' HF DIPT 00CUMEN19 OFPT. 8061 12 -m IVd GIFT NOV 38 1913 Uniform Classification of Accounts Ut>.iv GAS UTILITIES l'UKSrKIHFI> \:\ The Railroad Commission of Wisconsin November, 1908 st^:uuJSl> EDITION Madison, August, 191 1 Uniform Classification of Accounts FOR GAS UTILITIES PRESCRIBKD BY The Railroad Commission of Wisconsin November, 1908 ' SECOND EDITION J • » Madison, August, 191 I 1^- Uniform Classification of Gas Accounts PRESCRIBED BY THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN Madison, April 8, 1909. To-JVisconsin Gas Utilities: This circular embraces the Uniform Classification of Accounts for Gas Utilities prescribed and issued by the Railroad Commis- sion under date of November 25, 1908, and the detailed text of instructions to accompany such classification, prepared under tlie following provisions of ch. 499 of the Laws of 1907, known as the Public Utilities Law: Uniform accounting" by utilities; other business separate. Section 1797m — 8. 1. Everv public utility shall keep and render to the commission in the manner and form prescribed ]\y the commission uniform accounts of all business transacted. Forms of book-keeping; prescription. Section^ 1797m — 9. The commission shall prescribe the forms of all books, accounts, ])apers and records required to be kept, and every public utility is recfuired to keep and render its books, accounts, papers and I'ecords accurately and faithfully in the manner and forua pre- scribed by the commission and to comply with all directions of the commission relating to such books, accounts, papers and records. Report by utilities; items. Section 1797m— 18. Each pub- lic utility shall fumi-h to the commission in such form and at. such times as the commission shall require, such accounts, re- ports and information as shall show in itemized detail: (1) the depreciation per unit, (2) the salaries and wages separately per 274653 '4 ■ RAir.ROAD- COMMISSION OP Wisconsin. unit, (3) le^al expenses per unit, (4) taxes and rentals separ- ately per unit, (5) tlie quaiitit.7 and A^alue of material used per unit, (6) the receipts from residuals, by-products, services or other sales separately per unit, (7) the total and net cost per unit, (8) the gross and net profit per unit, (9) the dividends and interest per unit, (JO) surplus or reserve per unit, (11) the prices per unit paid by consumers; and in addition such other items, whether -of a nature similar to those hereinbefore enu- merated or otlierwise, as the commission maj^ prescribe in order, to show completely and in detail, the entire operation of the public utility in furnishing the unit of its product or service to the public. Owing to the great difference in sizes of the companies it was found necessary to prepare two separate schedules which would recognize these conditions, and by each following the same gen- eral principles would permit comparison of operating results between the smallest and largest companies. Class B schedule is the basis upon which class A schedule has been founded, the latter being an unfolding and refinement of the former. Tn general, gas utilities operating in cities of substantially 10,000 population or over will keep at least the list of accounts prescribed in class A classificntion, and all gas utilities oper- ating in cities under 10,000 population will keep at least the accounts prescribed in class B classification. Upon this basis of division the opportunity for development will determine the accounts to be kept rather than the development which has ac- tually been made. It is possible after an adequate trial, that some alterations will be found expedient, both from the stand- point of general experience ^and practice or because of local and individual conditions, but no departure from this classification shall be made except with the consent of the Railroad Commis- sion after petition and cause shown. Any utility in class B desiring a more detailed classification than that prescribed for such class should open the accounts prescribed for class A, and any utility in class A desiring a more detailed system may go into as much subdivision and re- finement of each of the submitted accounts as its interest re- quires, but must not re-arrange or combine any two or more of the accounts in such a manner as to interfere with the integrity of the general scheme and thus destroy the possibility for com- parisons. A copy of all additional accounts and the desired subdivisions of the prescribed accounts must be filed with the tJNiFORM Accounts — Gas Utilities. 5 Railroad Commission before such accounts are opened. All rec- ords and accounts, including those which are an enlargement, subdivision or refinement of the prescribed accounts, are to be open at all times to the examination of this Commission. RAILROAD COMMISSION OP WISCONSIN. By B. H. Meyer, IIalford Erickson, John H. Roemkr. SECOND EDITION. Madison, August 1, 1911. To Wisconsin Gas Utilities: This pamphlet is a reprint of the text of instruction relating to the uniform classification of accounts for gas utilities as pre- scribed by the Railroad Commission and issued April 8, 1909. The only change to be noted is the inclusion of a class C group designed to meet the needs of small utilities operated by gasoline juid acetylene processes. No changes have been made in the text of the classification itself. RAILROAD COMMISSION OP WISCONSIN, By J. M. W^iNTERBOTiiAM, Sccy. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/classificuniformOOrailrich INCOME ACCOUNTS. KaILKOAD (k)MMLSSION OF WISCONSIN. ixcomp: account form for report. Class A, Cfass B and Class C. Operating Revenues. Commercial Earnings (Details) Industrial Earning-s (Details) Power Earnings (Details) Municipal Contract lighting Earnings (Details) Sales of Gas *o Other Public Utilities (Details) Total Earnings from Cas Earnings from Residuals (Net) (Details) Miscellaneous Earnings from Operation (Details) Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses. Production (Details) Distribution (Details) Municipal Contract Lighting (Details) Commercial (Details) General (Details) Undistributed (Details) Total of Above Items Depreciation (Details) Contingencies (Extraordinary) (Details) Taxes (Details) Total Operating Expenses Net Operating Revenue or Deficit Non-operating Revenues Gross Income or Deficit Deductions From Gross Income. Interest on Funded Debt (Details) Interest on Real Estate Mortgages (Details) Interest on Floating Debt (Details) Contractual Sinking Fund Requirements (Details) Amortization Reserve Requirements (Details) Miscellaneous Deductions (Details) Total Net Income or Deficit Disposition of Net Income. Preferred Stock Dividends (Details) Common Stock Dividends (Details) Appropriations to Municipal Funds (Municipal Plants Only) (Details) Other Pavments from Net Income (Details) Total . Surplus or Deficit for Year. Surplus or Deficit at Beginning of Year Adjustments During Year (Profit and Loss Account) Surplus or Deficit at Close of Year (as per Balance Sheet) DETAILED ACCOUNTS WITH TEXT OPERATING REVENUES. Coiiiniercial Earnings. Credit this account with all earnings from the sale of gas to com- mercial consumers for both lighting and fuel purposes when sold separately or through the same meter. Commercial consumers em- brace residences, offices, retail mercantile establishments, etc., where the gas purchased is not used primarily for power or industrial pur- poses. Where, however, some manufacturing or industrial processes are performed in any residence or store, but such process being merely incidental to the broader use of the premises as a commercial consumer and the gas consumed not being separately metered, the total consumption at such premises shall be credited to this account. Where gas is sold at a different rate per M cubic feet for lighting purposes than for fuel purposes, the earnings from each such divi- sion shall be credi^ted to subdivisions of this account and reported separately to the Railroad Commission as follows: a. Earnings from Sales for Commercial Lighting. 1). Earnings from Sales for Commercial Fuel. Gas sold to manufacturing establishments for lighting, fuel and industrial purposes will not be credited to this account. Where it is the custom of the utility to charge a minimum amount in cases where the consumption during the month is less than a prescribed amount, the total amount of such minimum charge shall be credited to this account or to its appropriate sub-account. Where it is the custom of the utility to grant a discount from the gross bill or to add a penalty to the bill where payment is not made on or before a prescribed date, such discounts or penalties shall be charged or credited to this account. Utilities desiring to do so may open sub-accounts to show the Minimum Bill and the Discount or Penalty items. 10 Kailkoai) Commission of Wisconsin. Industrial Earnings. Credit this account with all earnings from the sale of gas for lighting, fuel and industrial purposes sold to manufacturing and Industrial establishments. Do not credit this account with sales of gas for power purposes. Where gas is sold at a different rate per thousand cubic feet for any particular kind of industrial use, as light, fuel, etc., the earnings from such separate sources shall be credited to appropriate subdivisions of this account and reported separately to the Railroad Commission. Where it is the custom the utility* to charge a minimum amount in cases where the consumption during the month is less than a pre- scribed amount, the total amount of Fuch minimum charge shall be credited to this account or to its appropriate sub-account. Where it is the custom of tne utility to grant a discount from the gross bill or to add a penalty to the bill where payment is not made on or before a prescribed date, such discounts or penalties shall be charged or credited to this account. Utilities desiring to do so may open sub-accounts to show the Minimum Bill and the Discount or Penalty items. Power Ea nings. Credit this account with the earnings from all sales of gas for power purposes. Where it is the custom of the utility to charge a minimum amount in cases where the consumption during the month is less than a prescribed amount, the total amount of such minimum charge shall be credited to this account or to its appropriate sub-account. Where it is the custom of the utility to grant a discount from the gross bill or to add a penalty to the bill where payment is not made on or before a prescribed date, such accounts or penalties shall be charged or credited to this account. Utilities desiring to do so may open sub-accounts to show the Minimum Bill and the Discount or Penalty items. Uniform Accounts — Gas Utilities. 