\'M: •^ ^-./f , ^^?^^'•'^%^ PKcQSV, Tr|3 u< A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY BASED UPON THE ST. PETERSBURG LEXICONS BY CARL CAPPELLER PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF JFNA STRASSBURG KARL J. TRUBNER. 1891, P Qj>^ k^juJ-'^ mi TO WILLIAM DWIGHT WHITNEY THE CHIEF INTERPRETER OF THE EASTERN TO THE WESTERN ARYANS DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. 50iV.3 Preface, ihls English edition of my Sanskrit Dictionary differs from its German original not only in that it covers a much wider range of texts, but also in some minor partic- ulars of its plan and arrangement. A few remarks will suffice to give the reader an idea of the whole. As to the texts for which this work was designed to serve as a special glossary, I had originally only in view those of the second edition of Bohtlingk's S ansk rit- Chrestomathie, the hymns translated by Geldner and Kaegi, those edited by WiNDiscH, the Brahmana pieces translated hy Webek in Vol. I of the Indische Streifen , Nala, and the plays of Kalidasa. To render my book more useful to the English student of Sanskrit, I have now added to the texts just mentioned the Marut hymns translated by F. Max Muller, the Kat hopan i sad, Manu, Bhaga vadgita, Hitopade^a, Meghaduta, Mr.cchakatika, and Malatimadhava. I have abstained from taking in more words from Brahmana and Stitra texts, as these will always be least and last of all studied by beginners, thinking it better to enlarge, as much as possible, the Postvedic or classical vocabulary. From the later literature, therefore, a great many words that have not been received into the Petersburg Dictionaries (e.g. those translated from Prakrt and many compounds) are to be found in my book, which, I believe, will furnish the reader sufficient help to understand also easier texts not particularly held in view by the author, e.g. the most beautiful episodes of the Mahabharata and the Ram ay an a, the epics of Kalidasa, the other two plays of Bhavabhiiti , and in general such works as are most appreciated and studied by every friend of Sanskrit literature. For while enlarging the number of compounds, I made it no less a rule to incorporate into this Dictionary all primary words of well-settled meaning, and so in all essentials to preserve its double character, to be not only a handbook for the beginner in Sanskrit, who wants to have as many words as possible explained to him, but also to serve the purposes of the linguistic student, whose interest is limited to the old stock of words and their relations to other languages. With regard to the contents and arrangement of this book I have but little to add. At first sight it appears to be nothing but a list of Sanskrit words put in alphabetical order and confronted with their English equivalents. Such a compilation , little as it may seem, would be much, if it were made with the correctness and accuracy required by the matter. Whether I have succeeded in attaining this aim and rendering my book at least VI from this point of view useful to the class of readers for which it is destined, actual experience must show. 1 hope, however, it will be acknowledged that I have always endeavoured not only to put together words with words, but also to give the full devel- opment and connection of meanings from their first radical origin up to the various ramifications which appear in the texts enumerated above or are of universal interest. Here we must, of course, distinguish between the old simple words and the compara- tively younger derivatives and compounds, which generally are easy and transparent enough to admit of an insight into^ their origin and growth even by the help of a simple translation. This is also the reason why I abstained from giving a formal analysis of words, such as would, in each individual case, trace the compound back to its constituent parts and the simple word to its root or stem. In the first place, nine tenth of all cases are so clear in themselves, that even for the beginner, if he only has worked his way through the euphonic rules and the elements of word-formation, they need no explanation whatever. The last tenth, on the other hand, offers numerous difficulties, which it would be impossible to remove without altogether changing the elementary character of this book. There are, moreover, two excellent guides through this domain of studies, Whitney's Roots and Lanman's Reader, of which the one furnishes ample material for Sanskrit and the other for comparative etymology, so that a book, which in a certain degree is intended to be a completion or continuation of both, may well be for the most part restricted to purely lexicographic matter. There are still a few remarks to be made about some particulars of the outer plan and arrangement of this dictionary. On the whole, it offers only authenticated matter, i.e. such words, word-forms, genders, accents etc. as are actually found in the works of Sanskrit writers, but not such as are merely taught by grammarians and lexicographers (with a few exceptions, which are always recognizable as such; cf.p. viii). To accommodate myself to the English custom, and to be in accordance with Whitney's system, roots and stems are throughout given with r (instead of ar or f), e.g. 1 & 3o|i (instead of c|i^ & iR). The adjective generally shows only the masculine stem, the regular feminine and neuter being always omitted, except where they have developed a specific signification; i is always treated as the irregular feminine to a. Of verbal forms only the present stems are completely enumerated (including the secondary conjugation, causative, desiderative etc.). The so-called past participle is usually put immediately after the present, with which it forms as it were a kind of a-verbo and serves to keep the homonymous roots apart. In a great many cases, however, I have treated this verbal form as a separate word, first because it is no doubt the most frequent of all forms, which the beginner will most particularly like to find sub voce, secondly, because it has very often developed a pregnant meaning, and thirdly because it frequently forms the first part of compounds, at the head of which it is most properly sought and found. Wherever this principle has been carried out, reference has been made at the end of the root to the participles in question. No less have the forms in anlya, tacya etc., a great many infinitives and gerunds, and in general such forms as belong to the verb only systematically, but actually are felt as separate words, found a separate treatment according to their alphabetical order. Brevity has always conscientiously been striven after; I trust, however, that I have not gone too far in this respect and proposed riddles instead of solving them. If, for instance, I say ,"^t^*f a. & n. boasting', everybody will understand that the word , boasting' is to be taken in the one case as an adjective and in the other as a noun of action. Likewise an article VII such as j'^rr^T ^' mountain (earth-holder)' will be in itself clear enough and save the student the trouble of looking up "t^J & ^T* ^7 the word abstract I understand chiefly the substantives in td and tva, by the word possessive the adjectives in vant, mant, etc. In a great nnany instances merely the formation of such words is given, because their special meaning is easily suggested by the groundword and the passage where the deriv- ative occurs. Of brackets a very frequent and various use has been made, which, I suppose, will be clear by itself in each single case. For all these things I call the attention of the reader to the list of abbreviations on the next page. How far I have relied on my authorities or followed my own judgment, others may decide. I can only say that I have always tried to keep the mean between blindly follow- ing and thougthiessly abatidoning the path of my great predecessors. Most difficulties arose from the Rigveda vocabulary, a great part of which has been incorporated into this book. But even on this hotly debated ground I rarely have had occasion to differ from the acknowledged chief of Vedic interpretation. Before I conclude, I must express my profound gratitude first to the venerable editor of the great work whose treasures I was once more allowed to change into snjall coin and make accessible to a larger circle; next to his numerous collaborators, one of whom, I hope, will see in the liberty that I have taken of putting his name on the front page of this book, a small but well-meant token of my sincere homage to his in- comparable achievements in more than one branch of Sanskrit and linguistic research. Among those who took a kind interest in the undertaking of this English edition, I have to name, in the first place, Professor Ch. R. Lanman, who during his stay in Europe, three years ago, lent me his valuable aid, and did so much by word and deed that I shall always feel myself his debtor. I can only wish that this book may not fall too short of his expectations. Finally I have to thank all those who kindly assisted me in looking over the proof-sheets, and while doing so favoured me with many a useful suggestion. Jena, March 1891. C. Cappeller. VIII List of Abbreviations. A(ctive). a(djective). abl(ative). absol(utely). abstr(act), v. pref. acc(usative). add(itions). adv(erb). C(ausative). cert(ain). cf. = compare. conip(arative). conj(unctive). correl(ative). D(e8iderative). (d.) = drama. dat(ive). den(ominative). du(al). E(pithet). e.g. = for example. encl(itic). esp(ecially). excl(amation). f(eminine). fig(uratively). fut(ure). (g.) =1 grammar. gen(etive). .... the Udatta accent. .... the proper Svarita. =fc with or without. o — the principal word of an article to be supplied at the beginning of a compound. — o the same supplied at the end of a com- pound. *.... a word taught only by grammarians or lexicographers. ger(uDd). I(ntensive). i.e. = that is. i.g. = in general. imper(ative). impers(onally). indecl(inable). inf(initive). instr(umental). interr(ogative). intr(ansitive). (j.) = jurisprudence. 1. & f. = literally and figura- tively. lit(erally). 1. 1. = later language. loc(ative). m(asculine). M(iddle). m(eanin)g. N(anie). n(euter). nora(inative). num(eral). o(ften). opp(osed). opt(ative). orig(inally). P(assive). p(ossessive), v. pref. part(icle). perf(ect). pers(on or personal). pers(on) & th(ing). pl(ural). prec(eding). pp. = participle. pref(ix). prep(osition). pres(ent). pron(oun). q.v. = which see, r(arely). (r.) ritual or religion. (rh.) rhetoric. S(imple). s(ubstantive). sc(ilicet). seq. = following. sev(eral). sgl. = singular. sp(ace) & t(ime). superl(ative). s.v. = sub voce. trans(itive). voc(ative). w(ith). in a trans- ....* a word which occurs only lation from Prakrit. *...."■ the same, if also taught by grammarians or lexicographers. f.... a word which, although not accented, occurs in an otherwise accented text. ....f a word for which a previously given accent is not to be supplied. ^ 1^ pron. stem of 3^ pers. 2^, "^w^ neg. prefix, corresponding to Gr. ct av, Lat. in, Germ, un, etc. ^Ilj m. portion, share, part, party; N. of a god. "^^T^fiWrr ^^ °l?cfi^»fT f. allotment of shares. ^Ifir^T n. granting of a share ; abl. 07^^. ^^HTf'T'T^ & °^T^^ a. having a share, par- taking of (gen. or — o). lil[?1ff a. forming part of (gen.). ^■g m. stem or juice of the Soma plant; ray of light. "^^cfi n. garment, cloth. '^^«RT«tT m. the edge of a garment. "^■gXTJ n. a kind of cloth. ^rg't'fr^ a- rich in Soma or rays, m. the sun. "^^ m. shoulder. ^r^«fiZ m-, ®^¥ n. the same (lit. top & back of the shoulder). ^^^ n. armour, mail. ^^T^ a. strong, stout. ^^^fS«i; a. being on the shoulder. '^^^if^'i;^ a. reaching up to the shoulder. ^f ' ^f% walk. C. ^-^rfTT send. "^ffH f., "^1^, "^iW n- pressure, distress. ^^^^ (comp.) narrower. "^^T. a. pressed, distressed. ^^17m a. pressed, n. pressure. "^f^ m. foot. ^^ n. not-joy, i.e. sorrow, woe. ^^3TT a. not hard; soft, tender. ^^"^^ a. free from thorns or enemies, un- troubled. ^^f^rT a. not spoken of, unmentioned. ^^f^'S' a. pi. having no youngest (brother), equal in age or strength. Cappeller, Sanskrit -English Dictionary. I '^^•^^rgft^fT a. not grown from a bulb.'^' ^r«R'^T f- no (more a) maid. ^^f^iTff a. not trembling, unshaken. '^cjr^TIf n. non-doing, omission. '^^''^W a. pitiless, cruel. ^^TTf a. earless, deaf. ^oRrf^ a. not to be done; n. misdeed. ■^^rf a. not acting, m. no agent. ^ofp^cf) a. having no object, intransitive. ISfcfiijchcl^ a. performing no action. I'^cR^Sl^ ". inactivity. 2^o|5T|^ a. mactive, lazy. ^o|v5f^ a. without quarrel. "^^fif^TcT a. unconcei ved, undefined ; ®^f^^«l^ a. of immeasurable greatness. ■^^i^a. unfit for (ace); unable to, incapable of (loc, inf., or — o). ^cfi^^ a. stainless. ^cji^ a. unhealthy, sick. "^o|f^ a. abundant, liberal. ^oRf% a. unwise. ■^cjp^Tf^^ adv. abruptly, unexpectedly, at once ; (lit. without a why, i.e. wiihout any apparent cause). "^cRTI!^ a. immediate, sudden (lit. without any joint, i.e. connection or intervening cause) ; loc. = prec. "^oirrTt a. free from love or desire, unwilling, involuntary; adv. Off^f, abstr. OffTt f- ^o(fn^ m. the sound or letter "^. "^«RTT^ ^- ineffective, unsuccessful. ^«BTT^ a. causeless; n. no cause. ^IfcfiXT^Iffcfiej m. a disinterested friend. "^«RT"^WrTT^ m. murderer without cause.* ^?RiT^ a. & n. =^r^o?f. 1 ^^T^<^fT7T ■^cft^^ltXv *^- ^'Ji'J'i'itting a bad action ; in. an evil-doer, offender. ^efij^ m. not the (right) time; © — , loc, & ©rT^ untimely, out of time. '^^T'5T%^^ adv. without delay, immediately. ^cfiT^rrf^^n. unseasonable or bad weather. ■^«RT^^f^ adv. without loss of time; at once, suddenly. ^!rf^^«T a- without anything, poor, indigent; abstr. OffT f-, °^ n- ^t^fx| (^ cjlUJ a. not doing anything, inactive. "^leflf^ f. infamy, disgrace; «o|p^a. disgracing. ^cR^"nf cT a. unmentioned. ^cfi^TH^ a. fearless (lit. not afraid from any quarter). '^^(^^irT a. not contemning. ^^^•tT^ & ^R^^TW a. not doing, omitting. ^^^ & ^^•f a. of low (lit. of no) family; low-born, base. "^oR^r^T f- lowness of family. ■^Sfeli^^ a. inauspicious, unlucky ; incapable, awkward, clumsy. ^«fi^ft[cT a. not having blossomed. T^^xnT^ a. boundless; m. the ocean. ■^cfiff a. undone, unmade, unwrought, unpre- pared, imperfect, unappointed; often o — not having done or got. ■^^rf^^ a. whose tonsure has not been per- formed. "^rarf^ a. unthankful (lit. not knowing or recognising things done). ^«fif!y5I a. not having acquired merit ; sinful, miserable. ■^^fftj^ a. never before done. ^girTU^T^ a. not having got mercy, un- pardoned.* ■^cRrfgfl a- of imperfect knowledge, dull, stupid; abstr. oc«f n. ^^(T^T a. unoffended. ■^^rT^c^TT a. unaccommodated, not hospi- tably received. '?J^ffT^«l^ a. of uncultivated mind, rude. "TSTefirrrW n. uncooked food. ^^r^fmS a. not having attained the (desired) object, unsatisfied. "^5r«R7TTf^^ a. not performing the daily rites. ^gjSr a. = ^RifT^- ^eR(^ a. not whole, incomplete. ^ofi(^f^^ a. not omniscient. ^^rqxjr a. unquerulous, cheerful. ^eir^t^^ a. not cultivating the field. ^oR^ a. untilled; n. untilled soil. ^^5 a. without light or shape. ^SI^fT^ a. unfeigned, sincere. ^%T^^«fl a. not irritating. ^*T f. night (cf. seq.). ^^ m. ointment; light or night (lit. what is anointed, i.e. tinged bright or dark); instr. pi. o. = by night, l^isfi a. inactive. 2^nfe ™* banner, flag. ^^f^H a. powerless, unwise, free from desire. iXWf^ m. want of order; o — confusedly. "^^^T^ & **T a. not eating flesh. ^fsjiill f. inactivity, omission. "^hR^cT a. unbought. "^WK ^- "^^ cruel or harsh. l^i^T^ m. abstr. to seq. 2nS|^|\^ a. free from anger, impassionate. '^^T^'f a. the same. ^rfW^ a. unvexed, unimpaired; ®^il|i(^ & °«RTfT^ a. of unwearied activity. ^^"^t ^^' non-affliction. ^T^ , pp. "^H reach, o)>tain. 1"^^ m, die for playing; pi. game at dice. 2^^ m. axle. 3^^ (adj. — o f. ^) := ^7^. ^"^R^nT a. having eyes. ^^ff a. unhurt, unbroken, unhusked (grain). ^Rff^Tf'T a. virginal (lit. vulvara integram habens), »l|(^ a wife wedded as a virgin. ^ff^"^ a. without the warrior caste. ^T^^rf n. game at dice. ^^^ n. eye. "^^•fj^ "• skill in playing at dice. ^r^frr^ «»• friend of, i.e. lucky with the dice. ^^^W ^- breaking of an axle. "^Sr^^ a. unable to bear, no match or unfit for (loc, inf., or -o); f. ^j intolerance, impatience, envy. ^r^^'RT f. rosary, string of beads (also ®f%oRT f-); E. of Arundhati. ^'iWr^ ■^'g^qf a. imperishable; abstr. OffT f., ^^ n. U'^'^Xji^ a. yielding imperishable fruit, a. inexhaustible, imperishable, a. the same; n. sound, word, syllable, esp. the sacred Om; record, writing. ^T^"?^"^^^^ n. a syllabic metre (i. e. a metre regulated by syllables). "^^TTTfe f. N. of a metre, -il^^m^ n. a word consisting of syllables.* ^^"^ f. speech. ^"^^fft" f- game at dice. ■^T^l^^ n. the art (lit. heart) of playing at dice. '^'^TT'^r^W"- anything not pungent or salted; oTIFTW & "Wrftl'l^ eating such food. ^rP^ n. eye. ^r^Mc|«rf a. not hurting. "^f^cT, "^W^lir & ^'^^'ITW a. unhurt, un- broken, imperishable. ■^f^"fiT a. the same; f. imperishableness. ^f%"'^adv. a bit (lit. what flies into the eye). ^f^TTI ^- disease of the eyes. "^f^ftlT^T^^ (n. sgl.) eye, head, and mouth. "^"^ f- eye. ■^^ m. a kind of net. '?I'^^ a. unhurt, uninjured; fresh, new, strange. 