fan- guinary perfecutions in France, and, under the terror they created, the Scottifti government then in power fought to draw ftill clofer its relations with Queen Elizabeth. Such is the fpirit of the prefent ballad. It preftes upon Elizabeth the prudence of united and vigorous meafures of defence, — Now, wyfe Quene Elizabeth, luik to yourfelf, Difpite them, and wryte thame ane bill ofdefyance. The Papiftis and Spanjards hes partit Jour pelf. As newly and trewly was tald me thir tythance. Beleue thay to land heir, and get vs for nocht ; Will je do as we do, it fal be deir bocht. The Other of thefe Scottifti ballads (p. 49) is en- INTRODUCTION. xxvii titled, " Ane Complaint vpon Fortoun," and was publifhed early in 1581, on Morton's fall, but before he was brought to trial and executed. Of the Englifh hiftorical ballads, or broadfides, which remain to be mentioned, one (p. 236) is a poem by " Ber. Gar." (Bernard Garter), entitled " A dittie in the worthie praife of an high and mightie Prince," who appears from the context to have been Thomas Howard Earl of Norfolk, but the occafion on which it was written is not explained. There are three ballads on the deaths .1 of eminent perfons, who were, firft, ^^ my Ladie Marques" (p. 14), (perhaps the Marchionefs of Southampton), which was entered in the Sta- tioners' Regifters in 1569; fecond, "the Ladie MaiorefTe" of London (p. 178) ; the third, " the Earl of Huntingdon," which bears the date of 1596. A ballad named " Saparton's Alarum" (p. 1 18), bears the name of John Saparton as its author, and appears, from another ballad on the fame individual entered in the Stationers' books, to belong to about the year 1569; its meaning is not very clear. We have *' A famous dittie" on a fomewhat memorable vifit of the queen to the city on the 12th of November, 1584 (p. 182); and "A mournful! dittie" (p. 197) on a fudden mortality which took place among the judges and others at the Lincoln AfTizes of 1590. There are two ballads on another accident which happened in the provinces, the burning of the town of Beccles, in Suffolk, in 1586 (pp. 78, 81); they were both printed by Robert Ro- binfon in London for Nicholas Colman of Nor- wich, fo that even at this time ballad-printers appear to have been only to be found in London. xxviii INTRODUCTION. \ i Laftly, we have a ballad entitled " Franklin's \ Farewell to the World" (p. 85). James Frank- i lin was the apothecary who fupplied the poifons \ ufed in the Overbury murders, and was con-' demned and executed on the 9th of December, '■ 161 5. Another ballad, on the fame fubjed:, is| preferved in the colledion of the Society of An- i tiquaries. This ballad muft have been added to ; our colledlion long after the original colledor^ had departed from the fcene of his labours. j With the mafs of ballad literature here revealed ! to us, we may naturally be curious to learn fome- j Y thing of the ballad- writers, but we can colledt 1 V little beyond a few obfcure names, and others* which are merely hinted to us by their initials, i Among them, however, are the names of one or 1 two writers who are better known in the fmaller i literature of the Elizabethan period. Such is^ - — -Thomas Churchyard, whofe name is found at-: tached to one of the ballads feparated from thei prefent colledion, and printed by Mr. Collier. ; Such alfo are William Elderton, and Thomas i Deloney. The firft of thefe was celebrated for " his tippHngpropenfities, as well as for his rhymes, 1 and is faid to have drunk himfelf to death, fome \ time before 1592. His fpecial charadleriftic is| commemorated in a contemporary epitaph, re- i corded by Camden, and translated by Oldys, as i follows : — ! ( Hie Jit us ejl fitiensy at que ebrius Eldertonus, ^id dico hie Jit us eji ? hie potius Jitis ejl. Dead drunk here Elderton doth lie ; Dead as he is, he Itill is dry ; So of him it may well be faid. Here he, but not his thirft, is laid. INTROD UCTION, xxix He was the author of three ballads in the pre- fent volume (pp. i6, 140, 178), and of two of - thofe edited by Mr. Collier. One of the latter was printed on the 22nd of March, 1559, which, in our reckoning, means 1560. Deloney was a I profefled ballad-writer on all paffing events.^ His only production in the prefent volume is one of the poems on the burning of the town of Beccles, in 1586 (p. 84); one in Mr. Collier*s volume, printed in the fame year, has for its fub- jed the execution of the confpirators in the cele- brated Babington Confpiracy. Deloney ufually figns only with his initials, T. D. John Hey- wood, who alfo is a well-known writer of the middle of the fixteenth century, was a firm Roman Catholic, and went into voluntary exile on the death of Mary, dying at Mechlin, in Bra- bant, in 1565. If he be the author of the " Ballad againft Slander and Detraction" (p. 9), to which the name of Haywood is attached, it S muft have been intended as a proteft againft per- fonal abufe to which fome of the Catholics, perhaps himfelf, had been fubjeded. Richard Tarlton, another well-known minor Elizabethan v writer, is the author of one of the moft fprightly ballads in the prefent colledlion (p. 259) ; as well as of one in Mr. Collier's collecflion, to which his name is given in full. John Awdeley, the / printer, appears not unfrequently to have written ^ his own ballads. Two of them occur in our pre- fent volume, the firft (p. 97) printed in 1559, the fecond (p. 123) in 1569 ; and there is a third in Collier's volume, fuppofed to belong to about the fame date as the former. A few alfo of the other names of authors attached to thefe ballads ^£*t \vM \\vXi XXX INTRODUCTION. \ are known by fome other contributions to the j literature of the age. John Barker, who wrote | three of our ballads (pp. 59, 66 ^ and 138), one ■ of them printed in 1564, and another entered inj the Stationers' Regifters in 1569-70, is alfo known as the author of a ballad " Of the hor- j rible and wofull deftrudion of Jerufalem," printed! by Colwell about 1568. The initials "T. Gr."; attached to one of cur ballads (p. 94) probably] ftand for Thomas Greepe, who was the author of ^ a poem on the exploits of Sir Francis Drake,j printed in 1587. Leonard Gibfon, whofe name; occurs here as the writer of a ballad on the light- \ nefs of the ladies (p. 117), was the author of a: little book called " The Tower of Truftinefle,"! in verfe and profe, printed in 1555 ; and there is I a fong called "L. Gibfon's Tantara" in the; "Handefull of Pleafant DeHtes," J584. Thej individual defigned under the abbreviated formj Ber. Gar. (pp. 153, 239), and in one cafe merely 1 by the initials, B. G. (p. 150), was Bernard; Garter, who wrote the " Tragical Hiftory of Two ■ Englifh Lovers," printed in a fmall volume in; 1565, and "A New Yeares Gifte," printed in| quarto in 1579, and fome of whofe verfes arei prefixed to " Pafquine in a Traunce," 1584.J John Philip, whofe name is attached to one o/l our ballads printed in 1570 (p. 182), and to| whom probably belong the initials I. P. attached' to the lines added to the account of the Wonder-j ful Swine (p. 190), is known by feveral poetical' works ftill extant, of which perhaps the moftj curious is " A rare and ftrange hiftoricall Novelli of Cleomenes and Sophonifba," printed in 1577. 1 John Mellys, of Norwich, the author of ai INTRODUCTION. xxxi ballad on two monftrous children, printed in 1566 (p. 220)5 was perhaps the fame perfon, for he bears the fame name, as the compiler of " A briefe Inftrudlion how to keepe Bookes of Ac- compts," which bears the date 1588. The other names and initials found in our colledion of . ballads appear to be entirely unknown. When \ we compare them with the few other ballads of this period now known, which prefent us with many new names, we cannot but be furprifed at \ the great number of individuals who muft have j found employment in writing ballads at this very / early period in the hiftory of ballad literature. / CONTENTS. Page BALLAD intituled A newe Well a daye, As playne, maifter papift, as Donftable waye, by W. Elderton 2. A pleafant Pofie or fweete Nofegay of fragrant fmellyng Flowers gathered in the Garden of heauenly Pleafure, the holy and blefled Bible, by John Symon, 1572 3. A Ballad againft Slander and Detradion, by Hay- wood ......... 4. A proper new Balad in praife of my Ladie Mar- ques, by W. Elderton 5. The Prifoners' Petition 6. A moft pleafant Ballad of Patient Griflell . 7. A Newe Ballade of a Louer extollinge his Ladye, by M. Ofb., 1568 8. The true reporte of the forme and fliape of a mon- ftrous Childe borne at Muche Horkefleye, co. EfTex, 1562 .... 9. A newe Ballade (againft the hoftile deligns of the fpiritualty) 3° 10. The Pope in his fury doth anfwer returne, To a letter the which to Rome is late come . . • 33 11. Lines underneath a Portrait of Queen Elizabeth 36 12. Ane new Ballet fet out be ane fugitiue Scottif- man that fled out of Paris at this lait Murther, by Simpell, 1572 ....... 37 13. A proper New Balad of the Bryber Gehefie, by George Mell 42 14. The (hape of ii. monllers, 1562 ... 45 16 17 24 27 xxxiv CONTENTS. 15. Ane Complaint vpon Fortoun, by Sempill 16. The Plagues of Northomberland, by John Barker 17. A merry new Song how a Bruer meant to make a Cooper cuckold, and how deere the Bruer paid for the bargaine ........ 18. The true defcription of a monfterous Chylde borne in the He of Wight, 1564, by John Barkar 19. The Marchants Daughter of Briftow 20. A briefe fonet declaring the lamentation of Beckles, a Market Towne in SufFolke, which was piti- fully burned with fire, 1586, by D. Sterrie 21. A proper newe fonet declaring the lamentation of Beckles, 1586, by T. Deloney . . . . 22. Franklins Farewell to the World, with his Chrift- ian Contrition in Prifon before his death . 23. The XXV. Orders of Fooles .... 24. The Wonders of England, 1559 . 25. A ballad defcriptive of the powers of the Priell, the King, the Harlot, the Lawyer, the Clown, and Death 26. A godly ballad declaring by the Scriptures the plagues that haue infued whordome . . . . 27. A nierie newe Ballad intituled the Pinnyng of the Bafket, by T. Rider 28. The defcription of a monftrous pig, the which was farrowed at Hamfted befyde London, 1562 . 29. A very proper Dittie to the tune of Lightie Loue, by Leonarde Gybfon ...... 30. Sapartons Alarum to all fuch as do beare the name of true fouldiers in England or elfwheare . 31. A Godly ditty or prayer to be fong vnto God for the preferuation of his Church, our Queene and Realme, againft all Traytours, Rebels, and papifticall enemies, by John Awdely ..... 32. The Groome-porters Lawes at Mawe, to be ob- ferued in fulfilling the due orders of the game 33. Of the horrible and wofull deftrudlion of So- dome and Gomorra ...... 34. A mery balade, how a wife entreated her hufband to haue her owne wyll ...... 35. The Othe of euerie Freeman of the City of London ........ CONTENTS. XXXV 36. A Balade declaryng how neybourhed, loue, and trew dealyng is gone, by John Barker . . . 134 37. A proper newe Ballad Iheweing that philofophers learnynges are full of good warnynges, by W. Elderton 138 38. A Balade of a Preifh that lolte his nofe. For fay- inge of MafTe, as I fuppofe ..... 141 39. The true difcripcion of this marueilous rtraunge Fiflie, vvhiche was taken the xvj. day of June, 1569 . 145 40. The fantafies of a troubled mannes head . -HZ 41. Of euyll tounges, by I. Canand . . . 149 42. OfTruft and Triall 1 50 43. A Strife betwene Appelles and Pigmalion, by Ber- nard Garter . . . . . . . • ^ 5 ^ 44. A new Ballad againft Unthrifts . . • '53 45. A newe Sedle of Friars called Capichini . .156 46. The ballad of the faire Widow of Watling Street and her 3 daughters . . . . . .157 47. A ballad of religious exhortation, by Chriftopher Wilfon 166 48. A Song againft the Mafs, 1566 . . .171 49. The Daunce and Song of Death . . '173 50. A Ballad intituled, Prepare ye to the Plowe, by W. Elderton 174 51. An Epitaph on the death of the Ladie Maioreffe, wyfe to the right Honorable Lorde Alexander Auenet, 1570, by John Phillip . . . . . ,178 52. A famous dittie of the joyful receauing of the Queens mofte excellent maieftie by the worthy citizens of London, 1584, by Richard Harrington . . .182 53. A meruaylous ftraunge deformed Swyne . .186 54. Love deferveth Love . . . . .190 55. A fpell for Jone ...... 191 56. A Paradox . . . . . . . 192 57. The Ficklenefs of Women . . . • 193 58. An Epitaph on Edmund Sandford, written in gould . . . . . . . . .194 59. The forme and fhape of a monftrous Child borne at Maydftone, 1568 . . . • . • ^94 60. A mournfuUDittieon the death of certaine Judges and Juftices of the Peace, &c., who died immediatly after the Affifes holden at Lincoln, 1590 . . . 197 61. A difcription of a monftrous Chylde borne at Chychefter in SufTex, 1562 ..... 201 xxxvi CONTENTS. 62. An exhortation to fuch as write in metres, a new e . . . . . . . . 63. A ballad of maruelous tydynges, yf many mens wordes be tru 64. As pleafant a dittie as your hart can wilh, (hew- ing what vnkindnes befell by a kiffe .... 65. The true defcription of two monfterous children, laufully begotten in the parifli of Swanburne, co. Bucks, 1566, by John Mellys of Norwich .... 66. A newe Ballade intytuled, Good fellowes muft go learne to daunce, 1569 ..... 67. Adewe, Sweete Harte, 1569. 68. The braineles bleffing of the Bull . 69. A Ballad, What lyfe is beft? . 70. The crie of the poore for the death of the right Honourable Earle of Huntington, 1596 71. Joyfull Newes for true Subie6les, a ballad on the defeat of the rebels in the North, by W. Kyrkham 72. A dittie in the worthie praife of an high and mightie Prince, the Duke of Norfolk, by Bernard Garter 73. A newe Ballade intituled, Agaynft Rebellious and falfe rumours, by Thomas Bette, 1570 74. The true Difcripcion of a Childe with ruffes, borne in the parifh of Micheham, in the countie of Surrey, 1566 ....... 75. Other thus it is, or thus it (houlde bee . jS. A Ditty delightfull of mother Watkins ale yy. A prettie newe Ballad, intytuled, Pieafe one and pleafe all, by Richard Tarlton .... 78. An Epitaph on the death of the Earle of South- ampton, I 581, by John Phillip .... 79. A Ballad rejoyfinge the fodaine fail. Of rebels that thought to deuower vs all Notes 271 ANCIENT BALLADS AND BROADSIDES. A Ballad intituled, A newe Well a daye, As playney maijler papijl, as Donjiable waye. Well a daye, well a daye, well a daye, woe is mee, Syr Thomas Plomtrie is hanged on a tree. MONGE manye newes reported of late As touchinge the rebelles their wicked eftate, Yet Syr Thomas Plomtrie their preacher, they faie. Hath made the North countrie to crie well a daye. Well a daye, well a daye, well a daye, woe is me, Syr Thomas Plomtrie is hanged on a tree. And now manie fathers and mothers be theare. Are put to their trialles with terrible feare. Not all the gaye crofTes nor goddes they adore. Will make them as merie as they haue ben before ; Well a daye, well a daye, &c. : :^'.'^,' '[X^r.^A'N'C'lENT BALLADS The widowes be woful whofe hufbandes be taken. The childerne lament them that are fo forfaken. The church men thei chaunted the morowe mafle bell. Their pardons be graunted, they hangverie wel. Well a daye, well a daye, &c. It is knowne they bee fled that were the beginers. It is time they were ded, poore forofull finners ; For all there great hafte they are hedged at a ftaye. With weeping and waylinge to fing well a daye ; Well a daye, well a daye, &c. Yetfome holdopynion, all is well with thehigheft ; They are in good faftie wher freedome is niefte; ^ Northumberland need not be doutefull, fome faye. And Weftmorlande is not yet brought to the bay; Well a daye, well a daye, &c. No more is not Norton, nor a nomber befide. But all in good feafon they maye hap to be fpide ; It is well they be wandred whether no man can fay. But it will be remembered, they crie well a dale ; Well a daye, well a daye, &c. Where be the fyne fellowes that caried the crofTes ? Where be the deuifers of idoles and affes ? Wher be the gaie banners were wont to be borne ? Where is the deuocion of gentyll John Shorne ? Well a daye, well a daye, &c. Saint Pall and Saint Peter haue laid them a-bord. And faie it is feetter to cleaue to Gods worde, £ i vv. w (Oirw H (too \/MLi4-iAj AND BROADSIDES. 3 Their beades and their babies are beft to be burnd, And Moifes tables towardes them to be turnde ; Well a daye, well a daye, &c. And well a daye wandreth ftill to and froe, Bewailinge the wonders of rumors that goe ; Yet faie the ftifFe-necked^ let be as be maye, Though fome be fore checked, yet fome fkape awaie ; Well a daye, well a daye, &c. And fuch fome be fowers of feedes of fedicion. And faie the Popes pardon fhall giue them re- miffion. That kepe themfelues fecrete, and preeuilie faie, It is no greate matter for this, well a daye ; Well a daye, well a daye, &c. You fhall haue more newes er Candelmas come, Their be matters diiFufe, yet lookte for of fome; Looke on, and looke ftill,as yelonge to here newes, I thinke Tower Hill will make ye all mufe ; Well a daye, well a daye, &c. If they that leaue tumblynge begin to wax climing. For all your momblinge and merie paftimeing Ye will then beleeue, I am fure as I faie. That matter will meeue a newe well a daye ; Well a daye, well a daye, &c. But as ye be faithleffe of God and his lawe. So till ye fee hedles the traitors in ftrawe. You wil be ftill whifperinge of this and of that, Well a daye, woe is me, you remember it not ; Well a daie, well a daie, &c 4 ANCIENT BALLADS Leaue of your lyinge, and fall to trewe reafon, Leaue of your fonde fpieng, and marke euery feafon ; Againft God and your countrie to taulke of rebelling j Not Syr Thomas Plum trie can bide by the telling ; Well a daye, well a daye, &c. And fuch as feduce the people with blyndnes. And byd them to truft the Pope and his \ kyndnes. Make worke for the tynker, as prouerbes doth | faie, I By fuch popifhe patching ftill comes well a i daye ; j Well a daye, well a daie, &c. ! And fhe that is rightfull your Queene to fubdue I ye, ^ Althoughe you be fpitfull, hath gyuen no caufe \ to ye ; \ But if ye will vexe her, to trie her hole force, ■ Let him that comes next her take heed of her I horfe ; 1 Well a daie, well a daie, &c. j Shee is the lieftennante of him that is ftowteft, ■ Shee is defender of all the deuowteft ; ; It is not the Pope, nor all the Pope may. Can make her aftonyed, or finge well a daie ; ! Well a daie, well a daie, &c. j 4 God profper her highnes, and fend her his peace i To gouerne good people with grace and increafe ; \ AND BROADSIDES, 5 And fend the deferuers, that feeke the wronge way, At Tyborne fome caruers, to finge well a dale ; Well a daie, well a dale, &c. Finis. W. E. ^ Imprinted at London in Fleeftrete beneath the Conduit, at the figne of S. John Euan- gelift, by Thomas Colwell. A pie af ant Poejie^or fweete Nofegay of frag- rant fmellyng Flowers gathered in the Garden of heauenly Pleafure, the holy and hlejfed Bible ; to the tune of the Black Almayne. STOCK of flowers, bedewed with fhowers. In a garden now there fprings ; With mirth and glee, vpon a tree, A byrd there fits and fings ; So pleafant is her voyce. It doth my hart reioyce : She fets her tunes and noates fo meete. That vnto me it feemes fo fweete. That all the flowers, that euer could be. Was neuer fo fwete as this to me ; The lyke before I dyd neuer fe. ANCIENT BALLADS |[ The Bible it is, that garden i-wys. Which God preferue alwayes : Lykewyfe Gods worde it is that byrde. That now fo much I prayfe. Alfo thofe goodly flowers. So well bedewed with fhowers, I wyll now go about to gather, And put them in a pofy together ; I wyll not put them in no chefl:. But bynd them vp as I thinke befl. And kepe them alway next my breft. C The fyrfl: I fynd, to pleafe my mind, Abell be had to name ; Enoch alwayes is worthy of prayfe, Likewyfe of worthy fame. Looke you what Mofes wrytes. And in Genefis there refites. How God tooke hym the ftory fayth. That he fhould neuer taft of death : And alfo Noe, that righteous man, A curious worke dyd take in hand. To make the arke we vnderftand. C Good Abraham, that faithfull man. In God dyd truft alway : He dyd not feare, nor once difpayre His onely fon to flay ; Ifacke was no weede. Nor Jacob in very deede : Jofeph was a flower of price, God dyd hym faue from cruell deuice ; Alfo Mofes eke we fynd. And Aaron lykewyfe vp we bynd, Jofua is not out of mynd. AND BROADSIDES. 7 1 C The Judges alfo, both lefTe and mo, \ They were of worthy fame : \ To fpeake of all, my tyme is fmal, I To rehearce them all by name. ] The prophet Samuell, Our God dyd loue him well : | Dauid was a flower fo fweete, j To make hym kyng God thought it meete, j For great Golias he hath flayne ; I And Sallomon after him dyd raygne, l Which vnto wyfedome dyd attayne. CWhen Achab dyd floryfh, the rauens did j norifh > Elia, a man of God ; Kynge Jofias and Efdras We finde, and pacient Job. ' They feared our God of might, j And ferued him day and night : \ No ioy nor payne could them procure. But alwayes by hym to endure : ; Efay lykewyfe and Jeremy, 1 They preached alway earnefl:ly, \ And dyd their duty faithfully. C And Daniell deftroyed Bell, j The Babilonians God : The dragon alfo he brought to wo, ; Without either fword or rod. To rehearce the Prophets all, I By their names them for to call, 3 Although they be of worthy fame, , It is to long them for to name : We may not Toby as leaue behynd, i Yet was he almoft out of mind, I But few flich flowers now can we fynd. j ANCIENT BALLADS C Full wel we know, no flowers can blow, ; But boyfterous {lormes muft fynd : i For that is no flower, that euery ftiowre l. Doth driue away with wynd. \ For all thefe goodly flowers ! Had many ftormy fhowers, i Before that they could blow or bud, 1 Or bring forth feede to doe any good : They dyd abyde both cold and blaft, j Yet allwayes dyd they ftand fl:edfafl:, i Tyll all the fl:ormes were gone and paft. C Now at this time, for our gracious Queene, i Let vs geue harty prayes : i God may her defend, from enemies hand, i At this time and alwayes ; ; And fend her profperous raygne. With vs for to remayne, \ For to defend Gods word fo pure, 1 And euer with it for to endure : That flie may be to vs a bower. To kepe vs alway when it doth fhowre ; \ I pray God faue that princly flower ! '\ C Finis. John Symon. C Imprinted at London by Richard I Johnes, dwellyng in the upper end \ of Fleet Lane, 1572. j AND BROADSIDES. A Ballad againfi Slander and Detraction. |[ Gar call him downe, gar call him downe, gar call him downe downe a : |[ God fend the fadion, of all detradion, calld downe and call away. LMYGHTY God Dooth fhake his rod Of iuftife, and all thofe. That vniuftly, Detradlyfly, Detrad their freends or foes. He telthe eche one. Thou fhalt iudge none ; And if thou iudge unbiden, Thyfelf, faith he. Shall iudged be ; This leflbn is not hiden. To this now fturd. This is concord, Whiche wilthe vs in eche dout ; To deem the beft. That may be geft. Till time the trueth try out. Knowing by this. That think amifle Againft no man we may ; ANCIENT BALLADS Muche more muft we 111 langage flee. And call it downe downe a ; Gar call him downe, &c. C With fwoord or fkaine To fee babes flaine, Abhorth to look upon ; Attend to me. And ye fhall fee Murder and flaunder one. Like as a knife By reuing life. So flaunder fame hath flain ; And bothe ones doone, Bothe alike foone May be vndoon again. Then what more ill With knife to kill. Or with the tung to fl:ing : With knife or tung Strike olde or yung, Bothe in eflfed one thing. Thefe woords are fliort. But they import Sentence at length to way : Of all whiche fence. To flee off^ence. Call flaunder downe I fay ; Gar call him downe, &c. AND BROADSIDES. ii | U; When vice is fought, \ Al vice is nought, ^ But fome vice wors then fome : ] And eche man fees j Sundry degrees ] In eche vice felf dooth come. 1 i Now fins the leaft, 1 We fhould deteft ; Vice or degree in vice : i If in the mofte \ We fhowe our bofte, \ That fhoweth vs mofte unwice. | \ If I in thee \ Suche fauhs ones fee, ■ As no man ells doth knowe ; \ To thee alone, \ And other none, Thefe faults I ought to fhowe. ; Then of intent . \ If I inuent \ Fauls tales, and them difplay : I That is mofte vile, j Whiche to exile, God calleth this down, downe a. J Gar call him downe, &c. i C Some count no charge 1 To talke at large : Suche il as they doo heare ; \ But Gods account \ Dooth not amount j To take fuche talkers heere. I ANCIENT BALLADS Of woork il wrought. When it is fought. In telling foorth the fame. Though it be true. The talke may brew- Drink of damnable blame. To frame excufe. Of tungs mifufe. We haue no maner mene ; So that by this. No way ther is II talles to cary clene. Whiche makes me call Vpon you all. As calling cal you may ; Tales falfe or true, Me to enfue. To call them downe, down a. Gar call him downe, &c. C Chrifte crieth out ftil. Say good for il. But we fay harme for harme ; Yea ill for good 111 tungs doo brood. Wrath is in them fo warme. Slander to fere And to forbere. This text ftands well in place ; Wo by the tung, Wherby is fprung Slander in any cace ! AND BROADSIDES. 13 ' To fleke this fier ; Of flanders yre, | Repentance muft deuife ^ To fet all hands, j To quenche the brands 1 With water of our eies. ; j Whiche brand then blowe ] To make loue glowe, ^ That loue by grace may ftay, \ And by refort 1 Of good report, I Call flander downe I fay. j Gar call him down, &c. FINIS, q^ Haywood. I i Imprinted at j London, at the long Shop ! adioining vnto Saint \ Mildreds Churche 1 in the Pultrie, by ,\ John Allde. i 14 ANCIENT BALLADS A proper new Balad in praife of my , \ Ladie Marquesy wbofe Death is bewailed to the Tune of New iafty gallant, i ADIES, I thinke you maruell that \ I writ no mery report to you, | And what is the caufe I court it not I So merye as I was wont to dooe ; | Alas ! I let you vnderftand, j It is no newes for me to fhow ; | The faireft flower of my garland ] Was caught from court a great while agoe. \ For, vnder the roufe of fweete Saint Paull, There lyeth my Ladie buryed in claye, \ Where I make memory for her foule , With weepinge eyes once euerye daye ; \ All other fightes I haue forgot, j That euer in court I ioyed to fee, i And that is the caufe I court it not. So mery as I was wont to be. j And though that fhee be dead and gone, ] Whofe courting need not to be tolde, And natures mould of flefhe and bone, Whofe lyke now liues not to beholde, | Me thinkes I fee her walke in blacke, i In euery corner where I goe, j To looke if anie bodie do lacke \ \ A frend to helpe them of theyr woe. \ AND BROADSIDES, i Mee thinkes I fee her forowfull teares, To princelye ftate approching nye ; Mee thinkes I fee her tremblinge feares, Lefte anie her fuites fhulde hit awrie ; Mee thinkes fhe fhuld be ftill in place, A pitifull fpeaker to a Queene, Bewailinge every poore mans cafe. As many a time fhee hath ben {Qcne. Mee thinkes I fee her modefte mood. Her comHe clothing plainlie clad. Her face fo fweete, her cheere fo good, The courtlie countenance that fhee had ; But, chefe of all, mee thinkes I fee Her vertues deutie daie by daie, Homblie kneeling one her knee. As her defire was ftill to praie. Mee thinkes I cold from morow to night Do no thing ells with verie good will. But fpend the time to fpeake and writte The praife of my good ladies ftill ; Though reafon faith, now fhe is dead. Go feeke and farue as good as fhee ; — ^ 0^ It will not finke fo m my head. That euer the like in courte will bee. But fure I am, ther liueth yet In court a dearer frinde to mee, Whome I to farue am fo vnfit, I am fure the like will neuer bee ; For I with all that I can dooe, Vnworthie moft maie feeme to bee. To undoo the lachet of her fhooe. Yet will I come to courte and fee. ANCIENT BALLADS Then haue amongfte ye once againe. Faint harts faire ladies neuer win ; I truft ye will confider my payne. When any good venifon cometh in ; And, gentill ladies, I you praie, If my abfentinge breede to blame. In my behalfe that ye will faie. In court is remedie for the fame. C Finis, q"^ W. Elderton. C Imprinted at London in Fleteftreat beneath the Conduit, at the figne of S. John Euangelift, by Thomas Colwell. The Prifoners' Petition. To the worfhipful our good benefador. N all lamentable manner, moft humbly] befeecheth your good Worfhip, wee,; the miferable multitude of verypoore; diftrefled prifbners, in the hole ofl Wood-ftreet Counter, in nomber fiftie poore men i or thereabouts, lying vpon the bare boordes,! ftill languifhing in great neede, colde andj miferie, w^ho, by reafon of this daungerous and ; troublefbme time, be almoft famifhed and hunger- 1 ftarued to death ; others very fore ficke, and \ difeafed for want of reliefe and fuftenance, byj AND BROADSIDES. 17 reafon of the great number, which dayly increaf- eth, dooth in all humblenes moft humbly be- feech your good worfhip, euen for Gods fake, to pi tie our poore lamentable and diftrefled cafes ; and nowe helpe to relieue and comfort us with your Chriftian and Godly charitie againft this holie and blefled time of Eafter. And wee, ac- cording to our bounden duties, do and will dayly pray vnto Almighty God for your long life and happy profperitie. We humbly pray, your Chriftian and Godly charitie to be fent vnto vs by fome of your feruants. A moji plea/ant Ballad of patient Grijfell, To the tune of the Brides Good-morrow, NOBLE Marques as he did ride on hunting. Hard by a forreft fide ; A proper mayden, as fhe did fit a fpinning, His gentle eye efpide. Moft faire, and louely, and of curteous grace was flie. Although in fimple attire ; She fung full fweet with pleafant voyce melod- ioufly. Which fet the lords hart on fire. l8 ANCIENT BALLADS The more he looked the more he might, Beautie bred his hartes delight. And to this dainty damfell then he went ; — God fpeede, quoth he, thou famous flower, Faire miftres of this homely bower. Where loue and vertue Hues with fweete content. With comely iefture and curteous milde behauiour, j She bad him welcome then ; ! She entertain'd him in faithful friendly maner. And all his gentlemen. \ The noble marques in his hart felt fuch a flame, | Which fet his fences at ftrife ; \ Quoth he, faire maiden, fliew me foone what is : thy name ? j I meane to make thee my wife. \ Grifl^ll is my name, quoth (he, Farrevnfit for your degree, '] A filly mayden and of parents poore. -^ Nay, Grifl^ell, thou art rich, he fayd, t A vertuous, faire and comely mayd ; '-j Graunt me thy loue, and I wil aflce no more. ; At length flie confented, and being both contented, i They married were with fpeed ; \ Her contrey ruflet was changd to filk and veluet, j As to her ftate agreed. I And when fhe was trimly tyred in the fame, | Her beauty fliined moft bright, i Far ftaining euery other braue and comly dame, | That did appeare in her fight. i Many enuied her therefore, \ Becaufe fhe was of parents poore, ! And twixt her lord and fhe great flrife did raife. < AND BROADSIDES. 19 Some fayd this and fome fayd that. Some did call her beggers brat. And to her lord they would her foone difpraife. O noble Marques, quoth they, why doe you wrong vs. Thus bacely for to wed. That might haue gotten an honorable lady, Into your princely bed ? Who will not now your noble iiTue ftill deride. Which fhall hereafter be borne ? That are of blood fo bafe by their mothers fide, . The which will bring them in fcorne ; Put her therefore quite away, Take to you a lady gay, Whereby your linage may renowned be ; Thus euery day they feemde to prate. That maUft Griflelles good eftate. Who tooke all this moft milde and patiently. When that the marques did fee that they were bent thus Againft his faithfull wife. Whom he moft deerely, tenderly and entirely, Beloued as his life ; Minding in fecret for to proue her patient hart, Therby her foes to difgrace ; Thinking to play a hard vncurteous part. That men might pittie her cafe. Great with childe this lady was. And at length it came to paiTe, Two goodly children at one birth fhe had ; A fonne and daughter God had fent. Which did their father well content. And which did make their mothers hart full glad. 20 ANCIENT BALLADS \ i Great royall feafting was at thefe childrens ; chriftnings, \ And princely triumph made ; ■ Sixe weeks together, al nobles that came thither Were entertaind and ftaid ; j And when that al thofe pleafant fportings quite | were done, ' The Marques a meflenger fent ' i For his yong daughter, and his prety fmiling fon, j Declaring his full intent, — I How that the babes muft murdred be, \ For fo the Marques did decree, — i Come, let me haue the children, then he fayd. i With that faire GrifTell wept full fore, ! She wrung her hands and fayd no more, — My gracious lord muft haue his will obaid. i She tooke the babies, euen from their nurfing ! ladies, Betweene her tender armes ; \ She often wifhes, with many forrowful kiffes, " That fhe might helpe their harmes. Farewel, farewel, a thoufand times, my children i deere, ^ \ Neuer fhall I fee you againe ; | Tis long of me, your fad and woful mother heere, i For whofe fake both muft be flaine. j Had I been borne of royall race, \ You might haue liu'd in happy cafe, i But you muft die for my vnworthines ; \ Come, meflenger of death, faid ftiee, j Take my defpifed babes to thee, i And to their father my complaints expres. \ AND BROADSIDES. 21 He tooke the children, and to his noble maifter He brings them both with fpeed ; Who fecret fent them vnto a noble lady. To be nurft vp indeed ; Then to faire Griflel with a heauy hart he goes. Where ihe fate mildly alone ; A pleafant iefture and a louely looke ihe fhowes. As if this griefe fhe neuer had knowen. Quoth he, my children now are flaine ! What thinkes faire Griflell of the fame ? Sweet GrifTell, now declare thy mind to mee. Sith you, my lord, are pleaf 'd in it, Poore GrifTell thinkes the adion fit ; Both I and mine at your command will be. My nobles murmur, faire GrifTell, at thy honor. And I no ioy can haue. Til thou be banifht both from my court and pre- fence. As they vnjuflly craue ; Thou mufl be flript out of thy coflly garments all. And as thou camefl to me. In homely gray, infleed of bifTe and pureft pall, Now all thy cloathing mufl be ; My lady thou fhalt be no more. Nor I thy lord, which grieues me fore ; The poorefl life mufl now content thy minde ; A groat to thee I mufl not giue. To maintaine thee while I doe Hue, Againfl my GrifTel fuch great foes I finde. When gentle GrifTell did heare thefe wofull tidings. The teares flood in her eyes. 22 ANCIENT BALLADS She nothing anfwered, no words of difcontent I Did from her Hps arife ; i Her veluet gown moft patiently fhe flipped off, ! Her kirtles of filke with the fame ; I Her ruffet gown was broght again with many a fcofFe, I To beare them all herfelfe fhe did frame. When fhe was drefl in this array, And ready was to part away, God fend long life vnto my lord, quoth fhee ; Let no offence be found in this, \ To giue my lord a parting kifle. — With watry eyes, Farewel, my deere, quoth he. ' i ,( From {lately pallace vnto her fathers cottage, Poore Griffell now is gone ; I Full fixteene winters fhe liued there contented. No wrong fhe thought vpon ; And at that time through all the land the fpeaches j went, \ The Marques fhould married be j Vnto a lady of high and great difcent ; \ To the fame all parties did agree. \ The Marques fent for Griffell faire, l The brides bedchamber to prepare, | That nothing therein fhould be found awrye ; \ The bride was with her brother come, ; Which was great ioy to all and fome ; | And Griffell tooke all this mofl patiently. - And, in the morning, when they fhould to the wedding. Her patience now was tride ; ■ Griffel was charged herfelf in princely maner i For to attire the bride. \ AND BROADSIDES. 23 1 Moft willingly fhe gaue confent to do the fame ; .: The bride in her brauery was dreft. And prefently the noble Marques thither came, . With all his lords, as he requeft : j O GrilTel, I would afke, quoth he, \ If fhe would to this match agree ; j Me thinkes her lookes are waxen wondrous coy ; 1 With that they all began to fmile, \ And Griflell (he replide the while, God fend Lord Marques many yeres of joy ! '. The Marques was moued to fee his beft beloued, j Thus patient in diftrefle ; \ He ftept vnto her, and by the hand he tooke her,— j Thefe wordes he did exprefle ; — ; Thou art my bride and all the brides I meane to \ haue ; • Thefe two thine owne children be ! j The youthful! lady on her knees did bleffmg J craue, \ Her brother as willing as fhe ; — And you that enuied her eflate, ] Whom I haue made my louing mate, ■ Now blufh for fhame, and honor vertuous life; . I The chronicles of lafling fame, J j^^^^^^ ^/JL, ^wjL , Shall euer more extoU the name, <^ O^ Of patient Griflell, my moft conftant wife. ; i i FINIS, I 24 ANCIENT BALLADS j A Newe Ballade of a Louer extollinge his Ladye, To the tune of Damon and Pithias, ^B^ LAS, my harte doth boyle, And burne within my brefte, To fhowe to thee, myne onely deere. My fute and my requeft. My loue no toung can tell, Ne pen can well defcrye ; Extend thy loue for loue againe. Or els for loue I dye. C My loue is fet fo fuer. And fixed on thee fo. That by no meanes I can abftaine. My faythfuU loue to fhowe ; My wounded harte, theirfore. To thee for helpe doth crye ; Extend thy loue for loue againe. Or els for loue I dye. C Although the gods were bent. With greedie mynde to flaye My corpes with cruell panges of death. And lyfe to take awaye. Yet fhould my faythfull harte At no tyme from thee flye ; Show loue therfore for loue againe. Or els for loue I dye. AND BROADSIDES. 