UC-NRLF I608 Ca llllllllllllilll 1 •B 27D 3SH THE WEST INDIES (EXCLUBING JAM/^ BY ^ecvt:lj and i'yrayiafj of t'.e Ins [TS KINGSTON, \ ■ ^ . \ INSTITUTE ' WiAICA h).N : H. SoThhKA ■": C.-.. 4.\D 37, PlCCADIi; iqoQ. \ r* f BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WEST INDIES (EXCLUDING JAMAICA) BY FRANK (CUXDALL, F.S.A. Secretary and Librarian of the Institute of Jamaica KINGSTON, JAMAICA The IxsHTUTr': of Jamaica Agents in London]: H. SoTfiERAN & Co., 140, Strand AND 37, Piccadilly, W. iQOq. PRESERVATIOM COPY ADDED ORIGINAL TO BE RETAINED ^ CONTENTS. 1. Barbados 2. Martinique (French) 3. Dominica 4. Guadeloupe (French)' 5. Montserrat 6. Antigua 7. St. Kitts — Nevis - 8. Virgin Islands ... 9. St. Thomas & St. Croix (Danish) . 10. Porto Rico (United States) 11. Santo Domingo (Republic) 12. St. Domingo (Former French Colony) 13. Hayti (Republic) 14. Bahamas 15. Cuba 16. Florida (United States) 17. Honduras 18. Nicaragua (Republic) .. 19. Costa Rica (Republic) .. 20. Panama (Republic) 21. Colombia (Republic) .. 22. Venezuela (Republic) .. 23. Curacao & St. Eustatius (Dutch) 24. British Guiana 25. Dutch Guiana (Dutch) ... 26. French Guiana (French) 27. Trinidad 28. Tobago 29. Grenada 30. St. Vincent 31. St. Lucia 32. West Indies, generally 33. Slavery 34. Buccaneers 35. British West Africa ... 36. Parliamentary Papers relating to the generally 37. Index West Indies 502559 I PREFACE. npHE Institute of Jamaica in 1902 published under the title " Bibliographia Jamaicensis" a list of Jamaica books, pam- phlets, magazine articles, newspapers and maps, most of which were in the Library of the Institute. In 1908 a Supplement was published bringing the list up to date. The Bibliography now published covers the remainder of the West Indies, so far as books and pamphlets are concerned. The entries are arranged chronologically under geographical divisions ; commencing with the Barbados, the sentinel of the Caribbean, taking successively the islands to the northward and eastward returning along Central and South America, and con- cluding with the Windward group. Many titles have been abbreviated for the sake of economy. An index is added giving reference to all the books in the three lists. Books not in the Library of the Institute of Jamaica are marked with an asterisk. The Bibliography does not pretend to be exhaustive, and any notes for a revised edition will be gratefully received. F.C. Kingston, Jamaica. August, 1909. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bibliographyofweOOinstrich J. BARBADOS. L A Brikfe Relation ot the late Horrid Rebellion acted in the Island Barbadas, in the West- Indies Acted by the Waldronds and their Abettors, Anno 1650. By N. Foster. 1650. * 1 The Same. Reprint. 1879. [34c] A Declaration set forth by the Lord Lieutenant General!, the Gentlemen of the Councell and Assembly occasioned from the view of a printed paper, entituled An Act prohibiting trade with the Barbados. V^irgenea, Bermu- das and Antego. J/atjh. 1651. * 2 Bloudy Newes from the Barba- DAE8, being a true relation of a . . . fight between the Parlia- ment's navie, commanded by Sir G. Ayscue, and the King of Scots' forces under the command of the Lord Willoughby. 1652 [1651] • 3 A Brief Relation of the Beginning and Ending of the Troubles of Barbados, with the true causes thereof, set forth by A. B., a Dili- gent Observer of the Times. 1653. * 3a Acts and Statutes of the Island of Barbadoes. . . by the governor of the island, together with the charter of the said island. . . . Edited by J. Jennings. London. [1654 .»] * 4 A True and Exact History of the Island of Barbados. By R. Ligon^ 1657. [TtrT^^^ The Same. Later ed. 1673. * The Same. Histore de Tlsle des Barbados. 1674. * History of Barbados, St. Chris- tophers, &c. By T. Davis. London. 1666. * 6 Society of Friends in Barbadoes. To Friends in Barbadoes, Vir- ginia, &c. [1666?] * 7 A True and Faithful Account of the Four Chiefest Plantations of the English in America. By S. Clarke. [Virginia — New England — Bermudas — Barbados.] 1670. * 8 Great Newes from Barbadoes, or a true . . . account of the grand conspiracy of the negroes against the English. 1676. * 9 Address of the Executors of Sir William Courten and Sir Paul Pynder ; or a Hue and Cry after their Goods and Chattels. 1679. * 9a A Relation of the great Sufferings and Strange Adventures of Henry Pitman, Chirurgeon to the late Duke of Monmouth. 1689. * 9b Thf tame. Reprinted in Vol. VII. of Arber's Gamer. * Tub Groans of the Plantations, or a True Account of their Grevious and Extreme Sufferings by the heavy Impositions upon Sugar, and other hardships, relating more particularly to the Island of Barbadoes. By Edward Littlet on. — WS^. — ""Tt) The I^resent Case of a Barbados Planter, and reasons against lay- ing a further duty on sugar. [1695?] * 11 Reasons humbly offered (in behalf of the Island of Barbados) to the Hon. House of Commons, against laying a further dutv on Sugar. [1695?] * 12 The Laws of Barbadoes collected in one volume by W. Rawlin, Clerk of the Assembly of the Said Island. 1699. * 13 Some Considerations humbly offered to both Houses of Parlia- ment concerning the Sugar Colonies, and chiefly the Island of Barbadoes. 1701. * 14 A Few . . . Reflections upon a paper styled : Some Considera- tions concerning the Sugar Colonies and chiefly the Island of Barbadoes. [1701] * 16 Marry, or Do Worse. A Comedy, By W. Walker [a native of Bar- bados]. 1704. * 16 .V Letter, from the most Consider- able Proprietors of the Is- land of Barbadoes . . for establishing the African Trad© by a joint-stock. [Barba- dos]. 1709. * 17 BAJil^ADOS. A Voyage to the new Inland' 't^oh^' seca, near Barbados. 1708. * 17a. : An Ode Pindarick on Barbadoes. [1710?] * is; An Account of the number of negroes delivered into the i Islands of Barbados, Jamaica ^ ar ''. Antego. from the year 1698 U 1708, since the trade was op ned. . . [1710?] * 19 , The Case of William Sharpe, Esq. j [ix^'ating to the Island of Bar- j ba'los] 1712. * 20 j The Present State of the Sugar I Plantations consider'd ; but more I especially that of the Island of i Barbadoes. 1713. * 21 \ Sermon before the Governor and | Assembly of Barbadoes, on the thanksgiving day, for the Supi- pression of the late unnatural Rebellion [in Scotland]. 1717. * 22 A Reprksentatton of the miserable state of Barbadoes under the arbitrary and corrupt adminis- tration of Robert Lowther. [1719] * 23 Barbadoes Packet. containing several original Papers giving an account of the most material transactions that have lately happened in a certain part of the West Indies. 1720. * 24 Acts of Assembly passed in the Isle of Barbadoes, from 1648 to 1718. 1721. * 25 The Same. 1732 * Thk Present State of the British Sugar Colonies considered : in a letter from n gentleman of Barba- dos to his fricMid in London. 1731. * 25a The "^rttish KMriRE in .America cor "Hiclercd in a second letter from a ,' ?ntlKRATroN8 on the Negroe Cause. addr«»s8eeots the Barbadoes and Letnvard Islands. 1777. * 39 Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Com- merce. Institution and first proceetlings. . . [and, continua- tion!. Harbadof. [1781-1784]. • 40 Trkatibk on the (rlandular Disease of Barbadoes, proving it to b« seatfnl in the Lymphatic System. By Dr. J. Hendy. 1784. * 41 lN»TRr(Tio.NS for the Management of a Plantation in Barbadoes and for the treatment of Negroes. 1786. * 42 Lrttkrs on Slavery, with Ad- dresses to the Whites and to the Free Negroes of Barbadoes, and Accounts of some Negroes Emi- nent for their Virtues and .\bilities. Bv W. Dickson. 1789. * 43 Thk Principles by whicli a cur- rency is established, a coinage formeil. and the money circula- tions of this island (Barbados) may be restored and prescribed. fiar}tafinf<^d, 1763. * 107a Proceedings of a General Court Martial, held at Fort Royal, in the Island of Martinico, on the 6th, and continued by adjourn- ment to April 14th, 1762, upon the Tryal of Major-Commandant Colin Campbell, 1763. * 107b Proceedings of a General Court Martial on a charge preferred by J. Campbell, Esq., against Maj.- Genl. Monckton [relating to trans- actions in the Island of Marti- nique.] 1764. * 108 Recit des derniers evenemens arrives a la Martinique. [Paris? 1790?] * 109 Journal exact de la situation dans la quelle etoit la Martinique, a I'epoque du 18 octobre, 1790. [Par is ^ 1790.] * 110 OtJTRAGE fait a runiforni national par M. Damas de Marillac, sur MM. Blanzel et Barrot de Moissac ])assagers sur le navire la Fran- (,Hnse desiree mouille en la rade de Saint-Pierre, la nuit du 14 au 15 Juin 1790. [Paris 1790.] * 111 Recit des eveneniens arrives a la Martinique, depuis le 3 juin jusqu'au 9, contradictiorement a la relation publiee per MM. Ruste et Corio, deputes de St. Pierre. Par Blanchetiere-Bellevue.. Paris? 1790. * 112 Reputation coniplette des accusa- tions portees par MM. Ruste et Corio. Contre M. de Damas [governor of Martinique.] - Par Blanchetiere-Bellevue. Paris. 1790? * 113 Revolution de la Martinique, depuis le premier Septembre, 1790 jus- qu'au 10 Mars, 1791 (et Rejwnse au Memoire intitule: Memoire de M.' Damas. Gonverneur de (la Martinique, sur Ips troubles le la Martinique.) [Paris?, 1791.] , . * 114 Memoire de M. de Damas de Marillac, gonverneur de la Marti- nique, sur les troubles de cetbe colonie. [Foi^t Royal, Martinique? 1791.] * 115 ExTRAiT des deliberations de I'Assem- blee Generale de la Martinique du 15 Avril, 1790. [On the reception of a deputation from the Grena- diers, declaring their fidelity to their flag.] Au Fort Royal Marti- nique?. [1790!] * 116 Recit des eveneniens arrives a la M3rtinique, depuis le 3 juin jus- qu'au 9, contradictoirement a la relation publiee par MM. Ruste et Corio, deputes de S. Pierre. Par. Blanchetiere-Bellevue. Paris. 1790 * 117 MARTIN IQUB. Pjec<« justificatives sur I'affaire de la Martinique, qui constatent la «econ 18G0. * 140 Les Bambgns. Fables de la Fon- j taine travesties en patois Creole. ■ Par un vieux Commandeur [Marbot]. Fort-de-France. 1869. * 141 ! s MARTINIQUE. Etude sur le langue creole de la Martinique. Par J. Turiault. Brest. 1874. * 141a La Martinique. Par Pardon. 1877. * 142 Etude sur la colonie de la Martini- que. Par H. Rey. 1881. * 143 Evenements des 18 et 19 Juillet, 1881, a Saint Pierre. Par V. Schoelcher. Paris. 1882. * 144 La Martinique. Son Present et son Avenir. Par Contre Arniral T. Aube (ancien gouverneur de la Martinique). Paris. 1882. [H.C.] 145 Les Antilles Frangaises. Par N. Basset. Paris. 1886 * 146 Souvenirs de la Martinique. Par C. Mismer. Paris. 1890. * 147 La Martinique. [Hurricane of 1891]. Par H. Monet. Asnieres. 1891 * 148 L'OuRAGAN de 1891 a la Martini- que. Par E. Fortier. Paris. 1892 149 Trois Ans a la Martinique. L. Garaud. Paris. 1892 Par 150 Origines de la Martinique, 1625- 1720. Par M. I. Guet. Vannes. 1893. * 151 La Culture du Tabac a la Martini- que. Par E. D. Blerald. Paris. 1898. 152 Notice sur la Martinique. Par G. Landes. 1900. * 153 Mont Pelee and the Tragedy of Martinique. By A. Heilpriu. Philadelphia. 1903. [9 h.] 154 Oraison funebre prononncee par le R. P. Binger au service pour les victimes des catastrophes des Antilles, Par A. Binger. Maurice. 1902. * 155 In the Ruins of St. Pierre. By F. Sterns-Fadelle. Roseau. 1902. * 156 Destruction of St. Pierre, Martini- que. By J. H. Welch and H. E. Taylor. New York. 1902. * 157 The Burning of St. Pierre and the Eruption of Mount Pelee. By F. Royoe. Chicago. 1902. * 158 The Martinique Horror and St. Vincent Calamity. By J. M. Miller. Philadelphia. 1902. * 159 La Catastrophe de la Martinique. Notes d'un reporter. Par J. Hess. 1902. 160 Les Eruptions volcaniques et les tremblements de terre. La Mar- tinique. Par C. Flammarion. Paris. 1902. * 161 La Martinique avant et apres le desastre de 8 mai, 1902. Par Lasecroux. Mouliiis. 1902. * 162 The last days of Saint Pierre. The Eruption of Mount Pelee, etc. By T. W. Hand. Ottawa. 1902. * 163 The Tragedy of Pelee. A Narrative of personal experience. By G. Kennan. New York. 1902. * 164 St. Pierre and Mount Pelee through the stereoscope. By G. Kennan. New York. 1903. * 165 Le Desastre de la Martinique, La montagne Pelee. Par F. de Croze. Limoges. 1903. * 166 Les cataclysmes de la Martinique, Saint Pierre et Saint Vincent, 8 mai— 30 aout, 1902. Par P. Deschamps. Paris. 1903. * 167 Volcanic Actions and the West Indian Eruptions of 1902. By J. L. Lobley. London. 1903. * 168 Une Histoire vecue des cataclysmes de Martinique, 1891—1902. Par E. Duchateau-Roger. Lille. 1904 * 169 The Tower of Pelee : New studies of the great Volcano. By A. Heil- prin. Philadelphia. 1904. * 170 La Martinique et La Guadeloupe. Considerations «conomiques. Par E. Legier. Paris. 1905. * 171 Saint Pierre-Martinique, 1635-1902. Annales des Antilles Francjaisea. Par C. L. L. Paris. 1905. * 172 3. DOMINICA. Reoulationb for opening the Island of Dominica as a Free Port approved by the West Indian and North American Committees. [London, 1766.] * 173 An Act for laying a Tax on Wood- land, Dominica. Roseau. 1772. * 174 Rklation de la Prise faite par les Francois, sur les Anglois, de I'isle de la Dominique, situee entre la Martinique et la Guadeloupe, le 7 September, 1778, suivie de I'Ex- jjedition de I'lsle Rhoour y etablir la paix. Pariff. [1791?] * 138 Adresse de V Assemblee gc^nerale Coloniale de la Gudeloupe a 1' Assemblee Nationale [of France]. Adresse a M. de Damas, par les deputes de I'Assemblee Coloniale do Tabago. Fort Royal, Marti- nique. [1791.] * 189 Observations presentees a 1' Assemblee Nationale par les mem- bres de la Municipalite de la Basse-terre-Guadeloupe et par les citoyens de la memo ville, pour demonstrer I'iniquite, 1' incompetence et la Nullite de divers arretes de 1' Assemblee coloniale de 1' isle Guadeloupe. Paris. 1792. * 190 Commission etablie pour examiner la situation du Volcan de Guade- loupe. Rapport. . . Au Port de la Liberie, Guadeloupe.. . An VI. [1798.] * 191 ExAMEN des deux projets de loi sur I'organisation des Colonies et sur les droits civils et poli- tiques des Hommes de Couleur, Par R. Mondesir (Mandatairo I General et special des hommes de i couleur de la Guadeloupe). Paris. 1 1831. [2 h.] 193 ! Observations sur le Projet de Loi I relatif aux Droits Civils et poli- * tiques des Hommes de Couleur I des Colonies Frangaises, adresseea '. a la Chambre des Pairs. Par R. Mondesir. 7V/r?^'. L 1833. [2h.] 194 , Des Deux Projets de lois relatif aux ; Colonies. Par R. Mondesir. i Paris. 1833 [2 h.] 195 1 Conseil Colonial de la Guadeloupe. I Abolition de 1' esclavage. Parin. 1848. * 196 ! La Guadeloupe Pittoresque. Par. \ A. Sudan. Paris. 1863. * 197 '. Annitaire de la Griiadeloupe. ' 1868. * 198 ! La Guadeloupe depuis sa decouverte ] jusqu'a nos Jours, Par Pardon. I Paris. 1881. * 199 La Colonic de la Guadeloupe, et le projet de loi sur les sucres. •• Paris. 1884. * 200 I The Gitesde Collection of Antiquitiea I in Point-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe. By j O.T. Mason. Washinqfon. 1884. * 200a 1 Culture de la Canne a sucre a. la I Guadeloupe. Par P. Boname. j , ; , Paris. , 1888. * 201 I GiTADELOUPE et Dependances. Par. I La Selve. Limoges. 1889. * 202 ' La Guadeloupe. Renseignements sur j rhistorie, la liore', le faune, la I geologie. Par. J. Ballet. 3 torn. ! Basse-Terre. 1890-99. * 203 i La Guadeloupe. : les Enfants eele- i bres Lt^onard, | 12 6. ANTIGUA. A Brief Account of the Sufferings of the vServants of the Lord called Quakers : from their first arrival in the Island of Antegoa, under the several Governours ; from the Year 1660 to 1695. By J. Lang- ford. 1706. * 206 Copy of the Articles exhibited by Mr. Freeman to the House of Commons, against Col. Codring- ton, and some observations and remarks in answer to the same [relating to the Leeward Islands.] 1702. * 207 The History of Col. Parke's Ad- ministration whilst he was Cap- tain-General and Chief Governor of the Leeward Islands ; with an account of the Rebellion in Ante- goa, wherein he, with several others, were murther'd on the 7th of December, 1710. By G. French. 1717. [3 b.] 208 A Letter to Mr. G. French. 1719. * 208a Answer to a Scurrilous Libel in- titled a Letter to Mr. G. French, occasioned by his History of Col. Parke's Administration, with Character of W. Hamilton, Esq., present Captain-General of the Leeward Islands as to the fomen- tors of the Rebellion and Murder there. By G. French. 1719. * 209 Acts of Assembly passed in the Charibbee Leeward Islands, from 1690 to 1730. 2 vols. 1734-64. * 210 Acts of Assembly passed in the Charibbee Leeward Islands, from 1690 to 1705. 1740. * 211 Two Letters to Mr. "Wood on the Coin and Currency of the Lee- ward Islands. 1740. * 213 An Act Supplementarv to the [Antigua] Militia Act. 1756. * 214 Unfortunate Shipwright, or Cruel Captain, being a faithful narra- tive of the unparelleled Suffer- ings of R. Barker in a Voyage to the Coast of Guinea and Antigua. 1762. * 215 Essay upon Plantership. By S. Martin. Antigua printed : London ; re-primted. 1765. * 215a Funeral Sermon by F. Gilbert at St. John's, Antigua, on the death of N. Gilbert, Esq., of the said Island. Antigua. 1774. * 216 Brief Account of the Island of Antigua, together with the Cus- toms and Manners of its Inhabi- tants, as -w^ell White as Black; as also an Accurate Statement of the Food, Clothing, Labor. [By J. Lutfman.] 1789. * 217 Facts relating to the cruel treat- ment of the English prisoners of war at Point a Pitre and St. Mar- tins ; interspersed with occasional remarks. . By an English Clergy- man, ^j-titigua. 1796. * 217a Collection of Exotics from the Island of Antigua. By A Lady. 1800. * 217b- The Laws of the Island of Antigua consisting of the Acts of the Lee- ward Islands. 1690-1817. 1805-18. * 218 The Police Act of the Island of Antigua. Antigua. 1814. * 21 Letters to a Friend in reference to some Defect in the Polity of the British Leeward Charibee Islands, inscribed to his Excellency the Captain-General. By Philiarcus. Jamaica. 1815. * 220 Trial of J. Hatchard for a Libel on the Aides-de-Camp of Sir J. Leith, Governor of the Leeward Islands, and the Grand Jury of the Island of Antigua. 1817. * 221 Ten Views in the Island of Antigua . . from drawings made by W. Clark, etc. 1823. * 222 An Account of the Loss of the Wesleyan Missionaries in the Maria mail boat, off the Island of Antigua, by Mrs. Jones, the only survivor. 1826. * 223 An Act [passed by the Legislature of Antigua] to provide for the . Support and Education of the Poor Children of the several parishes of the Island. Antigua. [1831] * 224 West India Question, the Outline of a Plan for the Total, Immedi- ate and Safe Abolition of Slavery, By J. Phillips, of Antigua. 1833. * 225 A Catechism of certain Moral, Social and Civil Duties, adapted to existing Circumstances by the W^esleyan Missionaries of Antigua. 1836. * 22ff Narrative of the late awful and calamitous Earthquake in the- ANTIGUA. 13 West India Islands of Antigua, Nevis , St. Christopher, Guada- loupe, etc., on Feb. 8th, 1843. Written by an eve-witness. 1843. [2 b.] 227 Antigua and the Antiguans. A full account of the colony and its in- habitants from the time of the Caribs to the present day. 2 vols. [Bv Mrs. Flanagan.] 1844. [3 b.] 228 Memorials from Antigua respecting the Sugar Duties. P.P. 1847. * 229 A Charge delivered to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of St. Christophf-rs in 1847. By D G. Davis, Bishop of Antiqua. 1847. ♦ 229a On the Finances of the Island of Antigua. By T. Price. Antigua. 1854. • 230 Childhood. The Annual Sermon [on Mark ix., 36, 37) for the Ladies Society for promoting Education . in the West Indies. By W. W. Jackson, Bishop of Antigua. 1860. • 231 The Laws of the Island of Antigua, 1668-1864 [compiled and published under the supervision of Sir W. Snagg]. 1865. * 232 Account of all Sums advanced to the Islands of Antigua, Montser- rat. and Nevis, and of all Sums repaid by reason of such ad- vances with the Interest oaid thereon during the year ending Jan.. 1875. 1875. * 232a Catalogue of Books in the Public Library of Antigua, -n.d. [ab. 1880]. [34 b.] 233 De Successione Apostolica necnon Missione et Jurisdictione Hier- archise Anglicana? et Catholicae. unacum Appendicibus et Indici- bus : Auctore Venerabili Doctore Jacobo Clark, Archdiacano Anti- guensis. Georgiopoli in Guiana Britannica: Londini: Edinburgi: 1890. [6h.] 234 Report of the Results obtained on the Experimental Fields at Skerrett's School, 1892. By Francis Watts, F.I.C., F.C.S., and F. R. Shepherd. Antigua, 1892. [32 j.] 235 The Church Calendar for the Diocese of Antigua, in the pro- vince of the West Indies, for . . 1893 . . Edited by Rev. R. J. E. Scott, M.A. [3 g.] 236 The History of the Island of Anti- gua. 3 vols. By V. L. Oliver. 1894, 96 and 99. [34 c.] 237 Agricultural Journal of the Lee- ward Islands and St. John's, Antigua. 1894-5. [34 c.] 238 Catalogue of Works in the Public Library, Antigua, n.d. And Supplementary Catalogue of the Books in the Public Library of Antigua. St. John^s. 1897. [n.b.] 239 By-Laws of the Antigua Public Library. St. JoJuCs. 1899. [n.b.] 239a St John's City Board. By-Law No. 19(X). St. John'K 1900. [n.b.] 239b Hurricane and Relief of Distress in the Leeward Islands. [P.P. C. 9205.] 1899. * 239a The Sugar Industry of Antigua. [P.P. Cd. 2878.] 1906. * 239b Nkwes and Strange Newes from St. Christopher's, of a tempestuous spirit, which is called by the In- dians A Hurry-cane or Whirl- wind. 1638. * 239c H ST. KITTS — NEVIS. 7. ST. KITTS NEVIS. Les particularitoz de la defaite des Auglois, av(K- la jiriso de leurs Forte, Arrties. ©t Drapeaux dans risle de S. Cristophe, en TAmerique, par k^s FranQois; oommandez par le Comraandeur the Bank of England at Four Pounds per Centum, redeemaV>lo by Parliament, and charged upon the Duties on Coals and Culm ; and for further applying the Pro- duce of the Sinking Fund, an-d for enlarging the time for Ex- clianging Nevis and St. Christopher's Debentures for An- nuities at Three per Centum. 1728. * 249 A Letter to a Member of Parlia- ^ ment setting forth the value of St. Christopher's land. 1730. * 250 A Short Account of the Plurricane that passed through the English Leeward Caribee Islands, 30th ^ June, 1733. With remarks by an Inhabitant of St. Nevis. 1733. * 251 Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of St. Christopher, from - 1711 to 1739. 1739. , * 252 Act for granting to H.M. one Million .... and the Sum of £21,000 Is. 8ld., arisen by Sale of Lands in the Island of St. Christopher's. 1740. * 253 Acts of Assembly, .passed in the Island of Nevis, from 1664 to 1739, inclusive. 1740. * 254 Thf. Sainr. Abridgement. 1740. * 255 Natur.\l History of Nevis and the - rest of the Charibee Islands. By W. Smith, M.D. 1745. * 25(3 Tryal of J. Barbot, Attorney at Law, for the Murder of M. Mills, at a Coui-t . . . in and for the Island of St. Christopher, Friday, Jan. 5th, 1753. 1753. * 257 Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of St. Christopher, from the year 1711 to 1769. St. Christopher. 1769. * 258 Petition and Remonstrance of W. Wharton, Jos. King, W. Feuille- tean, &c., to his Excellency W. Woodley, Captain General and Governor in Chief of H.M. Leeward Charibee Islands in x4.merica. St. Christopher. 1769. * 259 Argument or Speech of J. Gardiner, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, ST. KITTS — KHVIS. 15 H-ho stoixl romiiiittod by tlie pre- tended Assembly of tliis island for a pretended Content pt. St. fhriMfniihtr. 1770. * 260 A Trkatisk on J*lantin^ from the origin of semen to ebullition . . Ky J. Peterkin. 2nd ed. St. ChriMtoplor. 1790. * 261 Laws of the Island of St. Clhristo- pher . . from 1711 to 1791. . St. tlirhtophrr. 1791. * 262 Trial of J. I). H. Konvellet. K.sq.. of the Island of St. Christopher. for Forgery. 1806. * 263 Case in Xevis, 1817. [E. Hnj£ji:ins*s alle^fMl .severe ehastisement of slaves.] hmdnn, 1818. [H.('.| 264 NATi'RAh History of Nevis, and tln' rest of the Knglish Leeward C'haribee Islands in America. Hy R^'V. Mr. Smith. t 'ainhrif/i/>\ 1745. *■ 264a Papers rotating to tho CommisMion sent from St. Chri.stopher to in- quire into the condition of the Island of An^^uilla. llVP.j 1826. * 26.5 Dktaif-8 of a Case of Piracy, iji the capture of the \\i'm Carraboo, of Liver|>ool. Finlay C(M)k, Master; comprising the Official Corre- spomlenoe relatinji to a Claim made by his Honor the Com- mander-in-Chief of St. Christopher to the Commandant of St. Kustatius and Sal)a. for the resti- tution of the Vessel and Cargo. . . 2nd ed. St. Chriftopker, 1828. * 266 Report of the Commissioners for ; taking the Census. January 1st, I800. Together with analytical tables. Ha.tst'fcrre, Sf. Chrisfupher. 1855. * 267 \ The Statutes of the Islands of St. i Chri.sto|>her and Anguilla. ' 1857. * 268 , The Laws of Nevis from 1681 to 1861, inclusive: with aj)pendicos j and iiide.v, [Com])ile(l and arrajiged })v H. C. Huggins.] 1862. * 269 An Account iTiGATJON' of the Aipiatic Re- s(»urces an5liei ifs of l*orto- Rico. ]\ashiiuit,fn. ^SX^i). * 330a liiBT OF Books on Porto-Rico. Con- gressional Librarv. }\ a.^hingUm. 1901. * 331 The Stoxy Corals of tlu Porto Ri( an Waters. Bv T. W. Vaughn n. Wa,}r.n,,t.,„. 1901. * 331a 19 Pictorial History of America's New Possessions. Bv" M. Halstead. Chicago. ' 1902. * 332 Opportunities in Porto-Rico. Py C. H. Allen. 1902. * 333' Opinions of the Attorney-General of ■Porto-Rico to the Governoj- and other officials on their official duties. Xew York. 1903. * 334 The History of Puerto-Rico. By R. A. Van Middddylv. Xew York. 1903. ♦ 335 Escritos sobre Puerto-Rico. Por J. Gonzalez Font. Barcelona. . . 1903. * 336 The Mango in Porto Rico. By G. N. Collins. )Va.*hin(jt')n. 1903. * 336a Historia do Puerto-Rico. Por S. Brau. X» 10 York. 1904. * 337 The United States and Porto-Rico. By L. S. Rowe. Xrw York. 1904. * 338 The Herpetology of Porto-Rico. By L. Stejneger (in Report of U.S. N,ational Museum, 1902). \Va.*hi,„jton. 1904. [33 c.] 339 I'OLITICAL Development - of Porto Rico. By E. S. Wilson. Cohimhun. 1905. * 339a MKSSAfJE from the Presidout of the United States . . transmitting the Report of the (iovernor of Porto-Rico. Wn^h inqton . 1906.* [3g.] 339b The Ahoricines of Porto-l^co and neighbouring Lslands. l^y J. \V. Fewkes. [In 2.jth annual roport <'f Bureau of American Ethno- logv.] Wafhiiif/fon. 1907. [33 f.] 340 United Statkr Report for the year 1907 on the Trade and Com mere© of Porto-Rico. {Diplomatic and Consular Reports.] 1908. fn.b.) 341 n. SANTO DOMINGO (Republic). HiSTOiRE et gGographie de I'ilc His- paniola on Santo Domingo. Par E. E. Jaubert. 1689. * 341a Observations sur des poiasons recue- illis dans un voyage a la Bale de Samana. . . Par C. E. Thevenau. ^7. Lucia. 1788. * 341b Description topographiqne et poli- tique de la partie Espagnole de risle de Saint Domingue. Par M. L. Moreau de Saint-Mery. Philadelphia. 1796. * 341c The same. A Topographical and political Description, etc. Tr. by W. Cobbett. Philadelphia. 1796. * Present State of the Spanish Colonies ; including a particular report of Hispaiiola, or the Spanish part of Santo Domingo ; with a general survey of the settlements of the South Conti- nent of America. By W. Walton. 2 vols. 1810. [2g.] 342 History of the island of St. Do- mingo, from its first discovery to the present period. New York. 1824. * 342a 'The History and Present Condition of San Domingo. By J. Brown, M.D. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1837. * 343 Actos legislatives del Congress con- stitucional y decretos del Presi- dente de la Republica Dominicana en 1846. Santo Domingo. [1846] * 344 Leyes Dominicanas. 3a sesion de la primera legislatura en 1847. Santo Domingo. 1847. * 345 'CuENTAS generales de la Republica durante el aiio economica de lo de Julio de 1847 a 30 de Junio de 1848 certificadas. Santo Domingo. 1848. * 346 SiNODO diocesaiio celebrado iK)r. . . el Sr Dr. T. De Portes e Infante. . . Arzobispo de Santo Domingo en . . 1851. Santo Domingo. 1851. * 347 A Geographical Sketch of St. Domingo, Cuba and Nicaragua, with remarks on the past and pre- sent policy of Great Britain, affecting those countries. By a Traveller. 1850. * 347a PuNicA Fides 1 or a short statement of facts connected with the recent breach, by the Dominican Govei Ji- ment, of the Second Article of the Commercial Treaty, exchanged between England and the Domini- can Republic in 1850. ^S'^. Domingo. 1852. * 348 HiSTORiA de Santo Domingo. Por A. del Monte y Tejada. Havana. 1853. * 349 vols. Santo T?ie Same. 4 Domingo. 1890-92 CoNSTiTUCiON politica de la Republica | Dominicana. Santo Domingo. 1854. * 350 • Digs, Patria, y Libertad. Republica ! Dominicana. El Senado Consul- tor . .en nombre de la Republica ! Dominicana, ha dado la siguiente \ ley sobre aranceles de importacion ! y exportacion. Por M. de R. ' Mota. Santo Domingo. 1855. * 351 Reincorporacion de Santo Domingo ' a Espafia. [Madrid? I860.?] * 352 i Santo Domingo, Pen-pictures and ' leaves of Travel. By Keim. Philadelphia. 1871. * 353 Report of the Commission of Inquiry ; to Santo Domingo. Washington. \ 1871. * 353a i Letters on the proposed annexation of Santo Domingo. Bv S. S. Howe. New York. 1871. * 353b J In the Tropics. By a Settler in Santo Domingo. With an intro- ] ductory Notice by R. B. Kimball. 1864. [3 b.] 354 ; [The same. Later ed.] Life in i Santo Domingo. 1873. [3 c] , ! Santo Domingo Past and Present : with a glance at Havti. By S. j Hazard. 1873. New York. [3 c] 354a \ Enriquillo. Leyenda historia do- minicana. Por M. de J. Galban. Santo Domingo. 1882. * 354b Description de I'isle de Sainct- Domingo. Par J. and R. Par- 1 mentier. 1883. * 355 La Republica Dominicana. Resena general geografico - estadistica. i Santo Domdngo. 1889. * 356 Samana et ses projets de cession, i 1844-91. Par Saint-Merant. Paris. 1896. * 357 1 Le Peril dominicain. Par J. Justin. ' Part*-. 1896. * 358 ; Contribution to the Ornithology of | San Domingo. By G. K. Cherrie. ' Chicago. 1890. * 358a SANTA DOMINGO (REPUBLIC) 21 R. LuDWiGS Reisen auf Santo Do- mingo. 1888-89. Von W. Sievers. Berlin. 1898. * 358b The Dominican Republic. (Jamea- town Exposition). 1907. [3g.] 358c J 2 ST. DOMINGO (French Colony). Relation Verdaclern, en que so da | qiierita del horribde Hnracaii qtie ( Sobrevino a la Isla y Puerto de \ Santo Domingo de los Espanoles, el die qiiinzo de Agosta de 1680. Madrid. [1681?] * 359 Statdts et reglemens faits par la Compagnie Royale de Saint Domingue. [Paris, 1716] * 360 Carta sobre la mision de la Isla de Saint DomingiH lin. Pari^. Santa Domingo. Paris. Mar gat. * 360a 1728. Cakta sobre los antiguos liabitadores de la isla de Santo Domingo. Por N. Margat. Paris. 1731. * 360b HiSTOiRK de I'Isle Espagnole ou de S. Domingue. Par P. F. X. de Charlevoix. 2 vols. Paris. 1731. [3c.l 361 Examen raisonne de la j)roposition faito aux anciens Colons de Saint- Domingue, relativement aux quatre cinquiemes tie 1' indemnity qui leur a ete allouee, lesquels-'sJifAKLEAU Statistiqu s'elevent a cent ving millions. Parii^. Melodies Querard HiSTOIRE 1736. Indiennes. Par Capr. Franaiis. 1736. L. do 362 E. 362a I'ilo et Description Espagnole on de Saint Domingue, et de Tile de la Tortu<'. Par O. H. Renard. 2 vols. 1740. * 362b Relazione de . . terremoiiti accaduti ultimanente nell' Isola di S. Domingo, dell a Giammaica, ed altre nell' America. Pesarn. 1752. * 363 Ebbai sur les colonies fran<^oises, ou discours politiques sur la nature du gouvernement, de la population et du commerce de la colonie de S. D. [Saint-Domingue]. Par Saintard. 1754. * 364 Relation d'une conspiration tramee par les negres, dans l'islt> de S. Domingue. [P«rw. 1758?] * 365 Ordonnance portant creation d'un corps de troupes-legeres, tlesigne sous le nom de premiere legion de St. Domingue. Par C^ H. Estaing, Count, Governor. AuCap Fran<;ai!f. [1765]. * 366 Almanack de Saint Domingue fxmr I'Annee 1765. Cap Erangois. 1765. * 366a EtSAis geographiques sur I'ile de I'ar J. N. Bel- 1766. * 366b Description Geographique de De- boiiqucmens qui sent au Nord do I'llo de Saint Domingue. Avec des cartes et des plans des Isles que ferment ces Passap^es. Et dea Dangers qui s'y trouvent : pour io Service des Vaisseaux du Roi. Par N. Bellin. 1768. * 367 EssAi sur V Historie Naturelle de r Isle de Saint Domingue. 1776. [3 c. I 368 EssAi sur I'histoire naturelle de Saint-Domingue. Par Pere B. Nicolson. Parii^. 1776. * 369 Considerations sur I'Etat present do la Colonie Erangaise de Saint Domingue. Par M. H. D |auber- teuil]. PariH. 1776. * 370 Historie de File de Saint Domin- gue. Par H. E. Michelin. 1776. * 370a de la }>opula- tion du comiiierce et des industries dans la partie Erancaise de I'ile de Saint Domingue, compare avec les releves officiels pour la partie espagnole^ Par H. E. Michelin. 1785. * 370b Memorias de la Colonia Erancesa de Santo Domingo, con algunas reflexiones relativas a la isla do Cuba. Por un viagoro Espanol. Madrid. 1787. * 371 Lettre des Colons residens a St. Domingue au Roi : le 31 Mai 1788. [Paris? 1788] * 372 Premier recueil de pieces intereaa- antes, remis par les Commissaires de la colonie de Saint-Domingue, a MM. les notables, le 6 Novembre, 1788. [Paris. 1788]. * 373 Letters des Commissaires de la colonie de Saint Domingue, au Roi. [Paris. 1788.] * 374 Extract du registre des deliberations du Comite colonial de St. Domingue, seante a Paris : du 27 Janvier 1789. [Paris. 1789]. * 375 Extrait des Registres de la deputa- tion de Saint Domingue. [Con- cerning M. Moroan de Saint IVIery, accused of fomenting distur- bances.] [Paris. 1789]. * 376 Faits et idties sur Saint-Domingue, relativement a la revolution actuelle. Pariif. 1789 * 377 ST. DOMINGO. 25 Memoir© en favour dos j^oiis df colour ou san^molos do St.- Doniingue, et dos autros Islos franvoist'S do rAin»'riquo, adrosso a TAssombloe Nationalo. Par Grogoiro. l'arl>^. 1789. * 378 Procis sur la j>osition aotuollo do la deputation do Saint-Dominguo, au-\ etats-ji;enoraux. \Ver. Assombloe goiioralo do la partio do Saint-Dominguo aux Franvois. [Pari.*. 1790] * 391 DiscouHs sur les troubles de Saint- Dominguo. [By the Count do Miraboau:"] [Paris. 1790). * 392 Adukshk do IWssombloo generale do la partie frangoise de Saint Dominguc u rAssomblee nation- ale. [Paris. 1790]. * 393 Lettre do r.Vssonibloe provinciale pormain'iito dn Nord do Saint Domingue a M. lo gouvernour general, et arrote do ladite Assem bloo pnur la dissolution d« r.\8sen)bloo do Saint-Maro. PnrUiu- Prince. 1790 * 394 Lkttkk do rAssomblee grMierale de^ la partie franvoiso do Saint' Domingue, aux chambres du commerce ot manufactures du royaume. [ParL^. 1790]. * 395 DiscouRS prononc*' a I'Assembleo nationalo lo 2 Octobre, 1790, au nom do rAssembloo general© de la partie frangoiso do Saint Domin- gue. [/'aris-. 1790]. * 396 Relation authentique de tout co qui s'est passo u Saint Domingue avant et apris le depart force de rAssomblee colonial©. . . [Paris. 1790]. * 397 Addreshe des mombres d© I' Assembloe provincial© du Nord do Saint Domingue a rAsserabeo national©. Pari.our servir a I'histoire de la revolution de Saint-Domingue. Par Pamph. de Lacroix. 2 vols. Pari.^. 1819. * 452a Republigue d'Haiti. Loi sur I'in- struction publique (14 Juillet). Port^u-Prince. [1820]. * 453 Constitution d'Hayti du 27 Decem- bre 1806, et sa revision ; du 2 Juin 1816. Saint Marc. 1820. * 454 Le Cri des Colons proprietaires a Saint Domingue, expatri'^s et refugies en France, ou Apr J a la Nation. Pari^. 1822. * 455 A Visit to the capital and chief ports of the isle of St. Domingo. By ap. G. R. Pechell, R.N. Portsmouth. 1824. [3 f .] 456 History of the Island of San Domingo, from its discovery by Columbus. New York. 1824. * 457 Historie de la Catastrophe de Saint Domingue. Par A. J. B. Bouvet de Cresse. Pmris. 1824. * 458 De I'emancipation de Saint Domin- gue dans ses rapports avec la politique . . de la France. Par N. A. [Count] de Salvandy. Paris. 1825. * 459 Report on the Miiies known in the Eastern division of Hayti, and the facilities of workinp- them. By W. Walton (British ^ it at Hayti). ^25. * 460 Historie d'Haiti (1' St. Domin- gue) depuis s.i uei te jusqu'e^ 1824. Par Ch. L Jo. Nou. d. Paris. 1825. * 461 Code Civil d'Haiti. [Paris] 1826. * 462 Histoire Politique et statisque de I'isle d'Hayti, Saint Dominque; ecrite sur des documents oflBciels et .des notes comminquees, par Sir J. Braskett. Par Placide- Justin. Paris. 1826. * 463 Code des Colons de St. Domingue, avec des Notes par Vanufel et Villeneuve, avocats. Paris. 1826. * 464 Sketches of Hayti ; from the expul- sion of the French to the death of Christophe. By W. W. Harvey. 1827. [3 b.] 465 38 HAYTI, The Rural Code of Hayti; m French and English. With a pre- fatory letter to the Earl Bathurst. 1827, * 466 Les six Codes d ' Haiti : suivis d'une table raisonnee des matieres. Angers. 1828. * 467 The Present State of Hayti. By J. Frankli^. 1828. [3 b.] 468 Notes on Haiti. 2 vols. By C. McKenzie (Consul). 1830. [3 c.] 469 MS. Note-book of .notes and sketches made in Hayti in 1831. By Richard Hill [of Jamaica]. [3 c.] 470 Circulaires du President d' Haiti aux Commandans d'Arrondisse- ment sur T Agriculture. Port-au- Prince. 1831. * 471 Geographie de Tile d' Haiti. Par B. Ardouin. Port-au-Prince. 1832. * 471a Account of the Insurrection in St. , Domingo begun August, 1791, by J. G. Hopkirk. Edinhurgh. 1833. * 471b Relacion de la fiesta del aniversario de la independencia de Hayti, celebrada el de enero de 1834 aiio 31 (de la independencia). [Saint Domingo. 1834.] * 472 Petition des Anciens Colons de Saint Domingue a la Chambre des Deputes. Paris. [1835.?] * 473 Loi sur les droits de douanes [1835]. Par J. P. Boyer, President. [Port-au-Prince. 1835]. * 474 II Furioso Nell'isola di S. Domingo, Melodrama semi-serio. 1836. * 475 Notes of a visit to some parts of Haiti. By Rev. S. W. Hanna. 1836. [34 c] 476 St. Domingo. Historisch-romantis- ches Gemalde . . Neger-Resolution. Von B, Hess. Nordhausen. 1837. * 476a The Rural Code of Hayti, literally translated. Together with letters from that country concerning its f)resent condition. By Z. Kings- ey. New York. 1838. * 476b Historical Sketch of the Revolu- tions and the Foreign and Civil Wars in the Islands of St. Domin- ^ go. By P. S. Chazotte. New York. 1840. [3 c.] 477 Haytien Revolutions. Lecture on and Sketch of the character of Toussaint-L'Ouverture. By J. Mc Smith. New York. 1841. ♦ 477a Brief Notices of Hayti: with it» condition, resources, and pros- pects. By J. Candler. 1842. [3 b.] 478 Geschichte der Insel Haiti. Von Jordan. Leipsic. 1846. *479 Historie d'Haiti. Par N. Madiou. 3 vols. Port-au-Prince. 1847. * 479a Precis Historique des faits relatifa a I'Emprunt d'Haiti. Paris. 1849. * 48a Glimpses of Hayti and her Negro Chief. Liverpool. 1850. * 480a- HisPANioLA, Hayti, Saint Domingo. By E. Bathurst. Privately printed. ^ 1851. * 481. Recueil general des lois et actes de gouvernement d'Haiti. Par Linstant Pradine . Paris. 1851-65. * 482 Album Imperial d'Haiti. 12 plan- ches, daguerrotypees par A. Hart- mann, lith. par Lacombe, Ott etc.,; d'apres des dessins de Severyn, Crehen, Hartmann etc. New York. [1852]. * 483 Remarks upon United States inter- . vention in Hayti. . . By B. C. Clark. Boston. 1853. * 483a Petion et Haiti. Par J. Saint- Remy. Paris. 1853-58. * 484 The Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Negro Patriot of Hayti. By Rev. J. R. Beard, D.D. 1853. [3 b.] 485 A Plea for Hayti, with a glance at her relations with France, Eng- land and the United States for the last sixty years. By B. C. Clark. Boston. 1853. * 485a Etudes sur I'Histoire d'Haiti. Par B. Ardouin. 10 vols. Paris. 1853-61. * 486 Htstoire des Caciques d' Haiti. Par Baron E. Nau. Port-au-Prince. 1854. * 486a TJie same. 2me. ed. Paris. 1894. [3 c] L'Empereur Soulouque et son em- pire. Par G. d'Alaux. Paris. 1856. * 487 Geschichte von Haiti. Von J. Handelmann. Keil. 1856. * 487a Htstoire des revolutions d'Haiti. Par Saint-Amand. Paris. 1859. * 48S Geshichte von Haiti. Von H. Handelmann. Kiel. 1860. * 489 HAYTI. Remarks on Hayti as a place for Afric-Ami'ricans, and on the Mulatto as a race for the Tropics. 1860. * 489a Guide to Hayti. By J. Red- path. lioMon. 1861 * 490 Haiti, see progres, son avenir avec . . une Biblographic d'Hayti. Par A. Bonneau. Paris. 1862. * 491 Haiti und seine Rassen Kampfe, historisch entwickelt. Von. L. Contzen. Cologne. 1863. * 492 HiSTOiRE descriptive et pittoresque de Saint Domingiie. Par J. de Maries. /V/rw. 1869. * 493 'l"^E Black Man, or Haytian Inde- pendence. . . By M. B. Bird. New York. 1869. * 493a Reflexions sur Haiti. Par Delorme. Paris. 1873. * 494 Wit and Wiki>om of the Haytians. By J. Bidelow. Xeuy York. 1877. * 495 Kaiti, treize ans de Sejour aux Antilles. Par Eldin. Toulouse. 1879. * 496 I'"^ Negro Santos de Santo Domin- go (Toussaint Louverture). Por R M. de Labra. Mafinri. 1880. * 496a Le Pays des Not^res : Voyage a Haiti. Par E. La Selve. * Pnrix. 1881. * 497 Der franzosiche Feldzug aus St. Domingo, 1302-03. Von A. Mos- bach. lireslau. 1882. * 498 Les detractenrs de la Republique d'Haiti. Par J. Auguste. Paris. 1882. * 499 Le Grand Insulaire. L'Isle de Haity. Par A. Thevet. 1883. * 500 La Republique d'Haiti et ses visiteurs 1840-82. Par L. J. Janvier. PariK. 1883. * 501 Haiti aux Haitiens. Par L. J. Janvier. Paris. 1884. * 502 Les Antinationaux. Actes et prin- cipes. Par L. J. Janvier. Paris. 1884. * 503 Une Aunee au Ministere de I'Agricul- ture et de Tlnterieur. Par F. D. Legitime. Paris. 1884. * 504 L'Independance nationale d'Haiti. Par E. Chancy. Paris. 1884. * 505 Anexion y guerra de Santo Domin- go. Por J. de la Gandara. Madrid. 1884. * 506 2q Hayti or the Black Republic. By Sir S. St. John, K.C.M.G. 1884. [3 b.] 507 Les Affaires d'Haiti. Par L. J. Janvier. Paris. 1885. * 509 Haiti: une page d'histoire. Par L. Laroche. Paris. 1885. * 509 Le Pantheon haitien. By E. Em- manuel. Paris. 1885. * 510 The Birds of Haiti and San Domingo. [illustrated with coloured plates.] Bv C. B. Cory, F.L.S. Boston, U.S.A. 1885. [2d.] 511 Recueil general des lois d'Haiti. Par Linstant de Pradine. Paris. 1886. * 512 Les Constitutions d'Haiti. 1801- 1885. Par L. J. Janvier. Paris. 1886. * 513 La Politique exterieure d'Haiti. Par J. N. Leger. Paris. 1886. * 514 The Aborigines of Hispaniola. By H. L. Roth. 1887. * 515 Haiti en 1886. Par P. Deleage. Paris. 1887. * 516 The Treatment of British subjects in Hayti. Re-printed from " The Times." [1888]. * 517 NouvELLE geographie de I'ile do Haiti. Par D. Fortunat. Port-au-Prince. 1888. * 518 Code Formulaire de I'Etat civil d'Haiti. Par J. Servincent. Port-au-Prince. 1888. * 519 Vie de Toussaint-L'Ouverture. Par V. Schoelcher. Paris. * 1889 Bibliography of Hispaniola. By H. Ling-Roth. (Roy. Geo. Soc. Sup. Pap.) 1889. * 521 United States and the Republic of Hayti, 1888-89. The Diplomatic complications between the two countries. Ntw York. 1889. [2 c.] 522 Les Pheniciens a I'isle d'Haiti. Par E. de OuflFroy. Louvain. 1889 * .523 Haiti, Etude. Par A. Bowler. Paris. 1889 * 524 La Republique d'Haiti. Par E. La Selve. Limoges. 1889. * 525 Le Differend entre Haiti et Saint Domingue au sujet de leurs trontieres nationaies. Par A Poujol. Paris. 1900. * 526 30 HAYTI. Abrege de la geographie de I'Lsle d'Haiti. Par D. Fortumat. Paris. 1890 * 527 Les Codes haitiens. Annotes * * par Linstant Pradine. 2 torn. Pori-au-Prince. [Corbeil printed? 1890.] * 528 La Banque Nationale d'Haiti. Par F. Marcelin. Paris. 1890. * 529 EssAi sur la politique interieure d'Haiti. Par E. Edouard. Paris. 1890. * 530 QuARTRE Mois de Ministere sous general Legitime. Par Roche- Grellier. Paris. 1890 * 531 Les Codes Haitiens. Port-au-Prince. 1890. * 532 La verite sur la retraite de Des- salines. Par O. Piquant. Paris, 1890. * o33 HiSTOiRE du gouvernement du generale Legitime. Par F. D. Legitime. Paris. * 534 Documents pour I'historie d'Haiti, 1888-89. Par E. Mathon. Paris. 1890. * 535 Au Pays des generaux, Haiti. Par C. Texier . Paris. 1891. * 536 Etudes economiques sur Haiti. Par Roche-Grellier. Paris. 1891 * 537 Quelques verites a propos des recents evenements de la Repub- lique d'Haiti. Par J. Auguste. Paris. 1891. * 538 Haiti au point de vue politique, ad- ministratif et economique. Par A. Firmin. Paris. 1891. * 539 Questions haitiennes. Par F. Mar- celin. Paris. 1891. * 540 Haiti son passe, son avenir. Par Roche-Grellier. Paris. 1891. * 541 ExAMEN de las Constituciones de Hispano- America y Haiti Por A. Angulo Guridi. Santiago. 189i. * 542 Les Filibustiers de la Tortue et la France en 1890. Par S. Nayser Paris. 1891. * 543 Commercial directory of Hayti and Santo Domingo. [U.S.A. Bureau of American Republics.] 1891.* 54^ Diction AIRE geographique d'Hait' illuatre. Par S. Rouzier. Pari.^ 1892. * 545 Code Civil d'Haiti, annote Par L. Borno. Port-au-Prince. 1892. • 54S Haiti et ses relations economiques. avec la France. Par A. Firmin. Paris. 1892. * 547 Th:; Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands. By M. Catesby. 1731. * 548 Toussaint Louverture, prisonier au fort de Joux. Par J. M. Suchet. Besangon. 1892. * 54» Haiti : Ses guerres civiles. Par L. J. Marcelin . Paris. 1892-93. * 550 Die Insel Haiti. Von L. G. Tippen- hauer. 2 vols. Leipzig. 189S [with a biblography] * 551 De I'esprit d'association en Haiti. Conference. Par J. Bonzon. Port-au-Prince. 1893. * 55^ La Nationalite et son imfluence. Ex- amen de la loi no. 2 du code civil d'Haiti. Par J. Devot. Paris. 1893. * 553: La revolution de Saint Domingue. Par H. Castonnet des Fosses. Paris. 1893. * 554 La Republique dominicaine. Par A. Ferret. Bruxelles. 1894. * 555 Etude sur les Institutions haitien- nes. Par tl. Justin. Paris. 1894. * 55& Etudes sui* la presidence de Faustin Soulouque. 1847-49. Par J. Bonzon. Port-au-Prince. 1894. * 557 Le department des Finances d'Haiti, 1892-94. Par F. Marcelin. Paris. 1895. * 558 Les Adversaires des Chemins de fer d'Haiti. Paris. 1895. * 55» La Republique d'Haiti. Son present, son avenir. Par E. C. P. Vibert. Paris. 1895. * 560 Les Relations exterieures d'Haiti. Etudes historiques et diplomati- ques. Par J. Justin. Paris. 1895. * 561 Les Dernieres Elections presidentiel- les. Par D. Desir. Paris. 1896. * 562 Arbitrage du Pape entre la Repub- lique Dominicaine sur I'interpreta- tion de 1' Article 4 du Traite du 9 novembre, 1874. Paris. 1896 * 563 Souvenirs [Expedition de Saint Domingue, 1801-2.] Par Baron J. Marquet de Norvins. Paris. 1896-7. * 564 Des Institutions judiciaires et de la HAYTI. 31 Justice de paix en Haiti. Par J. \. Dalbemar. Paris. 1897. * 565 Haiti et le regime parlementaire. Exaraen de la Constitution de 1889. Par H. Pauleus-Sannon. Paris. 1898. * 566 H18TORIE militaire de la Revolution de Saint Domingue. Par I. H. de Poyen-Bellisle. Paris. 1899. * 567 Where Bl.vck rules White. Hayti. By H. Prichard. WestmxTister. 1900. [3 e.] 568 Lb France et Haiti. Par A. Firmin. Paris. 1901. * 569 Erinnerungen aus Haiti. Von W. Keller. Aarau. 1901. * 570 Le Travail intellectuel. Considera- tions sur I'etat mental de la societe haitienne. Par J. Devot. Paris. 1901. * 571 La Conbtitution haitienne de 1889 et Ba revision. Par C. Dube. Paris. 1901. * 672 Le Pass^: impressions haitiennes. Par F. Marcelin. Paris. 1902. • 573 Haiti. De la Constitution de 1889. Par J. J. Dalbemar. Paris. 1903. • 574 Aus der Schwarzen Republik. Der Neger-Aufstand auf Santo Domin- go. Von F. Sundstral. Leipzig. 1903. * 575 Haiti vivra-t-elle ? prejuge des races, mant. Havre. Etude sur le Par A. Char- 1905. * 576 Du GouvERNEMENT civil eu Haiti. Par L. J. Janvier. Lille. 1905. • 577 Postage Stamps of Hayti. By F. J. Melville. 1905. * 578 M. Roosevelt, President des Etats- Unis et la Republique d'Haiti. Par A. Firmin. New York. 1905. [3f.] 579 Six Months in Port-au-Princo (Haiti) and my experience. By J. M. Simpson. Philadelphia. 1905. [3g.] 580 Haiti. Her History and her detrac- tors. By J. N. Leger. New York. 1907. * 580a Hayti. Report for the year 1907 on the trade of the Republics of Hayti and Santo Domingo. [Diplo- matic and Consular Reports.] 1908. [n.b] 581 32 J 4. BAHAMAS. Company of Adventurers for the Plantation of the Islands of Eleutheria, formerly called Biihama. Articles and Orders. [Londcm. 1647]. * 582 Account of the Bahama Islands, their Situation, Product, Conveni- ency of Trading with the Spani- ards, etc. By J. Graves. 1708. * 583 The Natubal History of Carolina, Florida, ajid the Bahama Islands. By Mark Cateshy. Revised by -^^^Mr. Edwards * * * with Linnsean Index of the animals and plants. 2 vols. 1771. [14 a.] 584 Acts of the Assembly of the Bahama Islands. 1764-1799 inclusive. Nassau. 1801. * 685 Vols. 1-3. Nassau. 1806-14. * Votes of the Honourable House of Assembly, 1794-96. Nassau. 1796. * 586 1800. Nassau. 1800-01. * 1801. Nassau. 1801. * \ 1804-05. Nassau. 1805. * j Memories of Captain Peter Henry Bruce. . . . 1782. * 587 j A Tour through the British West j Indies, in the years 1802 and 1803, yivin^ a particular account of the j Bahama Islands. By D. Mc- ] Kinnen. 1804. [2g.] 588 I Proceedings of the Hon. House of Assembly of the Bahama Islands, on the Bill before Parliament for a general registry of slaves in the West Indies. Bahama Islands. 1816. * 589' Sailing Directions and Remarks made on board the sloop ' Orbit,' on a survey of tlie Bahama Banks. By K. C. *Ward, F. Mallabv and others. N<'w York. 1820 * 589a An Official Letter from the Com-^ missioners of Correspondence of the Bahama Islands to G. Chambers . . concerning the pro- posed abolition of slavery in the West Indies. Nassau printed ; re- printed London, 1823. * 590 Letters from the Bahama Islands, written in 1823-4. By Miss Hart. Philadelphia. 1827. * 591 Laws of the Bahamas in force on the 14th March, 1842. . . By Sir G. C. Anderson. Nassau. 1843. * 592 The statute law of the Bahamas to 1861 inclusive. 1862. * Another ed. 1877. * Memoranda of the Bahama Tornado of 1850. By W. J. Woodcock and Captain R. J. Nelson. Melton Mowbray. 1850. * 693 The Landfall of Columbus. By Capt. A. B. Becher, R.N. 1856. L3c.] 593a Official Reports of the Out Islands of the Bahamas. By T. C. Harvey. Nassau. 1858. [3 f .] 594 Interference with Trade between New York and the Bahamas. [P.P.] [1864?] * 595 The Sarnt. Further Papers. [P.P.] 1864. * Report on the Bahamas for the year 1864. By Governor [Sir R. W.] Rawson. Pj-iiited for Parliament. 1866. * 596 I The Bahamas. ' Barcot. The Same. Bv Surgeon-Major 1869. * 596a 2nd ed. 1871. * Report of George Preston, Esq., as Special Commissioner to Yuca- tan, to inquire into the work- ing of the Fibre Industry in that Country. Nassau, Bahamas. 1869. [3 c] 596b Corals and Coral Islands. By Prof. J. D. Dana. N"io York. 1876. • 596c Tim Atlantic Islands, as a Resort of Health and Pleasure. By G. W. Benjamin. New York. 1878. * 596d Birds of the Bahama Islands, con- taining many Birds new to the Islands, and a number of un- described winter plumages of North American species. By C. B. Cory, F.L.S. Boston, U.S.A. 1880. [2 d.] 597 The Same. Revised ed. 1890. * The Isles of Summer. By C. Ives. Ncwluiven, Court. 1880 * 597a Official Introduction to Bahamas Fisheries, with a description of the islands. By Rebus. 1883. [3 f .] 598 Report on Sponges of the Bahamas. By W. Saville. Kent. 1883. * 598a BAHAMAS. 53 Cruiib of CJolumbus in tho Bahamas. By J. B. Murdoch. 1884. * 599 On the Lucayan Islands. By W. K. Brooks. (Ln Nat. Acad. Science). New York. 1887. ♦ 599a Resources of the Bahamas. By J. Bonwick. 1886. * 599b The Land of the Pink Pearl, or Re- collections of Life in the Bahamas. By L. D. Powles. 1888. [3 b.] 600 Provisional List of the Plants of the Bahama Islands. Arranged and presented for publication by the Author's permission, with notes and additions by C. S. Dolley, M.D. By J. Gardiner, B.Sc, and L. J. K. Brace. [From the Pro- ceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 1889.] 1889. [3 b.] 601 Invkstigacionfs sobre el derrotero de Cristdbal Colon por los Bahamas. Por A. M. Manrique. Arrecife. 1890. ♦ 602 Report on tho Sisal Industry of the Bahamas. By Dr. Morris. f?ab. 1890.] • 603 Report on the Fibre Industries of V:ic:itan and the Bahamas. P.P. 1890. [3 c.] 604 Report on the Fibre Industry in the Bahamas, written by James Rae, Esq. Nassau. 1891. [3 c.] 604a A Winter Visit to the Bahama Islands. B. Col. H. W. Wilson. Paper read before Massachusetts Horticultural See. Boston. 1891. * 604b History and Guide to the Bahama Islands. By J. H. Stark. Boston. 1891. [3g.] 605 Ten years Chief Justice of the Bahamas, 1880-1890. The opinion of Sir Richard E. Webster, Attor- ney-General, delivered in the House of Commons, on " Flogging in the Bahamas," discussed and compared with standard authori- ties. By H. W. Austin. n.d. [3 b.] 606 Progress of the Bahamas for five years, 1888-92. Nassau. 1893. * 606a Reconnaissance off the Bahamas. sity. Bulletin.] Cambridge, U.S.A. 1894. * 607 A Romance of a Governership and its refutation. By Sir A. Adcferley. 1894. [32 j.] 608 Bahama Songs and Stories. By C. L. Edwards. With music. Boston. 1896. * 609 Running the Blockade. By T. E. Taylor. 1896. * 609a Farmers and Fruit Growers' Al- manack. By C. T. McCarty. Nassau. 1896. * 609b Lectures. By Dr. D. Morris, de- livered in Nassau. Nassau. 1896. * 609b In Sunny Isles : chapters treating chiefly of the Bahama Islands and Cuba. . Bv G. Lester. 1897. * 610 The Bahama Islands. Notes on an early attempt at Colonization. By J. T. Hassam. Cambridge, U.S.A. 1899. [3g.] 611 Notes on the Planting of the Pita Plant (Agave Sisalana) and the extraction and preparation of the Fibre at the Bahamas. 1900. * 612 Statute Law of the Bahamas. Col- lected by Sir O. D. Malcolm. 1901. * 613 Salt Industry of Inagua. P.P. 1902. * 613a Bahamas Islands. General Descrip- tive Report . . the Annual Re- port for 1902. P.P. 1904. [3d.] 614 In Sunny Lands. By W. Drysdale. Netv York. n.d. * 614a Educational System of the Baha- mas. P.P. 1905. * 614b The Bahama Islands. By G. B. Shattuck. New York. 1905. [3f.] 615 Prcenunci^ Bahamenses. Contribu- tions to a Flora of the Bahamian Archipelago. By C. F. Mills- paugh. 1906. * 615a Sketches of Summerland, giving some account of Nassau and the Bahama Islands. By G. J. H. Northcroft. Nassau. 1906. [3f.] ei5b 34 J 3. CUBA. Relacion de los Gobern adores de la Isla de Cuba desde Hernando de Soto hasta el ano de 1654. M.S. ia Bibl. Real, Madrid. * 616 li'AcTE du Parlement d'Escosse. . . avec. . la prise de la ville de S. Jago en I'isle de Cuba par les An- glois. Paris. 1662. * 616a Instruccion para los elerigos Mision- e^os de la Isla de Cuba. Por S. Perez de la Cerda. 1679. * 616b Original Papers relating to the Expedition to the island of Cuba. 174 * oxu. Breve resiimen de lo acaecido en el sitio de la Habana por los Ingleses 1762. M.S. in the British Museum. * 616d Extracts de los diarios del Goberna- dor y commandante de Merina durante el sitio de la Havana, 1762. M.S. in the British Mu.-eum. * 616e FiORA CuBANA exhibens characteres genenim et speciarum plantarum circa Havana crescentium. F. W. Nascher. Leipsic. 1 58. * 616f Akticulos de Capitulation Conveni- dos entre S. S. E. E. D. J. Pocock ... y el Conde de Albemarle . . . y por .S. S. E. E. el Marques del Real Transporte . . para la Ren- dicion de la Plaza y navios espaii- oles en su Puerto. Havana, 1762. * 616g An Authentic Journal of the Siege of Havana. By an Officer . . 1762. * 617 The Great Importance of the Havannah, set forth in an Essay on the Nature and Methods of carrying on a Trade to the South Sea, and the Spanish "West India. By R. Allen. 