'' . THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES \ Press ... bhelf. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY SAN FRANCISCO; INDEX OF AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS; CONSISTING OF ABOUT FOURTEEN THOUSAND VOLUMES. MADE BY THE LIBRARIAN, , 1801. SAN FRANCISCO: PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATION. 1861. {CHARLES F. ROBBINS, PKIKTEB, "I No. 417 CLAY STBEBT. / c^PREFACE. ^ EITHER of the names, Index, or List, rather than Catalogue, would perhaps have been a more correct title for this work ; for, although the names and authors of all the books in the Library are given, the sizes, places of publication, and dates, are in most cases omitted. The list of Novels is a duplicate one, the first of which is arranged by the names of authors, and the second by the running titles of the works; while in all the other classes, books of a two-fold character, or those of which the classification is doubtful, are included in each of the departments to which they may appertain. A Table of Contents is placed at the beginning, and an Index ar- ranged alphabetically by the names of authors, and including the titles of anonymous works, will be found at the end. Although classifying and indexing a library, while it is being con- tinually borrowed from, is a work requiring much care and labor, the compiler of this might receive more credit from some than would be justly due to him, by omitting to acknowledge his indebtedness for the use of the first Catalogue of the Library, made by Mr.^Horace Davis, in 1854 ; the accuracy and good judgment displayed in the classifica- tion of which, was of material assistance in the compilation of-fliis. For its prompt publication, after its completion, the Association is under obligations to Mr. WM. H. STEVENS, their President ; Mr. J. W. J. PIERSON, of the Printing Committee, and to the other members of the Board of Directors of 1860, for their zealous and active exertions to that end. HORACE H. MOORE, Librarian. SAN FRANCISCO, January 21st, 1861. 715810 REGULATIONS OF THE LIBRARY. [NOTE. For convenience in returning and taking ont Books, each member is requested to apply for a Card of the number of the folio assigned to him in the Begister.] THE Library shall be open every day throughout the year, from nine o'clock, A. M., to ten o'clock, p. M., excepting Sundays, the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, and New Year. ' A member may receive, applying personally, or by his WRITTEN ORDER, one volume, if it be a folio or quarto, and two, if an octavo or duodecimo, or volume of less size. Every member may detain each book or set delivered as aforesaid, if it be a folio or quarto, four weeks ; an octavo, three weeks ; or a book or set of less size, two weeks : except new publications, which, until they have been in the Library two months, shall not be detained, an octavo longer than two weeks, and books of less size one week, and which shall not be renewed. No book shall be reserved by the Libra- rian for any director or member. Any member who shall detain a book or set longer than the time above limited, respectively, shall forfeit and pay to the Librarian for every day a volume is so detained, if it be a folio, twenty cents ; a quarto, fifteen cents ; an octavo, ten cents ; if it be a duodecimo, or smaller volume, or pamphlet, five cents. If any member lose or injure a book, he shall make the same good to the Librarian ; and if the book lost or injured be one of a set, he shall pay to the Librarian, for the use of the Association, the full value of said set, and may thereupon receive the remaining volumes as his property. No member shall be permitted to receive a book from the Library until he shall have paid all sums due from him to the Association, and made good all damages and losses which he may have occasioned. Books of Reference, and such others as may from time to time be specially designated by the Board, shall not be taken from the Library, except by special permission of a member of the Board of Directors ; provided, however, that Newspapers, Encyclopaedias, Cyclopsedias, Dictionaries, and Atlases, shall in no case be taken from the Library Rooms. Any member wishing to withdraw from the Association, must in- form the Librarian of it, see that his resignation is registered, and REGULATIONS OF THE READING-ROOM. pay up his dues and fees, else he will be considered as continuing a member, and charged accordingly, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors. . . - REGULATIONS OF THE READING-ROOM. SECTION 1. The Reading Room shall be open every day through- out the year, from eight o'clock, A. M., to eleven o'clock, P. M. SEC. 2. No member shall assume the liberty of arranging the books of the Library, or periodicals on the tables, or of performing any of the duties that devolve upon the Librarian. SEC. 3. None but members shall be allowed the privilege of the Reading Room, unless introduced by a member of the Association. SEC. 4. Any member may have the privilege of introducing a friend not a resident of the city, whose name shall be registered by the Librarian in a book kept for that purpose, and who shall receive a ticket of admission to the Reading Room for the term of four weeks. SEC. 5. No member shall be allowed the privilege of the Reading Room, unless all dues and forfeitures incurred are liquidated. SEC. 6. No member shall be allowed to remove papers from the files, or books, plates, or periodicals, from the Reading Room. SEC. 7. Any member who shall mutilate the periodicals or papers placed on the tiles or tables in the Reading Room, or remove them therefrom, shall be liable to fine and expulsion. SEC. 8. Should a member transgress any article in these Regula- tions, he shall be reported to the Board of Directors, who may take such measures thereon as they may deem expedient. SEC. 9. The Regulations of the Library and Reading Room shall not be altered, amended, or suspended, unless by the votes of seven members of the Board of Directors present at a stated meeting, notice being given for that purpose. ,,- * ^ * TABULAR STATISTICS, Showing the progress of the Mercantile Library Association, from its organization in January, 1853, to January, 1861. FINANCES. 1853. Receipts $10,858 50 Expenditures $10,726 51 1854. do 13,387 30 do 11,838 02 1855. do 9,015 85 do 8,747 96 1856. do 10,300 00 do 8,989 27 1857. do 11,777 87 do 12,474 73 1858. do 12,089 15 do 11,704 09 1859. do 16,854 82 do 19,045 16 1860. do 16,513 00 do 16,470 00. VI LIST OF OFFICERS. GROWTH OF THE LIBRARY. 1853. Number of Volumes at commencement of the year, 1,500 1854. do. do. do. do. 2,705 1855. do. do. do. do. 3,315 1856. do. do. do. do. 3,833 1857. do. do. do. do. 6,135 1858. do. do. do. do. 8,447 1859. do. do. do. do. 10,066 1860. do. do. do. do. 11,485 1861. do. do. do. do. 13,821 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. INCREASE OF MEMBERS. Number of Members at commencement of the year do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 392 552 550 1,250 1,176 1,319 1,817 1,694 OPERATIONS OF THE LIBRARY. Number of Volumes taken out, 3,371 do. do. 8,367 do. do. 10,466 do. do. 17,528 do. do. 17,321 do. do. 21,903 do. do. 25,757 The terms of Membership in the Association are, for a Subscribing Member, an initiation fee of $2, and quarterly dues of $3, payable in advance. Shares of $25 subject to the same assessments as Subscribing Memberships. Life Memberships, $100, without further assessments. LIST OF OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION. FOR 1S6O-61. WM. H. STEVENS, President. WM. R. GARRISON, Vice President. J. G. KELLOGG, Treasurer. EDW. HUNT, Recording Secretary. R. B. SWAIN, Corresponding " CHAS. WOLCOTT BROOKS, ~| FRANK BAKER, D. P. BELKNAP, WILLIAM NORRIS, JAMES W. J. PIERSON, ... Directors. JOHN SHAW, H. C. MACY, CHARLES R. BOND, THOMAS BENNETT, M.D. H. H. MOORE, .'.....Librarian. D. E. WEBB, 1 T ., J. J. TAYKER, } Llbra " a a's Assistants. FOR 1861-2. JAMKS W. WHITE, President. THOMAS J. LAMB, Vice President. BENJAMIN SMITH, Treasurer. E. H. JACQUELIN,... Recording Secretary. WALTER MARTINEAU, Corresponding " MAJ. H. LEONARD, U.S.A. A. L. EDWARDS, JOHN S. DAVIES, J. P. NOURSE, R. C. ROGERS, }- Directors. J. LAWRENCE POOL, I J. M. STROBRIDGE, J. C. JOHNSON, J. M. McNuLTY, M.D., j H. H. MOORE, Librarian. T) "If Wi-nn 1 J J TAYKE'R f Librarian ' s Assistants. SYNOPSIS CLASSES COMPOSING THE ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. 4 CLASS I. Pafe . PART I. NOVELS AND ROMANCES, BY AUTHORS 1 PAET II. NOVELS AND ROMANCES, BY TITLES, 14 CLASS II. RELIGION, 26 CLASS III. JURISPRUDENCE AND GOVERNMENT, 31 SECTION I. Law of Nations, Treaties, and Diplomacy, 31 " II. Statute Law, 31 " III. Common, Chancery and Miscellaneous Law, State Trials, etc. 31 11 IV. Government and Politics, 33 " V. Political Economy, Finance, Money and Commerce, 34 CLASS IV. PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS, .. 36 SKCTIOH I. Philosophy, 36 1. Metaphysics, 36 2. Moral, Social, and Ethical, 36 3. Logic and Oratory, 37 4. General and Miscellaneous Works, 37 " II. Sciences and the Arts, 38 1. Mathematics, 38 2. Physics, 38 (A^ Astronomy, 38 !fii Mechanics, 38 c) Chemistry, Electricity, Galvanism and Mechanism, 39 D) General and Miscellaneous Works, 40 3. Natural History, 40 (A^ Geology, Mineralogy, Metallurgy and Mining 40 (B) Botany, Agriculture and Horticulture, 41 K!) Zoology, 42 (D) Anthropology and Ethnology 43 (B) Miscellaneous Works, 44 4. Medicine, Physiology, Phrenology and Physiognomy,... 45 5. Fine Arts, Sports and Amusements, 45 6. Useful Arts, Architecture, Manufacturing, and Civil Engineering, 47 7. Cookery and Domestic Economy, 48 8. Military and Naval Works, 49 9. Alchemy, Magic, etc., 49 Vlll SYNOPSIS OF CLASSES. CLASS V. VOYAGES, TRAVELS, AND PERSONAL ADVENTURES, 50 SECTION I. In America, 50 " II. Europe, the Levant, and Egypt, 54 " III. Asia, Africa, Australia, and Oceanica, 57 " IV. Voyages around the World, Miscellaneous Collections, and Personal Narratives, 59 " V. Geographical and Topographical Works, Atlases, Guide Books, and Statistics, 61 CLASS VI. HISTORY, 63 SECTION I. European History, 63 " II. Asiatic History, 66 " III. African History, 67 " IV. American History, 67 " V. Special History, 71 " VI. General History and Chronology, 72 " VII. Biography 73 CLASS VII. MISCELLANEOUS, 87 SECTION I. Ancient Literature, Antiquities, and Mythology, 87 " II. Poetry, 89 " III. Drama, 92 " IV. Education, and Elementary Works, 92 " V. Philology, Technology and Names, 93 " VI. Heraldry and Genealogy, 93 " VII. Numismatics, 94 " VIII. Dresses and Costumes, 94 " IX. Free Masonry, 94 " X. Criticism, Essays, and Letters, 94 CLASS VIII. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS OF AUTHORS, COLLECTED INTO VOLUMES AND SETS, 99 SECTION I. Works, 99 " II. Orations and Speeches, 100 " III. Proverbs, Epitaphs and Quotations, 100 " IV. Wit, Humor, and Anecdotes, 100 " V. Mesmerism, Animal Magnetism, and Witchcraft, 101 " VI. Illustrated Books, 101 " VII. Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Concordances, and other Works of Reference, 102 " VIII. Periodicals, Newspapers, and Magazines, 104 " IX. Government and other Reports, 105 " X. Bibliographical Works, and Library and Booksellers' Cata- logues, 106 ADDENDA, 107 SECTION I. Novels and Romances, 107 " II. Miscellaneous, 108 INDEX, 109 NEW BOOKS TO BE RETURNED IN ON WERE. . . OTHERS MAY BE KEPT FOR A FORTNIGHT. ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE OF THE 1861 CLASS I. NOVELS AND ROMANCES PAET I. WORKS ARRANGED BY NAMES OF AUTHORS. ABOUT, E. Germaine ACTRESS in High Life ADAM Blair and Matthew Wald ADVENTURES of Sir Frizzle Pumpkin AGATHONIA ; a Romance. 18mo AGNES. By Author of Ida May AGUILAR, Grace. Home Scenes and Heart Studies Mother's Recompense Vale of Cedars ; or, the Martyr Woman's Friendship ; a Story of Domestic Life Home Influence ; a Tale for Moth- ers and Daughters Days of Bruce ; a Story from Scottish History. 2 vols AINSWORTH, W. H. The Miser's Daugh- ter AINSWORTH, W. H. Rookwood The Star Chamber. 2 vols Lancashire Witches. 2 vols ALICE Sherwin ; a Tale. By C. J. M. ALL'S not Gold that Glitters ALMOST a Heroine ALONZO and Melissa ALTON Locke : Tailor and Poet AMY Lee ; or, Without and Within ANDERSEN, Hans C. The Sand Hills of Jutland Story Book To be, or not to be ANDERSON, Florence. Zenaida ARABIAN Nights' Entertainments. 3 vols ARABIAN Days' Entertainments ABBOUVILLE, Countess. Christine Van Amburg, etc ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE OF ARMSTRONG, F. C. The Young Middy ARTHUR, T. S. Twenty Years Ago, and Now The Hand but not the Heart Heart Histories and Life Pictures Tales from Real Life, etc The Good Time Coming What can Woman do ? The Successful Merchant Temperance Tales The Angel and Demon Three Eras in a Woman's Life Lizzie Glenn ARTHUR, King, and the Knights of the Round Table. 3 vols ASPENWOLD ATHERN, Anne. Here and Hereafter AUSTEN, Miss. Sense and Sensibility Pride and Prejudice, and North- Emma ; a Novel [anger Abbey Persuasion Mansfield Park Northanger Abbey AZEGLIO, M. The Challenge of Barletta Nicolo del Lapi ; or, Last Days of The Florentine Republic BACHELOR of the Albany BALDWIN, J. G. Flush Times of Alabama BALLANTYNE, R. M. The Coral Island Ungava Snowflakes and Sunbeams BALLYSHAN Castle BALZAC, H. Veronique CESAR Birotteau BANIN, J. The Smuggler BARCLAY, John. Argenis ; or, the Loves of Poliarchus and Argenis BARHAM, Rev. H. Ingoldsby Legends BARNES, J. The Old Inn ; or Travelers' Entertainment BARON Trenck BASTILE, Chronicles of BEDE, C. Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green BEHIND the Scenes in Paris BELISARIUS ; a Fable BELL J. A Man, BERGER, E. Charles Auchester BEN Sylvester's Word BENNETT. Clara Moreland Wild Scenes on the Frontiers BERNARD, C. Gerfaut Le Gentilhomme Campagnard. 2 vols BIERNATYKI. The Hallig ; or Sheepfold in the Waters BINDER, W. E. Viola Madelon Hawley BIRD, Dr. R. M. Calavar * Nick of the Woods BLACK Mantle ; a Romance BLONDE and Brunette BOCCACIO, G. Decameron; or Ten Days' Entertainment. 2 TO!S BOOK of 1,000 Comical Stories BORROW, G. Lavengro The Romany Rye BOURNE, W. 0. Gems from Fable Land BOWMAN, A. The Castaway The Kangaroo Hunters BRACKINRIDGE, H. Modern Chivalry BRADFORD, A. G. Nellie Bracken BRADLEY, Mary E. Douglas Farm BRAY, Mrs. Warleigh Trials of the Heart Trelawney of Trelawne White Hoods Fitz, of Fitz-Ford The Protestant ' The Talba Henry de Pomeroy Courtenay of Walreddin De Foix BREMER, Frederika. The Home Strife and Peace A Diary ; H Family ; and other Tales The Neighbors, etc The President's Daughters ; and Hertha [Nina The Home. 2 vols The Neighbors. 2 vols The H Family. 2 vols The President's Daughters. 3 vols New Sketches of Every Day Life. 2 vols Strife and Peace. 2 vols Brothers and Sisters. 2 vols Father and Daughter BREWSTER, Anne. Compensation BRISTED, C. A. Sword and Gown Guy Livingstone BROCK, Mrs. C. Home Memories BRONTE, Miss. Villette Shirley The Professor Wuthering Heights - - Jane Eyre Tenant of Wildfell Hall BROOKS, Shirley. Aspen Court BROOKE, W. Eastford BROOKE, H. The Fool of Quality. 2 vols BROTHERS Clerks. By Xariffa BROUGH, J. C. Fairy Tales of Science BROWN, T. W. Minnie Hermon BROWN, C. B. Arthur Mervin Wi eland Edgar Huntley Jane Talbot BROWN. The Fudges in England The Younger BRUNTON, Mrs. Self-Control Discipline THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY. BRYANT, J. D. Pauline Seward BCLFI.VCH, T. The Age of Chivalry BULWER, Sir E. Devereux Pelham Night and Morning The Caxtons My Novel. 2 vols Eugene Aram Godolphin Leila ; and Calderon the Courtier Rienzi The Disowned Zanoni Last Days of Pompeii Lucretia Ernest Maltravers Alice Paul Clifford Pilgrims of the Rhine Harold The Pelham Novels, etc What will he do with it? BULWER, Lady. Behind the Scenes BCNCE, A. A Bachelor's Story BURDETT, C. Margaret Moncrieffe BCRKHARDT, C. B. Fairy Tales, and Legends of many Nations BDRNEY, Miss. Evelina The Secret /CAMPBELL, Major. The Old Forest \J Ranger CAMILLE CARLEN, Emilie. The Home in the Val- ley Woman's Life CARLETON, W. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. 2 vols The Black Baronet CARLETON, R. The New Purchase in the Far West German Romance. 2 vols CART, Alice. Married, not Mated CASTLE Builders CATHARA Clyde ; a Novel. By Inconnu CERVANTES, S. M. Don Quixote Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda 2 vols The Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda CHAMIER, Capt. The Life of a Sailor Tom Bowling CHANDLER, Ellen, This, That, and the Other CHILD, L. Maria. Philothea CHRONICLES of the Bastile CLARKE, Mrs. M. C. The Iron Cousin CLASSIC Tales CLEMENS, Hon. Jere. The Rivals ; a Tale of Burr and Hamilton Mustang Gray CLERMONT ; or the Undivided House- hold COBDEN, J. C. The White Slaves of England COCKTON, H. Valentine Vox The Love Match The Steward COGGESHALL, W. T. Easy Warren Home Hits and Hints COLLINS, W. The Dead Secret After Dark Hide and Seek The Queen of Hearts CONSIHNCE, H. Vera ; or the War of the Peasants The Conscript The Curse of the Village ; Being Rich ; and Blind Rosa The Demon of Gold The Miser of Ricketicketack The Lion of Flanders COOKE, J. E. Henry St. John, Gentle- man COOPER, J. F. Novels. 33 vols Afloat and Ashore Bravo ; a Tale Chain-bearer; or the Littlepage Manuscripts The Crater ; or Vulcan's Peak Deer Slayer ; or the First War Path. A Tale The Headsman ; or the Abbey des Viguerons Heidenmauer; or the Benedictines Homeward Bound ; or the Chase Home as Found Jack Tier ; or the Florida Reef The Last of the Mohicans. A Narrative of 1757 Lionel Lincoln ; or the Leaguer of Boston Mercedes of Castile; or the Voyage to Cathay The Monikins Ned Myers ; or Life before the Mast Notions of the Americans Oak Openings ; or the Bee Hunt- er The Pathfinder The Pilot ; a Tale of the Sea The Pioneers The Prairie ; a Tale The Red-Skins ; or, Indians or Injins Satanstoe The Sea Lions ; or the Lost Seal- ers The Spy ; a Tale of the Neutral Ground Two Admirals ; a Tale The Water Witch ; or the Skim- mer of the Seas Wept of the Wish-ton- Wish ; a Tale ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE OF COOPER, J. F. Wing and Wing ; or Le Feu Follet. A tale Wyandotte ; or The Hutted Knoll A Tale COQUETTE, The, or Florence de Lacy CORA and the Doctor COSTELLO, Miss. Catharine de Medicis COTTIN, Mad. Elizabeth ; or The Exiles to Siberia COUNTERPARTS ; or the Cross of Love GOURCILLON, E. Le Cure Manque COUSIN Cicily ; or Ups and Downs CRISNA, the Queen of the Danube CHOKER, T. C. Killarny Legends CHOSLAND, Mrs. Lydia. A Woman's Book [Dessert CRUIKSHANK, G. Three Courses and a CRUISE of the Midge CUMMINGS, Maria. The Lamplighter El Fureides CUPPLES, G. The Green Hand CURTIS, Laura J. Christine Now-a-Days CURTIS, G. W. Potiphar Papers CYRIL Thornton DACRE, Lady. Tales of the Peerage and Peasantry Adventures of a Chaperon DAISY Chain. 2 vols DASSENS, G. W. Popular Tales from the Norse DAY, T. Sandford and Merton DAYS of my Life D'AzEGLio. Challenge of Barletta DEFOE, D. Robinson Crusoe Captain Singleton and Col. Jack Memoirs of a Cavalier, and Me- moirs of Captain Cronke Moll Flanders, and History of the Devil Roxana, the Fortunate Mistress, and Mother Ross The Great Plague and Fire of London, Storm of 1703, and True Born Englishman Life of Duncan Campbell ; New Voyage ; Political Tracts, etc DEFOREST, J. W. Seacliff DENISON, Mrs. C. W, Grade Amber Old Hepsey DEQUINCEY, T. The Avenger, etc DERBY, G. H. Phoenixiana DE STAEL, Mme. Oorinne, ou L'ltalie. Translated DICKENS, Charles [Boz.] Dombey and Son [Tales Old Curiosity Shop, and other Oliver Twist The same [Chuzzlewit Life and Adventures of Martin Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby DICKENS. Personal History of David Copperfield Posthumous Papers of the Pick- wick Club Sketches by Boz, Illustrative of Everyday Life Barnaby Rudge Christmas Stories Home Narratives Home and Social Philosophy _ The World Here and There Bleak House Hard Times Little Dorrit. 2 vols A Tale of Two Cities. 2 vols New Stories Short Stories DISRAELI, B. Vivian Gray The Young Duke Contarini Fleming Miriam Alroy Henrietta Temple Venetia DOCTOR Oldham at Greystone, and His Talk There DOCTOR Thorne. A novel by Anthony Trollope DOESTICKS. What He Says Pluribustah History and Record of the Ele- phant Club DOOMED Chief; or Two Hundred Years Ago DORR, Julia C. Lanmere DRURY, Anna. Misrepresentation DHU, Helen. Stanhope Burleigh DUMAS, A. The Count of Monte Cristo Edmond Dantes The Three Guardsmen The Forty-five Guardsmen Twenty Years After Bragelonne The Iron Mask The Queen's Necklace Isabel of Bavaria Adventures of a Marquis Emanuel Philibert Ingenue The Conscript The Mohicans of Paris DUN Browne's Experience in Foreign Parts DUPUY, E. A. The Planter's Daughter DYNEVOR Terrace. 2 vols EBONY Idol [from the Past ECHOES of a Belle ; or A Voice EDGWORTH, Miss. Novels. 16 vols EDITH Hall EDITH ; or The Quaker's Daughter EFFINGHAM, C. The Virginia Come- dians. 2 vols THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY. EGAN, P. The Flower of the Flock ELIZABETH, Charlotte. Siege of Derry ELLIOTT, S. H. A Look at Home ; or Life in the Poor Houses of N. England ELLIOTT, G. T. The Mill on the Floss Adam Bede ' Scenes from Clerical Life ELLIOTT, W. Carolina Sports ELLIS, Mrs. Chapters on Wives Look to the End ; or The Bennets Abroad. 2 vols The Mother's Mistake EMBURY, Mrs. The Waldorf Family EMILIA Wyndham EKNESTIN ; or The Heart's Longing EROS and Anteros ; or The Bachelor's Ward ESTELLE Grant ; or The Lost Wife EVENINGS at Haddon Hall EVANS, Augusta J. Beulah EXPERIENCES of a Gaol Chaplain TTURNHAM, Eliza W. My Early JT Days FARRAR, F. W. Eric; or Little by Little Julian Home ; a Tale of College Life [2 vols FENELON. F. Telamacus. Translated. Telamacus FERN, Fanny. Rose Clark Ruth Hall Leaves from Fanny's Portfolio Fresa Leaves Little Ferns FEUILLET, C. The Romance of a Poor Young Man FIELD, Margaret. Bertha Percy; or L'Esperance FIELD, J. M. Major Thorpe's Scenes in Arkansaw FIELDING, H. Joseph Andrews Tom Jones Works FISHER'S River Scenes and Characters FLETCHER, Mrs. J. C. Rosa, the Parisian Girl FLORAIN, M. Numa Pompilius Gonzalve de Cordove FORD, Mrs. Gracie Truman FORESTERS, The FODB Books. Chinese Classical Works FORD, Sallie R. Mary Bunyan FRANK Fairlegh FREYTAG, G. Debit and Credit FRIARSWOOD Post Office FROST, J. Wild Scenes in a Hunter's Life FCLLERTON, Lady. Ellen Middleton Grantley Manor The Lady Bird pi ASKELL, Mrs. E. Right at Last \^ Mary Barton Lizzie Leigh Ruth The Moorland Cottage North and South Agnes Gray My Lady Ludlow GALT, J. Sir Andrew Wylie of that Ilk The Provost, and other Tales The Annals of the Parish, and Ayrshire Legatee The Entail Laurie Todd GEORGE Melville. An American Novel GEORGE Mason. The Young Back- woodsman GERMAN Popular Tales, etc GERMAN Fairy Tales and Popular Stories GERSTAECKER, F. Each for Himself Wild Sports in the Far West GILMAN, C. Recollections of a South- ern Matron GIRARDIN, E. Stories of an Old Maid GLEIG, G. R. The Chelsea Pensioners The Country Curate GLEIZE, J. A. Thalysie. 3 vols Selena GLENWOOD ; or the Parish Boy GIDDINGS, J. R. The Exiles of Florida GODWIN, W. Fleetwood Caleb Williams GOETHE, J. W. Novels and Tales Wilhelin Meister GOLDEN Legacy GOLDSMITH, 0. Vicar of Wakefield, and Deserted Village GOODWIN, E. Lily White GOODRICH, S. G. Peter Parley's Thou- sand and One Stories GORE, Mrs. Progress and Prejudice Cecil The Hamiltons Mrs. Armytage Mothers and Daughters Abednego the Money Lender GRANT, J. Jane Seton ; or the King's Advocate GRATTAN, T. C. Agnes de Mansfelt Jacqueline of Holland Legends of the Rhine The Heiress of Bruges GRAYSON, E, Standish the Puritan GREENHALGH, T. Lancashire Life GREENWOOD, Grace. A Forest Tragedy and other Tales GREY, Mrs. The Duke The Little Beauty GRIFFIN, Gerald. Card Drawing The Half-Sir The Coiner The Rival Tracy's Ambition * ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE OF GRIFFIN, Gerald. Duke of Monmouth Tales of the Jury Room Holland Tide, The Aylmers, The Hand and Word, and Barber of Bantry GRIMM. Popular Tales, and Household Stories. 2 vols GRINGO, Harry. Tales of the Marines GUERRAZZI, F. D. Beatrice Cenci Isabella Orsini HACKLANDER. The Countess of St. Albans HAI Evn Yockdan. The Self-Taught Philosopher HALIBURTON, Judge. Sam Slick, the Clock Maker Nature and Human Nature HALL, Mrs. S. C. Midsummer Eve The Outlaw [Trot HALL, A. 0. Old Whitey's Christmas HALL, Rev. B. R. Frank Freeman's Barber Shop. A Tale HALL, J. Legends of the West HAMPDEN, A. Hartley Norman HARP of a Thousand Strings, etc HARRY Coverdale's Courtship HARRY Harson ; or The Benevolent Bachelor HARRY Lee; or Hope for the Poor HARRY Muir. A Story of Scottish Life HARTMAN, T. Charity Green HAU Kiou Choan. From the Chinese, etc, 4 vols HAVEN, Alice B. The Coopers Loss and Gain HARLAND, Marion. The Hidden Path Moss Side Alone Nemesis HAWTHORN, N. 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Curtis CHRISTMAS Stories, by Dickens CHRONICLES of the Bastille CHRONICLES of Clovernook, by D. Jer- rold CHRONIQUES de 1'ceil de Bceuf, par G. Lafosse CHRONIQTES Populaires, de Berry, P. Vermond CLARA Moreland, by E. Bennett CLARA Stephens, by Mrs. Sherwood CLARISSA Harlowe, by S. Richardson CLARENCE, by Mrs. Sedgwick CLASSIC Tales 16 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE OF CLEMENT Lorimer, by A. B. Reach CLERMONT CLEVE Hall, by E. Sewell COINER, The, by Gerald Griffin COMICAL Romance, by Scarron COMMON Errors, by Mrs. Sherwood COMPENSATION, by Anne Brewster CONFESSIONS of a Blind Heart, by Simms CONSCRIPT, by A. Dumas CONSCRIPT, The, by H. Consience CONTARINI Fleming, by B. D'Israeli CONTES ; Traduites de 1'Arabe. Cheykh Mohdy CONTES et Romans, par Voltaire CONVENT of St. Glair, by Mrs. Sherwood CONVICT, by James COOPERS, The, by Alice B. Haven COQUETTE, by Mrs. Foster CORA and the Doctor CORAL Island, by R. M. Ballantyne CORINNE, by Mad. de Stael COTTAGE on the Cliff, by Catharine G. Ward COUNT of Arensberg, by J. Sortain COUNT of Monte Cristo, by A. Dumas COUNT Robert of Paris, by Scott COUNTESS of St. Albans, by Hacklander COUNTERPARTS COUNTRY Curate, by G. R. Gleig COURTENAY of Walreddin, by Mrs. Bray COURTSHIP and Marriage, by Caroline Lee Hentz COURTSHIP and Matrimony, by R. Morris COUSIN Cicily COUSIN Maude and Rosamond, by Mrs. Holmes COUSIN William, by T. Hook CRANSTON House, by H. Ropes CREOLE Orphans, by J. S. Peacocke CRISNA ; or the Queen of the Danube CROCK of Gold, by M. F. Tupper CROTCHET Castle, by G, Peacocke CURE Manque, by E. Courcillon CURSE of Clifton, by Mrs. Southworth CURSE of the Village, by H. Consience CRATER ; or Vulcan's Peak, by Cooper CRUISE of the Midge CYRILLA, by Baroness Tautphoeus CYRIL Thornton D k AISY BURNS, by Julia Kavanagh DAISY Chain, by Catharine Yonge DALTONS, by Lever DANCING Feather DARIFN, by E. Warburton DARNLEY, by James DAVID Copperfield, by Dickens DAYS of Bruce, by Grace Aguilar DAYS of my Life DEAD Secret, by W. Collins DEAR Experience, by Ruffini DEBIT and Credit, by G. Freytag DECAMERON by Boccacio. 2 vols DEER SLAYER, by Cooper DE Foix, by Mrs. Gray DE L'ORME, by James DEMON of Gold, by H. Consience DEVEREAUX, by Bulwer DESERTED Wife, by Mrs. Southworth DESERT Home, by Mayne Reid DIABLE Boiteaux Translated DIARY of an Old Doctor, by S. A. Mait- land DIARY of a Physician, by S. Warren DICK Markham, by J. F, Smith DICK Tarleton, by J. F. Smith DISCARDED Daughter, by Mrs. South- worth DISCIPLINE, by Miss Brunton DISOWNED, by Bulwer DOCTOR Antonio, by Ruffini DOCTOR Oldham DOCTOR THORNE, by Anthony Trollope DOESTICKS, What he says DOLLARS and Cents, by Miss Warner] DOMBEY and Son, by Dickens DONNA Bianca of Navarre, by F. Villos- lada DON Quixote, by Cervantes DOOMED Chief DORA Deane, by Mrs. Holmes DOUGLAS Farm, by Mary E. Bradley DRED, by Mrs. Stowe DUDLEY Castle, by Mrs. Sherwood DUKE of Monmouth, by Gerald Griffin DUKE, The, by Mrs. Grey DUNALLAN, by Grace Kennedy DUN Browne's Experiences in Foreign Parts DUNCAN Campbell, by D. De Foe DYNEVOR Terrace. EAGLE PASS, by Cora Montgomery EASTFORD, by W. Brooke EASY Warren, by W. T. Coggeshall EASY Nat, by A. L. Stimson ECHOES of a Belle EBONY Idol ECONOMY, by Mrs. Sherwood EDDIES round the Rectory, by 0. Vara EDGAR Huntley, by C. B. Brown EDITH Hale, by Thrace Talmon EDITH ; or the Quaker's Daughter EDMOND Dantes, by A. Dumas EDWARD Evelyn, by Miss Strickland EDWARD Mansfield, by Mrs. Sherwood ELDER Sister, by Marian James ELEPHANT Club, by Doesticks EL Fureides ELIZABETH ; or, Exiles to Siberia, by Mad. Cottin ELLEN de Vere, by J. F. Smith ELLEN Middleton, by Lady Fullerton ELM Tree Tales, by Irene Smith THE MERCANTILE LIBKABY. 17 EMANCIPATION, by Mrs. Sherwood EMANUEL-Philibert, by A. Dumas EMELINE, by Mrs. Sherwood EMMA, by Mrs. Austin EMILIA Wyndham EMILY and Her Brothers, by Mrs. Sher- wood ENGLISH Mary, by Mrs. Sherwood ENTAIL, by John Gait EOLINE, by Caroline Lee Hentz EPICUREAN, by T. Moore ERIC, by F. W. Farrar ERNEST Linwood, by Caroline Lee Hentz ERNEST Maltravers, by Bulwer ERNESTINE ; or The Heart's Longing ERMINA, by Mrs. Sherwood EROS and Anteros ERRAND Boy, by Mrs. Sherwood ESTELLE, by Florian ESTELLE Grant ; or The Lost Wife ETHEL, by Marian James ETHEL'S Love Life, by Mrs. Sweat EUGENE Aram, by Bulwer EUTAW, by Simms EVELINA, by Miss Burney EVENINGS at Haddon Hall EVENINGS at Donaldson Manor, by M. J. Mclntosh EXILES of Florida, by J. R. Giddings EXPERIENCE of a Gaol Chaplain FAIRCHILD Family, by Mrs. Sher- wood FAIRY Tales of Many Nations, by C. B. Burkhardt FAIRY Tales of Science, by J. C.