i. A p. . LUCIAN'S TRUE HISTORY 25 1 Copies printed. No.JAJf. LUCIAN'S TRUE HISTORY TRANSLATED BY FRANCIS HICKES ILLUS- TRATED BY WILLIAM STRANG J - B - CLARK AND AUBREY BEARDSLEY WITH AN IN- TRODUCTION BY CHARLES WHIBLEY LONDON PRIVATELY PRINTED MDCCCXCIV LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 7i> face page AFTER THE TEMPEST (STRANG) . . . .15 ADORATION (CLARK) 17 "A SNARE OF VINTAGE" (BEARDSLKY) ... 23 SPIDERS OF MIGHTY BIGNESS (STRANG) . . 41 THE BATTLE OF THE TURNIPS (CLARK) . . 43 THE SUPPER OF FISH (STRANG) .... 89 UNDERPROPPING THE WHALE'S CHOPS (CLARK) 125 SOCRATES' GARDEN (CLARK) 179 THE BANQUET OF BEANS (STRANG) . . .181 THE PILLAR OF BERYLSTONE (CLARK) . . 193 OWLS AND POPPIES (STRANG) 205 DREAMS (BEARDSLEY) . ' 209 THE HALCYON'S NEST (STRANG) . . . .225 THE FLOATING FOREST (CLARK) . . . . 229 THE ISLAND WOMEN (STRANG) 241 WATER INCARNADINE (CLARK) .... 245 I NTRODUCTION. IT is a commonplace of criticism that Lucian was the first of the moderns, but in truth he is near to our time because of all the ancients he is nearest to his own. With Petronius he shared the discovery that there is material for literature in the debased and various life of every day that to the seeing eye the indi- vidual is more wonderful in colour and com- plexity than the severely simple abstraction of the poets. He replaced the tradition, respected of his fathers, by an observation more vivid and less pedantic than the note-book of the naturalist. He set the world in the dry light of truth, and since the vanity of man- viii INTRODUCTION. kind is a constant factor throughout the ages, there is scarce a page of Lucian's writing that wears the faded air of antiquity. His person- ages are as familiar to-day as they were in the second century, because, with his pitiless deter- mination to unravel the tangled skein of human folly, he never blinded his vision to their true qualities. And the multiplicity of his interest is as fresh as his penetration. Nothing came amiss to his eager curiosity. For the first time in the history of literature (with the doubtful exception of Cicero) we encounter a writer whose ceaseless activity includes the world. While others had declared themselves poets, histo- rians, philosophers, Lucian comes forth as a man of letters. Had he lived to-day, he would have edited a newspaper, written leading articles, and kept his name ever before the public in the magazines. For he possessed the qualities, if he avoided the defects, of the journalist. His phrase had not been worn by INTRODUCTION. ix constant use to imbecility ; his sentences were not marred by the association of commonness ; his style was still his own and fit for the expression of a personal view. But he noted such types and incidents as make an imme- diate, if perennial, appeal, and to study him is to be convinced that literature and journalism are not necessarily divorced. The profession was new, and with the joy of the innovator Lucian was never tired of invent- ing new genres. Romance, criticism, satire he mastered them all. In Toxaris and The Ass he proves with what delicacy and restraint he could handle the story. His ill-omened apprentice- ship to a sculptor gave him that taste and feeling for art which he turned to so admirable an account. He was, in fact, the first of the art-critics, and he pursued the craft with an easy unconsciousness of the heritage he be- queathed to the world. True, he is silent concerning the technical practice of the Greeks; x INTRODUCTION. true, he leaves us in profound ignorance of the art of Zeuxis, whose secrets he might have revealed, had he been less a man of letters. But he found in painting and sculpture an opportunity for elegance of phrase, and we would forgive a thousand shortcomings for such inspirations of beauty as the smile of Sosandra: ro ftstMafiu o-spvov xa,} fahtjdog. In literary criticism he was on surer ground, and here also he leaves the past behind. His knowledge of Greek poetry was profound ; Homer he had by heart ; and on every page he proves his sympathies by covert allusion or precise quota- tion. His treatise concerning the Writing of History* preserves its force irresistible after seventeen centuries, nor has the wisdom of the ages impeached or modified this lucid argument. With a modest wit he compares himself to Diogenes, who, when he saw his fellow-citizens busied with the preparations of war, gathered Sa IffTopiav INTRODUCTION. xi his skirts about him and fell to rolling his tub up and down. So Lucian, unambitious of writing history, sheltered himself from " the waves and the smoke," and was content to provide others with the best of good counsel. Yet such is the irony of accident that, as Lucian's criticism has outlived the masterpieces of Zeuxis, so the historians have snatched an immortality from his censure ; and let it be remembered for his glory that he used Thucydides as a scourge wherewith to beat impostors. But matters of so high import did not always engross his humour, and in The Illiterate Book-buyer* he satirizes a fashion of the hour and of all time with a courage and brutality which tear the heart out of truth. How intimately does he realize his victim ! And how familiar is this same victim in his modern shape ! You know the very streets he haunts ; you know the very shops wherein KOI TroAXa )3Ti<; $ e^evTjvo^CLfjjev^ aXX' OTI K(Ll TCOV IdTOOVAeVGDV eKMCTTOV QVK irpoq Tivaq yviKTUi Tcov T KCLl (7Va()6(*)l> KCLl Tpao~Tia xai , ovq KCLI ovop J oij[AOveo"Tpov " KCLV ev jap Soy TOVTO ovro) 8' av Aeyow, on S OATCO Kai TV/V Ttap a KaTTjjopav avrog \eyeiv. TOIVVV e/ov 7ra6ov Trap en VYJV S/o avroig. 5. Qp/j/f]6eis jap TTore airo ' v Kai afyetq $ TOV eaTtepiov co I TRUE HISTORY. u no matter of verity to employ my pen in (for nothing hath befallen me worth the writing), I turned my style to publish untruths, ^but with an honester mind than others have done : for this one thing I confidently pronounce for a truth, that I lie : and this, I hope, may be an excuse for all the rest, when I confess what I am faulty in : for I write of matters which I neither saw nor suffered, nor heard H professes himself a liar. by report from others, which are in no being, nor possible ever to have a beginning. Let no man therefore in any case give any credit tO them. Two moun- tains, one in Disanchoring on a time from the pillars %T e inAfri?a, on each side the of Hercules, the wind fitting me well for my %% 12 AAHOOY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 5. ) avejACp tov irXovv 7roiov(A7]v. a a e fji,oi ryg aTTofiyj/Aias KCM virodecri^ TJ ryj$ $ Ttepiepyia Kai TO fiovXecrOai [AaOe7v rl TO ecrri TOV WKeavou Kai Ttveg ol a vOpooTTOi. TOVTOV ye p^e triTta 6 TUV rjlKlWTCOV 7T pO(T'KOl f rj(Ta J lJj f YjV TV)V CLVVYjV , eri &e TOV CLpKjTOv [Ji,i TRUE HISTORY. 13 purpose, I thrust into the West Ocean. The occasion that moved me to take such a voyage in hand was only a curiosity of mind, a desire of novelties, and a longing to learn out the bounds of the ocean, and what people inhabit the farther shore : for which purpose I made plentiful provision of victuals and fresh water, got fifty companions of the same humour to associate me in my travels, furnished myself with store of munition, gave a round sum of money to an expert pilot that could direct us in our course, and new rigged and repaired a tall ship strongly to hold a tedious and difficult journey. Thus sailed we forward a day and a night with a prosperous wind, and as long as we 14 AAH0OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 6. e. ^fjjepav {Ai> ovv Kai VVKT& ovplco en Ty$ yyt; inrofyaivopjevyq ov ia(x)g ovyyofiea, ry ejriovcry o re TO KvfjjCL yvfavero KCLI Zp oweT ov$e crre7Xa/ i^v oOovyv fivvarov . T7npe\];avT<; ovv rco evvea, KCLI /3$0[AyKOVTa, KXafi\];avTO$ TjK/ov Kadopcofiev ov vvjcrov iityXyv Kai av eylvero o ev avraj Kai VYJV %poav KOA ' this carries more probability by bling wine, but as many as ate of them S ar > tha . n that f J a spring of t w * ne shotM fell drunk upon it ; for when they were opened ***** of the and cut up, we found them to be full of lees : afterwards we mixed some fresh water fish c 2 20 AAHOOY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 8. atro TOV v$aTO$, Trapapjiyvvvreq etcepavvvfAev TO . Tore e TOV Trora/Aov $ia7rea(ravT$, (ravT ro [Jjev jap aTro TTJ<; 7%, o avrog evepvyq KCLI Tra^vq, TO &e , 0v e&e crvvefyuovro jap KOA crvveppi^ovvTO, KUI ^ avrolq ArXaSo/ eTtefyuKearav ol fiaKrvXoi KOA TrepnrXexo/Aevoi ocrov avrot 8e avrov$ em vavv KOA ra re aXXa /ca/ TRUE HISTORY. 23 in the Indian language, but most of them in Greek : they also kissed us with their mouths, but he that was so kissed fell drunk, and was , Ma y m , en nave thus lost them- elves, in not his own man a good while after: they the yielding to J the bewitching . Mir enticements of could not abide to have any fruit pulled from * and wo- men. them, but would roar and cry out pitifully if any man offered it. Some of them desired to have carnal mixture with us, and two of our company were so bold as to entertain their offer, and could never afterwards be loosed from them, but were knit fast together at their nether parts, from whence they grew together and took root together, and their fingers began to spring out with branches and crooked wires as if they were ready to bring out fruit : whereupon we forsook them and fled to our ships, and told the company at our coming what had betide unto us, how our 24 AAH90Y2 I2TOPIA2. A. 10. rr/v uftpV aepi XafAirpav xai (r^aipoeifiy KOA TRUE HISTORY. 25 fellows were entangled, and of their copulation with the vines. Then we took certain of our vessels and filled them, some with water and some with wine out of the river, and lodged for that night near the shore. On the morrow we put to sea again, the wind serving us weakly, but about noon, when we had lost sight of the island, upon a sudden a whirlwind caught us, which turned our ship round about, and lifted us up some three thousand furlongs into the air, and suffered us not to settle again into the sea, but we hung above ground, and were carried aloft with a mighty wind which filled our sails The island of the Moon. strongly. Thus for seven days' space and so many nights were we driven along in that manner, and on the eighth day we came in 26 AAH00Y2 IZTOPIAZ. A. n. 01- \ i / re /^a/ yewpyovfievyv. Tj^epaq ovv ovfiev avroOev KaOecopcofAev, vvicrog vys etya/vovro yiuv KCLI aXXai wjv TRUE HISTORY. 27 view of a great country in the air, like to a What J blew them . . . . , , r , . 1-1 thither. shining island, of a round proportion, gloriously glittering with light, and approaching to it, we there arrived, and took land, and surveying the country, we found it to be both inhabited and husbanded : and as long as the day lasted we He closel v J taxes thetr 1 . _ . opinion who could see nothing" there, but when night was hold the sun, Moon, and , 1 . . 