1^^"^ n- no field, barren ground. 2^^"^ a. uncultivated, uninhabitable, comp. ^^f^^l^ a. having no field. "^"^if^Wt f- a (complete) army. ^^^^adv. athwart, obliquely, in the wrong way. ^"^HJiiTcll, a. going athwart. ^^"^a. undivided, indivisible; whole, entire. ■^^u^ofi^ a. having its digits complete, full (the moon). ■^^f^cT a. unbroken, uninterrupted, un- disturbed. ^^f^ff^Tfr"^ a. of unbroken (good) conduct.* "^^^ a. unmutilated, entire, complete. "^^if^fT a. unchewed.* ^f^^ a. unwearied. ■^f^'^^TT^ a. of unwearied course. ■^f^^ a. having no gap or void, whole. entire; instr. wholly, completely.' n.'all^ everything, "^^^ m. unweariedness, freshness. t^SR^^if^ exclam. of joy or surprise, ©cfi utter this sound. ^^ (*a. not moving;) m. tree or mountain. ^TW^^tT^ a., of^^T ger. not reckoning or heeding; not caring for (ace). "^^fT a. not gone; n. untrodden ground. ^TrlTg a. alive (lit. whose breath is not yet gone). 1^^^ m. not-disease, health. 2^;ir^ a. free from disease, well, healthy; m. medicine, drug. ^;iT'^ & ^^5«j^nT^ a. without smell. '^7[7T a. immovable, inaccessible; m. tree. ■^fTTRf a. inaccessible, unintelligible; f. "^T (a woman) not to be approached. ^^R^TTT^T n. approaching an unapproachable (female), illicit sexual intercourse; ^'^^^ a. relating to it. ^if^ff a. unblamed, blameless. ^^^ & "^^cIT m. N. of a sage. ■^TJX^ n. mountain-top. ^^V a. bottomless, deep ; o^^ a. of an unfathomable character. ^^TT n. (m.) house. o^Tff'i; burning a house, incendiary. "^rg a having no cows, poor. ^^nJF a. having no qualities or virtues, worthless; m. bad quality, vice. ■^^paft^cf a. not being subordinate or sec- ondary. ^5^ a. unguarded. ^IJ^ a. not heavy; light, short (prosod.); m. n. aloe wood. ^^nftfT a. untaken , unconceived ; °^f^^ having inconceivable splendour. ^^\ff a. = ^^ftff. "^T^WT ger. without (taking).* ^^^«Ti a. not taking or conceiving. ■^Tlir a. not to be taken or conceived. "^IT^T a. not being within the reach of, inaccessible to (gen. or — o) ; abstr. OffT f. ■^^Xm a. without a cowherd, unguarded. ^;n"T"^^ a. the same; m. no cowherd. ^W" ■^ifTrTlI a. not to be hidden. ^rtl"^ f. N. of Agni's wife. "^f^J ni. fire, or Agni (the god of fire). '^f^cfi^'l^ II- action of Agni or action per- taining to fire, esp, the arranging or kind- ling of the sacrificial fire. ■^f^cR^ a. fire-like, fiery. ^f^oRTTT ni. wish for fire. ^?;r^T^ I'-, °f^^T f. = ^f^^?irH. ^ftd'"^ n- the place of the sacred fire. ^fq^^ m., o^^r^ n, the arranging of the fire-place. ^ftrfW^ a, fire-tongued. '^f^^f%fl?f^»r a. having a point blazing with fire. ^f^"^^ u., o"^rfT f. the three sacred fires. ■^rfllT^ "1- incendiary. ^ff^^3\i|" or ^f^^I^ a. burned with fire; m. pi. a class of Manes. "^Sff^^'rT a. havingAgni as messenger, carried or brought by Agni. ^f^'2"fqrl a. hurt by fire, branded. ^f?;(V ni. (the priest) who kindles the fire. ^f^^^ a. cooked with fire; <*lll|rr^«f mating cooked food. ^f^'^'ncfti^T f. ^are of the sacred fire. ^^Srf^'Rf^^^ ni- the implements required for a fire-sacrifice. "^"ftn:|7;iTJf n. T. of a Purana. ■^f^IRir m-, °1TW^T n- (self-immolation by) entering the fire. "^f^^l^f^ a. having fiery splendour. ^f^iT'fr a. maintaining the sacred fire, also ■^f^f'T'^ m. N. of a king. "^■fq'^ifr a. standing at the sacred fire. "^f^^^ a. fire-coloured, boiling hot. ^f^flff?!^ ^'- having a fiery or burning point (arrow); f. "^ fire-flame. ^"PCT^f^ f. purification by fire. ^'fq^'^'^T f- attention to the sacred fire. ^"f^?^ m. the first day of the Agnistoma (v. seq.). ^f^BTT "1- a celt, ceremony (lit. praise of Agni). ' ^p^ MT tT ^- pl* a class of the Manes (lit. eaten by fire). ^f^^^T"?^ Ml. rite performed by fire, esp. the burning of the dead body. "^f^^Tcl^ adv. into fire; o^i burn. '^fq^Tf'?'!; ni. N. of man. l^f^*^!"^ n- fire-sacrifice. 2^f^*^T'^ a. sacrificing to Agni. ■^"ftr^T"^^Wt f- ladle for a fire-sacrifice. ^f^%Tf^'T. ^' performing the fire - sacrifice. ^'•H^J^ m. du. Agni and Indra. ^^V^ m. = ^f^V^. ■^^t^if n. kindling of the fire. ■^^ify^jiT Ki- du. Agni and Soma. ^I5€JT^T«T & ^^"^ n- setting up the fire. ^T«2fTf^rf a. who has set up the fire. ^IT n. front, top, summit, tip, point, upper part, surface; outbreak, beginning; tin* highest or best of anything. — '^^H i» front or in presence of, (gen. or —o); ^%the same + from (to = "^), before (abl.); absol. at first, in the beginning; w. ^ precede. "^^«fiT! "1- finger and first ray. ^^5f a. first-born (also *>WJ) i "^i- eldest brother. "^'?r^*?|«t^ m. a Brahman (lit. = prec). ^^Wi" a. leading; m. chief, principal. ^^ff^='^^; **^ place in front, send before, ^TWTT ni-5 °^t^ f- uppermost part, top. ^^^^ n. bill, beak.'' ^^"^f^«l^ a. marching foremost. ^^1^ ni. tip of the hand (i. e. finger) or of an elephant's trunk. ^^1"TT ^"- ^ piece of land held by Brahmans under special grants. "^"^TT^ftoR n. front of an army, vanguard. "^^T^f^Wr ger. without making a person accept a thing (2 ace). ^^Tf^^l^ a. not catching or biting (leech). "^tri^ a. j)receding, foremost, first. ^fH'^a. the same, principal, best, excellent; n. the best. ^^, f. ^Tg" single, unmarried. "^^^, ^'TT, & ^'T a. first-going. ^^f^f^g "J. a man married at his first ^^ marriage with a widow; f. (also ^'^) a younger sister married before her elder. ■^%xifX & ^tj a. first-drinking. ^^^T f- ^ preceding, going first. "^JZf a. foremost, first, best. ^^ a. evil, bad, sinful (also ^^T^f) ; n. evil, sin, harm, impurity. ■^■^^■^TJJ a. forgiving sin ; n. N. of a certain Vedic hymn. ■^"^f%^TrfcR(^ m. destroyer of evil. ■^^"51^ a. meditating evil, wicked. ■^^T"^ , °^f?T be wicked, a. o^. '^^T^'T, n. day of sin, ill-luck, or impurity. ■^TE^ITf a. pitiless, cruel, unkind. ■^^TT^^ "^* ^' ^^ ^ man. "^^5f or ^^q" m. bull, f. "^ cow (lit. not to be slain), '^"5f'?f a. not to be smelled at. "^^ m.hook (poss. "^f^*?^), bend, flank, esp. of the body, groin, lap, side, proximity; mark, sign; act of a play. ^^m^^ f. an embrace. ^^^ , o^ffT, PP'^f^rl mark, stamp, brand (a criminal), "^^^fS f- a slender (lit. stalk of a) body. "^^^Tf^l a. lying in the lap. ^W^ n. bend, curve. ^^^ s. side, flank (of a horse). ^^^ a. = ^^ITTN^. ^^T ™- shoot, sprout ; poss. of^cf or °T^^«tT • "^"^T^ & °Trr^^. ^ to sprout. "^^^ m. hook, esp. for driving an elephant. s* ^^^•l, ^* 'cooked, crooked, deceiving. ■^^'"^f , o^«fT^ grapple. — X|f^ M. embrace. ■^^ a, to be branded. '^^.' "^Wf^ move. 1^^ a particle implying sollicitation, con- firmation, or stress. 2^^ rn. N. of sev. men & of a country (Bengal), pi. its inhabitants. 3^^ (adj. — o f. "1^ limb, member, body (also ^"^'of) n.); part, means requisite, supplement (cf. %^^), theme (g.). n. court. '^f^^m. a man's name; n. bracelet, poss. of^w^;^. ^^•1 n. = ^^IJT. ^^ifT f. woman, female. ^^^^' m. distortion of the limbs.* ^^7;;TT "!• paint, ointment, perfume (applied to the body). ^WTT^ m. the king of Ariga, i.e. Karria. "^^I^^TT ™- disease (lit. alteration of the body), "^^f^^T f- knowledge of the (lucky and unlucky marks of the) body. ^^^^TT ^' embellishment of the body. "^^^ffm m. bodily pain * ^^^"jr m. bodily contact. ^^^n|\«f a. deficient in limbs; abstr. o^ n. ^^TT "^- "• toal; o^f m. the same; the planet Mars. ^^T^"'ft^*r "• injuring of a limb. "^f^X[^ fn- a kind of mythol. beings with Agni at their head; N. of an old Rishi, pi. his descendants or their hymns, i.e. the Atharvaveda. — ®"^^*l (superl.) quite an A., "^f^'^^c^ adv. like an A. ^f%**^ a. poss. to 3^^; m. a. limbed or living creature. "W^ w. efi appropriate, conquer, subdue (lit. make part of one's self, cf.3. '^^); consent to, promise, grant ; abstr. oofi'^lJI'n., oeBl"^m. "^iffX f- finger, toe. '^^T^'T^ "• finger-ring. \* "^^^ m. n. a thumb's breadth. \* ■^^f^ or 01^ f. finger or toe. s» ■^^f^"^ & o"^lin" n. finger-protector, i.e. a \» kind of leather thimble worn by archers. ^^f^"^"^^^ a. poss. to -^^f^^. ^^f^^q^j f. seal-ring (lit. finger-seal) "^^f^?T^ n. the root of a finger. ^I'^t^ & o^ n. finger-ring. \* ■^^¥ !"• thumb or great toe; ©i^T^t ^^T^cfif \» a. having the length of a thumb. ^^"^Tr<5r n. the root of the thumb. %VW "^- ^^^t' root; °tl^t s. lotus-(like) foot. ^^, ^^ffi, <»B & ^wfcT; ^, pp. ^ (^W) ^'^f^^^ 6 ^t^fT & '^rf^fT (q-'^) bend, move, go ; exalt, honour. C. ^^"^tRT rouse, excite. — ''?rq push oft", remove. "^J bend, curve. ^^ lift up, raise, fil bend down; drop, sink. xrPC turn, f^ bend asunder, spread, extend, ^fl^ bend or press together. ■^r^^f^'^"^ a. not being within the reach of sight, invisible; m. a far distance. ^x|t^^ a. eyeless, blind. ^xjv^iT a. not being sandal. ■^^"^ a. immovable, firm. ■^^^JT a. having no hindmost, i.e. having innumerable followers. "^Sr^^ a. the same; m. mountain, f. "^T the earth. ^x|^«i n. immobility; inflexibility from (abl.). ^^^3Tf?r^ a. of firm standing. "^P^xn^f "• non-unsteadiness; firmness, con- stancy. ^"fi^c^^ a. unthinking, foolish. "^f^Tf a. unconceived, inconceivable. '^if^'prf f. want of intellect, folly. '^f%«fT«ft^ a. inconceivable. ^f^nTT f- thoughtlessness, disregard. ^f^firfr! a. unthought of, unexpected. ^f^^ a. incomprehensible. ^f%«^XI'^T5|i'T a. of inconceivable power. '^f^«T*I^X? a. of incomprehensible form. "^f^'^a. not long (time); short, brief, o— not long ago, recently, just (esp. before pp.); **\Ti, °T^> &®T[Tc^ iii a short time, soon, directly. ^f^T^. *3THT & °3WT^ f. lightning (lit. having brief splendour). "^rf^T^^t^^ ^' recently become a religious mendicant. "^f^Tf^^^- "^^ having been kept (lit. not h. stood) a long time. ^"Nrif^ a. just risen. ■^^rf«T a. reasonless, unconscious. la^rfB! ^' the same. '^^'E a. motionless; abstr. o<^T f- "^^if^ff & "^^T^'IT'f a. not compelled, spon- taneous. "^"f-^ m. no thief.* 1^^ or "^"^T adv. close by, here; prep. to, towards (ace); often ^ — in verbs. 2^^ a. clear, transparent, clean, pure. ■^T^^ n. no fraud or artifice; iustr. adv. ^f^5'a. unbroken, uninterrupted, complete. ^f^W a. uncut, unbroken, unhurt. ■^^^ a. not to be cut off. ^^ifW f" invocation, invitation. ^ir^rT or ^^ffa. unshaken, firm, imperishable; m. N. of Visnu. ^"^cT^c^ a. shaking what is firm. "^^ , "^^ftr, °% drive. — "^fXI drive away. ^fir drive near or together, join. '^SfSf drive down. "^7 bring near, fetch; ap- proach. ^W M. drive out, take off. '^tf drive near or hither. f^T^ drive out. f% drive asunder, rush through (ace). ^i=J^ drive together, unite; overthrow. 1^^ m. drift, rush; driver, mover (often w. "5^X1^ q-"^') 5 he-goat , f. "^T she-goat. 2^^ a. unborn; f. ^ nature (ph.). "^^f^ m. large serpent, boa. ^^T^ a. not stupid, wise. ■^^•J unpeopled; n. solitude. "^Sflftj & oxiT^ m. goat-herd. ^^?IT^ a. bleating like a goat. ■^^iT^^ (°^) «!• N. of a man. ^paf^ a. invincible. ^aix;^ a. not aging, ageless, undecaying. "^^Tfjrff & ^^"?f ^' the same. "^JW^JiTT^ a. free from age and death; o^f^ adv.. o^^ n. abstr. ^^^«ff a. not saying. ■^Ip^ a. unexhausted, incessant; n. adv. ''I^f'^WT f. opp. of gff W^^T qv. "^^Tcl a. unborn, not existent. "^^TrTXfW a. having no wings (grown). ■^^Tflir'^ a. having no enemies (existent), E. of Yudhisthira etc. ^5lT«T«rf a, not knowing. "^j^TfiT a. not of kin; not becoming among kindred. ^55r5ITf# (m. pi.), ^olTfcf^ (n. sgl.) goats and sheep. '^fW^ walk about, wander, run. — ^5F[^ go or come to (ace). ^flTcf n. untruth, unreality; Off^ not really. ^7f^j^^«rT a. not answering to the nature of truth. '^rl'Z m. precipice (lit. having no slope") ^fT^^TT^ I"' unreality (lit. the not being so). "^fT^rf^fT a. not used to this (gen.). ^fff^^ a. not knowing that. ^fl«f a. not small, large. ^^, ■^Trrf^rr, & of^^ a. unwearied. ^rflT^, "^Tm^, & ■^ffl?^ a. impious (lit. excercising no austerities). "^fff^rf a. unconsidered, unexpected. ^rp^f n- N. of a cert, hell (lit. bottomless). '^jifcT^ adv. hence, afterwards, then, from now (d= ^^^I^ & TT'^J^); therefore, conse- quently. Also = abl. of 1^. "^cf^ n. thicket, copse. "^fffftf m. wanderer, beggar. ■^f^f adv. (mostly ° — ) across, beyond, past, over, excessively, quite, most; as prep, beyond, over (w. ace, r. gen.). '^rf?T^^'^ a. too piteous or miserable, n. adv. ■^f^fcR^J^ adv. too early. ^fTf^^W: f- i^ exceedingly beautiful. '^rRTcfiTrJ'^ a. too timid or shy. "^fTT^RT^ a. yery big or tall. ^f?T«Bf^rf a. very angry, wrathful. ^f^«fi^ wi- a certain penance (lit. too pain- fut). "^ifFTcRff a. overdone, extraordinary. ^f?f«R'R tti. great anger, wrath. "^ffT^TXTif a. too angry. ^?rf?T"^i^n:i. going over, passing; transgression, disregard; mistake, blunder. '^ffT^'T^ n- going over, passing, trans- gressing; irreverence towards ( — ^). ■^fff^^ a. too cruel or dreadful. ^ftwrfrffT a. very depressed." ^f?T^ (~°) exceeding, transgressing. ^ft^HT^ a. very quick. "^f?i^TT, '«• transgression. •^rf?r"N''5C1^ adv. very long. ^tf?!"^«^^ a. free from desires; f. a hyper- metrical verse. "^rRl^l^ f- N. of a metre. '^f?f^^«?rrrcR a. more dead than living. '^rfTlf^'Tf^'i; a. very ascetic. "^fTfrT'J^T'^ adv. more, in a higher degree; much, exceedingly, absolutely. ^ftdlR^*^ a. crossing, getting over. "^fcTfTW a. very thirsty. "^rf?Tr?WT f- excessive greediness. ^ ft ^^RC. & ''^'fe'l^ a. very splendid or powerful. "^ifTff^ m. guest; o^f n. hospitality. ^^rf?rt^^^»T n., otJ^T f. honourable reception of a guest. ■^fTT^f^W^ f- too much courtesy.* ■^fH<*l^^ a. too hard or cruel. "^fTT^T^ ni- violent burning or heat. '^ftT'^F ^' blazing violently. ^ft^^ a. too long. ^fTT^^%ri:RrIT f. too long lasting anger.* ^?rf7T'f:^Tf^rI&°^:f%fr a. greatly afflicted. ■^f?f"5^'Tf a. of very bad conduct. ^rf7I"4NlT ^- ^^''y difficult. ^f?f"5^ a. too wicked or cruel. ^rf^^*^^ a. very difficult to be crossed. ^fcl'2"*f a. too shaken or troubled.* ^f?l^'5[^ a. very or too far, ^ffl'^^ a. too firm, close, or tight. ^ffl^lir ^' transfer, extended application, analogy. ^frH^T a. quite constant. ^frHilfTT f- N. of a class of metres. ■^f^nrr^ a. past danger. "^rfTTf^^T^ a. too sleepy. ■^ftf^'^Xn' ^' quite pitiless.* ^f^rf^q'^l' m. too much eagerness; instr. & Of!^ adv. "^fTff^rf^W ^' too despondent or humble.* ^f?lf^W^W a. too merciless. ^rf^ff^T ^- too rude or harsh; abstr. OfTf f., o^ n. "^f?T«r3|"^ a. too wicked. ■^"fir^fr'Wrf a. grievously wounded. "^fTfCTTrT ni. passing away; disregard, neglect. ^'Rr'TrfTl'l^ a. going beyond, passing, over- taking, neglecting. "^rf^lft^T^ a. too tightly fastened.* ^f^TITcRT'^f a. very manifest; abstr. ^oR^ n. ^fTfTR" adv. too early. "^ffjTTj^*^ m. uninterruptedness, continuance HlfdWTfTXJT a. of extraordinary size, huge. ^f?TTRrW a. very much used or common. ■^"frflT^Tf a. very zealous or active. -^ir^mT* ^f?TTr^¥ a. full-grown, advanced (age); too haughty or arrogant. ^f?T'R^T«rT a. quite abated or calm. ^5rf?IH"QfW f-, ^TPBTIp ^' excessive attachment to (gen. or — o); abl. o^^^^d^- ^f?TlT^W n- (irnp-) too kind of (instr.). ^fFTlTTcRfT a* quite vulgar or uneducated. "^f^^ I (o5 l^T'T a* in the full bloom of youth. ^"Rt^^, °^^«fT^ & of^'l^ a. very strong. ■^f?T^T^ a. very young. . "^f?j^*j(^ a. quite disgusting. ^rTfl^rfV"^^ a. exceeding the saints. ^f7f*?fW t- excessive devotion. ^f?I^TT ^- heavy burden. ^f?!^"^W a. quite dreadful. ^f^HW "• (iii^P-) too much eaten. ■^fTT^f^ f- culmination, high degree ; (*>^f^«^ going too far*). ^srfTf^jf^ a. very much; ^TT^^ a. yielding very much milk. ^f?T^T^ ^- "^ost terrific. ■^f7fT"^4f^ "• the very midday. ■^f?li?T^«T n. too much eating. ^f?!^^'?[?^ adv. very sweetly.* "^rf?I^f^«T a. very dirty or mean ■^STHt^T"^ a. exceeding the measure, excessive; — & n. adv. ^f?T1TT«t "'• high opinion, arrogance. "^fTfTlf'T^ a. haughty, arrogant. "^rf?f'?T'nr a. su[)erhuman. ■^fTf^li ^' escaped (ace.) ; s. N. of a plant, ^^^^^^ a. very talkative. "^fTTgj^ a. much perplexed. ■^"fir^^ a. quite foolish. '^f?l'9^ '^ ^^mi"^ a. very glorious. "^ftTT?^ a. very quick. ■^fHT''^^ '^ "^T^ a. quite delightful. "^ftT^fr a. unimpaired. ■^f?I'^T'^ a. left over from last night. "'^rfWfrW a. excessive, superfluous, too large, too much, surpassing (ace.) by (instr.); having too much or too many (o — or — <>); different from (abl. or — «). Abstr. OfTTf f. "^rf^ffrWr^ a. having redundant limbs. "^f^"^^ a. very angry. ■^rf?!^^ a. most beautiful; n. great beauty. ■^fTT^oR m. surplus, remainder, rest; excess, high degree. "^f^T^^^Tl^a.too shameful or confounding." "^fTT^f^fT a. very pleasant. '^fTf^'I^^ a. very covetous or greedy. "^"R!^!^ r"', ®rTT f- excessive greediness or desire. "^fTT^TT a. too hairy. "^t7|%T^ a. very unsteady or frail. ■^f?I%Tfffr, f. °ff«ft very red. "^f?f%T^ "• too much eagerness or desire. '^'RT^). "^ftr^^a. very old, tall, or strong: prominent by (instr.). "^fTC^fS f« too much rain, «"^ giving or causing it. ^^rf^^lpft f- N. of a metre. "^"Rf^ferT a. much afraid of (abl.) "^fTni^ a. excessive, excellent, superior to (abl.); m. excessiveness, excellence, su- periority, o— & instr. adv. excessively, very much, more. ^fTT^^iT, f . t ^ ^irf'EPl a. excellent. ^"Rlllf^ a. exceeded; exceeding (ace), extraordinary. "^fTTIT^T^Tr f- an exaggerated comparison. "^tTTITTf^ a. surpassing. '^"Rffll'f^r^ a. very inconstant.* "^"Rr'ftr^ a. left, remaining. "^STfTT'^J^ a. quite pure or clean. ^^RTH^TTJ^T^T f. too much generosity.* "^f^rsr^ m- excessive weariness. '^f7!''EC"3j a. connected with (instr.), attached to (-0). 