-Brough FALSE Heir, by James FARMER of Inglewood Forest, by Mrs. Helme FASHION and Famine, by Mrs. Stephens FATHER and Daughter, by Miss Bremer FATHER Clement, by Grace Kennedy FATHER'S Eye, by Mrs. Sherwood FATHER Benson's Story, by Mrs. Stowe FAULKLAND, by Bulwer FISHER'S Daughter, by Catharine D. Ward FISHER'S River Scenes and Characters FITZ Boodle's Confessions, by Thack- eray FITZ, of Fitz Ford, by Mrs. Bray FLEETWOOD, by W. Godwin FLORENCE Dombey, by Dickens FLORENCE De Lacey, the Coquette FLORENCE Macarthy, by Lady Morgan FLORENCE Sackville FLOWER of the Flock, by Pierce Egan FLOWER of the Forest, by Mrs. Sher- wood FLUSH Times in Alabama, by J. G. Baldwin FOOL of Quality, by H. Brooke 2 FORAYERS, by Simms FOREST Days, by James FORESTERS FOREST Tragedy, by Grace Greenwood FORTUNE Hunter, by Anna C. Mowatt FORTUNES of Glencore, by Lever FORTUNES of Nigel, by Scott FORTY-FIVE Guardsmen, by A. Dumas FOUR Books, Chinese Novels FRANK Fairlegh, by F. E. Smedley FRANK Freeman's Barber Shop, by B. R. Hall FRANK, Harry and Lucy, by Miss Edge- worth FRANK Mildmay, by Capt. Marryat FRANKENSTEIN, by Mrs. Shelley FREAKS of Fortune, by J. B. Jones FRED Arden, by J. F. Smith FRED Graham, by J. F. Smith FRED Markham, by W. H. G. Kingston FRIARSWOOD Post Office, by Catherine Yonge FUDGES in England, by Brown the Younger FUTURE Life, by G. Wood /I ABRIEL Vane, by J. Loud \JT GAUT Gurley, by D. P. Thompson GEMS from Fable Land, by W. 0. Bourne GENEVIEVE, by A. Lamartine GENTILHOMME Campagnard, by E. Ber- nard GRORGE Mason, the Young Backwoods- man GEORGE Melville GERMAN Popular Tales GERMAN Romance, by T. Carlyle GERVASE Skinner, by T. Hook GERALD Fitzgerald, by Lever GERFAUT, by E. Bernard GERMAINE, by E. About GERMAN Fairy Tales GHOST Seer, by Schiller GILBERT Gnruey, by T. Hook GIL Bias, by A. R. Le Sage Translated GYPSEY Babes, by Mrs. Sherwood GYPSEY Mother, by H. Maria Jones GYPSEY Chief, by H. Maria Jones GLENWOOD, or the Parish Boy GODFREY Malvern, by T. Miller GOLDEN CLEW, by Mrs. Sherwood GOLDEN Legacy GODOLPHIN, by Bulwer GONZALVE de Cordove, par Florian GRANBY, by T. H. Lyster GRACE Lee, by Julia Kavanagh GRACIE Amber, by Mrs. Denison GRACIE Truman, by Mrs. Ford GREYSLAER, by C. F. Hoffman GRANTLEY Manor, by Lady Fullerton GREEN Hand, by C. Cupples 18 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE OF Gus Howard, by J. F. Smith GUT Carlton, by F. Forrester GCY Livingstone, by C. A. Bristed GUT Mannering, by Scott GUY Rivers, by Simms GUZMAN D'Alfarache, by A. R. Le Sage HADJI Baba, by D. P. Morier HAI Ebn Yockdan HALF-SIR, by Gerald Griffin HAGAR the Martyr, by Mrs. Stephens HALLIG, by Biernatzyki HAMILTONS, by Mrs. Gore HAMPTON Heights, by C. Starbuck HAND and Word, by Gerald Griffin HANDY Andy, by S. Lover HANS of Iceland, by Victor Hugo HAPPY Grandmother, by Mrs. Sherwood HAPPY Home, by Kirwan HARD Times, by Dickens HAROLD, by Bulwer HARRY Coverdale's Courtship, by F. E. 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Bow- man KATE Aylesford KATHERiNE.Ashton, by E. Sewell KATHERISE Seward, by Mrs. Sherwood KATIE Stewart KAVANAGH, by Longfellow KELLY and O'Kelleys, by A. Trollope KENILWORTH, by Scott KEXNETH KIANA, by J. J. Jarves KILLARNEY Legends, by T. C. Croker KING'S Own, by Capt. Marryat KNAVES and Fools, by E. M. Whitty KNIGHT of Gwynne, by Lever K. N. PEPPER Papers, by J. Maurice. LADY Angeline, by L. Noble LADY Bird, by Lady Fullerton LADY of the Isles, by Mrs. Southworth LADY of the Manor, by Mrs. Sherwood LAFITTK LAIRD of Norlaw LAKE of Killarney, by Jane Porter LAMPLIGHTER, by Maria Cummings LANCASHIRE Life, by T. Greenhalgh LANCASHIRE Witches, by W. H. Ains- worth LANCES of Lynwood LANMERE, by Julia Dorr LAST Days of Pompeii, by Bulwer LAST of his Name, by E. Perce LAST of the Mohicans, by Cooper LAJTER Days, by Mrs. Sherwood LAURIE Todd, by John Gait LAVENGRO, by Borrow LAWYER'S STORY, by J. A. Maitland LEATHER Stocking and Silk LEAVES from a Family Journal, by E. Souvestrie LEAVES from the Tree of Igdrasyl, by Martha Russell LEDBURY. Mr., Adventures, by A. Smith LEGEND of Montrose, by Scott LEGEND of the Rhine, by Thackeray LEGENDS and Record, by C. B. Taylor LEGENDS of the Rhine, by T. C. Grattan LEGENDS of the "West, by J. L. Hall LEILA, by Bulwer LENA Rivers, by Mrs. Holmes LEONORA D'Orco, by James LEWIS Arundel, by F. E. Smedley LIFE of a Sailor, by Capt. Chamier LIFE for a Life, by Miss Muloch LIFE Struggle, by Miss Pardoe LIGHTS and Shadows of Scottish Life LIGHT and Darkness, or the Shadow of Fate LILY and Totem, by Simms LILY White, by E. Goodwin LINDA, by Caroline Lee Hentz LINWOODS, LION of Flanders, by H. Consience LIONEL Lincoln, by Cooper LITTLE Beauty, by Mrs. Grey LITTLE Beggars, by Mrs. Sherwood LITTLE Dorrit, by Dickens LITTLE Female Academy, by Mrs. Sher- wood LITTLE Henry and his Beaver, by Mrs. Sherwood LITTLE Mornere, by Mrs. Sherwood LITTLE Pedlington, by J. Poole LITTLE Woodman, by Mrs. Sherwood LIVING and Loving, by Virginia Town- send LIZZIE Leigh, by Mrs. Gaskell LOFTY and the Lowly, by M. J. Mclntosh LONG Look Ahead, by A. S. Roe LONZ Powers, by J. Weir 20 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE OF LOOK at Home, or Life in the Poor Houses of New England LOOK to the End, or the Bennetts Abroad, by Mrs. Ellis LORD and Lady Harcourt, by Catherine Sinclair LORD Montague's Page, by James LORENZO Benoni, by Ruffini Loss and Gain, by Alice B. Haven Loss and Gain, by J. H. Newman LOST Daughter, by Caroline Lee Hentz LOST Heiress, by Mrs. Southworth LOVE and Marriage, by Caroline Lee Hentz LOVE after Marriage LOVE Match, by H. Cockton LOVE me Little, Love me Long, by C. Reade LOVER'S Stratagem LUCK of Barry Lyndon, by Thackery LUCK of Ladysmede LUCRETIA, by Bulwer LUCY Crofton LUCY Howard's Journal, by Mrs. Si- gourney LUCY and her Dhaye, by Mrs. Sherwood LYCESTERS, The LYDIA, a Woman's Book, by Mrs. Cros- land MABEL ; or, Heart Histories, by Rosella Rice MABEL Vaughan MADEMOISELLE Mori MAGDALEN the Enchantress MAGDALEN Hepburn MAGGIE Miller, by Mrs. Holmes MAID Marian, by G, Peacocke MAIDEN Aunt MAIL Coach, by Mrs. Sherwood MAJOR Thorpe's Scenes in Arkansaw, by J. M. Field MAN and Money, by E. Souvestrie MAN at Arms, by James MANON Lescaut, by Abbe Prevost MAN made of Money, by D, Jerrold MANSFIELD Park, by Miss Austin MARBLE Faun, by N. Hawthorne MARCHIONESS of Brinvilliers, by A. Smith MARCUS Warland, by Caroline Lee Hentz MARDI, by H. Melville MARGARET, by S. Judd MARGARET Moncrieffe, by C. Burdett MARGUERITE, by F. Soulie MARIAN Ellwood MARIAN Wallace, by Scott MARION Barnard, by J. F. 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Mclntosh MIDSHIPMAN Easy, by Capt. Marryat MIDSUMMER Eve, by Mrs. S. C. Hall MILES Tremenhere, by A. Maillard MILL on the Floss, by G. Elliot MINNIE Grey, by J. F. Smith MINNIE Hermon, by T, W. Brown MINISTER'S Wooing, by Mrs. Stowe MIRIAM Alroy, by B. D'Israeli MISCELLANIES, by S. Warren MISER'S Daughter, by W. H. Ainsworth MISER of Ricketictack, by H. Conscience MISERIES of Human Life MISREPRESENTATION, by Anna Drury Miss Slimmen's Window, by Mrs. Pea- body MISSING Bride, by Mrs. Southworth MISSION, or Scenes in Africa, by Capt. Marryat MOBY Dick, by H. Melville MODERN Accomplishments, by Catherine Sinclair MODERN Chivalry, by H. Brackinridge MODERN Flirtations, by Catherine Sin- clair MODERN Pilgrims, by G. Wood MODDRN Society, by Catherine Sinclair MOHICANS of Paris, by A. Dumas MOLL Flanders, by D. De Foe MONASTERY, by Scott MONEY Maker, by Jane Campbell THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY. 21 MONIKINS, The, by Cooper MONK of Cimies, by Mrs. Sherwood MORAL Tales, by Maria Edgeworth MOORLAND Cottage, by Mrs. Gaskell MORLEY Ernstein, by James MOSSES from an Old Manse, by Haw- thorne Moss Side, by Marian Harland MOTHERS and Daughters, by Mrs. Gore MOTHER'S Mistake, by Mrs. Ellis MOTHER'S Recompense, by Grace Aguilar MOTHER Ross, by D. De Foe MOTHER-IN-LAW, by Mrs. Southworth MOTHER'S Trials MOURNING Queen, by Mrs. Sherwood MRS. Catherine Crawley, by Mrs. Sher- wood MUSTANG Gray, by Hon. Jer. Clemens MUSTEE, by B. F. Presburg MY Aunt Kate, by Mrs. Sherwood MY Cousin Nicholas, by G. 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Bird NIGHT and Morning, by Bnlwer NIGHTMARE Abbey, by G. Peacocke NORMAN Leslie NORTH and South, by Mrs. Gaskell NOTHING New, by Miss Muloch NOTIONS of the Americans, by Cooper NOUR Mahal NOVELS and Tales, by Goethe NOW-A-DAYS, by Laura J. Curtis Now and Then, by S. Warren NUMA Pompillius. by Florian NUN, by Mrs. Sherwood OAK Openings, by Cooper OBEDIENCE, by Mrs. Sherwood O'DoNNELL, by Lady Morgan O'DoNOHUE, by Lever OGILVIES, by Miss Muloch O'HALLORAN, by J. McHenry OLD Brewery and New Mission at the Five Points OLD Curiosity Shop, by Dickens OLD Doctor OLD Farm House, by Caroline E. Laing OLD Forest Ranger, by Major Campbell OLD Haun, the Pawnbroker OLD Hepsey, by Mrs. Denison OLD House by the River OLD Inn, by J. Barnes OLD Jack, Early Life of. by W, H. G. Kingston OLD Jack, a Man-of- Wars' Man, by W. H. G. Kingston OLD Lady's Complaint, by Mrs. Sher- wood OLD Mortality, by Scott OLD Mackinaw, by Miss Strickland OLD Neighborhoods, by Mrs. Southworth OLD Plantation, by J. 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London, 1851 of the Officers of the United States from the Seat of War in the Crimea of Superintendent of Common Schools of Pennsylvania. 1856 of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, from 1853 to '59. 7 vols of the Presidents of the Mercan- tile Library of San Francisco, from 1853 to 1860 of the California State Agricul- tural Society for 1856-7-8 and 9. 4 vols of the Horticultural Society for 1856-8-9 of the Fair of the Mechanics' In- stitute for 1857 and '59. 2 vols SECTION X. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS, AND LIBRARY AND BOOKSELLERS' CATALOGUE. ALBERT, J. F. M. Recherches sur Classification Bibliographique ALIBONE, S. A. Dictionary of British and American Authors. 2 vols. 1859 and '60 BOSSANGE, H. Catalogue de Livres Franchise. 1853-7 BRUNET, J. C. 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Bibliotheque Uni- verselle des Voyages. 6 vols. 1808 ROOBBACH, 0. A. Catalugue of Amer- ican Books, from 1820 to 185T. 3 vols SIMS, R, Handbook Museum to the British TEBNAUX, H. Bibliotheque Americaine ou Catalogue des Ouvrages re- latifs a 1'Amerique a 1'an 1700. Paris, 1837 TBUBNBB, N. Bibliographical Guide to American Literature. London, 1859 WATTS, R. Bibliotheca Britannica. 4 vols. 4to ADDENDA. SECTION L NOVELS AND ROMANCES. ADDISON'S Stories of Indian Life ANDEBSON, H. The Improvisatore ABNOLD, A. C. L. The Signet of King Solomon CROWE, Mrs. C. Ghost Storiea EASTMAN, Mary. Dacotah ; or Life and Legends of the Sioux Indians ENGLISH Hearts and English Hands GULLIVEB'S Travels, by Dean Swift GWINNE'S School for Fathers JULIA, The. Yacht Voyage KATHIE Brande MABTINEAU, Harriet. Deerbrook MILLEB, S. F. Wylkins Wylder, the Successful Man Miss Gilbert's Career MULOCH, Miss. Domestic Stories OBTON, H. S. Camp Fires of the Red Men OVER the Cliff OWEN, A. 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A South-side View of Daughter 1 ABOT, by Scott, 14 Slavery Rookwood 1 Abott. J. Romulus. 73 Adams, J. C. Adventures of The Star Chamber 1 King Charles I 73 i The Lost Hunter Lancashire Witchea 1 Hannibal 73 Addison's Stories of Indian Life 1 Aikin, Lucy. Court of Charles I 73 King Alfred 73 Addison, J. Remarks on Italy Aikin, J. Select British Poets 89 Nero 73 Works Ainslie, H. Scottish Songs 89 Darius the Great 73 Life of, by L. Aikin Akenside, M. Poems 89 XerxM 73 Addresses and Messages of the Pres- Ballads 89 Cyrus 73 dents of the United States 33 Albion IQI Mary, Queen of Scot* 73 Adela the Octoroon 1 Almanac, American 104 Pyrrhus 73 Ad '* , 1 Albert, J. F. M. Classification Bib William the Conqueror 73 Adler, G. J. German and English liographique 10 Cleopatra 73 Dictionary 10- Albemarle, Earl of. Memoirs of Julius Cesar 73 Adventurer, The 94 the Marquis of Rockingham 73 Alexander the Great 73 Adventuress 1 Alchemy, Magic, etc 49, 60 Madame Roland 73 Adventures of a Chaperon 1 Alciphron 14 Josephine gj Adventures of Sir Frizzle Pumpkin 1 Alcott, Dr. W. A. Wilderness of Marie Antoinette 73 j Adventures of a Marquis 1 Pills and Powders 7:! Peter the Great , 3 Adventures 50, 60 Aldrich, T. B. Ballad of Babie Henry 4th. King of France 73 Afloat and Ashore 1 Bell gy Abbott, J. S. C. Napoleon Bonn Afraja i The Course of True Love, etc 89 parte 73 Africa. Discovery and Adventure in 5 Alexander the Great Life of 73 Napoleon at St. Helena ~3 Africa. Travels in 57, 69 Alexander, D. A. The Israelitish Kings and Queens 73 African History 6 Nation (jf. The Empire of Austria 63 After Dark 14 Alexander, A. Authenticity of the The Empire of Russia 63 Afternoon of Unmarried Life 94 Scriptures gp The French Revolution of 178S 53 Against Wind and Tide 14 Alexander, Col. Sir J. E. Life of a The Mother at Home 103 Agassiz.L. Classification of Insects 42 Soldier 73 South and North 50 and A. A. Gould. Principles of Travels in Africa 57 Abeilnego. the Money Lender 14 Zoology 4. Transatlantic Sketches 50 Abelard and Heloise 73 Contributions to Natural His- Alexander, J. H. Weights and Abercrombie, J. On the Intellec tory of the United State* 42 Measures igg tual Powers 3^ Agatha's Husband 14 Alexander, A. The Beauties of Philosophy of the Moral Feel- Agathonia 14 Chess 4^ ing 36 Age of Chivalry 14 Alger, W. R. The Poetry of the Abert, Lieut J. W. Report on New Agincourt 14 East gq Mexico in 1846 50 Agnel, H. R. Book of Chess 45 Alfred the Great Life of, by J. About, E. Greece and the Greeks 33 Agnes 14 Abbott 73 The Roman Question 33 Agnes Serle 14 Life of, by Asser 73 Germ, line 1 Agnes Gray 14 Life of, by Dr. R. Pauh 73 Ackerman.J. Y. Numismatic Man- Agnes de Mansfelt 14 Alibone, S. A. Dictionary of Eng- ual 94 A Good Fight 14 lish Literature, etc 10* Actress in High Life 14 Agrippa, H. C. Of Occult Pbiloio lice Arran 14 Adair, J. The American Indian* 67 phy 49 lice, by Bulwcr 14 Adalbert, Prince. Travels 50 Agriculture 41, 43 lice Learmont j , Adam Bede, by G. Elliott 14 Aguecheek 94 lice Sherwin j^ Adam Blair and Mathew Wald 14 Aguilar, Grace. Essays and Miscel- lison, A. History of Europe 2 Adam Grs*me of Mossgray 14 lanies 94 Lile of Marlborough 7-1 Adams, John. Works 99 Women of Israel 73 Miscellaneous Esaays 71 Adams, Mrs. John. Letters 94 Home Scenes Essays on Taste 3^ Adams, J. Q. Jubilee of the Con- Mother's Recompense lien and Lewi*. Rural Architec- stitution, 1839 The Masonic Institution Memoir of 100 Vale of Cedars 94 Woman's Friendship 73 Home Influence ture 47 len. C. B. Cottage Building 47 len, J. Battles of the British Adams, Miss Hannah. Memoir of 73 Days of Bruce wa^y g3 len, E. Life of Adams, R. and J. On Architecture 47 A Hero , leu. J. F. On the Crap* Vin 41 110 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Allen, P. The Expedition of Lewis Anne of Geierstein 14 Arthur, T. S. Tales from Real Life 2 and Clarke 60 Annual of Scientific Discovery, etc 40 The Good Time Coming 2 Allen, R. L. The Domestic Animal 43 Portrait 104 What Can Woman Do 2 The American Farm 41 Scientific 104 The Successful Merchant 2 Allen, T. London and Westminster 63 Anqnetil, M. Histoire de France 63 The Hand but not the Heart 2 Allen, W. Cyclopedia of American Anson, Admiral. Voyage 59 Temperance Tales 2 Biography 102 Anspach, Rev. F. R. The Two The Angel and Demon 2 Allen, Capt. W. Expedition to the Pilgrims 26 Three Eras in a Woman's Life 2 Niger 57 Anthon. J. American Precedents 31 Lizzie Glenn 2 All in the Wrong 14 Anthon, C. Dictionary of Greek King and the Knights of the All's not Gold that Glitters 14 and Roman Antiquities 102 Round Table 2 Allston, W. Poems 89 Classical Dictionary 102 Arthur, W. Italy in Transition 63 Lectures on Art 45 Antiquities 87, 88 Artist's Married Life of A. Durer 73 Almanac, National de la Republic Antiquary 14 Artizan, The 47 Francaise 61 Antisell, Dr. T. Hydro Carbon Oils 47 Artizan Club Illustrations 38 Almeida, T. Recreation Filosophica 40 Handbook of the Useful Arts 102 Art Journal from 1849 to 1858 104 Almost a Heroine 14 Handbook of Universal Bio- Art Union, Monthly Journal 104 Alone 14 graphy 102 Arts 36, 49 Alonzo and Melissa 14 Antoninus, A. V. Meditations 87 Arts, Fine 45, 46 Alton Locke J4 Anthropology 43, 44 Arts, Useful 47, 48 Alpha 36 Apeleutherus. Intellectual Free- Arts nd aSciences. Knight's En- Alpha and Omega 94 dom 26 glish Cyclopedia 47 Alta California, Daily 104 Amabel 14 Apology for Religion of Nature 26 Appleton. Travelers' Guide 61 Ash, J. Dictionary of the English America and the West Indies, Geo- Illustrated Handbook 61 guag graphically Described 61 Dictionary of Machinery, etc 102 Ashe. T. Travels 60 America. Travels in 50, 54 Encyclopedia of Biography 102 Asiatic History 66, 67 American Adventures by Land and New American Encycl opedia 102 Asia, Travels in 67, 69 Sea 60 Cyclopedia of Drawing 10-2 Astronomy 38 History 64, 71 Apuleius. Works 37 Aspen Court 14 Almanac 104 Aquinas, T. Life of 73 Aspenwold .. 2 Anglers' Guide 45 Arabella Stuart 14 Atar Gull, by Sue 14 Archives 68 Arabian Nights 14 Athanasia, by E. H. Scares 14 Biography, by J. Belknap 73 Days 14 Athelings, by Mrs. Oliphant 14 Ethnological Society's Transac- Arago M. The Comet :i8 Athenams. Deipnosophists 87 tions 61 Arago, F. Biographies 73 Athens, its Grandeur and Decay 63 Formers' Magazine 104 Arbatel. OfMagic 49 Atherton and other Tales 14 Journal of Science and Art 104 Arbouville, Countess. Christine Atkinson, H. G., and Harriet Mar- Mechanics' Magazine 104 Van Amburg, etc 73 tineau. Laws of Man's Na- Publishers' Circular 104 Archeology, Northern. Guide to 8, 17 ture 101 Register 1O4 Architecture 47, 48 Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and State Papers 50 Arculf, Bishop. Travels 54 Western Siberia 57 Stock Journal 104 Ardeche, M. History of Napoleon 73 Atlantic Monthly 104 Wit and Humor 100 Ariosto, L. Orlando Furioso 89 Atlas to Australia 61 Americans' Guide. The Constitu Aristinetus. Love Epistles 87 to Battles of American Revolu- tion, etc 33 Aristophanes. Comedies 87 tion HI Ames, Fisher. Works 99 Aristotle. Metaphysics 87 Butler's Ancient 61 Amy Lawrence 14 Nicomachean Ethics 87 of Central America 62 Amy Lee 14 Politics 87 Cotton's, of the World 61 Amyas Leigh 14 Organon and Social Treatises 87 Cell, Sir W.,of Rome 61 Anastasius 14 Rhetoric and Poetic 87 National, of the World fil Ancelot, Mme. Les Salons de Paris 63 Armstrong, F. C. The Young Middy 2 of Physical Geography 61 Ancient Literature 87, 88 Armstrong, J. Life of General Rich- Lavoigne's Historical 72 Andersen, Hans C. The Sand Hill ard Montgomery 73 of the Seat of War in Florida 62 of Jutland 1 Armstrong, Gen. J. The War of to Alison's Europe 62 Story Book 1 1812 68 Ringgold's of San Francisco Bay 63 To be, or not to be 1 Army Regulations 31 of State of New York fi2 The Improvisatore 107 Arnold, A. C. L. The Signet of of U. S. Coast Surveys 62 King Solomon 107 Altai he in Madrid 54 Anderson, A. British Embassy to Arnold, Benedict, Life of 73 Attic Philosopher 14 China 57 Anderson, D. History of Commerce 34 Arnold J. Law of Marine Insur- ance 31 Attorney 14 Auber, P. British Power in India 66 Anderson, Florence. Zenaida 1 Arnold, T. Poems 89 Audubon, J. J. The Birds of Amer- Anderson, J. Lake Ngami .57 Modern History 72 ica 42 Bible Lights, etc 54 Anderson, J. D. Report 34 History of Rome 63 The Later Roman Common- Ornithological Biography 42 and J. Bachman. The Quadru- wealth 63 peds of America 42 Writer 41 Life and Correspondence of 73 Auldjo, J. Visit to Constantinople 54 Andrews, A. British Journalism 71 Life of Hannibal 73 Aunt Margaret's Mirror 14 Andrews, S. P. Discoveries in Arnott, N. Elements of Physics 40 Aurelian 14 Chinese 93 Chimney Valves and Ventila- Austen, Miss. Sense and Sensibility 2 Andrews, G. H. Agricultural En- tion 47 Pride and Prejudice 2 gineering 41 Arrah Neil 14 Emma 2 Anecdotes 101 Arthur Carry! 89 Persuasion -2 Angela 14 Arthur O'Leary 14 Mansfield Park 2 Angell, Dr. D. M. Mirror of For- Arthur, T. S. Advice to Young Northanger Abbey 2 tune 46 Men 26 Memoirs of the Duchess of Or- Animal Magnetism 101 Twenty Years Ago, and Now 2 leans 73 Annals of British Legislation 63 Heart Histories and Life Pic- of Sidney Smith S4 ofthe Parish 14 ture* 2 Austin, J.T. Life ofElbridge Gerry 73 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Ill Australia. Travels in 57, 59 Ballou, Rev. M. The Divine Char- Bartlett. J. K. Dictionary of Amor- Australian Crusoes, by Rowcroft 14 acter 26 icanisnu 101 Autobiography, a Collection of Lives Ballyshan Castle 14 Personal Narrative in Texas and by the parties themselves 73 Balzac, H. Veronique 2 New Mexico fa Autocrat of the Breakfast Table 94 Bancroft, A. Life of Washington 73 Bartlett, Washington. Manuscript Avenger, The 14 Bancroft, G. History of the U. S. 68 Journal of Cruises 50 Avillion 14 Literary and Historical Miscel- Bartlett, W. H. The Nile Boat 54 Ayesha 14 lanies 94 Forty Days in the Desert 54 Aylmers 14 Damn, J. The Smuggler 3 Bartlett, W. H. C. Elements of Ayola, J. Historia de Gibraltar 63 Banished Sou, by Caroline Lee Analytical Mechanics 47 Ayrshire Legends 14 Hentz 14 Elements of Mechanics 47 Aytoun, W. E. Lays of the Scottish Bankers' Magazine nil Bartol, C. A. Pictures of Europe 54 Cavaliers 89 Banks, History of 34 Barton, R. Poems 89 Azeglio. Italy and France in 16th Bano, P. de. Magical Elements 49 Bartram, J.. and H. Marshall's Me- Century 63 Banquet des Sept Gourmands, par moirs 74 The Challenge of Marietta 2 P. Vincard 14 Bartram, W. Travels, etc 50 Nicolo dei Lapi 2 Barber of Bantry 6 Bascom, J. Political Economy 54 Barber, J. W. Historical Collec- Bashforth, F. Treatise on the Con- tions of Massachusetts 68 struction of Oblique Bridges 47 Barclay, John. Argenis - 2 Basnage. History of the Jews 67 Barclay, J. T. The City of the Hostile. Chronicles of 3 Great King 67 Bates, Mrs. D. B. Four Years on BISBIGI, C. Bndgewater Treatise 26 Barclay, S, Recollections 68 the Pacific Coast 50 Economy of Machinery 38 Bache, Prof. A. D. United States Barclays of Boston 74 Barclay, R. Apology 26 Bates, E. Doctrines of the Friends 26 Bauer, J. Lives of Alex, and Wm. Coast Survey 105 Catechism and Confession of Humboldt 74 and McCulloch's Reports in Re- lation to Sugar, etc 47 Faith 26 Bard, S. Waikn-i SO Bautin, M. Art of Extempore Speaking 37 Bachelor of the Albany 14 Baretti's Italian and English Dic- Bayle P. Historical and Critical Bachelor of Salamanca 14 tionary 102 Dictionary 102 Bachelor's Story. O. A. Bunce 14 Barbara, Rev. H. Ingoldsby Le- Historical Dictionary 7-J Bacon, Sir F. Works 99 gends 2 Bayne, P. Essays 94 Bacon, Francis Lord. Essays 94 Bnringlon, A. Physical Geography 61 Bay Path, by Dr. J. G. Holland 14 On the Human Understanding 94 Barker, E. H. Literary Anecdotes 94 Beamish, N. L. Northmen in Amer- Bacon, Delia. Philosophy of Shaks- Barker, Jacob. Incidents in the ica 68, 87 pear's Plays 94 Life of 73 Beatrice 14 Badeau, A. The Vagabond IH Barker, W. B. Lares and Penates 63 Beatrice Cenci 14 Bagster, . The Word of God 26 Barlow, JoeL The Vision of Co- Beattie, J. Poetical Works 89 Bail;, J. Festus ; a Poem 89 lumbus 89 Beattie, W. Life and Letter? of The Mystic, and other Poem? 89 Barlow, P. Treatise on the Strength Thomas Campbell 74 The Age 89 of Timber 38 The Waldenses, Illustrated 61 Bailey, Rev. J. Life Studios 95 Materials and Construction 47 Beaty's Illustrations of Hanoverian Bailey, Joanna. Dramatic Works 92 Barnaby Rudge, by Dickens 14 Scenery 54 Bailey, J. W. Microscopic Obser- Barnes, J. The Old Inn ; or Travel Beauchampe,by Simnu 14 vations 44 ers' Entertainment 2 Beauchampe, by James 14 Microscopic Observation.-* in Barney O'Rierdon 14 Beaumarchais. P. Theatre de 92 South Carolina 44 Barnum, P. T. Life, by himself 73 Beaumont and Fletcher. Works 9J Bailey, N. Dictionary 1M Baron Treock 2 Beauties, by Leigh Hunt * Bailey, S. Essays 36 Barrell. G. The Pedestrian in Betuimont. W. Physiology of Di Theory of Reasoning 37 France 54 gestion 45 Bain, A. Elementsof Chemistry 39 Barrett, B. F. Life of Swedennnrg 74 Beccaria, C. B. Crimes and Pun- Baird. H. M. Modern Greece 54 The New Dispensation 26 ishment.-* Baird, R. The West Indies til The Golden Reed 28 Bechstein. J. M. Cage and Cham Baird, S. F., Cassin and Lawrence. New Jerusalem Church 26 her Birds 41 Birds 42 Barrington, A. Introduction to Beck T. R. and J. R. Medical Ju- Baker. G. E. Life of William H. Heraldry !B risprudence 31 Seward 77 Barrington. Sir J. Sketches 74 Becket. T. A T . Life of, by Robert- Bakewell, F. C. Great Facts 47 Barrow, J. Travels in China 57 son 14 Manual of Electricity 39 Arctic Voyages 50 Life of. by H. H. Milaan 14 Bakewell, H. Geology 40 Of Contentment. Resignation. Beckford, W. Memoirs of 74 Baldwin, J. G. Flush Times of etc '2B Beckmann. J. History of Inven Alabama 2 Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of Naval tion-* 47 Party Leaders 73 Worthies of Queen Eliza- Beckwourth. J. Life and Adven Baldwin, T.. and J. Thomas' Gazet- beth's Keign 74 lure* of 74 teer of the United States fil Life of Peter the Great 74 Bedr's Ecclesiastical History 2fi Ball, B. L. R-iinMp. in Eastern Life of lord George Anson 74 Bede. C. Adventures of Mr. Ver- Asia, etc . 67 Life of Admiral Howe 74 dant Green S Ballads. Old 89 Barry. P. The Fruit Garden 41 Bedford, H. Life of St Vincent de and Songs 89 Earth, H. Travels in North and Paul 74 Ancient Spanish 89 Central Africa 57 Beale, L. S. How to Work with a Ballantyne. R. M. The Coral Island 2 B.irtlett, D. W. The Heroes of Microscope 47 Ungava 3 the Indian Rebellion 74 Beechcroft, by Catharine Yonge 14 Snow6akes and Sunbeam* -2 Presidential Candidates for 18fil> 74 Bcecher. Miss. Appeal to the Peo- Ballentine's Hudson's Bay; or Life of Joan of Arc 74 ple *> Every Day Life in the Wild." Life of I-ady Jane Grey 74 Common Sense Applied to Re- of North America 50 Modern Agitators 74 ligion >> Ballantyne, J. Hundreth Birthday Paris with Pen mid Pencil M Domestic Economy 48 of Robert Burn* 73 Bartlett, J. Collection of Famili ir Domestic Receipt Book 48 Balloon Travels of Robert Merry 54 Quotations 'H Beecher, F.. Conflict of Ages -K 112 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Beecher, Miss C. E. Letters to the 200 of his Lyrical Poems, Uans- Black Gauntlet 15 People 45 lated 89 Black Mantle 15 Beecher, Henry Ward. Star Papers 94 Dernier Chanson 89 Black Warrior. Case of the 33 New Star Papers 94 Berber 15 Black, W. On Brewing 4T Life Thoughts 94 Berenice 15 Blackshear's Memoirs of S. F. Fruit, Flowers and Farming 41 Berger, E. Charles Auchester 2 Miller 74 Beechey, Capt F. W. Voyage to Berkeley, H. Memoirs of Madame Blackstone, W. Commentaries 31 the Pacific 59 d'Arblay 74 Blackwell, E. Laws of Life 4ft Beeson, J. A Pla for the Indians 33 Berkley, Bishop. Works 40 Blackwood's Magazine to 1861 104 Behind the Scenes, by Lady Bulwer 14 Bermuda, a Colony, a Fortress, and Elaine, D. P. Encyclopedia of Behind the Scenes in Paris 14 a Prison 50 Rural Sports 46 Behman, J. Aurora 26 BernalDiaz. Memoi rs, by himself 74 Blair, H. Chronological Tables 72 Election of Grace 26 Bernard, C. Gerfaut 2 Blakesley, Rev. J. W. Four Months His Epistles 26 Le Gentilhomme Campagnard 2 in Algeria 57 Teutonic Philosophy 26 Bernard, H. National Education in Blakey, R. Political Literature 33 Theosophic Philosophy 26 Europe 92 Blanc, Louis. Ten Years 63, 72 His Third Book 26 Bernard the Wise. Voyage to Pal- Bland, W. On the Forms of Ships, Memoirs of 74 stme 54 etc 49 Life of, by F. Okely 74 Bernard, W. D. Voyage of the Bleak House 15 Being Rich, by H. Consience 14 Nemesis 54 Bledsoe, A. T. Theodicy 26 Belcher, Capt Sir E. Voyage round Berni, F. Orlando Inamorato 89 Blessed Family 15 the World 59 Bertha, by W. B. McCabe 15 Blessington, Lady. Conversations Voyage of the Samarang 59 Bertha Percy, by Margaret Field 15 with Byron 94 Arctic Voyage in Search of Sir Bertrams, by A. Trollope 15 Life and Correspondence 74 John Franklin 50 Bertrand, C. F. Le Parfumeur 46 Blind Rosa, by H. Consience 15 Belcher, J. The Clergy of America 71 Beryman, Capt. W. M. The Mili- Blithedale Romance 15 Belden, E. D. The City of New tiaman's Manual 49 Blodget, L. Climatology of the U. S. 4O York 61 Bescherelle, M. DictionnaireFran- Blonde and Brunette -2 Belford Regis 15 caise 102 Blunt, J. The Formation of the Belinda 15 Betrothed, by Scott 15 Confederacy of the U. S. 33, 68 Belisarius. A Fable 2 Betrothed, by A. Manzoni, 15 Shipmaster's Assistant 4I Belisle, D. W. History of Inde- Beulah, by Augusta J. Evans 15 Bocacio, G. Decameron * pendence Hall 68, 71 Beverley's History of Virginia. 68 Bocalini, T. Advertisements of Belknap, J. American Biography 74 Bewick, T. History of Quadrupeds 42 Parnassus 89 Bell, Sir C. Anatomy of Expres- Bibel, Die 26 Boetius, A. M. S. Consolations of . sion - 46 Bible 26 Philosophy 87 Bell, H. C. Life of Mary Queen of with References 26 Bogart, W. H. Daniel Boone 74 Scots 74 with the Apocrypha 26 Bohn, H. G. Classical Library 87 Bell, J. D. A Man 37 Biblical Legends, by G. WeU 15 The Young Lady's Book 108 Bell, R. Lives of the English Poets 74 Bibliographical Works 106, 107 Handbook of Proverbs 100 Life of George Canning 74 Bibliotheque Illlustree des Classes Foreign Proverbs 100 History of Russia 63 Ouviers. 