1 - Stars to be come many other islands appeared unto us, inhabited countries. some greater and some less, all of the colour of fire, and another kind of earth underneath, in which were cities and seas and rivers and woods and mountains, which we conjectured to be the earth by us inhabited : and going further into the land, we were met withal and taken by those kind of people which they call Hippogypians. These Hippogypians are men s f g nff e in d g horse-vultures, riding upon monstrous vultures, which they 28 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. n. v o^ovp^evoi KOA KaOairep e lim:oiq opveoiq %pa){Avor [AeyaXoi jap 01 8' av TI$ TO /Aeyedos a,vj)v evrevOev' yap /AeyaXys (>opTi$o$ ICTTOV exacnov TCOV Tnepcov f^OjKpoTepov Kai 7ra%vTepov (frepovcri. Tovroiq ovv Tolq 'lirTroyvTroig Trpocr- reraKrai 7repnreTO/Aevoi$ ryv yv/v, el T/ evpeOeiy &evo<;, dvayeiv a><; TOV fiacriXea* KOA ty KOA Tji^aq %vXXapovT<; avasyovviv co^ avrov. o Se Oeacra/juevo^ Kai diro Kai dpa, (f) r //, v^elq, co evoi ; Se, rioi^ ovv dty/KecrOe, e^, roaovrov depa ; Kai y/Ae7$ TO Ttdv avrto ' Kai o$ dpapjevo<; TO KaO* av- TRUE HISTORY. 29 use instead of horses : for the vultures there and so are the rest that follow, are exceeding- great, every one with three a es fo ^ J and composed for his tur- heads apiece : you may imagine their greatness p. by this, for every feather in their wings was bigger and longer than the mast of a tall ship : their charge was to fly about the country, and all the strangers they found to bring them to the king : and their fortune was then to seize upon us, and by them we were presented to him. As soon as he saw us, he conjectured by our habit what countrymen we were, and said, Are not you, strangers, Grecians ? which when we affirmed, And how could you make way, said he, through so much air as to get hither ? Then we delivered the whole discourse of our fortunes to him ; whereupon he began to tell 30 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 12. (OV ' KOA dcf)i- eKelvvjv eXeye vqv ypAV K&TO) XXa Qappelv re KCLI {AVjeva Kivtiwov vfyopci- crBat' Travra jap y/Aiv TrapecrecrOai 12. Hv e xai KaTOpOojo-d), efyy, rov Tro fAOV, OV K())pa) VVV TTpO$ TOVq TOV 7/XlOV , airavTCDv evfiai/AOvecrTaTa Trap* ve$ re eiev ol TroXe/Aioi KCLI VYJV i< " O 8e i o ev TO) oX/o) KaroiKovvrcDv TRUE HISTORY. 31 us likewise of his own adventures, how that he also was a man, by name Endymion, and ft****- c. rapt up long since from the earth as he was asleep, and brought hither, where he was made king of the country, and said it was that region which to us below seemed to be the moon ; but he bade us be of good cheer King of the and fear no danger, for we should want nothing we stood in need of : and if the war he was now in hand withal against the sun succeeded fortunately, we should live with him in the highest degree of happiness. Then we asked of him what enemies he had, and the cause of the quarrel: and he answered, Phaethon, the The son of Phoebus and king of the inhabitants of the sun (for that ed leave to ride is also peopled as well as the moon), hath made , 32 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 12. oiKe7rai jap fiy KaKeivot; (jj&Tre Kai %povov. Tjp^aro &e e^ ah lag TCOV V T7 &>Y T eAT 7TOT6 (rvvayayojv e/SovXydyv $ TOV e Ea)o-()oov crreJXai, ovra V7TO JL7^VO KdTOtKOVAeVOV ' TOIVVV Kara fiecrov TOV iropov WKavTyjO'aq TTI rcov OlV. TOT JU,V OVV V I KVjO VT $ ov jap yfAev avT/TraXoi ry vvv TOV TroXefAOv Kai TTJV djroiKiav. v]v ovv e^eX^re, fjjOi TOV cnoXov, jvjrag Se TCOV /3aV crKevooaiv KCLI TO>V KCLl TO)V TTe^COV K&l * TOVTCOV 6 ol 'iTnroyvTroi, fiicr/Avpioi e 01 opveov e /ca/ TOVTO (7Ti Xacriov, ra &e vXXoi$ TRUE HISTORY. 35 we must set forwards. With all our hearts, said I, if it please you. Then were we feasted and abode with him, and in the morning . The , mor - o mg there, out the evening arose to set ourselves in order of battle, for here - our scouts had given us knowledge that the enemy was at hand. Our forces in number amounted to an hundred thousand, besides such as bare burthens and engineers, and the foot forces and the strange aids : of these, fourscore thousand were Hippogypians, and twenty thousand that rode upon Lachanopters, The number J of their forces, which is a mighty great fowl, and instead of feathers covered thick over with wort leaves ; but their wing feathers were much like the leaves of lettuces : after them were placed the Cenchrobolians and the Scorodomachians : D 2 36 AAH00YZ I2TOPIA2. A. 13. 01 KOA ol ^,KOpo$o[Aa%oi. yXQov e avrco KCLI onto ' Se ' TOVTCDV ft 01 fiV QvXXOTO^OTai 7Tl , oQev KCLI ' 6 ' ocrov a)e/ca eeavres o (Lev e/er/, fapovTai e ev ro5 aepi avev Trreojv' o )pi$ TC< icrria fyepovcai co&Trep ra (TKacfyq. ra S' ol TOIOVTOI ev Ta7$ {Aa%ai$ eia iv. eXeyovTO Se KOM air TOJV vjrep T*YJV TRUE HISTORY. 37 there came also to aid us from the Bear Star thirty thousand Psyllotoxotans, and fifty thousand Anemodromians : these Psyllotoxo- tans ride upon great fleas, of which they have their denomination, for every flea among them is as big as a dozen elephants : the Anemo- dromians are footmen, yet flew in the air without feathers in this manner : every man had a large mantle reaching down to his foot, which the wind blowing against, filled it like a sail, and they were carried along as if they had been boats : the most part of these in fight were targeteers. It was said also that there were expected from the stars over Cappadocia threescore and ten thousand Struthobalanians and five thousand Hippo- 38 AAH60YZ I2TOPIAZ. A. 14, 15. eTTTaKicr/Avpioi, iTTTTOjepavoi 8e eyco OVK eOeavatATiv " oi ya/ 5 avraJv eToX/Av/cra. Tpa,(TTia yap Trepi avTCov 14. Ary {Ai> y TOV yv. crKevy &e Trdvrcov yj avrq Kpawq a7ro TOv Kva{A(t)v /Aeyaoi jap Trap ol Kv&fjjOi Kai Kaprepol' 6a)paKe$ 7ravT$ OepfAivoi " ra jap TCOV BepfACDv 01 TRUE HISTORY. 39 geranians, but I had no sight of them, for they were not yet come, and therefore I durst write nothing, though wonderful and incredible reports were given out of them. This was the number of Endymion's army; the furniture was all alike ; their helmets of bean hulls, which are great with them and very strong; their breastplates all of lupins cut into scales, for they take the shells of lupins, and fastening them together, make breastplates of them which are impenetrable and as hard as any horn : their shields and The order of Endymion 's swords like to ours in Greece : and when the battle ' time of battle was come, they were ordered in this manner. The right wing was supplied by the Hippogypians, where the king himself was 40 AAH6OY2 IZTOPIAZ. A. 16. o /3a yap KOA o 7ro%ov{Aevoi \fsiXol re ovteq ye KCLI OVTOI' pafyavl^aq virep- ovft eir oXiyov TIVO$ TO) Tpav/AaTi TRUE HISTORY. 43 Phaethon himself: these are beasts of huge bigness and winged, carrying the resemblance of our emmets, but for their greatness : for those of the largest size were of the quantity of two acres, and not only the riders supplied the place of soldiers, but they also did much mischief with their horns : they were in number fifty thousand. In the right wing were ranged the Aeroconopes, of which there were also about fifty thousand, all archers riding upon great gnats : then followed the Aerocardakes, who were light armed and footmen, but good soldiers, casting out of slings afar off huge great turnips, and whosoever was hit with them lived not long after, but died with the stink that proceeded from their wounds : it is 44 AAH60Y2 IZTOPIAZ. A. 16. TO, e avrcov era^Oycrav 01 TO Se KavXo{AVKyT$, ori pen (AVKyTivaig e^pcovro, fiopacri e ro7<; 01 TOV Xioi xai OVTOI, av$pe<; ovq re aTTo Tov TaXa&ov /jueT7re{A 7T6TO tKetvoi ox/)eXov" ol rai Se ov$e oXcog irapeyevovTO, faomp TRUE HISTORY. 45 said they use to anoint their bullets with the poison of mallows. After them were placed the Caulomycetes, men-at-arms and good at hand strokes, in number about fifty thousand : they are called Caulomycetes because their shields were made of mush- rooms and their spears of the stalks of the herb asparagus : near unto them were placed the Cynobalanians, that were sent from the Dogstar to aid him : these were men with dogs' faces, riding upon winged acorns : but the slingers that should have come out of Via Lactea, and the Nephelocentaurs came too short of these aids, for the battle was done before their arrival, so that they did them no good : and indeed the slingers came not at 4 6 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 17. avtoq vvrepov opjiaevra TOV %a>pav. Toiavry pev Kai o Se eTreifiy TO, KCLI a/Ko'avTO eKareCDv ol ovoi rovroig jap ami craXTriyKTcov KOI TO vri ' linroyuTrovs, KOLI TO TOV 7Tl TO) 6ov 01 ' OOVVTCDV efyvyov eyKXlvavreq, KCLI 67T61 yvOoVTO TOVC, 7Tl TCO TRUE HISTORY. 47 all, wherefore they say Phaethon in displeasure over-ran their country. These were the forces that Phaethon brought into the field : and when they were joined in battle, after the signal was given, and when the asses on either side had brayed (for these are to them instead of trumpets), the fight began, and the left wing of the Heliotans, or Sun soldiers, fled presently and would not abide to receive the charge of the Hippogypians, but turned their backs immediately, and many were put to the sword : but the right wing of theirs were too hard for our left wing, and drove them back till they came to our footmen, who joining with them, made the enemies there also turn their backs and fly, especially when they found their own left wing to be over- 48 AAH00Y2 I2TOPIA2. A. 18. TroXXoi {Lev &e Kai avypovvTQ, KCM TO iroXv /LEV em TOJV vetyajv, cocrre KCM epvOpa $vo{ivov TOV yXl Se KCLI elq TVJV yyv KO*T carafe v, OX7T6 y666 eiKO,%iV, (AT/ a pa TOtOVTOV i TtaXai ava) yevo/Aevov ' Xafiev a'l/Aan vaai rov A/a CTTI TCO TOV vo Oavarc. is. 81/0 rpoiraia ecrTycra/Aev, TO {Lev eiri , TO v fiovvai fwp/ovg, tyv fie asnoiKiav TOV 'EaMTcfiopov KOiwYjv 7ro/e7cr^a/ KOA /Aere- rdiv aXXcov TOV ev [Aecra) roi aepi eir] fie TRUE HISTORY. 57 have taken upon a ratable ransom : and that the Selenitans should leave the other stars at liberty, and raise no war against the Heliotans, but aid and assist one another if either of them should be invaded : that the king of the Selenitans should yearly pay to the king of the Heliotans in way of tribute ten thousand vessels of dew, and deliver ten thousand of their people to be pledges for their fidelity : that the colony to be sent to the Morning Star should be jointly supplied by them both, and liberty given to any else that would to be sharers in it : that these articles of peace should be engraven in a pillar of amber, to be erected in the midst of the air upon the confines of their country : for the performance whereof were sworn of These names of the inhabi- 58 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 21. KOA /vio^ KOA 21. To/aur^ />cev ^ elpv/vy eyevero TO asTrefiocrav. eiret Se aiKOAeGa (ATa fiaKpVCOV 01 T6 Ta7pOl o Ej>5ty<6/a>v avroq. Kai o pev re Trap avTCp Kai K0ivcove7v TOV eavrov 7ra7$a' ^WOAK^.^ jap OVK elvi Kara) e ov ariaaa<; TRUE HISTORY. 