11 Municipal Contract Lighting Earnings. Credit this account with the earnings from the sale of gas to the municipality for public lighting service, embracing the lighting of streets, alleys, bridges, viaducts, parks, commons, etc., but not the lighting of public buildings unless such are particularly included in the contract. Where municipal buildings are not so included in the contract for public lighting, they are to be regarded as commer- cial consumers. Earnings From the Sale of Gas to Other Public Utilities. Credit to this account all earnings derived from supplying gas to other companies engaged in the production, distribution or sale of gas. Sub-accounts are to be opened for each company to which gas is furnished, the account showing the name of the purchasing gas company, the amount of gas purchased, and the total earnings from such sales, which details will be called for in the annual report to the Railroad Commission. NOTK : — This account is incliult'd in the account Miscellaneous Earnings from Operation in class C. Earnings from Residuals. Credit to this account all gross earnings derived from the sale of residuals and by-products. Separate accounts are to be opened for 12 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. each class of residuals or by-products, showing the earnings from the sale of each as follows: a. Earnings from the sale of coke. &. Earnings from the sale of coal gas tar. c. Earnings from the sale of water gas tar. d. Earnings from the sale of ammonia. e. Earnings from the sale of other residuals or ty-products. The amount of earnings from the sale of any residual or by- product is to be determined by the price received at the point of delivery to the purchaser. All expenses incurred in connection with the preparation of residuals or by-products for commercial use, the expenses of their handling, sale and delivery are to be charged to appropriate and corresponding Residual Expense Accounts opened for that purpose. The net earnings from the sale of residuals will be carried to the Income Account. Miscellaiieoiis Earnings from Operation. Credit to this account all earnings received from operating trans- actions not properly includible in the preceding accounts. TTniform Accounts— .Gas TTtii.ities. V] NON-OPERATING REVENUES. Profit on Merchandise Sales. Credit to this account the receipts derived from the sale of gas appliances or gas merchandise as lamps, stoves, engines, fixtures and all other appliances used in the consumption or utilization of gas. Profit, as used in this account, is defined as being the excess of the sales price over the cash cost, including the invoice cost, cost ot handling, storage, etc. Charge this account with all expenses for labor and material in connection with the sale of such appliances or merchandise. The net amount only, or the profit on merchandise sales is to be carried to the Income Account. The credits and charges to this account shall be made in such a manner as to admit of a detailed analysis when called for by the Railroad Commission. Note: — Receipts from the sale of snijer.sedod apparatus, jnnk or salvage will not be credited to this account, but lo tlie Depreciation Reserve. NOTB : -This account is iiicIiMli'd in (he :i(<'<>iiii( ^fis'<^rlIlnll■'nls> Xt.n-ftprrtitiiiij li'erenues in class C. Profit on Piping and Connections. Credit this account with all earnings derived from piping and connection work performed by the utility. This includes earnings from services performed on the consumer's premises, such as piping consumer's premises, connecting and disconnecting stoves, engines and other appliances, the re-location of piping or apparatus and other gas-fitting work. If prospective consumers are charged for services performed by the utility in connecting the house piping with the service connection or for laying the service piping, such earn- ings shall be credited to this account. Where the cost of laying the service is charged to the property owner, such work shall not be in- cluded in tangible capital. Charge to this account all expenses for labor and materials in connection with such operation, the net amount only, or the profit 14 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. from such piping and connection work, being carried to the Income Account. The credits and charges to this account will be made in such a manner as to admit of a detailed analysis when called for by the Railroad Commission. NOTE : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous Non-Operatinrj Revenues in chiss C. Rents From Land, Buildings and Apparatus. Credit to this account, as it accrues, all revenue from the rental of land, buildings, apparatus and appliances. Where the contract for the rental of any apparatus or appliances covers also the cost of connecting such apparatus and its maintenance, the entire revenue from such contract shall be credited to this account. To this account sh~all be charged all expenses incurred in con- nection with the collection of rents, commissions and fees therefor; the cost of procuring tenants for buildings, drawing contracts and leases, advertising for tenants of such buildings; expenses of ouster proceedings, and taxes, unless the taxes are to be paid by the tenant. Any expenses accruing while land and buildings are idle, also re- pairs upon such property, will be charged to this account. Only the net revenue or profit from the above transactions will be carried to tjie Income Account in the annual report. Credits and charges to this account are to be made in such a man- ner as to admit of a detailed analysis being made when called for by the Railroad Commission. NOTE : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous Non-Operaliufj Revenues iu class C. Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities. 15 Interest on Deposits. Credit to this account all interest as it accrues on deposits of tho gas utility funds with banks, trust companies or individuals. In- terest on security investments will not be credited to this account but to the account Interest and Dividends from Investments. Interest on moneys belonging to any of the reserves of the utility will bo credited to such reserves. \i)TK : — This account is indndt'd in Hie accnimt ]f ina Ihim or.". \ nii (i/iri (iliiif/ It ere II IK'S in rlnss ('. Interest and l)ivi(lcn account Maintenance of Coal Oas Ap- panitufi in rlnss I'., Maintenance of Coal Gas Apparatus. Charge to this account all expenses for labor and material in- curred in repairing coal gas machinery and apparatus, embracing 24 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. such items as purifying apparatus, exhausters, condensers, piping at works, electric and compressed air equipment, pumps, gas holders at works, etc. NoTK : — If water gas is also produced, or if a part of the gas charged to production is purchase^d, the cost of repairing equipment or apparatus which Is used for the joint benefit of the different kinds of gas will be apportioned to the maintenance accounts of the respective' production departments. Note : — This account Is included in the- account Maintenance of Coal Gas Apparatus in class B. Maintenance of Coal Gas Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge this account with the expense of all labor and material in- curred in repairing buildings and structures used exclusively for the manufacture of coal gas, as condensing and purifying buildings, re- tort houses, out-buildings, tool houses, etc. Charge this account also with a proper proportion of the repairs to all buildings which are used for the joint benefit of the coal ga'3 production department and any other department, as for example, buildings, fixtures and grounds also used in the production of water gas, production processes in connection with purchased gas or the generation of steam. The repairs to jointly used buildings, fixtures and grounds will be apportioned, charging to the appropriate main- tenance accounts the proportion properly chargeable thereto. HNiKojiM Accounts— Gas Utilities. B. Water Gas. Superintendence. Charge this account with the total cost of superintendence of the water gas plant. The account will be charged with the salaries of the superintendent of works, chemists, works draftsmen, results man, works foreman, and all clerical help upon records and accounts pertaining to the. water gas production dfM^n,rtment, whether at the general office or works. .\d over the corresponding accounts of the respective pro- duction departments. NOTR : — Labor making ne'w oxide will be charged to the Puriff/iiif/ Material Stork Account. Note :-- Tliis accoimt is included in the account Water Gas OperatUu) Lahor in class P>. Miscellaneous Labor. Charge to this account all miscellaneous operating labor on and about the water gas work not specifically chargeable to any other labor account, such as watchmen, yard men, laborers engaged in re- moving snow and refuse, etc. Exclude maintenance labor. Note : — Where coal gas is also produced or a portion of the gas charged to production is purchased, the total cost of miscellaneous labor at the works will hi' apportioned over the respective Proiluciion accounts. Note :— This account is included in the account Water Gas Operating Labor in class B. Uniform Accounts— -Gas Utilities. 27 steam for Generating Water Gas. The total expense of generating steam is to be determined through a separate group of accounts known as the Steam Apportionment Account. Where a plant is operating but one utility service from its boiler plant, as for example a water gas production department, and all the steam generated is used in the production of water gas, the details of the steam expense will appear in the Steam Apportion- ment Account and the total of that group will be carried to this ac- count. Where, however, two or more services are making a demand upon the same boiler equipment, the total cost of steam, as shown by the Steam Apportionment Account, will be apportioned over the corresponding accounts of the respective production departments. If steam is used in the water gas plant for other purposes than the production of water gas, the total expense for steam should be ap- portioned further, charging the appropriate accounts for the benefit of which the expense was incurred. (Jenerator Fuel. Charge this account with the cost of all generator fuel. If coke is used, charge at the average net receipts per ton of coke sold dur- ing the current year. If coke is sold under contract, charge at the contract price. If coal is used charge at the actual cost per ton, f. o. b. point of delivery at the plant for storage. This includes the invoice cost, freight, unloading, cartage from point of delivery, to storage, etc. 28 Kailroad Commissi(3n op Wisconsin. Enricher. Charge this account with the storage cost of oil, naphtha or other enricher used, including in such cost tlie invoice cost, freight, de- murrage, pumping, labor employed in handling up to storage, cart- age, and the loss by leakage and evaporation, as shown by the Oil titock Account. Water Gas Generator House Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with all operating supplies and expenses, ex- cept labor and repairs, incurred in the operation of the generator house and not chargeable to any of the preceding accounts. This embraces such items of expense as hand tools, lubricants for engines and blowers, waste, brooms, etc. Exclude maintenance supplies and expenses. Note : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous Water Gas Sup- plies and Expenses in class B. Water Gas Purification Supplies and ]ExpenSes. Charge to this account the cost of purification material and ex- penses incurred in purifying water gas. The cost of such material will include the invoice cost of oxide, lime and shavings, all labor and cartage expense incurred, and the cost of mixing purifying ma- terials. Where large quantities of purifying materials are made at Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities. 