1762. * 617a Historical Views of the Last Glori- ous Expedition of H.M. Forces against the Havannah, 1762. Twelve Copper-plate Views of H.M. Ships under Command of Sir G. Pocock, the Earl of Albe- marle and Rear- Admiral Keppel, by Lieut. P. Orsbridge, drawn by D. Serres, engraved by P. C. Canot. [1763?] * 617b Britannia's Triumph in the year 1762 (Being a series of 12 capital prints representing the operations of H.M. fleet and army employed in the attack and conquest of the Havannah). By Ph. Orsbridge. < 1766. * 617c A Correct Journal of the landing j of his Majesty's forces on the ■ island of Cuba, and of the siege and surrender of the Havannah. By P. Mackellar. 1762. * 617d j J(.urnal of the Capture of ' Havanna. By Col. A. Money- penny. 1762. * 617e ; An Authentic Account of the re- ' duction of Havana. 1762. * 617f i Relacton del formidable Terremoto ; acsBcido en la Cindad de Santiago { de Cuba enel mes de Junio de 1766. Por M. Boza v Vergara. Mexico. 1766. * 61 7g ^ Tragica Descripcion quo bosquexa lax Cindad de Santiago de Cuba causada por el porrendo terre- moto. Por M. J. Serrano. Mexico. j 1766. * 617h j NoTiciA formada de orden del Senor I Marques de la Torre, gobernador . . de la isle de Cuba, de los j candales que se han invertido en las obras piiblicas executadas ' durante su mando en la Havana. ' [Havannah, 1777.] * 618 ! Idea geografica, historica y politica de la Isla de Cuba. Por J. M. Penalver. Hahana. 1781. * 618a Compendio de memorias para escribir la Historia de la Isla • Fernandina de Cuba. Por I. J. Urrutia. Havana. 1791. * 618b ; Memoria sobre medios que conven- ! dria adoptar para que tuviese la i Havana los caminos necesarios. \ Por N. Calvo. Havana. \ 1795. * 618c. , Reiacion de las Escuelas de uno y ' otro sexo, que pay actualmente en Cindad de la Habana. Por F. * Gonzalez. Hahana. 1793. * 618d ' DiscuRSO sobre las buenas propieda- des en la tierra bermeja para \ cultura de la Can a de Azucar. . . < Por A. de Morejon. Havana. ' 1797. * 618e ] Exposition sobre el metodo obser- ' vado en la Isla de Cuba, en el cul- i tivo de la Cana dulce . . j>or J. R. O'Farrill. Havaria. 1793. * 618f DiscuRSO sobre los obstaculos que han impear A. d'Arainville. Paris. J 1851. ' 648b 1 Cuba y su gobierno. Con un apen- ' dice de documentos historicos. ' Londres. 1853. * 649 i Correspondence between the ! United States, Spain, and \ France, concerning alleged Pro- , jects of Conquest and Annexa- j tion of the Island of Cuba. Boston. 1853. * 649a Immigracion de trabajadores espa- ''\ noles (en Isla de Cuba). Por U. i F. Sotomayor. Hahana. ' ' 1853. * 649b ; The Cuban Rover, or Life in the ; West Indies. By the author of I ' Evenings in Boston.' j 1853. * 649c ; Memoria sobre el estado politico, ! gobierno y administracion de la ] isla de Cuba. Por J. de la Concha. \ Madrid. 1853. * 649d History of Cuba; or, Notes of a , Traveler in the Tropics; a Poh- tical. Historical, and Statistical ' Account of the Island, from its J Discovery to the present Time. I By M. M. Ballon. Boston, 1 1854. * 650 I Gan-Eden: or, Pictures of Cuba. By W. H. Hurlbut. | Boston. 1854 * 651 ; Memorias de un Matancero, apun- i tes para la historia de la isla do ' Cuba. Por A. P. Alfonso. Matanzas. 1854 * 652 Poesias de placido. Por G. de la C. Valdes. 2 tom. Nueva Yo7^k. 1855. * 652a ; Llamamiento de la isla de Cuba a la Nacion Espanola. Por un Hacen- dado. New York. < 1855. * 652b 1 The Island of Cuba. By A. von Humboldt. Tr. by J. E. Thrasher. New York. 1856. i [3 c.] 653 ' Yankee Travels through the Is- ; land of Cuba. By Demoticus j Philaleths. New York. ] 1856. ^ 653a \ Anales de la Isla de Cuba. Por F. Erenchun. Hahana. 1856. • 653b CUBA. 37 The United States and Cuba. By | J. M. PhiIlii>i>o. 1857. [3 b.] 654 Ordrnanz.\8 rurales de la Isla de Cuba. Hahana. 1857. * 655 Lands of the Slave and the Free, of Cuba, the United States and Canada. By H. A. Murray. 1857. * 655a Memoria sobro los modios que exije el mejoramiento de la agricul- tura, y del material agricola en la Isla do Cuba . . Por B. Gener. Hahana. 1857. * 656 Lob Ingenios Coleccion de Vistas de los Principales ingenios de Azu- car de la Isla de Cuba. Por E. taplante. Text by J. G. Can- tero. HabatM. 1857. * 657 Coleccion de reales ordenes y dis- posicioTies de las autoridades superiores de la Isla de Cuba . . 6 torn. Hahana. 1857-60. * 658 La Isla de Cuba considerada econo- micamonto. Por R. Pasaron y Lastra. Madrid. 1858. * 6-59 Coleccion do papeles cientificos, his- toricos, politicos y de otros ramos Bobre la isla de Cuba. Por J. A. 8aco. 3 tora. Paru. 1858-59. ♦ 659a La Question de Cuba. Paris. 1859. • 660 Lecciones orales sobre la historia de Cuba. Por P. Santacilia. Nueva Orleans. 1859. * 660a To Cuba and Back. A Vacation Voyage. By R. H. Dana, jun. 1859. [3 b.] 661 The Same. Boston. 1875. * Coleccion de articulos (educacion, criticas, etc.). Por A. Suarez y Romero. Hahana. 1859. * 661a Apunteb para la historia de las letras y de la instruccion publica de la isla de Cuba. Por A. Bachillor v Morales. Hahana. 1859. * 661b A Trip to Cuba. By Mrs. J. W. Howe. Boston. 1860. * 662 South and North, or Impressions re- ceived during a trip to Cuba and the South. By J. S. C. Abbott. New York. 1860. * 662a Cuba die Perle der Antillen. Von Jegor von Sivers. Leivsic. 1861. * 663 The Slave Trade in Cuba, as set forth in an address to Marshal Espartero, from the Committee of the British and Foreign Anti- Slavery Society. [2 i.] 664 Cuba en 1860. Par/.s-. 1862. * 665 Las Reformas en la Isla de Cuba. Madrid. 1862. * 666 Presupuesto de gasbos e ingresos del Ayuntamiento de la Habana para el aiio de 1862. Hahana. 1862. * Independence of Hayti and Liberia. Si>eech bv Hon. C. Summer. ]Va!^hington. 1862. * 666b Cuba en 1860, 6 su cuadro de sus adolantos en la publacion, la agricultura, el comercio y las rentas publicas . . Por Ramon de la Sagra. Paris. 1863. * 667 DictiONARio goografico estadistico historico de la Isla de Cuba. Por J. de la Pezuela. 4 vols. Madrid. 1863-66. * 668 EsTUDios sobre las minas de oro en la Isla de Cuba. Por F. de Cas- tro. Havana. 1865. * 669 Repertorio Fisico-Natural de la Isla de Cuba. Por F. Poey. Hahana. 1865-68. [101.] 670 SoLiLOQUios. Por R. Zambrana. Hahana. 1865. * 671 Historia de la Isla de Cuba . . . Por P. J. Guiteras. Nueva York. 1865. * 672 Our Artist in Cuba. By G. Carle- ton. New York. 1865. * 672a La Habana por fuera. Cuadros de la vida cubana. Por T. Guer- rero. Hahana. 1866. * 673 La Poesia del mar. Por J. Negrin. 2nd ed. Hahana. 1866. * 674 Compendio de la Historia de Cuba. Por E. Blanchet. Matanzas. 1866. * 675 Recopilacion de las reales ordenea y disposiciones del ramo de pre- sidios, dictadas por el gobierno de S. M., y por la capitania general de la Isla de Cuba, desde 1798 hasta 1867. 2 tom. Hahana. 1867. * 676 Informacion sobre reformas en Cuba y Puerto Rico. 2 tom. Nueva York. 1867. * 677 Tr ABA JOS academicos. Por R. Zam brana. Hahana. 1866. * 677a Memoria derigida al Exemo. Dr. Don F. Gerrano y Dominquez, Gap.-Gen. de la isla de Cuba. Por J. de la Concha. Ma^i >.^. 18e7. • 677b 38 CUBA. Agricultuba Cubana. Tratado general del cultivo del cafe per- fecionado. Por J. M. Fernan- dez y Jimenez. 3 ed. Hahana. 1868. * 678 The Stranger in the Tropics. Being a Handbook for Havana, and guide book for travelers in Cuba, Puerto Rico and St. Thomas. New York. 1868. * 678a Cuba y Puerto Rico. Las Antillas Espanolas ante les naciones civilizadas. . . Caracas. 1869. * 679 Refobmes dans les iles de Cuba et de Porto-Rico. Par P. Valiente. Paris. 1869. * 679a Cuba before the United States. Remarks on the Hon. C. Sumner's speech. New York. 1869. * 679b Cuba, Fragments of a letter addressed to a distinguished party. New York. 1869. * 679c Free Trade with Cuba. By E. P. Brooks. Washington. 1869. * 679d La Isla de Cuba. Su prosperidad 6 su ruina. . . Por N. P. Pimentel. Madrid. 1870. * 680 Las Dos Banderas. Apuntes his- toricos sobre la Insurreccion de Cuba. SeviUa. 1870. * 681 Spain, Cuba and the United States. Recognition and the Monroe Doctrine. A"ew York. 1870. * 681a Lofi Laborantes. Escenas de la revolution de Cuba. Por H. Good- Mann. Paris, n.d. [ab. 1870.] . * 681b Rambles in Cuba. New York. 1870. * 681b Independence of Cuba. Speech by J. A. Logan, of Illinois. Washing- ton. 1870. * 681c Statement of A. E. Phillips, late Acting United States Consul at St. Jago de Cuba, showing the circumstances which forced him to abandon his post and seek protec- tion at Jamaica. Wa«hingfon. 1870. * 681d Cuba with Pen and Pencil. By S. Hazard. Hartford, Conn. 1871. [3 c.] 682 Cuba in Revolution: a Statement of Facts. By J. M. Macias. 1871. * 683 My Winter in Cuba. By W. M. L. Jay. New York. 1871. * 683a La Verdad Historia sombre sucesos de Cuba. Por F. J. Cisiieros. New York. 1871. * 683b Observaciones a la ley prepara- toria de 1870 para la abolicion de la esclavitud en Cuba y Puerto- Rico. Bayona. 1872. * 684 The Pearl of the Antilles, or an Artist in Cuba. By W. Good- man. 1873. [3 b.] 685 The Pearl of the Antilles [Cuba]. By A. Gallenga. 1873. [3 b.] 686 Tratado elemental de economia politica. Por R. Rossi. Matanzas. 1873. * 687 Little Cuba, or circumstantial evi- dence. Philadelphia. 1873. * 687a The Mambi-Land, or Adventures of a Herald Correspondent in Cuba. By J. J. O'Kelley. 1874. [3 c] 688 Life of Capt. Joseph Fry, the Cuban Martyr. By J. M. Walker. Hartford. 1875. [3g.] 689 A Winter in Cuba. By G. Haven. ISew York. 1875. * 689a Enumeratio Piscium Cubensium. Por Don F. Poey. 1875. [32 k.] 690 L'Ile de Cuba. Par H. Piron. Paris. 1876. 691 CuADROS sociales. Por Valerio. Hahana. 1876. * 691a Los Tres, primeros Historiadores de la Isla de Cuba. [Editores R. Cowley y A. Pego.] Reproduc- cion . . Tomo I. Llave del Nuevo Mundo antemural de las Indias occidentales. La Habana descripta. . . Por D. Jose Mar- tin Felix de Arrate. Tomo II. Teatro Historico, juridico y poli-; tico militar de la isla Fernandinla de Cuba y principalmente de su capital la Habana. . Por el Dr. Don I. J. de Urrutik y Montoya. Tomo III. Historia de la Isla de Cuba y en especial de la Habana. Por D. J. Antonis Valdes. 3 vols. , Habana. 1876-77. [3 g.] 692 La Cuestion de Cuba Origen, caracter, vicisitudes y causas de la prolongacion de aquella guerra. . . Madrid. < 1878. * 693 CUBA. QuiBTiON Cubaine. L'Esclavage et la Traite a Cuba. [Translated from Spanish by R. E. Betances.] Paris. 1876. * 694 DicxjiONARio Biografico Cubano. Por F. Calcagno New York. 1878. [3g.] 695 ViDA del presbitero Felix Varela (de Cuba). Por J. T. Rodriguez. Nueva York. 1878. * 695a EsTUDios sobre las cuestiones Cuba- naa. Paris. 1879. * 696 Cuba indigena. Por N. Fort y Roldan. Madrid. 1881. * 699 La Reforma politica en Cuba. Por C. Bernal. Madrid. 1881. * 700 Die wirthschaftliche Lage Cuba's. Von F. G. de Larrinaga. Leipzic. 1881. * 762 El Cepo y el grilleto; la esclavitud en Cuba. Madrid. [1882.] * 703 Pboykcto de immigracion nacional para la isla. Por J. Curbelo. Hahana. 1882. * 704 Derecho administrativo vigente en Cuba. Por A. Govin y Torres. Hahana. 1882. * 706 Papel presentado por D. V. Valiente censor de la Sociedad Economica de Cuba do los Amigos del Pais. ^Mem. de la'Soc. Econ.) Habana. 1882. * 705a Cuba : monografia Jiistorica. Por A. Bachiller y Morales. Hahana. 1883. * 706 Cuba primitiva. Origen, Linguas tradiciones a historia. Habana. 1883. * 706a Observaciones magneticas y meteorologicas del Real Colegio de Belen de la compania de Jesus en la Habana. Hahana. 1884-85. * 707 Tres cuestiones sobre la isla de Cuba. De donde venimos? Donde «8tamos ? Adondje vamos ? Por J. G. Arboleya. Havana. 1885. * 708 Due South ; or Cuba past and pre-"" sent. By M. M. Ballou. Boston. 1885. * 709 Diary of my trip to Havana. By J. Mark. Manchester. 1885. * 710 Apuntes para el presente y por- venir de Cuba. Por Pujol y clo Camps. Hahana. 1885. * 711 39 Cuban Sketches. By J. W. Steele. New York. 1885. * 712 Consptracy: A Cuban Romance. By A. Badau. New York. 1885. * 712a El Enjuiciamiento civil en Cuba. Por A. Govin y Torres. Hahana. 1886. * 713 Juicio Critico de Cuba en 1887. Por R. G. Eslava. Havana. 1887. * 714 Apendices al Codigo pyenal vigente en las islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico. Madrid. 1887. * 715 Naturaleza y civilizacion de la grandiosa isla de Cuba. Por M. Rodriguez-Ferrer. Madrid. 1887. * 716 Historia de la Revolucion y guerra de Cuba. Por G. Gelpi y Ferro. Hahana. 1887. * 718 Arpas amigas. Coleccion original de poesias . . Hahana. 1879. * 696a Agricultura de los Indigenos de Cuba y Hati. By A. Reynoso. Paris. 1881. * 697 NoTAS acerca del cultivo en camel- lones. Agricultura de los Indi- genas de Cuba y Haiti. Por A, Reynoso. Paris. 1881. * 698 El 27 de Noviembre de 1871. Por F. Valdes Dominguez. Hahanxz. 1887. * 719 Cuba. Bocetos historicos. Por J. Workman. Barcelona. 1887. * 720 El Pais del .Qhocolate. Por F. Moreno. Madrid. 1887. * 721 Guide to Tobacco Planting as practised in Cuba. Translated [from the Spanish of 1878]. Colombo. 1889. * 722 El Camagiiey. Viajes por el in- terior de Cuba. Por A. Perina y Pibernat. Barcelona. 1889. * 723 La Reforma electoral en nuestras Ant ill as. Por S. Andres. Madrid. 1889. * 724 Cuba et Puerto Rico. Par H. > Cast on net des Fosses. Lille. 1889. * 725 La Lucha politica en Cuba. Por F. A. Conte. Habana. 1889. * 726 CoNFERENCiAS de Abuli. Por F. Cepeda. Ponce. 1890. * 727 EsPANOLES e insurrectos. Por F. de Camps y Feliii. Hahana. 1890. ♦ 728 40 CUBA. GuANAHANi. Invest igaciones sobre el derrotero de Cristobal Colon por las Bahamas y Costa de Cuba. Por A. M. Manrique. Arrecife. 1890. * . 729 Cuba y sns Partidos Politicos. Por Jose Mayner-y-Ros. Kingston, J a. 1890. [3 b.] 730 EsTUDio su el movimiento cientifico V literario de Cuba. Por A. Mit- ■jans. Hahana. 1890. * 730a La RftFORMA Electoral en las Antilles espaiiolas. Por R. M. de Labra. Madrid. 1891. * 731 Guia geografica y administrativa de la isla de Cuba. Por P. J. Im- berno. Hahana. 1891. * 731a La Habana artistica. Apuntes his- toricos. Por S. Ramirez. Hahana. 1891. * 731b PuNTOS de vista. Articulos y con- ferencias. Por N. Heredia. Habana. 1892. * 732 Tablas cronologioas de los reales consejos supremo y de la camara de las Indias occidentales . Por A. de Leon Pinelo. Madrid. 1892. * 733 La Raza de color de Cuba. Por G. Millet. Madrid. 1894. * 734 Cronicas de la guerra de Cuba. . . Hahana. 1895. * 735 Cuba y sus jueces. Por R. Cabrera. Filadelfia. 1895. * 736 The Same. Cuba and the Cubans. Philadeljjhia. 1896. * Cronica de la guerra de Cuba. Por R. Guerrero. Barcelona. 1895. * 737 El Problema colonial. Por R. M. de Labra. Madrid. 1895. * 738 La Guerra de Cuba. Por E. A. Flores. Madrid. 1895. * 739 Cuba y la Reforma colonial en Espaiia. Por R. Delorme Salto. Madrid. 1895. * 740 Cronicas de la Guerra de Cuba. Hahana. 1895. * 741 Relaciones comerciales entre la Peninsula y las Antillas. Por P. de Alzola y Minondo. Madrid. 1895. * 742 EsTADO Moral de los factores de produccion en Cuba y Puerto- Rico. Por F. Lopez Tuero . Madrid. 1896. * 743 El Patriotismo y el billeto de banco. Por I. Romafia. Habana. 1896. * 744 The Story of Cuba. Her struggle* for Liberty, the Cause, Crisis and Destinv of the Pearl of the- Antilles. By M. Hal stead. Chicago. 1896. * 745- - — The same. 6th ed. . . 1898 * AsuNTOS CuBANos. Colecciou des articulos y poesias. Por J. M. Izaguirre. New York. 1896. * 746 Cuba, justificacion de su guerra de independencia. Por R. M. Mer- chan. Bogota. 1896. * 748 Le reforma colonial en las Antillas. Por R. M. de Labra. Madrid. 1896. * 74:9 Kosmos-Veritas. La Independencia de Cuba versus la Autonomia de Espafia. London. 1896. * 750 The Recognition of Cuban Belli- gerency. By A. S. Hershey. Philadelphia. 1896. * 751 Que pasa en Cuba? Por L. Gonzalez Alcorta. Leon. 1896. * 752 Cuba Mexicana. Coleccion de articulos. Mexico. 1896. * 753 A Cuban Expedition. By J. H. Bloomfield. 1896. * 754 EsPANA y Cuba. Estado politico y administrative. Madrid. 1896. * 755 El Problema de Cuba. 'Por A. Romero Torrado. Madrid. 1896. * 756 La Guerra de Cuba. Estudio Militar. Por G. Reparaz. Madrid. 1896. * 757 Les J]tats-IJni8, Cuba, et les droit des gens. Par H. de Nimal. Charleroi. 1896. * 75& La Guerra en Cuba. Por J. Menendez Caravia. Madrid. 1896. * 75^ BosQUEJO de un plan de campaiia en la Isla de Cuba. Por J. J. de Murviedro. Madrid. 1896. * 760 Revolucion Cubana. Por C. M. Urien. Buenos Ayres. 1896. * 761 The Island of Cuba. Descriptive and Historical Account. By A. S. Rowan. New York. 1896. * 761a Legislacion Militar. Por R. M. Alanis. Habana. 1896. * 761I> Estudio de las razas humanas que han ido poblando sucesivamente la isla de Cuba. Por F. Vidal y Careta. Madrid. 1897. * 762 Cuba unter spanischer Regierung. New Y(/rk. 1897. * 763 CUBA. 41 Cuba y la opini6n publica. Por C. Amer. Madrid. 1897. * 764 The Real Condition of Cuba to- day. By S. Bonsai. Ntto York. 1897. * 765 Album de la trocha. Breve resena da una excursion feliz desde Cien- fuegos a San Fernando. Por E. Canel. Habana. 1897. * 766 The new Constitutional Laws of Cuba. By A. Cuyas. New York. 1897. * 767 A Cuban Amazon (Evangeline Cisneros) By V. L. Dunbar. New York. 1897. * 768 La Insurreccion Cubana. Por T. Gallego. Madrid. 1897. * 769 Cuba in war time. By R. H. Davis. 1897. [3 f.] 770 Caoba the Guerilla Chief: a Real Romance of the Cuban Rebellion. By P. H. Emerson. 1897. * 770a Frp:e Cuba ; her Oppression, Strug- gle for Liberty, History, and Present Condition, etc. By R. M. Merchan. With History of the War, by Gonzalo de Quesada. 1897. * Cuba unter Spanischer Regierung. , . von E. C. Preiss. New York. \ Santiago de Cuba before the war, By C. L. W^allace. New York. 1898. * 779b List of Books relating to Cuba : U.S.A. Congress Library. Washington. 1898. * 780 The Archaeology of Cuba. By D. G. Brinton. 1898. * 781 HiSTORiA de Hispana en America. Cuba. Por J. de Alcdzar. Madrid. 1898. * 782 South America: History of the struggle for liberty in Cuba. By H. Butterworth. New York. 1898. * 783 Four Centuries of Spanish rule in Cuba. By I. E. Canini. Chicago. 1898. * 784 Cuba, past and present. By Richard Davey. 1898. * 785 Under the Cuban Flag. By F. A. Ober. 1898. [3 c.] 786 Cuba. Seine Geschichte. Von W. Mueller. Berlin. 1898. * 787 Spanien och Kuba, etc. By E. Svensen. Stockholm. 1898. * 788 Entre los Rebeldes. . . La verdad de la guerra. Por G. B. Rea. Madrid. 1898. * 789 1897. F.-cts and Fakes about Cuba G. B. Rea. New York. 1897. EsPANA, Cuba, Estados Unidos. j Por J. N. Santos. Madrid 1897. * ^"2 El Problema cubano. Por P. de By I Alzola y Minondo. 1898. * 790 ^„„ ! Ml gestion ministerial respecto a la '^3 i isia de Cuba. Por A. M. Fabie. Madrid. 1898. * 791 Marching with Gomez. A War ■74 Correspondent's note-book. By Pequeneces de la Guerra de Cuba^ | G. Flint. Boston. 1898. * 792 Madrid. 1897. * 775 ! Comment I'Espagne conservera Cuba. Lyon. 1898. * 793 Cuba, its pastj present and future. Paris. 1897. * 776 , By A. D. Hall. 1898. * 794 The Diplomacy of the United i Relacion documentada de mi Les Inquisiteurs d' Espagne, Cuba. ' Par F. Torrida del Marmol. States in regard to Cuba. By J. H. Latane. (American Historical A«sociation Annual Report.) 1897. * 777 EsTupio geografico de la isla de Cuba. Por A. and J. Luzon. politica en Cuba. Por C. G. de Polavieja. Madrid. 1898. * 795 L'Espagne, Cuba et les Etats-Unis. Par C. Benoist. Paris. 1898. * 796 Toledo. 189; 778 Cuba und die iibrigen Inseln West- indiens. Von Baron D. v. Schultz-Holzhausen und R. Sprin- ger. Wurzhurg. 1897. * 779 Columbia's War for Cuba. A story of the early struggles of the Cuban patriots. By H. A. Tupper, Jr. New York. 1898. * 779a Las Antillas. Cuba, etc. Gorton. Barcelona. 1898. Por A. * 797 The Pearl of the Antilles. By G. Lester. 1898. * 798 Cuba at a glance. By A. O'Hagan and E. B. Kaufman. New York. 1898. * 799 The Island of Cuba. By A. S. Rowan and M. M. Ramsey, 1898. * 800 42 I'lLE de Cuba. Par H. Piron. Paris. 1898. * 800a New Constitution, establiR.hing self- government in the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico. With comments, etc. New York. 1898. * 800b Under three flags in Cuba. By G. C. Musgrave. 1899. * 801 Cuba and international relations. Bv J. M. Gallahan. Baltimore. (\ 1899. * 802 The same. London. 1902. * The Rescue of Cuba. An Episode in the growth of free government. By A. S. Draper. Boston. 1899. * 803 To-MORROw in Cuba. By C. M. Pepper. New York. 1899. * 804 American Colonial Hand-book : a book of facts about Cuba. By T. C. Copeland. New York. 1899. * 805 Official History of the Spanish- American War. By Leslie. Washington. 1899. * 805a The Rough Riders. By T. Roose- velt. 1899. * 805b The New-Born Cuba. By F. Matthews. New York. 1899. * 806 Our Island Empire. A Hand-book of Cuba. By C. Morris. Philadelphia. 1899. * 807 Commercial Cuba. By J. W. C'ark. New York. 1899. * 808 History of American Expansion and the story of our new possessions. By M. Halstead. New York. 1899. * 809 La Capacidad Cubana. Confer mcia dada en *' San Carlos" Cayo Hueso, et 24. x. 1897. Por D. V. Tejera. Hahana. 1899. * 810 Industrial Cuba. By R. P. Porter. New York. 1899. [3 c.] 811 The War in Cuba : Experiences of an Englishman with the V.S. Army. By J. B. Atkins. 1899. * 812 The Sinking of the " Merrimac " : a personal narrative of adventure in the harbour of Santiago de Cuba. By Lieut. R. Pearson Hobson. 1899. * 813 " The Maine " : An Account of her destruction in Havana Harbour. By C. D. Sigsbee. 1899. * 814 Campaigning in Cuba. By G. Ken- nan. 1899. * 815 CUBA Reminiscences of the Santiago Campaign. By Capt. J. Bigelow. 1899. * 815a La Insurreccion por dentro Apuntes. para la historia 1896-97. Por F. Gomez, Madrid. 1900. * SIT Adios a Cuba. Recuerdos de un Cubano. Por C. B. Burgos. 1900. * 818 I Principles of Colonial Government. Adapted to the present needs of 1 Cuba. By H. N. Fisher. Boston. \ 1900. * 819 The Civil Law in Spain and Cuba. | By C. S. Walton. Washington. 1900. * 820. : Hand-Book of Havana and Cuba. \ By A. J. Norton. Chicago. 1 1900. * 821 ' Catalogue special oflBciel de Cuba. | Exposition Internationale de 1900. Paris. 1900. * 822: ! Under Tliree Flags in Cuba; a i Personal Account of the Cuban InsulrreotioiL and Spanish- ' American War. By C. Mus- i grave. ■ 1900. * 822a ' The Downfall of Spain: Naval His- \ tory of the Spanish-American ' War. By H. W. Wilson. 1900. * 822b j Cuba por J. Marti. Hahana. 1901. * 823 I Cuba y el derecho de la fuerza. Por i C. M. de Cespedes y Quesada. Santiago. 1901. * 824 Les Nouvelles Ameriques. Cuba, &c. Par E. Aubert. Paris. 1901. * 825 j Finis, Ultimos dias de Espaiia en ' Cuba. Por W. A. Insua. Madrid. 1901. * 826 Contribucion a la historia de la in- dependencia de Cuba. Por V. Morales y Morales. Hahana. ' 1901. * 827 A Gazetteer of Cuba. By H. Gan- ' nett. [Geological Survey, U.S.A.] 1902. * 828 Cuba. Obra illustrada con fotogra- bados de meritisimos Cubanos. Por , J. Prieto F'ont. Hahana. '■ 1902. * 829 CoNSTiTUCiON de la Republica de ! Cuba. Madrid. 1902. * 830 j Opportunities in the Colonies and " Cuba. By W. H. Taft, Gen. L. ; Wood, Gov. Allen of Porto Rico, P. Lacoate of Cuba. New York. '< 1902. * 830a ' CUBA. NoTAS Coloniales. Por A. Amblaid. Madrid. 1904. * 831 NociONES de historia de Cuba. Por V. Morales y Morales. Hahana. 1904. * 832 La Imprenta en la Habana, 1707- 1810. Por J. T. Medina. Santiago. 1904. * 833 Standard Guide to Havana. New York. 1905. * 834 Standard Guide to Cuba. New York . 1905. * 835 Cuba and the Intervention. By A.\ G. Robinson . New York. 1905. * 836 Cuba (International Bureau of the American Republics). By G. de Quesada. Washington. 1905. [3g.] 836a 43 A BLrsTORY of Slavery in Cuba, 1511- 1868. By H. H. S. Aimes, Ph.D. New York. 1907. * 837 Th*: Campaign of St. Jago de Cuba. By H. H. Sargent. 3 vols. 1907. * 838. Ensayo de bibliografia Cubana de los siglos xvii. y xviii. Por C. M. Trelles. Mfitanzas. 1907. [3 f .] 838a The Same. Supleraento. 1908. [3f.] Standard Guide to Cuba. By C. B. Reynolds. Havana. 1907. [3g.] 838b- Standard Guide to Havana. By C. B. Reynolds. Havana. 1907. [3g.] 838c Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional. Por D. Figarola-Caneda. Habana. 1909. [3 f .] 838d ■m 16. FLORIDA. Ensayo Cronologico para la historia general de la Florida. Por A. Gouzaiez de Barcia. Madrid. 1723. * 838e HiSTOiRK de la Floride FrariQaise. Par P. GaflFarel. Paris .1875. * 839 Florida, its History and Resources. By S. A. Drake. Bosfon. 1878. * 840 Florida : its Scenery, climate and history. Bv S. Lanir. Philadelphia. 1881. * 841 Guide to East Florida. By J. L. Edwards. Jacksonville. 1881. * 842 Florida : resources and advantages. By J. W. Gambier. 1883. * 843 Letters from Florida on the Scenery, Climate, etc. By J. R. Griffing. Lancaster. 1883. * 844 Florida Breezes. By E. C. Long. Jacksonville. 1883. * 845 Practical Orange Culture in Florida. By A. H. Manville. Jacksonville. 1883. * 846 Florida for Tourists. By G. M. Barbour. New York. 1884 * 847 Camping and Cruising in Florida. By J. A. Henshall. Cincinnati. 1884. 848 B. 849 Letters from Florida. By Watson. Carlisle. 1884. Cruise of the Montauk to Florida. By J. MacQuade. New York. 1885. * 850 Oranges and Alligators, Sketches of South Florida Life. By I. D. Hardy. 1886. [13 i.] 851 Florida Fruits and how to raise them. By H. Harcourt. Louisville. 1886. * 852 Ekoniah Scrub: among Florida lakes. By L. S. Houghton. 1886. * 853 Sunny Florida : Compendium of in- formation . 1886. * 854 Explorations on the West Coast of Florida. By A. Heilprin. (Wagner Inst, of Science. Transactions vol. 1.). Philadelphia. 1887. * 855 Florida and the English. By A. Montefiore. 1889. * 856 Home Life in Florida. By H. Har- court. Louisville. 1889. * 857 Florida for Fruit farming. By F. H. Williams. 1890. * 858 A Hand-book of Florida. By 0. L. Norton. 1891. [13 b.] 859 Revised Statutes of the State of Florida. Jacksonville. .1892. * 860 Agricultural Statistics of the State of Florida. 7'allahassee, Fla., 1892. [32 k.] 861 Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, Florida. Tallahassee. 1893. * 862 La Florida. Por E. Ruidiaz y Caravia. Madrid. 1893. * 863 The East Coast of Florida. By L. Pio. 1893. * 864 Florida, Practical information. By F. H. Williams. 1894. * 865 A Florida Sketch-book. By B. Torrey. Boston. 1894. *' 866 Hunting and Fishing in Florida. By C. B. Cory. Boston. 1896. * 867 The elevated Reef of Florida. By A. Agassiz. [Harvard College Bulletin.] Cambridge, U.S.A. 1896. * 868 Notes on Biscay ne Bay, Florida, with reference to its adaptability as the site of a Marine Hatching and Experiment Station. By H. M. Smith. Washington. 1896. [32 d.] 869 Report of the Fish and Fisheries of the Coastal Waters of Florida. Transmitted . . by the Commis- sioner of Fish and Fisheries. Washington. 1897. [321.] 870 Report on the Fisheries of Indian River, Florida. Transmitted .. . by the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Washington, 1897. [321.] 871 Across the Everglades. By H. L. Willoughby. Philadelphia. 1898. * 872 The English Angler in Florida. By R. Ward. 1898. * 873 De Soto and his men in the land of Florida. By G. King. New York. 1898. * 874 The Spanish Settlements within the present United States, 1515-1561. By W. Lowery. New York. 1901. * 876 The Giant Fish of Florida. By J. Turner-Turner. 1902. [10 o.] 876 FLORIDA Dos antiguas relaciones de la Florida. Por G. Garcia. Mexico. 1902. * 877 Hernando de Soto, 1496-1542. fiy R. B. C. Graham. 1903. * 878 Florida Fancies. By F. R. Swift. New Yord. 1903. * 879 45 The Standard Guide, St. Augus- tine, East Coast of Florida. St. Augustine. 1905 * 880' Sunshine and Sport in Florida and the West Indies. By F. G. Aflalo. 1907. [3f.] 88L 46 17. HONDURAS [Inclnding British Honduras, Honduras and Mosquito Shore.] A Journey over Land, from th© Gulf of Honduras to the great South Sea, performed by J. Cock- bum and five other Englishmen. 1735. * 882 Tht Same. 2nd ed., A. Faith- ful Account of the Distresses and Adventures of J. Cockburn, etc. * The Same. 3rd ed.. The Un- fortunate Englishmen. . . Taken by a Spanish Guard a Costa. . . Gulph of Honduras. 1773. [2 a.] Remarks on a Passage from the River Balise, in the Bay of Hon- duras, to Merida, the Capital of the Province of Yucatan, in the Spanish West Indies . . with des- patches . . relative to the Log- wood Cutters in the Bay of Hon- duras. 1769. * 883 A Full Answer to the King of Spain's last Manifesto, respecting the Bay of Honduras and the Mosquito Shore. . . . 1779. [M.C.] * 884 Case of His Majesty's Subjects settled on the Coast of Yucatan. 1789. * 885 ■Case of His Majesty's Subjects settled on the Mosquito Shore. 1789. * 886 CJase of the Agent to the Settlers on the Coast of Yucatan and the late settlers on the Mosquito Shore, stating the whole of his conduct in soliciting Compensa- tion for the losses sustained, 1793. * 887 An Account of the British Settle- ment of Honduras ... to which are added sketches of the man- ners and customs of the Mosquito Indians. ... By Captain G. Henderson. 1809. [H.C.] * 888 The Same. 2nd ed. 1811. * Sktp-tch of the Mosquito Shore. By Captain T. Strangeways. Edinburgh. 1822. [34 c.] 889 PoYAis. An Account of the British Settlements on the Mosquito Shore. By Bryan Edwards. 1823. * 891 The Defence of the Settlers of Honduras. Jamaica. 1824. [3 c.] 892 British Honduras Almanac, 1830. Behize. 1830. [2 a.] 893 Voyage pittoresque et archeologique dans la province d' Yucatan, 1834- 36. Par Frederic de Waldeck. * 894 Incidents of Travel in Yucatan (1841). By J. L. Stephens: with engravings from drawings by Mr. Catherwood. 1843. * 895 Narrative of a Residence of the Mosquito Shore ; with an Account of Truxillo and the adjacent Islands of Bonacca and Roatan ; with a Vocabulary of the Mosqui- tian Language. By T. Young. 1842. * 896 The Same. 2nd ed. 1847. [3 b.} Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. By F. Catherwood. 1844. * 8961> The Repi,y of J. M'Aquirre to some unjust strictures published against Honduras. New York. 1848. * 896c Correspondence respecting the Mos- quito Territory. [P.P.] 1848. * 897 History of Yucatan from its dis- covery to the close of the 17th Century. By Charles St. John Fancourt. 1854. * 898 Notes on Central America, particu- larly the States of Honduras and San Salvador. By E. G. Squier. New York. 1855. * 898a The Same. Die Staaten von Central-Amerika . . Deutsch von K. Andree. Leipzic. 1865. * A Nautical Description of the Gulf of Mexico and Bay of Honduras. 1856. * 899 The Affair of Greytown [Mosquito Territory]. By G. Stapleton. 1857. * 900 Explorations and Adventures in Honduras. . . By W. V. Wells. New York. 1857. [13 c.] 901 SociETE Anglo-Frangaise de Hon- duras. Notice sur les acajous de la Baie de Honduras. Paris. 1857. * 902 The Laws of the Settlement of British Honduras in force in the twentieth year of the reign of HONDURAS. Qu«en Victoria. Belize. 1867. 903 Thb States of Central America ; their Geography, Topography, Climate, Population, Resources, Productions, Commerce, Political Organization, Aborigines, etc., etc., comprising chapters on Hon- duras, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Belize, The Bay Islands, The Mosquito Shore and the Honduras Inter- Oceanic Railway. By E. G. Squier, M.A., F.8.A. 1858. [3f.] 903a CoDico penal de la Republica de Honduras. Por J. M. Medina, President. [Compiled by C. Madrid.] Pari*. [Poissy printed.] 1866. • 904 Honduras et ses ports. Documents officials . . Par (Consul) E. Pel- letier. Paris. 1869. * 904a Honduras; Descriptive, Historical, and Statistical. By E. G. Squier. 1870. ♦ 905 San Salvador und Honduras im iahre 1576. Von. Dr. A. von Frantzius. Berlin. 1873. * 905a A Holder of Honduras [Bonds]. By The Fool of the Family. 1875. * 906 Narrative of a journey across the Unexplored Portion of British Honduras. By H. Fowler. Belize. 1879. * 907 Mr Fowler's Exploring Journey. P.P. 1880. * 907a Laws of British Honduras in force on 31st December, 1881. 2 vols. 1882. * 908 British Honduras : an historical and descriptive account of the colony from its settlement, 1670. By A. R. Gibbs. 1883. [M.C.] * 9<)9 The Colony of British Honduras. Its Resources and Prospects. By D. Morris. 1883. [13 c.] 910 A Lady's Ride Across Spanish Hon- duras. By Maria Soltera. Edinburgh. 1884. * 911 Documentos sobre los Emprestitos de Honduras. Por V. Herran. Paris. 1884. * 912 British Honduras. Almanac, 1885. New Orleans. 1885. [2 a.] 913 La Republica di Honduras. Da (Duke) G. de Bust^lli-Foscolo. Roma. 1886. * 914 47 Thb New Honduras. Lombard. Chicago. By T. R. 1887. * 915 Consolidated Laws of British Hon- duras. London. 1887. [4 i.] 916 Expedition to the Cockscomb Moun- tains, British Honduras. By J. Belamy. [In Geo. Jour.] 1889. • 917 Honduras : the land of great depth*. By C. Charles. Chicago. 1890. * 918 Honduras Commercial Directory. (Bureau of American Republics). 1891. * 919 Handbook of Honduras. (Bureau of the American Republics.) Washington. 1892. * 920 The Handbook of British Honduras for 1892-93. CJomprising historical, statistical and general information concerning the colony. Compiled from official and other reliable re- cords by W. Bristowe. 5th year of publication. Edinburgh. 1892. t3c.] 921 The Palm Weevil (Rhynchophorus palmarum) in British Honduras, its Life, History, Habits, and Economic Features. [Reprinted from the Kew Bulletin, February- March, 1893.] By F. H. W. Bland- ford, M.A., F.Z.S., F.E.S. 1893. * 922 Mosquito Reserve Disturbances. CJonvention with Nicaragua. P.P. 1896. * 922a The samt. P.P. 1906. * Researches in the Uloa Valley, Honduras. . . By G. B. Gordon. Cambridge, Mass. 1898. * 922b Breve Noticia sobre Honduras. Por M. Lemus and H G. Bourgeois. Tegucigaljja. 1897. * 923 Am Stillen Ocean. Erlebnisse in Honduras. Von G. Friedrich. Berlin. 1898. * 925 La Republique de Honduras : notice historique, geographique et statis- tique. Par H. Jalhay. Anvers. 1898. * 926 Boundary with Mexico. 1898. P.P. * Das Nbrdliche Mittel-A m e r i k a . Reisen und Studien, 1888-1898. Von C. Sapper. Brunswick. 1899. * 927 Biografia del General F. Morazan. Por E. Martinez Lopez. Tegucigalpa. 1899. * 92a Mensaje del Senor Presidente de l-a Republica de Honduras. Tegucigalpa. 1900. * 929 4^ HONDURAS NoMBKES geograficos indigenas de Honduras. Por A. Membreiio. Tegucigalpa. 1901. * 930 HiSTORiA de la guerra legitimista de Honduras en 1903. Por F. Som- oza Vivas. Tegucigalpa. . 1903. * 931 Tratado de contabilidad fiscal. Por P. M. Martinez. Tegucigalpa. 1903. * 932 Deuda del Ferrocarril de Honduras. Por J. M. Moncala. Tegucigalpa. 1904. * 933 La Provincia de Tegucigalpa. Por R. E. Duron. Tegucigalpa. 1904. * 934 Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal de Honduras. Tegucigaljja. 1904. * 935 Honduras : Geographical Sketch, Natural Resources, Laws, Econo- mic Conditions, Developments, a»d Prospects. By A. K. Moe. Washington. 1904. [3 g.] 936a Leyes militares 1881-1904 de Hon- duras. Tegucigalpa. 1904. * 936 Tratados vigentes entre la Republic de Honduras y les demas Repub- publicas de Centre- America. Tegucigalpa. 1905. * 937 Report to the Government of British Honduras upon the outbreak of yellow fever in that Colony in 1905. By Rupert Bovce, M.B., F.R.S. 1906. [3d.] 937a J8. NICARAGUA. Canal of Nicaragua, a project to Gonnect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by means of a Canal, by Prince Napoleon Louis Bona- parte. Privately printed. 1846. * 937b Mosquito, Nicaragua, and Costa- Rica. 1849. * 938 Deb Freistaat Nicaragua. Von A. von Bulow. Berlin. 1849. * 938a Central America : describing each of the States of Guatemala^ Hon- duras, Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. . . By J. Bailey. 1850. [3g.] 939 The Volcanoes of Central America, and the Geographical and Topo- graphical Features of Nicaragua as connected with the proposed Interoceanic Canal. By E. G. Squier. 1850. * 940 Nicaragua : its People, Scenery, Monuments, and the Proposed In- teroceanic Canal. By E. G. Squier. 2 vols. New York. 1852. • 941 Walker's Expedition to Nicaragua: a history of the Central American War and the Sonora and Kinney Expeditions. Bv W. V. Wells. New York. 1856. * 942 The Destiny of Nicaragua, Central America, as it was, is, and may be, by an Officer in the Service of Walker. Boston. 1856. * 943 Travels in the Free States of Cen- tral America, Nicaragua, Hondu- ras and San Salvador. By K. Scherzer. 2 vols. 1857. * 944 Nicaragua: Past, Present and Future. . . By P. F. Stout. Philadelphia. 1859. * 944a The War in Nicaragua. By Gen. W. Walker. Mobile. 1860. * 945 Descriptive Account of Captain Pim's Project for a Railway across Nicaragua, with Collinson's Report and estimate of cost. 1866. * 946 Letter to Captain Pim on the Phy- sical Geography of the Nicaraguan Railway Route. Bv Dr. Maury. 1866. * 946a A Ride across a Continent: a Per- sonal Narrative of Wanderings through Nicaragua and Costa Rica. By F. Boyle. 1868. * 947 NoTAS geograficas y economicas sobre la republica do Nicaragua. Por P. Levy. Parii. 1873. * 948 The Naturalist in Nicaragua. . . By T. Belt. 1874. * 949 The Same. 2nd ed. 1888. [13 i.] Nicaragua Canal ; Report from the Committee on Foreign Affairs on bill H. R. 4245. 1882. * 950 Archaeological Researches in Nica- ragua. By J. F. Bransford. Washington. 1881. * 950a El Rio de San Juan de Nicaragua, etc. Por M. M. de Peralta. Madrid. 1882. * 951 The Gueguence ; a comedy ballet in' the Nahuatl-Spanish language of Nicaragua. By D. G. Brinton. Philadelphia. 1883. * 951a Nicaragua y Panama en el sigle xvi. Por M. M. de Peralta. Madrid. 1883. * 952 Percement de I'isthme de Panama par le canal de Nicaragua. Par N. Belly. Paris. 1885. * 952a be, by an Officer in the service of Antiquites ceramiques trouvees dans le Nicara2ua en 1882-83. Por C. Bovallius. StockJwlm. 1885. * 952b Exposition of the J]rrors in Ad- miral Ammen's pamphlet, '* The Certainty of the Nicaraguan Canal contrasted with the uncertainties of the Eads Ship Railway." By E. S. Corthell. Washington. 1886. * 953 El Canal Interoceanico de Nicara- gua. Por D. de Mercado. Bruselas. 1887. * 955 Via Nicaragua. By Mrs. A. Hort. 1887. * 956 L'Isthme Americain. Notes d'un premier voyage, 1858. Par F. Belly. Bruxelles. 1889. * 958 Commercial Directory qf Nicaragua. (U.S. Bureau of Amer. Republic.) 1891. * 959 Buchanan's Conspicacy, the Nicara- guan Canal and reciprocity. By P. Cudmore. New York. 1892. * 960 Relation of the Nicaragua Canal to American Commerce. By W. P. Frye. 1893. * 961 Nicaragua : Studies on the Mos- quito Shore in 1892. By C. de 50 NICARAGUA Kalb. [Amer. Geo. Soc} 1893. " 961a Etude economique sur la Republi- que de Nicaragua. Par D. Pector. NeucJiatd: 1893. * 961b Nicaragua en los primeros ahos de su emancipacion. Por F. Ortega. . Paris, 1894. * 962 The Key of the Pacific : the Nicara- gua Canal. By A. R. Colquhoun. 1895. [13 d.] 963 The Nicaragua Canal and the Mon- roe Doctrine. By L. M. Keasbey. New York. 1896. * 964 Nicaragua : war of the filibusters. By D. B. Lucas. Bichmond. 1896. * 965 Sech Monate in Nicaragua. Von K. von Girsewald. Braunschweig. 1896. * 966 Canal de Nicaragua. Por J. Gutier- rez Sobral. Habana. 1897. * 967 The State of Nicaragua. By G. Niederlein . Philadelphia . 1898. * 967a Tangwheera: Life and Adventures among gentle Savages [in Mos- quito Territory]. By C. N .Bell. 1899. [34 b.] 968 Physiography and Geology of region adjacent to the Nicaragua Canal Route. By C. W. Hayes. [U.S. Geol. Soc. Bulletin, Vol. 10.] 1899. * 969 Le Nicaragua en 1900. Par (X IVIedina. Paris. 1900. * 970 The Nicaragua Canal. By W. E. Simmonfi. Ntw Yth. 1900. * 971 Hydrography of Nicaragua. By A. P. Davis. [U.S.A. Geological Survey.] 1900. * 972 Ocean to Ocean : an account of Nioa- ra<^ua and its people. By J. W. G.^ Walker. Chicago. 1902. 973; Notes on the Nicaragua Canal. By H. J. Sheldon. Chicago. 1902. * 974 Honduras. Geographical Sketch, natural resources . . (Bureau of the American Republics). By A. K. Moe. Washington. 1904. [3g.] 974a SI J9. COSTA RICA. BosQUKJO de la Republica de Costa Rica. Por F. Molina. J Madrid. 1850. * 975 Memoir on the boundary questioa between Costa Rica and Nicara- cua. By F. Molina. Washington. ^ 1851. * 975a An Inquiry into the question of boundaries between Costa Rica and New Grenada. By F. Molina Washington. 1853. * 9/5b Die Republik Costa Rica. Von M. Wagner und C. Scherzer. ^ Ltipsic. 1856. * 976 Costa Rica; its climate, constitu- tion and resources. By M. M. Peralta. 1873. * 9/ 6a Costa Rica and the Banco Hipote- cario. By R. Machado. San Jose. 1881. * 977 CosTA-Rica, Nicaragua y Panama. en el siglo XVI. ... Por M. M. de Peralta. ^ ^_„ Madrid. 1883. * 978 Costa Rica en el siglo xvi. Por M. M. de Peralto. Madrid. 1883. * 979 VocABULARiUM der Sprachen des Boruca-Terraba, und Guatuso- Indianer in Costa Rica. Von B. \ Thiel. Braunschweig. 1884. * 979a CoDiGO Fiscal de la Republica de Costa Rica. San Jose. 1885. * 980 Costa Rica y Colombia de 1573 a 1881. Por M. M. de Peralta. Madrid. 1886. * 981 Republica de Costa Rica. Historia, etc. Por K. Villa vicencio. San Jost. 1886. * 982 CoDiGO de procedimientos civiles de giiense. San Jose. 1887. * 985 Alegeto de la Comision Nicaragii- ense contestando la exposicion de la Comision de Costa Rica sobre limites. San Jose. 1887. * 984 The, Same [in English]. San Jose. 1887. Exposicion sobre limites presentada al arbitro Seiior General E. P. Alexander por la Comision Nicara- guense. San Jose. 1887. * 985 The Same [in English]. San Jose. 1887. Argument on the Treaty of Limits between Costa Rica and Nicara- gua. By B. Soto. Washington. 1887. * 98& Costa Rica : Reply to the Argument of Nicaragua on the Treaty of Limits. Washington. 1887. * 987 Republica de Costa Rica. Por J. B. Calvo. San Jose. 1887. * 988 The Same. Chicago. 1890 Codigo Civil de Costa Rica. San Jose. 1887. • 989 Validity of the Treaty of Limits be- tween Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Washington. 1889. * 990 Historia de Costa Rica 1502-1821. Por L. Fernandez. Madrid. 1889. • 991 Costa Rica et Son Avenir. Par P. Biolley. Paris. 1889. * 992 The Same. Translated by C. Charles. Washington 1889. * The Same. Costa Rica und Seine Zukunft. Berlin. 1890. * Costa Rica como nogar para inmi- grant^s a los terrenos baldios. Por J. Schroeder. San Jose. 1890. * 992a CoNSTiTUCiON de la Republica de Costa Rica. San Jose. 1889. * 993 Republica de Costa Rica. [Notas bibliograficas.] Por D. J, Malu- quer. Madrid. 1890. * 994 Apuntaciones sobre el clima y jeo- grafia de la Republica de Costa Rico. Por H. Pittier. San Jose. 1890. * 995 Geografia de Costa Rica. Por F. M. Barrantes. San Jose. 1890. * 996 Limites de Costa Rica y Colombia. Por M. M. de Peralta. Madrid. 1890. * 997 Handbook of Costa Rica. (Bureau of the American Republics.) Washington. 1891. * 998 Commercial Directory of Costa Rica. (U.S. Bureau of American Republics.) 1891. * 999 Exposicion Americana. Catalogo de las antigiiedades de Costa Rica. Madrid. 1892. * 1000 Elementos de Historia de Costa Rica. Por F. Montero Barrantes. 2 vols. San Jose. 1892-94. * 1001 5^ COSTA RICA. Qeogbafia de Costa Rica. Por F. Montero Barrantes. Barcelona: 1892. * 1002 Etnologia Centro Americana. Madrid. 1893. * 1003 DicciONARio de barbarismos y pro- vincialis mos de Costa Rica. Por C. Gagini. San Jose. 1893. * 1003a ExPLORACioNES BoTANiCAS efectua- dus en la parte meridional de Costa Rica. 1891-92. Por A. Tonduz. San Jose. 1893. * 1003b Antiguedades de Costa Rica. Por A. Alfaro. San Jose. 1894. "^ 1004 CoMPENDio de la Historia de Costa Rica. Por L. Zarragoitia Baron. San Jose. 1894. * 1005 CoMPENDio geografico y estadistico de la Republica de Costa Rica. Por L. Zarragoitia Baron. San Jose. 1894. * 1006 Costa Rica State Immigration. By J. Schroeder. San Jose. 1894. * 1007 Costa Rica : the gem of American Republics. By R. Villafranca. New York. 1895. * 1008 Pbimera Exposicion centroamericana de Guatemala. San Jose. 1896. * 1009 NociONES de Geografia Patria, Por L. M. Obregon. San Jose. 1897. * 1010 Alegeto de la Comision Nicara- giiense contestando la exposicion Oe (a Comisidn de Costa Rica sobre limites. San Jose. 1897. * 1011 Exposicion sobre limites presentada al arbitro Senor E. P. Alexander, por la Comision Nicaragiiense. San Jose. 1897. * 1012 The Same [in English]. San Jose. 1897. Reply to the argument of the Nioa- raguan Boundary Commission brought before the Honourable E. P. Alexander, arbitrator. San Jose. 1897. * lOia La Republica di Costa Rica. Por A. Erba. Genova. 1897. * 1014 Costa Rica y Costa de Mosquitos. Por M. M. de Peralta. Paris. 1898. • 1015 The Republic of Costa Rica. By G. Niederlein. Philadelphia. 1898. * 1016» Geological History of the Isthmus of Panama and portions of Costa Rica. By R. T. Hill. (Museum of Comp. Zoology, Havard College). Cambridge, U.S.A. 1898. * 1017 Expose des droits territoriaux de la Republique de Costa Rica. Par M. M. de Peralta. Paris. 1898. * loia Juridiction territoriale de la repub- lique de Costa Rica. Par M. M. de Peralta. Paris. 1899. * 1819^ Compendio de la Historia Patria. By J. M. Quijana Otero. 4 ed. Bogota. 1899. * 1020 La Geographie historique et les. droits territoriaux de la Repub- lique de Costa Rica. Par M. M. de Peralta. Paris. 1900. * 1021 Les Aborigenes de Costa Rica. Par M.M. de Peralta. Paris. 1901. * 1022r Arch^ological Researches in Costa. Rica. By C. V. Hartman. With illustrations by J. Cederquist. Stockholm. 1901. * 102* The Republic of Costa Rica. (Phila- delphia Museums). Philadelphia. 1905. * 1024 53 20. PANAMA. A New Voyage and description of the Isthmus of America. . . By L. Wafer. 1669. * 1025 The Samt. .2nd ed. 1704. [23a] The Same. Trad, par De Moiitirat. Paris. 1706. * .V Lettkr from a Member of Parlia- ment of Scotland to his Friend at London, concerning their late Act for establishing a Ck)mpany of that Kingdom Trading to Africa and the Indies. 1695. * 1025a •Some Seasonable and Modest Thoughts, I'artly occasioned by and Partly concerning the Scots East-Indian Company. Humbly offered to R. H., Esq., a member of the present Parliament. By an unfeigned and hearty Lover of England. 1696. * 1025b i A Letter from a Gentleman in the . Country to his Friend at Edin- i burgh, wherein it is clearly proved that the Scottish African, and Indian Company, is Exactly cal- ; culated for the Interest of Scot- land. Edinburgh. 1696. * 1025c A Short Discourse of the present Temper of the Nation with re- ; spect to the Indian and African Company ; and of the Bank of J Scotland*. Also of Mr. Paterson's | Sretended Fund of Credit. By .H. Printed by John Reid, Edinburgh. 1696. * 1025d A Perfect List of the several Persons Residenters in Scotland, who have subscribed as Adven- turers in the Joynt-Stock of the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies . . . Edin- burgh. 1696. * 1025e The Sami:. Reprinted, Glasgow. 1827. * A Poem upon the Undertaking of the Royal Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies. Edinburgh. 1697. * 1025f A Just and Modest Vindication of the Scots Design for the having established a Colony at Darien, with a Brief Display how much it is their Interest to apply them- selves to Trade and particularly to that which is Foreign. By James Hodges. [?By Robert Ferguson.] 1699. * 1026 A Letter from the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland to the Council and Inhabitants of the Scots Colony of Caledonia in America. [Darien Colony.] Glasgow. 1699. * 1027 The Same. Edinburgh. 1699. * A Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, with an Answer to the Spanish Memorial against it, and Arguments to prove that it is the Interest of England to join with the Scots and protect it ; to which is added a Description of the Country and a particular Account of the Scots Colony. By Philo- Caledon [PAndrevv Fletcher, of Saltoun]. 1699. * 1029 A Description of the Province and Bay of Darian, giving a full Ac- count of all its Situation, Inhabi- tants, Way and Manner of Living, and Religion, Solemnities, Cere- monies, and Product, being vastly rich with Gold and Silver, and various other Commotlities. By I. B[lackwell]. Edinburgh. 1699. * 1030 Information Concernant L' Affaire De Darien. IParin. 1699?] * 1030a The History of Caledonia: or, The Scots Colony in Darien in the West Indies. With an Account of the Manners of the Inhabitants, and Riches of the Countrey. By a Gentleman lately Arriv'd. 1699. * 1030b A Short Account from, and Des- cription of the Isthmus of Darien, where the Scots Collony are set- tled. With a particular Map of the Isthmus and Entrance to the River of Darien. According to our late News, and Mr. Dam- pier and Mr. Wafer. Edinburgh. , 1699. * 1030c The Same.. Trad, par De Mon- tirat. Paris. 1706. * A Letter, giving a Description of the Isthmus of Darian (Where the Scot's Colonic is settled) ; From a Gentleman who lives there at present. With an Ac- count of the Fertilness of the Soil, The Quality of the Air, The Manners of the Inhabitants, And tl>e Nature of the Plants, and Animals, etc. An d a particular Mapp of the Isthmus and En- trance to the River of Darian. Edinburgh. 1699. I030d 54 PANAMA. Observations of a Person of Emin- ence and Worth in Caledonia, written to his Friend in Boston, N.E., on their Scots Settlement, New Edinburgh, at Darien, in America ; with an Account of the Nature and Condition of the Country, and good Disposition of the Natives towards them, and of their addressing the president of Panama. Dated at Fort St. Andrews, Feb. 18th, 1898-9. Boston. 1699. * 1030e A Short and Impartial View of the Manner and Occasion of the Scots Colony's coming away from Darien. In a letter to a person of Quality. 1699. * 1030g The Defence of the Scots Settle- ment at Darien^ Answer'd Para- graph by Paragraph. By Philo- Britan. 1699. * 1030h A Just and Modest Vindication of the Scots Design for the having Established a Colony at Darien. With a brief Display how much it is their Interest to apply them- selves to Trade, and particularly to that which is foreign. 1699. * lOaOi The Golden Island or the Darian Song. In Commendation of All Concerned in that Noble Enter- prize of the Valient Scots. By a Lady of Honour. Edinburgh. 1699. * 1030] A Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien, including an answer to the defence of the Scots Settlement there. [Bv James Hodges.] Edinburgh. 1700. * 1031 Certain Propositions relating to the Scots Plantation of Caledonia, and to the National Address for sup- porting thereof. Glasgow. 1700. * 1032 The Address presented to His Majesty at Kensington, 11th June, 1700, by the Commissioners ap- pointed by Parliament, in support of the motion " That our Colony of Caledonia in Darien is a legal and rightful settlement." [1700]. * 1033 Scotland's Grievances relating to Darien. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliament. 1700. * 1034 Representation and Petition of the Council General of the Indian and African Company to Parliament. 1700. * 1034a The Original Papers and Letters relating to the Scots Company trading to Africa mnd the Indies. . . . 1700. * 1034b> An Enquiry into the causes of the Miscarriage of the Scots Colony at Darien, or an answer to a Libel entitled "A Dofence of the Scots abdicting Darien." . . . Glasgow, privately printed. 1700. • 1035* The Original Papers and Letters relating to the Scots Company, trading to Africa and the Indies, from the Memorial given in against them taking Subscriptions at Hamburgh, by Sir Paul Ricault, H.M. Resident there, to their last Address sent up to H.M. in December, 1699 (with the Sup- ^ plement). 1700. * 1036: A Short Vindication of Phil. Scot's | defence of the Scots abdicating Darien : Being in Answer to the Challenge of the Author of the Defence of that Settlement. ... 1700. * 1036a Certain Propositions relating to the Scots Plantations of Cale- donia, and the National Address for supporting thereof, briefly i offered to Publick View, for re- moving of Mistakes and Preju- dices. Glasgow. 1700. * 1036b A Full and jExact Collection of all ' the considerable Addresses, Memorials, Petitions, Answers, Proclamations, Declarations, Let- ters, and other Publick Papers relating to the Company of Scot- | land trading to Africa and the I Indies ; since the passing of the ' Act of Parliament, by which the said Company was established in \ June, 1695, till November, 1700. 1700. * 1036c " Scotland's Right to Coledonia (Formerly called Darien) and the | Legality of its Settlement, as- serted in three several Memorials ; presented to His Maiesty in May, 1699. By the Lord 'President of the Session and Lord Advocate ] on behalf of the Company of i Scotland, Trading to Africa and | the Indies. 1700. * 1036c | The Application of the Scots to I Foreign Trade, Commended and ' Encouraged: and their late at- ! tempt to have Settled at Darien, ! fully Vindicated from all that ] hath been excepted against it. [1700PJ • 1036d I PANAMA.. 55 Caledonia : or, The Pedlar tum'd Merchant. A Tragi-Comedy. As it was acted by His Majesty's Subjects of Scotland, in the King of Spain's Province of Darien. 1700. * 1036e A Speech in Parliament on the 10th day of January, 1701. By the Lord Belhaven, on the Affair of the Indian and African Company, and its Colony of Caledonia. Edinburgh. 1701. * 1036f An Enquiry into the Caledonian Project, with a Defence of Eng- land's Procedure (in point of Equity) in Relation thereunto. In a Friendly Letter from Lon- don to a Member of the Scots African and Indian Company in Edinburgh, to guard againgt Pas- sion. London. 1701. * 1036g A Letter to a Friend at Edin- burgh from Rotterdam ; Giving an account of the Scots affairs in Darien. By J. Byres. 1702. • 1036h Two Proposals Becoming England at this Juncture to Undertake. One, for Securing A Colony in the West Indies, As His Majesty's Propriety now to bo enter'd unon, or for ever lost. And the other, for advancing Merchandize, and the Crown-Revenue To at least 40,000 l.p. An. 1706. * 1036i Memoirs of Darien, giving a short Description of that Countrey, with an Account of the Attempts of the Company of Scotland, to Settle a Colonie in that place . . . Written mostly in the year 1700, while the Author was in the American Regions. Glasgom. 1714. 1036J The History of Darien. Giving a Short Description of that Coun- try, an Account of the attempts of the Scotch Nation to settle a Colony in that place, a Relation of the many Tragical Disasters which attended that Design ; with some Practical Reflections upon the whole. By the Rev. Mr. F. Borland. . . Written mostly in the year 1700, While the Author was in the American Regions. . . Glasgom. 1779. * 1037 Account of the late Expedition against the Isthmus of Darien under the Command of Sir Gregor McGregor. By W. D. Weather- head. 1821. * 1038 Messacb from the President of the United States in relation to the proposed Congress at Panama, May 17, 1826. * 1039 Incidents of Travel in Central America. By J. L. Stephens. 2 vols. New York. 1841. * 1040 The Same. 12th ed. Illustrated. 2 vols. New York. 1852. [13 c.] Succinct View of the Practicability of forming a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of Panama. By H. R. Hill. 1845. * 1041 Travels in Central America. R. G. Dunlop. 1847. By 1042 The Darien Papers, being a selec- tion of Original Letters by William Patterson, and Official Documents relating to the Estab- lishment of a Colony at Darien. . . . 1695-1700. By J. H. Bur- ton. Bannatynt Club. 1849. • 1043 Wild Life in the Interior of Cen- tral America. By G. Bvarii. 1849. 1043a The Mahogany Tree: its botanical character . . . also notices of the projected interoceanic Canals of Panama, Nicaragua and Tehu- antepec. Liverpool. 1850. * 1044 Wanderings in some Western Re- publics of America, with remarks upon the cutting of the Great Ship Canal through Central America. By G. Byam. 1850. * 1045 Memoir of an eventful expedition in Central America. . . By P. Velasquez. New York. 1850. * 1045a State of the Great Ship-Canal Ques- tion. Convention between Great Britain and the United States. 