2$ C Although the fun were bent To burne me with his beames ; And that mine eyes, throw greous pangs. Should fend forth bloudy ftreames ; Yet would I not forfake. But ftyll to thee woulde crye. To fhowe me loue for loue again. Or els for loue I dye. C Ye though ech fterre were tournd Untyll a fiery darte, And were all ready bent with payne. To perce throwe-out my harte ; Yet coulde I not forfake To loue thee faythfullye ; Extend thy loue for loue againe, Or els for loue I dye. C Ye though eche foule were formde, A ferpent fell to be. My corps to flay with bloudy wounds, And to deuower me ; Yet would I be thine owne. To loue full hartelye ; Extend thy loue for loue againe. Or els for loue I dye. C Ye though the lyon were, > Withgapingegredyejawe, I A., f'i^.i Ready e with rygorus raggye teeth, j »^ ^"^ ^ ' *^ My fleftie to teare and gnawe ; |^V^ , Yet woulde I be thine owne, "^ To ferue moft earneftlye ; Extend thy loue for loue againe. Or els for loue I dye. 26 ANCIENT BALLADS C Ye though the fifhes all, That fwymes in furginge feafe. Should fwallowe me with gredy mouth, Yet could thee not apeafe. My earneft harte to thee. To loue entyerlye ; Extend thy loue for loue againe, Or els for loue I dye. C Ye though the earth would gape. And fwallowe me there-in, And that I fhould tormentyd be In hell, with euery fyn ; Yet would I be thy owne. To faue or els to fpyll ; Show me therfore lyke loue againe. Or els thou doft me kyll. Finis, q M. Ofb. Imprinted at London, in Fletftrete, at the figne of the Faucon, by Wylliam Gryffith, 1568. AND BROADSIDES. 27 T/ie true report e of the forme and Jhape of a monftrous Childe home at Muche Horkejleye, a village three myles from Colchefter^ in the County e of Effex, the xxi daye of Apryll in this yeare 1562. O prayfe ye God, and bleffe his name ; His mightye hande hath wrought the fame. HIS monftrous world that monfters bredes as rife. As men tofore it bred by native kinde, By birthes that fhewe corrupted natures ftrife, ^^ Declares what finnes befet the fecrete minde. (r I meane not this, as though deformed fhape c Were alwayes linkd with fraughted minde with j vice. But that in nature God fuch draughtes doth fhape, ^ Refemblyng finnes that fo bin had in price. / So grofTeft faultes braft out in bodyes forme, < And monfter caufed of want or to much ftore Of matter, fhewes the fea of finne, whofe ftorme «' Oreflowes and whelmes vertues barren fhore ; / Faultye alike in ebbe and eke in flowd. Like diftaunt both from meane, both like ex- treames ; Yet greatft excefTe the want of meane doth fhrowde, v 28 ANCIENT BALLADS \ And want of meanes excefle from vertues ^j meanes. Ij So contraryeft extreames confent in finne, ^ Which to bewray to blindeft eyes by fyght, — | Beholde a calfe hath clapt about his chinne X His chauderne, reft whence nature placed it! right, i Andruffd, driuesdoubtfull feers toproueby fpeache : Themfelues not calues, and makes the fafhion ftale. In him behold by excefle from meane our breache. And midds excefle yet want of natures fliape. To fliowe our mifl^e beholde a guiltlefl!e babe Reft of his limmes, — for fuch is vertues want — '. Himfelfe and parentes both infamous made With flnful byrth ; and yet a worldlyng fcant.i Feares midwyfes route, bewrayeing his parentes j fault j In want of honefl:ye and excefle of finne ; \ Made lawfull by all lawes of men, yet halt Of limmes by God, fcapd not the fliamefuU marke J Of baft:ard fonne in bafl:ard ftiape defcryed. I Better, fare better, vngyuen were his lyfe, • Than geuen fo. For nature iufl: enuyed ; Her gyft to hym, and cropd wyth mayming \ knyfe \ His limmes, to wreake her fpyte on parentes flnne ; i Which, if fhe fpare vnwares fo many fcapes As wycked world to breede wil neuer linne, ; Theyr Hues declare theyr maims faued from i their fliapes, \ Scorchd in theyr mindes. O cruel priuye mayme^ That fefl:reth fl:yll ! O vnrecured fore ! (X feyW^ tKaM.A;trw - Xsk.^ u cV<^ This foole mufl haue in hand, without fayle, A bable, a bell, or els a fox-tayle. C Of fooles yet I fynd another forte. Which are caufers of lying and yll reporte ; And he is a foole, both euen and morrow. That nothyng wyll lend, but all thynges borrow ; AND BROADSIDES. 89 And, as the prouerbe doth fhow very playne, A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the rayne. C Of fooles yet another forte doth come. Which neuer feketh for to haue wifedome ; Many fuch fooles wifedome difdayne. Yet for their foohfhnes they fhall fufFer payne ; And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the rayne. C He is a foole which to others doth preach and tell. And yet this foole is ready himfelf to go vnto hell : Liue thou vprightly, be caufe of no blame. If thou doo not, the more is thy fhame; And, as the prouerbe doth fay very playne, A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the rayne. C He is a foole, and euer be fhall. That others iudgeth, and himfelf worft of all : This foole is blynd, frantike, and wood. Without all reafon iudgeth bad thinges good ; And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the rayne. C He is a foole that wifedome doth efchue. For no good counfell can bring him to vertue : This foole, which fcorneth his neighbour faft. Shall be fcorned iuftly himfelf at the lafl ; And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the rayne. 90 ANCIENT BALLADS ' C Another foole yet I doe here fynd^ j Which can not kepe clofe the fecrets of his mynd : ; This is a natural! foole, and vndifcrete, i Which can not hyde his owne counfell and fecrete; \ And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, : A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the | rayne. i C He is a foole that in youth wyll not prouyde, — j In age muft he fterue, or in pouertie abyde : j This is a foole, and of the number one, ; Which in the fommer can make no prouifion ; ' And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, j A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the I rayne. ; C He is a foole that getteth his goods wrongfullye, • For his heires after him wyll fpend it vnthriftelye : ! This fooles golde is his God, wrongful J ye got, — \ Why, thou foole ! thy golde is muk and clay, j knoweft thou not ? ] And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, \ A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the j rayne. ! C He is a foole, whether he be man or wyfe, 1 Whiche flyll deliteth in difcorde and flryfe : j Such fooles their owne flefh to the bones may gnaw, j That contendeth in matters fcant worth a flraw ; ■ And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, \ A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the \ rayne. j \ C He is a foole that on mefTage is fent, j And, when he is on his way, forget whether he went v. AND BROADSIDES. 91 This foole is worthy of the bable and the bell. For of all other fooles he doth excell ; And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the rayne. C Yet of fooles a whole dozen I haue efpyed. And lead in a ftryng, together they are tyed : Thefe fooles you may know by their fauour. For, lyke the afpen leafe, with euery wynd they wauer ; And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, A hood for thefe fooles, to kepe them from the rayne. C He is a foole that thinketh it great wonder. When God ftryketh by lightnyng and thunder : Alas ! we dayly, without all dread, commit Much curfed vice, for lacke of godly wit ; And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the rayne. C All youth I doo lyken vnto fooles blynd. That vnto their parents are rebels vnkynd ; Thow vnkynd chylde, and foole difobedient. Remember what goods thy freends on thee fpent; And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, A hood for thefe fooks, to kepe them from the rayne. C He is a foole that greatly doth flatter and boaft, When he thinks leaft, he Ihall taft of the roft ! This foole at lafl: is caft out of fauour. For flatteryng pleafeth no wife man of honour ; 92 ANCIENT BALLADS | And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, ' A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the i rayne. C He is a foole, and voyd of all prudence, Which to vayne tales doth geue all his credence :! Therfore remember this, both low and hye, \ That flatterers fpeake fayre when they doo lye ; j And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, j A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the ; rayne. j C He is a naturall foole, and a very daw, ' That from doing good his neighbour doth with- j draw : \ Such froward fooles, all goodnes they defile, ; If their neighbours doe good, then they reuile ; : And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, j A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the ] rayne. I C He is a foole, and greatly vnprouable, I That in all his doings he is vnfortunable, | But in his misfortune he is fb blynd, | He neuer confidereth no remedy in mynd ; 'I And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, j A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the ,; rayne. j \ C He is a foole, that himfelf doth applye | Behynd his neighbours backe to fclander with \ enuye : \ Such beaftly fooles commonly are well apayd, ! Which thinke all is well, that falfely is wayd ; \ AND BROADSIDES. 93 And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, A hood for this foole, to kepe him from the rayne. C Yet more fooles there be, which be vncom- mendable. That vfeth yll manners alway at the table : Of pleafant nurtour they haue no heede. But beaftly entend as fwyne alway to feede ; And, as the prouerbe doth fhew very playne, A hood for thefe fooles, to kepe them from the rayne. C Many fooles there be, in thefe our dayes. Which feeme to be wyfe, yet folow foolifh wayes ; Therfore I haue tolde vnto you very playne. What foolifhnes in thefe dayes in many doth re- mayne ; And, as the prouerfie doth (hew very playne, A hood for thefe fooles, to kepe them from the rayne. •' i<>\^ C A godly ballad declaring by the Scriptures the plagues that haue infued whordome. EFRAIN of youth thy vain defire. Subdue thy lufts inordinate ; SupprefTe the fparks, left in the fire, To quenche them it wilbe to late. Thou knowfte not what a poifon ftrong, \ Thou letteft breed within thy breft, l Whiche, if thou keep within thee long, ' Wil caufe thee care and muche vnreft. \ \ Though it feem fweet in thy conceit, \ Beware thou neuer nurifh it ; \ The fifh is by a plefant bait ^ Conftrained to the deadly bit. Like as the woorm, in Affrick bred, Whofe fting deftroith with venem colde, \ Is not fo noifome to be fled, \ As luft that reigneth vncontrolde. i If reafbn cannot rule thy wil, | But vice wil reign through appetite, \ Then let the harmes, that happen ftil j Through lufts, refrain thy fond delight. \ Remember eke that in Noes dayes, J When vice through luft was rifly growne, I The whole world by fuche wicked waies, \ By rage of rain was ouerthrowne. ] ? iGf2< . - ■A^'CI'-kNT BALLADS The king of Egipt, Pharao, Was he not plagued of God mofte iuft ; ^ Bothe he and all his houfe alfo, j Onely for he gaue place to Iuft. i li So read we of Abimelech, ] The mighty king of Gerera, That God gaue him a greuous check For lufting after Saraa. \ Luft did deftroy the Sodomites, ] As is in Scripture manifeft ; { For luft were flain the Sichamites, ] When Sichem Dina had oppreft. ] Luft did the wits fo muche inchaunt Of Putipher, th^ipdans wife. That Jofeph, for he would not graunt Her fute, ihe brought nigh from his life. Bethfaba, naked in bath. Bewitched fo king Dauids brain. That giltles he procured hath Her huft)and Vry to be flain. The cheef among the Ifraelites, For noughty luft and eke oiFence, Wrought by the meanes of Moabites, Were hanged vp by Gods fentence. For luft Zimry the Ifraelite, As witnefleth Gods holy woord. And Coftjy eke the Madianite, Periftied bothe through Zimphas fwoord. AND BROADSIDES. 103 The Ifraelites, through flefhly luft Towards their enmies doughters, were Alluerd by them falfe Gods to truft, Whiche all their thraldomes caufed clere. Sampfon the fonne of Monoa, That mighty judge in Ifrael, For luft he had to Dalila, Himfelf to kil greef did compel. Lo, him that none coulde foil in fight, Whofe puiflant arme the lion flew, Whofe ftrength put thoufands vnto flight, By luft one woman ouerthrew. Luft in the tribe of Beniamin Caft twenty thoufand down and fiue ; So that in all, for that one fin. Were but fix hundred left on Hue. If Ammons luft had not defilde His fifter Thamar with inceft. He had not of his life been fpoild. At Abfolon his brothers feaft. If luft had not impaird the name Of Salomon, that witty king. He had not loft his roiall fame. Nor fallen to idolls worfhiping. If Herod, in his finful life. Had not by luft been fore mifled. He had not kept his brothers wife, Nor ftricken of John Baptifts head. 104 ANCIENT BALLADS C Now what be thefe but tokens fure. That God wil plage all thofe that vfe To lead their Hues in luft vnpure, And without fear themfelues abufe ? But fome doo think God dooth not fee. To eche mannes dooing in all things, Becaufe fome feem ful fafe to be. And profper ftil in il liuings. But if fuche wil geue ear vnto Gods woord, which dooth the truth vs tel, Shal foon perceiue thofe that Hue fo Shall fudenly go down to hel. Therfore to God now let vs pray That he wil gide our harts aright. To flee from filthy lufts alway. And him to pleafe with all our might. And alfo for our gracious Queene, That God long profper her, and then Good dayes among vs may be feene, Whiche unto vs he graunt. Amen ! Finis, A. I. C Imprinted at London, at the long fhop adioin- ing vnto Saind: Mildreds churche in the Poul- trie, by John Allde, Anno Domini 1566, Nouembris 25. AND BROADSIDES. 105 ^ merie newe Ballad intituled, the Pinnyng of the Bajket : and is to heejonge to the tune of the doune right Squire, WAS my hap of late to heare A pretie iefte. The which by me, as may appeare. Is here exprefte, — With tantara, tantara, tantara, — For this belonges thereto ; With bitter broyles, and bickeryng blofe, And ftrife, with muche adoe. Marke then, for now this maruell ftrange I will declare : A joigner fent his man to change Money for ware, — Tantara, tara, tantara; — Unto the toune he gofe. And hafted to the chandlers fhop. His money to difpofe. But fee the chaunce, the chandler drie Was gone to drinke. Or els, poore foule, to plaie thereby At fice and fincke, — Tantara, tara, tantara, — Whereat his wife did chafe. And out Ihe went then, in a rage. To feeke her good man, Rafe. io6 ANCIENT BALLADS She ranged forthe, and could not refte Vpon the molde, When fhe hym founde, the bedlam beafte Beganne to fcolde, — Tantara, tara, tantara ; — Quoth fhe, — Vnthriftie knaue. If thou he at the good ale tappe, Thou haft that thou would eft haue ! This quiet man acquainted was With her rough talke. And paciently doeth with her pafTe, And homeward waJke, — Tantara, tara, tantara ; — At home ftie founde hym plaie. Till he had ferued his cuftomer, — And then beganne the fraie. For hauyng doen, — Hold here, quoth he. The bafket, dame ; Goe, goflip, giue it hym, and fee, You pinne the fame, — Tantara, tara, tantara; — Now doeth the fporte beginne ; Knowe thou, quoth ftie, fir knaue, that I The bafket will not pinne ! Her houfebande, fore infenfte, did fweare By ftockes and ftones. She fhould, or els he would prepare To bafte her bones, — Tantara, tara, tantara ; — Quoth he. He tame your tongue, And make you pinne the bafket to. Doubt not, ere it be long. AND BROADSIDES. 107 Then with a baftian that ftoode by, Whiche he did fmell. At her he freely did let flie, And bumbde her well, — Tantara, tara, tantara, — Vnguentum Bakaline Did make this houfwife quickly pinne The baiket pafTyng fine. This paftyme pleafed well the page. That all this while Sat on his horfe, and fawe this rage And bitter broyle, — Tantara, tara, tantara ; — The good wife doeth retire. And fwears (he will no more deny Her houfebandes iuft defire. The bafket pinde, the page departes. When all is paied ; He fpurres his cutte, the jade ftartes. He was fo fraied, — Tantara, tara, tantara; — In hafte he homewarde rides, Yet when he comes, for tariyng long, His maifter chafes and chides. His miftres too, as one halfe madde, Beganne to raue ; Becaufe too long he taried had, She calde hym knaue, — Tantara, tara, tantara; — He fpake his miftres faire. And tolde her ftie fhould knowe the caufe Of his long tariyng there. io8 ANCIENT BALLADS j Then boldly he began his tale, ; And tolde them all, \ Betwixt thefe two, how Beaudly Ale i Had bred a braull, — , Tantara, tar a, tantara ; — j Quoth he, the chandlers wife \ Would not intreated be to pinne "^ The bafket for her life. Till he to beate her did beginne. With bounfyng bloofe, — \ Then quickly fhe in pofte to pinne | The bafket goofe, — Tantara, tara, tantara; — j The joigner ioyes at this, j But fure his wife, to heare this tale, | vs\Vas quite bereft of blifle. ^ The joigners wife ame, ■ Whofe gallant grace ' Was chaunged, now beganne to frame I A frounyng face, — I Tantara, tara, tantara ; — j Quoth fhe, — For all his bloofe, % The knaue the bafket fhould haue pinde ; Hymfelf, fpight of his nofe ! i \ Here then her houfebande did beginne, — \ Quoth he,— If I i Should bid you, wife, the bafket pinne, ; Would you deny ? — \ Tantara, tara, tantara ; — To hym fhe plainly tolde J That fhe the bafket would not pinne. Thereof he might be bolde ! \ AND BROADSIDES. 109 j Then thei hereof for to conferre \ Doe hafte to bedde, \ And here you fee a feconde iarre, j The bafket bredde, — '\ Tantara, tara^ tantara ; — 1 The thirde doeth now beginne, — ^ The filhe page^ to get ibme maate, j In hafte doeth hye hym in. j No whit amazde, vnto the maide \ He ftraight doeth goe, The queane of hym no more afraide, j Beganne to crowe, — \ Tantara, tara, tantara, — | Caulyng hym knaue and fot, 1 And vfed hym, that, in the ende, \ A broken head he got. \ Henceforthe take heede of makyng ftrife, ] Thou knaue, quoth fhe, l Betwixt thy maifter and his wife, j Where loue fhould be, — ^ Tantara, tar a, tantara ; — '\ With greef her wordes he heares ; 1 But yet it grieued hym more to feele ' The blood about his eares. ; i Yet vp he ftept full ftoutly then, j And bomde me Jone ; 1 That fhe lent he fo paide againe, j He made her grone,-^ j Tantara, tar a, tantara, — i And getts his fupper too, j And made her fitte and eate with hym, i Although with muche adoe. .! I o ANCIENT BALLADS His maifter on the morowe nexte \ Of this was glad ; l His miftres was herewith fo vexte, I It made her mad, — ; Tantara, tara, tantara ; — \ This happe brynges ioye and care, | For now the joigners wife to pinne ? The bafket mufl: prepare. \ \ Her houfebande by his mans good happe Doeth hope to winne, \ And makes her now, fpite of her cappe, J The bafket pinne, — ] Tantara, tara, tantara, — ! Againe he doeth repHe ; \ Will you the bafket pinne or no ? '\ She floutly doeth denie. j Then with a bedftafFe he to bafle i Her doeth beginne : Yet would fhe not, for all his hafle, i The bafket pinne ; — i Tantara, tara, tantara, — ^ This combate beyng doen. Unto a Juflice houi^ hard by, \ In hafle this dame doeth runne. I ^ And to this ioylly Juflice wife \ Difcoueryng all, j Betwixt her fpoufe and her what fl:rife i Did late befall, — j Tantara, tara, tantara, — i Whom fhe would faine haue bounde ] Unto the peace, if by the happe \ There might fuche meanes be founde. AND BROADSIDES. ill Of this her frende the francke confent She fone had wone. To doe for her incontinent What might be doen, — Tantara, tara, tantara, — This Juftice wife now gofe. Her goffipps fute in hafte vnto Her houfebande to difclofe. Her houfebande, hearyng by this tale How all thynges ftood. In mynde he at this iefte fo ftale Did laugh a-good ; Tantara, tara, tantara, — A little more adoe. This Juftice would have taught his wife To pinne the bafket too. Now all good wiues, beware by this Your names to blot ; The bafket pinne with quietnefle, Denie it not, — Tantara, tara, tantara, — Be counfailed by your frende ; And of this bafkettes pinnyng now Enough, and fo an ende. Finis, quod T. Rider. [ Imprinted at London, for Henrie Kirkham, and are to be fold at his (hop, at the little North doore of Paules, at the figne of theBlackeBoye. 112 ANCIENT BALLADS € The defcription of a monjirous pig, the\ which was farrowed at Hamjied bejyde London y the XV i day of O^fober, this prefent yeare of our\ Lord God 3 M.D, Ixii, I } HIS prefent yeare of our Lord God, ai thoufandj fyue hundred, three fcore; and two, one Robert Martin of Ham- fted, in the countie of Mid. befydel London, had a fow, the which brought forth viii; piggs, the xvi day of Odlober, whereof vii werei of right fhape and faffion, but the eight was a; wonderous monfter, and more monftrous then anyi that hath bene feene before this time, as you mayj fe by this pidlure. It hath a head contrary to allj other of that kynd ; it hath a face without a nofe-i or eyes, fauing a hole ftanding diredlly betweni the two eares, which eares be broad and long, lykej the eares of a bloude-hound, and a monftrous body, I like vnto a thing that were flean, without heare.j It hath ^t^t very monftrous with the endes of^ them turning vp wards, lyke vnto forked endes. | This monfter lyued two houres, and the reft of| them lyued about halfe a day. ] C Thefe ftraunge and monftrous thinges| Almighty God fendeth amongeft vs, that we| fhuld not be forgetfull of his almighty power,! nor vnthankeful for his great mercies fo plenti-l fully powred vpon vs, and efpecially for geuyng^ vnto vs his moft holy word, whereby our lyues ought to be guyded: and alfo his wonderful tokens, wherby we ought to be warned. But if ilb |f^ • iv 1\ AND BROADSIDES. 113 we will not be inftru6led by his worde nor warned by his wonderfull workes, then let vs be afTured that thefe ftraimge monftrous fightes do forefhew vnto vs that his heauy indignation wyl fhortly come vpon vs for our monftrous liuyng. Where- fore let vs earneftly pray vnto God that he wyll geue vs grace fpedely to repent our wickednefles, faithfully to beleue his holy Gofpel, and cencerely to frame our lyues after the dodrine of the fame, to whome be all prayfe, honour, and glory. Amen. C Imprinted at London, by Alexander Lacy, for Garat Dewes, dwellyng in Poules church yarde, at the eaft end of the church. C A very proper Dittie : To the tune of Light ie Loue. |[ Leaue lightie loue. Ladies, for feare of yll name. And true loue embrace ye, to purchace your Fame. Y force I am fixed my fancie to write. Ingratitude willeth mee not to re- fraine : Then blame me not. Ladies, although I indite What lighty loue now amongft you doth raigne. Your traces in places, with outward allurements. Doth mooue my endeuour to be the more playne : 114 ANCIENT BALLADS ^ Your nicyngs and ticings, with fundrie procure- j mentes. To publifli your lightie loue doth mee con- ' ftrayne. C Deceite is not daintie, it corns at eche difli, ' Fraude goes a fifshyng with frendly lookes ; Throughe frendfhip is fpoyled the feely poore fifh, j That hoouer and fhouer vpon your falfe hookes ; : With baight you lay waight, to catch here and | there, ^ Whiche caufeth poore fifshes their freedome to I Then loute ye and floute ye, wherby doth appere; Your hghty loue. Ladies, ftyll cloaked with . glofe. I C With DiAN fo chafte you feeme to compare, : When H ELLENS you bee, and hang on her trayne : Mee thinkes faithfull Thifbies be now very rare, Not one Cleopatra, I doubt, doth remayne ; You wincke and you twincke, tyll Cupid haue caught. And forceth through flames your louers to fue : Your lyghtie loue. Ladies, too deere they haue bought. When nothyng wyll mooue you their caufes, to rue. C I fpeake not for fpite, ne do I difdayne | Your beautie, fayre ladies, in any refped : | But ones ingratitude doth mee conftrayne, 1 As childe hurt with fire, the fame to negledt; < For proouing in louyng, I finde by good triall, i When beautie had brought mee vnto her becke,i i i \ i AND BROADSIDES, 115 She ftaying, not waying, but made a deniall. And, fhewyng her Hghtie loue, gaue mee the checke. C Thus fraude for frendfhip did lodge in her breft ; Suche are moft women, that, when they efpie Their louers inflamed with forowes oppreft. They ftande then with Cupid againft their repHe ; They taunte, and they vaunte ; they fmile when they vew How Cupid had caught them vnder his trayne ; But warned, difcerned the proofe is moft true That lightie loue. Ladies, amongft you doth reigne. C It feemes, by your doynges, that CrefTed doth fcoole ye, — Penelopeys vertues are cleane out of thought : Mee thinkes, by your conftantnefle, Heleyne doth rule ye, Whiche both Greece and Troy to ruyne hath brought. No doubt, to tell out your manyfolde driftes. Would fhew you as conftant as is the fea fande : To trufte fo vniuft, that all is but fliieftes. With lightie loue bearyng your louers in hande C If Argvs were lyuyng, whofe eyes were in nomber The peacockes plume painted, as writers replie. Yet women by wiles full fore would him cumber. For all his quicke eyes, their driftes to efpie ; Suche feates, with difceates, they dayly frequent. To conquere mennes mindes, their humours to feede, That bouldly I may geue arbittrement Of this your hghtie loue, ladies, indeede. i6 ANCIENT BALLADS € Ye men that are fubiedl to Cupid his ftrooke, i And therin feemeth to haue your delight, Thinke, when you fee baight, theres hidden a \ hooke, J Whichefurewyll bane you, if that you do bight :i Suche wiles and fuche guiles by women are wrought,^ That halfe their mifchefes men cannot preuent ;i When they are moft pleafant vnto your thought,! Then nothyng but lightie loue is their intent, j C Confider that poyfon doth lurke oftentyme ; In fhape of fugre, to put fome to payne, j And fayre wordes paynted, as dames can define, j The olde prouerbe faith, doth make fome fooles; faine ! \ Be wife and precife, take warning by mee ; i Truft not the crocodile, leaft you do rue ; ! To womens faire wordes do neuer agree, | For all is but lightie loue, this is moft true. \ C Anexes fo daintie example may bee, Whofe lightie loue caufed yong Iphis his woe i His true loue was tryed by death, as you fee. Her lightie loue forced the knight therunto ; , For fhame then refrayne, you ladies, therfore. The cloudes they doo vanifh, and light doth j appeare ; \ You cannot diffemble, nor hide it no more, ; Your loue is but lightie loue, this is moft cleared C For Troylus tried the fame ouer well, ! In louyng his ladie, as Fame doth reporte ; ! And likewife Menander, as ftories doth tell, i Who fwam the fait feas to his loue to reforte. So true, that I rue fuch louers fhould lofe ; Their labour in feekyng their ladies vnkinde, j AND BROADSIDES. 117 Whofe loue thei did prooue, as the prouerbe now goes, — Euen very lightie loue lodgde in their minde. C I touche no fuche ladies as true loue imbrace. But fuche as to lightie loue dayly applie ; And none wyll be grieued, in this kinde of cafe, Saue fuche as are minded true loue to denie ; Yet frendly and kindly I fhew you my minde ; Fayre ladies, I wifh you to vfe it no more ; But fay what you lift, thus I haue definde. That lightie loue, ladies, you ought to abhore. C To truft womens wordes .in any refped The danger by mee right well it is feene. And loue and his lawes who would not negledl. The tryall wherof mofte peryllous beene ? Pretendyng the endyng if I haue oiFended, I craue of you, ladies, an anfwere againe ; Amende, and whats faid fhall foone be amended. If cafe that your lightie loue no longer do rayne. C Finis. By Leonarde Gybfon. C Imprinted at London, in the vpper end of Fleetlane, by Richard Jhones ; and are to be folde at his fhop, ioyning to the South- wefte Dore of Saint Paules church. m?t^m\ 118 ANCIENT BALLADS Sapartons Alarum to all fuch as do beare the name of true Jouldiers^ in England or elf- wheare. L Mars his men, drawe neere, That warlike feates embrace. Sit downe a while, and harken heere, A feruinge fouldiers cafe. Laye downe the fhiuered fpeare. And eke the battered fhielde ; From trumpets found withdraw thine eare, And harke, in open field. The true complaint of one, Whofe gaine by feruice got Will fcarfely yelde a hungry boone To caft into the pot. If euer warlike wighte Hath ferued his time in vaine. In hope to haue bin well requighte. And hath receiued difdaine, — In faith, then, I am he. Such one that for my parte Haue ready bin full willinglye. With hand and eeke with harte. To ferue my prince in fielde. Whiles life had bearing breath, — As one that minded not to yelde. Nor forced life or death. AND BROADSIDES. 119 J I The fiery cannons thump { The cragged fcull that riues, ; Whofe force by inwarde charge is wonte 1 To {poyle poore fbuldiers Hues, Could neuer force me yet J The enemies face to fhonne, ] If captaines courage femed fit j The conquefl to haue wonne. And for the time, perchaunce, I was accepted then, ' And promifed to haue aduaunce ^ As fbone as other men. ' I fpeake as fbunde I haue ; — { What thoe ? I am contente, — ' For Saparton now waxeth graue, i Some youthfull yeares are fpente. I Tis not the curled head, j Nor yet the frifled heare, ^ That courage giues in time of neede To weld thunweldy fpeare. ] Some youthfull imps I knowe, j That beares a pafling grace. If they to pitched fielde fhould goe, \ Durft fcarfly fhew their face. \ \ But when that all is don, Tis manhood makes the man ; — ] Match not the candell with the funne, ] No praife deferue you than. j If courage craues a fame. Remaining in the breaft, ,; 120 ANCIENT BALLADS Then manhood needes muft make his claime For to excell the refte. < Though Venus ftriue with Mars To get the vpper grounde. At length yet fhall the barded horfe Exceede both hauke and hounde. And, luftie laddes, to you. Let not your courage quell ; Good hap hereafter may enfue. Though I good hap do fell. C Coafte on apace, althoe Light horfeman trace the foyle ; Encounter iharpely with thy foe. Make hauocke of the fpoyle. Efteeme not my yll hap. Nor weye it ought at all ; The wight that fcapes the cannons clap Runnes yet to further thrall. O Mars, bewaile thy man, Becaufe he hath fuche wronge ! In dolefull tunes, O ruftick Pan ! Now helpe to waile this fonge. So thus my leaue I take ; — O fouldier, now farewell : No more to do now will I make. But God preferue Queene El. Finis. lohn Saparton. Imprinted at London, in Fleeteftreete, by William How, for Richard Johnes, and are to be folde at his jfhoppe vnder the Lotterie houfe. AND BROADSIDES. 121 ^ godly ditty or prayer to be fong vnto God for the preferuation of his Churchy our ^eene and Realme^ againfi all 'TraytourSy Rebels^ and papijiicall enemies, Preferue thy feruaunt, Lord, Elizabeth, our Queene ; Be thou her fhield and fword, — Now let thy power be feene. That this, our queene annoynted. May vanquifti al her foes ; And, as by thee appoynted, Let her lay fword on thofe. Geue, Lord, true faythful hartes To vs, her fubiedles al. That we play not the partes Of thefe traitours that fal Both from their God and prince. And from their lawful othes ; — All fuch, O Lord, conuince. And geue them ouerthrowes. Syng this after the tune of the cxxxvij Pfalme, which begins. When as we fat in Babilon ;--or fuch lyke. UR liuyng God, to thee we cry. Now tend vnto our playnt ; Behold thy church and family. Which enmies feeke to faynt ; And though our fyns haue moued thee Jufl: plagues on vs to poure. Yet let thy Chriftes death fhortly Thy wrath vp cleane deuour. 122 ANCIENT BALLADS \ Correft vs. Lord, by thine own hand. And leaue vs not to thofe .! That do thee and thy truth withftand, i Like diulyfh deadly foes ; j For better is it for vs. Lord, ] Into thy handes to fall. Then vnto them for to accord Which in hell perifh ifhall. .1 "i Behold, O Lord, thine enmies rage \ Againft thee and thy Chrift ; | Not our fyns they feeke to afwage, i But thy truth to refift. \ And fhall our fyns then be a let I For thee them to withftand, ' Seing againft thee they be fet ? No, Lord, fet to thy hand. \ i For thine the glory is, not ours, j Which they feeke to fuppres ; i Bend, therfore. Lord, thine hoft of powrs, \ And this thy caufe redres ; ] Refift thefe rebels and traytours, \ With papiftes euery one, i Which thy poore people fo deuours | In euery nacion. ] Let not the wicked thus preuayle, \ To vexe thy church and fayntes ; ^ But ftroy them from the head to tayle, J Let none bewayle their playntes ! \ Lord, heare the cry of fatherles i And wyddowes, which do mone, ' The which thefe enmies do oppres ; With mifchiefes many one ! ) AND BROADSIDES. 123 Defend, O God, our gracious queene From pope, rebel, and all ; And as by her thy woorkes be feene. So let thy wrath now fall Upon all thofe that vexe thy truth. Our queene, our realme and ftate. And let their vicious prankes of ruth Light vpon their own pate ! So fhall thy name be magnified ; So fhall thy power be knowne ; So fhall our Chrift be fandified By them that be his owne : Wherefore, O Lord, graunt our requefles. Which here to thee we make. And make vs loue and lyue thy hefles For thy Chrift Jefus fake ! Finis, quoth loh. Awdely. C Imprynted at London, by lohn Awdely. T/ie Groome-porters lawes at Mawe^ to be objerued in fulfilling the due orders i of the game, I. F you chaunge hands, it is the lofTe of the fet. 2. If you renounce, it is the lofTe of the fet. 3. If you leade when your mate fhoulde, it is the lofTe of that game and vied cardes. 1 124 ANCIENT BALLADS \ 4. If you lofe dealing, it is the lofTe of fower \ cardes ; but if the lofer of the dealing deale not - againe, you acquite the fower, and no game to • either of both parties. \ 5. If you looke either on the afked carde or I the bottome carde, it is the lofTe of that game and \ vied cardes, in whom the fault is found. ' 6. If you roub (not hauing the ace) you lofe i fower and al the vied cards, although you layj downe the fame carde which you tooke vp. i 7. If you make out the carde when your matej rubbeth, it is the lofle of fower, for the roubberi muft make out the carde himfelfe. i 8. If you turne vp the ace of hartes, youi gaine fower thereby. j 9. If you turne vp the ace of hartes, and! thereby make either partle aboue xxvj, the contrary j part muft haue liuings ; but if the contrary partej bee XXV, by meanes whereof liuings fets them out, ; then is he who turned vp the ace of hartes tol make for the fet, fo that he make not one gamei nor the firft tricke, without the confent of both; parties. 10. The partle that afketh a carde may not! vie any carde before the firft tricke be played. 1 1 1. You may not vie it after your card is led,! but the contrary part may. 12. Three cardes crofted, no carde by anyi meanes giuen backe. i 13. Neither partle may glue backe his owne: vied card, though none be crofted. j 14. You may not afke a carde to fet the con-; trary parte or your felfe at liuings or out. ^ 15. Proulded alwaies that, if the contrary partd bee xxiij or aboue, by reafon that fower fets the! AND BROADSIDES. 125 other partie behinde the liuinges, it fhalbe law- full for the partie which is behinde to afke a carde, although the carde fo afked put the other to liuings. 16. Prouided alfo that, if you meane to lead a helpe, you may vie it vpon your owne afked carde, fo as it be done before the helpe be out of your hand ; the contrary part may pledge you a card after he feeth your helpe vpon the boord, fo as it be done before his owne card be played. ^^^^ C Of the horrible and wofull dejlrudlion of So dome and Gomorra, To the tune of the Nine Mufes, HE Scripture playne doth ihow and tell How Lot in Sodome towne did dwell, Amongft the Sodomites vile ; He did rebuke their noughty Hues, Both yong and olde, both men and wiues, — Why do you yourfelues defile ? He often times, with watry eyes. Their caufe he did lament. "~ He wept in hart, in greeuous wife. And bad them to repent, — — Defiring, and praying. From finne they fhould refrayne, — Leaft body and foule bee In euerlaftyng payne. L 126 ANCIENT BALLADS C God doth abhorre that whorifh bed, Whiche thoufands now therin are led. And therin ftyll doth dwell ; They yeld their foules for facrifice To filthy finne in diuers wife, Vnto the paynes of hell. You rauenyng needy men, quoth he. That riches haue in ftoare, Geue to the poore, I fay to thee. The whiche corns to thy doore ; To fatherleffe and wydowes, too. To pyttie them take payne ; You furfFetters and dronkardes, now From this your finne refrayne. C Then all in vayne Lot preached ftyll. They all did folow their felfe wyll. For that was their defire ; For his counfell good they pafled fmall. In filthy finne they wallowed all. As filthy fwyne in myre ; Then did- the Lorde commaund that Lot, That h^ fhould foone depart ' From amongft the Sodomites fb whot, \ For they fhould feele great fmart ; ; The angell then to hym he faide, — \ Come, Lot, and hafte awaye, j For tyll the tyme that thou be gone, \ Nothynge be done there maye. \ C The angell faid, Looke you not backe, | To fee that wofull fight and wracke, i Which on them now fliall light ; j For you out of the towne are brought, \ And are efcaped from their wicked thoughts,! Wherin they do delyght : AND BROADSIDES. 127 Yet Lots wyfe fhe turnde backe agayne. As foone as fhe was gone ; For her offence fhe turned was Into a huge fait flone. Where fhe doth flande continually, By Goddes decreed judgement, Becaufe fhe brake, and did forfake Goddes good commaundement. C The gates of Heauen God opened than. So fyer and brymflone from thence came. And on Sodome downe did rayne : Gomorra towne they did excell. As thicke as hayle the fyre it fell. And deflroyed was euery man ; Both man and beafl were burnd to mucke. And babes in mothers lap. And eke the chyldren that did fucke On mothers tender pap ; With fier were they burned, — O wofull, grieuous fight ! — They cryed and fhryked, To healpe no boote it might. C The damfelles teare their coflly guyfe. Their yelow lockes downe to their eyes. And their heare like filuer wyer ; Their fownde did reach vnto the clowdes. With bitter teares they cryed alowde. All burnynge in the fier ! Thefe townes like gold that fhyned fo bright. With flamy ng fier is confumed ; The mighty God hath deflroyed quite. And brought it to the grounde. That nought is left, the trueth to fay. But flinkynge pooles and welles. 