> - 3 I' .' ^ - , *| _ i. >f -ir ^ ^ > .? s j-Xi^ T- ^i^- -^-* ^: * . 4y <^o^ ^ ^S vyr A^v^l X i : ^*V,r 1 w^ ^ >v? : 2|-'rO- fpAt- rfi>*il iu tf^ft ttirt ajxr i'a>flifut prtt* 2 a **** J aps 4Mif, x r^iv^rtw *,' Tv^HufA i" ~ aJCtjCiWB^ *? tffe- ^^ t^TS S QL^jfAH ffB^^iffrz^tcxSr *^ ^ ^ ^C'p.JtfW * w^,^ 1 Af^f* ap F" ^ '?***? *^*^^ * BHEVIAHIITM BARTHUI.OMEI OK JOHX MIRKEI-D. On Materia Medica. Sulfuraca. Sulfur. Spinac. Talpa. Taraarindi. Tamarisms. Tapsia. To face page 36 STUDY IN LONDON 37 warded off by hay prepared in a very harmless and charitable way. Three poor travellers are to be entertained on Christmas Eve and beds of hay are to be made for them. This hay is to be placed daily between the oxen from Christmas Day till Twelfth Day, and by the goodness of God they will be safe for the whole year. To recommendations of this sort Mirfeld usually adds some such phrase as * so it is said '. Mirfeld had witnessed the long wake- fulness of some cases of fever. His prayer to be used in such cases is based upon the legend of the Christians of Ephesus who outslept the age of perse- cution. The mention of the names of the seven sleepers of Ephesus Maximian, Malchus, Dionysius, Marcian, John, Constantine, and Serapion in rela- tion to insomnia was not confined to Christendom. It extended to the Mohammedan nations and is still in use among the Arabs in Algiers. Mirfeld was not afraid to bend over the patient in fever, and recommends that the thickly furred tongue should be wiped with a linen rag moistened in acid juice. If uncertain whether the patient was alive or dead, he put a little burnt lard to the nostrils. If alive, shows how much material had accumulated two centuries later on this subject for his third book beginning : lam quibus adversus pesteis, et semina dira, Morborum, accipitrumque lues, atque ulcera hiulca Praesidiis uti consultus debeat auceps : Quaque etiam plagas, lethaliaque obliget arte Vulnera, et obducto doceat coalescere callo, Exsequar ; haec longi nobis meta ultima cursus Scilicet, et tanto finem impositura labori. extends to more than nine hundred lines. 38 LECTURE I he found that the patient thereupon scratched his nose. Mirfeld's account of plague is based upon the chapter on the same subject in the Lilium Medicinae of Bernard of Gordon, written at Mont- pellier in 1305. On all general questions Mirfeld uses Bernard's words, but his numerous remarks on protection from infection, as well as the way in which he leaves the reader to infer that treatment is of very little use in the plague, point to actual experience ' tempore pestilenciae '. One of the greatest recorded epidemics of plague occurred during Mirfeld's lifetime, and he was probably old enough in 1348-57 to have observed its phenomena and must have talked with many men who survived the epidemic. His chapter ' De febribus pesti- lencialibus' reflects that time in the recommendations of numerous protective measures and in the observa- tion that vermin and brute beasts as well as men died and that the animals sometimes died when men did not ; but he makes no original clinical notes. In Part II skin diseases are described and couplets are often given to enable the memory to retain their names and symptoms. He is inclined to agree with Platearius of Salernum that all kinds of leprosy are incurable, yet in one case by very severe purga- tive pills he did good and the leprosy was relieved for almost three years, yet after that it reappeared distinctly. The diet, he says, must be restricted. The patient's bread must consist of two parts rye and one part barley. He must drink clear well-scented wine and may eat game and eggs. The flesh of STUDY IN LONDON 39 domestic animals is to be avoided as well as putrefied food, cheese, salt meat, hares, and pulse. Gout Mirfeld treats with an ointment made from goose fat, for the making of which he gives a metrical recipe : Anser sumatur Veteranus qui videatur Post deplumetur Intralibus evacuetur Intus ponatur Trita caro tota Catti mox pelle remota Mel sal fuligo Faba pondere jungitur aequo Unctum porcinum Thus cera sagmen ovinum Post hoc assatum Tune assus non comme- datur Vas supponatur Sagmen ut accipiatur Istud pinguamen Dat gutte cuique levamen Anseris unguentum Valet hoc super omne talentum. He treated chronic rheumatism by rubbing the part with olive oil. This was to be put into a clean vessel while the pharmacist made the sign of the cross and said two prayers over it, and when the vessel was put on the fire the Psalm * Quare fremuerunt gentes' was to be said as far as the verse ' Postula a me et dabo tibi gentes hereditatem tuam'. The Gloria and two prayers are then to be said and the whole repeated seven times. The mixture of prayers with pharmacy seems odd to us, but let it be remembered that Mirfeld wrote in a religious house, that clocks were scarce and watches unknown, and that in that age and place there was nothing inappropriate in measuring time by the minutes required for the repetition of so many verses of scripture or so many prayers. The 40 LECTURE 1 time occupied I have found to be a quarter of an hour. Scrophulus (scrofula) is, he says, according to Johannicius, nothing more than multiplied glands. If other methods of treatment fail we go to kings, because by touch alone kings are wont to cure that infirmity thence called by many morbus regius. The chapter on epilepsy and apoplexy and that on hemicrania are based upon the chapters on the same subjects in John of Gaddesden's Eosa Anglica. Verses are to be repeated in the ear of the epileptic man as he lies on the ground. The epileptic uncon- sciousness lasts but a short time, and no doubt, as Mirfeld and other writers of his time assert, the patient often got up after Gaspar fert mirram : thus Melchior : Balthazar aurum. Hec tria qui secum portabit nomina regum, Solvitur a morbo Domini pietate caduco was repeated in his ear. To a man ignorant of the fact that while the anatomical change which produces an apoplectic fit is one involving actual destruction of a part of the brain, that of an epileptic fit is, for the most part, a transient condition, it must have seemed reasonable by analogy that verses should do good to an apoplectic patient. Mirfeld recommends an empiric remedy of English Gilbert. The follow- ing two verses are to be tied round the arm, the Lord's Prayer being said the while. The verses are to be written with crosses above and below each word : Amara timi taturi : postos sigalos sicaluri : Ely poly carras : polyly pylini lyvarras. STUDY IN LONDON 41 There are several similar medical charms in Marcellus Empiricits, 1 and Professor Rhys 2 has lately maintained with great ingenuity that they preserve sentences of one of the three chief Celtic dialects of Gaul. He shows how interesting such verses may prove on minute examination. I may give one example from Marcellm for purpose of comparison : Omnia, quae haeserint faucibus, hoc carmen expellet : Heilen prosaggeri nome si polla nabuliet onodieni iden eliton Hoc ter dices et ad singula expues : Item fauces, quibus aliquid inhaeserit, confricans dices : Xi exucricone xu crigrionaisus scrisu mi orelor exugri cone xu grilau. To trace to their origin the numerous lines of verse of which Mirfeld recommends the repetition in various emergencies would take a long time, but I may point out the source of one couplet. 3 Sancte Columquille remove mala dampna faville Atque Columquillus salvet ab igne domus. The lines were repeated as a charm to stop the burn- ing of a house. In the life of St. Columcille or Columba in the Leabhar Breac, a fifteenth-century 1 Medici antigui omnes (Aldus), Venice, 1547, containing Marcellus de Medicamentis, p. 107 6. I like to quote from this edition since it reminds me of the friendship of Mr. R W. Raper, of Trinity College, Oxford, who gave me a fine copy of it in a splendid ancient binding. 1 Celtae and Galli : Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. ii, 1905. 8 Oxford MS. of Breviarium, f. 253 a, col. 1. 42 LECTURE I manuscript, occurs this passage : ' A great flame came towards him once hi Hi. They asked him the cause of the flame. Fire of God from heaven, quoth he, came just now upon three cities in Italy, so that it slew three thousand men as well as their wives and sons and daughters.' l Mirfeld observes that an injury on the right side of the head is likely to lead to paralysis on the left side of the body and relates the case of one of the canons of St. Bartholo- mew's Priory who was treated by his master. The canon was about to get on his horse, and when the said canon wished to seat himself in the saddle the horse arose on his two hind legs and the canon fell head downwards over the crupper of the horse to earth, and fell so heavily upon his head that straightway he lost the sensation and movement of his whole body. Mirfeld's master having been called by the friends of the patient made them shave his head, and then rubbed in oil of roses with a quart of warm vinegar, and sprinkled it with a powder, and put over it a fine cloth soaked in the aforesaid oil and vinegar, and over that fastened linen stoups and bound with bandages his whole head, and put over all the skin of a lamb. And every day he visited him twice and rubbed in ointment into his neck and as far as the middle of his spine. On the second day the patient 1 ' Laisse mor tanic dosum fechtus inhii : fiarfacht desuim fath na laissi. Tene De do nim olesium tanic innossa for teora cathracha isin, Etail coros marb tri mile fer cen mota mna ocus male ocus ingena.' Leabhar breac : facsimile. Dublin, 1878, f. 33, Part I, col. a, line 67 to col. b, line 3. First edited by Whitley Stokes in Three Middle Irish Homilies. Calcutta, 1897. STUDY IN LONDON 43 opened his mouth a little. Then one of his friends wished to try if he would eat, but the physician would not allow it and said, * Even if he wished to eat I would not let him.' On the third day, when a question was put to the patient, he tried to answer, stammering, but he could not form the word. On the fourth day he spoke stammeringly, and then they handed him a thin warm drink, which he saw and swallowed. The fifth day he took a thin tisane. On the sixth day they gave him some chicken broth. He then began to grow stronger, little by little, and to be able to move, but it was many days before he could walk. When he was able to take food Mirfeld's master began to prepare pills, to resolve by evacua- tion the residue of the material accumulated by the fall on his head. He recommended that the patient should eat the brains of birds and fowls and kids, and thus doing he was cured. But the poor canon was never quite the same man again, as Mirfeld says : * Nunquam tamen fuit ita subtilis ingenii et bone memorie sicut prius.' Hippocrates and Galen had observed that an injury to the left side of the brain may produce paralysis of the right side of the body, and even a general man of letters like Plutarch knew this. Mr. J. D. Duff, of Trinity College, in a letter to me of August 16, 1895, says : * Here is something I noted for you from Plutarch's Conjugalia Praecepta (20 E) : " ttHTTTtp ot larpol Xeyovcrt ras TOIV V(avvfjLO)v TrXrjyag TTJV atcr^crtv ef rots Se^iots avafiepew" What do you suppose he means ? That an injury 44 LECTURE I to the left side of the brain injured the right side of the body ? And is that so ? Plutarch was interested in medicine as in nearly everything and often quotes something from Hippocrates.' Dr. John Cooke, in his careful Treatise on Nervous Diseases, which appeared in 1820, tells as much, and very little more, of the relation of hemiplegia to destruction of part of the brain. When Mirfeld treats of injuries he regrets that medicine and surgery have become separate lines of practice. The well-informed, he says, are aware that he cannot be a good physician who neglects every part of surgery, and, on the other hand, a surgeon is good for nothing who is without knowledge of medicine. Mirfeld times with pre- cision the recovery of each broken bone. A rib will take twenty days. A humerus or a femur forty days. He had noticed that union is slower in the aged. He writes at length on materia medica, and I might easily give a separate lecture on this part of his work. He describes the drugs, names their common adulterations, discusses their effects, and gives many prescriptions. The last chapter of the Breviarium, that on preserving health, is based on the ' Regimen Sanitatis Salerni '. Another work of Mirfeld's is the Florarium Bartholomew. 1 It is to Mr. J. P. Gilson, a member of the learned staff in the manuscripts department of the library of the British Museum, that the discovery of the authorship of this book is due. At the foot of folio 3 is written : 1 MS. Royal 7 F. xi (British Museum). Pl.MK IV. CMT^ JM qx**e&6 Li^,7- J 'eH^- a^,rtirwj-pj Wa. *f, c^r*- Wtf u t >r^,if,^&. -*,J&L3e ~ t ^ i *- Ki.oiiAiur>r BARTHOLOMKI OK JOHN MIRFEI.D. Introduction, with verses at foot indicating how to find the author's name. Ad IHS incipies capitales inde notahis Nunc quo vado scies : venio simul unde probabis. To face jxif/e 44. STUDY IN LONDON 45 Ad IHS incipies capitales inde notabis. Nunc quo vado scies venio simul unde probabis. Chapter Ixii begins with the word ' Jesus ' and the initials of the following chapters make up the words : Johanni de Suthwelle per Johannem de Mirfeld : Ora pro nobis beate Bartholomee ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Cristi. Amen. Explicit. Mr. Gilson was so kind as to point out to me this discovery of his, and I wrote down the first words of one hundred and fourteen chapters, beginning at chapter Ixii. There is an erratum, which may perhaps point to the fact that the book is actually in Mirfeld's handwriting. The words, the initials of which ought to make up his name, are : Monachus; Inter ; Raymundus ; Foemina ; Rex ; Loquens ; De. These initials are decorated in red. This was usually done by an illuminator and not by the original scribe. A little letter was written by the original scribe over which the illuminator painted his large red initial. The fifth word was Rex, but the acrostic requires an E and not an R. It is clear that the sentence was made before the *r' was illuminated, and while it was so small as to be over- looked, so that E and not R was used in the acrostic. Mr. J. P. Gilson has mentioned as indications of the date of composition in his catalogue of the Royal MSS. that the constitutions of Simon Islip of 1362 are quoted, 1 and that a sermon of John Grandison 2 (written Cronson), Bishop of Exeter, 1328-69, is 1 f. 69. * f. 181. 46 LECTURE I also mentioned. It is clear, therefore, that the Florarium was composed not earlier than 1362, and perhaps as late as 1369. The single medical chapter which it contains does not allude to the Breviarium Bartholomei, so I am inclined to believe that the Florarium was composed first. The Florarium is a theological treatise with one chapter on physicians and their medicines. The manu- script in the British Museum once belonged to the library of the religious house (of the order of the Trinity) of Ashridge in Hertfordshire, and had been given to Ashridge in 1518 by Richard Button. 1 The preface of the Florarium explains that the author has collected numerous passages from the Holy Scriptures and from sacred writers. A flower garden is a place where flowers abound and so the name, he says, is appropriate to a collection of flowers from holy and spiritual writers, from doctors, and wise men. 'Sed quare cum hac addicione Bartholomei sic nominatur ad presens nolo declarare non expedit quidem.' The cause of this secrecy is no doubt that it has pleased him to explain his name and place of writing by the acrostic already mentioned. There are one hundred and seventy-five chapters, of which the first is on 1 ' Iste liber constat Thome Baxter vicario perpetuo ecclesie parochialis de Stikeford : Eicardus Hutton : Qui Eicardus con- tulit istum librum domui religiose de asherug ibidem in biblioteca permansurum. Anno domini, 1518.' Florarium, f. 259 PLATE V. tt-hcxxviii. Q-V- ftf,f e(*499* tt>? 4-*f<>1eiX-nir~g fT.r tfl^isis^ %' ,tf< s^c* M/*tf r fc** 1 _?~fp && , UU.,A **.. fcr&cfvf*?,,.,,;^ -T9 .^...n/ltf,.- .,. ftrlP'fir tfiifrtiMv*) Qtoft tuftr^iMifcf "I"' t *'*^K ij rw/li'Xcyrtoi.tr-^- fr.r5iir-.jj /^lnV mrt*/' i.ia cSpetit f.n V.AI^ 8..TT"'r/"*S*^-'^'a^ C , / Ai../ 1 tfV fch^'' ^".^^/Wcr P '' ^AS ,? . nf *<*1T '""k. ^ , ,._ .^l,,^^. * A.-SUnir ^S,.r.- ^ .p 1^ * f* **" ft^-^*r J ef ( ""?"" f* ^ 'Sf..* Wrtf l^~rs^! * n Sfc^V^ArV^.* f .^t^v-TT ,,~ iinn On.i '7"prc- ,1 7~yij> re^^'-ii-c- AII<- -f> i^o V<'*><&>.t>?&* ,,- 1V ..^^- 4.~ t..n v.. -.* pit-.v e?E^ JZ^Kfi?-* /AI-<: *rf"^ i.ftnrft w^gart.jv,,*- f itfi^o Wo^fit^.** 1 . ^. 4 X r t n}tfkt &f>1 ^?^'?? e ~!r^f*rj$* l*l* t 4B^5p*>^*)ur* ft^'A" ^fjj.- <^-crc,,.rr_^ ^. L^ ^VA*J-*-^^^^^lR'^ t,v, rt f ,; i - ih^. T^*S>5t- Sjf ,pa cv7-/fnrsr; ^.P,/}w -V .r^M,A%r A~f^- ^"S- ^-^^rC^^^^TT^.- ,.^ , ./ftr 5 "> *7^r" *f*C Vcff'^: ^< ** fc 0^ cAl>^ d fifitnv - H' .v'.wlfrn i~$te9**y*r*fnZif'*b* ^ I A, -A ^~U"- * 2f'- ^ "< i/ A,,f9.T-<~^c/'r lt ,-^^ (fV*Ml ~^ I (S^^f^fj a of Proclus, a Byzantine Greek of the fifth century of our era who founded a system of philo- sophy drawn from Plato, Pythagoras, and Aristotle. Clement's translations were of theological writers. Linacre wrote on Latin grammar and taught it to the Princess Mary. Clement was professor of Greek at Oxford, and in both classical learning was indissolubly bound up with their profession. Their Greek reading gave a precision to their medical thoughts and practice. Perhaps the constant desire to bear in mind Hippocrates and Galen in dia- gnosis, prognosis, and treatment may have to some degree caused their view of medicine to be narrow, yet the contact of their minds with the truly natural method of the Greeks must have led them some- times to opinions wholly based upon their own observations. These physicians were members of the learned world of their time. Sir Thomas More, Erasmus, and Colet were their friends. Edward Wotton, who was President in 1541, and John Caius, President in 1555, were no less Grecians 58 LECTURE II than Linacre and Clement, but they were the first of our College who added zoology to their studies. Wotton was of Magdalen College, and took his first degree at Oxford in 1514. The College of Corpus Christi was founded two years later, and Wotton in 1521 was appointed lecturer in Greek there. Bishop Richard Foxe, the founder, wished to encourage the new learning in his college, and he gave Wotton the income of a Fellow with leave to travel in Italy ' to improve his learning and chiefly to study Greek '. Wotton graduated M.D. at Padua, and after his return to Oxford, where he was incorporated M.D. on May 16, 1526, lectured again on Greek at Corpus, but two years later came to London. In 1552 he published in Paris a folio, De Differentiis Animalium, the first printed book by an Englishman on zoology. He had read all the passages about natural history in the Greek and Latin classics because he was interested in the subject, and so gradually came to put together the book. Sir John Mason, his particular friend and patron, who was English Ambassador in France in 1550 and 1551, l took the manuscript with him to Paris and seems to have arranged for the printing and publication of the book there. It was brought out with paper and type of the finest kind and dedicated to King Edward VI. The pages of Wotton contain much from Pliny and something from Aristotle, with many learned 1 Edoardi Wottoni Oxoniensis De Differentiis Animalium Libri Decem : Preface. EDUCATION IN LONDON 59 notes, some Greek in every chapter, and quotations in the text from Plautus and Virgil, Ovid, Martial, and Oppian. He had read Cicero and Columella, Theophrastus, Hermolaus, Ennius, Aelian, Ausonius, Suetonius, Heliodorus, Nicander, Dioscorides, Paulus Aegineta, and Albertus Magnus, yet very little in the book of nature. His chapter on thrushes is less abstruse than some others, and shows that his mind looked rather towards bookshelves than hedgerows. ' Of the kinds of thrushes and blackbirds and of other birds which are more or less like them. In the country and among hedges and farms the thrushes and blackbirds have their haunts. There are three kinds of thrushes. One is called viscivorus (misselthrush) because it must have mistletoe and resin to feed upon, and it is of the size of a pica. Another kind is of the size of a blackbird. A third, which some call iXias and tXXas, and others rvXas ; in Latin iliacus is of smaller size and less marked with spots. Thrushes make their nests from mud, as swallows do, alone in high trees. They make a covering of hair and wool and line the inside of the nest with the same. The thrush changes its colour : for in the summer the plumage about the neck is spotted, while in winter it is of a single hue : their note is the same all the year round. It migrates in winter in search of winter food, so that in Germany thrushes are most numerous in winter. Beech nuts are liked by thrushes. The flesh of thrushes is harder than that of partridges and that kind of birds. The juice, nevertheless, 60 LECTURE II if rightly cooked, is highly nutritious. As Martial says : Inter aves turdus, si quis me iudice certet, Inter quadrupedes gloria prima lepus. The thrush roasted with berries of myrtle is good for dysentery.' John Caius translated parts of Hippocrates and of Galen, and in him the study of these Greek physicians led to his own publication of observa- tions, and his two books De Ephemera Britannica, one in Latin and one in the vernacular, are the firstfruits of clinical observation in England. His contributions to natural history were both addressed to the naturalist, Conrad Gesner, and were a treatise on British dogs, and one on rare animals and plants. His natural history has a more outdoor complexion than that of Wotton, with whose account of thrushes and blackbirds Caius's chapter De Morinello may be compared. ' Morinellus, a bird common on our seashores, is foolish but good to eat and is among us thought one of the greatest of delicacies and fetches a high price. The bird is a mocker. So that as the owl and the bustard by imitation of jumping, so this by night in candle-light is captured by the motion of the catcher. For if he stretches out his arm the bird extends its wing, if he his leg it does the same. Thus the bird intent on the man's movement is taken by the fowler and is inclosed in the net. It is a small bird of the size of a starling with three front toes and no hind toe, with a black top of its head, white round the eye, EDUCATION IN LONDON 61 and is almost of the colour of a quail if you add a little grey, especially round the neck. I call it Morinellus for two reasons : because the bird is commonest among the Morini and because it is a stupid bird, which stupidity in Greek is called /AW/DOT?;?. For the same reason we call it Doterel, as if, so to speak, crazy with folly.' The description of the meleagris or guinea fowl, the head of which, he says, is so arranged ' ita ut insideat capiti eo modo quo ducalis pileus illustrissimo duci Veneto si quod iam adversum est aversum fieret', seems to bring Caius before us in Venice looking at the Doge in ducal cap walking in solemn procession round the piazza of St. Mark, or passing by in the Bucentaur in gorgeous state to wed the Republic to the sea ; while the account of the Doterel shows him in the open country of his native Norfolk. I have mentioned together Wotton and Caius as the men who first in our College brought zoology into the list of subjects on which a physician should be informed. They had an association outside this College, for Sir John Mason was the patron of both. This statesman, the son of a cowherd at Abingdon, had been an undergraduate at Oxford while Wotton was in residence, and became a Fellow of All Souls, and in 1552 Chancellor of the University of Oxford. He was early employed in diplomatic service abroad, and so continued almost to the end of his life. In October, 1555, he was English Ambassador at Brussels, and witnessed the elaborate ceremony in which Charles V abdicated the imperial crown. 