29 one time, the cost of such material may be charged to Purifying Ma- terial Stock Account, crediting that account with the material as used, and the cost divided over the number of months during which it is expected the material will be used. Exclude maintenance sup- plies. Exclude purifying labor. NOTK : — If conl j;as is al'o produced or a portion of thv ^as is purcliasod product, all gases being purified after their mixture, the total cost of purification supplies and expenses will be apportioned over the corresponding accounts of the respective production departments. ]S[OTB : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous Water Gas Sup- plies and Expenses in class B, Steam. (See Steam for Generating Water Gas account.) The charge to this account will be for the amount of steam required for heating holders, buildings, etc. NoTK : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous Water Gas Sup- plies and Expenses in class B, MisceHaneous Water Gas Supplies and Expenseis. Charge to this account the cost of all operating supplies and ex- penses incurred at the water gas works not directly chargeable to any of the preceding Production accounts. This includes such items 30 Railroad Commission op Wisconsin. as gas and electricity used at the works for general lighting, water for general purposes, laboratory apparatus and supplies, ice, brooms, lubricants, etc., and works stationery, telephones, etc., if it is desired to distribute such items. Exclude maintenance supplies and ex- penses. NoTii :— This account is inehidecl in the account Miscellaneous Water Gas Sup- plies and Expenses in cliisg J5, Maintenance of Water Gas Apparatus. Charge this account with all expenses for labor and materials in making repairs to water gas apparatus. This includes the relining of generators, refilling carbureters and super-heaters, repairs to clinkering doors, oil sprays, valves, purifying apparatus, exhausters, condensers, conveying apparatus, piping at works, electric and com- pressed air equipment, pumps, gas holders at works, etc., used ex- clusively in the production of water gas. NOTK :— If coal gas is also producf^d, or a portion of the gas chargod to pro- duction is purchased product, repairs to that equipment which is used for the joint benefit of the different production departments Avill be apportioned ove'r the corresponding accounts of the respective production departmetits. Maintenance of Water Gas Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge this account with all expenses incurred for labor and ma- terial in repairing buildings and structures used exclusively for the Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities. 31 manufacture of water gas except the steam structures, the repairs to which are included in the account Maintenance of Boiler Plant Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. NoTK : — If coal gas is also produced and if a portion of the product cliargod to production is purchased gas, repairs to buildings, fixtures and grounds used lor the joint bi'nefit of these respective departments will l)e apportion(^d over the corresponding maintenance accounts in the respective production dejjart- nients. C. Purchased Gas. Superintendence. Charge to this account the total cost of superintendence of the purchased gas production department. This account includes sal- aries of superintendent of works, chemists, works draftsmen, results man, works foreman and all clerical help upon records or accounts pertaining to the purchased gas production department, whether at the general office or at the works. NOTE: — If coal gas and water gas are produced at the plant, the^ expense of superintendence of production will be apportioned over the respective produc- tion de'partnients. Note: — This account is Included In tlio account Piirrhnsr// flaifcui Opcral- iiKj Lahor in class B and class C. Customers' Premises Expenses. Charge this account with all labor and material required for ad- justing general complaints, clearing out, changing or adjusting house piping, gas fixtures, burners or any portion of the consumers' prop- erty beyond the meter, including the cost of new pillars, tips, burn- ers or any appliances or devices put in to better the service, and not properly chargeable to repairs; investigating reports of poor service or large bills, including taking pressure on complaints; labor placing clock meters and changing meters for request tests; and inspecting and testing new pipe, including car fare, meals, etc., of the in- spectors on such work. XOTK: — Repairing leaks in meters and connections will be charged to Main- linance of Meters Account. Note: — Labor taking pressure for street department will be charged to t and class C. Street Department Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with all operating supplies and expenses of tne street department. This includes tools used in such department, pumping drips, office supplies and expenses of this department, ex- pense of taking pressures, expense of operating district governors and miscellaneous street department supplies as gas bags, water hose, lanterns, etc. Exclude maintenance supplies and expenses. NoTio : — This account is included in the account Distribution System Supplies (ind Expenses in class B and class C. Meter and Fitting Department Operating Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with all supplies consumed and expenses in- curred in the operation of the meter and fittings department. Do not charge with labor expense. Expenses such as light, fuel, gas and electricity used for operating machinery and for testing in this department and hand tools of workmen will be charged to this account. This account should include all expenses connected with the meter department not included in the account Meter and Fitting Department Labor and Labor Removing and Resetting Meters. Ex' elude maintenance supplies and expenses. Note : — This account is included in the account Distribution Sys:^m Supplies and Expenses in cl.iss B and class C. tl^tiFOftM AcCOtJNTS-^ GrAS tJTILrtllig. 45 Maintenance of Mains. Charge this account with the expenses for all labor and material used in repairing, overhauling, changing position of or replacing gas mains, including pumping mains, booster mains, and distribu- tion mains. This account covers such items as seeking and repair- ing leaks, repairing pipes or removing and replacing worn sections and fittings, caulking, protecting exposed parts of undermined mains, digging and bracing in connection with such work, repaving and re- pairing street governors and man-holes, etc. Credit the proper store room account with store room value of the pipes and fittings charged to this account. NOTE : — This account is included in the account Maintenance of Distribution System in class C. Maintenance of Services. Charge this account with the expenses for all labor and material incurred in repairing, overhauling and changing positions of gas service connections. This covers such items as seeking and repairing leaks, thawing services, cleaning and blowing out services, repairing and renewing service pipes to meters, including stop-cocks, service boxes and the cost of repairing the same. Changing and extending old service pipes to put meters in better location will be charged to this account. Extending new services to give better location for meters will be charged to the construction account Services. NOTE : — This account is Included in the account Maintenance of Distribution System in class C. Maintenance of Meters. Charge to this account all expenses for labor and material in repairing meters and hduse governors, including readjusting, paint- 46 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. ing, new discs, diaphragms, testing and repairing old meters, re- pairing and replacing old connections, meter fittings, etc., meter unions, cocks and piping, changing meters for routine tests, etc. The average cost of one set of meter connections shall be charged to the construction account Meters, if it is the policy of the utility to capitalize such original setting cost. note: — This account is included in the account Maintenance of Distribution System in class C. Maintenance of Distribution Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account all expenses for labor and material in- curred in repairing buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted exclusive- ly to the distribution system. Note : — This account is included in the account Maintenance of Distribution System in class C* III. MUNICIPAL CONTRACT LIGHTING. Labor, Lighting and Extinguishing. Charge this account with the salaries and wages of all persons employed in the lighting and extinguishing of lamps included in the municipal contract lighting system. Where this service is performed by others under contract for the company, this account will be charged with the contractor's bill. NOTE: — This account Is included in th^ account Municipal Contract Lighting Operating Labor in class B and class C. tlmrofeM Accoui^ts— Gas U'r|fLi'ri,^§,|^^' 47 Labor Inspecting and Cleaning. l'„. Charge this account with the salaries and wages of all persons employed in inspecting and cleaning lamps and lamp equipment embraced in the municipal contract lighting system. This includes the salaries and wages of lamp cleaners, persons engaged in inspefct- ing and supervising the operation of the contract lighting system, patrolling and reporting on re-lights and discontinues, and watching the hours of lighting and extinguishing. Exclude maintenance labor. NOTK : — This account is included in tliC account Municipal Contract Lighting Operating Labor in class B and class C. Labor Resetting and Removing Municipal Contract Lamjps. Charge this account with the labor employed in resetting and removing