128 ANCIENT BALLADS Whiche was a place of braue delyghtes. And eke of pleafant fmelles. C Thus were thefe towns brought to decay. Both all and fom, the trouth to fay, Sauyng Lots houfeholde then : And Lot hymfelfe was counted iuft, Tyll his doughters tempted hym to Iuft, As the ftory fheweth playne ; Loe, wanton girles whiche fo doth burne In Venus pleafant games. If that they may content their turnes. And eake their youthfull flames. They do defire their fathers bed, The cankred flefh to pleafe : Alas, that ye fo wanton bee. That you wyll neuer ceafe ! C Thou mightie God that fitteft on hie, O turne our hartes for thy mercie. That now amend we may ! O Lorde, thou faydft, and it may fo be. The Sodomits fhould witnes be Againft vs at the latter day : O heauy fayng ! yf that thefe men Shall fooner mercy craue. Then we which know Gods fainges, then What iudgement fhall we haue ? O let vs bewayle vs. Our flnnes doth fo abound. For in fhort fpace, I feare, the Lorde In wrath wyll vs confound ! C O England, thou like Sodome art. In filthy fmne doth play thy part, — AND BROADSIDES. 129 \ What finnes are found in thee ! \ Thou dooeft exceede Sodome in finne, i Thou careft not for Lots preaching ; 1 O, thefe heauy newes wyll be ! | Ye, be thou fure, and fure agayne, .] The ftones that Heth in wall, ] Becaufe we doo fo fore offend, \ To God for plagues wyll call ; j Therfbre let fee, amends to be, \ And euery one amende : | Good Lorde, I fay, graunt this allway, j And tlius I make an end. I C Finis. ; }. Imprinted at London, by Richard Johnes, for 1 Henrie Kyrkham, dwellyng at the figne of the j Blacke Boy, at the middle North dore of Paules ] church. ^ C A mery balade, how a wife entreated her hujband to haue her owne wylL N May, when floures fwetely fmel. The people romyng abrode ful ryfe, A mery tale I fhal you tel. That then was herd, but no great flrife ; K 130 ANCIENT BALLADS ' In clofe a yong man and his wife ] Sate reaibnyng fore, but for none yl ; She faid, I am wery of this lyfe, — ■ Good hufband, let me haue mine owne will, i i C Wyfe, quoth he, then muft I nedes know \ What is your wyll, then, for to haue : : At me you muft neither mocke nor mow. Nor yet loute me, nor call me knaue ; \ Nor Venvs game vpon me craue. Nor yet your honeftye for to fpill, \ And make me neyther boy nor flaue, \ But do good, and therin take your owne wyl.! C Tufh, quoth fhe, fir, as for that \ I wyll be honeft, to dye therefore ; • But, hufband, hufband, wot ye what ? ! I haue bene your wyfe this month and more, ' And haue not gone but to the dore, — j Such keping in my heart doth fpyll ; J By houfe-kepers neighbours fet no ftore, — , Good hufband, let me haue mine owne wyll ! j i C Wyfe, quoth he, be you content ; , You fhall to church and to market go, ] And to neighbours to, at time conuenient, \ But not to goffip, the truth is fo ; — , Tauernes to haunt ? no wyfe, no, no ! ,' Nor yet alehoufes, with Jacke nor Gyll ; ■ You know my mynd for friend or fo, — j Doe good, and therein take your owne wyll. ■ C Hufband, quoth fhe, you be to blame ] To kepe me in, and fo playne withall ; ; Me thinke I fhuld be a fyne dame, ] Whereby great prayfe to you might fall : ■ AND BROADSIDES. 131 I being fayre, nice, and fmall, Yf I had gay clothes my body to hyll. Then gentlewomen for me wold call, — Good hufband, let me haue myne owne wyll. C No, wyfe, quoth he, it wyll not be borne For you to go fyne and gayly clad ; To go as I will haue you, thinke ye no fcorne. That is, comely and cleane, fober and fad ; Wherefore, be you neyther ficke nor yet mad, Becaufe ye may not your mynd fulfyll. For your defyre is wicked and bad, — Doe good, and therein take your owne wyll. tr Not mad, quoth (he ; alas, good man. What woman culd your wordes abyde ? I entreatyng you as fayre as I can. And yet my wordes you fet afyde ; Though I be fayre, I loue no pryde. For I ferue your fwyne with drafFe and fwyl ; Unto my friendes I wold fayne ryde, — Good hufband, let me haue myne owne wyll. C Wyfe, quoth he, what nedeth all this ? You craue a great deale more then neede ; Your friendes haue no need of vs, I wis. Wherefore be ftayed, good gentle Beede : Now let vs plow and fow our feede. Our wynter land is yet to tyll ; How to thryue let vs firft take heede. And do good, and therin take your owne wyl. C Oh hufband, quoth fhe, I am but yong. Wherefore, I pray you, graunt me one thyng. At libertie let me haue my toung, Eyther to chyde, or els to fyng ; 132 ANCIENT BALLADS To daunce^ to kyfTe, not ouer-workyng, I But once a weke to go to myll ; My time is ftiort, my death is cumming, — \ Good hufband, let me haue mine owne wyll. J C No, wyfe, quoth he, I am your head, ' Wherefore, I pray you, my counfell take, ; And let fuch tricks in you be dead, \ Leaft that for it your bones doe ake ; Therefore learne betime to brue and bake. And Hue no longer in ydlenefTe ftyll ; • Wherefore, for your owne eafe fake, ' Doe good, and therein take your owne wyll. \ C Alas, quoth fhe, what chaunce haue I, To couple myfelfe with fuch a one, j ^That had rather to fee me dye. Then to decke me gay, as I wold haue gone^ To chyde, nor fyng, nor to daunce alone ? I wold I had maried John Goofequyll, ; Then nede I not to haue made this mone, > For by him I might haue had all my wyll. C No more of thefe twayne culd be hard. But home they went together playne ; \ But let no wyues this wyfe regard, j — For her requeft was all in vayne. ] And yet with fhrewes fome men take payne, ! And abydeth the iob of the deuylles byll, \ From the which, all good wyues, refrayne ! God geue vs all grace to doe his wyll. Amed i C Finis, quod T. W. T. C Imprinted at London by Alexander Lacy. ; AND BROADSIDES. 133 TAe Othe of euerie Freeman of the City of London, E fhall fweare that yee fhall bee good and true to our Souereigne ladie Queene Elizabeth, &c, and to the heires of our faid fouereigne ladie the Queene. Obeyfant and obedient ye fhall be to the Mayor and Minifters of this citie. The franchifes and cuftomes thereof yee fhall mainteine, and this citie keepe harmeles in that that in you is. Ye fhall be con- tributorie to all manner of charges within this citie, as fummons, watches, contributions, tafkes, tallages, lot and fcot, and all other charges, bear- ing your part as a freeman ought to doo. Yee fhall colour no forreines goods, vnder or in your name, whereby the Queene or this citie might or may loofe their cuflomes or aduantages. Ye fhall know no forreine to buy or fell anie mar- chandife with any other forreine within the citie or the franchife thereof, but yee fhall warne the Chamberlaine thereof, or fome minifler of the chamber. Yee fhall implead or fue no freeman out of this citie, whiles yee may haue right and law within the fame citie. Yee fhall take none apprentice, but if hee bee free borne (that is to fay) no bond man's fonne, nor the childe of any alien, and for no lefTe terme then for feuen yeeres ; with- in the iirfl yeere yee fhall caufe him to be enrolled, and at his termes end ye fhall make him free of this citie, (if he haue well and truely ferued you.) Ye fhall alfo keepe the Queenes peace in your 134 ANCIENT BALLADS \ owne perfons; ye fhall know no gatherings, con- j uenticles, nor confpiracies made againft the Queenes j peace, but ye fhall warn the Mayor thereof, or let j it to your power. All thefe points and articles I yee fhall well and truely keepe, according to the i lawes and cuftomes of this citie to your power. \ So God you help, and by the holie contentes of' this Booke. God faue the Queene. j Printed at London, by Hugh Singleton. ^ A Balade declaryng how neybourhedy loue, j and trew dealyng is gone. OW flraunge it is to men of age. The which they fe before their face. This world to be in fuch outrage. It was neuer fene in fo bad cafe. Neibourhed nor loue is none, Trew dealyng now is fled and gone. Where fhall one fynde a man to trufl, Alwaye to flande in tyme of neede } The mofl parte now they are vniufl, Fayre in wordes, but falfe in deede. Neybourhed nor loue is none. True dealyng now is fled and gone. AND BROADSIDES. 135 Who can flatter now beft fhall fpeede ; Who can deceyue is gaynes well won : ^ Of deceytfull tongues who can take hede ? Many a man they haue undone. Neibourhed nor loue is none, &c. The wickednefTe that doth abounde. More then I can with tongue exprefle, To fee vnfaithfull men are founde ; Of frendfhip there was neuer lefTe. Neiborhed nor loue is none, &c. On couetoufnefTe moft men defyre ; Their neibours houfe fome doth procure, And ouer his hed they wyll it hyre, Or bye a leace to make it fure. Neiborhed nor loue is none, &c. To pourchace and bye, for lucre and gaine. Both leace and houfe, both wood and grounde, Thei double the rent, to poore mens payne ; Of landlordes no we fewe good are founde. Neiborhed nor loue is none, &c. This is vfed now euery where. And wyll be tyll we haue redrefle ; With them I thought the Lorde dyd fere, Becaufe his worde they doo profefTe. Neiborhed nor loue is none, &c. What neiborhed is this you call. That one another doth backbite. And daily wyll both fkolde and brail With flaunderous wordes in mofl defpite ? Neyborhed nor loue is none, &c. 136 ANCIENT BALLADS For matters fmall fome fuiFre wronge. Upon difpleafure in prifon caft, And there fhall lye, without pitie, long, Tyll that his goodes are fpent and waft. Neyborhed nor loue is none, &c. Thungodly riche the poore opprefTe, On them few haue compaffion ; Their caufe is here remedilefle. Without all confolacion. Neyborhed nor loue is none, &c. If any membre be hurte in man. The whole body lamentes therfore ; The poore oppreft, who cureth than Or helpes him for to falue his fore ? Neiborhed nor loue is none, &c. The percialnefTe that now doth raigne With fome that haue fuche caufe in hande. The riche men doth the poore difdayne. And fekes the meanes to make them band. Neyborhed nor loue is none, &c. Truly to deale one with another In thefe dayes now ar very fewe ; The lifter wyll begyle the brother. The brother agayne deceyte wyll ftiewe. Neyborhed nor loue is none, &c. The father wyll deceyue the chylde. The chylde the father likewife agayne ; Thus one another dothe begylde. By falfe deceyt that now doth raigne. Neyborhed nor loue is none, &:c. AND BROADSIDES. 137 To fpeake fomwhat of vfurye. The whiche the Lorde doth daily curfe ; Yet fome doo vfe it priuely To fyll their vncontented purfe. Neyborhed nor loue is none, &c. To ftriue or fpeake it is no boote. In couetoufnefTe there is no order ; Of mifchiefe it is the very roote. All thinges it fpoyles in euery border. Neyborhed nor loue is none, &c. Our preachers with Gods word doth cry On couetoufmen that wyll not cefTe ; Their wordes are herde with yeres fo flye. Their filthy gaynes they ftyll encreffe. Neybourhed nor loue is none, &:c. How many doth their rentes abate. Or now a dayes their tenentes eafe ? They {tt their rentes at a new rate. Both fines and leafTes they daily reafe. Neybourhed nor loue is none, &c. CouetoufnefTe hathe now the way. Wrong e and briberye do the not refrayne ; In euery coft pride bereth the fway, Amonges the whole now it doth raygne. Neybourhed nor loue is none, &c. What is the caufe neibourhed is gone. Which here hath reigned many a daye ? I heare the poore men make great mone, 'And fayth hit is falne in decaye. K Neibourhed nor loue is none, &c. I 38 ANCIENT BALLADS True dealyng dare not once appeare. Deceit hath put him out of place ; Euery where, both farre and nere. He raigneth now in moft mens face. Neibourhed nor loue is none, &c. Graunt, oh God, for thy mercyes fake, That neigbourhed and dealyng trewe May once agayne our fprites awake. That we our lyues may chaunge a-new ; That neybourhed and loue alone May come agayne to euery one. quod Jhon Barker, Imprinted at London, by Richard Lant. A proper newe Ballad JJieweing that philofo^- phers learnynges are full of good warnynges:^ And fonge to the tune of my horde Marques Galyardey or the firfie traces of ^e pajfa, \ HILOSOPHERS learnings are ful of! good warnings, ] In memorye yet left to fcoole vs, ; So be ther contayned, in poietries ; fained, i Great documentes to rate and rule vs ; \ As well for continuance of life, helth, andfubftance,' Whofe vanities the world requireth, ; As for the deredion of life by corredlion i From lyberties that luft delireth. ; AND BROADSIDES. 139 Menander being afked what life was, he anfwered, A miferie that neuer ceafeth. Tormenting minds worldly for goods go ton hardly. With contraries as time increafeth, — Wherin is no furance of hope nor induraunce, But jeoberdies as fortune fendyth ; Nowficklie, nowhelthie, nowpoorelie, now welthy, With cafualties as life contendith. Of Chilo thus reed we, whofe councel moft need we. No memorye ought more to moue vs. Then for to know throwly ourfelues and our dewty. To notifie what doth behoue vs ; And as we feeme faultie, reiedle folyes noughtie. With- pradtefinge all waies to fhone them ; So may we, triumphing, geue praife to ech good thing, Recomfortinge that we haue done them. Excefle that delighteth, as Plutarche well writeth. In greedines that life requireth. In furfei tinge difshes, ill workinge, ill wifhes, Suche filthines as flefhe defyrethe ; Withdraw wyth their pleafurs dame natures dew ^, meafures, jP Whofe gouernaunce is fo defaced ; What man can difpofe them when luft ouerthrows them. To temperaunce that fhould be placed ? Periander of liuinge good counfell once geuinge. Said merilie, Looke well within thee ; If confience accufe thee, ill reft will abbufe thee. No libertie hath leaue to win thee. HO ANCIENT BALLADS Kepe concience then clearly, that life may Hue ^ chearly, ' As Socrates doth wifelie will thee ; | No corzye fhall greeue thee, found fleepes fhall ; reliue thee, ) Unquietnes can no waye fpill thee. ] ■\ If fortune difpleafe vs, whofe wrackes may difeafej vs, ^ ^ \ Let Sophacles his dodtrine fkoole vs, — ^ Who writes that no furetie on earth gettethvidlrye,. But pacience in paines to rule vs ; In fuche pointes prefifely, good counfel mod wifely Exuperate blinde fortunes fcourges. As the marriner fteareth the fhip when he feareth The violence of fait fea fourges. j Ten thoufand and ten to of theafe and like men to,! Lyke documentes haue left behinde them ; \ Methinks that thefe pagons may counfel good \ Chriftians ! With diligence to heare and mind them. Sith life hath no fuertie, nor longe time of puertie,i For accedence that can preuaile vs, j Let wifdome now win vs to plant vertue in vs, ; With penitence, eare life doth faile vs. i C Finis, qd W. Elderton. C Imprinted at London, in Fleeteftreet, beneath the Conduit, at the Signe of Sainte John I Evangelift, by Thomas Col well. \ AND BROADSIDES, 141 A Balade of a Preiji that lojle his nofe^ For fayinge of majfe^ as Ifuppofe. HO fo lift, heare of a wonderous chaunce ! Of late I mette with one did me tell, The craftieft prieft in England or Fraunce, Hath loft his nofe, and how fhould he fmell ? He went to his freinde his mynde to difclofe. And, as he came home, one cut of his nofe. It is a gentleman, a prieft he tolde me. To tell you his name I do not much pafle ; It is olde fyr John, the vycar of Lee, Which rayles at Gods boke and reeles at his mafte. His cankarde mynde he cannot kepe clofe. Yet he ferued him ftirewdly that cut of his nofe. His fmeller is fmitten cleane from his face. Yet was there but one, as he did faye. Which caught him and pluckt of his nofe in that place ; A hie man, a lowe man, a foxe or a graye ? Tenne ftiillinges, he faith, in his purfe he did lofe ; I thinke he lied therof, but not of his nofe. Great ferching was fence that fmeller to feke ; Some for haft left their fcabbert at home. Some had gunnes, fome halberts, fome forked pikes, Some in fhyrts of maile like a lufty mome : 142 ANCIENT BALLADS \ There was neuer fene before, I fuppofe, ! Such tofling and tombling for a prieftes nofe. \ Som men that thought him no harme in ther life, ; But becaufe they feare God and do go about ] To Hue with pure confcience and be without flrife, i Thei ar bound to the peas now for a priefts j fnout ; ! But becaufe he can kepe mens horedom fo clofe, I Therfore they make fuch a worke for his nofe. I Becaufe his fcollers did mock at his mafle, j Hefaidhewoldemake bloud run by their heles, ! But God hath turned the plage from their arfe, i And he with his nofe did bloudy the ftiles. With bloud, I hard faye, as red as a rofe ; \ He dronke well, belike, before he loft his nofe. j What maner of nofe was it, fir, ye fought for ? | A black nofe, a red nofe, or one like my fift ? ' To be without nofe was the marke of an whore, I And now it is the marke of an whorifhe prieft. j And now you are ryd right well of the pofe, | Why do you make iuche a worke for your nofe ? \ \ Or was your nofe fomewhat wan or pale ? \ A blewe nofe, a bottle nofe, or was it yellowe ? \ Nos autem haue (^n^ it fometime at the ale ; \ Libera nos, falua nos, from the fwap of the ] fwalowe. I But why did ye vfe, fyr, to lye fo and glofe ? Was it any meruayle though ye loft your nofe ? \ Some men are liuing to whom he did fay, ; Seing he knew the truth, if euer he fayd maffe, \ AND BROADSIDES. 143 He wifht that fome membre might be cut away ; Now at his requeft it is come to pafTe. Much work he doth make for the lomp he did lofe— Well, what will ye geue, fyr, for a newe nofe ? But what fhal we fay, yf men do not lye ? Who cut of the prieftes nofe it is harde to iudge, But he himfelf, I think, did it of enuy. And then to bewite it to them he did grudge. That therby they might ther kingdom vp clofe. As fometime Sopirus did fnap of his nofe. For fometime he fayth it was but a mome. And eftfone a talle man this he doth name ; But ftyll he affyrmeth it was but one. Which caught him and brought his nofe oute of frame. Could one man fo do it, as you fuppofe. Except he were willing to haue of his nofe ? Remedie is none, but this thinge is true. His fnout is fnapt of, howfoeuer it was ; I thinke it were beft to make him a new. As fone he may do it as God at his mafle ; Yf he cannot make him a fnout, I fuppofe. He can not make God no more then his nofe. Seing the true God is gone from your towne, AndgodPeanandBaccus doth rule in his ftede. With hoyfty and foyfty ouer ftioulder and crowne. Yet hath he no more life then a lompe of leade ; Yf he haue, then charge him that man to difclofe. Which met you and caught you, and cut of your nofe. 144 ANCIENT BALLADS , j But yf you do vfe the true God to mocke, i And geue his honor to your god in the purfe, ! Loke whom ye blefTe, and in blyndnefTe rocke, — ! The liuing God will you and your bleflinges ; curfe ; And at length your falfehed to all men difclofe, j And then, no dout, your head wyl folow your ■ nofe. ' Take hede, I faye, you chaplyns of Balle, — Though ye haue fed longe at Jefabels borde, ; Not longe but Helias fhall geue you a fall ; | Repent and returne to the liuinge Lorde. Though ye pricke till bloud runne by your toes,] Ther wil a worfe chance com then lefing your | no{e. \ I wyll not pray for you, — let them do that lifte, — i For feare God with me fhould be mifcontent, \ Seyng of purpofe the Holy Ghoft you refifte ; And if ye haue cleane forgotten to repent, \ When God fhall the fecretes of all men difclofe, \ Ye fhal haue as much help as the preift of his nofe.^ But you haue a vauntage, fyr, if you mark all ; 1 If a mous catch your god, when ye haue made it, | Then ye may catche the moufe fail by the walle,! For how can you hurt your nofe except ye \ had it ? \ The prouerbe is true in you, I fuppofe, — \ He cannot tell where to turne his nofe. Finis. God faue the Quene. ■ c'^^ AND BROADSIDES. 145 The true difcripcion of this marueilous Jlraunge Fijhe^ whiche was taken on Thurjday was Jen- nighty the xvj, day of June, this prejent month y in the ye are of our Lord God, M.D.lxix. |[ A declaration of the taking of this ftraunge Fifhe, with the length and bredth, &c. OOING you to vnderftande that on Thurfdaye, the xyj. daye of this prefent month of June, in the yeare of our Lord God M. D. Ixix. this ftraunge fifhe was taken betweene Callis and Douer, by fertayne EngUfh fisfher-men whych were a fyfh- ynge for mackrell. And this ftraunge and mer- ueylous fyfhe, folowynge after the fcooles of mackrell, came rufhinge in to the fifher-mens netts, and brake and tore their nettes marueilouflie, in fuch forte, that at the fyrft they weare muche amafed therat, and marueiled what it fhould bee that kept fuche a fturr with their netts, for they were verie much harmed by it with breking and fpoyling their netts. And then they, feing and perceiuyng that the netts wold not ferue, by reafon of the greatnes of this ftraung fifhe, then they with fuch inftrue- ments, ingins, and thinges that they had, made fuch fhift that they tooke this ftraung fiftie. And vppon Fridaye, the morowe after, brought it vpp to Billyngefgate in London, whyche was the xvij. daye of June, and ther it was feene and vewid of manie, which marueiled much at the ftraungnes of L 146 ANCIENT BALLADS it ; for here hath neuer the lyke of it ben feene : \ and on Saterdaye, being the xviij. daye, fertayne \ fi fhe-mongers in New Fifhftreat agreeid with them i that caught it, for and in confideracion of the ; harme whych they receiued by fpoyhnge of ther ; netts, and for their paines, to haue this ftraunge ; fifhe. And hauinge it, did open it and flaied of ; the fkinn, and faued it hole. And, adiudging the j meat of it to be good, broyled a peece and tafted ; of hit, and it looked whit like veale when it was \ broiled, and was good and fauerie (though fum- | what ftraung) in the eating, and then they fold of i it that fame Saterdaye to fuche as would buy of • the fame, and they themfelues did bake of it, and 1 eate it for daintie ; and for the more fertaintie '\ and opening of the truth, the good men of the j Caftle and the Kinges Head in new Fifhftreat did | bui a great deale and bakte of it, and this is mofte \ true. i The ftraunge fiftie is in length xvij. foote \ and iij. foote broad, and in compas about the \ bodie vj. foote; and is round fnowted, fhorti headdid, hauing iij. ranckes of teeth on eyther j iawe, maruaylous ftiarpe and very ftiort, y. eyes ) growing neare his fhout, and as big as a horles '\ eyes, and his hart as big as an oxes hart, and like- i wyfe his liuer and lightes bige as an oxes ; but all ■ the garbidge that was in hys bellie befides would \ haue gone into a felt hat. Alfo ix. finns, and ij. of j the formoft bee iij . quarters of a yeard longe from \ the body, and a verie big one on the fore parte ■ of his backe, blackifti on the backe, and a litle : whitiftie on the belly, a flender tayle, and had but i one bone, and that was a great rydge-bone, run- \ ninge a-longe his backe from the head vnto the i AND BROADSIDES, 147 tayle, and had great force In his tayle when he waS in the water. Alfo it hath v. gills of eache fide of the head, fhoing white. Ther is no proper name for it that I knowe, but that fertayne men of Captayne Haukinfes doth call it a Iharke. And it is to bee feene in London, at the Red Lyon in Fleteftreete. Finis, quod C. R. Imprynted at London, in Fleetftreate, beneathe the Conduit, at the figne of Saint John Euangelift, by Thomas Colwell. C The fantajies of a troubled marines head. Y fortune, as I lay in bed, my fortune was to fynd Such fancies as my careful thought hath brought into my mynd ; And when each one was gone to reft, all fofte in bed to lye, I would haue flept, but that the watch did folow ftyl mine eye. And fodeinlie I faw a fea of wofull forrowes preft, Whofe wicked wayes of jfharpe repulfe bred mine vnqulet reft : I faw this world, and how it went, ech ftate In his degree. And that from Wealth ygraunted is both lyfe and libertie : 148 ANCIENT BALLADS \ I faw eke how Envie did raigne, and bare the \ greatift price, j Yet greatter poifon is not found within the cock- 1 atrice : 1 I faw alfo how fowle Difdaine oft times, to forgej my woe, j Gaue me the cup of bitter fweete, to pledge my \ mortal foe : I faw alfo how that Defier to reft no place could fynd, ^ ^ _ I But ftyl conftraind, in endles paine, to follow j natures kynd : | I faw alfo (moft ftraunge of all) how Nature did! fDriake \ The bloud that in her womb was wrought, as dothj the lothed fnake : ! I faw how fancie would retaine no longer then fhee luft, , And as the wynd how fhee doth chaunge, and is i not for to truft : \ I faw how fteadfaftnes did flye with wynges of : often chaunge, — \ A flyeng bird but feldome feen, her nature is fo^ ftraunge : I faw how pleafaunt times did pafTe, as flowers do: in the mede, j To-day that rifeth red as rofe, to-morow falleth \ deade : j I faw my time how it did run, as fand out of a i glaffe, ... ' Euen as each owre appointed is from time and tide to pafte : I faw the yeares that I had fpent, and lofTe of all my payne. And how the fporte of youthly plaies my foUie ; did retayne : I AND BROADSIDES. 149 I faw how that the little ants in fomer ftyl doth rome. To feke their foode, wherby to Hue in winter for to come. I faw eke Vertue how fhee fate, the threede of life to fpin. Which fheweth the end of euery worke before it doth begin; And when all thefe I thus behelde, with manie mo pardie. In me, me thought, each one had wrought a perfe6t propertie ; And then I faid vnto myfelfe, a leflbn this fliall bee For other that fhall after come, for to beware by mee. Thus all the night I did diuife which way I might conftrayne To forme a plot that wit might worke thes braunches in my brayne. C Finis. I. C. Of euyll tounges, EU YLL tounges, which clap at euerie wynd. Ye flea the quicke, and eke the dead defame ; Thofe that Hue well fome fault in them ye fynd. 150 ANCIENT BALLADS Ye take no thought in fclaundring their good name. Ye put iuft men oft times to open fhame ; Ye ryng fo lowde, ye found vnto the fkyes. And yet in proofe ye fowe nothyng but lyes. C Ye make great hatred where peace hath ben of long, You bring good order to ruine and eke decaye ; Yepluckedowneright, ye doe enhaunce the wrong. Ye tourne fwete myrth to wo and wallawaye. Of mifcheifs all you are the ground, I faye, — Happie is he that liueth on fuch a forte. That nedes not feare fuch tounges of falfe reporte. C Finis, quod I. Canand. C Of Truji and Triall. HO trufts before he tries may foone his truft repent. Who tries before he trufts doth fo his care preuent ; Thus truft may not be caufe of triall, then, we fee. But triall muft be caufe of truft in ech degree. C Finis. B. G. AND BROADSIDES. 151 A Strife betwene Appelles and Pigmalion, HEN that Appelles liued In Grece, Pigmalion alfo raigned than : Thefe two did ftriue to frame a pece, Which fhould amaze the fight of man, Whereby they might win fuch a name. As fhould deferue immortall fame. C Appelles then flrayed euerie where, To marke and viewe ech courtlie dame. And when he heard where any were Did well deferue the prayfe and fame. He thither rode, with willyng harte. Of her to take the cumlieft parte. C And when he had, with trauaile great, A thoufand wights knit vp in one. He found therewith to wurke his feat, A paterne fuch as earil was none ; And then with ioye retourned backe. For to thofe limmes but lyfe did lacke. C Pigmalion eke, to fhew his arte. Did then conclude in iuorie white To forme and frame in euerie parte A woman fayre to his delighte. Wherein was euerie limme fo coucht. As not a vayne he lefte vntoucht. 52 ANCIENT BALLADS C When their two cunnings ioyned were, A worlde it was to fee their wurke ; But yet it may greue euerie eare. To heare the chaunce did therein lurke; For through the pece they framed had. For loue PigmaHon did run mad. C Which feene, Appelles fhut his booke. And durft no longer viewe that fight ; For why ? her comehe Hmmes and looke In one did pafTe ech other wight ; And while Appelles wiped his eye. The pece did mount vnto the fkye. C Whereas Dame Nature toke it ftraight. And wrapt it vp in linnen folde, Efteeming it more then the waight Had ten times ben of gliftryng golde ; Shee lockt it vp faft in a cheft. To pleafure him that fhee loued beft. C Appelles then, difmayed much. Did throw his booke into the fire ; He feared left the gods did grutch That wurkemen fhould fo high afpire ; Yet once agayne he trauailed Grece With lefTe Q&^&.y and made a pece, C Which long time did hold great renowne. For Venus all men did it call, — Tyll in our dayes gan Nature frowne. And gaue the workemannes worke a fall ; For from her cheft, f auoyde all ftryfe, Shee tooke the pece, and gaue it lyfe ; i AND BROADSIDES. 153 j C And for a token gaue the fame Vnto the higheft man of ftate. And faid. Since thou art crownd by Fame, Take to thee here this worthie mate, — The fame which kyld the caruers ftrife. Before that Nature gaue it life. C Lorde ! yf Appelles now did know. Or yf Pigmalion once fhould heare. Of this their worke the worthie fhow. Since Nature gaue it hfe to beare ; No doubt at all her worthie prayfe Thofe felie Grekes from death wold rayfe. C Then thofe that daylie fee her grace, Whofe vertue pafTeth euerie wight, — Her comelie corps, her chriftall face, — They ought to pray, both day and night. That God may graunt moft happie ftate Vnto that Princefle and her mate. C Finis. Ber. Gar. C Imprinted at London without Alderfgate, in Little Britaine, by A. Lacy. A new Ballad againjt Vnthrifts, HEN raging louts, with feble braines, Mofte wilfully wyl fpend awaye. And eke confume more then their gaines. In riotyng al the longe day. And fpend with him that wil fpend mofte. Yet of their gaine they need not bofte. 154 ANCIENT BALLADS When drunken drunkerds will not fpare The alehous daily for to plye. But fit and tipple there full fquare, And to their gaines will haue no eye. Nor will not ceafe, I warrant ye. So long as they haue one penny. When rufling roifters wil beftowe Vpon their backs fuche fine aray. And be not wurth that whiche they owe. Falling therby into decay ; Yet wil they fet theron a face. And bragge and crake it out a-pace. When liuely lads wil plye the dice, Confuming there away their good. No man wil count them to be wice. But rather to be mad or wood ; For when that all their money is gone. Then are they drefied like a mome. When lafie loiterers will not wurk. And honefi:ly their liuings get. But had rather in corners lurk Then that they wold with labor fwet, Therfore no welth they can attain. But liue in trouble and in pain. When doting doltes wil enterprife j To wurk fuche feates as I haue tolde, ; Not ceafiing for to exercife j Worfe deeds then thofe with courage bold, j Then fome do lay their cotes to gage^ j Til that they haue receiued their wage. \ AND BROADSIDES. 155 ] Then fome the Counter oft doo kifle, ^ If that the money be not paid, j Or if that they their day doe mifTe, I For whiche to gage their cote was laid ; ] Yet wil they not by this take heed, \ But ftil continew to proceed. | Then fome therby their credit lofe, ] So that no wife man wil them truft, ] Wherfore they can no lenger glofe, j But rub and reuel not they muft, 1 For wherfoeuer they be come, ] They are not fo wel truft as knowne. \ \ Then fome at length do beg their bread, I Who, if in time they had been wife, ] Might wel haue had inough to fed i Themfelues, their children, and their wiues ; ' But when that all is gone and fpent, ' It is to late then to repent. \ Then fome to pilfer doo begin, I But aflbne as they be efpied, i With whips they are laid on the fkin, i At a carts ars being wel tied ; \ But al this can not thofe amend, ; That wil doo mifchefe to the end. Then fome proceed to rob and kyl, ] Counting al fifh that comes to net ; \ And yf that they might haue their wil. For right or wrong they wuld not let, ] Til at the lafl they fall in bands, j And can not efcape out of hands. i 156 ANCIENT BALLADS \ Then fbme at Newgate doo take (hip, ] Sailing ful faft vp Holborne Hil ; \ And at Tiborn their anckers piche, i Ful fore indeed againft their wil ; ; But then it is to late, I fay, j To cal againe the yefterday. ^ Wherfore al ye that vfe this trade, \ Leaue of betimes, yf ye be wife, \ Left that perchaunce this way ye wade 1 Ful fore againft your owne deuife ; \ For heer ye fee the end of fuche, \ As litle haue and wil fpend muche. | C Finis, quoth W. F. \ 1 C Imprinted at London, at the long fhop ad--^ ioining vnto Saint Mildreds Churche, in th^ Poultry, by John Aide. i . ..\ A newe SeBe of Friars, called Captchim. ^ HESE newe frefhe come Friars, being \ fprong vp of late, j Doe nowe within Andwarpe keepe | their abidinge, \ Seducinge muche people to their damned eftate, : By their newe falfe founde dodtrine the Gofpel deridinge ; Sayinge and affirminge, which is no newe falf^ tidinge. AND BROADSIDES. 157 That all fuche as doe the Popes docSlrine difpife. As damned foules to hell mufte be ridinge ; For they doe condemne them with their newe found lies. Thefe be the children of the worlde counted wife, Whofe wifedome is folly to God and his eledt ; But let Sathan worke all that he can deuife, God it is alone which the Gofjpel doeth protedt. X The firjl part of the fair e Widow of Wat ling ftreet and her 3 daughters^ and how her wicked Jonne accujed her to he a harlot ^ and his ftflers baftards^ only to deceiue them of their 'portions. To the tune of Bragandary, F the kind Widdow of Watling ftreet I will the ftory tell. Who by her hufband deere was left. In fubftance rich and well ; A prodigall fonne likewife had fhe. And faire yong daughters louely three ; — Great mifery, forrow and mifery, Commeth for want of grace. C For by his dayly pradifes. Which were both lewd and ill. His fathers hart from him was drawne. His loue and his good will ; But yet, what chance fo ere befell. His mother loued him deerely well. 158 ANCIENT BALLADS C When he in prifon lay full poore. For debt which he did owe. His father would not ftur out of doore. For to releafe his woe ; But when his mother his griefe did fee. She found the meanes to fet him free. C And when her hufband fell full fick. And went to make his will, — hufband, remember your fonne, fhe faid, Although he hath beene ill ; But yet no doubt he may returne. Repenting the euill that he hath done. C Remember, wife, what forrow and care Through him I dayly found ; Who, through his lewd vngratious deeds. Hath fpent me many a pound ; And therefore, let him finke or fwim, 1 meane not for to deale with him. C And therefore fole executor here I do thee onely make. To pay the debts and legacies, — The reft vnto thee take. Not fo, my hufband deare, quoth fhe. But let your fonne be ioynd with me ; C For-why he is our child, fhe faid, — We can it not deny, — The firft that euer graced you With fathers dignity ; — O, if that euer you did me loue, Graunt this requeft for his behoue. AND BROADSIDES, 159 ' C Thy loue, deere wife, was euermore j Moft precious vnto me, ;■ And therefore, for thy fweet loues fake, j I graunt thy fuite to thee ; i But, ere the yeare is fully fpent, ^ I know thou wilt the fame repent. | C Now was his fonne receiued home, i And with his mother deere ; Was ioyn'd executor of the will. Which did his courage cheare. i The old man dying, buryed was, — | But now behold what came to pafle. I The funeral being ended quite, | It fel vpon a day ^ Some friends did fetch the widdow foorth, \ To driue conceits away. ; While fhe was forth, and thought no ill, ; Her wicked fonne doth worke his will. 'i PofTefTion of the houfe he took In moft defpitful wife. Throwing his fifters out of dores. With fad lamenting cryes. When this they did his mother fhow. She would not beleeue he would do fo. But when fhe came vnto her houfe. And found it true indeed. She cald vnto her fon, and faid, — Althogh her hart did bleed, — Come down, my fonne, come downe, quod fhe. Let in thy mother and fifters three. i6o ANCIENT BALLADS \ C I will not let in my mother, he faid, \ Nor fifters any one ; \ The houfe is mine, I will it keepe, ! Therefore, away ! be gone ! • O fonne, canft thou in dure to {tt't^ j Thy mother and fifters to lie in the ftreete ? \ C Did not thy father, by his will. For terme of this my life, Giue me this houfe for to enioy ^ Without al further ftrife ; And more, of all his goods, quoth fhe, I am executor ioynd with thee, C My father left you the houfe, he faid. But this was his intent, — That you therefore, during your life, Should pay me yearely rent ; A hundred pound a yeare, therefore. You fhall me giue, or giue it ore. C And fith the citties cuftome is. That you the thirds muft haue Of all my fathers moueables, I graunt what law doth craue ; But not a peny more will I Difcharge of any legafie. C O wicked fonne, quoth fhe, that feekes Thy mother thus to fleece, — Thy father to his daughters gaue Three hundred pound a peece : Tell me who fhall their porcions pay. Appointed at their marriage day. AND BROADSIDES. i6i C Then, with a fcornefull fmile, he faid, j What talke you of fo much ? i Ten pound a peece I will them giue, — \ My charitie is fuch. ^ ] Now fie vpon thee, beaft, quoth (he. That thus doth deale with them and me ! C But ere that they and I will take ; This iniury at thy hand, i The chiefeft peeres of England fhall ! The matter vnderftand. \ Nay, if you go to that, quoth he, • j Mark well what I fhall tell to thee :— \ Thou haft a fecret harlot bin. And this ile proue full plaine, .; That in my fathers lifetime did ] Lewd ruffians entertaine, ■ The which did then beget of thee, J In wicked fort, thefe baftards three. j C No daughters to my father then \ Were they in any wife, ; As he fuppofd them for to be, 1 Thou blinding fo his eyes ; ■ Therefore no right at all haue they t To any peny giuen this day. j C When fhe did heare her fhameles fonne ! For to defame her fo. She with her louely daughters three, ^ With griefe away did goe ; ] But how this matter forth did fall, i The fecond part fhall fhew you all. i Great mifery, forow, &c. Finis. : Imprinted at London for T. P. ; M \ |l.«\> Jt ^\ II 162 ANCIENT BALLADS \ \ •i I T^he fecond fart of the Widdow of Wat ling- j Jlreete and her three Daughters. \ \ To the tune of the Wanton Wife. \ HE beautifull widdow of Watling - ftreete, i Being thus falfly accufde by her j fbnne. With her three daughters of fauor fo fweet, ! Whofe beauty the loue of fo juany had wonne, j With her daughters three, for fucoour went Ihe, ! Vnto the kings counfaile of noble degree. ; Now fie vpon falfhood and forgerie fraile, j / For great is the truth, and it ihall preuaile !j C Her fonne by a writ now fommoned is i At the Star-chamber with fpeed to appeare. To anfwere there the abufes of his ; — \ The Lords of the Counfel the matter will heare. The news was brought ; his wits he fought, j Which way his villanie befl: might be wrought. \ \ C Then vp and downe the citty fo faire | He feeketh companions to ferue his turne, — \ A fort of vacabonds, naked and bare. The which to worke murders for money is won : < Thefe wretches behold, for money and golde, ! He hired for witnefTes his lyes to vphold, &c. 1 C My maifters, quoth he, my mother by name ] To be a lewd ftrumpet accufed I haue ; ' i I AND BROADSIDES. 