1* ^ffT4^ 10 "^fTf^i^ f- leaping over. "'^fffFf^^rT a. not staying, restless; withdrawing from (loc). "^t^f^T a. surpassing; f. superiority. "^frWcfiZ ^i- very difficult; n. great trouble. "^"RT^^I" a. very angry. "^rfir^^^ m. too much hoarding. "^f?I^f^^T«T "• too great nearness. "^f?!^?^ m. vehement agitation or confusion. "^"fir^T^ ^- "^^f^st delicious (also as compar. w. abl.). "^^rftf^nr ^- concession, permission, leave. "^ffTtt^tll (instr. adv.) too suddenly. "^"fir^T^f^T^ f- t^ extending beyond a year. ^rfTf^T^cpFT H« too much shyness. '^ft^'^'l^ adv. very late. "^trr^TT ^' diarrhoea. "^fJWT^^ ". excessive rashness, temerity. "^f?!^^ a. most delightful. "^ft^W a. very subtile or minute. ■^Ir^fS f- a higher creation. "^fri^rff (?r »• too good cheer (lit. over-satu- ration). "^rfTT^^lfl^ a. too much given to sleep. "^fff^^ a. very small or little. ^ff^cT a. gone away, passed, dead; going beyond, transcending, surpassing (— o). "^Trftf!^^^ a. who has passed his infancy or minority. "^^f^^ a. going beyond or unattainable by the senses; n. mind, soul. "^fflf^^l^TlT a. conceivable (only) by the internal organ. •^| <4«(^ m. fire-priest, esp. the first fiire-priest; pi. his race or = seq. (then also sgl.). ■^^^^ m. the Atharvaveda. "^^^flTT/^C n. T. of an Upanishad. "^^^if^^^ m. pi. the races of Atharvan and Angiras, also = "^^^^^. "^^, ^"Pfl eat, feed on, consume, devour. c. ^^^fir, o%. — ^, 3T, t^, ^m:=s. "^^f^*!^ a. not having tusks. l"^^f^W a. left (not right), undexterous. 2"^;^f^TSf a. giftless, i.e. not bestowing or not accompanied by sacrificial gifts. ■^Q^f^TIJcrr f- want of courtesy or kindness.* "^^■^"^•tT a. not punishing. "^^■^^ a. unpunishable. ^^Tf a. not given; f. nSf^rfT an unmarried girl; n. not-giving, avarice. ^^TT^rftpi;^ m. thief (lit. who takes what is not given). ^<^TiMq| f. not yet given (in marriage). "^^Tl'^J'^f n. reward for avarice. ^^^^ n. not giving. ^5r^«T n. eating, food. ^^«rf a. toothless. '^^gcf a. unhurt, unbroken; harmless. ^^^ a. harmless, faithful. ^q[>J a. not scanty, much. 1"^^^ a. deceitless, honest. 2"^^^ m. non-deceit, honesty. "^^fWW n. = prec. ^f^^ a. merciless; n. adv. violently. "^^fr"?" a- i^ot, poor. "^^tJ a. having no pride, humble. "^^^!pT a. invisible; n. not-seeing, not-exami- ning ortrying, disregard, neglect; notbeing seen, not appearing, absence. "^^^^•tT^ a. not showing or producing. "^^llf^c^T ger. without showing or paying. "^T^^ (n. pron.) that, yonder (also «— ); adv. there. "^^ff a. not giving (esp. in marriage); ava- ricious, stingy. I'^^T'T a. being eaten. S^^'PT "• not-giving, withholding. 3'^^TT a. giftless and juiceless (of an elephant). ■^^Jw^^ m. not a Danava, i.e. a god. ■^jflS'T'^ a. unirijurable, infallible. "^Sf^T^T^, f. ^ ("^T) not being an heir. ^^T'^W a* ^^^^^ harsh, meek, mild. "^?f^ m. not a slave, a free man. ■^^T^ a. incombustible. l^^rf^fTT f. want, indigence. 2''55ff?'f7T a. boundless, unliniited, infinite; f. in- finity, person, as the mother of the gods. ^fir&^'^- n5f\ij ^T either — or. "^^•f a. having no wealth, poor. "^\if^ a. the same ; miserable, unhappy. "^^^cTT f' misery, misfortune.* "^^^^ a. undermost, lowest, worst of (— °). "^VT^'ff a. of meanest conduct. "^Sf^^Vt a. of weak understanding. "^\iJ?f%Tf%^ a. born of lowest origin. 1S(\IT{4 & ^V^fxt^ m. debtor. "^^X a. lower ; "^Sf^X ^ subdue, "^^T;; q^ be subdued, m. the lower lip, coll. the lips. "^n^TTTfW f- the nether Arani (v. "^''^flir). "^^iT^TTr?^ a. lower and higher, inferior and better, losing or winning; confuse, topsy- turvy, n. state of confusion; address and answer. ^W^ &^^tT^ "• (adj. — ° f. t) nether- lip, coll. the lips. ^"^if m. unrighteousness, injustice, demerit (often personif.). "^^if^^ a. not knowing the law. "^V^^'^'T n. unjust punishment. ^\ijif^^ a. afraid of injustice. "^\jfi|"g & "^^^ a. unrighteous , unlawful, "^^^T^T"^^fr ni. prostration at the feet of a person. '^VJ'^f^ & "^VJIT^ ^ ^yi"g low, i.e. on the ground. ■^^t^J^T f. lying or sleeping on the ground. '^^•lir'n§ a. having the branches below. ^VI^Tf^ a.=^^:i[^. nSf^j;^ adv. below, down; "^^TvS^^ deeper and deeper. With ^ put low, despise; w. "Cff^ sink down. As prep, under, below, w. ace. (also ^?r^T>S^^), gen., abl., & -<>. 13 ^fvftWT n5f^^Tf[^ adv. down, on the ground, from below; humbly, submissively ; prep, under- neath, below (gen., abl., or — o). "^V5I^ a. being under the feet; ^Tfi ofi tread upon, subdue, n. the place under the feet, as adv. under foot. TSr^;^ a. being below. "^^jftl^R a- unrighteous, unjust. -iSfVn^ a. not to be borne or kept up. ^fy adv. up, above, over, within, besides, moreover; highly, very much. As prep. w. ace. above, over, on (also doubled); w. instr. along over (only w. '^^T&^f*!^); w. abl. above, down, from, out of; w. loc. above (*and below, in rank), over, in, on, in behalf of, concerning. ■^ff^oR a. exceeding, extraordinary ; superior, more, better than (abl., instr., gen., or — *>), by (instr. or — o). <>— and n. adv.; abstr. =n., also OffT f- °^ n. ^f\^cfiinif a. h. superior qualities; abstr. «ffT f* ■^f^«RWl ^^^^' ^^ ^^ round the neck. "^fVoRT^ n. (lit. the putting over, placing at the head, supremacy) ; substance, something concrete (as the recipient of qualities, actions, etc.); support, receptacle; relation, esp. the relation of the locative (g.); chapter, head (in books); court of justice. ^ftl^T'n^T^ ^ °cR ni. judge. "^f^cRTW^"^''? s. hall of justice. '^f^cRT'Rn'^ ^' judge or magistrate. "^f^«RT^, f- ^ having a redundant member. "^rf^«RTf^^ a. always increasing. "^f^cRlX; m. supremacy, authority, govern- ment, dignity, rank, office, service; right, title to (loc), chapter, head; heading- rule (g.). ■^f\;fcfi7f^cJX f. o-^ n. superintendence over (loc. or — o). "^f^'^TfT'll ™- having an office, super- intendent of ( — o); a person being entitled to ( — o), or fit for something. ^f^^RTcT a. placed at the head, appointed; m. superintendent, magistrate, official. ^f\jfoR(|f ger. concerning, on account of. with reference to (ace ). "^'ftlT'TT^ a. attainable, acquirable. ■^fV^^ m., 07r^«T n. obtaining, acquiring, going through or over, reading, studying. "^f^I^in^T a. attainable, accessible, conceivable, to be read or studied. "^f^^W ^- possessed of high qualities. "^f^TK a. kept, guarded by (— "). ^f^I^iR n. birth. '^f\:i5IJ" a. having the siring up ; strung. ■^f\ir5q"^T^oR a. having the bow strung (v. prec). '^f^if^'ti;^*!^ a. the same. "^f^^^ m., ociT f- a. supreme or tutelary god. ■^fV^W n- the divine agent in material objects. ^f^f^rT n.=^f^^^ + ^?rf^^. ■^f%R, "^f\:ilTf7r, & "^rf^T m. lord, master, ruler. "^"ptm^Xf or ®xr^ "!• the supreme spirit. "tSff^Xj^Uf a. whereon something is ground. "^f\iIHff n. the highest being. "^f^ij^^if a. wherewith something is churned ; n. the hard piece of wood used in producing fire. I'^f^J'^^ m. the supreme sacrifice. 2"^f\sJ'^^ a. relating to the sacrifice. "^f^f'^'Cf a. being on the chariot; m. chari- oteer, a man's name ; n. a cart-load. "^ftlTT^ *^ "^rf^TT^ '^- supreme ruler, so- vereign. "^f%IX!TW u. supreme sway, sovereignty. '^fM'^^ a. mounted (act. & pass.), sitting upon (ace. or — o). "^f^^jllllf n. placing over or on ( — <>). '^'pif'^Tf^ u. ascending (loc. or — o). "^"RiT^TcR i^« the supreme world. ^f\I^'3[f m. intercessor, protector. ■^f^^cfe ^- intercession, protection. "^f^^T^ ™- offence (with words). I'^rf^'^T^ni. inhabitant, neighbour; dwelling, abode. 2"^rf^^T^ m. cover, upper garment. 3'^rf^^T^ m. perfume; abstr. ©rlT f. ^^rfV^T^^ n. perfuming; ©f^ff a. perfumed. '^f\;r^Tf%«(^ a. dwelling in or near (— *). -^fVf^WT f. superseded (by another wife). y^ ^f^^Tl^T 14 ■^fy%TT^T & °%^T f» to be superseded (cf. ^ prec). ■^f^f^fT ii- clinging to, hanging or resting on (loc. or ace), put on (loc), esp. on the lire; gone to (ace). '^f^'q^Tjr a. fit for pressing (the Soma); n. the Soma-press. ■^fV'^rT superintendent, ruler; f. o"^. ■^f^HT^ n- standing or dwelling-place; re- sidence, capital; high position, power, dignity. "^Srf^^T"^ ger. employing, by means of (ace). ^f^f%Tf or f^f^ff a. standing, sticking; sitting on , being in (loc. or ace.) ; being above or foremost; placed at the head of, appointed to (loc. or — «), founded on (loc); inhabited, occupied, seized, taken, filled, lead, managed, exercised (instr. or "^^itSRTT ^' superintendence (w. loc). "^T^ff a- studied, learnt from (abl.); taught, learned; n. learning, study. "^vVRt f. recollection ; study, perusal. ^V^f?I«T^ a. well-read, versed in (loc). "^^^^ (mostly — o) subject, dependent. l"^^"^ a. unsteady, abstr. ocfT f- 2^^"^ a. unwise. ^V^TT^ a. having unsteady eyes. n5r^^ m. master, lord, king ; abstr. OffT f- ■^\iI«fT adv. now, presently. "^^J^T^ a. smokeless. "^jrafff f. unsteadiness, inconstancy, restless- ness. "^^"g a. not bold or impertinent; humble, modest, also=seq. ■^^T^ a. invincible, irresistible. ■^^g f. a cow yielding no milk , fig. any- thing sterile. ^^^ n. =^^f7T. ^VT"^^ a. not reaching to the axle-tree. *'^^TvS'^oR n. under-garment. "^Sf^aiff a. gone down (lit. & fig.). ■'sTOTrfir f- going down, going into hell ; also as adj., the same. l^^'^fff f. a downcast look. 2"^^T?f^ a. looking down. ^VT^TI ">• underpart, bottom, depth. -^Sf^j^^ f. ^ looking or turned (lit. h. the face turned) downwards. "^^HT a. unwashed. "^fT^T^ m. eye-witness or superintendent. "^TJJff^ indecl. (what is given) over the fire. ''?pe|"V^«T a. wholly dependent. "^"W^f (iiistr. adv.) close by or to (gen.). ■^pigf^iT n. studying, reading, taking lessons from (abl.). "^TW^^TT^T n. giving instruction, teaching. "^>2f\if a. one and a half. "^W^^T^T"', °W\'^ m. making up one's mind, resolution. "^n2r^^Tf^r«l^ a. resolved, determined to (— o). '^Sn^T^ftrT a. finished, settled, certain (n. also impers.). "^r^^^«T«T a. whereon something is bruised. "^WTWI^tT a. occupied, chosen. "^WT^ ^- concerning one's self, one's own; n. adv. (o^fC), as subst. the supreme soul. "^n^f (JT^fl^ "• the thinking on the supreme soul. "^ST^lci^ ^« Disposer of the future (N. of a fisli). "^•flT^ or '^r^T'I^ ^- harmless, sinless. '^•TRT^'N' "• abstr. to prec. ' °?^ n. "^fiT^ a. sleepless; f. "^T want of sleep. ^f%^T^ ger. without putting down. ■^f^f^^cf & "^ff*^ a. unblamed, blameless. 19 '^nftig ■^f'Tf^fTTrf^''ft f« a woman of blameless walk. "^f^mrT in. non-death (lit. non-sinking). ■^f^"^^ a. not bound, not appointed; un- connected, incoherent. "^f'T^cf a. not fixed, restless, movable. "^f^t^Tf a. having no cause, motive, or design; n. no cause etc., also =."^fiff^TT; °rT^ without reason. ■^;rf^f^ & "^f^lT^ifT^ a. not winking, watchful. ■^f^rf^^^ & ^f^fjT^T adv. watchfully (of. prec). "^f^f^^Ef^'lir a. whose eyes do not wink. ■^f'W^ not-winking (adj. & subst. m.). ■^f^'EIcT a. unbound, unrestrained, uncertain. "^f«T^r?I^^'^ adv. at irregular hours.* ■^finjifTcJirf^ a. not having the driver as agent (g.). ^fT^«^I!F a- without restraint; ®TIfT*T%T'F ^o be questioned freely. ■^fif^^ m. want of restriction; o^T^TTT ^• a. kind of comparison. '^f'fraW a. unauthorized, unappointed. "^f^T^T^ a. not to be enjoined. ■^fiT'i^ a. strengthless, weak; abstr. '^ifif'^T f- ■^f'T^'^t a. not spoken out, unexplained, undefined, obscure. ■^fff^fT a. unvanquished. "^t^fxtw a. unpurified "^f'fWTff a. unascertained, undetermined. ■^f«!^"^(° ) adv. not harshly; softly, meekly. ■^f^^"^ a. being not out of, i.e. within the ten days (of impurity). "^f^T^Tf a. the same. ■^f«Tf^"S a. unspecified, undefined. ■^fiToT^ a. not to be fixed, settled, or de- fined. "^fif'^TfT^'rT a. not deltvering.* '^fiTcr^wf^'^ a. undefinable. ■=?ffiT'^lJ«f\'^ a. not to be gazed at. "^f^FT^TSJ a. not extinguished or gone out. ■^fif^^^wf^l^ a. irresolute, timid (lit. not disposed to accomplish anything).* '^f'T^Tir ger. without carrying out. ■^f^^f?! f. discontent, unhappiness.* "^"Pt^tT a. not accomplished, imperfect. ■^rfif^^ m. undauntedness, self-confidence. •^f^^f^ff a. unrevealed or undaunted. "^f%^f^'[^ a. not sounding, low, soft, gentle. "^f*r^ ra- wind (also in the body); the god of wind. '^rf'T^TT^^ ni du, wind and fire, "^f^^TffrT f. gale of wind, gust. "^rf^'^f^Tt^ n. abstr. to seq. "^rf^^f?!^ a. not turning back, brave. ■^f'T^T'^Tir n non-preventing. '^f^ftlT'lT'T a. restless. "^f%§^ ger. without mentioning. "^f'nj(° — ) & "^f^nrJl^ adv. uninterruptedly, continually. ■^f'rftXcT a. uninterrupted; n. adv. ■^fiif5g";q a. irresolute; m. irresolution, sus- pension. nSfflfCf^ a. impenetrable by arrows. ■^ffiff^f^ a. unprohibited, unforbidden. ■^fifGafrf a. unfinished, unadorned, unsettled. "^Sffif tdi^ «f^ a. having one's guilt not settled, i.e. unexpiated. l"^f^TS a. undesired, unpleasant, unlawful, wrong, m, not a favourite; n. ill-luck, evil, misfortune. 2^f^T^ a. not sacrificed ; not worshipped with a sacrifice. '^f'TSI*^ a. ill-scented. "^f'rsf^«ff»r a. thinking of what is unde- sirable. ■^ff^%cR^ff a.having only thoughts of ill-luck. "^rf'TWT g^^- without offering sacrifices. ^f^^T[ a. not harsh or rude. "^f^nif^ a. not ripened; abstr. o"^ n. "^t^^S a. not having got permission from Cin'str.). "^•fVcfi n. face, edge, point, front, troop, host. '^K^fTf f. bad or unwise conduct, want of discretion. "^^f?!^ a. indiscreet (lit. not knowing discreet conduct). "^"^fr^cf a. undesired or undesirable. "^^"^ & o"^ a. not envious or jealous. '^SRtlt ^0 "^ifV^ a. not ruling, not independent, not master over (gen.); abstr. ^^T f-, *"3r^ "• l"^n»ft^T!= P'f'^c- ^^J-5 at>str. occf n. 2'^^'gr'^ a. having no master; not lordly. "^•ftf^rf a. unwished, disliked. "^•ft^fl 1 •! a. not exerting one's self, quiet. Itjfg adv. afterwards, then; as prep. w. ace. after (in all its mgs), towards, along, over; by (distrib.), with regard to-, in conse- quence of. 2^«f m. man, esp. non-Aryan ; N. of a king. ■^gcjj^j^adv.onthebank(ofariver,lake,etc.). '^ifcRTq'cli a. compassionate towards ( — o). '^'^of)7q'«f n., ogRWIT f- compassion, pity. ■^?fc(|Tq«f^ a. pitiable, deplorable. UifoRlijpq'f^^ adv. from pity for (gen.). ^^^frq^ a. = ^^ofptTcR. ^^^T ^- doing after, imitating; m. assistant, helper. ■^ifcff^TTf n. imitation. ■^gcfi^m.,oTI|'n. drawing on, attracting ; inclu- sion of a preceding in a subsequent rule (g.). "^^oR^ m. secondary injunction, subsidiary rule (opp. TT^TT^^). "^^cfiTfs^ a. striving after (—<>). l'^*ToRT^ m« wish, desire. 2'^wT^j^ a. corresponding to a wish; n. adv. l^^cfij"^ m. imitation. 2'^gcjn"?^ a. imitating, resembling. "^^^TfT^^prec. "^^cR^rHTn. the mentioning or naming of (—«). ■^^^ a. dwelling or lying on the shore; favourable (orig. said of the wind blowing along or toward the shore, opp. uftefi^), convenient, pleasant, n. OcR^j^ adv. "^"gcR^cIT f-, ^^ n- favour, inch'nation. "^5^^^??^, °'^f?r favour, flatter, conciliate. "^^^rf* n., ^^^frf f- imitation. ^•TW a. unsaid, not spoken of; abstr. ©^ n. '^g?^?? m. order, turn; instr. & abl. in due order, in turn. "^•TsR'R^ n- methodical arrangement; f. o'l^ & ^^flircfiX table of contents. '^"g^'31'm. compassion, tenderness (p. o^irT ); ^'STT^fTr f* compassionate disposition. ■^•f^TffT^ adv. every moment, perpetually. ■^•F^ a. going after, following, corresponding to ( — o). m. companion, attendant. "^•TTrf a. gone after, followed, visited, occu- pied , conquered; following, complying with, obedient ; equalling, resembling ( — o). "^gTf?r f-, o^JTm-, °^^if going after, fol- lowing. '^•fT"'^^ m. request or summons to the re- citer (r.). ■g5fg?]f^rf n. roaring echo. ^•T'TTf'T'^ a. going behind , following, m. servant, attendant. "^g^rf n. imitating (lit. after-) song or hum. '^'5'ftf7T f. N. of a metre. ■^g^TJJ a. congenial, corresponding to, equal to (mostly — ©); abstr. o"^ n. ■^^^"3" a. kept, guarded, hidden. '^•Tl^l'ff a. favoured, satisfied, happy. ■^•T^^ m. favour, kindness, service, benefit. "^•T^ll^ f. t^ going after, following, m. at- tendant, servant (adj. — <> f. "^) ; f. ^ maid-servant. "^•if^fT a. unwonted; not used to (gen.); not suitable, improper. ^^f^'ff^ n., of^tfTT f- the thinking of (-o), recollection. "^^W^«fr a. not moving from (abl.). "^^^ a. after-born, younger; m. a younger brother; f. "^X a younger sister. "W^^lff a. =prec. a. + born again, invested with the sacred cord (also ©cR*); taking after, resembling (ace). "^^Wtf^*!^ a. living upon another, dependent. m. servant, f. o«}^. ■^•T"^! f- °«T n- leave, permission. "^^"^TrT a. allowed, permitted, authorized. "^r^fT^ (*>— ) & -gsr^HZ*^ adv. on the edge . or shore. "^•fcfm ni. repentance, woe, sorrow. ^^^"^TcT n. not uneven, i.e. level, ground. ■^"JtT a. unshaken, invincible. "^JtI^ a. highest (lit. not having a highest), supreme, best, most, excellent. '^'5<^f% f-, **(TT^ m. non-arising. 21 ^'Wrf ^•T(^ 1<«| ger. without having begotten (sons). "^•n^oR a. unpresumptuous, modest; abstr. "^ m f. "^•f^cR in- non-haughtiness, modesty; poss. "^•T^«k a. waterless. ''^fwf^^ m. not coming forth. "^•T^TT ™- admonition, exhortation. "^«f^II«T n. regard, consideration. "^^^Trf a. not elevated or high, low; spoken with the low accent, m. the Anudatta or low accent; OfJT; m. the lower accent (before an Udatta or a Svarita). ■^^^^•T a. not indifferent. '^•rferf a. unspoken or not risen. "^^if (o— ) & ^^f^^R: adv. daily. "^gf^^^?^ adv. the same. "^^^Tf m. instruction, advice; the mutual ref- erence of a latter to a former element (g.). ^"Tl'TfT Ofi- II f^ jolt or jerk. '^•TWT^ g^''- without opening. "^•T^ff a. not haughty; m. a low place. 