>v>,.» tif ^.1 »:f ■ If v . tif ♦„■• V V If,* V X' V V •;.* V ;' Y* ^> W . V v W . W . lA^l. ■A-:, • n-f 0* ¥ i: iii^ |/# 4 mm. I " /rt/n //t^ LiyJil.'" — Jesus. C) N THE GOSPEL OF FREEDOM -r> -jr 1888 :¥ I THE CRpERoF MESSIAH. -^ *'*». 5r" "■^ — if Dh. p. vv. p. fagerstjerna. !^/ If il • '0 H > I. W . Ct C) K D O N , H K I N X E R . I ; | U- ' .320 iSansome iSt , Soi:i Krtinoisco. vfi --J- vV i^^ $^lfi c| ^Smmk " lam the LujJiL" — Jesus. O N THE GOSPHL OF FREEDOM AND THE ORDEKoF MESSIAH Dr. p. W. p. FAGERSTJERNA. VOL. I. 1 888 C. W. GORDON, P R I N T E Fe 320 Sansome St., San Krancisco. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1888, by p. W. p. F A G ER S T J E RN A , M.D,, PH.D. in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. K R R A T A For precluded read preluded, <« Laramie «• Lamoni, .< He they, • 1 was •' and it became, CO <« precluded " preluded, CO en «< stof " stuflf, •' refuge " refuse, '• eclipse <« ellipse, •«c «< below " above. QQ «« latitude •« altitude, _J «« celestial « telestlal, ■« '< terrestrial <« telestial. " eclipse " ellipse, ^ «< eclipse <• ellipse, • ' altitude " altitude, « " eclipse •« ellipse, " eclipse " ellipse. .< be the. " 600,000 <• 100,000,000,000, Page 20 85 36 52 67 67 201 203 203 216 215 216 288 241 257 238 260 323 236 260180 PR EK A C E: BY THE MESSENGER. This book is an introduction to seven volumep, which will follow as they can conveniently be prepared for the press. These outlines of the Messianic philosophy take up the thread on the ground of the religious ethics, where it was left, and will con- tinue to wind it as a guidance through the labyrinth of social, philosophical and religious ideas, in problems from above and now before this generation. The harmonial philosophy brought spiritual thoughts to earth, and spiritual development, but in the spirit of God's love came light, and the human soul is lifted in that light into the philosophy of love to search the earth and heavens with. The divine dealings with the race are links of a chain which unite mankind with eternity by a gradual evolution of ideas drifting onwards. These become the analytical problems of to-day, which are dissected and absorbed by souls, and assimilate into the spiritual life. Throughout the succeeding volumes will the light of Messiah be gradually increasing in splendor, and throw its rays into every avenue of the human soul. There will be light, and darkness will shine in God's love with the lustre of the eternal world, because there is no redemption except in love, and in the truth which is derived from love. It depends on the reception of this introductory volume how quickly in succession the others will appear, but the Ancient of Days will keep his word, and what the blue messenger of love cannot accomplish, will be done by the yellow messenger of wisdom, who shall follow after him with a superior power. Nothing has been accomplished in the service of the cross except through suffering, and nothing will be accomplished in the service of the Messiah except by suffering, as it was through suffering he entered his Father's glory. Harmony is the radiating influence from truth, but there is no truth except from God's love, and in the intensity of our affections which proceed from that love in our love to each other. Truth is shining with the brilliancy of all colors, each corre- sponding to its own harmony of love. ii PREFACE BY THE MESSENGER. All mathematics, and chemistry, and natural and mental phi" losophy, and law, is resting upon the divine love for order, and in the intensity of that love moves evolution with all the affectionate care of the supreme mind. All human knowledge is in proportion to experience developed in harmony with that love. Individuality and immortality is attained in the unity of the human mind with that love. This world with its sunlight is darkness to the spiritlight, and our negative dark nights are bright to heaven. Therefore are the two worlds in a reciprocal relation to each other, and only by the light of love can the junction be made. This appears opposite, and is opposite as far as natural man can observe, because the negative world of senses is not real to the positive world of spiritual perception . That apparent contradiction has involved our civilized world in mysticism and infidelity. Progress can only be made very slowly, and generation after generation will disappear before humanity shall manifest that in- terior craving for spiritual light from an all-loving God, by which the world above and that below shall clasp hands in one union, and the philosophy of heaven shall be a recognized fact to mankind. The intelligence of the resurrection is either disbelieved , or accepted against all common sense. The resurrection of Jesus was a transfiguration of his body. The permanent heavenly fruit of materialization will be transfiguration from spirit to earthlife, not dependent on earth mediums, but acting independ- ently by the power of God's love, to appear or disappear by will. Our present spirit materialization is a development from the intensity of love, and is a condition for a specific, vital, magnetic force gathered by controls, and concenti-ated through mediums into a focus gravitating to earthlife, which condition spirits move into, and materialize and dematerialize from. The hope of the apostle Paul about the eventual visible and tangible appearance of the departed on earth was identified with all his aspirations in such a degree, that he considered his " preaching in vain," and himself as the " most miserable of all men," and " yet in his sins," " if the dead did not arise." This transfiguration of spirit into earthlife upon the same law as eirthlife into spiritlife, is the crown of all spiritual mani- festations, but humanity must live for it in faith and work, by the truth from God's love, and attain to it by the strength and dower of that divine love. PR E K A C E BY THE MESSIAH. This work is not only an extraordinary effort from the eterna 1 world to bring light down on earth, but a circumscribed pros- pect of what the future will bring. The spiritual world is descending gradually into the conscious life of the human mind, and the kingdom of God is coming as a divine reality of man's actual and positive progress in spirit communion. The spiritual world has reason to expect that the medium for the Messiah will be sustained in earth life, as the hope for his usefulness is under the guaranty and protection of the Ancient of Days. However, the work will be done by that messenger or by others. It consumed all life to mature him, and the most formidable obstacles were thrown into his way, but he conquered them all in the strength of God, knowing he was guided by the man from Golgotha, and looking into His suffering for support. Once by extraor- dinary conditions of circumstances, the Ancient of Days saved His messenger during the early days of his development, twenty years ago, when his friends and relations opposed and persecuted the truth of communion in the Spirit. Man's natural life is undeveloped and closed up against the spiritual evidences, and hence comes purgatory, which follows darkened souls after the death in the flesh. The love of God is not within man, but he is turned away from the light, and in the perdition of darkness for gain's sake, without hope, and filled with selfishness and crime. This spirit of the world has no heavenly aspiration, but is earth-bound and of the flesh, and shapes man's life, plays on his tongue, and consigns him to misery after death. Spiritualism has done a noble work in the service of the Gos- pel of Freedom, in a period when doubt of immortality covered the souls of humanity in u gloom without hope, and the pulpits of the christian churches were captured and bound in ignorance, superstition, bigotry and cunning priestcraft, deserted of angels and of the spirit of grace and truth. The manifestations of spiritualism gave to humanity a new influx and a new impulse of spiritual light and harmonial philosophy. iv PREFACE. The power of inspiration returned to man by the restoration of the primitive principles of truth, and it pleased God to raise that high up which was low down, and make that to be naught which the world honored as divine. The reality that materialized spirits appear is a fact given to man as the evi dence of the resurrection from death. The crime which the world has com- mitted against the movement of spiritualism is appalling, thousands of mediums are incarcerated in insane asylums, and are suffering a prison life without hope of release, but by death. They cannot deny their testimony that spirits are seen and speak to them, but that very fact declare experts on medical evidence for manifest insanity. Rapping and writing mediums who have no personal agency in the manifestations are removed to insane asylums by friends and relations, who pay liberally to keep them there, because the clergy and the doctors sustain the general belief, that all spiritual manifestations are freaks of a diseased brain, serious idiocy of the mind, or hopeless insanity. However, God's work has been going on, and the cries of martyrs have called legions of angels to the standard of the crucified Messiah, until now the hosts of the Lord are marching the earth, and the churches have to follow the spirit or crumble down, bec-uuse redemption is at hand. Persons who never saw a judge; who never were given one moment for self-defense; who never were examined ; have been adjudged insane on account of the light of God, and are kept in the dungeons of insane asylums, public or private in Cali- fornia, as all over the world, but more especially in the United States of America. Those who honor the prophets with their lips will kill the prophets of their own generation, and build tombs and monuments over the dust of those their ancestors killed. Therefore I said to my disciples : " Men shall kill you and believe they serve God by it." I am the corner-stone in Zion, and the rock of the Order of Messiah, and whosoever dashes against that rock shall be broken to pieces. Spiritualism has raised high up tlie torch light of spiritual coniuiuuiou, and given !i new infusion of light and life to man. I am the great center-light, and that light is radiated in the spirit to the circumference. The eternal world above cannot change the {)rogrammc of heaven, nor can I am that I am change his being — only the folly of man's childhood must change into ^ P R EF ACE . T sober manhood, and make progressive steps of obedience to the truth by taking refuge in the love of God, and be adopted by the spirit of that love. The ignorance of man is fighting against that knowledge which is in God's love. Therefore my messengers be fearless. Go out into all the world and proclaim freedom from bondage to creeds and priestcraft, and live in God's light. The three crosses shall be a sign of deliverance from thraldom, ignorance and superstition. Teach how to live in the strength and health of the body, to attain spiritual power. Observe the daily cold sponge bath. Pray always in your hearts, and anoint your heads with oil in the name of Messiah. Give thanksgiving to God in your souls, that the gifts of inspiration and healing shall not depart from you. Wash your feet with cold water in my name, and you shall walk much a ad not be tired, nor suffer pain, nor enter the ways to destruction, for the Holy Spirit shall be by you as a cloud of light, and the heavenly messengers shall follow you. By that shall the Knights of the White Cross understand the philosophy of the first heaven, and how to conduct earth life in health and strength, and truth of that heaven. You Knights of the Red Cross are called the Knights of Love, or the Knights of the Red Rose. All philosophy in the summer land belongs to you. Teach by your own lives, and live that heavenly love which is in the eternal companionship — a love between two souls for which the human tongue has no name, but can only be lived never to be expressed in any language, and blessed are mine elect who live it. The red cross on the white ground is the emblem of my innocent blood from the cross on Golgotha, where I died full of that love to man which I have in the love of my heavenly Father. Lift high up and floating under the sky the flag of the red cross, and let your battle-cry be heard all over the earth. Be girded with the word of life and the two-edged sword of truth for a weapon, fighting the battle of heaven, because the Son of Man is fighting by you. Preach the spirit of life and peace on the streets, in halls, on fields, and acquire knowl- edge, filling your souls with mental ammunition, and perfect weapons to conquer the world as faithful soldiers of the king. vi PREFACE. The three crosses on Golgotha represent the th ree heavens. The first, including the earth sphere, is in much ignorance because it is not much developed in love. To the second heaven or Paradise one of the thieves followed me in love, and on the day of the crucifixion we were together in the summer land. The third heaven I went to greeting my eternal Father, before I descended to the spirit planet Hades. Save not your earthly lives. Keep the red cross in your hearts, and preach the philosophy of love about the companionship of the summer land. You represent the sphere of love, and the rosy light which adorns the planet Mars, the emblem of martial strength, permeates the atmosphere of the summer land. Breathe that heavenly love with all the fragrance from the red rose permeating your soul. Be valiant in your crusade against mistakes in the Utah church, but do not condemn in teaching; because love opens the heart for the truth, when con- demnation closes it up. Your warfare is against the falsehoods and stagnation in all churches. Do not love the world with the love of the world within you, but love the world witU the love of God within you, and you shall not be a pjjey for the world, but be the conquerors of the world. I fought the battle with the spirit of Baal and the world, and laid down my life for truth's sake, that my followers should be where I am in the glory of my Father's love. Fight the same battle of defense, and your life shall give life to the world, even as I am the light and the life of the world. Preach in the spirit of power and charity, and may your lives be the emblems of your words and the teachings of the summer land. Serve the messengers, serve the churches in tbe world, serve each other, and the spirit of holiness shall rest upon you in the perfection of my Father's love, dedicating to Him the work of the king. Eternity is listening to your words, therefore love the truth, that heavenly fruit of love, and mankind shall receive it in ray name as though you were angels from the Most High God . Blessed shall those be who follow you, because they are following after me, and the hosts of heaven shall follow you, and serve you, and guide you. Now the Son of Man speaks : — When the world rejects His messengers my Father will speak in cyclones, pestilence, earthquakes, droughts, wars, famine, fears, consternation and death upon earth. JpREyAoi^. vi» Gather in my elect and teach them how to build my temple at Independence, that they may prej)are the world for my Father's glory, and I will open the hearts of the rich men to donate of their means for my work. They shall give to you what they would have given to me, and they shall not lose their reward. When the world is fighting, remember it is not my work nor that power you are fighting for, because I have called you to peace and not to war. Bloodshed shall come on this continent, and the spirit of the flesh shall be very angry, but ye shall not rise up after the world's pattern for conquest and plunder, because I have called you to holiness, and your power and your riches shall be in God. When the days of desolation shall come upon the American nation, you shall protect the helpless with a strong arm. You shall shield the fugitive and give the suffering rest. You shall be a shelter for women and children, and clothe the naked, and feed the hungry, and bury the slain. The Knights of the Red Cross shall be the protectors of the defenceless all over the world. Mighty shall you be in the heart of this continent on that day, when you shall restore peace between the bleeding parties. In the daybreak before the sunrise of my second advent I hail you sons and daughters of the golden rays, the Knights of the Golden Cross. Glorious shall your host come to the temple. From east to west, and from north to south shall the light of prophecy flash over the world. Inspiration is your inheritance to govern by. Truth is your sceptre which the world will honor, because you are mine elect and in the love of God. An Order of prophets are the Knights of that Golden Cross which is raised in the third heaven, raised in my triumph over death and the grave. You are the earthly embodiment of God's eternal love, as His love reigns in the golden light of the celestial world. Therefore His will be done on earth as it is done in heaven, and in His kingdom to come. You are the princes of the glorious kingdom of God. The kingdoms of the world shall try to ensnare you, but the angels from my Father shall protect you. Remain friendly to the catholic and protestant churches, because mine elect are to be found in all of them. The world shall condemn and persecute, but my Father's work shall go to Viii il^RB^AC e k the churches of Christianity, and to the Jews, and to mankind generally. The re-organized church is a link between the churches and the Order; upon the same principle as the Order is a link between the combined churches and the kingdom, God's work is a cosmopolitan movement, and not confined to any church, but it became necessary to clear the ground from the beginning as laid down in the spiritual messages, and finish up in the outlines of the Order without a creed, but originated in the Gospel of Freedom. The Order is not based on books, but on the living word of inspiration, as in the primitive christian church, when nothing of the new testament was written. Nor do books govern the Order, but are good for knowledge and exhortation, as the spirit is the rule for faith, truth, and love in God. The Knights of the Golden Cross are watchmen, and the perpetual succession of prophets by the gifts of pro- phets sustained within the degree. The third heaven is the perfection of companionship into the sphere of wisdom, and this eminent excellency should be the emblem of your lives, adorned with the golden cross, that you should be governed by the golden rule of a superior intelligence. Being the representatives on earth of such a lofty altitude, you have to walk humbly, and love in the love of God. No person can attain into the spirit of prophecy or the mind of God, except by a continued devotion and constant prayer in the heart and soul for to meet God, and after a reception in the Father's house as the son who was lost, but found again and restored to the household as a royal prince. When the Knights of the Golden Cross meet the king with arms cross laid over their breasts, it is an emblem of the spirit of inspiration in prayers and prophecy. Prepare yourself in the spirit to meet the Messiah by being one with His mind in your mind. Then He shall be where you are in His love, and you shall live where He is, and in His home . Triumphant is the Golden Cross in heaven, and triumphant shall it come down to earth as the emblem of victory in my Father's love. Love man in God's love, by that love I love you. The churches shall cry out at your words and say, spiritualism ! And I answer : "yes, the spiritualism of the Messiah in my Father's kingdom." The churches do not know their own PBEB-ACE . IX Spiritual ignorance and death, because they became imbued with thespiritof the world. They cry out, "devil," against spiritualism as they will do against you, but the Gospel of Freedom is my Father's spiritualism, even as I am the Messiah and have the spiritual light, but the Jews said I had the devil, and I did my healings by the devil. Destruction will come upon the world by rejecting the truth, because my Father's light to this generation of man is in His love which is rejected. In repelling that light it recoils in the spirit of anger, and war, and destruction comes upon the nations. Receive all the truth and despise none. Greet your spiritual brethren in my love. I am sending you as lambs amongst howling wolves. The world shall hate you, but it hated me worse than it hates you. I will crown the Order of Messiah with spiritual power on earth, and the angels of heaven and the Messiah will transfigure visibly, and I shall address you audibly standing in your midst, even as I shall stand visible and audible before the eyes of Israel. Therefore do not despise materialization, because the Messiah reveals Himself in that before the world, as He does before His elect in His Father's love, with the power as Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. I N D KX TIME. From Messiah, Concerning Priesthood, . . June 11, 1882. The Ancient of Days, The Church at Utah, Ogden, Sept. 30, 1882. Messiah, Atonement, . Ignatius Loyola, Messiah, . . . . John, the Apostle, Messiah, . . . . Messiah, Zion's New Birth, From Messiah, . To build the Temple, The Sixth Seal, .... From John Stuart Mill, Jehovah, .... Ancient of Days, Nephi, Lemuel, .... Laman, .... Messiah to John Taylor, . Messiah to the Church, Messiah to Gteorge Q. , Messiah to the Messenger, Messiah, On Gathering, . David Patten, Messiah to John Taylor, P. P. Pratt, Temple to be built. Wyoming Ten, Oct. 3, 1882. Oakland, April 14, 1884. Hyde's Park, Iowa, Nov. 12, 1881. . Point City, Cal., March 4, 1884. Hyde's Park, Iowa, Oct. 2, 1883. . Humboldt Lake, July 14, 1885. Independence, Mo., April 8, 1882. Oakland, March 15 San Antouia, Cal., July 27 Oakland, March 26 Oakland, Dec. 26 Oakland, Dec. 27 Oakland, Dec. 27 . Hyde's Park, Aug. 27 Hyde's Park, May 12 Crescent City, Iowa, April 3 Crescent City, Iowa, April 3 Independence, April 8 Independence, Mo., Dec. 6 Hyde's Park, Aug. 6 Independence, Mo., Dec. 29 From Messiah, about Deception, . . . Oakland, May 8 Dr. Martin Luther, . . San Antonia, Cal., April 21 Peter the Apostle, . . - Brooklyn, Cal., April 7 Messiah to Joseph Smith of Lamoni, . . Oct. 28 Messiah, On Atonement, . San Francisco Bay, Feb. 21 M<'ssiah, On the First Principles, . Peterhof, Feb. 4 Moses, Peterhof, Cal., Feb. 15 Messiah, concerning Joseph Morris and others, Aug. 11 Messiah, The Church, .... Oakland, Jan. 7 Messiah, The Church Priestcraft, Nebraska, Oct. 6 The Apostle Paul, . . . Independence, April 9 Messiah, The Spiritual Church, . . , April 10 Messiah, Sickness and Riches, Mahomet the Prophet, Messiah, Truth, . Given at Temple Block, . . , Hyde's Park, May 25 Independence, Aug. 24 Terre Haute, June 15 1885. 