163 And, hauing no witnefTe to proue that fame. Your ayde and afTiftance herein I do craue : Therefore, without feare, before the Lords there. Yet this thing is certaine, you fixe fhall it fweare. C The firft two, quoth he, fhal fweare on a booke. That fixteene yeares paft they plainely did fee. As they through the garden hedge fadly did looke. That jfhe in one houre was abufed by three ; And how it fell, as they markt it wel. That iuft nine moneths after fhe had hir firft girle. C The fecond couple fhall fweare in this fort. That at Briftow Faire, about xvij. yeares paft. She with her owne apprentife did fal in fuch fport. That her fecond daughter was got at the laft. Now truft vs, quod they, weele fweare what you fay. Or anything elfe for money, this day, &c. And thus the third couple their oath now fhal take. That as at the bath fhe ft aid on a day, For ach in her bones, as the fcufe fhe did make. How fhe with a courtier the wanton did play ; And how well you wot, in the pleafant plot. Her deareft yong daughter for certaine was got. But now, you mafters, your names let me know. That I may prouide you apparell with fpeed ; Like fixe graue cittizens fo muft you go. The better your fpeeches the Lords will heed ; So fhal I with fcorne, ere Saturday morne, Proue her a harlot, my fifters bafe borne, &c. i64 ANCIENT BALLADS C My name is Make-fhift, the firft man did fay ; And Francis Light-finger, the fecond hkewife ; Cutbert Creepe-window, the third to difplay ; And Rowland Rob-man, with foule flaring , eyes ; Jack Shameles comes then, with Hary Steale-hen. You are, quod the widdow, fome right honeft men ! C Before the lords moft prudent and graue. This wretch doth with his witneiTe come ; The mother complains, and juftice doth craue Of all the offences that he hath her done. ] My Lords, then quod he, I pray you heare me,— i The law for my deeds my warrant fhall be. I fay, fhe is a harlot moft vilde. And thofe be her baftards that ftandeth in place. And that fhe hath often her body defilde By very good witnes ile proue to her face. j This thing of thy mother thou oughtft for to j fmother, — 'Tis fliame for a child to fpeake [fo] of his mother ! C! But if this matter be proued vntrue. And thou a falfe lyar be found to thy face, : Worfe then an infidell, Pagon, or Jew, Thou oughtft to be puniftit and plagd in this cafe ; ] And therefore draw neere, and now let vs heare j What faies the witnes that here doth appeare. | C When the firft couple did come for to fweare. They quiuerd and quakt in moft wondrous fort ; AND BROADSIDES. 165 The lords very countenance did put them in feare, And now they knew not what to report ; The fecond Hkewife ftard fo with his eyes. They ftamberd and knew not what to deuife. C The lords, perceiuing the cafe how it went. Did afke the laft couple what they had to fay, Who fell on their knees incontinent. Saying, they were hird for mony that day : Quoth they, it is fo, the truth for to fhow, Againft the good widow no harme we do know. C Thus was the widow deliuered from blame. With her three daughtersof beauty mod bright. Her fonne reproached with forrow and ihame, Hauing his iudgment appointed him right, — To loofe, at the leaft, the goods he pofTeft, To loofe both his eares, and banifht to reft. When he heard this iudgment pronounced to be. The teares full bitterly fell down from his face, — To mother and fifters he kneeled on his knee, Confefling that lucre had wrought his difgrace ; That for my own gaine I fought to detaine My fitters three portions, this lye I did faine ! Therefore, deare mother, forgiuenes I craue Of you and my fifters, offended fo fore ; My body from perill if you will but faue, I fweare I will grieue and offend you no more. The lords then replide, — the law iuftly tride, The punifhment now thou art like to abide : C Therefore to prifon now thou fhalt go. Where thou fhalt the king's pleafure abide ; 166 ANCIENT BALLADS From thence to be brought, with fhame and with ; wo, I To fufFer the punifhment due to thy pride : Then out of hand, thou fhalt vnderftand That prefently thou fhalt be banifht the land, \ C Now, while in prifon this prifoner did reft, Himfelfe he hanged in defperate wife — j Such horror of confcience pofTefted his breft ; j And being caft forth, the rauens pickt out his | eies. All children, behold what here hath bin tolde, Accufe no man falfly for lucre of golde ! 1 Now i[Q vpon falfhood and forgerie fraile, ; For great is the truth, and it will prevaile, ! FINIS. [ I Imprinted at London for T. P. | C Almightie God I pray his Holy Sprite to/endy \ 'The iuft marines hart ftedfafi to flay ^ and wicked j Hues to mend, \ ! RUE tryall touchyng truth time \ trimly here doth trye, \ E xcept the fcribes therfore we pafTe in righteoufnes, we dye. M yndes many mooued bee all truth to eftablyfh ; \ P apes popifh, puft in Plutoes pride, all popery \ here doe wyfh ; — ' AND BROADSIDES. 167 V oyde from them all, good men, which godly be in mynde, S ith Sathan aflaileth fome fo fore, and ftyl their harts doth blynde. E mbrace and loue the truth ; on Chrifts fyde ftifly ftand ; D eny the Pope, Sathan, the Turke, reied them quite from hand, A nd neuer wifh in wyll with wicked men t*agree, X pe faith we can not their wayes hould, and eke his feruaunts be. R eiedt and expell quite that which difpleafe God may ; Encline to Chrift, the truth embrace, be fure thereon to ftay ; R eioyce, though rigour raunge, and run for to obtayne ; V pon thee perfecution beare, great ioyes to haue agayne ; M ufe nothyng on thefe dayes, but wey the time now frayle. T he tryed truth time vndertreades, — in time truth wyl preuayle, I n time the wicked laugh, in time the iuft lament: M ufe not, therfore, the iuft to trie, the Lordes wyl now is bent ; Employ thy wyll and mynd to the Scriptures deuine. B e not feduced in no wyfe, from truth doe not decline ; R efufe (yf faith thou haft) a Chriftian dumme to bee ; i68 ANCIENT BALLADS Y elde out thy talent with encreafe, and looke thy faith be free. No doubt, yf dumme thou lurke, clokyng thy faith for feare, G od wyl thee plague, and to good men thy faint faith wyl appeare ; E nclyne thine eare hereto, and this well vnder- ftand; — T rie out the fence hereof by truth, — all wicked- nefTe withftand ; H eauen with the Lorde of Lordes we fhall not inherite E xcept our righteoufnes far pafTe the fcribe and hipocrite. A 11 wicked men we fee now glorie much in mynd, L ookyng for mafle, an idoll which to them hath ben full kynd. T ruely thofe naughtie men thinke now, within fhort time, • Here, for Jefus Chriftes true worde, to plant i Sathans doctrine ; ^ Y ea, ftyll they hope indeede, and ftyll looke for j a day, \ N o doubt, Chrifts gofpel to exclude, and popes j lawes to beare fway. • G od faue our noble queene, Lorde, graunt this, ] we requyre ; ! E mong vs here long fhee may raigne, and cut j fhort papes defy re ; S end out thy wrath, O Lorde, confound with open fhame AND BROADSIDES, 169 Thofe which in hart vnto her grace long lyfe doe not proclaime ! O ut pull thofe hatefull harts, which in fpight rage and boyle A gainft thy truth, her grace, good men ; O Lorde, thou canft them foyle. Nothyng but wickednefTe, fuch in their hartes embrace, E mong vs here although they fay, and beare out a fmooth face. N ow, Lorde, thy flocke defend ; Lorde, blefle thine heritage ; D iredl thy fpirit ouer vs all, in this our time and age; E ncourage vs againft rageyng Sathan alway. Quicken our myndes, ftrength vs herein, O Lorde, to thee we pray ; V ouchfafe eke on thofe men thy heauenlie fpirite to fend ; Lorde, enfpire them with thy grace, their err- yng liues t'amend ; D eftroy all errours here, illuminate their hart. C all home all thofe which haue run wyde, to the truth them conuart ; H eale thofe which broken be, O Lorde, I fay, in mynd ! R educe and bryng to thee in truth all wicked Jewes vnkynd, 1 nfidels and eke Turkes, Paganes which know thee not : S o fhall we all be to thee one inheritaunce and lot. 170 ANCIENT BALLADS Tread vnder and fupprefle all vice, and eke expell Our hollo w-harted hipocrites, which loue notj thy Gofpell ; j P ut in their harts fuch grace, O Lorde, that they] may now H ope in thee, their eternall God, and to theej their hartes bow ! ' E uer to watch and pray, as thou haft taught thej fame, R eady to be with oyle in lampe, heauenwith thee; to attaine. . W ee, hopyng on thee thus, all vayne hope nowj confound, I I n heauen with thee at length wyl we thy worthy; praife forth found. : L orde, graunt that we may raigne in ioyes ce-| leftiall ; \ S uch as wyl ftyl thy foes remaine, fhall to paynesi infernall. \ O Lorde, graunt this requeft, — Lorde, let thyj kyngdome cum : \ N ow watch and pray we wyll ; — for whye ? Tem-r pus edax rerum. k C Finis, quod Chriftopher Wilfon. | AND BROADSIDES. 171 A Song againjl the Mafs, OME hope you fee, — The more pitie, — Not in the Lorde of might ; Whofe harts and mynd His wayes fhould fynd. To prayfe him day and night. C With hart and voyce They fhould reioyce Onely in Chrift, I fay ; And not to hope To fee the pope, With his lawes to beare fway. C Lament I doe. Here to fee nowe. The ioyes that fome be in, — Wyfhyng for MafTe, 1 fay, alas ! The cloke of filthy fin ! C I may here write. And truth endite, Affyrme plainely, and fay : The worde of truth, — The more is ruth, — Is fowne in flonie way. C For all teachyng And true preachy ng. 172 ANCIENT BALLADS \ Some harts be hard as fteele ; j There is no way ) Their harts to ftay, • Or caufe them truth to feele. j C But ftoute they be In all poperie, \ As by this man doth feeme ; I Whofe fhamelefle face Put forth this cafe, \ And bad his neighbours deme : \ C Where beft fhould be, j To make, quod he, . ] An aulter for our Mafle ? \ Let vs firft be \ Herein, quod he, j It wyll thus come to pafle. j C This freend of popes OfFred ten grotes | This aulter there to make, i Where maffe fhould be ; = Haue here, quod he, i This money mine here take. j \ C Lorde, our Queene faue, | We cry and craue, j In godlie ftate alway ; : Defend her grace i Long time and fpace \ Emong vs here, we pray ! | i C Imprinted at London without Alderfgate, in! little Britaine, by Alex. Lacy. The i6 of; Auguft, 1566. i AND BROADS-IDES. 173 The Daunce and Song of Death, At the four corners four engravings^ with verfes. I. Under a pidlure of the Mifer (or rich man) counting his gold, with Death at his elbow, the following quatrain. From your gold and filuer To graue ye muft daunce ; Though you loue it fo deare. And haue therein affiaunce. 2. Over a pifture of a Prifoner fettered to an iron ring, with Death at his lide. Thy pryfon and chaynes- From graue cannot keepe ; But daunce, though in paynes. Thou fhalt thereto creepe. 3. Engraving of a Judge upon the bench of juftice, with Death befide him, thefe lines under : — From trone of iuft iudgement, Syr Judge, daunce with vs ; To graue come incontinent From ftate fo glorious. 4. A Man careffing a Lady in a bower, a table fpread with wine and fruit. Death feated behind them ; the following infer] bed. Ye dallying fyne louers. In mydft of your chere. To daunce here be partners. And to graue draw ye nere. 174 ANCIENT BALLADS \ In the centre a figure playing the pipe and tabor upon a feat' made of crofs-bones, mattock, and fliovel, acrofs a yawningi grave, with this placard, " Sycknes, Deathes minftrel.*' i Around him in a circle, joined hand in hand, are the: following figures. Death leading the dance, the king,j the begger, the old man, the childe, the wyfe man, the' foole, with thefe lines. \ \ Come, daunce this trace, ye people all, 1 Both prince and begger, I fay ; \ Yea, old, yong, wyfe, and fooles I call, ; To graue, come, take your way. j For ficknes pipes thereto, | By griefes and panges of wo. j A Ballad intituled^ Prepare ye to the plowe. \ To the tune of Pepper is blacke. I |[ The queene holdes the plow, to continew good feede; % Truftie fubieftes, be readie to helpe, if fhe neede. t \ OOKE vp, my Lordes, and marke my ] wordes, | And heare what I fhall fing ye : \ And fubieds all, both great and fmall, j Now marke what word I bring ye. 5^ Parnafo Hill, not all the ikill Of Nimphs or Mufes fayned. Can bring about that I finde out. By Chrift himfelfe ordayned. I 1 AND BROADSIDES. 175 j Let wifdom be, as it is, I fee, ' A gift moft worth the telling, \ Which neuer was fo brought to pafle Where Pagans haue ben dwelling, ^ Is now, in fine, by power deuine, i Among vs Englifh planted; \ Which many a day was kept away, i And many a one it wanted. \ And by that wifdom haue we had \ Such proofe as yet was neuer, \ To judge and deeme both good and bad, \ To our great comfort euer. I Which fithes we haue, now let vs hold. This tutchftone is the triall, ] To beate the baggage from the gold, And truth from falfe deniall. i And by this knowledge we do know ■] That euery thing is vaine ^ Beneath the fonn, which heare below : We couet to attaine. Let not the fpright geue vs delight ^ To labour and attend vs, \ To feke to haue before our graue ! The ioy that Chrifte may fend vs. : In feking that, then, muft we nat ^ Build on the fandy furges. Nor fow our feede where euery weede His grace and bounty vrges ; I Nor put our hope in Preefte or Pope, i In maffe or other matters, I Or, by our dole, to fave our ibule With filling empty platters. ; 176 ANCIENT BALLADS Or by a pardon to appeafe The furfits of our finning, Although our fathers had all theafe By wicked mens beginning. Nor let vs make our ftock and ftore A burden to accufe vs ; For, doing fo, fo much the more We tempt God to refufe vs. Neither let vs once prefume fo far. Of mercy or of meekenes, To counterfait, to make or mar This image or this likenefTe, That our forefathers did beleue Were Gods to giue and guide them : Such follies did the Chriftians greeue. And Pagans now deride them. Remember once the latter law — Left yet in Moyfes table, — That neighbourly to Hue in awe It is moft commendable : Then fhouldft thou not defire to craue Thy neighbours lofTe or lacke ; Neither excefTe defire to haue. That puts thy foule to wracke. Neither vfery, nor vfe at all Of women, wealth, or wine ; Neither of aboundance, great or fmall, 111 gotten, fhould be thine : Neither fhould contencion, craft, increafe. Nor fwearing beare the fway. Nor God vnferued — men as beafls Would break the Sabboth day. AND BROADSIDES. 177 j Then would the honour duly hit, \ To parents, lord, or king ; | Then would ther be no doubt a whit \ To haue ftore of euerything : All this the new law, with the old, ] Doth nip vs to remember, I Euen as the froft, that waxeth cold, I Doth nip vs in December. | And as, vpon a fodain heat, j We foone forget that freefing, ; When God doth of his mercy great Spare vs for lack of leefmg, — So let vs think, as Sommer fhows \ Grene grafle to our deliting, i We fe that all the grafle that growes j Goth down with htle fmiting ; , | ] And when the mowyer coms to mowe, ; 'Tis fone both ripe and rotten : ] This tale, I truft, of hye and low ] Will neuer be forgotten. ^ On Gods good booke then let vs loke For that which neuer faileth ; I Without which boke, by hooke or crooke, 1 No worldly wit preuaileth. i .1 God faue her Grace that holds the plow, \ To {owe this trufty treafure ; j Though many a one be ftubborn now, 5 And harrow it but at leafure : j God graunt that he that harrowed Hell | In guardon ftill may haue her, N i 178 ANCIENT BALLADS \ And fend you grace that thinke not well \ Of God, t] at fo doth faue hir. \ W. Elderton. ■% ft Imprinted at London, in Fleeteftreete, by ■ William How for Richard Johnes : and are , to be folde at his Shop, ioyning to the j fouthweft doore of Paules Church. i An Epitaph on the death of the vertuous Mat- rone the Ladie Maiorejfe^ late wyfe to the right Honorable Lor de (^Alexander Auenet^) Lord Maior of the Citie of London ^ who deceqfedthe vij, dale of July, 1570. ELPE nowe, ye Mufes nyne, powre out your noates of woe ! Aide me, with pitious piercing plaints, j the lofTe of her to fhoe, \ Whofe virtues, maugre Death ! fhall lyue and \ laft for aye, i As fliyng Fame in golden trump doth cherefully ' difplay. \ Ye ladyes, leave your fportes, your paftymes fet j afyde ; \ To weepe this ladyes fatall fine, conduidles of i ftreames prouide; 1 Caft oiFyour coftly filkes, your juelles nowe for- j fake. IS AND BROADSIDES. 179 To decke yourfelues in mournynge weedes, now poaftynge hafte do make. Helpe now, ye faythfull wyues, to wayle this faythfull wyfe, Whofe flowynge vertues were not hyd whyle fhe enioyed lyfe ; — As well to frende as foe hercurtefiewas knowne ; — But now the goddes haue thought it good to clayme agayne their owne. LvciNA hath forgot her chardge, the fatall Fates haue don ; Clotho hath left the rocke of lyfe, and Lachas longe hath fpon. Thefe werie of their wonted toyle, at mightie lovES decree — To whom the heauens, the earth, and fea, and all thynges fubiedl bee, — The fifter dire, fearce Atropos, with fchortchyng cuttynge knyfe. Hath fhred the threede that longe dyd holde this godly ladies lyfe ; Whofe lofle, deare dames, bewayle, and weepe with many a teare. For you fhall mifle a matrone graue in daunger you to cheare, Whofe counfell in their neede her neighbours could not want. Her helpe vnto the comfortlefle could neuer yet bee fcant ; Vnto the poore, oppreft with fickenefle, griefe and payne. To minifter and giue reliefe her hart was euer fayne. The poore haue loft a nurfe to helpe their nedie ftate. l8o ANCIENT BALLADS \ The ritche fhall want a perfede frende, as they j can well relate. j Thus ritche and poore (hall want her aide at j euerie neede ; | For both eftates in daunger deepe fhe laboured to j feede, — The ritche with counfelles fwete to chearifh ftyll ^ fhe thought, I The poore by almes and lyberall giftes to tender j longe fhe fought. But who fhall haue the greateft lofTe I knowe is not vnknowen, — Her befl beloued, the wight whom fhee accompted for her owne. The Lorde Maior, whiche nowe doth rule in London, noble citie, I Shall want her fight, — the greater griefe to mifTe ^ a mate fb wittie ; A phenyx rare, a turtell true, fo conflant in her ! loue, j That Nature nedes muft fhowe her force, her j hufbandes teares to moue. ; Who for the lofTe of fuche a wyfe can fobbyng i fighes refrayne, | In whom fo many vertues dyd continue and ' remayne ? You damfelles deare domeflicall, whiche in her '; houfe abyde, \ Haue caufe to wayle, for you haue lofl a good and \ godly guide, i Whofe lenytie and gentell hart you all haue \ knowen and felt. For vnto you in courteous forte her giftes fhe euer dealt. You officers, that dayly ferue her lorde at euery neede, AND BROADSIDES. 181 Can teftifie that you haue loft a ladie kynde in deede, — So gentell, graue, demure, and wife, as ye your- felues exprefle, That needes ye muft gufh foorth your teares, and weepe with bytternefTe. In fyne, both ritche and poore haue iuft caufe giuen to wayle ; The ritch in counfell lacke a frende, the poore their comfort fayle. The troupe of maryed dames, whiche fhall her vertues knowe, Haue offered caufe in bytter teares fome tyme for to beftowe. But fith it is the goddes decree, to whom all flefli muft bende. To take this ladie from the earth, and bringe her dayes to ende, Who can withholde that they wyll haue? who dare their wyll withftande ? To vayne it were for mortall men the caufe to take in hande. Her vertues were fo great, that they haue thought it meete To take from hence vnto the heauens her chriftall foule fo fweete. Which now inclofed is with aungelles rownde aboute. Suche hoape we haue, no other caufe is giuen vs for to doubt. Her corps (hall ftirowde in claye, the earth her right doth craue. This ladie yeldes her parent too, her tombe, her cell and graue ; From whence no kynge nor keyfar can, nor ruler bearynge fwaye. l82 ANCIENT BALLADS For all their force and puifTaunce, once ftarte or go awaye. All flefshe fhall haue an ende, as goddes do graunt and wyll, And reape rewarde as they deferue, hap good, or hap it yll. But thoughe that death haue done his worfte, this dame to take awaye. In fpite of death her vertues fhall endure and laft for aye. C Farewell, O ladye deare ! the heauens haue chofen thee, — Receyue this Vale ; I haue done; thou getteft no more of mee. Poft funera viuit virtus, quoth John Phillip. Imprinted at London by Richarde Johnes. C A famous dittie of the joyful receauing of the ^eens mofte excellent maieftie by the worthy citizens of London, the xij, day of Nouember, 1584, at her grace: camming to Saint James. To the tune of Wigmores Galliard. HE twelfe day of Nouember laft, Elizabeth, our noble queen. To Londen-warde fhe hied faft. Which in the cuntry long had been. The citizens went then apace. On ftately fteeds, to meet her grace. In veluet coats and chaines of golde, Mofte gorgioufly for to beholde. AND BROADSIDES, 183 | C Each company in his degree ' Stood orderly in good aray, ;; To entertaine Her Maiefty, j As fhe did pafTe along the way, \ And by each man did duly ft and J A wayter with a torch in hand, — | Becaufe it drue on toward night, — 1 Along the way her grace to light. j C The people flocked there amain, i The multitude was great to fee ; ■ \ Their joyful harts were glad, and fain ; To view her princely maiefty, ! Who at the length came riding by. Within her chariot openly ; • ^ Euen with a noble princely train 1 Of lords and ladies of great fame. i I C Her maiefty was glad to fee I Her fubiec5ls in fo good a cafe, 1 Which then fell humbly on their knee, Defiring God to faue her grace. I And like a noble prince that day j For them in like forte did ftie pray ; ] And curteoufly ftie anfwered ftill, I thank you all for your good will. j C And bowing down on euery fide, Mofte louingly vnto them all, : A poor man at the length ftie fpied, ": Which down before her grace did fall. I And curteoufly fhe then did ftay, j To heer what he had then to fay ; i To whome he did prefent anon, ■ An humble fupplication. ;1 184 ANCIENT BALLADS \ Then plefantly fhe pafled on, \ Til fhe vnto Saint James came. And alwaies, as (he went along, ; The people cri*d with might and main, — . O Lord, preferue your noble grace, ^ And all your {ecret foes deface ! \ God bleile and keep our noble queen, Whofe like on earth was neuer feen ! 1 What traitors hart can be fb hard To hurt or harme that princely flower ? \ What wretch from grace is fb debard, \ That can againft her feem to lower, 1 Which is the onely flar of light, ] That doth amaze all princes fight, — \ A mofle renowned virgin queen, 1 Whofe like on earth was neuer feen ? ! The daughter of a noble king, \ Defending of a royall race, ; Whofe fame through all the world doth ring, ' Whofe vertues fhines in euery place ; — | The diamond of delight and ioy, | Which guides her cuntry from anoy ; \ A mofte renowned virgin queen, \ Whofe like on earth was neuer feen. \ C The peerles pearle of princes all, i So ful of pitty, peace, and loue, ' Whofe mercy is not proued fmall, \ When fbule of^endors doo her mooue. A phenix of mofte noble minde, ; Vnto her fubie(5ls good and kinde; \ A mofle renowned virgin queen, \ Whofe like on earth was neuer feen. \ AND BROADSIDES. 185 J C The feruant of the mighty God, \ Which dooth preferue her day and night, '\ For whome we feel not of his rod, « Although the pope hath doon his fpite. j The cheef maintainer of his Woord, \ Wherein confifts our heauenly food ; — j O Lord, preferue our noble queen, ■ Whofe like on earth was neuer feen ! « C And fuch as hollow-harted be, ; Partakers of the Romifh rout, \ Which thinketh mifcheef fecretly, | The Lord wil fuerly finde them out, ■] And giue them their deferuings due, \ Which to her grace is found vntrue ; 1 But, Lord, preferue our noble queen, \ Whofe like on earth was neuer feen ! ■ i C In many dangers hath fhe been, But God was euermore her guide ; \ He wil not fee our gratious queen \ To fufFer harme through traitors pride ; But euery one which fought her fall. The Lord did ftil confound them all, ] And fuch as thought her life to fpill \ Themfelues mofte defperately did kil. ^ C And euery traitor in this land, ^ Whofe wicked thoughts are yet vn known, j The Lord confume them out of hand, i Before they be more riper grown; • Whofe harts are fet with one accord ^ Againft th' annointed of the Lord ; \ But, God, preferue our noble queen, ] Whofe like on earth was neuer {^^n ! \ i86 ANCIENT BALLADS C Lord, fend her long and happy dales. In England for to rule and raigne, Gods glory euermore to raife. True Juftice alwaies to maintain, — Which now, thefe fix and twenty yeers. So royally with vs appeers ; — O Lord, preferue our noble queen, Whofe like on earth was neuer feen ! Finis. Richard Harrington. C At London: printed by Edward Allde for Yarath James, and are to be folde in Newgate Market againft Chrift church gate. 1584. A meruaylous Jiraunge deformed Swyne, ERE, good reader, fhalt thou beholde i a ftraunge and deformed fwyne, , farowed and brought foorth in Den- i marke, and there bought and brought \ ouer by an Englifhman, which hath it at this \ prefent ; and is to be feen aliue, the proportion \ wherof is wonderous ftraunge to beholde and ^ vew ; the forepart therof from the fnoute beneath ' the foreftioulders are in al pointes like vnto a ^ fwine, except the eares only, which refemble the \ eares of a lion ; the hinder parte (contrarie to \ kinde) is proportioned in all pointes like vnto a \ ram, hauing fofte wooll, both white and blacke, \ mixed monge the hard heare, and fo groweth \ AND BROADSIDES. 187 from the fhoulders downewarde, all the body ouer ; and it is a boare pyg, howbeit there doth nothing appeare outwarde, but onely the pyfell vnder his belly ; but if a man Hil to feele and gripe it in the grindes, there ye may feele his coddes within his belly ; and the moft ftraungelt thinge of all is the mifshapen and deformed feete^ wheron grow certayne tallents and very harde clawes^ doubling vnder his feete, euery claw fo byg as a mans fynger, and blacke of colour, and the length of euery of them are full x inches, very ftraunge and wonderfull to beholde. It feedeth and eateth diuers and fundrie thinges, as well haye and graffe as breade and apples, with fuch other thinges as fheepe and fwyne do feede on. C -^n exhortacion or warnynge to all meriy for amendment of lyfe. Come neere, good Chriftians all, Beholde a monfter rare, Whofe monftrous fhape, no doubt, fortels, Gods wrath we fhould beware. His wondrous works we ought not iudge. As toyes and trifles vaine ; Whither it be childe or brutifh beaft, Forwarnings they are playne. As now this mingled brutifh beaft Gods creature is, we fee. Although as ftraunge of ftiape and forme As poftyblie may be; . \ For if you do way well ech poynt, [i>i^y^ His nature and his ftiape. 8 ANCIENT BALLADS \ I feare, refembles fome of thofe "\ As on the fame do gape ; \ For- why moft fwinifh are our Hues, And monftrous, that is fure. Though we refemble iimple fheepe, J Or lambes that be moft pure, i But euery tree itfelfe will try. At laft by his owne fruite ; ^ Though on our backs we cary woll, \ Our confcience is pollute ; \ Though fmilingly, with flattering face, \ We feeme Gods word to loue, \ Contrary wife fom hate the fame, I As well their deedes did prooue, \ Who ment the ruine of our realme ; ■ As tray tours to our queene, \ Som white-fafte lambs, haue fought to do. Nay, monftrous fwine, I weene. I meane not here at large to ftiowe j Offences as they bee, \ In whom they raigne, in hie or low, I name here no degree ; But generally I fay to all. Repent, amend your life ; | The greedy rich, the needy poore, j Yea, yong man, maide, and wife ! j The proteftant, the papift eke, \ What fedle fo that ye be, | Gripe your own confcience, learne to do 1 As God commaundeth ye ; \ For all are finners, Dauid faith, — \ Yea, do the beft we may, j Vnprofitable feruaunts ftill we be, — \ We can it not denay. i Judge ye therfore how far amifle j All thofe their liues do frame. AND BROADSIDES. il That outwardly profefle Gods truth. And inward hate the fame. Judge ye againe that hate your prince. And feeke the realme to fpoyle. What monftrous fwine you proue at length, For all your couert coyle. Experience late by Felton falfe. And Nortons two, I weene ; Their treafon known were wondred at. As they had monfters been ; And furely I can iudge no lefle But that they monfters were. Quite changed from true fubjedls fhape. Their deedes did fo appere. Then let their deedes example be To vs that fubiedls are. For treafon ends by fhamfull death, — Therfore by them beware. I fpeake not here of monftrous pride In man, in mayde, and wife ; Nor whoordom, which is daily vfde In England ranke and rife. Of couetoufnefTe what fhould I fay. Or vfery daily don ? It booteth not to fpeake therof. So much therby is wonne. But if they well do count their cardes. How God they do offend, I wis their fweete ill-gotten gaines Hath fowre and bitter end. From the which end deliuer vs. Lord, And graunt both hie and low To become thy feruaunts iuft and true. And then our end we know. God grant our gracious fouerain queen Long ouer vs may raigne ; igo ANCIENT BALLADS And this life paft, with Chrift our Lord i Heauens ioyes fhe may attaine ! i Finis, I. P. ■ 1 Imprinted at London by WilHam How, for! Richard lohnes, and are to be folde at hisj fhop ioyning to the fouth weft doore of Paules | Churche, I -^iP^ Love deferveth Love, \ YOONGE man that on Venvs fporte ■ doth raunge. Taking dehght his miftrefefTe to | chaunge, \ In lewe of love doth hope to be regarded, | And with a gentle looke to be rewarded. \ He proffers feruice, vowing all he maye, \ That, were fhe deade, there neuer would be daie ! \ Saying then, — Phoebe, thow art more deuine, — \ Shee borroweth Phoebus light, and Phoebus thine ; | And one the top his eftridge plumed helme ' He beares her gloue, his foes to ouerwhelme ; \ And for reward he nothinge doth requier But loues fweet-water to aflwage lufte' fier ; He feekes not for abundance out of meafure, i But loue's reward is all his hop'te for treafure, ] T. W. I AND BROADSIDES, 191 i Afpellfor lone, ELL me, fweete girle, how fpellft thou lone; Tell me but that, is all I craue, — I fhall not neede to lye alone. When fuch a louely mate I haue. That thou arte one who can denye, O one whofe praife no tonge can tell ? And all will graunt that I am I, — happy I3 if right thou fpell ; — If I am I, and thou art one. Tell me, fweete wench, how fpellft thou lone ? lONE. He tell you, fir, and tell you true. For I am I and I am one. So can I fpell lone without you. And fpelling fo, can lye alone : My I to one is confonant. But as for yours, it is not fo ; If then your I agrement want, 1 to your I muft aunfwer no ; W her for leaue of your fpelling plea. And let your I be I per fe. Res. Your aunfwer makes me almoft blind. To put out one and leaue one I ; Unlefs herein fome hope I find, Therfor I muft difpayre and dye ; 192 ANCIENT BALLADS But I am you, when you doe fpeake ; — O fpeak againe, and tell me fo ! My hart with forrow canot break To heare fo khide a graunting, no ; For this is all for which I fue, That I may be turnd into you. lONE. Nay, if you turne and wind and prefs, And in the crofs-row haue fuch fkill, I am put down, I muft confefs ; It bootes me not to crofs your will. If you fpeak tru, fay I ft and to it. For you and I are now but one ; And I will ly that you may doe it, — Now put together we fpell lone ; But how will lone be fpeld, I wonder, When you and I fhall part afunder ? \ A Paradox, \ I HAT lyfe is beft to lead in citty or ini towne ? j In thone both witt and wealth, court \ getts vs great renown ; I The country keepes in health, bringes quietnes of 1 mind, i Where wholfome ayre with exerfice and pretty : fportes we find. ; Wed, and thou haft a bed of follace and of ioye ; ; Wed not, and haue a reft without anoy ; \ AND BROADSIDES. 193 The fetled loue is fafe, fwete is the loue at large ; Thy children are thy comforters, no childrun are no charge ; Youth lufty is and getts, age honnord is and wife ; Then not to dye or be vnborne is beft, by my aduife. Thefe verfes found I thus placed on a wall, For want of ink, twas written with a coale. By one who fince hath chaungd his ftat of lyf, For liuing fingle now hath gott a wife. So that, howere we men think ftraung to mary. It is our cheif defyr, though long we tary ; Witnefs this party, who thefe lines hath penned, Which doutles then was of an other mind. But graunt this tru, that here is fayd of menn. Much more in maydes and widowes I thinke then ; Yett left I fhould proue tedious with my rime. Here will I end, wifhing you a good hufband in time. I. G. The Ficklene/s of Women, Dust is lighter then a fether. And the wind more light then ether ; But a womans fickle minde More light then feather, duft or wind. 194 ANCIENT BALLADS An Epitaph on Edmund Sandford^ written ingould. Y fand ftill refts, though lyfe doth pafTe Fleete as the ford, parting my name ; So parte remaines, though run my glafs, For what was fand is ftill the fame. Thus death dicaies not all my truft. For fand I was, and now am duft. C The forme and Jhape of a monjlrous Childy home at Maydftone in Kent^ the xxiiij, of OEloher, 1568. As ye this fhape abhorre In body for to haue. So flee fuch vices farre As might the foule depraue. In Gods power all flelh flands, • As the clay in the potters hands. To fafhion euen as he wyll. In good fhape or in yll. r Maydftone in Kent there was one Marget Mere, daughter to Richard Mere, of thefaydtowne of Maydftone, who, being vnmaryed, played the naughty packe, and was gotten with childe, being deliuered of the fame childe the xxiiij. daye of Odober laft paft, in the yeare of our Lord 1568, at vij. of the clocke in the afternoone of the fame AND BROADSIDES. 195 day, being Sonday; which child, being a man-child, had firft the mouth flitted on the right fide, like a libardes mouth, terrible to beholde, the left arme lying vpon the breft, faft therto ioyned, hau- ing as it were ftumps on the handes, the left leg growing vpward toward the head, and the ryght leg bending toward the left leg, the foote therof growing into the buttocke of the fayd left leg. In the middeft of the backe there was a broade lump of flefh, in fafhion lyke a rofe, in the myddeft whereof was a hole, which voyded like an iflue. Thys fayd childe was borne alyue, and lyued xxiiij. houres, and then departed this lyfe, — which may be a terrour as well to all fuch workers of filthynes and iniquity, as to thofe vngodly liuers who (if in them any feare of God be) may mooue them to repentance and amendement of lyfe, which God for Chriftes fake graunt both to them and vs. Amen ! WitnefTes hereof were thefe : William Plomer, John Squier, glafier, John Sadler, goldfmith, befides diuers other credible perfons, both men and women. ^ warnyng to England, This monftrous fhape to thee, England, Playn fhewes thy monftrous vice. If thou ech part wylt vnderftand. And take thereby aduice. For waying firft the gafpyng mouth. It doth full well declare \7hat rauine and opprefTion both Is vfed wyth greedy care. 96 ANCIENT BALLADS ) For, for the backe and gorging paunch. To lyue in wealth and eafe i Such toyl men take, that none may ftaunch ; Their greedy minde, nor pJeafe. \ For in fuch fort their mouthes they infe6t With lying othes and flaightes, . Blafpheming God, and prince reiedt, j As they were brutifh beaftes. ; Their filthy talke and poyfoned fpeech \ Disfigures fo the mouth, I That fom wold think ther flood the breech, j Such filth it breathe th forth. \ 1 The hands which haue no fingers right, ; But flumps fit for no vfe, \ Doth well fet forth the idle plight i Which we in thefe daies chufe. For rich and poore, for age and youth, i Eche one would labour flye ; Few feekes to do the deedes of truth, i To helpe others thereby, \ \ The leg fb clyming to the head, \ What meaneth it but this. That fome do feeke not to be lead, ' But for to leade amis ? \ And as this makes it mofl monflrous \ For foote to clyme to head, '''■. So thofe fubiedls be mofl vicious - J That refufe to be lead. \ AND BROADSIDES. 197 The hinder part doth fhew vs playne Our clofe and hidden vice, Which doth behind vs run amayne In vyle and fhameful wyfe. Wherefore to ech in England now, Let this monfter them teach To mend the monftrous Hfe they fhow, Leaft endles death them reach. C Imprinted at London by John Awdeley, dwell- yngin Little Britain ftreete without Alderfgate, the xxiij. of December. A mournfull Dittie sn the death of certaine Judges and Jujlices of the Peacey and diuers other Gentlemen^ who died immediatly after the Affifes holden at Lincolne laft pafi. To the tune of Fortune, \ ECOUNTING griefes and dolors long tyme done. Or blazyng forth the danger none can (hon. Might feeme a ftudy altogether vayne ; Yet outwarde words oft eafeth inward payne. Then patiently my woefull tale attend. Where forrowe doth each feuerall peryod end. And euery word a bitter figh doth found. For thofegreat plagues which we haue often found. 