Hi LIBRARY REGULATIONS OF THE ROYAL COLONIAL INSTITUTE. I. The Library will he open to Fellows on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ; and on Saturdays, from 10.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.; excepting Good Friday to Easter Monday (both inclusive), Christmas Day, and the days appointed as Bank Holidays. The Library will be closed during the whole of the first and second weeks in vSeptember, for the purpose of cleaning, examination of books, urials in this Colony. [21st January, 1843.] 14 17 The Currency Ordinance, 1839. IS 19 20 21 99 22 23 24 The Wills Or- dinance, 1839. The Newspaper Ordinance, 1839. 26 The Baptisms and Burials Regis- tration Ordinance, 1843. 32 TABLE OF ORDINANCES, ETC. XV Year and Number. 1843. No. 2. 1844. No. 1. 1846. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. 1847. No. 2. 1849. No. 1. 1850. No. 1. No. 2. 1851. No. 1. No. 2. Title and Date. Short Title. An Ordinance for reducing the Costs of levying Execution in the Recovery of Colonial and Town Taxes not exceeding One Hundred Dollars in Amount. [25th March, 1843.] An Order-in-Council granting Power to the Governor and Court of Policy to legislate with reference to the Courts of Civil and Criminal Justice and other matters. [3rd April, 1843. J An Order-in-Council granting Power to certain Local Legislatures to revoke, alter, and amend Orders relating to the relative Eights and Duties of Masters and Servants and to other matters respectively. [10th June, 1843.] An Ordinance to vest in Her Majesty a certain Lot of Land now included in the Lunatic Asylum. ' [4th May, 1844.] An Ordinance to regulate the Constitution of Joint Stock Companies for carrying on Undertakings of a public nature, and to authorize the Taking of Lands for such purposes. [15th July, 1846.] An Ordinance to incorporate a Company to he called " The Demerara Railway Company," and to authorize the said Company to make and maintain a Railway in the Colony of British Guiana, from the City of George- town, the Capital of the said Colony, to Mahaica, with Extensions and Branches, and for other purposes. [18th July, 1846.] An Ordinance to amend the Laws respecting Defamatory Words and Libel. [2nd January, 1846.] An Ordinance to explain and regulate the Duties, Powers, and Authority of the Chief Justice of British Guiana in certain Civil Matters. [28th August, 1847.] An Ordinance to alter, amend, and enlarge some of the provisions of the Ordinances relating to the Demerara Railway Company. [13th January, 1849.] An Ordinance to provide Regulations for the Making and Sale of Bread and for preventing the Adulteration of Meal, Flour and Bread. [Ist August, 1850.] An Ordinance to protect Justices of the Peace and other Persons from Vexatious Actions for Acts done by them in Execution of their Office. [1st February, 1851.] An Ordinance for partitioning Plantation New Orange Xassau, a part of which forms the Village of Buxton, among the Joint Proprietors thereof, and for partition- ing other Lands and Villages similarly circumstanced. [19th February, 1851.] An Ordinance for establishing Uniformity of Weights and Measures in this Colony. [Ist January, 1851.] The Companies' Clauses and Pow- ers Consolidation Ordinance, 1846. The Demerara Railway Com- pany's Ordinance, 1846. The Slander and Libel Ordinance, 1846. The Demerara Railway Com- pany's Ordinance, 1849. The Bread (Making and Sale) Ordinance, 1850. The Justices Protection Ordin- ance, 1850. The Village Lands (Partition) Ordinance, 1851. The Weights and Measures Ordinance, 1851. Page. 36 37 39 40 40 144 196 197 198 202 206 210 215 XVI THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA . Year and Number. Title and Date. Short Title. Page. 1851. No. 3. 1852. No. 1. No. 2. 1853. No. 1. 1854. No. 1. No. 2. 1855. No. 1. No. 3. No. 4. 1856. No. 1. 1857. No. 2. 1858. No. 1. No. 2. 1859. No. 1 An Ordinance to authorize the Importation into this Colony of Books, being Foreign Reprints of Books first composed, written, printed, or published in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and in which there is copyright. [17th December, 1851.] An Ordinance to provide for the Establishment of Industrial and Reformatory Schools and for the Care and Education of Destitute and Vagrant Children. [6th March, 1852.] An Ordinance for converting into Stock the existing Shares in the Demerara Railway Company, and for empowering the said Company to raise Money. [18th September, 1852.] An Ordinance for regulating the Rights, Duties, and Relations of Employers and Servants. [22nd January, 1853.] An Ordinance to make provision for the Apprentice- ship of Children. [18tb January, 1854.] An Ordinance to authorize a certain Deviation to be made in the Line of Railway from Belfield to Mahaica. [21st Januaiy, 1854.] An Ordinance to provide for the Management of the Ferry across the River Berbice. [28th February, 1855.] An Ordinance to make provision with respect to the Dii-ection and Management of the affairs of the Demerara Railway Company, and the Place where the said Dii'ection and Management are to be carried on. [24th November, 1855.] An Ordinance for regulating the Harbour of George- town in the County of Demerara. [17th October, 1855.] An Ordinance t« alter and amend the Laws relating to the Prescription of certain Actions and Claims. [24th September, 1856.] An Ordinance for establishing Dispensaries and pro- viding Medical Attendance in this Colony. [22nd July, 1857.] An Ordinance to repeal the Laws relating to Usury. [6th Januaiy, 1858.] An Ordinance for transferring to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the War Department certain Powers and Estates in this Colony. [18th December, 1858.] An Ordinance to regulate Appointments to Public Offices in this Colony. [24th August, 1859.] The Books (For- eign Reprints) Importation Or- dinance, 1851. The Industrial and Reformatory 'Schools Ordin- ance, 1852. The Demerara Railway Com- pany's Ordinance, 1852. The Employers and Servants Or- dinance, 1853. TheApprentices Ordinance, 1854. The Demerara Railway Com- pany's Ordinance, 1854. The Berbice Ferry Ordinance, 1855. The Demerara Railway Com- pany's Ordinance, 1855. The George- town Harbour Regulation Ordin- ance, 1855. The Prescrip- tion Ordinance, 1856. The Dispen- saries Ordinance, 1857. The Usury (Re- peal of Laws) Or- dinance, 1858. The War De- partment (Vesting of Lands) Ordin- ance, 1858. The Public Offices (Appoint- ments) Ordinance, 1869. 222 225 245 248 253 265 267 269 270 277 279 280 280 281 TABLE OF ORDINANCES, ETC. xvu Year and Number. Title and Date. Short Title. Page. 1859. No. 2. 1861. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. 1862. No. 1. No. 2. No. 4. 1863. No. 1. 1864. No. 1. No. 4. No. 6. No. An Ordinance to vest in Her Majesty certain Parcels of Land in that part of Georgetown called North Ciuningsburg, East Ward, for the Establishment of a Public Lunatic Asylum. [28th September, 1859.] An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Licences other than for the Sale of Spii-ituous Liquors. [17th July, 1861.] An Ordinance for better enforcing Discipline among the Clergy of the Church of England in this Colony. [28th August, 1861.] An Ordinance to punish Breaches of Trust by Traders. [28th August, 1861.] An Ordinance to enable the Demerara Eailway Company to raise One Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Pounds by the creation of Perpetual Preference Stock. [26th March, 1862.] An Ordinance to enable Commissioners of Inquiry to summon Witnesses and to examine them upon Oath. [2nd April, 1862.] An Ordinance to vest in Her Majesty certain Parcels of liand in the Town of New Amsterdam for the Establishment of a Public Hospital. [3rd May, 1862.] An Ordinance to vest in Her Majesty a certain Piece of Land at Suddie, in the County of Essequebo, for the Establishment of a Court-House! [4th October, 1862.] An Ordinance for vesting all Lands, Buildings, and Property in this Colony occupied by or for the Naval Service of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in the Lord High Admiral, or the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, of the said United Kingdom for the time being. [7th March, 1863.] An Ordinance for the Punishment of Unlicensed Persons acting as Agents for the Collection and Kemoval of Emigrants from this Colony. [2nd March, 1864.] An Ordinance to make better provision for the Con- veyance of Passengers between this Colony and the neighbouring Colonies and Places. [13th July, 1864.] An Ordinance to introduce into this Colony the Law of England with regard to Merchant Shipping and matters connected therewith. [2nd January, 1865.] An Ordinance to consolidate the Loans authorized to be raised for Immigration Purposes. [2nd January, 1865.] The Miscella- neous Licences Ordinance, 1861. The Church of England Clergy Discipline Ordi- nance, 1861. The Traders (Breaches of Trust) Ordinance, 1861. The Demerara Eailway Company (Preference Stock) Ordinance, 1861. The C o m - missioners (Ex- amination of Wit- nesses) Ordinance, 1862. The Admiralty (Vesting of Lands) Ordinance, 1863. The Emigration Eegulation Ordin- ance, 1864. The Passengers Ordinance, 1864. The Law of Mer- chant Shipping Ordinance, 1864.' The Consoli- dated Immigration Loan Ordinance, 1864. 282 283 292 300 303 304 306 306 307 310 311 313 314 VOL. I. V XVIU THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA Year and Number. Title and Date. Short Title. Page. 1865. No. 1. 1866. No. 1. No. 2. 1868. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No, 5. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 32. 1869. No. 1. No. 2. An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to Penal Servitude. [27th May, 1865.] An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to Pounds. [1st July, 1866.] An Ordinance to re-enact, with certain Amendments, the provisions uf Ordinance No. 21 of the Year 1853, entitled " An Ordinance for incorporating the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana." [24th Novemher, 1866.] An Ordinance to make provision for the Registration of Births and Deaths [Ist October, 1868. An Ordinance to grant to the Reverend Alexander Ferguson a pension of Three Hundred and Thirty-six Dollars per annum. [23ri May, 1868.] An Ordinance respecting the Colony House at New Amsterdam and the Court-House at Suddie. [13th June, 1868.] An Ordinance to provide for t\ e Establishment and Administration of a Revenue Defence Fund. [1st July, 1868.] An Ordinance for the Incorporation of the Curates and Wardens of District Chapels. [18th July, 1868.] An Ordinance with regard to Trading Companies incorporated under the Law of England, and for con- firming the Title of the Colonial Company, Limited, to Lands'in this Colony. [29th July, 1868.] An Ordinance to consolidate the Laws relating to Licences for the Sale of Wines, Malt Liquors, and Spirituous Liquors. [1st January, 1869.] An Ordinance to make certain provisions relating to the Sale of the Liquor known bj' the name of Cocoanut Rum, or Cocoanut Toddy. [1st January, 1869.] An Ordinance to provide for the raising and repay- ment of a loan for the purpose of widening and deepen- ing the Lamaha Canal. [2nd January, 1869.] An Ordinance for raising a Loan for the Construction of Public Woiks. [28th July, 1869.] An Ordinance to prohibit the Importation into this Tolony of Ciattle suffering from Contagious or Infectious Disease. [20th November, 1869.] The Penal Ser- vitude Ordinance, 1865. The Pounds Or- dinance, 1866. The Royal Agricultural and Commercial So- ciety's Ordinance, 1866. The Registra- tion of Births and Deaths Ordinance, 1868. The Revenue Defence Fund Or- dinance, 1868. The District ChapelsOrdinance, 1868. The English Companies (Hold- ing of Lands) Oi- dinance, 1868. The Wine, etc.. Licences Ordin- ance, 1868. The Cocoanut Rum Ordinance, 1868. The Public Works Loan Or- dinance, 1869. The Contagious Diseases (Animals) Ordinance, 1869. 319 324 328 341 361 362 363 364 368 370 399 400 404 407 TABLE OF ORDINANCES, ETC XIX Year and Niunber. Title and Date. Short Title. Page. 1869. No. 3. 1870. No. 1. No. 2. No. 4. 1871. No. 1. 1872. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. 1873. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. 1874. No. 1. 1875. No. 1. An Ordinance to enable the International Ocean Telegraph Company to land, construct, and maintain Telegraphs in this Colony. [8th January, 1870.] An Ordinance to prohibit the Refuse Matter from Distilleries on Plantations from being allowed to flow into the open Trenches, and for other purposes. [1st October, 1870.] An Ordinance to transfer to the "West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, the Rights and Privileges heretofore granted to the International Ocean Telegraph Company. [16th April, 1870.] An Ordinance to amend and make uniform the Pro- missory Oaths required to be taken as a Qualification for the Exercise and Enjoyment of Ofiices and other Civil Rights in this Colony. [20th July, 1870.] An Ordinance to provide for the Levying of certain Ad Valorem Duties during the Existence of a Civil List Establishment in this Colony. [13th September, 1871.] An Ordinance to provide for the Safe Keeping of Petroleum and other Dangerous Goods. [13th July, 1872.] An Ordinance to vest in Trustees certain Moneys voted for the See of Guiana. [7th August, 1872.] An Ordinance for the Better Government of the British Guiana Branch of the Established Church of Scotland. [12th October, 1872.] An Ordinance to establish Spread of Hydrophobia. Precautions against the [15th November, 1872.] An Ordinance to incorporate the Diocesan Synod of Guiana, and to provide for the Election of a Bishop for the Diocese. [3rd December, 1873.] An Ordinance to make provision for granting Pensions to Widows and Children of Deceased Public Officers of this Colony. [7th June, 1873.] An Ordinance to make provision with respect to the Commissaiy Department. [1st July, 1873.] An Ordinance to provide for the Better Maintenance of the Tapacooma Lake and the Works connected therewith. [11th July, 1874.] An Ordinance to make provision for Public Holidays, and respecting Obligations to make payments and do other Acts on such Public Holidays. [27th March, 1875.] The Interna- tional Ocean Tele- graph Company's Ordinance, 1869. The Lees Ordin- ance, 1870. The West India and Panama Tele- graph Company, Limited, Ordin- ance, 1870. The Promissory Oaths Ordinance, 1870. The Petroleum Ordinance, 1872. The Church of Scotland Govern- ment Ordinance, 1872. The Hydropho- bia Prevention Ordinance, 1872. The Diocesan Synod Ordinance, 1873. The Public Offi- cers (Widows and Orphans' Fund) Ordinance, 1873. The Commissary Department Or- dinance, 1873. The Tapacooma Lake Ordinance, 1874. The Public Holidays Ordin- ance, 1875. 408 424 426 427 429 430 433 434 442 442 451 459 460 465 XX THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : Year and Number. Title and Date. Short Title. 1875. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. 1876. No. 1. 2. No. 3. No. 4. 1877. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 6. 1878. No. 1. An Ordinance for the purpose of enabling Fresh Water to be conveyed to New Amsterdam through pipes placed along the Public Koad, and for other purposes. [15th May, 1875.] An Ordinance to provide for the Payment of Pensions and Retiring Allowances to the Public Servants of the Colony. [24th March, 1876.] An Ordinance to make compulsory the Practice of Vaccination. [1st November, 1881.] An Ordinance to declare that Tender of Payment in Spanish, Mexican, or Columbian Silver Coins called " Dollars " shall cease to be a Lawful Tender. [1st August, 1876.] An Ordinance for the Improvement of the City of Georgetown, and to vest Plantation Vlisscngen in Commissioners. [1st January, 1877.] An Ordinance to enforce Elementary Education. [3rd February, 1877.] An Ordinance to vest in the Colony the Property now held by Queen's College Grammar School and the Property now vested in the Lord Bishop of British Guiana known as " Bishop's College." [3rd February, 1877.] An Ordinance to improve the Breed of Horses. [28th July, 1877.] An Ordinance to establish and regulate an Institution for the Training of Teachers for Primary Schools. [7th November, 1877.] An Ordinance for the Prevention of Cattle Stealing. [10th November, 1877.] An Ordinance for consolidating in one Ordinance certain Provisions usually inserted in Ordinances relat- ing to the Constitution and Management of Companies incorporated for carrying on Undertakings of a public nature. [5th January, 1878.] An Ordinance for the Protection of certain Wild Birds. [9th February, 1878.] An Ordinance to transfer to the West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, incorporated on the 9th day of January, 1877, the Rights and Privi- leges heretofore granted to the West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, incorporated on the 30th day of July, 1869. " [18th September, 1878.] The New Am- sterdam Water- way Ordinance, 1875. The Public Offi- cers (Pensions) Ordinance, 1875. The Vaccination Ordinance, 1875. The Spanish, etc., Silver Dollars Demonetization Ordinance, 1876. The George- town Improve- ment ( Vlissengen) Ordinance, 1876. The Element- ary Education Or- dinance, 1876. The Horses (Im- provement of Breed) Ordinance, 1877. The Training Institution Ordin- ance, 1877. The Cattle Stealing Preven- tion Ordinance, 1877. The Compan- ies' Clauses and Powers Consolida- tion Ordinance, 1877. The Wild Birds Protection Ordin- ance, 1877. The West India and Panama Tele- graph Company, Limited (Transfer of Rights) Ordin- ance, 1878. TABLE OF ORDINANCES, ETC. XXI Year and Number. Title and Date. Short Title. Page. 1878. No. 2. No. 3. 1879. No. 1. No. 2. 1880. No. 2. No. 3. No. 6. No. 7. 1881. No. 1. 