1885. 1885. 1886. 1886. 1886. 1882. 1882. 1882. 1882. 1883. 1885. 1883. 1882. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1883. 1883. 1885. 1885. 1884. 1885. 1882. 1882. 1882. 1883. 1882. 1882. iDdependeace, Dec. 29, 1882, PAGE. 5 16 19 31 33 36 39 42 ."3 U 45 46 47 50 56 «0 61 66 68 7« 71 72 75 76 86 87 88 94 95 99 102 105 108 113 119 187 141 143 147 149 150 152 INDEX. From Joseph the Seer, Michael , to the Archangel , , Messiah, The Messenger, Messiah, Concerning Baptism, TIME. Oakland, July 26, 1886. Hyde's Park, March 16, 1882. Independence, April 1, 1882. . Hyde's Park, Dec. 14, 1882. Messiah, Concerning Joseph Smith of Lamoni, Sept. 25, 1882. The Holy Ghost, . . . San Francisco, March 11, 1882. Concerning Spiritual Power, The New Jerusalem, Adam and Eve, Spirit Control, The Adversary, The Birth of Adam and Eve, The Birth of Cain, Oceania, ......... The Moon, Spirit Spheres, Domain of The Adversary The Sun, The Globe, Eve, and Tlie Pyramids, .... Kolob, or God's Mansions, The Velocity of Spirit Travel, The Spirit Spheres, . . . . ^ . . Chinese and Egyptians, Hades, Merijam, Baal, and Gehenna, Gehenna, Utter Darkness, Spirits, , Monads, ......... The Principles of Life, Incarnation, ..... ... One Man and One Woman, ...... Silent Prayer in the Spirit, . , Spirit Communication, Prayers, Male and Female Guardian Angels, The Principle of Love, Spirit Worlds, Summer Land, or Second Heaven, Third Heaven, ..... The Spiritual Sun Kolob, Women with Masculine Nature, Men with Feminine Nature, Monads and Astral Spirits, The Fourth Heaven, .... Rebellious and Obedient Children, The Son of the Morning Glory, The Sun's Rays, ..... A Journey from the Earth into Space, The Celestial Sphere, ... Man's Relation to God, < j . . PAGE. 154 164 1.56 167 160 163 165 J 73 181 185 188 191 191 103 202 214 215 218 220 221 222 226 227 228 229 233 234 240 243 251 263 253 254 265 257 269 260 261 263 264 265 265 266 268 270 272 273 277 280 From Messiah. Messiah. Messiah. Messiah. Messiah. Messiah. Judgment. Faith. Gospel of Freedom. Fasting. Pre-existence. The Coming Kingdom. Gautama Buddha. Messiah. Victory. Messiah. The Law John Taylor, Messiah. Messiah. Messiah. Messiah. Messiah. TIHS. Peterhof, Jan. 1, Hyde's Parlj, Nov. 16, San Francisco, Feb. 4, Point City, Gal., Dec. 22, Fruitvale, Feb. 21, Terre Haute, April 30, July 12, Kansas City, Mo., April 5, Independence, Mo., Nov. 17, West Point, Cal., Aug. 3, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 25, CHUKgH A UtHoritY. . Kauesvlllc, Aug. 7, Rejection. . . . Point City, April 28, The Order of Messiah. Peterhof, Cal., May 25, Discipline of the Order. San Francisco, Aug. 20, PAGE. 1885, 28« 1883. 287 1885. 288 1884. 290 1885, 291 1882. 292 1882. 295 1882. 296 1882. 297 1887. 299 1882. 300 1882. 804 1884. 308 1887. 320 1887. 364 Message from Jeseuah, the Messiah. CONCEBNING THE PRIESTHOOD. Hyde's Park, Iowa, June 10, 1882. The priesthood was not instituted because man and woman should be governed by it, but because they should be guided by it. It was not intended to be a ruling power, as there is only one Ruler, and it is God; but it should be a starlight shining in the dark, by which earthly advice and earthly counsel could be ob- tained by a more ripe experience. However, it did not so happen to be understood. The priesthood has at all times transgressed the law of its boundaries, and disrespected its true limit of control. The so-called holy priesthood is not exactly the same power as the Holy Ghost; one with the Father in power and dominion, as a spiritual companion is one with her mate. The Holy Ghost is also represented by legions of angels, and as the Father is the Lord of Hosts, also do the angels serve man as the Father and his anointed Son, and the archangels do distribute the spiritual missions. Therefore, do not be filled with errors, and do not think that the priesthood on earth can officiate as a substitute for the Holy Ghost, nor do his work, which is the work of God, and the angels there serve him. Whenever this point is settled in your mind, I will tell the brethren, and all friends of the Messiah, that they shall not worship idols, nor bend down before them in divine reverence; nor shall they do it before any living priesthood, neither that in heaven or that on earth. Even so was John, my messenger at Patmos, commanded by the angel to arise, and not kneel down, nor worship him, being only a fellow-servant, and a messenger of Messiah. The law which keeps good in heaven shall also be kept good on earth. Therefore I command you not to make idols out of a priest- hood, nor to worship it, as it is written: " Thou shalt not have other gods before me, says the Lord thy God." { ^ ) The starlight cannot fulfill the mission of the sunlight, and the mission of the priesthood on earth cannot fulfill the work of the priesthood in heaven, the hosts of angels and spirits directed by the power of God, and working by the same power, which flows to all, and is in all according to the conception of his love. Therefore, do not give offenses, nor willfully mislead or deceive even the lowest one amongst you. The work of the Holy Ghost is to guide and instruct the new-born soul into the spiritual kingdom, and as it is in heaven, also it shall be done on earth, the will of my Father. It is the duty of the priesthood to go out and teach all men and women of all nations on earth, and preach the gospel of truth, and freedom, and light from above, and my peace shall be with them, and follow at their heels, and the victorious battle-flag of the Holy Ghost shall be spread, flying before their sight as a banner in the white of heaven with a drawn sword resting on its ground. The mission of the priesthood is not to build up any kingdom of this world, nor any state in this Union, nor to exercise a church rule, as those in the church are at liberty and not in bondage, but in the hands of the Messiah and in the freedom of his love. One is your Father in heaven, and one is your guide, Jesus, the Messiah; and his angels are before you and behind you, and at your right and your left side, and the hosts of heaven are serving you until the work is done, which is the work of my Father who is in heaven. The eternal Father is great in heaven and on earth, but he does not allow himself to be flattered, and in all his glory he says: " I am that I am, that I am. Therefore, if you can endure " my presence, do not kneel, and be not cast down, but stand " erect on your feet, and look at me face to face, that I am, " that I am, the spirit of the eternal truth, which has made this " heaven and the earth, and worship my God, the power of *' eternity, beyond all perception of man, and not to be ap- " proached in words, but in the spirit, which power being " beyond all comprehension of the human brain, and can only " be perceived as a principle the Father represents, and is iden- " tified with in power to man on earth, that man may know the *' great eternity, which has no beginning and is without any " end." { 7 ) That is the endless ascension of God above God, or God in that unity manifested to man, and in man into endless perfec- tion of etei'nal development, never to be found out where the last link is to be, nor the beginning of life in its primitive formation. That is wisdom; blessed are those who hear it and understand it, for they shall not want, nor shall their souls starve into a death-like stupor, as in the churches of Christianity, where ministers are crying out that heaven has been shut up as a tent made of brass, and without windows. I have not called them, and they have preached in my name. I have not sent them, and they have walked on, and been doing my errands. "Blessed art thou!" cries out a spirit to you, because you write by the power of Messiah. Yes, blessed are those who hear and read these words, and receive the truth on account of its being the truth. There shall be strife and discontent on earth as long as the Messiah is not revealed to man in his second coming, w hen he shall be revealed as he is, and not as he is supposed to be, and his disciples shall receive him as the Messiah, and be as he is in their conduct of life, and in the spirit of their doings. That time is not yet, but has to come. When the tree has ripe fruit, then you are going to gather it, and not at the time when the fruit is green; but the second harvest is at the door not as the first one by my servant, Joseph, but as the second harvest shall be, not only in preaching, and in faith, and in signs, and in expectations, and in the obedience to commandment of love ye one another, but in power, and in the sight of heaven, when the hosts of heaven shall be revealed, and appear with me, and this earth shall sing its hallelujah: Blessed be the eternal God, and blessed be his name, because he has turned the hosts of the ancestors to the hosts of the children, and taken the curse away which blasted this planet. Amen. That little church in heaven, but large church on earth, called the Catholic church, has lifted my cross high under the sky, and it has honored me with lips and songs and customs and ceremonies, but it has bowed down in dust before idols of its own make, and it has been wandering far away from me and the spirit of truth. A living priesthood is as a stream of living water, which flows as a stream of living power out from God, filled with the Holy Spirit of life to comfort those before the altar — the oflSiciating priesthood — as those under the altar, those whose blood was slied as a testimony to that truth of heaven, to be the truth and to dare to be the truth. In that sense has the Cathohc church utterly failed, as it has built up an edifice on a foundation which is not me, nor of me, because I am the truth, and not the policy of the appearance of the truth. The pontiff at Rome has not the power in the church to change the channel of hierarchical teachings, even if he knew that they were all but falsehoods. Such a condition is a petrifaction of cold, lifeless, bygone superstitions, and handed-down legends and traditions, without power to remodel man and woman to be God-like, in the spirit of a union with God. That penalty of a servitude has to come to an end, as centuries have put it on the scales and tested its apparent value, and found it to be lacking of almost every claim and every pretension. Blessed are those who hear me when I say now, the gospel of delivery from bondage, or the gospel of freedom shall be revealed to earth, and it shall be a salvation to men and women in the Catholic church. The barrier of an arrogant and self -conceited priesthood shall be broken asunder as it were of glass, and jus- tice shall once more be done on earth — justice to the dignity of that to be a man and of that to be a woman, even conceived in imperfections, and reared in sins, altho' aspiring tb the perfec- tion of my Father in heaven, who is perfection. Be not misled, as your cardinals, and archbishops and monks, and nuns and priests are of dust, and shall be to dust again. They are of the earth, and altho' their souls shall not die, I say to you that the Catholic hierarchy is an institution of this world, and shall perish with the world, as any earthly condition shall cease to be. These have received the personal worship of being divine, but shall be abhorred and despised, as though they were devils, even with all their honesty, and their followers shall re- proach them, and say: "Did we not depend upon your words; did we not feed you and your hosts of disciples? And we depended on you, and you did not save our souls from error — we are deeper in the mire than we ever were, and you are stuck as we are, and cannot come to our rescue." They shall answer them: " We served you for money of the world, and we gave you whatever wc had of the world, and if we had possessed something else, or something better, we should have served your ( 9 ) souls with it. Our souls were starving, and you cried for bread, and where should we get it from ? We comforted ourselves, and sung a hymn for yoic, and sung a cradle ballad, and rocked you to sleep." A loud voice was hea.d out of heaven, as a thunder rolling from across the firmament: " O, ye hypocrites, why did you not humble yourselves, and by day and at night ask for light and truth from the Father of Heaven, who gives readily, and reproaches none for his prayers. Silence has now befallen you, for you are cut off from the Holy See of prejudice and abomina- tions, as it is stagnated in errors, only fit to be burned up by the eternal fire of its own combustible material, in the presence of the light of the gospel of freedom and truth." The Vicar of Christ is an impossibility in itself, as to be Christ is to be the embodied principle of the Messiah manifested in the world. This principle has moved humanity in and by my person. To be a follower of Christ is to be one with Christ in that principle, altho' the person, Jesus, remains a distinct indi- vidual. If the Pope claims himself to be a Vicar of Jesus, then he might accept such a position by having a literal and direct appointment from me in person to sit where he does, and act as he does as a prince. I never gave the Roman Pontiff any such power of attorney to act for me, nor in my name. The tradition handed it down that Peter was the first presiding elder in Rome and that to him I had committed the presiding power of the church. Let it be known, in the first place, that the message about Messiah was carried to Rome by my apostle Paul, and others, a long time before Peter ever arrived there, and the con- gregations there had their presiding elders a long time before Peter lived and preached at Rome. The next point is that the apostles appointed by me were to go out into the world as gen- eral messengers, and I never had any knowledge that any of the twelve ever settled down as a presiding elder, or bishop, over any single congregation, but they preached the gospel of truth from door to door, and from city to city, even as it was com- manded them to do; and when they had ordained presiding elders, tlicy went on and on, to new places and other towns. This, in itself, implies that Peter did tarry at Rome, even as Paxil and numerous otlu-rs did, but only as a sojourner, and not as a presiding elder, or bishop. ( 10 ) Now I will argue the third point, that of Peter having re- ceived the keys of heaven, or the supreme authority as the Vicar of Christ. What is the key of heaven ? It is an instrument by which heaven can be unlocked. What do you call that instrument or key? Inspiration! Did Peter have it ? Yes, in such a degree that he unlocked heaven and saw the Messiah, and lived in the Messiah principle of truth, and it became identically verified in his person, so that in perceiving it he could identify me as Mes- siah, the son of the living God. For this Christ principle there is no vicar; it can only be lived as a vital part of man himself, and blessed are those who attain to it because they have the key to heaven. Therefore, among other things, I said to Peter: " Blessed art thou, Simon, Jonas' son, because not flesh and blood, it is no human knowl- edge has revealed it unto you that I am the Messiah, but the spirit of my Father has done it. To possess that spirit in such a degree that persons live in it by the gifts and power of heaven, by the gifts of healing, and visions and dreams, and trance, speaking in tongues, and inspirations, and interpretations suffi- cient to discern the principle of Messiah as part of themselves, those men or women know the Messiah, and are in possession of the key to heaven; and what they make free on earth by the power of that key shall also be made free in heaven, because by that power of being the ambassadors of heaven, they shall have the key to heaven to manifest their power by." What I said to Peter individually, I say to all men and all women: Be ye as I have been in the world, and walk as I have done, and follow after me in the same spirit, and ye shall carry in the bosom of your souls that power which is to possess the key of heaven, and more than that, the key to the kingdom which is to come to earth. Any ordination of the priesthood can only confirm you in that power, but cannot give it. This is the perfection of my Father's work on earth, for the salvation of man, even the Gospel of Freedom. The Pontiff of Rome has no such mission to officiate in the name of Messiah. I am the Messiah, the son of the living God, because I am one with the Father, but not one with the Pope. If I was one with the infallible pontiff, I should not be that I am now, identified with the spirit of truth. ( 11 ) My successor on earth is the Holy Spirit, and hosts of mes- sengers to earth. The Holy Spirit has ever been present and active wherever doors and souls have been kept open to receive him and his representatives, the holy angels and spirits sent from God to man, and the gates of hell have not been able to quench out that power and gifts from beaven to man. The spirit was ever active among mine elect, the chosen of God, after the order of Messiah, even when the world reigned supreme in its own political churches, professing my name, but filled with deception, and with death to all spiritual truth. The Pope, as an individual, has not been further away from me than most men have been, but he has not been near to me. Arrogance, bigotry, political intrigues, and cares of this world and its vexations, have blinded the most of all the pontiffs, and put them into a deep slumber, and desire for power and worldly aggrandizement, greatly to be deplored, and detestedly abhorred by the angels in heaven, because the Popes became a greater imposition to themselves than most men, as their claims were the greatest; also many of them have fallen the deepest in the spirit world. They became indeed what they were in their earthly lives, a deception to themselves, and a living lie, carrying the crucified truth on their breasts. As it went with Babylon > also shall it take place with the Vicar at Rome, the first signify- ing the power of this world's glory, and the second signifying this world's spiritual pride and arrogance, or glory of imposture, under the mocked name of Christ. They have preached in my name, and I did not ordain them with my spirit to do the work. They have called people into my fold, and I did not send them, but they went on and did their own errand, and claimed it to be from God. Blessed are those who receive the truth and keep it. Amen. Now is the time come when the Son of Man shall have his power revealed to earth. The Mormon priesthood at Utah is as arrogant as the Cath- olic priesthood ever was, even in the point of claiming an eternal authority, and inflicting a despotic torture of ruling power to be exercised in the church. I say arrogant, because they have shut up their eyes and ears, and cry out as loud as the priesthood did in my days among Israel: " We have Moses and the proph- ets." But I was sick, and they did not visit me. I was hungry, ( 12 ) and they did not give me food or drink; and I was naked and in rags, and without a home, and they did not clothe me, nor give me a shelter to sleep under, and they professed my name with their tongues, and with long sermons at the tabernacle, but they never knew me, nor had they ever seen me, nor had I ever shown them my Father in heaven. They proclaim to the world that they have power and author- ity from me, given under the hands of the angels. Then let them do the work of angels, and let them have among the twelve the spirit of angels, and the authority from angels in my name shall abide with them; but angels have departed from their midst, and they have been blinded by their own misdeeds, and their ways among the mountains have been stained with blood, and persecutions have come upon the church, and all kind of ill sayings have reached the church, and laid heavy chains upon my people. Brig ham Young is now in the spirit, and is in the presence of the church which he presided over, and I have laid the plumb in his hand to discern by the depth and height of the church, as he led the people for a little while. Therefore I have put him as a line on his own work, and he is finding it as it is, and wanting in the length, and breadth and depth. Wo shall come upon all the people of the church there honor the memory and deny his mission that I have ap- pointed him to fill to the church, and in the spirit form above. I have given him a work to perform, another work than my servant, Joseph, has been appointed to fulfill in his mission from the spirit, and to man on earth, and another work different from that of any of my servants. Wo shall befall you, my people, who are my disciples, and profess my name, if you with my name on your lips refuse to listen to my voice. I am calling on you with a lamenting voice, as from a lonely bittern among the rushes at the seashore, and I have com- manded my servant, Brigham, to be a guide to the messenger whom I have called upon to do my errand to my people, he shall be at the right and at the left side of my messen- ger, when he does my work amongst my people which are hiding up amongst the mountnins; and you sliall know that it is my voice which sounds to you on earth, coming as the words from ( 13 ) my messenger, and sounding before the final coming of the Son of Man . The Mormon priesthood at Utah has left its first inheritance, and prostituted its first love. Therefore return speedily, and return with haste in the spirit where you came from, when you were driven out from Missouri, and do your former works, or my love, that love by which you love me, shall be wedded to your brethren of the reorganized church, and to hiui you despise, my servant, Joseph Smith, at Lamoni. I have called him by the spirit of revelation to be the presiding elder, and the first elder before my church on earth; and if you