108 108 Pottery, Porcelain, etc 47 Bell, T. History of British Quadru- Bibliotheque Portative 94 Bonaparte, N. Life of, by J. S. C. peds 42 Biddle, H. P. Poems 89 Abbott 47 Natural History of British Rep- Biernatyki. The Hallig 2 at St Helena, by J. S. C. Abbott 47 tiles 42 Bigelow, J. The Useful Arts 67 by L'Ardeche 74 British Stalk Eyed Crustacea 42 Bigelow Papers 89 Captivity at St Helena 74 Bell, W. E. Carpentry made Easy 59 Bigelow, J. R. State Constitutions 31 Napoleon Code 74 Bell's Life in London 104 Binder, W. E. Viola 2 Confidential Correspondence Belle Brittan on a Tour to Newport Madelon Hawley 2 with Josephine 94 etc 50 Bingham, H. The Sandwich Islands 57 Correspondence with his broth- Belle of Washington 15 Binney, A. Terrestrial Molusks 42 er Joseph M Belle Smith Abroad 54 Belleville, J. H. Manual of the Binney, H. Eulogy on John Mar- shall 74 Court and Camp of 94 Dictated to his Generals 94 Barometer 40 Belsham, W. Essays 94 Bement. C. N. Poulterer's Com- panion 42 Binns, E. Anatomy of Sleep 45 Binns, J. 29 Years in Europe, etc 54 Biographie Nouvelle des contem- France during the Reign of SB Napoleon Dynasty 63 Gallery ( Life of, by W. Grimshaw 63 Benedict, E. C. American Admi- ralty Jurisdiction, etc 31 Run through Europe 54 porairs 74 Universelle des contemporairs 74 Biography. Knight's English Cyclo- and his Marshals, by J. T. Headley 63 Life, by Hazlitt (a Bennett, J. C. History of the Saints 68 Bennett, J. Gordon. Memoirs of his Life and Times 74 pedia 102 Biography 73 Bird, Dr. R. M. Calavar 2 by Count Lebedoyere 63 Life of, by J. G. Lockhart 63 Maitland's Narrative of his Sur- Bennett, E. Clara Moreland 2 Wild Scenes on the Frontiers 2 Nick of the Woods 2 Birds of America, by J. J. Audubon 42 render 74 in Exile, by O'Meara 74 Ben Sylvester's Word 2 Natural History of 42 Life of, by W. Scott 74 Bentham, J. The Book of Fallacies 94 Birthday Present 15 Bonaparte, Prince Napoleon. Napo- Tratados de Legislation 33 Bentley's Miscellany 104 Bischoff, G. The Woolen Trade, etc 34 Chemistry, Physiology and Geo leonic Ideas 33 Bond, Dr. H. Genealogies of Benton, J. A. The California Pil- logy 40 Watertown, Waltham and grim 26 Bishop, H. E. Floral Home 50 Weston, Mass 93 Benton, T. H. Abridgement of De Bittersweet x 16 Genealogies and History of bates in Congress 33 Bivouac 15 Watertown, etc 68 Thirty Years' View 33 Bjomstjerna. British Empire in the Bond, J. W. Minnesota r>0 The Dred Scott Decision Ex- East 67 Bon Gaultiers' Ballads 89 amined 33 Black Diamonds from Darkey Bonner, T. D. Life and Adventures Bercnger, P. J. De. (Euvres Com Homes 15 of J. Beckwourth 74 pletes 89 Black Dwarf 15 Bonneville, Capt. Adventures of 50 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 113 Bonnechose, E. D. Conquettes d' Braddock, Gen. The expedition of, Brodie, G. The British Empire a* 1'Angleterre 88 in 1775 68 Broken Hyacinth ::. Bonomi, J. Nineveh 07 Bradford, A. C. Nellie Bracken 2 Bronson, O. A. Christianity, etc 96 Book of Common Prayer 96 Bradley, Mary E. Douglas Farm 2 The Convent 74 of Costume 40 Bragelone 15 Quarterly Review 1"! of Costume; or The Annals of Brainerd, D. Life of, by W. B. O. Bronte, Miss. Villette 9 Fashion 94 Peabody 74 Shirley 9 Colored 94 Brand, J. Antiquities 87 The Professor 2 for a Corner 16 Brande, W. T. Manual of Chemis- Wuthering Heights 9 of 1,000 Comical Stories It try 39 Jane Eyre 2 of Mormon 96 Encyclopedia of Science, etc 105 Tenant of Wildfell Hall 3 of Snobs 15 Brandon 1-2 Life of 3 Books of Reference 10-2, 10) Brant, Thayendanegea. Life of ,by Brooke, H. The Fool of Quality 2 Bookseller. London 104 L. W. Stone 74 Brooke, R. Fields of Battle in En- New York 104 Brantome, P. (Euvres de 99 gland 108 San Francisco Booksellers' Medium. New York 104 I'll Bravo, The, by Cooper 16 Bray, C. The Philosophy of Neces- Brooke, W. Eastford Brooke, Rajah. Events in Borneo, Boone, D. Life of 71 sity 35 etc 67 and the Hunters of Kentucky 74 Bray, Mrs. Courtenay of Walreddin 2 Brooks, C. T. Songs and Ballads 89 Booth and MorBts. Encyclopedia of Chemistry Border Beagles 39 16 De Foix 3 Fitz of Fitz-Ford 3 Henry de Pomeroy 2 Brooks, Shirley. Aspen Court Broquieres, B. Travels in Pales- tine ' 3 64 Border War 15 The Protestant 2 Brothers Clerks 15 Borrow, G. The Bible in Spain 54 The Talba 2 Brothers and Sisters 18 Lavengro The Romany Rye Borthwirk, J. D. Three Years in 3 3 Trelawney of Trelawne 2 Trials of the Heart 2 Warleigh 2 Brough, J. C. Fairy Tales of Science Brough, R. B. Sir John Falstaff 3 74 White Hoods -2 Brougham, J. Basket of Chips 96 Bossnnge, H. Catalogue de Livres Bread upon the Waters 15 Brougham, Lord. Political Philoso- ; ji.i Breakfast, Dinner and Te-i 48 phy 33 Bossuet, J. B. Sur I'Histoire Uni- Breck, J. The Flower Garden 41 Statesmen T4 verselle 71 Brees, S. C. Hnilway Practice 38 Philosophers 74 Sermons Choisies 36 Bremer, Fredenka. The Home 2 Men of Letters 74 Boston Municipal Register 61 Strife and Peace 2 Dissertations, etc 100 Directory 61 A Diary ; H. Family and other Speeches too Boswell, J. Life of Sam'l Johnson 74 Tales 2 Discourses 100 Botany 41 u The Neighbors, etc 2 Natural Theology 36 Both, M. L. Clock and Watch The Presidents Daughters and Broughton, Lord. Visits to Italy 64 Makers' Manual 17 Nina 2 Brown. The Fudges of England 3 Botta, C. The War of Independ Hertha 2 The Younger 3 ence of the United States ea New Sketches of Every Day Brown, A. M. Wreath around the Bougainville, L. Voyage round the Life 2 Cross 36 World BO Brothers and Sisters 2 Browne, C. B. Life of 74 Boulton, J. Illustrations of British Father and Daughter 2 Arthur Mervin 3 Song Birds !_ Brewster, Anne. Compensation 2 Wieland 3 Bourne, B. F. Captive in Patagonia 50 Brewster, Sir D. Optics 47 Edgar Huntley 9 Bourne, J. Catechism of the Steam Natural Magic 49 Jane Talbot 3 Engine MS More Worlds than One 38 Brown, G. Grammar 93 Treatise on the Steam Engine :is Life, etc., of Sir J. Newton 74 Brown J. Sixty Year's Gleanings 74 Treatise on the Screw Propeller 38 Martyrs of Science 74 Highland Clans of Scotland 63 Bourne, V. Poetical Works 89 Brewster, W. Life and Time, by A. Brown, J. J. The American An Bourne, W. O. Gems from Fable Steele 74 gler's Guide 46 Land 9 Brialmont, M., and G. H. Gleig. Brown, R. Domestic Architecture 47 Bouasingault, J. B. Rural Economy tl Life of Wellington 74 Brown, T. N. Life of Hugh Miller 74 Bouvier, J. Law Dictionary :;i Bride of Lammermoor 15 Brown, CaptT. Taxidermist's Man- Bovee, C. N. Thoughts, etc J.-, Bridgman, T. Young Gardeners' ual J Bowditch, N. American Navigator 48 Assistant 41 Brown, T. Fudges in England 89 Suffolk Surnames 93 Brington.D. G. The Florida Pen- Philosophy of the Humau Bowen, A. The Naval Monument i;s insula 61 Mind . Bowen, F. Critical Essays 98 Brinley, T. The Life of Wm. T. Brown, T. W. Minnie Hermon 3 Life of B. Lincoln 7! Porter 74 Browne, D. J. The Trees of Amer- Life of J. Otis 7! Bristed, C. A. Five Years in an En- ica 41 Life of Baron Steuben 71 glish University 74 Modern Farming U Bowring, J. The Polish Poets N Sword and Gown 2 American Poultry Yard 43 The Language and Literature Guy Livingstone 2 Browne, J. Ross. Etchings of a of Holland a British and Foreign Medico-Chirur- Whaling Cruise 69 Bowring, Sir J. Siam -: gical Review 104 Yusef 64 Bowman, A. The Castaway : British Expedition to the Crimea fi3 Browne, T. Pseiidoxia Epidemica 96 The Kangaroo Hunters j British Essayists 95 Relifiio Medici 96 Boyd, W. C. Guide through Italy ..i British India, Historic al Account of Brown, Sir. T. Works 99 Beyer's French Dictionary 102 British Poeta ( Brownie of Bod* beck 16 Boy's Adventures in Australia IB Broadhead, J. R. History of the Browning, Elizabeth B. Napoleon Boy Hunters U State of New York to 16B4 r>8 III Brace, C. L. Hungary H Broc-k, Mrs. C. Home Memories 3 Poems - Home Life in Germany 14 Brock, Rev. W. Sketch of Sir H. Aurora Leigh 89 The Norse-Folk .-.I Havelock 74 Men and Women 89 Brack, F. Tactique IS Broderips's Zootogic il Ilecre itions 42 Prometheus Bound 89 Advance Posts, etc < < Brockedon, W. Passes of the Browning, H. C. Life of Goethe 75 Brackinridge, H. Modern Chivalry i Alps .il Browning, M. Life of a Hunter 76 114 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Browning, R Poems 89 Bungener, L. F. Trois Sermons 2 Burton, W. E. Cyclopedia of Wit Brownlow and Pryne. Ought Slav- Bunner, E. History of Louisiana 68 and Humor 100 ery to be Perpetuated 33 Bunsen, C. C. Religious Liberty 26 Anastasis 26 Brown's Letters to Man about Town 15 Bunyan, J- Grace Abounding 26 Bush Boys, by Mayne Reid 15 Bruce, J. Life of, by F. B. Head 75 Pilgrim's Progress 26 Bushnell, C. J. Tradesmen's Cards, Travels 57 Burkhardt, J. L. Egypt and Nubia 54 etc 94 Brunei, J. C. Manuel du Libraire 106 Travels in Arabia 75 Bushnell, H. God in Christ 26 Brunton.Mrs. Self-Control 2 Burdett, C. Margaret Moncrieffe 3 Nature and the Supernatural 95 Discipline 2 Burgess, N. G. The Photograph Busk, M. History of Spain and Bryan, M. Dictionary of Painters and Ambrotype 46 Portugal 63 and Engravers 102 Burgess, Tristam. Memoir and Busoni, M. P. Memoirs de la Bryant, E. What I saw in Califor- Speeches 75 Duchesse d'Orleans 75 50 Battle of Lake Erie 68 Butler, H. D. The Family Aquarium 44 Bryant, J. D. Pauline Seward 3 Burgh, J. Dignity of Human Na- Butler, S. Poetical Works 89 Bryant, W. C. Poems 89 ture 37 Hudibras 89 Selections from American Poets 89 Political Disquisition Atlas of Ancient Geography 61 Discourse on Irving 75 Burgoyne's Campaign and the Battle Butler, T. P. The Philosophy of Letters from Spain 54 of Bemis Heights the Weather 4y Brynshock, C. Law of War 32 Burke, E. Life of, by M. Prior 75 Butler, W. A. Ancient Philosophy 37 Buchanan, G. History of Scotland 63 On the French Revolution Butterfly 16 Buchanan, R. The Grape, etc 41 Speeches and Correspondence 100 Buttura, A. I. Poeti Italian! 89 Holy Land 54 Works " Buxton, Sir F. Memoirs of 73 Bucke, C. Beauties of Nature, etc vj Bnrke, J. B. British Peerage and Byrdsall, F. The Locofoco Party 33 Ruins of Ancient Cities 72 Baronetage ' Byers and Kellom's Nebraska and Buckle, H. T. History of Civiliza- General Armory Kansas Gold Fields 61 tion 63 The Landed Gentry Byrn, M. L. Artist and Tradesman's Buckingham, Duke oC The Court Burke, J. and J. B. The Royal Companion 46 of George IV 75 Families 94 Byron, Lord. Life of, by J. Gait 75 Buckingham, J. S. America 59 Burkhardt, C. B. Fairy Tales 3 Works 89 Canada, Nova Scotia, etc 59 Burlamaqui, J. Natural and Politic Autobiography 75 Law 31 Buckingham, J. T. Newspaper Lit- Burnap, G. W. Doctrine of the erature, etc 95 Trinity 26 Buckland, F. T. Curiosities of Nat- Life of L. Calvert 75 CABELL, S. L. The Unity of Man- ural History 44 Burnet, G. Four Discourses 26 kind 43 Buckland, W. Geology and Miner- Life of God in the Soul of Man 26 Cabin Boy's Story 15 alogy 40 Burnett, Bishop. The Reformation Cabin and Parlor 15 Buckmaster, J. C. Inorganic Chem- in England 63 Cabin Book 15 istry 39 History of his own time 63 Cabinet Album 95 Budge, J. The Miner's Guide 40 Burnett, C. M. Philosophy of Cabot, J. E. Tour to Lake Superior 50 Buffon, G. L. I* Natural History 42 Spirits 37 Cabot, S. Life of, by C. Hayward 75 Buffum, E. G. Gold Mines of Cali- Burnett, F. Doctrina Antique 37 Caddell.C. M. Jesuits' Missions 50 fornia 50 BugJargal 15 Builder, The 104 Archaeologiffi Philosophical 37 Burnett, J. Notes on the North- Ctesar. Commentaries 87 Life of, by J. Abbott 75 Cffisar Biroteau 3 Bulfinch.T. The Age of Chivalry 3 Bullard.Mrs. Sights and Scenes in west 68 Burney, J. Buccaneers in America 50 Burney, Miss. Evelina 3 Cahagnet, L. A. Celestial Telegraph 26 Caird, J. Prairie Farming in Amer- ica 41 Europe 54 The Secret 3 Cakes and Ale 15 Bulwer, Lady. Behind the Scenes 3 Burnham, G. P. The Hen Fever 71 Calavar 15 Bulwer, Sir E. L. England and the Burns, J. Mothers of the Wise and Caldas, F. J. Semanario de la Nueva English 54 Good 75 Granada 10< The Siamese Twins and other Burns, Robert. Life of, by J. G. Caldwell, C. M. C. Autobiography Poems 89 Lockhart 75 of 75 Athens 3 byT. Carlyle 75 Caleb Williams 15 Devereux 3 and Works, by Chambers 89 Calderon de la Barca, Mme. Life Pelham 3 Works, edited by A. Cunning- in Mexico 50 Night and Morning 3 ham 89 Calderon the Courtier 15 The Caxtons 3 Poetical Works 80 Calhoun,J. C. Works 99 My Novel 3 Burns and Clarinda. Correspond- Calidas. Sacontala 92 Eugene Aram 3 ence 95 California Newspapers 104 Godolphin 3 Burr, Aaron. Memoirs of, by M. Chronicle, Daily 104 Leila, and Calderon the Courtier 3 L. Davis 75 Courier, Daily 104 Rienci 3 Private Journal 75 Culturist 104 The Disowned 3 Life of, by J. Parton 82 Farmer 104 Zanoni 3 Report of his Trial 31 Register Last Days of Pompeii 3 Burritt, Elihu. Thoughts on Things, Pamphlets Relating to 103 Lucretia 3 etc 54 Specimens of the Press of 105 Ernest M;dtrr.vers 3 Burrowes, Rev. G. The Song of Annual Reports of 106 Alice 3 Solomon 26 State Register - 106 Paul Clifford 3 Burrowes, T. H. Pennsylvania Cullery and Ivan. The Insurrection PilgriniH of the Rhine 3 School Architecture 47 in China 67 Harold 3 Burton, J. H. Criminal Trials in Callicot, T. C. Handbook of Geo- The Pelham Novels etc 3 Scotland 32 graphy KM What Will He do with It 3 Burton, R. Anatomy of Melancholy Callimichus. Works 87 Bunbury, Selina. Summer in North- Burton, Capt. R. F. Travels in Calvert, J. Gold Rocks of Great ern Europe 54 Africa 57 Britain 40 Buuce, A. Bachelor's Story 36 Pilgrimage to Mecca 57 Calvert, L. Life of, by G. W. Bur- Bunr-y. G. W. Offhand Takings 95 Bush. G. Muhomct 75 nap 75 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 115 Camels. Reports upon 34 Cary, H. F. Early French Poets 8Q Chadwick, W. Life of Daniel De C'amile Cary, Phoebe. Poems 89 Foe 75 Camoens. Les Lusiades 89 Case of the Black Warrior 3 Chain Bearers 15 Camp, G. S. Democracy 3. Cassin, J. The Birds of California, Chale Noir 15 Campan, Mad. Court of Marie An- etc 4 Challenge of Barletta 15 toinette 75 Cass, Louis. France 63 Chalmers, G. Revolt of the Colo- Campbell, F. Frederick the Great 75 Cassiodorus. Hutoria Ecclesiastica 26 nies r,s Campbell, J. The Lords Chancel- Cassique of Kiawah Chalmers' T. Miscellanies 36 lors 7, Castaways Memoirs of 15 The Chief Justices 75 Caste Chambers, R. Traditions of Edin- Shakspeare's Legal Acquire- Castellan, A. L. Turkey M burgh 63 ments 95 Castle Builders Annals of Scotland 63 Campbell, J. L. Agriculture 41 Castle Dangerous 5 Life and Works of Burns 75 Campbell, J. W. History of Vir- Castle Ehrenstein Chambers, W. Things in America 50 ginia 68 Castle of Otranto 5 Miscellany 108 Campbell, Major. The Old Forest Castle Richmond Chambers, W. and R, The Russian Ranger 3 Castle Rackrent 5 War 63 Campbell, T. Poetical Works 89 Castlenau, M. de. Reigns of Francis Chamber's Cyclopedia of English Life and Letters of - 7f II., ev 63 Literature 102 Campbell, W. Life of DeWitt Clin- Catalogues 106, 107 Information for the People 1O2 ton 75 Catalogue of Books on Masonry Captain Molly 15 Boston Mercantile Library 100 Works 26 Captain O'Sullivan 15 California State Library 106, 107 Channing, W. A Physician's Voca- Captain Singleton and Col. Jack 15 Mercantile Library, San Fran'co 107 tion 54 Captains of the Old World 75 The same. Manuscript. 1858 107 Chapin, E. H. Humanity in the Carbonari. Memoirs of 33 The same. Classified, with an City IK Card Drawing 15 Index. ISiil 107 Discourses -6 Carey, H. C. Letters to the Presi- Books for sale by B. Quatrich 107 Chapones, Mrs. Letters 3fi dent 34 Books for sale by H. G. Bohn. Chapter on Wives 1 o Social Science 36 1841. (The Guinea Catalogue. ) 107 Charcoal Sketches 15 The Slave Trade 33 Books for sale by Appleton & Charity Green 15 Carey, M. The Fever in Philadel- Co. 1856 107 Charlemagne. History of 75 phia 45 Books on the Masonic Institu- Charlemont 15 Carlen, Emilie. Home in the Valley 3 tion, in the Public Libraries Charles Auchester If. Woman's Life 3 of the United States . 107 Charles L Court of, by Lucy Aiken 75 Carleton, J. H. Battle of Buena of the Lyceum, New Orleans 107 Life of, by Abbott 75 Vista 68 Cathara Clyde 15 Charles II. Beauties of the Court Carleton, R. The New Purchase 3 Cathariue Ashton 15 of, by Mrs. Jameson 76 Carleton, W. Traits and Stories 3 Catharine de Medicis 15 Charles V. Life of, by W. Robert- The Black Baronet 3 Catharine Walton 16 son 75 Carlyle, T. Frederick 11 75 Catharine 11. Memoirs of, by herself 75 Cloister Life of 75 Life of John Sterling 75 Court and Reign of, by S. M. Charles IX, and His Times 75 Life of Robert Burns 75 Smucker 7:> Charles X and Louis Phillippe 63 Life of Schiller 75 Catcott on the Deluge 40 Charles Mandel IS Essays 95 Catlin, G. The American Indians 68 Chnrle- O'Malley 15 Heroes and Hero Worship 95 Callow, A. Drops of Water 44 Charles Vav.useur 15 Past and Present ! Catullus and Tibullus . Ch.irlevoix, F. X. Histoiredu Japan 67 Sartor Resartus 95 Caudle Curtain Lectures Ij Charles, P. Notabilities 75 Letters and Speeches of Crom- well OJ) Cavalier 15 Etudes MIT Anglo-Americainas 6S French Revolution 63 Cave, K Lives and Acts of Apos- Chastellux, M. Travels in America 6U Latter Day Pamphlets 33 tles -X Chatham, Burke and Erskine. German Romance Cavendish, G. Life of Cardinal Speeches 100 Caroline Mordaunt 16 Wolsey 76 Chateaubriand, F. A. Autobiography 75 Carpenter, W. B. Human Physio- Caxtons 16 Melange !45 Analyse de 1'Histoire de France 71 logy 46 Cecil 15 Chateaubriand, M. Itineraire 54 Comparative Physiology 46 Celebrated Men, Lives and Trials of 75 hateau de Pyrenees 15 The Microscope 47 Cellini, B. Memoirs, by himself 75 Chatfield, P. The Tin Trumpet 5 Carrell, A. Counter Revolution in Census of the United States 61 Chatterton, T. lafeuf, by J. Dii 75 England 63 Census of the State of New York Poems H Carroll, Anna E. Star of the West 96 for 1845 and 1865 34 Chauoer, G. Works *> Carruthers, R. Life of Pope 75 Century ]04 Poetical Works il Carson, Kit Life and Adventures 76 Cervantes, S. M. Don Quixote 3 Riches of X* Cary, Alice. Poems i Persilesy Sigwmunda 3 haudet, M. L'Art de I'E.-sayeur * Married, not Mated I'ersiles and Sigi-mund i 3 beever, G. A Reel in the Bottle .'. 116 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Cheever, Rev. N. T, Voices of Lights and Shadows of Austra- Coggeshall, W. T. Easy Warren 3 Nature 26 lian Life 57 Home Hits and Hints 3 Life in the Sandwich Islands 50 Claiborne, J. F. H. Life of Gen. Coiner, The, by Gerald Griffin 16 Chelsea Pensioners 15 Sam. Dale 75 Coit.Rev. T. Puritanism 27 Cheltenham, Guide to 61 Clara Moreland 15 Coke, Hon. H. J. Ride to Oregon Chemistry 39, 40 Clara Stephens 15 and California 50 Chesney, Col. Russo-Turkish Cam- Clarence 16 Colburn, Z. , and A. L. Holley. Lo- paigns 63 Clarissa Harlowe 16 comotive Boilers 38 Chess 46, 46 Clarendon, Earl. View of Hobbes' Colburn's United Service Magazine 104 Chess Handbook 46 Leviathan 27 Colden, C. D. Life of Robl. Fulton 75 Monthly 104 Clark, B. British Gazetteer 61 Cole, S. W. American Fruit Book 41 Chestnutwood 15 Clark, Mrs. Charlotte. Life 76 American Vetinarian 41 Chesterfield, Lord. Letters 92 Clark, Dr. J. H. Sight and Hearing 45 Cole's Life of Charles Kean 108 Chesterfield, Lady. Letters 92 Clark, L. G. Knick-knacks 96 Coleman, L. The Apostolic Church 27 Chesterton, G. L. Adventures 54 Clark, Mrs. M. C. The Iron Cousin 3 Coleridge, H. Northern Worthies 76 Chevalier, M. On the Value of Gold 34 Concordance to Shakspeare 102 Coleridge, S. T. Biographia Literaria 75 Child, L. M. Isaac T. Hopper 75 Clark, W. G. Literary Remains 95 Reminiscences of, by J. Cottle 75 Philothea 3 Clarke, Dr. S. Of the Attribules of Dramas 92 Letters from New York 96 God 27 Poetical Works 89 Religious Ideas 26 Clarkson, T. The African Slave Church and State ; and Sermons 27 Child Wife 15 Trade 71 Confessions of an Enquiring Children of the Abbey 15 Sketch of. by T. Taylor 75 Spirit 27 Chillingworth, W. Religion of the Classic Tales 3 Hints 27 Protestants 26 Claxton,T. Autobiography 73 Works 99 China Manufactory 15 Clay, H. Life of, by E. Sargent 76 Collella, P. History of Naples 63 China Pictorial , etc 57 Private Correspondence 95 Colliber.S. Nature and Existence Cliinese Novels 15 Speeches 100 of God 27 Chinese Repository 104 Obiluary Addresses on 100 Collingwood, Admiral. Correspond- Chinese Works on Surgery, etc: 45 Clayton, J. W. Memoirs of Charles ence 95 Chilly, J. On Commerce 32 II 76 Collins, L. Kentucky 68 Chilty and Hulme, J. W. On Bills Cluskey, M. W. Political Text Book 33 Collins, P. McD. Voyage 67 of Exchange 32 Cleaveland, J. Banking System 34 Collins, S. Miscellanies 95 Chilly, Jun. On Conlracls 32 Cleveland, H. R. Life of Hendrick Collins, T. W. Humanics 36 Choale, Rufus. Reminiscences of 75 Hudson 75 Collins, W. Poetical Works 89 Chopin, M. Ruissie 54 Cleveland, H. W., and Backus. The Dead Secret 3 Chorley. H. F. Life of Mrs. Hemans 75 Cottages 47 After Dark 3 Cboules, J. O. Cruise of Ihe North Clemens, Hon. Jere. The Rivals 3 Hide and Seek 3 Siar 54 Must-ing Gray 3 The Queen of Hearts 3 Christian Advices 27 Clement Lorimer 16 Woman in White 25 Christian Library 104 Christie Johnstune 15 Cleopatra. Life of, by Abbott 75 Clermont 16 Colman, H. European Life 54 European Agricullure 41 Christmas Stories IB Cleve Hall 16 Colnett, Capl. J. Voyage 69 ChrislineVanAmburg 15 Cleveland, R. J. Voyages 59 Colon, F. Juzgados Mililaires 49 Chrisline 15 Clinton, DeWitt. Life of, by J. Ren- Colonial Intelligence 104 Chronicle, Royal Military 104 wick 75 Colton. Atlas of the World 61 Chronicle of the Crusades 67 by W. Campbell 75 Colton, C. Life and speeches of Chronicles of Ihe Baslile 15 Clinton, Sir H. Campaign in America 68 Henry Clay 76 Chronicles of Clovernook 15 Clive, Lord. Life of 75 Colton, Rev. C. C. Lacon 95 Chronicles, Six Old English 63 Cloquel, J. Recollections of Lafay- Colton, Rev. W. Land and Sea 54 Chroniques de 1'ceil de Bceuf 15 ette 75 Ship and Shore 64 Chroniques Populaires de Berry 15 Clowes, J. Dialogues 27 The Sea and the Sailor 59 Chronology 72, 73 Coale, G. B. Manual of Pholography 46 Three Years in California Chubb, T. Tracls 21 Coasl Survey of U. S. 61, 106 Columbia, British. Report on 50 Churchill, C. Poems 89 Skelches 61 Columbia. Descriptive of Ihe Dis- Churchill's Collection of Voyages Cobbett.W. Porcupines' Works 34 trict of fil and Travels 59 Protestant Reformation 63 Columbus.C. Life and Voyages, by Churton, E. The Railroad Book of Le Maitre d'Anglais 92 W. Irving 75 England 61 Life of Andrew Jackson 75 Colwell, S. Ways and Means of Oibber, C. Life, by himself 75 Works 99 Payment 34 Cicero. Life of, by C. Middlelon 75 Cobbold, R. H. Piclures of the Combe, G. Constitution of Man 43 Five Books. De Finibus 87 Chinese 57 Physiology Oratory and Oralora 87 Cobden. J. C. While Slaves of Eng Notes on the Uniled Slales 50 Academics 87 land 3 Comedati, G. Italian and English Laelius 87 Cockburn.H. Memorials of his Time 75 Dictionary 102 Imrnortalily of Ihe Soul 87 Cocke, W. A. Conslilulional His Comical Romance, by Scarron IP Tuscnlan Disputations 87 lory 33 Comines, P. Memoirs 7H Tusculan Questions 87 Cocks, C. Bordeaux 54 Commerce 34, 35 Nature of the Gods 87 Cocklon, H. Valentine Vox 3 Commerce and Navigation Reports 34 Orations, Offices, and Laelius 87 The Love Match 3 Commerce of British America 34 Letters to his Friends 87 The Steward 3 Commercial Relations of Ihe U. S. 34 Offices 36 Code de Napoleon 32 Common Errors 16 On the Laws 3-2 Code of Procedure in the State of Common Schools of Cincinnati 106 Political Works 87 New York 3 Compensation 15 Cincinnati 61 Coe, J. The True American 100 Complon, B. Life of R. C. Trench 70 (Uncinnatus 104 Cffiur, Jacques. Life of 75 Comslock.J. C. Natural Philoso- Circumnavigation of Ihe Globe 59 Coffin, E. S. Marine Traverse Tables 49 phy 46 Civil Engineering 47, 48 Coffin, N. W. America, etc 89 Comte, A. Republique Occidentale 33 Clacy, Mrs. C. I.ndy's Visit to Aus- Coggeshall, G. Voyages 69 Ensemble du Positivisme 37 tralia 17 American Privateers, etc 68 Philosophic Positive 37 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 117 Concordances 102, 104 Cooper, J. F. Cox,W. Russian Discoveries 59 Concordance to the Book of Com- Wept of the Wish-ton-Wish 3 Coxe, A.C. Impressions of England 64 mon Prayer 103 Wing and Wing 4 Cozzens, F. S. Acadia 60 To Shakspeare 102 Wyandotte 4 Sparrowgrass Papers 95 To the Bible 102 History of the Nary 68 Crabbe, G. Synonyms 93 Con Cregan 7 Lives of Naval Officers 76 Craik, G. L. British Commerce 34 Conde, J. A. Arabs in Spain 63 Cooper, Miss. Country Life 89 The Literature of England 95 Confessions of a Blind Heart 16 Cooper, Capt S. Instruction for Cranston House 16 Congress. Debates and Proceedings Militia and Volunteers 49 Cranmer, T. Life and Times of 76 of 33 Coopers, The 16 Crater ; or Vulcan's Peak 16 Register of Debates in 33 Copeland, R. M. Country Life 45 Craven's Walkers' Manly Exercises 46 Cases of Contested Elections 33 Copeland,J. Medical Dictionary 102 Recreations in Shooting 46 Congressional Globe 33 Copway, G. Forest Life 76 Crawford, J. Embassy to Siara 57 ConUin, M. c. The Mother and Coquette, by Mrs. Foster 16 Indian Archipelago 67 Wife of Washington 76 Cora and the Doctor 16 Crawford, Mabel. Life in Tuscany 54 Connoisseur, The 95 Coral Island 16 Creasy, E. S. Eminent Etonians 76 Conrad, R. T. Aylmere 89 Cordova, J. de. Texas 34 Creichton, Capt J. Memoirs of 76 Consience, H. Vera 3 Corinne 16 Creole Orphans 16 The Conscript 3 Cormenin, Viscount de. Orators of Cricket Field, The 108 The Curse of the Village, etc 3 France 76 Crighton, A. Histo:y of Arabia 67 The Demon of Gold 3 Cormere, M. Sur les Finances 34 and Wheaton, H. Scandinavia 63 The Miser of Ricketicketack 3 Cornano, L. On Health and Long Crisna, the Queen of Danube 4 The Lion of Flanders 3 Life 45 Crittenden, S. W. and S. H. Book Conscript, by A. Dumas 16 Corne, H. Le Cardinal de Richelieu 76 Keeping 47 Constitution of the United States 31 Corneille and his Times, by F. Gui- Crock of Gold 16 Constitution and Laws of California 31 zot 76 Crocket, Col. David. Life.by himself 76 Contarini Fleming 16 Corneille, Pierre et Thomas. Thea- Croker, T. C. Killarny Legends 4 Contes ; Cheykh Mohdy 16 tre de 92 Croly, G. Beauties of the British Contes et Romans, par Voltaire 16 Corner Cupboard 48 Poets 89 Contributions to History of Penn- CornhUl Magazine 104 Life and Times of George IV 76 sylvania 68 Cornwallis.K. British Columbia 61 Cromwell, O. Letters and Speeches 76 Convent of St. Clair 16 Corpus Juris Civilis 31 Life of, by J. T. Headley 76 Conversations of Goethe 95 Correspondence Relative to Expedi- Life of, by M. Russell 76 Convict 16 tion to Japan 33 A Vindication, by D'Aubign* 76 Cook. Eliza. Poems 89 Cortes, H. Dispatches 68 and the English Crown, by F. Cook, J. Voyages round the world 69 Cory, L Fragments of Ancient Au- Guizot 63 Cooke, E. W. Plates of Shipping thors 87 Crooks, G. R., and A. J. Schem. and Craft 49 Cosas de Espana 54 Latin Dictionary 102 Cooke, G. W. China 67 Cosmopolitan Art Journal 104 Crosby, F. Everybody's Lawyer 32 Cooke, J. E. Henry St. John, Gen- Costello, L. S. Early Poetry of Crosby, Hon. N. Obituaries 67 tleman 3 France 89 Crosland, Mrs. Lydia. A Woman's Virginia Comedians 25 Catharine de Medicis 4 Book 4 Cooke, J. P. Jr. Chemical Physics 39 Life of Jacques Cojur 76 Crotchet Castle Cooke, Lieut Col. Report of His Costumes 94 Crowe, E. C. History of France 63 March to San Diego 50 Cottage Magazine 104 Crowe, Mrs. C. Ghost Stories 107 Cookery and Domestic Economy 48, 49 Cottage on the Cliff 16 The Night Side of Nature 101 Cook's Guide, by a Lady 48 Cottle, J. Reminiscences of S. T. Crowen, T. J. Cookery 49 Cooley, A. J. Cyclopedia of Re- Coleridge 16 Cruden, A. Concordance 102 ceipts 48 Coughlan, Mrs. Memoirs 76 Cruikshank, G. Three Courses, etc 4 Coolidge, R, H. Report on Sick- Coulter, John. Adventures 60 Cruise of the Midge 4 ness in the Army 34 Adventures in the Pacific 50 Crystal Palace 101 Cooper, J. F. Novels 3 Count of Arensberg 16 Cudworth, R. Intellectual System 36 Afloat and Ashore 3 Count of Monte Cristo 16 Culbertson, M. S. Darkness in the Bravo; a Tale 3 Count Robert of Paris 16 Flowery Land 59 Chain-Bearer 3 Counterparts 16 Cnlpepper, N. British Herbal 41 The Crater 3 Countess of St. Albans 16 Cummings.J. Apocalyptic Sketches 27 Deer Slayer 3 Country Curate 16 Cummings, Maria. The Lamplighter 4 The Headsman 3 Country Gentleman 104 El Fureides 4 Heidenmauer S Courcillon, E. Le Cure Manque 3 Cumming, R. C. Five Years in Homeward Bound 3 Couret, L. du. Life in the Desert 67 South Africa 57 Home as Found 3 Courier and Enquirer 109 Cunningham, Allan. Painters of Jack Tier 3 Courtenay, E. 38 Great Britain 76 The Last of the Mohicans 3 Courtenay, T. P. Memoirs of Sir Life and Works of Burns 76 Lionel Lincoln 3 William Temple 76 Cunningham, P. Handbook of Lon- Mercedes of Castile 3 Courtenay of Walreddin 18 don 54 The Monikins 3 Courtship and Marriage 16 Cupples, G. The Green Hand 4 Ned Myers 3 Courtship and Matrimony 16 Cure Manque 16 Notions of the Americans 3 Cousin, V. La Societe Frangaise 76 Curse of Clifton 16 Oak Openings 3 History of Philosophy 7 1 Curse of the Village 16 The Pathfinder 3 Cousin Cicily 16 Curtis, G. T. History of the Con- The Pilot 3 Cousin Maude and Rosamond 16 stitution of the United States 68 The Pioneers 3 Cousin William 16 Curtis, G. W. Notes of a Howadji 64 The Prairie 3 Cowell,B. Spirit of 76 in R. Island 68 Potiphar Papers 4 The Red-Skins 3 Cowper, W. Poems 89 Curtis, Joseph. Memoirs of 76 Satanstoe 3 Life and Works, by Southey 76 Curtis, Laura J. Christine 4 The Sea Lions 3 Cowper's Works 99 Now-a-Days 4 The Spy 3 Cox, Ross. Adventures 50 Cnrwen.S. Journal and Letters 76 Two Admirals 3 Cox.W. The House of Austria 63 Curzon, R. Monasteries of the The Water Witch 3 The Duke of Marlborough 76 Levant 54 9 118 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Curzon, R. Armenia 54 Davis, A. J. Divine Revelations 27 De Quincey, T. The Avenger, etc 4 Gushing, L. S. Of Legislative As- Principles of Nature 36 Derby, G. H. Phoenixiana 4 semblies 32 Davis, C. H. Deposit of Flood Tide 44 Des Cartes- Life of 76 Manual 32 Davis, Elizabeth. Autobiography 76 Descartes, R. Meditations Meta- Custis, Geo. W. P. Recollections 76 Davis, J. F. China 57 physiques, etc 36 Cutts, J. M. Conquest of Califor- The Chinese 57 Desert Home 16 nia and New Mexico 68 Davis, M. L. Memoirs of Aaron Deserted Wife 16 Cuvier, G. L. Animal Kingdom 43 Burr 76 Designs for Furniture, etc 47 Cyclopedias 102, 104 Davis, W. H. El Gringo 61 DeStael, Madame. Alemagne 54 Cyclopedia Britannica 10-2 Davy, Sir H. Consolations in Travel 108 Germany 64 Cyclopedia of Political and Consti- Davy, J. Life of Sir Humphrey Corinne 11 tutional Knowledge 