'If^^fT a. not taken out, not deducted. "^•rf^^ a. not perplexed or frightened. "^•T^T in. freedom from anguish, tranquillity, ease. "^•fl[T«fiT ^- "<^t causing fright. ■^•f^^^irr a. not frightening. "^«rVT^«T n- running after, pursuit. "^"^•f^Jm. conciliatory behaviour, friendliness, prepossession. "^^Tftr^ a. nasal (g.). ■^•T^ofiTfT*!^ a. not assisting. "^^XJ^TZT or °"^T'?r a. incurable. ^vftf^fff a. not damaging or impairing. ■^•ftf^ a. walking along the path. ■=?r«m^5R[ adv. upon the foot, immediately after (gen.); at every step, i.e. repeatedly. '^•fXJ^'gcq a. not to be commended. '^•TXmf^fr f- not taking place, failing, im- possibility. ■^•fqtl^ a. unsuitable, improper, unworthy "of (loc). "^'^XI*!!^ a. unfit to be eateu or drunk. ■^"ifXI?f a. incomparable, excellent. ^^^^•^s> ^' "^^ approaching (a wife). ^5^^^ a. useless, unapplicable, unsuitable. ^«TtJX!T^ m. non-hindrance or prejudice; instr. & Of^^ without detriment or pre- judice to, with the consent of (gen.). ^^^"^t^ f. o^^ m. non-perception. '^T^'^^'T a. not compounded with a prepo- sition. "^*[XI^ff a. unprepared, unfinished; simple, plain. "^•nrf^rl a. unconnected, independent, ab- solute. ^•mT«Rff a. not consecrated. "^"jmf^^ a. preserving, guarding. "^•Ttra a. following in one's turn, successive, orderly, regular. © — , '^«Jl.|c|^ & ®cfl[^ in due order, successively, further. "^•niW a. mixed with ( — o). ^•ftffa.not yet having gone (to the teacher). "^•ftrf^T^ the same. "^•r^^ a. not to be married. "^Tf IT'R'nir a. proportionate, adequate. *"^«TI?^^iT n. the reciting or learning of the Veda ; — o^ft"^ a. belonging to the learning of the Veda. "^«firf%"5 a. fled to (ace), entered (act. & pass.) ; hidden, concealed. "^«f3|%ij|' m. entry, entering. "^•fin^ in- alliteration. "^•TW*^ in- binding, attachment, connexion; (also o-ijf n.); continuance, uninterrupted series; consequence, result; cause, motive, intention; appendage, esp. indicatory letter (g.); indispensable element (ph.). ■^iT^f^i^ a. reaching far, lasting long; con- nected with, resulting in ( — o). ■^•RTVm. perception, observation ; *reviving a faded scent. "^g^ff a. supporting or refreshing. "^•fH^ m. apprehension, perception. "^•T^TT m- subdivision. ^g^T^ m. power, dignity. "^"^^jf^*^ a. perceiving, knowing. ■^•TTTfTa. allowed, permitted, approved, liked, agreeable, pleasant; n. assent, permission. ^^nrfTf 22 "^•Wf?? f. = prec. ; N. of a moon-goddess. "^"if^«ff a. consenting, permitting. ^r^TTW "• the dying after, esp. the self- cremation of a widow after her husband's death. "^g*TT^ a. to be hailed or greeted with acclamation. ^•T^T*T ^- inference (ph.). ■^«TTfTf^'ftclt''C'^ adv. on the bank of the MalinT. ■^•rf^Tff a. thought, conceived, inferred, con- jectured from (abl.). ^•I"^^ m. after-offering (r.). ^g^T^ n., o^T f-, °f^^ ni. pi. retinue, at- tendance. "^"iT^Tf^'^a.going after, following; pl.=prec. ^•f^^?^ adv. according to the (four) ages. "^•f^ITif m. question, censure. "^•f^Ja?! a. to be questioned ; to be com- manded, standing as the command of ( — ©). "^T^fTW a. coloured, red ; beloved ; attached i or devoted to, fond of, loving (ace, loc, or — o). ^•TT^fl a. fond of (loc. or — °), enamoured. ■^"iT"^f%fT a. cried after; n. echo. ^'ITT-'I'^- colouring, redness, affection (poss. oqfifl); red, affectionate, enamoured (^^ or loc). '^•TTTf'I'l^ a. loving or lovely. '^•T'^tf a. suitable, adequate, fit, worthy, like, resembling (gen. or — o); able, equal to, a match for (gen.); adv. o"(T^t- '^•IT'nil '^'■) "TT^'T "• compliance, regard, consideration; °'^T'^rf^ out of consi- deration for ( — o). '^•TXTfV'l. a. compliant, considerate; observ- ing, having regard for ( — «). ^«f^^ a. following immediately (— °). ■^'T^l? m., °«T n. unction, unguent, roughcast. ^^TT^TT a. with the hair or grain, i.e. na- tural, regular. ■=?[«T'5n'? (° — ) °'t''^ ^^v. f. "^•I%T''TT a woman of a caste inferior to the man's; °TR^ m. her son. WwT^^Tjr a. not excessive; moderate, correct. "^•f"^'^ m. pedigree, lineage, genealogy ; a. of equal race, adv. according to the race. ^^^^•fm. speaking after, repeating, reciting, j ^^■^•T n. = ^^^f%. j '^g^filT'Tl a. following (ace. or— o) ; obedient. ) ■^•T^IJ a. obedient; m. obedience. j ■^•f^Tofi "!• recital, reading; section, chapter, i ■^•T^T^ a. to be repeated or recited ; f. ^"^pfj \ invitatory prayer (r.). ; ^•T^Tff ni' the wind that blows from behind : i Offf[_ & Off to windward. J ^•T^^ m. repetition, explanation. i ■^•T^TfT'C. n. repeating, answering or corres- ] sponding to ( — o). ; "^•rf^Tf a. found, existing. '^ "^"'m^ir a. pierced; intertwined or set with, i full of (instr. or — o). j "^•rf^^Tf^T^ a. obedient; conformable (—©). i ^^^Tf a. round, full; also = '^«f^f7f«|^; n. J compliance, obedience. ■ ^•T^f^ f. sequence, continuance, esp. the j continued application of a rule(g.); con- i formity, compliance with (gen. or — o). \ '^•T^'^r'i adv. hour by hour, continually. ■'■ ■^•f^j^ adv. behind, below. 1 "^•T^T^T^T n. a cert, class of texts. 1 '^•fsT^^TT f. following (a departed guest). 3 "^■^Wff a. subject to the will of another; j obedient, faithful, devoted to (gen. or ace), i '^•nr''^ in- repentance, regret, rescission of | sale or purchase (j). j ^«Tl|^T^*r n. instruction, precept, command. 1 "^•nXT^«ft^ a. to be instructed. "^"iT^Tf%<1 fu. ruler, commander. | ■^•firTf^*!^ a. reprimanding, punishing ( — o). ) ^•flX^fW !• instruction. j '^'^f5|"g a. taught, bidden, commanded (pers. j & th.), inflicted, executed, punished. 1 ^•fW"^ a. clinging to (loc.) ; connected or \ endowed with (instr. or — o). ] "^•f^^ m. connexion, association, necessary] consequence. ^ "^•f^f^*!, a. attached, connected. i ■^g^ftf f. praise, eulogy. 1 "^WS^ a. shouting after, f. shout, praise;! N. of a metre. "^[•TH a. except camels. | ^35f«f"S^T«T n- performing, practice. i 23 ^Rr:trfT:wr "^•rf^ff a. following, imitating, practising (ace); accompanied, assisted, practised, effected, done, begun. ^•T%, °^^T, & °^T adv. directly, forthwith. "^•T^^ a. to be done or accomplished. ^«r^ a. not hot; lukewarm, chilly, cold; abstr. OffT f-*, °^ n- "^•T'E^^;?^ adv. willingly, freely. ^•T^f^fT a. followed or died after (ace). ^•T^^T ^' follower. ^g^^T«T n. inquiry, investigation. "^•i^'SfJ^ adv. about dusk.* ^•T^"^, f. f^ going after; m* attendant. ^«f^"^Ijf n. following, pursuing. "^•T^TT IT)- the same; rule, legal precept; instr. according to, after ( — o). '^•T^TTT'I^ ^- following, striving after, ac- cording with, seeking for (ace. or — «). ^•f^rl a. following, repaired to (ace); fol- lowed, pursued, gone through. ■=?I«r^(?f ger. following, i.e. according to (ace). ^«T%^T f. attendance, service. "^•TWS a. seen, observed. •^•f^ff a. remembered (n.impers.); recorded, taught, enjoined. ■^•f^rf interwoven with ( — o); abstr. o-^ n. "^•T^TT ^' th® nasal element of a nasalized vowel and its sign (g.). ^•fcR m. n. the spine. "^'iT'^ a. recited , studied, heard; addressed (with a sacred verse), named, called; n. = seq. ■^•ff^ f. repeated mention, study. ■^•T^T«f a. learned, esp. in the Veda. ^«T^«| a. following each other, successive. ^•f^T f. unmarried (of a woman). "^•T^T a. not wanting, complete, full; no less, no inferior to (abl.). ^"ifwTH^ifi a. of perfect substance or nature. ^•nq' m. a moist country; water-basin; ^•TUii a. free from debt, unindebted to (gen.) ; libstr. oTf-ji f.^ 0^1 n. "^•frf or ^«rrt a. untrue, false, m. a liar; n. untruth, falsehood, fraud. ^•TrfQ^J^ adv. untruly, falsely. ■^«TrT^T"^W II* untruth, perjury. ^T^rlcfTf^*!^ a. speaking untruth, lying. ^•TrT'raTcR, f. of^cfJX of an untrue character. "^■iff?!*!^ a. the same, m. liar. shore. a. thornless. ^•f^ & ■^•T^ a. not having or knowing . hymns; adv. "^"W^J^. "^fif^ a. not straight; crooked, wicked. a. tne same, m ^"iffT m. no time or season ; loc. & adv out of season. ^^Tofi a. not one; many or much (also pL), manifold. "=?|%i|5'^If a. multiform, also = seq. ^%oR^T||" a. many-coloured, variegated.. ^^cfif^^^J a. various, different. ■^^ofilT^ adv. differently, frequently. ^%cfi^^M a. variously disguised. "55^%^ a. blameless. "^(^•f a. deerless. -^"^vf^ a. sinless, faultless; a man's name. "^%-^f^^ a. not knowing this. ^^W^ a. unattainable, incomparable, un- accessible, secure, m. time; n. security, protection. "^RTcRW "1- tree (lit. not quitting the place). ■^^foRcTa. not preceded by (the syllable) Om. ■^^TqfTU a. to be carried in a cart; n. a cart-load. ■^%T"5IVT a. not being the unguent Au^ira. "^i^T m- ("•) end (in space), limit, border, hem (of a garment), vicinity, proximity; end (in time), issue, event; end of life, death; conclusion, settlement, termination; final letter, syllable, or word, final part in a compound (g.), — <> ending with. '^•tTI^ as far as, till, to, into (—<>). "^^ at lastj close by, near, in the presence of, in, within (gen. or — o). ■^•fricRT;!^' n. the interior sense, the heart. ^nf'.XITn. the king's palace (lit. inner town); stronghold, esp. the inner apartment or it, i.e. the gynaeceum , harem. Sgl., pi. & ogfif m. the females of the harem* '^InTItlf^ifiT f- a woman of the harem. ^?RT:ir^f%r! 24 ^«rTt"Bf^f%W a. internally moved. '?5r«rT:Tr%T^ ni. inner joy. ^«rT!PT^ T^- the interior breath. ■^•rfofi a. ending, destroying; m. death or Yania, the god of death. ^•ffcfi'?^ a. making an end, destroying (mostly -■>)■ ^«rT«R'^W a- ^he same; n. as subst. "^nToRT^ m. time of death. ^•rTcna^ adv. from the end or ends, at the end of (gen.); finally, at last. ^•rfm^ m. a guard of the frontiers. l'^«ff?T a. nearest, next, intimate, dear; m. neighbour, friend. 2^iTT?i' a. the last. ^•ff"^ adv. inward, within, between; prep, in within (gen., loc, or — o), between, among, amidst (gen., loc, or ace), from out (gen. or abl.). I'^n!"^ a. nearer (cf. I^^tTTT), near, intimate, dear; inner, interior, inmost. Compar.Orf^, superl. Off^f. — n. the interior, middle, entry (^«fr'^^R«rT^^ make room !); distance, interval, start of (gen.) ; time, period, while; occasion, juncture; abstr. 0(cff n.— '^•tTT;^ further, onward; among, into (gen. or — o). ■^•ff^^Jf in the middle; within, amidst, during, after, without, except, concerning, in behalf of (ace. or — o). •^•rTX;Tc|; from out, after (- o). "^«?T^ meanwhile, mid- way (cf. "^"^f«ff^ & cf "5^ jo) ; in, within (also ^X'^) during, after; among, amidst (gen. or — o); on behalf of, concerning ( — o). 2^nTT ^- another, different from (abl.); n. difference, distinction, species, sort; kind of, a particular — , often = another ( — o). "^•Tf^IrT a. gone into, being within (gen. or ^I^T'W a. inner, inmost, essential; near, related, n. m. inner part or organ, esp. the heart. ^^RrfTTT^ adv. within; as prep, the same (w. gen.), from out ( — o). "^vff^Mtl^q m. the soul (lit. the male within the breast). "^•rfl^in^"^ a. of mixed origin or caste. ^•tTT^ , °^f?f step between. "^•tTTTT^T n. passing between. ^«tT T^ ^ °f^). "^rf'ffcR n. vicinity. Ace. near to, towards (cf. ^«TTf'fT«R^) ; abl. from near, from, next, close by; loc. near, in presence of ' (all with gen. or — o). ^f%«fi^T ^' moving near or^about ( — o). "^f^fl^ adv. from near. ^f^T a. the last. "^%TIH ni. neighbour. '^^^ftr'i: m., of^ift f. pupil (lit. living close by). ^•^ a. ultimate, last (in sp., t., and order). ^«t5rcfi^«t^ n. last, i.e. funeral rite. ^«Ti|^ & °^«?ni^ a. lowest born. "^•rM^Tfff a. the same; abstr. OffT f« ^«T4|iJlfiT a. of lowest origin. ^•1^4^ f. a very low woman. ■^•fin"^^Tf^T«l^ ^- a man of low caste (lit. living at the end, scil. of the town or village). ^Ji^ n. (mostly pi.) intestines, bowels. ^SJP'S's., '^'T" f. chain, esp. for an elephant's foot, or an ornament worn round the ancles. ^^T^*T n. swinging, oscillating. *^%R^^, <»^f?f swing, pp. ^^rf^TT-* ^^T^^, pp. °'^W{^ wavering.* ^i^ a. blind, dark. ^iCTcfi a. the same; m. pi. N. of a princely race. ^•^cRTT^* dark; m. n. darkness, abstr. Offjf. ^il|^T| m. a covered (lit. blind) well. -^i^ffT f., o^ n. blindness. ^•^rnflT^ ni- blind or deep darkness (of the soul); n. N. of a hell. l"^lf«^^ n. darkness. 2"^*^^ n. herb, juice, esp. of the Soma- plant, juice or food i. g. ^ffi^ m make blind, o^ become blind. i;r«^ m. a well. "^Sfi^ m. N. of a people and of a caste. "^(^ n. food, esp. boiled rice ; p. °^«fT^. "^W«RT^ a. desirous of food- ^J^;^ a. giving food. ^WTR ^- f^'^lt committed by eating for- bidden food. ^^xrflf f. cooking of food. "^W^rfTT ni. lord of food (E. of sev. gods). ^ ^ xy|wf n. pi. food and drink. ^^f^fqxi^ s. lump of food.* ■^ra^HTlT'T »• (first) feeding (of an infant) with rice (r.). ^^TTST a. consisting of food. -^^-^^ (n. sgl. & m. pi.) food and drink. ■^WT^T^ a. consisting of food and drink. ^f^f^iRTT'^-transformation of food; abstr.©^. ^^^I^ 26 '^^^li| nj. leavings of food, offal. "^^^JT m- thief of food, ^m^ (f. i & ^) eating food. "^^T^ n. (eating of) food. ^WT^W a. born or bred in food. ■^^J^ a. desiring food, hungry.* ^•g (n. "^t?!^) another, other, else, different from (abl.). — "^•ST^ and something else, i.e. further, again. '^^ (or '^) — ^^ the one — the other. "^•^TofifTcfi a. having another agent (g.). ^iSJiftrf a- done by another or others. "^•^TTfT a. relating to some one else.* ^•^jf^TT & °%f!'^ a- thinking of some one or something else, of absent mind. ^^f^«ffTf. thought or care of some one else. "^•€Iaf»3f«[^ n. another birth or existence. '^•^cTi^^T f- N. of a lotus-pond. ■^^cTH a. one of several , the one or the other of (gen. or — «). ^•^flT a. one of two ; rep. the one — the other; o^TT^f in either way, optionally (g.). ^fr^ri^ adv. from elsewhere, elsewhere, otherwise, else; (only) on one side. Also = abl. & loc. of ^t?T m. & f., sgl. & pi. Repeated = on one side — on the other side, here— there. "^•^TrTT f- the being other, difference. "^"Rf^ adv. elsewhere, else, otherwise, also = loc. of "^i^} m. f.; as prep, with abl. (r. — o)-in another place, time, case, or way than, v;ithout, except, apart from. ^tSC^ n. = ^i?TrfT. ^^^Tadv.otherwise,else,differently,wrongly. o^ suffer change. OoR act otherwise or wrongly, change, alter; frustrate, undo. ■^tjj^j^^^cf n. false trial (of a cause). ■^^^TTT^T f- the becoming other, change. ^•gimm^ i^' change, difference. ^•€r^Tf*|\IT«f n. false statement (j.). ^•?T^T^Tf^«l. a. making a false statement or deposition; abstr. of^^ n. ^•?T^T"5flT a. changed, altered. "^•^^T^HT^^T f- false supposition, distrust. "'^flET^T^^fTf^*!; a. suspicious, distrustful.* ^f?f^X adv. at another time, else, once. "^^fiffiTTf a. having another cause or motive. ■^^"qT(^ a. having another object. ■^•giTS & °^rf m. the Indian cuckoo (lit. reared by another, sc. the crow). ^HT^^^ a. born from another's seed. ^^?T«T^ & '^^T'W a. thinking of some one (thing) else. l^«tj^tj n. different shape. 2'^i2h^X7 & ofxi«^t a. of a different shape. ■^"RJ%7^ a. destined for another world. ^^f^iEf^ a. having another object, relating to something else. ^rjf'gifferf a. supposing something else, sus- picious.* ^^^9RT«rT a. gone over to another.* ^•'ST^^T «!• adulterer (lit. going to another's wife). j ^n2nf W, °f % & °^^ (f. t) looking differ- I ent, of another kind or nature. '^^T'^m. unlawfulness, injustice, impropriety. o — & instr. adv. illegally, improperly. '^'Rrr^^fn*^, a. acting improperly. ^RTTSJ a. unlawful, unjust. I'^^'ETT^ m. another's cause; another sense or purpose. 2^«^T'^ a. having another sense or purpose. "^^•T a. not deficient, entire. "^^ifT^f^TfS^a.expressing the whole subject. "^wEI^^ adv. on the other or following day; one day, once. ^^Tf^W a. begotten by another. ^*ErrvS«^ (only sgl. m. f.) one another, mutual. ^^T«^ (o — ) & n. "^^l^lTTi; mutually. '^^T^S'^oficIf n. pi. reciprocal friendly acts. ^^TNS'^T'TfT a. mutual, reciprocal. ^•^T>S«^^ir«f n- interview.* I ^^T5^*l^ ra. mutual division. I ^^T^^^^T a. mutual emulation ; adj. of\J«l^- ! ^^TvS«^«fTT1 "!• mutual affection.* I ^^TvS"^TQflT f- a kind of comparison. I ■=3R^T^rITft«t. a. vexing others. I ^^^^ (f. "^I^"^ or ^^H^) going behind or I along, following (ace); n. "^^ofi adv. I behind, after (ace). 27' "^snrs^^ ^f^"^ m. posterity, race, family ; connexion, relation ; °'^r[^ adv. before one's eyes, openly (lit. in connexion with). "^^f^i^ a. related, connected, consecutive. ^^^ a. answering to the matter, having an obvious sense; o^i"^^^ a. having a name of obvious meaning. ■^n^^^T f. the day after the ^"5^ (c[-v.). ■^^^^ adv. daily. ^^T^Zf n. a gift subsequent (j.). ^^ 1 1| wri a. partaking of, connected with, dependent on, being in or at (loc. or ace). "^^T^*?«T n. handle. ■^^T^5 n. a cert, sacrificial gift (lit. to be offered after, sc. the cakes) ; the monthly funeral repast. ^^T^iqqxjwf in. one of the sacrificial fires, serving to cook the Anvaharya (v. prec). ^"n^fTa. followed; accompanied by,endowed, filled, connected with (instr. or — o). ■^^^ m., oifTjf n., oiJTjrT f searching, investi- gation. "^^■qijfX^ & oi^j a, to be searched or in- vestigated, questionable, dubious. ^*^ft«(^ & ^*^? ^' searching, seeking. l'^\ s. work. 2^1^ f. pi. (sgl. only in V.) water, waters. "^IJ adv. away, off (*as prep. w. abl.). '^XT^"^ m. drawing away, taking off, dimin- ution, deterioration ; anticipation (ph.). "^Xlcfi'^fcJi a. detracting, diminishing. "^l^^^W a. the same; n. ="^TI^^. "^tj^TT ^•■> °). ^Xf^^if n. firmness, valour (lit. non-flight.). ^XJ^^ m. completion, end, final delivery. ■^Xf^T^ m. refutation, restriction, exception, censure, blame. "^'R^Tf^'l^ a. blaming, slandering (—*>)• '^Xj^f';^ s. bed-chamber.