will harken to my voice, then L will take both of the churches by my hand, and make them one by my hand, and I will teach them how to follow after me. On that day you shall know that it was my love, that love by which the spirit loved you, there gave you strength to possess in the spirit that pearl to your soul, there gave you the inspiration, so your life and power was found to be one with the life and power there is in God. For the purchase of that pearl have many of you given away all that you possessed in the world of earthly treasures. Blessed are you, when you are calling upon God in the name of Messiah; and blessed shall your inheritance be with Israels on earth, as with my elects in the heavens. Amen. Message Given by the Ancient of Days. About the Chubch at Utah. Ogden Canon, Utah, Sept. 30, 1882. I am by you, not because I wish to give any new command- ment; but because I want to call attention to what already is well known. I do not want to dissolve, but to build up and strengthen what already exists. I wish the people of Utah, and of the church of Messiah, to understand more fully the necessity of being of one accord in regard to what they have called the church of God. Joseph Smith was 3'^oung, and not experienced by any ripe age in earth-life — even he was an inspired prophet — and it caused much vibration in the church in his days, and his premature death, which was all the legal consequence of his want of caution, and not of courage. He did not entirely absorb the idea that the government of the church is a spiritual power, to be exercised over all nations, and not a power of this world, nor a principality after the world's pattern. Therefore he had the pain to see the church driven out from Independence, Mo., and from Nauvoo; therefore he had to fight and contend with the political power of the world; therefore has the same spirit been pursued at Utah, and things and affairs have got into a focus, and the fight is going on. The government of this earth has a right to exist, and the church has a right to exist; but each one on its own platform. Collision is not necessary when each remains in each own domain; as once has been told you, to render that to God what is to be rendered him, and to the world what has to be rendered to the world. In that respect there can be no collis- ion, and the church has no legal right from heaven to override the governments of the earth, nor has this government such liberty given it from above. The contest at present, headed with the fight about polygamy, has the church forced upon the United States government, as the church intended to compel the people of the United States to recognize polygamy, a recognition ( IG ) very arbitrary as a command to legislate on. No such power can be invested, or has been invested, in the church, nor has the church any such command from heaven to preach polygamy as an institution to be recognized of the world, which in fact must appear as such by claiming it to be recognized by the congress of the people. This is the bottom of the evil from which there is uo outlet but defeat or retreat. If the priesthood were wise men in the wisdom of heaven, something they claim to be, they would at once discover that they have gone too far, and would be willing to retreat in good order. Good order would be wisdom, as a state against a state, within a state, is a disorder in that state, and rebellion in the heart of the government. All and every government must light the battle of self defense, or be broken asunder. It was not intended that the church of God on earth should be annihilated within and amongst a free people, as this govern- ment represents; therefore was the church organized here, and the gospel has been preached and believed and established here. There is the great failure of the church, which has dwarfed its growth, that it became mixed up with the world's institutions, not worth fighting for nor aspiring to. If the church at once could divest itself of all political power or aspiration, then the contest could and would cease. As it is, the fight will go on till another exodus will take place, and then again another exodus, and the movement will dwindle down to few families, and the church will fail in its mission, which is the spiritual development and domain in the hearts of all nations. Only in this way and manner can it possibly be the stone, Avhich cut off from out of the mountains, shall fill the earth with a superior governing power. This petty quarreling about the supremacy is unworthy the church of God, as it does not serve any person's or pretender's individual interest; nor does it represent any power or government on earth. Polygamy has publicly been made a disgust to the people of the United States and government; therefore, let it not be so any longer, by putting it before the world as an institution practiced in the world's domain, or imposed on the world and the governments of the world to decide upon. The world has the power to put it down, as obnoxious and disgusting to its governments. Only in such an acceptation is the power in the ( 17 ) voice of the people, that the church must keep all such practice as offenses given to the world, and has to remain within its own domain of love and not of lust. The spiritual companionship in heaven stands as the Omega, or the last; never understood by the Saints, and less by the world, and it became a curse to the Saints more than a blessing. Be not confounded. Conquer first the world by the living word of truth. Teach the world the first principles, and the letters of the alphabet belonging to the gospel, but do not com- mence with the last letter. Keep the last to the last. You cannot teach a child the alphabet in the manner you have acted, and much less the executive, and officers, and congress of the United States government. Some of you have contested con- gress to enact laws against a church institution, even the church of God. This has not been done, lis you have not lived accord- ing to my laws, which went out from Zion. Therefore, your polygamy is of the world and ngt of me, nor according to the spirit of my law, and as your deeds have been, so also have you defended them. Therefore, repent, and let the* world have the right to judge its own institutions; because what is of the world belongs to the world, and the world has the right to judge it, and do with its own as it will. God's love was not within it, and polygamy was practiced according to the spirit of the world. The world claims to control that which rightfully belongs to the world. Some persons have ideas that they are wronged, and their spirits get filled with bitterness and gall against the world, which they should love, and convert from darkness to light; but you are fighting darkness by darkness, being yourselves in dark- ness, and from that is nothing derived; as darkness can only be fought by a superior light, as the only method by which you can conquer the world. A warning voice is reaching you from the Patriarch of heaven, and the Father of mankind and Ruler of the earth. The Ancient of Days speaks to you with his own voice and you ought to listen, because of its superior truth. He is warning you to abolish what power you have borrowed from the word, because all fiesh is only grass, and all unions which are not in the spirit shall perish as grass. Polygamy came into the church, and the spirit of the world, which is the spirit of the flesh, it ( 18 ) crucified the church in the world. Let that curse be banished, and the world will honor and respect you. If you are the friends of Messiah, you are the friends of peace, and as such salute each other. Leave jDolitics alone. Spread the gospel over all the world. Build temples over all the world. Preach life, peace and truth over all the world. Monogamy or polygamy does not concern the gospel in the world, as all mar- riage belongs to the world, but the gospel is the life eternal. It does not solve governments, but was preached alike to the Jews in polygamy as to the pagan Romans and Greeks in monogamy. Governments are not alfected by it, except by what truth there is in it to give light and life to new ideas. The heavenly com- panionship is not the monogamy nor the polygamy of the world, but belongs to the gospel of freedom, as it is understood in heaven, and as it will be understood in the second coming of Messiah, but now is misunderstood on earth; therefore, let polygamy be abolished, beca ise jou are a chosen people, and not a people of the world. My name is forever, and will last forever. The Ancient of Days, the Patriarch of heaven, is the God of Abraham and Isaac, and Jacob and Daniel. With a warning voice he says in time to you, abolish polygamy; and do it before my warning voice does not speak any longer, or you shall feel the force of the world put upon you, and there shall be no escape, and another people shall step into your place and do your work, and you shall be left outside the door, and in darkness and in pain. Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's. Amen. The world shall not hate you if you do not steal from the world. Message from Jeshuah, the Messiah. CoNCERNINa THE ATONEMENT. Laramie Plains, Wyoming Ter., Oct. 3, 1882. There has been an idea presented to the church that I was unjustly crucified, and for that reason needed to be avenged. That gave birth to another equally erroneous idea, that the prophets, and even Joseph, my servant, was unjustly slain, and ought to be avenged. It led to a third tremendous erj'or, that people who embraced the faith were deprived of their free agency, and if they committed any crime, or apostatized, they were deprived to depart in peace, and some were killed to perfect my atonement for them, which was supposed to have been made imperfect to them by their apostasy from a body of believers, or the church. However, a person may apostatize from the church, and at the same time not apostatize from me. In this manner crept that error into the church, that the atonement by me for such a dissenter could not be perfected except by the shedding of his own blood, or by being murdered. Murder thus became the royal court crime among the priesthood, and the most re- fined method by which I could be served by them. This rank heresy of all truth in heaven or upon the earth, was more becoming the church of demons than any body of men and women calling themselves after my name. Brigham is now present in the church of light, as you see him standing by us, and hear his defense. He says that he did it in reverence and faith, and obedience to my holy sacrifice to the world, and not because he wished to torture his brethren and sisters. Also that a death warrant was executed more on persons who committed adultery and were full of lust, than on those who had lost their faith in the gospel . I shall answer Brigham, my servant, personally, as I know this bottom evil of all evils in heaven and on earth must cease, and at least in the kingdom of Messiah, murder shall not be found even in name. ( '-^u ) My sacrifice for man and to man was a sacrifice of love — nothing but love to humanity made me come into the world and do what I did, and say what I did, and suffer what I did, and die as I did. Let it forever and forever be settled in your mind that it was a free and willing sacrifice of my life on the altar of truth and love to humanity, in that love by which the Father loved the Son . From childhood I was fully aware of what was going to happen, and the spirit of God revealed it in dreams to my mother, Marie. Also you have read that Moses and Elias were revealed to me on the mountain, visible and audible, in the presence of the apostles, and they heard their voices, that they spoke to me about my death and suffering upon the cross. I said the same thing to my disciples times and times again, that the Son of Man had to suffer all this humiliation from a darkened and perverted generation, and enter through suffer- ing and death on the cross into his glory in heaven. Now I ask any person in heaven or on earth, where the avenging me could get into any human soul who believes in me? That question I give to all, as well as to my servant, Brigham. On the principle of avenging, the Jews have been persecuted from country to country, and from city to city, and their blood has been shed by those who believed in my blood, or in the blood shed of my body on the cross. Be not confounded with what you call the atonement and in what it consists, because even so did God love the world that he did hot save me, his only begotten Son in the flesh, but made the light of heaven to be the light of the world — and I became the light of this world, as he is the light of heaven, through suffering. The next part of the atonement to understand, is that man loves himself, and called forth the demand of my death, but that God loves the human family, and in the fullness of time, when the race had received such a development that the truth could find followers, and not only believeis, I came into the world, flesh of flesh, and God of God, and, that the human family should not be confounded about my presence in the world, I became as one of the lowest and meekest among men on earth. This was the destination of love made in eternity as an atonement between light and dai-kness, or between God and man. Such a concep- tion of my birth make^ it an atonemi^nt for man . Such a child- ( 21 ) hood nnd sucli a youth of my being in the woi'ld, and yet being conscious of my glory in heaven, and the spiritual messengers and angels of light who surrounded me and served me, made my presence on earth an atonement of God's love to man. The manifestations of my appearance into the world, with nil the spiritunl power which attended it, is the atonement of God's love to man — and there is no single act of mine, or point in my life, on which you can balance the atonement, not even by the blood, except on my entire life. I am the atonement from the beginning to the end, altho' it was finished in an earthly sense when my last breath was hushed in the silence of death. That very poiat that God was manifested in flesh, reconciled the flesh with God, and made the atonement as a reconcilintion with the nature of man fallen away from God in the possibility that flesh and blood became reunited with heaven. That is the very point that I want to get deeply rooted in your mind, that the atonement is not a single act, or concen- trated in an}' drops of blood, but it was in blood tli;it my last act between God and man was sealed as the seal of God's love to man. In that blood the new testament, or the new covenant, was made with man, as the last act of my life, giving ujyself awny as a sacr fice of God's love, to give life to the world, and my life, as my words came from that love, and were of thsit love, even that of my Father who is in heaven. Therefore, each and every one who believe in me, and follow after me as I was in the world, shall not perish, but have everlasting life, because that is life eternal to be fouad in God, the fountain of happiness, and the glory and assurance of immortality, to know thee, the only true God, to man, as I have shown thee to him in the perfect knowledge of thee by which I have known thee from eternity, and thou sent me into the world that the world might know thee by knowing me. There has been a general acceptance by theologians that my blood was shed once for all time as the perfect washing away of all sins, and the simple acce[»fance of such a construction of ideas was sufficient for each and all. I assure you it is altogether a fallacy born of the fancy of man, and not of God, as it, also, is inconsistent with the laws and the love of truth and life, and was never taught by me, or by mine apostles, who were personally my followers on earth. ( 22 ) and such an idea was never entertained as a creed during the first centuries of the church, even if the words of the saints from that period had been translated and construed to any such end. During the years of my teaching that to be in the world was a greater suffering to me than pains I endured upon the cross — I say a greater suffering, as I might have escaped the cross by fleeing from the country of Judea, but it would have been turn- ing away from my mission, for which I was born and came into the world. There has been a dissertation that my death on the cross might have been averted, and the human family might have accepted me without any such sacrifice, by having the Jews as a nation converted to my mission. I shall answer that argument, as it has once brought a schism among the twelve in the church at Utah. If 1 could have been accepted of man, I should never have been born on earth, and never have been made flesh and blood in the world. The fact to be born on earth, and get into the world, precluded from eternity all my suffering and death. It could not be otherwise when the eternal truth from heaven em- bodied in the world of falsehoods and sins, except it had to suffer death and be rejected of the world. I could not be tri- umphant except through suffering and death. It was then to me as it is to-day to others, the legal consequences of suffering from the state in which the world is living, as the light could not be known to a world blinded by its own darkness. Could the world have received me as the light of heaven, then heaven would have been on earth, and heaven would have been open to the vision of man. There would have been no falling away, nor any such evidence as the fall of man, or the degradation of the human family, and my presence on earth would have been superfluous. The angels would have walked from heaven to earth, and taught man, and my heavenly mes- sengers would always have been by you, and the ignorance of man would never have been. Therefore, let no one confound you, as the death on the cross was more of a relief to me from the misery of a rejected love, than any additional suffering. The hate of the world to the re- vealed light from above, gave the testimony to God of the dark- ness of man's nature, and his love for darkness rather than light. ( ' 23 ) that God became reconciled with man's spiritual infirmities, and in his love atoned himself with the race, that light should not be taken entirely away from out of the darkness of man. Death in itself gives that relief which pain is seeking after. The seal and finish to my death on the cross, by which the cov- enant of salvation came from darkness to light, is stamped and made acceptable to my Father in heaven, by his love which is m my blood, that love to the world, even in the moment of death, and in obedience to the commandment of my Father. This love should not be in vain, but give light and life to the world. It is not because the seal was made in blood, but be- cause the seal my blood was stamped with his love, and it did not need any such sacrifice from me. The blood of his only begotten Son bears testimony to heaven against the cruelty of man, and that I was faithful unto the last moment in finishing my work, and establishing the truth and light to man on earth. It is not in blood that the work was done, nor was it accom- plished with blood, but it was finished in blood. It was not in the blood that man should find the saving principle, but it was. in following after mo in the same spirit, which dwells in me, and in the example of Christ to be Christlike, and sons and daughters of God, bearing the seal of the blood, or God's love manifested on the cross, which is the new covenant of peace with God in their hearts and souls, that they may see heaven open, and have the fellowship with Messiah at his second coming to earth in the glory of all truth. Amen. I siy again, be not confounded, as man^^ false teachers have been into the world, and they have laid expressive stress upon the blood theory of salvation, and because they were not inspired, they could not give to the world what they were not in posses- sion of. It has been the cause of much cruelty and persecution among the Jews, as among the Christiins, and of crueltj^ and intolerance in the church at Utah, and made its history among the mountains, as well an outside of them, stained with blood. That has been the cause of blotting out nearly all true Christian spirit among mankind, and of that terrible blood curse and massacres among those who profess my name, and also of the Catholic inquisition. It has been the cause that blood atone- ment crept into the church at Utah, as among the Catholic orders. This doctrine presented to the world about my Father, ( 24 ) who is love, that he was a bloodthirsty tyrant, and could not be appeased but by having men slaughtered as a sweet sacrifice before him, even I, his only begotten Son, is a doctrine of the devils from eternity, as all creeds are falsehoods in the light of heaven. There are teachings on earth from the prince of darkness, and doctrines of falsehoods pasted on the name of rt y Father, who is of heaven, and in heaven. Man must get low down in the desire of spirituality to accept a.s a social order such a degrad- ing philosophy, which even sound reason rebels against — but modern theology is rooted in labyrinths of falsehoods. To be truthful and of truth, and to be the truth itself, is sufficient suff'ering to an existence in the world, but ten-fold more when truth has to live and breathe and exist in a society which is ruled by professional hypocrites. Man is naturally born into exist- ence on earth without being born spiritually by the natural parents, and persons of his surroundings may not report with God bj^ the Holy Spirit. Sufficient has been said on that subject at other places, so it explains itself to all who wish to have the light and nothing but the light, that man's spiritual darkness is the natural element to man, and the adversary was a murderer and a liar from the commencement, and man loved his spirit more than holiness and the spirit of God. The blood atonement in the church at Utah is a double- headed error, there appearing as the lamb with the two horns. It speaks as a lamb, but does the work of the dragon. These ter- rible errors already mentioned are red in the colors of hell, and as the symbol of murder and blood, too awful to be men- tioned by any inspired pen, yet it has to be done. The church did not conceive what a monstrous crime it is to shed human