33 Davy 76 Des Vouex; Lettres 87 Cyril Thornton 16 Day, T. Sandford and Merton 4 De Tocqueville, A. Democracy in Cyrilla 16 Days of Bruce 16 America 33 Cyrus the Great, by Abbott 76 Days of my Life 4 De Veaux. Falls of Niagara 61 D'Azeglio. Challenge of Barletta 4 Devereau 16 Dead Secret 16 De Vries, D. P. Voyages 61 Dear Experience 16 D'Ewes, J. China, etc 67 Debit and Credit 16 De Wette. Human Life 27 DACKI, Lady. Tales 4 De Bow, G. D. B. Statistical View Theodore 27 Adventures of a Chaperon 4 of the U. S. 34 Introduction to the Old Testa- Dadd, G. H. Cattle Doctor 41 De Bow's Review 104 ment 27 Diseases of Cattle 41 Dewey, O. Discourses 27 Daisy Burns 16 Decatur, S. Life of 76 DeWitt, C.D. Histoire de Wash- Daisy Chain 16 Decker. Tactique 49 ington 76 Dalrio, E. The Game of Chess 46 De Custine, M. Russia 64 Dexter, S. Reminiscences 76 Daltons 16 Deer Slayer 16 Dexter, Timothy. Life of 76 Dana, C. A. Household Book of Defoe, D. Robinson Crusoe Dhu, Helen. Stanhope Burleigh 4 Poetry 89 Captain Singleton, etc Diable Boiteaux 16 Dana, D. D. The Fireman 108 Memoirs of a Cavalier, etc Translated 16 Dana, J. D. Mineralogy 40 Moll Flanders, etc Dial, The 104 Custracea 43 Roxana, etc Diary of a Physician 16 Zoophytes 43 Dana, M. S. B. Letters 27 The Great Plague, etc Life of Duncan Campbell, etc Diary of an Old Doctor 16 Diary of the Howard Association of New Orleans 76 Dana, R. H. Two Years before the Mast 50 To Cuba and Back 50 The Seaman's Friend 49 De Foix 16 De Forest, J. W. European Ac- quaintance 64 Indians of Connecticut 68 Diary, in MSS., of a Whaling Voyage 69 Dibdin, C. Sea Songs 89 Dibdin, Dr. T. F. Tour in France, etc 64 Dancing Feather 16 Seacliff 4 Dick,T. Works 99 Dante 89 Degerando, M. Self-Education 92 On Society 37 D'Arblay,Mme. Memoir of 76 De La Beche, Sir H. Geological Ob- Astronomer 38 D'Argens.M. Chinese Letters 95 server 40 Celestial Scenery 38 Jewish Spy 95 De Lagny, G. The Knout, etc 54 Sidereal Heavens 38 Darien 16 De Lalande, L. J. L. Physiology Dickeson, M. W. Numismatic Darius the Great. Life of 46 Vegetale 39 Manual 94 Darlington, W. Memoirs of J. De La Motte, F. Ornamental Al- Djck Markham 16 Bartram and H. Marshall 76 phabeta 46 Dick Tarlton 16 Darnley 16 Delano, A. A Life on the Plains, etc 61 Dickens, C. Memoirs of Grimaldi 76 Darwin, C. Voyage of a Naturalist 44 Delesert, E. Voyage Pictures from Italy 64 The Origin of Species 44 Deleuze, J. P. F. Animal Magnet- World Here and There 69 Dassens.G. W. Tales 4 ism 39 David CopperBeld 4 D'Aubigne, J. H. M. History of the De Lolme, J. L. The English Con- Pickwick Club 4 Reformation 63 stitution 32 Sketches 4 D'Aubigne, T. Life of Cromwell 76 D'l'Orme 16 Barnaby Rudge Davenant, W. Works 92 Demon of Gold 16 Christmas Stories Davenport, R. Italian Dictionary 102 Dmophilus. Pythagorean Sentences 87 Home Narratives Davenport, R. A, Perilous Adven- De Morgan, A. Probabilities 38 Home and Social Philosophy tures 69 Demosthenes. Orations 87 Bleak House David Copperfield 16 on the Crown, etc 87 Hard Times Davidson, L. M. Memoir of 76 The Olinthiac, etc 87 Little Dorrit Poetical Remains 89 Dendy, W. L. Philosophy of Mys- Tale of Two Cities Davidson, M. M. Biography of 76 tery 39 New Stories Poetical Remains 89 Dendy's Wild Hebrides 64 Short Stories Davie.W. R. Life of 76 Denison, Mrs. C. W. Grade Amber 4 Dombey and Son Davies, C. Logic of Mathematics 38 Old Hepsey 4 Old Curiosity Shop Shades and Shadows 38 Denny, Major E. Upland Co. , Pa 68 Oliver Twist Algebra 38 De Pauw. Egyptians and Chinese 87 The Same Surveying and Navigation 38 De Forte's Poets of Germany 89 Martin Chuzzlewit Descriptive Geometry 38 De Quincey, T. Autobiographical Nicholas Nickleby Geometry and Trigonometry 38 Sketches 76 Dictionaries 102, 104 Differential and Integral Cal- The Cffisars 95 Dictionnaire de 1'Academic Fran- culus 38 Opium Eater 95 caise 102 Analytical Geometry 38 Essays 95 Historique 72 Arithmetic 38 Theological Essays 95 Technologique 9 and W. G. Peck. Mathematical Klosterheim 95 Dictionary of Latin Quotations 100 Dictionary 38 Miscellanies 95 of Quotations from Greek 100 Davies, C. M. History of Holland 63 Letters to a Young Man 95 of Love 93 Davies, T. A. Answer to Hugh Political Economy 34 of Modern Slang, Cant, etc 93 Miller, etc 40 Historical Essays 96 Diderot. CEuvres de 99 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 119 Didron, M. Christian Iconography 27 Douglas, Gen. Sir H. Military Dunn Brown in Foreign Parts 64 Diodoru.s Siculus. Historical Library 72 Bridges 38 Dunn. J. Oregon Territory 68 Dionysius Halicarnassus. Roman Naval Warfare 49 Dunsford, R Homoeopathy 46 Antiquities 63 Fortifications 107 Duppa, R., and T. De Quincey. Diplomacy 31 Douglas, Stephen A. Life and Lives of Angelo and Raphael 76 Directories. San Francisco 61 Speeches of 76 Du Pratz, M. History of Louisiana 68 New York 61 Douglas, W. British Settlement* Dupuy, E. A, The Planter's Daugh- Sacramento 61 in America 68 ter 4 Marysville 61 Dover, Lord. Life of Frederick II 78 Durer, A. Artist's Married Life 76 Boston 61 Dow, Lorenzo. Writings 37 Duvallon, B. Vue de la Espanole 64 Discarded Daughter 16 Downing, A. J. Country House* 47 Duychinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclo- Discipline 16 Landscape Gardening 47 pedia 103 Discoveries and 'Adventures in Rural Essays 41 Dwight, B. W. Modern Philology 93 Africa 67 Fruit and Fruit Trees 41 Dwight, H. E. Travels in Germany 65 Disowned Downing, C. T. Stranger in China 67 Dwight, M. A. Mythology 87 Disraeli, B. Vivian Grey Downing, Major J. My 30 Yean Dwight, T. History of Connecticut 68 The Young Duke out of the Senate 101 The Hartford Convention 68 Contarini Fleming Downing, S. Hydraulics 38 The Father's Book 27 Miriam Alroy Dragoon Campaigns 51 Travels 61 Henrietta Temple Drake, Cavendish and Dampier 51 Character of Jefferson IB Venetia Drake, J. R. Culprit Fay 89 Lile of Gen. Garibaldi 76 D "Israeli. Isaac. Amenities of Lit- Drake, S. G. History of Boston 68 Life of, by W. B. Sprague 76 erature 95 Indian Captivities 61 The Roman Republic 64 Miscellanies of Literature 95 Tragedies of the Wilderness 51 Dymond, J. Inquiry into War 34 Curiosities of Literature 95 Drama, The 92 Dynevor Terrace 16 Distinguished Men 76 Draper, J. W. Human Physiology 45 Disturnell's N. Y. Register 61 Drayson, Capt. The Earth, etc 44 Ditson, G. L. Circassia 67 Dream Life, by Ik. Marvel 95 Crescent, etc 63 Dred, by Mrs. Stowe 16 France, Egypt and Ethiopia 64 Drelincourt, C. Death 37 EiOLi Pass, by Cora Montgomery 16 Para Papers 95 Dresses and Costumes 94 Earl, G. W. Native Races, etc 67 Divine Songs 89 Drew, T. R. The Restrictive System 34 The Eastern Seas 67 Dix.J. A. A Winter in Madeira 64 Drummond, W. Origines 72 Early Magnetism 101 Dix, W. G. The Unholy Alliance 63 Drury, Anna. Misrepresentation 4 Eastford 16 Dixon, E. H. Scenes of a New York Drury, R. Adventures 57 Eastlake, C. L. Oil Painting 47 Surgeon 76 Dryden.J. Works 92 Eastman, Mary. Dacotah 107 Dixon, Rev. E. S. The Dovecote Poems 89 Easton, A. Horse-power Railways 38 and Aviary 43 Dublin University Magazine 104 Easy Nat 16 Youltry 43 Dubois.Abbe. The People of India 57 Easy Warren 16 Dixon, Capt. G. Voyage 69 Dixon, W. H. William Penn 76 Doctor Antonio 16 Duchene, P. Letters 95 Dudley Castle, by Mrs. Sherwood 1 Duer, J. Marine Insurance 32 Eaton, C. Rome 64 Eaton, Gen. W. Life of 76 Ebert, Fred. A. Bibliographical Doctor Oldham 16 Doctor Thome 16 Duer, W. A. Jurisprudence 33 Duflerin, Lord. A Yacht Voyage, etc 69 Dictionary 107 Ebony Idol 16 Echoes of a Belle 16 Documents of the State of New Letters from High Latitudes 64 Eccleston, J. English Antiquities 64 York 68 Duggan on Bridge Building 38 Eckfeldt and Dubois. Gold and Documents of Central American Duke, The 16 Silver Coin 94 AlT iirs 33 Dodd, C. R. Manual of Dignities 94 Dodd's Curiosities of Industry 47 Duke of Monmouth 16 Dumas, A. The Count of Monte Cristo Manual of Coins 94 Eclectic Magazine 104 Economy, Domestic 48, 49 Doddington, G. B. Diary of, Auto- Edmond Dantes Economy, Political 34 biography 76 The Three Guardsmen Economy of Human Life 37 Doddridge, P. Family Expositor 103 The Forty-five Guardsmen Economy 16 Dodds,J.B. Spirit Manifestations 101 Twenty Years After Eddies Round the Rectory 16 Dodsley.R, Old Plays 93 Bragelonne Eden, R. H. Law of Injunction) 32 Doesticks. What He Says 4 The Iron Mask Edgar Huntley, by C. B. Brown 16 Pluribustah 4 The Queen's Necklace Edinburgh Review 104 The Elephant Club 4 Isabel of Bavaria Selections from 101 Dollars and Cents 16 Adventures of a Marquis Edith Hall Dombey and Son 16 Emanuel Philibert Edith Hale 16 Domestic Economy 48, 49 Edith 16 Donaldson, S. J. Lyrics and Poems 86 The Conscript Edmond Dantes 16 Doniphan, Capt. Expedition 61 The Mohiocans of Paris Education and Elementary Works 92,93 Donovan, E. The Insects of China 43 Royalists and Republicans 92 Edward Evelyn, by Miss Strickland 16 Donovan, M. Domestic Economy 48 Dumas, A. Jr. The Demi Monde 92 Edward Mansfield, 16 Chemistry 34 Donna Bianca of Navarre 16 Dunallan, by Grace Kennedy 16 Duncan Campbell, by D. De Foe 16 Edward the Black Prince 76 Edwards, A. M. Life beneath the Donne, J. Poetical Works 89 Don Quixote 16 Dundonald, Admiral Earl. Services, etc 61 Waters 44 Edwards, C. Finger Rings 89 Doomed Chief 4 Dnnglison, R. Medical Dictionary 102 The Juryman's Guide -33 Dora Deane 16 Dunham, S. A. Spain and Portugal 64 Edwards, E. Memoirs of Libraries 107 Doran, Dr. Queens of England 76 Denmark, Sweden and Norway 64 Edwards, F. S. Campaign in New Monarchs Retired from Business 76 Poland 64 Mexico 61 New Pictures and old Panels 63 The Germanic Empire 64 Edwards, J. On the Will 37 Dore, by a Stroller in Europe 64 The Middle Ages 64 Life of, by S. Miller 76 Dorr, B. Churchman's Manual 27 Duniway , Mrs. Crossing the Plains, Edwards, Rev. J. E. European Dorr, Julia. C. Lanmere 4 etc 61 Travels 66 Donbleday, T. Life of Sir R. Peel 76 Dunlap's Hymalaya Mountains 103 Edgworth, Miss. Novels 4 Douglas Farm 16 Dunlap.F. S. Spirit History of Man 101 gau, P. The Flower of the Flock 5 120 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Effingham, C. The Virginia Come- Engel, M. Memoirs, etc 61 Everett, E. Life of John Stark 77 dians 4 Engineering, Civil 47, 48 Mount Vernon Papers Egypt Travels in 64, 67 English and Scottish Ballads 89 Orations and Speeches 100 Elder Sister, by Marian James 16 English Cyclopedia 102 Every Woman her own Lawyer 3-2 Elder, W. Periseopics 95 English Cyclopedia of Biography 77 Ewbank, T. Machines for Raising Life of Dr. Kane 76 English Hearts and English Hands 107 Water, etc 38 Eldon, Lord. Life of, by H. Twiss 76 English Mary 17 Matter and Force 38 Electricity 39, 40 Enlistments. Messages in regard to 34 Life in Brazil 61 Elementary Works 92, 93 Enneomoser, J. History of Magic 49 Executive Papers of the Congress Elephant. Natural History of 43 Entail 17 of the United States 33 Elephant Club 16 Enthusiasm. Natural History ol 27 Exiles of Florida 17 El Furiedes 16 Entz, J. F. Exchange and Cotton Exmouth, Admiral. Life of 77 Elgin, Earl of. Mission to China 67 Trade 36 Experiences of a Gaol Chaplain 5 Ehcabide, M. C. Proce de Fastes Eoline 17 Criminels 32 Eothen 65 Eliot, G. T. Mill on the Floss 6 Ephemeris ; or Nautical Almanac 44 Adam Bede 5 Epictetus. Works 87 Scenes from Clerical Life 5 Epicurean 17 FABII, Rev. F. W. All for Jesus 27 Eliot, J. Life of 76 Episodes of Insect Life 44 Faber, G. S. Napoleon 77 Elizabeth; or Exiles to Siberia 16 Epitaphs 100 Facciolati et Forcellini. Latinitatis Elizabeth, C. English Martyrology 27 Epitaphs. A Collection of, byT. J. Lexicon 102 Siege of Derry 6 Pettigrew 100 Fairbanks, G. R, History of St. Elizabeth, Queen. Life of 76 Eric 17 Augustine 68 Ellen de Vere 16 Erman.A. Siberia 58 Fairburn, W. Information for En- Ellen Middleton 16 Ermina 17 gineers 47 Ellery, W. Life of 76 Ernesti, I. C. C. Lateinisch Syno- Fairchild Family 17 Ellet, C. Physical Geography 61 nimik 102 Fairchild, S. L. Last Night of Ellet, Mrs. Characters of Schiller 95 Ernest Linwood 17 Pompeii 90 Domestic History of the Revo- Ernest Maltravers 17 Fairfax Correspondence 64 1'ution 68 Ernestin 5 Fairholt, F. W. Tobacco 41 Women Artists 76 Eros and Anteros 6 Fairy Tales 17 Women of the Revolution 76 Errand Boy 17 Fairy Tales of Science 17 Elliot, C. W. New England 68 Erskine, J. E. Cruise in the Pacific 59 Falconer, T. The Discovery of the Elliot, J. Life of 76 Erskine, Lord. On Revealed Reli- Mississippi, etc 51 Debates in Conventions 33 gion 27 Falconer, W. Poetical Works 90 Elliott, F. R. Fruit Growers' Guide 41 Eschylus 87 False Heir, by James 17 Elliott, S. H. A Look at Home 6 Esdaile, J. Clairvoyance 39 Famin, C. Chile, Paraguay, etc 61 Elliott, W. Carolina Sports 6 Esop's Fables 87 Fanaticism 27 Ellis, G. Metrical Romances 89 Espy, J. P. Meteorological Reports 106 Farmer, J. Genealogical Register Ellis, G. E. Life of A. Hutchinson 76 Essays and Reviews 95 of New England 94 Life of William Pnn 76 Essays on Education 93 Farmer of Inglewood Forest 17 Life of John Mason 77 Estelle 17 Partners' Magazine 104 Ellis, H. T. Hongkong to Manilla 67 Estelle Grant 6 Farnham, Eliza W. My Early Days 6 Ellis, Mrs. Chapters on Wives 5 Ethel 17 Prairie Land 51 Look to the End 6 Ethel's Love Life 17 California 51 The Mother's Mistake 5 Ethelwerd's Old English Chronicle 61 Farnham, J. T. Travels in California 61 Ellis, Rev. W. Three Visits to Mad- Ethical Philosophy 36, 37 Farraday, M. Chemistry and Physics 39 agascar 67 Ethnological Transactions 44 Chemical Manipulations 39 Polynesian Researches 59 Ethnology 43, 44 Forces of Matter 40 Elm Tree Tales 16 Eugene Aram 17 Farrar, F. W. Eric 5 EIphinstonii,J. Poetffi Sententiosi 89 Eugene, Prince. Memoir 77 Julian Home 5 Elton, R. Memoir of Jonathan Macy 77 Eulenspiegel 101 Farrar, Mrs. Life of John Howard 77 Elwood, T. Life 77 Euler. Natural Philosophy 40 Fashion and Famine 17 Elwyn, A. L. Glossary of Ameri- Euripides. Translated 92 Father and Daughter 17 canisms 93 Europe. Travels in 54, 57 Father Clement 17 Emancipation 17 Europe and the Allies 71 Father Henson's Story 17 Emanuel Philibert 17 Europe. History of 64 Father's Eye 17 Embury, Mrs. The Waldorf Family 6 Europe. Reminiscences of 65 Fathers, Apostolic 27 Emeline IT European History 63, 66 Faulkland 17 Emerson, A. G. Farmers' Encyclo- European Life, Legend, etc 65 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Excur- pedia 102 Eusebius. Ecclesiastical History 64 sions 61 Emerson, R. W. Essays 95 Eutaw, by Simms 17 Federalist, The 33 Nature 95 Evans, Augusta J. Beulah 5 Felt, J. B. Annals of Salem 68 Representative Men 95 Evans, F. W. The Shakers 71 Felton, C. C. Life of W. Eaton 77 English Traits 95 Evans, G. The Dairyman's Manual 41 Felton, J. H. The Decimal System 108 Poems 89 Evans, S. Youthful Piety 27 Female Biography, by M. Hays 17 Emigrant Ships. Report on 34 The Society of Friends 27 Female Life among the Mormons 51 Emilia Wyndham 5 Evans, T. Old Ballads 89 Fenelon, F. Telamacus 5 Emily and her Brothers 17 Evelina, by Miss Burney 17 Lives of Ancient Philosophers 77 Emma 17 Evelyn, J. Philosophic Discourse 41 Fenn, J. The Paston Letters 95 Emory, Major. Report of Mexican History of Religion 27 Ferdinand and Isabella 77 Boundary Commission 61 Evening Bulletin 104 Ferguson, A. The Roman Republic 64 Encyclopedias, Dictionaries. Con- Evening Picayune 104 Ferguson, H. English Surnames 93 cordances and other Books of Evenings at Haddon Hall 6 Ferguson, J. Life of 77 Reference 102, 104 Evenings at Donaldson Manor 17 Ferguson, W. Notes of a Profes- Encyclopedia Americana 102 Everett, A. H. Essays 95 sional Life 77 Britannica 102 Life of Patrick Henry 77 Fern, Fanny. Life and Beauties of 77 of Religious Knowledge 102 Life of Gen. Warren 77 Rose Clark 6 Encyclopedia: de> Jeunea Etudiants 102 Everett, E. Life of Washington 77 Ruth Hall 5 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 121 Fern, Fanny. Fonblanque, A., Jr. How we are Frank Fairlegh 17 Leaves from Fanny's Portfolio 6 Governed 35 Frank Freeman's Barber Shop 17 Fresh Leaves 6 Fontenelle. Plurality of Worlds 38 Frank, Harry and Lucy 17 Little Ferns B Fool of Quality 17 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newt- Ferrier, J. F. Metaphysics 36 Foote, A. H. Africa and the Amer- paper 104 Ferris, B. G. Utah and the Mormons 61 ican Flag 68 Frank Mildmay 17 Ferry, G. Vagabond .Life in Mexico 61 Foote, Rev. H. W. Virginia 68 Frankenstein 17 Fessenden, T. American Gardener 41 Forayers 17 Franklin, B. Autobiography 77 Feuchtwanger, L. On Gems 40 Forbes, A. History of California 68 Life of, by J. Sparks 77 On Fermented Liquors 39 Forbes, Prof. E. The European Works 99 Feuerbach, A. R. Criminal Trials 32 Seas 43 Letters to 95 Feuillet, C. The Romance of a Forbes, F. E. Five Years in China 58 Franklin Journal 104 Poor Young Man 5 Forbes, J. Residence in India 58 Franklin, Sir John. The Arctic Re- Fichte, J. G. Destination of Man 37 Eleven Years in Ceylon 68 gions 59 Memoir of, by W. Smith 77 Oriental Memoirs 68 Frazer, J. B. Historic Account of Nature of the Scholar 95 Norway and its Glaciers 66 Persia 67 Field, G. Colors and Pigments 46 Ford, Mrs. Grade Truman 6 Mesopotamia and Assyria 67 Field, H. M. Summer Pictures 65 Mary Bunyan 6 Freaks of Fortune 17 Field, J. M. Maj. Thorpe's Scenes 6 Ford, R. Handbook for Spain 61 Fred Arden 17 Field, Margaret Bertha Percy 6 The Spaniards 65 Fred Graham 17 Field, T. W. Of the Pear Tree 41 Gatherings from Spain 65 Fred Markham 17 Field, Rev. W. Life of Dr. S. Parr 77 Forest Days 17 Frederick IL History of, by T. Fielding, H. Worts 99 Forest Tragedy 17 Carlyle 77 Joseph Andrews 5 Forester, T. Norway 65 His Court and Times 77 Tom Jones 6 Mesopotamia and Assyria 65 by Lord Dover 77 Works 6 Paris and its Environs 61 by T. B. Macaulay 77 Fielding, T. Select Proverbs 100 Foresters IT Free Masonry 94 Fielding, T. H. Practical Perspec- Forest, R. Military Engineering 49 Freedley, E. T. The Legal Adviser 35 tive 46 Forrest, W. S. Sketch of Norfolk, On Practical Business, etc 35 Painting and Lithography 46 Va.,etc 68 Freer's Life of Henry IV 77 Filangieri, C. Ciencia de la Legis- Forster, J. Essays 64 Free-Thinker 96 lacion 33 Life and Adventures of Oliver Fremont, J. C. Expedition 61 Files of English Newspapers 104 Goldsmith 77 Life and Explorations, by C. W. Eastern Newspapers 104 Statesmen of the Common- tlpham 61 Finance 34, 35 wealth of England 77 Life, by J. C. Smucker 61 Finances. Reports of 35 Forsyth, W. The Captivity of Na- French, B. F. Historical Collections Finden, E. The Beauties of Moore 101 poleon 77 of Louisiana 68 Finden's Views of the Ports and Fortune Hunter 17 The Iron Trade 71 Harbors 61 Fortunes of Glencore 17 Fresenins, C. R. Chemical Analysis 39 Fine Arts 45, 46 Findlay. A, G. Directory of the Fortunes of Nigel 17 Forty-five Guardsmen 17 Fresh Hearts, by the Author of New Pacific 61 Fisher's Daughter 17 Foster and Whitney. Geology of Lake Superior 40 Freytag, G. Debit and Credit 6 Fisher's River Scenes 17 Fiske, D. W. First American Chess Foster, Mrs. Handbook of Litera- ture 95 Friarswood Post Office 17 Friend, The. A Monthly Journal 104 Congress 46 Foster, L. Wayside Glimpses 61 Friends in Council 96 Fiske, J. Grape Culture 41 Fitch, J. Life of 77 Foster, J. Life and Correspondence 77 Natural Religion 37 Frithiof 's Saga 90 Froebel, J. Travel in Central Amer- Fitz Boodle's Confessions 17 Essays 95 ica 61 Fitz.ofFitz Ford 17 Fitzgerald, J. E. The Charter, etc., Popular Ignorance 96 Critical Essays 95 Froissart, Sir J. Chronicles 64 Frontier Lands of the Christian and of the Hudson's Bay Co. 68 Flagg, E. Report 36 Lectures 95 Fosteriana 96 Turk 65 Frost, Annie. Parlor Charades, etc 100 Venice 64 Four Books. Chinese Novels 17 Frost, J. Incidents of Travel 69 Flanders, H. Constitution of the tJ. S. 33 Four Old Plays 93 WQd Scenes in a Hunter's Life 5 Chief Justices of the C. S. 77 Fouraier, F. J. Dictionaire del Great Cities of the World 61 Fleetwood 17 Livres 107 Life of Andrew Jackson 77 Fletcher, J. History of Poland 64 Fowler, O. S. Memory, etc 36 Life of Gen. Taylor 77 Flint, C. L. Milch Cows 41 Fowler, W. C. English Grammar 93 Frothingham, R. The Siege of Flint, T. Indian Wars 68 Fox, C. J. The Reign of James II 64 Boston 68 The Last Ten Tears 77 Memoirs of, by Lord J. Russell 77 Fry, Elizabeth. Memoirs of 77 Flora Columbiana 41 Memoirs of, by J. Trotter 77 Fudges in England, by Brown the Florain, M. Numa Pompilius 6 Fox, John. Acts and Monuments 77 Younger 17 Gonzalve de Cordove 5 Fox, Maria. Memoirs of 77 Fuller, Rev. Andrew. Work* 37 Florence of Worcester's History 64 Fox, W. J. Lectures 95 Works and Remains 37 Florence Dombey 17 Religions Ideas 37 Fuller, Frances and Meta. Poems 90 Florence De Lacey 17 Fragments, Political, of Archytas, Fuller, Margaret. Life Without and Florence Macarthy 17 etc 87 Life Within 95 Florence Sackville 17 France and England, by de Loisne 64 Fuller, Dr. T. History of the Florian. Estelle 90 Francis II. and Charles IX 77 Worthies of England 77 Moors of Spain 64 Francis, C. Life of S. Rale 77 Fullerton. Lady. Ellen Middleton 6 Florida. War Documents 35 Life of John Eliot 77 Grantley Manor 6 The War in 68 Francis, C. S. Handbook of New The Lady Bird 6 Floras, Sallust, etc 87 York 61 Fullom, S. W. The History of Flower of the Flock 17 Francis, G. H. Orators of the Age 77 Woman 71 Flower of the Forest 17 Francis, J. B. Hydraulic Experi- Fnltoa, Root. Life, by C. D. Colden 77 Flush Tunes in Alabama 17 ments 38 by J. t. Reigart 77 FoUter, R. M. British Sterling and Francis, Dr. J. W. Old New York 68 by J. Renwick T7 U. S. Currency 35 Francke.H. New Theory of Disease 45 Furness, W. H. History of Jesus 17 122 ALPHABETICAL GEiVERAL INDEX. Fnrniss, W. Views across the Sea 55 Georges, The. Four Kings of Eng- Glimpses of Europe Future Life, by G. Wood 17 land 77 Gobineau, Count. Races of Man- Georgi, A. My Life and Acts 77 kind 44 Georgia Scenes 101 Godfrey Malvern 17 Georgian Era 77 Godman, J. D. Natural History 43 Geographical Works 61, 62 Godolphin 17 GIBIIIL Vane, by J. Loud 17 Geography. Knight's English Cy- Godwin, P. Handbook of Biography 103 Galignani's New Paris Guide 61 clopedia 102 History of France 64 Gallois, M. L. Histoire de la Revo- Murray's Encyclopedia 102 Godwin, W. Commonwealth of lution de 1848 64 Galt,J. Life of Cardinal Wolsey 77 Geography. New English Encyclo- pedia 61 England 64 Fleetwood 5 Life of Lord Byron 77 jeology 40, 41 Caleb Williams 5 Sir Andrew Wylie of that Ilk 5 The Provost, and other Tales 6 Gerald Fitzgerald 17 Gerfaut 17 Goethe's Poems and Ballads 90 Goethe, J. W. Novels and Tales 5 The Annals of the Parish, and WilhelmMeister 5 Ayrshire Legatee 6 German Fairy Tales 17 Autobiography 77 The Entail German Popular Tales 17 Life of, by H. C. Browning 77 Laurie Todd 6 Life of, by G. H. Lewes 77 Gait, J. M. Of Insanity Gallon, F. The Art of Travel 47 Gerhart, E. V. Philosophy and Logic 37 Gerrald, J. Trial for Sedition 32 Faust 92 Herman and Dorothea 92 Galvanism 39, 40 Gerry, E. Life of, by J. T. Austin 77 Iphigenia in Tauris 92 Gamboa, F. X. Mining Ordinances Gerstaecker, F. Each for Himself 5 Dramatic Works 92 of Spain 32 Wild Sports in the Far West 6 Conversations 95 Gannell,W. Life of Roger Williams 77 Journey round the World 69 Correspondence 95 Life of S. Ward 77 Gervase Skinner 17 Essays on Art 95 Garde. Meuble Ancien et Moderne 47 Garden. Manual of the 41 Gervinus.G. G. Shakspeare 95 Gesner, M. (Euvres Choises 90 Theory of Colors 46 Les Affinites Electives 101 Garibaldi. Life of 77 Gardiner, Wm. The Music of Na- Getz, G. Precedents in Convey- ancing 32 Gold Fields of St. Domingo 61 Gold Fields of Australia and Cali- ture 44 Gibbes, R. W. South Carolina 68 fornia 40 Garland, H. Life of John Randolph 77 Mosasaurus, etc 4 Golden Clew 17 Garlick, T. Artificial Propagation Cuba for Invalids 61 Golden Dagon ; or the Irawaddi 58 of Fish 44 Gibbon, Lieut., and Herndon. Ex- Golden Legacy 17 Gardner, A. K. The French Me- ploration 106 Goldoni, F. D. Memoirs 77 tropolis 65 Old Wine in New Bottles 55 Gibbon, E. Works 95 The Roman Empire 64 Goldsmith, Rev. J. View of the Gardner, C. K. Dictionary of Of- ficers of the U. S. Army 77 Life of Mahomet 77 Memoir of 77 World 61 Goldsmith, O. History of England 64 Garnet, J. M. Female Education 93 Gaskell, E. 0. Life of Charlotte Gibbons, J. S. Banks of New York 71 Gibbs, G. Administrations of Wash- Animated Natnre 43 Miscellaneous Works by W. Irving 77 Bronte 77 Gaskell, Mrs. E. Right at Last 5 ington and Adams 68 Gibson, W. M. The Prisoner of by J. Forster 77 Poems 90 Mary Barton 6 Lizzie Leigh 6 Weltevreden 58 Giddings, J. R. The Exiles of Florida 5 Beattie and Campbell's Poems 90 Vicar of Wakefield 5 Ruth 5 The Moorland Cottage 5 North and South 5 Gilbert Gurney 17 Gil Bias 17 Gildas' Old English Chronicle 64 Deserted Village Gonzalve de Cordove; par Florian 17 Good, J. M. The Book of Nature 43 Agnes Gray 6 Giles, H. Lectures and Essays 95 Goodrich, C. A. British Eloquence 100 My Lady Ludlow 6 Gilfillan, G. Literature, etc 95 Goodrich, F. B. Man upon the Sea 59 Gass, P. Lewis and Clark's Journal 51 Bards of the Bible 77 Goodrich, S. G. Recollections of a Gauss. Theoria Motus 40 Gilford, W. Memoir 78 Lifetime 77 Gaut Gurley 17 Gillespie, W. M. Of Road-making 38 History of all Nations 72 Gavard, M. Les Rois de France 77 Gilley's Narrative 65 Parley's Stories 6 Gay, J. Poetical Works 90 Gillis, Lieut. J. M. Astronomical Goodwin, E. Lily White Gay, Madame. Celebrated Saloons 64 Expedition 61 Gordon and Glendennin* The Ghost Seer, by Schiller 17 Oilman, C. Southern Matron 6 Pinetum 41 Geiger, E. G. History of the Gilpin, W. S. Landscape Garden- Gordon, P. Geography Anatomized 61 Swedes 64 ing 41 Gordon, T. The Greek Revolution 64 Geikie, A. Story of a Boulder 40 Girard, C. Fishes 43 Gordon, W. The American Revo- Geldart, Mrs. T. History of Eng- Girardin, E. Stories of an Old Maid 6 tion 68 land 64 Giraud, J. P., Jr. Birds 43 Gore, Mrs. Progress and Prejudice 5 Cell, Sir W. Topography of Rome 6 Gironiere, P. Phillipine Islands 68 Cecil 6 Gell and Gandy's Pompeiana 55 Gisborne, L. Darien 61 The Hamiltons Gems from Fable Land 101 Gladstone, T. H. Englishman in Mrs. Armytage 6 Gems of European Art 101 Kansas 51 Mothers and Daughters 5 Gems of Spanish Poetry 90 Glannil.J. Discourses, etc 37 Abednego the Money Lender 5 Genealogy 93, 94 On Preaching 27 Gorrie, P. D. Churches and Sects 27 Genevieve 1 Modern Sadducism 27 Gorton, J. Biographical Dictionary 102 Gentilhomme Campagnard 1 Gleason's Pictorial 104 Gorton, S. Life of 78 Gentleman's Magazine 10 Gleig, G. R. Chelsea Pensioners 6 Goss.P. H. Life 108 Geoffrey of Monmouth's History 64 The Country Curate 5 The Aquarium 43 George, A. Queens of Spain 64 Warren Hastings 77 Naturalist in Jamaica 61 George IL Memoirs of, by Lord Military Commanders 77 The Microscope 44 Hervey 7 History of the Bible 71 Gouge, W. M. Fiscal History of George IV. Life and Times, by G. The Campaigns at Washington 68 Texas 65 Croly 77 Gleize, J. A. Thalysle 1 Gould, A. A. Molusca and Shells 43 George Mason 1 Selena Gould, Hannah. Poems George Melville 1 Glenwood, or the Parish Boy 17 Gourdone. Congress de Paris 64 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 123 Government 31, 36 Griffin, Gerald. The Half-Sir 6 Hair, T. H. Collieries of Northum- Government and other Report* 106, 106 The Coiner 6 berland 40 Grace Lee 17 The Rival 6 Hakluyt, R. Navigations, etc 60 Grade Amber 17 Tracy's Ambition 6 Haldane, R. and J. Memoirs of 78 Gracie Truman 17 Duke of Monmouth 6 Hale, C. E. Kansas and Nebraska 61 Grai'.us ad Parnassnm 108 Tales of the Jury Room 6 Hale, D. Memoir of 78 Graflon, H. D. On Camp and March 49 Holland Tide The Aylmers Hale, H. Ethnography 44 Graglia, C. Italian Dictionary 102 The Handy Word Barber of Hale, S. History of United State* 69 Graham, J. History of the U. S. 69 Bantry 6 Hale, Mrs. S. J. Woman's Record 78 Life of Gen. Morgan 78 Poems and Plays 90 Poetical Quotations 100 Graham, J. D. Report 61 Griffin, J. Chemistry 39 Half-Sir 18 Graham, T. Chemistry 39 Chemical Recreations 39 Haliburton, T. C. Rule and Misrule 69 Grammaire Anglais 93 Griffith, W. Marine Architecture 47 Haliburton, Judge. Sam Slick 6 Grammont's Court of Charles II 64 Grimaldi, J. Life of 78 Nature and Human Nature 6 Granby 17 Grimm. Popular Tales 6 Hall, A. O. Old Whitney's Christ- Grant, Mrs. Memoirs 78 Grimshaw, W. Life of Napoleon 78 mas Trot 6 Grant, J. Random Recollections 78 Gringo, Harry. Tales of the Marines 6 Hall, B. F. Opinions of Attorney The British Senate 78 Griscom, J. Animal Magnetism 101 Generals 32 Life of Mary of Lorraine 78 Griswold, R. W. Poeta of America 78 Hall, B. R, Teaching a Science 93 Jane Seaton 6 Prose Writers of America 78 Frank Freeman's Shop 6 Grant, R. Physical Astronomy 38 Female Poets of America 78 Hall, E. The Puritans 71 Grant, Dr., and the Nestorians 58 Poets of England 78 Hall, J. Life of T. Posey 78 Grantley Manor 17 The Republican Court 78 Legends of the West 6 Grattan, T. C. The Netherlands 64 Grote, E. History of Greece 64 Hall, Miss. American Cookery 48 Agnes de Mansfelt 6 Grove, W. R, Physical Forces 40 Hall, Mrs. New Book of Cookery 48 Jacqueline of Holland 5 Grumbler, A. Miscellaneous Tho'ts 96 Hall, Mrs. M. Queens of England 78 Legends of the Rhine 6 Grand, F. J. Aristocracy in America 51 Hall, Rev. R. Works 27 The Heiress of Bruges 6 Graves, Mrs. Woman in America 61 Gwilt, J. Encyclopedia of Archi lecture 103 Hall, R. B. Eastern Vermont 69 Hall, S. C. Book of Gem* 90 Gray, A. Botanical Text Book 41 Gwinne's School for Fathers 107 British Ballads 90 Plant* of the U. 3. 