* "^Xf^f^cf a. covered, hidden. o) ; o% against, opposite (gen. or — o). o^ ^ turn towards, be favourable. "^fn^Tf n- approach, assault. "^f^f^lf^*^ a. approaching, assaulting. ^ftf^^ a. assailed, charged, prosecuted (j); intent on (loc. or — ©) , versed in (loc), competent. "^fif^Sfrf a. contained in (ace). ■^f^T^f"3f assailing; m. enemy, plaintiff, claimant. "^fif^TT "J- application, endeavour, effort at (loc. or — o); attack, assault, accusation. "^f^Tfff f- delight in (loc. or — o). "^THTT^ a. propitiated, satisfied. "^f*?TT^'T n- propitiation. "^f^'^'CT'T a. agreeable, pleasing; m. = seq. ; abstr. ojij f., (o^ n.*). ^f^^^ f. delight in (loc. — o). "^f^^ff a. sounding; n. sound, cry. ^f^f'^f^Tf a. pleasing, agreeable (dat. or gen); pleased with, delighting in ( — o). '^f^T'^f^fT a. enraged, wrathful, "^f*!^^ a. suitable, apt, beautiful (alsoo^irf f); learned, wise. ^fi?^'Q^f?r m. a. cert, rite.* '^fir^^I'^ a. recognisable by ( — oj. "^f*T^"W^ adv. towards the goal. ^fH^f^*l ^ jumping over, transgression. "^f*?^rf^«l^ a. overleaping, transgressing ( — o). ^rf^^T^ m. desire, wish (loc. or — o); poss. "^fn^^XTT^f^^ a. fulfilling a desire.* "^f^T^^*! a. adhering; occupied by ( — o). "^rfir^f^fl a. touched. '^f^c|«^«f n. respectful greeting. ^rf^Trf^B^fT a. wished for; n. wish. '^f'T^Tfr a. tired, languid. ^fifcfX^ m. salutation; Ocfi a. saluting. '^ifn^T^^f n. = prec. m, ; o"^^ a. respectful, modest. ■^f^^TW n. being carried, conveyance. ^f*Tf^^rT); f. oi|f^=zprec. "^rf'I'^fT a. come, gone to (ace.) or against ( — o); turned towards ( — ©); visited by (instr.). "^rf^f^^ a. let loose, hastening to (ace), allowed, granted. "^fn^?^ f- calling, invocation. "^f^^T prep, behind (gen.), lit. within calling. "^rf^T^fT m. invoker, singer. "^f*|f^f1 a. struck, smitten, beaten (drum), broken; visited by, suffering from (instr. or — o). "^f^T^"'^ a. ridiculous. "^fitf^cT a. fastened, attached; yoked; said, spoken named, designated, declared, ad- dressed, called. ^'ftr^ & ^f^Tl'tTf a. bending, hurting; f. injury, defeat. "^HI'oR n* encountering, meeting; loc. at the same time or in time; out of or from out (abl.). "^^^KfJI^ adv. every moment, frequently. "^^cT a, fearless; °'^c[^ adv. as if not afraid. "^pftf^ f. assault, attack. "^^ftf^cT a. desired, agreeable, dear. ■^^■^ a. desirous to obtain (ace). ^Sf^'i^ a. fearless or harmless. 'gSf^ft'^'T ^- reach, compass. "^^^cf a. victorious; m. victory. -^ij^-^ ra. rein; ray. '^*ft"5 a. longed for, wished, pleasant, dear. m. favourite, lover; n. wish. "^HW ^' uneaten, not enjoyed. "^Hf^^* , f- ^T "ot a slave or a servant ; abstr. o^^ n. ^^), inner, secret, near, intimate (also ooR*); initiated in, conver- sant or familiar with (loc). n. interior, interval; ace. into, loc. in, within, inside "^Wff^T'^TfT'l. ^- iwoving within (— o). "^"«|irTTV ^ place between, insert; initiate in (loc). ^BP?rcSfq*s|*i^ adv. towards the sun's orb. ^n?r^«T "• worship, reverence. ^^T^ a. near; n. nearness (space & time). ^^T^^ n., o^T f. request, begging. '^«r^'^^«(^ a. receiving sacrifices. "^^^TIT "• veneration, honour. "^^IWt^ a- worthy of honour, venerable. ■^BW^cRTT ™' ornameut. "^SWf^lT^ "• throwing down or away; also = seq. "^^^^TT ^' taking food, eating or drinking. "^R^^fT^ a. fit for eating or drinking; n. food. "^^^^^ a- envious, m. detractor. ■^^^^T f- indignation, envy. '^^Jf^ a. thrown, shot; exercised, studied, learned ; repeated, reduplicated (g.). ^^ff^"^fT^ a- containing studied virtues or merits. "^TKfTTff a. arrived; m. guest. ■^^JrrTT m., oif n. approach, arrival. "^WT^ff ni- assault, inroad. "^^"rar a. directed towards one's self; n. o^J^ adv. ^^TVT*T n. laying on, adding. ^WrfR f. getting, acquiring. ^^1^*1 adv. at hand, readily. ^WTT'^r n^' beginning. ^^T^^ a. risen, high. ^SWTTTl" ni rising, increasing. "^^T^tT a. turned towards (ace), returned. ^^^"^ m- obtaining; result, consequence; vicinity, nearness (sp. & t.); adj. near, proximate. ®^jp^ & °"3|" adv. n^ar, close by (gen., abl., or — «). ^^T^ «!• addition, repetition; reduplicate (g.), study, reading, exercise, custom. "^^f^frT a. elevated, high, excelling. "^^3(^«T n. rising, increasing. ^^f?2r?T a. risen, high, excellent in (instr.), appearing, going to (ace), ready. ^'J^^ m. rising (lit. & fig.) 5 beginning, event, result, success, fortune, welfare, feast, esp. a kind of Qraddha. ^^e S a- having become visible (of a star); n. as subst. ^^^^Tf m. consent, agreement, promise. "^^tfXjf^ f. assistance, favour ; — ^^f^ffiTTrT^ for the sake of (gen.)*. ^^MM?^ a. approached, suppliant. ^^^^T«rr a. calmed, allayed. "^^xrf^rla.come, approached; accompanied or attended by (instr.). ^^IIT'^ m. means, expedient. "^^tJT^Tf a. returned. "^I^^ff a. come to (ace), joined by (instr.), agreed upon, promised. "^^ftff a. having dwelt or passed (ace. of time). ^^1| m. reasoning suspicion. inference, conjecture, 37 ^m^w 1S(^ n. (m.) rain-cloud, sky. "^SlVf^^ a. touching (lit. licking) the clouds. "^'^JWiZ s. a dense mass of clouds. "^i^^Tl^ s. part (lit. piece) of a cloud.'^ "^^friiBr f. the sprinkling of a cloud. ■^^TTT m- approach of the clouds, rainy season. "^^T^ C^'^^) f. brotherless. ■^^T^«in"ftl«fi & °'ftr'l a. exposing one's self to the rain. "^if?^ f. shovel, spade "^ft^cT a. clouded. "^f^^ or "^f^^ a. belonging to or coming from a cloud; m. n. a thunder- cloud. ^^ ("^^or m^) a. huge, enormous, dread- ful; n. enormity, monster, dread, horror. '^^., "^^f^ press on, harm (only pp. l^^i^lT. harmful, pernicious). C. -^ll^jilfTf suffer, be sick. — ■^rpT & trfi:=s. I'^RT (pron. st.) this. 2^TT m. onset, impetuosity; fear, teiror. ^ ^'T^^ & o^ a. inauspicious, unlucky. ^^f^cT a. unadorned. '^T{7\ a. unthought, unexpected, unapproved. I'^^tf^T f. appearance, shape. 2^^ffT a. poor, f. poverty. 3^^f?I f. not-knowing; instr. unwittingly. 1^^"^ a. strong, firm. 2^"^ & ooRt n. vessel, cup; p. "^^ff^i^. "^Tt^T ^' "^^ egoistic, unselfish, as subst. unselfishness; charity. ^^"Sy^ a. pi. having no midmost. I'^T'f^ n- n« mind or intellect. 2'^T"'T^ a. without mind or understanding. "^?T«^ a. unadvised, ignorant, unknowing. '^iT'i^ a. not having or knowing mantras. "^Tftt^^, f. ofi^cRT not having, i.e. not ac- companied by mantras. "^^•^^ & °^? ^' ^*^^ knowing mantras. "^^•^ a. not slow or dull; abstr. ojfjf f. ^^^^T«T a. unaware. '^J{X, f . "^ & t^ immortal; m. a god.* '^^'5^^X(Tf?I«l^ m. a. friend of the gods. -^TJ-scirvr a. god-like. "^TT^T«fi "1- the world of the immortals ; abstr. o^j f. "^^TT^^fX!!'*!;^ a. of divine colour or beauty. ■^TT"^^^ n. assembly (lit. seat) of the gods. ■^^■^T^fft f. N. of Indra's capital. "^^r^ m. N. of a poet (also o^ & o?^^) ; °'5JfToR n. the hundred (stanzas) of Amaru. ^^^^ & ^^'^T "1- ^ord of the gods, E. of Qiva, Visnu, or Indra. ^T"?^!^^ a. god-like. ^?nT'& ^ "^iT(& m. not death ; a deathless. i ^TC^ a. incessant, indefatigable. J ^^^T adv. not falsely truly. \ "^W^^m a. not enduring. \ ^^TJSJ' a. unfit for sacrifice (act. & pass.),i impure, n. impurity, ordure. ] ^^^^TtSrm'ftl'l. a. feeding on ordure and- carrion. ] "^^^TW a. soiled by ordure. ^ "^%«i a. having no wife. ^ "^I^fif a. harmless. I '^%'?T a. immeasurable, unfathomable. j ^1^7^ a. infallible, efficacious, auspicious ;1 f. ^T N. of a spear. : ^%T^r^^f^ a. of auspicious sight. ^ "^Wr^"^^^ a. of unfallible speech. \ ^*(T^T^ a. of infallible purpose. \ ^(^T^ a. not to be loosed. j ^B^lfW^ a. not containing pearls. ; "^SRIll^ or ^1^^ adv. immediately, just. ^^^^ n. garment, (also m.) sky; abl. ^TTB^-^ ^'^T^'^ m. n. piece of cloud or cloth. j '^i^T^'Cf m.n. a frying-pan ; m.a man's name.' '^;i^^ m. N. of a caste, also of a people: and its country. j ^I^T f- niother (voc. "^^ or '^ISf, the latter; form o. used as a simple exclamation);! N. of a princess. ^l^f^oRX f. mother, N. of a princess. ] ^rW o»' ^'^ f- mother, good wife. ^"fi^eRT f- the same; N. of a princess. ] "^ISf n. water. '^^^rfT'l. nioving in v^^ater; m. aquatic] animal. ] "^^of a. water-born; n. lotus. '?ri^ m. rain-cloud (lit. giving water). : ^^^ifTTrr f- pl- water-drops. l _^*~~ • i ■^^^f^ m. the ocean (lit. water-receptacle), i "^^f^^lf m. rain-cloud (carrying water). ] ^1^"^^ m. current of water. | '^^T.Tftr ^' the ocean (lit. heap of water). ] ^^^^ n. lotus (lit. grown in water). \ 39 ^T^^ \ ^4c(oD(t ^' accompanied by water, i.e. spitting, sputtered (sounds). "^^^ n. water. '^iniQ' a. dreadful; m. tub, vat. "W^T'W a. containing water (cloud). ^^fol n. lotus (lit. water-born). WT^f & WT^f n. = ^^f . ■^^ a. sour, acid; m. wood-sorrel. '^*^ \i\ a. unfaded, unimpaired, fresh. ^^anSf 1^- walk, course ( — o); luck, fortune; die. "^^{fMU^ m. n. a piece of iron. ^■^J"!^ a. not sick, healthy; n. health. 1"^^"^ m. no sacrifice. S'^^rW a. = seq. ■^^5?T & -^q^w^^ a. not sacrificing, impious. "^•^jfT! m. no ascetic; N. of a man. "^^T(^ m. no effort, no pains; <>— , "^^1%^ & ®(^fl^ a*^^- without el!'ort, easily, gently. "^^(^^«f a. easy to be got. ■^"^J^ n. leg, foot. "^^^Tfl^i^ adv. not as it ought to be. ^"€1^^^?^ adv. the same. ■^'^^T'^a. unsuitable to the matter or sense; incorrect, false. ■^"^^^c(^ adv. unjustly, erroneously. ^^•f a. going, coming; n. motion, walk, course, esp. the sun's road between the solstitial points, also solstice, half-year; way, manner; refuge, residence. ■^^^&o^ii; m., o^^ n.the dark half-month. I'^'^ITB; n- dishonour, infamy. 2"^^^^ a. inglorious. ^^"51 WT' f* ^ disgraceful, ignominious. ^"^^^ n. metal, iron. ^^"^TTnT & ^'^flir m. the loadstone (lit. the beloved of iron). "^^T^t"?!, f^ made of iron. ^^T (instr. adv.) thus, in this way. '^^T^'fr^ a. not begging or asking. ^^if^cf a. unasked. '^Sf'^^ a. what or for whom it is not per- mitted to sacrifice. ^^fW^T^R & ^"m^^^TW n. sacrifice for persons unworthy to offer sacrifices. ^^TcT'^T'F a. vigorous, powerful, fresh, strong (lit. not having gone one's way); n. pi. cert, mantras of the Yajurveda. "^qT^ a. untired, brisk, active. "^^T"^ a. the same; m. N. of a Rishi. ^f^ vocat. or interrog. particle. ^^rh not yoked, not harnessed, not joined unconnected, unappointed; not attentive or devout, unsuitable, unfit, improper, wrong; abstr. o^f n. "^^TTT f. a girl that is the only child of her mother. ^^^, "^"5^, "^^^^, & W^^ a. not paired, uneven, odd. l^J^f! a. unrestrained. 2^^fT m. n. a myriad; adv. o'^^f. ^f^^ a. not fought or combated, n. no fight, loc. = seq. "^^^ abs. without fighting. "^^"^TTTf a. not fighting. ^% a. vocat. particle. ■^Bf^^ m. separation (lit. non-union), incon- sistency, impropriety, impossibility; want of devotion (abl. °ff^). "^^T^^ m. N. of a cert, mixed caste. "^%TT^ ni. an iron ball. ^^T^ a. unfit, unsuitable, incapable, un- qualified. Abstr. 0(cf n. ^^^"J a. iron- toothed. "^^T"^ a. unconquerable, invincible, f. '^T N. of a town. l"^%Tf^ f- I'^t a vulva. 2^|%rf'T a. without, or of low, origin. ^%T^^, f. t ^^o"- '^^T'T^ a. having an iron mouth, beak, or point. '^^TW'fT a* beaten or forged of iron. "^"^ m. spoke of a wheele. ^^-^i a. undyed. "^7;^«tT a. not protecting. "^■^^^ a. harmless, true. "^Tf^ (. a. piece of wood used for producing fire by attrition. "^■^T^T n. wilderness, forest. "^T^^f^ n. a useless complaint (lit. weep- ing in a forest). "^T^^T^ ^- residence in a forest, her- mitage. '^^^■^Tft*!^ a. dwelling in a forest ; m. deer. ^TMTf^ or o^ f. wilderness and the deity of the wilderness. "^TWr^^ m. inhabitant of a forest, a hermit. I'^Tf^f ^' assistant, minister, disposer. S^TfrT f. discomfort, uneasiness. ^^^(^ m. elbow, cubit; angle, corner. "^J^ a. having no chariot. "^X!^ ni. no charioteer. ■^■^"Vr a. unwilling, disobedient. ■^"^Xf & oij^ a. unhurt, safe. "^"i^^i^ a. the same; harmless, salutary. "^"^ adv. suitably, conveniently, sufficiently, enough; o ^T^TEf according to one's wish. — o^ make or get ready, serve (dat.), o^ & o^ppj- be present or at hand. "^T'T^'^c^ n. unpleasantness.* l'^''^Trf?r f- devoted ness, also personif. 2^'^;Rf7I a. restless. ^1[;?ZT a. unpleasant, disagreeable. "^Tfr^^ <^ "^T"^ a- envious, unkind. "^T"f^*^ n. day-lotus; abstr. o^ „. '^X^ a. tasteless, insipid (subj. & obj.). "^Xftr^ ^' leaving no taste, insensible, dull. ■^TT"^^ ^- f^ee from Raksasas. ■^TTT^fT^ adv. not from passion or anger. "^TTWofi a. having no king; n. anarchy. "^TT^T^ m. not a king. '^TT^'^ a- without the warrior-caste. '^■^T5r«??ir^ErnT a. not born in the warrior caste (abl. **"(1^). "^njf^'l, a. having no splendour. "^"^T^^T^^ a. not enjoying dominion. "^TT^ & "^^IsS^ a. long-horned. "^■^ifH f« envy, jealousy (lit. the not giving), enmity; concr. enemy, foe. ^TTcft^O ^^^ ^® malign; a. og=seq. "^T^lrf^^i^^ a. malign, envious. "^T'ni^ a. unkind, stingy, selfish. l^TT^ a. niggard, stingy. 2-^ "4^1^ m., o^ f. a kind of evil spirits. "^"5^^ a. crooked, bowed, curled (hair); m. a kind of resin. "^TT^«l. ^- hostile, adverse (lit. not giving). I"g5ffi|^ a. eager, devoted, faithful. 2"^rfT^ a. greedy (lit. not giving), impious, envious, hostile, adverse, m. enemy. ■^ff^^ a. not void or empty; — oTTTtTO' not with empty hands.* '^f^qF^'?y a. not entitled to inheritance. "^f^"^ or "^f^ m. n. oar. ^fr^T ^- tamer of enemies. "^f^Tf a. stainless, clear, pure. ^fr^ a. unharmed, safe, secure, m. N. of a tree; n. good or bad luck. "^f^"ff«R m. =prec. m.; n. the fruit of the A. tree. "^frS^TT a. whose troop is unhurt. "^fr^S^Tf^T f' unharmedness ; welfare. ^fX^'^T^m f« the lying-in chamber, "^frf^ f- unharmedness, safety. "^rfT'^f^'f ™- slayer of enemies. "^fr^f^T. ^- partisan of a foe. "^f^^i^ a. slaying enemies. ■^T^¥ or ^<^1od^ a. unlicked. "^"^IJf a. unbroken. ■^"^^ a. lightless. "^"^^ a. free from disease, sound, healthy, well. ^^^ a. the same; m. N. of a demon. "^"^XJf, f. "^T (ved. also ^) ruddy, light-brown, yellowish, m. redness, pers. as Aruna, the Dawn, conceived as the charioteer of the Sun; the Sun itself; N. of an old teacher etc. f . %[ a red cow; the dawn. n. redness, gold, ruby. "^^W^ a. of ruddy appearance. "^''^WT^ ^' having ruddy horses. '^'^fWT'l^ m- redness. "^^^T^^ ™- sunrise. ^^g^ a. cutting to the quick (lit. striking a wound.) '^''1'^^ f' cert, plant; N. of the wife of ^inJ^i^r Vasistha, conceived as a star in the Great Bear. ^"^xf, f. "^^"^ red, fire- coloured, ra. the Sun, day. f. the Dawn ; a red mare, pi. flames, conceived as the team of Agni. ui^^ a. sore, n. wound ; ^^"B^cT wounded. ^"^(oT^W n. the not having firm (lit. grown) roots. "^^Xf a. shapeless, ill formed, ugly. "^^^TIT "• ^^ metaphorical expression. ^■^ a vocat. particle. "^'^[^Trt a. not dusty, not earthly, i.e. heavenly. m. pi. the gods. "^"^l}^ a. stainless, pure, bright. "^"^TT iJ- fi'^e from disease, healthy (also of^«l^); m. health. ^T"n^Tf-,°1f^n., of^rlT&'>^f!Tf.=prec. m. "^T^T^f^^ll ^' having no appetite; critical, dainty. '^TI^'IT'T a- "Ot shining, not pleasing. '^TT'^RT »• "^ot angry; meek, tender.* ■^cfim. beam, ray; the sun, fire; praise, song, sound, roar; singer; N. of a plant. ■^f^fii^ a. rich in beams or songs. ■^^T^ m. n., "^T f- holt, bar, obstacle. ^^ , "^^f?T to be worth, cost. "^^ m. worth, price; gift of honour. ■^Wt^cR or "^^T^^ n. water of honour* (v. seq.). ■^^ n. worth or fit for an honourable re- ception, n. a reverential offering to gods or venerable men. '^^i|) a. honouring ( — o). "^[^f^ a. singing, thundering. "^^•f n., "^^iTT & "^^T f- praise, worship. "^^•ft^ a. to be honoured. "^^T^ a. worthy of honour or praise. "^f^ m. beam, flame; p. '^'pl^ifr^ & <>'^nT^. '^f^'^ a. honoured, adorned. "^fTjtu^d a. flaming, brilliant, resplendent; m. fire. "^f^^ n. (later also f.) beam, flame. "^^ a. to be honoured. ^ . . . . "^^^ a. gaming, acqumng. c . ... ■'^fal'iiT n. gain, acquisition. ^^[^•T, f. %| silver-white, m. Arjuna, one of the Pandavas, N. of a tree; f. du. & pi. name of a lunar mansion. "^nl m. n. wave, flood, stream; m. letter, syllable. ^ijqf a. waving, undulating, rising, m. (n.) = seq. ^Tjp^ n. wave, flood, sea, ocean; sky. ^W^lf^ f- winning of the streams; bustle of the fight, broil. ^■^ n.m.aim,purpose, meaning, sense, object, profit, advantage of (instr.), wealth, prop- erty, money, thing, matter, business, cause, suit, action; o. — o adj. having a thing for object, for the sake of, on account of, for; ace, instr., dat. & loc. the same adv. '^^afi^cl'^ n. money, (this) paltry thing.* I'^^cfiTT (n.sgl., rn.du.) wealth and pleasure. S'^^cffflT a- desirous of wealth. ■^^if^f^^ft*^ m. a sinner for gain. ■^^cR"^ n. difficulty (of a matter). "^^^, f. t;^ wasteful, extravagant. "^^ofTfT ("• sgJ- & pl-) the whole of or what- ever (v. SfTfT) money, things, matter, bu- siness etc. "^^TT^ adv. for a purpose, for profit; on account of (—<>); indeed, intruth; according to the sense. "^^cTWr f- desirjB (lit. thirst) of money. I "^^^ a. useful or munificent. I "^^^t! ni. a man's name. ^^^T«T "• gift of money, gratuity. ^^T'BfTfJ' n. spoiling or seizure of (another's) property. ^?f^«T7 f. begging, request. "^^^t^ m. text, verse (lit. context of the sense or matter). ^^r^^, ^if^ (^^fir, ^^) aim at, strive after, beg or wish for (ace); ask or en- treat (2 ace). — "^fiT beg a person (ace.) for (ace, dat., loe, or ^^TO. TT entreat, desire, sue for (ace), beg of (abl.). ^^ prepare, conclude, reflect, judge, think, consider as (2 ace), approve, determine. ■^^"^t^ a. avaricious, eager for money. "^^^t!T f-j °TSr n. significancy, importance, consequence. 