blood for any pretense or in any name, and ten fold more monstrous and more accursed is it to put such a dark patch on the garment of the Savior of the world, and make his cross to be a scaffold. I said the Savior of the world, because the ultimate result of the eternal plan laid down and matured in heaven, is the perfect redemption of all the human species, embodied or disembodied, according to their own state to belong to, and of the creation, and of the earth itself, and it is accomplished by the truth, and the development of truth, and the appliance of truth, and the ( 25 ) obedience to truth and the laws of truth, which are the laws of life there permeating the creation, which is the nature of God. This testament Avhich I left behind me in the world was sealed by my blood, as a testimony to that truth, that none can open the seal except the one who sealed it in the love of God, and my Father Avho is in heaven, and in whose hands I com- mended my spirit at death, he will by me open it once, when my mission is finished in heaven as it was finished on the cross, and when it is finished in the gospel of freedom as it was in my resurrection. Then it shall be known that it was a work of the most intense love, by which only God could love the world, and not, as some bloodthirsty apostles have called it, an atonement in blood and for blood and to blood, and at the same time they have called themselves after my name, when they were the apostles of Satan, but I have trodden the wine- press alone and there was none to help me, nor was there any bloody sacrifice demanded, but that I brought not to God, but to the ignorance of the world, as I died for the sins of the world. Nor did heaven, nor did angels, nor my Father, demand any such sacrifice, but the love demanded it, and in that love which is in the Father, and in the Son, and in the Holy Spirit, I gave my life away and took it again, and I did it myself. The Utah church apostles have stained with blood the rei^utation in the woi'ld of the church of saints, and they have drenched in blood and fear and terror that free spirit of God's love which is born of the Holy Ghost in the hearts of the saints, who are the chil- dren of my Father who is in heaven. It is the reason why I told ray disciples when on earth, that false teachers s-hould arise, and claim to be sent to men and women in my name, and I should never have known of them, nor have heard of their mission in my name, and they should be known of their works, as the}' walked in their own name, and spoke in their own name, and the wolves hailed them, because the church became of the world, and did the works of the devils, and these men made deep and cunning covenants, and laid heavy oaths upon each other, to be powerful as a political body in the world, and they spoke falsehoods, that they might get power to govern the blinded souls by all kind of politics and cunnings of this world, and they captured the minds of their followers, and bound them ( 26 ) over to do their will and work for that purpose, and in their own short-sightedness, and in thraldom to the spirit of the world, even as Israel became captivated and kept in bondage by the Egyptians, that these apostles of the church at Utah might vindicate their own design, and they were all the time calling on ray name in the spirit of the adversary, who is not of me, and I did not even take the pains to hear their voice, as I knew their hearts that they were dark and evil, and their ways were full of blood, and they served the adversary with murders which they pronounced to be sacrifices to me. When my holy angels kindled the spirit of love in a man's or woman's heart, and they were found together socially, according to the dictation of the Holy Spirit, then these apostles of perdi- tion, which some of them are even as Judas was, and will pro- gress through much suffering in the spirit world, they made victims and a bloody sacrifice of such persons, and said holiness to be sin, and dug their graves, and cut their throats, that they might be saved by shedding their blood, even as those apostles were themselves guilty in bloodshed, serving their master of perdition, not knowing that they had perverted my gospel of peace, and made it a terror and a by-word among all nations, and the falsehoods in the place of truths went out from Utah with a stench that fumigated heaven, and made the holy angels weep over the corruption, and depart from the presence of the church, and handed such apostles over to the guardianship of devils. Therefore has tribulation been powerful in the church, and therefore has my Father given the world a sway over the church at Utah. Let it be known to all who pray to the Father in my name, that no burnt offerings or bloody sacrifices are demanded. The symbols of offerings belong to the sons of Levi, or to the Aaronic priesthood, and the gospel of righteousness, as a substi- tute for that the Father wished to receive in the spirit of a meek and humble mind, as the only true offering acceptable in heaven. Offerings were signs of submission and of humility, and not the symbols of the blood of the Son of Man. Nothing in the church has been more misunderstood than the covenant made by the gospel of grace and sealed with my blood. "When it comes, which is now at hand, then shall the decay of the churches be revealed, and it shall b j made evident that they have the seal ( 27 ) and prestige of the world, and not of the Son of Man. It shall come to pass that those who are low and humble in their own gstimation shall receive the truth, and those who are high up, and claim to be apostles, shall be counted among the prostitutes of the truth. The blood of Jesus of Nazareth is a historical fact, and that he was crucified became a part of the past history of humanity, but in that knowledge is no salvation to be found; it is in the covenant of truth, Avhich your fouls make in my name with God> you arrive in a saving relation to yourself, and you get wedded in your soul with the eternal principle of truth, which gives to you the admission to the gifts in heaven, and to have them by you in earth life. You are accepted by God's love and in the obedience to the spirit of Messiah. This testament have I made with all men who are willing to do my work, and once they shall lind out that the work was their own work of salvation, as it was finished and sealed for them until I shall' open it myself in the gospel of freedom, sealed until that hour in my blood. This covenant in my blood is not an external gift, but a reality internally in your soul, that you are in possession of the spirit of truth, and have been received of the truth. In that way are you made free, and when you are in the freedom of the Father, and in his kingdom, then you are free indeed in his spirit. Therefore all blood atonement and teaching about it in the church has no root in me, but in him who was a murderer from the beginning, and the father of murderers. The apostles of Messiah are familiar with the spirit of the commandment: "Thou shalt not kill," and in that spirit is no blood atonement. I have proven by my own acts and words on earth that I did not endorse the letter but the spirit of the law, and I did not sanc- tion capital punishment to be execvited on persons accused for adultery, but the church at Utah pronounced such a judgment in my name, and did not know that its own soul was full of lust. With that judgment you judge shall you be judged again, so be careful how you judge during your life on earth, as none of you can stand before me and east the first stone, and be justified by my Father in heaven. I am standing between the priesthood and the people. The stone you are casting at your brother or sister you are casting upon me, and the knife you use against them you are using against me, and the bullet you are sending ( 28 ) after them you are sending after me, and the grave you are dio-o-in« for them you are digging for me, to plunge me into. Lon"- and dreadful has your journey been among the Rocky Mountains, and your footprints are as dark spots marked with cruelty and blood. Such have your records been to the world, and the history of the priesthood among the mountains, and at last you hive made it impossible to preach with success the gof^pel of peace among the nations, as you pray with uplifted hands, and they are red with the blood of my people. I have counted your years and days, and the hours in which you are scattered, and I am weary of looking at the church. A new chapter of God's dealing with man is to roll up before the world, and it will roll down on the church at Utah. Because my anger is kindled against you, therefore 1 will drive you out of the holes where you have grown fat, and out of the chambers of the mountains, where you have been hiding with ease for years, and been living with safety, as the time for your redemp- tion is now at hand, and you shall hear the voice of my servants who are calling on you in my niime, and I will send your enemies at you, and they shall follow you up as bloodhounds do a flock of sheep. In that way I will diive out those of my flock, and I will herd theui by my right hand, and gather them around me, and make them come and worship in spirit and in truth at my temple at Independence. Thus says the Lord your God: " I will make an end of your mischief and of your ill-doings, and the rerunant of you shall praise my name m honesty and truth, and in an upright spirit, and of a pure heart," says the Lord your God, " and you shall have no other God before me, nor any other blood before mine, nor any person else to assist me in the perfect redemption by blood atonements. Blinded are you and in darkness, as you went all over the world, and invited the elect to come and re- ceive the hospitality of Zion, and when they came you killed some of them, because the spirit of God came as a witness to them a^aiust the priesthood, that it had lust the spirit of the Holy One, and that Zion had become a servant under the law belonfino- to the rejection of Israel, and the consequent judg- ment which the Jews came under in their days of unbelief and idolatry, and in the days they rejected the Mesfaiah. ( 29 ) Warfare lias tli" eliuvfib at Utah wagefl apfainst the truth and af^aiust the strau^^ers who visited it in g-uod faith to its hospital- ity, and trusted in Zion for protection and safety, but they were cruelly massacred, and even the sucking babes at their mothers' breasts did the priesthood not s])are. Therefore the avenging angel has descended upon the church, because its people have been faithless in their hearts, even as the Jews were, and hard- ened their souls until they are now st;ignated in errors. A crusade shall the priesthood at Utah preach against my servants, because the measure of tlia church is filled with superstition, and its darkness shall be great, on that day. Awak-e and be ready and careful, my elect among the peoi)le, when you read these words, and how you will receive my servants, and how j'ou will accept the truth as the living manna coming down from heaven to be a food for your souls. The Spirit s.ays: "Do not on that day make a covenant in your hearts with the darkness in the church, to serve the angels of darkness, and to be obedient to the spirit of malice and l)]ood and persecution, and false accusations against my servants. My people, do not follow the evil-doers in the church at Utah, or, my elect, your redemption shall lie as through a great fire, because you followed those who waged war against the light, llemain the children of God, that you may be the children of the light. Amen. Just now, by writing down these words, the messenger dis- covers in a vision his hands pierced, and as covered with fresh blood from the wounds. He also discovers next to me an altar of white marble, but there is nothing on it. I am standing by it, and am asl^ing him now: " What do you love the most, my words, ray spirit or my blood ?' Truly he answers me in the spirit, that he cannot divide these three emblems of my person. Therefore, Avhen the present generation is crying for blood, and gloiy in blood, it shall have the blood, as that generation and their generation got blood after I was condemned to ilie on the cross, as they cried out for my blood to come on theirs and their children's heads, and it came as they asked for it, and blood was running in streims wh'jii Jerusalem was destroyed, and of tlie Jewish nation the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were scittered. and they received blood, and such shall be my testi- mony to the church at Utih, It sh ill not be raised u]) by blood, but it shall be humiliated by its blood atonement, which it did ( 30 ) in the spirit of the adversary, as Israel did it to Baal on the hills at Samaria. The blood of the saints, and the innocent blood which the apostles allowed to bo shed, shall not raise up the priesthood, but cast it down, and it shall not save the people, but be a curse upon them, but those who receive me shall be saved, because I am the truth, and have the everlasting life which my father shall give to those who call on him in my name, with a pure heart and a humble spirit, and of all their strength. Amen . My people asked the priesthood for the living bread from heaven, and the apostles poured out upon them the spirit of the serpent. O, my people, when they fight you down with the power of the adversary, then the apostles have invited the spirit of the world within themselves, and when they fight you they have turned against me, who they say ordained them to be apostles, but they called themselves, and amongst themselves, as it pleased their pride, and my words did not magnify their calling in the spirit of my Father. Because they persecuted my elect when they spoke the truth, therefore departed the spirit of revelation from the church, and the spirit of prophecy was hushed down and driven out from all its meetings, and soon it became a by- word to receive the gifts from heaven, but if they had remained in the spirit of the gifts, they had remained in me, and would have been of me, and the apostles would not have turned against my elect. Your days among the mountains are counted. I have the scales in my hand, and I have put the apostleship in the scales and rejected it. I have measured them with my lines, and I have given the spirit of their calling which they robbed from me, and the spirit of prophecy which they denied and quenched in their midst, to apostles called after my own heart, and I will give the power of revelations to another people, which I will gather together from all over the country, and they shall go forth in my power, and by Joseph, the son of the Seer, they shall build up the temple at Independence. On that day shall my elect come out from the mountains, and not be bound any more to the rocks, and come forth with great joy, but the Utah church shall have no part in my work if it do not repent hastily, and return to its first love, and unite with my people. Therefore, abstain from political prestige after f 81 ) the world's patiern, and from the spirit of blood and lust, and cruelty and thraldom, and the building up of cities and govern- ments according to the spirit of the world. Message from Ignatius Loyola. Oakland, Cal., April 14, 1884. I wish to impress my friends with that freedom cannot exist without order. Freedom has its existence in order, and has to obey order, which comes from the Author of order, and the Father of all order in the universe, and he is by obeying his own nstture of order in the freedom personified by himself- Therefore you shall remain in order and in freedom, if you re- main in God, who is the truth and the love of all order, and of the freedom in his holy kingdom. I am addressing you by the consent of the Messiah, our Lord, and I say to you, be of no little hope, as you now are discontented, because many years and a bright future, according to the spirit of God, even if it shall be in much toil, lays before you. I am Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, or the Society of Jesus. We were only a few, and scattered and perse- cuted by the enemies to our devotion, ^^hen the Lord appeared before me, and I beheld the holy Son, and I conceived the idea by the Holy Ghost to be his messenger on earth, to mankind generally, as to the church. The work however was done, and blessed be his holy name in all eternity. I shall be brief with my message to you at present, and will say that Catholicism has done a work of regeneration to mankind, even with many and most severe mistakes, and my disciples in the Savior's nnjne have not been any ex'^eption. They have failed and not done ( 32 ) tlie least fault, because they became mixed up with politics, and became the servants of kings and princes and rulers of this world, and became as it appears in many instances the very devils, because they served the princes of the world and not the Most High God and his beloved Son. This evil did I not discover, nor could I prevent it, as I was not inspired with it before too late, only too late. Another diificulty arose from the society's disposition and chances to accumulaie property and power. I said: "Be " powerful in God," but the Jesuits became powerful in the world, and weak in God. I said: " Serve the church above all " things on earth, and be in submission unconditionally to his " Holiness at Rome," but they served their own power in the- church above all things on earth, and became arrogant and aggressive to the Vatican, and forgot the submission for to be dictating, and they became feared of all in the place of being beloved of all in the church as out of the church. Their wealth aud colleges and riches have been a prey and a bounty for their enemies to aim at. This part of their mission was not of the spirit but of the world, and the failure, was not in the Lord's government, but because they were associated with his enemies. The failure came not in being the Society of Jesus, but in converting it into a power different from that the Lord exercised and permitted to be exercised towards mankind. As it stands now, there is very little prospect to be otherwise, but Rome will not alvvays be Rome. Another power is exercising its authority, and the collision of the different elements in the church will cause a spiritual explosion to be heard and known all over. Then will my Society of the Friends of Jesus be the follow- ers of Jesus, and the Catholic Church will in many respects be sifted, and be more liberal and broad than at present. I say to you, my fellow-serva)it, "May the benediction of '•■ Messiah follow you, even as it is sealed upon you." My blessing I give to you. Amen. April 16, 1884. Ignatius Loyola. P. S. All spirits or angels are not united with you in the same harmony, but in a various manner connected with you, and that accounts for the apparent conflict which arises at times ( 33 ) around you, as a tempest was raging, or a battle was fought. At the same time there is not any conflict at all, as in fact there is none, but the exchanging mental soul or nervous forces be- longing to different spiritual individuals widely apart are associ- ated with different people and societies in heaven, and becomes therefore exactly as differently attached to earthly conditions as to friends left behind on earth. Ignatius Loyola. Message from Jeseuah, tee Messiah. Hyde's Park, Iowa, Nov. 12, 1881. " Look!" says a voice, and I see the mountains covered with the hosts of the Lord. Thousands and thousands descend from the snowy peaks. Down they come in garments white, and with belts around their loins, and swords at their sides, as the legions from the Ancient of Days. Wagons are rattling with thousands of dashing chains, and heavy cannons are pushed and rushing over the high edges of the Rocky Mountains. There is a cry before and a cry behind that man is only dust, and all his pride is only vanity. The angel who sounds the trumpet is a cherub, and he says: Dark is tlie cloud in the east, war is poured out on the people, a shadow is covering the plains. Darker and deeper as you descend towards the east is night poured out on the people. Wo! wo! wo! A three times wo! is heard from out of the clouds, because the people have hidden their souls in darkness, and despised the light, and have said: " Shut up the " heavens above us, because we will hear no news and no tid- " ings from our Heavenly Father, nor will we learn wisdom or " love from our God any moi'e. Angels are not any more to " speak, nor any great works to be done on earth, because we " are the kings, and the earth is our inheritance." ( 34 ) The Lord has looked out from his hiding place, and shall speak by his servants, the prophets, as he did in olden time, and the earth shall tremble by his presence, and those who were in safe places shall start up and shudder, and pains shall come upon them, as painful and as quick as upon a woman at a month before her birth-time, when she expected it not, and said noth- ing, but considered herself safe. Wo! wo! wo! shall be heard all aronnd, and there shall be war and sickness, and hunger, and great consternation among the people, until their measure is filled, and their own indignation is emptied out, which they have filled with pride, and poured out on their own heads, be- cause they said: " There is'no God who rules above us; we are the God ourselves, and shall rule as we please to do, and there is no death which leads into life, but death is death every- where." Therefore shall this generation suffer much pain and agony. How beautiful are the glittering walls of the Rocky Moun- tains. Silvery and sparkling, they reflect the light from above towards the west. Peace is in the valley, and in the high places is peace given to many souls. Oh, Zion! thy herds shall graze in peace, and be led to the brooks filled with silvery streams of refreshing water from the mountains. Out from thy borders shall peace reign on earth, and in thy valleys shall be no war before the Lord shall march up his hosts of hosts of warriors, with their countless banners and carriages, and they shall be as clouds on the mountain sides, as when a storm is raging, but peace shall be in your hearts, thou little flock; thou slialt not perish if all the nations became thy enemies, and were set loose on thee, for my word's sake. I am the Lord of