198 ANCIENT BALLADS At Oxford firft the iufteft judge of all Our earthly judges firft to count dyd call. And fecondly at Excefler againe ; And laft of all did Lincolne witnes plaine How fore for finne the Lord offended was. How fore for finne his wrath from him did pas. And how for finne the prudent of our land Hath felt the force of his moft heauie hand. Come, Shute, I faie, make vp the number then. Thou worthie judge among vnworthie men ; Thy godly zeale and wifedome plaine did fiiow. Thou waft too good for wretched men below. Thy fodaine death at Lincolne Sifes wrought, Remaines a terror to each feuerall thought ; Although with life thou didft from thence depart. Yet there did ficknes flaie thy tender hart. And like lament for Holllce may we make, Whofe life likewife moft cruell death did take ; A vertuous man and juftice of the peace, Whom Creftus wealth cannot from graue releafe. Copartner with thefe breathles perfons here. Lies maifter Tyrwhite, bound vpon the beere ; O fickle life, how brittle is thy ftate. And how vncertaine is thy finall date ! And Littlebury, by birth a good efquier, Whofe feruice then the lawe did well requier. The foreman of a jurie there was he. Whom death arefted with a deadly fee. AND BROADSIDES. igg The fkilfull clarke which to the peace pertalnd. That long in credit in the place remaind, Welby, I faie, his name was called fo. Which at that place receiude a deadly bio. Nor could graue Cauthron fcape from cruel death, Though likely long to harber vitall breath ; His witj his wifedome, and his fage aduice With life was loft and turned to a trice. Where fhould I finde meete wordes for to exprefTe Our inward woe, our griefe and heauines, For Butlers death, a man of good degree, And for the lofTe of many more then hee. Let this fuffice, that our eternall God In fecret wifedome had prepard this rod For our examples that remaine behind. To cleere our eyes that Sathan fo did blind. Thrice in this fort our judges haue bin flaine. At three AiTifes, as is proued plaine. And warning thrice herein our eies haue feene. But more then thrice haue our offences beene. Some iudge of this, and fome doe iudge of that, Some fpeak and prate, and faie they know not what ; Then learne of Chrift this leffon tolde to thee. Judge not at all, leaft that thou iudged be. The caufe hereof to God is onely knowen. No caufe at all by any man was fhowen ; Yet without caufe God neuer wrought the fame, As chiefeft caufe ourfelues our iinnes may blame. 200 ANCIENT BALLADS And like as men, by natural! defcent \ From Adams loines, to wicked finne is bent, \ So may I faie, the lawyer is not cleere I From vile corruption, while he liueth heere. i Then they, as we muft both with one accord. Repent their finnes before the mightie Lord, ^ Lead in his wrath a greater plague be fent j On flintie hearts that would not once relent. ; i Vprightly deale with euerie poore mans caufe, ■ Againft the truth wring not nor wreaft the lawes, i And haue a confcience in your common fees. For God, thou knowft, all inward motions fees. Let not your hearts with bribes polute your hands, I And by opprefTion do not inlarge your lands ; ; For curfed gold fell not your foules away, A pradlife found too common at this day. j Haue thou an eare vnto the wronged wight, j Defpife not him that fimple is in fight ; ] Do right and iuftice vnto each degree, j Then in the end thou fhalt moft bleffed bee. - And for our queene of moft exceeding fame, \ Let vs defire, in Jefus Chriftes name, \ That God will ftill preferue her royall grace, \ That fhe may runne a long and ioyfull race. Finis. 1 ■ i Imprinted at London by John Wolfe, for ] William Wright. 1590. I AND BROADSIDES. 20 1 C y4 difcription of a monjlrous Chylde^ home at Chychefter in SuJJeXy the xxiiii, daye of May . "This being the very lengthy and bygnes of the fame, mccccclxii. [Here is an engraving of the child, 6|- inches in height.] HEN God for fynne to plage hath ment, Although he longe defarde. He tokens truly ftraunge hath fent To make hys foes afearde ; That they thereby might take remorce Of their yll lyfe mifpent. And, more of loue then feare or force. Their formall faultes repent. Before the earth was ouerflowen With waters huge throughout. He fent them Noe, that holy one. Who dayly went about To call them then to godly lyfe. At whome they laugh te and fumde ; He was contemde of man and wyfe, Tyll they were all confumde. Loth did preache moft earneftly. But it did not preuayle ; When fyre and brymftone verely Upon them doune did hayle. icu^i rv-lnrt^ "^i^ 202 ANCIENT BALLADS Pharaoes heart had no remorce. Though wounders ftraunge he fawe, But rather was therfore the worce. Without all feare or awe ; Untyll bothe he and his therfore. By iuftice fent of God, In raginge feas were all forlore. And then he felt the rod. Ten tymes truely were the Jewes In captiue brought and led ; Before eche tyme, our God did vfe Hys tokens ftrange, we red. The yeare before Vafpatian came, The Jewes a heyfer dreft, — Whiche beynge flayne, did calue a lame,- This fygne they fone did wreft. As others doe, and ftyll haue done. In making it as vayne ; Or els good lucke, they faye, fhal come, As pleafe their foolifh brayne. The heathen could forefe and faye That when fuche wounders were. It did forefhew to them alwaye That fome yll hap drew nere. The Scripture fayth, before the ende Of all thinges fhall appeare, God will wounders ftraunge thinges fende, yeare As fome is {^nt this veare. \ AND BROADSIDES. 203 j The felye infantes, voyde of fhape, \ The calues and pygges fo ftraunge, j With other mo of fuche mifhape, Declareth this worldes chaunge. j I But here, lo ! fee, aboue the reft, i A monfter to beholde, « Procedinge from a Chriftian brell, ] To monftrous to be tolde! 1 i No caruer can, nor paynter maye, ; The fame fo ougly make, As doeth itfelf fhewe at this daye, j A fight to make the quake ! ; But here thou hafte, by printing arte, j A figne therof to fe ; i Let eche man faye within his harte, — j It preacheth now to me, ] j That I fhoulde feke to lyue hencefoorth \ ] In godly lyfe alwaye. For thefe be tokens now fent foorth To preache the later daye. Alfo it doeth demonftrate playne The great abufe and vyce, ' i That here in Englande now doeth raygne, j That monftrous is the guyfe. \ By readinge ftories we ftiall fynde. In Scripture and elles-where. That when fuche thinges came out of kynde, Gods wrath it did declare. 204 ANCIENT BALLADS \ But if we lightely weye the fame, < And make but nyne dayes wonder, | The Lord our ftoutnes fone will tame, < And fharpely bringe vs vnder. Then ponder wel, be tymes long paft, ] The fequel of fuche fignes, ■ And call to God by prayer in haft 1 From finne to chaunge oure myndes. ! \ Repent, amende, both hygh and lowe, \ The woorde of God embrace, — i To lyue therto as we fhould doe ■ God gyue vs all the grace 1 ] Quod Jhon D. \ \ C The father hereof is one Vyncent, a boutcher ; : bothe he and hys wyfe being of honeft and quiet conuerfation, they hauing had chyldren before in natural proportion, and went with this her I full tyme. i C Imprynted at London by Leonard Afkel, for ^ Fraunces Godly f, in the yeare of oure Lorde \ 1562. ; AND BROADSIDES. 205 j '1 C ^ new balade entituled as foloweth |[ To fuch as write in metres I write Of fmall matters an exhortation. By readyng of which men may delite In fuch as be worthy commendation. My verfe alfo it hath relation To fuch as print, that they doe it well, — The better they fhall their metres fell. |[ And when we haue doen al that euer we can. Let vs neuer feke prayfe at the mouth of man. OR ACE, that noble poet, did write In his learned booke, the Arte of Poetrie, Notable thinges of which to refite ; One is now to be noted fpeciallie In thefe our dayes, and wot ye whie ? For fome there be, take matters in hand Chiefly in metre, to fhew their fancie, I As did in his dayes a certaine band. ' H Read in his bookes, and then vnderftand, *■ They vexed his eares, they troubled his eyes, ] With metres in number compared to the fand, j And lacked not fuch as wolde to the fkyes ; So prayfe their workes — fuch was their guyfe, — • And alfo extoll their metres fo \ With wordes freuolous and manifefl lyes, — — -^ ' That Ivke vnto them there was no mo. J \ C But what faith Horace, afore we go i Any further herein ? Becaufe they did vfe ■ To procure freendes, left that their fo Shoulde paint them out, and fb accufe \ 2o6 ANCIENT BALLADS Their doinges in verfe and their abufe, Which men to praife them were not fo preft, As Horace agayne wolde ftyll refufe To admit that number into his breft. C Suche coulde not dwell in his ftudie or cheft. LvciLivs, with other in Horace dayes, Was one which he coulde not difgeft ; His verfe in wordes or fence alwayes For the moft parte deferued fmall prayfe. And why ? becaufe he had more refped: To couet the garland of lawrel or bayes> For number rather then verfe fele(5l. C For when by writing men doe detedt 3 Their wyfedome or els their follie in deede, Yf it be foolifh, they doe corred. Or ought that can, and that with fpeede. As Horace did, the vnfkylfull breede Of poets that wrote in his time, I fay ; The workes of fuch, as ye may read. Continue not long, but fall away. C Such fpices and wares as come from the fea. They be good to vfe from towne to towne, — ( To the pedler they be a right good ftay ' To put in his fluff, blacke, white orbrowne ; — Good for the mafter, and good for the clowne ; So make — as ye know — the matter cleane. Good to take vp, and good to caft downe ; When ye haue doen, ye know what I meane. L C Your balades of loue, not worth a beane, A number there be, although not all ; j Some be pithie, fome weake, fome leane. Some doe runne as round as a ball ; — AND BROADSIDES. 207 : Some verfes haue fuch a pleafant fall, \ That pleafure it is for any man, | Whether his knowledge be great or fmall, i | So that of a verfe fome fkyll he can. ' I <[ But fome yf ye take in hand to ikan, \ They lacke their grace, they lacke good fence ; | The printer fhoulde, therfbre, with his fan '\ Pourge chafFfrom corne, to avoyde offence ; i And not for lucre, vnder pretence \ Of newes, to print what commeth to hand, j But that which is meete to bring in pence i Let him print, the matter well fcand. ] C Our Englyfhmen, fome out of the land, \ A forte of rebelles flurdye and floute, | With our pope, holy men, that ouerthwart band. At Louaine,with open fclander breath oute \ What enuie can doe, to bryng in doubte The godly workes, well written of late ! Of learned men, and now go aboute j To flirre vp againfl vs warre and debate, ; C Wherfore let vs not open a gate, \ Eyther the printer, or they which write, \ To fuch as they be, knowyng their flate, — ■; Their fclanderous pen doth cruelly byte. 1 Let them not fay that thofe which endyte ' j Lacke knowledge in that the pen doth expreffe ; • Let them not fay that a rauenyng kyte : Is as good as a larke at a printers meffe. \ C But now, lefl ye thinke me to vfe excefTe, J I wyll to an end myfelf prepare, \ | Wyfhyng all them that wyll adreffe A Their pen to metres, let them not fpare ' 2o8 ANCIENT BALLADS To fblow Chawcer, a man very rare, Lidgate, Wager, Barclay and Bale, \ With many other that excellent are. In thefe our dayes, extant to fale. i C Let writers not couet the bottom or dale, \ Yf they may come to the hyll or brinke ; \ And, when they haue written their learned tale, ■ The printer muft vfe good paper and inke, \ — Or els the reader may fometime fhrinke. When faulte by inke or paper is feene ; — j And thus euery day, before we drinke, 1 Let vs pray God to faue our queene. Amen. \ C Finis. By R. B. \ \ C Imprinted at S. Katherins, befyde the Towre j of London, by Alexander Lacie. i C O maruelous tydynges, both wonders old and new y\ 'The Deuyll is endited,yf many mens wordes he tru,\ N all chriftendom Chriftes godfpell now is rad Of man, woman and chyld; it maketh their harts glad, Whiche with jfhamefullfyns before were full fad ; — O wounders good tydynges, yf al fay inges be tru ! C It is rad fo oft, and with foch diligence. That no text is wrefted thorowraifche negligence; AND BROADSIDES. 209 Playn declaracions help moche to the true fenfe. We all haue caufe to reioyfe, yf thefe tydyngs be tru. Now after Chriftes rule all folk do lead theyr lyfe. They abhor all chydyng, braulyng, fyghtyng, and ftryfe; Grete feruent charytie is betwyne man and wyfe. No worfe wordes then honycomb, fweet hart of gold moil tru. C One neybur reforteth fryndly to another. As though all were kynsfolk, lyke brother and brother ; Greter loue was neuer betwyne chyld and mother. — This world is no world, yf all tydynges be tru ; It is rather lyke heuyn, or pleafaunt paradyfe. The folk be lyke angels, difcrete,fober, and wyfe; If one fall through fraylty, he, repentyng more then twyfe, Ryfeth ftyll a new man, a good Chriftian and tru. C Folk faft, pray, and ferue God hot hipocri tically. Only to be feen of men for folyfli vayn glory. But from the very hart, the Lord God to glory fy, Defpyfyng fond fantafyes, as falfe thynges and not tru. C Euery body now, in fom trade of lyuyng. Doth labour for his foode with trauell or fwetyng ; Som dyggyng, fom fpynnyng, fom wrytyng, fom redyng, Som geuyng good counfell, lyke honeft folk and tru. 210 ANCIENT BALLADS C They knowe that they muft make a rekenyng to God Oftheyrdifpenracion, theyfeere gretely Gods rod ; The ryche do helpe the poore with roft meat or with fod. None lye ftaruyng in ftreets, yf all mens tonges be tru. C Great ryche men be afrayd leaft they dye fodaynly, Leaft theyre goods (after them) be fpent in foolery ; Leaft God wyll call them fooles, therfore liberally They fpend moche in theyr lyfe vpon poore folk and tru. C They be redy, alfo, fomwhat topryfons to fend. If any through frayltie chaunfe folyfhly to offend ; But now prifons be empty; the world doth fo amende. There be but iiij. fcoreandteninKynges Benche, it was tru. C Of them that be in pryfon fom be tyed with clogges, Som gnaw broun cruftes of bred, fom burnifh boones like doggs ; Som wyfh to fyll theyr gutts with catts, ratts, myfe, or froggs ; Specyally this deere yere, now, they fay, they wyll be tru. How many be in Ludgate and Neugate I can not tel. But they that be abrode be afrayd, I truft well, Andfalltowourkluftely thorow theyr exampell, — They abhorre Clinkerum, they fay they wyll be tru. AND BROADSIDES. 2lt C A man may goo now ouer Fynfbery fylde Without fweard and buckler, without fpeare or fhylde. With an houndred poundes, as fafe as with a nylde, In a myfty mornyng and by nyght, yf tales be tru. C All England and Spayn, all Scotland and Germany, All Fraunce and Ireland, all Denmark and Hungary, Be purged fo, I truft, from vice and idolatry. That the Turk doth beghyn to thynk the Godfpele tru. C The Saracens and Jewes, I truft, do now conuert, Moued with godly nes that is in Chriftians harte; They fere leaft Chryfts fcourge wyll make theyr bones to fmart, — I truft they receyue baptyme, and belyue the Godfpell is tru. They hire it fo difcufted by calculacyon That Doomefday is at hand ; yf mens fpeculacion In aftronomye be tru, the worldes transformacyon Wyl be within x.y eres, ftraunge newes yf it be tru. C I — one of xl. yeres — thought to prouyde for age, Houfe for one and twenty yere, or fom fat perfonage, Som prebend, deanery, or fom vicarage, But now I pas not moche,yf aftronomersbetru. C Yea, vv^hither aftronomers be true eyther no. Or that generall iugement be commyng to or fro. This one thyng I kno fure, that I (hall hence go, I kno nor day nor ooure, no thyng is more tru. 212 ANCIENT BALLADS \ C And douteles yf all men wolde be of my mynde. We wold fom better way for to lyue here out fynde ; ! Men fhulde be fet awurk, onlefTe they were ftark ■ blynd, | Yea, blynde fhuld do fomwhat to kepe them- \ felfe tru. C Helthy folke lackyng wourk fhuld reforte to a place \ With theyr tooles and inftrumentes, as fom vfe i to ihew their face ; Then fet awourk, or fed, of mens fauour and grace, j With fom comon purfe, to kepe themfelfs tru. ! C So that it fhuld be a ftraunge thyng for to fee i Any theft or murder euer committed to be, \ As — thankes be to God ! — folk burne fo in \ charytie, I That no knauery raigneth, yf all mens wordes * be tru. \ C The Deuyll hath ben a knaue, and hath kylde 1 many men, \ Yea, both foule and body, moe perchaunfe then ten ; ■ Now he is endyted, as witnefTeth my pen, j His queft is empayneld, he is founde falfe, not ; tru. Here folowe the names of the xij, men that goo vpon \ the Deuyll. I C Gen. iii. i Paralip. xxj. Job i. ii. Sapien. ii. I Chrift in Math. xiij. and in Luke viij. Math. iiij. | Mar. i. Luke xxij. Joan xiij. and i Joan iij. i Paull to the Ephefians vj. i Pet. v. Jacob iiij. j AND BROADSIDES. 213 C It wyl be hard to kyll fuche an immortall knaue. He recoueryth fo oft, though a ftronge hoofte we haue ; Call in Turkes and Saracens, that they alfo may be faue, — Through Gods help, we may breke Satans hed, it is tru. € To breke Satans hed, of all wayes this is one. With the buckler of fayth to refyft fuggeftion. And ftrongly to belyue that Chriftes pafTion, Chriftes wordes and myrakels all, be moftfurely tru. All Chriftian kyngs do now theyr wittes bende Theyr letters in print to the Turkes for to fende. With many New Teftamentes, theyr blynd lyfe to amend. For fere of hell fyre, I truft it wyl be tru. C When Satan the Deuyll feeth fuch a great hooft, Suche a fort of Chriftians, to diminifh his booft. He muft nedes be compelld to graunt his great ftrenght loft. When his pate is broken, God graunte this may be tru. C Then the golden world, I truft, wyll com agayn. That folk may lyue eafyly without any great payn; Many egges for a peny at London I wolde fe fayn, Flefche and fifche better chepe, I truft it wyl be tru. 214 ANCIENT BALLADS C All other thynges good chepe I truft to fe er I dye, Coynes, meafures, and weyghtes in good vnifor- mitie Thorow all the world, I truft to fe fchortely, Onles that diuerfitie doth more good, it be tru. Jentyll reder, farewell ! Thou knoeft part of my mynde. There lye in my harte many fuch thynges be- hynde ; Whiche towards the brekyng of Satans hedl fynde, That all may be mery and wyfe in Chrift : It is tru. C Printed by Cornelis Woltrop, dwellyiig at Saynt Antonies. As plea/ant a dittie as your hart can wi/h. Shewing what vnkindnes befell by a kijfe. Y miftris fings none other fong. But ftil complains I do her wrong ; Beleeue her not, it is not fo. For I did but kifte her. For I did but kifTe her. And fo let her goe. And now fhe fwears I did — but what ? Nay, nay, I muft not tell you that ; AND BROADSIDES. 2if | And yet I will, it is {o fweet, a As teehe taha, ! As teehe taha, I When louers do meete, j But womens words they are heedles, \ To tell you more it were needles ; I ran and caught her by the arme, ! And then I kift her, ] And then I kift her, \ Was this any harme ? \ Yet out, alas ! fhees angry flill, { Which iheweth but a womans will ; 1 She bites the lippe, and cries, fie, HqI \ And kifling fweetly, j And kifling Aveetly, j Away fhe doth fly. ] A(5leon for one fight did die, i So for one fillie kifle muft I ; j Vnwares fond loue did me betray, i When I gaue her vantage, • When I gaue her vantage, ^ And fhe fled away. { She ftriued and wrangled ful fore with me, ] And cryedft, — For fhame, let it be ! \ You doe me wrong to vfe me fo, — j Therefore be quiet, i Therefore be quiet, \ And now let me goe. I Yet ftill I held her by the hand, j Her words could not my will withfl:and ; ' 2i6 ANCIENT BALLADS She fround, fhe pouted, fhe lookt fower, And ftill I held her, And ftil I held her Within my power. At laft fhe gan for anger cry, And then my hart with griefe did die ; I could no longer her containe. But thus we parted. But thus we parted, Vnto my great paine. And fince, when I with her do meete. With words vnkind fhe doth me greet ; At me her wanton head fhe fhakes. And as a flranger. And as a flranger, My fauours fhe takes. But yet her looks bewrayes content. And cunningly her brawles are ment, — As louers vfe to play and fport. When time and leafure. When time and leafure Is too-too fhort. Finis, At London : printed for T. P. AND BROADSIDES, 217 T/ie true dtfcription of two monjlerous children^ laufully begotten betwene George Steuens and Margerie his wyfe^ and borne in the pari/h of Swanburne in Buckyngham/hyre the iiij, of Apr ill ^ Anno Domini 1566; the two children hauing both their belies faft ioyned together ^ and imbracyng one another with their armes : which children wer both alyue by the fpace of half an hower, and wer baptized and named the one John^ and the other Joan, READ how AiFri que land was fraught. For their moft filthy life, With monftrous fhapes confuzedly, That therin wer full rife. C But England now purfues their vyle And deteftable path, Embracyng eke all mifcheefs great. That moues Gods mightie wrath. C As thefe vnnaturall fhapes and formes. Thus brought forth in our dayes. Are tokens true and manifefl How God by dyuers wayes Doth ftyrre vs to amendment of Our vyle and cankred lyfe. Which to-to much abufed is In man, in chylde, and wyfe. 2i8 ANCIENT BALLADS '■ C We wallow fo in filthie fin, i And naught at all regarde, \ Nor wyll not feare the threats of God, Tyll we, for iuft rewarde, \ Be ouerwhelmd with mifcheefs great, Which, ready bent for vs, j Full long ago decreed wer. As Scriptures doth difcus. \ C Both tender babes and eke brute beaftes \ In fhape disfourmed bee; j Full manie wayes he plagues the earth, \ As dayly we may fee. 1 C Thus mightie loue, to pearce our harts, i Thefe tokens ftraunge doth fend, | To call vs from our filthie lyfe, ! \ Our wicked wayes t'amend. And thus, by thefe two children here, Forewarnes both man and wyfe. How both eftates ought to bewayle Their vile and wretched lyfe. j C For Aire we all may be agaft To fee thefe fiiapes vnkynd, \ And tremblyng feare may pearce our harts, \ Our God to haue in mynd. ] For yf we printed in our breft, i Thefe fignes and tokens ftraunge | Wold make vs from our finnes to fiirinke, | Our liues anew to chaunge. j AND BROADSIDES. 219 \ C But fome proude boaftyng Pharifie 1 The parents wyll detedl, | And iudge with heapes of vglie vice j Their liues to be infedl. ' ! C No, no ; but lefTons for vs all, ;| Which dayly doe oiFend ; 1 Yea, more, perhaps, then hath the freends i Whom God this birth did lend. C For yf you wyll, with fingle eye, \ Note well and view the text, And marke our Sauiours aunfwer eke \ That thereto is annext, \ Where his difciples afked him, \ To know therein his mynd, I Yf greatter wer the parents finnes, ] Or his that was borne blynd. \ 'i C To whom Chrift auniwered in a breef, ; That neither hee nor they ] Deferued had that crooked fate, \ Although they fin each day ; \ \ But to the end Gods glorie great, | And miracles diuine, \ Might on the earth apparaunt be, \ His workes for to define. ' C Such lyke examples moued me, \ In thefe forgetfull dayes, ; To rue our flate, that vs among -] Vice beares fuch fwings and fwayes; \ 220 ANCIENT BALLADS C Wherein the goodnefTe great of God We way and fet fo light ; By fuch examples callyng vs From fin both day and night. Where we doe runne at randon wyde, Ourfelues flatteryng ftyll, And blazyng others faults and crimes, Yet we ourfelues mo ft yll. C But if we doe confider right, And in euen balaunce way The ruine great of hartie loue Among vs at this day ; And well behyld, with inward eyes, Th* embracyng of thefe twinnes, — That God by them vpbraides vs for ^ Our falfe difcemblyng finnes ; We would with Niniuie repent Our former pafled yeares, Bewaylyng eke our fecret finnes In fackecloth and in teares. C Therfore in time amend your ftate, j And call to God for grace, — \ \ Bewayle your former lyfe and finnes, \ While you haue time and fpace. ! C Finis, quod John Mellys Nor. \ i C Imprinted at London by Alexander Lacy, for i William Lewes, dwellyng in Cow Lane, aboue | Holborne Cundit, ouer againft the figne of the ; Plough. I AND BROADSIDES. 221 A newe Ballade tntytuledy Good Fellowes mujl go learne to daunce. OOD fellowes muftgo learne to daunce. The brydeall is full nere a ; There is a brail come out of Fraunce, The tryxt ye harde this yeare a ; For I muft leape, and thou muft hoppe. And we muft turne all three a; The fourth muft bounce it lyke a toppe. And fo we fhall agree a. I praye thee, mynftrell, make no ftoppe. For we wyll merye be a. The brydegrome would giue twentie pounde The manage daye were pafte a; Ye knowe, whyles louers are vnbounde. The knotte is flyper fafte a.; — A better man maye come in place. And take the bryde awaye a. God fend our Wilkin better grace. Our pretie Tom, doth faye a, — God vycar, axe the banes apace. And hafte the mariage daye a. A bande of belles, in bauderycke wyfe, Woulde decke vs in our kynde a ; A ftiurte after the Moryce guyfe. To flounce it in the wynde a. A wyffler^for to make the waye. And Maye brought in withall a. Is brauer then the funne, I faye. And pafleth round or brail a ; 222 ANCIENT BALLADS For we will trype fo tricke and gaye, That we wyll pafle them all a. Drawe to dauncinge, neyghboures all. Good fellowfhyppe is beft a. It fkylles not yf we take a fall. In honoringe this fefte a. The bryde wyll thanke vs for oure glee. The worlde wyll vs beholde a ; O where fhall all this dauncinge bee. In Kent or at Cotfolde a ? Oure Lorde doth knowe, then axe not mee,- And fo my tale is tolde a. ^^^^ , Adewe^ Sweete Harte. DEWE, fweete harte, adewe ! Syth we muft parte ! To lofe the loue of you It greues my harte. Once againe come kyfTe me, Syth I fo long muft mys thee, [My wjillinge harte fhall wyfhe thee. To eafe me of my fmarte. And thoughe I nowe do leaue thee. It wyll I not deceaue thee. But come againe and wedde thee, Euen for thy iuft defarte. Syr Launcelotte comes againe, fyr. So men do faye; Tom Tofte wyll fayle to Spayne, fir. By Tyborne awaye. AND BROADSIDES. 223 } Subtoll iinne wyll haue her ; • Thoughe wyttie Watte do craue her, :j Yet cuttinge clowne fhall faue her, j Vnleffe he lofe his praye. [ And though ye be fo wyleye, j And flie do loke fo hyleye, \ At length fhe wyll begyle ye, ] And [ftriue] the beft ye maye. > L is fb coye, fir, ;; She ... be folde, j W s her ioye, fir, i T . . . . tolde, J Ra .... wyll not blade it, \ Jack . . . r wyll not fwade it. The byllbowes are not made it, ^ Therof ye maye be bolde. j Although ye now haue cought her, i Ye wyll repent hereafter. For farder ye haue fought her \ Then I haue thought ye would. j Finis. I C Imprinted at London, in Flete ftrete at the i figne of the Faucon, by Wylliam Gryffith, and are to be folde at his fhoppe in S. Dunftones Churchyearde, 1569. i i 224 ANCIENT BALLADS C The braineles blejjing of the Bull, j The homes, the heads, and all, | Light on their fquint-eyed Ikonfes full, I That boweth their knees to Ball. j The cancred curfe, that wolde confume this real me with wrackei and ruine, ' Returne to Rome with fyre and fume, to bryng the pope in \ tune ! I If neither curfe nor bleffyng bare may mend thefe parties I throwe, | I them bequeath — curft as they are — to Plutoes kyngdome ;] nowe ! \ AS neuer worlde fo farre from orders l rule, I That men durft {peake iuch fawcie^ words of kings, ;; Nor neuer pope fo lyke an afTe or mule, j Or dunghyll cocke, to crow and clap his wingesJ Stand backe, good dogs, the bul he leapes and] flinges, -l He bleates and bleathes as he a-baightyng were, ■ And fomes at mouth, lyke boare with briftled j heare ; \ A beaftlye found comes runnyng from his paunchj He beates the ground with foote, with hip and j haunch, J As though hell gates ftiould open at his call, j And at his becke the heauens high fhould fall. \ C O Sathaff§ fonne ! O pope puft vp with pryde Ij What makes thee clayme the clowdes where j God doth dwel, ! When thou art knowne the glorious greedie guydej AND BROADSIDES. 225 Thatleades inpompe poore feelye foules to hell ? The pumpe of ihip hath not To fowle a fmell As hath the fmoke and fume that flames from thee; O graceles grace, O rotten hollow tree ! The branches bud, but neuer bryng forth leaues ; Thy corne is dead when reaper lookes for fheaues ; Thy golde is glafTe, and gliftereth gay a whyle, Tyll tromperie comes, and makes the worlde to fmyle. C Who bad thee blifTe ? O buzzarde blynd of fight, Buylt God his church vpon fuch clots of clay ? Thou doefl: blafpheme thereby the God of might, And robbefl with craft his honour cleane away. Curfe whome thou lift, he better thryues that day; BlefTe whome thou wylt, and I dare gage my head. For all thy charmes, he brynges a foole to bed. Booke, bell and fyfe are babies fit for thofe That gape for flyes where wafpes and hornets blowes ; The pardonles boxe, wherein thy reliques lye. Doth fmell lyke fox, or fwyne fhut vp in ftye. C A pope was wont to be an odious name Within our land, and fcrapt out of our fcroules ; And now the pope is growne fo farre paft fhame. That he can walke with open face in Poules. Go home, mad bull, to Rome, and pardon foules That pyne away in purgatorie paynes, — Go triumph there, where credit moft remaines. Thy date is out in England long ago. For Ridley gaue the bull fo great a blow, j He neuer durft apeach this land tyll now, — In bullyng time, he met with Hardy ngs cow. 226 ANCIENT BALLADS C A "calfe or twayne hath here ben gotten fince, Whofe heades were folde of late in Butcher Ro w ; Come cheapecalues heads, and bring in Peter pence ! Though fome are bought, our butchers looke for mo. For Walthams calues to Tiburne needes muft go To fucke a bull and meete a butchers axe ; The fhambles full is ftuft with prettie knacks. As goate and lambe, and fhepe of three fcore yeare. We haue good hope calues heads wyll not be deare ; — If Hardyngs cow be bulled as fhee ought, Calues heads enough for little wyll be bought. C The pope doth nought but pradize mifcheif ftyll. And lets his bul runne ryot for his eafe ; But whiles his calues are drawne vp Holborne hyll. Both bull and cow are fafe beyond the feas. that it might our holy father pleafe To come himfelfe, and hang but halfe an hower With fuch poore freendes as here maintaine his power ! I fay no more, for feare the babes awake That holde with pope, and hang for Hardyngs fake ; Some knackes now lurkes that we fhal know ful playne, WhenHoballes oxe bulles Hardyngs cow agayne. C I fcorne to write a vearce in any frame. To anfwer wordes that ray led haue fo much. Yet baightyng oft may make a bull fo tame. That euery dog that comes may haue a twitch. 1 here proteft, if that my power were fuch. By pen or (ley 11 to chaffe the bull at ftake, I wolde be glad fome further fporte to make; AND BROADSIDES. 227 But fince I want the cunnyng and the arte To baight the beaft, and play the maftifFs parte. Let this fuffife to let you thinke in deede, I hate the bull and all the Romilh breede. C Finis. C Imprinted at S. Katherins, befide the Tower of London, ouer againft the Beare Daunce, by Alexander Lacie. A Ballad. HAT lyfe is beft ? The nedy is full of woe and awe. The wel thy full of brawles and quarells of the lawe ; To be a maryed man how much art thou beguiled, Seeking thy reft by carking ftill for houfhold, wif, and child ! To till it is a toyle to grace a gredy gaine, Andfuch as gotten is with drudging and with paine. A fhrewd wyfe bringes debate, — wiue not and neuer thriue ; Children are charge, — childlefs, the greateft lack aliue ; Youth witlefe is and frayle, age fickly and forlorne; Then beft it is to dye betime, or neuer to be borne. 228 ANCIENT BALLADS The crie of the poor e for the death of the right Honourable Earle of Huntington. To the tune of the Earle of Bedford. GOD, of thy mercie remember the poore. And grant vs thy bleflings, thy plenty and ftore ; For dead is LordHaftinges, — the more is our griefe ; And now vp to heauen we cry for rehefe. Then waile we, then weepe we, then mourne we ech one. The good Earle of Huntington from vs is gone. To poore and to needie, to high and to low. Lord Haftinges was friendly, all people doth know ; His gates were ftill open the ftraunger to feede. And comfort the fuccourles alwaies in neede. Then waile we, &c. The hufbandles widdow he euer did cherrifh. And fatherles infants he likewife would nourifh ; To weake and to ftcke, to lame and to blinde. Our good Earle of Huntington euer was kinde. Then waile we, &c. The naked he clothed with garments from cold. And frankely beftowed his filuer and gold, — His purfe was ftill open in giuing the poore. That alwaies came flocking to Huntingtons doore. Then waile we, &:c. AND BROADSIDES. 229 His tennants, that daylie repalrde to his houfe, Was fed with his bacon, his beefe and his foufe ; Their rents were not raifed, their fines were but fmall. And manie poore tennants paide nothing at all. Then waile we, &c. Such landlordes in England we feldome fhall finde. That to their poore tennants will beare the like minde, — Lord Haftinges therefore is ioyfully crownde With angels in heauen, where peace doth abound. Then waile we, &c. His wifedome fo pleafed the queene of this land. The fword of true juftice fhe put in his hand ; Of Yorke he was Prefident made by her grace. Her lawes to maintaine and rule in her place. Then waile we, &c. Such mercifull pittie remainde in his breft. That all men had juftice and none were opreft ; His office in vertue fo godly he fpent. That prince and his countrie his lofTe may lament. Then waile we, &c. And likewife Lord Haftings, S. Georges true knight. Did weare the goold garter of England fo bright, — The gift of a prince. King Edward firft gaue, — A gem for a fouldier and counceller graue. Then waile we, &c. His coyne was not whorded to flourifti in pride. His kings and his jewels and chaines to prouide ; 230 ANCIENT BALLADS But gaue it to fouldiers wounded in warres. That pike and the bullet hath lamed with fcarres. Then waile we, &c. He built vp no pallace nor purchafte no towne. But gaue it to fchollers to get him renowne. As Oxford and Cambridge can rightly declare How many poore fchollers maintained are there. Then waile we, &c. No groues he inclofed, nor felled no woodes. No paftures he paled to doe himfelfe good ; To commons and countrie he liude a good friend. And gaue to the needie what God did him fend. Then waile we, &c. He likewife prouided, in time of great neede. If England were forced with warres to proceede. Both men and munition, with horfes of warre, The proude foes of England at all times to fcarre. Then waile we, &c. Our queene and our countrie hath caufe to com- plaine. That death in his furie this noble hath flaine ; Yet England reioyce, we reioyce without feare. Lord Haftinges hath left a mofl: noble heire. Then waile we, &c. A thoufand poore widdowes for Huntingtons fake. As manie poore children their praiers will make. That God maylongprofper his heire left behinde. And graunthimold Huntingtons true noble minde. Then waile we, &c. AND BROADSIDES. 231 Then pray we for countrie, for prince and for peares, That God may indewthemwithmofthappie yeares ; Lord, blefle vs with vertue, with plentie and peace. And manie more fubiefls like him to increafe ! Then waile we, then weepe we, then mourne we ech one. Our good Earle of Huntington from vs is gone. Finis. Printed at London for William Blackwall, and are to be fold at his fhoppe, nere Guild Hall gate. 1596. Joy full Newes for^ true Suhie£les, to God and the Crowney The Rebelles are cooled j their Bragges he put downe. Come, humble ye downe, — come, humble ye downe. Perforce now fubmyt ye to the queen and the crowne. L true Englifh fubieds, both mofte and lefte, Geue thanks vnto God, with humble knees downe. That it hath pleazde him, at our requeft. To vanquifh the rebels that troubled the crowne. Come, humble ye downe, — come, humble ye downe. Perforce now fubmit ye to the quene and the crowne. 232 ANCIENT BALLADS C The Weftmerlande bull and man in the moone. The beare hath brought their brauerie downe ; 1 dare faye for forowe they are redy to fwoone. That euer they ymagynde to trouble the crowne. Come, humble ye downe, &c. C And fir John Shorne, as fame doth reporte. Is hangde vp fo hye that he cannot come downe, Becaufe he thought it fo good a fporte. To playe the traytour againft the crowne. Come, humble ye downe, &c. C And becaufe he (hould not hange alone. To honor his priefthoode of holy renowne, . Sir John Swingbreeche, his felow, a rebell well knowen. They fay, is hangde with hym for troubling the crowne. Come, humble ye downe, &c. C The reft that are fled wyll foone be caught, Though yet they lye lurkyng in countrey and towne ; And than they be trufde vp by and by ftrayght. Except the quenes mercie that weareth the crowne. Come, humble ye downe, &c. C But her Maieftie of mercie is endued with ftore ; That knewe they full well that nowe are put downe, Els would they not aventerd to rayfe this vprore. Now be they foorth commyng, as pleafeth the crowne. Come, humble ye downe, &c. AND BROADSIDES. 