62 LECTURE II Charles, moved by the stage effect which he had himself arranged, * broke into weeping,' says Mason, 'whereunto, besides the dolefulness of the matter, I think he was moche provoked by seeing the whole company do the lyke before, there being in myne opinion not one man in the whole assemblie, stranger or another, that during the time of a good piece of his oration poured not out as abundantly teares, some more, some lesse.' * The study of modern languages and their litera- ture began in England soon after that of Greek, and with this part of learning our College was connected in several ways. Spanish was the first continental language in which a Fellow of this College became distinguished. Thomas Doyley, of Magdalen College, was at Oxford with Sir Philip Sidney and Lyly the euphuist and Hakluyt, the editor of the great series of voyages, all of whom were affected by the taste for the Spanish language and literature, which began in England in the reign of Philip and Mary and increased in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Doyley took his B.A. degree in 1564 and his M.A. degree in 1569, and after some medical reading at Oxford went abroad in 1571 to pursue medical studies. He graduated M.D. at Basle in 1581. Throughout these years he continued to increase his knowledge of Spanish and persevered in the study after his return to London in 1585. He was elected a Fellow of this College in 1588, and physician to 1 Dispatch quoted in Motley, Else of the Dutch Republic, ch. i. EDUCATION IN LONDON 63 St. Bartholomew's Hospital in 1590. He died in 1603 and was buried in the church within the hospital. The first Spanish dictionary was published in London in 1591 under the title of ' BiUiotJieca Hispanica ; by Eichard Percyvall : Gent.' The dedication to 'Robert Earl of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Hereford and Bourghchier, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Baron Louvaine, Master of the Queen's Majestie's horse and Knight of the Garter', is followed by an address to the reader. In this, after describ- ing the aims and contents of the book, and the help he had received from Don Pedro de Valdes and Don Vasco de Sylva, Percyvall says : * In very good time I chaunced to be acquainted with the learned gentle- man Master Thomas Doyley, doctor in Physicke, who had begunne a Dictionary in Spanish, English and Latine, and seeing me to be more foreward to the presse than himself : very friendly gave his consent to the publishing of mine, wishing me to adde the Latin to it as hee had begunne in his, which I per- formed, being not a little farthered therein by his advice and conference/ The generosity of Doyley seems to have been as great as his learning, and having thus contributed to the dictionary he wrote a short Latin poem in praise of it : Quas novus orbis opes, quos profert India fructus, Quas mare, quas tellus gemmas aurique fodinas, Has habet Hispanus, Jasonis vellere dives : Cum populo aurato collubet ergo loqui. Expetit Hispanus Belgas evincere, regem Gallorum per vim regno depellere, regnum 64 LECTURE II Diripere Anglorum, quid non ? Cupit esse monarcha : Cum rege hoc tanto, collubet ergo loqui. Cum quibus aut bellum cupimus, commercia, pacem, Horjim sermo placet : facilemque brevemque loquendi Dat liber iste modum, dat Percyvallius author Cum populo Hispano quam cito posse loqui. Some prefixed commendatory verses by James Lea show that though Spanish was the first modern language in which our College produced a master, French and Italian had before received more atten- tion in the world of London : Though Spanish speech lay long aside within our British He, Our courtiers liking nought save French or Tuscan's stately stile, Yet now at length (I know not how) steps Castile's language in, And craves for credit with the first, though latest she begin. The reading of Greek books as the only true method of entrance to medicine in particular and to learning in general lasted about a hundred years. Then at length the way to acquire knowledge, which Hippocrates and Galen made clear by example, had come to be thoroughly understood, and men, eager to acquire more knowledge of things from nature, no longer needed to be assured that thus only truth could be attained. The last words of the preface of the De Magnete of William Gilbert published in 1600, the year in which he was elected President of this College, show that this stage had been reached. * To those early forefathers of philosophy, Aristotle, EDUCATION IN LONDON 65 Theophrastus, Ptolemy, Hippocrates, and Galen, let due honour be ever paid ; for by them wisdom hath been diffused to posterity ; but our age hath uncovered and brought to light very many facts which they, were they now living, would gladly have accepted.' The addition of such facts by Harvey, by Glisson, and others in this College and by many other observers all over Europe rapidly brought medicine into that state of constant growth and improvement in which it has ever since continued, but the change was gradual and not sudden. Theodore Goulston, a Censor in 1626 and three earlier years, made trans- lations of the Opuscula of Galen published in 1640, eight years after his death, which were carefully read and annotated by Harvey. Goulston was, perhaps, the last physician of the Renaissance kind who studied Greek and through it attained his medical knowledge. If Gilbert may be regarded as the first physicist of the College, the first Fellow who knew much of chemistry was undoubtedly Theodore Turquet de Mayerne, who came to settle in England from Paris in 1611, and was elected a Fellow of our College in 1616. He made many chemical experiments, and applied his chemistry to pharmacy and to thera- peutics, making the lotio nigra, which has been valued ever since, and bringing calomel into use. He also carried out a long series of experiments on pigments. His varied attainments, his large practice, and consequent experience, as well as his upright character, caused his influence to be great, 66 LECTURE II and he showed to the College the usefulness of knowing something of chemistry, while his habit of taking elaborate notes of cases gave an example which had a most valuable effect on the study of clinical medicine. Sir Theodore Mayerne died in 1655. Linacre, Clement, Wotton, Caius, Doyley, Gilbert, Harvey, Mayerne, and Glisson represent the kind of knowledge with which this College began, and that to which it gradually attained in the first century and a half of its existence. Latin was the language of composition and communication. Botany of some kind was an inheritance of phy- sicians from the Middle Ages, improved first by the study of the text of Dioscorides, and then by the observations in the field of Lobel and Gerard and Parkinson, and many more in other countries. Greek was the most important professional training, diminishing in importance as the effects of reading Greek books became more distinct. The lesson was at last learned and the teacher was no more needed. The value of a knowledge of modern languages had come to be understood. Anatomy and physiology were sufficiently known by dis- section and observation to make Harvey's discovery possible. The usefulness of physics and of chemistry had been demonstrated by Gilbert and by Mayerne. Morbid anatomy was considerably advanced, and its importance in its relation to clinical medicine made plain in the work of Harvey and Mayerne and Glisson. The precise study of disease during life was established by the copious note-taking EDUCATION IN LONDON 67 of Mayerne, and the exact observations of Glisson. The publication by the College of the Pharma- copoeia in 1618, for the first edition of which Mayerne wrote the dedication to the King, may be said to have established the study of pharmacology on a sound basis by providing in successive editions of the Pharmacopoeia a tribunal before which drugs might be arraigned from time to time to answer for their usefulness, and be retained in the public service, or dismissed from it according to the decision. The College of Physicians was the sole guardian of medical learning in England at this period, for the universities were inclined to treat the subject as a part of general book-learning, only exercising a very slight and varying control over men who wished to take a Bachelor of Medicine or Doctor of Medicine degree. Supplicats were occasionally refused, and it seems reasonable to suppose that this was sometimes on account of insufficient knowledge in the candidate, or unsatis- factory evidence of study. The College, from its close connexion with Oxford and Cambridge, to which universities all its Fellows by residence or incorporation belonged, and by the influence of its recognized supremacy in medical knowledge, was sometimes able to prevent persons of insufficient attainments from admission to degrees. Thus Simon Ludford, who had failed in his examination before the College in 1553, and tried to obtain a licence to practise in each university, though of F2 68 LECTURE II most defective attainments, was for a time pre- vented at Oxford by an appeal to the visitors, and at Cambridge by the influence of Caius from receiving licence or degree. The refusal had the effect of leading him to improve himself, and he obtained an M.D. degree at Oxford about four years later, in 1560, and in 1563 he was elected a Fellow of this College. His copy of Avicenna is in our library, and in another book of his, De dissections partium corporis humani libri ires a Carolo Stephano, Paris, 1545, he has written a copy of Latin verses headed by the words : Simonis Ludefordi est hoc volumen' Corporis dissecti, anatomicarum Partium humani, docet hoc Volumen Et modum, et formam, Vtilitatem et Vsum, Illiterates. Absolutis comprobat argumentis Actiones, officia, atque nexus, Esse quadam symmetria coacta Particularum. Cuilibet membro propriam figuram Et situm, cursumque notamque ponit. Nil inexpertum memorat nee Vllum Sectio fallet. Erutum a scitis Veterum quod prosit : Posteris charum, Stephanus relinquens, Munus inculpabile, quo perhenne Nomen adeptus. Hiisce lectis, caetera quae medendae Sunt facultatis, potes experiri : Euadas tandem Vt medicus peritus. Perge Galenum. EDUCATION IN LONDON 69 Floccipendas pecuniam, Valebit Ars : thesaurus deficiet, Volumen Sollidis hoc Venditum habebis octo : Totque ego solvi. Whether these verses are sufficiently bad to have required his continued exclusion from the College I must leave to the distinguished Latin poets whom we have among our Fellows at the present day to Dr. Kobert Bridges and Dr. J. A. Ormerod. I suppose that Ludford did not obtain the purchaser who would pay the eight shillings he asked, as the book is hi our library, to which, with the Avicenna, he probably gave it when, his early want of education having been repaired, he was honoured as a Censor. Edward Browne was admitted a Fellow on July 29, 1675, when Sir George Ent was President, who had known Harvey well, and is honourably mentioned by Dryden in his Epistle to Dr. Charleton. The circling streams once thought but pools of blood (Whether life's fuel or the body's food), From dark oblivion Harvey's name shall save While Ent keeps all the honour that he gave. Edward, the eldest son of the celebrated Sir Thomas Browne, was thirty-three years of age when he pledged his faith to the President and to the College on his admission to the Fellowship, and the silver sceptre which you, Mr. President, carried in your hand when you took the chair to-day, was on that day in the hands of Sir George Ent. Edward Browne was already known as a man of letters, for he had published a volume of travels and a translation of a Discourse of the Cossacks. The 70 LECTURE II travels had been widely read, and the Duke of Queens- bury and Dover, the Scottish statesman, some years later, thought the translation of the Discourse of the Cossacks entertaining enough to take with him in his coach when travelling. Edward Browne had had all the advantages of education which a kind and learned father could give him. He was born at Norwich, pro- bably in 1642, and received his school education at the Grammar School in the Close, just within the gate, over which Sir Thomas Erpingham, a hero of Agincourt, was then kneeling in his niche as he is at this day. As the author of the Eeligio Medici took his boy to school I can imagine that he pleasantly pointed to the figure and quoted the words of King Henry V in Shakespeare : Good morrow, old Sir Thomas Erpingham. The conversation of his home was an important part of the education of Edward Browne. There must have been much delight to him in his boyhood in being told the nature and history of the many curious objects in his father's museum, of the narwhal's tooth, then called a unicorn's horn, of the birds' eggs, and of the funeral urns. Sir Thomas Browne in his writings now and then is as sententious as Mr. Shandy, but his letters to his sons and theirs to him show that his nature had little in common with the selfishness of the Squire of Shandy Hall, who forgot every human feeling in his eagerness to establish the truth of his theories. On one occasion, that of the witch trial, Sir Thomas Browne allowed theories, drawn from ancient EDUCATION IN LONDON 71 reading, to pervert his natural humanity, but in his family affection, and his kindness to the poor, and in a certain simplicity which shines through his fondness for recondite fragments of knowledge and paradoxical antitheses, he shows a resemblance to that immortal example of goodness of heart, Captain Toby Shandy. A visitor in the household of the Brownes has in his writings a passage which represents the spirit which pervaded it. 'I can wonder at nothing more than how a man can be idle ; but of all others, a scholar ; in so many improvements of reason, in such sweetness of knowledge, in such variety of thoughts : other artisans do but practise, we still learn ; others run still in the same gyre to weariness, to satiety ; our choice is infinite ; others' labours require recrea- tions ; our very labour recreates our sports ; we can never want either somewhat to do, or somewhat that we would do.' l In such a home Edward Browne was soon ripe for the university, and he entered at Trinity College, Cambridge, in October, 1657, which makes it probable that 1642 is the true date of his birth and not 1644 as commonly stated, for thirteen years was then an unusual age, but fifteen years a common one at which to enter the university. In 1663, Browne applied for admission to the degree of M.B. He preserved a copy of the sup- plicat 2 which he wrote on the occasion in one of his notebooks. It states that he had studied 1 Bishop Hall : Epistle to Mr. Milward. 1 MS. in British Museum, Sloane, 1797. 72 LECTURE II medicine for six years, and had heard the usual lectures, and passed through the required opposi- tions, responsions, and other exercises of the kind. He asks that these may be sufficient o allow him to enter into the faculty. He has also preserved a copy of the grace for his admission to the degree of Bachelor of Medicine at the congregation at which the grace is read or at the next. The exercises were matter of reading and of argument, but Dr. Francis Glisson, then Regius Professor of Physic, was careful that these should be duly per- formed, and it must have been an advantage to Browne to know something of a professor so deep in anatomy and morbid anatomy, and at the same time so exact in clinical observation. Browne seems to have had the opportunity of seeing two bodies dissected probably at the demonstrations founded by Dr. Caius. After taking his degree Browne returned to Norwich, and continued his studies amid a good deal of enjoyment suitable to his years. The Duke of Norfolk was at that time the greatest person in Norwich, and his palace was in 1663-4 occupied by his brother Henry, and contained a part of their grandfather's wonderful collection of works of art the Earl of Arundel, with whom Harvey visited Rome. Edward Browne was one of the guests of New Year's Day at this great house. He dissected a bull's heart on January 2, and danced at the Duke's palace on the 4th. He dined there on the 5th, and danced again in the evening, and t EDUCATION IN LONDON 73 again on Twelfth Night. Next day he dissected a dog, and on the 9th the knee-joint of a calf, and another bull's heart, and the larynx of a bullock. On January 11 he danced at the palace till two o'clock in the morning to celebrate his host's birth- day. Next day he dissected a turkey's heart, and examined the dentition of a monkey. Two days later he went over the monkey's skeleton, and on January 22 studied the anatomy of a sheep, and the next day prepared the right forefoot of a monkey. At the palace he met Dr. De Veau, a godson of Sir Theodore Mayerne, and then or later physician to Charles II. De Veau had with him a febrifuge powder, probably of cinchona bark, which he wished to try on a well-marked case of ague. On January 28, Browne studied the anatomy of oxen, and the next day dissected a hare, and further studied the monkey's skeleton. In February he prepared the skull and bones of the foot of a hare, dissected another hare, a hedgehog, and a badger. He paid at the same time some attention to botany, noting the flowering Aconitum hyemale and Hellebor aster, and gathered many seaside plants. He examined a nasal polypus, and saw two patients, a man with consumption, and an old man with a fever. He went to London, arriving on February 24, and next day went to hear an anatomy lecture at Chirurgeon's Hall, 1 and saw a human body dissected the third he had seen. In the morning Dr. Christopher 1 The hall was in Monkwell Street : more anciently known as Muggewelle Street. 74 LECTURE II Terne, assistant physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, gave a general introduction to the course in Latin, and then lectured on the skin. There was a second lecture in the afternoon on the stomach, intestines, and mesentery, and before the lecture Browne was allowed to examine the dissected body in the 'anatomizing room'. He no doubt needed a little fresh air after this well-occupied day, and took a walk in St. James's Park, where he saw the king's zoological collection, 'divers sorts of out- landish deer, guiny-sheep, a white raven, a great parrot, a storke which, having broken its own leg, had a wooden leg set on, which it doth use very dexterously. Here are very stately walkes set out with lime trees on both sides and a fine Pall Mall.' Next day he heard the third lecture, which was on the suprarenals, the kidneys, and their related parts. He dined with his sister, who lived in Clerkenwell, arid attended the fourth lecture in the afternoon. It was on the pleura, mediastinum, and lungs, which he went to see dissected before the lecture. His record of the fifth lecture has not been preserved. The sixth and last was given on the afternoon of the third day, and its subject was the anatomy of the eye. Dr. Terne concluded the course with a Latin speech. These six lectures given on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were a course of anatomy of that time. The lecturer was a phy- sician, the dissections were made under his direction by surgeons, the teaching was conducted in their hall, and was chiefly for the benefit of the EDUCATION IN LONDON 75 members of their company, though friends of the lecturer and others, if properly introduced, some- times attended. 1 Dr. Terne, the lecturer, was a well-read physician who had studied at Leyden. He delivered the Harveian oration, and wrote a thoughtful paper discussing the question, 'An respiratio inserviat nutritioni ? ' but the only part of his writings which has been printed is an in- scription in Latin verse under the engraved portrait of Dr. Christopher Bennet. This portrait is the frontispiece of Bennet's Tabidorum Theatrum, which is the fuller edition of the first treatise on tuberculosis published in England. Hospitii quicumque petis quis incola tanti Spiritus, egregia hunc consule scripta dabunt. Browne married Terne's daughter, Henrietta, in 1672. Dr. Windet, with whom Browne dined on the first lecture day, had practised in Yarmouth, and was a correspondent of Sir Thomas Browne. They agreed in a taste for out-of-the-way subjects, and for verbal conceits. Windet at the Restoration brought out two Latin poems. One is a condemnation of the execution of Charles I, and begins with the word ' Occidimus '. The other is on ' His Majesty's Happy Restoration ', and begins with the word * Vivimus '. A Latin letter De vita functorum statu, of which young Browne probably thought fit to mention his father's admiration, when on the first 1 Edward Browne's notes are printed in Wilkin, Works of Sir Thomas Browne. 76 LECTURE II day of his anatomy lectures he dined with Dr. Windet, is a production containing much reading, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic, and showing a turn of thought not unlike that often displayed by Sir Thomas Browne. The writer discusses the meaning of the word Tartarus, and debates the precise sense of various Hebrew and Greek words and sentences used in describing the state of man after death as well as all the opinions expressed by Hebrews and Greeks on the same subject. Windet was evidently a vast reader, but of the same kind as that Bishop, of whom Bentley, when asked whether he was not a very learned man, remarked, 'Dr. Warburton has a large appetite but a bad digestion.' Sir Thomas Browne and Windet had minds filled with the same kind of learning, but while the works of Browne continue to appear in new editions, and to form part of general reading, those of Windet are never opened. The difference consists in something difficult to express but easy to feel. Dryden has considered such distinctions, and has expressed his conclusion with his usual felicity, 'A happy genius is the gift of Nature : it depends on the influence of the stars say the astrologers, on the organs of the body, say the naturalists ; 'tis the particular gift of Heaven say the divines, both Christians and heathens. How to improve it many books can teach us ; how to obtain it none ; that nothing can be done without it all agree.' 1 1 Preface to Translation of Du Fresnoy, Art of Painting, 1695, EDUCATION IN LONDON 77 On March 1, Browne called on Dr. Joseph Dey, a Norwich man who practised in Crutched Friars, and as he was out, walked on to * Mr. King's, living in Little Britain, an ingenious chirurgeon', who showed him various anatomical preparations. 'I being desirous to see the inside of a man's stomacke hee cut up one for me which he had by him.' In the afternoon he went to see a private museum near St. Paul's, where he was shown a sea elephant's head, a sloth, and an Indian serpent, and then walked on to Arundel House in the Strand, which contained the famous Arundel marbles. Mr. King, the surgeon, afterwards gave up surgery and took to medicine, and was made Sir Edmund King, and physician to Charles II in 1676. He became a Fellow of this College in 1687, and his picture by Lely is in our dining-room. His papers in the Philosophical Transactions show that he was a desirable man for a student to know. He was one of the first persons in London to use a microscope, and to pursue histological studies. He also worked at chemistry and entomology, and wrote creditable papers on the habits of ants and on leaf-cutter bees. He had dissected one hundred human brains, and Dr. Thomas Willis, the author of the Anatomy of the Brain, praises his anatomical skill. More than twenty years later King took part in the first scene of a memorable tragedy. ' On the first of February,' says Burnet in his history of his own time, * the King eat little all day, and came to Lady Portsmouth at night, and called for a por- 78 LECTURE II ringer of spoon meat. It was made too strong for his stomach. So he eat little of it : And he had an unquiet night. In the morning one Dr. King, a Physician, and a Chymist, came, as he had been ordered, to wait on him. All the King's discourse to him was so broken, that he could not understand what he meant. And the Doctor concluded, he was under some great disorder, either in his mind, or in his body. The Doctor amazed at this, went out, and meeting Lord Peterborough, he said, the King was in a strange humour, for he did not speak one word of sense. Lord Peterborough desired he would go in again to the bed-chamber, which he did. And he was scarce come in, when the King, who seemed all the while to be in great confusion, fell down all of a sudden in a fit like an apoplexy. He looked back, and his eyes turned in his head. The physician, who had been formerly an eminent surgeon, said, it was impossible to save the King's life if one minute was lost : He would rather venture on the rigour of the law, than leave the King to perish. And so he let him blood. The King came out of that fit : And the physicians approved what Dr. King had done.' Three days after his visit to Edmund King, Browne returned to Norwich, and for the rest of the month worked at botany, dissected a frog, a rat, and a polecat, did a little chemistry, and was con- sulted in a case of scurvy. Having filled his mind with information at home, at Cambridge, and in London, Browne was well prepared for the further EDUCATION IN LONDON 79 education of travel. He left home on March 28, 1664, reached London at midday on the 30th, went by boat to Gravesend, and rode thence through Kochester, Sittingbourne, and Canterbury to Dover, whence he sailed to Calais, and thence went by Beauvais to Paris. In Paris he lived in a room in the Eue St. Zacharie for seven livres a month, and began regular studies at once. He went to four courses of lectures : Dr. Maureau on hernia, Dr. Dyneau on fevers, Dr. Le Bell on surgical operations, and that of Dr. Guy Patin who answered * all doubts and questions proposed ', and was a staunch Galenist who laughed at the chemists. Browne also went round the Hotel Dieu and La Charite. In Septem- ber he left Paris, and went to Montpellier and studied there for about a month, and then went on to Italy, visiting many cities, and staying for some time in Rome. He travelled north again with Dr. Paman, a physician and Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, who must have been a man of a full mind since Sydenham valued his friend- ship. Some of Paman's books are in our library. Browne went to Venice, and then spent some weeks at Padua studying anatomy. The dissection was admirably done by a demonstrator named Marchetti who had been instructed by Sir John Finch, ' one that in anatomy hath taken as much pains as most now living.' This was Dr. Finch of Christ's College, Cambridge, 1 a connexion by 1 His rooms in Christ's College, finely panelled in oak and with his armorial bearings over one of the doors, are occupied 80 LECTURE II marriage of Harvey. Browne left Padua in April, 1665, and went to Montpellier again, thence pro- ceeding to Paris, which he reached in the middle of June, and attended lectures on botany and chemistry, short courses of about a month's duration. In July he caught small-pox, an event which happened in the life of very many students at universities of that period. Some months later he returned home. He had learned French and Italian. In August, 1668, he went abroad again to Holland, where he visited universities, their libraries, and museums, and attended lectures. He went on to Vienna, and there learned much from Lambecius, the librarian, and seems to have acquired colloquial Greek. From Vienna he went into Thessaly and visited Larissa in order to know the air and place in which Hippocrates practised. He also made a tour in Hungary and one in Styria and Carinthia, and came home in 1669. He went abroad once more in 1673, visiting Cologne and the Low Countries. He was admitted Fellow of this College in 1675, and elected physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital in 1682, and was our President 1704-8. He died in 1708. I have chosen to consider Dr. Edward Browne as an example of the education of physicians in London in his time, because while his opportunities of learning were excellent they were yet such as physicians often enjoyed. He began life in a at the present day by that distinguished biologist, Mr. Arthur Everitt Shipley, F.K.S. EDUCATION IN LONDON 81 learned home, going to the grammar school of his native city, and at the age of fifteen years entered the university, where after six years he took the degree of M.B. He had seen some human dis- section, but had not done any with his own hands, and had attended some university exercises, pro- bably both lectures and disputations, conducted by Glisson. He had probably read the Aphorisms of Hippocrates, of which Ralph Winterton, Glisson's predecessor as professor of physic, had edited a convenient edition with translations of each aphorism into Greek and Latin verse, and from some passages in Browne's writings he seems to have also read the Hippocratie treatises on air, water, and situation, as well as the Epidemics. He had also read parts of Galen. He could write and speak Latin. After taking his M.B. degree he continued his anatomical studies, and worked practically at zoology, botany, chemistry, and pharmacology, and at medicine, parts of surgery, and morbid anatomy. He learned French and Italian, and could speak a little Greek. He used every opportunity of con- versing with learned men, such as Swammerdam the zoologist, Glauber the chemist, and Lambecius the bibliographer. He had read widely Purchas, his Pilgrims, the travels of de la Martiniere in the Arctic regions, Raleigh's History of the World, Ashmole's