Hosts, and I will fight thy battles, therefore grieve not. When thou shall plant thy stakes at the promised soil, then thou shalt read these words, and know that I am that I am. Glori- ous is the message thou shalt bear. It shall sound in the dust under thy feet, it shall speak in the wind which touches thy garments, and thy voice shall sing as the silvery tunes from a thousand bells, and thy enemy who wages war upon thee, and who hated thee most fiercely, shall say: "Blessed art thou who comes in the name of the Lord!" Then thou shalt answer this nation, and say: " Blessed are those who preach liberty and truth, and tolerance and good will, and love towards all maa, and malice { 35 ) towards uone, nor aug-er, nor hate, nor any ill feeling, as that thou hated me with. Blessed are those who are the messengers of the Most High God, the God of Moses, and the patriarchs and prophets, and blessed be his name, but you hated his words and persecuted his people, because he kept his words." This is a commandment to the church in the mountains and in all the states, and to all conferences and branches, and all states on earth, wherever my peeple are dispersed, and call upon my name, and worship the Father in the name of Jeshuah the Messiah, that they follow after me, and preach according to the gift of prophecy in the power of the spirit and inspiration from God, All my disciples who believe in the new dispensation by Joseph the Seer, my servant, and Brigham the Leader, my servant, and John Taylor, my aged servant, and Joseph Smith at Laramie, my servant, who have all been doing my work to humanity by preaching my gospel of eternal glory and peace, let all my disciples unite in the same effort to give light to all people. Darkness is supreme in millions of human souls. Light is only dim in many souls, as in a dark lantern. Preach to all men and women, that there may be light, and there shall be light, that the light may shine, and men may become con- scious about the light. I am the light of every man, that light which gives light to every human soul, and even so God loved the world that he sent the light to be a man among men, but the world loved darkness more than light, and hung the mes- senger of light on a cross, that the light might be blown out in the darkness of death. Therefore shall my disciples, who take my name upon themselves and follow after me, be persecuted in this world of darkness and strife, but rejoice, as in my spirit they shall have peace, that peace which I have in the Father, and nobody need to mourn, as the world of worlds belongs to him, and is in his power, and I have conquered this world, and you shall have the same power in me to conquer the world, that the world may not perish, but be redeemed to light from its own natural darkness, and glory in the light of the Messiah. Let my work be done as my servant, Joseph, now is doing it at Lamoni; let it be done in every state of the Union, and among all the nations on earth, and by-and-by the new message, at the last hour before supper-time, is to be preached to all people, and the end of darkness shall come, which is the { 3G ) end of this world's rule, and the kingdom shall come. Lift up your voices, and the time shall come when that which is hidden shall be revealed, when your enemies, who cursed you, are all hushed into death and oblivion, and the Son of Man shall appear on earth as he is seen in heaven, and in the glory of the Father. That power is not of himself, but of the Father, and the friends of Messiah shall appear with him, and he shall come and dwell on earth, as he did formerly, during forty days, before the eyes of his disciples, and as he did when he blessed them and went to the Father, also shall he come back to earth again. When the kingdom comes, and the Son of Man appears, then shall all saints know me, that I am that I am, and touch me with their hands, and I shall eat and drink with them, and the doubting soul shall rejoice as Thomas, my messenger, did, and joy shall spring forth within their hearts, as a fountain filled with life everlasting to all nations to drink from. There they shall know that God is the living God, and this is life ever- lasting in heaven and on earth, to have his life, the spirit of his household, resting upon them, and they shall see him and know him who speaks these words, that he is alive, and is the Redeem- er of the world, who now stands face to face with the world, which being without his sx3irit is waging a war upon his holy name. Amen. Message from John, the Beloved Apostle. Point City, Cal., March 4, 1884. I am not he who was the light from the beginning, but I bear witness about him, that you may have the same knowledge, and partake of his glory in your souls, even as we have received it by following after him, that you may do as we have done, and we have remained in his love. ( 37 ) This is the testimony I bear to you on earth, that he lives, and that we are by him, whom we followed through the narrow gate of regeneration, and that we have been able to re-assemble with him in heaven, and through the long period of century after cen- tury we have not been idle nor tired of his presence, but we have received all the promises fulfilled, which he gave to us, and our hope became not blighted. We found in the spirit of his kingdom, as it is in heaven, and shall come to you on earth, all of that we hoped for. Be of good cheer. He is your best friend, and the comfort of all mankind, and even as the Father loves him, also He has loved us with the same love, that we may abide in the same love one with another, and be perfected in his image, even as He is his Father's image. Now my children in the faith of Messiah be not discouraged, because your enemies are by you, and they are around you, for so it has to be. There is no development of your souls except by contentions, and the offences have to come, or it could not bo to you the promises have been given. Be brave on the battle- field of Jehovah, and fight the good fight for liberty and truth to humanity. Be not discouraged, nor be you double-minded, nor without hope, as though you were left alone in a wilderness, but be patient, and filled with perseverance, always remembering that after midnight comes daybreak, and the glory of the noonday sun. Some of you have gone to sleep, and some will be gathered home in your dwellings at the spirit land and at paradise, but it matters not when the final advent sounds over all the earth, you shall all be there, and the myriads of heaven shall meet and shake hands with the little flock on earth, not to be counted for many in comparison with the multitudes of heaven. We have followed him, whom you love, through the throngs of heaven, as we followed him when on earth, and we know him, and we know his Father, and we know that you shall know him, as many as follow after him, that you shall have the knowledge, even that which we have. Amen. Blessed are those who read these words, and believe them, as it shall come to them as a light from the presence of the Father, even as He is glorified by the Son, and the Son is glorified by the Father, and we are glorified by the Son and by the Father, and that is my testimony to you, that the light and the glory shall 260180 ( 38 ) rest upon them, and dwell within their souls. Amen. I have not called you friends, but you are my friends, if the love of the Messiah dwells in you and follows you in all your doings. Love not only by the profession of words, but by your deeds of char- ity, as it shall cover a multitude of sins. Let there amongst you be none naked who are not clothed. Let there be none hungry, and thirsty and sick, who are not provided for. Let there be no reckness deed, which is not corrected by love first, and above all by forbearance, before such a person is cast off on account of darkness to sad experience in the world, from which condition the Lord will help him in his own appointed time. My friends, those found in the Lord cannot be cast away from him by any power vested in the church, nor by any power of man, or given to man from above. Remember as far as the love of the Holy Spirit reaches ought surely the forbearance of the priesthood reach, but some have been cast out from the church, while the spirit of God was mani- fested to them, and resting upon them, and the spirit had left the church, and long ago departed from the officiating priest- hood. Therefore you have grieved heaven, because you rejected its love, and its long-suffering, and angels hid their faces before the church, and Jesus, the redeemer, wept over the church, and his tears fell as fire in the souls of the apostles and prophets, that the saints might be saved. Therefore have you had tribulation. Therefore have you had anguish and gnashing of teeth amongst you, and therefore shall the days of the saints among the mountains be shortened, as the church of Messiah shall be redeemed. It is not for me, nor for any angel or prophet to tell the day and hour when it shall take place, but a great assembly shall go up to the temple, and be seen around Independence, and at Jackson Co., Mo. Your enemies shall not be prepared on that day to meet you there again. Therefore be not alarmed. There shall be wars and rumors of war and much strife on earth, but our prayers are always ascending before Jehovah in your behalf. He is the ruler of the nations, and the reins are resting in his hands. He is the God of the destiny of many people, and the earth belongs to him. He locks the door and nobody can open it. He opens ( 39 ) the door and nobody can lock it. Even so mote it be, the bless- ing of heaven follow you, that the adversary shall not find your footprints. Amen. John, the Beloved. Message from Jeshuah, the Messiah. Hyde's Park, Iowa, 1 [mosaic YEAR 5,645.] October 2, 11 A. M., 1883. j The Son of man has the power to do what he wishes to do in harmony with his mission to the earth. Therefore as the Father does, also does the Son, and that power has been invested in his being from eternity, and this he calls his own as the Father calls it his own, so the Son by that love, which is in the Father, shall be glorified in the world, as the Father is glorified by him. I am by you this morning, because I am commanding you to call by and by on the presiding elders and friends of the church at large, that you may be a witness and bear a true testimony to man vested in the crucified Jesus. Certainly I have drawn the multitudes to me, and many have been called upon and invited to the Lamb's nuptials, but only few are to be the chosen friends and my elect. The garments from your endowment house must be me in whom you are clothed, if they shall profit your souls, and your baptism must be that of the Holy Ghost, or your bap- tism in water shall profit you nothing, although you became sub- ject to the watery grave. Live in the spirit of the faith of Messiah, and let the spirit of the holy signs on your garments rest upon you, or they shall profit you nothing, and above all things love one another, forgive one another, and be long-suffering one with another, as by that the angels have conquered devils and opened the gates of hell. Let ( 40 ) the crown of all faith abide with you, that you may be living wit- nesses, filled with charity and good works. Many are your ene- mies, and many areyour friends, but be of good cheer, and never get disheartened, as the Son of man is in power and in the ma- jesty of heaven, and you are of him if you remain in the gar- ments which are his, and in the Spirit of Messiah, that you may be recognized as his own, and he shall not leave you alone on the day of your trials and your persecution, but his Father will turn all for the best, and to the comfort and progression of the church . Be prepared. Only a few can at present receive my personal, tangible appearance, and heavenly forward testimony. I say again be prepared, and seek and you shall find, and knock early and late in constant prayers, and the door, which I am, shall be opened before 3'our sight. This people of Latter Day Saints are slow of hearing, and dim is their eyesight, and dull is their understanding. Many are sleeping and do not know their own faces, and they are scat- tering on their own ways, and are departing far from me, who is the way, and they leave even not their former footprints behind them to be known. They scatter also in the spirit of the holy communion with each other and with the saints of heaven. They depart far off even in their own houses, and their homes become desolate for the Holy Spirit, and a desert place, where angels not any longer enter, and they are sneering at each other, are fault find- ing and bound under the spirit of anger according to the world's pattern, hating the sight of those they once loved, and yet clothed in garments, which are having the cut of being made for saints, but they were long ago singed by the fires of hell be- cause the people professed to know me and know my Father, and they turned away from our presence, and did the works of the adversary. Many persons are weak amongst you for whom I pray always, as I do for the honest of heart and for the church of mine elect. There are men and women, who are eagerly wishing to know my day, and for the salvation of those I say, none shall suffer more than the apostles at that day, as I will try their spir- its and pass their Hfethi'ough a fire, to test their work and secret intentions, how their hearts were made either of brass or of gold. ( 41 ) For my friends' sake, who call on the Father in my name, I have appeared before the messenger, whom I have called to do my work, as I did before Saul, the persecutor, that my kingdom may come to the church in signs and power and abide with you, as I visibly shall abide with you. Call with a loud voice, as from a bassoon, which calls the sleeping soldiers to battle, and let them arise from slumber, and be clothed into the bright-shining steel and armor of heaven, and the bassoon shall sound from one mansion of my father's world, and echo into the other, and the secret of the sixth seal shall be revealed to the world, an*'' those who hate you shall say, " how became this handful of imposters and mounte- " banks to be a mighty people, and why did the blessing of pro- " vidence not follow us, but went with those we despised." Sing ye mountains filled with eternal dews on your heads, be- cause it has pleased the Father to gather a people, who was counted not to be a people, and made them rich and prosperous in the valleys and on the hills of this continent, and this is to be rich, when you are rich in God, and his spirit is resting mightily upon you ; then you have an everlasting blessing. Are you to be prosperous and possess the fat of the land in the heavenly Canaan given to the children of Israel, then prosper in the spirit, and lives upon lives shall be given to you as an inheritance eter- nally, and you shall greet the patriarchs and prophets at your dwellings. Be therefore always careful how you do my work, that my work may be your work, and last forever. Leave the blessings of my Father to dwell in you, that bless- ing which he bestowed on my person, as the son of man and the Messiah. May that follow you, as I follow you, and you follow after me, and as I am one with our Father. Amen. Message from Jeshuah the Messiah. Humboldt Lake, July 14, 1885. The last shall be the first in the kingdom to come, says the Lord, and the time is near at hand when all the Lord's people shall be prophets, and Zion shall be a people of prophets. Only a little while, says the Lord to his elect on earth, and your suffering shall be converted into joy, but for the sake of Zion's new birth it is so to be, that pains shall come over Zion, and she shall shed tears in her pains before the regeneration, when she is born into the kingdom. It is not her that shall be broken asunder, but I have put a cornerstone in Zion, which is my name, and every nation shall mourn and be filled with sor- row when it turns against her, and breaks its power asunder against her. I will pour my spirit out over Zion, when she is the deepest in mourning, and I will forget her transgressions, because she loved me through all her humiliation. Thus says the Lord, I will put my strength as a girdle around her loins, when her enemies come up against her, if she abide in my name, and her enemies shall turn against me, and not against her, and I will blot out the name of any nation for her sake, and for my name's sake she relied upon, but if this nation of the United States will make peace with Zion for my name's sake, then I will preserve this nation, and make its name great on earth. Amen. On the contrary, I will strike the first born and the children of every family, even as I did in Egypt, if this nation stretches out its hand to destroy my people. I will mal%e them mourn all over the land, and will allow pestilence and death to do its work among the old and the great men among this nation until Zion is redeemed. If they take arms up against Zion to desti'oy her, then I will strike lame the arms carrying the weapons, and I will reveal my- self out of heaven, and strike those with fear and consternation "who rise up against my people. Even as Zion has sinned I will ( 43 ) accept her repentance, and will not allow her enemies to tri- umph. Therefore, thus says the Lord, I will shake the earth and make her tremble on her way through the space, and in the clouds of heaven shall my chariots and the hosts of hosts be seen, and I will dash this nation with the palms of my hands, and it shall know the anger from Golgotha, even as at the destruction of Je- rusalem, and the fall of my holy Temple, and was Israel not saved, neither shall this nation be saved if it goes to war against the Holy One, and his elect, or his household, or his Zion. Amen. Message from Jeshuae the Messiah. Independence, Mo., April 8, 1882. In the measure you have a desire in your souls to serve the truth, inasmuch are you my servants. Remain on the pathway of truth and you shall never be confounded, but be the children of the light. Many shall come to me and say Lord, Lord ! but I have never known them to walk on the way which gathers into life, nor have they known my Father, because they have not known me. I am the road to life and salvation, as I am the truth of life. Be not of a narrow mind, and imagine that all knowledge is given to the church, and all truth is revealed to man on earth, or as much as humanity ever shall need. In that you all have erred stupidly, because you have now only the introduction to my advent on earth. Therefore be humble, and meek, and pray that wisdom may come to you, and you will receive news in abundance and according to the meekness of your hearts . Be always ready as little children to receive the bread of ( 44 ) heaven from my Father's hand, and as I have honored him even so does he honor me, and my honor on earth is in those he has given me and he receives from me again. Therefore remain faithful to the spirit of truth, called the Holy Spirit, the Holy Messenger from above. I have spoken to you, until I am now getting weary and tired of warning you, because you did not hearken to my voice, nor did you follow my council, and you were driven as lost sheep and scattered in all directions, and your enemies were as wolves in your midst, when you departed from Independence. Now after one hour and a-half I warn you again not to go asleep among the mountains, or where you are scattered in the States like the foolish virgins who all went asleep, and at the cry they tried to make their lamps ready for use by the heavenly oil of myrrh, and burning by the light of. love, but darkness prevailed and they could not follow at that hour. When I shall appear personally amongst my friends, and shall be known at In. dependence, from there I will sound the sixth bassoon to all the earth. From there is the sixth seal to be broken, and its reign to go out over all the earth. Prepare yourself and be ready. You and your children, and your children's children, and be prepared for the journey and have your clothes bound up, as Israel had in the night the people left Egypt. Leave your homes from far off, and the mountain valleys in small companies, and redeem the land of Zion by pur- chase, as its soil is a holy place for my use and purpose. Let there be no confusion, and no quarrels, and let mine elect enter on the passage along the long line of railroads, when you hear the bassoon sounding. "The Lord has visited Zion, and has appeared " at the holy place." So says the Lord and master: "I shall know "my elect by the desire which is burning in their hearts, to do " my will, and they shall come as doves from all the states and "visit at Independence, with joy and eternal songs, and the " glory of angels following them, and the blessing of the spirit " resting upon them, and the people at Independence shall repent " in deep humiliation, even as the people at Nineveh did, and say, " ' blessed are you, who come in the name of the Lord.' Amen." When you see the sinking sun, then you know that night is at hand, and wickedness goes to sleep. Therefore be prepared, when the enemy sleep, and come my elect, be moving to Inde- ( 45 ) pendence and build my temple, and Zion shall follow my people, and be with them nnd amongst them and within them, and Zion shall be restored in its place, and be brought back again from out of the wilderness. Therefore before many days, there shall be a great cry at midnight and the world shall tremble, and a great shake shall awake my people, and those also who are not of me, but shortly after they shall sleep with the world, as they did in the days of Noah, and the temple shall raise its towers at Independence, and be built in the same days, as the ark was built in similar days, and Euddenly the Son of man shall appear wrapt in a morning glory of the heavenly light belonging to the Millennium, and the world shall know that lam that I am the only begotten son of the Father. Therefore I want my servant Joseph and the church to build the temple, and so shall it be that a lament- ing voice, a warning voice, is calling on every one of you my people to do the will of the Father, that the love of the Father may be in your hearts, that love by which he loved the world, when he sent me into the world, that the world shall not perish in