233 C The reft of the rebelles and traytours forfworne. To fee them trufde vp, I would gage my gowne. And fpecially the fe6t of Syr John Shorne, To teache them to trouble the realme and the crowne. Come, humble ye downe, &c. -fr ^ ne true Difcripcion of a Childe with Ruffes, borne in the farijh of Micheham, in the countie of Surrey^ in the yeere of our Lord mdlxvi. HIS prefent yeere of our Lord mdlxvj. the vij. day of June, one Helene Jermin, the wife of John Jermin, hufbandman, dwelling in the parifhe of Micheham, was deliuered of a woman- childe, named Chriftian, beeing after this maner and fourme following : that is to fay, the face comly and' of a cheerful countenaunce ; the armes and hands, leggs and ^^tt, of right fhape, and the body, with all other members therunto apperteining, wel proporcioned in due fourme and order, fauing that it is as it were wunderfully clothed with fuche a flesfhy fkin as the like at no time hath ben feene. For it hath the faid flesfhy fkin behinde like vnto a neckerchef growing from the veines of the back vp vnto the neck, as it were with many ruffes fet one 244 ANCIENT BALLADS after another, and beeing as It were fomthlng gathered, euery ruf about an inche brode, hauing here growing on the edges of the fame, and fo with ruffes comming ouer the fhoulders and couering fome part of the armes, proceding vp vnto the nape of the neck behinde, and aJmofte round about the neck, Hke as many womens gownes be, — not cloce togither before, but that the throte beeing (with a faire white fkin) bare betweene bothe the fides of the ruffes, the faid ruffes about the neck beeing double, and as it were thick ga- thered, muche like vnto the ruffes that many do vfe to weare about their necks. C This childe beforfaid (the day of the date vnder written) was to be feene in Glene Alley, in Suthwark, beeing aliue and x. weeks olde and iiij. dayes, not vnlikly to Hue long. C An admonition vnto the Reader. This pidure, preft in paper white. Our natures dooth declare, Whofe fourme fo ftraunge by natures fpite May lerne vs to beware. C By natures fpite, — what doo I faye ? Dooth nature rule the rofte ? Nay, God it is, fay wel I may. By whom nature is toft. C The face ful faire, the members all In order ftand and place ; But yet too muche by natures thrall Dooth woork a great difgrace. AND BROADSIDES, 245 C This ruiFeling world. In ruffes al rolde, Dooth God deteft and hate ; As we may lerne the tale wel tolde Of children borne of late. C What meanes this childe, by natures woork Thus ruffed for to be ? But by thefe ruffes our natures fpurk We might beholde and fee. C Her fquares our fquaring dooth fet out. This here our heres dooth checke ; This monftroufe monfter, out of dout, Agreeth in eche refped. C Our filthy Hues in pigges are fliewd ; Our pride this childe dooth here ; Our ragges and ruffes, that are fo lewd, Beholde her flefhe and here. C Our beaftes and cattel plagued are. All monftroufe in their fhape ; And eke this childe dooth wel declare The pride we vfe of late. C Our curled here her here dooth preche. Our ruffes and gifes gaie. Our ftraunge attire wherto we reche. Our flefhe that plefe we may. C The poet telleth how Daphenes was Transformd into a tree ; And lo to a cow did paffe, — A ftraunge thing for to fee. 246 ANCIENT BALLADS C But poets tales may pafTe and go As trifels and vntrueth. When ruffes of flesfhe, as I doo trowe, Shall moue vs vnto ruthe. C Deformed are the thmgs we were. Deformed is our hart ; The Lord is wroth with all this geere, — Repent for fere of fmarte ! C Pray we the Lord our hartes to turn, Whileft we haue time and fpace. Left that our foules in hel doo burn. For voiding of his grace. C And thou, O England, whofe womankinde In ruffes doo walke to oft, Parfwade them ftil to here in minde This childe with ruffes fb foft. C In fourme as they, in nature fo, A maid fhe is indeed ; — God graunt vs grace, howeuer we go. For to repent with fpeed ! Finis, quod H. B. C Imprinted at London by John Allde and Richarde Johnes, and are to be folde at the long fhop adioining vnto S. Mildreds churche, in the Pultrie, and at the litle fhop adioining to the North-weft doore of Paules churche, anno domini M. D. Ixvi. the xx. of Auguft. AND BROADSIDES. 247 € Ot/ier thus it isy or thus it Jhoulde bee. HE golden world is now come agayne, God is knowen, beleued, loued and obeyed ; True dodlryne is taught and falfe ex- yled cleane, Sinne is mortified, all vice is decayed ; Peace doeth take place, all warres be delayed ; Youth is brought vp in learnyng vertuouflye ; Commonwealth doeth flourifli, pouertie hath ayde ; — Other thus it is, or thus it fhoulde be. C Kynges and princes doe Gods lawes aduaunce, Juftice and equitie alfo they doe maintayne ; They loue peace, they hate war and variaunce. Vice they fupprefle, and vertue caufe to raigne ; To get learning and knowledge they take great payne ; They make good lawes, and fee them kepte iuftlie ; To defend their cuntries great trauel they fuftaine ; — Other thus it is, or thus it fhoulde bee. C Maieftrates and officers, each one in their degree, Geue good enfample of obedience and liuyng ; For the commonwealth alfo they take great ftudie, , They execute iuftice iuftlie in euery kynd of thyng; To the poore pouertie they be good and louyng. The wylfull they reftrayne from their iniquitie ; 248 ANCIENT BALLADS To the humble and good they be gentle and benlgne ; — Other thus it is, or thus it flioulde bee. C Bifhops and minifters doe themfelues apply Sincerelie to preach Gods holie law and gofpell, Accordyng to their dodlrine they Hue vertuoufly, In hofpitalitie and almes deed they greatly excell; They geue good example for other to doe well. They be chafte and fobre, and full of humilitie. They ftudie the Scriptures, all vice they doe expell ; — Other thus it is, or thus it fhoulde bee. C Judges that fit in iudgement, matters for to heare. Be fo vncorrupte that no bribes they wyll take, Tyll they heare both parties they flop the one eare. By the lawe deliberately the cafes they debate. By euidence and witnefTes the truth they out beate, Falfehod they fetter, but right they doe fet free, Juft iudgement they geue, none can entreate ; — Other thus it is, or thus it fhoulde bee. C Juftlces and gentlemen peace doe maintayne. The queenes lawes and ftatutes they fee executed. Contention and variaunce they doe fubdue cleane. The opprefTour they punifh, the naughty is rebuked ; The fturdy they corredle, the poore be refrefhed. They lyue on their landes rented reafonablie. Matters before them be iuftly and foone ended ; — Other thus it is, or thus it fhoulde bee. AND BROADSIDES. 249 C Mayours and baylifFes, and all other officers Of cities, boroughes, and of townes corporate. They ftudie fuch decrees and fuch godly orders. That the people be wel ruled ; great paine they take For the commonweale ; tumult and debate They deftroy ; but they encreace godly vnitie, They caufe plentie by prudence, dearth they abate ; — Other thus it is, or thus it fhoulde bee. C All lawyers doe perfwade their clients to agree Rather then at the lawe to fpend out their money ; Yf they wyl not, they fearch their cafe profoundlie. And therein they proceed without fraude or delay ; They bryng it to iudgement, or to fome godly ftay; Yf they promife their clientes, they performe iuftly ; They take reafonable fees for their paynes alway ; — Other thus it is, or thus it fhoulde bee, € The commons feare God and obey the queene. They come to heare Gods wurd and together pray;^ Difobedience in no cafe is now no more feene. Contention they hate, they loue peace alway. Euery one is content to Hue as he may, — The rich helpe the poore, yea, and that gladly ; The poore be content and for them doe pray ; — Other thus it is, or thus it fhoulde bee. C Parents doe bryng vp their children very godly. Children obey their elders and folow their aduice ; 250 ANCIENT BALLADS Hufbandes loue their wiues, and they them hartely ; i Women be fober and gentle, neither proude nor ! nice ; i Seruants be faithful, they need no warning twice ; j To vertue and learning youth geueth all their \ ftudie ; ; Yf any fall in decay, he is holpen agayne to ■ arice ; — j Other thus it is, or thus it fhoulde bee. i C All fubiefts faithfully pray for their queene. That God may endue her royall hart alway With faith, feare, and loue, before him to be feene, j And for her honorable counfell they humbly ■ That good lawes and ftatutes fet furth they ^ may, | To the wealth of the realme and communaltie ; - That the queene may rule wel, and they truly j obey ; — j Amen. God graunt that fo it may bee ! \ \ C Finis. C Imprinted at London without Alderfgate in Little Brittaine, by Alexander Lacy. AND BROADSIDES, 251 A Ditty deltghtfull of mother Wat kins ale, A warning we I wayed, though counted a tale. HERE was a maid this other day, \ And ihe would needs go forth to play ; ' And as fhe walked fhe fithd and faid, I am afraid to die a mayd. 1 With that, behard a lad ^ What talke this maiden had, \ Whereof he was full glad, ] And did not fpare ^ To fay, faire mayd, I pray, \ Whether goe you to play ? I Good fir, then did (he fay, • What do you care ? \ For I will, without faile, j Mayden, giue you Watkins ale ; \ Watkins ale, good fir, quoth fine, . What is that I pray you tel me ? ^ Tis fweeter farre then fuger fine, | And pleafanter than mulkadine ; ; And if you pleafe, faire mayd, to fi:ay • A little while, with me to play, 1 I will giue you the fame, Watkins ale cald by name, — ; Or els I were to blame, 1 In truth, faire mayd. ; Good fir, quoth fhe againe, Yf you will take the paine, j I will it not refraine, ] Nor be difmayd. i 252 ANCIENT BALLADS ^ i He toke this mayden then afide, { And led her where fhe was not fpyde, \ And told her many a prety tale. And gaue her well of Watkins ale. ^ j -i Good fir, quoth fiie, in finiling fort. What doe you call this prety fport ? 1 Or what is this you do to me ? \ Tis called Watkins ale, quoth he, j Wherein, faire mayd, you may '• Report another day, When you go forth to play, \ How you did fpeed. : . Indeed, good fir, quoth fhe, \ It is a prety glee, 1 And well it pleafeth me. No doubt indeed. -\ Thus they fported and they playd, \ This yong man and this prety mayd, j Vnder a banke whereas they lay, '\ Not long agoe this other day. | When he had done to her his will, \ They talkt, but what it fiiall not fkill ; j At lafl, quoth fhe, fauing your tale, \ Giue me fbme more of Watkins ale, \ Or ehe I will not flay, \ For I mufl needs away, — | My mother bad me play, — : | The time is pafl ; 1 Therfbre, good fir, quoth fhe, ^ If you haue done with me. Nay, fbft, faire maid, quoth he, J Againe at laft \ AND BROADSIDES. 253 Let vs talke a little while. With that the mayd began to fmile, And faide, good fir, full well I know. Your ale, I fee, runs very low. This yong man then, being fo blamd. Did blufh as one being afhamde ; He tooke her by the midle fmall. And gaue her more of Watkins ale ; And faide, faire maid, I pray. When you goe forth to play. Remember what I fay, Walke not alone. Good fir, quoth fhe againe, I thanke you for your paine. For feare of further ftaine, I will be gone. Farewell, mayden, then quoth he ; Adue, good fir, againe quoth fhe. Thus they parted at laft. Till thrice three months were gone and paft. This mayden then fell very ficke. Her maydenhead began to kicke, Her colour waxed wan and pale With taking much of Watkins ale. I wifh all may dens coy. That heare this prety toy. Wherein moft women ioy. How they doe fport ; For furely Watkins ale. And if it be not ftale, Will turne them to fome bale. As hath report. 254 ANCIENT BALLADS I New ale will make tlieir bellies bowne, \ As trial by this fame is knowne ; \ This prouerbe hath bin taught in fchools, — " It is no iefting with edge tooles. 2 Thrife fcarcely changed hath the moon Since firft this pretty tricke was done, \ Which being harde of one by chance, ■ He made thereof a country dance ; '] And, as I heard the tale. He cald it Watkins ale. Which neuer will be ftale, i I doe beleeue ; J This dance is now in prime, \ And chiefly vfde this time, i And lately put in rime. ] Let no man greeue i To heare this merry iefting tale, i The which is called Watkins ale; ■ It is not long fince it was made, — The fineft flower will fooneft fade. ] Good maydes and wiues, I pardon craue. And lack not that which you would haue ; To blufh it is a womans grace. And well become th a maidens face, For women will refufe The thing that they would chufe, Caufe men fhould them excufe Of thinking ill ; Cat will after kind, All winkers are not blind, — Faire maydes, you know my mind. Say what you will. AND BROADSIDES. 255 When you drinke ale beware the toaft, For therein lay the danger moft. If any heere oiFended be. Then blame the author, blame not me. Finis. A prettie newe Ballad, intytuled: "The Crowe fits vpon the wall, Pleqfe one and plea/e all. To the tune of, Pleafe one and plea/e all. LEASE one and pleafe all. Be they great, be they fmall. Be they little, be they lowe, — So pypeth the crowe, Sitting vpon a wall, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. Be they white, be they black, Haue they a fmock on their back. Or a kircher on their head. Whether they fpin filke or thred, Whatfoeuer they them call, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. 256 ANCIENT BALLADS Be they fluttifh, be they gay, Loue they worke, or loue they play, Whatfoeuer be theyr cheere, Drinke they ale, or drinke they beere. Whether it be ftrong or fmall, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. Be they fower, be they fweete. Be they fhrewifh, be they meeke, Weare they filke or cloth fo good, Veluet bonnet or French hood, Vppon their head a cap or call, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. Be they halt, be they lame. Be Ihe lady, be fhe dame. If that fhe doo weare a pinne, Keepe fhe tauerne or keepe fhe inne. Either bulke, bouth, or flail, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. The goodwife I doo meane. Be fhee fat or be fhe leane, Whatfoeuer that fhe be. This the crowe tolde me. Sitting vppon a wall, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. If the goodwife fpeake aloft, See that you then fpeake foft ; Whether it be good or ill, Let her doo what fhe will ; AND BROADSIDES. 257 And, to keepe yourfelfe from thrall, Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. If the goodwife be difpleafed. All the whole houfe is difeafed. And therefore, by my will. To pleafe her learne the fkill, Leaft that fhe fhould alwaies brail, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. If that you bid her doo ought. If that fhe doo it not. And though that you be her goodman. You yourfelfe muft doo it than. Be it in kitchin or in hall, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. Let her haue her owne will, Thus the crowe pypeth ftill, Whatfoeuer fhe command See that you doo it out of hand, Whenfoeuer fhe dooth call, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. Be they wanton, be they wilde, } Be they gentle, be they milde, | Be fhee white, be fhe browne, ] Dooth fhe fkould or dooth fhe frowne, j Let her doo what fhe fhall, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, i Pleafe one and pleafe all. l s ] 258 ANCIENT BALLADS Be fhe coy, be fhe proud, Speake (he foft or fpeake fhe loud. Be fhe fimple, be fhe flaunt, Dooth fhe trip or dooth fhe taunt, — The crowe fits vpon the wall, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. Is fhe hufwife, is fhe none, Dooth fhe drudge, dooth fhe grone. Is fhe nimble, is fhe quicke. Is fhe fhort, is fhe thicke. Let her be what fhe fhall, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. Be they ritch, be they poore. Is fhe honeft, is fhe whore, Weare fhe cloth or veluet braue, Dooth fhe beg or dooth fhe craue," Weare fhe hat or filken call, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. Be fhe cruell, be fhe curfl. Come fhe laft, come fhe firfl. Be they young, be they olde, Doo they fmile, doo they fkould. Though they doo nought at all, — Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. Though it be fome crowes guife Oftentimes to tell lyes. Yet this crowes words dooth try That her tale is no lye. AND BROADSIDES. 259 i \ For thus it is and euer fhal], — j Pleafe one and pleafe all, Pleafe one and pleafe all. ' Pleafe one and pleafe all, \ Be they great, be they fmall, i Be they little, be they lowe, — ; So pipeth the crowe, ^ Sitting vpon a wall, — , Pleafe one and pleafe all, ' \ Pleafe one and pleafe all, J Finis. R. T. | ■j Imprinted at London for Henry Kyrkham, dwelling at the little north doore of Paules, at the iigne of the Blacke Boy. j \ 26o ANCIENT BALLADS An 'Epitaph on the death of the Right honor- i able and vertuous Lord Henry Wrijley^ the \ Noble Earle of Southampton^ who lieth interred ''■ at Touchfeelde in the countie of Hamjhyre^ the \ 30 day of Nouember, 1 5 8 1 , and in the 24 yeare \ of our moft drad andfoueraigne Ladie Eliza bet h^ \ by the grace of God^ of England^ Fraunce and \ Ireland ^eenCy ^c, ^ OU noble peeres, refraine your courtly | fportes awhyle, \ Caft on your wailefull weedes of woe, i Dame Pleafure doo exile. j Beholde a platforme playne of death, fit for the j graue, ; Who late inioyed a lyuing foule, as you this ^ feafbn haue ; His birth right noble was, honour befet him ] rounde, ■ But Death amidft his luftie yeeres hath (hrind i him in the ground. i When time is come, he waightes, according Gods ; decree. To conquer lyfe, refpeding not the mightiefl: in \ degree ; ] Intreatie cannot ferue. Death feekes no golden j gift. I For from his reache no potentate to flye can \ make the fhift. \ \ W AND BROADSIDES. 261 The glafTe runne forth at large, the howre fully fpent. To fhare lifes thred a-funder hee by mightie Joue is fent. The Daunce of Death no king nor kayfer but mufi: trace. The duke, the earle, the lord and knight to him muft yeeld a place ; The aged olde, the midle fort, the luftie youth in prime, To Hue on earth cannot inioy the certentie of time. For as time hath no ftaie, but fleeteth euerie howre. So is the lyfe of mortall men compared to a flowre, Whofe beautie knowne to daie, to-morrow fadeth quight. And vanifheth, as though therof man neuer had the fight. So fickle is our ftate, we fading flowres bee, To-daie aliue, to-morrow dead, according Gods decree. Of lyfe no charters giuen to any worldly wight. Oh, who can fay that he fliall Hue from morne vnto the night ! He that at fyrft gaue lyfe, of lyfe wiU beare the fway. And when him lykes, as pleafeth him, will take this lyfe away. Sith he workes all in all, and rules as feemes him beft. Lets learne that earth we are, and earth to claime her owne is preft ; 262 ANCIENT BALLADS The perfe6l proofe wherof apparently is feene By this good earle, whofe lufty yeeres did florifh faire and greene ; But in a moment chaunged and withered lyke the haie. Bereft of lyfe and honor great, and coutched clofe in claie. Yet though he fencelefTe lye, Southamtons Earle by name. Yet Death in him lyes dead, no doubt, by meanes of noble fame ; For whilft on earth he liu'de to vertue he was bent. And after wifdomes lore to hunt he gaue his frank confent ; In juftice was his ioye, and iuftly he did deale. As they can tell that for his aide had caufe for to appeale ; The widow poore oppreft he carefully did fhield. And to the orphane in his right did dayly comfort yeeld ; The needie poore he fed with mutton, bread, and beeffe. His hand was neuer flack to giue the comfortlefTe releefe ; The naked back to cloth he euer ready was. No needy poore without reward from this earles gates could pas ; His houfe-keeping right good, there plentie bare the fway. No honeft man forbidden was within his houfe to ftaie ; His faith brought foorth fweete fruite the Lord God to delight. AND BROADSIDES. 263 And made him, as a feruant good, accepted in his fight; Vnto his tennauntes poore this earle was euer kinde. To work their weale he carefully did alwaies yeeld his minde ; Inhaunfing of his rentes did ne enlarge his ftore. He alwaies had a care to help and aide his farmers pore ; His feruauntes weale to worke no time he did forbeare. To doo them good that wel deferu'd his zeale did ftill appeare ; On God his hart was fet, in Chrift his hope did reft, And of the mightie Lord of hoaftes this noble earle was bleft ; To Prince he was moft iuft, to countrie alwaies true. The fruites of loue and loyaltie in him all ftates might view ; In wedlock hee obferued the vow that he had made, In breach of troth through lewd Iuft he ne would feeme to wade. Thrice happy thou, of God and man belou*de, That euer foughtft to make a peace where difcorde ftriffe had mou'd ; Though thou from vs be gone, and taken hence by death, Among the fonnes of mortall men thy prayfe ftiall Hue on earth ; For as thy lyfe was iuft, fo godly was thy ende. Not on this world, but on fweet Chrift, thou alwaies didft depend ; 264 ANCIENT BALLADS And as in health his name thou reuerently didft praife, So in his feare in ficknefTe thou didft fpend thy lotted daies ; This world thou heldft as vaine, thy lyfe thou thoughteft no loffe. In hope of heauen and heauenly blifTe thou deemft al things but dros ; Thus houering ftill in hope, to heauen thou tookft thyflyght, ^ Wherewith thy Chrift, the juelle of ioy, thy hart is pight ; ^ And he in extreeme paine, when anguifh did abounde. To giue thee comfort from aboue was euer ready found. Amidft his mercie he, though iuftice wrought thy fmart, Euen lyke a louing fauiour did al waies take thy part ; When Sathan, finne, and death about thee round were fet. To pray for thee moft earneftly he neuer did forget ; And like a fouldier iuft by faith thou foughtft the feelde. And arm ft thyfelf gainft all thy foes, to whom thou woldft not yeeld. But fo didft keepe the fort that all thy foes did flye. And lyke a lambe in Jefus Chrift preparedft thyfelfe to die. Of court thou takeft thy leaue, thy prince thou bidft farewell, For whofe eftate thou praydft to God her enemies to quell. AND BROADSIDES, 265 The noble peeres eche one with hart thou bidft adue. And praiedft that they to glad her hart may loyaltie enfue. Of all thy louing friendes thou takeft a fynall leaue, And vnto God moft conftantly for comfort thou doeft cleaue. Thy noble children thou right louingly doeft bleffe, To feruants all thou giueft adue, they may thee not poflefle, From them thou doeft prepare thy paftage ftraight to make. And vnto Chrift with cheareful voice thy foule thou doeft betake, Who, with outftretched armes, receiues it to his grace. And with his faintes in glorie great appointes the happye place. Thy freendes thy lofle lament, thy children waile and weepe To fee their father and their freend in clay in- clofed deepe. Thy feruants ftreme foorth teares, they wring their wofull handes To fee that all to foone of lyfe death hath de- folued the bandes. His tennants all doo mourne, their fmoking fobs abounde. And to the fkies the needie poore their pitious plaints refounde ; Their fofter freend from them by death they fay is hent, Whofe want in court and towne eche- where both old and yong lament. 266 ANCIENT BALLADS But teares are fpent in vaine ; though they fuppofe him dead. He Hues in heauen where Jefus Chrift with glory crownes his head. And thus, right noble earle, thy laft adue receiue. To thine auaile behinde thee thou good name and fame doeft- leaue, Which fo fhall conquer Death that Death in thee fhall die. And moue the fonnes of mortall men to heaue thy praife to fkie. Omnis caro fenum, quod John Phillip. ^ Ballad reioyjinge the fodaine f ally Of Rebels that thought to deuower vs all. EIOYCE with me, ye Chriftians all. To God geue laude and prayfe, The rebels ftoute haue now the fall. Their force and ftrength decayes. Which hoped, through their traitrous traine. Their prince and natiue foyle To put by their deuifes vaine Vnto a deadly foile. And with their armies ftoute in feilde Againft their prince did rife. And thought by force of fpeare and fheilde To win their enterprife. AND BROADSIDES. 267 ' It was the Erie of Weftmerland ! That thought himfelfe fo fure, i By the aide of his rebellious bande, \ His countrie to deuoure. ] The Erie eke of Northumberland His traitorous parte did take. With other rebels of this lande. For Aue Maries fake. I Saying they fought for no debate, - Nor nothing els did meane, ; But would this realme weare in the ftate \ That it before hath ben. \ \ What is that ftate, I would faine know, I That they would haue againe ? '■ The popifh mafle it is, I trowe, \ With her abufes vaine, — As by their doings may apeare, J In comming through ech towne ; j The Bibles they did rent and teare, ] Like tray tours to the crowne. \ \ And traytours vnto God, likewife, \ By right we may them call, j That do his lawes and worde defpife, I Their country, queene and all. ! The lawes that fhe eftablifhed According to Gods word, \ They feeke to haue abolifhed ' By force of warre and Iword, \ 268 ANCIENT BALLADS Forgetting cleane their loyaltie That to their prince they owe, Their faith, and eke fideHtie, That they to hir fhould fhow. And rather feeke to helpe the Pope His honour loft to winne. In whom they put their faith and hope To pardon al their finne ; That if they fhould their natiue land. Their queene and God denie. They fhould haue pardon at his hand For their iniquitie. Therfore with thofe that loue the Pope They did their ftrength employ, And therby fteadfaftly did hope Gods flocke cleane to deftroy. And then fet vp within this land. In euery churche and towne. Their idols on roodeloftes to ftand. Like gods of greate renowne. Their aulters and tradicions olde. With painted ftocke and ftone. Pardons and mafles to be folde. With Keryeleyfon. Friers fhoulde weare their olde graye gownes And maides to fhrift fhould com, Then prieftes fhould finge with fhauen crownes, Dominus vobifcum. AND BROADSIDES. 269 All thefe and fuch-like vaneties ■ Should then beare all the fway, ■ And Gods word through fuch fantafies i Should cleane be layd away. j i But like as God did them defpife j Which were in Moyfes dayes, 1 That did a calfe of gold deuife ^ As God, to giue him prayfe ; \ i And for the fame idolatry. In one day with the fword Did thre and twenty thoufand dye. That did negled his worde. \ The children eke of Ifraell, In Ezechias time. He made among their foes to dwell, j That did committe that crime. j But when that Ezechias praied To God to helpe his owne, j The Lorde forthwith did fend them aide, ' Their foes weare ouerthrowne. \ A hundred thoufande eightie Ruq, 1 By Gods aungelles weare flaine, i And none of them were left aliue ; That toke his name in vaine. ' Senacherib alfo, the kinge [ Then of the AfTirians, j As he his God was honouring, . j Was flaine by his two fonnes. c 270 ANCIENT BALLADS. 1 Like as he did thofe rebels ftill, ! Which did his flocke purfewe, ] From time to time, of his free will, ' By force of warre fubdewe. , \ As Hollifernus and the reft \ He put them ftill to flight. That had his little flocke oppreft l In prefence of his flghte. i So hath he now thefe rebels all, j Through their vngodly trade, \ Caft downe into the pit to fall ^ ! That they for others made. j To whom ftill daily let vs praye, \ Our noble queene to fende • A profperous raigne, both night and day, From her foes to defende Her and her counfaile, realme and all, ] During her noble life, j And that ill hap may them befall : That feeke for warre and ftrife. i Finis. ! Imprinted at London, in Fleete ftreete, by William i How, for Henry Kirkham, and are to be j folde at his ftiop at the middle north doore of j Paules Churche. j Notes. AGE I, line 2. As Donjiable waye, ** As plain as Dunftable road. It is applied to things plain and fimple, without welt or guard to adorn them, as alfo to matters eafie and obvious to be found, without any difficulty or direction," Bedfordfliire Proverbs in Fuller's Worthies. Howell gives the proverb in a flightly different form, — " as plain as Dunftable high-way." The author of the Cobler of Canterburie, 1608, fpeaks of the " clownes plaine Dunftable dogrell." Page I, line 4. Syr Thomas Plomtrie. Sir is here the title of a prieft, anfwering to the Latin do?ninus. This clergyman took a confpicuous part in the rebellion, and was amongft thofe executed at Durham early in the year 1570. *' The 4. and 5. of January did fufter at Durham to the number of three fcore and fix, conftables and other, among whom an alderman of the towne named Struthar, and a prieft called Parfon Plomtree, were the moft notable," Stow's Annales, ed. 1615, p. 664. Page 2, line 13. Northumberland. The Earl fell into the hands of outlaws on the Borders, and was treated with great indignity. He was fubfequently betrayed, and confined in the caftle of Loch Leven. See Sir C. Sharp's Memorials, 1841, p. 323. Weft- moreland made his efcape to Flanders, and fpent the remainder of his life on the Continent, dying, at a very advanced age, in November, 1601. He concealed himfelf in Scotland for a time immediately after the 272 NOTES. rebellion, and Elderton, in another ballad, preferved in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, fays of the two earls, — And to Saint Androwe be they gone, With very harde fhyfte, to make theare moane, And fom of theare ladies lefte behinde. Page 2, line i6. No more is not Norton. Several members of this family were concerned in the rebellion, but the perfon here alluded to was Richard Norton, of Norton Conyers, generally called " old Norton," a very confpicuous leader in the movement. On the flight of the rebels, a fpy, named Conftable, en- deavoured to perfuade him to put himfelf under his prote6lion in England until a pardon could be obtained ; but he wifely declined. He fled into Flanders, and received a penfion from the King of Spain. The period of his death is uncertain. There is a portrait of him ftill preferved at Grantley Hall. " The countenance,'* obferves Sir C. Sharp, " is florid ; the hair grey, but the flight beard on the chin and upper lip is of a fandy colour ; his eyes are fmall and grey j the contour is pleaflng, and the general expreflion is grave, but not ftern, — vigilant, wary, and contem- plative," Sharp's Memorials, p. 277. Page 2, line 24. Gentyll John Shorne. This was the name of a Kentifh faint, whofe (hrine was much vifited by pilgrims in the early part of the fixteenth century. Latimer, in one of his fermons, fays he prefers not to *' fpeak of the popifh pilgrimage, which we were wont to ufe in times pafl:, in running hither and thither to Mafl:er John Shorne or to our Lady of Walflngham." The bones of Shorne were originally depofited at Canterbury, where his fhrine remained, but it would appear from MS. Afhmole 11 25, f. 107, that they were removed in 1478, probably to Windfor, where there was a chapel confecrated to him. The name of John Shorne afterwards became to be ufed as a generic term for a Roman Catholic prieft. Page 6, line 4. Afonyed. " Troubled in minde, ajionied^ made fore afeard," Baret's Alvearie, 1580. NOTES. 273 Page 5, line 7. By Thomas Colwelh " Receved of Thomas Colwell, for his lycenfe for the pryntinge of a ballett intituled a newe wel a daye, as playne, m"". papefte, as Dunftable waye, iiij.^.," Regifters of the Stationers' Company, 1569-70. A tune called JVell- a-day is frequently mentioned. See Chappell's Popular Mufic, p. 175. Page 5, line 1 1. The Black Almayne. A tune often referred to, for inftance in a Handeful of Pleafant Delites, 1584, in Collier's Old Ballads, p. 53, &c. The tune itfelf js unknown. Page 6, line i. I-wys. Certainly; truly. This old Anglo-Saxon adverb was now beginning to be corrupted into the pronoun and verb, / wis^ I know. Page 8, line 25. The upper end of Fleet lane. Moft of the pieces which iflued from the prefs of Richard Jones are dated from St. Paul's. This was one of his early publications, mentioning a refidence not heretofore noticed. He was living at St. Paul's in the following year, 1573. Page 9, line 2. Gar. Literally, make. The late Mr. Bright poflefled an early MS. mifcellany, in which there was a copy of this ballad, fubfcribed, — " Fynis, quod Jhon Heywood." This ballad was licenfed to Aide, as a ballad " agaynfte detredlion," in 156 1-2. Page 9, line 8. And all thofe. So in the original, but it appears from the MS. copy that and is an error for on. Page 10, line 5. Skaine. A kind of fcimitar. Hall, in his Chronicle, 1548, fpeaks of " a band of Irylhmen armed in mayle with dartes and Jkaynes^ after the manner of their countrey." Palfgrave, how- ever, in 1530, explains yy^^jw^, " a knyfe," a word frequently fynonymous with dagger. Page 10, line 22. Bothe. All, Bright MS. Page II, line 31. Heere. Cleere, MS. Bright. In the next page, line 2, for // /j, we here, MS. ibid. Page 12, line 17. Me to enfue. Meete to efchewe, MS. Bright. Page 12, line 29. Wo by. Wo be, MS. Bright, T 274 NOTES. This and the previous ftanza are tranfpofed in the MS. In the next page, line 8, the manufcript reads : — To make them glowe, As grace by grace may ftay. Page 13, line i. To Jleke. "I flecke, I quenche a fyre ; whan you flecke a hoote fyre with water, it maketh a noyfe lyke thunder," Palfgrave, 1530. Page 14, line 3. New lujiy gallant. The favourite tune of the Lufty Gallant is frequently alluded to, but Mr. Chappell confiders that the prefent ballad was intended for another air, becaufe there are feven lines in each ftanza. See his Popular Mufic of the Olden Time, vol. i. p. 91. Breton, in his Workes of a Young Wyt, 1577, mentions a dance tune called the Old Lufty Gallant. An early notice of the tune occurs in MS. Afhmole 48, f. 112. The prefent ballad was printed in the year 1569, as appears from the following entry in the books of the Stationers' Company, — "Receved of Thomas Colwell for his lycenfe for pryntinge of a ballett intituled the prayfe of my lady marques, iiij.^." Marques., mar- chionefs. Shakefpeare makes Henry the Eighth fpeak of the " lady marquis Dorfet," a6l v. fc. 2. In the original ballad there are five woodcuts, in a line at the top of the flieet. The fourth, which reprefents a fage holding up the forefinger of the left hand, is alfo found, with the addition of three ftars, in the title- page of Larke's Boke of Wifdome, 1565. Page 16, line 9. Finis quod W. Elder ton, Drayton, in his Elegies, fpeaking of his beginning to read the Claflics as a boy, fays, — I fcorn'd your ballet then, though it were done And had for ¥tnis^ William Elderton. Page 16, line 14. The Prifoners^ Petition. This title is not in the original, which is printed on a flip of paper meafuring 5 by 3I inches, and appears to be a NOTES. . 275 hand-bill fent round to the wealthy inhabitants of the City. Page 16, line 19. The hole of IVood-Jireet Counter. There is no doubt that the beft portion of Wood- ftreet Counter was very far from being an agreeable place of refidence, but the hole^ as it was called, was the very worft part of the prifon. Put. Well, wee cannot impute it to any lacke of good-will in your worfhip, — you did but as another would haue done ; twas our hard fortunes to mifle the purchafe, but if ere wee clutch him againe, the Counter fhall charme him. Rauen. The hole fhall rotte him. The Puritaine^ or the Widdow of Watling- Jireete^ ed. 1607, fig. F. Next from the flocks, the Hole, and Little-eafe, Sad places, which kind nature do difpleafe. The Walks of Hogs don y ^to. 1657. On the eaft fide of this ftreet (Wood Street) is one of the prifon houfes pertayning to the fhiriffes of London, and is called the Compter in Wood-ftreet, which was prepared to be a prifon houfe in the yere 1555, and, on the Eue of S. Michaell the Archangell, the prifoners that lay in the Compter in Bred-ftreete were remoued to this Compter in Wood-ftreete. — Stow's Survay of London, ed. 1603, p. 298. Page 17, line 14. Ballad of Patient Grijfell. This is the earlieft copy known of a ballad which was frequently reprinted. There are numerous variations in the later editions, few, however, of which are of much importance. The ftory was introduced to Enghfh readers by Chaucer, who derived the incidents from Boccaccio j and in the fixteenth century it was extremely popular in this country, becoming the fubje6l of plays, chap-books, and ballads. See notices of thefe coUedted in the Shakefpeare Society's reprint of the comedy of Patient Griffil, 1841. The prefent ballad forms the larger portion of a little chap-book of the feventeenth century entitled, " The Pleafant and 276 NOTES. Sweet Hiftory of Patient GrifTell, fhewing how flie, from a poore mans daughter, came to be a great lady in France, being a patterne to all vertuous women. Tranflated out of Italian. London: Printed by E. P. for John Wright, dwelling in Giltfpur Street at the figne of the Bible," n.d. The poem is here introduced by the following epifode, — " In the countrey of Salufa, which lyeth neere Italy and France, there lived a noble and wealthy prince named Gualter, Marquefle and Lord of Salufa, a man of fuch vertues that the world did ring of; beloved of his fubjedts for his good parts, that, before his dayes nor fmce, was very few the like for his continual! care of his fubje6ts good, and they, in their dutifulnefle, fought to out-ftrip him in love. From his youth his onely exercife was hunting, wherein he tooke fuch delight, that nothing was more pleafmg unto him ; withall the fubjedls loyalty to this worthy prince, in their carefulnefle that fuch excellent vertues fhould not faile for want of iflue, intreated him by humble petition to marry, that from his loynes their children might enjoy the like happinefle. This fpeech thus fpoke to the prince drave fuch love and afFedlion into his mind, that moft gracioufly he made them anfwer that when it fhould pleafe God that hee fhould fee one that he could love, hee mofl wiUingly would fulfill their good and honefl requeft. Withall this anfwer gave them fuch content, that they earneflly prayed to fee that day." Page 17, line 15. The Bridles Good-morrow. The ballad of the Bride's Good-Morrow, " to a pleafant new tune," is in the Roxburghe Colledlion, i. 15, " Printed by the Aflignes of Thomas Symcocke," but the ballad itfelf is older than the period of that printer. It commences thus, — The night is pafled, and joyfull day appeareth, Moft cleare on every fide ; With pleafant mufick we therefore falute you, — Good morrow, Miftris Bride. The exclamation, " Good morrow, Miflrefs Bride," is found, obferves Mr. Collier, " as a quotation, in more NOTES. 277 than one play of the time of Shakefpeare, with other allufions to this ballad." The tune itfelf has not been found under this title. Did Shakefpeare have the ballad in his recolle61:ion when he makes Petruchio fay,— But what a fool am I, to chat with you, When I fhould bid good-morrow to my bride, And feal the title with a lovely kifs ? Page 19, line 16. Maliji. Maliced ; envied. Page 21, line 6. Alone, " All alone," chap- book ed. Page 21, line 21. B'ljfe and pureji palL Bifs and pall were filk and cloth of expenfive and fine textures. They are frequently mentioned in the old Englifli romances as figns of the wealth of their pofleflbrs. " That grete cite that was clothed with biffe and pur- pur, and overgyld with gold and prefious ftonys," Wimbleton's Sermon, 1388. " And on hym were the purpuU palle," MS. Afhmole 61. Page 22, line 25. Jll and fome. That is, every- body — We are betrayd, and y-nome, Horfe and harnefs, lords, all and fome. • The Romance of Richard Coer de Lion, 2284. Page 23, line 2. Brauery. That is, rich apparel. *' Lionello he haftes him home, and futes him in his braverye," Tarlton's Newes out of Purgatorie, 1590. Page 23, line 4. As he. " At his," later verfion. And, in the next line, " I will afk of thee." The chap-book verfion, at the conclufion of the ballad, adds the following, — " The lords and gentlemen, be- ing aftonifhed, looked one upon another, and feeing no remedy, but that the noble MarquefTe had an unremoveable love upon her, befought her to pardon them of their envy towards her, and to take them into her favour, which fhe, with a modeft behaviour, pro- mifed to doe. The noble MarquefTe, feeing all in peace, ordained a great and fumptuous feaft, where patient GrifTel fate miftrefTe of the feaft; the Mar- 278 NOTES. quefle on her right hand, on her left her aged father, old Janicola ; her two children betweene them both, the lords and gentlemen doing them fervice. This feaft continued fourteene dayes, to the comfort of the commons. When this folemne feaft was ended, the MarquefTe, to fhew his love to his Griflell, made her father one of his counfel, and governour of his palace, where for many yeeres he lived in the love of the whole court. The noble Marquefle and his faire Grifltll lived almoft thirty yeeres, faw their children's children, and then dyed, beloved and bewayled of their fubjeas." Page 24, line i. Ballade of a Lover. This ballad was originally printed by Colwell in i 563, as appears from the Regifters of the Stationers' Company, — " receved of Thomas Colwell for his lycenfe for pryntinge of a ballett intituled the lover extollynge hys ladyes, iiij.