1883. No. I. No. 2. No. 4. No. 5. An Ordinance to provide for the Establishment and Regulation of a Volunteer Force in British Guiana. [5th October, 1878.] An Ordinance to consolidate relating to the Public Health. and amend the Laws [nth January, 1879.] An Ordinance to make provision for the Establish- ment and Regulation of a School for the Instruction and Training of Vagrant Boys and Youthful Male Offenders. [20th September, 1879.] An Ordinance for raising a Loan for Public Purposes. [4th October, 1879.] An Ordinance to facilitate the Removal of Wrecks obstructing Navigation. [9th June, 1880.] An Ordinance to make provision for Inquiiy into the Origin of Fires and of Occurrences resulting in Serious Injury. [9th June, 1880.] An Ordinance to amalgamate the Registrar's Office of Demerara and Essequebo and the Registrar's Office of Berbice. [28th August, 1880.] An Ordinance for enabling the Govemor-in-Council, or Governor and Court of Policy, or any Committee of the said Court, to procure and take Evidence upon Oath. [28th July, 1880.] An Ordinance to amend the Georgetown Improve- ment (Vlissengen) Ordinance, 1876. [12th November, 1881.] An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to Sworn Weighers and Gangers. [24th February, 1883.] An Ordinance to secure the Maintenance of the Sea, River, and Outer Dams of Estates. [9th June, 1883.] An Ordinance to make provision for Due Investiga- tion into the Causes of Shipping Casualties. [5th December, 1883.] An Ordinance for enabling the Combined Court, or any Committee of the said Court, or the Committee of Ways and Means to procure and take Evidence upon Oath. [8th December, 1883.] The Volunteer 561 Ordinance, 1878. The Public 668 Health Ordinance, 1878. The Onder- 625 neeming School Ordinance, 1879. The Public Loan 634 Ordinance, 1879. The Wrecks Re- 638 moval Ordinance, 1880. The Fires In- 640 quiry Ordinance, 1880. The Registrar's 642 Ordinance, 1880. The Court of 653 Policy (Evidence) Ordinance, 1880. The Georgetown 657 Improvement (Vlissengen) Ord- inance, 187 6, Amendment Ord- inance, 1881. The Weighers 658 and Gangers Ord- inance, 1883. The Sea Defence 663 Ordinance, 1883. The Shipping 670 Casualties Inves- tigation Ord- inance, 1883. The Combined 674 Court (Evidence) Ordinance, 1883. THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA. LAWS OF DEMERARA AND ESSEQUEBO. General law of the united Colonies of Essequebo and Demerara. Extract from the Eegister of the Resolutions of Their a.d. 1774. High Mightinesses the States-General of the United * Netherlands. [4th October, 1774.] IT shall be further enacted, as it is by these presents enacted accordingly, that all the laws of Holland in general, and more particularly all Laws, Statutes, Resolutions, and Ordinances of Their High Mightinesses, or of the Committee of Ten with the approbation of Their High Mightinesses, heretofore transmitted, or hereafter to be transmitted, to the Director General and the Court of Essequebo, or to the Commander and Court of Demerara, shall be the rule of their judgments. In matrimonial questions they shall be regulated by the Ordinance decreed by the States of Holland and West Vriesland, on the 1st April, 1580 \ and in matters relating to hereditary succession ab intestato by the law of consanguinity termed Aasdoms Verster/recht, as contained in the Decree of the States of Holland and West Vriesland, dated the 18th December, 1599. In civil causes they shall be regulated by the Manner of Proceeding enacted by the Assembly of Ten; and in everything not especially provided for, they shall have recourse to the written laws. An extract of these Resolutions shall be sent to the representative of His Highness, and to the Directors of the West India Company in the Assembly of Ten, with orders to cause the foregoing Regulations and further arrangements to be duly published. Law of mai'- riage and succession. Procedure in civil causes. Publication of Kesolutions. For this and tlie next meutioned document see Appendices A, B, and C to Vol, IV. THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1803. {Laws of Demebara and Ussequebo.) A. D. 180 3. Publication relating to Alterations in the Names of Plantations. [20th July, 1803.] WHEREAS we experience that the Proclamation of this Court bearing date the 8th day of May, 1793, ordering among other matters that proper notice shall be given of all alterations in the names of plantations, has for a considerable time past not been complied with, and that, in consequence of such omissions, irregularities have arisen, which fully confirms the necessity of enforcing the Acts established for that purpose : We, therefore, have thought fit, by way of amendment to our Publication of the 28th day of April, 1793, and published the 8th day of May following, to enact by these presents that every proprietor or administrator in any of the two Rivers who has, since the 1st day of January, 1796, altered or knows of any alteration from that time ia the names of any plantation or plantations either belonging to him or under his direction, or any person that may have made a division or knows of any division of plantations either belonging to him or under his direction, by which the names of any part of such plantation have been changed, shall, within three months after the publication of these presents, give notice thereof to the Secretary's Ofiice and to the Receiver of the Colony, under which such plantations resort ; and it is likewise enjoined that every person who is desirous to alter the name of any plantation or jJantations belonging to him, or under his direction, shall in future be obliged to give notice thereof to the Secretary's Office and Receiver as aforesaid, before he is permitted to use a new name in any public act or deed. All transgressors in either case will incur a fine of one hundred and fifty guilders. Notification to be made of alteration in name of plantation. A.D. 1803. — ♦ — Preservation of laws and usages of the Colony. Articles of Capitulation proposed in 1803 by the Governor- General and the Court of Police of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerara, and the Commanding Officers of the Sea and Land Forces of the Batavian Republic in the said Colony, to their Excellencies the Commanders-in-Chief of His Britannic Majesty's Sea and Land Forces off Demerara, with the Answers to such Articles. A' RTICLE 1 . The laws and usages of the Colony shall remain in force and be respected, the mode of taxation now in use be adhered to, and the inhabitants shall enjoy the public exercise of their religion in the same manner as before the Capitulation. No new establishments shall be introduced without the consent of the Court of Police, as the Legislature of the Colony .... A nswer — Granted, A.D. 1803.] ARTICLES OF CAPITULATION. ARTICLE 2. The inhabitants, those who are at present in the Rights of Colony as well as those who may be abroad, shall be protected in Til^l*^^ ^fj,} their persons, and have tlie free enjoyment of their properties, without enjoyment of being troubled or molested for any acts whatsoever, other than such as pi'operty. they might commit subsequently to the Capitulation, and in violation of the oath of fidelity, they shall be required to take. Ayiswer — Granted. ARTICLE 3. Tlie inhabitants shall, on no account whatever, be Limitation of obliged to take up arms against an external enemy ; but their services liiiMity of shall only be required for quelling internal commotions or disturbances, ]jg^^ arms. according to the existing Regulations of the Burghers, and for main- taining the internal tranquillity of the Colony, in conformity to what has always taken place to this day. Answer — G-ranted, until, at the conclusion of the war, it shall be determined to what Government these Colonies shall be subjected. ARTICLE 12. The Commanders of His Majesty's Forces shall, immediately on the Colony being taken possession of, furnish the Governor-General with a conveyance to transmit to the Batavian Government a copy of the Capitulation, with a statement of the reasons that induced him, as well as the Council of Police and the Commanding Oificers of the Batavian Forces, to surrender the Colony to His Britannic Majesty. Answer — Granted ; the vessel which takes our despatches to Europe will take those of the Governor of the Colonies. Transmission of intelligence of Capitula- tion. ARTICLE 14. Should any difficulties arise in consequence of any Construction dubious expressions occurring in the present Capitulation, the same ^ ttd t'^ shall be explained or construed in the sense most favourable to the Colony or the Batavian garrison. Answer — Granted, Government House, 18th September, 1803. (Signed.) A. Meertens, Governor-General of Essequeho and Demerara. P. RosMWiNKEL, Major. G. H. Trotz, Commander of Essequeho. D. J. C. Lambert, Captain of Artillery. P. P. Luyken. J. Hoffman, First LieiUenant. • Christ, D. Mack, F. Van den Velden. F, Kroll. By command of the Court of Police, (Signed.) P, F. Tinne, Secretary. (Signed.) William Grinfield, Lieutenant-General . Samuel Hood. (Signed.) William Tatum, Military Secretary. H. Tracey, Naval Secretary. VOL. I. 2 By order, Time of giving pos- session of Fort William Frederick, etc. Time of giving pos- session of the Colonies. THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1803. (Laws of Demeraba and Essequebo.) ADDITIONAL ARTICLES. ARTICLE 1 . Possession of Fort William Frederick is to be given to a detachment of British troops, this evening, by seven o'clock ; also, that of the Batavian ship of war, the Hippo- menes, to the British seamen ; and the Hornet, British sloop of war, and the schooner Netley are to be allowed to pass into the harbour of Demerara. Answer — Acceded to. ARTICLE 2. Possession of the Colonies of Demerara and Es- sequebo to be given to the British by twelve o'clock to-morrow noon. Answer — Acceded to. (Signed.) G. H. Trotz, Commmider of Essequebo. F. Kroll. J. Hoffman, First Lieutenant. P. F. TiNNE, Secretary. R. Paay Herklots, Lieutenant Navy. William Grinfield. Samuel Hood. Heureux, 19th September, 1803. D. 1830. An Ordinance declaring the Provisions of an Act of * the Parhament of Great Britain and Ireland, 10th Geo. IV., cap. 7, entitled " An Act for the Relief of His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects, extended to this Colony." [30th January, 1830.] Extension to tlie United Colony of Act 10 Geo. IV. c. 7. WHEREAS it has become necessary to declare that the provisions of the before-recited Act of the Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland are extended to and in force in this United Colony : — Be it therefore declared that the aforesaid Act of the Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland, 10th Geo. IV., cap. 7, entitled "An Act for the Relief of His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects," extends to and is in force in this United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo, so far as the same is applicable to the situation of the said Colony. A.D. 1800.] EASTERN BOUNDARY OF BERBICE. LAWS OF BERBICE. An Act relating to the Boundaries between Berbice a.d. isoo. and Surinam. * [7th February, 1800.J Gouverneur en Raden des Hofs van Regering der Kolonie de Berbice Ri- vieren en Districten van dien, &c., &c., &c. Al degenen, die deze zullen zen of hooreu lezen, Salut ! DOEN wij met het allergrootste genoegen te wetea : dat wij bij eene nieuwelings gehou- dene briefwisseling en te Zamen- komst van de Heeren Gouverneurs dezer Colonie en van Suriname, gehandeld zijnde wegens het tot een einde brengen der verschillen, nopens de ware grondscheiding tusschen de beide volkplantingen, door hunne Excellentien beiden gelijk gerekend was, ingezien, de staatkundige gelegendeid dezer Kolonie zoodanig te wezen, in het gemeene belang te vereischen, dat de aanmoediging tot aanbouw van de thans woest en onbewerkt liggende Landen door alle moge- hjke middelen, en wel hoofdza- kelijk door de bestierders derzelve dien bosterkt te worden. En ofschoon de bepaling der Land- scheiding van dien aard en belang is, dat dezelve niet dan door den Landheer kan gedaan worden, door Gouverneur Erederici was vermeend geene van s'Landheer's Regten te verkorten, door op dit stuk eenige Schikkingen voor te stellen, waardoor al de gewenschte einden konden bereikt worden, zonder te beletten de eindelijke bepalingen, welke omtrent de grensscheiding,door den Souverein of Souvereinen in der tijd, bij het vaststellen van het toekomstig lot der Kolonien zullen oorbaar geacht VOL. I. The Governor and Coun- cillors of the Court of Government of the Colony of Berbice, Rivers and Districts of the same, &c., &c. &c. To all who may see or hear these Presents read, greeting ! WITH great pleasure we make known : That we having, by a recent correspon- dence and meeting of Their Excellencies the Governors of this Colony and of the Colony of Surinam, discussed the adjustment of the differences with respect to the correct boundary between the two Colonies, and both Their Excellencies, as was anticipated, have considered the political position of this Colony to be such as for the common interest to require that, by every possible means and chiefly by the Governor, encouragement be held out that the lands at present lying desolate and waste be duly cultivated ; and although the defining of the boundary be of that nature and importance that it cannot be done but by the lord of the land himself, it is the opinion of Governor Frederici that the suggestion of any arrangement tending to the attainment of this desirable object would not be prejudicial to either the rights of the lord of the land, nor to what- soever decision with respect to the boundary the sovereign or sovereigns for the time being, at a settlement of the future destiny of these Colonies, ultimately may deem expedient. And in this opinion Governor van Imbyze 2a THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA. {Laws of Berbice.) [A.D. 1800. Declaration that west sea coast and west bank of the River CorentjTie belong to Berhice. Provisions as to rights of inhabitants of District, etc. van Batenburg fully concurring. Their Excellencies consequently have determined as follows : — That the west sea coast of the River Corentyne, up to the Devil's Creek, besides the west bank of the said River, hitherto considered belonging to the Go- vernment of the Colony of Suri- nam, be declared and acknow- ledged henceforth to belong to the Government of the Colony of Berbice. That consequently all who may have settled on the lands already granted, or who hereafter may do so, shall, so far as regards their property, in every res|!ect be con- sidered inhabitants of the said Colony of Berbice, on the follow- ing terms : — (3.) That none of the Islands situate in the River Coren- tyne shall be included in this provisional cession, but always be acknowledged to belong to the Government of the Colony of Surinam ; and (4.) That also the Post estab- lished on the west bank of the River Corentyne shall remain in the possession and under command of the Government just mentioned. A.ndi that no ignorance hereof may be pretended, these Presents shall, in the customary manner, be proclaimed, printed, and pub- lished in the Dutch and English languages, and be sent from place to place throughout the Colony. Thus done and enacted at our Ordinary Assembly, held at the Court House, in the Chief Place, New Amsterdam, in Berbice, this 20th day of January, 1800. worden, welke Schikkingen door Gouverneur van Imbyze van Batenburg uithetzelfde oogpunt zijn beschouwd, en mitsdien tus- schen hunne Excellentien het volgende beeaamd : — Dat de Westzeekust van de Ri- vier Corentin tot aan de Duivels- kreek, welke tot nu toe is aange- merkt onder het Gouvernement van Suriname te behooren, bene- vens de Westoever dier Rivier worden gesteld en erkend te behooren onder het bestier van de Regering der Kolonie Berbice. Dat dienvolgende al degenen, welke zich in de reeds begevene Landen hebben gevestigd of zulks in het vervolg zullen doen, voor zoo verre hunne bezittingen be- treft, in alle opzigten zullen aangemerkt worden als Inwoners der gemelde Kolonie (Berbice) nogtans onder de volgende voor- waarden : — • ••••• (3.) Dat geen der Eilanden in de Rivier Corentin gelegen, onder dezen Provision eelen afstand zullen begreepen we- zen, maar altijd aangemerkt worden te behooren onder het Gouvernement der Colonie Suriname. (4.) Dat ook de Post gevestigd op den Westover van de Rivier Corentin mede zal blijven in het bezit en onder de bevelen, van het zoo even- gemelde Gouvernement. En op dat niemand hiervan eenige onwetenheid voorwende, zal deze als gewoonlijk, afgekon- digad, in het Nederduitch en En- gelsch gedrukt en aangeplakt, en door de Kolonie, van plaats tot plaats verzonden worden. Aldus vastgested en besloten in onze gewone vergadering, gehouden ten Raadhuize in de Hoofdplaats Nieuw Amsterdam te Berbice op den 20«" January, 1800. A.D. 1803.] ARTICLES OF CAPITULATION. A Proclaimation by the Provisional Cxovernment and a. d. iso s. other Members of the Court of Pohcy and Criminal Justice in the Colony of Berbice relating to the Capitulation of the Colony. [27th September, 1803.] WHEREAS the Provisional Government (private intelligence having been received Thursday evening of the surrender of Essequebo and Demerara by capitulation to the English on Monday), in an Extraoi'dinary Assembly of all the Councillors, to which were also convened Lieutenant-Colonel Carl Matthias, Com- mandant of the Troops, Lieutenant G. F. Hindt, of the Navy, Commander of the Republican schooner Serjjent, Captain R. Stuyvelaar, of the Artillery, and Captain J. R. Claessens, of the Rangers, held Friday, the 23rd instant, p.m., have laid upon the table a letter delivered that morning, at 12 o'clock, by Brigade-Major Armstrong, of the British Land Forces, and Lieutenant Pardo, of the British Navy, who had arrived here with a flag of truce, the contents of which letter are as follows : — By Captain Loptus Otway Bland, Commander of His Britannic Majesty s Sliips, &c., dec, d'C, aiid Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Nicholson, Commander of His Britannic Majesty's Land Forces, d:c., cfcc, c&c, tinder the orders of Their Excellencies Lientenant-G eneral William Grinfield and Commodore Samuel Hood, Commanders-in-Chief of His Majesty's Land and Sea Forces in the Windivard and Leeward Carihbee Islands, <&c., etc., . J. Gallas, Lieut. P. Eggers, Secretary. And whereas it thereby appeared that the Committee have laudably acquitted themselves of the trust to obtain favourable answers, indeed on more of the Articles than by the local circumstances and state of affairs with any appearance of hope could be expected, the Assembly have approved of the conduct of the Committee and ratified the Capitulation, and the Provisional Government sent peremptory orders to Lieutenant Colonel Matthias to behave conformably to the said Capitulation; in consequence, part of the British Forces passed into the River and came at anchor abreast of the Town yesterday afternoon, and have to-day taken possession of the forts and posts and hoisted the British colours in this Colony. And these presents are to make known unto the inhabitants the aforesaid occurrences and Capitulation, with serious recommendation to behave themselves conformably thereto, for the common benefit of this Colony, and all interested in the same. And these Presents shall be proclaimed, posted up, and sent round as customary. Enacted in an Extraordinary Assembly, New Amsterdam, 25th September, 1803. J. C. W. Berlin, Vt. By Command, P. Eggers, Secretary. A. D. 183 0. A Proclamation by His Excellency Lieut. -Governor Beard relating to the Act of Parliament 10 Geo. IV. cap. 7. [7th January, 1830.] WHEREAS on the 13th day of April, 1829, and in the tenth year of the reign of His present Majesty, an Act, entitled " An Act for the Relief of His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects," was passed by Parliament ; A.D. 1831.] ESTABLISHMENT OF COLONY. 