3* ^nNnT 42 "^^^•rf a. having sense or meaning, signif- icant; suitable, apt, wealthy, rich. n. o^f(^ according to the purpose. "^^^T^ iW' declaration of purpose or object. "^^rf^^ ^' knowing the signification (of words). "^'q^^'^ n. deficiency of a transaction. "^^"^TT^ n. manual of practical life. "^^^T^ n. honesty in money-matters. "^^^WT^tf m- collector of money. "^^"Fr^T^*! n. attaining of advantage or ar- ranging of a matter. ■^^^^fi^i^ a. connected with or interested in a cause. "^'2Tf%'W a. self-evident, perfectly clear. '^^5rf%f% f. recovering of money ; attaining of a purpose, success; evidence (v. prec). "^^T*!^ (m. du.) what is expedient or in- expedient. '^^T'rfT^ n. another thing or meaning. "^^T^if n. acquisition of an object. "^^Tf^*!^ a. wanting money, covetous. "^f^rT^ a. desirable. ^f^rlT f-j °^ n. abstr. to seq. ^f^*^;^ a. having an object, industrious, eager; wanting, poor, desirous of (instr. or — o), begging, a beggar or petitioner, amorous, wooing, a wooer, suitor, plaintiff. ^f^"HTcr m. condition of a petitioner. "^^ a. suitable, apt, fit; wealthy. ■^^"^ a. called by the suitor (j.). "^^•T ( — o) vexing, tormenting. I'^Xf a. half, halved, m. n. half, middle; party. 2^\| m. side, part, place. ^V«lf5 a. half-drawn. "^^^TTt f- half a koti, i.e. five millions. "^V^^ m. half-moon, crescent. "^V^"^ ^ half the fine. "^^Solf m. demi-god. ^\}t:I^«^ & otr^^ (pi.) four and a half. "^'^^WnPffl^ f- twenty-five (lit. half of fifty). ^"VCniJ m. half a pana. "^"vitffTIff a. half decayed.* "^^^^ ni. half the way, midway. ^^mf^cfi a. half- footed (having the half of one's feet cut off.). ^TV^^rT a. half-drunk or sucked. "^^^TT^ n. semi-morsel, fragment. "^^*?f^fT a. half eaten. ^n}in^ a. obtaining a half; m. partner, fellow. "^TV^T^'^ f. half-Magadhi (a dialect). ^\J?TT^ m.=^tliZT. "^^TT^ ^' half a month, a fortnight. (^^T^T^ f-* &) ^^TT^ m- midnight. ^^J^'^ m. half-stanza. "^"^^^^ adv. by half- verses. ■^'^f^f^fT a. half-painted. ^^^Tf^rT a. half read.* "^nl^fT n. a hundred and a half, i.e. a hundred and fifty. ^^^^^tT n. a half-equal metre, i.e. a metre the halves of which are equal (pada 1 = 3, 2 = 4). "^'^ITT m. a necklace of 64 strings. ^>}'ff^ n- side glance. ^\JTc|^"5 a. half-licked or chewed. ^fV^^ a.- getting one half. ^^r^ m. = ^^^; o^f^ m. E. of Qiva (having the crescent as diadem). ^^TW a. half spoken. "^^if^cf a. half risen. "^"^T^oR n. a short petticoat, "^pSWi f. '1^ procuring, getting, conferring; n. "^^Tlf throwing, sending, putting in or on, delivering, entrusting, offering, sacrifice; transmission, restitution. "^cj^ m. a snake, a serpent- demon (^|f^^); N. ot a mountain, pi. of a people; n. a hundred millions, cartilage of the ribs. { ^^<»ftT^T m. N. of a mountain. '^g^T<^T''5fMW^ f. the creeping near of Ar- buda (v. "^W'^)> N. of a path of the sac- rifice. ' ^^&^^|ci[|a. small, weak, young; m. a child. ^^ m. pi. rubbish, remnants, ruins. 1^^(^^) a. faithful, devoted, pious, attached, kind. 43 ^^irwR 2"^^, f. "^ a man or woman of one of the I "^f^il^ m. a kind of snake, f. "^ a large first three castes, esp. a Vai9ya. ■^'^it'C ™- intimate, friend, esp. a bride- groom's friend ; N. of a god. "^f^??! a. intimate. "^^•l^ & nsi4«r!^ running, quick, m. a courser, horse, charioteer. 45i%"g| or -^^Tqp— prec. a. "^^^ (loc. adv.) near. ^^T^lt^^ffT f. posteriority (of time). •^^T^iT or o^«T turned towards, being on this side or below , nearer (time), n. as prep, on this side, from, since, less than (abl.). "^"4^1^ 1 f- "^^T^ turned towards or down- wards , coming near; ace. with cfi bring hither, n. '^q(ch as adv. and prep, hither- wards, down, near (loc); from, since, before, after (abl. or instr.). "^^^ n. haemorrhoids. ^"jI^ a. suffering from haemorrhoids, ^f, '^ff7f('5Sr|^) deserve, merit, have a right or be worthy to (ace. or inf.), be liable to, capable of (ace); dare, be obliged or able to (inf.). C. "^^^rfTf honour or present with (instr.). ■^^ a. deserving, worthy, entitled to (ace. or inf.); fit or apt for (gen. or — «>). ■^^IJI' a. deserving ( — ©) ; f. "^f veneration, worship, instr. "^^TJTT according to merit, n. merit, worth, also=f. ^^^^V^ a. venerable. ■^^nT a. deserving, entitled to (ace.) ; worthy, venerable, superl. "^^TfTT m. an Arhant, i.e. a Jaina saint. '^^% (dat, inf.) to be worthy of (ace). '^^^ m. n. curl. f. "^ Kubera's residence. ^^cf)7^ adv. in vain, for nothing. -^f^^ m., "^gf^oR m. n. red lac. ■^^^oRT^ a. marked by a red colour (lit. lac). l"^^rW^ n. inauspicious mark. 2^«!l'^"'!r a. unmarked, inauspicious. "^^f^fT a. unmarked, unnoticed. "^^fW a. invisible, not to be observed, not appearing (thus), insignificant. black leech. ^<5J^ a. not light; heavy, slow. . ^^ofiT^ "• adorning, dressing; ornament. ^r^^TWT<^ n. jewel for ornament. "^^fcfifT"^ a. fond of ornament; ^adorning (ace). *"^r^icRH m- ornamenting. ^^toRTT ^ **^t "1- ornamenting or ornament (lit. & fig.). "^^cfiT^cRTf?;*^; a. forming the ornament of (-0).* W^TT^TT!^ n- jewel-box. ^^^tTTtI. ^- adorning. ^^f?r & of^R^ f. =^^^Tt- "^^W'ft^ a. not to be overtaken; not to be left unnoticed or neglected.* "^^tWcT a. not reached, untouched, ^;5ff^rflT^ a. not before violated.* ^^f^ a. impassable; not to be touched or violated. ^^^^ m. a kind of bird. "^^ftl (°^t) f. a cert, disease of the eye. •^^^ a. shameless; f. "^T shamelessness. ^^^fV^f a. having sufficient money. -^^^^ a. not obtained or gained. o^itT^ not having obtained. ^^*r^T^ a. not getting. ^'^T^ a. not to be obtained. "^^1^ (indecl.) enough, one's fill ; sufficient, a match for (dat.); capable of, able to (inf. or loc). With instr. or absol. enough with, have done with! — ©cfi make ready, pre- pare, adorn (M. also refl.), with gen. violate (M.); o*T suffice. ^^|o$ m. a mad dog; a fabulous animal; a plant. "^^Wr*i^«fT^ a. dabbling, splashing (water). "^^^ a. luzy, indolent, dull, weary. "^"^IT^^ n. not-lightness, heaviness (fig.)- "^^tUvj^ m. a kind of vermin. ^^X?T n. a fire-brand. ^^T^Ur a. stingy, greedy. "^^T^ (o^) f. the bottle gourd; m. n. a vessel made of the b. g. "^g^^ m. non-acquirement, not getting, loss. ^'srwi^v 44 '^^T'^IV m. N. of a Raksasa. ■^^T'S[ m. E. of Indra. ^f% m. bee; o^^ n. a flight of bees. ^f^W ^' '^^'^^"g "^ marlv or sign, having no gender (g.). ^t%f^1. ra. not a student, an impostor. ■^f^^T ™- ^ large water-jar. ^f^«^ m., o«i^ f. male and female bee. "n5ff%«^ (& oeR*) ra. terrace before a house. "^f^^T'^fT f' a flight of bees. n5f^ofi a. unpleasing, contrary, false, untrue; n. adversity, falsehood, untruth. "^^^tcfi^rf^^ a. of a feigned courtesy.* "^^^'pT'^'^ m. accusing of falsehood. njf^cRXlfTS^cf a. unpleasantly or falsely wise, pedantic. '^^oR^'g n. feigned sleep. "^^BfJ a. not avaricious or covetous. "^^•T a. uncut, unplucked, unhurt. "^%tjiR a. stainless, pure. l"^%TcRm. not the world, the endof the world. 2'^%T«fe a. finding no place. "^%T^^i^'n"^ a. not common in the world. ■^%T^ a. unusual (lit. unwordly), unallowed; making unfit for the (other) world. ^%T"*T a. not greedy; m. absence of greed or cupidity, moderation, content. "^%T). "^^«Stftr'l> a. = prec. act.; unchaste, incon- tinent. "^■^ofit'ftr^rT "• penance for incontinency. ■=^^cR'g^ a. drawn down , being below or under ( — <>); remote, inferior, low. "^^chSi^lfff a. of a low(er) caste. ^"^sh^d^ a. of upright mind. ^^5fr^ m. letting or hiring out; rent, price. ^^^TTlf a. burnt down. "^^"^cT a. sneezed upon, '^"q'^lj m. derision, scoff, sarcasm. '^^r%"qiH' n. throwing down, also = the prec. "^cfT^T^ m. devouring, wasting, destruction. ■^^^Tf m., oif n. understanding, knowledge. "^^1T?f a. entered (act. & pass.), immersed (1. & f.), depressed, deep. "^^TT^ m., o«T n. submersion, bathing. "^^^pS^if n. veiling, a veil. o^«rT^ veiled. "^^^^ m. hindrance, impediment; separation of padas and the pause between them (g.). f^^'q" a. lower (only in ^3^^t^ <1'V.)- ■^^^if a. speechless, silent. "^^^T!f\^ re- lating to the application of ( — o). "^^■^^ a. covered over, overspread, filled. ■^^■^TrT a. emaciated, thin. "^qf^5( a. interrupted, bordered or included by ( — o); defined. ^■^^^ m. cutting off, part cut off, piece; separation, distinction. ^^■^T f-, ""T n. contempt. ^^^cR a. not a deceiver.* ■^^^ m. hole, pit; a. ©^ being in a pit. ^^^ m. or f. neck. ^^ff m. well, cistern. ^^ri^ m. garland or ear-ring. "^^cT^rai m. the same, as adj. (f. of^^) crowned with ( — o). ^^r!^«i^ a. to be made into a garland.* ^Sf^ft^^^, ^'^ETRT make into a garland.* ^^ftftl'R' f* wearing a garland of flowers.* "^^f!TW "• descending, alighting. '^«ffl<'^ adv. further away. '^^cTTlf'T n. pounding, crushing. ^^rn«tT a. faint, feeble. "^^rrnC ra- descent, esp. of a deity from heaven, incarnation, appearance; a. »"n(;«(^. "^^fftW a. come down, descended (cf. prec.) from (abl. or — o), in consequence of or in the shape of ( — o)^ fallen or got into (ace). nS^^Tf a. cut off, divided. "^^(^^ a. not tender, cruel to (loc). ^^^) & o^^ (gen. or — <>) till, as far as. ^^^TW "•? °WT f* disregard, contempt. ^^^T^^? °^ffT despise, reject. "^^VcT a. shaken off, removed, rejected, spurned, tossed, trodden upon, unclean. ^^^•T»T n. shaking. "^J^"^ a. not to be killed, inviolable. ^^l^tffT f-j °^t n. inviolability. "^^■^^T^ m. the same. "^^^ a. indelible. "^^•T n. favour, grace, protection. "^^^Trf a- bent down, deepened, not projecting. •^^iff^ f. stooping, setting; humiliation. ^cf f iT f. bed or course of a river; river, stream ; earth, ground, place (also oifti" f.). "^ST^fifXJ, oT^f^f, & oxjj^ m. king. ^^"^7^ a. fit for washing. "^^"ifSfiT, f. ^ the same ; n. washing, wash- water. ^^nT 46 ^^«fr a. favourable, kind; N. of a man. "^•^f^ m. pi. N. of a people. "^^•rft f' N. of the capital of the Avanti. ^P^*^ a. not fruitless or vain; successful, happy. °xrrff unerring (of an arrow , lit. whose flight is not vain). •^^"qf?IfT & oxf^ a. on what something (— °) has fallen. ■^^■qTrf m. downfall, descent; a pit for catching game in. "^^"mcfT n. felling, throwing down. ■^^xjfT^f n. drinking or giving to drink. "^^^^ a. tied on, fettered; fixed by, sticking in ( — o); hanging on, concerned about ^ (loc). "^^cfX^ a. uncovered. ^^%J\^ m. waking; perception, understand- ing, knowledge. ■^1^^^ m., ®^^«T n. breaking, splitting. ^^*fT^ i^« splendour, light, manifestation, appearance; oefi a. illumining, manifesting; abstr. o^ n. "^Sr^*IT^«T n- manifestation, appearance; en- lightening, illumination. ^^HTf%*l^ a. shining, bright; enlightening, manifesting. ^qfH"^ or o*!^ m. bathing after a sacrifice; conclusion, end. '^^;f^' a. lowest, vilest; nearest, next; latest, last. ^^7r«rf m. despiser (w. ace). "^^^T^'ETcfi ( — °) a. despising, rejecting. ■^^^if ni- contact, touch ; reflection, consid- eration. -^^^T^m, oT^T'T^n-, °^T^^T f- disrespect, contempt. "^"^'^TOT'I, a. despising, contemning. "^J^"^^ m. limb, member; p. ^f^*!^. "^"g'?J^\^^ m. the figure of pars pro toto. -^^il^^qoR & ^^^^f^^XI^ n. two kinds of comparison. "^r^^Tr(^35^ a. whose wrath is appeased. '^'^X lower, inferior; posterior, following, later, younger; nearer; preceding (w. abl.); western; vile, base, mean; "^^"^ a. low-born, born after (another). m. a Qudra or a younger brother; f. ^ a younger sister. ■^^■^^xf m. a low caste; o'Sf m. a Qtidra (cf. prec). ^^^5 a. descended; put down or taken off (load). "^TW (instr. as prep.) under (ace). "^^^j\:fm. hindrance, oppression, investment, siege, imprisonment, confinement; harem, pi. the females of the h, ■^^TTV^ "• the same; interior, sanctuary. ■^^TT^ m. descent (fig.)- "^■^^X^TTf, f. '1^ descending; n. descent (1. &f.). "^^TTff'l^ a. descending (lit. & fig.). ''^R'Tl^T'T a. not taking place, not present. ^?ip^flj f. want, need (lit. going down). '^gm'^ a. unchecked. ^^■^ & oX!J n. want of rain, drought. "^^^^ a. hanging down, hanging on (—<»). ^?r^^n^ a. hanging down; m. =seq. n. ^^^^•T, f. "I; hanging down; hanging, leaning, depending on; n. the same as n. in adv. subst. hold, support. ^^^fi^fT & ^^^i5rfi^ = prec. adj. ^^f^'g a. haughty; abstr. o^fj f.^ o^ „. "^^%XJ m., o«T n.=prec. abstr. + ointment. ^^%T^ m., oiT n. sight, seeing. "^cj^joRf^lrl m. looker on, spectator, "^'^[%Tf^RfTT f- a woman's name. "^^Wlf^ a. seeing, looking at (—<>). ■^"^■^j" a. independent, uncontrolled, free; unwilling, reluctant. ^^r^Tq-oR, f. of^cirr the same.* ^^"5^1 a. not subject or submissive to (gen.). ^R'lXT'rf a. extinct. '^^'fil'l^ a. having no (own) will, dependent. ^^R'fSI'S a. left, remaining from (gen. or — »), having only (instr. or — o) left. "^"^'^^ a. decayed, shattered. "^Sf^^Xf m. rest, remainder; abstr. o'rf^J f. a. not yielding to another's will; « — & ^^"35r'^ adv. necessarily, by all means, o at least ^^^cRcfJ f., "^^^^JT^ m. necessity, f- "^^TT after-birth. I "^^^HTf^'l, a. what must be. 47 "^f%cR^ ^T^T^ m. frost, rime. '^^"g^tT a. standing firm, reclining, leaned upon (act. & pass.), seized, taken, held. "^^"S^ ni. leaning or depending on; confi- dence, courage, '^^'5'^T^ a. confident, bold (arrow). 1"^"^^ n. favour, aid, assistance, recreation, relief, comfort, joy, inclination, desire. 2"^^^ adv. down ; as prep, down from (abl. or instr.), under (instr.). ■^pgr^ n. refreshment, food. ■^^^f^^snfiT f- a kind of wrapper; Oojn' cR tie a cloth round one's legs or knees. ^^^3 a. sunk down, impressed, deep; brought down, exhausted, afflicted. "=?|^;^'^m. opportunity, occasion, right moment to (gen. or — »). ■^^*R^W n- descent. ■^^^X f. rest, liberation. ^"^^Trf m. deliverer. "^^^T^ni. sinking, decline, weakness, defeat. ^"^^TT n. resting-place, rest, end, death. '^^T'^T'^ ™' stopping, settling down; a.of%j«^. "^"^"ftfcTa. (act.) having stopped, having ceased or desisted from (abl. or — «); (pass.) finished, settled, determined. '^^'ftlrfcfiT^ a. satisfied (lit. who has done his duty).* "^^ftrrT'T"'3^T i^- entirely dressed (lit. whose toilet is completed).* ■^f^^^ a. asleep. ■^f^%oR m. sprinkling, bleeding. ■^r^%T^"5f n. the same; wash-water (cf. tfT^T- ^%^'5T). ^^4^«rf m. assault, attack. "^^^Trl^adv. underneath; on this side, before; prep, under, west of (gen ). ^^^ n. a slight or bad thing; nonentity, unreality. Abstr. ©^^ n. "^"^^ a. unclothed ; abstr. OfTJ f. "^"^7^ m. membrum virile, f. "^J (often adj. — o) state, condition, situation, circum- stance, appearance in court; vulva. ^^|^|«1 n. treading upon; staying, abiding; position, situation. ^cf*^T«?fT "• altered condition, alteration.* ^cjf^ff or ^f^fT a. standing, posted; j contained or remaining in , intent upon I (loc. or — o), keeping on, continuing (instr. of an abstr. or nom. of a pp.), ready to (dat.J; fixed, settled, firm, steady, true; (thus) situated or circumstanced. ^-^f^fTT f. abode, stay. f^^"35Trr m. deliverer. TSr^^«ff & °^ a. seeking favour or help. ^"^^cT a. flowed down. "^^^•tT^ a. striving, eager. I "^^^wTif n. trashing, husking. ' ■^'^^T''^' a. to be restored; to be made to restore or to pay (ace). -^^fT^ m. jest, joke; o^T^f^ for jest. ■^"^f^ff a. put down, fallen into (esp. the water); absorbed, attentive. ^T^T^IFT^ a. having the branches down- wards. "^^Tf^lFT^ a. having the head downwards, headlong. '^p^i;r[TI'iT^nT a. moving downwards. ^ c| I ^ •RRIT^T^ a. not within the reach of language or intellect. ■^f^J13Tc|, f. "1^ looking or turned (lit. having the face t.) downwards. "^cfT^^^ a. directed downwards, lying under (abl.). ■^f^"^ a. unspeakable, not to be spoken to. ^^T^^T^ m. a forbidden word. ^;^X€ , f. ^TT^ directed downwards, lower. n. "^^TcR downwards, headlong. I'^^TfT a. unconquered, secure. 2'^R'Trt a. not windy, n. calm. '^B^T'ffT a. included, intermediate (°"tTl. adv. between); always another, different. '^5RT«rTT;%lfn^- intermediate region (cf.f^'ST^). "^f^j^ a. (having) reached or obtained. "^f^lf^" f. acquirement, getting. "^^TTSI a. to be obtained; due to (— ®). "^^TTWt^ a. not to be stopped. ^f% a. favourable, kind. m. sheep, f. ewe. "^f^cjn^wf a. not boastful. ■g;jf^^^ a. unshaken. ■^f^eR^ a. not incomplete, full. ^^rf^^T 48 "^irf^ofn"^ a. not changing; m. no change. '^f^oRTfT'l. ^' "^^ liable to change (sides), loyal. '^fcjcfif'^ a. immutable. "^f^cficT a. unaltered, unprepared, undevel- oped. "^f^5^ ger. without detailing. ^?rf%f^^ a. unchanging; f. ^ no change, ®^T^«R a. not subject to change. '^t^'^cT a. who has not sold. "^f¥%^ »• unsalable. ■^tf^^rf a. unhurt. "^f^^Sfcif a. undisturbed. "^^rf^TW^ gt'r. without reckoning or heeding. ^f^^ a. unhindered (also °f^fT); n. undis- turbedness, quiet. "^f^^T^p^ n- prayer for undisturbedness or quiet. ^f^^^TU" a. not sagacious ; stupid, ignorant. "^f%^^ & **^f%f( a. unmoved, constant. I'^f^^T'^ a. undiscerning, inconsiderate, n. adv. 2'?rf^^TT ^^'' want of discrimination or re- flection (also ©Tlf n.); (instr. without much reflecting, quickly*). "^f^^TT^ ^' knowing no reflection, incon- siderate. "^t^^l'^ffr a. not reflecting or hesitating. "^f^^f^ff a. inconsiderate, n. adv. "^f^^T^ a. not to be reflected upon. '^f^^Jifffr a. not knowing, ignorant. "^tf^'^lcT a. unknown. l"^;jf^^T«f "• want of knowledge. 