all lamps and lamp equipment embraced in the municipal contract lighting system, as ordered by municipal authorities. Ex- clude maintenance labor. Note : — The removal or replacement of any equipment made necessary by its worn condition will not be charged to this account but to the account Main- tenance of Municipal Contract Lighting System. Note : — The cost of the original setting of any part of the municipal contract lighting system will be charged to the Construction Account, Municipal Contract Lighting System. NOTE : — This account is included in the^ account Municipal Contract Lighting Operating Labor in class B and class C. 48 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Ilentals. Charge this account with all rentals paid on apparatus or equip- ment constituting a part or all of the municipal contract lighting system. Note: — This account is included in the account Munuipul Contntct Lighting Supplies and Expenses in class B and class C. Miscellaneous Municipal Contract Lighting Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with the cost of all operating supplies and expenses other than rentals incurred in the operation of the munic- ipal contract lighting system. Exclude maintenance supplies and expenses. Note: — This account is included in the account Municipal Contract Lighting Supplies and Expenses in class B and class C Maintenance of Municipal Contract Lighting System. Charge this account with all expenses for labor and material in- curred in refitting stand-»pipes, cleaning service pipes, cutting off services, recaulking columns, removing and resetting decayed and worn posts, painting and refitting columns, straightening posts and all other work of similar character necessary to maintain the munic- ipal contract lighting system to the degree of efficiency required by the municipal ordinances. This account will also be charged with the cost of repaving necessitated by openings in connection with the above work. Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities. 49 IV. COMMERCIAL. Collection Salaries and Commissions. Charge this account with all salaries of the collection department employes, from the taking of applications for gas service to the depositing of proceeds from collection in the bank. This includes not only the salaries of employes whose entire time is engaged in the collection department, but the proper proportion of the salaries of employes who are partly engaged in other departments. Charge also with fees and commissions paid for collecting bills. Note : — This account is included in the account Collection Expenses in class B. ^ NoTK : — This account is included in the? account Commercial Expenses In class .C. Reading Meters and Delivering Bills. Charge this account with all salaries and wages of meter readers and employes engaged in delivering bills for gas. Note : — This account is included in the account Collection Expenses In class B. Note : — This account is included in the' account Commercial Expenses in class C. Collection Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with all supplies and expenses of the gas utility collection office, not otherwise provided for, including supplies and expenses of outside collectors and meter readers. Stationery, stamps, etc., and surety bonds of collection department employes will also be charged to this account if it is desired to distribute such expenses. 30unt is included in the account Collection Expenses In Note : — Thi class B. XOTK :— Thi class C. 4 account is included in the account Comnicrcigl Expenses in 50 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Uncollectible Accounts (Reserve Charge). Charge to this account each month, making a corresponding credit to the JJncollectihle Accounts Reserve^ an amount which is estimated by its uniform application throughout the year will yield to such re- serve fund an amount sufficient to cover all accounts for gas service which become uncollectible and are charged to the reserve account because of the removal of the debtor beyond the jurisdiction of the ^tate, the operation of the Statute of Limitations, discharge in bank- ruptcy, or for any other sufficient reason after diligent effort to collect. Note : — This account is included in the account Collection Expenses in class B. Note : — This account is included in the? account Commercial Expenses in class C. Promotion of Business Salaries and Commissions. Charge this account with the salaries and wages of all employes whose services are devoted to the promotion and extension of the gas utility business, including canvassers, solicitors, demonstrators, distributors of circulars and advertising material; also commission paid to canvassers, solicitors and dealers for the introduction and sale of gas appliances, etc. Note : — This account is included in the account Promotion of Business Ex- penses in class P>. Note : — This account is included in the? account Commercial Expenses in class C. Promotion of Business Supplies and Expenses. Charge to this account the cost of all supplies used and expenses incurred by the gas promotion of business department. This in- cludes office stationery and supplies, if distributed, and expenses of advertising in newspapers and periodicals, the cost of advertising tJNiFOiiM Accounts— Gas Utilities. 51 by means of posters, dodgers, handbills, circulars, car signs, book- lets and all related expenses, also the cost of materials and expenses of demonstration and exhibitions. Note : — This account does not include any e-xnenses incurred for increasing the sale of residuals, which expenses will be charged to the appropriate Resid- uals Expense Account. Note : — This account is included in the account rromoHon of Business Ex- venses in class B. Note: — This account is included in the" account Commercial Expenses in class C. V. GENERAL. Salaries of General OflBlcers. Charge this account with the salaries of general officers, including the president, vice-presidents, general manager, secretary, treasurer, comptroller, auditor, and all other oflRicers whose jurisdiction extends over the entire business and whose services are not chargeable to any particular department. NOTE : — This account is included in the account Oencral Office Salaries in class B and class C. Salaries of General Office Clerks. Charge this account with the salaries of all clerks and assistants connected with the general offices, except such as may be directly engaged in other departments, in which case their compensation should be charged to such department directly. Where general office clerks also perform services for other departments, their compensation will be apportioned accordingly" and charged to the respective departmental accounts. NOTE : — This account is included in the account General Office Salaries in class B and class C. §2 Railroad CoMMissioN of Wisconsin. General Office Rent. Charge this account with all rent paid for general oflfices of th6 gas utility. Note : — This account is included in the account General Office Supplies and Expenses in class B. NOTE : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous General Ex- p< )iscK ill class C. Miscellaneous General Office Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with the cost of all office supplies and ex- penses, newspapers and periodicals, messenger and janitor service, directories, telegrams, exchange on remittances, etc. Charge also with the cost of books, stationery, telephone, etc., if it is desired to distribute such expenses. Note : — This account is included in the account General Office Supplies and Expenses in class B. NOTE : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous General Ex- penses in class C. Law Expenses— General. Charge to this account all law expenses except those incurred in connection with the defense and settlement of injury and damage claims. Charge with salaries and expenses of counsel, solicitors and general attorneys, their clerks and attendants, etc. Charge also with the cost of law books, printing briefs, legal forms, testimony, reports, fees and retainers ,of general counsel and attorneys, court costs, and payments of specific notarial and witness fees, expense of taking Uniform Accounts— Aj as Utilities. 53 depositions and other general law and court expenses. Expenses of arbitrators of disputed points will also be charged to this account. Note : — Salari( s. foos and n^tainers of counsel and attornoys cngago'd in the c'efcn^^e and settlomont of injury and damago' suits will bo charged to the ac- count Injuries and Damages. NOTK : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous General Ex- penses in class C. Miscellaneous General Expenses. Charge this account with the cost of all miscellaneous general ex- penses, embracing such items as publishing annual reports in news- papers, advertising notices of stockholders' meetings, dividend no- tices and other corporate and financial notices of a general char- acter; traveling expenses of the general officers and others connected with the general office, association dues, expenses attending conven- tions and meetings; subscriptions, donations and gratuities; fees of transfer agents, registrars of stock and fiscal agents; directors' fees, and contingent expenses of management not otherwise provided for. Railroad Commission Expenses. Charge this account with all fees, retainers and expenses of coun- sel, solicitors, attorneys, clerks, attendants, expert witnesses, and others whose services are secured in the defense and prosecution of all petitions and other transactions before the Railroad Commis- 54 Railroad Commission op Wisconsin. sion of Wisconsin. Expenses which are made necessary by rules, regulations and orders of the Commission, as improvement of service, additional inspection, etc., will not be charged to this account, but to the appropriate departmental operating expense account. XoTE : — This account is incUulod in the "account MisccUaneous General Ex- /<' /(Ncs in cImss C. Maintenance of (Jeneral Office Equipment. Charge this account with the expense of all labor and material incurred in the repair of the general office equipment, including fur- niture and furnishings, office apparatus and appliances. NoTK : — This account is included in the account Maintenance of General Office I'lapertij in class C. Maintenance of Cenoial Office ISuildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Cnarge this account with the expense of all labor and material incurred in the repair of the general office buildings, fixtures and grounds, including elevators, vaults, heating and lighting fixtures, and appurtenant sidewalks, lawns, fences, drives, etc. Note : — This account is included jn the account Maintenance of General Office f'rnpcrt.ii in class C, Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities. 