darkness and misery, but have the light that is full of grace and life everlasting. Be ye in that love, work ye in that love, and the blessing of heaven shall guide the steps of each of you to build up my temple on the everlasting hill at Independence. Take with you gold and silver in the world's money and re- deem Zion by purchase, and raise up the grand and central standard of Zion before all the world. Preach these tidings be- fore the church, and mine anointed will hear the voice and obey it, and mine elect shall know the spirit moving their hearts with intense joy and happiness, and they shall be ready to go and ful- fill the pleasure of my heavenly Father and build the temple. Lift up your voices with the silver sound of the sixth bassoon, and say, the sixth seal is broken," and the contents of the sixth mes- sage has to be read. Come to the feast, come ye my elect, and spare not, as I have spared nothing in making all things ready for your welcome, and the power which follows you shall convert the people at Independence and Kansas City, and the earth around shall sing Hallelujah, when Zion is redeemed, and its temple walls are built, and those who were my enemies shall come loaded with presents, and gold, and gifts to finish the cen- tral structure of the edifice before the natious. Amen. Message from John Stuart Mill Oakland, Cal., March 15, 1885. Plea-^e mention my name ahead. I am John Stuart Milh I wish to pas^ my opinion on your conversation. Mohammed was a true man, and he was a man in the strongest sense of being a man. From the standpoint of a Christian he has been pro- nounced an imposter, but he was no imposter in his own sphere of truth. He was as true as a man could be to his own guide and to his own convictions. He was not commissioned by spir- its, but he was controlled by one principal intelligence, who to him was Allah. Mohammed was a man and only a man, true to one spirit and one God. Jesus appeared to him not as a divine personage, but as a good man and a prophet, who suffered death as many prophets have done before him, and the Christian claim about Jesus was to Mo- hammed only an exposition of Judaism. Mohammed could not bow down before Jesus, and he could not believe in him with much more reverence than he did in Moses or in Zacharias. Jesus became not Mohammed's center of worship, because he was his own center, and raised up by the Almighty God, represented by his own individual guide to do the work he did, and as he succeeded in doing it. This guide Allah was not Jehovah, but a Jewish Rabbiner of most eminent rank, who wished to destroy Christianity. He acted all right from conviction, and we have nothing to say about his effort. This guide of Mohammed was his spiritual father, ex- actly as Jehovah was the spiritual father of Jesus, and it means his control or power. Jesus is individually a plain, powerful and free-minded in- telligence, which all who know him will admit, but he is the per- sonifiol truth of his teachings, and exactly the same is the Father. I had no idea of immortality during my earthlif e and I did not believe in it, bnt I have learned the truth of it after death or the ( 47 ) trausition to this world of luiud. Lately 1 Lave gained iriucli by coming in contact with men from the higher spheres of spirit life, who visit my friend here, and intrust him from tiuio to -time. Good-bye, my friends. God bless you. Message from Jehovah. San Antonio, Gal., July 27, 1885. Live, and thou shalt not die, but be the life, because this is the life everlasting, that you live in Him, who has the life, and who is the life, even your Lord and Master. His voice have you heard as a strong sound in the wilderness and as the sound of a bassoon where it sounded over barren and desolate plains, and it sounded into the great city and into the palaces of princes. There is no time, as the time of times is over, and the sun is setting and the night is approaching. Therefore be prepared, as the cry at midnight will find the multitudes asleep. A deep slumber has befallen this race, and a deep sleep has come into the midst of millions, and they are as drunken and asleep, and they hear nothing and see nothing, neither do they perceive their own nakedness or need. High up over the mountains and at the foot of the mountains are noises of horses and chariots and wagons, and rattling with chains and cannons, and the sounds of swords and spears, and the mighty thunder of guns and fire-weapons. They move as a dark cloud over the mountain peaks. Who shall tell us the truth, and who shall explain this vision ?. The righteous in his soul, who don't sit in trickster's council, but loves an upright people and the Lord his God. That man shall learn wisdom and understand the signs of heaven. • ( 48 ) Rejoice thou fallen horde of Israel, because thou who art low down shalt be put high up, and those who are rulers and govern thee shall serve the daughters of Zion. Thou shalt not perish in thy weakness, nor shalt thou seek after thy redeemer and not find him. He shall be on thy right and on thy left side, and seraphs clothed with light shall shine before thee. Descending from the heavens angels shall prepare thy way and shall level the soil upon which thou shall place thy feet. Therefore be bold, O daughter of Zion, and let not thine ene- mies see thy tears, as though thou wast a forsaken virgin, because even so saith the Lord thy God : I will deal with thine enemies as with my foes, and I will give them their own flesh for daily meat, and let them devour one another on the day they shall wage war upon Zion, or shall attempt to destroy mine inheritance out of the nations on earth, or my chosen people in the new covenant. Therefore be filled with joy, thou little flock in the east and west, in the heart of the continent and among the mountains, because the Lord thy God shall wipe away every tear from thy cheek, and show thee his tender mercy as his beloved, and as thou wert his betrothed, most dear before all people. Therefore did he separate thee in the jealousy of his love from those who hate him, and from thy friends and relations, and tried thy faith and obedience and strength in his love and willingness to do his work. As a cloud shall thy people, O Zion, be moving over this country and in the valleys among the mountains, and the song of angels shall be heard in the canyons strong as a sweeping storm- wind, and give thee strength, and thou shalt sing : Praised be the Lord of hosts, he shall prepare his hosts to battle, and none , shall be able to obstruct his ways. He shall march his hosts into the mountain passes, and give the bodies of his enemies to be a prey for wolves, and to the wild animals of the high mountains. Who can fight the Lord of hosts, and who can conquer his armies ? At the same time he is the Father to all, and his love is extend - ed to all persons, and his cave is to the lowest of all his beloved creatures, that all may live and be redeemed into his blessed light and eternal presence. He has sworn an oath by himself and his holy name, that Zion shall not perish, nor shall it again be taken away from the earth. Even so shall it truly com3 to pass. ( 49 ) Therefore rejoice, O Zion, for thou art not alone, neither art thou a forsaken maid, but thou art clothed in the raiment of heaven, though thou art named the despised on earth, and as the nations hate me, also shall they hate thee. I have put a measure on the . people of the United States, and upon their hearts, and upon that love by which they say they love me, and I have found them wanting, and in the darkness of self-love and hypocrisy. O Zion, I will put thy name written on my wings, and on my high flight I will shelter thee by that power, and I will give thee power to destroy as by the dash of my wings, and thou shalt sweep the earth with the feathers of my power, that thou shalt know that I am that I am, and all the nations shall know it and tremble. Therefore let it not concern thee when thy enemies are treating thee with contempt, nor when they make threats and say angry words to thee, nor when they cast thy sons into cold and dark prisons for my word's sake, because they have done it to me and not to thee. Let it not concern thee, when my enemies shall raise up the power of this world against Zion, as they are not fighting thee, but they are fighting me, and my holy name, and the hosts of heaven. This thou may est know as a sign and testimony for thy salvation. Blessed are those who bless thee, and cursed are those who curse thee. Even as I have made thine enemies dust, also shall I make thy cause cry out of the dust to govern the earth, and the dust shall sing under thy feet, when thou shall build up Zion, and Canaan shall be redeemed, and the city of Jerusalem shall re- joice. Even so shall it be. I am the one who dashed the earth with my strength, and as I said to my servant Moses, also pesti- lence, and plagues, and misery came upon men. I am raising the cyclones, and I am breaking the crust of the earth and making cities tremble, and am filling nations with consternation and fear, and Jehovah is my name, and that I am that I am, but my cove- nants with Israel shall never be forgotten, and I will bring Israe^ forth out of captivity and into their own country. Zion I will gather from wherever she is dispersed, and I will build her up in places of safety, and in holy i:)laces raise temples among the mountains and at Independence, and they shall not be polluted as the temple at Nauvoo, nor shall they fall into any other peo- ple's hands, but I will lift a shield of protection over your work . and over your fields and over your herds, and your doings, until ( 50 ) you shall gather strength and go to work and offer tne an accept- able offering in sending out deputations and colonies of work- men to build the temple for my name at Jackson County, Mis- souri. Let it not be done in haste, but commence and work by night and by day, and the light shall not be extinguished from the * commencement to the end. It shall burn at noon and at mid- night, and it shall burn as a holy fire for the Lord thy God, and thou shall build the temple according to the pattern given to my servant, Joseph the Seer. Amen. Message from the Ancient of Days. Oakland Point, Cal., March 26, 1885. I am with you ; my name is known to the world from eternity to eternity ; but I am with you ; what I have to say about marriage is already said in a message sent to the people at Utah, and given at Ogden. Let it be understood as it was given to the messenger, at the Ogden Canyon : I am the God of Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob, and of Moses, and Daniel, and the prophets, as I am the God of Joseph, and Brigham, and the miartyrs, and the modern prophets and saints ; but at the saoie time, I am the ruler of the nations on eartih, and the "Ancient of Days" is my name, and I am that I am : God the Almighty. When I say to my people, " Sit down and count out what it will cost to go to war," then I say to you, " Be prepared ;" but not for war, but for defence, at a moment's warning. You are not going to war, but are watching for a defence. And I will rule your enemies, and I will use the hate of your enemies to fight them- selves with, until they are consumed by their own hate, and their ( 51 ) own ignorance, because they despised the light, and wanted to re- main in ignorance, and could not see the truth on account of their own darkness. Let me, however, repeat to you again and again that the polygamy of David, and of Solomon, and of the many kings of Judah, and of Israel, was according to the heathens, and was an abomination in my sight, for I delight in chastity, and in purity and love, in the relations of the sexes, and in all social intercourse ; and man shall respect woman, and not treat her as his inferior, because, I am that I am, and you should love one another. The tears from women have fallen as curses upon many men, and it would have been better for such never to have entered into any marriage, either in the church or in the world. The Catholic church is seeking the supremacy among men, but I have decided in favor of Zion — from the time of her birth again on earth ; however, the Catholic church will rejoice, for the time is at hand, and the days of Messiah are coming, and he will send his messengers to all the churches and denominations on earth, and invite them to come and attend his nuptials. Eead over the message given at Ogden, and let it be impressed on your minds, every word I said, as with indelible ink on your garments. As the heavenly law on companionship is a great mystery, and not even known to all of the angels, but you have perverted it, and taught it as a doctrine before the world, and yet don't know it yourselves, nor its application to the spirit, which should be amongst you if you were not of the world ; therefore, you are harvesting the fruit of your own folly. Nothing can be said to the prophets, except the church perverts it, and in its perverted form gives it to its enemies. As a people, surely the church is like children, who betray the secret of their parents' conversation, and without my love they are not matured to meet the Messiah, but remain as spiritual children in their reason- ing. The power the serpent promised man, was to know good from evil ; but much more belongs to God's gifts — as wisdom to be God-like. Therefore obey wisdom, and correct any mistake, and pull in the lasso which you have thrown into the hands of your enemies, with which they are now wishing in their hearts to strangle Zion. Abolish nothing but errors. Apostatize from mis- takes, but make no concessions from the truth. As you cannot abolish from the faith that you did not issue yourselves, nor can you ( 52 ) concede to the tenets of the regulations of the world's ignorance for the pleasure of men, who would, in spite of your humiliu- tion, even hate you the more, because they are the children of the flesh and the passions, and not the children of the Spirit, nor of the regeneration. Let the word " heavenly " be written on the nail of your left thumb, but hide it before the world within the palm of your left hand, until Messiah comes and shall make all things right, I am the voice which spoke to Moses, and to my servants the prophets, and to John the Baptist, in the wilderness, when he arose before the enemies of the Loi'd, and spoke the truth, when Herod took his living brother's wife to be his wife, the mission then was done step by step ; through execution and crucifixion, it gained spiritual victory, and now the battle has to be fought by perseverance and caution. The hour of challenge has passed away, but the hour of defence has not passed. The so- called " heavenly law to the church," was not given to challenge the world by, nor to be presented and preached before the world, nor did my servant Joseph ever receive a correct understanding of it — as he perceived it or conceived it, it was a perversion of the truth ; therefore, abolish your present practice of poligamy, as it is of the flesh, and the purity of the spirit is not in it, nor the life of the truth, nor is it in love. Abolish the love-lorn wicked lust, which has crept into the church, for in Zion's people's own house- holds there is no peace. Your souls have lost the spirit of love, and the Holy Ghost has departed from you ; and you have become the servants of the flesh to please passion, according to the desire of the flesh, ruling out the spiritual inclination of your natures. Being not familiar with the principle of lave, and less with living under its law, which should govern all the saints, as they can never enter into the spirit of truth except by the heavenly love. The apostles have made the doors wide open, and broad as the gates to hell, when the heavenly law is the most narrow path to paradise, and many here have entered, believing themselves to be on that pathway, and found themselves before the gates of hell, and they gained nothing but suffering, and lost their inheritance with Israel, and sold their birth-rights in the s^-irit as cheap as Esau did. If you do not abide in the love of faith, which gives light and wisdom, you can not comprehend the law of love, nor can you be ( •">:5 ) blessed by that wliich is heavenly. The church being rejected deceived itself ; therefore, you lived according to the world, and said you lived by the heavenly law, and so it became a damnation and a destruction to you. Such people have to be educated in the marriage of one man and one wife, and there are some who are so organized from birth that it would be better for them never to enter into any marriage, and others who, in marriage, can only harvest the fruit of misery, and disorder, and death. The church at Utah played with a sacred hope, as a parrot does with a piece of sugar ; and talked heavenly words, as a parrot can be taught ; and lived according to the flesh, and did the works of the devil. Therefore shall peace depart from the people, and they shall be troubled with much agony, until they abolish polygamy. I am the Ruler of the nations moving on earth, and I have given the Territory of Utah into the hands of this nation, and I will chasten the people of Utah and its borders until they shall come low down, and shall consent to abolish polygamy. Act not in defiance of the government of the republic, as it repre- sents the people among whom you are living ; nevertheless it shall be known to them that the spirit of this nation will soon wreck all its manhood by a constant violation of the original constitution, and be led away captive by women, into national suicide ; as the men of the nation shall be beguiled by women, and by her extremes and her extravagances, which shall bring on destitution not to be healed, and culminate in riots, strikes, all kinds of crimes, and death, and rebellion in their midst. Its hand was not lifted up as a protection over the church of God. Even the government of the United States is bound by the constitution to give protection to all churches. It allowed men and women in the New England States to be burnt at the stake as witches, and to be cast in the rivers for no other cause than their visitation by angels and spirits in the name of Messiah, and because the spirit of God rested upon them. Also, were the Mormon people driven away from Independence by a horde of mobs. The church had committed no crime to the world. The saints had grieved the Spirit by their ignorance and folly, and want of caution, and their entire misunderstanding of the dealings of God with his people. Zion has suffered by her own misconception of the truth and corresponding deeds ; but it is all counted in from the beginning. As I know that which is in man, and that it is evil ( 51 ) by nature ; and that the repentance and the new birth did not make my people wise, for they prayed for power in the world to crush their enemies, and they did not pray for power in the Spirit to convert them by, as the only method to conquer the world. It is on the rock of divine inspiration the world shall suffer shipwreck by its superstition, evil disposition, and dark propensities to do evil. This rock of divine inspiration the world can not abolish, because it will be in the world to the end of its days, and all the nations and all the governments of the earth will eventually be remodeled by collision with that rock, into the unity and peace of God. The natural condition of the human heart is to go to war with heaven, and with every new light that comes down from heaven, and persecute to the bitter end all messengers from heaven. Therefore are the saints persecuted, and also the Spiritualists. But the work goes on, and the Spiritual move- ment is in every hamlet, and in every city of this broad country, and it will spread until the Protestant churches are filled with light ; and it is manifested with wondrous works in the Catholic church, and the Messiah shall be revealed to head the entire movement when the harvest is ripe for the Gospel of Freedom in the Kingdom of heaven upon earth. On that day shall the enemies of Spiritualism be silent, and the enemies of the Saints be forgotten, and even their graves shall be long forgotten ; and the people shall read the history of this country, and smile, and say one to another, " How was it possible ?" A. long line of witnesses shall stand up against the people of this century, in this country, and say, " we were incarcerated in insane asylums, and suffered death on account of our religious convictions, but we would rather have suffered death in the flames from the fagots, and mercy was not shown to us;" and they shall march up in lines upon lines, and be counted by the thousands, and be seen in long white robes, with palras in their hands, praying for peace to be given to their tormentors, and that the evil done against them may be returned in good, and the light be given to the enemies of the light, and to those not hardened in their souls against him who is sitting on the throne of eternity. On account of crimes committed against the light in marriage, have many blessings been converted into exactly as many curses, such as dis- honesty, and treachery, and the spirit of murder, and the spirit of ( 55 ) egotism, and the lust of the flesh spell-bound in marriages devoid of passion, and without love in them. All these conditions cover the soul of humanity, and lead to various crimes to man's own destruc- tion ; and woman is more goverened by the spirit of the Serpent, which drifts into infanticide, than by the spirit of God. Marriage was given for a blessing, but is now a curse to many. Therefore, let Zion arise in her weakness, and be strong in her God, that she may bring forth a mighty people to dwell on earth, and be powerful in the order of the Sons of God. Let thy treasure be the mysteries of heaven, and close thy thumb into the palm of thy hand, and by that sign shalt thy children be known by sea and by land, and let it rest there, what the world cannot know, as in the days of scattering from the tower at Babel. Don't go to war with the world about the heavenly conception of companionship, as neither man nor woman can enter into its perfection on earth, except by being matured in God's love, by the Gospel of Freedom in the Kingdom of Messiah, when wisdom shall be given to earth to raise holy offspring. Companionship