59 the Heliotans, Pyronides and Therites and '* f f f' J OM are taken from things Phlogius : and of the Selenitans, Nyctor and waging to J the day; those . of the Moon Menius and Polylampes. Thus was the peace from things appertaining to concluded, the wall immediately demolished, and we that were prisoners delivered. Being returned into the Moon, they came forth to meet us, Endymion himself and all his friends, who embraced us with tears, and desired us to make our abode with him, and to be partners in the colony, promising to give me his own son in marriage (for there are no women amongst them), which I by no means would yield unto, but desired of all loves to be dismissed again into the sea, and he finding it impossible to persuade us to his purpose, after seven days' feasting, gave us leave to depart. 6o AAH6OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 22. 22. *"A e ev TOJ uueraZv $iaTl3a>v ev fl KaTevovjcra Kaiva KUI TUVTO, j3ovXo{Aai 6/Ve7v. TrpuJTa fiev TO K yvvaixcov yevvoicrOai avrovg, aXX' onto roJv appevajv * ja^oiq yap TOiq appeal ~ \ ?<\\ V \ tt. Icracri. t tev ovv Ttevre KOA ercov ae7rai e/cacrro^, diro e TOVTCDV KVOVCTI e OVK ev ev TOjl acrTOKvAiai " eTre/Sav yap py TO epfipvov, 7ra%vveTai ^ KvyfLT], %povct) v&Tepov &vatjTe[jijOVTe$ e^ayovcri a, K6ei>Te<; e avTa irpoq TOV KCLl OTI Trap eKevoig &VT TRUE HISTORY. 61 Now, what strange novelties worthy of o J novelties he observed in note I observed during the time of my abode thoseparts. there, I will relate unto you. The first is, that they are not begotten of women, but of man- kind : for they have no other marriage but of males : the name of women is utterly unknown among them : until they accomp- lish the age of five and twenty years, they are given in marriage to others : from that time forwards they take others in marriage to themselves : for as soon as the infant is conceived the leg begins to swell, and after- wards when the time of birth is come, they give it a lance and take it out dead : then they lay it abroad with open mouth towards the why that part which we wind, and so it takes life : and I think thereof 'Is^iMby'the Grecians the the Grecians call it the belly of the leg, because u" y of the 62 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIAZ. A. 23. TOVTOV yevoq eoT/ Trap avTo$ ol K&\ovp,evoi Aevfipirai, ylveTai 6 TOV TpoTtov TOVTOV' op%iv avGpamov rov ev (frvTevovcriv, CK K&pTtoq ecrn 8e TO j^eeOo. 67re/&av ovv , 01 v\wa, Kat S/a TOVTCDV o%evovcri KOA yaj&Tai$ Tolq eavTCOv. 23. 'E7re/Sav Se yvjpacr'fl o av6pa)7ro$, OVK o TRUE HISTORY. 63 therein they bear their children instead of a belly. I will tell you now of a thing more strange than this. There are a kind of men among them called Dendritans, which are begotten in this manner : they cut out the right stone out of a man's cod, and set it in their ground, from which springeth up a great tree of flesh, with branches and leaves, bearing a kind of fruit much like to an acorn, but of a cubit in length, which they gather when they are ripe, and cut men out of them : their privy members are to be set on and taken off as they have occasion : rich men have them made of ivory, poor men of wood, wherewith they perform the act of generation and accompany their spouses. When a man is come to his full age he dieth 64 AAH60Y2 I2TOPIAZ. A. 23. dyp ylverai. tpofyy] Se * eTreifiav jap irvp dva/ xrTrep XUTTTOVO-I rov . (T/TCO (JjV $V) T p- ecmv o0A//3c / &oev0 e^ KvXiKa vypov avieiq ^povov. ov [AVJV amvpovcrt ye KCU ' aXX ov$e TVJV crvvovcrlav ol ev Talq f e$pai$ Trape^ovviv, aAX' ev tyvvviv vjrep TVJV jacn pOKvypjl&v ' Kel yap e(7i TerpvjfAevoi. Kao Se Tra p avTolq yv TTOV n$ $>aXaKpo$ xai TRUE HISTORY. 65 not, but is dissolved like smoke and is turned into air. One kind of food is common to them Their food. all, for they kindle a fire and broil frogs upon the coals, which are with them in infinite numbers flying in the air, and whilst they are broiling, they sit round about them as it were about a table, and lap up the smoke that riseth from them, and feast themselves therewith, and this is all their feeding. For their drink they Their drink. have air beaten in a mortar, which yieldeth a kind of moisture much like unto dew. They have no avoidance of excrements, either of urine or dung, neither have they any issue / for that purpose like unto us. Their boys admit copulation, not like unto ours, but in their hams, a little above the calf of the leg, for there they are open. They hold 66 AAH0OY2 IZTOPIAZ. A. 24. * v fc v ^, TOV$ be 7Tl 8e TtOV * jap Tive$, 01 KCLI ire pi eKelvwv KCfji (A f r]v KM jeveiotj (f)vov(ri [AiKpov iirep ra ev it ay-re q elvi viiep 8e ra$ irvjaq exacTTa) avTCu eK7re(f)VK paKpa (ZcTTrep ovpa, OaXXovcra e dei Kai VTTTIOV avaTrhrrovro^ ov 24. ' ATTOfAVTTOVTai 6 y TTOVUHTIV y yvpjvatlpvTai, ya- irav TO crtofAa iftpovaiv, ajcrre rvpov$ dii avTov TtyyvvcrOai, oXiyov TOV [AeXtTO<; 7no"ra%avTe$ * eXaiov Se TTOIOVVTCU TRUE HISTORY. 67 it a great ornament to be bald, for hairy Because that J Comets seem to be hairy, persons are abhorred with them, and yet and have their name from among the stars that are comets it is thought commendable, as some that have travelled those coasts reported unto us. Such beards as they have are growing a little above their knees. They have no nails on their feet, for their whole foot is all but one toe. Every one of them at the point of his rump hath a long colewort growing out instead of a tail, always green and flourishing, which though a man fall upon his back, cannot be broken. The dropping of their noses is more sweet than honey. When they labour or exercise them- selves, they anoint their body with milk, whereinto if a little of that honey chance to drop, it will be turned into cheese. They F 2 68 AAH6OYZ I2TOPIA2. A. \ ~ airo T(*)v KpofA/AvcDV Travv Xmapov re Kat v$pofyopov<;' cu yap pouyeq e\pia Kai epya- TOV (L\KOV V^dTl V7TO3aVT 60(7- ra epia. Trepi (AevTOi TOJV diovq e%ov(7iv, OATVCO ^ev e/7re7v, TO amo-rov TOV Xoyov. TOVTO ^ KCLI o /3ovXo/Avo$ e^e- rovg avTOv TvtyXwTTei ecrr av ifieiv' oiiTO) 8' v6e/Ai>o$ opa,' KCLI TOV$ a^)Tpovq aTio\(TCLVTe^ Trap opajcriv. elvi 8' 0*1 KOA 7roXXov<; e%ov/ 28. Ev &e TO) TrapaTrXcp TroXXag [Aev KOI r TOV V}\IQV ev %ptp ov jap asnefi'YjfAev Kalroi TroXXa raiv era/- o avjjO< OVK . eOeai/AeOa fAevroi VYJV %a)pav ev T KOA TTIOVO, KCLi VV$pOV KOLl Se T^oi o TRUE HISTORY. 75 five of brass, with a complete armour of those shells of lupins, all which I left behind me in the whale : and sent with us a thousand of his Hippogypians to conduct us five hundred furlongs on our way. In our course we coasted many other countries, and lastly arrived at the Morning Star now newly inhabited, where we landed and took in fresh water : from thence we entered the Zodiac, passing by the Sun, and, leaving it on our right hand, took our course near unto the shore, but landed not in the country, though our company did much desire it, for the wind would not give us leave : but We saw it was a flourishing region, fat and well watered, abounding with all delights : but the Nephelo- centaurs espying us, who were mercenary 76 AAHOOYZ IZTOPIAZ. A. 29. ] TOJ> Qovri, 7r7TT7]o-ai> em vtjv vowv e KCLI ol iTTTToyviroi aTT 29. irepi ecnrepOjV jv Av%vo7ToXiv KaXov/Aevy/v, rfiv] TOV Kara) $1(JDKOVT$. 7] 6 TToX/^ aVTTj KCITOU v rov ITXe/aScov KOA TOV 'Ta TtoXv TOV KOV. a7roavT e vcoTTOv ^ev ov fieva KCLI ev TV} wyopci Kai Trepi TOV elitelv TrevyTas, oXiyov$ Se TCOV v xai TRUE HISTORY. 77 soldiers to Phaethon, made to our ship as fast as they could, and finding us to be friends, said no more unto us, for our Hyppogypians were departed before. Then we made for- wards all the next night and day, and about evening-tide following we came to a city called Lychnopolis, still holding on our course down- e cif y f wards. This city is seated in the air between the Pleiades and the Hyades, somewhat lower than the Zodiac, and arriving there, not a man was to be seen, but lights in great numbers running to and fro, which were employed, some in the market place, and some about the haven, of which many were little, and as a man may say, but poor things ; some again were great and mighty, exceeding glorious and resplen- 78 AAH0OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 29. 01 OjvOpunroi) KCLI (f)a)vvjv 7rpo'ie[Aeva)v yjKOvo/Aev, KCM ovftev vj/Aois yftiKOvv, a KOA em %ev!a exaXovv ' ypjelq Se ovre &6/7rvo-a/ olre ev pecry T/J TroXe/ TreTro/^ra/, ev()a o avT(jji> 5/a WKtoq % amoQavelv co^ A/TTOOV ^/v" o &e 6avaro<; evn crfiecrOyvai. TO, TCOV Xi^vcov airoXoyov- e KCLl 3a$vvw. evda, TOV TRUE HISTORY. 79 dent, and there were places of receipt for them all ; every one had his name as well as men ; and we did hear them speak. These did us no harm, but invited us to feast with them, yet we were so fearful, that we durst neither eat nor sleep as long as we were there. Their court of justice standeth in the midst of the city, where the governor sitteth all the night long calling every one by name, and he that answereth not is adjudged to die, as if he had forsaken his ranks. Their death is to be quenched. We also standing amongst them A very pro- per death. saw what was done, and heard what answers the lights made for themselves, and the reasons they alleged for tarrying so long : there we also knew our own light, and spake unto it, 8o AAHGOY2 12TOPIA2. A. 29. KOA TtpocreiTrwv avrov irepi OIKOV e^vudojvo^v OTTOX; %oiev' o OVV exelvyv xai i ov ov jap eta TO Xeveiv [Aevroi avrajv eXejero Kopojvo$ o KoTTV, V(TTpQV 6 KCLI TRUE HISTORY. 85 i gaping upon us and troubled the sea round about him, so that he was compassed on every side with froth and foam, showing his teeth afar off, which were longer than any beech trees are with us, all as sharp as needles, and as white as ivory: then we took, as we thought, our last leaves one of another, and embracing together, expected our ending day. The monster was presently with us, and swallowed us up ship and all ; but by chance he caught us not between his chops, for the ship slipped through the void passages down into his entrails. When we were thus got within him we continued a good while in darkness, and could see nothing till he began to gape, and then we perceived it to be a monstrous whale of a 86 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 32. TtdvTy/ 7rXa,Tv KCLI in^Xov, IKCLVOV 7roXe/ evoiKelv. eKeivro Se ev l i%0ve$ KCLI aXXa TroXXa, Gyp/a (TVyKKO/A{AVa KCLI 7rAo/W JoT/O- /Ctt/ OJ^KVfXLl KOA av6panra)v ocrTea KCLI / Xcc/)o/ ycrav, ep^oi K KCLI TTCLVTCL crratiioi ^ICLKOVIOI KCLI 8e /Se7v KCLI opvecL ra KCLI CL\KVOVCL<;, 7Tl 32 . Tore /,ev ofv 67r/ TroXt; VCLVV vir 9 avroi Se TRUE HISTORY. 