Order of the Garter, and the Duchess of Newcastle's New Blazing World. His father advised him to study Cicero, and not to read much of Lucretius. * Quotations may be taken from it,' says / 82 LECTURE II Sir Thomas Browne, but ' otherwise I do not much recommend the reading or studying of it, there being divers impieties in it, and 'tis no credit to be punctually versed in it ; it containeth the Epicurean natural philosophy '. Besides his university exami- nation, which was a kind of disputation, Edward Browne was no doubt examined in this College for admission as a candidate in 1668, after he had been engaged in medical studies for about ten years. He took his M.D. degree at Oxford in 1667, when he had studied nine years, and in his own university in 1670. This degree was probably given on proof of study in the faculty. The studies were less regulated, and the practical work less precise than those of a physician in our time. There were as yet no organized schools of medicine in England, and except in this College there was no thorough examination of candidates. The study of history is most worth pursuing when the consideration of the past can be made useful to us in the present. The lesson, ' Ars longa, vita brevis,' is plain enough wherever we contemplate the attempts of men to learn and to teach medicine. Further than this, we may learn that only those subjects become really valuable to the student, in which he has sought out things for himself, so that his knowledge does not rest on the dicta of a teacher. Last, we may conclude that medicine in itself, with its essential preliminary, anatomy, contains sufficient opportunities of training in every form of EDUCATION IN LONDON 83 observation and of logical deduction from what is observed, and that, for the rest, a mind which has been opened by a sound literary education is that best adapted to follow the lifelong study of medicine which is the duty of every physician. These are the conclusions to which I have been led by a study of the history of the education of physicians in London from the time of John Mirfeld to that of Edward Browne, from the Middle Ages to the time when the methods of study which we now follow began to be used. LECTURE III THE HISTORY OF THE STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE IN THE BRITISH ISLANDS MR. PRESIDENT, Censors, and Fellows of the College, To us who have spent the greater part of our lives in the observation of patients, and in teaching in the wards of hospitals, the study of medicine appears to be essentially clinical. We know that reading, meditation, laboratory work, even investigations in the post-mortem room, are insufficient to make a physician without prolonged observation of patients in every condition of disease. Sydenham's firm conviction of the importance of spending as much time as possible in observation at the bedside and in meditation makes him, in his writings, appear negligent of the opinions of the men who before his day had given their lives to the study of medicine. He mentions Hippocrates about a dozen times and Galen once, Diemerbroek and Botallus, and twelve other writers on the plague, and hardly any other authors except some of those whose living conversation he had enjoyed. Dr. Robert Brady, the Master of Caius from 1660 to 1700 ; Dr. Henry Paman, Public Orator at Cam- bridge ; Dr. Charles Goodall, afterwards President of this College ; and one Oxonian, Dr. William Cole, STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 85 these, and Dr. Thomas Short, are addressed as men who understood his aims and appreciated his work, and show that, original as he was, he liked to feel that he had brothers in the world of learning in his day. Brady was a man both of active life and continuous study. He was head of his college and a Fellow of this College, and in practice, and he was for a time keeper of the records in the Tower, and wrote a careful history of England and a treatise on cities and boroughs. He was Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge, and member for the University in two Parliaments. Paman was a pupil of Sancroft at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, for whom in good and bad fortune he retained a friendship throughout life. He kept a medical act for his degree before Glisson at Cambridge, on the subject that a very light diet is suitable in acute diseases. It is proof of his scrupulous character that he gave up a valuable post rather than take the oath of allegiance to King William III. Goodall was a Cambridge man who was Gulstonian lecturer, Harveian orator, and President here. His works on this College show his minute acquaintance with its history and his own letters his general learning. Cole wrote on intermittent fever, a treatise which is praised by Blackmore in a long Latin poem in the form of a dialogue between Jupiter and Apollo. Cole admired Glisson, but resembles him in a turn for scholastic argument without having Glisson's talent for original observations. He was a copious writer, profoundly interested in medicine, but adding 86 LECTURE III nothing to it. Short is the physician to whom Sydenham's famous passage on posthumous fame is addressed. For I do not much esteem public applause, and truly what matter is it, if performing carefully the duty of a good citizen and serving the public to my own prejudice, I have no thanks for my labour ? For if the thing be rightly weighed, the providing for esteem, I being now an old man, will be in a short time the same as to provide for that which is not. For what advantage will it be for me, after I am dead, that eight alphabetical elements, reduced into that order that will compose my name, shall be pronounced by those who can no more frame an idea of me in their minds, than I can now conceive what those are to be ; who will not know such as were dead in the foregoing age ; and perhaps will have another language and other manners according to the inconstancy and vicissitude of all human affairs ? Among the mental associates of Sydenham must also be mentioned Locke, whose relations with him are well known, though none of the writers on the subject have, I think, compared their mutual esteem with that of Harvey and Hobbes. The study of both the political philosophers was the human race, and both desired from it to ascertain the principles applicable to their own age and country. The Leviathan and the Two Treatises on Civil Government were both scientific treatises in which the attempt was made to deduce the rules of government from observations of what had happened in past times and in their own. The medical mind, which is perpetually engaged STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 87 in the observation and consideration of man in every aspect of his individual life, naturally inter- ested such philosophers, whether considering political problems or the special questions of metaphysics. The mental relation was the closer in each case because both Hobbes and Locke felt the charm of natural science, and admired the weighing and measuring and other considerations of the observa- tions of the senses which directed the habitual frame of mind of Harvey and of Sydenham. When Paracelsus began his lectures at Basle by flinging into a burning brazier the works of previous famous teachers of medicine, he must be considered as desiring to exalt his own teaching at the expense of theirs, but this was not the feeling which pre- vented Sydenham from mentioning other opinions than his own. He did not undervalue his pre- decessors. His care for some of those who had thought much on his subject in his own time shows the contrary, but he was impressed with the shortness of life, as every man must be who has tried to become deep in any subject. One of the greatest of modern men of learning at Cambridge migrated from this life as he was sitting at night by the fire in his rooms in King's College. On a table in the room was a series of fifty learned notes which he had just completed, and round the border of the title he had written : * Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might ; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.' On the manuscript 88 LECTURE III of Sydenham's notes, which is in the possession of the College, the author has written the same sentence from Ecclesiastes. It was a thought constantly in his mind, as is shown by several passages in his writings. In his practice of omitting any discussion of the opinions of others Sydenham makes one exception, ' the divine old man,' Hippocrates, whom he never mentions without respect. He recognized that in the Hippocratic writings medicine rested upon the observation of patients, and that thence must be drawn all those conclusions as to the preservation of health and the prevention or the treatment of disease which are the ultimate objects of our study and practice. ' Hippocrates/ says Sydenham, 'better understood and more accurately described the History of Diseases than any one that came after him.' l Yet the true spirit of observation is obvious in Galen, and was not extinguished in the Middle Ages. We cannot read Avicenna or Khazes without feeling that, however different the hypo- theses on which they worked from those of to-day, they were nevertheless men who wished to find out the origins of diseases, and who were fitted by their habits of thought to add to knowledge. While the great physicians of those ages differed less in their mode of thought from modern men of science than is supposed by those who have not read their works, this was not the frame of mind of all who practised the medical art, or even of most 1 Of the Irregular Small-pox, p. 172. STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 89 of those who wrote on medicine. For all but a few, medical study was to read the works of authority and to fit cases under the headings given in such treatises, while medical writing consisted in pro- ducing fresh books by extract and abstract from previous books. Quotation marks were not in use, and every one who has perused many of the writers on medicine of the Middle Ages knows how difficult it is to isolate any original remarks of the actual writer. Though in one page of a manuscript you may find statements made with the authority of Rhazes, Avicenna, Isaac, Constantin, the Philo- sopher (as Aristotle is generally called), Dioscorides, or Galen, this is no proof that other statements 011 the same page may not also be the author's version of what he has read, and not his original observa- tions. It is only a very few of the scientific writers of the Middle Ages who, like Roger Bacon, are mainly original ; the books of a few more contain some little original matter, ' thin in their authors,' as Dry den says, and the majority are commentators and compilers only. The immediate effect of the revival of learning was to introduce the age to the great teachers of the past, and men had to go to school to them for some time before they were by them brought back to nature. Greek literature, including, of course, the medical writers, was the influence which predominated in this College at its foundation. To it the greater part of the hours of study of Linacre and Clement and Wotton was devoted. The illustrious Bentley 90 LECTURE III in his old age, when Mrs. Bentley lamented that he had bestowed so great a portion of his time and talents upon criticism instead of employing them in original composition, acknowledged the justice of her regret with extreme sensibility, and remained for a considerable time thoughtful and seemingly embarrassed by the nature of her remark. At last recollecting himself he said : * Child, I am sensible that I have not always turned my talents to the proper use for which I should presume they were given to me : yet I have done something for the honour of my God and the edification of my fellow creatures. But the wit and genius of those old Heathens beguiled me, and as I despaired of raising up myself to their standard upon fair ground I thought the only chance I had of looking over their heads was to get upon their shoulders/ l I can imagine that some of the physicians of the Kenaissance may at the end of their lives have had feelings like those of Bentley. Caius was the first to write an original description of disease as observed in his own time, yet his Liber de Ephemera Britannica contains no series of clinical observations, and he is content to give a general account of the epidemic, of its prognosis, and of the treatment adopted. The description of the symptoms of the sweating sickness is not connected with any particular cases, and is mixed up with pathological hypotheses con- 1 Wrangham, British Plutarch, where Cumberland seems the authority for the statement. STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 91 cerning them ; yet it was the first description of a disease from nature which had been written in Eng- land. The preface is dated at London, January 12, 1555, and as Caius was then living in St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, the book was probably written within its walls. Caius was satisfied that no account of the disease was to be found in Hippocrates or Galen, and he made his description from what he had seen. The substance of what he says about the sweating sickness is at the onset the disease attacks in some patients the neck or shoulder, in others the thigh or the arm ; in some there is a feeling as if a breath of warmth swept down those members. At the same time a sudden and copious sweat takes place without obvious cause. First the inner parts grow warm, then burn, and thence the heat is diffused to the outer parts. There is great thirst and restless tossing about. The disease attacks the heart, liver, and stomach. A severe headache follows all these symptoms, then rambling and talkative delirium, then faintness and almost irresistible inclination to sleep. For the disease has a kind of sharper poison which moves the mind with madness and oppresses it with heavy sleep. Again, in other cases sweat is repressed at the beginning, the limbs are more lightly chilled, but afterwards the same sweat bursts out, but heavy in odour, of another colour by reason of the humour, in quantity imme- diately after diminished, then again increased, in substance dense. In some there is nausea, in others vomiting, but this in very few and almost 92 LECTURE III entirely in those filled with food. All have heavy and frequent breathing and deeply groaning voice. The urine is lighter in colour, thicker in substance, uncertain in relief, otherwise natural. The pulse excited, rapid. These were the sure signs of the sickness. 1 The defects of Caius's book are the absence of a discussion of the morbid anatomy in explanation of the phenomena and the compara- tively small space given to the description of the symptoms in proportion to the many pages of hypotheses on the relation of the disease to the general scheme of fevers and on its origins. Yet it was the first step in clinical medicine in England. Gilbert was aware of the importance of applying in medicine precise scientific methods of observation such as led to his great discovery in physics, but while it is certain that his acute and observing mind must have had but one method in all its proceedings, he has left us no records of observations in clinical medicine. Harvey had made some notes of patients, as is shown in the manuscript of his lectures on the circulation. He had watched the progress of a suppurating hydatid of the liver in a patient at St. Bartholomew's, ' Apostema ingens per multos menses ex pure foetidissimo 2 or 3 gallons et aqua cum viscosis panniculis convolutis as glew stepened in water or Isonglass : regressum Hospitali,' a and 1 Johannis Caii, Liber de Ephemera Britannica. Ed. S. Jebb, M.D. London, 1721. 2 Prelectiones Anatomiae Universalis (1886), Autotype f. 39 6. STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 93 had also observed the increase of the liver in a man with caries of the spine accompanied by long- lasting abscesses as we should say, a case of amyloid disease, * sic magnitudo Jon Bracey Ingen- tem as bigg as an ox liver : liver grown : macilen- tissimus curvatus pro Imbecillitate moriens ex fistulis.' There were probably many clinical notes among those papers of his, the loss of which has so often been deplored, for almost every man who has devoted himself to morbid anatomy has also made observations in clinical medicine. Is not this plain in the writings of Morgagni, of Matthew Baillie, of Louis, of William Jenner, and of Wilks. Besides the traces of clinical observation in Caius and in Harvey other fragmentary proofs of its use may be collected. The works, for example, of William Clowes, surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital in the reign of Elizabeth, contain many passages which show how carefully he observed his patients, though he evidently writes down the general result in his memory rather than anything noted day by day. He was good at telling a story rather than at recording an observation. The first physician in England whose writings show him to have devoted himself to minute clinical observation is Sir Theodore Turquet de Mayerne, who was elected a Fellow of this College on June 25, 1616. He was the first person in England learned in all medicine, and himself a part of the learned world of his time, who made many elaborate clinical studies. This great man was born 94 LECTURE III at Mayerne, near Geneva, on September 28, 1573, of a learned family, and you cannot go into the Uni- versity library at Cambridge without being reminded of the godfather whose name he bore, the great scholar Theodore Beza, who gave to the University the ancient codex of the New Testament called after him. A notebook of Mayerne's, when in the second class at school at Geneva in 1585, is among the Sloane manuscripts, 1 and shows that the variety of tastes and assiduity of study which his mature writings display were already to be observed in him at the age of twelve years. The book begins with many pages of notes ' de dialectica ', on logic. These are followed by notes on processes of distilla- tion with well-executed drawings of stills and other apparatus. At the end he has written out a French pastoral play. The scenes and dialogues in which Tonion bergere and Lysette, Clovis, Florus, and Daphnis take part, contain nothing which might not have been written by an ingenious boy, but Mayerne does not state that he composed it. He clearly was interested in it. It is probable that the drawings and the play may have been written rather later than the logic. After his school educa- tion he studied at the University of Heidelberg for four years and then at Montpelier, where he gradu- ated M.B. in 1596 and M.D. in 1597. He settled in Paris, and early in his career had some medical controversies with the physicians there out of which he emerged with credit to himself. He had been 1 Sloane MS. 2013. STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 95 attacked for using chemical remedies to which the Galenists of the time objected, and in a well- expressed reply he showed that his prescriptions were both useful and in accordance with the prin- ciples and practice of Hippocrates and Galen. Mayerne went on with his work in spite of much opposition from his seniors. He felt some scorn of his opponents, since in one of his notebooks begun at Paris in October, 1602, l he has written a list of fourteen patients who had been left to die by the physicians of Paris or by others, but were restored to health by him and by Kiverius, the King's physician. Sixteen long notes of this period of his practice have been printed. 2 Before he left Paris opposition seems to have ceased, and he had become physician in ordinary to the King of France. In 1606 he was taken to England by a patient whom he had cured, and received the degree of M.D. at Oxford. He did not, however, settle in London till 1611, when he was desired to come by letters patent under the Great Seal and was appointed first physician to James I. His profound know- ledge of his profession and great ability and general learning at once secured for him the friendship of this College. The first case after he came to England of which he has preserved a note is that of Sir Robert Cecil, the Earl of Salisbury, who, like his descendant in our time, was first Minister of the Crown. Mayerne saw Cecil at Salisbury on 1 Sloane MS. 2089, f. 23 a. 1 Opera (ed. Browne). London, 1701. 96 LECTURE III August 1, 1611, and evidently thought ill of his case. He describes a large hard abdominal tumour occupying nearly the whole hypogastrium on the right side and associated with prolonged diarrhoea probably a new growth of the caecum. The symptoms and their meaning are discussed in six folio pages of print of two columns each and the treatment in twelve and a half columns, and it is evident that while Mayerne expresses the wish that careful management may do something for the patient he was not hopeful of recovery. The earl died on May 24, 1612. Mayerne was consulted during the fatal illness of Henry Prince of Wales in 1612, and drew up an excellent account of the symptoms, treatment, and post-mortem appearances, from which, as I have elsewhere shown, it is easy to establish that the Prince died from enteric fever, of which there was an epidemic in London at the time of year at which at the present day enteric fever is almost invariably present in this city. So excellent are the notes of Mayerne that it is fair to say that nothing but the pathology of his time prevented him from being the first recognizer of enteric fever. Many, he says, had a similar fever in the summer of 1612. It usually began like a tertian, but soon became a con- tinued fever. In those who recovered it lasted a long time. Delirium, stupor, and convulsions often occurred. Haemorrhage sometimes ended the case. There were spots like flea-bites in many cases. The disease was not contagious, nor did one STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 97 infect another, but sometimes many were sick at the same time in one house. The memoir which he drew up in December, 1623, on the health of James I is a good example of Mayerne's method. It exists in his own character- istic handwriting in the British Museum *, and is in Latin. I may give sufficient of its substance to show its nature without fatiguing you by a literal translation of the whole. James the First, King of Great Britain, was born at Edinburgh in the year 1566, on June 19th, at half-past eleven in the morning, and is now aged over 57 years. He had a drunken wet-nurse and was suckled for about a year. He has a very stead- fast brain, which was never disturbed by the sea, by drinking wine, or by driving in a coach. (The badness of the roads and the rude construc- tion of vehicles must have at that time often caused sickness from oscillation in travellers.) He is easily affected by cold and suffers in cold and damp weather. His chest is broad and well formed, and the vital parts contained therein have strong and lively warmth and never are afflicted unless as a result of morbid conditions elsewhere. In this way it happens that his lungs are often attacked by fluxion, the material of which is swiftly thoroughly matured by the power of a very warm heart. The liver naturally good, large, of much blood, warm, liable to obstructions, and inclined to 1 Sloane MS. 1679. I have given the original in the Appendix, as it has not been printed before. 98 LECTURE III generate much bile. The spleen now easily heaps up melancholic juice, the presence of which is indi- cated by various symptoms. There is no swelling in either of these viscera and no hardness. Each hypochondrium is soft and never distended, except with wind. The stomach is always ready for the burden of a large quantity of food and is prompt to get rid of any hurtful excess, chiefly by the bowel. He has naturally a good appetite and duly digests a sufficient quantity. He very often thirsts and often swells out with wind, of which imperfect digestion or fermentation is the origin. Bowels uncertain ; the discharge soft and fluid. The mesentery is apt to be obstructed in the wanderings of its vessels. Kidneys warm, disposed to generate sand and gravel. His legs seem not strong enough to sustain the weight of the body. His habit loose and of pervious texture, and he readily heats with dry heat. Skin thin and delicate, so that it itches easily. Fauces narrow, causing difficulty in swallow- ing, which defect is hereditary from his mother and grandfather, James V of Scotland. Animal and vital faculties blameless. All functions naturally good, but perverted on occasion and most from disturbance of mind. As to non-naturals : Air. His Majesty bears all changes of air fairly well; in damp weather with a south wind he is attacked by catarrh. Food. As regards food he does not much amiss except that he eats no bread. He generally takes roast meats. Owing to want of teeth he does not STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 99 chew his food but bolts it. Fruit he eats at all hours of day and night. Drink. In drink he errs as to quality, quantity, frequency, time, and order. He promiscuously drinks beer, ale, Spanish wine, sweet French wine, white wine (his normal drink), and Muscatelle wine (whence he has diarrhoea), and sometimes Alicant wine. Nevertheless, he does not mind whether wine be strong or no so it be sweet. He has the strongest antipathy to water and all watery drinks. Exercise and rest. The King used to be given up to most violent exercise in hunting. Now he is quieter and lies or sits more, but that is due to the weakness of his knee-joints. Sleep and waking. He naturally sleeps ill and restlessly, and often at night he is roused and calls the valets, and sleep does not return unless, as often, it takes him by surprise while the reader is reading aloud to him. Affections of the mind. His mind is easily moved suddenly. He is very wrothful, but the fit soon passes off. Sometimes he is melancholy from the spleen in the left hypochondrium exciting disorders. Excreta. He often blows his nose, sneezes very often. Does not spit much unless from catarrh. Stomach easily made sick if he retains undigested food or bile. Vomits with great effort, so that after being sick his face appears for a day or two spotted with red spots. Much wind. Vapours from his stomach precede illness. The alvine discharge is uncertain and depends on the nature of his food, Hi 100 LECTURE III which often produces morbid changes. A tendency to looseness gets rid of a burden produced by what he has eaten. Urine generally normal and sufficient. Often sandy sediment after a time. Sometimes friable calculi or rather agglutinated grains of sand are sifted out. He sweats easily owing to the thinness of his skin, especially at night, after exercise, after copious meals. He is impatient of sweat as of all things. From the year 1619, after a severe illness, in which leeches were applied, has had a copious haemorrhoidal flow almost daily. If this does not occur the King becomes very irascible, melancholy, jaundiced, glows with heat, and his appetite falls off. When the flow returns all things are changed for the better. Former illnesses and present aptitude to various morbid dispositions. The King to the sixth year of his age was not able to walk, but was carried about, so weak was he from the bad milk of his drunken nurse. Between the second and fifth year he had small-pox and measles. In his fifth year for twenty- four hours he had suppression of urine, nevertheless no sand or slime was ejected. Colic. He often has colic ; this was worse before he was twenty-four ; it afterwards became milder. Fasting, sadness, cold at night produced it. It is relieved by the converse. Cholera often, and when young almost every year he was seized with cholera morbus, with shivering preceding sickness and bilious diarrhoea. STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 101 Diarrhoea. He has been liable to diarrhoea all his life ; most in spring and autumn, most of all from about the end of August or beginning of September, after eating fruit, sometimes with fever, sometimes without. Before this diarrhoea he almost always has depression of mind, sighing, dread of all things, and other melancholic symptoms. In 1610, at the end of Parliament, 1 after great sadness, diarrhoea for eight days, with watery bilious, very fetid, and at last black excreta. Cardialgia, palpi- tation, sighing, sadness, &c. Vomiting recurring twice or thrice a day. The King regained his health after proper remedies. In 1612, December 4, after the death of his son, a paroxysm of melancholy an attack of illness ending in diarrhoea lasting a few days. 1619, after the Queen's death, pain in joints and nephritis with thick sand. At Royston continued fever, bilious diarrhoea, watery and profuse throughout the illness. Hiccough for some days. Aphthae all over mouth and fauces, and even the oesophagus. Fermentation of bitter humours boiling in his stomach which, effervescing by froth out of his mouth, led to ulceration of his lips and chin. Fainting, sighing, dread, incredible sadness, intermittent pulse. Never- theless, it is to be noted as to this intermission of pulse in the King that it was frequent. Nephritis, 1 Parliament was dissolved Feb. 11, 16J-, after much sharp discussion about the King's favourites and without making the pecuniary arrangements he desired. James was highly irritated. 