2'^f^'^T'T a. having no knowledge, unwise. "^f%'^T*!'^«rf^ a. the same. '^rf^'T^T'^ ger. without knowing. Uf^"^^ a. unknowable, indiscernible. ^f^fT^ a. not false or vain; real, efl'ective, true; n. adv., as subst. N. of a metre. "^f^rT m. protector, assistant. ^f^^T^ a. not staggering. "^f^^ exclam. of surprise or grief; also repeated and with i^TI or TlTf^%-* "^t^f^cT a. unknown; n. unknowingly. "^f^^Tl^ a. not very far, near; n. nearness, adv. near = «l[;, *xr<[. ^ °T<1^- "^1%^ a. unpierced. "^f^<5T a. ignorant, without knowledge. "^f^^^^T a. not existent. "^f^^T f- want of knowledge, ignorance. "^ft^^ a. not knowing, ignorant. ^f^^^ f. not a widow. "^f^^IT'T n. non-rule, irregularity; o^^ adv. not according to regulation. '^f^\^7^ ger. without having settled. "^fqff^J m. no rule; instr. against the rule. ^f^fV^^«fiT(^ adv. not according to the rule. ^r^*1^ m. want of breeding or manners, incivility. ^f^«f^«fT^ & "^Sff^^jfifil^ a. imperishable. "^f^^ftrf a. untrained; ill-bred, ill-behaved. '^f^'^ToT m- want of diversion or amusement. ^f^w^irl a. not finding. "^f^iej m. N. of the minister of Ravana. ^ft^f^fl^ a. ignorant, unwise. n^fc|l||^ m. shepherd. "^f^^fT a. unbroken, unshaken, unviolated. "^f^^^wrf a. not saying or explaining.. ■^f^HW a. undivided, unseparated, joint. "^f^HTftrT a. not clearly perceived, un- distinguished, unobserved, unknown or unknowable. ^ft^T a. free from coquetry, unfeigned. ^rf^^f^oJl a. not to be thought of, unim. portant. ^ft'TO g^r* without reflecting; ^cRfff^jt^ acting inconsiderately. '^rf^'^W a. undivided, unsevered from (abl.). "^f^T^T a. not deviating from (abl.), un- interrupted, continual, n. adv. ^f^T^ a. having no interstices, uninter- rupted, close, contiguous, n. adv. ^rf^"^^ m. non-separation, staying together.* ^f^TfW^ a. unabandoned by (« — ), unsepa- rated. Ifff^"^^ a. unimpeded; not opposite or con- trary to (instr. or — «); right, proper. ^f^TTO m. no conflict with, prejudice to ( — o). ^f^XTf^^l. a. not contradictory or detri- mental to (gen. or — ®). '^t^;^!!^ a. not delaying, n. adv. quickly, m. no delay; instr. without delay. 49 "^Rrf^ ■^f^^^ST^ n. not delaying, quickness. ^f^^r*^rf a. immediate, prompt, speedy; n. adv. '^f%^'R«P^ a. = prec. adj.* "^f^^^^cSf ger. without delaying. I^f^^T^ a. undisputed, uncontested. S'^f^qfT^ m. non-dissent, consent. "^f^^T^a. not living in matrimony (beasts). ^f^^jf^i^ & o-^ a. unfit for matrimonial alliance. ^f^f%^ a. undiscriminated. l^f^^cR m. non-discrimination. 2^f^%cfi a. = seq. ; abstr. OffT f. ^f^^f^i^^ a. undiscriminating, unwise. ^f^%«l«fl a. not turning away, kind. "^f^^W ^ °"5rf^^ ^' unhesitating, confident. "^ft"ir^T f- no fear or hesitation. "^f%^^ a. not clear, indistinct. "^f^flT^ ^' ^^* different, like, equal ; abstr. °fIT f., «^ n. ^f^^"^ a. the same. m. no difference or distinction. o'BlTl|*& °"^^ indiscriminately, in general. '^f^^ff^cT a. unspecified. "^f^^^, '*^rT«?T, & o'^JTT a- unwearied, restless. ■^f%^^«f^^a. not to be trusted; abstr. ®rITf-5 o^ n. I'^f^'^T^ m. mistrust, suspicion. 2'^f^'^T"^ a. mistrustful, suspicious. '^Srf^'^'TO'^'TcR a. raising suspicion.* ^f^^ftR: a. = 2 nsrf^^gi^. I'^rf^If n. no poison. 2"^rf^ a. not poisonous. "^f^'q^ a. not unequal; equal, even. I'^f^'^'?!' m. no province, no sphere; no object for ( — o), anything impossible or illicit. 2^f^q^ a. having no object. "^f^'q'il^if^ a. whose mind has no object, unworldly. ^tf^'Ejiflch'^Ijf n. the not making a thing (gen.) an object, '^f^'^W ^- unbearable (lit. &fig.), irresistible, impracticable, inaccessible. "^f^XTf^ !«• non-despondency, courage. Cappeller, Sauskrit- English Dictionary. "^f^"^ (superl.) deigning to accept. "^f%'^«fT & o"^ a. eager; °T^J f. eagerness. ■^f^^'S' a. not clear, indistinct ; n. adv. "^f%^^ a. unbent, calm, composed. "^^rlTTI a. whose passions are unsubdued (lit. not gone).* l^^T ^' unmanly, childless (abstr. OfTT f-); weak, impotent; f. "^J Slaving no husband. 2^R^T ^' devoid of men; n. an unpeopled country. "^^T^rg^ a. hateful to (lit. not liked by) men. ^cfjif a. weak, feeble. "^^cR a. harmless; n. adv. as subst. safety "^^rf^^T a. guileless (lit. not crooked). l"^^ff a. imchecked, unimpeded. 2^^?! a. unchosen, uninvited. ^Hf% f. want of subsistence. "^^^n^r ^- having no testicles. ^gf^ f. want of rain ; drought. '^'%'^Xn' n. looking to, attention. '^%'^T (& °f^cT7*) f. the same; regard, care for (loc. or — »). "gjf^^if n. want of knowledge, ignorance. ■^"^^T^Jlwr a. not knowing. "^%^f%T a. not knowing the Veda. ■^^^f^f^fT a. not enjoined in the Veda. 1"^%^ a. not to be known. 2^%^ a. not to be married. "^'^"51^'^^ a. not belonging to prostitution. "^cjf^l'g a. not (even) resorted to (lit. liked) by an enemy. •^c^ a. coming from the sheep, made of wool or threads; s. the Soma-strainer. "^cSj'^ a. undisclosed, unmanifested, not clear, indistinct, imperceptible, transcendental; n. adv. "^^^JW^Tf^TT^ a. speaking, indistinctly.* ■^^"MTfcT a. of imperceptible form, invisible. ^^^ a. undistracted, unoccupied, tranquil, steady; n. adv. "^^^^, f. ^ having complete (lit. unmuti- lated) limbs. "^^f^ a. not wavering, firm; f. firmness, intrepidity. * 4 ^^ffWfvRTT 50 i "^^f^^TT ^' "^^ go^"g astray, non-failure, constancy, fidelity; as adj. =seq. '^«Slf*i^TfT'l ^- steady, constant, faithful. ^^^ft^TT = ^^t*r^TT a. & m. 1^^"^ m. non-expense. 2^^r^ 'I- imperishable, immutable, n. an indeclinable word. 3^^^(^^^) a.==^^. "^^^^•^ a. of imperishable nature. "^^■^HT^ !«• an indeclinable compound. "^^^^^IJif a. uninterrupted; n. the not being interrupted by (instr.). '^^f^^T'^'^'fr^ & ^t^'l. a. irresolute. "^^^iT & ofifi^^ a. not vicious. ^^Toficf a. undivided. "^pEJT^ m. no fraud; a. artless, natural, « — adv. "^^miT ™- "" (regular) occupation. "^^^TH a. not pervaded by or mixed with (instr.). ■^RJTWrl n. not speaking, silence. ^^f^W a. uninterrupted. "^^■g; a. not yet risen or shining. "^^TSf a. having no wound, scar, or blemish. l^jfff n- non-observance of religious precepts. S^sfn a. lawless, disobedient. 1"^^, "^^Tf?!, "^"^"ff attain, reach, come to, arrive at (ace); obtain, get, befall, betide; overcome; offer, bring. — "^f^ reach, obtain, overwhelm, '^tf obtain, get. f% reach, attain, get; fill, penetrate. ^J^ at- tain, get, receive; fall to one's share. 2"^% "^Tf??, pp. "^ftlfT partake of, eat, drink, taste, enjoy. C. ^T'5T^f?I feed (2 ace). D. '^ftffll'^fTf wish to eat. — ^f?r eat before (ace), "^tlrr S. IT the same; C. feed. ^PF^ = S. "?Sn|W a. unable to or incapable of (inf., loc, or dat.). "^HfW f- inability. "^^^^•fT^ a. not being able. "^"^^ a. impossible to or to be (inf.), im- practicable. Abstr. OffT f.j *'t^ n. IR^^ & **"fe"?T a. without fear or doubt; n. adv.; f. "^"^J^T no fear or hesitation. ^TBf^^n^ a. not to be feared or supposed. "^^"3 a. not deceitful, honest. "^If»l^ m. stone, rock, sky. '^ir«T n. eating, food. ^'^jifX'T^*^ n. eating and fasting. ^IT^^T or -^^ifT^T f- hunger. "^^•n^Brrftin^T (f» du.) hunger and thirst. ^^nr^T^TR^, & ^^^T^^ a. hungry. "^ifOf f- (m-) thunderbolt, flash of lightning. ^"^^ a. soundless; unvedic. '^1^ (indecl.) ill luck; woe. "^f^^ m. restlessness. ^?nXTW a. unprotected; n. want of protection, helplessness. ^IT^ a. cursing, hating, foe. ^'SJ^ a. unarmed. ^IT^Md a. not purified by the sword. "^^liTf a. unsubdued, ^TTT*!^ u. in mind. '^^7"3g'ff, f. f;^ not eternal, transitory. ^^T^^RT^ a., ^^Tftfi^T ger. not punishing. '^^T'^f^f^cT a. not enjoined by the precept books, unscriptural. ■^flrf^ff unlearnt, untaught (w. ace. or loc). irftlc!^ or OfJ^ a. to be eaten ; (n. food*). -^flfff m. eater. "^jf^-^ n. food. ^if^l"^;^ & o"^ a. headless. "^"ftr^ unlucky, evil. n. ill luck. ^ftl"^^f%*L a. announcing ill luck, inaus- picious. ^tirfSTT a. not cold, hot; abstr. Of|T f- ^f5j"^'g"pfr a. not behaving like a pupil. ^"^ftrf a. the eightieth. ^Ttf^ f- eighty. "^"Sftf^fffT a- the eightieth. ^iftfTIHTT ni. the eightieth part. "^^fV^ a. indelible. "^^4^ & '*'^N^ headless. "^■gt^ a. impure. ^'sj'T^l^^Tjr n. eating of impure things. "^■Jjf^^TT^ m. impurity. '^"^f^'^rl a. making unholy vows. "^T^ a. impure. ^^^ f. impurity. "^"^^ a. ugly (lit. not shining), unpleasant, 51 2^P^^ inauspicious, bad, wicked, impure, n. ill luck, woe, evil, sin. ^"'W^rfTf a- evil-minded. "^PT^"^! f- disobedience. "^■^TO^ a. not willing to learn or to obey. ^■s^i'Bf a. devouring, voracious. ^■^^ a, not dry; fresh, green. ^^^ a. not empty or void, not incomplete, not in vain. o5?j cR fulfil, execute. "^^^ a. hateful, odious. ^^^ m. no rest or remainder; adj. entire, whole. ^'^^^, °^^, & °^rf^ adv. entirely, wholly. ^^fcfi a. heatless, painless; m. the A^oka tree. ^^TSR^f*!^! f- A^oka wood. "^yjN^'^ET & "^^T"^ a. not to be regretted. "^^T^f^c^T ger. without trying or deciding. ^^Jt^ n. impurity. ^^T'H^^ n. want of generosity. ^Sr^ m. stone; N. of a demon. "^TfloR m., ^ f . a man's and a woman's name; m. pi. a tribe of warriors. ^Tfl^5 & o^ a. grinding with a stone. "^fTJTf^^ a. having stones for a weapon. l'^T5R«l[^ m. eater. 2^TT{ii[^ m. rock, stone, thunderbolt, sky. "^TT*^ loc. in the sky. Du. heaven and earth. ^T^^^ m. a boat made of stone. ^T^«fr^ m. a kind of grass. ■^TJT'^i'^) f- ^ of stone, stony. ■^T^^«tT a. stony. tHT;^^"*?'^, f- t^ the same. ^T^^\5«l, a. stony-headed. n5f^^ a. = seq. ; f. '^^sn'T disbelief. ^^^^•f a. unbelieving, having no faith. "^^^"^ a. incredible. 1"^^^ m. absence of fatigue. 2^^^ & "^Sf^ff a. unwearied, indefatigable. ■^^^ISf u. the not being heard, the not oc- curring (in a text), absence, want (of a word, suffix, etc.). "^'^TTf^'^, a. not performing funeral meals. "^^T«tT a. indefatigable, n. adv. ^f%T f. (adj. — o ^rf^) edge, corner. "^^ n. (m.) a tear. ^^gcfiTJ5 a. having tears in the throat. "^^ff a. unheard. '^■^vrTTT f- flood of tears. ^^^^ a. worse; n. ill luck. ^r?TT^ a. earless. "^rarif^^ a. not knowing the Veda. ^"^T^ a. not praiseworthy, disgraceful. tSI'^cR a. inauspicious. "^^ m. horse, a man's name; f. "^ mare. 1"^^^X0" ^' a horse's ear. 2^'^ofiT5' a. horse-eared; m. N. of a tree. "^^^T "1- a horse's hoof; o'Sf'^ adv. ^^7^ m. the holy fig-tree. ^r^t^lT'l^ ni. N. of an ancient warrior. ^^^, **^, & t**<^^«l^ ra- giver of horses. ^"^^^ f. N. of a river. "^■^tf & °"CJT^ m. groom. "^^^XII a. winged with horses. "^"^^^ , f , f^ having the head of a horse ; m.& f. t^-f^ifT, t ^•^• ^"g^V ni- horse-sacrifice. ^5^g^ a. yoking or being yoked with horses; f. sg. & du. a lunar mansion. ^^TT^ ^' k'^g of the horses. ^T|f^«tT a. rich in horses. njj'^H^ m. stallion. "^^^^T^rr f« stable for horses. ^'^^TT^ n. horsemanship and driving. '^"^%^ m- N. of a serpent-demon. ^"^^•f a. not having a to-morrow. ^^^Rf^^Pf n. care for to-morrow. ^■^^f^oR a. not caring for to-morrow. ^"^^T^ofi ^^' horse-thief. ■^"^1^^ n. horsemanship (cf. ^^^(^^). ^"^IWW ™' overseer or master of the horse. '^■^T'ftcR n. cavalry, cavalcade. ^■'9T«frf n. a lie about horses. "^^1^5 a. mounted, on horseback. "^f^w^;^ a. horsed, m. horseman; du. the two A^vins ; f. "^f^'ft" their wife or mother. ^f^^ (n. pi.) troops of horses. ■^^^ n. troop of horses or of horsemen. I'^s:^ a. equine; n.="^rf^^- 2^3^^ m. a patr^^name. '^T 52 "^"Bpff^ (compar.) more acceptable. "^"^n^ or "^^T^ ^' unconquerable; ra. a man's name. "^"gcR a. eightfold; m. a man's name; t. "^J the eighth day after full moon. "^S^W a. = pree. adj. "^"5^ adv. eightfold, eight times. "^^^ a. eight. ^^m^ a. eight-legged. "^SHTT m. an eighth. ^•5iT, f. t eighth. ■^HTWrf^^ a. eating (only) at every eighth meal-time. '^STST'BTT^ a. based on the eight sentiments, i.e. dramatic. "^"5^^ a. aged eight years. "^^f^^ a. eightfold, of eight kinds. "^HTIp a. eight parts of the body (° — ) ; adj. consisting of eight parts or members. '^^T^ll'^T adv. eighteenfold. WHT^^^ a. eighteen. ■^HT^ir & "^r^T^^ a. eighteenth. ^tmf (nom. oxjxcl^, f. oTj^) eight-legged. ^'S'T'mW a. eightfold. l"^"fe f' reaching. 2"^ffe f. N. of a class of metres. 3^f5 f. grain of seed. '^^TtII^ a. more eight. "^^T f' goad. ^^^T f- globe, ball, round pebble or stone. "^13^"^ n. (only — «>) & o'^irT^ m. knee-pan. l"^^, ^f% be, exist, happen, become; be present or at hand ; fall or belong to (gen. or dat.), be enough for (gen.), be able to (dat.) ; turn to, serve for (2 dat.). "^^ or TJ^^^ well, so be it. With •! not be, be gone. Pers. or impers. with another fin. verb = I happen to or it happens that I, ^•g- "^f^ iT^rf^ do you happen to see? gqf^ f%^% I happen to sell. — ^f?r be beyond, surpass (ace), ^f^ be in or with (loc), fall or belong to (loc. or dat.) ; partake of (impers. w. gen. & loc). "^^H be above, rule, overcome, conquer, win ; *fall to one's (gen.) share. "^Tlf be in or with, partake of (ace). XTpf^ overtake; pass or spend (time). If be prominent, excel. Iff?! equal, emulate (ace), ^fl^ equal, reach; be together with (^^). 2^^, ^^^ (^^f?r), pp. ^^ (q.v.) throw, cast, shoot at (loc, dat., or gen.), with (instr.). — "^TT throw away , lay down, doff, leave, give up. ^f*I (also ^^f?T, o%) throw, hurl; throw one's self upon, take to, practise, study, read; repeat, double, reduplicate (g.). '^^ throw up, lift, throw away; rise from (ace). ^^ spread, disperse, dismiss, give up. fif (also ^^fff) throw or put down, lay aside, put or pour in (loc), apply to (loc), turn (the eyes) upon (loc), deposit, commit to (loc), give up, relinquish ; bring forward, mention. "^tlf^ put down, bring forward, indicate, insinuate, f^f^ (also ^^rfTf) lay asunder, spread ; put, place, turn upon or in, apply to (loc), deposit, commit, entrust to (loc). ^fif (also "^^fTT) put down (together), take oft'; put or place on (loc), commit or entrust to (loc. or gen.); abandon, re- linquish, give up, esp. the world, i.e. be- come an ascetic f^HEC. throw out, send away, banish from(abl.); keep of, remove, destroy. XT^X cast away, expose (a child) ; leave, reject, refute, trf^ cast or turn about, throw down, toss, upset (also C), put on(M.). f^qf^ overturn, upset, invert, transpose, change. U cast forwards, hurl, throw or put in (loc), throw down. lTf?f throw towards or against; cast away, shake off. f^ cast asunder, break in pieces, scatter, ^^f^ put together, join; P. be composed with (instr.).— Cf.'^trT^, ^^^f( a. unrestrained, uncontrolled. '^^^fTT^'l. a. having the soul uncontrolled. ^^^T^ a. unfit for common sacrifices. "^^^^•ff^ a. not living together with (instr.). ^^■^ff a. uncovered, unclothed. ^RT^fT a. uncovered, bare; n. a cert. hell. ^^"Sf^ m. no doubt; a. having no doubt, n. adv. 53 i4^*fH "^^^5r^% & ®^% (loc.) not within hearing of (gen.). ^^^f^i^^ a. not subject to the mundane existence. ■^^^TS a,, unconnected, strange, unknown, unmixed with, free from (instr.). "^^^•jT^ a. unadorned ; m. want of ornament, artlessness. "^^^T^ a. not to be adorned etc. (v.seq.). "^^^?f a. unadorned, uncultivated, unpre- pared, uninitiated, unmarried. ■^^^cT a. not harmonizing, refractory; distant, foreign. "^^f^cT a. not standing still, restless, in- constant. ■^^cfi^ a. incomplete; <>^fw a. not fully appearing. "^^oRrl^ adv. not once; repeatedly, often. "^^Wa. not hanging on or entangled in (loc); independent, free. "^^W^f^ & "^ff^WTcJPl a. whose mind is not attached to (loc). "^^rfW f' non-attachment (to worldly things). ■^^17"^ a. not of the same family. "^^efi^ofi a. not fickle; firm, steady. "^^f^K ^- "o^ l^id down*; not concise, extensive, full. "^^^, "^^^Tff, & "^^^^ a. innumerable. 1"^^^ m. not sticking to ( — <>). 2^^^ or "^T^^ a. not sticking or hanging, moving freely, independent. t'^^^f^^ a. not hating the followers. '^^'I^cT^^i; adv. without music; o •ff|^ dance w. m. , i.e. do something absurd or ri- diculous.* "^^^if?! a. belonging to a different caste. "^^^ToST a. having no kin. ^tf^n !»• a bad man, villain. "^^^ a. insensible; abstr. 0(i|: n. "^^^T f- dissension, discord. "^■^^T! a. feeling no heat or resentment. ^^t^^^TT f. fabrication of an untruth, lie. "^^MT^ n. an evil deed. '^^R^T'^STTfT^T^ m. commission of evil deeds. IT^c^ff a. ill -done or ill-used; n. injury, wrong. I'^W^ a. wanting strength or courage. 2"^^^ n. non-existence, non-substantiality; non-presence, absence. "^^1^^^^ a. not signifying anything sub- stantial or material; abstr. Offf f. ^^^3^ a. having no son. "^^(^ a. untrue, false; n. falsehood, lie. "^^^^^•T a. speaking falsely, lying. "^^(^^^yf a. faithless, treacherous. "^^f^ a. unlike, dissimilar, incomparable; of unequal birth; unfit, improper. ^^g"^ a. bent upon something evil, following a bad caprice ; m. bad inclination, caprice, whim. "^^^T"^ ni- non-presence, absence. "^^•^ n. blood. ^{\^ n. throwing, hurling; f. "^f^RT dart, arrow. "^"^•nT a. not having the same name. ^^«fT^ (f. "^Nr^) not existing, unreal, untrue, bad, wicked, f. "^^cft" an unchaste woman. n. non-existence, untruth, lie, evil. ^^5^ a. dissatisfied. "^^"^"Gf m. dissatisfaction. ^^f^Tf & °f^«f a. unbound. "^^V^ a. irreparable. ■^nJfi^^JTiT n., ofiff^I m. distance, absence. "^^f^Hf^f.n on- return; dat. never to return. ^^f^ff ff a. distant, absent.* "^^•21^ a. not laid down or given up. l^^^(^ in. no rival. 2^^ 14^ a. unrivalled; n. peace, quiet. '^^^rf^T^ a. unconnected by the funeral cake. l^^Tf a. unlike, uneven. 