87 huge breadth and height, big enough to contain a city that would hold ten thousand men : and within we found small fishes and many other creatures chopped in pieces, and the masts of ships and anchors and bones of men and luggage. In the midst of him was earth and hills, which were raised, as I conjectured, by the settling of the mud which came down his throat, for woods grew upon them and trees of all sorts and all manner of herbs, and it A country within the looked as if it had been husbanded. The compass of the land was two hundred and forty furlongs : there were also to be seen all kind of sea fowl, as gulls, halcyons, and others that had made their nests upon the trees. Then we fell to weeping abundantly, but at the last I roused up my company, and 88 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIAZ. A. 32. xai vov K TO>I> K&I TravTofiaTra Kpea TWV Tl TO K TOV , el TTOTC ava- &e %ai,voi TO KVJTO<;, ewpcofiev aXXore fiev aXXore 8e o^oy, aXXore e povov TO ovpdwv, 7ro\\OjKiq e KCLI vydovq' KCLI yap ottvrov 7% OaJwrryg. ejrei e v eyevo/AeOa, Xaffcov TO, TZCLVTCL /3ovXo[Aevo$. OVTTOI) Se TtevTe fiieXdaiv trrao/of^ elpov lepov KOA OV TRUE HISTORY. 89 propped up our ship, and struck fire. Then we made ready supper of such as we had, for abundance of all sort of fish lay ready by us, and we had yet water enough left which we brought out of the Morning Star. The next morrow we rose to watch when the whale should gape : and then looking out, we could sometimes see mountains, sometimes only the skies, and many times islands, for we found that the fish carried himself with great swift- ness to every part of the sea. When we grew weary of this, I took seven of my company, and went into the wood to see what I could find there, and we had not gone above five furlongs but we light upon a temple erected to Neptune, as by the title appeared, and not far off we espied many sepulchres and pillars 90 AAH9OY2 I2TOPIAZ. A. 33. re KVVO$ , eTi &e Kai TroppcoOev Kai TWO, 33. Trov ovv i veavlcTKCp paXa, diro ovv a>yi*aj KCLI (frofiyBevreg Se T&VTOV TMV co TO eiKo Trad- ovreq avavboi Ttaea'VYjKeo-av " ovco 8e o ec|wy, Tive<; a pa v/Ae7$ eo-re, co y wrepov, efaj, roiv evaXicDV y a avOpanroi jap y/Ae?*; av6p(*)7roi ovreq Kai ev y vw OaXarTioi yeyova/Aev KOA TRUE HISTORY. 91 placed upon them, with a fountain of clear water close unto it : we also heard the barking of a dog, and saw smoke rise afar off, so that we judged there was some dwelling thereabout. Wherefore making the more haste, we lighted upon an old man and a youth, who were very busy in making a garden and in conveying water by a channel from the fountain into it : whereupon we were surprised both with joy and fear : and they also were brought into the same taking, and for a long time remained mute. But after some pause, the old man said, What are ye, you strangers ? any of the sea spirits ? or miserable men like unto us ? for we that are men by nature, born and bred in the earth, are now sea-dwellers, and swim 92 AAH00Y2 I2TOPIA2. A. 33. ra> Treieovri rovra) ovtf a 7rdo-%ofAv aKpij3a>$ effioreg* reOvd- vai pev jap eiKafy/Aev, {fiv &e 7ri/A ^ ' /)" '' s\v ^ re /ca/ aucpQQpva* K&I i%vv$, ex/ Oe KCLI oivov 7rvv()avTO a eireTrovOeifAev' TOV re %ei/jtj)vaj Kai ev ry vy(TCp Kai TOV ev ro3 aepi TOV TToXeaov, Kai TO, TO 34. e v7T>avAao-a Kai avTO ev ra /cafi' eavrov 8/e^e/ Xeycov, To e/^/, o> 8e /car' efiTtopiav airo rfy Trarpwog ov o^are, /^a/ aXXcov TroXXcov o/Ve- eTrXeov e/ 'iraX/W TTO//C/XOV 67T/ veco^ ^eyaXoy^, ^v ern TRUE HISTORY. 95 we are able to afford you. So he took us and brought us into his house, which was sufficient to serve his turn : his pallets were prepared, and all things else made ready. Then he set before us herbs and nuts and fish, and filled out of his own wine unto us : and when we were sufficiently satisfied, he then demanded of us what fortunes we had endured, and I related all things to him in order that had betide unto us, the tempest, the passages in the island, our navigation in the air, our war, and all the rest, even till our diving into the whale. Whereat he wondered exceedingly, and began to deliver also what had befallen to him, and said, By lineage, O ye strangers, I am of the isle An island J in the eastern Cyprus, and travelling from mine own country MBkrr**e* /r J Sea, betwixt as a merchant, with this my son you see here, c*. 96 AAH00Y2 I2TOPIA2. A. 34. TOV ovv eq TOV w/ceavov TO) /CT6/ 7TelTVOVT KCLl aXXow Se TO eral Kai VCLW TO lov 6 (7lTOV[AVOl axpoftpva,. TroXXoy 8e, co^ o^are, oy IXoy, a/&7reXov$ e%ei TroXXa^, a^)' p 7/yvera/ " i \f/v%pcrrarov evvv/v e a?ro Trvp acfrGovov Kalofiev Kai opvea TRUE HISTORY. 97 and many other friends with me, made a voyage for Italy in a great ship full fraught with merchandise, which perhaps you have seen broken in pieces in the mouth of the whale. We sailed with fair weather till we were as far as Sicily, but there we were over- taken with such a boisterous storm that the third day we were driven into the ocean, where it was our fortune to meet with this whale which swallowed us all up, and only we two escaped with our lives ; all the rest perished, whom we have here buried and built a temple to Neptune. Ever since we have continued this course of life, planting herbs and feeding upon fish and nuts : here is wood enough, you see, and plenty of vines which yield most deli- cate wine : we have also a well of excellent cool water, which it may be you have seen : we H 98 AAH00Y2 IZTOPIAZ. A. 35. rd eivTreTOAeva Kai 7Tl TO, rov Bypiov, evQa Kai Xovo/ieOa, OTrorav KOM XiAv ov ecrriv aXfivpa crra&/cov el/coai TO e%ovcra 7ravTO$a,7rov<;, ev 97 KOM o 7rra KCLI 35. TO, PJV ahXoij icrctx; fyepeiv e8f- , oi e yeiroveg re ovreq KOA aypioi. H jap, etyyv eyco, Kai eq elcriv ev TO) xyrei ; HoXXol (iev, , KOA a^evoi Kai rag ra fiev jap e&Trepia Kai ovpa7a TRUE HISTORY. 99 make our beds of the leaves of trees, and burn as much wood as we will : we chase after the birds that fly about us, and go out upon the gills of the monster to catch after live fishes : here we bathe ourselves when we are disposed, for we have a lake of salt water not far off, about some twenty furlongs in compass, full of sundry sorts of fish, in which we swim and sail upon it in a little boat of mine own making. This is the seven-and-twentieth year of our drowning, and with all this we might be well enough contented if our neighbours and borderers about us were not perverse and troublesome, altogether insociable and of stern condition. Is it so, indeed, said I, that there should be any within the whale but your- selves ? Many, said he, and such as are un- reconcilable towards strangers, and of mon- II 2 ioo AAH9OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 35. OIKOVGIV, eOvoq j^eXva)7rov KCLI KUI Qpaav KCLI TO, 6 TOV e/ov roov TCOV aXXcov* xa \ / / \ KCLl &VVVOK(f>(lXoi (TVpjfJjOj^iaV T Kdl \ t \ / \ s\\ eavrovg TreTroiyfAevoi ' ryv Se vefiovrai Ha/yovpi$ai KUI KOA ftpofAiKOJTUTOV ' ra irpoq aura) T Se irpoq aura) TW GTOAaTi ra ecrri ravra 6a- ocrrpeia TRUE HISTORY. 101 strous and deformed proportions. The western countries and the tail-part of the wood are inhabited by the Tarychanians that look like eels, with faces like a lobster : these are war- like, fierce, and feed upon raw flesh : they that dwell towards the right side are called Tritonomendetans, which have their upper parts like unto men, their lower parts like cats, and are less offensive than the rest. On the left side inhabit the Carcinochirians and the Thinnocephalians, which are in league one with another : the middle region is possessed by the Paguridians, and the Psettopodians, a warlike nation and swift of foot : eastwards towards the mouth is for the most part desert, as over- washed by the sea : yet am I fain to take that for my dwelling, paying yearly to the Psetto- podians in way of tribute five hundred oysters. 102 AAH60Y2 I2TOPIA2. A. 36. 36. ' K&I OTTOX; Hocroi 5e, etyyv eyco, Travreg ovro HXelov^ ec/)^, TCOV ^/X/W. f/ O?rXa / j\ 5rs, r^'5s r ir j, -\ v TIVO, ecrriv avrou; ; U^dev, ecp^, TTA^V TCOV i%6va)v. QVKQVV, efyyv are o^cr/v avo?rXo/^ avrov$ ye (Avov$ " e/ 766/2 KparycrofAev avraJv, TOV XO/TTOV 8/ em vavv a/r/a Se roS TroXepov e^eXXev e&ecrOai TOV OVK MTd$00V, ^9; T^ 7T >o'yj$. Kai Soy o/ />cev eire/jjirov TRUE HISTORY. 103 Of so many nations doth this country consist. We must therefore devise among ourselves either how to be able to fight with them, or how to live among them. What number may they all amount unto ? said I. More than a thousand, said he. And what armour have they? None at all, said he, but the bones of fishes. Then were it our best course, said I, to encounter them, being provided as we are, and they without weapons, for if we prove too hard for them we shall afterward live out of fear. This we concluded upon, and went to our ship to furnish ourselves with arms. The occasion of war we gave by non-payment of tribute, which then was due, for they sent their messengers to demand it, to whom he gave a harsh and scornful answer, and sent them 104 AAHGOY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 37. Trpcoroi ouv ol ^TTOTroSe^ teat ol Hayovpftai ro5 ^Kivdapco TOVTO jap /^era TroXXoS 6opv/3ov eTry 37. ypjclq Se rqv e dvfipcov TrevTe Kai *LKQT$ e$ TTJV vXyv TO XOITTOV 39. KOA {AT 0V TTOXv KTjpVKOj^ a7TOC7- T (LvOVVTO KGU, S/eXeyovro. ypJiv Se OVK cr7rV$O"()ai, dXXa TTJ CTT avTOv$ TOV OVTOI Se o5^ e/Sov ra yiyvofteva, 6dXa,TTav. ypjelq Se TVJV TO XOITTOV aSeco KaTCKOVtev TO, TroXXa TRUE HISTORY. 109 answered with an echo out of the whale as if it had been out of a cave : but we soon put them to flight, being naked people, and chased them into the wood, making ourselves masters of the country. Soon after they sent ambas- sadors to us to crave the bodies of the dead and to treat upon conditions of peace ; but we had no purpose to hold friendship with them, but set upon them the next day and put them all to the sword except the Tritonomendetans, who, seeing how it fared with the rest of their fellows, fled away through the gills of the fish, and cast themselves into the sea. Then we travelled all the country over, which now was desert, and dwelt there afterwards without fear of enemies, spending the time in exercise of the no AAHBOY2 IZTOPIAZ. A. 40. TOV KOjpTTQV TOV K rctju Sevcov, Ara/ V KCLI \e\vp*evoi$. eviavrov f*ev ovv Kai PJTJVOU; o/crco TOVTOV TOV TpOTTOV. 40. TO) 8' evaTO) /AVJVI TtefATTT'fl tyV $VTpaV TOV (TTO/ACLTOC jap S'jy TOVTO KaTa Tyv ojpav 7TOll TO KWTOq, COC7T6 ovv T7JV \ \ *\ / ^ / \ T TroAA'jy Kai 6opv/3o$ y/toveTO Kai (jjcnrep KeXev&fAaTa Kai elpeo-lai' Tapa%- ovv dveipTrvcrauev eif avTO TO TRUE HISTORY. in body and in hunting, in planting vineyards and gathering fruit of the trees, like such men as live delicately and have the world at will, in a spacious and unavoidable prison. This kind of life led we for a year and eight months, but when the fifth day of the ninth month was come, about the time of the second opening of his mouth (for so the whale did once every A clock. hour, whereby we conjectured how the hours went away), I say about the second opening, upon a sudden we heard a great cry and a mighty noise like the calls of mariners and the stirring of oars, which troubled us not a little. Wherefore we crept up to the very mouth of the fish, and standing within his teeth, saw the strangest sight that ever eye beheld men U2 AAHBOY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 40. crro/Ao, TOV Ovjplov Kdi cnavTe<; eyco ewov Oea/Aarcov 7Tapa$Q%OTaTOV 9 av- ovov v. o/a [jjev ovv dcov, Xe^co Se ycrav eTTi^Keiq p^ev, ov Trdvv &e OGOV K&TOV (7Ta&/0)V CKaO'TT TO ' eiri e UVTCOV ejrXeov TCOV dv- IKO(71 KCLl * 01 em TRUE HISTORY. 