102 LECTURE III from which, without any remedy having been administered, he excreted a friable calculus, as was his wont. The force of this, the most dangerous illness which the King ever had, lasted for eight days. Remedies were used with success. After that illness for two years the King was fairly well and free from other, even his usual affections ; after- wards, as was his wont, diarrhoea recurred, but was less severe. This year 1623, at the end of autumn, it lasted for two or three days, and was excessive. After this arthritis, and after this, after an interval of three weeks, he was able to walk without help, while before for months he had had to sit in a chair and be carried or be helped along by the support of others. The happy effect of the spontaneous evacuation is to be noted. Our King is easily attacked by catarrh descending from the brain and producing coryza. Most often it attacks the lungs, and a most violent cough follows, but within two or three days maturation occurs and the cough ceases, and the humour thick and black is rejected from the bronchi. Fever. He rarely has fever, and if any it is short and ephemeral. Jaundice. Easily comes on if he is in any way out of sorts, whether in mind or body. Often his eyes grow yellow, but it soon passes off. Haemorrhoids. Some loss of blood nearly every day, with sometimes prolapse and tenesmus. Nephritis. Many years ago, after hunting and STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 103 long riding, he often had turbid urine and red like Alicant wine (which are His Majesty's words), but without pain. July 12, 1613, bloody urine, with red sand, soon faeculent, and with thick sediment. Ardor urinae, pain in the left kidney ; frequent vomiting and other nephritic symptoms. The same, but worse, August 17. In 1615, October, the same symptoms. His accustomed flux relieved all these paroxysms. Afterwards the evil often renewed, and in some of the accessions calculi or rather concoctions were ejected, and soft sand adhering together with imperfect cohesion, and then the attack came to an end. Arthritis. Pains many years since invaded first the right foot, which had an odd twist when walking, and from a wrong habit of steps had a less right position than the other, and grew weaker as he grew older. Afterwards occurred various bruises from knocking against timber, from frequent falls from horseback, from the rubbing of greaves and stirrups and other external causes which the King ingeniously discovered, and exactly noted, that he might baffle the accusation of internal disorder on the part of his physicians. Pain of his right foot used to afflict him most often ; not the toes, not the joint of the foot with tibia, but underneath the external malleolus. All the same, I have observed that the whole foot has more often swelled, and so much weakness from pain remained, that for several weeks he had to 104 LECTURE III give up usual exercise, and was compelled to stay in bed or in a chair. At last, in the year 1616, this weakness continued for more than four months, with oedematous swelling of the whole skin and of both feet. In following years it happened that the pain went on to joints of other parts, the great toe of the left foot and the malleoli to both knees and shoulders and hands, sometimes not always with redness, more often with swelling. The pain is acute for the first two or three days. By night it rages now worse, now milder ; weakness succeeds, which is neither subdued nor disappears till after a long course of days. In winter time the arthritis is much worse, nor are the joints free till the return of the sun and summer warmth restores health to his Majesty. Thrice in his life he was seized with most severe pains of the thigh, very recently on October 28, 1623, as if by a spasm of the muscles and tendons bending the left leg by a vaporous influence most pertinaciously twitching those parts in the hours of the night. The leanness, and so to speak atrophy, of his legs were to be noted as due to the inter- mission of exercise not calling the spirits and nourishment to the lower parts which from child- hood were slender and weak. The King when coming into England from Scot- land, falling from his horse, broke his right collar- bone. Another time, from a fall, he suffered from a bruise of the left scapula. He was completely cured. From that time nevertheless, there was STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 105 descent of humours into his right arm, whence arose swollen glands like the phlegmatic excrescences of scrofula, which first swelled with redness and pain, then subsided, and at length suppurating, formed ulcers that were healed after a long time. It is to be noted that from the same humours, or perhaps from arthritic juice descending, a tumour appeared two years later on his right olecranon, distended with wind and serum, which happily ceased after proper remedies without breaking the skin. Once having bruised and almost broken his ribs on a fall from his horse, for three days he had slight fever. He recovered without blood-letting. Another time the fibula of the other leg was squeezed by the weight of a horse, with most dangerous bruising and blackening of the whole leg. He was cured without fever. He is of extreme sensitiveness, most impatient of pains ; and while they torture him with most violent movements his mind is tossed, and bile flows around his praecordia, whence the evil is not relieved, but made worse. He demands relief and freedom from pain, little considering about the causes of his illness. As to remedies. The King laughs at medicine, and holds it so cheap that he declares physicians to be of very little use and hardly necessary. He asserts the art of medicine to be supported by mere con- jectures, and useless because uncertain. Mayerne mentions other royal opinions and the King's fancies about various drugs. He would never allow himself to be bled. He then goes on 106 LECTURE III to say what should be done, and what is chiefly to be remembered in treatment of the King in every circumstance likely to arise. This excellent account shows how Mayerne behaved as a clinical observer noting everything ; considering no point of the patient's history unworthy consideration ; weighing the whole in relation to treatment and to prognosis. It was his invariable method. He began by a minute series of observations of the symptoms ; then mentioned in succession the remedies which had been tried ; then discussed and determined the diagnosis and the several parts of the prognosis ; and concluded by an elaborate statement of the treatment to be adopted. That he felt the spleen is shown in his notes on Lord Salisbury, and that he examined by palpation the liver is shown by the case of M. le Natier Greffier, in which he says, l 'Hepatis qualitas non potuit explorari ob muscu- lorum et cutis diductionem.' Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I, was also a patient of Mayerne's, and some of his notes on her illnesses, from February 28, 1612, when she had an ulcer on her left leg, to her death on March 20, 1619, with cough and general dropsy, are to be found among the many pages headed 'Variae Medicamentorum Formulae' printed in Joseph Browne's edition of Mayerne's writings. The Queen had an attack of gout at Christmas, 1612. She had swelled feet and an ulcer on the left ankle when Mayerne saw her at Lay cock Abbey on May 11, 1 Opera, p. 216. STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 107 1613. In a note which he then drew up on her state, he mentions that she was easily made angry and easily grew red in the face, that she slept ill and that her joints were feeble. She went to Bath in that year for the swelling of her feet. Mayerne's notes on Queen Henrietta Maria, 1 contained in the same manuscript book, show equal care. They were written out in July, 1641, when the Queen was about to cross the sea * to cure her mind no less than her body ', says the note. Some swelling of liver and spleen, frequent swelling of the gums and painful teeth, several renal calculi, frequent cough, sleepless nights only soothed by syrup of poppy (never by laudanum), herpes of the upper lip, occasional inflammation of the right eye, and of the eyelids, recurring headaches, curvature of the spine, the arm and hand of the right side thinner than those of the left, extreme general wasting and, as regards affections of the mind (animi pathemata), anger violent but brief, long sadness, frequent tears. The details of all these are carefully recorded, and besides showing the excellence of Mayerne's clinical observation present to us a picture of the Queen of Charles I, which placed beside the lady so thin and pale, with some grace, but no cheerfulness, in the pictures of Vandyke, enables us to understand how her troubles in the world must have affected her, and leads us to judge leniently any defects of manner or disposition in her, and to attribute them not to 1 Appendix. 108 LECTURE III a fiendish nature, as did her political opponents when they applied to her the words in which Aeneas denounces Helen as he describes how he found her hiding on the night of the taking of Troy Troiae et patriae communis Erinys, but in great part at least to a physical condition which must have greatly detracted from her enjoy- ment of life. In Mayerne's notebook there is a blank page with a heading which shows that it was intended for notes on the health of Charles I. A friendly letter, dated February 3, 1636, to Harvey, then at Newmarket, is printed in Mayerne's works l on the illness and best method of treatment of the Elector Palatine. The confidence which Charles I and his Queen felt in Mayerne is shown by two letters which he has copied into his notebook. The heading is TraVTOL (TVV 060), d/Xrp the history of a journey to Exeter 2 undertaken to restore the health of the Queen, then seriously ill. He left London on May 21, 1644, with another physician, Sir Matthew Lister, and carried in the Queen's coach, they reached Her Majesty at Exeter, on May 28. These royal letters are so little known 1 Opera, p. 361. 2 ' Accersitus per Eegis et Reginae literas Londino Excetriam unacum muneris in Aula socio, et viae comite, Equite Matthaeo Lister, itineri me commisi 21 Maii 1644 cum ductore a Regina misso qui sumptus omnes faceret et ministraret omnia necessaria Archibaldo Hay. Ita Reginae rheda vecti pervenimus ad E. M. die mensis 28.' STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 109 that I may add their words. The Queen's has, I think, not been printed before. Exeter ce 3 May, Monsieur de Mayerne, mon indisposition ne me permet pas d'escrire beaucoup, pour vous prier de venir si vostre sante vous le permet, mais mon mal vous y conuie plus comme j'espere que ne feroit beaucoup de lignes. C'est pourquoy je ne diray que cela, ayant tousjours dans ma memoire les soings que vous aues eu de moy dans mes besoings, qui faict que je crois que si vous pouues, vous viendres et que je suis et seray tousjours Vostre bien bonne mestresse et amie, HENRIETTE MARIE K. The letter of the King was sent from Oxford by William Muray to London. Mayerne Pour L'amour de moy alle trouuer ma Femme. C. K. Many other of Mayerne's clinical descriptions of patients are as good as those of these royal persons. That on the first Earl of Abercorn, made on September 26, 1616, when the Earl was aged forty- one years, gives an admirable account of his history and of the physical and mental phases of his life. Mayerne left his library to this College from loose papers in which some fragments of his works were published, but it was not till 1700 that a volume in folio of his notes was printed by Dr. Joseph Browne. He selected such parts as he thought Mayerne would have wished to print, or Bonetus of Geneva, to whom Mayerne had sent the first fasciculus to get it printed. The printing was 110 LECTURE III delayed, and Bonetus sent the book back to the author, and urged that he should publish all he had written, and not only selections. A great part of the College agreed with Bonetus when, long after Mayerne's death, the question of printing arose. The Censors referred the matter to Dr. Charleton, who took a different view, and wanted to recast the whole. Browne wisely decided to issue the papers unaltered. His book contained full notes of more than forty cases observed by Mayerne, with letters about seven more, the report and papers about the case of Henry Prince of Wales, a letter to the King's physicians about the health of James I and Charles I, then Prince of Wales, the letter to Harvey at Newmarket on the health of the Elector Palatine, and a long series of notes on the illness of Isaac Casaubon, in which are incorporated the notes of Raphael Thorius, the author of the poem on tobacco, who attended him. Notes on pharmacology and a long series of prescriptions for King James, King Charles, and Queen Henrietta Maria are also printed and some notes on her health. Mayerne seems not to have been unwilling to treat any symptom, however slight, and this arose not from any mere complaisance to the King and Queen, but from the fact that to his keen observation nothing seemed trivial. If he sometimes humoured his patients, he never allowed their high station to obscure his thorough investigation of their symptoms or view of their characters in relation to their physical frames. It was surely harmless when STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 111 King James swore he hated to be anthropophagous to give him powdered ox bones instead of cranium humanum, a remedy then highly estimated. 1 A great part of Mayerne's papers became the property of Sir Hans Sloane, and are now in the Sloane Collection in the British Museum. They show not only Mayerne's industry as a clinical observer, but his extensive learning and constantly studious mind. Twenty-three volumes of his notes of varied kinds have been preserved, and these, together with those printed by Dr. Joseph Browne, are the material for our estimate of him as an observer. His general plan was to divide the notes into two parts ; the first, called Theoria, gives an account of the history and symptoms, and the conclusions drawn from them ; the second, headed Curatio, deals with the treatment in great detail, and to increase the clearness of this he sometimes adds a recapitulatio ordinis agendorum. Sir T. Mayerne's portrait hangs on our staircase 2 . In the dining-room is that of Francis Glisson, President in 1667. He is the first English writer of a complete account that is, an account, both anatomical and clinical, of a particular disease. Tractatus de Rachitide appeared in 1650. It deserves high praise as an example of clinical observation as 1 In rege qui avOpnyiro^ayia edit, Cranium humanum in ossium Bubulorum Rasuram poterit permutari. 2 In the British Museum there is a magnificent drawing of him by Rubens, probably done between 1630 and 1640. The head is in oils and finished with extraordinary vigour and perfection. The rest of the portrait is in crayon. 112 LECTURE III well as of pathological anatomy. Glisson's method consisted in placing side by side all the facts relating to the disease he was studying. He does not allude by name or number to particular patients, yet shows by the precision of his statements that each rests upon many carefully noted observations. He collects the symptoms of rickets under three heads : dia- gnostica, which demonstrate its presence ; diacritica, which distinguished the varieties ; and prognostic^ which presage the issue of the disease. The thorough discussions of terms, and the minute and precise arrangement which he follows, give a scholastic appearance to his pages which is apt to make any one who merely glances at his book think that Glisson is less an observer of nature than he really is. When he discusses the diagnostic signs he does so under five heads : (1) symptoms which have to do with the animal functions ; (2) those which have to do with irregular nutrition ; (3) those which have to do with respiration ; (4) those which belong to the vital influx, as we should say, to the circula- tion ; and (5) certain indefinite symptoms not belonging to the above classes. Under the first head he places flabbiness of the muscles, weakness, and sluggishness, and describes each with admirable clearness and entirely from clinical notes. * If,' he says in the section on debility, ' children are affected within the first year or thereabouts, they stand on their feet later than usual owing to that debility, and often speak before they walk, which is generally thought by the English to be of evil omen. If STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 113 children are attacked by this disease after they have learned to walk, they stand on their feet more feebly by degrees, and when walking often hesitate, stagger from a slight cause, or even fall, nor are they able to stand long without sitting down, or to quicken their movements. At last, as the disease increases, they are deprived of the use of their feet ; indeed, they can scarcely sit upright, and the weak neck sustains the weight of the head imperfectly or not at all.' Under the heading ' Symptoms due to malnutrition ', he describes the large head, the feeble muscles, the enlarged wrists, the bent bones, the retarded dentition, and the pigeon breast. Professor Virchow, in his Croonian lecture of 1893, praised Glisson as the discoverer of muscular irritability. Sir Michael Foster, 1 in his interesting lectures on the History of Physiology, has shown that in his De Ventriculo Glisson ' was the first to give the exact proof that when a muscle contracts it does not increase in bulk'. He is perpetually commemorated as an anatomist. Whoever studies his Tractatus de Eachitide will be convinced that he also deserves recollection as one of the founders of thorough clinical study in England. The method of Christopher Benet in his Tabi- dorum Theatrum sive Phthisios Atrophiae et Hecticae Xenodochium, published in 1656, is similar to that of Glisson, and Benet seems to have lost his life by infection during his experiments in relation to the 1 Lecture X : The Old Doctrines of the Nervous System. 114 LECTURE III sputum of phthisis, which he carefully collected and examined. The excellent clinical method of Mayerne, in which all the facts about each patient were carefully collected, and that of Glisson, in which all the facts relating to a particular morbid condition were placed side by side and a conclusion drawn from them, were not adopted by all physicians. A prominent example of another school is Walter Charleton, physician to Charles I, and President of this College from 1689 to 1691. His Spiritus Gorgonicus published in 1650, in which he treats of the causes and symptoms and cure of calculi wherever formed, is altogether different from the writings of Glisson or of Benet. He begins by discussing petrifaction in the outside world, and thence goes on to the efficient causes of petrifaction in the human body, and in the chapter on dia- gnosis the nearest approach to the report of a case is the mention of a Mr. Pinckay, commissary of the Koyal Army, who had shown him fifty renal calculi which he had passed, and afterwards carried about in an ivory box. Charleton's Exercitationes Patlw- kgicae, which discusses the nature, generation, and causes of almost all diseases, and was written in 1661, is in part occupied by the discussion of questions of medical expression, such as when a disease may be spoken of as malignant, or incurable, or hereditary, and how the common qualities of the tissues of the body may be defined * Crassities, Tenuitas, Densitas, Raritas, Consistentia, Fluiditas, STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 115 Tenacitas, Friabilitas, Tensitas, Laxitas, Rigiditas, Flacciditas, Durities, Mollities, Laevor, Asperitas'. Except a case of very hard tumour of the pancreas in a woman which was accompanied by anaemia, or, as he calls it, chlorosis, he scarcely mentions any case which he had himself seen, nor is his account of even this sufficiently definite to make one sure whether the tumour was a dense new growth or a pancreatic calculus of uncommon size. How long the patient was ill is not stated, nor are the incidents of the illness. Such was the method of medicine of Dr. Walter Charleton. Dryden praised Charleton profusely, yet with some discrimination : Nor are you, learned friend, the least renowned, Whose fame, not circumscribed with English ground, Flies like the nimble journies of the light, And is, like that, unspent too in its flight. Whatever truths have been by art or chance Redeemed from error or from ignorance, Thin in their authors like rich veins of ore, Your works unite, and still discover more. Such is the healing virtue of your pen To perfect cures on books as well as men. Charleton's copious writings are sufficient to show that clinical study was not universally cultivated among the physicians who were contemporaries of Mayerne and Glisson. Only one man of that time outshines Glisson in the exposition of clinical medicine, and that man is, of course, Sydenham. I need not dwell on the well-known events of the life of this great man, who, born in 1624, took his first medical degree at Oxford in 1648, i 2 116 LECTURE III and his doctor's degree at Cambridge in 1676, and after practising in London for a little more than a quarter of a century, died on December 29, 1689. As Mayerne may be said to have first definitely established in England the clinical study of medicine and the method of recording observations, and Glisson to have set the example of the study of the relation of the symptoms to the anatomical appear- ances of disease, so Sydenham may be regarded as the first who attempted to arrive at general laws about the prevalence and the course and the treat- ment of disease from clinical observation. How admirable is Sydenham's account of measles, and, when it is compared with the books of his time and before, how original, how clearly he describes the onset and the method of appearance of the rash, and how well contrasts the circum- stances which attend it with those of small-pox. * The symptoms of the Measles do not abate by the eruption as in the small-pox, yet I never observed the vomiting afterwards, but the cough and fever increase with the difficulty of breathing, weakness of the eyes and the defluxion on them, with continual drowsiness and want of appetite as before.' His obvious originality is one reason for the great repute of his writings, and this originality is due not merely to his having thought differently, but also to his having seen more than his predecessors. Though Sydenham's is a general account, it is as distinctly based upon many clinical observations as STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 117 if the notes of the cases he had seen were appended. 1 Of the score of cases which he particularizes most are mentioned in illustration of points of treatment, but those of Thomas Chute, nephew of Lady Dacres, a young man with small-pox, and of Malthus, 2 the apothecary, who had a chronic arthritis, are excellent illustrations of his daily observations. A great mind constantly occupied in arguing within itself on observations must sometimes furnish incomplete conclusions and imperfect hypotheses, and though Sydenham says when discussing the possible relation between certain visceral symptoms and the size of the pustules in small-pox, * I do not determine ; for I only write a History, and do not pretend to solve problems,' he elsewhere tries to argue out a general pathology of fevers. 3 * A fever,' he believes, 'is Nature's instrument to per- form the separation of some matter from the blood.' This is the process * also in the plague '. Charleton, had he described small-pox, would probably have done so in much the same way as Bernard or Gaddesden ; some of the authors he mentioned might have been diiferent, but he would proceed by way of scholastic discussion and quota- tion, and tell little of what he had himself seen. How entirely different is the method of Sydenham. 4 1 Of the Epidemic Diseases from the Year 1675 to the Tear 1680. 2 I suppose this Malthus was the ancestor of the political economist, since Sydenham was used as a Christian name in more than one generation of his family. 