^." In the original, the firft eight lines are fet to mufic. " The tune," obferves Mr. Chappell, "is worthlefs as mufic, and, I fufpe£t, very incorreaiy printed. It feems a mere claptrap jumble to take in the countryman." Page 24, line 3. Damon aud Ptthias. "This," obferves Mr. Chappell, " is probably a tune from the very old drama of Damon and Pithias." Page 25, line 6. Woulde. " Wolude," original. Page 27, line i. A monflrom childe. It is a curious facSb that the woodcut of this child, and of fome other monfters defcribed in the prefent colle6tion, fhould be copied by hand on the margins of the regifter-book of Wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury for the year 1562, headed by the following note, here copied exaaiy as it ftands in the original, — Prodigia quie- dam contra folitum naturae curfum nata et In lucem cedit: anno Domini 1562. In addition to thofe found in thefe broadfides may be mentioned drawings of a caterpillar and of a dog with a band round its neck. " Item, ther was (a) pyge brothe to London in May with ij alffbodys, behyngwith viij fette, that mony pepull dyd fe ytt; and after cam a fyne and token of a monftorous NOTES. 279 chyld that was borne be-fyd Colchefter at a town callyd (blanky Machyn's Diary, 1562, ed. J. G. Nichols, p. 281. Page 27, line 16. Braft, Burft. " Braft in the middes, or in fundre," Huloet's Di61:ionarie, 1572. Page 28, line 4. Beholde a calfe. " In Aprell was browth to London a pyde calff with a great ruffe about ys neke, a token of grett ruff that bowth men and women,'* Machyn's Diary, 1562, ed. J. G. Nichols, p. 280. * Page 28, line 24. Linne. Ceafe. " He never //««j, he gives it not over, he is alwaies doing," Terence in EngHfh, 16 14. Page 29, line 6. A fcape. So Shakefpeare, in King John, fpeaks of a " fcape of nature." Page 30, Hne 16. Lady^ Lady. A favourite burden to a fong, as in that of the Conftancy of Sufanna, quoted by Shakefpeare in Twelfth Night. Compare a fong in the old interlude of the Trial of Treafure, 1567, — Thou pafleft Venus far away, Lady, lady ; Love thee I will both night and day, My dere lady ! Page 31, line 2. • Forked cap. The mitre. Page 3 1 , line 1 2 . Andfamijhed him till lyfe was donne. The author does not here follow the ordinary popular belief of the time, which was afterwards adopted by Shakefpeare. According to Stow, who quotes an in- edited MS. by Sir John Fortefcue as his authority, the king " was imprifoned in Pomfrait Caftle, where xv. dayes and nightes they vexed him with continuall hunger, thirft and cold, and finally bereft him of his life with fuch a kind of death as never before that time was knowen in England." The Percies, in the manifefto which they iffued againft Henry the Fourth the day before the battle of Shrewlbury, exprefsly charge him with the refponfibility of this crime. Page 32, line 7. Trentalles. " Trentals or trigin- tals were a number of maffes, to the tale of thirty, faid 28o NOTES. on the fame account, according to a certain order inftituted by Saint Gregory," Ayliffe's Parergon. Page 33, line i. The Pope in his fury. This ballad was licenfed to Kirkham, or Kyrham, as it is written in the regifter, in 15 70-1, " his lycenfe for pryntinge of a ballett, the Pope in greate fury doth/' So the words of the entry conclude. Page 33, line 2. To a letter the which to Rome is late come. This perhaps refers and is a fuppofed reply to another ballad, by Stephen Peele, now in the Miller Colle6lion, " to the Tune of Row well ye Mariners," which is headed, — A Letter to Rome, to declare to the Pope, John Felton, his freend, is hang'd in a rope ; And farther, aright his Grace to enforme. He dyed a Papift, and feemed not to turne. The fame day (4 Auguft, 1571) was arraigned at Guildhal of London lohn Felton, for hanging a bull at the gate of the Bifhop of London's palace, andalfo two young men for coyning and clipping of coine, who all were found guilty of high treafon, and had judgement to be drawne, hanged and quartered. — Stowe's Annales^ ed. 16 1 5, p. 666. The eight of Auguft, John Felton was drawne from Newgate into Paules Church-yeard, and there hanged on a gallowes new fet up that morn- ing before the Bifhoppes palace gate, and being cut downe aliue, he was bowelled and quartered. — Ibid.^ p. 667. Page 34, line 2. To-to. Exceedingly. " Tcro-too^ ufed abfolutely for very well or good," Ray's Englifti Words, ed. 1674, p. 49. Page 34, line 14. Senceyng. That is, incenfing. " And whan thei comen there, thei taken enfenfe and other aromatyk thinges of noble fmelle, and fenfen the ydole, as we wolde don here Goddes precyoufe body," Maundevile's Travels, p. 174, ed. 1839. Page 34, line 16. Mell. That is, to meddle with. " Hence, ye profane ; mell not with holy things," Hall's Satires. Page 35, line 21. The Nortons' bones. Two of NOTES. 281 this family, Thomas and his nephew Chriftopher Norton, were executed for their implication in the Northern rebellion, at Tyburn, in May, 1570. Their heads were fet upon London Bridge, and their quarters upon the various gates. There was a little poem by Sampfon Davie on them printed the fame year. " Receved of Wylliam Pekerynge for his lycenfe for pryntinge of the ende and confeflion of Thomas Norton and Chriftofer Norton, rebelles in Yorkefhyre, which dyed the xxvij. of Maye, 1570," Stationers' Regifters. Page 36,line7. Frump. Thatis, mock. ^^ Mocquer, to mock, flowt, frump, fcoffe, deride," Cotgrave. " To frump, illudo," Coles. Page 36, line 20. ^een Elizabeth. Thefe lines under a portrait form together a Angularly curious broadfide. In the State Paper Office is an undated draft of a proclamation, in the handwriting of Cecil, prohibiting all " payntors, pryntors, and gravors " from drawing Queen Elizabeth's pidture, until " fome conning perfon mete therefor (hall make a naturall reprefentation of Her Majefty's perfon, favour, or grace," as a pattern for other perfons to copy. This proclamation was moft likely never publifhed, as it is not mentioned in Humfrey Difon's lift of the pro- clamations of Queen Elizabeth. The " py61:ure of quene Elyzabeth " was entered to Gyles Godhed on the books of the Stationers' Company, 1562-3. Page 37, line 11. j^ne new Ballet, The date of this ballad fixes it to the period of the author's efcape from Paris at the time of the St. Bartholomew maflacre. Page 37, line 15. Tykit. Tied, bound? Page 37, line 16. At Baftianes brydell. The allu- fion here is to Queen Mary's leaving Darnley, on the night of his murder, to attend a ball at Holyrood, on the occafion of the marriage of one of her attendants named Baftian. The intention of the author of the ballad is obvioufly to eftablifh a parallel between the murder of Darnley and the mafl^acre at Paris. 282 NOTES. Page 37, line 19. ^yte of this cummer. That is, blame of this trouble or vexation. " Delivir us fra all dangears and perrellis of fire and wattir, of fyirflauchtis and thundir, of hungar and derth, fedi- tioun and battel, of pleyis and cummar^ feiknes and peftilence," Hamiltoun's Catechifme, ap. Jamiefon. Page 37, line 22. Conuoyit. By artful contrivance, deceitfully. Page 38, line 4. Farl'ie. Wonder. Page 38, line 6. Ganzelon. Ganelon, the cele- brated traitor of the romances of Charlemagne, the perfon who was bribed into betraying the French army to the King of the Saracens. He was executed at Aix-la-Chapelle by order of Charlemagne. Page 38, line 12. Be doand ane quhyle. Go on for a time. Page 38, line 14. Ding. To overcome. Page 38, line 18. Wapis. That is, cafts or throws. So, in Ramfay's poems, — Get Johnny's hand in haly band. Syne njoap ye'r wealth together. Page 38, line 21. The feryne. That is, the fyren. Ouirfylit^ circumvented. Page 38, line 24. Volatill. Bird. " Make we man to oure ymage and liknefTe, and be he fovereyn to the fifchis of the fee, and to the volatils of hevene," Bible, MS. Bodl. " Volatile, wyld fowle," Prompt. Parv. Page 39, line 6. Burreo, Executioner. Bour- reau, Fr. Page 39, line 8. Sane. That is, the river Seine. Huking.^ confidering, regarding. Page 39, line 13. Thy faces was four. Thy fauce was four, taftelefs, or infipid. Page 40, line 8, Tythance. Tidings. Page 41, line 3. Graith. Accoutrements. Page 41, line 9. Calk. That is, chalk (to mark with). Mark their doors with chalk. Page 41, line 18. Go fay. So in the original. NOTES. 283 Can thefe words be erroneoufly printed for a[fay? In the next line thie in the original, clearly a mif- print for this. Page 42, line l . The Bryber Gehefie, " Receved of Thomas Colwell, for his lycenfe for pryntinge of a ballett intituled of bryber Jehefye, taken out of the vth chapter of the iiijth Bokes of Kynges, iiij.^j/," Sta- tioners' Regifters, 1566-7. The reference, in the modern tranflations of the Bible, is to the Second Book of Kings. Page 42, line 3. To the tune of Kynge Salomon, It appears, from the Newe Enterlude of Vice,conteyninge the Hillorye of Horeftes, 1567, that this is the fame tune as "Lady, lady." The ftage-diredtion is, — " Enter Egiftus and Clytemneftra, fmginge this fonge to the tune of King Salomon ;" and then follows the fong, commencing, — And was it not a worthy fight Of Venus childe, Kinge Priames fonne. To fteale from Grece a ladye bryght, For whom the wares of Troye begon. Naught fearinge daunger that might faull. Lady, ladie ! From Grece to Troye he went withall, My deare lady ! It appears, from the regifters of the Stationers' Com- pany, that Tyfdale had a licenfe in 156 1-2 for printing " a new ballett after the tune of Kynge Salomon." Page 45, line 6. The Jhape of it monjiers. This broadfide is probably that mentioned in the following entry in the Stationers' Regifters, 1561-2, — " Receved of John Aide for his lycenfe for pryntinge of a pi61:ure of a monfterus pygge, iiij.^." It is alfo alluded to in another ballad. See p. 64. There are engravings of two " monftrous pigs " in the original broadfide, but only one is defcribed in the text. Page 49, line 3. Fein^eit. That is, feigned. The word cruellus, in the next line, is invented for the fake of the rhyme. This ballad evidently belongs to the earlier part of the year 1581, before James Earl of 284 NOTES, Morton was brought to trial, and executed on the fol- lowing day. Page 49, line 17. Dowkand. That is, diving. Page 50, line 8. Volt. Face; countenance. Page 50, line 9. Ingyne. Capacity ; ability. Page 51, line 8. Potteris, " Porteris," original. The claflical allufions in this ballad are too trite to require annotation. Page 51, line 13. Landwart. That is, country. It is hardly neceflary to fay that pleuch^ here and in other places, ftands for plough. Page 51, line 19. j^ne tit. A quick pull; a hafty turn of the wheel. Page 51, line 26. Subumbragit. Overfhadowed. Page 52, line 3. Git. The laft letter of this word in the original appears, on clofe examination, to be an imperfect/, not a t. Read gif^ if. Page 52, line 11. Litils. So in the original, but probably a mifprint for //////. Page 52, line 16. Law. To lower or humble. Page 52, line 29. Danter. Conqueror ; fubduer. Under the firm government of Morton, the Border diftridls, which had become the fcene of great lawleff- nefs, were reduced into order. " He was very wyfe, and a guid juftitiar in adminiftration. His fyve yeirs war eltimed to be als happie and peaceable as euer Scotland faw. The name of a Papift durft nocht be hard of; ther was na theifF nor oppreflbur that durft kythe." — Melvill's Diary, 1577. Page 53, line 21. Franke. So in the original, but it may poflibly be an error for fracke^ active, diligent. So in a poem cited by Jamiefon, — He wald not lat the Papifts caufe ga bale, Gif it were juft, bot wald be for Wxxnfrak. Page 54, line 10. Pleit. Maintained; debated. Page 54, line 13. Eith. That is, eafy. Page 54, line 21. Dowie. Dull; melancholy. Page 55, line 9. Eluottis. So in the original. It may be right, and a mere fpecimen of cacography, but more probably a mifprint for Elyottis. NOTES. 285 Page 55, line 12. Labels. Jamiefon has, " Lebbie, the lap or fore-fkirt of a man's coat, S. B. Loth.'* Page 55, line 25. Glaikrie. Idle wantonnefs. Page 56, line 3. Detreitis. So in the original, obvioufly intended for decreitis. In the previous line, decor e^ that is, decorate. Page 56, line 7. Semptll. Can it be that the author is here quibbling upon his own name ? Page 56, line 10. Robert Lekprewicke. This printer was at Edinburgh from about the year 1561 until 1570. In 1571, he is found at Stirling, and in 1572 at St. Andrew's. See p. 41. In 1573, he had re- turned to Edinburgh. Page 56, line 12. The Plagues of Northomberland. " Receved of Thomas Colwell, for his lycenfe for pryntinge of a ballett intituled, Plaiges of Northum- berlande, iiij.<5?," Regifters of the Stationers' Company, 1569-70. At the top of this broadfide is a row of five woodcuts. Page 56, line 13. Appelles. This tune is referred to in Googe's Eglogs, 1563, in the Handeful of Pleafant Delites, 1584, and in the Crown Garland of Golden Rofes, 1659. ^ " ballett intituled Kynge Pollicrate, to the tune of Apelles," was entered to Colwell in the Stationers' Regifters, 1565-6. Page 56, line 14. When that the Moon e^ in Northom- berland. The Silver Crefcent is a well-known creft or badge of the Northumberland family. It was probably brought home from fome of the Crufades againft the Saracens. In an ancient pedigree in verfe, finely illuminated on a roll of vellum, and written in the reign of Henry VII, we have this fabulous account given of its original. The author begins with ac- counting for the name of Gernon or Algernon, often borne by the Percies ; who, he fays, were Gernons fyrft named Brutys bloude of Troy : Which valliantly fyghtynge in the land of Perse At pointe terrible ayance the mifcreants on nyght, An hevynly myftery was fchewyd hym, old bookys reherfe ; In hys fcheld did fchyne a Mone veryfying her lyght, 286 NOTES. Which to all the oofte yave a perfytte fyght, To vaynquys his enemys, and to deth them perfue : And therefore the Perses the Creflant doth renew. From a Note by Bijhop Percy, Page 56, line 24. With horfe and armes. "I have certaine advertyfement that all reteyners and hufehold fervants appertening the Erie of Weftmorland, with the mofte part of ail others his tennants, beyng furnifhed with armour and weapon, of his lordfhip of Raby, in their warlike apparel, repared to Branfepeth yefterday and this nyght paft, and all the reft of his tennants ar by his lordfhip's officers commandyt to fet forthe upon one hour's warning," Letter of Sir George Bowes to the Duke of Suflex, 7 November, 1569. Page 57, line i. Pyght, That is, placed, fixed. Redyghty to reftore, (Lat.) Page 57, line 27. Belltnge. That is, bellowing. " Bellynge of nete," Prompt. Parv. " Becking, belling, ducking, yelling, was their whole religio," Anfwere to a Romifti Rime, 1602. Page 60, line 4. In Somer time. This is the fame tune which is mentioned in a ballad in the Pepys' Colledlion, " The Rimer's New Trimming, to the tune of In Sommer time^^ which commences as follows, — A rimer of late in a barber's (hop Sate by for a trimming to take his lot ; Being minded with mirth, until his turn came To drive away time he thus began. Page 61, line 20. Fat. A vat or brewing-tub. " Fatte, a veflel, quevue^'' Palfgrave, 1530. " A vate or fat, lahrurn^^ Rider's Di6l:ionarie, ed. 16 17. Page 63, line 17. A monjierous Chylde. In 1564-5, there was entered on the books of the Stationers' Company, — '* Receved of William Greffeth, for his lycenfe for pryntinge of a py6ture of a chylde borne in the He of Wyghte, with a clufter of grapes about ys navell, iiij.^." Notwithftanding the variation in this defcription, there can be little doubt that this entry NOTES. 287 refers to the broadfide printed in the text. If fo, the ingenious compiler of the narrative altered the charac- ter of the " clufter" between the date of entry and the period of iflue. Page 65, line 23. Vnparfett. An unufual form of the word. Huloethas, " unperfedle, imperfeSius^'' ed. 1572 ; and unparfited^ for unperfeSied^ occurs in Surrey's Songs and Sonnets, 1557. ■'■^ ^^^ n&i^X. line, the word porte,^ by a fingular licenfe, appears to be ufed for report. Page 66, line 3. Confortor. A genuine old form of the word, derived from the Anglo-Norman. Page 66, line 12. The Marchants Daughter. This is the earlieft copy of this ballad known to exift. William Blackwall, its printer, dwelt " over againft Guildhall Gate," but very few produdtions from his prefs are known to exift. See another fpecimen at p. 231. He is alluded to by the author of the Declaration of the true Caufes, 1592, as the printer "of obfcure and trifling matters." This ballad was extremely popular. The fiddler in Fletcher's Monfieur Thomas, 1639, mentions it as one of the fongs he is beft verfed in. A later copy, a few of the ftanzas being omitted, is preferved in the Roxburghe collection. Page 66, line 13. Brijiow. The ufual old way of fpelling the name of the town of Briftol. Page 66, line 14. The May dens Joy. This tune is referred to in Anthony Wood's colle6tion of ballads at Oxford, in Old Ballads, 1729, vol. iii. p. 201, &c. Page 67, Hne 12. Fine. "Then," ed. Roxburghe. Page 67, line 18. Wajie. "Waile," ed. Roxburghe. Page 68, line 7. She. " He," in the original. Page 68, line 8. Though naked. Even as lately as the fixteenth century, the ufe of night linen was far from being univerfal. " To bed he goes, and Jemy ever ufed to lye naked, as is the ufe of a number, amongft which number fhe knew Jemy was one," Armin's Neft of Ninnies, 1608. Hence arofe the ex- preffion, naked hed^ of which Shakefpeare has made fuch a pretty ufe, — ' 288 NOTES. Who fees his true love in her naked bed, Teaching the fheets a whiter hue than white. Page 71, line 23. Joy/uII. " Mortall," ed. Rox- burghe. Page 72, line 7. Trauell. " Triall," ed. Rox- burghe. Page 72, line 14. Al her iorneys. " Her forrow," ed. Roxburghe. Page 72, line 20. On her perills. " Of her forrowes," ed. Roxburghe. The next ftanza is omit- ted in this later copy. Page 73, line 10. Euer. This ftiould be evermore^ as required by the rhyme, and as it ftands in the Rox- burghe copy. Page 73, line 18. Eyes. " Eys" in the original. Page 73, line 24. Such grieuous. The fpace for the word following thefe is alfo left blank in the original. ** Such grievous doome^^ ed. Roxburghe. In the next line, ladies is a mifprint in the original for laddes. Page 74, line 28. And of a paffing pure life. " And palling pure of life," ed. Roxburghe. Page 75, line 18. Feareful. " Freareful" in the original. Page 78, line 8. To the tune of Lahandalajhotte. This tune is the fame as " I waile in woe, I plunge in pain." See the Handeful of Pleafant Delites, 1584, and Ritfon's Ancient Songs, p. 151. The tune is re- ferred to for " A fong of King Edgar, fhewing how he was deceived of his Love." That ballad commences, — Whenas King Edgar did govern this land, Adown, adown, down, down, down ; And in the ftrength of his years he did ftand, Call him down-a, &c. Mrs. Quickly fmgs this burden in the Merry Wives of Windfor, adt i. fc. 4, and Ophelia fang one of her fnatches to the tune of Labandalafhotte. " You muft fing, Down-a-down^ an you call him a-down-a^^ Hamlet, adl iv. fc. 5. " Filibujiacchina^ the burden of a coun- trie fong, as we fay, hay xioune a doune douna," NOTES. 289 Florio's Worlde of Wordes, 1598, p. 131. The fame tune is clearly referred to in the Ballad againft Slander and Detra6lion, p. 9 ; and Rhodes, in his Anfwere to a Romifh Rime, 4to. 1602, fays, — " I found it fet to no certaine tune, but becaufe it goeth moft neere to the olde tune of Lahandalajhot^ therefore I have made that all may be fung to that tune, if neede be." Page 79, line 5. Marketjied. A market-place. " And their beft archers plac'd the market- fled about," Drayton's Polyolbion. Page 79, line 30. Ance. That is, once, in the fenfe of, once for all. '' Once, twenty-four ducattes he coft me," Gafcoigne's Suppofes. Page 80, line 22. Nicholas Colman of Norwich. A new name in the hiftory of Englifli publifhing. The ballads were printed for him in London. Page 81, line l. J proper newe fonet. It is pro- bably this ballad, not the preceding one, which is thus entered in the Stationers' Regifters for 1586, — " Nicholas Colman, receved of him for printinge a ballad of the lamentation of Beckles, a market towne of Suffolke, on St. Andrewes day lafte pafte, beinge burnt with fier, to the number of Ixxx. houfe, and lofle of XX. m. //." Contributions in aid of the fufFerers from this fire were raifed throughout the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Blomefield men- tions a fum of money as having been colle61:ed in the parifh of Harpham "for the burning of Beccles." In the book of the Mayor's Court at Norwich is this entry, — " William Fleming, preacher of Beccles, raifed in Court of Mr. Mayor, £30 . 10.8, which was colle6ted in this city towards the re-edifying of Beccles Church, which was lately burnt,'' Suckling's Suffolk, vol. i. p. 12. Page 81, line 8. To Wilfon's Tune. This tune does not appear to be known. In the library of the Society of Antiquaries is, A proper newe Ballad declaring the fubftaunce of all the late pretended Treafons againft the Queenes Majeflie, 1586, To WilforCs new Tune. Page 83, line 11. The church and temple by this U 290 NOTES. fyre, " The roof, feats, and woodwork of the church were confumed, though the walls and the ftonework of the windows efcaped deftru£tion. The lower part of the fteeple remains blackened with fmoke in a very remarkable degree to the prefent day," Suckling's Hiftory and Antiquities of the County of Suffolk, vol. i. p. 12. The parifh regifters were, probably, deftroyed, the prefent books commencing in the year 1586. Page 85, line l. Franklins Farewell. James Franklin was the apothecary whofe poverty or whofe will confented to furnifti the poifons, according to order, in the Overbury murders. See his Trial in Cobbett's State Trials, vol. ii. col. 947. According to his own account, he bought the poifons at the entreaty of the Countefs and Mrs. Turner, protefting his ignorance of what they intended to do with them. See further particulars in Amos's Great Oyer of Poifoning, 1846. In the library of the Society of Antiquaries is a broadfide, entitled, — " James Franklin, a Kentifhman of Maidftone, his owne Arraignment, ConfefTion, Condemnation, and Judgment of Himfelfe, whilft hee lay Prifoner in the Kings Bench for the Poifoning of Sir Thomas Overbury. He was exe- cuted the 9 of December, 1615." Page 88, line i. The xxv, orders of Fooles. '* Receved of Henry Kyrham, for his lycenfe for the pryntinge of a ballett, intituled the xx. orders of fooles, iiij.^," Regifters of the Stationers' Company, 1569-70. Page 88, line 4. A quarterne. That is, a quarter (of a hundred). Maundevile fpeaks of the moon be- ing in "the feconde quarteroun," Travels, p. 301. Page 88, line 19. Or els a fox-tayle. One of the diftinguiftiing badges of a fool. " I fhall prove him fuch a noddy before I leave him, that all the world will deeme him worthy to weare in his forehead a coxcombe for his foolifhnefs, and on his back a fox tayle for his badge," The Pope's Funerall, 1605. Page 89, line 17. PFood. That is, mad. ''Phoebus NOTES. 291 grows ftark wood for love and fancie to Daphne," Countefs of Pembroke's Ivy-Church, 159 1. "The name Woden fignifies fierce or furious ; and in like fenfe we ftill retain it, faying, when one is in a great rage, that he is wood^ or taketh on as if he were wood,"" Verftegan's Reftitution of Decayed Intelligence, 1605. " Woode or imdde^ fureux^" Palfgrave. Page 91, line i. Foole. "Feele" in the original. Page 92, line 23. Jpayd. Satisfied; pleafed. "In herte I wolde be wele apayede," MS. Lincoln. " I am well zp^Ljed^Jefuis bien content .^^^ Palfgrave, 1530. Page 95, line 12. Or els to Lolers tower toji. "At eyther corner of this weft end (of St. Paul's) is alfo of auncient building a ftrong tower of ftone, made for bell towers, the one of them, to wit, next to the pallace is at this prefent to the vfe of the fame pallace ; the other, towardes the fouth, is called the Lowlardes Tower, and hath beene ufed as the Bifhoppes prifon, for fuch as were dete61:ed for opinions in religion contrary to the faith of the church," Stow's Survay of London, ed. 1603, P- 372- Page 95, line 16. To fwage. "I fwage, I abate the fwellyng of a thyng " Palfgrave, 1530. "Swage, or to mitigate or appeafe, complacare^^ Huloet's Dic- tionarie, 1572. But wicked wrath had fome fo farre enraged, As by no meanes their malice could be fwaged. Gafcoigne^s Works, 4to. 1587. Page 96, line 9. Aforayne, That is, a foreigner. Page 965 line 29. Threape. That is, obftinately maintained. " I threpe a mater upon one, I beare one in hande that he hath doone or faide a thing amyfle ; this terme is alfo farre northren ; he wolde threpe upon me that I have his penne," Palfgrave, 1530- Page 98, line I. A Ballad. This is probably the earlieft, as it undoubtedly is the moft curious, of the Englifh verfions of a notion which /ubfequently 292 NOTES, became familiar as the Five Alls. As late as the reign of George the Third, there was ifTued a fatirical print by Kay in five compartments, the firft of w^hich repre- fented a clergyman in his defk, w^ith the infcription, " I pray for all ;" the fecond a barrifter, " I plead for all j " the third a farmer, " I maintain all ; " the fourth a foldier, " I fight for all;" the fifth his Satanic ma- jefty, " I take all." There are feveral old epigrams, each line ending with the word all. See copies of two in Larwood and Hotten's Hiftory of Signboards, p. 452. Inns called the Four Jlls are ftill well-known ; but the fign appears to be gradually going out of fafliion. Page loi, line i. A godly Ballad. This ballad is printed on the back of a wafte fheet of an old alma- nac, one fide only having been printed of the latter, which was a Prognoftication for the year then follow- ing, 1567. Each month is illuftratedby a fmall wood- cut. " Receved of John Aide for his lycenfe for prynt- inge of a ballett intituled declarynge by the Scriptures the plages that hav€ infued of whoredom, iiij.<5^," Sta- tioners' Regifters, 1566-7. Page lOi, line 5. Lefl in. " Left if* in the ori- ginal. Perhaps the corre6t reading may be, left in. Page loi, fine 15. The woorm. That is, the fer- pent. The ufe of the word in this fenfe is very com- mon in early Englifti. Page 10 1, line 21. The harmes. " Thy harmes'' in the original. Page 105, line 8. Tantara, This odd word was ufually employed to fignify the noife made by a drum. So, in the old ballad of the Winning of Cales, — Long the proud Spaniards had vaunted to conquer us, Threatning our country with fyer and fword ; Often preparing their navy moft lumptuous With as great plenty as Spain could afford. Dub a dub, dub a dub, thus ftrike their drums : Tantara^ tantara^ the Engh"fhman comes. It was alfoy however, the name of a tune. A fong NOTES. 293 called Gibfon's Tantara is given in the Handeful of Pleafant Delites, 1584. In the Miller collection is a ballad, dated 1590, " to the tune of the new Tantara." The uncouth orthography ufed by the writer of this ballad, and the allufion to Bewdley ale, indicate a pro- vincial origin. Such words as hlofe, blows, Ra/hy Ralph, y?«(r^^, cinque, ^^, goes, hardly require expla- nation. Page 106, line 2. Upon the molde. Upon the ground or earth. This was a favourite expreffion in the old Englifh romances. " Moold or foyle of crthe^foiumy** Prompt. Parv. Page 106, line 14. Plaie. " Plate" in the original. Page 106, line 28. To hafte. That is, to beat. " To baft, beat, fujie credere ^^ Coles. Bajl'ian^ a cudgel. *' Baculusy a. bafton, a ftafFe," Nomenclator, 1585. Bumbde^ ftruck, beat. The verb to bum^ to beat, is ftill in ufe in the North. Vnguentum Bakaline^ ointment for the back. Page 107, line 19. He fpurres his cutte. That is, his horfe. " Am I their cutt ? muft Jack march with bag and baggage," Play of Sir Thomas More. " But mafter, 'pray ye, let me ride upon Cut," Sir John Oldcaftle. He's buy me a white cut forth for to ride, And ile goe feeke him throw the world that is fo wide. The Tnjoo Noble Kinfmen^ 1634., p. 42. Page 108, line 8. Her life. " His life" in the original. Page no, line 17. Bedjiaffe. A wooden pin in the fide of the bedftead for holding in the bed-clothes. " Hoftefle, lend vs another bedftafFe here quickly," Every Man in his Humour, ed. 1601, fig. C. 4. Page III, line 12. Did laugh a-good. In good earneft. " The world laughed a-good at thefe jefts," Armin'sNeft of Ninnies, 1608. " This mery aunfwer made them all laughe a-good," North's Plutarch. Page 112, line i. Defcription of a monjlrous pig. " Receved of Garrad Dewes, for his lycenfe for 294 NOTES. pryntinge of a py6lure of a monfterus pygge at Hamfted/' Regifters of the Company of Stationers, 1562. There are two views of the pig in the original broadfide. Page 112, line 19. Flean. That is, flayed. Page 113, line 15. The tune of Li gh tie Loue. This tune, which is conftantly alluded to by our early writers, and twice by Shakefpeare, will be found in Chappell's Popular Mufic of the Olden Time, p. 224. The words of the original fong have not been dif- covered. " Hee'l dance the morris twenty mile an houre, and gallops to the tune of Light a' love^^ Two Noble Kinfmen, 1634, p. ']']. The earlieft notice of the tune yet met with occurs in Prodlor's Gorgious Gallery of Gallant Inventions, 1578, in which " the louer exhorteth his lady to be conftant, to the tune of. Attend thee, go play thee." It commences, — Not light of lone, lady, Though fancy doo prick thee. Page 114, line i. Nicyngs and ticings. Pretty follies and allurements. Tyfeng for enticing occurs in Aminta, 1628. Page 114, line 6. Shouer, Perhaps for Jhiver^ tremble. Page 114, line 10. Glofe. Diflimulation ; falfehood. Tell me, Gobrias, doft thou fimplie thinke That this dilcourle is naught but naked truth. Or elfe fome forged or dilTembled glofe. The IVarres of Cyrus ^ King of Perfia, 1594. Page 114, line 15. And you twincke. " Twynkyne wythe the eye, conniveo^^ Prompt. Par v. Some turne the whites up, fome looke to the foote ; Some winke, fome twinke, fome blinke, &c. Lane^s Tom Tel-Troths Meffage, 1600. Page 115, line 18. Bearyng your louers in hande. To bear in hand, that is, to perfuade to a falfe conclufion. *' I beare in hande, I threp upon a man that he hath done a dede or make hym byleve fo,'* Palfgrave, 1530. NOTES. 2^5 Page 1 1 8, line i. Sapartons Alarum, There was licenfed to Colwell, in 1569-70, " a ballett intituled my gentle John Saperton," who may be the fame perfon with the author of the prefent ballad. Page 119, line 14. What thoe? What then? This expreffion alfo occurs in Shakefpeare. See Henry the Fifth, a61: ii. fc. i. Page 120, line 5, The harded horfe. The horfe equipped with military trappings or ornaments. " Their horfeswerebarded for feareofarrowefhotte,"Palfgrave, 1530. " At all alarmes he was the firft man armed, and that at all points, and his horfe ever barded," Comine's Hiftory, 1596. The word is fometimes written barbed. * Page 120, line 30. Vnder the Lotterie houfe. The Lottery Houfe was fituated for many years near the weftern gate of St. Paul's Cathedral. It is defcribed by Stow as " an houfe of timber and boord." See his Annales, ed. 1615, p. 719. Page 122, line 13, A let. That is, a hindrance. " Let, impedimentum^' Huloet's Di£tionarie, 1572. " Let, impediment, hinderaunce," Baret's Alvearie, 1580. Page 122, line 27. Stroy. That is, deftroy. " Some they ftroye and fome they brenne," MS. Cantab. " Stroyed in difhonour," Antony and Cleopatra, a61: iii. fc. 9. Diflblving all her circles and her knots, AnAJiroying all her figures and her lots. Haringtons Orlando Furiofo, 1591. P. 123, line 19. The Groome-porters lawes at Mawe. The Groom-porter was an officer of the royal houfe- hold, whofe chief bufmefs it was to provide cards and dice, and to decide all difputes refpe6ting games of chance. Mawe was a favourite old game at cards, and is frequently alluded to. Braithwait obferves that " in games at cards, the maw requires a quicke con- ceit or prefent pregnancy," which implies that it was a game of unufuardifficulty. All the games at cards played by our anceftors were, however, more difficult ■^ u-Wa feu tucuM. mvi ^"^ r^ 296 NOTES. and complicated than thofe in vogue at the prefent day. Page 123, line 27. Vied cardes. Cards which have been betted upon. So, in Hall's Satires, — More than who 'vies his pence to fee Ibme tiicke Of ftrange Morocco's dumb arithmeticke. Page 125, line 12. Sodome and Gomorra. Kyrkham had a licenfe, in 1570-1, " for pryntinge of a ballett of Sodom and Gomore." Page 127, line 21. Shryked, " I fhrike, I kry out, as one dothe that is fodaynly afrayde, je me efcrie^* Palfgrave, 1530. Page 129, line 18. Amery halade. Alexander Lacy, the printer of this ballad, appears to have either died or retired from bufmefs about the year 1571. Page 130, line 7. Neither mocke nor mow. " I mowe vv^ith the mouthe, 1 mocke one ; he ufeth fo moche to mocke and movi^e, that he disfygureth his face," Palfgrave, 1530. Loute^ in the next line, has a fmiilar meaning, perhaps to contemn. " Lowted and forfaken of theym by whom in tyme he myght have bene ayded and relieved," Hall's Chronicle. This is alfo probably the meaning of the term in a paflage in the Firft Part of Henry the Sixth, a6t iv. fc. 3. Page 130, line 19. Houfe-kepers. Perfons who keep at home. Shakefpeare ufes the term in the fame fenfe in the play of Coriolanus. Page 131, line 2. To hyll. That is, to cover. " You muft hyll you wel nowe anyghtes, the wether is colde," Palfgrave, 1530. Page 131, line 8. «SW. That is, ferious. The ufe of the term in this fenfe was very common. Page 132, line 26. The ioh. The peck or ftroke. " Jobbyn wythe the bylle, byllen or jobbyn as bryddys," Prompt. Parv. Page 133, line i. The Othe of euerie Freeman. A woodcut of the City arms is at the top of this broad- fide. Hugh Singleton, the printer, appears to have ftarted in bufmefs about the year 1562. He died in 1592 NOTES. 297 or 159."^. A later copy of this oath is given in Stow's Survey of London, ed. 1633, p. 689. Page 133, line 7. Obey/ant. Submiffive. "That v/ere obeiflant to his hefte," Gower. Page 1 34, line 10. Neybourhed, loue^ ^c. " Receved of Rychard Lante for his lycenfe for pryntinge of a ballett intituled, how neyghborhed, love, and tru deal- inge ys gonne, iiij^.," Regiftersof the Stationers' Com- pany, 1561. Page 136, line 16. PercialneJJe. Partiality. Page 138, line 14. Philofophers learnynges. There is a row of five woodcuts at the top of this fheet. The firft one is alfo introduced by Colwell into Larke's Boke of Wifdome, ed. 1565, fig. B. i. Colwell had a licenfe " for pryntinge of a ballett intituled the philofifor lernynges" in 1568-9. Page 138, line 17. ^e pajfa. A dance, properly called ^ui pajfa^ but fometimes fpelt quipafcie or ky- pafcie. There is a fong " to the tune of Kypafcie" in the Handeful of Pleafant Delites, 1584. Page 139, line 5. Surance. Warrant; fecurity ; afiTurance. " Now give fome furance that thou art Revenge," Titus Andronicus, a6t v. fc. 2. Page 140, line 3. Corzye. Diflirefs ; inconve- nience. " To have a great hurt or domage, which we call a corfey to the herte," Eliote's Di6lionarie, 1559. Page 140, line 10. Exuperate, Surmount. (Lat.) Page 141, line 11. It is olde fyr "John. The title ofy/r was formerly the defignation of a Bachelor of Arts, and, in confequence, the Englifti clergy were diftinguifhed by this title affixed to their Chriftian names. Hence Shakefpeare introduces Sir Hugh, Sir Topas, &c. " Within the limits of myne own me- mory, all readers in chapels were called firs^' Ma- chell's MSS., temp. Car. H. Page 141, line 18. A gray e. A badger. " Grey, beeft, taxus^^ Prompt. Parv. '* Graye, a beefl:, taxe^"* Palfgrave, 1530. " Graye, bagger, brocke, a beaft," Huloet's Di6lionarie, 1572. Page 142, line 24. The fwap of the fw alow e. The 298 NOTES. flang expreffions in this and fome other of thefe bal- lads can only be conje6lurally explained. Can this mean, the blow of the drunkard ? Page 143, line 8. To bewite. To hinder. Page 143, line 11. Mome. A blockhead. ^^ Ca- parrone^ a pugge, an ape, a munkie, a babuine, a gull, a ninnie, a mome, a fot," Florio's Worlde of Wordes, 1 598. " She will make a mome of thee, if fhee get the upper hand once," Withals' Di6lionarie, ed. 1608, p. 460. And pluck up thy hart, thou faint-harted mome ; As long as I lyve, thou ftialt take no harme. T/ie ConfliSi of Confcience^ by N. Woodes^ 1581. And yet, to fpealce the veritie, I roame not farre from home j My yeeres be not expyred yet that bound me for a mome. The Cajiell of Courtejie^ by James Yates ^ 1582. Page 143, line 12. Talle. Valiant; warlike. "He is as tall a man as any in lUyria," Twelfth Night. Page 145, line i. Marueilous Jiraunge F'ljhe. This is one of the earlieft broadfides relating to " ftrange fifhes'* known to exift, and is a modeft account in comparifon with that given by Stowe of a fifh taken near Ramfgate in 1574, one of the eyes of which, " being taken out of his head, was more then fix horfes in a cart could draw ; a man ftoode upright in the place from whence the eye was taken;" An- nales, ed. 1615, p. 677. The fondnefs of the public for exaggerated accounts of fuch things is pleafantly ridiculed by Shakefpeare, — " Here's another ballad, Of a fifh, that appeared upon the coafl, on Wednefday the fourfcore of April, forty thoufand fathom above water, and fung this ballad againfl the hard hearts of maids." I am not acquainted with any very early ballad refpect- ing a fifh, but in the Miller colle61:ion is a broadfide, " The Difcription of a rare or rather mofl monflrous fifhe, taken on the Eafl Cofl of Holland the xvii. of Nouember, anno 1566," at the conclufion of which are fome verfes commencing thus, — NOTES. 