1850. * 1046 On Facilities for a Ship Canal Com- munication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, through the Isthmus of Panama. By Lieut.- Col. J. A. Lloyd. 1850. * 1047 Darien, or the Merchant Prince : an historical romance. By B. E. G. Warburton. 3 vols. 1852. * 1048 The Same. 6th ed. [25 p.] The Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal, with vocabulary of Tule or Dari'>n Indians. By Dr. Efdward] Cul- len. 1852. * 1049 :56 PANAMA. The Same. The Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal : with a full history of the Scotch Colony of Darien. 2nd ed. 1853. [3 g.] The Isthmus of Darien in 1852 : Journal of the Expedition of In- quiry for the Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (and Engineer's Report). By L. Gisbourne. 1853. * 1050 Wander bilder aus Central-Amerika. Von W. Heine. Leipzic. 1853. * 1050a A Story of life on the Isthmus. By J. W. Fabens. ^v ety Yoi'k. 1853. * 1050b Panama in 1855. An Account of the Panama Railroad. Bv R. Tomes. New York. 1855. * 1051 Communication to the Board of Directors of the Panama R.R. Co. and to the Stockholders. Neto York. 1855. * iq51a 'Correspondence with the United States respecting Central America. 1856. * 1052 ! Further Correspondence with the United States respecting Central America. 1856. * 1052a The Clayton and Buhver Conven- tion of April 19, 1850 1856 * 1052b Panama : Final Diplomatic Contro- versy between New Granada and the United States, 15th April, 1856. Liverpool. 1857. * 1057 "^Central America : By W. Paterson, the Merchant-Statesman. From a MS. in the British Museum, 1701. . . . Edited by S. Bannis- ter, M.A. London, 1857. * 1057a William Paterson, the Merchant- Statesman, and Founder of the Bank of England : His Life and Trials. By S. Bannister, M.A. Edinburgh. 1858. * 1057b The Writings of William Paterson, ; Founder of the Bank of England : with Biographical Notices of the \ Author, his Contemporaries, and i his Race. Edited by S. Bannister, M.A. 2 vols. 1858. * 1057c i Percement de I'lsthmus de Panama, i par lo canal d.e Nicaragua. Par [ P. Belly. Paris. 1858. * 1054 l Seven Years' Travel in Central | America. . . . By J. Froebel. I 1859. [M.C.] * 1055! Coehespondence respecting Central America, 1856-60. [P.P.] 1860. * 1056 History of the Panama Railroad ; with Traveller's Guide and Busi- ness Man's Handbook for the Panama Railroad and its Con- nections with Europe, the United States, etc. By F. W. Otis. New York. 1861. * 1057 L'Isthme du Darien. Par Don J. Samper. Paris. 1862. * 1058 Illustrated Memoir of an Eventful Expedition into Central America, resulting in the Discovery of the Idolatrous City of Iximaya . . . described by J. L. Stephens. 1863. * 1059 The Gate of the Pacific. By Com- mander B. Pim. R.N. 1863. [13 d.] 1060 The Isthmus of Panama. Bv C. T. Bidwell. 1865. * 1061 Note sur les Sepultures in diennis du departement de Chiriqui (etat de Panama). Par M. A.'Zeltner. Panama. 1866. * 1061a History of the Railroad and the Isthmus of Panama. By F. N. j Otis. New York. 1867. * 1061b j DoTTiNGS on the Roadside in : Panama, Nicaragua and Mosquito. By Commander B. Pim, R.N., and B. Seemann, Ph.D., F.L.S. : 1869. [13h.] 1063 I Is A Ship Canal Practicable? Notes, I Historical and Statistical upon the I Projected Routes for an Inter- oceanic Ship Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. By S. T. Abert. Cincinnati. 1870. * 1064 Travels in Central America. . . . From the Frenclxi of A. de Morelet by Mrs. M. F. Squier. 1871. * 1065 A Tb avers I'Amerique centrale. Par F. Belly. Paris. 1872. * 1066 Reports of Explorations and Sur- veys to ascertain the practicability of a Ship Canal between the At- lantic and Pacific Oceans by the way of the Isthmus of Darien. By T. O. Selfridge. Washinqton. 1874." * 1067 Le3 Isthme-s Americains. Par L. Drouillet. Paris. * 1067a Across Central America. By J. W. Boddam-Whetham. 1877. * 1068 Central America, the West Indies and South America. Edited and extended by H. W. Bates, with PANAMA. ethnological appendix by A. H. Keane, B.A. 1878. [3 f .] 1069 BiOLOGiA - Centrali-Americana : or contributions to the knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America, Botany [completedj, Zoology and ArchjB- ology [completed]. Edited by F. I). Godnian, D.C.L., and O. Salvin. 1879 et seq. * 1069a Percement de I'isthme de Panama. Par B. de Saint-Pol Lias. Paris. 1879. ♦ 1069b Report of the Secretary of State, with accompanying Correspond- ence in relation to the proposed Interoceanic Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Waghington. 1880. * 1070 Tht! Inter-Oceanic Canal and the Monroe Doctrine. Xew York. 1880. * 1070a Der Panama Canal, seine Bau und seine Zukunft. Von C. Koep. Dresden. 1880. * 1071 Panama et Darien. Voyages d'ex- ploration. Par A. Reclus. Paris. 1881. * 1072 L'Amerique centralo et le Canal de Panama. Par Viscount H. L. G. de Bizeraont. Paris. 1881. * 1073 Review of the Monroe Doctrine and the Panama Canal. By Grotius. Washington. 1882. * 1074 Geografica de Centro-America. Por J. M. Caceres. Paris. 1882. * 1075 The History of Central America, 1501-1800. By H. H. Bancroft. 2 vols. San Francisco. 1882. * 1076 The United States and the Panama Canal. By A. Gustafson. 1882. * 1077 Der Panama-Kanal. Von H. Zoeller. Stuttgart. 1882. * 1078 Report of . . . information relating to the problem of interoceanic communication by way of the American Isthmus. By J. T. Sullivan (U.S.A. Navy Depart- ment.) Washington. 1883. * 1079 La Politique frangaise en Oceanie a propos du Canal de Panama. Par P. Deschanel. Paris. 1884-88. * 1082 Der Central Amerikanische Bos- porus. Von L. Gaebler. Leipzic. 1884. • 1083 5T Letter . . transmitting Reports of U.S. officors respecting the pro* gress of work on the Ship Canal. By W. E. Chandler. 1884. * 1084 The Panama Canal : its History. By J. C. Rodrigues. 1885. * 1085 JuTTiNGS on Panama. By A. Rad- ford. 1886. * 1086 The Panama Canal : Report to the Chamber of Commerce of New York. By J. Bigelow. New York. 1886. * 1087.. HiSTORiE du Canal de Panama. Par A. Gargon. Paris. 1886. * 1088 Le Canal de Panama. Par L. N. B. Wyse. Paris. 1886. * 1089 The Ancient Cities of the New World, being Travels and Explora- tions in Mexico and Central America from 1857-1882. Trans- lated, from the French of D. Charnav, by J. Gonino and H. S. Connant. 1887. [13 i.] 1090 Les Indiens de I'Etat de Panama. Par A. Pinart. Paris. 1887. * 1091 La debacle du Panama. Par C. Day. Paris. 1887. * 1092 Apercu de qiielques difficultes a vaincre dans la construction du Canal. Par W. Nelson. Paris. 1888. * 1093 Le Grandi strade del commercio pro- pyoste fino dal secolo xvi. Canale de Panama. Da G. Coen. Livorno. 1888. * 1094 CoMiTE de defense des obligataires [of the Panama Canal]. Paris. 1888. * 1095 AcHEVEMENT du Canal. Par F. Paponot. Paris. 1888. * 1096 Cronicon de la Mision de P. P. Capuchinos en Qentro America. . . Por J. de Cambriles. Barcelona. 1888. * 1096a La Verite sur Panama. Par G. de Belot. Paris. 1889. * 1097 L'AcHEVEMENT du Canal de Pana- ma . . Par V. Dubois. Mesnil. 1889. * 1098 Percement definitif du Canal. Par A. Duponchel. Paris. 1889. * 1099 La petite epargne et le Canal du Panama. Par M. Durando- Savoy at. Montpellier. 1889. * 1100 Canal do Panama. Organisation des comites independants. Par 5? PANAMA. R, Lebbe. Barhezieux. 1889. * 1101 Ljs Canal de Panama et la sotiete civile du Darien. Par P. Mou- chot. Paris. 1889. * 1102 "Canal de Panama. Doit-on re- prendre les travaux avec les capi- taux prives? Par F. Paponot. Paris. 1889. * 1103 Le Panama, la plus grande infamie de notre siecle. Par E. Saulnier. Paris. 1889. * 1104 Suez et Panama. Par F. Paponot. Paris. 1889. * 1105 Five Years at Panama. By W. Nelson. Nem York. 1889. [13 h.] 1106 Lecture on the Canal. By A. E. Verdereau. Colon. 1889. * 1107 Conclusion a tirer des Rapports de la Commission d' etudes. Par A. Lemoine. Paris. 1890. * 1109 Declaration des droits des obliga- taires du Panama. Lille. 1890. * 1110 Rapports de la Commission d' etudes [of Panama)] Paris. 1890. * 1111 La verite sur le Canal. Paris. 1890. 1112 Le Canal. Etude retrospective his- torique et technique. Par F. Paponot. Paris. 1890. * 1113 Remboursement des obligations par les actionnaires. Par G. Pinta. Vincennes. 1890. * 1114 Chemin de fer a navires de Panama ayec achevement du Canal a niveau. Par A. Sebillot. Paris. 1890. * 1115 In and Oct of Central America. By F. Vincent. New York. 1890. * 1115a Projet d' achevement du Canal de Panama. Par A. Dumas. Paris. 1891. * 1116 Le tarif a appliquer a Panama et les revenues probables. Par A. Dumas. Paris. 1891. * 1117 Les coulisses du Panama. Par L. M. Floridian. Paris. 1891. * 1119 Het Panama Kanaal. N. C. de Gijselaar. Leiden. 1891. * 1120 Le Canal de Panama. Solution de la question financiere. Par F. Paponot. Paris. 1891. * 1121 Canal de Panama. Mission de 1890-91 en Colombie. Par L. N. B. Wyse. Paris. 1891. * 1122 Le scandale de Panama. Par E. Demachy. Paris. 1892. * 1123 History of Panama. By G. S. Minot. Kingston, J a. 1892. * 1124 Panama Canal a niveau, son acheve- ment possible en 5 ans. Par Economiste. Paris. 1892. * 1125 Les millions du Panama. Paris. 1892. * 1126 Les scandales du Panama. Paris. 1892. * 1127 Canal de Panama, son relevement par le Suez. Par F. Paponot. Paris. 1892. * 1128 La Culebra franchie avec une depense de 60 millions. [Societe des Chemins de Fer a navires.] Paris. 1892. * 1129 CouR d'Appel de Paris. Plaidoierie pour INIM. F et C de Lesseps. Par H. M. Barboux. Paris. 1893. * 1130 La verite sur le Panama. Par S. M. Cosmao-Dinnenez. Quimper. 1893. * 1131 L'enquete parlementaire sur le Panama. Par Depute. Sceaux. 1893. * 1132 Souvenirs d'un Echappe de Panama. Par P. Mimande. Paris. 1893. * 1133 Affaire de Panama. Plaidoierie pour MM. Fontane. Par C. H. Du Buit. Paris. 1893. * 1134 PouRQUOi n'a-l-on pas pu arreter Arton? Par — Dupas. Paris. 1893. * 1135 Panama, ou la verite sur la jonction des deux Oceans. Par G. de Fontbonne. Paris. 1893. * 1136 Precis de I'affaire du Panama. Par A. Lucas. Paris. 1893. * 1137 Souvenirs d'un geologue sur Panama et le canal. Par J. IVIarcou. cou. Neuchdtel. 1893. * 1138 La comedie de Panama. Paris. 1893. * 1139 La chanson qu' attaque I'isthme du Panama. Paris. 1893. * 1140 Le dernier mot de 1 'Affaire du Panama. Paris. 1893. * 1141 Les etrangleurs du Panama. Paris. 1893. * 1142 PANAMA. 59 Les justes lois et les responsabili- tes dn Panama, losse. Paris. Par — Pang- 1893. * 1143 Relevement immediat de I'entre- prise du Canal de Panama. Par F. Paponot. Paris. 1893. • 1144 Leb complicites du Panama : pages d' histoire social© contemporaine. Par G. Rouanet. Paris. 1893. * 1145 Isthmus of Panama, Canal Routes, etc. By T. W. Hurst. Chicago. 1898. 1159 Resume de la conference de M. j Sebillot, sur I'achevement econ- omique du Canal de Panama. ! Par A. Sebillot. Paris. \ 1893. * 1146 Le Guide pratique des porteurs d' I obligations de la Compagnie de Panama. Par H. Vente. Paris. 1893. * 1147 Documents concernant le concession- aire publics pendant les proces de Panama. Par L. N. B. Wyse. Poissy. 1893. * 1148 PANA:«A-oder Nicaragua-Canal? Von H. Polakowsky. Leipzic. 1893. • 1148a Le Canal de Panama et la nouvelle societe. Par G. Andre. Paris. 1894. * 1149 Liquidation de la Compagnie de Panama. Commentaire de la loi du ler Juillet, 1893. Par P. Bressolles. Paris. 1894. * 1150 Canal interoceanique de Panama. Par F. Paponot. Part*. 1894. * 1151 Pbehistoric Structures of Central America. Who erected them? By M. I. Townsend. Troy, N.Y. 1895. ♦ 1152 Le Proems du Panama. Paris. 1895. ♦ 1153 DiscouRS en faveur du canal des deux Mers. Par — de Polignac. Paris. 1895. * 1154 L' Affaire de Panama. Par A. Chiche. Bordeaux. 1896. * 1155 NoTAS de viaje. Por S. Camacho Roldan. Paris. 1897. * 1156 Panama en 1897. Le nouveau syn- dicat Lachevre, Derenne. Par J. Aron. Paris. 1897. * 1157 M. Clovis Hughes et moi dans I'aflFaire de Panama. Par J. Saint-Martin. Avignon. 1897. * 1158 W^s Middle America peopled from Asia. By E. S. Morse. New York. 1898. * 1160 La America Central. Su historia, etc. Por A. Opisso. Barcelona. 1898. * 1161 Geological History of the Isthmus of Panama. By R .T. Hill. (Harvard Museum of Comp. Zoology Bulletin.) Cambridge. 1898. * 1162 Le Tour du monde politique. La Justice. Par H. Maret. Paris. 1898. * 1163 Report of Council of Corporation of Foreign Bondholders for 1898- 99. 1899. * 1164 Lr Panama et la republique. Par J. Quesney de Beaurepaire. Paris. 1899. • 1165 Explorations aux Isthmes do Panama et de Darien en 1876-78. Par A. Reclus. Paris. 1899, 1900. • 1166 Etude sur le commerce et 1' agriculture en Colombie. Par O. S. Sloan. 1901. * 1167 L'Achevement du Canal de Pana- ma. Par C. Sonderegger. Paris, 1902. * 1169 The Mastery of the Pacific. . . By A. R. Colquhoun. 1902. [15 e.] 1170 Mittelamerikanische Reisen und Studien. Von C. Sapper. Braunschweig. 1902. * 1171 Compilation of Executive Docu- ments and Correspondence rela- tive to a Trans-Isthmian Canal in Central America. By G. H. Sullivan and W. N. Cromwell. 3 vols. New York. 1903. * 1172 A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America. By Lionel Wafer. Reprinted from the original edition of 1699. Edited by G. P. Winship. Cleveland. 1903. * 1173 Notes on Panama. By Captain H. C. Hale. Washington. 1903. ♦ 1174 The Panama Canal Question. By A. Aldana. Cardiff. 1903. • 1175 Le Canal transisthmique : etude 6o PANAMA d'historie diplomatique Ameri- caine. Par C. H. Huberich. Paris. 1903. * 1176 — The Same. Isthmian Canal. The Austin. Trans- 1904. Les Interets francais dans le Paci- fique Canal de Panama. Par C. Lemire. Paris. 1904. * 1177 4. Bibliography of printed Docu- ments and Books relating to the Darien Company. By J. Scott, C.B. With additions and correc- tions by G. P. Johnston. Edin- burgh. Privately 'printed. 1904 and 1906. * 1178a [Many of the Darien entries are taken from this work.] Problems of the Panama Canal. By H. L. Abbot. New Yorh. 1905. * 1179 The Civil Code of the Republic of Panama, and Amendatory Laws continued in force in the Canal Zone. Translated under the diriection of C. E. Magoon by F. L. Joannini. Washington. 1905. [21.] 1180 The Panama Canal. Speech at the St. Louis Commercial Club. By W. H. Taft. Washington. 1905. * 1180a EssAis d'historie diplomatique Americaine Le canal inter- oceanique. Par A. Viallate. Paris. 1905. * 1181 Panama Songs. By M. Delevante. New Yorh. 1906. * 1181a Four Centuries of the Panama Canal. By W. F. Johnson. New Yarh. 1906. * 1181b Panama Patchwork. Poems. By J. S. Gilbert. 3rd ed., with a new foreword by T. Robinson. New York. 1906. [3 g] 1182 Laws of the Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. Enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission. Washington. 1906. [21.] 1183 Panama, the Isthmus and the Canal. By C. H. Forbes-Lindsay. Phila- deljjhia. 1906. * 1184 Speech (on the Panama Canal) be- fore the Commercial Club, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1906. By T. P. Shonts. Washington. 1906. * 1185 Isthmian Canal Commission. An- nual Report for year ended June 30th, 1907. Washington. 1907. [2 1.] 1186 The Same for 1908. [2 1.] Panama : a personal record of forty- six years, 1861-1907. By T. Robinson. New Yorh. 1907. • 1186a The Crisis in Panama. By L. W. Bates. 1907. * 1186b The Retrieval at Panama. By L. W. Bates. 1908. * 1186c The Canal Record (Isthmian Canal Commission). Vol. I. Ancon. 1908. [2 1.] 1186d The Panama Canal and its makers. By V. Cornish, D.Sc. 1909. [21.] 1186e 6i 20. COLOMBIA. LiBRO segundo de las genealogias del Nuevo Reyno de Granada. Por J. Florez de Ocariz. Madrid. 1676. * 1186f Arte y vcx;abulario de la lengua de los Indies de la provincia de Cu- ■mana o nueva Andaleucia. . . . Por Fr. de Tauste. Madrid. 1680. * 1187 HiSTORiA general de la Conquista del nuevo reyno de Granada. [Por L. F. de Piedrahita] Madrid. 1688. 1188 A Genuine and Particular Account of the Taking of Carthegena by the French and Buccaniers in the year 1697 by the Sieur Pointis, Commander in Chief; with the account of the original of Cartha- gena in 1532. 1740. • 1189 The Same An authentick and particular account of the taking of Carthagena by the French in the year 1697, by Sieur Pointis. [From the French.] 2nd ed. 1740. • HiBTORTA Corografica de la nuevo Adalucia. . . Por Fr. A. Caulin. Ma Roe- 1397 Paginas zuela. para la Por M. historia de Vene- Bricefio. Bogota. 1884. * 1381 Contestacion de Venezuela al "Alegato" de Colombia. Madrid. 1884. * 1382 Mapas para servir al estudio de la frontera entre Venezuela y Colombia. Madrid. 1884. * 1383 Ho J AS de un libro. Poc'sias. Por E. Rivodo. La Guaira. 1884. * 1384 Tradiciones populares. . . Por T. Rodriguez. Caracas. 1884. * 1385 Bolivar, sa vie, son oeuvre. Par J. P. Clarens. Bordeaux. 1884. * 1386 Resumen de las Actas de la Academia Venezolana leide en Junta publica d© 27 de octubre de 1884. Por E. Calcado. Caracas. 1884. * 1387 Anuario estadistico de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela. Caracas. 1884. * 1388 Historia d© la conquista d© la Pro- vincia d© Venezuela. 2 torn. Por J. d© Oviedo y Baiios. Madrid. 1885. • 1390 Geologie d© l'Anci©nn© Colombi© Bolivarienne. Par H. Karsten. Berlin. 1886. * 1391 Venezuela: a visit to the gold mines of Guiana and a voyage up- the Orinoco in 1886. . . By W. Barry. 1886. * 1392 Le8 Etats Unis de Venezuela. Par P. d© Cazeneuv© ©t Fr. Haraine. Paris. 1888. * 1394 El Derecho internacional venezo- lana Limites Britanicos de Guayana. By R. Seijas. Caracas. 1888. * 1395 Venezuela. Von W. Sievers. Hamburg. 1888. * Venezuela. Van H. A. M. lants. Amsterdam. 1888. * Reise-Skizzen aus Venezuela. Von F. Buchner. Miinchen. 1888. * 1398 El Areopago revolucionario de Vene- zuela, 6 los industriales politicos. 2 pt. Por E. Pepper. 1888. * 1399" BosQUEJO historico de Venezuela. Tom I- Por J. M. de Rojas. Pari.^. 1888. * 1400 Primeras paginas de un libro de leyendas histodicas de Venezuela. By A. Rojas. Caracas. 1888. * 1402 Le Venezuela et la General Guzman Blanco. Por A. Didrer. Paris. 1888. * 1404 Notice sur Venezuela. Paris. 1889. * 1405 Un Viage a Venezuela. Por J. Laverde Amaya. Bogota. 1889. * 1406 Gran recopilacion geografica d© Venezuela. 2 tom. Por M. Landaeta Rosales. Caracas. 1889. * 1407 General C. Soublette. Por C. Soublette. 1889. Venezuela y sus riquezas. O. de Mombello. Caracas. 1890. United States and Venezuela Claims Commission, 1889-90. Opinions of the Commissioners. Washington. 1890. * 1410 Ethnographie preoolombienn© (iu Venezuela. Par G. Marcano. Paris. 1890. * 1411 Venezuela y la Gran Bretana. Cuestion limites de Guyana. 1890. * 1413 * 1408 Por G. * 1409 El Derecho d© Venezuela en la cuestion con Inglatorra. Por E, Calcano. Caracas. 1890. * 1414 CoNFERENCiAS sobre practica del sistema representativo en Vene- VENEZUELA. 69 zuela. Por S. T. Atienzo. Caracas 1890. * 1415 VoCABULARio del estado Carabobo. 2 pt. Por T. A. Macpherson. Valencia. 1890-91. * 1416 LxYENDAS hietoricas de Venezuela. 2 torn. Por A. Rojas. Caracas. 1890-91. • 1417 DicciONARio del estado Mirando. Por T. A. Macpherson. Caracas. \ 1891. * 1418 1 H18TORIA del gobierno del doctor J. | P. Rojas Paul, Presidente de los Estados de Venezuela, 1888 a 1890. Por F. Gonzalez Guinan. Valencia. 1891. * 1419 Venezuela. Tercer censo de la Republico, 1891. 4 torn. Caracas. 1891. • 1420 Las Fronteras de Venezuela. Por J. M. Rojas. Paris. 1891. * 1421 Los ExTRANGKROs, 8U admisiou, su expulsion. Por G. T. Villegas Pulido. Caracas. 1891. • 1422 Catecismo de historia de Venezuela. Por A. Eitellcr. Caracas. 1891. • 1423 Historia Patria. Origines venezo- lanos. Tom L Por A. Rojas. Caracas. 1891. * 1424 Venezuela. Libro amarillo de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, 1891. (Ministerio de Relacionei exteriores.) 2 torn. Caracas. 1891. * 1425 Demonbtracion de la riqueza meta- lugica en las regiones de los estados Carabol>o, Lara y Zamora. Por J. R. Ricart. Caracas. 1891. * 1427 Juicio critico sobre el laudo en la cuestion limites entre Venezuela y Colombia. Por J. G. Villafane. Tdriha. 1891. * 1428 Venezuela. El Libre amarillo, 1892. 2 torn. Caracas. 1892. * 1429 Wandertage im Strom und Kiisten- gebiet des Orinoko. Von E. Zu Erbach. Leipzic. 1892. • 1430 liANirESTO. Por J. P. Rojas Paul. Curasao. 1892. * 1431 La Verdad de los hechos. Por D. Monagas. 1892. • 1432 VoM tropischen Tieflando zum ewigen Schee. Von A. Goering. Leipzig. 1892. * 1432a EsTUDios en refutacion de "El mani- fiesto liberal de 1893." Por D. A. Olavarria. Valencia. 1893. * 1433 Rectificaciones. Por J. F. Sarna, 1893. • 1434 Au Venezuela. Le general J. Crespo Par A. Padula. Rome. 1893. • 143A Los Estados unidos de Venezuela, en la Exposicion Universal Colom- biana de Chicago en 1893. Nueva York. [1893]. * 1436 The same in English. New York. 1893. • EsTUDios historico-politicos. Por D A. Olavarria. Valencia. 1894. * 1437 La Mision diplomatica de F. Nichelena en la Gran Bretana. Caracas. 1894. * 1438 Memorias sobre las revoluciones do Venezuela. Por J. F. Heredia y Mieses. Paris. 1895. * 1439 Manual de historia de Venezuela. Por F. Tejera. Cardccu. 1895. • 1440 Apuntes para la historia contem- gjranea de Venezuela. Por E. epper. Cura<^ao. 1895. * 1441 Exposicion que dirige al Congreso el Ministero de Hacienda en 1895. 2 torn. Caracas. 1895. * 1442 Paralelos en el centenario del liber- tador de los esclavos en Venezuela, J. G. Monagas. Por E. Pepper. Cura<:ao . 1895. * 1443 Resena Geografica de Venezuela. Por F. Vizcarrondo Rojas. Caracas. 1895. * 1444 Indick alfabetico de la recopilacion de leyes y decretos de los estados unidos de Venezuela. Por C. Leon. Caracas. 1895. * 1445 Venezuela ; or Two Years on the Spanish Main. By Major W. E. Wood. Middleshoroufjh. 189b. i447 Souvenirs. Au Venezuela, 1876-92. Par Madame L. Roncayolo. Paris. 1896. * 1448 Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America. By R. H. Davis. New York. 1896. * 1449 Venezuela. A land where it's always summer. By W. E. Curtis. New York. 1896. * 1450 Venezuelan International Law. By N. D. Davis. Georgetown. 1896. * 1451 El Hombre y la historia. Por J. Gil Fortoul. Paris. 1896. * 1452 Venezuela. Codigo Civil. Caracas. 1896. * 1453 VENEZUELA. 70 Venezuela. Statistisches Jahrbuch der Vereinigten Staaten von Vene- zuela. (Ministerio de Fomento.) 1894. Caracas. 1896. * 1454 HiSTORiA contemporanea de Vene- zuela political y militar (1858- 1886). Por L. Level de Goda. Barcelona. 1896. * 1455 Die Vereinigten Staaten von Vene- zuela. Von V. Pappafara. Inns- bruck. 1897. * 1456 With the Trade- Winds. A jaunt in Venezuela. By I. N. Morris. New York. 1897 * 1457 Lb Venezuela. Etudes physiques, ... Par C. M. E. P. Benard. Bordeaux. 1897. * 1458 Venezuela. El nuevo Codigo Civil Venezolano Madrid. 1897. * 1459 Resumen de la historia de Venez- uela. 3 torn. Por R. M. Baralt y R. Diaz. Curazao. 1887. * 1460 Historia militar y political del General Joaquin Crespo. 2 vol. Por L. Lameda y M. Landaeta Rosales. Cardcas. 1897. * 1461 II Venezuela. Por T. Caivano. Milano. 1897. * 1462 Lb Venezuela, financier, economique. Par J. Savygnac. Bruxelles. 1898. * 1463 Historia del gobierno de la aclama- cion periodo constitucional de Venezuelt. Por G. Guinan. Caracas. 1899. 1464 Esquisse de la vie de Bolivar. Par S. de Schryver. Bruxelles. 1899. * 1465 Handbook of Venezuela. (Bureau of the American Republics.) Washington. 1899. * 1466 Down the Orinoco in a Canoe. By S. Perez Triana. With introduc- tion by R. B. C. Graham. 1902. * 1467 Complemento (Todas las peripecias del General Castro y su (Jobierno). Por R. Tello Mendoza. Caracas. 1903. * 1468 La Repiiblica Argentina y el caso do Venezuela. Por L. M. Drago. Buenos Aires. 1903. * 1469 Prologo a ]os Anales de Venezuela. Caracas. 1903. * 1470 Naar de Antillen en Venezuela. Van H. van Kol. Leiden. 1904. * 1471 Boletin de Estadistica de lo« estadoa unidos Venezuela. Director P. M. Ruiz. Caracas. 1904-1907. * 1471a Venezuela : Geographical Sketch, Natural Resources, Laws, Econo- mic Conditions, Development and Prospects. By N. Veloz Goiticoa. Washington. 1904. [3 g.] 1472 Venezuela ante el conflicto con las potencias aliadas. Caracas. 1905 * 1474 Documentos. Por C. Castro (Presi- dent). Caracas. 1905. * 1475 Espozo geografico, recursos, natur- ales, legislacion, condiciones econom., desarrollo alcanzada, prospecto de futuio desenvolvi- miento di Venezu&ia. Por N. V. Goiticoa. Caracas. 1905. * 1476 ViAGE del General C. Castro al Cen- tro, sur y orient© de Venezuela. Por R. Tello Mendaza. Caracas. 1905 * 1477 GoBiERNOS de Venezuela des de 1810 hasta 1905. Por M. Landaeta Caracas. 1905. * 1477a Le conflit Vencryrt^iien et 1' arbitrage de la Haye. Par A. Gacho. Paris. 1905. * 1478 Les Origines Venezueliennes . Par J. Humbert (Bibliotheque dee Universites du Midi). Paris. 1905. * 1479 L ) HiSTORico. . . Refutacion ^ la Historia por L. Level de Goda. Por B. Tavera-Acosta. Cindad- Bolivar. 1906. * 1479a En el Sur. Por B. Tavera-Acosta. Cindad-Bolivar. 1907. * 1479b Las Palm as de la flora Venezolana. Por A. Jahn. Caracas. 1908. * 1479c 71 23. CURACAO and St. EUSTATIUS. Authentic Rebel Papers seized at Saint Eustatius, 1781. London. 1781. * 1480 An Explanation of the case relating to the capture of St. Eustatius, in which is included the several com- missions appointing the Agents to manage the business of the cap- ture. 1786. * 1480a RioLEMENT op het beleid van de regering, het justitie-wezen, den handel en acheepvaart, mitsgaders de instruction voor den gouver- neur der eilanden St. Eustatius, St. Martin on Saba, den boek- houder gencrael op het eiland St. Eustatius, den commandeur des eilands St. Martin en den boek- houlder aldaar. Amsterdam. 1815. • 1480b Reglement op het beleid de reger- ing, het justitie-wezen, den handel en scheepvaart, mitsgaders de in- ■truction voor den Gouvemeur Generael en den raad contrarol- leur Goneraal op het eiland Cura«rfect relation of the . . disturbances in the Colony . . set forth . . by W. Byam . . couched in the answer thereunto by Robert Sanford. 1662. * 1501 An Exact Relation of the most execrable attempts of John Allin, committed on the person of his Excellency Francis Lord Wil- loughby of Parham, Capt. General of Guiana, and of all the Caribby Islands, and our Lord Proprietor. By W. Byam. 1665. * 1502 An Impartial Description of Suri- nam upon the continent of Guiana in America. With a history of several strange beasts, birds, fishes, serpents, insects, and customs of that colony, etc. By G. Warren. 1667. * 1503 Thg same. Een onpartijdige beschrijvinge van Suriname. Amsterdam. 1669. * A Seasonable Proposition of Pro- pogating the Gospel by Christian Colonies in the continent of Guiana. . . By J. Oxenbridge. [1670?] * 1504 Amerikaansche Voyagien, behel- zende een reis na Rio de Berbice. Door A. van Berkel. Amsterdam. 1695. * 1504b Journal of Travels into Guiana, in the year 1674, in order to Dis- cover the great Lake of Parima, aiid the many Cities said to be situated on its Banks, and reputed the Richest in the World. By J. Grillet and F. Bechanel. ' 1698. • 1505 j Oroonoko, or the Royal Slave. By ' Afra Behn. [1698 : and many later editions.] • 1505d Oroonoka : a Tragedy. By T. ] Southerne. 1699. * 1507 : The Case and Proceedings for and against Mr. Jeronimy Clifford, Merchant and Planter, at Surin- | am, May, 1715. * 1508 ; The Same. The Case and Re- plication of the legal represent*- ' tives of Jeronimy Clifford. 1763. • Conduct of the Dutch, relating to their Breach of Treaties with * England, particularly their Breach of the Articles of Capitu- lation for the Surrender of Suri- j nam in 1667, and their oppres- i sions committed upon the English \ Subjects in that Colony. ' 1760. • 1509 KoRTBONDiGB Beschrijving van de Colonie de Berbice, j 1763. • 1509a An Essay on the Natural History ! of Guiana, in South America, containing a description of many , curious productions in the animal * and vegetable systems of that | country. ... By Dr. E. Bancroft. ' 1769. [3 b.] 1510 Requeste, Memorie, en Bijlaagen ' voor Pieter Pama cum suis, eige- naars van Plantagien gelegen in ' de Colonie Berbice, 1774. • 1510a Memoire sur les Colonies Demerary Essequebo ot Berbice. i 1782. * 1510b Capture of Demerara by the French By Col. W. Byam. 1782. 1610c Brieven over het Bestuur der >, Colonien Essequebo en Demerary tusschen Aristodemus en Sincerus. Amsterdam. 1785-8. 1510d Request en Memorie ter destructie van het verzoek van eenige ! Britsche Kooplieden. ] 1802. • 1510f Kort Historisch verhaal Colonie ) Berbice. 1805. • 1510g ' Voyage to the Demerary, contain- j ing a Statistical Account of the Settlements there and of those of , BRITISH GUIANA. 73 the Essequebo, the Berbice and other Rivers of Guyana. By H. Bolingbroke. Norwich. [1807]. * 1511 The IS'ame. Philadelphia. 1813. * Nachrict von Suriname. . . von Quandt. Gorlitt. 1807. • 1511a Narrative of a Voyage to Surinam, and a residence there during 1805- 6-7. By Baron Albert von Sack. 1810. [3f.] 1512 Judicial, Practical and Mercantile Guide of British Guiana. By Van der Linden. 1814. 1512* New Sailing Directions for the Coast of Guayana, comprehend- ing the Colonies of Cayenne, Surinam, and Berbice, with the Rivers Marowine, Surinam, Cour- tantin, Berbice, Demerary, Esse- quebo, c Petition for Immigration to British Guiana. 1845. * 1546d Papers relative to Constitutional Reform. 1845-46. * 1546o Review of the Prospects of Sugai Cultivation. By G. Ross. 1845. • 154Gd Extract from Report of R. G. Butts [on Emigration]. 1845. * 1546e Reis naar Demerary. Door J. E. W. F. v. Raders. a. D. L. Wolfson. 1846. • 1546f Orders in Council regulating, in British Guiana, Mauritius, St. Lucia and Trinidad, the relative rights of Masters and Servants and Contracts of Service. [P.P.] 1846. * 1547 Crown Lands. [P.P.] 1846. * 1547a Missionary Labours in British Guiana, with remarks on the man- ners, customs, and superstitious rites of the aborigines. By Rev. J. H. Bernau. 1847. [3 c.] 1548 A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Guiana. By W. P. Austin, Bishop. 1847. * 1549 Meteorological Elements of British Guiana. By P. Sandeman. 1847. • 1549a Report of Committee of Railway Company, British Guiana. By F. Catherwood. 1847. * 1549b Starch-producino Plants. By J. Sheir. 1847. * 1549c Thoughts on British Guiana. By a Planter. 1847. * 1549d Despatches, 1844-47, relating to Coolie Emigration to Briti.sh Guiana and Trinidad, Expenses incurred and Funds provided for the Service. [P.P.] * 1550 Memoirs of the Rev. John Smith Missionary to Demerara. By E. A. Wallbridge. With a preface by the Rev. W. G. Barrett. 1848. ♦ 1551 Reisen in British Guiana. Von R. Schomburgk. 1848. * 1551a Advice to Labourers of British Guiana. By Rev. G. Macfarlane. 1848. • 1551b Papers connected with the Enquiry into the Management of the Penal Settlement. 1848. * 1551c Tables of Exchange for British Gui- ana. By A. Craigen. 1848. • 1551d Report of Committee on the Griev- ances complained of in the Ad- ministration and Government of British Guiana : Evidence and Index. [P.P.] 1849. * 1552 Correspondence showing the state of the Dispute between the Com- bined Court and the Governor, resp)ecting the Estimates for the Public Service, and the Civil List. [British Guiana.] [P.P.] 1849-50 * 155S Eight Years in British Guiana, be- ing the Journal of a Residence in that Province, from 1840-1848 in- clusive. By Barton Premium. 1850. • 1554 Church of British Guiana and the Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland. 1850. • 1554a Acts of the Apostles translated into the Arrawack tongue. By Rev. T. Schultz. New York. 1850. * 1554b Second Report on Thorough Drain- age. By J. Shier. 1850. * 1554c Indian Missions in Guiana. By Rev. W. H. Brett. 1851. * 1535 The History of British Guiana. Abstract of the Census of British Guiana. 1851, * 1555a Address to the Commercial Interest concerning a Navigable Canal in British Guiana. By J. L. C. Playter. 1851. * 1555b Legends and Myths of the Abori- ginal Indians of British Guiana. By Rev. W. H. Brett, [n.d.] [3 b.] 1556 Journal of the Bishop of Guiana'i Visitation. 1851. * 1556a Trial of Geo. A. McKidd for Libel on Governor Barkly. 1851. • 1556b 76 Directions for testing Cane Juices. By J. Shier. 1851. * 1556c The same. 1877. * Report of Commission of the State and Prospects of British Guiana. 1851. * 1556c Correspondence between the Gov- ernor of British Guiana and Earl Grey on the subject of Con- stitutional Reform. 2 parts. [P.P.] 1851-52. * 1557 Appendix to Report of Board of Health, British Guiana. 1852. * 1557a A Charge delivered by W. P. Austin, Bishop, to the clergy of the diocese of Guiana, at the Visitation, in the Cathedral Church, Georgetown, 1851. 1852. * 1558 Demerara, after 15 years of Free- dom. By J. Brumell. 1853. * 1558a Report of the Inspector of Schools of British Guiana. 1853. * 1558b Notes of Inspection of Georgetown, by J. M. Johnstone, Health Officer. 1853. * 1558c Reports on Guiana Diocesan So- ciety. 1853-1866. * 1558d Papers relating to Chinese Immi- grants recently introduced into British Guiana ; nd Trinidad. 4 parts. [P.P.] 1853-58 * 1559 Patriotic Fund: Address of E. A. Wallbridge. 1854. * 1559a Correspondence respecting the Maintenance and Repair of the Sea Wall at Georgetown, Deme- rara. [P.P.] 1855. * 1560 Catalogue of Contributions trans- mitted from British Guiana to the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1855. Georgetown. 1855. * 1561 The History of British Guiana. Comprising a general description of the colony ; « ..rtrrative of some of the principal events from the ©arlist period oi its discovery to the present time ; together with an account of its climate, geology, staple products and natural his- tory. By H. G. Dalton, M.D. 2 vols. 1855. [3 c.] 1562 The IVlif^siONARY's Wife. By Rev. Henderson. 1855. * 1562a A Manual of Plantership in British Guiana. By A. Macrae. 1856. * 1563 BRITISH GUIANA. May Morley and other fugitive pieces. By W. T. Veness. 1856. * 1563a Correspondence between Governor Wodehouse and the Colonial Office on the recent Disturbances and Compensation Claims, £50,000 [in British Guiana]. [P.P.] 1856. * 1564 Manual of Plantership in British Guiana. By A. McRae. 1856. * 1564a Correspondence respecting the Registration Tax. British Guiana. [P.P.] 1857. * 1565 Guiana: geographical and historical. By J. O. Bagdon. 1857. * 1565a Second Report on Yellow Fever. By Dr. D. Blair. 1857. * 1565b Rules of D' Urban Race Course. 1857. * 1565c Correspondence between Rev. T. Bell and the Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland. 1857. * 1565d Letter to Earl Grey : Charges against Lieut. -Governor Walker. By W. Crichton. 1857. * 1565e Address at St. Mary's, Corentyne. By Rev. T. Farrar. 1858. * 1565f Correspondenoe etc. R. Duff, G. Harper, etc. 1858. * 1565g Ventilation of Immigrant Ships. 1858. * 1565h Rules of Georgetown Athenaeum. 1858. * 1565i Inauguration of Missionary Jubilee Memorial in Bethel Chapel. 1859. * 1565i Who Pays for Immigration ? 1859. * 1565J Address to the Members of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.. By R. DufF. 1860 * 1565k Three Sermons on Special Occa- sions. By Rev. H. Read. 1860. * 15651 Sugar Cane Cultivation in British Guiana. By E. Conolly. 1860. • 1565m Baptism of Converts from Judaism. 1860. * 1565n Emancipation in the West Indies: Two addresses by E. B. Underbill, and Rev. J. T. Brown. 1861. • 1665o Case of J. Howell, and Suspension of R. G. Butts. 1861. * 1565p BRITISH GUIANA. 77 Report of Commission of Church of Scotland in British Guiana. 1861. • 1565q Natural History Society of British Guia-na. By-Laws. 1861. * 1565r Expedition in Search of El Dorado and Omagua. By Pedro de Ursua. Translated by William Bollaert, with introduction by Sir Clements Markhara. 1861. • 1566 Proceedingb of the Natural History Society of British Guiana. George- town. 1861. * 1567 Free Cotton : Where and how to grow it. By W. H. Holmes. 1862. • 1567a Bent's Guide to Ordinances of British Guiana, 1831-1861. [n.d.l • 1567b Report on Georgetown Scripture Readers' Association. 1861-1862. * 1567c Chinese Emigration : A Trip through British Guiana. By Rev. W. Lobscheid. 1862. * 1567d Report of Clerical Committee on Education, etc. 1862. * 1567e Sermon by Rev. G. Lillie. 1862. • 1567f Catalogue of Contributions from British Guiana to the London International Exhibition. 1862. • 1568 Geography of British Guiana. Bv Rev. J. Foreman. 1863. * 1568a Lecture on the English Language. By S. P. Thomson. 1863. * 1568b Catalogue of Natural History So- ciety and Address of W. Walker. 1863. • 1568c Resignation of J. T. Gilbert. 1863. • 1568d Law op Arrest: Two Cases in Bail Court. 1863. * 1568e Sailing Directions for the Coast of Guayana, from the river Maranon to the river Orinoco. . . 1864. * 1569 Charge to the Clergy by the Bishop of Guiana. 1864. * 1569a Index to Ordinances to, 1864. By D. Arrott. 1864. * 1569b Lecture on " Noah's Curse." By Rev. J. M'Arthur. 1864. * 1569c Poems. By F. A. Belgrave. 1864. • 1569d Vesper Cogitations. By F. A. Belgrave. 1864. • 1569e Scripture Readers' Association. Proceedings, 1864-1866. • 1569f. Letter of J. T. Gilbert concerning his nomination to the Court of Policy. 1865. * 1569g W^ickedness and Doom of the Papal Anti-Christ. By H. Bleby. 1865. • 1569h Report on Villages. By N. Cox and \\. J. Jeffrey. 1865. * 1569i Case of Manoel De Freitas, and Speech of C. J. Beaumont on the Gaol Delivery Bill. 1865. * 1569] Remarks on the Antiseptic Pro- perties of Megass. 1865. * 1569k An Illustrated History of British Guiana. By G. W. Bennett. Georgetown. 1866 * 1570 Tht Same. 2nd ed. 1871. * The Same. Abridged ed. A History of British Guiana. George- town. 1875. [M.C.] * El Dorado ; or. British Guiana as a field for colonisation. By Rev. Vf . T. Veness. 1866. [3 c.] 1571 British Guiana : Being Notes on a few of the natural productions, industrial occupations, and social institutions. By Rev. R. DufiF. Glasgow. 1866. * 1572 Bourda Will Case. 1866. * 1572a Address to the people of the Urqu- hart Mission. By Rev. T. Slater. 1866. * 1572b Mission to Corentyn Indians. By W. T. Veness. 1866. * 1572c Chinese Emigration. By W. Lobs- cheid. 1866. * 1572d Ruins of Time, and other Poems. By W. E. Roberts. 1867. * 1572e Catalogue of contributions trans- mitted from British Guiana to the Paris Universal Exhibition. 1867. • 1572f Pastoral Letter. By Rev. R. L. Webber, M.A. 1868. * 1572f Removal of Chief Justice Beau- mont. 1868. * 1572g The Indian Tribes of Guiana. . . By Rev. W. H. Brett. 1868. [3 c.] 1573 Index to Ordinances" 1864-1869. By D. Arnott. 1869. * 1573a Instructions to Captains of Emi- grant Ships. 1869. * 1573b Report on Distillery Lees. 1869. 1573c 78 Inquiry as to Treatment of Immi- grants. By G. Des Voeux. 1869. * 1573d Public Opinion on the Militia Question. 1869. * 1573e De la Contagion, seule cause de la Propagation de la Lepre. Par Dr. C. L. D. Landre. 1869. * 1573f The Same. Over de Oorzaken der Verbreiding van de Lepra. 1869. * British Guiana. Directory with Almanack and Diary for . . 1870. Demerara. 1870. [3 b.] 1574 Report on Estates' Hospitals. 1870. * 1574a Sugar Cane Cultivation. By E. Conolly. 1870. * 1574b Reports of the Geological Survey of British Guiana. By J. G. Sawkins and C. B, Brown. Demerara. 1870. [3f.] 1574c Report of Commissioners on the treatment of Immigrants in British Guiana ; with Appendices. 3 parts. [P.P.] 1871. * 1575 Correspondence as to the Com- plaints of Portuguese residents in British Guiana. [P.P.] 1871. * 1576 The Coolie. His Wrights and Wrongs. Notes of a Journey to British Guiana, with a review of the system and of the recent Com- mission of Inquiry. By E. Jenkins. 1871. [2g.] 1577 The Arawack Language of Guiana. By D. G. Brinton. Philadelphia. 1871. [3 c] 1578 British Guiana. Correspondence on the Recommendations of the Com- missioners. [P.P.] 1872. * 1579 Proposal for new Cathedral. 1872. * 1579a Position and Prospects of British Guiana considered. By R. H. Whitfield. 1872. * 1579b Immigration Ordinance. By H. Kirke and S. T. Fitzherbert. 1873. * 1579c Handy Book of Village Law. By J. Brumell. 1873. * 1579d British Guiana. The Essequibo and Potaro rivers, with an account of the Kaieteur Falls. By Lieut. Col. Webber. With map and frontispiece. 1873. * 1580 Resolutions agreed upon at the Conference of the Bishops of the West Indian Diocese, assembled BRITISH GUIANA. at Georgetown. Demerara. 1873. [J.p. xxvi.] 1681 Papers as to a Disturbance among the Indian Immigrants. British Guiana. [P.P.] 1873. * 1582 A Pastoral issued by the Bishops of the W^est Indian Diocese, at their Conference held at Georgetown, Demerara. 1873. [j.p. xxvi.] 1585 Pastoral Address to the Congrega- tion of St. Paul's. By Rev. T. Farrar. 1873. * 1583a Preliminary Report or outline of the principal duties of the Agricul- tural Chemist to the Colony of British Guiana. By J. Shier, LL.D. 2nd ed. 1874. [2 i.] 1584 Schedules of Contract for Works in Demerara, War Department. 1874. * 1584a Court of Review Cases, 1856-1873. Alves, Dampier and Maxwell. 1874. * 1584b Journey in the Interior by British Guiana. By E. F. im Thurn. 1875. * 1584c Harvest Thanksgiving Sermon at St. Paul's. By Rev. T. Farrar. 1875. * 1584d Report on Agricultural Wants of British Guiana. By W. Russell. 1875. * 1584e British Guiana : Its present Posi- tion and future Prospects. 1875. ♦ 1584f Canoe and Camp life in British Guiana. By C. B. Brown, Assoc. R.S.IVI. 1876. [3 c.] 1585 Botanical Reminiscences in British Guiana. By R. Schomburgk. 1876. * 1585a Twelve Essays on the Cultivation of the Sugar Cane. 1876. * 1585b Voyage to Berbice, 1735. Reprint, 1877. * 1585c Reports on the Condition of Coolies in Surinam. [P.P.] 1877. • 1586 Journey to Kaieteur Falls. By E. F.im Thurn. 1878. * 1586a Sermon at St. Andrew's, Victoria. By Rev. T. Farrar. 1878. * 1586b The Demerara Sugar Case: Ameri- can Dark Sugar. 1878. * 1586c Seven Essays on Agricultural Sub- jects. 1878. * 1586d Report of the Bishops' Conference. 1878. * 1586e BRITISH GUIANA. 79 Sermons: By Rev. T. Greenough. 1878. * 1586f British Guiana Exhibits at Inter- national Exhibition, Paris. 1878. * 158Gg RoRAiMA and British Guiana. With a glance at Bermuda, the West Indies and the Spanish Main. By J. W. Boddam-Whetham. 1879. [3g.] 1587 Sermon: By Rev. F. J. Wyatt. 1879. * 1587a Pbtition for Railway to Berbice. 1879. * 1587b St. Philip's Guild Rules. 1879. * 1687c Three Essays on the Manufacture of Rum. 1879. * 1587d A Journey in the Interior of British Guiana, [in Proc. R. Geo. Soc.] 1880. * 1588 Mission Work among the Indian Tribes in the Forests of Guiana. Bv Rev. W. H. Brett. 1880. [34 c.] 1589 The same. 1881. * Reports on Soils from British Guiana. By T. Jamieson. 1880. • 1589a Address to Diocesan Synod. By Rev. T. Farrar. 1880. * 1589b Animism of the. Indians of British Guiana. Bv E. F. im Thurn. 1880. * 1589c Seweracb and Drainage of George- town. By Dr. W. Knight. 1880. • 1589d Indian Pictured Books of Guiana. 1881. * 1589e Leprosy" in British Guiana. An account of West Indian Leprosy. By J. D. Hillis, F.R.C.S. With Slates, coloured and plain, from rawings and photographs of patients at the asylum. Engrav- ings from camera-lucida, drawings of pathological specimens bv E. Noble Smith, F.R.C.S., and ex- planatory remarks by P. S. Abra- ham, M.A., F.R.C.S. 1881. [3g.] 1590 Chapters from a Guianese Log- Book. By Rev. C. D. Dance. 1881. * 1591 Origin of the Guianian Indians. By H. V. P. Bronkhurst. 1881. * 1591a Results of Census of British Guiana. 1881. * 1591b Reports on Insects injurious to the Sugar Cane. By J. H. Comstock. 1881. * 1591c Enquiry into working of the OflBoe of Administrator General of British Guiana. 1882. * 1591cl Address : By Rev. T. Farrar. 1882. * 1591o East Coast Water Supply. By W. Russell. 1882. * 1591f Dark Sugar Question : Review of Commissioner's Report. 1882. • 1591g Res Anglo-Israeliticae. By Rev. T. Farrar. 1882. * 1591g Missions to the Indians. Address by Rev. T. Farrar. 1882. * 1591h Among the Indians of Guiana, being sketches chiefly anthropologic from the interior of British Guiana. By E. F. im Thurn, M.A. 1883. [3 c.] 1592 The Colony of British Guyana and its labouring population. ... By Rev. H. V. P. Bronkhurst. 1883. [3 c.] 1593 Combined Court Sketches. 1883. • 1593a Papers: Quarantining of the "Sheila." 1883. * 1593b Lectures on British Guiana and its Young Men. Bv G. A. Widdess. 1883. * 1593c Ordination Sermon. By Rev. T. Farrar 1883. * 1593d Explorations in the neighbourhood of Mounts Roraima and Kukenam. By H. Whiteley. [in Proc. R. Geo. Soc.] 1884. * 1594 West Indian Yarns. By "X. Beke." [G. H. Hawtayne.] Georgetown, 1884. [lb.] 1595 The same. New ed. Georgetown. 1890. ♦ The Ascent of Mt. Roraima ; with Mr. H. I. Perkin's narrative. [in Proc. R. Geo. Soc.] 1885. * 1596 Sketches of African and Indian Life in British Guiana. By Rev. J. Scoles. Demerara. 1885. * 1597 A Journey on the Berbice River and Wieroonie Creek. By E. H. Glaisher. British Guiana. 1885. [3f.] • 1598 Colonial and Indian Exhibition (London). Catalogue of Exhibits in the Guiana Court. 1886. * 1599 8o BRITISH GUIANA. A Voice from the Woods : Groet© Creek. By W. T. Pieters. 1886. • 1599a Fibre- Yielding Plants of British Guiana. By J. Rodway. 1886. • 1599b Records of the Demerara Turf. Part 1, 1829-1854. 1886. * 1599c Papers on the Peasantry. By W. Russell. 1886. * 1599d Lecture on British Guiana. By Hugh Watt. 1887. * 1599e The Apcstle of the Indians of Guiana : a memoir of the Rev. W. H. Brett. By Rev. F. P. L. Josa. 1887. [34 c.] 1600 Royal Agricultural and Commer- cial Society of British Guiana. By- Laws, Rules and Catalogue. Demerara. 1888. [3 f .] 1601 Supplement to "The Magisterial Law of British Guiana." By A. J. Pound. 1888. * 1602 Among the Hindus and Creoles of Guyana. Bv H. V. P. Bronk- hurst. 1888. • 1603 Chronological History of the Dis- covery and Settlement of Guiana, Vol. I., 1493-1668. By J. Rodway, F.L.S., and T. Watt. Georgetown. 1888. [3g.] 1604 Geschiedenis van de Kolonien Essequebo, Demerary en Berbice. Door P. M. Netscher. 's-Gravenhage. 1888. * 1605 ''Zorg": a Story of British Guiana. By V. Kirke. [3 c.] 1606 Records of British Guiana. Bv N D. Davis. Demerara. 1888. * 1607 Physician, Heal Thvself. By L. de Souza. 1888. * 1607a Labour Ordinances. With notes and forms. By C. B. Grose. Demerara. 1889. * 1608 Digest of Cases decided in the Review Court of British Guiana, 1856-91. By E. A. V. Abraham. Demerara. 1889. * 1609 Fruit Export Scheme. By Rogers and White. 1889. * 1609a Sermon. By Rev. W. B. Ritchie. 1889. ♦ 1609b Disturbances in Georgetown, March 19th and 20th. 1889. * 1609c The Administrator General's De- partment and Ordinances 15, 16, and 17 of 1887. By B. E. C. Belmonte. Demerara. 1889. * 1610 British Guiana Medical Annual, and Hospital Reports. Edited by J. S. Wallbridge, M.R.C.S., and E. D. Rowland, M.B. (Edin.) Demerara. 1890. [3 g.] 1611 The same. Edited by J. S. Wall- bridge and C. W. Daniels. 9th year of issue. Georgetown. 1897. [M.C.] * Pharmacology of Curare. By Dr. J. Tillie. 1890. * 1611a Cruise of the ** Ocean Queen." By P. Stewart. 1890. * 1611c Historical Geography of British Guiana. By H. V. P. Bronkhurst. Demerara. 1890. * 1612 New Overseer's Manual. By Rev. J. G. Pearson. Georgetown. 1890. * 1613 Index to the Laws of British Guiana, 1870-90. By C. T. Cox. Demerara. 1890. * 1614 Diffusion in Demerara. By L. Jones. 1890. * 1614a A Voyage to Berbice in 1735. Trans- lated and privately printed for N. Darnell Davis in Demerara [before 1891.] * 1614b Demerara Railway Handbook. 1891. * 1614c Rules of the Demerara Dramatic Club. 1891. * 1614d Ordinances and Regulations, British Guinea Gold, etc. 1891. * 1614e Essays and Fables in Creole English. By M. McTurk. " Quow." 1891. * 1614f Education in British Guiana. By P. de Wever. 1891. • 1614g Las Fronteras de Venezuela. Par J. M. Rojas. Paris. 1891. * 1615 History of British Guiana from the year 1668 to the present time. By J. Rodway, F.L.S. 3 vols. George- town. 1891-1894. [M.C.] ♦ 1616 Report of Commission for opening up the interior of British Guiana. 1892. • 1617 British Guiana : the North- West District. . [in Proc. R. Geo. Soc.] 1892. • 1618 Notes on the history of the Church in Guiana. By T. Farrar. BerUce. 1892. * 1619 British Guiana and its resources. 1893. ♦ 1620 Phases oi- Evolution in the Guiana BRITISH GUIANA. Bz Forest. By J. Rod way. 1893 • 1620a Birds of the Botanic Gardens. By E. and Mrs. Percival. 1893. • 1620b The Colony Militia. By J. Rod- way.- 1893. * 1620c Falstaff : a Comedy. By J. Veecock. 1893. • 1620d Handbook of British Guiana. By J. Rodwav. Georgetown 1893. [3g.} 1621 Catalogue of the Exhibits of British Guiana. Bv J. J. Qnelch. Chirtujo. 1893. [331.] 1622 Tropical Gakdenino in British Guiana. By J. F. Waby. Devierara. 1893. * 1623 In the Guiana Forest: Studies of Nature in relation to the struggle for life. By J. Rod way. With introduction by Grant Allen. 1894. * 1625 Ty i^me. 2nd ed. 1895. [3 b.] P^OM Religion to Revelation. By W. B. Ritchie. 1894. * 1625a Lawb of British Guiana. New and revised etl. 5 vols. Oxford. 1895. * 1626 British Guiana and its Resources. [By Robert Tennant.] 1895. [3 f .] 1627 Four Monthh of Travel in N.W. British Guiana. By G. G. Dixon. [in Geo. Jour.] 1895. ♦ 1628 A Criminal Code and Constabulary Manual for British Guiana. 2nd ed. By C. Francis, J. P. and County Inspector of Constabulary. Leyton, Eng. 1895. * 1629 Stakk's GuiDE-Book and History of British Guiana. By J. Rodway and J. H. Stark. Boston. [1895.] [H.C] • 1630 The Overseer's Manual. Dernerara. 1896. ♦ 1632 Notes on British (iuiana and its Gold Industry. Bv H. J. Perkins. ' 1896. * 1633 Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society, British Guiana. By-Laws, Rules and Catalogue. Georgetown. 1896. [3 k.] 1634 The Story of Forest and Stream. By J. Rodway. 1897. [3 g.] 1635 Drmerariana: Essays. By W. A. Ireland. 1897. • 1636 TwFJiTY-FivB Years in British Guiana. By H. Kirke. 1898. [3f.] 1637 British Guiana, or Work and Wan- derings. . . By Rev, L. Crookall. 1898. [3f.] 1638 Report on a Collection [of Birds Mammals, Reptiles, Crustacea, and Insects], made by F. V. McConnell and J. J. Quelch, at Mount Roraima. [in Linn. Trans.} 1900. • 1639 Creole Life in British Guiana. By Rev. J. Speirs. [bef. 1902.J ♦ 1640- The Proverbs of British Guiana. . . By Rev. J. Si>eirs. Dernerara. 1902. [3f.] 1641 A Naturalist in the Guianas. Ev E. Andre. 1904. [3 g.] 164^ The Creole Tongue of British Guiana. By J. Van Sertima. New Amsterdam, Bertice. 1905. [3f.] 1643. Negro Humour. By J. G. Cruick- shank Dernerara. 1905. [3f.] 1644 Correspondence relating to Distur- bances in British Guiana. [P.P.] March, 1906. • 1645 Further Correspondence relating to Disturbances in British Guiana. [P.P.] 1906. • 1645 British Guiana and its resources. By J. B, Harrison. 1907. [3 f .] 1645a A Text-book of th(» Geography of British Guiana, the West Indies and South America for the use of Schools. By A. De Weever. 4th ed. Dernerara. 1907. [3 g.] 1646 Batteau and Banaboo, or a trip to the Massaruni Diamond Fields. By Rev. W. G. White. Brigg. 1907. • 1646a De Vogels van Guyana. Surinamo,. Cayenne, Demerara. By F. P. Penard and A. P. Penard. 1908. • 1646b. The Geology of the gold fields of British Guiana. By J. B. Harri- son, C.M.G., M.A., F.I.C. With historical, geographical and other chapters by F. Fowler and C. W. Anderson. 1908. * 1646c A Souvenir of Emancipation 1838- 1908. By W. H. Hinds. Georgetown. 1908. * 1646d The Argosy Handbook and Direc- tory of British Guiana for 1909. Georgetown. 1909. [3f.] 1646«e 82 BRITISH GUIANA. BOUNDARY QUESTION. Correspondence between the Vene- zuelan Government and H.B.M.'s Government, about the frontier, etc. [M. de Relaciones Exteriores.] Caracas. 1887. * 1647 Latest Correspondence on the limits of Guiana. Caracas. 1887. * 1648 LiMiTES Britanicos de Guayana. Por R. F. Seijas. Caracas. 1888. * 1649 LiMiTES Guayaneses entre Venezuela y la Gran Bretana. Por A. Guzman Blanco. Paris. 1890. • 1650 LiMiTES Guayaneses. Epistola del Presidente. A. G. Blanco. Parts. 1890. * 1651 Una palabra mas sobre Limites Guayeneses. Por A. G. Blanco. Paris. 1890. * 1652 British Aggressions in Venezuela. The Monroe Doctrine on trial. By W. L. Scruggs. Atlanta. 1895. * 1653 Lord Salisbury's Mistakes. By W. L. Scruggs. Washington. 1896. * 1654 The Venezuelan Question : British aggressions in Venezuela. By W. L. Scruggs. Atlanta. 1896. * 1655 Documents and Maps on the Boun- dary between Venezuela and British Guayana, from the Capuchin Archives in Rome. By Rev, J, Strickland. Rome. 1896. • 1656 HiSTORiA oficial de la discusion entre Venezuela y la Gran Bretaiia sobre los limites en la Guayana. New York. 1896. * 1657 Official History of the discussion between Venezuela and Great Britain on their Guiana boun- daries. Atlanta. 1896. * 1658 Before the Venezuelan Boundary Commission. Brief for Venezuela. Washington. 1896. * 1659 Documents submitted to the Boun- dary Commission by the Counsel of the Government of Venezuela. 3 vols. Washington. 1896. * 1660 Aleoato de Venezuela. Contesta- cion al " Libro Azul Britanico," con el tftulo de " Documentos re- latives i la cuestion de limites entre la Guyana Britanica y Vene- zuela." (M. de Relaciones Ex- teriores.) Caracas. 1896. * 1661 Frontera Venezolana. Correspon- dencia entre los Estados Unidos y la Gran Bretana. Caracas. 1896. * 1662 Memorandum del Ministerio acerca de la Nota de Lord Salisbury al Senor Olney, fechada a 26 de Nov. de 1895. Caracas. 1896. * 1663 Memorandum by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, rela- tive to the note of Lord Salisbury to Mr. Olney, Nov. 26th, 1895. Atlanta. 1896. * 1664 Memoria que presenta el Ministro de Relaciones Interiores al Congreso de los Estados Unidos de Vene- zuela en 1896. Caracas. 1896. * 1665 Fallacies of the British * ' Blue Book " on the Venezuelan Ques- tion. By W. L. Scruggs. Washing- ton. 1896. * 1666 Documents and Correspondence re- lating to the boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela. Presented to Parliament, March, 1896. 2 pt. 1896. * 1667 L I m I T R 8 Guayaneses entre los Estados Unidos de Venezuela y la Gran Bretaiia. Por A. G. Blanco. Paris. 1896. * 1668 British Guiana and Venezuela. Documents and Correspondence re- lating to the question of Boundary. Presented to Parliament. 1896. [34 d.] 1669 The same. Further Documents. 1896. [34 c.] Venezuela — British Guiana Boun- dary Arbitration. Documents and Correspondence relating to the Question. 2 parts. 1896. [P.P.] * 1670 Maps to Accompany the Venezuela- British Guiana Boundary Arbitra- tion. 1896. [P.P.] • 1671 HiSTORiA official de la discusi6n entre Venezuela y la Gran Bretaiia sobre sus limites en la Guayana. Nueva York. 1896. * 1672 Documents relating to the question of boundary between Venezuela and British Guyana. Submitted to the Boundary Commission by the Counsel of the Government of Venezuela. 3 vols. Washington. 1896. * 1678 BRITISH GUIANA. Alegato de Venezuela . . relatives 6 la cuestion de limites entre la Guyana Britanica y Venezuela. Caraca$. 1896. * 1674 British Guyana boundary Case. Be- fore the Venezuela boundary Com- mission. Revised ed. 1896. * 1675 Venezuela. The British " Settled Districts" argument. 1896. * 1676 Official History of the Discussion between Venezuela and Great Britain on their Guiana Boun- daries. Atlanta. 1896. * 1677 The Venezuelan Question: British aggrcsions in Venezuela, or, the Monroe Doctrine on trial ; Lord Salisbury's mistakes ; fallacies of the British " Blue Book " on the disputed boundary. By W. L. Scruggs. Atlanta. 