belongs to the angels of heaven, and will be given to the Council of Zion in the kingdom, and not to the present church organi- zation. The laws of the country, and the regulations and institu- tions of the world, wheresoever the church is dispersed, shall be a regulation for the saints to live by till Messiah comes. That love which is of heaven belongs to heavenly institutions ; and that love which is of earth belongs to institutions governing the earth. Don't prostitute the teachings of the Spirit of God, before sinful judges, governed by gold and the gains of the world, even as Pilate was, when Jesus remained silent ; because, Pilate was spiritually blind, and deaf to all spiritual arguments, and finished at last his life on earth by suicide, as also the entire Roman nation later on did also, in their battle against light. Be prudent, be careful, and ever observing ; be frugal, temperate and abstinent in all things, and what you do let it be done in that love which is in God, your Father, and his beloved Son, that you may be the beloved, and followers of the beloved Messiah. Awaken, therefore, O, Zion, from thy sleep with the world, and arise in the strength of the Spirit ; because the Kingdom is coming, and the churches of Christianity and spiritual- ism are ripened into the Gospel of Freedom and deliverance in one union, with the followers of Gautama and Mohammed as the rear . ( 56 ) guard ; but thou go out to meet the King, for he is coming with the Hosts of heaven to dwell on earth, and to sift his Saints from the world, and to measure the strength of this world's governments and redeem those in bondage to the world, and give to the downtrodden justice, and freedom to the captive, and open the prison doors for sacred reforms, when He lays the balance in his hand and by the weights of eternal justice and wisdom shall put the institutions of the world on the scales, and find them wanting, even as Babylon was found wanting, to fill her urgent want of defence in the night of her destruction. Amen. MESSAGE FROM NEPHI. ♦ Oakland, Cal., Dec. 26, 1886. I am Nephi ; I did not engrave the plates ; but I came to this country from my native home in Judea. Beneath the big stone lays the world's heaven, as behind the big tombstone was the Savior once laid wrapped in death's linen. Who shall lift the stone ? Who shall imbue the world with a new stream of import- ant thoughts ? The man whom the Lord will raise up, and whom He shall call upon out from the hidden chambers of His council — him shall He raise up, and he shall do His work. The plates of Nephi shall once more shine in the broad daylight, and before the eyes of man ; they shall once more be lifted, and weighed, and be given to be a testimony to the world, and the world shall be as deaf and dumb as ever ; they will only be received as a testimony by a few — only the elect of the Lord shall take any interest in the " gigantic frafid," as the world will call it. But the kingdom shall grow prosperous and mighty, and the church will not be defeated any more. And in its defeat, as in the defeat of tlio Lamanites (because they exterminated Nophi's people), shall be the harvest of seed, strewn by the present labor of the church. Thy kingdom come, which is the Gospel of Freedom, shall be hailed by all men and all women, in the spirit of Messiah. My tears have been shed over the tombstone which covers the lost records of my people — they are beneath the cover. But the second Nephi stands by your side ; he who engraved the records that the history of my lost people should not be destroyed, but come forth with power, and by the gift and strength of God. He shall administer to you in your second advent, in your native country, as he shall administer to Israel, the son of Joseph, at Lamoni. Then the political record of Jared, on governments, and the control of the nations, shall be given to you by the power of God, even as the full history of the church of God, and His dealings with my people shall be given to Israel, when the angel shall break the second seal, in the establishment of the kingdom on earth. Blessed are you, because the spirit of prophesy rested on you when you took both of the sons of Joseph by the hand and prophesied, saying of David, " He is great, but his brother Israel is greater, because to him, to Israel, who is the youngest, belongs the power and strength. David shall the Lord take to himself to advance His work among the multitudes of the spirit world. But Israel shall lead the church into the kingdom of Messiah. When he shall live and see the Messiah, he shall be a man in the spirit of Joshua, and be zealous in the work of the Lord, and the soul of his spirit shall burn within him ; he shall see the days of the kingdom. When he shall have seen the Lord, the Lord shall appear visible for many in Zion, and he shall wheel the church into the power of heaven upon earth, when all the nations shall be tired of war, and ask Zion to make peace between them, that peace may reign on earth as it does in the Kingdom of the Lord, and then shall the writings of Israel be restored to man." These words are the sayings of Nephi, who came out from Jerusalem with his father, Lehi, and his brethren and their families. Amen. Earth to earth, life to life, and spirit to spirit, is the power in the world to come— even the power which is the Lord, who shall send forth the Gospel of Freedom to all nations from the kingdom on earth. Amen. ns MESSAGE FROM LEHL Oakland, Cal., December 27, 1886. My name is Lehi : I am a man more powerfully built than you see my son Nephi. We have all a brown cast of the skin ; we are not of a dark skin, but we are naturally as you see us now; so were we in our earth lives — as brown as the Arabs of to- day. My son Nephi is slender, and tall, and of a feminine build, and of a very meek disposition, on which account you see him remain at a distance, with eyes looking down on the ground. The reason is, that he does not consider himself worthy to look up at the Lord, whom he discovers in your presence. I am naturally of a bold temperament, and of a fierce disposition, and I am not easily changed, but delight in being as near the Lord as possible, because I feel that his strength is my strength. Many years have passed away, and century after century is gone, but our hopes have not vanished, as one day with the Lord is only to him as a thousand years would be to us, and he said to us : "Be not disheartened, for I will visit Zion on earth, and restore all your hopes and desires within two days." So it came to pass that we have been contented that the restitution should come ; and our hope did not vanish, even when the church of the Lamb was driven into destruction by the power of Satan, and the saints were scattered, and a remnant of them was banished in the council of the Lord to wander far off into the wilderness. Times and times have rolled on until the hope of all Israel has ripened, and the restoration is at hand — even now at hand. Amen ; and blessed be the Lord in all eternity. Amen ! Yes, Amen is his name forever. My son Laman will speak a few words to you ; now you see him coming. I am tall, with broad shoulders, and large chest, and jet black eyes, and curly black hair ; my weight, three hundred and fifty pounds. ( 59 ) Nephi had silkerj, long, chestnut brown hair, and a long face, long nose, and large, dark blue eyes, and a light olive complexion. Mj' face is more round and broad, and nose is short, and I have high cheek bones. Nephi's weight on earth was only one hundred and sixty pounds ; but he was a stately man to look at, with a prophetic spirit resting on him. Now my son Lam an will speak to you. He is as you see him represented to you as he appeared on earth ; his weight was two hundred and fifty pounds, and of a very powerful build all over, without being portly, but very muscular. He was earth of earth, with a fault-finding and quarrelsome nature ; his face was short and round as you see mine, but without the freedom of the Spirit beaming on his countenance. He is now leaning over some and looking down on the ground with scowling face, and nearly closed eyes, dark and small, and a wrinkled forehead ; his eyes are not steady, and he never looks at any person for a long time, even when conversing with them. He is of a melancholy, lymphatic temperament, and has a tyrannical disposition, and not much spiritual power resting on him ; but in the spirit world he has progressed some, and takes some interest in the faith he has in coming events. Good-by, my son Peter ; as the Lord calls you by that name, I presume I may do the same. When you shall receive the plates of Jared, remember they are not to the church, but to the world first, and then to the Kingdom. The inspired writing on the plates you shall receive in your native country, and there shall the principles of governments be taught, in lessons given by you to all nations. The mystery of the tower of Babel will be explained, and the effect of such a diplomacy and its history will be known. The angels Moroni, Gabriel, and Daniel will do each one his own mission, as Michael shall direct it. Maroni to the Kingdom ; Gabriel to the Jews, and Daniel to the nations. Your work as forerunner before the forerunner to the kingdom, will be done in the publication of the messages to the church. Your mission to the world will be done in doing the work of Messiah to your native country first, and to the nations generally afterwards. The translation of the works and engravings of Jared, about his people, and times, and doings, &c., is to the world, but it shall cause the power of the Kingdom to be recognized as supreme by the world. Amen. 60 LEMUEL'S TESTIMONY. Oakland, Cal., December 27, 1886. My name is Lemuel. Excuse me ; I come ahead of my brother Laman, but with his permission. I am a jolly fellow, of a disposition something of a mixture between the good and bad of the entire family. As my father was particular in giving the weights of all, I must also give my weight ; it was about one hundred and seventy-five pounds — often a little less. I had no especial mission to perform when on earth except to cheer up my brethren ; and do not know of anything especial now, except to let people know that I am alive, as usual, very much as lively as a fish in the water ; therefore my spirit name became " Life of life." Laman is " Earth of earth," and my brother Nephi is " Spirit of spirit." I have a great many jokes to tell you when you get over on ■our side, because, what is life worth without jokes ? When a person is not laughing he is mostly grumbling over something. That is the matter, That I look like my father In a contrary way, To my own dismay. He is sober and sullen, ,j But he looks like a mullen , In golden array. As a king in his sway. So my soul's life is hidden. So it eats the forbidden — The royal made dish. To laugh and be merry. And in fun to make query And be gay as a fish. ( <:i ) If you can think such a man in the Kingdom to be of any special use, then you can rest assured that I will be there. Good-bye. No, I am not ready yet. I have to introduce my brother Laman. He is a very bashful fellow when in the presence of the Lord's people ; otherwise he is not apt to be retired in his habits, nor sensitive to the sight of his superiors, for he will always straighten up his full figure in the presence of fair women. He is able to speak for himself, so I will retire in good order, as Moroni did before the Lamanite forces, even if I should be as I am — very lonely, and the last surviving warrior ; however, it would look as if I had run away from the battle — or rather the massacre. Moroni was a wise man, and wisdom is worth acquiring, so that we can do the works of wisdom. Therefore, again, good-by . Laman will work a slaughter on you I am sure. Good-by. My name is Lemuel, the son of Lehi. Message from Laman. Oakland, Cal., December 27, 1886. Ha, ha, ha ! My brother is a jolly fellow. He is a man filled with wit enough to make me sorry and to cry that I was not born with the same qualities of soul and body. I was named Laman, which is Earth of earth, and he was named Life of life — so has it been. The earth became an inheritance to Laman's people, and tha Lamanites became mighty and prosperous for more than one day of the Lord's time, or a thousand of human years. God raised up many prophets among my people, but the spirit did not ( <>--^ ) prevail. They were as my blessing was inherited by Ihem, earth of earth, and eo they remained, because they had quenched out the Spirit in going to war with the church of the Lamb, and destroyed the saints of the most high God, and drove his seed out from the land of promise, whose blessing was pronounced to be the son of the spirit of spirit. I labored hard to save my people from internal contentions and bloodshed, but history tells that I did not succeed in my efforts, but to keep them from idolatry and in the true worship of the great Spirit of nature, or Jehovah our God. Otherwise, they intermixed with the Tartars, or Jared's people, who came from the great tower by sea, and by crossing the narrow strait at the North sea ; and my people united with those who came from the north, and they became one people, and a very blood- thirsty and war-like people, who lost all positive knowledge of the records my father brought forth with him out of Jerusalem. So it came to pass, that they became bound up in many tribes, and the blood of Israel became lost in the blood of the Tartars, or Jared's people, who came in a multitude from the north down upon them, and made peace with them ; and they became a dark and wild people, with a red, copper colored skin, and lost their native brownish, oriental color. My people are now wilting away before the art of war and civilization belonging to Japhet's people. As God did not save my people, because they persecuted the church of God, so this great nation who have destroyed my people, shall not be saved, because they have been conspiring to destroy the church of God in your days, and to lay waste the holy places, that the Lamb of God should have no foothold, when He in His second coming shall step again upon the earth. " Therefore," says the Spirit, even the great Spirit to us, "that the great nation that dwells upon the graves of my people, shall come low down; as they have brought the church of God low down, and have persecuted the saints, also, shall persecution be upon the land of Joseph, and Ephraim shall weep in the valleys and on the hills of Zion, over all the contention and blood-shed which shall come as a deluge in the midst of this great nation, by which they shall destroy themselves." Be not disheartened when you shall see the commencement of all these events, as the kingdom shall come in righteousness to ( 63 ) bring peace and prosperity again to earth, by giving to man the Gospel of Freedom. I have been low down as earth of earth, and so have we spoken by the voice of the prophets as oat from the earth. Also shall this great nation come low down when safety shall not be found on the face of her lind except in Zion. For blood shall run as brooks in her streets, and fire shall coasume hor cities ; and her great cities, and her great mansions sh dl be destroyed by earth- quakes and sink into the ground as you read about in the record given to you by the hand of Mormon. Now, peace be to you. Only a remnant of my people are scattered amongst you, and Laman shall not any longer go to war with the pale faced tribe of Japhet. Ephraim shall be gathered, aad the sons of Laman shall serve him, and the kingdom shall come. Not that which succumbed before the arms of war when the saints were destroyed, but the kingdom of the most High shall be established in the very midst of that land upon which you dwell, and it shall not be given to another people, or to another power ; but the Lord shall be the power, and he shall dwell in the midst of Zion, and be worshipped as the Lamb of God who was slain, and the saints who were slain for his name-sake shall dwell there with him visibly, before the sons and daughters of the kingdom. This is Laman's faith, as I have received it, and as my people rejected it, and as it will be restored to them again. Amen. Blesaed be the most high God, even the great Spirit of all the earth ; and blessed be His holy name who remembered us in our transgressions, because of His love to Israel. His be the glory and worship always. Amen. I am Laman the son of Lehi, and the brother of Nephi. The records will some day be given 'in their fullness, as they once were known to his people in those by- gone days, when Laman's children rebelled and- went to war on account of a desire to destroy those sacred writings. The soul of man must repent from bloodshed, and from the thirst and desire for blood, or every nation shall be destroyed, even as my people have been destroyed. Therefore, repent all ye nations, and pray by day and by night, and pray always. Let the spirit of prayer never depart from your souls lest the destroyer shall come upon you as a thief in the darkness of the night, and there shall be no escape. ( 64 ) Thou down-trodden daughter of Zion, be not without hope, because, in your desolation and sorrow, and in the darkest of all thy hours shall thy Redeemer knock on the door, and the hope of all thy aspirations shall be fulfilled. It shall not be as a wild and weary dream to thee when the Lord shall appear, but it shall he as a great light, and in the midst of the light thou shalt see Him who is clothed in power, even as the great Spirit is clothed in power. Amen. Laman is redeemed. His people on the big hunting grounds on earth will be redeemed, even as those are who are in the spirit world, who are hunting over the big hills. Now, good-by. Noth- ing can hinder the work of God. Go ahead and do the work, and the glory be to the great Spirit and the Lamb of God who was slain, but shall govern and live again on earth, in the majesty of the Spirit, and in the power of His Father. Amen. Message from Jeshuah, the Messiah. Independence, April 30, 1882, 7; 30 p. m. In your weakness I have given you strength, and in your desolated condition I have been a rock and shelter to you, that you should not perish. Therefore, be of good cheer, and the time will come when you shall not glory in your own strength, but in your weakness, and that work which I am doing with an out-stretched and far-reaching arm before all the people of my flock, and before all the world, is a wonderful work and shall be done in the broad daylight and not in the dark, nor in the shade ; but the nations shall see it and wonder, and shall tell each other : " How was it that this people could be saved, as they were few, and only a breath of their enemies would have consumed them; ( (i5 ) but Jehovah's angel has been walking before them, and been sitting before their face at day time, and peace was taken away from the earth, but abideth in mine angels' presence." Before your vision is a valley rolled up as a panorama ; it is the south. When you are ready at Council Bluflfs in July, and you have returned from the west, then direct your steps late in the fall towards the south and remain there all winter. I have a work for you to finish there ; a work you know nothint^ about now, but will be revealed to you in time. You will not do much out in the west but pay a visit, and lecture, and heal the sick at Ogden, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and Los'Angeles, until October, and you will return to (Jmaha, and leave again for the south ; we will not leave you alone on your travels, and my work will be done. There shall come many from east, and west, and south, and north, and say, " Come here and come there ;" but you shall go where the Lord, by His spirit of truth, shall dictate you to travel. We have only a limited time to allow you to ti'avel in. Most of your work will be by your pen, and more in writing than in words, as the time has arrived for wonders in the heavens above, and in earth below. There shall be a preach- ing as a roaring thunder, which shall follow your messages to the people of my flock, and I will make signs in the heavens above, and in the earth below, and I will give the words which are" sent to earth by the angel world of spirits a new, and strong, and powerful meaning. All the mediums which have, and are now working under the influence of the Spirit of prophesy, will be able to discern what is to come —the materialized revelations and manifestations of heaven coming down on earth, and the union of the two worlds into one, which is the first resurrection, and the commencement of the millenium. As my ways are above all the other creations on earth, so are the ways of God above all the wisdom, and all the cunning contemplation of man ; and what he thought to bt a sure thing sliall I prove to him to be his own deception, or the ituagination of his own dream of vaaity. I would rather that you would go to Independence and lecture, and be engaged in writing these and other messages, to be printed in a book somewhere, as the Spirit will instruct you. He comes from me, and is by you, as a guide from me. It will be on your way from Lincoln to the south. You will tarry at Independence in October or November of this year. Be not ( ^50 ) astonished because I tell you these things, as you are to be guided in such a way that your time and usefulness will not be consumed, nor your life be without fruit. There are many angels who descend from heaven to earth to see you, and to see me by you. Those you now see before you are angels clothed in light, who have a desire to see the opening of the fifth seal ; and blessed are they who are greeted by the angels of the light, as the light shall shine around you, and before the world, and nations shall wonder, and be comforted ia their hard struggle for liberty from despotism, and from hierarchical tyranny of priests. That despotism of souls which comes from ignorance and blind- ness, in all spiritual affairs of man, and acuteness in earthly doings, which is only foolishness to heaven, when applied to the wisdom and knowledge of heaven, and its law, and its treasures — so mote it be. Amen. I am your redeemer from all your need, and it shall be your desire to be my apostle to my friends, who shall hear the voice of Messiah, and be comforted. Amen ; yes, amen. Message from Jeshuah, the Messiah, to John Taylor. Hyde's Park, August 27, 1882. My friend George : Let it be read aloud before my servant, John Taylor, and by thine own voice ; and when this is done let it be copied in ink and kept in safe keeping. The time is near at hand when you shall have unveiled before your vision the mysteries of heaven. My peace be with you. My blessing is the peace of heaven. Live in this blessing and the world cannot harm nor hurt you. Amen. ( n? ) It is not wisdom in me, that my servant who writes these lines from me shall give up his name to you. The church must receive the truth, as it loves the truth, in one concord, and I will pour out the spirit of prophesy on your heads, and my prophets shall be as the hosts of heaven among you. Therefore, let it be sufficient to you, that you receive what you do, and I will look at every one of your acts, and the motives in your soul, until I stand revealed before your sight, and ye shall know my messen- ger. My father's footsteps are on the earth now, and from the east and to the west shall they come, and from the north and to the south shall they come, and center together at Independ- ence, Mo., where the Ancient of Days shall be revealed to all mankind as the P itriirch of Zion. Therefore, I warn you, aod I warn you again: " Be careful how you receive my words." A message to the church was given in March, this year ; that message you will shortly receive, and it will teach you what I want you to know. Other messages shall follow as you will need them. Wars, and rumors of wars shall not be taken away from the earth until you see me. Be not confounded by the threats of the world. Time shall come and time shall go, but my throne shall last forever. A king I was called when men lifted me on the cross, with pierced hands and feet, and a king I am in heaven, where my Father lifted me above the world ; but lifted above the earth I shall draw all mankind to me, and blessed are those who understand the drawing of the Spirit, and will enlist in the ciuse of the Son of man, because the man is your Father and your God : and how my heart is burning that you should all tnow Him and His love, even as I know Him, that your lives could be one with His who has all power, that it could be given to you on earth. Blessed shall you be on that day. Amen. I am the bright morning star which is shining before day- break. Be prepared and awake, because the world is asleep and in darkness, and shall hear at my hour a midnight cry, and be raving and confounded, but ye shall walk in the light. I am the light. Amen, amen, amen.