D ^ S CO ^= o d ^^ 3D 3) 8 ^ Q 2 ^^ CO 7 ^^= g 8 "'- 5 6 ^ 4 ^^ "I THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW WHO'S WHO II I IN THE PACIFIC SOUTHWEST A Compilation oj Authentic Biographical Sketches of Citizens of Southern California and Arizona PUBLISHED BY THE TIMES-MIRROR PRINTING & BINDING HOUSE LOS ANGELES 1913 Vi(p20B "Who's Who in the Pacific Southwest" PREFACE This work is submitted to the i^"bl''^ with contidence in its usefiihiess and value, and without a misgiving as to its hearty reception. Preparing and editing the volume have required several months of painstaking labor by a large force of experts, and the publishers do not hesitate to say that they are gratified with the result, since this publication stands without any counterpart in West Coast literature. The book is modeled after the standard of all works of this character, "WHO'S WHO," published in England. All eulogistic matter has been omitted; only a bare statement of facts has been made, in each case, in con- formity with "WHO'S WHO" style. No other style is permissible in a work in which all sketches are prepared from data furnished by the subjects them- selves. In conforming strictly to this idea the publishers feel that they have achieved a work of character and dignity. Every art, profession and industry is represented in the brief life- sketches of their exponents; and in these pages will be found more complete data respecting a greater number of residents of the Pacific Southwest than ever was compiled before. The purpose has been to gather these little life histories of people who have contributed to the making of the great Pacific Southwest into a volume accessible to all. It contains approximately 4,000 sketches of representative people in every reputable walk of life, and will be of recognized value to every one who keeps abreast of the times and is interested in what those with whom he deals have done and are doing. This work is entirely different from the ordinary biographical publica- tion, inasmuch as no space has been sold. All sketches are unpaid for and printed with the sole object of giving the public a representative work, in which the sale of space was not the object, on the same plan as encyclopedias and other standard works of reference. It is obvious that such a book, to be of value to the diversified interests to which it appeals, must be as accurate as conscientious work can make it. Absolute reliability has been the great aim of the publication, and the long service of the publishers to the public is its best guarantee. OO /r-i '11 WHO'S WHO IN THE PACIFIC SOUTHWEST ABBOTT, Adelbert Starr. Whole- sale hardware. Res. 939 Menlo ave.; office 180 Central ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Aug. 15, 1867; son of Capt. M. A. and Emily Augusta (Fernald) Abbott. Married in 1893. Office boy with Dunhani Carrigan & Co., San Francisco, in 1884; moved to Los Angeles in 1890, and entered employ of Schoder John- ston & Co. (now Union Hardware & Metal Co.); traveling salesman for this firm in 1892; member firm of Cal- ifornia Hardware Co., 1897; elected secy., 1905; sold interest in 1908 and in 1909 organized the Abbott Hard- ware Co., engaged in the general wholesale hardware business, of which he is treas. and pres. to date. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Knights Templar; Shrine; Past Grand Counselor United Commercial Trav- elers of America; Jonathan and Ellis clubs. ABBOTT, Arthur James. Lawyer. Res. 625 S. Hope st. ; office 811 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Clayton, Mich., Aug. IS, 1885; son of Dr. James B. and Fannie E. (Baker) Abbott. Graduated from high school Ann Arbor, Mich., 1904; University of Mich., A.B., 1909; law dept. of same (Juris Doctor) 1911; admitted to bar of Supreme Court of Mich., and Cal., and United States courts. Served as business mgr. of Mich. Alumnus (college graduate magazine) 1907-11; managing editor same, 1911-12; asso- ciate editor of "Mich. Law Review" 1910-11. In 1909 represented Univ. of Mich, in inter-collegiate debate with Chicago Univ. Member Bankers' Clulb, Los Angeles ; Delta Sigma Rho inter- collegiate fraternity; Order of the Coif; and Sigma Delta Chi. Methodist. ABBOTT, George Bartlett. Physi- cian and Surgeon. Res. 1928^-2 Bon- sallo ave.; office 712 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Tyndall, S. D., Feb. 20, 1879; son of Thomas Henry and Julia (Ramsauer) Abbott. Mar- ried to Hester L. Beck (McDonald) in 1908. Educated in grammar schools at Tyndall, S. D. Early life spent in service of C. M. & St. P.; C, St. P., M. O. & U. P.; S. P., and Frisco systems, and Postal Telegraph Co. Entered Eclectic Medical College, San Francisco, in 1903; graduated in 1906; lost everything in fire of 1906; moved to Los Angeles 1909; Naturo- pathic Institute. Los Angeles, N.D., 1908; Palmer-Gregory Chiropractic College, D. C, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1911; licensed California State Board Medical Examiners, April 8, 1909. Secretary (State) Assn. Naturopathic Physicians of Cal.; secy, and treas. Naturopathic Publishing Co. Mem- ber Royal Arcanum; Los Angeles Knickerbocker Club; Naturopathic Physicians of Cal. ABBOTT, Hester Lovinia. Osteo- pathic physician. Res. 1928;'2 Bon- sallo ave.; office 712 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Centreville, Alameda county, Cal., Oct. 12, 1857; daughter of Robert and Edna Ann (Stewart) McDonald. Married to George B. Abbott in 1908. Education received in the public schools of Liv- ermore, Cal.; graduated from Califor- nia College of Osteopathy, San Fran- cisco, 1905. Engaged in practice in Alameda, Oakland and San Fran- cisco; moved to Los Angeles in 1909 and has since been engaged in active practice. Member Chamber of Com- merce; and Fraternal Brotherhood, 32nd degree. ACKER, Arthur L. Architect. Res. 1103 \V. Santa Barbara ave.; office U27 W. P. Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Stanton. Mich., Aug. 18, 1871; son of Frank A. and Mar- garet .A. (Lansing) Acker. Married to M. Pearl Barber in 1897. Received common school education; took archi- tectural course in the International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa. Salesman and window dresser for C. H. Mitchell. Detroit, Mich, same with J. Noch & Co., Akron, O. same, J. L. Hudson, Cleveland, O. same, with Mullen & Bluett, Los .An- geles, Cal.; same, with Frankenheimer & Lightnee, Riverside, Cal; has been practicing architecture, 1905 to date. WHO'S WHO ACKERMAN, Charles Maxwell. Lawyer. Res. 2143 Canyon Dr.; of- fice 425 Bullard Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wilkesbarre. Pa., Aug. 31, 1875; son of E. A. and Elvira (Baker) Ackerman. Married to Marie C. Browne in 1899. Attended public and high schools of Chicago; grad- uated from Illinois College of Law, LL.B., 1900. Accountant and asst. cashier of the C. & N. W. Ry. at Chi- cago 1897-1900; practiced law in Chi- cago 1900-3; moved to Los Angeles and was cashier for Stinison Lumber Co. 1903-5; admitted to bar in Cali- fornia in 1905 and has since been en- gaged in active practice, specializing in corporation law. Dir., vice-pres. and atty. of Angelus Steam Laundry; dir. and atty. of Rapid System Co. of Cal.; Neal Institute of Cal.; Pacific Coast Soda Fountain Co. ; White Garage ; Erode Electric Co. ; Great Eastern Market; pres. and atty. Venice Home Builders; atty. Rapid Account Register Co. and Suburban Pub. Co. Served in Chicago Mounted Hussars one year. ^Penlber L. A. Chamber of Commerce; Royal Arcanum. Republican. ADAMS, Charles Blackstone. Phy sician. Res. 317 S. Olive St.; office 537 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in LaFayette Co., Wis., Dec. 24, 1871; son of William Thomp- son and Clara (Blackstone) Adams. Married to Lillian M. Bobst. At- tended public schools of Iowa; Iowa City Academy, 1888-89; State Agcl. College, la., 1892; graduated from medical dept.. State Univ. of la., M. D., 1897; post g:raduate course, 1900; prac- ticed medicine in la. for five years; in service of Santa Fe Ry. Co. in Ariz, six years; moved to Los Angeles in 1909 and has practiced his profession to date. Member Masonic fraternity; B. P. O. E.; Los Angeles Co. Medical Soc; Cal. State Medical Soc; Ameri- can Medical Assn.; Ariz., State Medi- cal Soc; Surgeon to Southwest Ins. Co.; Frankfort Marine; Ocean Guar- antee & Liability; F'acific Surety Co. ADAMS, David Maddux. Lawyer. Res. 1421 Constance St.; ofiice 309 Pa- cific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Arkansas, Jan. 27, 1848; son of Levi Carter and Susan Rumscy (Maddux) Adams. Married to Alice A. Smith in 1875. Attended llealds burg Sotoyone Inst., Sonoma Co., Cal.; City College at San Francisco; College of California (now Univ. of Cal.), then located at Oakland, Cal Moved to California at age of four, making trip overland across the plains. After finishing his education, engaged in editorial work on various papers in San Francisco and San Jose, Cal.; was connected editorially with Los Ange- les Herald; member Capt. Prescott's Rangers in skirmishes with Indians in Nevada, 1865; admitted to bar in Los Angeles in 1880; deputy county clerk of 17th judicial dist. of Los Angeles county, 1877-80: first city justice of Los .'\ngeles, 1881-82; practiced law in Los Angeles, 1883-89; in Nicaragua and Costa Rica in 1890; member law firm of Daggett & Adams, Visalia, Cal., 1891-99; mayor of Visalia, and later supt. of schools; practiced law in Bakersfield, Cal., 1900-08; atty. in San Joaquin Valley, principally for land, water and mining corporations and banks; at present engaged in prac- tice of law in Los Angeles. Member I. O. O. F. ; Pioneers of Nevada. ADAMS, Frank H. Railway official. Res. 1410 W. 1st St., Glendale. Cal.; of- fice 601 South Spring St., Los .\ngeles, Cal. Born in Northumberland, Penn., July 30, 1860; son of Royal S. and Jennie (Hughes) Adams. Married to Lola B. Gillett in 1888. Educated in public and private schools of King- ston, Pa., 1865 to 1872; Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, 1872-74; Pough- keepsie Military Institute, 1874-76. Engaged in farming and stock busi- ness in Iowa and Nebraska, 1876-82; deputy postmaster, Lexington, Neb., 1882-83; employed in the general mdse. establishment of S. N. Wol- buch, Lexington, Neb., advancing from clerk to manager. 1883-1905; moved to Los Angeles in 1905 and entered employ of the S. P., L. A. & S. L. R. R. Co. as chief clerk to gen. baggage agent; held various positions with this CO. and on Jan. 1, 1911, was appointed general agent at Los An- geles of the Pacific Coast, whicli posi- tion he now holds. Mayor, city of Lex- iii.urton. Neb.. 1904-5. Member Masonic fraternity, Scottish Rite. ADAMS, George P. Lawyer. Res. 1199 Crcnsliaw blv.l.; office 435-40 Title Insurance Bldg., Los .Xngcles. Born near Kewanee, III., Aug. 13, 1860; son of George C. and Harriet R. (Johnson) Adams. Married to Edith L. Harmon Sept. 6, 1893. Received his education at the public schools of his native town; graduated from Hedding Col- lege, Ph.B., 1885; Union College of Law, LL.B., 1887. Admitted to the IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST bar in Chicago, III., June 11, 1887; moved to Los Angeles August. 1887, and has since engaged in active prac- tice. Member Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar; Shrine. Republi- can. ADAMS, Frank S. Lawyer. Res. Garvanza; office 400 Grant Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born, Sept. 5, 1866, in Santa Cruz, Cal.; son of David L. and Julia (Bennet) Adams. Married to Adelia A. Barnes in 1897. Attended San Bernardino Academy and Hast- ings' College of Law; admitted to the bar upon examination before Supreme Court of Cal. in 1890, and has since been engaged in practice alone in Los Angeles. Pres. Garvanza Im- provement Assn; member Masonic fraternity. Republican. ADAMS, George Norris. Civil and hydraulic engineer. Res. 235 El Bo- nito Ave.; office, 222 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in England, Sept. 5, 1879; son of George Norris and Priscilla (Baird) Adams. Attended Robert Gordon's College, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1892-96; Univ. of Sydney, Australia, 1897-1900. Asst. engineer Southern Pacific Railroad Co., 1905- 07; doing Power Surveys State of Washington, 1908; engineering work Los Angeles and vicinity, 1909; res- ident and construction engineer Ar- rowhead Reservoir & Power Co., San Bernardino, Calif., 1910-1912; also en- gaged in general practice as civil and hydraulic engineer from Jan., 1913, to date. Member Tropico and Civic clubs; Masonic fraternity. Presby- terian. ADAMS, George W. Lawyer. Res. cor. Burlington ave. and Ninth st.; office Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Monticello, Wis., Oct. 3, 1865; son of W. T. and Clara N. (Black- stone) Adams. Married to Iva E. Binford in 1896. Attended high school, Hampton, la.; Iowa State Col- lege, Ames, la.; graduated from Law Dept., State Lfniv. of Iowa, Iowa City, la. LL. B., 1891. Practiced law in la. for ten years; moved to Los An- geles, Cal., 1903, and began practice of law; senior member firm of Adams, Adams & Binford, organized in 1906, specializing in corporation, real es- tate and insurance law. Pres. Board of Trustees of city of So. Pasadena for two years. Member University Club. ADAMS, Walter Franklin. Manu- facturer. Res. 1412 Bond St.; office 742 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Watsonville, Cal., Feb. 6, 1863. Married to Ella Lorena Law- rence in 1892. Attended first high school in Los Angeles, which was lo- cated where court house now stands; was marshal of day when school opening was celebrated. Engaged in business for himself in 1892, and is now sole proprietor of Adams Manu- facturing Co. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Knights Templar; Shrine; O. E. S. ADAMS, Walter Sydney. Astron- omer. Res. 60 N. Lake ave., Pasa- dena, Cal. Born in Antioch, Turkey, Dec. 20, 1876; son of Lucien Harper and Dora Adams. Married to Lillian Wickham in 1910. Graduated from Dartmouth College (N. H.), A. M., 1898; attended Univ. of Chicago, Chi- cago, 111., 1900; Univ. of Munich, Ger- many, 1901. Instructor in Yerkes Ob- servatory, 1903-04; asst. astronomer, 1904-09; astronomer. 1909; acting dir. Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory, Car- negie Inst., Pasadena. Cal. ADANK, Edward George. Lawyer. Res. Los Angeles; office Zi7 Copp Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Evansville, Ind.. Jan. 29, 1871; son of George and Elizabeth (Daescher) Adank. Married to Rose Ella Olsen. Attended the public schools of Ind. and Switzerland; Commercial College, Evansville, Ind., 1887-88; Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind., 1892-95; Univ. of Leipzig, Germatiy, 1895-96; graduated from Univ. of Ind., A. B., 1894; LL. B., 1895. Admitted to the bar at Indianapolis, Ind., June 4, 1894; practiced law in Evansville, Ind., 1896- 99. Moved to Cal. in 1899; engaged in insurance and real estate business in San Francisco, Mexico and Los An- geles, 1899-09. Moved to Los Ange- les. Admitted to the bar of Cal in 1909. Member Delta Tau Delta fra- ternity; Indiana Alumni Assn. Re- publican. ADLER, MelvUle C. Merchant. Res. 618 W. 17th st.; office 437 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 25, 1866; son of Charles and Adeline (Frank) Adler. Married to Rose Harris in 1894. Edu- cated in public schools of Alameda, Cal., and Boys' High School, San Francisco, Cal. Learned clothing cut- ting as trade in shop of Henry Steel, San Francisco. With Greenhood & Moran, retail clothiers, Oakland, Cal.; 8 WHO'S WHO clerk and traveling salesman with W. & I. Steinhart & Co., San Francisco, and Steinhart, Adler & Co., New York city; traveled for Heidelberg, Wolf & Co., New York city; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1893, and entered firm of Harris & Frank, of which he is vice-pres. and gen. mgr.; dir. L. Har- ris Realty Co. Member Jonathan and Concordia clubs, Los Angeles; San Gabriel Valley Country and Pasadena Gun clubs; Masonic fraternity; Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Board of Directors and treas. Humane Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Christian Sci- entist. AISBITT, Mathew S. Physician. Res. 1235 W. 50th st.; office 215 Henne Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, Oct. 29, 1831; son of Thomas and Isabella (Todd) Aisbitt. INlarried to Margaret Gladstone in 1859. Attended public and private schools of his native town; graduated from N. Y. Eclectic Medi- cal College in 1871. First employ- ment was in goldstone and gold mines; engaged in mining in Australia, 1858; returned to England and after brief stay moved to America in 1863 and began study of medicine in New York; after graduation returned to England and practiced medicine one year; again moved to America, 1876, and engaged in practice in Pennsyl- vania, Ohio, until 1894; in Cal., 1894 to date. Professor of mental and nervous diseases in Cal. Eclectic Medi- cal College, Los Angeles, Cal., 1906 to date. Meinber County Eclectic Soc. Republican. Episcopalian. AKERMAN, John Sutherland. Mer- chant. Res. 2346 Second St.; office 1311 E St., San Diego, Cal. Born in London, England, May 16, 1860; son of John Thomas and Ellen (Stephens) Akerman. Married to Bessie Lewis in 1901. Graduated from Homerton Congregational College, London; Technological College, London. Eng.; office boy in London, 1875; with EI- linger & Son, London, 1875-88; moved to Cal. in 1889 and entered commis- sion business; assisted in the organi- zation of the Pacific Wood & Coal Co., of which he now is secy, and dir. Secy, and dir. Garrettson Investment Co.; Rose Canon Brick Co.; San Diego Cycle & Arms Co. Former trustee of Noririal School; former pres. Cham- ber of Commerce; vice-pres. Y. M. C. A. Member Cuyamaca and Country clubs; San Diego Rowing Club, of which he was pres., 1901-08. Episco- palian. AKIN, John J. Railway official. Res. 843 Beacon st.; office 702 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago. 111., Aug. 26, 1848; son of Edward H. and Sophronia C. (Mer- rill) Akin. Married to Margueretta S. Miller in 1878. Attended public schools of Joliet, 111., 1855-61; Henne- pin, 111., 1861-65; III. Military Acad- emy and Western Union College, Ful- ton, 111.. 1865; Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, 1866; Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1867. Secy. Joliet Woolen Mills, 1870-71; bookkeeper with Mason & Plant Lumber Co., Joliet, 111., 1872; mgr. Sheppard & Henry, saw mills, Newbarth and Henry, Tex., 1873-74; cashier and dir. Roodhouse Bank, Roodhouse, 111.. 1876-77; asst. cashier and dir. Will County National Bank. Joliet, III., 1878; moved to Neb. in 1880, and became member of firm of Stewart & Akin, bankers; discount clerk First National Bank, Chicago, 111., 1881-87; cashier of Park National Bank, Chicago, 1887-88; moved to Los Angeles. 1888. and was appointed supt. of the Los Angeles Ry. Corp., and predecessors, 1889, which position he has held to date. Member Jonathan, Los Angeles Country and Los Ange- les City clubs; Automobile Club of So. Cal. ALBERS, August Wilhelmj. Violin soloist and teacher. Res. 1213 Second St., Santa Monica, Cal.; office 708 Ma- jestic Theatre Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Bremen, Germany, Dec. 7, 1879; son of Gustave Adolph and Carolina (Uttman) Albers. First les- sons received at age of six years, from his father; early education received in Germany: attended school in San An- tonio. Tex., 1880; Moberly. Mo., 1888; Fort Sam Houston under Lieut. Gar- rison, U. S. j\.\ attended and gradu- ated from St. Mary's College, San An- tonio, Tex., 1891-95; special pupil of Max Mendelsohn in Chicago, III., 1896-98; of Henry Irving in Pitts- burgh. Pa. 1898; studied harmony with Dr. August Schemiscl of Berlin. Germany. Moved to .America in 1886; settled for a while in St. Louis. Mo.; traveled with Goetz Symphony Or- chestra, of which his father was con- cert master. 1887-88; moved to Mo- berly, Mo.. 1888; to New Orleans, La., 1889; to San ;\ntonio, Tex.; took charge of Heethoven Conservatory of Music, of which Dr. .August Schem- mcl was pres.. San .Antonio. Tex., 1001; played in and directed Grand Opera 1 louse Orchestra. San Antonio, Tex., 1901-03; with Bogar's Royal Hungarian Orchestra, St. Louis, IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST Mo., 1903-04; traveled with theatrical companies in New Orleans. Mexico and Texas until 1906; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1906. Now head of Violin Dept. of Los Angeles Acad, and Maryland School, Los Angeles, Cal. ALBRIGHT, Porter H. Civil en- gineer. Res. 1119 VV. Sixth St.; office 420 Story Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Macon county, Mo., Sept. 29, 1882; son of William O. and Almira (Mil- ler) Albright. Married to Lena K. Glaum in 1909. Received his educa- tion in public schools and graduated from high school at Lamar, Mo., in 1900; attended engineering dept. Uni- versity of Missouri, 1901-04. First employed by Blodgett Construction Co., Kansas City, 1904, in charge of survey party on location of Sixth- street viaduct, Kansas City, 1905; moved to Los Angeles in 1905 and was employed as designer of switches, frogs, etc., for Los Angeles Ry. Co.; chief draftsman Los Angeles Pacific Ry., 1906; chief engineer same com- pany, 1907; with County Highway Commission, 1911; in business for self as consulting and civil engineer, giving special attention to surveys, designs, estimates and valuations in connection with streets and street railways, bridges and wharves, 1911 to date. Member Southwestern Academy of Sciences; Engineer* and Architects Assn.; University Club. ALDEN, Eliot. Surgeon. Res. 310 Kingsley drive; office 609 Exchange Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Walla Walla. Wash., Dec. 12, 1874; son of Charles Henry and Katherine Russell (Lincoln) Alden. Married to Etta Estill in 1912. Graduated from high school, St. Paul, Minn., 1892; Harvard College, A. B., Cambridge, Mass., 1897; Harvard Medical School. M. D., Boston, 1901. Spent three years in post graduate study in sur- gery in Europe. Engaged in prac- tice in Cleveland until 1906. when he moved to Los Angeles, where he is now practicing. Formerly member of N. G. O.; N. G. C. Episcopalian. ALDERSON, Charles Mervyn. Dentist. Res. 1043 Florida St.; office 406 Wright & Callender Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Huntington, W. Va., Nov. I, 1885; son of Charles Rufus and Julia H. (Buorton) Alder- son. Married to Helen F. Griffith in 1910. Attended Los Angeles High School; graduated from College of Dentistry, Univ. of So. Cal., 1908. En- gaged in the practice of dentistry, 1908 to date. Member So. Cal. Dental Assn.; Los Angeles Co. Dental Assn. ALDERSON, William A. Lawyer. Res. 1227 Leighton ave.; office 207 S. Broadway. Los Angeles. Cal. Born in St. Charles, Mo.. Oct. 1. 1856; son of Benjamin A. and Mary L. (Baker) Alderson. Married to Maude W. Webster in 1907. Received his educa- tion in the public and private schools of St. Charles. Mo.; West Nottingham Academy, Port Deposit. Md.; Lafay- ette College, Easton, Pa. Engaged in the practice of law in Kansas City. Mo., 1878; first asst. city counselor of Kansas City, 1885-90; moved to Los Angeles in 1900, and has since been engaged in tlie practice of law; asso- ciated with Judge Ed. L. Scarritt of Kansas City. Author Judicial Writs and Process. Receivers (Baker, Voor- his & Co., N. Y.) Member Union League Club; Masonic fraternity; K. of P.; Moose. ALDRIDGE, Walter Hull. Mining and metallurgical engineer. Res. 2626 EUendale PI., Los Angeles; office 14 Wall St., New York City, and Central Bldg., Los Angeles, (fal. Born in Brooklyn, Sept. 8, 1867; son of Vol- ney and Harriet Elizabeth (Hull) Aldridge. Married to Nancy Tuttle in 1899. Attended Lockwood's Acad- emy; public schools; and polytechnic of Brooklyn, 1876-83; graduated from Columbia University, N. Y., E.M., 1887. First employed as assayer, chemist and metallurgist for Colo- rado Smelting Co., Pueblo, Colo., 1887-92; asst. mgr., and later mgr. United Smelting & Refining Co. in East Helena, Great Falls, Mont., and S. Chicago, 1892-97; with Consoli- dated Mining & Smelting Co. as man- aging dir.. 1897-1911; chief of mining and metallurgical dept. of Canadian Pacific Ry., 1911 to date. Managing ■Hr. Inspiration Copper Co.; consult- ing engineer Mason Valley Mines Co.; same Gunn Thompson Co.; dir. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. of Canada; same Bankhead mines and Hesmer mines. Member Mining and Metallurgical Society of America; Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, England; American Ins. of Mining Engineers; Electro-Chemical Society; Canadian Ins. Mining Engineers; member Rossland Club, Rossland, B. C. ; Union League Club; and 10 WHO'S WHO Down Town Assn., New York City; Alta Club, Salt Lake City; California and Country clubs, Los Angeles. Episcopalian. ALEXANDER, Arthur. Singer and vocal teacher. Res. 2529 8th ave.; of- fice Blanchard Hall, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Saginaw, Mich., Oct. 15, 1882; son of John \V. and Susan (Busby) Alexander. iVIarried to Ada E. Barker, in 1909. Attended Ann Ar- bor School of Music; Univ. of Mich.; eleven years in Paris, studying under Sbregila, Charles W. Clark and Jean de Reszke. Engaged in concert work in London and Paris; organist and choirmaster of St. Mark's' Church, Seattle, Wash.; same, Roman Cath- olic Cathedral and Jewish Synagogue, Portland, Ore.; organist of American Church, Paris, France, 1909-10; asst. teacher to Jean de Reszke in his Paris studio, 1909-10; moved to Los Angeles in 1911 and was engaged as organist of Temple Auditorium; became or- ganist and choirmaster at Christ Epis- copal Church, Feb., 1912. Member of St. John's' Wood Arts Club, and Chelsea Arts Club of London, Eng- land; Gamut Club of Los Angeles, Cal. Episcopalian. ALLAN, James T. M. Physician and surgeon. Res. 2707 S. Hobart blvd.; office 800 Auditorium Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Dundee, Scot- land, in 1870. Married to Myrtle Buf- kin in 1904. Graduated from College of Medicine, Univ. of So. Cal., M. D., 1903. Interne at Cal. Hospital, 1903- 04; in private practice in Mexico, 1904- 05; visiting physician to Barlow San- atorium, Los Angeles. Miember Los Angeles Co. Med. Assn.; Med. Soc. of State of Cal.; A. M. A. ALLEN, Addie B. Physician and surgeon. Kes. 1712 Maple ave.; office 213 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ottumwa, la., Nov. 11. 1877; daughter of John Brown and Hulda Terrell. Married to Thomas L. Allen in 1897 (dec). Attended grammar schools, Ottumwa, la.; high school, Ottumwa, la.; graduated from Ot- tumwa Normal School, Ottumwa, la., 1896; from Cedar Rapids Business College, 1898; from Univ. of So. Cal., M. D., 1910. Read medicine with Dr. H. K. W. Barnes, 1904-05; practiced medicine in Los Angeles, 1910 to date. Member Los Angeles County Med. Soc; A. M. A.; Court of Honor, Re- bckah Lodge. ALLEN, Alfred. Dramatist and teacher. Res. 721 S. Hope St.; office Children's Theatre, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Alfred, N. Y., Apr. 8, 1866; son of Rev. Jonathan Allen. Gradu- ated from Alfred Univ., Alfred, N. Y.; took special courses at Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass., John Hop- kins Univ., Baltimore, Md., Columbia Univ. and Amer. Acad, of Dramatic Arts, New York City, and at New England Conservatory of Music, Bos- ton, Mass. Professor at Alfred Univ., Alfred, N. Y.; taught in Baltimore, Md.; owned and operated mines in Ga. and Fla. ; mgr. Children's Theatre, Los Angeles, Cal. ; instructor in Egan Dramatic School, Los Angeles. Author; The Heart of Don Vega ; Judge Lynch ; Chivalry ; The Cup of Victory (in col- laboration with Richard Hovey), etc. ALLEN, Alfred Whitney. Lawyer. Res. 1419 W. 11th st.; office 632 Union Oil Bldg.. Los .A.ngeles, Cal. Born in Del Norte. Colo.. Sept. 21, 1876; son of William W. and Ida C. (Chadwick) .'Mien. Married to Esther A. O'Neil in 1907. Public school education. Studied law with firm of Wadham & Stearns, San Diego, Cal., in 1898. Admitted to the bar upon examination by the Supreme Court of Cal. at Los An- geles, April 10, 1900. Admitted to the bar of the United States District Court So. Dist. of Cal., Sept. 28. 1903. Moved to Los Angeles in 1901 and has been engaged in practice to date. Special- izes in organization and government of corporations. Member Jonathan, Los .\ngeles Athletic and Country clubs. ALLEN. Charles Wellington. Phy- sician. Res. 1709 W. 24th st.; office 418 Lissner Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in North Hero, Vt., July 17, 1855; son of Reuben C. and Amanda N. (Dewey) Allen. Married to Angle L. Stewart in 1882. Graduated from Univ. of Vt., Burlington, Vt., A. B., 1897; A. M. and M. D, 1882. Engaged in the practice of Medicine in Bristol, Vt., 1882-83; Gilbert Station. la., 1883- 84; Story City, la.. 1884-1901; mayor of Story City, la., 1885-87; moved to Los Angeles in 1901, and has been engaged in practice to date. Member Masonic fraternity; M. W. A. Pres- byterian. ALLEN, Matthew Thompson. Law- yer. Res. 4972 Pasadena ave.; office International Bank Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Greenville, O., Sept. 17, 1848; son of Rev. John and Eliza- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 11 beth (Ash) Allen. Married to Mary Whiteside in 1879. Attended public schools of his native town; Otterbein Univ.. Westerville, O.. 1863-65. Ad- mitted to the bar in Winchester, Ind., in 1869; engaged in practice in O., 1872-87; moved to Los Angeles in 1887; associated with Hon. N. P. Conrey and Clarence A. Miller, 1890- 92; U. S. Atty. for Southern Dist. of Cal., 1891-93; resumed practice with U. S. Senator Frank P. Flint, 1893-98; Superior judge, Los Angeles Co., 1897-1905; associate justice Dist. Court of Appeals, Second Dist., 1905-07; pre- siding justice same, 1907 to date. Pres. of the Board of Education, Greenville, O., 1883-87. Republican. ALLEN, Russell Carpenter. Fruit grower and shipper. Res. Bonita, Cal.; office same. Born in Boston, Mass., Jan. 27, 1859; son of Joseph H. and Anna Minot (Weld) Allen. Married to Ella Bradford Copeland in 1888. Attended Miss Page's private school and high school, Cambridge, Mass.; Law School, New York City; gradu- ated from Harvard Univ., A. B., 1880. Moved to Cal. in 1882 and engaged in fruit growing and shipping. Former pres. E! Cajon Raisin Co.; vice-pres. and gen. mgr. Sweetwater Fruit Co.; dir. Southern Trust & Savings Bank of San Diego; dir. San Diego Securi- ties Co. Member Board of directors, executive committee and chairman Building & Grounds Committee of Panama-California Exposition for 1915; Cuyamaca and University clubs. Unitarian. ALLIOT, Hector. Archaeologist. Res. 2813 S. Flower st.; office Ham- burger Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chateau des Forestiers, France, Nov. 20, 1862; son of Jehan and Lelia Boynier Alliot. Married to Laurena Moore in 1893. Educated in the Lycee, Bordeaux, France; Academy of Medicine, School of Technology, Montpelier; Univ. of France, gradu- ating A. B.; Univ. of Lombardy, grad- uating D. Sc; art critic and writer on art subjects, Paris, France; associated with Farah Pasha in explorations at Tyre, Asia Minor, in 1891; dir. Cliflf Dwellers explorations. World's Col- umbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., and was elected prof, art history Univ. of So. Cal. in 1908; appointed curator South- west Museum. 1901; prof, technology, School of American Archaeology; special writer, Los Angeles Times. 1912 to date; dir. Alliance Francaise of Los Angeles; deviser of metrical color Standard Marine Colorometer, 1910. Trustee So. Cal. Chautauqua Assn.; member Fine Arts League, Los Angeles; Nat. Geog. Soc; Los An- geles Academy of Science; dir. Amer. Federation of Fine Arts; trustee Los Angeles School of Art and Design; secy. Los Angeles Soc, Archaeolog- ical Inst, of America. ALTON, John. Banker. Res. 199 E, 36th St.; office F'armers' and Mer- cliants' Natl. Bank, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Manchester, England, March 26, 1851; son of John and Emma (Rumball) Alton. Married to Mary P. Kennedy in 1884. Attended Rus- holme public school, Manchester, England; Sedgley Park College, Eng- land. Associated with Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Co. of Man- chester, 1866-85; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., and has been with the Farmers' and Merchants' Natl Bank, Los An- geles, 1886 to date, and as asst. cashier many years. Pres. Universal Mail Despatcher Co. Pres. Newman Club, Los Angeles; Los Angeles Cricket Club; member San Gabriel Valley Country Club. Roman Cath- olic. ANDERSON, Andrew P. Mining Office, 908 Story Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Helsingberg, Sweden, April 8, 1862; son of Andres and Laurie (Larson) Anderson. Mar- ried to Margaret A. Dickinson, in 1892. Attended the public school, Greenview, III. Left school when 18 years of age and engaged in railroad work in Missouri, Iowa and New Mexico, 1880-81; worked as liveryman at Hudson Hot Springs, New Mexico, 1882; prospecting and mining, in New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado, 1882-88; foreman Graphic Mine, Grant Co., New Mexico, 1889-90; engaged in operating own property, 1891-92; engaged in mining operations in Butte, Montana, 1892-95; in Cripple Creek, Colo., 1895-96; in California, 1897; mining, Cripple Creek, 1897; mining New Mexico 1898-99; moved to California and engaged in mining in various counties, 1899-1906; gen. supt. mines United States Smelting, Refining & Mining Co., 1906-8; field engineer same Co., 1908-May, 1912; Pacific Coast manager May, 1912, to date. Member Sierra Madre Club. B. P. O. E, ANDERSON, Antony. Art editor. The Times. Res. Hermosa Beach, Cal.; office. Times Bldg., Los An- 12 WHO'S WHO geles, Cal. Born in Norway, May 1, 1863; son of Abraham and Ellen (England) Anderson. Studied draw- ing and painting in Art Students' League, New York, N. Y., and Art Institute, Chicago, HI., under George De Forest Brush. Gari Melchers and Frederick Freer. At one time asso ciate editor The Boys' World : now associate editor Los Angeles Times Illustrated Weekly; writer on drama, lit- erature and art; contributor of short stories and verse to magazines; au- thor of a book for young people, illus- trated by himself, entitled "Short Stories;" magazine illustrator for sev- eral years; has exhibited landscapes, portraits and figure studies in Los Angeles galleries. ANDERSON, Charles Buchanan. Gen. mgr. Rodeo Land & Water Co. Res. Beverly Hills; office 1130 I. N. Van Nuys Bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Lexington, Va.. Aug. 30, 1869; son of James Davidson and Margaret Hanna (Buchanan) Anderson. Married to Blanche B. Smith, in 1894. Graduated from the Ann Smith Academy, Lex- ington, Va., in 1884; from Washing- ton and Lee Univ., A.B., 1890. In hardware business, Lexington, Va., 1890-93 ; moved to Los Angeles in 1893; bookkeeper for Hawley, King & Co., 1893-94; bookkeeper for H. Jevne 1894-95; chief accountant for the Kil- bourne-Jones Co., Columbus, O., 1895-1898; returned to Los Angeles 1898 to accept position as treas. of Union Oil Co.; treas. of this company 1898-1907; resigned to accept position as secy, and treas. of the Amalga- mated Oil Co.. which lie held for three years; resigned in 1911 to accept po- sition of gen. mgr. of Rodeo Land & Water Co., Beverly Hills, Cal., which position he holds at present. Director and secy. Cree Oil Co., Osage 58 Oil Co., San Francisco Osage Oil & Gas Co., Titicaca Oil Co., asst. secy., gen. mgr. and director Rodeo Land & Water Co. Presbyterian. ANDERSON, Helen Orastella, M.D. Oculi.■^t. l\cs. lloti-1 Gates; office 432-33 Bra-er Wuest Co., Los An- geles, booksellers and stationers; firm now known as Baker Book & Art Shop, of which he is proprietor. Methodist. BAKER, Eugene Van Voy. Real estate. Res. California Club; office 503 Grant Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New York City. Dec. 21, 1855; son of Orin S. and Sarah Matlock (Van Voy) Baker. Graduated from Wesleyan Academy, Wilhraham, Mass., 1872; Academic Dept. Yale University, 1877; moved to Los Ange- les and in 1887 established the firm of Burbank & Baker, buying, sub- dividing and laying out town sites; acting as agents, laid out and sold the town of Templeton, San Luis Obispo county, Cal.; also laid out and sold the towns of Rucker and Morgan Hill, Santa Clara county, Cal.; acting as agent and part owner laid out the towns of Burbank, East San Gabriel, Hermosa Beach and Huntington Park, Los Angeles county, Cal. Secretary of Park Land Co.; Rugby Land Co.; Hermosa Beach Water Co.; Hermosa Beach Land & Water Co.; South Los Angeles Water Co.; Shakespcar Beach Co. Member California; Jonathan; Los Angeles Athletic and Los Ange- les Country Clubs; Yale Association. Republican. BAKER, Frank R. Lawyer. Res. 163 S. Hobart Blvd.; office 733-34 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Bentonsport, Van Buren Co., la., Nov. 11, 1862; son of Hiram and Elizabeth (Hammond) Baker. Mar- ried to Jeannette Miller in 1894. Ed- ucated in public schools of Iowa. Clerk in store in Ottumwa, la., 1880- 86; moved to San Diego, Cal., 1886; supt. large fruit ranch in San Diego co., IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 23 1886;89; moved to Tacoma, Wash., 1889; became interested in politics; chairman State Central Committee of People's party; mgr. fusion campaign, 1896; in state legislature of Washing- ton, 1893, 1895 and 1897; interested in newspaper business for several years; delegate to Natl. Editorial Convention at New Orleans, La., 1900; studied law and was admitted before Supreme Court of Washington, 1899; has con- tinued the practice of law to date; city atty., Tacoma, Wash., nearly five years; moved to Los Angeles, 1913. Formerly member Tacoma Commer- cial Club; Tacoma Chamber of Com- merce, Woodmen of the World, Red Men and National Union at Tacoma; at present member Chamber of Com- merce and Gamut clubs of Los An- geles. BAKER, Fred L. Manufacturer. Res. Pasadena & Sycamore Grove; office 912 N. Broadway, Los Angeles. Gal. Born in 1865; son of Milo S. and Harriette L. Baker, founder of Baker Iron Works. Educated in public schools of his native state; immediately upon finishing his education entered his father's establishment and learned every detail of the iron and manufac- turing business; upon the death of his father became pres. of the Baker Iron Works, one of the largest establish- ments of its kind in the West; known throughout the West as a sturdy de- fender of the vital principles of in- dustrial freedom. Member of local clubs. BAKER, Ivan C. Lawyer. Res. 212 S. Grand ave. ; office Suite 626 Cali- fornia Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Gainesville, Tex., July 19, 1889; son of Lawrence and Jennie Seyton (Cook) Baker. Graduated from Mis- souri grammar schools and Cedarville, Modoc county, Ca!., high school; U. S. C. College of l^aw; admitted to prac- tice Sept. 27, 1912. Engaged in ranch- ing until 1909; employed by Los An- geles Abstract & Trust Co. until Dec. 31, 1912. BALCH, Allan Christopher. Public Utilities. Res. Hotel Alexandria; of- fice 80S Garland Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Valley Falls, N. Y., March 13, 1864; son of E. A. and Hannah (Hoag) Balch; married to Janet Jacks April 29, 1891. Re- ceived early education in Cambridge, N. Y., high schools; M.E. and E.E. degrees from Cornell University in 1889. Since his residence in Los An- geles has been prominently identified with public service corporations. Pres. Midland Counties Public Service Corp. ; pres. Southern California Gas Co.; pres. San Joaquin Light & Power Co. ; vice-pres. Fresno City Water Co. ; vicc-pres. Midwav Gas Co. Member Ma- sonic fraternity, thirty-second degree; Knights Templar; Shrine; California, L. A. Country, Crags and Midvvick clubs of Los Angeles ; Bohemian, Pacific- Union clubs of San Francisco; Alpha Delta Phi Sleepy Hollow Club, New York; Sequoia Club, Fresn->, Cal. BALDWIN, James V. Real estate. Res. California Club; office 536-7-8 H. W. HcUman Bldg. Unmarried. Born in Weston, O., Oct. 25, 1870; son of Edward and Harriet (Taylor) Baldwin. Graduated from Weston high school and attended Ohio Wes- leyan University, Delaware, O. Owned and operated mercantile establish- ment in Weston, O., 1892-98; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1898 and es- tablished a real estate business. Has made a specialty of high-class sub- divisions and been prominently iden- tified with development of city, some notable tracts " ith which he has been connected are, Wilshire Heights, West Adams Heights, Westmoreland Heights, Wellington Place, West- minster Place, Larchmont Heights, Wilshire Hills; director of California Savings Bank; member Los Angeles Realty Board; California, L. A. Coun- try, and Jonathan clubs of Los An- geles. BALENTINE, Arthur T. Retired. Res. 90S Kalmia St., San Diego, Cal. Born in Springfield, O.; son of David C. and Melcena (Trumbo) Balentine. Married to Katharine Reed in 1905. Graduated from high school, Spring- field, O., in 1890; graduated from Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O., 1895; honor graduate United States Artil- lery School, Fortress Monroe, 1905. Served as first lieut 2nd U. S. En- gineers, Spanish American War; first lieut. 31st U. S. Vol. Inf.. Philippine Insurrection; first lieut. U. S. Artillery Corps, 1901-06; capt., 1906-09. Member Masonic fra- ternity; University, Cuyamaca, and Country clubs. BALL, Joseph. Banker. Res. 715 Esplanada, Redondo Beach; office Title Ins. Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Dixon, 111., July 11, 1865; son 24 WHO'S WHO of Joseph and Caroline (Carnal) Ball. Married to Elizabeth Hawkins in 1892. Educated at the Duffenn School, Toronto, Ont., Can. Em- ployed by E. B. Shiittleworth, whole- sale druggist, Toronto, 1878-80; Chi- cago Board of Trade, 1880-84; in grain and live stock business in la., 1884-85; Chicago Board of Trade, 1885-1900; moved to Los Angeles in 1901 and established the firm of Joseph Ball & Co., investment bank- ers of which he is pres.; pres. Mid- way Union Oil Co.; American Soap Co.; vice-pres. Ball Copper Co.; dir. London-Ariz. Copper Co.; treas. American Crude Oil Co. Member California, Los Angeles Country, Los Angeles Athletic, Annandale Country and Redondo Beach Tennis clubs. Episcopalian. BALL, Thomas. Lawyer. Res. Hollywood, Cal.; office 404-06 Citi- zens' National Bank Bldg., Los An- geles Cal. Born in Jacksboro, Tex., Feb 8, 1879; son of Thomas and Lalla (Gresham) Ball. Attended pubhc schools of Northumberland county, Va., 1891-93; Bickler Academy, Austin, 'Tex 1893-94; public schools of Balti- more, Md., 1894-95; William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va. ; attended Washington and Lee University, 1902-03. Admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, Wythevillc, June 24, 1903; by the Su- preme Court of Kansas, Topeka, June 23, 1904. Moved to California in 1904, and was admitted by the District Court of Appeals, San Francisco. Oct., 1906; by the Supreme Court of the United States, Washington, D. C, Oct. 24, 1907; located in Los Angeles and has been actively engaged in practice to date. Member Los Angeles Bar Assn.; Los Angeles Chapter A. I. B. Club; Los Angeles Council No. 82, United Commercial Travelers. Spe- cialty probate and corporation busi- ness. Republican. BALL, William F. Merchant. Res. 975 Manhattan PI.; office 106 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Pa, Nov. 12, 1860; son of Joseph and Matilda C. (Fisher) Ball. Mar- ried to Mary Paula Chard in 1886. Received his education in the public schools of his native town. Moved to Cal. and was employed on the Ala- mitos Ranch, 1879; in charge of weav- ing in Horner & Torr's Woolen Mill, Los Angeles, 1880; night watchman for Southern Pacific R. R. Co., 1881; fruit and lunch stand, 1882; owner Quality Cigar Store, 1882 to date. Vice-pres. Fullerton Oil Co.; dir. Globe Savings Bank; dir. Bard Oil & Asphalt Co.; dir. Boundary Consoli- dated Mining Co. Member Pioneers Pennsylvania Soc, Blue Wing Duck Club. Republican. BALLARD, John W. Lawyer Res 1426 S. Union ave.; office 5Z/ Douglas Bldg., Los Angeles Cal. Born in 111., Jan. 3, 1843; son of Gib- son and Sallie B. (Thompson) Bal- lard. Married to Fidelia M. Scholl. Educated in public schools of Han- cock Co., HI. Admitted to bar in Nev., 1882; in Cal., 1892; engaged in practice in Orange Co., Cal., and served there as deputy dist. atty. and judge of Superior Court, Orange Co., Cal 1887-1903; moved to Los Angeles in 1903, and has been engaged in active practice to date. Member I. O O. h.; B. P. O. E.; Union League Club. Re- publican. BALLARD, Russell H. Public util- ities Res 1821 Westmoreland Blvd.; office 124 E. Fourth St., Los Angeles. Cal Born in Hamilton, Ont., Canada, July 26, 1875. Married to May Spur- geon in 1901. Attended grammar and high schools, Minneapolis, Minn. First employed with Thomson-Hous- ton Electric Co., and its successor, the General Electric Co., in financial department, in Chicago, Schenectady, N Y., and Atlanta, Ga., offices, 1890- 97; with West Side Lighting Co. and its successor, Edison Electric Co., Los Angeles, 1897-1900; with Butte Electric & Power Co., 1900-04; with Southern California Edison Co., 1904 to date; and is now sec. and asst. gen. mgr. of that co. Vice-pres. of Santa Barbara Gas & Electric Co., Santa Barbara, Cal.; Long Beach Consolidated Gas Co., Long Beach, Cal., and pres. Ballard Bros. Co.; and vice-pres. Los Angeles Fire Alarm Co. Member California, Union League, Los Angeles Athletic and San Gabriel Valley Country clubs; Engineers' & Architects' y\ssn. BALLARD, Walter Johii. Treas. of corporations and journalist. Res. 637 S. Burlington Ave.; office Delta Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in London, Eng., July 20, 1848; son of John and Emily (Burch) Ballard. Married to Harriet Morphy of To- ronto, Can., in 1872. Educated in public schools of London, and later IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 25 by father who was speaker and writer on social and economic subjects in England. Was clerk with Sir George Williams, dry goods firm, in London, 1864-70; moved to Toronto, Canada, and filled accountant's positions in two wholesale houses; entered service of General Electric Co. of U. S. 1890, and was credit and collection man until 1906, when he moved to Los Angeles to join his two sons there. Director and treas. Ballard Brothers Co., Los Angeles ; Los Angeles Fire Alarm Co. ; treas. Phoenix Machine and Cold Storage Co., Phoenix, Ariz. Writes on political and statistical subjects for Los Angeles Times, New York Sun, Troy, N. Y., Times, Albany, N. Y., Journal, Boston Protectionist, Amer- ican Economist and others. Author of several articles in the Encyclopedia Americana ; writes also for Japanese magazines. Member Imperial Order of the Rising Sun of Japan, (conferred only by Emperor). Member Union League Club; member St. Paul's Pro- Cathedral, Los Angeles. Episcopalian. BALLOU, George Henry. Retired. Res. C Ave. and Third St., Coronado, Cal. Born in Providence, R. I., Oct. 8, 1849; son of Henry Sweetsen and Deborah Ann (Davis) Ballon. Mar- ried to Harriet Amelia Whitcher in 1868. Attended grammar and high schools. Providence, R. I. Associated with his father in tea, coffee and spice business, Lockport, N. Y., 1869- 83; moved to Cal., and with his brother operated stock and grain ranch on San Joaquin River, 1883-85; with C. P. Low & Co., tea exporters, Yokohama and Kobe, Japan, 1885-89; moved to San Diego and established wholesale tea, cofifee and spice busi- ness under firm name of G. H. Ballou & Co.; purchased partner's interest in 1906, and incorporated under name of G. H. Ballon Co., from which he retired in 1911. Incorporated the Ballou Ranch, Imperial Valley, 1910, of which he is pres. Dir. Merchants National Bank; former pres, two terms of San Diego Chamber of Com- merce. Served in Civil War, private to Sergeant of Engineer Corps, 1865- 68. Member Masonic fraternity, Knights Templar, Shrine, Union League Club, San Francisco, Cuya- maca and Rowing clubs, San Diego. Universalist. BANDHOLT, Juan F. Orange grower. Res. Glendora, Cal. P">rn in New York City, Aug. 15. 1863; son of Fred C. and Sophia Bandholt. Married to Julia H. Cannon, Jan. 29, 1889. Graduated from grammar and high schools of New York. Attended Spaulding Business College, Kansas City; Musselmans Business College, Quincy, 111. Moved to Los Angeles and engaged in real estate business, 1887-89; opened Los Angeles Busi- ness College, 1887; formed partner- ship with A. N. Hamilton, buying controlling interest in Pacific Ware- house, 1889; in orange commission business, 1889-1900; stationery, 1900- 03; has been engaged in orange ranching since 1903. Member Glen- dora Chamber of Commerce. Repub- lican. Episcopalian. BANNING, Joseph Brent. Trans- portation oftice. Res. 945 Westlake ave.; office 594 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wilming- ton, Cal.. Aug. 12, 1861; son of Phineas and Rebecca (Sanford) Banning. Re- ceived his education in the public schools of Wilmington, Santa Bar- bara and San Francisco, Cal. First employed in farming and sheep rais- ing; later clerk and mgr. grain and lumber business; now first vice-pres. Banning Co.; vice-pres. and treas. Wilmington Transportation Co.; first vice-pres. Santa Catalina Island Co. Served as private in N. G. C, old Eagle Corps, staff of Gen. E. E. Hew- itt. Member California, Country, Craggs Country, Lomina Gim and El Patron Gun clubs; B. P. O. E. BANNING, WILLIAM. Trans- portation official. Office 594 P. E. Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, 1858; son of Phineas and Rebecca Banning. Educated in public and private schools of Wil- mington, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and San Francisco, Cal. After leav- ing school became his father's asso- ciate in business, and has been, since boyhood, with the Wilmington Trans- portation Co., which his father founded; assisted in organization of Santa Catalina Island Co., and was elected pres. of the corporation; upon the death of his father became pres. of Wilmington Transportation Co., operating a line of steamers from Wilmington to Avalon, Santa Cata- lina Island; also pres. of Banning Co. Member of California Club. BARBER, David Cassat. Physi- cian. Res. 683 Harvard Blvd.; office Security Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. 26 WHO'S WHO Born in Ind., July 3, 1863; son of G. M. and P'rances E. (Cassat) Barber. Married to Nellie B. Yates in 1893. Graduated from Claverack College, N. Y., B.S., 1881; Moores Hill College, Ind., A.B., 1882; Medical College of Cincinnati Univ., M.D., 1886. En- gaged in private practice in Los An- geles, 1886;; supt. and surgeon Los Angeles County Hospital, 10 years; prof, of pathology and clinical medi- cine. College of Medicine, Univ. of Cal., 1886-96; prof, clinical surgery, same, to date. Established the first training school for nurses in Sou. Cal. in 1895, at the County Hospital. Surgeon in the N. G. C, 1891-93. Member Cal. State Medical Soc, Amer. Medical Assn., Los Angeles Co. Republican Club, U'niv., Gamut and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. BARBER. George M. Retired. Res. 519 Oakland Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Born in Ashfield, Mass., March 2, 1844; son of Samuel and Lucinda G. (Arms) Barber. Attended district schools and Sanderson Academie, Ashfield, Mass. Worked as clerk in country store until 1864; manager for Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Co. at Troy, N. Y., 1864-67; manager for same company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1867-72; real estate business, Chicago, 111., 1872-75; grain business, Chicago, 187S-1903; inoved to Pasadena in 1903 and retired from business. Mem- ber Annandale Country and Valley Hunt clubs. Presbyterian. BARBER, Raymond Jennes. Min- ing engineer. Res. Pasadena, Cal.; office Laughlin Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Epping, New Hamp- shire, Aug. 12, 1884; son of Albert Gilman and Annie Estclle (Skerrye) Barber. Married to Mabel Leonard in 1906. Graduated from the gram- mar schools of Newton, Mass., 1898; attended Los Angeles High School, 1899-1900; Tilton (N. H.) Seminary, 1900-01; graduated from high school, Newton, Mass., 1902; graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, Boston, in 1906. With Boston Consolidated Mining Co., Canyon, Utah; in various mining camps in the West and Mexico, 1906-07; engaged in electrical experimentation and re- search in Boston, 1908-10; private practice as consulting engineerin Los Angeles, 1910 to date. Member Delta Tau Delta fraternity; Technology Club of Sou. Cal.; New England Col- lege Assn.; Sierra Madre Club. Meth- odist. BARBOUR, Henry Parkhurst Real estate. Res. 669 East Seaside Blvd.; office 418-20 First National Bank Bldg., Long Beach, Cal. Born in Worcester, Mass., Nov. 8, 1854; son of Isaac R. and Selina M. Bar- bour. Married to Florence E. Gray in 1883. Received his education Worcester high school, Worcester, Mass.; Leicester Academy, Leicester, Mass., and Amherst College, Am- herst, Mass., B.A., 1878; Boston Univ. Law School, 1880. Practiced law, Boston, Mass., 1880-1883; retired from law and from 1883-88 was publisher or business manager Northwest Maga- zine, St. Paul, Minn.; promoted Duluth & Winnipeg R. R., Minn., 1881-82; real estate, St. Paul, Minn., and Washington Territory, 1888-90; one of principal promoters Gray's Harbor Country, Wash., which now has two large cities, Hoquiam and Aberdeen; engaged in mining, Minn., Colo, and Ariz., 1890-1902; moved to Los Angeles and founded Playa Del Rey, 1902; subdivision Los Angeles and San Pedro, 1903; subdivision Long Beach and Los Angeles, 1904; principal promoter Long Beach Har- bor, 1905; real estate, Los Angeles and Long Beach, 1905-13. Pres. Beach Land Co., Playa Del Rey, Cal. Mem- ber Norfolk Union Lodge, Ran- dolph, Mass., F. & A. M., and Delta Kappa Epsilon; director in 1911 of Long Beach Chamber of Commerce; pres. Long Beach Realty Board ; pres. Long Beach Civic Improvement League ; chairman Building Committee new Con- gregational Churcli. Congregationalist. BARBOUR, Joseph Henry. Or- chardist and rancher. Res. 1179 W. 28th St.; office 514 Exchange Rldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Oakland Co., Mich., June 24, 1843; son of Loren and Elizabeth (Arnold) Bar- bour. Married to Emma Dale Brads- by in 1889. Received his education in public schools of Romeo, Mich., and Romeo Institute. Taught school 1860-61; enlisted in Co. A 9th Mich. Infantry, Aug. 13, 1861; sargcant of same company 1863; First Lieut. 16 U. S. C. Infantry 1864; Adjutant same regiment 1865; mustered out April 30, 1866; engaged in battles of MMrfrecsbnro. Stone River, Tulla- homa, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Lookout Mt., Missionary Ridge, Buz- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 27 zard's Roost, Resacca, Kenesaw Mt., Pulaski and Nashville. Moved to Cal. in 1872; merchant and manager San Jose Fruit Packing Co., San Jose, Cal., until 1886; moved to San Diego, Cal., 1888; vice-pres. and cashier Con- solidated National Bank, San Diego, until July, 1893; pres. Savings Bank of San Diego County, 1893-98; moved to Los Angeles in 1898 where he has since resided and has operated a real estate business and engaged in ranch- ing and horticulture. Member firm of Barbour & Ennis, pres. West Coast Water Co., secy. Jurupa Water Co., West Coast Eucalyptus Co., Sunny Slope Land Co., and secy, and treas. Carmel Water Co. Member Military Order of Loyal Legion; Mason fra- ternity, and Jonathan Club. BARCLAY, Henry Augustus. Lavi- yer. Res. 1153 Norton Ave.; office 600-02 Frost Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Punxsutawney, Jefferson county. Pa., Jan. 17, 1849; son of David and Sarah Cooper (Gaskill) Barclay. Married to Lily A. Ward in 1892. Taught by private tutors 1856-57; Moravian School, Litiz, Pa., 1858-60; public schools and private academy, Brookville, Pa., 1860-62; pri- vate schools, Kittanning, Pa., 1863-64; Dayton Academy, Armstrong county, Pa., 1864-67; Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., 1869-71; Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y.; studied law in father's office, Kittanning, Pa., and was ad- mitted to the bar in April, 1871. Practiced in Armstrong and Clarion counties, Pa., 1871-72; moved to Pittsburgh in 1872 and entered into partnership with father; firm name David Barclay & Son; moved to Los Angeles in 1874, and resumed prac- tice which he has continued to date. Associated with R. N. C. Wilson, 1876-86; Barclay, Wilson & Redick, 1886-87; Barclay, Wilson & Carpen- ter, 1887-92; practiced alone. 1892-96; formed partnership with Edgar W. Camp, 1897, which continued until 1899; formed partnership with Gil- bert D. Munson, 1900, which ended with death of Munson in 1911; since that date has continued practice alone. Vice and acting chairman Los Angeles County Central Committee, 1879-84; chairman of same 1884-88; member Union League (first organ- ization) and of Republican League; one of the organizers, atty. and dir. of the Southern California National Bank (now Merchants National Bank); did a great deal of work to secure the San Gabriel and forest reservation; promoted and organized the corporations which started Rialto, South Riverside (now Corona), Bloomington and Beaumont, besides many smaller subdivisions. Member Masonic fraternity, Scottish Rite; Shrine; Los Angeles City, Cornell, Celtic and Los Angeles Country clubs; Chamber of Commerce; American Bar Assn.; State Bar Assn.; Los Angeles Bar Assn.; Municipal League; Los Angeles Pioneers; Fra- ternal Brotherhood; Pennsylvania State Soc. Methodist. BARDSHAR, William Peck. Broker, mines and lands. Res. 1115 Colton; office 124 W. Sixth st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Clyde, O., Feb. 12. 1880; son of William and Ruth O. (Peck) Bardshar. Married to Charita Alma Winship in 1906. Attended grammar and high schools of Clyde, O.; Case College, Cleveland, O.; studied under prominent geologists and mining en- gineers in Ariz, and Mexico. In hemp business in Philippine Islands, 1900-02; engaged in copra and guano business; returned to U. S. in 1903; became interested in development of various mining interests in Ariz.; for some time engaged in general store business, Globe, Ariz.; owned and ed- ited Bisbee Tribune; at same time op- erated copper properties in Cochise Co., Ariz.; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1910; in brokerage business in Los Angeles, handling agricultural and mineral lands; at present inter- ested in development of mining prop- erties in Ariz., and in colonization of agricultural lands in southwest. In U. S. Vols., Philippine Islands; in sev- eral battles and skirmishes of Samar and other southern islands. Presby- terian. BARHAM, Guy Brinton. Custom house and internal revenue broker. Res. 1143 W. Seventh St.; office 715 International Bank Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Porn in Dalles, Ore., March 21, 1864; son of Richard Mar- ion and Martha Medora (Arnold) Barham. Married to Marie Hum- phreys Baby in 1903. Education re- ceived in the public schools of Wat- sonville and Anaheim, Cal. Railway postal clerk, 1886-88; deputy collector internal revenue at Los Angeles. Cal., 1888-90; established present business in 1890; police commissioner of Los Angeles, 1895-96; pres. of Board of Bank Commissioners of Cal., 1902-06; 28 WHO'S WHO now agent U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. of Baltimore, Md. Member of California, Los Angeles Country, Los Angeles Athletic and Jonathan clubs; Bohemian Club, San Francisco; B. P. O. E. Episcopalian. BARKER, Charles Horace. Mer- chant. Res. 1845 N. Raymond, Pas- adena; ofifice 724 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ind., June 27, 1860; son of O. T. and Nancy Arseen (Records) Barker. Attended gram- mar school, Indiana; high school, Colorado Springs, Colo.; Wm. Jewell College, Liberty, Mo.; Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Vice-pres. Barker Bros., Inc.; dir. McClellan Mfg. Co.; dir. Eagle Rock Bank; pres. a Plantation Co. Engaged in the cul- tivation of sugar in Vera Cruz, Mex. Baptist. BARKER, Donald. Lawyer. Res. 601 S. Burlington ave.; office Title Ins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born m Hartley, Ontario, Canada, March 13, 1868, son of William and Margaret (Mitchein Marker. Married to Cai rie L. Pab;t in 1896. Educated in the grammar and high schools of Can- ada. Admittfd to practice in Cali- fornia in 1896 by the Supreme Court of Los Angeles; formed partnership with Frank Flint under firm name of Flint & Barker in 1897, which con- tinues to date Pres. Palmdale Land Co., Palmdale Water Co., Littlerock Fruitland; vice-pres. Graham Farm Lands; Jarres-Shultz Lumber Co.; pres. Pierce Investment Co.; dir. and secy. Equitable Petroleum Co Member Executive Committee. Munic- ipal League; California and Los An- geles Country clubs. BARKER, William Alfred. Mer- chant. Res. 1689 West Adams St.; office 722 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Born in Owcnsburg, Ind., March 11, 1864; son of Obadiah Truax and Arene (Record) Barker. Attended public school Bloomfield, Ind., 1869- 72; Colorado Springs, Colo., 1872-80; U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., 1880-83. After finishing his studies, entered business with his father, a member of the firm of Bar- ker & Allen of Los Angeles; with O. T. Barker & Sons, 1884-87; Milwau- kee Furniture Co., 1888-90; Bailey & Barker Bros., 1890-91; Barker Bros., 1891-1905; pres. Pacific Purchasing Co., 1905-10; pres. Barker Bros., 1910 to date. Director Merchants National Bank and FuUerton Oil Co. Served as naval cadet, U. S. Navy, from 1880-83. Member of California, Los Angeles Country, Jonathan, Univer- sity and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. BARLOW, Walter Jarvis. Phys- ician. Res. 2329 S. Figueroa St.; of- fice Sec. Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ossining, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1868; married to Marion Brooks Pat- terson in 1898. Attended the Mt. Pleasant Military Academy and the Columbia LTniversity, receiving de- gree of A.B. from Columbia in 1889; student at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York, receiv- ing degree of M.D. in 1892. Interne at the Mt. Sinai Hospital of New York. Formerly instructor in the Post-graduate School of New York. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1895. In private practice in Los Angeles since 1897, specializing in internal medicine; formerly professor of physical diagnosis. College of Medi- cine, U. S. C. At present professor of clinical medicine, U. of C. Mem- ber of L. A. Co. Med. Assn.; Med. Soc. of the State of California; Am. Med. Assn.; Am. Climatological Assn.; Am. Academy of Med.; Cali- fornia and University clubs of Los Angeles; Phi Rho Sigma fraternity. BARNARD, Frank S. Physician and surgeon. Res. 637 S. Union ave.; office 622 Auditorium Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 29, 1859; son of Thomas G. and Eliza H. (Hayes) Barnard. Married to Frances W. Young in 1866. Attended Univ. of Minn.; Minn. Busi- ness College; Medical College, Univ, of Minn., 1890-91; Hahnemann Medi- cal College, Philadelphia, Pa.; interne at Hahnemann Hospital, 1894-95; at- tended Univ. of Vienna, Austria, 1895- 96. Engaged in furniture manufac- turing; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., and established practice; has per- formed some noteworthy operations, among them being a cscsarian opera- tion, where mother and child both survived. Served in N. G. M. for seven years, resigning with rank of captain in 1886. Secy. So. Cal. Home- opathic Med. Soc, 1896-1910; pres. of same 1910-11; pres. Emergency Hos- pital; dir. Pacific Hospital. Member Amer. Inst, of Homeopathy; Amer. Assn. of Clinical Research; Cal. State Homeopathic Med. Soc; Los An- geles County Homeopathic Med. Soc; So. Cal. Homeopathic Med. Soc IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 29 BARNES, Albert Elstone. Corpo- ration secretary. Res. 3900 Pasadena Ave.; office 706 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Binghamton, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1877; son of Rev. John DuBois and Mary (Corbett) Barnes. Married to Helen M. Martin in 1907. Educated at home, his father being his principal tutor. With Merchants National Bank of New York, 1894-99; auditor for Mt. Lowe Ry., 1899-1902; with California Fruit Growers' Exchange as mgr. of packing houses and organization work; now secy, of Fruit Growers' Supply Co. (a dept. of the Exchange); has had charge of the purchasing of the supplies for 115 packing houses, and orchard supplies for 6000 mem- bers, amounting to over $4,000,000 per annum, 1902 to date. Presbyterian. BARNES, Frank Amos. Mer- chant. Res. 552 Carlton Way, Holly- wood; office 724 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Reno, Nev., June 1, 1871; son of Amos H. and Ann Eliza (Gordon) Barnes. Married to Lillie B. Shorb in 1894. Graduated from Univ. of Nev. After completing his education kept books for River- side Mill Co., Reno, Nev., for two years; mgr. Oakland branch Overman Wheel Co., 1892-93; asst. mgr. Los Angeles branch Overman Wheel Co., 1893-95; with A. R. Mains Mfg Co., 1895-96; office mgr. Barker Bros., 1897-1905; secy, and treas. Barker Bros. Member Union League Club; Masonic fraternity, 32nd degree; Shrine. Christian Scientist. BARNES, William Henry. Real estate. Res. Ventura, Cal.; office same. Born in Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. 28, 1842; son of William P. and Ele- anor S. (Tabor) Barnes. Married to Maria T. Scott in 1863. Received his education in the public schools of Wis., and Lawrence LJniversity (Wis.) Admitted to bar in Wis. in 1873; to Supreme Court, 1878; admitted to practice in Supreme Court of Cal., engaged in real estate business. Mem- 1890; retired from practice, 1910, and ber firm of Barnes & Canfield; pres. Ventura Madera Farmland Co.; secy. Kansas Assembly, 1884-85. Member American Soc. for Psychical Re- search. BARNETT, George D., Jr. Archi- tect. Res. Rampart Apts.; office, 1215 Brockman Bldg., 7th and Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in St. Louis, Mo., April 25, 1887; son of George D. and Helen (Haynes) Bar- nett. Educated public schools, St. Louis, Mo.; St. Louis Univ. and Washington Univ., St. Louis; studied art and engineering in France, 1910- 1911. Engaged in business as archi- tect in St. Louis, Mo., 1911; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1911, and opened offices as partner in firm of Barnett, Haynes & Barnett, which continues; among prominent struc- tures with which he has been profes- sionally connected are Hotel Dallas, Dallas, Tex.; assistant with George D. Barnett, Sr., in St. Louis Cathe- dral and many other structures in St. Louis, Mo.; Brockman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Member of Union Club, St. Louis, Mo. BARNHART, William. Physician and surgeon. Res. 2025 E. Third St.; office 418 Lissner Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in West Newton, Pa., Sept. 2, 1876; son of Peter DeWitt and Nancy A. (Horner) Barnhart. Mar- ried to Wilma June Nutting in 1907. Educated in grammar and high schools of native town and Bakers- field, Cal., and University of Sou. Cal., graduating from the medical college in 1906. During last year of medical course served as interne in the Ger- man Hospital, Los Angeles; special work in obstetrics in Chicago Lying- in Hospital, 1910-11. Served seven months in Co. G, 6th Reg., during Spanish-American War. Member Am. Med. Assn., L. A. Co. Med. Assn. Methodist. BARR, Robert Duffy. The Fire- stone Tire & Rubber Co. Res. Bryson Apts. ; office 1239 S. Olive st., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Mt. Vernon, O., Mar. 1, 1876; son of John F. and Martha (Duffy) Barr. Married to Florence Hickman in 1912. Educated in gram- mar and high schools of Mt. Vernon, O. Engaged in millinery business, Columbus, O., 1898-1901; in Cincin- nati, O., 1901-03; with Imperial Rub- ber Co., Canton, O., 1903-07; with Firestone Co., New York, 1907-11; merit salesman, 1907 ; three years Branch man ; mgr. Los Angeles branch, 1911 to date. Member B. P. O. E. ; Los Angeles Athletic Club; Chamber of Commerce; Auto Club of Los An- geles. BARTELS.^ B. W. Real estate. Res. 162 N. Western Ave., Holly- wood; office 404 Douglas Bldg., Los 30 WHO'S WHO Angeles, Cal. Born in Bremen, Ger- many, Sept. 25, 1854; son of Charles George and A. C. (Lahmann) Bar- tels. Married to Matilda Beyer in 1910. Attended Citizens High School, Bremen. In grocery business in New York City, 1881; moved to Los An- geles in 1887, and engaged in commis- sion and produce business, 1881-99; real estate business under firm of B. W. Bartels &~Co., and Bartels & Schwarz, 1902 to date. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; I. O. F.; City Club; Y. M. C. A. BARTLETT, Dana Webster. Supt. Bethlehem Institute. Res. 1437 Mal- vern Ave.; office 510 N. Vignes, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Bangor, Me., Oct. 27, 1860; son of Daniel Webster and Mary Jane (Crosby) Bartlett. Married to Mattie McCullogh in 1887. Graduated Iowa College, A.B., 1882; attended Yale Divinity School, 1884-S; Chicago Theological Seminary, 1887; graduated Grinnell College, D.D., 1911; ordained in Cong, ministry 1887; served as Pastor Union Church, St. Louis, 1887-91; Phillips Church, Salt Lake City, 1891-96; Bethlehem In- stitutional Church, Los Angeles, 1896 to date. The last named institution is Mr. Bartlett's life work and is one of the most successful and best known philanthropic institutions in the country. Member of the Los An- geles Housing Commission and City Planning Commission; Evening and Federation clubs; chairman Pacific Immigration Study League; author of "The Better City" and "The Better Country" and well known as a lec- turer on social subjects. BARTON, Herbert Parks. Phy- sician and surgeon. Res. 715 S. Ard- more ave. ; office 447 S'. Olive st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Worcester, Mass., Dec. 25, 1866; son of Samuel R. and Amelia L. (Parks) Barton. Married to Frances J. Vasseur in 1890. Attended primary and high schools, Oxford, Mass. Graduated from Worcester Academy, 1885; from Jef- ferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., in 1890. Engaged in fire insur- ance in Webster, Mass., 1885-87. Prac- ticed his profession in New York City and was member Board of Health there; special work at Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital and at the Poly- clinic Hospital of New York; moved to Denver, Colo., and practiced one year; returned to Worcester, Mass., and practiced four years. 1893-97 ; moved to Cal., and practiced at On- tario Board of Health, and served same as trustee; moved to Los Angeles, prac- ticed ; managed the Fralick Hospital un- til 1904, when he organized the Clara Barton Hospital (named for his aunt. Miss Clara Barton) ; has been man- ager of same, 1904 to date. Pres. and gen. manager Clara Barton Hos- pital. Member Jonathan, Gamut, Los Angeles Country and Los Angeles Ath- letic clubs ; Amer. Med. Assn. ; Med- ical Soc. of State of Cal. ; Los Angeles County M^d. Assn. Member Masonic fraternity, 32nd degree ; Shrine ; B. P. O. E. BARUH, Joseph Y. Mgr. Zeller- bach Paper Co. Res. 625 New Hamp- shire Ave.; office 113-17 N. Los An- geles St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Nevada City, Cal., Feb. 8, 1868; son of Aaron and Theresa (Wolf) Baruh. Married to Alma Hecht in 1902. Edu- cated in public schools of Nevada City, Cal. Employed in mercantile establishment in Reno, Nev., 1884-88; with Raphaels, in San Francisco, where he worked up from stock boy to mgr., 1888-98; mgr. Zellerbach Paper Co., 1898 to date. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Native Sons of the Golden West; Union League and Concordia clubs; Chamber of Com- BARUCH, Edgar. Chemical en gineer. Res. 2058 Harvard Blvd.; of- fice 805 Wright & Callcnder Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Downey. Cal., Oct. 20, 1879; son of Jacob and Jeanctte (Weiler) Baruch. Gradua- ted from grammar school, Los An- geles, 1893; from high school, 1897; from Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal., B.S., 1901; M.S., 1902. Employed by Haas Baruch & Co., wholesale gro- cers, 1897-98; asst. consulting engi- neer American Beet Sugar Co., 1903- 05; consulting engineer and chief chemist Sacramento Valley Sugar Co.. 1906-08; in practice as chemical engineer and consulting chemist, 1910 to date. Dir. Brea Canon Oil Co.; pres. Cuprete Sulphur Mining Co.; vice-pres. and dir. Los Angeles Cher- okee Oil Co. Member Sigma Chi fraternity; American Assn. for Ad- vancement of Science; American Inst, of Chem. Engrs.; American Chemical Soc; Soc. of Chemical Industry; University Club. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 31 BASHFORD, William Gates. Oil producer. Res. ,708 Ardmore Ave.; office 218 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Oshkosli, Wis., Apr. 5, 1853; son of Cates and Francis Adams (Forman) Bashford. Married to Louise Evans in 1876. Educated in public schools of Oshkosh, Wis. Member of firm of L. Bashford & Co., Prescott, Ariz., 1874-95, En- gaged in mining in Yavapai Co., Ariz., 1895-1907, Moved to Los Angeles in 1907, Organized the Monticello Oil Co. in 1909, Secy,, treas and dir, Calumet Oil Co, City treas of Pres- cott., Ariz., 1875-77; county treas. of Yavapai Co., Ariz., 1886-88; chairman Territorial Republican Committee, 1888-99; chairman Yavapai Co. Re- publican Committee, 1902-04. Repub- lican. BASKERVILLE, Charles Albert. Accountant. Res. 130 N, Wilson Ave., Alhambra; office 704 Auditorium Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Peterboro, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 23, 1858; son of Richard Davenport and Sarah Jane (Sharp) Baskerville. Mar- ried to Kate C. Rider in 1895. At- tended grammar and high school, San Francisco; Heald's Business Col- lege, San Francisco; Chautauqua. Long Beach, Cal.; Los Angeles Law School. Deputy Co. Clerk, Humboldt Co., Cal., 1877-79; public accountant and auditor, offices in Los Angeles, 1880 to date. Pres. Baskerville Audit Co.; vice-pres. Southern California Assn. of Certified Public Accountants, Member Pioneer Assn, of Los An- geles; Masonic fraternity; I, O. O. F,; A, O, U. W,; Federation Club. Baptist. BASSETT, Wilbur. Lawyer. Res. University Club; office 446 Title In- surance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in 111., Sept. 27, 1875; son of Fletcher S. and Helen (Wheeler) Bassett, Attended Hyde Park High School, Chicago; graduated from Harvard Univ, in 1897; attended Univ. of Chicago; graduated from Law School, Northwestern Univ., Ph.D., and LL, B„ 1899, On stafif of Chi- cago Evening Post, 1896-99; with Central Division Associated Press, 1897-1900; correspondent in China, Philippines, India and Egypt, 1903, Former member First Battalion Naval Reserve of 111, Member Military Or- der of Loyal Legion; South Coast Yacht and University clubs; secy. Harvard Club of Sou, Cal, BASTHEIM. Edmund. Whole- sale jeweler. Res, 2220 Romeo St.; office 424 S, Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Cal., June 3, 1883; son of Joseph and Jean- ette (Judis) Bastheim. Married to Irene Enkle in 1907. Attended Paci- fic Heights Grammar School, San Francisco; graduated from Polytech- nic High School, San Francisco. Em- ployed by Alphonse Judis Co. until May, 1909, when he established the Bastheim, Adams & Abel Co., Inc.; bought business of Adams & Abel Co., and corporation name was changed to E. Bastheim Co., Jan., 1910. Member Los Angeles Athletic Club; all charitable societies. Jewish. BAUM, Frank Joslyn, Advertising agent. Res. 1269 W, Twenty-fifth St,; office 343 I, W, Hellman Bldg,, Los Angeles, Cal, Born in Syracuse, N. Y,, Dec. 4, 1880; son of L, Frank and Maude (Gage) Baum, Married to Helen L. Snow in 1906, Attended Lewis Institute, Chicago; Michigan Military Academy, Detroit, 1898; graduated from Cornell Univ., LL,B,, 1902; from Univ, of Chicago, 1903. With Reilly & Britton Co., publishers, 1906-07; Swift & Co., Chicago, 1907- 09; Baum Advertising Agency, Chi- cago and New York, 1909-10; Baum Advertising Agency, Los Angeles, 1910 to date. Second lieut. U. S. A., Philippine Service, 1903-04; first lieut, 1904-06; lieut. 111. Naval Reserve, 1906-09, Pres, Los Angeles Alumni Chapter, Delta Chi fraternity, 1911- 12, Member Army and Navy Club, New York City. BATTY, George S. Stocks and bonds. Res. 4326 Griffin ave.; office 637 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hamilton, Ont., Can., Jan. 20, 1857; son of James and Lorinda (Shipman) Batty. Married to Bertha Whitaker in 1903. Educated in public schools of Paris and Hamilton, Ont., Can. In employ of G. W. R. R. Co. at Hamil- ton, Ont., Can., 1873; moved to U. S. in 1880; entered C. & G. T, R, R, Co, at Port Huron, Mich.; has been with construction, operation and traffic service of a number of railroads throughout the West, holding respon- sible official positions; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1905; has been in build- ing enterprises and other industrial business, which he continues to date. Vice-pres. and mgr. Consolidated Secur- ities Co. ; same Securities Investment Co. ; same Los Angeles Securities Co. ; stockholder in a number of other corpo- 32 WHO'S WHO rations. Member ISIasonic fraternity, 32nd degree; Knights Templar; Shrine; Annandale Country, Los An- geles Athletic, Union League, Gamut and Knickerbocker clubs. BAXTER, Edwin. Lawyer. Res. 1943 Bonsallo ave.; office 407 BuUard Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in 1831; son of Eber H. and Irene (Child) Baxter. Married to Carrie A. Keyes in 1860 (dec); to Ellen L. Scagel in 1868. Attended public and private schools of Washington co., Vt.; attended Olivet College (Mich,), 1853. Engaged as farmer, teacher, painter, printer and editor until 1867, when he was admitted to the bar in Grand Rapids, Mich.; city clerk of Grand Rapids, Mich., 1865-66; judge of Probate Court, Ottawa co., Mich., 1870-74; Circuit Court commissioner and injunction master three terms; U. S. commissioner, 1874-81; court commissioner of Los Angeles Su- preme Court, 1886-90; served in the Civil War from 1861-64 . Former pres. of Los Angeles Y. M. C. A. Member and director Los Angeles Historical Society, 1883 to date. Republican. BAYLESS, Herman Gordon. Phy- sician, Res. Angelus Hotel; office 355 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Covington, Ky., March 25, 1861; son of Rev. John C. and Rosa (Lewis) Bayless. Married in 1909. Attended private school, 1869-73; graduated from Center College, Dan- ville, Ky., A. M., 1882; from Ohio Medical College, Cincinati, M. D., 1884; from Vienna Univ., Austria, 1887-89. Served as resident physician in Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincin- nati, 1882-84; engaged in practice of medicine in Knoxville, Tenn., five years; moved to Los Angeles in 1889, and has since been engaged in active practice of his profession. Member Masonic fraternity; Jonathan Club BAYLY, William. Mining. Res. Los Angeles; office 706 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lexing- ton, Mo., in 1856; son of Chas. B. and Matilda (Russell) Bayly. Married to Eva Houghton in 1876. Attended public schools of St. Louis, Mo., un- til sixteen years of age. Moved to Colo, at age of sixteen and engaged in hardware business with Alva Adams, in which business he remained twenty years; engaged in mining, which he continues to date; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1895. Member California Club. BEACH, George Henry. Physician. Res. 509 California St.; office 609 Lan- kershim Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Keeseville, Essex co., N. Y., May 14, 1840; son of Joseph and Eliza Fish (Austin) Beach. Married to El- mina Searle in 1861; to Katherine H. Tuck in 1881. Attended public schools of his native town; graduated from New York Homeopathic Medical Col- lege, 1863. Engaged in practice of Medicine in Sandy Hill, N. Y.. 1863- 69; moved to Orange, Cal., and re- tired from practice, 1871-75; received physicians' and surgeons' license by State Medical Soc. of Cal. in 1876; engaged in the practice of his profes- sion at San Jose, Cal., 1875-79; moved to Los .Angeles in 1879, and has since been engaged in active practice. Char- ter member Washington Co. Med. Soc. of New York; honorary member New York State Soc. of Medicine. BEACH, Wesley Hemen. Lawyer. Res. 135 N. Hill st.; office 416-17 Copp Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in In- dependence, Kas., Aug. 23, 1878; son of Charles Theodore and Amanda Elizabeth (Brickman) Beach. At- tended public schools of Independ- ence, Kas., and Colton, Cal., until 1893; San Bernardino High School, 1893-96; graduated from Stanford Univ., Berkeley, Cal.. A. B., 1900; Univ. of Cal. summer school, 1901-02; from Columbia Law School, New York City, LL. B., 1907; teacher of Latin and Physics, Colton High School, Col- ton, Cal., 1901-04; teacher of gymnas- tics. New York Normal School of Physical Education, 1904-05; teacher of gymnastics, Columbia Univ., New York; in New York City vacation playgrounds and evening recreation centers, 1906-07; teacher of gymnas- tics, College of the City of New York, 1906-07. Admitted to the bar in New York, Nov. 18, 1906; in Cal., Oct. 14, 1907. Member of Editorial Board, Columbia Law Review; Hamilton Law Club, Columbia Univ.; Masonic fraternity. BEAN. Barton T. Pres. Klink, Bean & Co. Res. 3 Bowens Court, Pasadena; office Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in West Branch, la., Nov. 19, 1873; son of George E. and Mary M. Bean. Mar- ried to M. M. Blackley in 1905. Edu- cation received in public schools of Minn, and la. Traveled three years over U. S. as efficiency engineer, mak- ing study of organization and meth- ods of large corporations for Baker- IN PACTFIC SOUTHWEST 33 Vawter Co., Chicago, 111. Conducted his father's business 1892-93; credit man and office manager. International Stock Food Co., Minneapolis, Minn., 1894-97; organization and efficiency engineer, stafT of Baker- Vawter Co., Chicago, 1897-1903; moved to Los An- geles, Cal., 1903, and organized Klink, Bean & Co., accountants and business counselors; pres. of same; has offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oak- land and Sacramento, Cal.; New York, N. Y.; Chicago, 111., and Lon- don, England. Member of Soc. Prom. Sci. Mgnit.; Chicago Athletic Assn., Chicago, 111.; Presidio Golf, Union League and Bohemian clubs, San Francisco, Cal.; Sutter Club, Sacra- mento, Cal.; B. P. O. E.; member of all Chambers of Commerce; Civic Leagues, Economic Leagues and Tax Assns. in cities where he has offices. Republican. Methodist. BEAN, Oilman. Merchant. Res. 4209 S. Grand Ave.; office 512 Mason Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Northwood, N. D., Oct. 28, 1888; son of M. and Emily Bean. Unmar- ried. Educated in public schools, Minneapolis, Minn.; studied civil en- gineering in University of Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Ind. Practiced civil en- gineering, building railroads, 1907-11; uecame junior member firm Woolf & Bean, full dress suit merchants, "The Full Dress Men" of Los Angeles, Cal. Member Bankers' Club of Los An- geles. BEAN, Col, Samuel Lorenzo. Min- ing, oil and real estate. Res. 2744 Kenwood st; office 546-47 1. W. Hell- man Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Newton Corner, Mass., Oct. 11, 1849; son of Samuel and Mahala (Clark) Bean. Unmarried. Attended Boys' School in Mass.; Meredith Bridge Seminary (N. H.); graduated from Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich., A. B., about 1862. Engaged in farming and milling business in Minn., 1862-91; mining and mining stocks in Mexico, New Mexico, Ariz., Mont, and Cal., 1891 to date; located per- manently in Los Angeles in 1911. Identified with several important cor- porations in many states, handling a great variety of businesses, including mining, real estate, investments, de- velopment and building, holding offi- cial positions in many of them. BEARMAN, William W. Lawyer. Res. Mount Washington Hotel ; office 222 California Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Providence, R. I., Oct. 12, 1885; son of Maurice and Ray (.Swarts) Bearman. Graduated from Hope St. Classical High School, Providence, R. I.; attended Boston Univ. Law Dept., graduated with de- gree of LL.B. 1907; class orator. After graduating practiced law in R. I. and New York City. Moved to Los Angeles. Cal., and formed partnership, practicing under firm name of Fette & Bearman. Engaged in independent practice in which he continues to date. Formerly a private in the First Light Inf. Reg., Co. A, R. 1. Member M'etropolitan Club of Los Angeles ; Masonic fraternity. 32nd degree; Shrine; I. O. B. B. ; Zeta Beta Tau fraternity of Boston Univ. ; Professional Men's Club of Los Angeles. BEARDSLEY, Albert L. Mining. Res. 1788 W. 22d st; office 812 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Portage City, Wis., April 17, 1868; son of Albert D. and Martha (Dohl) Beardsley. Married to Grace M. McArthur in 1899. Attended pub- lic schools of Wis., Minn, and la.; graduated from Univ. of Northwest, Sioux City, la., LL. B., June, 1892. Formed law partnership with Judge C. H. Lewis under firm name of Lewis & Beardsley, 1893; practiced law, 1893- 1908. In charge of Sioux City Com- mercial Club for purpose of enlarging industrial activity of the city, 1908- 1900. Now developing various min- eral deposits in Plumas co., Cal., in which he is heavily interested. Pres. Genesee Valley Copper Co.; partner in the Velvet-White Filler Co., min- ing, refining and distributing a snow white filler for paper and rubber goods. Member Masonic fraternity; Shrine; B. P. O. E. Democrat. BEATTY, J. David. Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Res. 4200 Pasa- dena ave.; office 424 S. Broadway. Born in Sigourney. la., Aug. 23, 1879; son of William and Katherine (Shang- felt) Beatty. Married to Patience K. Lynn in 1902. Early education re- ceived in Sigourney public schools; attended medical dept. of Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1901-07; special eye, ear, nose and throat work in Chicago, 1907; special work at Vienna, Austria, 1912. Moved to Los An- geles and opened offices as specialist in eye, ear, nose and throat. U. S. pension examining surgeon, 1905-08. Member Gamut and Los Angeles Ath- letic clubs; Am. Med. Assn.; Masonic fraternity; Shrine. Presbyterian. 34 WHO'S WHO BEAU DE ZART, Frederick Wil- liam. Manufacturer. Res. 1789 W. Adams; office 236 E. Fourth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in England, Feb. 14, 1862; son of William and Cather- ine (Marborough) Beau de Zart. Mar- ried to Minnie Wallace in 1886. Re- ceived his education under private tu- tor; in Dr. Beham's Private College, Bristol, England; Cambridge Univ. Employed as clerk in hardware store in Neb., 1879; bookkeeper, Fanplay, Colo., 1880; head clerk, Kenna & jack, Helena, Mont., 1881; supt. mills and smelters. Tombstone Mill & Mining Co., Tombstone, Ariz., 1881-87; editor and proprietor Los Angeles Commer- cial Bulletin, 1887-89; Herald of Trade, San Francisco, 1890-91; promoter and mgr. Southern California Supply Co., Los Angeles, 1891-1906; pres. and mgr. Confectioners & Bakers' Supply Co., Los Angeles, 1910 to date. Secy. Olive Realty Co. Episcopalian. BEAZLEY, Walter S. Dentist. Res. 2632 Normandie ave.; office 410 Wright & Callender BIdg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Lancaster, Ky. ; son of Walter A. and Mary L. (Mul- lins) Beazley. Married to Ethy M. Beazley in 1896. Attended public and private schools in Ky. ; Garrard Col- lege, Lancaster, Ky. ; graduated from Indiana Dental College, 1891. En- gaged in the practice of dentistry at Crab Orchard, Ky., 1891-93; traveling salesman for dental supply house, 1894; practiced dentistry, Lancaster, Ky., 1894-1904; moved to Los Angeles and has been engaged in practice of dentistry, 1904 to date. Member Los Angeles Co. Dental Assn.; Cal. Den- tal Assn. BECKER, Anna E. Real estate and loans. Res. 266 E. 28th st.; office 219 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Roscommon Co., Ireland; daugh- ter of Thomas O. and Mary (Coch- ran) Grady. Married to Ernest A. Becker in 1893. Educated in public schools and business college. New York City. Moved to Grand Rapids, Mich., 1899; to Los Angeles, Cal., 1903; in real estate and investment business with husband in Los Ange- les, 1903 to date; has traveled exten- sively over U. S. in promotion of their associated interests in Cal.; in com- pany with her husband was promi- nent in opening up Eagle Rock Val- ley, 1906; operate together extensive interest in San Joaquin Valley, par- ticularly in handling Chas. H. Crocker estate tracts in vicinity of Exeter, Cal. BECKER, Ernest A. Real estate and loans. Res. 266 E. 28th st.; office 219 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Frankfort-on-the-Main, Ger- many, Aug. 20, 1868; son of Johan Christian and Marguerite (Arnold) Becker. Married to Anna E. Grady in 1893. Attended public school; re- ceived private instruction from his father, who was professor in Gym- nasium in Frankfort, Germany. Moved to America in 1884; clerk in Chicago, 111., 1884-86; clerk in various hotels in New York, 1886-99; clerk in Port- land Hotel, Grand Rapids, Mich, 1899- 1903; moved to Los Angeles, Cal, 1903; in partnership with his wife, Anna E. Becker, opened and estab- lished real estate business in 1904, which continues to date. BECKER, Tracy Chatfield. Lawyer. Res. Bryson Apts. ; office 826 Her- man W. Hellman Bldg., Los .An- geles, Cal. Born in Cohoes, Albany county, N. Y., July 14, 1855; son of Storm A. and Eliza M. (Cannon) Becker. Married to Ada King Wil- bur, Sept. 9, 1908. Attended pre- paratory school in Albany, N. Y. ; graduated from Union College, A.B., 1874; Law Dept. of same, LL.B., 1876. Studied law with firm of G. B. and J. Kellogg, Troy, N. Y., and Hon S. W. Rosendale, atty. genl. State of New York; admitted to bar in New York State, 1876. Engaged in practice in BufTalo, N. Y., 1877-1907. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1907, and has since been actively engaged in practice. Served as asst. dist. atty. Erie county, N. Y., 1881-85; professor of Criminal Law and Medical Juris- prudence, Law Dept., University of Buffalo, 1888-1907; pres. N. Y. State Bar Assn., 1894; member N. Y. State Constitution Convention, 1894; pres. N. Y. State Bar Assn.. 1904; served on judiciary and cities committees, and as chairman of committee on Legislative Apportionment of Con- vention; member of Charter Revision Committee of City of Buffalo many years; special counsel for New York State Atty. Gen., 1905-06; special as- sistant to Atty. Gen. of U. S. in land grant and land fraud cases in Ore. and Cal.. 1907-12. .\s.socialcd with Prof. R. A. Wilhaus, is authorship of "Withaus and Becker's Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology" (William Wood & Co., N. Y., four vols., two editions, 1896 and 1911). Member Masonic fraternity; Royal Arcanum; IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 35 Alpha Delta Phi fraternity; Uni- versity Club; City Club; Los An- geles Municipal League; Holland Soc.; Sons of American Revolution; Los Angeles County Bar Assn.; Sev- erance Club; Am. Mining Cong. In- terested in mining in Cal. and Nevada. Progressive Republican. BECKETT, Wesley Wilbur. Phy- sician and surgeon. Res. 2218 Har- vard blvd.; office 506 Exchange Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Portland, Ore., May 31, 1857; son of Lemuel D. and Sarah S. (Chew) Beckett. Mar- ried to Iowa Archer in 1882. Attended public schools of Cal.; graduated from Los Angeles Med. Dept. of Univ. of Cal., M. D., 1888; post-graduate work at Post-Graduate Hospital, New York City, one year. Taught school in San Luis Obispo Co., Cal., si.x years; has practiced medicine in Los Angeles for over twenty-five vears. Member Los Angeles City Board of Health, 1901- 02; First Lieut, of Med. Relief Corps of U. S. Army, 1911; trustee Univ. of So. Cal.; at present prof, of gynecol- ogy and surgery in Los Angeles Med. Dept. of Univ. of Cal. Associated with a number of influential organiza- tions and holds directorships in a number of important corporations; ex- ecutive and medical dir. Pacific Mu- tual Life Ins. Co.; vice-pres. and dir. Cal. Hospital ; dir. Pacific Mutual In- demnity Co. ; dir. Citizens' Trust and Savings Bank; Seaside Water Co.; Delta Farms Co. ; San Pedro Water Co.; member and ex-pres. Cal. State Med. Soc; So. Cal. Med. Soc; Los Angeles County Med. Soc; Los Ange- les Clinical and Pathological Soc; member Amer. Med. Assn. of Railway Surgeons; .'\ssn. Life Ins. Med. Di- rectors ; California, Federation and Union League clubs, Los Angeles ; Bo- hemian club, San Francisco. BEERS, Charles Joseph. Dentist. Res. 403 S. Bonnie Brae; ofiice 208 Mason Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Morrison, 111., Feb. 2i, 1871; son of Dr. Theodore Leroy and Elvira M. Beers. Married to Olivia R. McCabe in 1911. Attended high school at. Mt. Pleasant, la.; graduated from Iowa Wesleyan Preparatory School, 1888; from Iowa Wesleyan Univ., B. A., 1892; M. A., 1895; from Dental School, Northwestern Univ., in 1895. En- gaged in practice with his father for number of years; moved to Des Moines, la., in 1895; professor of pros- thetic dentistry and crown and bridge work, Des Moines College of Dental Surgery, 1897-1900; moved to Los An- geles in 1900 and has since been en- gaged in the practice of his profes- sion. Member la. State Dental Soc; Phi Delta Theta fraternity; Delta Sig- ma Delta fraternity; Gamut Club. BEHYMER, Glen. Lawyer. Res. 369 W. avc 53; office 1015 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Los Angeles, Oct. 20, 1886; son of L. E. and Minette (Sparkes) Behymer. Married Helen Eaton, April 12, 1909. Attended public and high schools of Los Angeles until 1903; Columbian University, 1903-05; graduated from George Washington University, LL.B., 1906. First entered the em- ploy of Harris & Harris, lawyers, Los Angeles, and later became mem- ber of that firm; Harris & Behymer, 1908-09; practiced law alone, 1909-11; Behymer, Craig & Geoffrion, 1911-12; now practices with Craig under firm name of Behymer & Craig. They are attorneys for a number of corporations. Treas. and dir. Cal. Air Line Ry. Co.; pres. and dir, Motorcycle Exchange, Inc. ; dir. and atty. Frank Graves Sash, Door & Mill Co. ; vice-pres. and dir. Phoenix Sales Corp. ; secy, and dir. Buffalo Baking Co. ; member Advisory Board and atty^City and County Bank. Member Masonic fraternity. BEHYMER, Lynden Ellsworth. Theatrical manager. Res. 663 S. Carondclet St.; office 344-45 Blanch- ard Bldg. Born near Cincinnati, O., Nov. 2, 1862; son of Aaron S. and Charlotte Leach Behymer. Married to Minette Sparks, 1886. Educated in the high school of Shelbyville, 111., and Northwest Normal School, Stan- berry, Mo. Served as State Commis- sioner Hyde county, Dakota, 1884-86. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., June 9, 1886, and assumed control of the book dept. of the Stoll & Thayer Co., and in addition wrote book reviews for the Daily Herald. During this period was connected with the Grand Opera House and with Hazard's Pavilion. Has been identified with principal dramatic, literary, and musical events, public pageants and festivals of the city. Elected Ofiicer of the Academie of the French Republic by the Min- ister of Public Instruction and the Chief of the Cabinet of Beaux Arts, Paris, France, 1908; received Decora- tion of the Palms six months later from the same organization. At present mgr. of the Auditorium, 36 WHO'S WHO "Theater Beautiful." Member of B. P. O. E., all orders of Masonic fra- ternity, Shrine, Knights Templar, and local Musical Salon; vice-pres. Los Angeles Center American Music So- ciety, and of the Gamut Club. BEITEL, Walter L. Osteopathic physician. 3002 Fifth ave.. Los _An- geles, Cal. Born in Elizabeth, N. J., Dec. 26, 1873; son of Lewis J. and Mary E. (.-Xrnold) Beitel. Attended public schools of Easton, Pa.; public and technical schools. Newark. N. J.; Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; courses in International Correspond- ence schools; graduated from Phila- delphia College and Infirmary of Os- teopathy, D. O., 1905. Employed in the surveying office of David Young & Co., Newark, N. J., 1890-93; asst. road master and supt. of construction for Public Service Corporation of N. J., 1893-94; engaged in practice as civil engineer until 1896; in Newark. N. J., 1896-98; appointed asst. park commissioner of N. J., 1899; asst. en- gineer for L. V. R. R. at Hazelton, Pa., 1901; with city surveyor's office, Philadelphia, 1903; engaged in prac- tice of osteopathy in Philadelphia. 1905-11. Moved to California in 1911. Former pres. Philadelphia Co. Oste- opathic Soc. In U. S. Vol. Signal Corps, Spanish-American War, 1898- 99. Member American Osteopathic Assn.; Cal. State Osteopathic Assn.; National Geographic Society; Knick- erbocker Club. BENEDICT, Valletta Lyinan. Man- ager Los Angeles Fire Alarm Co. Res. Venice, Cal.; office Delta Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Milwau- kee, Wis., Aug. 28, 1872; son of Wash- ington Gano and Harriet Emily (Bar- rett) Benedict. Married to Florence Marian Ballard in 1900. Attended English High School, Boston, 1890; graduated in electrical engineering from Mass. Institute of Technology in 1894. Employed by General Elec- tric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1895- 1907; Los Angeles, 1907-11; mgr. L. A. Fire Alarm Co., 1911 to date. Mem- ber Union League Club., Los Angeles; City Club, Venice. Episcopalian. BENJAMIN, Ernest Victor. Oil operator, Kes. Maryland Hotel. Pasa- dena. Cal.; office 1117 Los Angeles Investment Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in London, England, .\pril 28, 1885; son of M. and liosina E (Davis) Benjamin. Unmarried. Edu- cated in public and private schools in England. With Hutton & Wood, chartered accountants. London. 