3 Of the Continual Fevers in the Years 1667, Irj AnlHi 3 ^ ^^'^- < ^V'^ifr t ^ nA -Li^^4fe! ^^i^^/^tTlJV? 3,^^11 A ^^ k* "^.L^ caitfin^' iO^pfa ^4A ^jrr^mM^Ctp^io AC^fV,^ ^A Jj/ *>&'i{ rUb^U ^jfeett^ir^H 4 *^ 4rrptr4 ^ ( ^ L'/l -M& Ti4*Vrmih Ijt^HC^rrjiinccU^riaJ^ .: N X . ' .^.o^^^^^^pwTi^X,!, ySQs^** 1 ^ *4 :?%Sr^J^SiSf fr*40rT@/fm4xi tin4 m4F^,i i ^ T'W ^%#& ^ J^Xitltt^jfc^^^^ ^Apni^Tcaii S^i^raL^sbf^fe&jfe ^t%4fr^4j?' " ^|iu4'i47i|i4U Cf5^j5:'4nk\l{ WRITTEN BY COR.MAC Chapter on Gout To face page 144. PLATE X. *T3 j r _4^_ i i '_^ i y i* n r c fge- ]fi^"^f<&*k <*n<^]>soi^ *o.i.^Ab Hi^ct-t^Ti-titj' e^irtx(f-^ b^t-c.fee-TUtij^^^rmB'i^^bTj'T^yp^oeT^ *&*&$&*' ^frj&AoAnieie^"' trff es7Ujr^^^i^t^-]Mn4?{>at- c^^i^^^t^ ^^^^^^ -^ . ^ i*f 4 *^ L /I . -1- ^^T^_ _ ^ J_ . .V" **5 -* *.! * 1 I ^ 1 * / -m ** m~ ** t L ii i ^^n.nTtWfcaU 1^f^ati^ T^jpu^xtnV 1b If^TJttty: &*]ifur'jcn^i.^-iA<: ' i ' ' ;7 / MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN HY CORMAC MAC-DITINNTSLKIBHE. Chapter on Epilepsy. To face page 145. STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 145 MacDuinntsleibhe, bachelor of physic, it is that has put it into Irish and written it for Denis O'Eachoid- hern in this document. And let each one whom it shall profit pray for those two.' Cormac also wrote in the same bibliotheca two Aristotelian disquisitions and a small section on plants, and a short treatise on the virtues of gems, a subject often discussed in the medical books of the Middle Ages. Nial O'Glacan, a physician who became professor of medicine in the University of Toulouse in the reign of Charles I, was born in Donegal, and from a remark in his Tractattts de Peste, published at Toulouse in 1629, it may be inferred that he received a medical education from one of the families of hereditary physicians and perhaps from the MaicDuinntsleibhe. He was appointed physician to the King of France, and in 1646 migrated to Bologna, where in 1655 he published a Cursus medicus, including six books on physiology, three on pathology, and four entitled Semeiotica. It is a mediaeval work, without any reports of cases or modern ideas. The UiCallanains were the hereditary physicians of MacCarthy riabhach, one of the great chiefs of the south of Munster. Aonghus O'Callanain and Nicholas O'Hicidhe wrote in 1403 a version with commentary of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates, of which a small fragment is preserved. Dr. Standish Hayes O'Grady, in his catalogue of the Irish manuscripts in the British Museum, has sug- gested that this physician was probably the man 146 LECTURE IV in whose beautiful handwriting is written a treatise entitled, * Suidigud tellaigh Temrach,' the arrange- ment of the hearth of Tara, which occurs in the noble manuscript called the Book of Lismore, from its having been found in the castle of Lismore. The colophon of the treatise is : ' Angus O'Callan- ain has written this for MacCarthy, that is Finghin, son of Dermot, and a blessing go with it to him.' l The UiHicidhe or O'Hickeys, of which family this Nicholas was one, were hereditary physicians of the Dal Cais, the group of allied clans who owned the northern part of Munster, long known as Thomond, and now as the county Clare. In the British Museum 2 there is a fine vellum manuscript which belonged to a member of this family. The manu- script contains a record of the date at which it was written. 3 'The year of the Lord when this book was written 1482, and that was the year when Philip son of Thomas Barry slew Philip son of Richard Barry.' And another note shows that it was still in the possession of its original scribe in 1489. 4 ' I grieve for this news I hear now : that my mother and my sister are dead in Spain. A.D. 1489.' A third note 5 records its sale to Gerald Earl of Kildare, Lord Justice of Ireland from 1478 to 1513. A prayer for Gerald the Earl, Justice of Ireland, that bought this book for twenty 1 'Aonghus o Callanain do scribh so do Mag Carthaigh .i. Finghin mac Diarmada ocus bennacht leis do.' S. H. O'Grady's Catalogue of Irish MSS. in British Museum, p. 222. 2 Egerton 89. 8 F. 92. F. 95. 5 F. 192 b. STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 147 cattle. Two and twenty folded skins are in this book. The rent of East Munster six score kine just come in to the Earl on the day when this com- putation was written. Thomas O'Mailconaire levied that rent for the earl. This year in which I am is the year of grace one thousand and five hundred years, the age of the Heavenly Lord at this time all which above stated is true.' In the fifteenth century money was hardly in use in Ireland outside the seaboard towns, and this earl, the greatest man of the Norman Irish, paid in cattle for this fine manuscript. It is a translation of the lAliwn Medicinae of Bernard de Gordon, a writer of the early part of the fourteenth century and of the school of Montpelier,who was widely read, and whose works have been translated into several European languages. Thomas O'Hicidhe wrote a treatise on the Calendar l in 1589. I saw in Belfast many years ago a fine early fifteenth-century manuscript on medicine in the hand of one of the O'Hickeys. 2 Some manuscripts of the family of O'Liaigh, another race of hereditary physicians in Thomond, are preserved, and are, as I am told by Mr. S. H. O'Grady who has examined them, of the same kind as those of Cormac MacDuinntsleibhe. The Ui Caiside were a medical clan and were the hereditary physicians of MacUidhir. Finghiii O'Caiside, who died in 1322 ; Gilla na naingel, who 1 British Museum : Cotton MS. Appendix LI. 2 It then belonged to Mr. Robert Macadam, and afterwards became the property of Bishop Beeves. L2 148 LECTURE IV died in 1335 ; Tadhg, who died in 1450 ; Feoiris, who died in 1504 ; and Feidhlimidh, who died in 1520, are mentioned in the annals of Ireland as professors of medicine (ollam leighis). All these hereditary physicians read some books of the school of Saler- num, the Arabian physicians, and Bernard de Gor- don. I have not met with any fragment of Mirfeld in those of their manuscripts which I have examined, but John of Gaddesden was known to them. The hereditary physicians of Ireland had brethren in Scotland. 1 In early times all the literary associa- tions of Alba, as Scotland is still called by her Celtic inhabitants and neighbours, were with Ireland, and the name Scotland is itself a proof that the language, customs, and social institutions of the country appeared to its neighbours to be identical with those of the inhabitants of Ireland, the Scoti. Most of the families who could trace their ancestry far into the past, traced it to some branch of the half-historic, half -mythological family tree of the Irish, the clan of Miledh, the descendant of Gaedhel Glas. Temhair, now called Tara, was for them the greatest seat of royal splendour, where King Cormac mac Airt had ruled, surrounded by the most redoubted champions, and with vast herds of cattle grazing on fertile plains as far as the eye could reach. The prose and the verse of the Dinnshenchus and the Agallamh 1 And no doubt in Wales, as shown in The Physicians of Myddvai, translated by John Pughe, F.K.C.S., and edited by the Kev. John Williams ap Ithel. Welsh MSS. Society, Llandovery, 1861. STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 149 na Senrirach, which, under the guise of a narrative of fact, clothed so many mountains, plains, rivers and lakes with romance, were known to them, and they had heard the solemn but often obscure and involved verses of the Amhra in which Dalian Forgaill had celebrated Columba. The kings of Scotland, though they came to be by descent, resi- dence, and language associated with the southern part of their subjects, yet liked to preserve the tradition of connexion with the remote generations of the race of Gaedhel Glas. At the Scottish coronation of Charles I it is said, but on what authority I do not know J , that some part of the ancient Gaelic phrases of installation were used for the last time. When James I came to England he brought with him a physician who seems likely to have belonged to a famous clan of hereditary physicians in the Highlands, Dr. David Betthun. On August 20, 1624, Mayerne 2 drew up a long paper on the use of remedies for the treatment of King James and of Charles, then Prince of Wales, and this is addressed by him as Regis Medicus Primarius to the other five royal physicians, Dr. Henry Atkins, Dr. J. Chambers, Dr. Jo. Craig, Dr. Matthew Lister, and Dr. David Betthun. Dr. Betthun had taken a degree at Padua. The transition from acquiring knowledge as a 1 Related to me as a Highland tradition by Field-Marshal Sir Patrick Grant, who was well acquainted with the language and whose memory was full of old stories and verses. 2 Opera, p. 288. 150 LECTURE IV member of a family in which some branch of learning was hereditary to its acquirement in a college or university is to be observed here and there. Thus Tadhg an tsleibhe, one of the here- ditary historians of Tirconnell, having become a Franciscan of the convent of Donegal, collected the Irish Chronicles as a regular historian with other hereditary historians into the great book com- monly known as the Annals of the Four Masters, and Cormac MacDuinntsleibhe, of the hereditary physicians of Kilmacrenan, at the end of the fif- teenth century had taken the degree of Bachelor of Physic, 1 probably in some French University. David Betthun, if my surmise about him be correct, in addition to the medicine which he inherited from the Isles, where his family were hereditary physicians, had graduated at Padua. David became a Fellow of our College, and may be regarded as the sole connecting link between the mediaeval hereditary physicians of Eire and Alba and the medicine of the Renaissance. A manuscript now in the British Museum 2 be- longed in the sixteenth century to John MacBetha, or 1 Arundel 333, in British Museum, f. 113 b: 'Tairnic an sin suim ocus trachtad ball nainminntedh o ysac in dietis par- ticularibus ocus cormac mac duinnleibe basiller a fisigecht do cuir a ngaigdeilg ocus do scrib do deinis o eachoidhern annsa cairtsi h^.' 'Here is an end of Summary and treatise on the organs of animals from Isaac, "In dietis particularibus." Cormac Mac Donlevy, Bachelor of Physic, put it into Irish and wrote it for Denis O'Eachodern in this document.' 2 Additional MS., 15582. STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 151 Beton, one of this race of physicians. It was written for him by two Irish scribes, Ddibhi O'Cearnaigh and Cairbre. A note (folio 29 b) shows that its pro- duction was not unattended by difficulties : * There it is from me to thee oh ! John and as I think indeed it is not too good, and no wonder that, for I am ever on the move, flying before certain English up and down Niall's wood and in that very wood I have written a part of it and prepared the skin. I am Cairbre.' The colophon gives the date. * There is the end of this book for thee John Beton (MacBetha) by David O'Cernaigh and the three virtues and graces go with it to thee. And the age of the Lord when this book was written was one thousand five hundred three score and three years/ Some other pages of the manuscript are in the hand of a James Beton, and there are five memoranda in his hand on folio 61. In one written at Sleat in Scotland, in 1588, he gives his genealogy for ten generations. Another ends : ' That is enough for this day, Satur- day; seeing that the woman of this house is very ill, the daughter of MacDubhgall, son of Ranald. I am James Beton and great is my sadness to-day for as Galen says Medicus et imitator naturae the physician is but the imitator of Nature.' The manuscript begins with a piece from John of Gad- desden, and also contains a fragment of a mediaeval composition : Hippocratis Capsula eburnea, and of excerpta from Gaddesden, Bernard de Gordon, and Platearius of Salernum. The names of Gerardus Cremonensis, Avicenna, Serapion, Kogerius of Parma, 152 LECTURE IV Arnaldus, and Bruno occur in some other passages. There are also a section on Materia Medica, and one from Galen on the Humours, an abstract of the Liber urinarum Theophili and numerous shorter paragraphs. I published in 1874, in the St. Bar- tholomew's Hospital Reports, an account of this and of the other eight manuscripts on medicine in the Irish language in the British Museum, and a much fuller and more learned analysis of all their contents has since been printed by Mr. Standish Hayes O'Grady in his Catalogue of the Irish MSS. in the British Museum, a work of extraordinary learning which reflects the greatest credit not only on its writer but also upon the authorities of the Museum, who have seen that in so recondite a subject a de- scription of the manuscripts with copious extracts from them would be the most useful form of catalogue. The physicians who studied books on medicine in the Irish language, whether in Ireland or Scotland, all belonged to the same school of medicine as the doctor of physic in Chaucer. I am glad for the sake of the continuity of history that one of the race became a Fellow of this College. On the eastern and southern and the extreme northern bounds of this Celtic nation of Scotland, Teutonic and Scandinavian lords and their followers steadily encroached. They became the dominant part of the State, and their Teutonic language de- veloped a fine literature of its own. Their natural foes, from the geographical situation of their country, were their kinsmen the English, and they lived in a STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 153 relation of social hostility and of varying degrees of political alliance with the inhabitants of the moun- tains and of the Western Isles. They looked for friends to France and to the Low Countries. Many circumstances tended to prolong this friendship after the conditions of its origin no longer existed. The medicine which made the University of Edin- burgh famous throughout the world was derived from Holland, and from Edinburgh spread its in- fluence not only in Scotland and Ireland but also in England, where clinical studies were already habitual among physicians. The systematic teaching of medicine in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh began at the end of the first quarter of the eighteenth century, and was largely due to the example and exertions of Alexander Monro, the father of the anatomist after whom the cerebral foramen is named. He studied under Boerhaave at Ley den in 1718, and lectured on general anatomy and physiology, comparative ana- tomy and surgical operations, in one comprehensive course lasting from October to May for thirty-nine years from 1725. He edited, in 1732, the first volume of the Medical Essays and Observations pub- lished by a Society in Edinburgh. These essays were many of them dissertations on some particular sub- ject, yet among them are sufficient clinical observa- tions to show that the publication had the effect of encouraging clinical observations in Scotland and elsewhere. Dr. John Rutherford, another pupil of Boerhaave, who had also received instruction from 154 LECTURE IV Dr. James Douglas in London, gave in 1748 the first clinical lectures in Edinburgh. Rutherford's lectures, of which there is a manuscript volume in the library of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, are good clinical descriptions of patients with comments upon their symptoms and the treat- ment. Similar lectures were given by his successors, John Gregory in 1768 and William Cullen in 1769, but neither of these shows the same power of direct- ing the attention of the student to what is to be seen in the patient. Robert Whytt gave clinical lectures at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary in 1760, and his Observations on the Nature, Causes, and Cure of those Disorders which are commonly called Nervous, Hypochondriac, or Hysteric, which appeared in 1764, contains many notes of the symptoms and daily progress of cases of nervous disease. He also had studied under Boerhaave. The influence of Boerhaave on medical studies of all kinds at Edinburgh may be further understood from the fact that when Dr. John Fothergill, who took his M.D. degree in 1736, studied there, his five teachers Monro, Alston, Rutherford, Sinclair, and Plummer had all been pupils of that illustrious Dutchman. The aphorisms of Boerhaave were first published in 1708 at Leyden. Their point, clearness, and comprehensiveness show upon how much clinical observation they were based. Men naturally flocked to Leyden to receive instruction from a teacher who knew so much and who could impart his knowledge in a style so easy to comprehend. No one who STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 155 went was disappointed. The aphorisms were even translated into Arabic, and from Constantinople to Dublin pupils of Boerhaave were to be found. The learned and instructive commentaries of Van Swieten prolonged the study of Boerhaave so that his influence as a teacher of medicine lasted for nearly a century. The clinical and the systematic medicine of Scotland were altogether derived from Boerhaave. Rutherford, Gregory, and Cullen spread his fame with their own wherever the doctors they had taught went to dwell. Many were carried to Ireland, among them a pupil of Alexander Monro, Dr. George Cleghorn, whose Observations on the Endemial Diseases of Minorca from the year 1744-49, shows a high degree of clinical observation. He lived in Minorca, then a British possession, from 1786 to 1749. He had noted the meteorology and collected the plants and animals of the island, and had made systematic notes on the diseases of the natives and of the troops both as to symptoms and post-mortem appearances. He gives a clear account of cases of continued fever, of pneumonia, and of dysentery in men who already had tertian ague, and some of these seem certainly to have been examples of enteric fever, others perhaps of Mediterranean fever. The book was widely read, for four editions appeared in his lifetime. He went to Dublin in 1751, and there remained for the rest of his life practising medicine and lecturing on general anatomy, of which he became professor in the university. He died in 1789. 156 LECTURE IV Cleghorn, when a student at Edinburgh, formed a friendship with John Fothergill which lasted throughout his life. Both had a taste for botany and both cared for clinical medicine. Fothergill, who took his M.D. degree at Edinburgh in 1736, is perhaps an example of the spread of the influence of Boerhaave to England. In 1748 Fothergill published An Account of the Sore-throat attended with Ulcers. The book contains some clinical observations. He shows that the cases of malignant sore-throat which he had seen were quite distinct from quinsy, but does not follow out the cases sufficiently in detail to establish their identity if they were all of the same kind, or, if they were not, their differences. Some of the cases seem to have been examples of diphtheria, and others of a form of scarlet fever. The work is good as far as it goes, but the investigation is imperfect. Dr. John Huxham is another example of the influence of Boerhaave in England on the study of clinical medicine. Huxham studied under the master at Leyden in 1715. His Essay on Fevers, which appeared in 1755, contains many original observations. His treatise, On the Malignant Ulcerous Sore-throatj famous as it is, is not, in my opinion, so good an example of clinical observation as the work of Fothergill. It has the same fault of failing to distinguish between cases which we should call diphtheria and others which were probably scarlatina anginosa, but Huxham excels Fothergill in that he seems to have noticed that paralysis of the soft STUDY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 157 palate followed some cases of malignant ulcerous sore-throat. These pupils or members of the school of Boerhaave seem to be more on the look-out for something startling or suitable for clinical demon- stration than were the followers of Glisson and of Sydenham, who were content to make no selection, but to observe every circumstance of an illness and by observing everything in many cases hoped to arrive at useful conclusions of general application. Yet the effect of the teaching of Boerhaave and of that of the University of Edinburgh, which was derived from him, was to increase the enthusiasm for clinical observations. The study of clinical medicine among English physicians originated in the learning of the Renaissance, while the origin of clinical study in Scotland is to be found in the teaching of Boerhaave. Such has been the history of the study of clinical medicine in the British Isles. Methods of clinical observation have been improved and elaborated since it has been fully established. Amidst the pursuit of the extensive sciences related to medicine it is for us, the physicians of to-day, to see that the precise observation of disease at the bedside is never displaced in teaching or in practice by other studies. APPENDIX I. CHARTEKS WITNESSED BY GRIMBALD I. Witnesses of Henry I's grant of ten hides of land at Lifesholt to Abingdon Abbey. Testibus : Rannulfo cancellario et Grimaldo medico et lurardo archidiacono et Watero archi- diacono : et Willelmo de Albini et Rogero filio Ricardi et Nigello de Oilli et Radulfo basset et Goiffredo filio pagani : Apud Wodestocam. Descripta est autem huius concessionis carta Anno ab incarnatione dominica M. C. XV. Cartulary of the Abbey of Abingdon (Claudius C. ix British Museum, f. 147 b). II. Henricus rex Anglorum Ricardo episcopo Lund . et Hugoni de Bochelanda et baronibus suis omnibus et fidelibus Londonie et Middelsexe salutem. Sciatis me concessisse ecclesie sancte MARIE de Abbendona et Faritio abbati perpetuo habenda hospitia sua de Lundonia in Westmenstrestret cum omnibus rebus pertinentibus ad hospicia omnino ab omnibus quieta sicut melius unquam ilia ecclesia et quietus habuit tempore patris et fratris mei. Testibus : Grimaldo medico et Nigello de Albini apud Windesor. Id. f. 150 a. III. Henricus rex Anglorum Ricardo episcopo Londoniensi et Hugoni de Bochelanda et omnibus baronibus suis francis et anglis de Londonia et de Midelsessa Salutem. Sciatis me dedisse sancte Marie de Abendonia et Faritio abbati unam mansam terre que fuit Aldewini in Suthstreta iuxta hospicium GRIMBALD IN CHARTERS 159 Abbatis paci. Et uolo et precipio ut bene et quiete et honorifice teneat illam terrain sicut quietus tenet ibi aliam terram suam. Testibus : Rogero episcopo Salesburie et Giliberto de Aquila et Otuero filio Comitis et Grimbaldo medico et Waltero de Bello- campo apud Westmowasteriww. Id. f. 150 a. IV. Henricus rex Anglorum Willelmo vicecomiti de Oxenefordscira Salutem. Precipio tibi ut ilia hida quam Droco et Andelei dedit sancte Marie de Abbendona ita sit quieta de hoc geldo et de omnibus consuetudinibus sicut melius fuit quieta in tempore patris mei et fratris mei et nichil aliud aduersum earn requiras. Testibus Waldrico cancellario et Grimaldo medico. Apud Romesi. Id. f. 149 a. V. Mathildis regina anglorum Hugoni de boche- landa et omnibus fidelibus suis de berchescira francis et anglis salutem. Sciatis me dedisse Faritio abbati Abendonie domos et omnia edificia de insula sancte MARIAE ad reficiendum monasterium ipsius sancte MARIE et ipsam insulam predicto monasterio in perpetuum redidisse. Et hoc totum dominus meus rex Henricus michi predictoque abbati meipsa interveniente concessit. Testibus Rogero cancellario et Grimaldo medico. Id. I 145 b. VI. Henricus rex Anglorum omnibus constabulis et omnibus fidelibus suis de curia salutem. Prohibeo ne aliquis hospitetur in villa Abbendune nisi licentia abbatis. Teste Grimaldo medico apud Oxeneford. Id. f. 151 a. VII. Henricus rex Anglorum Hugone de Boche- landa et Godrico et Baronibus de Berchscire : francis et anglis salutem. Volo et precipio ut ecclesia sancte MARIE de Abbendona habeat et teneat 160 APPENDIX II: CHARTER terrain suam de Winicfelda cum omnibus sibi per- tinentibus ita bene et honorifice et in firma pace sicut melius earn tenuit tempore patris et fratris mei. Et precipio ut calumpnia quam Godricus prepositus de Windresores super earn terrain facit de baia omnino et perpetualiter remaneat. Testibus : Rogero bigot et Grimaldo medico apud Norhamtoniam. Id. f. 152 a. VIII. Henricus rex Anglorum Nigello de Oillei et omnibus venatoribus et mariscalcis suis in curia salutem. Prohibeo ne aliquis uestrum hospitet in Wateleia terra sancte Marie de Abbendona quia clamo earn quietam de hostagio pro anima patris mei et matris mee. Testibus Grimaldo medico et Areta falesia apud Corneberiam. Id. f. 151 a. II. CHARTER WITNESSED BY JOHN OF LONDON THE PHYSICIAN ClROGEAPHUM | Sciant Presentes et futuri qwod Ego Gilebertas Prior ecclesie sancte Marie de butteleia et conuentus \ eiusdem loci concessimus hospitali sancti Bartholomei lundoniarum et frafribus eiwsdem hospitalis totum tenementum | de feodo Radulfi de Ardena quod tenuit Jeremias de ecclesia sancte Marie de butteleia in uico | sancti Nicholai Apud nouum macellum tenendum de nob^s iure perpetuo. Reddendo uobis annu|atim Pro omwi seruicio . x . solidos Ad duos terminos. scilicet ad festum sancti Michaelis v. j sol^os et Ad Pascha v sol^os. Vt Autem cowuencio ista perpetuet. sigilli nostri Auctoritate et \ sigilli hospitals sawed B&rtholomei testimonio roboratwr. His testibus. Huberto Waltero decano | eboracensi. Oseberto de Glamvilla. Jurdano de scheltuna. WITNESSED BY JOHN OF LONDON 161 Magistro Roberto subera. Rojgero Waltero. Henrico de flegga Nicholao Pincerna. Walram Janitore twrris lonjdoniarwm. Henrico de Corn/mlla. Radw/b fratre eius. Ricanfo filio Reineri. Henrico de lun- dene|stona. Rogero le due. Rogero filw> Alani. Galfrido Albo. Andrea Albo. Petrofilw) | Neveloms. Roberto de edelmetuna, Johawwe Medico \undoniarum. The Priory of Buttley was founded by Ranulf de Glanvilla in 1171, and his sister was mother of Herbert Walter who was made Dean of York in 1186 and consecrated Bishop of Salisbury in 1189. His successor as Dean of York was appointed September 6, 1189. Henry of Cornhill and Richard, son of Reiner, were sheriffs (vicecomites) in 1189. Henry of Cornhill was the supporter of Longchamp, Bishop of Ely, in the political struggle of October, 1191, when John (Comes Moretoniae) came to London with William of Coutances, Archbishop of Rouen. John at that time stayed in the house of Richard, son of Reiner, who died later in 1191. It is probable that Reiner, son of Berenger, who was sheriff in 1156, was father of this Richard. Henry of Londonstone was so called because his house stood where the Salters Hall now is, not far from the ancient monolith called Londonstone, now fixed into the wall of the church opposite the front of Cannon Street Station. He was the first mayor of London and between 1193 and 1212 appears in charters as Henricus filius Ailwini maior Londoniarum. Peter, son of Nevelon, was sheriff in 1191. Roger le due was sheriff in 1189 and again with Roger, son of Alan, in 1192. Roger, son of Alan, became (in the Exchequer year 1213) the second mayor of London. Galfridus Albus is probably the Galfridus Blund (Geoffrey the fan*) who often appears in London charters of the reigns of Richard I and John, and MOOKX M 162 APPENDIX III Andreas Albus is Andrew Blund, also a frequent witness of that period. The street of St. Nicholas apud novum macellum (St. Nicholas Fleshshambles) was in the city of Lon- don in the region between Newgate and St. Martins le Grand. Jeremias had a daughter Cristina, who married Galfridus Aspoinz, and they had two sons, Joseph and William, and Joseph retained a yearly rent of a pound of cumin in this land. III. MAYERNE'S NOTE ON THE HEALTH OF JAMES I British Museum, Sloane MS. 1679, f. 42. Scriptum D. D. Medicis Eegijs ordinarijs de Sanitate E. M. tuenda, et praesentibus morbis curandis delibera- turis datum, a me Demayerne Eegis Medico primario die Decembris 1623. IACOBVS I. MAGNAE BRITAN. EEX Natus est Edim- burgi. Anno 1566. 