55 VI. UNDISTRIBUTED. The undistributed accounts included in this group may b'e treated as ledger accounts and the total charges so shown in the annual report to the Railroad Commission, or the reporting utilities may distribute the total of the accounts over certain of the other depart- mental operating expense accounts, charging the latter with such proportions of the total of each undistributed account as appears reasonable and just in the premises. Wherever these accounts are distributed over the accounts for whose benefit the expenses have been Incurred, the details of such clearing operations shall be re- ported in the annual report to the Railroad Commission, showing the total of each of the distributed accounts, the accounts into which they were closed, together with the amount closed into such accounts, in order that such amounts may be deducted by the Rail- road Commission for purposes of analytical comparison. Injiiries and Damages. Charge this account with all damages to or destruction of property other than that owned by the utility, charging with the cost of re- Ftoring the property less insurance or legal damages allowed, and with all expenses incident to injury and death to employes and other persons for whose injury or death the utility is held liable or in the settlement of which claim allowances are made. This embraces judgments for damages and plaintiff's court costs; proportion of salaries and expenses or fees of physicians and surgeons, expenses of undertakers, nurses and hospital attendants; medical and surgical appliances; contributions to hospitals; transportation of injured persons; and wages and salaries paid to employes while di?abled. The salaries and expenses of the utility's claim agents, adjusters, and their assistants, will be charged to this account. The compensa- tion of general solicitors aild counsel of the utility or other attorneys while engaged in the defense and settlement of damage suits will b^ 56 Railroad Comm!ssion of Wisconsin. charged to this account. If it is desired to open an Injuries and Damages Reserve and to make charges against operating expenses on account of the injuries and damages on some arbitrary basis, the amount so charged shall be credited to the account Injuries and Damages Reserve, and the actual expenditures for the purpose above enumerated shall be charged against such reserve account. Utilities are at liberty to subdivide this account to show the fol- lowing expenses: a. Injuries to Persons. h. Damages to Property. Where such subdivisions are not made, the charges to this account should be so made as to admit of their separation over such two subdivisions when called for by the Railroad Commission. XoTK : — This account is included in the account Unu.tties. 57 Stationery and Printing. Charge to this account all expenses for stationery and printing, stationery supplies and postage, blanks, books, records, etc., except as hereinafter provided for. The cost of printing briefs and other legal i)apers should be charged to the account Law Expenses — General or Injuries and Damages. XoTi: :- 'IMils .•icfndnt is iix-liKlcd in llic !icci>f. substituted has a substantially greater capacity than that for which it was substituted, the cost of the substitution of one of the same capacity as the unit replaced shall be charged to the Depreciation Reserve Account, and the remaining cost of the actual substitution shall be charged to the appropriate Construction and Equipment AC' count. The details of the deduction on account of Depreciation and the basis thereof will be called for in the annual report to the Rail- road Commission. CONTINGENCIES (EXTRAORDINARY). When the property of the gas utility is visited by an extraordinary casualty of such a nature as to be beyond anticipation through the exercise of ordinary and reasonable prudence, and of such a nature as not to be contained in the provision for depreciation, as earth- quakes, floods, cyclones, etc., resulting in irreparable damage, there may be charged to this account the original cash cost of such ir- reparably damaged property, less the salvage or scrap value and ir- reparable wear and tear from use accrued thereto. When the amount of such damage or loss is considerable, there may be set up an Extraordinary Casualties Suspense Account, to which shall be credited monthly the amount charged to the account Contingencies (Extraordinary) until the total loss or damage caused by such cas- ualty shall be wiped out through operating expenses. All ordinary casualties, that is, those which occur with such uni- formity and frequency that the principles of insurance are applica- ble thereto, must be provided for by suitable charges to the Insur- ance Reserve, set up and maintained for such losses, or are consid- ered as included in the provision for depreciation, or constitute an itein of current maintenance. Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilitip:s. GL TAXES. This account shall cover all taxes chargeable against the gas util- ity. Where the reporting utility is also engaged in transactions outside the scope of its duties as a public utility, this account shall be subdivided into the following two sub-accounts, to be maintained separately: a. Taxes Chargeable Against Gas Utility. 6. Taxes Chargeable to Non-Operating Transactions. To each such tax account there shall be charged monthly the amount of taxes accrued during the month and such amount shall be credited to the account Taxes Accrued (or Prepaid Taxes, if such taxes are prepaid) or the appropriate subdivision of such accounts. The amount of taxes accrued during any month shall, when the levy is unknown, be estimated and when the levy is finally determined the estimate shall be corrected in the provision for taxes during the remainder of the year. For example, if at the beginning of the tax year the taxes against the utility are estimated to be $600 for the year, the monthly charge on account of such tax will be $50, cred- iting the saniQ to the Taxes Accrued Account or Prepaid Taxes, as the case may be, until the amount of the levy becomes definitely known. If during the fifth month it is found that the levy for the year is $640 instead of $600, there will already have been charged for four months the $50 per month, leaving $440 to be charged during the remainder of the year, or $55 for the fifth month and each succeed- ing month during the remainder of the year. Such taxes as pertain to two or more utility services, or to oper- ating and non-operating transactions alike, shall be apportioned with regard to such departments or subdivisions upon a basis which appears reasonable and just, such basis to be reported in the annual report to the Railroad Commission. G2 ' Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME. ( OXTRACTUAL ACCOUNTS. Interest «ii Funded Debt. Charge this account monthly with all the interest accrued on the outstanding funded indebtedness of the gas utility. Credit such monthly charge to the account Unmatured Interest on Funded DeM Accrued. When the interest has matured, charge it to the account Un- matured Interest on Funded Deht Accrued and credit the account Ma- tured Interest on Funded DeM Unpaid. When such interest is paid, charge the account Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid and credit Cash or the coupon deposit account. Interest (in Real Estate Mortgages. Charge this account monthly with all the interest accrued on out- standing obligations of the gas utility secured by real estate mort- gages. Credit such monthly charge to the account Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued (mortgage obigations with respect to this account being considered as funded if they do not mature until more than one year after the date of issue). When the interest has matured, charge it to the account Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued and credit the account Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid. When such interest is paid, charge the account Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid and credit Cash or other appropriate account. Uniform Accounts— Gas Utiliti'Bs. 63 Interest on Floating Debt. Charge this account monthly with the interest accruing on all un- funded or floating obligations on which the gas utility is liable. Credit such monthly charges to the account Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Accrued. When the interest has matured, charge it to the account Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Accrued and credit the account Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Unpaid. When such interest is paid, charge the account Ma- tured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Unpaid and credit Cash or Qther appropriate, account. Contractual Sinking Fund Requirements. Charge to this account monthly all accruals required to be made to sinking funds in accordance with the provisions of trust deed-, mortgages or other contracts requiring the establishment of sinking funds. Such charges will be credited to the Sinking Fund Reserve. All accruals to reserves or other funds, created voluntarily by the utility and not in pursuance of the provisions of any mortgage or other contract or of the requirements of law, shall be excluded there- from. BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS. 66 Railroad CoMMisyjoN of Wisconsin. BALANCE SHEET FORM OF REPORT. Assets. All Classes. I'UOI'hlMY AM) plant: Cost Beginning of Year. Construction and Equipment Current Year. Cost Close of Year. TKKASIRY SECIRITIKS: Treasury Stock. Treasury Bonds. investments: Stocks and Bonds of Other Companies. Other Investments. KESEHVE, SINKING AND SPECIAL FUND ASSETS: Depreciation Reserve Fund. Sinking Fund. Amortization Reserve Fund. Special Funds. crRRKNT assets: Cash. Notes and Bills Receivable. Accounts Receivable. Interest and Dividends Receivable. Material and Supplies. Sundry Current Assets. PREPAID accounts: Prepaid Insurance. Prepaid Taxes. Prepaid Interest. Sundry Prepaid Accounts. Open Accounts. Deficit, Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities. 67 BALANCE SHEET FORM FOR REPORT — (Concluded.) Liabilities. All Classes. CAl'lTAI. MAIIILITIKS: Capital Stock Preferred. Capital Stock Common. Funded Debt. MOKTGAGK LIAIULITIKS : Real Estate Mortgages. Other Mortgages. CrHKi;.\T MAHIMTiES: Notes and Bills Payable. Accounts Payable. Matured itere-t on Funded Debt Unpaid. Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Unpaid. Dividend} i jtributicn Buildings^ Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings and structures de- voted to the distribution of gas from the outlet of the holder to the consumers' meters. Such structures will include distribution de- partment offices, buildings and structures at district holder stations, etc., together with all appurtenant walks, fences, drives, tramways, etc., and all fixtures permanently attached to such buildings and structures and a part thereof. General Office Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to general office purposes of the gas Utility and not includible in any of the preceding departmental buildings accounts, also all fixtures permanently attached thereto and a part thereof, such as heating and plumbing systems, electric wiring, permanent building vaults, together with appurtenant walks, fences, drives, etc, Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities. 75 Stores Depaitiiient Buildings, Fi.vtiires and Gi'ounds. Charge this account with the cost of all buildings and structure? of the gas utility used for storage purposes, such as coal and other fuel storage sheds, coke sheds, pipe and fittings buildings, together with all fixtures permanently attached thereto and a part thereof, and appurtenant fences, drives, walks, tramways, trestles, etc. Note : — This account is included in the account liuildings. Fixtures nnd and class C Stationei-y and Printing During Construction. Charge this account with the cost of all stationery, printing, post- age, blanks, record books, etc., used during the construction of the plant and up to the time of manufacture and sale of gas. NoTK : — Tliis account is included in tlie account Miscellaneous Canstnution and Equiinncnt- Expendittoes in cinss B and class C. Law" Expenses Puring Construction. Charge to this account all law expenses incurred during the period of construction of the gas plant. Charge with the salaries and ex- penses of counsel, solicitors and general attorneys, their clerks and attendants, etc. Charge also with the cost of law books, printing briefs, legal forms, testimony, reports, fees and retainers of the gen- eral counsel and attorneys, court costs and payments of specific notarial and witness fees, expense of taking depositions, and general law and court expenses during construction. Expenses of arbitra- tors of disputed points will also be charged to this account. When Uniform Accounts — Gas Utilities. 83 any of the expenditures above enumerated can be charged directly to the account for whose benefit they were incurred, they shall be so charged and not to this account. Thus, expenditures in connec- tion with the acquisition of land to be occupied by the works shall be charged to the appropriate construction account. Law expeniea in connection with the organization of the utility, whenever such can be definitely ascertained, shall be charged to the account Organiza^ Hon. NOTK : — This account is included in the account MisceUancous Conntniction and Equipment Expenditures in class B and class C. tiijiii'ies and Damages Diii-iii^ CoiiMtriii'tion. Charge to this account all damages to or destruction of property other than that owned by the utility, caused directly in connection with the construction of the gas works, and all expenses incident to injuries or death of employes and other persons for which inju- ries or death the utility is held liable or in the settlement of which claims allowances are made. This includes such items of expense as judgments for damages and plaintiff's court costs; proportion of salaries and expenses or fees of physicians and surgeons, expenses of undertakers, nurses and hospital expenses, medical and surgical supplies, contributions to hospitals during the period of construction of the plant, transportation of injured persons and wages and salar- ies paid to employes while disabled. The sa,laries and expenses of the utility's claim agents, adjusters and their assistants while en- gaged upon settling such claims arising during construction will be charged to this ^ account. The compensation of the general solicitors or counsel of the utility while engaged in the defense and settlement of damage suits will also be charged to this account. Note : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment Expenditures in class B and class C. 84 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Insurance During Construction. Charge to this account all premiums paid to insurance companies for fire, casualty, boiler, fidelity and other insurance covering risks during construction of the gas works and its equipment. NOTE : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment Expenditures in class B and class C. Taxes During Construction. Charge to this account all taxes and assessments levied and paid on property belonging to the gas utility while under construction and before the plant has begun operations, except special assess- ments for street and other improvements such as grading, curbing, paving, sidewalks, sewer, etc., which shall be charged to the account to which the property benefited has been charged. NOTE : — This account is include'd in the account Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment Expenditures in class B and class C. Interest During Construction. Charge to this account the interest accrued upon all moneys and claims payable upon demand acquired for use in connection with the construction and equipment of the gas works from the time of such acquisition until thfe works are ready for commercial use. Interest receivable accrued upon such moneys and claims shall be credited to this account. Note : — This account is include?d in the account Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment Expenditures in class B and class C. Uniform Accoctnts— Gas Utilities. 85 Discount on Bonds Duiing Construction. To this account may be charged the discount on bonds sold for construction purposes. The entries to such account shall be made with sufficient detail to permit of their identification and shall show the date when the bonds to which the discount applies were au- thorized, when issued and when sold, to whom sold, the amount realized from the ^ale, purpose for which the bonds were sold, and the application of the proceeds; all of which details will be called for by the Railroad Commission. Note :— This account Is includfd in tlie account MisceUancons Construction and Equipment Expenditures in class B and class C. Miscellaneous KxiuMidituies During Construction. Charge to this account all expenditures incurred during construc- tion not includible in any of the preceding accounts. NoTK : — This account is includo'd in the account Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment Expenditures in class B and class C. Cost of Plant Purchased (In Lieu of Plant Constructed). Charge to this account the cost of the gas works purchased in case the plant of the utility is obtained by purchase instead of being constructed by it. The entry to this account should show with suffi- cient detail the name of the parties from whom purchased, the purchase price and all other facts pertinent to such sale, which details will be called for by the Railroad Commission, 86 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. TREASURY SECURITIES. lieasury Securities. Charge to this account the par value of all stocks and bonds which have been authorized and issued by the utility or assumed by it or held by the treasurer or*other fiscal agent of the utility for its benefit but which have not been sold. When such securities are sold their par value will be credited to this account. Note -.—This account may be subdivided into tlie two follovvinf? accounts : a. Trensury ^tock. I). Treasury Bonds. INVESTMENTS. Investments. By investments, as here used, is meant the cost of the gas util- ity's title to or interest in all properties acquired, not for u e in present operations but for the income to be derived from them, for a rise in value, for the control of some private business or other utility service, or for devotion to future operations at a time when the acquisition of such properties will not be possible under such favorable circumstances. In the annual report to be made to the Railroad Commission these investments will be required to be classified as to their character and with sufficient detail as to permit of their clear identification, showing the par value of all such stocks or bonds or other investments with the rate of return there- on, the amount of income received therefrom and the book value. Stocks, bonds or other property in which the funds of Reserves of the utility have been invested will not be shown in this account but as investments of the respective reserves and so shown in the bal- ance sheet to be contained in the report to the Railroad Com- niission. Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities. s< RESERVE ACCOUNTS. REQUIRED RESERV ES. Depreciation Reserve. To this account shall be credited monthly, or as they are made, all charges to the Depreciation Ac/ount (hereinbefore described), the income from the investment of any money or from any security belonging to the Depreciation Reserve, and any other appropriations which may have been made to it. When through wear and tear in service, casualty, inadequacy, supersession or obsolescence, any building, structure, facility or unit of equipment originally charged to capital is no longer eco- nomically reparable, and in order to keep the productive capacity of the plant up to its original or equivalent state of efficiency it is necessary to make a complete replacement of such building, struc- ture or unit of equipment, the money cost of the original unit replaced and charged to capital (estimated if not known, and if estimated, the basis thereof shall be shown in the record entry) shall be charged to the Depreciation Reserve, and the excess cost of the substituted unit over such original unit shall be charged to the appropriate capital account. When any building, structure, facility or unit of equipment orig- inally charged to capital is retired from service, and not replaced by any ether unit of similiar nature or equivalent thereto, the orig- inal money ccst thereof (estimated if not known, and if estimated the basis thereof shall be ehown in the record entry) shall be charged to this account and such amount originally entered or con- tained in the charges to capital in respect to such unit so being retired shall be credited to the capital account to which it was originally charged, and any adjustments necessary made through the Surplus Acotes and Bills Receivable. Charge to this account the cost of all notes and bills receivable which are the property of the gas utility and upon which solvent oouforus nr individuals are liable or which are suffirienoly spoured rs 92 Railroad Commission op Wisconsin. to be considered gcod. This account includes demand notes, drafts, etc., issued by others than banks, and time notes, drafts, etc., by whomsoever issued. This account does not include investments nor the interest or dividends receivable from investments. Accounts Receivable. Charge to this account all amounts owing to the gas utility upon accounts with solvent concerns other than banks; also all accounts and claims upon which responsibility is acknowledged by solvent concerns or individuals or which are sufficiently secured to be con- sidered good and of all judgments against solvent concerns where the judgments are not appealable or suspended through appeal. Ne- gotiable instrunients will not be charged to this account. Interest and Dividends Receivable. When the gas utility becomes entitled to demand any interest or dividend from solvent concerns the amount to which it thus becomes entitled ehall be charged to this account and shall be credited to the appropriate account in the Income Account. This account in- cludes interest on matured accounts with solvent concerns and upon judgments against solvent debtors where such judgment has not been suspended as well as interest upon the commercial paper of solvent concerns. It does not include unmatured interest nor divi- dends not yet declared. Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities. 93 Materials and Supplies. Coal. Charge this account with the cost of all coal purchased for gas making purposes at its cost delivered alongside the company's stor- age unless purchased delivered in coal shed or to the place of stor- age. The account Coal Stock Expense will be closed into this ac- count monthly. Credit this account with coal used. This account may be subdivided into accounts a, b and c, if de- sired, in order to give information regarding the cost of different kinds of coal. Credit this account with all coal used. Note : — Coal Stuok Kxpenhe. Cliargo this account with the labor of weighing, unloading, piling and trimming ccal in shed or in unloading coal from cars and boats, including cost of oporating hoisting apparatus, including also the cost of shovels and othir hand tools and repairs to the same. (This account will be close'd monthly into the Coal Slock Account.) Oil. Charge this account with all oil or naphtha purchased for en- richer at its cost delivered in the company's storage tanks, including the invoice cost, the cost of pumping and piping with proper propor- tion for any loss by evaporation or leakage. Credit this account with oil as used, charging the same to the appropriate operating ex- pense accounts. 94 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Coke. Charge this account each month with the amount of coke pro- duced. Close into this account each month the Coke Stock Expense Account. Credit this account with all the sales of coke either to the company for its own use or to the public. Note :— Coke Stork Expense. Charge this account with tlie cost of handling coke from the retort housp to the colve yard or col?e shed. The account should also bo charged with all labor, material and expenses incurred in handling and marketing gas coke after it has been deposited in the coke yards or storage, including advertising, cartage' and cost of operating coke yard machinery and apparatus such as conveyors, crushers, screens, elevators and the cost of hand and portable tools used in handling coke. (This account will be closed monthly into the Coke Stock Account.) Tar. Charge to this account monthly the total amount of tar made. Credit the account with all amounts of tar sold to the company for its own use or sold to the public. The account Tar Stock Expense will be closed into this account monthly. Note : — Utilitie's making both coal gas tar and water gas tar are at liberty to subdivide this account in order to show the debits and credits for each kind of tar separately. Note : — Tar Stock Expense. Charge this account with the cost of labor, ma- terial and expenses incurred in distilling and marketing tar. including the cost of tar packages, cartage, freight, switching, the salary of foreman at the tar plant, tar salesman, advertising, and the cost of operating tar handling ma- chine'ry and equipment and the cost of hand and portable tools used in hand- ling and disposing of tar. Companies producing coal gas tar and water gas tar may open sub-accounts showing expense incident to each kind of tar produced. (This ficcount will be closed monthly into the Tar Stock Account.) rivroRM Accoi'NTs— Gas Utilities. 95 A iiiiiioiiia. Charge this account monthly with all ammonia made. Credit this account with animonia sold to the company for its own use or sold to the public. The account Ammonia Stock Expense will be closed into this account monthly. NoTio :■ — Ammonia Stork Expense. Chargo this account with the cost of all labor and matorial rt'.iuirod for concontrating and shipping ammoniacal liquor, and the cost of all repairs to ammonia apparatus together with the expense of selling the product of the ammonia plant. (This account will he closed monthly into the Annitoniu S^fJck Account.) I'liiifying Material. Charge this account with all labor and material used in making purifying material including the cost of such items as oxide, lime, shavings, etc. Credit this account with the amount of purifying m.aterial used and charge to the appropriate operating expense ac- count. Cast Pipe and Fittings. Charge this account with the invoice cost, freight and cost of handling of all cast iron pipe and fittings. Credit this account with the material as used, charging the appropriate operating expense or construction and equipment account, as the use of the pipe deter- mines. 96 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Wrought Pipe and Fittings. Charge this account with the invoice cost, freight and cost of handling of all wrought iron pipe and fittings. Credit this account with all such material as used, charging the appropriate operating expense or construction account, as the use of the material in ques- tion determines, Meters. Charge this account with the invoice cost, freight and cost of handling all meters. Credit this account with the meters removed from stockroom, charging the appropriate operating expense account or construction account, as the nature of the case requires, Appliances. Charge this account with all appliances purchased at their cost delivered in the utility's storeroom including freight, cartage and cost of handling. Profits on all appliances sold will be credited to the appropriate revenue account. Credit this account with all ap- pliances taken from storage. Note : — This account may be subdivided into accounts o, h, c, etc., if desired }n order to properly account for tlie different classeis of appliapces, Unkorm Accounts— Gas Utilities. 97 Miscellaiiecus Mnterinl anrl Supplies. Charge this account with the cost of all material purchased to be used by the utility and not properly chargeable to any of the pre- ceeding stock accounts, at the cost of such material delivered in stockroom, including freight, cartage and handling. Credit this account with all material taken from storage. NoTK : — This account may bo subdivided into accounts a, h, c. etc., if dcsinnl, in order to properly account for different classes of stores charged to this ac Miscellaneous Cui-rent Assets. To this account shall be charged the cost of all current assets of the gas utility not includible under any of the preceding current a set accounts. Property readily convertible into money and which is being held with the intent of being so converted into money will be considered as a current asset and charged to this or the ap- propriate preceding account. 98 Railroad Commis&ion of Wisconsin. PREPAID ACCOUNTS. Prepaid Insuranre. When premiums on insurance policies are paid in advance of their accrual, the amounts prepaid whether paid in cash or by an issue of notes or ether negotiable paper shall be charged to this account. As the premiums accrue they shall be credited at monthly intervals to this account and charged to the operating expense account In- surance. Prepaid Taves. When taxes are paid in advance of their accrual, the amount shall be charged to this account. As the taxes thus prepaid accrue they shall be credited at monthly intervals to this account and charged to the operating expense account Taxes. Taxes for special benefits or special assessments for improvements will not be charged to this account. Prepaid Interest. When interest is paid in advance of its accrual on any obligations of the gas utility it shall be charged to this account. As the interest thus prepaid accrues it shall be credited at monthly intervals to thi§ account and charged to the appropriate interest accguut. Uniform Accounts— Gas Utilities. 99 Miscellaneous Prepaid Accounts. Charge this account with all prepaid items of the gas utility not includible in the preceding prepaid accounts. As the amounts thu^ prepaid accrue they shall be credited at monthly intervals to this account and charged to the appropriate expense account. CAPITAL LIABILITIES. Capital Stock. In the accounts of stocks outstanding a separate account shall be opened for each class of stock issued and no two stocks shall bo considered of the same class unless they are equal in their interest or dividend rates, voting rights and conditions under which they may be retired, if the right to retire them is contained in the contract of issue. The characteristics of any class of stock in these regards shall be designated in the title of the accounts opened to cover such stocks and shall be clearly expressed in the first entries to such account. To the account for any class of stocks shall be credited when issued the par value of the amount of such stock issued. If such issue is for money that fact shall be stated, and if for any other consideration than money the persons to whom issued shall be designated and the consideration for which issued shall be described with sufficient particularity to admit of indentification; if such issue is to the treasurer or other fiscal agent of the corporation or if by him disposed of for the benefit of the corporation, that fact and the name of such agent shall be shown and such agent shall in his account of the disposition thereof show like details concerning the consideration realized thereon, which account, when accepted by the corporation, shall be preserved as a corporate record. 