299 As thou this formed fiflie doeft fee I-chaiinged from his Itate, So many men in eche degree From kynd degenerate ; To monfters men are turned now, Difguifed in their raye, For in theyr fonde inuentions new They kepe no meane ne ftaye. Page 145, line 14. Scooles. Shoals. "Into the town of Rochell, they fay, God hath fent 2ijkull of fifh for their rehef," MS. Harl. 388. Page 146, line 15. Daye fertayne. The comma here fhould be placed after the word daye. In the 15th line of this page the laft word in the line is, in the original, mifprintedy^r/^/«/^/«^/V. Page 146, line 17. The Kinges Head in new FiJ))- ftreat. A celebrated tavern for the " faft" men of the time of Elizabeth, noted for its wines. " Ha' your diet-drinke ever in bottles ready, which muft come from the Kings-head,'' Ben Jonfon's Magnetick Lady, ed. 1640, p. 37. " The King's-head in New Fifh-ftreet, where royfters do range," Newes from Bartholomew Fayre. Page 147, line 12. Thefantaftes, This poem and the three following are printed together in double columns on one page of a large broadfide. This firft one is alfo found amongft the " Songes and Sonnettes of Uncer- tain Auftours," in Tottel's Mifcellany, 1557, there •headed, " Of the mutabilitie of the world." Lacy, in 1565-6, had a licenfe "for prynting of a ballett intituled a fonge of Appelles, with another dytty ," and Griffith, in the fame year, " for prynting of a ballett intituled of Apelles and Pygmalyne, to the tune of the fyrft Apelles.'' Lacy, however, a Ifoin the fame year, had a licenfe " for pryntinge of a ballett intituled the Fantifes of a trubbled mans hed;" fo that the firft poem in the prefent broadfide may have been ifl^ied feparately. Page 147, line 17. A fea ofwofullforrowes. " Or to take arms againft a fea of troubles," Hamlet. Page 148, line 10. And h» "As is," ed. 1557. w 300 NOTES. Page 148, line 17. Payne. " Gaine," ed. 1557, which has alfo runne for rome in the next line but one. Page 149, line 12. Of euyll tounges. This is alfo printed in Tottel's Mifcellany, 1557, the prefent copy giving the name of the author, which was unknown to the compiler of that work. Page 150, line 5. Te make great hatred. In ed. 1557 this ftanza commences thus, — Ye make great warre, where peace hath been of long ; Ye bring rich realmes to ruine and decay. Page 151, line 24. Coucht. Laid; placed. This term was fpecially applied to artiftic work. Alle of palle werke fyne, CoiAJchide with newyne. — MS. Lincoln. Page 152, line 2. A worlde it was to fee. That is, it was worth a world to fee, it was wonderful to fee. '* It is a worlde to fe him lowte and knele," Palfgrave, 1530. *' It is a worlde to fee what a wit wickednefTe hath," Racfter's Booke of the Seven Planets, 1598. It is a worlde to fee cache feate difplaying wife, Of Venus nimphes, of curtizans, whom folly doth difguife. Grange'' s Golden Apkroditis, XS77' But, Lord, it is a world to fee how foolifh fickle youth Accompts the fchoole a purgatorie, a place of paine and ruth. The Chariot of Chajlitie, by James Yates ^ 1582. Page 154, line 7. Roifiers, Rioters. If he not reeke what ruffian roifiers take his part, He weeldes unwifely then the mace of Mars in hand. Mirrourfor Magijlrates^ ap. Nares. Page 154, line 12. Crake. " I crake, I bofte, je me vante ; whan he is well whyttelled, he wyll crake goodly of his manhode," Palfgrave, 1530. *' Cracke or to bragge foolyfhely, exultare^^ Huloet's Didlion- arie, 1572. Page 154, line 29. Gage. A pledge or pawn. **He NOTES. 301 that taketh a gage for a furetie of payment," Baret's Alvearie, 1580. Page 156, line 2. Holborne Hill. Holborn Hill was always the road through which criminals, taken from Newgate to be hung at Tyburn, were condudted. There are innumerable references to this in our old writers. Page 156, line 17. Capichlni. So in the original. " Behold yet a new fwarm of locufts, the order of the Capuchins, and of thofe fhamelefs companions which attribute unto themfelves the name of the companie of Jefus, which are within thefe forty years crawled out of the bottomlefs pit," Sermon publifhed in 1587. Page 157, line 3. Lies. "Lie" in the original. Page 157, line 8. The faire Widow of TVatUng Jireet. This ballad has no connedtion with the play fo called. It was entered in the Stationers' Regifters by Richard Jones in Auguft, 1597, as "two ballads, being the firft and fecond partes of the Widowe of Watling Street.'* No copy printed by Jones is known to exift, the prefent, ifl'ued by Pavier, being the earlieft edition yet difcovered. There is a later copy in the Roxburghe colledlion " printed for Fr. Cowles. " Page 157, line 12. To the tune of Bragandary. In Anthony Wood's colle61:ion of ballads at Oxford is one entitled, " A Defcription of a ftrange and mira- culous fifti caft upon the fands in the meads, in the hundred of Worwell in the county Palatine of Chefter or Chefheire; to the tune of Bragandary." Page 158, line 25. For-why. Becaufe. Page 162, line 6. Fauor. Countenance. "He was a youth of fine favour and fhape," Bacon's Hiftory of Henry the Seventh. Page 162, line 20. J fort. A company. "What care I for waking a forte of clubbifli loutes," Enter- lude of Jacob and Efau, 1568. "A fort of country fellows," Tale of a Tub. " Ye fhall be flain, all the fort of you," Pfalms. Page 162, line 23. Witneffes. " Witnefle" in the original, and fo alfo in the Roxburghe copy. 302 NOTES. Page 163, line 9. Jnd hozv it fell. '* And how it befell, they two mark'd it well," Roxburghe ed. Page 163, line 19. As the fcufe, " An excufe," ed. Roxburghe. This is fimply a modernization. Scufe for excufe occurs in Shakefpeare. Page 163, line 23. Tou majiers. " My mafters," Roxburghe ed. Page 164, line 6. ^od the w'lddow, " Quoth the young man," Roxburghe ed. Page 164, line 11. He. " She" in the original, cor- rected in the Roxburghe copy. Page 164, line 18. To Jpeake fo. The word y^, wanting in the original, is fupplied by conjecSture. The Roxburghe copy reads /"//. Page 165, line 4. Stafnberd. Stammered. " Stam- ber, or to ftutte, tituho^' Huloet's Didtionarie, 1572. *' Playes on thoughts, as girls with beads, when their mafle they ftamber," Armin's Neft of Ninnies, 1608. Page 165, line 15. To loofe.^ at the leaf. Thefe two lines are thus given in the Roxburghe edition, — For forfeit even all the goods he poffeft, To loofe both his eares, and banifht fo reft. Page 166, line 15. Ahnightie God I pray. This and the next article are printed on one broadfide page. The initial letters of the lines in the prefent poem read, when placed together, — " Tempvs edax rervniy Time bryngethe al thynges to an ende, qvod Chriftopher Wilfon." Page 167, line 6. Xpe. Chrifte. Page 169, line 15. Reduce. Bring back (Lat.) " The mornynge, forfakyng the golden bed of Titan, reduced the defyred day," Hiftory of Lucres and Eurialus, 1560. Page 173, line 17. Trone. " Trone or feate royall, thronus ; trone-litter, or he that fytteth in Maieftye, altitronus,'" Huloet's Didionarie, 1572. Page 174, line 15. Pepper is black e. There was a dance-tune fo called. " When his wench or frifkin was footing it aloft on the greene, with foote out and NOTES. 303 foote in, and as bufie as might be at Rogero, Bafilino, Turkelony, all the flowers of the broom, Pepper is black,'' &c., Naih's Have With You to Saffron- Walden, 1596. The tune is found in the Dancing Mailer, 1650. See it in Chappell's Popular Mufic, p. 121. Page 175, line 15. Baggage. Refufe. " Scum off the green baggage from it, and it will be a water,*' Lupton's Thoufand Notable Things. Page 178, line 8. An Epitaph. The name of the Lord Mayor was Avenon, not Avenet, as here given. The death of this eftimable lady in July was, fmgularly enough, followed by the widower's marriage on Odiober 22nd in the fame year. " 1570, OQi. 22, was married Sir Alexander Avenon, Lord Mayor, and miftrefs Blunden, widow, by a licenfe, within his own houfe," Regifter of Allhallows, Bread Street, ap. Malcolm, ii. 12. The epitaph upon this lady is recorded in Stow's Survay of London, ed. 16 18, p. 496. His firft wife, the lady commemorated in the ballad, was Elizabeth, daughter of John Slow of King's Norton. See a pedigree in MS. Harl. 1096. Page 178, line 18. Fine. End. This word is now only ufed in the expreflion, in fine. Page 179, line 10. Schortchyng. The r is probably inferted by miftake in this word, which feems to be merely a form o^ fcotching. Page 179, line 14. Could not want. That is, could not do without. " I myffe, I wante a thyng that I feke for," Palfgrave, 1530. ^^ De cela je ne puis pajfer.^ I can by no meanes want it, I cannot bee without it," Cotgrave. And he is one that cannot wanted be, But ftill God keepe him farre enough from me. Workes of Taylor^ the Water-Poety 1630, ii. 134. Page 181, line 18. Keyfar, An old term for an emperor, confidered by fome to be a corruption of Caefar. " Es there any kyde knyghte, kayfere or other," Morte Arthure, MS. Lincoln. " Mighty kings and kefars into thraldom brought," Spenfer. 304 NOTES. : " To be kaifer or kyng of the kyngdom of Juda," ■ Piers Ploughman. I Page 182, line 10. J famous dittie. " The 12. of i Nouember the queenes maieftie, returning after her \ progrefTe, came to her manor of S. James, where the j citizens of London, to the number of 200, the graueft j fort in coats of veluet and chaines of gould, on horfe- ; back, and 1000 of the companies on foote, hauing with them 1000 men with torches ready there to giue light on euery fide, for that the night drew on, receiued and welcomed her." — Stoius Jmiales^ p. 700. j Page 182, line 14. Wigmores Galliard. This tune \ is given in Chappell's Popular Mufic of the Olden i Time, p. 242, from William Ballet's MS. Lute-Book, j It is frequently alluded to by our early writers. ■ " This will make my matter leap out of the bed for \ joy, and dance Wigmore's Galliard in his fhirt about i his chamber," Middleton's Five Gallants. Page 186, line 13. A meruaylous Jiraunge deformed \ Swyne. This and other marvels of the time are ; thus alluded to in a letter from Bifhop Jewell to I H. Bullinger, written in Auguft, 1562, — " Incredibilis \ fuit hoc anno toto apud nos coeli atque aeris j intemperies. Nee fol, nee luna, nee hyems, nee ver, i nee aeftas, nee autumnus, fatisfeeit officium fuum. Ita \ efFatim et pene fme intermiflione pluvit, quafi facere jam ; aliud coelum non queat. Ex hae contagione nata funt \ monftra : infantes fcedum in modum deformatis \ corporibus, alii prorfus fme capitibus, alii capitibus \ alienis ; alii trunci fme brachiis, fme tibiis, fme i cruribus ; alii oflibus folis cohaerentes, prorfus fme \ uUis carnibus, quales fere imagines mortis pingi folent. | Similia alia eomplura nata funt e porcis, ex equabus, e \ vaccis, e gallinis. Meflis hoc tempore apud nos i anguftius quidem provenit, ita tamen ut non poffimus \ multum conqueri." | Page 187, line 8. Tallents. Talons. This form i of the word was very common, and the occafion of! many a quibble. " Are you the kite, Beaufort ? \ Where's your talents ?" Firft Part of the Contention, ; 1600. i NOTES. 305 Page 188, line 17. White-fajie. That is, white- faced. Page 190, line 8. Love deferveth Love. This, and the four pieces which follow, are not printed, but ac- company the ballads in contemporary manufcript. Page 190, line 19. He heares her gloue. The glove of a lady, worn in a helmet as a favour, was confidered a very honourable token, and much of the wearer's fuccefs was fuppofed to be derived from the virtue of the lady. See Nares, in v. Page 19 1, line 2. Tell me^fweete girle. There is another MS. of this ballad in MS. Afhmole 781, be- ginning, " Tell mee, fweete harte^*' fol. 145. Page 192, line 9. Crofs-row. The alphabet, faid to be fo called from the crofs prefixed to it in the early horn-book. Thine eies taught me the alphabet of love, To kon my crois-rowe ere I learn *d to fpell. Drayton's Idea. Page 194, line 8. y/ monjirous Child. " Receved of John Sampfon, for his lycenfe for the pryntinge of a monfterus chylde which was bornne at Maydeftone, iiij.<^," Regifters of the Stationers' Company, 1568-9. This entry is not inconfiftent with the imprint, Sampfon frequently ftyling himfelf Awdeley, which was, in fad, his alias. The original is embellifhed with two hideous wood-engravings, fhowing the front and back of the child. Page 194, line 22. Played the naughty packe. "A whore, queane, punke, drab, flurt, ftrumpet, harlot, cockatrice, naughty pack ^ light hufwife, common hack- ney," Cotgrave. Page 195, line 3. Libardes. " Libarde, leopardus.^^ Huloet's Didionarie, 1572. " Hee is a moft excel- lent turner, and wil turne you walfel-bowles and pof- fet-cuppes, carv'd with libberdes faces and lyons heades, with fpoutes in their mouthes to let out the pofTet-ale moft artificially," Sir Gyles Goofecappe, 1606. 306 NOTES. Page 197, line 16. To the tune of Fortune. This favourite old tune is given in Queen Elizabeth's Vir- ginal Book, and in various other mufical compilations. See a long account of it in Chappell's Popular Mufic, p. 162. Page 198, line 9. Shute. Robert Shute w^as a Juftice of the Queen's Bench from the year 1586 until his death in 1590. See Fofs's Judges of Eng- land, vol. V. p. 541. Page 201, line i. A difcriptlon of a mon/irous Chylde. " The iiij day of June ther was a chyld brov/th to the cowrte in a boxe, of a ftrange fegur, vi^ith a longe ftrynge commyng from the navyll, — browth from Chechefter," Machyn's Diary, 1562, ed. J. G. Ni- chols, p. 284. Francis Godliff had a licenfe, in 1562, for " the pyiSture of a monftrus chylde which was bourne at Chechefter." See Herbert's Ames, p. 1325. Page 202, line 11. Our. The original has zV, and the alteration may be unnecefTary. When it was made, it was not recolle6ted that it occafionally ftands for yet. " And zV, God knowes what may befall," Marriage of Wit and Wifdome, 1579. Page 202, line 15. A lame. A lamb. "Lam or loom, yonge fcheep, agnus^* Prompt. Parv. " Agnus^ a lame ; agna., a new lame," Nominale MS. Page 203, line 2. The calues and pygges fo Jiraunge. "This yeare (1562) in England were manie mon- ftruous births. In March, a mare brought foorth a foale with one bodie and two heads, and, as it were, a long taile growing out betweene the two heads. Alfo a fow farrowed a pig with foure legs like to the armes of a manchild with armes and fingers, &c. In Aprill, a fow farrowed a pig with two bodies, eight feet, and but one head. Manie calves and lambs were mon- ftruous, fome with collars of fkin growing about their necks like to the double ruffes of fhirts and necker- chers then ufed. The foure and twentith of Male, a manchild was borne at Chichefter in SufTex, the head, armes and legs whereof were like to an anatomic, the breaft and bellie monftruous big, from the navill as it NOTES. 307 were a long firing hanging ; about the necke a great collar of flefh and fkin growing like the ruffe of a fhirt or neckercher comming up above the eares, pleited and folded, &c." Holinfhed's Chronicles, ed. 1587, vol. 3, p. U95. Cf. Stow's Annales, ed. 1615, p. 647. Page 206, line 7. D'lfgeji. A common form of d'lgeji. " I have fet you downe one or two examples to try how ye can difgeji the maner of the devife," Puttenham. Page 2c6, line 27. Take. ''Toke" in the original. Page 207, line 28. Mejfe. Entertainment. The term is generally applied to a party of four. " And you are the fourth, to make up the mefl'e," WapulFs Tyde Taryeth no Man, 1576. "The mefle of conftables were fhrunke to three," Taylor's Workes, fol. Lond. 1630. Page 208, line 2. Lidgate.^ Wager.^ Barclay and Bale. There was a William Wager, the author of the comedy called. The Longer thou Liueft the more Foole thou Art, n. d. Another comedy by him, enti- tled, 'Tis Good fleeping in a Whole Skin, was amongft the number of plays deftroyed by Warburton's fervant, and Winftanley afcribes the play of the Trial of Chivalry to the fame writer. The perfon alluded to in the text may, however, be Lewis Wager, the author of "A new Enterlude, never before this tyme imprinted, entreating of the Life and Repentaunce of Marie Magdalene," 1567. The other writers alluded to in the text are too well known to require a note. Page 211, line I. Fynjhery fylde. Open fields outfide Moorgate. They were ufed for archery meet- ings, and, at a period later than the probable date of this ballad, they were the favourite refort of the citizens for walking. It would appear, from the fatirical remarks of the writer, that Finfbury Fields were, at this early period, infefted with thieves. There is a long and interefting account of the hiftory of this fpot in Stow's Survey of London, ed. 1633, p. 475. 3o8 NOTES. Page 211, line 3. J nylde, A needle. "Like pricking neelds, or points of fwords," Lucan's Phar- falia by Sir A. Gorges, 16 14. Page 211, line 20. I pas not moche. I care not much. "To pafTe (care), moror ; I pafs not for it, quid mea ; I pafTe not for his help, ejus operam nihil moror" Coles. Page 214, line 9. Cornells TVoltrop, No printer of this name is mentioned by Ames or Herbert. Page 214, line 11. Js pleafant a dittie. This popular ballad is printed in Robert Jones's Firft Booke of Songs and Ayres, 1 601, with the mufic. In Marfton*s Dutch Courtezan, 1605, Francifchina, who is the Dutch courtezan, fmgs in broken Englifh, — Mine mettre fing non oder fong, But ftill complaine me doe her wrong, For me did but kifle her, For me did but kis her. And fo let her go! That its popularity extended to Holland is proved by the Dutch words to the tune printed in Starter's Boertigheden, 4to. Amft. 1634. It is alfo quoted more than once by Shirley. Page 214, line 14. I do. " I did," ed. Jones, 1601; and in the next line, was for is. Page 215, line 2. Js teehe. This jocular term was ufed to fignify the noife made in laughing. " Ye tee-heeing pixy," Exmoor Scolding. Page 215, line 10. Was this any harme. "This was no harme," ed. Jones, 1601. In the next line, that printed copy reads, — "But fhee, alas, is angrie ftill;" and, after this ftanza, there is only the following one, correfponding to the laft verfe in our copy, — Yet fure her lookes bev^raies content. And cunningly her brales are meant j As louers vfe to play and fport, When time and lelfure is too-too fhort. Page 219, line 17. In a breef. We now fay, in brief. The form of the phrafe, as it occurs in the text, is very unufual. NOTES. 309 Page 220, line 5. Jt randon. A common old form, and the more correal, (Fr.) Oh yes, it may, thou haft no eyes to fee. But hatefully <2/ randon doeft thou hit. Venus and Adonis^ ed. 1593, fig. F. 4, v*. Page 221, line i. Good Fellowes. This and the next ballad are on one broadfide page. There appears to have been an earlier edition, for Griffith had a licenfe, in 1567-8, "for the pryntinge of a ballett intituled, Good felowes mufte go learne to daunce. Page 221, line 5. J brail. ^*- BranJIe^ a brawle, or daunce, wherein many men and women, holding by the hands, fometimes in a ring, and otherwhiles at length, moue all together," Cotgrave's Di6lionarie, ed. 1611. Page 221, line 6. TChe tryxt. That is, the neateft. *'Tricke, gallaunt and trymme, cultus^ eligans; tricke, gallaunt or trimme wench," Huloet's DiiStionarie, ed. 1572. Page 221, line 16. Slyper fajle, Faftened in a flippery manner. '* Slypper, gl'ijfcint^^ Palfgrave, 1530- Page 221, line 23. In hauderycke wyfe. That is, in the manner of a belt. It appears to have been a technical term applied to bells. " Payd to goodman Godden, for makinge the buckelle to the baldrike, and truffinge up the belle, \].s. viij.<^," MS. Accounts, Stratford-on-Avon, 1592. Page 221, line 25. A Jhurte after the Moryce guyfe. Alluding, perhaps, to the ftreamers worn by Morris- dancers on their fleeves, which fluttered in the wind, fpecimens of which are {0.^x1 in the celebrated Tollett window. Page 221, line 27. A wyffler. Wiflers were per- fons who went before a leading perfonage in a pro- ceffion to clear the way. . They were furniflied with wands, and formerly were an eflential part of every proceffion of any magnitude. " Faffing the gate, 310 NOTES. wifflers, fuch officers as were appointed by the mayor to make me way through the throng of the people which preft (o mightily upon me, with great labour I got thorow that narrow preaze into the open market- place," Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder, 1600. Page 222, line 5. // /kylles not. It matters not. " It (kills not greatly who impugns our doom," Second Part of Henry the Sixth, a(St: iii. fc. i. Page 222, line 10. Or at Cotfolde. The allufion to dancing on the Cotfwold hills may here probably refer to the ftiepherds' feftivals in that locality alluded to by Drayton. The Cotfwold games were not inftituted until a later period. Page 223, line 2. IVyttie Watte. Wat was an old name for a hare, and" hence ufed for a wily perfon. The more ufual expreffion was Wily Wat. Cuttinge^ fwaggering. '' Wherefore have I fuch a companie of cutting knaves to waite upon me ? '* Hiftorie of Friar Bacon. Page 223, line 6. Hyleye. That is, highly. Page 223, line 15. The byllhowes are not made it. That is, not made yet. The bilboes were a fpecies of flocks ufed for the punifhment of failors. " The pore feloe was put into the bilboes., he being the firft upon whom any punyfliment was fhewd," MS. Journal of a Sea Voyage, temp. Eliz. Page 224, line i . The braineles blejftng of the Bull. Lacy had a licenfe in 1570 " for pryntinge of a ballett intituled the brayneles bleflynge of the bull." *' The 25. of May in the morning was found hanging at the Bifhop of Londons palace gate, in Paules Church- yard, a Bull which lately had beene fent from Rome containing diuerfe horrible treafons againft the Queenes maiefty, for the which one lohn Felton was Ihortly after apprehended, and committed to the Tower of London." — Stow's Jnnales^ ed. 1615, p. 666. This ballad is equalled in fiercenefs, and is well illuftrated, by an exceedingly curious contemporary tra6t entitled, " A Difclofmg of the great Bull, and certain calues that he hath gotten, and fpecially the NOTES. 311 Monfter Bull that roared at my Lord Byfhops gate," n.d. Page 224, line 14. Bleathes. Bellows ? This word may poflibly be conne6ted with the provincial term blether^ to make a great noife. '* The felfe fame monfter Bull is he that lately roared out at the Bifhops Palace gate, in the greateft citie of England, horrible blafphemies agaynft God, and villanous difhonors agaynft the nobleft queene in the world, Elizabeth, the lawfuU Queene of England ; he ftamped and fcraped on the ground, flong duft of fpitefuU fpeches and vaine curfes about him, pufhed with his homes at her noble counfellors and true fubiecSles, and for pure anger all to berayed the place where he ftoode," A Difclofmg of the great Bull, n. d. Page 225, line 10. Clots. *' Clodde or to clotte lande, occo.^^' Huloet's Di61:ionarie, ed. 1572. '' No clot in clay," Legen, CathoL, p. 2. Page 225, line 14. Gage my head, A common jocular form of a wager. So Biron exclaims, — I'll lay my head to any good man's hat, Thele oaths and laws will prove an idle fcorn. , Page 225, line 16. Syfe. " Syfe, waxe candell, bougee^'' Palfgrave, 1530. In the folemn form of excommunication, the bell was tolled, the book of offices for the purpofe ufed, and three candles extinguifhed, with certain ceremonies. See further in Nares, in v. Belly Book^ and Candle. Page 225, line 30. Hardyngs cow. " Since he (the bull) came ouer fo lately difguifed, he hath light upon certaine ranke kyen, who 1 thinke by their long forbearing are become the luftier, that is, treafon, fuperftition, rebellion and fuch other, and with them he hath fo beftirred him that, by the helpe of maifter Do6tor Harding, Sanders, and other, fome there, fome here, iolly cowkeepers and herdemen of Popifh clergie, which fent and brought him ouer, and brake open for him the feuerall hedges and fenfes of true religion, obedience, allegeance, fayth, and honeftie, he hath be- 312 NOTES. gotten a marueilous number of calues in fewe yeares,*' A Difclofing of the great Bull, n. d. Page 226, line 2. Butcher Row. There was a place fo called near the Strand, " from the butchers' fhambles on the fouth fide," Strype, iv. 118, ap. Cunningham. Page 226, line 5. Walthams calues. In allufion to the old proverb about Waltham's calf, which ran nine miles to fuck a bull. " Some running and gadding calues, wifer than Walthams calfe that ranne nine miles to fucke a bull, for thefe runne aboue nine hundred miles," A Difclofing of the great Bull, n. d. Page 226, line 26. A twitch. A touch. So we have twiche-box^ a touch-box, in the play of Damon and Pithias. Page 227, line 10. What lyfe is heft. This is in manufcript and figned by the initials I. G. in a monogram. It is fimilar in chara6ter and evidently by the fame writer as the poem already printed at p. 192, but it is on a feparate paper, and apparently another effay. Page 228, line i. The cr'ie of the poore. Henry, the third Earl of Huntingdon, married Catherine, daughter to John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, and dying at York in December, 1595, in the fixty- firft year of his age, was buried at Afhby-de-la-Zouch with great folemnity. The expenfes of his funeral amounted to nearly ii 400. The corpfe was embalmed at an expenfe of =£28 ; liveries to fixty poor men, <£6o; in alms to the poor of divers parifhes, .£26 1 3^. 4^. The wood-engraving which illuftrates the original-ballad was probably intended for fome other fimilar fcene, and may have been previoufly ufed for another purpofe. Certain it is, at leaft, that the Earl died inteftate, adminiftration to his efPedls having been granted in June, 1596, to his brother George, who fucceeded to the title. See the Adminiitrations in the Court of Probate, London, 3 June, 1596. The Earl, whofe death is here la- mented by one to whom he had probably been a kind patron, was diftinguifhed by his piety and goodnefs. NOTES. 313 There are letters of his to the Bifhop of Chefter, ftill extant, in which he fpeaks of his ftrenuous endeavours to obtain good preachers for the people. Page 229, line 2. Soufe. " I fouce meate, I laye it in fome tarte thynge, as they do brawne or fuche lyke," Palfgrave, 1530. Page 229, line 13. OfTorke he was Prefident made by her grace. " Henry Earle of Huntingdon was made Prefident of the Councell in the North. This Prefi- dentfliip, which is now full of honour, hath from a poore beginning grown up in fhort time to this great- nefle,** Camden's Annales of 1574, ed. 1635, p. 179. Page 232, line i. The IVeJlmerlande hull. So, in the ballad of the Rifing in the North, — Lord Weftmorland his ancyent raifde, The Dun Bull he rays'd on hye. " The fupporters of the Nevilles, Earls of Weftmore- land, were Two Bulls Argent, ducally coUar'^d Gold, armed Or, &c. In another ballad his banner is thus defcribed, — Sett me up my faire dun bull, With gilden homes, hee beares all foe hye." Note by BiJIiop Percy, Page 232, line 13. Sir John Swingbreeche. The Proteftants of this time were fond of giving jocular names to priefts. So, in a contemporary manufcript, we have the names of Sir John Lack-Latin, Sir John Mumble-Matins, and Sir John Smell-fmoke. Page 232, line 17. Though yet they lye lurkyng. " What a fond and folifhe ende thefe rebells have made of their traiterous rebellion. They alwais fled afore us after we cam firft within xij. myles of them, and we folowed after them as faft as we might, with- out reft ; neverthelefs you fee how they bee efcaped, which they might eafily do in this waft and defolat country," Sadler to Cecil, State Papers. Page 232, line 21. But her Maieji'ie of mercie is en- dued with fl ore. . So, in a rare poem. An Aunfwere to the Proclamation of the Rebels in the North, 1569, — 3J4 NOTES, If lenity may make men rife, Or meekneffe gender yre, If cold may caule the coles to burne. Or water kindell fire; If adamant may thruft away The iron or the fteel, Or fhining fun the naked man May caufe the colde to feele ; Then may our Queene Elizabeth Be thought to be the caufe, Why thefe rebels do go about The breaking of hir lawes. Page 234, line 7. Oi'de. A common augmenta- tive. '' On Sunday at mafle, there was olde ringing of bels," Tarlton's Newes out of Purgatorie, 1590. " We fhall have old fwearing," Merchant of Venice, a6t iv. fc. 2. Page 234, line 21. Next. Nigheft ; neareft. " Home, home, the next way,** Winter's Tale, a(St iii. fc. 3. Page 235, line 10. Vpfedowne. Upfide-down. Thus es this worlde torned upfodowne, Tyll many mans dampnacyowne. — Hampole. ** Tornyng upfodowne, /«^'z;^m(7«," Palfgrave, 1530. Page 236, line i. A dtttie. This ballad in honour of Thomas Howard, the fourth Duke of Norfolk, was probably written about the year 1561, when the Duke was ftill young, but yet had diftinguifhed himfelf as a fuccefsful commander, two fa6ls which are mentioned by the writer. Page 237, line 6. Thy pettigree. " Petygrewe, genealogie^'' Palfgrave, 1530. " Petigrewe, petigree, or geneologie,y?^;/zw^," Huloet's DicStionarie, 1572. Page 238, line i. Gifippus and his The. An allu- fion to the well-known ftory of Titus and Gifippus, related in the Decameron, x. 8. In 1562 appeared a poem by Edward Lewicke entitled, **The moft won- derfull and pleafaunt Hiftory of Titus and Gifippus, whereby is fully declared the figure of perfe6t frend- %p." NOTES. 315 Page 238, line 8. Turnoys. " Torno^ a turne, a twirle," Florio's Worlde of Wordes, 1598. Page 239, line 5. Js Noye. "A Noye" in the original, Noye being of courfe an old form of Noah. Page 239, line 10. A newe Ballade. The allufion to the uncertain fate of the rebels fixes the date of the compofition of this ballad to the earlier part of the year 1570. Page 241, line 11. leave. That is, ire. Page 242, hne 14. Aleuen. Eleven. " Aleuen widdowes and nine maides," Merchant of Venice, ed. 1623. Page 242, line 20. Plagued. " Plagud " in the original. Page 242, line 24. And. " Ond " in the original. Page 243, line 8. The true Difcripcion. There was a ballad at a later period on a fimilar odd birth, which was Hcenfed in 1586-7, as " a newe ballad inti- tuled Stowp gallant, concerning a child borne with great ruffes." In the original copy of the broadfide here printed, each fide of the leaf is filled with exactly the fame matter. There are two hideous woodcuts reprefenting the front and back of the child. Page 245, line 7. Spurk. That is, fpirt. Page 251, line I. Mother Watkins ale. This ballad is mentioned in a letter with the fignature of T. N. to his good friend A. M. [Anthony Munday], prefixed to the latter's tranflation of " Gerileon of England," 1592, — " T fhould hardly be perfwaded, that anie pro- feflbr of fo excellent a fcience (as printing) would be fo impudent to print fuch ribauldrie as Watkins Ale^ the Carman's Whiftle, and fundrie fuch other.'' The tune is preferved in Queen Elizabeth's Virginal Book in the Fitzwilliam Mufeum, Cambridge. See the mufic in Chappell's Popular Mufic of the Olden Time, p. 137. It has been ftated in print that the mufic, without the words, has been difcovered among the papers of Dr. Pepufch. This ftatement, however, is a filly and mifchievous fabrication. Page 251, line 4. Needs. "Needs" in the ori- ginal. Sithd^ in the next line, fighed. 3i6 NOTES. Page 251, line 7. Behard. Beheard, i. e., heard. Page 251, line 20. Mufkadine, A kind of fweet wine, frequently alluded to by our early writers. Cot- grave, in V. Mufcadet^ fpeaks of " a cyder which, made of a verie fmall and fweet apple, refembles muf- cadine in colour, taft, and fmell." Page 254, line i. Boivne. That is, fwell. The term is ftill in ufe in the provinces. Palfgrave has bowlne^ 1530- Page 254, line 29. Cat will after kind. A common old proverbial faying, immortalized by Touchftone, — If the cat will after kind, So, be fure, will Rofalind. " Cat after kinde, faith the proverbe, fwete milke wil lap," Enterlude of Jacob and Efau, 1568. " What is hatcht by a hen will fcrape like a hen, and cat after kinde will either hunt or fcratch, and you are an ill bird fo fowly to defile your neft.'' — FlorWs Second Frutes^ I59i« *' An evill bird layeth an ill egge, the cat will after her kinde, and ill tree cannot bring foorth good fruit, the young cub groweth craftie like the damme." — Jr^ raignment of Lewd, Idle, Frowardy and Unconjiant IVojuen^ 161 7, p. 44. Page 255, line 7. The Crowe fits vpon the wall. Entered on the Regifters of the Stationers' Company in 1591-2, " xviij. die Januarii, 1591, Henry Kirk- ham entred for his copie under Mr. Watkin's hande a ballad intituled the Crowe fhee fittes uppon the wall ; pleafe one and pleafe all." This ballad is of great intereft, being the only copy known of the one re- ferred to by Malvolio, — " But what of that, if it pleafe the eye of one, it is with me as the very true fonnet is, — Pleafe one, and pleafe all." Page 255, line 19. Their. This word is here, and alfo in line 12 of the next page, mifprinted her in the original copy of the ballad. Kircher^ kerchief. Page 256, line 19. Bulke. A fort of board or ledge outfide a houfe upon which articles were expofed NOTES. 317 for fale. " Balcone^ a bulke, a ftall of a fliop," Florio's Worlde of Wordes, 1598. Page 258, line 3. Be Jhe flaunt. That is, be fhe fine or fafhionable. Shakefpeare ufes the fubftantive flaunts.^ fineries, in the Winter's Tale, a6l iv. fc. 3. " The one a flaunting fellow, ufeth to wear a fcarlet cloak over a crimfon fattin fuit," Gee's Foot out of the Snare, 1624. , Page 260, line 2. Lord Henry IVr'ifley. The fecond Earl, born 30 November, 1546. See Efc. 4 Edw. VI., ii. 78. He was a devoted adherent of Mary Queen of Scots, an attachment which occafioned his being imprifoned in the Tower in 1572. Camden affigns the date of his death to the year 1583. See his Annales, ed. 1635, p. 255. This, however, is undoubtedly an error, for he died at the early age of thirty-five, on 06lober 4th, 1 581, as appears from the inquifition taken after his deceafe (Efc. 24 Eliz., i. 46). The date of the month, as given in the title of the ballad, is therefore erroneous. By his will, he direds his body to be interred in the Chapel of Tichfield Church, bequeathing fufficient money to his executors to renovate the faid chapel, which was to be divided by iron grating from the reft of the church. He alfo bequeaths the fum of .£200 to the poor. Warton's account of Tichfield is interefting and curious, — " I vifited Tichfield-houfe, Aug. 19, 1786, and made the following obfervations on what is now remaining there. The abbey of Tichfield being granted to the firft Earl, Thomas, in 1538, he converted it into a family man- fion, yet with many additions and alterations : we enter, to the fouth, through a fuperb tower, or Gothic portico, of ftone, having four large angular turrets. Of the monaftic chapel only two or three low arches remain, with the moor-ftone pilafters. The greater part of what may properly be called the houfe, forming a quadrangle, was pulled down about forty years ago. But the refe61:ory, or hall of the abbey, ftill remains complete, v/ith its original raftered roof of good work- manfliip : it is embattelled ; and has three Gothic j^'uVtu iiKWyih.WSu^ 3i8 NOTES. windows on each fide, with an oreille or oriel window. \ It is entered by a portico which feems to have been ' added by the new proprietor at the diflblution ; by : whom alfo the royal arms painted, with the portcullis ! and H. R. (Henricus Rex), were undoubtedly placed j over the high-table. At the other end is a mufic- ] gallery. Underneath is the cellar of the monaftery, ' a well- wrought crypt of chalk-built arches ; the ribs , and interfe6tions in a good ftyle. In a long cove-ceiled j room, with fmall parallel femicircular arches, are the ; arms of King Charles the Firft on tapeftry j he was ; prote6bed here in his flight from Hampton-court. Two or three Gothic-fhaped windows, perhaps of the ' abbey, in a part of the houfe now inhabited by a fteward j and other fervants. In thefe and other windows fome i beautiful fhields of painted glafs are preferved 5 parti- i cularly one of Henry the Eighth impaling Lady Jane \ Seymour, who were married at Maxwell, twenty miles : oft", and who feem from thence to have paid a vifit at i this place to Lord Southampton. Here are fome fine i old wreathed chimneys in brick. In an angle of the i dilapidated buildings, to the weft of the grand entrance \ or tower, is an elegant fhaft of a pilafter of polifhed : ftone, with the fpringing of an arch which muft have ; taken a bold and lofty fweep : thefe are fymptoms of; fome confiderable room or office of the monaftery." ■ Page 263, line 4. Ne, That is, not. j Page 266, line 6. Moue. "More" in the original. Page 267, line 19. The Bibles they did rent and teare, \ " Rent," that is, rend. " While with his fingers he \ his haire doth rent," Legend of Orpheus and Eury- ; dice, 1597. ; "Chriftians I can not terme you that haue defaced,; the Communion of Chriftians, and in deftroying the j booke of Chryftes moft holy Teftament, renounced : your parts by his Teftament bequethed unto you." — ! Norton^ To the ^eene's Maiejiies poore deceiued SubieSis \ of the Northe Contrey, IS^Q* | "The earles have beene at Durefme, with ther force j in armor, to perfwade the people to take ther partes, \ NOTES. 319 and fome of ther company have throwen downe the comunion table, and torne the Holy Bible in pieces, (o as it appereth dire6i:ly they intende to make religion ther grownd." — Letter from the Council of the North to the ^eeriy November 15th, 1569. FINIS, CHISWICK PRESS: — PRINTED BY WHITTINGHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. 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