11 And whereas I have fceen instructed by His Majesty's Government to publish the said Act, and to declare that the same extends to and is in full force in the Colony of Berliice ; The said Act is therefore hereby published as follows and declared Extension to to extend to, and be in full force within, this Colony; of which *1"\^?\"q-^ all persons are required to take notice and govern themselves Geo. IV., accordingly. c- 7. [The Act here follows.] THE LAWS OF BKITISH GUIANA. Letters Patent constituting the Colony of British a. d. ^ iss i. Guiana, and appointing JMajor-General Sir '"Seethe Puhu- Benjainin D'Urban, K.C.B., Governor. following. [4th JVIarcli, 1831.] WILLIAM R. WILLIAM the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, To our trusty and well-beloved Sir Benjamin D'Urban, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Major-General of our Forces : Whereas, for divers good causes to us appearing, we have deemed it right that our settlements and factories on the northern coast of the continent of South America, comprising the United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo and the Colony of Berbice, should henceforth be united together, and should constitute one Colony in the manner hereinafter provided : Now know you that we, reposing especial trust and confidence in the prudence, courage, and loyalty of you, the said Sir Benjamin D'Urban, of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have thought fit to constitute and appoint, and by these presents do constitute and appoint, you, the said Sir Benjamin D'Urban, to be during our will and pleasure, our Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over all our settlements on the northern coast of the Continent of South America, comprising all such territories and jurisdictions as have hitherto been comprised in the said United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo and the said Colony of Berbice respectively, with their respective Dependencies, and all forts and garrisons erected and established, or which shall be erected and established, within the same, and which such settlements shall henceforth collectively constitute and be one Colony, and shall be called " The Colony of British Guiana " : And we do hereby require and command you, our said Governor, to do and execute all things in due manner as shall belong to your said command, and the trust we have reposed in you, according to the several powers and directions granted to or appointed you by this present Commission and the instructions herewith given to you, or according to such further powers, instructions, and authorities as shall at any future time be granted to or appointed for you under our Signet and Sign Manual, or by our Order in our Privy Council, or by us through one of our Principal Secretaries of State : And we do further 12 THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1831. grant, direct, and appoint that the form of civil government hereto- fore by law established in the said United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo shall be and the same is hereby established in and throughout the said Colony of British Guiana, and that all such bodies politic and corporate as have heretofore lawfully existed in the said United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo shall in like manner exist in and throughout the said Colony of British Guiana, and shall in and throughout the said Colony have, exercise, and enjoy all such powers and authorities as have heretofore been lawfully had, exercised, and enjoyed by them respectively in the United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo : Provided, nevertheless, and we do hereby declare our will to be, that the number of the members of certain of the said bodies politic and corporate heretofore existing in "the said United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo shall in the said Colony of British Guiana be augmented and enlarged in such manner as by your said instructions as directed in that behalf : Provided, also, and we do further declare our pleasure to be, that nothing herein contained shall extend, revoke, or abrogate any law, or lawful usage or custom, now in force in the said United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo or in the said Colony of Berbice respectively, save only in so far as relates to the separate constitu- tion and form of civil government heretofore established and in use in the said Colony of Berbice, which said constitution or form of civil government we do hereby abrogate and dissolve, and do declare that the same hath become and shall henceforth be extinct, and merged in the government of the Colony of British Guiana ; Provided, also, and we do further declare our will and pleasure to be, that nothing herein contained extends, or shall be construed to extend, in any wise to alter or interfere with the provisions of a certain Act of Parliament passed in the fifth year of the reign of our late royal brother and predecessor King George the Fourth, intituled " An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Laws for the Abolition of the Slave Trade," or to render legal any transfer or removal of any slave which would have been illegal if these Presents had not been made, it being our pleasure that, for the purposes and within the meaning of the said Act of Parliament, the said United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo and the said Colony of Berbice shall still continue and be distinct and separate Colonies : And we do hereby give and grant to you, the said Sir Benjamin D'Urban, full power and authority, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy of our said Colony of British Guiana, to make, enact, ordain, and establish laws for the order, peace, and good government of our said Colony, subject, nevertheless, to all such rules and regulations as by your said general instructions we have thought fit to prescribe in that behalf : Provided, nevertheless, and we do hereby reserve to ourselves, our heirs and successors, our and their undoubted right and authoi'ity to disallow any such laws, and to make and establish from time to time, with the advice and consent of Parliament, or with the advice of our or their Privy Council, all such laws as may to us or them appear necessary for the order, peace, and good government of the said Colony as fully as if these presents had not been made : And we do hereby grant to you, th^^ said Sir Benjamin D'Urban, the custody of the Public Seal appointed for the sealing of all things whatsoever that shall pass the Seal of our said Colony : And we do hereby give and grant unto you, the said Sir Benjamin D'Urban, A.D. 1831.] ESTABLISHMENT OF COLONY. 13 full power and authority, in our name and in our behalf, but subject nevertheless to such provisions as are in that respect contained in your said general instructions, to make and execute, in our name and under the Public Seal of our said Colony, grants of our waste lands to us belonging within the said Colony, to private persons for their own use and benefit, or to any persons, bodies politic or corporate in trust, for the public uses of our subjects, their resident, or any of them : And we do hereby give and grant unto you full power and authority, as you shall see occasion, in our name and in our behalf, to remit any fines, penalties, or forfeitures which may accrue or become payable to us, so as the same do not exceed the sum of £50 sterling in any one case, and to respite and suspend the payment of any such fine, penalty, or forfeiture exceeding the said sum of £50, until our pleasure therein shall be known and signified to you : And we do hereby give and grant unto you full power and authority, as you shall see occasion, in our name and in our behalf, to grant to any offender convicted of any crime in any Court, or before any Judge, Justice, or Magistrate, within our said Colony, a free and uncon- ditional pardon, or a pardon subject to such conditions as by any law in force in the said Colony may be thereunto annexed, or any respite of the execution of the sentence of any such offender, for such period as to you may seem fit : Provided always that, in cases of treason or murder, no pardon, either absolute or conditional, be granted until the cases shall have been first reported to us by you for our informa- tion, and you shall have received the signification of our pleasure therein : And we do hereby give and grant unto you, the said Sir Benjamin D'Urban, as such Governor as aforesaid, full power and authority, upon sufficient cause to you appearing, to suspend from the exercise of his office within our said Colony any person exercising any such office under or by virtue of any commission or warrant granted or to be granted by us, or in our name and under our authority, which suspension shall continue and have effect only until our pleasure therein shall be signified to you : And we do hereby strictly require and enjoin you, in proceeding to any such suspension, to observe the directions in that behalf given to you in and by our said general instructions accompanying this our Commission : And in case of your death or absence from the said Colony, our will and pleasure is, that this our Commission, and the several powers hereby vested in you, shall be exercised by such person as may by us be appointed to be our Lieutenant-Governor of our said Colony, or by such person as may be appointed by us, under our Signet or Sign Manual, to administer the said government ; but if, at the time of such your death or absence, there shall be no person within our said Colony commissioned to be such Lieutenant-Governor or Administrator of the Government as aforesaid, then our pleasure is, and we do hereby direct, that the senior officer for the time being in the command of our land forces within our said Colony shall take upon himself the administration of the government thereof, and shall execute this our Commission, and the several powers herein and in the afore- said instructions contained ; and if any such officer shall, during his administration of the government, be superseded in the command of our said forces by any senior officer, then our pleasure is that such senior officer shall assume the administration of the said government, and the execution of this our Commission and of the several powers aforesaid, and so from time to time as often as any such case shall u THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1831. arise : And we do hereby require and command all officers, civil and military, and all other our subjects and persons inhabiting our said Colony of British Guiana, to be obedient, aiding and assisting unto you, or to the officer administering the said government for the time being, in the execution of tliis our Commission, and of the powers and authorities herein contained : And we do further declare our pleasure to be that the changes established in the con- stitution and form of civil government in the said Colonies of Den\e- rara and Essequebo and of Berbice respectively, by this our Commis- sion, shall not take efTect until this our Commission shall actually have been by you received in our said Colonies, or one of them : And we do hereby declare, ordain, and appoint that you, the said Sir Benjamin D' Urban, shall and may hold, execute, and enjoy the office and place of our Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Colony of British Guiana, together with all and singular the powers and authorities hereby granted unto you for and during our will and pleasure. In witness, &c., kc. Given at our Court at Brighton, the 4th day of March, 1831, in the first year of our reign. By His Majesty's Command, GODERICH. A.D. 1831. Ser. the Com- mission last lircceding. Notification of assump- tion l)y Sir B. D' Urban of the Government of British Guiana. Publication by the Court of Policy relating to the Assumption by His Excellency Governor Sir Benjamin D'Urban, K.C.B., of the Government of British Guiana. [21st July, 1831.] His Excellency Major-General Sir Benjamin D'Urban, Knight Commander of the Most Honoura])le Order of the Bath, of the Royal Guelphic Order, and of the Portuguese Royal Military Order of the Tower and Sword, at an Extraordinary Assembly of this Court, held on the present day, having exhibited to us the Commission granted to him by His Majesty as Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over British Guiana, comprising the Colonies of Demerara, Essequebo, and Berbice, and their Dependencies, and the said Commission having been read and proclaimed with due solemnity, the Civil Government of British Guiana as aforesaid was thereupon assumed and taken over by His Excellency the Governor aforesaid. A.D ^31. ^j^T Order of the King-in-Council relating to Appeals '^~ to His Majesty-in-Council. [2()th June, 1831 \'\ At the Court of St Jameses. Peesent : THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. Lord Chancellor, Lord President, Lord Privy Seal, Duke of Richmond, Earl of Carlisle, Earl Grey, Viscount Goderich, Viscount Palmerston, Viscount Althorp, Viscount Melbourne, Lord Holland, Pvt. Hon. Sir J as. Graham, Rt. Hon. Sir C. Grant, Rt. Hon. C. P. Thompson. Published in the Colony on the 22nd November, 1831. A.D. 1831.] APPEALS TO H. M.-IN-COUNCIL. 15 And it is hereby further ordered that it shall and may be lawful Right of for any person or persons, being a party or parties to any civil suit or ?P^'fr^ •*" action depending in the said Court of Civil and Criminal Justice of Council in Demerara and Essequebo, or in the said Court of Civil Justice of Berbice, ^'vil cases, or in the said Court of Fii'st Instance of Civil Jurisdiction of Trinidad, ""^ i]„,^ta- or in the said Royal Court of St. Lucia, to appeal to His Majesty, tions relating his heirs and successors, in his or their Privy Council, against any final thereto, judgment, decree, or sentence, or against any rule or order made in any such civil suit or action and having the efi'ect of a final or definitive sentence, and which appeals shall be made subject to the rules and limitations following, that is to say,- — • First — Such judgment, decree, order, or sentence shall be given or pronounced for or in respect of a sum or matter at issue above the amount or value of five hundred pounds sterling, or shall involve, directly or indirectly, the title to property, or to some civil right, amounting to or of the value of five hundred pounds sterling. Secondly — The person or persons feeling aggrieved by such judg- ment, decree, order, or sentence shall, within fourteen days next after the same shall have been pronounced, made, or given, apply to the Court, by petition, for leave to appeal therefrom to His Majesty, his heirs and successors, in his or their Privy Council. Thirdly — If such leave to appeal shall be prayed by the party or parties who is or are adjudged to pay any sum of money or to perform any duty, the Court shall direct that the judgment, decree, order, or sentence appealed from shall be carried into execution, if the party or parties respondent shall give security for the imme- diate performance of any judgment or sentence which maybe pro- nounced or made by His Majesty, his heirs and successors, in his or their Privy Council, upon any such appeal ; and until such security be given, the execution of the judgment, decree, order, or sentence appealed from shall be stayed. Fourthly — Provided, nevertheless, that, if the party or parties appel- lant shall establish, to the satisfaction of the Court, that real and substantial justice requires that, pending such appeal, execution should be stayed, it shall be lawful for such Court to order the execution of such judgment, decree, order, or sentence to be sus- pended, pending such appeal, if the party or parties appellant shall give security for the immediate performance of any judgment or sentence which maybe pronounced or made by His Majesty, his heirs and successors, in his or their Privy Council upon any such appeal. Fifthly — In all cases security shall also be given by the party or parties appellant for the prosecution of the appeal, and for the payment of all such costs as may be awarded by His Majesty, his heirs and successors, to the party or parties respondent. Sixthly — The Court from which any such appeal as aforesaid shall be brought shall, subject to the conditions hereinafter mentioned, determine the nature, amount, and sufficiency of the several securities so to be taken as aforesaid. Seventhly — Pro^dded, nevertheless, that, in any case where the subject of litigation shall consist of immovable property, or of any stock, utensils, or implements held therewith or attached thereto, and the judgment, decree, order, or sentence appealed from shall not charge, affect, or relate to the actual occupation 16 THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1831. thereof, no security shall be demanded either from the party or parties respondent, or from the party or parties appellant, for the performance of the judgment or sentence to be pro- nounced or made upon such appeal ; but if such judgment, decree, order, or sentence shall charge, affect, or relate to the occupation of any such property, then such security shall not be of greater amount than may be necessary to secure the restitution, free from all damage or loss, of such stock, utensils or implements, or of the intermediate profit, which, pending any such appeal, may probably accrue from the intermediate occupation of such property ; and each of the said Courts is hereby authoi'ized and required to sequestrate any such immovable property, stock, utensils, and implements in order still further to reduce the amount of such security, if the party or parties by whom such security is to be given shall make application to such Court for that purpose, and the other party or parties shall not show good cause to the contrary. Eighthly — In any case where the subject of litigation shall consist of money or other chattels or of any personal debt or demand, the security to be demanded from the party or parties respondent, or from the party or parties appellant, for the performance of the judgment or sentence to be pronounced or made upon such appeal, shall be either a bond to be entered into in the amount or value of such subject of litigation, by one or more sufficient surety or sureties, or such security shall be given, by way of mortgage or voluntary condemnation, of or upon some immovable property situate and being within such Colony, and being of the full value of such subject of litigation, over and above the amount of all mort- gages and charges of whatever nature upon or affecting the same. Savin (? of H. M.'s general right to admit appeals. Tenth — The security to be given by the party or parties appellant for the prosecution of the appeal, and for the payment of costs, shall in no case exceed the sum of three hundred pounds sterling, and shall be given either by such surety or sureties or by such mortgage or voluntary condemnation as aforesaid. Eleventh — If the security to be given by the party or parties appellant for the prosecution of the appeal, and for the payment of such costs as may be awarded, shall in manner aforesaid be completed within three months from the date of the petition for leave to appeal, then, and not otherwise, the Court from which such appeal is brought shall make an order allowing such appeal, and the party or parties appellant shall be at liberty to prefer and prosecute his, her, or their appeal to His Majesty, his heirs and successors, in his or their Privy Council, in such manner and under such rules as are observed in appeals made to His Majesty-in- Council from his Plantations or Colonies. Twelfth — Provided, nevertheless, that any person or persons feeling aggrieved by any order which may be made by, or by any proceeding of, any of the said Courts respecting the security to be taken upon any such appeal as aforesaid shall be, and is or are hereby authorized, by petition to His Majesty-in-Couucil, to apply for redress in the premises. Provided always, and it is hereby further ordered, that nothing herein contained doth or shall extend, or be construed to extend, to take away or abridge the undoubted right or authority of His A.D. 1831.] CONTINUANCE OF FORMER LA WS. [No. 1. 