1901; traveled through India to Rangoon, Burma, to take charge and systematize accounting dept. of Foucar & Co., Ltd., lumber merchants, 1903-05; joined Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co., chartered accountants, London, and engaged with this firm upon in- vestigation of South African War, 1905. Moved to New York City in 1906 in employ of same firm, investi- gating many large concerns in U. S. including investigation of U. S. post- office dept., Washington, D. C; mem- ber management committee, Kern River Oil Fields of Cal., Ltd., 1911 to date; management committee St. Helen's Petroleum Co., Ltd., London, England. BENNETT, Charles L. Physician. Res. 1925 Huntington Drive, S. Pasa- dena, Cal.; office 335 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Springfield, 111., Feb. 5, 1871; son of Charles W. and Ada (Fisher) Ben- nett. Married to Elsie Doerr in 1897. Attended grammar schools of Cin- cinnati and high school, La Rue, Ohio, until 1887; Chicago Homeo- pathic Medical College, 1890; Chicago College of Physicians & Surgeons, 1897; New York post graduate, 1903. Engaged in the practice of medicine in Aguascalientes, Mex., 1895-1910; private practice in Los Angeles, spe- cializing in chronic diseases, 1910 to date. Pres. Aguascalientes Electric Light & Power Co., 1906-10; Aguasca- lientes Metal Co., 1904 to date. Mem- ber Los Angeles County Medical Assn.; member University, Athletic, and San Gabriel Country clubs. BENNETT, Frank E. Real estate. Res. 1222 W. 8th st,; office 424 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Andover. N. Y., March 20, 1872; son of Erasmus and Clara (Brigham) Bennett. Graduated from Fort Edward Collegiate Inst., Fort Edward, N. Y., 1889; from Boston Univ., Boston, Mass, 1893. In busi- ness with his father, who was an im- porter of blooded horses from Scot- land and I'^rance, 1893-96; practiced law in Topcka, Kans., 1896-1900; in business with his father, Topcka, Kan., 1900-03; moved to Los Angeles. Cal., 1903; in real estate business in Los Angeles, 1903-06; engaged in min- ing in Nev. with branch office in Los Angeles, 1896-8; interested in business properties in Los Angeles, 1908 to IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 37 date. Member Jonathan Club; Phi Delta Phi fraternity; B. P. O. E. BENNETT, Oscar D. Oil. Res. 207 West Ave. 56; ofhce 1015 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ark., March 27, 1874 ; son of J. T. and Louisa Elizabeth CRemy) Bennett. At- tended public schools and Woodbury Business College, Los Angeles, 1894- 95. Moved from farm in L. A. county to Los Angeles, 1897; held several minor positions until 1902 when he was employed by Mexican Petroleum Co., as bookkeeper, which position he held until 1904, when he was elected secy, of the same corporation and its various subsidiary corpora- tions as follows: Mexican Petroleum Co., Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd., Mexican National Gas Co., Mexican Asphalt Paving Co., Huasteca Petro- leum Co. Member of L. A. Athletic Club. BENT, Arthur S. Pres. of the Arthur S. Bent Construction Co. Res. 165 E. Avenue 49; office Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Downieville, Cal. ; son of H. K. W. and Jennie Crawford Bent. Married to Eliza J. McKee. Educated in high school, Los .\ngeles, Cal. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1869; was man- ager of Pacific Clay Mfg. Co. for five years; contracting on engineering works since 1886. and has been con- nected with most of the great irriga- tion and hydro-electric projects of the West; has constructed over 1000 miles of concrete pipe lines, besides dams, reservoirs, concrete tunnels and concrete water towers; has also built the complete sewer systems of sev- eral cities and the great trunk line at Bellingham, Wash. Among other im- portant contracts are eleven miles of concrete conduit, two feet in diam- eter, bringing water to Monterey, Mexico; a large reinforced concrete pumping station and twelve large con- crete chimneys for the Standard Oil Co.; the new Sweetwater Dam at San Diego; about 100 miles of concrete pipe systems for the Sacramento Val- ley Irrigation Co. in Glenn county; the great irrigation enterprise of the Tucson Farms Co.; the Baldwin hy- dro-electric project in Mill Creek; the irrigation system of Palmdale and Little Rock Creek; the outfall sewer system of El Paso. Tex. In partnership with G. F. Pennebaker; this company is also doing extensive asphalt pav- ing and macadam roads construction in So. Cal.; and has built the model streets of Torrance and the oil ma- cadam roads from El Monte to Po- mona and the Harbor Blvd. from Los Angeles to Wilmington. Mem- ber of Jonathan and Gamut clubs, usiness. Salisbury Cen- tre, N. Y., 1899-1903; traveling sales- man for McKinney, Everts & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. 1903-05; moved to Cal. and engaged in photographic sup- ply business under firm name of W. H. Elwell Co., 1905-08; in real estate business, 1910 to date. EMEIS, Harry Prescott. Dentist. Res. 2529 Homer St., Lonia Portal; ofifice 447-8 Spreckels Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Durant, Iowa, Oct. 18, 1875; son of Harry T. and Mary (Groshell) Emeis. Educated in Ogden Military Academy, Ogden, Utah; Univ. of Utah, Hammond Hall, Salt Lake City; Agricultural College of Utah, Logan, Utah; Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, graduat- ing. D.D.S., 1903. Salesman for Lozier Mfg. Co., handling Cleveland bicycles, 1898-99; in service with 4th U. S. Cavalry in Philippines during Spanish-American War; practiced dentistry Logan, Utah, 1903-12; prac- ticing dentistry in San Diego, Cal., 1912 to date. Dir. American Steam Laundry, Logan, Utah; dir. Commer- cial Boosters Club, Logan, Utah. Member San Diego Co. Dental Soc; Southern California Dental Assn.; Utah State Dental Soc; honorary Member San Diego co., Dental Soc. ; of Utah; dentist to Theosophical In- ternational Soc. EMERSON, Willey George. Writer. Res. 2273 W. 24th st.; office Delta Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Blakesburg, La., March 28. 1856; son of Rev. Stephen L. and Mary L. (Peck) Emerson. Married to Bon- nie O'Neal in 1907. Graduation from Knox College, 111., LL. D., 1877; from Northern Ohio Univ., 1900. Admitted to bar in 1886; moved to Kan., 1886; in banking business. Author: Win- nowing Winds; The Fall of Jason; My Partner and I; Buell Hampton; 132 WHO'S WHO The Builders; The Smoky God; The Flock Master. Pres. elector, 1888; commissioner Paris Exposition, 1900; St. Louis Exposition, 1904; at present is pres. Emerson Realty Co., Los An- geles, Cal. EMERY, Grenville C. Educator. Res. 1634 Western ave., Los Angeles, Ca!.; office same. Born in Ripley, Me., July 19, 1843; son of John G. and Mary Stanley (Tones) Emery. Mar- ried to Ella Rhoda Pike in 1871. At- tended public schools of Me.; Corinna Union Academy, 1858-61; Maine State Seminary, 1861-64; Bates College, Lewiston, Me., 1864-68; Univ. of Got- tingen, Gottingen, Germany, 1882-83; graduated from Bates College, A. B., in 1868; A. M. in 1869; Litt. D., 1904. Teacher in the winter public schools of Me., 1864-68; instructor in Me. State Seminary, 1869; principal of high school and supt. of schools. Au- burn, Me., 1870-71; principal high school, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1872; sub-master, Lawrence Grammar School, Boston, Mass., 1872-81; master in Boston Latin School, 1882-97; prin- cipal Los Angeles Military Academy, 1897-99; established Harvard School in 1900; head master to date. Author Academic Algebra, 1890; Academic Algebra (teachers' edition), 1890; Al- gebra for Beginners, 1894; Key to Algebra for Beginners, 1896. Mem- ber National Education Assn.; South- west See. of the Archaeological Inst, of .Amer.; Schoolmasters Club of So. Cal.; Automobile Club of So. Cal.; Chamber of Commerce. Congrega- tionalist. ENGLEHARDT, August E. Fruit grower. Res. Glendora, Cal. Born in Ohio county, Ind., Aug. 28, 1856; son of Henry D. and Anna Mfery (Deal) En- glehardt. Married to Rosa Clardy in 1887. Attended public schools of Ken- tucky and Platte counties. Mo. ; Univ. of Kansas ; commercial course Leaven- worth, Kan., 1878; medical course Cin- cinnati, O., graduating 1884. Taught in the public schools of Platte co., Mo., and Wyandotte, Kans., 1878-79; com- menced practice of medicine in Platte CO., 1884-87; moved to Glendora, Cal., in 1887, and continued his practice; also in partnership with brother, J. P. Engel- hardt, conducting drug and grocery stores; appointed first postmaster in Glendora, 1880; formed partnership with Dr. Wm. H. Craig; retired from practice of medicine and engaged in fruit growing 1907 to date; vice-pres. and dir. Glendora Bank; Hale & Engel- hardt Water Developing Co. ; Glendora Independent Water Co. ; secy. Roff Mfg. Co.. Elected Mayor of Glendora in 1912. Member M. W. of A. ; W. of W. ; Masonic fraternity. ENGLISH, Clarence Arthur. Au- tomobiles. Res. Hotel Darby, Los Angeles, Ca!.; office 1132 So. Grand ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wayne, Neb., June 20, 1886; son of Paul A. and Mary (Mudgett) English. Unmarried. Attended public schools, Omaha. Neb., 1892-98; Kansas City, 1898-1902; Grand Rapids, Mich., 1902- 04; St. Paul's School, Garden City, N. Y., 1904-05; Cornell University, Ith- aca, N. Y., graduating in 1909; in oil business in Taft, Midway and Coal- inga; auto business, 1912; with Ste- vens-Duryea to date. Member Los An- geles Athletic, University, Rotary and Gamut clubs ; Auto Club of So. Cal. ; Motor Car Dealers' Assn.; Beta Theta Pi, and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. ENGSTRUM, Franz Otto. Con- tractor. Res. 2704 EUendale place; office Fifth and Seaton sts., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Stockholm, Sweden, Jan. 4, 1848. Received his education in the schools of his native country. Engaged in the stone cut- ting business; moved to the United States, remaining a short time in New York, and later moved to Tex.; moved to Cal. in 1886; located first in San Diego, then in Escondido; moved to Los Angeles in 1892; pres. F. O. Eng- strum & Co., incorporated 1904; as- sociated with F. E. Engstrum and H. W. Bryson, mgr., one of the largest firms of building contractors in the west; among notable buildings erected are Riverside Court House; Inter- national Savings Bank of Los An- geles; Los Angeles Polytechnic High School; Rampart Apts.; Bryson Apts. ENGSTRUM, Frederick Edgar. Contractor. Res, 2704 EUendale place; office Fifth and Seaton sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Houston, Tex., July 11, 1874; son of Franz Otto and Elizabeth C. Engstrum. Married to Lydia Maulhardt in 1901. Gradu- ated from Los Angeles High School, 1895; from Univ. of Cal., 1899. In business with his father, F. O. Eng- strum; vice-pres. F. O. Engstrum Co., contractors and builders of many of the largest and most important build- ings in Cal. Pres. Union League BIdg. Corp.; dir. National Suction Cleanser Co.; vice-pres. Concrete Ap- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 133 pliance Co. Member California, Jon- athan, Union League, University, Los Angeles Athletic and Los Angeles Country clubs. ENNIS, George Harrison. Land and development; ranching and real tstate. Res. 42 St. James Park; of- fice 514 Exchange BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Decatur, 111., June 1, 1876; son of William Henry and Louis (Harrison) Ennis. Educated in Black Hall Prep. School; N. Y. Military Academy; Univ. of III.; pres. Sunny Slope Land Co.; partner Barbour & Ennis; pres. Owens Valley Orchard Co.; vice-pres. La Sierra Water Co.; dir. Jurupa Water Co.; treas. West Coast Eucalyptus Co.; secy. West Coast Water Co.; dir. Orange Home Improvement Assn. Member Cali- fornia, Los Angeles Country, Los An- geles Athletic and Bachelor's clubs; B. P. O. E. EPSTEIN, George Ballin. Vice- pres. Merchants' Bank & Trust Co. Res. 1S32 Gramercy PL; office 207 S. Broad- way, Los Angeles. Cal. Born in New York City, May 31, 1862; son of Julius and Gertrude (Ballin) Epstein. Mar- ried to Helen Veith, Feb. 8, 1888. Edu- cation received in German-English School, New York ; Columbia grammar school ; Columbia Univ., New York ; Packard's Business College. Asst. ac- countant Bound Brook Woolen Mills, Bound Brook, N. J., 1881; moved to San Antonio, Tex., Nov., 1882 ; account- ant and cashier A. B. Frank Co., whole- sale grocers ; vice-pres. of same corpora- tion, 1882-1900; vice-pres. Wolfif & Marx Co., 1900-05 ; vice-pres. City Natl. Bank, San Antonio, Tex., 1899-1905; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1906, and organ- ized Western State Bank of Los An- geles, of which he was pres., 1907-08; consolidated with M"erchants' Bank & Trust Co., Oct., 1908; vice-pres. Mer- chants' Bank & Trust Co., 1908-13; dir. Pacific Wharf & Storage Co. Member Sierra Madre Clulb ; Federation of Jew- ish Charities; I. O. B. B. ; Kaspare Cohn Hospital Assn. ; Jewish Orphan Home of So. Cal.; Temple B'nai B'rith. ERB, William M. Lawyer. Res. Van Nuys Hotel; office Trust and Sav- ings Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Minneapolis. Minn., Feb. 17, 1878. Married to Blanche Jones in 1904. Attended Stanford Univ., 1897-1901; graduated from Law School, Colum- bia Univ., LL. B., 1904. Practiced in New York City as member of firm, Mercer, Erb & Baron, 1904-06; at Goldfield, Nev., 1906-09; secy. Gold- field Mine Owners' Assn., 1907-09; oil operator in Coalinga and Midway fields. Dir. Western Petroleum Co.; vice-pres. and dir. Tyson & Co., New York City. ERKENBRECHER, Byron. Real estate. Res. 647 S. New Hampshire ave.; office 207 Grosse Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Cincinnati, C, March 1, 1874; son of Andrew and Matilda (Cunningham) Erkenbrecher. Educated in private schools of Cin- cinnati, O., and Los Angeles, Cal. Moved to Los Angeles in 1895; en- gaged in manufacture of soap in Los Angeles, 1897-1900; established the Erkenbrecher Syndicate in 1900, which he continues to date; one of the organizers of State Realty Feder- ation and of Merchants' Trust Co.; holder of Sir Thomas Lipton Per- petual Challenge Cup, 1895. Pres. and mgr. Erkenbrecher Syndicate; dir. Occidental Life Ins. Co.; pres. Sharon Farms Co.; presidential elector for Taft, 1908. Member B. P. O. E.; Jon- athan, Sierra Madre, San Gabriel Val- ley Country and South Coast Yacht clubs, Los Angeles; Sunset Yacht Club, Long Beach; Tuna Club, Santa Catalina Island, Cal. ERRINGER, Theodore Clarence. Real estate. Res. 442 N. Cahuenga St. ; office 307 American Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Jonesville, Ind., Sept. 8, 1868; son of Theodore F. and Ella (Garner) Erringer. Married to Mary Brainard Wood in 1892. Received his education in private school of Paris, Ky., and public schools of Chicago, 111. Employed by Raymond Lead Co., Chi- cago, 1885-97 ; member Cream City Roofing Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1897- 1902; pres. Natl. Umbrella Works, Chi- cago, 1902-10; moved to Los Angeles 1910, and has been engaged in real es- tate business as member of firm of Bush & Erringer. Vice-pres. and dir. Trans- Pacific Sales Agency; dir. and vice-pres. Apex Investment & Building Co. ; mem- ber Los Angeles Realty Board. Chris- tian Scientist. EVANS, Amos Otis. Dentist. Res. 1075 W. 3Sth place; office 3423^4 Ver- mont ave. Born in Winona, 111., Jan. 14. 1882; son of Douglas and Sarah Celia (Phillips) Evans. Married to Ora Mae Woodward in 1911. Gradu- ated from Pomona High School in 1902; from Dental Dept. Univ. of Cal., in 1905; passed examination before 134 WHO'S WHO State Board of Dental Examiners and was registered in 1906; has since been engaged in his profession in Los An- geles. Member Los Angeles Co. Den- tal Soc.; So. Cal. Dental Assn. EVANS, Herbert Johnston. Real estate and insurance. Res. 234 N. Char- lotte Ave., Monrovia, Cal. ; office 607 Hibernian BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in London, England, Nov. 8, 1869; son of Edward Josiah and Caroline (Taylor) Evans. Married to Jane Louise Berry in 1894. Educated in Ver- mont College, Lower Clapton, London, England. At age of 15 entered law of- fice of E. H. Burkitt, of Curriers Hall, 6 London Wall, London, England, stay- ing there about three years and leaving to enter shipping office of Hopcraft & Broadwater of Fenchurch Ave., Lon- don; left there 1891 and went to Musko- gee, L T., as bookkeeper for J. A. Pat- terson & Co., genl. merchants, which firm was afterwards incorporated under name of the Patterson Mercantile Co. ; moved to New Mexico 1900 on account of ill health ; to Denver, Colo., in 1901, and to Monrovia, Cal., 1905 ; interested in real estate in Oklahoma. At present secy, and treas. Midway Basin Oil Co. Served as member Board of Trustees of city of M'onrovia, 1908-10; re-elected 1910; served as Grand Master of Grand Council of Roval and S'elect Masters of Oklahoma, 1902-03; as Grand High Priest of Grand Chapter of Royal .^rch Masons, 1903-04, and as Grand Com- mander of Grand Commandery of Ok- lahoma (then Indian Territory) 1903-04. Member Granite Club of Monrovia, Cal. ; B. P. O. E. ; Masonic fraternity, 32nd degree ; Scottish Rite. Episcopalian. EVANS, Willard A. Electric gar- age. Res. Sierra Madre; office 1676 W. Washington St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Indianapolis. Ind., Oct. 24, 1872; son of Joseph R. and Caroline E. (Brown) Evans. Married to Clara E. Baldwin in 1893. Attended public schools until 1888; Earlham College, 1888-90; Purdue Univ., 1890-92. Or- ganizer, supt. and treas. Commercial Electric Co., Indianapolis, Ind., 1906; moved to Los Angeles in 1906 and en- tered employ of City Gas Co.; with Central (jarage of Pasadena, 1907-11; electric garage of his own, 1911 to date. Quaker. EVERHARDY, Mathew W. Gen- eral provision merchant. Res. 1401 Al- varado Terrace; office 622 S. Broad- way, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Leavenworth, Oct. 8, 1862; son of Jacob and Mary C. (Slioemaker) Everhardy. Married to Elizabeth A. Piatt in 1893. Received his edu- cation in private and public schools, and business college of Leavenworth. First employed in driving cattle from eastern Oregon 1400 miles across the plains to Cheyenne and Laramie City, Wyo.. then a wilderness, 1875-78; in the meat and cattle business in Tomb- stone, Bisbee and Benson, Ariz., 1878- 88; moved to Los Angeles in 1888, since which time he has been engaged in the wholesale and retail general provision business. Pres. Palace Market Meat & Provision Co. ; dir. Commonwealth Home Builders; Funding Co. of Cal- ifornia. Member B.P.O.E. ; Knights Templar; Shrine; Jonathan and Los Angeles Athletic and Gun clubs. EYER, Clarendon B. Real estate Res. 630 S. Western ave.; office 342 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Ind., July 1, 1865; son of Daniel and Nancy (Bennett) Eyer. Married to Cora A. Knowlton in 1888. Attended high school at Highland Park, III.; Lake Forest Academy; graduated from L'niv. of Mich, in 1888. Engaged in practice of law in Chicago, 1888-1907; moved to Cal. in 1907; promoted Beaumont Land & Water Co., and is now pres. of that Co.; vice-pres. of San Mateo Water Co.; organized .Assets Realiza- tion Co., of which he is pres.; dir. Bowes Realty Co.; dir. Los Angeles Holding Co. Admitted to practice law in Cal. in 1912. Member Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar; Califor- nia and Los Angeles Athletic clubs: Sigma Chi fraternity. Presbyterian. PARIS, John D. Funeral director and embalmer. Res. 2017 W. 12th St.; office 10th and Flower sts., Los An- geles. Born in Charlottesville, Ind., Dec. .30, 1860; son of William H. and Amanda (Bolin) Faris. Married to Agnes Pressler in 1905. Graduated from grammar school, Cicero, Ind., 1875; from high school, Cicero, Ind., 1879; from College of Physiology and Anatomy, Springfield, O., 1895. En- gaged in general merchandise business at Cicero and Tipton, Ind., 1879-88; wholesale cigar and tobacco business, Indianapolis, Ind., 1888-92; funeral director and embalmer 1892 to date. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1905; em- ployed by Orr & Hines Co., who were succeeded by Orr & Edwards Co., of which firm he was vice-pres. and secy. ; IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 13S the latter firm was succeeded by Orr & Bootlie Co., of which he was vice-pres., secy, and mgr., until 1912; engaged in undertaking business at 10th and Flower sts., Los Angeles, under firm name of Paris, Carmichael & Co., Inc., of which firm he has been pres., 1912 to date. Member Masonic fraternity; B. P. O. E.; Royal Highlanders; O. E. S. PARISH, Oscar Eugene. Real es- tate. Res. 2193 West Adams St.; of- fice 353 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chatham co., N. C, July 20, 1868; son of John W. and Mary Ann (Harris) Farish. Married to Alice Aspinall Grindrod in 1895. Edu- cated in public schools of Arkansas; moved from North Carolina to Ar- kansas, and lived there until about eighteen years of age; in employ of Southern Express Co. in various po- sitions in Tennessee, Virginia and Florida for seven years; moved to Los Angeles in 1895; with Blake, Moffit & Towne, wholesale paper house, one year, and then with the Los Angeles Electric Co. (now the Los Angeles Gas & Electric Corp.) two years; engaged in the oil busi- ness; entered real estate business in 1901; in 1902 formed partnership with William W. Mines, which continued until April 1, 1912. Now pres. Cali- fornia Realty Corporation, associated with G. E. Gardner, vice-pres., and H. Stanley Benedict, secy, and treas. Member City Council of Los Angeles, 1903-04; member Committee of Fif- teen for consolidation of Wilmington and San Pedro with Los Angeles. Member California Club, Chamber of Commerce, and many other clubs and associations. Methodist. PARMER, Ollef O. Engineer and contractor. Res. 417 W. 53d St.; of- fice 434 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Vianna, La., Nov. 30, 1877; son of A. L. and Ida Fowler Farmer. Married to Nellie Worst in 1900. Educated in public schools, Weatherford College and Commercial School, Weatherford, Tex. Moved to Los Angeles in 1898 and became connected with Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. in underground construction dept., which work he continued seven years; supt. Barber Asphalt Paving Co., In 1911 opened offices and began es- tablishment of business as engineer and contractor. Important contracts: Seven miles of good roads in Los An- geles CO. ; rebuilding Hermit Rim Road, Grand Canyon, Ariz., for Grand Canyon R. R. Co. Pres. Imperial Engr. and Construction Co., doing excavating and road building. Mem- ber I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; Macca- bees. FARNHAM, Lewis Martindale. Corporation secretary. Res. 913 E. 20th St.; office 809 Garland Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ban- gor, Me., May 26, 1864; son of John N. and Nancy Melinda (Went- worth) Farnham. Married to Faus- tina Ankeny Gerrish in 1892. Grad- uated from grammar school of his na- tive town in 1878. First employed as clerk in book store, 1878-89; baggage master and freight clerk at Winn, Dover and Foxcraft, Me., for Maine Central R. R., 1889-91; transferred to Bangor and held various positions with same company until 1898 when he came to California and was asso- ciated with the Napa Consolidated Quicksilver Mining Co., at Oat Hill, Cal., and with the Aetna Consolidated Quicksilver Mining Co. as supt., 1898-1903; moved to Los Angeles in 1903 and was asst. auditor Pacific Light & Power Corp., 1903-07; and auditor 1907 to March, 1912; secy. Pa- cific Light & Power Corp. and four subsidiary corps., 1912 to March, 1913; asst. secy. San Joaquin Light & Power Co., 1903-07; secy. 1907- 10; secy. San Joaquin Light & Power Corp. and four subsidiary Corp., 1910 to date; secy. Domestic Gas Co., 1908-10; secy. Southern Califor- nia Gas Co., 1910 to date; secy. Mid- land Counties Public Service Corp. and two subsidiary corps., 1910 to date; secy. Lerdo Land Co.; El Mo- lino Co. Member Chamber of Com- merce. FAULKNER, Alfred G. Automo- biles. Res. 2192 West Twenty-fifth St.; office 1057 So. Olive St., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Marion, Va., Mar. 14. 1881; son of L. J. and Sophronia (Tilson) Faulkner. Married to Alda Danziger in 1912. Attended public schools of Roanoke, Va., and Buchan- an, W. Va., 1887-92; high school, Bu- chanan, W. Va., 1892-97. moved to Cal. in 1899; salesman with Mobile Carriage Co., San Francisco, 1899- 1903; in automobile business alone; pres. Thomas .'Kuto Rental Co., San Francisco, 1907; moved to Los An- geles and became sales mgr. Pierce- Arrow Agency, 1908-12; mgr. for Sim- plex & Mercer Agcy to date. Mem- 136 WHO'S WHO ber Masonic fraternity; Shrine; Knights Templar; San Gabriel Valley Country Club; Auto Club of So. Cal. FEAGANS, George E. Jeweler. Res. 945 Orange st.; office 218 West 5th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in 111. in 1861; son of Joseph and Mary Melvina (Sain) Feagans. Married to Alta L. Cord in 1883. Educated in public schools of his native state. Engaged in jewelry business in 111., 1882; moved to Los Angeles and with a partner established the jewelry firm of Brock & Feagans, one of the first jewelry establishments in So. Cal.; was made pres. of the company, which office he held until December, 1903, wnen firm was dissolved, and he established the jewelry business of Feagans & Co., now located in Alex- andria Hotel Bldg. ; pres. of Feagans & Co.: member Masonic fraternity. FEATHERSTONE, Edward A. Auto supplies. Res. 1150 W. 27th St.; office, 1018 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, 111., Aug. 1, 1876; son of John and Ruth A. (De Golyer) Featherstone. Married to Anne R. Robinson in 1895. Attended grammar and high schools of Chicago, 111.; Michigan Military Acad., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1893. With Feather- stone Iron Foundry Machine Co., Chi- cago, 111.; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1903; established automobile supply business and is engaged in same to date. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Shrine; Jonathan, Los An- geles Country and Los Angeles Ath- letic clubs, Los Angeles; Athletic Club, Chicago; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. FELLOWS, Charles Austin. Con- tractor. Res. 1215 Westchester Place; office 500 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Albany, N. Y. Served time as apprentice and grad- uated as carpenter; engaged in con- tracting business in Topeka, Kansas, 1885-1905; in 1891 was elected mem- ber City Council of Topeka, Kansas; elected mayor of Topeka, Kansas, 1895; re-elected 1897, serving four years; moved to Cal. in 1905, and re- sumed contracting business, doing railroad work almost entirely; elected pres. Sharp & Fellows Contracting Co., 1910; member Masonic frater- nity; 32d degree; California, Los Angeles Athletic, Jonathan, Los An- geles Country and Gamut clubs; Topeka Club, Topeka, Kan. FELLOWS, Thomas. Supt. of con- struction. State of Cal. Res. 6425 Eagle Rock ave.; office State Bldg., Exposition Park, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Birmingham, England, Jan., 1860; son of Frederic and Mary (Grice) Fellows. Married to Mary E. Stew- art in 1886. Attended public schools of England, 1876-82; three diplomas for building, construction, art and sci- ence department; government schools of England. Moved to U. S. and at- tended Franklin Institute, Philadel- phia, Pa., 1882; engaged in construc- tion work on Lehigh Univ. and Bryn Mawr College; moved to Cal., 1884; architect and contractor, 1884-97; studied steel construction in Pitts- burg, 1897-98; supt. construction Ris- don Iron Works, San Francisco, 1898- 99; supt for Chas. Whittlesey, archi- tect, 1905; building inspector, Los An- geles, 1906-07; invented cold storage without ice, 1909; four systems of re- enforced concrete without forms. Ap- pointed state supt. of building con- struction, 1912; has designed churches. Armory, Masonic Hall, stores, Court House, etc., in Los Angeles; dir. .Amer- ican Concrete Co.; dir. and secy. Sal- ton Sea Oil Co. Member Federation of City Assn. Designed collapsible concrete garage. Writer for technical magazines. Member Masonic frater- nity; W. O. W. Methodist. FENNER, Charles H. IMining en- gineer. Res. 453 Hartford ave.; office, 619 Trust and Savings bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Bristol, R. I., Sept. 29. 1858; son of Richard and Sophia Fenner. Married to Eva M. Price in 1910. Attended grammar schools of Rhode Island. Served ap- prenticeship in office of S. N. Keith, civil engineer. Providence, R. I.; as- sistant in office of J. W. Ellis, Woon- socket, R. I., 1877-78; asst. in sur- veying dept. N. Y. & N. E. R. R., 1878-80; asst. engineer for N. P. R. R. Co., 1880-83; engaged in genera! prac- tice as civil engineer in Montesano, Wash.; bridge and road engineer, Chehalis Co.; state engineer, Mote- san, Wash.; state Land Commis- sioner, 1883-94; engineering practice, 1894-96; U. S. public land survey, Seattle, 1896; chief engineer Seattle and International R. R., 1897-99; mine survey in Montezuma mining dis- trict; U. S. Mineral Survey, 1899- 1900; engineer Sumpter Townsite Co.; city engineer, Sumpter, Ore.; U. S. Mining survey for Ore., 1900-02; managing engineer Archuleto Oil IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 137 Co., Archuleto co., Col., 1902-03; city engineer, Sumpter, Ore.; U. S. mine, survey, and engineer Snow Creek and Alamo Mining Co., 1903-04; survey Tonopah, Nev. ; U. S. mining survey, 1904-05; engaged in general mining survey associated with Booker & Philbrick at Goldfield, Tonopah and Mattanhattan, Nev., 1905-09; city en-. gineer Goldfield, Nev.; pres. Surprise Valley Power & Irrigation Co., 1909- 10; engineer and vice-pres. Manhattan Consolidated Co.; and original Seven Troughs Mining Co., 1910 to date. Vice-pres. and engineer Carlyle Gold Mining & Milling Co.; engineer In- vestors Land & Water Co.; and Ma- lone Land & Water Co. Member American Institute of Mining Engr.; Knickerbocker Club. FERNANDEZ, Michael M. Real estate subdivisions. Res. 4639 Ver- mont Place, Hollywood; office 424 Cons. Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, Oct. 11, 1877; son of Dr. M. and M. Villafranca (de Burgos) Fernandez; married to Anna Von Kowalwsky, April 9, 1904. Educated in St. Vincent's Col- lege; French Academy, Arroyo Seco; Los Angeles public schools. Em- ployed first by Evening Express Co. two years; afterward entered employ of Baker Iron Works and remained for four years. Moved to Bakers- field, Cal., when oil was first struck there; returned to Los Angeles, and engaged in real estate business; has handled several successful enterprises, among them being the Los Angeles Homes Co., Fernandez Tract, Upper Rampart Hts. Tract No. 2; Mexican Land & Water Co.; Coachella Land & Products Co.; California Tool Works. Vice-pres. L. A. Homes Co.; pres. M. M. Fernandez & Co.; pres. Fernandez Estate Co.; pres. Interna- tional Potash Fields, Ltd.; pres. Mexican Land & Water Co. FERNHOLTZ, Emil. Machinery manufacturing. Res. 2312 W. First St.; office 2449 Enterprise St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Langenberg, Germany, Nov. 18, 1856; son of Wil- liam and Frederica (von Diergardt) Fernholtz; married to Emma Hahne March 16, 1881. Educated in public schools of Langenberg, Germany; high and private schools, Witten, Germany; technical education re- ceived at Borsig, Berlin, Germany. Chief engineer sugar plantation, Ser- pon, British Honduras, Central Am- erica, 1875-77; supt. Wire mill, Bom- mem (Ruhr) Germany, 1877-81; supt. Ittner Bros. Dry Press Brick Mfg., St. Louis, Mo., 1881-89; pres. and genl. mgr. Fernholtz Brick Ma- chinery Co., St. Louis, Mo„ 1889-99; established machine works in Bom- niern, Kuhr, Germany, 1899-1904; was first to introduce Dry Press Brick in Germany, France, Belgium and Austria; pres. and genl. mgr. National Briquetting Clay Working Machinery Co., 1904 to date; patentee of several brick presses. Received gold medal for Dry Press Brick machine in Dusseldorf, Germany, 1902, Member Royal Arcanum; B. P. O. E., Lodge No. 99, Los Angeles. Lutheran, FERRIS, Dick. Theatrical mgr. and general promoter. Res. 1662 W. Adams St.; office Lyceum Theatre, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Washing- ton, D. C, Dec. 4, 1857; son of Gil- bert J. and Elizabeth (Watson) Fer- ris. Married to Grace Hayward in 1901; to Florence Stone in 1906. At- tended public school four years and three months; left school on account of street railway accident. Worked in lawyer's office in Washington, D. C; page in U. S. Senate and in House of Representatives one session; spe- cial messenger in U. S. Senate, under Timothy O. Howe, Frank Hatton, Judge Walter Q. Gresham and Wni. F. Viles; rate clerk of Wabash R. R. in Chicago; made debut in theatrical profession at McVickers Theatre, Chi- cago; joined August M. Daly's road company and toured U. S. for one year; returning to New York, joined the "Flying Scudd;" filling engage- ments with De Boucicault produc- tions, encountered unfortunate ex- periences, losing heavily in theatrical ventures; joined first road company of "County Fair" in which he played the part of "Tim" for two years; or- ganized his own company under name of Ferris Comedians, playing reper- toire throughout the country; grad- ually increased number of his com- panies until he had four repertoire companies and seven stock com- panies, playing in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Omaha, Seattle, San Francisco and Sioux City. During this time, acquired half interest in "Checkers" and entire control of "Graustark," "Way Out West," "My Jim," and numerous other plays. Moved to Cal, to live permanently 138 WHO'S WHO and opened Auditorium Theatre which he managed for two seasons, stock engagements; suggested and promoted first aviation meet held in America; managed aviation meet held in Los Angeles in 1911; has promoted automobile races, night baseball games, and numerous other attrac- tions for charity; identified with Mex- ican Revolution, being elected pres. of Lower California, for which he was indicted b3' the U. S. government, which indictment was dismissed. Can- didate for lieut.-gov. in 1910; defeated at the primaries; now with Oliver Morosco, managing Lyceum Theatre. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d de- gree; Knights Templar; Shrine; B. P. O. E.; F. O. E.; K. of P.; Chicago Athletic Assn. and Chicago Yacht Club of Chicago; Sierra Madre Club; served one year as pres. of Rotary Club of Los Angeles, of which he is still a member. FERRIS, Horace B. Secretary. Res. 2225 Bellevue ave.; office 18 City Hall, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Corning, Mo., December 14, 1871; son of Horace F. and Margaret C. (Camp- bell) Ferris. Married to Merle Humphrey in 1904. Attended the pub- lic schools, Los Angeles; University of Southern Cal., 1892; Pomona Col- lege, 1893-4; Los Angeles Business College, 1896. First employed as newsboy for the Times, Los Angeles, 1886-88; employed by the Times, in office and as proof-reader, 1888-90; clerk in County Tax Collector's office, 1896-98; bookkeeper City Engineer's office, 1899-1900; draftsman in same office, 1900-06; secy, of Board of Pub- lic Works, 1906 to date. Also engaged in real estate business operating on his own account, 1899 to date. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity. FETTE, Fred. Lawyer. Res. 22S N. Olive St.; offijce 707 International Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Kansas City, Dec. 13, 1879; son of Fred and .-^nna (Schmidt) Fette. Married to Gertrude G. Grant in 190S. Attended grammar school, Col- legeville, Cal., 1885-96; high school, Stockton, 1896-97; York's Normal Academy, 1897-99; Hastings Law Col- lege, San Francisco, 1899-1900. Studied in law office at Stockton un- til 1902. Served as deputy dist. atty., San Joaciuin Co., Cal., 1902-04; in pri- vate |)ractice in Stockton and Tuo- lumne until 1907. Dir, and atty. Builders' Investment Co.; Simplex Sales Co.; International Fuse Lighter & E. M. Co.; dir. and secy. Pacific Mortgage Co.; pres. and dir. New Era Publishing Co. of Tuolumne; dir. and atty. Anaheim Union Oil Co. Served in Sixth Regiment N. G. C; member Chamber of Commerce; City Club; Y. M. C. A.; Los Angeles Bar Assn., and B. P. O. E. FINK, Albert. Broker, mgr. "No Ice" Refrigerator Co. Res. 1550 W. Adams St.; office 1005-7 Broadway Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Neishtadt, Shirwindt, Russia, Aug. 12. 1865; son of Mordecai and Chashe Peshe (Shatin) Fink. Mar- ried to Julia Stumes, Sept. 25, 1893. Educated in the public schools of Neishtadt and private schools of Shir- windt, 1873-75; School of Mineralogy, Touerin, Germany, 1876. Entered Beth-Ha-Medrash in 1876, taking col- lege courses in ancient history, min- eralogy, horology and ancient lan- guages; graduated from Beth-Ha- Medrash in 1879. Moved to America in 1880 and continued study of min- eralogy in New York City and served as precious stone sorter in a jewelry establishment, 1880. Moved to Ash- land. Wis., 1882, and took charge of a stationery store for Coleman Bros. During this time completed mineral- ogical studies and delivered lectures at different institutes of mineralogy in East. Moved to Chicago, 111., in 1885 and took charge of a general merchandise store in partnership with his cousin, operating under firm name of Fink & Fink, 1888-89; engaged in manufacture of diamond jewelry in Chicago in 1891; continued this busi- ness until 1903 when he moved to San Francisco, Cal. Moved to Los An- geles in 1905 and was engaged as traveling salesman for J. P. Trafton & Co., wholesale jewelers; remained with this firm until 1908 when he en- gaged in wholesale jewelry business operating under firm name of Albert Fink & Co. Established a brokerage business in Los Angeles in 1909; mgr. "No Ice" Refrigerator Co., 1912 to date. FINKLE, Frederick Cecil. Con- sulting engineer. Res. 407 \V. 31st St.; office 448-9 I. W. HcUman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Viroqua, Wis., May 3, 1865; son of Thurston and So- phia Amelia (Michelet) Finklc. Mar- ried to Priscilla Ann Jones in 1901. Attended public schools of his native IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 139 town, graduating from high school in 1881; special course in civil and hy- draulic engineering at Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis., 1882-87. Chief engr. North Riverside Land & Water Co., Jurupa Land & Water Co., and Vivien- da Water Co., and in charge of other irrigating systems involving enormous expediture in San Bernardino and Riv- erside counties, Cal., 1887-89; city engr. San Bernardino, Cal., and con- sulting engr. for state of Cal. on water works and sewers for public institu- tions, 1890-93; general consulting work on water supply irrigation and liti- gated water rights, 1894-96; chief hydraulic engr. for So. Cal. Edison Co. in construction and design of seven hydro-electric power plants, and consulting expert on many large wa- ter projects, etc., 1897-1906; practic- ing consulting engr. on large water power, irrigation and domestic water projects in western states and expert in litigated cases relating to water supply and geology, 1907 to date. While practicing as consulting engr. since 1906, he has been consulting engr. for plants of Central Colo. Pow- er Co. and the Eastern Colo. Power Co. of Denver, Colo., and for Mt. Hood Ry. and Power Co. of Portland, Ore., for an hydro-electric plant; con- sulting engr. for Denver Union Water Co. in appraisement of its plant; has appraised numerous other domestic water systems in western states, par- ticularly Cal., Ore. and Colo.; is now preparing to enlarge Hotel Snow, Los Angeles, by erecting 14-story "L" shaped addition of steel frame con- struction; also preparing to erect 10- story hotel building on centrally lo- cated business corner in San Fran- cisco. Extensive property owner in So. Cal., being owner of Finkle Bldg., 6th and Flower sts., Los Angeles, oc- cupied by Hotel Snow, etc.; the Finkle Arms, a modern 4-story brick apart- ment hotel at 912 S. Figueroa st., Los Angeles; the Monitor Apts., Ocean Park, Cal., and other properties at San Bernardino and vicinity. City engr. of San Bernardino two terms of two years each, 1889-93. Interested in reforms which will benefit working classes; issued call for People's Char- ter Conference, which caused recall of entire city administration in 1912; sup- ported Judge H. H. Rose for Mayor of Los Angeles in the following election. Member Anier. Soc. Irr. Engrs. ; Amer. Inst. Elec. Engrs.; Engrs. & Archts. Assn. of So. Cal.; California Club, Los Angeles, Cal.; Denver Club, Denver, Colo.; Bohemian and Sierra clubs, San Francisco; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Automobile Club of So. Cal.; B. P. O. E.; K. of P.; various other fraternal orders. Republican. In local political matters is independ- ent. FINLEY, Charles Howard. Real estate. Res. Santa Monica; office 317 I. N. Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Oroville, Cal., June 20, 1857; son of William Howard and Ann Judith (Maze) Finley. Married to Emily M. White. Educated in pub- lic schools, Modesto, Cal., and Ky. State University, Lexington, Ky. Farmer in Stanislaus Co., Cal.; post- master at Modesto, Cal., under Cleve- land's first administration: moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1895. and re- sumed farming until 1898; engaged in transfer business 1898-1901; opened real estate business, 1901, which he continues to date, specializing in Cal- ifornia lands. Mgr. Finley Realty Co. Member Christian Church. FINLEY, Harold Mansel. Real estate and development editor. The Times. Res. 253 N. Vendome St.; of- fice Times Bldg. Born in Quaker City, O., July 21, 1882; son of Samuel Judson and Laura Ellen (Johnson) Finley. Married to Jessica Marshall Dennis in 1912. Attended public and private schools in O. and la.; Penn College; graduated from Yale Univ., A. B., 1906. Associated "-ith Federa- tion of Churches of New York City on university fellowship, investigat- ing congestion prolilem in foreign dis- tricts of New York City and submit- ting results for advanced degree in Yale ; wrote considerably on same sub- ject for metropolitan papers during this time ; mgr. press service of Charity Or- ganization Soc. of New York ; has con- tributed to Everybody's Magazine. Col- lier's. Judge and the Pacific Monthly; moved to Los Angeles early in 1909 and entered employ of Times in May of that year. FINNEY, Charles Emery. Invest- ment banker. Res. 2637 Kenwood Ave.; office 723 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cam- bridge City, Ind.. Feb. 27. 1860; son of Jasper and Sarah A. (Crane) Finney; married to Alice Carey Jones in 1889. Attended public schools at Indianap- olis until 1875; Preparatory School, De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind., 1875-77; De Pauw University, 1877-1881, degrees A.B. and A.M. 140 WHO'S WHO Clerk in book and stationery house, Indianapolis, 1S81-82; clerk Hoosac Tunnel Line, Indianapolis, 1882-83; clerk White Line Transit Co., 1883-85; chief clerk. Division Freight Office, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis Ry., 1885-86; Genl. West- ern Freight Agt., same Ry., at Kansas City, Mo., 1886-88; traffic mgr. Cons. Kansas City Smelting & Refining Co. at Kansas City, Mo., 1888; served this corporation in many capacities until made manager of the company in 1895; during this time was director Kansas City Smelting & Refining Co.; Ark. Valley Smelting Co., Leadville, Colo.; El Paso Smelting Co., El Paso, Tex.-; Mexican Ore Co., El Paso, Tex.; dir. United Zinc & Chemical Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1897. Moved to New York as manager M. Guggen- heim's Sons, in charge of refining and smelting plants and mines; Gug- genheim properties were merged into American Smelting & Refining Co., 1901 ; then became member operating committee of the latter company in charge of operations of the company's twenty-five plants; vice-pres. and genl. mgr. Arizona Smelting Co., Hum- boldt, Ariz., 1905; constructed plant and put it in operation March, 1906; was also dir. in Corp.; dir. Prescott National Bank, Prescott, Ariz., 1906- 07; pres. and dir. of the following, 1907 to date: London-Arizona Copper Co.; London-Range Copper Co.; Lon- don Shamrock Copper Co.; Ball Cop- per Co.; Vekol Range Copper Co.; all located in Gila Co., Ariz. Moved to Los Angeles in 1907. Member firm Finney & Co., since Jan. 1, 1912. FINNEY. Charles Emery, Jr. Me- chanical engineer. Res. 2637 Ken- wood Ave.; office 723 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 25, 1890; son of Charles Emery and Alice Carey (Jones) Finney; unmarried. Educated at Barstow School, Kansas City, Mo. Summit Academy, Summit, N. J. Newark Academy, Newark, N. J. Harvard School, Los Angeles, Cal. received M.E. from Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca, N. Y., in 1912. Chemist in laboratory of Consolidated Arizona Smelting Co., three months, 1906; en- gaged in construction of Standard Oil Refinery at El Segundo, Cal.; entered firm of Finney & Co., having charge of engineering projects, 1912. Mem- ber Zeta Psi fraternity; Quill and Dagger Club; Mummy Club. FINNEY, Edgar Lawrence. In- vestment bankers. Res. 2637 Ken- wood ave.; office 723 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Kan- sas City, Mo., May 11, 1892; son of Charles Emery and Alice Carey (Jones) Finney. Unmarried. Edu- cated at Barstow School, Kansas City, Mo.; Summit Academy. Summit, N. J.; Newark Academy, Newark, N. J.; Harvard School, Los Angeles, Cal. With Barroll & Co., bond house; with London Arizona Copper Co.; entered firm of Finney & Co., 1912. Member Delta Sigma Nu fraternity. FIRTH, Emil. Real estate. Res. 679 Westmoreland ave.; office 346 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wratchkowitz, Bohemia, Jan. 25, 1858; son of Ignatz and Bertha (Bran- deis) Firth. Married to Benveneda Solis Ritteband in 1894. Attended grammar school at Natcheradetz, Bo- hemia, until 1869; Iries. Acad., Prague, 1869-71. Apprentice in Prague, 1871; moved to Manitowoc, Wis., 1874; clerk in a general merchandise store, Manitowoc, 1874-79; moved to Mil- waukee, Wis., 1879; buyer for Rosen- berg & Liebmann, Milwaukee, 1879- 84; established firm of Firth & Pop- per, in Milwaukee, handling raw wool, furs and seeds, 1884; moved business to Chicago, 111., 1885; with- drew from firm and engaged in real estate business, 1888; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1897; engaged in real estate operations, office 346 S. Broad- way. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d degree, Scottish Rite; Gamut and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. Jewish. FISHBURN, John Eugene. Banker. Res. 2266 Harvard Blvd._; office Na- tional Bank of California, Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Joliet, 111., Sept. 13, 1859; son of Daniel G. and Ellen Burson Fishburn. Married to Ger- trude E. Toles in 1900. Attended pub- lic schools of Illinois; Univ. of Notre Dame; Univ of Mich.; graduated from Law Dept., Univ. of Mich., 1879; bookkeeper with Crete State Bank, Crete, Neb., 1881; cashier First National Bank of San Diego, Cal., 1889; asst. cashier California Bank, Los Angeles, 1898; was made cashier National Bank of Cal., 1898; now pres. of this bank; dir. First National Bank, Long Beach; dir. Marine National Bank, San Diego, Cal.; dir. Chamber of Commerce. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Scottish Rite; Shrine; Sun- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 141 set, Country and University clubs, Los Angeles; Cuyamaca Club, San Diego, Cal. FISHER, George Trumbull. Pianos and music store. Res. 320 E. Fourth St., Tucson, Ariz.; office 136-38 E. Congress St., Tucson. Born in Mil- waukee, Wis., Oct. 19, 1869; son of Joseph and Leokadia (Holdenried) Fisher. Married to Joice M. Harwood in 1905. Attended First Ward School, Milwaukee, Wis.; graduated from En- gelman's Academy, Milwaukee, 1884. Office clerk with Ball & Goodrich, wholesale grocers, Milwaukee, 1884- 89; clerk with Williamson & Schroe- ter, electric fixtures, Chicago, 111., 1889-96; mgr. Consolidated Renovat- ing Co., Chicago, 1896-1900; moved to Tucson, Ariz., 1901 ; traveling su- pervisor, Singer Sewing Machine Co., 1901-7; established music store in 1907; incorporated "Fisher Music Co.," 1912. Pres. and treas. Fisher Music Co. Member Tucson Chamber of Commerce since 1906; pres. of same, two years; charter member and vice-pres. Tucson Business Men's Credit Rating Assn.; member Old Pueblo Club since its organization; dir. of same. FITCH, Thomas. Lawyer and journalist. Res. 3445 E. Seventh St., Los Angeles; office Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New York City, Jan. 27, 1838; son of Thomas and Caroline (Owen) Fitch. Married to Mary H. Wainwright in 1858; to Anna M. Shultz in 1863; to Rena Fitch in 1905. Attended private school, New York City, 1843- 48; Wesleyan Acad., Wilbraham, Mass., 1848; public school, Keyport, N. J., 1851-52. Clerk with Schief- felin Bros. & Co., New York, 1852; with J. L. Morgan & Co., New York, 1853; with Melliss & Ayres, New York, 1854-55; with Warner, Clarke & Dater, Chicago, 111., 1856; with Chapin, Gregory & Armour, Mil- waukee, Wis., 1857-58; local editor Milwaukee Free Democrat, 1859; law student, Shafter, Park & Heydenfeldt, San Francisco. Cal., 1860; editor San Francisco Times, 1861; editor Placer- ville Republican, 1862; member Cali- fornia Assembly. 1863; editor Virginia City Union, 1863-64; member Nevada Constitutional Convention, 1864; dis- trict attorney Washoe Co., Nev., 1865; practiced law in Belmont, Nev., 1866-68; member Congress, Nev., 1869-71; practiced law in Salt Lake City, Utah, 1871-74; San Francisco, Cal., 1875-76; Prescott, Ariz., 1877-79; member Arizona Assembly, 1879; practiced law in Minneapolis, Minn., 1880; Tucson, Ariz., 1881-84; engaged in mining. Pine Creek, Ore., 1885; practiced law in San Diego, Cal., 1886-89; Phoeni.x, Ariz., 1893-97; Honolulu, 1901-06; journalist, Los An- geles, Cal., 1910 to date. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. FITZ, Robert F. Real estate and investments. Res. 5353 Monticello Ave.; office 317 Delta Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Chelsea, Mass., Nov. 26, 1865; son of Eustace C. and Sarah Jane (Blanchard) Fitz. Mar- ried to Marie Wilcox. Educated in grammar and high school, Chelsea, ^Iass., graduating 1884. Worked in his father's wholesale metal store in Boston, Mass., 1884-86; went into land business in Minn., in 1886; lo- cated in Denver, Col., 1889; Elgin, 111., 1890-95, in business; in New York City, 1895-1900; in Boston, Mass., 1900-03; in Elgin, 111., 1903-10; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1910, and makes specialty of investments and real es- tate holdings for eastern clients. Dir. McCullough Iron Co., Wilmington, Del. Member N. Y. Society Foun- ders and Patriots of America; Hamil- ton Club, Chicago; Hardware Club, New York City; Sierra Madre and Union League clubs, Los Angeles. Baptist. FITZGERALD, Anne Campbell. Res. 2445 Western ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Batesville, Ark., April 1, 1867; daughter of John and .Sai'ah (Batcsj Campbell. Married to James Taber Fitzgerald in 1892. Education begun in the public schools of Ark., and finished in Portland, Ore. Since her residence in Los Angeles has been prominently identified with so- cial and club life of city. Pres. Gal- pin Shakespeare Club 1910-11-12; elected third vice-pres. Ebell Club in Oct., 1912. Member Los Angeles Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy; Galpin Shakespeare Club. Episcopalian. FLACK, Clement Laird. Manufac- turing and speculating. Res. 2701 Ho- bart blvd.; office 517-27 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Holmes co., Ohio, Sept. 8, 1867; son of Jesse and Loretta M. (Lepley) Flack. Married to Sylvia G. Minnier in 1908 142 WHO'S WHO Attended country school until seven- teen years of age; worked his way through Northern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind., graduating, B. S., 1891. Taught school from age of seventeen to twenty-one; after graduation from Normal School, taught school in Paradise Valley, Nev., for three years, and studied law mean- time; admitted to bar in 1894; prac- ticed law at Stockton, Cal., 1894, 1907; abandoned practice of law to attend to his private business in 1894; en- gaged in land and other speculations; bought $200,000 worth of land in Tur- lock Irrigation Dist.; laid out town of Hughson, Cal.; with R. W. Hobart and J. W. Walker purchased townsite of Riverbank, and large body of land surrounding it; subdivided and sold all land holdings in 1907-09; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1909; purchased quarter of stock of Hughes Mfg. and Lumber Co. ; pres. of same, and man- aged its business and financial aflfairs until he sold his interest; with W. R. Jacobs was given one-quarter stock of Gate City Oil Co. to straighten up its affairs, 1909 ; bought out practically all other stockholders, put company on solid financial basis and sold out in 1912. At present employs all his time look- ing after his private affairs and those of Mexican Hardwood Lumber Co.; vice-pres. Mexican Hardwood Lum- ber Co.; same Gate City Oil Co.; dir. Cal. Surety & Casualty Co.; same Riv- erbank Land Co.; same Riverbank Water Co.; same First Natl. Bank of Riverbank; same several other cor- porations. FLEMING, E. J. Lawyer. Res. 241 S. Mariposa Ave.; office 317 H. W. Hellnian Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cambridge, Mass., March 28, 1872; son of Peter and Margaret (Coleman) Fleming; married to Ger- trude Dennis in 1898. Moved to Cal. in 1875; received his education in the public schools of Los Angeles and Pomona College; studied law in the ofifiices of P. C. Tonner, Pomona; ad- mitted to the bar of California in 1894; later to the United States Cir- cuit and District Courts of Southern California and United States Circuit Court of Appeals. Practiced law in Pomona as member of firm of Ton- ner & Fleming, 1894-97. City Attor- ney of Pomona, 1899-97. City Attor- ney of Pomona, 1899-01. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1902. Deputy Attorney of Los Angeles County, 1903-7. Prosecuting Attorney of Los Angeles, 1907-8. Member of the firm of Hunsaker, Britt & Fleming, 1908- 10. Member of the firm of Fleming & Bennett, 1910-12, since which time he has been engaged in practice of his profession alone. Expert on ex- tradition laws. Member of K. of P.; Maccabees; W. O. W.; Los Angeles Bar Assn.; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Union League, City, and Federation clubs. Republican. FLEMING, Ernest William. Phy- sician and surgeon. Res. Los An- geles; office Trust & Savings Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Oakland, Cal., Oct. 6, 1861. Attended the Mich. Military Academy; graduated from Medical Dept., Univ. of Mich., in 1885; post-graduate course in the clinics of London, Vienna and Berlin, special- izing in diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Interne at the Michigan Asy- lum for the Insane, Kalamazoo, Mich., 188S-7; in private practice at San Ber- nardino, Cal., 1889-91. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1892. Member Los Angeles Co. Med. Assn.; Los An- geles Clinical and Pathological Soc; So. Cal. Med. Soc; Med. Soc. of the State of Cal.; Am. Med. Assn. Fel- low of American Rhinological, Laryn- gological and Otological Soc; mem- ber of the American Academy of Oph- thalmology and Oto-Laryngology. Chairman of the Western Section of the American Rhinological, Laryn- gological and Otological Soc. in 1901. Chairman Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Section, Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc, 1910. FLINT, Frank Putman. Lawyer. Res. La Canada; office 10th floor Title Ins. Bldg. Born in North Reading, Mass., July 15, 1862; son of Francis Eaton and Althea L. (Hewes) Flint; married to Katherine J. Bloss in 1890. Received his education in the public schools of San Francisco, Cal.; admitted to the bar in 1892 and ap- pointed Asst. U. S. Atty. same year. Formed a partnership with Judge M. T. Allen in 1893, practicing under firm name of Allen & Flint; partnership dissolved in 1895 on account of Judge Allen's election as one of the Superior Judges of Los Angeles Co. Formed partnership with Donald Barker in 1905, practicing under firm name of Flint & Barker; partnership continued until elcctiun to U. .S. Senate. Ap- l)ointcd U. S. Atty. for the Southern District of Cal., 1897, and served four IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 143 years; elected U. S. Senator from the State of Cal., Jan. 11, 1905, for the term beginning March 4, 1905. FLYNN, Simon Richardson. Re- tired. 3300 Second St., San Diego, Cal. Born in Washington, D. C, March 16, 1863; son of Simon and Mary A. (Richardson) Flynn. .Mar- ried to Mercine E. Dickey in 1888. Received his education in the public and private schools of Washington, D. C, and Ottawa College, Ottawa, Can. Engaged in newspaper work in Washington, D. C, 1882-88; spe- cial agent Indian Depredations with headquarters at Tacoma, Wash., 1888- 89; newspaper work. Wash., 1889-93; mgr. Spokane Chronicle, 1889-93; appointed national bank examiner 1893-99; pres. Second National Bank, St. Paul, Minn,, 1899-1901; pres. Na- tional Live Stock Bank of Chicago, 1902; organizer and pres. Stock Yards Savings Bank, Chicago, 1902-10; Peo- ples Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago. 1904-09; West Side Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, 1905-09; Live Stock Exchange National Bank, Chicago, 1908-10. Moved to San Diego in 1911. Member Chamber of Com- merce; Cuyamaca and Country clubs. Unitarian. FOGG, Wilfred Perley. Lawyer. Res. Los Angeles; office I. W. Hell- man Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Readfield, Me., Oct. 6, 1859; son of Dana Boardman and Charlotte Vance (Packard) Fogg. Married to Olive Marian Hoffses (dec.) in 1880; to Abbe Tappan Hodge in 1896. At- tended public schools of Kennebec Co., Me.; Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kent's Hill; studied under private tu- tors; studied law in the offices of Judge Emory Bean, Readfield, Me., and for three years following was member of the editorial staff of the Daily Ken- nebec Journal, Augusta, Me. Admitted to the bar of Me. by the Supreme Judicial Court at Farmington in 1886; associated with Hon. Philip H. Stubbs at Strong, Me., 1886-91. Admitted to the bar of Nev. in 1906. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in May, 1912. Or- ganized and incorporated in Los An- geles June, 1910. the Southern Invest- ment Co., of which he is pres. Mem- ber American, Maine, Mass. and Nev. Bar Assns. Author "History of the Republican Party" (1884). Repub- lican. FOLLANSBEE, Elizabeth A. Phy- sician. Res. 2637 Pasadena ave.; office Laughlin Bldg., Los .'\ngeles, Cal. Born in Pillston, Me., Dec. 9, 1839. Attended Clark's Acad., Brooklyn, N. Y., and schools in France; Med. Dcpt., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.; Women's Med. College of Pa., gradu- ating, M. D., 1877. Interne at New England Hospital, Boston, Mass., 1877; moved to Cal., 1877; in private practice at San Francisco, Cal., 1877- 81; at Napa, Cal., 1881-82; at Los An- geles, Cal., 1882 to date; specialty, dis- eases of women and children. Has written papers on medical and surgi- cal subjects; member of original fac- ulty and prof. College of Med., Univ. of So. Cal., 1883-1908; professor emeritus of pediatrics, Los Angeles Med. Dept., Univ. of Cal. Member Los Angeles Co. Med. Assn.; So. Cal. Med. Soc; Med. Soc. of State of Cal.; A. M. A.; Friday Morning Club, Los Angeles; D. A. R.; Colonial Dames of Conn, in Cal. FOLSOM, Stephen M. Insurance. Res. Los Angeles, Cal.; office Titfe Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lyndon, Vt., Oct. 27, 1854. Attended public schools of his native state; graduated from Lyndon Inst., Lyndon, Vt. With the Passumpsic Railroad. 1871-81; resigning while chief clerk in the Supt.'s office ; engaged in banking and land and cattle investments in New Mexico and Arizona, 1881-98; agent of the Boston & Maine R. R. in Vermont. 1898-1906; has been connected with the Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1902 to date; dist. agent El Paso, Texas, 1906; Trinidad, Colo., in 1907; gen!, agent for So. Cal. with head- quarters at Los Angeles, 1910 to date. Alember Union League and Gamut clubs, Los Angeles; Chamber of Com- merce; Y. M. C. A. FOLTZ, Clara Shortridge. Lawyer. Res. Los Angeles; office Merchants Trust Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ind.; daughter of Elias W. and Ta- litha Cumi (Harwood) Shortridge. Married to Jeremiah D. Foltz. Edu- cated by private tutors; at Howes Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, la.; Law School of Univ. of Cal. Studied law in the offices of her father and in the offices of J. C. Black and C. C. Ste- phens, San Jose, Cal. Admitted to practice in the courts of Cal. and New York and in United States Supreme Court. First woman to practice law in the State of Cal. Engaged in gen- 144 WHO'S WHO eral practice of law in Los Angeles to date; specializes in probate and cor- poration law. Drafted first resolution for submission of woman suffrage question to the people to amend the constitution. Deputy district atty., Los Angeles, two terms; first woman to serve in this capacity. Pres. Votes for Women's Club of California. Member So. Cal. Women's Press Club; Cal. State Bar Assn.; State Board of Charities and Corrections; Board of Trustees of State Normal School. Re- publican. FOWLER, Edward Mumford. Real estate. Res. 107 Bellfontaine place, Pasadena, Cal.; office Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Nice, France, April 19, 1877; son of Dr. Edward Payson and Mary Louise (Mumford) Fowler. Married to Beulah Fletcher Hull in 1900. Sci- entific course, Yale University; Law course. New York University. En- gaged in real estate business, 1898, in New York City; later moved to Los Angeles; buying and selling and sub- dividing tracts in New York and han- dling large tracts in Los Angeles; has been associated with W. I. HoUings- worth in Los Angeles to date. FORD, William Joseph. Lawyer. Res. Los Angeles; office Hall of Rec- ords, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Oak- land, Cal., Aug. 2, 1877; son of John J. and Mary B. (Mahoney) Ford. Married Maud McCarthy in 1906 (dec). Educated in the public schools of Los Angeles. Admitted to the bar of Cal. in 1899; later to United States Circuit and District Courts of So. Cal. Secy, of Judiciary Committee of the State Senate, 1907; asst. prosecut- ing atty. of Los Angeles, 1907-09; deputy dist. atty., Los Angeles Co., 1909-10; asst. dist. atty., 1911 to date. Republican. FORMAN, Charles. Public utilities. Res. 1719 S. Flower St.; office 628 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Owego, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1835; son of Sands and Mary (Mat- thews) Forman. Received public school education; attended Owego Acad., 1850-52. Worked in winter in lumber establishment in Pennsyl- vania; moved to California 1853; clerk at Sacramento postoffice for three years; appointed deputy Secy, of State, holding that position for two years; moved to Virginia City in 1859, and was supt. and gen. mgr. of various mines on Comstock lode for thirty years; moved from Vir- ginia City to Los Angeles and has resided there since 1887; elected vice-pres. and gen. mgr. street rail- ways of Los Angeles until the road was sold to Chicago parties; spent one year in Mexico as gen. mgr. Chihuahua Mining Co.; appointed maj.-Gen. Nevada Volunteers, 1881, and resigned 1885; member Engrs. & Archts. Assn., Jonathan Club, and Chamber of Commerce; served two terms as pres., 1897 and 1898; member De Witt Clinton Com- mandery of Knights Templar. Elected pres. Kern River Co. and took up development of light and power on Kern River; has been en- gaged in development of electricity for light and power since 1896. Secy. Pacific Light & Power Co. and Pa- cific Light & Power Corp. Episco- palian. FOSHAY, James A. Supreme pres. Fraternal Brotherhood. Res. 1023 W. Sixth St.; office 845 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cold Spring, Putnam co., N. Y., Nov. 25, 1856; son of Andrew Jackson and Emeline (Griffin) Foshay. Married Phebe Powell Miller in 1885. Educa- tion received in public schools of N. Y. State; private schools of James Barrett; State Normal School at Al- bany, N. Y., graduating June, 1879; M.A., Univ. of So. Cal., June, 1898; Ph.D., from State Normal College, Albany, N. Y., 1898. Taught in pub- lic schools of N. Y. State; in 1881 was elected school commissioner of Putnam co., N. Y., and re-elected 1884; taught in public schools, Mon- rovia, Cal., in 1888, and made prin- cipal of Monrovia schools in Sept., 1888, which position he held until July, 1893; deputy supt. schools of Los Angeles, 1893-95; supt. Los An- geles city schools 1895-1906; supreme pres. of The Fraternal Brotherhood; member Co. Board of Education of Los .'Vngeles co., 1888-94; several years member of National Council of Education, also of Council of Educa- tion for Cal.; re-elected supreme pres. I'>atcrnal Brotherhood, 1909 and 1913, and still holds that office. Di- rector Cal. Savings Bank; Western Bldg. and Investment Co.; and vice- pres. and dir. Globe Savings Bank. Member Jonathan, University, Gamut, City, and Ellis clubs; Ma- sonic fraternity; 32d degree and Scottish Rite; past grand master IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 145 F. & A. M., California ; past eminent commander Los Angeles Command- ery K. T. ; dir. Chamber of Commerce 1909-10, and still an active member. Baptist. FOSTER, Ernest Durrell. Manu- facturer. Res. 161 W. 43ra Place; of- fice 601 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Lowville, Lewis county, N. Y., July 6, 1877; son of Durrell T. and Edwina A. (Freeman) Foster. Mar- ried to Ethel Twycross, Oct. 1, 1903. Attended the country and high schools of New York State, and Somerville, Mass.; Business College, Albany, N. Y.; Cutter School of Shorthand, Boston; graduated from law dept. Boston University, LL.B., 1903; afterwards taught law; in execu- tive capacity with Hunter Arms Co., Fulton, N. Y., 1896; in photographic business, Somerville, Mass., three years; reporter on Somerville and Boston papers two years; public stenographer, Boston; with Boston & Maine R. R.; chief clerk New Eng- land Structural Co., Everett, Mass.; chief clerk Norcross Building Co., Boston and Worcester, Mass.; ad- mitted to the bar of Massachusetts, 1901; chief clerk and associate atty. with Shepherd, Stebbins & Storer, Boston, 1901-02; in practice alone, 1902-03; moved to Los Angeles in 1904 and engaged in practice asso- ciated with J. F. Waterman; later with firm of Foster & Alexander; with Rotary Air Brake Co., of which he is pres. and gen. mgr., 1911 to date. Consulting atty. Mechanical Educator Co. Former member Ward and City Republican Committee, Somerville, Mass. Organized and financed Cox Pneumatic Cushion Co., N. Y. City, and Mechanical Educator Co., Cleveland, O. FOSTER, Fred Fancher. Indus- trial and electrical equipment. Res. 1028 Leighton ave.; office 443 E. Third St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Belle- ville, Ontario. Canada, Aug. 16, 1876. Married to Mabel Gait in 1901. Edu- cated in the public schools of Easton, Md. Newspaper advertising solicitor, 1903; auditing dept., Los Angeles Ry., 1904; with B. F. Krunefif Jr. & Co., 1905-12; opened business for himself under firm name of F. F. Foster & Co., April 1, 1913; dealer in electrical construction material, line material, motors, meters, transformers, concrete machinery, building materials and in- dustrial railway equipment. Member Electrical League; Amer. Inst. Elec- trical Eng. FOWLER, Francis Marion. Law- yer. Res. "Ardca," San Gabriel; of- fice, 542 Citizens National Bank Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Uhrichsville, O., Oct. 29, 1858; son of John and Margaret Whitman Fowler. Married to Edna Van Norman in 1896. Edu- cated in public schools of his native town, and at private law school at Lincoln, Neb. Admitted to bar upon passing examinations in 1892 and be- gan practice of law. Has continued in practice to date. Moved to Los Angeles in 1892 and was appointed claim adjuster for the Pacific Elec- tric Ry. ; employed in law dept. of same company 1892 to date; in in- dependent practice since June, 1912. Member L. A. Chamber of Commerce, Maccabees, San Gabriel Country Club. Republican. Episcopalian. FOWLER, Robert A. Merchant. Res. 714 Coronado St.; office 543 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Glenwood, la., March 13, 1872; son of Hiram P. and Matilda (Cattron) Fowler. Educated in Los Angeles grammar and high schools. Organ- ized his present business in 1888 un- der firm name of Fowler & Colwell; changed to Fowler Brothers, 1900; incorporated in 1911 as Fowler Brothers, consisting of J. W. Fowler, pres., and R. A. Fowler, secy.; retail book sellers, stationers and engravers. Member California, Jonathan, Los Angeles Athletic, and Union League clubs, of Los Angeles; B. P. O. E., M. & M. Assn., and Chamber of Com- merce. FRANCIS, John Haywood. Supt. Los Angeles schools. Res. 1117 El- den ave.; office Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Greenbush. O., May 18. 1866; son of George and Mary (Fall) Francis. Married to Lou Hott in 1892. Attended public schools; graduated from San Joaquin Valley College. Woodbridge, Cal.. 1890; from Otterbein Univ., Westerville, O., .\. M. and Ph. B., 1895. Taught in rural schools in O. for two years; in San Joaquin Valley College, three years; head of commercial dept. and vice- principal Stockton high school, Stock- ton, Cal.. two years; head commer- cial dept. Los Angeles High School, five years; principal Los Angeles Commercial High School, four years; 146 WHO'S WHO principal of Polytechnic High School, Los Angeles, Cal., five years. Mem- ber Sunset. Celtic. University, Gamut and Schoolmasters' clubs; Masonic fraternity; Shrine; I. O. O. F,; Cham- ber of Commerce; Municipal League. FRANCISCO, J. Bond. Artist. Res. 1401 Albany st., Los Angeles^Cal.; office same. Born in Cincinnati, O., Dec. 14, 1864. Married to Nanette Gottschalk. Attended public and pri- vate schools of his native state, and in Europe; pursued his musical stud- ies abroad with Prof. Wirth in Ber- lin; Prof. Herman Eckhardt; Benno Walter of Munich, and Leonard of Paris; studied painting with Hans Fechner and Franz Lippisch of Ber- lin: Nauen of Munich; in Paris at- tended academies of Julian and Cola- rossi, studying under Bouguereau, Fleury, Rixens, Coutoir, Dagnan and Blanc. Moved to Los Angeles in 1883 and opened studios for the reception of private pupils; has resided in Los Angeles 1883 to date, and is well known in art circles. Member Sun- set and University clubs; Masonic fraternity. FRANK, Herman Washington. Merchant. Res. 1705 S. Figueroa St.; office 437-43 S. Spring St., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Portland, Ore., July 4, 1860; son of Abraham and Matilda Frank. Married to Sadie Harris in 1888. Attended public school of Walla Walla, Wash., and Whitman Seminary, (now Whitman College). Started work at age of fourteen as clerk in country store in Weston, Ore.; continued this work for three years; bookkeeper whole- sale clothing house, San Francisco, Cal., for five years; traveling repre- sentative for same, five years; moved to Los Angeles in 1887 and joined firm of L. Harris & Co., which in 1888 was succeeded by Harris & Frank, outfitters for men, women, boys and girls, clothing, furnishings, hats and shoes, of which firm he is now pres.; also pres. L. Harris Realty Co., Inc., and Yorba Linda Water Co., Inc.; director National Bank of Cal. and Masonic Building Assn.; secy, and director Riverside Vineyard Co., Inc. Pres. Associated Charities, twelve years; charter member Mer- chants & Mfgrs. Assn.; pres. two terms and director eiglit years; mem- ber Board of Education of Los An- geles, three terms, and pres, one term; chairman Relief Committee, 1898, which raised $30,000 to give employment to needy men; money was expended building roads in Ely- sian Park. Member of B. P. O. E. ; Masonic fraternity, 32d degree, and Scottish Rite; Shrine, Maccabees; Modern Woodmen; Jonathan, Los Angeles Athletic, and Concordia clubs. FRANKENSTEIN, A. F. Musical director. Res. Sierra Madre Club; office Orpheum Theatre, Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Chicago, 111., Alarch 7, 1873; son of Samuel and Dora Millos (lowsky) Frankenstein. Education received at Marquette Grammar School; Souders College; Chicago Musical College; pupil of S. E. Jacobson, Adolf Rosenbecker, and Emil Straka, as well as pupil of A. F. Weldon and James Llewel- lyn of Chicago. His musical career began at an early age; when only fifteen he began appearing at public concerts in the West Park under the auspices of the West Chicago Park Commission; afterwards be- came member of Second Regiment I. N. G. Band at Chicago as asst. to Weldon, having full charge of the stringed instruments; member of Rosenbecker Orchestra; member Grau Opera Co., 1896-97; Calhoun Opera Co., 1897-98; musical director, Lyceum Theatre, Memphis, Tenn., 1893; with Empire Theatre Co., Quincy, 111., 1894-95; engaged by Gus- tave Walterthan, pres. of Orpheum Circuit, in 1898, as musical director of Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles, taking charge March 21, 1898; now holds this position; gave Los Angeles first permanent orchestra at the Or- pheum Theatre of 17 musicians, with the regular instrumentation; one of the few theatres in the United States which can boast of organization; in- troduced music programs before and after theatre performances in the cafes of Los Angeles; organized Shrine Band (Al Malaikah Temple .\. A. O. N. M. S.); appointed by Mayor Rose member Fire Commis- ,sion, Los Angeles, July, 1913. Mem- lior advisory board Commonwealth llome Builders; West Gate Lodge No. 335, F. A. M.; Signet Chapter No. 57, R. A. M.; Golden West Com- mandery No. 43, Knights Templar; ' OS Angeles Consistory No. 3; Al Malaikah Temple A. A. O. N. M. S.; r,os Angeles Lodge No. 99, B. P. O. E, IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 147 FRANKLIN, John Breckinridge. Blvd.; office 420 Consolitlatcil Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Washington, Tex., Sept. 8, 1864; son of John Randolph and NelHe E. (Hib- bett) Franklin. Married to Mamie M. Ashley, 1904. Attended public schools of Waco. Te.x.; Bavlor Univ., Waco, Tex., 1879-82; Vanderbilt Univ., Nash- ville, Tenn., 1884-86. Asst. cashier Howell & Craig, wholesale grocers, Los Angeles, Cal.; part owner circu- l.ition Los Angeles Herald, 1893-95; member firms Franklin & Levering; Franklin & Alexander, contractors, 1896-1904; engaged in realty broker- age business 1904 to date. Charter member Co. F, 7th Reg., organized 1887; was later 1st Lieut. Co. F.; re- signed with rank of Capt., 1894. Mem- ber Jonathan and Los Angeles Ath- letic clubs; pres. So. Pacific branch Amateur Athletic Union; chairman Athletic Committee, Los Angeles Athletic Club. FRANKLIN, John I. Real estate. Res. 1540 Sunset Blvd.,; office 218 Ma- son Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Iowa City, la., in 1855; son of George and Mary Ann Franklin. Unmarried. Educated in the public schools of his native city. Engaged in the carriage upholstery business. South Bend. Ind., 1875; furniture business. Colorado Springs., Colo.. 1880-89; mining and real estate in Colo., 1898-1910. Moved to Cal. in 1910 and established real estate and hotel brokerage business, which he has continued to date. FRASER, Alexander Rosborough. Real estate and investments. Res. Lake View and Ocean Front; office Eraser's Pier, Ocean Park, Cal. Born in St. Johns, N. B., Can., Feb. 1, 1856; son of James Irvine and Leah (Ros- borough) Eraser. Married to Appa- lona Wedge in 1877. Moved with parents to Michigan, 1863, working in timber region with his father until twenty years of age; moved to Spring Hill, Mich., where he owned and operated a cheese factory one year; moved his plant to Amadore, Sanilac Co., Mich., at the same time opening implement factory at Yale, Mich.; all towns that county were destroyed by fire 1881 ; sold out and moved to Cal- ifornia 1885; engaged in real estate business as a member of firm of T. C. Narramore & Co., Los Angeles, Cal., 1885; associated with firm of E. D. Lanterman Realty Co., two years; returned to former firm a short time; organized A. R. Eraser Realty Co. and operated singly for two years; took F. D. Lanterman into jjartner- ship under title of Eraser & Lanter- man Realty Co.; organized firm of Eraser, Cook & Pearsons, 1891, which operated for three years; again oper- ated his own business; secy. Street Commissioner's dept., which work he continued in addition to his real es- tate business until 1900; moved to Ocean Park, Cal., 1900; with partner built up town of Ocean Park; pur- chased interest of T. H. Dudley, who owned half the Kinney lands on Ocean Front, 1902; purchased Recrea- tion Gun Club Tract, 1904; built Ca- sino 1903; Bath House 1905; Masonic Temple, Decatur Hotel and Audi- torium, 1906; Eraser's Million Dollar Pier, 1911, all of Ocean Park; owns property in various parts of the West. Pres. Topango Improvement Co.; Eraser's Million Dollar Pier Co.; Ocean Park Bath House Co.; A. R. Eraser Co.; vice-pres. Masonic Tem- ple Assn. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Shrine; Past Master Ocean Park Lodge, F. & A. M., and Past Grand Patron of Eastern Star in State of Cal.; member Jonathan, Los Angeles Country and Los Ange- les Athletic clubs, of Los Angeles; Breakers Club, Ocean Park; B. P. O. E.; Maccabees; Foresters. Episco- palian. FRASER, Mrs. Margaret D. Real estate. Res. 301 Hill st.. Ocean Park; offiice 530 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wallace, Nova Scotia, Can.; daughter of John Shaw and Christina (Alackay) Forschner. Mar- ried to Dr. Alexander L. Eraser. At- tended grammar school, Wallace, Nova Scotia; Mt. Allison Acad., Sack- ville. New Brunswick. Agent for Southern Pacific Co. and W. Eraser & Co., 1889-1907. Engaged in real estate business alone 1907 to date. Member Order of the Eastern Star; Ladies of Maccabees; Fraternal Aid Assn. FREEMAN, Henrietta Bennett (pen name Sydney Ford). Journalist. Res. 259 N. Union Ave.; office The Times, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chautauqua, N. Y.; daughter of Mil- ton Griswold and Mary (Bennett) Freeman. Attended high school, Mayville, N. Y.; Chamberlain Inst, Randolph, N. Y. Began newspaper work as special Chautauqua corre- spondent for Bufifalo Illustrated Ex- 148 WHO'S WHO press; moved to California; with Los Angeles Times, 1891; spent winter of 1897 in Washington, D. C, as spe- cial correspondent for several news- papers; did miscellaneous and syndi- cate work in New York, 1898-1902; on editorial staflf Chautauqua Assembly Daily Herald, summers of 1897-98; returned to Los Angeles, 1902, and resumed work with Los Angeles Times; went round world as special correspondent of the Times, 1910; published book, "Journeying Round the World," 1912. Editor "Women's Work, Women's Clubs" Dept. of Times. FREEMAN, James A. Lumber. Res. 657 W. California st., Pasadena, Cal.; office same. Born in LeRoy, June 22, 1848; son of Joseph H. and Caroline (Wilcox) Freeman. Mar- ried to Rose A. Graham in 1879. Ed- ucated in the public schools of la. and for two years attended Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, la. Employed as secy. Cable Lumber Co., Daven- port, la., 1879-1891; pres. Freeman- Smith Lumber Co.; Millville, Ark., 1891 to date. Dir. Arkansas and Van Couver Lumber Co.; sec. and treas. Los Angeles & Alberta Investment Co.; treas. National Lumber IMfrs. Assn. Delegate St. Louis Conven- tion, 1896. Member Glen Echo, Mer- cantile and Athletic Clubs, St. Louis; Annandale and Midv.ick Golf Clubs, Pasadena. Republican. Methodist. FREEMAN, William Augustus. Lawyer. Res. Hollywood Blvd.; of- fice 514 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in London, England, Dec. 5, 1882; son of Henry and Georgina E. (Holt) Freeman; married to Helen T. Judson, Feb. 12, 1913. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1890. Received his early education in the grammar schools of Los Angeles and Pasadena, and Los Angeles high school; at- tended the Med. College of the U. S. C, 1903-4; graduated from the Law College U. S. C, LL.B., in 1908. Ad- mitted to practice at the bar of Cal- ifornia June 22, 1908, and later to the U. S. Circuit and District Courts of So. Cal. Commenced the active prac- tice of his profession alone imme- diately upon admission to the bar, and continued until March 1, 1910, when he became associated with Sheldon Borden, which association continued until March 1, 1913; furmerly exten- sively interested in land and cattle in the Imperial V^alley; these interest* have been recently sold by him and he is now devoting his entire time to the practice of law at Los Angeles, Cal. Member University, Los Ange- les Athletic and South Coast Yacht clubs; Los Angeles Bar Assn.; Phi Delta Phi fraternity; Sons of St. George. Republican. FREEMAN, William Prescott At- torney for Los Angeles Title and Trust Co. Res. 1107 Brent Ave., S. Pasadena; office 525-7 S. Hill St., Los Angeles. Born in Princeton, Ky., Sept. 26, 1850; son of Dr. Azel and Lucinda Ann Dunham. Married to Ida C. Pierce (dec.) Nov. 26, 1876; to Lucy B. Thomas in 1895. Edu- cated in public and private schools and at Lincoln University, Lincoln, 111. Studied law in the office of Hon. W. B. Jones, Lincoln, 111., and was admitted to practice in 1872; opened offices at Mason City, 111., and was elected city atty. in 1873; moved to Havana, 111., latter part of 1873 where he became associated with E. A. Wal- lace in practice, the firm being known as Wallace & Freeman. Moved to Fairbury, Neb., in 1875. Elected county judge of Jefferson Co., Neb., in 1879, and re-elected in 1881; elected county and prosecuting atty. in 1890 and re-ekcted in 1892; meantime he served as a member of the Board of Education for several years, and as legal adviser of the city of Fairbury. Moved to Los Angeles in 1903, and became associated with the Los An- geles Title & Trust Co. in 1905. Ad- mitted to practice by the Superior Court of Los Angeles Co. in 1903, and by the Court of Appeal of the State of Cal. in 1909. Member Masonic fra- ternity. Republican. Methodist. FRENCH, John Rollin. Physician and surgeon. Res. 1818 Harvard Blvd.; office 230-32 Cons. Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Neills- ville. Wis., Feb. 2, 1880; son of Benj. F. and Elizabeth (Browne) French; married to Effie A. Douglas in 1909. Educated in the high schools of Ncillsville, Wis., and Hamlin Univ., St. Paul, Minn.; Med. College of Univ. of Cal., graduating in 1906; post- graduate course Johns Hopkins Univ., 1907. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1902; resident physician and surgeon of California Hospital, 1906-7; sur- geon of Yellowstone National Park .\ssn. Engaged in private practice in Los Angeles 1908 to date. Organ- ized Medical Building Corporation, IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 149 object of this corporation being to erect a twelve-story building at Sixth and Olive Sts. for the exclusive use of physicians and dentists and as a home for their respective County Assns. Organized the French Press- ing Machine Corporation for the manufacture of the Improved French Clothes Pressing Machine in 1912. Secy. Med. Bldg. Corporation and French Pressing Machine Corp. Member Los Angeles Co. Med. Assn.; Cal. State Med. Assn.; Am, Med. Assn.; Masonic fraternity; Rotary Club of Los Angeles. FRENCH, J. W. Mgr. Austin West- ern Road Machinery Co. Res. Jon- athan Club; office 498 Pacific Elec- tric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Colfax, la., Dec. 3, 1859; son of Thomas A. and Elizabeth (Harmon) French. Married to Annette Wood in 1885. Attended public schools of Harland, la. Owned drug business in Kirkman, la., 1880-88; county audi- tor, Sheila Co., la., 1888-95; post- master, Harland, la., 1895-99; gen. agt. traveling for Austin Western Road Machinery Co., with headquarters at Chicago, 111., 1899-1902; coast repre- sentative for same company, 1902-09; genl. mgr. same company, on south- west coast, 1909 to date. Genl. mgr. and treas. San Dimas Quarry. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar; Shrine; Jonathan Club. FRIEL, Legrand. Civil engineer. Res. 820 W. First St.; office 215 Stim- son Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Iowa, April, 1852; son of J. and Min- erva Kirkpatrick Friul. Married to Augusta B. Grant (dec). Educated 5n public schools of California, and Hesperian College, Woodland, Cal. Co. Surveyor of Yolo co., Cal., 1873-5, moved to Santa Barbara, Cal., 1875, and engaged in general work of sur- veyor and civil engineer, which he continued until 1883 when he moved to Los Angeles; Deputy Co. Surveyor of Los Angeles Co., 1884; chief en- gineer on first cable street railway in Los Angeles about 1885; same office, Redondo Beach Ry., about twelve years; expert hydraulic engineer in several important suits, among which was condemnation suit of Arrowhead Water Co. to condemn land for reser- voir purpose. Member Pioneers of Cal; K. of P.; B. P. O. E. FULCHER, James H. Real estate and loans. Res. 814 Golden ave.; of- fice 710 Wright & Callender Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 8, 1878; son of James and Ann Bcarpark Fulcher. Unmarried. Graduated from Topeka High School in 1896; took special course of study and was admitted to the Kas. State Univ., but did not attend. Engaged in produce and fruit shipping business, operating under firm name of Fulcher & Niemeyer, Topeka, Kas., 1898-1902; moved to Los Angeles and engaged in real estate business, firm being known as Doyle & Fulcher; acted as agent for L. C. Brand and Huntington interests in the purchase of a quarter million dollars' worth of real estate in Glendale, for building of Glendale electric line; firm of Fulcher & Doyle dissolved and he gave all his time to his personal investments, having be- come heavily interested in Lanker- shim and San Fernando Valley lands. Member of Lankershim Board of Trade, and originator of Lankershim street lighting system. Member of Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Los Angeles Realty Board; Soc. Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals; City Club. FULLMER, Burt Emerson. Phy- sician. Res. 1112 Gower st., Holly- wood. Cal.; office 419 Ferguson bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Marshall CO., la., May 5, 1870; son of Paul and Sarah Jane (Curtiss) Fullmer. Mar- ried to Jessie J. Noggle in 1895. At- tended public schools of la.; gradu- ated from State Univ. of la., 1902; from Amer. Med. Missionary College, Chicago, 111.. 1904. In evangelistic work, 1893-1904, with exception of time spent in Univ. of la.; med. supt. Kansas Sanitarium, Wichita, Kas., 1904-06; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1906; engaged in practice of medi- cine in Los Angeles, and also in evan- gelistic work, 1906 to date. Seventh Day Adventist. FUNK, Charles A. Real estate and investments. Res. Young Apts.; office 427 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Warsaw, Ind., Jan. 14, 1865; son of William B. and Jennie Moon Funk. Married to Grace Rousseau in 1889. Educated at De Pauw L^niv., Greencastle, Ind.; at- tended Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Chicago. Engaged in bank- ing business, Warsaw, Ind., 1887-89; auditor Union Accident Co., Denver, Colo., 1900-02. Moved to Los Angeles in 1902 and engaged in real estate busi- ness, which he has continued to date. 150 WHO'S WHO Member I. N. G., 1885-89; resigned with rank of capt. Member Los An- geles Athletic club. Methodist. FUSENOT, Georges. Dry goods merchant. Res. 410 Westlake ave.; office 317 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Paris, France, Oct. 2, 1878; son of S. and Victoria (Appert) Fusenot. Married to Germaine Fu- senot in 1907. Graduated from Lycee Charlemagne, Paris, France, 1896. Worked for his father in his wholesale business in Paris after leaving school. Served three years in military service in France. Became American citizen in Feb., 1913. Catholic. GABEL, Thomas Ring. Oil pro- ducer. Res. 900 S. Westlake ave.; office 218 Security Bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Fredericton, N. B., Can., Feb. 21, 1874; son of Jarvis Ring and Ellen (Haviland) Gabel. Married to Mat- tie Maud .■\ldrich in 1890. Attended Baptist Seminary in New Brunswick; took business course in commercial college, St. Johns, N. B. Clerk in gen. freight dept. C. V. R. R., St. Albans, Vt., 1877-80; chief clerk in Gen. freight dept. same road, 1880-82; secy, to genl. mgr. M. C. Ry., with headquarters in City of Mexico, 1882- 85; chief clerk to genl. mgr. A. & P. R. R., with headquarters at Albu- querque, N. M., 1885-86; acting genl. supt. same road, 1886-87; genl. ma- terial agt. C. M. Ry., with headquar- ters at Colorado Springs, Colo., 1887- 88; material agt. O. & M. R. R., 1888- 89; chief clerk to genl. mgr. A. & P. R. R.. 1889-97; genl. supt. same road, 1891-95; engaged principally in min- ing. 1895-1901; employed by L. A. P. R. R., Los Angeles, Cal., 1901; genl. traffic mgr., 1903; genl. supt., 1905; genl. mgr. same road, 1906-08; since that time, engaged exclusively in pro- duction of oil, with headquarters at Los Angeles, Cal. Genl. mgr. Calu- met Oil Co; pres. Consolidated Pe- troleum Corp.; pres. Montebello Oil Co. (sold to Hammon syndicate in San Francisco); pres. Security Oil Syndicate. GADDAS, David A. Packer and selling agt. citrus fruits. Res. 765 Irolo St.; office 109 Stimson Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Newbury- port, Mass., Nov. 4, 1871; son of David and Mary J. (Burns) Gaddas; married to Anna Helen Winthrop in 1911. Educated in primary, grammar and high schools, Newburyport, Mass.; two years at Comer's Com- mercial College, Boston, Mass. Fruit business all over U. S. Moved to Riverside, Cal., Nov., 1902, and en- gaged in orange business as broker; operated in Florida five years before coming here; took over as general western representative of Orange Fruit Growers' one-half of the output of Cal., shipping to Phila., N. Y. and Boston, Sept., 1909. Member B. P. O. E. Episcopalian. GALE, Edmund W., Jr. Cartoonist. Res. 208 N. Grand Ave.; office Times Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Corydon, Ky., Dec. 28, 1884; son of Edmund W. and .Sue Clara (Cooper) Gale. Married to Helen C. Lotspeich in 1911. Educated in grammar and high schools of Los Angeles, Cal. Cartoonist, Evening News, Los An- geles, Cal., 1906-07; same, Los Ange- les Times, 1907 to date. GALE, John Frederick. Invest- ments, securities and fire insurance. Res. Ponet Square; office 505 Herman W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles. Born m Greeley, Colo., March 16, 1883; son of Otis Percival and Jennie May (.Anthony) Gale. Graduated from the Greeley High School in 1901. Moved to San Francisco in 1901 and was en- gaged in clerical work there for a year; moved to Los Angeles in 1902 and was employed in clerical work for a year; moved to .Ariz, in 1903 and was employed by Copper Queen Mining Co. for a year and a half, stationed in Ariz, and N. M. Returned to San Francisco in 1906 and was associated with .Arthur G. Nason & Co., until the earthquake of 1906. Immediately af- ter the San Francisco disaster came to Los .Angeles and became associated with Gray, King & Co.; later bought King's interest in the business, and firm name was changed to Gray & Gale Co.; firm consolidated with an- other insurance agency and firm name was again changed to Purcell, Gray & Gale. Upon death of Gray. Purcell sold his interest to other stockholders, and hrm has since been known as Aronson-Gale Co.; secy. Aronson- Gale Co.; secy. Cross Land Co.; secy Cross Water Co.; dir. Fosgate & Rees Co.; dir. Metropolitan Fireproof Bldg Co. Member Jonathan Club; Los .An- geles Stock E.xchange. GALLEGOS, Don Rafael Maria. I'"(iuiirchants' Comm. & Sav- ings Bank Bldg., Ocean Park, Cal. Born in Poltstnwn, Pa., Nov. 21, 1882; son of Henry W. and Malinda Mills Leven- good. Married to Mrs. Grace Merry Kcitli. March 28, 1908. Attended IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 225 high school, Pottstown, Pa.; Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa, (prelimi- nary medical education) ; Medico-Chi- rurgical College of Piiiladelphia, M. D., 1905; post-graduate courses at New York City Post-Graduate Hospital, sum- mer of 1908; University of Edinburgh and University of Vienna, 1911. Moved to Arizona in 1905 ; practiced at Wick- enburg, Ariz. ; chief surgeon of the Hel- vetia Mining Co. at Helvetia, Ariz.; specialized a year in lung practice with Dr. F. M. Pottenger at Pottenger Tu- berculosis Sanatorium, Monrovia, Cal. ; returned to Arizona, and practiced at Jerome ; moved to Ocean Park, Cal., 1910; now lecturer on Medicine, Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons, Univer- sity of So. Cal., Los Angeles ; attending physician Los Angeles County Hospital ; pres. Santa Monica Bay Medical Assn. ; park commissioner City of Santa Mon- ica, Cal; vice-pres. Elect. Products Corp., Los Angeles. Member Los An- geles Co. Medical Assn. ; California State Medical Assn. ; Amer. Medical Assn. ; Medical Assn. of Southwest ; B. P. O. E.; Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Phi Chi fraternity. LEVENS, Basel W. Proprietor Hotel Florence, San Diego, Cal. Born in Missouri, Aug. 24, 1846; son of Washington F. and Miranda (Rowles) Levens. Married to Sarah A. Deguire in 1865. Attended public schools of Mo. and Cal. Farming in Cana, Cal., 1865-66; mercantile business, Auburn, Ore., Chico, Cal., Baker, Ore., 1866- 7Z; wholesale sheep and mutton busi- ness, Oakland, Cal., 1880-97; hotel proprietor, Dawson City, Alaska, Baker City, Ore., Portland, Ore.. San Diego, Cal., 1897 to date. Member B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F.; Chamber of Commerce. LEVERING, James H. Civil and hydraulic engineer. Res. 867 Carrillo St. ; office, 407-10 Thorpe Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Sioux City, la., June 2, 1859; son of Noah and Marga- ret (Martin) Levering. Married to Mary Emma King in 1895. Graduated from Lincoln College, Mo„ B. A., 1878. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1878. Has been engaged in railroad and general practice since locating in California. LEVI, Simon. Wholesale grocery and produce. Res. 2142 Front St.; Office Fifth & S sts., San Diego, Cal. Born in Austria, Dec. 26, 1850; son of Bernard and Anna (Steiner) Levi. Married to Ermance Meyer in 1876. Attended Healds Business College, San Francisco. Clerk with Schweit- zer, Sacks & Co., wholesale fancy goods, 1865-73; general merchandise business, Temecula, Cal., 1873-76; with Steiner-Klauber & Co., general mer- chandise, San Diego, 1876-86; Klauber & Levi, wholesale grocers, 1886-96; Simon Levi & Co., wholesale grocers and produce, 1896 to date. Pres. Simon Levi Co., Los Angeles; Simon Levi Co., San Diego; vice-pres. San Diego Grain & Milling Co.; dir. First Na- tional Bank. Member Cuyamaca Club; Member Masonic fraternity. Jewish. LEVINE, Theodore D. Merchant tailor. Res. 5218 S. Vermont ave. ; of- fice, 315 W. Second St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Russia, Oct. IS, 1880; son of Samuel and Anna Levine ; married to Gertrude Swartz in 1908. Educated in public schools in Russia. Learned the tailoring business in Odessa, Rus- sia; moved to America in 1899; engaged in tailoring business in Chicago, 111., 1899-1906; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1906; opened tailoring business on his own account. 1907 to date. Member K. of P.; I. O. B. B. Jewish. LEVY, Bob B. Auto delivery. 747 S. Union ave.; office. 111 W. Third St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Dec. 25. 1885 ; son of AI and Ray Levy. Married to Jeannette Schmitt in 1908. Graduated from Los Angeles grammar and high schools. Started work with his father in the cafe business and was associated with him eight years ; organized Levy Taxicab Co. (Inc.), 1909 and has operated auto livery, 1909 to date. Member Masonic fraternity ; Con- cordia Club, So. Cal. Auto Club; N. S. G. W. LEWIS, Ashley Roscoe. Writer. Res. 685 Prospect square, Pasadena, Cal.; office same. Born in Rochester, N. Y., June 22, 1872; son of Roscoe and Anna (Hall) Lewis. Married to Anna Victoria McNair in 1908 (dec). Graduated from Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y., A. B., 1894; A. M., 1898; took course in economics at Col- umbia Univ., New York City, 1897; head of dept. of history and economics at high school, Pasadena. Cal., 1898 to date. Author: The American Fed- eral State, 1902; American Govern- ment and the Citizen. 1904; American History. 1907. Contributor to various magazines and papers. Member Phi Beta Kappa fraternity; Amer. Hist. Assn.; Amer. Political Science Assn. 226 WHO'S WHO LEWIS, Edwin L. Siipt. Los An- geles Ry. Res. 1825 Winfield st.; of- fice, 721 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Osceola, Mo., April 1, 1859; son of Dr. Lawrence and Emeline (Reynolds) Lewis. Mar- ried to Florence Lotspeich in 1897. Educated in grammar and high schools, Osceola, Mo. Deputy county treasurer at Osceola, Mo., under his father, 1878; worked on farm two years; deputy county treasurer and tax collector at Osceola, Mo., 1880- 1886; moved to San Francisco, 1887; one year as street car conductor there; moved to Los Angeles in 1888; receiving clerk with Los Angeles Ca- ble Ry. Co., 1888-90; promoted to chief clerk for John J. Akin, supt. ; asst. to Mr. Akin. 1902-1913; appointed supt. in place of Mr. Akin, who re- signed, 1913. LEWIS, Irvin Graham. Journalist. Res. 3925 Cleveland ave., San Diego, Cal. Born in Clarinda, la.. July 27, 1870; son of Charles Hall and Amanda C. (Graham) Lewis. Married to Bes- sie Mighels, Sept. 24, 1891. Attended the public schools of la. and Nev.; graduated from Clarinda, la., high school, 1886; from Nev. Univ., 1888. Employed on Clarinda Herald, 1885- 86; brakeman on Central Pacific R. R., 1889-93; mining and mercantile busi- ness, 1903-95; real estate at Monterey, Cal., 1895-97; served in U. S. Navy, 1897-98; mining and newspaper work, 1898-99; newspaper reporter, 1900-06; special correspondent at San Fran- cisco fire and Magdalena Bay, 1906; in various editorial capacities in Nev. and Cal.. 1906-10; asst. dir. of publicity for Panama California Exposition, 1911-12; dir. Valley Land Co.; Valley Park Co.; Jim Blaine Mining Co.; Ramsey Mining Co., all of Nev.; served in N. G. of C, 1897; secy. Democratic State Central Committee, Nev., 1908; on staff of Governor John Sparks of Nev., 1907. Member Nev. Historical Soc; So. Cal. Acad, of Sci.; Archaeolog. Inst, of Amer. ; Masonic fraternity; Shrine. Baptist. LEWIS, Julian J. Real estate. Res. 12 Linnie ave.; office same, Venice, Cal. Born in Boston, Mass., Oct. 23, 1861; son of Louis and Welcome (Mendoza) Lewis. Married to Kate R. Englander in 1884. Educated in pub- lic schools of Helena, Ark., and Jack- sonville, III. Errand boy, St. Louis, Mo., 1872; same in tobacco factory, 1876; furniture and housefittings, Leadville, Colo., 1878; also teacher of dancing; moved to Los Angeles, 1882; taught dancing Child's Opera House and Santa Monica for 12 years; real estate, all Santa Monica Bay, 1894; later in Venice, Cal. Pres Ven- ice Realty Board; Clerk Venice Union Poly High School; member I.O.O.F. LEWIS, Ralph S. Automobiles. Res. Venice, Cal.; office, 17th st. & Grand ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, July 15, 1890; son of J. J. and Kate R. (Englander) Lewis. Re- ceived his education in the Los Angeles public scliools. First employed by the Western Motor Car Co., 1904-07; ma- chinist and automobile salesman, 1908; salesman with Ford Motor Car Co., 1909; now owner of Lewis Auto Shop, handling automobiles and conducting a garage. LEWIS, Walter A. County auditor. Res. Pomona, Cal. ; office, Hall of Rec- ords, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Mil- waukee, Wis., Sept. 30, 1864; son of John and Julia Brewster (Clarke) Lewis. Married to Edith E. Blades in 1892. Attended public schools, Chica.go, 111.; Brown School, Chicago, 1871-77; high school, Kansas City, Mo.. 1881-83. Employed as weighmaster. Union Ele- vator Co., Kansas City, Mo., during va- cations, 1881-82; asst. bookkeeper and stockman. Great Western Type Foun- dry, Kansas City, Mo., 1883-84; book- keeper and solicitor for Rigby-Hines Co., Kansas City, and for Wynne & Andrews, bookbinders, Kansas City, 1885-87; moved to California and canvassed for pianos and organs for R. S. Bassett, keeping his books and helping in his real estate business at Pomona, Cal., 1887-88 ; general insurance and real es- tate business, 1888-1910; secy. Del Monte Irrigation Co., Pomona, Cal., 1897-1904; secy. Irrigation Co. of Pomona, 1900- 10; secy. Kingsley Tract Water Co., Ltd., 1901-10; county auditor, Los An- geles CO., 1909 to date; dir. Mutual Building & Loan Assn., Pomona, 1892- 1912. Drum major of band, 9th In- fantry, Cal. Militia, 1887-96. Member Masonic fraternity, all York rite bodies, and 18th degree Scottish Rite ; Union League Club. Congregationalist. LIBBY, Edgar H. Agricultural en- gineer; writer on economics. Res. 1224 .