1896. * 1678 Question de limites de Guayana. Los trabajos de la comision investiga- dora de Washington. Caracas. 1897. • 1679 Report and accompanying papers of the Commission appointed by the President of the U.S. " to investi- gate . . . the true divisional line between Venezuela and British Guiana." 3 vols, and 1 vol. of maps. Washington. 1897. * 1680 El Libro Amarillo de Venezuela, 1897. Caracas. 1897. * 1681 U.S.A. Commission on Boundary be- tween Venezuela and British Guiana. Report and Accompany- ing Papers . 9 vols. Washington. 1897. • 1682 Venezuela Boundary Commission. Report of the Special Commission appointed by the President, Jan. 4th, 1896, to examine and report upon the true divisional line be- tween the Republic of Venezuela and British Guiana. 4 vols. Washington. 1897-98. * 1683 British Guiana boundary arbitra- tion. The Case of the United States of Venezuela before the tri- bunal of arbitration to convene at Paris under the provisions of treaty between the IFnited States of Venezuela and Her Britannic 83 Majesty signed at Washington - Feb. 2nd, 1897, and The Counter- ] case. 9 vols. New York and Baltimore. 1898. * 1684 -5 British Guiana Boundary Arbitra- | tion. The Case on behalf of tho I Government of H.B.M. The i Countercase. 12 vol. 1898. * 1685 Case of Venezuela before the Tri- ' bunal of Arbitration. 3 vols. New York. 1898. * 168& The Counter-case of Venezuela be- I fore the Tribunal of Arbitration. \ Vol. 1-3. New York. 1898. * 1687 i The same. Vol. 4. Appendix. ] Baltimore. 1898. * \ The Printed Argument on behalf of J Venezuela before the Tribunal of 1 Arbitration. 2 vols. New York. 1898. * 1688 ; El Libro Amarillo de Venezuela, ] 1898. Caracas. 1898. * 1689 Historique du conflit anglo-vene- zuelien en Guyane des origines au traite d'arbitrage, 1493-1897. Par ! G. Pariset. Paris. 1898. * 1690 < Guiana and Venezuela Cartography. ' By P. L. Phillips. Washington. 1898. * 1691 El Libro Amarillo de Venezuela, ; 1899. 3 pt. Caracas. 1899 * 1692 j Arbitration between the Govern- ' ments of H.B.M. and Venezuela. Proceedings, etc. 11 vols. Paris. 1899. * 1693 i Further Papers [relating to the ' Boundary of British Guiana]. | Case, Counter-Case, and Argu- ; ment of Great Britain. 3 parts. 1899. [P.P.] * 1694 ; Further Papers [relating to the Boundary of British Guiana]. ] Case, Counter-Case and Argument I of Venezuela. 3 parts. i 1899. [P.P.] * 1695 j Further Papers [relating to the \ British Guiana Boundary Quea- ! tion]. Award of the Tribunal. ^ 1899. [P.P.] 169a ] British Guiana and its Boundary [Col. Inst.] 1900. * 1697 > «4 25. DUTCH GUIANA. Vertoogh, hoe nootwendich, nut ende profijtelick het sij voor de vereenighde Nederlanden te be- houden de Vrijheyt van te hande- len op West-Indien, In den vrede metten Coninck van Spaignen. Door W. Usselinc. 1608 ♦ 1698 KoRTE en wonderlijcke Beschry- vinge van de Seltsame Wanschep- sals van Menschen . . in het Con- inckryck Guianae ; aen het Meyr Parim© . . Amsterdam. [1635?] * 1700 True Narrative of ye late troubles in the Colony Surynam. By Col. Wm. Byam. 1661. * 1700a Gebedt Van . . . Balthazar ger- bir, Baron Douvilly, Patroon ende Commandeur van de Geoc- troyeerde Guianse Colonie, op't Schip St. Jan Euangelist. AmsUrdam. 1659 * 1700b Iniormatie voor de Rechts geleerde di van W( gen d'Edele Heeren Bewinthebbers vande . . . West- Indische (ompagnye ghereauir- sert. . . Door den Baron Don- villy. [Amsterdam, ? 1660] ♦ 1700c A SoMMARY Description manifesting that greater Profits are to bee done in the hott than in the could parts off the coasts of America. By Sir B. Gerbier. liotterdam. ? 1660. * 1700d Beschrijvinge van het Heerlijcke ende Gezegende Landt Guajana. Waer inne gelegen is de seer voor- name Lant-streke genaemt. Ser- renamme. [Door 0. Keye.]. '«- Gravenliage. 1660. * 1700e The Same. Leipzig. 1672. * Vertoogh, Een, Van de consider- abele Colonie, by de . . Staten van Hollandte ende West-Vrieslandt, uytgeset op de Vaste Kust van America. 1676. * 1701 Beschrijvinge van Guiana. . . . Hoorn. 1676. * 1702 CoNSiDERATiEN vau Wcstyludische Compagnie over de Directie vap de Colonie van Suriname. 1682-87. • 1702a AccooRD tusi^en de Staaten van Zee- land en de West-Indische Com- pagnie, wegens't overnemen, van de Colonie van Suriname. . . Amsterdam. 1713. * 1703 AccooRD met de Staart;en van Zeeland aangegaan wegens de koop en overneminge van de colonie van Suriname. (1713). * 1703a Beschrijvinge van de volk-plantinge Zuriname : vertonende de opkomst dier zelver Colonie de Aanbouw en Bewerking der Zuiker-Plantagien, enz. Door J. D. H[erlein]. Leeuwarden. 1718. * 1703b Dissertation sur la generation et les transformations des Insecte de Surinam. Par M. S. IMeriaji. La Hay e. 1726. * 1703c Berigt door Directeuren van Suri- name overgegeven aan de Staaten General. 1731. * 1703d OcTROOY . . . de Colonifc i^an Suri- name. Hague. 1752. * 1704 Kortelijke en Zakelijke Beschirij- vinge van de Colonie van Zuri- name . . . Door T. Pistorius. AmsLerdam. 1763. * 1705. Extract uijt het Register der Reso- lutien van de Staaten General. 1763. • 1705a Sterkte en Zamenstelling van het Garnizoen der Kolonie Surinam© voor het jaar, 1765. Door C. A. van Sypestyen. * 1705b Traite des Maladies plus frequentes a Surinam. Par P. Fermin. 1765. * 1705c The Dutch Displayed; or a succinct account of the Barbarities, rapines, and injustices committed by the subjects of Holland upon those of England. 1766. * 1706 Description genera le, historique, geographique et physique de la Coloniale de Surinam. Par P. Fermin, JM.D. 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1769. * 1707 The Same. Niexirve. Algemeene beschrijving. 2 vols. Harlingen. 1770. * Bechrijving van Guiana of de Wildekust. in Zuid America; . . . Door J. Hartsinck. 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1770. [3 c.j 1708 Resolutie van Haar Hoog IMogende De Heeren Staten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, Contin- eerende nadere Poincten omtrent den vaart en handel op de Colonie van Essequebo en Demerary. Amsterdam. 1772. * 1708a DUTCH GUIANA. Requeste, Memoire, en Bylagen voor P, Pama, cum suis, alien, zoo Eigenaars van Plantagien in Berbice. 1774. * 1708b Reolement op de Administratie der justitie en de Manier van Procedeeren, in de Rivieren van Essequebo en Demerary, Gear- restecrt by de Vergadering van Thienen en by Haar Hoog Mogende de Heeren Staaten Generaal der Vereenigde Neder- landen, den 4 October, 1774, geap- probeert. * 1708c Plantae Surinamensis. Door J. Aim. Upsal. 1775. ♦ 1709 Tableau historique et politique de I'etat ancien et actual de la Colonie de Surinam et des causes de Ba decadence. Par Ph. Fermin. Matstrictu. 1778. * 1710 Nachrichten vora Lande Guiana, dem Oronoooflus, und den dortipen Wilden. Aus dem Italien von Ph. S. Gilii iiborsetzt. Hamburgh. 1785. • 1711 Brieten orer het Bestuur van Esse- quebo en Demerary ; gewisseld tuBSchen Aristodemus en Sincerus. AmittrJam. 1785-88. * 1712 Ebsai Historique sur la Colonie de Surinam. . . Avec I'histoire de la Nation Juive Portugaise et Alle- mande y etablie . . Paramaribo. 1788. • 1713 The tame. Geschiedenis der Kolonie van Suriname. Amsterdam. 1791. • Beschrtvino van Guiana en cen Vericht van de rivieren en plan- tagien Berbice, Essequebo, en Demerary. Amsterdam. 1794. * 1714 Narrative of a five years' Expedi- tion against the revolted Neerroes of Surinam in Guiana, 1772-77 Bv Captain J. G. Rtedman. 2 vols. 1796. [3 g.] 1715 The tame. 2 vols. 1806. * The tame. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 1813. • The tame. Vovage a Surinam. Parit. 1799. * The same. Nachrichten von Surinam. . . . Hamhvrq. 1797. * SFniNAAMTRCHE mengelpoezy. Door P. F. Roos. Amsterdam, 1804 * 1715a Governments Bin den. Surinam. 1816 et seq. * 1715b BuRiNAAMBCHS Almanack. 1820 <•' seq • 1715c 85 Joanna, or the Female Slave. A West Indian Tale — founded on Stedman's narrative of an Expedi- tion against the revolted Negroes of Surinam. 1824. [3 f .] 17ie Aanmerkingen op eene Verhandel- ing betreflFende de Kolonie Suri- name. 1824. • 1716s Aanteekeningen betrekkelijk de Kolonie Suriname [door E. L. Baron van Heeckeron]. Arnhcm. 1826. • 1716b Slrinaamsche Almanak voor eet jaar 1833 en 1834, uitgegeven door net departement Paramaribo. 2 vol. Amsterdam. 1833-34 • 1716c Verzamklino over de Plantagien Waterland . . Door G. Blancke. 1834. ♦ I716d Di Landbouw in de Kolonie Suri- name. Door M. D. Teenstra. 1835 * 1716e Voyage k Surinam, description des possessions neerland dans la. Guyane. By P. J. Benoit. Av. 100 dessins, pris sur nature par I'auteur, lithogr. par Madou et Lauters. Bruxelhs. 1839. * 1717 Het Godsdienstig onderwijs der Negerslaven. Door J. Van O. de Vries. 1841. * 1717a BiJDRAGE tot de Keiinis der Kolonie Suriname. 1842. ♦ 1717b Ontwerp ter verbetering Financielen Toestand der Kolonie Suriname. Door J. TJ. Tydeman. 1842. • 1717e Suriname en de Regering. 1843. • 1717d Verzamelino van Stukken aan- gaande de Surinaamsche Aangele- genheden. 1845. * 1717e Beschouwino van het Adres . . . Surinam. 1845. * 1717f Gedacten en Wenken de Kolonizatie, . . in de Nederlandsche West- Indien. Door J. J. Pennink. 1845. * 1717g Vfrzameltno van stukken nopens Suriname. ^s-Gravnhage. 1846. * 1717h BiJDRAGE tot de Kennis van Suri- name's Binnenland. Door A. Copijn. 1847. * 1717i Enumfratto Orchirlparum Surina- mensium. H. C. Focke. 1848. • 1717J Beschouwino over de Kolonie Suri- name . Door J. van der SmiRs' °° *^® Colony of Trinidad. I [PP.] 1827. * 1821 I Extracts from Evidence taken by I the Committee of the Council of Trmidad for inquiring into the Negro Character. [P.P.] 1827. ♦ 1822 Lettres pour la justification du Rev S. Power. Trinidad. 1830. ♦ 1823 Five Years' in Trinidad and St. Vincent : a view of the Social Con- dition of the White, Coloured and Negro Population of the West Indies (1820-25). By Mrs. A. C. Carmichael. 2 vols. 1834. • 1824 Memoirs and Correspondence of Lt - General Sir T. Picton. By H. B. Robinson. 1835- * 1826 — — The Same. 2nd ed. 1836. • History of Trinidad. By E L Joseph. Trinidad. [1838]. • 1836 go Observations on the present con- dition of the island of Trinidad. By W. H. Burnley. 1842. [3 b.] 1827 Papers on the Supply of Labour and the general condition of the Colony of Trinidad. 3 parts. [P.P.] 1847-48. 1828 Views of Trinidad. From Drawings by M. J. Cazabon. Paris. 1851. [H.C.] * 1829 Laws of Trinidad, 1831 to 1848. 1852. * 1830 Papers relative to the condition of the Sugar-growine Colonies. Part III. Trinidad. [PP.] 1853. * 1831 Trinidad: its Geography, natural resources, administration, present condition and prospects. By L. L. A. De Verteuil, M.D.P. 1858 [3 b.] 1832 The same. 2nd ed. 1884. * Synopsis of the Fresh Water Fishes of the western portion of the Island of Trinidad, W.I. [Reprinted from the annals of Lyceum of Natural History, New York, vol. VI.] By T. Gill. 1858. [32J.1 1833 Report on the Geology of Trinidad, or Part I. of the West Indian Sur- vey. By G. P. Wall and J. G. Sawkins. 1860. * 1834 The Theory and Practice of Creole Grammar. By J. J. Thomas. Port-of -Spain. 1869. [3 f .] 1835 Papers on the State of F^ducation in Trinidad. [P.P.] 1870. * 1836 Htstorie de I'lle de la Trinidad sous le Gouvernement Espagnol. Par P. G. L. Borde. 2 vols. Parii>. 1876, 1882. [3 c.] 1837 Cocoa as grown in Trinidad, and how to plant it in Cevlon. 1879. * 1838 Proceedings of the Scientific Asso- ciation of Trinidad. 1881. * 1838a Laws of Trinidad. Revised ed. . . by G. L. Garcia. 1883. * 1839 Co^RT='spo>rT)T?NCE on the recent Coolie Disturbance in Trinidad, at the IVf ohurrum Festival ; with re- port thereon bv Sir H. W. Nor- man. [P.P.] 1885. [M.C.] • 1841 Trtntdad, Trarle and Taxes Com- mission. 1886. Pnrf -of -Spain. 1886. [34 c.] 1842 Trtntdad, a field for Emifrration. A Sketch. Bv H. J. Clark. Pnrt- of -Spain. 1886. [3 b.] 1843 TRINIDAD. Instructions for Raising Tobacco Seeds. By J. H. Hart. Trinidad. 1887. [32 k.] 1844 The Banana Trade. By J. H. Hart, F.L.S. Port-of -Spain. 1887. [32 ] 1845 A Guide to Trinidad. Handbook for the use of Tourists and Visi- tors. By J. H. Collens. 2nd ed. 1888. [3 c] 1846 Classified List of the Wood-produc- ing Trees of Trinidad. 1888. [32 k.] 1847 The Fruit and Banana Trade. Over 3,000,000 Bunches of Bananas a year sent from Jamaica to New York. How many can Trinidad send? By J. H. Hart. Port-of - Spain. 1889. [32.] 1848 Trinidadiana : chronological review of events. By J. M. Bodu. Port- of-Spain. 1890. * 1849 La Brea. By G. Wilson. San Fer- nando. 1891. * 1850 Iere, the land of the humming bird : being a sketch of the Island of Trinidad. By H. J. Clark. Trinidad. 1893. * 1851 Catalogue of Books in the Public Library, Trinidad. Port-of -Spain. 1892, and Supplement for 1893-4- 5. [33 k.] 1852 "Cacao." A Treatise on the Cul- tivation and curing of Cacao (Theobroma Cacao). By J. H. Hart. T r iniaad. 1S92. [3 b.] 1853 Nutmeg Planting in Trinidad. By J. H. Hart. Trinidad. [32 k.] 1854 Chaguaramus Scheme of Don Siegert for constructing docks. By F. R. Hart. Trinidad. 1894. * 1855 Geography of Trinidad and Tobago. By J. A. De Suze. Trinidad. 1894. * 1856 History of Trinidad : from 1781 to 1839. By L. M. Fraser. 2 vols. Port-of -Spdin. 1896. [3 b.] 1857 EssAi sur r Agriculture de la Trini- dad. Par J. de Verteuil. Beauvais. 1896. * 1858 Guide Book and History of Trini- dad, Tobago, Grenada and St. Vincent, trip up the Orinoco . . . By J. H. Stark. [1897.] * 1859 The Trinidad Centenary Pocket Guide Book. By T. F. E. Evers- ley. Trinidad. 1897. * 1860 1797-1897. An illustrated souvenir album of the Centenary of Trini- dad. Edited bv J. Paget. Port-of -Spain, 1897.] * 1861 TRINIDAD 9t Cbntenaby of Trinidad. OflBcial Pro- gramme. Port-of -Spain. [1897]. • 1862 Early English Colonies in Trinidad. By J. Scott. Port-of -Spain. 1897. • 1863 Victoria Institute of Trinidad, Cen- tenary Exhibition. Catalogue of Historical Section. Compiled by L. M. Fraser. [Trinidad, 1897]. * 1864 The old Bar and the new Bar. Re- miniscences. 1820-1892. By A. R. Delamere . Port-of -Spain . 1899. ♦ 1865 Guide Book to the Masonic and Friendly Societies of Trinidad. By H. 8. Billouin. Port-of -Spain. 1900. • 1866 GuiA oomercial do Trinidad. Por F. Vizcarrondo Rojas. Port-of -Spain. 1901. • 1867 Some Reflections on the Carnival of Trinidad. By E. F. Chalamelle. Port-of-Spain. 1901. * 1868 Gold and Coal in Trinidad. By R. J. L. Guppy. Port-of-Spain. 1902. * 1869 Laws of Trinidad. Port-of-Spain. 1902-05. • 1870 Trinidad Tourist Guide and Com- mercial and Professional Register of Port-of-Spain. Port-of-Spain. [P1902]. [M.C.] • 1871 The Caura : a narrative of a journey up the Caura River. By E. Andre. Trinidad. 1902. * 1872 Trinidad and Tobago. The Mirror Almanac and General Commercial Directory. Port-of-Spain. 1902. [3 g.] 1873 Is this Imperialism ? History of the Port-of-Spain Water Question. Port-of-Spain. 1903. * 1874 Papers relating to the Recent Dis- turbances at Port-of-Spain, Trini- dad. [P.P.] July, 1903. [M.C.] • 1875 Report of the Commission of En- quiry into the Recent Disturb- ances at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. [P.P.] July, 1903. [M.C.] * 1875a Further Papers relating to the Dis- turbances at Port-of-Spain, Trini- dad, in March, 1903. [P.P.] April, 1904. [M.C.] ♦ 1875b Minutes of Proceedings of the Com- mission of Enquiry concerning the Riot at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, on the 23rd of March, 1903. [Port^ of-Spain, 1903]. [M.C.] * 1875o The Commission of Enquiry into the Water Riots of Monday, 23rd March, 1903. Together with ad- dresses. . . . Report of the Com- missioners. . . Port-of-Spain. 1903. [M.C.] ♦ 1876 Industrial Trinidad. Issued by the Victoria Institute of Trinidad. Trinidad. 1903. [3 g.] 1877 The Book of Trinidad. Edited by T. B. Jackson. Port-of-Spain (London printed). 1904. [3 f .] 1878 Trinidad and Tobago Year-book. 1905. Compiled by J. H. Collens. Trinidad. 1905. [3 g,] 1879 The Centennial Tourist's Companion to Trinidad, Historical, Descrip- tive and Anthropological. By L. O. Innis. Port-of-Spain, n.d. * 1880 Trinidad Civil List. Trinidad. 1905. ♦ 1881 The Growth of Trinidad. By R. J. L. Guppy. M. Trans. Canadian Inst. • 1905. * 1881a Hansard: Debates in the Legisla- tive Council of Trinidad and To- bago. Jan. -Dec., 1907. Trinidad. 1908. * 1882 General Rules and Racing Rules of the Trinidad Turf Club. Trinidad. 1908. ♦ 1883 93 2 8. TOBAGO.f Le Tableau de I'lsle de Tabage, ou de la nouvello Oiialchre • . [para- D. de la Roche]. Par C. de Rochefort. Ltyde. 1665. * 1884 Relazione della Vittoria ottenuta alle 3 di Marzo 1677. Dall'eccel- lentisaimo signore Conte d'Estrees viceammiraglio di Francia_, Contro del General Rink Olandese all' Isela del Tobacco. Roma.. 1677. ♦ 1884a The Present Prospect of the Famous and Fertile Island of To- bago ; with a Description of the Situation, Growth, Fertility, and Manufacture of the said Island. To which is added, Proposals for the Encouragement of all those that are minded to settle there. By Captain J. Poyntz. London. Printed by G. Larkin for the Author, and are to be Sold by Thomas Malthus, at the Sun in the Poultrey, 1683. * 1885 The Same. Reprinted in 1901. [3g.]. The Life and Strange, Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner, who lived eight and twenty years all alone in an uninhabited island on the North Coast of America, near the mouth of the great River Oroonoque. . . Written by Himself. [By D. Defoe]. 1719. * 1886 — The $am,e. [27 a.] [Chandos Classics]. The same. [Globe cd.] [27 a.] Tobago : or, A Geographical Descrip- tion, Natural and Civil History, with a full representation of the produce . . . [About 1750]. * 1887 Summary Account of the Present Flourishing State of the respect- able Colony of Tobago, in the British "West Indies. 1774. • 188S Acts of the Legislature of the Island of Tobago from 1768 to 1775, in- clusive. 1776. * 1889 Representation by the Creditors of the Island of Tobago to the United Committees of Colonies and Commerce, to consider the memorial presented to them, praying a repeal of the arret of 29th July, 1786. 1791. * 1890 Tobago: or, A Geographical Description, Natural and Civil History, with full representation . of the produce and other advan- tages arising from the fertility, excellent harbours, and happy situation of that famous Island, n.d- [Before 1865]. * 1891 History of Tobago. By — Wood- cock, Chief Justice. 1867. * 1892 A Handbook of the Colony of Tobago. By L. G. Hay. Scar- borough. 1884. [2 a.] 189S Tobago. Hints to Settlers. (Depart- ment of Agriculture for the West Indies). 1906. [3 g.] 1894 fSee also under Trinidad. 93 29- GRENADA. Thv Grenada Planter ; or a Full and Impartial Answer to a Letter in the Gazetteer of October 22, 1768, relative to the conduct of his Ex cy G R. M le | [General Melville], (dated Nov. 14, 1769). • 1895 1 Lettbr to Right Honourable Earl I of H b -h [Hillsborough] on ' the present situation of affairs in the Island of Gr-n-da [Grenada]. 1769. • 1896 Audi alteram partem, or a Counter- Letter to — Earl of H— 11— gh on the late and present state of affairs in the Island of G — n — a, ' in which it is clearly demonstrated ! that the Troubles and CJonfusion I . . . took their rise . . from the | arbitrary and partial disposition of Governor M 11. . . ! 1770. • 1897 I Narrative of the proceedings upon I the Complaint against Governor 1 Melville [of Grenada]. 1770. • 1898 Observations upon the Report made by the Board of Trade against the Grenada Laws. 1770. • 1899 Considerations on the 4J per cent, collected in Grenada, and the Southern Charibbee Islands, by His Majesty's letters patent under pretence of the prerogative royal without grant of Parlia- ment. 1774. ♦ 1900 Speech by Lord Mansfield, in giv- ing the judgment of the Court of King's Bench, Monday, Novem- ber 28, 1774, in the' cause of Campbell against Hall, Ac, for raising a Duty of 4J per cent, on all Exports from the Island of Grenada. By a Barrister. New ed. 1775. • 1900a Laws of the Legislature of the Island of Grenada and the Grenadines. Grenarfa. 1778. * 1901 La Prise de la Grenade, Piece en un Acte. Paris. 1779. * 1902 New Plan of the Island of Grenada, from the original Survey of Mens. Pinel, taken in 1763 by order of the Government . . . with Book of References by Lieut. D. Paterson, Assistant to the Quarter-Master-General of His Majesty's Forces. Faden. 1780. • 1903 Letters to a young Planter. Writ- ten on the island of Grenada by an old planter. 1785. [3 f .] 1904 Regit des troubles survenus h, la Grenade. [St. George? 1795?]. • 1905 A Review of the Events which have happened in Grenada from the commencement of the insurrection to the 1st of May : by a sincere well-wisher to the Colony [T. T. Wise]. St. George, Grenada. 1795. * 1906 Narrative of the Revolt and Insur- rection of the French inhabitants in the island of Grenada, by an Eye-witness [G. Turnbull]. IJdiiV' burgh. 1795. * 1907 A Brief Enquiry into the causes of, and conduct pursued by, the Colonial Government, for quel- ling the insurrection in Grenada. . . 1795. In a letter from a Grenada Planter to a Merchant in London. 1796. * 1908 Report of Committee on the Peti- tion of the Proprietors of Estates in the Island of Grenada. 2 parts. [P.P.] 1801-12. ♦ 1909 Memoirs of Josias Rogers, Com- mander of H.M.S. " Quebec." By W. M. Gilpin. 1808. * 1911 Laws of Grenada, from the year 1763 to the year 1805 . . and an index . . by G. Smith. 1808. * 1912 1766 to 1875 [with a supple- ment, 1875-1876] 1875[-76]. * 1857. St. George, Grenada. • 1897. 1897. • A Practical Summary of the Con- stitution of Grenada. By W. D. Davis. St. George's, Grenada. 1833. * 1912a The Constitution of the Judicatures of Grenada. By W. D. Davis. 183. . * 1912b A Narrative of the Insurrection in the Island of Grenada, which took place in 1795. By J. Hay. 1823. [3 c] 1913 Society for the Education of the Poor. Third, Fourth, Fifth, An- nual Report. Grenada. 1827-29. • 1915 Report on the condition of Indian Immigrants, and the working of the new Immigration Law in -94 GRENADA. parts. [P.P.] 1Q7Q ♦ Grenada. 2 1879. * 1917 Papers relating to the vote for the parsonage of the disestablished church at St. George's. 1885. * 1918 Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the Island of Grenada. By S. Wells. Kingston, Ja. 1890. [3 b.] 1919 Laws of Grenada. 1897. * 1920 Public Library. Catalogue of the Books. 1893. St. George, Grenada. [33 k.] 1921 The same. 1904. [3 f .] The Grenada Handbook for 1897; also for 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1907, 1908, and 1909. By E. Drayton- [3g.] 1922 Problems of Crown Colony Adminis- tration. By Sir Charles Bruce, G.C.M.G., Governor of the Wind- ward Islands, 1893-97. . . . 1908. • 1923 95 3o. ST. VINCENT. Authentic Papers relative to the Exj>edition against the Charibbs, and the sale of Lands in the Island of St. Vincent. 1773. • 1924 References to the plan of the Island of St. Vincent, as surveyed 1765- 1733, by J. Byers. 1777. * 1925 A Narrative of the Official Conduct of V. Morris, late Governor-in- Chief of the Island of St. Vin- cent and its Dependencies ; writ- ten by himself. 1787. [3 b.] 1926 A Sermon preached before . . the Governor and Council of the Island of Saint Vincent on 28th Dec., 1809. By J. Guilding. ^S-^. Vincent. 1810. * 1927 Laws of the Island of Saint Vincent and its Dependencies from the first establisnment of a legislature to the end of the year 1809. Bridgworfh. 1811. * 1928 From 1810 to 1821. St. Vinctnt. 1823. • 1884. The Colonial Practice of St. Vin- cent ; containing an abstract of the Court Acts. By C. Shephard. 1822. [3 a.l 1929 A Communication from Sir C. Bris- bane, Governor of Saint Vincent, to the House of Assembly of that Colony, enclosing Lord Bathurst's dispatch. . . 1823. * 1930 An Account of the Botanic Garden in the island of St. Vincent, from | its firsi^ establishment to the pre- sent time. By L. Guilding. Glasgow. 1825. * 1930a A Communication from Sir Charles Brisbane to the House of As- sembly . . dated 17th August, 1826, enclosing certain bills for meliorating the condition of . . the slave population of the Colonies. . . 1826. * 1930b Account of the Number of Slaves employed and quantity of Produce grown on the several Estates in the Island of St. Vincent and its Dependencies, from the year 1801 to 1824. Kingstown. 1825. * 1931 An Historical Account of the Island of St. Vincent. By C. Shephard. 1831. [3 b.] 1932 Correspondence relating to Riots at the Island of St. Vincent, and Proceedings taken against the Rioters. [P.P.] 1863.- * 1933 Laws of St. Vincent. 1884. * 1934 Historical Sketch of the Colony of St. Vincent. By T. B. C. Mus- grave. Kingston, Jn. 1891. 1935 Further Correspondence relating to Volcanic Eruptions in St. Vincent and Martinique in 1902 and 1903. [P.P.] 1903. ♦ 1936 Rkport on the Eruptions of the Soufriere in St. Vincent in 1902, and on a visit to Montague Pelee in Martinique. By T. Anderson and J. S. Flett. 1903. [3 d.] 1937 Tropical Hygiene Primer with Health Catechism. . . By C. W. Branch, M.B., CM., Edin. 2nd ed. Kingstown. 1907. [3g.] 1938 ST. LUCIA. Memorials of the English and French Commissaries concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia, or Acadia, and St. Lucia. 1755. * 1939 Relation of the late intended Settle- ment of the Islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent in America, in right of the Duke of Montagu in the year 1722. 1725. * 1940 Candid and Impartial Considera- tions on the Nature of the Sugar Trade, the Comparative Import- ance of the British and French Islands in the West Indies, with the Value and Consequence of St. Lucia and Granada, truly stated. By J. Campbell. 1763. * 1941 EssAi sur la Colonie de Sainte-Lucie. Par un ancien Intendant de cette isle [D.M.A. Chardon]. Suivi de trois memoires interessants, deux concern ant les Jcsuites [par L. N. Pretrel] et le troisieme le general d'Oxat. Neuchatd. 1779. * 1942 Observations on the Diseases which appeared in the Army on St. Lucia in 1778 and 1779, to which arepre^ fixed Remarks calculated to assist in ascertaining the Causes of those disasters. . . [By John Rollo.] 1781. [3g.] 1943 The Case of Edward Drewe, late Major in the Thirty-fifth Regi- ment of Foot. Exeter. 1782. * 1944 Almanach historique, chronologique de commerce, d'arts et metiers pour les Colonies, prec. de I'etat aotuel de 1' administration de la Justice et police de Ste. Lucie pour I'annee 1789. Castries. * 1945 Adressk des Planteurs et Citoyens . de risle Santa Lucie, a M. de Damns, gouverneur, et a I'assem- blee Coloniale de la Martinique. Au Fort Royal, Martinique. [1791]. • 1946 Lbttrb ou instructions de TAssem- blee generale coloniale de I'isle Sainte-Lucie la Fidelle, a J. B. Thounens, son depute extraordi- naire aupres de la Convention Nationale. . . {Paris. 1793.] * 1947 An Exposition of a Series of Un- precedented Persecutions on th« part of Major-General A. Wood, Commandant of St. Lucia and the Persons and Authorities acting with and under him against J. Bridgman, Esq., Collector of His Majesty's Customs in that Island ; privately printed. 1811. * 1948 Four Essays on Colonial Slavery, by J. Jeremie, Esq., President of the Royal Court of St. Lucia. 1831. • 1949 The same. 1832. * Reply to Mr. Jeremie's Pamphlet, by an Inhabitant of St. Lucia. 1832. • 1950 St. Lucia. Historical, statistical and descriptive. By H. H. Breen. 1844. [3 c] 1951 Laws at present in force in the Island of Saint Lucia. 1853. * 1952 Civil Code of Saint Lucia [prepared by G. W. Des Voeux . . and J. Armstrong.] 1879. * 1953 Code of Civil Procedure of Saint Lucia [compiled by J. Armstrong.] 1881. • 1954 Laws of St. Lucia. New ed. Oxford. 1889. * 1955 Building in St. Lucia. By J. T. Rea. Inverness. 1898. [34 c.] 1956 The St. Lucia Han,dbook, Directory and Almanac. Barbados. 1899. • 1957 The Lucia Handbook. By E. G. Garraway. 1902. [3 g.] 1958 97 32. WEST INDIES, GENERALLY. De la Natural Storia de las Indias. Por G. F. de Oviedo. Toledo. 1526. ♦ 1958a PxTKR Martyr ab Angleria de rebus oceanicis et orbe novo decades tres [iv.] . . Basilae. 1533. * 1959 The same. The Historie of the West Indies ; containing the Actes and Adventures of the Spaniards which have conquered and peopled those Ck)untries. Publisned in Latin by Mr. Hakluyt, and trans- lated into English by M. Lok, Gent. London. 1809. [2d.] SuMMARio de la naturale Historia de rindie Occidentale composta de G. F. Oviedo y Valdes. 1534. • 1960 La Historia general de las Indias. Por G. F. de Oviedo v Valdes. Seville. 1535. • 1961 The Same. L'Histoire Natur- elle et generalle . . traduicte [par J. Poleur]. Paris. 1555. * HisPANiA Victrix. Primera y sepunda parte de la Historia gen- eral do las Indias . . Por F. Lopez de Goraara. Medina del Campo. 1553. • 1962 The Same. . Historie generale des Indes occidentales et terres neuvea. . traduite par M. Fumee Sieur de Marly le Chastel. Paris. 1568. * The Same. La Istoria de las Indias Caragoca. 1652 * Historie del Signer Don Fernando Colombo, nelle quali s'ha partico- lare e vera relatione della vita o de' fatti dell* Ammiraglio D. Cris- toforo Colombo, et dello scopri- mento ch' egli fece . . nuova- mente di linpua Spagnuola tra- dotte neir Italiana dal S.A. Ulloa. Venetia. 1571. * 1963 Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias. By J. de Acosta. Salamanca. 1589. * 1964 The Same, overv door. J. H. van Lindchoten. Enchijon 1598. * The Same. The naturall and morall historie of the East and West Indies . . Translated into English by E. GFrimestone]. 1604. [2d.] The Same- Tr. par R. Reg- nault. Parts. 1606. * Bbevissima relacion de la destruy- oion de las Indias . . colegida por B. de las Casas. Sevilla. 1552. • 1965 T?ie Same. Tyrannies et cruan- tez, etc. Anvers. 1579. * The Same. Histoire admirable des Horribles, Insolences, Cruatez, et tyrannies. . . Lyons. 1694. [2 b.] The Same. A relation of the First Voyages and Discoveries. 1699. [2 b.] The same. CEuvres de Las Casas ; precedees de sa Vie, et accompagnees de Notes histori- ques, additions, developemens . . Par J. A. Llorente. 2 vols. Paris. 1882. [2 c] Beschryvinge ven verscheyde Lan- den, gelegen onder Africa en America . . door Jan H. van Linschoten. Amstrrdam. [1600?] ♦ 1966 The same. J. H. van Linschoten : his discours of voyages into ye Easto and We by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies . . [with prefiace signed R.D.] 1653. [23 e.] The English Hero; or, Sir Francis Drake Reviv'd. Danger- ous Voyages, Admirable Adven- tures, Notable Discoveries .... revised, corrected ... by R.F. 1692. [23 e.] Certaine Inducements to well- minded people . . to transport themselves, or servants or agents for them into the West Indies for th© propagating of the Gospell, and increase of trade. [1643?] * 1975 DiscovERiE of the Coasts and Con- tinent ^f America from the Egui- noctiall Northward, and of the adjacent islands. By the Revd. W. Castell. 1644 * 1975a HiSTOiRE et vo;^age des Indes Occi- dentales, et de plusieurs autres regions maritimes et esloignee» Par G. Coppier. Lyon. 1645. ♦ 1976. TooRTSE der Zeevaerdt, vorlichtende West Indien, Brasilien, Guinea, on Angola. Diensticli voor Stierlie- den [compiled by J. Colom]. Amfiterdam. 1648. * 1977 The English- American : his travail by sea and land ; or a new Survey of the West Indias . . By f. Gage. 1648. * 1978 The Same. A New Survey of the West Indies : or the English- American, his Travail by Sea and Land . . 2nd ed. Enlarged by the Author. London. 1655. [2 d.] The Same. 3rd ed. London. 1677. * The Same. Nieuwe ende seer naeuwkeurige Reyse door de Spaensche West-Indien. 2nd ed. Amsterdam. iTOO. [2d.] The Same. Nouvelle relation. 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1720. * Htstorte generalo des Isles de S. Christophe, de la Guadeloupe, de la Martinique, et autres dans I'Amerique. Par J. Du Tertre . . Paris. 1654. [3 b.] 1979 America : or, an Exact description of the West Indies, more especially of those provinces which are under the dominion of the King of Spain. By N. N., Gent. 1655. * 1980 A Dialogue [between a Soldier and a Seaman] containing a compen- dious discourse concerning the pi^- sent designe in the West Indies . . 1655. * 1981 WEST INDIES GENERALLY. HiSTorRB Naturelle et Morale des lies Antilles de rAmerique. [By L. de Poincy, revised by Charles de Bochefort]. Avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. [By Pere Raymond]) Rotterdam. 1658. [2d.] 1982 The Same. Reveue et augmen- tee de plusieurs Descriptions, et dc 3uelques eclaircissemens, qu'on esiroit en la precedente. 2nd ed. Rotterdam. 1665. [2d.] The Same. The History of the Caribby-Islands, viz., Barbados, St. Christophers, St. Vincents, Martinico, Dominico, Barbouthos, Monserrat, Me vis, Antego, etc., in all XXVIII. In two Books. . . . With a Caribbian Vocabulary [by Pere Raymond]. Rendered into English by J. Davies, of Kid- welly. 1666. [2d.] Petit Catechisme. . Trad, en la langue des Caraibes Lnsulaires. Par R. Breton. Avxtrre. 1664. • 1982a Remonstrantie Aen de Ho. Mo. Heeren de Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden ; overge- geven den. Juny 1664. Bij de Heeren de Bewint-hebberen van Jl' Geoctroyeeido West Indische Compagnie der Vereenighde Nederlanden Op ende jegens Verscheyde Meniorien van den Heer Resident Charisins, wegens de (gepretendeerde) Deensche Africaensche Compagnie, aen haer Ho. Mo. overgegoveji . Amsterdam. 1664. * 1982b Diction AIRE Caraibe-francais. Par R. Breton. Avxerre. 1665. * 1982c SoMMiERE Aentfyckeninge cnde de- ductie Ingestelt by de Gedepiiteer- den vande Hooge Mogende Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden op de lest-ingediende Memorio van den Heer George Downing. 's-Gravenhage. 1665. • 1982 d HiSTORiE: van Saken van Staet en Oorlogh in ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, begin- nende met 't uytgaen van den Treves (1621) en eyndigende met den jaere 1668. Door Van Aitr- zema : met vervolcr. door L. Sylvius. 11 vol. 's-Gravenhage. 1669-99. * 1982 e JoLRNAEL gehouden op 's Lants schip De Spiegel van 't gene gepasseert en verncht is op de Vloot van haer Ho. Mo. de Heeren Staten 99 Generael der Vereenighde Neder- landen, soo in de Middellantscho Zee als op de kusten van Africa en America onder 't Beleyt van Michiel de Ruyter als admiraal en de heer Jan Cornelis van JVIeppelen als vice-admiraal in de Jare 1664 en 1665. Amsteydam. 1665. * 1982f Gj.brauche Sitten und Producte von Cuba, Hispaniola unde einiger anderer "NVistindischer Inseln. Von J. von. Petersdorf-Klasten. Colonia. 1665. * 1982g Zee-Politie der Vereenigde Neder- landen ende in twee boecken bes- chreven. Door J. Tjassens. 2d© druck. 's-(iravtnhagp.n. 1670 * 1982h Thesaurus Indiens, sen gencralis in- structor pro regimine conscien- tiae, in iis quae ad Indies spectant- Didacus de Avendano. 2 vols. Antverpiae. 1668. * 1983 NoRTK de la contratacion de las In- dias Occidentales. By J. do Veitia Linage. Sevilla. 1672. ♦ 1983a The Same. The Spanish Rule of Trade to the West Indies : contain- ing an account of the Casa de Con- tratacion or India House, its Gov- ernment, Laws, Ordinances, Officers and Jurisdiction Made English by Captain J. Stevens. . . 1702. [2 i.] Relation de I'Origine, Moeurs, Cous- tumes, Religion, Guerres et Voyages des Caraibes. Sauvages des Isles Antilles de I'Ameriques, faite par le Sieur de la Barde. 1674. • 1984 OcTRoiJ by de Hoogh Mog- Heeren Staten Generael, verleent aen d© West-Indische Compagnie. s'Gravenhage: 1674. * 1984a ARTicuL-Brief van de Geoctroyeerde West Indische Compagnie. s'Gravenhage. 1675. * 1984b KoRT Berattelse om Wast Indien eller America. 1675 * 1985 Curieusi Aenmercking ne der bysonderste Vost in West Indische, Werwondereus, waerdige Dingen, hevens die van Clima, Africa, en andere Gewesten des Werelds. Van S. de Vreis. Utrecht. 1682. ♦ 1986 Friendly Advice to the Gentlemen- Planters of the East and West In- dies. In three parts . , . Philo. theos Physiologus [Thomas Tryon]. Edited by A. Sowl© in the year 1684. * 1987 lOO WEST INDIES GENERALLY. The English Empire in America ; or a View of the dominions of the Crown of England in the West Indies. By R.B. ["Robert (or Richard) Burton," i.e., Nathaniel Crouch]. 1685. * 1988 The Same. 7th ed. 1739. * Popery displayed in its^ Bloody Colours ; or a Faithful Narrative of the Horrid and Unexampled Massacres and all Manner of cruelty committed by the Popish Spanish party on the Inhabitants of West India, 1689. * 1989 Am Historical Account of the Ric^e nnd Growth of the West India Collonies, and of the great advan- tages they are to England, in re- spect to Trade. By D. Thomas. 1690. [2j.] 1990 A True and faithful Relation of ithe Proceeding! of the Forces of their Majesties K. W^illiam and Q. Mary in their Expedition against the French in the Caribby Islands in the West Indies, under the Conduct of His Excellency Christopher Codrington, Captain General and Commander-in-Chief of the said Forces, in the years 1689 and 1690. Written by J. Spencer, Jnr. Secretary to the Honourable Sir T. Thomhill, Baronet. . . 1691. * 1991 The Same. Reprinted in the Har- leian Miscellany. * Zber aanmerkelijke Reysen gedaan door Jan Erasmus Reining, meest in de W^est-Indien en ook en veel anders deelen des werelds. Samen- gesteld door D. vander Sterre. Amsterdam. 1691. * 1992 A Brief Account of the present de- clining state of the West Indies. in reference to its trade, and in particular, that of the Barbadoes. By a West-India Merchant. 1695. • 1994 Relation de I'Expedition de Cartha- gena, faite par les Frangois en MDCXCVII. Par L. de Poin- tis. Amsterdam. 1698. * 1995 The Same. An Account of the taking of Carthagena, in the year 1697. . . . 1698. * A new Voyage round the World of Capt. W. Dampier. Describing the Isthmus of America, several Coasts and Islands in the West Indies. . . 2 vols. 1699. [2 g.] 1996 History of the New World, called America, with an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Original Inhabitants, a Historical Account of the English Settle- ments in the West Indies, namely, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Antigua, Nevis, Montserrat, New England, New York, Pensylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Carolina, Georgia, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. Dublin, [c. 169-]. * 1997 Reflections on Mr. Burchet's Mem- oirs, or Remarks on his Account of Captain Wilmot's Expedition to the West Indies. [1695]. By [Colonel] L. Lillingston. 1704. * 1998 Mr. [J.] Burchett's Justification of his Naval Memoirs in answer to Reflections made by Col. Lilling- ston. 1704. * 1999 Verscheyde voomaame reysen, van Georg, Due of Cumberland, na West-Indien, in 1586 en 1598. Leiden. 1706. * 1999a The British Empire in America, con- taining the history of the dis- covery, settlement, progress and present state of all the British Colonies, on the Continent and Islands of America. . . By J. Old- mixon. With curious maps of the several places, done from the new- est surveys by H. Moll. 2 vols. 1708. [3 b.] 2000 The Same. 2nd ed., corrected and amended. 2 vols. 1741. [3 b.J The Same. Het Britannische Ryk ni Amerika. Tr. by G. Wet- stein. Amsterdam. 1721. * The Same. Das Britische Reich in Amerika. Lemgo. 1744. * The Allies and the late Ministry de- fended against France . . showing the 'necessity of England's enter- ing into the Grand Alliance, and that by it we are obliged to insist on the restitution of Spain and the Indies to the House of Austria. . 3rd ed. 1712. * 2001 Journal des observations physiques, mathematiques et botanique faites sur les cotes meriodionale et dans les Indes Occidentales de 1707 a 1712. Par L. E. Feuillet. Paris. 1714. * 2001a Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. Par H. Westerman. 1715. * 2001b The Voyages, Dangerous Adventures and Immenent Escapes of Captain Richard Falconer, oontaining th© laws, customs and manners of the Indians in America . . his narrow escape from the island of Domi- nica. . . [by W. R. Chetwood]. 1720. • 2002 WEST INDIES GEm!jiAtl.Y\ lOI Laws of the British Plantations in America relating to the Church and Clergy, Religion and Learn- ing. 1721. ♦ 2002a Voyages a trayers de Golfe du Mexique, suivi d'une description dcs lies Antilles de I'Amenqne. Par E. Sylvie. 2 vols. 1720-21 * 2002b Fh-UDES sur la Mineraloi^ie de« Antil- les. Par C. S. Montaigne de Nogaret. Parii^. 1720 * 2202c Voyages de Francjoia Corral aux Itides Occidentales. . . Traduits de I'Espagnol. now. ed. Paris. 1722. * 2002d Nouvkau voyage aux isles do 1' . Amerique . . Par J. B. Lab.it. 6 torn. Paris. 1722. * 2003 The Sam". 8 vols. Paris. 1742. [2 a.] Voyages and Travels of Captain N. Uring, with draughts of the Bay of Honduras and the Caribbee Islands, St. Lucia, etc. 1725-26. • 2004 A Treatise of the diseases most fre- quent in the West Indies, and heroin more particularly of those which occur in Barbadoes. Bv R. Towne. 1726. * 2005 Lks VisiBLES Avantages de la pro- chaine guerre pour la grande Bretagne e«t ses alliez. . . Traduit de I'Ann-lois. 2nd ed. La Haye. 1727. * 20(J5a Observations upon the treaty be- tween the Crowns of Great Britain, Franco, and Spain con- cluded at Seville. 1729. * 2006 Observations on the Conduct of Great Britain with regard to the negotiations and other transac- tions abroad [relating to the Spanish disputes in the West Indies]. 1729. * 2007 Craftsman Extraordinary: being Remarks on a late pamphlet, en- titled " Observations on the Con- duct of Great Britain." By C. D' An vers. 1729. * 2008 Some further Remarks on a late Pamphlet entitled ** Observations on the Conduct of Great Britain," Sarticularly with relation to the panish Depredations. . . Bv C. D'Anvers. 1729. * 2009 Letter to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq., con- cerning the State of Affairs in Europe, as published in the Craftsman^ Jan. 4th, 1728-9. Pv J. Trott. 1730. * 2010 Letter to the Bishop of London, from an Inhabitant of His Majesty's Leeward Caribbeo Islands, containing some Consider- ations on His Lordship's Two Letters of May 19th, 1727, etc., in which is inserted a short Essay concerning the conversion of tb© Negro Slaves in our Sugar Colonies. 1730. * 2011 Nader Prolongatie van het Octroy voor de Westindische Compagnie en van de eerste prolongatie van dien, voor den tijd van nog dertig jaaren. "^-(jravenhage. 1730. • 2011a The Same. Nader Prolongatie van het Octroy voor den Westin- dische Compagnie. ^ s-Gravenhagt. 1761. Remarks upon a Book entituled The Present State of the Sugar Colon- ies considered, wherein some of the Consequences and Effects of re- straining our Trade are examined. 1731. * 2012 BiBLfOTHECA Americana Primordial An Attempt towards laying the foundation of an American Library. By Bishop W. Ken- nett. 1731. / 2012a The Importance of the Sugar Colonies to Great Britain stated, and some objections to the Sugar Colony BiU answered in a letter to a member of the House of Com- mons. 1731. * 2012b Memoirs of the Maratime Affairs of ' Great Britain, especially in rela- tion to our concerns in the W^est Indies. By the late John Pullen, Esq., Governor of Bermudas. To which is added Captain Pain's Short View of Spanish America. 1732. [2 j.] 2013 A Comparison between the British Sugar Colonies and New England, as thev relate to the interest of Great Britain. 1732. * 2013a A True State of the Case between the British Northern Colonies and the Sugar Islands. 1732. * 2013b Proposals offered for the Sugar Planters' Redress and for reviving the British Sugar Commerce. 1733. * 2013o Some Observations on a direct Ex- portation of Sugar from the British Islands, with answers to Mr. Toriano's objections. By J. Ashley. 1735. * 2013d I02 :V(^E^T icNDIKS GENERALLY. A voyage to Guinea, Brazil, and the West Indies: in His Majesty's ships the Swallow and Weymouth. By J. Atkins. . . 1735. [2 b.] 2014 The same. 2nd ed. 1737. [2 b.] The Miserable Case of the British Sugar Planters, wherein is con- tained • . the advantages of a direct Exix>rtation from the Sugar Islands to foreign markets. 1738. * 2014a A Description of the Windward Passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the Course of the British Trading Ships to and from the Island of Jamaica. . 1739. [34 c.] 2015 Description of the Windward Pas- sage and Gulf of Florida. . . 2nd ed. 1739. [lb.] 2016 The English Cotejo; or the Cruel- ties, Depredations, and illicit Trade charged upon the English in a Spanish Libel lately published . . compared with the murders, robberies, barbarities, and clan- ^ destine trade proved upon the Spaniards, by a Sufferer. [P1739] * 2017 Traankn van een grijzen Hollander, gestort om de naare toesitand van ziin land, veroorzaakt door de schaiidelijke overwinning del Engelschen in de West-Indien. Door W. V. O. Caspersz. Amster- dam. 1781. * 2017a A Geographical Description of the coasts, harbours, and sea ports of the Spanish West Indies; particu- larly of Port Bello, Cartagena and the Island of Cuba. Written in Spanish by Domingo Gonzalez Car- ranza, his Catholick Majesty's principal Pilot of the Flota in New Spain, anno. 1718. To which is added an appendix, containing Capt. Parker's own account of his taking the toAvn of Porto Bello, in the year 1601. With an index, and a new and correct chart of the whole . . [Edited by C. Smith]. 1740. [2d.] 2018 Memoirs and Considerations con- cerning the Trade and Revenues of the British Colonies in America. By J. Ashley. 1740. [3 f .] 2019 Present State of the Revenues and Forces, by Sea and Land, of France and Spain, compared with those of Great Britain, with a view of those Countries of the Spanish West Indies that will probably be the seat of the present War. 1740. * 2020 Supplement to Britain's mistakes in the commencement and conduct of the present War, wherein the late glorious success of Admiral Vernon at Porto Bello is particularly con- sidered. 1740. * 2021 Present State of the British and French Sugar Colonies. 1740. * 2021a HiSTORi ADORES primitives, de las Indias Occidentales. Por A. Gon- zales Barcia. Madrid. 1740- * 2021b 'I he Same. Madrid. 1749. * Caribbean A. Containing letters and dissertations, together with Poeti- cal Essays, on various subjects and "" occasions ; chiefly wrote by several hands in the West Indies and some of them to gentlemen residing there. . . 2 vols. 1741. [2 c.] 2022 A Geographical and Historical Des- cription of the Principal Objects of ■ the present war in the West Indies 1741. [2g.] 2023 A Concise History of Spanish America . Collected chiefly from Spanish writers. By J. Campbell. 1741. * 2023a The Same. A complete History of Spanish America. 1742. * Letter from a Member of the last Parliament to a Member of the Present concerning the Conduct of the War with Spain. 1742. * 2024 Le Code Noir ou recueil des regle- mens rendus jusqu'a present, con- )^ cernant le gouvernement, I'ad- ministration de la justice, la police, la discipline et le com- merce des negres dans les Colonies frangaises, et les conseils et com- pagnies etablis a ce sujet. Paris. 1742. * 2025 Thoughts on the objectionable System of labour for W^ages in the West India Colonies. By H. J. Ross. 1742. * 2026 Journal of the Expedition to Cart- hagena. 1744. [3 g. and 2 j.] 2027 Journal of the Exi)edition to La Guira and Porto Cavallos in the West Indies, under the Command of Commodore Knowles. 1744. * 2028 WEST INDIES GENERALLY. 103 Journal of the Expedition to la Guira and Porto Cavallos in the West Indies, in a letter from an Oliicer on board the Burford to a friend in London. 1744. * 2029 The American Traveller. . . A new historical collection . . containing a compleat account of . . the West Indies . . with an account of .Admiral Vernon's taking of Porto Bello, Fort Chagre and Cartha- gena. . . 1745. [2 a.] 2030 State of the Sugar Trade, showing Consequences that must attend any additional duty thereon. 1747. ♦ 2031 I HK Spanish Empihe in America. . . By an English Merchant. 1747. * 2031a RELACroN historJca del viage a b America meridional . . por J. Juan y Santacilla y A. de Ulloa [ad- miral]. Moflrid. 1748. * 2032 - The same. America. . A Voyage to South 3rd ed. 2 vols. 1772. [3 a.] I Tratado historico, politico y legal de el comerncio de las Indias Occi- dentales pertenecientes a los Reyes Catholiccs. Por J. Gutierrez de Rubacalva. Cculii. 1750. * 2032a Defence of Captain Digby Dent to the Complaint made against him by Rear-Admiral Knowles concern- ing his behaviour in the Expedi- tion against Saint Jae;o de Cuba. 1749. * 2033 Ar" of Making Sugar, with an Ap- pendix on the Art of Fermenting and Distilling Molas&e, etc., for Rum. 1752. * 2033a The Works of James Houston, M.D., U. containing his Life and Travels in P Asia, Africa and America, with a particular Account of the Scotch Expedition to Darien in America, the Rise, Progress and Fall of the two Great Trading African and South Sea Companies, the late Expedition to the Spanish West Indies. . . 1753. [3 c.] 2034 Mbhotres des Commissaires du Roi et due ceux de sa Majeste Britan- ^ nique sur les Possessions et les droits respectifs de deux Couron- nes en Amerique. Paris. 1755-57. * 2035 Memoptals of the Courts of Great L Britain and France since the Peace A of Aix-la-Chaj>elle relative to the limits of the Territories of both Crowns in North America^ and the right to the Neutral Islands in the West Indies. Hague. 1756. * 203& Histoire et Commerce des Antilles Angloises, ou Ton trouve I'etat actuel de leur pKDpulation et des details curieux sur la constitution de leur gouvernement. 1757. * 2037 An Account of the European Settle- ments in America, in six parts. By E Burke. 2 vols. 1757 * 2037a The. Same. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1770. [2 d.J Histoire et Commerce des Antilles Angloises. Ou Ton trouve I'etat actuel de leur population et quel- V ques details sur le commerce de contrebando des Anglois avec les Espagnols dans le Nouveau Monde. [Par G. M. Butel-Dumont.] Paris. 1758. [2 a.] 2038 Dlscriptign Geographique des Isles Antilles possedees par les Anglois. Par S. J. N. Bellin, Ingenieur de la Marine et du Depost des Plans. Paris. 1758. [2d.] 2039 Memorie, betreffende de Pryzen door de Engolsche Oorlogs-schepen en Kaapers gemaaakt op scheepen van Ingezetenen van deezen Staat, gaande naar, of komende uit de West-Indien. Amsterdam. 1758. * 2040 Histoire generale des voiages. 3me partie. Voiages et Etablissemens aux Antilles. 1759. [3 b.] 2041 Lettres sur les operations du Pere de Lavalette, Jesuite, et superieur general des missions des isles fran- Jk Qoises du vent de TAmerique, necessaries aux negocians. [en Europe.] 1760. * 2042 Enumeratio Systematica Plantarum quas in Insulis Caribaeis Vicinoque America, continente detexit novas aut jam cognita emendavit. N. J. Jacquin. Ley den. 1760. * 2043 The American Negotiator: or the various Currencies of the British Colonies in America; as well the Islands, as the Continent. . . By J.Wright. 1761. [3 g.] 2044 A Description of the Spanish Islands and Settlements on the coast of the West Indies . . illustrated with thirty-two maps and plans . . en- graved by Thomas Jefferys, Geo- 104 WEST INDIES GENERALLY. grapher to His Majesty. 1762. [3 b.] 2045 The satne. 1774. * Account of the Spanish Settlement in America, in four parts [with account of the Siege of Havannah, etc.] 1762. * 2046 Selectarum Stirpium American- arum Historia in qua ad Linnaj- anum systema determinatse des- criptseque sistuntur plantse illse quas in insulis Martinica, Jamaica, Domingo, aliisque, et in Vincinse continentis Parte, observavit. N. J. Jacquin. Vindohonce. 1763. [34c.] 2047 Candid and Impartial considerations on the nature of the Sugar Trade. The comparative importance of the British and French Islands in the West Indies : with the value and consequence of St. Lucia and Granada truly stated. [By J. Campbell, LL.D.] 1763. [3 c.] 2048 Thoughts on Trade in general, and our West Indian in particular. 1763. * 2049 Peregrinations of Jeremiah Grant, Esq., the West Indian. 1763. [34 a.] 2050 An Essay on the more Common West India Diseases ; and the remedies which that country . . produces. To which are added, some hints on the IVlanagement, etc., of negroes. By a Physician in the West Indies [J. Grainger]. 1764. * 2051 Considerations which may tend to promote the settlement of our New West-India Colonies, by en- couraging individuals to embark in the undertaking. 1764 * 2052 TiiAiTE explicatif d'un herbier de plantes medicinales recuellies dans un voyages a la Nouvelle Espagne, dans I'isthme de Darien et a I'lie de Cuba Par C. L. A. Waller- ton. 3 vols. Nancy. 1767-70. 2052a ViCTiMA. Real legal, discurso unico juridico-historico-politico sobr© que las vacantes mojores y men- ores de las iglesias de las Indias Occidentales. . . Por A. J. Alvarez de Abreu. Madrid. 1769. [3 c.] 2053 Voyages et Aventures du chevalier de . . . oontenant les Voyages de I'anteur dans les Antilles Fran- . 2 vols. Londres. 1729. • 2063a A General History of the British Empire in America. By J. H. Wynne. 2 vols. 1770. [2 b.] 2054 The West Indian : a Comedy as it is performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. New ed. 1771. * 205.5 Considerations on the Negro Cause, commonly so called [Sommerset v. Knowles and others]. Addressed to . . Lord JVIansfield . . by a West Indian [S. Estwick.] 1772. * 2056 NoTTCiAS Americanas. Por A. de Ulloa. Madrid. 1772. * 2056a HiBTORiE philosophique et politique ^ des Etablissemens et du Com- r merce des Europeens dans les- deux Indes. [Par Abbe G. T. F. Raynal.] Paris. 1774. * 2057 The same. A Philosophical and Political Historic ' of the Settle- ments and Trade of the Euro- peans in the East and West Indies. . . 3 vols. 1788. [2c.l The iame. 2nd ed. 6 vols. 1798. [2 c.] The same. A Philosophical and political History of the Settle- ments and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. 3rd ed. Tr. by J. Justamond. 4 vols. Duhlin. 1779. [34 b.] The Substance of the evidence on the petition presented by the West India Planters and IVIer- chants to the Hon. House of Com- mons, as it was introduc'd at the Bar, and summ'd up by Mr- Glover on Thursday, the 16th^ IVIarch, 1775. [2 i.] * 2058 The Evidence delivered on the petition presented by the West India Planters and IVIerchants to the Hon. House of Commons. By Mr. Glover. [1775.] [3 b.] 2059 Remarks on the Evidence de- livered on the petition presented to the West India Planters and Merchants to the House of Com- mons on the 16th of March, 1775. . . by Richard Glover. 1777 * 2060 The West India Atlas : or a Com- pendious Description of the West Indies. . . By T. Jefferys. 1775. [34 c.] 2061 The English Pilot : The Fourth Book, describing the West India Navi- gation, from Hudson's Bay to the River Amazon, Jamaica, Cuba, WEST INDIES GENERALLY. I 1 Hispaniola, Barbadoes, Antigua, Bermudas, Porto-Rico, etc. 1775. * 2062 The same. 1778. [34 c] The North-Amea-ican ajid West-In- dian Gazetteer. 1776. [3 g] 2063 The Atlantic Pilot . . from the gulf of Mexioo along Cuba and the Martieres through the new Bahama Channel. . 1776. * 2063a A Description of the West Indies: )e a poem in four books. By Mr. [J.] Singleton. 1776. [2 j.] 2064 Letters and Essays on the Small Pox and Inoculation, the measles, the dry belly-ache, the yellow, and remitting and intermitting fevers of the West Indies. . . By different Practitioners. [J. Quier, J. Hume and others.] 1778. * 2065 The West India Merchant. Origin- ally printed in the '* London Evening Post." 1778. [3 b.] 2066 The Present State of the West Indies. Containing an accurate description of what parts are possessed by the several powers in Europe. . . 