17 Majesty, his heirs and successors, to admit and receive any appeal from any judgment, decree, order, or sentence of any of the said Supreme Courts, on the humble petition of any person or persons aggrieved thereby, in any case in which, and subject to any conditions or restrictions upon and under which, it may seem meet to His Majesty, his heirs and successors, so to admit and receive any such appeal. And it is further ordered that the said Supreme Court respectively shall, in all cases of appeal to His Majesty, his heirs and successors, execute and carry into immediate effect such judgments and orders as His Majesty, his heirs and successors, shall make thereupon, in such manner as any original judgment or decree of the said Supreme Court can or may be executed. Aad it is hereby further ordered that all Orders heretofore made by His Majesty, or by any of his royal predecessors, in his or their Privy Council, and all laws, customs, and usages now or at any time here- tofore established or in force in any of the said Colonies, so far as such Orders, laws, customs, or usages are in anywise repugnant to or at variance with this present Order, shall be and the same are hereby revoked, abrogated, rescinded, and annulled. And it is further ordered that, for the purpose and within the meaning of the present Order, any person lawfully administei'ing for the time being the government of any of the said Colonies shall be deemed and taken to be the Governor thereof. And the Right Honourable Viscount Goderich, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly. C. Greville. Execution jvidfiinent in iipiieal. Revocation of orders, etc., repugnant to the Order. Meaning of term " Governor. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1831. An Ordinance to continue in force the Statutes, Acts, a. d. iss i. and Ordinances heretofore passed, enacted, or * ordained by the Governor or Lieutenant-Governor and Court of Pohcy of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerara, or by the Governor or Lieutenant- Governor and Court of PoHcy of the United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo, and by the Governor or Lieutenant-Governor and Court of Policy of Berbice, or by the Governor or Lieutenant-Governor and Council of Government of the Colony of Berbice respectively. [3rd December, 1831.] WHEREAS His Majesty has been graciously pleased, by his Royal Commission and Letters Patent, dated the 4th day of March, 1831, to give and grant to the Governor of the Colony of British Guiana full power and authority, with the advice and con- sent of the Court of Policy of the said Colony, to make, enact, ordain, and establish Laws for the order, peace, and good government of the said Colony ; And whereas the Governor or Lieutenant-Governor and Court of Policy of the Colonies of Essequebo and Demerara, and the Governor 18 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH OUIANA : [A.D. 1831. or Lieutenant-Governor and Court of Policy of the United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo, and the Governor or Lieutenant-Governor and Court of Policy of Berbice, and the Governor or Lieutenant-Gover- nor and Council of Government of Berbice, have heretofore respectively passed divers Resolutions, Acts, and Ordinances for the Government of the said Colonies ; And whereas it is expedient to continue in full force and effect in the Colony of British Guiana all such of the above Resolutions, Acts, and Ordinances (the same not having been disallowed by His Majesty) as may be applicable to the respective Districts of British Guiana heretofore forming the separate Colonies aforesaid ; Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. All such Resolutions, Acts and Ordinances heretofore passed by the aforesaid authorities of the said separate Colonies of Essequebo and Demerara, and of the United Colony of Demerara and Essequebo, and of Berbice, respectively, as have not been disallowed by His Majesty, and as may respectively apply to the said Districts of British Guiana formerly constituting those separate Colonies, shall be and they are hereby continued in full force and effect, and shall have the full force and operation of law in the said respective Districts of the Colony of British Guiana. Continuation in force of laws passed by pre- existnig Local Legislatures. Reserv-ation of 2. The Governor and the Court of Policy reserve to themselves full altering laws power of altering or amending the said Resolutions, Acts, and Ordin- so continued. ances as they may judge proper. A.D. 1832. Fixing of age of majority at twenty-one years. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1832. An Ordinance to alter and fix the Period of attaining the Age of Majority. [14th August, 1832.] WHEREAS by the law of this Colony persons do not attain the age of majority until they are twenty-five years old, and much inconvenience is found to result therefrom : Be it therefore enacted that persons who, by the laws in force in the Colony, would not attain their age of majority until they are twenty-five years old, shall, from and after the time that this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect, attain the age of majority so soon as they are twenty- one years of age ; and all persons who are already twenty-one years of age shall be of, and they are hereby declared to have at tamed, the age of majority ; and all such persons are hereby declared to be entitled to all the rights and privileges, and to none other, than they would have been entitled to under the laws hereto- fore in force in this Colony on their becoming twenty-five years of age : Provided always that nothing herein contained shall extend to affect any estate which is especially, by any will made or hereafter to be made in the Colony, directed to be kept together for a specific period of time, or to alter any agreement heretofore entered into by executors or guardians, wherein provision may be made for minors or wards being of age at the period prescribed by the former existing law of the Colony. A.D. 1838.] DIVISION INTO COUNTIES, [No. 1. 19 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1838. An Ordinance to divide British Guiana into Counties. a.d. isss. -»- [lOth February, 1838.] WHEREAS for the purposes of Ordinance No. 43, entitled "An Ordinance for the Government and Regulation of Apprenticed La]:)ourers," the Colony of British Guiana has been divided into sundry judicial districts ; And whereas for the purposes of another Ordinance, No. 80, entitled " An Ordinance for the Better Regulation of the Roads and Bridges in the Colony of British Guiana," the inhabited parts of the said Colony have been divided into twenty-five districts ; And whereas British Guiana is also divided into two grand divisions or districts, viz., the District of Demerara and Essequebo and the District of Berbice ; And whereas, to prevent confusion in this accumulation of districts, and in furtherance of the gracious intentions of Her Majesty's pre- decessors, aiid with a view more closely to imitate the practices and observances of the Mother Countiy, it is desirable that Demerara and Essequebo and Berbice should no longer continue under the styles or titles of Districts, but that British Guiana should for the future be divided into three Counties ; that is to say, Demerara to be the County of Demerara, Essequebo to be the County of Essequebo, and Berbice to be the County of Berbice : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, British Division of Guiana shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be, divided into British Guiana three distinct and separate Counties ; and Demerara shall in future counties of ^^ be called and styled the " County of Demerara," Essequebo 8hall be Demerara, styled and called the " County of Essequebo," and Berbice shall be ^^^f^^^J?; styled and called the " County of Berbice." 2. Whenever the word or words "District," or "Districts," or Construction of " Colony," or " Colonies " is or are made use of, or is or are indicated, references in in any Acts, Ordinances, Publications, or Proclamations, or in any ^ Dig^i^g'ts Manner or Manners of Proceeding in any civil or criminal cases, or etc. in any Rules or Regulations whatsoever, whether made in and for Demerara, or Essequebo, or Berbice severally, or in and for Demerara and Essequebo united, or for British Guiana generally, such term or terms shall be deemed, considered, and taken as thereby designating the several respective Counties herein named to which such term or terms is or are applicable by name in any such Acts, Ordinances, Publications, Proclamations, Manner or Manners of Proceeding or Rules or Regulations as aforesaid. VOL. I. A 20 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1838. A.D. 1838. Limitation of jus delibe- randi to six months. Date from ■which period is to run. Saving of right of application for extension of period. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1838. An Ordinance to limit the Duration of Acts of Deliberation. [3rd April, 1838.] WHEREAS testamentary guardians of minors, and the person or persons instituted by last will to be the heir or heirs of deceased persons and those entitled to succeed as the heir or heirs of any person or persons dying intestate, have been hitherto allowed by the laws in force in this Colony the jus deliberandi, or right of deliberation, previously to their acceptance or repudiation of the inheritance bequeathed or left, and, by a custom of the Colony, the same privilege has been hitherto allowed to testamentary executors, on behalf of absent heirs ; And whereas it has been found that the period of deliberation hitherto allowed to the said parties, being one year from the death of the testator or intestate, has been and is prejudicial to creditors and legatees, and it is expedient and necessary that the said period should be curtailed : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, the jus deliberandi, or right of deliberation, hitherto allowed by the laws in force in this Colony to testamentary guardians of minors, and to the heir or heirs of deceased persons, and, by the custom of the Colony, to testamentary executors on behalf of any absent heir or heirs, shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be, limited to the period of six calendar months. 2. The said period of six calendar months hereby declared to be the time limited for the jus deliberandi in the cases aforesaid shall commence and run from the tenth day after the death of the testator or intestate, within which period of ten days any act of deliberation to be passed by any of the parties entitled to deliberate shall be executed according to law ; and if the said act of deliberation is not executed as aforesaid within the said period of ten days, then the period of deliberation in any of the cases aforesaid shall be considered and deemed in law to have commenced from and after the day of the decease of the testator or intestate. 3. Nothing herein contained shall extend, or shall be construed to extend, to prevent any application to the Supreme Court, or to His Honour the Chief Justice in non-session, for any extension of the act of deliberation, in any of the cases aforesaid, upon good and sufficient grounds shown, which application shall be made, and shall be either granted or refused, according to the Rules of Court at present in force or to be made relative thereto : Provided always that such jus deliberandi shall not in the whole exceed the period of twelve calendar months. A.D. 1838.] COLONIAL BANK CHARTER. [No. 3. 21 ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1838. An Ordinance to render an examined Copy of the Colonial Bank Charter, and duly legalized Copies thereof, good Evidence in the Courts of this Colony. [24th May, 1838.] WHEREAS His late Most Gracious Majesty, William the Fourth, of blessed memory, in aud by his Letters Patent bearing date at the Palace of Westminster, the first day of June in the sixth year of his reign, did give, grant, make, ordain, constitute, declare, and appoint that John Irving, Andrew Colville, ^neas Barkly, David Barkly, James Cavan, John Alexander Hankey, William Pelton Hibbert, .John Gurney Hoare, John Irving the younger, Charles M'GareJ, William Miller, Thomas Masterman, Abraham George Roberts, Patrick Maxwell Stewart, Alexander Stewart, Samuel Gurney, Charles Marryat, and Thomas Moody, Esquires, or such of them as should become subscribers of not less than two thousand pounds each towards the capital or joint stock therein mentioned, in manner therein provided, together with such and so many other person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, as should become subscribers of or towards the capital or joint stock therein mentioned, in manner therein provided, and such other person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, as should from time to time, in manner therein provided, become a proprietor or proprietors of any part of such capital or joint stock (not being a fractional part of one hundred pounds of such stock), should be one body pohtic and corporate, in deed and in name, by the name of "The Colonial Bank," and by that name should and might sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all Courts, whether of law or equity, and should have perpetual succession with a common seal, which might be changed or varied by them at A.D. 1838. See also Ordinance No. 2 of 1839. For the Charter, etc., see Appendices N and O to Vol. IV. pleasure ; And whereas a copy of the said Royal Charter, declared before the Lord Mayor of London to bo a true and correct copy of the said Royal Charter of Incorporation granted by His said Majesty to the said Colonial Bank, and to have been duly examined and compared with the said Royal Charter, has been duly entered, registered, and recorded in the Registrar's Office of Demerara and Essequebo, and it is expedient that the said examined copy, and that examined copies of the said examined copy, so entered and recorded in the Registrar's Office, should be held, esteemed, reputed, deemed, and taken to be as good and valid, to all intents and purposes, as if the said original Charter, or an exemplification thereof, had been so entered and recorded : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. The said examined copy of the said original Charter so entered and recorded in the said Registrar's Office, and all copies thereof duly examined and attested by the Registrar or his lawful deputy or substitute, shall be allowed and permitted to be pleaded, and shall be held, deemed, and taken, in and by all Courts of Judicature in this Colony, to be as good evidence as if the said original charter, or an exemplification thereof, were then and there produced and exhibited. Admissibility in evidence of examined copies of Charter of Incorporation of the Colonial Bank. VOL. I. 3a 22 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1838. A.D. 1838. -♦ — Prohibition of taking sand, etc., from shores or banks near Fort William Frederick. Proceedings against offender. OEDINANCE No. 4 OF 1838. An Ordinance for the Better Protection of Fort William Frederick and the Public Works adjacent thereto. [26th May, 1838.] WHEREAS a heavy expenditure was formerly incurred by reason of the encroachment3 of the sea on Fort Wilham Frederick : And whereas the bank now formed to the northward of the said Fort has prevented such encroachments, and thereby such expenditure ; and it is therefore necessary and expedient to preserve such bank : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Poh"cy thereof, as follows : — 1, No person or persons shall take or remove, under or upon any pretext whatsoever, from the shores or banks of the eastern part or parts of the River Demerara, extending from the stelling at Fort William Frederick seaward and coastwise, eastward to the prolonga- tion of the western side-line of Plantation Thomas, any sand, caddy, mud, ballast, shells, or shingle ; on pain of forfeiting for every such offence the sum of ten pounds, to be sued for and recovered before any Magistrate. 