41 Guardian, The. British Essayists 96 Midsummer Eve 6 Plants Wrightiane 41 Guarini, B. 11 Pasto re Fido 90 The Outlaw 6 Gray.T. Poetical Worts 90 Letters 96 Guays, L. B. Religious Philosophy 37 Guenon, M. F. Milch Cows 41 Hall, Mrs. Ireland 65 Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Handbook of Dublin 61 Graydon, A. Memoirs of his own Guerrazzi, F. D. Beatrice Cenci 6 Hall, H. W. Voyage of the Nemesis 60 Time 76 Isabella Orsini 6 Hallam, H. Constitutional History 64 Grayson, E: Standish the Puritan 6 Guide Books 61, 62 Middle Ages 64 Greek Anthology 87 Guide of Rome 61 Literature of Europe 71 Greek Literature. History ot 96 Guild, R. A. The Librarian's Manual 107 Halleck, F. Poetical Work* 90 Greek Romances of Heliodorus, etc 87 Guillemard, R. Adventure* 65 Selections from the British Poet* 90 Greek and Roman Antiquities 64 Guizot, F. Oliver Cromwell 78 Halleck, W. H. Military Art and Gregg, J. Commerce of the Prairies 61 Corneille and his Times 78 Science 49 Gregg, W. Creed of Christendom 27 History of Civilization 64 Hallig, by Biernatzyki 18 Gregororius, F. Corsica 65 Revolution of 1640 64 Halliwell, J. O. Archaic Words 93 Gregory, O. Christian Religion 27 Representative Government 33 Hallock, W. A. Life of Justin Ed- Letters on Christian Religion 27 Gullich, T. J.,andJ. Timbs. Paint- wards 78 Greely, H. Overland Journey 61 ing 41 Hamilton, A. The Federalist 33 Glances at Europe 65 Gulliver's Travels 107 Works 33 Life of 78 Gunn, T. B. Boarding Houses 96 Life of, by J. Renwick 78 Green, C., and S. T. Wells. The Gurney, J. J. Evidences of Chris- by his son, J. C. Hamilton 78 Shakers 69 tianity 27 Hamilton, A. G. New Key 103 Green, Rev. G. Concordance 27 Habit and Discipline 37 Hamilton, G. Physiology 43 Green, G. W. Biographical Studies 78 Gurowski. Russia as it is 55 Hamilton, J. Sinai, the Hedjaz, etc 65 Greene, G. W. Historic Studies 72 America and Europe 69 Hamilton, J. C. History of the U. S. 69 Greene, N. Life, by G. W. Greene 78 by W. G. Simnu 78 Gus Howard, by J. F. Smith 18 Gutzluff, C. Sketch of Chinese His Hamilton, 11. Merchandise 47 Hamilton, Sir W. Philosophy 36 Green, N. W. The Mormons 61 tory 67 Lectures on Metaphysics 36 Green, T. J. Texian Expedition 61 Three Voyages 68 Logic 37 Greenhalgh, T. Lancashire Life 6 Guy Carlton 18 Hamilton* 18 Green Hand ' 17 Guy Livingstone 18 Hammond, J. Life of Silas Wright 78 Greenhow, Horatio. Memorial of 78 Guy Mannering 18 Hammond, J. D. Political History Greenhow, R. Oregon and California 69 Guy Riven 18 of New Vork 71 Greener, W. Science of Gunnery 46 Guyot, A. Earth and Man 44 Hammond, J. H. Architect 47 Greenleaf, S. The Four Evangelists 27 Physical Geography 61 Hammond, Capt. M. Memoir of 78 Green's Concordances to the Book Guzman D'Alfaracbe 18 Hammond, S. H. Wild Northern of Common Prayer 103 Gypsey Babes 17 Scenes 61 Greenwood, Grace. A Tour in Europe 65 Gypsey Chief 17 Gypsey Mother 17 and L. Mansfield. Country Margins 96 A Forest Tragedy 6 Hampden, A. Hartley Norman 6 Hampden, John. Memorials of 78 Grenville Papers 64 Gresham, T. Life of 78 Gretton's Vicisitndes of Italy 64 Grey, Lady J. Life of 78 Grey, Mrs. The Duke 6 The Little Beauty Greyslaer IT Griffin, F. W. Qualitative Analysis 39 H HiBiaiux, Lieut My Last Cruiss 6J Habits of Good Society 93 Hacklander. Countess of St. Albans 6 Hadji Baba 18 Hagar the Martyr 18 Hampden, R. D. Life ol Aquinas 38 Hampton Heights 18 Hancock, T. The Friends in Ireland 64 Handbooks for Home Improvement 48 Handbook of Game* 46 Hand and Word 18 Handel. Lift of T8 Griffin, Gerald; Card Drawing 5 Hai Evn Yockdan 6 Handy Andy 18 124 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Hanger, C. H. Thoughts 90 Hawkins. The Human and Animal Heidelberg 18 Hanna, Rev. W. Life and Writings Frame 108 Heidenmauer 18 of Chalmers 37 Hawks, F. L. Cyclopedia of Bio- Heights of Eidelberg 18 Hannay, J. Satire and Satirists 96 graphy 78 Heine, H, Fammtlichte Werke 90 Hannibal. Life of, by T. Arnold 78 Hawks of Hawks-Hollow 18 Heir of Redcliffe 18 by Abbott 78 Hawksworth, J. Voyages in the Heiress of Greenhurst 18 Hans of Iceland 18 Southern Hemisphere 60 Heiress of Bruges 18 Happy Grandmother 18 Hawthorne, N. Life of Franklin Helen 18 Happy Home 18 Pierce 78 Helen and Arthur 18 Harbaugh, Rev. H. The True Glory The Marble Faun 6 Heliodorus, Longus, etc 87 of Woman 96 The Snow Image, and other Hell, X. Steppes of the Caspian 58 Harcourt's Algeria 68 Twice-told Tales 6 Helme, Mrs. Farmer of Inglewood Hard Time* 6 Twice-told Tales 6 Forest 6 Hardee, Col. W. J. Tactics 49 The Blithedale Romance 6 Heloise 6 Hardy, Lieut Travels in Mexico 51 The Scarlet Letter 6 Helper, H. R. The Impending Crisis 33 Hare and Wallace. Decisions 32 House of the Seven Gables 6 Helps, A. The Spanish Conquest 69 Hare, J. Guesses at Truth 27 Mosses from an Old Manse 6 Helvetius. On Man 36 Hare, K, Explosiveness of Nitre 40 Hayden, W. B. Modern Spiritualism 27 Hemans, Felicia. Poetical Works 90 Hargraves, E. H. Australia 61 Haydon, B. R. Autobiography 78 Memorials of 78 Harlan, R. Fauna Americana 43 Haydn, J. Dictionary of Dates 72 Henderson, A. History of Wine* 48 Harland, Marion. The Hidden Path 6 Hayes, Dr. J. J. Arctic Boat Henderson, W. A., and D. Hughson. Moss Side 6 Journey 61 Cookery 48 Alone 6 Hayling Island. Topographical, etc 61 Henfrey, A. Botany 41 Nemesis 6 Hays, M. Female Biography 78 Hennell, C.C, Origin of Christianity 28 Harold, by Bulwer 18 Hay ward's Gazetteer of Massachu- Hennings' Statutes of Virginia 31 Harold Tracy 18 setts 61 Henrietta Temple 18 Harp of a Thousand Strings, etc 18 Hayward, C. Life of John Cabot 78 Henry IV. of France 78 Harper, R. G. Select Works 99 Hazard, S. Pennsylvania Archives 69 Henry, C. S. History of Philosophy 37 Speeches 100 Hazen, E. Technology 93 Henry de Pomeroy 18 Harper's Gazetteer of the World 61 Hazlett, Helen. The Heights of Henri de la Tour 18 Harper's Weekly 104 Eidelberg 6 Henry Esmond 18 Harrington 18 Heart's Ease 6 Henry, J. Moravian Life 61 Harrington's Sermons 27 Hazlitt, W. Life of Napoleon 78 Henry Milner 18 Harris, J. The Great Commission 27 The Plain Speaker 96 Henry of Ofterdingen 18 The Great Teacher 27 Table Talk 96 Henry, Patrick. Life of, by Everett 78 Works 99 The Round Table 96 by Wm. Wirt 78 Harris, Capt W. C. Wild Sports Criticisms on Art 96 Henry St. John, Gentleman 18 in Africa 68 Of Shakspeare's Plays 96 Henry, W. S. Campaign Sketches 69 Harry Ashton 18 Lectures on the English Poets 96 Henslow, Rev. J. S. Botany 41 Harry Coverdale's Courtship 18 On English Comic Writers 96 Hentz, Caroline Lee. The Lost Harry Harson 18 The Dramatic Literature 96 Daughter 6 Harry Lee 18 Head, F. R. Life of Bruce 65 Rena ; or The Snow Bird 6 Harry Lorrequer 18 Head, G. Forest Scenes 61 Love and Marriage 6 Harry Muir 18 Headiey, J. T. The Adirondack 61 The Banished Son 6 Hart, J. B. Practice of Court* of Life of Washington 78 Eoline 6 California 32 Washington and his Generals 78 The Planter's Northern Brid 6 Harte, W. Gustavus Adolphus 78 Napoleon and his Marshals 78 Helen and Arthur 6 Hartley, D. On Man 37 General Havelock 78 Marcus Warland 6 Hartley Norman 18 General Scott 78 Linda 6 Hartman, T. Charity Green >5 Life of Cromwell 78 Robert Graham 6 Harvard. Catalogns, etc 106 Life of Andrew Jackson 78 Courtship and Marriage 6 Harvey, W. H. Nereis Boreali- Letter from Italy 65 Ernest Linwood 6 Americana 41 The Alps and the Rhine 55 Heptameron de la Reine de Navarre 18 Hasheesh Eater 96 Rambles and Sketches 65 Her Age 18 Hastings, Sybil. Harvestings, etc 90 Imperial Guard 64 Herbert, Edward Lord. Lite 78 Hastings, Warren. State of the The Last War with England 69 Herbert, G. Poetical Work* 90 East Indies 64 Sacred Mountain* 27 Herbert, H. W. Frank Forester's by G. R. Gleig 78 Sacred Scenes and Characters 27 Field Sports 46 Hatch, Cora. Discourses on Religion 27 Headley, P. C. Life of Lafayette 78 Fish and Fishing in the U. S. 46 Hatfield, R G. House Carpenter 47 Josephine the Empress 78 American Game in its Seasons 46 Hau Kiou Choaa 18 Mary, Queen of Scots 78 Frank Forester's Sporting Scenes 46 Haunted Homestead 18 Headlong Hall 18 Frank Forester's Horse 46 Haussey, Baron D. Great Britain 66 Head of the Family 18 Hints to Horse-keepers 44 Havelock, Gen. Life of, by J. T. Headsman 18 The Horse of America 44 Headley 78 Heart, by Tupper 18 Captains of the Old World 78 by Rev. W, Brock 78 Heart Histories, etc 18 Persons and Pictures 78 Haven, Alice B. The Coopers 6 Heart of Midlothian 18 Captains of the Roman Republic 78 Lots and Gain 6 Heartsease 18 Henry VIII. and his Six Wives 78 Haven, J. Mental Philosophy 36 Hearts Unveiled 18 Herbert, L. Engineers' Encyclo- Hawker, Col. P. Guns and Shoot- Heber, R. Life of 78 pedia 103 ing 46 Poetical Works 90 Herbert, W. London Livery Com- Hawkes, Rev. F. L. Church in Journey through India 58 panies 71 Virginia 69 Hecker, J. T. The Soul 27 Herder, J. G. Philosophy of History 7 in Maryland 69 Hector O'Halloran 18 Hermits' Dell 18 History of North Carolina 69 Hedge of Thorns 18 ' Herndon, W. D. The Amaxon 61 Monuments of Egypt 67 Heek. Iconographic Encyclopedia 103 Herodotus 87 Com. Perry's Expedition to Heeren, A. H.L. Manual of Ancient Heroes of Europe 108 Japan 58 History 72 Herrick, R. Hesperides 90 Hawkins, J. W. Life of 78 Ancient Greece 64 Herring, R. Sample* of Paper 47 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 125 Herschel, Sir J. Scientific Inquiry 44 Hoffman, C. F. Jacob Leister 78 Hood, T. Memoirs of. by his Treatise on Astronomy OS Greyslaer 6 Daughter and Son 78 Herschel, R. H. Journey to Syria 56 Hoffman, D. Legal Study 34 Hood's Own 18 Herechel, SirW. Of Natural History 44 Hogarth. W. Works 101 Prose and Verse 96 Hertha 18 Hogg, James. Brownie of Bodsbeck 6 Tylney Hall 6 Hervey, Lord. Memoirs of George II 78 Hogg's Weekly Instructor 104 Up the Rhine .v. Hervey, T. K. Book of Christinas 90 Holback, Baron. Good Sense 28 Whims and Waifs go Hervey, G. W. The Rhetoric of Holbein, H. The Dance of Death 28 Hooke, N. History of Rome 64 Conversation 93 Holberg, Lewis. Memoir 78 Hook.T. Jack Brag Hesiod. Calimachus and Theogenes 87 Holbrook, J. The Mail Bags 78 Gilbert Gurney A Hesperian 104 Holbronk, J. E. Herpetology 43 The Widow and the Marquis 6 H. Family 18 Holbrook, S. F. Three-score Years 78 All in the Wrong g Hewitt, M. E. Poems 90 Holcombe, J. P. The Merchants' The Parson's Daughter 6 Hickok, L. P. Moral Science Book of Reference 35 Maxwell R Rational Cosmology American Cases 3* Gervase Skinner A Hide and Seek 18 The Law of Debtor and Creditor 39 Cousin William 6 Hidden Path 18 Holg-ite, J. B. Genealogy 94 Hooker, W. Medical Delusions 45 Higgins, G. Celtic Druids 71 Holland, J. Poems 90 Physician and Patient 45 Higgins, W. M. The Eartk 44 Bitter Sweet 90 Hope Leslie, by Mrs. Sedgwick 18 High Life in New York 18 Holland, J. G. The Bay Path 6 Hope, T. Anastasius 6 Highland Widow 18 Miss Gilbert's Career Costume of the Ancients 94 Hildreth, P. Banks 36 Holland, Lady. Memoir of Rev. Origin and Propects of Man 49 Hildreth, R. Lives of Infamous Sidney Smith 78 Hopkins, E. Geology and Magnetism 40 Judges 78 Holland, Lord. Foreign ReminU- Hopkins, S. The Puritans 64 Japan 58 cences 66 Hopper, L Life of 78 Theory of Moral* 37 Holland Tide 18 Hoppin, J. M. Notes of 56 Theory of Politics 33 Hollande et la Belgium 61 Horace. Works of, translated 87, 90 History of the United States 69 Holliday, J. Life of Earl of Mans- Horatius. Opera 37 Hildreth, S. P. The Northwest field 78 Hornby, Mrs. E. Starabonl 55 Territory 69 Holmes, A. Annals of America 69 Home, T. H. Privateers, Cap- Hilpert, J. L. German and Eng Holmes, E. Life of Mozart 78 tures, etc 108 lish Dictionery 103 Holmes, Mrs. Meadow Brook 6 Horse-Shoe Robinson 18 Hill, G. C. Capt John Smith 78 Tempest and Sunshine 6 Hortensius. Reason and Elegance 96 Life of Gen. Putnam 78 Lena Rivers 6 Horticulture 41, 42 Hill, Rev. Rowland. Life 78 Homestead on the Hillside 6 Horwitz, O. Brushwood 55 Hill, T. Geometry and Faith 28 Cousin Maude and Rosamond 6 Hosmer, H. L. Adela, the Octoroon 6 Hillard, G. S. Six Months in Italy 66 Dora Deane 6 Hosmer, W. H. C. Poems 90 Life of Capt. John Smith 78 Maggie Miller, etc 6 Hotchkin, J. H. Western New Hills of Shatamuc 18 Holmes, O. W. Poems 90 York 09 Hind, J. Farriery 41 Holmsby House 18 Hot Corn 18 Hind, J. R. The Solar System 38 Holthouse, H. J. Law Dictionary 32 Houdin, K. Memoirs of 78 Hines, G. Oregon 69 Holton, P. F. New Granada in the Hough, Major. British Exploits in Hinman, R. Letters 64 Andes 51 India 67 Histoire. etc., la Revolution de Home, by Anna A. Leland 18 Hours of Infancy 18 Russie 7-2 Home, by Miss Bremer 18 House of Seven Gables 18 Historic Doubts of Napoleon 72 Home and Social Philosophy 18 Household of Bouverie rt Historical Magazine 69 Home and World 18 Household of Sir Thomas More 18 Historical Collections of Louisiana 69 Home as Found, by Cooper 18 Household Words 104 of South Carolina 69 Home Comforts 18 Novels and Tales 6 of Pennsylvania 69 Home, H. Elements of Criticism 96 Housman, R. F. English Sonnets 90 of New York 69 History of Man 72 Houssaye, A. Le Roi Voltaire 79 of Florida 69 Home Hits and Hints 18 Men and Women 78 History 63, 73 Home Influence, by Grace Agnilar 18 Philosophers and Actresses 78 General 74, 73 Home in the Valley, by Emilie Houston, Mrs. Texas, etc 51 Special 71, 72 Carlen 18 Houston, S. Life of 79 of Education 93 Home is Home 18 Hoveden, Roger da. Annals 64 of Silk, Cotton, etc 47 Home Journal 104 Hovey's Magazine of Horticulture 104 of the Devil, by D. De Foe 18 Home Memories, by Mrs. C. Brock 18 Howard, B. C. The Dred Scott of the Protestant Church in Home Narratives, by Dickens 18 Case 33 Hungary 64 Home Scenes, etc., by Grace Aguilar 18 Howard, H. Poetical Works 90 of the United States 69 Homer's Iliad and Odyssey 87 Howard, J. Life of, by Mrs. Famr 79 Hitchcock, Prof. E. Geology ofthe Iliad, literally translated 87 Howard, L. Ecclesiastes and Wis- Globe 40 Odyssey. Translated 87 dom 28 Elementary Geology 40 Translated 87 How Conld He Help It 18 Hitchcock, E. A. Alchemists 49 Homes of American Authors 96 Howe. Admiral. Life of 19 Hittell, T. S. Adventures of J. C. Homestead on the Hillside 18 Howe.JnliaW. The World's Own Adams 78 Homeward Bound 18 A Trip to Cuba 51 Hittell, J. S. Evidences against Honan, J. S. Cyclopedia of Com- Howe, H. Virginia Collections t*t Christianity 28 merce 103 Howe, Gen. Sir W. His Conduct in Phrenology 45 Honan, M. B. Personal Adventures America '-> Hive of the Bee Hunters 18 in Italy 55 Howell.J. Dodona's Grove 90 Hobart, N. Life of Swedenborf 78 Hone, W. Works 99 Howland, Jno. Life of, by E. M. Hobbes, T. Works 28 The F. very-Day Book 9li Stone 79 Ecclesiastical History 28 The Year Book 96 Howitt, Anna M. Art Student 65 Hob-ton, B. Works in Chinese 45 Ancient Mysteries and Plays 96 Hewitt, Mary. History of the U. S. fa Hodson, Major. Twelve Years in Hood, E. P. John Milton ' 78 Calendar of the Season* . HO India 68 Hood, G. History of Music in New Homtt, R. Australia 68 Hoffman. C. F. A Winter in the England 7-2 Howitt, W. A Boy's Adventure A West 51 Hood, T. Poems Tallengetta H 10 126 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Howitt, W. Hunt, Leigh. Worth and Wealth 96 Ireland, W. H. History of Kent 64 Students' Life in Germany 5 Hunt, R. The Poetry of Science 40 Irish, The, at Home and Abroad 55 German Experiences 55 Manufactures in Metals 4 Iron Cage 19 \nstr:il:a . 68 Hunt, T. F. Parsonages, Alms Iron Cousin 19 Rural Life in England 55 Houses, etc 4 Iron Mask 19 Howitt, Wm. and Mary. Stories Architettura Campestre 4 Irving, J. T. Indian Sketches 61 Hoyle's Games 46 Tudor Architecture 4 The Attorney 6 Hoyt, E. Military Art 4 Hunt, V. D. The Horse and his Irving, L. Cookery 48 Hubbard, F. M. Life of W. R. Master 4 Irving, T. Conquest of Florida 69 Davie 7 Hunter, J. Captivity among the Irving, Washington. Works 99 Hubbard, J. N. Life of Maj. Van Indians 5 History of New York 99 Campan " 79 The Founders of New Plymouth 69 Sketch Book 9 Hubback, Mrs. May and December 6 The Separatists of the time of Life of Columbus and his Com- The Three Marriages 6 James I 79 panions 99 Huber. T. A. English Universities 64 Huntingdon, Henry of. Chronicle 64 Bracebndge Hall 99 Hue, M. Journey through Tartary, Husband and Wife 90 Tales of a Traveler 99 Thibet 58 Hussar, The 55 Astoria 9tf The Chinese Empire 58 Hutchings' Magazine 104 Crayon Miscellany 99 Christianity in China, etc 68 Hutchinson, A. Life of 79 Oliver Goldsmith 99 Hudson, H. N. Lectures on Shaks- Hutchinson, Col. Memoirs of 79 Mahomet and his Successors 9 peare 96 Hutchinson, F. The Passions and Conquest of Granada 99 Hudson, H. Life of 79 Affections 37 Alhambra 99 Hughes, J. T. Doniphan's Epedition 51 On Witchcraft 28 Wolfert's Roost 9 Hughes, T. M. Journey to Lisbon 65 Moral Philosophy 28 Washington 79 Hugo, V. Bug-Jargal 6 Hutchinson, T. History of Massa- Vignette Illustrations of 101 Hans of Iceland 6 chusetts 69 Biography of Margaret M. Da- Hunchback of Notre Dame 6 Hutton, W. Lifa 79 vidson 79 Huish, R. Of Bees 43 Hyde, J. F. The Chinese Sugar Cane 41 Irvingiana 79 Memoirs of O'Connell 79 Isabel i Human Nature 28 T Isabel of Bavaria 19 Human Progression. Theory of 28 JL Isabella Orsini 19- Human Soul 28 Island Home 19 Hnmboldt, A. Cosmos GO lamblicus. Mysteries 87 Israel Potter 19 La Nueva Espana 35 Iceland, Greenland, etc 69 Italic, Nouveau Guide 61 Views of Nature 44 tconographic Encyclopedia 103 Iturbide, A. Memoirs 79 Letters to Varnhagen von Ense 108 Ida May 18 Ivanhoe 19 Travels in America 51 Ida Norman 18 Ivors 19 The same, abridged 51 Idler 18 Izard, Ralph. Correspondence 6! The Island of Cuba 51 Idler, The. British Essayists 96 Life, Travels and Books 79 and William. Lives of, by Illumines, Essai sur la Secte de 72 Illustrated Books 101 J Klencke 79 Illustrated Catalogue of the Great Lives of, by J. Bauer 79 Exhibition 101 JACK Brag 19 Hume, D. Life of 79 of Art Industry in Paris 101 Jack Hinton iff History of England 64 of Art Industry in Dublin 101 Jack Hopeton 19 Philosophical Works 99 Humor 100, 101 llustrated London News 104 llustrated Register of Rural Affaire 41 Jack Tier i Jacob Faithful 19 Humphrey's and Westwood's Moths 43 mpey, Sir J. E. Memoir of 79 Jacqueline 19, Humphreys, H. N. The Coin Col- nchbald, Mrs. The Simple Story 6 Jacqueline of Holland l lector 94 Nature and Art 6 Jackson, Andrew. Life of, by J. The Coinage 94 ndia. Pictorial, Descriptive, etc 58 Parton 79 Of Writing 46 ndia, by Mrs. Southworth 18 Pictorial Life of, by J. Frost 79 Hunchback of Notre Dame 18 ndian Biography, by B. B. Thacher 79 Life of, by W. Cobbett 7 Hungarian Brothers 18 ndian Fairy Book 6 Life of, by J. Jenkins 79 Hundley, D. R Social Relations 51 ndian Pilgrims 19 Life of, by J. T. Headley 79 Hundred Boston Orators 79 ndiana. Laws of 31 Jackson, D. Alonzo and Melissa ft Hungarian Castle 18 nebriate's Hut 19 Jackson, J. R. What to Observe 44 Hungerford,J. The old Plantation 6 nfant's Grave 19 Jacobs, W. The Precious Metals 4O Hunt, F. .The Library of Commerce 104 nfirmary 19 Jaeger, B. Insects 47 Lives of American Merchants 79 nformation for the People 103 Jaenisch, C. F. Chess Preceptor 46 Hunt's Merchants' Magazine 104 ngenue 19 James II. The Reign of 79 Hunt, F. K. The Rhine and its ogersoll, J. History of the late James, G. P. R. Eminent Foreign Scenery 56 War . 69 Statesmen 79 The Rhine Book 61 ngoldsby, G. My Cousin Nicholas 6 Charlemagne 79 Hunt, G. H. Outran) and Have- ngoldsby Legends 19 Louis XIV 79 lock's Campaign 67 ngraham. Rev. J. H. The Pillar Richard Coeur-de-Lion 7tt Hunt, I.eigh. A Book for a Corner 6 of Fire 55 Edward, the Black Prince 79 Poetical Works 90 Prince of the House of Daviil 28 History of Chivalry M Selections from Beaumont and Throne of David 28 Leonora D'Orco 7 Fletcher 92 The Sunny South 51 Lord Montague's Page 7 Autobiography 79 ngulph. Chronicle of Croylamt 64 Darnley 7 Indicator 96 nitials 19- Forest Days 7 Stories from the Italian Poets 96 nk. History of 41 Rose D'AIbret * The Town 96 nquire Within 48 The Convict 7 Selections from English Authors 96 nsects. Nataral History ol 43 Arrah Neil 7 Imagination and Fancy 96 nternational Magazine 104 Arabella Stuart 7 Essays and Miscellanies 96 ntitnate Friends 19 Heidelberg 7 Men, Women and Book* 96 reland, J. B. Wall-Street to Cash- Russell 7 The Palfrey 96 mere 58 The Smuggler T ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 127 James, G. P. R. Johnson, C. Morley Ernstein 7 History of the Pyrates 69 K Agincourt 7 Travels in Abyssinia 58 The False Heir 7 Johnson, E. Nuces Philosophic* 37 Kaempfer, E. L'Empire da Japan 67 Castle Ebrenstein 7 Hydropathy 46 Kaloolah 19 The SUp-Mother 7 Johnson, G. W. John Selden 79 Kane, Dr. E. K. Expedition W Sir Theodore Broughton 7 Johnson, J. Typographia 47 Second Expedition 5S Man at Arms 7 Johnson, S. Dictionary 103 Life of 79 Beauchampe 7 English Poets 79 Kane, R. Chemistry 39 Philip Augustus 7 Life of, by Bos well 79 Kangaroo Hunters 19 DM'Orme 7 Works 99 Kant, E. Pure Reason 36 The Cavalier 6 Johnson, Mrs. S. B. Hadji in Syria 55 Metaphysics 3d James, J. A. Young Man's Friend 96 Johnsoniana 79 KateAylesford 19 James, Marion. The Elder Sister 7 Johnston, G. Zoophytes 43 Katherine Ashton 19 Ethel 1 Introduction to Conchology 43 Katherine Seward 19 James, W. Military Occurrences 69 Johnston, Cijpt. A. R, New Mexico 52 Kathie Brande 107 Naval Occurrences 69 Johnston, J. F. Chemistry of Com- Katie Stewart 19 Jameson, Mrs. Sacred and Legend- mon Life 48 Kavanagh, by Longfellow 19 ary Art 96 Johnston, A. K. Atlas to Alison'* Kavanagh, Julia. Women of France ": Sketches 96 Eu ope 64 The Two Sicilies 55 Celebrated Female Sovereigns 79 Atlas 61 Daisy Burns 7 Stories and Memoirs 79 ot Physical Geography 61 Adele 7 Characteristics of Women 79 Johnston, J. W. F. Agriculture 42 St. Gildas 7 Beauties of Charles II 79 Joly.J. C. Compania de Jesus 64 Grace Lee 7 Early Italian Painters 79 Jomini. De la Guerre 49 Nathalie 7 amieson, A. Dictionary of Science 38 Tableau de la Guerre 49 Rachael Gray 7 ane Eyre 19 Atlas pour leg Dernieres Ouerres 49 Seven Years 7 ane Seton 19 Guerres de Frederic II 49 Keating. H. H. Expedition 5-2 ane Talbot 19 Jones. Life of Rowland Hill 79 Keats, J. Poetical Works 90 apan. Report of the Expedition to 35 Jones, E. The Emperor's Vigil, etc 90 Life, Letters, etc 79 apanese Manners and Customs 58 Jones, H. Maria. Pride of the VUlage 7 Keddie, W. Anecdotes 101 aphet in Search of a Father 19 The Gipsey Mother 7 Keightley, T. History of England 64 ardine, Sir W. Naturalists' Library 43 Rosaline Woodbridge 7 Outlines of History 72 arves, J. J. Sandwich Islands 60 The Gipsey Chief 7 Mythology 88 Italian Sights 55 Jones, Rev. G. The Zodiacal Light 38 Fairy Mythology 88 Parisian Sights 55 Jones, J. Ecclesiastical Researches 28 Kelly and O'Kelley's 19 Art Hints 46 Jones, J. B. Border War 7 Kelly, J. Scottish Proverbs 100 Kiana 7 Freaks of Fortune 7 Kelly, J. W. Excursions 52 Jaufrey the Knight 19 Jones, J. M. Naturalist in Bermuda 52 Kelly, P. Universal Cambist 103 Jay, John. Life of, by Wra. Jay 79 Jones, J. Paul. Life of 79 Kelly, W. Victoria 58 Life of, by J. Renwick 79 Jones, Rev. T. G. Recreations 96 Kelly, W. K. History of Russia 64 Jeaffreson, J. C. Isabel 7 Jones, T. K. The Animal Kingdom 43 Kelt, T. Mechanics' Text Book 39 Novels, etc 96 Jones, T. W. Sight and Hearing 45 Kemble, Frances A. Poems 90 Jeame's Diary 19 Jones, Sir W. Life of 79 Kemp.E. How to lay out a Gar- Jefferson, T. The Youth of 79 Jonson, Ben. Works 92 den, etc 41 Life of, by H. S. Randall 79 Jopling, J. Perspective 46 Kempis, T. A. Imitation of Christ 28 Writings 99 Joseph Andrews Kendall, G. W. Expedition 52 The Writings of, by H. Lee 96 Joseph. Story of 79 War with Mexico 69 Jeffrey, F. Contributions 96 Josephine, the Empress. Life of, by Kenilworth 19 Jenks, J. W. Rural Poetry 90 J. S. Memes 79 Kennedy, Grace. Duuallan 7 Jenkins, J. Life of Jackson 79 by Abbott 79 Father Clement Jenkins, J. S. Political Parties 33 by P. C. Headley 79 Kennedy, J. P. Rob of the Bowl 7 Jenny Lind. By N. P. Willis 79 Josephus. F. History of 7-2 Swallow Barn 7 Jenyns, Soame. Works 99 Jouflroy, T. S. Bthics 37 Horse-Shoe Robinson 7 Jerrold, B. Jerrold's Wit 96 Jourdan, A. J. L. Dictionnaire des The Hawks of Hawk's Hollow 7 -lerrold, D. Cakes and Ale Termes 103 Annals of Quodlibet 1-i Journal of Medical Science* 105 Life of Wm. Win " Punch's Letter Wrtter of the Embassy to China 58 Kenneth 1= Sketches of the English des Mines 104 Kenny, C. Chess 10* Punch's Letters of Commerce 104 Kenrick, J. Ancient Egypt Men of Character Houses of Lords and Commons 1O4 Primitive History 67 A Man Made of Money Franklin Institute 104 Kent, J. Commentaries Chronicles of Clovernook Judd, S. Margaret 7 Keppel, H. Borneo 3* Comedies and Dramas 93 Judson, Rev. A. Life, by F. Way- Ken, J. Poultry 42 Life, by his Son 79 land 79 Kettell, T. P. Southern Wealth, etc Si Jesse, E. Natural History 43 Judson, Emily 0. Life and Letters 79 Kewen, E. J. C. Poems 'JO Anecdotes of Dogs 43 Julia, The. Yacht Voyage 107 Keyaer, 1C Religion of the North- Jesse, J. H. Memorials of London 64 Julian, by Win. Ware 19 men i"** England under the Smarts 64 Julian the Emperor -28 Khartoun and the Nile K The Pretenders 64 Julian Home 19 Kiana, by J. X Jarvea 1 .' Jewell, J. R. Captivity 63 Juliana Oakley 19 Kidd, S. China ftx Jewitt. E. Missal Painting 46 Julian Percival 19 Kidder, D. P. Brazil f>i Job Abbot 28 Juno Clifford 19 Kidder, K. P. Aparian Science 44 John Halifax 19 Junot, Mad. Memoirs of 79 Killarney Legends !.' Johnson, Anna. Peasant Life 66 Jurisprudence 31, 35 King, C. Croton Aqueduct :* Cottages of the Alps 56 Justin Cornelius 87 King, Lord. Life of John Locke ~" Johnson, A. B. Our Union 33 Justin Martyr 28 King, Rev. T. Starr. The White Hills Si Johnson, C. Highwaymen and Justinian. Corpus Juris Civilis 32 King, Vice President. Obituary TJ Pirates 79 Juvenal. Persius Sulpicia 1*8 King, W. H. The Steam Engu* J.' 128 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Kings and Queens 79 Lardner and Walker. Of Electricity ' Kingsbury, C. P. Artillery and Lasalle, R. C. de. Life of 80- Infantry 49 Lascasas, Count. Memoirs of Na- Kingsley, C. Amyaa Leigh Li BIT, R. P. Voyage aux 1'Amer- poleon SO Fool of Quality iqoe 62 Lasselle, Mrs. N. P. Belle of Wash- Hypatia Labatt, H. J. Practice Act 31 ington 7 Alton Locke Labaume, E. Campaign in Russia 65 Last Days of Pompeii 1* Two Years Ago Lackington, J. Memoirs 89 Last of his Name 10 Teast Lacroix, F. Patagonie 62 Last of the Mohicans 19 Glaucus 44 Ladies' Home Magazine 105 Latham, J. H. Iron Bridges 39 New Miscellanies 10R Lady Angeline 19 Latham, R. G. Varieties of Man 44 Poems 90 Lady Bird 19 Man and his Migration 44 Andromeda 90 Lady's Book 105 Races of the Russian Empire 44 Sir W. Raleigh 79 Lady of the Isles 19 The English Language 93 Kingsley, J. L. Life of Ezra Stiles 79 Lady of the Manor 19 Lathrop, J. C. Life of Kirkland 8O King's Own 19 Laertius, Diogenes 80 Latrobe, C. J. Rambler in Mexico 52 Kingston, W. H. G. Old Jack 7 Lafayette in America 52 Latter Days 19 Old Jack, a Man-of-Wars' Man 7 Lafayette. Life of, by J. Cloquet 80 Lauquier et Carpertier. Vie de Salt Water 7 Life of, by P. C. Headley 80 Loms Philippe 8O Fred Markham 7 Lafever, M. Architectural Instructor 47 Laurence, A. Diary and Corres- Kinne, A. Kent's Commentaries 32 Lafitte 19 pondence 80 Kip, L. Army Life on the Pacific 52 Lafosse, G. T. L'reil de Boeuf 7 La-irence, W. R. Visitation and Kip, Kev. W. J. Catacombs of Laharpe, M. De. Cours de Literature 96 Search Rome 28 Laing, Caroline H. Old Farm House 7 Laurens, H. Narrative 80 Kirk, C. D. Wooing and Warring 7 Laing, S. Sea Kings 65 Laurie's History of Free Masonry 72 Kirkes, W. and J. Paget's Physio- Laird of Norlaw 19 Laurie, Rev. T. Dr. Grant and the logy 45 Lake of Killarney 19 Nestorians 5X Kirkland, Mrs. Holidays Abroad 65 Lamartine, A. Mary, Queen of Laurie Todd, by John Gait 19 Memoir of Washington 79 Scots 80 Lavater, C. G. Physiognomy 45 Kirkland, S. Life of 79 Celebrated Characters 80 L'Art de Connaitre les Hommes 45 Kirwan. Men and Things 55 Revolution of 1848 65 tavengro 19 The Happy Home 7 The Restoration 65 Lavoisne, M. Historical Atlas 72 Kit Kelvin's Kernels 7 History of Turkey 65 Law 31,32,33 Kitto, J. Cyclopedia 28 The Girondists 65 Law of Nations 31 Scripture Lands 28 Trois mois ou Pouvoir 34 Law, H. On Roads 47 Klencke. Lives of Alex, and W. Genevieve 7 Law.J. Lifsof 80 Humboldt 79 Visit to the Holy Land 55 Lawrence, E. British Historians PO Kling,J. The Chess Euclid 46 Lamb, C. Life and Works 96 Lawrence, W. Physiology , etc 45 Klippart, J. H. The Wheat Plant 42 Essays of Ella 96 Lectures on Man 44 Knapp, Dr. Chemistry 39 Rosamund Gray 7 Lawson. Episcopal Church of Scot- Knapp, F. Life of Gen. Steuben 79 The Dramatic PoeU 92 land 65 Knapp, S. L. Timothy Dexter 79 Works 99 Lawson, T. Meteorological Regis Knickerbocker, The 105 Lamb, Gen. J. Memoirs of 80 ters 44 Knight, C. Cyclopedia of Political Lambert, A. B. Genus Pinus 42 Lawson, W. J. History of Banking 72 Knowledge 33 Lambrequer, L; Tapisserie 47 Lawyer's Story 19 Cyclopedia of Industry 103 Lamennais, F. Le Societe Premier 96 Lay, G. T. Chinese as they are 58 Cyclopedia of London 103 Lamplighter 19 Layard, A. H. Nineveh and Babylon 68 Knight, Helen C. Life of Mont- Lancashire Life 19 Nineveh and its Remains 68 gomery 79 Lancashire Witches 19 Laycock, Dr. The Mind and Brain 108 K night of Gwynne 19 Lancelott, F. Queens of England 80 Lazarus, M. E. Passional Hygiene 45 Knight's English Cyclopedia 103 Lances of Lynwood 19 Lead Pipe. Reports of the use of 45 Biography 103 Lander, R. and J. The Niger 58 Leaf and Flower Pictures 46 Geography 103 Landon, Miss. Works 90 Leake, J. Q. Life of Gen. J. Lamb 80 Natural History 103 Romance and Reality 7 Leather Stocking and Silk T Arts and Sciences 103 Landor, W. S. Pericles and Aspasia 96 Leaves from a Family Journal 19 Knox, John. Life of 79 Selections from 96 Leaves from the Tree of Igdrasyl 1ft Knox, J. P. St. Thomas, etc 69 Langley, H. G. California Register 103 Lebedoyere, Count. Memoirs of Knox, R, Races of Men 44 Langdon, M. Ida May 17 Napoleon 8O Know-Nothing, The 7 Langst-oth, L. The Hive and Bee 47 Le Courtisan Desabuse 7 K.N. Pepper Papers 19 