1778. [3 c.] 2069 Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum Iconcs, quas in Insulis Martinica, Jamaica, Domingo, aliisque, et in vicinso continentis parte, obser- vavit rariores. N. J. Jacquin. (only 12 copies were executed.] Vitnnia. c. 1780. * 2070 A General Account of the Calama- ties occasioned by the late tremendous Hurricanes and Earthquakes in the West India Islands. By Mr. Fowler. 1781. [3g.] 2071 Account of the Battle between the British and French Fleets [under Rodney and de Grasse] in the Wes-t Indies, near Guadeloupe on April 12th, 1782, in a letter to Lord Dalrymple. [By Sir G. Blane.] 1782. * 2072 Memoire du Comte de Grasse, sur le combat naval du 12 avril 1782, avec les plans des positions prin- cipales des armees respectives. * 2073 Compleat Pilot for the West Indies, including the British Cannel, Bay of Biscay, etc., etc. By T. Jeffreys. 1782. * 2074 West India Atlas : or, General Des- cription of the West Indies from actual Surveys, with historical Account of the several Countries 105 and Islands. By T. Jeffreys. 1783. * 2075 Free and Candid Reflections occa- sioned by the late additional duties on Sugar and on Rum. By J. G. Kemeys. 1783. [34 c] 2076 HiSTORiE Philosophique et Politique des Isles FranQoises dans les Indea Occidentales. Par G. T. F. Raynal. Lausanne. 1784. [3 g.] 2077 Voyage d'un Suisse [Giraud-Chant- raus] dans differentes colonies d'Amerique, pendant la dernier guerre, avec une table d'Observa- tions meteorologiques faites a Saint-Domingue. Neuchatel. 1785. ♦ 2078 West Indian Eclogues. 1787. * 2079 Short Account of the Naval Ac- tions of the last War. . 1787. * 2079a Wrongs of Almoona, or the African's revenge. LiverpKX)]. [1788.] [34 a.] 2080 Letters from Sir George Bridges, now Lord Rodney, relating to the Capture of St. Eustatius and its dependencies, and showing the state of the War in the West Indies at that period. 1789. * 2082 Reclamations pyour les colonies des Antilles; adressees au roi et a la •nation. {Paru, 1789] * 2083 A Treatise on Tropical Diseases ; on Military Operations ; and on the Climate of the West Indies. By B. Moseley, M.D. 2nd ed. 1789. * 2084 Histoire de la domination E^pagnole dans les iles d'Amerique appelees Antilles. Par H. Illiers. 2 vols. 1789. * 2084a A Short Journey in the West Indies. 2 vols. 1790 [2 a. and 34 c.] 2085 Journal Nolden i skibet Christian- dad paa reisen til Cuba, Puerto Rico og Vest Indien. By J. O. Winslow. 1790. * 2085a Les Colonies frangoises, aux Societes d'agriculture, aux manu- factures et aux fabriques de France. Por F. R. J. de Pons. Paris. 1791. * 2086 An Address to the people of Great Britain on the propriety of ab- staining from West India Sugar and Rum. [By W. Fox.] 1791. * 2087 An Inquiry into the causes which io6 WEST INDIES GENERALLY. produce, and the means of pre- venting diseases among British officers, soldiers and others in the West Indies. . . By J. Bell, M.D. 1791. [2h.] 2088 Mlmorias historicas sobre la legis- lacion y gobierno del comercio de los Espaiioles con sus colonias en la Indias Occidentales. Por R. Antunez y Acevedo. Madrid. 1791. * 2088a An Appeal to the Candour . . of the people of England, in behalf of the West India Merchants and Planters. 1792. * 2089 A VoYAQB to the South Sea, under- taken by command of His Majesty, for the purpose of con- veying the Bread-Fruit Tree to the West Indies, in His Majesty's ship the " Bounty," commanded by Lieut. Bligh. . . . 1792. [13 d.] 2090 A West Indian : Converted and Slave grateful [in verse]. Edin- burgh. 1792. * 2091 Reasons why the People called Quakers cannot so fully unite with the Methodists in their Mis- sions to the Negroes in the West India Islands and Africa. By C. Phillips. 1792. * 2092 Considerations addressed to Pro- fessors of Christianity of every Denomination, on the impro- priety of consuming West India Sugar and Rum, as produced by the Oppressive Labour of Slaves. Dublin. 1792. * 2093 Historia del Nuevo Mundo. [By J. B.- Munoz.] Madrid. 1793. " 2094 The History, Civil and Commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies. By B. Edwards. [Plates and maps.] 2 vols. London. 1793. [3 a.] 2095 The same. 2 vols. Dublin. 1793. [3 a.] The same. 2 vols. London. 1794. [3 a] The same. 1 vol. London. 1798. * The same. 3rd cd., with con- siderable additions. Illustrated with plates. 3 vols, [with "An Historical Survey of the French Colony in the Island of St. Domingo : comprehending an account of the !Revolt of the Negroes in the year 1791, and a detail of the I^ilitary Transac- 1810. vols. Charles- tions of the British Army in that island in the years 1793 and 1794" and a ** Sketch of the Life of the Author, written by himself a short time before his death." "A Tour through the several islands of Barbados, St. Vincent, Anti- gua, Tobago and Grenada in the years 1791 and 1792: by Sir W. Young, Bart., M.P., P.R.S., and a History of the War in the West Indies from its commence- ment in 1793 "]. London. 1801. [3 a] Ths same. To which is added a general description of the Bahama Islands by D. M'Kinnen, Esq. 4 vols- and an atlas. Philadelphia. 1805, 1806. * The same. 4th ed. Illustrated with plates, [maps and portrait]. 3 vols. London. 1807. [3 a.] The same. 4 vols. Baltimore. 1810. * * The same. 4 vols. Phila- delphia. * The saTne. 4 town. 1810. * The same. 5th ed., with maps and plates. 5 vols, and Atlas. London, Edinburgh and Dublin. 1819. [3 a.] The same. Historic Civile et Commerciale des Colonies Anglaises dans les Indes Occidentales ; depuis leur decouverte par Christophe Colomb jusqu'a nos jours ; suivie d'un tableau historique et politique de I'ile de Saint Domi- ngue avant et depuis la revolu- tion francaise. Traduit de I'Anglais de Bryan Edouard, par le traducteur des Voyages d' Arthur Young en France et en Italie. Paris, an ix. (1801)- [3 a.] The same. Burgerlyke en Han- delkundige Geschiedenis van de Engelsohe Volkplantingen in de West-Indien, uit het Engelsch. 2 vols. Haarlem. 1794. [3 a.] The same. Geschiedkundig© Beschouwing van St. Domingo * * Uit het Engelsch. Haarlem. 1802. [3 a.] The same. An Abridgment of IVIr. Edwards's Civil and Commer- cial History of the British West Indies. 2 vols. 1794. [3 a.] 2095a Des Moyens de conserver les An- tilles a la France si nous avous WEST INDIES GENERALLY. 107 P une guerre maritime. Par J. B. Boy er-Fouf rede. Paris. 1793. * 2096 A Treatise on the Intimate Connec- tion between Agriculture and Chemistry, addressed to ... . the Proprietors of West India Estates. By A. Cochrane, ninth Earl of Dundonald. 1795. * 2097 Instructions for Missionaries to the West India Islands. 1795. * 2098 Etat, condition et usages des Negres des Antilles, compare avec la con- dition dos negres de la Cote d'or. Par J. O. Winslow. Amsterdam. 1795. * 2098a Facts relative to the Conduct of the War in the West Indies, col- lected from the Speech of the Hon. H. Dundns in the House of Commons, April 28th, 1796. 1796. * 2099 Journal of a Voyage to the West Indies, on board the Economy. 1796. * 2100 An Account of the Campaign in the West Indies, in the year 1794 . . By Rev. C. Willyams. 1796. [3d.] 2101 The game. Atlas of 5 plates in aquatinta. 1796. * Letter on the causes of the rapid and progressive depreciation of West India property. n.d. [ ? ab. 1800]. • 2102 Memotre justificatif de la conduite de la Grande Bretagne en arre- tant les Navires Etrangers et les munitions de Guerre destinees aux Insurgens de I'Amerique. 1801. * 2103 EATiSE on Sugar, with IVfiscellane- ous IVIedical Observations. By B. IMoseley, M.D. 2nd ed. 1800. * 2104 The Sugar Cane. By J. Grain- p:er. 1802. [1 e.] 2105 An Essay on the more Common W^est India Diseases. By J. Grainger. 2nd ed. Edinhurgh. I8O2: [1 e.] 2107 A Treatise on Tropical Diseases, on Military Opera/tions, and on the Climate of the West Indies. 1803. [3g.] 2108 ELUCO. By J. Moore, M.D. 2 vols. 1803. [3 f .] 2108a Proceedings of the General Court Martial in the Trial of Major J. It'- ll, Gordon, of the late 8th West India Regiment. 1804. * 2109 A Tour through the British West Indies, in the years 1802 and 1803, giving a particular account of the Bahama Islands. By D. McKinnen. 1804. [2g.] 2110 War in Disguise, or the Frauds of the Neutral Flags. [By J. Stephens.] 1805. * 2111 The ,etition of East India Sugar. Bv a West Indian. [Attributed to SiV S. Clarke.] 1821. * 2156 The Different Modes of Cultivating the Pine Apple from its first intro- duction into Europe. By A Mem- ber of the Horticultural Society. 1822. * 2156a Substance of a Debate in the House of Commons on the 22nd May, 1823, on the Motion of Mr. W. W. AVhitmore, "that a Select Committee be appointed to in- quire into the Duties payable on East and W^est India Sugar. 1823. * 2157 Statement of the Claims of the West India Colonies to a Protect- ing Duty against East India Sugar. 1823. * 2158 Observations on the Application of the West India Dock Company for a renewal of their Charter. By J. Marrvat, M.P. . . . 1823. • 2159 Reply to the Observations of J. Marrvat . . on the West India Dock Charter. 1823. * 2160 KoROMANTYN Slaves, or West Indian Sketches. By the author of "The Solace of an Invalid." 1823. [1 b.] 2161 Colombian Navigator ; or Sailing Directory for the American Coasts and the W^est Indies. By J. Purdy. 1823. [3 f .] 2162 A Reply to the Arguments con- tained in various publications re- commending an equalization of the duties on East and West Indian Sugar. By J. Marryat, M.P. 1823. * 2163 A Letter to W. W. Whitmore I lO WEST INDIES GENIi:RAI.LY. . . pointing out some of the erroneous statements contained in a pamphlet by J. Marry at, en- titled "A Reply to the Argu- ments," etc. 1823. * 2164 On Protection to West India Sugar [By Sir George Larpent]. 2nd ed. With answer to Mr. Marry at 's "Reply." 1823. * 2166 8oM£ Considerations on the present distressed state of the British West India Colonies, their claims on the Government for relief, and the advantage to the nation in supporting them, particularly against the Competition of East India Sugar. Bv a West Indian. 1823. • 2167 East and West India Sugar : or a refutation of the claii.is of West India Colonists to a protecting duty on East India Sugar. [By Z. Macaulay]. 1823. * 2168 Some Remarks on a pamphlet "East and West India Sugar," by a Well-wisher of the West Indians. 1823. * 2169 A Letter to W\ W. Whitmore, pointing out erroneous statements m Mr. Marryat's " Reply," by the Author of " East and West India Sugar " [Z. Macaulay]. 1823. * 2172 Relief for the West Indian Dis- tress, showing the Inefficiency of Protecting Duties on East India Sugar. By J. Cropper. 1823. * 2174 The Geography, History and Statistics of Arnerica and the West Indies . . Bv H. C. Carev and J. Lea. 1823. [2i.] 2175 Le8 Antilles franyaises, particu- lierement la Guadeloupe, depuis leur docouverte iusqu'au 1 er Jan. 1823. Par E. E. Boyer- Peyreleau. 3 torn. Paris. 1823. * 2176 Joanna, or the Female Slave. A West Indian tale. 1824. [3 f.] 2177 West Indian Pretensions refuted. By J. Stephen. 1824. * 2178 CoLECCTON de las Viages y Descubri- mientos que hicieron por mar los Espanoles desde fines des siglo XV. Con varies documentos ineditos concernientes a la His- toria de la Marina Castellana y de los Establecimientes Espanoles in Indias. Coordinada e llustrada por M. F. de Navarrete. Madrid. 5 vols. 1825. 1837- * 2179 Six Months in the West Indies in 1825. By H. N. Coleridge. ' 1826. [2 a.] 2181 , The Same. 3rd ed. 1832 [2 a.] ; The Same. 4th ed. 1841 [2 b.] ] The Same. Zes Maaden in de West-Indibn in 1825. Vrij vertaald uit het Engelsch door J. G. S[waving]. Dordrecht. 1826. * Wanderings in South America, the North- West of the United States, \ and the Antilles in the years 1812, ' 1816, 1820 and 1824. By C. Water- •, ton. 1825. * 2182 ] The Same. New ed. with bio- ; graphical introduction and ex- planatory index by the Rev. J. G. Wood 1879. [13 i.] The West India Question Practical- ly considered. [By Sir R. J. W. ; Horton.] 2nd ed. 1826. [34 c.] 2184 ; Letter to R. W. Horton, Esq., M.P., containing strictures on a pamphlet [by him] entitled, " The West India Question practically \ considered." 1826. * 2185 ! Derrotero de las islas Antillas, de ' las costas de Tieria Firme y del , Seno Megicano. Bogota. '■. 1826. * 2185a j A Critical Review, by G. Mathison, , of a pamphlet [by Sir R. J. W. | Horton] entitled, "The West India | Question practically considered." \ 1827. ♦ 2186 I Notes in the defence of the Colonies, ' on the increase and decrease of the ,i slave population of the British West Indies. Bv a West Indian. Jamaica. 1826. [3 f .] 2187 ; No Colonies, no Funds!!! proving that the present certain destruc- tion of the West India Colonies ' will yet involve the National , Debt 1 ! ! Addressed to the Abettori ' of Injustice. By a West Indian. ! 1826. * 218S ' Chronological History of the West Indies. By Captain T. Southey. 3 vols. 1827. [2d.] 2189 , First Report of the Commissioners ( of Enquiry into the administration of Criminal and Civil Justice in i the West Indies. \Jamairal , 1827. [4j.] 2190 i Epitome of the West India Question, 1 in the form of a dialogue between an abolitionist and a West Indian. , 1827. • 2191 ] WEST INDIES GENERALLY. Ill The Laws of the British Colonies in the West Indies and other parts of America. By J. H. Howard. . . . 2 vols. 1827. [3 c.] 2192 A Speedy End to Slavery in our West India Colonies, by safe, effectual and equitable means for the benefit of all parties concern- ed. To which is added a supple- ment [on the present state of the Slave question.] By T. S. Winn (formerly resident in the West Indies). 2nd ed. 1827 [2c.] 2193 A Practfcal View of the Present State of Slavery in the West Indies. Bv A. Barclav. 2nd ed. 1827. *[2b.] 2194 Tht Same. 3rd ed. [1828]. [2 b.] West Indtan Reporter. Jan., 1827, June, 1828. [2 a.] 2195 A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Bv W. Irving. 4 vols. 1828. [21 g.]*2196 The Same. 4 vols. Paris. [21 g.] The Same. Together with the Voyages of his Companions. 2 vols. 1849. [21 g.] Thr Same. In Spanish. Madrid. 1854. * Sketches and Recollections of the West Indies. By a Resident 1828. • 2197 The West India Question plainly stated ; and the only practical remedy briefly considered in a letter to the Right Hon. H. Goul- burn, Chancellor of the Exchequer. By Fortunatus D'Warris. 1828. [2i.] 2198 De Wkst-Indische maatschappij be- handeld in een gesprek, gehouden in he^. lo^ement De Munt te Am- sterdam. Amsterdam. 1828. * 2198a A Journal of the Life^ Travels and Christian Experience of T. Chalkley . New ed. . . detached from his works. 1829. [3g.] 2199 Rotttier des Isles Antilles. 3me. ed. Traduit de I'Espagnol. Par C. F. Chauceprat. Paris. 1829. * 2200 The Same. 4me ed. Augmentee. . . Par C. Rigault de Gehouillv. Paris. 1842. * 2200 Report of the Incorporated Society for the Conversion and Religious Instruction and Education of the Negro Slaves in th© British West India Islands, for 1829. * 2201 Effects of the late Colonial Policy of Great Britain described, in a Letter to Sir George Murray, shew- ing the Effects produced in the British West India Colonies by the recent measures of Govern- ment. 2nd ed. 1830. * 2202 Letter to the IVIarquis of Chandos by a West Indian Planter. 1830. * 2203 West India Mission. Revised by the Committee of Publication. American Sunday School Union. Philadelphia. [1830?] * 2204 Breaking the Line. Statement of Facts . . connected with the great battle 12th April, 1782. . . By an old Naval Officer. Ch^Itmham. 1830. * 2206 Four Years' Residence in the West Indies. By the son of a Military Officer [F. W. N. Bayley]. 1830. [2h.] 2206 The Same. 2nd*ed. 1832. ♦ The Same. 3rd ed. enlarged. To which is now added a faithful narrative, derived from official documents and private letters, of the hurricanes in Barbados, St. Vincent and St. Lucia, in August, 1831. 1833. [2j.] An Address to the Members of both Houses of Parliament on the West India Question. Bv A. McDonnell. 2nd ed." 1830. * 2208 Presbyter's Letteps on the West India Question, addressed to the Rt. Hon. Sir G. Murrav. By H. Duncan. 1830. * 2209 The Present State of the British Sugar Colonies considered, in a Letter from a Gentleman of Bar- badoes to his Friend in London. 1731. * 2210 Perdre on Sauver Les Colonies, viola la Question. Par le Comt* de Santo Domingo. Paris. 1831. [2h.] 2211 Patronnes ou Libres de Sava-ne. Reclamations en leur faveur. . . Par un Homme de Couleur. Paris. 1831. [2h.] 2212 Memoire au Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies, et la Commission de Legislation Coloniale. . . Paris. 1831. [2h.] 2213 Short Review of leading and operating causes of the Distress of the British West India Colo- 112 WEST INDIES GENERALLY. nies. By Sir E. H. East. 1832. • 2214 Narrative of his Shipwreck and consequent Discovery of certain Islands in the Caribbean Sea, by Sir E. Seaward, 1733-49, edited by Jane Porter. 3 vols. 1832. * 2215 The Same. . . Edited by Miss Jane Porter. 3rd ed. 2 vols, (in one). 1841. [2h.] West Indies. Pamphlets III. An account of the Insurrection in St. Domingo, 1791, by J. G. Hopkirk (1833) : Speech of Sir Daniel K. Sandford, 1832: Mr. Borthwick's Orations, 1832: The Voice of the West Indies and the cry of Eng- land. [1832] [2h.] 2216 Report from Select Committee en the Commercial State of the West India Colonies ; together with the Minutes of Evidence, and an ap- pendix. 1832. [3d.] 2217 Thb Humble Petition of T. Brad- ley, formerly Lieut. -Col. of the 2nd West India Regiment, to the Hon. the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. [c. 1833] * 2218 Pauperism on a great scale, or the Case of the West India Planters. [1833?] * 2219 Domestic Manners and Social con- dition of the White, Coloured, and Negro population of the West Indies. By Mrs. A. C. Carmichael. 2 vols. 1833. [3 b.] 2220 Transatlantic Sketches: Visit to North and South America and the West Indies. By Captain [Sir] J. E. Alexander. 1833. * 2221 Vindication of a loan of £15,000,000 to the West India Planters, show- ing that it may not only be lent with perfect safety but with im- mense advantage both to the West Indians and to the people of Eng- land. By J. Cropper. 1833. * 2222 Letter to T. F. Buxton, in refuta- tion of his Allegation respecting the decrease of the Slaves in the British West India Colonies. By A. McDonnell. 1833. * 2223 Speeches of Mr. Barrett and Mr. Burge, at a General Meeting of Planters, Merchants, and others interested in the West India Colonies. 1833 * 2224 The West India Sketch Book. By Trelawny Wentworth. 2 vols. 1834. [3g.] 2225 A Residence in the W^est Indies and America. By Lieut.-Col. T. S. St. Clair. 2 vols. 1834. [3 c] 2226 Dissertatio nonnuUis Morbis Cuta- neis in Indiis Occidentalibus. R. Easton. 1834. * 2226a A Voyage to Guinea, Brazil, and the W^est Indies ; in His Majesty's Ships the ** Swallow " and Weymouth. ... By J. Atkins. 1835. [2 b.] 2227 The Same. 2nd ed., 1837. [2 b.] Details sur 1' Emancipation des Esclaves dans les Colonies Anglaises. Par Z. Macaulay. \ 1834-5. Paris. 1836. [3 f .] 2228 History of the West Indies. By R. M. Martin. 2 vols. I. Jamaica, Honduras, Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, the Bahamas and the Virgin Islands. Vol. II. British Guiana, Barbadoes, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, St. Christo- V pher's, etc. 1836-37. [2 a.] 2229 The West Indies. The Natural and Physical History of the Wind- ward and Leeward Colonies. . . By Sir A. Halliday, K.H., M.D., F.R.S.E. 1837. [2g.] 2230 Letters from the West Indies, dur- ing a Visit in 1836 and 1837. By W. Lloyd, M.D. [1837]. * 2231 The Saine. 1838. [2 h.] The Laws and Constitution of the British Colonies in the West Indies, having Legislative Assem- blies. Bv H. I. Woodcock. 2nd ed. * 1838. * 2232' Truths from the West Indies. By Capt. S. Hodgson. 1838. [2 b.] 2233 Negro Education in Windward and Leeward Islands. Report by C. J. Latrobe: Appropriation of sum voted by Parliament: Report on Lady Mico's Charity. 1838. [4j.] 2234 Statistical Report of the Sickness, Mortality and Invaliding among the troops in the West Indies. By Captain Tulloch. 1838. * 2236 Emancipation in the West Indies. A Six Months' Tour in Antigua, Barbadoes, and Jamaica in the year 1837. By J. A. Thome and J. H. Kimball. New York. 1838. [2 b.] 2236 Letters from the West Indies. By S. Hovey. 1838. [2 h.] 2238 WEST INDIES GENERALLY. "3 Statistical Report on the Sickness, Mortality and Invaliding among the troops in the West Indies presented to Parliament. 1838. [34 c.] 2239 The West Indies in 1837. Being the journal of a visit to Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbados and Jamaica. Under- taken for the purpose of ascer- taining the actual condition of the negro population of those Islands. By J. Sturge and T. Harvey. 1838. rSj.] 2240 The. Same. 2nd ed. 1838. [2 j.l Ob8ERv.\tions upon Lord Glenelg's speech, delivered 20th February, 1838. 1838. [2i.] 2241 Remarks on the State and Pro8i>ect8 of the West Indian Colonies. By Capt. J. W. Pringle. 1839. [34 c.] 2242 Statistics of the Colonies of the British Empire in the West Indies ... By R. M. Martin. 1839. [3g.] 2243 Suggestions for the consideration of the British West India Proprie- tary. 1839. [2i.] 2244 A Winter in the West Indies and Florida. . . Bv an Invalid. Npw Yrrrh. 1839. [H.C.] * 224o West Indian Affairs. By Sir E. Cust. 1839. * 2245a A Winter in the West Indies des- cribed in familiar letters to Henry Clay of Kentucky. By J. J. Gurnev. [With prefatory letter to Sir Thos. Fowell Buxton, Bart.] 2nd ed. 1840. [2 i.] 2246 The Same. New York. 1840. [2j.] The Same. Un Hiver aux An- tilles en 1839-40. tr. par J. J. Pacaud. Paris. [2 h.] Extracts from Papers printed by order of the House of Commons, 1839, relative to the West Indies. i., Progress of Industry and general condition of Society since 1st August, 1838. ii., State of the Law as it now exists; iii.. New Laws proposed to meet the new relations of Society. iv., Administration of Justice, v., Prison Regulations, etc. vi.. Laws, relating to Immigration And Deportation from one Colony to another, vii.. Proceedings of the Local Legislatures. 1840. [311.] 224 ■ Present Condition of the British West Indies : their Wants and tha Remedy for these. By H. Morson. 1841. * 2248 Life, Voyages, and Exploits of Admiral Sir F. Drake, with many Original Letters. By J. Barrow. 1843. * 2249 Report of the Acting Committee to the Standing Committee of the West India Planters and Mer- chants. 1843-48. * 2250 The Same. 1848, 1849 and 1850. * Practical Observations on the West India Navigation, by a Com- mander of one of the Royal Mail Steam Packets. 1844. * 2251 Colonists and Manufacturers in the West Indies, translated from the French of Paul D'Aubre. 1844. ♦ 2252 Guide to the Madeiras, Azores, British and Foreign West Indies, Mexico and Northern South America. By J. Osborne. 2nd ed. 1844. [3g.] 2253 The Same. 3rd ed. 1845. [34 c.] The Same. 5th ed. 1847. [34 c.] Letter to the West India Proprie- tary on Improvements in Colonial Machinery. By J. Biggs. 1844. 2254 Estelle ; or the Conspirator of the Isles. A tale of the West Indian Seas. By J. H. Ingraham. • Boston. 1844. * 2254a Narhative of a visit to the West Indies in 1840 and 1841. By G. Truman, J- Jackson, and T. B. Lonstrett. Philadelphia. 1844. * 2254b West India Directory, containing instructions for navigating the Caribee or Windwaxd and Lee- ward Islands, Porto Rico, Hayti, or St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba and the Bahamas. New ed. revised and corrected. By J. W. Norie. 8vo. 1845. [3g.] 2255 Sixteen Years in the West Indies. By Lt.-Col. Capadose. 2 vols. 1845. [3 b.] 2256 EssAT on Tropical Agriculture. By P. L. Phillips. 1845. * 2256a Report of the Acting Committee to the St.^nding Committee of West India Planters and Merchants, at 114 WEST INDIES GENERALLY. their half-yearly Meeting, 11th March. 1846. [n.d.] * 2257 Die Antillen mit Besonderer Rticksicht auf die Emancipation der Negersklaven geschildert. Aus dem Franz, iibersetzt, von G. Fink, von Victor Scholcher. 2 vols. Stuttgart. 1847. * 2258 The Real Bearings of the West India question, as expounded by the most intelligent and indepen- dent Free-Trader of the day ; edited by Jacob Omnium. 1848. [2i.] 2259 A Second Letter to the Ri^ht Hon. John Lord Russell, etc., by Jacob Omnium. 1848. [2i.] 2259a Remarks on the Present State of our West Indian Colonies, with Suggestions for their Improve- ment. 1848. - 2260 West India Interests, African Emi- gration, and Slave Trade. By Hon. Captain Denman. 1848. * 2261 Light-houses on the West India Islands and the adjacent Coasts. Corrected to 1848. 1848. * 2262 The Same. Down to 12 later eds. 1880. * Claims and Resources of the West Indian Colonies. A letter to the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. By Hon. E. H. Stanley. 3rd ed. 1850. * 2263 Mahogany Tree: Its Botanical Characters, Qualities and Uses, with suggestions for cutting it in the West Indies and Central America. Liverpool. 1850. * 2264 Impressions and Experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849. Bv Robert Baird, A.M. 2 vols. 1850. [2g.] 2265 Memorials of Missionary Labours in Western Africa and in the West Indies. By Rev. W. Moister. 1850. * 2266 Proposed Mission from the Church in the West Indies to Western Africa. Barhadoes. 1850. * 2267 /Further Facts connected with the West Indies, a second Letter to the Rt. Hon. W. E. Glad- stone, M.P. (late Secretary to the Colonies). By Lord Stanley. 1851. * 2269 Notes on the Mineralogy, Govern- ment and Condition of the British West India Islands and North American Maritime ' Colonies. By A. Cochrane, 9th Earl of Dundonald. 1851 * 2270 Ajithur Conway ; or Scenes in the Tropics. By Captain Milman. 1851. [3f.] 2272 Five Years' Residence in the West Indies. By C. W. Day 2 vols. 1852. [2d.] 2273 Case of the British West Indies stated, by the West India Asso- ciation of Glasgow. Glasgow. 1852. * 2274 ' Libel of Spanish Lies. Found at the Sacke of Cales, discoursing the fight in the West Indies, tAvixt the English Navie, being fourteene ships and pinasses, and a fieete of twentie saile of the King of Spaines, and of the death of Sir Francis Drake. London. [1596.] A facsimile re- print. Edited bv J. P. Collier. 1853. [2h.] 2275 Obras. Bv Don J. A. Saco. 2 vols. New Yorh. 1853. * 2276 Suggestions relative to the im- provement of the British West India Colonies. By S. Bourne. 1853. [34 c.] 2277 The Importance . . of thorough Drainage in the British West India Colonies. By S. Bourne. 1853. [34 c.] 2278, Souvenirs des Indes Occidentales et Impressions Intimes. Par ' H. E. IVlarquand. Gvermey. \ 1853. * 2279 The Sugar Duties. By a West I Indian. [1854.] * 2280 The West Indies before and since Slave Emancipation, comprising the Windward and Leeward Is- lands* Military Command By J. Davy, M.D., F.R.S. 1854. [2 c.] 2281 A Bibliographical and historical Essay on the Dutch books and pamphlets relating to New- Netherlands and to the Dutch West India Company. . . By C. M. Asher. Amsterdam. 1854-67. * 2281a: Scenes in the Caribbean a Sea : be- ing sketches from a Missionary'a note-book. By H. Bleby. 1854. * 2281b WEST INDIES GENERALLY. 1^5 Gospel Reminiscences in the West Indies. The condemned negro; or man's victim, God's chosen. By the author of " God our Refuge." [1855?] * 2282 Christophe Colomb, Historie de sa vie et Je .ses Voyages d'apres des documents tires d'Espagne et d'ltalie. [By A. F. F. Comte Roselly de Lorgues.] 2 tom. Paris. 1856. • 2283 The Spanish Conquest in America and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of Colonies. 4 vols. By A. Helps. 1855—1861. [16 j.] 2284 A Statistical Account of the West India Islands, together with general descriptions of the Ber- mudas, Bay Islands, and Belize, and the Guayana Colonies. By R. S. B'isher, M.D. New York. 1855. [3 b.] 2285 A Voice from the West Indies : being a review of the character and results of Missionary efforts in the British and other colonies in the Caribbean Sea. By Rev. J. Horsford (St. Vincent). 1856. [M.C.] * 2286 The History of the Church of Eng- land in the Colonies and Foreign Dependencies of the British Empire. By J. S. M. Anderson. 1856. [6m.] 2287 HiBTORiE et Commerce des Antilles Angloises : leur population et quelques details sur le Commerce de contrabando des Anglois avec des Espagnols dans le nouveau Monde. . . 1858. * 2288 Narrative of a Voyage to the West Indies and jVIexico, in the years 1599—1602. By S. Cham- plain. Translated from the ori- ginal and unpublished manu- script, with a biographical notice and not^s bv A. Wilmere. Edited l^y N. Shaw. [Hakluyt Societyl. MW 1859. [2 c.] 2289 Re West Indies and the Spanish' Main. By A. Trollope. 1859. * 2290 — The Same. 2nd ed. 1860. [2 i.] — The Same. 6th ed. 1862. [2 i.] T?u Same New York, n.d. [2i.] Immigration to the British West Indies: Is it the Slave Trade re- vived or not? By Rev. W. G. rrett. 1859. * 2291 t CnEAP Sugar, or Coolie Immigra- tion to the West Indies. 1859. • 2291a Sugar, Slavery, and Emancipation : a series of articles originally pub- lished in the Anti-Slavery Re- porter, exhibiting the true cause of the alleged failure of emanci- pation to be the waste of Pro- duce on West India Estates; also Correspondence on the above subject between the West India Body, the Duke of Newcastle, and the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. [185-] * 2292 Calendar of State Papers. Colonial series, 1574-1660. 1860. [4 f .] 2293 America and West Indies. 1661-1668. 1880. [4 f .] 1669-1674. 1889. [4 f .] 1675-1676 and Addenda, 1574- 1674. 1893. [4 f .] 1677-1680. 1896. [4f.] 1681-1685. 1898. [4 f .] 1685-1688. 1899. [4 f .] 1689-1692. 1901. [4 f.] Jan., 1693— 14th Mav. 1696. 1903. [4f.] 15th May, 1696— 31st Oct., 1697. 1904. [4 f .] 27th Oct., 1697— 31st Deo., 1698. 1905. [4 f .] 1699 and Addenda, 1621-1698. 1908 [4f.] Illustrations of the West Indies. Vol. I. Sailing directions for the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Florida. Vol. II. Description of the islands in the Caribbnan Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Florida. By W. S. Andrews. 2 vols. Sidmouth. [I860]. [2d.] 2294 Captain Brand of the "Centipede," a Pirate of eminence in the West Indies. By Lieut. H. A. Wise. 1860. * 2295 The Ordeal of Free Labor in the ^ British West Indies. Bv W. G Sewell. 1861. [34c.] 2296 An Account of the Cruise of the St. George on the North Ameri- can and West Indian Station dur- ing the years 1861—1862. Bv N. B. Dennys. 1862. [2j.l 2297 Key to Progress of the West Indies. By R. S. Lambert. 1862. * 2297a Th^ Wt^st Indtfs: their Social and Religious condition. By E. B. ii6 WEST INDIES GENERALLY. Underhill, LL.D. 1862. [2 b.] 2297b Las Antillas. Von T. Waitz. Leipzig. 1862. * 2297c The Sugar Duties: Intended as an answer to Mr. H. Nelson's Pam- phlet entitled "The Sugar Duties Discussed." By R. J. Cruikshank. 1863. [2i.] 2298 Treatise on the West Indian in- cumbered Estates Acts, 2nd ed. By R. J. Cust. 1863. * 2299 Twenty-nine Years in the West Indies and Central Africa, 1829- 1858. By Rev. H. M. Waddell. 1863. [2 a.] 2300 On the Sugar Trade and Sugar Duties. A lecture. . . By L. Levi. 1864. [2i.] 2301 El Medico Botanico criollo. Por R. de Grosourdy. Paris. 1864. * 2302 Flora of the British West Indian Islands. By A. H. R. Grisebach, M.D., F.L.S. 1864. [2j.] 2303 A Steam Trip to the Tropics ; or Description of a Visit to the West Indies ; including part of Central and South America. By Dr. J. Hawkes. 1864. * 2304 Coi.ECCiON de documentos ineditos ( relatives al descubrimiento, con- quista y oolonizacion de las pose- siones espafioles en America y Oceania, sacados del Real Archivo de Indias. Madrid. 1864-66. * 2304a Years Ago: A Talo of West Indian Domestic Life of the eighteenth century. 1865. * 2305 Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of a valuable collection of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, maps, en- gravings, and engraved portraits, illustrating the history and geo- graphy of North and South America, and the West Indies. 1865. [27 n.] 2306 W.S.W. A Voyage in that direction to the West Indies. With illus- trations from original drawings by the author. Bv R. Elwes. 1866. [3 b.] 2307 Africa and the West Indies. By W. Moister. 1866. * 2307a The Prince of Kasna : A West In- dian Story. By the Author of "In the Tropics." With intro- duction bv R. B. Kimball. i\ew York- 1866. * 2307b A Trip to the Tropics and home through America. By John D. S. C, Marquis of Lome, K.T. G.C.M.G. 1867. [2i.] 2308 Journal kept during a Tour to the West Indies and South America, in 1863-4. By R. W. Moore. With Notes from the Diary of her Husband, and his Memoir, by Dr. G. Truman. Philadelphia. 1867. * 2309 Sailing Directions for the West Indies. 1868. [2 j.] 2310 The Life of Las Casas, " The Apostle of the Indies." By Sir A. Helps. 1868. [21 d.] 2311 The Same. 3rd ed. 1873. [21 d.] The Same. 4th ed. 1883 [21 d.] The Life of Columbus, the Dis- coverer of America. Chiefly by A. Helps. 2nd ed. 1869. [21 g.] 2312 The Theory and Practice of Creole Grammar. Bv J. J. Thomas. Port of Spain. 1869. [3 f .] 2313 Historia de las Reyes Catolicos D. Fernando y Dona Isabel, escrita poT el Bachiller Andres Bernaldez. Sevilla. 1870. [17 e.] 2314 At Last : A Christmas in the West Indies. By Rev. C. Kingley. 2 vols. 1871. * 2315 The Same. 4th ed. 1874. [2d.] The. Same. 9th thousand. 1879. [3d.] Stories About. By Lady Barker. 1871. [lb.] 2316 Unter den Tropen. Von C. F. Appun. 2 vols. 1871. * 2316a Monumental Inscriptions of the British West Indies from the earliest date; with Genealogical and Historical Annotations . . . illustrative of the Histories and Genealogies of the 17th Century. . . . Engravings of the Arma of the principal families. Bj Captain J. H. Lawrence-Archer. 1875. [3 a.] 2317 Historia de las Indias. Por Barto- lome de Las Casas. 5 vols. Madrid. 1875. * 2318 Report on the Telegraphic Deter- mination of Differences of Longi- tude in the West Indies and Cen- tral America. By Lieut. -Com- mander F. M. Green, U.S.N. Washington. 1877. [2d.] 2319 On the Death-rate among assured Lives in the West Indies; being the ezi>erience of tlie Scottish WEST INDIES GENERALLY. II Amicable Life Assurance Society during thirty years 1846-76. By J. Stott. Glasgow. 1877. [32 j.] 2320 Notes by a Field Naturalist in the Western Tropics. From a Journal kept on board the Royal Mersey Steam Yacht "Argo." By Rev. H. H. Higgins. Liverpool. 1877. [2 b.] 2320a Aux Antilles. Par V. Meignan. Paris. 1878. * 2321 A Young Squire of the Seventeenth Century : from the papers of Christopher Jeaffreson. By J. C. Jeaffreson. 2 vols. 1878. * 2322 West Indies Directorv. 1878. * 2322a Th^ Wfst Indies. Bv C. H. Eden. F.R.G.S. 1880. [2g.] 2323 Camps in the Caribbees : the Ad- ventures of a Naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. By F. A. Ober. Erfivhurfjh. 1880. r2i.] 2324 Les Colonies fran^aises. Par P. Gaffarel. Paris. 1880. * 2325 Select Letters of Christopher Columbus, with other original Documents, relating to his four vovages to the New World, trans- lated and edited by R. H. Major, F.S.A. 2nd ed. 1870. [21 g.] 2327 Report of Experiments connected with the Coffee Leaf Disease. D. Morris. 1879. * 2328a In the Tropics. By J. Marrat. 1881. * 2329 The Leeward Islands, past and present. By Hon. T. B. H. Berkeley. 1881. * 2330 Traite des maladies europeens aux Antilles. Par L. J. B. Berenger- Feraud. Paris. 1881. * 2331 Outlines of Geology of Noth-Eastern W'est India Islands. By P. T. Cleve. 1881. * 2331a Capture of the Pirates, and other Stories of the Western Seaa. By H. Bleby. 1881. * 2231b -JFbmale Heroism ; and Tales of the I If Western World. By H. Bleby. Ip 1881. * 2231c My Coloured Schoolmaster; and other Stories. By H. Bleby. 1881. * 2231d Capital and Labour in the West Indies. By C. S. Salmon. 1883. * 2332 Un Parisien dans les Antilles. Par Quatrelles. Paris. 1883. * 2333 The West Indies enslaved and Free. By Rev. W. Moister. 1883. [3 f .] 2334 Depression in the West Indies. By C. S. Salmon. 1884. * 2335 Christophe Colombe, son origine, sa vie, ses Voyages, sa famille et ses descendants . . . etudes d'histoire critique. Par H. Harrisse. 2 tom. Paris. 1884. * 2336 Cruise of the Montauk to the West Indies. By J. MacQuade. New York. 1885. * 2337 The Navigation of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. By W. W. Gillpa trick. Wa.ohingfnn. 1885. • 2337a Sources of discontent in the West Indies. By F. H. Wilcher. 1885. ♦ 2338 The First Three English books on America [?1511] — 1555 a.d. Being chiefly translation, compilations, etc., by Richard Eden, from the Writings, Majjs, etc., of Pietro Martire of Ani^hiera . . . Sebas- tian Munster, . . . Sebastian Cabot, of Bristol. . . With Ex- tracts, etc., from the Works of other Spanish, Italian, and Ger- man Writers of the Time. Edited by E. Arber, F.S.A. Birmingham. 1885. [3 c] 2339 A List of the Birds of the W^est Indies, including the Greater and Lesser Antilles, excepting the islands of Tobago and TrinidaJ. By C. B. Cory, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Boston, U.S.A. 1885. [2d.] 2340 The Same. Revised ed. Boston, U.S.A. 1886. [2d.] " GoMBO Zhebes." Little Diction- ary of Creole Proverbs. By L. Hearn. New York. 1885. [3g.] 2341 Cruise of the " Ceylon," 1885. By N. May. Malvern. 1885. * 2342 Sport, Travel and Adventure in Newfoundland and the West Indies. With illustrations by the author. By Capt. W. R. Kennedy, R.xV. Edinburgh. 1885. [3 g.] 2343 In the Trades, the Tropics and the Roaring Forties. By Annie Lady Brassey. 1885. [2 g.] 2344 Question before the Windward Islands Union. By N. D. Davis. Georgetown. 1886. • I ii8 WEST INDIES GENERALLY. Par L. T. P. de 1886. * 2346 Les Antilles, Rosny. Paris Colonial France. By J. F. Norman. 1886. * 2347 West Indies and British Honduras. Handbook and Catalogue. By A. Adderley. [Clolonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886 1 1886. [3f.] 2348 Commercial and Technical Report on West Indian and British Hon- duras Products, at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. Compiled by J. McCarthy, F.C.S. 1886. [33 k.] 2349 Jottings on the West Indies and Panama. [By A. Radford.] 1886. [M.C.] * 2350 EiYMOLOGY of the word Rum. By N. D. Davis. ( rear get own, B. Guiana. 1886. * 2350a Through the West Indies. By Mrs. G. Layard. 1887. [2 a.] 2351 Jottings of a Cruise in the West Indies. By Rover. 1887. * 2352 West-Indische Skizzen. Von K. Martin. Leiden. 1887. * 2353 Bfrtcht iiljer eine Reise nach Niederlandiscb West-Indien. Von K. Ma.rtin. Leiden. 1888. * 2353a Romance without Fiction: or Sketches from the Portfolio of an old Missionary [in the West Indies]. By Rev. H. Bleby. 2nd ed. 1887. [3 b.] 2354 Three Cruises of the United States co-'st and geodot:"c survey steamer "Blake," in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. By A. Agassiz. 1888. [111.] 2355 Vegetable Resources of the West Indies. By D. Morris. 1888. * 2355a The Spanish Main; or, Thirty Days on the Caribbean. By E. T. Hall. Buffalo. 1888. * 2356 Down the Islands. A voyage to the Caribbees. By W. A. Paton ; with illustrations by M. J. Burns. 1888. [2i.] 2357 West Indian Conference on Quar- antine. 1888. * 2357a The English in the West Indies, or the Bow of Ulvsses. By J. A. Froude. With illustrations, en- graved on wood by G. Pearson after drawings by the author. 1888. [2j.] 3368 Mr. Froudv/s Negrophobia. By N. D. Davis. Demerara. 1888. * 2359 Froudacity. West Indian Fables , by James Anthony Froude. By , J. J. Tbomas. 1889. [3 b.] 2360 Tkm Same. Philadelphia. 1890. * I Obeah : Witchcraft in the West ' Indies. By H. J. Bell. 1889. [2 b.] 2361; The Lesser Antilles : A Guide for i Settlers in the British West [ Indies, and Tourists' Companion, By O. T. Bulkeley. 1889. * 2362 The West Indies. PubHshed under i the auspices of the Royal Colonial ' Institute. By C. W. Eves, C.M.G. 1889. [2 b.] 2363 i The Same. 3rd ed. 1893. [2 b.] The Same. 4th ed. 1897. [2 b.]: The Birds of the West Indies. \ Including all species known to ! occur in the Bahama Islands, the Greater Antilles, the Caymans ; and the Lesser Antilles, excepting j the Islands of Tobago and Trini- j dad. Illustrated. By C. B. Cory. I Boston, U.S.A. 1889. [2d.] * 2364, Canada, the West Indies and ^ British Guiana. Bv Hon. J. Macdonald. 1889. * 2364a ' Untersuchungen liber Gesteine und | Mineralien aus West-Indien. [S.A. f ns ; Sammlg. d. Geolog. Reich s- '•■ Museums. Leiden.] By J. H. ' Kloos. no title, n.d. [2 c.] 2365: Les Colonies Fran(;aises. Par , Henrique. Paris. 1890. * 2366 The Caribbean Confederation. A Slan for the Union of the fifteen ' Iritish West Indian Colonies . . . [and] a Refutation of the chief '■ statements made by Mr. Froude \ in his recent work, " The English i in the West Indies." Bv C. S. i Salmon. [2 b'] 2367 j Une Excursion aux climats tropic- i aux. Par L. Provancher. Quebec. \ 1890. * 2368 : Primer Viaje de Colon. Por H. C. ! Leyva y Aguilera. Hahana. 1890. [3 g.] 2369 ; The West Indian Bundle of Sticks, i By N. D. Davis. Demerara. I 1890. ♦ 2370 \ Colonial Consolidation. The West I Indies. By N. D. Davis. Demerara. 1890. * 2371 Voyages aux Antilles. Par D. Le j Hirbec. Laval. 1890. * 2372 ' J WEST INDIES GENERALLY. 119 •Chktstopher Columbus and how he received and imparted the spirit of Discovery. By Justin Winsor. [1890.] [21 e.] 2373 A Historical Geography of the British Colonies. By C. P. Lucas, B.A. Vol. II. The West Indian Dei>endencies. 1890. [16 h.] 2374 Tht Same. 2nd ed. revised and brought up to date by C. A. Atchley, I.S.O. 1905. [3 g.] Mamma's Black Nurse Stories. West Inrlian Folk-Lore. By M. P. Milne-Home. Edinburgh. 1890. [34 c.] 2375 Note sur les Petroglyphes et Anti- quitos des Grandes. et Petites Antilles. Par A. L. Pinart. Paris. 1890. * 2375a The Postage Stamps, Envelopes, Wrappers, Post Cards, and Tele- fcrapn Stamps, of the British Colonies in the West Indies, to- gether with British Honduras and the Colonies in South America. With thirty-two sheets of Auto- type Illustrations. Compiled and published bv the Philatelic So- ciety, London. 1891. * 2376 Cristobal Colon, su vida, sus viajes. sus descubrimicntos, por Don Jose Maria Asensio v Toledo. 2 torn. Barrplona. [1891]. * 2377 MiT^TMMT^T? Trip to the West Indies. By L. Hearn. Triniflad. 1891. * 2378 Historical Geography of the West Indies. By N. D. Davis. George- town. 1891. * 2379 Life of Christopher Columbus. By C. R. Markham, C.B. London. 1892. [21 g.] 2380 Catalogue of West Indian Birds, containing a list of all soecies known to occur in the Bahama Islands, the Greater Antilles, the Caymans, and the Lesser Antilles, excepting the Islands of Tobago and Trinidad. By C. B. Cory. Boston, U.S.A. 1892. [2d.] 2381 The Negro Question. Bv J. R. Maxwell. 1892. [24 e'.] 2382 YouMA. The Story of a West Indian Slave. By L. Hearn. 1890. [2 b.] * 2383 Thk Wkst Indian Pit.ot. Published by order of the Admiralty. Vol. I., 6th ed., 1893. Vol. II., The Caribbean Sea, 4th ed., 1887 and 1891. 2 vols. [2 c.] 2384 ft In Sugar Land. By E. Phillpotts. 1893. * 2385 Christopher Columbus. His own book of Privileges, 1502. Photo- graphic facsimile of the Manu- script in the Archives of the Foreign Office in Paris, now for the first time published, with ex- panded text translation into English and an historical intro- duction. . . . Compiled and edited by B. F. Stevens. 1893. * 2386 Gossip of the Caribbees. By W. R. H. Trowbridge. New York. 1893. [2 b.] 2387 The Same. London. 1895 * In the Wake of Columbus. By F. A. Ober. Boston. 1893. [21.] 2388 Aboriginfs of the West Indies. By F. A. Ober. Worcester, Mass. 1894. [2 a.] 2389 Voyages aux Antilles. Par G. Verschuur. Paris. 1894. * 2390 Report on Yaws in Tobago, Gren- ada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and the Leeward Islands. By H. A. A. Nicholls. 1894. [34 c.] 2391 The Butterfly Hunters in the Caribbees. By Dr. E. Aaron Murray. 1894. [2 b.] 2392 CoLFcc'ON de documentos ineditos relatives al descubrimiento, con- quista y colon izacion de las pose- siones espaiiolas en America y Oceana. Sacados del Real Archivo de Indias. 42 vols. Madrid. 1894. * 2392a At the Gate of Samaria. By W. J. Locke. 1895. * 2393 Letters Written from the West Indies by Viscount Sir S. Hood. Illustrated by Extracts from logs and public records. Edited by D. Hannay [Navy Records Soc.] 1895. * 2394 Tours in the West Indies [Royal Mail Packet Company]. 1895. [34 c.] 2395 The African in the West Indies. By E. G. Ingham, Bishop of Sierra Leone. [1895]. [34 c] 2396 Cruising among the Caribbees. By C. A. Stoddard. 1895. [34 c.] 2397 Relac^ones Comerciales entre la Peninsula y les Antillas. Por P. de Alzola y Minondo. Madrid. 1895. * 2399 Les Guerres des Antilles de 1793 a 1815. Par I. H. de Poyen-Bellisle. Paris. 1896. * 2400 fao WEST INDIES GENERALLY. The West Indies and the Spanish Main. By J. Rodway. 1896. [34 c.] 2401 The Demagogue of Lady Phayre. By W. J. Locke. 1896. * 2402 A Study in Shadows. By W. J. Locke. 1896. * 2403 The Derelicts. By W. J. Locke. 1897. * 2404 Sugar and the West Indies. By T. E. S. Scholes. [1897]. [1 b.] 2405 With the Trade Winds. A jaunt to the West Indies. By I. N. IVlorris. New York. 1897. * 2406 In the West Indies [Views]. Phila- delphia. 1897. [34 b.] 2407 Don Luis' Wife. A Romance of the West Indies. . . . By L. H. Shuey. Boston. 1897. [H.C.] * 2408 The British West Indies and the Sugar Industry. By J. W. Root. ^ Liverpool. 1899. * 2409 Blackie's Tropical Readers. Books land 2. 1897. [lb.] 2410 The Memorial of the West African Association on the distress in the West Indies. 1898. * 2411 The Church in the West Indies. By A. Caldecott. 1898. [34a.] 2412 The Wooings of Jezebel Petty fer. By H. Macfall. 1898. [34 a.] 2413 Idols. By W. J. Locke. 1898. * 2414 Symbolab Antillanae seu Funda^ •menta Florae Indiae occidentahs. edit Ignatius Urban. Vols. 1—5. 1898. et. seq. * 2415 Cuba and Porto Rico, with the other Islands of the West Indies. By R. T. Hill. 1898. [3 b.] 2416 The Same. 2nd ed. New York. 1899. * Journal d'une Campagne aux Indes occidentales 1781-82. Par Count G. J. de Revel du Perron. Paris. 1898. * 2417 Yellow Fever in the West Indies. By I. Anderson, M.D. ^ 1898. [34 c.] 2418 Under the Trade Winds. By A. M. Williams. Providence. 1898. * 2418a Tangweera, Life and Adventures amongst gentle savages. By C. N.Bell. 1899. [34b.] 2419 The Voyage of Robert Dudley to the West Indies, 1594-95. Edited by G. F. Warner [Hakluyt Soc.] i 1899. * 2421 The West Indies. By A. K. Fiske. -, New York. 1899. [3 c.] 2422] Loup-Garou! By E. Phillpotts. 1899. [34 a.] 2423 ^ West Indies. Articles on the West Indies by the Special Correspon- j dent of "The Times" [newspaper' cuttings.] 1899. [3 c] 2424 | The White Dove. By W. J. Locke. 1899. * 2425 Massachusetts' Soldiers in the West Indies. Accounts of the expedi- tion under Admiral Vernon in- 1740, and the Siege of Havana in j 1762. [Soc. of Colonial Wars.]| Boston. 1900. * 2426 j Two Years in the French West' Indies. By L. Hearn. Neto\ York. 1900. [3 g.] 2427 West Indian Annual Commercial! Directory, 1900. By J. N. Light- 1 bourn. St. Thomas. 1900. [3g.] 2428' The Story of the West Indies. Byi A. Kennedy. [2a.] 2429: A Glimpse of the Tropics, or four; months' cruising in the West; Indies. By E. A. H. Jay. 1900. [34 b.] 2430 ; Pamphlets issued by the Imperial! Department of Agriculture for; the West Indies. [Edited by Sir; Daniel Morris, K.C.G.M.] Bound in 4 vols. 1900-1903. [If.] No. l.i Hints and suggestions for the; treatment of the Moth Borer in' Sugar Cane. By H. Maxwell- Lefrey. No. 2. Hints and Sug- gestions on Planting in Tobago. By Edward R. Smart. No. 3.. Summary of the Results of the Ctiltivation of Seedling and other Canes at the Experiment^ Stations at Barbados, 1900. By! Professor d'Alburquerque and J.] R. Bovell. No. 4. The Harmful-! ness of Bush Fires. By Dr. H. A. Nicholls, C.M.G. No. 5. Th« General Treatment of Insect. Pests. By H. Maxwell-LefroyJ No. 6. Recipes for Cooking Sweet Potatoes from the West Indiea. No. 7. The Scale Insects of the Lesser Antilles. Part I. By H. Maxwell-Lefroy. No. 8. Sugges- tions for the Cultivation of Vege- tables in Barbados. No. 9. Bee- keeping in the West Indies. By W. K. Morrison. No. 10. Ex- WEST INDIES GENERALLY. 121 ft periments with Manures and Lo- puminous Plants at Barbados, 1898-1901. No. 11. Hints tor School Gardens. By William G. Freeman. No. 12. Sunimary of the Results of the Cultivation of Seedling and other Canes at the Experiment Stations in the Lee- ward Islands, 1900-01. No. 13. Summary of the Results of the Cultivation of Seedling and other Canes at the Experiment Stations at Barbados, 1901. No. 14. Screw Worm in Cattle at St. Lucia. By H. Maxwell-Lefroy. No. 15. Plain Talk to Small Owners at Mont^ Bfrrat. By His Honour F. H. Watkins. No. 16. Hints on Otiion Cultivation at Montserrat. By His Honour F. H. Watkins. No. 17. The General Treatment of Fungoid Posts. By A. Howard, A.R.C.S. No. 18. Re- cipes for Cooking West Indian Yams. No. 19. Summary of the Results of the Cultivation of Seedling and other Canes at the Experiment Stations at Barba- dos, 1902. No. 20. Summary of the Results of the Cultivation of Seedling and other Canes at the Experiment Stations in the Lee- ward Islands, 1901-02. No. 21. Cotton and Onion Industries in the West Indies. No. 22. The Scale Insects of the Lesser Antil- les. Part II. By H. Maxwell- Lefroy. No. 23. Notes on Poul- try in the West Indies. By J. Barclay. No. 24. Dominica, Hints to Settlers. By H. Hes- keth Bell, C.M.G. No. 25. Ground Nuts in the West Indies. By W. G. Freeman. No. 26. Summar;y of the Results of the Cultivation of Seedling and other Canes at the Experiment Stations at Barbados, 1903. No. 27. Sum- mary of the Results of the Culti- vation of Seedling and other Canes at the Exi>eriment Stations in the Leeward Islands, 1902-03. No. 28. Barbados and Porto Rico Molasses. No. 29. Lectures on the Diseases of the Sugar-Cane. By L. Lewton-Brain. No. 30. Summary of the Results of the Manurial Experiments with Sugar-Cane at the Experiment Stations in the Leeward Islands, 1902-03. No. 31. A. B.C. of Coi^ ton Planting. No. 32. Suni- mary of the Results of the Culti- vation of Seedling and other Canes at the Experiment Stations at Barbados, 1904. No. 33. Summary of the Results of the Cultivation of Seedling and other Canes at the Experiment Stations in the Leeward Islands, 1903-04. No. 34. Notes on Rabbit-Keeping in the West Indies. By J. Bar- clay. No. 35. Information in regard to Agricultural Banks. No. 36. Manurial Experiments with Suortation of African Negroes into the Colonies. 1792. ♦ 2535 A Vert new pamphlet indeed. Con- taining some strictures on the English Jacobins and the evidence of Lord McCartney, etc., before the House of Lords respecting the Slave Trade. 1792. * 2536 Old Truths and Established Facts, being an answer to a " Verv New Pamphlet indeed." 1792. * 2537 HiRTORicAL Sketches of the Slave Trade, and of its effects in Africa. Bv Lord Mauncaster. 1792. * 2537a Address to the People of Great Britain [respectfully offered to the People of Ireland] on the Utility' of refraining from the use of West India Sugar Ruin. 6th ed. 1792. * 2538 Slavery [and other] Pamphlets I (4) Substance of a Speech intended to have been made on Mr. Wilberforce's Motion for the Abolition of the Slave Trade. 2Tid ed. 1792. . . II. (1) Thoughts on the Abolition of the Slave Trade and Civilization of Africa. . . by J. Marryatt. 3rd ed. 1816. (2) An Ex- posure of some of the numerous Mis- statements and Misrepresentations con- tained in a pamphlet commonly known by the name of Mr. Marryatt's Pamph- let. " Though P on the Abolition, etc." 1816. (3) A Defence of the Bill for the Pecistration of Slaves. By James Stephen. In Letters to William Wilber- force. Esq.. M.P. Letter the first. 1816. (4'> ^fo^e Thonehta occasioned by two nnhlications which the authors call "An Exposure, etc. " and "A Defence of the Bill for the registration of Slaves." By J. Marryat, M.P., Agent for Grenada. 1816. (5) A Defence of the Bill, etc. Letter the second. 1816. III. (1) The Directors of the African Institution. Ninth Report. 1815. ('. . The ^»m«. Tenth Report. 1816. (3) The Same. Special Report respecting the Allega- tions contained in a pamphlet entitled " A Letter to William Wilberforce, Esq., by R. Thorrie." 1.815. (4) A Letter to William Wilberforce, Esq., containing remarks on the Reports of the Sierra Leone Companv. and African Institution. 4th ed. May, 1815. (5) The Sarre. Feb.. 1815. (6) \ Letter to the Duke of Gloucester, President of the African Institution, from Zachary Macaulay. 2nd ed. 1815. (7) A Reply " point by point " to the Special Report of the Directors of the African Institution, by R. Thorpe. 1815. (8) Postscript to the same. 1815. (9) A Short Review of the Reports of the African Institution and of the controversy with Dr. Thorpe. 1816. IV. (1) Cursory Remarks and" Plain Facts connected with the Question produced by the proposed Registry Bill. By J. W. Orderson. late of Barbadoes. 1816. (2) An Examination of the Prin- ciples of the Slave Registry Bill . . By G. W. Jordan, F.R.S.. Colonial Agent for Barb.adoes. 1810. (3) The interfer- ence of the British Legislation in the internal concerns of the West Irdia Islands doprecat' Antidote to " West Trd'an Sketch'^s " drawn from anthf^ntic sonrces. I. Con- dition of the Slaves in th » British Co'o- rips : F-om Pinckard's Notes on the West Indies. IT. A Short Account of the Afri^nn T".lonies of the West Indies. 1823. * 2574 Thoughts on the necessity of im- proving the condition of the Slaves in the British Colonies with a view to their ultimate emancipation. By T. Clarkson. 1823. * 2575 Letter on the Means and Import- ance of converting the Slaves in the West Indies to Christianity. By Hon. Sir G. H. Rose. 1823. * 2576 Substance of the Debate on 15th May, 1823, on Mr. Buxton's motion for Gradual Abolition of Slavery. 1823. * 2577 Review of some of the Arguments which are commonly advanced argainst Parliamentary interfer- ence in behalf of the Negro Slaves, with a statement of Opinions which have been ex- pressed on that subject by many of our most distinguished States- men, including Earl Grey, Earl Liverpool, Burke, Pitt. 1823. * 2578 Immediate, not Gradual Abolition . . Shortest, Safest, and most effectual means of getting rid of West Indian Slavery. [By E. Hey- rick.] 1824. * 2579 Negro Emancipation morally and practically considered, in which the Justice, Policy, and Expedi- ency of the Measure are imparti- ally stated and candidly ex- amined, with a Critique on the Petition of the West India Planters, etc., to the King. 1824. * 2580 De l' Emancipation des Noires et de I'Independance des Indes-occiden- tales. . . Par J. Taylor. Londres. 1824. [34 a.] 2581 Speech of Rt. Hon. G. Canning in the House of Commons, March 16th, 1824, on laying before the House the " Papers in Explana- tion of the Measures adopted by His Majesty's Government, for the A.melioration of the Condition of the Slave Population in His Majesty's Dominion in the West Indies."" 1824. * 2582 Emancipation or Practical Advice to British Slave-holders : with suggestions for the general im- provement of West India Affairs. By T. S. Winn. 1824. [2 a.] 2583 Emancipation of the Negro Slaves in the West India Colonies con- sidered, in answer to Mr. Wilber- force's Appeal. 1824. * 2584 Impolicy and Injustice of Emanci- pating the Negro Slaves in the West Indies. 1824. * 2585 The Support of Slavery investi- gated. By J. Cropper. 1824. * 2586 Consideration on Negro Slavery. By A. M'Donnell. 1824. [2 a.] 2587 Anti-Negro Emancipation : an Ap-^ peal to Mr. Wilber force. 