2. Any Magistrate is hereby authorized and required, upon com- plaint made or information laid, to grant and issue his warrant, in writing under his hand, to bring before him such ofifender or offenders at the time and place in such warrant mentioned, and if, on the conviction of the offender or offenders, such penalty or forfeiture is not foithwith paid, it shall be lawful for such Magistrate to commit any such offender or offenders to the Common Gaol, there to remain for any time not exceeding one month, unless such penalty is sooner paid. See the Ordi nance next folloiving. A. D. 183 8. An Okder-in-Council relating to Currency. [14th September, 1838.] At the Court of Windsor. Present : THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY IN COUNCIL. WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board, the draft of a Proclamation regulating the rate at which certain forc-ign coins are to pass current in Her Majesty's West India Colonies : Her Majesty, havin.ii taken the same into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, to approve thereof, and to order, as it is hereby ordered, that the said Proclama- tion do take effect and come into force in each of Her Majesty's said Colonies upon and from and after such day as shall be for that put pose limited by the Governor or officer administering the government of each of the said Colonies respectively, by any Proclamations to be by Approval of Proclamation regiilating rate of certain foreign coins in British "West Indian Colonies. A.D. 1839.] CURRENCY. No. 1. 23 tliem respectively, for that pui pose, issued ia each of such respective Colonies. 2. And the Right Honourable Lord Glenelg, one of Her Majesty's Giving of Pi'incipal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions for directions, causing publication to be made hereof within Her Majesty's said Colonies. By the Queen. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the coin current in our West India Colonies, in eluding our Province of British Guiana, consists partly of the current coin of the United Kingdom, and partly of Spanish, Mexican, and Columbian gold coin called doubloons, and of Spanish, Mexican, and Columbian silver coin, called dollars ; and it is expedient that the rate at which the said doubloons and dollars shall circulate in our said Colonies siiould be ascertained and fixed : Now, therefore. We, by the advice of our Privy Council, have thought fit to declare and ordain, and, by the advice aforesaid, We do hereby declare and ordain, that throughout the whole of our said Colonies the said doubloon shall circulate and be received in payment as being of the full value of sixty-four shillings sterling, current money of the United Kingdom, and the said dollar shall cii'culate and be received in payment as being of the full value of four shillings and two pence sterling, like current money of the United Kingdom And in all payments to be made in any of our said Colonies, tender of payment in doubloons, and dollars, or either of them, at the rate aforesaid, shall he deemed and taken to be a lawful tender, in the same manner as if such tender had been made in the current coin of the United Kingdom^. Ordinance No. 1 of 1840 incorporated. See the Order- in- Council lant preccdiuij. ORDINANCE No. 1 of 1839. An Ordinance to alter the Denomination of the a.d. 1839 Moneys of Account in British Guiana. [1st March, 1839.] WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish dollars and cents of a dollar as the denomination of moneys of account of British Guiana, in the place and stead of guilders, stivers, and pennings : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thex'eof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Currency Ordniance, 1839. 2. Guilders, stivers, and pennings shall no longer be deemed and considered as the moneys of account of British Guiana ; but from the 1st day of March, 1839, the denomination of moneys of account of British Guiana shall be, as they are hereby declared to be, dollars and cents of dollars. Short title. Moneys of account of British Guiana. ^ See, however, Ordinance No. 1 of 1876, demonetizing the dollars referred to. u No. 1] THE. LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1836. Accounts in guilders to be transferred into dollars. Debts and penalties to be sued for in dollars and cents. 3. All existing accounts, notes of hand, or other claims, of what- soever nature payable or receivable in guilders shall be payable or recoverable in dollars currency, the amount in guilders being first brought into dollars currency at the rates and in the proportion hereinafter mentioned ; and all coins which by law have been declared to be legal tenders for debts contracted in guilders shall be a legal tender for the same said accounts, notes of hand, and other claims, when brought into dollars currency at the rates and in the proportion aforesaid ] and the said coins shall also be a legal tender for all debts which have been, or which may be, contracted in dollars currency at the relative rates and in the proportion aforesaid. 4. From and after the 1st day of March 1839, no action or suit shall be instituted in any of the Courts of this Colony for the re- covery of any account or debt contracted within this Colony, and originally payable in guilders, shall be received or entertained, unless the account is made out and the demand sued for in dollars and cents ; and in all suits for the recovery of fines or pecuniary penalties originally fixed in guilders the same shall be sued for in dollars and cents. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1839. A.D.^839. An Ordinance to render an examined Copy of the Colonial Bank Supplementary Charter, and duly legalized Copies thereof, good Evidence in the Courts of this Colony. [4th October, 1839.] See also Ordinance No. 3 of 1838 For the Sup- plementary Charter, see Appendix to Vol. IV. Admissibility as evidence of examined copies of WHEREAS Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, in and by her Letters Patent, bearing date at the Palace at West- minster the thirtieth day of October, in the second year of her reign, did give and grant unto the Colonial Bank a Supplementary Charter ; And whereas a copy of the said Royal Supplementary Charter, declared before the Lord Mayor of London to be a true and correct copy of the said Royal Supplementary Charter granted by Her Majesty to the said Colonial Bank, and to have been duly examined and com- pared with the said Royal Supplementary Charter, has been duly entered, registered, and recorded in the Registrar's Office of Demerara and Essequebo ; and it is expedient that the said examined copy, and that examined copies of the said examined copy, so entered and recorded in the Registrar's Office, should be held, esteemed, respected, deemed, and taken to be as good and valid, to all intents and purposes, as if the said original Supplementary Charter or an exemplification thereof had been so entered and recorded : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. The said examined copy of the said Supplementary Charter so entered and recorded in the Registrar's Office, and all copies thereof A.r). lS3d.] WILLS, [No. 3. 26 duly examined and attested by the Registrar or by his lawful deputy ^"PP}fj°^®J^' j or substitute, shall be allowed and permitted to be pleaded, and shall th7colonial ° be held, deemed, and taken, in and by all Courts of Judicature in this Bank. Colony, to be as good evidence as if the said original Supplementary Charter or an exemplification thereof were then and there produced and exhibited. OEDINANCE No. 3 OF 1839. An Ordinance to render valid Wills, Codicils and Testamentary Dispositions executed in the presence of two Witnesses. [2nd November, 1839.] WHEREAS, by the existing laws in force in this Colony, two witnesses and one Sworn Clerk, or seven witnesses, are required to render last wills, testaments, and codicils valid and effectual ; j^nd whereas much inconvenience has occurred^ and frequent dis- appointments have been experienced, by reason of the difficulty of procuring a Sworn Clerk or so many witnesses to attest such documents in cases of sudden emergency, and more particularly in remote parts of the Colony, so as, in many instances, to have caused the nullity of wills in every other respect legal : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Wills Ordinance, 1839. A.D. 1839. — ♦ — Short title. 2. Any will, codicil or testamentary disposition made in this Colony, Rule as to and executed and attested in the manner hereinafter mentioned and ^tt'^'t^tioif^f set forth, shall be as legal, valid, and binding, to all intents and wUls, etc. purposes, as any will, codicil, or testamentary dispositions made and executed in the usual legal and ordinary manner, that is to say, such wills, codicils, and testamentary dispositions shall and may be signed at the foot or end thereof by the testator, or by some other person in his presence and by his direction, and such signature shall and may be made or acknowledged by the testator in the presence of two witnesses present at the same time, and such witnesses shall and may attest, and shall and may subscribe, the will, codicil, or testamentary disposition in the presence of the testator, but no form of attestation shall be necessary. 26 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1839. A.D. 1839. Short title. Prohibition of printing or publishing newspapers until declara- tion of certain pai'ticiilars made. OKDINANCE No. 4 OF 1839. An Ordinance to prevent the Mischiefs arising from the printing and publishing Newspapers and Papers of a Hke nature by Persons not known, and for regu- lating the Printing and Publication of such Papers in other respects, and for establishing the Liberty of the Press on a just and proper basis. [23rd November, 1839.] WHEREAS it is expedient that regulations should be provided touching publications of the nature hereinafter mentioned : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of PoHcy thereof, as follows : — 1, This Ordinance may be cited as the Newspapers Ordinance, 1839. 2. — (1.) No person shall print or publish, or shall cause to be printed or published, any newspaper, before there shall be delivered at the Office of the Government Secretary in Georgetown, or of the Assistant Receiver General at New Amsterdam, as the case may be, a declaration in writing, containing the several matters and things hereinafter for that purpose specified ; that is to say, every such declaration shall set forth the correct title of the newspaper to which the same may relate, and the true description of the house or building wherein such news- paper is intended to be printed, and also of the house or building in which such newspaper is intended to be published, by, or for, or on behalf of the proprietor thereof, and shall also set forth the true name, addition, and place of abode of every person who is intended to be the printer, or to conduct the actual printing, of such newspaper, and of every person who is intended to be the publisher thereof, and of every person who is a proprietor of such newspaper ; and every such declara- tion shall be made and signed by every person named therein as printer or publisher of the newspaper to which such declaration may relate, and by the person or persons named therein as proprietor or proprietors. (2.) A declaration of the like import shall be made, signed, and delivered in like manner whenever and so often as any share, interest, or property soever in any newspaper named in any such declaration may be assigned, transferred, divided, or changed by act of the parties or by operation of law ; and also whenever, and so often as any printer, publisher, or proprietor named in any such declaration, or the person conducting the actual printing of the news^saper named in any such declaration, may be changed, or may change his placw of abode ; and also whenever and so often as the title of any such newspaper, or the printing office, or the place of publication thereof may be changed ; and also whenever, in any case, or on any occasion, or for any purpose, the Governor may recjuire such declaration to be made, signed, and delivered, and may cause notice in writing for that purpose to be served upon any person, or to be loft or posted at any place mentioned in the last preceding declaration, delivered as aforesaid, as being a A.D. 1839.] NEWSPAPERS. [No. 4. 27 printei", publisher, or proprietor of such newspaper, or as being the place of printing or publishing any such newspaper respectively. (3.) Every such declaration shall be made before the Registrar of British Guiana in Georgetown or a Sworn Clerk and Notary Public in Berbice, as the case may be ; and such officers are, and each of them is, hereby severally and respectively authorized and required to take and receive such declaration as aforesaid. (4.) Every person who knowingly and wilfully signs and makes any such declaration — (a.) In which there is inserted or set forth the name, addition, or place of abode of any person as a proprietor, publisher, printer, or conductor of the actual printing of any newspaper to which such declaration relates who is not a proprietor, publisher, or printer thereof ; or (b.) From which there is omitted the name, addition, or place of abode of any proprietor, publisher, or printer, or conductor of the actual printing of such newspaper, contrary to the true meaning of this Ordinance ; or (c.) In which any matter or thing l)y this Ordinance required to be set forth is set forth otherwise than according to the truth ; or {d.) From which any matter or thing required by this Ordinance to be truly set forth is entirely omitted, shall, on being convicted thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour. 3. Every person who knowingly and wilfully prints or publishes, .or causes to be printed or published, or, either as a proprietor or otherwise, sells or delivers out, any newspaper, relating to which such declaration as aforesaid, containing such matters and things as are reijuired by this Ordinance to be therein contained, has not been duly signed, made, and delivered, when and so often as by this Ordinance is required, or any other matter or thing required by this Ordinance to be done or per- formed has not been accordingly done or performed, shall forfeit, for every such act done, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for every day on which any such newspaper is printed or published, sold or delivered out, before or until such declaration has been signed, made, and delivered, or before or until such other matter or thing as been done or performed, as by this Ordinance is directed. Penalty for pmiting or publishing newspaper without declaration mide. 4. — (1.) All such declarations as aforesaid shall be filed and kept for safe custody in the Public Office of the Government Secretary in Georgetown or of the Assistant Receiver General at Ne >v Amsterdam ; and copies thereof, certified to be true copies as by this Ordinance is directed, shall respectively be admitted in all proceedings, civil or criminal, and upon every occasion whatsoever touching any newspaper mentioned in any such declaration, or touching any publication, matter, or thing contained in any such newspaper, as conclusive evidence of the truth of all such matters set forth in such declaration as are hereby required to be therein set forth, and of their continu- ance respectively in the same condition down to the time in question, against every person who has signed such declaration, unless it is proved that, previous to such time, such person became lunatic, or that, previous to the publication in question on such trial, such person duly signed and made a declai'ation that such person had ceased Custody of declarations, and use of certified copies thereof as evidence. 28 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1839. to be a printer, publisher, or proprietor, of such newspaper, and duly delivered the same at the Office of the Government Secretary or of the Assistant Receiver General as aforesaid, or unless it is proved that, previous to such occasion as aforesaid, a new declaration of the same or a similar nature respectively, or such as may be required by law, was duly signed, made, and delivered as aforesaid respecting the same newspaper, in which the person sought to be affected on such trial did not join. (2.) The Government Secretary or the Assistant Receiver General shall, on application in writing made to him by any person requiring a copy, certified according to this Ordinance, of any such declaration as aforesaid, in order that the same may be produced in any civil or criminal proceeding, deliver such certified copy, or cause the same to be delivered, to the person applying for the same. (3.) [n all proceedings and upon all occasions whatsoever, a copy of any such declaration certified to be a true copy under the hand of the Government Secretary or of the Assistant Receiver General, on proof made that such certificate has been signed with the hand- writing of the Government Secretary or of the Assistant Receiver General, shall be received in evidence against any and every person named in such declaration, as a person making or signing the same, as sufficient proof of such declaration, and that the same was duly signed and made according to this Ordinance and of the contents thereof ; and every such copy, so produced and certified, shall have the same effect for the purposes of evidence against any and every such person named therein as aforesaid, to all intents whatsoever, as if the original declaration, of which the copy so produced and certified purports to be a copy, had been produced in evidence and been proved to have been duly signed and made by the person appearing by such copy to have signed and made the same as aforesaid. (4.) Whenever a certified copy of any such declaration has been produced in evidence as aforesaid against any person having signed and made such declaration, and a newspaper is afterwards produced in evidence, intituled in the same manner as the newspaper mentioned in such declaration is intituled, and wherein the names of the printer and publisher, and the place of printing, are the same as the names of the printer and publisher, and the place of printing, mentioned in such declaration, or purport to be the same, whether such title, name, and place printed upon such newspaper are set forth in the same form of words as is contained in the said declaration, or in any form of words varying therefrom, it shall not be necessary for the plaintiff, informant, or prosecutor, in any action, prosecution, or other proceeding, to prove that the newspaper to which such action, prose- cution, or other proceeding may relate was purchased of the defendant or at any house, shop, or office belonging to or occupied by the defend- ant, or by his servants or workmen, or where he may usually carry on the business of printing or publishing such newspaper, or where the same may be usually sold. (5.) If any person, not being the Government Secretary or the Assistant Receiver General, gives any certificate purporting to be such certificate as aforesaid, or presumes to certify any of the matters or things by this Ordinance directed to be certified by such Government Secretary or Assistant Receiver General, or which such Government Secretary or Assistant Receiver General is hereby empowered or entrusted to certify, or if any such Government Secretary or Assistant A.D. 1839.] NEWSPAPERS. [No. 4. 