Lanman, C. Dictionary of Congress 103 Ledbury, Mr. Adventures 19 Koch, C. W. The Revolutions 60 Essays for Summer Hours 96 Lederbose, C. F. Life of Melancthon 80 Koeppen,A. L, The Middle Ages 72 The Wilds of America 52 Ledyard, J. Life of 80 Kohl.J. G. Travels in England 55 Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan 69 Lee, Arthur. Life of 80 Austria 55 Lanmere 19 Lee, C. Life of 80 Russia 55 Lanzi, L. History of Painting 46 Lee, C. A. Elements of Geology 40 Kohlrauchs, F. History of Germany 65 Laou-Seng Urh. A Chinese Drama 92 Lee, Eliza. Parthenia 7 Koran, The 28 La Perouse. La Recherche de 60 Canterbury Tales 7 Kossuth's Select Speeches 100 La Place, D. M. A r oyage 60 Lee, Holme. Sylvan Holt's Daughter 7 Kotzebue, A. Von. Life 80 La Place, P. S. System of the World 38 Against Wind and Tide 7 Kraister, C. Glossology 93 Lardner, D. Lectures 47 Hawksview 7 Krapf, J. L. Travels in Eastern Manufacture of Porcelain and Lee, H. The Campaign of 1781 69 Africa 58 Glass 47 War in Southern Department 6V Krumacher, F. A. Parables 28 Railway Economy 47 Lee, R. H-iMemoir and Correspond- Krusenstern, L'Admiral. Voyage 60 Arithmetic 38 ence 80 Kuchel and Dressel'e California Mechanics 39 Lee, Lieut. S. P. Cruise of the Views 101 The Steam Engine 39 Dolphin 6O Kurtz, J. H. Bible and Astronomy 28 Animal Physics 45 Legend of Montrose 19 Geometry 49 Legend of the Rhine 19 On Heat 39 Legends and Record 1 9 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 129 Legends of the Rhine 19 Liddell, H. G. History of Rome 65 Lockhart, J. G. Life of Sir Walter Legends of the Went 19 Liebig, Baron. Modern Agriculture 42 Scott 80 Leibnitz and Clarke. Philosophy Lieber, F. Manual of Political Life of Napoleon 80 and Religion 28 Ethics 34 Life of Robert Burns 80 Leibnitz. (Euvres 36 Civil Liberty 34 Spanish Ballads VO Leibnitz, G. W. von. Life of 80 Property and Labor 35 Lockman.J. Travels of the Jesuits 60 Leigh ton, A. Poems 90 The Penitentiary System 35 Lodge, E. Portraits 80 Leidy, J. Flora and Fauna 43 Life of G. B. Niebuhr 80 Illustrations of History 65 Fossil Oz 43 Hermeneutics 32 Loaus, W. K. Travels in Chaldea, Leila 19 Laura Bridgeman 49 etc Leisler, J. Administration of 80 Lieber, O. M. Survey of South Lofty and the Lowly 19 Leland, Anna A. Home 7 Carolina 62 Logan. The Master's House 8 Leland, C. G. Of Dreams 90 Liebig, J. Animal Chemistry 39 Logic 37 Le Monde I llust re 103 Agricultural Chemistry 39 London Athena-urn 105 Lempriere's Classical Dictionary 88 Complete Works and Chemistry 39 London Catalogue 107 Lena Rivers 19 Familiar Letters on Chemistry 39 London Dispatch 105 L'Enclos, Ninon de. Memoirs 80 Life of a Sailor 19 London Journal 105 Leo X Life of 80 Life for a Life 19 London Times, tri-weekly 105 Leonora D'Orco 19 Life Struggle 19 Londsdale, Lord. Reign of James Lepee, A. F. E. De Tout in Peu 7 Light and Darkness 7 11 80 Lepsius, Dr. R. Egypt and Ethiopia 67 Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life 8 Long, J. Voyages and Travels 52 Le Sage, A. Rene, Bachelor of Sal- Lilly, Sir W. Life of 80 Long, Major. Expedition 62 amanca Lily and Totem 19 Longfellow, H. W. Poems 90 The Devil on Two Sticks Lily White 19 Miles Standish 90 Le Diable Boiteaiu Limantour. Photographic Illustra- Ballads and other Poems 90 Gil 111: - tions 106 Poets and Poetry of Europe 90 HUoire de Gil Bias Lincoln, B. Life of 80 Voices of the Night 90 Life of Guzman D'AIfarache Lincoln, Mrs. Lectures on Botany 42 Hiawatha 90 Lesley, J. P. Iron Manufacturers' Lincoln, R. W. Lives of the Presi- Spanish Student 93 Guide 40 dents 80 Kavanagh 8 Manual of Coal and its Topo- Lind, Jenny. Life of 80 Hyperion 8 graphy 40 Linda 19 Long Look Ahead 19 Leslie, C. H. Recollections 80 Linden, Liele. Chestnntwood 8 Lonz Powers 19 Leslie, Miss. More Receipts 48 Lindsay, Lord. Letters on Egypt Look at Home 20 Pencil Sketches 7 etc 65 Look to the End 20 Lette, J. M. California Illustrated 52 Linen, James. Poems 90 Looker on, The 96 Letters from Three Continents 60 Lingard, Dr. J. England 65 Lord and Lady Harcourt 20 Leuchars, R. B. The Construction Linn, Dr. L. F. Life of 80 Lord, D. N. Figurative Language 93 of Hot Houses 48 Linwoods 19 Lord, E. The Epoch of Creation 44 Levant. Travels in 54, 67 Lion of Flanders 19 Lord Montague's Page 20 Levasseur, A. Lafayette in America 52 Lionel Lincoln 19 Lorenzo Benoni 20 Lever, C. Arthur O'Leary 7 lappincott's Gazetteer 61 Lorenzo de Medici 80 The O'Donohue 7 Lisianski, W. Voyage 60 Loring, J. S. Boston Orators 80 Harry Lorrequer 7 Lister, T. H. Granby 8 Loss and Gain 20 Tom Burke of Ours 7 Listner in Oxford 88 Loss and Gain 20 The Knight of Gwinne 7 Literary World. The 105 Lossing, B. J. Field Book of the The Daltons 7 Literary Letter 105 Revolution 69 The Fortunes of Glencore 7 Literature, Ancient 87, 88 Mount Vernon 69 Roland Cashel 7 Littell's Living Age 105 History of tne United States 69 The Mirtins of Cro Martin 7 Museum 105 History of the Arts, etc 46 Gerald Fitzgerald 7 Little Beauty 19 Signers of the Declaratio n 86 Maurice Tirnay, the Soldier of Little Beggars 19 Lost Daughter 20 Fortune 7 Little Dorrit 19 Lost Heiress 20 Jack Hinton 7 Little Female Academy 19 Lothrop.S. K. Life of S. Kirkland 80 Leverett, F. P. Latin Lexicon 103 Little, G. Life on the Ocean 60 Loud, J. Gabriel Vane 8 Levi, L. Annals of British Legis- Little Henry and his Beaver 19 Loudon, J. C. Aboretnm et Fruti- lation 72 Little Mornere 19 cetnm 42 Levin, W. Legal Common-place Little Pedlington 19 The Villa Gardener 42 Book 32 Little Woodman 19 Loudon, Mrs. Gardening for Ladies 42 Lewes, G. H. History of Philosophy 69 Livermore, A. A. War with Mexico 69 Louisiana. Civil Code of 3S Life of Goethe 80 Lives of Eminent Men of France 80 Louisiana Historical Collections 69 Sea Side Studies 44 Eminent British Statesmen 80 Louis Phillippe. Mon Journal 65 Studies in Animal Life 43 Eminent Men of Italy 80 Louis XIV. Memoirs by the Duke Lewis and Clarke's Expedition 52 of Great Britain 80 deSt. Simon 65 Lewis Arundel 19 British Physician* 80 Life of, by G. P. R. James 80 Lewis, E. J. The American Sports- Living and Loving 19 Louis XVI. Life of, by A. Renee 80 man 46 Living in the Country 96 Lounger, The 96 Lewis, J. Protestantism 28 Livingston, Rev. D. Travels 68 Love and Marriage 20 Lewis, Lady T. Semi-Detached Livingston, J. Law Register 32 Love after Marriage 20 House 7 Eminent Americans 80 Love Match 90 Lewis, W. The Chese-Board Com Livy's History of Rome 88 Love Me Little, Lore He Long SO panion 46 Lizzie Leigh 19 Love of Country 80 Games of Chess 46 Llewellyn, E. L. Title Hunting 7 Loviott, Fanny. Lady's Captivity 58 Leycester. The 7 Locke, J. Terrestrial Magnetism 39 Lover, S. Handy Andy 8 Leyes de California 31 Human Understanding 36 Rory O'More 8 Leyes del Teritoria de N uevo Mexico 31 Thoughts on Education 93 Barney O'Rierdon 8 Liancourt, R. Travel* 62 Works 99 Treasure Trove * Liddell, H. G. Greek-English Lex- Philo ophical Works 99 Lover's Stratagem 90 icon 103 Life and Letters of 80 Low, D. Domestic Animals 42 130 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Low, H. Sarawak 58 Mackay, R. W. S. Canada Directory 62 Man. Ideal 28 Lowe, Sir H. The Captivity of Na- Mackenzie, A. Voyages 5-2 Manilius, M. Five Books 38 poleon 80 Mackenzie, A. S. A Year in Spain 56 Mann, E. J. Deaf and Dumb 93 Lowell, J. R. Poems 90 Life of Decatur 80 Mann, Mrs. H. Christianity in the TheBigelow Papers 90 Life of Perry 80 Kitchen 48 Lower, M. English Surnames 93 Life of Paul Jones 80 Man of Business 35 Lowig, Dr. C. Chemistry 39 Court Martial of 32 Man Made of Money 20 Lucan's Pharsalia 88 Mackenzie, Mrs. C. Life in the Mis- Manon Lescaut 20 Lucian of Samosata 88 sion 58 Mansfield, Earl. Life of 81 Lucknow, Defense of 67 Mackenzie, Sir G. S. Travels in Mansfield, E. D. Life of Gen. Scott 81 Luck of Barry Lyndon 20 Iceland 55 Legal Rights of Women 33 Luck of Ladysmede 20 Mackenzie, R. S. Tressilian 8 American Education 93 Lucretia 20 Mackie, J. M. Life of S. Gorton 80 Statistics of Ohio 36 Lucretius. De Rerum Natura 88 Life of Wang 80 Mansfield Park 20 Lucretius. NatureDf Things 68 Life of Leibnitz 80 Mant, R. Hora Liturgies: 28 Lucy Crofton 20 Mackintosh, Sir Jas. Memoirs of 80 Manual of Domestic Economy 48 Lucy Howard's Journal 20 HisU.ry of England 65 Manual of Natural History 108 Lucy and her Dhaye 20 Miscellaneous Works 96 Manufacturing 47, 48 Ludewig, H. E. The Aboriginal MacLeod, D. Pynnshurst 56 Manzonia, A. The Betrothed 8 Languages 107 Maclise, J. Comparative Osteology 44 Mapes, J. J. American Repository 48 Lunt, G. Poems 90 MacPherson's Poems of Ossian 90 Maps and Views to President's Three Eras of New England 69 Mademoiselle Mori 6 Messages 34 Luther, M. Life of 80 Madden, It, H. Life of the Countess Map of Central America 62 Table Talk 90 of Blessington 80 Map of the Seat of War in Florida 62 Lycesters, The 20 The Infirmities of Genius 80 Maps of the Coast Survey 62 Lyde, A. F. Buds of Spring 90 Madison, James. On the Federal Maps to Alison's Europe 62 Lydia, a Woman's Book 20 Constitution 34 Maritime and Inland Discoveries 60 Lyell, Sir C. Elementary Geology 41 Life and Times 80 Marble Faun 20 Principles of Geology 41 Madrid in 1835 55 March, C. W. Daniel Webster 81 Wonders of Geology 41 Magazines 104, 105 Marchioness of Brinvilliers 20 Geological Excursions 47 Magdalen the Enchantress 20 Marcou, J. Geology of America 41 Petrifactions 41 Magdalen Hepburn 20 Marcus Warland 20 The Medals of Creation 41 Maggie Miller 20 Marcy, Capt E. B. The Red River 52 Travels in North America 62 Magic 49, 60 Mardi . 20 Second Visit to America 62 Magne, J. H. Milch Cows 42 Margaret 20 Lyman, S. P. Life of Daniel Web- Magnetism, Animal 101 Margaret Moncrieffe 30 ster 80 Magoon, E. L. Living Orators of Marguerite 20 Lyman. T. Diplomacy 31 America 81 Mariana, J. P. Turkish Spy 96 Lynch, W. F. The Dead Sea 56 Orators of the Revolution 81 Marian Elwood 8 I.yon, Capt G. F. Tour in Mexico 62 Orators of France 81 Marian Wallace 20 Lyzars, J. Tobacco 46 Orators of the Age 81 Marie Antoinette. Life of, by Abbott 81 Proverbs for the People 100 by Madame Campan 81 M Republican Christianity 28 Mahawanso. The 72 Marigny, T. Voyages in the Black Sea 56 Mahomet Life of, by Edward Marion Barnard 20 M. Letters from Three Continents 55 Gibbon 81 Marlborough, Duke oC Memoirs, Mabel 20 Life of, by G. Bush 81 by W. Coxe 81 Mabel Vaughan 8 and his Successors, by Irving 81 The same, by Sir A. Alison 8 MacCabe, W. B. Bertha 8 Mahon, D. H. Civil Engineering 39 Marlborough, Duchess of. Memoirs 8 Macartney, W. Of the United States 69 Industrial Drawing, etc 46 Private Correspondence 8 Macaulay, J. I. Field Fortifications 49 Mahon, Lord. History of England 65 Maries, M. Histoire de 1'Inde 6 Macaulay, T. B. History of England 65 Mahony, Rev. F. Father Pnmt 96 Marmontel. Memoirs, by himself 8 Essays 96 Maiden Aunt 20 Maroon, by Simms 20 Essays and Poems 96 Maid Marian 20 Marquette, Father. Life of 81 Life of Frederick II 80 Mail Coach 20 Married or Single 20 Life of William Pitt 80 Maillard, A. M. Miles Tremenhere 8 Married not Mated 30 Biographical Sketches 80 Maitland. The Surrender of Napo- Marryat, Frank. Mountains and New Biography 80 leon 81 Molehills 52 Lays of Ancient Rome 90 Maitland, J. A. Sartaroe 8 Marryat, F. S. Borneo 58 Macfarlane, C. British India 67 The Lawyer's Story 8 Murryat, Capt Diary in America 52 Japan 58 Diary of an Old Doctor 8 Masterman Ready 8 Macfarlane, J. The Night Lamp, etc 90 Major Thorpe's Scenes in Arkansaw 20 Poor Jack 8 MacGavock, R. W. Tennesseean Malcolm, H. Travels 58 The Settlers in Canada 8 Abroad 56 Malcolm, H. F. India and the Muti- The King's Own 8 MacGeoeghegan. History of Ireland 65 neers 67 Pacha of Many Tales 8 Macgillvray, W. Travels of Hum- Malcolm, Sir J. Central India 58 Peter Simple 8 boldt 60 Malebranche, N. Search after Truth 28 Percival Keene 8 Macgregor, J. Commercial Statistics 35 Malibran, Madame. Memoirs of 81 Rattlin, the Reefer 8 Machiavelli, N. History of Florence 65 Mallet, P. H, Northern Antiquities 88 Frank Mildraay 8 Xacilwain, G. Memoirs of Aber- Malmeabury, Wm. oC Chronicle 6S Japhet in Search of a Father . 8 nethy 80 Malone, E. Authenticity of the Newton Forster 8 Mackay, A. Western India 68 Shakspeare Papers 96 Midshipman Easy 8 Mackay, Capt J., and Lieut Blake. Malte Brun, C. Geography 62 Snarleyou 8 War in Florida 106 Tableau de la Pologne 65 Jacob Faithful 8 Mackay, C. Life and Liberty in and Balbi's System of Geography 62 The Poacher 8 America 52 Man and Money 30 The Phantom Ship 8 English Songs 90 Man at Arms 20 The Privateersman 8 Voices from the Mountains, etc 90 Mandeville, J. W. Report for 1869 62 The Pirate and Three Cutter* 8 Mackay, R. W. On the Intellect 28 Marlette, Report for 1856 62 The Mission 8 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 131 Marryat, Miss. Temper 8 Maunder, S. M'Elheran, J. The Condition of Marsh, G. P. The English Language 93 Treasury of Knowledge 103 Women of the Gothic and Marsh, Mrs. G. P. Poems 90 Maunderell, H. Journey to Jem* Celtic Races K Marshall, C. Remembrancer 69 sa)em 66 Mellichampe, by Simms 90 Marshall, J. Federal Constitution 32 Maundeville, Sir J. Travels in Melsheimer, Dr. F. E. Coleoptera 43 Life of Washington 81 Palestine 66 Melv.lle, G. J. W. Holmby House Eulogy on 81 Maurice, F. D. Ancient Philosophy 37 Melville, H. Piazxi Tale* Martell, Martha. Second Lore 8 Theological Essays 98 Israel Potter Martha; a Memorial 81 Maurice, J. K. N. Pepper Papers 8 Mardi Martin Chuzzlewit 90 Maurice Tiernay 20 Omoo Martin Merivale 20 Maury, A. Principles of Eloquence 96 Typee Martins of Cro' Martin 90 Maury, M. F. Directions to Wind \Vhite Jacket Martin, C. Civil Costumes of Em- and Current Charts 44 Moby Dick, the Whale land 94 The Physical Geography 44 Memes, J. S. Life of the Empress Martin, M. Australia 63 Sailing Directions 49 Josephine 81 Martin, ELM. History of Australia 101 Maximus Tyrius. Dissertations 88 Memorial 81 British Possessions in the Medi- Maxwell 20 Memoirs of a Cavalier 20 terranean 65 Maxwell, J. S. The Czar 66 Memoirs of Capt. Cronke 90 British Colonial L ibrary 65 Maxwell, W. H. Life of Wellington 81 Memoirs of Celebrated Characters 81 History of South Africa 67 Victories of Wellington 81 Memoirs of Sergeant Dale 90 History of Canada 69 The Irish Rebellion of 1798 65 Memorable Tear 67 History of Nova Scotia 69 The Bivouac 8 Men and Women, by A. Houssaye 81 The West India Island* 69 Stories of Waterloo 8 Mendelssohn, M. Jerusalem 67 The Indian Empire 67 Captain Blake 8 Men of Character 90 History of the Possessions of Hector O'Halloran 8 Men of the Time 81 the East India Company 67 Captain O'Snllivan 8 Men's Wives 20 Martineau, Harriet. British Rule Peter Clancey 8 Menu. Ordinances of 39 in India 67 May and December 20 Menzel, W. History of Germany 66 Deerbrook 107 May Flower 20 Mercedes of Castile 30 Society in America 62 Mayo, A. D. Symbols of the Capital 96 Merchants' and Bankers' Register 35 Feats on the Fiord 65 Mayo, S. The Berber 8 Meredith, Mrs. C. Tasmania 68 Martineau, Rev. J. Miscellanies 96 Kaloolah 8 Meredith, O. Lucile 90 Martyrs of Science 81 McClellan, Capt G. B. Report from Poems 90 Marvel), A. Poetical Works 90 Seat of War 66 Merkland 20 Mary Anne 80 McClintock, Capt The Fate of Sir Merlin, Countess. Memoirs of Mary Barton 90 J. Franklin 60 Malibran 81 Mary Bunyan 20 McComber's Institutes of the Mind 108 Mesmerism 101 Mary Derwent 20 McCormick, R. C. St. Pauls to St Messages and Documents 106 Mary Lindon 20 Sophia 63 Messenger. Southern Literary 106 Mary of Lorraine 81 McCrie, T. Life of John Knox 81 Meta Gray 20 Mary, Queen of Scots. Life of, by McCuIloch, Prof. Reports on Sugar Metallurgy 40, 41 H. G. Bell 81 Cane 42 Metaphysics 36 byP. C. Headier 81 McCuIloch, J. R. Commercial Dic- Metaphysical Essays 38 by A. Lamartine 81 tionary 103 Metcalfe, S. J. Caloric 39 by D. McLeod 81 Geographical Dictionary 103 Methodist The 81 by Abbott 81 McDougal, G. F. Voyage of the Mexican Claims 106 Mary Staunton 20 Resolute 62 Mexican War, its Heroes, etc 70 Mason, G. C. Art and Manufactures 48 McGee, T. D'A. Irish Settlers in Mezzofanti, Cardinal. Life of 81 Mason, J. Life of 81 North America 69 Miall.J. G. Our Forefathers 70 The Laws of Wealth 36 McGowan, E. Adventures 52 Michand, J. F. History of the Cru- Masonic Grand Lodge of Iowa 106 McHarg, C. K. Life of Talleyrand 81 sadas 66 Massey, G. Poems and Ballads 90 Me Henry, J. O'Halloran 8 Michaux, F. A. Travels 63 Massinger and Ford. Dramatic Mcllvaine, C. P. Evidences 38 Michelet, M. Life of Luther 81 Works 93 Mclntosh, J. American Indians 88 Miscellaneous Works 99 Masson, D. British Novelists 96 Mclntosh, Maria J. The Lofty and Modern History 73 Masson, M. Celebrated Children 81 the Lowly 8 History of France 66 Life of Milton 81 Donaldson Manor 8 The People 34 Masterman Ready 20 Violet 8 Love 96 Masters and Workmen 20 Meta Gray 8 Woman 96 Master's House 20 McKenney , T. L. Tour to the Lakes 62 Middleton, C. Powers of the Chris- Match Girl 20 McLean, J: Service in Hudson Bay 52 tian Church 98 Maternus, J. T. Translated 88 McLeod, D. Life of Sir W. Scott 81 Popery and Paganism 98 Mathematics 38 Mary, Queen of Scots 81 Life of Cicero 81 Mathematical Monthly 10$ Pynnshurst 8 Midnight, and other Poems 90 Mather, C. Life of 81 McPherson.D. Antiquities of Kertch 88 Midshipman Easy 90 Mather, J. Remarkable Providences 81 McSherry, J. History of Maryland 69 Midsummer Eve Mathilde 20 Meade, Bishop. Old Churches 69 Mignet, F. A. French Revolution 66 Matrimonial Brokerage 20 Meadow Brook 20 Miles, P. Rambles in Iceland 66 Matrimonial Misfortunes 20 Mean, J. Voyages 62 Miles Tremenhere, by A. Maillard 90 Matthew Carraby 20 Mechanics' Register 48 Military and Naval Works 48, 49 Matthew of Westminster 66 Mechanism 39, 40 Military Maxims of Napoleon 49 Matthew Paris' English History 66 Mechanics 38, 39 Mill, J. S. Political Economy 36 Matthew, P. Emigration Fields 63 Mechanics' Magazine 105 On Liberty 36 Matthias and his Impostures 81 Mechi, J. How to Farm Profitably 42 System of Logic 37 Maunder, S. Scientific and Literary Medical News and Library KB Milledulria 95 Treasury 103 Medicine 46 Miller, Hugh. Life and Times of 81 Treasury of History 108 Meek, A. B. Songs and Poems 90 Impressions of England 66 Biographical Treasvry 103 Southwestern History 69 Cruise of the Betsy 66 Treasury of Natural History 103 Melancthon, P. Life of Popular Geology 41 132 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Miller, Hugh. Monastery 20 Morgan, Lady. The Wild Irish Girl 8 Testimony of the Rocks 41 Money 34, 35 Dramatic Scenes 92 Footprints of the Creator 41 Money Maker 20 Morgan, L. H. League of the Iro- Old Red Sand-stone 41 Monikins, The 21 quois 70 Scenes and Legends 8 Monk of Cimies 21 Morins' Mechanic 39 My Schools and Schoolmasters 81 Monro, V. Syria, etc 56 Morley Ernstein 21 Miller, S. Life of Jonathan Edwards 81 Monroe, J. Of Chess 46 Mormoniad 90 Eighteenth Century 73 Monroe, Jas. Conduct of the Exe- Mormons; or Latter-Day Saints 28 Miller, S. F. Bench and Bar 81 cutive 34 Morning Post San Francisco 105 Memoirs of Gen. D. Blackshear 81 Monstrelet, E. Chronicles 65 Morphy, P. Triumphs of 46 Wylkins Wylder 107 Montague, Lady M. W. Letters 96 Games of Chess 46 Miller, T. Godfrey Malvern 8 Montaigne, M. Essays 96 Morrell, Capt. B. Four Voyages 60 History of the Anglo-Saxons 65 Montez.Lola. The Arts of Beauty 46 Morris, E. Joy. Life and Love in Miller, W. A. Elements of Chemistry 39 Lectures and Autobiography of 81 Norway 56 Millingen, J. G. Duelling 73 Montgomery, Cora. Eagle Pass 52 Corsica 56 Mill on the Floss 20 Montgomery, Gen. R. Life of 81 Morris, Gov. L. Papers of 96 Milman, H. M. History of the Jews 67 Montgomery, H. Life of Gen. Z. Morris, Gouverneur. Life 8 Life of T. A'Beckett 81 Taylor 81 Morris, R, Courtship and Matri- Nala, and other Poems 90 Montgomery, Jas. Poetical Works 90 mony 8 Milne, W. C. Life in China 68 Literature, etc 96 Morrison and Himmaleh. Voyage 60 Hilner, J. Russia 56 Letters 96 Morse, J. Report on Indian Affairs 52 Milton, J. His Prose Works 99 Memoirs of 81 Morton, N. New England's Memo- Paradise Lost 90 Life of, by Helen C. Knight 81 rial 20 Poetical Works 90 Monumens des Grands-Maitres 65 Mosaics 96 On Education 93 Moodie, Mrs. Roughing it in the Moses, M. Revolution in France 65 Patriot and Poet 81 Bush 52 Mosheim,J. L. Ecclesiastical His- Life of, by D. Masson 81 Life in the Clearings 52 tory 72 Mineralogy 40, 41 Moody, C. P. The Moody Family 87 Moslem and Christian 6fi Mining . 40, 41 Moore, F. American Eloquence 100 Mosses from an old Manse 21 Mining Magazine 105 Diary of the Revolution 70 Moss Side 21 Minnie Grey 20 Songs and Ballads 90 Mother-in-Law 26 Minnie Hermon 20 Moore, G. Health and Disease ' 45 Mothers and Daughters 21 Minister's Wooing 20 The Soul and the Body 45 Mother's Mistake 21 Minot, G. R. Massachusetts 70 The Body and the Mind 45 Mothers of the Wise and Good 81 Minturn, R. B. , Jr. New York to Man and his Motives 36 Mother's Recompense 21 Delhi 58 Moore, G. H. The Treason of Maj, Mother Roes 21 Minucius, Felix. Octavius 28 Lee 70 Mother's Trials 41 Miranda, F. Revolution in S.America 70 Moore, N. F. Ancient Mineralogy 41 Motherwell, W. Poems 90 Miriam Alroy 2J> Moore, T. Memoirs and Journal 81 Minstrelsy 90 Miscellanea Sacra 28 Life and Letters of Byron 81 Motley, J. L. Dutch Republic 65 Miscellaneous Works ot Authors 99, 100 Letters of Lord Byron 81 Moulton, Louise. My Third Book 8 Miscellanies, by S. Warren 20 Life of Sheridan 81 Moulton, R. K. Constitutional Miscellany, by W. C. Chambers 108 Poetical Works 90 Guide 31 Miser's Daughter 20 Lalla Rookh 90 Moultrie, W. The Revolution 70 Miser of Ricketirtack 20 The Epicurean 8 Mountford, W. Euthanasy 78 Miseries of Human Life 20 History of Ireland 65 Mourning Queen 21 Mishna, The. Eighteen Treatises 28 Orchidaceous Plants 42 Movier, D. R. Hajji Baba 8 Misrepresentation, by Anna Drury 20 Moorland Cottage 2 Zoreb 8 Miss Gilbert's Career 107 Moral Philosophy 36, 37 Ayesha 8 Miss Slimmen's Window 20 Moral Tales 21 Mowatt, Anna Cora' Autobiogra- Missing Bride S' . ' 20 Moran.B. Footpath and Highway 56 phy 81 Mission, or Scenes in Africa 20 More, H. Apocalypsis Apocalypseos 28 Mimic Life 81 Missionary Herald 105 Conjectura Cabalistica 28 The Fortune Hunter 8 Mitchell, Col. J. Life of Wallenstein 81 Of Godliness 28 Twin Roses Mitchell, n. G. Battle Summer 56 Mystery of Iniquity 28 Mozart. Life of Fresh Gleanings 56 Life of, by H\ Thompson 81 Mrs. Catharine Crawley n Mitchell, O. M. Planetary Worlds 38 Life of, by R. Ward 81 Mudie, R. Observation of Nature 44 Popular Astronomy 38 Sacred Dramas 28 Man, Moral 28 Mitford, M. Lay. Our Village 8 Practical Piety 28 Man Physical 4 Belford Regis 8 The Spirit of Prayer 28 Man Intellectual 36 Atherton and other Tales 8 Essay on St. Paul 28 Man In his Relations 37 Mitford, Miss. Recollections 81 Moral Sketches 96 Feathered Tribes 43 Moby Dick 20 Works 99 Mugge.T. Afraja 8 Modern Accomplishments 20 More, Margarita. Household of Sir Mulenberg, Major-Gen. Life 82 Modern British Plutarch 81 T. More 8 Muirhead, J. P. Life of James Modern Chivalry 20 Modern Flirtations 20 Hodern Pilgrims 20 More, Sir Thomas. Utopia 8 Morrell, J. D. Philosophy of Reli- Watt 82 Mulaney, J. Trip to Newfoundland 52 The Laying of the Ocean Tele- gion 28 graph 48 Modern Society 20 Modern Standard Drama ! Moreri, L. Dictionaire Historique 81 Morford, H. Rhymes 90 Muller, C. O. Scientific Mythology 88 Ancient Art 4(1 Mofras, Duflot Exploration de Morgan, . The Moral Philosopher 28 Muller, F. Characteristics of Go- Oregon, etc 60 Morgan, Gen. D. Life of, by J. ethe 96 Mohdy, Cheykh. Conte." 8 Graham 81 Muller, J. Physics and Meteorolo- Mohicans of Paris 20 Morgan, Lady. Life of Sal valor gy 40 Moir, D. M. Poetical Literature <> Rosa 81 Muloch, Miss. John Halifax S Moliere, J. B. P. tEuvre* !>2 Passages from my Autobiogra- Nothing New 8 Molina, J. History of Chili 20 phy 81 Agatha's Husband 8 Moll Flanders 20 O'Donnell 8 Avillion 8 Mollhausen, B. Journey fiO Florence McCarthy 8 Olive 8 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 133 Muloch, Miss. The Ogilvies 8 Napoleon New York State Register 34 A Life for a Life 8 Life of, by J. G. Lockhart S3 Nick of the Wood* gi A Hero 8 Captivity at St. Helena 82 Nicholas, N. H The Royal Navy 66 Bread upon the Waters 8 His Surrender, etc 82 Nicholas Nickleby gi Alice Learmont 8 Life of, by W. Hazlitt 82 Nicolini, G. B. History of the Je- Domestic Stories 107 Life of, by W. Grimshaw 82 uits a Poems 90 Memoirs of, by Lascasas 83 Nicollet J. N. The Mississippi Munchauaen, Baron. Adventures 9 By Lebedoyere 92 River 35 Munday, Capt R. Borneo 67 And his Marshals, by Headley 82 Nichols, J. P. Architecture of the Mundy, Major-General. Life of Napoleon Dynasty, by the Berk- Heavens 3^ Admiral Rodney 82 ley Men 82 Cyclopedia 40 Municipal Reports of San Francisco 100 By Madame Junot 82 Nichols, P. The Mechanic's Com- Municipalise The "M Napoleon Code 82 panion 39 Munn, B. The Land Drainer 42 Gallery, of his Life, etc. 82 Nicholson, J. B. Art of Book Munsfll.J. Paper making 48 Napoleon III. Life of, by Smucker 82 Binding 43 History and Chronology 73 Napoleon, Louis. Le Precede 32 liritish Encyclopedia 49 Murphy, Rev. R. Electricity, Heat, Nash, J. A. The Farmer 42 . Reminiscences of 82 etc 39 Nathalie 21 Niebuhr, B. G. Lectures 66 Murray, Miss A. Letters National Encyclopedia 103 History of Rome 65 Murray, C. A. The Prairie Bird 9 Natural History 40, 45 Xight and Morning 21 Murray, Hon. C. A. Travels Natural History. Knight's English Nightingale, Florence. On Nursing 45 Murray, H. Geography 62 Cyclopedia 43 Nightmare Abbey 21 British India >:7 Natural History. Reports of the Niles, H. Acts of the Aim-r, Travels of Marco Polo 60 Regents of New York 44 Revolution British America 70 Nature and Art 21 Weekly R.v 105 Murray, J. Hand-book for London 62 Nature Delineated 44 Noble, L. L. The Lady Angeline, Hand-book for Southern Ger Nature and Human Nature 21 etc 91 many 62 Naval Works 48,49 Noble, Rev. S. The New Chun i Hand-book for Northern Italy 62 Navarre. Reine de L'Heptameron 9 I L'A. Lamps of the Tem- Hand-book for Greece, Turkey, NealJ. True Womanhood 9 ple 39 etc 62 Xeal.J. C. Charcoal Sketches 9 Nolle, V. Fifty '. 82 Hand-book for the Continent E. The Closing Scene 28 Nordhoff, C. \Vhaling and Fishing 60 Hand book for France Neale, Flora, Thine and Mine 9 Norman, B. 31. Travels in Yucatan 52 Hand-book for London 62 Neander.A. Planting of Christian- Normanby, Marquis. Year of Rev- Hand-book for Spain 62 ity 72 olution 66 Hand-book for Syria 62 Neander, Dr. A. Christian Reli- North American Review 106 Hand-book for India 62 gion 28 North and South 21 Murray, L. The Power of Religion 28 History of Christian Dogmas 28 North British Review 106 Museum. Littell's 105 Christian Life North, W. The Slave of the Lamp 9 Muspratt, Dr. S. Chemistry 39 History of the Christian Chu < Northcote.J. Life of Reyno Ida 83 Mustang Gray, by Hon. Jer. Clem- The Emperor Julian 38 Northern Regions 60 ens 21 Ned Myers 21 Norton, A. Statement of Reasons 39 Mustee, by B. F. Presburg 21 Mutiny in India 67 Neeles, H. Literary Remains 41 Neighbor Jackwood 21 Translation of the Gospels 29 Norton, C. E. Travel in Italy 66 My Aunt Kate 21 Neighbors 21 Norton, Mrs. Other Poems 91 My Cousin Nicholas 21 1). History of Minnesota 70 Notes and Queries 93 My Early Days, by Eliza Farnham 21 K.'v. \V. H. i 5d in Zanzibar, et> Myers, P. H. Prisoner of the Bor- Nellie of Truro 21 Nothing New 31 der 9 Nelly Bracken 21 Nothing ! My Godmother 21 82 Nothing to Say 91 My Lady Ludlow 21 N.-I-unian Keimm 82 Nothing to Do 91 Myles, W. History of the Metho- 21 Nothing to Eat 91 dists 72 Nennius' Chronicle 6fl Nothing to You 91 My Novel 21' V'H.. 1 H2 21 Myrtle, Minnie 9 nand Barretti. Dictionary 1OT Lectures on Temperance 96 Mythology 87, 88 My Third Book 21 Never too Late to Mend 21 Hydraulic Tables 39 Nott and Gliddon. Types kind 44 My Three Uncles 21 Newcomb, H. Christianity 2!i Races of the Earth 44 Mysteries of Udolpho 21 Mysterious Marriage '21 My Uncle Timothy 21 ET0WCOBM0 21 New Englander 105 New England Tale 21 Ni-w England's Chattels 21 li.il 96 Novels and Romances uid Tales, by Goethe 21 Xew Ipwirh. Hi- 70 B N Newman. F. W. 1 29 Novels, Select Engli-i "2 Novels and Tales from H. NiCitJ. Romance of the Ring 90 ..IGain 9 H Newman, T. W. Kegal Rome 65 1 lays 31 Napier, Sir C'. William the Conque- -m 45 Then ror ' nception Buy 21 <>. Roumania 66 Napier, W. P. F. Peninsular \\ New Pur. 21 :. G. Translation of Job 99 Napoleon's Historical Micella,.. 21 Of the Proverbs, Eccleaiaues Men.