2^^gp^^ a. having no equal, incomparable. ^;^Tf'^ a. incomplete; not full (moon), o — & n. adv. "^^T^ & o^^ m. N. of a man. ^^^T^^ a. unequal, irregular, false; n. adv. ■^TO^Q^ f. concord, harmony. "^^nR"^ m. wrong time. ^?r^^^ a. incapable of, unable to (inf., dat., loc, or — o). Abstr. o^J «• ■^^*I^ a. not compounded (g.). ^r^|lTT«Ta. unequal, dissimilar; n.an awkward situation. • "^^WTH 54 ^^'TT'H ^- unfinished. "^R^IT'^TfcR & o^f^cR a. not yet returned (from the teacher's house). "^ra^lf^rT a. not concentrated. "^^fil"^ ger. without kindling. ^^♦Tl^ ger. without considering. "^^TT^^ m. no effort, no pain about (loc). ■^^g^Tf?!TrT a. not risen from the ocean. ^■^^W a. imperfect. "^"^Hf^ f. non-success, failure. "^Rf%(Sr ger. without having approached(instr.). ^^■qf^ f. want of success, failure. ^■^m^ a. unfit for common instruction. "^^^^ a. incomplete, imperfect. ^^^^T*TTX[^ a. having one's desire unac- complished.* "^^^TH a. not arrived, unsuccessful; not arrived at, unfulfilled (desire). "^^«f^ a. unconnected, incoherent, absurd, foolish. ■^^^I'lT'^rnT m. idle talk. ^^^^IT^Tf^^ (& °HT^^*) a. talking idly. "^^^^H^TT^ ^' having absurd wishes.* l^^"^i^ m. no connection or relation. 2^^"^«^ a. unconnected, not a relative. ^^^T^a. unlimited, unbounded, unrestrained, spacious, empty. 1"^^H^ ^' non-existence, absence, want; impossibility, absurdity. 2'^^*l^ a. not existing, absent, wanting, impossible. ■^Rf*rrf%rl a. impossible (lit. unconceived). ■^^HT'W^'R^T f- a kind of comparison. "^^^TT^ a. unfit for conversation. ^^^TTW a. unfit for common meals. "^^^T a. free from agitation, tranquil, calm; n. adv. "^^j^^fnT a. the same; n. adv. ^^^7f a. disapproved, despised; unauthorized by (-0). ^^Tf^ a. unconfused, composed, calm. ^^^7^ m. abstr. to prec. "^^n^To^ adv. not in the right way, wrongly. '^^'^TlETfT^ ^- acting improperly. ^^^ a. not whole, incomplete. ni|^c|I!f a. not belonging to the same caste. ^^"^ci; & '^^^•fr^ (f- -^^^-rft) unceasing, inexhaustible. "^^^•ff a. sleepless. ■^^^ a. incapable of bearing (ace. or— o), un- able to (infin, or — «), impatient, intolerant. ^■^^•T a. unable to bear ( — <>); impatient, jealous, envious, n. intolerance, impatience. ^tl^m , f. °i^ a. not bearing, unable to (infin.). ^^^^T'T a. not bearing, impatient. ^^PET^T^ a. friendless, lonely; abstr. OfTT f> ^^f T^^«iT^ & ° f^T'i; a. = prec. a. ^^f^^ a. unable to bear (ace, loc, or — «); intolerant, jealous; abstr. OrfT f-5 °^ n. "^-IBr^ a. intolerable, irresistible, impossible. ^Wrt^oR a. unwitnessed, unattested. ^^i^^ n. unequality, dissimilarity. ^^^cR a. not accomplishing, not satisfactory. "^^T'^'T n. no means, no requisite; a. without means, impossible. ^WT^T'^CW^ f« f< uncommon, special, singular. ^^T'^TT%T""t?^T f- a kind of comparison. ■^^V a. not good, bad, wicked; m. a bad man, a villain; n. evil, malice, also adv. "^^T^^ftfi;^ a. of little discrimination (lit. seeing not well). ^^I^WtT a. of bad conduct. "^^TW a. not to be overcome, impracticable, incurable, irremediable; not susceptible of proof. Abstr. oT^T f-5 °^ n. '^^if^W n. non-presence, absence. '^^T^T^'ST a. not common, peculiar, ^^1"^? a. not half; whole, entire. "^^ft^^^ a. having full strength. ^^TTTff a. unfit, improper; n. adv. "^"^Tl^ a. worthless, vain. ^^T^^TT a. inattentive, inconsiderate.* ^"ft m. sword, knife; p. -^f^^t^^. ^"ftrfTO«T a. throneless (a reign). l"^rf%cT a. unbound. 2^irftrcr (f. ^ftlrrT& ^ftr#^) a. dark-coloured, black, m. N. of a cert. myth, being & of sev. men ; f. ^ftr?P^ or wftC^I" N. of a river. ^'ftrrTr^^ n. a blue lotus-flower. ^fHcflftr!^, f. ofcT^T dark yellow, tawny. 55 ^^-Rl ■^'Rr^'^Xfl' a. black-eyed. "^"ftr^TTT f- the edge of a sword. ^ftni(lAl5tft n. a vow to stand on the edge of a sword; i.e. a hopeless task. ■^fi?^ & "^if^^nT a. insatiable. ^ft'^'W n. the blade of a sword. ^jf^tl'^'^«f n. a cert, hell (lit. a wood whose leaves are sword-blades). ^ftrtfT^^ff n. =^flErVTTTWfT. ■^ftr^frlT f- the blade of a sword. ^g m. (later always pi.) vital spirit, breath, life. ^^?|l a. unpleasant, painful, unhappy, diffi- cult to (infin.) ; n. sorrow; pain, grief. ^^%T^^ a. having evil results. "^^%T^«R a. the same. "^^^ a. taking away (lit. feeding on) one's life, or insatiable. "^WX. ^- spiritual, divine, in. spirit, esp. the highest spirit, later a bad spirit, demon f- ft (OPP- ?T a god). ^^n;^4 m- law or custom of the Asuras. '^'9^^^ m. a priest of the Asuras. ^gT;"^^^n. a being as well Asura asRaksas, pi. the Asuras and Raksas. "^^Tf^. f- ^^^ killing Asuras. ^^^ a. spiritual, god- or demonlike; n. god- head, divinity. "^^^H a. not easy to get, rare ; abstr. o-^ n. ^^^tJ a. not golden.* ^?f^ a. not pressing Soma ; impious. ^^^ & "^^f^fT a. unwell. "^^^^ m- not friend, foe. "^^ f. not bringing forth, barren. ^^■g" , °"?tm &®'?rfT grumble, be impatient or angry with, murmur at (dat., ace, or gen.) C. ^^RrS?f% also^S. — ^?rf^=S. "^^"^I grumbling, displeased, envious. L "^T discontent, envy. "^^^T^, ^'f^^ and o^ - prec. adj. "^^ff a. untrodden, unknown. ^W"?J a. sunless. "^^^T not moving towards the sun. "^^oRtlTcf (m. pi.) drops of blood (lit. the falling of blood). ^^^^^ n. blood. ); dat. instantly, at once. ^T^"^ m. a cert, bird of prey. ^;g^, o^TTSr* & ^fl a- luxurious, proud. ^"^^ not short. "^"^ff not crooked, straight. , ^» "^-^ff"^ a. of upright appearance. \» "^ ^^Wr f- not staggering, firmness. ^ I^T adv. hither, near, towards (esp. as a pref. to verbs of motion); besides, further; quite, entirely, even (often only empha- sizing the prec.word). o— a little, slightly, scarcely (in adj. & subst.) ; reaching to (in adj.); till, as far as, before, from (in adv.). As prep, towards, up to, till, as far as (ace. or abl.); except, but, save (ace.) ; all the way or time from (abl.); in, at, on (loc). 2^T excl., esp. of sudden remembrance. "^loRX; m. scatterer, dispenser, giver; heap, plenty, abundance; mine. ^TcRnJ (o- ) & "^ToR^*^ adv. up to the ear. '^TcRW«T n- listening, hearing; news. ^T^^t"^^* °^rnT. PP- "^T^fif^fT listen, hear, understand. — "^Xf & '^^^ = S. ■^oR"^ m. drawing towards one's self. also bending (a bow). l"^ch^ m. ornament. 2^T^^ (o— )=seq. ■^Jcfi^'^ & o^T«fT'^ adv. to the end of the world. ■^TcRTW a. desiring, wanting (esp. a word to complete the sense); f. ^ wish, desire, want (of a word to complete the sense). 1"^T«RTT ™- form, shape, figure; abstr. ^7{1 i- 2"^T«fiT^ m. the sound "^T- "^cfilX^^nT a. shaped, embodied; well-formed, shapely. '^TcRTft). ^rrf^W a. cut off, split, broken. "^T^ a. coming from or belonging to goats; n. E. of a cert, lunar mansion. ■^T^sr^^ (o^) m. patr. from '^^ift"^. "^T^lfrT f. birth, origin, existence. ^T^T^ n., ^T^Tfsf f- the same. ^ffM wi- 1- running or fighting match; race, battle, combat; place for running, course, '^Tf^^'^ n. front of battle. "^T^lf^ ni- patron, from ^^TJcf. ^TW^^ m., o^if I,., (of^^ f.*) livelihood, subsistence. ^T^f%flT«frT(; adv. through (lit. to the end of) life. "^T^^T^T a. sacrificed or worshipped with sacrifices. ^f^f^ f. order, command. "^T^T f- the same. "^T^T^T ™M t; f. servant; abstr. o^T;^ n. '^T'^T'T n. perceiving, understanding. ■^T'^T^l^ m. violation of a command, dis- obedience. '^■^THl^cRTfT'l '^' violating a command, disobedient. ^TW n- melted or clarified butter, also oil and milk (used for religious purposes). "^acmm 60 ^I^Xf a. drinking melted butter; pi. a class of Manes. "^13^, "^T^^ItT tear, stretch. ^7^rf n. ointment, esp. for the eyes. "^T^if^f?^ a. smelling of ointment (v. prec). ^TZftcfi a- belonging to a wood; n. wood- man, forester. ^IZT^ in- puffing up, pride, self-conceit. t^T^^T ™* ^ ^^'"'^ ^^ drum, noise, sound, bombast; the non-plus-ultra of ( — o). ^fT^qj m. n. (adj. — <> f . fj ^ ^^^t. measure of grain. ^St a. opulent, wealthy; abstr. OffTt f« T5fTfT[i ni- the pin of the axle-tree (also *^fTI!"). ^TPD^ n* egg; m. du. the testicles; f. "?f a t. "^rr<^ (abl. adv.) from this, afterwards, there- upon, then, further, often correl. to ^^, "^^T, ''Tf^ a"^ followed by ^[c|^. "^TfT^ fw- pain, sorrow, anguish. "^ri^«T n. rennet. "^cTfT a. stretched out, spread, strung (bow), turned to, hung on (loc); wide, long. "^TfffTTt^i*^ & ^ffT'N^ a- having a stretched bow; threatening, inimical. "^TTff^ a. causing pain ; m. heat, sunshine. ■^TrIXj"^n. a large umbrella used as a parasol. "^TfTi^^TTW "• ^ parasol. ^f ffT f. (instr. pi. also ^T%^) frame, border, edge. "^TrfT^ a. reddish. ^SfTfit or "^T'tft f" ^ kind of water-bird. "^ifTI^^j f. ■!;; hospitable; f. "|^ & n. hospi- tality. ■^Tf??^ a. = prec. a.; n. hospitality, (hos- pitable) reception. "^Tf^^cRT n- excess, superfluity. "^TH% (dat. inf.) to procure or bestow. ■^Tg*^ a. diseased, sick, suffering from ( — <>). ■^tT ^- seized, assumed, taken. o_ having taken or having been robbed of. ■^TtIT'^ a- hurt, insulted (lit. whose smell or breath is taken away). ^TtI^TIS" a^. having taken or lifted the sceptre. "^TtIV'^'I. a. having taken or grasped a bow. "^TtI"5(^ a. having taken a weapon, armed. ^T^(-°)=^TaT^- ^lai^, f. ISTTf^^ (— •*) having the nature of, consisting of, -like. ^1(41 eh d a. done by or against one's self. '^TcJT'Ifl a. being connected with or contained in one's self; n. adv. to one's self, i.e. aside (d.). ^TtJITfTf f- one's own way, course, power; instr. by one's own act or means. "^T^f^«rTT f. meditation on the soul. ^T^^^^T'T^lf^*'! ^' following one's own will, wilful, wayward.* ^"rar^ a. born of one's self; m. son, f. "^T daughter. '^T'31^ a. knowing one's self or the all-soul. '^'raT^T'T n. self-knowledge; knowledge of the all-soul. ^T^rfT f , 0(^ n. abstr. to ^"rapl.- ■^(JT^^ a. like one's self. "^T(3TfT'3" a. satisfied with one's self. ^T^TSTTI 111- suicide (lit. leaving one's self). ^TSTt^TTfT'i;^ a. suicide (lit. who leaves him- self). ^T^Tf n. gift of self. ^7gJ«^ m. breath, life, spirit, soul; the su- preme spirit or all-soul; nature, character; self, one's self (as refl. pron.). Often o— one's own ; — « = ^j(jfefj. Instr. w. an ordin. number v. seq. ^T^«nrTcfl^a. (made) the third by one's self; being one's self the third with two others. ^T^^l?^ n- the middle (lit. self-) form of the verb. ^T^^^irf^ & ^T^fNi'lL a. having a soul, animated. ^T^ir^T'T n. =. ^T^T^- ^T^H^ a. shining by one's self, self-illumin- ated. ^T(JTTnf^T f. self-applause. ^1(44 — or Offg; adv. immediately, at first sight. I'^TTT't a. reaching, obtaining; successful. 2^^in"«f n. drinking-party, banquet. ^"imfW adv. up to the heels. ^jfq m. friend, ally; abstr. "^TftW "• ^1""^^ "1. pressure, squeeze (also ©"if n.); crown, garland (lit. head-presser). I'^T^ftff a. yellowish. 2'^IMlfI a. turgid, swelled, full. tJJTtJV«T a. = prec. ; n. udder. 'gjfj'^T'W a. filling; n. as subst. ^jqilj a. filled with (instr. or — <>), full. ■^T'^^cl^TS^^ a. having a full round (of the moon and the face). "^TjoR adv. in contact with, upon (gen.). "^Xtr^TT a. to be saluted or revered; praise- worthy. "^fqXTf^ a. consisfing of water. - W(l{ 64 ^5n"?r *>• got, begot, attained, accomplished, complete, abundant, apt, fit, able, true, intimate; m. friend. ^T'H*fiTr<«t ^' acting properly or faithfully, i.e. trustworthy. "^T'F^f^W a. abounding in fees. "^T"H^^ m. acquaintance (concr.). "^TTT^T^ a. trustworthy (lit. whose word is true). ^TTH f- reaching, meeting, gain, acquisition. "^T^Sr ra* E. of sev. gods. l^TZf a. watery, aquatic; n. a lunar mansion. 2^1"^ a. to be got or acquired. 3^T"'2I n. friendship, alliance. "^TOT'^T^ n. filling, satiating (also o»fTt f.)? strengthening, satisfying. "^Tlt a. active, busy. *^TUM^fiT^ (f. k) relating to the inauguration of a king. "^T^'^'IS" n. frequent repetition (g.). "^TH^T ^' ^- ^^ ^ people & a caste. ^T^ a. empty, stingy. ^^m( a. bent, curved. "^^ a. present, helpful, ready; ra. assistant. ^T^fTf f. power, might. ^T^fqrigf a. to be honoured or obeyed. "^T^fT a. procured, got, caused, filled with £-•)• "^filX'T in- curve, circuit, extension, fullness, amplitude, abundance. '^T^R'^ m., of^ f. food, enjoyment. "^Tp^nT"^ a. interior, inner. "^?^ excl. of recollection or assent. ^TT^ a. rav^. '^IJWf a. quite immersed in (loc). ■^X?fif n. benevolence, kindness. "^STTf*!^ a. benevolent, kind. "^T^«^^ n. addressing, calling to; greeting, taking leave; invitation, consultation. '^TT«tW«R °- invitation.'' -^j^f^^ n. addressing, the vocative case. "^TT^ a. somewhat deep or hollow (of a sound). "^^trr"^ n. a raw vessel, i.e. a vessel of un- burnt clay. f'^^'^j m. hurt, disease. "^^"mf^'T, a. sick, esp. dyspeptic; abstr. of^^t n. ^T^T^'^ adv. until death. ^T^T^T^ & ®Wrnrr^ a. lasting till death. ^T'R^ in. crushing, squeezing; ^f^^^ adj. "^TT^ m. touch. ^T^^«R ni-5 t^ f- the Myrobalan tree; n. its fruit. ^T"jfTT a. eating raw flesh. ^T^T^T^ a. belonging to the new moon; n. the new-moon oblation. "^T'W'^T f- curds; poss. o^^«ff^. ^Tf'T^ a. mixed, mingled. ^Tf^flT"^ a. (readily) mixing. ■^f^-q n. flesh; oXTTftl^ a. eating f. 65 ^TTfer ^ff^^ m. raw flesh. -^-[Tf-^ a. put on or off, clothed in or with (ace. or — o). "^"frij & ^^fr n^'- destroyer. ^firf^cR, f. t^ belonging to that place, b. to the beyond or the other world. "^jwigj^Trr ni' the descendant of such and such, born from that race. "^TT^ (o — ) & '^T^^^ «• ff'oni the first (lit. the root). "^TT^ a. touched, seized, occupied. "^f^'SfcRT ^' ^^ unburnt brick. '^T^TZ'T n- cracking, breaking. "^T%T'^ »• gladdening; m. joy, fragrance. "^iWrf^ & ""f^^ a. fragrant. ^^ll^fTT*!^ a. having quoted (loc). ■^T"^^ m. tradition, sacred text, legend. "^T'^T^'iT ^- honouring the sacred tradition. ■^713" m. the mango tree ; n. its fruit. ■g5fT%'^ m. repetition. "^T^f^TT n. the same, reduplication (g.). "^T^T'T a. (somewhat) faded. ^T^ m. approach ; income, revenue. "^T'^rf^^ °"ftl«l^, & ®^ a. procuring (by sacri- fices). "^T^rf a. extended, long; turned towards, put on (arrow); n. & instr. f. OfT^T adv. directly, forthwith. ^T"^fT«I n. foot-hold, support, seat, object of ( — o); tire-place, sanctuary; barn. "^T^fT^l^T a. having long eyes. ^T^STfTTW, f. I; the same. "^l^rfTT f- extension, length; sequel, future; expectation, hope; offspring, son. "^T'^f^^T a. faithful (lit. bearing the future). ^^rnq^'^W a. having long eyes. ^X^tT a. striving, active, ready; being in (loc. or ace); resting, based, dependent on (loc, gen., or — «); abstr. OfTTt f^ o^t n. ■^T^^f^l, a. seeing i.e. enjoying an income. "^T?I^75r m. dn. revenues and disbursements. ^1^^ (f. o^ or ^T"^!^) of iron, metallic. ■^T^fir f. =seq.; m. N. of a man. »J^T'^*I n« coming, arrival. "^T^T iM« stretching out, extension, length Cappeller, Sanskrit -English Dictionary. (poss.o^^ifT or°fiT«T^); stopping, restraint (poss. ofrji^). "^"^T^ m. effort, trouble, sorrow; p. ofifi^. ^rr^^^, °^^RiT & ""^^ a. tiring, trying. ^^^Tilf^ (& o^^, f. of^^T) causing pain.* 1^^ a. living, lively, active; m. living creature, man, mankind. 2^^ m. the genius of life; n. life. nSTT^IW a. yoked to (loc), intent upon*, charged with (gen. or loc); m. (also Ocfi) minister, agent. '^X'^cf a. connected or endowed with ( — «). "^^V "• weapon, vessel; adj. — « armed with. ^I^^)]c[^ a. bearing arms; m. warrior. "^j'^^Tl^'n; n. armoury, arsenal. ^T^ftr^, 'ssrr^N^ & ^^[^^ a. & m. "^"raif^ m. the science of health; T. of a book on medicine. I'^rrg't^'Bf m. rest of life. 2'^5n^i%"^ a. having a rest of life, not yet dead ; abstr. OffT f- ^l^tc^TTC a. wishing for (a long) life. ■^wcq-fff a. having life or vitality, healthy, long-lived, old, lasting (for life). "^T'^TW a. giving (long) life; n. vital power, longevity. ■^ 1^^ n. life, vitality, longevity; world (= living creatures). "^n%T1 ^' team or set (of draught-cattle); ornament, decoration ; swarm of bees. ^j^j^cf m. a cert, mixed caste. ■^1%T^ ni. patron, of a Rishi. "^T^VT "• war, battle, battle-field. ^Sn%, ^"RfTT praise. -iSfTX! m. n. ore, metal; n. sting, point, corner, angle. ^T'); up- held, supported, seized, taken hold on. '^T^fl^'l^ ( — °) a. hanging from; leaning, resting, depending on; supporting, main- taining. ^T'^W ^^' taking hold of, seizing, tearing off (plants), killing (cf. seq.). "^T^'WT n. touching, killing (of animals at the sacrifice). ^T^rf^'l^ a. touching (— o). "^T^RT J^- (n-) dwelling, house. "^T^T^T^ n. trench for water round the root of a tree. ■^T^^ n- sloth, idleness. ■^T^^T !!• the post or rope, to or with which an elephant is tied. '^rn5FT1^''Jf >^ • the post to which an elephant is tied." "^T^T^ nfi' talk, conversation, singing (of birds) ; poss. o^ttT^f & ofq^. I'^lf^ or "^T^ f* female friend. 2^Tf^ or "^T^ f- lii^6 , row ; swarm (of bees). ^Tf^'Pir! a. painted. ^Tf%^, o^fTT & o%, also o^f^fiT embrace. - Kf^T embrace in return. :i5J{^=S. ^Tf^T^'f n. an embrace. "^T^^n.- licked, touched, smoothed, polished; n. a cert, attitude in shooting. "^T^l^ a. clinging to (ace), cowering, hid in (-0). "^T^ or ^T^ f. a small water -jar; n. raft, float. ^T^iT n. lacerating. ^T^f^ a. gently touched. ^T^^ 68 ^f^«f a. cut or plucked off. ^T^Ri«f R' scratching, painting. ^T^^ n- painting, picture. ^T%^'FC^f"'5rf a. fixed on a picture, painted. ^n%^ "^-5 ^•T "• smearing, ointment. ^TH l«h m- sight, view, glance, aspect. "^T^«B«T ^- looking, viewing; n. = prec. ^T^JeR^^ & °^^ m. horizon (lit. path or reach of sight). ^T%ToRWT'f n. reach of sight. ^T%l«fi«ft^ a. to be seen or considered, visible; abstr. ©rfT f. ^T^Tfti^ a. seeing, beholding (—<>). ^T%T^'T n. seing, perceiving; considering, reflecting (also oifj f.)- ■^WT^^"^