113 of monstrous greatness, half a furlong in stature, sailing upon mighty great islands as if they were upon shipboard. I know you will think this smells like a lie, but yet you shall have it. The islands were of a good length indeed, but not very high, containing about an hundred furlongs in compass ; every one of these carried of those kind of men eight-and- twenty, of which some sat on either side of the island and rowed in their course with great cypress trees, branches, leaves and all, instead of oars. On the stern or hinder part, as I take it, stood the governor, upon a high hill, with a brazen rudder of a furlong in length in his hand : on the fore-part stood forty such fellows as those, armed for the fight, resembling men ii 4 AAH60Y2 I2TOPIA2. A. 41. TO 7rpcx)pa$ ocrov TerrapaKOVTa, K0fjj7j<; ' avTy e Trvp yv KOA , (J}(7T oey ev eKao-Ty exoXTrov re KOA efyepe tyv vyvov y eOeXoi o eipecrlav o%ea}$ e/tivovvro ra {AUK pa, TOV 41. TO (AV OVV TTpCOTOV $VO V] T pl<; eTroXe/AOvv teal oi/v di>Ti7rpa)poi TRUE HISTORY. 115 in all points but in their hair, which was all fire and burnt clearly, so that they needed no helmets. Instead of sails the wood growing in the island did serve their turns, for the wind blowing against it drave forward the island like a ship, and carried it which way the governor would have it, for they had pilots to direct them, and were as nimble to be stirred with oars as any long-boat. At the first we had the sight but of two or three of them : after- wards appeared no less than six hundred, which, dividing themselves in two parts, pre- pared for encounter, in which many of them A stra,, ge $ea-fght. by meeting with their barks together were broken in pieces, many were turned over and drowned : they that closed, fought lustily and would not easily be parted, for the soldiers in I 2 n6 AAH0OY2 I2TOPIA2. A, 42. , TroXXa/ e KavretivovTO, at e Kaprepcos fiiyyaivll^ovTO KOA ov pa- ajreXvovTO " oJ K&t 9 01 6 7repl7rXKO/AVOl T7J KCLI eTiTpwcrKOv oo"Tpeloi<; re o'i KCLI O-TTOJJOK; 7rXe()pialot$. 42. yyefro &e rcov ^ey Aio\OKVTavpo$, , co^ e'&o/ce/, Xe/a^ epexa' o TRUE HISTORY. 117 the front showed a great deal of valour, enter- ing one upon another, and killed all they could, for none were taken prisoners. Instead of iron grapples they had mighty great polypodes fast A fi& tied, which they cast at the other, and if they once laid hold on the wood they made the isle sure enough for stirring. They darted and wounded one another with oysters that would fill a wain, and sponges as big as an acre. The leader on the one side was ^Eolocentaurus, and of the other Thalassopotes. The quarrel, as it seems, grew about taking a booty : for they said that Thalassopotes drave away many flocks of dolphins that belonged to ^Eolocen- taurus, as we heard by their clamours one to another, and calling upon the names of their u8 AAH9OYZ IZTOPIAZ. A. 42. TOV TCOV /Sad/Xecov e?r//3oco/>G6va)v. re- Se viKUxriv ol TOV AioXoKevravpov Kai TCOV TToXe^/COV KOSTO&VQVGIV (lAl Kai e/carov KCLI , at irpv/Avav Kpovo-d/Aevai etyevyov. ol TIVO<; 8/o)^avT6^, eTre/Soy ecnrepa, TpaTTOfievoi irpo<; ra vavdyia eTrexpaTycrav KCLI ra dvetXovro * OVK eXarrov TCOV S 7Tl T7 K()O,Xy TOV TRUE HISTORY. 119 kings : but ^Eolocentaurus had the better of the day and sunk one hundred and fifty of the enemy's islands, and three they took with the men and all. The rest withdrew themselves and fled, whom the other pursued, but not far, because it grew towards evening, but re- turned to those that were wrecked and broken, which they also recovered for the most part, and took their own away with them : for on their part there were no less than fourscore islands drowned. Then they erected a trophy for a monument of this island fight, and fastened one of the enemy's islands with a stake upon the head of the whale. That night they lodged close by the beast, casting their cables about him, and anchored near unto him: their anchors are huge and great, made of 120 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIA2. A. 42. v ovv ryv VVKTCL TTepl TO Oyptov ijvXi- avrov TO, ajrojeia KOA 7T O/KV&V TrXvO-lOV OJljl(TajVQl * KO>1 em rov eif avTOv djreTrXeov ^QAevQi K&I TO/UTO, Aev TO, TRUE HISTORY. 121 glass, but of a wonderful strength. The morrow after, when they had sacrificed upon the top of the whale, and there buried their dead, they sailed away, with great triumph and songs of victory. And this was the manner of the islands' fight. AAH9OT2 I2TOPI AOT02 AETTEPO2. i. To S' a?ro TOVTOV eyco royv ev TO> KTJTCI fiiaiTav a^Qo^evoq re TTJ fiovy, IAVJX&VYJV riva an ^e\Gelv yevono * Kai TO e&oev C&TTO TU)V OVpaiOJV KaiO(AV, KOA t F \e\\v / av- TOV evaTy crvvie/Aev avTOv VOGOVVTO*;. dpyore- pov yovv dve%a<7t<: 9 xai el Trore (Twelve. Senary Se KOA KUI $vcrco$e$ ' el py rig %avovTO$ avrov ev VKu> VKpu avrco TO CTTOfAO, ^lepelvavTet; Tyv VCLVV T TRUE HISTORY. 125 ( that would certainly kill him without all ques- tion, and being once dead, our issue would be easy enough. This we also put in practice, and began our project at the tail end, which burnt seven days and as many nights before he They set t whale on fire. had any feeling of our fireworks : upon the eighth and ninth days we perceived he began to grow sickly : for he gaped more dully than he was wont to do, and sooner closed his mouth again : the tenth and eleventh he was thoroughly mortified and began to stink : upon the twelfth day we bethought ourselves, though almost too late, that unless we underpropped his chops when he gaped next to keep them from closing, we should be in danger of per- petual imprisonment within his dead carcase and there miserably perish. We therefore i 2 6 AAH90Y2 IZTOF1A2. B. 2. aXXo//,evo/ Kai TO, aXXa eTrny &' e/AeXXev o %Kl TO 2. TO 7rXo7ov /ca/ TCOV aiwAoTCDV iayayovTes KCLI K TO> TO Tpojraiov y/Aepas re voyve/x/za 'ya^ ^y r^ re- /ca/ TroorcoAreXXo^ev /ca/ ra r/vag eTrXeo/Aev cvKpaTO) aepi , ejreiTa, fiopeov crfyo^pov TRUE HISTORY. 127 pitched long beams of timber upright within his mouth to keep it from shutting, and then made our ship in a readiness, and provided ourselves with store of fresh water, and all other things necessary for our use, Scintharus taking upon him to be our pilot, and the next morrow the whale died. Then we hauled our ship through the void passages, and fastening cables about his teeth, by little and little settled it into the sea, and mounting the back of the whale, sacrificed to Neptune, and for three days together took up our lodging hard by the trophy, for we were becalmed. The fourth day we put to sea, and met with many dead corpses that perished in the late sea-fight, which our ship hit against, whose bodies we took measure of with great admiration, and sailed for a few 128 AAH0OY2 I2TOPIA2. B. 2. eyeve-TQ KGM VTT ' CIVTOV TO TreXayo^ OVK 7ri7roXy$ [AQVOV, bcrov jq, coare KUI a7ro/3avTa$ TOV KVGTooV. 7riJjVOl>TO 6 TOV 7TVV- fyepeiv ov ^vva/^evot ro/ov&e r/ - 6 oyv ^KivOapoq ovca^avre^ jap ev TCO v$an crjryXaiov [AeyicrTOv ev TOVTCO (Aiva(AV vjfjjepaq rpiaKOVTa, jrvp dva- evpiv- eireXiire ra KOI ryv va/uv rqv o&ovyv edvpo 7rXeovT$ Xe/co^ KOA TRUE HISTORY. 129 i days in very temperate weather. But after that the north wind blew so bitterly that a great frost ensued, wherewith the whole sea was all frozen up, not only superficially upon the upper part, but in depth also the depth of four hundred fathoms, so that we were fain to for- sake our ship and run upon the ice. The wind sitting long in this corner, and we not able to endure it, put this device in practice, which was the invention of Scintharus : with mattocks and other instruments we made a mighty cave in the water, wherein we sheltered ourselves forty days together : in it we kindled fire, and fed upon fish, of which we found great plenty in our digging. At the last, our pro- vision falling short, we returned to our frozen ship, which we set upright, and spreading her 130 AAH60Y2 I2TOPIA2. B. 3. rov oiXea re yft v KOA o eXvero -, ' ?/ 3. 7rAV(TaVT$ QVV OCTOV vycrcp iKci teat , dfi yc, vfiwp Xa/3ovT$ e a/ypl- ovq KaTa,TO%vcravTe$ aTTeTrXevo-afAev. ol 8e ravpoi OVTOI ra xepara OVK e?r/ VTTO o Mco[AO$ yt-tov. />cer' ov TtoXv Se evefiaivofiev, ov% u ' KCLI wjvog ev avrco i>TO Xevxy TcXypys a^TreXcov. yv Se y tvpoq /AeyicTTO$, Travv TRUE HISTORY. 131 sails, went forward as well as if we had been upon water, leisurely and gently sliding upon the ice ; but on the fifth day the weather grew warm, and the frost brake, and all was turned to water again. We had not sailed three hundred furlongs forwards but we came to a little island that was desert, where we only took in fresh water (which now began to fail us), and with our shot killed two wild bulls, and so departed. These bulls have their horns growing not upon their heads but under their eyes, as Momus thought it better. Then we Jupiter for entered into a sea, not of water but of milk, in >f ot s , ef ^ ' A * bulls horns in 1-1 i 1 -i i r 11 r this manner. which appeared a white island full of vines. ARIST. depart. ani. 1. 3. He This island was only a great cheese well feasting aL of carping pressed (as we afterwards found when we fed o^<7a^ev, avpa^ TRUE HISTORY. 133 upon it), about some five-and-twenty furlongs in bigness : the vines were full of clusters of grapes, out of which we could crush no wine, but only milk : in the midst of the island there was a temple built dedicated to Galatea, one A sea nymph, daugh- of the daughters of Nereus, as by the inscrip- a called because tion appeared. As long as we remained there j,/^f milk. the soil yielded us food and victuals, and our drink was the milk that came out of the grapes: in these, as they said, reigfneth Tyro, of her J J Neptune begot the daughter of Salmoneus, who, after her #*//, M* father of Nestor. departure, received this guerdon at the hands of ES, a territory of Of NeptUne. Peloponnesus, and for imitat- ing the thunder In this island we rested ourselves five ^,?^> chariot over a . . bridge of brass, days, and on the sixth put to sea again, * j/ */* ' ' a thitnderboL 11 i 11 by Jupiter. a gentle gale attending us, and the seas all still and quiet. The eighth day, as we i 3 4 AAH00Y2 IZTOPIAZ. B. 4. TT ovxeTt 8/a TOV ofa Se ev aX/Avpcp Kai KvauoJ v$art, d#Qpamov$ jcoXkovq CTTI TOV aTtavra y/jv aj TTO ra TCOV TTOCOV [Aovcov * ravra jap ov ovv ov o^o 01 Se KCLI TTpoo-yeo-av KOA ( Y} re TCO <&iXi7T7rov KOA ' TO) Kap%i)$ovia), KM eofe 'AAe^avSy^o^, KGM Opovoq avTCo ere irapa, IHvpov TOV Hepcryv TOV TrpOTepov. 10. o *ev eTO rl iepov %a)plov TTij3aii/{AV * TRUE HISTORY. 145 judgment on Menelaus' side, in respect of the manifold labours and perils he had incurred for that marriage' sake, whereas Theseus had wives enough beside to live withal as the Amazon, and the daughters of Minos. The Ariadne and third was a question of precedency between Alexander, the son of Philip, and Hannibal, 1/^1 . i i * i 1 the Carthaginian, in which Alexander was pre- ferred, and his throne placed next to the elder mans. See / ,1 T> PLUTARCH in Cyrus the Persian. his life. The son of In the fourth place we appeared, and cambyse* who * translated the kingdom from he demanded of us what reason we had, tiuMedatotke Persians. See .... 