- 08 Message from Jeshuah, the Messiah, to the Church. Hyde's Paek, Iowa, May 12, 1882. I honor my Father, but ye do not honor me, but as I honor the Father, also shall I be honored, because the Father is greater than I ; but I shall be given the honor which is by Him as I love the Father, even as He loved me from the begin- ning, that His love was in me and remained by me. Therefore, I say to you : " Love one another in the same love by which I have loved you, and you shall remain in my love, as I am in the love of my Father, and shall be honored by him with the same love. Also ye shall be honored of me, by that love which is in me, and was in my Father ; and He has loved you in me from the commencement of your lives, or before your birth, which is to you before the commencement of all things. There is a love of the world which shall perish : a love for fame, and for honor and glory of this world, and for those things which shall vanish by death, and in the great revolutions and changes of nature. I say, " Don't work "for the honor or glory of that which you cannot possess eternally. If it so happens to be given to you, then receive it from the hands of God and your fellow beings as a short, and very uncertain gift, that at any moment may be taken from you. Don't allow your souls to love it more than you are at any time able to lay down for my sake, or ye can not know me, nor can ye know my Father ; but as I honor Him, so He is honored in you, if my love abide in your heart, and you remain by him in soul and life, as I did in the world and have done ever since." Now, my last and greatest commandment to all my friends is : " Follow after me ; take up your cross and follow me." My burden is truly easy, and my cross you can travel with, and be filled with joy and glory. Live in the world and be among the ( (i"J . ) world's children ; enjoy the things in the world, but as if you were not of the world. There is no sin in love, and if you remain without sin you shall grow into perfection ; and the love of my Father is His perfection, for which we all honor Him ; and if you remain in Him you shall remain without sin, and ye shall not sin if you are born of Him, as His sons and daughters in the new light of the Gospel of Freedom, which is the crown of the harmonial philosophy, and the end of my mission, before I shall personally again appear on earth. In that consists our love to Him, that He loved us, and in that consists your love to me, that I have loved you, and have called on you to perceive His wonderful love which sent me into the world as a witness about His love to the world. Therefore do I honor Him, as I know Him, but ye do not know Him, and therefore you don't know me. If you knew Him you would honor ine, because I came out from Him as a messenger into the world ; and the world was in darkness and could not see the light, and could not know me on account of the darkness ; and it dishonored me and hung me on the cross, and it dishonored my friends, the apostles and my disciples, and it put to death my witnesses. But as many as received the testimony have got the eternal record in His kingdom, which will be established on the earth, and materialized, we shall be together once more, and eat of the lamb of the passover, and drink of the new wine on earth in my Father's kingdom, and the testament shall be to an end — that last ivill made to man- kind by the authority of my sacrifice. That ivill shall have its testament finished at that day, when I shall drink with you of the cup in the Gospel of Freedom, and I shall eat of the bread, and of the passover lamb in the Gospel of Freedom. And ye shall honor me, even as I honor my Father shall you honor Him with me, and the nations of the earth shall honor you, even as you have honored me shall you be honored. And as the world shall receive the least of my messengers who walk in my love, and I shall abide with, the same shall carry my peace with him to them. I have led you from earth to heaven, and I will lead you from heaven to earth, or make heaven descend on earth, and peace shall be on earth — that peace which is in heaven. Amen. 70 Message feom Jeshuah, the Messiah. To Geo. Q. C Cbescent City, Eowa, April 3, 1882. I have not called you, and I have not sent you, and I have not shown you the way which you walk on, therefore, be not comforted, and be not healed of the wound inflicted on you. As I have said to my servant before you, also do I say to you : '-•Repent, and do your former works, or I will come speedily and remove you from the place where you stand." There shall come many and say Lord, Lord ! And I shall look at them and shall not remember even to have seen them doing my work, nor to have heard of them. Let the church know that my voice has sounded on earth, and let those be refreshed who mourn ; but to those who take my name in vain I have nothing to say except that they have turned a blessing into a curse by calling them- selves after my name. I have allowed my Father to put your enemies on you, as it is to your blessing to be chastened, or you would quench the Spirit out from your midst. Blessed are you if your grief is not for this world's sake, nor for the failure of this world's glory ; but that your heart and soul is mourning over your own faithless condition, and over the fail- ure of the church as a body to accomplish the work and destiny ascribed to the saints in the world. Be not astonished when I say to you, "that the time will come when you will kill the prophets, and stone them that I send unto you, on account of your wickedness, and the pride in the hearts of the people." But if you keep my commandments, and do these things which I shall call upon you to accomplish, then I will save you from your enemies, and keep you in the hollow of my hand, and you shall be blessed beyond all your desire, or that which is possible for you to understand. Amen. 71 MESSAGE FROM JESHUAH, THE MESSIAH. To THE MESSENaER. Crescent City, Iowa, April 3, 1882. I will put thee as a line on my people who call themselves after my name, even the name of Jesus, the Christ ; and I will stretch thee out upon them from east to west, and from north to south ; and I will measure them with their own measure, and deal with them as they shall deal with thee ; and as they have rejected my servants so they shall be rejected as a church, and only few shall be allowed to stand in their places and see the coming of the Lord of heaven as the Son of Man. Ye have refused to be comforted, and ye shall not be comforted. Ye have expelled the righteous from your midst, and unless your hearts become as wax, and your souls get clothed in mourning, ye shall perish in your sins. I will put a tape-line upon you ; a chosen tape-line which you have lost off from your midst, but I have gathered up to be put on your length and breadth, and your hearts and inclinations will I measure by that. And your faithfulness, and your willingness, and your obedience will I measure by the way you receive him, and accept the words which I speak to him. Blessed are those who hunger and are thirsty, who are needy and meek. Blessed are the souls with a torn and ragged gai'ment, because they shall have the glory of God resting upon them. But woe to those who shall call themselves after my name, and count themselves as the saints of God, but are hypocrites, ' faithless — -swelled up and big in their own imaginations, — liars, impostors, covetous, defamers, and whose hearts are burning after the riches of this world, wishing to sit in high places in the tabernacle as a damnation to themselves,, worshipping the devil of perdition and retrogression in the image of God. Woe to those who barricade the way of God by their own foolishness and childish ignorance, and who persecute the saints and the ( 72 ) righteous amongst them, only for the sake of power and dominion. Blessed are those who love me, and keep in my ways, for to them I will give the keys to the palace of heaven, and they shall open the door, and none can enter into that house, but by me ; there- fore be not deceived. Amen. Message from Jeshuah, the Messiah. On Gathering. Independence, Mo., April 8, 1883, 9 a. m. Surely there shall come many from all countries of the earth, and sup with me at this place, when the fulness of time and times are passed; and these which my Father gave me out of the world shall be gathered into one fold, and there shall be one shepherd. I am speaking now about my visible appearance on earth in the last days of the world's government ; not in the last days of the present nature, but the last days of the present state of affairs on earth, when the spirit of this world's govern- ment is ruling the nations. Look at the political horoscope as it stands ; and it is indicating the conflict between the powers of darkness and light, and in the struggle the nations will hail the kingdom to come, and the Son of man with a world of heavenly light, and peace, and spiritual truth and happiness to all mankind. Then shall peace be given for the scattered to be called into Independence and build up Zion. And I will gather mine elect from all over the earth, b}' sea and by land, to come as delegates from the nations to meet me at this place. There are some of my people dwelling among the mountains, as all over the earth, east and west ; to those I am calling with a loud voice, saying : "Be ready and come, by sea and by rail, from far off, and make you ready, becauae the time will be at hand suddenly, as a flash of lightning, or a dash of the wind, and you will be moving toward this place. And those who perse- cuted you will be dead, and their sons and daughters will call you blessed as those who come in the name of the Lord." Surely your inheritance has been bought with blood, and shall be redeemed by money, and a full possession shall be given to you, and the anger of your enemies shall be taken away, and the sting of the scorpion shall have lost its poison. In the same days shall the Central Temple at Independence, Mo., be built as a standard for the workl to look upon, and as the Cathedral of heaven on earth ; but let it not trouble your mind, as your faith and good will in doing the work has been accepted, and shall be put into a heavenly active power; and in doing the work the church shall see it •"one, and there shall be workmen in heaven helping it on as well as on earth. When your hands, and shoulders, and strength, and prayers are put into such an undertaking I will personally appear visible, and face to face I will speak to you, and you shall hear my voice as my disciples did at Jerusalem, and during the f6rty days after my resurrection from death. It is my will and pleasure that you shall consider all these things, and not be in haste, nor be troubled in your mind, nor lose your faith in God, nor your love and honesty in seeking after truth wherever you find it. And I say to you: " There is a messenger amongst you, and you don't know him." But he is a forerunner of him who comes before me at my second coming, and he is in the spirit of the priesthood of John the Baptist ; but you know him not, and he cries from afar off to you, and you hear his voice as a lonely bird moaning in the grass at the lake-shore, as the sun of this present dispensation is sinking behind the western mountains. He has not the Gospel of Freedom, but he bears witness of it, which is the mission of Messiah to be given in his second coming, when Zion is prepared, and the messenger bears a true testimony of it. He had to come, and blessed are those who hear his voice, and prepare their hearts for events which already are pressing on, and which you can not receive in your present darkened and hardened condition . Blessed are those who will hear him, and will receive my messen- ger. 1 have raised up my messengers one after another amongst you, but some have you driven off, and others have you killed ; f 74 ) and the innocent blood by which the church is stained and sprinkled has called down a judgment to be executed on you, as your enemies have grown powerful. Now, I have sent one messenger and I will send another, and I will multiply my messengers until all the people from the lowest to the highest shall see me as my messenger sees me, and know my voice, as many as call on my name. The work has to be done by the Order of Messiah, or by thousands and thousands of heavenly messengers filled with the Spirit of prophesy. Spiritualism is making way for the glorious entry of the Spirit of progress, and is preparing the nations for great events, and is lifting up hope in the minds of those who are in dark- ness to shout a hallelujah filled with joy and immortality. Therefore, my people in Utah and all over the world, do not shut up your ears, and close your eyes from seeing these grand stepping stones over which the nations of the earth will pass to hail Zion, and cry out: "Blessed art thou who comest in the name of the Lord." The work of the Lord is not one thing, but many things ; not one dfisign, but many designs, and He cannot conform to your pattern of church rule, as He is in freedom, but you must conform to His ways. Be not bigoted ; be not narrow minded ; be not in hatred one to another, but be long suffering, and broad of heart, or I will come suddenly as a flash of lightning and find you asleep ; therefore, be awake, as the midnight cry comes in the Order of Messiah, and it is near at hand. Be ready for the call by day and by night, as the adversary goes not to sleep, nor do 3'our enemies or opposers go to sleep except you keep awake early and late, and awake in the spirit of truth, which is the spirit of salvation. I am your redeemer and your friend, and as I was with my disciples when on earth, even so I will be with you . Amen. 75 Message from David Patton. Independence, Mo., December G, 1885, 10 p. m. Here you are again, where Joseph, the prophet, came more than fifty years ago with a handful of men, women an children who had received the new light, even it was the old light or the gospel of Jesus. He was not a learned man, but an honest man ; he was not a wise man, but a tool in the hands of God ; he was not a man of age, but a youth ; he was a ridicule amongst mankind as in the spirit world, and only a few on earth and a few amongst the spirits on earth greeted his advent except with sneers and contempt ; but the angel world had called upon him, and he obej'ed not as a slave does his master, no ; but because it had become a second nature in him to live in his Father's spirit, and do the work of the only begotten Son, the Redeemer, until he was killed as I was killed on the battlefield of Jehovah in this vicinity, so that our blood could cry out under the altar of the Lamb as a witness to this generation about the cross, and the power of the cross upon which our Master hung. New light upon light, and knowledge upon knowledge will be added to the gospel, as testimony upon testimony shall be given from heaven to all who are the chosen seed, or the elect on earth in this dispensation — the second advent of Messiah. I want you, to-morrow, to pay a short visit to my old home at the north-east corner, near the Temple Block. Tell my friends that I am alive ; that I spoke to you. Tell them that we live — all who are dear to them and were lost to man's natural eye- sight behind that thin veil which mankind calls by the name of " death." Tell them there is no such a thing as death, but life is swallowed i^p of life, and they shall rejoice at the testimony which you shall bring forth to them. Life on earth is such a very short concern, and it appears as such a small speck to the eternal life which is in store for us. We hope yet for the restora- tion of all things ; we pray always that our aspiration shall be . ( 70 ) fulfilled to appear on earth again with a body of refined matter, spiritualized as well as it is materialized, and immortal in heaven as it will also be on earth, visible and tangible, which shall not any more see corruption, but shall be seen in that perfection in which we live ; and also, shall be heard, and seen, and believed in by immortal mankind in the similitude of the Lord's dwelling of forty days on earth after the crucifixion and resurrection . Also, shall we dwell with Him, and be as He is, and appear as He did, and be known as He is known when the fulness of time is come. Therefore be not of little hope, as the kingdom belongs to you who are His elect friends whom the Father has drawn to Him out of the world, and none were lost, -not even Judas who betrayed Him, as in the Lord's time the redemption came and he followed his Master the more eagerly, that none of the chosen ones should be lost, though he had become a devil while in the flesh. There is very little to say about Independence in a local sense, but eighteen ninety -five a ad up to nineteen ninety -five will all be done whatever in our most sanguine expectations we have dreamed about. There will be built a real temple of stone and mortar, and it will adorn the Temple Block ; and it will be raised up and be seen of this generation — so mote it be. Amen, I am David Patton, the apostle. Message from Jeshuah, the Messiah. To John Taylor. Hyde's Pakk, Iowa, August 1, 1883. I have called you " friends," and inasmuch as you keep my commandments you are my friends, and the children of the light ; and your prayers and supplications are acceptable to my ( 77^ ) Father. Live in the spirit of your prayers and you will not be confounded. Wisdom shall come down from heaven and abide with you if you seek it with an earnest soul to be a star light on your way, and a burning lantern before your feet, that you may not tremble, nor stumble in the dark, hut lead the people by my hand as I am your redeemer, and the light of the world. Be not discouraged in your tribulations, as they are for the benefit of the church, or it would have been otherwise. Lonely has heaven left you for years, that your hearts might be filled with love, and longing, and long suffering, and meekness, that you might receive and not reject me, nor my messengers, and not persecute them. For that reason I have kept the seers out of your midst, but in time the faithful in Zion shall hear my voice, and not reject my testimony, nor persecute my witnesses. Amen, Far off have you gone from the path which my spirit taught you, and you have' followed your own inclinations, and have built cities in the spirit of the world, thinking to do God a service. Many have gone behind the veil because they had no faith nor spirit to live by, and many are asleep amongst you. You have cast the pearls of heaven before swine, and the Holy of Holiness before dogs, and now they turn against you and are ready to tear you asunder. You have begged your enemies for peace, because the peace of heaven — that peace by which I blessed you — had departed from your souls. In a long and weary time have your footprints been seen among the Rocky Mountains, and you have grown in prosperity according to the world, but not according to the spirit of the gospel after my name. I am the peace, and as many as remain in peace shall remain in me, and I in them, and they shall not be removed from their habitations. Riots shall be amongst you, because you have not been the children of peace ; and those who shed blood will go down in death with a blood-stained soul, because there was no peace in their ways. Blessed are you if you keep the spirit of peace among the brethren, for some will go out from your midst and grasp the sword, supposing by that to be saved, and grasp the gun, meaning by that to arrive at exalta- tion. I say to you: " If you will keep my commandments, and walk in the spirit of my work, I will be on your right and on ( ^« ) your left side, and I will be before and behind you,yin