19 Junij. hora matutina XIJ. Nunc agit annum aetatis Quinquagesimum septi- mum cum Mensibus Diebus. Nutricem Vnam habuit, Ebriosam. Ablactatus intra annum. Cerebrum habet firmissimum quod a mari, a vini potu, a vectione in Rheda, nunquam fuit per- turbatum. Afficitur facile a frigore et crudorem patitur, frigida et humida tempestate. Thorax ipsi Latus est optime conformatus, et quae in eo continentur vitales partes validum et vegetum calorem habent, nee vnquam laborant nisi ex accidenti propter aliarum o-v/u,7ra#iai/. Inde fit vt pulmo frequenter fluxione tentetur ; cujus materiam ope Cordis calidissimi citissime percoquit. Hepar naturaliter bonum, magnum, sanguinis multi, Laudabih's ferax ; Calidum ; ex accidenti THE HEALTH OF JAMES I 163 obstructionisms obnoxium, et ad plurimam bilem generandam promim. Lien mmc facile congerit succum Melancholicum, cujus praesentiam vt varia arguunt symptomata ; sic ejus importuna sarcina bonis E. M is rebus per vias conuenientes subinde a natura deponitur. Nullus in his duobus visceribus tumor, nulla collectio quam durities prodat ; sed vtrumque hypo- chondrium molle, nunquam nisi flatu distenditur. Ventriculus vt ad Vberioris alimenti onus subeun- dum continuo paratus sit, sic ad noxium aut graue vtrinque (magis tamen per inferior a) reijciendum promptus est. Bene appetit naturaliter, justam portionem debite concoquit. Sitit frequentissime. flatu importuno qui vel cruditatis, vel fermentationis soboles est continuo quasi turget. Intestina lubrica sunt, et mollis semper ac fluida fuit aluus. Mesenterium in vasorum suorum Maeandris ob- structionibus, et biliosae vtique ac pituitosae saburrae coaceruandae quam maxime deditum. Renes calidi, ad arenas et calculos generandos dispositi. Tibiae a natura graciles, minusque firmae ad molem corporis sustinendam. Habitus rams et texturae peruiae, facile calet calore sicco. Cutis tenuis et delicata admodum quae prurit facillime. Fauces angustae difficultatem faciunt in deglu- tiendo, quod vitium E. M 1 haereditarium est a matre, et Auo Jacobo quinto Scotiae Regibus. Facultates Animales et Vitales inculpatae Na- turales quae sunt sub Altrice satis firmae, ex accidenti tantum fere ob repletionem interturbantur. Functiones omnes naturaliter bonae, pro re nata, manifestissime autem et plurimum ab aniini pertur- bationibus peruertuntur. Exuberant preter naturam In hepate et venoso M2 164 APPENDIX III genere flaua bills, et (quod grauissimorum morborum variis sui partibus vberrima atque potentissima causa est) serum. In Ventriculo et Cerebro Pituita. humor melancholicus in Liene. Quoad res non naturales. gr< E. M. Omnem facile et satis impune fert aeris intemperiem in actiuis qualitatibus. Austro flante et humidiori tempestate, hyemali praesertim, afficitur, et conflictatur Catarrho. bus. In Cibis non admodum peccat, nisi quod nihil comedit panis ; Assatis carnibus fere vescitur, Elixatis aut raro, aut nunquam, nisi bubula. Dentibus carens (qui excidere a Catarrho) non masticat cibos sed deglutit. Fructus a)paCovtus. In Potu peccat quoad Qualitatem, Quantitatem, frequentiam, tempus, Ordinem. num Promiscue bibit Cereuisiam, Alam, Vinum His- uscatel- panicum, Gallicum dulce, album (qui ipsi ordinarius dim vn" P o * us es *) ^ plurimuin . crassum et turbidum. i diarrhoea. Aliquando, praesertim fluente aluo, Alicanticum tinctum. Attamen non curat sit vinum generosum dummodo dulce. Summa ipsj cum Aqua et omnibus aquatili- bus antipatheia. otus Violentissimis olim Venationis exercitijs deditus et Rex nunc est quietior, et plus quam par esset jacet lies - aut sedet ; sed id ab imbecillitate tibiarum arthriti- carum. unnus Male natural iter dormit, et inquiete : Saepissime , e t. expergiscitur noctu, vocatque cubicularios, neque lg nisi legente Anagnoste obrepit somnus vt plurimum. nimi Animus facile mouetur cum impetu ; Iracundis- ithemata. s i mus es t ? sed cito euanescit pathema. Nunc ex accidenti Melancholicus Liene in sinistro hypochon- drio turbas excitante. THE HEALTH OF JAMES I 165 Multum mungit. Sternutat saepissime. Non Excreta spuit multum, nisi a catarrho. et Ventriculus facile nauseat, si contineat cruditates retenta - vel bilem. Vomit tamen cum magno conatu, ita vt post vomitum tota facies maculis rubris per diem vnum et alterum variegata appareat. Flatus multi vtrinque prorumpunt. Nidorosi a ventriculo praesagiunt morbum. Aluus est admodum Lubrica, et pro ratione inge- storum excrementa variant, quae vt plurimum mollia, biliosa, et admodum foetida egeruntur. Si ab ingestis natura grauata fuerit, pau!6 post sese per intestina salutariter exonerat. Vrinae fluunt Laudabiles vt plurimum in sub- stantia, Colore, contentis ; Copiosae satis. Tartareae, et sabulosae post sedimenti longam depositionem. Intenduntur ab exercitio, a bilis per familiarem Icterum permistione. Nonnunquam friabiles calculi, vel potius com- pactae arenulae excernuntur. Sudat facile ob cutis tenuitatem, noctu praesertim post exercitium, post Largiores epulas. Sudoris impatiens, vt omnium. Ab anno 1619 post grauem morbum, In quo fuerunt affixae ano hirudines, fluunt copiose singulis fere diebus haemorrhoides, cum maxima evfopia. Si sistantur (id quod imminente morbo aliquando contingit) euadit. Kex valde iracundus, Melancho- licus, Ictericus, calet impensius, deijcitur appetitus. Keduce fluxu omnia in melius mutantur. Morbi praegressi et praesens ad varias dis- positiones morbosas aptitudo. Hex ad sextum vsque aetatis annum non poterat NB incedere, sed gestabatur, adeo debilis fuit a mali lactis temulentae nutricis suctu. Inter secundum et quintum Variolae, Morbilli. 166 APPENDIX III Quinto per horas 24 substitit vrina, nihil tamen aut arenosi aut pituitosi ejectum. Saepissime Laborauit dolore Colico & flatu (qui affectus etiam fuit matri familiaris) hie ad 24 tum vsque aetatis annum grauior, deinceps mitior semper euasit. Causae istius doloris eaedem fuerunt semper, lejunium, Moeror, frigus nocturnum. A contrariis leuamen. Frequenter, et fere quotannis juuenis corripiebatur Cholera morbo, cum rigore, Vomitum et fluxum biliosum praecedente. Diarrheae per totam vitam obnoxius, Vere, et Autumno, potissimum autem circa finem Augusti vel initio Septembris post esum fructuum. Aliquando cum febricula, saepius sine febre. Praeludia hujus diarrhoea fer& Moeror animi, suspiria, suspicio omnium, caeter^que Melancholica symptomata. Anno 1610 sub finem Parlamenti solutis supremorum Regni ordinum comitiis post summum moerorem, Dominus defunctus longissima variorum symptomatum serie, non sine vitae peri- culo per octiduum profusissima Diarrhaa Laborauit, per quam excreta aquosa, biliosa foetidissima, tandem atra. Cardialgia, palpitatio, Suspiria, moestitia, etc. Vomitus bis ter-ue quotidie recurrens. Per se sine effatu dignis remedijs Rex conualuit. 1612. 4 Decemb. post mortem filii Melancho- licus paroxysmus, cum omnibus symptomatis successit Diarrhoea : soluta omnia intra paucos dies. 1619. Post Reginae mortem praeuiis doloribus Arthriticis et Nephritidis cum crassiorum arenarum iterata exclusioneRostonii febris continua. Diarrhoea biliosa, aquosa profusissima per totum morbi decur- sum. Singultus aliquot dierum. Aphthae totum os cum faucibus, ips6que oesophago occupantes. Fermentatio humoris acerrimi in ventriculo ebul- THE HEALTH OF JAMES I 167 lientis, qui per spumam ex ore efferuescens, liquamine suo instar muriae acri, Labia et mentum exulce- rabat. Animi defectio, suspiria, Metus, Moestitia incredi- bilis pulsus, Intercidens. Notandum tamen hanc pulsus intercidentiam in Domino esse frequentem tumultuante quantumuis leuiter humore melan- cholico. Nephritis per quam sine vllo remedio excreuit calculum pro more friabilem. Semel cum vrina effluxit semen. Durauit morbi istius omnium quos vnquam passus est Rex periculosissimi vigor per 8 dies, in quo foeliciter vsurpata haec remedia. Clyster frequens, Julepi cardiaci cum vitrioli spiritu aciduli. Elec- tuaria Bezahardica. Lapis Brunellae. Magisterium perlarum et corallorum dulce. Tartari cremor etc. Purgatio a qua manifesta omnium symptomatum remissio, et postea successit vi naturae paulatim curatio. Affixae tune ano hirudines, atque vtiliter in accessione Melancholica applicatae regioni Lienis cucurbitulae. Post istum morbum per biennium satis bene se habuit Rex, immunis ab aliis etiam consuetis affe- ctionibus. Deinceps recurrit pro more saepius Diarrhaea minus violenta. Hoc anno 1623 sub finem Autumni durauit per duos tresue dies. Sedes amplae, Liquidae putres, cum aliqua virium dejectione. Ab ista euacuatione Leuior quae successit in variis juncturis Arthritis, ita vt praeter solitum nunc paucissimis saltern elapsis a dolorum cessatione diebus (septimanis 3 bus ) Rex sine adminiculo incedat, qui antea per menses aliquot vel in cathedra sedere et gestari, vel aliorum sustentaculo vti cogebatur. Notandus euacuationis spontaneae per secessum effectus foelix. Dominus Catarrho a Cerebro in subjectas partes 168 APPENDIX III decumbente vt supra dictum facile concepto frigore molestatur ; humoris pars Coryzam aliquando creat : Vt plurimum pulmones afficit ; sequitur tussis violentissima, sed breuis et (quod mirabile) intra biduum triduum-ue coquitur materia, tussis cessat, et illapsus humor ex bronchiis rejicitur crassus, viscidus, niger. Jactare solet contractum frigus ante cessare quam praeparari possint a Pharmacopoeo remedia. Hard febricitat, si per aliquos affectus inuadit febris breuis ea est et fere Ephemera. Male si se habeat quocunque modo, atque in E. M te Laborent siue animus, siue corpus, facile succedit Icterus, et flauescunt oculi, symptomate tamen fugaci, quod paul6 post sponte euanescit. Melancholiae hypochondriacae admodum ob- noxius. Continuus vel saltum pene quotidianus fluxus haemorrhoidum facit vt aliquando non sine dolore anus inuertatur, et sequatur Tenesmus. Nephritis. Ante plures annos post Venationis exercitium, et longam equitationem saepissime redditae vrinae turbidae et rubrae instar vini Ali- cantici (quae sunt Domini verba) etiam sine dolore. 12 Julii 1613 cruentum Lotium cum arenulis rubris, mox faeculentum et cum crasso sedimento. Vrinae ardor. Dolores renis sinistri : Vomitus crebri caetera- que Nephritica symptomata. Eadem sed grauiora 17 Augusti. 1615 Octobr. Non leuiora. Paroxys- mos hosce omnes cum leuamine excepit fluor alui coiisuetus. Deinceps saepius rediuiuum malum, atque in variis accessionibus rejecti calculi, vel potius conglobatae, et viscida ferruminatione cohaerentes arenulae friabiles, cum morbi solutione. Arthritis. Multis abhinc annis Inuasdre primo pedem dextrum dolores, cujus inter ambulandum antiqua contorsio, et Vestigiorum a mala consuetu- dine minus recta positio hunc altero debiliorem THE HEALTH OF JAMES I 169 ab ineunte aetate fecit. Postea successere con- tusiones variae, ab allisione ad tignum, ab illapso saepius equo, ab ocreae et stapediae attritu, et alijs causis externis, quas ingeniose scrutatur, et graphice notat Rex vt internarum accusationem apud Medicos eludat. Solet autem dolor pedis dextri affligere vt plurimum non digitos, non pedis cum tibia articula- tionem, sed sub externo malleolo earn metapedii partem cui Podieus Musculus adhaeret. Nihilominus obseruaui saepius totum intumuisse pedem, et tantam superfuisse post sedationem dolorum debili- tatem vt per plures septimanas ineptus ad motum a consuetis exercitiis abstinere et in lecto vel Cathedra haerere coactus fuerit. Jm6 anno 1616 vltra quatuor menses perseuerauit debilitas cum tumore Oedema- toso totam tibiam aegram et vtrumque pedem dis- tendente. Subsequentibus annis contigit vt dolor aggressus sit aliarum partium articulos, pedis sinistri pollicem et malleolos, vtrumque genu, humeros, ipsasque manus ; aliquando (non semper) cum rubore, cum tumore saepius. Dolor est acutus primis duobus tribus-ue diebus, Noctu vt fluxionibus ordinarium saeuit, atque exacerbatur, mitescit posted, succedit imbecillitas, quae non nisi longo dierum decursu vel domatur vel euanescit. Hyemali tempestate potissimum molesta est Arthritis, nee vnquam firmi absolute sunt artus donee sol redux annum aestiuis caloribus Domino reddat propitium. Ter in vita correptus fuit acerbissimis coxae doloribus, nuperrime 28 Octobris 1623 quodam veluti spasmo musculorum et tendinum tibiam sinistram flectentium ; a vapore et flatuoso spiritu pertinacissime nocturnis horis partes istas velli- cante. Observanda tibiarum tenuitas et veluti atrophia, ob intermissionem motus non appellentibus spiriti- 170 APPENDIX III bus et alimento ad partes inferiores, quae fuerunt ab incunabulis graciles et infirmae. Kex ex Scotia veniens in Angliam ex equo lapsus fregit clauiculam dextram. Alio tempore a casu passus est summam Omoplatae sinistrae contusionem. Curatus fuit optime. Ab eo tamen tempore factus humorum in brachium dextrum decubitus, vnde exortae glandulae siue Excrescentiae phlegmaticae scrofularum aemulae, quae nunc tumidae cum rubore et dolore, nunc subsidentes, tandem ad suppura- tionem deductae curatis vlceribus, Licet satis longo tempore, attamen extincto subinde rediuiuo fomite persanatae fuerunt. Notandum saltern ex reliquiis istius humoris, vel forsan ex arthritico succo descendente ad Olecranon dextrum, duobus vltimo elapsis annis, ortum vna nocte tumorem flatu sero-que turgidum, qui citra apertionem cutis idoneis remediis foeliciter cessit. Semel ab illapso equo pene attritus, et fere fractis costis, per triduum satis leuiter febricitauit. Conualuit sine sanguinis missione. Alias fibula alterius tibiae pondere equi in planam figuram compress^ cum totius tibiae periculosa oon- tusione et sugillatione, solis topicis, sine febre curatus fuit. Exquisitissimi sensus est, dolorum impatientissi- mus, qui dum suam exercent carnificinam, violen- tissimis motibus jactatur animus atque aestuat circa praecordia bilis, vnde non Lenitur, sed exasperatur malum. Leuamen poscit et Indolentiam, de causis morbi- ficis parum solh'citus. De Remediis. Medicinam ridet et tarn parui pendit Rex vt medicos parum Vtiles minus necessaries pronuntiet. Artem meris conjecturis prae incertitudine inualidis fultam asserit, et dum naturae tribuit omnia, ipsam THE HEALTH OF JAMES I 171 proprio fretus judicio non contemnendis fulcris destitutam si non subuertit, saltern in proprium excidium concitatius mere incautus sinit. Purgantibus naturam destrui, et soils Eccoproticis ipsam opus habere affirmat. Attrahentia pharmaca, e certis partibus certos humores ducentia, vanitatis arguit et accusat. Abhorret ab iis quae cient tormina vt a Sena. Insipida postulat si eis sit opus. Clysterem nunquam ante 17 Augustj 1613 admisit. deinceps autem aliquoties hoc remedij genere in Nephriticis doloribus, In diarrhoea, In constipatione alui vsus est ; licet semper adsit aliquid quod carpat, praesertim increpans quod ab Enemate flatibus oppleta intestina cum dolore post ipsum rejectum distendantur. Vnicam potionem assumpsit Catharticum ex Rha- barbaro, Sena, tamarindis Manna, idque facillime, sine nausea, cum optimo successu. Miranti medico quod tarn placide ventriculo excepisset pharmacum, respondit sibi omnia facih'a quae semel facienda statuisset. In summa Id quod vult valde vult. Julepos sitiens aut Intemperie calida aestuans non rejicit, ex tincturis florum cordialium extractis cum Vitrioli spiritu, addito ad dulcedinem (qua in omni- bus delectatur) syrupo violate, de pomis, Julepo Alexandrine vel saccharo. Vt plurimum circa horam somni sitiens variis de causis, succum Granatorum dulcium haurit ad B iij. vel iiij. Alias Limonibus vel aurantiis dulci- bus sitim sedat. Jusculis medicatis aliquando vsus est, a quibus sitis matutina demulcebatur, saltern minus bibebat jejuno ventriculo. In iis nonnunquam fuit dissolutus Tartari cremor, cujus vires commendat, assumptionem non asper- natur. In Arthritide solis pultibus siue Cataplasmatis 4 172 APPENDIX III suum dat suffragium, quae Anodyna praefert caeteris, eaque ad quamuis vel leuissimam dolorum vmbram proferri et applicari jubet. Vult saepius renouari applicationes in quarum apparatu, aeri exponit juncturas et diu et Im- portune. Ordo applicationum is est vt Anodynis, sedato dolore roborantia quantum per Dominum licet vsurpentur. Linimentis, Emplastris fomentis non vtitur nisi perfunctorie, et per transennam. Emplastra omnia et Topica calida pruritum mouent, ide6 breuissimo ea fert temporis spatio. 3 Nephritis hactenus cessit Clysteribus et fomentis, nonnunquam exhibitus foeliciter Lapis Brunellae. 2 Melancholica symptomata Tabellis cardiacis sedata, cum conf. Alkdom. Lapide Bezahar etc. 1 Catarrhus et tussis Tabellis de Althea, Trochiscis bechicis albis, Saccharo anisato et similibus cesserunt. Praeterea nihil quod S9iam Kegiae Majestati fuit administratum. Nunquam missus phlebotomo sanguis, semel extractus vt praedictum per hirudines. Agenda. Vrgent potissimum congeneres (quoad causam materialem si ejus originem respicias) affectus Arthritis et Nephritis. Diarrhoeae frequentia per- pendenda. Hypochondriacus flatus haud negli- gendus. Harum affectionum praecautionem, praesen- tium curationem, et symptomatum sedationem, Rex a suis Doctoribus Medicis postulat, et expectat, etiam citra expugnationem causae. Statuendum igitur. Quodnam sit Regiae Majestatis temperamentum, quae inaequalis partium Intemperies. THE HEALTH OF JAMES I 173 Quinam et quibus in partibus redundent in ipsius corpore humores. Quae sint et fuerint praeteritorum affectuum quae pertimescendorum causae. Quibus morbis futuris videatur maxime obnoxius Rex, et quibus prognosticis (quorum tamen successum auertat Deus) monendus sit vt sibi magis consulat in posterum. Quinam errores in victu crassi, et non ferendi (in eo qui sanitatem curat et colit) sint emendandi juxta capita rfjs SICUTTJTI/CTJS. In cibo, potu, Animi motibus etc. Quomodo emendandi gradus Intemperiej variae. Quomodo tollendae obstructiones mesenterii Hepatis, Lienis. Quibus artibus praeparandi peccantes succi assig- natis remediis quam gratissimis, quae potius sub alimenti quam sub medicamenti specie exhibean- tur. Quibus Catharticis non ingratis, tormina non An vtili; cientibus, corpus non perturbantibus purgandi humores, qui et quando. Hie describenda vsualia primas vias euerrentia atque e longinquo ducentia, solida, liquida. Quibus corroborantibus hepatis conseruandus tonus, ejusque adjuuanda cu/Aareoo-is, quibus recre- andi spiritus deinceps muniendum cor aduersus tetros halitus ab inferiori sentina expirantes ; quibus confirmandus ventriculus aduersus molem crudi- tatum prouentu quotidiano Luxuriantium : Quibus Cerebrum contra frigoris appulsum et Catarrhi materiam muniendum. An conueniant Regi Diuretica ad materiam Arth- ritidis eliminandam bene repurgato corpore. Jtem ad calculosam saburram euerrendam. Quae. Quando, Quoties exhibenda. An profutura sint Diaphoretica, quae vel assumpta vel Ichores absorbeant et siccent, vel prouocato 174 APPENDIX III sudore totum venosum genus per habitum hoc inutile veluti lixiuio exhauriant. De particularibus euacuationibus per os et nares etc. An Thermae vtiles, an necessariae ad articulorum robur. An noxiae, et quaenam ab ipsis metuenda incommoda. Quid de phlebotomia, cum satis superque fluant haemorrhoides. Num fouendus naturam sibi ipsi relinquendo hie fluxus, num ab eo pene quotidiano et satis largo aliquid impendeat periculi. Num si non cohibendus saltern moderandus et corrigenda sanguinis qualitas per chalybeata. Hie de Aquis mineralibus. At fluente sanguine optime, restitante eo male se habet Eex. Quid de Pyroticis vtrjque brachio inurendis ad interceptionem et euacuationem materiae arthriticae? post crudorem cerebri vt plurimum paroxysmum suscitantis. QUOAD MORBOS ET SYMPTOMATA. 4 Quid in Diarrhoea tarn frequenti vt fraenos demus humoribus non sine virium jactura et spirituum dispendio nimium fluentibus. An relinquendum Naturae negotium, cum praesertim resumptis viribus Regi sit ab istis fluxibus meliiis ? An non error est quod fluente aluo vel a principio bibit Alicanticum, et granatorum succum? Quae roborantia post imminutum fluxum danda. Quae eo perseueranda Cathartica, et quomodo exhibenda. 1 Quibusnam Cerebrum curandum ? 2 Quibus bechicis tussis licet breuis expugnanda, vel lenienda, quippe violentissima ? 3 Quid ad affectum hypochondriacum, et pulsus intercidentiam ? Quid ad praecautionem Nephriticorum symptom- matum et renum contemperationem, atque expurga- THE HEALTH OF JAMES I 175 tionem? Quid ad dolorem praesentem quoad interna et externa remedia. Assumenda. Injicienda. Admonenda. Quid ad Arthritidis praecautionem vt ejus materia diuertatur et deriuetur ab articulis longe aliquo vsuali et quotidiano remedio non ingrato. Quaenam commodissimoe ad istas intentiones viae. Stomachi, Alui, Renis et Vesicae habitus ? Quomodo confirmandae juncturae vt minus pronae sint ad suscipiendas fluxiones et vt causis dolorificis per ligamentorum astrictionem et desiccationem mediocrem resistant. Quid faciendum In principio dolorum. Quae conueniant Anodyna praesertim sub forma Cataplasmatis. Describenda tamen Linimenta, Emplastra fomenta dolores lenientia, vt pro re nata ex penu possint depromi. An in implacabili cruciatu plane rejicienda Narcotica, praesertim Altercum quod in Arthritide adeo ab authoribus commendatur? Quaenam ab eo timenda noxa, quibus emendanda, si probetur. Quid de Laudano et similibus in Diarrhoea in arthritide. Quaenam Roborantia ad dolorum finem Cata- plasmata Emplastra Linimenta Balnea, fomenta. An non Anodyni Cataplasmatis vsus quod multam recipit Cassiam, et Mucilagines, nimius vsus noxius ob relaxationem articulorum? S An non Domino noxium toties renouare remedia, | et artus aeri frigido tarn saepe negligenter exponere ? Quibus mediis sanguis et spiritus ad flaccescentes > tibias attrahi possint. ,0 Quid in subitaneo casu vt Apopl. faciendum in hoc subjecto? Omnia haec Viri Excellentissimi Regis Medici ordinarii, prudentiae vestrae sigillatim examinanda, et sedula Lance perpendenda proponuntur. In 176 APPENDIX IV quibus quum de optimi Principis conseruatione im6 de vita agatur, aequum est vt (siquidem nihil in- praesentiarum vrget ade6, et sopitae brumali frigore causae morbificae aliquas dant inducias) singuli remotis arbitris, serio apud se, consultis mutis Doctoribus, ex propria experientia et obseruationum commentariis efficacissima arma depromant ad istos tarn August! capitis hostes debellandos. Descri- bantur a vobis remedia, nequid in iis omissum neglectum-ue possit accusari, et vt manus vestrae voluntatis et officii Domino nostro praestiti, atque sedulitatis indefessae testes, ipsum ad Medicas leges alacrius capessendas, atque ad propriam valetudinem juxta praesentem necessitatem vt oportet curandam non trahant nolentem : sed volentem (id quod bonis omnibus in votis esse debet) ducant. DEMAYERNE. Eegis Medicus primarius. IV. MAYERNE'S NOTE ON THE HEALTH OF QUEEN HENRIETTA MARIA British Museum, Sloane MS. 1679, ff. 67-9. Anno 1641 Mense Julio, Regina abituriens trans mare, tarn animi quam corporis curandi ergo, in sequenti valetudinis statu, sequens accepit et secum detulit consilium. 1. Ventriculi cruditas a parum cauta victus racione et frequens d/Trocrma viscerum et praesertim. 2. Hepatis fervida intemperies quod est sanguinis Biliosi sero multo acri scatentis ferax. 3. Obstrtictio venarum Mesaraicarum jecoris lienis, vnde mala succi alimentarii attractio, mala, sangui- ficatio, mala distributio, Assimilatio pejor. Inde Atrophia. QUEEN HENRIETTA MARIA 177 4. Tumor cum duritie Hepatis et lienis, non tantum a flatu hypochondria frequenter distendente, sed etiam a materie congestione in ipso partinm parenchymate cujus dispositio molis incrementum minatur non sine alicujus sinistri eventus metu et imminente periculo : 5. Alui segnities vt plurimum et excrementorum siccitas ordinaria, nisi quando fructibus horaeis sese ingurgitat. Cerasis, peponibus, Bericoccis, presertim apersicis, &c. 6. Hypochondriaca affectio, Licet temperamentum vniversale sit calidum et siccum Biliosum : attamen animo naturaliter prepensa est in Melancholiam. 7. Scorbutica dispositio patens in gingiuis quae facile intumescunt, fundunt sanguinem, et vlceratae abscidunt a dentibus. 8. Hysterica symptomata, licet menses satis com- mode fluant Potius insurgit ad motus animi vterus, quam ad Odores gratos quibus E. M. delectatur, abhorret a foetidis. 9. Macies ingens, Marcor dr/oo^ta, Tabes prae foribus. 10. Renum impuritas arenosa. Excreuit plures calculos paruos a rene dextro ; In hoc patrissat. 1 1. Cor palpitat aliquando si mens percellatur. 12. Pulmo in angusto locatus saepius fluxione tenui premitur, vnde tussis frequens vt plurimum minus humida, quae hactenus licet satis importuna, subinde tamen cessit remediis bechicis. Noctu inualescit, vnde cogimur saepe confugere ad hypno- ticum syrupum de Papauere. Nunquam dedi Laudanum. Sputa satis laudabilia. Tractu tem- poris timenda, et quauis arte arcenda avv 6tu Phthoe vnde maximum impendet discrimen : Ita vt NB videatur naturae cursu futurus hinc E. M. terminus. 13. Caput tarn cah'dum vt nulla diu ferre possit integumenta, sine oculorum incommodo, qui (dexter praesertim) saepe rubet et cum palpebris cito inflam- MOORE \ 178 APPENDIX IV matur. Variis in locis glabrum est. In Infantia saepius habuit achoras, et nunc saepissime per poros illaesa cute exsudat materia seu sanies oleosa, lintea tenacissime maculans. Obnoxia fuit fere vsque ad eruptionem mensium scabiei siccae, et valde pungenti nares, et Labium superius rediuiua eruptione Subinde occupanti cujus etiam nunc aliqua apparent saepe rudimenta. 14. Labia sicca sunt et finduntur persaepe. 15. Oculi saepe fluxionem acrem experiuntur. 16. Dolor capitis frequens. 17. Catarrhus tenuis ordinarius. 18. Animi Pathemata violenta, Ira brevis, Meastitia longa. Lachrymae frequentes. 19. Contorsio spinae scoliosis. 20. Lotus dextrum (brachium, manus) altero macilentius veluti arescit. 21. Ante aliquot annos vtero gerens, passa est primo stuporem ingentem. Deinde aliquam reso- lutionem alterius lateris. 