1824. * 2588 An Address on the State of Slavery in the West India Islands. [By Rev. R. Hall.] 1824. * 2589 The Slavery of the British W^est India Colonies delineated . . By J. Stephen. 2 vols. 1824 and 1830. [34 c] 2590 Emancipation of the Negro Slaves in the West India Colonies, con- sidered with reference to its Im- policy and Injustice. 1824. * 2591 The W'est India Colonies ; the calumnies and misrepresentations circulated against them by the Edinburgh Review, Mr. Clarkson, Mr. Cropper, etc., examined and refuted. By James M' Queen. 1824. [2i.] 2592- The Colonial Controversy, con- taining a Refutation of the Calumnies of the Anti-colonists in the State of Hayti, Sierra Leone, India. By J. M'Queen. Glasgow. 1825. * 2593 Impartial Review of the Question pending between Great Britain and her West Indian Colonies, re- specting the Abolition of Negro Slavery. . . by a Resident and Proprietor in the West Indies. 1824. * 2594 The Slave Colonies of Great Britain, or a Picture of Negro Slavery by the Colonists them- selves. 1825. * 2595 The Same. 1826. [2 i.] Opinions of Henry Brougham, Esq., on Negro Slavery, with Remarks. 1826. * 259a The same. 1830. * SLAVERY. I England Enslaved by her own Slave Colonies. An address to the Electors and People of the United Kingdom. By James Stephen. 1826. [2 i.] 2597 The same. 2nd ed. 1826. * Slavery in the West Indies, a Speech by Lord Viscount Dudley before the House of Lords, March 7th, 1826, on Lord Bathurst's Motion for adopting the resolu- tion of the House of Commons, May 15th, 1823. 1826. * 2598 A Fkw Thoughts on the Abolition of Colonial Slavery. By T. Chalmers. Glasgow. 1826. * 2600 Negro Slavery : Observations in answer to an " Address to the Clergy." 1826. * 2601 Brief View of Colonial Slavery. By a Barrister [J. M. Hogg]. 1827. • 2602 Anti-Slwery Monthly Reporter. Vol. 1. June, 1825— May, 1827. 1827. Vol 2. June, 1827— May, 1829. 1829 Vol.3. June, 1829— Dec., 1830. 1831. Vol.4. Jan., 1831— Dec., 1831. 1832. [34 a.] 2603 The System, a Tale of the West Indies. By C. Elizabeth. 1827. * 2604 A Short Review of the Slave Trade and Slavery : with considerations on the benefits which would arise from cultivating tropical produc- tions by free labour. Birmingham. 1827. [34 a.] 2605 Two Letters by Rev. J. Riland . . Relative to the slave-cultured estates of the Society for the pro- pagation of the Gospel. 1828. [34 a.] 2606 Appeal to the Earl Bathurst, when Colonial Minister, on the Uncon- stitutional Continuance of For- eign Laws in the Colonies ceded to Great Britain, with a Preface on the direful Revolution project- ed in England and excited in the British Antilles by the Advocates of Negro-Mania. By J. C. Jennyns. 1828. * 2607 Report of the Proceedings of the New England Company for the Civilisation of the Indians of the British Colonies in America and West Indies. 1829. * 2608 I3t Slavery as it new exists in the British West Indian Colonies: Letters between T. Clarkson and B. Greene. 1829. * 2609 Pamphlets on Colonial Slavery, (i-) Extracts from Sermons on the West Indies. 1829: (ii.; Speech on Abolition by A. Thomson. Edinburgh. 1830. (iil.) Address by Anti-Slavery Society. 1881: (iv.) Speech of Dr. Lushington on Aboli- tion. 1831: (v.) Report of Agency Com- mittee of AS. Soc. 1832: (vi.) Defence of the Baptist Missionaries. 1832: (vii.) Facts and Documents. 1832: (viii ) Analysis of the Report of a Commit- tee of the House of Commons on the Extinction of Slavery: (ix.) Memorial of the Anti-Slavery and Abolition Societies: (X.) The Anti-Slavery Reporter for 1829, [2h.] 2610 Pamphlets on Slavery in the West Indies. II. Sur I'Emancipation civile et politique appliqu^e aux Colonies Fran- caises, par C. C. A. Bissette. 1830: Perdre on Sauver les Colonies, par le Comte de Santo Domingo. 1831: Des Hommes de Coleur, par Mondesir-Rich- ard. 1830: Colonies, par A. Cr^mieux. 1«31 : Co'.omnies devenues V^rit^s, par Bissette. 1831: R^ponse & la brochure de M. Fleuriau, par Bissette. 1831: Examen des deux Projets de loi sur I'Organisa- tion des Colonies, par Mond^sir Richard. 1831: Patronn^s ou Libres de Savane. 1831 : Lettre sur la n^cessitg d'arrfiter la reaction aux Antilles Francaise, par Bisette. 1831: M6moire sur les Amelior- ations Legislatives et organiques k ap- porter au Regime des Colonies Fran- gaises, par Bissette. 1831: Des Colonies, avant et aprfes la Revolution de Juillet. 1830. Par L. Fabien. 1831: A mes com- patriotfes, par Bissette. 1831: R6ponse de M.M. Bissette et Fabien de la Mar- tinique k MM. de la Charri^re et Foignet de la Guadelope. 1831: De- mande en grace pour Adfele, jenne esclave de la Martinique. 1831: Lettre de M. Foignet. 1831: Petition relative au droit denie aux esclaves de se pouvoir en cassation. 1831: Petition des Hommes de Couleur de I'lle Bourbon. 1831: Reclamations et observations pour les Patronnes on Libres de Savane. 1831 : Correspondence between MM. Lari- faudi^re and Fougainville and Bissette: Consultation pour M. Herme Duquesne, juge d'lnstruction k la Martinique: Ob- servations sur le projet de loi relatif aux droits civils et politiques des Hommes de Couleur de Colonies Fran^aises. Par Mondesir Richard. 1833: Examen Rapide des deux Projets de loi relatif aux Colo- nies. Par Bissette. 1833: Appel aux amis de I'Humanite. Par Fabien. 1834. [2 h.] 2611 A Letter to Sir Robert Peel on British Colonial Slavery. By John Campbell, F.R.S.E. Edin- burgh. 1830. * 2612 Pamphlets on Slavery in the West Indies ; containing articles on : (1.) Negro Emancipation no Philanthropy, a letter to the Duke of Wellington by a Jamaica Landed Proprietor. London. 1830. (ii.) Presbyter's Letters on the West India Question, addressed to the Rt. Hon. Sir George Murray, G.C.B., M.P., Colo- nial Secretary. By H. Diiocao, 132 SLAVERY, D.D. 1880. (ill.) Debate on Col- onial Slavery in the House of Com- mons, 13tli July, 1830; containing tlie speeches of Mr. Brougham, Mr. Pro- theroe, Mr. Keith Douglas, Mr. William Smith, Mr. Wilmot Horton, Sir George Murray, Mr. Otway Cave, Mr. Manning, Sir Francis Burdett and Mr. Secretary Peel, (iv.) Report of Debate in House of Commons, on the presenting by the Marquis of Chandos, of the petition of the planters, merchants and others, in- terested in the British West India Colo- nies, 13th December, 1830. (v.) The Speech not Spoken being a reply to Mr. Brougham's speech on Colonial Slavery, (vi.) Suggestion of a plan for the effec- tual abolition of Slavery in the West iPdies. By C. Masrea, of Demerara. 1830. (vii.) Final appeal to the public on the West India Question. . . . by the Rt. Hon. Sir John Sinclair, Bart. [1 C] 2613 The Substance of a Course of Lectures on British Colonial Slavery. By Rev. B. Godwin. 1830. [34 a.] 2614 Substance of the Speech delivered at the meeting of the Edinburgh Society for the Abolition of Slavery. By A. Thomson, D.D. Edinburgh. 1830. [34 a.] 2616 Thoughts on British Colonial Slavery. By Rev. D. Wilson 1830. [34 a.] 2616 The Guilt of forbeai^.g, to deliver our British Colonial Slaves. A sermon . . By Rev. D. Wilson. 1830. [34 a.] 2617 Thl Duty of prompt and complete abolition of Colonial Slavery. A sermon ... By Rev. S. C. Wilka. 1830. [34 a.] 2618 Abstract of the British West Indian Statutes for the Protection and Government of Slaves. 1830. • 2619 British Colonial Slavery, compared with that of Pagan Antiquity. 1830. [2 i.] 2620 Is West Indian Slavery justifiable by the New Testament? Dublin. [1830 ?] * 2621 First Letter to the freeholders of the County of York on Negro Slavery : being an Enquiry into the claims of the West Indians for equitable compensation. By Rt. Hon. Sir Robert John Wilmot, Bart. 1830. * 2622 Second Letter. 1830. [2 i.] 2623 Liberia, or the Early History and Signal Representation of the His- tory and Signal Representation of the American Colony of Free Negroes on tbe Coast of Africa, compiled from American Docu- ments. By William Innes. Edinburgh. 1831. * 2624 The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave. Related by herself. With a supplement by the Editor [T. Pringle]. . . 3rd ed. 1831. [34 a.] 2625 Speech delivered at a general meet- ing of the Society for the Aboli- tion of Slavery, April 23rd, 1831. By Dr. Lushington. [2 h.] 2626 Review of Dr. H. Duncan's Letters on the West India Question. Edinburgh. 1831. [34 a.] 2627 Memorial of the Anti-Slavery and Abolition Societies of the United Kingdom to Baron Glenelg, His IVIajesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonial Depart- ment. [2 h.] 2628 Exposure of an Attempt recently made by certain West Indian Agents to mislead Parliament on the subject of Colonial Slavery. 1831. [34 a.] 2629 Address to the People of Great Britain and Ireland unanimously adopted at a general meeting of the London Anti-Slavery Society, April 23rd, 1831. [2h.] 2630 Letter from Chairman of the Slavery Committee of the House of Lords to the Duke of Rich- mond — containing an Exposure of the Character of the Evidence on the Colonial side produced before the Committee. By Legion. 1832 [34 a.] 2631 A Second Letter from Legion. 1833. [34 a.] 2632 The Utter Extinction of Slavery an object of Scripture Prophecy : a Lecture . . with elucidatory notes by Joseph Ivimey. 1832. [34 a.] 2634 The West India Question, Immedi- ate Emancipation. By C. Stuart. 1832. [34 a.] 2636 Report of the Agency Committee of the Anti-Slavery Society. 1832. [2 h.] 2636 British Colonial Slavery [Documents submitted to the British Public by the Committee of the West India Planters and Merchants]. [1833.] * 2637 West India Question. The outline of a plan for the total, immediate, and safe Abolition of Slavery SLAVERY. 13' throughout the British Colonies. By Joseph Phillips [late of Anti- gua.] 1833. [34 a.] 2638 Opinions on Slavery and Emancipa- tion in 1823, referred to in a re- cent debate in the House of Com- mons, by T. Fowell Buxton, with additional Observations, applic- able to the Rt. Hon. E. G. Stanley's Plan for the Extinction of SlaVerv. Bv. W. H. Barnley. 1883. • 2639 Immediate Abolition of Slavery, compatible with the Safety and Prosperity of the Colonies. By G. F. W. IVIortimer. Newcastle- uvnn-Tvne, 1833. * 2640 The Sinfulness of Colonial Slavery. A lecture. By R. Halley. . . . 2nd *vl. 1833. [34 a.] 2641 Rkview of the Rejwrt of a Select Coniinitteo of the House of Com- mons on the State of the West India Colonies. . . . Liverpool- 1833. [34 a.] 2642 Corrected Report of the Speech of Viscount Howick in the House of Commons on Colonial Slavery, with Appendix, containing a Plan for the Abolition of Slavery. 1833. • 2643 Wages or the \V'hip. An Essay on the comparative cost and produc- tiveness of Free and Slave Labour. By J. Conder. 1833. [34 a.] 2644 Statement of the Causes which affect the decrease or increase of the slave ix>pulation in the British Colonies. By E. Irv- ing. ^ 1833. * 2645 Analysis of the Report of a Com- , mittee of the House of Commons ofn the Extinction of Slavery. [2h.] 2646 Letter to the Lord Chancellor on the Abolition of Slavery. By a West Indian. 1833. • 2647 A Safe and Practical Course in the West India Question [abolition]. [1833?]. • 2648 Letter on Negro Emancipation, showing the nature of the In- crease of the forced Labour im- posed on the Negro Population of some of the West India Colo- nies. By B. Evred. 1833. ♦ 2649 Report of a Lecture on Colonial filarery and Gradual Emancipa- III tion. By P. Borthwick. Edinburgh. 1833. • 2650 Substance of an Address on Negro Emancipation, March 5th, 1833, by G. Thompson. Glasgow. 1833. * 2652 Full Report of Meetings of Messrs. Thompson and Borthwick at Dalkeith, 22nd March, 1833. Glasaow. 1833. * 2653 Letter to T. Fowell Buxton, M.P., in refutation of his Allegations respecting the decrease of the Slaves in the British West India Colonies, by A. M'Donncll. 1833. * 2654 Present Condition of the Negro Population in the British Colo- nies, particularly in relation to the working of tho Apprentice- ship System established under the " Act for the Abolition of Slavery." 1837. * 2655 A Review of the Report of the Select Committee of the Hoiise of Commons appointed to inquire into "The Working of the Ap- prenticeship System in tho Colo- nies, the Condition of the Ap- Srentices, and the Laws and egulations affecting them which have been passed." 1837. • 2656 The Life of William Wilberforce. By R. I. Wilberforce and 8. Wilberforce. 5 vols. 1838. [20 d.] 2656a Strictures on the Life of William Wilberforce, by the Rev. W. Wilberforce and the Rev. S. Wilberforce. By T. Clarkson. 1838. ♦ 2656b Biographical Sketch of Thomas Clarkson. By Taylor. 1839. • 2656c The African Slave Trade. By Sir T. F. Buxton. 1839. [35 g.] 2657 The African Slave Trade and its Remedy. 1840. [35 g.] 2657a Sir T. F. Buxton and the Niger Expedition By Read. 1840. * 2657b Report on Free Labour presented to the General Anti-Slavery Con- vention. By J. Sturge, Esq., of Birmingham. n.d. [ab. 1841]. [H.C.] ♦ 2658 Present Condition and Wants of the British West Indies. By H. Morson. 1841. ♦ 2659 134 SLAVERY. Some account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa as connected with Europe and America ; from the introduction of the Trade into modern Europe, to the present time ; especially with reference to the efforts made by the British Government for its extinction. By J. Bandinel. 1842. [35 g.] 2660 Colonies Francaises. Abolition im- mediate de TEsclavage. Par V. Schcelcher. Paris. 1842. * 2661 Dialogue between a well-wisher and a friend to the Slaves in the British Colonies. By a Lady. [34 a.] 2662 The Emancipation of the Negroes in the British West Indies. By R. W. Emerson. 1844. [2 g.] 2663 Sir T. F. Buxton : a study for young men. By Binney. 1845. * 2663a Speech of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Oxford, in the House of Lords, February 7th, 1848, against the admission of Slave Labour sugar on equal terms with Free Labour produce; with an appendix illustrative of the impetus given to the slave trade by the bill of 1846. 1848. [2i.] 2664 Beschouwingen betreffende de Vrij- verklaring de Slaven. Door J. C. P. Wesenhagen. 1849. * 2664a Plan eener Trapsgewijze Emanci- patio der Slaven. Door H. de Bruijn. 1851. * 2664b The Conquerors of the New World and their Bondsmen, being a narrative of the principal events which led to negro slavery in the West Indies and America. By Sir A. Helps. 2 vols. 1848, 52. [3 b.] 2665 Thomas Clarkson : a monograph. Bv Elmes. 1854. 2667a * De Emancipatie der Wesit Indische Slaven. Beschouwd door eenen belangeloozen kolonist. Amsterdam. 1857. * 2668 The Results of Negro Emancipa- tion. A speech delivered at a public meeting held in London, August Is-t, 1859, the 25th anni- versary of the Abolition of Slavery by the Parliament of Great Britain. Bv F. Hincks. 1859. [2i.] 2669 Slavery and Freedom in the British West Indies. By C. Buxton. 1860. * 2670 Emancipation in the West Indies. By F. Sanborn. Concord, Mass. 1862. * 2670a Recollections of William Wilber- force. . . By J. S. Harford. 1864. * 2670b The same. 2nd ed. 1865 [21 d.] The Wrong of Slavery, the Right of Emancipation, and the Future of the African Race in the United States. By R. D. Owen. Phila- delphia. 1864. * 2671 A Sketch of the life of Thomas Clarkson. 1876. * 2671a Memoirs of Sir T. F. Buxton, edited by his son, Charles Buxton, with an Enquiry into the Results of Emancipation. 1877. * 2672 Historia de la esclavitud de la raza africana on el Nuevo Mundo. Per J. xV. Saco. 2 vols Barcelona 1879, Havana 1892. * 2672a Historia de la esclavitud de los Indies en el Nuevo Mundo. Por J. A. Saco. Hahana. 1883. * 2672b West India " Compensation " to the owners of Slaves : its history and its results. By E. Sturge. Gloucester. 1893. [3 g.] 2673 History of the Liverpool Privateers and the Slave Trade. By G. Wil- liams. 1897. * 2674 L'Esclavage aux Antilles fran- gaises. Par L. Peytrand. Paris. 1897. * 2675 Guillermo Wilberforce, gran liber- tador de log negros. Madrid. 1900. * 2676 Life and Letters of Zachary Macau- lay. By Viscountess Knutsford. 1900. [21 j.] 2676a Souvenirs d'Adrien d'Epinay. Ex- tracts relatifs a la seconde mis- sion a Londres eu 1833. Abolition de I'esclavage. Fontainebleau. 1901. * 2677 William Wilberforce. By T. Bux- ton. 1903. * 2678 How W. Knibb fought Slavery and won Freedom. By F. C. Lusty. 1904. [n.b.] 2679 ^55 34. BUCCANEERS I De Americaensche Zee-Rovers. Behelsende een. . . . Beschrijving van alle de voornaemste roveryen, en onmenschelijke wreedheden, die de Engelse en Franse Rovers tegens de Spanjaerden in America gepleeght hebben. . . By A. O. Exquemelin. Amsterdam. 1678. * 2680 The Same. Piratas de la America, y suz a la defensa de las ccstas de Indias occi- den tales. . • Traducido de la Por e\ Dor. de Bonne Maisooi. Colonia Agrippina. 1681. * 2681 Tiw Same. Bucaniers of America, or a True Account of the most remarkable assaults committed of late years upon the coasts of the West Indies by the Bucaniers of Jamaica, and Tortuga, both English and French. . . By John Esquemeling [A. O. Exquemelin ]. Translated into English from the Dutch. 1684-5. ♦ 2682 The Samr. Histoire dee Advanturiers qui so sont signalez dans les Indes, conteoiant oe qu'ils ont fait de plus re- marquable depuis vingt anneos. Avec La Vie, les Moeurs, les coutumes des Habitans de Saint Domingue et de la Tortue ; et une Description exacte de ces lieux ; ou Ton voit I'establisse- ment d'une Chambre des Comptes dans les indes, et un Etat, tire de cette Chambre des offices tant Ecclesiastiques que Seculieres, ou le Roy d'Espagne pourvoit, les Revenus qu'il tire de I'Amerique, tfe C6 que les plus grands Princes de I'Europe y j>ossedent Par A. O. Oexmelin. Translated from a Spanish manuscript. Edit- ed bv — de Front ignieres. 2 vols. Parts. 1686. [2 g.] 2683 The same. Nouvelle edition. Augmentee des Expveditions que les Fli bustiers ont faites jus^u'a present, et des Cartes Geogra- phiques des lieux ou ils ont fait descente, avec les Plans des Villes et des Places dont ils se sont rendus maistres. . . . Paris. 1714. [2g.] The, sam^. Paris. 1886. * The same. London. 1898. * History of the Buccaneers of America. By J. Bumey. Re- printed from the edition of 1816. 1891. [2 c.] 2684 The same. Thk Buccaneers of America. . . By J. Esquemeling. Now faithfully rendered into Eng- lish. With facsimilas of all the original engravings, etc. [Re- printed from the ed. of 1684, to which is added a reprint of the 4th part by B. Ri^grose. Ed. by Henry Powell]. 1893. [M.C.] ♦ 2685 The Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Bartl. Sharp, and others in the South Sea : . . also Capt. van Horn and his Buccaniers sur- prising of la Vera Cruz. To which is added the true relation of Sir Henry Morgan ; his Expedi- tion against the Spaniards in the West Indies . . 1684. [34 c] 2686 Histoire des Avanturiers qui se sont signalez dans les Indes. . . . avec la vie, les mceurs, les cos- tumes des Habitans de Saint Domingue et de la Tortue. . . . Par A. O. Oexmelin . 2 vols, vols. Paris. 1688. * 2687 Journal du Voyage fait a la mer de sud, avec les Flibustiers de I'Amerique en 1684. et annees suivantes. Par Raveneau de Lus- san. Paris. 1689. * 2688 7'he same. A journal into the South Sea, etc. Written in French by Sieur R. de Lus- san. Never before in Eng- lish. 1699. * A General History of the Pyrates : [chiefly those of the West Indies ; also list of their names.] 2nd ed. with considerable additions. By Capt. Charles Johnson. Vol. I. . . . With the remarkable Ac- tions and Adventures of the Two Female Pyrates, IVIarv Read and Annie Bonnie. 1724. [2 a.] 2689 Bucaneers of America, in four parts, newly translated into Eng- lish. 1704. * 2690 History of the Bucaniers in America. Translated into English [from works by Esquemeling, Ringrose, de Lussan]. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1741. * 2691 History of the Bucaniers of America in four parts, the whole 136 BUCCANEERS written in several languages by persons at the transactions. 1774. * 2692 History of America. the Bucaniers ot 1810. ♦ 2693 History of the Pirates, Free- Booters, or Buccaneers of America, from the German of J. W. von Archenholz. By G. Mason. 1807. 2694 The Buccaneer : A Tale. By A. M. Hall. 3 vols. 1832. * 2695 History of the Lives and Bloody Exploits of the most noted Pirates : their trials and execu- tions. Hartford. 1835. 2696 Leonard Lindsay, or the Story of a Buccaneer. By A. B. Reach. 2 vols. 1850. [2j.] 2697 The Monarchs of the Main ; or Ad- ventures of the Buccaneers. By G. W. Thornbury. 3 vols. 1855. [3 b.] 2698 — The same. With by Phiz. 1858. illustrations [3 b.] Los Pirates en Cartagena. Cronicaa hisrborioo - novelescas. Por S. Acosta de Samper. Bogota. 1886. * 2698a The Buccaneers and Marooners of America, being an Account of the adventures and daring deeds of certain notorious Freebooters of the Spanish Main. By H. Pyle. 1890. * 2699 La Piraterie 9ur I'Atlantique au XVIII siecle, dans ses rapports avec le commerce breton. Par L. Vignols. 1890. * 2700 Story of the Filibusters. Roche. 1891, By J. J. ♦ 2701 Les Corsaires francais au XVIe siecle dans les Antilles. Par G. Marcel. Paris. 1902. * 2702 On the Spanish Main ; or some Eng- lish forays on the Isthmus of Darien. By J. Masefield. New York. 1906. * 2703 137 ' 35- BRITISH WEST AFRICA. I Short Sketch of the temporary regulations for the intended Settlement near Sierra Leone. By G. Sharp. 1786. * 2703a A Voyage to the River Sierra-Leone, on the Coast of Africa ... in a series of letters . . . with an ad- ditional letter on the subject of the African Slave Trade. . . By Lieut. J. Matthews. 1788. * 2704 Substance of the Reports of ^the Sierra Leone Company for 1794, 1795, 1796, and 1798. [4 bound in 1.] 1794-98. [3g.] 2705 An Account of the Colony of Sierra Leoue, from its first establishment in 1798. . . . 1795. * 2706 An Authentic Narrative of the Life of J. Wall, Esq., late Governor of Goree, and . . account of his execution. By a Military Officer. 2nd ed. 1802. * 2708 The Trial of J. Wall, Esq., for the murder of Benjamin Armstrong at Goree, in Africa. By C. A. S. Pennington. 1802. [2 i.] 2709 Observations upon the Windward Coast of Africa; the religion, character, customs, etc., of the Natives. By J. Corry. 1807. • 2710 Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, with accounts of that Kingdom and adjacent parts of Africa. By T. E. Bowditoh. 1819. * 2711 Voyage to Africa : narrative of an Embassy [to Ashanti]. By W. Button. 1821. * 2711a Journal of a Residence in Ashantee, with Notes and Researches rela- tive to the Gold Coast and Inter- ior, and account of the present war. By J. Dupuis, H.B.M. Con- sul. 1824. * 2712 Account of the Gold Coast and His- tory of the African Company. By Governor H. Meredith. 1812. • 2713 Liberia, or the Early History and Signal Preservation of the Ameri- can Colony of Free Negroes on the Coast of Africa. By W. Innes. Edinburgh. 1831. [2 k.] 2714 Narrative of the Ashantee War (1823-31), with state of Sierra jLeono (1820). By Major Ricketts. 1831. ♦ 2715 The White Man's Grave: A visit to ' Sierra Leone in 1834. By F. H. Rankin. 2 vols. 1836. * 2716 i Seven Years' Service on the Slave ] Coast of Western Africa, includ- | ing Journal as Governor on the i Gambia. By Sir H. V. Huntley. ' 2 vols. 1840. * 2717 The same. 1850. Vocabulary of the Yoruba Lan- \ guage. By Rev. S. Crowther. | 1843. * 2718 The same, with introductory re- ; marks by Rev. O. E. Vidal. 1852. • i Vocabulary. English-Yoruba and | Yoruba-English. [1856]. * 2718a Western Africa: its condition, and i Christianity the means of its re- i covery. By D. J. East. 1844. ' [H.C.] • 2719 i The Case of our West African " Cruisers, and West African Settle- ' ments fairly considered. By Rev. ' G. Smith. 1848. * 2720 ! Life, Scenery and Customs in Sierra ' Leone and the Gambia. By T. E. Poole, D.D. 1850. i [2 k.] 2722 \ Eighteen Years on the Gold Coast I of Africa. By B. Cruick- ' shank. ... 2 vols. 1853 * 2723 Abbeokuta, or Sunrise within the Tropics . . Yoruba Mission. By ! Miss Tucker. 1853. * 2724 Captain Canot; or Twenty Years' i of an African Slaver. By T. i Canot. [Edited] by B. Mayer. 1855. * 2725 | The same. Netp York. 1856. * ' ! Western Africa: its History, Con- ; dition and Prospects. By Rev. J. L. Wilson. 1856. * 2726 Six Years of a Traveller's Life in West Africa. By F. T. Valdez. 1861. * 2726a i European Settlements on the West ^ Coast of Africa : with remarks on i the Slave-trade and the supply of i cotton. By Capt. J. F. N. Hewett. 1862. [2 k.] 2727 i Wanderings in West Africa. By a i F.R.G.S. [R. F. Burton]. | 1863. ♦ 2728 j Wit and Wisdom from West Africa ; 1 138 BRITISH WEST AFRICA. or, a book of proverbial philo- sophy, idioms, enigmas, and lacon- isms. Compiled by [Sir] R. F. Burton. 1865. [2 k.] 2729 Letters on the Political Condition of the Gold Coast, with a short account of the Ashantee "War, 1862-4, and the Awoonah War, 1866. By A. B. Horton. 1870. * 2730 The Old Testament in Efik. Ediri- hurgh. 1873. [6 k.] 2731 Fanti and Ashanti. By [General] Brackenbury, R.A., and Captain G. L. Huvshe, R.B. 1873. * 2732 CooMASSiE and Magdala : the Story of two British Campaigns. By Sir H. M. Stanley. 1874. * 2733 The Story of the Ashantee Cam- paign. By W. Reade. 1874. * 2734 The Ashanti War : A narrative pre- pared from the official documents . . By [General] H. Brackenbury, R.A. 2 vols. 1874. * 2735 Through Fanteeland to Coomassie : a Diary of the Ashantee Expedi- tion, 1873-74. By F. Boyle. 1874. * 2736 Ashanti and the Gold Coast, and what we know of it. By Admiral Sir J. D. Hay. 1874. * 2737 Akim-Foo, the History of a Failure [Ashantee Expedition, 1873-74]. By General Sir W. F. Butler. 1875. * 2738 .West African Sketches. By A. B. Ellis. 1881. * 2739 History of Sierra Leone. By A. B. C. Sibthorpe. 1881. * 2740 The Geography of Sierra Leone. By A. B. C. Sibthorpe. 1881. * 2741 The Land of Fetish. By A. B. Ellis. 1883. * 2742 To the Gold Coast for Gold. By R. F. Burton and V. L. Cameron. 2 vols. 1883. * 2743 West African Fisheries, with par- ticular reference to the Gold Coast. By C. A. Moloney. 1883. * 2744 Annexations to Sierra Leone. By J. M. Harris. 1883. * 2745 Wfst African Islands. By A. B. Ellis. 1885. [2 k.] 2746 SuoovsTioNS of the Wants of Sierra Leone. By S. Lewis. Freetown. 1885. • 2747 Commerce of Sierra Leone. By P. Lemberg. Sierra Leone. 1885. * 2748 Die Yoruba-Kiiste. Von A. Mann. Stuttgart. 1886. * 2749 Die West Kiiste Afrikas im Alter- thum. von E. Goebel. Leipzic. 1887. * 2750 The Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast. By Lieut. -Col. A. B. Ellis. 1887. [34 d.] 2751 Sketch of the Forestry of West Africa. By A. Moloney. 1887. [11 a.] 2752 Story of the Niger. By R. Rich- ardson. 1888. * 2753 Sierra Leone: or the White Man's Grave. By G. A. L. Banbury. 1888. [2 k.] 2755 Africa. By E. Reclus. Ed. bv A. H. Keane. Vol. III. West Africa. [1888]. * 2755a Glimpses of Fever Land ; or a Cruise in West African Waters. By A. P. Crouch. 1889. * 2756 The Ewe-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa. By Lieut.-Col. A. B. Ellis. 1870. [24 e.] 2757 Cote occidentale d'Afrique. Par H. Frey. Paris. 1890. * 2758 La Mellacoree et la colonic de Sierra Leone. Paris. 1890. * 2759 Manual on Cultivation of the com- mercial products in Sierra Leone. By H. H. Lardner. 1890. * 2760 La Conquete de I'Afrique occiden- tale par le soleil. Par C. Tel- lier. Paris. 1890. * 2761 The Land of Death. By E. Eiloart. 1890. * 2762 Minnen och bilder fran Guldkusten. By C. F. L. W. Stromberg. Lund. 1890. ♦ 2763 History of Liberia. By J. H. T. McPherson. Baltimore. 1891. ♦ 2764 Table of Events in Yoruba History. By J. A. O. Payne. Lagos. 1893. * 2765 History, Trade, Resources and Con- dition of the Gold Coast. By H. H. J. Bell. Liverpool. 1893. • 2766 A. History of the Gold Coast of West Africa. By Lieut.-Col. A. B. Ellis. 1893. [241.] 2767 BRITISH WEST AFRICA. 139 Thb Yoruba-sp>eaking Peoples of the Slave Coast. By Lieut. -Col. A. B. Ellis. 1894. [34 d.] 2768 A LA cote occidentale d'Afrique. Par E. M. Laumann. Paris. 1894. • 2769 SiZRUA Leone after a hundred years. By Rt. Rev. E. G. Ingham. 1894. [34 d.] 2770 Thk Hansa Association. By Sir G. T. Goldie. Woking. 1895. • 2771 The West African Liquor Trade. By Sir G. T. Goldie. 1895. • 2772 History of the Gold Coast. By C. C. Reindorf. Basel. 1895. * 2773 Niger and Yoruba Notes. Ed. by C. F. Harford-Battersby. 2 vols. 1895-6. [34 e.] 2774 To KuMASSi with Scott, on the Ashanti Expedition. 1895-96. By G. C. Musgrave. 1896. * 2775 Von Kyebi nach Kumase. von D. Huppenbauer. Basel. 1896. • 2776 The Downfall of Prempeh : a Diary of Life with the Native Levy m Ashanti, 1895-96. By Major R. S. S. Baden-Powell, with a chap- ter on the political and commer- cial position of Ashanti, by Sir G. Baden-Powell. 1896. * 2777 Travkls in West Africa. By M. H. Kingsley. 1897. [34 e.] 2778 Fanti Customary Laws. By J. M. Sarbah. 1897. * 2779 Seven Years in Sierra Leone. By A. T. Pierson. 1897. * 2780 An der West Kiiste Afrikas. Von M. Esser. Berlin. 1898. * 2781 Travels and Life in Ashanti and Jaman. By R. A. Freeman. 1898. • 2782 9^. E Gold Coast, Past and Present. By G. Macdonald. 1898. * 2783 Nine Years »t the Gold Coast. By I D. Kemp. 1898. * 2784 ■ Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort (French Congo), with introduc- tion by M. Kingsley. By R. E. ,| Dennett. 1898. * 2785 ■West African Studies. By M. H. II Kingsley. 1899. [34 d.] 2786 [■The Story of West Africa. By M. A Short History of Sierra Leone. By J. J. Crooks. Dublin. 1900. * 2788 Fifty Years in Western Africa. By A. H. Borrow. 1900. * 2789 Wallach's West African Manual. By H. Wallach. 1900. * 2790 Stone Implements on the Gold Coast. Bv L. W^. Bristowe and H. P. F. Marriott. 1900. * 2791 British West Africa. Its rise and Progress. By Major A. F. Mockler - Ferryman, F.R.G.S., 2nd ed. 1900. [2 k.] 2791a The Ashanti Campaign of 1900. By Captain C. H. Armitage and Lt.- Col. A. F. Montanaro. 1901. • 2792 The Relief of Kumasi. By Captain H. C. J. Biss. 1901. * 2793 Hints and Suggestions for travel- ling oil the West Coast of Africa. 1901. * 2794 The Siege of Kumassi. By Lady Hodgson. 2nd ed. 1901. [34 d.] 2795 The Sherbro and its Hinterland. Bv J. J. Alldiidge, F.R.G.S. 1901. * 2795a Rise of British West Africa : com- prising the early history of the colony of Sierra Leone. By C. George. 1902. * 2796 Handbook of Sierra Leone. Man- chester. 1902. * 2797 Affairs of West Africa. By E. D. Morel. 1902. [34 e.] 2798 History of the Colony of Sierra Leone. Bv J. J. Crooks. Dublin. 1903. * 2799 L' Insurrection de Sierra Leone en 1898. Par H. Rolin. Bruxdles. 1903. * 2800 CuNNiE Rabbit — West African folk tales. By F. M. Cronise and H. W. W^ard. 1903. [34 d.] 2801 Gold Coast Native Institutions, with Thoughts upon a Healthy Imperial Policy for the Gold Coast and Ashanti. By C. Hay- ford. 1903. * 2802 Hints, Suggestions and Medical Notes for those travelling in West Africa. By W. H. Crosse. 1903. * 2804 WEST-Afrika. Von M. Schantz. Berlin. 1903. * 2805 140 BRITISH WEST AFRICA. The Advance of our West African Empire. By C. B. Wallis. 1903. * 2806 Lettebs and Journals from West Africa. By E. W. Castle. 1904. * 2807 Camera Pictures on the Gold CJoast. 1904. * 2808 Fbom Kabul to Kumassi. Twenty- four years' of soldiering and sport. By Sir J. Willcocks. 1904. * 2809 Fetishism in West Africa. By Rev. R. H. Nassau. 1904. [34 d.] 2810 The Gold Coast and the Fantis. By L. R. Foot and T. F. E. Jones. 1904. * 2811 Fanti Customary Laws. By J. M. Sarbah. Verb. Sap" Africa. By 1904. on going A. Field. 1905, to 2812 West 2813 By Part- 2814 Cross River Natives. . . ridge. . . 1905 Camera Pictures on the Gold Coast. By P. A. McCaain. [1905?] * 2814a PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. 35. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. Reperrino to the West Indies oenerallt. • 141 1760. Papers laid before the House of Commons by the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations ... for the better •ecuring . . the Trade to Africa. 1750. • 2815 1789. Minutes of the Evidence taken before a Committee of the House of Commons, ! being a Committee of the whole House to whom it was referred to consider of the circumstances of the Slave Trade, com- plained of in the several petitions which were presented to this House in the last i •ession of Parliament, relative to the ( African Slave Trade. [4 g.] 2816 1790, Minutes of the Evidence taken before 1 a Committee of the House of Commons. | being a Select Committee, appointed on I the 29th day of January, 1790, for the ; purpose of taking the examination of 1 such witnesses as shall be produced on | the part of the several petitioners who have petitioned the House of Commons against the abolition of the Slave Trade. I* g.l 2817 1807. Report of Committee on the Commer- cial State of the West India Colonies. ♦ 2818 I80t. Account, presented to the House of Commons, of the Principal Articles of Provisions and Lumber imported into His .Majesty's Colonies m the West Indies, in 1805-6-7. • 2819 1811. Report of Committee on the Practi- cability and Expediency of supplying the West India Colonies with Free Labourers 1 from the East. • 2820 1815. Paper.s relating to the West Indies. • 2821 Papers (Parliamentary] relative to the Slave Trade. [4 h.] 1815-^1822. Vol. I. Papers showing the present state of the Slave Trade, April 1815. Papers relating to the Slave Trade, 4th July, 1815 -7th July, 1817 :— February, 1819: Further papers, 25th June, 1819; Negroes ; Copies of the several returns annually made by the Collectors of the Customs in the several West Indian Islands, 19th February, 1821: Copies of all communications from Sir Charles Mac Carthy, Governor of Sierra Leone. 80th March, 1821: Admiralty Correspondence, 2nd April, 1821: in the Mauritius, 18th June, 1821 : from His Majesty's Commissioners at Sierra Leone, 6th January, 1S21: Admiralty Correspond- ence, 22nd April, 1822 : from Sir Charles MacCarthy, 20th March, 1822: British and Portuguese Mixed Com- mission in London, 22nd April, 1822: Capture of French Ship " Sylphe," 14th June, 1822 :the Portuguese brig "Gaviao" and the Spanish Schooner "Anna Maria." 26th July, 1822. [4 h.] 2822 1821-1823. Vol. II. Papers relative to the Slave Trade. Correspondence with (a) His Majesty's Commissioners at Sierra Leone, (b) with Foreign Courts relative to the Execution of Treaties (c) with France (d) with the United States, 1821, (e) Foreign Powers, 1822-1823— July, 1823; (f) the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, the Havannah, Rio de Janeiro and Surnam, 1822, 1823. (4 h.l 282S 1823-1825. Vol III. (a) PAPERS relative to the Slave Trade, May, 1823; (b) Admir- alty Correspondence, 10th July, 1823; (c) from the Duke of Manchester, Governor of Jamaica, 14th May, 1823; (d) Captured Negroes, 18th June, 1824; (e) Return of Slave Population in the West Indies, 14th June, 1824; (f) Concerning a Portuguese Ship callod the " Donna Paula," 18th June, 1824 ; (g) Slaves wrecked in the "Donna Paula." 14th June, 1824; (h) from Governors of Sierra Leone, Mauri- tius and Cape of Good Hope, 14th June, 1824; (i) Naval Correspondence, 6th May, 1824; (j) Slaves captured at Sierra Leone, 2nd June, 1824; (k) Captured Negroes, 16th March, 1825; (1) Further papers relating to Captured Negroes, 16th March, 1825; (m) Correspondence with Mauritius. 11th May, 1825; (n) Naval Correspondence, March, 1824— Jan. 1825; (o) Religious Worship of the Slaves in Demerara, 11th May, 1825; (p) Slaves Captured and Condemned at Sierra Leone. SOth May, 1825. (4 h.] 2824 1823-1825, Vol. IV. (a) CORRESPONDENCE with Foreign Powers, 1823-1824 (Spain, Portu- gal, and Brazil, Netherlands. France, United Statee) ; (b) with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, The Havannah, Rio de Janeiro and Surinam, 1823-1824; (c) The Sam«. 1824-1826; (d\ with Foreign Powers 1824-1825 (Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Netherlands, France. [4h,] 2825 1824-1827, Vol, V. (a) CORRESPONDENCE with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, the Havanah. Rio de Janeiro and Surinam. 1824-1825 ; b rh» Smm». 1827 ; (c) The Same. 1825-1826 ; (d) Foreign Powers, 1824-1825 (Spain, Portugal, and Brazil. Netherlands, France); (e) The Same. 1825-1826; (f) The S^mme 1827, [4 h,] 2826 1825, Vol. VI. (a) The Melioration of the Slave Population in His Majesty's Pos- sessions in the West Indies, and on the continent of South America, 1825; (b) The Same. Additional Papers. 1825 [4 h.] 2827 1825-1827, Vol. VII. (a) CORRESPONDENCE with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, The Havannah, Rio de Janeiro, and Surinam, 1825-1826; (b) Foreign Powers, 1825-1826 (Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Netherlands, France) ; (c) British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, The Havannah, Rio de Janeiro and Surinam, 1827; (d) Foreign Powers. 1827. [4 h.] 2828 1826-1827, Vol, VIII, (a) CAPTURED Negroes (Second part of Major Moody's Report) ; (b) The Mauritius and Bourbon, and the Seychelles, 1811-1817. 20th April, 1826, (c) The Same 1818-1825, 9th May, 1826; (d) Liberated Africans located in Sierra Leone, 18th May, 1826; (e) The Mauri- tius, 2nd May, 1825; (b) Mauritius, 13th May, 23rd May, 1826, (g) The Samr. ist May, 1827; (h) Sums of Money paid for Captured Slaves, 8th May, 1827. [4 h,] 2829 * Parliamentary Papers treating of individual Colonies are for the most part placed ander those colonies. 142 PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. 1828-1829, Vol. IX. (a) BRITISH Commie- Bioners at Sierra Leone, The Havana, Rio de Janeiro and Surinam, 1828; (b) For- eign Powers, 1828 (Spain, Brazil, Portu- gal, Netherlands, France, Denmark, Sweden) ; (c) British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, The Havana, Rio de Janeiro and Surinam, 1829 (d) Foreign Powers, 1829 (Spain, Brazil, Portugal, Netherlands, France, Denmark, Sweden). [4 h.] 2830 1825-1830. Vol. X. (a) Naval Correspon- dence, Nov. 1825— July, 1827. (b) Cap- tured Negroes (Mr. Dongan's Report and Major Moody's Remarks thereon). 11th July, 1828. (c) the Seychelles and the Mauritius, Feb., 1828. (d) Slave Popula- tion in His Majesty's Colonies. 12 May, 1829. (e) Sierra Leone Population, 12th 1 May, 1829. (f) Free Labourers and manu- mitted Slaves, Trinidad, 12th June, 1829. I (g) Report on Mauritius, 1st June, 1829. I (g) Honduras Indians, Demerara and i Trinidad Slaves, 3rd June, 1829. (i) Slave Population, Colonies, 23rd June, 1830. (j) ! Hottentot Population, Cape of Good ; Hone. 1st July, 1830. (k) Sierra Leone, | 17th Feb., 1830. [4 h.] 2831 1831. Vol. XI. (a) COMMERCIAL, Financial and Political State of the West India Colonies, 7th Feb., 1831. (b) Escheated Slaves in the West Indies, 7th Feb., 1831. (c) Jamaica. Treatment of a Female Slave, by Rev. Mr. Bridges, Feb , 1831. (d) Mr. J. A. Sullivan, Provost Marshall, Jamaica, 10th March, 1831. (e) Meliora- tion of the Slave Population in the West Indies, etc., 10th March, 1831. (f) Pro- tectors of Slaves Renorts, 1, Demerara, 10th Mar., 1831. (g) Slave Manumissions, Jamaica, 1817-18?'?. 26th March, 1881, (hi Slave Laws, West Indies, 28th Mar., 1831. (i) Slave Population, 28th March. 1831. [4h.) 2832 1888-1839. Vol. XII. (a) CORRESPONDENCB with British Commissioners at Sierra I Leone, the Havana. Rio de Janeiro, and { Surinam, May, 1838— Feb., 1839. (b) 7he Same. Further Correspondence, ' 1838-9. (c) Foreign Powers, May, 1838, to FPb.. 1839 (Spain. Portugal, Brazil, the Netherlands, and Sweden). (d) rhe Same. Feb., 1839— May, 1829 (Spain, Por- May, 1838. to Feb., 1839 (France, Den- mark, Hans Towns. Tuscany, Two Sicilies). (f) The Same. Feb. to Mav, 78«Q (Two 'Sicilies) fg) The Same May. 1«.38— Feb., 1839 (Conference: Aus- tria. Russia. Buenos Ayres. Egypt, Haiti. M'^Tiro. Montpvidpo, New Granada, Peru, Venezuela, United States). (n) the Same. Feb. to May, 1839. [4 h.J 288S SLAVE AMELIORATION. 1823-26. Vol. I. (i.) PAPERS presented to Par- liament [in 1824] . . in explanation of tn^ measures adopted . . in Melioration a the condition of the Slave Population . . in tbo West TndiPd and on the Continent of South America, (ii.) The Same- presented in 1825. (iii.) The Same, pre- sented in 1826. [4 g.] 1826-28. Vol II. (i.) Further Papers, presented in 1826. The Same. presented in the year 1827, missing]. The Same. presented in the year 1828]. [4 g.] 2884 1825-26. Three Reports of Commissioners on the Administration of Civil and Criminal Justice in the West Indies and South American Colonies. 3 parts. • 2835 Second Series. 3 parts, 1827-29. • 1828. Account of the Extent and Situation of i the Crown Islands in the West Indies. Map. • 2888 j 1831. CORRESPONDENCB On the State of the | Gaols in the West Indies and South American Colonies. ♦ 2839 | 1831. Papers relating to the Commercial, ' Financial and Political State of the i British West India Colonies. * 2840 1831-32. Papers on the Measures adopted by the Government for the Melioration of ' the condition of the Slave Population m I the West India and South American 1 Colonies. • 2841 1832. Report of Committee on the Commer- cial state of the West India Colonies. • 2842 1832. Report of Lord's Committee on the Ds- tressed Condition of the West India Colonies, and on the Laws and Usages of ! the several West India Colonies in re- I lation to the Slave Population ... 2 j vols. • 2848 ! 1833-35. Abolition of Slavery. Papers pre- ; sented to Parliament . . in explanation j of the measures adopted . . for the Abo- j lition of Slavery tliroughout the British i Colonies. Part I. Jamaica, 1833-1835. ] 1835. Part II. Jamaica (continued). Bar- I badoes, British Guiana, and Mauritius, j 1833-1835, 1835. Part II. (continued), 1 Antigua, Montserrat, St. Christophers, Nevis, Virgin Islands, Dominica, St. Vincent, Grenada, Tobago, Trinidad, St. j Lucia, Honduras, Bahamas, Grand Cay- ! manas, Bermuda, Cape of Good Hope, • 1833-1835. 1835. (4 h.] 2844 18.35-47. Parliamentarv Paners relative t« ' the West Indies. 4G vols. J33p.] 2845- 1885, Vol. 1. Papers in Explanation of the ' measures adoi)ted . . for giving effect to the Act for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colonies, (Sche- dule of Instructions. Jamaica, Barbadoes, British Guiana and Mauritius, 1833-35). ; Return of the several periods of Resi- ) dence of the Bishops of Jamaica and 1 Barbadoes within their respective \ Dioceses since their appointment. 1835, Vol. II. Papers in Explanation of the j measures adopted for giving effect to the I Act for the Abolition of Slavery in the ' British Colonies: (Antigua, Montserrat, i St. Christopher, Nevis, Virgin Islands, j Dominica, St. Vincent, Grenada, Tobago, Trinidad, St. Lucia, Honduras, Bahamas, ■ Grand Caymanas, Bermuda, Cape of Good ( Hope.) 1835, Vol. III. Statement of the expenditure j by Great Britain on account of the j several colonies for the years 1832-34. Copies of communications received by , His Majesty's Government relating to the hurricane at Dominica, 1835. Honduras: Commission granted with respect to the command of troops. Return of Local Mag- istrates appointed special Magistrates, j Copies of all the population returns re- ceived from slave colonies since the last | were printed, up to the present time 1 (1835). A copy of contract for the loan of £15,000,000 to be raised under the Act 3 and 4 Will. IV., c. 73. for the comptu- , sation to the owners of slaves; with pro- PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. 143 RcedingK and tenders respecting the same. EstimateE, etc., miscellaneouB ser- viceB, for the year ending 31st March, ieS6. Order in Council, dated Slst July, 1835, declaring that adequate and satis- factory provision had been made by law in the islands and colonies of Antigua, Bermuda, Bahamas, St. Christopher, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Mauritius and the Cape of Good Hope, for giving effect to the Act 3 and 4, Will. IV. c. 78. for the abolition of slavery throughout the British Colonies. Colonial Revenues. General abstract of the revenues and other receipts of the local governments of the several British Colonies, in the year 1833, also general abstract of expenditure incurred by the local governments of the British Colonies from colonial resources in 1833. Copies of any instructions given relative to com- pensation claimed for negroes who had not been rrgistered as slaves. Treaties between the King of France and jthe Kings of Denmark and Sardiania for the most effectual suppression of the Slave Trade, 1834 Additional article to th« treaty concluded at Stockholm, Nov. 6th, 1824. between Great Britain and Sweden for the prevention of the traffic in slaves signed at Stockholm. June 15th, 1835. Correspondence with the British Com- missioners at Sierra Leone, the Havana, Rio de Janeiro, and Surinam, relating to the Slave Trade. 1834. Correspondence with Foreign Powers relating to the Slave Trade. 1834. 2845 18S6. Vol. I. Papers in Explanation of the Measures adopted for giving effect to the Act for the Abolition of Slavery in the British Co'onies. Part 111. (1) Jamaica (continued). iM36. Vol. II. ApnuriON of Slarery through- out the Britisii Colonies: Part III. (2) (Borbadoes. British Guiana, Mauritius, Antigua. Montserrat. St. Christopher, Nevis, Virgin Islands. Dominica. St. Vin- cent. Grenada, Tobago. Trinidad, St. Lucia. Honduras. Bahamas, Bermuda and ■ Cape of Good Hope, with appendix. IHSC. Vol. 111. Report from the Select Com- mittee on Negro Apprenticeship in the Colonies, together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. 1836. Vol. IV. Papers in Explanation of the Legislature of Jamacia in reference to the amendment of their original Act for giving effect to the Act of Parliament for the abolition of Slavery. Slave Com- pensation Fund, relating to the West India Compensation. Registrar of » Colonial Slaves Office. Slavery Abolition Act, Tobago. Return of Imports from the West Indies and Mauritius. Negro Education, Appropriation of £20,000 to- wards the erection of School-houses Slavery Abolition (Jamaica). Slavery P Abolition Act. Barbadoes. Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, the Havana, Rio de Janeiro, and Surinam, relating to the Slave Trade, 1835. Correspondence with Foreign Powers relating to the Slave Trade. 1835. Treaty for the abolition of the Slave Trade, signed at Madrid, .l^i^^ 28th, 1895. 2846 1837. Vol. I. Papers in explanation of the Measures adopted for giving effect to the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colonies, Jamaica, Barbados, British Guiana. 1837. Vol. II. REPORT from the Select Com- mittee on Negro Apprenticeship (Colon- ies). Copy of a Memorial addressed to Her Majesty's Government relative to the System of Negro Apprenticeship in the British Colonies; and of any reply there- to. Copy of the instructions addressed to the Inspector appointed to visit the schools in the West Indies, which have received a share of the Parliamentary Grants of 1835 and 1836 for Negro Edu cation. An account of the quantities of sugar imported into the United Kingdom from the West Indies and Mauritius, and of the parts of those quantities re- entered for exportation between 6th January, 1836, and 5th January, 1887. Church and School Expenditure, Jamaica, for 5 years ending 30th Sept., 1836. Correspo'idence between Her Majesty's Government and the Govern- ment of New Granada respecting the imprisonment of Mr. Pro-Consul Russell, at Panama, 1837. Corres- pondence with the British Commis- sioners at Sierra Leone, the Havana Rio de Janeiro, and Surinam, re- lating to the Slave Trade. 1836. Corre- spondence with Foreign Powers relating to the Slave Trade, 1836. Additional article to the treaty between Great Bri- tain and the Netherlands, for the pre- vention of the traffic in slaves, signed at The Hague. February 7th, 1837, Con- vention between His late Majesty the King of the French and the Hans "Towns for tlie more effectual suppression of the Slave Trade, signed at Hamburgh, June 9th. 1837. 2847 1838. Vol. I. Papers in explanation of the Measures adopted for giving effect to the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Co'onies, .l.imaica, Barbados and British Guiana. Copy of a Report from C. J. Latrobe. Esq., on Negro Education in Jamaica, with correspondence relating thereto. 1838. Vol. II. Copies of all Orders of Coun- cil, or Colonial Ordinances, for the better regulation and enforcement of the rela- tive duties of m.asters and employers, and articled servants, tradesmen and labourers, irv tht Colonies of British Guiana and Mauritius; and of cor- respondence relating thereto. Return of Slave Vessels captured under the late Spanish Treaty. Accounts of slave com- pensation claims, for the Colonies of Jamaica, Antigua, Honduras, St. Chri- stopher's, Grenada, Dominica, Nevis, Vir- gin Islands, St. Lucia. British Guiana, Montserrat, Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago. St. Vincent's. Trinidad. Barbados. Mau- ritius, Cape of Good Hope. Copies of all orders in Council, British Guiana (con- tinued). Copy of Memorial to the Oueen In Council from the Custos and the in- India Imports. Slave Cessels captured. 18S8, Vol. III. REPOiiT of Captain J. W. Pringle on Prisons in the West Indies. Part I. Jamaica. 1838. Part II., Bar- habitants of Grand Cavenanas, West badoes, Antigua, Montserrat, Tortola. St. Lucia. Negro Education, Windward and Leeward Islands, (i.) Copy of Re- port from C. J. Latrobe, Esq. (ii.) Ap- propriation of £.30.000. (iii.) Report of Mico Charity. Copy of a letter, dated 17th March, 1838. written to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, on the subject of the drawback on refined sugar. A return of slave vessels brought before 144 PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. the several Courts of Mixed Commission- ers for adjudication between 1st January, 1828, and 1st January, 1838. Papers re- lating to the measures adopted by the Legislatures of Barbados, Montserrat, Nevis, Virgin Islands, St. Christopher and St. Vincent, for the abolition of the system of apprenticeship on the 1st August, 1838. Protest of the Agent of Jamaica relating to the West India Prisons Bill. Memorial to the Queen from the Assembly of Jamaica on the subject of the Foreign Slave Trade. Papers relating to the Measures adopted by the Legislatures of Jamaica, British Guiana, Dominica, Grenada, and Tobago, for the Abolition of the system of Ap- prenticeship on the 1st of August, 1838. 1838. Vol. IV. Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, the Havana, Rio de Janeiro, and Surinam, relating to the Slave Trade. 1837. The Same. Further series. 1837. Correspon- dence with Foreign Powers, relating to the Slave Trade, 1837. The Same Fur- ther series. Convention between Her Majesty, the King of the French, and the King of the Two Sicilies, for the more effectual suppression of the Slave Trade, signed at Naples, February 14th, 1888. Statistical report on the sickness, mortality, and invaliding among the troops in the West Indies, prepared from the records of the army medical depart- ment and war office returns. Appendix to report on the sickness .mortality and invaliding among the troops serving in the West Indies. 2848 18.S9. Vol. I. Papers on the condition of the labouring population in the West Indies. Part I. Circular Instructions, Jamaica and British Guiana. The Same. Part I. continued (i) (2) (:'). 2849 1839. Vol. II. The Same- Part I. continued (5), Jamaica. Britisii Guiana. Part II., Barbados, St. V'incent, Grenada, Tobago, Trinidad and St. i.acia. Vol. II., Part II., Report from C. J. Latrobe, Esq., on Negro Education in British Guiana and Trinidad. 18.S9. Vol. III. The S.-imc. Part III. Lee- ward Islands (Antigua, Montserrat, St. Christopher, Nevis, Virgin Islands, Do- minica. 1839. Vol. IV. The Sn/ne. Part IV. Baha- mas, Honduras, Mauritius, Cape of Good Hope. Part II., continued. Windward Islands Government, viz., Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Tobago, Trinidad. Re- turn of the amount of British Force in the Bay of Vera Cruz, at the taking of St. Juan d' Alloa, etc. Report of Hall, Pnngie and Alexander Campbell on the atrocities of slave traders (Jamaica). Correspondence relative to the conduct of the negro population, Jamaica. Re- port of Captain Milne, of H.M.S. Snake, relative to certain atrocities alleged to have been perpetrated on board a Portu- guese slaver, captured by the Snake, etc. Applications for bounties for capture of Spanish and Portuguese slave vessels. Copy of extracts from any further com- munication made to Her Majesty's Secre- tary of State, by the agent for Jamaica, relative to the state of that island. An account of the value of all exports from Great Britain to Jamaica from the year 1830 to the present time; distinguishing each year. An account of the quantities of sugar imported into the United Kingdom from the West Indies and the Mauritius, and the parts of those quan titles re-entered for exportation between 5th January, 1838, and 5th January, 1839. Papers relative to the West In- dies. Part I. (4), Jamaica, continued. Copies of Acts passed by the Legislature of the island of Jamaica. Correspondence relating to the affairs of Jamaica (re Agent and Meeting of Planters). Copy of Memorial of the Association of Jamaica Proprietors. Copy of Memorial of Mr. Joseph Woodhead on behalf of the officers and crew of Her Majesty's brig Buzzard, as captors of the Spanish schooner Circe, illegally fitted for the traffic in slaves. ]839. Vol. V. Papers on the condition of the labouring population. West Indies. Part 1. Jamaica (continued), British Guiana (continued). Correspondence re- lative to the condition of the Hill Coolies, and of other labourers who have been introduced into British Guiana. Return of the number of national and other schools in Jamaica, 1837. Return of slave vessels brought before the several courts of mixed commission for adjudication, since 1st January, 1838. Communications relative to the agricultural state of Jamaica. 1839. Vol. VI. Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, the Havana, Rio de Janeiro, and Suri- nam, relating to the Slave Trade, from May, 1838, to Feb., 1839. Correspondence with Foreign Powers relating to the Slave Trade (Spain, Portugal, Brazil, the Netherlands and Sweden). 1839. Vol. VII. COKUtSPONDENCE with Foreign Powers, parties to tne Conven- tions between Great Britain and Fiance upon vne biave irade irom iviay Ist. 1638, to February, 1839, inclusive. Cor- respondence witn Foreign Powers, not parties to conventioub giving ngut oi searcn of vessels suspected of the Slave Trade, 1838-9. Corresi)Oudence with the liiitisii uoiumissioners at Sierra Leone, the Havana, and Kio de Janeiro, relating to the Slave Trade, from February 2nd, to May 3ist, 1839. Correspondence with Spain, Portugal and Brazil, relative to tne Slave Trade, from February 2nd, 1839, to May 31st, 1839. Correspondence with Foreign Powers parties to tne con- ventions between Great Britain and France relating to tlie Slave Trade, from February 3rd, to May 3rd, 1839. Correspondence witn P'oreign Powers not parties to conventions giving right of search of vessels suspected of the Slave Trade, from February 2nd, to May 3rd, 1839. Copies of Acts passed by the Legis- lature of the Island of Jamaica. 35 Car. II., Cap. II., 32, Geo. 111., Cap. II., 55; Geo. III., Cap. 19, and 5, Will. IV., Cap. 2, 1839. 