29 Receiver General knowingly and wilfully falsely certifies under his hand that any such declaration as is required to be made by this Ordinance was duly signed and made before him, the same not having been so signed and made, or knowingly and wilfully falsely certifies that any copy of any such declaration is a true copy of the declaration of which the same is certified to be such copy, the same not being such true copy, every person so offending shall forfeit the sum of five hundred dollars. 5, In any such prosecution or proceeding, civil or criminal, against Place of any printer, publisher, or proprietor, of any newspaper, service at the ^^"^"^^^ °* .P^°" '1.1. ' */ xj.' CGSS on pnntGr house or place mentioned in any such declai'ation as aforesaid as etc., ofnews- the house or place at which such newspaper is printed, or published, paper. or intended so to be, of any notice or other matter required or directed by this Ordinance to be given or left, or of any summons, citation, intimation, rule, order, or process, of what nature soever, either to enforce an appearance or for any other purpose whatsoever, shall be taken to be good and suificient service thereof respectively upon and against every person named in such declaration as the printer, publisher, or proprietor of the newspaper mentioned in such declaration. 6. The Government Secretary and the Assistant Receiver General, Registration as the case may be, shall cause to be entered, in a book to be kept for ^^ *^*^^^ o^ that purpose in his Office, the title of every newspaper registered at "nd mimes^of his Office, and also the names of the printers and publishers thereof, printers and as the same appear in the declarations required by this Ordinance to publishers. be made relating to such newspapers respectively ; and all persons shall have free liberty to search and inspect the said book from time to time during the hours of business at the said Office, without payment of any fee or reward. 7. — (1.) The printer or publisher of every newspaper in the Colony Delivery of shall, within twenty-four hours after such newspaper has been published, copies of news- deliver, or cause to be delivered, at the Office of the Government use o7'same for Secretary in Georgetown, if published in any part of the Counties of purposes of Demerara and Essequebo, or of the Assistant Receiver General at e^e held at any one time by the promoters of the undertaking for the purposes aforesaid shall not exceed the prescribed quantity. 142. The promoters of the undertaking shall not, by virtue of the power to purchase lands for extraordinary purposes, purchase more than the prescribed quantity from any party under legal dis- ability, or who would not be able to sell and transport or convey such lands, except under the powers of this and the Special Ordinance ; and if the promoters of the undertaking purchase the said quantity of land from any party under such legal disability, and afterwards sell the whole or any part of the lands so purchased, it shall not be lawful for any party being under legal disability, to sell to the promoters of the undertaking any other lands in lieu of the land so sold or disposed of by them. Capital to be subscribfd before exercise of compulsory powers of purchase. Purchase and Taking of Lands otherwise than hy Arjreement. 143.— (1.) Where the undertaking is intended to be carried into effe^'t by means of a capital to be subsciibecl by tlie promotei's of the undertaking, the whole of the capital or estimated sum foT- defraying the expenses of the undertaking shall be subscribed under contract A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 73 binding the parties thereto, their heirs, executors, and administrators, for the payment of the several sums by them respectively subscribed, before it shall be lawful to put in force any of the powers of this or the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated therewith, in relation to the compulsory taking of lands for the purposes of the undertaking. (2.) A certificate under the hands of two Justices, in Great Britain or in this Colony, certifying that the whole of the prescribed sura has been subscribed, shall be sufficient evidence thereof, and on the appli- cation of the promoters of the undertaking, and the production of such evidence as such Justices may think proper and sufficient, such Justices shall grant such certificate accordingly. 144. When the promoters of the undertaking require to purchase or take any of the lands which, by this or the Special Ordinance, or by any Ordinance incorporated therewith, they are authorized to purchase or take, they shall give notice thereof to all the parties interested in such lands, or to the parties enabled Ijy this Ordinance to sell and transport, or convey, or release the same, or such of the parties as may, after diligent inquiry, be known to the promoters of the undertaking ; and by such notice shall demand from such parties the particulars of their estate and interest in such lands, and of the claims made by them in respect thereof ; and every such notice shall state the particulars of the lands so required, and that the promoters of the undertaking are willing to treat for the purchase thereof, and as to the compensation to be made to all parties for the damage that may be sustained by them by reason of the execution of the works. 145. — (1.) All notices required to be served by the promoters of the undertaking upon tlie parties interested in or entitled to sell any such lands shall either be served personally on such parties or left at their last usual place of abode, if any such can after diligent inquiry be found, and, in case any such parties are absent from the Colony, or cannot after diligent inquiry be found, shall also be left with the occupier of such lands, or, if there is no such occupier, shall be affixed upon some conspicuous part of such lands. (2.) If any such party is a corpoi-ation aggregate, such notice shall be left at the principal office of business of such corporation, or if no such office can after diligent inquiry be found, shall be served on some principal member, if any, of such corporation, and such notice shall also be left with the occupier of such lands, or, if there is no occupier, shall be affixed upon some conspicuous part of such lands. 1 46. If, for twenty-one days after the service of such notice, any such party fails to state the particulars of his claim in respect of any such lands, or to treat with the promoters of the undertaking in respect thereof, or if such party and the promoters of the undertaking do not agree as to the amount of the compensation to be paid by the pro- moters of the undertaking for the interest in such lands belonging to such party, or which he is by this or the Special Ordinance enabled to sell, or for any damage that may be sustained by him by reason of the execution of the works, the amount of such compensation shall be settled in the manner hei'einafter provided for settling cases of dis- puted compensation, Notice of intention take laiidi Ser^'ice of notices on o^vners and occupiers of lands. Provision for case where, after service of notice, parties fail to treat or do not agree as to compensa- tion. 74 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Sattlement by two Justices of dispute as to compensa- tion not exceeding $240. Settlement by arbitration or assessors of dispute as to compensation exceeding $240. Method of proceeding by Justices for settling dispute. Method of proceeding by arbitration to settle dispute. Disputes as to the Compensation, etc., and Appointment of Arbritrators, Assessors, and Valuators. 147. If no agreement is come to between the promoters of the undertaking, and the owners of, or parties by this Ordinance enabled to sell and transport, or convey, or release, any lands taken or required for, or injuriously affected by the execution of, the under- taking, or any interest in such lands, as to the value of such lands or of any interest therein, or as to the compensation to be made in respect thereof, and if in any such case the compensation claimed does not exceed two hundred and forty dollars, the same shall be settled by two Justices. 148, If the compensation claimed or offered in any such case exceeds two hundred and forty dollars, and if the party claiming compensation desires to have the same settled by arbitration, and signifies such desire by notice in writing to the promoters of the undertaking, before they have issued their warrant to the Magistrate to summon assessors in respect of such lands, under the provisions hereinafter contained, stating in such notice the nature of the interest in respect of which such party claims compensation, and the amount of the compensation so claimed, the same shall be so settled accordingly ; but unless the party claiming compensation so signifies his desire to have the question of such compensation settled by arbitration, or if, when the matter has been referred to arbitration, the arbitrators or their umpire have or has failed for three months to make their or his award, or if no final award is made, the question of such compensation shall be settled by the verdict of assessors, as hereinafter provided. 149. — (1.) It shall be lawful for any Justice, on the application of either party with respect to any question of disputed compensation, or any other matter by this or the Special Ordinance, or by any Ordinance incorporated therewith, authorized to be settled by two Justices, to summon the other party to appear before two Justices at a time and place to be named in the summons. (2.) On the appearance of snch parties, or, in the absence of any of them, on proof of due service of the summons, it shall be lawful for such Justices to hear and determine such question, and for that purpose to examine such parties, or any of them, and their witnesses, upon oath. (3.) The costs of every such inquiry shall be in the discretion of such Justices, and they shall determine the amount thereof. 150. — (1.) When any question of disputed compensation, or any dispute or other matter authorized or directed by this or the Special Ordinance, or by any Ordinance incorporated therewith, to be settled by arbitration, has arisen, then, imless both parties concur in the appoint- ment of a single arbitrator, each party, on the request of the other party, shall, by writing under his hand, nominate and appoint an arbitrator, to whom such dispute or other matter shall be referred. (2.) Every appointment of an arbitrator shall be made on the part of the promoters of the undertaking under the h«nds of the said promoters, or any two of them, or of their secretary or clerk, and on the part of any other party under the hand of such party, or, if A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' GLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 75 such party is a corporation aggregate, under the common seal of such corporation. (3.) Such appointment shall be delivered to the arbitrators, and shall be deemed a submission to arbitration on the part of the party by whom the same may be made ; and, after any such appointment has been made, neither party shall have power to revoke the same without the consent of the other, nor shall the death of either party operate as such revocation. (4.) If, for the space of fourteen days after any such dispute or other matter has arisen, and after a request in writing, in which are stated the matters so required to be referred to arbitration, has been served by the one party on the other party, to appoint an arbitrator, such last-mentioned party fails to appoint such arbitrator, then upon such failure the party making the request, and having himself appointed an arbitrator, may appoint such arbitrator to act on behalf of both parties ; aud such arbitrator may proceed to hear and determine the matters which may be in dispute ; and in such case the award or determination of such single arbitrator shall be final. 151. — (1.) If, before the matters so referred are determined, any Appointment of arbitrator appointed by either party dies, or becomes incapable, or i^^pi^ce "f refuses, or for seven days neglects, to act as arbitrator, the party by arbitrator whom such arbitrator was appointed may nominate and appoint in dying, etc writing some other person to act in his place ; and if, for the space of seven days after notice in writing from the other party for that purpose, he fails to do so, the remaining or other arbitrator may proceed ex parte. (2.) Every arbitrator so to be substituted as aforesaid shall have the same powers and authorities as were vested in the former arbi- trator at the time of such his death, disability, refusal, or neglect as aforesaid. 152. — (1.) Where more arbitrators than one have been appointed. Appointment of such arbitrators shall, before thej enter upon the matters referred to ^^Pi*"^- them, nominate and appoint, by writing under their hands, an umpire to decide on any such matters on which they may diflfer ; and if such umpire dies, or refuses, or for seven days neglects, to act, they shall, forthwith after such death, refusal, or neglect, appoint another umpire in his place ; and the decision of every such umpire on the matters so referred to him shall be final. (2.) If, in either of the cases aforesaid, the said arbitrators refuse, or, for seven days after request of either party to such arbitration, neglect, to appoint an umpire, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in- Council, if he think fit, in any case in which a railway or other company for any undertaking of a public nature is one party to the arbitration, on the application of either party to such arbitration, to appoint an unpire ; and the decision of such umpire on the matters on which the arbitrators may differ shall be final. 153. If, where a single arbitrator has been appointed, such arbitra- Death of tor dies or becomes incapable to act before he has made bis award, the sm^l^ matters referred to him shall be determined by arbitration under the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance in the same manner as if such arbitrator had not been appointed. 76 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Refusal or neglect of one arbitiatoi" to act. Failnre of arbitrators to make award in time. Power to arbitrators or umjiire to call for books, etc. 154. If, where more arbitrators than one have been appointed, either of the arbitrators refuses, or for seven days neglects, to act, the other arbitrator may proceed ex parte ; and the decision of such other arbitrator shall be as effectual as if he had lieen a single arbitrator appointed by both parties. 155. If, when more arl:)itrators than one have been appointed, and where neither of them refuses or neglects to act as aforesaid, such arbitrators fail to make their award within twenty-one days after the day on which the last of such arbitrators has been ap- pointed, or within such extended time, if any, as may have been appointed for that purpose by both such arbitrators under their hands, the matters referred to them shall be determined by the umpire to be appointed as aforesaid. 156. The said arbitrators or their umpire may call for the produc- tion of any documents in the possession or power of either party which they or he may think necessary for determining the question in dispute, and may examine the parties or their witnesses on oath, and administer the oaths necessary for that purpose. Declaration to 157. — (1.) Before any arbitrator or umpire enters into the con- be made by sideration of any matters referred to him, he shall, in the presence umpire before ^f a Justice, make and subscribe the following declaration, that is acting. to say, — " I, A.B., do solemnly and sincerely declare that I will faithfully and honestly, according to the hest of my skill and ability, hear and determine the matters referred to me under the provisions of Ordinance [_naiiii)ig the Or(U)iunc('.~\ Made and submitted in the presence of A.B. Costs of arbitration. (2.) Such declaration shall be annexed to the award, when made ; and if any aibitrator or umpire, having made such declaration, wil- fully acts contrary thereto, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 158. All the costs of any such arbitration and incident thereto, to be settled by the arbitrators, shall be borne by the promoters of the undertaking, unless the arbitrators award the .same or a less sum than has been offered by the promoters of the undertaking, in which case each party shall bear his own costs incident to the arbi- tration, and the costs of the arbitrators shall be borne by the parties in equal proportions. 