111-1 1 ^e Surveyors. being" living 1 men, to take land in that sacred The younger Cyrus was the country, and we told him all our adventures Notkm and brother to Ar- in order as they befell us : then he com- manded us to stand aside, and considering 146 AAH9OY2 I2TOPIA2. B, u. eir] TroXvv %povov ecr- K7TTTO Kai TQi d^lUdl, K&l oXcog 601K6 TIC, v] ^ v %^ avrcijv 7repnzo\elv rov o~a){Aa,TO$ ofAOiOTyra 7repiKi/Aevv/ e VTOi$ y/Aepoig re Kai vKiepolt; Aev " at ^ev jap afArreXoi fia elcri KOA Kara [Ayva etcaffrov KapTrocfio- povai ' ra$ 8e poiaq KCLI rag aXXv/v OTrcopav eXeyov [Aev elvai Tpi(7Kai^Ka(f)Opoii " evoq jap [^yvoq TOV Trap avro7$ Mivcpov $1$ Kapitofyopel. dvTi TTVpOV 01 ccov /SoWcov vovKpaT7jv TOV ^ax^ Xe 11 ttier. LAERT. the Lacedaemonian, and Phocion and Tellus + scholar and servant to Py- the Athenians, 11 and all the Wise Men, unless Roman king. it were Periander.** \\ Lawyer to the Lacedfftno- I also saw Socrates, the son of Sophro- '"ARCH. Tl Two wise niscus, prattling with Nestor and Palamedes,^ S J4ft3 poverty. PLU- and close by him stood Hyacinthus the TA . R . CH -, J J * Who was King of Co- rinth and a tyrant. tt Necrom.r. 1 62 AAH00Y2 I2TOPIA2. B. 18. - / py \ % \ tf ft I tovg * Trepi be avrov yvav *&KivQo<; re c *\ / \ f \ / o AaKebai/Aoviog KCM o Qecnrievt; NapKicr- KCU f/ TXac KOA aXXo/ TroXXo/ KOA KCL'I /AOi e^QKei epoiv TOV 6ov * .o Se %aX7raiveiv avtw o K VY1C VVIVOV* WV (DAVdpTJ Kdl elputvelav e ^ovo^ o^ Tra^^v, aXX' eXe- / atJro^ ei^ ry dvaTrXacrOeio''/] VTT TroXe/ olKeiv %pa){Aevo$ TTJ i ro7<; VO/AOK; 01$ wveypatyev. ia ol evTQi aj(j<> *Al ie J J J as he would have in his himself, observing the same rule of govern- commonwealth. ment and laws as he had prescribed for them to live under. Aristippus and Epicurus are prime men amongst them, because they are the most M 2 164 AAH90Y2 I2TOPIA2. B, 18. KOA crvfATTOTiKCOTaTOi. Ttapyv Se Kai A7- $ TO&OVTOV {Aere/SaXe TOV fiev Aatfta, TVJV era/pav, Se 7toXXaKi$ VTTO {AeOvjs dvicr- Ttapoivelv. rcov Se ^TOJIKCOV ' eri jap eXeyovTO uva- alveiv TOV T der oiov Se Kai ire pi XpwiTnrov ori ov avrc TO TTapTOv eavTQv TOU$ Se ' 6 Tl jap avTO TOVTO TTCO el KCLI vyvoq TIC, TOiavTy 6el(L$ Se a KaTaXa/A/3dvovra<; KCM d 19. OVTOI pjev ovv TjacLif 01 dfyoXoyct)Ta- roi ' A^/XXea Kai {Aero, TOVTOV 'Kepi Se (Tvvov(ria$ K&I apOQio'ia)V olra) fiev dvatyavftov Trdv- yvvaify KCLI appeal, TOVTO a(j%pov avroq To7$ veoiq " Kai TRUE HISTORY. 167 think, they were fearful to come to be judged ished all kind by Rhadamanthus, because themselves have {^J t u< ^T n tL difference be- abolished all kind of judgment : yet many ^"r"?/?- ans or sceptics ? of them, they say, had a desire, and would See GELL J J ' 1. 11. c. . follow after those that were coming hither, but were so slothful as to give it over because they were not comprehensive, and therefore turned back in the midst of their way. These were all the men of note that I saw there ; and amongst them all Achilles was held to be the best man, and next to him Theseus. For their manner of venery and copulation thus it is : they couple openly in the eyes of all men, both with females and male kind, and no man holds it for any 1 68 AAH00Y2 I2TOP1AZ. B. 20. &VTOV TTlOpKlV t \ e^p / /v * < yoi^v o y&Gez; ictjKivuoq oy o . at elai Traai KQIVO,L ' ove7 TO) TrX^dov, aXX e h b J J are comprised . in this verse : phon ; but he said indeed he was a Baby- smyrna,Rho- dos, Colophon, Ionian, and among his own countrymen not irgo^Athen*.' called Homer but Tigranes, and afterwards living as an hostage among the Grecians, ^Sj^J^' or hostage. he had therefore that name put upon him. Then I questioned him about those verses in his books that are disallowed as not of his making, whether they were written by him or not, and he told me they were all his own, much condemning Zenodotus and TWO carping gra mmarians Aristarchus, the grammarians, for their weak- to correct ^ of Homer's i verses. ness in judgment. When he had satisfied me in this, I asked * touches some commen- . tators upon him again why he began the first verse of Homer, -who have gone about to give a reason almost of every word he wrote. 172 AAH90Y2 IZTOPIAZ. B. 21. creiav ryq 'IX/aSo^, ax; ol TroXXoi o &e ypvelro. on (Aev jap ov$e , o Kai avro Trepi avrov Xejovcriv, av- t 5 / c / t rf riKa aXXore rovro irotovv, el Trore avrov Trpocricov jap TI eirvv , Kai (AaXicna [Aera ryv //c^v, eKpcuryvev f}v jap rig Kar ' avTOv eTrevyvej/Aew/) v/3pea)$ VTTO 01$ avTov ev ry j Kai 21. Kara &e rov$ avrovg %povov<; i Hv6ajopa$ o %a TRUE HISTORY. 173 his poem with anger : and he told me it fell out so by chance, not upon any premedita- tion. I also desired to know of him whether he wrote his Odysseys before his Iliads, as many men do hold : but he said it was not so. As for his blindness which is charged upon him, I soon found it was far other- wise, and perceived it so plainly that I needed not to question him about it. Thus was I used to do many days when I found him idle, and would go to him and ask him many questions, which he would give me answer to very freely : especially when we talked of a trial he had in the court of justice, wherein he got the better: for Thersites had preferred a bill of complaint See , Necr - mant. b. against him for abusing him and scoffing at him in his Poem, in which action Homer 174 AAH9OYS IZTOPIAZ. B. 22. ev TOCTOVTOH; u)0i$ j3iOTvop/3ov %py avTOv ovofiat^eiv. o KOA ovro$, TO crcoAa o\ov toTTTAevo* ov xaiTOi iroXXa 22. HpoiovTO$ &e TOV %povov ywv Totj Trap ' avTO?<; QavaTOvcria. y TO TrefATTTOv KOA TO ej3$o{AOv. ra [Aev ovv av eiy Aeye/v" ra Se TCOV 7rpa%6ei>T(x)v ftiyyycrofAai. o CL<> ' 'HaxXeovt 'O8i;cr- TRUE HISTORY. 175 was acquitted, having Ulysses for his advo- who was 1 eloquent orator. cate. About the same time came to us Pythagoras the Samian, who had changed his shape now seven times, and lived in as many lives, and accomplished the periods of his soul. The right half of his body was wholly of gold ; and they all agreed that he should have place amongst them, but were doubtful what to call him, Pythagoras or Euphorbus. Empedocles a Jca also came to the place, scorched quite over, as if his body had been broiled upon the embers ; but could not be admitted for all his great entreaty. The time passing thus along, the day of prizes for masteries of activity now approached, which they call Thanatusia. The setters of <*"'? a " d J masteries a- niong the dead. them forth were Achilles the fifth time, and i;6 AAH00Y2 I2TOPIA2. B. 23. crea, Ttep} TOV crrefydvov TrvyfAvj e laTj eyeveTO 'Apelov re TOV AiyvTTTiov, *~oq ev KopivOco reOaTrrai, TIOV 8e aOXa, ov r/Oerai Trap* avro7^. TOV [A6VTOI ^pOfJjOV OVKTl TTOITJTCOV Se TJJ p,ev v KpdTl "O/MTj pO$, 1>IK e H(7/00. ra 8e aOXa, yv aTracri o-Te 23. ' ApTi &e TOV dycoi>o$ o ev TO) %<*>pu> TGJV ra ec7/>ca UVTCOV T TOV 'AKpayavT7vov Kai Bov&ipiv TOV the Roman ma- TRUE HISTORY. 177 Theseus the seventh time. To relate the whole circumstance would require a long dis- **<*. ho * when they ex- hibited plays course, but the principal points I will deliver, unto the people, 1 * * the names of the setters forth At wrestling Carus, one of the lineage ot wen registered and the time Hercules, had the best, and wan the garland hlddomit. *' from Ulysses. The fight with fists was equal between Arius the ^Egyptian, who was buried at Corinth, and Epius, that combated for it. There was no prize appointed for the Pancra- Fighting at all manner of r i t IT 1 1 -weapons. tian fight : neither do I remember who got the best in running : but for poetry, though Homer without question were too good for them all, yet the best was given to Hesiodus. H ^ er t ? d about the same The prizes were all alike, garlands plotted of *l me > L and if L ' O hath been con- troverted by peacocks' feathers. ma y hich was the better As soon as the games were ended, news came to us that the damned crew in the habitation of the wicked had broken their N 1 78 AAH00Y2 IZTOPIAS. B. 23. Kdl AlOfAytyv TOV QpaKO, KOM rov<; ire pi Keipwva KCLI o e (dyjcrevg TC Kai 'A^/XXei;^ xai Ala$ o eaxfipovcov' KUI {Aa%oi>TO xai eviKv/vajV ol ra 7rXe7(7Ta Se KCLI ^ajKdr CTTI rw TtoXu ///aXXov oy ore /Aa%eTO. TrpoviovTUiv jap O^A: etyvye KCLI TO r/v' e^ oig Kai vvrepov p dpKTTelov, KaXo$ re KCM ra TRUE HISTORY. 179 bounds, escaped the gaolers, and were coming to assail the island, led by Phalaris the Agnri- J o bloody tyrants, or notorious gentine, Busyris the ^Egyptian, Diomedes the robbers - Thracian, Sciron, Pituocamptes, and others : which Rhadamanthus hearing, he ranged the Heroes in battle array upon the sea-shore, under the leading of Theseus and Achilles and Ajax Telamonius, who had now recovered his senses, where they joined fight ; but the Heroes had the day, Achilles carrying himself very nobly. Socrates also, who was placed in the right wine, was noted for a brave PLATO *" Laches, or Dia- ...... logue of Forti- soldier, much better than he was in his life- tude, praiseth Socrates for his 111 --^ , . - . - manhood at De- time, in the battle at Delium : for when the /*/, which battle the Athe- 1 ii' i ,1 ni nians wet cover- enemy charged him, he neither fled nor thrown b y the Boeotians, and changed countenance : wherefore afterwards, in reward of his valour, he had a prize set out for him on purpose, which was a beautiful N 2 i8o AAH0OY2 I2TOPIA2. B. 24. TOV TOTTOV 7rpoo'ayopevo'a$ 24. vvXXapovTes ovv rovq voi;^. eypatye e e$a)K TO, pifiXia KO/Ai^eiv TO/ jfjfiv dv6p(*)7roi$* aXX vcnepov KCLI TCOV aXXcov a vvv &e e / TOT 5' Trap ' (LVTQiq vofLoq eTreiftav tov , e/Vr/covro ra e7r/v//c/a yyov' {AQVO$ e ravryg ov TRUE HISTORY. 181 and spacious garden, planted in the suburbs ^f a At S % of the city, whereunto he invited many, and did J J ' meet his scholars where Socrates ' cholars dispute t . 1-11 1 -i disputed with them there, giving it the name * Plato was born, c ^ T ., . and from hence of Necracademia. za takes this name, .-T-.I 1,1 -11 which signifies Ihen we took the vanquished prisoners, the Academy of the dead. and bound them, and sent them back to be punished with greater torments. This fight was also penned by Homer, who, at my departure, gave me the book to show my friends, which I afterwards lost and many things else beside : but the first verse of the poem I remember was this: "Tell me now, somewhat w ;e the beginning of Muse, how the dead Heroes fought." When they overcome in fight, they have a custom to make a feast with sodden beans, wherewith they banquet together for joy of their victory: only Pythagoras had no part with them, but sat aloof off, and lost his i8 2 AAH0OY2 IZTOPIA2. B. 25. 25. 3 o TOV ieyas re u>v Kai Ka^oq ypa %povov TJ^VJ T^ 'EXevoy^, KOA OVK dfyavvjg yv 7rivco$ ayajrcoo'a, TOV yovv Kai ev TO) crvfATrodla) KCLI e^avicnafievoi ejrXavcovTO JV I>XTJV. Kai S^ Trore VTTO TOV KOA ryg Oj^Tj^avlaq efiovXevcraTO o Kivv- p&q dp7ra5S ' ' ebdKpve \ 5 re Kai Ttporepov o cog ovfteva elirov, K roiy a/So/W Soy TRUE HISTORY. 