2849 1840. Vol. I. Correspondence on the con- dition of the Hill Coolies in British Guiana. Order in Council relative to Immigration into Trinidad. Retuins re- lating to Commissioners of Arbitration under the Slavery Abolition Act. Tem- porary Barracks at Maroon Town, Ja- maica [with plan]. Papers relative to the immigration ol labourers into British Guiana. Correspondence relating to the Barracks at Nassau and Turk's Island (Bahamas). Correspondence relating to. the issue of fresh meat rations to the troops in Jamaica, the West Indies, and PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. 145 I Bermuda ; Extracts from reports of Medi- cal Officers relating to health of troops In the Bahamas. Correspondence re- specting liberated Africans. Jamaica im- ports from 1835 to 1839. Copy of any charter granted to any Joint Stock Com- pany formed for carrying Mails to the Colonies (Royal Mail Steam Packet Com- pany Charter). Contract for the con- veyance of mails to the West India Is- lands. Instructions of the Lords of the Admiralty, for regulating an inquiry as to the advantages of different ports, for de- parture and arrival of West India Mails. Papers relative to the affairs of British Guiana (with map]. Correspondence re- lative to civil list, British Guiana. "IMO. Vol. II. Papers relative to Jamaica. The Samt Part II. Barbados. An account of the Quantities of sugar and other produce imported into the United Kingdom from the West Indies and Mauritius, between the 5th day of Jan., 1839. and the 5th day of January, 1840; and of the parts of those quantities re- exported. Correspondence on the subject of the convention of a General Council and Assembly in the Leeward Islands. Treasury Minutes on the subject of an advance of £32.000 for the relief of British Guiana. Return relative to slave vessels brought before the several courts of Mixed Commi.dia Slavery], dated 15th April, 1843. Conies or extracts of correspon- dence relative to the abolition of slavery , in the island of Ceylon. Papers relative ' to emigration from the West Coast of ] Africa to the West Indies. Copy of the correspondpnce which has taken place \ with regard to the removal of the Penin- | Bula. West India and Oriental Mail ; Parkets from Fa'month ; and of any 1 Treasury Minute relating thereto. Papers i PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. H7 relative • to the earthquake in the West Indies. Papers relative to the expedition to the River Niger. A Bill for carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Mexican Republic, for the abolition of the traffic in slaves. A Bill for carrying into effect the Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia, for the suppression of the African Slave Trade. Additional article to the treaty concluded at Lisbon. July 3rd, 1842, be- tween Her Majesty and the Queen of Portugal, for the suppression of the trafflck in slaves, signed at Lisbon, Oct. 22nd, 1842. Treaty between Her Majesty and the Republick of Chile, for the abolition of the trafflck in slaves, signed at Santiago. January 19th, 1839. Ad- ditional and explanatory Convention be- tween Her Majesty and the Republick of Chile, for the abolition of the trafflck in slaves, signed at Santiago. August 7th. 1841. Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, between Her Majesty and the Oriental Republick of Uruguay, signed at London. August 26th, 1842. 1848. Vol. 11 COIIRESPO.NDENCE with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, the Havana, Rio de Janeiro, and Suri- nam, relating to the slave trade, 1842. Correspondence with Spain, Portugal, Brazil, the Netherlands, Sweden, Monte Video, the Argentine Confederation, and Bolivia, relative to the Slave Trade, 1842. Ii48. VoL III. Correspondence on the Slave Trade with Foreign Powers, parties to conventions under which vessels are to be tried by the Tribunals of the nation to which tlipy belong. 1842. Correspon- dence with Foreign Powers, not parties to convention.^ giving right of search of vessel.* suspected of the slave trade, 2854 1843. PAPER8 relative to the Earthquake in the West Indies. 2 parts. • 2854a 1844. Vol. I. Correspondence relative to emigration of labourers to the West In- dies and the Mauritius, from the West Coast of .\frica, the East Indies and China. General Report of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners. Emigration of Indian Labourers to the West Indies, etc. Emigration of Indian labourers into the Mauritius. Returns of sailing vessels registered at each port of the United Kingdom, Including Isle of Man, etc., in 1843; of vessels entered and cleared coastwise in 1843; of number and tonnage of vessels registered at each of the ports of the Co'onies ; of vessels built,, registered, sold, wrecked and broken up in 1843. Copy of the memorial to Her Majesty, of the House of As- sembly of Jamaica, on the distressed condition of the colony. An account of coffee imported into the United King- dom ; coffee entered for home consump- tion, showing the rate of duty, together with the amount derived therefrom, and stock of coffee in the United Kingdom, of each description, in bond, on Slst December, 1848. Copy of the memorial addres.sed by the Agent of Jamaica to Her Majesty's Government relative to the reduction of the duties on foreign suGrar and coffee unaccompanied by any reduction of duties on those articles, the growth of British Possessions. Re- turns relating to sugar. Return of the income, expenditure and debt, for the I Ik years 1841-42, for each of the British West India colonies. A bill for author- ising Her Majesty to carry into imme- diate execution, by orders in Council, any treaties for the suppression of the Slave Trade. A bill for granting to Her Majesty certain duties on sugar Importr ed into the United Kingdom for the set v'ce of the year 1844. A bill for the better regulation of Colonial Posts. 1844. Vol. II. Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, Havana. Rio de Janeiro, Surinam, the Cape of Good Hope. Jamaica, St. Paul de Loanda. and Boa Vista, relating to the Slave Trade, 1843. 1844. Vol. III. Correspondence on the Slave Trade with Foreign Powers, partie* to treaties under which captured vessel* are to be tried by mixed tribunals, 1848. 1844. Vol. IV. Correspondence on the Slave Trade with Foreign Powers, parties to treaties and conventions, under which captured vessels are to be tried by Tri- bunals of the nation to which they belong, 1843. Correspondence with Foreign Powers, not parties to treatiei or conventions, giving a mutual right of 8*>arfh o' vessels suspected of the Slave Trade, 184S. 1844. Vol. V. Instructions for the guidance of Her Majesty's naval officers employed In the suppression of the Slave Trade. 2856 1844. Returns of Income, Expenditure and Debt, also Tariffs of the West India Colonies, British Guiana and Mauritius. 1844. • 285» 1845. Vol. I. Fifth General Report of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commis- sioners. 1845. Copy of the memorial of the House of Assembly of Jamaica to Her Majesty, transmitted by the Gover- nor on the 21st day of December last [re sugar and coffee]. Correspondence re- specting the sugars of Cuba and Porto Rica. An account of the quantity of sugar admitted for home consumption under the 7th and 8th Vic. c. 28, specify- ing the country of which such sugar is the produce. An account of the quan- tities of sugar of the several sorts Im- ported into the United Kingdom in each year, from 1840 to 184^ both inclusive. Returns of any discriminating duties heretofore imposed between mus- covado and clayed sugar, and under what authority, etc., and papers relating to the duty to be charged upon various descriptions of sugar partly refined or purified. Import and export duties on sugar in France; the recent modification for regulating the excise duty on beetroot .sugar, etc., also ex- tract from General Tariff of import duties on sugar in the United States. Order of Her Majesty in Council of the 28th November. 1844, admitting into the United Kingdom sugar, the produce of Venezuela, at a duty of 34s. per cwt. Copy of a memorial from sugar refiners and others, to the Lords of the Trea- sury, respecting alterations in the sugar duties. An account of imports into the United Kingdom, of sugar molasses, rum, coffee, and cocoa, from the West Indies and British Guiana, distinguish- ing each colony for the year 1844. A bill for granting to Her Majesty, for a term to be limited . cer- tain duties on sugar imported into 14^ PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. the United Kingdom. A bill to repeal the duties of excise on sugar manufac- tured in the United Kingdom and to im- pose other duties in lieu thereof. Copy of correspondence relating to the sup- pression of the Slave Trade. Returns of the number of vessels furnished with slave warrants, and other returns and pepers relative to the Slave Trade. Ac- counts relating to trade and iia /ii^atim, customs duties and tonnage of vessels, Copies or extracts of despatches relating to the disturbances in the Island of Dominica. Returns of foreign and colon- ial Bishops, etc., clergy (colonies), British Colonies, Grants of public money. Religious instruction (colonies and India). A bill to facilitate the recovery of loans made by the West India Relief Commissioners. Copies of the last cen- sus of the population taken in each of the British West India Islands and in British Guiana ; together with informa- tion subsequently received relative to the number of emancipated negroes who have become freeholders, the extent of land purchased by them, and the sums of money paid or payable for such pur- chases. Correspondence relative to In- dian labourers in the Mauritius. Ac- counts of exports to and imports from the British West India Colonies, the East Indies, Ceylon, China, etc.. lor each of the past five years, ending 5th Janu- ary, 1845; also the number of ships that have entered and cleared for the above places during the same period. Return of the names of the Legislative Council In each of our colonies or settlements not having Legislative Assemblies, from the year 1836 to 1844, inclusive, with the profession of each member ; distinguish- ing those who hold appointments or emoluments in the gift of Government, other than pay or allowances attached to their military rank. Return of the names of the agents for colonies at present act- ing in Great Britain, and recognised as such by the Colonial Office, the salary they receive, etc. A bill to regulate the trade of British Possessions abroad. 2857 1845. Vol, II, Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, Havana, Rio de Janeiro, Surinam, Cape of Good Hope, Jamaica, Loanda, and Boa Vista, Correspondence on the Slave Trade with Foreign Powers, parties to treaties, under which captured vessels are to be tried by mixed Tribunals, 1844, 1845, Vol. Ill, Correspondence on the Slave Trade with Foreign Powers, parties to treaties and conventions under which captured vessels are to be tried by tri- bunals of the nation to which they be- long, from January Ist to December 31 st, 1844, inclusive. Correspondence with Foreign Powers, not parties to treaties or conventions giving a mutual right of search of vessels suspected of the Slave Trade, from January 1st to December Slst, 1844, inclusive. Convention between Her Majesty and the King of the French, for the suppression of the traffic in slaves, signed at London, May 29th, 1845. Papers relating to the conven- tion between Great Britain and Brazil on the Slave Trade. 1845. Vol. IV. Report from the Select Com- mittee on Colonial Accounts; together with th*> minutes of evidence, appandii and index. 1845. Vol. V. Copies or extracts of cor- raspondence relative to the labouring population in the West Indies. 2867d 1846. Vol. I. Correspondence with th» British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, Havana, Rio de Janeiro, Surinam, Cape of Good Hope, Jamaica, Loanda. »nd Boe Vista, relating to the Slave Trade. 285> 1846. Vol. II. Correspondence on the Slave Trade with Foreign Powers, parties to treaties, under which captured vesselB are to be tried by mixed tribunals, from January 1st, to December Slst, 1845, in- clusive. 1846. Vol. III. Correspondence on the Slave Trade with Foreign Powers, partie* to treaties and conventions, under which captured vessels are to be tried by Tri- bunals of the nation to which they be- long, from January 1st to December 81st, 1845, inclusive. Correspondence with Foreign Powers, not parties to treaties or conventions, giving a mutual right of search of vessels suspected of the Slave Trade, from Jan. 1st to Dec. 3l8t. 1845. 1846. Vol. IV. The Reports made for the year 1845, to the Secretary of State hav- ing the Department of the Colonies, In continuation of the reports annually made by the Governors of the British Colonies, with a view to exhibit generally the past and present state of Her Majesty'* Colonial Possessions; transmitted with the blue books for the year 1845. Fur- ther correspondence respecting the sugar of Cuba and Porto Rico. An ac- count, showing the quantities of sugar of the several sorts imported into the United Kingdom . . . from 1815 to 1840, following a comparative statement of the average prices of British planta- tions . . . Return of date of Order in Council regarding sugar, 2l8t April, 1846. Copies of the two Orders in Council, dated 8th August, 1845, and 6th April, 1846. An account of the quantities of sugar imported into the United Kingdom ; the quantities retained for actual consumption, the lates of duty charged on the home consumption, and net revenue accruing therefrom; wiLh a comparative statement of the average prices of British and Foreign Plantation sugar, in each year from 1841 to 1845, in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, Xo. 290, of session 1841. An account of the quantity of foreign sugar admitted into consumption from 14th March, 1845, to 5th April, 1846, distinguishing that ad- mitted under certificate as the produce of free labour, and that which has been admitted under the stipulations of treaty; together with the foreign coun- tries from which the sugar admitted under treaty has been imported. A re- turn of the amount of duty received on sugar during the financial year 1845-46, specifying the amount received under the different rates of duty. An account of the quantity of sugar imported, and of that entered for home consumption, in the financial year 1845-46; dlstinguishinai the quantities liable to each separate rate of duty, and the amount of duty received on each. Account of foreign sugar now in bond (not including that admissible under the Act 9 Vict. c. 5). Account of foreign sugar in bond on let July, 1846, at London, Liverpool, Hull, Bristol and Newcastle, quantity admis- PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. [49 I tible to home consumption, etc. Return showing the price of brown muscoYado ■ugar ; the stock in hand ; the quantities brought to charge, etc. Copy of mem- orial from the Chamber of Commerce of Kingston, Jamaica, to the Treasury; and of the report of the Chamber on the Sugar Duty Question. Return specifying the quantity of Sugar . . grown in or exported from the territories of the East India Company in the years 1844 and 1845. respectively. Copies of an Order In Council, dated 7th September, 1888, for regulating In British Guiana, Trini- dad, St. Lucia, and Mauritius, the rights and duties of masters and servants, etc. Return of number of ships of war, of all elasflps. employed for the suppression of the Slave Trade in the year 1845. An account of the imports into the United KincdoTi. of sugar, molasses, rum coffee, and cocoa, from the West Indies and British Guiana, for the years 1831 to 1845, both Inclusive; distinguishing the quantities imported from each colony in each year. Copy of a memor- ial of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce to the Lords Commiss'oners of Her Maiesty's Treasury, dated 9th March, 1848. Copies of Correspondence between the Secretary for the Colonies and the Lords of the' Treasury, on the appoint- ment of an Assistant Secretary to the Co'onies: of minutes or Ordors in Coun- cil since the year 1833, relating to the estahlishmfnt in the Colonial Offlce. Sixth General Report of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners. Copies or extracts of despatches and correspondence between the Colonial Cflcp and the Authorities In each of the West India Colonies, relative to a pro- posed loan of money in aid of the immi- gration of labour Into those Colonies ; also, copies of the resolutions passed by the Legislate e Assembly of each Colony, in relation to the said proposed loan, during the years 1843, 1844, and 1845. 846. Vol. V. Papers, in continuation of those presented last year (Sessional Paper. No. 642, of 1845). relating to the labouring population of the British Co'onies. (West Indies and Mauritius). Part I. State of the labouring population In the West Indies and Mauritius. Copies or ext'^acts of any orders in Cotmcil. etc., respecting the supply and labour In those Co'onies since 22nd April, 1846; Part II.. Immigration of labourers into the West Indian Co'onies and the Mauritius. A re- turn of the provision, if any. made by law or otherwise. In Her Majesty's dif- ferent Colonial Possessions, for destitute persons of the fol'owing c'asses: Ist. widows and fatherless children, or de- sert/'d women and children ; 2rd. o'd ard Infirm persons; 3rd. persons diseased In bodv or mind. Al.«;o a statement, so far as the same can be given, of the actual condition of such several classes of per- sons in each of the said Colonial Posses- sions. A similar return and statement for the Ionian Islands. Copy of the Regulations or Instructions under which the Crown Lands In the West lT>dia Co'onies and British Guiana are permit- ted to be put up for sale. Copies or extracts of any correspondence with the Co'onial Authorities relating to the Sti- pendiary Maeistracv ; Copies of all laws reculating the relation between masters and servants, and of all laws constituting Appeal or Inferior Criminal Courts, or extending the Jurisdiction of tho gtipsndiary or Local Justices In tb« Emancipated Colonies; and copies or ex- tracts of the correspondence relating thereto. Copies of the several Tariffs, Tax and Corn Ordinances, which had been passed by the Colonial Assemblies or Legislatures In the years 1843, 1844, and 1845 ; and copies or extracts of the correspondence relating thereto. Part III. Stipendiarj Magistrates, Laws of Masters and Serrants, Courts of Appeal. Tariffs. 1846. Vol. VI. A Return of duties Imposed In each Colony In British America and the West Indies on the principal articles the growth or production of, or im- ported from, any or all of the British Colonies. A Return of duties Imposed In each Colony in British America and In the West Indies, on goods the pro- duction or manufacture of the United Kingdom. Similar returns for the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Ceylon and the Australian Colonies. A return of duties I Imposed in each of the Indian Presiden- cies, and in the Prince of Wales Island, on the prodn tions or manufactures of the United Kiigdom. A return of duties Imposed In ea h of the Indian Presiden- cies, and in t'le Prince of Wales Island, on the products of each other, and on those of any British Colony. A return of duties Imposed in any British Colony on the Impo tation of the products of the Indian residencies or of Prince of Wales Island A return of duties Im- posed in the several British Colonies and Possessions, British India inclusive, on the exports of their several produc- tions. A return of ships and tonnage be'onging to each, and every British Colony and to British India. A return stating the number and tonnage of t«b sels arriving at, and departing from, each and every British Colony, and to and from British India; the countries to which such vessels belong, and the places or ports from which they come and to which they depart; for the last ten years. A return of the description and value, or quantity, of Imports to and exports from each and every British Colony, and to and from British India; specifying the countries whence Imported and to whicli exported, for the last ten years. 1847, Vol. I. Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, Havana. Rio de Janeiro. Surinam. Cape of Good Hope, Jamaica, Loanda. and Boa Vista, and proceedings of British Vice- Admiralty Courts, relating to the Slav* Trade, from January Ist to December 81st. 1846. Correspondence on the Slave Trade with Foreign Powers, parties to treaties ur-der which captured vessels are to be tried by mixed Tribunals, from January 1st to December Slst, 1846. In- clusive. Correspondence on the Slave Trade with Foreign Powers, parties to treaties under which captured vessels are to be tried by tribunals of the nat'on to which they belong; from January 1st to December 31 st, 1846, in- clusive. Correspondence with Foreign Powers, not parties to treaties or con- ventions giving a mutual right of search of vessels suspected of the Slave Trade; from January Ist. to December 31 st. 1846, inclusive. Returns showing the particu- ^5o PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. lars of disbursements constituting the difference between the gross proceeds of tne sale of the slave vessels "Jehovah" and " Diana" and the net proceeds paid into the Vice- Admiralty Court ; also copy of the condemnation, and certificate of the breaking up of the hull of the " Diana." A return of the appropriation of all sums of money received as proceeds of vessels or property condemned for violation of Laws or Treaties prohibiting the Slave Trade; of sums paid since 1807 to captors of vessels condemned ; of sums paid in satisfaction of expenses or dam- ages arising from prosecutions, etc. 1847, Vol. II. Seventh General Report of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commis- sioners. Copies of all papers relative to the further Progress of Emigration from Africa to the West Indian Colonies. Returns showing the number of Free Emigrants into Jamaica, British Guiana, Trinidad and the Mauritius, since the abolition of Slavery in 1834; the number of Liberated Africans, and their destina- tion, and the number of Emigrant Labourers now ordered by the above Colonies. Commercial Tariffs and regula- tions, resources and trade, of the several States of Europe and America, together with the commercial treaties between England and foreign countries ; part the twentieth, Hayti, and foreign West Indies; by John MacGregor. Returns of the amount of duty received on sugar, from 5th April, 1846, to 5th January, 1847; and of all sugars that have been stopped for alleged inaccurate entry at London and Liverpool during the same period, etc. Copits of any Memorials to Her Majesty from the Island of Jamaica, and from the other West India Colonies, respecting the Sugar Duties, together with copies of the replies thereto. Copy of reports to the Board of Excise on the production of spirit from sugar and molasses. Copy of further report to the Board of Excise on the production of spirit from sugar and molasses. An account of the imports into the United Kingdom of sugar, molasses, rum, coffee and cocoa, from the W^est Indies and British Guiana, for the years 1831 to 1846, both inclusive; distinguishing the quantities imported from each Colony in each year. An account of the imports into the United Kingdom, of sugar, molasses, rum, and coffee from Calcutta, Madras, Ceylon and the Mauritius, for the years 1831 to 1846, both inclusive; distinguishing the quantities imported from each place in each year. Returns of the quantity of sugar used by Licensed Brewers, and taken into stock by Distillers in England, Scotland and Ireland, from the passing of the Act 10 Vict. c. 5, and 10 Vict. c. 6, to the 5th July, 1847. Account of the quantity of Foreign wine imported, exported and re- tained for home consumption, during the year ended 5th January, 1847, also ac- count of Foreign and Colonial spirits, etc. ; quantities shipped as stores during the same period ; together with the quantities of wine and spirits of each sort remaining in bond. Abstract of the net annual produce of the duties of cus- toms on all articles imported into the United Kingdom, in the two years 1845 and 1846, etc. Copies of all memorials ard representations from Canada and other Colonies, representing the differen- tial duties on goods imported into the Colonies, and respecting the operation and effect of the British Navigation Lawe on their commerce, since 1845. Return of all Lighthouses in the. Colonies and i British Possessions abroad; showing the I date at which each Lighthouse was ! erected ; the original cost thereof, and , from what funds defrayed ; the annual j expense since its first erection, and from what source the same was paid. Also, an account of the annual receipts, and application of all monies received as tolls for such Lighthouses. Copies of correa- potidence relative to erecting a Light- house at Barbados ; despatch of the j Colonial Secretary to the Governor, and \ documents in the Colonial Office respect- j ing application of money, etc. Returns j of thp number and tonnage of vessels registered at each of the ports of Great i Britain, Ireland, etc., on the 31st day of I December, 1846, etc. Returns relating to i shipping and tonnage, outwards and in- ; wards, and to the declared value of i British and Irish produce and manufac- tures exported, from the year 1840 to 1846, both inclusive. Number of Colonial- built vessels and their tonnage, register- ed in each year in the United Kingdom i since 1841, and on the 3l8t day of Decern- j ber, 1846, etc. Accounts relating to trade and navigation. Custom duties and ton- | nage of vessels. Copies or extracts of j any correspondence between the Secre- j tary of State for the Colonies and the Governor of Jamaica and Trin'dad, re- ' specting the operation of the Navigation J Laws in those Islands. Returns relative i to the actual Government ex',)enditure i and receipts of the Island of Mauritius, i for the years 1844 and 1845 : of the pen- j sion granted to the late Auditor-General; and of the appointment of an Auditor- j General and Assistant Auditor-General i for the Island of Mauritius. Copies or extracts of correspondence between Her I Majesty's Government and the Parties int^'reatpd in Railways in Ceylon, Trini- ' * dad, British Guiana and New Brunswick. 46 vols. 1835-1847. [33 p.] 2859 j 1848. ThF^ Further Correspord- ence (Jamaica and other West India I India Islands). * 2860 1848. EiOHT Reports of Committee on the | condition and prospects of the interests 1 connected with Suear and Coffee Planting \ in the East and West Indies and Mauri- j tins. 10 parts. * 2861 j 1848. Correspondence with the Governors of the Sugar-growing Colonies as to the Distress now existing in these Colonies. • 2862 1848. Laws, Ordinances and Rules in force j in the West India Colonies for the Regu- | lation of Labour between Masters and j Labourers. * 2863 j 1848. Correspondence relative to the Dis- tress in the West Indies and Mauritius. j and on the general condition of those Colonies and the promotion of Immigra- tion. * 2864 1848. Acts for the Suppression of Vagrancy, or Enforcement of Labour Contracts ' passed since 1834, but disallowed. • 2866 I 1R51-.W. Correspondenoe relative to the con- ' dition of the Sugar-growing Colonies; 8 parts. (1) British Guiana; (2) .Jamaica; (3) Trinidad. • 2866 1 1R54. Correspondenoe relating to the re- i moval of Troops from the West India Colonies. • 2867 ' PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. 1866. CORRISPONDENOK relating to West India Relief Loans. • 2868 1857. Papers relating to Chinese and Coolie Immigration to the West India Colonies and British Guiana. • 2869 1868. Correspondence on the subject of Emigration from China to the British West Indies. • 2870 1869. Correspondence between the Colonial Office and the Governors of the West Indian Colonies and the Mauritius as to the condition of the Labouring popula- tion. ... 2 parts. • 2871 1867. Papers relating to the various Reli- gious Bodies in the West Indies. • 2872 1871-72. Papers as to the Ecclesiastical grants and the establishment of Religious Equality in the West Indies. 2 parts. • 2878 1878. parti. Th* Sat Further Papers. S 1871-72. Report on Leprosv and Yaws in the West Indies. By Gavin Milroy, M.D. : with correspondence on the discovery of an alleged cure for Leprosy. 2 parts. • 2874 1871. Correspondence respecting the federa- tion of the Leeward Islands. * 2876 ^"4. RnpoRT of the Royal Commission appointed in December, 1882, to inquire into Public Revenues, Expenditure, Debts, and Liabilities of the Islands of Jamaica. Grenada, St. Vincent, Tobago and St. Lucia, and the Leeward Islands. Part I. Jamaica. Part II. Grenada, St. Vincent, Tobago, and St. Lucia. Part III. The Leeward Islands and Appendix. Part IV. Supplementary remarks (with maps). To which is added a Supplement to the Jamaica Gazette, containing a report by Co'onel Grossman, C.M.G., R.E., and George Baden-Powell, M.A., on the West Indian Incumbered Estates Court. Also further correspondence respecting the West Indian Incumbered Estates Court. [4h.] 2877 151 1885. Papers relating to the proposed union of the Islands of Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Tobago. • 2878 1884. Correspondence respecting the Com- mercial Convention concluded between Spain and the United States relative to the West India Trade. • 2879 1886. Corresponde.nce respecting the negoti- ation of a treaty regulating Trade be tween the West India Colonies and the United States. • 2880 1888. SUOAR Bounties. • 2880a 1892. Rates of Import Duty in force in the British West Indies and in British Guiana. • 2881 1892. Correspondence relative to the com- mercial arrangement negotiated in 1891- 92, with the Government of the United States in regard to trade between certain of Her Majesty's West India Colonies and the United States of America. [8 a.] • 2882 1897-98. RoTAL Commission on the Agricul- tural Resources and Requirements of British Guiana and the West India Islands: Reports, Evidence, Appendices, and Statistical tables. 6 parts : maps and diagrams. 2888 1897. Correspondence relating to the Sugar Industry in the West Indies.. (3e.] 2886 1897. Kepout of the West India Royal Com- mission. With subsidiary report by D. Morris, D.Sc, and appendix (Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence). 3 vols. [4 1.) 2886 1899. West Indies: ( orrespondence relating to the hurricane on the 10th and 12th Sept., 1898, and the relief of Distress caused thereby. (3 h.] • 2888 1899. Further Correspondence relating to the Hurricane on the 10th and 12th September, 1898. [3h.] 2888 1900. West Indies: Correspondence relate ing to the Hurricanes on 7th August and 8th September. 1899, and the relief of Distress caused thereby. [Sh.l 2889 152 INDEX OF NAMES. INDEX OF NAMES INCLUDING RKFBRENCES TO " BIBLIOGRAPHl/i JaMAICENSIS TO BIBLIOGRAPHIA JAMAICENSES" AND "SUPPLEMENT [The names of Authors are printed in small capitals, of the subjects of Memoirs in ordinary type, and of Cartographers in italics. Numbers with no sign preceding them refer to this work ('• Bibliography of the West Indies ") ; those preceded by B.J. refer to " Bibliographia Jamaicensis " ; and those preceded by S B.J. to " Supplement to Biblographia Jamaicensii.'] Aaron, Eugene Murray, Ph.D. BJ. 332 Abad, J. R 356 Abbad. Inigo 292 Abbott, Rev. Abiel 627a Abbott, H. L 1179 Abbott, J. S. C 662a Abbott, Rev. T. F S.B.J. 31 Abell, H. F S.B.J. 678 Abraham, E. A. V 1609 AcosTA, Joseph de 1964 AcosTA, DE Samper Agudelo, S. 1232, 2698a Adam, L 178a Adams, C. B B.J. 394, S.B.J. 309 Adams, Rev. Henry 2490 Adderley, Sir Augustus 608, 2348 Advielle, V 440 Aflaeck, Admiral Philip... S.B.J. 56 Aflalo, F. G 881 Africanus 2515 Agassiz, Alexander 607, 868, 2355 Agricola S.B.J. 396 Aguilar, F. C 1235 AiMES, Hubert H. S., Ph.D 837 Ainslie, Philip Barrington...B.J. 314 Aitzema, L. van i982d Alanis, R. M 761b Alaux, G. d' 487 Alcazar, J. de 78a Alcedo, Antonio de 21^3 Alcock, Rev. Henry J., M.A. S.B.J. 568, 569 Alcosta, Jose J. de 303 Aldana, a 1175 Aldea, a 1283 Alexander, General E. P. ... 985, 1012 Alexander, Capt. Sir J. E 2221 Alexander, R. C B.J. 1043 Alfaro, a 1004 Alfonso, Antonio P 652 Alldridge, J. J., F.R.G.S 2795a Allen, C. H 333 Allen, Governor 830a Allen, Grant ... B.J. 895, 1107, 1625 Allen, Grant B.J. 392 Allen, Robert 617a Alleyne, F. M B.J. 975 Alleyne, Sir John Gay 33 Allin, John 150* Alm, Jacob 1709 Alvarez de Abreu, A. J 2053 Alzola y Minondo, P.de 742, 790, 2399 Ambard, E. M 2490b Amblau^, a 831 Ambrose, Rev. Robert George S.B.J. 556 Amer, C 764 Amicus, 2541 Amman, H. J. S.B.J. 207 Ammen, Admiral 953 Anderson, C. Wilgress 1646c Anderson, Sir George Campbell 593 Anderson, Izett, M.D. 2418, B.J. 497 Anderson, James S.B.J. 376 Anderson, J. S. M 2287 Anderson, Louisa B.J. 390 Anderson, T ig^y Anderson, William Wemyss BJ- 307, 308 Anderson, William Wemyss B.J. 390, 793 Andre, Eugene 1642, 1872 Andre, G 1149 Andree, K 898a Andres, S 724 Andrews, W. S 2294 Angulo-Guiridi, a 542 Antunez y Acevedo, Rafael 2088a Appun, C. F. von i333> 2316a Aquirre, Jose M 896c Arango, Anastasio 6i8h Arber, Edward, F.S.A 2339 Arboleya, J. G '708 Archenholz, Johann Wjlhelm von 2694 Archer, J. H., M.D S.B.J. 180 Ardouin, Beaubrun 471a, 486 Aristodemus, i5iod, 1712 Armitage, Capt. C. H '2792 Armstrong, J 1953,1954 Arnaboldi, G B.J ^44 Arnold, William, M.D. ... B T A7t arnott, d :',• ;^^ Akon, J ^,\-i Arosema, Dr j^y^ Arrate. Jose Martin Felix de... 6ga ^^'^OTT, D ,56 b Arrowsmith, John B T 4ca ^^*^" .^35 INDEX OF NAMES. 153 B B AsENSio Y Toledo, Jose Maria... 2377 AsHBY, Rev. N S.B.J. 539 AsHER, C. M 2281a Ashley, John 2013(1,2019 AspiNALL, Algernon, E 2476 Atchley, C, I.S.O 2374 Atherton, Gertrude 272a Atherton, Mrs. William Bernard 2443 Atienzo, S T 1415 Atkins, James Black 812 Atkins, John 2014,2227 Atlay, J. B B.J. looi Atnvood, Thomas 175 Auhe, T. (Contre-Amiral) 145 AunERT, E, 825 AuBi.ET, Fusee '754^ AuBRE, Paul u' 2252 AuGUSTE, J 499 Austin, Henry W 606 Austin, William Piercy (Bishop) 1549. 1556a, 1558 Auguste, J 538 AVENDANO, DiDACUS DE I983 Aylmer, Mr B.J. 561 Ayscue, Sir G 3 B.A 3a B., L.M 1757 Babinski, H 1789 Bache, Lt. R 1312 Bachiller y Morales, Antonio 661 b, 706 Bacon. Edgar Mayhew, B.J. 332 Badan, Adam 712a Baden- Powell, Major R.S.S.... 2777 Baden-Powell, Sir George 2777, 2877, B.J- 729. 732 Bagdon, J. 1565a Bagot, T. C 1546a Bailey, Rev. B 2513,2539 Bailey, W. F B.J. 330 Baily, J 939 Baird, D. George S.B.J. 357a Bairu, Robert, A.M 2265 Bajon, M 1754a " aluuena, Bernardo de (Bishop) 293, 294, 295 Balcarres, Alexander Lindsay, 6th Earl of B.J. 75 ALLANTINE, JAMES S.B.J.580 ALLf.r, J 203 ALLOU, M. M 650, 709, 2452a B\NnuRY, G. A. Lethbridge 2755 Banbury, Rev. R. Thomas... B.J. 869 ^ ANCROFT, Dr. Edward 1510,6.}. 471, 472, 1038, S.B.J. 58 Bancroft, Hubert Howe 1076 Bandinel, James ,, 2660 Bannantine, James B.J. 360 Bannister, S 1057a, 1057b, 1057c Banos y Soto mayor, Diego de... 1303c Haralt, R. M 1460 Barbot, John 257 Barbour, Sir David B.J. 752 Barbour, G. M B.J. 847 Barboux, H. M 1130 Barclay, Alexander 2194, 2202, B.J. 48 Barclay, David B.J. 27 Barclay, John 2431 Barcot, Surgeon Major 5()6a Barham, Henry, M.D. ...B.J. 13,426, S.B.J. 152 Barham, Henry, sen S.B.J. 20a Barker, Robert 215 Barker, Lady 2316, B.J. 866 Barker, Surgeon-Major B.J. 949 Barkly, Sir Henry, K.C.B. S.B.J. 482 Barkly, Sir Henry 1556b Barnes, J. Edmestone ...S.B.J. 66a HaRNLEY, VyILLIA.M H 263^ Barkal, J. A 1357 Barrett, Mr 2224, B.J. $» Barrett, Lucas, F.L.S., F.G.S. B.J. 448, 451, 1079 Barrow, John 2249 Barry, William 139a Bartheleiny 1758 Barthwick, P B.J. 79 Basset, N 146 Bates, E. K S.B.J. 737 Bates, Henry W*lter 10(59 Bates, Lindon, W ii 86b, 11 86c Bathlrst, Earl 1820, 1930 Bathurst, Earl 54)466 Bathurst, Edward 4S1 Bayley, F. W. N 2206 Bayly, Wentworth B.J. 656 Bean, Tarleton H B.J. 1016 Beard, Rev. John R., D.D 485 Beaufoy 25x9 Beaumont, Augustus Hardin 2539, B.J. 67S Beau-mont, Chief Justice 1569J, i572g Bechanel, Francis 1505 Becher, a. B 593a Beckford, Mrs. Bathsha ...S.B.J. 17a Beckford, Peter S.B.J. 266 Beckkokd, William (Alderman).. 185 Beckford, William (of Somerly) B.J. 19, 281, S.B.J. 219 Beckford, William B.J. 651 Beckles, John 46 Beeston, Sir William B.J. 636 S.B.J. 154, 155. 177 Behn, Afra , 1506 Bklgrave, F. a i569d, 15696 Belgrove, William 32 Belhaven, Lord io36f Belisario, J.M B.J. 294 Bell, Charles Napier 968, 2419 Bell, E. D S.B.J. 716 Bell, H. H. J 2766 Bell, Sir Henry Hesketh Joudon, K.C.M.G 183d, 2431. 2361 Bell, John, M.D 2088 Bell, Rev. T 1565(1 Bellamy, J 917 154 INDEX OF NAMES. Bellet^ Daniel 24906 Belley, — 427 Bellin, Jacques Nicholas 366b, 367, 2039 Bellin, M B.J. 20, 20a, 21, 21a Bellin, S 1754 Bello^ a 1356 Bello, Andres 18S1 Bellows, W S.B.J. 246 Belly^ Felix 958, 1054, 1066 Belly^ N 952a Belmonte^ B. E. C 1610, 1717P Belot, G. de 1097 Belt, Thomas 949 Benard, C. M. E. P 1458 Benbow, Admiral John B.J. 94 Blneuetti, C 1244 Benezet, Anthow 2510 Benger, E -^556 Bengough, Maj. -General Har- couRT Mortimer B.J. 952,958 Benjamin, S. G. W 596d Bennet, Parker S.B.J. 352 Bennett, George W 15/0 Benoist, C 796 Benoit, p. J 1717 Benson, Captain W. J. P 2490c Bentley, C 1542 Berenger-Feraud, L. J. B 2331 Bergius, O. E 2149 Berkel, Adriaan van 1504b Berkeley, Hon. T. B. H 2330 Berkshire, Earl of 1500 Bernab, C 700 Bernaldez, Andres 2314 BeaNard. — 1/68 Bernard, Samuel B.J. 625 Bernard, Hon. Thomas James B.J. 680 Bernau, Rev. J. H 15^8 Berthelot, M. S 642 Besant, Sir Walter 94a Belances, R. Emeterio 694 BiCKELL, Rev. R B.J. 44,48 BiDELOW, J 495 BiDWELL, Charles Toll io6i BiGELOw, J 1087 Bir.ELOw, John. B.J. 306 BiGELOw, Capt. John 815a RiGGS, John 2254 BiLLOUIN, H. S. BlNGER, A '. 155 BiNNEY 2663a BiOLLEY, Paul 992 Bird, M. B 493a Biss, Capt. Harold C. J 2793 BissETT, R 2549 Bissette, C. C. a.. ..127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 2611 BiZEMONT, Viscount H. L. G, de 1073 Blackie 2410 Black WELL, Isaac 1030 Blair. Dr. D 1565b Blake, Edith Lady B.J. 971, S.B.J. 730 Blake, Sir Henry Arthur, K.C.M.G B.J. 981, 986, S.B.J. 494, 729, 73J Blaksley, J 246(5 Blanchet, Emilio 675 Blanchetiere-Bellevue ...112, 113, 117 Blancke, G 1716c Blanco, A. Guzman... 1650, 1651, 1652, 1668 Blanco Guzman 1338, 1343* 1374 Blanco, Ed 1358 Blanco, Jose F 1342a Blandford, Walter F, H., M.A., F.Z.S 933 Blane, Sit Gilbert 207a Blaney, Henry R 2436 Blathwayte, William S.B.J. 197 Blauzel m Bleby, Rev. Henry i569h, 2281b, 2231b 2231C, 223id, 2354, B.J. 72, 87 Blerald, E. D 153 Blicke, Charles B.J. 461 Bligh, Lieut., R.N 2090 Blome, Richard B.J. 267, S.B.J. 207a, 208 Bloomfield, J. H 754 Blyth, Rev. George S.B.J. 78 Bochart, Charles B.J. la Boddam-Whetham, J. W.... 1068, 1587 BoDU, J. M ib49 Bois St. Lys, Georges de ......B.J. 76 Boisson, — 437 Bolingbroke, Henry 1511 Bolivar, Simon ...1332a, 1332b, 1342a, 1361, 1365, 1366, 1367^ 1376, i377> 1378, i379> 1386, 1632 Bollaert, William 1566 BONAME, P 201 Bonaparte, Prince Napoleon Louis 937b Bonaparte, Prince Roland N. ... 1726 Bonne, M B.J. 34 Bonne-Maison, Dr. de 2681 i BoNNEAu, Alexandre 491 j Bonnie, Annie 2689, B.J. 355 | BONPLAND, AlME II92 ' Bonsal, S 765 Bontein, Archibald B.J- 19 Bonwick, James ,. 599a Boone, Rev. James Shergold S.B.J. 540 BORDA J. J 1253 BoRDE, P. G. L 1837 Borland, Rev. Francis 1037 BoRNO, Louis 546 Borrow, A. H 2789 Borthwick, P 2216, 2650, 2653 Bosanquet, Charles 2115, 2115a Bossart, j. j 277 BoswELL, Henry B.J. 1056 Bourgeois, H. G 933 Bourke, Wellesley SB. J. 423 Bourne, Stephen 2277,2378 BJ.7o«7i»5i2, 513 BouvET DE Cresse, A. J. B. ... 458 BOUYEE, F 1773 INDEX OF NAMES. 155 r BoKZON, J 552*557 BOVALLIUS, C 952D HovELL, H. A 98 HowDiTCH, T. Edward 271 1 BowDLER. Thomas, F.R.S. ...B.J. 364 SBJ 270 BowEN, C. r 93 Bowen Emanuel B.J. 15 Barrett, Rev. W. G 155^2201 Barrington, General 33 BOWERBANK, LEWIS QUIER, M.D. B.J. 487. 489, S.B.J. 362 Bowler. A 524 BowREY, James John B.J. 938, S.B.J. 333 Bowrey, James John B.J. 389 IJovcE, Rii'KRT, M.B., F.R.S 93;* BovKR, J. P 474 Boykk-Peyrki.eau, E. E 2176 iBOYER-EoNFREDE, J. B 2096 Boyle, Erkmerick 947,2736 BozA V Vergara, Matias 6i7g Brace, L. J. K 601 Brackexul'RY, General Henry... 2732, 2735 Bradford, Mary F B.J. 352, S.B.J. 238 Bradley, Col. Thomas 2218 Bradley, Thomas S.B.J. 61 JBradshaw. Rev. F. S., LL.D. S.B.J. 549 Bka.nxh. C. W.. M.B., CM 1938 Brand, Lieutenant B.J. 85, 91 Branskoru, J. F 950a Braskett, Sir James 45»'463 Brassey, Lord S.B.J. 684 Bkassey, Annie Lady 2344 Brau. Salvador 3»5> 337 Breen. Henry H 19S1 Brennan, J. F B.J. 460 Bressolles, P ii£o Brett, Rev. W. H. 1555.1556,1573.1589 Breton, Raymond 1982a, 1982b Brewin, William B.J. 317 Briceno, D. B 1314a Briceno, M 1381 Brick, Titus A B.J. 823 Bridges, Rev. George Wilson... 2539 B.J. 4. 35. 117.223,833, S.B.J. 20,21, 290 Bridges, Rev. George Wilson ... 2832, B.J. 834, S.B.J. 26 Bridgman, J 1948 Brinton, D. G 781,951a, 1578 Brisbane, Sir Charles ...1930, 1930b Bristowe, Lindsay W 921,2791 Broadwood, Lucy E S.B.J. 598 Bronkhurst, Rev. H. V. P. 1591a, 1593, 1603, l6t2 Brooke-Knight, Captain ...B.J. 890 Brooks, Edward P 679d Brooks, William Keith 599a, B.J. 1072, S.B.J. 697 Broome, Lady 2465 Brougham, Henry, Lord 2513, 2539, 2596, 2613, S.B.J. 469 Broughton, Arthur B.J. 423 likoussEAU, G 1798 Brown, Adam B.J. 608 Brown, Charles S.B.J. 357a Brown, Charles Barrington 1574c, 1585. B.J.45» Brown, Charles B B.J. 51 Brown, Prf. Charles W. S.B.J. 677 Bkonvn, J., M.D 343 Brown, Rev. T. J ^S^sO Browne, Rev. Henry S.B.J. 537a Browne, Patrick, M.D B.J. 416 Browne, Patrick S.B.J. 669 Bruce. Sir C:harles, G.C.M.G. 1923 Bruce, C'aptain Peter Henry 587 Brulley 420 Brumkll. J 1558a, i579d Brusse, a. T i486 Bryant, Joshua 1519b Buache. P S.B.J. 188 Buchanan, John B.J. 758 BiciiNER, F 1248, 139S BucHNER, J. H B.J. 129 Buchon. M B.J. 44a BuDAN, A 197 BUELOW, A. VON 938a UiiKELEY, Owen T 2363 BULLEN, F 2474 Burchell, Thomas B.J. 37a HuRCHELL, William Fitz-er ...B.J. 37a Birchett, Mr 1999 Burchett, Mr, 1998 BuKDETT, Sir Francis 2613 Burdett, William S.B.J. 276 BuRGE, William, Q.C 2224, B.J. 52, 676, 838, S.B.J. 470, 473 Burgess, Thomas 2525a Burke, Edmund 2037a Burmeister-Norburg, D 284 Burney, James 2684 Burney, W. H 1842 Burns, M. J 2357 Bi rreau, P 1289 Burton, Robert (or Richard) ... 1988 Burton, Sir Richard F. ...2728,2729, 2743 Burroughs, Cornelius S.B.J. 7 Blstellt-Foscolo, Duca G. de... 914 Butcher, Mrs. T. B B.J. 343 Butel-Dumont, George Marie ... 2038 Butler, Arthur G., F.L.S,, F.Z.S B.J. 1014 Butler. Sir W. F 2738 Buttenshaw, William Roberts, M.A B.J. 778, 1094 Butterworth, H 783 Butts, R. G 15466 Butts, R. G 156JP Buxton, Charles 2670,26/3 Buxton, Thomas Fowell 2657, 2678, S.B.J. 308 156 INDEX OF NAMES. Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell 58a, 2223, 2577> 2639, 2654, 2663a, 2657b, 2672 Byam, George 1043a, 1045 Byam, William 1501, 1502 Byam, Col. William 1510c, 1700a Byers, John 1925 Byers, Prof., M.A., M.D... .S.B.J. 694 Byles, W. Duncan B.J. 244, 945 Byndloss, Elizabeth S.B.J. 287 Byres, James io36h Cabot, Sebastlan 2339 Cabrera, R 736 Caceres, J. M 1075 Caden.a, p. J 1217a C.AiNE, W. R.ALPH Hall S.B.J. 247 Caivano, T 1462 Calcado, E 1387 Calcagno, Francisco 695 Calcano, E 1414 Caldecott, a 2412 Calder, Charles M B.J. 746 Calderon, Louisa 1808, 181 1, 1813 Callahan, J. M 802 Callander, Rev. Thomas B.J. 374 Calvo, J. B 9S8 Calvo de la Puerto O'Farrill, Nicolas 6i8c Camacho, S 1377 Camacho Roldan, Salvador... 115b, 1254, 1270 Cambefort 413 Cambrils, I. DE 1096a Cameron, Major Allan B.J. 100 Campbell, Alexander 2849, B.J. 66 Campbell, Archibald S.B.J. 624 Campbell, Maj.-Gen. Archibald S.B.J. 203 Campbell, Charles S.B.J. 281 Campbell, Major Colin ... 107a, 107b Campbell, Douglas PIoughton B.J. 1074 Campbell, Rev. Duncan Houston BJ. 137 Campbell, John B.J. 651 Campbell, John, LL.D. ...2023a, 2048 Campbell, John, F.R.S.E 26)2 Camppet.l, John 1941 Campbell, John ic8 Campbell 1900a Campbell, Mrs (nee Bournp^ B.J. 71, 512 Campbell, William Alexander S.B.J. 608a Camps y Feliu, F. de 728 Candkijer, H 12-5 Candler, John 478, B.J. 298 Canel, E 766 Canini. J. E 784 Canning,, George 2530,2^82, Canot, C 617b Canot, Theodore 2725 Cantero, Justo G 657 Cappelle, H. van 1743, 1747, 1750- Capper, Thomas, B.A....B.J. 777, 1091 C'apadose, Lt.-Col 2256- Cardenas y Rodriguez, J. M. de 641a Cardwell, Edward, M.P B.J.86- Cardwell, Edward, M.P B.J. 849 Carey, H. C 2175 Carleton, George 672a Carleton, Mary S.B.J. 206 Carlile, Rev. Gavin B.J. 385 Carlile, Warrand S.B.J. 503: Carlile, Rev. Warrand B.J. 385 Carlisle, Charles, Earl of S.B.J. 197 Carmichael, Mrs. A. C. ... 1824, 2220 Carpenter, George H., B.Sc. B.J. 410, 412^ Carver, Mary S.B.J. 272 Cartwright, Charles, M.D. ...B.J. 357 Castelfranc, Rev. Gideon S.B.J. 530a Castell, Rev. William 1975a Castellano, Juan de 1240a: Castillo, N. del 6i8h Castillo, Pedro P. del 1327c Castle, E. W 2807 Castonnet des Fosses, H.... 554, 725 Caspersz, W. V. 2017a Castro, General Cipriano 1475, 1477 Castro, General Cipriano ... 1468, 1473 Castro, Fernandez de 669 Catherwood, F 896b, 1549b (^atesby, Mark 584 Cathcart, John S.B.J. 126 Caulfeild, Colonel James E.W.S. B.J. Ill Caulin, A 1326 Caulin, Fr. Ant 1190 Cave, Otway 26r3 ( avling, H 284 Cazabon, M. J 1829 Cazeneuve, p. de 1394 Cei'Ido, F 313, 727 Ceri'BERR, a. E i77ca Cervera y Topete, Contr.-Almir. P. 243 s Cervantes, P. P 1378 Cespedes y Quesada, C. M. de... 824 Chacon, R 1379 Chadwick, Osbert, C.E., C.M.G. B.J. 208 Chalamelle, E. F 1868 Chalkley, Thomas 21(59 Chalmers, Colonel 436 Chalmers, Thomas 2600 Chambers, G 590 Chambre, Major B.J. 933 Champeau, E 1292 Champlain, Samiel 2289 Chandler, W. E 1084 Chandos, Marquis of 2203 Chaney, E 505 Chanvalon, Thibault de 107 Chapman, M. J 6;a CnAPPLE, Joe Mitchell S.B.J. 6891 INDEX OF NAMES. 157 Chardon, D. M. a 1942 Chaklks, C 918 Charles, Frederick S.BJ.608 Chaklkvoix, p. F. Z. de 3bi CilARMANT, A 576 Charmilly, Col. Venaultde S.B.J. 628 Charmilly, Col. Venault de 443b Charnay, Desire 1090 Chateaudrianu, de 447 Chatterton, C. G B.J. 902 CHAUCEPRAT, C. F 22C-0 CHAZorrE, PtTER S 477 Chenery, C. L S.B.J. 133 Cherrie, G. K. 358a Chesterton, George L 1309 Chetwoou. Wn.LiAM RuFUS 2002 Chkhk, a 1155 Chjtty, ?:dward B.J. 397, 593 Chumaceiro, a. M 1484a, 1492 Cisneros, Evangelino 76S CiSNEROS, F. J 683b Clareno, J. P. 136 Clark, B. C 483a, 485a Clark, C 1527c (LARK, llKNRV JaMES 1843, 1851 Clark, HimERX Lyman B.j. 1026 Clark, J 176 (LARK., Jacob (Archdeacon) 234 Clark, Rev. John B.J. 134 Clark, W. G S.B.J. 256 Clark, VV 222 Clark, W. J 808 Clarke, Charles Pitcher, LL.B. 99 Clarke, John B.J. 136, S.B.J. 288a Clarke, R. E B.J. 809, 810 ( lakke, Samiei 8 Clarke, Sir S 21^6 1'ij\hkson, Thomas ... 420, 2513a, 2516, 2520, 2531a, 2552a, 2554, 2568a, 2575, 2609, 2656a, 2656b, B.J. 21, 841 Clarkson, Thomas 51, 2502, 265()C, 2667a, 2671a Clay, Hon. H B.J. 300 Claxton, Lieut. Christopher, R.N S.B.J. 463a Clements, W. A B.J. 505 Clerk, James Otway B.J. 311, S.B.J. 2 Cleve, P. T 2331a Cleveland, Mr S.B.J. 53 Clifford, Jeronimy 15(8 Cohrett, W 341C CocKHURN, Sir Alexander B.j. 91 CocKBLRN, Frederick B.J. 91 Cockburn, John 882 Co'hrane, Capt. Charles Stuart, R •^' 1^97 COCKERELL, THEODORE D. A., F.Z.S., F.E.S. ...B.J. 401, 402, 404, 542, 921, 1000, 1018, iOi9i 1020, 1022, 1027, 1066, S.B.J.295, 316, 317, 3i9>32i Cocking, Ralph M B.J. 24* ] CoDAzzr, A 1327 ' Codrington, Christopher 1992a i Codrington, Colonel 20"^ ] CoEN, G , 1094 I Coke, Thomas, LL.D 2124 j Coleridge, Hknry Nelson 2181 1 Coleridge, Willia.m Hart ( (Bishop) 60, 67, 68, 69, 1528 Coll v Toste, (.\ayetano 316 ^ COLLENS, J. H 1846, 1879, Collier, J. P 2275 Colliugwood, Col. Francis 245 j Collingwood, wife of Col. Francis I 245 • Collins, Frank Shipley B.J. 1074a 1 Collins, G. N 336a ' Collins, Rev. Wiluam Edward ' S.B.J. 68a I ^OLOM, J 1977 ( OLQIHOUN, A. R (,63,1170- I Columbus, Christopher ... 2196,2283, 1 2312, 2327, 2336,2300,2373, 2377y 2380, 2386, 2388, I B.J. 6-9 ] Colombo, Fernando lybj ( omstock, J. H 1591C i Conant, Franklin Story ...S.B.J. 32a ( onant, Helen S lo^o ! Concha, Jose de la 649d, 677b \ Conder, Josiah 2644 J ( oxolly, E i56^m, 1574I Constable, Captain John, R.N. B.j. 94 \ CONTE, F. A 726 j (Onto, C 1239 i CONTZEN. LkOPOLD 492 Cook, Lieutenant 883 Cook, binlay 266 \ Cooke, Hon. Francis B.J. 573, S.B.J. 441a Cooper, R. Eluot, M. Inst. C.E. B.J. 96a Cooper, Rev. Thomas ...B.J. 37, 39, 41 Cooper, Rev. Thomas.. .B.J. 38, 43, 48 \ Copeland, T. C 32S, S05 ; CoPijN, A 17171 i ( OPPIER, GriLLAUME 19,6 \ CoRBiN, William, T.B S.B.J. 529 | CoRCOS, Rev. J. M 1494, ! S.B.J. 560a ! Cordova, Mich.ael de S.B.J. 641 Cor:al, Francois 2oo2d i Corio Ill, 113, 117 ] CoHK, Rev. JosiAS B.J. 519,758 j Cornish, Vaughan, D.Sc ii86e, 1 S.B.L 68i ' Corrales, M. E 1227 Corrie, Edgar 2^) '< Corry, Joseph 2710 corthell, e. 1 0!^3 i Corton, a 323.797 •; CORTY, E. C S. B.j. 660 j Cory, Charles B., F.L.S.... 5ii,5)7» i 867, 2340, 2364, 2381 j COSMAO-DUMENEZ, S. hi II31 I 158 INDEX OF NAMES. COUDREAU, H. A 1785, 1791, 1792 Courteen, Sir William 9a COURTENAY, REGINALD, D.D., Bishop BJ. 75, 80, 83, 89, 94, 98' 540, 542, 54.'5> 553' 73 ^ 788,789,791,792 Cousin d'Aval 434b Cousins, Herbert Henry, M.A. BJ. 1093, S.BJ. 390, 393, 406 Cowan, David B.J. 85a Cowley, Kakael 692 CowPER, William, M.A. ...S.B.J. 303 Cox, C. T 1614 Cox, Griffith N B.J. 1081 Cox, N i-bqi Cradwick, William •. B.J. 539 Cuaigen, a iSS^d Cranch, John S.B.J. 272 Craskell, Thomas ...B.J. 2ic-2if, 36a Cremielx, a 261T Crespo, General J 1435 Crevaux, J. 1232a, 1780a, 1780b, 1782 Cronise, Florence M 2S01 Cromwell, W. N 1172 Crommelin, May B.J. 901, 993 Ckonev, G. H 10. Ckookall, Rev. 1 16 jS Crooks, J. J: 2788, 2;')9 Cropper, James 2174, 2222, 2513, 2539, 2567, 2572, 2.s<>6 2539. 2568, 2592 Croskery, Rev. Dr. Hugh S.B.J. 553 Crosley, Henry »B.J. 506 Crosse, W. H 2804 Grossman, Col., C.M.G 2877 Grossman, Colonel, R.E. B.J. 729, 732 Crowther, Rev. Samuel 2718 Crouch, A. P 2756 Crouch, Nathaniel 1988 Croze, F. de 166 CRUrCK SHANK, BrODIE 2723 CilUTCKSHANK, J. G IC41 Cruikshank, R. J 2298 CUDMORE, P .:)6o Cuervo. A 1293 Cuervo, A. P 1258 Cullen, Ensign S.B.J. 43 Cult.en, Dr. Edward 1040 Cumberland, Richard S.B.J. 577 Cundall, Frank 2481 B.J. 9, 248, 264, 335, 922, 923, 954, 984, 989, 1 106, S.B.J. 48, 250, 299, 306, 622,666,733,734 CURBELO, J 724 Curran, C. Ribton ...B.J. 741 Curt, de uq Curtis, William Eleroy 1450 CusT, Sir E 2245a CusT, R. J 2299 CUTHBERTSON, ROSAMOND 630a CUYAS, A 767 Dalbemar, J. J 565,574 D'Alhurquerque, Prof. J. P. ... 2431 | Dalby, Thomas 1990 Dallas, Robert Charles B.J. 77, ' S.B.J. 599a, 633 ^ D ALTON, Henry G., M.D 1562 1 Damas. — de 189 j Damas, — de 1946 1 Damas de Marillac, — de 115 , Damas de Marillac, — de 113, 114, 118 \ Dampier, Capt. William... 1030c, 1996 ' Dana, Prof. J. D., LL.D 596c ! Dana, Richard Henry 661 i Dance, Rev. C. D. 1591 I Dance, Ch. D. 1343a i Dancer, Thomas, M.D. ...B.J. 97, 169, , 422, 427, 463, 466, 467, 468, 831 ; Dancv, Sidney 138 DamjoioE, a 1800 , Daniel, E. S loib Daniels, C. W 1611 D'Anvers, Caleb 2008,2009, S.B.J. 213 D'Anvers, Caleb 2010 1 D'Arainville, Arthur 648b ; J3AUHERTEUIL, M. H 370 Daunt, A 1297 Davey, Richard 785 ; Davies, John 1982 j Da VILA, Gil Gonzalez- 1973d Davis, Anthony B.J. 679 | Davis, A. P 972 1 Davis, Daniel GATEWARD(Bishop) \ 229 -. Davis, J 6 ' Davis, Nicholas Darnell, C.M.G., | 92, 100, 102b, i8ob, 145 1, 1607, ; 2345. 2350a, 2359, 2370, 2371, 2379, 2475 Davis, Richard Harding 770, 1449 , Davis, William Darnell 1912a, 1912b i Davy, John, M.D., F.R.S .,. 2281 i Day, Charles William 2273 j Day, Thomas 2505,2508 De Bruijn, H 2664b ; De Cordova, Gabriel Joshua \ S.B.J. 334 i Decius 1815 ! Defoe, Daniel 1886 De Freitas, Manoel 1569J ' De Gijselaar, N.C 1120 * De Geoje, C. H 1750a j De La Beche, Sir Henry Thomas \ F.R.S. ...B.J. 45, 1076, 1077, 1078 I De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas BJ.44 \ De Laet, Joannes 1970 De La Marine, Madame 1783 Delamere, a. R 1865 I Delap, Francis B.J. 95 Deleage, P 516 i Delevante, M iiSia ' De Lisser, Herbert George \ B.J. HOT, 1102, , S.B.J. 665, 722 ' De Lisser, Rose B.J. 828 \ INDEX OF NAMES. 159 Delorme Salto. R 740 Delorme, — 494 Delteil, — 1774 Demarchy, K 1123 De Mercado, D 955 De Montagnac, Noel B.J. 900 De Montirat 1030c Dkmoticcs Philalethe 653a Dendy. Rev. W B.J. 134 Denman, Hon. Capt 2261 Dennett, R. E. 2785; Denniston, Rev. J. M B.J. 387 Dennys, N. B 2297 Dent, Capt. Digby 2033 l^EPONS, V 1304a Depute 1132 Dekgny, Abbe 140 DESCHAMI'S, I' 167 Deschankl, P 1082 Descourtilz, E 2127,2155 Desir, D 5<)2 Des Marchais, Chevalier 1753 Dcsparbes 4'3 Despard. Edward Marcus. ..B. J. 360, S.B.J. 277 De Souza, 1 1607a D'Estrees, Comte 1884a De Suzk, J. A 1856 De Veer, — i495 Des Vceux, J. W ^573^* '953 Des Vceux, Sir William 2442 I;evot, J 553» -S7» Dv. Vkeis, S 1986 De Vries, J. VAN O i7»7a De Weever. Aloysius 1646 De Wever. P ibi4g Dewitz, a. von 281 Diaz, D. J. F 641 Diaz, R 14^0 Diaz Lemos, A. M 1234 Dickson, William, LL.D 43, 51 Didrer, a H04 DioNUM, Andrew Graham B.J. 50 | Dincan, Henry Drago, L. M i46{> Drake, Sir Francis ... 1971, 1974, 2249, 248a Drake. S. A 840 Draper, A. S 803 Draper, Lt. -Col. Edward Alured 1812 Dravton, E. 1922 Dresel, H. G., U.S.N B.J. 1016 Drew, Stephen S.B.J. 536a Drewe, Major Edward 19.H Drohi.let, 1 1067a Drolin-de-Bercy, M B.J. 288 Dr\. C 1092 Drvsdai.e, William 614a Dlaxe. Col. William "97* DntE. (* 5/2 Dt Hois, ti. C 1744 Dii'.nis, Marcei 249od Dinois, V 1098 DrnHOCA, M 434a Di; But, C. H 1134 Du Casse, Admiral B.J. 94 DrCllATEAI-RoGER, E 169 DurHESXK-FoiRNET, J 180I Duck, Thomas S.B.J. 201 Di'coEURjOLV, S. J 435c Dudley, Robert 2421 Dudley, Viscount 2598 DuERDEN. J. E., Ph.D 2452 B.J. 10, 405, 407, 411, 413, 619, 623, 957, 1029, S.B.J. 324.-327. 698-702, 70s, 706 Dufay, 427 Duff, Rev. Robert i565g, 1565k, 1572 Dugommier 204 DuGGAN, Rev. R. A. Cevestus S.B.J. 564 Dumas. A 1116, 1117 DiMDNT, D. E 306 DirAS, — 1135 DlNMAR, V. L •. 768 Dillon, Arthur Dingwall, Rev. D'Invilliers, E. DiNWIUDIE, W. Dixon, George DoBSON, G. F., Dodd, E. a. ... Dodswell, F. (Count) 118 R B.J. 330, 861 V B.J.67e 325 G 162S M.A B.J. 1015 S.B.J. 607 2469 .S.B.J. 243 2434 ...B.J. 1089 601 1793 ....B.J. 656 Francis DODS WORTH doflein, f Doidge, James DoLLEv, Charles S., M.D DOMERGUE, A Donaldson, Rev. Colin . Donunguez, J. de J 309 Doouttle, Thomas S.B.J. 115 DouET, Charles Frederick, D.D. S.B.J. 305 DouGAN, Mr 2831 Douglas, Keith, M.P 2613 Doyley, Colonel Edward ...S.B.J. 6 146, 153. 159 D. D 2209, 2613 2627 Duncan, Rev. Peter B.J. 113, 126, S.B.J. 77 Duncan, P. Martin, M.B. ...B.J. 449 DuNDAS, Hon. Henry 2099 Di ndonald, Archibald Cochrane 9TH Earl of 2097, 2270 DuNLOP, Robert Glasgow 1042 Duperly, Adolphe B.J. 303 Duperly and Sons, A S.B.J. 245 DupoNCHEL, A 1099 DuPONT, A B.J. 418 Dupuis, Joseph 2712 DupoNTEs, P. Chemin 249od DUQUESNE, HERME 133, 261 1 Durand-Molard 120 Durand-Savoyat, M iioo Duron, R. E 934 Du Tertre, Jean Bapti.ste 1979 D'Warris, Fortunatus 219$ Earle, Edward M. B.J. 532, 611, 615 i6o INDEX OF NAMES. "Easel'* 70 East, Rev. David J 2719, BJ. 134 East, Sii E. H 2214 Easton, R 2226a Eastwick, E. B 1332 economiste 1125 Eden, Charles, H., F.R.G.S. ... 