•\lKoma ave. ; office, 929 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in VVestbrook, Me., March 3, 1852; son of Solomon L. and Mary Ann (Bangs) Libby, Mar- ried to Annie Laurie Young. Attended public schools of Westbrook, Me., and Ashland, Mass., 1857-71 ; graduated from IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 227 M:iss;iclmsetts Agricultural ColIeKe, Am- herst, Mass., B. S,, 1871-74. Founded "Scientific Farmer" in Boston, Mass., 1875 ; editor of "American Agricultur- ist," New York. N. Y., 1878-79; traveled in Europe and America, studying agri- cultural conditions and enterprises, 1879- 82 ; editor-publisher "American Garden- ing Magazine," New York, 1882-93 ; pub- lisher "Rural New York," New York, 1890-93; studied Pacific coast lands, from So. Cal. to Canada, 1893-96; planned, organized, capitalized, operated a land, water and power (electric) com- pany, Clarkston, Wash., and built town of Clarkston ; engaged in construction of water works, pipe line irrigation system, electric light and power system for eight towns, 1895-1911; built steel bridges over Snake River between Clarkston and Lewiston, Idaho, 1898-99. At time of construction this was largest exclusive wagon bridge on coast. Spe- cial study of southern Cal., 1911-13; es- tablished office in Los Angeles as agri- cultural engineer, after spending months in detailed study of soils, water supply, climate, productions, transportation, market facilities, and all governing conditions of and relating to a given district or project, June, 1912; spe- cial attention given examinations, reports, plans, estimates, organiza- tion and development of large tracts of agricultural lands; con- tributed papers on economic subjects to Scribner's, Century, Nation, N. Y. Eve- ning Post, etc., 1898-1904; first pres. Washington Conservation Assn. ; and first pres. National Conservation Con- gress, 1908-09. Member Spokane Club, Spokane, Wash.; B. P. O. E. Bahaian. LIBBY, Warren E. Lawyer. Res. San Diego; office 323 Union Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Lisbon, Me., April 8, 1888; son of Warren L and Rachel A. (Woodrow) Libby. Grad- uated from grammar school, 1901; high school. Auburn, Me., 1905; Bates College, Lewiston, Me., A. B.. 1909; atttended Bliss Business College, Lewiston, Me., 1909; Law Dept. George Washington Univ., Washing- ton, D C, 1910-12. Salesman for King-Richardson Co., Springfield, Mass, 1906-07; with Pictorial Review Co., New York City, 1908-09; teach- ing and coaching athletes, Goddard Seminary. Bane, Vt., 1909-10; sub- section chief, Dept. of Commerce and Labor, Washington, D. C, 1910-12; engaged in real estate operations, Washington, D. C. 1912; admitted to bar of Cal.. July 18, 1912; U. S. Dis- trict Court of So. Cal., Sept. 16, 1912; engaged in practice alone, July, 1912 to date. Chief counsel for M-R Co., Inc., same, San Diego Subdivision Co. Member Delta Sigma Rho fraternity; Masonic fraternity. Christian Sci- (ntist. LINDBERG, Carl Otto. Mining engineer. Res. 1550 Shatto st.; office 527 Union League Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 8, 1879. Attended Royal Swed- ish War Academy; Heidelberg Univ., Germany; and Michigan College of Mines, Houghton, Mich., graduating B. S. and E. M. Surveyor, miner, timber man, etc., Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Isphemeing, Mich.; gen. supt. of mines and mill with Benito Juarez Mines Co., Salinas, Mexico; asst. Ex- amining mining engineer with F. W. Royer, Mexico City; examining min- ing engineer with John Hays Ham- mond's Syndicate in Mexico; inde- pendent practice as examining engi- neer, Mexico City; examining mining engineer with Spurr & Cox. Inc., New York City; examining mining engi- neer in Los Angeles for W. Rowland Cox, New York City. Member Tau Beta Phi Engineering Soc; Amer. Inst, of Mining Engrs.; Sigma Rho fraternity; University Club, Mexico City; Swedish Lutheran. LINDLEY, Philo L. Real estate. Res. 2627 Menlo ave.; office H. W. Hellman Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Union City, Mich., Oct. 9, 1879; son of S. K. and Martha L. (Leonard) Lindley. Unmarried. Grad- uated from Los Angeles high school in 1900; from Los Angeles Military Academy in 1902; attended Univ. of Cal. three years. After completing education engaged in real estate busi- ness, which he followed, 1904-06; or- ganized firm of Johnston & Lindley in 1907. and conducted reinforced con- crete and steel business, 1907-10; member real estate firm of S. K. Lind- ley & Son, 1910 to date. Member California and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. LINDLEY, Walter. Physician and surgeon. Res. 2007 S. Figueroa St.; office, 1414 S. Hope st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Monrovia, Ind.. Jan. 13, 1852; son of Milton and Mary E. (Banta) Lindley. Attended Minneapo- lis High School ; Keen's School of Anat- omy, Philadelphia ; graduated from Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., M. D., 1875 ; served as health officer, Los Angeles ; supt. Los Angeles County Hospital ; founder, editor and publisher. 228 WHO'S WHO "So. Cal. Practitioner" ; formerly pres. Cal. State Med. Society. ; vice-pres. Natl. Conf. Charities; pres. Board of Trus- tees Whittier State School ; pres. Cali- fornia State Board of Medical Exam- iners ; founder and medical dir. Cali- fornia Hospital ; dir. Farmers' & Mer- chants' Natl. Bank. Member Cali- fornia, University and Los Angeles Country clubs; author: "California of the South," 1886; "Traducers of Shake- speare," 1906; contributor to medi- cal journals. Republican. LINGENFELDER, Edward. Auto tires. Res. 128 N. Fourth St.. Alham- bra, Cal.; office 722-25 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Peru, 111., in 1880; son of Christopher and Kathar- ine (Dashtinar) Lingenfelder. Mar- ried to Elizabeth Stuart in 1900. Edu- cated in public and high schools at Peru, 111. Engaged in bicycle racing at Paris Exposition, Crystal Palace, London, Antwerp. Hamburg; brake- man L C. R. R., 1902. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal. ; city electrician, Alham- bra, Cal., 1902-07; racing motor cycle, 1908; with Newerf Rubber Co. selling Goodyear tires; traveling, 1911; mgr. Goodyear Rubber Co. office at Los Angeles, 1911 to date; mgr. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, O.; dir. and mgr. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Cal. Member Masonic fra- ternity, 32d degree; Knights Templar; Shrine; Past Patron Alhambra Chap- ter Order Eastern Star; member Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Los Angeles Athletic Club; Motor Cycle Qub. LINTON, Robert. Mining engi- neer. Res. 718 S. Alvarado St.; office Trust and Savings Bldg., Los Ange- les. Cal. Born in Hudson, O., May 29, 1870; son of Robert J. and Caroline S. (Doolittle) Linton. Married to Margaret McElveen in 1896. Attended Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pa.; graduated from Im- perial School of Technology, Berlin, Germany. Asst. mining; engineer with Mc Kinney & Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa.; asst. mgr. R. C. Schmertz Glass Co., Belle Vernon, Pa.; supt. factory No. 4, American Window Glass Co.; later asst. chairman at Pittsburgh; mem- ber firm of Atwater, Linton & At- water, Duluth, New York and Los An- geles, 1906-09; gen. mgr. Sierra Con- solidated Mines Co., 1909 to date; con- sulting engineer Texas Iron & Coal Co.; dir. Johnstone Elliott Co., Dal- las, Tex.; former dir. Bell Vernon Light & Heat Co.; Monongahela Val- ley Electric Co.; Valley Deposit & Trust Co.; former dir. and vice-pres. Charlevoi Savings & Trust Co.; for- mer mgr. Cliff Mining Co., Utah. Has contributed various articles to the "Mineral Industry" and other tech- nical publications. Member Amer. Inst, of Mining Engs.; Engrs.' See. of Western Pa.; Chemical, Metallurgi- cal and Mining Soc. of South Africa; Mexican Geological Soc; Masonic fraternity; Jonathan Club. Republi- can. Presbyterian. LIPPINCOTT, Charles H. Real estate broker. Res. 1853 N. Crown ave. Hollywood, Cal.; office, 611 Fay Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Mercer Co. 111., Sept. 26, 1867 ; son of John H. and Elizabeth T. (Blackfan) Lippincott. Married to Nellie M. Stephens in 1898. Attended public schools : business col- lege, Davenport, la. ; Lombard Univ. Galesburg, 111. Business career began with R. I. & P. Ry., for which he worked twelve years, the latter seven years as paymaster and cashier of the road ; with Moline Plow Co., Moline, 111., five years, three years of the time as asst. secy, and cashier, two years as treas. and dir. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1906 and engaged in real estate business ; at present part owner in several large syn- dicates and subdivisions. Member Jon- atlian Club ; Los Angeles Realty Board ; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce ; Masonic fraternity ; Shrine. LIPPINCOTT, Joseph Barlow. Hydraulic engineer. Res. 1256 W. Adams St.; office. Central Bldg., Los .An- geles, Cal. Born in Scranton, Pa., Oct. 10, 1864 ; son of J. A. Lippincott, D. D., LL.D., and Harriett B. (Barlow) Lip pincott. Married to Josephine Cook in 1890. Early education received at Dick- son College in Pennsylvania ; graduated from Univ. of Kansas, .\. B., 1886. With Santa Fe R. R., 1886-88; topographer with U. S. Geolog. Survey in N. M. and Cal. ; engr. for Bear Valley and other irrigation companies in Cal. and Ariz. ; hydrographer for the U. S. Geo- logical Survey in Cal., 1895-1902; supervising engr. for Pacific Coast for \J. S. Reclamation Service, originating the Yuma and Klamath projects; in charge of design of Laguna dam; asst. chief engr. Los Angeles aqueduct, 1906, to its completion; built Santa Barbara tunnel, and engfiged in many water works projects in Cal. cities; engr. for irrig.ition works in Hawaiian Islands. Member L. A. Park Conmiission ; Am. Soc. of Civil Engrs.; Am. Inst, of Min- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 229 ing Engrs ; twice pres. of So. Cal. Engrs. and Archts. Assn. ; life member of Semper Virens Club ; p.ist member Los Angeles Civil Service Commission. Author of numerous official publications of the U. S. Geological Survey, including "Water Supply Paper, No. 81," entitled "California Hydrography." Member Cal- ifornia and Crags Country clubs. LISCOMB, Arthur H. Oil producer, refiner and manufacturer. Res. 1183 Garfield ave., Pasadena; office, 511 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wis., Aug. 12, 1860; son of John A. and Hannah P. (Heard) Liscomb. Mar- ried to Fannie J. Steplin, July 31, 1881. Attended the public schools of Owa- tana, Berlin and Byron, Minnesota ; high school of St. Charles ; business college at Winona and studied medi- cine and pharmacy under Dr. J. H. Sudduth, St. Charles, Minn. Registered in California in phar- macy and optometry; practiced phar- macy in Minnesota, Dakota and California, 1876-1901. Moved to Los Angeles, 1893, and early the follow- ing year purchased a drug store; be- came interested in oil in Kern River Dis- trict in 1900 ; discontinued active work in drug business and took charge of properties in oil field, 1904; aided in the idrganization 'of the Independent Oil Producers' Agency, and was secretary of same for two years; organized the Pro- ducers Refining Co., 1906, of which he is pres. and owner of controlling inter- est; organized Pacific Gasoline Co., en- gaged in making gasoline from natural gas, at Brea Canyon, 1911 ; has large interests in oil lands in Kern Co., Cal. ; pres. Title Assurance Co. of Kern Co., Cal. ; pres., owner and mgr. of the Lis- comb & Bridge Oil Producers; pres. and genl. mgr. Producers' Refin- ing Co. ; pres. and genl. mgr. Pacific Gasoline Co. ; Rio Oil Co. ; Big Four Oil Co. Member Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene. LLEWELLYN, John. Manufac- turer. Res. 226 W. Adams St.; office N. Main and Redondo sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wales, May 27, 1873 ; son of David and Hannah (Janes) Llewel- lyn. Unmarried. Educated in the pub- lic schools of San Francisco and by pri- vate tutors ; attended Los Angeles Busi- ness College, Los Angeles, graduating, 1892; immediately upon finishing his education entered the employ of the Llewellyn Co. of Los Angeles and is at present asst. secy, and mgr. of the elevator department ; has been identified with overcoming labor troubles; mem- ber California, Jonathan, Sierra Madre, Los Angeles Athletic, and Los Angeles Country clubs; Auto- mobile clubs of Los Angeles; Ma- sonic fraternity, 32d degree. LLOYD, Warren Estelle. Lawyer. Res. 713 S. Boimie Brae ; office. Cen- tral Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Nebraska City, Neb., Feb. 28, 1869; son of Lewis Marshall and Sarah Elizabeth (Bramel) Lloyd. Married to Caroline Alma Goodman in 1898. Educated in Neosho (Mo.) Collegiate Inst., 1880- 86; Ventura (Cal.) High School, 1892; Univ. of Cat., Berkeley, Cal., B. L., and B. L., 1892-95; Univ. of Berlin, Ger- many, 1895 ; Univ. of Munich, Germany, 1896; Fellow, Yale Univ., 1896-97, re- ceiving degree of Ph. D. Read law in his father's offices in Neosho, Mo., and in offices of Bicknell, Gibson & Trask, Los Angeles, Cal. ; admitted to practice in Cal. in April, 1899, by ex- amination ; asst. in offices of Bicknell, Gibson & Trask, 1899-1900; engaged in practice alone ; then in partnership with Judge D. P. Hatch, now senior mem- ber of the law firm of Lloyd, Cheney & Geibel ; lecturer on Spanish law, constitutional law and philosophy of law in Univ. of Cal. 1908 to date. Chairman Psychological Section Los Angeles .^cad. of Sciences, 1898-99. Member Los Angeles Bar Assn. ; Uni- versity Club. Joint author with Annie E. Cheney of "Psychology, Normal and Abnormal," 1908. Democrat. LLOYD, William Frazier. .Auto- mobiles. Res. 701 W. 47th St.; office 1058 S. Flower st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Caldwell, O., July 10, 1875; son of Thomas and Bethia Jane (Frazier) Lloyd. Married to Petrea Hurst Doyle in 1900. Attended pub- lic schools of Cambridge, O.; public schools of Los Angeles; Univ. of So. Cal. Mgr. and later pres. of the Southwest Printers Supply, 1900-08; vice-pres. Thomas-Mercer Motor Car Co., 1910-11; asst. secy. Thomas Motor Car Co., 1912 to date. Mem- ber Co. C, Seventh Cal. Vol. Inf. during Spanish-American War. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; Sigma Chi fraternity. Methodist. LOBINGIER, Andrew Stewart. Surgeon. Res. 511 Westmoreland ave.; office, 608-10 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Laurelville, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 22, 1862; son of Jacob and Lillias Findley (Stew- art) Lobingier. Married to Kate Rey- nolds in 1889. Prepared for college at 230 WHO'S WHO Mt. Pleasant Inst.. Mt. Pleasant, Pa.; graduated from Arts Dept., Univ. of Mich., A.B., 1886; same Univ., M.D., 1889. Prof, of patholog\- in Gross Med. College, Denver, Colo., 1889-92 ; prof, of clinical surgery in Med. Dept. Univ. of Colo., Denver, Colo., 1892-94; prof, of surgery and clinical surgery in same, and surgeon to Univ. Hospital, 1894-1902. Charter member Denver City Troop, and treas. of same for two years ; served in Leadville riot, and was detailed as sur- geon to Second Colo, regiment. Member A. M. A.; Cal. State Med. Soc. ; Amer. Acad, of Med. ; So. Cal. Med. Assn. ; Los Angeles Clin, and Path. Soc. ; Mem- ber California, Los Angeles Athletic, Midwick Country and Gamut clubs. LOCKE, Charles Edward. Clergy- man. Res. 728 Berendo st. ; oifice. Sixth and South Hill sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 9, 1858; son of William Henry and Margaret Ellen (Loor) Locke. Married to Mina J. Wood in 1882. Attended public schools of Pittsburgh until 1870; Beaver Seminary in Pa., 1870-73; Mount Union College in Ohio. 1873-75 ; Allegheny Col- lege in Pa., 1878-80 ; A. M. in 1883, D. D. in 1893. Has served churches as fol- lows: In Ohio, 1881-88; Smithfield St. M. E. Church, Pittsburgh, Pa.. 1888- 92; First M. E. Church, Portland, Ore., 1892-97; Central M. E. Church, San Francisco, Cal., 1897-99; Delaware Ave. M. E. Church, Buffalo, N. Y., 1899- 1904; Hanson Place M. E. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1904-08; First M. E. Church, Los Angeles, Cal, 1908 to date ; conducted funeral services of President McKinley ; of Ira D. Sankey. Author : "Freedom's Next War for Humanity" ; "The Typical American"; "The Nine- teenth Century Crusader" ; "Eddyism" ; "Is the Negro Making Good" ; "White Slavery in Los Angeles." Member Los Angeles Country Club ; Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Tau Delta fraternities. Methodist. LOCKHART, T. G. Mining. Res. 1245 So. Van Ness ave.; office 414 Se- curity Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New Jersey in 1848. Educated in public schools of Burlington, N. J. Moved to Neb. and engaged in cattle business; moved to Georgestown, Colo., and was engaged in mining in Colo, for thirty years; engaged in prospecting in Colo, and Utah, 1899; took up Tonopah Extension, consist- ing of thirteen claims, in Tonopah, Nev.; sold same to Chas, M. Schwab and associates of Pittsburgh; oper- ated in Goldfield, Nev., 1903; while in Goldfield acquired the famous Flor- ence property. LOEB, Joseph Philip. Lawyer. Res. Los Angeles; office I. W. Hell- man Bldg., Los .'Vngeles, Cal. Born in Los .-Vngeles, Cal., Dec. 11, 1883; son of Leon and Estelle (Newmark) Loeb; attended public schools of Los Angeles; graduated from the Univ. of So. Cal., A. B., 1905; admitted to the bar in Los Angeles. July 17, 1906; to Federal Courts. Oct. 1, 1906; associ- ated with H. W. O'Melveny (after- wards O'Melveny. Stevens & Milli- kin), 1905-07; now member firm of Loeb & Loeb. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Phi Beta Kappa fraternity; Los Angeles Athletic and University clubs. Republican. LOEWENTHAL, Max. Lawyer. Res. 1833 S. Flower st. ; office, Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ger- many, Oct. IS, 1858 ; son of Rev. Henry P. and Natalie ( Schoenberg) Loewen- thal. Married to Laura Meyer in 1889. Moved to Cal. in 1868. Attended grammar and high schools of Sacra- mento, Cal., graduating in 1877 ; grad- uated from Univ. of Cal., A. B., 1881 ; from Hastings College of Law, LL. B., 1884. Admitted to bar in San Francisco in 1884. Moved to Los An- geles in 1886, and has there practiced his profession to date ; has been for many years associated with George J. Denis under firm name of Denis & Loewenthal. Member Amer. Bar Assn. ; California State Bar Assn. ; Los Angeles County Bar Assn.; Phi Delta Phi fraternity; Los Angeles Athletic, University, Rod and Reel and Tuna clubs. Democrat. LOFTUS, Joseph Roger. Real es- tate. Res. Los Angeles; office 709 Grosse Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Keokuk, la., March 8, 1869; son of Roger and Mary (Davies) Loftus. Married to Mary Van Meter in 1900. Educated in the public schools of Keokuk, la.; St. Joseph's College; Iowa State Univ. Engaged in hard- ware business, 1889-91; traveled in the Orient. 1891-92; in the carpet business with his brother, Frank L. Loftus, 1889-92; organized the Loftus Realty Co., in 1889; firm continued until 1905. Moved to Los Angeles and organized the Arrowhead Realty Co. of Los An- geles, Pasadena and Monrovia in 1906. Introduced cotton growing into the Imperial Valley in 1905, first crop of Imperial cotton lieing grown on his ranch. Pres. Jos. R. Loftus Co.; Cali- fornia Cotton Co.; Monrovia Acres IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 231 Water Co.; vice-pres. Imperial Val- ley Oil and Cotton Co. Member City- Club; Municipal League; Los Ange- les Chamber of Commerce. LONG, Alfred Dow. Physician. Res. 3416 Fifth st.; office 812 Timken Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Eu- reka, Cal., April 27, 1876; son of Andrew Hammond and Elizabeth (Baird) Long. Married to Lucy F. Evans, Nov. 15, 1911. Graduated from high school. Eureka, Cal.; attended Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal.; gradu- ated from Medical School, Harvard Univ., 1907; studied in clinics of Eu- rope. City bacteriologist of St. Louis, one and one-half years. Member American Medical Assn.; California State Medical Soc; San Diego County Medical Soc; Cuyamaca University and Rov\-ing clubs. Presbyterian. LONGHAN, John T. Dentist. Res. 1125 Hubbard st; office 1567 Sunset blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Pattsburgh, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1881: son of W. J. and Jennie (Tabberrah) Longhan. Married to Katherine O'Neil in 1910. Attended public schools of his native town, graduating from high school in 1898; graduated from normal school in 1900. Engaged in teaching school at Danemora, N. Y., for two years; moved to Cal. in 1904; entered dental dept of Univ. of So. Cal, 1906; graduated, D. D. S., in 1909; engaged in the active practice of his profession, 1909 to date. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity. Republican. LONGLEY, Percy Roy. Real es- tate. Res. 1316 Linwood ave. ; office, 330 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in St. Albans, Me., Nov. 20, 1874; son of David R. and Eliza A. (French) Longley. Married to Marie C. Kramer in 1912. Attended preparatory school ; graduated from Maine Central Institute, 1895 ; Shaw Business College, 1897 ; supt. of schools and at same time principal oi high school in St. Albans, Me., 1897- 99. Served as town treas., St. Albans ; resigned during last year of the term and moved to Colo. ; asst. mgr. Megunti- cook Mining Co., San Juan district ; moved to Los Angeles in 1904; book- keeper for branch of a building and loan company of San Francisco ; employed by the Winton McLeod Co. ; elected secy, of this company 1905, which office he held until 1908; associated with M. B. Patton ; established business for him- self in 1908 ; operating under firm name of Patton & Longley Co. to date ; W. E. McGrew became member of firm shortly after its organization ; secy. Rose Oil Co. ; vice-pres. San Fernando Valley Land Co. Member Metropolitan Club ; I. O. O. F. LONGYEAR, William Douglas. Cashier and secy. Security Trust & Savings Bank. Res. 3555 Wilshire blvd.; office Security Trust & Savings Bank, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Grass Lake, Mich., July 2, 1863; son of Moses and Maria (Douglas) Long- year. Married to Ida A. Mackay in 1893. Educated in public schools of Kalamazoo, Mich. Employed in reg- istry dept. of Kalamazoo postoffice, 1881-84; in employ of Kalamazoo Natl. Bank, 1884-89. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1889; appointed teller of Security Savings Bank same year; asst. cashier same bank, 1892-95; cash- ier and secy, of said bank, 1895 to date. Member California, Crags Country and Jonathan clul)S, Los Angeles; Ma- sonic fraternity; Shrine. LOPIZICH, John. Banker. Res. 621 Sunset blvd.; office, 225 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Orassac, Dalmatia, Austria, Nov. 25, 1865 ; son of John and Gjive (Skorsur) Lopizich. Married to Mariana Davarede in 1892. Graduated from public schools at Oras- sac, 1877, and from high school at Ra.gnsa in 1881 ; druggist graduate in Egypt, 1886 ; registered as druggist in California, 1891. Started as drug clerk, 1881, in Ragnsa, and remained in same line of work until 1904; organized In- ternational Savings & Exchange Bank, 1904, of which he has been pres. since organization ; treas. Viole & Lopizich Drug Co.; International Oil Co.; Feather River Mining Co. ; and dir. Funding Co. of Cal. Member Los An- geles Athletic and Sunset Gun clubs. Catholic. LORD, Harry Adelbert. Automo- biles. Res. 1136 S. Fair Oaks, So. Pasadena; office 1032 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago. July 26, 1885; son of P. A. and Sara E. (Squires) Lord. Married to Jane Clark in 1906. Graduated from Kan- kakee High School, 1903; attended Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111.; Lewis In- stitute, Chicago. Engaged in automo- bile business in Chicago, 1904; moved to Los Angeles in 1906, and formed the Lord Motor Car Co., of which he is vice-pres and mgr. LORD, Parley A. Automobiles. Res. 1424 Laurel, South Pasadena; office, 1032 S. Olive St., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Lathrop, Pa., Dec. 13, 1860; son of Asahel A. and Lucy Mlary (Squires) 232 WHO'S WHO Lord. Married to Sara E. Squier in 1884, Attended public schools of Scran- ton, Pa. ; graduated from Providence High School, 1877. First employed as bookkeeper for real estate firm in Chi- cago, 1879-80; office manager for Adams & Lord Lumber Co., Chicago, 1880-87; lumber business in La Grange, 111., under firm name of P. A. Lord & Co., 1887; incorporated 1893 ; opened branch. Dow- ners Grove, 1893; opened branch Church Furniture Factory at Kankakee, 111., 1901 ; opened branch lumber and coal yard at Hinsdale, 111., 1906; moved to Los Angeles and organized Lord Motor Car Co., 1906; opened branch in Pasadena in 1910; opened branch in San Diego, 1912; ex-pres. and treas P. A. Lord Lumber Co., La Grange, 111.; pres. and treas. Lord Motor Car Co., Los An- geles. Member Chamber of Commerce ; Federation and Auto clubs. Methodist. LORY, Eugene Aime. Proprietor of dye works. Res. 3841 Seventh St.; office 519-20 D st., San Diego, Cal. Born in France, March 31, 1866; son of Zephir Emesh and .'\ugustine (CIo- perrtre) Lory. Married to Eugenia Marie Lucas in 1892. Received his education in the grammar and high schools of Paris, France. Employed in hat factory in France; moved to Lowell, Mass., in 1891, and followed the same occupation; employed for several years in eastern states in hat business and dye works. Returned to Paris and was salesman, interpreter and hatter five years; moved to Los Angeles in 1901 and was employed by American Dye Works; established St. Paul Dye Works at Santa Bar- bara and conducted same until 1908, when he moved to San Diego and es- tablished the Lory Paris Cleaning & Dye Co., of which he is mgr., secy. and treas. Served tliree years in the army of France. Member Masonic fraternity. Christian Scientist. LOUCKS, Robert George. Lawyer Res. Los Angeles; office Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Baton Rouge, la., Feb. 16, 1873; son of Richard Newcomb and Ida B. (Roberts) Loucks. Married to Daisy Green in 1906. Moved to Cal. in 1883 and attended the public schools of Pomona; attended Pomona College, Clarcmont, Cal., and Los Angeles Law School; admitted to the bar, April 12, 1898, upon examination by the Su- preme Court of Los Angeles, and was later admitted to the U. S. Dis- trict and Circuit Courts. City atty. of Pomona, 1901-07. Moved to Los Angeles in 1907, and has been en- gaged in active practice to date. Dem- ocratic nominee for Congress from the Seventh Congressional District, Los Angeles Co., 1906. Member K. of P.; B. P. O. E. Democrat. LOVELL, Frederick Hassem. Or- ange grower. Res. Glendora; office Glendora, Cal. Born in Delhi, New York, Oct. 3, 1862; son of Hassam O. and Mary A. (Fuller) Lovell. Mar- ried to Jessie M. Chidsey in 1887. Re- ceived his education in the public schools of Downsville, N. Y. Rail- way freight clerk for the D. & H. C. R. R. at Binghamton, N. Y., 1881-93; moved to Glendora in 1893, and has been engaged in orange growing to date. LOWER, Frank L. Real estate. Res. 620 S. Flower st.; office 301 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lena, 111,, Feb. 28, 1856; son of Solo- mon and Eleanor (McManigal) Low- er. Married to Nannie C. Flack in 1879. Attended public schools, Lena, 111., 1862-66; public schools, (George- town, Mo., 1867-68; Forest Grove Seminary, Georgetown, Mo., 1869-70; Georgetown College, Georgetown, Mo., 1871-73. Worked on farm while attending school; with brother, pur- chased small grocery store in George- town, .Mo., 1873; deputy postmaster, Georgetown, Mo., 1873; sold out and moved to western Kansas, 1875; sales- man and bookkeeper in a general store. Enterprise, Kans.; with his two brothers, engaged in general mercan- tile business, including grain and live- stock, at Skiddy, Kans., 1877-1882; moved to Council Grove. Kans., and built grain elevator, 1882; established buyers at ten different stations, and bought and shipped thousands of cars of grain through southern states, un- til 1900; handled cattle and operated large farm more than fifteen years; in cattle business exclusively, with head- quarters at Council Grove, Kans., 1900-08; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1908; with associates entered into busi- ness of Iiandling farm lands in large tracts and subdividing old cattle ranches; owns and operates a profit- able ranch; is also connected with oil industry, and for a number of years was interested in mining in Mexico and elsewhere. County treas. Coun- cil Grove, Morris co., Kans., 1890- 94; pres. Orosi Orange Land Co.; vice-pres. California City Land Co.; secy. California Midway Oil Co.; mgr. Monserratte Rancho. Member Y. M. C. A.; Masonic fraternity; Shrine; Los Angeles Athletic Club. Presbyterian. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 233 LUCE, Edgar A. Lawyer. Res. 1744 Second St.; office, 204 McNeece Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in San Diego, Cal., May 20, 1881 ; son of M. A. and Adelaide (Mantania) Luce. At- tended grammar and high schools of San Diego, Cal. ; graduated from Leland Stanford University, A. B., 1905. As- sociated with Luce & Sloane, 1905 ; dep- uty city atty. San Diego, Cal, 1909-10; firm name Luce & Luce, 1911 to date; secy. Golden Hill Land & Building Co.; Progressive Business Co. ; dir. Land & Improvement Co. ; secy. Lincoln-Roose- velt League of San Diego, 1908-10; dep- uty city atty., 1909-10; member Roose- velt Progressive Republican Club, 1912 ; University, San Diego Rowing, and San Diego Country clubs ; B. P. O. E., Native Sons of the Golden West. LUCE, Judge M. A. Lawyer. Res. 1744 Second st. ; office, McNeece Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Payson, 111.; son of Rev. C. S. and Sarah G. (Pot- tle) Luce. Married to Adelaide Man- tania in 1870. Graduated from Hills- dale College, Hillsdale, Mich., A. B., 1866; A. M., same, 1870; Albany Law School, LL. B., 1867; began practice at Bushnell, III., 1868; city atty. 1869-73; moved to San Diego, Cal., 1873; judge county court, 1875-80; resumed private practice, 1880; organized and was elected vice-pres. and atty. of Cal. Southern R. R. Co. in 1880; held offices until 1887; because of ill health retired from prac- tice for two years, then became associ- ated with Luce, McDonald & Torrance, firm name later became Luce & McDon- ald ; Luce & Sloane, 1898-1908; now Luce & Luce. Pres. Golden Hill Land & Building Co., Land & Investment Co., vice-pres. Progressive Business Co. Served in Civil War as sergeant in Co. E., Fourth Mich. Vol. Infantry, 1861-64; Army of Potomac, participating in all principal battles. Received Congressional medal of honor for special gallantry at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864. Member G. A. R., Masonic fraternity, 32d de- gree ; K. of P. Republican. Unitarian. LUCKENBACH, Charles Augustus. Public utilities. Res. 926 Mariposa ave.; office 645 S. Hill st., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Bethlehem, Pa., Mar. 24, 1865; son of James S. and Keziah Minerva (Chitty) Lucken- bach. Married to Theresa A. Maharg in 1887. Attended Moravian Paro- chial School; Bethlehem Preparatory School, Bethlehem, Pa.; graduated from Lehigh Univ., So. Bethlehem, Pa., B. M., 1886; chemist Crane Iron Co., Catasaqua, Pa., 1886-89; clerk of police courts, Los Angeles, Cal., 1889-90; deputy city clerk, Los An- geles, 1890-93; city clerk, Los An- geles, 1893-97; purchasing agent Los Angeles Gas & Electric Corp., 1897- 1905; mgr. of construction Los An- geles Gas & Electric Corp., 1905 to date. Member American Gas Insti- tute; Pacific Coast Gas Assn.; Na- tional Electric Light Assn.; Los An- geles Athletic Club; Theta Delta Chi fraternity. LUNDEEN, Knute. Real estate. Res. Rex. Arms; office 234 Central bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Sweden, Dec. 10, 1876. Unmarried. Attended public schools of Park River, N. D.; business college, Min- neapolis, Minn.; Concordia College, Morehead, Minn.; graduated from Highland Park College, Des Moines, la., 1901. Moved to Park River, N. D., 1886; worked at various trades while attending school until 1901; traveled for Highland Park College, 1901-02; with New York Life Ins. Co.; Sioux Falls, S. D., 1902-04; with Home Life Ins. Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1904-05; mgr. New Haven office of New York Life Ins. So., 1905-07; moved to Los Ange- les, Cal.. 1907, and established real estate business, which he conducts to date under firm name of K. Lundeen Co. Member Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; B. P. O. E. LYON, Frederick Saxton. Patent lawyer. Res. 1912 O.xford ave,; offi,ce 503-08 Merchants Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, 111., Aug. 17, 1873; son of Lewis and Mary Forbes Lyon. Married to Grace A. Rood in 1894. Graduated from Law College, Univ. of Minn., 1894. Moved to Los Angeles in 1902 and has prac- tised his profession to date; his prac- tice is confined to matters pertaining to patents, trademarks and copy- rights; member firm of Townsend Bros. & Lyon, 1902-05; member firm Townsend. Lyon & Hackley. 1905-10; member firm Lyon & Hackley, 1910 to date. Member Masonic fraternity, 32nd degree; Shrine. LYON, Philip Henry. Wholesale and retail motor car supplies. Res. 7071 Hawthorne ave.. Hollywood, Cal.; office 945-7 S. Main St., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Atkinson, III., Nov. 19, 1872; son of R. B. and Sophia (Manington) Lyon. Married to Mar- jorie Needles in 1905. Educated at Drury College, Springfield, Mo. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., and en- 234 WHO'S WHO gaged in real estate operations; be- came manager of firm of Chanslor & Lyon; now secy, of this corpora- tion; geneial manager Glen Ivy Hot Springs Co.; pres. Farm Land Pur- chasing Co. Member Los Angeles Country, Jonathan, Rotary and Sun- set Gun clubs. MacDONALD, Harley Edgar. Phy- sician. Res. Los Angeles; office Pacific Mutual Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in M'uskingum co., O., July 26. 1878 ; son of Emesiah and Martha A. (Cline) MacDonald. Married in 1909. Attended public schools of Ohio; Muskingum College, New Concord, O.; graduated from Ohio Medical Univ., Columbus, O., M. D., 1906; interne in Protestant Hospital, Columbus, 1906-07; interne Grant Hospital, Los Angeles, 1907-08; asst. medical dir. Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., Los Angeles, 1908-09; second asst. medical dir., 1909 to date. Pres. and owner Dalton Manufactur- ing Co., making suspensonianometers. Methodist. MacDOWELL, James Nelson. Re- tired. Res. 985 San Pasqual st., Pasa- dena, Cal. Born Aug. 14, 1870; son of Nelson B. and Annie (Hampton) Mac- Dowell. Married to Lottie Sophia McCormick in 1901. Educated in the public schools of Leadville, Colo.; Fremont (Neb.) Normal College, and Dental Dept., Northwestern Univ., Chi- cago; lecturer on orthodontia, North- western Univ., six years, practicing meantime; professor of orthodontia four years; retired from practice in 1907 and moved to Pasadena, where he has since resided. Member Mason- ic fraternity; Annandale Country Club. MACE, Arthur Allan. Real estate. Res. 330 Pasadena ave.. South Pasa- dena; office 41 So. Raymond ave., Pasadena. Born in Los Angeles, Cal., May 19, 188S; son of Warren H. and Mary Collins (Arnold) Mace. Edu- cated in the grammar and high schools of Los Angeles. Employed by First National Bank, Pasadena, 1904-1912; active vice-pres. of David Blanken- horn Co.. April 1, 1912 to date. MacFADYEN. Midrael. Clergy- man. Res. 412 E. Ave. 28; office cliurch at 138 N. Ave. 22, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Scotland, Sept. Z2. 1855; son of Michael and Elizabeth (Byron) MacFadycn. Married to Nina L. Barlow in 1888. Fitted for ministry by private education; studied Hebrew by correspondence under Prof. W. R. Harper, Univ. of Chicago, 1888-89. Engaged in mining, 1865-84; ordained a minister of the gospel at The Dalles, Ore., Oct. 2, 1884; has been engaged in active ministerial work ever since ordination; traveled in Ore. and Wash, and British Colum- bia, 1884-87; has held pastorates in Cal. as follows: Santa Clara, 1887- 88; Saticoy, 1888-89; Napa, 1889-93; San Jose. 1893-94; Los Angeles, 1894- 97; Colton, 1897-98; Napa, 1898-1900; Los Angeles, 1901-02; Oakland, Cal., 1907-10; Los Angeles, Jan. 1, 1911 to date; in Woodstock, N. B., 1902-03; Taunton, Mass., 1903-06. MACFARLAND, John Cobb. Law- yer. Res. 2644 Portland st. ; office 1021 Trust and Savings Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 14, 1885; son of John Davison and Nannie (Cobb) Macfarland. Early education received in public schools of his native city and Harvard Mili- tary School, Los Angeles; graduated from Stanford Univ., A. B., 1903; ad- mitted to the bar in 1910; associated with firm of Avery & French, 1909- 11; engaged in independent practice, 1911 to date. Dir. Good Samaritan Hospital; Monterey Park Land Co. Member Zeta Psi fraternity; Uni- versity and City clubs. MacCORMACK, William. Clergy- man. Res. 7i2 S. Burlington ave.; of- fice 523 S. Olive st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in County Monaghan, Ireland, Dec. 31, 1866; son John and Esther (Berry) MacCorniack. Mar- ried to Lillian E. Meakins, June 13, 1893. Attended public schools, Ham- ilton, Ont., Canada; Hamilton Col- legiate Institute; graduate Toronto Univ., B.A., 1890; graduate WyclifiFe College (Theological), Toronto, 1S91 ; M.A., Toronto IJniv. ; D.D., Norwich Univ., Vt. Ordained Deacon by Bishop Hamilton in Guelph, Ont., May 24, 1891; in Jan., 1892. became asst. of St. Ann's Protestant Episco- pal Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.; in Dec, 1892, ordained by Bishop Little- john. Garden City, L. I., to priest- hood in Episcopal Church; in 1898 became rector All Saints' Church, Pasadena, Cal.; in May. 1908, became rector of St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Los Angeles, and was appointed Dean of same by Bishop Johnson. Dir. Good Samaritan Hospital. Member Univ. Club, Los Angeles. Protestant Episcopalian. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 235 MacGIBBON, Eugene Howard. Architect, contractor and engineer. Res. 2842 W. Pico st.; office 715-16 Los Angeles Investment Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Bernar- dino, Gal., Feb. 28, 1883; son of Ernest Eugene and Julia E. (Linvalle) Mac Gibbon. Unmarried. Attended gram- mar schools, San Bernardino, Cal.; high school, San Bernardino, Cal., 1897-1901; graduated from Stanford Univ., Cal., 1906. In business under own name at Ocean Park, Cal., 1906- 08; at Berkeley, Cal., 1909-11; moved to Los Angeles, 1911; now in business under firm name of MacGibbon-Frary Co., a corporation of which lie is pres. and mgr. Built for G. M. Jones, Ma- rine Hotel, Ocean Park, Cal.; For- rester Bldg., S. Broadway, Los An- geles; Professional Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Member Sigma Nu fraternity; B. P. O. E. MacGLASHAN, Ella R. Organist, choir director, accompanist, teacher of piano and organ. Res. 2111 Third ave. ; office, 427-8 Blanchard Hall, Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Branchport, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1854; daughter of Rev. Leon- ard and Martha (Oliphant) Mac- Glashan. Unmarried. Attended public school, North Pelham, Ontario, Canada ; high school, Waterloo, N. Y. ; first in- struction in music given by her mother ; organ teachers, C. W. Sykes and Wm. Kaffenberger, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Eugene Thayer, Boston, Mass. ; J. C. Batchelder, Detroit, Mich; piano teachers, Mrs. Crosby Adams, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Edgar Robbins, Boston, Mass. ; Wm. Sherwood, Chautauqua, N. Y. ; Alberto Jonas, De- troit, Mich. ; J. C. Batchelder, Detroit, Mich. Teacher of piano and organ in Lockport, N. Y. ; organist First Presby- terian Church, Lockport, N. Y., for ten years; organist and choir director Sec- ond Ave. Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Mich., for twelve years; also teaching" piano and organ in Detroit, with class in Windsor, Ontario, Canada; organist First Baptist Church, Long Beach, Cal., one year ; organist Unitarian Church, Los Angeles, one year ; organist and choir director Plyinouth Congregational Church, Los Angeles, 1910 to date; now head of piano dept. in "California School of Artistic Whistling," Blanchard Hall, Los Angeles. Presbyterian. MacGowan, Granville. Surgeon Res. 733 Garland ave.; 602 Lissner Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Davenport, la., April 12, 1857. Mar- ried to Lille May Briggs. Educated at State Model and Normal schools. Millersville, Pa.; Univ. of Pa.; Univ. of Berlin; Univ. of Heidelberg; Univ. of Vienna; Univ. of Paris. Has been in active practice during his residence in Los Angeles. Member .\merican Urological Assn.; Amer. Medical Assn.; California Country, Bolsa Chica Gun, San Ysidro Gun and Crags Country clubs. MacGOWAN, Granville. Surgeon. Res. 733 Garland ave.; office 602 Liss- ner Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Davenport, la., April 12, 1857; son of Ganett and Ellen (Nugent) Mac- Gowan. Married to Lillie May Briggs in 1890. Educated in public schools in New York and Pa.; Univ. of Pa.; Univ. of Berlin; Univ. of Heidelberg; principal of country school at Lan- caster, Pa., 1877-79. Resident physi- cian in Blockley Hospital and Phila- delpliia Insane Asylum, 1879-80; resi- dent physician in Eastern Peniten- tiary of Pa. a few months; studied in Europe 1882-84; practiced medicine in New York City 1885, inoving to Los Angeles in 1886, and has continuously been engaged in the practice of his profession, associated with F. Dilling- ham. Appointed by Mayor Hazard of Los .Angeles as health officer to found a healtli department; served four years, and later was member of the Board of Health. Member Los Angeles County Medical Soc; So. Cal. Medical Soc; State Medical Soc. of Cal.; American Medical Assn.; pres. American Urological Assn.; member International Urological Assn. and Societe Internationale d'Urologie; former pres. Los Angeles County Medical Assn.; prof. Genito Urinary diseases, Univ. of Cal. Member Cali- fornia, Los Angeles Country and Bol- sa Chica Gun clubs, Los Angeles; Crags Country Club, Pasadena; San Ysidro Club. Republican. MacGOWAN, T. J. K. Lawyer. Res. Sierra Madre, Cal.; office 411 Merchants Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Albany, N. Y., June 20, 1884; son of P. G. and Elizabeth A. (Kennedy) MacGowan. Married to Ruth M. Kellogg in 1912. .Attended public schools of Pasadena, Cal.; grad- uated from Univ. So. Cal., LL. B.; ad- mitted to the bar and began practice of his profession immediately under rirm name of MacGowan & Haas. .At- torney for Chinese Government in Los Angeles; Consolidated Bank, 1909 to date; Swedish vice consul 1911 to date. Member Los Angeles Ath letic Club. 236 WHO'S WHO MACK, Luther L. Patent lawyer. Res. 2415 W. Jefferson St.; office 510 American Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Powhatan, Ark., March 17, 1880; son of R. P. and Mary Lyons Mack. Married to Kathryn M. Ras- kins in 1902. Attended grammar and high schools of Ark. until 1892; same. St. Charles, Mo., 1892-96; high school course at Kirkwood, Mo., 1896-98. Mechanical draftsman St. Charles Car Shops, St. Charles, Mo., 1895-96; me- chanical draftsman Wabash R. R., St. Louis, Mo., 1897-98; collector for D. Appleton & Co., 1898-99; draftsman St. Louis, Mo., 1899-1901; same, Ful- ton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo., 1901- 02; same. Bell Telephone Co., 1902-03; same. Western Electric Co., Chicago, 111., 1903-04; chief draftsman and engr. Mo. and Kan. Tel. Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1904-06; engr. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., San Francisco, 1906-08; mgr. Home Tel. Co., Long Beach, Cal. 1908-09; in practice as mechanical engr. in Los Angeles, 1911; opened offices as patent atty. in Los Angeles in 1911 and has engaged in this prac- tice exclusively to date. Pres. and engr. of Cancelograph Co. Presby- terian. MACKEIGAN, Alexander. Real es- tate. Res. 2225 W. 11th St.; office, 415- 16 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Nova Scotia, May 8, 1873; son of Alexander and Christine (MacDon- ald) MacKeigan. Married to Daisy Rendall in 1908. Received his educa- tion in the public schools of Canada, graduating in 1891 ; attended Bryant & Stratton Commercial College in Bos- ton, 1892. Employed for a short time in the office of the gen. supt. of Boston & Maine R. R. at Boston. Moved to Los Angeles in 1893, and has since been engaged in the real estate business, first as a member of the firm of Bush & Mac- Keigan, now operating alone. Member Los Angeles Athletic, California and Los Angeles Country clubs ; Executive Com- mittee of the Municipal League, Pres- byterian. MACKIE, William. Merchant. Res. 981 Menlo ave.; office 723 S. Hill st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Scotland, Nov. 9, 1863; son of James and Mary (Spark) Mackic. Married to Julia Whitman in 1904. Received his edu- cation in the public schools of Scot- land, Began apprenticeship to furni- ture dealer in Arljroath, Scotland, in 1878, serving five years; moved to Edinlmrgh in 1883 and remained until 1888; moved to San Francisco and was employed by W, & J. Sloane & Co., 1888-92; moved to Los Angeles in 1904 and established the firm of Mackie-Fredericks Co., furniture deal- ers, which was later changed to Mackie-Foley Co., of which he is prea and sole owner; vice-pres. Common- wealth Home Builders and dir. of Orange Lands Investment Co, Mem- ber Sierra Madre, Los Angeles Ath- letic and Olympic Gun clubs, Los An- geles; San Gabriel Valley Country Club, Pasadena; Masonic fraternity. MacKINSON, Duncan. Educator. Res. 3930 C st,; office Marston Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Nova Scotia, Canada, Sept. 19, 1874; son of Duncan and Catherine (MacKeazer) MacKin- son. Attended Amherst Academy; New Brunswick Normal school; grad- uated from Leland Stanford Univ., B. A., 1899; post graduate course Univ. of Cal., 1901-02; instructor in Mount Tamalpais Military .\cademy, San Rafael, Cal., 1902-03; prin, Hoylet School, Alameda, Cal., 1904-05; same high school, San Diego, 1905-06; supt. of schools, San Diego, 1906 to date.; dir. Brubough & Gilbons, Inc. Mem- ber University Club; Shrine; B. P. O. E,; N. E, A.; C, T. A, Presbyterian. MacMULLEN, James. Editor. Res, Coronado ; office. Union Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Ireland, Nov. 13, 1858; son of James and Elizabeth (Wilson) MacMuUen. Married to Mar- guerethe Fisher in 1888. Attended grammar and high schools of New Brunswick, N. J.; graduated from Rut- gers College, 1883; newspaper reporter in New York, New Jersey, and San Francisco, 1885-94; city editor and man- aging editor San Francisco Call, 1894- 99; editor and gen. mgr. San Diego Union and Evening Tribune, 1899 to date. Member National Geographic So- ciety ; Cuyamaca and University clubs, San Diego; National Press Club; Washington, D. C. ; San Francisco Press Club. Episcopalian. MACOMBER, Laurence. Lawyer. Res, 341 Palmetto Drive. Pasadena; office, 307-10 Dou.glas Rldg,. Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Boston, May 21, 1885; son of George Arthur and Harriet (Os- good) Macoriiber. Married to Maide Wall in 1908, Received his educ;ition in the public and private schools of Bos- ton ; Tliroop Polytechnic Institute, Pas- adena ; and Leland Stanford University. I'jigaged in practice of law with Judge S. C. Denson in San Francisco; later with J. R, Moulthrop ; moved to Los Angeles in 1910 and practiced alone IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 237 until April 1913, when he joined with C. W. Pendleton under firm name of Macomber & Pendleton. Member Phi Delta Theta fraternity; Society Sons of the Revolution; Mayflower Society; Society of Colonial Wars. California Bar Assn.; Advertising Men's Club; City Club, Los Angeles; Valley Hunt Club, Pasadena. MACOMBER, Walter Glenn. Pres. and general manager Macomber Motors Co. Res. 912 Fedora St.; office 235 Aliso St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Battle Creek, Mich., June 30, 1871 ; son of Zclbedee and Clara (Wright) Ma- comber. Married to Mabel Godsmark in 1894. Educated in public schools in Bedford, Mich., and by private tutors; studied mechanical engineering private- ly ; moved to Johannesburg, Cal., in 1899 to become engineer for Croesus Mining Co., which position he held two years ; supt. of mechanical dept., Rad- cliffe Mines, Ballarat, Cal.; with Rands- burg Water Co., Randsburg, Cal. ; in- vented Rotary Engine which is known as the Macomber Rotary Engine ; this engine is development of new idea in engineering and construction ; has proved valuable addition to science of aeronautics and automobiles. Moved to Los Angeles in 1909 and organized a company for manufacturing Macomber Rotary Engines, which is patented in all its parts ; now engaged in manufac- ture of these engines. MacPHEE, Hugh. District commer- cial superintendent Western Union Telegraph Co. Res. 743 S. Caronde- let St.; office 610 S. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Elgin co., Ont., Can., Jan. 30, 1870; son of Angus and Nancy (Nicholson) MacPhee. Married to Virginia Willis Morton in 1902. Attended public schools and took private study in electricity after leaving school. Agent, cashier, mgr., wire chief, train dispatcher for North- ern Pacific Ry. in Dakota and Mont., 1888-97; train dispatcher for Plant System of Railways, and in this ca- pacity helped to move large number of trains of troops en route to Tampa and Jacksonville and other military camps during Spanish-American War, 1897-99; train dispatcher for Norfolk and Western Ry. in W. Va. and Va., 1899-1903; chief dispatcher and^ chief division operator for Eastern Kansas City divisions of Santa Fe, 1903-10; mgr. city and branch offices W. U. Tel. Co., San Francisco, Cal., 1910; commercial supt. W. U. Tel. Co. south of Fresno, Cal., San Luis Obispo and Lone Pine in Cal., Pioche, Nev., and entire state of Ariz. Supt. Los Ange- les District Telegraph Co.; chairman of entertainment during recent con- vention of Train Dispatchers' Assn. of Amer. Honorary member for life The Train Dispatchers' Assn. of Amer. MAIER, Edward R. Pres. and gen- eral manager Maier Brewing Co. Res. 1605 S. Figueroa St.; office 440 Aliso St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 5, 1883; son of Jo- seph and Mary (Schmidt) Maier. Ed- ucated in public schools of Los An- geles and in Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Upon completion of his educa- tion, became member of firm of Maier Brewing Co., of which his father was pres.; upon successive deaths of his father and brother, became pres. of the firm in 1901 and sole manager of the entire estate; also owner and op- erator of Maier Rancho Section of Ventura co. Pres. Venice Athletic Club and owner of Venice Baseball Club. M'ember Los Angeles Driving, Recrea- tion Gun, Chico Gun, Los Angeles Athletic. California, Jonathan, San Ga- briel, Sierra Madre, Los Angeles Ro- tary, and Gamut clubs of Los Angeles; Photo Players Press Club, San Fran- cisco ; mernlber Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Merchants' and Manufac- turers' Assn.; Bohemian Club, San Francisco; Los Angeles Convention League; Automobile Club of So. Cal.; Press Club of Cal.; Delta Kappa Ep- silon fraternity; Masonic fraternity; Shrine; B. P. O. E. MAIER, Simon. Retired. Res. 1137 S. Grand ave. ; office, 149 N. Spring St. Born in Munchen, (Germany, Sept. 16, 1853; son of Simon and Theresa (Onsberger) Maier; married to Louisa Schmidt. Educated in public and pri- vate schools in Germany. Moved to New York, 1871; to Kansas, 1874; worked at butcher's trade in Black Hills, S. Dak,, 1874-75; moved to San Fran- cisco, Cal., 1875; to Los Angeles and worked for Montana Meat Market, 1876; opened meat market of his own 1879 ; started a wholesale house, 1884; bought business of Richard Gird, his largest competitor, 1888; established Pacific Coast Beef & Provision Co., 1895, of which he was pres., 1895-1911; officer and director in a number of local banks, 1887-93. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d degree ; Shrine ; B. P. O. E. ; mem- ber California Club. 238 WHO'S WHO MAILE, John Vincent. Dentist. Res. 1214 Ingraham St.; office 159 Western ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Gaylord, Mich., Nov. 19, 1882; son of John L. and Angie Deborah (Gods- mark) Maile. .Attended the public schools of Omaha, Mewton Center, Mass., and Fargo, N. D., 1888-99; pre- paratory school, Pomona, Cal., 1899- 1904; graduated from dental dept. Univ. So. Cal., D. D. S., 1910. Before attending college he was employed by Troy Laundry Co., 1904-06; since graduation has been actively engaged in the practice of his profession. Mem- ber So. Cal. Dental Assn. Congrega- tionalist. MAKINSON, Emma Porter. Vo- calist and teacher. Res. 227 N. Rampart Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.; of- fice same. Born in Hunteville, Mo.; daughter of Thomas R. and Elizabeth (Ralston) Mitchell. Married to L. C. Makinson. Attended HoIIidaysburg Seminary, HoIIidaysburg, Pa., for sev- eral years; held prominent choir po- sitions in Chicago, 111.; sang with Theodore Thomas' Orchestra; soloist in Third Presbyterian Church, Pitts- burg, Pa., for three years; and in like capacity for ten years in the First Unitarian Church, Pitts- burg, Pa.; moved to California; has been connected with the People's Orchestra, Los Angeles, Cal., as solo- ist, and has given various recitals for various prominent local clubs. Uni- tarian. MALLARD, Walter. City assessor. Res. 1800 Tenth ave.; office City Hall, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los An- geles, Feb. 14, 1859; son of Joseph S. and Cordelia (Cox) Mallard. Mar- ried to Alice M. Whipple in 1887. Ed- ucated in grammar and high schools of Los Angeles. Employed in Los Angeles postoffice, 1875-83; clerk to pay inspector of U. S. Navy at San Francisco, Cal.. 1883-87; conducted a fuel business in Los Angeles, 1887- 90; worked in different departments city assessor's office in 1891-98; cliiel aeputy city assessor, 1898-1902; chiet deputy county assessor, 1902-04; city assessor, 1906 to date. Member Na- tive Sons of the Golden West; Cham- ber of Commerce. Republican. MALSBARY, George Elmer. Phy- sician, Office 500 .\tulii(iriuni Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hutchison, Kan., June 3, 1873; son of John S. and Alice (Olden) Malsbary. Attended public schools, and studied under private tutors ; graduated from Medical Col- lege of Ohio, 1896. Editor "Southern California Practitioner" ; instructor in theory and practice of medicine, Los Angeles Dept. of Medicine, Univ. of Cal.; formerly asst. to Chair of Theory and Practice, Med. Dept. of Univ. of Cincinnati; prof, of medicine, Cincinnati Polyclinic and Post-grad- uate School. Author: Practice of Medicine, Monographs on Diagnosis of Syphilis, Treatment of Tubercu- losis, The Rheumatisms, The Septic Infections, Meningitis, and Cerebro- spinal Meningitis (in Wood's Refer- ence Handbook of the Medical Sci- ences), and various other medical works. Member Cincinnati Acad, of Med.; Cincinnati Obstetrical Soc; Ohio State Med. Soc; Los Angeles Co. Med. Assn.; Cal. State Med. Soc; So. Cal. Med. Assn.; Amer. Med. Assn. ; dir. Cal. State Soc. for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis; secy. Los Angeles Soc. for Study and Preven- tion of Tuberculosis. Methodist, MANCHA, Matthew T. Fire in- surance. Res. 1801 W. 43d St.; office 311 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal, Born in New York City, Oct. 18, 1880, son of J. S. and Elizabeth (Miru) Mancha. Married to Grace Campbell Myers in 1909. Educated at St. Mary's Academy, New York City; public schools, Claremont, Va.; Lock Haven Normal School, Lock Haven, Pa., graduating in 1901. Taught school, 1901-03; moved to Los Ange- les in 1904 and engaged in real estate business; a year later engaged in in- surance business, and has continued in same to date; active in civic affairs. Member City Club; Masonic frater- nity. Republican. MANN, Charles H. General agent American Express Co. Res. 209 Kingsley Drive; office 600 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Keokuk, Iowa, Sept. 23, 1864; son of Geo. D. and Sophia (Parmalee) Mann. Mar- ried to Nancy Peyton Hill. Educa- tion received in grammar and high schools, Keokuk, la. Entered service of American Express Co. in 1883 as clerk at Keokuk, la.; cashier, Bur- lington, la., 1886; cashier, St. Joseph, Mo., 1888; cashier, Omaha, Neb., 1891; agent, Lincoln, Neb., 1891; agent, Sioux City, la., 1897; gen. agt. Oma- ha. Neb., 1900; gen. agt., Cleveland, O., 1905; gen. agt., Los Angeles, Cal., 1910; now in charge of lines in So. Cal. Pres. Trans-Pacific Sales Agency. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 239 MANN, Charles Spencer. Real es- tate. Res. Bungalow Land, Laurel Can- yon, Cal. ; office, 320-1 Wright & Cal- lender Bldg., Los Angeles. Cnl. Born in Valparaiso. Ind., Oct. 11, 1872; son of William Freeman and Louise (Spen- cer) Mann. Married to Mary Claire Porter, Nov. 11, 1902. .'\ttendcd pub- lic schools of Valparaiso, Ind. ; gradu- ated from Valparaiso Univ., 1890. After his graduation moved to Chicago, III., and engaged in the real estate business willi Lincoln Brooke, making a specialty of building and sellin.g houses ; handled and developed property adjacent to Washington Park ; moved to Los An- geles, Cal., in 1893, and entered the em- ploy of Desmond & Co. ; four years later entered the employ of Easton Eldridge & Co., and remained for five years ; in 1901 engaged in real estate business for himself, being pioneer in development of northwest Los Angeles ; opened several large tracts ; prominently identified with development of the can- yons in the vicinity of Los Angeles. Or- ganized water company to supply north- west Los Angeles ; organized and devel- oped Hollywood Water Co., and was made pres. of this corporation, which was afterwards merged with L^nion Hol- lywood Water Co. ; organized Laurel Canyon Land Co., and is at present pres. of same ; organized Laurel Canyon Util- ities Co., owning and operating the trackless trolley system well known in transportation circles; pres. of same; with S. S. Porter, organized Canyon Castle Corporation, building and oper- ating Canyon Castle, a modern hotel in Laurel Canyon, following design and ap- pearances of early feudal castle ; pres. of same. Member Jonathan Club ; B. P. O. E. ; Chamber of Commerce, and Los Angeles Realty Board. MANNING, Charles Dewey. Ranch owner and supervisor of Los Angeles county. Res. 1819 E. Colorado St., Pas- adena ; office, Court House, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Bowmanville, Ont., Can- ada, Oct. 24, 1847; son of C. L. R. and Jane (Baker) Manning. Married to Mary E. Kinne in 1871. Educated in public schools of Rockton. 111. Enlisted as private in Co. I. 111. Cav., in Civil War, Rockton, 111., Jan. 4, 1864; pro- moted to rank of sergt., which he held when he was mustered out in 1865. Re- turned to Rockton in 1865 and engaged in saddle and harness business with his father. Moved to Rock Rapids, la., in 1882, where he established himself in business ; elected treas. of Lyons Co., la., 1889-93; moved to Pasadena in 1894; bought ranch properties and became identified with politics ; elected super- visor of Los Angeles co. in 1907 and has served to date. Member City and Union League clubs. MARINE, Madison. Lawyer. Res. 724 Beacon st. ; office, 904 International Bank Bldg., Los .Angeles. Born in Mary- land, Sept. 7. 1873; son of William Mat- thew and Harriet Perkins (Hall) Ma- rine. Attended private and public schools of Maryland, 1881-93; Milton Academy, Baltimore, 1890-93; Military Academy in New York, 1893-94; gradu- ated from Univ. of Maryland, LL. B., 1897. Admitted to practice law in Bal- timore, 1897, and was associated with his father until 1905 ; then became member of firm of Paca & Newhold, firm name being changed to Paca, Newhold & Marine ; moved to Los Angeles and was admitted to all courts of Cal. ; admitted to practice before the Court of Appeals of Maryland and Supreme Court of the L'nited States. Member Metropolitan and City clubs ; Masonic fraternity ; Sons of the War of 1912; Fraternal Brother- hood; Los Angeles co. Bar Assn. Methodist. MARKS, J. Glenn. Hardware merchant. Res. 252 S. Benton Way; office 226 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hampton, la., Dec. 6, 1883; son of William F. and Eva E. (Stonebraker) Marks. Married to Florence Pixley in 1910. Graduated from Hampton High School in 1901; attended Univ. of Minn., 1901-04; graduated from Stanford Univ., A. B., 1906; entered the employ of Hoffman- Marks Hdw. Co. and upon the incor- poration of that company in 1910 was elected secy, and treas. Member B. P. O. E. MARLAY, Paul H. Banker. Res. Jonathan Club; office 1103 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hillsboro, O., July^28. 1861 ; son of Joseph K. and Mary E. Harlay. Graduated from high school, Lincoln, Neb., 1877; attended Nebraska State LTniversitv. Lincoln, Neb., 1878-81. Has been in banking business all his life ; entered a city bank as messenger boy, 1881 ; assumed man- a,gement of Bank of Mason City, Neb., 1887 ; carried this bank successfully through great panic of 1894-95, and it is now the oldest bank in the county; soon after bought and reorganized this bank under title of Mason City Banking Co., and is still its pres. ; organized Cen- tral Nebraska Land & Investment Co., 1897; organized Investors' Securitv Co., 1903 ; organized Nebraska Inv. Co.. 1909, and is still pres. of these institutions ; 240 WHO'S WHO vice-pres. Lookout Mountain Park Land & Water Co., Los Angeles. M\;mber Ma- sonic fraternity, 32d degree, Scottish Rite; Knights Templar; Shrine; Jona- than and Athletic clubs. MARSH, Martin Charles. Con- tractor. Res. 573 N. Boylston St.; of- fice 154 Wilson Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Grosse Isle, Quebec, Can., Oct. 16, 1851; son of Martin L. and Mary (McKenna) Marsh. Mar- ried to Mary Agnes Fox in 1878. At- tended Thome School, Quebec; Chris- tian Brothers' School, Quebec; Jesuit College, Quebec; College of the City of New York, New York City. Ele- vator boy. Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, 1864; clerk, St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, La., 1868; clerk. West End Hotel, Long Branch, N. J., 1869; cashier Ereevoort House, New York 1870-76; steward Buckingham Hotel, New York, 1876; clerk Occidental Ho- tel, San Francisco, Cal., 1876-78; mgr. Tamalpais Hotel, San Rafael, Cal., summer of 1879; prop. Pico House, Los Angeles, Cal., 1880; entered con- tracting business in Los Angeles, 1887; associated with Adolph Ramish in 1890, and has since been devoted largely to railway, street and boule- vard construction. Highway commis- sioner, Los Angeles co.; member Board of Education, Los Angeles, two years; state commissioner of Sixth Agricultural Dist., eight years; vice-chairman Democratic State Cen- tral Committee, and member of same for twelve years; chairman and secy. Democratc County Central Commit- tee; was three times chairman Demo- cratic City Central Committee of Los Angeles. Member Jonathan and Jef- ferson clubs; B. P. O. E.; pres. St. Vincent de Paul Soc. of Loretto Par- ish; pres. Metropolitan Contr. Co. Democrat. Catholic. MARSH, Norman F. Architect. Res. 911 Fair Oaks ave.. S. Pasadena; office 212 Broadway Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Upper Al- ton, 111., July 16, 1871; son of Dr. Ebenczcr and Kate (Prevost) Marsh. Married to Cora Mae Cairns. At- tended Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, 111.; Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1900, and has designed many buildings throughout So. Cal. Ilis work includes the fol- lowing structures: Univ. of Rcdlands; Hollywood Polytechnic High School;' Pasadena Polytechnic High School; Boys' High School, Riverside, Cal.; Columbia Hospital, Los Angeles; First M. E. Church, Oakland, Cal.; First M. E. Church, Long Beach, Cal.; First Baptist Church, Pomona, Cal.; Polytechnic High School, Phoenix, Ariz.; Union High School, Fullerton, Cal.; many of the principal buildings of Venice, Cal. Member Masonic fra- ternity, 32d degree; life member So. Pasadena Woman's Improvement Assn.; So. Pasadena Chamber of Com- merce; pres. Board of Trustees, Me- morial Baptist Church; trustee So. Pasadena Public Library Board. MARSH, Robert. Real estate. Res. 1119 Westchester PI.; office. Trust & Savings Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Charleston, 111., Jan. 20, 1874; son Marsh. Married to Cecile Lothrop in 1898. Educated in public schools of of Joseph E. and Martha J. (Alwood) Little Rock, Ark., and Los Angeles, Cal. ; moved to Los Angeles in 1891 ; employed with E. T. Cook, bookseller, for four years ; men's furnishing house, Los An- geles, two years ; moved to New Orleans, La., 1898, where he was engaged in wholesale and retail coal business, two years; returned to Los .Angeles in 1899; engaged in real estate, 1900; laid out residence tracts of Country Club Park, Western Heights. Westchester Place, Terrace and Mount Washington. Mem- ber Chamber of Commerce Committee, 1908 ; factor in campaign annexing San Pedro to Los .Angeles ; member Los Angeles Realty Board, at one time its vice-pres. ; Shrine ; B. P. O. E. ; Jon- athan, California, Los Angeles Athletic and Los Angeles Country clubs, Los Angeles ; Crags Country Club, Pasa- dena ; San Gabriel Valley Country Club; Bolsa Chico Gun Club. MARTIN, Albert C. Architect and engineer. Res. 7 Catalina st. ; office, 430- 1-2 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in La Salle, 111., Sept. 16, 1879; son of John and Margaret (Carey) ]\Iartin. Married to Carolyn Borchard in 1907. Attended public and private schools of 111. ; graduated from Univ. of 111., B. S., 1902. Designing and in- specting steel bridges, etc., for private corporations and Pa. R. R., 1902-04. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1904, and Iiecame supt. for the C. Leonardt Construction Co. During this time su- pervised work of erection of the Pacific Electric and H. W. Hellman Bldgs.; Structural engineer with A. F. Rosen- heim, architect, 1904-08; established himself in independent practice, 1908 ; notable buildings designed and con- structed being the Ventura Court House. Associate member Am. Inst, of Arch. ; dir. of Los Angeles Chapter of Am. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 241 Inst. ; dir. Architects and Engineers Assn. Member Knights of Columbus ; Newman Club ; Los Angeles Athletic Club. Roman Catholic. MARTIN, Edgar Neill. Lawyer and journalist. Res. 1106 Arapahoe St.; office Times Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Vicksburg, Miss., June 22, 1870; son of Henry Ncill and Mary Flora (Hebron) Martin. Married to Mary E. Hellen in 1894; to Lallah Blair in 1901. Attended private and public schools. New Orleans, La.; law dept., Georgetown Univ., Washington, D. C. Reporter, Chattanooga (Tenn.) Commercial, 1891; clerk. War Dept. and Dept. of Interior, Washington, D. C, 1892-93; U. S. pension exam- iner, Cincinnati, O., 1894-1908; editor and publisher, Covington (Ky.) Jour- nal, 1909; publicity manager, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, Cal., 1910 to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Sons of Amer. Revolution. MARTIN, Theodore. Lawyer. Res. 23S1 W. 31st St.; office, 918 Security Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Quebec, Canada; son of Theodore and Isabella (Black) Martin. Married to Frances M. McClure in 1909. .Admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Colo, at Denver ; moved to Cal. in 1895 ; has practiced in Los Angeles to date, mak- ing a specialty of mining law. Author of "Martin's Mining Law and Land Office Procedure." Member Jonathan, Union League and Sierra Madre clubs ; Masonic fraternity. MARTYN, George. Physician. Res. Pasadena; office 825 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cornwall, England, Sept. 19, 1867; son of George Martyn of Plymouth, England. Mar- ried to Louie C. D. Vincent-Jackson in 1895. Attended Plymouth College, England; King's College, London, England; King's College Hospital, graduating M. D., 1893. Interne at King's College Hospital; in private practice in London, England, 1893- 1907. Moved to Cal. in 1907, and has been engaged in private practice in Los Angeles, 1907 to date, making spe- cialty of diseases of the chest. For- mer demonstrator of anatomy at King's College Hospital, Tingland; asst. physician to city of London Vic- toria Park Chest Hospital, 1893; med- ical supt. Martyn Sanatorium, Pasa- dena, Cal., for treatment of early stages of tuberculosis. Fellow Royal Med. Soc. of England; member Har- veian Soc. of London; Los Angeles Co. Med. Assn.; Amer. Med. Assn.; Med. Soc. of State of Cal.; California Club. Has written papers on medical subjects. MARXMILLER, Harry George. Physician. Res. 3500 W. 16th st. ; of- fice, 412 Grant Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Newport, Ky., Feb. 25, 1877; son of George and Elizabeth (Klein) Marxmiller. Married to Edna P. Tin- ker in 1906. Received his education in the public schools of Newport, Ky. ; graduated from Medical Dept of Univ. of Cincinnati, M. D., 1897; post gradu- ate work in laboratories of Cincinnati Hospital ; spent two years studying in Europe at universities of Berne, Switzer- land ; Berlin, Germany ; Vienna, Aus- tria ; London, England; Edinburgh, Scotland. Engaged in practice in Cin- cinnati, 1897-1906; in Los Angeles, 1906 to date. Served on staff of Speers Hos- pital, Dayton, Ky., several years ; also as asst. health officer at Newport, Ky. Member Amer. Med. Assn. ; Ohio Med. Soc. ; Kentucky Med. Soc. ; Cincinnati Acad, of Med. ; Campbell-Kenton Med. Soc, Ky. ; Cal. State Med. Assn.; So. Cal. Med. Soc. ; Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc.; member Masonic fraternity; I. O. O. F. MASON, Dean. Capitalist. Res. 340 Andrews Blvd.; office, 528 Mason Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chau- tauqua county, N. Y. ; son of George and Harriet M. (Brownell) Mason. Married to Mary L. Strong in 1893. Received a high school education. Part- ner in Mason's Bank for six years in So. Dak. ; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., and was connected with California Bank for several years ; in lumber business and building railroads in southern Ore. and northern Cal. for seven years ; en- gaged several years in developing the largest kieselguhr deposits in America, comprising about 2,000 acres, located in Santa Barbara co., and managing the Mason estates. Vice-pres. Mason Co. ; and Magne Silica Co. ; dir. Central Na- tional Bank of Los Angeles ; dir. South- west Soc. Archaeological Institute of America, Member Los Angeles Country Club. MASON, John H. Stationer and printer. Res. 2032 Pine St., South Pas- adena; office 258 S. Main st., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Albia, la.. May 17, 1868; son of A. A. and Margaret (Boyle) Mason. Married to Myrta Badgley in 1896. Graduated from high school, Albia, la., 1886; attended Par- son's College, Fairfield, la.. Learned printing trade with the Union, Albia, la.; associate editor the Republican, 242 WHO'S WHO Grundy. la., 1888-89; with Los An- geles Times, 1890; foreman National Bulletin, Plumas, Cal., 1891; proprie- tor and editor Free Press, Ventura, Cal., 1891-1900; vice-pres. Kingsley, Mason & Collins Co., 1910 to date. Presbyterian. MASSON, Raymond S. Electrical engineer. Res. 430 Berendo st. ; office, 70S Security Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hammondsport, New York, March 23, 1870; son of Joseph D. and Apoloma (Reinhardt) Masson. Mar- ried to Leta McMillan in 1906. Received his education at the Union School, Ham- mondsport ; graduated from Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, Pa., E. E., 1892. Worked first as electrician in Buffalo, N. Y., building Buffalo street railway, 1892-94; in factory of Westinghouse Electrical Mfg. Co., 1894-96; district engr. for same company, San Francisco, 1896-99 ; supt. and electrical engr. Spreckles Independent Light & Power Co., 1899-1901 ; consulting electrical engr. Pacific Electric Ry., Los Angeles Ry. ; Pacific Light & Power Co. ; Kern River Co., of Los Angeles, and Snoqualmie Falls Power Co., of Seattle ; Central Cal. Traction Co., of Stockton ; San Joaquin Light & Power Co., of Fresno, 1901-06; chief engr. of Electric Operating Con- struction Co. of New York, with head- quarters in Los Angeles, charge of the Arizona Power Co., of Prescott, Ariz., 1906 to date. Vice-pres. and managing director the Arizona Power Co., Pres- cott Gas & Electric Co. ; secy, and man- aging director Needles Gas & Elec- tric Co. ; _ pres. Simi Construction Co. ; special engineer Pacific Gas and Electric Co. ; Consulting Engineer Hotel Alexandria ; secy, treas. and chief engineer Electric Operating Const. Co. Member Amer. Inst. Electrical Engrs. ; California and Los Angeles Country Clubs; Tau Beta Pi fraternity. Catholic. MATHESON, George. Lawyer. Res. Glendora, Cal. Born In Wis. in 1850; son of Alex and Barbara (Mc- Kenzie) Matheson. Married to Emma Scott in 1880. Attended public schools; Milton Preparatory College; Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., ob- tained life certificate as teacher in 111. Engaged in teaching; later in mercantile business and as lumber dealer; former dir., secy, and, in 1880, pres. of Matheson Trading Co.; moved to Los .'\ngelcs and was ad- mitted to practice law, in which pro- fession he is still engaged. Pres. Board of Trustees, Citrus Union High School, Glendora. Member Repub- lican Club, Glendora. Congregation- alist. MATHUSS, Zachariah Duncan. Real estate, loans and investment broker. Res. 1129 W. Seventh St.; office, 314 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in AshviUe, N. C, Nov. 12, 1841; son of James Y. and Martha J. (Burgess) Mathuss. Married Joanna Eliza Uhl in 1869. Educated in public schools of Jonesboro, 111. ; Dixon Colle.ge, Dixon, 111. Newsboy on I. C. Ry., 1857 ; brake- man, 1858; baggageman, 1860; enlisted in Company C 13th 111. Inf., imder Col. John B. Wyman at Ambov, 111., May 24, 1861 ; discharged Oct. 17, 1862 on ac- count of disability ; spring of 1863 drove an ox team across the plains from Kan- sas City, Mo., to Virginia City, Mont., where he engaged in mining for five years, then returned to Chicago, III. ; operated a commission business under firm name of Kingman, Mathuss & Pow- ers for two years ; sold his interest and moved to Cairo. 111., 1870; engaged in flour, grain and forwarding business under firm name Mathuss & Uhl for five years; sold his interest, moved to Chi- cago and again engaged in commission business on Chicago Board of Trade, under firm name Mathuss & Uhl ; con- tinued for three years ; moved to Shen- andoah, la., where he conducted a grain and elevator business, and in 1880. with eight associates, organized Shenandoah National Bank, in which he held a di- rectorship until 1908, when he sold his interest in the bank ; moved to Los An- geles in 1888 ; elected councilman of third ward, 1896, and served two years ; appointed on fire commission at the ex- piration of his term and served two years. Has been member of Los An- geles Chamber of Commerce since its organization; served as dir. for four years ; belongs to all Masonic orders ex- cept Scottish Rite. Presbyterian. MATSON, Charles William. Bank- er. Res. 1824 Cedar st., Alhambra; office Globe Savings Bank, Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Rockford, 111., Jan. 10, 1862; son of Ezekiel L. and Catherine Fitz (Randolph) Matson. Married to Myrtie Wood in 1886. Re- ceived education in public schools of 111. and Ore. and Mt. Morris (111.) Seminary. Employed as station agt. for C, M. & St. P. Ry., Mont Clare, 111., 1885-88; A., T. & S. F., Cotton, Cal., 1888-90; teller in Pacific Natl. Rank. Tacoma, Wash,, 1890-1905; rancher, 1905-10; with Globe Savings Bank, Los Angeles, 1910 to date; now IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 243 asst. cashier. Member Federation and Gamut clubs; Sons of the American Revolution. Presbyterian. MAURICE, Guy E. Lawyer. Res. 2803 Menlo ave.; office 812 California Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Mo. Jan. 4, 1884; son of William I. and Mabel Richmond (Kurtz) Maurice. Attended grammar and high schools of Los Angeles and Univ. So. Cal. Admitted to practice in 1911. Em- ployed by the Cudahy Packing Co., 1900-06; by the Los Angeles Packing Co., 1906-11; now engaged in general practice in Los Angeles. Unitarian. MAXSON, Herbert Elmer. Life insurance. Res. 344 S. Alvarado St.; office 318 Bradbury Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Cal., Aug. 22. 1860; son of Frank and Juliet (Lan- phear) Maxson. Married to Hattie A. Gardner in 1888. Attended pub- lic schools of Cal.; graduated from Norwich Academy, Norwich, Conn., 1878; passed examinations for Yale Univ. same year, but did not enter. Employed in subscription and mail- ing dept. of the "Bulletin," Norwich, Conn., 1884; in various capacities with Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, 1884 to date; dist. agt. for So. Cal., 1895-1903; mgr. for So. Cal., 1903 to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Pasadena Duck Club; Los Angeles Athletic Club. Episcopalian. MAY, Ernest Crawford. Banker. Res. 485 Maylin St.; office Security National Bank, Pasadena, Cal. Born in Pasadena, March 12, 1889; son of Ernest H. and Virginia (Lyon) May. Attended Pasadena public schools, 1896-1902; Throop Polytechnic Inst., 1902-06; graduated from Commercial Dept., 1906. Entered the employ of First National Bank, Pasadena, 1906; transferred to Pasadena Savings and Trust Co., 1907; collection teller, First National Bank, Pasadena, 1909-10; secy, and treas. Pasadena Savings & Trust Co., 1910-11; sold his interest in both banks, Nov., 1911, and on Feb. 24, 1912, assisted in the organization of the Security National Bank of Pas- adena, of which he is at present as- sistant cashier. Member Overland, Annandale, Valley Hunt and Pasa- dena Country clubs; Board of Trade. Episcopalian. May, Ernest Heath. Banker. Res. 845 Maylin st., Pasadena; office Se- curity National Bank, Pasadena, Cal. Born in Washington, D. C, Oct. 16, 1859; son of Joseph J. and Annie E. (Henderson) May. Married to Vir- ginia Lyon in 1884. Attended the pub- lic schools of Washington, D. C. Em- ployed in the commission business in New York City; in U. S. Treasury Dept., Washington, D. C; for many years pres. First National Bank of Pasadena and Pasadena Savings & Trust Co.; now pres. Security Na- tional Bank of Pasadena. Member Overland, Valley Hunt and Annan- dale Country clubs; Masonic frater- nity. Episcopalian. MAY, H. Cameron. Surgeon. Res. 3970 Brighton Ave.; office, 918-21 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ottawa, Can., March 22, 1883; son of George and Sarah Elizabeth (Hibbard) May. Married to Alice Gertrude Ham- mond in 1910. Attended grammar schools in Canada and Cal. ; graduated from Los Angeles High School, Los Angeles, Cal., 1902; Hahnemann Medi- cal College of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal., 1907; interne County Hospital, San Francisco, Cal., 1906-07 ; emergency hospital work and police surgeon fol- lowing San Francisco fire, 1906 ; moved to Los Angeles in 1909 ; chief surgeon Mutual Hospital Assn., San Fernando Bldg., 1909; private practice, 1910 to date ; general surgery practice ; mem- ber Knickenbocker and Gamut Clubs; Phi Alpha Gamma fraternity; Los An- geles Co. Med. Soc. ; So. Cal. Med. Soc. ; State Homeopathic Med. Soc. ; American Institute. MAY, Newton Emmett. Manufac- turer. Res. 369 So. Hoover St.; office Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Galveston, Tex., June 28, 1866; son of David R. and Hattie P. (Lindsey) May. Married Oct. 12, 1899. Attended public schools Sum- mitt, Miss.; A. & M. College of Miss. Engaged in newspaper business in New Orleans, 1884-88; life and fire in- surance in San Francisco. Los An- geles and Honolulu, 1889-1903; insur- ance, stocks and bonds, Los Angeles, 1903-06; organized and promoted Holmes Disappearing Bed Co., 1907, of which he is secy, and genl. mgr.; secy, and genl. mgr. American Disap- pearing Bed Co. Member B. P. O. E.; chairman of committee that raised $100,000 in Long Beach for location of Craig Shipbuilding Co. McARTHUR, Duncan D. Real estate. Res. 3850 B. st. ; office, 911 Seventli St., San Diego. Cal. Born in Middlesex county, Ontario. Canada, Dec. 12, 1864; son of James and Jane (Mc- Lean) MacArthur. Married to Rebecca 244 WHO'S WHO M. Philp in 1895 ; to Minnie Louise Goenawein in 1909. Attended grammar schools of Canada and Mich., and high school of Cass City, Mich., 1869-87; graduated from Mich. State Agricul- tural College, B. S., 1894; from Mich. State Normal School, B. P., 1895. En- gaged as teacher, superintendent and disbursing Agent at various Indian schools in S. D., Ariz., Ore., and Cal., 1895-1907; engaged in real estate busi- ness in San Diego, Cal., 1908 to date ; secy, and treas. Sun Harbor Security Co., April 1, 1912 to date. Member K. O. T. M. ; Masonic fraternity. McARTHUR, Grant. Real estate. Res. 3352 I st.; otTice, 911 Seventh St.; San Diego, Cal. Born in Michigan, March IS, 1869 ; son of Donald and Har- riet Ella (White) McArthur. Married to Annie Bolt in 1901. Received his ed- ucation in the public schools of Michi- gan. In general merchandise business with Holden Bros., Yale, Mich., 1880- 88; m.gr. general merchandise store, Port Austin, Mich, 1888-90; nigr. house furnishing dept. with McCloud & Coote, Vancouver, B. C, 1890-1901; in house furnishing business for himself, 1901- 05 ; engaged in real estate business in Vancouver, 1905-10; moved to San Diego, Cal., and organized the Sun Har- bor Security Co., of which he is now president. McARTHUR, William Taylor. Phy- sician and surgeon. Res. 2025 West- ern ave.; office 836 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Moorefield, On- tario, Canada, Dec. 31, 1866; son of Duncan and Elizabeth (Taylor) Mc- Arthur. Married to Mary D. Smith in 1904. Attended public schools -of Can- ada; Kincardine Model School and' Collegiate Institute of 'Owen Sound, Ontario; graduated from Toronto Univ., 1891; from Medical Dept., same in 1895; post graduate work in Lon- don, L. R. C. S., 1900; graduated from Royal College of Surgeons, Edin- burgh, F. R. C. S., 1901. Taught in public schools of Ontario four years; since graduation in Edinburgh has been engaged in practice of medicine and surgery in Los Angeles; instruc- tor of surgery in Univ. of Cal.; lec- turer on anatomy, Los Angeles School of Art and Design. Dir. California Hospital. Member Los Angeles Co. Medical Soc; Cal. Medical Soc; American Med. Assn.; Edinburgh Obstetrical Soc; California, Univer- sity, Los Angeles Country and City clubs; Automobile Club of So. Cal.; Chamber of Commerce; Masonic fraternity. Presbyterian. McBRIDE, James Harvey. Physi- cian. Res. 489 Bellefontaine St., Pasa- dena ; office, Dodworth Bldg., Pasadena, Cal. Born in LaFayette, Ore., Jan. 23, 1849; son of James and Mahala (Mil- ler) McBride. Married to Evangeline Ackley in 1887. Attended public schools of his native county and McMinnville College, Ore. ; graduated from Belle- vue Hospital Medical College, New York City., M. D., 1873. House phy- sician in Charity Hospital, Blackwell's Island, N. Y. ; appointed asst, supt. Wis. State Hospital for the Insane, Oshkosh, Wis., 1874; remained in this office two years, and was appointed supt. Hospital for the Insane at Milwaukee, 1879-85; after serving five years in this capacity founded the Milwaukee Sanitarium for Nervous Diseases, and sold this institu- tion in 1895. After release from duties in Milwaukee Sanitarium made a pro- longed trip to Europe and the Orient ; located in Pasadena. Cal., in 1897; founded Southern California Sanita- rium for Nervous Diseases in 1905, and has been its medical director to date. Prof, of diseases of the nervous system in Chicago Polyclinic Medical College, 1890-95 ; expert witness in trial of Gui- teau, assassin of President James A. Garfield, and testified that he believed Guiteau insane. Shortly after his grad- uation made extensive researches in phy- siology and therapeutics, the results of which were published. Among these were: "Experiments with Nitrate of Amyl on the Brains of Dogs, and the L'se of This Remedy in the Treatment of Epilepsy"; "Experiments in the Lo- calization of the Function of the Brains .of Dogs" ; "The Production of Epilepsy in Dogs and Rabbits" ; "Investigations Into the Minute Anatomy of the Brain" ; "Epileptic Insanity, and the Criminal Responsibility of Epileptics" ; "Treat- ment of the Morphine Habit" ; "The Management of the Neurasthenic"; "Ideals of the Medical Teacher"; "Health and Education of Girls"; "The Individual and the Social Organism." Has also written many addresses, lec- tures, and notes of travel. Member Royal Soc. of Arts of Great Britain ; Royal Institution ; Amer. Acad, of MVd. ; pres. Amer. Acad, of Med., 1910-11; American Neurological Assn.; American Medico-Psychological Assn.; American Medical Assn. ; American Climatological Assn.; Amer. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Cal. State i\Icd, Soc; trustee Throop Polytechnic Elementary School ; pres. Board of Education, Pasadena. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 245 McCABE, Chas. M. Contracting plasterer. Res. 342 S. Hill St.; office 204 Henne Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New York City, Apr. 23, 1844; son of Chas. M. and DeWhitta (Degad) Mc- Cabe. Married Mary T. Zehy, 1872. Education received in public schools of New York City. Has always followed the contracting plastering business and during his business career has plastered some of the best buildings in this coun try, among them being Tremont Hotel, New York City; State Capitol of Colo- rado; Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colo. ; Jevne Bldg., San Fernando B!dg., Hellman Bldg., New Times Bldg., Hall of Records, Los Angeles ; Palace Hotel, San Francisco ; Grant Hotel, San Diego. Moved to Los Angeles in 19U0. McCABE, Henry DeBasco. Super- visor Los Angeles Co. Res. 1135 E. 24th St.; office County Court House. Born in Shelbyville, Ind., Dec. 22, 1866; son of Thomas E. and Mary (Robertson) KlcCabe. Married to May A. Jones in 1893. Received his education in grammar schools of his native to«-n. Moved to Cal. in 1885; worked at carpenter's trade, 1885-88; engaged in lumber business in Men- docino Co., Cal., under firm name of McCabe Bros., 1888-91; station agt. at Piets, Cal., for S. F. & N. P. Ry., 1891-94; postmaster and agt. for Clear Lake & North Pacific Stage Co.; moved to Los Angeles, and engaged in contracting business in 1895; elected supervisor Los Angeles Co. in 1908. Pres. Metates Mining Co. Member Union League Club; Masonic frater- nity; Shrine; B. P. O. E.; Foresters. Republican. McCAFFERY, Thomas. Automo- bile accessories. Res. 1136 Ingraham St.; office 1011 S. Olive St., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Nov. 14, 1860; son of Thomas and Margaret (Riley) McCaffery. Mar- ried to Adella Sommerset in 1879. At- tended St. Ignatius College, San Fran- cisco, 1866-69; St. Vincent's College, Los Angeles, 1869-71; high school, Los Angeles, 1871-73. Messenger and telegraph operator Western Union Telegraph Co., 1873-75; telegraph op- erator and auditor telegraph accounts with Los Angeles & Wilmington R. R., 1875-78; with Southern Pacific R. R. Co., 1878-1906; master of transpor- tation Pacific Electric Ry. Co., 1906- 07; gen. supt., 1907-11; gen. mgr. Au- tomatic Distributing (jo., 1911-12; dir. secy, and treas. Western Rubber Sup- ply Co., Inc., 1912 to date. Member Jonathan Club. Democrat. Catholic. McCALLUM, Harry Stephen. Law- yer. Res. 1227 W. 47th st. ; office 530 Title Ins. Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Fairchild, la., July 15, 1857; son of John J. and Mary Ann (Bates) McCal- lum. Married to Mary J. Boyd, 1908. Education received in Iowa public schools and preparatory school of Tabor College, la., 1869-70; did not attend school after thirteen years of age; studied law while working in the mines of Colorado, Utah, and Idaho, doing day labor underground, .'\dmitted to bar by Supreme Court of Utah, after thirteen years of study. Worked in lead mines in Joplin, Mo., when a small boy ; moved to Lcadville, Colo., in 1878; drove a six- mule team ; leased a saw and shingle mill ; moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, 1883 ; worked in mines at Bingham Can- yon ; moved to Wood River, Idaho, 1883, and was mine supt. ; served as chairman of Alturas co. Central Republican Com- mittee ; chief clerk House of Rep., 13th session, Idaho Terr. Leg. ; aided in bringing Idaho into Union as state ; vice-pres. Calabasas Oil Co. of Cal. After various mining experiences moved to Los Angeles, 1907, and has since en- gaged in the practice of law. Served as First Lieut. Tabor Highland Guard; later Adjt. and Lieut. Col., 7th Regt., Colo. N. G. Republican. Episcopalian. McCAN, David Chambers. In- ventor; owner McCan Mechanical Works. Res. 939 S. Burlington ave.; office E. Adams and Long Beach ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New Or- leans, June 9, 1884; son of Charles Patterson and Mary G. (Tobin) Mc- Can. Married to Mrs. Georgia Yeno- wine in 1904. Began his education in New Orleans, but went to Europe while very young, and obtained his education in private schools and col- leges; traveled extensively in Eng- land France and Germany. Returned to the United States, and engaged in foundry and machine business; moved to Los Angeles in 1905. and estab- lished the McCan Mechanical Works; has produced a number of mechanical inventions. Member of the California Club. McCAREY Thomas Jefferson. Box- ing contest promoter. Res. 3427 S. Hope St.; office 814 Washington Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Edwards- ville. III., Sept. 22, 1869; son of Pat- rick and Mary (Stokes) McCarey. Educated in public schools of Ed- wardsville. III. Employed in hotel in Edwardsville, III, until 1899; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1890; with Em- 246 WHO'S WHO pire Laundry, 1894-98; engaged as boxing contest promoter, 1898 to date. Pres. Pacific Athletic Club. Roman Catholic. McCLAUGHRY, Hull. Res. Santa Anita, Cal., office 545 Douglas BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Gait, Cal., Aug. 26, 1870; son of Samuel Car- ter and Jerusha (Hull) McClaughry. Married to Anita Baldwin in 1900. Graduated from Univ. of Cal., A. B., 1893; from Harvard Univ., LL. B., 1896. Admitted to the bar in Cal. in 1896 and practictd law in San Fran- cisco until 1901; appointed asst. post- master of San Francisco in 1904, and held this office until 1910; practiced law with Arthur G. Fisk, postmaster of San Francisco; actively engaged in management of Baldwin estate in Los Angeles, 1910-13. Member Olympic and Press clubs, San Francisco; An- nandale Country Club, Pasadena; Jon- athan and Los Angeles Athletic clubs, Los Angeles, Cal. McCLURE, Frank D. Lawyer. Office Douglas BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Riverton, la. ^ July 11, 1871; son of E. B. and Harriet (Britton) Mc- Clure. Married to Angie C. Nugent. Educated in State Normal School, Stockton, Cal., and Valparaiso Uni- versity, Valparaiso, Ind., graduating from latter institution, B.S. and LL.B., 1896. Admitted to Ind. bar in 1896. Returned to Cal. and was admitted to practice in all the courts in 1897. Practiced alone until 1907, when he became associated with George H. Woodruff, practicing under firm name of Woodruff & Mc- Clure; partnership continues to date. Member B. P. O. E. ; Masonic frater- nity. Republican. McCLELLAN, John. Retired. San Diego, Cal. Born in Chicago, .^pril 11, 1847; son of Col. John and Jane Josephine (Walker) McCIellan. Mar- ried to Emily A. Halstead in 1905. Received his early education in pri- vate schools; graduated from West Point, June, 1867. Second lieut. Fifth U. S. Artillery, 1867; first lieut., 1870; captain, 1894; major Artillery Corps, 1899; lieut. Col., 1904; co!., 1906; brig- adier-general, 1906; retired. Member Military Order Loyal Legion of U. S.; Aztec Club of 1847; University Club, New York city. McCURDY, Leo Carroll. Manufac- turer of gas and electric fixtures. Res. 1072 Garfield ave., Pasadena, Cal. ; office 209 I. N. Van Kuys BIdg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in DansviHe. N. Y., Apr. 2, 1882; son of L. S. and Susie (Murphy) McCurdy. LTnmarried. Educated in public schools and business college. Bookkeeper and salesman with Electric Supply & Fixture Co., Pasadena, 190S-7 ; mgr., same firm, one year; mgr. E. A. Wilson & Co., Los Angeles, in same line of work, 1910; formed corporation and bought out Wilson & Co., 1911 ; moved to Van Nuys BIdg., 1913. Pres. and mgr. McCurdy-Miller Co., factory located at 821-23 Santee St., Los Angeles. Member Los Angeles Athletic Club. Methodist. McCOLLOM, Charles Rolfe. Min- ing engineer. Res. 36 Stevenson ave., Pasadena, Cal.; office 406 Hibernian BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Das- sel, Minn., March 25, 1883; son of Charles Augustus and Clara Frances (Rolfe) McCollom. Married to Mari- etta Lyman in 1908. Graduated from high school, Minneapolis, 1902; at- tended Univ. of Minn., 1902-03; gradu- ated from Mich. College of Mines, B. S., 1905; E. M., 1906. Employed by Northwestern Improvement Co. one- half of each year, remainder of time spent in college, 1901-04; supt. Mel- mont Coal Mines at Melmont, Wash.; moved to Bisbee, Ariz., in 1903; asst. engineer Calumet & .Arizona Mining Co.; asst. field geologist for northern Mexico with Guggenheim Explora- tion Co., 1907; mgr. Hammond- Har- rison Syndicate, Mexico; mgr. Mexi- can Western Development Co.; min- ing engineer Bibelow Syndicate of Boston at Calumet, Mich.; examina- tion and report work, 1910 to date. Charter member Roosevelt Marching Club, Minneapolis; memljer American Inst, of Mining Engrs.; National Geo- graphic Soc; Psi Upsilon and Tau Beta Pi fraternities; Sierra Madre Club. Presbyterian. McCOLLOUGH, Vernon C. Law- yer. Res. 1111 S. .-Mvarado St.; office 611 Title Ins. BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wichita, Kan., Jan. 20, 1886; son of Dr. A. M. F. and Emma A. (McClenathan) McCoUough. At- tended Harvard Military School, 1900- 03; Univ. of So. Cal., 1903-04; Stand- ard University, 1905-08; Law Dcpt., Univ. So. Cal., 1908-10. Has been engaged in the practice of his profes- sion, 1910 to date. Secy, and treas. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 247 California City Land Co.; Jacob Rancho Water Co.; McCollough Inv. Co.; Alvarado Oil Co.; Soffel Drug Co. Member University Club, Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity; Masonic fraternity. McCOMBS, Harry. Wholesale oil, coal, hay and grain. Res. 323 S. Al- varado St.; office 1025 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 9, 1866; son of Marshall and Elizabeth (Keller) McCombs. Mar- ried to Estella R. Tradenick in 1893. Educated in the public schools of his native state. Employed in nevifspaper office, 1879-81; in freight department cf the Allegheny Valley Railroad, 1881-84; bookkeeper in Pittsburgh, Pa., 1884-87; bookkeeper, in Denver, Colo., 1887; engaged in the casualty insurance business in Denver, 1892- 96; business manager of an English mining syndicate operating at White Hills, Ariz., 1896-98. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1898 and established the business which he conducts at present; pres. Tarrot McCombs, Inc., Kingman, Ariz., and Los Angeles; pres. Ariz., Cal. & Nev. Telephone Co., Kingman, Ariz. Methodist. McCORMACK, Edward Lee. Bank- er. Res. 17 N. Vega st., Alhambra; office Alhambra Savings Bank, Al- hambra, Cal. Born in St. Clair co., Mo., June 25, 1877; son of James and Frances (Caverley) McCormack. Mar- ried to Ethel Estelle Lytle in 1904. Attended district school in Bates co.. Mo.; graduated from Central Busi- ness College, Sedalia, Mo. (commer- cial and higher accounting depart- ments), 1895; attended Kansas City School of Law evenings for nearly four years, during which time he was employed in the New England Na- tional Bank. After graduation moved to Kansas City and was employed as bookkeeper in real estate office; clerk with National Surety Co.; employed as bookkeeper and in other capacities in New England National Bank, Kan- sas City, Mo., until 1901; engaged in real estate and mortgage loan busi- ness for himself. 