22. Debilitas Vniuersalis summa. 23. Consumptio Vniuersalis ab altricis facultatis mala dispensatione. Nihil adhuc funesti & pulmoni- bus. Sed Caue. PERPENDENDA. Ventriculus. Mesenterium. Hepar. Lien. Renes. Intestina Aluus. Hypochondria. Vterus. Pulmo. Caput. Cerebrum. Oculi. Spina, nerui. QUEEN HENRIETTA MARIA 179 [ Debilitas Vniuersalia \ sive ( Atrophia. Praecauenda ( Vitio hepatis Tabes siue Consumptio 1 Pulmonum corruptela. * 1 Domina solum vertere et extra Angliam proficisci quocunque modo constituit. Praetendit Aquarum Spadensium potum quae praeterquam quod in praesenti corporis statu ipsi futurae sunt admodum noxiae, imo funestae ; nunc inclinante anno, et post longam ariditatem, in- gruentibus nimbis circa medium mensis Augusti quo vix in eo Loco in Belgio quem sibi metam itineris Domina statuit pedem fixura est. E. M. plene erunt intempestiuae. Animum rege qui nisi paret Imperat, &c. In Obsequium (cui me deuinctum tenet Muneris mei conditio), sequentia mihi propono capita ad scribendum consilium quo Domina vtatur pro re nata ex medicorum praesentium directione. Pertractanda. De Aquarum Spadanarum vsu. Noxiae futurae sunt quia. 1. Penetrant nimis. 2. Siccant corpus jam satis exsuccum. 3. Caput opplent. 4. Humores fluidos reddunt et fluxionem irritant in pulmones. 5. Nocent Pulmonibus. Distingue tempora. Pete ex fonte et serua. Ne vtaris tamen. Perpendenda. Vis imaginations circa coelum mutandum. Coelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt. De Aere, Aquis et locis in Belgio. Vtrecht Arneim. N2 180 APPENDIX IV Solitude, vel saltern turbae fuga confert ad sumenda remedia. Obstructio et tumor manifestus in hepate et liene. Instauranda partium nutritiarum Oeconomia. Renes semel et simul euerrendi. Procurandus liber commeatus spiritibus Impedi- menta tollendo, Purgatione per Epicrasin. Epicerastica quae bonum succum reponunt in locum mali. Analeptica. Corroborantia ^ v , \ Cor aequahter | Cerebmm Humectantia Habitum Spiritus Mollificantia Implentia Eecreantia Clarificantia Multiplicantia in Corde et Cerebro. Post vniuersalia instauratis viribus et repleto habitu, Idonea tempestate, vt post annum, &c., deliberandum erit de Aquis Spadanis Puguensibus, forgensibus ad Tollendam Intemperiem viscerum calidam. Aperiendas vias. Corroboranda viscera. Euerrendos renes. Si velit Domina eas potare, Vt quod vult valde vult. Praecauenda erunt earum incommoda, vt si non prosint saltern non noceant. Praescribendum aequiualens, ex o* An Interim et exsucco corpore tuto possunt admini- strari & If f - Dubito, nisi magna cum cautione. 181 V. HARVEY'S NOTES ON GALEN Sir George Paget many years ago published, with a facsimile, an English letter of Dr. William Harvey which was preserved, with a skull to which it refers, in an ancient oak cabinet in the library of Sidney Sussex College. This publication led to the proof that the manuscript in the Sloane collection in the British Museum entitled Gulielmus Harveius de Musculis Motu LocaU^ &c., was altogether in the handwriting of Harvey ; and Sir George Paget, in his Notice of an Unpublished Manuscript of Harvey, London, 1850, has described the contents of the manuscript, and the peculiarities of its writing and annotation. In the same publication he states that but six specimens, of which two were signatures only, of Harvey's handwriting were then known. Five more, two of them only signatures, are described by Dr. Aveling in his Memorials of Harvey, London, 1875 ; while Dr. Munk, in his valuable Notae Harveianae, published in the St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports for 1887, has mentioned two more, a letter to Dr. Baldwin Hamey and two sheets of Harvey's will. Sir George Paget says, * It seems not unreasonable to expect the discovery of other MSS. of Harvey ' ; and with regard to his manu- script lectures on general anatomy says, ' This MS. has of late years been sought for in vain ; but doubtless it still exists, and will sooner or later be found/ This hope has been fulfilled. The MS. 182 APPENDIX V was found in 1877 in the British Museum, and Sir Edward Sieveking, in his Harveian Oration in that year, published a passage from it. In 1886 this most interesting manuscript was edited by a com- mittee of the Royal College of Physicians of London, and published with an autotype reproduction of the original. It exhibits in every part the peculiarities of Harvey's writing and annotation described thirty-six years before by Sir George Paget, whose careful elucidation and description of the letter at Sidney Sussex College must be regarded as the origin of most of the recently acquired knowledge of the discoverer of the circulation of the blood, of his methods of observation, of his reading, and of his systems of arrangement and of verbal exposition. Having been a member of the committee appointed in 1885 by the College of Physicians to supervise the publication of the Prelectiones Anatomiae UniversaliSj I had the pleasure of examin- ing every word of the writing with Mr. Edward Scott of the British Museum, to whom the arduous task of transcribing Harvey's crabbed manuscript was entrusted, and by whom it was executed with astonishing precision and expedition. Having thus studied Harvey's handwriting under the able tuition of Mr. Scott, I was sufficiently acquainted with it to recognize as Harvey's thirty-five lines written on a blank page at the end of a copy of Goulston's Opuscula Varia of Galen, into which I had occasion to look in the British Museum. The book evidently HARVEY'S NOTES ON GALEN 183 belonged to Harvey, who has underlined and annotated many passages. The peculiar conjoined W. H. which he was accustomed to prefix or affix to original notes, which Sir George Paget describes in his account of the manuscript notes on the muscles, and which occurs again and again in the Prelectiones Anatomiae Universalis, appears in several places on the margins of the pages of this Galen, amongst others on pp. 101, 234, 235, 236, 239, 246. It is, perhaps, unnecessary with this autograph initial signature to describe other peculiarities which, to those unacquainted with Harvey's hand, can be of little weight ; but an x for exemplum, which precisely resembles that so used in the Prelectiones, is to be seen in the Galen, and also a similar * N. B. ' The date of the Prelectiones is 1616, and that of the De Musculis 1627, while these notes in Galen were made after 1640, thus showing that Harvey's manuscripts have the same peculiarities throughout his life. This edition, Claudii Galeni Pergameni Opuscula Varia, consists of Greek texts with Latin translation printed in parallel columns, and was the work of Dr. Theodore Goulston, a learned fellow of the College of Physicians, the founder of the Goul- stonian Lectures still delivered every year at the College in accordance with the terms of the founder's will. Goulston lived in the same parish as Harvey, that of St. Martin, Ludgate, and they were, of course, as fellows of the College of Physicians, acquainted with one another. Goulston died in 184 APPENDIX V 1632, and this Galen was published in 1640 by his friend Thomas Gataker. The British Museum copy has been rebacked, but is otherwise in the binding of its period, with a stamped gold pattern in the middle, a border fleury at the corners, and a plain linear border at the outermost part of each side. There is a pattern on the edges of the sides, and the leaves are gilt. A copy of the book, also in contemporary binding, which is in the library of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, has a leather binding without any gilding, so that Harvey's may have been a presentation copy. Many passages and words are underlined, and the frequent corresponding notes, often of only a single word, in the margin prove that the ink lines were made by Harvey. He has invariably annotated the Latin, and the Greek columns are without marks throughout. The first work is Galen's Exhortatio ad Medicinam et Artes, and this contains underlined passages in six of its nine chapters. Three on athletes and their qualities are not annotated. One example of the notes may be given. In the margin of chapter i. Harvey has written * Rationali ', and has underlined the words printed in italics : 4 Has igitur ob causas, quanquam reliquis etiam animantibus haud deest Ratio, tamen homo solus ob eminentiam, qud cseteris prsestat, Rationalis vocatur.' Now and then a fresh illustration of Galen's sentiments occurs to Harvey. Learning, says Galen, is to be preferred to rank, which is only of HARVEY'S NOTES ON GALEN 185 value in its own country, ' nobilitatem, qua tant- opere turgent baud absimilem civitatum esse nummis, qui apud eos valent, qui instituerunt ; apud alios, quasi adulterini repudiantur.' The italics mark Harvey's underlining, and in the margin, apparently as an example of artificial exterior elevation as opposed to the genuine exaltation of worth or learning, he has written 'wooden leggs'. The second treatise is Quod Optimus Medicus idem et Philosophus, and has but few notes. The third, De Sectis ad Tyrones, is noted throughout ; but the fourth, De Optima Secta, has very few marks of having interested the reader. The remaining treatises, De Cognoscendis et Corrigendis cujusque Animi Perturbationibus, De Dignoscendis et Corrigendis cujtisque Animi Erratis t and Qwd Animi mores sequantur Temperamentum Corporis, are marked or have marginal notes of one or more words on almost every page. I hope in the St. Bartholomew's Keports to publish a full account of his marginal annotations. The thirty-five lines in Harvey's hand on the terminal blank page are references to subjects treated on certain pages of the book. The notes are all brief, but with the under- linings are interesting as showing how carefully Harvey had considered the remarks of Galen, which of the sentiments of that great physician he applauded as he read them, which of his state- ments he questioned, and which confirmed from his own experience. 186 APPENDIX V Harvey had a profound respect for Aristotle, a passage in whose writings suggested to him, as he says in his Prelectiones, the idea of the circula- tion ; and this copy of Galen shows him to us in the act of studying and criticizing the thoughts of another great master of the ancient world. INDEX Abercorn, Earl of, Mayerne's notes on, 109. Abetot, Vrso de, 8. Abingdon, Abbey of, 8 ; cartulary of, 158 ; charter in register, 8. Abingdon, Abbot of, 9. Abstinence, dealt with in Flora- rium, 47. Account of the sore-throat attended with ulcers, 156. Acre, Bishop of, 21. Acta Medica of Thomas Bartho- linus, 130. Adam, the physician, 15, 16. Adherent pericardium, described by Douglas, 129. Aesculapius, 19, 20. Aetius, 3. Agallamh na Sen orach, prose and verse of the, 148. Agincourt, 70. Albemarle, Duke of, takes Sloane to Jamaica, 131. Albini, Nigell de, 8. Albreda, wife of R. de Quatre- mares, 23. Albus, Galfridus, the same as Galfridus Blund, 161. Alcuin, 6. Aldermanesburi, grant of land in, 10. Aldermen of the city, 7. Aldewin, queen's chamberlain, 10. Alexander, physician of Eleanor of Provence, 15, 16. Alexander the Great, known to Mirfeld, 51. All Hallows Church, in Bread Street, 23. Alston, pupil of Boerhaave, 154. Amhra, poem in praise of St. Columba, 149. Amsterdam, printing in, 123. Anaemia, 115. Anatomia Restaurata, by High- more, 134. Anatomical Writers from Hippo- crates to Harvey, account of, by Dr. James Douglas, 128. Anatomy, 66. Anecdota Oxoniensia, 29. Angers, hospital of, 22. Anglo-Saxon (nation), 6; per- meated by other tongues, 139. Annals of the Four Masters, ed. O'Donovan, 143, 150. Anne of Denmark, Mayerne's notes on, 106. Anselm, St., writings known to Mirfeld, 51. Antidotarium, of Nicholas, 48. Antioch, Prince of, 13. Antitheriaca, essay by Heberden, 28. Aortic valves, disease of, described by Douglas, 129. Apoplexy, 40 ; relation between, and cerebral haemorrhage, 123. Apothecary brings patient to Mirfeld's master, 27. Aquinas, St. Thomas, works known to Mirfeld, 51. Arabs, the, books of, read by old Irish physicians, 148. Arbor Yemensis Fructum Cof6 Fe- rens, by Dr. James Douglas, 128. Arbuthnot, understood importance of clinical observation, 124 ; same kind of Physician as Hel- sham, 138. ' Archiater,' glossed by Irish word huasallieig, 140. Aristotle, 64; H. W. Chandler's knowledge of, 32; parts familiar to Mirfeld, 50 ; works known to Mirfeld, 51. Arnaldus, name occurs in Beton's MS., 152. Arthritis, Mayerne's notes on James I, 103. Arundel, Earl of, collection of works of art, 72. 188 INDEX Arundel House, in the Strand, 77. Ashmole, Order of the Garter, 81. Ashridge, Religious house of, 46. Aspoinz, Galfridus, 162. Aspoinz, Joseph, son of Galfridus, 162. Aspoinz, William, son of Galfridus, 162. Atkins, Dr. Henry, physician to James I, 149. Attainments, necessary to be styled medicus, 17. Augustan age, editions of Horace since, 129. Augustine, St., rule of, 21 ; writ- ings known to Mirfeld, 51. Augustine, St., Library of Abbey of, at Canterbury, 20. Aveling, Dr., Memorials of Harvey, 181. Averrois, 20. Avicenna, 48 ; his writings on medicine, 50 ; Ludford's copy of, 68 ; wished to find out origins of diseases, 88 ; quota- tions from, in works of Middle Ages, 89 ; name occurs in Beton's MS., 151. Bacon, Roger, knew Greek, 54. Baillie, Matthew, writings of, 93. Balthazar, 40. Barry, Philip, son of Thomas Barry, 146. Barry, Philip, son of Richard Barry, 146. Bartholomew, St., Hospital of, 4 ; grant to, 7 ; an early document of, 11 ; ancient regulations of, 23 ; sick always treated there, 24 ; patients known to Mirfeld, 31 ; Terne Assistant Physician to, 74 ; description of case seen there by Dr. James Douglas, 129 ; Hospital Reports, paper on Douglas in, 130. Bartholomew, St., Convent of, 26 ; Mirfeld at, 29 ; accident to Canon of, 42. Bartlott, Dr. Richard (Bertholetus medicus), 31, 56. Bath, Anne of Denmark visits, for gout, 107. Bathonia,Reginaldus de,physician to Eleanor of Provence, 15, 16. Baxter, Thomas, 46. Beauvais, 79. Bede, 6, 48; De Ratione Tem- porum, 140. Bell, Dr. le, lecture on surgical operations, 79. Benet, Dr. Christopher, 75 ; method similar to that of Glisson, 113. Bentley, opinion of Warburton, 76 ; his remarks on his own writings, 89. Bentley, Mrs., lamented that her husband devoted so much time to criticism, 90. Bernard, works of, in Dover Priory, 20. Bernard, Francis, MS. book of, 134. Bernard, St., writings known to Mirfeld, 51. Besace, Master Ranulphus, 13. Besace, Ranulphus, Canon of St. Paul's, 14, 16. Beton, James, notes in the hand of, 151. Betthun, Dr., physician to James I, 149 ; took degree at Padua, ib. Beza, Theodore, who gave Codex to University of Cambridge, 94. Bibliographiae Anatomicae Speci- men, by Dr. James Douglas, 128. Bibliotheca Hispanica, first Spanish dictionary published in London, 63. Bigod, Roger, 8. Blackmore, praises Cole's work, 85. Blackstone, Sir William, 4. Boerhaave, of Leyden, 153 ; Aphorisms published at Leyden, 154 ; attitude of his school, 157. Boethius, 48 ; de Consolations. Philosophia, known to Mirfeld, 51. Bonetus, of Geneva, consulted by Mayerne as to publication, 109. Botallus mentioned by Sydenham, 84. ^ Botanical Studies, influence on medical, 128. INDEX 189 Botany, inheritance from Middle - Ages, 66. Boyce, Samuel, distressed poet, extract from letter of, in Sloane MSS., 134. Boyle, Robert, entertains Moly- neux, 135. Bracey, Ion, 93. Bradele, Walter de, treasurer of Eleanor of Provence, 14. Bradshaw, Henry, 20. Brady, Dr. Robert, Master of Cams, 84 ; Fellow of College of Physicians, 85 ; Keeper of re- cords in the Tower, ib. ; wrote a History of England, ib.; wrote a treatise on cities and boroughs, ib. ; Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge, ib. : represented Cambridge, ib. ; kept medical act for degree before Glisson, ib. Brevianum Bartholomew, by Mir- feld, 25 ; examination of, 31, 46, 55. Bridges, Dr. Robert, 69. British Islands, growth of clinical study in, 138. British Museum, foundation due to Sir H. Sloane, 130. British Plutarch, Wrangham's, 90. Brotherhood of early Irish, Scotch and Welsh Physicians, 148. Browne, Edward, admitted a Fellow, 1675, 69; published a volume of travels, tb. ; his edu- cation, 70 ; published a trans- lation of the Discourse of the Cossacks, ib. ; enters Trinity College, 1642, 71 ; applies for admission to M.B. degree, ib. ; studies and diversions, 72 ; attends lecture at Chirurgeon's Hall, 73 ; attends Dr. C. Terne's lectures, 74 ; marriage, 75 ; dines with Windet, ib. ; calls on Dey and King, 77 ; return to Norwich and further studies, 78 ; goes to Paris, 79 ; visits Montpellier and cities of Italy, ib. ; travels with Dr. Paman, ib. ; studies anatomy at Padua under Marchetti, ib. ; visits Montpellier and Paris again, 80 ; catches smallpox, ib. ; re- turns home, ib. goes abroad again (1668), visits Holland, Vienna, Larissa, Hungary, Styria, Carinthia, home in 1669, ib. ; meets Lambecius, ib. ; Fellow of College of Physicians, ib. ; elected physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1675, ib. ; died, 1708, ib. ; attain- ments and knowledge of lan- guages, 81 ; his reading, ib. ; medical degrees, 82 ; notebooks in Sloane Collection, 133 ; meets Molyneux, 136. Browne, Joseph, edition of Mayerne's writings, 106, 109. Browne, Sir Thomas, father of Edward Browne, 69 ; writings and letters, 70 ; advises his son as to reading, 82 ; Common- place Books in Sloane Collec- tion, 133 ; Miscellanies, Observa- tions on Plants, in Sloane Collec- tion, 133; De Plantis Sacrae Scripturae, 136. Bruno, name occurs in Beton's MS., 152. Burke, 1. Burnet, Bishop, description of beginning of illness of Charles II, 77. Burnet, Thomas, geologist, 135. Burwell, G. de Mandeville's charter probably attested at, 11. Bustorum Aliquot Reliquiae, 2. Buttley, Suffolk, Priory of Augus- tinian canons of, 11, 161. Caedmon, 6. Caesar, Julius, 5. Cairbre, an Irish scribe, 151. Caius, Dr. John, attainments of, 2 ; praises Bartlott's learning, 31, 56; Greek scholar and zoologist, 57, 58 ; description of his works on Natural History, 60 ; De Ephemera Britannica, ib. ; one of the representatives of the kind of knowledge with which the College of Physicians 190 INDEX began, 66; first wrote an original description of disease observed in his own time, 90 ; living in St. Bartholomew's Hospital in 1555, 91. Calais, 79; taken by Duke of Guise (1558), 135. Calculi, 114. Calpurnius, father of St. Patrick, 5. Cambridge, University of, 20. Canterbury, 79. Canterbury, Hubert Walter, Arch- bishop of, 12. Canterbury Tales, 20. Carinthia, 80. Cartulary of Abingdon, of Holy Trinity, Aldgate, 10. Casaubon, Isaac, Mayerne's notes on illness of, 110. Catalogue of Royal MSS., by Mr. J. P. Gilson, 45. Cecil, Sir Robert, Earl of Salis- bury, 95. Celtic inhabitants of Scotland, relation to inhabitants of Western Isles, France, and Low Countries, 153. Censors, with President, give im- primatur to Sloane's Catalogue, 132. Cerebri Anatome, 77 ; by Willis, 123. Chalcondylas, Demetrius, 55. Chambers, Dr. J., Physician to James I, 149. Chambre, Dr., original Fellow of the College of Physicians, 10. Chandler, the late Professor Henry William, 32. Charles I, letter to Mayerne, 109 ; Gaelic phrases said to have been used at his coronation, 149 ; Mayerne's paper on re- medies for, when Prince of Wales, 110. Charles II, attack of apoplexy, 123. Charles V, abdication ceremony of, 61. Charleton, Dr. Walter, wanted to recast Mayerne's notes, 110 ; physician to Charles I, 114; Exercitationes Pathologicae,114: ; praised in a poem by Dryden, 115; method of description, 117. Chaucer's physician, 19, 152. Chaumpneys, legacy to prisoners in Newgate, 25. Cheapside, 5. Chemical History and Medical Treatment of Calculous Dis- orders, Marcet, Dr. A. J. G., 127. Chlorosis, 115. Christ Church, Canterbury, library of, 20. Christie, Mr. Richard Copley, his collection of editions of Horace, 128. Chronic Rheumatism, Mirfeld on, 39. Chute, Thomas, account of his smallpox, 117. Cicero, 81. Cicero, Quintus, 5. City, charter to Deorman pre- served by, 6. Clarumbald, physician and chap- lain, 10. Cleghorn, Dr. George, pupil of Alexander Munro, 155 ; Obser- vations on the Endemial Diseases of Minorca from the year 1744- 9, ib. ; practised and lectured at Dublin, ib. ; friendship with John Fothergill, 156. Clement V, Pope, confirmed pre- sentation of living of Reculver, 29. Clement, Dr. John, president in 1544, 57 ; translated theologi- cal works, ib. ; Professor of Greek at Oxford, ib. ; one of the representatives of the kind of knowledge at beginning of College of Physicians, 66. Clinical medicine in England, origin of renaissance in the, 157. Clinical observation firmly estab- lished in England at beginning of eighteenth century, 125. Clogher, Bishop of, letter from Molyneux to, 137. Close Rolls of Edward III, passage in, relating to St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, 24. Clowes, William, surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 93. INDEX 191 Cloyne, 144. Coffee plant, Dr. James Douglas wrote on, 128. Cole, Dr. William, appreciated Sydenham, 84 ; wrote on inter- mittent fever, 85. Colet, 57. College of Physicians, 1-3; sole fuardian of medical learning, 7 ; examination of candidates. 82. Cologne, 80. Columquille (or Columba), Saint, 41 ; life of, at Schaff- hausen, 54. Communa, 7. Comparison of works of Sir T. Browne and Dr. Windet, 76. Confessions of Patrick, 5, 6. Connla Gael, St., bell of, 142. Conqueror, the, grants charter to Deorman, 6. Constable of Henry I, 8. Constantin, quotations from, in works of Middle Ages, 89. Constantino, one of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, 37. Constantinus Africanus, 48. Continent, the, of Rhazes, 48. Cook, Dr., book on Nervous Diseases, 44. Cormac mac Airt, king of Ire- land, 148. Cornhill, Henry of, sheriff (1189), 161. Coroticua, Epistle against, 5. Courcy, John de, drove the Mac- Duinntsleibb.es out of Down, 143. Coutances, William of, Arch- bishop of Rouen, 161. Craig, Dr. John, physician to James I, 149. Cremonensis, Gerardus, name occurs in Beton's MS., 151. Cristina, daughter of Jeremias, m. Galfridus Aspoinz, 162. Crocus autumnalis, Dr. James Douglas wrote on, 128. Crokestone, Abbot of, 17. Cromwell, Oliver, his rooms in Sidney College, 136. Cross. St., Hospital of, 13. Crutched Friars, 77. Cullen, William, lecturer on medicine, 154. Cursus Medicus, by Nial O'Glacan, 145. Cusa, Nicholas de, 52. Dacres, Lady, aunt of Thomas Chute, 117. Dal Cais, a group of allied clans, 146. Damascien, 20. Dapifers, 8. Darwin, Dr. Erasmus, his MS. notes on Heberden's lectures, 125. Degree of M.A., slight control of Universities over holders, 67. Deorman, charter granted to, 6. Dey, Dr. Joseph, 77. Diemerbrock, mentioned by Sy- denham, 84. Dinnshenchus, or Hill Lore, 140 ; prose and verse of, 148. Dionysius, one of the Seven Sleepers, 37. Dioscorides, botanical work of, 66 ; quotations from, in works of Middle Ages, 89. Dominicans, John de Sancto Egidio gives Hospital of St. James to, 30 ; installed at St. Bartholomew's Priory by Queen Mary, 31. Donegal, the O'Breslans in, 142 ; Franciscan convent of, 144. Donnchadh, member of the Mac- Duinntsleibhe family, 143. Douglas, Dr. James, example of relation of study of Natural Science to that of Medicine, 128 ; Lilium Sarniense (pub- lished 1725), 128; Myogra- phiae Comparatae Specimen, ib. ; Bibliographiae Anatomicae Specimen, ib. ; his text of First Ode of Horace and his catalogue of his editions of Horace, ib. ; became Fellow of the College (1721), 129; 'Fold' of, ib. ; observations published in Philo- sophical Transactions, ib. ; came close to discovery of cause of cardiac murmurs, 130. Dover, 79. 192 INDEX Dover Priory, 19. Doyley, Thomas, knowledge of Spanish, 62 ; his generosity, 63 ; buried in Church of St. Bar- tholomew's Hospital, ib. ; one of the representatives of the kind of knowledge with which the College of Physicians be- gan, 66. Dryden, Epistle to Dr. Charleton, 69 : on 'a happy genius ', 76 ; acknowledged head of world of letters, 136. Dublin, University of, 1. Dublin University Magazine, letters of Molyneux printed in, 135. Duff, Mr. J. D., note on Plutarch, 43. Duncan, Dr. Matthews, 129. Dyneau, Dr., lectures on fever, 79. Edinburgh, birthplace of James I, 97 ; University of, first syste- matic teaching of medicine in, 153. Edward VI, king, Wotton's book dedicated to, 58. Elector Palatine, letter from May erne to Harvey on treat- ment of, 108. Elizabeth, reign of, 93. Elzevir, Louis, of Amsterdam, printer, 124. Emmenologia, by Dr. John Freind, 124. England, intolerable state of, 11. English Rose, by John of Gaddes- den, 48. Ent, Sir George, 69. Enteric fever, cause of death of Prince Henry, 96. Eoghan, member of the Mac- Duinntsleibhe family, 143. Epicurean philosophy, 82. Epilepsy, 40. Erasmus, 57. Ernulf, the physician, 11. Erpingham, Sir Thomas, statue of, 70. Essex and East Anglia, kingdoms of, 6. Essex, Castle of Pleshy in, 11. Essex, Earl of, 10. Estria, Prior Henry de, 20. Eudo, 8. Exchequer, officials of, 7 ; Hubert Walter, baron of, 11 ; court of, 13. Faritius, Abbot of Abingdon, 9. Feidhlimidh (died in 1520), Pro- fessor of Medicine, 148. Feoiris (died 1504), Professor of Medicine, 148. Fever, Mayerne's notes on James 1, 102. Finch, Sir John, of Christ's College, Cambridge, 79. Fitz-Patrick, Mrs., foundress of the Fitz-Patrick Lectures, 1. Fitz-Patrick, Dr. Thomas, in whose memory the Fitz-Patrick Lectures were founded, 1. Flamsteed, the astronomer, 136. Florarium Bartholomei, the, 44, 46. Floyer, Sir John, author of The Physician's Pulse-Watch, 125. Foreigners, in London, 7. Forgaill, Dalian, poet, 149. Foster, Sir Michael, History of Physiology, 113. Fothergill, Dr. John, his five teachers all pupils of Boer- haave, 154; M.D. Edin. (1736), 156 ; compared with Huxham, ib. Foxe, Bishop Richard, encourages Wotton in Greek, 58. France, king of, 16. Franciscan Convent, of Donegal, 150. Freind, Dr. John, wrote The History of Physic from the time of Galen to the beginning of the Sixteenth Century, 3 ; medal struck in honour of, 56 ; under- stood importance of clinical observation, 124 ; Epistola de Purgantibus and Emmenologia, ib. French, the, in London, men- tioned in charters before Eng- lish, 7. Gaddesden, John of, 20 ; Rosa Ang- lica, 40, 48 ; his works read by INDEX 193 Mirfeld, 50 ; known to old Irish physicians, 148 ; quoted by James Beton, 151. Galen De Temperamentis, 2, 3, 5 ; works of, in Dover Priory, 20 ; his plan generally followed in mediaeval systems of medicine, 34 ; observations on paralysis, 43 ; his books read by Mir- feld, 48, 50 ; reverenced by both Mediaeval and Renais- sance physicians, 55 ; Opuscula, translated by Goulston, 65 ; read by Browne, 81 ; only once mentioned by Syden- ham, 84 ; true spirit of obser- vation obvious in, 88 ; quota- tions from, in works of Middle Ages, 89 ; quoted by James Beton, 151 ; on the Humours, quoted in Beton's MS., 152. Garth, understood importance of clinical observation, 124. ' Gaspar fert mirram,' &c., verse repeated in ear of epileptic patients, 40. Gataker, Thomas, published Goul- ston 's work, 184. Gerald, Earl of Kildare, Lord Justice of Ireland (1478-1513), 146. Gerard, botanist. 