2323 Eden, Richard 2339 Edghill, Rev. J. Y 95 Edouaed, E 530 Edwards, — 584 Edwards, Bryan 430, 891, 2095, 2095a, B.J. 24, 76, 282, 927, 928, S.B.J. 449, 574, 575, 627, 629, 630, 630a Edwards, Bryan ,, .S.B.J, 17, 445, 628 Edwards, C. L 609 Edwards, J. L 842 Eggers, Baron H. F. A 280b Ehret, George Dionysius ...B.J. 416 Ehrmann, T. F B.J. 77 EiLOART, E 27'32 Elder, Dempster & Co S.B.J. 258 Eldin, — 4}6 Elgin, James, 8th Earl of ...B.J. 381, S.B.J. 292, 307 Eliot, Edward, B.D. (Archdeacon) 06 Elizabeth, C 2604 Elliot, D. G 2467,2480a Elliot, Martin 102 Elliott and Lazarus B.J, 953 Ellis, Colonel Alfred Burdon 2739* 2742, 2746, 2751, 2757> 2767, 2768, B.J. 107, 974 Ellis, Charles, M.P 2539 Ellis, Rev. John Boi.rne B.J. 147 Elmes, 2667a Elmgren, Gabriel B.J, 1031 Elwes, Robert 2307 Emerson, R. W 2663 Emerson, W. R 2440 Emery, R B.J. 313 Emes, Major Thomas 177b Emmanuel, Edouard 510 Emmekson, p. H 770a Epinay, Adrien 2677 Erba, a 10J4 Erbach, E. zu 1430 Erenchun, F 653b Ernsi, a 1344 Escobar, J. D 1218 Escoffery, John B.J, 668, 676, 677 Esguerra Ortez, Joaquin 1217b Esi.AVA, R. G 7i4> 717 EsPEUT, William Bancroft, F.L.S. B.J. 940 Espeut, W. B B.J. 243 Esquemeling see Exquemelin Esser, M 2781 Estaing, Charles Hector (Count) 366 ESTELLER, A 1423 EsTwicK, Samuel 37, 2056 Etheridge, Robert, F.G.S., F.R.S.E B.J. 451 Etienne, C. P 1242 Exquemelin, Alexander Olivier 2680, 2682, 2683, 2685, 2687, 2691 Evans, H. B B.J. 309^ S.B.J. 229 Evelyn, Lyndon Howard ...B.J. 758 Eves, C. Washington, C.M.G.... 2363, B.J. 602, 604, 980 I'AKKSI.EV, T. F. E i860 1/VRKJ), B 2649 EwEN. William B.J. 854 Eyre, Edward John ...B, J. 81-93, 243, 378, 380, 711, 713, lOOI, S.B.J. 33, 44, 46, 47, 131 F., W. B 24;3 Fabens, J. W 1050b !Sa Forrest, A. S 2477 FOkT V ROLUAN, \ 6»j.) Foktier, K 149 Fortunat, Dantes 518, 527 Foster, Rev. Henry Blaine B.J. 141 Foster, Nuholas i FOUGAINVILLE, — 2611 FoiiLKs, Theodore S.B.J. 223 Fowler, Frank 1646c Fowler, Mr 907a, 2071 Fowler, H 97 Fox, William 26^.y Frances, Jane S.B.J. 272 Francis, Claude 16.29 Francklyn, G. ... 2522, 2523, B.J. 21 S.B.J. 13 Franklin, James 468 Frantzius, Dr. A. von 905a Fraser, L. M 1857, ^8(54 Frasek, S. J 94 Fraser, Mrs. (n6e Webbi) ... B.J. 896, 897,898, 1 105, S.B.J. 721 Freeman, J. J B.J. 122 Freeman, Richard Austin 2782 Freeman, William G., F.L.S. ...2431, • BJ.932 Ireeraan, Mr 207 French, George 208, 208a, 209 Frekk, George 35 Fresle, J. R 1207a Fresneau, a 312a Frey, H 273S Friedrich, G 025 Froebel, Julius 10^5 Froude, James Anthony 2358 Froude, James Anthony ... 2359,2360 S28 •SO 877 '839 t3T8 Fry, Captain Joseph 689 ; Fkye, W\ P 9*ji J Fillarton, Col 1803, 1805 I Fullarton, Col 1802, 1810, i8ia Fuller, Stephen B.J. 637a, 639, j S.B.J. 16 ] FuRSDON, C. A. T B.J. 54a ' Fyfe, Alexander Gordon ...B.J. 509 Fyke and Sinclair S.B.J. 3 , Fyke, Laurence R B.J. 601, 764, i 914, 915,918 i (iACHE, A i4;8 j Gaeuler, L 1083 j CrAKKAREL, PaUL 839,2325 , ('.\(iE, Thomas 197S 1 Gagini, C 1003a 1 Galban, Manuel de J 354b Galindo, a 1295, '354 I (lalpine, Rev. Calvin S.B.J. 268a ; Gallego, T 769 1 Gallenga, Antonio 686 j (iAMIUER, J. W 843 I (lANDARA, J. DE LA 506 Gannett, H Garai'd, L Garcia, G Garcia, G. L Garcia, J, Garcia, Jose Gabriel 439 Garcia, M 1380 CiARciA 1728 Garcia y G.\rcia, — 1215 Gaucon. a 108S (iARDixER, John 260 (;ari)iner, John, B.Sc 601 Gardiner, Captain Richard 104 Gardner, Aston W B.J. 345 Gardner, Rev. William James B.J.5 Gardner, Rev. William James B.J. 978, S.B.J.670 Gardner and Co S.B.J. 260 Gvrdvner, George 1973a (iarnot, — 427 r'.ARRAN-CoULON, — 419 Garkaway, E. G 1958 Garriott, E. B 24.^4 Gauci, P S.B.J. 226 Gaul, Gilbert B.J. 987,991 Gedge, Rev. J. Wycliffe, M.A. S.B.J. 517 Geekling, F. L Gelpi y Ferro, G Gener, B George, C 2796 George, Rev. Thomas Parker S.B.J. 726 Gerbier, Sir Balthazar (Baron DouviLLY) 1700b, 1 700c, i7ood GiBBs, Archibald Robertson ... 909 GiBBS, Sir Philip 46 Gil Foktoul, J 145a Gilbert, B. D B.J. 1071 Gilbert Francis 216 /J* 718 656 1 62 INDEX OF NAMES. Gilbert, Francis 216 Gilbert, James Stanley 1182 Gilbert, J. T i568d, i56;)g Gilbert, Nathaniel 216 GiLTi, Ph. S 1711 Gill, Theodore 1833 Gill, W. B S.B.J. 420 Gillespie, Major-General Sir Robert Rollo B.J. 364a Gillies, Rev. William, D.D. B.J. 542, 790 Gillies, Rev. William, D.D. B.J. 964, S.B.J. 304 GiLLPATRICK, W. W 2337a Gilpin, W. M 1911 GiRAiD, F. J 1762 Giraud-Ch.\ntrans, — 2078 GiRSEWALD, K. VON 966 Gishorne, T 2513 GiSBOKNE, L 1050 Gladstone, John, M.P 2539 Gladstone, W. F. 2263, 2269 Glaisher, Ernest H 159S Glenelg, Lord 2241,2628, B.J. 59, 60 Glover, Mr 2058,2059,2060 Godbijry, John S.B.J. 611 Godman, F. D., D.C.L 1069a Godwin, Rev. Benjamin 2614 GoEBEL, E. 2750 Goering, a 1432a Goldie, Sir G. T 2771,2772 Gomez, F 817 Gomez, J. G 314 GoNTNo, J 1090 Gonzalez, Felix 6i8d Gonzalez Alcosta, L 752 Gonzalez Carranza, Domingo ... 2018 Gonzalez de Barcia, Andres ...8386, 2021b Gonalez Font, J 336 Gonzalez Guinan, F 1419 Goodman, Walter OtS5 Goodman, H 68id Gordon, Alexander B.J. 931, S.B.J. 638 Gordon, Charles, Bishop B.J. 157, Gordon, G. B 922b Gordon, George William ...B.J. 505 Gordon, George William B.J. 81, 93, 379, S.B.J. 37, 42 Gordon, Major John 2109, S.B.J. 57 Gordon, Rev. R B.J. 330 GoviN Y Torres, A 308 Gorrie, John B.J. 84 Gosse, Philip Henry, F.R.S. B.J. 396, 398 Gosset, Bereskord Smylie ...B.J. 542 GoviN Y Torres, A 705. 7'3 GouY, — 1772 Grabham, Michael, M.A., M.B. B.J. 542, 1027, S.B.J. 708 Grahame, James 2556 Graham, Rev. John H. H. ...B.J.80S Graham, R. B. Cunninghame ... 878, 1467 Grail\m, Rev. Willl\m...B.J. 803, 805,. 806,811, S.B.J. 566 Grainger, J.\mes 2051,2105,2107 Grange, Lucie S.B.J. 693 Grant, James B.J. 893 Grant, Sir John Peter ...B.J. 715, 978, S.B.J. 300 Grasse, Comte de 2073,. S.B.J. 54 Graves, J 583 Gray, Alexander S.B.J. 263 Gray, Rev, C. F B.J. 791a Gray, Hugh 2128 Gray, Samuei B.J. 882 Grayson, Vice-Admiral S.B.J. 50 (iREAVES. W. H 98 Grp:en, Lt. -Commander F. M., U.S.N 23.9 Green, Samuei S.B.J. 76 I Greene, Benjamin 2609 I Grecnhough, Rev. J. G., M.A. I B.J. 388 ! C.REEXOUGH, Rev. T i586f I Gregoire, Henri (Count)... 378,2531, I 2553 Grey, Earl 1557 I Gre3% Earl 64 Grieve, Symington 183c C.RIKFING, J. R 844 Griffith, Lieut. William G.... S.B.J. 287 Griffith, Sir William Brand- ford B.J. 746- Griffith, Rev. William B.J. 527 Crignon, Colonel S.B.J. 30 Grillet, John 1505 Grhxo, M 1299 Grimestone, Edward G 1964 Grisebach, a. H. R. M.D., F.L.S. 2303, B.J. 434 Groot, J. M 1250 Gros, J 1708 (^RosE, C. B 1608 Grosett, J. R., M.P 2539, S.B.J. 222 Grosourdy, Ren.'Vto de 2302 Grotius 1074 Guerrero, R 737 Guerrero, T 6/3 Guet, M. 1 151 GuiLDiNG, Rev. John 1927 GuiLDiNG, Lansdown i93oa guillermin, g 4430,444 Guinan, G 1464 GUITERAS, p. J 672 Gumilla, Joseph 1304 GUPPY, R. J. Lechmere ...1869, i88ia, 24901 GiiRNEY, Joseph John ... 2246, B.J. 839. GusTAFSON. A 1077 GusTAvus, Vassa 254 J INDEX OF NAMES. l6j. Guzman,, A. L 1352 <;l;tikrkkz de Alua, J. M 1328 i Gutierrez de Rubacadra, Jose. ..2032a GUTIKRRKZ SoniAL, J -^h-j Guzman, A. 1 1354 Hack. William B.J. 68, 87, S.B.J. 191 Haddon, a. C, M.A., D.Sc. B.J. 10 Hagan, a 799 Hackett, James 1307b Hakewiu., James B.J. 290 A. [Ialhlrstaut, ilALE, H. C. Hauucrton, R. G., Haix ..; Ham., a. 1) A. M Ham.. Ham., Ham., Hai.l, Hall, Hall, "74 Q.C. B.J. 859 • 34. 1900a, 2849 .322, 7'H 260J; v'hari.es \V 12S/ Kdwari) T 23j6 Golonel Fran'CIS 1195 John S.B.J. 117 M.\XWELL, M.A. B.J. 458, 459 S.B.J. 136, 348 Hall, MaxweV B.J. 65a Hall, Rev. R 2589 Hallam, G B.J. 579 Hallev. Robert 20.^I Hallioay. Sir Andrew, R.H., M.D., K.R.S.E 2230 Hallowes, Maj. -General Henry Jardine B.J. 966, S.B.J. 64 Halstkad. Mitkat 332, -45, 809 Hamilton, Admiral Lord Archi- bald B.J. 353, 354 Hamilton, Col. J. P 1198 Hamm, Margherita a 326 Hancock. Dr 152, a Hancock, J. 1538 Hand, T. W 1^3 Handelmann, Heinrich 489 Handelmann, J 487a Hanna, Rev. S. W 476 Hannay, David 23')4 Hansen, C. M. 289 Hanson, Francis B.J. 282 Haraine, Fr 1394 Harcolrt, H 852,857 Harcolrt, Robert 1499 Hardy, Iza Difkus 851 Harford, John S. D.C.L 2670b Harford-H.attersby, C. F 2774 Hargrave, Mr B.J. 17 Harley, Sir Edward S.B.J. 193 Harper, G i565g Harris, J. M 2745 Harris, W. R 24-2 Harris, William, F.L.S. B.J. 1068 Harrison, Frederic B.J. 392 Harrison, John Burchmore, C.M.G 1645a, 1646c Harrison, Thomas B.J. 52a, 53a, 57, 86 Harrissk, Henry 2336 Harshbercer, John W. ... B.J. 1075 Hart. Francis Russell, F.R.S.S. 1855, 2482 Hart, John Hixchley 1844, 1845, 1848, 1853, 1854, B.J. 766, 1046, 1047, 1050, 1053, S.B.J. 332 Hart, Miss 591 Harte, Rev. William Marshall. ..55a Hartman, C. V 1023 Hartmann, — 483 Hartsinck, Jan Jacob 1708 Harvey, Thomas ...2240, B.J. 63, 317 Harvey, T. C 504 Harvey, W. W 465 Hassam, J. T : 611 Hatchard, John 221 Havelaar, J 1496 Haven, G 689a Hawker, Robert 2509 Hawkes, Dr. J 2304 Hawtayne, George Hammond, C.M.G 1595 Hay, J 1913 Hay, Sir John Dalrymple 2737 Hay, L. G 1893 Hayes. C. W Hewett, Capt. J. F. Napier, F.R.G.S 27^7 i64 INDEX OF NAMES. Heyrick, Elizabeth 2579 Hir.BERT, George 2550 Hibbert, Cxcorge ... B.J. 41 S.B.J. 635 Hibbert, R B.J. 38, 39 HlCKERINGILL^ EdMUND B.J. 266 Hicks, Colonel George S.B.J. 401, 524, !;26, 528a HiGGiNS, Bryan, M.D B.J. 503, S.B.J. 373 HiGGiNS, Rev. Henry H 2320a HiGGiNSON, Thomas Wentworth S.B.J. 29, 649 HlLDRETH, R B.J. 845 Hildyaru, G. G 2459 Hill, H. R 1041 Hill, Richard 470, 624, 2513, B.J. 238, 262, 312, 319, 395, 396, 398, 1002-1012, S.B.J. 310-312, 468, 546, 548, 040 Hill, Robert T. 329, 1017, 1162, 2416, B.J. 454 Hill, Robert T B.J. 67c, 67d Hillary, W., M.D 30a HiLLHousE, William 1521, 1527 HiLLHOLSE iS-^/b HiLLis, John D., F.R.C.S 1590 Hillsborough, Earl of i8q6, 1897 Hinchcliffe, E. C B.J. 607 HiNCHCLlFFE, W. G S.B.J. 565 HiNCKS, Francis 2669 Hinds, W. H i646d Hinton, John Howard, M.A. B.J. 371, S.B.J. 288 HiPPISLEY, G 1514a Hirst, Dr. George S. S., M.B. S.B.J. 372, 623a Hitchcock, Alhert S B.J. 1064, 1065, '^^12) Hobart, Eord 1804, 1805 HonsoN, Lieut. R. Pearson 813 Hoby, Dr. James B.J. 370 Hocking, Sir Henry Hicks B.J. 733 Hodge, Arthur 274 Hodges, James 1026, 1031 Hodgson, Adam 2571 Hodgson, Capt. Studholme 2233 Hodgson, Lady 2795 Hogg, James Maitland 2602 HoLDEN, Luther L B.J. 992 Holder, A 906 Holmes, W. H 156/a HoLTON, L F 1207 Hood, E. P B.J. 708 Hood, Sir Samuel 2394 Hood, Sir Samuel 1811 Hooker, W. J. ... B.J. 1039, 1041, 1042 Hooper, E. D. M B.J. 439 Hooper, F. A S.B.J. 397 HopKiRK, J. G 471b, 2216 Hort, a 956 HoRTENSio i374> 1374a HoRTON, A. B 2730 HoRTON, Sir R. J. W 1524,2184 Horton, Sir R. J. W 2185,2186 KoRTON, William, M.P. 2613 HoRSi-oRD, Rev. John 2286 Hosack, William B.J. 820 ilOUGHTON, L. S 853 Houston, James, M.D 2034 HovEY, Sylvester 2238, B.J. 295 Howard, Albert, B.A 2431 Howard, J. H 2192 Howard, Robert B.J. 1037 Howard DE W^alden B.J. 511 Howe, Mrs. J. W 062 Howe, Samuel, Dr. G 253b Howell, J 1565P Howell, J. E S.B.J. 297 HowiCK, Viscount 26^3 Hubbard, Gardiner Greene S.B.J. 676 liUHER, B 626 Hur.ERicH, C. H 1176 Hue, F 17S6 Huggins, E 264 HicGTNS, H. C 269 Hughes ^^525^ Hughes, Rev. Griffith, A.M. ... ' ji Hugues, Clovis 1158 Humbert, J 1479 Humboldt, Alexander von 626, 653, 1 192 Hume, Hamilton B.J. 380 Hume, John 2065 Hunt, Benjamin J 489a Hunt, J., Ph.D 2513 Hunter, John, M.D B.J. 464, S.B.J. 355, 357 Huntley, Sir Henry Vere 2721 Hi pi'enbauer, D 2776 Hfrlbut, W. H 651 Hurst, T. W w^o^ Huskisson, William 2513, 2539 Hutchings, Mary Ann B.J. 367 Hi'TCHiNsoN, Lincoln 1303a Hutton, William ....2711a IIuYSHE, (Japt. G. L 2732 Hyams, Abraham S.B.J. 486 Hylton, Kitty S.B.J. 26 1?:tersdorf-Klasten, Gustavo von i982g Iles, J. A. B 270 Illiers, Henry 2084a Imberno, p. J 731a IM Thurn, Sir Everard F., M.A., K.C.M.G. 1584b, 1586a, 1589c, 1592 Ingham, Bishop E. G 2396, 2770 Inglefield, Capt. J. N 2135 Ingraham, J. H 2254a Inkle 283S Innes, — 2539 Innes, William 2624, 2714 iNNTS, L. 1880 INSUA, W. A 826 Ireland, W. A 1636 Irving, Edward 264s Irving, T 2513 Irving, Washington 2196 Isambert, Henry 431b INDEX OF NAMES. 165 IVES, C 597a IvKS, R. H B.J. 185 IviMKY, Joseph 2634 IZAGLIRKK, J. M 746 J.. W. E S.B.J. 275 Jackson, Charles Hamilton ...B.J. 383 Jackson, John 2254b Jackson, Robert, M.D. B.J. 369, 465 Jackson, T. B 1878 Jackson, Whxiam VValrond (Bishop) 231 Jacql'EMIN, Le Citoyen i7(xj Jacqiin, Nicholas Joseph 2043, 2047, 2070, B.J. 417 Jahav, Henry 926, 1286 Jahn. a 1479c James, Alexander MacGregor B.J. 826 Jameson, Rev. William B.J. 377 Tamio^«'n. T is^Soa Janvier, L. J.... 501, 502, 503, 508, ki3. Tarrett, Samuel B.J. 773 Jarier, I)e Mendoza i32(>a Jauhert, EnouARDE E 341a Jav, E. a. H 2d3o Jay, W. M. L 683a JEAKKRESON. J. CORDY 2 J22 Jeffrey. W. J i«;69i Jeffervs,Thomas 2045, 2061, 2074, 2075, ^•J- 3o> 32. 33, 33a, 36 Jeffrey-Smith, Una B.J. 87^ jEKYix. Walter S.B.J. ';98 Jelly. Thomas B.J. 842 Jelski. K 1796 Jenkins, Mrs. (n^e Jackson) ...B.J. 889 Jenkins. Edward iqv7 Jenman. George Samuel B.J. 436, 1041;, 1049, 1051, 1052, 1063, S.B.J. 337 Jennings. J 4 Jennyns, J. Clayton 1513a, 2607 Jereme, John ! 1949 Terenr^. |oV>n iq^o JOANNiNi, Frank L 1180 BJ. 3^s Johnson, Capt. Charles 2689 Johnson, Charles W B.J. 102 1 Johnson, Duncan, S S.B.J. 707 Johnson, Eleanor S.B.J. 287 Johnson, W. F ii8Tb Johnston, George P 1178a Johnston, James, M.D. ... S.B.J. 262, 370, 646a. Johnstone, James S.B.J. 239 Johnstone, Col. Hon. Andrew Cochrane 177 Johnstone, J. M 1558c Jones, Mrs 223 Jones, L i6T4a Jones. T. F. E 2811 Jopp, Dr S.B.J. 361 Jordan 479 Jordan, David Starr B.J. 1024 Jordan, G. W 2539, 2563 JosA. Rev. F. P. 1 1600 Joseph, E. L 1826 Josephs, Matthew S.B.J. 58a ■ Ji.AN V Santacilla, Jorge 203a i Judah, Auraham B.J. 705 | JuDAH, George Fortunatus B.J. 247, S.B.J. 68 j llSTAMOND, J. O., F.R.S 2057 JlSTIN. J 358, 556, 561 ' Kalh. C. de 961a Kai'I'Lkr, a 1723, 1732 ' KxKSTKN. Hermann 1391 1 Kaikman, E. B 799 j Kave. Sir John William B.J. 375 , Kean, Mr. and Mrs. (Jharles S.B.J. 641 I Keane. a. H., B.A. 1069,2439,2755a I Keasbey, L. M 964, 967b \ Keiffc, P. H B.J. 76b : Kkim 3S3 Keith. Sir Basil, B.J. 783 , Kkli.kk. W «;7o, 2438 j Kelly. J S.B.J. 225 KEMEVs, John Gardner 2076, B.J. 574 \ KriMi'. Denis 2784 : Kennan, G 164,165,815 I Kennedy, A 2429 \ Kennedy. Capt. W. R., R.N. ... 2343 , Kennett. Bishop White 2012a ] Kerr. David B.J. 118 ' Kerr, Captain S.B.J. 51 Ketley, Rev. Joseph 1525b, 15290, »53»c Keye. Otto i7ooe Keymis, Lawrence 1498a KiDD, Joseph B B.J. 299 KiDD, W. J B.J. 46, 78 i Kimball, J. Horace 2236, B.J. 64 \ Kimball, Richard B 354,2307b j KiMnERLEY, Earl S.B.J. 486 ' King, Rev. David, LL.D. ... B.J. 456 King, G 874 ; King, Joseph 259 \ King, William, D.C.L B.J. 271 | King, William S.B.J. 351 | KiNGDON, Rev. B. Bayly B.J. 482 1 Kingsley, Rev. Charles 2315 ' KiXGSLEY, Mary H. 2778, 2785, 2786, ; 2787 ; Kingsley, Z 476b Kirby, a. H., B.A., 2431 ! Kirkby. Colonel Richard B.J. 94, j S.B.J. 265 I KiRKE, Henry 1579c, 1637 1 Kirke, V 1606 ' Kitchin, Thomas B.J. 25b, 28a, 29, 83 ' Klein, Patrick B.J. 502 i Kloos, j. H 2365 * Knibb, Rev. William B.J. 79, 80, 113, \ 120 I Knibb, Rev. William 2679, \ B.J. 370,371. 373.388, I S.B.J. 288, 298, 538 ] Knight, James S.B.J. 148-151, 171 4 i66 INDEX OF NAMES. Knight, Joseph S.BJ. 274 Knight, Dr. W .....1589(3 Knollis, Humphrey B.J. 12 Knox, John P. i ..„ .280. Knowles, Commodore Charles 2028, 2033, S.B.J. 125, 159, 438 Knutsford, Viscountess 2676a KoEP, C. 107;! KOL, H. VAN 1471 > 2462 KOI-LEWIJN, A. M 1488 I.., r. 1 174 La Barde, Sieur. de 1984 I-A Barre, Le Feuvre de 1752 Larat, Jean Baptiste 1753,2003 Labatt, Philip C B.J. 760, S.B.J. 639 I.ABODRIE, P. J., LL.D 433 L.ABRA, Raphael M. de 4963,731,738, 740 La Charrjere, — . de 2(111 I >achariere 1 28, 1 30 Lacomp-e, — 483 Lacoste, Perfecto 830a Lacroix 1332a Lacroix, Pamph. de 452a Laforest, a. S.B.J. 242 Lagerheim, G B.J. 1054, 1061 Lamijert, K. vS 2297a Lameda, T 1461 Landaeta Ro sales, M 1407, 1461, 1477a Landes, G 153 Landre, Dr. C. E. D. ... i573f, 1717I Lan(;kord, Jonas 206 Lanier, S 841 LANS. W. H 1765a Laplante, Eduardo 657 La Plaza, R. de 1373 Lardner, H. H 2760 Larifaudiere, — 2611 Laroche, 1 509 Larpent, Sir George 2168 Larrazabal, V 1327a 1332b Larrinaga, F. G. de 702 Lartique, — 1765 La Rue 1758 Las Casas, Bartolome DE...1965, 2318, 249oh Las Casas, — 2311 Lascroux, — 162 La Selve, E 202 Latane, J. H 777 Lathy, Percy J B.J. 412a LATROI3E, C. J 2234,2847 B.J. 66, 756 Laumann, E. M 2769 Lavaysse, Jean Francois D.-^uxion »307 Laverde Amaya, 1 1222, 1406 Lavalette, Pere de 2042 Law, Edward, afterwards Lord Ellenborough B.J. 163 Lawaetz, H 288b Lawrence-Archer, Captain James Henry 2317, S.B.J. 179^ Lawson, Robert B.J. 480- Layman, Captain, R. N 2116 Lavard. Mrs. Granville 2351 I-KA. ] 2175 Lea, P B.J. na Leard, John S.B.J. 56 LElUiE, R iioi Lkhlond, — 1764 Leborgne, — 423 Lecesne, Lewis Celeste B.J. 668, 676,, 677 Lk Chenalier 1767 Ledri'. Anj)re Pierre 297 Lee, Mrs. Lionel B.J. 264 Lee, William Rastrick B.J. 714, 716 Lee Warner, Sir William, K.C.S.L S.B.J. 308a I^franc de Saint-Haulde, P 440 Lekroy, C. K 1522a LE(iER, J. N 514,580a Lkcier. E 171,205 Le(;ion 2631,2632 Le(;itime, F. D 504> 534 Legitime, General 534 Le Hirhec, D 2372 Lejanne, E 1232a Leith. Sir James 2539 Lemuerg, P 2748 r>EMi{?:YE, J 644 Lemire, C 1177 Lemoine, a 1109 f.EMos, Angel 1280 Lempriere, William S.B.J. 358: Lemi s, Manuel 923 Lennox, Arthur, F.G.S. ...B.J. 451 Leon, ('arlos 1445 Leon, Eml. X B.J. 862, 863 Leon Pinelo, A. de 733 Leonard 204 Le Selve, E 497, 525 Leslie 805a Leslie, Charles ... B.J. i, S.B.J, i Lesseps, C, de 1130 Lesseps, F. de 1130 Lp:ster, G 610, 798 Leveille, J 1784 Level, A 1358a, 1364 LK\Kh DE GODA, L 1455 Levi, Leone 2301 1 Levien, Sidney S.B.J. 614, 615 Levy, Charles B.J, 739 Levy, George B.J. 544 Levy, P 948 Lewis, Matthew Gregory, M.P. B.J. 291, 930 Lewis, S 2747 Lewton-Brain, L., B.A 2431 Leyva y Aguilera, H .C 2369 LinuRD, T 272 Liddell, Colin B.J. 59-64 LiGON, R s, a8 Light, Governor 1537 Lightbourn, J. N 2428 INDEX OF NAMES. 167 I l.KTTKNBKRO, H 1749 LiLUE, Rev. G i567f I.ii.i.iNc.sTON. Col. Like iqqS Lillingston, Col. I ic)C)q Lilly, Col. Chbistian S.B.J. 158 Lilly. Colonel Christian...B.]. 71, 72b, 77 LiNDO, Abraham ... B.J. 721, 727, 8j;o LiNDO. A. A B.J. 836 LiKusAY, Rev. John, D.D. B.J. 783, S.B.J. 169 LiNSCHOTEN, Jan Hlijghen van...i()64, I ()66 Linstant-Pradine, — .... 482,512,528 Lisle, Rev. George S.B.J. 74 LrxTLKTON. Kdward 10 Livingstone, William Pringlk B.J. 864 Li.ORKNs Torres. 1 320 Li.ovi). Lieut. -Col. J. A 1047 Llovo, William, M.D 2231 LonLKY, J. 1 168 LonscHKii). Rev. W 1 56701, i572d LocKK, W. J. ... 2393,2402,2403,2404 2414, 2425, 2451, 2455, 2478 LOEWENSTERN, J 638 Logan, John A 68ic Lombard, T. R 915 Long, Charles ... B.J. 13, S.B.J. 171 Long, Charles Edward ... B.J. 685, S.B.J. 691 Long, Edward 2503, B.J. 2, S.B.J. 9, 140-147, 160, 162, 165, 168, 173, 17S LoN';. E. C 845 LONSTRETT, THOMAS B 2254b Lopez, General Narciso 64f^a Lord, S.B.J. 613 LoRNE, John, D.S.C, Marquis of 2308 Loth. — 1741 I Lopez de Gomara, Francisco ... 1961 \ Lopez de Haro, Damiano (Bishop) 296 \ LoPEZ-TiERO, F 318, 743 j Loscombe. Colonel A. R. ... S.B.J. 67 : LOTZ, G 622 i Lowe, Joseph 2119,25391 LOWERY, W 875 Lowndes, John *. 2114 LowTHER, Robert 23 | Lucas, A 1137 j Lucas, Sir Charles Prestwood, K.C.M.G., 2374 Lucas, D. B 965 ^ LucKOCK, Rev. B B.J. 67 Ludlow, J. M B.J. 709 , LUNAN, John B.J. 429, 667 ) LuNAN, John, Jr B.J. 675! Lukfman, John 217 ' Lushington, W 2122 I LusHiNGTON, Dr. Stephen 2610, 2626, j B.J. 835 LussAN, Ravexeau de 2688, 2691 I Lusty, F. C 2679 ! Luierne, Count de la 187, 387 LtzoN, A 778 Luzon, J 778 Lynch, Mrs. Henry (n6e Ellen | Fori.KS, B.J. 376, 818, 883, 884, I 885, 887, 888, S.B.J. 60a Lynch, Sir Thomas B.J. 625, S.B.J. 159 j Lynch, Sir Thomas B.J 267, S.B.J. 201 ! Lyttelton, William nENRY...B.J. 282 \ S.B.J. 145 ] I .M'AkTHLR, Rev. J '569c \ M'( ALIXM, PlKRRE F 1806 I McCann, p. a 2814a •MacCarthy, Sir Charles aSaa McCarthy. John, h.C!,S 2349 McCartney, Lord 2537 McCarty. C. T 609b MACArr.AY, Zachaiy 2168, 2172, 3228, 2539 ] Maraulay, Zachary 2139, 2561, 2676a I M MartiiNEz, C 137a Martinez, P. M, 932 Martinez Lopez, E 928 Martinez de Campos, Julian F....6i8i Marvin, Prof. C. F. S.B.J. 679 Marwick, William B.J. 390 Maskfield, John 2703 Maskea, Colin 2613 Mason, George 2694 Mason, O. T 200a Masse, E. M 623 Massee, George B.J. 442, 1055 Mathison, Gilbert 2186, B.J. 286 M\thon, E. 535 Matthewman, L. de V. ... S.B.J. 687 Matthews, Admiral S.B.J. 164 Matthews, Mrs. C 21 13 Matthews, F 806 Matthews, Lieut John 2704 Maunsell, Samuel Edward, Brigade-Surgeon B.J. 496 Maurel, E. C. E 1790 Mauncius, J. J , 1718 Mavor, William, LL.D. 2134 Maxwell, James, M.D. B.J. ^05, 470, S.B.J. 227 Maxwell, J. R 2382 Maxwell-Lefroy, H., B.A 2431 May, N 2342 Mavcock, J. D 62 Mayer, B 2725 Mayhew, Rev. William, M.A. S.B.J. 537b, 552 Mayner-y-Ros, Jose 730, B.J. 491, 493 Medina, C 970 Medfna, Jose Maria 904 Medina, J. T 833 MeETEREN, J. M. W. VAN 1724 Meeteren, Westerouen van 1728 Meignan, Victor 2321 Meliora" 79 Meivill, General 1895, 1897, 1898 Mej.ville, F. J 578 Membreno, a 930 Menendez Caravia, J 759 Mercator, Gerardus B.J. 2 Merchan, Rafael M 748, 771 Meredith, PIenky 2713 Mere wether, Mr. Sergeant B.J ^82, S.B.J. 471 Merian, M. Sibyi.le 170^0 Merrick, Rev. Richard ... S.B.J. 288a Metcalfe, Sir Charles Theophilus Bart B.J 375, 689, 690 Metcalfe, Sir Charles Theophilus, Bart, B.J. 368 Mialhe, F 637 Michaud, L. G 1761 MicHETiN. Henri E 37oa, 370b Middleditch, Rev. T B.J. 367 Miller, ]. M 159. Millet, G 734 MiMJCAN, A 1159 MiLLSPAUGH, Charles Frederick 288a, 61 sa INDEX OF NAMES. 169 II M'l.MAK, Capt 2272 Milne, Capt, R. N 2849, B.J. 66 Milne-Holme, Mary Pamela (nee Ellis) B.J. 867, 2375 MiLNER, T. H B.J. 297 Milroy, Gavin, M.D. 2874, B.J. 475, S.B.J. 360 Mils, — 427 Mimande, P 1133 MiNOT, George S 1892 Minot, James B.J. 706, 714 MiRAHEAU. Count de 392 MlSMKR, C 147 Mitchell, Hon. Hector ... S.B.J. 359a Mitchell, Hon. Hector ... B.J. 471, 472, MiTCHi.NSON, John (Bishop)... 86, 90 MiTJANS, A 730a Mockler, Ferryman, Major A. F., F.R.G.S 2791a MODERs, Mary S.B.J. 206 MoE, Alfred K 936a MOESCHLER, H. B 311, B.J. 399 Moissac, T^arrot de 11 1 MoiSTER, Rev. William 2266, 2307a, 2334 MOLENGRAKK, — 1487 Molina, Fki.ipo 975» 975a» 075^ Moll, Herman B.J. 13, 14 Mollien. G 1193 Moloney, C. A 2744, 2752 MoNAGAS, D 1432 Monagas, J. G 1443 Monagas, Jose Tadeo i327d MoNCALA, J. M 933 Monckton, Maj.-Gen 108 MoNDEsiR, Richard ... 193, 194, 195, 2611 MONKT. H 148 MONEYPENNV, Col. ALEXANDER ... 617C Montagu, Duke of 1940 MONTALVO. J i3s8b Montaigne de Nogaret, Charles S. 2002c MONTANARO, Lt.-Col. A. F 2792 Monte y Tejada, Antonio del ... 349 montekiore, a 856 Montero Barrantes, Francisco 996, 1001, 1002 Montgomery, James 2130, 2556 montirat, de io25 montcle, e 2154 Moody, Major 2S29, 2831 Moore, — 2309 Moore, F. F 2458 Moore, John, M.D 2ioSa Moore. Rachel VV 2309 Moore, S 45 Moore, Thom.as C, A.S.M. B.J. 762 Morales y Morales, V 827,832 Morazan, General F 928 MoREAU DE Joannes, Alexandre 122, 123,2151 Moreau de S.aint-Mery, Meredic * I- 341C Moreau de Saint-Mery 376 MoREjoN Y Gato, Antonio 6i8e Morel, E. D 2798 MoRELKT, Arthur de 1065 Morell de Santa Cruz, Pedro A. 631a Moreno, F 721 Moreton, J. B S.B.J. 216 Morgan, Sir Henry B.J. 268, S.B.J. 691 Morgan, W S.B.J. 230 MowiN. Alexandre E 2()7a Morit/.en, Julius B.J. 1097, 1103 Morris, Assistant-Surgeon ... S.B.J. 43 Morris, C 807 Morris, Sir Daniel, K.C.M.G. 603, 609c, 910, 2328a, 2355a, 2431, B.J. 437. 43^. 442, 518, 522, 523. 526, 530. 598, 1048, 1060, S.B.J. 329, 379, 648 I Morris, Rev. David R. B.J. 795, 824, I S.B.J. 94, 95, 543, 581 Morris, I. N 1457,2406 ; MOKKIS. MownRAY 2441 j Morris, M. O'Connor ... S.B.J, 294 | Morris, Valentine 1926 \ Morrison, W. K 2431 Morrison, William, M.A. S.B.J. 588 ^ Morse, E. S 1160 \ Morson, Henry 2248, 2659 Mortimer, G. F. W 2640 ! .moshach, a 498 Moselky, Benjamin, M.D. 2084,2104, 2108, B.J. 462, 501, i S.B.J. 353, 356 I Moses, Bernard 1277 ! Mosquera, T. C. de 1206, 1208 MoTA, Manuel de R 351 MoTEZON, — 1771 ' MoucHOT, P iioa ' Moin.D, Alex, M B.J. 148, 946 i MOURIE, — 1778 ' MOXLY, J. H. S 91 Mf'EI.LER, W 787 \ MUENCH, E r2oia | MuLGRAVE, Earl of S.B.J. 634 MuLLER, Carl B.J. 1069 j MULLER, J. E 1733 I MuLRY, Rev. p. E. X., S.J. B.J. 990 J MuNCASTER, Lord 2537a ' McNoz, Juan B^utista 2094 1 Munro, W., M.D., CM 270a Munster, Sebastian 2339 I Murdoch, J. B 599 ] Murray, David B.J. 102 Murray, Sir George 2613, B.J. 676 Murray, Sir George, G.C.B. 2613, 2202, 2209 Murray, H. A 655a Murray, Henry G. ... S.B.J. 232, 597 i Murray, Henry G B.J. 855 Murray, John B.J. 677 ; Murray, Maj.-Gen. John i5i'^» ' Murray, W. C B.J. 868, .874 \ Murray-Aaron, Dr. E 2302 , MURVIEDRO, J. J. DE 760 j Mury, P 179^ ] 170 INDEX OF NAMES. MusGRAVE, Sir Anthony/ K.C.M.G. , BJ. 325 I Musgrave, Sir Anthony ... B.J. 384a | MusGRAVE, George Clarke 801, 822a, | 2775 I Musgrave, T. B. C i935 i MussoN, Samuel Paynter B.J. 914 i Myers, C. S S.B.J. 598 Myngs, Captain Christopher B.J. 112 | N., N 1980 I Naar, Benjamin S.B.J. 63 Nascher, Freidrich W 6i6b , Nash, Alfred G., C.E., B.Sc. j B.J. 960, 1080a i Nash, Franch.la B.J. 323 Nassau, Rev. R. 11 2810 I Nathan, A. McDowell B.J. 618, S.B.J. 386 Nau, Baron Emh^e 486a Navarkete, Martin Fernandez 2179 Navser, S 543 Negrin, J 674 Neish, James, M.D. ... B.J. 524, 531 Nelson, H 2298 Nelson, R. J 593 Nelson, Wolfred 1106 Nelson, VV 1093 Nelson, Colonel B.J. 85, 91 Netscher, Peter Marinus 1605 Neumann Gandia, Kduardo 317 Newcastle, Duke of 2292, B.J. 562, 563 Newton, Sir Edward, M.A. K.C.M.G. B.J. 391 Nibaut, E 1781 Nichelena, F 1438 Nicholas, F. C 2457 Ntcholls, Dr. Henry Alfred Alford, C.M.G., M.D. 2391, 2431, B.J. 76Qa Nicholson, Sir Charles A. S.B.J. 580 NiCKOLLS, Rev. R. B 2513 NicoLSON, Bartholomaeus 369 Niederlein, Gustavo 967a, 1016 . NiMAL, H. DE 758 NissEN, Johan Peter 270 Noel, Baptist Wriottesley B.J. 88 NoRiE, J. W 1513.2255 Norman, A S.B.J. 237 Norman, Sir H. W 1841 Norman, Sir Henry Wylie G.C.B. S.B.J. 308a, 695 Norman, C. F 2347 Normanby, Constantine Henry, Mar- quis of B.J. 838 Norris, Sir John S.B.J. 164 Northcroft, G. J. H 615b Norton, A. J 821 Norton, Charles Ledyard 859 Nouvion, Victor de 1770 Nugent, Maria, Lady B.J. 296 Nunez, Ricardo 1247, ''286 Nuttall, Enos, D.D., Archbishop of the West Indies B.J. 137, 14c;, I";!, 152, i57» 158, i59» 163, 165, 166, 797, 798, 799. 800, 804, 812, 937, 955 S.B.J. 520, 528, 557, 558* 560, 561-563, 567, 570, 571, 725, 726 Obelitz, Ove S.B. 218 OiiER, Fredkrich a. ... 324,786,2324, 2388, 2389, 2464, 2486 Obrkgon, L. M xoio O'Connor, General S.B.J. 41 Odwin 1516 Ogle, Sir Chaloner ... S.B.J. 164, 270, 270a- Oexmelin see Exquemelin O'Farrill y Herrera, Jose Ricardo 6i8f Ogilby, John B.J. 308 Ogilvy, John B.J. 4a Ogilme, James, M.D. B.J. 498 O'Kelley, James j 688 Olaudah Equiano 2543 Olavarria, D. a 1433, H37 Oi.dendoup, Christian Georg Andres 277 Oldmixon, John 2000 O'Leary, General i35f> Olivares, j. M i327d Oliver, V. L 237 Olivier, E S.B.J. 704 Olivier, Sir Sydney, K.C.M.G. 2481a, B.J. 1905, S.B.J. 595a, 723 Olivier, Sir Sydney S.B.J. 302 Oi.NKY, — 1663, 1664 Olyphant, Mr B.J. 636 Omnium, Jacob 2259, 2259a Oneby, Major B.J. 356 ( (pisso, A 1161 Ouderson, j. W 71,2539 Ordonez de Ceballos, Pedro ...1967b Orrett, William H B.J. 538 Oksi de Mombello, G. 1409 Ortego, E 1261 Ortego, F 962 OusBRiDGE, Lt. Philip 617b, 617c OSKOIJNK, J 2253 " Othello " S.B.J. 15 Otis, Y. N 1057, io6ib Ottobah Cugoano 2512 OiJFFRov, E. de 523 OuGHTON, Mrs. Samuel ... S.B.J. 579 OuGHTON, Rev. Samuel ... S.B.J. 538 OuGHTON, Thomas S.B.J. 296 OviEDo Y Bands, J. de 1390 OviEDo Y Valdes, Gonzalo Fernandez 1958a, i960, 1961 Owen, R. D 2671 Owen, Commander R., R.N B.J. 54 OxBERRY, W S.B.J. 577 Oxenbridge, John 1504 Oxford, Bishop of 2664 P., L. H S.B.J. 668 Paasch, Dr. H B.J. 342 Pacaud, j. j 3246 INDEX OF NAMES. Ilr Pachano, J 1343b Paddenuurg, G .G. van 1481 Padula, a 1435 Paez, General Jose Antonio 133°^ I'AE/, Ramon 1331 Pac;e, — 426 Pace, Dr. Samuel B.J. 254 Pacet, J 1861 Pain, Capt 2013 Pai.ache, J. Thompson ...B.J. 540, 542 Palau, Lisimaco 1272 pAH.RAVE, William Gifford ... 1722 Pallmer, Charles N., M.P 2539 Pama, Peter 1510a Tama, Peter 1708b Panton, Rev. David Brooke, S.B.J. 82, 86 I'ANGLOSSE, — 1143 Panton, David Morrison.. .B.J. 948, 970 Pai'onot. F. 1096,1103,1105,1113, 1121, 1128, 1144, 1151 i'aim'akara, v i456 Pardo, Fr. G 1371 Pardon 142, i99 Pareau, a. H 1739 Pariset, G 1690 1 arke, Colonel 208, 209 Parker, Captain 2018 Parkhurst, Dr. V. P B.J. 329 Parkin, John, M.D B.J. 476 Parmentier, J 355 Parmentier, R 355 Parry. John B.J. 51a Parry, Thomas (Bishop) 58,73,76, 77. 81 Parton, James 280a Partridge 2814 Pasaron y Lastra, R 659 Passy, M 1766 Paterson, Lieut. Daniel ...174b, 1903 Paton. William Agnew 2357 Patterson, Robert B.J. 57 Paterson, William 1043, 1057a, 1057b, 10570 Paul, E S.B.J. 643 Paul, E S.B.j.64^ Pauleus-Sannon, H 566 ayne, J. A. 2765 AZ, M 1249 Pearce, Frank L B.J. 961 Pearson, Rev. J. G 1613 Pechell, Captaiii G. R., R.N. ... 456 Peck, — i533 Peckham, E. G S.B.J. 703 Peckham, G. W S.B.J. 703 Pector, Desire 9^-^ Peel, M.P 2613 Peco, Andres 692 Pelletier, E 904a Penalva, Jose Maria 6i8a Penard, Arthur Philip 1646b Penard, Frederick Palt. 1646b Penn, William S.B.J. 5 Pennant, Robert 1627 Penninck, J. J »7i7g Pennington, C. A. S 2709 Pennock, Rev. Thomas B.J. 118 Pepper, C. M. Pepper, F. 1397, Peralta, Manuel M. de 95; 978, 979. 981, 997. 1019, 1021, 1022, 1441, ■y 952, 804 1443 976a, 1015, ioi8» 1240, 1251, 1285, 1288 1620b 1620b Percival, E Percival, Mrs. E Pereira, R. S 1224 Perez, Felipe, 1212, 1226, 1249 Perez de la Cerdu, Sebastian ... 61 5d Perez Triana, S 1301, 1467 Perkin, H. 1 1596 Perkins, H. J 1633 j Perpina y Pibernat, a 723 I I*ETER Martyr i959i 2339 I Peter, Rev. G 176a Petion 484 Petre, F. Loraine 1303 Peterkin, Joseph 261 Peytrand, 1 267s Peziela, J. de la 668 PlULALETHES, DEMOTICUS 653a "Philiarcus" 220 Phillip. William 1966 Phillippo, Dr. James Cecil, M.D. I^J- 327. 457. 490. 495. 525 Phillippo, Rev. James Murcell 654, BJ- 134, 302, 384. S.B.J. 85, 504 Phillips, Catherine 209^ Phillips, A. E 68id Phillips, Edith C S.B.J. 603 Phillips, Joseph 225, 2638 Phillips. P. L 1691, 2256a PniLLPOTTS, Eden 2385, 2423 Philo-Caledon 1029 Pichegru 1758 PicTON, Col. Thomas 1804, i8u Picton, Col Thomas 1805, 1808, 1812, 1813, 1815, 1825. pledrahita, luc. fernandez de i188 Pierce, E. L 283 PiERSON, A. T 2780 PiETERS, W. T >599a PlETRI, D 1363 PlJTTERSEN, H 1735 PiM, Commander Bedford, R.N. 1060, 1063, B.J. 73 Pim, Commander Bedford 946 ,1091, 1491a, M.D. '."...'. PiMENTEL, N. P. , PiNART, A. L PiNCKARD Pinckard, George PiNEL, — PiNTA. G Pinto, J. de B.J Pio, L Piquant, O Piron, Hippolyte 691,800a Pistorius, Thomas 1705 Pitman, Henry 9b PiTON, L. A 1763 680 2375a 2539 2112 1903 [114 277 864 533 172 INDEX OF NAMES. Pitt, Thomas S.BJ. 157 Pitt, Right Hon. William ...S.B.J. 15 PiTTIER, H 9<^S Placide-Justin 463 Platzmann, J 2443 Playter, J. L. C 1555b Plaza, J. A. de 1205 Plummer, Charles B.J. 761 PoEY, Felipe 647,670,690 PoiNCY, Louis de 1982 PoiNTis, Louis de 1995 Pointis-de 118^ PoiRSON, M 1764 POLAKOWSKY, H 1148a POLAVIEJA, C. G. DE 795 Polhill, David S.B.J. 272 POLIGNAC, — DE II54 Polverel 423 Pons, Francois Raimond Joseph de 420a, 2086, 2534 Poole, Thomas Eyre, D.D. ... 2722 Porchez, Mgr 140 Portland, Dnke of 1814 Porter, Jane 2215 Porter, R. P 811 Porter, Lieutenant Whitworth R.E. 179 Porter, Mrs. Whitworth 179 PoRTES E Infante, Dr. T. (Arch- bishop) 347 PORTEUS, Beilby (Bishop).. .2126, 2555 Portland, William Henry, ist Duke of S.B.J. 187 Posada Gutierrez, Jeneral J. ...1213a PoujOL, A 526 Pound, A. J 1602 Povey, T S.B.J. 193 Powell, Henry 2685 Power, Rev. Samuel 1823 PowLES, L. D 600 Powles, — 1213 Poyen-Bei.lisle, J. H. de 567, 2400 PoYER, John 48 Povnty, Capt. John 1885 Pratt, Ann B.J. 484, 485 Preiss, E. C 772 Preston, George 596b Preston, William S.B.J. 17 Preston-Muddock, J. E. ...S.B.J. 241 Premium, Barton 1554 Pretrel, L. N 1942 Price, A. B S.B.J. 139 Price, Captain George E., M.P. B.J.90. 734, 735. 736 Price, — 1533 Price, Thomas 230 Price, Thomas S.B.J. 25 Prichard, H 568 Prieto Font, J 829 Prince, Mary 2625 Pringle, Hall B.J. 66, 517 Pringle, Capt. J. W. 2242, 2847, 2849, B.J. 837 Pringle, Thomas 2625 Protheroe, — M.P 2613 Provancher, L 2368 Pujol y de Camps, M 71X Pullen, John 2013 Pullen-Burry, Bessie. ..S.B.J. 240, 244 Pullen, Lieut. T. F., R.N B.J. 55 Purdie, William ..; B.J. 1040 Purdy, J 2i6a Pusey, Rev. J. Henry B.J. 924 S.B.J. 621 Pyle, Howard 2699, B.J. 982 Pyndar, Sir Paul ga Pyne,]. B S.B.J. 226 Quandt, Christlieb 1511a, Quasdanovich, Sigismund Matias Quatrelles QUELCH, J. J 1622, Queipo, Vasquez QuERARD, Louis F QuESADA, Gonzales de Quesney de Beaurepaire, J, ... Quier, J Quijano Otero, J. M. ... 1020, QuiN, John T., F.R.G.S Quinters, a I QUISTORP, J. VON S.B.J 2443 618I 2333 1639 648b 362 a 836a 1165 2065 1228 291 329b •599 Radcliffe, a. F S.B.J. 604 Radcliffe, Rev. John ...B.J. 787, 793, 794, 819, 865, 934, 936 Raders, J. E. W. F. von i546f, i7i7n Radford, Alfred 1086, 2350 Rae, James 604a Rafter, Captain 1308 Rainsford, Captain Marcus 435, 440 Raimond, Julien de 431 Ralegh, Sir Walter 1498 Rambler S.B.J. 249 Ramel, General 1758 Ramel 1758 Ramirez, S 731b Rampini, Charles B.J. 320 Ramsay, Rev. James, M.A. 2507, 2507a, 2512a, 2516a, 2516b, 2516c Ramsay, 'William B.J. 680 Ramsey, M. M 800 Rankin, F. Harrison 2716 Rd-pkin, J B.J. 45 Rathbun, Mary J B.J. 1023 Raulin, M B.J. I Rawlin, William 13 Rawson, Sir Rawson W. 83, 84, 596, S.B.J. 719 Raymond, Pierre 1982 Raynal, Abbe Guillaume Thomas Francois 2057, 2077, 2542 Rea, George Bronson 773, 789 Rea, J. T 1956,^2448 Rkach, Angus B 2697 Read 26q7b Read Rev. H 1565b Read, Mary 2689, B.J. 355 Reade, Winwood 2734 "Rebus" 598 i INDEX OF NAMES. 173 Reclus, Akmand 1072, 1166 Reclus, Elisee 1211,1278,2755a Reclus, J. E 1279 Rector, C. H 321 "Rl'dcam, Tom" see M'Dermot, T. H. Reupath, James 49° Regal, Dr. Fritz 1291 Regnault, R 1964 Reid, Dennis B.J. 34 Reid, T. a. Constantine ...S.B.J. 135 Reid, J. H B.J. 330 Reid. Captain Mayne B.J. 891 Reindokf, C. C 2773 Reinhardt, Charles, M.D... .S.B.J. 688 Reining, Jan Erasmus 1992 Reiss, — 1216 Remusat, — 1766 Renard, Gustave H 362b Rennie, James B.J. 1005 Renol'ari) 124 Renny, Robert B.J. 3 Renshaw, C. Stewart B.J. 758 Repakaz, G 757 Restrepo, Jose Manuel 1200 Restrepo, J. P 1237 Restrepo, Vincente 1236, 1246, 1281 Restrepo Tirado, Ernesto 1268, 1269 Reusch, Dr. Hans B.J. 339, S.B.J. 343 Revel de Perron. G. J. de (Count) 2417 Revenga, L. J 1330 Rey, H 143 Reynolds, Charles B. ... 838b, 838c, 2487, 2488 Reynoso, Ai.varo 697, 698 Rhodes, Thomas B.J. 351 RiCART, J. R 1427 RiCAULT, Sir Paul 1036 Richardson, R 2753 RiCKETTS, Major 2715 RiGAULT DE GeNOUILLY, C, 2200 RiKO, A. J 1725 Riland, Rev. John 61,2606, B.J. 60, S.B.J. 284 Ringrose, Basil 2685, 2691 RippiNGHAM, John B.J. 287 Ritchie, Rev. W. B 1609b, 1625a IRivero, J 1368 RivoDo, E 1384 RoBB, Rev. Alexander, D.D....B.J. 377 ptoBERTs, George 25c Roberts, Orlando W 1201 Roberts, W. E 15720 ROlJERTSON, G. D S.B.J. 623 Robertson, James. A.M. B.J. 38 — 41,89 Robinson, Albert G 327,836 Robinson, Dr. Anthony B.J. 393,418 Robinson, Dr. Anthony B.J. 1000, S.B.J. 295 Robinson, H. B 1825 Robinson, J. H 1310 Robinson, Phil B.J. 996, 1099 Robinson, T S.B.J. 668a Robinson, Tracy 1182, ii86a Robson, Rev. George, D.D. B.J. 150 Robson, Rev. John, M.A., D.D. B.J. 80a RoBY, John B.J. 240, 241, 904, S.B.J. 282, 286 RocHA Gutierrez, R 1243 Roche, J. J 2701 Rochefort, Charles de ... 1884, 1983 Roche,-Grellier, — ... 531, 537, 541 RoDDAM, Captain, R.N B.J. 96 Rodney, Lord 2082 RoDRiQUES, J. C 1085 Rodriguez, J. 1 695a Rodriguez, T 1385 Rodriguez de Toro, Fr 1311 Rodriguez-Ferrer, M 716 Rodriguez Freste, J 1233 RoDWAY, James, F.L.S. 1599b, 1604, i6i6, 1620a, 1620C, 1621, 1625, 1630, 1635, 2401 roelants, h.a . m 1397 Roethlisberger, E 1284 Rogers 1609a Rogers, Com. Josias 1911 RojAS, A. 1334, 1340, 1345, 1360, 1367, 1402, 1417, 1424 ROJAS, F. ViZCARRONDO 1444 RojAS, J. M. 1342, 1400, 1421, 1615 Rojas Paul, Dr. J. P 1419, 1431 RoLiN, H 2800 RoLLo, John 1943 ROMANA, 1 744 RoMAY, Thomas 618 Romero Torrado 756 RONCAYOLO, E 1448 Roosevelt, Theodore 805b Root, J. W 2409 Roos, P. F 1715a Rose, Sir G. H 2576 ROSELLY DE LORGUES, ANTONIE Francois Felix, Comte 2283 ROSNY, L. J. P. DE 2346 Ross, D. Palmer, M.D., Edin. S.B.J. 293 Ross, G i546d Ross, H. J 2026 Rossi, D. ver B.J. 22 Rossi, R 687 Roth, H. Ling 515, 521 RoTHROCK, J. T B.J. 1062 Rotheram, John 31a Rouanet, G 1145 Rough, William 1520 RouGHLEY, Thomas B.J. 33 RouNDELL, Charles Savile ...B.J. 851 Rourae — 412 Rouvellet, J. D. R 263 kouzier, s 545 Rover 2352 Rowan, A. S 761a, 800 Rowe, Sir Joshua B.J. 59 RowE, L. S 338 Rowland, E. D. M.B 1611 Roxburgh, Adam B.J. 542 Roxburgh, Archibald B.J. 520 Roxburgh, Thomas Laurence B.J. 914, 961 174 INDEX OF NAMES. ROYCE, F 158 ROYCE, JOSIAH S.B.J. 724 RuDYESD, Sir Benjamin 1972 RuFZ DE Lavison, Etienne, 137, 139 RuiDiAZ Y Caravia, E 863 Ruiz, P. M 1471a Rush, William H., M.D. ...S.B.J. 696 Russell, Thomas B.J. 763 Russell, Pro-Consul 2847 Russell, W i584d, i59if, i599ci Russell, Lord S.B.J. 469 Ruste Ill, 113, 117 RUTTER, ClOUDSLEY B.J. IO24 Sachs, C 1347 Sack, Baron Albert von 1512 Saco, Jose Antonio, 659a, 2276, 2672a, 2672b Sadler, M. E B.J. 777 .Sagot, P 1777, 1782 Sagra, Ramon de la ... 628a, 642, 667 St. Albans, William, ioth Duke OF B.J. 985 Saint-Amand, — . 488 St. Clair, Lieut. -Col. Thomas Staunton 2226 Saint-Cyr, Dathan de ...B.J. 967, 968, 969, S.B.J. 371, 583, 584, 692, 693 St. John, Sir Spencer, K.C.M.G. 507 Saint-Martin, J 1158 Saint-Merant, a. de 357 Saint-Pol Lias, Braude 1069b St. Quentin, Alfred De 1775 cjT. Quentin, Auguste de 1775 Saint-Remy, Joseph 484 Saintard 364 Saint-Venant, Barre 435b St. Vincent Edward, 2nd Viscount 685 Salas y Quiroga, J. DE 634 Sales, de 240 Salmon, C. S 2332,233^,2367, BJ-859 Salvandy, Narcisse Achille, Count DE 459 Salvin, Osbert io6ga Samper, Jose 1058, 1210 Samper, Agudelo, J. M. ...1221, 1206a Samuel, Lionel L B.J. 740, S.B.J. 498 Samuel, Rev. Peter B.J. 125 Sanborn, F. B 2670a Sanchez, R. H 1366 Sandeman, P iS49a Sanders, Prince 452 Sanderson, John 1817 Sandford, Sir Daniel K 2216 Sandmark, Gustav B.J. 1030 Sanford, Robert 1501 Santacilia, P 660a Santo Domingo, Comte de 2211, 2611 Santos, J, N 774 Sapper, C 927, 1171 Sarbah, J. M 2779, 2812 Sarda, a 31a Sargeant, George E B.J. 373 Sargeant, Herbert H 838 Sarria, J. F X434 Saulmier, E 1104 Savage, Edward A B.J. 753, S.B.J. 419 Saville, S. E B.J. 997 Saville-Kent, W 598a Savygnac, J 1463 Sawkins, James Gay, F.G.S. ...1574c B.J. 451, 1080 Sawkins, J. G B.J. 506, 5oh, 51 Say, Jean Baptiste 2571 Schaik, — 1720 Schantz, M 2805 .^cherzer, Carl 944, 976 Schoelcher, Victor 144, 520, 2258, 2661 Schroeder, J 992a, 1007 ScHOLEs, Theophilus E. Samuel, M.D 2405, S.B.J. 595b Schomburgk, Otto 1543* Schomburgk, Richard ... 1551a, 1585a Schomburgk, Sir Robert ... 74, 1536, 1539, 1545 Schkyver, S. de 1465 ScHULTZ, Rev. T 15541^ SCHULTZ-HOLZHAUSEN, D. VON (Baron) 779 ScoBLE, John 1534 SCOLES, 1 1597 Scotland, George B.J. 698 Scotland, Rev. Horace. ..B.J. 453, 963 S.B.J. 572 Scott, Rev. David 2490a ^COTT, J 1863 Scott, James, M.R.C.S B.J. 174 Scott, John, C.B 1178a Scott, Rev. R. John E., M.A.... 236 Scott, Michael B.J. 880,881 S.B.J. 600, 601 Scott, Sir Sibbald David, Bart. S.B.J. 321 Scott, W. E. D B.J. 1017 Scruggs, W. L. 1290, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1666, 1678 Seacole, Mrs. Mary S.B.J. 289 Seav/ard, Sir Edward 2215 Sebillot, a 1115, 1146 Sebillot, M 1146 Sef.mann, Berthold, Ph. D. ... 1063 Seijas, R. F 1395, 1649 Selfridge, Thomas O 1067 Sells, William S.B.J. 19 Semple, Robert 1306 Senior, Bernard Martin ...S.B.J. 224 Senex, I B.J. ii Senior, Lieut. -Colonel Henry B.J. 886, 1108, 1109, S.B.J. 672 Serrano, J. A 1348a Serrano y Dominguez, Francisco 677b Serrano, Miguel Jose 61711 Serres, D 617b Servincent, p. T 519 INDEX OF NAMES. 175 I Seutter. Matthew BJ- 7 | Seton-Kakb, W. S S.B.J. 300! Sewell, VV. G 2296 j Shaen, William, M.A B.J. 85 1 Sharp, Capt. Bartholomew 2686 | Sharp, Granville ...2502,2506,25488' 2703a 1 Sharpe, Thomas H B.J.543. SS^j ' Sharpe, William 20 1 Shattuck, G. B 615 I Shall, Rev. B. J B.J. 807 Shaw, Norton 2289 Sheffield, Lord 2529 Sheldon, H. J 974 Shephard, C 1929. 1932 Shiel, M.P 2449,2460 Shier, John, LL.D 1584 Shier, J 1549c. »554C. 1556c Shonts, Theodore P 1185 Shrewsbury, — 5^* Shower, J S.B.J. 116 bHUEY, Lillian Hinman 2408 Sibbitt, Rev. Adam, A.B. ...S.B.J. 532 SiBTHORPE, A.B.C 2740,2741 I SlEVERS, W 314a, 358b, 1288a, 1396 I sicsBEE, c. D 814 ; SijLVius, L igSad SlJPESTIJEN, C. A. VAN 1705b, 1717O, 17,8! Simmons, Henry Peter 64 Simmons, W. E 971 SIMMS, Rev. Canon William, M.A. B.J. 769, 949, 1082, 1087, 1090 Simpson, James B.J. 2ic-2if, 36a Simpson, ]. M 580 Simpson, Mrs. M. C. M. ...S.B.J. 672 SiNCERL'S •. 1510d, 1712 Sinclair, Augustus Constantine B.J. 106,383,705,764 914,915,918 Sinclair, Sir John, Bt 2613 Singleton. J 2064 Sivers, Jegor von 663 Skey, Dr 50 Stauey, E S.B.J. 188 Slater, Rev. T 1572b Sligo, Peter Howe, 2nd Marquis of B.J. 62, 684 Sligo, Peter Howe, 2nd Marquis ot B.J. 59. 838 Sloan, O. S 1167 Sloane, Sir Hans, Bart. B.J. 270, 415, S.B.J. 354 Smart, Edward R 2431 Smith, Aaron 622 Smith, Astley S.B.J. 253 Smith, Caleb 2018 Smith, General Corson B.J. 341 Smith, C. J., Archdeacon B.J. 935 Smith, Rev. George 2720 Smith, G 1912 Smith, Hugh M 869 Smith, James 2798 Smith, Rev. John ...1518, 1519, 1519a, 1551 Smith. John M B.J. 45c Smith, Rev. Mr 264a Smith, M. E 388 Smith, Pamela Cole.man B.J. 872 S.MiTH, Ravnes W B.J. 505 Smith, Mrs. J. J. [M. E.]... S.B.J. 298 Smith, William, M.D 256 Smith, William, M.P 2613 Smvth, F. G 2539 Snagg, Sir W 232 Snelgrave, Capt. William 2509 " Snod, E." S.B.J. 607 SOETERWOUDE, W. E. VAN 1 727 SOLER Y MaRTORELL, M 304 SOLLAS AND COCKING S.B.J. 257 Solomon, George B.J. 794, 795 Solomon, Lucien K., M.D. ...B.J. 494 Soltera, Maria 911 Sommerset, James 2056, B.J. 17 SoMOZA Vivas, F 931 .bONDEREGGER, C I169 Sontona.\ 423 SOTOMAYOR, W. F 649a SoTHAM, Nathaniel B.J. 36 .Soto, B 9S6 Soublelte, General C 1408 SOIBLETTE, C 1408 Soulouque 487 Southerne, Tho-Mas 1507 SoLTHEY, Capt. Thomas 2189 Speck, William B.J. 444 Spedding, James S.B.J. 474 Speirs, Rev. James 1640, 1641 Speer, Captain Joseph Smith B.J. 572 Spence, j, M 1335, 1339, 1348 Spencer, Alt.rey George, Bishop B.J. laj Spencer, Aubrey George Bishop B.J. 785, S.B.J. 54, Spencer, J. W. ... S.B.J. 346, 347 Spencer, James 1992a Spencer, Tho.mas 1991 Spraggs, John Duff B.J. 821 Sprengel, Kurt B.J. 465 bPRINGER, R 779 Squier, E. G 8988,9038,905, 940, 941 Squier, Mrs. !VI. F 1065 Stahl, Augustin 310 St.\nley, Arthur Penrhyn B.J. 381 Stanley, E. G 2639 Stanley, Hon. G. H 2263, 2269 Stanley, Staff Commander G., R.N. B.J. 65 Stanley, Sir H. M 2733 Stanley, Lord, M.P 72 Stapleton, Augustus G 900 Stark, J.\mes H. 97, 605, 1630, 1859, B.J. 350 Stead, Alexander S.B.J. 278 Stedman, Captain J. G 1715, 1716 Stedman, Mary S.B.J. 206 Steele, James W 712 Steele, Joshua 51 Stejneger, Leonhard 339 176 INDEX OF NAMES. Stephen, James ...441,442,1802,2111, 2178,2539,2551,2562,2565, 2590, 2597 Stephen, James 1514,2139,2539,2561 Stephens, John Lloyd 895, 896a, 1040, 1059 Sterne, Henry B.J. 59 Stern, Philip S.B.J. 646, 717 Sterns-Fadelle, F 156 Steuart, J 1320 Stevens, Benjamin Franklin ... 2386 Stevens, Caftain B. F B.J. 79d Stevens, Captain John 1968 Stevenson, A 1522 Stevenson, J S.B.J. 445 Stewart, Phil i6iic Stewart, J : B.J. 285 Stirling, Vice-Admiral Sir Charles S.B.J. 59 Stockdale, F. a., B.A 2431 Stoddard, Chari.es Augustus... 2397, 2453 Stoddart, Daniel J B.J. 440 Stokes, A. P 2456, 2456a Stone, Arthur Daniel, M.D. ...2112a Storks, Sir Henry K., G.C.B. B.J. 86 Story, Thomas 30 Stott, John 2320 Stout, Peter F 944a Strange w.\YS, Thomas 889 Stricker, Samuel B.J. 533 Strickland, Rev. J 1656 Strickl.^nd, Robert B., B.A. B.J. 778 Stromberg, C. F. L. W 2763 Strong, Rev. L 1529b, 1531a Stubb, Henry B.J. 414 Stuart, Charles 2635 Stuart, Admiral Hon. Charles S.B.J. 181 Stuart, Villiers B.J. 334 Stubel, — 1216 Sturge, E ^. 2673 Sturge, John 2658 Sturge, Joseph 2240, B.J. 63 Suarez, JosS Ildefonso ... 631a, 631b SuAREZ Y Romero, A 66ia Suchet, J. M 549 Suckling, G 273 Suffield, Earl of B.J. 50 Sullivan, Caroline B.J. 951 Sullivan, G. H 1172 Sullivan, James B.J. 505 Sullivan, J. T 1079 Sullivan, John 1812 Sullivan, J. A 2832 Sumner, Charles 666b, 679b Sundstral, F 575> 2433 Sundstrum, John B.J. 534 SVENSEN, E 788 Swartz, OLOF...B.J. 419, 420, 421, 424, 425 Swaving, J. J 2181 Swete, John B.J. 651 Swift, F. R 879 Sykks, Rev. George B.J. 343 Sylvie, Edouarde 2002b Symmonette, Ethel Maud ... B.J. 337 Taaffe, Theobald S.B.J. 272 Tapia y Rivera, A 30a Taft, William H 830a, ii8oa Tarleton, Lieut. -Gen 443b Tarraube, Viscount Galard de... 1759 Tauste, Fr. de 1187 Tavera-Acosta, B 1479a, 1479b, 1749a Taylor 2656c Taylor, Charles Edward, M.D., F.R.G.S 282, 285a Taylor, H. E 157 Taylor, John S.B.J. 73 Taylor, J. Glanville 648 ^ T.aylor, R B.J. 33 Taylor, Thomas E 609a Teenstra, M. D i7i6d I Tejera, D. V 810 i Tejera, E 1362 I'rKjEUA, F 1355. 1440 I Tejera, Miguel 1341a, 1347 i 'i^.LLiER, C 2761 Tello Mendoza, R 1468, 1477 Temple, George B.J. 894 Ternaux-Compano, — 1769 Texier, C 536 Theveneau, Charles E 341b Thevet, a 500 Thiel, B. a 979a Thomas, Dalby 1990 Thirion, Eug 1330b Thomas, Herbert Theodore B.J. 33i> 999 Thomas, J. J 1835,2313,2360 Thome, James A 2236, B.J. 64 Thompson, Ann S.B.J. 273 Thompson, Sir Edward Maunde S.B.J. 735 Thompson, George 2652, 2653 Thomson, Andrew. D.D 2615 Thomson, A 2610 Thomson, Charles 2539 Thompson, James, M.D. ... B.J. 469 Thompson, J. R 1748 Thompson, Robert B.J, 588, 595 Thomson, S. P 1568b Thomson, S. Poweli B.J. 853 Thornbury, George Walter ... 2698 Thornton, Swinford Leslie, B.A. B.J. 750, 1098 Thorp, William B.J. 972, 995 Thorpe, Robert 2539 Thounens, J. B 1947 Thrasher, J. E 653 Three-Fingered Jack ... B.J. 361-363, S.B.J. 275, 276, 280, 283 TiJEDMAN, J. W ^I'^l^ TiLLiE, Dr. J i6iia Tilskner 288 TlNLING, Rev. Ildward Dodd S.B.J. 605 TiPPENHAUER, L. GENTIL 551 INDEX OF NAMES. ^77 TiTTORD, William Jo wit, M.D. B.J. 428 TjASSENS, J 1982f Tomes, Robert 1051 ToMLiNSON, Hugh S.B.J. 661 ToNDUz, A 1003b ToRRKY, B 866 TORRIOA DEI, MaRMOL, F 776 TosiER, Captain John S.B.J. 49 TosTA Garcia, F ijcig Totterdale, Hugh S.B.J. 266 Toussaint-L'Ouverture ...434a, 434b, 435c, 44». 447a, 477a» 496a, 520 TovAR, M 1202 TowNE, R 2005 Townsond, Elizabeth Crayne S.B.J. 285 Townsend, Vice-Admiral Georp:e S.B.J. 53 Townsend, H. Tyler B.J. 403 Townsend, M. J 1152 Trapham, Thomas S.B.J. 3C0 Trelles, C. M 838a Treves, Sir Frederick, Bart. ... 2484 Trew, Rev. J. M B.J. 47 Trollope, Anthony 2290 Trott, John 2010 Trowbridge, W. R. H 2387, 2450, 2461, 2470, 2471 Truman, Dr. George 2254b, 2309 Tryon, Thomas 1987 Tucker, Rev. R. J i53Jb Tucker, Miss 2724 Tui.T.ocH, Capt 2235 Turbill, Hannah S.B.J. 272 Tupper, H. a 779a TuRiAULT, J 141a Turnbitll, Archibald BJ. 70«> Turnbull, David 635, B.J. 68 Turniuill, Gordon 1907,2511 Turner, Godfrey B.J. 977 Turner, Thomas Bryett ... S.B.J. 413 Turner-Turner, J 876 Ubeda y Delgado, Manuel 307 Uiji.enbrock, p. J 1529a Ulloa, Antonio de 2032, 2056a Ulua, J. de 1361 Underhill, Edward Bean, LL.D. 1565O, 2297b, BJ- 93, 315. 384, 848, 849 Underhill, Dr. E. B B.J. 850, S.B.J. 33, 36, 128 United Fruit Company ... S.B.J. 259 Urban, Ignatius 2415 Uribe a. J 1292 Uribe Angel, M 1238 Urien, C. M 761 Uring, Capt. Nathaniel 2004, B.J. 566 Urritia y Montoya, Ignacio Jose de 6i8b, 602 Ursua. Pedro de 1566 Usselincx, W. 1697a Vaissiere, Pierre de 440a Vai.des, Dominguez F 719 Valdes, G. de la Concepcion ... 652a Vai.des, Jose Antonio 692 Valdez, F. T 2726a Valentin, Emile S.B.J. 692 Valerio 691a Valiente y D'Elgado, Pedro ...679a, 1705a Valpy, Leonard Rowe B.J. 310 Van der Linden iSi2a Van der Smissen, J ^7^7^ Van der Sterke, D 1992 Van Middeldyk, R. A 335 Van Sertima, J 1643 Vanufel 464 Varei.a, Femx 695a Vastev, Baron de 446 Vauchelet, P 204 Vaughan, Samuel S.B.J. 271, 441 Vaughan, T. Wayland.. .331a, B.J. 454. S.B.J. 323 Vedovelli-Breguzzo, C... 1260, 1263. 1273, 1274 Veecock, J i62od V^EiTiA Linage, Joseph de 1993 Velasquez, Pedro 1045a Vei.asco y Rojas, M. de 1365 Veloz Goiticoa, N 1472, 1476 Venables, (General Robert ...B.J, 14, 365 Vekaules, Thomas 2539 Vendryes, Henry. ..B.J. 450, 758, 1028 Veness, Rev. W. T. 1563a, 1571, 1572c Verdereau. A. E 1107 R.J.. 9^3 Vergara y Velasco, F. J. 1266, 1279, 1296, 1 j02 Vergara y Vergara, J. M 1213b Verite, H 1147 Vernon, Admiral Edward 2021,2030, 2482, B.J. I, S.B.J. 119, 121, 126, 267, 268, 269, 690 Vernon, Rev. B. J B.J, 304 Verschulr, G VeRTEUIL, J. DE Verteuil, L.L.A. de Vezey, C. E Viala, L. F Viai.late, a Vibert, E. C. P Vidal, — Vidal, Rev. O. E Vidal y Careta, F Viglietti, C. M 2390 1858 1832 2454 1787 1181 560 1762 .7,8 762 1252 Vignols, 1 2700 VijiL, p. G 1202a Villafana, J. G 1257, 1428 Villavicencio, E 982 Villavicencio, Dr 1353 Vii.iegas Pulido, G. T 1422 Villeneuve 464 Villettes, Lieut. -General William Anne B.J. 364, S.B.J. 279 Vincent, Frank 1115a Vincent, Captain Samuel, R.N. B.J. 94 178 INDEX OF NAMES. Visser, Nicolas BJ. 9 ViZCARRONDO ROJAS, F 1867 VORDT^ A. J. VAN DEN H. VAN ... 1 734 VOSMAER, O. E. G 1740 Wahy, J. F 1623 Waddell, Rev. Hope Masterton 2300, B.J.133 Wade, Captain Cooper, R.N. B.J. 94 Wadstrom, C. B 2524 Wafer, Lionel 1025, 1030c, 11 73 Wagner, M 976 Waitz, Theodor 2297c Walcott, Richard Augustus S.B.J. 559 Waldeck, Frederic de 894 Walker, H. de R 2447 Walker, James 2148 Walker, J. W. G 973 Walker, Jeanie Mort 689 Walker, General William 945 Walker, General William 942,943 Walker, Lt.-Gov 15650 Walker, Ralph B.J. 929 Walker, W 1568c Walker, William 16 Wall, G. P., F.G.S 1834, B.J. 449> 451 Wall, Joseph 2708,2709 Wallace, Caroline L 779b Wallbridge, E. a 1551, 1559a Wallbridge, J. S., M.R.C.S.1611, 1638 W.\llach, H 2790 Waller, John Augustus 2150 Wallerton, Charles L. A 2oc;2a Wallis, Charles Braithwaite ... 2806 Wallis, J. B 2806 Wallop, Gerard S.B.J. 695 Walpole, Horace 104a Walpole, Maj. -General ...... B.J. 75 Walrond, Theodore, C.B. B.J. 381, S.B.J. 29^ Walton, C. S 330,820 Walton, William 342,460,2129 Warhurton, Bartholomew Eliot George 1048 Ward, Edward B.J. 269, S.B.J. 209 Ward, E. C, U.S.N 589a Ward, H. W 2801 Ward, R 873 Ward, S. R S.B.J. 39 Warde, Sir H 54 Warden, D. B 2553 Warner, G. F 2421 Waring, Dr. E. J., CLE, ...B.J. 386 Warmington, Arthur B.J. 89, S.B.J. 34 Warner, Alice S.B.J. 598 Warren, G 1503 Washington, G 96 Washington, Major G 96 Washington, Rev. S. J. ...B.J. 154,330 Waterhouse, Charles C... B.j. 1013 Waterton, Charles 2182 Watkins, Frederick Henry, l.S.O. 2431, S.B.J. 667 Watkins, Mrs. F. H 2489' Watson, J. B 849 Watson, Rev. James ... B.J. 135, 389^^ Watson, Rev. James B.J. 382, S.B.J. 291 Watson, Richard 2146 Watt, Alexander ... S.B.J. 634a, 634b Watt, Hugh i599« Watt, Thomas 1604 Watts, Francis, F.LC. ... 235,2445 Weatheriiead, W. D 1038 Webber, Lieut. -Col 1580 W^ebber, Rev. R. L i572f Webster, C. B S.B.J. 254 Wedderburn, John S.B.J. 274 Wegener, G 2462a Welch, T. H icr Wellington, A. M ■ 953 Wellington, Duke of 2613, B.J. 49 Wells, Septimus 1919 Wells, William V 901, 942 Wentworth, General ... S.B.J. 121, i2'> Wentworth, Trelawny 2225 Wesenhagen, a. C 1730, 1737 Wesenhagen, J. C. P ..2664a West, H 277a Westerman, Hans 2001b Weston, William B.J. 570 WETSTEIN, G 2000' Wharton, W^ 259 Whinfield, C. R 1546c White, Rev. W. G 1646a White 1609a White, Col. Fred, B. P. ...S.B.J. 134 Whitehouse, W. F B.J. 505, 507 Whiteley, Henry B.J. 58 Whiteley, Henry 1594 Whitfif.ld, R H ^57^b Whitfield, R. P B.J. 408,' 409 Whitmore, W. W., M.P 2157 Whitty, Captain I. S. ... S.B.J. 226 Widdess, G. a 1593c Wilberforce, Rev. Robert Isaac 3656a Wilberforce, Samuel (Bishop)... 2664 Wilberforce, Rev. Samuel 2656a Wilberforce, William 2513, 2552, 2573 Wilberforce, William ... 2539, 2562, 7567, 2568, 2581, 2588, 2f.s^a, 2670b, 2676, 2678, B.J. 24, 35, S.J.B. 15 Wiles, James B.J. 430 WiLCHER, F. H 2338 Wilks, Rev. Samuel Charles ... 2618 WiLLCocKS, Sir J 2809 WiLi.cocKS, Rev. T 2513 Williams, Alfred M 2418a Williams, Cynric R B.J. 289 Williams, F. H 858,865 Williams, Gomer 2674 Williams, James B.J. 6x Williams, John S.B.J. 352 Williams, Rev. Joseph ... S.B.J. 547 Williams, J. Rowland, M.A. S.B.J. 528b. INDEX OF NAMES. 179 Williams, W., F.R.S.E. ... B.J. 546 Williamson, J 2145 Willis, C. W B.J. 340, 1025, S.B.J. 236 Willot 1758 WiLLOUGHBY, H. L 872 WiLMERE. Alice 2289 Wilmore, John S.B.J. 264 WiLMOT, Sir Robert John, Bt. 2622, 2623 Wilmot, Capt 1998 Willoughby of Parham, T'rancis Lord 1502 Willoughby, Earl of 3 WiLLYAMS, Rev. C 2101 Wilson, Arthur L B.J. 621 Rev. C. A S.B.J. 594 Rev. Daniel 2616,2617 Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, 339a 1850 822b 2726 287a Edward G G H. W 604b Rev. J. L N.\thaniel S.B.J Wimpffen, Francis Alexander Stanislaus, Baron de 431a Windsor, Thomas, Lord ...S.B.J. 194 Winn, T. S 2193,2583 WiNSHip, George Parker 1173 Winslow, Jens O 2085a, 2098a WiNsoR, Justin 2373 Wise, Lieut. H. A 2295 Wise, R. S.B.J. 359 Wise, T. T 1906 WoDEHousE, Governor 1564 WOLBERS. J 1719 Wolcott, M. O S.B.J. 587 Wolfe, C. Toler S.B.J. 720 WoLFsoN, D. L i546f Wood, Mr S.B.J. 428 Wood, Mr 213 Wood, Maj.'Gen. A 1948 Wood, 7. 7 55a Wood, General Leonard 830a Wood, Major Walter E 1447 Wood, Rev. J. G 2182 Wood, J. J S.B.J. 4 Wood, William ... B.J. 282, 561, 628 Woodcock, Chief -Justice 1892 Woodcock, Henry Iles 2232 Woodcock, William John 593 WooDHEAD, Joseph 2849, B.J. 66 Woodley, W 259 Woods, Marg.aret Louisa (Mrs. Henry) B.J. 998, S.B.J. 685 Workman, J 720 WORSLEY, A S.B.J. 342 WoRSLEY, Edward Joselyn S.B.J. 404, 405, 664 Wright, John 2044 Wright, J 431a Wright, R. S S.B.J, 488 W'RiGHT. William, M.D. ^.]. 366, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035 Wrong, George M S.B.J. 307 Wyatt, Rev. F. J 1587a Wyld, James B.J. 54a Wylie, Commander B.J. 258 "Wyllarde, Dolf" S.B.J. 610 Wynne, J. H 2054 Wyse. L. N. B 1089,1122,1148 Yarico 28,38 Yates. John Ashton 2513,2539 Yolland, E S.B.J. 609 Young, Douglas, C.M.G 183d Young, Rev. Robert S.B.J. 533-535 Young, Thomas 896 Young. Sir William, F.R.S. ... 2117 Zambrana, R 671,677a Zarragoritia Baron, Leopoldo, 1005, loois B.J. 465 Zeltnf.r, M. a io6ia Zerda, L 1220 ZOELLER, H 1078 1^* 14 DAY USE i RBTURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days j^rior to date due. I^fnewed books are subject to immediaw recall. m S t acks iPlb'Ta IH S TACKS ■Sf?^rf KfcCDLD 0CT3 72^.12 AM 8 BECCiRcFEB0 3'3^3 LD2lA-40m-3,'72 (Qll73sl0)476-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley ' M.A., and .-. »iR- lam, , 1 , 6(/. The Journal of the In.titrie «•.' Jrn ; -V'.j— Vol. I., Pts. 1., ir,, i)\, IV . :u; of 'print], per part 6d. Vol. II., Pts. V n ^'^ •• '; ". '• .ut cf fnni] ... fs. Vol. II.. Pt. Indian Pen Numl.r) ,.. ... It. Vol. II., Pt. VI. ai. Vol. n., bound !S'94-.>() i^f.. Bibliotbeca Jamaic^nsis : Somo accouul ot il i [.iincipal works on Jamaica in the Library of th.° T^<5titute. Bv F \: ' (ufJDAU-, F.S A. ...' .». )■ ed. :ibliographia Jamaioen-is : A li:it ot Jam ica Bo^Vs upV paii jhltts, magazine articles, newspaper'^ and a.: os^ ii t ' v. hich a- in the Library cf the Institute of J;tiAai'a. B ; i .:«.*riN Clndali Supplement to Bibliographia Jamaic^nius. jjy Fka.nk Cunl.ill Bibliography of the West Indies. Hy Fran . jr Classified List of Books; Agriculture ... id Catalogue of Books in th*^ Library of the In.titute ^ 3/. List of Books on Jamaica in the Library of ^e Ii^stitute Excerpted from the Catalogue ... 1804 ^d. lassified List of Books (Except West Indian) added to the Library since 1895 • •*• •■• ^^^9 ^^ tudies in Jamaica History. By Frank Cundail. Illustrated by Mrs. Lionel Lee ... ..". irjoo 2/ii Biographical Annals of Jamaica. By Frank Cundall. {Illustrated) 1904 6rf. Jamaica in 1905 : A Handbook of Information for intending Settlers and Visitors. [With Illustrations and Map.) By Feank Cundall {out of print) 1 ^05 Political and Social Disturbance' in the West Indies ; A Brief Account and Bibliograph}'. By Frank Cumdall 1906 t)d. A Brief Guide to an Exhibition of Maps of the Sixteenth Century Illustrative of the Discovery of America. By Fkank Cundall {Illustrated) ... iqo6 6d. Lady Nugent's Journal. Jamaica One Hundred Years Ago. Edited by Frank Cundall. {With IllustraHonK and Maps) 1007 a/6 i Jamaica Place-Names. By Frank Cind/ll