187 by that time was got far off into the sea. Then Rhadamanthus set out a vessel made of one whole piece of timber of asphodelus wood, manned with fifty of the Heroes to pursue after them, which were so willing on their way, that by noon they had overtaken them newly entered into the milky ocean, not far from Tyroessa, so near were they got to make an escape. Then took we their ship and hauled it after us with a chain of roses and brought it back again. Rhadamanthus first examined Cinyras and his companions whether they had any other partners in this plot, and they confessing none, were adjudged to be tied fast by the privy members and sent into the place of the wicked, there to be tormented, after they 1 88 AAH0OY2 I2TOPIAZ. B. 27. crecoi> 27. e^^/VavTO Se KCLI vjfAoig 7TIOV- yp,epa,v (Aovyv eTri/AeivavTag. evrav eye*) eTroTviaipjVjv re KCLI eftaicpvov e/AeXXov dyaOa 6yo'0'()ai. avroi ov TroXXcov ercov ovov re eq TOVTCIQV TOJV dpicrTCOv. ejci) e TTpoveXOuw TO) TroAAa iKerevov elirelv ra KO>I wroe7a/ AOI TOV TrXovv. o 8e etyacrxev d(f)l^O'6ai f^ev eq i^v TroXXa irporepov TrXavydeina KOA TRUE HISTORY. 189 had been scourged with rods made of mallows. Helena, all blubbered with tears, was so ashamed of herself that she would not show her face. They also decreed to send us packing out of the country, our prefixed time being come, and that we should stay there no longer than the next morrow : where- with I was much aggrieved and wept bitterly to leave so good a place and turn wanderer again I knew not whither : but they com- forted me much in telling me that before many years were past I should be with them again, and showed me a chair and a bed prepared for me against the time to come near unto persons of the best quality. Then went I to Rhadamanthus, humbly beseeching him to tell me my future fortunes, 1 90 AAH0OY2 I2TOPIA2. B. 27. , rov Se %0ovov OVKCTI TrpovBelvai ydeXycrev' aXXa KO,I vovro TCOV ajvefiwv, ra$ TtXyo'lov, 'Ac/) TO TroXv TTVp opciq ovelpwv ' ov$7ra) aoi tyalverai. , rore ryv evamlav ryj KOA TroiKiXa eOvvj KCLl e/V Toyv eiepdv vjireipov. TOCT- 6/7T6. TRUE HISTORY. 191 and to direct me in my course ; and he told me that after many travels and dangers, I should at last recover my country, but would not tell me the certain time of my return : and showing me the islands adjoining, which were five in number, and a sixth a little further off, he said, Those nearest are the islands of the ungodly, which you see burn- ing all in a light fire, but the other sixth is the island of dreams, and beyond that is the island of Calypso, which you cannot see .p gy / ia ,\ an J * J island between the Phoenician from hence. When you are past these, you and Syrian seas J J in which Calyp' . . so,asea-nyiph, shall come into the great continent, over the daughter of Oceamis and , , Thetis % being against your own country, where you shall ce j Trepi TOV TrXovv i\os attain E?5f re Kai ir<- To see all this, and then go home * tX yaiotv. again. After that day's tarrying, we put to sea, brought onward on our way by the Heroes, where Ulysses closely coming to me that Penelope might not see him, conveyed a T^ wife of letter into my hand to deliver to Calypso in the isle of Ogygia. Rhadamanthus also sent Nauplius, the ferryman, along with us, that Jf 2lJ m j Amymone, the if it were our fortune to put into those ****'&*>*- naus, Ktng of the Argives. islands, no man should lay hands upon us, because we were bent upon other employ- ments. O 2 196 AAH90Y2 IZTOPIAZ. B. 30. re ^eivy $ie$e%ero otov dcrtyaXTOV KOA OeiOV KOjl TTlTTTj^ (L^CL KaiO{AVO)V, KCLl avQpwnwv OTTTCD/ievcov, KUI o avrov ^povoq TTITTIVV]' ^Kovofiev e KCLI \}>o(f)ov Kai v * jr. . > / so. rai<; [Aev ovv aAAai$ ov Trcoo'eo'%0 Vj 8e 7T/3y{AV, TOiafie J cms. and many other, which I beholding, was put in great hopes that I should never have any- thing to do there, for I do not know that hi ever I spake any untruth in my life. We therefore returned speedily to our ship (for we could endure the sight no longer), and taking our leaves of Nauplius, sent him back again. 202 AAH90Y2 I2TOPIA2. B. 32. 32. ra%eci}$ 5' ovv dvaarptyag ejrl vqv vavv ov$e jap ytivvafiijv fyepeiv T/JV dv TOVTO yap ev Tfl vqcrco ylverai opveov. TTOTO,- irapappci nXy/Giov o VTT ' OVO/AUTO, KOA 8e Havvv%ta. o 7repi/3oXog Se Tyq TroXea)^ tyitfh&q re xai Xog, lp til , TOyV OV TRUE HISTORY. 205 t Homer hath touched it a little, but to small v .$"'** 9 ' purpose. It is round about environed with a wood, the trees whereof are exceeding high poppies and mandragoras, in which an infinite num- Herbs pro- curing sleep. ber of owls do nestle, and no other birds &**#*$! and per sons here to be seen in the island : near unto it is 7rf& as signify some- a river running, called by them Nyctiporus, %%$$ t or to the night. and at the gates are two wells, the one named Negretus, the other Pannychia. The wall of the city is high and of a changeable colour, like unto the rainbow, in which are four gates, though Homer speak but of two : for there are two which look toward the fields of sloth, the one made of iron, the 206 AAH60Y2 IZTOPIA2. B. 33. TO 7TOV < (pvcri$ ovre /6ea TJ avTy. aAA 01 re yvav Kai (AaXaxoi KUI KOA vei$e7$, ol &e VK^yoi KOM KCLl 01 ol 8e Taireivoi T KO.I ev UVTOH; KOjt TrrepcDTOi Tiveq KOA re^arcoSe/^, KOA aXXoi KOjOasnep e TRUE HISTORY. 209 In the middest of the market-place is a well, by them called Careotis, and two temples adjoining, the one of falsehood, the other of truth, which have either of them a private cell peculiar to the priests, and an oracle, in which the chief prophet is Antiphon, the interpreter of dreams, who was preferred by Sleep to that place of dignity. These dreams are not all alike either in nature or shape, for some of them are long, beautiful, and pleasing: others again are as short and deformed. Some make show to be of gold, and others to be as base and beggarly. Some of them had wings, and were of monstrous forms : others set out in 210 AAH6OY2 IZTOPIAZ. B. 35. , 01 a, ol Se eg 6eov$ 9 ol Se e/V a Afe/coa/x/^/x/evo/. TroXXovg 8e a^roi yvu>p{(Taj/jjV TraXai Trap* VJ/MV ecopa , o? S^ /ca/ Troo-evajV xai av iravv Xa^TTco Kai royv re voi /3a(nXea$ re Troiycreiv xai evioi Se /ca/ aTr^yov oy/x/a^ e/V ra^ irarpt- KOA 35. Aea *zv ovv Trap* avro7$ TRUE HISTORY. 211 pomp, as it were in a triumph, representing the appearances of kings, gods, and other persons. Many of them were of our acquaintance, for they had been seen of us before, which came unto us and saluted us as their old friends, and took us and lulled us asleep, and feasted us nobly a*nd courteously, pro- mising beside all other entertainment which was sumptuous and costly, to make us kings and princes. Some of them brought us home to our own country to show us our friends there, and come back with us the next morrow. Thus we spent thirty days and as many nights among them, sleeping and feasting p 2 212 AAH90YZ I2TOPIA2. B. 35. KOI aveypo/Aevoi 8 ' eKciQev ry 'Qyvyla vy Xvcrag rr/v eTricrroXyv dveyt Trapa crov rqv vavayla, olxeiav VTTQ TrjXeyovov varepov TOV K TRUE HISTORY. 213 all the while, until a sudden clap of thunder awakened us all, and we starting up, pro- vided ourselves of victuals, and took sea again, and on the third day landed in Ogygia. But upon the way I opened the letter I was to deliver, and read the contents, which were these : "Ulysses to Calypso sendeth greeting. This is to give you to understand that after my departure from you in the vessel I made in haste for myself, I suffered shipwreck, and hardly escaped by the help of Leucothea into the country of the Phaeacks, who sent me to mine own home, where I found many that were wooers to my wife, and riotously consumed my means ; but I slew them all, 214 AAH0OY2 I2TOPIA2. B. 36. yevofAevov awgpeOyv, KCLI vvv eifAi ev $ MaKapwv vvjcrcp TTUVV [Aeravoajv em TCO Ka,TaXi7re7v TT/V Trapa croi filairav KCM, V7TO (70V ovv Ttpoq cre. <( TavTa [Aev efiyXov V/ , Kal Trep} 6(JJ{AV. evov TO GTrXaiov TOIOVTOV olov irpcoTa /Aev em TtoXv ea/o pvev, eTteira e TrapexaXei vjfAaq em a KCLI e/Vr/a XafA7rpa}$ KCLI Trepi TOV KOA 7Tp} TRUE HISTORY. 215 and was afterwards killed myself by my son Telegonus. whom I begat of Circe, and am , told by his mo- ther whose son now in the island of the blessed, where I ***v*w&rf to Ithaca to see daily repent myself for refusing 1 to live with being kept bad by the guard, you, and forsaking the immortality proffered o tance, he slew i i , / T A. certain of them, me by you ; but if I can spy a convenient an d at length Ulysses being time, I will give them all the slip and come JT %!*, Telegonus not tr> VO11 " knowing who he nj y \J u . was, ignorantly slew him. This was the effect of the letter, with some addition concerning us, that we should have entertainment : and far had I not gone from the sea but I found such a cave as Homer speaks of, and she herself working busily at her wool. When she had received the letter, and brought us in, she began to weep and take on grievously, but afterwards 216 AAH0OY2 I2TOPIA2. B. 37. Tryg, OTroia re eiy VYJV o\f/w KOA el 'Ofivcro-evi; TtaXai irepi KOA x/e/ TOIUVTO, dire- rore Lev ovv oijTeXBovre eiri vawv TrXycriov eir} rys yiovoq rov TrvevAaro' KCM 6ei>Te<; ovroi ajpioi ex rcov . ra cloven /AeyaXa KoXoKvvdiva, TO T/JV KoXoKw6av, KOiXajVavreq avTyv KOA ryv evrepiwvyv e/ATrXeovGiv, la- TRUE HISTORY. 217 she called us to meat, and made us very good cheer, asking us many questions con- cerning Ulysses and Penelope, whether she was so beautiful and modest as Ulysses had often before bragged of her. And we made her such answer as we thought would give her best content: and departing to our ship, reposed ourselves near unto the shore, and in the morning put to sea, where we were taken with a violent storm, which tossed us two days together, and on the third we fell among the Colocyn- thopiratans. These are a wild kind of men, that issue out of the islands adjoining, and prey upon passengers, and for their shipping have mighty great gourds six cubits in 218 AAH9OY2 IZTOPIAZ. B. 38. oQovyq TCU tyvXXco 7rpocrj3aXovT$ ovv . y/jJiv diro KCLl TO) . da,Ta)v Tr KlVOl 38. Tji^etq 8e ev TOVOVTCO 7rapavTe<; ty 01 TRUE HISTORY. 219 length, which they make hollow when they are ripe, and cleanse out all that is within them, and use the rinds for ships, making their masts of reeds, and their sails of the gourd leaves. These set upon us with two ships fur- nished and fought with us, and wounded many, casting at us instead of stones the seeds of those gourds. The fight was con- tinued with equal fortune until about noon, at which time, behind the Colocynthopiratans, we espied the Caryonautans coming on, who, as it appeared, were enemies to the other, for when they saw them approach, they for- sook us and turned about to fight with them ; and in the mean space we hoist sail and away, leaving them together by the ears, 220 AAH6OY2 IZTOPIAZ. B. 39. Kapvovavrai are KCM irXelov^ irevre yap G&TTO i(r%vpOTp(av vecov fAa,%o(Aevoi* TO, yap ?rXo7a yv avrdig y (A i op, a opyviai TrevTeKaifteKa. eirei Se fy&ILev avrovg, lOj/AeOd re rov$ Tiaq KCLI ro XOITTOV ev ro7$ 07rXot$ cog eir/nav del riva$ eTTtfiovXag T %QfAVOl OV 39. OVTTCt) JOVV $$VKl yXlO<; 9 KOA diro -rivoq epy/iov wyvov TrpocryXavvov ocrov Acov o%ovfAVOi, Xyo-Tai Kai OVTOI' KCM ol avrov$ efyepov d (Jt)<77Tp TRUE HISTORY. 