- W and the Canticles 99 Court and Camp S2 pers 104, 105 Of the Hebrew Prophets Life of, by J. S. C. Abbott 21 Of the Book of Psalma At St. Helena, by J. .. Newton Forster 31 .' trials ol Hamp- bolt 82 82 Life of, by Ardeche 83 New York. St.it. 70 npiliin 91 In exile, by B. E. O 'Meant 82 New York Hist": ilec- Numismatic* 94 Correspondence with Joseph 82 tions 70 Nun 31 11 134 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Oratory 37 Palgrave, Sir F. Normandy and Ordenanza Militar 49 England 65 OAK Openings Oatman Girls. Captivity of 21 82 Oregon Newspapers 105 Oriental Magazine 105 The Anglo Saxons 65 Palmer, J. W. California and India 68 Obedience 21 Ormond 21 Pamela 21 Observer, The 46 Ormsby, R. McK. The Whig Party 72 Paraifreens in Paris 21 O'Callaghan, E. B. History ofNew Orosius' History 65 Pardee, R. G. The Strawberry 42 York 70 Orphan Boy 21 Pardoe, Miss. A Life Struggle 9 Oceanica. Travels in 57 , 59 Orphans of Normandy 21 The Hungarian Castle 9 Ocellus 88 Orpheus. Mystical Hymns of 91 Episodes 66 Ockley, S. History of the Saracens 67 Orton, H. S. Camp Fires 107 Francis I. of France 66 O'Connell. Memoirs of 82 Osborn, H.S. Palestine 56 Louis XIV. of France 66 Odd Fellows. Laws of the Order 32 Osborn, Lieut. S. ArcticJournal 52 Parent's Assistants 22 Odericus Vitalis' History 65 Oscanyan, C. Sultan and his Peo- arenty, Abbe. Lite of St Angela 82 ple 56 aris tel qu'il est, etc 62 O'Donnell 21 Osceola, the Seminole 21 aris, Versailles 62 O'Donohue 21 Osgood, Frances S. Poems 91 aris, J. A, Treatise on Diet 46 Oersted, H. C. The Soul in Nature 108 Osgood, S. Mile-Stones 96 aris Sketch Book 22 O'Flanagan.J. R. The Blackwater 62 The Hearthstone 96 ark, Mungo. Life and Travels of 82 Ogilvie, G. The Master Builder's Ossian's Poems 91 arker, E. G. Rufus Choate 82 Plan 4-1 Ossoli, Margaret. At Home and American Orators 82 Ogilvies 21 Abroad 66 arker, S. Tour 52 Oglethorpe.Jas. Life of 82 Ostler, E. Life of Admiral Ex- arker, T. Discourse on Religion 29 O'Halloran 21 mouth 82 Parkhurst, J. Hebrew Lexicon 103 Ohio. Statistics Okely, F. Life of Jacob Behman Olcott, H. S. Sugar Canes 34 82 42 Oswald, J. Dictionary 93 Otis, Mrs, H. Gray. The Barclays 9 Otis, Jas. Life 82 Parkman.F. Prairie Life 52 Vassall Morton 9 The Conspiracy of Pontiac 70 Old Brewery and New Mission 21 Otto, Dr. F. J. Detection of Pois- Parkyns, M. Life in Abyssinia 68 Old Curiosity Shop 21 ons 45 Parnell, E. A. Chemical Analysis 39 Old Doctor Old England's Worthies 21 82 Ought American Slavery to be Per- petuated 97 ParnellT. Poetical Works 91 ParrS. Metaphysical Tracts 36 Old Farm House 21 Our Farm of Four Acres 42 Life, Writings 82 Old Forest Ranger 21 Our First Families 21 Parrott, F. Journey to Ararat 58 Oldham, O. The Humorous Speaker 101 Our Globe 62 Parry, W. E. Arctic Voyages 62 Old Haun 21 Our Village 21 Parsons, C. G. Tour among the Old Hepsy 21 Outlaw 21 Planters 62 Old House by the River 21 Out of the Depths 21 View of Slavery, etc 34 Old Inn 21 Overman, F. Metallurgy 41 Parsons, Chief Justice. Memoirs Old Jack 21 Over the Cliff ' 107 of 82 Old Lady's Complaint 21 Ovid. Metamorphoses 88 Parsons, G. S. Nelsouian Reminis- Old Mortality 21 The Fasti, Tristia, Epistles 88 cences 82 Old Mackinaw 21 Owen, A. A Lost Love 107 Parson's Daughter 22 Old Neighborhoods 21 Owen, D. D. Geology of Wiscon- Parsons, T. Essays 97 Old Plantation 21 sin 41 Parthenia 22 Old Stone Mansion 21 Owen, R. The Classification 43 Partisan 22 Old Things and New Things 21 Paleontology 44 Parton, J. Life of Aaron Burr 82 Old Whitney's Christmas Trot 21 Owen, R. Dale. Footfalls- 97 Life of Horace Greeley 82 Oliphant, L. Earl of Elgin's Mis- Oxberry's Dramatic Biography 82 Life of Jackson 82 sion to China and Japan 58 Oxford Chronological Tables 73 The Humorous Poetry 91 Oliphant, Mrs. The Athelings 9 Parvin.T. The Proceedings of the Adam Grseme ., Grand Lodge of Iowa 94 Olive 21 Pascal, B. Jacqueline 9 Olive and the Pine 01 Pensee 29 Olive Branch 9 PAOHA of Many Tales 21 Thoughts and Letters 97 Oliver and the Jew Fagin 21 Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal 105 Provincial Letters 97 Oliver, B. L. Forms of Practice 32 Pacific Railroad Reports 35 Pasha Papers 97 Practical Conveyancing as Pacific Star. San Francisco Q 35 Passions, The 31 Oliver Twist 21 Pacific, The. San Francisco 105 Paston Letters 97 Olivia ; or the Maid of Honor 21 Packard, F. A. Of Convicts in Pastor's Fireside 22 Olmstead, F. A. A Whaling Voy- Prisons 35 Patent Office Reports 42 age 80 Page, D. Geology 41 Pathfinder 22 Olmsted, F. L. Journey through Page, D. P. Of Teaching 93' Patriot Preachers 82 Texas 52 Page, T. G. La Plata, etc 52 Patronage 22 Journey to the Slave States 52 Paget.J. Hungary and Transylvania 66 Patterson, S. E. B. Masters and Journey through the Back Paine, Caroline. The Tent and Workmen Country 52 Harem 58 Patton, J. H. History of the Uni- O'Meara, B. E. Napoleon in Exile 88 Paine, M. Institutes of Medicine 45 ted States 711 Omoo 21 Materia Medica 45 Paul and Virginia 22 Once a Week 1115 Commentaries 45 Paul Clifford 22 Onderdonk.H. Revolutionary In- On the Soul 23 Paul Fane 22 cidents 71) Paine, R. T. Memoir of 82 Paul Ferroll S3 O'Neal's Bench and Bar 89 Paine, T. Theological Works 29 Paulding, J. K. Puritan and his Onward 21 Painters and Sculptors. Lives of 82 Daughter 9 Opera Dancer 21 Palestine. Early Travels in 56 Life of Washington 82 Orations and Speeches too Paley, W. Natural Theology 29 Pauli, Dr. R. Life of Alfred the Orators, Living, of America 88 Palfrey, J. G. Jewish Scriptures 29 Great 82 Of the Revolution 82 Evidences of Christianity 29 Pauline Seward 22 Of France 88 New England 70 Peabody, Mrs. Miss Slimmen'g Of the Age 82 Palfrey, W. Life of 82 Window 9 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 136 Payson, G. Totemwell 9 Peterson, G. History of Rhode Pinkney, W. Life of >: Peabody, W. B.' O. Life of Cotton Island 76 Pioneer Magazine 108 Mather 83 Peterson, R. E. Familiar Science 40 Pioneer Women of the West M Life of Alexander Wilson 82 Peter the Great Life of 83 Pioneer. 23 Life of I. Putnam 83 Petrarch. One Hundred Sonuets* 91 Pirate H Life of D. Brainerd 83 Sonnets and Odes 91 Pirate and Three Cutters SB I.ifeofJ. Sullivan 83 Triumphs of 91 Pitcairn's Island [00 Life of General Oglethorpe 82 Poems 91 Pitiin, T. History of the United Peace 22 Petronius Arbiter. The Satyricon 88 States 70 Peacocke, G. Headlong Hall . 9 Pettigrew, T. J. Collection of Epi- Statistical View of the United Nightmare Abbey 9 taphs 100 States 02 Maid Marian 9 Peveril of the Peak 22 Pitt, Wm. Life of 83 Crotchet Castle 9 PfeuTer, Ida. Lady's Second Jour- Placer Times 106 Peacocke, Dr. J. S. Creole Or- ney 60 Plans of the Battles of the Revolu- phans 9 Journey to Icela n d 56 tion TO Peaks and Passes 62 Phsdrus 88 Planter's Daughter :. Pearce, R. Memoirs of Marquis Phedrus and Terrence 88 Planter's Northern Bride S3 Wellesley 92 Phantom Ship 22 Plant Hunters Pearce, S. Annals of Lnzerne Coun- Phelps, Mrs. L. Ida Norman 9 Plato's Works. Literally translated 88 ty 76 Hours with my Pupils 93 Against the Atheists 88 Pearl Fishing, etc 22 Phelps, S.D. Sunlight and Hearth- Apology of Socrates, etc SB Peck, Rev. G. Wyoming 76 light 9 Platt, J. Manners and Customs 63 Peck, G. W. Melbourne, etc 58 Philadelphia in 1852 03 Plantus. Comedis Tres 88 Peck, J. M. Life of Daniel Boone 82 Philadelphia Monthly 105 Comedies. Literally translated 88 Peck, Rev. J. T. The True Woman 82 Philibert 23 Pletterhaus, Louisa. Poor Young Christianity 29 Philidor, A. D. Studies of Chess 46 Lady 83 Peeps from a Belfry 22 Philip, A, P. W. Preserving of Plinius, C., Secundus. Natural His- Peg Woffington 22 Health 45 tory 88 Pegge, S. The English Language 93 Philip Augustus S3 Plotinus. Five Books. Translated 88 Peirce, B. Mechanics 39 Philips, Gov. Voyage to Botany Se'ect Works. Translated 88 Pelham 22 Bay, etc 58 Pluribustah 33 Pelham Novels 22 Philips, J. A. Manual of Metallur- Plutarch's Lives. Translated 88 Fellico, Silvio. Mie Prigioni 82 gy 41 Morals. Translated 88 Pencil Sketches 22 Mining and Metallurgy 41 Poacher 33 Pendennis 22 Philips, W. Protection and Free Pococke, E. India in Greece 67 Peninsular Scenes and Sketches 22 Trade 35 Poco Mas. Adventures in Spain 69 Penn, W. Life of, by D. E. Ellis 82 Philip IL Reign of, by W H. Pres- Poe, Edgar. Works 99 Life of, by W. H. Dixon S3 cott 82 Eureka, a Prose Poem 91 No Cross No Crown 29 Phillippo, J. United States and Poems, by the author of John Hali- Pennsylvania Records 70 Cuba 34 fax 91 Pennsylvania Archives 70 Phillips, G. J. System of Mining 41 Poeti Italian!, Dantes, Petrarc*, etc 91 Penny Tract 22 Phillips, G. Geology 41 Poetry 89, 93 Pentamerone 23 Phillips, S. Three Plain Discourses 39 Poetry of the Passions 91 Pen Owen 22 Phillips, W. On Marine Insurance 33 Poets, English. Lives of 83 Pepys, S. Diary 83 Philology, Technology and Names 93 Female, of America 83 Perce, E. The Battle Roll 73 Philosophers. Lives of, by Laertius 83 and Poetry of America 83 The Last of his Name 9 Lives of, by Fenelon 83 of England 83 Percival, J. G. Poetical Works 91 Philosophical Transactions 40 of Europe 83 Clio. No. 3 91 Philosophy 36, 37 Polar Seas and Regions 60 The Dream of a Day 91 Philosophy, Science and Arts 36, 49 Political economy 34, 35 Percival Keene 22 Philostratns 88 Politics 33, 34 Percy Anecdotes 101 Philothea, by L. Maria Child 33 Pollard, E. Black Diamonds 9 Percy, T. Reliqnes 91 Phipps, J. The State of Man 97 Polo, Marco. Travels 68 Pere la Chaise 23 Phernixiana 33 Polybius. General History 88 Periodicals, Newspapers, and Maga- Phrenology 45 Poole, J. Little Pedlington 9 zines 104, 105 Physics 38, 40 Pools, S. Englishwoman in Egypt 66 Perkins, E. T. NaMotn 63 Physiognomy 45 Poole, W. F. Index to Periodicals 103 Perry, Com. M. Expedition to Ja- Physiology 45 Poor Boy and Merchant Prince 33 pan 58 Piazza Tales 22 Poor Cousin Perry, O. H. Life of 82 Picciola 23 Poor Fellow 23 Persecutions of the Protestants 65 Pickering, C. The Races of Man 44 Poor Jack Persile y Sigismunda 22 Pickering, E. Agnes Serle 9 Pope, A: Poetical Works, bj Ca- Translated 23 Pickwick Club, by Dickens S3 rnthers 91 Perseus' Satires. Translated 88 Pictorial Gallery of Race Horses 102 by Cary 31 Persian Letters 97 Pictures from Battle Fields 73 Life of 83 Perthes, F. Memoirs of 82 Pierce B. Treatise on Sound 40 Pope or President 108 Peschel, C. F. Physics 40 Pierce, Franklin. Life of, by Haw- Popular Tales, by Miss Edgeworth 33 Pestallozzi, J. H. Educational thorne 89 Popular Tales, by Grimm Principles 82 Piggott, A. S. Of Copper 41 Popular Tales from the Norse Peterman and Milner's Physical At- Pigott, G. Scandinavian Mythology 88 Porcelain and Glass Manufactures 48 las 44 Pike, B. Jr. Catalogue of Instru- Porphyry. Select Works Peter Schlemil in America 33 ments 40 Porter, Jane. Hungarian Brothers 9 Peter Simple S3 Pike, Z. M. Life of 83 The Recluse of Norway Peter Wilkins 23 Pilgrims of the Rhine 32 Scottish Chiefs ' Peters, R. United States Digest 32 Pilgrims of Walsingham 33 Thaddeus of Warsaw Peters, W. Poets and Poetry of Pilot S3 Pastor's Fireside Greece 88 Pindar's Odes. Translated 88 Lakes of Killamey 9 Peterson, C. J. Old Stone Mansion 9 Piney Wood Tavern 22 bsjsji 9 Kate Aylesford 9 Pinkerton J. Voyages and Travels 56 Porter, Her. J. L. Damascus 6f. 136 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Porter's Common 22 Publisher's Circular 105 Rambach, C. Theosaurus Eroticus 103 Portrait Annual 102 Puddleford and its People 22 Rambler, The 97 Portrait Gallery 83 Puddleford Papers 22 Ramsay, A. C. The Mexican War 70 Portraits, with Memoirs 83 Puflefldorf 's Laws of Nature, etc 31 Ramsay, Chevalier. On Religion 29 Portraits of my Married Friends 22 Pughe, W. O. Dictionary, Welsh 103 Ran Away to Sea 23 Posche and Goepp. New Rome 34 Pugin, A. W. Floriated Ornaments 46 Randall, H. S. Jefferson 83 Posey,T. Life of 83 Pulaski, Count. Life of, by Sparks 83 Sheep Husbandry 42 Post.H. N. V. Visit to Greece, etc 66 Pulzky, F. The tri-color on the At- Randolph, J. Life of 83 Post-Offices in the United States 106 las 58 Randolph, J. T. Cabin and Parlor 9 Potiphar Papers, by G. W. Curtis 22 Pulzky, Theresa. Tales and Tradi- Ranke, L. History of the Popes 65 Potter, A. Handbook for Readers 93 tions 9 History of Servia 65 Potter, Major Roger Sherman. 83 Punch 105 Civil Wars in France 63 Powell, B. Natural Philosophy 68 Punch's Letter Writer 22 Rasselas 108 Powell, J. J. Laws of Contracts 32 Punch's Letters to his Son 22 Ratlin the Reefer 22 Powell on the Order of Nature 108 Punch's Prize Novelists 22 Rauch, F. A. On the Human Soul 29 Practice of Surveying and Leveling 39 Puritan and his Daughter 22 Raumer, K, German Universities 66 Praed, W. M. Poetical Works 91 Pursh, F. Plants of North Amer- Rawlinson, R, Historic Evidences 73 Prairie 22 ica 42 Rawson the Renegade 22 Prairie Bird 22 Pursuit of Knowledge 97 Ray,J. Medical Jurisprudence 32 Prayer, Common 89 Putnam, G. P. Book-buyer's Man- Reach, A. B. Claret and Olives 56 Preacher and King 33 ual 107 Clement Lorimer 9 Preble, E. Life of 83 Putnam, I. Life of, by F. Boweu 83 Read.T. B. Poems 91 Precaution 22 Life of, by W. B. O. Peabody 83 Reade, C. Love Me Little 9 Prenticeana 101 A Biography, by G. C. Hill 83 Peg Woffington 9 Prentiss, S. S. Memoir of 83 Putnam, J. D. R. The Rower's Man- Christie Johnstone 9 Presburg, B. F. The Mustee 9 ual 46 Never Too Late to Mend 9 Prescott, G. B. Klectro-Telegraph 39 Putnam's Hand-book 97 White Lies 9 Prescott, H. P. Tobacco 42 Pynshurst 22 A Good Fight, etc 10 Prescott, W. H. Miscellanies 97 Pyrrhus 83 The Eighth Commandment 97 Life of C. B. Brown 83 Readings for the Young 97 Ferdinand and Isabella 83 Reign of Phillip II. . 83 Q Reason Why 97 Reality 22 Conquest of Mexico 70 Recaptured Negro 2* Conquest of Peru 70 QOACISNBOB, G. P. Natural Philos- Recluse of Norway 22 President's Daughter 23 ophy 40 Recollections ot a Southern Matron 22 Presidents of the United States 83 Quain and Wilson's Anatomical Recopilacion de Renas Militaires 32 President's Messages and Docu- Plates 45 Records of Rhode Island 70 ments 34 Quaker Soldier 9 Rectory of Moreland 22 Preston, J. A Liveless Life 29 Quarantine and Sanitary Convention 35 Red Book 33 Pretenders, The, by J. H. Jesse 83 Quadrupeds, Natural History of 43 Redding C. Modern Wines 48 Prevost, Abbe. Manon Lescaut 9 Quarterly Review 105 Redfleld,J. W. Physiognomy 45 Priaulx.O. Quajstiones Mosaic* 29 Quartrefage's Rambles of a Natu- Redgauntlet 22 National Education 93 ralist 108 Red Jacket 83 Pride and Prejudice 22 Queechy 22 Red Rover 2t Pride of Life 35 Queen of Heart* 22 Redskins 2S Pride of the Village 22 Queen's Necklace 22 Redwood 22 Priestly, J. Christian Truth 29 Quentin Durward 22 Reed, A. Martha 29 Prime, S.I. Travels in Europe, etc 66 Queens of England, by Mrs. M. Reed, H. On English History 97 The Bible in the Levant 83 Hall 83 On English Literature 97 Prime, W. C. Boat Life in Egypt 66 by A. Strii-kland 83 Reed, J. Life of, by J. Renwick 83 Tent Life in the Holy Land 66 byF. Lancelot 83 Life of, by H. Reed 83 Prinsep.H. T. Thibet, Tartary, etc 58 of France, by Mrs. F. Bush 83 History of Rutland, Mass 70 Prior, J. Life of Burke 83 of Spain, by A. George 83 Reel in a Bottle 29 Life of Goldsmith 83 Quevedo, Francisco de. Visions 9 Remelin, C. Vine Dresser's Man- Prior, M. Poetical Works 91 Quincy, J. Jr. Memoir of J83 ual 42 Rees,A. Cyclopedia 103 Prison Discipline Society Reports 33 Quincy, J. Memoir of 83 Reeves, J. Law of Shipping 32 Prison Life of Silvio Pellico, etc 83 Quits 22 Reginald Dalton 22 Prisoner of the Border 22 Quinctillian. Institutes 88 Register, Niles' Weekly 105 Pritchard, J. C. History of Man 44 Quod, John. The Attorney 9 Register of Army and Navy Officers 83 Privateersman 22 Quotations 100 Reglamento para la Infanteria 49 Proceedings of the Court Martial of mandate en la Mexicana 49 A. S. McKenzie 33 Proclus. Commentaries on the R Reichenbach, C. Magnetic Letters 39 Dynamics of Magnetism 39 Timaeus 32 Reid, A. Dictionary 103 Fragments of his Lost Writings 32 KiBii.m, F. Works 9 Reid, Mayne. Wild Life 53 The Theology of Plato 32 (Kuvres tie 9 The Wood Rangers 63 Elements of Theology 29 Rachael Gray 22 Odd People 60 Procrastination 22 Rachel. Memoirs 83 The White Chief 10 Proctor, Anne. Legends and Lyrics 9 Racine, J. Theatre Complete 93 The Boy Hunters 10 Professor 22 of the General Land Office of the Secretary of the Treasu It* T K>6 on the Commercial Relations of Pacific Railroad Route IflS Instruction in California State Hospital Committee of the State Land Sales on Sickness and Mortality of the Census for 1852 Industry of all Nations from the Seat of War Schools of Pennsylvania Smithsonian Institution 106 Mercantile Library of San Fran- cisco 106 State Agricultural Society Horticultural Society 106 Mechanic's Institute Harper's Ferry Invasion on Small Arms of Mutual Life Insurance Com pany 35 of the Prison Society of Commerce and Navigation 35 Repton, H. Landscape Gardening 42 Resignation Retribution Retrospective Review 105 Renmont, A. de. The Carafas Reuss.W. F. Trade 35 Revere, Lieut. Tour in California Reveries of a Bachelor Reviews. British Medico- Chirurfi- Bronson's Quarterly 104 Edinburgh 106 Selections from 105 Foreign Quarterly los North American 105 North British 106 Quarterly 106 Revue de deux Mondes ]06 Reynard the Foi 91 Reynolds, G. W. M. Opera Dancer 10 Olivia 10 Reynolds , Sir J. Life of 83 On Picture j 46 Works 46 Rhees, W. J. Manual of the Public Libraries of the United States 18S9 107 Rhode Island Colonial Records 70 RhC'dius Apollonins. Argonautict 88 Rib.ult, J. Life of 83 Ricauti, J. A. Rustic Work 46 Rice, N. P. Discovery ofEtherisa- tion 46 Rice, Rosella. Mabel Rich,O. Catalogue of Books Richard Gseur de Lion. Life of Richard Hurdis Richard of Cirencester'a Chronicle Richard Savage Richard the Fearless Richardiere, B. de la. Bibliotheqne Richards, T. A. Appleton's Hand Book Richards, W. E. Elecfron Richardson and Gray's Zoology Richardson, C. Dictionary Richardson, J. Arctic Expedition Journal of a Boat Voyage 53 To Central Africa* Richardson, S. Pamela Clarissa Harlowe Sir Charles Grandinon Richter, J. Paul. Extracts from Richmond in by-gone Days Ridge, B. Health and Disease Ridgeley, D. Annals of Annapolis 7 Rienzi Rifle Rangers Right at Last Rigsby, J. The Shoe and Canoe Riley, H. H. Pnddleford Pnddleford Papers Riley, J. Narrative of his Ship- wreck Sequel to Rinaldo RinaWin: Ringgold, C. Charts 62 Riplet's Strength of Nations ilipley.J. Hand-book Ripley, H. J. The Gospels Acts of the Apostles Ripley, R. S. War with Mexico Rita Ritchie, J. S. Wisconsin Ritchie, L. Schnnderhannes Robert Oakland Ritchie, Mrs. Twin Roses 10 Mimic Life Autobiography of an Actrers 83 Ritson, J. Ancient Songs and Bal- lads Rittenhouse, D. Life of h Rrtter, H. History of Philosophy -, Rivals, by Clemens g Rivals, by Gerald Griffin a ro, M. Peruvian Antiquities 8 Rivers, W. J. History of South Carolina 70 lives, W.C. Life of James Madi- son Rob of the Bowl Rob Roy lobbins, A. Loss of the Commerce 60 lobbins, C. Old North Church Ti Robert Graham -y Robert Oaklands 33 loberts.W. Conveyances 33 Robertson, Rev. F. W. Sermon* iN Lectures and Addresses 97 obertson, W. Charles V. by Prex- cott 83 Life of T. A>Becket 83 Ancient India 67 Historical Works 99 History of Scotland 68 History of America 70 tin Hood. Ballads and Songs 91 Robinson, A. Life in California 63 obinson, C. Voyages 53 obinson Crusoe 23 .obinson, Dr. E. Biblical Re, searches 66 Ro->inci, Mrs. Kansas M Robinson, Mrs. Mary. Memoirs of 83 Robinson, P. F. Rural Architec- ture 48 /arm Buildings 48 Robinson. Rev. J The Chore* of God 59 Robinson, Solon. Hot ( t>rm 10 Roche, R. M. Children of the Abbey M Rochefoucauld. Maxims et Pen- sees 97 Moral Reflections and Maxims 97 Rochester 23 Rockingham, Marquis. Memoirs of Alberraarle - ; Rockwell 's Report of Routes 35 Roderick Random 33 Rodney, Admiral Life of 83 Roe, A. S. Time and Tide 10 The Star and Cloud H A Long Look Ahead M) True to the Last 10 How Could He Help It HI Rogers, C. Scottish Minstrel 91 ' Rogers. H. The Greyson Letter* 97 Eclipse of Faith 29 Reason and Faith 2* Rogers, H J. Code of Signals 35 Marine Telegraphic List :r> Roger of VVeodover's History 6S Rogers, S. Table Talk 97 PofJcal Works 91 Rogers, WoodesC Voyage 68 Roget, P. M. Theo.i.rui 93 RobiultusJ. Tructatus Phyticvs 46 Rojoux. Histoire de Angleterre 66 Roland Caohel 23 Roland, Madame. Life of M Ro' C. Ancient History 73 Rollin.L. La Decadence 6S Romaic Beauties and Trojan Hum hugs K Roma a Baths 2J Romance and Reality 23 Romance and its Hero . Romance of a PCM. Young Ma .':; lance of Forest i Romanr Rye 23 Romaunt. Island Home 10 Rome lifi Rome, Hi.- lory of 66 Rome, Topographical Map of Romilly, Sir S. Life of Romulus. Life of 83 tonaM and Richardson'* Chemical 1 echnology - Ronaelet, A. Le Pont de Rialto OS lookwood 23 Roorbach, O. A. Catalogue 10T r, W. Life of Sir Thomas More R! Roi .. H. Cranston House 10 Rorr O'More t Rosa.Salvator. L ; fe of Kl tosa. t!.- Parisian Oirl M Woodbridge si losan. -J Gray JS low round ;s ilosary J3 toscoe H. Lives of Eminent Law- yer* r> Digest of the Law of Evidvnr 3f oscoe, W. Life of Leo X. 83 Lorenco de Medici 83 toseC!rk 24 lose D'Alb. -t Dou! is 23 tose, H. J. Biognit>hical Diction- ary J03 138 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Ross, A. Aii ventures in Oregon 53 Rocky Mountains Fur Traders in the Far West 63 agaofFrithiof 91 aint Augustine's Confessions aint Gildas chiMe-, F. Mary Stuart, Bride of Messina &l The Ghost Seer 92 View of Religions 29 -Roth, E. Life of Napoleon III. 84 Rousseau, J. J. Confessions de 84 Roving in the Pacific 59 Rowcroft's Tales of the Colonies 108 Rowland, H. A. Maxims of Infi- aint Giles and St James aint Hospice aint Pierre. Paul et Virginie 10 lint Ronan's Well aint Valentine's Day aintine, X. B. Piccio'a 10 Wallenstein Early Dramrs Letters. Tri-ns'nted Correspondence with Goethe 97 Thirty Years' War 66 Revolt of the Netherlands 66 Minor Poems 41 delity 29 ala, G. A. Journey due North 53 Poems and Ballads 41 Roxana 23 The Adventurers 10 Life of, by T. Carlyle 84 Royal American Magazine, 1774 105 ale, George. See Koran 29 Life of 84 Royal Military Chronicle, 1811 49 alle.R-dela. Life of chimmelpininck, Mary A. Auto- Rullini. Doctor Antonio 10 allust Floras and Paterculus 88 biography Lorenzo Benoni 10 Gods and the World chlegel, A. W. Dramatic Art 97 Dear Experience 10 Histories 88 Esthetic and Miscellaneous Lavinia 10 alt Water . Works Rumford, Count Life of 84 Rundell, Mrs., 'and Birch. Cook- alvation, Philosophy of 29 alverte, E. Philosophy of Magic 101 Schlegel, F. Philosophy of History T3 Lectures on Modern History 73 ery 48 ampson,M.B. Rationple of C'ime 05 Philosophy of Life 39 Rupert, Prince, and the Cavaliers 84 ampson, W. Life, by himseV 84 History of Literature Rupp, J. D. Lancaster County 70 am Slick, the Clock Maker 23 Schleiermacber. Dialogues of Plato 97 Religious Denominatoins 72 and, Mad. Geo. Teverino 10 Schlosser, F. C. The 18th Century 73 Rural Hours 97 anderson, J. Signers of the Dec- Schmidt, H. I. Education 93 Ruschenberger, W. S. W. Voyage 60 laration 84 Schmitz.L. The Middle Ages 66 Three Years in the Pacific 60 and Hills of Jutland 23 Schmucker, S. S. Mental Philoso- Natural History 43 ands,R, C. Works 100 phy Rush.J. The Human Voice 45 andwich Wand Newspapers 105 Scholfield, N. Geometry and Men- Rush, R. Occasional Productions, Sanford and Merton 10 suration etc 97 San Francisco Alta California 105 Trigonometry Memoranda 56 Evening News, daily 105 Schoelcher.V. Life of Handel 84 Ruskin, J. Modern Painters 46 Herald, daily 105 School and Holiday Architecture and Painting 46 Journal of Commerce, daily 10"i Schoolcraft, H. R. American In- The Seven Lamps 46 Evening Bulletin 105 dians TO The Stones of Venice 46 Daily Times 105 The Indian Tribes P,e-Raphaelitism 46 Ordinances, etc., 1854 31 Journal through the Northwest 63 The Political Economy of Art 46 Prices C urrent to 1 860 1 05 Expedition to Itasca Lake 53 The Elements of Drawing 46 Oriental 105 Travels in the Mississippi Valley 63 The True and Beautiful 46 Daily Whig from June, 1852, to Schoolcraft, Mrs. Black Gauntlet 10 Beauties of 46 1863 105 School Days at Rugby Russell 23 Evening Mirror 105 Schouw, J. F. The Earth and Man 44 Russell, C. W. Life of Mezzofanti 84 Medical Press 105 Schubert, G. H. Mirror of Nature 44 Russell. Lady Rachael. Letters 84 Pacific Expositor Schunderhannes, the Robber 23 Russell, Lord John. Memoirs of Sanitary Economy, etc 45 Science , 36- * 9 Fox 84 Santaren, V. Americus Vespucius 60 Scientific American Memoirs of Thomas Moore 84 Santo Sebastiano 23 And Mining Press Russell, Martha. TheTreeofldrasyl 10 Sargent, W. Expedition of Brad- Scientific and Literary Treasury 48 Kussell, Rev. M. Egypt, etc 67 dock 7 Scoffern.J. Resources of Warfare 49 Nubia and Abyssinia 67 Sarratt, J. H. Game of Chess 46 Scoresby, W. Records of his Life 8 Barbary States New Treatise Scott, M. Tom Cringle's Log Polynesia 59 Sartaroe Scott, R. Greek-English Lexicon 103 Palestine Sartorius, C. Mexico 5. Scott, Rosa. Marian Wallace Life of Cromwell Satanstoe 2 Scott, Sir Walter. Waverly Novels 10 Kussell, W. Kxtraordinary Men 84 Savage, J. Our Representative Waverly Novels and Warerly Extraordinary Women 84 Men 84 Tales 10 RuHsell, W. H. India 59 Savage, W. Art of Printing 4 Waverly F. x pedition to the C rimea 66 Savarin, B. Physiologic du Gout 9 Guy Mannering The War 66 Savigny, C.Von. Roman Law 7 The Antiquary Rustic Rhymes 9 Saxe,J. G. Poems 9 Rob Roy Ruth The Money King . 9 Black Dwarf, and old Mortality 10 Ruth.Hull Saxton,L.C. Fall of Poland 66 Heart of Mid-Lothian 10 RutleJge Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in Mex- Say and Seal " Say, J. B. Political Economy So Bride of Lammermoor, and Le- gend of Montrose 1 ico 5 Say, T. Conchology, etc 4 Ivanhoe 10 Life in the Far West 5. Saymore, Sarah E. Hearts Un- The Monastery Ryan, W. R. Adventures in Cali- Scalp Hunters The Abbot Ryland, J. E. Life of John Foster 84 Scarlett, Sir J. C. South America 60 Scarlet Letter 2 Kenilworth The Pirate Scarron, Paul. Comical Romance 1 The Fortunej of Nigel s Comical Works 10 Peveril of the Peak to Scattergood Family 23 Ouentin Durward **" 1f SiBiNB, L. Life of Preble 84 Loyalists of the Revolution 84 Duels and Dueling 7 Scenes and Legends of Scotland 23 Scenes from Clerical Life 23 Scenes in the Rocky Mountains 53 St. Ronan's Well Redgauntl'et The Betrothed in -.rreil Ei'ict of Kang-He 2 Sffiwuirs Travels in Palestine 66 Saffell, W. T. R. Revolutionary War 7 Scenes of the Holy Land 56 Schelling. Idealisme Transcenden- tale 36 Schiller, F. Don Carlos 9S The Talisman Woodstock The Highland Widow, and the Two Drovers ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 139 Scott, Sir Walter Settlers in Canada 23 Sigurd, the Crusader 84 The Sergeant's Daughter, Aunt Seven Years 83 Silk Manufactures . 48 Margaret's Mirror, and the Sewall, T. Phrenology 45 Silliman, B. Jr. Of Physic* 4O Tapestried Chamber, etc 10 Seward, W. H. Life, by G. E. Bar- Silliman, Prof. B. Visit to Europe 60 Saint Valehti ne's Day 10 ker 84 SUliman's Journal 106 Acne of Geierstein 10 Life and Public Services of 84 Silloway, W. Text Book of Car- Count Robert of Paris 10 Life of John Quincy Adamo 84 pentry 48 Castle Dangerous 10 Sewell, E. Katherine Ashton 11 Simcoe, Col. J. G. The Queen's Tales of a Grandfather, from Cleve Hall 11 KUIIKIT- 70 Scottish History 10 Ursula H Simon, Duke de Saint. Memoirs of 84 The same, from History of Sewell, Miss. A Summer Tour 86 Simmonds, P. L. Curiosities of France 11 Sewell, W. Dialogues of Plato 97 Food 48 Poetical Works 91 Seyd, E. California and its Resour- Simma, W. G. Life of Captain Lady of the Lake 91 ces 62 J. Smith 84 History of Scotland 66 Seymour, C. B. Self-Made Men 84 Life of Gen. N. Greene 84 Demonology, etc 101 Sforzosi. History of Italy 66 History of South Carolina 70 Life, by McLeod 84 Shabby Genteel Story 23 Egeria 91 Memoirs, by Lockhart 84 Shaffner, T. P. The Telegraph Man- The Lily and Totem 11 Life of Napoleon 84 ual 39 TheForayers 11 Scott. Rev. W. A. The Bible and Shahmah in Pursuit of Freedom 97 Catharine Walton H Politics 29 Shakspeare, H. Wild Sports of In- Guy Rivers 11 Daniel, a Model for Young Men 29 dia so Richard Hurdis 11 The Giant Judge 29 Shakespeare, W. Plays, edited by Border Beagles 11 Queen Esther 29 Johnson, Stevens, etc. 92 The Partisan 11 Trade and Letters 97 Dramatic Works 92 Beauchampe 11 The Wedge of Gold 97 Complete Works 92 The Yemasae 1 1 Samson 29 Dramatic and Poetical Works 92 Mellichampe II Scott Gen. W. Infantry Tactics 49 Supplement to his Plays 92 Eutaw 11 Life and Services, by Mansfield 84 By W. Hazlitt 92 Blind Heart 11 Life of, by Headley 84 Poems 91 The Maroon 11 Scottish Chiefs 23 Shakspeare. His Times, by Tweddell 84 Southwanl Ho 11 Scottish Songs and Ballads 9 By F. Guizot 84 Charlemont 11 Scouring of^ the White Horse 11 Sharpe, S. History of Egypt 67 The Wigwam and Cabin 1 1 Scout 23 Sharswood G. Commercial Law 32 The Cassique of K ia wah 11 Scrapes and Escapes, etc 101 Shaw, H. D esses and Decorations Simple Story 23 Scriver, C. Cotswold's Emblems 29 Shaw, S. His Journal 84 Simpson, Sir G. Journey 53 Scrope,W. Days of Deer Stalking 46 Shea, J. G. The Mississippi Valley 63 Simiison.J. H. The Navajo. Coun- Seacliff -23 Sheahan, J. W. Life of Stephen A, try Sea Lions 23 Douglas 84 Simpson, L. F. Hand-book of Din- Sealsfleld, C. The Cabin Book 11 Shearer, L. Decisions of the Su- ing 48 Seaman, E. C. The Progress of Na- preme Court of California 31 Sims, R. The British Museum 107 tions 73 Shelley and Byron. Last Days of 84 Sinclair, C. Lord and Lady Har- S. E. O. Hungary and its Revolu Shelley, Mrs. Rambles in Germany court 11 tions 66 and Italy 66 Modern Accomplishment 1 1 Sears, E. H. Athanasia 11 Frankenstein 11 Modern Society 11 The Olden Time, etc 10 Shelley, Lady. Shelley Memorials 84 Modern Flirtations 11 Regeneration 97 Shelley, P. B. Essays and Letters 97 Beatrice 11 Sears. Classical Studies 97 Poetical Works 91 Sinding, Rev. P. C. Scandinavia t'f. Sea Stories 11 Works 91 Siogvolk,P. Walter Ashwood 11 Secchi, A. Electrical Rheometry 39 Shelton.F. W. Peeps from a Bel- Sir Andrew Wylie is Second Love 23 fry U Sir Charles Grandison 23 .Secret, The 23 Shenstone, W. Poetical Works 91 Sir Frizzle Pumpkin SI Convention of 1787 34 Shepard, C. U. Mineralogy 41 Sir Ralph Esher Societies of the Middle Ages 66 Shepherd's Fountain, by Mrs. Sher- Sir Rohan's Ghost ~: Secundus,J. The Kisses 9 wood 23 Sir Theodore Broughton _' :: Sedgwick, C. Life of L. M. Davidson 84 Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic Works 93 Siamondi.J. C. L. Literature U7 Sedgwick, M. Memoir of Curtis 84 Speeches 100 The Italian Republic >' f edgwick, Miss. C. M. New En- Memoirs, by T. Moore 84 Fall of the Roman Empire 6>> gland Tale and other Miscel- Life of, by J. Watkins 84 Sister Agnea 11 lanies 11 Sherlock, Bishop T. His Works 29 Sisters of Soleure 11 Redwood 11 Sherman, H. Governmental His- Sitgreave, Capt I. Zuni and Colo- Clarence 11 tory 70 rado River &:: Hope Leslie 11 Sherman, Mrs. Memoir of 84 Six Nights with the Washiogtonians > Married or Single 11 Sherwood, Mrs. Works 11 Six Years' Travel in Russia Sedgwick, T. Of Damages 32 Shiel,R. L. Sketches of the British Skearington, G. System of Far- Seeman, B. Voyage of the Herald 60 Bar 84 riery -1- Segur, Count P. Expedition to Rue- 66 Shirley 23 Skelton.J. Poems :i| sia 66 Short Stories, by C. Dickens 23 Sketches, by Dick a Selden, J. Memoirs of 84 Siborne, Capt W. Battle of Wa- Sketches of Every Day Life Table Talk 97 terloo 66 Sketches o f Switzerland Selena 23 Sidney, A. Government 34 Sketches of the English Self-Control 23 Life of 84 Slade, A. Turkey and the Turks M Selwyn, W. Law of Nisi Prius S3 Sidney, Sir P. Works 100 Slaveholder Abroad Semi-Detached House, 23 Life and Times ' 84 Slave of the Lamp Sentimental Journey 23 Sidney, S. Australia W> Slick, Jonathan. High Life in New Seneca, L. A. Works 88 Siege of Derry 23 York i Sense and Sensibility 33 Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Poem? 91 Sloan, S. The Model Architecture 48 Sergeant, J. Select Speeches 100 Lucy Howard's Journal 11 Constructive Architecture 48 Sermons, Unitarian 29 Past Meridian OT Sloat, L. W. Price Current WV 140 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. Smedley, E. Venetian History 84 Smith, W. Life of Fichte 84 Soyer, A. The Pantropheon 45 Smedley, F. E. Lewis Arundel 11 History of New York 70 Culinary Campaign 48 Frank Fairleigh 11 Dictionary of Antiquities 103 Spain, A year in 5h- Harry Coverdale's Courtship 11 Dictionary of Geography 103 Spalding, W. English Literature 97 Smee, A. Electro-Metallurgy C Thorndale, or the Conflict 11 Italy 56- Smellie, W. Natural History 44 Smithsonian Contributions 49 Spanish and English Testament S'.i Smibert, T. Clans of Scotland 94 Smollett, Tobias. Works 11 Sparks J. Life of Frankliu 84 Smike, by Dickens 23 Roderick Random 11 Life of Washington 84 Smilos , S. Lifer of George Stephen- Smucker, S. The Four Georges 97 Life and Writings of Washington 84 son 84 Arctic Explorations 63 Life and Writings of Franklin 84 Self-Hel* 84 The Four Georges 84 Life of J. RTibault 84 Biographies 84 History of Napoleon III, 84 Life of Ledyard 84 Smiles and Frowns 23 Of Catharine II 84 Life of Pulaski 8* Smith, Adam. Moral Sentiments 37 Of J. C. Fremont 84 LifeofLaSalle 84 Wealth of Nations 35 Smuggler, by J. Banin 23 Life of Father Marquette 84 Smith, Alex. Poems 91 Smuggler, by James 23 Life of C. Lee 84 City Poems 91 Smyth, C. P. Tenerifte 36 Life of Gouverneur Morris 84 Story of Mont Blanc 56 Smythe, W. French Revolution 66 Correspondence of the Revolu- The Marchioness of Brinvillers 11 Lectures on Modern History 73 tion 70> Adventures of Mr. Ledbury 11 Snarleyow 23 Spectator, The 97 The Scattergood Family 11 Snow-flakes and Sunbeams 24 British Essayists 97 Smith, B. Italian I rigation 39 Snow Image 23 Selections from 97 Smith, C. B. Christian Metaphysics 29 Soane, G. Curiosities of Literature 97 Speeches 100 Smith, C. H. The Human Species 44 Sociable, or 1001 Amusements 46 Speeches. Collections 100 Smith, Mrs. E. O. Newsboy 11 Social Philosobhy 36, 7 Speed, J. Historic of Britaine 66 Smith, E. P. Political Economy 35 Socrates. Life, Teachings and Death 84 Spence, Rev. J. Anecdotes 97 Smith, E. R. The Araocanian In- Solis, A. de. Conquesta de Mejico 70 Spencer, H. Social Statistics 37 dians 53 Somerville, M. Physical Geography 62 Spenser, E. Political Works 91 Smith, G. Consular Cities of China 59 Physical Sciences 40 Spier, Mrs. Life in Ancient India 89- .Smith. H. Festivals, Games 46 Songs and Ballads from the German 91 Spiers, A. Commercial Terms 93 Zillah 11 Songs and Ballads of the Revolution 91 Spiers and Surenne's French Dic- Smith, H. and J. Poetical Works 91 Songs of England and Scotland 91 tionary 103 Smith, Irene B. The Elm Tree Sophocles. Tragedies. 