159. The arbitrators shall deliver their award in writing to the promoters of the undertaking, and the promoters shall retain the same, and shall forthwith, on demand, at their own expense, furnish a copy thereof to the other party to the arbitration ; and shall at all times, on demand, produce the said award, and allow the same to be inspected or examined by such party or any person appointed by him for that purpose. Af,'reement 160. Tlio submission to any such arbitration may contain an ^l^'^ii'i^'"^*^ agreement that the award made and given in pursuance of such dfcteniiined by ar])itration shall be strengthened and conlinned by a willing or volun- wiUiriKcondtni- tary condenmation by any of the Judges of the Court. nation by Judge. Deliveiy and production of award. A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 77 161. No award jnade with respect to any question referred to arbi- Saving of tration under the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance shall be '^^^l[ J'^^ set aside for irregularity or error in matter of form. irregularity. 162. — (1.) Before the promoters of the undertaking issue their Giving of warrant for summoning assessors for settling any case of disputed com- "u^^^^^jll^J^f pensation, they shall give not less than ten days' notice to the other assessors. " party of their intention to cause such assessors to be summoned. (2.) In such notice the promoters of tlie undertaking shall state what sum of money they are willing to give for the interest in such lands sought to be purchased by them from such party, and for the damage to be sustained by liim by the execution of the works. 163. — (1.) In every case in which any such question of disputed Issue of compensation is required to be determined by assessors, the promoters gjj^j^'^^ji^'^g of the undertaking shall issue their warrant to the INlagistrate of the assessors. District in which the lands, or some part thereof, are or is situate, requiring him to summon assessors for that purpose ; and such warrant shall 1)6 under the common seal of the promoters of the undertaking, if they are a corporation, or if they are not a corporation, under the hands and seals of such promoters, or any two of them. (2.) If such Magistrate is interested in the matter in dispute, such application shall be made to some Justice of the Peace residing in the County in which the lands in question, or some parts thereof, are or is situate, and, if all the Justices residing in such County are so interested, such application may be made to any Justice of the Peace in the Colony, who is not interested in the matter in dispute. 164. — (1.) Upon the receipt of such warrant, the Magistrate or Summoning of Justice of the Peace, as the case may be, shall summon twelve in- i^^ggggj^g different persons duly quaUfied to act as jurors in the Court, to meet at a" convenient time and place, to be appointed by him for that purpose, such time being not less than fourteen or more than twenty-one days after the receipt of such warrant, and such place being not more than fifteen miles distant from the lands in question, except by consent of the parties interested ; and he shall forthwith give notice to the promoters of the undertaking of the time and place so appointed b}^ him. (2.) Xot less than ten days' notice of the time and place of the inquiry shall be given in writing by the promoters of the undertaking to the other party. 165. If the party claiming compensation does not appear at the Xon-appear- time and place appointed for the inquiry, such inquiry shall not be cMuihiicom- further proceeded in, but the compensation to be paid shall be such as pensation. may be ascertained by valuators appointed by two Justices in manner hereinafter provided. 166. — (1.) Out of the persons appearing upon such summons six disinterested persons shall be selected by the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, as the case may be, as assessors, in such manner, as near as may be, as jurors for trials of issues joined in the Court are by law required to he drawn. (2.) If a sufficient number of assessors do not appear in obedience to such summons, the Magistrate or Justice shall return other indiffer- ent men, duly quaKfied as aforesaid, of the bystanders or others that can speedily be procured, to make up the assessors to the number Selection of assessoi^s. 78 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. aforesaid ; and all parties concerned may have their lawful challenges against any of the assessors, but no such party'^shall challenge the array. Conduct of inquiry. Penalty on Magistrate or Justice and assessor for default. Penalty on witness fi r default. Separate assessment of purchase money and compensation for damage. 167.— (1.) The Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, as the case may be, shall preside on the said inquiry, and the party claiming compensa- tion shall be deemed the plaintiff, and shall have all such rights and privileges as the plaintiff is entitled to in the trial of an action in the Court. (2.) If either party so requests in writing, the Magistrate or Justice shall summon before him any person considered necessary to be examined as a witness touching the matters in question, and, on the like request, the Magistrate or Justice shall order the assessors, or any three or more of them, to view the place or matter in controversy, in like manner as views may be had in the trial of an action in the Court. (3.) Before the assessors proceed to inquire of and assess the com- pensation or damage in respect of which their verdict is to be given, they shall make oath that they will truly and faithfully inquire of and assess such compensation or damage, and the Magistrate or Justice shall administer such oaths, as well as the oaths of all persons called upon to give evidence. 168. — (1.) If the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, as the case may be, makes default in any of the matters hereinbefore required to be done by him in relation to any such trial or inquiry, he shall for every such offence forfeit two hundred and forty dollars, and such penalty shall be recoverable by the promoters of the undertaking by action in any Court of competent jurisdiction. (2.) If any person summoned and returned as an assessor, under this or the Special Ordinance, does not appear, or if, having appeared, he refuses to make oath, or in any other manner unlawfully neglects his duty, he shall unless he shows reasonable excuse to the satisfaction of the Magistrate or Justice, forfeit a sum not exceeding forty-eight dollars. 169. If any person who has been duly summoned to give evidence upon any such inquiry, and to whom a tender of his reasonal^le expenses has been made, fails to appear at the time and place specified in the summons, without any sufficient cause, or if any person, whether summoned or not, who appears as a witness, refuses to be examined upon oath touching the subject-matter in question, every person so offending shall forfeit to the party aggrieved a sum not exceeding forty-eight dollars. 170. Where such inquiry relates to the value of lands to be pur- chased, and also to compensation claimed for injury done or to be done to the lands held therewith, the assessors shall deliver their verdict separately for the sum of money to be paid for the purchase of the lands required for the works, or of any interest therein be- longing to the party with whom the question of disputed compen- sation has arisen, or which, under the provisions herein contained, he is enabled to sell and transport or convey, and for the sum of money to be paid by way of compensation for the damage, if any, to be sustained by the owner of the lands by reason of the severing of the lands taken from the other lands of such owner, or otherwise A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' GLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 79 injuriously affecting such lancJs, by the exercise of the powers of this or the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated there- with. 171. — (1.) The Magistrate or Justice before whom such inquiry Recording and may be held shall give judgment for the purchase money or com- ^^^'^^ "f pensation assessed by such assessors, and the verdict and judgment judtnnent. shall be signed by the Magistrate or Justice, and, when so signed, shall be deposited with and kept by the Registrar of British Guiana among the records of the County in which the lands, or any part thereof, are or is situate, in respect of which such purchase money or compensation may have been awarded. (2.) Every such verdict and judgment shall be deemed a record, and the same, or true copies thereof, shall be good evidence in all Courts and elsewhere. (3.) All persons may inspect the said verdicts and judgments, and may have copies thereof or extracts therefrom, on paying respectively the fees payable to the Registrar for inspection of records and for copies of or extracts therefrom ; which copies or extracts the Registrar is hereby required to make out, and to sign and certify the same to be true copies or extracts, 172. On every such inquiry before assessors, where the ver.^iet of Rule as to the assessors is given for a greater sum than the sum previously iipportionmenc offered by the promoters of the undertaking, all the costs of such "nqu'j^y^ ° inquiry shall be borne by the promoters of the undertaking; but if the verdict of the assessors is givea for the same or a less sum than the sum previously offered by the promoters of the undertaking, or if the owner of the lands has failed to appear at the time and place appointed for the inquiry, having received due notice thereof, one-half of the costs of summoning, returning, and selecting the assessors, and of taking the inquiry, and recording the verdict and judgment thereon, in case such verdict is taken, shall be defrayed by the owner of the lands, and the other half by the promoters of the undertaking, and each party shall bear his own costs, other than as aforesaid, incident to such inquiry. 173. The costs of any such inquiry shall, in case of difference, be Settlement settled by the Taxing Officer of the Court in Demerara and Essequebo °ase°of^difier- or in Berbice, according as the lands are situate, on the application of ence. either party ; and such costs shall include all reasonable costs, charges, and expenses incurred in summoning, returning, and selecting the assessors, taking the inquiry, the attendance of witnesses, the employ- ment of counsel and attorneys, recording the verdict and judgment thereon, and otherwise incident to such inquiry. 174. — (1.) If any such costs are payable by the promoters of the PajTnent of undertaking, and if, within seven days after demand, such costs are not costs, paid to the party entitled to receive the same, they shall be recoverable by distress, and, on application to any Justice, he shall issue his warrant accordingly. (2). If any such costs are payable by the owner of the lands or of any interest therein, the same may be deducted and retained by the promoters of the undertaking out of any moneys awarded by the assessors to such owner, or deterniined by the valuation of valuators under the provision hereinafter contained ; and the payment or a deposit 80 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. EeUef of assessors. Determination by three valuators of comiiensatiou to absent parties. Nomination of valuators. Declaration to be made by valuator. Production of valuation, etc., to owner of lands. Expenses of valuation. Bule as to estimating of the remainder, if any, of such moneys, shall be deemed payment and satisfaction of the whole thereof, or, if such costs exceed the amount of the money so awarded or determined, the excess shall be recoverable by distress, and, on application to any Justice, he shall issue his warrant accordingly. 175. No assessor shall, without his consent, be summoned or required to attend any such proceeding as aforesaid more than once in any year. 176. The purchase money or compensation to bo paid for any lands to be purchased or taken by the promoters of the undertaking from any party who, by reason of absence from the Colony, is prevented from treating, or who cannot after diligent inquiry be found, or who does not appear at the time appointed for the inquiry before the assessors as hereinbefore provided fur, after due notice thereof, and the compensation to be paid for any permanent injury to such lands, shall be such as may be determined by the valuation of the majority of such three able practical valuators as two Justices may nominate for that purpose, as hereinafter mentioned. 177. On application by the promoters of the undertaking to two Justices, and on such proof as may be satisfactory to them that any such party is, by reason of absence from the Colony, prevented from treating, or cannot after diligent inquiry be found, or that any such party failed to appear on such inquiry before assessors as aforesaid, after due notice to him for that purpose, such Justices shall, by writing under their hands, nominate three able practical valuators for determining such compensation as aforesaid ; and the majority of such valuators shall determine the same accordingly, and shall annex to their valuation a declaration in correctness thereof. writing, subscribed by them, of the 178. — (1.) Before such valuators enter upon the duty of making such valuation as afoi'esaid, each of them shall, in the presence of such Justices or one of them, make and subscribe the declaration following at the foot of such nomination, that is to say, — " I, A.B,, do solemnly and sincerely declare that I will faithfully, irapartialh', and honestly, according to the best of my skill and ability, execute the duty of making the valuation hereby referred to me. AB. Made and subscribed in the presence of ." (2. ) If any valuator corruptly makes such declaration, or, having made such declaration, wilfully acts contrary thereto, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 179. The nomination and declaration shall be annexed to the valua- tion to Ije made by such valuators, and shall be preserved together therewith by the promoters of the undertaking ; and they shall at all times produce the said valuation and other documents, on demand, to the owner of the lands comprised in such valuation, and to all other parties interested therein. 1 80. All the expenses of and incident to every such valuation shall be borne by the promoters of the undertaking. 181. in estimating the purchase money or compensation to be paid by the promoters of the undertaking in any of the cases aforesaid, A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 8i regard shall Ijc had by the Justices, arbitrators, or valuators, as the purchase case may l)e, not only to the value of the laud to be purchased, or '"""*^>'' ^**^- tiiken by the promoters of the undertaking, liut also to the damage, if any, to be sustained by the owner of the lands, by reason of the severing oi the lands taken fiom the other lands of such owner or otherwise injuriously affecting such other lands by the exercise of the powers of this or the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incor- porated therewith. 182. — (1.) When the compensation payable in respect of any lands, Sulimission or of any interest therein, has been ascertained by the valuation of to nrljiti-ntion valuators, and deposited in the Registrar's Office under the provisions tionTscertained herein contained, by reason that the owner of or party entitle' I to % valuation, transport and convey such lands or such interest therein as aforesaid could not be found, or was absent from the Colony, if such owner or party is dissatisfied with such valuation, it shall be lawful for him, before he has applied to the Court for payment or investment of the moneys so deposited undur the provisions herein contained, by notice in writing to the promoters of the undertaking, to require the question of such compensation to be submitted to arbitration ; and thereupon the same shall be so submitted accordingly, in the same manner as in other cases of disputed compensation hereinbefore authorized or required to be submitted to arbitration. (2.) The question to be submitted to the arbitrators in such case shall be whether the said sum so deposited as aforesaid by the promoters of the undertaking was a sufficient sum, or whether any and what further sum ought to be paid or deposited by them. 183. If the arbitrators award that a further sum ought to be paid Payment or or deposited by the promoters of the undertaking, they shall pay or ^''l^^^^j]; ^f, deposit, as the case may require, such further sum within fourteen days after the making of such award, or, in default thereof, the same may be recovered, with costs, by action in any Court of competent jurisdiction. further sum, if awarded. 184. If the arbitrators determine that the sum so deposited was sufficient, the costs of and incident to such arbitration, to be deter- mined by the arbitrators, shall be in the discretion of the arbitrators ; but if the arbitrators determine that a further sum ought to be paid or deposited by the promoters of the undertaking, all the costs of and incident to the arbitration shall be borne by the promoters of the undertaking, 185, — (1.) If any party is entitled to any compensation in respect of any lands, or of any interest therein, which have been taken for, or injuriously affected by the execution of, the works, and for which the promoters of the undertaking have not made satisfaction under the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated therewith, and if the compensation claimed in such case exceeds the sum of two hundred and forty dollars, such party may have the same settled either by arbitration or by the verdict of assessors, as he may think fit. (2.) If such party desires to have the same settled by arbitration, it shall be lawful for him to give notice in writing to the promoters of the undertaking of such his desire, stating in such notice the nature Costs of arbitration. Compensation to be settled by arbitrators or assessors, at option of party entitled to lauds. 82 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA . [A.D. 1846. Power to extend coni- pulsoi-y powers of purchase, where thought uecessai-y. of the interest in such lands in respect of which he claims compensa- tion, and the amount of the compensation so claimed therein ; and unless the promoters of the undertaking are willing to pay the amount of the compensation so claimed, and enter into a written agreement for that purpose within twenty-one days after the receipt of such notice from any party so entitled, the same shall be settled by arbitration in the manner herein provided ; or, if tlie party so entitled as aforesaid desires to have such question of compensation settled by assessors, it shall be lawful for him to give notice in writing of such his desire to the promoters of the undertaking, stating such particulars as afoi'e- said ; and unless the promoters of the undertaking are willing to pay the amount of compensation so claimed, and enter iuto a written agreement for that purpose, they shall, withii\ twenty-one days after the receipt of such notice, issue their warrant to the Magistrate of the District to summon assessors for settling the same in the manner herein provided, and, in default thereof, they shall be liable to pay to the party so entitled as aforesaid the amount of compensation so claimed, and the same may be recovered by him, with costs, by action in any Court of competent jurisdiction. 