1901-06; moved to Pasadena 1906 and was elected cashier of American Bank & Trust Co.; pres. of same 1907-10; sold controlling in- terest of stock and resigned; now cashier and director of the Alhambra Savings Bank. Member Annandale Country and San Gabriel Country clubs; Board of Trade; Church clubs, etc. Presbyterian. McCORMICK, Aloysius I. Law- yer. Office 422 Federal Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, July 30, 1875; son of Daniel J. and Cath- erine Corcoran McCormick. Married in 1902. Educated in public schools and All Hallows College, Salt Lake City, Utah. Studied law privately, and was admitted to the bar in April, 1897. Has been engaged in practice to date; asst. law librarian, Los Ange- les County Law Library, 1896-97; asst. city prosecuting atty., 1895; asst. U. S. dist. atty., 1906-09; appointed U. S. dist. atty. for So. Cal., in 1909 to date; moved to Los Angeles in 1893, where he has continuously resided, with the exception of two years spent in Bakersfield, Cal. Dir. in Los Ange- les Hibernian Savings Bank; trustee Los Angeles Bar Assn.; member and dir. Newman Club: member Knights of Columbus. Contributor of articles on law subjects to magazines and newspapers. Republican. Roman Catholic. McCRAW, Aubrey Watha. Mer- chant. Res. Glendora. Cal. Born in Belton. Tex., Dec. 10, 1886; son of John William and Ida M. (Herbert) McCraw. Graduated from grammar school, Monrovia, Cal., 1902; high school, Monrovia, Cal., 1906; Isaacs- Woodbury Business College, Los An- geles, 1907. Entered dry goods busi- ness in Glendora, Cal., 1908, in which he still continues; also conducts a citrus nursery. Member Masonic fra- ternity; I. O. O. F.; Fraternal Broth- erhood; W. O. W.; Baptist. McCRAY, Louis Allan. Oil pro- ducer. Res. 2100 Canyon drive; office 510 S. Spring st., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Pa., May 7, 1865; son of A. M. and Selina (Parsons) McCray. Married to Mary Branson in 1900. Educated in public schools of his na- tive state. Left school at age of fif- teen and was employed by an oil com- pany; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1886; employed by Union Oil Co., 1886-96; lormed partnership with his brother, M. L. McCray, 1896, and en- gaged in well contracting business; sold his holdings to Amer. Oil Fields Co.; formed partnership with Thos. A. O'Donnell and became associ- ated with Amer. Petroleum Co. Dir. Midland Oil Co.; Circle Oil Co.; Sec- tion One Oil Co.; J. F. Lucey Supply Co.; Mexican Gas Co.; El Segundo 248 WHO'S WHO Land and Development Co. Member Masonic fraternity; Hollywood Club. McDonald, Patrick Joseph. Man- ufacturer and contractor. Res. 459 E. Adams St.; office 1800-20 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ire- land, March 17, 1863; son of Lawrence and Margaret (Foley) McDonald. Married to Carrie Louise Mann in 1891. Educated in the National Schools of Ireland and in St. Michael's College at New Ross, County Wex- ford. After completing his studies, became an apprentice to a builder; af- ter becoming licensed workman moved to U. S. A.; located in Chicago, where he was employed by Hennessey Bros. Contracting Co. in 1881. Moved to San Diego, Cal., and became associ- ated with Firch Bros.; foreman and estimator of Mechanics Planing Mill Co., Fresno, 1889-92; supt. Madera Flume & Trading Co., Madera, Cal.; estimator and supt. San Pedro Lum- ber Co., San Pedro, Cal., 1895; bought Los Angeles Planing Mill. Los An- geles, and became pres. and genl. mgr. of L. A. Planing Mill Co., which of- fices he now holds. Member Master Builders' Assn.; Builders' Exchange; Credit Men's Assn.; Merchants' and Manufacturers' Assn.; So. Cal. Mill Owners' Assn.; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; B. P. O. E.; Jonathan and Newman clubs; Knights of Col- umbus; Ancient Order of Hibernians. McDonald, Woodbum. Real estate. Res. La Jolla, Cal. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 7, 1848; son of Sir John and Lady Agnes (Holt) McDonald. Attended preparatory schools in London; Wimbleton Col- lege and Dublin University. Moved to Winnipeg, Canada, 1897, and was em- ployed on farms there and in North Dakota and Minn, for several years; later employed in Western Canada by Hudson Bay Co.; engaged in news- paper work in Manitoba, Alberta, Van- coiiver and Seattle; advertising in Westminster, B. C, two years; re- ceiver for International Concrete Steel Co., Seattle; moved to Tacoma and was advertising mgr. of Tacoma Times until 1907; special representative for News and Ledger, Tacoma, 1907-12; moved to San Diego and established Pacific Investment Co., dealing in real estate and investments. Member B. P. O. E. Presbyterian. McDOWELL, Elmer Root. Lawyer. Res. 1131 S. Hoover st. ; office, 917-19 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Freeport, III., July 26, 1869 ; son of Elmer R. and Elizabeth Caroline (Baker) McDowell. Attended public schools of Stephenson co.. 111.; night schools of 111. and Los ,\ngeles, Cal.; studied stenography and bookkeeping in Los Angeles Business College ; gradu- ated Llniversitv of California. College of Law. LL.B., and LL.M., 1904-06; em- ployed as page in 111. State Senate three sessions, in 1881, 1883 and 1885; messen- ger for P. D. Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. ; clerkship with N. C. Frederickson & Co., Western Land Dealers. Chicago, 1886-89, entered College of Dentistry, Lake Forest University, Chicago, and was asst. to Dr. J. A. Whipple, Chicago, and later to Dr. F. H. B. McDowell, Chicago; employed as clerk in LT. S. Appraiser's ware house, Chicago; then promoted un- der Civil Service to U. S. Customs Clerk, and storekeeper in Appraiser's store, under John M. Clark, Collector of the Port of Chicago, and Gen. R. N. Pearson, U. S. Appraiser at the Port of Chicago ; resigned 1893 on account of ill health. Moved to Los Angeles, 1893 ; bookkeeper for Troy Laundry Company, Los .Angeles, 1893-95 ; with mercantile firm of T. F. Miller & Co., Jerome, .\riz., had charge of saw mill and brick mak- ing plant for United Verde Copper Co., 1897; chief clerk in general offices of Verde and Pacific Railway ; town clerk, treasurer, tax collector and assessor of Jerome, Ariz., 1898-1900; traveled in western states for six months ; returned to Phoenix, Ariz., and became asst. secy, of Carnival and Street Fair, 1900; em- ployed in tax assessor's office. Prescott, .'\riz., 1901 ; mining in McCabe mining dist. ; organized mining brokerage firm of McDowell, Biles & Monette ; organ ized Federal Investment Building-Loan Assn. ; moved to Los .^ngeles. Cal., in 1902, and engaged in mining brokerage business, operating mines in Arizona and Calaveras Co., Cal. ; closed broker- age business, and enrolled as student in Law Dept., Univ. of So. Cal., 1894; em- ployed spare time in business as expert accountant, with offices in Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles; admitted to bar in Los Angeles, 1906, and entered practice of law same year, associated with Charles E. Haas ; partnership dissolved in Jan., 1907, on account of Mr. Haas's accepting appointment as Deputy City Atty. ; has practiced law continually to IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 249 date ; associated a part of time with Ar- thur L. Veitch, now Deputy Dist. Alty., Los Angeles co.; Kemper B. Campbell, William Hazlett and Earl Crandall ; now engaged alone in the general prac- tice of law. Member Sierra Madre Club, Union League, Gamut and Celtic clubs of Los Angeles ; K. of P., Masonic fra- ternity, and B.P.O.E. Humane Society for Children; dir. Sharon Farms Co.; dir. New Method Laundry Co. McDowell, Hugh. journalist. Res. 1347 West Third st. ; oifice Times Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Niles, Cayuga co., N. Y., Feb. 11, 1850; son of Peter A. and Hannah (Stryker) Mc- Dowell. Married to Alice M. Lee in 1878. Attended district school until 1865 ; Union School, Owasco, N. Y., one year; business college, one year ; Falley Semi- nary, Fulton, N. Y., one year; Cazenovi-i Seminary, one year; Wyoming Semi- nary, Kingston, Penn., three months ; Syracuse Univ., 1872-76; on exam- ination received A.B. from Syracuse Univ. in 1876; A.M. on examination in 1877. Reporter Syracuse (N. Y.) Standard, 1876; started for Turkey, 1877, with commission from New York World and other papers as correspond- ent in Turko-Russian War ; sick in Paris and unable to proceed during hot weather; interviewed U. S. Senator Ros- coe Conkling, then in Paris ; toured through Switzerland, Belgium and Ger- many ; spent a few months studying in Leipsic ; Turko-Russian War having ended, visited Vienna, Trieste, Venice, Pissa, Bologne, Rome and Naples. Re- turned to U. S. and bought interest in Syracuse Standard and became editor and general manager; sold to Chester A. Lord of New York Sun, and did not engage in newspaper work again until 1884; then, with W. M. Harford, started Morning Telegram (now the Herald), at Grand Rapids, Mich. ; sold interest in Telegram 1889; moved to Chicago; worked a few months on Tribune ; moved to St. Louis, 1890, to become tele- graph editor of Globe-Democrat; same position on St. Louis Republic; moved to San Diego, Cal., 1894; with Los Angeles Times 1894 to date ; proofreader, ex- change editor and editorial writer, suc- cessively ; made managing editor of Times 'illustrated Magazine in 1899, which position he holds to date. Mem- ber Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Congregationalist. McELROY, Gilbert A. Lawyer. Res. 623 W. Sth st.; office 2,21 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Fremont co., la., Jan. 13, 1875; son of James A. and Flora E. (Mann) Mc- Elroy. Married to Bridget Wallace in 1904. Educated in the public and private schools of his native state and the Univ. of la., Iowa City, la.; studied law at the National Univ., Wash., D. C, Enlisted in the United States Army and served eight years, resigning as first lieut. of inf. Moved to Ely, Nev., and practiced law. Moved tc( Los Angeles, Cal., in 1911, and established a law practice. At present associated with Edmund G. Kuster. McFADDEN, Ransom H. Real es- tate. Res. 943 Tenth St.; office 1535 D St., San Diego, Cal. Born in Craw- ford CO., Pa., Dec. IS, 1851; son of David and Laura L. (DeMill) McFad- den. Married to Ruth C. Clinkscales in 1883. Attended the public schools of his native state; Oberlin College, Oberlin, O., 1870-71. Engaged in newspaper business in Pittsburg, Pa. 1872-79; real estate and fire insurance business and agt. of Durango Land & Coal Co., Durango, Colo., 1880-96; real estate and insurance under firm name of Marshall & McFadden in Cripple Creek, Colo., 1896-1901; oper- ating in real estate and fire insurance in Denver, under tirm name of R. H. McFadden & Co., 1901-05; same, Tul- sa, Okla., 1905-06; mgr. Stovel Realty Co., Oakland, Cal., 1906-07; real estate and fire insurance under firm names of R. H. McFadden & Co., and Mc- F'adden Realty Co., San Diego, 1907 to date. Episcopalian. McFADDEN, Ward. Restauranteur. Res. Ship Cabrillo Cafe; office, same. Born in Grand Haven, Mich., in 1876; son of Hector and Maidie (.Atkinson) McFadden. Married to Mamie Gun- ning. Educated in grammar and high schools of Los Angeles, Cal. In res- taurant business in Venice, Cal., to date. Pres. Booster Club, Venice, Cal. Member B. P. O. E.; Moose; F. O. E. McFARLAND, Charles P. Mer- chant. Res. 2233 Juliet ; office Alameda and Duconunun sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Cal., March 31, 1867; son of Owen and Rosanna (Early) McFarland. Married to Caroline Lampe. Graduated from Sacred Heart College, 250 WHO'S WHO San Francisco, 1883. Entered employ of Wm. T. Coleman Co., commission mer- chants, San Francisco, 1883 ; remained with this tirm until 1888; employed by Tohnson Locke Mercantile Co., success- ors to Wm. T. Coleman Co., 1888-91; with Cook & Langley, successors to Wm. T. Coleman's Los Angeles busi- ness, 1891-94; firm changed to J. E. Cook Mercantile Co. in 1894; he has been vice-pres. of this firm 1897 to date. Member California, Los Angeles Coun- try, and Los Angeles Athletic clubs ; Knights of Columbus. Catholic. McGARRY, Michael Joseph. Law- yer. Res. 2123 Estrella st.; office 530- 31 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, 111., April 13, 1872; son of D. M. and Margaret (McCau- ghan) McGarry. Married to Mary Evaline Quinlan in 1898. Attended private schools in Chicago; Clon- gowes Wood College, County Kil- dare, Ireland; graduated from Notre Dame Univ., Notre Dame, Ind., A. B., 1894; from St. Vincent's College, Los Angeles. Ca!., A. M., 1911. Admitted to bar of Ind. and of Cal.; practiced law in Los Angeles to date. Promi- nently identified with municipal re- forms; instrumental in securing in- stallation of water works in South Park District; interested in real es- tate. Pres. McGarry Realty Co. Member B. P. O. E.; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; K. of C; An- cient Order of Hibernians; Los An- geles County and State Bar Assns.; Newman Club. Roman Catholic. McGAVIN, Charles. Lawyer. Res. 1115 Magnolia ave.; office 601 I. W. Hellman Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Riverton, Sangamon Co., 111., Jan. 10, 1874; son of James and Mary A. (Farley) McGavin. Married to Areno Ford Johnson in 1912. At- tended public schools of Springfield and Mt. Olive, 111. Employed in coal mines and steel mill until age of 17; asst. agt. DuPont Powder Co. at Du- Pont, 111.; studied law at Springfield and was admitted to practice in 1897; moved to Chicago in 1899; asst. city atty. Chicago, 1903; elected to con- gress in 1904; re-elected in 1906; asst. advisory counsel for DuPont Powder Co., 1909; moved to Los .'\ngeles in 1912, and has since l)een engaged in the practice of his profession. Mem- ber Los Angeles Athletic Club. Re- publican. Presbyterian. McGROARTY, John Steven. Jour- nalist. Res. 518 W. 61st St.; office 223 E. Fourth st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Foster township. Pa.; son of Hugh and Mary McGroarty. Mar- ried to Ida Lubrecht in 1890. Edu- cated in public schools of Pa.; Harry Hillman Acad., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Has been engaged in newspaper work many years. Treas. Luzerne Co., Pa., 1891-93; admitted to bar in Pa.; sergt. Co. E, 9th Regt. Natl. Guard of Pa., three years; practiced law in Pa. state courts, 1894-95; genl. mgr. Ana- conda Copper Mining Co. (townsite, water works and electric Light and Ry. depts., Anaconda, Mont., 1896-98); owner of fruit ranch at Madera, Cal., 1898 to date; editor West Coast Mag- azine, Los Angeles, Cal.; editorial writer, Los Angeles Times, 1903-13; pres. Grafton Pub. Corporation; pres. Mission Play Assn. Author: Cali- fornia, Its History and Romance; Wander Songs; The Mission Play; etc. Member Newman and Celtic clubs. Roman Catholic. McKINLEY, James Wilfred. Law- yer. Res. 508 W. Adams St.; office 432 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New Castle. Pa., April 24, 1867; son of Samuel and Harriet N. (Simp- son) McKinley. Married to Lillian Elder in 1886. Attended public schools of his native town; Univ. of Penn., 1876-77; graduated from Univ. of Mich., B.S., 1879. Admitted to the bar in 1881 and engaged in practice in New Castle, Penn., 1881-83; moved to Los .'Kngeles, continuing practice, 1883-89; judge of Superior Court, 1889-1897 ; private prac- tice, 1897 to date. Regent of Univ. of Cal., 1902 to date. Dir. Commercial National Bank, Traders Bank, Occi- dental Life Insurance Co., Western Union Oil Co., and Pacific Electric Land Co. Member California, Jonathan, and University clubs. Member Masonic fra- ternity. Knights Templar, Shrine. Mcknight, James S. Lawyer. Res. 1370 S. Flower st.; office 401-2 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Green Bay, Wis., Nov. 15, 1883; son of Joseph and Catharine A. (Blasius) McKnight. Unmarried. Attended public schools of Spokane, Wash., and Los Angeles, Cal., 1899- 03; Occidental College, Los Angeles, Cal., 1904-5; graduated from Univ. So. Cal., LL. B., 1908; admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Cal.; began TN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 251 practice of his profession in 1908, and shortly afterwards became associated with Frank A. Garbutt in oil busi- ness; practicing alone; has made a specialty of corporation, oil and min- ing law. Attorney for the following companies: Cal. Midway Oil Co., United Midway Line Co.; Midway Royal Petroleum Co.; Knickerbocket Mining & Extraction Co.; secy. Mid- way Oil Line Co. Memljer Sigma Chi, Alpha Epsilon and Phi Delta Phi fraternties; Los Angeles Athletic Club. McKELVEY, Charles Sumner. Law- yer. Res. 1913 Uniiin ave.; office 622 Citizens' Natl. Bank BIdg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Sparta, 111., Feb. 17, 1859; son of Samuel VVylie and Nancy Teresa (McGuire) McKelvey. Married to Elizabeth Gaud in 1887. Graduated from high school, Sparta, 111., 1878; Knox College, Galesburg, 111., A.B., 1884; took one term at Washington Law School, St. Louis, Mo. Admitted to bar in Springfield, 111., by Supreme Court, 1887; moved to California, 1887; admitted by Cal. Supreme Court, 1888, and by U. S. Dist. and Circuit courts. Practiced law in Santa Ana, 1889-98, and in Los Angeles 1898 to date. Capt. in Co. L, 8th Regt., 111. N. G., during rail- road strike in East St. Louis in 1886; Capt. in Cal. N. G.. 1890; major same year and retired with rank of major 1898. Member Cal. General Assem- bly, from Seventy-sixth Dist., 189S; Masonic fraternity; Knights of Pyth- ias. Republican. McLaughlin, James Basil. Law- yer. Res. 4347 Willowbrook ave.; of- fice 404 Bullard Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ross Co., O., March 12, 1857; son of James and Martha Jane (Roby) McLaughlin. Married to Eleanor McDougal in 1886; to Dora Mason in 1911. Attended grammar and high schools of O.; Ohio State Univ., 1876-77; law course at Chillicothe, O., 1879-82; admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court in Columbus, O., June 5, 1882; engaged in practice in Chili- cothe, O., 1882-93; in Chicago, 1893-99; moved to Los Angeles, 1899, and has practiced to date. Member Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar; B. P. O. E. Methodist. Republican. McLEOD, John Munro. Oil ope- rator. Res. 267 Andrews Blvd. ; office 521 Story Lildg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Stratford, Ontario, Can., Nov. 3, 1871; son of John Munro and Jessie Hunter (Brown) McLeod. Married to Eva Ethel Largen, in 1898. Attended public schools of New Westminster, B. C, Can- ada. At the age of 18 opened a general store in New Westminster ; later en- gaged in dairying and farming business in British Columbia ; moved to Los An- geles and entered the oil brokerage busi- ness, 1900; established the firm of Win- ton & McLeod Co., engaged in handling real estate and subdivi- sions, 1900-6; resumed oil brokerage business and in 1909 became asso- ciated with W. D. Wilson and F. V. Gordon, operating under firm name of McLeod, Gordon, Wilson Co., Inc., of which he is pres. to date. Pres. Four Investment Co. ; vice-pres. Hale- McLeod Oil Co.; dir. Thirty-Two Oil Co.; Munro Oil Co.; Preferred Oil Co. Member Union League Club, San Fran- cisco ; Los Angeles Athletic, Gamut, Sierra Madre, Union League and San Gabriel Valley Country clubs of Los Angeles. McMANAMAN, Kathryn Herndon. Portrait painter and sculptor. Res. 70S W. White Oak ave., Monrovia, Cal.; office 446 Bradbury BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in la., July 24, 1887; daughter of I. W. and Emma Cathryn (McSurely) McManaman. Graduated from Monrovia High School, Monrovia, Cal., 1906; from College of Fine Arts, Univ. of So. Cal., 1909; annual gold medal from same and senior scholarship not used; studied in Henri School of Art, New York City; in Art Students' League of New York under F. Vincend Du- Mond and William Chase. Sculptor and painter of character portraits in oil; painted many orders in 1913 for prominent people: Mrs. T. V. R. Ross of Winnipeg, Can.; Mrs. G. A. Schweickert, Manila, P. I.; Mrs. W. A. Westergard; Mrs. Wood; Miss New- berry; Miss Ruth Lee; Mrs. J. R. Mc- Knight; Mrs. Kaiser and son; statues of Dorris Taylor; Miss Clark; Dr. Frances Evans; Mr. Graham, etc. Member Alumni College of Fine Arts; Cal. Art Club. McMURTRIE, Leighton. Real es- tate and insurance. Res. 3930 Third st. ; office 1220 D st., San Diego, Cal. Born in Greenock, Scotland, in 1883 ; son of William and Agnes (Sloan) McMurtrie. 252 WHO'S WHO Married to Edna Daech in 1912. At- tended Huyton College, Liverpool, Eng- land. Engaged in sheep farming until he moved lO Cal., in 1905 ; entered real estate business, organizing the Leighton McMurtrie Co., 1910, of which he is pres. Has built McMurtrie Block, Bar- ney, McMurtrie & Decker bldg., and Burnham-McMurtrie Bldg., San Diego, Cal. IMember Cuyamaca, University, Coronado Country, Amplion, and San Diego Country clubs ; Masonic frater- nity, 32d degree ; K. T. ; Shrine ; San Diego Rowing club (captain 1911). Presbyterian. McNAB, Thomas R. Physician and surgeon. Res. 519 W. Moreland ave.; office 515 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, Oct. 31, 1877; son of Joseph Darby and Elizabeth (Robinson) McNab. Married to May Young in 1904. At- tended Riverside High School; gradu- ated from Medical Dept., Liniv. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal., M. D., 1903. Prac- ticing in Los Angeles to date. Mem- ber Los Angeles Co. Medical Assn.; American Medical .Assn.; California and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. McNAIR, Herbert L. Lawyer. Res. 1012 Beacon St.; office 501 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Mich, in 1867; son of David and Lu- cinda M. (Sharp) McNair. Married to Martha Blumenberg in 1891. At- tended public schools of Mich.; grad- uated from Columbian Law school, Washington, D. C, LL. B., 1888; LL. M., 1889. Engaged in practice at Aspen, Colo., 1890-97; Denver, 1897- 1907; San Francisco, 1908; Los Ange- les, 1909 to date. McNUTT, Porter Scott. Lawyer. Res. Glendale, Cal.; office 825 San Fer- nando Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Leatherwood, Clarion Co., Pa.. April 15, 1861; son of Mathew and Mary (Kirkpatrick) McNutt. Married to Fannie Suplee in 1903. Attended public schools and Oakland Academy, 1881 ; graduated from Pennsylvania State Normal school, B. E., 1884; Drake University, LL. B., 1891; A. B., 1896; Des Moines College, A. M., 1900. Professor of law, Iowa College of Law, 1892-1901. First employed in coal mines; taught school in Pennsyl- vania and California; principal of high school, Paulina, la., 1888-89; practiced law in Des Moines, 1891- 1901; in Nebraska, 1901-04; in Los An- geles, 1904 to date. Dir. Sycamore Canyon Water Co. Member Masonic fraternity, L O. O. F., M. W. A. Re- publican. Presbyterian. McSTAY, Carl E. President McStay Supply Co. Res. 1418 Bank St., South Pasadena; office 363-67 Central ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Waterloo, Iowa, Aug. 19, 1873; son of Peter W. and Lizzie A. (Clough) McStay. Mar- ried to Mary L. Whitaker Oct. 15, 1897. Educated in the public and high schools of Virginia City, Nev., and Los Angeles, Cal. xApprentice in South- ern Pacific shops Los Angeles, 1889- 93; salesman Overman Wheel Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass.; asst. supt. streets, Los Angeles, 1897-99; traffic mgr. Pacific State Telephone & Tele- graph Co., 1900-02; organized McStay Supply Co., wholesale grocers in 1903, which continued until 1910, when it was changed to a mail order house, which it continues to date. Pres. Mc- Stay Supply Co.; dir. Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; dir. Consoli- dated Farms Co. Member N. G. C, Co. A, 7th reg., 1890-93. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; B. P. O. E.; L'nion League Club. McVAY, William Edward. Banker. Res. 1190 W. 29th st.; otfice German American Savings Bank, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Dixon, 111., Oct. 25, 1864; son of William J. and Sarah Moore (Strain) McVay. Graduated from public school, Dixon, 111.; later at- tended Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Chicago. Moved to Cal. in 1887, and entered the employ of the Security Loan & Trust Co. of So. Ca!.; later became secy, of same until Co. was absorbed by the Union Savings Bank, of which he was one of the or- ganizers; cashier of that bank until consolidation with German .American Savings Bank, 1906, at which time he became vice-pres. of German Ameri- can Savings Bank, which position he still retains. Trustee Whittier State School; Occidental College; dir. LTnion Rescue Mission; elder Immanuel Presbyterian Church. Member Cali- fornia and University clubs. MEAD, William. Retired. Res. N. Vermont and Giendowcr sts; office 408 Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lewistown, II!., Jan. 11, 1862; son of Jesse and Emily (Bloomfield) Mead. Married to Nella Wilde in 1896. Received his education in the Lewistown public schools. Has re- sided in Los Angeles since 1886; in real estate business 1886-1900; organ- izer and pres. Central Bank of Los IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 2S3 Angeles, 1900-08; member Cal. legis- lature 1896-1900; member Board of Water Commissioners, Los Angeles City, 1903-07; not actively engaged in any line of business since 1908. Mem- ber California and Los Angeles Coun- try clubs. MEHSE, Louis A. Restaurant pro- prietor. Res. 2307 W. Eleventh St.; office 638 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Mecklenburg, Germany, Sept. 7, 1861; son of Ernst and Wil- helmina (Mbller) Mehse. Married to Cora I. Lynn in 1890. Educated in public and private schools in Brook- lyn, N. Y. Employed in a bakery, 1872-77; at sea, 1877-79; in bakery busi- ness in New York, 1879-82; mining in Nevada and Idaho, 1882-84; opened Ijakery in Bellevue, Ida., 1886; in res- taurant business, Pocatello, Ida., 1888- 96; restaurant business. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1896-99; moved to Los An- geles, Cal., 1899, and has been en- gaged in restaurant business to date; has branch restaurants on W. Fifth St., Los Angeles, and in Salt Lake City. Owner of private library of 5500 volumes, costing $45,000 and compris- mg many rare and valuable books. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d de- gree; Shrine, Knights Templar, Knick- erbocker Club. MELLEN, Henry W. Real estate. Res. 938 S. Vermont ave.; 403 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chi- cago, 111., April 19. 1881; son of Wil- liam S. and Gertrude J. (Pratt) Mel- len. Married to Eliza H. Dounes in 1905. Attended St. Paul's School, Con- cord, N. H., 1896-99; Williams' Col- lege, Williamstown, Mass., A. B., 1905. Manager of the loan dept. of Wright, Callender, Andrews & Co., 1907 to date. Member Los Angeles Athletic, University and South Coast Yacht clubs. Episcopalian. MELLUS, James Johnson. Whole- sale and general commission. Res. 1236 S. Alvarado st.; office 442-3 Pa- cific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Salem, Mass., Dec. 5, 1857; son of Francis and Adelaide (John- son) Melius. Married to L. Whiting in 1875. Graduated from Boston High .School and spent one year at Oakland College (now State L'niv. of Cal); now engaged in wholesale grain and coal and general commission busi- ness, established 1878. City treas. Los Angeles, 1874; member California and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. Unitarian. MERCER, Albert. Real Estate. Res. 42 St. James Park; office 710 Black Bldg., I.os Angeles, Cal. Born in Marshalltown, la., Aug. 11, 1874; son of Marcus and Viola (Cary) Mer- cer. Married to Irene Hopkins in 1912. Attended public schools, Riley co., Kan.; Pasadena, Cal.; Throop Poly- technic Inst., Pasadena, Cal. With Title Guarantee & Trust Co., Los An- geles, 1894-1907; cashier Crown City Natl. Bank, Pasadena, Cal., 1907-12; operating on own account in real estate, coast counties farm land, 1912 to date. Member Masonic fraternity, all bodies; Gamut Club, Los Angeles; Overland Club, Pasadena. MERRILL, David Bruce. Real estate and investment. Res. 9 Elysian Drive, Mt. Washington; office 813 W. P. Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Riverside, Cal., Sept. 26, 1885; son of John A. and Maria (Durham) Merrill. Married to Zelma Marie Wagner in 1911. Attended public schools, Oakland, Cal.; Brooklyn, N. Y.; Westlield, N. J.; El Paso, Tex., and Los .Angeles, Cal.; graduated from Occidental College, B. L., in 1908. Since graduation has been con- nected with the firm of John A. Mer- rill & Sons. Dir. Riverside Heights Co.; Tipton Townsite & Improv. Co. Presbyterian. MERRILL, Frederick James Ham- ilton. Geologist and mining ensineer. Res. 635 W. Fourth st.; office 100 W. Third St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New York City, April 30, 1861; son of Hamilton Wilcox and Louisa (Kaufifman) Merrill. Married to Win- ifred Edgerton in 1887. Attended Charlier Institute. New York City, 1876-79; Columbia Univ., 1880-83; graduated from School of Mines, Col- umbia Univ., 1885; fellow in geology at Columbia Univ. and asst. in geo- logical survey of New Jersey, 1886-90; asst. state geologist of New York; also asst. dir. New York State Mu- seum, 1890-93; dir. Scientific E.xhibit of New York State at World's Expo- sition, Chicago, 1893; at Pan-Ameri- can Exposition at Buffalo, 1901; dir. New York State Museum, 1894-1904; dir. Mining Exhibit of New York State at Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, St. Louis. 1904; resigned from state service and engaged in the prac- tice of his profession in New York, 1904-06; moved to Nogales, Ariz., and conducted mining operations in So- nora, Mex., 1906-10; moved to Los An- geles in 1910, and has since bet n en- 254 WHO'S WHO gaged in active practice. Has con- tributed numerous articles to the lit- erature of his profession and to scien- tific periodicals. Fellow of the Amer- ican Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Geological Soc. of America; New York Acad, of Sciences; mem- ber American Inst, of Mining Eng. ; Mining and Metallurgical Soc. of America; New England Historic Genealogical Soc; Alpha Delta Phi fraternity; Military Order of Foreign Wars; University Club, New York City, and Sierra Madre Club, Los Angeles. MERRILL, Grayson. Real estate and investments. Res. 17 Elysian Drive, Mt. Washington; office 813 W. P. Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Rialto, Cal., April 22. 1888; son of John Alexander and Maria (Durham) Merrill. Married to Eliz- abeth E. Hatch in 1909. Was educated in the public schools of New York, El Paso and Los Angeles. Entered the firm of John A. Merrill & Sons, 1910: engaged in the real estate and investment business. Dir. Riverside Heights Co.; dir. Tipton Townsite & Imp. Co.; dir. and vice-pres. U. S. Oil Gas Producer Co.; dir. and asst. secy. National Oil Gas Producer Co. MERRILL, John Alexander. Real estate. Res. Mt. Washington; office 1004 Los Angeles Investment Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Beloit, Wis., March 4, 1849; son of David and Agnes (Fonda) Merrill. Married to Maria Durham in 1876. Graduated from Beloit College, !\I.A. and B.A. Organizer and pres. of the following companies: El Paso Commercial Co.; Sunset Commercial Co.; Manhattan Beach Co.; Glendale Realty Co.; Riv- erside Heights Co.; California Home Seekers Co.; Central Land Co.; Tip- ton Townsite Co.; U. S. Oil Gas Pro- ducer Co.; former vice-pres. of the Federation Club; former pres. of the Bethlehem Club Institutions; former director of the Union Rescue Mission. Also organized Natl. Oil Gas Pro- ducer Co., and the U. S. Oil Gas Pro- ducer Co.; dir. in many other corpora- tions. At IS years of age served in Co. B 40th Wisconsin Vol. during Civil War; member of Stanton Post G. A. R. of Los Angeles; trustee of So. Cal.. Peace Soc. Presbyterian. MERRILL, John Benjamin. Brok- er. Res. 815 Elysian drive, Mt. Wash- ington, Los Angeles; office 1004 Los Angeles Investment Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, May 7, 1879 ; son of John Alexander and Afaria (Durham) Merrill. Married to Pearl Fisher in 1902. Attended Oakland pub- lic schools, 1890-95: Plainfield high school, 1896-98; graduated from Los Angeles Business College in 1900. Mem- ber of firm of John A. Merrill & Sons; vice-pres. Tipton Townsite & Improve- ment Co. ; secy. Manhattan Beach Co. ; Glendale Realty Co.; Riverside Heights Co.; United States Oil Gas Producer Co. Member Los Angeles Athletic and Federation clubs, Los Angeles; San Gabriel Valley (Country Club, Pasa- dena; all orders Masonic fraternity, Shrine. Presbyterian. MERRILL, Leonard. Oil pro- ducer. Res. 956 Menlo ave.; office 912 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lagrange, Mo.. Sept. 3, 1857; son of G. C. and Susan Mary (Drake) Merrill. Married to Susan L. La Baume in 1884. Attended Baptist College, Louisiana, Mo.; graduated from J. F. Posson's Business College, Louisiana, Mo., 1873. Left school in 1872 and was employed in a tobacco factory at Louisiana, Mo., until 1877; moved to St. Louis in 1878 and was^ employed by Dawson Jackman & Co., commission merchants, 1878- 80; with Metcalf Moore & Co.; suc- cessors to Dawson Jackman & Co., 1880-88; office mgr. for C. M. Reys & Co., 1888; credit man and salesman with Lee Deming Grover Co., St. Louis, one year; secy, and office mgr. for St. Louis Wrecking Co., one year; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1891; office mgr. for David C. Cook, Piru, Cal., for several months: opened of- fice in Los Angeles, and became as- sociated with Grider & Daw in real estate, 1891; associated with A. N. Davidson until 1895; in real estate business alone; in oil production in Kern River, McKittrick and Coalinga fields. Secy. St. Louis Wrecking Co.; pres. and mgr. Merrill Crude Oil Co., and Merrill Investment Co.; chairman of meeting called to organize Los Angeles Realty Board; two terms as pres. of Los Angeles Realty Board; chairman of first meeting of State Realty organization, Los Angeles. Member Union League, Federation and City Clubs; Municipal League; Los Angeles Realty Board; member and dir. Y. M. C. A. Member Tem- ple Baptist Church, Los Angeles, and one of organizers and a trustee of corporation. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 255 MERRITT, Lewis N. Auto garage. Res. 276 Terrace dr., Pasadena, Cal.; offi;ce 816 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Marysville, Mo., Dec. 16, 1880; son of Lewis J. and Annette (Wood) Merritt. Married to Ella Emery in 1900. Attended public school, Duluth, Minn., 1886-94; high school, Duluth, Minn., 1894-98; high school, Pasadena, Cal., 1898-99; Wood- bury's Business College, Los Angeles, Cal., 1900. With Itaska Mercantile Co., Grand Rapids, Minn.; same firm, Hibbing, Minn., 1900; took charge of Store for same firm, Iron Mountain, la.; with R. D. Bronson Desk Co., Los Angeles, Cal., 1901-03; Interna- tional Honey Producers, Los Angeles, 1903-05; Bueneman-Lipsey Co., Los Angeles, 1905-07; in real estate and clothing business for himself; mgr. and secy. White Garage to date. Mem- ber Pasadena Duck Club. MERWIN, William Burnham. Real estate. Res. 669 S. Pasadena ave., Pasadena; office 424 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Valparaiso, Chili, 1878; son of A. Moss and Elizabeth (Burnham) Mer- win. Married to Priscilla McDougall in 1909. Educated at Williams Col- lege, Williamstown, Mass. In real estate business in Los Angeles, 1905 to date. Member of California Club. MESERVE, Edwin Alvin. Lawyer. Res. 1333 Westlake ave.; office 1017 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Sacramento, Cal., July 28, 1863; son of Alvin R. and Lizzie Hol- ser Meserve. Married to Helen Davis in 1887 (dec); to Mabelle Locke, 1899. Attended public schools of Cal.; grad- uated from Los Angeles High School, 1880; afterwards attended private school; graduated from Hastings Col- lege of Law, LL. B., 1886; admitted to the bar in Sacramento, Cal., May 4, 1885, by examination before the Su- preme Court; began practice in July, 1890, in Los Angeles, and has been actively engaged to date. Member California Club. Republican. MESMER, Joseph. Pres. North Los Angeles Development Co. Res. 3500 Manitou ave.; office 916-17 Inter- national Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Tippecanoe City, O., Nov. 3, 1855 ; son of Louis and Katherine (Forst) Mesmer. Married to Rose Elizabeth Bushard in 1879. Attended public schools in Los Angeles, Cal. ; Col- lege of Strasburg, Strasburg, Germany. Opened Queen Shoe Store, 1878; sold business in 1896; traveled a year with his family; pres. St. Louis Fire Brick & Clay Co., Los Angeles, Cal.; pres. N. E. W. Commercial & Improvement Assn.; member Freeholders' Charter Commission, appointed to frame char- ter for city of Los Angeles; served as Park Commissioner; chairman of com- mittee instrumental in location of Federal building on Downey Block site, Los Angeles. Member California and Jonathan clubs; B. P. O. E.; Knights of Columbus; Catholic Knights of America; Los Angeles Catholic Beneficial Assn.; life mem- ber St. Vincent de Paul Soc. ; pres. Los Angeles County Pioneers' Soc. MEYER, Edgar U. Merchandise broker. Res. 3988 Budlong ave.; of- fice 207 Delta Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 15, 1876; son of Martin S. and Carrie (Ulman) Meyer. Unmarried. Edu- cated in public and private schools. Since completing his studies has rep- resented, continuously, the Brenner- Ulinan Co.; Ulman, Seeligsohm & Brown; Victor R. Ulman & Co.; P. Schlegel & Co. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Shrine. MIDDLETON, Charles Odell. Real estate. Res. 515 Shatto place; office 203 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hood co., Tex., Nov. 16, 1870; son of Drew L. and Mary (Odell) Middleton. Married to Henrietta Anderson in 1891. Attended high school, Abilene, Tex.; graduated from Bellepiaine College, Belleplaine, Tex., 1889. Engaged in manufacturing in Dallas, Tex., 18S9; with Tenison Bros. Saddlery Co.; Lvs Angeles Saddlery and Finding Co., Los Angeles, Cal., 1902-08; Easter Sales Dept., Bishop Co., 1910; in real estate business han- dling Millside, Wilgary, Dominguez Harbor, Long Beach Harbor, Wil- mington Industrial, Compton. Rich- land Farms, Westview Heights Tract, Bellemead Tract, Long Beach Water Front, Cal. Dir. Moapa Gyp. Co. Member Chamber of Commerce; Ex- ecutive Committee, same; Public Works Committee and Harbor Com- mittee of Municipal League; Masonic fraternity; Los .Angeles Athletic and Ganmt clubs. MIEDING, Francis J. Lawyer. Res. 2291 W. 21st st.; office 502 Pa- cific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Dubuque, la., June 5, 1864; son of Ferdinand B. and Theresa M. (Baule) Mieding. Married to Ger- trude M. Koehne in 1889. Received his education in the public schools of 256 WHO'S WHO Dubuque and Dyersville, la.; St. Jo- seph's College, Dubuque, la.; Normal School, Fremont, Neb.; Business Col- lege, Omaha; Law School, Omaha. Engaged in the practice of law asso- ciated with Hon. Charles Offutt, Oma- ha, 1889-98; with Hon. W. R. Kelly, Omaha, 1898-1906; with law dept. Salt Lake R. R. Co., Los Angeles, 1906 to date. Member Catholic Mutual Pro- tective Society of Knights of Colum- bus; Ancient Order of United Work- men; Modern Woodmen of America. Catholic. MIER, Richard J. Life insurance. Res. Los Angeles Athletic Club; of- fice Sixth and Olive sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Sacramento, Cal., Dec. 23, 1864; son of Frederick and Jo- sephine A. (Herget) Mier. Received his education in the public schools of Sacramento; graduated from Sacra- mento Business College. Entered em- ploy of Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1881: now fourth vice-pres. and in charge of accident dept.; third vice- pres. Pacific Mutual Indemnity Co.; dir. Frederick Mier Co. Member Cal- ifornia and Los Angeles Athletic clubs; Native Sons of Golden West. MILES, Harvey Storrs. Dentist. Res. 314 S. First St., Alhambra; office 213 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in West Middlesex, Pa., Sept. 28, 1868; son of Milo N. and Alice (Herner) Miles. Married Daisy Hall Coley in 1902. Attended Union School. West Midlesex, 1874-83; high school, Morris, Minn., 1884-88; Philadelphia School of Anatomy, 1897-98; gradu- ated from Chicago College of Dental Surgery, D. D. S., 1901; employed as telegraph operator, 1888-97, during which time he also engaged in pros- pecting in Alaska, B. C, Can., Wash, and Cal. Registered in Cal. in 1901, since which time he has been engaged in active practice of his profession. Vice-pres. Tampico Sugar Co.; vice- pres. Thistle Canal Co.; secy, and treas. Mexican Development Co., Member So. Cal. Dental Assn.; Los Angeles County Dental Soc. Three years in Minn. N. G. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; Delta Sigma Delta fraternity. Presbyterian. MILLAR, William Robert Law- yer. Res. 1944 Figueroa st.; office 432 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Hyde Park, Mass., Nov. 19. 1882; son of Alexander and Jean (Wilson) Millar. Attended Rox- bury Latin School, Roxbury, Mass.; Leal's School for Boys, Plainfield, N. J.; graduated from Yale Univ., A. B., 1904; from Harvard Univ., LL. B., 1907. Admitted to practice in Cal. in 1908, and has since been en- gaged in practice associated with Hon. J. W. McKinley. Member Los An- geles Country Club; Bachelor's Co- tillion Club. Presbyterian. MILLER, A. Blanchard. Pres. and mgr. Fontana Development Co. Res. Rialto, Cal.; office 625 S. Hill st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Richlands, N. C, Sept. 5, 1878; son of Joseph Kempster and Eliza (Blanchard) Mil- ler. Attended public schools, Wash- ington, D. C, high schools of River- side Co., Cal.; Pomona College, Clare- mont, Cal. Moved to Cal. in 1893; en- gaged in farming while studying pri- vately; raised grain on large scale in Ferris Valley, 1897-1906; engaged in contracting; while farming, also iden- tified with development of Imperial Valley, having been engaged in con- struction of canal system that waters Section No. 8; in 1895 became asso- ciated with E. D. Roberts, H. E. Har- ris and E. J. Eisenmeyer and formed Fontana Development Co., a corpora- tion engaged in farming on a large scale; organized Nuevo Land Co.; two years later bought Harris' and Roberts' interests in Fontana Land Co. and became associated with J. H, Adams, E. J. Marshall and J. S. Tor- rance. Pres. and mgr. Fontana Water Co.; mgr. Rialto Domestic Water Co.; pres. Lytle Creek Water Co.; pres. Rialto Hotel Co. Member Jonathan Club. B. P. O. E. MILLER, Clinton Ellis. Land col- onization. Res. 2252 West Washing- ton St.; office 608^9 Grosse Rld.tf.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Visalia, Cal., Dec. 22, 1877; son of A. O. and Lu- cinda Agnes (Ellis) Miller. Married to Georgiana Kendall in 1910. Edu- cated in the public schools of Tulare CO., Ca!., and the L^niv. Cal., graduat- ing, B. L., 1900. After finishing his education engaged in teaching; princi- pal of schools, Fresno, Cal., 1900- 1903; principal of schools in Alameda, Cal., 1903-05; principal of schools in Berkeley, Cal., 1905-06. Moved to Los Angeles 1906 and was employed as salesman for Percy H. Clarke Co., 1906- 09; gcnl. agt. for lands of Edison Land & Water Co., 1909-11; handling personal investments in lands of the San Joaipiin Valley Sept., 1911, to date. Member Order of the Golden Bear (Honor Society), Univ. of Cal.; Alpha Delta Phi fraternity; Los An- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 257 geles City Club;; B. P. O. E.; Los Angeles Realty Board; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Rotary Club. MILLER, Frank. Proprietor Mis- sion Inn, Riverside, Cal. Res. Mis- sion Inn, Riverside, Cal.; office same. Born in Tomah, Wis., June 30, 1859; son of C. C. and Ann Miller. Mar- ried to Isabelle Dcniarest Ilardenburg in 1880. Moved with his family to Jurupa, Cal. (now Riverside) in 1870; educated in public schools. First work was with his father in the tim- ber woods of Wis.;; herded sheep; drove mules in mining camps; budded orange trees; engaged in hotel busi- ness to date; identied with introduc- tion of naval oranges into State of Cal. MILLER, Dr. George Alfred. Den- tist. Res. 1130 Mound ave.. South Pasadena; office 311 Grant Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Akron, O., Sept. 10, 1868; son of John E. and Emily Clark (Huntington) Miller. Married to Sarah Virginia Johnson in 1896. Graduated from Carleton Col- lege, Northfield, Minn., 1889, and from Penn. College Dental Surgery, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1892; Univ. of So. Cal., 1904; engaged in the practice of his profession in Los Angeles, 1904 to date. Captain and aide de camp N. G. C; retired in 1898. Member So. Cal. Dental Assn.; B. P. O. E. Methodist. MILLER, Harry Leverett. Real estate. Res. 405 Sunset blvd.; office 1321 D St., San Diego, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Aug. 19, 1863; son of George W. and Sarah J. (Johnston) Miller. Married to Mary E. Merrill in 1886. Attended public schools; St. Mary's College in 1878; St. Ignatius College, San Francisco, 1881. Studied in law office, 1881-82; clerk in stock broker's office, 1882; with Wells-Fargo & Co.'s bank, San Francisco, 1882- 98; asst. cashier, 1898-1902; mgr. Wells-Fargo & Co., bank, Salt Lake City, 1902-05; mgr. Nome Bank & Trust Co., Nome, Alaska, 1906-07; with San Francisco Clearing House, 1907-08; moved to San Diego in 1908 and has since been engaged in real estate business. Member Cuyamaca and Country clubs; San Elijo Rod and Gun Club; Automobile Club of So. Cal. MILLER, Henry Lewis. Pump manufacturer. Res. 1511 West 27th St.; office 707-715 N. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Torrington, Conn., Jan. 11, 1871; son of Luther Eaton and Alice (Hewitt) Miller. Married to Mabel Eloise Luitwieler in 1903. Graduated from high school, Torrington, Conn., June, 1887 ; from Williams and Rogers Rochester Busi- ness University, Rochester, N. Y., 1892. Principal Business College dcpt. of Clinton Liberal Institute, Fort Plain, N. Y., 1892-95; principal Business Practice and Banking dcpts. Rochester Business University, Roch- ester, N. Y., 1895-1900; cashier and asst. Mgr. Fulton Engine Works, Los Angeles, Cal., 1900-06; secy.-treas. and dir. Luitwieler Pumping Engine Co., Los Angeles, 1906-09; genl. mgr. Pa- cific Coast Branch of the Luitwieler Pumping Engine Co., 1909 to date. Member Masonic fraternity; M. O. V. P. ; Fraternal Brotherhood ; Los Ange- les Athletic Club. Episcopalian. MILLER, Herbert Lee. Real es- tate. Res. 1230 Catalina st.; office 203- 04 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Belleville, Mich., Aug. 18, 1874; son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Monroe) Miller. Married to Ruby Grace Thomson in 1901. Attended public school, Belleville, Mich., 1880- 86; attended school in Ypsilanti, Mich., 1886-87; at Alvarado, Cal., 1887-88. Moved to Dell Rapids, S. D., and en- gaged in farming, meantime study- ing, 1888; moved to Lafayette, Cal., 1891; to Hopland, Cal., 1891-94; worked in grocery store of W. W. Thatcher, 1894-98; mgr. department store of J. P. and A. S. Thomas, Chi- cago, 111., 1898; employed in Broad- way Dept. Store, Los Angeles, Cal., until 1900; moved to Yaqui River Min- ing Dist., as mgr. Chicago & Sonera Mining Co., 1900; located 500 acres of copper and silver in 1901; became associated with W. O. Duntley, pres. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. of Chi- cago; with him organized Libertad Mining & Smelting Co., which com- pany holds all the Miller locations to date; operated mines as one-third owner and genl. mgr. until 1905; genl. mgr. Gould Mines Co., in Mont., 1905- 06; operated Libertad Mine in Mexi- co until 1910, when Mexican Revolu- tion broke out. Pacific coast distribu- tor for Little Giant Truck, Los An- geles, Cal., 1910 to date. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; Sierra Madre and Gamut clubs; Motor Truck Dealers' Assn. MILLER, John Barnes. Public utili- ties. Res. "Hillside," Pasadena; office Edison Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Bom in Port Huron, Mich., Oct. 23, 1869; 258 WHO'S WHO son of John Edgar and Sarah Amelia (Barnes) Miller. ^ferried to Carrie Borden Johnson in 1895. Attended pub- lic and private schools of Port Huron ; graduated from Ann Arbor school, 1888; attended Univ. of Mich., 1888-90. Managed personal interests of father and studied law, 1890-91 ; managed plantation near Delhi, La., 1892-94; partner with father in steamboat fueling business in Mich., 1894-96. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1896 and engaged in development of light and power, util- izing water power for long transmis- sion ; amalgamated many small com- panies and formed large public utility corporation. Elected pres. of Edison Electric Co., 1901, and later of the re- organized company under present name of So. Cal. Edison Co. ; pres. Union Power Co.; dir. First Natl. Bank; Pa- cific Mutual Life Ins. Co. ; Sinaloa Land & Water Co.; Long Beach Consolida- ted Gas Co.; Orestimba Rancho; Cali- fornia Delta Farms. Inc.; Santa Bar- bara Gas & Electric Co.; Mortgage Guarantee Co. Member California Club, Los Angeles; Midwick Country, Pasadena Country, and Overland clubs, Pasadena; Santa Barbara Club and Santa Barbara Country Club; Pacific Union and Bohemian clubs, San Fran- cisco; Masonic fraternity; Shrine; Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Trustee Epis- copal diocese of Los Angeles. MILLER, John H. Lawyer. Res. 636 N. Hobart blvd.; office 305 Ameri- can Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Dublin Mills, Fulton Co., Pa., June 4, 1866; son of William and Mary (Beckstreser) Miller. Married to Clara B. Hoke in 1905. Attended pub- lic normal schools of Fulton co.. Pa.; graduated from Univ. of Mich., B. L., 1890. Taught school, 1883-89; studied law and was admitted to practice in Pa., 1889; engaged in practice of law in Chicago as partner in firms of Knight & Brown; Horton, Brown & Miller; and Wickett, Miller & Meir; assisted in organization of the ele- pated railroad system of Chicago, ana organized the Chicago Traction Co., engaged in practice of law in Los Ati- geles, 1912 to date. Secy, and treas. Chicago, Indiana & Eastern Ry. Co., now a branch of the Pennsylvania Lines, for three years. Member Ma- sonic fraternity. Baptist. MILLER, Robert Meek. Editor, The Outlook. Res. Fourth and Ne- vada ave., Santa Monica, Cal.; office Oregon and Second St., Santa Monica, Cal. Born in Bonaparte, Iowa, Nov. 26. 1872; son of James W. and Alvira (Meek) Miller. Married to Nettie Rowland in 1900. Attended public school near Bonaparte, la.; graduated from Milton high school, Milton, la. ; from Los Angeles Business College, Los .'\ngeles, Cal.. 1894. After gradu- ating from high school operated a ranch in Contra Costa Co., Cal., un- til 1893; attended business college, 1894; employed in Los Angeles, 1897 ; Teller Bank of Los Angeles, 1901; engaged in real estate and other interests indi- vidually, and at same time secy. Board of Education, 1909; bought Outlook and is its editor to date; dir., genl. mgr. and owner Santa ^^Dnica Bay Ptg. and Pub. Co. ; secy, of Board of Education, 1901-09. Member Masonic fraternity; Shrine ; B. P. O. E. ; Los Angeles Ath- letic Club. MILLER, W. J. Real estate and insurance. Res. 2415 Seventh ave.; office W. Washington, cor. Seventh ave.; Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Prus- sian Poland, Dec. 2, 1871; son of Fran- cis and Veronica (Juzuviz) Miller. Marreid to Elizabeth Bay Rowska in 1895. Educated in grammar schools in German Poland. Moved to U. S., 1888. Learned barber trade; studied at Commercial School, in Scranton, Pa.; International Correspondence School, Scranton, Pa.; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1905; engaged in real estate operations to date. Pres. Pol- ish Citizens' Club; secy. Polish Li- brary Assn.; delegate to Polish Con- gress in Washington, D. C, 1910; pres. East 9th Ward Improvement Assn.; delegate to Federated Improve- ments Assn. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Shrine; Knights Templar; I. O. O. F.; K. of P. MILLIGAN, Norwell Webb. Gro- cer. Res. 21o7 W. 20th st.; office H. Jevne Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Springfield, Mo., April 29, 1873; son of Geo. D. and Hester Ann (Prugh) Milligan. .Married to Lillian B. Park- er in 1894. .Attended Drury College, Springfield, Mo., 1887-89; graduated from LIniv. of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.. 1890-91. Previous to moving to Cal. was vice-pres. G. D. Milligan Grocery Co., Springfield, Mo.; moved to Los Angeles and became manager of the wholesale department of H. Jevne Co. Member Los Angeles Country and Los Angeles -Xthletic clubs. MILLSt Anson P. Lawyer. La Jolla. San Diego county, Cal.; office San Diego, Cal. Born in Augusta, IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 259 Me., Oct. 28, 1857; son of Richard M. and Ellon Frances (Morrill) Mills. Attended public schools of Augusta and Readfield, Me.; Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill; Saint Augus- tine's College, Portland, Me., 1868- 76. Read law with Judge E. O. Beane, Readfield, Me., 1876-78; admitted to practice by Supreme Court, Augusta, Me., 1878; practiced at Emporia, Kan., 1878-86; San Diego, Cal., 1886 to date. MILLSAP, Homer Curtis. Law- yer. Res. 1460 W. Adams st.; office 721 San Fernando Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Colfax, la.. May 10, 1881; son of Albert and Melissa (Shepard) Millsap. Married to Bess Palmer Chaney in 1908. Attended public schools; graduated from high school, Ashland, Ore., 1894; graduated from Drake University, Des Moines, la. ; from Iowa College of Law, LL. B., 1897, being but sixteen years of age, the youngest graduate up to that time from any reputable law school. Assistant in office of Hon. C. C. Cole, ex-CIiief Justice of Supreme Court of la., two years. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1899; admitted to bar of California in 1900; formed part- nership with C. Randall Sparks, under firm name of Millsap & Sparks, 1910; partnership was dissolved in 1911, and resumed practice alone, which he has continued to date. Member Cal- ifornia Bar Assn.; Los Angeles Bar Assn.; Los Angeles Athletic club. Republican. MILLSPAUGH, Jesse Fonda. Ed- ucator. Res. 5424 Russell ave., Holly- wood, Cal.; office Los Angeles State Normal School. Born in Battle Creek, Mich.. June 18, 1855; son of Jacob and Mary A. (Decker) Millspaugh. Married to Mary Clark Parsons in 1886. Graduated from high school, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1875; Univ. of Mich., B. A., 1879; Univ. of Pa., M. D., 1883; Univ. of Mich, M. A., 1904. Principal of Frankfort, Ind., High School, 1879-81; Salt Lake Collegiate Institute, 1883-85; supt. of same, 1885- 90; supt. Salt Lake City public schools, 1890-98: pres. Winona, Minn., State Normal School, 1898-04; pres. Los Angeles State Normal School, 1904 to date. Member State Board of Education. Utah, 1896-98; State Library Board of Minn., 1899-04; Na- tional Council of Education, 1895-08; secy, of same. 1902-04; member State Board of Education of Cal.. 1904 to date. Member National Education Assn.; California Acad, of Sci.; Uni- versity Club; Delta Upsilon fraternity. Congregationalist. MINER, Charles Edmund. Re- tired. Res. 651 St. John ave., Pasa- dena, Cal. Born in Shelburne, Chit- tenden CO., Vt., Aug. 4, 1842; son of Martin Lutlicr and Clarinda (Cros- man) Miner. Married to Mary Fred- erica Griffin in 1873. Attended Acade- my at Williston, Vt.; Bryant & Strat- ton's Commercial College, Burlington, Vt. Member firm of T. W. Gregory & Co., Burlington, Vt. ; wholesale teas, coffees and spices, 1867-73; of firm Miner, Pope & Co. (successors to above), 1873-79; of firm Chas. E. Miner & Co., New York City, whole- sale teas and cigars, 1880-1900. Mem- ber Algonquin Club, Burlington, Vt. ; Vermont Soc. Sons of Amer. Revo- lution; Soc. of Colonial Wars, State of Vermont; life member Annandale Country Club, Pasadena, Cal. MINER, Randolph Huntington. Capitalist. Res. 649 West Adams st.; office 206 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Toledo, Ohio; son of Dwight Huntington and Anna Celeste (Hall) Miner; Married to Tilda Wilcox in 1888. Graduated from Toledo High School, Toledo, O., in 1874; graduated from U. S. Naval Academy, 1879. Manager Wilcox estate, 1895; built Wilcox Bldg., 1896; organized Outer Harbor Dock Wharf in 1906 and has been pres. of corporation to date; organ- ized City Gas Co. in 1900, and was its first vice-pres. and secy.; assisted in organizing Mexican National Gas Co. in 1909, and was 2d vice-pres. of cor- poration; dir., vice-pres. and auditor Los -Angeles City Water Co.; took charge of plant when it was given over to Mayor Snyder and was audi- tor for Los Angeles Water Dept. During Spanish-American War served as executive officer of the V. S. trans- port Brutus, towed the Monitor Mon- terey to Manilla, arriving in time for the capture of Manilla, Aug. 13, 1898; originator of the "Miner Fill" at San Pedro, a reclamation of 156 acres, and consulted with the various \J. S. A. engineers in laying out tlie outer har- bor. Served in European Squadron, 1879-81; Training Squadron and Fish Commission, 1882-85; South Pacific Station, 1885-88; U. S. Naval Acad- emy, 1888-91; stationed in China, 1891- 94; U. S. Naval Intelligence office, 1894-95; Mare Island Navy Yard, 1895; with Dewey at Manilla, 1898; Instructor LL S. Naval Academy, 1903- 04; Commander Naval Militia of Cal., 1903; Senior Naval Volunteer officer from Cal. during the Spanish war; at U. S. Legation at Lima, Peru, dur- 260 WHO'S WHO ing the revolution of 1886 and assisted in the protection of the legation. Member Engineers' and Architects' Assn.; U. S. Naval Academy Gradu- ates' Assn.; California and Los Ange- les Country clubs. Los Angeles; Mid- wick Country and Crags clubs, Pas- adena; Army and Navy clubs, Wash- ington, D. C. ; Naval and Mili- tary Order of the Spanish-American War; Military Order of the Car- ibou; medal from Native Sons as Vol- unteer in Spanish War; Navy Cam- paign Medal for service in the Philip- pines. Roman Catholic. MINES, William W. Real estate. Res. 625 Kingsley drive; office Realty Board Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in the province of Quebec, Canada, May 30, 1876; son of William W. and Amelia V. Morris Mines. Married to Pearl Vollmar in 1908. Educated in the common schools of Quebec, and St. Francis College, (affiliated with McGill University), Richmond, Quebec. Moved to Los Angeles in 1897, and engaged in the real estate business, which he has followed to date. Associated with O. E. Parish, ■ operating under firm name of Mines & Parish, 1897-1912; now operating under firm name of W. W. Mines & Co., of which corporation he is pres.; pres. Union Realty Co.; Los Angeles Realty Board; member Los Angeles Country, California and Los Angeles Athletic clubs; Masonic fraternity. Republican. Episcopalian. MINSTER, Joseph Delnor. Pub- lisher and reporter. Res. Bryson Apts.; office 610 O. T. Johnson Bldg. and Times Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Toledo, O., Nov. 3, 1886; son of Joseph and Cordule (Miller) Minster. Married to Berneta M. Blakewell in 1911. Attended parochial and public school, Toledo; St. John's Univ., Toledo. Secy, for Negley D. Cochran; editor Toledo News-Bee. 1904; reporter morgue and index ex- pert for Scripps-McRae League in Ohio, 1905; reporter on various pa- pers throughout U. S. ; editor Hotel Record and Resort Life, 1911; owner Hotel & Apartment Record, 1912-13; contributor to national magazines; re- porter with Los Angeles Times. Mem- ber Knights of Columbus. Roman Catholic, MITCHELL, George. .Mining. Res. 1367 .S. Figucroa st.; office same. Boin in Swansea, Wales, Sept. 28, 1864; sun of George and Ann (Mathews) Mitch- ell. Married to Mary Woodwell in 1886. Educated in public schools of Swansea, Wales, and by private tutors, 1870-85. Engaged in smelting busi- ness in Wales, 1878-87; moved to U. S. A., 1887; employed by Baltimore Re- fining Works, Baltimore, Md., 1887- 88; worked in Pa., 1889; in mining and smelting business with Boston & Mon- tana Mining & Smelting Co., Butte, Mont., 1890-94; asst. supt. and in charge, as supt., of United Verde Wines Co., Jerome, Ariz., 1894-99; pur- chased Cananea Mines in Sonora, Mex., 1899; organized Cabra Grande Copper Co., to operate same, 1899; organized Greene Consolidated, con- solidating the Cabra Grande with the Greene, 1899; equipped and developed these mines to a capacity of 3,000 tons a day; built town of Cananea, Alexico, to city of 28,000 people in about two years; genl. mgr. consolidated com- panies' business until 1904; active in many prominent Mexico and Arizona mining propositions since 1904, includ- ing Durango and Sinalua Mines Co. in Mexico. Pres. and genl. mgr. Du- rango and Sinaloa Mines Co. Granted Royal Warrant by Duke of Sufifolk, Marshal of England, for use of coat of arms, on account of kinship to Sir Walter Thomas of Dang Craig, Wales, a direct descendant of Prince Cliarles of Wales. Member Soc. for Advance- ment of Science; Natl. Geographic Soc; Amer. Inst, of Mining Engrs.; Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Shrine; Rocky Mountain and Lambs' clubs. New York City; Los Angeles Chamber of Mines; California and Sierra Madre clubs. Republican. Episcopalian. MITCHELL, J. Burris. Real es- tate and investments. Res. Bryson apts. ; office 201 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Denison, Tex., Oct. 29, 1878; son of William and Lizzie (Daniel) Mitchell. Educated in grammar and high schools of Deni- son, Tex. Real estate and invest- inents in Los Angeles, 1898 to date; specialty, oil lands; Kern River fields; Midway fields ; King Pin Wells ; oper- ating on own account; Big Sespe Wells, Sespe district. .Sergt. Co. K, 3d Texas Vols.; Spanish-American War; served eight months at Mobile Bay and Port Morgan. Member Los Angeles Athletic club; Chamber of Commerce; Gamut club. MITCHELL, John S. Hotel pro prietor. Res, 301 .Alexandria ave., office Hollenbeck Hotel, Los Ange les, Cal. Born in Sacramento, Cal., IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 261 June II, 1858; son of John Henry and Harriett (Jordan) Mitchell. Married to Florence Standish Mowatt. At- tended night schools and business col- lege. First employed in office work in San Francisco, 1868-72; mining in Ajo, Ariz., and Tombstone, Ariz,. 1872-74; in Cosmopolitan Hotel, Tombstone, Ariz., 1874-88; mgr. dur- ing part of this time; commercial trav- eler in own interest, 1888-98; vice- pres. and mgr. Hollenbeck Hotel, Los Angeles, 1898 to date; dir. Hotel Alex- andria; dir. Blicke Rowan Fire Proof Building Co.; pres. Ocean to Ocean Highway Assn., which proposes to build great highway from Los Ange- les to New York city. Former pres. Hotel Men's M. B. A. of .America; former pres. Southern California Ho- tel Men's Assn.; dir. California State Hotel Men's Assn.; member United Commercial Travelers; B. P. O. E.; Los Angeles Athletic Club; Masonic fraternity. MITCHELL, John William. Law- yer. Res. First and Vermont; office 509 Lankershim Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lynchburg, Va., Nov. 23, 1861: son of William Henry and Nancy Jean (Green) Mitchell. Mar- ried to Mrs. Adina Selby Milson in 1888. Educated in the public schools of Va.; studied law in the office of Senator John W. Daniels of Va.; at- tended Law Dept. of Univ. of Va. Admitted to bar in Va., March 30, 1880; engaged in practice in Va. and Tex. until he moved to Cal. in 1887; admitted to Cal. bar in 1887; has since been engaged in practice alone in Los Angeles, making a specialty of corporation and probate law. Mem- ber Municipal Art Commission. Dem- ocrat. MITCHELL, Lon Hickman. Real estate. Res. 1001 S. Alvarado St.; of- fice 902 Title Insurance Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Texas, July 29, 1865; son of William and Elizabeth Mitchell. Married to Jennie V. Thompson in 1889. Received his edu- cation in the public schools of Deni- son, Tex. Engaged in mercantile bus- iness in Honey Grove, Tex., 1886-88; in real estate business in Denver, Colo., 1888-90; real estate business in Ogden, Utah, 1890-92; moved to Los Angeles in 1893 and engaged in real estate with his son under firm name of L. H. Mitchell & Son. Pres. Al- varado Oil Co. Member Union League Club. Presbyterian. MITCHELL, Robert Emmet. Law- yer. Res. 902 W. 65th st.; office 420 Exchange Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Butte, Oct. 20, 1869; son of William A. and Mary (Cunningham) Mitchell. Married to Florence Bost- wick in 1911. Educated in Univ. So. Cal. Clerk in marine supplies busi- ness in New York city, 1889-98; in Los Angeles, 1898-1900; traveled in Eu- rope, 1900-01; real estate business in Los Angeles, 1901-10; admitted to the bar and has practiced in Los Angeles 1910 to date. Member Chamber of Commerce; Union League Club; Mu- nicipal League; Good Government Or- ganization. Universalist. MITCHELL, Willis Sherman. Lawyer. Office 719 California Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los An- geles, Cal., June 14, 1875; son of Har- ris and Hattie (Melsheimer) Mitchell. Married to Louisa Budd in 1903. Ed- ucated in the public schools of Los Angeles and Hasting's College of Law. Admitted to practice by all courts of Cal. in 1900, and has been engaged in the practice of his profes- sion to date. Member Union League and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. Re- publican. MOJONIER, A. Louis. Photog- rapher. Res. lib W. 18th st. ; office 644 S. Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Highland, 111.. Oct. 28. 1869; son of August and Anna Marie Junod. Educated at Springfield. 111. After leaving school engaged in general merchandise business; hardware and plumbing business at Earned, Kan., 1890-94; photographer in Earned, Kan., 1894-95; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1895, and opened studios. Member Los .A.ngeles Athletic Club. Republican. MONLUX, John B. Educator. Res. 1703 West 23d St.; office 716 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in North Salem, O., July 18, 1855; son of Samuel and Agnes (Clark) Monlux. Married Matilda Elizabeth Creeth in 1888. Graduated from Iowa State Univ., A. B., 1878; M. A., 1881. Has always been en- gaged in educational work. Principal high school, Oskaloosa, la., 1879-81; supt. of schools, Fairfield, la., 1881- 85; same, Hastings, Neb., 1885-92; teacher Los Angeles city schools, 1894- 96; principal 28th street school, Los Angeles, 1896-1903; deputy supt. Los Angeles city schools. 1903 to date. Con- gregationalist. 262 WHO'S WHO MONNETTE, Orra Eugene. Bank- er. Res. 3101 Wilshire blvd.; office 308-10 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born near Bucyrus. O., Apr. 12. 1873; son of Mervin Jeremiah and Olive Adelaide (HulO Monnette. Married to Carrie Lucile Janeway in 1895. Graduated from union schools. Bucy- rus, O., 1890; attended business college, Bucyrus, O. ; graduated from Ohio Wes- leyan Univ., Delaware, O., B. A. (spe- cial course in law). 1895. First busi- ness training was in Second Natl. Bank, Bucyrus. O.; admitted to practice law in 1896, in all Ohio and U. S. district courts; formed partnership with Judge Thomas Beer and Smith W. Bennett, under firm name Beer, Bennett & Monnette, Bucyrus, O., 1897; Ben- nett retired from firm in 1899. and partnership was Beer & Monnette until Oct 1903, when Monnette re- moved to Toledo, O.; formed partner- ship with Hon. Chas. A. Seiders, To- ledo; the latter connection continued until 1906, when Monnette withdrew from firm and opened offices alone; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1907, and continued law practice alone until 1912, when he was elected pres. of Citizen's Trust & Savings Bank; dir. Citizens' Natl. Bank of Los An- geles; Citizens' Trust & Savings Bank; Los Angeles Title & Trust Co.; Mortgage Guarantee Co.; has done literary work, and in 1911 pub- lished "Monnet Family Genealogy" (1300 pp., 171 illustrations, large royal octo.), at cost of ten years' labor and $10,000. Member Soc. of Mayflower Descendants; Huguenot Soc. of America; Sons of the Revolution; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Sons of the American Revolution ; Order of Washington; Soc. of the War of 1812; Phi Beta Kappa (honorary scholas- tic), and Phi Kappa Psi fraternities, elected national pres. of latter, June, 1911; Masonic fraternity, 32d degree Scottish Rite; Shrine; California, Jona- than, Union League, Los Angeles Ath- letic, Los Angeles Country, Knicker- bocker and Los Angeles Ad clubs ; Or- der of Moose. Repuljlican. Methodist. MONROE, Ward Ely. Contractor. Res. 326 N. Alvarado St.; office 326 N. Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lexington, Mo., April 6, 1876; son of Franklin and Sarah A. (Scott) Monroe. Married to Cecelia A. Kan- sherr, in 1901. .Attended public and high schools 1883-96. Employed as clerk three years; served apprentice- ship and worked for a numl)er of sign painting and house decorating firms in a number of cities until 1911, when he moved to Los .\ngeles; foreman with Fine Warren Co.; member of firm of Monroe & Crawford: now do- ing business alone as contracting painter and decorator. Secretary Con- tracting Painters' Exchange. Mem- ber Woodmen of World. Roman Catholic. MONTELEONE, Stephen. Law- yer. Res. Downey, Cal.; office 1032 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Downey, Cal., Jan. 4, 1886; son of Joseph and Louise (Rode) Monteleone. L'nniarried. Graduated from Downey Grammar School in 1901; from Los Angeles High School in 1905; from Law Dept, L^niv. of So. Cal., in 1909; during the year 1908 studied law privately with Judge Wel- born, and immediately after his grad- uation from Univ. of So. Cal. engaged in practice of his profession in part- nership with David Fulwilder. En- gaged in practice alone. 1911 to date. Candidate for police judge in 1910; for state legislature in 1912; secy, of first Woodrow Wilson Club of Los .Angeles. Member Native Sons of the Golden West. MONTGOMERY, Albert Maither. Mercliant. Res. 827 Second st., Santa Monica. Cal.; office same. Born in Jamestown, Cal., in 1870; son of Al- bert Gibbs and Helen (Maither) Montgomery. Married to Isabella H. Mallory in 1898. Educated in public schools, Santa Monica, Cal. Estab- lished firm of Montgomery & Mc- Comas, mens furnishings, Santa Mon- ica, in 1896; McComas withdrew 1899; he moved to larger store and opened a general dry goods store; opened chain of dry goods stores in Sawtelle and Ocean Park; sold Sawtelle and Oean Park stores to devote entire energy and time to Santa Monica store. Dir. Commerce, Santa Monica; pres. Greater Santa Monica Club; dir. Beach Land Corporation; pres. Mer- chants' Assn. of Santa Monica. Po- lice Commissioner, 1912. Member B. P. O. E. ; Native Sons of the Golden West; Los Angeles Athletic Club; Foresters of America. MONTGOMERY, Charles C. Law- yer. Res. Canon and E. Central sts., Sierra Madre; office 717 Trust & Sav- ings Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lincoln, Nel)., April 6, 1876; son of Carroll S. and .'\nna Martha (Gray) Montgomery. Married to Mona Mar- tin in 1903. Attended Omaha gram- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 263 mar schools, 1884-91; Shattuck school, Faribault, Minn., 1891-93; graduated from Univ. of Wis., A. B., 1897; LL. B. 1900. Practiced law in Madison, Wis., 1900-01; Omaha, Neb., 1901-09; mem- ber of firm of Montgomery & Hall, Los Angeles, Cal„ 1909; Groff & Mont- gomery to date. Professor constitu- tional law, Creighton Univ., Omaha, Neb., 1908-09; instructor equity juris- prudence and equity pleading. College of Law, Univ. of So. Cal., 1910 to date; city atty. Sierra Madre, Cal., 1912; served as secy. Omaha Business Men's Assn., an organization for industrial freedom, 1905-09. Member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity; University and Gamut clubs; Chamber of Commerce. MONTGOMERY, Ernest Alexan- der. Mining. Res. 1209 Arlington ave. ; office 1106 Los Angeles Invest- ment Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in London, Ont., Can., Nov. 24, 1863; son of Alexander and Jane (Chap- man) Montgomery. Married in 1912. Educated in grammar schools of Lon- don, Ont., Can., and Stuart, la. En- gaged in mining in Idaho in 1884; prospecting in Washington in 1901; moved to Nev. in 1901 and assisted in organizing and developing what is now known as the Montgomery Dis- trict; developed the Johnnie Mine; moved to Inyo Co., Cal., where he de- veloped the "World Beater" and "O. B. Joyful" properties; returned to Nev. in 1903. located in Tonopah and be- came identified with Los Angeles, Daggett and Tonopah Railway Co.; prospected in vicinity of Tonopah, 1904; located Montgomery-Shoshone Mine in the Bullfrog district, 1904; sixteen months later sold it and the Polaris to Chas. M. Schwab; assumed control of the Skidoo Mines in 1905; was among the first in great camp of Goldfield. Pres. Skidoo Mining Co.; pres. Pasadena El Monte Mining Co.; vice-pres. Topeka Oil Co.; vice-pres. Mexican Premier Oil Co.; dir. Califor- nia Savings Bank. Member Masonic fraternity, Scottish Rite; formerly pres. and dir. Sierra Madre Club; dir. Chamber of Mines and Oils; 2d vice- pres. and dir. Amer. Mining Congress; charter member Rocky Mountain Club and member Chemical Club, N. Y. ; member Los Angeles Driving, Gamut and Jonathan clubs. MONTGOMERY, Etta Lounsbury. Teacher. Res. 610 Utah Ave., Santa Monica, Cal.; office, High School, Santa Monica, Cal. Born in Ionia, Mich., March 25, 1884; daughter of Alexander Truman and Marietta Elizabeth (Collester) Montgomery; unmarried. Graduated Ionia High School, Ionia, Mich., 1902; attended Olivet College, Mich., 1902 04 ; graduated Michigan State Normal College, 1905; student at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1908; University of Chicago, Ph. B., 1909; University of California, graduate study, 1911. Teacher of languages, Newberry, Mich., High School, 1905-07; principal and teacher of languages, High School, Vassar, Mich., 19U7-08; same. Onoway, Mich., High School, 1908-09; teacher of English, High School, Riverside, 111., 1910; same. High School, Santa Monica, Cal., 1911-13. Member Association of Collegiate Alumnae. Episcopalian. MONTGOMERY, John Harold. Engineer. Res. 1319 W. 37th Place; office Univ. of So. Cal., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Woodstock, Ontario, Can. Sept. 28, 1874; son of Jabez and Lucy (Carrington) Montgomery. Married to Edith Irene Clarke, in 1903. At- tended public schools and graduated from Ann Arbor, Mich., high school, 1893; graduated from engineering dept.. University of Michigan, B. S., 1897; M. S., 1898; Electrical Engineer, 1907. Engaged in business as asst. engineer with Field & Hinchman, De- troit, 1900-04; electrical inspector and engineer of Michigan Inspection Bu- reau, 1904-10; partner of Rogers & McFarlane, architects and engineers, 1910-11; editor and part owner Insur- ance & Investment News, 1911-12; as- sociate professor Electrical Engineering Univ. of So. Cal., 1912 to date. Baptist. MONTGOMERY, William F. Lum- ber. Res. 310 N. New Hampshire ave.; office cor. 5th and San Pedro sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ke- wanee, 111., Feb. 15, 1862; son of J. V. and Anna (Brookman) Mont- gomery. Married to Edna Morgan in 1907. Educated in the public schools of Toledo. O. Employed as office boy, bookkeeper and traveling sales- man, Maclaran & Sprague, wholesale lumber dealers, Toledo, 1879-84; moved to Los Angeles and was employed as bookkeeper and manager Schallert- Gaudel Lumber Co., 1884-88; asst. sec. Western Lumber Co., 1889-90; book- keeper and salesman. Bridal Veil Lumber Co., Ore., 1890-91; manufac- turer's agt. Pacific Coast Lumber Co., with offices in Denver and Omaha, 1892-93; returned to Los Angeles and established business as lumber broker, 1894-1900: established firm of Mont- gomery & Mullin, 1900; this firm was 264 WHO'S WHO incorporated in 1902 under the name of Montgomery & Mullin Co., of which he is pres. Pres. South Pasa- dena Lumber Co.; vice-pres. Holly- wood Lumber Co.; secy. Jerome Lum- ber Co. of Ariz.; vice-pres. Bethle- hem Benevolent Board. Member Jon- athan and City clubs. Christian Sci- entist. MOODY, Thomas Alfonzo. Auto- mobile supplies. Res. 1528 Sixth St., Santa Monica ; office 837 So. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Utah, Jan. 16, 1866; son of William C. and Elizabeth (Damron) Moody. Married to Janet Lee in 1893. Attended the CO. grammar schools of his native state. Engaged in the bakery busi- ness, 1894-1905; real estate in Santa Monica, 1905-07; operated garage, Los Angeles, 1908; dealer in secondhand automobiles 1908-10; organized Auto Exhibit & Supply Co., of which he was pres., 1911; now engaged in the automobile supply business. Vice- pres. Fairmont Land Co. ; secy. Happy Jack Gold Mining Co.; Mgr. Auto Supply & Wrecking Co. Republican. Methodist. MOORE, Charles I. D. Secy. Pa- cific Mutual Life Insurance Co. Res. 2242 Hobart blvd.; office Pacific Mutual BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Islington, Ont., Can., Feb. 16, 1865; son of James and Jacobina (Camp- bell) Moore. Married to Emily Maud Cochran in 1892. Attended public schools, Islington, Ont., 1871-81; high school, Weston, Ont., 1881-84; Vic- toria Univ., Toronto, Ont., 1884-88; graduating A. B.; received Prince of Wales' Gold Medal for general pro- ficiency in college course. Taught in Boys' School, Toyo Eiwa Gakko, Tokyo, Japan, 1888-91; supervi.sing principal of schools in Santa Monica, Cal., 1892-1902; entered insurance business in 1902; became asst. secy, of Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co. in 1907; secy, same, 1908 to date. Member California Club. Methodist. MOORE, Dr. Clarence Edward. Physician and surgeon. Res. 554 Cahuenga Blvd., Los Angeles; of- fice, H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in South Bend, Ind., Jan. 20, 1882; son of Dr. Melvin L. and Elizabeth (Holler) Moore. Married to Helen Rowland in 1906. Educated in the schools of Los Angeles, Cal.; Notre Dame Uni- versity, Notre Dame, Ind.; Medical College of the L'niv. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Immediately practiced three years in his father's office, specializ- ing in surgery; in 1897 went to Roch- ester, Minn., where he became clinical assistant to the Drs. Mayo in their sanitarium. Returned to Los Angeles in 1908 and resumed practice with his father as chief surgeon of the firm of Moore, Moore & White. At present handles nothing but surgical cases. Member of faculty Los Angeles Dept. of Medicine, Univ. of Cal. Attend- ing physician Los Angeles Aqueduct Commission; same Los Angeles Co. Hospital; dir. California Hospital, Los Angeles. Member Los Angeles Clin- ical and Pathological Soc; Los An- g>:les Co. Med. Soc; Cal. State Med. Soc; California and Los Angeles Country clubs. MOORE, George Henry. Lawyer. Office Stimson Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Pesotum, 111., Oct. 30, 1875; son of Sanford W. and Louisa (Thornhill) Moore. Educated in the public schools of Champaign Co., 111.; Central Normal College, Dan- ville, Ind., graduating, A. B., 1900; Law Dept., Univ. of 111., graduating LL. B., 1902. Admitted to all Ind. courts, 1900; same in 111., 1902; moved to Cal. in 1902 and was admitted to practice in all Cal. courts in 1903; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1903, and was associated with Herbert C. Browne until June, 1906, since which time he has been practicing alone. Republican. MOORE, Martha Ellen (known as Nellie Vila before marriage). Writer and dealer in land. Res. 1341 Crown Hill ave.; office 305 Merchants Trust Bldg. and Los Angeles Times Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Winona, Minn.; daughter of Charles and Ellen Conwell (Brady) Vila. Married to Willis Lord Moore. Educated princi- pally in Washington, D. C; graduated from Mt. Vernon Seminary; post grad- uate course at Natl. Library under private tuition. Began at age of 14 to write for western papers on Wash- ington (D. C.) topics, and later on society and politics; after marriage did editorial work and paragraphing on Hutchinson (Kas.) News and To- peka Capital, and edited Hutchinson Call; wrote for Kas. magazines, Chi- cago Inter Ocean, Chicago Tribune, Washington (D. C.) Star and Post, and several eastern magazines. Mem- ber Washington (D. C.) Short Story Club; youngest member Social Sci- ence Club of Kas. and Western Mo.; helped organize first state federation and in Topeka Capital opened first IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 265 dept. of women's clubs; helped to form first traveling libraries and se- cured special act of Kas. legislature to use books from state library for this purpose; pres. State Federation; pres. Hutchinson Women's Club; helped to create city library, park, fountain, etc., at Hutchinson; was on council of Genl. Fed.; life member Kas. Fed. At Santa Barbara, Cal., gave first talk on federation to Cal. women at So. Cal. Women's Parlia- ment, 1898; helped to form first dist. federation, San Diego co., Cal.; started dept. of Women's Clubs in Lummis' "Land of Sunshine," which was first dept. of its kind in Cal.; left Cal. for several years, living principally in Washington, D. C. Operated mines in Goldfield, Nev., 1904; came to Los Angeles, Cal., as member firm of Wis- ler, Moore & Co.; opened land busi- ness and later removed to present ad- dress; connected with Los Angeles Times, 1909, to date; started dept. "In the Public Schools" in Times; became "Olive Gray" in same paper; one of first women to serve on an election board at first election after passage of suffrage amendment. MOORE, Dr. Melvin L. Physician and surgeon. Res. 340 Kingsley Drive office 714-17 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in South Bend., Ind., Dec. 20, 1859; son of Dr. Robert Melvin and Maria Asire Moore. Married to Elizabeth Holler, 1879. Educated at Valparaiso Univ., Valparaiso, Ind., and Rush Medical College, Chicago, III. Special work in surgery at Bellvue Hospital, New York City, 1882-84; studied in Euro- pean universities and hospitals; after finishing his studies, began practice of his profession in South Bend, Ind., and continued same for five years. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1897, where he has practiced for twenty- five years. Prof, of obstetrics, Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley, Cal. Member Amer. Med. Assn.; Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc; Dist. Med. Soc. of So. Cal.; Los Angeles Pathological Soc; Cal. State Med. Soc; University and Cali- fornia clubs; B. P. O. E. MOORE, I?r. Ross. Physician. Res. 2652 S. Hoover St., office, 705 Fay Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Girard, Erie co.. Pa., Dec. 29, 1873; son of Rev. Wm. R. and Sarah A. (Dinsmore) Moore. Married Zola A. Bailey in 1904. Attended Union Academy, Anna, 111., 1890-91; gradu- ated from Wabash College, Craw- fordsville, Ind., B. A., 1896; Medical College of Ind., Indianapolis, Ind. ; from Western Reserve Univ., Cleve- land, O., 1900, M. D.; Pathologist to Cleveland City Hospital, 1900-01; post graduate work in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1902; post graduate work in Baltimore, Md., 1905. In profes- sional work in Cleveland, 1900-03; asst. in neurological clinic. Medical Dept., Western Reserve Univ. in 1903; moved to Los Angeles as asst. to Dr. H. G. Braincrd in 1902; clinical instructor in nervous and mental dis- eases in Univ. of So. Cal.; now asst. prof, of nervous and mental diseases in Los Angeles Dept. of Medicine, Univ. of Cal.; has confined work to diseases of the mind and nervous sys- tem 1910 to date; chairman of Cal. Psychiatric Assn., a society organized to further the study and practice of mental and nerve hygiene. Member of Los Angeles Clinical and Patho- logical Soc; American Medical Assn., Cal. Psychopathic Soc; Univ. Club. Congregationalist. MOORE, Stephen D. Real estate and mining. Res. 877 E. 43d St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Fayette Co., Ind., Oct. 11, 1838; son of Steph- en and Eliza (Sutton) Moore. Mar- ried to Mary E. Cotton in 1868. Re- ceived six months' public school edu- cation in New Albany, Ind. At age of twelve years served on Ohio River preparing to be a steamboat clerk ; on boats on Mississippi River and tributaries until Civil War; enlisted as a mem- ber of Co. D, 18th Miss. Regt. ; after close of war continued on Mississippi River boats as clerk, pilot and Capt. until 1867; engaged in merchandise business at Bayou Sara, La.; operat- ing plantation at St. Landy Parish; moved to Tex. 1872 and engaged in cotton business with firms of Norris Veal & Co., and Norris & Jones ; took steamer Stonewall to Tampico, Mex., 1874 ; made trip up the Pan- nico, M\)ntezuma and Capidero rivers commanding first boat ever to reach Tempoal ; changed flag and boat name to Tempoal. Moved to Cal., 1900, and has since been engaged in real estate operations and mining. Dir. and secy. Dos Palos Oil & Mining Co. ; Midway Merger Oil Co. ; Mari- copa Oil Co.; Linmoore Land Co.; dir. and vice-pres. Federal Chemical Co. Member all orders of Masonic fraternity; Past Master, Past High Priest, Past Eminent Commander, Past Grand Treasurer, Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter, Tex. Episco- palian. 266 WHO'S WHO MOORE, William H., Jr. Re- ceiver and trustee. Res. 1245 W. 46th St. ; office, 725 Higgins BIdg., Los .Angeles, Cal. Born on Catawba Island, Ottawa county, O., March 29, 1886; son of William H., and Lydia (Newton) Moore. Married to Her- mia C. Feuser, in 1912. Attended grammar and high schools of Port Clinton, O.; business college in Cleveland, 1903; in Los Angeles, 1904. Law clerk for Los Angeles Whole- saler's Board of Trade, 1905-11; asso- ciated with the Board of Trade as receiver and trustee in bankruptcy of various mercantile concerns 1911 to date. Member Masonic fraternity, 32nd degree; Shrine; Union League, and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. Episcopalian. MOOTE, Francis Donald Ross. Lawyer. Res. Sierra Madre; office 830 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in City Creek, Cal., June 5, 1879; son of James M. and Elizabeth M. Ross. Married to Mabel L. Graves in 1908. Educated in Cucamonga and Ontario public schools; Los Angeles High School, and Chiffey College of .'\griculture. After leaving school studied law and was admitted to the bar. Entered into partnership with J. W. Mays and practiced under firm name of Mays & Moote, 1902-10; formed partner- ship with Force Parker in 1910, which continues to date. Secy. Pioneer Steam Carpet Cleaning Works; dir. Butte County Mill & Lumber Co.; member National Geographic Soc; LTnion League, Gamut, Federation and City clubs; Japanese-American frater- nity; Masonic fraternity. Republican. Presbyterian. MOREHOUS, Benjainin Franklin. Life insurance. Res. 703 W. Phila- delphia St., Whittier,; office 603 Bu- miller Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Luis Obispo co., Cal., May 13. 1873; son of Charles D. and Huldah M. (Lowe) Morehous. Married to Mae L. Bateman in 1900. Received public school education; attended Chestnut- woods Business College, Oct., 1895, May, 1896. Bookkeeper in San Fran- cisco, 1896-99; engaged in retail shoe business at Santa Ana, Cal., 1899-1901; cashier Wm. F. Lutz Co., Santa Ana, 1901-2; asst. to supt. Coulter Dry Goods Co., 1902-03; field man Aetna Life Ins. Co., 1903-07; mining, 1907- 09; insurance business, 1909; vice-pres. Manhattan Gold Bar Mining Co.; vice-pres. Orange Manhattan Mining Co. Member Masonic fraternity; Metropolitan Club; Christian Church. MORGAN, Charles O. Lawyer. Res. 5545 Virginia ave.; office, 1010 California Bldg., Los Angeles. Born In Peterboro, N. Y., May 7, 1854; son of Joseph E., and Mary S. (Holmes) Morgan. Married to Eliza- beth Chaphe in 1878. Attended country school 1859-74; high school and Colgate Academy, Hamilton, N. Y.; graduated from Madison (now Colgate University) Hamilton, N. Y., Ph. B., 1877. Admitted to practice law in all New York courts November, 1882. Moved to Huron, S. D., March, 1883, and continued practice until 1894. During this time he held the following offices in Beadle County, S. D. : Deputy Register of Deeds and Deputy County Clerk, 1883-87; Deputy Co. Treas., 1887-89; Co. Auditor, 1889-91. Moved to Los Angeles in 1894 and has since been engaged in the practice of law, with exception of fhe period from 1899-1903 when he was City Justice. Member Fraternal Brotherhood. MORGAN, Elmer E. Real estate and investments. Res. 6058 Yacca ave.; office, 311 Trust & Savings Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in De Witt, la., Sept. 13, 1861; son of Isaac Fisher and Sarah Elizabeth (Williams) Mor- gan. Married to Nina M. Golden in 1885. Attended public school in Scott county, la., until 10 years of age; private school at De Witt. la., 1883; studied law with W. A. Meese, Mo- line. 111., 1884. At the age of sixteen years, conducted a farm and two years later bought 3800 head of cattle, drove them west through Neb., Kas., Col., Utah, Idaho, Mont., North and South D,T., and la. ; sold cattle business in 1883; engaged in real estate business, Molinc, 111., 1884, taking up the study of law at the same time; sold real estate business in 1912 and moved to Los Angeles, where he resumed operation in real estate ; has con- tinued same to date. Former vice- pres. Moline Inc'd. Lamp Co. ; Tri-City Land Stone Brick Co. ; Dir. Wright Carriage Body Co. ; Man. Hotel Assn.; Moline Theater Co.; Member Co. F. Sixth Inf., 111., 1884- 87; special duty 1887-98; appointed Adjt. Gen. Third Brig. March 1898 and resigned 1912, as retired Lieut. Col. Assisted organization of Army and Navy League, 1898; organized Tenth Prov. Regt. 1898; Member Mo- linc club; Plow City Republican club. IN TACIFIC SOUTHWEST 267 Masonic fraternity; K. of P.; B. P. O. E.; Red Men; Select Knights; Shrine. MORGAN, Octavius. Architect. Res. 819 Wcstlake Ave.; office, Van Nuys B!dg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Canterbury, England, Oct. 20, 1850; son of Giles Chapman and Caroline Tyler (Adams) Morgan. Married to Margaret Susan Weller Offenbacker in 1884. Educated at Kent House Acad., Tliomas Cross Classic School, and Sydney Cooper School of Art in Canterbury, England. Began study of his profession while a student in Kent House Acad., and after finishing his studies did five years' practical work in the office of F. A. Gilham, an English architect of high repute. Moved to U. S. in 1871 and located in Denver, Col.; later engaged in min- ing in Col., Wyo., Ida., Utah and Nev. Moved to Cal. in 1873 and se- cured a claim on Lytle Creek in San Bernardino co. Moved to Los An- geles in 1874 and became associated with R. F. Kysor. architect : this connection lasted until Kysor's re- tirement in 1886; formed partnership with J. A. Walls in 1886; the firm is known at present as Morgan, Walls & Morgan. O. W. Morgan, his son, be- coming a member of the firm in 1910. Notable structures designed by firm : Sisters of Charity Hospital ; Hollenbeck Home for Aged People ; Farmers' and Merchants' Bank; I. N. Van Nuys Bldg. ; Hollingsworth Bldg. ; Title Guar- antee Bldg. ; Morosco Tlieatre; W. P. Story Bldg. Member of Freeholders Charter Board in 1898 and again in 1900. Member and past pres. Engrs. and Archts. Assn.; Fellow Amer. Inst, of Archts. Past pres. So. Cal. Chapter Amer. Inst, of Archts.; Cal. State Board of Architecture; Masonic fra- ternity; I. O. O. F. ; California and Jonathan clubs. MORGANSTERN, Alfred J. Law- yer. Res., 2143 Second st.; office, 718 Timken Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Pittsburg, April 30, 1869; son of Jacob and Henrietta May Morgan- stern. Married to Katherine Green in 1888; to Bertha Edgerton Strouse in 1902. MORGRAGE, Wilbert. Lawyer. Res. Pasadena, Cal.; office Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cas- tine, Maine, Jan. 3, 1869; son of An- drew Jackson and Priscilla Cole (Frenton') Morgrage. Married to Louisa Miller in 1896. Attended pub- lic school; Eastern State Normal School, Me.; Harvard Law School, 1895. Engaged in the practice of law in Boston, 1895-1906; member of the firm of Bruce & Morgrage, 1900-05; engaged in oil business, identified with Canfield-Danziger operations, 1906- 12; law practice in Los Angeles, Feb. 1912 to date. Secy. Jade Oil Co.; Ruby Oil Co.; Harbor View Land Co. Member Sierra Madre Club. MOROSCO, Oliver. Manager the- atrical enterprises. Res. 991 Elden Ave.; office, Burbank Theatre, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Logan, Utah; married to Annie T. Cockrell. While a boy, went to work in the box office at the Morosco Theatre, San Fran- cisco; at age of fourteen, acted as treas., business mgr., and press agent of the Grand Opera House, San Fran- cisco. Moved to Los Angeles, 1897, and took charge of the Burbank The- atre of which he is at present man- ager; had erected for him the Majestic Theatre of which he is manager at present, in 1909: had erected for him the Morosco Theatre in 1912; now controls five theatres in Los Angeles, —the Majestic, Burbank, Morosco, Lyceum and Republic; is considered the most prominent producer of plays in the West; is endeavoring to make Los Angeles the producing center of the West; has now on tour the fol- lowing productions: "Bird of Para- dise," produced in New York City in 1912; "The Escape," a drama by Paul Armstrong, produced in Chicago, Mar. 2, 1913; "Tik Tok Man of Oz," musical extravaganza produced in Los Angeles, 1913. MORPHY, Alan Evans. Public utilities. Res. 857 Third St.. Santa Monica, Cal; office 120 E. Fourth st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Bramp- ton, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 19, 1883; son of Thomas and Mary Ellsmore (Evans) Morphy. Education received in the public schools of Canada and night schools of U. S. Employed in Law office in Canada, 1899-1901; bank- ing, 1901-03; banking in New York city and Pittsburg, Pa., 1903-07; in business in Los Angeles, 1907 to date; now asst. secy. Southern California Edison Co., Los Angeles. MORRIS, Frederic I. Merchant. Res. Pandora and Yucca sts., Holly- wood, Cal.; office 501 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wayne CO., 111., March 21, 1872; son of John and Lucinda (Leutz) Morris. Mar- ried to Marion Bogy, March 31, 1903. Received his education in the public 268 WHO'S WHO school at Fairfield, 111. Employed in the traffic dept. of the Southern R. R. at St. Louis, Mo.. 1889-1905. Moved to Los Angeles in 1905 and was one of the organizers of the Fifth Street Store for the Muse, Faris & Walker Co., of which he is vice pres. and treas. Member Masonic fraternity; Shrine. MORRIS, Margaret Mabel. Physi- cian and surgeon. Res. 5021 Gramercy pi.; office 608 Hollingsworth BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Kentucky, April 4, 1870; daughter of Noah and Isola A. (Mallory) Morris. Unmar- riad. Attended Pomona (Cal.) gram- mar and high schools; graduated from LIniv. of So. Cal. Medical College, Los Angeles, Cal., 1907. Baptist. MORRIS, Reuben Wallace. Den- tist. Res. 2231 W. 20th; office 431 San Fernando Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Miami co., O., .Aug. 17, 1850; son of David H. and Elizabeth (Rey- burn) Morris. Attended public schools of Troy, O., Willoughby, C; Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O.; graduated from Ohio College of Den- tal Surgery, Cincinnati, D. D. S., 1874. Began practice same year in Dayton, O., remaining until 1886. Moved to Los Angeles and engaged in the bak- ery busmess; later in real estate; re- turned to the practice of his profes- sion in 1890. Member of the Los An- geles Board of Education, 1890; mem- ber Southern Cal. Dental Assn. Chris- tian Scientist. MORRISON, Edward D. Oil op- erator. Res. Los Angeles; office 356 South Spring st. Born in Washing- ton CO., O., June 5. 1875; son of James C. and Augusta (Moore) Morrison. Educated in the public schools of Neb. and Nebraska Business College, Oma- ha, Neb. Employed by Maverick Bank, Gordon, Neb., and was pro- moted successively until he was made asst. cashier in 1897; treas. Sheridan Co. Fair Assn., 1897-1901; treas. Nio- brara Land and Sheep Co.. 1901-03; moved to Cal. in 1903. locating in Santa Barbara, where he became part owner and manager of a hotel; moved to San Bernardino in 1904 and be- came owner and manager of a hotel. Moved to Los Angeles in 1905 and engaged in real estate business. Be- gan oil operations in 1909 with United Oil Co., of which he is pres. and dir.; holds same offices in Midnight Oil Co. and Rex Midway Oil Co.; also inter- ested in mines in Colorado. MORRISON, Fred W. Lawyer. Res. 2378 West Twenty-third st; of- fice, 611 American Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Fayette, Mo., Aug. 10, 1873; son of John L. and Eliza (Thompson) Morrison; married to Gussie Strong in 1903. Attended Central College, Fayette, Mo., 1887- 88 ; Kemper School, Booneville, Mo., 1888-89; Christian Bros. College, St. Louis, Uo., 1889-90. Traveled for T. B. Boyd & Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1893- 95; read law in office of R. C. Clark, Fayette, Mo., 1896-97; admitted to practice at Fayette, Mo., Circuit Court, 1898; admitted to Supreme Court, Mo., May 1899; admitted Su- preme Court, Arizona, Jan. 1905; ad- mitted Court of Appeals, Cal., 1907; opened law office with Fleetwood Bell at Kingman, Ariz., under name Bell & Morrison, Aug., 1897 ; branch office at Chloride, Ariz., Oct. 1900; bought partner's interest and contin- ued practice at Kingman, Ariz., until May, ^908; elected dis. atty. of Mo- have Co., Ariz., 1906, and took the of- fice Jan. 1907; resigned May, 1908, and immediately moved to Los An- geles; has practiced law in California 1908 to date. Member K. of P.; Past Exalted Ruler of Kingman, Ariz., Lodge B. P. O. E., No. 468; member Masonic fraternity, all Scottish Rite bodies in Los Angeles; Shrine; Sierra Madrc club of Los Angeles. MORTIMER, Charles White. Law- yer. Res. 1919 S. Grand ave.; office 704-6 International Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Adelaide, On- tario, Canada, .\pril 20, 1852; son of Rev. Arthur and Mary Frances (White) Mortimer. Married to Annie M. Best in 1886. .Attended Upper Canada College, Toronto, Can., 1863- 68; graduated from Trinity College, Toronto, B. A., 1873; M. A., 1887. Admitted to bar, Toronto, 1879; Los Angeles, Cal., 1882; by Supreme Court of Cal., 1891; by U. S. Dist. Court, Los Angeles, 1899. Practiced law in Toronto, 1879-81; junior counsel in defense of the man who killed the Hon. Geo. Brown, ex-Prime Minister of Canada; practiced law in Los An- geles. 