100 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Funded Debt. The funded obligations of the utility shall be divided into classes according to their characteristics, as to the security for the same, the rate of interest, interest dates, and date of their maturity. A separate sub-account shall be opened for each such class of funded indebtedness and no accounts or debts not agreeing in the charac- teristics mentioned shall be included in the same sub-account. The titles of each sub-account shall express the characteristics above stated. To the proper sub-account shall be credited, when issued, the par value of the amount of the evidences of funded indebtedness issued. The entry shall show not only the amount issued but the purpose for which issued and shall make clear and intelligent refer- ence to the corporate records showing all details connected with such transactions. If the consideration received for the issue is anything other than money, the entries shall show further to whom issued and shall describe with sufficient particularity to identify it, the actual consideration received for it. If the issue is to the agent of an undisclosed principal, the name -and business address of t^ucb agent and the fact of his agency shall be shown in the entry. MORTGAGE LIABILITIES. Real Estate Mortgages. The mortgage obligations of the utility shall be divided into classes according to their characteristics, as to the security for the issue, the rate of interest, interest dates, and the date of maturity. A separate sub-account shall be opened for each mortgage. The title of each such sub-account shall express the characteristics above stated. To the proper sub-account shall be credited, when issued, the total receipts from the sale of evidences of indebtedness secured by the mortgage. The entries shall show the amount of the mort- gage debts, the purpose for which such debt was incurred and shall show by intelligent reference all the details connected with sucU Uniform Accounts — Gas Utilities. ' ' " •^•(jj^ tran~actions. If tlie consideration received for the indebtedness is anything other than money the entry shall show the person to whom issued and shall describe with sufficient particularity to identify it the actual consideration received. If the indebtedness is to an agent of an undisclosed principal, the name and business address of such agont and the fact of his agency, shall be stated in the entry. Other Mortgages. This account shall be raised to show all mortgage indebtedness and transactions pertaining thereto in regard to mortgage, other than real estate mortgages as defined in the preceding account Real Estate Mcrtgages. CURRENT LIABILITIES. Xotes and Bills Payable. When any note, draft or other bill payable, which matures not later than one year after date of issuance or of demand or assump- tion by the utility or primary liability thereon, is issued or assumed, the par value thereof shall be credited to this account and when it is paid it shall be charged to this account and credited to Cash or other appropriate account. 102 Kailroad Commission of Wisconsin. Accounts Payable. Credit this account, when incurred, with all liabilities of the gas utility upon open accounts not includible in any of the other current liabilities accounts. Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid. When interest owing by the gas utility upon any of its funded in- debtedness matures and is unpaid, whether the cause of failure is on the part of the coupon holder to present coupons for payment or for other reasons, it shall be credited to this account and charged to the account Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued to which it had heretofore been credited. Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Unpaid. When interest owing by the gas utility upon any of its notes and bills payable matures and is unpaid, whether the cause of failure is on the part of the holder of the paper to present it for payment or for other reasons, it shall be credited to this account and charged to the account Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Actrued to which it had heretofore been credited. Ukiporm Accounts — Gas Utilities. 103 Dividends Unpaid. When dividends declared by the gas corporation become payable they shall be credited to this account and charged to the account Dividends. Deposits. Credit to this account, as such deposits are made, all cash de- posited with the utility by consumers as security for the payment of ga3 bills. Deposits refunded shall be charged to this account and credited to Cash. Deposits applicable to uncollectible gas bills shall, at the close of the fiscal year or earlier, at the option of the ac- counting utility, be credited to the account of the consumer involved and debited to this account. Deposits made by employes or others shall also be credited to this account. Detailed records of deposits as between customers and employes will be required by the Rail- road Commission. Miscellaneous Current Liabilities. Credit to this account at their face value all unfunded obliga- tions upon which the gas utility is liable and which are not else- where provided for. 104 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. ACCRUED LIABILITIES. Insurance Accrued. Credit to this account at the close of each month the insurance accrued during the period in question, as determined by the policies of all insurance covering the property of the gas utility. When such premiums are paid they shall be charged to this account and credited to Cash or other appropriate accounts. The amount set aside as an insurance reserve by the utility carry- ing its own insurance either in whole or in part shall be charged to this account. Taxes Accrued. To this account shall be credited at the close of each month all taxes accrued during the month and corresponding charges shall be made to the Taxes account. Credits to the account Taxes Accrued will be based upon estimates until the amount of the taxes levied for the period is definitely ascertained. Such estimates shall be made upon the best data available, and as soon as the amount of taxes for the period is known, the account involved shall be adjusted to conform. When any taxes become due they shall be charged to this account. ■ Uniform Accounts — Gas Utilities. 105 L'nmatured Interest on Fnnded Debt Accrue CO CO CO o? C-i (M O-l (M l>1 ot C^J w Ph C/3 C H 0) $ ;?; ;3 t^ s O o c jj o "C ;-. o <1 O ^" 2 ^x ^ w o 73 r- C/2 -fj ;5 =^ j6 y^ o !5 K T-H 1— 1 p p § O Ph o H (1< O o •< g •— 5 H ^ CO List of Accounts and Index. 109 © to lo o o t^ r- oo 00 tL'^t Ct Oi Q "S 2 = §.22 ?;^ fe <::' o S ^ o o .;£ cd rt a3 -5 tr' S O O C:) r^ O t^ ^ bo bo © © c _C © "ce "^ rf ^^ t.1 C-i t>- QJ o O O © o o o © © o © © c Maintenan Maintenan Grounds. 55 O 2 £ 2 ee r- c «- © a o i o << 2 o o ^ '^j CO H ^ TjJ \6 a T-^ rH »— 1 T-( (!< ^ o :^ 110 List of Accounts and Index. 03 .-i(M • a . a « O r/3 H O o o <1 O I— ( O o 3 C s :i n3 O! be "'I fa 5 be «2 ^ : a s:^ d • :3 <-^ (D • (D Ph «! C« X • 52 a ce a OO 'd • 'O 'i?'^ yj © • o f-g 5h O ,>^>(1) •• =3 o n! z^ O CO CO o r .— O '^ ® ^ o o ;_ O iS Q Clh W a, • 3 d :§ O • 0) ■■^ : S ill c3 -O O O O O 1?.^ Oi Oi (» 6 is ft *3 '3 CQ cr KI c ■<^ oi c ee 0^ E tl (1 ^ ^ '0 *o ca w «4-l Cfc-C © • c °^ 5 ^'2 c c c OI ® 3 -fas ■- c a fcH ■3 •SO ;^ ^ w CO CO cr^ p 112 List of Accounts and Index. ?> t-- CO CO CO CO CO o s &3 0) 50 W 0) ^ OQ II jH ^c^ .2 ^^•2g 3 u. 5 :3 c £ o s-eS. 2 s- X "C cS ^ 52 "Sa ^ S o5 o o «di> H CO CO CO O Q « CO g OP® 'S s-^ K CC-^'. O ^ H H O O 2 'S -^ t- © >3 S (4^ V-( «kw (£l o o o ^ O CJ o >^ c c c © © © j^ .S'.S.S = '5 "3 *S •■-- h s o _ 5.2 c3 d to fct = o c - p ♦^ — © [^ — f^ '^ ^ 2 " ci to "" "^ , „ 3 be *J be.;:: :: © •- o -^ l: "^ ^ ^ o ;^ ;^ ^ ^ ® 33 aJ 3? C2 !z:' © ;;^ » . . . o ce ^ © an ^-1 O"? ->? M CO CO H Tt r)^ -p "^ ^ -t: o ^ a f* © c» c be o be O =? s I—: ■1-3 C 5^ © © © o % -^ o;S cq o o ^1 ©.xP c ? ^ .S-bO a © a Co ZL c o _~ 2 3 3 ^ '?? <; ^ < ?3 H Pi^ 2 1— 1 t s H <- ^ W Oh ^ • • to P — :^ ^ M c o o 'o ^ o^ c o O M 0.2 c £ o o , o c o t: fc- o ; 53 o o X ^ « © :e :::: -3 m rr. o -^ t- <- 00 GO 3 CO o o S I CD c S^£ lis & = -- cj o — ■ -T O O c c ^ X X S 2 .2 i5£ c« •/: C C 3 O o o O - 3i o ^ © © E 42. Jo C X © CO: if © *^ ® © C © s © c s t; c .: « p3 ce 2Q O ^ ce '^ CO oc © ac © != E C O ^_ ci © © O i-^ ^>^ C O 1^1 -i List of Accounts and Index. OPKRATING EXPENSE x\C(X:)UXTS. VI. Undistributed. Class A and Class B. Pa "re 54. Injuries and damages 55 55. Insurance 56 56. Stationery and Printing 57 57. Operation of Stores Department 57 58. Maintenance of Stores Department Equipment 57 59. Maintenance of Stores Department Buildings, Fixtures & Grounds 58 60. Operation of Utility Equipment 58 61. Maintenance of Utility Equipment 58 62. Maintenance of Utility equipment Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 59 Class C. 54-62. Undistributed Expenses * 55-59 DEPRECIATION. Class A, Class B and Class C. Depreciation Reserve Charge 59 CONTINGENCIES (EXTRAORDINARY. ) Class A, Class B and Class C. Contingencies (Extraordinary) 60 TAXES. Class A, Class B and Class C. Taxes <>1 DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME. Class A, Class B and Class C. Interest on Funded Debt 62 Interest on Real Estate Mortgages 62 Interest on Floating Debt 63 Contractual Sinking Fund Requirements 63 List of Accounts and Index. 113 BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS. CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTS. All Classes. Intangtble. Pd^'e Organization 68 Franchises (58 Rights, Licenses, etc 09 Tangibi-e. Land (used in operation of property) 70 ( Gas works Land 70 I Distribution Department Land 71 * -^ General Office Land 71 I Stores Department Land 71 t Utility Equipment Land 72 Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds (used in operation of property) 72 I Coal Gas Buildings. Fixtures and Grounds 73 I Water (ias F3uildings, Fixtures and Grounds ' 73 Purchased Gas Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 73 lioiler Plant Jkiildings, Fixtures and Grounds 74 I J Distribution Buildings. Fixtures and Grounds 71 General Office Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 74 } Stol-es Department Buildings. Fixtures and Grounds 75 (^ Utility E(iuipment Buildings, Fixt«ures and fJrounds 75 Gas Production Apparatus 75 Coal Gas Apparatus 76 Water tJas Apparatus 7G Purchased Gas Apparatus 77 Jioilers and Boilor Plant. R(|uipni': Fixturcx and (ironnil^, respectively, In class B. and class C. 116 List of Accounts and Index. Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment Expenditures 81 f Salaries During Construction 81 I Office Supplies and Expenses Durin": Construction 82 I Stationery and Printin"' During Construction 82 j Law Expenses During Construction 82 -::- i Injuries and Damages During Construction 83 I Insurance During Construction 84 I Taxes During Construction 84 j Interest Daring Construction 84 I Discount on Bonds During Construction 85 [ Miscellaneous Expenditures During Construction 85 Cost of Plant Purchased (in lieu of plant constructed) 85 TREASURY SECURITIES. All Classes. Treasury Securities 86 INVESTMENTS. All Classes. Investments 86 RESERVE ACCOUNTS. Required Permanent Reserves. " All Classes. Depreciation Reserve 87 Sinking Fund Reserve 88 Amortization Reserve 88 Optional Reserves. All Classes. Maintenance Reserve 89 Uncollectible Accounts Reserve 89 Promotion of Business Reserve 90 Injuries and Damages Reserve 93 Insurance Reserve 91 * These accounts included in the account, Mif