66. Gesner, Conrad, naturalist, 60. Giant's Causeway, Molyneux's notes on, 137. Giffard, the chaplain, 10. Gilbert, the physician, 10 ; works of, in Dover Priory, 20 ; English (Anglicus), Mirfeld recom- mends a remedy of, 40 ; and acquaintance with works of, 48, 50. Gilbert, William, De Magnete, 64 ; one of the representatives of the kind of knowledge with which College of Physicians began, 66 ; understood impor- tance of scientific observation in medicine, 92. Gilla na naingel (died 1335), Pro- fessor of Medicine, 148. Gilson, Mr. J. P., iv ; discoverer of the Florarium Bartholomew, 44. Glanvilla, Ranulf de, 161. Glasgow, University of, 10. Glauber, the chemist, 81. Glissou, Dr. Francis, influence on medicine, 65, 66 ; Regius Pro- fessor of Physic, 72 ; lectures and disputations, 81 ; portrait of, 111 ; president of College (1667), 111 ; Tractatus de Rnchi- tide, first English complete account of a disease, ib. ; me- thod, 112; praised by Virchow, 113; De Vtntriculo, 113; one of the three great clinical observers in the seventeenth century, 120 ; one of those who established the study of clini- cal medicine in England, 123 ; twelve volumes of lectures, &c., in Sloane Collection, 133. ' Gold-headed cane, 1 3. Goldsmith, Oliver, 1. Goodall, Goulstonian Lecturer, Harveian orator, and President of College, 85. Gordon, Bernard de, 38 ; books read by Mirfeld, 50 ; writer of the school of Montpelier, 147 ; books of, read by old Irish phy- sicians, 148 ; quoted in James Beton's MS., 151. Goulston, Theodore, made trans- lations from Galen, 65 ; his copy of the Opuscula of Galen, 182 ; lived in parish of St. Martin, Ludgate, 183; ac- quainted with Harvey, t'6. ; died 1632, ib. ; work on Galen, published 1640, ib. Grammar School at Norwich, 70. Grandison (or Cronson), John, Bishop of ttxeter, 46. Grant, Field-Marshal Sir Patrick, knowledge of Gaelic, 149. Gratitude, of lecturer to, H. Bradshaw, 20 ; H. W. Chandler, 32 ; R. C. Christie, 128 ; F. Darwin, 125; J. P. Gilson, iv; Sir P. Grant, 149; J. H. Herbert, iv; R. Macadam, 147; S. H. O'Grady, 145, 147 ; R. W. Raper,41 ; Royal College of Phy- sicians, iv ; T. W. Stronge, 145. Gravesend, 79. 194 INDEX Great Seal, affixed to letters patent, 17. Greek, knowledge of, in Western Europe in Middle Ages, 54 ; importance of, at time of be- ginning of College of Physicians, 66 ; Greek literature, predo- minant influence in College at its foundation, 89. Greffier, M. le Natier, Mayerne's note on, 106. Gregory, John, lecturer on medi- cine, 154. Gregory IX, Pope, 14. Grew, Nehemiah, botanist, Fellow of College, 135. Grey-backed crows observed by Molyneux, 136. Grimbald, physician to Henry I, 8 ; witnesses charter of Abbey of Abingdon, 8 ; witnesses grant of Queen Matilda, 9 ; various other charters witnessed by, 158, 159, 160. Grosseteste, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, his classical and medi- cal knowledge, friendship with John de Sancto Egidio, 30 ; his considerable attainments in Greek, 54. Gualterus, Irish translation of, 143. Guildhall, 6. Guise, Duke of, takes Calais, 135. Haemorrhoids, Mayerne's notes on James I, 102. Haimo, 8. Hali Abbas, 34. Hall, Bishop, Epistle to Mr. Mil- ward, 71. Hamey, Dr. Baldwin, wrote Bus- torum Aliquot Reliquiae, 2 ; Harvey's letter to, 181. Hamo Magister, 12. Harveian Oration, delivered by Terne, 75. Harvey, William, Hamey's epi- fram on, 2 ; his additions to nowledge, 65; one of the repre- sentatives of the kind of know- ledge with which the College of Physicians began, 66 ; ac- quaintance with Sir G. Ent, 69 ; mutual esteem of Harvey and Hobbes, 86 ; handwriting, 181. Heberden, Dr. William, one of the greatest English physicians, wrote (in 1745) Antitheriaca, 28 ; wrote Commentarii Morboruni Historia et Curatione, 125 ; last important Latin Medical trea- tise in England, ib. ; lectured at Cambridge, ib. ; Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, ib. ; Commentaries showing his method, ib. ; method of exam- ining patients, 126 ; death, ib. Helme, Brother John's mixture against plague, 35. Helsham, Dr. Richard, Regius Professor of Physic in the Uni- versity of Dublin, 138 ; friend- ship with Swift, ib. ; same kind of physician as Arbuthnot, ib. Hemicrania, 40. Henrietta Maria, queen,Mayerne's notes on, 107, 176 ; letter to May erne, 109. Henry I, king, grants land to Abingdon, 8 ; other charters and an ordinance, 9 ; founda- tion of Hospital and Priory of St. Bartholomew in reign of, 26. Henry II, king, witness of a char- ter, 12. Henry III, king, queen of, 14; Jew physicians in London in his reign, 17; medical etudies in his reign, 30. Henry, Prince of Wales, Mayerne consulted in last illness of, 96 ; Mayerne's notes on, 110. Heraclius, patriarch of Jerusalem, 13. Herbert, Bishop, of Norwich, 9. Herbert, Mr. J. H., IV. Hereditary physicians of Ireland, 142. Hereditary professions of Ireland, 142. Hertford, John of, abbot of St. Albans, 14. Hertfordshire, Ashbridge in, 46. Hervey, Bishop, of Bangor, 8. Hieracosophion of de Thou, 36. Higden, Ranulf, 48. Highmore of the ant ruin, 134. INDEX 195 Hippocrates, MSS. of, 2 ; works at Dover Priory, 20; observa- tions on injury to brain, 43 ; quoted by Plutarch, 44 ; in- fluence on Linacre and his con- temporaries, 55 ; practised at Larissa, 80 ; Aphorisms, 81, 145 ; often mentioned by Sydenham, 84, 88. History of the Study of Clinical Medicine in the British Islands (Lecture III), 84. Hodges. Dr. Nathaniel, notebook in Sloane Collection, 133 ; heroic conduct and sad death of, ib. Holland, 80 ; medicine in Univer- sity of Edinburgh derived from, 153. Holy Land, Hubert Walter goes to, 12. Holy Sepulchre, Hubert Walter admitted to, 12. Holy Trinity, Aldgate, Augusti- nian Priory of, 10; Prior of, 11. Horace, works of, known to Mir- feld, 48, 50. Hospitallers, Master of the, 13. Hospitals, statutes of, 22 ; under care of August inians, 24. Hfitel Dieu, at Amiens, 23 ; at Angers, 22 ; at Paris, Browne visits, 79 ; at Troyes, 24. Hungary, 80. Hunter, William, 10. Hutton, Richard. 46. Huxham, Dr. John, example of influence of Boerhaave in Eng- land, 156 ; Essay on Fevers, 16. ; treatise On the Malignant Ulcer- ous Sore-throat, ib. ; compared with Fothergill, ib. Hydatid of the liver, Harvey's notes on, 92. Hydrocephalus, case of operation on by Mirfeld'p master, 26. Hysterical aphonia, possible case of, 27. Index to the Sloane MSS., by Edward J. L. Scott, 133, to the Fitz-Patrick Lectures by Milicent Moore, 187. Initials in MS , making Mirfeld'a name, 45. lona, St. Columba sees vision in, 42. Ireland, history of learning in, 139. Irish, never a printed literature, 139; catechism in, published in Paris, 144. Irish elk, first described by Moly- neux in A Discourse concerning the Large Horns frequently found Underground in Ireland, 137. Isaac, son of Solomon, 48. Isaac, quotations from, in works of Middle Ages, 89. Isidore, St., of Seville, Liber Ety- mologiarum, 19 ; works known to Mirfeld, 48, 51. Islip, Simon, constitutions of, 45. Italy, St. Columba's vision of fire in, 42. Iwod, the physician, 11. Jacobin, origin of name, 30. Jamaica, Sloane's catalogue of plants of, 132. James, Dr. Montague Rhodes, 20. James, St., Hospital of, in Paris, given by John de S. Egidio to Dominicans, 30. James I, king, Mayerne's notes on, 97-105, 149. Jaundice, Mayerne's notes on James I, 1( 2. Jenner, William, writings of, 93. Jeremias, father of Cristina, 162. Jerome, St., writings known to Mirfeld, 51. Johannes Scotus Erigeua, trans- lated the Pseudo-Dionysius, 54. Johannicius on Scrophulus, 40. John, Bishop of Bath and Wells, witnesses charter of Henry I, 8. John (Comes Moretoniae), after- wards King John, makes grant to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 7 ; illness and death, 17 ; his visit to London in 1191, 161. John, Dr., of London, physician to Richard I, 13. John, Dr., of St. Giles (de Sancto Egidio), 16, 30, 31. 196 INDEX John, one of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, 37. John, son of Alexander, the car- penter of Walthamstead, 15. John, son of Walter le Lever, 15. John, the physician, receives grant from Dean of St. Paul's, 10. John the Baptist, St., illumina- tion of, in MS., 32. Johnson, Dr., affected by fate of Hodges, 134. Justiciar of England, Hubert Walter, 12. Justiciars of foreign birth, 7. Karlsruhe, MS. at, 140. Kent, Kingdom of, 6. Kilmacrenan, 143. King, Mr., surgeon, afterwards Sir Edmund, 77 ; attends Charles II in his last illness, ib. La Charite, Browne visits, 79. Lambecius, Librarian at Vienna, 80, 81. Lambeth Palace, MS. in, 47. Lambeth, St. Thomas's Hospital in 25. Lanf ran c, works known to Mirfeld, 48, 50. Larissa, 80. Latin, the language of com- position and communication at time for foundation of College of Physicians, 66. Laycock Abbey, Mayerne sees Queen at, 106. Lea, James, writes commendatory verse to Spanish Dictionary, 64. Lsabhar Breac, 41. Le Bell, Dr., lectures on surgery, 79. Leland, Commentarii de Scn'p- toribus Britannicis, 31 ; esti- mate of Bartlott, 56. Leprosy, Bernard of Gordon on, 38. Letters of famous Physicians, in Sloane Collection, 133. Leviathan, The, 86. Lewis of France, invasion of England, 17. Leyden, University of, 136. Liber de Ephemera Britannica, by Caius, 90. Liber Etymologiarum, known to Mirfeld, 48, 51. Liber urinarum Theophili, abstract of in Beton's MS., 152. Lifesholt, grant of land in, 8. Lilium Medicines, by Bernard de Gordon, Mirfeld's knowledge of, 38, 48 ; Irish translation of, 147. Lilium Sarniense, Dr. James Douglas on, 128. Linacre, Thomas, Founder of the College of Physicians, 3, 10, 55 ; Greek Studies, 55, 57, 89 ; takes degree of M.D. at Padua, 55 ; one of the representatives of the kind of knowledge with which the College of Physicians began, 66. Lincoln, Bishop of, 18. Lincolnshire, Abbey of Swinestead in, 17. Linnaeus, botanists precise before his day, 127. Lismore, Book of, 146. Lister, Sir Matthew, goes with Mayerne to Exeter, 108 ; Phy- sician to James I, 149. Lister, Martin, made brief notes, 120. Little Britain, 77. Lives of the British Physicians, by Mac Michael, Munk and others, 3. Lobel, 66. Locke, Two Treatises on Civil Government, 86, on Shaftes- bury's case, 120. London, inRoman times. 5; foreign influence in, 6,8; Magnates of, 7 ; Civil institutions of, ib. ; first large monastic foundation in, 10 ; Bishop of, ib. ; Physician of, Londonstone, Henry of, first Mayor of London, 161 ; its position, ib. Longchamp, Bishop of Ely, 161. Louis, writings of, 93. Low Countries, 80. Lower, Richard, 120. Lucretius, 5, 81. Ludford, Simon, 68. INDEX 197 Macadam, Robert; former owner of an O'Hickey MS., 147. MacBetba, or Beton, John, of a race of physicians, 151. MacCarthy riabhach, chief in south of Munster, 145. MacCarthy, Finghin, son of Dermot, 146. MacDubhgall, son of Ranald, daughter of, 151. MacMichael, Gold-headed Cane, 3. MaicAedh again, hereditary Irish judges, 142. Maic Conmidhe, hereditary poets or orators, 143. MaicDuinntsleibhe, family of hereditary physicians, 143; Cor- mac, works of, 144, 145 , his MS3. compared to those of the O'Liaigh, 147 ; took degree of Bachelor of Physic, 150. Malchus, one of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, 37. Malthus, the Apothecary, 117 ; political economist, ib. Mandeville, Geoifrey de, chief Constable of the Tower, 10. Marcellus Empiricus, medical charm from, 41. Marcellus, wrote on materia medico, 50. Marcet, Dr. A. J. G., an exact writer, 127. Marchetti, demonstrator of Anatomy at Venice, 79. Marci, Serlo de, great landowner of Essex, 7. Marci, William de, agreement with Dean and Canons of St. Paul's, 10. Marcian, one of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, 37. Marshalsea, Chaumpney's legacy to prisoners in, 25. Marti n-le-Grand, St., Deans of the College of, 7. Martiniere de la, travels in Arctic regions, 81. Mary-le-Bow, St., Church of, 5. Mary without Bishopsgate, St., Hospital of, 25. Mary, Queen, gave Priory of St. Bartholomew to Dominicans, 31. Mary, Princess, taught by Linacre, 57. Mary, St., of Dunmow, cartulary of, 7. Mason, Sir John, 58 ; his career, 61. Matilda, Queen, grants by, 8, 9. Maureau, Dr., lectures on hernia, 79. Maximian, one of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, 37. Maxwell Lyte's (Sir H. C.) Appendix to Ninth Report of Historical MSS. Commission, 29. Mayerne, near Geneva, 94. Mayerne, Sir Theodore Turquet de, settled in England 1611, 65 ; knowledge of Chemistry, ib. date of death, 66 ; dedication of Pharmacopoeia, 67 ; devoted himself to minute clinical observation, 93 ; his note book, 94; at Heidelberg, ib. ; M.D. of Montpellier, ib. ; attacked for using chemical remedies, 95 ; physician to King of France, and to King James I (1611), ib. ; goes to Queen Henrietta Maria at Exeter, 108; letters, 110; portrait, ib. ; his works method, 111; clinical ob- servations, 120 ; one of those who established the study of clinical medicine in England, 123 ; his MSS. in Sloane Col- lection, 133; notes on the health of James I, 162-76: note on the health of Queen Henrietta Maria, 176-80. ' Mayor,' origin of term, 7. Mead, understood importance of clinical observation, 124 ; Medi- cal Precepts and Cautions, 125. Measuring time by psalms and prayers, 39. Mediaeval learning in Ireland, 139. Mediaeval physicians, method of study, 55. Medical Register of time of Henry III, 16. Medicine, outline of Mirfeld's at- tainments in, 51. Melchior, 40. 198 INDEX Mercia, kingdom of, 6. Middle Ages, reading thought chief source of medical know- ledge in, 19. Miledh, clan of, descendant of Gaedhel Glas, 148. Mirfield, John, Fourteenth Cen- tury MS. of, 19 ; writings of, 25 ; his account of his Master, 26 ; his Master treats a Canon of St. Bartholomew's, 42 ; on broken bones and materia medico, 44 ; initials, in MS., making his name, 45 ; warning against love of money, 47 ; attainments and character, 48, 49 ; summary, 51 ; seems to have been unknown to ancient Irish physicians, 148. Mithridates, King of Pontus, 28. Mithridatium, 28. Modern languages, study of, in England, 62. Modern learning in Ireland, 139. Molins, Roger de. 13. Molyneux, Sir Thomas, born in Dublin 1661, 135 ; great grand- son of Sir Thomas Molyneux, of time Queen Maiy , ib. ; gradu- ated at Trinity College, Dublin, ib. ; studies at Leyden, ib. ; letters of, ib. ; visits Cam- bridge and Oxford, 186 ; further studies at Leyden, ib. ; M.D. Dublin, 1687, ib. ; President of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in 1702, 137; medical writings, 137; accounts of the sea-mouse, Irish elk, Giant's Causeway, 137 ; died 1733, ib. ; tomb at Armagh, ib. ; first great physician in Ireland, ib. ; resemblance to Sloan e, 138. Molyneux, William, brother of Sir Thomas, 136. Money, little in use in Ireland in the 15th century, 147. Monkwell Street, 73. Monro, Alexander, set example of systematic medical teaching in Edinburgh, 153 ; Medical Essays and Observations published by a Society in Edinburgh, ib. ; pupil of Boerhaave, 154. Montpellier, 79. More, Henry, the Platonist, 136. More, Sir Thomas, 57. Morgagni, writings of, 93. Morton, Richard, a careful observer, Fellow of College, 1678, 120; description of case of a plasterer, 130. Mowat, late J. L. G., edited part of Mirfeld's works, 29. Muiris, member of the Mac- Duinntsleibhe family, 143. Munk, Dr. William, 3; Notae Harveianae, 181. Munster, 146. Muray, William, takes letter to Mayerne, 109. Muscegros, seneschal of Eleanor of Provence, 14. Music, African, noted by Sloane, 132. Natural History of Ireland, by several hands, 137. Nero, 4. Newark, Abbot of Crokestone attended King John at, 17. Newcastle, Duchess of, New Blazing World, 81. Newgate Street, grant of land on south side of, 11. Newington, stall of, in St. Paul's, 14. Newton, at meeting of Royal Society, 136. Niall, wood belonging to, 151. Nicholas, wrote on Materia Medica, 50. Norfolk, ravaged by King John, 17. Norfolk, Duke of, 72. Norman Conquest, 6. Normans in London, 7. Northampton, charter witnessed at, 9. Northumbria, kingdom of, 6. Norwich Cathedral, 9. O'Breslans, the, Hereditary- keepers of the bell of St. Connla Cael, 142. O'Caiside, the hereditary physi- cians of MacUidhir, 147. INDEX 199 O'Caiside, Finghin, died 1322, Professor of Medicine, 147. O'Callauain, Aonghus, writer, 145. O'Callanains, the hereditary physicians of MacCarthy, 145. O'Cearnaigh, Daibhi, an Irish scribe, 151. O'Clery, Michael, 144. O'Dalaigh, race of poets, 143. O'Donnell family, 143. O'Eachoidhern, Denis, translation made for, 145, 150. O'Glacan, Nial, Professor of Medicine at Toulouse, 145 ; Tractatus de Peste, 145. O'Grady, Standish Hayes, Cata- logue of Irish MSS., 133, 145, 152 ; opinion of the O'Liaigh MSS., 147. O'Hicidhe, Nicholas, writer, 145. O'Hicidhe, Thomas, wrote a treatise on the Calendar (Cotton, Appendix LI), 147. Oilei, Roger de, 8. Oilley, Nigel de, 9. O'Liaigh, hereditary physicians in Thomond, 147. O'Line, Dermot MacDonall, trans- lation made for, 144. O'Mailconaire, Thomas, levied rent for the Earl of Kildare, 147. Oribasius, 3. Ormerod, Dr. J. A., 69. Ormond, Duke of. obtained first charter for Irish College of physicians, 135. Otuel, son of the Earl, 10. Ovid, 48, 50. Oxfordshire, Sheriff of, 9. Padua, 79. Paget, Sir George, 181. Palestine, Ranulf of Bisacia ac- companies King Richard to, 13. Paman, Dr. Henry, public orator at Cambridge, 84. Paracelsus, lectures at Basle, 87. Paris, 79. Paris, Matthew, 13, 14, 15, 16, 30. Parkinson, the botanist, 66. Patin, Dr. Guy, a staunch Galenist, 79. Paul's Cathedral, St., charters at, 9, 10, 29 ; MS. of Avicenna at, 21 ; orchard held of, 23 ; Deans of, 7. Payne, Dr. J. F.,4. Pembroke College, Oxford, copy of Mirf eld's book at, 31. Percy vail, Richard, 63. Peter, St., ad Vincula, burial- place of Nicholas de Cusa, 54. Peter, son of Nevelon, sheriff in, 1191, 161. Peterborough, Lord, 78. Petty, Sir William, first English political economist, Fellow of College of Physicians, 135. Pharmacopoeia, published by the College, 67. Philip Augustus, 30. Philosopher, the, quotations from, 89. Philosophical Transactions,!! , 128, 130, 137. Physicians, mentioned in records, 8 ; education of, in the seven- teenth century. 50; Irish pro- visions concerning, 141. Pinckay, Mr., commissary of the royal army, 114. Plague, 133, 134. Plague, Mirfeld on, 34. Platearius (of Salernum), 38, 48, 50, 151. Pleshy, remains of Castle of, 10. Plummer, pupil ot'Boerhaave, 154. Plutarch, his interest in medicine, 43. Portsmouth, Lady, 77. Printing, 55, 76. Ptolemy, 65. Pulse, first counted by Nicholas de Cusa, 53. Purchas his Pilgrims, 81. Pyretologia, by Richard Morton, 120. Quatremares, Ralph de, 23. Queensbury and Dover,Duke of, 70. Quintus Serenus Samonicus, 28. Radcliffe, understood importance of clinical observation, 124. Rahere, Founder of Hospital and Priory of St. Bartholomew, 26. 200 INDEX Raleigh, History of the World, 81. Ranulf, the chancellor, 9. Ranult, Bishop of Durham, 8. Raper, R. W., his gift, 41. Rawdon, Sir Arthur, of Moira, sent Gardener to collect in West Indies, 132. Ray, 127 ; consulted by Sloane on arrangement of work on Natural History, 132. Reculver, living of, 29. Redvers, Hugh de, 10. Reeves, Bishop, owner of an O'Hickey MS., 147. Regimen Sanitatis Salerni, 44, 47. Reginald, Dr., 14. Reginald, physician, priest of St. Albans, 16, Reichenau, monastery of, 140. Reiner, son of Berenger, sheriff in 1156, 161. Relations between Hospital and Priory of St. Bartholomew, 26. Renaissance, medicine in the, 55. Rhazes, works of, in Dover Priory, 20 ; The Continent of, 48 ; hie writings, 50 ; endeavour to ascertain origins of diseases, 33 ; quotations from, in works of Middle Ages, 89. Rhys, Professor, 41. Richard, formerly Archdeacon of Poictiers, 13. Richard, Bishop of London, 8. Richard Coeur de Lion, 12, 13. Richard, son of Reiner, sheriff in 1189, 161. Richardo magistro, 13. Riverius, physician to king of France, 95. Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, 8. Robert, Earl of Essex, 63. Rochester, 79. Roger, Bishop of Sarum, 8, 9. Roger le due, sheriff in 1189 and 1192, 161. Roger, son of Alan, second mayor of London, 161. Roger of Salernum, 48, 50. Rogerius of Parma, 151. Rohaisia, wife of Geoffrey de Mandeville, 11. Roll of the Royal College of Phy- sicians of London, 3. Rome, 79. Romsey, charter witnessed at, 9. Rosa Anglica, of J. of Gaddesden, 40. Roubiliac, statue by, 137. Round,Mr. J. tt.,History of Geoffrey de Mandeville, 11. Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, copy of Goulston's work in Library, 184. Rufus, 20. Rutherford, Dr. John, pupil of Boerhaave and Douglas, gave first clinical lectures in Edin- burgh, 1748, 154. St. Albans, Abbey of, 15. Saladin, 13. Salisbury, Bishop of, 11, 161. Salisbury, John of, 48. Salisbury, Lord, Mayerne's notes on, 106. Salters' Hall, on site of house of Henry of Londonstone, 161. Samian ware, 4. Bancroft (W. Saner.), Archbishop, 47. Sancto Egidio, John de (John of St. Giles), 16; studied at Ox- ford, Paris, and Montpellier, lived in Paris, gave Hospital of St. James to the Dominicans, Doctor of Divinity, became a Dominican, died in England, 30-1. Scandinavian encroachment into Scotland, 152. Scoti, ancient name of inhabitants of Ireland, 148. Scotland, kings of, 149 ; queen of, 15. Scott, Mr. Edward, 133, 182. Sea air, formerly considered un- wholesome, 36. Seals to Richard of Poictier's charter, 13. ' Senchus Mor, 1 Irish laws with commentaries, 140, 141, 142. Serapion, 48 ; depicted lecturing plant in hand, 52. Serapion, one of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, 37. Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, men- tion of still made by Arabs, 37. INDEX 201 Shaftesbury, Lord, 120. Shandy, Captain Toby, 71. Shipley, Mr. A., 80. Short, Dr. Thomas, 85, 86. Sidney Sussex College, letter of Harvey preserved in Library, 181. ' Sieveking, Sir Edward, 182. Sinclair, pupil of Boerhaave, 154. Sinonima of Mirfeld, 29. Sittingbourne, 79. Sleaford, Castle of, 17. Sleat, 151. Sloane, Sir Hans, 2 ; owned many of Mayerne's papers, 111 ; un- derstood importance of clinical observation, 124; President of College of Physicians, 130; President of the Royal Society, 131 ; Founder of British Museum, ib. ; studied at Paris, Mpnt- pellier, and Orange, ib. ; visited W. Indies, ib.; works, 132; originator of British Museum, ib. Smithfield, St. Bartholomew's Priory in, 26. Somerset, John, 21. Southwark, St. Thomas's Hospi- tal formerly in, 25. Standard-bearers, 8. Standards of England, Hubert Walter reforms, 12. Stearne, Dr. John, one of the original Fellows of Irish College of Physicians, 138. Stephen, king, 9 ; state of Eng- land in reign of, 11. Stokes, Whitley, 140. Stronge, Mr. F. W., 135. Study of medicine, best prepara- tion for, 83. Styria, 80. Suetonius, 4. Suffolk, ravaged by King John, 17. Sussex, kingdom of, 6. Suthwelle, Johannes de, 45. Swammerdam, the zoologist, 81. Sweating sickness, Caius on, 91. Swift, 1 ; friendship with Dr. Richard Helsham, 138. Swinestead, Abbey of, 17. Sydenham, felt importance of observation, 84 ; work on small- pox, 88; degree at Oxford, 115 ; degree at Cambridge, 116; practised in London, ib. ; died 1689, ib.; his works, 118, 119; a great clinical observer, 121 ; services to medicine in England, 123 ; studied works of Ray, 127. Sylva, Don Vasco de, 63. Tabidontm Theatrum, by Benet, 75. Tadhg an tsleibhe, hereditary historian, 150. Tara, 'Temhair', hearth of, 146, 148. Templar, as witness, 11. Terne, Dr. Christopher, 74. Terne, Henrietta, marries Edward Browne, 75. Teutonic encroachment into Celtic Scotland, 152. Thames, 5. Theophrastus, 65. Theriaca, 28. Thessaly, 80. Thomas the Apostle, St., name of Hospital changed to, 25. Thomas the Martyr, St., hospital of, 25. Thomond, old name for part of Munster, now Co. Clare, 146. Thorius, Raphael, poem, 110; MS. of his Latin poems, 134. Treatment of diseases of animals in Middle Ages, 36. Trinity pollege, Dublin, 1. Trismegistus, 19. Trousseau, advance of knowledge of epilepsy in his day, 51. Tulpius, Nicholas, three books of observations, 123. Tyngewich, Master Nicholas, 28 ; lectures of, 29. Tyriacum, attributed to Mithri- dates, 28. Tyson, Dr. Edward, portrait in College, 130 ; his works, ib. Ui Hicidhe or O'Hickey, heredi- tory physicians, 149. - Nicholas, 146. MS. in the British Museum, 146. 202 INDEX Ulidia, name of later kingdom of the Ultu, 144. Ulltach, Maurice, 144. Ulltach, Christopher, 144. Ulster, plantation of, by James I, 144. Ulster, kings of, 144. Valdes, Don Pedro de, 63. Van Swieten's commentary on Boerhaave, 155. Vandyke, portraits of Henrietta Maria, 107. Veau, Doctor de, godson of May erne, 73. Venice, 79. Vienna, 80. Villa Nova, Arnaldus de, 48. Virchow, Professor, Croonian lecture, 113. Virgil, 48. Vitry, Jacobus de, Bishop of Acre, Historic* Occidentalis, 21. Walbrook. 5. Waldric, Chancellor of Henry I, 8. Walter, Hubert, Dean of York, Bishop of Salisbury, 11, 161 ; Archbishop of Canterbury, 12. Walter, son of Richard, 8. Walterus, filius Roberti, 7. Warburton, Dr., 76. Wards of the City, 7. Webb, Mr. E. A., 29. Wendover, Richard of, physician, Canon of St. Paul's, 16. Wepfer, John James, 123. Werelwast, William de, 8. Wessex, kingdom of, 6. Westminster Abbey, land held of, 23. Westminster, charter witnessed at, 9. Westminster Street, hospice in, 8. Whytt, Robert, lecturer, pupil of Boerhaave, 154. Wilks, Sir S., writings of, 93. William, son of Adam, 15. William, Dean of St Paul's, grant by, 10. William III, king, Brady refuses to take the oath to, 85. William, physician of St. Albans, 15. Willis, Thomas, 77 ; writings of, 119; Cerebri Anatome, 123. Wincfeld, land at, 9. Winchester, Richard of Poictiers, Bishop of, 13. Windet, Dr., poems by, 75. Windsor, grant made at, 8. Winterton, Ralph, edition of Aphorisms of Hippocrates, 81. Witch trial, 70. Wrangham, relates anecdote of Bentley, 90. Wren, 5. Writers on medicine in Middle Writing introduced into Ireland from Italy, 139. Woodstock, charter issued at, 9. Worcester, King John's body carried to, 18. Wotton, Edward, Greek lecturer at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 58; President, 1541, 57 ; takes M.D. degree at Padua, 58 ; De Differentiis Animalium, ib. ; studied chiefly Greek, 89 ; represents the kind of knowledge with which the College of Physicians began, 66. Wulstan, St., 18. York, Hubert Walter, Dean of, 12. Ysaac, his work on diet, read by Mirfeld, 50. Zoological collection in St. James's Park, 74. Zoological studies, influence on medical, 128. Oxford : Printed at the Clarendon Press, by HORACE HART, M.A. Date Due IMTTRtlfilP 111U '' IMTtrsics*^ APR 8 1983 RECD FEI rnil nf T ? ^8^ BPU Ul 1 itDQEBIISi L&BY LQA HS DEC 1 ( 1990 it 1 ?" DtP 'n kim KtC D NO / ^7199^ PRINTED IN U.S.A. CAT. NO. 24 161 3 1970 00199 3069 A 001 355452 2