1882 to date; first as member of firm of Rush & Harris; later Morti- mer & Harris, and at present alone. British Vice-Consul at Los ."Vngeles, 1883 to date. Member Toronto Club, Toronto, Can.; California Club, Los Angeles. Episcopalian. MORTON, William Ona. Lawyer. Res. 104 X. Mariposa St.; office, 534- 542 Citizens' National Bank Bldg., Los IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 269 Angeles, Cal. Born in Fayette Co., Ala., July 30, 1868; son of William Addison and Elizabeth Jane (Moore) Morton; married to Maud Hunter, Nov. 15, 1900. Attended Cottondale high school; Springtown Institute; Fort Worth Business College; gradu- ated from law dept. Fort Worth Univ., A. B. ; and L.L. B.. 1898; pres. Plain- view Coeducational Institute, Plainview, Tex. ; supt city schools, Alvord, and Breckenridge, Tex. ; linancial agt. and business mgr. Fort Worth Univ. five years ; member of law firm of M\:Lean, Booth & Morton, Fort Worth, 1898- 1902; moved to Cal. in 1902, member of firm of Morton & Houser, Los An- geles, 1902-06; engaged in the prac- tice of law as member of firm of Mor- ton, Hollzer & Morton. Democratic nominee for Congress, Seventh Con- gressional District, 1904; democratic nominee for Atty. Gen., 1906. Mem- ber Civil Service Commission, 1907- 12; pres. 1911-12, dir. Los Angeles Vac- uum Gas Heating Co. ; Pacific Financ- ing Corporation. Member Jefferson club; B. P. O. E.; Loyal Order of Moose; W. O. W. ; Fraternal Brother- hood; Dixie Society; Texas State So- ciety; Women of Woodcraft; Los An- geles Athletic, Metropolitan and Co- vina Country clubs. MOSS, Leon Fremont. Lawyer. Res. 1241 Lake St.; office 711-15 Amer- ican Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Pulton co., 111.; son of George Walker and Mary Jane (Grigsby) Moss. Married to Effie Florence Wil- lard. Attended Valparaiso Univ., Val- paraiso, Ind.; graduated from Iowa LTniv., B. S. Arrived in Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 2, 1887; practiced law there since then, excepting two years on Superior Court bench, 1909-10. Mem- ber California and Los Angeles Coun- try clubs; Masonic fraternity; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F. MOSSHOLDER, William John. Lawyer. Res. 2008 Fifth St.; office, 1-4 First National Bank Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Martinsburg, O., Aug. 27, 1857; son of Squire Humph- rey and Mary E. (Robinson) Moss- holder. Married to Jennie Prentice in 1881. Graduated from Nebraska Wes- leyan Univ., Ph. B.; Law Dept. Iowa State Univ., L.L. B., 1881. Pres. San Diego Chapter Sons of American Revolution. Member Masonic frater- nity; San Diego Consistory, No. 6, being honored as K. C. C. H.; O. E. S.; Shrine. MOULTRIE, Lloyd Walker. Law- yer. Res. 3012 W. 7th st.; office 918 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Jose, Cal., Dec. 28, 1868; son of Joseph Addison and Elizabeth Barnet (Walker) Moultrie. Married to Susan F'rances Edelen in 1900. At- tended the San Jose grammar and high schools; Univ. of Pacific; Univ. of Mich., graduating LL. B., 1890. Ad- mitted to bar in Fresno, 1890, and practiced there until 1900, when he moved to Los Angeles, and has con- tinued in his profession to date; city atty. of Fresno and member of legis- lature, 1897. Member Jonathan, Los Angeles Athletic and Los Angeles Country clubs; Masonic fraternity; Shrine. MOULTON, Montgomery McDon- ald. County assessor. Res. 2027 C St.; office Court House, San Diego, Cal. Born in Monticello, la., June 20, 1874; son of Moses M. and Amelia (McDonald) Moulton. Married to Beulah E, Miller in 1907. Attended public schools of Monticello, la. En- gaged in printing and newspaper work in Minneapolis, 1890-93; published Fallbrook Observer. Fallbrook, Cal., 1893-1902; chief deputy county record- er, 1903-06; San Diego county assessor Jan., 1907. to date. Sergeant in Co. B, Seventh Cal. Inf., U. S. V., May 4 to Dec. 2, 1898. MOVER, Reginald W. Real Es- tate. Res. 1821 W. Fifth St.; office, 316 Title Insurance Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Jan. 29, 1882; son of David N. and Margaret (Tweddell) Moyer. Attended John Marshall high school, Chicago; English High and Manual Training School, Chicago, 111. Em- ployed in Chicago office of the Ger- man-American Fire Ins. Co., of New York, 1899-1906; moved to Los An- geles, December, 1906; engaged in the real estate loan business, January, 1907 to date. Member Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce ; Los Angeles Realty Board. MOYLE, Edward Henry. Mining, meclianical and hydraulic engineer; in- ventor and manufacturer. Res. 609 W. First St.; office 224 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hazelton, Pa., June 5, 1870; son of Edward and Harriet (Harris) Moyle. Attended public schools, Grass Valley, Cal.; mechanical-electrical course at Inter- national Correspondence School, Scranton, Pa., 1888-89; mechanical en- gineering (night course), Lincoln 270 WHO'S WHO Polytechnic School, San Francisco, Cal., 1889-92. Moved to Grass Val- ley, Cal., 1876. Four years in various departments of Empire Mine at Grass Valley, Cal.; served apprenticeship of four years as machinist, Risdon Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal., 1889-9.^; supt. California-Nevada Ice Works, San Francisco, 1893; spent eight years with Joshua Hendy Iron Works, San Francisco, 1893-1901: first four in tech- nical training in mining, mechanical and hydraulic engineering, next four in traveling for firm as metallurgical expert; chief engr. Llewellyn Iron Works, Los Angeles, Cal., 1901; estab- lished E. H. Moyle Engineering & Equipment Co.; designed and was en- gineer of construction for plant of Gold Road Mine & Exploration Co., Gold Road, Ariz., 1901-02; consulting engr. for Cal. King Gold Mining Co., 1903; designer and constructing engr. Anti-Oak Tannery, Los Angeles, 1904; engr. Porter Land & Water Co., 1904- 05; consulting engr. for various mines in U. S., Mexico and Alaska; furnished equipment for Tajo Mines and various other plants for ore treatment, Sina- loa, Mexico, 1905-06; E. H. Moyle Engineering & Equipment Co., en- gaged in all branches of mining, met- allurgical, mechanical and hydraulic 'ngineerir.g, having patented most o' their own machinery which they are at present manufacturing and shipping to all parts of the country, Canada, Mexico and Alaska; have been operat- ing continuously under present firm name, 1901 to date. Patents: The Moyle Circular Feed, complete circu- lar discharge stamp mill; Moyle Self- locking Cam; Supporting and Actuat- ing Device for hanging up stamps; Plastic Metallic Stem-guide for stamp mills; Combination Ore Feeder; Moyle Rapid-drop Steel-frame Port- able Mill; Gates for Cyanide Tanks; Rock-crushers, various types of Pulp Distributors for Cyanide Tanks, etc. Pres. E. H. Moyle Engineering & Equipment Co. Member Chamber of Mines and Oils. Congregationalist. MUDD, Seeley Wintersmith. Min- ing engineer. Res. 2232 Harvard blvd.; office, 1001 Central Bldg., Los Angcle.'s, Cal. Born in K^rkwood, Mo., Aug. 16, 1861; son of Henry Thomas and Elizabeth S. (Hodgen) Mudd. Married to Delia Mulock in 1887. Attended public school of his native town and St. Louis high school; graduated from Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., E. M., 1883; assayer and supt. of the cop- per dept. of St. Louis Smelting & Re- fining Co., 1883-85; moved to Lead- ville. Col., in 1885; mgr. of Small Hopes Consolidated Mining Co., and Boreel Mining Co., 1887,1911; mgr. Ibex Mining Co., 1899-1902; western consulting engineer for New Jersey Zinc Co., 1902-04; moved to Los An- geles in 1903; engaged as consulting engineer on Pacific Coast for Gug- genheim Exploration Co., and Ameri- can Smelting & Refining Co., 1904- 05; pres. and mgr. Queen Esther Min- ing & Milling Co., Kern county, Cal., 1904-09; one of the organizers of and dir. Ray Consolidated Copper Co., and Gila Copper Co., 1907; engaged in mining for himself and as consulting mining engineer 1897 to date. Dir. Pacific Mines Corporation. Mem- ber Amer. Inst, of Mining Engrs. ; Mining & Metallurgical Soc. of America; Inst, of Mining & Metal- lurgy of England; Rocky Mountain club. New York City; Sierra Madre, Country, Annandale Country, and Cal- ifornia clubs of Los Angeles. Con- gregationalist. MUELLER, Oscar C. Lawyer. Res. 2115 Harvard blvd.; office 824 Van Nuys Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Denver, Col., Sept. 7, 1876; son of Otto and Nettie (Kette) Mueller. Married to Ivy Schoder in 1900. At- tended public schools of Los Angeles Co., 1880; Occidental College, 1891-93; special course in Law Dept., Univ. of Va., 1898; studied law in office of Judge W. H. Wilde, 1895-97; admitted to bar in 1898 and began practice as partner of the late Hon. C. C. Wright in same year; has been engaged in practice alone 1901 to date. Resident of Los Angeles. Cal., 1880 to date. Chair- man of the first Chamber of Com- merce Consolidation Committee, 1906; dir. Los Angeles Chamber of Com- merce for two terms ; dir. Los An- geles Bar Assn. two terms. Member California Council American Bar Assn.; California, Jonathan and Los Angeles Athletic clubs; Masonic fra- ternity. Republican. MULHOLLAND. William. Hy- draulic engineer. Res. Sixth and Cum- mings sts.; office, 636 S. Hill st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Belfast, Ireland, Sept. 11, 1855; son of Hugh and Ellen (Deakers) Mulholland. Married to Lillie Ferguson in 1890. F'ducated in public and Christian Brothers' schools, Dublin, Ireland. Moved from Pittsburg, Pa., to Cal- ifornia in 1877; appointed supt. and chief engr. of City Water Co., in 1886, which position he has held since IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 271 the property was taken over by the city in 1902; chief engr. of Los An- geles Aqueduct. In the past twenty- five years has designed and super- vised construction of many of the great irrigation systems of So. Cal. Mem- ber Amer. Soc. of Civil Engrs.; pres. and charter member of Engrs. & Archts. Assn. of So. Cal.; honorary member Natl. Assn. Stationary Engrs.; Natl. Geographic Soc; Seis- mological Soc. of Amer.; California, Sunset and Celtic clubs. MULL, Daniel C. Real estate and insurance. Res. La Crcscenta, Cal.; office, 600 San Fernando Rldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Grand Haven, Mich., Dec. 11, 1887; son of James A., and Cornelia (Klassen) Mull. At- tended high school; and Mcl^aughlin's Business College, Grand Rapids, Mich. Began business career as proprietor of a retail grocery store in Grand Rapids, 1904-08; engaged in real es- tate and insurance business under firm name of Cannon & Mull, in Los An- geles, 1908 to date. Presbyterian. MUMA, Irwin Johnston. Insurance. Res. 996 Elden avc; office Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 17, 1876; son of Benjamin and Martha (Jarman) Muma. Married to Alice Cuthbertson Hicks in 1912. Educated in grammar and high schools of Oakland, Cal.; Univ. of Cal., A.B., 1900. District agent for Aetna Life Insurance Co., San Francisco, Cal., 1900; later super- visor of agents; general manager Aetna Life Insurance Co., Los Ange- les to date; dir. Colton Bank, Colton, Cal. Member Masonic fraternity; Scottish Rite; Shrine; Knights Tem- plar; B. P. O. E.; Athletic Club, Chi- cago; Evanston Golf Club, Evanston, 111.; University of California Club of San Francisco, Cal.; honorary mem- ber, organizer and first pres. of Los Angeles Rotary Club; member Chi- cago Executive Club. MUNCY, Ralph Erskine. Real es- tate. Res. 1941 Lovelace ave.; office 713 Grant Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Warren co.. 111., Aug. 26, 1858; son of William and Elizabeth (Parker) Muncy. Married to Sadie E. French, Dec. 27, 1881. Educated in the III. public schools and Mon- mouth College, Monmouth, III. En- gaged in general merchandise busi- ness and farming in 111. and la.; moved to Cal. in 1885, operating a ranch in Elsinore valley, 1886-96; moved to Los .Xngeles and has been engaged in real estate business, 1886 to date under the firm name of R. E. Muncy Realty Co. MUNK, Joseph Amasa. .Physician (Eclectic). Res. 747 S. Alvarado st.; office, 337V2 S. Hill st, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Columbian Co., O., Nov. 9, 1847 ; son of Jacob and Maria (Rosenbcrry) Munk. Married to Em- ma Beazell in 1873. Attended public schools in Salem, O., Alliance, O., and Mount Union College, Alliance, O.; graduated in medicine from the Ec- lectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, O., in 1869. Practiced medicine in Lindsey, O., in 1870; moved to Chilli- cothe. Mo., in 1871; to Topeka, Kans., in 1881; to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1892, where he has since resided. Has an Arizona library, consisting wholly of literature on Ariz., embracing more than six thousand titles; donated this library to the use of the Southwest Museum in 1908, where it is open to the public. Joined the Southwest Soc. of the Archaelo,gical Institute of America and in 1908 was elected a member of its executive committee; elected a dir. of the Southwest Muse- um, 1910; in 1900 published a cata- logue of his Ariz, books, and in 1908 a second edition. In l90S published s book of Arizona sketches; a regu- lar contributor to Eclectic Medical literature since 1870; a member of all local and state Eclectic Medical so- cieties and has held all offices in many. Member National Eclectic Medical Assn.; elected pres. of this or- ganization in 1910; present dean of the California Eclectic Medical Col- lege, Los Angeles, and professor of climatology and materia medica. Served as a volunteer in the Civil War in Co. I, 178th O. V. I. Mem- ber of Stanton Post No. 55, G. A. R. MUNRO, John. Lawyer. Res. 253 S. Griffin ave. ; office, 736-38 Bryson Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Dominionville, Canada, Nov. 2. 1874 ; son of Dr. James T., and Christina (Robertson) Munro. Married to Jen- nie Harris in 1910. Attended the pub- lic schools of Canada; Alexandria high school, Alexandria, Canada, 1886- 90; Ottawa Collegiate Institute, Otta- wa, Can., 1890-91 ; graduated from Queen's University, Kingston, Can., A. B., 1896 ; post graduate course, Manitoba University, 1897; graduated from .American College, L.L. D.. 1904. Engaged in the practice of law asso- ciated with Harris & Harris, Los Angeles, 1907-08; with Gen. John- 272 WHO'S WHO stone Jones, 1908-10; member of firm of Munro & Robertson, 1910-11; Mun- ro & Pirkey. 1911-12; with J. C. Wells, 1912 to date. Secy. Princess Gold Min- ing Co.. 1908-09; atty. New La Paz Gold Mining Co., 911 to date. Mem- ber Jefferson Clulb. Presbyterian. MURDOCK, Gilbert Edward. Ar- tist and author. Res. Los .-Angeles; office 515 Trust & Savings Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Milwaukee, Wis., March 23, 1883; son of LaFay- ette and Sophia (Knowles) Murdock. Unmarried. Studied art and letters in Paris, Florence and Munich. Au- thor: The Valley o' Dreams (fic- tion); Antinous (opera); The Odal- ique (play); miscellaneous verse. MURPHY, William Dudley. Re- tired. Res. 1299 Hillcrest ave., Pasa- dena, Cal. Born in Albany, N. Y., June 26, 1868; son of William D. and Catherine (Brovifer) Murphy. Married to Maude Carpenter in 1900. Received his education in private schools at .Al- bany, N. Y., and Rockville, Md.; Al- bany High School and Albany Mili- tary Academy. Matriculated at Har- vard in 1886, but failed to attend on account of illness. Engaged on ranch of the Luke Vhoores Cattle Co., Hat Creek, Wyoming. 1887-88: with engi- neering department of the A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co. in the field; traveled from 1890 to 1892; associated with his father in various business enterprises, 1893- 95; partner in Haley Ink Co., New York, 1896-1900; moved to Chicago and engaged in the manufacture of lamps and brass goods under the name of American Lighting Co., of which he was pres.; sold his interest in this concern in 1905 and moved to Pasa- dena, Cal. Member California Club, Los Angeles; Overland, Valley Hunt and Annandale Country clubs, Pasa- dena. MURRAY, Alexander. Contractor and builder. Res. 2811 E, 4th st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ontario, Can- ada, Sept. 26, 1869; son of George and Euphemia Frances B. (Birnie) Mur- ray. Attended public schools of Can- ada; Owen Sound Collegiate Ins.; Fleming Business College; has teach- ers' certificate for Mich, and Cal. En- gaged in farming and teaching school until he moved to Los .'Vngeles in 1905; since that time he has been en- gaged in the contracting and building business in Los Angeles. Presby- terian. MYERS, Alva D. Mine operator and owner. Res. Los Angeles; of- fice, 305 Columbian Trust Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Marshalltown, la., July 18, 1872; son of W. C, and Elizabeth C, (Waitman) Myers. Married to Heduirz Yablonski in 1912. Received public school education in his native town. At time of discovery of Goldfield District in 1903, he lo- cated Mohawk mine; Combination Fraction; C. O. D.; Combination mine; Silver Pick mine. Owner and pres. Calumet Copper Co., Ely Nev. ; pres. Panamint Silver mines, Frigo Co., Cal.; Silver Peak Campbird Co.; Mexican Gold & Silver Corp.; Mines Exploration Co.; vice-pres. Transvaal of Nevada Co. Served in Torrey's Rough Riders in Spanish American War. Member Los Angeles Chamber of Mines & Oil; Gamut and Sierra Madre clubs, Los Angeles; Rocky Mountain club of New York City; Montezuma club, Goldfield, Nev.; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E. MYERS, Desaix B. Mining engi- neer. Res. 230 Madeline Drive, Pasa- dena; office 320 Story Bldg., Los An- geles. Cal. Born in Washington. D. C, 1882; son of Dr. T. D. and Mary (Brown) Myers. Married to Edith Wesson Cutler in 1912. Graduated from Penn Charter School, Philadel- phia, Pa., 1900; from Univ. of Pa., B. S., 1905; from Mass. Inst, of Tech- nology, B. S., 1908. Asst. geologist and mineralogist on expedition to Alaska, 1907; engineer and chemist with LaMotte Lead & Smelting Co., LaMotte, Mo., 1908-09; private geo- logical work in Ariz., 1909-10; en- gaged in mining, engineering and spe- cializing in field examinations, with headquarters in Los Angeles, 1910 to date. Dir. Chamber of Mines and Oils. Member American Inst, of Min- ing Engrs.; Rittenhouse Club, Phila- delphia; Overland Club, Pasadena; University Club, Los Angeles. Quaker. MYERS, John F. Secy. Tucson Chamber of Commerce. Res. 919 N. Fifth ave., Tucson; office Chamber of Commerce, Tucson, Ariz. Born in Cincinnati. O., Oct. 3, 1888; son of John H. and Addie M. (Kline) Myers. Married to Gertrude AI. Schrocr in 1912. Attended grammar and high schools of Cincinnati and Norwood, O. ; Univ. of Cincinnati. Employed in real estate office in Norwood (Cincin- nati), O. ; later opened his own office in Norwood; opened larger office in Cin- cinnati one year later; joined firm of IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 273 Newcomb & Jenkins, real estate brok- ers and builders, a year later; secy. Chamber of Commerce, Tucson, Ariz., 1912 to date; secy. So. Ariz. Fair Assn. at Tucson, Ariz. Formerly member Norwood Business Men's Club and Cincinnati Real Estate Exchange and Interchange bureau. MYERS, John Sylvester. City au- ditor, Res. 1085 W. 35th st.; office City Hall, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Fountain co., Ind., Dec. 20, 1859; son of Galvin and Elizabeth (Mar- shall) Myers. Married to Lou M. Cook in 1885. Educated in Indiana Normal College and Business Insti- tute, Ladoga, Ind., from which he graduated in 1880. Taught school in Ind., 1881-82; in general merchandise business with firm of Myers Bros., Yeddo, Ind., 1882-84; also station agent for the Chicago & Great North- ern R. R., 1882-84. Moved to Kas. in 1884, and assisted in the organization of Clark CO. and the town of Ashland, which became the county seat; ap- pointed clerk of the co. by Gov. Mar- tin in 1885; engaged in newspaper work, real estate operations and bank- ing in Ashland, 1885-90; member of school board and city treasurer of Ashland, 1888-90. Moved to Los An- geles in 1890 and was employed by the Title Insurance, Trust, Guaranty & Abstract Co. until 1896; ap- pointed clerk of Dept. 3, Superior Court of Los Angeles under Judge Waldo M. York in 1896 and served in this capacity for two years; appointed deputy Co. treas. in 1899, which posi- tion he held until 1906; trustee of the Home Savings Bank, 1907-09; elected city auditor in 1909 and was re-elected in 1911. Member Uniform Rank K. of P.; Union League, Federation and City clubs; Loyal Order of Moose; Knights of the Maccabees; secy, of the Dramatic Order Knights of Khor- assan. MYERS, Louis Wescott. Lawyer. Res. 5327 Lemon Grove ave.; office, 513 O. T. Johnson Bldg., Los Anneles, Cal. Born in Lake Mills, Wis., Sept. 6, 1872; son of Jesse Hall and Eliza- beth L., (Wescott) Myers. Married to Blanche Brown, Nov. 27, 1901. Graduated from Lake Mills high school, 1889; from Univ. of Wis., B. L., 1893; L.L. B., 1895. Engaged in practice of law with firm of Spooner, Sanborn & Kerr at Madison, Wis., 1894-95; with Jesse A. and Henry R. Baldwin, Chicago, 1895-97; in practice alone in Los Angeles, 1898 to date. Pres. and mgr. Myers Investment Co.; pres. Conservative Development Co.; vice pres. Continental Oil Co.; set and treas. Redwood Investment Co.; appointed judge Superior Court, Los Angeles Co., 1913. Member California Civil Service Reform League ; National Conservation Assn. ; Short Ballot League ; Roosevelt Progressive Repub- lican League ; Chamber of Commerce ; Municipal League ; Los Angeles Bar Assn.; University and City clubs; Sig- ma Chi, Phi Beta Kappa, and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. MYERS, Philip Norbourne. Law- yer. Res. 1726 Third ave.; office, 715 Broadway Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Covington, Ky., Sept. 16, 1866; son of Harvey and Susan (Scott) Myers. Married to Alma Gray Neunian in 1886. Received his education in the public and private schools of Covington, Ky. First em- ployed as official reporter of courts of Kenton co., Ky. ; deputy clerk of Circuit courts, 1886-90; admitted to practice in all Ky. courts; member of stafif of reporters of Constitutional Convention of Ky., 1890; engaged in the practice of law at Covington, Ky., 1890-92; moved to California and was employed as private secretary to the vice-pres. of Kern Co. Land & Water Co., Bakersfield, Cal., 1892; moved to Los Angeles in 1894; admitted to practice by Supreme Court at San Francisco, Cal., 1895; secy. Hemet Land & Water Co.; secy, and gen. mgr., 1896-1907; engaged in the prac- tice of law at Hemet, Cal., 1907-09; in Los Angeles, 1909, to date. Per- manent chairman co. convention. Riv- erside CO., 1906; Republican delegate to CO. and state conventions, 1900-07. Member Los Angeles Bar Assn.; sec. Committee on Grievances, same, 1909- 12; member B. P. O. E. Episcopalian. MYRICK, Josiah, Jr. Capitalist. Res. 1741 VVestmoreland blvd.; office 331 Security Bldg., Los .Angeles, Cal. Born in Oregon City, Ore., May 16, 1860; son of Josiah and Maria Louise (Rae) Myrick. Married to Louise Brutsch in 1909. Educated in the pub- lic schools of Portland; graduating from high school, 1875; with firm of Rodgers, Myer & Co.; with A. P. Ho- taling & Co.; moved to San Jose, Cal., in 1895 and established brokerage business which he operated two years. Moved to Los Angeles in 1901 and re- sumed brokerage business, also en- gaged in real estate operations; con- tinued in these lines until 1906, when he became stockholder in the So. Trust Co., also stockholder in the 274 WHO'S WHO Nat. Bank of Los Angeles; bought a partnership with Maier Brewing Co. of Los Angeles in 1907, and in addi- tion to these holdings is heavily inter- ested in several other banks and oil companies. Member Los Angeles Athletic Club; Automobile Club. MYRICK, Nathaniel Willis. Manu- facturer. Res. 667 W. 28th st; office, 109 Court St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Spencer, ^Mass., Jan. 20, 1876; son of Charles W. and Catherine (Wood- head) Myrick. Married to Helen Fairchild in 1899. Graduated 1893 from David Prouty high school, Spencer, Mass.; from Phillips Andover Acade- my, Andover, Mass., 1895; from Brown Univ., 1900.; secy, and treas. of the Consolidated Pipe Co., manu- facturing sheet riveted pipe, water well and oil well casing, and irriga- tion supplies 1902 to date. This cor- poration operates factories in Bakers- field and Los Angeles. Member Cal- ifornia, Los .Angeles Country, and Crags Country clubs; Theta Delta Chi fraternity; Masonic fraternity; Shrine; Knights Templar. Republican. MYRICK, Orlando H. Lawyer. Res. Los Angeles; office 717 Interna- tional Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 28, 1879; son of W. W. and Jane (Costin) Myrick. Married to Ruth Kealing in 1897. Attended Ind. State Univ. three years; Butler Univ. Indianapolis, Ind., one year; graduated from the Law Dept. of Yale Univ., LL.B., 190L Ad- mitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Ind. and the Federal courts of Ind., 1901. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., and was admitted to the bar in California by the Supreme Court of Cal. in 1907. Was deputy U. S. atty. general in Ind. NARVER, David C. Sales man- ager. Res. 501 N. Hobart blvd., of- fice, 620 S. Main st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Oskaloosa, la.. May 11, 1857; son of John and Sarah (Gort- ner) Narver. Married to Ida Lee Turner in 1882. Attended grammar ajid high schools;, graduated from high school, Oskaloosa, la., 1872; graduated from Pcnn College, 1875. Moved to Portland, Ore., 1877; en- gaged in farming for two years; en- tered firm of Hartman Bros., Mc- Minnville, la.; sold his interest and entered firm of E. M. Williams & Co., The Dalles, Ore., as mgr., 1885; Se- attle representative for Cal. Paint Co. of San Francisco, 1886-95; moved to Los Angeles for same company in 1896; with P. H. Mathews Paint House, Los Angeles, 1897-1910, vice- pres. of the company, 1909-10; sales mgr. bed dept. So. Cal. Hardwood Mfg. Co., 1910 to date; pres. Web- foot Oil Co. Episcopalian. NAUMAN. Paul Arthur. Real es- tate. Res. 2730 29th st; office 1527 E. St., San Diego, Cal. Born in Sax- ony, Germany, April 24, 1869; son of Charles A. and .lAugusta (Zeibig) Nau- man. Married to Frances Schaefer, Sept. 12, 1894. Attended public schools until 14 years of age; print- ing business, 1883-86; dry goods busi- ness with Sanger Bros., 1886-1910. Moved to San Diego, Cal., in 1910, and opened a real estate office, becom- ing associated with S. L. Shannon and F. L. Burgan. Presbyterian. NAVE, Ann Eliza. Writer. Res. 2505 S. Grand ave., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Defiance, O.; daughter of William and Mary (Warner) Oliver. Married to Orville James Nave in 1870. Graduated from Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O., 1866. Mgr. Mrs. Nave's Red Cross Kitchen; associate editor Student's Bible, 1909. Metho- dist. NEEDHAM, Paul Arnold. .Archi- tect. Res. 5408 Aloise St.; office, 616 Wright & Callender Bldg.; Los .An- geles. Born in Evanston, 111., Aug. 23, 1875; son of Dr. A. H., and Mary C. (Croissant) Needham. .Attended the University of the Pacific four years; three years as special student in architecture at U. of C.; mgr. Santa Clara Journal (Cal.) two years; in state printing office one year; station- ery and book business, Berkeley, Cal. ten years; began study of architec- ture in 1903 and built a number of residences during the time of his col- lege course; engaged in the practice of his profession with G. T. Plowman and E. H. Thomas, Berkeley, Cal., for three years; moved to Los Angeles in 1909 and has since been a member of the firm of Needham & Cline. archi- tects. .Member Masonic fraternity; City club. NELSON, Franz Otto. Auto tires and accessories. Res. 1050 West 48th St.; office, 223 West Eleventh st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Platte CO., Neb., Nov. 12, 1879; son of Swan and Betsy (Erikson) Nelson. Mar- ried to Hilma Swanbom in 1909. At- tended public schools of Platte co., Neb., Templeton, Cal., and Linne, Cal.; Ileald's Business College, San IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 275 Francisco, Cal. Bicycle business in Salinas, Cal.; solicitor Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1901; inside salesman Diamond Rubber Co., San Francisco, Cal.; traveling salesman having spe- cial representation for California for same firm; mgr. Los Angeles branch of same firm, 1908-12; co-partner Nel- son & Price, auto tires and acces- sories, 1912 to date. Private Troop C, N. G. C. Member Masonic fra- ternity, Scottish Rite, 32d degree; Shrine; Eastern Star; Cazadoras Gun club; Los Angeles Athletic Assn. NESTOR, Thomas D. Merchant tailor. Res. 1629 Fremont Ave., South Pasadena, Cal.; office, 452 So. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Louisville, Ky., Jan. 29, 1870; son of Edward and Margaret (Donnel- lan) Nestor. Educated in grammar and high schools, Cincinnati, O.; St. Xavier's College, Cincinnati, O. Tail- oring business in Cincinnati, 1889; in Chicago, 1893-1903; moved to Los An- geles, Cal., 1903, and engaged in tail- oring business to date. Member B. P. O. E. ; Knights of Columbus; Over- land Club. Pasadena. Roman Catholic. NEISWENDER, William Henry. Real estate and insurance. Res. 676 Bonnie Brae st.; office 603 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in W. Salem, O., Oct. 19, 1856; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Jacobs) Neiswender. Married to Lou Har- baugh in 1880. .Attended public schools of Ohio and III.; Northwest- ern College, Naperville, 111., 1874-77. Taught school in 111. two years; trav- eling salesman Meagher, Bolduc & McGuire, Aurora, 111., marble dealers, five years; associated with J. H. Thompson &, Co., shoe dealers, two years; traveling salesman J. M. An- drus Co., Aurora, III, operators of largest marble house in the West; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1884, and established Coast Pub- lishing House, which he owned and operated for two years; engaged in real estate business in Los Angeles, 1886 to date, being one of the oldest real estate operators in the city; now in partnership with W. A. LaClaire, under firm name of Neis\vender-La Claire Co.; he has been identified with many projects for upbuilding of city and county, and is largely responsible for the development of the Azusa and Covina valleys; sold greater part of lands in these valleys before Santa Fe Railroad brilt a line in Cal.; organ- ized and financed International Oil Co., I'"ulIcrton, Cal.; has valuable real estate holdings in city of Los Angeles, Los Angeles co., and other portions of Cal.; dir. Los Angeles Kern Oil Co.; dir. Oil Development Co.; organ- ized and wa.; pres. of Algonquin Cun Club; member Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce since its organization; life member Los Angeles Athletic Club; member Algonquin Club. NETTLESHIP, Neil. General in- surance. Res. 1314 4th St., Santa Monica; office, 315 Oregon ave., Santa Monica. Born in Tokushima, Japan, June 3, 1888; son of Charles and Kath- erine Hester (Wells) Nettleship. Edu- cated in Oakfield School, London, Eng., and Southeastern College, Kent, Eng., graduating in 1907. Moved to Los Angeles in 1907 and entered em- ploy of So. Cal. Edison Co., where he remained until 1910 when he es- tablished insurance business of his own. At present agent for Aetna Life Ins. Co.; N. Y. Life Ins.; London and Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. ; Orient of Hartford; Fidelity and (Casualty; American Surety Co. ; treas Church of The Good Shepherd, Ocean Park ; Sergt. Co. E, C. N. G., member B. P. O. E. ; F. O. E. ; Chamber of Commerce. Episcopalian. NEUER, W. W. Oil operator. Res. 843 S. Bonnie Brae; office 758 Grand ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in village of Hamburg, Pa., 1838. Attended schools of his native town until fourteen, at which time he began work at trade of carpenter and joiner; also studied architecture. Moved to Wilkesbarre, Pa., and engaged in building business, and became inter- ested in real estate operations. Platted and placed upon the market several sightly residence sections of Wilkesbarre. For many years, en- gaged in the practice of his profes- sion, erecting a number of public buildings in Wilkesbarre, Pa., among which are: City Hall, Grand .Army, Y. M. C. A., 1st Natl. Bank, Coal Ex- change, Mallincrott Convent, and residence of Charles Parrish. Re- sponded to President Lincoln's first call for 75,000 volunteers in the Civil War, 1861, and served term of enlist- ment. Engaged in coal business as a member of the firm of Leavenworth & Neuer, 1872; became interested in oil business near Bradford, Pa., in 1878, and developed a large area of territory in the western part of Penn- sylvania. Member of firm of Neuer, 276 WHO'S WHO Hilton & Davis Petroleum Land Co., in 1879; moved to California in 1891; pioneer in Whittier oil fields and or- ganized the Central Oil Co., in 1895; after five j'ears. Central Oil Company, of which he was pres. sold out to Central Oil Co. of Los Angeles, of which he was also pres. In 1905 was connected with building the Fargo and Moorhead Street Railway in South Dakota. Served ten years as member of City Council of Wilkes- barre. Pa., dir. of several Wilkes- barre banks; member California, Los Angeles and Gamut clubs; Automo- bile Club of So. Cal. Heavily inter- ested in real estate in Los Angeles; in a number of enterprises in Los An- geles and surrounding country. NEWBY, Henry. Banker. Res. 946 So. Madison ave.; ofifice, Pasa- dena National Bank, Pasadena, Cal. Born in Spiceland, Ind., May 4, 1868; son of Albert and Caroline (Hubbard) Newby. IMarried to Pearl Berry in 1889. Attended Spiceland Academy, Spiceland, Ind.; with First Natl. Bank, Pasadena, 1887-1900; cashier Pasadena Natl. Bank, 1900-1903; elected vice-pres. Jan. 1,1903; pres. Jan. I. 1905; dir. Chamber of Commerce Building Co.; dir. and treas. Los An- geles Mutual B. & L. Assn.; dir. Troy Laundry Co.; dir. and secy. Elks Building Assn.; dir. and pres. Pasa- dena Natl. Bank; dir. Los Angeles Crematory Assn. Member Masonic fraternity, Scottish Rite; Shrine; B. P. O. E. ; Annandale Country club. NEWLIN, Gurney Elwood. Law- yer. Res. 737 W. 28th st.; office, 718 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lawrence, Kas., Nov. II, 1880; son of Thomas Elwood and Laurie (Hadlej') Newlin. Attended public schools of Whittier, 1890-93; Whittier Acad., 1893-95; graduated from Los Angeles High School, 1898; from Haverford College, 1900; from Univ. of Cal., B. L., 1902; from Har- vard Univ. Law School, LI. B., 1905. Admitted to the bar Sept. 1904; began practice in office of P. R. Wilson, 1905; continued there until Jan. 1907, when he was appointed atty. for Los Angeles Pacific Ry. Co., and began practice on his own account; ap- pointed general counsel of Los An- geles Pacific Ry. Co., 1910; resigned 1911 to continue in general practice. Member California, Los Angeles Ath- letic, Gamut and Los Angeles Coimtry clubs, Los Angeles; Mid- wick Country club, Pasadena; Bohe- mian club, San Francisco. Quaker. NEWMARK, Maurice Harris. Mer- chant. Res. 905 Beacon St.; office M. A. Ne%vmark & Co., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, March 3. 1859; son of Harris and Sarah Newmark. Married in 1888. Attended public and private schools of _ Los Angeles, 1865-72: New York, 1872-73; graduated from Springers In- stitute, Paris, France, 1876. Entered employ of H. Newmark & Co., whole- sale grocers, as clerk in 1876, with which company he has been associ- ated continuously, serving in various capacities; full partner and vice-pres. 1884 to date. Vice-pres. Los Angeles Brick Co.; dir. Standard Woodenware Co. Member and pres. Associated Jobbers of Los Angeles 13 years; for- mer dir. Los Angeles Board of Trade; Chamber of Commerce; former first vice-pres. Merchants & Manufactur- ers Assn.; dir. Southwest Museum of the Archaeological Soc. of America. Member Consolidation Commission which consolidated San Pedro and Wilmington with Los Angeles, and also member first harbor commission after consolidation. Member Concor- dia, Jonathan, and Athletic clubs. Jewish. NEWMARK, Max N. Merchant. Res. 651 Wcstlake; office 447 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Germany, Oct. 31. 1854; son of Nathan and Ernestine (Kurzinsky) Newmark. Married to Jessie Malott in 1880. Educated in public and pri- vate schools of Germany; attended Business College in San Francisco. Employed by H. Newmark & Co., Los Angeles, 1869-71; in partnership with S. Grand under firm name of S. Grand & Co.. general merchandise, 1871-78; continued the business alone, 1878-86; in grain business alone, 1887-89; as- sociated with D. K. Edwards, 1889- 1907; incorporated Newmark Grain Co., of which he was pres. in 1907; vice-pres. Great Western Milling Co. NEWPORT, Fred Pennington. Real estate and investments. Res. Hartman .Apts.; office 202-10 Central Bldg., Los .Angeles, Cal. Born in New Brunswick, Can., Sept. 29, 1875; son of Burt and Augusta (Pennington) Newport. Married to Lcttie Johnson. Attended Princeton High School. Princeton, 111., 1895; took special courses in Univ. of Chicago, 1896-97; attended Drake Univ., 1898; special courses in State Univ. of Nebraska, IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 277 1899, and in State Univ. of Minn., 1902; siipt. public schools, Creighton, Neb., 1903; instructor in special institute work, 1907-08; supt. of agencies. Pa- cific Mutual Life Insurance Co.. 1907. Real estate to date; has handled over 60,000 acres in San Joaquin valley; in- terested in harbor property at Los Angeles Harbor and other real estate in So. Cal. Member Los Angeles Ath- letic Club. NEWTON, Isaac Burkett. Secre- tary and treasurer Harper & Reynolds Co. Res, 1501 W. Second st.; office 152 N. Main st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Norwich, N. Y„ Sept. 7, 1861; son of Isaac S. and Jeanie Campbell (Dunlap) Newton. Married to Mary E. Mitchell in 1885 (dec); to Winifred R. Hunt in 1910. Graduated from Yale College in 1883. One of the incorpor- ators of Harper & Reynolds Co.; secy, and treas. of the company since its incorporation in 1884; dir. Farmers & Merchants Natl. Bank; Central Oil Co.; Metropolitan Loan Assn.; pres. Home Investment Building & Loan Assn. Member California Club; Los Angeles Country Club. NICHOLS, Allen G. Oil operator. Res. 4405 Pasadena ave.. office 505 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wolcottville, Ind., Dec. 5, 1869; son of Fernando and Alary J. (Cady) Nichols. Married to Emma S. Richman, in 1892. Education re- ceived in public schools of his native town. Employed for sixteen years as a printer; four years collector of customs at Sabine Pass. Tex. ; eleven years in Cal., most of the time operat- ing in oil, reporting geologically on properties, or acting as field manager for companies. Contributor to many rnagazincs, technical and general on oil and kindred subjects; is regarded as an authoritative writer on his spe- cialties; former editor of the Oil In- dustry, a monthly magazine; author of "Oil;" "The Crude Oil Industry;" "What is Petroleum?" etc. Member Sierra Madre and Southern clubs; Press club of San Francisco. Epis- copalian. NOE, William Bender, Jr. Archi- tect. Res. 411 No. Grand ave.; office, 304 Union League Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Owensboro, Ky., Apr. 16, 1886; son of William B. and Mary (Bender) Noe. Attended grammar and high schools of Kentucky; Na- tional Business College, Kansas City, Mo., 1905; School of Drawing, Kala- mazoo. Mich., 1906-07; Armour Inst. of Technology, 1907-08. Worked dur- ing vacations for Big Four Mining Co., Marion, Ky., 1902; solicitor American Natl. Life Insurance Co., Muskogee, I. T., 1905; checker, W. D. Oldham, wholesale grocery, Kansas Kansas City, Mo.; in architect's office in Kansas City Mo.; worked at car- penter's trade in Kalamazoo, Mich.; for W. F. Shattuck, Chicago, 111.; architect with F. C. Woods & Co., Ogden, Utah, 1907-08; with C. B. On- derdonck, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1908- 09; with C. F. Wells, Brigham City. Utah, 1909-10; with R. Klettung, Salt Lake City, 1910-11. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1911, opened offices and began practice of his profession, which he has continued to date. Has designed a number of residences, among them being those of Dr. R. C. Scudder, H. R. Case, H. Emalfarp, G. A. Crim, Mrs. C. A. Strickland, Mrs. Ida O. Peterson, C. S. Ander- son, J. T. Gates, Julia A. Holliday, H. J. Harris; apartment houses for R. R. Beklow, F. O. Jean, Harry Car- ter, L. John Petos; stores for A. J. Klarquist; New Medical Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Member of following firms: Homeseekers' Building Cor- poration; Natl. Construction and In- vestment Assn.; Cooper-Pyle-Clopine Co.; member Modern Woodmen of America. MOERDYKE, Nathaniel Perry. Lawyer. Res. 1025 So. Madison Ave., Pasadena. Cal.; office, 230 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., May 22, 1884; son of Peter and Maria (Perry) Moer- dyke; married to Ethel J. Wolfen- stetter, in 1911. Attended public schools and Lewis Institute. Chicago; Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.; law dept. Leland Stanford Uni- versity. Began practice of law in 1908, making a specialty of corpora- tion and mining law. Dir., secy, and counsel of Pacific Tungsten Mines Co.; dir., asst. secy, and counsel Tom and counsel Pacific Mortgage Co. Member University club. Los An- geles; Delta Chi law fraternity. Pres- byterian. NOLEMAN, Robert C. Lawyer. Res. 1129 E. 41st st.; office. 310 Bul- lard Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Jefferson Co., 111., Nov. 12, 1861; son of Edward and Mary (Casey) Noleman; married to Julia Hickey in 1888. Attended public schools of 111.; graduated from McKendree Col- lege. Lebanon, III., LL.B., and B. S., 1885.. Admitted to the bar in 1885; 278 WHO'S WHO engaged in practice in Neb., 1885- 1905. Moved to Los Angeles in 1905, and has been engaged in practice to date as member of the firm of Nole- man & Smyser. Served as co. atty. in Neb. two years. Republican. NORCROSS, Hiram Fleming. Gen- eral agent Spreckels Companies. Res. 2707 Raymond ave.; office 334 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Monmouth, III., Feb. 16, 1849; son of Hiram and Elizabeth (Mc- Clelland) Norcross.. Married to Ada F. Vaughan in 1880 (dec); to Ruth G. Bettersworth in 1901. Grad- uated from Monmouth College, A B 1872; M. A., 1875; Northwestern Univ., LL. B., 1875. Engaged in prac- tice of law in Jackson Co., la.. 1872- 74; moved to Chicago in 1874, and was engaged in practice of law, 1874- 85; moved to California in 1885; lo- cated in San Diego, 1886-94; took up real estate; was elected Alderman at large in the city government and was connected with several financial con- cerns as secy, and dir.; moved to Los Angeles, 1894, to date. General agt. Spreckels' Companies and represent- ing Hotel Coronado; also engaged in real estate and mortgage business. Has traveled extensively in U. S Canada and Mexico. Member Los Angeles Athletic, City and Federa- tion clubs; So. Cal. Auto Club; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, ^prty years Elder in Presbyterian Church. NORDLINGER. Louis Simon. ili'^'^'^ ,ir.^".'?-'^'^'"°"t. SELPH, Edgar Eugene. Lawyer. Office 522 American Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Salem, Ore., Dec. 3, 1860; son of William and Julia Cynthia (Chitwood) Selph. Married to Lulu B. Gwinn in 1886. .Attended public schools and McMinnville (Ore.) College, 1880-85; admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Ore., 1890; Federal Courts 1894. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1896, and was ad- mitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Cal. in 1897. Appointed dep- uty atty. genl. 1906 re-appointed 1907, but resigned to accept his present of- fice of justice of the peace. Member Masonic fraternity; Fraternal Broth- erhood; W. O. W.; chairman of com- mittee appointed to organize Temple Baptist Church. Republican. SENS, Otto C. Merchant tailor. Res. 1632 So. Burlington ave.; office 114 West Sixth st., Los .\ngeles, Cal. Born near Sandusky, O., Jan. 17, 1864; son of Bernhard and Katherine (Wag- ner) Sens. Married to Marguerite Hutton in 1902. Educated in public schools of Mansfield. O. Engaged in tailoring and furnishing business in Mansfield, Ohio, 1878; in Chicago. 1885-90; moved to Los Angeles in 1890, and engaged in tailoring busi- ness with his father under firm name of B. Sens & Son; acquired sole own- ership of business, 1895, which he con- tinues to date. Member B. P. O. E.; Jonathan Club. SENTOUS, Louis, Jr. Real estate, insurance and loans. Res. 1238 Mag- nolia ave.; office 201 Equitable Sav- ings Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, Sept. 23, 1869; son of Jean G. and Theodora (Cas- anova) Sentous. Married to Louise Amestoy in 1895. Attended Los .An- geles public school in 1878 and St. Vincent's College in 1879; went to Southern France in 1880, and at- tended Jesuit College in France until 1885; St. Vincent's College, Los An- geles, Cal., 1886-89; in 1890 he took a six months' business course in Wood- bury's Business College, at which time he became a member of the firm of F. Vache & Co., wholesale liquor dealers and remained with that firm until 1900; member of firm of Keystone Produce Co., 1900-04; Sentous Realty Co.. 1904 to date; pres. Franco-American Bak- 334 WHO'S WHO ing Co.; dir. Int. Savings & Exchange Bank; served as director of the French Hospital Assn. for 20 years; seven as pres., two years as vice-pres., four as treas.; now consular agent for France, appointed by Stephen Pichon, French min. Foreign Affairs, 1910; recently awarded Academic Palms by the French Government for faithful per- formance of consular duties; dir. Al- liance Francaise. Member Union League Club. Catholic. SERVIS, Leland B. General agent for So. Cal. Casualty Dept., Aetna Life Insurance Co. and Aetna Acci- dent and Liability Co. Res. 1807 11th ave.; office 608-10 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Alleghany, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1873; son of Brookms J. and Jennie (Hall) Servis. Married to Lillian M. Long in 1904. Attended high school and Business Univ. at Jamestown, N. Y. With Eastman Ko- dak & Camera Co., Rochester, N. Y., tive years; with Milton Clark Co., genl. agts., Aetna Life Ins. Co.; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1904; associated with Charles L. Hubbard Co., as mgr. liability dept.; appointed genl. agt. Aetna Life Ins. Co. and Aetna Acci- dent & Liability Co., 1911; has made specialty of casualty business for many years. Member Fenton Guards (N. G. N. S. Y.), Jamestown, N. Y., nine years; officer New York State Reformatory, two years. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; Los Angeles Athletic Club. SEVERANCE, Caroline Marie Sey- mour. Philanthropist. Res. 806 \V. Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal.; office same. Born in Canandaigua, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1820; daughter of Orson and Caroline M. (Clark) Seymour. Mar- ried to Theodaric C. Severance in 1840. Educated in Female Seminary, Gen- eva, N. Y., graduating in 1835. Lived in Cleveland. C, until 1855; in Bos- ton, Mass., 1855-75; moved to Los An geles, Cal., 1875, where she resides at present. Was one of the founders and was the first pres. of the New England Woman's Club of Boston, Mass., founded in 1868, a short time before the Sorosis Club of New York was founded; has always been known as an ardent supporter of woman's suffrage cause, and has lectured in many cities in its interests; was one of the founders and is at present a member of the Friday Morning Club of Los Angeles ; has assisted in founding several other clubs in Cal. ; founder and first pres. of Los Angeles free kinder- garten ; known throughout U. S. as a pioneer in woman's suffragist move ment and a philanthropist. SEYLER, Chas., Jr. Insurance. Res. 2305 Scarflf St.; office 265 I. VV. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wilmington, Cal., Jan. 14, 1878; son of Chas. and Pauline (Bau- er) Seyler. Graduated from Los An- geles High School. 1896; Univ. of Cal., 1900. Claim adjuster. S. P. Co., 1899- 1903; has been engaged in general in- surance business, 1903 to date. SHANK, Edmund Simpson. Real estate and mines. Res. Glendale; of- fice 90S Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in St. Antfionv Falls, Minn., April 30, 1870; son of John Wesley and Susanna Cake (Brooks) Shank. Married to Catherine Hodge in 1907. Attended public schools until seven- teen years of age; moved West, and after four years resumed studies in Wesleyan Univ., Lincoln, Neb., where he graduated in 1893; in newspaper work in Omaha, Neto. ; in exploration work in northwest, traversing^ North- west Territory, Alaska and Arctic coast; engaged in mining in Alaska; moved to Los Angeles in 1900; established real estate business and became inter- ested in mining; in 1913 organized and incorporated S. T. S. Heat Appliance Co., being vice-pres. and genl. mgr. of same. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d degree. SHANKLAND, James Horton. Lawyer. Office 407 Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Nashville, Tenn., .-\ug. 12, 1846; son of Alexan- der Beatty and Sarah Elizabeth (Sco- vel) Shankland. Married to Louise Fowler in 1874. Attended Crocker's Academy near Nasvhille, Tenn.; at- tended the Univ. of Chicago. 1869-70; admitted to the bar at Nashville, Tenn., June 6, 1870. Moved to Cal. in 1874 and was admitted to the bar of Cal. in San Francisco in 1875; prac- ticed law in San Francisco for four- teen years, nearly ten years of which he was atty. for the Board of Trade. Moved to Los Angeles and was asso- ciated in the firm of Graves, O'Mel- veny & Shankland for sixteen years; now and since 1903 member of the Firm of Shankland & Chandler. Mem- ber California Club; Theta Delta Chi fraternity. Republican. SHARP, Charles H. Railroad con- tractor. Kes. 3143 Wilshire blvd.; of- fice 533 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Athens, O., March 3, IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 335 1859; son of John and Martha (Ar- baugh) Sharp. Married to Katherine Thurber in 1896. Educated in public schools. In general merchandise busi- ness until 23 years of age; in railroad building since then. Member Cali- fornia, Jonathan, Los Angeles Ath- letic, California, Los Angeles Country- clubs, Los Angeles; Mid-lJay and Evan- ston Golf clubs, Kansas City, Mo. SHARP, Edgar. Lawyer. Oflice 569 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Ventura co., Cal., Dec. 4, 1880; son of James and Su- sana Sharp. Married to Evelyn Col- burn Sept. 14, 1907. Attended public schools; graduated from Univ. of Mich., LL. B., June, 1902; admitted to the bar in Lansing, Mich., June, 1902; in Los Angeles, 1902; engaged in prac- tice alone until Oct., 1906, when he formed partnership with J. N. O. Rech. Republican. SHARPE, John William. Mining and ranching. Res. 403 S. Garfield ave., Alhambra, Cal.; office 930 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ontario, Canada, Oct. 19, 18S4; son of Nelson and Eunice (Mc- Coll) Sharpe. Married to Clara Prunty in 1891. Graduated from Port Hope High School in 1870. Learned practical mining in Virginia City mines: worked in Hale and Norcross and Ophir four years; last eighteen months had charge of 200 men; went to Australia under contract, where he remained seven years; from there went to South Africa; engaged in min- ing in Mexico, 1891-1903; developed and sold San Jose Copper Mines, San Gonzales Gold Mines, and Mulatos Zone; at present is operating consoli- dation of mines at Mojave, Cal. Pres. Mojave Consolidated Gold Mines; genl. mgr. .'\rizona Pacific Copper Co. Member California Club; Chamber of Commerce. SHAW, Arvin Benjamin. Manager of Los Angeles College of Osteo- pathy; orange grower. Res., Sierra Madre Villa, Sierra Madre, Cal.; of- fice, 321 S. Hill St., Los Angeles. Born in Tipton, la., Dec. 2, 1857; son of Alonzo and Almira Bagley Shaw. Married to Winifred Dudley in 1881. Graduated from Iowa State L^niv. in 1875; graduated from Still College of Osteopathy, Des Moines, la.; from Los Angeles College of Osteopathy in 1906. Taught in la. State Univ.; purchased Adams Co. "Union" in 1887 and continued its publication until 1897; elected state printer of la., 1894, which office he lield with F. R. Con- way until 1901; took management of Still College of Osteopathy, Des Moines, la., in 1899; sold same to original school in 1905 in order to move to Los .Angeles, Cal., with facul- ty to establish Los Angeles College of Osteopathy, and to engage in orange growing. This college, established in 1905, now has fifteen hundred gradu- ates in the licId. Served as regent of la. State Univ.; while there was associated with Hon. James Wilson, now Secy, of U. S. Dept. of Agricul- ture; served thirteen years in I. N. G., as captain, chief of engineers, and Col.; prof, of medical jurisprudence and x-radiance, la. State Univ.; pres. Des Moines Club of So. Cal.; member Cal. State Osteopathic Assn.; Los Angeles Co. Osteopathic Assn.; American Osteopathic Assn.; K. of P. SHAW, Hartley. Lawyer. Office 529 Stimson Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Bloomfield, Ind., June 2. 1874; son of Lucien and Hannah J. (Hart- ley) Shaw. Married to Fern E. West in 1901. Attended public schools two years in Indiana before moving w-ith his parents to Cal. in 1883; pub- lic schools, Fresno, Cal., 1883-87. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1887; attended preparatory academy, Univ. So. Cal., 1887-90; College of Liberal Arts, Univ. So. Cal., 1900;04, gradu- ating Ph. B.; studied law in office of Hon. Stephen N. White. 1894-95; graduated from Hastings College of Law, Univ. So. Cal., LL. B., 1897. Ad- mitted to the bar in Cal; engaged in practice for himself and as assistant in office of John D. Pope, 1897-01; assistant city atty. 1901-05; chief dep- uty dist. atty., Los Angeles co., 1905. Instrumental in framing and securing passage of Highways Commission Act, 1907; now engaged particularly in the interpretation of governmental stat- utes and defending suits against the county. Dir. of L. A. Humane So- ciety for several years; dir. for sev- eral years of L. A. S. P. C. A., term ex- piring 1905. Member Board of Con- trol Univ. So. Cal. College of Law, 1904 to date. Member University and Union League clubs; Masonic frater- nity; Los .Angeles Bar .\ssn.; Sigma Chi fraternity. Republican. SHAW, John D. Landscape archi- tect. Res., 1941 Lovelace ave.; office, 232 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, June 22, 1880; son of John and Flora (MacLeod )Shaw. Attended pub- 336 WHO'S WHO lie schools of Cape Breton, 1886-96; Boston grammar schools, 1896-97; high school, 1897-1902; Busse Institute, Jamaica Plain, Mass., 1899-1901; Harvard Univ. 1902- 05; held positions with various land- scape architects in Boston and New York, 1905-07; with O. C. Simmonds & Co., Chicago, 1907-08; moved to Los Angeles in 1908 where he has since been engaged in his profession. Member of Harvard Club of So. Cal. Presbyterian. SHAW, Lucian. Associate Justice Supreme Court. Res., Hermosa Beach, Los Angeles co., Cal.; office Wells Fargo Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Born on a farm near Vevay, Ind., in 1845; son of William and Linda (Rous) Shaw. Married to Han- nah J. Hartley in 1873. At- tended public schools of his na- tive CO.; Vevay Academy High School, 1864; entered Indianapolis Law School, 1868, taking a two years' course in one, graduating with second honors, March, 1869. Ad- mitted to the bar in Ind., in 1869; be- gan practice in Bloomfield, Ind.. May 5, 1869; partner of W. J. Baker, 1873- 81; practiced with John S. Bays, 1881- 84; moved to California, Dec. 1883; located in Fresno and entered into partnership with James F. Wharton May, 1884; continued practice under firm name of Wharton & Shaw until 1886; removed to Los Angeles, July, 1886, and was partner of James M. Damron, 1886-89; appointed Judge Su- perior Court, Los Angeles Co., March 19, 1889, at unanimous request of the Los Angeles lawyers, by Gov. Water- man; elected as a Republican to six year term, same office in 1890; re- elected in 1896; renominated to same office Aug. 1902; one week later was nominated by Republican State Con- vention for Associate Justice of Su- preme Court; elected in Nov. 1902, to twelve year term beginning Ian. 3, 1903. Director, Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co.; memlier California and Union League clubs of Los Angeles and San Francisco; Masonic fraterni- ty; Congregationalist. SHAW. Victor E. Associate Ju.s- tice. Court of Appeals. Res. 2700 Severance st.; office Court of Appeals, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Pettis co.. Mo., December 16, 1857; son of Har- nett and Sarah Glenn (Parberry) S'haw. Married to Mary L. Parker in 1883. Attended schools of Saline CO., Mo., until 1872, when he moved with his parents to Oregon, where he attended Willamette Univ., Salem, Ore., 1875-78; attended Law Dept. of Univ. of Mich., 1878-80. Admitted to the bar in Sedalia, Mo., March, 1880, where he served as city atty. 1881-83, and engaged in practice with Hon. Wm. S. Shirk until he moved to San Diego, Cal., in 1888; associated with Harry L. Titus in San Diego, doing a general practice and acting as legal representative for the Spreckels' in- terests; engaged in practice alone until 1906, when he was elected associate justice of Dist. Court of Appeals for a a term of four years; moved to Los Angeles and was re-elected in 1910 for full term of twelve years. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; B. P. O. E.; Cuyamaca Club, San Diego; Califor- nia. Jonathan, Annandale and San Ga- briel Country clubs, Los Angeles. Re- publican. SHEA, Richard P. Real estate. Res. San Rafael ave.. Mt. Washing- ton; office 215 Trust & Savings Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Rochester, N. Y., March 3, 1868; son of James and Anna (Knight') Shea. Married to Elizabeth Adams in 1887. Received his education in the grammar schools and Hughes High School, Cincinnati, 1887-91: represented John Shillito Co., in Eastern Ohio for six years; moved to San Francisco in 1897 ; represented J. V. Far well. Chicago, in Eastern states, 1898-1904; moved to Los Angeles. 1904, and engaged in real estate business. Sales mgr. for Robert Marsh & Co., real estate. 1908-1913; retired Jan. 1, 1913. Member Masonic fraternity; K. of P. Presbyterian. SHEARS, Louis L. Civil and hy- draulic engineer. Res. 5024 Wilton Place; office 222 Security Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hartford Mich.. Oct. 26, 1874; son of Judson L. and Minerva E. (Pitcher) Shears. Married to Catherine O. Hoyt in 1905. .Attended public schools in Hartford, Mich., 1881-1887; high school, 1887- 1891; Univ. of Mich.. 1891-95. With E. C. Seymour & Co., railroad and navigation contractors, Chicago, 111., 1895-1900; with Michigan Central and Pcre Martiuette Rys., 1900-04; with Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fc Ry. Co. in Cal., 1904-06; engaged in manufac- turing in Denver, Colo., 1906-08; trav- eling througli Eastern New England and Southern States, 1908-11; manu- facturing in San Diego, Cal., 1911-12; practicin ■ civil and hydraulic en- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 337 gineering in Los Angeles, 1912 to date; business mgr, Adams & Shears. Member B. P. O. E. Methodist. SHELDON, Lionel Allen. Lawyer. Res. 541 N. Orange ave., Pasadena, Cal.; office, Laughlin Bldg., Los An- geles, Gal. Born in Worcester Co., N. Y., Aug. 30, 1831; son of Allen •nd Anna Marie (De Les Dermier) Sheldon. Married to Mary Green Miles in 1858. Educated at Oberlin College; admitted to bar, 1853; Pro- bate Judge of Lorain co., O., 1865-67; practiced law, 1857-61; lieut. col. 42nd O. Inf.. March 14, 1862; Bret. Brig. Gen. Vol. March 13, 1865, for faithful and meritorious service during war; mustered out at New Orleans Dec. 2, 1864; practiced law in New Orleans, 1865-79. Member 41st-43rd Congress, 1869-75; Gov. of N. Max.. 1881-85; re- ceiver of Texas Pacific Ry., 1885-87; moved to Cal. in 1887 and has prac- ticed law to date. SHELTON, W. C. Lawyer. Res. 1519 Kenmore ave.; office, 1101 Hiber- nian Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Union City, Tenn., Oct. 18, 1882; son of William Thomas and Martha (Calhoun) Shelton. Married to Ruth Zimmerman, Aug. 26, 1912. Attend- ed public schools; graduated from high school. San Jose, Cal., 1903; graduated from Leland Stanford Univ., A. B., 1908. and took two year post-graduate course; half owner, and mgr. of Stanford Inn, Stanford L^niv., 1907-11; dir. Sunrise Land Co., 1910- 12; associated with T. E. Gibbon in practice of law in Los Angeles, 1911 to date. Lecturer in Univ. of So. Cal., 1912. Member American Inst, of Bankers; Delta Chi fraternity; Los Angeles City Club. SHENK, John W. Lawyer. Res. 1317 A St.; office 526 Merchants Trust Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Shel- burne, Vt., Feb. 17, 1875; son of Rev. J. W. and Susanna C. (Brooks) Shenk. Married to Lena R. Custer in 1907. Attended public schools of Central City and Omaha, Neb.; graduated from Omaha High School, Omaha, Neb., in 1895; graduated from Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O., A. B., 1900; studied law at Univ. of Mich., 1900-03. Learned printer's trade and was fore- man of a shop in Omaha; moved to Los Angeles. Cal., 1900; admitted to Cal. bar, 1903; enlisted in Spanish- American war, Co. K, Fourth Ohio Vol. infantry, 1898-99; with Gen. Nel- son A. Miles in invasion of Porto Rico. Deputy city atty. of Los Angeles, 1906; first asst. city atty., 1909; suc- ceeded Hon. Leslie R. Hewitt as city atty., 1910; elected atty. by majority of 34,663 votes, 1911. Member Ma- sonic fraternity, Scottish Rite, Shrine, B. P. O. E., San Gabriel Country and Union League clubs. Methodist. SHEPHERD, Hovey L. Physician. Res. 2241 Cambridge st.; office 607-10 O. T. Johnson Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Belfast, Me., Aug. 16, 1879; son of Freeman W. and Martha (Dodge) Shepherd. Attended public schools, Belfast, Me.; graduated from Kent's Hill Seminary, 1888; from Bos- ton Univ., Ph. B., 1892; from Medical School, Boston Univ., M. D., 1895. Practiced medicine in Springfield, Mass., 1895-97; in Winchester, Mass., 1897-1909; in Los Angeles, Cal., 1909 to date; associate and successor of the late E. C. Buell, M. D.; lecturer on materia medica. Medical School, Bos- ton Univ., 1897-1900; associate prof, materia medica. Medical School, Bos- ton Univ., 1900-09. Moved to Los An- geles, Cal., 1909, and has practiced continuously 1909 to date. Pres. Los Angeles Co. Homeopathic Med. Soc; member Amer. Inst. Homeopathy; Cal. Homeopathic Med. Soc; Sierra Madre and Gamut clubs; Masonic fra- ternity, 32d degree; Shrine; Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Congregationalist. SHERER, Albert James. Lawyer. Res. 986 .\rapahoe st. ; office Higgins Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wis., M.irch 27, 1872; son of Rudolph and Elizabeth (Snyder) Sherer. Married to Alma C. Conklin in 1899. Attended grammar school, Compton, Los Angeles CO., 1889 ; graduated from Los Angeles High School 1891; from Univ. of Cal., Ph. B., 1895; admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Cal. in 1896; by U. S. District and Circuit courts in 1898. Engaged in practice alone 1898 to date. Member Masonic fraternity; University Club; Fraternal Brother- hood ; Kappa Alpha South fraternity. Republican. SHERER, Edward T. Lawyer. Of- fice Title Insurance Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Santa Barbara. Cal., Feb. 2, 1877; son of Rudolph and Eliz- abeth (Snyder) Sherer. Married to Mayme Browne Roberts in 1902. At- tended Compton public schools until 1893; graduated from Los Angeles High School in 1896; from Stanford Univ., LL. B., 1900; admitted to Cal. bar in 1899, and later to the U. S. Dis- trict and Circuit courts; has since been engaged in general practice in 338 WHO'S WHO Los Angeles. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Knights Templar; Shrine; Law Committee of Chamber of Com- merce ; Los Angeles Country Club. Re- publican. SHERMAN, Moses A. Railroad builder and banker. Res. Los Ange- les, Cal.; office Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in West Rupert, Vt., Dec. 3, 1853; son of Enoch S. Sherman. Graduated from Oswego Normal school, Oswego, N. Y.; taught school in New York. Moved to Ariz, in early 70s and engaged in teaching until 1876, when he was sent by Gov. Stafford to represent Ariz, at the Philadelphia exposition; appointed supt. of public instruction for the territory of Ariz, in 1876, in which office he continued until 1884; while in this office drafted the public school system of Ariz,, which is in efifect at present. Estab- lished Valley Bank of Phoenix, Phoe- nix, Ariz., 1884; elected pres. of this bank, which office he held until 1889. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1889; secured a franchise and built the Los Angeles Electric Railway; was made pres. of the corporation, and system operated by him soon supplanted the cable lines which were in use. Con- structed system of electric railways between Los Angeles and Beach re- sorts, which was subsequently bought by Harriman interests; the construc- tion of these railways identified him permanently with development of Los Angeles from a small town into a large city. Built Phoenix Railroad in 1884, which he extended to Glendale, Ariz., in 1910; still owns and operates this road. Member California. Jonathan, Los Angeles Country and Bolsa Chica Gun clubs, Los Angeles ; Los Ange- les Chamber of Commerce; Bohemian Club, San Francisco. SHETTLER, Leon Thorp. Automo- biles. Res. 1718 Lenox ave.; office 151 W. Pico St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Tccumseh, Mich., Dec. 27, 1879; son of Reuben and Sarah B. Shettler. Married to Frances G. Lemon in 1902. Educated in public schools in Grand Rapids and Lansing. Mich.; Kenyon Military Institute, Gambier, Ohio. After leaving school in Lan- sing. Mich., spent over two years in machinery establishment as book- keeper and stenographer, and then the following two years in the shops of Olds Gas Engine Works. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1902. and en- gaged in wholesale and retail auto- mobile business; has handled many standard cars. Pres. Leon T. Shet- tler Co., Inc.; dir. Merchants & Man- ufacturing Assn., and Motor Car Deal- ers Assn. Member Masonic frater- nity; life member Los Angeles Ath- letic Club. Christian. SHLAUDEMAN, Harry. Invest- ment broker. Res., 563 N. Marengo ave.. Pasadena. Cal.; office, S. Ray- mond ave., Pasadena, Cal. Born in Decatur, Macon co., 111., Nov. 11, 1865; son of Henry and Caroline (Weiss- man) Shlaudeman. Married to Mar- garet McGorray in 1894. Attended public schools in Decatur, 111., 1871- 82; graduated from the Univ. of 111., at Urbana. 111.. B. S., 1886. Served in architects' offices in Chicago, 111., six months in 1887; entered father's busi- ness (brewing) in Decatur, 111., in 1887; in the spring of 1888 incorpor- ated this business as the Decatur Brewing Co.; secy, and treas. from its organization until 1905; secy, treas. of the Decatur Ice & Cold Storage Co.. from date of incorporation in 1890 to time of purchase by the Decatur Brewing Co.; elected pres. of the Citi- zens' National Bank, Decatur, 111., 1900, and served in that capacity until 1905: also dir. in the Decatur Milling Co., City Electric Ry., Decatur Brick Co.; stockholder in the Decatur Coal Co., in the National Bank of Decatur; moved to Cal.. in June. 1905; pres. of the Bankers Savings Bank. Pasadena, Cal., 1908-09; dir. . Mathie Brewing Co.; vice-pres., Anti-Friction Journal Box Co.; trustee of the Polytechnic Elementary School, Pasadena, Cal.; member B P. O. E. SHOEMAKER, Richard Woolsey. Electrical engineer. Res. 6065 Sel- ma St., Hollywood, Cal.; office. 715 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Germantown. Pa. July 1, 1881; son of Dr. R. H. and Susan P. (Wool- sey) Shoemaker. Married to Rachel Steele in 1908. Graduated from Pasa- dena High School, 1899; from Throop Polytechnic Institute, B. S., in elec- trical engineering, 1903. After leav- ing school was employed in electrical dept. of the P. E. Ry.; electrical dept. Copper Queen Mining Co., 1905; elec- trical engineer American Smelting & Refining Co.. of New York. 1906; con- sulting electrical engineer Los An- geles, Cal., 1910; designed for the Laurel Canyon Utilities Co.. the first trackless trolley to be oi)erated in America; also largest freight hauling line of this system in use anywhere for the Lone Pine Utility Co., of Los IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 339 Angeles, road being in San Bernar- dino mts. Electrical engineer, Gal. Pacific Investment Co.; same Lone Pine Utilities Co. Associate member Amer. Inst, of Elec. Engrs.; member Masonic fraternity. SHOUP, Paul. Railway official. Res. 661 So. Burlington ave.; office 224 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in San Bernardino, Cal. ; son of Timothy and Sarah S. (Sumner) Shoup. Married to Rose Wilson. Engaged in various capacities with railroad companies until 1906 when he became asst. genl. pass. agt. Southern Pacific Co.; later in the legal dept. and asst. gen. mgr. in the San Francisco offices of same com- pany; vice-pres. Pacific Electric Ry. Co., Los Angeles, Jan., 1911 to Aug. 1, 1912; elected pres. Pacific Electric Ry. Co., Aug. 1, 1912, which office he holds to date ; pres. and dir. Penin- sular Railway So. ; Fresno Traction Co. ; Stockton Electric R. R. Co. ; Visalia Electric R. R. Co. ; San Jose Railroads ; vice-pres. Clark Oil Co. ; Newport Beach Co. ; Los Angeles Pacific Land Co.. ; Pacific Electric Land Co. Member Transportation and Bohemian clubs, San Francisco ; Jonathan, California, Knickerbocker and Los Angeles Ath- letic clubs, Los Angeles. SHULER, Eli Weed. Fruit grow- er. Res. San Dimas, Cal. Born in Nelsonville, O., Feb. 6, 1848; son of John M. and Margaret E. (Weed) Shuler. Married in 1874. Received public school education in his native town. Crossed the plains in 1864; watchman at Lake Tahoe, 1865; drove freight teams over Sierra Nevadas, 1866; inoved to Sonoma co. and en- gaged in farming, 1867; engaged as contractor in San Francisco and as- sisted in building the N. P. R. R.; moved to Los Angeles and was em- ployed by the First National Bank, on the HoUenbeck Ranch (now Covina); moved the first house in the new town, 1880; employed by Porter Bros., San Fernando, two seasons; one season with Cheno Philips; now engaged in general farming and fruit growing. SHURTLEFF, Fred Cazeaux. Phy- sician and surgeon. Res. 1414 Millard ave.; office 430 Auditorium Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Somerset, Mass., Oct. 18. 1867; son of Frank Atwood and Abbie Eliza (Davis) Shurtleff. Married in 1898. Attended Fall River High School (Mass.); Univ. Medical College (N. Y.); graduated from Long Island College Hospital (N. Y.), 1891. Apothecary Boston City Hospital, 1884-86; nurse Boston City Hospital, 1887-88; surgeon Boston Baptist Hos- pital, 1893-4; surgeon Ruggles St. Dis- pensary, 1891-93; prof, of surgery. Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, 1892- 94; acting surgeon Santa Fe R. R., Oklahoma City, Okla., 1895; acting surgeon Choctaw & Rhode Island R. R., 1895; prof, surgery, College Physicians and Surgeons, 1904-05; sur- geon County Hospital, Los Angeles, 1904-05; emergency surgeon, Man Hunting posse, Indian Ter., 1895. Member Am. Med. .'\ssn.; Mass. Med. Soc; Boston Medical Soc; Cal. State Med. Soc; So. Cal. Med. Soc; Los Angeles Co. Med. Soc; Los Angeles Academy of Medicine; former vice- pres. Los Angeles Med. Soc. ; pres. Los Angeles Academy Medicine; vice-pres. ,\ngelus Hospital Assn. ; sur- geon Spanish-American war; surgeon California Ranger Scouts; deputy sheriff Los Angeles co. Member Natl. Geographic Soc; Masonic fraternity; K. P. ; founder and former pres. Va- quero Club ; special police officer, city of Los Angeles. Has written exten- sively upon surgical subjects. SIBBET, Herbert Austin. Land and water. Res. Hartmann Apts. ; office 1030 I. N. Van Nuys Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Cincinnati, July 24, 1877; son of John Wesley and Anna Elizabeth (Fry) Sibbet. Mar- ried to Mary Oliver Sampson in 1899. Attended the public schools of Cin- L'innati, graduated from high school, 1897; attended Univ. of Cincinnati, 1897-99. Moved to Los Angeles in 1900 ; advertising mgr. Oil Era and Oil, Mining and Finance, 1901-03; with Richardson Brothers promoting Yaqui Valley land and irrigation pro- jects. 1903-04; secy. Compania Con- structora Richardson S. A., 1904-05; mgr. 1905-08; vice-pres. and mgr. 1908 to date; New York representa- tive and mgr. Richardson Brothers Co., 1905-08; dir. 1912; dir. and asst. gen. mgr. Yaqui Delta Land & Water Co.; second vice-pres. and dir. Richardson Construction Co. Mem- ber University Club. SIBLEY, Frederick T. Lawyer. Office Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Fort Union, N. M., March 15, 1852; son of Col. Ebenezer Sproat and Charlotte Hart (Saxon) Sibley. Married to Frances E. Campau. Attended private and military schools until 1870; admitted 340 WHO'S WHO to the bar in Mich, in 1876. and en- gaged in practice in Mich, until 1903. Sloved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1903. and was admitted to Cal. bar in 1906; has been engaged in active practice of his profession to date. Served as first lieut. in First Reg., M. N. G., 1887-89; paymaster State Naval Brigade 1895- 1901. Member Soc. of Cincinnati; Sons of the Am. Revolution; N. Y. Soc. of the War of 1812; Aztec Club; Mich. Soc. of the Loyal Legion. Re- publican. SILVER, Benjamin H. Real estate, oil, timber. Res. Seattle, Wash.; office 908 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal., and Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Born in Kankakee Co., 111., Sept. 21, 1870; son of Benjamin C. and Rebecca M. (Jacobus) Silver. Married to Myrta A. Wade in 1890. Educated in pub- lic schools of Lafayette, Ind. Real estate and mortgages, Seattle and Bellingham, Wash., 1900-13; during residence in state of Washington has been pres. Pacific Coast Mills & Tim- ber Co., and dir. in various companies; pres. B. H. Silver Co.; vice-pres. Co- lonial Oil Co.; nominated for Con- gress at Bellingham State Convention, 1904, and endorsed for Lieut. -Gov. at County Convention same year. Published book of poems entiled "Philosophy of Faith," 1912. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; B. P. O. E.; K. of P. Presbyterian. SILVERMAN. SamueL Merchant tailor. Res. 107 So. Benton Way; of- fice 339 So. Main st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Russia, Dec. 14, 1879; son of Max and Katie Silverman; mar- ried to Anna Winogura in 1891. Ed- ucated in public schools of San Fran- cisco, Cal. Sole owner of his busi- ness on So. Main St., where he has been for eight and one-half years; Member Masonic fraternity, 32d de- gree; Shrine. Jewish. SILVERNALE, Roy C. Druggist. Res. 511 California ave.; office 1402 Third St., Santa Monica, Cal. Born in Genesee, Wis., 1880; son of Daniel L and Katherine (Niver) Silvernale. Married to Sue M. Murray, Sept. 26, 1907. Educated in public schools. Be- gan work as an apprentice in Nelson's drug store, Waukesha, Wis., at age of 16, and worked there three years; with John A. Dadd & Co., druggists, Milwaukee, 1899-1901. Passed VVis. State Board of Pharmacy examina- tion as licentiate in pharmacy; moved to New London, Wis., and was em- ployed by A. Trayson & Co.; moved to Santa Monica, Cal., and purchased drug store owned by Robt. C. Ramaje and is at present conducting retail drug business. Member B. P. O. E. SIMMONDS, Frank. Real Estate. Res. 2664 Budlong ave. : office 418 Delta Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Denver. Col., Nov. 16, 1882; son of Harry L. and Eleanor (Bryant) Sim- monds. Married to Maud E. Phelps in 1904. Attended public schools of San Diego, Cal., graduating from high school in 1900. Employed by Sun- set Telephone Co., 1900-04; with the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., 1904-06; engaged in the real estate business, 1906 to date ; vice-pres. Pacific Acreage Co. Member Chamber of Commerce. Member Sierra Madre Club ; Masonic fraternity. Presbj^terian. SIMONEAU, Richard Francis. Real estate. Res. 3717 S. Grand ave.; office Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Detroit, Mich., .April 17, 1864; son of Leander and Zoa (Tou- ranjeau) Simoneau. Married to Eda Dutton Randall in 1892. Educated in the public schools of Mich., graduating from high school. Entered employ of his father as clerk in whole- sale drug house, 1880; apointed deputy register of deeds, Saginaw co., Mich., 1884; engaged in retail drug business in Saginaw, 1888-94, settling father's estate 1894-96; insurance business, 1896-1903; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1903, and joined a syndicate to subdivide acreage at Slauson Junc- tion, acting as general sales agent. Later organized Acme Oil & Devel- opment Co. and was elected secy, and treas. of this corporation. In Nov., 1911, organized Los Angeles City and County Land Co., of which he is secy, and treas. Finance Keep- er for Angeles Tent No. 1311, Mod- ern Maccabees. Served as 2d lieut. Saginaw Light Inf., 1890-93. Mem- ber Chamber of Commerce; Chamber of Mines and Oil ; City Club. Episco- palian. SIMONS, Harry W. Manufacturer. Res., 136 W. 25th st.; office, 101 Stim- son Bldg., Los .Angeles, Cal. Born in la., March 15, 1881; son of Reuben G., and Jennie (Van Scyoc) Simons. Married to Golda L. Green in 1912. Received his education in the public schools of Los .Angeles. .Associated with Simon Brick Co., Los Angeles, of which he is secy., 1902 to date. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 341 SIMONS, Reuben Garrett. Manu- facturer and writer. Res. 1S7 W. 2.Sth St.; office, 101 Stimson Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Birmingham, Eng- land, Dec. 14, 1855; son of Edward I. and Sara (Tourvillc) Simons.. Mar- ried to Jennie Van Scyoc in 1876. At- tended the public schools of Sidney, la. Moved to Los Angeles in 1888, and in partnership with his brother, established the Capital Brick Co., of ■which he was vice-pres. 1888; pres. Seventh Street Brick Works, 1890; Bay State Brick Co., San Francisco, 1900; Standard Brick Co., Los An- geles, 1902; owner Simons Hardware & Harness Co., 1910 to date. Author: Passing of a Warrior, The Last Or- der, etc. Member B. P. O. E. Re- publican. SIMONS, Seward Adams. Lawyer. Res. 1107 Buena Vista st.. So. Pasa- dena, Cal.; office Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Union Springs, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1859; son of Nathan and Susan (Adams) Simons. Mar- ried to Grace Churchyard in 1888. Attended grammar and high schools of Buffalo, N. Y.; graduated from Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y., A. B., 1879. Admitted to bar in Rochester, N. Y., 1879; member firm of Os- goodby, Titus & Simons, 1881-83; practiced law alone. 1884-87; in firm of White & Simons, 1887-91; Simons & Rockwell, 1897-99; practiced law alone, Buffalo, N. Y., until 1904; alone, Los Angeles, Cab, 1904-08; with firm of Simons, Bradner & Ross, 1908-11; now in business alone. Counsel for Charter Revision Committee, Buffalo, N. Y., 1896-98; state appraiser, N. Y., 1900-01. Member Masonic fraternity; Theta Delta Chi; Phi Beta Kappa honorary fraternity; California, Jona- than and Gamut clubs, Los Angeles. Republican. Unitarian. SIMPSON, Theodore Allen. Asst. trust officer Title Ins. Co. Res., Jona- than Club; office. Title Ins., Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Tola, Kans., June 18. 1870; son of Cyrus Mortimer and Sarah (Allen) Simpson. Married to Juanita Stout in 1896 (dec). Attended public scliools at lola, Kans.; graduated from Pasadena High School in June, 1888. First en- gaged with the Los Angeles Abstract Co., (the predecessor of the Title Ins. & Trust Co.), with which corporation he is still connected, having held the various positions of clerk, searcher of records, supt. of plant and trust officer. Secy. Atlas Crude Oil Co. Served as journal clerk of Cal. Senate 1895-97. Member Jonathan and Los Angeles Country clubs; Automobile Club of So. Cal. SIRCH, Charlemagne. Electrical and consulting engineer; manufac- turer; writer. Res. So. Bonnie Brae St.; office 300-1 Lankershim Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 23, 1876; son of Charle- magne and Matilde (Schwartzburg) Sirch. Educated in the public schools of Milwaukee; Univ. of Wis.; special instruction in machine designing with Prof. Harris J. Ryan of Stanford Univ.; economics, Univ. of Cal., Berk- eley, Cal. Foreman of the Los Ange- les Gas and Electric Co., 1903-04; built and owned the electric light sys- tem for four years at Globe, Ariz.; organized First Natl. Bank of Globe, Ariz.; established Episcopal church of Globe; organized Sirch Electrical Lab- oratories, Inc., in 1906, for purpose of developing and manufacturing his electrical inventions; associated with him in this enterprise were F. B. Bra- den, B. F. Pearson, supt. of the Edi- son Co.; Maurice Hellman, Dr. Jno. R. Haynes. Inventions include a rec- tifier for converting alternating cur- rent to direct current, and is used throughout civilized world; electrical water heater for household use; elec- tric winding machinery and systems of electric insulation of wire; mercury vapor rectifier; thirty other electric patents. Has built a number of elec- tric systems on Pacific Coast. Pres. Sirch Electrical Laboratories; pres. Sirch Transport Co. Writer on tech- nical works and economics; Congress has printed card index of his technical works; author of The Cause of Finan- cial Panics. SJOSTROM, Herman W. Mer- chant. Res., 2924 Fifth Ave.; office. Fifth and Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lafayette, Minn., in 1876; son of A. G. and Lottie Sjostrom. Married to Mabel Perry, Providence, R. I., 1904. Attended public schools at Bernadotte, Miss.; graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn. Employed in general store in Minnesota. 1881-95; same in Winthrop, Minn., 1895-1900; depart- ment store. Glen Falls, Mont., 1900- 01; general merchandise store Kern Co., Cal., 1901-02; department store, Los Angeles, 1902-04; general mer- chandise, Kern co., Cal., 1904-05; now supt. Muse-Faris- Walker Co., (Fifth Street Store, Los Angeles). Member San Gabriel Valley Country Club. Lutheran. 342 WHO'S WHO SLAUSON, James. Capitalist. Res. 2345 S. Figueroa St.; office 522 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Austin, Nev., Oct. 2, 1865; son of Jonathan Sayre and Sarah R. (Blum) Slauson. Educated in pri- vate schools and by tutors. Teller in Los Angeles County Bank, 1885-86;- secy. Azusa Land & Water Co., 1887- 90; became identified with orange and lemon culture in 1890. Pres. Azusa Foothill Citrus Assn.; Azusa Agricul- tural Water Co.; dir. Security Trust & Savings Bank; Natl. Bank of Califor- nia; First Natl Bank of Azusa; Azusa Valley Savings Bank; pres. Los An- geles Chamber of Commerce, 1911-12. Member California Club, of which he is vice-pres. and dir.; University, Los Angeles Athletic, Los Angeles Coun- try and Annandale Country clubs; Bolsa Chica Gun Club, of which he is vice-pres. and dir.; Sunset Club, of which he was pres. 1910. SLOSSON, Leonard B. Lawyer. Res. 1073 West Kensington road; of- fice Wright & Callender Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Sabetha, Kan- sas, April 13, 1875; son of Willis and Marion E. (Butler) Slosson. Married to Elvenia Jackson in 1907. Attended public schools of Reed City, Mich.; graduated from the Mich. Military Academy, Orchard Lake, Mich., 1893; studied law under supervision of Jus- tices Long and Montgomery of the Supreme Court of Mich. Admitted to the bar in Mich. May 6, 1898. Moved to Ventura, Cal., in Sept., 1899, and practiced in the office of Hon. Orestes Orr; deputy county clerk, 1902-04, resigned to move to Los An- geles, where he engaged in the prac- tice of his profession, associated with B. S. Hunter, 1904-06. Librarian Li- brary Michigan Supreme Court, 1896- 99. Member Los Angeles Athletic and Union League clubs ; F. A. M. Re- publican. SLOSSON, Mark H. Lawyer. Res., Santa Monica, Cal.; office. 709 Wright & Callender Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Gabriel. Cal., in 1878; son of Henry Veits and Alice (Van de Water) Slosson. Received his edu- cation in Los Angeles grammar and high schools, and Univ. of Va. Em- ployed by So. Cal. Fruit Exchange, 1897-1904; with Right of Way dept.. Pacific Electric Ry., 1905-06; law dept. Univ. of Va., 1906; engaged in practice of law associated with Wil- liams, Goudgc & Chandler. l'«l'l-10; in practice alone 1910 to date. Memlicr Sigma Chi and Phi Delta Phi frater- nities; Colonnade Club, Charlottes- ville, Va.; Tennis Club, Santa Monica, Cal. Episcopalian. SMITH, Charles Warren. Automo- biles. Res. 1525 Columbia St., Pasa- dena, Cal.; office 311 W. Pico st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, Nov. 14, 1891; son of W. H. and Laura (Clark) Smith. Graduated from the grammar schools of Pasadena; at- tended Throop Polytechnic Institute. In the employ of San Bernardino, Cal., Traction Co.. 1906; carpenter for Coast Construction Co., 1908-11; en- gaged in contracting and building, 1911; sales and advertising mgr. Smith Bros. -Ellis, automobile supplies, 1911 to date. Member Los Angeles Ath- letic Club. SMITH, Cotton A. Real estate. Res. Los Angeles Athletic Club; of- fice 1032-34 Van Nuys Bldg.. Los An- geles, Cal. Born in North Hadley, Mass.. July 31, 1871 ; son of George C. and Nancy Beals (Atwood) Smith. Un- married. Attended grammar schools at North Hadley, Mass. ; graduated Hop- kins Academv, 1889; Massachusetts Ag- ricultural College, B.S., 1893; Yale Univ. (Sheffield school). Ph.B., 1894. Clerk with T. W. Rdbinson Co.. Los Angeles, Cal., "1895; bought a fifth interest in the new N. B. Blackstone Co., 1896; secy, and treas. of N. B. Blackstone Co. for five years; with Strong & Dickinson, put Main st. boulevard tract on the market in 1903, having five-ninths of the holdings; secy, and treas. of Automobile Club of So. Cal. seven months; engaged in real estate business 1903 to date; is now handling "Smith's Merced Tract" of 2,500 acres, 2 1-2 miles south of city of Mer- ced. Member Los Angeles Country and Los Angeles Athletic clubs; Yale Club So. Cal. SMITH, Elbert W. Banker. Res. 577 Claremont Drive; office. Pasadena National Bank, Pasadena, Cal. Born in Savannah. N. Y., Dec. 25, 1880; son of Willis and Martha J. Smith. Mar- ried to Catherine Keates in 1909. Edu- cated in the public schools of Pasa- dena, Cal., graduating from high school in 1900. Immecli.iU-ly after leaving school entered Pasadena Natl. Bank and has been promoted each year. Elected asst. cashier, 1910. Member Masonic fraternity; Annan- dale Country Club. SMITH, Robert C. P. Manager Loan & Mortgage Dept.. W. O. Huse Co. Res., 1044 Grattan St.; office, 338 IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 343 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Gal. Born in Buchanan, Mich., Mar. 9, 1875; son of Wilbur W., and Mary (Parsons) Smith. Married to Kathreen R. Ra- pier in 1896. Education received in public schools of Buchanan, Mich., and Ontario, Gal.; Ghaffey Prepara- tory School, Ontario, Gal.; Albion College, Mich., graduating Ph. B., 1897. Moved to Gal. in 1897; editor Ontario Record, 1897-1900; secy. Globe Oil Go., Salinas Water Light & Power Go., Monterey County Gas & Electric Co., Monterey & Pa- cific Grove Ry. Co., Santa Gruz VVat- sonville & Papitola Ry. Co., Union Traction Co., Santa Gruz, 1901-07; pres. R. G. P. Smith Co., 1907 to date; Ozark Oil Co., 1907-11; Queen Oil Co., 1908 to date; dir. Traders Oil Co., 1908-1911; So. Gal. Land Co., 1911 to date; mgr. Loan Dept. W. O. Huse Co. Member Jonathan and Union League clubs; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; B. P. O. E.; Delta Tau Delta fraternity; South Coast Yacht Club of which he was commodore 1910-11. SMITH, Samuel Barnes. Lawyer. Office 317 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Gal. Born in Westchester CO., New York; son of David and Hannah (Barnes) Smith. Married to Mary Eugenia MacLatchy in 1891. Attended private school, 1883; Chautauqua Mountain Institute, Chautauqua, N. Y.; graduated from L^niv. of the City of New York, LL. B., 1895. Admitted to the bar in N. Y. in Feb., 1896; engaged in practice there until 1904. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1904, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. Second Lieut. Co. B., First Reg., N. G. N. Y., 1901-02. Member Masonic fraternity. Repub- lican. SMITH, Samuel Ferry. Lawyer. Res., 2222 Fourth st.; office., 409 Union Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Pittsburg, Pa., June 8, 1863; son of John Quincy Adams and Anna (Ferry) Smith. Married to Hanna Hammond in 1885; to Helen Frost in 1905. Re- ceived his education in the public schools of Pittsburg. Denver and San Francisco. Engaged in newspaper work, 1887-91; began practice of law 1891; associated with Artken & Smith, 1889-95; Collier-Smith, 1900-06; Collier, Smith & Holcomb, 1906-08; Collier, Smith & Hoff, 1908-09; now practicing alone. Pres. San Diego Realty Co.; dir. Western Investment Go. Former member Board of Education, pres. Board of Library Trustees, San Diego, Gal.; chairman Republican County Central Com., San Diego co., Cal. Member Republican State Cen- tral Com.; American Bar Assn.; Guyamaca, Country and Rowing clubs, San Diego, Cal.; Jonathan Club, Los Angeles. Unitarian. SMITH, Samuel J. Wholesale and retail machinery and supplies. Res., 2300 Scarff st.; olSce, 228-38 Central ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lewis- burg, Pa., Jan. 19, 1867; son of Geo. A. and Susan (Reedy) Smith. Mar- ried to Laura Mae Arkland in 1893. Received a public school education Moved to Cal. in 1886 and entered em- ploy of John Nicoll Nursery Co., at Elsinore, Gal., remaining until 1889; with Aermotor Co., San I-'rancisco, Gal., 1889-92; obtained agency for Aeromotor Co. Line for Orange co., and started in business on own ac- count at Orange, Gal., 1892; in busi- ness in Los Angeles, 1893; incorpor- ated the S. J. Smith Machinery Co., 1900; merged the S. J. Smith Machin- ery Co., and L. Booth & Sons, and in- corporated the Smith, Booth. Llsher Co.. 1911. of which he is pres. to date. Member Jonathan Club; Municipal League; Merchants' & Manufacturers' Assn.; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. SMYTH E, William Ellswrorth. Au- thor and colonization promoter. Res. San Ysidro, San Diego co., Cal. ; of- fice 929 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Gal. Born in Worcester, Mass., Dec. 24, 1861; son of William A. S. Smythe and .Abigail Bailey Smythe. Married to Harriet Bridge in 1882. Educated in the public schools of his native state. Newspaper reporter and editor in Mass., 1879-88; editor Kearney (Neb.) Enterprise, 1888-90; associate editor Omaha Bee, 1890-01; estab- lished "Irrigation Age," April, 1891, and started irrigation movement ; or- ganized series of county conventions in Neb. same year, which culminated in state convention at Lincoln. at which he was made chairman of committee appointed to organize Natl. Irrigation Congress; interested lead- ing men of Utah who called congress at Salt Lake City, Sept. 15, 1891; secy, executive committee, arranged sec- ond congress at Los Angeles in 1893, and was elected chairman of Natl. Executive Committee; has lectured throughout the country on irrigation; contributed articles on same in Re- view of Reviews, Century, Atlantic 344 WHO'S WHO Monthly, Forum, etc.; author, "Arid America," first published in 1896 by Harper Bros., and several later revised editions were brought out by McMil- lan & Co.; "Constructive Democracy," Harper Bros.; "History of San Di- ego," local publisher, 1907; contribu- tor to many newspapers and maga- zines, and author of several govern- ment reports on irrigation. Founded Plymouth Colony in Idaho in 1895; founded Little Landers, San Ysidro, Tia Juana valley, 1908; Little Landers of Los Angeles, Monte Vista valley, 1913; established Consolidated Real- ty Co., San Diego in 1907; Cuyamaca State Bank, El Cajon, 1907. Demo- cratic candidate for Congress, 8th dist. in 1902; head of La Follette ticket. Rep. primary in 1912; active in several political campaigns as writer and speaker; accompanied Walter Fisher, Secy, of the Interior, on tour of inspection of Alaska coal fields in 1911; visited Europe in 1898 to study industrial co-operation. SNOW, Albert Barnes. Retai! lumber dealer. Res. 21 S. Golden ave.; office 11 S. Golden ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Henry Co., III., March IS, 1855; son of Miletus Henry and Mary Ettie (Brown) Snow. Married to Fannie Case in 1876. Educated in the public schools of Wisconsin. En- gaged in farming, 1876-81; with H. Bullen & Co., Winfield, Kan., 1881- 88; with Union Lumber Mill Co., lo- cating yards, etc., in Okla., 1888-1904; moved to Cal. in 1904, locating at Po- mona; established lumber business in Pomona and operated it at same time he was mgr. for Long Beach Lumber Co., Long Beach, Cal. Bought the Harbor Lumber Co. in 1909 and holds controlling interest in the A. B. Snow Lumber Co.; pres. A. B. Snow Lum- ber Co.; pres. Snow-Naftel Lumber Co.; dir. City Natl. Bank. Honorably discharged as Commissary Sergeant of Co. "D" K. N. G. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; I. O. O. F. ; Modern Woodmen; K. of P.; Kansas Work- men; Rebekahs; Knights Templar; Shrine. Presbyterian. SNOWBALL, MacDougall. Real estate. Res. 382 N. Los Robles; of- fice 167 E. Colorado St., Pasadena, Cal. Born in Chatham, N. B., Can- ada, May 6, 1866; son of Jabez Bunt- ing and Margaret (MacDougall) Snowball. Married to Nellie Joy Davis in 1895. Received his educa- tion in Chatham. N. B., grammar school; Upper Canada College, To- ronto; Lincoln College, Sorel, Que- bec. Entered his father's office as ap- prentice, 1884; organized electric light company, 1888; first telephone com- pany on the north shore of New Brunswick. 1889; pres. of both corn- panies until 1893; moved to California in 1891; sold his interest in the Elec- tric Light & Telephone companies in New Brunswick and moved to Pasa- dena, 1893; purcliased the Electric Supply & Fixture Co. of Pasadena, 1897-98; entered the brokerage busi- ness and established the firm of Snow- ball & Sullivan, October, 1898; incor- porated the firm, 1909, and is pres. to date. Vice-pres. National Bank of Commerce. Presbyterian. SNYDER, Meredith P. Banker. Res., 2823 Orchard ave.; office, Cali- fornia Savings Bank. Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Winston-Salem. N. C, in 1859; son of Kehlin D., and Eliza- beth (Higher) Snyder. Married in 1888. Educated at Beathney and Schle Academies and at Yadkin Col- lege, N. C. Moved to Los Angeles in 1880, and went to work in a furniture store; in employ of Coulter Dry Goods Co.; bought shoe store and conducted same; elected member police commis- sioners city of Los Angeles in 1890; re-elected in 1893; elected member of city council and served 1894-96; elect- ed mayor of Los Angeles and served 1897-98; re-elected and served 1900- 1901; again elected and served 1901- 02; engaged in banking business in 1897 which he has followed when not serving in public office. Pres. and dir. California Savings Bank; same offices Lomita Land & Water Co.; dir. L. A. Title & Trust Co.; vice-pres. and dir. Western Bldg. & Inv. Co.; dir. Gardena Bank & Trust Co. Member Jonathan. Los Angeles Country and Lomita Gun clubs, Los Angeles; San Gabriel Valley Country Club, Pasa- dena; Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar; Shrine; K. of P.; Protestant. SOMERS, Louis Grant. Real es- tate. Res. 2255 N. Cahuenga ave., Hollywood; ofiice Hollywood. Cal. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1863; son of Louis A. and Julia S. (Kelley) Somers. Married to Helen A. Smith in 1888. Attended Cleveland gram- mar and high schols. Became book- keeper for Coe & Harburg, 1880; bookkeeper and telegraph operator, 1881-83; in stock and bond business, Cleveland, 1885-87; member of firm of Kelley & Co., 1887-92; partner in same, under firm name of Kelley, Wright & Co., 1892-93; Wright & Somers, bank- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 345 ers & Brokers, Cleveland, 1893-1900; Wright, Somers & Moule, 1900-04; Somers & Maule, 1904-06; mine oper- ator, 1906-09; real estate operator, 1909-12. Member Colonial Club, Cleveland; Los Angeles Country Club; pres. Hollywood Board of Trade. SOMES, William Thomas. Ranch- er and oil producer. Res., La Canada, Cal. Born in Mt. Desert, Me., July 13, 1852; son of Daniel G., and Char- lotte (Thorn) Somes. Married to Al- lie A. Bisbee in 1881. Attended Maine public schools, 1869; Simpson M. E. College, Indianola, la.; moved to Los Angeles in 1874 and worked as car- penter and contractor; later owned and operated a music store at Zll S. Spring St.; admitted to the bar Mar. 4, 1879, but did not practice law; one of the first oil operators in the Los Angeles oil field; also operated in the Kern River oil field; formerly secy. of the Grace Oil Co., and of the Hustle Oil Co., both in Kern River field; with A. G. Newton built Bimini Hotel; moved to a large ranch at La Canada, which he now owns and oper- ates; interested in Kern Oil fields and in the Little Sespe, Ventura co. Served as member of the Gavenoes Guards for four years in la. Republi- can. Methodist. SOUDEN, Oscar M. President United States National Bank. Office United States National Bank, Los An- geles, Cal. Born in St. Joseph, Mo., May 25, 1868; son of George and Sarah (Meek) Souden. Educated in public schools and business colleges. Upon completion of his studies en- gaged in farming, which occupation he followed until he moved to Los Angeles, Cal., and became identified with delevopment of mining industries of So. Cal.; in addition to mining and oil business engaged in insurance busi- ness; became vice-pres. of the L'. S. National Bank in 1900, which office he held until he was elected presi- dent, which office he holds at present; dir. Los Angeles Hibernian Bank. Member Masonic fraternity; Shrine; California and Los Angeles Country clubs. SOUTHWICK, Thomas Smyth. Accountant. Res., 173 E. 36th pL; office, 258 S. Main st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hull, Yorkshire, Eng- land, June 27, 1858; son of Thomas and Grace Jane (Gilchrist) Southwick. Married to Mathilda Gertrude Scott in 1903. Attended Mayes Private Aca- demy; Harrow Public School, Lon- don, Eng. In grocery l)usiness in S. Africa, 1879-96; mgr. Trust Co., in Hawaii, 1898-99; cashier California Fresh Fruit Exchange, 1900-01; Cal- Vegetal)le I'nion, 1905-08; accountant and trcas. Kingslcy, Mason & Col- lins, 1908 to date. Member Masonic fraternity. Republican. Congrega- tionalist. SOWL, Piedad Yorba. Cafe pro- prietor. Res. Casa Vcrdugo, Cal.; of- fice 736 S. .Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Santa Ana, Cal., Jan. 16, 1867; daughter of Jesus and .Sole- dad Lugo Yorba. Married to C. A. Sowl in 1903. Attended public schools of Los Angeles, Cal. Started in res- taurant business on North Broadway, I^os Angeles, in 1895; in same busi- ness later on S. Main st., Los Angeles, until 1903 ; started restaurant at end of Glendale electric car line under name of Casa Verdugo. 1903; Pacific Elec- tric Co. took over this place 1910, and she started business at her residence under same name: railroad started Spanish restaurant under same, and lawsuit resulted, in which she was successful; opened Spanish cafe at 736 S. Spring st., Los Angeles, which she continues to date; also conducts restaurant at Casa Verdugo. Member Maccabees. Catholic. SPALDING, Albert Goodwill. Mer- chant, manufacturer and financier. Res. Point Loma, Cal. Born in Byron, Ogle county. 111., Sept 2, 1850; son of James Lawrence and Harriet Irene (Goodwill) Spalding. Received his education in the public schools of Rockford, III. Founded the house of A. G. Spalding & Bros., athletic goods manufacturers and dealers, in Chicago in 1876; this firm started as a small retail business and now has stores throughout America, Canada, Great Britian and Australia, and fac- tories in man}' cities. Elected by the Republicans of California as candidate for United States Senate, Aug., 1910, and carried the districts of the state by a large majority under state pri- mary law; defeated for election by the construction placed upon the law by the Progressives in the Assembly. This law was construed by those in political power to provide that the senator elected should be he who re- ceived the majority of all votes cast in all the districts. Pres. San Diego Securities Co. Member of the Legion 346 WHO'S WHO of Honor of France. Member of a number of the leading New York and Chicago clubs. SPALDING, Frank Carr. Invest- ments. Res., 930 Spruce St.; office, 11 Union Title & Trusty Bldg.. San Diego, Cal. Born in Kansas City, Nov. 2, 1869; son of James F., and Jeanette (Carr) Spalding. Married to Clara L. Salisbury in 1895. Re- ceived his education in the public schools and Spaldings Commercial College of Kansas City; attended Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. En- gaged in newspaper work as editor and publisher of the "Business Edu- cator" Kansas City; mgr. Spalding Printing & Publishing Co.; bus. mgr. and instructor of business practice in Spalding's Commercial College. For- mer secy. Surety Trust Co.; former secy. Southwestern Trust Co.; former dir. Central Avenue Bank, Kansas City; pres. Fellows Boat Works; dir. Chamber of Commerce, 1909-11; pres., 1911-12; dir. Civic Assn., 1911; dir. and secy. Realty Board, 1911; Commodore San Diego Yacht Club, 1912; treas. Y. M. C. A., 1911- 12. .Author of "Stenographer's Busi- ness Practice." Member Sons of American Revolution; Order of Pana- ma; Cuyamaca, Country and Rotary clubs, San Diego. Congregationalist. SPALDING, Silsby Morse. Bonds Res. 1006 Crescent Drive, Beverly Hills, Cal.; office 204 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Minne- apolis, Minn., May 29. 