221 and no doubt but the Caryonautans had the better of the day, for they exceeded in num- ber, having five ships well furnished, and their vessels of greater strength, for they are made of nutshells cloven in the midst and cleansed, of which every half is fifteen fathom in length. When we were got out of sight we were careful for the curing of our hurt men, and from that time forwards went no more un- armed, fearing continually to be assaulted on the sudden : and good cause we had : for before sunsetting some twenty men or there- abouts, which also were pirates, made towards us, riding upon monstrous great dolphins, which carried them surely : and when their mders gat upon their backs, would neigh 222 AAH00Y2 I2TOPIA2. B. 40. ol evOev, 01 8e evftev e Kai otyOaXfAo'is KapKiva)v. , aXXa TcoSe^re^ o; TroXXo/ 40. ?re^/ 6 TO Aev 7rpoo"OKeiXavTe$ a TrafA/AeyeOei' o~Ta5/cov youv yv avrv/ TO TreptfAeTpov. eTTCTrXei 8e y V TO, a>a OaXTrovcra ov TroXv . KCLI Soy d VOJVV TO) yoepav eOeaj- TRUE HISTORY. 223 t like horses. When they were come near us, they divided themselves, some on the one side, and some on the other, and flung at us with dried cuttle-fishes and the eyes of sea-crabs ; but when we shot at them again and hurt them, they would not abide it, but fled to the island, the most of them wounded. About midnight, the sea being calm, we fell before we were aware upon a mighty great halcyon's nest, in compass no less than or kingfisher. threescore furlongs, in which the halcyon herself sailed, as she was hatching her eggs, in quantity almost equalling the nest, for when she took her wings, the blast of her feathers had like to have overturned our ship, making a lamentable noise as she flew along. 224 AAH9OY2 I2TOPIAZ. B. 41. vyv KaXiav o%$la Se KOU (ACVTOl KOA 01 V60TTOI exploit. TreXeKecriv ovv ev TCOV wcov veorrov eiKOcri JVTTOJV ovov oraS/Of^ $iaKocriov$, repara o re yap ev ry (f>aXaKpo<; oy&oy cov dve- TO TTUVTWV o jap TRUE HISTORY. 225 As soon as it was day, we got upon it, and found it to be a nest, fashioned like a great lighter, with trees plaited and wound one within another, in which were five hun- dred eggs, every one bigger than a tun of Chios measure, and so near their time of hatching that the young chickens might be seen and began to cry. Then with an axe we hewed one of the eggs in pieces, and cut out a young one that had no feathers, which yet was bigger than twenty of our vultures. When we had gone some two hundred furlongs from this nest, fearful prodigies and strange tokens appeared unto us, for the carved goose, that stood for an ornament on 226 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIAZ. B. 42. dvetyvcre KO.I CTTI TCO axpco e/tap- 8e o e Kap7ro$ yv ait/to, , OVTTO) f \ * \ % f \ TO eiKOt; eTOjpajfflVjfjjev KCLI \ 5 ro7g Oediq dirorpetyai TO XOKOTOV TOV 42. OVTTCO / Xacriov TTITVCOV KO.I KUTTaplTTCOV. KOA * yireipov elvai* TO 8e yovv Kai TO Troiv TI jap 8/a roiv TRUE HISTORY. 227 the stern of our ship, suddenly flushed out with feathers and began to ciy. Scintharus, our pilot, that was a bold man, in an instant was covered with hair : and which was more strange than all the rest, the mast of our ship began to bud out with branches and to bear fruit at the top, both of figs and great clusters of grapes, but not yet ripe. Upon the sight of this we had great cause to be troubled in mind, and therefore be- sought the gods to avert from us the evil that by these tokens was portended. And we had not passed full out five hun- dred furlongs, but we came in view of a mighty wood of pine - trees and cypress, which made us think it had been land, when it was indeed a sea of infinite depth, planted with trees that had no roots, but floated 2 228 AAH90Y2 IZTOPIAZ. B. 42. TOV VJV TTVKva jap K&i 7rpocre%y OVT6 e dveXOcov eiri TO KUl 7Tl Ti\elovq T^V ilx^z^ ovcrav, erepov WKeavov eK$e%o{Aei>ov. KOA dva6e[Aevov<; ryv vavv TTJV Kop^yv TOJV evpwv TTVKVTJ V7rp/3i/3acrai 9 el ftvvalfieOa, eq erepav' K&I OVT(JL>$ OfAV, 8e ovfiev etyaivero, TrXy ov TTOppwOev yKovero. So^avre^ ovv elvat j3ocov, /car' dv6pu)7roi$. ol 8e XafAfiavovcriv, ol e AO/TTG/ TT^O^ roy e/ra irepi&elv Tovq (f)tXov$ e/A- ro7<; ySou/cec^aXo/^ ra Kpea rcov KreivofAev re /c*a/ aJ^ra a^rcm; TRUE HISTORY. 235 inhabited with unsociable people, for in it were dwelling wild men named Bucepha- lians, that had horns on their heads like the picture of Minotaurus. where we went * mons ^ et ' f who was half a bull and half ashore to look for fresh water and victuals, *,*# on Pasiph ae, the -wife of Minos, for ours was all spent : and there we found &? f Crete, by a bull, with . , i i 1 "which she fell water enough, but nothing: else appeared : * ***, etc. ' OVID. Met. only we heard a great bellowing and roar- ing a little way off, which we thought to have been some herd of cattle, and going forwards, fell upon those men, who espying us, chased us back again, and took three of our company: the rest fled towards the sea. Then we all armed ourselves, not mean- ing to leave our friends unrevenged, and set upon the Bucephalians as they were dividing the flesh of them that were slain, and put them all to flight, and pursued 236 AAII00Y2 IZTOPIAZ. B. 44. , KO.I ovfiev evpopev. 01 /Aev ovv aXXoi OVK TOJV Xvr- poiq Tovq /jjvov<;' t OWTOI jap Kai vavTat Kai vyeq yvav. Xe^co e TOV TOV TpOTTOV* V7TTIOI Kl/AVOl 7Tl TOV ra al^ola fieyaXa Se avTCov oOovyv TOV TOVTOV$ re * ol 8e Trpoiovres eTiefyepQVTO tovq . ovroi ypjaq olre yftiKOvv ovre efyevyov, aXX' oyXawov aeco^ re TRUE HISTORY. 239 Then the fishes began to show them- selves in the sea, and the birds flew over our heads, and all other tokens of our approach to land appeared unto us. Within a while after we saw men travelling the seas, and a new found manner of navigation, themselves supplying the office both for ship and sailor, and I will tell you how. As they lie upon their backs in the water and their privy members standing upright, which are of a large size and fit for such a purpose, they fasten thereto a sail, and holding their cords in their hands, when the wind hath taken it, are carried up and down as please themselves. After these followed others riding upon cork, for they yoke two dolphins together, and drive them on (performing themselves the place of a coachman), which draw the 240 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIA2. B. 46. ipyviKco<; TO e/0 TO? y/Aerepov TrXolov Xy' KarcpKVjTO e ai UTTO Trpcxyyeo-av jap xai ro KOA ytnrafyvTO, Travv er K(LI ttaXai Tracrai xai ovv at yvvoAKeq eKaarv] TTpog KOM evov eTro/erro. eyco &e pov v7TO(TTa<; ov jap ^pyvTa, &Kpij3eo"repov re 7repi/3Xe7ra)v opoj dvOpCOTTOJV OCTToi KCLl KpdVlOj Kl- TRUE HISTORY. 241 cork along after them. These never offered us any violence, nor once shunned our sight ; but passed along in our company without fear, in a peaceable manner, wondering at the greatness of our ship, and beholding it on every side. At evening we arrived upon a small island, inhabited, as it seemed, only by women, which could speak the Greek language ; for they came unto us, gave us their hands, and saluted us, all attired like wantons, beautiful and young, wearing long mantles down to the foot : the island was called Cabbalusa and the city Hydramardia. So the women received us, and every one of them took aside one of us for herself, and made him her guest. But I pausing a little upon it (for my heart misgave me), looked narrowly round about, and saw the R 242 AAH6OY2 IZTOP1AZ. B. 46. xai TO p*ev /3ov/v icrTavai /ca/ rovg e ra pelv OVK TroXXa, yvffipvjv (Liny S/a- K raiv TraovTCM KUKCOV. cr/ceXo; o^ yvvaiKog, aXX' ovot^ OTrXa^" Soy cnracrafAevos TO %i(j)0<; (7vXXa[A/3ava) T TCLVTyv Kai <7a 7reC>/ roiv Je, a/towa, Aev, eiTre efoai TrpoeayopevofAevas, Tpo- 7ri%eipov{Av TavTa eKevyv f&v MVTOV KCLI Se TRUE HISTORY. 243 bones of many men, and the skulls lying together in a corner ; yet I thought not good to make any stir, or to call my company about me, or to put on arms ; but taking the mallow into my hand, made my earnest prayers thereto that I might escape out of those present perils. Within a while after, when the strange female came to wait upon me, I perceived she had not the legs of a woman, but the hoofs of an ass. Whereupon I drew my sword, and taking fast hold of her, bound her, and examined her upon the point: and she, though unwillingly, confessed that they were sea-women, called Onosceleans, and they fed upon strangers that travelled that way. For, said she, when we have made them drunk, we go to bed to them, and in their sleep, make a hand of them. 244 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIAZ. B. 47. TO <7Teo e3ocov re KOA yyov (70) 7rpo$ vqv avTixa v$u>p eyeveto KCLI 6 TO /)0 6 TO TO Se a//>oa eyevero 67T/ KCLI eirei 7Tl &6 GVWyXdoV, TO, ai>To7$ xai ra re oora e , ryv yireipov oi7roj3Xe7ro{Aevoi eiKcify- elvai tyv avrnrepav ly vcf) ' oy^cov 8 ' ovv KOA Trpocrev^ajAevoi irepi TCOV V V~f . TRUE HISTORY. 245 I hearing this, left her bound in the place where she was, and went up to the roof of the house, where I made an outcry, and called my company to me, and when they were come together, acquainted them with all that I had heard, and showed them the bones, and brought them into her that was bound, who suddenly was turned into water, and could not be seen. Notwithstanding, I thrust my sword into the water to see what would come of it, and it was changed into blood. Then we made all the haste we could to our ship, and got us away, and as soon as it was clear day, we had sight of the mainland, which we judged to be the country opposite to our continent. Whereupon we worshipped, and made our prayers, and took council what was now to be done. Some thought it best only to 246 AAH6OY2 I2TOPIA2. B. 47. TO evoiKOvvrwv. ev oVco Se fAeOa,, %eifA(ov vfyo^poq e TO (TKa()0 TO> ra oVXa e/cacrro^ /ca/ e/ T/ aXXo o/o^ re ovv TO, (Tvveve%6evr& fjuoi ev TVJ ev TCO ae^/ /ca/ ^er ' a^ra ev TO> di re KCU ro7 oveiQi KCLI TO, TRUE HISTORY. 247 go a-land and so return back again : others thought it better to leave our ship there and march into the mid-land to try what the inhabitants would do : but whilst we were upon this consultation a violent storm fell upon us, which drave our ship against the shore, and burst it all in pieces, and with much ado we all swam to land with our arms, every man catching what he could lay hands on. These are all the occurrences I can ac- quaint you withal, till the time of our land- ing, both in the sea, and in our course to the islands, and in the air, and after that in the whale ; and when we came out again what betid unto us among the Heroes and among the dreams, and lastly among the Bucephalians and the Onosceleans. What passed upon land the next books shall deliver. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FAC A 000 678 077