92 Spinosa, Essai Metaphysique snr 30 Tales 11 Souvenir, Dramatic 92 Spirit Harp 91 Smith J. Science 103 Sorrows of Werter 11 Spirit of the Times 106 Smith, J. The Book of Mormon 29 Sortain, J. Count Arensberg 11 Spiritual Despotism 29 Smith, Capt. J. History o f Virginia 53 Soto, De. Life of 84 Spofford, J. Pagauo-Papisnras 2 A Biography 84 Soule, F. Annals of San Francisco 70 Sports 4fi, 4t> Life of, by G. S. Hillard 84 Soulie, F. La Chateau de Pyrenees 11 Spotiswoode, W. Russia 56 by W. G. Simms. 81 Marguerite 11 Sprague,J. T. The Florida War 70 Smith, J. C. Gazetteer of the South Carolina, History 70 Southern Literary Messenger 105 Sprague, W. B. Life of T. Dwight 86 Spring, G. Power of the Pulpit 29 World 62 Southey R, Complete Poetical Spry, H. H. Modern India Smith, Sir J. E. English Flora 42 ' Works 91 Spurgeon, Rev. C. H. Sermons 29 Rinith, J. F. Alice Arran 11 Chronicles of the Cid 66 Gems 29 Dick Marharo 11 His Letters 97 Spurzheim, J. G. Phrenology 46 Temptation 11 Common Place Book 97 Phrenology and Physiology 45 Rochester 11 Life of Nelson 84 Education 93 Gus Howard 11 Life and Works of W, Cowper 84 Spy 23 Stacfj -i Hall 11 British Admirals 84 Squier, E. G. The Serpent Symbol, Amy Lawrence 11 Southey Caroline. Solitary Hours 91 etc W Fred Graham 11 Southgate, H. Travels 56 The States of Central America 70 Henri de la Tour 11 Southword Ho. 23 Aboriginal Monuments 70 Charles Varassewr 11 Southwold 23 Nicaragua 70 Marion Bernard 11 Southwortb, Emma D. E. N. The and Davis, E. H. Monuments DickTarleton 11 Discarded Daughter 11 of the Mississippi Valley 70 Harold Tracy 11 Harry Ashton 11 The Missing Bride 11 The Deserted Wife 11 Notes on Central America SS Stael. Corinne; or Italy 11 Woman and her Master 11 The Curse of Clifton H Alemagne 11 The Virgin Queen 11 Retribution 1 1 Translated 11 Minnie Grey 11 India H Stallo.J. B. Philosophy of Nature 37 FredArden 11 The Wife's Victory, etc. 11 Standish, the Puritan 23 Ellen de Vere 11 The Lost Heiress 11 Stanfield Hall 2S Smith, J. P. Queens of England 84 The Inebriate's Hut 11 St. Angela Merici. Life of 85 Smith, J. Jay. American Histori- The Three Beauties 11 Stanhope, Lady H. Memoirs of SC> cal and Literary Curiosities 70 The Lady of the Isles 11 Travels 36 Smith, J. P. Scripture and Geology 29 The Two Sisters 11 Stanhope Burleigh 23 .Smith, J. T. Comparative History 73 Vivia 11 Stanley, Rev. A. P. Lite 85 sm.tli. .T.. V. C. Pilgrimage to Old Neighborhoods, e tc 11 Stansbury, H. Great Salt Lake l>3 Egypt 56 The Haunted Homestead 11 Stanton, H. B. Reforms and Re- Fishes of Massachusetts 43 Souvestrie, E. Man and Money 11 formers 71 Smith, J. W. Mercantile Law 32 Leaves from a family Journal 11 Stapleton's Canning and his Time!- 85 Smith, M. G. Treatise on Teeth 45 Tne Attic Philosopher 11 Star and Cloud -23 Smith, Sidney. His Work? 29 Sovereigns, Female Lives of 84 Sturbuck, C. Hampton Heights 11 Sermons 39 Sowerby, G. B. Conchologicnl Star Chamber 23 Miscellanies 97 Manual 43 Stark, J. Life of, by E. Everett ft- Life and Letters 84 Conchological Illustrations 43 Starling, E. Noble Deeds of Wo- Smith, S. C. Chile con C'arnr 53 Sowerhy , J. E. Ferns of Great B ri - man 85 mith,T. Asheton. Remioiscencea 84 tain . 42 Stars and Angels :i ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 141 Statesmen or the Commonwealth 85 Story, J. Lire and Letters 86 Sweat, Mrs. Ethel's Love Lift- 1- State Trials 31,32,33 Miscellaneous Writing- 100 Swedenborg, E. Animal Kingdom 4.'. Statistics 1. 62 Equity Jurisprudence 32 Economy or the Animal King Statute Law 31 Equity Pleading* 32 dom 4:'. Statutes of California :il Conflict or Laws 38 Principles of Chemistry * staunton, H. Chess Praxis 100 Law or Agency 33 The Physical Sciences 4! Of English and Foreign Lif. J4 Swallow, G. C. Geolom ei M- Jerusalem Delivered Of Waterloo 24 eouri -11 Tattler. The "T Storrow, C. S. On Water Works 39 Swallow Baru -4 Tattler and Guardian 9T Story Book, by Hans Ander-nn 24 Swan, J. G. Xnrihwc-t CM Ta tsing-teu lev. Code, etc.. of China 'C' Or a Feather -' ( America GO TittFmll.G. r..,Ilerr << 1: Or a Pocket Bil.le 11 Seit..l Hi!iw ays .,1 Travel V, u U'2 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL E-ND-EX. Tantphoeus, Baroness. The Initials 12 Shabby Genteel Story 12 Thuos Mathoe. Early Magnetism :<( Quits 13 Yellow-Plush Papers IS Thurber.Prof. American Weeds 42. Cyrilla 12 Henry Esmond 11 Tibullus. Poems, translated 88 Taylor, A. J. Medical Jurisprudence 33 The Virginians \i Ticknor, C. Philosophy nf Living 45. Taylor, A. S. Poisons 45 The Newcomes a Ticknor, G. Spanish Literature Taylor, Bayard. Travels in Greece 56 Men's Wives and Fitz Boodles a Tiflany, O. Brandon 12' Northern Travel 5tt Ballads ji The Canton Chinese 59 Landscapes from Egypt 36 English Humorist' i7 Tighe Lifford 12 The Lands of the Saracen 56 The Four Georges :i; Tilberghier, G. Essai :ifi At Home and Abroad 56 Thacher, J. Military Journal 10 Tillotson, J. His Work* ;><> Views Afoot 56 Biography g| Timbs, J. School-Days of Eminent India, China and Japan 59 Thaddeus of Warsaw -'i Men 85 Journey through Ceutral Atri. ;i .7.1 Thalysie .1 Inventors and Discoveries 85- Cyclopedia of Travels 60 Thatcher, B. B. Indiuti Biography 88 Year Book of Facts for 1859 40 EIDorado 33 Thayer, W. M. Amos Lawrence n Time and Tide 24 Poems of the Orient !)] Theism, Christian 3 Timperley, C. H. Printers and Taylor, C. B. Legends and Records 12 Theodore M Titcomb, Timothy. Letters <)7 Taylor, H. Notes from Life; in Theodosius and Coustantia U Gold Foil, etc 97 seven Essays 07 Theognis. Works H Title Hunting _'4 Taylor, Isaac. The World of Mind 36 Theology ^i ai To Be, or Not To Be 24 Taylor, Jeremy. Holy Living, etc 39 TheophiTus and Sophia M Todd, Rev. J. Memoirs ol H. K. Taylor, R. On Christianity -a Thierry, A. The Conquest of Kn- White 82 Taylor, R. C. .Statistics o f Coal 62 land 86 Todd, J. Hints to Young Men 11 T Taylor, T. Sketch of Clarkson 85 History of the Tiers F.tat 66 Todd's Young Farmer's Manual 10* Taylor, W. California Life Illus- Thicrs. A. The Mississippi Bubble ; Toland.J. Christianity not Mys- trated 53 a Memoir of John Law H terious :K> Street Preaching ."J Consulate and Empir*- 86 Collection of pif'f* from his Taylor, W. C. British Plutarch 85 French Revolution as MSS W Ancient History 70 Thine and Mine M Letters to Serena 3O History of Ireland 66 Thinks I to Myself M Tedradymus 30 Taylor, W. B. S. University of Thirlwall, C. History of Greece 86 Collection of Pieces 10O Dublin 72 This, That and the Other :i Tom Bowling 24 Taylor, Gen. Z. Life of, l.y H. Thomas and Baldwin, Gazetteer 61 Tom Brown at Oxford :I7 Montgomery 85 Thomas, Rev. C. W. West Coast School Days at Rugby ')7 Life of, by J. Frost 85 of Africa H Tom Burke of Ours Z4 Technology 03 Thomas, F. S, The Psychologist aa Tom Cringle's Log 24 Tefll, B. F. Webster 85 Thomas, G. Account of Pennsyl- Tomes, R. The Americans in Japan 59 Hungary and Kossutlr 06 Tegners' Saga of Frithiof 91 70 Panama in 1855 53 Jones 85 Thomason, Rev. D. R !>7 Tomlinson, C. Amusements in Chess 4t> Telegraph. Story of 97 Thompson, A. S. New Zealand DO Useful Arts 4* Telamifcus 34 Thompson, B. F. Long Island 70 Tomlinson, W. P. Kansas in 1858 53 Temper, by Miss Manyat _>4 Thompson, D. P. Gaunt Gurley 12 Tone, Theobold W. Life 85 Temper and Temperament 24 Thompson, H. Life of Hannah Tooke, J. Home. Memoirs of 85 Tempest and Sunshine M More 85 Diversions of Purley 93 Temple, E. Christian's Treasure 30 Thompson, J. Gazetteer 62 Topographical Map of the Road Of Truth 30 Thompson, i. P. Memoirs of D. from Missouri to Oregon 6-2 Temple, Sir W. Memoirs of 85 Hale 85 Topographical Works 61, 62 Temptation 24 Thompson's Life of G. Villars 85 Lornbia, P. P. T. Ejercicios Es- Tenant House 24 Thorn's Karly English Romances pirituales SO TenantofWildfellHi.il 24 Thomson, Mrs. A. T. LifeofKal- Totemwell 24 Ten Months in Mexico .53 eigh 85 Touchard, Lafosse. Histoire de Tennemami. History of Philosophy 72 Duchess of Marlborough 85 Paris 6fi Tennyson, A. Poems 91 Thompson, J. New Umiversal Ga- Toulotte, M. A. C. T. De \ Barba- In Memorian 91 zetteer UM rie n Maud, and other Poem- 91 Thomson, T. Mineralogy and Geol- Tout en Pen 24 Idyls of the Hint 91 ogy 41 Townsend, C. H. Facts in Mesmer- Tenas, M. D. Odd Leave* 97 Thomson, W. LawnofThoughl !I7 ism 101 Ten Thousand a Year 24 Thompson, W. M. Land and Book 56 Townsend, Virginia. While it wns Terence. Comedies 88 Thoreau , H. Life in the Woods 85 Morning 12 Terentius, Afer. Comeditt 92 Thornbury, W. Life in Spain 56 Living and Loving 12 Ternaux, H. Bibliutheqne Ameri- Thorndale 24 Townsend, W. C. Modern State cain 107 Thornton, J. Landing at Cape Ann 70 Trials 33 Voyages de 1'Amerique 53 Thornton, J. Q. Oregon 53 Tracts W Essai sur 1'Ancien Gundinam- Thornton, R. J. Botany 42 Tracy's Ambition 24 area 53 Thorp, W. The British Empire 6C Train, G. F. Young America in Hist'iire de Mexique, par Tezo 53 Thorpe, T. B. The Bee Hunters 12 Wall Street 43 Tertullian's Apology 30 Thorseby, R. Diary and Letters 85 The American Merchant 60 Testamentum Novum Grecum 30 Thousand and One Stories .'4 Spread Eagleism rW Teverino 24 Three Beauties 04 TraiM and Stories of the Irish 24 Thackeray, W. M. Book of Snobs 12 Three Clerks . J4 Thrall, R T. Hydropathic Ency- Pendennis 12 Three Courses and a Dessert 24 clopedia 4A Jeames' Diary, etc 12 Three Guardsmen 24 Transactions of the American Anti- Luck of Barry Lyndon 12 Three Marriages 24 quarian Society 106 Mr. Brown's Letter" 12 Three Spaniards 24 Transactions of the California State Part* (ketch Book 12 Thucydidee. History I* Agricultural Society 42 Punch'* Prii* Novelwu 13 Tbimberg, C. P. Voyages an Japon M Hortic'iltn ral Society 4 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDEX. 143 Transcendentalism 9/L Turnbnll, W. Th* Strength of Tim- Valentine, T. D: History of New- Travels 50, 58 ber 40 York 71 Travels, by Baron Munchausen 34 Turner, E. Chemistry 40 Corporation Manual 106 Travels to the Cordilleras S3 Turner, G. A. Poem- .)! Valentine Vox 25 Travis, G. Letters 30 Turner, J. Pallas Armata 49 Valerius. Paterculns, Florus, Mr 88 Treasury of History 73 Turner, S. Sacred History i*> Valerius ii Treasury of Natural History 43 Turner, W. R. Charges again*! 33 Vallejo, J. De Matematicas M Treatise 31 Turner. Jack Hopeton 12 Valon, A. LeChaleNoir u Tredgold, T. On the Steam Engine 39 Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. Reality 12 Van Campen, Major. Life of 86 Wanninf and Ventilating 39 Tweddle, G. Shakspeare 85 Vancouver, G. Voyage 60 Trelawney, Capt. The Younger Tweedie, Rev. Dr. Ruined Citiw VandenhofT, G. Actor's Note Book 81} Son 12 of the East 67 Van Doren, H. Men-nntii<- M. The Last Day* of Shelley and Twelfth Night atthe Century Clul. 97 Vane, H. Life of *> Byron 85 { Twelve Years in China 59 Vanity Fair Trelawney of TreUwue 24 Twenty Years After 24 Van Schaack; P. Lifp Sn Tremaine 24 Twice Told Tales 24 Van Stanwood, G. Ijves ol Chief Tremenheere, H. S. Constitution Twins and Heart .'4 Justices i of the United States 34 Twin Rosen 24 Life of Algernon Sydney 6 Trench, R. C. Life of Couipton 5 Twiss, H. Lite of Lord Kldim 5 Van : or the Child of Adoption 12 The Study of Words 03 Two Admirals -.'4 Varrn, O. Eddies round the Uev- Glossary of English Words '.O Two Drovers 24 tory jj Sermons 30 Two Millions :il Vasari, G. Lives of Eminent Paint- Trescott, W. H. Diplomatic His. Two Sisters 24 ers 86 lory ::: Two Sisters 24 Vassall Morton _-. Treuilian and his Friend* -M Two Years Ago -24 Vattel, E. Laws of Nations 31 Trerelyan -24 Tyle.S. Baconian Philosophy 36 Vaux, J. H. Memoirs 80 Trials of Jessie I.oring 24 Tylney Hall 24 Vegetable Substances for Food *. Trials of Margaret Lindsay -14 Tyndall, the Glaciers of the Alps 56 Veile, Mrs. Following the Drum 53 Trials, State :II. :l-.'. 33 Typee 24 Venegas.'M. History of California 71 Trials of the Heart 24 Typhon, Warlwith the GoJs 91 Noticia de la California A3 Tri-colored Sketches of Paris 56 Tyson, P. T. Geology of California 41 Venetia Trimmer, J. Practical Geology 41 Tytler, A, F. Universal History 73 Venn, H. Duty of ilati 30 Tristam Shandy 24 Tytler, P. F. History of Scotland ti6 Vera, by H. Consience Trollope.A. Barchester Towers 108 North Coast of America 53 Verdant Green. Adventures ol 25 The Kellys and O'Kellys 12 Veritas ; a Poem 92 The Bertrams 12 Vermond, P. Chronique Pupnlaire* 12 Castle Richmond 13 Vernon Grove u Doctor Thorne 12 Vernon, Dr. L. Memoirs d'nn The Three Clerks I a UMLAS, M. Three Days in Mem- Bourgeois m; Italian Women 85 phi* 57 Veronique 25 West Indies .53 Ullnran, C. Worship of Genius 30 Ver plane k, G. C. Discourses 97 Trollope, Mrs. Belgium 56 Umsted, Mrs. Sonthwold 12 Vert, Mad. le. Souvenirs of Travel 57 Domestic Manners .33 Uncle Ralph 24 Vespucius. Researches concerning 86 Trotter, J. Memoirs of Chits. Jar. Uncle Tom's Cabin 24 Vestiges of Creation 44 Fox 85 Undivided Household 24 Venillot, L. Les Fraucais rn Alge Trouin, M. Memoirs de 85 Ungava 25 ria 59 Trubner, N. American Literature 107 Ungewitter, F. H. Europe 66 Vicar of WKketield True to the Last 24 United States. Acts and Resolu Vicajrof Wrexhill 2A True Womanhood -24 tions 31 Vital, L. J. Treati^foii iVmeiit 40 Trumbull,H. Discovery of America 71 Astronomical Expedition 38 Victoria 35 Trumbull, Jonathan. Life of 86 Digest of the Decisions 33 Vidocq. Memoirs of 6 Autobiography, Letters, etc 85 Diplomatic Correspondence 43 Vigny, A. Servitude ct Grandeur 37 Tucker, A. Light of Nature 30 Official Register 103 Village Doctor Tncker, G. History of the United Public and General Statutes 31 Villar,G-o. Life of 6 States 71 Statutes at Large 31 Villette 25 Tucker, J. S. Memoir of Earl St. versus Litnantour 33 Villosl.-i,i:i. F. X. Donna Bianca 12 Vincent 85 Universal Biography. Hand-hook Vinca d, P. Banquet Gourini-.mb 12 Tuckerman, H. T. Italian Sketch of 85 Vincent, Earl !-t. I.n.- ui Book 3T> Uphnm.C. W. Life of Sir Henry Viola 2-i Sicily 56 Vane 8tf Vio'.et i". A month in England 56 Life of J. C. Fremont 8i Violet; or Thr Tiinr- ,- I. IT. In ;., The Optimist 97 Upbam, T. C. On the Will :W Virgil *J Characteristics of Literaturr 97 Mental Action 15 Virgin t^ueeu Rambles and Reverie* 97 Up and Downs 25 Virginia Comedian^ 25 American Painters 85 Upton, K. A. Horn* Studir- 93 Virginia Illustrated, by Porte Cray- Horatio Greenough 85 The Housekeeper, eh- 42 on ici Essays 85 Ure, A. Dictionary of Arts. MI- 104 Journal of the House 34 Thoughts on the Poets 85 Ursula 25 Document* of the House 34 Tudela, Benjamin of. Travels 56 Useful Art* <7. 48 Proceedings in the Convention 34 Tudor, W. The Life of Ja. Otis 85 Useful Little Girl 25 Journal of Convention in 1778 34 Tuel.J. E. War in Italy 66 Utopia 25 Journal of the . a -nati- in 1778-J.l 34 Tnomey, M. Geology of Sonth Car- Virginians 2S olina 41 Vision of RubeU M2 Tnpper, M. F. Proverbial Philoso- Visions of Francis <^ueve>k> 2ft phy 100 Vivia 25 Poetical Works '! V*i-M*ov uf the East Indira 62 Vivian Grey Mr. Esop Smith ft Vaughan, R Sacred Poetry 92 Vocabulary, English anil Malay 103 Crock of Gold 12 Vaughan, R. Revolutions 108 Volney, C. F. C. View of the I'ni Turnbnll, B. Cuba 53 Val* of Tedars 2S UH! States <. 144 ALPHABETICAL GENERAL JXDEX. Voices of Nature 30 Warner, Misses. Say and Seal 12 Wells, D. A. Familiar Science 4* Voltaire, F. M. M. Theatre de 92 Dollars and Cents 12 Things not Generally Known 4S Contes et Romans 12 Wide, Wide World 12 Year Book of Agriculture 4sl Memoirs, by himself 86 Queechy 12 Scientific Discovery 40 Siecle de Louis XIV 66 The Hills of Shatemu,- 12 Wellington, Duke of. Speeches 100 Louis XIV 86 Warren, Joseph. Life of 86 Life of, by an Old Soldier 86 Louis XV 86 Warren, Gen. Inauguration of the by M. Brialmont & R. G. Gleig 86 Voltaire, le Roy 86 Statue 98 by J. H. Stocqueler 8t> Von Raumer, F. England in 1841 57 Warren, J. C. Lile of 86 Life of, by Yonge 86 Vose, G. L. Railroad Construction 39 Warren, J. E. Vagamundo 57 Memoirs of, by W. H. Maxwell 86 Voyages around the World 50, 60 Warren, S. Ten Thousand a Yea r 12 Victories of, by W. H. Maxwell 80 Voyages, Collections of 69, 60 D iary of a Physician 12 Welsford,H. English Language 93 Voyages and Travels 50, 58 Miscellanies 12 Wentz, Sara A. Smiles and Frowns li' Voyages of the Adventure and Bea- Now and Then 12 Wept of Wish-ton- Wish 25 gle 00 Warren, T. R. Dust nnd Foam 53 Westgarth, W. Australia, etc 6H Vues-de la Hollands 51 War Trail 25 Westminster Review 105 Washington, George. Revolution- Weston, G. Progress of Slavery 72 W ary Orders 71 Writings of 100 Westwood. British Moths 43 Wetheriil, C. M. Vinegar 48 Accounts with the United States 108 Wetmore, A. Gazetteer of Missouri 62 W. The Owl Creek Letters 97 Maxims of 98 Wharton. Queens of Society 80 Waddington. A. Frazer River Political Legacies 98 What can Woman do 25 Mines 71 Life of, by Irving 86 Whately, H. Logic 37 Wade, J. British History 103 by John Marshall 86 What will he do with it 25 Wafer, L. Voyage to America 53 by M. L. Weems SO Wheat and Tares 20 Wahlen, A. Moeurs et Costumes 94 byj. K. Pauldinx ?(, Wheaton, H. International Law 31 Wakefield, E. G. England and by A. Bancroft 80 History of the Northmen 66 America 67 by J. T. Headley SO Life of W. Pinckney 80 \Valdenses, The, by W. Beanie 66 by Harriet Kirklamt SO Wheeler, D. Gospel Labors Waldor, M. Cha. Mandel 12 by E. Everett 86 Wheeler, H. G. History of Con- Waldor f Family '-> 3 by J. Sparks 86 gress :)4 Walker, G. Chess and Chcs.-Play and his Generals, by Headley 86 Wheeler, G. Rural Homes 48 ers 40 in Domestic Life 86 Homes for the People 48 Chess StudiL-s 108 Recollections and Memoirs of, Whewell, W. Philosophy of the The Three Spaniards 12 by G. Washington Parke Cur- Inductive Sciences 37 Walker, J. Pronouncing Diction tis 86 History of the Inductive Sci ary 103 by M. L. Weems 86 cnces 72 Rhyming Dictionary 92 Waterhouse, G. R. Natural Histo- Elements of Morality 37 Walker, S. C. Planet Neptune 30 ry of Mammalia 43 Philosophy of Discovery 98 Walker's Manly Exercises 46 Waterton, C. Wanderings S3 Plurality of Worlds 38 Wallenstein; Life of 86 Waterston, W. Cyclopedia of Which ; The Right or the Left 12 Wallis, S. T. Spain 57 Commerce 75 Whig, San Francisco Daily 105 Walpole, H. Castle of Otr;:nto 12 Water Witch 25 While it was Morning 25 Anecdotes of Painting 46 Watkins, J. Memoirs of Sheridan 86 Whipple.E. P. Essays and Reviews 98 Keign of George III 66 Watson, A. Home Garden 42 Lectures 98 Private Correspondence 97 Watson, J. F. Poetical Quotations 100 Whist, Laws and Practice of 46 Royal and Noble Authors 86 Annals of Philadelphia 71 Whiston, W. Astronomical Prin- Walsh, J. H. Domestic Economy 49 Tales and Takings 12 ciples 38 Walsh, R, Didactics 98 Watt, J. Life of, by J. Muirhead 86 White Acre v. Black Acre 12 Walter Ashwood 25 Watts, J. Flora Lyrica; and Di- White, C. Constantinople 57 Walton, J. and C. Cotton. Angler 46 vine Songs 92 White Chief, by Mayne Reid -25 Walter Thornley 25 Watts, R. Bibliotheca Brittanica 107 White, Gilbert. Selborne 44 Wanderings of a Pen and Pencil 57 Waverley 26 Whitehall 25 Wandering Jew 26 Wayland, F. Memoirs of A. Jud- White Hoods 25 Warburton, E. Darien 12 son White, H. K. Life of 85 Prince Rupert 86 Political Economy 86 Poetical Remains 92 Conquest of Canada 71 Moral Science 39 Poetical Works 92 Crescent and the Cross 57 Wayne, Gen. Anthony. Life of 86 White, J. History of France 06 Ward.C. G. Cottage on the Clifl 12 Weale.J. Railway Making 39 White, Rev. J. Christian Centuries 30 The Fisher's Daughter 12 Webb, J. Antiquity of China 67 White Jacket 25 Mysterious Marriage 12 Webb.T. S. Free Mason's Monitor 94 White Lies 26 Ward, H. The Cape and the Kaffirs 59 Webster, D, Life of, by P. Lyman 86 White, R. G. Shakspeare's Scholar 98 Ward, H. G. Mexico in 1829 53 by R. F. Teft 86 White Slave 25 Ward.J. Mathematician's Guide 38 by C. W. March 86 White Slaves of England 26 Ward.J. H. Manual of Naval Tac- Life and Memorials of 86 Whitecar, W. B. A Whale Ship 00 tics 49 Works 100 Whitefield, G. Voyage 53 Ward, M. F. English Items 57 Obituary Addresses on 100 Whitehall 12 Ward.R. Life of Hannah More St. Webster.E. Phonographic Teacher 48 Whitehead, C. E. Wild Sports 13 Ward, R. P. Tremaine 12 Webster, J. Works 92 White Slave 13 Ward.S. Life of 86 Webster, N. Dictionary ' 103 Whiting, H. M. Life of Z. M. Pike 86 Ward, W. India and Hindoo- 67 Weenls, M. L. Life of Washington 86 Whiting, W. Sermons and Memoirs 30 Warden, .1. A. Cultivation of Weights nnd Measures. Report of 35 Whitman, Sarah H. Edgar Poe 86 Hedges 42 Weil, G. Biblical Legends 12 Whitman, W. Leaves of Grass 92 \Vnrden, R. B. View of Man and Weir.J. Lonz Powers 12 Whitney, Anne. Poems 92 Law 34 Weisbach, J. Mechanics 39 Whitney, J. D. Metallic Wealth 41 Ware, W. Zenobia 12 Welby, Miss A. Poems 92 Whittier. J. G. Old Portraits 98 Julian 12 Weld, C. R. The Pyrenees 57 Literary Recreations 98 Aureluu. 12 Wellesley. Marquis. Memoirs 86 VVhittlesey, C. Ancient Works 8$ SVarleifjh 25 Wells. D. A. Common Thinxs 48 Life of John Fitch - 8fi ALPHABETICAL GENERAL INDB1. 145 Whyte, J. C. The British Tnrf 46 Wilson, H. H. and J. Mill. India 67 Wratall's Life in the Sea 10B Widdupp.J. Of Celestial Bodie* 40 Wilson, J. On Punctuation 48 Wright, Elizabeth C. Lichen Tuft* * Wide, Wide World *5 French Dictionary 104 Wright, it. Missionary Discourse* 30 Widow and MarquU Wilson, Prof. J. Node* Ainl.ro- Wright, Silas. Life and Time* of 86 Widow Burnaby 25 sianK ''^ Wright, T. Biographia Britannia 86 Wiener, K. M. The Widow Hc,lott Recreations of Christopher North '. Early Political Son* 93 Papers 13 Wilson, Rev J. L. Western Africa 59 History of Scotland 86 Wieland. Oberon 92 Wilson, R. A. Mexico r.4 History of Essex 66 Wieland, by C. B. Brown 25 Wing and Wing 86 ; Dictionary 104 Wierzbicki, F. P. California 64 Wiiigate's Maryland Register 62 ; Wutbering Height* *13 Wife's Sister 25 Winnie and 1 13 Wynndotte 96 Wife's Trial.* and Triumphs 13 Winscom.Jane A. Onward 13 i Wyatt, Sir T. Poetical Work* 98 Wife's Victory. 25 Winslow, C. F. Preparation of the Wyatt, T. Memoir* of Generals, etc tw Wigan, A. L. Duality of the Mind 36 Earth u Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh !W Wight, W. O. Abelard and Heloise 86 Winter Lodge 13 Wigwam and Cabin 28 Winterbotham, W. Of America 54 i x Wilberforce, S. Church 30 China M j Wilcox.C. M. Rifles 48 Winthrop, J. History of New En- Xior*o' Anabasis 88 Wild Flower 13 Wild Irish fiirl 25 land Tl Winthrop, R. C. Speeches 100 Cyropedia and Hellenic* 88 Xerxes. Life of 86 Wild Nell 6 Wirt, W. Letters of the British Wild Scenes in a Hunter's Life 25 Spy 34 Wild Scenes on the Frontier i6 Y Wild Sports in the Far West 26 Life of Patrick Henry 86 Wild Sports in the South 26 Wise, J. .Kronautics 30 YIAB Book of Fact* 40 Wilfred's Lectures on the Rifle 108 Wise. Lieut. Los Gringo* 84 Yea*t. a Problem *S Wilhelm Meister 26 Scambavias 54 Yeddo, Japanese Map of H2 Wilkes, C. U. S. Exploring Expe- Witchcraft 101 Yellowplush Paper* 95 dition < Witches of New York 13 Yemassee 16 Wilkes, G. Europe in a Hurry 57 Wit, Humor and Anecdote* 100,101 Yoakum, H. History of Texa* 71 Wilkie, G. Manufacture of Iron 48 Wither, G. Fair Virtu* 9* Yonge, Catherine. Daisy Chain Wilkinson, Eliza. Letters 71 Wolfsden 26 The Castle Builders IS Wilkinson, G. Ancient Egyptians 88 Wollaston.W. Religion of Nature 30 Friarswood Post-Office 13 Wilkinson on Color 47 Wolsey, Cardinal. Life of, by J. Beechcrofl 13 Wilkins Wilder 26 Gait 86 The Heir of Redclifle 13 Willaumez, Admiral. Dictionaire 104 Life of, by G. Cavendish 86 Richard the Fearless 13 Willett, W. M. Col. Marinils Wil- Woman and her Master 86 Heartsease 13 let 71 Woman in White 26 Yonge, C. D. Parallel Live* 86 William the Conqueror. Life 86 Woman's Faith 96 Life of Wellington 86 Williams, E. Annual Register 10S Woman'* Friendship *5 Youatt, W. Sheep 43 Williams, Rev. J. Life of Alex- Woman's Life 86 Cattle 43 ander 86 Woman's Thoughts about Woman 98 The Doc 43 Williams, J. J. Tehuantepec 54 Women of Israel 86 The Hone 43 Williams. J. S. Invasion of Wash- Of the Revolution 86 The Pig 43 ington 71 Of France 86 Youman, E. L. Chemistry 40 Williams, Roer. Life of 86 Wood, G. Future Life 13 Youmans. E. L. Household Science 49 Williams. S. W. Middle Kingdom C7 Wood, J. Administration of Adams 34 Young. A. Chronicles 71 Williams, T. , and Calvert, J. Fiji 60 Wood, W. Recollection* of the Young Americans Abroad 67 Williams, W. R. The Lord's Prayer W Stage 86 Young. D. Morristown Ghost 101 Religious Progress 30 Wood, W. H. R. Digest 31 Young Duks 95 Williamson, H. North Carolina 71 Wood, W. M. Fankwei 69 Young, E. Poetical Work* 99 Willibalds' Travels in Palestine 67 Woodcraft 25 Night Thought* 91 Young Forester* 1ft Willis. N. P. Here and There 67 Woodhill 25 Young Fur Traders 86 Fun Jottings 57 Woodblock 25 Young Men's Magazine 106 Summer Cruise 67 Woodward, R. B. History of Wales 66 Young Middy 16 Famous Persons and Place* 67 Wooing and Warring 26 Young Student'* Library 93 Pencillings by the Way 67 Wool Grower 105 Young Voyagen 88 Jenny Lind 86 Wo cester, J. E. Dictionary 104 Young Yager. 16 The Convalescent 86 Worcester, Florence of. Chronicles 66 Younger Son 16 Health Trip 64 Worcester, N. Last Thoughts 30 Youthful Pilgrim* W The Rag Bag 98 Wordsworth, W. Poetical Works 92 Yule- Tide Stories IS Out-Door* at Idlewild 98 Yarrow Revisited 92 Rural Letters 98 Working Farmer 106 People I have met 98 World Here and There 25 Paul Fane 13 World. The 98 Willis the Pilot 13 Wormley, K. Amabel 13 Zntcuiv*, J. Predestination 10 Willmott, R. A. Literature -n Worth and Wealth 98 Zanoni 16 Wills, W. H. Old Leaves j* Worthen, W. E. Encyclopedia of Zarate, A. de. Huloire do Peru Tl Willscm, M. American History 71 . Drawing 47 ZenobU an Wilmer, C. A. Our Press Gang 98 Wortley, Lady B. Travel* 54 Zilla 16 Wilmer, L. A. Life of de Soto 86 Wrangel. Admiral Polar Sea 60 Zaiah. The Child Medium 16 Wilson, A. Life of 86 Wraxall, I. Armies of the Great Zobrab JA Wilson . D. Life of Henrietta Rob Power* 66 Zoology 42. 9 inson -i Wraxall, N. W. Historical Memoir* 66 Zscnockke, H. History of Swit- Poithumou* Memoir* 66 zerland '. \ Z881 S22c 1