1886; son of Salathiel Martin and Sarah Eglantine (Camp) Spalding. Married to Caroline L. Canfield in 1911. Attended common schools of Minneapolis, Minn., and Los Angeles, Cal.; Pomona Prepara- tory Schools, Claremont, Cal.; Stan- ford Univ., Palo Alto, Cal., two years. Employed by E. H. Rollins & Sons, San Francisco, Cal., 1908. Moved to Los Angeles office, May, 1909; be- came manager of same, 1910, which position he holds to date. Member California, Midwick Country, and Los Angeles ."Vthletic clubs. SPALDING, William Andrew. Civil service. Res. 134 N, Gates St.; office 204 E.xchange Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in .^nn .^rbor, Mich,, Oct. 3, 1852; son of F.phraim Hall and Jane H. (Cormark) Spalding. Married to Mary Louise Dennison in 1875. Grad- uated from Commercial College, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1868; from Univ. of Mich. Moved to Los .Angeles, Cal., in 1875, and engaged in newspaper work, holding various positions on Herald, Express, and Times, 1875- 1903; State Building and Loan Com- missioner, 1893-97; secy. Los Angeles Civil Service Commission, 1903 to date; chairman of Board of Freehold- ers for revision of state charter; pres. Premier Ranch Co. Author: The Orange and Its Culture, 1886. Uni- tarian. SPARKS, Randall Eugene C. Law- yer. Office, 315 Mason Opera House Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Richmond, Va., Feb. 25, 1876. Mar- ried to Marcella Mae Elliott in 1906. Attended public schools of Va.; Ken- tucky Military Institute; Baylor Univ., Waco, Tex. Studied law privately, and at the age of nineteen was admit- ted to the bar by special act of Tex. legislature. Public prosecutor of Mc- Clellan co., Tex., 1896; involved in many noted criminal trials of Tex. courts, viz: Tex. vs. Sam Cole; Tex. vs. Wood; Tex. vs. King. Moved to London, England, to live in 1900; re- turned to U. S. and located in Spo- kane, Wash., where he was engaged in general practice. Moved to Los An- geles in 1907 and established practice. General counsel for Hotel and Res- taurant Men's Assn.; Morton L. Cook Co., and a branch of the United States Steel Co. Member Los Angeles Ath- letic and City clubs; K. of P.; Modern Woodmen of the World. SPARLING, Raymond W. Water well supplies. Res. 1848 Santa Maria ave.; office 209 N. Los Angeles St., Los .Angeles, Cal. Born Port Huron, Mich., Apr. 12, 1887; son of Harvey and Edith H. Sparling. Married to Margaret M. Carter in 1908. Gradu- ated from Los Angeles High School in 1905. Elevator boy during vacation in old Times Bldg., 1904; mining near Daggett, Cal., for Daggett Lead Co. and .American Borax Co., 1905-06; niillman Goldfield Consolidated Mines Co., 1907; gold milling for himself at Rhyolitc, Nev., 1908-09; stock clerk and salesman J. F. Lucey Co., oil well supplies, Los Angeles, 1910-11; en- gaged in water well supply business for himself 1912 to date; handles ev- erything for development and dis- tribution of water, wholesale and re- tail. Member Fraternal Brotherhood. SPEERS, Froman. .Automobiles. Res. 1541 Kamona ave., S. Pasadena; office 1026 S. Olive st.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Speers. Pa., Dec. 3. 1870; son of Noah and Malissa (Ward) IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 347 Speers. Married to Lizzie Courtney in 1891. Received his education in the public schools of Speers, Pa. First employed as railroad agt. and tele- graph operator; later became automo- bile salesman, and since 1911 has been pres. and nigr. of the Bekins-Speers Motor Co. and with Milo Bekins en- gaged in the automobile business. Member of the Los Angeles Athletic Club. SPELLACY, Timothy. Oil pro- ducer. Res. 937 Park View Terrace; office 579 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Conneautsville, Pa., July 14, 1854; son of John and Elizabeth (Byrne) Spellacy. Married to Elizabeth Doty in 1893. Educated in public schools, Conneautsville, Pa. Gained experience in oil business in oil fields of Pa. and Ohio. Moved to Bakersfield, Cal., 1899; moved to Los Angeles, making this city his head- quarters. Has been prominent in pol- itics in Cal.; candidate for lieut. gov. on Democratic ticket, 1910. Pres. Sierra Madre Club; member of sev- eral other organizations. SPELLMEYER, A. Lawrence. Cat- tle dealer. Res. Los Angeles, Cal., Flagstaff, Ariz., and El Paso, Tex.; office 203 American Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cincinnati, O., Aug. 6, 1881; son of Anthony Henry and Theresa Eleanor Spellmeyer. Vice-pres. Terminal Land Co.; secy. Central Richmond Land Co.; later in stock business in Ariz.; partner in L. A. Live Stock Com. Co.; firm is now known as A. L. Spellmeyer Live Stock Co., dealing in cattle and ranges.; vice-pres. Erwin Fuel Co. Member Los Angeles Country Club. SPENCE, Jay. Cashier, secy, and dir. Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank. Res. 1135 Magnolia ave. ; office Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, 111., Jan. 5, 1869; son of James Andrew and Cornelia Ann (Soule) Spenco. Married to Estelle Minier in 1895. Educated in the pub- lic schools of Fond Du Lac, Wis. Messenger German America Savings Bank, Fond Du Lac, Wis., 1882-86; bookkeeper Wisconsin Land & Lum- ber Co., Hermansville, Mich, 1886- 88. Moved to Pomona, Cal., in 1888 and became bookkeeper and teller for First Natl. Bank, which office he held until 1897, when he was appointed asst. cashier; cashier Bank of Ox- nard, Oxnard, Cal., 1899-1902; pres. same, 1902-1905; pres. Oxnard Sav- ings Bank, Oxnard, Cal., 1904-05; cashier Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co., Los Angeles, I90S to date; secy. Los Angeles Trust and .Savings Bank, 1909-10; cashier and secy., 1910 to date. Served as member first board of trustees, Oxnard, Cal., 1903-05; trustee and clerk board of trustees Union High School dist., Oxnard, Cal., 1902-05. Member Jonathan Club; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce ; Ma- sonic fraternitv; Shrine; Automobile Club of So, Cal. SPENCER, Allan Horton. Archi- tect and building supt. Res. 318 Edge- ware road; office 302-04 Union League Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Diego, Cal., July 21, 1888; son of Jonathan Robert and Sarah (Hor- ton) Spencer; married to A. B. Weeks in 191 1. Attended grammar schools, San Diego, Cal.; graduated from high school, Los Angeles, Cal.; graduated from Brownsberger Business College, Los Angeles, 1905. Had charge sec- tion of routes Los Angeles Express, 1904; while going to school was clerk in candy stores and soda fountains; timekeeper and asst. supt. Acme Bldg. Co., 1905; bookkeeper and stenogra- pher, same, 1905-06; traveled in Japan. China and the Philippines, 1906-07; clerk for J. G. White & Co., Cebu Island; mgr. for B. C. Tatum, photographer, Manila, P. I.; salesman International Plioto Studio and Photo Supply Co., Manila, P. I.; mgr. Walk Over Shoe store, Manila, P. I.; re- turned to U. S. in 1909; engaged in real estate and practical building in San Francisco, 1909-11; practicing ar- chitecture, 1911 to date. Member Modern Woodmen of the World; mgr. Colebrook Camp Reserve; mem- ber Masonic fraternity. SPENCER, Edward Byron. Bonds, securities and building. Res. 2061 La Salle ave.; office 414 Union League Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Carthage, Mo., March 5, 1871; son of Jonathan Richmond and Sarah J. (Horton) Spencer. Married to Grace G. Holden in 1877. Graduated from San Diego High School, 1891; reporter for San Diego Evening Sun, 1891-92; with Reuter Investment Co., San Francisco, 1892-95; insurance business and loans in San Diego, 1895-98. Moved to Los .Angeles in 1898 and established a building and loan busi- ness, handling bonds and securities only, and building residences and cot- tages for sale. Among notable build- ings which he has constructed are the 348 WHO'S WHO Union League Bldg. and the Medical Bldg.; vice-pres. Union League Club; secy. Union League Club Bldg.; secy. Acme Building Co.; 2d vice-pres. Med- ical Bldg. Corporation. Served six years in the C. N. G. Member Union League Club; Masonic fraternity, all bodies. Protestant. SPENCER, Frederick McDonald. Lawyer. Res. 321 S. Bunker Hill ave. ; office 616 American Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Toronto, Canada, June 24, 1877; son of Theodore Henry and Mary Caroline (McDonald) Spen- cer. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1883. Attended public schools of Los Angeles ; graduated from Univ. of So. Cal., A.B., 1897; admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Ca!., 1898; later by the U. S. Dist. and Circuit Courts ; has since been engaged in active prac- tice in Los Angeles; was at one time associated with ex-Congressman C. H. Yoakum of Texas, under firm name of Yoakum & Spencer. Mem- ber Univ. and Annandale Golf clubs. SPRING, Frederick James. Law- yer. Res. 441 W .58th st.; office 403 California Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in London, Canada, Nov. 20, 1870; son of James and Maria (Plax- ton) Spring. Married to Minnie Freedgen in 1890. Educated in the public schools of Minn., and in law dept. of Univ. So. Cal., graduating LL. B., 1905. Admitted to practice in all courts in the state and U. S. District and Circuit courts upon graduation; associated with Earl Rogers to date. Member I. O. O. F.; Masonic frater- nity; O. E. S. Republican. SPROUL, Frank P. Lawyer. Res, 1170 Leighton ave.; office 401 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Norwalk, Cal., Nov. 1, 1876; son of Gilbert H. and Annie M. (Davis) Sproul. Married to Victoria C. Weis in 1904. Graduated from Norwalk pub- lic schools June, 1903; from Los An- geles Normal School, June 1907. Studied law privately and was ad- mitted to the bar in San Francisco May, 1903; moved to Los .\ngeles in 1905, and has been engaged in prac- tice to date. Member Masonic fra- ternity. Repuljlican. STAATS, William R. Pres. VVm. R. Staats Co. Res. 55 N. Grand ave., Pasadena, Cal.; office 65 S. Raymond ave., Pasadena, Cal., 105-7 W. Fourth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Or- ange, Conn., Aug. 8, 1867; son of Rev. Henry T. and Mary J. (Macy) Staats. Married to Helen I. Watson in 1899. Educated in the public schools of Bristol, Conn., and in Wesleyan .'\cad- emy at Wilbraham, Mass. Moved to Los .\ngeles, Cal., in 1886, and en- gaged in real estate and mortgage loan business with firm of Wood & Bradbury at Pasadena ; after one year's connection with this firm started in busi- ness for himself as investment banker and broker, handling real estate, insur- ance, mortgage loans, stocks and bonds; prominently identified with financial movements of the southwest; has specialized in bond and invest- ment securities and has established bond houses in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Pres. Wm. R. Staats Co.; dir. and large stockholder in Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank, Title Insurance & Trust Co., So. Cal. Edi- son Co., Union Oil Co. of Cal., Cal Industrial Co., Pasadena Ice Co., California Delta Farms, Inc., Pasa- dena Lake Vineyard Land & Water Co., Pasadena & Mt. Wilson Toll Road Co., Oak Grove Improvement Co., Oak Knoll Co. Member Annan- dale Country, Overland, Valley Hunt and Midwick Country clubs Pasa- dena, Cal.; Masonic fraternity; Jona- than, California and Bolsa Chica Gun clubs, Los Angeles. Congregationalist. STAHL, C. W. Lawyer. Res. 1317 Linwood ave.; office, 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Spring Mills, Pa., Sept. 17, 1856; son of Adam and Sarah C, (Sankey) Stahl. Married to Allie M. Wilson, Dec. 29, 1880. Received his education in the public schools and academies in Center co.. Pa. .Admitted to bar in Newton, la., 1879, and en- gaged in practice there until 1888; moved to Des Moines and became atty. for Des Moines Fire Insurance Co., 1888-90; engaged in general prac- tice, 1890-1906; moved to California in 1906 and has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. Mem- ber of firm of Stahl & Sayles; City Club. Methodist. STANSBURY, Charles. Contract- or. Office, 400 H. W. llellman Bldg., Los .\ngcles, Cal. Born in Pcscanaro, Cal., in 1865; son of M. and Susan J. (Cotton) Stansbury. Married to Anna L. Ledbctter in 1901. Educated in the public schools of Santa Cruz, Cal Upon completion of his studies en- tered into partnership with his father in establishing of coal business; oper- ated under the firm name of Stansbury IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 349 & Co. Upon retirement of his father continued business with his brother operating under name of Stansbury Bros.; this business was sold in 1898 and he invested in a contracting busi- ness which he maintains to date with headquarters in Los Angeles. Dir. Western Lumber Co.; Pacific Sewer Pipe Co. Member N. S. G, W.; Mason- ic fraternity; Knights Templar; K. of P.; Uniform Rank; B. P. O. E.. STANTON, Erastus James. Lum- ber dealer. Res., 902 Giattan St.; of- fice 834 S. Alameda St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Angelica, N. Y.; son of Erastus Hamilton and ALiry (San- ford) Stanton. Married to Frances Boynton in 1880. Educated in the high schools of la. and Mich. Be- gan busines career at Sheridan, Mich., where he inspected lumber in his father's yard; several years later was associated with the Saginaw Salt & Lumber Co., at Saginaw, Mich.; ap- pointed sales manager of this con- cern and had charge of all the sales throughout the east; moved to Ariz., in 1890, having charge of the sales for all that territory; moved to Los An- geles, Cal., as agent for the Cal. Pine Box .Co., and continued in this posi- tion two years. In 1803, established firm of E. J. Stanton, of which he is sole proprietor, handling lumber, wholesale and retail; mgr. of southern office for Fresno Flume & Lumber Co.; pres. Pneumatic Clutch Motor Co.; agt. for Col. Sugar & White Pine Co. Member Chamber of Com- merce; B. P. O. E.; Shrine; Union League, Jonathan and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. Episcopalian. STANTON, Louis Bronson. Law- yer. Res., George st., Arlington Heights; office, 346 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ionia, Mich., Jan. 25, 1884; son of Edward B., and Julia B., (Townsend) Stanton. Married to Ada G. Beeks, June 8, 1907. Attended Riverside grammar school and graduated from high school, 1901; graduated from Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal., 1906; gradu- ated from Law School, Univ. of So. Cal., 1909. Employed as clerk in secy's, office of the Southern Paci- fic Ry. Co., and later in office of spe- cial agent of Los Angeles Gas and Electric Co.; admitted to bar in 1909 and has since been engaged in general practice alone. Dir. and secy. Cen- tral Finance Co.; secy, and atty. War- ranton Co.; dir. and atty. Stanwood- Brown Co. Episcopalian. STAPLES, Earl Francis. Chemist and assaycr. Res., 1390 W. 30th St.; office, 223 W. First st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Galva, 111., Feb. 3, 1877, son of Francis Marion Staples and Sarah Elizabeth (Hoffman) Staples. Married to Florence R. Bailey in 1905. Graduated from high school, Syracuse, Neb., in 1895; graduated from Los Angeles Business College, 1896; took special course in chemistry at Univ. of So. Cal., 1886-87. Chemist and as- sayer in San Bernardino co., Cal.; same with Detroit Copper Co., Moren- ci, Ariz., 1887; same with Latz Mine, Sonora, Mex. Moved to Los Angeles and established firm of Baverstock & Staples in June, 1900, firm now known as Baverstock, Staples & Payne com- posed of himself, R. S. Baverstock and H. L. Payne, engaged in the analysis of ores, minerals, drugs, medi- cines, etc. Member University and Sierra Madre clubs. STARE, Charles Brinkman. Den- tist. Res., 1802 New England ave.; office, 212 Wright & Callender Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Decatur, 111., July 29, 1880; son of William and Sophie (Brinkman) Stare. Mar- ried to Besse Belle Boehmer in 1908. Graduated from high school Men- dota, 111., 1898; from dental depart- ment of Univ. of So. Cal., D. D. S., 1905; has since been engaged in the practice of his profession in Los An- geles. Member Southern California Dental Assn.; Los Angeles Dental Society. S T A T T O N, William Otterbein. Pres. Pierce-Kennedy Co. Res. 1415 Gramercy pi.; office 409-14 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Boonsboro, Md.. Dec. 20, 1863; son of Rev. George W. and Mary E. (Funk- houser) Statton. Married to Anna J. Sylvester in 1886. Attended private schools in Va. and Md., to 1877; West- ern College, Cedar Rapids, la., 1877- 80; Lane LTniv., Lecompton, Kan., 1880-81. Clerical work. Cedar Rap- ids, la., 1881-85; cashier in hank, Ogden, la., 1885-90; moved to Monte Vista, Colo., as cashier in state bank, 1891; cashier Minners Bank, Creed, Colo.; county treas. Rio Grande Co., Colo., 1898-1902; hardware and lum- ber business at Monte Vista, Colo., 1911; stockholder First Natl. Bank, Monte Vista, Colo.; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1911; pres. Pierce-Ken- nedy Co. to date; dir. Pyramid Inv. Co.; vice-pres. United States Mort- gage Co.; mayor of Monte Vista, Colo., three terms. Member Masonic 350 WHO'S WHO fraternity, Scottish Rite; Shrine; Sierra Madre and Los Angeles Ath- letic clubs. STAUNTON, W. F. Mining en- gineer Res. 512 S. Harvard Blvd.; office 609 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal Born in Toledo, C, Dec. 23, 1860 ; son of \V. F. and Mary D. W. (Gray) Staunton. Married to Mary F. Neal ni 1892 Attended public school, Hartford, Conn., 1871-2; Irving Institute, Tarry- town, N. Y., 1873-5; Charlier Institute, New York, N. Y., 1876-8; Columbia University, N. Y., 1878-82. Graduated E. M., 1882. Engaged as chemist and surveyor, copper mines, Vermont ; book- keeper and assayer, N. C, 1882; em- ploved as assayer and ore tester, Ledoux & 'Ricketts, New York; constructing engineer for metallurgical plant. New York, and superintendent mill and smelter, Tombstone, Ariz., 1883; travel and consulting practice, with office in New York; supt. of mines, Tombstone, Ariz., 1884-94; vice-pres. and gen. mgr. various companies, mining, milling and installing plants, railroads, etc., 1894-1900; moved to Los Angeles, 1910, and practiced his profession to date. Vice-pres. Calu- met Oil Co.; pres. Pan-American Os- trich Co.; vice-pres. International Amer. Gas Power Co.; dir. Pacific Surety Co. Life member Amer. Inst. Mining Engineers; Mining and Metallur- gical Inst, of Amer.; Engineers' Club of New York; California and Sierra Madre clubs, Los Angeles. Episco- palian. STAVE, Henry Julius. Banker. Res. 3105 Walton ave. ; office National Bank of Commerce, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, Dec. 19, 1870; son of Henry Julius and Alma Brewster (Dunning) Stave. Gaduated from Headlcy School, Chicago, 1885 ; at- tended high school, Chicago, 1885-8/; engaged as messenger in wholesale woolen house, 1887-88; with Hide & Leather National Bank of Chicago, 1888-96; traveling salesman for John Moore Mfg. Co., Chicago, and Deer- ing Harvester Co., 1886-1900; book- keeper for G. B. Carpenter Co., Chi- cago, 1900-04; moved to Los Angeles in 1904 and re-entered banking busi- ness- cashier of the National Bank of Commerce, 1909 to date. Member K of P ; American Institute of Bank- ing; San Gabriel Valley Country Club. STEARNS, Augustus G. Real es- tate Kes., Kamiiart apts.; office., Con- solidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Appleton, Wis., Oct 26, 1863; son of George S., and Mary Snyder Stearns. Unmarried. Edu- cated in the public schools of Grand Haven, Mich., and Sweensburg's Busi- ness College, Grand Rapids, Mich. After finishing his studies entered em- ploy of Mathewson & White, lumber dealers, Cadillac, Mich. Moved to Los Angeles in 1882; moved to Red- lands, Cal., 1892, to become manager of fruit packing house for Haight Packing Co., which position he held until 1899; secy, and mgr. Fruit Grow- ers' Assn., Highland, 1897-99; estab- lished fruit business in Highland, Cal., and operated on his own ac- count, later extending business to Redlands, Cal.; retired from fruit busi- ness in 1904; organized Stearns Lum- ber Co., San Francisco, with Red- wood sawmills in Mendocino co., Cal.; pres. and mgr. of Co., until 1910; en- gaged in real estate business 1911 to date, handling citrus fruit and alfalfa lands. Pres. Stearns Lumber Co.; pres. Midway Basin Oil Co.; secy, and treas. Cal. Orchard Co.; dir. Pro- ducers' Mutual Water Co. Member Union League Club. San Francisco. STEINHAUER, Karl E. Lawyer. Res, 4634 Santa Monica blvd.; office, 1005 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Denver, Colo, March 20 1882; son of Frederick and Blanche (Chobard) Steinhauer. Married to Lula E. Smith, in 1911. Attended grammar schools; graduated from high school, Denver, 1899; graduated from Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich , 1906. Engaged in business in Denver, Colo., until 1905; practiced law in Colo., 1907-11; moved to Los Angeles in 1911 and has since been en- gaged in the practice of his profession. Member Phi Delta Theta fraternity; University and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. STEPHENS, Albert Lee. Lawyer. Res 277 So. Coronado St.; office 1100- 1-2-3 Union Trust Bldg.. Los .\ngeles, Cal. Born in Indiana, Jan. 25, 1874; son of Edwin E. and .\rminda Jane (Rice) Stephens. Married to Marie Clark in 1907. Attended pubhc schools; graduated from the College of Law, Univ. of So. Cal., L.L. B., 1903. Admitted to practice in Los Angeles in 1899, and was associated with Burrcl D. Neighbours, under firm name of Neighbours & Stephens, 1901 2- practiced alone, 1902-5; with his brother, Jess E. Stephens, under firm name of A. L. & J. M. Stephens, 1905-07; elected Justice of Los An- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 351 geles township in 1907; retired from office to practice law in Los Angeles. 1910; appointed Civil Service Com- missioner of Los Angeles, 1912. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; Shrine; Fra- ternal Brotherhood; W. O. W. ; Cham- ber of Commerce. Democrat. STEPHENS, Raymond Wicks. Lawyer. Res., 636 Kingsley Drive; office, 820 Ferguson, Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 23, 1883; son of Albert M. and Matilda (Wicks) Stephens. Mar- ried to Lucille Chandler in 1898. At- tended public schools of Los Angeles; Pantops Academy, Va.; graduated from Univ. of Va., B. L., 1905. Ad- mitted to the bar in Los Angeles, 1905, and has since been engaged in practice as a member of the firm of Stephens & Stephens. Member Native Sons of the Golden West. Democrat. Episcopalian. STEPHENSON, Fred. Alexander. Lawver. Res. 1412 Albany st. ; office 437-40 Douglas Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Visalia, Cal., Sept. 12, 1870; son of Dr. Alexander C. and Sarah (Benson) Stephenson. Married to Miachen Nichols in 1908. Received his education in public schools of Los An- geles. Admitted to the bar by the Su- preme Court of Cal., April 21, 1896, and later to Federal Courts, and has since been engaged in practice alone in Los Angeles. Member Masonic fraternity; Shrine; Jonathan Club. Republican. STEPPER, Arthur Garfield. Law- yer. Res.. 1248 W. Fourth St.; of- fice, 601 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Warrensburg, Mo., Oct. 25, 1880; son of George C. A., and Martha A. (Whitsett) Step- per. Married to Mabel Dooner, Sept. 8, 1903. Attended grammar schools; graduated from high school, Los An- geles, 1899; graduated from College of Law, Univ. of So. Cal., LL. B., 1912. STEVENS, Henry John. Lawyer. Res. 1014 Crescent drive, Beverly Hills; office 825 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chateau- gay, N. Y., May 29, 1865; son of Levi and Emma (Roberts) Stevens. Mar- ried to Florence Runyon Stanford in 1897. Attended Chateaugay Acad.; member of class of '86, Univ. of Ver- mont. Moved to California 1885. Read law in offices of John D. Works in San Diego for several years and was admitted to the bar by Superior Court, 1887; by Supreme Court, 1888; ap- pointed asst. dist. atty., San Diego CO., 1887; resigned and formed part- nership with Hon. Olin Wellborn and Hon. Edwin Parker under firm name of Wellborn, Parker & Stevens; Charles Wellborn succeeded Judge Parker and firm became Wellliorn, Stevens & Wellborn, San Diego. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1895; member firm of Hunsaker, Stevens & McCutcheon, 1895-96; asst. solici- tor for Santa Fe lines west of Albu- querque, N. M., 1896-1901; practiced alone 1901-05; formed partnership with H. W. O'Melveny, 1905; firm became O'Melveny, Stevens & Milli- ken, 1906, and continues to date. Mem- ber California and Los Angeles Coun- try clubs. Republican. STEVENSON, Frederick. Com- poser and theorist. Res. University Club; office 417 Blanchard Hall, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Newark, Not- tinghamshire, England, Sept. 16, 1845; son of John Webster and .Anne (Fish- er) Stevenson. Married to Mary Jor- dan Ford in 1873. Attended grammar and church choir schools of Newark, England; grammar schools of Boston, Lincolnshire and Bury Lancashire; St. John's College, Hespierpoint, Sux- sex, England; private study with Dr. Macfarren. Cambridge, and Dr. J. F. Bridge, organist, Westminster .Abbey. Engaged in armor plate and hardware business 1864-68; .Australia com- mission business in Sheffield and Lon- don; organist and choir master Trin- ity Church, Forest Hill, London. 1868- 75; Congregational Church, Black- heath, London, 1875-83; moved to Denver, Colo., and was precentor- director, St. John's Cathedral, 1883- 88; with Unity and Trinity churches, Denver, 1888-93; moved to Los Ange- les, and since 1894 has been organist in St. John's Church, Christ Church, Temple B'nai B'rith. Director of Ellis and Treble Clef clubs. Music critic for Herald, Examiner and Graphic; director of University Club, 1906; secy, and treas., 1907; pres. 1908; elected honorary member of Los An- geles Country Club, 1910. Author of many musical works, Oliver Ditson Co. having published more than fifty, chiefly for church use. Best known works are: The Salutation of the Dawn; The Ninety and Nine; Vienne Serenade; Italian Serenade; I Sought the Lord; Easter Eve and Morn; Praise the Lord; O Jerusalem; The Lord Is King; May Day; Longing; Behold the Master Passeth By; Hear, O My People. Episcopalian. 352 WHO'S WHO STEVENSON, Gilbert Field. Life insurance. Res. 6712 Hollywood blvd. ; office 329 Laughlin Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Paw Paw, 111., Jan 13, 1860; son of William and Eliz- abeth (Field) Stevenson. Married to Carrie Young in 1888. Attended pub- lic schools in Montgomery, 111.; grad- uated from Jennings Seminary, Au- rora, III., 1881. Published the Ga- zette, Mt. Vernon, South Dakota, in 1882; took up government land at Harrold, S. D., and engaged in farm- ing three years; organized the West- ern Masons' Mutual Life Assn., Yank- ton, S. D., 1886; reincorporated same under the laws of Cal., and moved headquarters to Los Angeles in 1900. Is now mgr. of this company; active in platting and developing tracts at Wilmington, Cal., and in Tulare co., Cal. Member Masonic fraternity; O. E. S.; Knights Templar. Democrat. Unitarian. STEWART, Alexander .Barnes. Pres. and mgr. Curtis Olive Corpora- tion. Res. 223 So. Grand ave.; office, 513-15 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Fran- cisco, Cal., Dec. 2, 1884; son of George Hadley and Virginia N. (Barnes) Stewart. Married to Marguerite Al- der. Attended the public schools of Los Angeles, Cal., 1890-1900; Bel- mont Military School, Belmont, Cal., 190003; Stanford University, Cal., 1903-05. With his father in Pacific Creamery Co., manufacturers of Lily milk, 1906; salesman for Thomas H. B. Varney, 1906-7; supt. Coos Bay Condensing Co., North Bend, Ore., 1908-09; secy, and treas. Curtis Olive Co., 1909-13; pres. Curtis Olive Cor- poration, 1913. Member Military Order Loyal Legion of U. S. ; B. P. O. E. STEWART, George Hadley. Man- ufacturer. Res. 754 E. Kensington road ; office 410 Currier Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, 111., Feb. 25, 1852; son of Alexander Mor- rison and Nancy Elmira (Hadley) Stewart. Married to Virginia N. Barnes in 1882; to Elizabeth D. Jen- kins in 1906. Attended public schools; preparatory dept. Oberlin College, Oberlin, O., 1862-65; Wyer's Military Acad., West Chester, Pa., 1866-68; Oberlin College, Oberlin, O., 1869-72. Handled newspaper route, 1870; clerked in store, 1871; moved to Gil- roy, Cal., and was employed in gro- cery, 1872-74; confidenlial clerk to Gen. John Bidwcll, Chico, Cal., 1875- 81; engaged in farming in Fresno co., Cal., 1881-82; cashier and bookkeeper in wholesale house, San Francisco, Cal., 1882-85; with William T. Cole- man, Astoria, Ore., and Riverside, Cal., 1885-86; cashier Los Angeles County Bank, 1887-94; secy, and mgr. Los Angeles Clearing House, 1890-94; secy. California Bankers' Assn., 1891- 93; chairman Executive Council of same, 1893-94 ; member of firm of Stewart & Naftzger, investments, Los Angeles, 1895-96 ; secy. Pacific Cream- ery Co. (tnanufacturing Lily brand of condensed milk) ; pres. same 1897 to date; pres. Los Angeles Art Leather Co., 1897 to date. Accompanied father in battle of Fair Oaks, 1862; honorary member 102d Pennsylvania Volunteers' Assn. Served as member Library Board and Harbor Commis- sion; member City Council, Los An- geles, 1910-12; chairman Business Men's Sound Money Club, 1896; pa- tentee can-making machinery and processes for soldering by hot air, compartment can, sheet metal place, etc. Member land ex-pres. Sunset Club ; member and former dir. and vice-pres. Jonathan club; member Chamber of Commerce ; dir. and pres. of same, 1898-1909; member Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Shrine; Mili- tary Order of Loyal Legion. STEWART, Hugh Ford. Banker. Res. 1210 N. Wilson ave.. So. Pasa- dena; office Farmers' & Merchants' Natl. Bank, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Oneonta, N. Y.; son of James and Harriet (Ford) Stewart. Married to Alice Graves in 1904. Educated in public schools of Oneonta, and State Normal College, N. Y. Moved to San Francisco, Cal., and entered em- ploy of S. P. R. R. in 1900; trans- ferred to Los Angeles as traveling passenger agt.; genl. passenger agt. of Pacific Electric R. R. of Los An- geles; asst. cashier Mercantile Trust & Savings Bank; upon consolidation of above firm with Southern Trust Co., was made vice-pres. and mgr. of the corporation; vice-pres. Farm- ers' & Merchants' Natl. Bank. Mem- ber Amer. Inst, of Banking; Masonic fraternity; San Gabriel Valley Coun- try Club, San Gabriel ; !\lidwick Coun- try Club, Pasadena ; Los Angeles Ath- letic, Gamut and California clubs, Los Angeles ; Automolnle Club of So. Cal. ; Chamber of Commerce. STEWART, J. Taylor. Physician and surgeon. Res. 2319 VV. Eleventh St. ; office Title Ins. Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Cynthiana, Ky.; son of VVilliani II. and Elizabeth IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 353 Stewart. Married to Sue Martin in 1881. Graduated from Medical Col- lege, Cincinnati, O.; Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa.; State Uni- versity, Lexington, Ky. ; took post- graduate courses at New York, Ber- lin and London. After graduation from Medical College at Cincinnati, was elected to chair of anatomy in that college. Member Amer. Med. Assn.; State Med. Soc. of Cal.; ex- member State Med. Soc. of Ky. STEWART, Thomas Mefford. Lawyer. Res. 1369 Lucilc ave. ; office 547 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Dayton. O., Aug. 27, 1847; son of Henry B. and Sarah Ann (Thomas) Stewart. Married to Annie M. Burtch- sted in 1876. Received his education in the grammar and high schools of Day- ton, O. ; graduated from Shurtlefif Col- lege, A.B., 1873; A.M., 1878; from Newton Theological Institute, 1876. During this period he was engaged in teaching, holding a professorship in Shurtleff College, 1875-76. Moved to Cal. in 1876; prof, in Ottawa Univ. (Kan.) 1880-84; admitted to the bar in Blackfoot, Ida., 1887 ; by Supreme Court at Boise City, Ida., 1890; member of firm of Stewart & Deitrich, Blackfoot, Ida., 1892-93, Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1893, and has been engaged in tlie practice of law to date. STEWART, William Lyman. Oil producer. Res. Lamanda Park, Cal.; office 1107 Union Oil Bldg.. Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Titusville, Pa., in 1868; son of Lyman and Sarah Ade- laide Burrows Stewart. Married to Mrs. M. E. Arnold in 1894. Educated in the public schools of Pa. and Cal., and the Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. After completing studies became asso- ciated with the Union Oil Co. of Cal.. and with this corporation has had his entire business experience. Vice-pres. and mgr. executive dept. Union Oil Co. of Cal.; pres. Union Well Supply Co.; Union Oil Tool Co.; dir. Union Oil Tool Co.; dir. Pac. Metal Products Co.; dir. Los Angeles Trust Co.; dir. Columbia Oil Producing Co.; dir. Do- minguez Land Co., etc., etc. Member Jonathan and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. Presbyterian. STEWART, William Thomas. Building contractor. Res. 28th and B sts., San Diego, Cal. Born in Bolton, Ont.; son of James and Mary (Leg- gett) Stewart. Married to Sarah Caroline Hughes in 1889. Received his education in the public schools of his native town. Employed as blac'ksmUh for live years; learned carpenter's trade in Chicago, where he remained for ten years; building contractor in Florida nine years; moved to San Diego and has since been engaged in building and con- tracting. Member of Builders' Ex- change; Chamber of Commerce. Methodist. STICE, Chauncy A. Lawyer. Res. 1424 W. Vernon ave.; office 725 Bry- son Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Jacksonville, III., Aug. 2, 1864; son of Joshua and Sarah (Spires) Stice. At- tended public schools of Cedar and Monroe counties, Mo., matriculated at State Univ. of Missouri. Admitted to the bar in San Francisco, Cal., 1896, and has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1906. Member Masonic fraternity; City Club; Los Angeles Bar Assn. STICK, John Chester. Lawyer. Res. S. Pasadena, Cal. ; office 625-6 Cit- izens' Natl. Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hanover, Pa., Jan 29, 1883; son of W. Chester and Lamanda Stick. Married to Ethyl B. Kohl in 1911. Attended public schools of Manchester, Md., 1889-97; Glenville Academy, Glenville, Pa., 1897-1900; graduated from St. John's College, Annapolis, Md., A. B., 1904. Taught school in New York state, 1904-05; in Pennsylvania, 1905-06; studied law in offtce of Hahn & Hahn, Los An- geles, 1906-08; admitted to the bar in Jan., 1908, and engaged in practice as associate with Hahn & Hahn un- til 1910, since which time he has prac- ticed alone, specializing in corporation and probate law. Member Knicker- bocker Club ; Masonic fraternity. STILSON, Arthur Clark. Clergy man. Res., 2340 Thompson St.. Los Angeles; office, Zii H. W. Hellman Bldg.. Los .-Angeles Cal. Born in Franklin, N. Y.. Feb. 13, 1845; son of Ansyl Ford and Lucia (Ford) Stilson. Married to Addie R. Seaton in 1867. Attended Delaware Literary Institute, Franklin, N. Y., 1861; Cooperstown Seminary. 1865-66; graduated from theological dept. Griswold College, Davenport. la., 1875; ordained Deacon Protestant Episcopal church at Rock Island, 111., Feb, 3, 1876; ordained priest at Davenport, la., Dec. 21, 1876; in charge of Episcopal church at Ot- tumwa, la., until May 1889; general missionary in la., until 1902; trans- ferred to the diocese in Los .A.ngeles, 3S4 WHO'S WHO 1905; served in 101st Reg. in X. Y. State Volunteers, Civil War, 1861-63; hospital steward in regular army, 1863- 65. STILSON, Fielding Johnson. Real estate. Res., 1044 Kensington Road; oiifice, 115 VV. Fourth st., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Topeka, Kans., Aug. 1877; son of William Wallace and Mary Elizabeth Stilson. Married to Viola Rosamond Winter in 1904. Attended Los Angeles grammar and high schools; Occidental College; L^niv. of So. Cal.; Univ. of Cal., 1898-1900; messenger and clerk for National Bank of Cal., eight months in 1900; entered real estate business for himself in 1900; organ- ized the Fielding J. Stilson Co., realty, stocks, and bonds, 1903, and is pres. of same; vice-pres. and mgr. Oleum Development Co.; pres. Los Angeles Realty Co. Member Republican City Central Com., 1901; one of the origin- al non-partisans working for the sepa- ration of national politics from muni- cipal affairs; member Municipal Art Commission; Board of Education, elected 1906 and re-elected 1909; mem- ber California and Los Angeles Country clubs, Los Angeles; Bohe- mian Club, San Francisco; elected secy, of Univ. Club, Los Angeles in 1902; vice pres. same 1907-08; elected pres. 1909; member of Vestry St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Los Angeles, Cal. STIMSON, Marshall. Lawyer. Res. 1060 Kensington Road; office 801 Wright & Callender Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Cambridge, Mass., May 21, 1876; son of M. W. and Ella C. (Marshall) Stimson. Married to Mary Gordon in 1904. Graduated from Los Angeles High School, 1896; Har- vard, Univ., 1900; Law School same, 1902. Admitted to bar and practiced law in Boston, 1901-2; moved to Los Angeles 1902 and has been engaged in the practice of his profession to date. Director Chamber of Commerce, 1908- 10; Executive Committee, Municipal League, 1906-11; Executive Commit- tee Republican State Central Com., 1910-12; chairman Seventh Dist. Rep. Congressional Committee, 1910-12; delegate National Republican Conven- tion, Chicago, June, 1912. Mcniljer Union League, Los Angeles Country, California, University and City clubs; Municipal League; Chamber of Com- merce; Harraca Club of So. Cal. STIRDIVANT, Washburn B. Life insurance. Res. cor. Santa Rosa and Palm aves. ; office 428-29 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wilson, Wis., Sept. 29, 1860; son of John J. and Eliza (Bryant) Stirdivant. Mar- ried to Ella Frances Besant in 1892. Educated in public schools of Wis.; engaged in grocery business in Wis. seven years; apprentice in drug store two years; shoe business one year; traveling salesman in south and west three years; with Grand Union Tea Co., 1887-90 ; incorporated Boston Tea Co., Sheboygan, Wis., 1890; op- erated this concern, 1890-93; with Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Milwaukee, Wis. ; district manager of same company, at Janesville, Wis., 1894; became So. Cal. agent of Phoe- nix Mutual Life Insurance Co., at Los Angeles, Cal, 1896; appointed mgr. of the business in So. Cal., 1902, which he continues to date. Member Jonathan, Union League and City clubs, Los Angeles Chamber of Com- merce. STITH, Fredrick Walker. Mer- chandise broker. Res. 1739 Cahuenga ave., Hollywood, Cal.; office 928-9 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Carrolton, 111., July 21, 1868; son of David and Mary (Gorin) Stith. Married to Mary Josephine Barnes in 1898. Educated in public schools of Kas. First employed on his father's ranch in Ind. Ter. ; later oper- ated ranch for his mother in Harper Co., Kas.; in Attica Exchange Bank, Attica, Kas., which position he held until 1893; with Acme Harvester Co., Pekin. 111. Moved to Los Angeles in 1903 and established a merchandise brokerage business, in which he has been engaged to date, handling only wholesale trade, consisting largely of wholesale groceries, being the local representatives of J. K. Armsby Co., Central Cal. Canneries, Kellog Toasted Corn Flakes Co., Cleveland Macaroni Co., Winter & Prophet Canning Co., Joseph Campbell Co., and Alpine Evaporated Cream Co.; pres. F. W. Stith Co.; dir. National Bank of Com- merce, Los Angeles, Cal. Member Jonathan and Los Angeles Country clubs. Christian Scientist. STONE, John Livingstone. Auto trucks. Res. 2906 Western ave.; of- fice 1036 S. Grand ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New York City, Sept. 24, 1870; son of John Livingstone and Ellen J. (Stafford) Stone. Married to .Anna Ward in 1900. Educated in pnlilic schools of New York City. Clerical position with New York Cen- tral R. R., 42d St. Station, for five years; moved to San Francisco, Cal.; IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 355 clerical position with So. Pac. R. R.; in Spanish-America War, U. S. Army, Co. "A," 1898, enlisting in San Fran- cisco for Philippines; in battle of Manila; with So. Pac. R. R., 1903; teller in Citizens' National Bank, 1910; teller First National Bank, Los Ange- les, Cal., 1913; handling Springfield Kelly Trnck, mgr. Los Angeles branch to date. Member Masonic fraternity. STONER, Clarence E. Physician and surgeon. Office, 424 So. Broad- way, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Frederick Co., Md. Son of Ephraim and Margaret (Smith) Stoner. Mar- ried to Gertrude C. Mead in 1896. Educated in public schools of his native city, and medical college Univ. of Cal. from which he graduated in 1893; has practiced continuously in Los Angeles since his graduation, spe- cializing in sanitation and preventive medicine. Dir. Mt. Diablo Oil Co.; chief medical examiner for California National Life Ins. Co., San Diego, Cal. Member B. P. O. E.; F. O. E.; Sierra Madre and Jonathan clubs. STOOKEY, Lyman Brumbaugh. Pathologist. Res. Hermosa Beach, Cal.; office Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Belleville, 111., July 30, 1870; son of Dr. Lyman Polk and Louise Brumbaugh Stookey. Married to Margaret Powell in 1903. Attended Yale University, 1895-1902, A. B., A. M., Ph. D.; fellowship in philosophy at Yale, 1900-02; Medical College, Univ. of Strassburg, Strass- burg, Germany, 1904-05. After com- pleting studies in Europe moved to Cal. in 1905. Research physiologist at N. Y. State Pathological Laboratory, 1902-03; prof, physiology and toxi- cology, Univ. So. Cal., 1906 to date. Mem. A. M. A.; Amer. Chem. Soc, Amer. Physiolog. Soc; Amer. Soc. of Biologists; Amer. Assn. of Experi- mental Medicine; elected fellow Amer. Assn. for Advancement of Science in 1906; appointed American contributor Internatl. Year Book Chem. Physiol- ogy and Pathology in 1905; has con- tributed many articles on physio- logical and pathological problems to American and European journals of medical research. STORRS, Henry Edward. Lawyer. Res., 10241/2 Santee st.; office, 308 W. First St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in HoUiston, Mass., Nov. 3, 1841; son of Rev. John and Melancia (Bowker) Storrs. Married to Julie A. Arnold in 1871. Attended public schools; graduated from Williston Semi- nary, Easthampton, Mass., 1860; Amherst College, A. B., 1864; Georgia Augusta University, Gotten- gen, Germany, Ph. D. and A. M., 1869. Prof, of Natural Sciences and Ger- man in Illinois College, Jacksonville, III., 1870-87; admitted to Cal. bar in 1903, and has since been engaged in practice of law. Member American Bar Assn. Congregationalist. STORY, Francis Quarles. Pres. Cat. Fruit Growers' Exchange. Res. Alhambra, Cal.; oflfice 703 Consoli- dated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Waukesha, Wis., July 18, 1845; son of Capt. John Patten and Elizabeth (Quarles) Story. Married to Charlotte Story Forrester Deve- reux in 1876. Graduated from the Waukesha high school, 1861. Taught school following winter; graduated from Eastman's Comercial College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1862. Began business career as asst. bookkeeper with a large Boston firm importing wools and manufacturing woolen goods; later took charge of the books; Engaged in wool brokerage business, Boston, Mass., 1863, until 1877, hav- ing lost a fortune in the fire of 1872 and made another; moved to San Francisco, Cal., 1876, and bought an interest in wool business of B. P. Flint & Co., where he remained two years, spending his winters traveling in So. Cal. In 1883 moved to Alham- bra, Cal., established a residence, and became active in the development of that city. Largely instrumental in building the San Gabriel Valley Rapid Transit Railway in 1877; gen. mgr. of this road much of the time and its treas. from time it was built un- til it was sold to Southern Pa- cific Co.; joined Los Angeles Cham- ber of Commerce, 1891 ; dir. of this body 1896 to date; elected pres. of the Chamber in 1902 and has been chairman of many of its most im- portant committees, including Citrus Tarifif Executive Committee, which secured one cent per pound tariff pn oranges and lemons in 1897; chair- man of executive committee of Nica- raguan Canal Assn.; chairman execu- tice committee to receive the Natl. Educational Assn. in 189^. Chamber passed special resolution of thanks to this committee for publicity work. Chairman of Chamber of Commerce Building Committee in 1901, which raised requisite bonus and subscrip- tion to bonds necessary to build new Chamber of Commerce bldg; in April, 1906, acted as chairman of Citizens' Relief Committee, raising funds for 356 WHO'S WHO sufferers in San Francisco disaster ; has acted as chairman of various com- mittees of Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce to raise funds for different enterprises of that body; also active in raising funds for Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. buildings; elected vice- pres. of So. Cal. Fruit Exchange in 1897 and has been president of its successor, the Cal. Fruit Growers' Ex- change, from its formation to date ; ores. Semi-Tropic Fruit Exchange, 1896 to date; chairman executive com- mittee Citrus Protective League from its organization until 1911; pres. Fruit Growers' Supply Co., from its organi- zation to date; State vice-pres. or dir. of Natl. Irrigation Assn. from its or- ganization to date; pres. Arizona and Cal. Conservation Commission; pres. Los Angeles Directory Co.; pres. San Gabriel Valley Country Club ; dir. First Natl. Bank of Los' Angeles; dir. Natl. Bank of Alhambra, Cal.; dir. various other corporations. Member S'an Gabriel Valley Country and Cali- fornia clubs. STOTT, Louis Noble. Stock brok- er. Res. 647 West 32d st.; office Brad- bury BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Stottville, N. Y.; son of Frank H. and Elizabeth (Lathrop) Stott. Mar- ried to Ethel D. Dulton in 1900. At- tended St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 1889-93. Engaged in woolen manufacturing business with Stott Woolen Co.. Stottville, N. Y., 1893- 97; moved to Santa Barbara, Cal., 1897, where he remained two years; with opening of branch house in Los Angeles of Logan & Bryan, stock brokers, he assumed management of same, which position he holds to date. Member California Club, Los An- geles; Rocky Mountain Club, N. Y.; City and Country clubs, Santa Bar- bara; Midwick Country Club, Pasa- dena. STOWELL, Nathan Wilson. Man- ufacturing. Res. 1747 Winona blvd.; office 667 I. W. Hellnian Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Claremont, N. H.. Dec. 15, 1851; son of Abner and Eliza (Sanborn) Stowell. Married to Evelyn A. Wilkinson in 1905. At- tended grammar and high schools, Claremont, N. H.; Vaughn Union Acad.. Claremont. N. H. With Whit- ney Water Wheel Works, Leominster, Mass., 1872; moved to Los .'\ngeies, Cal., 1874. aiKl engaged in contract- ing and building; cement pipe manu- facturing. 1878; with SS^nwell Cement Pipe Co., 1900; with Imperial Valley Development Pioneers, and linanced George Chafifee in development of 130,000 acres; sold to Rockwood in 1902; organized Ontario Power Co.; with Domestic Water Co., Whittier, Cal.; organized sewer pipe corpora- tion. Dir., vice-pres. and mgr. vari- ous companies; genl. mgr. Cucamonga Land & Improvement Co. Member Gamut and Annandale Golf clubs. STOWELL, Thomas Blanchard. Teacher. Res. 832 W. 35th place; of- fice L'niv. of So. Cal., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Perry, N. Y.. March 29, 1846; son of David Page and Mary Ann (Blanchard) Stowell. Married to Mary C. Blakeslee in 1869. Graduated from Genesee College, A. B., 1865; A. M., 1868; from Syracuse Univ., Ph. D., 1881; from St. Lawrence Univ., LL. D., 1909, Principal of academy, Addison, N. Y., 1865; Union School, Morrisville, N. Y., 1866-67; prof, of mathematics, Genesee Wesleyan Sem- inary, 1867-68; principal of Morris High School, Leavenworth, Kas., 1868- 69; head of Dept. of Natural Science, State Normal School, Cortland. N. Y., 1869-89; principal State Normal Train- ing School, Potsdam, N. Y., 1889-1909; head of Dept. of Education, Univ. of So. Cal., Los Angeles, Cal, 1909 to date. Authoi : The Nervous System; Outlines of Comparative .Anatomy; Pedagogical Psychology; History of Education. Fellow A. A. A. S. ; char- ter member Assn. of Amer. Anato- mists. Member Amer. Micros. Soc; Amer. Hist. Assn.; N. E. A. Republi- can. Methodist. STRADLEY, William E. Contrac- tor and builder. Res. 738 So. Grand ave.; office Builders Exchange, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Kans., Jan. 12, 1872; son of Thomas W. and .Anna D. (Foultz) Stradley. Married to Maggie M. Koontz in 1895. Educated in public schools, Des Moines, la. Specialized in mason work and has been contractor for a number of apart- ment houses and residences. Member Central Church of Christ. STRANGE, Warren W. Real es- tate. Res. Glendora, Cal. Born in Pennsylvania, 1859; son of Isaac and Ann Gregory Strange. Married to Emma H. Dalrymple in 1888. Gradu- ated from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1881. Practiced his profession in Pa.; in real estate busi- ness in Cal. Pres. Glendora Chamber of Commerce. STRASBURG, Edward. Oil pro- ducer. Res, 70l Huntington Drive; office 819 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 357 Cal. Born in Detroit, Mich., Jan. 2, 1856; son of August and Elizabeth (Bangerter) Strasburg. Married to Estelle Lyons in 1877. Received aca- demic courses in Gennania School, Saginaw, Mich,, 1861-72; studied mu- sic, specializing in violin during this period. After leaving school worked for a short time in the surveying de- partment of the F. & P. M. Ry. Co., Saginaw. Mich. Learned sign writ- ing, 1872-73; studied art, 1873-74; en- gaged in the wall paper, glass, paint and decorating business in Denver, Colo., 1874-75; same, Lake City, Colo., 1876; same, Trinidad, Colo., 1878; same. Las Vegas, N. M., 1879; same, Albuquerque, N. M., 1887. Elected city clerk, Albuquerque, N. M., 1886, and served one year; moved to Los Angeles, 1887, and engaged in wall paper, paint, glass and decorating business with Marsh & Eckstrom, firm name being changed to Marsh, Eck- strom & Strasburg. Marsh retired and business continued as Eckstrom & Strasburg until 1894. when he retired. Engaged in developing oil land, 1895; operated mines in Colo, and quick sil- ver mines in Cal. In 1897 assisted in organizing Oil Storage & Transpor- tation Co. for the purpose of handling oil of the local field; acquired most of the stock and sold it to Associated Oil Companies, 1905; director Cal. Furniture Co., Soutliern Trust Co.; pres. and mgr. Bard Oil & Asphalt Co., Zenith Oil Co.; vice-pres. and gen. mgr. Oil Storage & Transporta- tion Co. Interested in Quail Valley Land Co. Member of Merchants & Manufacturers Assn.; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Municipal League; California and Recreation Gun clubs; Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Knights Templar; Shrine. STRATTON, Izaak Harris. Auto- mobiles. Res. 441 S .Catalina ave., Pasadena. Cal. ; office 676 S. Alvarado St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cabery, 111., Jan. 19^ 1877; son of Winfield S. and Zeruah V. (Stewart) Stratton. Married to Josephine A. Larrabee in 1902. Attended public schools, Tou- lon, 111., until 1897; Univ. of 111., 1897- 1901. Moved to Pasadena, Cal.. 1902; secy, and treas. Pasadena Savings & Trust Co., 1903; handles Detroit Elec- trics; pres. and genl. mgr. Cal. Elec- tric Garage Co. M-ember B. P. O. E. ; Alpha Tau Omega and Theta Nu Ep- silon fraternities at Univ. of III. ; An- nandale Golf Club; Overland Club, Pasadena ; Gamut and Los Angeles Ath- letic clubs, Los Angeles. STRINE, John Harvey. Real es- tate investments. Res. Downey, Cal.; oflice 933 Security BIdg., Los .'\n- gclcs, Cal. Born in Newburg, Pa., Oct. 26, 1858; son of John and Maria Catherine (Long^ Strine. Attended public schools in Pa. two years; moved to Martinsburg, W. Va., 1865 ; and attended public schools; moved to Rolla. Mo.. 1878; took advanced teachers' course, Univ. of Mo. ; first em- ployed on father's Ibrickyard at Martins- burg. In charge of father's farm, 1872- 78; taught schools near Rolla. Wo., 1879-85; principal Rolla public school, 1885-87; moved to Downey, Cal., 1887, and was appointed principal public school, which position he held until 1893 ; principal Monrovia high and gram- mar scliools. 1893-99; co. supt. schools, 1899-1903; sec. Cal. State Text Book Committee, 1903-05 ; pres. Los Angeles Co. Pedagogical Society and Local Teachers' Reading Circle at Monrovia, Cal., 1899-1903; pres. Monrovia Apollo Club ; engaged in real estate investment business, 1905 to date ; now secy, and dir. of Venice Hill Land Co..; dir. and sec. Pacific Land & Title Co. ; dir. and sec.-treas. Seaside Realty Co. ; dir., sec. and mgr. Downey Land & Imp. Assn.; dir. Natl. Finding Co., Los Angeles; trustee McFarland Syndicate. Mem- ber Good Government Organization and Board of Freeholders ; Masonic fra- ternity ; Union League Club ; Los An- geles Chamber of Commerce; State Legislature ; pres. Downey Board of Trade. STRINGFELLOW, William B. Corporation official. Res. 5513 Paloma St., Sierra Vista; oflice 325 S. Hill st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Philadel- phia, Pa., Dec. 5. 1884; son of Fred and Mary L. ( Boothby) Stringfellow. Married to Agnes Sutton in 1909. Re- ceived his education in the public schools; Eastburn .Academy; Friends Central, and Brown's Preparatory Schools of Philadelphia. Moved to Los Angeles in 1904 and entered the employ of the Los Angeles .Abstract & Trust Co. as office boy; held various positions until 1911; mgr. and secy, of F. H. Redpath Co., 1901-12; asst. secy. Los Angeles Abstract & Trust Co., Jan. 1, 1912 to date; dir. F. H. Red- path Co. and Pleasant Valley Hotel, Coalinga, Cal. Dir. and member Or- pheus Club; member Union League Club; Masonic fraternity; Shrine. STROBRIDGE, Idah Meachan. Author and bookbinder. Res. 231 East Ave. 41, Los Angeles, Cal.; office 358 WHO'S WHO same. Born in Contra Costa Co., Cal., June 9, 1855; daughter of George W. and Phoebe Amelia (Craiger) Meach- an. Married to Samuel Hooker Stro- bridge in 1884. Educated in Mills Col- lege, Oakland, Cal. Founded Arte- misia Book Bindery in Lo.'; Angeles, 1901 ; is well known as a writer of western short stories and magazine nature articles ; received highest award for fine handicraft book binding at Cal. State Fair in 1898; gold medal Seattle Exposition, 1909. Author: Miners' Mirage Land, 1904; The Loom of the Desert, 1907; The Land of Purple Shadows, 1909. Member League of Amer. Pen Women of Washington, D. C. ; Friday Morning Club; So. Cal. Women's Press Club ; undergraduate member Mills College Alumnae Assn. of Los Angeles. STROBRIDGE, William Edson. Musician. Res. 625 W. New Hamp- shire St.; office 319 Blanchard Hall, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Berkeley, Cal., Sept. 9, 1878; son of T. W. and Sarah Colson (Marvin) Strobridge. Married to Rebecca Turner in 1901. Received education in public schools of San Francisco and Los Angeles; Pomona college, Claremont, Cal., and Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Began teaching piano and organ at Phoenix, Ariz., in 1900. Returned to Los Ange- les in 1904, and since that time has been engaged in teaching music. At various times organist at Temple Bap- tist, First Congregational and Christ churches. Member B. P. O. E.; Gamut Club; American Guild of Or- ganists. STRONG, Archibald McClure. Min- ing and civil engineer. Res. 741 N. Ardmore ave.; office 530 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Westminster, Cal., June 18, 1876; son of Robert and Villa (Marquis) Strong. Married to Mary Watterson in 1906. Attended public schools, Pasadena, Cal.; graduated from Pasadena High School, 1895; from Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Cal., A. B., 1899. Pros- pecting in eastern Cal. and southern Nev., with short periods as assayer and cyanide chemist for different min- ing companies, 1899-1902; elected co. surveyor of Inyo co., Cal., and opened ofifice for practice of general engineer- ing at Independence, Cal., 1902; moved to Bishop, Inyo co., Cal., and was ap- pointed city engineer, 1906; main- tained this office until Dec, 1910; en- gaged in official work as co. surveyor and city engr.; maintained assay of- fice and was engr. for mining com- panies, also in general engineering practice; U. S. mineral surveyor, 1901 to date; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1911, and has been engaged in general practice as mining and civil engr., maintaining branch office at Bishop, Cal.; has done extensive work in con- nection with mining and hydraulic in- vestigations. Member Amer. Inst. Mining Engrs.; associate member Amer. Soc. Civil Engrs.; Engrs. & Archts. Assn. of So. Cal. Presby- terian. STRONG, Harriet Williams Rus- sell. Ilnrticulturist and inventor. Res. Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles, Cal., and Ranchito del Fuerte, Whittier, Cal. Born in Buffalo. N. Y.; daugh- ter of Henry Pierrepont and Mary Guest (Musier) Russell. Married to Charles Lj'man Strong. Educated un- der Miss Mary Aikens at Benicia Sem- inary (afterwards Mills College), Be- nicia, Cal. Has extensive holdings in So. Cal.; owns 220 acres of land in San Gabriel Valley, the first land sold by Don Pio Pico from El Ranchito; planted 16,000 trees, walnut orchards, citrus fruit trees and olive trees, 1888- 90; owns also 150 acres devoted to va- rious industries ; inventor and patentee of several patents, including system of storage reservoirs for storing storm wa- ter in canyons, and was the first person to set forth advantages of source con- servation twenty years before the Newlands bill was framed; wrote ex- tensively on this and other subjects; introduced fall irrigation for walnut orchards, now universally used; incor- porated Paso de Bartolo Co. in 1900, a corporation organized and managed by her for the purpose of promoting irrigation of 1000 acres at Laguna Ranch; issued bonds with names of women only; these bonds were all sold at par; ranch is now known as El Carmel. Pres. of Governor Pico Museum & Historical Soc, and has been instrumental in restoring the old Pico mansion on the banks of the San Gabriel River, in San Gabriel Valley; made famous as having given three governors to state of Cal. Author of several musical compositions. Or- ganized EbcU Club of Los Angeles, 1894, and was its pres. three years; charter member Friday Morning Club ; dir. Los Angeles Symphony Or- chestra ; member Ruskin Art Club and was only woman member of Los An- geles Chamber of Commerce for nine- teen years. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 359 STRONG, Henry. Retired. Res. 112S N. Grenada avc-., Alhambra, Cal. Born in Toronto, Canada, 1853; .son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Snider) Strong. Married to Sarah Katherine Gram in 1876. Received his education in the grammar schools and Commer- cial College of Toronto. Owner of general store, Wellington. Ontario, Canada, until 1881, wlieii he moved to Pembiner Co., N. D., and engaged in farming; general store at Crystal, No. Da.; banker in No. Da.; owned and operated several grain elevators for twelve years; moved to Minneapolis where he remained until 1007 since which time he has been in .Mhamhra Member San Gabriel Country Club. Republican. Methodist. STURGES, A. Burnside. Architect. Res., Long Beach, Cal.; office, 1106 Story BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Rochester, N. Y., Sept. IS, 1862; son of David and Anna (Morrison) Sturges. Married to M. Josephine Rogers in 1881. Educated in the pu])- lic and high schools of his native town. Moved to Cal., in 1910. .Act- ively engaged in practice of his pro- fession in Los Angeles 1911 to date. STURGIS, Samuel Davis. Machine and tool manufacturer. Res., 2620 Juliet ave.; office, 719-721 E. First St., Los .Angeles, Cal. Born in Burling- ton, la., Apr. 21, 1864; son of Capt. H. B., and Elizabeth Susan (Waugh) Sturgis. Married to Mary Luella Kennedy in 1888. .Attended public schools of Keokuk co., la., 1870-80. Worked as machinist's apprentice in Ottumwa, la., 1884-86; journeyman machinist in Chicago, 1886-87; moved to Cal., 1888; established business, 1893; built first automobile west of Chicago; burned out Jan. 24, 1904; started again Feb. 1, 1904; doing busi- ness under firm name of S. D. Sturgis Machine & Tool Works, manufactur- ing cement finishers tools, elevators and automobile spring rolling ma- chines. Second vice-pres.. Founder's & Employers' Assn.; member Church Federation Club; Modern Woodmen of America; Methodist. STUTSMAN, Carl Allen. Lawyer. Office California Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Burlington, la., Jan. 27, 1871; son of A. H. and Frances (Allen) Stutsman; married to Helen Buchanan in 1908. Attended public schools of Burlington, la., 1873- 83; attended Burlington Institute, 1883-87; graduated from the Univ. of la., Iowa City, A. B., 1901; graduated from Law Department of same school, 1892; admitted to the bar in Iowa by the State and Federal courts, June 1892; by Supreme Court of Cal., Jan., 1893; engaged in practice until .Au- gust of the same year in Santa Ana, Cal.; returned to la. and practiced in Burlington until March, 1905, when he moved to Los .Angeles, Cal., and became a member of the firm of Stuts- man & Stutsman; member of the City Council, Burlington, la., 1897-02. Member Masonic fraternity; I. O. O. P.; Army and Navy Republican League of Cal. Republican. Baptist. SUMNER, Charles E. Lawyer. Of- fice Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Moncton, N. B., Canada, March 4, 1860; son of William and Elizabeth (Thompson) Sumner. Mar- ried to Elizabeth Meserve in 1888. At- tended public scliools of New Bruns- wick; graduated from Law School, Boston Univ., LL. B., 1881; admitted to the bar by Supreme Court in Fredericton, N. B., 1881; moved to Cal., and was admitted to the bar by Supreme Court of Cal., in Los Angeles, 1883; served one term as city atty., Pomona, Cal., Judge Re- creder's Court, Pomona, Cal. Moved to Los Angeles and has been engaged in practice to date. Member Univer- sity Club, Republican. SUTTON, Charles Thomas. Law- yer. Res. 1408 Wilton Place; office 901 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in England, July IS, 1879. At- tended Plymouth College and East- man Royal Naval Academy, both in England. Admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of the State of Cal., Oct. 16. 1895, and has been engaged in the practice of his profession to date; established the firm of Porter & Sut- ton in 1897. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Shrine; Jonathan and Los .Angeles Country clubs, Los Angeles; Santa Monica Tennis Club, Santa Monica; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Pasadena Chamber of Commerce. Episcopalian. SWAFFIELD, Roland G. Lawyer. Res., 1S8S Linden ave.. Long Beach, Cal.; office, Homer Laughlin Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Coldwater, Mich., Jan. 7, 1884; son of Eugene M., and Celia Swaffield. Married to Grace I. Butterworth in 1907. Graduated from high scliool of his native town in 1902: from law dept. Univ. of Mich., 1906. Began practice of law at Long Beach in 1907 and has since been en- gaged in practice in that city and in Los Angeles in partnership with Paul 360 WHO'S WHO W. Schenck under the firm name ol Schenck & Swaffield. Member I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E. SWAIN, Edgar Lacy. Consulting engineer. Res. 1319 Manhattan Place; office 614 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New York City, July 31, 1857; son of Brig. Gen. P. T. and Cornelia Seymour (Lacy) Swaine. Married to Florence Parker in 1883. Graduated from New York Univ., B. S. and C. E., 1879. Engineer of loca- tion and construction, Santa Fe Ry., 1879-81; U. S. deputy mineral sur- veyor, 1881-82; engineer in charge construction and track, Silvis City, Deming & Pacific R. R., 1883; U. S. deputy mineral surveyor and private practice, 1883-88; Supt. Second Street Cable Ry., 1888-90; resident engineer and asst. supt. Northern Pacific Co., 1890-1904; private engineering prac- tice, 1904-05; gen. mgr. Home Tele- phone Co., Los Angeles, 1905-07; con- sulting engineer, Los Angeles, 1907 to date. Member Engineers and Archi- tects Assn., Los Angeles; Military Or- der Loyal Legion of the U. S.; Union League Club; Phi Beta Kappa frater- nity. SWANWICK, Joseph William. Lawyer. Res. 446 S. Boyle ave.; of- fice 1116-18 Hibernian Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Perry co., III., Nov. 16, 1856; son of Joseph and Eliza (Conn) Swanwick. Married to Henrietta St. B. English in 1894. Re- ceived early education at an academy in Coulterville, 111. Attended high school St. Louis, Mo.; Hastings Law School, San Francisco, Cal. Admit- ted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Cal. in Los Angeles, Oct.. 1884, and has been engaged in practice as member of firm of Conrey & Swan- wick, 1884-87; Hutton & Swanwick, 1887-89; Porter & Swanwick, 1898; Harris & Swanwick. 1899-1913; Swan- wick & McCormick to date. Member Cal. Club; Municipal League. Demo- crat. SWARTS, Seymour. Smelting and refining. Res. 609 Westmoreland ave.; office Pacific Electric Bld.i;., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, 111., July 4, 1868; son of Marks and Sarah Swarts. Married to Essie Wolf in 1890. Educated in public schools in Chicago; two years in private school and one year in business college. En- tered employ of his father who con- trolled a large rolling iriill and forge works in E. Chicago, 1888, and con- tinued until 1894; engaged in smelt- ing business in 1894 for himself; busi- ness grew until it became one of largest plants in Chicago; sold busi- ness in 1900; became connected with Great Western Smelting & Refining Co., Chicago, 1902; moved to Cal. to take charge of the Los Angeles branch, comprising all of So. Cal., Ariz., Nev. and Mexico, of which he is now mgr. and dir. In 1905 business increased from $100,000 in 1905 to over $1,000,000 in 1911. Member Union League, Los Angeles Athletic and Knickerbocker clubs; Masonic frater- nity, B. P. O. E. ; Chamber of Com- merce; Chamber of Mines & Oil; Merchants' & Manufacturers' Assn; B'nai B'rith Temple. SWEENY, Robert. Lawyer. Res. 680 New Hampshire St.; office 944 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Spokane, Wash., July 9, 1884; son of Charles and Emeline (O'Neil) Sweeny. Married to Teresa Hanaway in 1906. Graduated from Notre Dame Univ., Notre Dame, Ind., A. B.., 1903; from Harvard Univ., LL. B.. 1907. Receiver under Federal court for District of Porto Rico, 1907- 09. Admitted to practice in Mass., 1906, and in U. S. District court of Porto Rico, 1907; admitted to practice in Cal., 1912; engaged in general prac- tice of law, 1912 to date. Pres. Re- publican Club of Los Angeles City and county; vice-chairman Republi- can State Central Committee. Mem- ber Los Angeles Country and Los Angeles Athletic clubs, Los Angeles; Bohemian Club, San Francisco. Re- publican. Catholic. SWEET, Charles Ibeson. Lawyer. Res., 1234 W. 37th St.; office, 309 Fay Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Long Eaton, England, Dec. IS, 1869; son ot William Hales and Eliza- beth (Evans) Sweet. Married first to Florence A. Kellar, (dec), July 2, 1902; second to May Dorothy Pin- ero, Jan. 13, 1910. Attended Wal- lasey Grammar School, Lescard, Cheshire, England; Rev. Horace Townsend's Preparatory _ School, Brockley, Kent; one year with Cam- bridge tutor, Clifton, Eng. Spent one year as farming pupil in Scotland, On- tario, Canada; moved to Maiiituba and proved up on homestead land; taught school at DeLarainc, Man., two years; Carnduff, Sask, Canada, two years; engaged in farming and mining in western Canada; moved to Minne- apolis and was employed as machinist for "Soo" Line Ry., 1895-97; studied law in office of Erwin, Ferrce & Mead, IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 361 until 1902 when he was admitted to the bar; engaged in practice in Minne- apolis, 1902-05; in Los Angeles, 1905 to date. SWEFT, George Thomas. Lawyer. Res. University Cluh ; office 516 F. P. Fay BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Atkinson, Me., April 11, 1879; son of John C. and Mary E. (Collins) Sweet.. Graduated from Higgins Clas- sical Institute, Charleston, .Me., 1896; graduated from Bangor Business Col- lege, 1897; from Colhy College, Water- ville, Me., 1903; Harvard Law School, L.L. B., 1907 ; moved to Los Angeles immediately after graduation and practiced law in the office of Bradner W. Lee, Esq., until 1912, when he formed a law partnership with H. O. Wheeler, Jr., which has continued to date. Member University and Harvard clubs, Los Angeles; San Gabriel Val- ley Country Clulb, Pasadena ; Masonic fraternity; Zeta Psi fraternity. SWEET, Otto. Merchant. Res., 2316 S. Figueroa st.; office. Eighth, Broadway and Hill sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Germany, Aug. 26, 1859; son of Isaac O., and Fannie Sweet. Married to Carrie H. Hamburger in 1894. Received his education in Ger- many and graduated from high school at Frankfort, Ger. First employed in the office of S. Sweet Co., general merchandise and grain business, San Francisco, 1875-80; witli same com- pany at Visalia, Cal., 1880-94. Secy, and treas. A. Hamburger & Sons, inc., and the Hamburger Realty & Trust Co., 1894 to date. Member of the Los Angeles Atheltic and Concordia clubs. Jewish. SWEET. Owen Jay. Retired U. S. Army officer. Res. 1645 St. Andrews Place, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Kent, Litchfield co., Conn., Sept. 4, 1845; son of James S. and Aurilla (Duncan) Sweet. Married to Mary E. Bolt in 1873. Educated in Bing- hampton, N. Y. Appointed 2nd lieut. 137th inf. Sept. 6, 1862; served in 3rd brigade, 2nd division, 12th Army Corps, Army of Potomac. Served entire period of Civil War in 137th N. Y. Inf. Vol.; first lieut.. 1863; cap- tain, 1864; commissioned brevet ma- jor, N. Y. Vol., March 13, 1865. for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the Rebellion; especially men- tioned by Generals Hooker, Slocum, Geary, Greene and Barnum for par- ticularly gallant conduct in the bat- tles of Chancellorsville and Gettys- burg and for efficient services through- out the campaigns of Atlanta, Savan- nah and the Carolinas under Gen. Sherman. Mustered out of volunteer service 1865; ai>pointed second lieut. 40th inf. May 27, 1867; supt. of Civil Affairs, asst. sub-asst. commissioner, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands; military commis- sioner, Carteret Co., N. C; transferred to the 25th U. S. Inf., April 25, 1869. Served through Indian Wars in Tex., Ind. Ter., Minn., Mon., Wyo., Dako- tas, and Cal., 1869-95. On general Re- crniting Service at St. Louis, Mo., 1897-99; promoted Major 23rd Inf. 1899; served through Spanish-Ameri- can War; commanding Camp of In- struction and organization of 2000 re- cruits at the Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., 1899; commanding U. S. trans- port "Ohio" 23rd Inf. to Philippines. Military Governor Sulu Archipelago 1899-1900; military governor at sev- eral military outposts in the Philip- pines, 1900-03. In Cuba with Army of Cuban Pacification, 1906-09; com- manded Army of Cuban Pacification, 1907-07; appointed and confirmed Brig. Gen. U. S. Army May 30, 1909. SWINDELL, George M. Secy. Chamber of Mines & Oil. Res. 945 W. 5Sth St.; office Germain Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Baltimore. Md., Aug. 28, 1878; son of Jacob B. and Mary (Warrenberger) Swindell. Mar- ried to Emma Belle Peyton in 1902. Educated in the public schools and City College of Baltimore. With Armour & Co., Chicago, 111., 1896-1900; in U. S. Civil Service, Philippine Islands, 1900-04; executive secy, of Archipel- ago under Taft Philippine Commis- sion, 1905-1906; chief of division and chief clerk of Executive Bureau, 1903- 1905; with U. S. Reclamation Service, mining and irrigation work; confiden- tial secretary to Frank Waterhouse. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., March, 1909, and was appointed secy, of Los Angeles Chamber of Mines and Oil, 1909, which office he holds to date. Member Sierra Madre Club; Balti- more City College Alumni. SWORD, James O. Real estate. Res. 1199 Magnolia ave.; office 201 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, March 24, 1875; son of Christopher and Mary (McMahon) Sword. Married to Te- resa Higgins in 1908. .Attended Gil- lispies College, Edinburgh, and Her- iot Watt College, Edinburgh ; gradu- ated from Woods' Business College, New York City; studied law Univ. So. Cal. Entered government telegraph 362 WHO'S WHO service, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1892; re- signed in 1896 and accepted position with Commercial Cable Co. at Leith, Scotland; later with same company at Newcastle, Liverpool and London, England, and at Waterville, Ireland; transferred to New York, 1901; moved to Los Angeles and engaged in real estate business, 1908 to date. Served three years with the Queen's Own Scottish Rifles, Vol. Corps. Member Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Realty Board; San Gabriel Valley Country club; Knights of Columbus. SYDER, Blanchard M. Engineer. Res. 1884 W. Jefferson St.; office 1022 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in la. in 1877; son of G. W. and Olive Jane (Mclntyre) Snyder. Mar- ried to Elsie Brockway in 1904. Re- ceived his education in the public schools of Anaheim, Cal., and Throop Polytechnic Institute, Pasadena, Cal.. graduating 1896. Chemist for Ameri- can Beet Sugar Co., 1898; chemist, Granby Cons. Mining & Smelting Co., Grand Forks, B. C, 1900-01; chemist British Columbia Copper Co., Green- wood, B. C, 1902-06; smelter supt. of same 1906-07; smelter supt. Arizona United Mining Co., 1909; now engaged as mining and metallurgical consult- ing engineer in Los Angeles. SYMINGTON, Gilbert John. Oil producer. Res. 2251 W. 21st St.; of- fice 521 Douglas Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Scotland in 1881; son of Gilbert and Christine (MacTag- gart) SyminEcton. Married to Inez HoUett in 1909. Attended Dolar Inst., near Edinburgh, Scotland, 1899; Glas- gow Engineering School, Glasgow, Scotland, 1900. Engaged in banking in Leamington, England, in 1901. Moved to Cal. and became identified with oil industry; supt. British-Cal. Oil Co. ; secy, same ; secy. Kellogg Oil Co. ; dir. and secy. Richfield Oil Co. ; dir. and secy. Turner Oil Co. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; Scottish Rite; Shrine ; San Gabriel Valley Country Club, San Gabriel ; California and Los Angeles Country clubs, Los Angeles. SYMMES, Frank Jameson. Banker. Res. Redlands, Cal.; office 441 Cali- fornia St., San Francisco, Cal. Born in Kingston, Mass., June 7, 1847; son of William and Caroline Hannah (Jameson) Synimcs. Married to Anna A. Day in 1871. Attended public schools, Kingston, Mass., until I860; Partridge Academy, Duxbury, Mass., 1860-64; Lawrence Scientific Scliool, Harvard Univ., 1864-66; B. S., 1867; U. S. Naval Academy, Engineering Corps, 1866-68 (special graduate with first engineering class, made up of graduates of various scientific schools — only class of its kind — first attempt at engineering education at U. S. Naval Academy). Served on U. S. S. Dacotah, South Pacific Squadron, 1868-69; U. S. S. Pensacola, Saginaw, Resaca and U. S. Flagship Saranac, 1870-71; resigned from navy, second asst. engr., luly, 1871. Salesman, 1871-76; pres., 1886-93, since then vice- pres. Thomas Day Co., San Francisco; pres. Central Trust Co. of California, 1903; treas. Pacific Meter Co., 1902 to date; dir. Spring Valley Water Co. Member Board of Education, San Francisco, 1894-95; member Board of Visitors, U. S. Naval Academy, 1899; chairman Committee San Francisco Exhibit, Louisiana Purchase Exp., 1904; pres. Mass. Assn.; pres. State Conf. ; vice-pres. National Conf. Char- ities and Correction; vice-pres. Cal. School Mechanical Arts; member Ex- ecutive Committee Public Health Commission; trustee and moderator of Board, First Unitarian Society; member Amer. Geog. Soc. ; Amer. Acad. Political and Social Science; Amer. History Assn.; Executive Com- mitte. National Municipal League. LTniversity, Pacific Union, Union League and Chit-Chat clubs. Repub- lican. SYMONDS, Edward Lawrence. .Automobiles. Res. 1822 Morgan pi.; office 1228 S. Flower st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, 111., Aug. 6, 1889; son of Henry R. and Charlotte (McKay) Symonds. Married to Amy M. Heeb in 1911. Attended St. Paul's School, Garden City, N. Y., 1901-03; Notre Dame Univ., Ind., 1903-06. Salesman for Monarch Motor Car Co., Chicago Hts., 111.; salesman for, and in charge of auto supply dept. of Manhattan Electric, Chicago, 111.; with Brown-Symonds Co., Los An- geles, Cal., 1910-13; Symonds Motor Car Co., Los Angeles, April, 1913 to date. Member Los Angeles Athletic and Gamut clubs. SYMONDS, Henry Roberts. Auto- mobiles. Res. Rex Arms Apts.; office 1228 S. Flower St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, 111., June 25, 1891; son of Henry Robert and Charlotte (McKay) Symonds. Educated at Lake Forest Acad., Lake Forest, 111.; St. Paul's School, Garden City, N. Y.; Notre Dame Univ., Notre Dame, Ind. In partnership with his brother in Symonds Motor Car Co. to date. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 363 TAFT, Fred Harris. Lawyer. Res. Santa Monica; office 912 California Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Pierrepont Manor, Jefferson cc, N. y., April 4, 1857; son of Stephen H. and Mary A. (Burnham) Taft. Mar- ried to Frances M. Welch in 1881. Received his education at Humboldt (Iowa) College, graduating, A. B., 1878; graduated from law department of Northwestern UnJiversity, Sioux City, Iowa, 1892. After admission to the bar was member of the firm of Sawyer & Taft, Sioux City; moved to Santa Monica, Cal., in 1893, and es- tablished firm of Tanner & Taft early in 1894; firm became Tanner, Taft & Odell 1904; Los Angeles office es- tablished in 1897. Served as City At- torney of Santa Monica, 1902-07. Member Union League Club ; Inter- national Order of Good Templars; Santa Monica Bay and Los Angeles Chambers of Commerce. Progressive. TAFT, Harris Welch. Lawyer. Res. 714 Nevada ave., Santa Monica, Cal.; office 912 California Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Ft. Dodge, Iowa, June 17, 1886; son of Fred H. and Frances M. (Welch) Taft. Married to Lucille Sharp in 1910. Attended public schools of Iowa and Cal.; grad- uated from College of Law, Leland Stanford Univ., A.B., 1907; law clerk with Tanner, Taft & Odell, 1907-10; member law firm of Tanner, Taft & Odell, 1910-1913; member law firm Tanner, Odell, Odell & Taft, 1913; city attorney of Santa Monica, 1910 to date; dir. Home Builders; dir. Pacific Holding Co.; member Masonic frater- nity; Union League Club. TANNER, Richard Robert. Law- yer. Res. Santa Monica, Cal.; office California Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Juan, Cal., March 30, 1858; son of Albert Miles and Lovina (Bickmore) Tanner. Married in 1893. Attended public schools of Santa Cruz and Monterey counties. Cal.. until 1871; Hill School, and studied with private tutor at San Buenaventura, Cal., until 1878. Asst. postmaster at San Buenaventura, Cal., 1880-83; city atty., Santa Monica, Cal., 1888-1901; deputy dist. atty., Los Angeles Co., two years; admitted to practice law in 1885; practiced in Los Angeles Co., 1885 to date; organized law firm of Tanner. Taft & Odell; formerly dir. Merchants' Natl. Bank of Santa Mon- ica; formerly vice-pres. Santa Monica Savings Bank. Member Masonic fra- ternity, 32d degree, Scottish Rite; Shrine; B. P. O. E,; I. O. O. F.; Inde- pendent Foresters; O. E. S.; Cham- ber of Commerce. TANNER, Wilson Gustin. Corpo- ration official. Res. 1432 Oak St.; of- fice suite 536 Union Oil bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in West Man- chester, Ohio, April 7, 1857; son of Michael Lewis and Mary E. (Banta) Tanner; married to Emma Miller in 1882 (dec.) ; to Marguerite Leonard in 1909. Educated in public schools of West Manchester and Dayton, Ohio; grad- uate of Miami Commercial High School, Dayton, Ohio. Began teach- ing in public schools at seventeen; taught three years; bookkeeper for wholesale shoe company for three years; supt. bookstore dept. of United Brethren Pub. Co., of Dayton, Ohio, eight years; cashier Mutual Home & Savings Assn., Da>ton; in business for himself, operating under firm name of Diers & Tanner, in Dayton, 1897; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1897; asst. nigr. shoe dept. liamburger's, four years; taught in Cominerci.il High School four years; cashier Dollars Savings Bank & Trust Co. until Park Bank, Fifth and Hill sts., was organ- ized in 1907; casliier ai.d vice-pres. same, 1907-12; resigned to become secy, and gen. mgr. of Pyramid Inv. Co., Sept., 1912. Member National Geographical Society; Union League; Federation and Gamut clubs; officer Y. M. C. A. ; treaS. L. A. Co. S. S. Assn. ; member executive committee State S. S. Assn. ; Masonic fraternity, Knights Templar, 32d degree ; Shrine. United Brethren in Christ. TARR, Nathan Winship. Whole- sale grain, oil and coal. Res. 274 W. Montecito ave.. Sierra Madre, Cal.; office 1025 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Tunnel City, Wis., Oct. 15, 1872; son of Charles M. and Albina Annett (Winship) Tarr. Married to Helen Tolman in 1897. Attended pub- lic school at Cartwright, Wis. Cnow New Auburn, Wis.) ; attended high school at Bloomer, Wis., part of one winter. At age of seventeen worked for W. J. Hawk in general store, Buffalo, N. D.; for Pacific Express Co., Denver, Colo.; with W. J. Hawk again, 1891-93; telegraph operator, La Crosse Division of C. M. & St. P. R. R., Tunnel City, Wis., 1893-94; tel- egraph operator on Atlantic & Pacific R. R., Kingman, Ariz.; with A. T. & S. F. R. R. until Feb., 1896; telephone and telegraph supt. for White Hills M. & M. Co., White Hills, .A.riz.; with A. T. & S. F. Ry. two months; book- 364 WHO'S WHO keeper for Kingman Mercantile Co., Kingman, Ariz.; formed partnership with Harry McComb, feed and mining supplies, 1897; built and has owned interest in Ariz., Cal. and Nev. Tele- phone Co. since; supt. telegraph of Ariz. & Utah Ry,, Kingman, Ariz., 1899; genl. supt. same road until 1902; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1902, and has been in same line of business with Harry McComb and Allen E. Ware under firm name of Tarr & McComb, Inc. since. Secy. Tarr & McComb, Inc.; secy. Ariz., Cal. & Nev. Tel. Co.; treas. Lovin & Withers Co., Kingman, Ariz. Member Board of Trustees, Sierra Madre, Cal; pres. Sierra Madre Board of Trade, two years; member Masonic fraternity, Scottish Rite; Cal- ifornia Club, Los Angeles. Repub- lican. TATUM, Clifford C. C. Real estate dealer and broker. Res. 932 W. 16th st. ; office 621-22 H. W. Hellman Bldg. ; Los Angeles, Cal. Born in St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 22, 1879; son of Joseph Taber and Adele (Lynch) Tatum; Married to Blanche Le Doux in 1904. Educated in public schools, St. Louis, Mo.; cash boy at Browning, King & Co., St. Louis, Mo., on Saturdays and vacations during time he was attend- ing school; clerk with Browning, King & Co., clothiers. St. Louis, Mo., 1895-97 ; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1897; clerk with Sanborn & Vail, Los Angeles, 1897-98; held various posi- tions until 1899; with Edward D. Si- lent & Co., real estate, 1899-1902; formed partnership with Sam and Paul Shenck, firm known as Schenck, Tatum & Schenck, real estate dealers, 1902-04; in real estate business alone until he formed partnership in 1908, firm operating under name of Tatum- Winstanley Co. Member Chamber of Commerce; Los Angeles Realty Board; Los Angeles Athletic and Gamut clubs. Roman Catholic. TAYLOR, George P. Merchant tailor. Res. 2293 West 22d st; of- fice 100 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in St. John, N. B., Can., Feb. 10, 1856; son of John K. and Catherine Olive Taylor. Married to MYs. Alice Carpenter Nettleton in May, 1888. Educated in private schools in St. John. N. B. ; in business with father in St. John, N. B., 1875-78; in mer- cantile business in New York, 1878- 86; moved to Los Angeles, Cal.. in May, 1886, and engaged in merchant tailoring business, Nov., 1886 to date. Member Masonic fraternitv ; Knights Templar; I. O. O. F. ; Jonathan Club. TAYLOR, Marshall Dowson. Li- brarian, Los Angeles Times. Res. 5038 Hays ave. ; office the Times Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Scarborough, England, Jan. 29, 1871; son of John William, M. D., D. Sc, J. P., and Elizabeth Hopgood (Dow- son) Taylor. Married to Ethel Lil- lian Cheesman, May 18. 1913. Edu- cated by private tutors, Oxford grad- uates; early education gained at Poole's College, Scarborough, Eng- land, and Giggleswick College, Settle, England. Attended Los Angeles Bus- iness College, Los Angeles, Cal., and Barnes' Commercial College, Denver, Colo. Moved to Upper Assam, India, as assistant on Tippuk Tea Estate, 1888; asst. mgr. of Bordeobam Tea Estate, Noth Lakhimpur, India, six years later ; after eight years tea plant- ing for the Jokai Company of As- sam, appointed mgr. of Kumargram Duar Tea Estate; mgr. Oaks Tea Estate, Sonada, Darjeeling, Hima- layan Railway; traveled two years through West Indies, Costa Rica, L'nited States of Colomlbia, Vene- zuela and Ontario, Canada. Moved to Los Angeles ten years ago, where he has remained to date; with Los Angeles Times, 1904 to date. Active Member Assam Valley Light Horse for eight years; active member North- ern Bengal Mounted Rifles, six years ; supervisor Hopetown district, Sona- da, D. H. Ry., apointed by Govern- ment Census Bureau. Member Royal Arcanum, Boston, Mass.; Scar- borough Swimming Club ; Los Angeles Cricket and Hockey clubs of Los Angeles, Cal. Speaks Hindustani, Assamese and Bengali fluently. Epis- copalian. TAYLOR, W. H. Mining. Res. 801 Dos Robles, Alhambra. Cal.; offiice 930 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Ontario, Canada, July 17, 1857; son of A. L. and Sarah Jane (Croyell) Taylor. Married to Emma C. Church in 1885. Educated in public and high schools of New Market, Ontario; moved to Dakota Territory. 1880, and engaged in wheat raising on extensive scale; moved near Lake Superior and engaged in wholesale sand and dredging busi- ness, 1891-93; moved to Phoenix, Ariz., 1895 and engaged in farming, real estate and mining for 17 years; located in Los Angeles, Cal., in 1912 and became interested in Mojave Con- solidated Gold Mines, Inc., of which he is now secy, and also one of di- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 365 rectors. Member Foresters, Canada. Republican. TEAGUE, Robert M. Citrus nur- sery and horticulture. Res. San Di- mas; office 1112 Trust & Savings BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Iowa, May 6, 1864; son of Crawford P. and Amanda R. (May) Teague. Married to Minnie E. Cowan in 1891. Educated in public schools of Cal. and Christian Brothers College, Santa Rosa, Cal. Upon land leased from his father he started citrus industry; business passed through many vicis- situdes with fluctuations of market, but by 1906 he was selling 260,000 trees a year; became interested in Chucawalla Development Co., 1909; elected pres. Board of Directors, and gen. mgr. of the company, which of- fice he holds to date. Work of Chuca- walla Development Co. consists of ascertaining whether a practical plan of irrigation for certain desert tracts of land may be carried out; assisted in organizing and is pres. Lordsburg Water Co.; dir. San Dimas Water Co. Member Sierra Madre and Los Angeles Athletic clubs ; Covina Coun- try Club, Covina, Cal. ; Los Angeles Chamber of Comemrce; Masonic fra- ternity; B. P. O. E. TEGNER, Charles Albert. Real estate and insurance. Res. 924 Second St., Santa Monica; office 315 Oregon ave., Santa Monica, Cal. Born in Gothenberg. Sweden. Feb. 3. 1806; son of Nicholas and Carolina (Edla) Teg- ner. Educated in the Collegiate School of his native city. Upon com- pleting studies in the Collegiate School passed examination for navy and entered service, where he re- mained until 1884; engaged in N. Y. Quarantine Service, 1884-87; moved to Malibu, Cal., and engaged in ranching. 1887-91 ; during the year 1891 engaged in fishing, being the first man to use gasoline boat in Santa Monica Bay; assisted in survey of Santa Monica Bay; in grocery business, 1893-97; in Alaska. 1897-99, piloting boats through the "White Horse Rapids" during the Klondyke gold rush, also piloted first steamboat up river through "Five Finger Rap- ids;" with Southern Pacific Co., supt. and wharf captain at Newport Beach, 1899-1901; grocery business, 1901-04; real estate and insurance, 1904 to date. Member B. P. O. E.; K. of P. TENNANT, John K. Mgr. Cal. Natl. Ins. Co. Res. 2957 Brighton ave.; office 404 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ala., Dec. 7, 1868; son of Charles W. and Nancy J. (Daniel) Tennant. Mar- ried to Clara M. Lewis. Attended public schools in southern states ; Bowdoin College, Bowdoin, Ga.; asst. paymaster four years for Sylvanus Life Ins. Co., of Louisville, Ky. (now 111. Life Ins. Co.), for seven years; Miller, a contractor engaged in build- ing Ferro Carril Del Norte Railroad in Guatemala; engaged with Mutual moved to Te.xas, 1901; opened in- surance brokerage office in Dallas^ and later in Galveston, Tex., where he remained about five years; moved to Waco, Tex., and made headquar- ters there for Texas Life Ins. Co., managing for this company the states of Louisiana and Mississippi; in charge of El Paso offices for Texas Life Ins. Co., 1909; sold interests in Texas, July, 1909, and moved to Los Angeles. Cal.; moved to San Diego, Cal, 1910. and organized Natl. Lifa Ins. Co. (later changed to Cal Natl. Life Ins. Co.); genl. mgr. of this com- pany; genl. mgr. Electro-Gas Motor Car Co. of El Paso, Tex. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Shrine; B. P. O. E. THOM, Catesby Charles. Asst. Pacific Coast mgr. National Surety Co. Res. 1968 W. 22nd st.; office 202 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, Oct. 26, 1876; son of Cameron Erskine and Belle (Hathwell) Thorn. Married to May Sarah Livingston in 1905. Received his education in the public schools of Los Angeles. Engaged in practice of law in office of Flint & Barker, 1899- 1904; associated with F>ank M. Kel- sey and Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.. 1904-10; asst. Pacific Coast mgr. of National Surety Co. of New York, 1910 to date. Served in Battery D, First Artillery. Cal. Vols., Philippine Islands, 1898-99. Member Board of Education. 1902-03; Soc. of Colonial Wars; B. P. O. E.; Masonic fraternity; Sons of the Revolution; Los Angeles Athletic Club. Episcopalian. THOMAS, Charles Preston. Phy- sician and surgeon. Res. 34 Sunset ave.. Venice, Cal.; office Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lincoln, Mo., 1864; son of Eli C. and Eleanor (Wainwright) Thomas; married to Elsie A. Becken in 1901. Educated in public and high schools, Lincoln, Mo.; State Normal School, Warrensburg, Va.; Medical Dept. Univ. of Oregon; post-graduate study at New York Hospital; Rush Medical, Chicago. 111.; Johns Hopkins 366 WHO'S WHO Univ., Baltimore, Md. Started prac- tice in Wilber, Wash., 1889; in Fair- haven, Wash., 1893; in Everett, Wash., in 1893; in Spokane, Wash., 1893-1910; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1910; confines his practice to surgery. Klember Amer. Medical Assn.; State Medical Assn.; Los An- geles County Assn.; University Club. THOMPSON, T. Arthur. Invest- ments and real estate. Res. 1764 Orange drive, Hollywood, Cal. ; of- fice 418 Bradburv Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Dundee, 111., ^lay 1, 1859; son of Cornelius L. F. and Sarah E. (Kingsley) Thompson. Married to Lydia Cromwell in 1883. Attended Elgin Academy, Elgin, 111., 1878-79; Univ. of Mich., 1880^81; Moved to Storm Lake, la., and en- gaged in land and mortgage loan business, 1888; western mgr. at Sioux City for Fidelity Securities Co. of New York City, 1895-1903; vice-pres. of Woodbury County Savings Bank, Sioux City, la., several years; organ- ized and became pres. of Sioux City Automatic Telephone Co., 1905; pres. of Associated Charities, and vice-pres. Humane Society. Sioux City; pres. Sioux City Boat Club; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1908; has handled lands and loans in San Joaquin and San Fernando Valleys; Pres. Valley Homes Co.; dir. Home Savings Bank; dir. National Bank of Commerce. Member California and Los Angeles Country clubs; Church Federation Club of Los Angeles; Advisory Board of Florence Crittenton Home. THORNE, Edvyin Charles. .Archi- tect. Res. 1232 West 31st st.; office 631 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Suffolk, Va., April 16, 1867; son of Charles R. and Eliza A. (Bo- gardus) Thorne. Married to Hilda W. Rundstrom in 1887. Educated in public schools of Neb. Apprenticed to learn carpenter's trade at age of 18; employed at carpenter's trade, 1888- 1907; mechanic, foreman and supt. at various times ; in mercantile business two years ; contractor and builder for seven years while studying architecture and engineering; asst. inspector build- ings for Los Angeles three years; structural engineer three years; build- ing dept. City of Los Angeles, 1909-12; architect for Union Realty Co., 1913; resigned to establish business for him- self at 631 S. Spring st. Methodist. THOMAS, Frank Waters. Edu- cator. Res. 1250 Tenth st., Santa Monica, Cal.; office High School, Santa Monica, Cal. Born in Danville, Ind., May 14. 1878; son of Erasmus W. and Mary (Roseborough) Thomas. Married to Ina Gregg in 1908. Edu- cated in public schools, Hendricks, Ind.; Normal School, Danville, Ind.; State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind.; Indiana State University; Illi- nois State University. Has been en- gaged in teaching since completing his education. Principal High School, Santa Monica, Cal., 1911 to date. Member of Committee on .Ancient Languages for National Educational Association; Sigma Nu fraternity; Committee on .Athletics for Cal High School .Assn.; contributor to educa- tional periodicals and lecturer on gen- eral educational subjects. TILLOTSON, H. John. Physician and surgeon. Res. 650 West 23d st.; office California Bldg., Los .Angeles. Cal. Born in Crown Point, Lake co., Ind., in 1857; son of James and Melissa (Hall) Tillotson. Educated in public and pri- vate schools of N. Y. ; Western Reserve ^ledical College, Cleveland, O.; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111.; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.; College of Physicians and Surgeons. Baltimore, Md. ; graduated March, 1880. Began practice of his profession in Chicago, 111., in 1880; one of the founders of Chicago Baptist Hospital, Chicago, 111.; has practiced in Los An- geles, Cal., 1909 to date. Was for years on active Iiospital staff of reg- ular physicians and surgeons in Chi- cago; lecturer on medical subjects. Member Board of Education, Chicago, 111.; local surgeon of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway; sur- geon-in-chief of D. M. & A. Railway; physician and surgeon for several years for U. S. Rolling Stock Co.; member American Medical Union. Presbyterian. TITUS, Nat. R. Lawyer. Res. 3471 Third st.; office 434 Union Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Vevay, Ind., Oct. 23, 1856; son of J. H. and Isabel (LeClere) Titus. Married to Lela Baxter in 1882. Received his educa- tion in the public schools in his na- tive town. Ticket agt. for Central Union Ry. Co., Cincinnati. 1887, dur- ing which time he studied law; ad- mitted to practice in Ind. in 1887; moved to San Diego, Cal., Jan., 1888, and associated with law firms of Works, Gibson & Titus, and Gibson & Titus to May, 1893; city auditor and assessor, San Diego, 1893-1905; cashier Security Savings Bank & IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 367 Trust Co., 1907; associated with San Diego & Arizona Ry. Co., and the Spreckels Co. to date; dir. Bank of Commerce & Trust Co., San Diego. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d de- gree; B. P. O. E. Presbyterian. TODD, Robert Blake. Mining en- gineer and operator. Res. 1350 West Fourth St.; ofiflce 3S6 Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Waterford, N. Y., April 9, 1856; son of Joshua M. and Elizabeth (Blake) Todd. Married to Gertrude Monis in 18S4. Educated in pubhc schools, Paterson, N. J., and Scranton, Pa. ; Cooper In- stitute, Hoboken, N. J. ^ Engaged in the mercantile business in New York City, Providence, R. I., Newark, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., and Albany, N. Y., 1871-81. Moved to Arizona in 1881 ; in charge of Vulture mine, 1881- 85; continued mining in Arizona un- til 1890; elected member of upper house of Legislature from Maricopa CO. in 1884; moved to San Francisco, Cal., 1890; has since followed his pro- fession in Cal., Alaska and Nev.; vice- pres. and mgr. Luning Gold Mines Syn- dicate ; vice-pres. and mgr. Idaho Min- ing Co. ; pres. and mgr. Nevada-Cal. Prospecting Co. Presbyterian. TODD, Ulysses S. G. Stocks and bonds. Res. 2388 West 21st St.; office 281 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Mount Pleasant, Mo., Jan 27, 1863; son of Judge James H. and Mary Jane (Richardson) Todd. Married to May I. Holmes in 1889. Attended public school, Tus- cumbia, Mo., 1868-77; Mt. Pleasant Academy, Mt. Pleasant, Mo., 1878- 79; State LTniversity, Columbia, Mo., 1880-82. Taught school in Tuscum- bia. Mo., 1882; in general merchan- dise business Tuscumbia, Mo., 1883; Silver City, N. Mex., 1884; moved to Los Angeles, CaU, 1885; traveling salesman Stern, Loeb & Co. for seven years; Jacoby Bros, and Phelps, Dodge & Palmer Co., a number of years ; established brokerage business in Los Angeles in 1892, which he con- tinues to date. Vestryman St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Member Masonic fraternity. Republican. Episcopalian. TOLAND, Thomas O. Lawyer. Res. 718 Kensington road; office 1100- 05 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Bluff Springs, Ala.. Sept. 13, 1856; son of James and Mildred Ann (Street) Toland. Married to Carrie Anna Fleisher in 1900. Attended Mumford Academy, Munford, Ala., 1871-73; Univ. of Va., Charlottesville, Va., 1874; graduated from LIniv. of Cal., 1878; studied law in Hastings' Law School, San Francisco, 1870-80. After leaving Univ. of Cal. went to work for R. C. Huston, Berkeley, Cal.; law clerk and student in office of George D. Shadburne, San Francisco, Cal., 1878; taught mathematics in Brewer's Military Academy, San Ma- teo, Cal., 1880; teacher in San An- selmo Grammar School, Marin Co., Cal., 1880-81; worked in law office and studied law, 1881-82; taught school, 1882-86; opened law and real estate office in Santa Paula as member of firm of Guiberson & Toland in 1886; firm became Toland & Baker in 1886, and so continued until May, 1890, when he moved to Ventura to engage in practice alone. Moved to Los An- geles in March, 1910, and established independent practice. Dist. atty of Ventura, Cal., 1893-95; city atty. of San Buenaventuro, Cal., 1896-98; member State Assembly from Dist. 65, 1897-99; member State Board of Equalization from 4th Dist., 1899- 1903; member Board of Education of Ventura Co., 1884-96; now member firm of Andrews, Toland & Johnson. Did notable work while serving on State Board of Equalization, and sup- ported George S. Patton against L. J. Rose, Sr., in the celebrated con- test for the Democratic nomination for Congress from the 6th Dist. in 1896. Member all orders of Masonic fraternity; Shrine; I. O. O. F.; K. of P. Baptist. TOPHAM, John. Councilman. Res. 2924 Van Buren pi.; office 228-29 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Consett, Durham co., Eng- land, Sept. 25, 1872; son of William and Isabella Topham. Married to H. J. Smith in 1895. Educated in English public schools. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1893. First em- ployed as fireman for Los Angeles Gas Co.; supt. Union Oil Co., 1902 to 1912; appointed member Police Com- mission by Mayor Alexander, 1909; served two years; member city coun- cil, 1911; actively interested in poH- *ics and development of city; secy^ Western Oil Co. Member firm Top- ham & Hill, real estate and insurance; Masonic fraternity; Sons of St. George. Methodist. TOWNSEND, Francis Mile. Pat- ent lawyer and oil refiner. Res. Rose road and Mission St., San Gabriel; of- fice 1029 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Staunton, Ind., April 5, 1867; son of James McGrady and Julia 368 WHO'S WHO (Somers) Townsend. Married to Lot- tie Hammond, April 19, 1887. Edu- cated in the public schools of Indiana and Los Angeles Business College. Moved to Redlands, Cal., in 1881, and remained until 1890; owned and oper- ated stage line from Lugonia to San Bernardino, 1884-88; with Leland Stan- ford Stillman printed first paper in East San Bernardino called "Lugonia Chronicle" in 1885. Studied law and has been actively engaged in patent practice 1891-97; with firm of Hazard & Townsend ; member of firm of Townsend Brothers, 1897-1905; or- ganized firm of Townsend, Lyon, Hackley & Knight, later known as Townsend, Lyon & Hackley, in 1905 ; organized New Standard Concentra- tor Co. in 1902; organized Trumble Refining Co. and became its presi- dent; firm of Townsend, Lyon & Hackley was dissolved in 1911, and he formed a partnership with Frank L. A. Graham, practicing under firm name of Townsend & Graham; pres. Trumble Refining Co.; dir. Wasco Land & Stock Co.; dir. Trumble Fuel Producer Co.; served as member of board of directors Alessandro Irriga- tion district, 1890; postmaster, i\Io- reno. Riverside Co., 1890. Member of Los Angeles Athletic, Sierra Madre and San Gabriel Valley Country clubs of Los .Angeles, .Masonic fraternity. TOWNSEND, James Robert. Pat- ent lawyer. Res. 2347 Ocean View ave. ; office 712 San Fernando Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Staunton, Ind., Sept. 21, 1858; son of James Mc- Grady and Julia (Somers) Townsend. Married to M. Beulah Peauchette. Feb. 21, 1906. Educated in public school, Staunton, Ind. ; County Teachers' Nor- mal School. Brazil, Ind. Read law in bovhood in oflice of Perry & Townsend, Albia, la., 1879-80. Employed on farm; janitor at Staunton school, Staunton, Ind.; weigh boss at coal mine and roustabout in sawmill, 1875- 11; taught country school, Posey township, Ind., 1879; admitted to bar in la. and Ind., 1880; taught country school, Dick Johnson township, Ind., 1880-81; assisted in surveying Red- lands, in 1881-82; clerk in citv attor- ney's ofiice, Los Angeles, Cal'., 1882- 83; agt. for Bradstrcct's, Los Angeles, 1882-83; admitted to bar in California, 1882; practiced as patent solicitor, 1882-85; with lirm of Hazard & Town- send (Henry T. Hazard), 1885 97; firm of Townsend Bros., 1897-1905 (Alfred I. and I'rancis M. 'I'ownsend); has practiced alone, 191)5 to date; dir. Perfect Sliding Door Co.; Amer. Dis- appearing Bed Co. ; Prohibition candi- date Los Angeles City Council, 1883; Los Angeles county clerk. 1888 ; So- cialist candidate State Senate, 1912, 37th dist.; lecturer on patent law, Univ. of So. Cal. Law School, 1899- 1911; has written numerous poems and prose articles in journals and maga- zines of Los Angeles and elsewhere. Christian Scientist. TRASK, Dummer Kiah. Lawyer. Ofiice lil Cons. Realty Bldg.. Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Cincinnati, O., July 17, 1860; son of Kiah Bailey and Mary Jane (Dunton) Trask. Mar- ried to Ida C. Folsom in 1887. Re- ceived his education in public and pri- vate schools of Lincoln county. Me.; graduated from Waterville (now Col- burn) Classical Inst., Waterville, Me., June, 1881. Moved to California in 1882, and was admitted to the bar in San Francisco in 1890; engaged in practice in Los Angeles, 1890-98; ap- pointed Superior Judge of Los An- geles Co., in 1898 and elected to same office in 1900; served until 1907; en- gaged in private practice, 1907 to date. Served as member of San Joa- quin County Board of Education, 1886-87; member Los Angeles Board of Education, 1893-94; pres. Consoli- dated Realty Bldg. since its organiza- tion. Past Grand Chancellor K. of P., »_alifornia. Democrat. TRASK, Frank Ellsworth. Engi- neer. Res. 5026 Echo st.; office 616 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Industry, Me., July 26, 1863; son of Nathaniel and Betsey Helen (Wills) Trask. Married to Maud R. Smith in 1888 (dec); to Carlotta Thornton in 1909. During last two years in college engaged on hydro- graphic surveys in Me.; designed and constructed extensions to irrigation system in Ontario, Cal., 1880; survey and irrigation work in Los Angeles Co., 1889; consulting engineer to Es- condido Irrigation District, 1890; de- signed and constructed water system for Ontario, Cal., 1892; made topo- graphic survey of San Antonio Can- yon, 1894; consulting engineer to re- port on most available source of water supply. City of Pomona, 1895; con- sulting engineer in Los Angeles, 1900 to date. Examined and reported upon power and water supply projects in Wash., Ore., Cal., Ida., Nev., Ariz, and Mexico for Los Angeles, New York an Chicago investors. Engineer Los Angeles Water Co., 1902 to date. .'\uthor of several papers of the Amer- ican Society of Civil Engrs.; has writ- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 369 ten and lectured on subject of water conservation. Member American So- ciety of Civil Engineers; Internatl. Geog. Soc; Jonathan Club. TRIPPET, Oscax A. Lawyer. Res. 943 Hoover St.; office 321 Coulter Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Princeton. Ind., March 6, 1856; son of Caleb and Mary Magdalene (Fentriss) Trippet. Married to Cora Larimore in 1902. Educated in public schools of Indiana and the state normal school; after graduating was engaged some time as principal of high school; at- tended law dept. Univ. of Va., 1878- 79; at tlie age of 16 the sickness and failure in business of his father forced him to begin earning his own living, which he did by farming and teach- ing in tlie public schools of Indiana; admitted to the bar in 1879 at Dubois Co., Circuit Court, in Indiana; elected to the State Senate of Indiana, 1886; resigned in 1887 and moved to California, locating in San Diego, where he became the partner of Judge W. T. McNealy; practiced there until 1901, when he moved to Los Angeles and began practice in partnership with others under firm name of Trippet, Chapman & Biby, which he continues to date. Organized Home Telephone Co. of Los Angeles in 1901, and acted as counsel for tlie corp. since that time; at present counsel for several banks and large corps, and engaged in general civil practice; atty. for Natl. Bank of Cal.; Cal. Vegetable Union; E. L. Potter Co.; Cal. Magne- site Co.; Economic Gas Co.; Coulter Dry Goods Co., etc., etc. Pres. Los Angeles Bar Assn., 1911-12: member of gen. council of American Bar Assn., University Club, and vice-pres. Califor- nia Club. TROUNCE, Harry D. Civil and construction engineer. Res. University Club, San Diego ; office 502 Spreckels Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Corn- wall, England. Aug. 30, 1885; son of W. H. and Elizabeth D. Trounce. Re- ceived his education in London, Eng- land, and in Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Col., whicli he attended 1907- 10. Asst. eng. on preliminary har- bor surveys, San Diego harbor; now engaged in private practice. Designed and platted numerous tracts and addi- tions in San Diego city and county; built several bridges and walls for San Diego city. Memlber of University and Point Loma Golf clubs, San Diego; Knights of Columbus; Rotary Club; Manufacturers' and Merchants' Assn. ; Chamber of Commerce. Catholic. TRUEBLOOD, Ralph W. Asst. city editor, Los Angeles Times. Res. Stratford Hotel; office Times Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Richmond, Ind., Nov. 19, 1885; son of William N. and Ruth Emma (Stubbs) Trucblood. Attended district schools of Wayne Co., Ind.; Earlham Preparatory School, Richmond, Ind.; Earlham Col- lege, Richmond, Ind., graduating B. S., 1903; Haverford College, Ilaverford, Pa., graduating A. M., 1905. Instruc- tor in chemistry, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa., 1904-5; instructor in sciences, Cranford high school, Cran- ford, N. J., 1905-07; special sociolog- ical and newspaper work. New York, 1907; chemist, Victor Portland Ce- ment Co., Victorville, Cal., 1908-10; reporter, Los Angeles Times, 1910-11; asst. city editor, Los Angeles Times, 1911 to date. Member Aftjdern Lan- guage Assn. of Amer. TRUEWORTH Y, Dr. John Wesley. Physician and surgeon. Res. 742 Gar- land ave. ; office 416-18 Byrne Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Troy, N. v.. May 28, 1843; son of William and Mary (Finney) Trueworthy. Married to Ida Borton in 1894. Left an or- phan at the age of 7, and was reared on the farm of a friend in 111.; at- tended the public schools of Mont- gomery Co., 111., and Hillsboro Acad- emy, Hillsboro, III., until he was 17 years old, and at first call for three months' volunteers by President Lin- coln he enlisted; after serving his time was honorably discharged; studied medicine at the Univ. of Mich, and at Rush Medical College, Chicago, grad- uating from latter institution in 1865; practiced at Donaldson, 111.; Emporia, Kan., and Kansas City, Mo. ; organ- ized the Central Bank of Kansas City, Mo., and was its pres. for two years ; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1892 and engaged in active practice, which he has continued to date ; county phy- sician and coronor, Lyon Co., Kan. ; member school board, Emporia, Kan. ; pres. and dir. Los Angeles Public Li- brary Board, 1905-06; appointed pen- sion e.xaminer, Emporia, Kan., by President Grover Cleveland. Mem- ber of California, University and Sier- ra clubs. Chamber of Commerce, Se- quoia league. Archaeological Soc, Shrine, Knights Templar, Gamut Club, College Men's Assn., Univ. of Mich. Alumni Assn., at one time pres. of Academy of Medicine of Los Angeles, and belongs to all important national, state and local medical societies. 370 WHO'S WHO TUCKER, J. Z. Lawyer. Res. 3576 Second st. ; office Lawyers Block. San Diego, Cal. Born in Washington, D. C, August 19, 1867; son of Charles C. and Mary A. (Cowles) Tucker. Married to Emma Frevert, Oct. 2, 1890. Received his education in public schools and pre- paratory school of Columbian Univer- sity, Washington, D. C. ; moved to San Diego in 1887. Employed as clerk in office of Clerk of U. S. Senate, Wash- ington, D. C. ; studied law and was ad- mitted to practice in Superior Court of San Diego county, 1890; admitted to practice in Supreme Court of Cal. in 1892; became associated with Conklin & Hughes, attys., San Diego ; appointed U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy for San Diego Co. by Hon. Olin Wellborn, U. S. District Judge, in 1900, which posi- tion he has held continuously by re- appointment ; for many years has been engaged in active practice of his pro- fession. Member B. P. O. E. ; Episco- palian. TUFTS, Edward Benton. Mer- chant. Res. 1315 West Adams st.; of- fice 428 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cedar Co., la., Feb. 14, 1869; son of John Quincy and Susan S. (Cook) Tufts. Married to Edith Giffin in 1895. Attended private school in Washington, D. C, 1880; Drury Col- lege, Springfield, Mo. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1887. Pres. Tufts-Lyon Arms Co., dealers in sporting goods, 1887 to date; secy. Rock Castle Land Co.; pres. Williow Land Co.; dir. and Pres. Merchants and Mfrs. Assn., 1907- 12. Member California, Pacific Gun, Jonathan, Los Angeles Country, Los Angeles Gun, Los Angeles Country and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. Los Angeles; Annandale Country Club, Pasadena. TURNEY, Dayton. Osteopathic physician and teacher. Res. 527 West First St.; office 533 Mason Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in S. D., Oct. 6, 1884; son of Fletcher and Martha (Burt) Turney. Married to Clara Coding in 1912. Attended Dakota Wesleyan Univ., Mitchell, S. D., 1900- 03; graduated from Univ. of S. D., Vermillion, S. D., A. B., 1908; from Los Angeles College of Osteopathy, Los Angeles, Cal., 1911. Engaged in farming at variou.s times; railroad work for short time; taught country school in S. D., 1905; instructor in Chemistry, Univ. of S. D., 1907-08; prof, of chemistry, Los Angeles Col- lege of Osteopathy, 1908-13; prof, of pathology, Los Angeles College of Osteopathy, 1912-13; has been in ac- tive practice as osteopathic physician for two years. Member So. Cal. sec- tion. Amer. Chemical Soc. Baptist. UNRUH, David Spencer. Civil en- gineer. Res. Arcadia, Cal. ; office 424 Grosse Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Cal., June 21, 1872; son of H. A. and Jane Anne (Dunn) Unruh. Married to Julia Lathrop Barnes, May 24, 1900. Attended the Los Angeles public schools ; Belmont School (private), 1886-89; Mass. Inst. Technology, Boston, Mass., 1889-90; Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., Palo Alto, Cal., 1890-94. In Arizona and Mexico during 1897-99, doing exploration work and making railroad surveys ; in Alaska during 1900 and 1901, mining and R. R., making surveys; with C. P. R. R. in reconstruction service in Ne- vada and Utah, 1902. With Pacific Electric Ry. in Los Angeles, Cal, 1902- 1905 ; in Stockton and Sacramento, Cal., constructing Central Cal. Traction Co.'s lines in San Joaquin and Sacramento counties, 1905-1909; since then in gen- eral practice in Southern California. Member Jonathan and Los Angeles Athletic clubs ; B. P. O. E. UNRUH, Hiram Augustus. Execu- tor and manager Estate of E. J. Bald- win. Res. .Arcadia, Cal. ; office same. Born in Valparaiso, Ind., November 1. 1845; son of Joseph and Abigail (Bowman) Unruh. Married to Jane Anne Dunn, Oct. 10, 1868. While a student at the Indiana State Normal School enlisted in Civil War and served during entire time of rebellion ; made a non-commissioned officer in 1861 ; at close of Civil War began study of teleg- raphy and became operator for the Western Union Telegraph Co. Moved to California in 1866 and entered em- ploy of Wells Fargo & Co. ; during con- struction of the Central Pacific Railway was made advance agent and telegraph operator, which position he held until 1869, when he became asst. freight agent for the Central Pacific in San Francis- co ; in railway service until 1874, when he entered the employ of L. E. Werth eimer, wholesale tobacco ; with Werth- eimer until 1877; with Eureka and Palisade Railroad, 1877-79; In 1879 took charge of the estate of E. J. (Lucky) Baldwin; the responsibilities of this po- sition required him to move to Arca- dia, Cal., in 1884, where he resides to date; in addition to his work in con- nection with the Baldwin estate he holds offices in several corporation ; pres. Ramcra Oil Co. ; dir. Los Angeles Rac- ing Assn.; dir. Monrovia First National Bank ; dir. San Gabriel Valley Rapid IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 371 Transit Co.; pres. So. Cal. Floral Co Member Masonic fraternity; I. O. O. F. UTT, Lewis J. Lawyer, Res., 3558 Sixth St.; ofiice, 414 Union Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in San Diego, Cal., Nov. 3, 1878; son of Lee H., and Sarah M. (Gunn) Utt. Married to Florence F. Griffiths in 1908. Attended Union High School. Redlands, Cal.; Univ. of Cal.; Stanford Univ. Engaged in prac- tice of law in San Diego; dist. atty., 1909-11; practicing alone. Member B. P. O. E.; K. of P.; Sons of Veterans; Cuyamaca Club. VALENTINE, William Lucas. Oil producer. Res. 1421 N. Wilson ave., So. Pasadena; office 710 O. T. John- son Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Mendocino Co., Cal., March 8, 1870; son of William and Susan (Lucas) Valentine. Married to Louie Chandler Robinson in 1896. Graduated from Lincoln grammar school, San Francisco, Cal., 1885; attended Com- mercial High School, San Francisco, one year. Employed by Carrick, Wil- liams & Wright Lumber & Box Co., San Francisco. Cal.; in real estate of- fice of Easton, Eldridge & Co.; moved to Los Angeles in 1893, taking charge of branch office of same firm; organ- ized FuUerton Oil Co. in 1900, of which he is secy, and genl. mgr. to date; dir. Merchants' Natl. Bank, Se- curity Trust & Savings Bank, Hell- man Commercial Trust & Savings Bank, All Night & Day Bank, Globe Grain & Milling Co. Dir. Zoological Soc. of So. Cal.; member Automobile Club of So. Cal.; California, Los An- geles Athletic, Los Angeles Country and San Gabriel Valley country clubs; Bolsa Chica and San Isidro Gun clubs; Arrowhead Mountain Club. Junior member Soc. Cal. Pio- neers. VANCE, Champ Shepherd. Third vice-pres. Los Angeles Gas & Electric Corp. Res. 740 S. Alvarado st. ; of- fice, 645 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Abingdon, Va., July 10, 1864; son of Capt. James and Anna Eliza (Castleman) Vance. Married to Clem- entine Blanche Conradi in 1895. At- tended Abingdon Male Academy, 1879 ; Cumberland College, Rose Hill, Va., 1879-82. Employed as traveling salesman for Lee, Taylor & Snead, Lynchburg, Va., 1883-84 ; moved to California in 1885 and was associated as chainman with the U. S. Engineering Corps under Major George B. Pickett, retracing old Spanish grants and investigating Ben- son land frauds, until 1886; asst. engr. under Major Pickett, 1886-88; moved to Los Angeles and was engaged in retail grocery business under firm names of Bethune & Co., Edwards & Vance, and Bowen, Edwards & Vance ; dep- uty U. S. internal revenue collector, 1894-97 ; with Los Angeles Lighting Co., 1898 to date. Served three years in N. C. C. ; honorably discharged, 1893. Member Chamber of Commerce ; Amer- ican Gas Institute ; Pacific Coast Gas Assn.; American Institute of Electrical Engineers ; Illuminating Engineering Society; Masonic fraternity, Scottish Rite, 32d degree; K. C. C. H. ; Automo- bile Club of So. Cal.; Los Angeles Ath- letic Club. Episcopalian. VAN DYKE, Henry Seward. Law- yer. Res. 4925 Pasadena ave.; office 1027 Title Insurance Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Oakland, Cal., Aug. 31, 1871; son of Walter and Rowena (Cooper) Van Dyke. Mar- ried to Katherine S. Moulton in 1912. Attended public schools, Oakland, Cal., 1878-86; high school, Los .A.n- geles, Cal., 1886-89; graduated from Univ. of Cal., B. A., 1889-93; studied law in U. S. Circuit Court clerk's of- fice, Los Angeles, 1893-94. Admitted to practice on examination before State Supreme Court, 1894; clerk in office of J. Hutchinson. 1894-95; opened office in Los Angeles, 1895-99, moved to San Francisco and practiced law, 1899-1902; joined firm of Law- ler. Allen & Van Dyke, Los Angeles, 1903, reorganized under firm name of Lawler, Allen, Van Dyke & Jutten, 1907; firm consolidated with Gray, Barker & Bowen, taking name of Gray, Barker, Allen, Bowen, Van Dye & Jutten, 1909; firm was joined by ex-Senator Frank P. Flint, mak- ing firm Van Dyke, Flint, Gray & Barker, 1911. Member Anier. Bar Assn.; Natl. Economic League; Cali- fornia, Los Angeles Country and An- nandale Country clubs; Bohemian Club, San Francisco; Holland Soc, New York City. VAN DYKE, William Martin. Clerk U. S. District Court. Res. 222 West Adams St. ; office 405 Federal Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Areata, Humboldt CO., Cal., Feb. 14, 1858; son of Walter and Rowena (Cooper) Van Dyke. Married to Annie Cora Taylor in 1889. Attended grammar, private and mis- sion schools at San Francisco until 1868; attended Lafayette grammar school; graduated from Oakland high school, 1874; graduated from Univ. of 372 WHO'S WHO Cal., A.B., 1878; Hastings College of Law, LL.B., 1881. Practiced law in San Francisco 1881-86; appointed clerk U. S. Circuit Court, southern district of So. Cal., 1886; held that otifice until the court was abolished, 1912; ap- pointed clerk U. S. District Court, southern district of Cal., Jan., 1912; has also been U. S. Commissioner from 1887 to June. 1913. Dir. Los An- geles Gas & Electric Corp. Member California Club, Los Angeles ; Bohemian Club, San Francisco. VAN DEN BERG, Brahm. Con- cert pianist, teacher and musical di- rector. Res., 1735 Hobart blvd.; of- fice, 802 Majestic Theater Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in Cologne, Germany, May 20, 1876; son of Dr. S. and Kath- erine (van Stratum) van der Berg. Educated in private schools; mu- sical education received in Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, Belgium; Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Belgium; and as private pupil of Peter Benoit, Yan Block, Wienian- owski, Hermann Levi, Camille Saint- Saens, and Theodore Leschetizky. Toured continent of Europe, as concert pianist, appearing at all capitals and large cities; musical director Royal Opera House. Ant- werp, Belgium; Royal Opera House, Brussels, Belgium; municipal Opera House, Algiers, Africa; Municipal Opera Llouse, Nimes, France; Muni- cipal Opera House, Brussels, Belgium; moved to United States and was asso- ciated with Henry W. Savage; princi- pal piano dept.. College of Music, Cin- cinnati, O.; same Cosmopolitan School of Music, Chicago, 111.; toured U. S. A. with Theodore Thomas Or- chestra and other well known orches- tras as soloist; also in recital and joint recitals with Mme. Johanna Gadski, Emma Calve, Blanche Marchesi and others. Moved to Los Angeles and opened studios in Majestic Bldg. VAN HORNE. Edward B. Real estate. Res. 112 Andrews blvd.; office 706-8 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Sterling, 111., Oct. 29. 1878; son of James W. and Ella F. (Jones) Van Home. Married to Ethelyn E. Kerns in 1901. Attended public schools of Los Angeles, Cal., graduating from high school; com- mercial course. Polytechnic High School. Engaged in real estate and insurance in Los Angeles 1897; with F. G. Calkins & Co., in clerical ca- pacity; partnership with same firm 1900; member firm of E. B. Van Home & Co., 1905 to date; pres. and dir. F. S. Calkins & Co. insurance; dir. Merchants' Ice & Cold Storage Co. Member I. O. O. F. ; B. P. O. E. ; Sons of Veterans ; Knickerbocker and Los Angeles Athletic clubs. VAN KAATHOVEN, Jean Jacques Abram. Surge.. n. Res. 1024 W. 24th St.; office 815 Wright & Callender Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Netherlands, Feb. 8, 1877. Graduated from Stanford Univ., 1899; from Med- ical Dept. LTniv. Pa., 1902; engaged in practice of his profession in Phila- delphia, Pa., 1902-1909; moved to Los Angeles in 1909 and has practiced his profession to date. VAN KURAN, Karl E. Manufac- turer. Res. 401 Lake st.; office 524 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Laramie, Wyo., Oct. 14, 1882; son of Earl S. and Katherine T. (Dickinson) Van Kuran. Married to Elizabeth M. Shotthafer. Sept. 19, 1911. Received his education in public schools of Boise City, Idaho, 1888-92; graduated from high school, Portland, Ore., 1897; from electrical engineering dept. Uni- versity of Washington, Seattle, Wash., B. S., 1904. Served apprenticeship with Westinghouse Electrical & Man- ufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa., 1904-06; sales engineer with same company, 1906-11; sent as asst. dist. mgr. to Los Angeles, 1911, which po- sition he still holds. Member A. T. E. E.; Sons of Jove; Phi Gamma Del- ta fraternity; Jonathan Club. VAN NOSTRAN, W. D. Lawyer. Res. 516 Bixel st. ; oftice, ZZl Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Schuy- ler. Neb. ; son of James W. and Emma E. (Piniperton) Van Nostran. .Attended Cutler Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo. ; graduated from Colorado College. Colorado Springs. B.S., 1903; Denver Law School. LL.B., 1906. Admitted to bar in Colorado, Aug., 1906; moved to Rhyolite, Nev., 1906, where he was ad- mitted to the bar of Nevada ; engaged in practice as member of the firm of Stiaw & Van Nostran, 1906-09; admitted to Ibar of Cal., 1907; moved to Los Angeles in 1909 and has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. Sec. and dir. Schuyler Inv. Co.; vicc-pres. and dir. Golden .State Home Builders. Mem- ber of faculty of the Law Dept. of Los -Angeles Business College; mem- ber Sierra Madre Club. VAN NUYS, J. Benton. Capitalist. Res. 801 Catalina st.; office I. N. Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 373 in Los Angeles, May 28, 1883; son of Isaac N. and Susanna (Lankershim) Van Nuys. Married to Mrs. Emily Howard in 1909. Attended public school of Los Angeles, Ca!.; Belmont Acad., Belmont, Cal. Secy. I. N. Van Nuys Bldg. Co.; vice-pres. Los An- geles Farming and Milling Co.; dir. Farmers' and Merchants' Natl. Bank, Los Angeles; dir. Mortgage Guaran- tee Go. Member California, Los An- geles Country, and San Gabriel Val- ley Country clubs; Auto Club of So. Cal. VAN ORNUM, Samuel Judson. Civil engineer. Res. 325 Huntington Terrace, Pasadena; office City Hall, Pasadena, Cal. Born in Racine, Wis., April 28, 1880; son of Odonirum Jud- son and Sarah Josephine (Lane) Van Ornum. Married to Catherine Car- lisle in 1904. Attended grammar schools at Racine, Wis., and Pasa- dena, Cal. Graduated from Pasadena High School, 1899; from Univ. of Cal., B. S. (mechanical engineering), 1903. Upon graduation entered the office of T. D. Allin, consulting engineer and city engineer of Pasadena; employed by J. B. Lippincott, Los Angeles, in the investigation of an adequate water supply for the City of Los Angeles, 1905; had charge of the detailed com- putation and report calculating the cost of bringing water from different sources examined to the City of Los Angeles; was appointed deputy city eng. of the City of Pasadena, 1905, and city eng., 1907, which position he now holds. Associate member Amer. Soc. of Civil Eng.; member of Eng. & Archts.; Assn. of So. Cal; past pres. Dept. of Engs. League of California Municipalities; B. P. O. E.; Masonic fraternity; Annandale Country Club, Pasadena; Pasadena Board of Trade; Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. VAN PELT, Charles N. Merchant tailor. Res. 3951 S. Olive st. ; office, 506 Title Guarantee Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lawrence, Kansas, Feb. 23, 1881 ; son of Thomas E. and Kate (Johnson) Van Pelt; married to Lottie Dotter in 1908. Educated in public schools and business colleges of Los Angeles, Cal., and Phoenix, Ariz. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1886; in Phoenix, Ariz., 1889-94; returned to Los Angeles, 1895; worked for Jacoby Bros., 1897- 1902; bookkeeper for Pacific States Tel- ephone Co., 1902-06; purchased half in- terest of tailoring firm of John Barre, 1906; acquired entire ownership of the business, 1907, and has continued to op- erate same to date. Member Masonic fraternity ; B. P. O. E. ; Sierra Madre and Rotary clubs. VAN SLOOTEN, John F. Man- ager Penn. Mut. Life Ins. Co. Res., 687 Kingsley Drive; office, 923 Securi- ty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born Sept. 29, 1872; son of Frank and Eliza- beth (Van (Eyck). Married to Nellie S. Dodge in 1904. Graduated from Hope College, Holland, Mich., A. B., 1897; A. M., 1899; from Univ. of Mich., A. B., 1898. After completing his education engaged in teaching. Principal of school at Drcnthe, Mich., 1898-99; same Fife Lake, Mich., 1899- 1900; appointed genl. agt. Franklin Life Ins. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1904, and held this position until 1906; genl, agt. Penn. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1907-1910; trans- ferred to Los Angeles in 1910. Mem- ber Univ. Mich. Alumni Assn.; Uni- versity Club, Los Angeles. Presby- terian. VAN SLYKE, Oakley Earl. Nurs- eryman. I'tes. (jlendora, Cal.; office Glendora, Cal. Born in Richville, N. Y., Jan. 9. 1876; son of Charles E. and Alice (Hatch) Van Slyke. Married to Elizabeth F. Nusickel in 1902. At- tended high school, Carthage, N. Y.; graduated from Syracuse University, A. B., 1900; Boston School of Theol- ogy, S. T. B.. 1902; Boston University, School of all Sciences, Ph. D., 1904. Pastor of West Ave. Methodist Epis- copal Church, Rochester, N. Y., 1904- 08; pastor First Methodist Church, Stroudsburg, Pa., Phila. Conf., 1908- 09. Moved to Glendora, Cal., and has been engaged in the nursery and poul- try business, 1909 to date. VALK, Arthur Lawrence. Archi- tect (theatre specialist). Res. 2361 Thompson St.; office 933 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New York City, April 27, 1865; son of Lawrence B. and Ellen (Childs) Valk. Married to Miss C. G. Meyer in 1887 (dec); to Mrs. L. C. DeWolfe. Attended and graduated from public schools of Brooklyn, N. Y.. 1872-80; Hemstead Military Acad., Hemstead, L. I., 1880-84, where he acquired rank of captain. In business with his father, an architect, at 229 Broadway, New York, in 1885; moved office to larger quarters in Johnson Bldg., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1887; was made part- ner in the business under firm name of L. B. Valk & Son, church archi- tects, 1887; his father established of- 374 WHO'S WHO fice in Stimson Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal., 1895; in charge of eastern end of business, 1895-1903; moved to Los Angeles, 1893; the firm erected eight- een hundred and fifty-seven churches in all parts of U. S. during period, 1885-1903; took up theatre work in Cal., and is now making a specialty of this class of work. Member K. of P. Presbyterian. VARIEL, William James. Lawyer. Res. 1236 Arapahoe St.; office 409 Merchants Trust Bldg.., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Camptonville, Cal., June 2, 1861; son of Joshua Hutchins and Mary Alexander (Casey) Variel. Married to Anita Page Kelley in 1904. Attended public school at Campton- ville, Cal., and Quincy, Cal.; gradu- ated from Univ. of Cal., 1888. Taught school in Plumas Co., Cal., five years. Admitted to bar by Superior Court of Plumas Co., Cal., 1891; admitted to practice before Supreme Court of Cal., 1891; has practiced law in Los Ange- les, 1891 to date. Retired captain of state militia. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Native Sons of Golden West. VATCHER, Herbert J. Invest- ments, brokerage, banking. Res., Los Angeles, Cal.; office, 611 Tr. & Sav. Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Sur- rey, Eng., Sept. 15, 1884; son of Her- bert J., and Mary Vatcher. Married to Lillian C. Craig in 1911. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., with his family from Brandon, Manitoba, Can.; edu- cated in the public schools of Canada and Pasadena, Cal., while securing his education worked at the Cawston Os- trich farm at So. Pasadena and con- tinued in this work until he was twenty years old; employed by the Bank of South Pasadena and was suc- cessively promoted until he was made assistant cashier in 1909; opened of- fices in Los Angeles as investment broker in 1909; elected treas. and secy, of Cawston Ostrich Farm in 1906; has been identified with the growth of this corporation for a number of years; in 1908 he organized the Investors' Land & Water Co. of Ontario, Cal., and is one of the officers of that co. ; assisted in incorporating the Cement Products & Construction Co., and is one of its offi.ccrs. Member Masonic fraternity; Scottish Rite, Union League, Rotary and San Gabriel clubs; B. P. O. E.; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. VAUGHN, William C. Motorcy- cles and .supplies. Res. 916 Grattan St.; office 631 S. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Richmond, Ind., Dec. 10, 1873; son of Andrew F. and Ana M. (Winder) Vaughn. Re- ceived his education in public schools; Earlham College; private schools at Germantown and Boylstown, Pa., and Cornwall-on-Hudson ; Poughkeepsie Military Institute; Michigan Military Academy; University of Chicago. En- gaged in the general importing busi- ness with Andrews & George, Yoko- hama, Japan, 1896-1903. Member Dia- mond Motor Car Co., Los Angeles, 1904-08; Japanese interpreter and in- spector in Immigration Service, 1909- 12. Now engaged in motorcycle and supply business. Member Los Ange- les Athletic and Los Angeles Country clubs; Beta Theta Pi fraternity; Alumni Assn.; National Geographic Soc. VEDDER, William H. Banker. Res. 500 Prospect square, Pasadena ; oifice. First National Bank, Pasadena, Cal. Born in Schenectady, New York, April 16, 1862 ; son of Peter and Prudence (Gibbs) Vedder. Attended public schools at Schenectady, N. Y. Engaged in lumber business, Schenectady, under firm names of Egleston, Vedder & Co. ; Vedder, Van Vorst & Co. ; Vedder, Luff- man & Ackerman ; Vedder & Luffman, 1883-1901. Moved to Pasadena, 1892; mayor city of Pasadena, 1903-05 ; treas. Pasadena Savings & Trust Co. ; dir. First National Bank, Pasadena ; vice- pres. First National Bank ; vice-pres. Pasadena Savings & Trust Co. Now pres. First National Bank and Pasadena Savings & Trust Co. Pres. Pasadena Masonic Temple Assn. ; vice-pres. J. Herbert Hall Co. Member Overland, Annandale Country, Altadena Country, Midvvick Country and Twilight clubs ; vice-pres. Board of Trustees, Overland Club; member Board of Directors, Throop Polytechnic Institute; Masonic fraternity ; Crown Chapter Pasadena Council R. & S. M.; Pasadena Com- niandery ; Temple Lodge of Perfection ; Temple Chapter Rose Croix ; Pasadena Council; Pasadena Consistory; (Wise Master Rose Croix); Royal Arcanum; Woodmen of the World. Presbyterian. VEITCH, Arthur L. Lawyer. Res. 1506 W. 46th St.; otfice Hall of Rec- ords, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in May- ville, Mich., July 5, 1884; son of Arthur and Martha Cordelia (Choate) Veitch. Married to Gertrude E. Mesplou in 1909. Early education received in pub- lic schools of Mich, and Cal.; gradu- ated from Law. Dept., Univ. of So. Cal., 1907; took post-graduate course in law, LL. M., 1908. Engaged in IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 375 general law practice in 1907, and was counsel for defense in several noted trials; appointed deputy dist. atty., 1909; assisted in prosecution of crimi- nals involved in dynamiting of Los Angeles Times Bldg., a trial which attracted international attention. VERMILYEA, Samuel E. Lawyer. Office, 9U0 Hibernian Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Oswego, N. Y.„ May 28, 1858; son of Avery and Frances (Meade) Verniilyea; married to Minerva A. Doyle in 1890. Received his education at the Ejota High School and Rochester Academy, Rochester, Minn.; graduated from Law School Northwestern Univ. in 1889; admitted to the bar in Chicago, 111., 1889; practiced law in Chicago, 1889-96, Moved to Cal, in 1896, and was engaged in private practice in Bishop, 1896-06. Moved to Los An- geles, Cal., in 1906 and has been en- gaged in practicing his profession to date. Member University Club. Democrat, VETTER, Louis Fisher. Genera! insurance and fidelity bonds. Res. 401 S. Olive St. ; office 427 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Washington, 111., March 22, 1857; son of Anthony and Anna D. (Fisher) Vetter-hoeffer. Re- ceived his education at public schools and Cole's Business College, Peoria, 111. Worked as newsboy in Peoria until 1867; on farm in Indiana, 1867-69; ap- prenticed to learn upholstery trade in Peoria, 1869-74; worked at this trade in Des Moines, Omaha, Denver, Chicago and other cities until 1881 ; manager for mercantile agency of R. G. Dun & Co., Salt Lake City, 1881-83; later in San Francisco and Portland offices of same concern ; moved to Los Angeles, 1886. and assisted in organizing R. G. Dun & Co. agency ; following opening of this office he opened offices in San Diego, Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane ; became manager of the Los Angeles office in 1888 ; engaged in general insurance and bond business in Los Angeles, 1891 to date, Pres. Los Angeles Fire Alarm Co, ; vice-pres. Los Angeles Milling Co. ; dir. Bay City Land Co. Member Board of Fire Commissioners Los Angeles, 1895-97; City Council, 1899-1901; dir. Chamber of Commerce four years. Member Bohemian Club, San Francisco; California and Sunset clubs, Los Ange- les ; treas, of latter twelve years. Mem- ber of Masonic fraternity; Knightg Templar; Shrine; B, P, O. E. Had name legally changed from Vetter- hoeffer to Vetter before Judge McKin- Icy in 1889. VEUVE, Erie L. Consulting engi- neer. Res. 103 Ardmore ave.; office Pacific Electric Bldg,, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Port Townsend, Wash., Jan. 21, 1877; son of William P. and Ida. B. (Myers) Veuve. Married to Anna Mary Heim in 1908. Attended Throop Polytechnic Inst., Pasadena, Cal., 1895; Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Cal., 1896-1900. Asst. engr. Pacific Electric Ry. 1902-08; chief engr, On- tario & San Antonio Ht, Ry, 1908-09; chief engr. Riverside Improvemnt Co., 1908-09; consulting engr. Los Angeles, 1908 to date. Member N.G.W,, 1893- 95; chief yeoman U. S, Navy, 1898. Member Am, Soc, of Civil Engrs,; Am. Inst, of Elec. Engrs.; Engrs. and Archts. Assn. of So. Cal.; Jonathan and Stanford clubs of Los Angeles. VIOLE, Felix. Civil engineer. Res. 1822 N. Vermont ave.; office 422 Hig- gins Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in France, Nov., 1856; son of Pierre and Dominica (Betbeder) Viole. Married to Hortense Relaval in 1900. Educated at Bordeaux, France. Editor French newspaper, "Le Progres," in Los An- geles, Cal., 1889; draftsman with city engineer of Los Angeles, and enginer on field, 1896; licensed surveyor and deputy mineral surveyor, publishing official maps of city and county of Los Angeles, 1900; president Felix Viole Map Co., 1902. Candidate for city engineer and county surveyor, nominated by Democratic citj' and county conventions in 1900 and 1904. Member Knights of Columbus. Cath- olic. VIOLE, Jules C. Druggist, Res,, 1243 Ionia St.; office, 201 N. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Bayonne, France, Jan. 18, 1864; son of P. and Dominea de (Betbeder) Viole. Mar- ried to Angele de Groote in 1892. Edu- cation received in Institution Charle- magne, Bayonne, France: Institution Minnille, LIniv, of Bordeaux, Bayonne, diploma "Quatrienne;" licentiate phar- macist, Cal,; moved to Los Angeles, Cal,, in 1888; drug clerk one year; es- tablished business for himself under firm name of Viole & Cliffel, 1889; name changed to Viole & Lopizich, 1891; firm purchased drug store of FuUerton (dec), 1895, at 427 Main St„ where they have since been in busi- ness; consolidated with McLain and Gleason, under firm name of Viole, McLain Drug Co,, 1907; purchased store of McLain 1910. and firm name changed in 1911 to Viole-Lopizich Drug Co., of which he is pres. and gen. mgr. Vice-pres. International Savings 376 WHO'S WHO & Exchange Bank, Los Angeles, Cal.; partner in the Anyo Co., manufactur- ers of toilet preparations. Member of Cal. Druggists Assn.; SansSouci Club. Catholic. VOELKEL, George Edward. Arch- itect. Res. and office 847 E. 20th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Courland, Germany, Aug. 17, 1848; son of Prof. S. Voelkel, M. D., and Antoinette (Cristiani) Voelkel. Married to Jen- nie Josephine Siering in 1885, Edu- cated in public schools of Meseritz, Poses and Danzia, Prussia; military academy at Veroiers, Belgium; Royal Academy of Architecture at Berlin; Ecole Imperiale and Speciale des Beaux Arts, Paris. Moved to U. S. and opened offices in San Francisco, 1872; returned to Germany and en- gaged in professional studies, 1876-79; returned to San Francisco and prac- ticed his profession until 1895, when he moved to Los Angeles, where he has since been engaged in practice. Democrat. VOLLMER, Bernard Albert. Real estate operator and broker. Res., 1638 Van Ness ave.; office, 306 Trust & Savings Bldg., Los Angeles. Born in New York City in 1872; son of Wil- liam G., and Josephine Miller Voll- mer. Married to Nellie M. Duryea in 1899. Educated in public and private schools. New York City. After his education engaged in newspaper work with New York World, Philadelphia Times, Indianapolis News, San Fran- cisco Bulletin, Los Angeles Express; engaged in real estate business in 1902 and has continued same to date. Member Los Angeles Realty Board; Cal. State Realty Federation; Los An- geles City Club. Presbyterian. VON ACHE, George W. Hotel proprietor. Res. Occidental Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal.; office same. Born in Fayette Co., Pa., April 21, 1849; son of Samuel and Nancy M. (DeBolt) Von Ache. Married to Marian E. Canard in 1880. Attended public school, F'ayette Co., Pa.; graduated from Waynesburg College, Waynes- burg, Pa., 1870. Traveling salesman for L. D. Rohrer & Co., groccryman, 1873; same for S. S. Marvin & Co.. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1875; engaged in busi- ness of manufacturing harness and trunks, Pittsburgh, 1875-91; sold busi- ness; traveled, 1892-95; engaged in brokerage business in Pittsburgh. Pa., 1895-98; moved to Cal., 1899; in hotel business in Cal., 1899 to date. Dir. Ct)nvention League; dir. Chamber of Commerce. 1910 to date; pres. So. Cal. Hotel Men's Assn. Dunkard. VORDERMARK, John Franklin. ^lanufacturer. Res. St. Cathryn apts.; office, 511 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Fort Wayne, Allen CO., Ind., Nov. 6, 1876; son of John W. and Louise (Quint) Vorder- mark. Married to Abbie D. Doty in 1900. Educated in public schools of his native town, graduating from high school in 1896. Letter carrier in Fort Wayne, Ind., 1896-1902; proprietor of restaurant. Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1902-07; proprietor hotel and restaurant, Gary, Ind., 1907-10; moved to Los Angeles in 1910 and acted as special agent for the Scranton Life Ins. Co., for one year. At present secy, and mgr. Pa- cific Gasoline Co. Served two years in Battery B., N. G. I.; five months as corpl. in 28th Ind. Battery, Light Artillery, honorably discharged. Mem- ber I. O. O. F.; Hot Sands Club, Gary, Ind.; Gary Commercial Club; Masonic fraternity;; Shrine. Christian Scien- tist. VROMAN, Adam Clark. Merchant. Res. 188 E. Colorado St.; office 60 E. Colorado st., Pasadena, Cal. Born in Homer, 111., April 15, 1856; son of Adam and Susan (Clark) Vroman. Married to Esther H. Griest in 1906. Education received in 111. public schools. Employed by C. B. & Q. R. R. 18 years; moved to Pasadena in 1894; engaged in book, stationery and photo supply business, 1894 to date; partner in firm of B. O. Rogers & Co. WACHOLZ, Frank Louis. Retired. 2411 Tenth ave., Los Angeles. Born in New Hampton, la.. May 4, 1873; son of Edward F. W., and Mary (Werner) Wacholz. Married to EiTa Plummer in 1893. Received his edu- cation in the public schools; graduat- ing from high school. New Hampton, la., 1889. Employed as drug clerk in his native town and later in Chicago; returned to New Hampton where he was employed as teller in the First National Bank; teller and asst. cash- ier of First National Bank, Forest City, la., 18 years; now dir. same; city treas. Forest City, la., seven years; city clerk four years; county chairman eight years, and national delegate in 1908. Member San Gab- riel Valley Country Club; Los An- geles Driving Club. Democrat. Con- gregationalist. WACKERBARTH, August. Archi- tect. Office, 202 No. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hessia, Ger- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 377 many, May 8, 1859; son of Henry and Martha Elizabeth (Trau) Wacker barth. Married to Lottie Adams in 1887. Attended technical schools of Holzminden; Brunswick Polytechnic Institute at Langensalza, Province of Saxony, graduating 1876; traveled ex- tensively after completion of his edu- cation and moved to Ne\v York July, 1878; practiced his profession in Inde- pendence, la., and in Chicago, 111.; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1882 and established a practice. Treas. and one of the founders of the So. Cal. Chapter of Am. Inst, of Archts. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; Knights Teni- plar; Engrs. and Archts. Assn.; Pio- neer Sec. of Los Angeles Co.; Natl. Geographic Soc. of U. S. A. WADDELL, Albert Gill. Dir. ath- letics and physical training, San Diego Army and Navy Acad., San Diego, Cal. Res. Army and Navy Academy, San Diego, Cal. ; office, same. Born in Leip- sic, O., April 13, 1888; son of Rev. Hugh Clarkson and Ada Van Pelt (Farrow) Waddell. Attended public schools of San Francisco, Oakland and Los An- geles, Cal.; Los Angeles Military Acad., Los Angeles, Cal. ; LIniv. of So. Cal., Los Angeles, Cal. Enlisted in Co. "A," Seventh Inf., Natl. Guard of Cal., Aug., 1904 ; continuous service to date. Em- ployed in Central Bank of Los Angeles, 1904-07; with U. S. Reclamation Ser- vice, and worked on Salt river project in Ariz, under engrs. Hill and Demer- ick; worked for J. M. O'Rourke & Co. on Roosevelt Dam ; returned to Los Angeles, 1909, and entered professional athletic work; military instructor Urban Military Acad., 1910-12; on sporting staff of Los Angeles Times, 1912-13; resigned to take up work as director of physical education at San Diegc Army and Navy Acad., San Diego, Cal Member Los Angeles Athletic Club ; Bankers' Club ; Photoplayers of Los An- geles ; Xopeia Club. Presbyterian. WADE, Charles James. Secy. State Mutual Building & Loan Assn. Res., cor. De Longpre ave., and Morning- side Court, Hollywood, Cal.; office, 223 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in (Suffolk County) England, Jan. 10, 1854; son of Mark Edward and Louisa Anne (Nazer) Wade. Married to Mary Elizabeth Howard in 1786. Attended Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Ipswich, England, 1865-69. Studied law in Canada, 1870- 71; bookkeeper, Sanderson Foster & Co., Boston, 1872-76; bookkeeper New England News Co., Boston, 1877-82; credit man and bookkeeper for U. S. Wind Mill & Pump Co., Kansas City, 1882-89; moved to Cal., and purchased fruit ranch in Hermosa Colony, Cuca- monga, 1889; employed as solicitor for State .Mutual Building & Loan Assn., Los Angeles, 1891; appointed asst. secy., 1892; elected secy, of that assn. 1894. Secy. Simi Oil Co.; vice-pres. Arondo Gold Mfg. Co.; treas. St. Stephens Church, Hollywood, Cal. Member San Gabriel Valley Country Club. WADE, Robert David. Manufac- turer. Res. 811 Lake St.; office 430 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Stilesville, Ind., Sept. 14, 1848; son of Dr. David and Emily (Jessup) Wade. Married to Carrie B. Read in 1879. Attended public schools; Howe's Acad., Mt. Pleasant, la., two years; Northwestern Christian Univ., Indian- apolis, Ind., two years. Taught school 1869-74. Moved to Cal., 1874; en- gaged in mining quicksilver in San Luis Obispo Co., Cal, 1876-77; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1878, and en- gaged in mercantile business; organ- ized So. Cal. Fish Company, 1892; company began canning Blue Sea Tuna fish, 1908; engaged in produc- tion of olive oil and canning fish, 1892 to date. Pres. So. Cal. Fish Co., Althus Land Co., Prudential Invest- ment Co., Ojai Oil Co., Bumiller Bldg. (To., Santa Maria Crude Oil Co., Lake View Annex Oil Co.; secy. Lease- hold Co. Member Los Angeles City Board of Education 1882-84; city tax collector, 1892-94; county recorder, 1898-1902. Reorganized Union League Club, 1898, pres. of same two terms. Dir. Gamut Club. WADSWORTH, Orton L. Real estate. Res., 3735 Palm st.; office. 945 Sixth St., San Diego, Cal. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., May 20, 1883; son of Frank O., and Minnie (Hoadley) Wadsworth. Received public school education; attended high school at San Diego, Cal., 1903. Engaged in real estate brokerage 1907 to date. Mem- ber Cabrillo Club; Uncle Sam Repub- can League; Chamber of Commerce. Methodist. WAGNER, James R. H. Real es- tate. Res. Loomis and 25th sts., Santa MVsnica; office 631 S. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Detroit, Mich., Sept. 22, 1870; son of Robert and Mary Leicester (Hornbrook) Wagner. Mar- ried to Mabel Monahan in 1894. Edu- cated in schools of Detroit. Employed as messenger in the American Exchange Natl. Bank, Detroit, 1885-87; teller and 378 WHO'S WHO Ibook-keeper Penn. Savings Bank, De- troit, 1887-89 ; traveling salesman for R. Wagner & Co.. 1889-94; American To- bacco Co.. New York City, 1895-1901; with New York "Commercial," a trade publication, 1901 ; Equitable Life Insur- ance Society, Los Angeles, Cal., 1902 ; pres. Santa Barbara Realty & Trust Co., Santa Barbara, Cal., 1902-05. Has been engaged in a general real estate business in Los Angeles, 1905 to date. Pres. James R. H. Wagner Co. ; secy. San Vicente Land Co. ; pres. Los Angeles Realty Board. Member California, City and Gamut clubs ; Fine Arts League. WAITE, Marion Pishon. Oil oper- ator. Res. 2138 Hobart blvd. ; office 622 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Riverside, Cal., Feb. 17, 1876 ; son of Lyman Cobb and Lillian M. (Sugart) Waite. Married to Anna Margaret Olmstead Chapman in 1901. Attended grammar and high schools. Riverside, Cal. ; Throop Polytechnic Inst., Pasa- dena, Cal.; graduated from Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Cal., A. B. and E. E., 1900; Riverside Business College, Riv- erside, Cal. On leaving college was em- ployed by Edison Electric Co., and was rapidly promoted ; in motive power dept. Los Angeles Railway; consulting and constructing engr. for Western Electric Works ; bought the business, and sold it after operating it two years; opened offices as consulting electric engr.; in- corporated the business under firm name of Waite, Bailie & Co. ; after four years sold his interest, and firm name was changed to Bailie, Brandt & Co. ; operated alone in oil lands until 1909 ; assisted in organizing the "Four Invest- ment Company," of which he has been treas. to date. Member Archts.' and Engrs.' Assn. ; Electrical Engrs.' Soc. ; College Men's .Assn. ; Plii Delta Tlieta, Gamma Eta Kappa and Gamma Kappa fraternities; Union League Club, San Francisco ; Sierra Madre. University, Athletic and Gamut clubs of Los Ange- les ; Stanford Club of So. Cal. WALDO, George E. Lawyer. Res. 320 Madison St., Pasadena, Cal.; office 810 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1851; son of George and Sarah Ellen (Jaggcr) Waldo. Married to Flora A. Henderson in 1896. Attended pub- lic schools; Natchoug High School, Willimantic, Conn.; Cornell L'niv., Ithaca, N. Y'. .Admitted to practice as atty. and counsellor at law in Supreme Court of N. Y. in 1876; admitted in Supreme Court of Neb., U. S. Circuit Court, and Dist. Court of Neb. and of Southern and Eastern Dists. of N. Y., and to Supreme Court of U. S.; prac- ticed law in New York City, 1876-83; Butler Co., Neb., 1883-89; New York City, 1889-1913. Member firm of Wells, Waldo & Snedeker, N. Y.; Waldo Bros, in Neb.; Waldo & Bul- lard, N. Y.; Waldo & Ball, N. Y. Member Assembly, N. Y., 1896; com- missioner of Records, Kings Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1899-1904; member of Congress from Brooklyn, N. Y., 1904-09. WALKER, Irving M. Lawyer. Res., 910 N. Benton Way; office, 710 Fay Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Louisville, Ky., in 1885; son of Walter and Mary Sydnor (Perkins) Walker. Attended public schools of Louisville, Ky. ; graduated from L'niv. of Va., B. A., 1905. Served as field asst. with U. S. Geological Sur- vey ,_ 1900; field asst. with U. S. Recla- mation Service, 1905; studied law in office of Frank J. Thomas, Los .An- geles, 1905-06; admitted to the bar in Los Angeles. July, 1906; engaged in practice of his profession 1906 to date Secy, of Democratic County Central Committee of Los Angeles co., 1908. Member Kappa Alpha fraternity. Episcopalian. WALKER, Mark. Consvilting chem- ical and metallurgical engineer. Res. 2200 Third ave.; office 211 West First St., Los .Angeles, Cal. Born in Glas- gow, Scotland, in 1870; son of Mark and Sophia (Smith) Walker. Married to Alice Feldman in 1898. Attended public schools of Glasgow, 1878-80; Cal. schools, 1880-86; Univ. of Ariz., 1891-97; graduated from Univ. of Ariz., B. S., 1897. Asst. chemist, Ari- zona Agricultural Experiment Station, 1896-98; territorial assayer, LIniv. of Ariz., 1899-1900; metallurgist and gen. mgr. Exposed Reef Mining Co., Reef, Ariz.; metallurgist Silver Bell (Topper Co., Silver Bel!, Ariz., 1900-01; metal- lurgist New Comstock Mining Co., Pyramid Canyon, .Ariz., 1901-02; met- allurgist and mill supt., Tombstone Consolidated Mines Co., Tombstone, Ariz., 1902-07; private practice in as- saying, chemistry, metallurgy, Los Angeles, Cal., 1907 to date. Member America Metallurgical Soc; Ameri- can Chem. Soc. Baptist. WALLACE, James Shields. Oil producer. Res. ,3651 Fifth ave.; office, 1015 Title Insurance l^ldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ncwville, Pa., Sept. 8, 1873; son of William J;ickson and Mary Graham (Shields) Wallace. Married to L. Bernice Davison in 1911. At- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 379 tended public and normal schools of Shippensbnrg, Pa.; graduated from Iron City College, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1891. Em- ployed by Russell Machine Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. ; Iron & Steel Brokerage Co., 1894; associated with John Dunlap & Co., Pittsburg, 1897; asst. mgr. H. W. Johns Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1901, and accepted position as chief accountant with United Electric Gas & Power Co. ; cashier Protective Savings Mutual Building & Loan Assn.. 1906; mgr. Auditing Co. of Los Angeles, 1906-10; associated with United Oil Co., 1910 to date. Member Bull Dog Oil Co. ; Panama Oil Co.; Daybreak Oil Co.; Midnight Oil Co. ; asst. secy, and asst. treas. United Oil Co. ; secy, and treas. Bull Dog Oil Co. ; secy, and dir. Panama Oil Co.; secy., treas. and dir. Daybreak Oil Co. ; secy, and dir. Midnight Oil Co, Member Los Angeles Athletic and Knickerbocker clubs of Los Angeles ; B. P. O. E. WALLACE, Joseph Warren, Jr. Secy. Baltimore Oil Co. Res. 1759 W. 22d St.; office 512 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lebanon, Mo., Feb. 2, 1880; son of Joseph W. and Georgia (Palmer) Wallace. Mar- ried to Florence Ricker in 1902. Edu- cated in public schools, Lebanon, JNIo., and Drury College, Springfield, Mo. Employed as bookkeeper First Na- tional Bank, Wagoner, Okla., 1899- 1901; asst. cashier same, 1901-07; pres. and owner of Dr. Reed Cushion Shoe Co., Inc., Los Angeles, 1908-11; vice- pres. and secy. Baltimore Oil Co., Los Angeles, 1912. Member Masonic fra- ternity; Scottish Rite; Shrine. Chris- tian Scientist. WALSWORTH, Chester Byron. Physician and oil and mines operator. Res. Garden Grove, Cal.; office, 308 Lankershim Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Richmond, Mo., Aug. 3, 1869; son of Henry Theodore and Jennie B. (Clark) Walsworth. Married to Zula Mae Bailey in 1901. Attended public schools and State University of Washington until 1889; S. S. Still College of Osteopathy, Des Moines, 1902-05. With Walsworth Grocery Co., Seattle, 1889-92; Aikin & Wals- worth, 1892-95; in abstract business and mining in Washington, Cripple Creek, Telluride and Silverton, Colo., 1895-1905; engaged in the practice of his profession in Mo., la. and Cal., 1905 to date. Pres. California Eagle Bird Mining Co. ; pres. Grizzly Ridge Mining Co. ; pres. and mgr. Consoli- dated Midway Chief Oil Co. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; K. f)f P.; W. O. W.; B. A. Y.; Royal Neighbors; Chamber of Mines; Chamber of Com- merce. United Brethren Church. WALTON, Charles Strong. Man- ager So. Cal. Edison Co. Res., 2337 Thompson St.; office, 120 E. F'ourth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 25, 1858; son of William Frederic and Annie Esther (VVitham) Walton. Married to Vir- ginia Clayton Bereman, July 9, 1890. Received his education in the public schoids of San Francisco and Brayton College, Oakland, Cal. Engaged in following lines in San Francisco: stock brokerage, wool, life insurance, grain, banking, theatrical, real estate, wholesale tobacco; moved to Los An- geles in 1887 and was engaged in fol- lowing lines: furniture, brokerage, At- lantic and Foreign Shipping Commis- sion, paints, oil and glass; in electric business since 1902, and is now mgr. Los Angeles city district for Southern Cal. Edison Co.; member of Southern Cal. Committee first Los Angeles Fi- esta, secy, and vice-pres. of all sub- sequent Fiestas. E.xpert special agent U. S. Geological Survey, 1879-80; "Agente Consular" for the Republic of Chile, 1892-96. Associate member Archs. & Engrs. Assn. of So. Cal; American Inst, of Electrical Engrs., and National Electric Light Assn. Member Society of Colonial Wars; Sons of Revolution; Navy League of U. S.; Los Angeles Cham- ber of Commerce; Union League Club; honorary member Ellis Club; charter niemljer California Club; former member Bohemian and Loring clubs, San Francisco. Member all Masonic bodies and Shrine. WAMSLEY, Tyrone Victor. Mer- chant. Res. N. Michigan ave.; of- fice Wood Bldg., Glendora, Cal. Born in Locust Hill, Mo., Aug. 11, 1873; son of James H. and Bettie R. (Cook) Wamsley. Married to Dora May Sum- mers in 1898. Attended public school at Locust Hill, Mo., and Glendora, Cal.; Throop Polytechnic Inst., Pasadena, 1884-87. Engaged in hard- ware business at Glendora, 1887- 91; sold this business and engaged in mill and lumber business at Astoria, Ore., becoming secy, and stockholder in the Universal Sash & Door Co., 1891-93; later acted as manager for same company, then known as Smith Point Mfg. Co., Astoria, 1893-96; moved to Los Angeles and engaged in real estate business for a short time; returned to Glendora and en- 380 WHO'S WHO gaged in orange and lemon growing; also architectural designing and build- ing until 1911; organized the Valley Vehicle & Tool Co. 1911, of which firm he has been proprietor, 1911 to date. Methodist. WANGENHEIM, Julius. Banker. Res., 900 Juniper st.; office, Bank of Commerce & Trust Co., San Diego, Cal. Born in San Francisco, April 21, 1866; son of Sol and Fannie (New- man) Wangenheim. Married to Laura Klauber in 1892. Attended grammar and high schools of San Francisco; graduated from Univ. of Cal., Ber- keley, Cal., B. S., 1887; engineer for Southern Pacific Co., 1887-89; member of firm of S. Neuman Co., 1890-95; treas. Klauber Wangenheim Co., 1895 to date. Pres. Bank of Commerce, 1903-04; National Bank of Commerce, 1904-07; Bank of Commerce & Trust Co.. 1907 to date. Member San Diego Library Board, 1906; pres., San Diego Park Board, 1911 to date. Pres. Civic Improvement Committee, 1906-11. WANKOWSKI, Robert. Banker. Res. 614 S. O.xford ave.; office Bank of Italy, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New York City, Dec. IS. 1874; son of Charles and Adeline (Verch) Wan- kowski. Married to Maud Reese Davies in 1906. Educated in public schools of New York City, Cleveland and Los Angeles. Moved to Los An- geles, Cal., 1883; clerk in office of supt. of schools, Los Angeles, 1890- 93; with State Bank & Trust Co., 1893-1903; cashier of Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank, 1903-1910; chief deputy supt. of banks of Cal., 1910-11; vice-pres. of Park Bank (now Bank of Italy) of Los Angeles. 1913; member of Natl. Guard of Cal., 1891 to date; brigadier-general, command- ing first brigade of same. 1903 to date; captain of Co. A, Seventh Cal. Inf., U. S. Vols., during Spanish- American War. Member Jonathan, Los Angeles Athletic and Country clubs; Los Angeles Chamber of Com- merce. WANN, Frederick Alexander. Rail- roads, Res. 920 VV. 28th st.; of- fice Pacific Electric Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Market Hill. Ire- land. May 7, 1854; son of William and Margaret (Mitchell) Wann. Married to Carrie Van Court, Aug. 21, 1901. Educated in the Royal Schools of Ar- magh, Ireland. Moved to U. S. in 1868 and settled at Lawrence, Kan., where he became clerk in office of genl. supt. of Kansas Pacific R. R.; Chief Clerk in offices of Missouri, Texas and Kansas at Sedalia, Mo., 1875-76; appointed general agent in New York City of the M. K. & T. R. R., 1876-80; general agent for Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis R. R. (Big Four), 1880-81; assist- ant general freight agent of the Chicago & Alton R. R., headquatrers at St. Louis, Mo., 1881-96; general freight agent, headquarters Chicago, 1896- 1904; vice-pres. of the Pere Marquette System, 1904-05. Moved to Los An- geles, Cal., in 1906 and became gen- eral traffic manager of the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R. Actively interested in development of Los Angeles habor. Member Cali- fornia Club of Los Angeles; Illinois Athletic Club of Chicago; Alta and Commercial clubs of Salt Lake City. WARD, Martin Luther. Lawyer. Res., 1030 23d st.; Office, Granger Blk., San Diego, Cal. Born in .'\thens CO., O., March 12, 1850; son of Philip and Martha (Chanay) Ward. Married to Ella B. McCartney in 1881. At- tended public schools of Green county. Wis.; graduated from Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y., A. B.. 1873; A. M., 1875. Employed as teacher, Vinton, la., 1872-76; admitted to bar Vinton, la., 1876; practiced law and co. atty.. Cedar Rapids, la., 1877-87; moved to San Diego, Cal., 1887, and engaged in prac- tice continuing to date. Dist. atty. San Diego co., 1892-94; state senator, 1903-07. Member law firm Ward, Wells & Ward; atty. for Southern Trust & Savings Bank, San Diego; Peoples National Bank, National City, Cal.; Peoples State Bank, Vista, Cal.; trustee First Congregational Church. WARD, Shirley C. Lawyer. Office, Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Dickson, co., Tenn., June 30, 1861 ; son of John and Eunice A., (Robertson) Ward. Married to Blanche Changley in 1892. /\ttcnded grammar and high schools of Cal.; Univ. of Cal.; Hastings College of Law; admitted to Cal. bar by tlie Su- preme Court on examination May 5, 1885, and to U. S. Supreme Court, Dec. 17, 1900. Member firm of Wicks & Ward. 1886-90; engaged in practice in Los ,'\ngclcs, 189C) to date. Mem- ber California and San Gabriel Val- ley Country clubs. Democrat. WARNACK, Henry Christeen. Writer. Office The Times. Los .\ngeles, Cal. Born in Campbell co., Tenn., Oct. 1, 1877; son of James Singleton and IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 381 Maria Louise Charleton (Braun) Warnack. Unmarried. Graduated from Tennessee Military Institute, Sweet- water, Tenn., 1891. Editorial and special writer, Los Angeles Times; author: "Life's New Psalm"; "Riches of Personality"; "Meaning of Dreams"; collection of verse, etc. WARNER, Andrew J. Merchant tailor. Res. 3927 Woodlawn ave.; of- fice 204 Merchants Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Vennersburg, Sweden, April 8, 1861 ; son of Vaner- cated in public schools, Frederickstad, Norway. Seaman, 1880-83. Moved to New York, 1883; worked in tailoring to Josephine Floren in 1886. Edu- stein S. and Martha Warner. Married establishment. New York, 1888-90; established his own business, which he continues to date. Pres. A. J. Warner Tailoring Co. Member Union League Club. Congregationalist. WARNER, Dudley. Merchant. Res., ISO S. Vendome St.; office, 320 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Mankato, Minn., Dec. IS, 1881; son of George W., and Elizabeth (Boutelle) Warner. Received his education in the public schools of his native town. Employed by P. H. Kelly & Co., tea brokers, St. Paul, as clerk and later as traveling salesman. 1897-1902; in tea business for himself in Seattle, 1902-03; later in Denver; traveled as buyer for various tea jobbers in the west; in business for himself as tea broker in Los Angeles, 1911 to date. Catholic. WASHBURN, William Johnson. Bank official. Res. 2200 Harvard blvd.; office Equitable Savings Bank. Los Angeles. Cal. Born in Springwater, N. Y.. Sept. 30, 18S2; son of William and Mary Root (Johnson) Washburn. Married to Helen Edna Rowell in 1878. Educated in public schools and at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y. . Member firm of Wm. Wash- burn & Sons, dealers in naval stores, St. Louis, Mo., 1876-88; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1889, and became mem- ber Washburn Bros., brokers; pres. East Side Bank (afterwards Bank of Commerce), 1890-1903; pres. Equita- ble Savings Bank, Los Angeles, 1903 -1912; dir. Security Trust & Savings Bank; Mortgage Guarantee Co.; pres. Equitable Corporation; member Board of Education, 1899-1900; pres. same. 1901-02; again member Board of Education, 190S, and pres., 1906; member City Council and chairman Finance Committee, 1910-11; pres. Chamber of Commerce, 1906. Mem- ber Loyal Legion (by inheritance); California, L'niversity, San Gabriel Country, Annandale Country, Sunset and Los Angeles Country clubs. WATERHOUSE, Daniel S. Man- ager Waterhouse & Price Co., dealers in building materials. Res., 6675 Franklin Ave., Hollywood, Cal.; office, 331 E. Fourth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Portland, Me., Oct. 11, 1871; son of John B., and Eunice Jane (Strout) Waterhouse. Married to Josephine Wach, 1899. Education re- ceived in public schools of Portland, Me., and Los Angeles, Cal. WATERHOUSE, Richard Green. Bishop of M. E. Church, South. Res. 539 Oxford ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; office, same. Born near Spring City, Tenn., Dec. 24, 18SS; son of Franklin and Lorinda Rachel (Thompson) Wa- terhouse. Married to Carrie Steele in 1887 (dec); to Mrs. M. R. Carriger in 1894. Attended public schools of Rhea co., Tenn.; high school. Rhea Springs, Tenn.; Hiwassee College, Tenn.; graduated from Emory and Henry College, Emory, Va., B. A. and M. A. Licensed to preach in 1878; deacon in 1880; elder in 1885; bishop in 1910; pres. Emory and Hen- ry College, Emory, Va., 1893-1910; has had charge of conference of M. E. Church, South, on Pacific coast, 1910 to date; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1911. WATERMAN, Jesse Francis. Law- yer. Office, 422 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Waldeboro, Me., Aug. 4, 1858; son of William Thomas and Lucretia Creighton (Fuller) Waterman. Married to Judith N. Colburn in 1887. Attended public schools of Waldeboro, Me.; graduated from Bowdoin, (Me.) Col- lege, A. B., 1885; Boston Univ. Law School, LL. B., 1887. Admitted to the bar in Boston, Mass., in 1887. Moved to Los -Angeles. Cal., in 1887, and be- came a member of the firm of Scar- borough & Waterman, 1887; Knight & Waterman; Groft & Waterman, 1896-98; Waterman & Wood, 1906-07, practicing alone to date. Democrat. WATERMAN, Whitney. Retired physician. Res., 840 No. _ Michigan ave., Pasadena, (Tal. Born in Detroit. Mich., May 11, 1874; son of William James and Ella (Howard) Waterman. Married to Evelyn Burbank in 1894. Attended Michigan Military .-\cademy. 382 WHO'S WHO 1893; graduated from Univ. of Mich., B. S., 1897; from College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Columbia Univ., New York City, 1904. Practiced for several years in New York City, spe- cializing in children's diseases; held appointment in dept. of surgery and general medicine in Vanderbilt Clinic, Roosevelt Hospital and in Har- lem Flospital, New York City; retired and moved to Pasadena, Cal., 1909. Formerly member American Medical Assn., New York State Med., Soc. New York co., Med. Soc. Member Univ. of Mich. Base Ball Team; Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity; Annandale Country Club. WATERS, Albert Latcha. Mining engineer. Res. Tucson, Ariz.; office, 55 N. Church St., Tucson, Ariz. Born in Aledo, 111., March 2, 1869; son of David R. and Margaret Alice (Latcha) Waters. Married to Maud T. Shanley in 1898. Attended pub- lic schools of Grand Haven and Grand Rapids, Mich.; graduated with hon- ors from Mich. Agricultural College (B. S."), 1890; from ^lich. College of Mines, E. M., 1893. Has followed profession of mining engineer; with Phelps, Dodge & Co., Globe, Ariz., starting as day laborer on road re- pairs, advanced to mine surveyor, chemist and smelting supt., 1895- 1900; mgr. for mines and smelter of British Gold Mines of Mexico, at Matape, Sonora, Mex., 1901; consult- ing engineer for Amparo Mining Co. and other interests managed by J. R. Williams, 1902-05; during that period reported on and purchased Great Santo Domingo Mine near Etzetlan, Mexico, which has proven one of the most successful mines in Mexico; mine and smelter manager for Natl. Metallurgical Co. at Matehuala, Mex., examining, opening and pur- chasing the mines that made this company a great success, 1906; examina- tion work in Montana, 1907 ; same, Mexi- co, 1908-09 ; mgr. Pioneer Smelting Co.'s mines and plant near Tucson, 1910-13; also mgr. for Twin Buttes Mining & Smelting Co. ; for Twin Buttes R. R. Co., and for Mineral Hill Cons. Copper Co., 1912; pres. and chancellor Board of Regents of Univ. of Ariz. Life member Amer. Inst. Mining Engrs. ; member Natl. Geographic Soc. ; Sierra M^dre Club of Los Angeles; Old Pucl)lo Club, Tucson, Ariz. ; Masonic fraternity. WATERS, Arthur J. Banker. Res. 928 VV. 28th st. ; office Citizens' Na- tional Bank, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Chicago, March 4, 1871; son of Russell J. and Adelaide M. (Ballard) Waters. Married to Charlotte C. Mil- ler in 1899. Graduated from Univer- sity of Chicago. Entered the Citi- zens' National Bank of Los Angeles in 1893 as messenger and held various positions as bookkeeper, teller, asst. cashier, cashier, vice-pres. and in 1911 was elected pres.; pres. Broadway In- vestinent Co., Citizens' Securities Co., Santa Gertrudes Land Co.; dir Citi- zens' Trust & Savings Bank, Ameri- can Savings Bank, and Globe Sav- ings Bank, Los Angeles; First Na- tional Bank, Alhambra; American Bank & Trust Co., Pasadena; Ameri- can National Bank, Pomona; Provi- dent Mutual B. L. Assn., Los Angeles. Member California, Jonathan and Los Angeles Country clubs; Masonic fra- ternity. WATKINS, Edwin Phillips. Osteo- pathic pliysician. Res., 1846 C St.; of- fice, 330 Union Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in St. Claire, Pa., Feb. 5, 1872; son of Thomas H., and Nancy (Sharp) Watkins. Married to Lavinia Adele Moses in 1902. Received a public school education; graduated from Pa- cific College of Osteopathy, 1905; in- structor of Ostopathic Technique in Pacific College of Osteopathy, 1906- 07; moved to Los Angeles and en- gaged in private practice until Jan. 1908. when he moved to San Diego where he has been actively engaged in practice of his profession. Mem- ber San Diego Country and San Diego Rowing clubs. Republican. Episco- palian. WATTS, William Lord. Mining engineer. Res. and office 803 N. Bon- nie Brae St., Los .-Vngeles, Cal. Born in Edmonton, England, Sept. 24, 1850; son of William L. and Eleanor (Lord) Watts. Married to Marv Riordan in 1880; to Euphemia F. Sterling in 1910. Attended public schools; studied min- eralogy under Prof. Tennant and ge- ology under Prof. Wilshire, King's College, London, England; private student British Museum; chemistry and metallurgy under Prof. Patrick. L'niv. of Kans.; diploma in metallurgy and assaying Univ. of Kan., 1883. Led an exploring expedition to Iceland, 1875; asst. to Prof. Patrick, 1881-83; chemist and assayer, Oregon Moun- tain Mining and Smelting Co., 1883- 84 ; in general practice in San Fran- cisco, Cal., 1885-88; asst. in field, 1888-99; State Expert in Mining, 1899- 1901; Cal. State Mining Bureau; in pri- vate practice in Los Angeles. 1901 to date. Member ."Xmer. Inst, of Mining IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 383 Engrs.; Fellow S. C. Acad, of Sci.; became citizen of U. S., 1902; member Masonic fraternity; Sierra Madre Club, Los Angeles; Chamber of Mines and Mining of Los Angeles; Acad, of Sci. of Cal.; author: "Snioland, or Iceland. Its Jokuls and Fjalls," 1875; "Bulletin No. 3, Cal. State Mining Bureau" ; "Gas & Petroleum Yielding Formations of Central Valley of Cal."; "Bulletin No. 11, Oil and Gas Yield of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Bar- bara Counties" ; "Bulletin No. 19, Oil and Gas Yield of California." WATTSON, Henry A. Contractor. Res. S4S2 Bayer St.; office 310 Wright & Callender Bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Born in St. Kilda, Australia, Dec. 11, 1845; son of William and Jane (Fer- guson) Wattson. Married to Mary A. Wilson in 1879. Educated in St. Kilda, Australia. Apprenticed to the sea, merchant marine, boatswain's mate and other grades, three years, British flag; in U. S. Navy under Admirals Lee and Thatcher at Fort Fisher, Mobile and other tights; moved to Mont., 1866; to Colo., 1867, where he was engaged in mining and contract- ing, and took part in several Indian fights with Arapahoes, Sioux and Cheyennes; mining expert in Mexico for Diaz seven months; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1908, and engaged in contracting; in same business in San Diego and at Catalina Island. Has traveled all over the world; was dep- uty sheriff, postmaster, justice of peace, secy, of school board in Colo.; carried Bob Evans off battlefield at Fort Fisher; minute man of Lieut. Cushing. Member Masonic fraternity; B. P. O. E.; G. A. R.; patriotic in- structor G. A. R. WEBB, George W. Real estate. Res. 1010 W. Third st.; office 900 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wis., in 1875; son of Robt. George and Emma Packard Webb. Married to Rena Van Nuys in 1912. Educated at Appleton, Wis. Sales- man with Marshall Field & Co., Chi- cago, and held various clerical posi- tions until he moved to Cal. Located in Los Angeles and engaged in the real estate business, which he has contin- ued to date. Member B. P. O. E. Christian Scientist. WEBBER, Walter. Architect. Res. 274 Madeline drive, Pasadena; office 718 Ferguson Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Webster, Me., Jan. 8, 1878; son of George A. and Martha A. (Dearing) Webber. At- tended public schools of Portland, Me., 1892-98; graduated from Archi- tectural Dept., Pratt Institute, 1902; instructed manual arts, Dayton, O., 1902-03; supervisor manual arts in Quincy, 111., public schools, 1903-04; architectural draftsman with Myron Hunt and Elmer Grey, 1904-10; mem- ber of firm of Webber & Smith, archi- tects, 1910-11; has practiced alone, 1911 to date. Memlber University and Gamut clubs. WEBSTER, Alfred Francis. Real estate and investments. Office 418 Mason Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Mankato, Minn.; son of Sanford and Phenettia (Washburn) Webster. Married to Anna Woodbury in 1899. Graduated from Hastings, Neb., high school, June 30, 1885; from Hastings College, 1887; after a short time spent in a clerical position in his native town he moved to Wyo. and became a cowboy; manager of a ranch in Kan.; in the fruit business in Ark.; employed in the wholesale department of Marshall Field & Co., Chicago; during this time studied photography and became a professional photogra- pher; opened studio in Beaver City, Neb.; with the Burlington I^ailway, headquarters at Omaha, Neb.; in real estate business in Denver, Colo., 1903-04. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1904, and engaged in real estate business; organized Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and became its first pres. Member Masonic fra- ternity; B. P. O. E.; K. of P. WEEKS, Paul. Mechanical engi- neer. Res. 117 S. Mariposa ave.; office 216 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Winchester, Mass., Nov. 23, 1880; son of Isaiah S. P. and Sarah C. (Thayer) Weeks. Married to Inez M. Ray in 1908. Attended grammar and high schools of Lincoln, Neb.; graduated from Univ. of Neb., B. S., 1900; from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B. S., 1902. Learned machinist trade in C. B. & Q. Ry. shops, Lincoln, Neb.; special appren- tice with Baldwin Locomotive Works, serving as gang foreman, asst. engr. of tests, engineer of tests, mechanical representative in Brazil and mathe- matician in designing dept., 1902-10; asst. to engineer of tests A. T. & S. F. Ry., 1910-11; mechanical engineer, Los Angeles, 1911 to date. Member Amer. Soc. of Mechanical Engrs.; American Soc. for Testing Materials; International Assn. for Testing Ma- terials. 384 WHO'S WHO WEHRLE, Edward Francis. Law- yer. Res. 215 N. Union ave. ; office Stimson Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Rome, la., April 10, 1868; son of John and Mary (Fehrenbach) Wehrle. Received his education in the Iowa Wesleyan Univ., 1886-89; State Univ. of la., 1889-91, graduating with degree of Ph. B.; Umv. of Mich., 1896-97, graduating with degree of LL. B. During the period of his school and college attendance was en- gaged in teaching school, 1887-88; bookkeeper with Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., Chicago; Yale & Towne Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1891-92; manager Pan American Mining & Milling Co.; Minas Prietas, Sonora, Mexico, 1892-95; admitted to the bar in Mich., 1897, and in California the same year; has since been engaged in general practice. Member Jona- than, California and Rod and Reel clubs; Surf Gun Club of Los Angeles; Automobile Club of So. Cal.; Phi Delta Phi, Theta Nu Epsilon, and Phi Delta Theta fraternities; B. P. O. E. Democrat. WEIK, Fred G. Real estate, in- vestments and fire insurance. Res. 2790 W. Eighth St.; office 300 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Allmerbach, province of Bachnang, Germany, Sept. 14, 1873. Married to Anna Ilmer in 1898. Ed- ucated in public and private schools in Germany and in the public schools of New York. Lived several years in New York City; moved to Monrovia, Cal., 1887, and worked in bakery; moved to Pasadena, Cal., and worked in bakery, which he afterwards bought; bought property in So. Cal.; engaged in real estate and loan busi- ness, 1905. Formerly pres. Los An- geles Lodge No. 12, of the O. A. H. S., and is now its treas. Member Sons of Hermann, Turn Verein and Schwa- ben Verein; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; L O. P.; German Alliance. WELBOURN, Oclasco Carlos. Physician and surgeon. Office 818 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Dark Co., O., Jan. 28. 1871; son of Edward Lawrence and Martha (Jones) Welbourn. Married to Annie Lloyd in 1909. Attended public schools of Union City, Ind.; Beth- any College, Bethany, W. Va.; grad- uated from Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati, O., 1891; began practice in Union City, Ind., which he con- tinued for three years. Moved to Long Beach, Cal., in 1894; practiced continuously until 1899 wlion he went abroad for two years for rest and study; located in Los Angeles on his return in 1901 and opened of- fices for practice, specializing in sur- gical gynecology; prof, of gynecology at California Eclectic Medical College; founded the Los Angeles Journal of Eclectic Medicine in 1904; combined with Medical Journal of San Fran- cisco in 1907 and periodical is now known as California Eclectic Medical Journal, of which he is eidtor; founded Westlake Hospital in 1907; former pres. Los Angeles Co. Eclec- tic Society; former pres. So. Cal. Eclectic Medical Assn.; former pres. California Eclectic Med. Soc. Mem- ber Natl. Eclectic Med. Soc; Masonic fraternity; Shrine; Jonathan Club. WELCH, Charles H. Broker. Res. 1524 Reid St.; office 335 Central ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in St. Louis, Jan. 9, 1881; son of H. W. and Har- riet (Elkin) Welch. Married to Helen .Johnson in 1900. Received his educa- tion in the public schools of St. Louis and Laclede, Mo. Employed by the Chicago Tea Importing Co., Chicago, 111., as sample boy in 1893; served in various capacities until he was ap- pointed manager, 1900; continued as mgr. for this corporation until 1904; genl. salesman with Nelson, Morris & Co., 1905-07; mgr. branch house of same company in Los Angeles, 1907- 08; Southern California representa- tive for Louisiana Rice Milling Co., 1908-11; merchandise broker, 1911 to date. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Shrine. WELLBORN, Charles. Lawyer. Office. 1036 Security Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Atlanta, Ga., July 12, 1867; son of Olin and Lily (Tur- ner) Wellborn. Married to Lelia Jones in 1893. Attended public^ and private schools in Texas and Wash- ington, D. C; graduated from Colum- bie Univ., 1886; moved to Los .An- geles, Cal., in 1888, and was admitted to the bar same year. Member of the firm of Wellborn, Barker & Stephens, San Diego for several years; now member of firm of Wellborn, Well- born & Camiibell, Los Angeles. Mem- ber California and University clubs; Masonic fraternity; 1. O. O. F. Demo- crat. WELLBORN, Olin Lawyer. Of- fice, 1036 Security I'.ld.g., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cumming, Ga., June 18, 1843; son of C. B., and Mary Ann Foster) Wellborn. Married to Lily Turner. Attended the public schools of Georgia; Emory College, O.xford, IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 385 Ga.; Univ. of N. C. Served as cap- tain in Confederate Army during the Civil War; at close of war was ad- mitted to the bar in Atlanta, Ga., and engaged in practice in that city until 1869; moved to Dallas, Te.x., and was member of the law firm of Wellborn, Leake & Henry; during his residence in Te.x., he was elected to Congress from Dallas four successive terms. Moved to California and located in San Diego, remaining there until 1893. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1893; appointed Judge of the U. S. District Court of the southern district of Cal., March 1, 189S by President Cleveland; holds this office to date. During his law practice he was at various times member of the firms of Wellborn, Work & Jones; Parker, Wellborn & Stephens; Wellborn & Wellborn. Member California Club. Democrat. WELLBORN, Olin, Jr. Lawyer. Res. 1300 We.'^t Adams st.; office 1032 Security BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Washington, D. C, April 22, 1880; son of Olin and Lillian Well- born. Unmarried. Attended gram- mar and high schools of Los Ange- les; graduated from Univ. of Cal., B. L., 1909. Upon graduation entered practice of law with Charles Wellborn under firm name of Wellborn & Well- born; in practice alone to date. Mem- ber Sierra Madre, Los Angeles Ath- letic and Bachelors' clubs, Los An- geles; Olympic Club, San Francisco; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; B. P. O. E. WELLER, Dana Reid. Lawyer. Res. 1090 W. 30th st. ; office 401 Union League Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Minn., March 24, 1874; son of Levi W. and Cordelia (Woods) Weller. Married to Jessica Rhodes in 1897. Attended grammar schools, 1882-87; high schools, 1888-89; Normal Col- lege, Los Angeles, Cal., 1890-91. After finishing his studies, spent two years farming; entered law office of John T. Jones, 1893, and studied law under him; admitted to practice, 1895; upon his admission to the bar he formed partnership with his tutor, which has continued to date. Served as Major 7th Cal Inf. U. S. V., eight months; Capt. 44th Inf. U. S. V., Sept., 1899 to June 1901, in Philippine Islands. Member and dir. Union League Club; member San Gabriel Valley Country Club; United Spanish War Veterans; Masonic fraternity. WELLMAN, Ernest Pratt. Law- yer. Office. 347-50 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Fredonia, New York, 1866; son of John and Abiah Janette (Pratt) Wellman. Mar- ried to Gertrude M. Craig in 1901. Graduated from Univ. of Kas., B. S., in 1894; LL. B., later; from Univ. of Cal.. A. B., 1898; admitted to the Kas. bar 1894; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1896 and was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court in 1902; has since been engaged in active practice. Member University, California and City clubs. Republican. WELLS, Arthur George. Railway official. Res. 2637 Ellendale place; office Kerckhoflf Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Guelph, Ont., Can., Nov. 18, 1861; son of Arthur and Georgina Dora (Rideout) Wells. Married to Gertrude Alice Barnard in 1884. Re- ceived his education in high school of his native town. Apprentice ma- chinist in K. C. St. J. & C. B. R. R. shops, St. Joseph, Mo., 1876-80; clerk in mechanical dept., C, B. & Q. R. R., Aurora, 111., 1880-81; clerk to pur- chasing agt. A. & P. R. R., Chicago, 1881-82; clerk to div. supt. A., T. & S. F. Ry., San Marcial, N. M., 1882; chief clerk to genl. supt. A. & P. R. R., Albuquerque, N. M., 1882-85; trainmaster same, 1885-86; asst. to genl. mgr. O. & M. Ry. at Cincinnati, O., 1886-90; supt. Peoria, Indianapolis and St. Louis divisions Ohio Ry., In- diana & Western (Big Four) succes- sively, and genl. supt. 1890-93; asst. to first vice-pres. A., T. & S. F. Ry., 1893-94; genl. supt. A. & P. R. R., 1895-1901; genl. supt. Santa Fe Pacific Ry. ; also genl. supt. So. cal. Ry., 1899- 1901; genl. supt. So. Cal. Ry., 1897- 98; upon consolidation of A. & P. R. R., So. Cal. Ry. and San Francisco & San Joaquin Valley Ry. into A. T. & S. F. Coast Lines, was acting genl. mgr. and was made genl. mgr., 1902, which position he holds to date. Mem- ber Los Angeles Country Club, Cali- fornia Club, Los Angeles; Pacific Union Club, San Francisco; Cuy- amaca Club, San Diego; Commercial Club, Albuquerque, N. M. WELLS, Edwin A. Lawyer. Res., 4035 Hillcrest Drive; office, Granger Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in New York, -Aug. 5, 1865; son of Edwin F., and Slaryette (Adams) Wells. Mar- ried to Edith Isham, in 1888. Attend- ed public schools, Dr. Everson's pri- vate school; preparatory college course in New York. Moved to San Diego, Cal., 1882; farming, 1882-89; secy. Story Islam Commercial Co., 1889-91; established collection agency, 386 WHO'S WHO 1891 ; studied law and was admitted to Supreme Court of Cal., 1898; deputy city atty., 1895-97; formed partnership with M. L. Ward, 1897, which con- tinues to date. Republican. Baptist. WELLS, Ralph Evans. Railroad official. Res. 156 Westmoreland PI.; office Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Guelph, Ont., Can., Sept. 24, 1866; son of Arthur and Georgina Dora (Ride- out) Wells. Married to Frances Grace Hawley in 1889. Attended pub- lic schools of Guelph, Ont. Oftice boy in railway auditor's office in Kan- sas City; same, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs R. R., St. Joseph, Mo., 1883; clerk in general manager's office, Han- nibal & St, Joseph R. R., St. Joseph, Mo., 1884; clerk in first vice-pres. of- fice, C, B. & Q. R. R., Chicago, 111., 1884-85; secy, to genl. mgr. A., T. & S. F. R. R., Topeka, Kas., 1885-90; chief clerk to genl. mgr. of Mexican Central R. R., Mexico City. 1893-94; asst. genl. mgr. Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Ry., Prescott, Ariz., 1895- 1901; genl. mgr. San Pedro, Los An- geles & Salt Lake R. R., Los Angeles, 1901-12. Member California and Los Angeles Country clubs, Los Angeles; Alta Club, Salt Lake City. WENDT, Julia Bracken. Sculptor. Res. 2814 North Sichel St., Los An- geles, Cal.; office same. Born in Ap- ple River, 111.; daughter of Andrew and Mary Bracken. Married to Wil- liam Wendt in 1906. Moved with parents to Galena, 111., in 1876; studied art in Art Institute, Chicago; and with Lorado Taft in his studio. 1887- 92; asst. with decorations for World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1892; among works she did in this connec- tion is the statue of Illinois Welcom- ing the Nations, which was presented to the State of 111. after the close of the exposition, by the Illinois Wom- en's Exposition Board; first sculpture prize given in Chicago, 1898; on Staff of Sculptors, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; first prize. Sculpture, Municipal Art League, Chicago, 1905; now main- tains Los Angeles studio. Member Western Soc. Artists; Municipal Art League, Chicago; Chicago Soc. of Artists; Federation of Art, Washing- ton, D. C; Allied Arts Center Assn. Executed group of statuary for the Art, Science and History Bldg., Ex- position Park, Los Angeles; peace monument for Canada. WENDT, William. Artist. Res. 2814 N. Sichel st., Los Angeles, Cal.; office same. Born in Germany, Feb. 20, 1865. Married to Julia Bracken in 1906. Ed- ucated in public schools of Europe and U. S. Moved to America in 1880, and has followed his profession to date. Has exhibited in leading American and European galleries; awarded sec- ond Yerkes Prize, Chicago, 1893, in Soc. of Artists; Young Fortnightly prize, 1897; bronze medal, Buffalo, 1901; silver medal, St. Louis, 1904. Cohn Prize, Chicago, 1904; honorable mention, Chicago Soc. of Artists, 1905; silver medal, Wednesday Club, St. Louis, 1910; first prize, Soc. of Western Artists, 1912; represented in prominent collection Art Institute, Chicago; same, Friends of American Art, Chicago; and Cliff Dwellers, Chi- cago. Member Chicago Soc. of Art- ists; Soc. of Western Artists; Na- tional Academy; National Arts Club, New York; Los Angeles Athletic Club; pres. Cal. Art Club. WENTWORTH, Henry Charles. Banker. Res. Glendora, Cal. ; office Glendora, Cal. Born in Gardner, Me., Nov. 18, 1866; son of David and Sarah Elizabeth (Packard) Wentworth; mar- ried to Addie A. Collins in 1892. Ed- ucated in the grammar and high schools of Gardner, Me.; graduated from Business College, Augusta, Me. Moved to Cal. and was employed by J. R. Newberry & Co., Riverside, 1894-96; mgr. Mount Lowe Hotel, 1897-02; retail grocery and hardware business, 1902-()7; assisted in organi- zation of First National Bank of Glen- dora, Cal., 1907; cashier and dir., 1907 to date. Republican. WERNIGK, Reinhard. Physician and surgeon. Res. 1933 Ocean View ave.; oftice 206 Stimson Bldg., Los .\ngeles, Cal. Born in JNlonee, 111., Jan. 19, 1861; son of Theodore and Louisa (Pletch) Wcrnigk. Married to Helen Hill in 1902. Graduated from high schools at Monee, 111.; from Gvmnasimu at Spcycr, Bavaria, Ger- many, M.A., 1880; from Rush Medical College, 1882. Engaged in practice of medicine in Marshall, Tex., 1882-87; moved to Los .Angeles, Cal., 1887, and has been in practice there to date. Member .-Xmer. Med. Assn., and other medical associations; Jonathan Club, Los Angeles. WEST, Henjy Hebard. Automo- bile supplies. Res. 165 S. Harvard blvd.; office 1011-15 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Red Oak, la., January 24, 1872; son of George Mil- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 387 ler and Willielmina (Limberger) West. Married to Mary A. Teel in 1902. Educated in grammar and high schools of his native town and of Los Angeles, Cal. While attending high school in Los Angeles, worked as messenger boy for Wells Fargo Ex- press Co.; studied telegraphy and en- tered service of Western Union Tele- graph Co. as operator, 1890; tele- graph operator for S. P. R. R., Ben- son, Ariz., 1893; same, Lordsburg, N. M.; same. Associated Press, Houston, Tex. Moved to Los Angeles, and en- tered employ of S. P. R. R. in Los Angeles, 1905; promoted to supt.'s clerk, then to chief clerk, 1906; re- signed and organized Western Rub- ber & Supply Co., 1906; secy, and treas. of that corporation for two years; pres. of same, 1908 to date. Secy, and treas. Cazadores Land & Water Co.; dir. Consolidated Invest- ment Co.; auditor Los Angeles Gun Club. Member Masonic fraternity; Shrine; Knights Templar; Foresters; City, Jonathan and Federation clubs, Los Angeles ; Alamo, Sunset and Caza- dores Gun clubs. Presbyterian. WEST, John Alden. Dentist. Res., 1253 W. 37th Drive, Los Angeles; of- fice, 3754 S. Vermont ave., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Harvey, New Brunswick, Canada, June 23, 1879; son of Lambert F., and Julia S. West. Married to Jessie C. MacGregor in 1904. Attended public schools of his native city; Baltimore College of Den- tal Surgery, 1902-3; graduated from Univ. of Cal., 1906, and has been ac- tively engaged in the practice of his profession to date. Member Masonic fraternity; Los Angeles Athletic Club; So. Cal. Dental Assn.; Los Angeles Dental Soc. WETHERBEE, Jarvis W. Dentist. Res., Balboa Apts.; office 6965^ S. Al- varado St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wabasha, Minn., Jan. 29, 1870; son of William and Eliza (Elderkin) Wetherbee. Married to Rozelle M. Grimes in 1904. Attended high school at his native town and Carlton College, Northfield, Minn.; graduated from Chicago College of Dental Surgery, D. D. S., 1891; engaged in the active prac- tice of his profession in St. Paul and Minneapolis until 1910 when he moved to Los Angeles practicing to date. WEYSE, Henry Guenther. Law- yer. Res. 409 Ocean ave., Santa Mon- ica ; office 704-5 Grosse Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, Cal., July 27, 1863; son of Julius G. and Caroline Lange Weyse. Married to Alice Barrows in 1888 (dec.) ; to Ysabel Wolf.skill in 1908. Attended public and private schools of Los An- geles, 1869-76; then went to Germany and attended Gymnasium Rutheneum at Gera, graduating, B. L., in 1884; entered Harvard Law School, 1885, graduated, LL.B.. 1888. Returned to Los Angeles and began practicing law; has practiced continuously, 1890 to date. Elected to Assembly of Cal., 1895. Member of Harvard Club of So. Cal.; University and California clubs; N. S. G. W. Evangelical Luth- eran. WHARTON, L. R. Lawyer. Of- fice, O. T. Johnson Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Aledo, 111., Dec. 24, 1874; son of Samuel and Arilla (Merryman) Wharton. Attended pub- lic schools of 111.; graduated from Knox College, Galesburg, III.. B. S., 1898. Admitted to the bar in Chicago in 1901 and engaged in practice in Galesburg until 1905; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1905 and was admit- ted to the Cal. bar same year; in active practice of his profession in Los An- geles, 1905 to date. Served as Referee in Bankrutpcy in Chicago, 1901-03. Republican. WHEAT, Albert C. Educator. Res., 208 S. Second st., Alhambra, Cal.; of- fice. Hall of Records, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wheaton, 111., Oct. 11, 1867; son of James L. and Maria S. (Hart) Wheat. Married to Claudia Grupe in 1898. Attended Racine high school, 1886: graduated from Univ. of Mich., B. L., 1890; post graduate course Univ. of Edinburgh, Edin- burgh, Scotland, 1897; reporter on Chicago Tribune in 1890; school prin- cipal, Plainfield, III., 1891-93; teacher Los Angeles Militarv Academv (for- merly Baptist College), 1894-97; head master of Selborne school, San Rafael, 1897-98; supervising principal Alham- bra school, 1898-1907; asst. co. supt. of schools Los Angeles CO., 1907 to date; teacher of English and mathe- matics in Los Angeles Polytechnic Evening High School, 1909-12. Mem- ber (bounty Board of Education two terms; member University Club, Los Angeles: San Gabriel Valley Country Club, Pasadena; Southern Cal. School- masters' Club; Masonic fraternity. WHEAT, Walter Ross. Oil. real estate and banking. Res. 320 S. Al- varado st.; office 636 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in 388 WHO'S WHO Wheaton, 111., Oct. 13, 1869; son of Capt. James L. and Maria S. (Hart) Wheat. Married to Elizabeth Collins Crossley in 1909. Educated in the public schools of Racine, Wis., and private schools of Joliet, 111. After completing his education, went to Boston; engaged in the wholesale produce business, 1887-90; with Chi- cago railway, Chicago, 111., 1890-93. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in Dec, 1893. Organized the first boys' military school in Los An- geles, and with his brother, Al- bert C. Wheat, conducted Los Angeles Military Academy, 1893- 99; sold his interest in the school and engaged in oil and real estate busi- ness; active in Los Angeles and Kern Co. oil development since 1900, and officially connected with many of the large companies operating in Kern Co. fields; one of the pioneers of the Sunset-Midway fields; interested in numerous land and ranch syndicates; as secy, of Abbot Kinney Co. was ac- tive in the building of Venice in 1895- 96; dir. and secy. Westside Oil Co.; dir. and secy. 32 Oil Co.; dir. and secy. Western Crude Oil Co.; dir. and vice- pres. Bank of Venice. Member Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Mili- tary Order of the Loyal Legion; Los Angeles Athletic Club; Municipal League; Los Angeles Automobile Club and Los Angeles Country Club. WHEELER, Henry Orson. Law- yer. Res., 711 Garland ave.; office, 516 Fay Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Burlington, Vt., Feb. 13, 1882; son of Henry Orson, and Elizabetli (Mar- tin) Wheeler. Graduated from high school, Burlington, Vt., 1900; from Univ. of Vt., A. B., 1904; from New York Law School, LL. B., 1906. Ad- mitted to the bar of New York, July, 1906; in Cal., Nov. 1906, and was associated with Long & Baker until 1907; moved to Los Angeles and en- gaged in practice alone until July 1, 1912, when he became partner in the firm of Wheeler & Sweet. Appointed member of Los Angeles Municipal Newspaper Commission in 1911. Mem- ber Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S.; K. of P.; Los Angeles Bar Assn.; National Municipal League; University and City clubs. Republi- can. Congrcgationalist. WHELAN, Weldon Deverell. In- surance. Res. 948 VV. 3(Hh si.; office 216 Byrne Bldg.. Los .Xngcles, Cal. Born in Tullamore, Kings Co., Ire- land. Dec. 7, 1859; son of Robert and Mary (Deverell) Whelan. Married to Emily Cruise in 1883. Attended public and private schools in Tulla- more, Kings Co., Ireland, and Bates Academy, Dublin, Ireland. Employed by National Bank of Ireland, 1877-83; engaged in ranching in Los Angeles Co., Cal., 1883-89; in insurance busi- ness, 1889 to date; now special agent for So. Cal. and Arizona of Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. Member Califor- nia Club. Episcopalian. WHIFFEN, Frederick J. Retired. Res. 702 West Sixteenth St.; office, 616 American Bank Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Sheboygan Falls, Wis., Jan. 18, 1848; son of William and Mary Ann (Hitchcock) Whiffen. Married to Adah M. Hobart in 1872. Educated in district school; course in Bryant and Chase Business Col- lege, Chicago., 111., 1870-71. Clerk in retail dry goods store, Rockford, 111., 1871-73; in partnership with M. A. Calkins in general merchandise busi- ness under firm name Whiffen & Calkins; 1873-87, disposed of his in- terest in the business which had grown to be a large institution; in- vested in a herd of range cattle in Wyoming, 1887; at about same time, invested in iron manufacturing busi- ness in Rockford, 111.; disposed of both enterprises in 1890 and pur- chased one-third interest in a real estate loan and investment company; also invested in stock in Rockford National Bank, Rockford, 111., in which he had been director for sev- eral years; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1892; was elected to City Council in July 1910; again elected in City Council 1911; again elected to City Council in June. 1913. Member Union League and City clubs; Cham- ber of Commerce and Y. M. C. A. WHITCOMB, George Robert. Real estate. Res., 5962 Hayes ave.; office. Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los .-Vn- gcles, Cal. Born in Vt., Oct. 1, 1851; son of Robert McKay and Dorcas A., (Dole) Whitcomb. Married to Clara Eleanor Flag in 1880. Attended country school and academy in Vt., and State Normal School, at Johnson, Vt. En- gaged in farming and teaching school in Vt., 1877-Sl with i)aper firm in .Min- neapolis; later employed in m.inufac- ture of window shades; organized Northern Shade Cloth Co., of which he was pres. and mgr. until 1900; moved to Los Angeles and organized Green Mountain Oil Co.; entered real IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 389 estate business in Los Angeles in 1903 under firm name of Cortclyou & Whitcomb; later Wliitcomb-Gibson Co., and at present Whitcomb Co. Member of Chamber of Commerce and City Club. Presbyterian. WHITE, Arthur Burr. Civil engi- neer. Res. 452 N. Alexandria ave. ; of- fice lOS Henne Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Lowell, Mass., Sept. 10, 1876; son of Samuel Adams and Emma Jane (Burbank) White. Married to Laura Frances Cumings in 1904. Attended English High School, Bos- ton, Mass.; Newton High School, Newton, Mass., graduating in 1896; Mass. Institute of Technology, grad- uating, B. S., 1900. With water dept city engineer's office, Boston, 1898-99; instructor in civil engineering at Mass. Institute of Technology, 1900- 01; with engineering dept. Penn. Steel Co., Harrisburg, Pa., 1901-03; with engineering dept. American Bridge Co., Pittsburg, Pa., May to Nov., 1903; in private practice in Riverside, Cal. and city engineer of Corona, Cal. 1903-07; asst. engineer, city engineer's office, Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. to Oct. 1907; in private practice with a part- ner in Los Angeles, under firm name of Bixby & White, 1907-1912; in pri- vate practice alone, 1912 to date; en- gaged in civil and hydraulic engineer- ing, including irrigation systems, sewer systems, structural steel and reinforced concrete design; subdivid- ing. Associate member Amer. Soc. of Civil Engrs. ; member Engrs.' & Archts.' Assn. of So. Cal.; Masonic fraternity. WHITE, Ben. Real estate. Res. 1012 Heliotrope Drive : office 303-4-5 Bryson Blk., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Campo Seco, Calaveras Co., Cal., Jan. 18, 1870; son of John and Catherine (Mc- Grath) White; married to Anna D. Roes in 1903. Educated in public schools Contra Costa Co., Cal. Has been in the real estate business in Los Angeles since 1892. Member of Los Angeles Athletic and Jonathan clubs; Chamber of Commerce; B. P. O. E. ; Maccabees; Los Angeles Realty Board; Municipal League; Knights of Columbus and other fraternal organi- zations. Catholic. WHITE, (M. D.) Clarence H. Oil operator. Res., 107 N. Union ave.; office, 1011 Wright & Callender bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wellsburg, Pa., June 12, 1848; son of Welcome Washington and Abigail (Hoard) White. Married to Mary Anna Hardy in 1877. Attended public schools of Erie, Pa., until 1863; Stratton's Business College, Erie, Pa., 1865-6; graduated from Newton's Academy, Sherborne, N. Y., 1887; attended Univ. of BufTalo, 1874-75; graduated from medical dept. Univ. of Ind., P'ort Wayne, Ind., 1881. Supt. of schools Micosta CO., Mich., 1875-77; practiced medicine. Reed City, Mich.; 1881-95; cliicf surgeon and manager of Ameri- can Hospital Assn., Reed City, Mich., 1882-86; surgeon Grand Rapids & Ind. R. R., 1881-1902; surgeon P. M. R. R., 1881-95; moved to Grand Rapids, Mich., 1895; practiced medicine until he moved to Cal., in 1906; on surgical staff of the following hospitals: But- terworth Hospital, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Union Benevolent Assn.; Chil- dren's Home and Hospital; St. Mary's Hospital; Grand Rapids Detention Home and Hospital. Pres. U. S. pen- sion examining board, 9th congres- sional district, Mich., 1881-95; pres. White & Brainard Lumber Co., Ben- ton, Ark., 1901-06; one of the organ- izers of Lake View Oil Co., Los An- geles, Cal., 1908; now one of largest stockholders. Vice-pres. and dir. Lake View No. 2 Oil Co.; dir. International Mines Development Co.; dir. Mich. Land & Water Co. Mayor of Reed Citv, Mich., 1882-86; city phvsician of Grand Rapids, Mich., 1898-99: member of health board. Grand Rapids, 1898- 99; pres. Osceola Medical Assn., 1880- 81; pres. Medical Soc. of Northern Mich., 1882-84; vice-pres. of Mich. State Medical Soc, 1894-95; pres. Grand Rapids Soc. of So. Cal. Mem- ber Peninsular Club, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Lake Side Club; Lincoln Club and vice-pres. of same; Masonic fra- ternity, 32d degree; City Club of Los Angeles. WHITE, Edward W. Real estate and insurance; automobiles. Res. E. Speedway ; office N. E. corner Stone ave. and Broadway (P. O. Box 1032), Tucson, Ariz. Born in Oakland, Cal. March 4, 1884; son of Benjamin and Lottie C. (Willard) White. Married to Eloise M. Allen in 1907. Attended public schools at San Rafael, Cal., 1891-93; at Soquel, Cal., 1893-99; high school, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1900-04; at Oakland, Cal, 1901-03; Univ. of Ari- zona, Tucson, Ariz., 1904-06. With So. Ariz. Bank & Trust Co., Tucson, Ariz., 1906-11; a,cquired interest in Rogers-McBride Realty Co. of Tuc- son, Ariz., 1911; firm was later called Rogers-McBride-White Co., and in- corporated as Tucson Realty & Trust Co., with E. W. White as vice-pres., 390 WHO'S WHO 1912; pres. of same, 1913; mgr. Car- tercar Arizona Co., sale agency for Cartercar in Ariz., 1913; secy. Hall Assn., A. O. U. W. Congregation- alist. WHITE, Guy C. Lawyer. Res. 875 Harrison ave. ; office Union Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in New Hamp- ton, la.. Aug. 21, 1873; son of Frank K. and Mary (Shepard) White. Mar- ried to Ora Strangher in 1897; to Es- tella M. Montgomery in 1910. Grad- uated from high school, Clermont, la., 1891; attended Iowa Normal College two 3'ears; graduated from Law Dept. Lake Forest University, Chicago. HI., 1895. Engaged in the practice of law in Chicago, 1895-1908; moved to San Diego and was admitted to the bar in 1909; also to U. S. Circuit and Dis- trict Courts of Illinois and California; engaged in practice of his profession in San Diego, 1909 to date. Pres., treas. and gen. mgr. Red Mountain Mining Co. WHITE, Herbert Ernest. Real es- tate and loans. Res. 203 West 2Sth St.; office 819-20 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Topeka, Kan., Nov. 21, 1876; son of William Laury and Emma (Eberle) White. Unmar- ried. Attended public schools and business college, Topeka, Kan., 1882- 90. Filing clerk, chief engineer A., T. & S. F. Ry., Topeka, Kan., 1890-92; secy, to manager Inter-Ocean Flour- ing Mills, Topeka, Kan., 1892-93; secy, to chief clerk, genl. freight offices. A., T. & S. F. Ry., Topeka, Kan., 1893-95; secy, to supt. machinery. A., T. & S. F. Ry., Topeka, Kan., 1895-98; pri- vate secy, to chief engineer. A., T. & S. F. Ry., Topeka, Kan., 1898-99; pri- vate secy, to genl. mgr.. A., T. & S. F. Ry., Los Angeles, Ca!.. 1899-1905; mgr. Amer. Fuel Co., San Francisco, Cal., 1905-06; real estate and loans, Los Angeles, Cal., 1906 to date. Mem- ber Chamber of Commerce. Baptist. WHITE, Percival Gordon. Physi- cian and surgeon. Office, 714 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Woodstock, Ontario, Can., June 13, 1880; son of John and Jane (McWhirter) White. Married to Jes- sie May Rosene in 1911. Graduated from Medical Dept. of McGill Univ., 1905; appointed interne to Montreal General Hospital and served one year; traveled in Europe studying equip- ment of the best hospitals in Europe. Returned to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1909 where he has been engaged in general practice to date. Member .^m. Med. .-Vssn.; Los Angeles Med. .\ssn.; Sym- posium Soc. WHITE, Thomas Patrick. Judge of the Police Court. Res. 345 W. 28th St.; office 422-25 Black Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, Cal. September 27, 1888; son of Peter and Catherine (Clark) White. Un- married. .\ttended Sacred Heart Catholic Parochial School; graduated from St. Vincent's High School, Los .\ngeles, 1904; from College of Law, Univ. of So. Cal., Los .Angeles, LL.B., 1911. Rate clerk with Santa Fe Rail- way, Los Angeles, until 1907: asst. to trainmaster of same road at Needles, Cal.. until 1908; resigned to enter Law College. After graduating from Law College, entered into partner- ship with L. B. Randall and A. L. Bartlett for general practice of law, under firm name of Randall, Bartlett & White, with offices in Chamber of Commerce Bldg.; partnership was dissolved in 1912, after which he prac- ticed alone until April. 1913; formed law partnership with James L. Irwin and Leo M. Rosecrans, under firm name of Irwin, White & Rosecrans, which continues to date. Has han- dled many cases, both civil and crim- inal; was chief counsel for Carl Warr, who attempted to dynamite Los An- geles Police Station; secured dis- agreement of jury in first trial; has made many speeches for and has been active in affairs of Republican party; delegate to Republican County Convention, 1910. In Aug., 1913, was appointed Judge of the Police Court by unanimous vote of Los Angeles Co. Board of Supervisors; grand pres. Cal. Jurisdiction Young Men's Inst.; Financial Secy. Los Angeles Council No. 621, Knights of Colum- bus; Delta Chi legal fraternity; Cham- ber of Commerce; Gamut Club; Na- tive Sons of the Golden West. Ro- man Catholic. WHITELEY, Harry Hayden. Arcliitect. Res. 3111 Fifth ave.; office 802 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, March 26, 1888; son of J. W. and Florence (.Cyrenius) Whiteley. Married to Grace Lemon, Dec. 7, 1909. Received his education in the common schools and studied Employed by the Angelas Laundry Co.; in the office of F. M. Tyler, archi- tect, 1907-10, since which time he has been practicing alone, making a spe- cialty of residence and apartment de- IN PACIFIC SOLmnVEST 391 signing and superintending. Member Los Angeles Architectural Club. WHITLEY, Hobart Johnstone. Banking, mortgages, bonds. Res. Alexandria Hotel; office 324 Trust & Sav. BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Toronto, Canada, Oct. 7, 1860; son of Joseph and Eleanor (Johnstone) Whitley. Married to Margaret Vir- ginia Ross in 1887. Education re- ceived in Flint, Mich.; later at To- ronto Business College, Toronto, Can. Entered business at age of eighteen; engaged in banking, build- ing and development work connected with land department of the North- ern Pacific; established many towns, including Dickinson, Steele and El- lendale in North Dakota, 1878-85, Banking, town building and large land development as manager of the land department of the Rock Island R. R. in Okla. territory, Cherokee Strip, and Te.xas, 1885-94. Erected first brick block in Okla. territory. Organized many banks in Okla.; established over 100 towns, including Chichasha, El Reno, Enid and Medford. As trustee represented the U. S. Government, In- dians, railroad companies and settlers in the opening of the Cherokee Strip towns. Represented Okla. territory at Wash, and located the capital at Guthrie, Introduced cotton growing in Okla. territory. Moved to Los An- geles in 1894. Laid out, developed and established Hollywood as subur- ban town, 1900-05. Organized Se- curity Land and Loan Co. and devel- oped Corcoran town and district, 50,- 000 acres, thriving dairy section, in San Joaquin Valley, 1905-09. One of five original purchasers of Van Nuys- Lankershim lands, comprising 47,000 acres, San Fernando Valley. Member of Board of Control and general man- ager of same. Personally planned and directed the construction and parking of Sherman Way, noteworthy auto- mobile boulevard, and the improve- ment of townsites of Van Nuys and Owensmouth. One of seven original purchasers and member of board of mangers of Beale Rancho projecit, 275,000 acres in Kern County. Vice- pres. Home Savings Bank, First Na- tional Bank, Corcoran; pres. First Na- tional Bank, Van Nuys ; Bank of Lan- kershim; general manager Los Ange- les Suburban Homes Co. Member Masonic fraternity. Republican. Pres- byterian. WHITLEY, Ross E. Real estate. Res. Van Nuys, Cal.; office 324 Trust & Savings Bid?., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. IS, 1888; son of Hobart J. and Margue- rite V. (Ross) Whitley. Married to Mary S. Joyner in 1913. Attended public schools of Los Angeles and Hollywood, Cal.; Occidental Prepar- atory School, 1903; graduated from Harvard Military School, Los Ange- les, 1906; Polytechnic Business Col- lege, Oakland, Cal., 1906-07; Stanford Univ., Cal., 1907-09. Organized Lan- kershim Development Co., 1909; sold out interest in same and opened real estate establishment under name of Ross Whitley, 1912; associated with his father, H. J. Whitley, in manage- ment of development on Van Nuys and Lankershim lands and personal properties, 1913 to date. Dir. Bank of Lankershim; dir. First Natl. Bank of Van Nuys. Member Zeta Psi. ; Los Angeles Athletic Club. WHITMAN, Chaxles H. Physician and surgeon. Res., 100 Mission Road; office. County Hospital and 406 Wright & Callender Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in New York, Nov. 26, 1854; son of Charles S., and Phoebe (Woodward) Whitman. Mar- ried to Eleanor Goodwin in 1893. At- tended public and private schools of Des Moines, la.; graduated from Ben- nett Medical College, Chicago, 1886; from medical dept. of Univ. of 111., 1890; followed profession of pharma- cist, as clerk and owner of drug stores in early life; practiced medicine and surgery in Chicago, 1886-94; in Los Angeles, 1894-1900; in San Francisco, 1900-1907; moved to Los Angeles, 1894-1900; in San Francisco, 1900-07; moved to Los Angeles, 1907, and has been engaged in professional work to date; appointed supt. of Los Angeles County Hospital in 1909, which office he holds at present. Member Masonic fraternity; University and Country clubs; Amer. Med. Assn.; Cal. Med. Assn. WHITTEMORE, Charles O. Vice- pres. and general counsel of Las Vegas & Tonopah Railway. Res. 249 Kingsley drive ; office 523 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 29, 1862; son of Joseph and Matilda (Busby) Whittemore. Married to Sarah L. Brown in 1886. Graduated from St. Mark's School, Salt Lake City, 1882; studied law in offices of Philip Van Zile of Salt Lake City; attended Co- lumbia Law School, New York City, 1883-84. Admitted to practice of law, 1883; re-engaged in practice in Salt 392 WHO'S WHO Lake City immediately after leaving Co- lumbia University; prominently identi- fied with Republican policies in Utah ; elected co. atty. of Salt Lake Co. in 1895; active in campaign of 1896, which resulted in McKinley's election to presidency; appointed by McKin- ley as U. S atty. for Utah, 1896, and served until 1902; one of originators of the project of connecting Los An- geles and Salt Lake City by railroad, in which project preliminary work was begun in 1896, and which in 1900 secured support of Senator W. A. Clark of Montana; one of the in- corporators of San Pedro, Los An- geles & Salt Lake R. R. in 1901; general atty. of the road until 1907; at present maintains large legal practice in Cal. and Nev. and devotes himself to directing affairs of corporations in which he holds offices or which he rep- resents as counsel. Pres. Goldfield Merger Mines Co. ; vice-pres. Goldfield Deep Mines Co.; vice-pres. and gen. counsel Las Vegas & Tonopah R. R. Co.; one of the founders of town of Las Vegas, Nev. Member Jonathan Club, Los Angeles. WHITTINGTON, John, WiJliam. General agent Pacific Mutual Life In- surance Co. Res. 2801 Budlong ave. ; office 1010 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Crowland, England; son of John and Lydia (Colbon) Whittington. Sl:udied in public schools of England ; took special course in University of Southern California, Los Angeles,' Cal., 1900. After finishing school in England was employed as booking agent for Midland Railroad, which position he held until 1887; en- gaged in social work in London, be- ing associated with Dr. Bernardo's Homes for Destitute Children, and also with London Wesleyan East End Mission. 1887-90. Moved' to Los Ange- les, Cal., 1890, and was employed by the M. A. Newmark Co. until 1900; engaged in life insurance business with Mutual Benefit Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J., 1900-03; with Aetna Insurance Co., 1903-1913; Pacific Mu- tual Life Insurance Co., March, 1913, to date. Pres. Los Angeles Life Under- writers' Assn. two terms, 1906-07, 1908- 09; was responsible for bringing to Los Angeles the Natl. Assn. Life Under- writers' Convention, 1908; dir. Y. M. C. A. ; teacher and lecturer in salesman- ship class, Y. M. C. A.; pres. Natl. Life Underwriters' Assn., 1909-10; dir. S. P. C. A. Member Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Shriner ; Sierra Club, San Francisco ; Union League, Los Angeles Athletic and Gamut clubs, Los Angeles. WHITMARSH, Charles Winthrop. Merchant. Res., 671 Irolo St.; office, 341 Wall St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 17, 1853; son of Charles H. and Adeline H., (Robin- son) Whitmarsh. Married in 1851. Re- ceived his education in the public schools of Newton, Mass. Clerk with Hogg, Brown & Taylor in Boston; en- gaged in drygoods business in Woon- socket, R. I., under firm name of Whitmarsh & Crow, 1878; with Crow & Whitmarsh in Cleveland in 1885; sold his interest in 1910 and moved to Los Angeles where he was connected with the Blackstone Co., two years; now president of C. W. Whitmarsh Co., manufacturers of women's cloth- ing. WHITMARSH, Henry W. Dry goods merchant. Res. Rivera, Cal.; office 318 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Boston, Mass., June 26, 1857; son of Charles H. and Adeline H. (Robinson) Whitmarsh. Married to Emina S. Williams in 1893. Edu- cated in public schools of Newton, Mass. Employed by Sargent Bros. & Co., wholesale dry goods, Boston, 187S; with J. H. Robinson & Co., as asst. bookkeeper, three years. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., and was asst. bookkeeper, bookkeeper and cashier for Claflin, Allen & Co., wholesale boots and shoes, 1878-84; moved to Texas on account of health, and engaged in sheep raising; with Cameron Roller Flour Mills, Waco, Tex., until 1887, when he moved to Los Angeles and entered employ of J. W. Robinson, remaining until incor- poration of that firm, when he was elected secy, and treas.; secy, and trea. N. B. Blackstone Co., 1901 to date. Dir. in Country Club Park. WHITMORE, Samuel J. Vice-pres. and genl. mgr. .Mexandria Hotel Co. Res. Alexandria Hotel. Los Angeles, Cal.; ofiice same. Born in Leesburg, Va., Oct. 29, 1865; son of Samuel Pax- ton and Phoebe (Beach) Whitmore. Married to Evelyn Fifield in 1894. Educated in public schools and acade- mies of Shenandoah Valley, Va. Teacher of district schools of Berke- ley Co., W. Va., 1882-85; in hotel business in Lincoln, Neb., 1885-94; same, in Kansas City, Mo., as asst. mgr. Midland and vice-pres. and as- sociate mgr. of The Baltimore, 1894- 1904; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 393 1905; vice-pres. Alexandria Hotel to date. WHITTIER, C. F. Oil operator. Res. Whittier, Cal.; office 356 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born at Caribou, Me., April 30, 1869; son of C. J. and Ruth (Keech) Whittier. Married to Mattie Wellar in 1906. Ed- ucated in the public schools of his na- tive town; worked on his father's farm and in a mercantile establish- ment at Caribou, Me.; engaged in the lumber business in the woods of Me.; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1898 and joined an expedition going to Alaska, where he engaged in mining gold in the Klondike; returned to Los Angeles one year later and became identified with development of the oil industry in Cal.; as an oil operator is identified with the oil industry all over the U. S. and South America; pres. United Oil Co.; Midway Central Oil Co.; Middle West Oil Co.; Mid- night Oil Co.; dir. Bulldog Oil Co. of Okla.; Titicaca Oil Co. of So. Am.; Americus Oil Co. of Los Angeles; Colon Oil Co. of Okla. Member Gamut Club, Los Angeles; Bakers- field Club, Bakersfield; B. P. O. E. WHITTIER, M. H. Oil operator. Res. 1042 S:. Alvarado st.; office 1130 "Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Caribou, Me., March 11, 1867; son of Charles G. and Ruth (Keech) Whittier. Married to Joanna E. Williams in 1901. Educated in public schools of his native town. Moved to Cal. in 1891; employed as farm hand in Santa Paula, Cal., 1891; secured position in oil fields with Union Oil Co., where he learned the oil business; drilling contractor, as- sociated with Thomas A. O'Donnell, when oil was discovered in Los An- geles; producer and oil operator with O'Donnell; secured interests in Coa- linga field; became interested in Kern River region, to which he finally con- fined his work; interested in Green & Whittier Oil Co., Kern Oil Co. and Shamrock Oil Co. in Kern River dis- trict; these companies were merged into Associated Oil Co.; he was an important factor in the organization, is a large stockholder, and member of its board of directors at present. Stockholder and dir. in following companies: Rodeo Land & Water Co., West Coast Oil Co., Titicaca Oil Co. of South America, Inca Oil Co.; owner Hondo Oil Co.; also has va- rious oil interests in Okla. Acquired large interests in Lost Hills district. where he organized Belridge Oil Co., of which he is dir. and vice-pres. Vice-pres. and dir. McKinley Home for Boys, Gardena, Cal. Member Jonathan and Sierra Madre clubs; Li)s Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Shrine. WHOMES, Dr. Arthur. Dentist. Res., 2130 Si.xth ave.; office 601 Broad- way Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Terrill, Tex., Nov. 19, 1880; son of Joseph and Marian (White) Whomes. Married to Florence Elaine Jenkins. Received his education in the public schools of Los Angeles and Univ. of Ariz. Registered in Cal. in 1902. Engaged in the practice of dentistry in Tucson, Ariz., 1902-04 and in Los Angeles 1904 to date. Member Masonic fraternity; K. O. T. M.; Los Angeles Athletic Club; Southern Cal. Dental Assn.; Los An- geles Dental See. WICKHAM, Joseph C. Res. Breeze ave., Venice, Cal.; office Ven- ice, Cal. Born in Beaver Co., Pa.. Aug. 6, 1873; son of Henry and Mary (Sale) Wickham. Educated at Haver- ford> Pa., grammar school. Clerical position in Fourth Natl. Bank, Phila- delphia, Pa.; with Graham & Co., stocks and bonds, Philadelphia, Pa., cashier Merchants' Trust Co., Los An- geles, Cal.; secy. Pacific Wharf & Storage Co., to date. Member Union League and So. Cal. Yacht clubs. WICKSTROM, Erik G. Merchant tailor. Res. 1346 Georgia st. ; office 301 Washington Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born near Karlstad, Sweden, Aug. 27, 1866; son of Johannes and Anna C. Wickstrom. Married to Emilia Erickson in 1891. Educated in public schools. Learned tailoring business in Karlstad, Sweden. Moved to America in 1886; employed as tailor in Chicago, 111., 1886-88; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1888; employed by several tailors in Los Angeles, 1888- 1901; cutter for Eisner & Co., Los Angeles. 1901-10; established business of his own, 1910, which he continues to date. Member Masonic fraternity; Past C. C. of Gauntlet Lodge, K P., LTniform Rank. WIER, Harry Marvin. Publisher and oil operator. Res., 2324 S. Flower St.; office, 204 N. Broadway, Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Cambridge, 111., June 7, 1882; son of Henry Marvin and Josephine T. (Thomas) Wier. 394 WHO'S WHO Attended public schools of his native town; graduated from Cambridge High School, 1900; graduated from Morgan Park Academy, Chicago, 1901; graduated from literary dept., Univ. of Mich., 1902; from law dept., 1906. Moved to Los Angeles and be- came member of firm of Harry M. Wier & Co., law book publishers, 1907. Pres. Sunset-Extension Oil Co.; Po- mona Abstract & Trust Co.; mgr. Los Angeles branch of BancroftWhitney Co., law book publishers of San Fran- cisco. Member Chamber of Com- merce; University, Sierra Madre and Los Angeles Athletic clubs; Delta Chi legal fraternity. WIGDAL, Ole J. Banker. Res. Pasadena, Cal.; office Home Savings Bank, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Morrisonville, Wis., Dec. 12, 1860; son of John O. and Sylvia H. (Bothun) Wigdal. Married to Emma T. Hal- worsen in 1887. Educated in the pub- lic schools of Morrisonville, Wis., and high schools of Albert Lea, Minn. Asst. postmaster Albert Lea, Minn., 1885-86; asst. cashier First National Bank, Albert Lea, Minn., 1887. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1887; teller of Los Angeles Nat. Bank, 1888-98; asst. cashier First National Bank, 1898-1904. Organized Home Savings Bank in 1904 and was elected cashier, which position he held until 1908; vice-pres. Home Savings Bank, 1908- 11; pres. Home Savings Bank, 1911 to date; vice-pres. First National Bank, Van Nuys, Cal.; dir. Bank of Lankershim; dir. First National Bank of Orland; dir. and treas. Los Ange- les Title and Trust Co.; dir. Mort- gage Guarantee Co. Member Masonic fraternity. Methodist. WIGGINS, Frank. Commercial Secy. Los Angeles Chamber of Com- merce. Res. 49 Thornton ave., Ocean Park; office Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Richmond, Ind, Nov. 8, 1849; son of Charles O. and Mary Marshall (Thatcher) Wig- gins. Married to Amanda Wiggins. Attended private Quaker schools of Richmond, Ind., 1858-64; Friends' Academy, Richmond, Ind., 1864-65; Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., 1865-67. Grocery clerk, Richmond, Ind., 1869-70; saddlery clerk, Rich- mond, Ind., 1872-75; member firm Wiggins & Co., Richmond, Ind., deal- ers in hardware and manufacturers of harness and saddles, 1876-86; moved to California, 1886; supt. Exhibits, Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles, Cal., 1890-97; secy, and supt of Cham- ber of Commerce, 1897-1913, acting in other capacities at same time; genl. mgr. Citrus Fair Assn., 1891-93; genl. mgr. Citrus Carnival, Chicago, 1891; secy, and genl. mgr. So. Cal. World's Fair Assn.. 1892-93 ; same position. Mid- winter Fair, San Francisco, Cal., 1894; genl. mgr. So. Cal. Exhibit, Cotton States & International Exposition, At- lanta, Ga., 1895; same position, Trans- Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, Neb., 1898; same position, Pan-American Exposition, Bufifalo, N. Y., 1901 ; one of commissioners for Cal. at Louisi- ana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; same position, Lewis & Clark Exposition, Portland, Ore., 1905; same position, Jamestown Ex- position, Norfolk, Va., 1907; same po- sition, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposi- tion, Seattle, Wash., 1909. Member Sunset. Jonathan, Union League and San Gabriel Country clubs. Quaker. WILBUR, Curtis Dwight. Judge of Superior Court. Res. 822 S. Al- varado st. ; office Court House, Los Angeles, Cal.. Born in Boonesboro, la., May 10, 1867; son of Dwight L. and Edna M. (Lvnian) Wilbur. Mar- ried to Ella Chilson (dec), 1893; to Olive Doolittle, 1898. Attended pub- lic school, Boonsboro, la., 1872-83; same, Jamestown, N. D., 1883-84; en- tered U. S. Naval Academy, Annapo- lis. iVId., 1884; graduated "with credit." Studied law at home and in law offices; tauglit mathematics at McPherson Academy (now Occidental College), Los Angeles, Cal., 1888-89; admitted to bar of Supreme Court, 1890. For nine years after admission to bar engaged in private practice of law; chief dep- uty district attorney, Los Angeles Co., 1899-1903; elected judge of the Superior Court, Los Angeles Co., 1902; re-elected for six years in 1908, acting also as judge of Juvenile Court, 1908 to date; judge probate depart- ment, civil and juvenile, 1903-07; juve- nile, criminal and juvenile cases, 1907- 09; presiding judge, 1909-10; civil and juvenile departments, 1910 to date. Member University, Union League and City clubs; Chamber of Com- merce; Sons of Veterans; D. V.; and G. A. R. Congregationalist. WILCOX, Henry W. Real estate. 2505 E St., San Diego, Cal. Born in ,'\shtabula, O., July 4, 1849; son of Daniel S., and Elizabeth F., Wilcox. Married to Mary A. Barth in 1880. .Xttendcd public schools and academy at West Salem, Wis. Engaged in farming, building and lumber business in Wis., and a number of la., and S. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 395 Dak., towns until 1888 when he moved to San Diego co., Cal.; in business in Los Angeles, 1897-1908; returned to San Diego and is now engaged in real estate business. Member of the Ral- ston Health Club. Republican. WILDE, Charles Lawrence. City Clerk. Res. 1327 Van Ness ave. ; of- fice Room 2, City Hall, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Iowa City, la., Aug. 1, 1861; son of Benjamin H. and Lavinia, (Foy) Wilde. Graduated from gram- mar schools, preparatory academy and business college, Iowa City. Associated with his father in mercantile business in Iowa City, la., until moving to Califor- nia, 1885 ; associated with L. A. Rawson, grocer, 1885-87 ; real estate and insurance business, 1887-92; Deputy Co. Tax Col- lector, 1892-93 ; Chief Deputy City Clerk, 1893-97; Deputy Assessor and Tax Col- lector, 1897-1903; Chief Deputy City Clerk, 1903-1913; City Clerk, Jan. 1, 1913 to date. Secy. APexican Associated Oil Co. Member Masonic fraternity ; I. O. F. ; Knights of Maccabees ; Union League Club. Episcopalian. WILEY, Walter Howard. Mining engineer. Res. 367 Bonnie Brae St., Los Angeles, Cal.; office same. Born in Trenton, 111., Jan. 27, 1862; son of Martin and Emma (Danford) Wiley. Married to Laura Parshall in 1884. Early education received in public schools ; graduated from the Colorado State School of Mines, 1883. Since his graduation has been identified as con- sulting mining engineer with many im- portant development projects through- out western U. S., Alaska, South Amer- ica and Asia. Member Anier. Inst, of Mining Engineers. WILHITE, Cyrus Warren. Nur- seryman. Glendora, Cal. Born in Mo., May 23, 1871; son of Isaiah and Mary E., (Tout) Wilhite. Married to Gertrude Hildreth in 1905. Received his education in the public schools of Mo., and Fla. Engaged in citrus cul- ture in Fla., until 1889 when he moved to Cal.; citrus nursery foreman at Riverside, Cal., 1889-94; nursery busi- ness for himself, 1894-1900; outside salesman for Capital Carriage Co., of Sacramento and Fresno, 1900-03, fore- man and salesman; with Redlands Cit- rus Nursery, 1903-06; in charge of Glendora branch of San Dimas Citrus Nurseries, 1907-10; engaged in busi- ness for himself 1910 to date; estab- lished Wilhite Citrus Nurseries in 1910. Enlisted as private in Company C, Ninth Infantry First Brigade, N, G. C, 1891; honorably discharged at expiration of term in 1894. Member Christian church. WILKINSON, James Weddell. Real estate broker. Res. Van Nuys Hotel; office 511 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Jacksonville, Fla., May 21, 1875; son of James and Amelia Sarah (Cross) Wilkinson. Unmarried. Educated in private school, Daytona, Fla.; public school, Oberlin, O., Oberlin College, Oberlin, O., graduating. 1897. En- gaged in real estate and insurance in Daytona, Fla., 1906; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., and became connected with W. M. Garland & Co.; opened office under name of J. W. Wilkinson & Co., 1912. Secy. Laguna Land & Water Co.; secy. E. L. Potter Co., operating Van Nuys Hotel; city clerk, Daytona. Fla., 1896-1906. Member Masonic fraternity; Knights Templar; Shrine; California, Los Angeles .-Xth- letic and Los .-\ngeles Country clubs. WILLARD, Henry. Real estate, mining, proprietor and owner Camp Bo- nita, San Gabriel Canyon, Cal, Born in Waitsbur,g, Walla Walla Co., Wash., May 26. 1864; son of Dennis and Sarah Ann (Barker) Willard. Married to Lucille Crothers in 1904. Educated in puljlic schools, state of Washington, 1870-84. Engaged in horse and cattle business. Washington, 1880-87; real es- tate in Oaksdale, Wash., 1887-92; trav- eled over this continent and in Europe, 1892-94; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1895 ; engaged in real estate business 1895 to date ; purchased Camp Bonita, San Gabriel Canyon, 1912, where he is now making extensive improvements in pro- motion of an attractive public resort. Has held official positions in a number of local corporations of prominence ; second vice-pres. Cal. Acreage Home- builders, 740 S. Hill St., Los Angeles ; formerly a member of Co. D, 2d Regi- ment, W. N. G. Member Los Angeles Country, Sierra Madre and Knicker- bocker clubs. WILLIAMS, Alexander McKee. Real estate and oil. Res. 1100 W. 41st St.; office 428-29 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hollidays- burg. Pa., in 1870; son of Benjamin and Anna R. (McKee) Williams. Mar- ried to Julia White, July, 1907. Edu- cated in grammar schools of Holli- daysburg, Pa.; Western University of Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa. In mercantile business in Pa.; real estate, Chicago, 111., 1897-1903; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1903; real estate and oil business 396 WHO'S WHO in Los Angeles, 1903 to date. Owner of extensive properties in Imperial Valley, Los Angeles and vicinity. Pres. January Oil Co.; dir. Tampico Fruit Co.; dir. March Oil Co.; one of original organizers and former vice- pres. Kern Four Oil Co. Member Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Municipal League; Los Angeles Ath- letic Club. WILLIAMS, Charles Lewis. Banker. Res. 845 Walnut ave. ; office American Nat'l Bank, San Diego, Cal. Born in Carrollton, 111., April 4, 1869; son of John G. and Rose (O'Macht) Williams. Received his education in the public schools of Carrollton, 111. Employed as collector and later as cash- ier in Bank of Commerce, San Diego, Cal., 1888-94 ; cashier American National Bank, 1904 to date. Member Cuyamaca Club ; Masonic fraternity ; I. O. O. F. ; B. P. O. E. WILLIAMS, Ernest S.tanwood. Lawyer. Res., 2215 W. 21st St.; office, 918 Title Insurance Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Oakland, Cal., Sept. 12, 1876; son of John Fisher and Maria Jane (Curtis) Williams. Mar- ried to Helen Ivers in 1906. Gradu- ated from high school, San Diego, 1895; from Stanford University, A.B., 1899; from Harvard Law School, 1901. .Admitted to the bar in Los Angeles, Cal., April, 1900. Engaged in the practice of law in Los .Angeles in partnership with Lynn Helm 1902 to date. Dir. First National Bank of Hollywood; dir. Hollywood Savings Bank. Republican. WILLIAMS, Frank E. Dental spe- cialist. Res., 911 Alonterey Road, S. Pasadena; office, 427 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in North Plains, Mich.; son of Edw-in R., and Laura L., (Higbee) Williams. Married Myrtie A. Hubbard in 1903. Attended public schools and business college in his native town; graduated from Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, in 1902. Began practice of dentistry in Cedar Springs, Mich., 1902; two years later specialized in orthodontice dis- continuing general practice; passed dental examination and was also li- censed to practice in Neb.; engaged in practice in Grand Rapids, 1906-10. Moved to Los Angeles and was regis- tered in Cal., in 1910 since which time he has been continuously engaged in practice of his jirfifcssion. Member So. Cal. Dental Assn., and Los An- geles County Dental See. WILLIAMS, Gesner. Lawyer. Res. 3503 S. Flower St.; office 88 Temple block, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Gaines- ville, Ala., Dec. 15, 1867; son of Dr. D. H. and Eugenia Florido (Hutton) Wil- liams. Married to Jennie Graydon Knox in 1892. Attended public schools of his native town ; Eastman Business College, 1885 ; graduated from Virginia Mili- tary Inst.. 1888; from Univ. of Virginia, LL. B., 1890. Engaged in practice of law in Demopolis, .-Ma. ; associated with W. E. Clark, 1893-97 ; practiced law alone, 1897-1903; mayor of Demopolis, 1895- 97; city atty. 1897-1903 (except for six months) ; circuit judge of .Mabama, 1898; atty. for Southern R. R. Co. at Demopolis, Ala., 1895-1903; moved to Los Angeles, Cal. ; engaged in practice with Judge A. W. Hutton, under firm name of Hutton & Williams, 1903 to date. Served as cadet lieut. V. M. I. Member Constitutional Convention of Alabama, 1901. Member K. of P. ; I. O. O. F,; B. P. O. E. WILLIAMS, Joseph K. Res. Casa Verdugo, Cal.; office Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Corinth, Miss., Sept. 21, 1885; son of John F. and Cinnie McGlathery Williams. ,\ttended Corinth public schools, 1891-99; Agricultural and Me- chanical College, Starkville, Miss., 1899-1900; Branham & Hughes School, Spring Hill, Tenn., 1900-01; Millsap's College, Jackson, Miss., 1902-04; Van- derbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., graduating from Dental College of same in 1909. Employed by I. C. Ry., 1904; manager circulation Weekly- News-Scimitar, Memphis, Tenn.. 1905- 06; after graduating from Vanderbill Univ. moved to Los .■\ngeles, Cal., and engaged in the practice of his profession, which he has continued to date. Methodist. WILLIAMS, Norman. Lawyer. Of- fice Exchange Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hespeler, Ont., Canada, Aug. 31, 1871; son of Rev. William and Mary B. Williams. Married to Gertrude Robson in 1903. Attended public schools and collegiate insti- tutes of the Province of Ontario, and Victoria Univ., Ontario, from which he graduted, B. A., 1892; graduated from Ontario Provincial Law School, Toronto, Ont, LL. B.; admitted to the bar in Ontario in Sept., 1898. Moved to Los .Xngelcs, Cal., Nov., 1898. and was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court, .'\pril. 18W; asso- ciated with the late A. R. Metcalfe, 1890-1902; became a member of the law firm of Cochran, Williams & Phil- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 397 lips, 1902; this firm was succeeded by the firm of Williams, Goudge & Chan- dler, of which he is at present a mem- ber. Republican. WILLIAMS, Robert Edmund. Ar- chitect. Res. 8-10 N. Ave. 66; office 226 Exchange BIdg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hespcler, Ont., Can., Jan. 16, 1874; son of Rev. William and Mary (Brennen) Williams. Married to Annie Pearse Williams in 1902. Attended grammar and kigh schools; matriculated from T^indsay Collegiate Inst, to Victoria Univ.; entered first architectural course in Toronto Univ. (School of Practical Science). Did political cartoon work, comic car- toon work, and illustrated verse and serial stories for Toronto papers; worked as draftsman during vaca- tions moved to Cal. in 1894; draftsman in Los Angeles until entering into partnership with Robert F. Train, under firm name of Train & Williams, 1900. Among the buildings erected by the firm are Exchange Bldg., Grosse Bldg., Los Angeles Furniture Co. Bldg., Jeffries Bldg., the Long Beach First Natl. Bank Bldg., Los Angeles Creamery Bldg., Tally's The- atre, California Natl. Supply Bldg., Thorpe Bldg., Home Telephone Bldg., Orange Co. Savings & Trust Co. Bldg., First Congregational Church, Pickwick Apts., Kern Co. Hall of Records, residences for Geo. I. Cochran, Arthur Letts (Holmby), E. P. Bosbyshell. Member So. Cal. Chapter Amer. Inst, of Archts.; Union League Club; affiliated with Knights of Pythias. Architect of pro- posed new Pythian Castle Hall. WILLIAMS, William J. Lawyer. Office, 309 Exchange Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Caianville, On- tario, Canada, May 10 1864; son of William and Mary (Brennan) Williams. Married to Lena G. Meads in 1877. Attended public schools of Toronto, Canada; graduated from Univ. of Toronto, LL. B., June, 1890; admitted to the bar by the Law Soci- ety of Upper Canada June, 1890. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1893; admitted to practice by Superior Court of Cal. in 1893: associated with George J. Cochran under firm name of Coch- ran & Williams, 1893-1906, when Mr. Cochran retired and present firm of Williams, Goudge & Chandler of which he is a member, was formed. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d de- gree. WILLIS, Hugh Evander. Dean, Law School, Southwestern University, Los Angeles, Cal. ; office 425 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Stratton, Vt., February 27, 1875; son of Evander H. and Lucy A. (Spraguc) Willis ; married to Esther Louise De- Coster in 1910. Graduated Yankton College, B.A., 1897; same, M'.A., 1899; L^nivcrsity of Minnesota, LL.D., 1901; same, LL.M., 1902. Instructor, Uni- versity of Minnesota Law School, 1902- 06; asst. professor, University of Minnesota Law School, 1906-10; pro- fessor, University of Minnesota Law School, 1910-13; Dean, Law School of Southwestern University, Sept., 1913, to date. Author : Willis on Contracts (Callaghan & Co.) ; Willis on Damages (Callaghan & Co.) ; Farmers' Manual of Law (Orange Judd Co.) ; Cases on Bailments, Carriers and Public Callings (University Press) ; article on Assump- sit, in Standard Encyclopedia of Pro- cedure (L. D. Powell & (I^o.) ; Personal Property (Library of Law) ; articles in Harvard Law Review, Columbia Law Review, Central Law Journal, American Law Review, American Law School Re- view, and Twentieth Century Magazine. Member .Mplia Delta Phi and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. WILLSON, Frank Lamb. Oculist and nerve specialist (naturopath). Res. 7224 Franklin ave., Hollywood, Cal. ; office 422-24 Exchange Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Waukegan, 111., Dec. 11, 1856; son of Samuel and Harriet Amanda (Lamb) Willson ; married to Grace H. Kipp in 1900. Attended public schools, M:mtorville, Minn., 1861-74; N. W. Optical College, St. Paul, Minn., 1900; Northern Illinois CoUe.ge of Oph- tlialmologv and Otolog\-, 1901-02; Mc- Corniick College, Chicago, 111., 1903; received degree Doctor of Osteopathy at completion of osteopathic course, N. Y. College of Electropathy, 1905 ; Amer- ican College of Neuro-Ophthalmology, 1906. Registered pharmacist, Mantorville, Minn., 1874-1900; registered optometrist, Mantorville, Minn., 1900-06. Moved to Cal. in 1906 ; registered physician, Cal., 1908; associated with his father in phar- macy, having charge of prescription de- partment and laboratory, 1874-91 ; after his father's death, was in partnership with his mother in same establishment, under title Samuel Willson Drug Co., having entire management until 1900 ; established optometrical office in 1900 ; pres. Minnesota Optical Assn., 1903; established independent practice as phy- sician in Los Angeles, 1906, which he continues to date. First vice-pres. Assn. 398 WHO'S WHO Naturopathic Physicians of California; dir. Naturopathic Pub. Co. Member Knickerbocker Club ; Masonic fra- ternity ; K. of P. WILLSON, William Henry. Manu- facturer. Res. 1510 E. Fourth st. ; office 410 E. Third st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in London, England, in 1860; son of William H. and Caroline (Shearman) Willson. Married to Lizzie C. Pedgrift in 1901. Attended private preparatory school and Grove Academy, Walthams- low, England. Served apprenticeship to Brock & Co., Crystal Palace, London, 1877 ; moved to New Orleans as mana- ger of fireworks for New Orleans Ex- position, with Hunt & Sons, Boston ; with Pain & Sons, Chicago ; owner Los Angeles Fireworks Co., 1887 to date ; Willson's Fireworks Co., San Francisco. Contractor for fireworks Portland Ex- position and Seattle Exposition. Mem- ber B. P. O. E. WILSHIRE, Nathaniel Foster. Manufacturer. Res. 2533 Fourth Ave.; office Santa Fe Ave. & Georgia St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cin- cinnati., O., Jan. S, 1873; son of George and Susan Emerson (Thomas) Wilshire; married to Louise Schwary in 1906. Educated in private schools, Cincinnati, O.; Holbrook's Academy, Ossining, N. Y.; Andover .'Academy, Andover, Mass.; and University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, O. Since fin- isliing his education has been engaged in mining and realty investments, and is at present president of the Republic Iron & Steel Co., manufacturers of tanks and boilers. Member California Club; charter member L. A. Country Club. WILSON, Calvert. Lawyer. Res. 1403 S. Burlington ave.; office, 350 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San I-'rancisco, April 18, 1867; son of Thomas Frew and Afarian G., (Cal- vert), Wilson. Married to Kathryne J. Smith in 1896. Attended private schools in Mexico, Canada, France, Germany and United States; attended Haverford College, Georgetown Uni- versity and Harvard Univ.; graduated A. B., and ,'\. M., from Harvard L'niv.; admitted to the bar in 1888; appointed asst. U. S. atty., 1891-93; dist. atty., Yuma CO., Ariz., 1893-94; moved to Los Angeles in 1895 since which time he has been engaged in active prac- tice specializing in mining and cor- poration law. Pres. Chamber of Mines and Oil of Los Angeles, 1909- 10; trustee Cal. State Mining Bureau, and dir. in several mining companies. Author: Wilson's Mining Laws; Wil- son's Naturalization Laws. High pri- vate in N. G. Ariz., honorably dis- charged. Member California Club; A. O. U. W.; K. of P.; Native Sons of the Golden West; Democrat; L'ni- tarian. WILSON, Emmet Homer. Lawyer. Res., 855 South Ardmore ave.; office, 1146 Title Insurance Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal, Born in Greeley, Col., Jan. 15, 1876; son of John Emmet and Josephine Elizabeth (Cochran) Wil- son; married to Grace Safford Hum- phrey in 1907. Graduated from Los Angeles high school 1894; studied law privately and was admitted to prac- tice by the Supreme Court of Cal., April 10, 1900; admitted to practice in U. S. Supreme Court, Oct. 14, 1907. Member of the first Board of Play- ground Commissioners of Los An- geles, 1904; member Board of Educa- tion, non-partisan, 1905-06; re-elected but resigned to enter city atty's. of- fice; Chief Deputy City Atty., 1907-11; resigned and re-entered private prac- tice. Member Gamut Club. Demo- crat. WILSON, Horace Sandes. Law- yer. Res. 345 Harvard blvd.; office 404 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, Dec. 9, 1884; son of Percy R., and Emily A. (Sandes) Wilson. Married to May- belle Harmon in 1909. Attended pub- lic schools of Los Angeles; graduated from Harvard School, Los Angeles, 1904; attended Stanford University. Admitted to the bar in Los Angeles, 1908; engaged in the practice of law associated with his father, 1908-09; alone 1909 to date. Dir. Southern Cal- ifornia Loan Assn. Member Masonic fraternity; California and University clubs. WILSON, James J. Manufacturer and jobber. Res., 409 W. 60th St.; of- fice, Alhambra & Bloom sts., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Fair Grove, Mo., Jan. 16, 1884; son of Edward F., and Malinda J., (Webb) Wilson. Mar- ried to Mabel A. Poflf in 1910. Edu- cated in grammar and high schools of Fair Grove and Springfield, Mo.; com- mercial school, Springfield, Mo. Stenographer in general offices of St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co., Springfield, Mo., 1902 03; same with D. & R. G. Ry., Denver, Colo., 1904; same S. P. L. A, & S. L. Ry., Salt Lake City, 1905; public stenographer and stock broker, Tonojiah and Gold- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 399 field, Nev, 1906-07; with Associated Supply Co., San Francisco, Cal., 1908; mgr. Associated Supply Co., dealers in oil well supplies, Los Angeles, Cal., 1909 to date; in San Francisco Feb. to Aug. 1906; moved to Los Angeles in 1909. Methodist. WILSON, John Wallace. Special examiner, Los Angeles Clearing House Assn. Res. Hershey Arms, 2600 Wilshire blvd.; office, 806 Trust & Savings Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Gardiner, Me., Aug. 25, 1858; son of John S. and Louisa A., (Brown) Wilson. Married to Jennie C. Haskell in 1886. Attended public schools, Gardiner, Me., 1870; same Alameda, Cal., 1872; same Portland, Me., 1877; graduated from Bowdoin College, A. B., 1881. Five years after graduation became member of firm of N. M. Perkins & Co., wliolesale hard- ware dealers, Portland. Me.; moved to Redlands, Cal., in 1887, and was ap- pointed cashier of First National Bank, which position he held until 1900; national bank examiner for Cal., Nev., and Utah. 1900-97; vice-pres. American National Bank, San Fran- cisco, 1907-08; special examiner, Los Angeles Clearing House Assn., 1909 to date. Life member B. P. O. E. ; member California and Los Angeles Country clubs. WILY, Charles A. Banker. Res. 911 Pacific ave.; office Exchange Na- tional Bank, Long Beach, Cal. Born in Bellows Falls, Vt., December 12, 1864; son of Haskell and Sarah (Aid- rich) Wily. Married to Mabel Roe in 1878. Educated in public and high school, Saxton's River, Vt. Went to Kearney, Neb., 1884; cashier Kearney Nat. Bank; assistant cashier First National Bank. Council Blufifs, la., 1894; purchased interest in State Banking & Trust Co.; cashier First Natl. Bank, S. Dak., 1905-10; sold banking interests, 1910, and moved to Los Angeles, Cal.; located in Long Beach, Cal., 1911, purchasing State Bank; pres. Exchange National Bank of Long Beach, Cal., to date. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; Shrine; K. of P.; B. P. O. E.; W. O. W.; Chamber of Commerce. WINANS, Joy A. Real estate. Res. 4565 Pasadena ave. ; office, 400 Mason Opera House Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Albia, la., Sept. 28, 1872; son of Rev. E. H. and Margaret S. (Wright) Winans. Married to Adele I. Schrieber in 1899. Attended the pub- lic schools of la. and Cal. until 1887; Univ. of So. Cal., 1888; Los Angeles Business College, 1890; Los Angeles State Normal School, 1896. Supt. of water system supplying Garvanza, High- land Park and East Los Angeles, Cal., 1896-1902; office collector in city dept. for city of Los Angeles, 1902-05 ; en- gaged in real estate in partnership with W. B. Judson, operating under firm name of Winans-Judson Co., 1906 to date. Organizer and dir. Eagle Rock Water Co., 1906 ; one of organizers and pres. "Home Builders," 1908 to date; pres. Home Builders Security Fund ; pres. Home Builders General Agency; pres. Winans-Judson Co. ; served in Co. F, Seventh Reg., N. G. C, 1901-08; Second Lieut., Co. F, Seventh Cal., U. S. V. Inf., during Spanish-American war, receiving honorable discharge at close of war. Member Los Angeles Orphans' Home Assn. ; Municipal League ; Fed- eration Club and Annandale Country Club. Democrat. WINBURN, Oscar Edgar. Lawyer. Res., 1501 S. Grand ave.; office, 700 San Fernando Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Monroe, Ga., Mar. 31st, 1877; son of J. T., and Carrie Harral- son Winburn. Education received in public schools of N. C, La Fayette Military Academy, La Fayette, N. C; Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C. Studied law privately in New York City and in Los Angeles. Ad- mitted to practice in Cal., by examina- tion Sept. 1911. Trustee Social Demo- crat Publishing Co.; served as private in 2nd. Conn., heavy artillery, during Spanish-American war. Member Or- der of Moose. WINEBURGH, Emmanuel. Mer- chant. Res., 2365 First St.; office cor. Fourth and E sts., San Diego, Cal. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1859; son of Lazarno and Rose Wineburgh. Mar- ried to Emma Lillienfeld. Graduated from Putnam High School, Syracuse, N. Y.; office boy in Mexican Consul- ate, New York City; clerk in dry goods store, Danbury, Conn., and Brooklyn, N. Y.; moved to San Fran- cisco and one year later established dry goods business; in dry goods busi- ness in Los Angeles ten years; moved to San Diego and has been proprietor of the Hub Clothing Co., 1904 to date. Vice-pres. and secy. San Diego-Coa- lingo Oil Co.; stockholder San Diego Consolidated Real Estate Co.; U. S. Grant Hotel Co.; East Puente Oil Co., and Kountz Tract Realty Co.; served on city and county Democratic Central Committees, Los Angeles for 400 WHO'S WHO number of years. Member Chamber of Commerce; Merchants and Manu- facturers' Assn.; Order of Panama, San Diego. WINES, Sydney J. Merchant. Res. 1444 Maple St.; office, 958 Sixth st., San Diego, Cal. Born in Albion, Mich., July 31, 1860; son of John W., and Aceneth (Munsein Wines. Mar- ried to Elsie M. Davis in 1882; to Luella M. Hage in 1909. Received his education in the district and high schools of Albion, Mich. Employed as traveling salesman for Union Wind Mill Co., 1880-83; brick manufacturer, Albion, Mich., 1883-87; foreman in bo.x factory, Coronado, Cal., 1887-90; gro- cery business, Coronado, Cal., 1890- 1900; became sole owner of S. J. Wines Coffee Co. in 1900; sole owner to date. Dir. Agnew Sanatorium. Member San Diego Rotary Club; Ma- sonic fraternity. Methodist. WINTER, Leopold. Retired. Res., 210 So. Soto St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Kaden, Germany, Nov. 11, 1841. Married to Anna Holmanns. Educated in the public schools of Ger- many. Started the first steam cracker factory in Los Angeles in 1883 on Aliso St.; consolidated with So. Cal. Cracker Factory and sold to Pacific Biscuit Co., in 1899; retired in 1899. Now dir. in Commercial National Bank of Los Angeles. WINTERER, Edward. Lawyer. Office, Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Sibley CO., Minn., July 11, 1861; son of Otto and Francesca (Kohlinfrath) Winterer. JNlarricd to Imogene Ingersoll in 1891. Attended district schools of Sibley and Nicollet cos. Minn.; Le Sueur High School; graduated from Univ. of Minn., B. L., 1887; LL. B.. 1890; admitted to courts of N. Dak., 1890; Supreme Court of N. Dak., 1892; engaged in practice in N. Dak.; admitted to the U. S. Circuit and District Courts in 1898; to Su- preme Court of the U. S. Oct. 23. 1899; to U. S. Court of Appeals, 1904. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in March, 1905, and was admitted to the Cal. Courts same year. Served as State's atty. for Barnes Co., N. Dak., 1897-01. Mem- ber Masonic fraternity; Shrine; Knights Templar; Past Worthy Pa- tron Hollywood Chapter O. £. S.; pres. Hollywood Board of Trade, 1908; prcs. Minn. Gopher Club; vice-pres. N. Dak. State .^ssn.; prcs. Hollywood Current Events Club; member Holly wood Club. WI&HON, Walter Wilson. Mining engineer. Res., 418^i Park View St.; office, 616 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Phelps CO., Mo., Mar. 25th, 1862; son of Frank and Susan B. (Lennox) Wishon. Married to Marguerite Storebeck in 1909. Grad- uated from Mo. School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1881; engaged in gen- eral engineering work in Mont., 1882- 87; assayer with Parrott Copper & Sil- ver M. & S. Co., Butte, Mont., 1890-91; chief chemist Montana Ore Purchas- ing Co., 1891-92; field work, 1892-95; returned to Butte as mgr. Ramsdell- Parrott mine, and supt. Minnie Healy mine; supt. Speculator Mining Co., Butte, Mont.. 1899-1904. Active in the development of the famous Jessie mine of North Butte section. Moved to Cal. in 1904 and developed Goldfield properties for three years. Genl, mgr. Consolidated Mining Co., 1908-11. At present practicing his profession in- dependently. Elected member Amer. Inst. Mining Engineers in 1882; mem- ber Montana Soc. Engrs. WISNER, Clarence B. Farm lands. Res. 509 Mariposa ave. ; office, 219 Se- curity Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Friendship, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1867; son of James E. and Laura (Bell) Wisner. Married to Gertrude Dixon in 1886. Educated at Friendship Academy and Hamline University. First engaged in business at Lisbon, N. Dak., 1885 ; be- came cashier in Bank of Lisbon, 1886; drafted the North Dakota Bank law and assisted in organizing first state bank under it ; manager of World's Fair Branch, American Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, 1893 ; organized Bank of West Pullman, 1894, and in 1895 or- ganized the State Bank of West Pull- man and was first cashier; later vice- pres.; pres., 1900; became gen. mgr. of the Sills Eddy Mica Co., New York, 1902 ; organized and financed the Dubois Electric & Traction Co. of Dubois, Penn., in 1907 ; moved to London, Eng- land, and upon returning to U. S., moved to Cal., 1910, in connection with large British oil investments in the Cal. fields ; purchased 7500 acres of land at Snelling, Cal., and founded the Figmond Colony, 1911 ; present interests are in farm lands and colonization companies. Member Sierra ^.xadre Club, Los Angeles ; Union League Club, San Francisco. Congrega- tionalist. WOOD, Franc Ogilvy. Oil pro- ducer. Res. 511 S. Granada ave.. AI- hanibra ; office 402 Lankershim L^ldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Montreal, Que., Can., Sept. 19, 1848; son of David IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 401 Russ and Almira Twining (Catlin) Wood. Married to Rcliecca W. Pendle ton in 1890. Received instruction from private tutors ; graduated from Montreal high school, 1864; McGill Univ., B. A., 1869; B. C. L., 1871. Admitted to bar at Montreal, 1872; practiced law, 1872- 80; at Colorado Springs, Colo., 1882; asst. atty. for Denver & Rio Grande Ry., 1882-84; asst. atty. and right of way atty. for Denver & New Orleans Rail- way (now known as Colo. Southern), 1884-86; asst. atty. Colo. Midland Rail- way, 1886-90; engaged in mining, 1890; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1902, and has been engaged in oil industry and mining to date. Pres., treas. and mgr. International Securities Co. ; secy., treas. and mgr. Van Anda Oil Co. ; treas. and mgr. Bardsdale Lease (Oil). Life member Montreal Snowshoe and La- crosse clubs ; member Soc. of Colonial Wars, through Capt. Joseph Wadsworth of Charter Oak fame ; eligible to May- flower Soc, through Capt. Snow, who came over in Mayflower ; member Valley Hunt Club, Pasadena ; San Gabriel Val- ley Country Club ; Midwick Country Club ; Sunset Yacht Club. WOOD, Guy Hemenway. .Banker. Res., 868 N. Los Robles ave., Pasa- dena; office, Pasadena Savings & Trust Co., Pasadena, Cal. Born in Kalamazoo, Mich., July 5. 1869; son of Henry and Harriet (Bradford) Wood. Married to Eleanor Gordon in 1902 Educated in public and private schools of Kalamazoo, Mich. Emphiyed in various clerical positions in Minne- apolis until 1893, when he moved to Pasadena; bookkeeper and teller in Savings Bank of Southern California until 1901; assisted in opening the Pasadena Savings Bank & Trust Co., and has been associated with this bank and its affiliated bank, the First Na- tional Bank of Pasadena, since 1901; Asst. treas. Pasadena Savings & Trust Co.; treas. and dir. Associated Mort- gages, Pasadena. Member Overland and Annandale Country clubs, Pasa- dena. Episcopalian. WOOD, Hernando D. Real estate and exchanges. Res. 110 N. Coro- nado St.; office 412 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Bonner, Miss., June 18, 1875; son of Wilson G. and Sarah Emily (Brant- ley) Wood. Married to Edith E. Ezell in 1889. Educated in public schools at Hope, Ark. At age of 15 owned and conducted a cigar and con- fectionery store; engaged in men's clothing and furnishing business as mem!)er of firm of Wood Bros., Waco, Tex., 1892-98; fruit growing in Texas, 1898-1904; toured United States, 1904- 07; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1907; engaged in real estate business in Los Angeles, 1908 to date. Member Ma- sonic fraternity; K. of P.; Red Men; Colonial Club, Waco, Tex, Baptist. WOOD, John Perry. Judge of Su- perior Court. Office Court House, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Baltimore, Md.. March 30, 1879; son of Rev. John and Ida (Perry) Wood. Mar- ried to Claudine Hazen in 1911. Graduated from high school at Ev- erett, Pa.; graduate from Dickinson College, B. A. and A. M.; graduated from Yale University, 1900; gradu- ated from Illinois State Law School, 1902. Opened offices for practice in Pasadena, Cal., in 1905; appointed Judge of Police Court of Pasadena; served one term and was appointed city atty. of Pasadena; re-elected; nominated by Lincoln-Roosevelt League in 1910 as candidate for the office of Judge of Superior Court; elected, and has served, 1911 to date. Member Masonic fraternity; Overland and Annandale Country clubs, Pasa- dena; Union League Club, Los An- geles. WOOD, Rebecca Wahn Lutt. Res , "Woodhurst," 511 So. Granada ave., Alhanibra, Cal. Born in Philadelphia; daughter of Dr. Charles Pendleton and Rebecca (Learning) Lutt. Mar- ried to Frank Ogilvy Wood in 1890. Educated by governesses. Member Colonial Dames; D. A. R.; Los An- geles Audubon Society; Humane So- ciety; Valley Hunt, San Gabriel Val- ley Country, Midwick Country and Sunset Yacht clubs. Episcopalian. WOODRUFF. Franklin B. Law- yer. Office, 720 Grosse Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Columbus, O.. Sept. 1876; son of Perry and Anna (McFarland) Woodruff. Attended public schools of O., and Cal.; Pacific Beach College of Letters, San Diego, Cal. Admitted to the bar in Los An- geles by the Supreme Court in 1901; member of firm of Conley & Wood- ruff, 1901; associated with Earl Rogers, 1901-03; associated with A. W. Allen, 1903-08; now associated with Frank W. Heatherly. WOODRUFF, George H. Lawyer. Office 412 Douglas Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Watertown, Conn., Feb. 25, 1873; son of J. F. and Ellen (Atwood) Woodruff. Married to Nel- 402 WHO'S WHO lie E. Britton. Attended private schools in Washington. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal.. in 1896; graduated from Leland Stanford Univ., LL. B., 1902; admitted to the bar in 1902; served as associate counsel for Title Insurance & Trust Co., 1904-06; prac- ticed alone. 1906-07; associated with F. D. McClure June, 1907 to date. Member Jonathan and University clubs. Republican. ^yOODWARD, Agnes. Director California School of .^rtistic Whistling. Res. 2111 Third ave. : office 427-28 Blanchard Hall, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Waterloo. N. Y. ; daughter of Dr. Charles Meredyth and Afartha (Mt- Glashan) Woodward. Unmarried. Grad- uated. Tecumseh, Mich., 1891 ; attended Detroit Conservatory of Music, Detroit, Mich. ; special work in voice and sight reading; studied voice with Harold Jar- vis ; with Mrs. Ida Norton ; special work under various instructors in voice train- ing. Upon graduating from Detroit Conservatory was made special instruc- tor of sight reading work at Thomas Normal Training School, a branch of Detroit Conservatory ; supervisor public school music, Chillicothe, O. ; upon res- ignation of position in Detroit school began study of whistling, and later origi- nated and perfected "bird method." Moved to California in 1902 and began teaching whistling as an art ; established a school of whistling in 1909, after sev- eral years of successful private teaching. Organizes and conducts whistling cho- ruses and trains pupils for vaudeville work ; teaches private pupils. Pres. and dir. California School of Artistic Whist- ling. Received medal from Los Angeles Realty Board in appreciation of whist- ling chorus at "Land Show Beautiful," 1912. Vice-pres. Matinee Musicale Club and dir. of Matinee Musical Whistling Quartette-; member Y. W. C. A. ; Anti- Vivisection Soc. ; Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Soc; W. C. T. U. Congre- gationalist. WOODWARD, Wilkie. Civil en- gineer. Res., 706 W. S2nd Place; of- fice, Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 11, 1873; son of James Henry and Amanda (Lannon) Wood- ward. Married to Aline Barnes in 1901. Educated in public and private schools. After leaving school began practical training as engineer in the field. Asst. cngr. with Gila Canal and dam, in charge of construction and preliminary work; asst. engr., C. C. C. & St. L. Ry.; dept. examiner en- gineering work for city of Cincinnati; appointed 1st lieut. Vol. Signal Corps in 1898 and served in Porto Rico until ordered home on sick leave; moved to Cal., and engaged in poultry raising near Long Beach; asst. engr. for S. P. R. R. in .^riz.. and Sonora; supt. Santa Rita Mining Co., Santa Rita Mts.; asst. engr. Cincinnati Southern Ry. ; in pri- vate practice in New Orleans; chief engr. LTnion Terminal R. R. Co.; with New York Central Lines; asst. engr. in designing engr.'s office, and later in construction dept.; moved to Los Angeles and became draughts- man in city engr.'s office; now in pri- vate practice. Member 2nd class Mili- tary Order Loyal Legion; associate member Amer. Soc. of Civil Engrs. WOODWORTH, Samuel Kline. Retired. San Diego, Cal. Born in Syracuse, Mo., March 19, 1861; son of John and Mary Elnore (Kline) Woodworth. Married to Kate Treat in 1887. Received his education in public and private schools of Atchi- son, Kas. ; Univ. of Mich. Admitted to the bar in Washtenaw co., Mich., 1884; to the bar at .•\tchison, Kan., 1884; engaged in practice in Atchison as member of the firm of Bird & Woodworth, 1884-87; justice of the peace 1887-91; moved to Seneca, Kan., and formed partnership with J. E. Stillwell, 1891-94; practiced alone, 1895-1905; co. atty. of Nemalia co., Kas., 1897-98; moved to San Diego in 1906, and retired from active prac- tice. Dir. B. & M. R. R.; member school board of Seneca, Kas., four years. Member Masonic fraternity; W. O. W. Republican. WOOLF, William S. Full dress suit merchant. Res. 4209 S. Grand ave. ; office 512 Mason Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in New York city, March 12, 1861; son of S. and Hannah (Mund) Woolf; married to -Adelaide Tornbom in 1891. Educated in grammar schools of New York, 1875; graduated from S. S. Packard Business College at age of 23. Moved to Chicago and en- gaged in mercantile business, 1884 ; in mercantile business in Kansas City; rep- resentative of Goldstand Powell Hat Co. of Wichita, Kans., 1898 ; now Western representative of Keith Bros. Hat Co., Chicago ; senior member firm of Woolf & Bean, "The Full Dress Men" of Los Angeles. Known on the road as "Blue Pencil Billic." Member Masonic fra- ternity ; honorary member Scottish Rite, Wichita ; memjier Shrine ; member 22nd Reg., N. G. S. N. Y., for several years. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 403 WOOLLACOTT, Albert Henry. Stocks and bonds. Res. 909 Manhat- tan place; office 231-262 I. W. Hell- man Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, Cal., July 22. 1884; son of H. J. and Mary D. WooUacott. Married in 1905. Received education in public schools of Lo.s Angeles, Cal., and St. Mathews Military School, Burlingaine, Cal. After leaving school, entered the office of his father, H. J. WooUacott, banker and dealer in stocks, bonds and real estate. Be- came member of stock exchange in 1907. Member of Jonathan and South Coast Yacht clubs. WOOLNER, Henry Sigmund. Real estate and oil operator. Office 220 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Austria, Nov. 1, 1867; son of Jacob and Anna (Mitler) Woolner. Attended pub- lic schools of Peoria, 111. ; graduated from Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich., LL. B. Engaged in the practice of law in Los Angeles, 1893-94; moved to Pe- oria, 111., where he remained until 1900; returned to Los Angeles and engaged in real estate and oil business ; candidate from 3d ward for City Council in 1904. Member Masonic fraternity ; Chamber of Commerce; Alumni Assn. Univ. of Mich. ; Concordia Club. WOOLWINE, Thomas Lee. At- torney-at-Law. Res. 1040 Kensington road ; office 628 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born near Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 31, 1874; son of Samuel Shanklin and Sally (Shute) Woolwine. Married to Alma Foy in 1900. Edu- cated in public and private schools of Nashville, Tenn. ; Cumberland Univ., Tenn. ; graduating from the law depart- ment, LL. B., 1903; Columbian (now George Washington) Univ., graduating from the law department, LL. B., 1904 ; engaged in practice of law for several years prior to taking university courses. Admitted to Supreme Court of Cal. in 1899, U. S. Circuit Court and U. S. Dis- trict Court for So. District of Cal. same year; admitted to LI. S. Supreme Court, 1904 ; candidate for dist. atty. for Los Angeles Co. on Good Government and Democratic tickets. Author : In the Valley of the Shadows (a novel). Dep- uty city atty. for city of Los Angeles, 1907-08; deputy dist. atty. for Los An- geles CO., and prosecuting atty. for Los Angeles in 1908. Member Los Angeles Bar Assn.; City and University clubs; Municipal League ; Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon fraternity. WOOLWINE, William David. Banker. Res. 1201 Lake St.; office, National Bank of Cal., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Christiansburg, Va. Oct. 19, 1855; son of Adam Smith and Rebecca (Shanklin) Woolwine. Married to Blanche Bradfute in 1878, who died June, 1880. Married Lily White, 1883. Education received at home (and in village schools of Christiansburg and Pearisburg, Va., 1868-70). Employed in country store in Pearisburg, Va., 1870-73; moved to Nashville, Tenn. and accepted posi- tion as stockkeeper and bill clerk in wholesale dry goods house, without compensation, 1873; same year ac- cepted position of bookkeeper in wholesale hat house; bookkeeper and credit manager for O. F. & E. T. Noel, flour manufacturers, 1876; en- tered into manufacture and sale of candy and crackers, wholesale and re- tail, 1878, under firm name of Grubbs, WooKvine & Kenker; moved to San Diego, Cal., in 1886, engaging in real estate business under firm name of Woolwine, Sprigg & Nerney; one of organizers of Bank of San Diego in 1888; vice pres. of same a few months later; became asst. cashier when the Bank of San Diego was merged with the 1st national Bank of San Diego, 1888; cashier of same. 1889-1894; cashier Savings Bank of So. Cal., Los Angeles, 1894-1898; cashier Los An- geles National Bank, 1898-1903; vice pres. Southern California Savings Bank, 1904-06; resigned to purchase control of National Bank of Cal. with J. E. Fishburn and R. I. Rogers, be- ing elected vice-pres. of same, 1906, continuing in same position to date; dir. Security Trust & Sav. Bank; pres. Federal Bank; treas. and dir. State Mutual Bldg. & Loan Assn.; dir. Los Angeles Pressed Brick Co.; vice pres. Laguna Land & Water Co. Member Chamber of Commerce; Cal- ifornia, Sunset, Los Angeles Country and San Gabriel Valley Country clubs. Episcopalian. WOOTAN, John Thomas. Mana- ger Amalgamated Oil Co. Res. 2216 Fifth ave. ; office 424 Pacific Electric Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in We- tumpka, ."Ma., Aug. 5, 1871 ; son of John Thomas and Mary Ellen (Smith) Woo- tan. Married to Margaret Eunice Kirk- patrick in 1908. Attended public schools of St. Louis, Mo., and Ashley, 111.. 1880- 87. Worked at various occupations dur- ing vacations and while attending school. Foreman of a broom factory at Ashley, 404 WHO'S WHO 111., 1887-89; worked on I. C. R. R., 1889-90. Moved to California in 1894 and engaged in farming in Tnlare co. ; entered employ of the Singer Mfg. Co. as agent of Siskiyou. Trinity and Shasta counties, with headquarters at Yreka, Cal. ; made supervising agent in charge of territory in Cal., north Fresno co. and including the state of Nevada in 1895 ; in the employ of Kutner Goldstein Co., Selma, Cal., 1896-1900; entered oil busi- ness in 19(X) at McKittrick in employ of Eldorado Oil Co. and C. J. Berry; in employ of .Associated Oil Co., Bakers- field, 1903-05 ; associate and chief clerk to F. B. Henderson. 1905-7. Moved to Los .Angeles, Cal., Sept., 1907, as pur- chasing agent and supt. of sliipments. Member Masonic fraternity ; B. P. O. E., Los Angeles ; Chamber of Commerce ; Chamber of Mines & Oil ; Sierra Madre Club. WORKMAN, Boyle. Banker, Res. 305 S. \ormandie ave. ; office Home Savings Bank, Second and Spring sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles. Cal., Sept. 20, 1868; son of W. H. and Maria E. (Boyle) Workman; married to Martha Frances Widney in 1895. Attended Santa Clara College, Santa Clara. Cal. ; graduated from St. Vin- cent's College, Los Angeles, Cal., 1887. Asst. City Treas. under his father ; local agent Home Mutual Fire Ins. Co. of San Francisco; afterwards went into American Savings Bank as asst. cash- ier; one of the organizers of the bank. Vice-pres. Am. Savings Bank until its consolidation with Home Savings Bank ; now vice-pres. Home Savings Bank ; dir. in Southern County Bank of Ana- heim; dir. Los Angeles Title & Trust Co. Member California, Los Angeles Athletic, Los Angeles Country clubs; Chamber of Commerce ; Los Angeles Public Service Commission ; Native Sons of the Golden West. Democrat. Roman Catholic. WORKS, John Dovirney. United States Senator. Res. Los Angeles, Cal.; office 323 Senate Office Bldg., Wasjiington, D. C. Born in Ohio co., Ind., March 29, 1847; son of James A. and Phoebe (Downey') Works. Mar- ried to .Alice Banta in 1868. Educated in public schools of Ind. Admitted to the bar in Ind. in 1868. Practiced in that State until 1883, when he moved to San Diego, Cal. .Appointed Judge of Superior Court in 1.884 and was elected without opposition following year. Served one year and resigned; resumed practice of law in partnership with Hon. Olin Wellborn. Appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of Cal. in 1888 to fill vacancy caused by res- ignation of Justice McKinstry; served until 1889 and declined to be a candi- date for re-election; moved to Los .Angeles in 1896 and formed partner- ship with Bradner W. Lee, which con- tinued for twelve years, Lewis R. Works, his son, being member of firm part of time. Author of work on Indiana Practice and Pleading that has been in use for nearly thirty years and is in its third edition; Courts and Their Jurisdiction; Water and Water Rights; numerous articles on various subjects for magazines. INIember of the firms Wellborn & Works, Works & Works, San Diego, Cal., and Works, Lee & Works, Works & Lee, Los Angeles, Cal. Served as private in Civil War; mem- ber of Indiana Legislature in 1879; ludge Superior Court, San Diego co., Cal, in 1884. Member City Council of Los Angeles, 1910, and was its pres.; member American Bar Assn. for more than twenty years; elected U. S. Senator in 1911. Christian Scientist. WORKS, Lewis Reed. Lawyer. Res. 842 S. Kingslev Drive; office 821 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Vevay, Ind., Dec. 28, 1869; son of John Downey and Alice (Banta) Works. Married to Harriett L. Wilson in 1903. Attended public schools of Vevay, Ind., San Diego and San Fran- cisco, Cal. ; graduated from San Diego Commercial College, 1887. Worked as practical printer from 1882 (age 12) until 1890 ; the greater part of the time only during school vacations but the last year, all the time, as half owner of a job printing business ; began reading law autumn of 1890; admitted to bar Feb. 15, 1892; engaged in practice ever since; member Cal. legislature, lower house, 1899-01 ; first asst. city atty., Los Ange- les, 1907-09; member Los Angeles Char- ter Revision Committee. 1910-11, fram- ing charter amendments voted on by peo- ple March 6, 191 1 ; pres. Los Angeles Board of Public Utilities, 1911; member Board of Freeholders, to frame new charter for Los Angeles, 1912; member Board of Freeholders to frame charter for Los Angeles co., 1912. Charter member of (To. A, Cal. Naval M'ilitia (Naval Reserve) ; first battalion organ- ized in Cal.; served three years, honor- ably discharged. Member Natl. Soc. Political and Social Sci. ; Natl. Geo- grapliic Soc; Soutliwest Soc; Natl. IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 405 Municipal League; Los Angeles Munici- pal League ; Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce ; pres. Los Angeles City Club; pres. Severance Club. Past Ex- alted Ruler San Diego Lodge, No. 168, B. P. O. E. Christian Scientist. WRIGHT, Alfred. Lawyer. Res. 433 S. Harvard Blvd.; office 824 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Modesto, Cal., April 26. 1889; son of Christopher C. and Mary Ann (Swain) Wright. Graduated from high school, Los Angeles, 1906; Leland Stanford University, 1906-10. Admitted to prac- tice in State and Federal Courts in 1912, and became associated with Oscar C. Mueller. Member Los Angeles Ath- letic and University clubs. WRIGHT, Arthur. Lawyer. Of- fice 210 Currier Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Toledo, C, in 1877; son of Lucius and Namash (Hank) Wright. Married to Guadalupe Estu- dillo in 1904. Educated in the public schools of his native town; studied law and was admitted to the bar in Los Angeles, Cal., in Oct., 1898; en- gaged in practice 1898 to date. Re- publican. WRIGHT, Edward Thomas. Civil and hydraulic engineer. Res. 545 S. Manhattan St.; office 690 P. E. Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Elgin, 111., June 30, 1851 ; son of Paul Raymond and Emily Grace (Harvey) Wright. Married to Lucy M. Nicholson in 1873. Received public school education and spent one year with private tutor and one year at Elgin Academy. Acted as journal clerk of State Senate for one session of Legislature, Baton Rouge, La., 1870; moved to Colo., and to In- dianapolis in 1872; began study of engi- neering under Cleveland French and was with that firm in Indianapolis, Chicago and St. Paul, 1872-75; moved to Los Angeles in 1875, and has practiced his profession to date ; laid out various tracts of land and designed Cucamonga Water system ; Canjon ditch, that sup plies Anaheim and vicinity. Member of School Board one term ; co. surveyor three terms ; member Amor. Soc. of Civil Engrs. since 1885; Pioneer So- ciety ; Historical Society ; charter mem- ber of the Jonathan Club. WRIGHT, Foster C. Lawyer. Of- fice Douglas Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Carlisle, Ky., June 25, 1876; son of Amzi and Amy (Lea) Wright. Married to Irene Cavins in 1907. Re- ceived his early education in the pub- lic schools of Oil City, Pa. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal., in 1892; attended the Univ. of So. Cal., graduating LL. B.; admitted to the bar in Los Angeles, Cal., in 1899, and has been engaged in active practice to date. Member Sigma Chi fraternity. WRIGHT, Leroy A. Lawyer. Res., 3370 B St.; office, Timkcn Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in New London, Ind., Feb. 10, 1863; son of L. C, and Guglielma (Easterling) Wright. Mar- ried to Ida May Heineman in 1898. Received his education in public schools and State Normal School at Emporia, Kan. Connected with vari- ous newspapers as reporter, proprie- tor and editor in Emporia, and To- peka, Kan., and San Diego, Cal. Ad- mitted to bar in 1891 since which time he has followed legal profession be- ing at various times member firm of Daney & Wright; Hendrick & Wright; Wright, Schoonover & Winnek; and Wright & Winnek. Dir. and atty. So. Title & Guarantee Co.; atty. Bank of Commerce & Trust Co., San Diego, Cal. Member Co. B, National Guard, 1889-91; San Diego Park Commission six years; San Diego Library Trus- tee four years; state senator 40th Senatorial dist., 1907 to date. Member Amer. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Sci.; Cuyamaca, University and San Diego Country clubs, San Diego; Suiter Club, Sacramento, Cal.; Press Club, San Francisco, Cal. WRIGHT, Walter Coleman. Ac- countant and auditor. Res. Holly- wood; office 600 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Birmingham, England, in 1877; son of Stephen and Emily Gertrude (Fowler) Wright. Educated in the public schools of England. Moved to LInited States in 1897; with El Paso Co. Bank, EI Paso, Tex., 1897-1901; moved to Minneapo- lis, Minn., in 1902 and was employed in National Bank of Commerce, l902- 04; engaged in public accounting Min- neapolis, 1904-06; moved to Los An- geles in 1906, and engaged in work of expert accountant. Became asso- ciated with the Audit Co. of Los An- geles in 1907, and was elected pres. of same in 1910, which office he holds to date. Engaged in general work of expert accounting, auditing, systema- tizing and business counseling. 406 WHO'S WHO WYLIE, Herbert G. General man- ager Mexican Petroleum Co. Office Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Dublin, Ireland, Oct. 20, 1867; son of Rev. John B. and Jane (Mc- Bride) Wylie. Married to Nellie F. Mills in 1895. Educated in Royal Bel- fast Institute, Belfast, Ireland; moved to the United States in 1868 and lo- cated at St. Louis, Mo., where he was engaged in the real estate business with Wm. C. Wilson & Co., 1886-87; moved to San Diego. Cal., in 1887, and engaged in citrus fruit growing; six years later sold his property and moved to Los Angeles, Cal.; formed partnership with J. S. Malthan and with him engaged in oil business, which he continued until 1893; oper- ated alone, 1893-98; partner in a pe- troleum company in 1898-1902; in 1902 became associated with the Mex- ican Petroleum Co. as general supt. of the properties, operating extensively in Mexico; prominently identified with oil development in Cal. and Mex- ico; vice-pres. of the Huasteca Pe- troleum Co., operating in Mexico; has invented several mechanical devices to render well drilling easier; interested in National Gas Go. of Mexico; Amer- ican Oilfields Co., American Petro- leum Co. WYVELL, Gilbert Franklin. Law- yer. Office, 713 Merchants Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Wadena, Minn., Aug. 27, 1875; son of John and Jane Wyvell. Married to Faye L. Hancock in 1899. .Attended public schools of Minn.; graduated from Univ. of N. Dak.. LL. B.. 1903; admitted to the bar at Grand Forks, N. Dak., June 18, 1903; practiced in Grand Forks from time of admission to bar until he moved to Los Angeles in 1906; admitted to Cal. bar in 1906. since which time he has been engaged in general practice in Los Angeles. For seven years prior to his admission to the bar he served as court reporter of the lOth Judicial District of Minn. Member Masonic fraternity. Repub- lican. YAGER, Thomas Charles. Lawyer. Res 2626 Castro St.; office 232 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hollywood, Cal., Dec. 13, 1884; son of Michael L. and Margaret A. (Thomas) Yager. Married to Mae S. McGowan in 1911. Received his early education in the grammar schools of Hollywood, and later attended Col- lege of Law of Univ. of So. Cal. Ad- mitted to the bar of Cal. in 1909, and to the U. S. Circuit and District Courts in 1910. Has practiced in Los Angeles, 1909 to date. Member Na- tive Sons of the Golden West; Sierra Madre Club. Republican. YALE, Ford N. Real estate, sub- divisions. Res. 1306 Westlake ave.; office 628 Union Oil Bldg., Los Ange- les, Cal. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 1, 1881; son of Charles and Mari- etta Nealer Yale. Married to Minerva Louise Brown in 1903. Educated in the public schools of Mich, and Univ. of Chicago. Moved to Los An- geles from Chicago in 1902; held cler- ical position with Los Angeles Ry., 1903-04; engaged in real estate busi- ness and has been identified with de- velopment of several tracts and sub- divisions; promoted Associated Serv- ice Co., embodying plan to bring buyer and seller together; at present secy, and treas. of co. Corporal 2nd III. Vol., 1898. Member K. of P.; Dram- atic Order Knights of Kor. Demo- crat. YORK, John Marvin. Judge. Res. 2174 W. 25th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Berkeley, Cal., Jan. 29, 1878; son of Waldo M. and Clara (Whit- worth) York. Married to Louise Baskford. Attended high school, Pasadena, Cal.; Throop Polytechnic Inst., Pasadena; LTniv. of Va. Ad- mitted to bar on examination by Su- preme Court of Cal., 1899; by Su- preme Court of U. S., 1905; engaged in practice of law in Los Angeles un- til his election as Judge of Superior Court of Los Angeles co. in 1912. Served seven years in Signal Corps, N. G. C. Member Americus Club, Pasadena; Union League Club and Lincoln-Roosevelt Republican League, Los Angeles; Native Sons of the Golden West. YOULE, William Edmund. Oil producer. Res. 2734 Normandie St.; office 526 California Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Pontiac, Mich., Aug, 21, 1847; son of William and Mary Youle. Married to Mary Mur- phy in 1870. Educated in the public schools of his native State. Began work in the oil fields of Pa. at the age of 16; one of the first men to develop crude petroleum; was driller and con- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 407 tractor in oil fields of Pa. 1863-76; was also supt. and genl. mgr. of U. S. Oil Co. during his operation in Pa. fields; moved to Cal. in 1877 with an expert crew of drillers to work in Cal. oil fields; drilled first producing well in Cal. near Newhall in 1877; moved to Pucnte oil region in 1884 and drilled with great success; entered Sunset oil fields in 1890 and operated success- fully, drilling more than fifty wells scattered in the Sunset, Midway and McKittrick fields; prominently identi- fied with the develoiiment of the oil industry in Cal. and considered an authority on many matters pertaining to the oil business; delivered first car- load of oil used for fuel purposes in the Lankershim Flour Mills of Los Angeles; this was the first oil burned for fuel in Los Angeles; pres. of the Andrews Oil Co. Active in civic afifairs. YOUMANS, Edward T. Real es- tate. Res. 408 Occidental blvd. ; office Los Angeles Investment Bldg., Los An- geles, Cal. Born in Elniira, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1869; son of Edward B. and Louise B. (Towner) Youmans. Married to Louise Billings in 1893. Attended pri- vate and grammar schools, Elmira, N. Y. ; graduated from high school, Wash- ington, D. C, 1885; from Lawrenceville (N. J.) Academy; from Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H., 1890. Studied law in his father's office, Elmira, N. Y. ; moved to Washington, D. C, 1885 ; moved to New York, 1893, and was em- ployed by the Bradstreet Co. ; later or- ganized the Associated Merchants of N. Y., of which he was pres., 1901-06; genl. mgr. Credit Clearing House, N. Y., 1906- 09; moved to Los Angeles in 1910 and has operated in real estate to date ; makes specialty of Riverside co. lands. Pres. El Sobrante Land Co. ; pres. E. D. Cornell Co. ; dir. Cajalco Water Co. Interested in oil and timber lands in Northern Penn. Member Commercial Law League of America ; Chamber of Commerce, Realty Board and Union League Club, Los Angeles ; Riverside Country Club ; Automobile Club of Sou. Cal. Episcopalian. YOUNG, Almon M. Automobiles. Res. 1030 W. 3Sth st. ; office 11th and Flower sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Adrian, Mich., Sept. 5, 1874; son of Samuel and Rosetta C. Young. Gradu- ated from Adrian (Mich.) College; from Univ. of So. Cal. Cashier Bellaire Stamping Co., Harvey, 111., 1897-1902; traveling auditor Armour & Co., 1902- 03; asst. cashier Home Savings Bank, Los Angeles, Cal., 1904-9; agent Colum- bia Motor Car Co., 1909-10; agent Thomas Motor Car Co., 1911; vice-pres. and gen. mgr. for this company, April, 1912, to date. Treas. Imperial Securities Co. Member Los Angeles Athletic Club. YOUNG. Edward Russell. Lawyer. Res. San Marino Court, San Gabriel, Cal.; office 408 W. P. Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Marshalltown, la., Sept. 10, 1876; son of William and Charlotte E. (Gifford) Young. Mar- ried to Belle Radcliflfe Wiley in 1907. Attended public schools of la., and of Los Angeles; graduated from State Normal, Los Angeles, 1895; law dept., Univ. of Mich., LL.B., 1902; taught school during the period between his graduation from norma! school and attendance at LTniv. of Mich.; prac- ticed law, associated with Judge J. W. McKinley, Los Angeles, 1902-07; deputy city atty. and first asst. city atty., 1907-11; now engaged in private practice. Member Los Angeles Coun- try Club; Phi Delta Phi Legal fra- ternity. Republican. YOUNG, Frank Wilson. Architect. Res. 1001 S^ Hoover st. ; office 700-7 Lankershim Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Los Angeles, Cal., June 30, 1887; son of Robert B. and Mary C. (Wilson) Young. Unmarried. Attended St. Vin- cent's College, Los Angeles, Cal. ; St. Mary's College, Oakland, Cal. ; studied architecture in his father's office. Junior member firm of R. B. Young & Son Co., architects. Member So. Cal. Chap- ter of Amer. Inst, of Archts. ; B. P. O. E. ; Chamber of Commerce ; Los Ange- les Athletic Club, also first mayor of same; Jonathan Club; Native Sons of the Golden West. YOUNG, J. W. Real estate. Res. 541 West Fifth st.. Long Beach; of- fices 33 Pine ave., Long Beach; 324 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 4, 1883; son of Joseph W. and Rose F. Young. Received a public school education. Spent five years in Alaska; three years with Arctic exploring expedition; lo- cated in Long Beach, Cal., in 1901, and has been engaged in real estate 408 WHO'S WHO and insurance, 1901 to date; operates a line of excursion motor boats and sight-seeing automobiles. Republican. YOUNG, Milton K. Lawyer. Res. 617 Kenmore ave. ; office 819 Union Oil Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Litch- field, 111., April 7, 1868; son of Matthew and Mary Ann (Levin) Young. Mar- ried to Melissa E. Squires in 1893. Edu- cated public schools of Sedalia, Mo. Moved to Los Angeles in 1886; located in San Francisco in 1887 ; studied law in San Francisco Law Li- brary and was admitted to bar upon ex- amination by Supreme Court in 1892 ; moved to Los Angeles in 1893, where he has been engaged in active practice to date. Admitted to U. S. District and Circuit Courts, 1898; U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 1899. Attorney for Provi- dent Building & Loan Assn. ; Lompoc Gas & Electric Co. ; Funding Co. of Cal- ifornia ; chairman Democratic County Committee, 1903-04; delegate National Democratic Convention, Denver, Colo., 1908; delegate National Democratic Convention, Baltimore, Md., 1912 ; member Democratic Natl. Committee preceding said convention ; member First Consolidated Commission of Los An- geles ; charter member Consolidation Committee of Los Angeles ; Los Angeles Civil Service Commission, 1906-09 ; pres. same, 1910. Member Los Angeles Bar Assn. ; Masonic fraternity, 32d degree ; Shrine ; B. P. O. E. ; San Gabriel Coun- try Club; Los Angeles Athletic Club. Congregationalist. YOUNG, Nestor Alcinous. Min- ing. Res. 227 S. Louis St.; office 533 Douglas Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Cincinnati, 0.. June 18, 1845; son of Jonathan Bradley and Eliza (Haight) Young. Married to Martha Dawson in 1868. Early education re- ceived in Venice, Butler Co., C; at- tended Wesleyan Llniversity, Iowa, 1863. Engaged in farming in youth; moved west with parents, 1852. Has been engaged in mining since locat- ing in California. YOUNG, Robert. Lawyer. Res. 6037 Carlton Way, Hollywood, Cal.; office 301 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Canada, Jan. 30, 1858. Married to Frances Emma Upson in 1892. Attended public schools in New York City; country district schools of Illinois; high school, Rushville, III.; graduated from Law Dept., Univ. of Mich., LL. B., 1883. Admitted to Cir- cuit Court of Washtenaw co., Mich., 1883; to Supreme Court of Mich., 1883; to Supreme Court of U. S., 1898; prac- ticed law in Detroit, Mich., 1883-1900; moved to Los Angeles, Cal.; admitted to bar of Cal., 1900; has continued practice of law in Los Angeles to date. City atty. of Hollywood, Cal.. during its entire existence as separate munic- ipality; legal adviser in So. Cal. for various administrative agencies of Presbyterian Church; specializes in municipal law. Dir. and member Ex- ecutive Board of Western Masons' Mutual Life Assn. Member Masonic fraternity; past master Hollywood Lodge No. 355; member Los Angeles Bar Assn.; Sierra Club. Presbyterian. YOUNG, Robert Brown. Archi- tect. Res. 1001 S. Hoover St.; office, 700-7 Lankershim Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Canada. April 1, 1855 ; son of Alexander and Mary Anne (Dowler) Young. Married to Mary C. Wilson '>n 1880. Educated in public schools of Canada ; studied art of construction and architectural designing in Denver, Colo. Moved to San Francisco, Cal., in 1881 ; practiced there a short time ; moved to Los Angeles. Architect for Hollenbeck Hotel ; Lankershim Block ; Lankershim, Broadway, Occidental, Westminster, Lexington and many other hotels ; Bar- ker Bros.' new building ; California Fur- niture Co.'s building; Blackstone Dry Goods Co.'s building; many residences and apartments, among them being the Seminole Apts. and the Westonia. Senior member R. B. Young & Son, architects; vice-pres. So. Cal. Chap. Architects' Assn. ; stockholder L. W. Stockwell Co. Member Amer. Inst, of Archts. ; Chamber of Commerce ; Jona- than, Los Angeles Athletic, Union League and Gamut clubs ; B. P. O. E. ; F. O. E. Catholic. YOUNG, William Franklin. Cor- poration official. Res. 59 Westmoreland St.; office 1215-18 Hibernian Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Alden, la., March 27, 1867; son of Duane and Mary Anne (Chadwick) Young; married to Alma Marie Pdbbles in 1896. Educated in pub- lic schools of Alden, la. In mercantile business. Clarion, la., 1884-1900; Okla- homa City, 1900-07 ; operated in real estate and oil, and made farm loans ; assisted in organization of Security Na- tional Bank in 1906; vice-pres. same, 1906-08; organized the Young-Carpenter Inv. Co. in 1905; dealt in farm loans ex- IN PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 409 clusively until 1909. Pres. YomiK Iiiv. Co. ; vice-pres. and treas. Welleman Oil Co. ; pres. Cal. City Land Co. ; pres. Appleton Land & Water Co. Member California and San Gabriel clubs; B. P. O. E. ; Masonic fraternity. YOUNG, William Stanislaus. In- vestments. Res. 59 Westmoreland place; ofifice 1215-18 Hibernian Bldt;. Born in Alden, la., Marcb 27, 1867; son of Duane and Mary Ann (Chad- wick) Young. Married to Alma Marie Pebbles in 1896. Educated in public schools of his native town and at la. State University, Ames, la. En- gaged in mercantile business Clarion, la., 1884-1900; in Oklahoma City, Okla., 1900-07; conducted real estate and loan business of Security National Bank and served as its vice-pres. for two years. Moved to Los Angeles, Cal.; organized Young, Carpenter In- vestment Co., dealing extensively in farm loans until 1909. Pres. Young Investment Co.; pres. Young Con- struction Co.; vice-pres. and treas. Cal. Oil Co.; pres. Cal. City Land Co.; pres. Appleton Land and Water Co.; Member Masonic fraternity; B. P. O. E.; San Gabriel and California clubs. ZEEHANDELAAR, Felix J. Secy. Merchants' and Manufacturers' Assn. Res. 604 Kenmore ave.; office 228 Wil- cox Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born at The Hague, Holland, Dec. 13, 1852; son of J. J. and A, M. Zeehandelaar. Married to Mary E. Perryman in 1901. Received his education in private and high schools at The Hague, Holland. Moved to San Francisco, Cal., 1872; employed in commercial work until 1880; reporter on San Francisco Ex- aminer, 1880-90; city editor of Spo- kane Spokesman; published Spokane Mines. 1891, which, owing to labor troubles in Coeur d'Alene mining re- gion, was abandoned; moved to Los Angeles, Cal.; reporter on Herald, 1892; financial agt. and press agt. for Fiesta de las Flores, 1895; secy. Mer- chants' and Manufacturers' Assn., 1897 to date; appointed by Queen of Neth- erlands as vice-consul for So. Cal. and Ariz,, 1907; vice-pres. Cal. Cele- brations Committee; member Ex. Com. Cal. Employers' Federation. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d de- gree; Shrine; Chamber of Commerce. ZERBE, James Slough. Patent at- tornev. Res. 1725 W. Ninth st. ; office 519 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Pennsylvania. Sept. 18, 1849; son of Joel and Anna (Slough) Zerbe. Married to Elizabeth Bailey in 1871. Received his education in Heidelberg University. Began practice as patent solicitor, 1871 ; patent stty. for .American Bell Telephone Co. seven years. Member of American Association for Advancement of Sci- ence ; American Engineers. ZERFING, Charles E. Surgeon. Res. 2127 W. 6th st.; office 1012 Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Ash- land, Pa., July 20, 1873; son of Aaron and Catherine (Schmidt) Zerfing. Graduated from Ashland High School, 1889; graduated from Univ. of Pa., 1896. Served as interne at Philadel- phia City Hospital, 1895-96; practiced in Lead, S. D., 1897-1903; did post graduate work in Europe. 1903-05, located in Los Angeles, 1906; ap- pointed police surgeon, 1910; ap- pointed visiting surgeon, Los Angeles County Hospital, 1911; at present en- gaged in practice of his profession. Member Los Angeles Co. Medical Assn., A. M. A.; Medical Soc. So. Cal.; University and Los Angeles Country clubs. ZIELINSKI, Jaroslaw de. Pianist; writer; composer; teacher of piano, voice and harmony. Res. 1343 S. Burlington ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; office same. Born in Galicia, Aus- trian Poland, in 1847. .Attended gov- ernment school at Lemberg, Galicia; military school, the Theresiannm, Vi- enna. Austria; studied music in Lem- berg, Vienna, Milan and other prin- cipal cities of Europe, under Gunie- wicz, Mikuli, Schulhofif, Cerruti and Frye. Served in Polish Revolution, 1863-64: came to U. S. A. early in 1864; one week after his arrival, en- listed in 4th Mass. Cavalry, and served in Civil War, 1864-65. Moved to Grand Rapids, Mich., 1871 ; engaged in his profession and in building up musical standards in Grand Rapids, 1871-78; teaching and concert work in Detroit, Mich., 1880-88; moved to Buffalo, N. Y., 1888, where he taught, held posi- tion as organist and gave concerts with the Trio Club, which he organ- ized; moved to Los .\ngeles, Cal., 1910. Engaged in teaching, playing in public, composing and literary work. ,'\uthor. Three Pictures from Ala- bama, The Poles in Music, Russian Music and Musicians. Has contributed many articles to The Musician, The 410 WHO'S WHO Etude, Musical Courier, American Art Journal, Century Magazine and other magazines and newspapers. Member Manuscript Soc, New York City; past pres. New York State Music Teachers' Assn.; member Schola Can- torum, Paris; International Soc. of Musicians; Natl. Soc. of Musicians. Episcopalian. ZOMBRO, Sumter F. Banker. Res. 418 S. Ardmore ave.; office Central Natl. Bank, Los Angeles, Cal. Born in London, C, April 28, 1864; son of Abram and Emily (Colliver) Zombro. Married to Etta Bucknell in 1902. Educated in public schools of O. and by private tutors. Cashier with M. L. Coles & Co., Butler, Mo.; em- ployed in postoffice at Butler, Mo., 1881; moved to San Bernardino, Cal., 1881; bookkeeper, then cashier Farm- ers' Exchange Bank, San Bernardino, Cal., 1885-1906; clerk Cosmopolitan Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal., 1881; cash- ier State Bank & Trust Co., Los An- geles, 1906; Central Natl. Bank was organized and took over State Bank & Trust Co. and the Central Bank in 1907, and he was made vice-pres. of new organization; pres. Central Natl. Bank, 1909 to date; pres., vice-pres. and dir. Central Natl. Bank; vice- pres. Security Natl. Bank; dir. Cham- ber of Commerce; member California Club. LAW LIBRARY U^fIVERS^^Y Oh' CALIP^ORNIA LOS AiNGELES UC ,'JJl IIMI h'J HLGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY D 000 802 786 4