186. Whereas, after the expiration of the periods limited by the Special Ordinance for the exercise of compulsory powers to purchase and take lands, it may be found necessary for the public safety that additional land should be taken, after the expiration of such periods, for the purpose of giving increased width to the embankments and inchnation to the slopes of railways, or for making approaches to bridges or archways, or for doing such works for the repair or pre- vention of accidents or otherwise as herein described : Be it there- fore enacted that in every case in which the Govern or-in -Council may consider and determine that the public safety requires that additional land should be taken by any railway or other company for such purposes as aforesaid, the compulsory powers of purchasing and taking land contained in the Special Ordinance, together with all the clauses and provisions relative thereto, shall, as regards any such portion or portions of land as is or are mentioned in any order of the Governor in- Council, revive and be in full force for such further period as may be mentioned in such order : Provided always that any railway or other company applying to the Governor-in- Council for any such order shall give fourteen days' notice in writing, in the manner prescribed by the special Ordinance of such company for serving notices on landowners of their intention to make such apphcation, to all the parties interested in such lands, or such of them as may be known to the company, and shall state in such notice the particulars of the lands required ; and if any of such parties interested apply, within the said period of fourteen days, to the Governor-in-Counoil, such party shall be heard by them before any such order is given : Provided, also, that where any such application has been made by any railway or other company to the Governor in-Council, on which application any such order has been refused, the directors of such company shall, if required by the Governor- in-Council, repay to the party or parties resisting such application any expenses which he or they may have incurred in resisting such application. A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 8S Deposit of purchase money or compensa- tion of certain amount payable to parties under disability. Application of Purchase Money or Compensation coming to Parties having Limited Interests, etc. 187. If the purchase money or compensation which may be payable in respect of any lauds, or of any interest therein, purchased or taken by the promoters of the undertaking from any corporation, tenant for life or in tail, married woman seised in her own right or entitled to dower, guardian, committee of lunatic or idiot, trustee, executor, sequestrator, or administrator, or person having a partial or qualified interest only in such lands, and not entitled to sell, transport or con- vey the same, except under the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance, or the compensation to be paid for any permanent damage to any such lands, amounts to or exceeds the sum of nine hundred and sixty dollars, the same shall be paid into the Registi'ar's Office, there to remain so deposited until the same is applied to some one or more of the following purposes, that is to say, — (1.) In the discbarge of any debt or incumbrance affecting the lands in respect of which such money may have been paid, or affecting other lands settled therewith to the same or the like uses, trusts, or purposes ; or (2.) In the purchase of other lands to be conveyed, limited, and settled upon the like uses, trusts, and purposes, and in the same manner, as the lands in respect of which such money maj^ have been paid stood settled ; or (3.) If such money is paid in respect of any buildings taken under the authority of this or the Special Ordinance, or injured by the proximity of the works, in removing or replacing such buildings, or substituting others in their stead, in such manner as the Court may direct ; or (4. ) In payment to any party becoming absolutely entitled to such money. 188. Such money may be so applied as aforesaid, upon an order of Order for the Court made on the petition of the party who would have been - — entitled to the rents and profits of the lands in respect of which such money may have been deposited, and until the money can be so applied, it may, upon the like order, be invested by the Court in the purchase of three per cent. consoHdated, or three per cent, reduced, bank annuities, or in Government or real securities, and the interest, dividends, and annual proceeds thereof paid to the party who would for the time being have been entitled to the rents and profits of the lands. 189. — (1.) If such purchase money or compensation does not amount to the sum of nine hundred and sixty dollars, and exceeds the sum of ninety-six dollars, the same shall either be paid into the Registrar's Office and applied in the manner hereinbefore directed with respect to sums amounting to or exceeding nine hundred and sixty dollars, or the same may lawfully be paid to two trustees, to be nominated by the parties eutided to the rents or profits of the lands in respect whereof the same may be payable, such nomination to be signified by writing under the hands of the party so entitled ; and, in case of the coverture, infancy, lunacy, or other incapacity of the parties entitled to such money, such nomination may lawfully be VOL. I, 7 application, and investment meanwhile. Dealing with purchase money or compensation of less amount payable to parties under disability. u No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. made by their respective husbands, guardians, committees, or trustees ; but such last-mentioned application of the moneys shall not be made unless the promoters of the undertaking approve thereof and of the trustees named for the purpose. (2.) The money so paid to such trustees, and the produce arising therefrom, shall be applied by such trustees in the manner hereinbefore directed with respect to money paid into the Registrar' s Otfice, but it shall not be necessary to obtain any order of the Court for that purpose. (3.) If such money does not exceed the sum of ninety-six dollars, the same shall be paid to the parties entitled to the rents and profits of the lands in respect whereof the same may be payable, for their own use and benefit, or, in case of the coverture, infancy, idiotcy, lunacy, or other incapacity of any such parties, tlien such money shall be paid for their use to the respective husbands, guar- dians, committees, or trustees of such persons. Disposal of 190. — (1.) All sums of money exceeding ninety-six dollars which sums exceeding may be payable by the promoters of the undertaking in respect of ^96 payable ^\^q taking, using, or interfering with any lands under a contract with persons or agreement with any person who is not entitled to dispose of such not absolutely lands, or of the interest therein contracted to be sold by him, ab- entitled. solutely for his own benefit, shall be paid into the Registrar's Office, or to trustees in manner aforesaid. (2.) It shall not be lawful for any contracting party not entitled as aforesaid to retain for his own use any portion of the sums so agreed or contracted to be paid for or in respect of the taking, using, or interfering with any such lands, or in lieu of bridges, tunnels, or other accommodation works, or for assenting to or not opposing the passing of any bill authorizing the taking of such lands ; but all such money shall be deemed to have been contracted to be paid for and on account of the several parties interested in such lands as well in possession as in remainder, reversion, or expectancy : Provided always that it shall be in the discretion of the Court or the said trustees, as the case may be, to allot to any tenant for life, or for any partial or quahfied estate, for his own use, a portion of the sum so paid into the Registrar's Office, or to such trustees as aforesaid, as compensation for any injury, inconvenience, or annoyance which he may be considered to sustain, independently of the actual value of the lands to be taken, and of the damage occasioned to the lands held therewith by reason of the taking of such lands and the making of the works. Power to the Court ti) direct ajiplication of purcliase money or compensation in respect of lease or reversion. 191. Where any purchase money or compensation paid into the Registrar's Office under the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance has been paid in respect of any lease for a life or lives or years, or for a life or lives and years, or any estate in lands less than the whole fee simple thereof, or of any reversion dependent on any such lease or estate, it shall be lawful for the Court, on the petition of any party interested in such money, to order that the same shall be laid out, invested, accumulated, and paid in such manner as the Court may consider will give to the parties interested in such money the same benefit therefrom ,as they might lawfully have had from the lease, estate, or reversion in respect of which such money may have been paid, or as near thereto as may be. A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 85 192. — (I.) On deposit in the Registrar's Office, in manner herein- Power to before provided, of the purchase money or compensation agreed or chase'monev awarded to be paid in respect of any lauds purchased or taken by or compensa- the promoters of the undertaking under the provisions of this or tion iii order the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated therewith, transport or the owner of such lands, including in such term all parties by this title. Ordinance enabled to sell and transport or convey such lands, shall, when required to do so by the promoters of the undertaking, duly transport and convey such lands to the promoters of the undertaking, or as they may direct ; and, in default thereof, or if he fails to adduce a good title to such lands to their satisfaction, it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking, if they think fit, to deposit in the Registrar's Office aforesaid the amount of such purchase money or compensation ; and, in default of the owner of any such lands refusing or neglecting to pass and execute to and in favour of the company a transport or conveyance of such lands within two months after such deposit, it shall be lawful for the company to petition the Court for authority on a Sworn Clerk to pass the necessary transport or conveyance in manner and form prescribed by law ; and the Court, if it sees fit, shall grant such petition, and shall award to the company the costs of such application, and shall order payment of such costs to be made by the Registrar out of the money deposited as last aforesaid. (2.) Upon the passing of such transport or conveyance, all the estate and interest in such lands of, or capable of being sold and trans- ported or conveyed by, the party between whom and the promoters of the undertaking such agreement may have been come to, or as between whom and the promoters of the undertaking such purchase money or compenitation may have been determined by assessors, or by arbitrators, or by valuators appointed as herein provided, and may have been deposited as aforesaid, shall vest absolutely in the promoters of the undertaking, and, as against such parties and all parties on behalf of whom they are herein enabled to sell and transport or convey the promotei's of the undertaking shall be entitled to immediate possession of such lands. 193. — If the owner of any such lands purchased or taken by the Power to promoters of the undertakinof, or of any interest therein, on tender of ^^°^^^ V^' fi , ''.*'., 1 1 1 i 1 chase mouey the purchase money or compensation, either agreed or awarded to be where parties paid in respect thereof, refuses to accept the same, or neglects or fails refuse to to make out a title to such lands or to the interest therein claimed by ^^'^^'^ i , e c. him, to the satisfaction of the promoters of the undertaking, or if he refuses to transport or convey or release such lands as directed by the promoters of the undertaking, or if any such owner is absent from the Colony or cannot after diligent inquiry be found, or fails to appear on the inquiry before assessors as herein provided for, it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking to deposit the purchase money or compensation payable in respect of such lands, or any interest therein, in the Registrar's Office to the credit of the parties interested in such lands (describing them so far as the promoters of the undertaking can do), subject to the control and disposition of the Court. 194. — (1.) Upon any deposit of money as last aforesaid being Power to the made, the Registrar shall give to the promoters of the undertaking. Court, upon or to the party paying in such money by their direction, by way niade'to^"^" of receipt, a copy of the act of deposit of such money, specifying authorize VOL. I. 7a 86 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. transport to be passed. Application of money deposited. In case of question of title, party in possession to be deemed owner. Costs in cases of money deposited. therein for what and for whose use (described as aforesaid) the same may have been received, and in respect of what purchase the same may have been paid in ; and it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking, if they think fit, to petition the Court for authority on a Sworn Clerk to pass the necessary transport or conveyance in manner and form prescribed by law ; and the Court, if it sees fit, shall grant such petition, and shall award to the company the costs of such application, and shall order payment of such costs to be made by the Registrar out of the money deposited as last aforesaid. (2.) Upon the passing of such transport or conveyance, all the estate and interest in such lands of the parties for whose use, and in respect whereof, such purchase money or compensation may have been deposited, shall vest absolutely in the promoters of the under- taking, and, as against such parties, they shall be entitled to immediate possession of such lands. 195. On the application by petition of any party making claim to any money so deposited as last aforesaid, or any part thereof, or to the lands in respect whereof the same may have been deposited, or any part of such lands or any interest in the same, the Court may, in a summary way, as to the Court may seem fit, order such money to be laid out or invested in the pubUc funds, or may order distribution thereof or payment of the dividends thereof, according to the respec- tive estates, titles, or interests of the parties making claim to such money or lands, or any part thereof, and may make such order in the premises as to the Court may seem fit. 196. If any question arises respecting the title to the lands in respect whereof any money may have been so paid or deposited as last aforesaid, the parties respectively in possession of such lands, as being the owners thereof, or in receipt of the rents of such lands as being entitled thereto, at the time of such lands being purchased or taken, shall be deemed to have been lawfully entitled to such lands, until the contrary is shown, to the satisfaction of the Court ; and, unless the contrary is shown as aforesaid, the parties so in possession, and all parties claiming under them or consistently with their possession, shall be deemed entitled to the money so deposited, and to the dividends or interest of the annuities or securities purchased therewith, and the same shall be paid and applied accordingly. 197. In all cases of money deposited in the Registrar's Office under the provisions of this or the iSpecial Ordinance, or of any Ordin- ance incorporated therewith, except where such money may have been so deposited by reason of the wilful refusal of any party entitled thereto to receive the same, or to transport or convey or release the lands in respect whereof the same may be payable, or by reason of the wilful neglect of any party to make out a good title to the lands required, it shall be lawful for the Court to order the costs of the following matters, including therein all reasonable charges and ex- penses incident thereto, to be paid by the promoters of the under- taking, that is to say, the costs of the purchase or taking of the lands, or which have been incurred in consequence thereof, other than such costs as are herein otherwise provided for, and the costs of the invest- ment of such money in government or real secui'ities, and of the re- A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 87 investment thereof in the purchase of other lands, and also the costs of obtaining the proper orders for any of the purposes aforesaid, and of the orders for the payment of the dividends and interests of the securities upon which such moneys may be invested, and for the payment out of Court of the principal of such money, or of the securities whereon the same may be invested, and of all proceedings relating thereto, except such as may be occasioned by litigation between adverse claimants : Provided always that the costs of one application only for re-investment of land shall be allowed, unless it appears to the Court that it is for the benefit of the parties interested in the said money that the same should be invested in the purchase of lands, in different sums and at different times, in which case it shall be lawful for the Court, if it thinks fit, to order the costs of any such investments to be paid by the promoters of the undertaking. Transports or Conveyances of Lands. 198. Any transports or conveyance of lands to be purchased under Form of the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance convT/ance^ incorporated therewith, shall be in manner and form prescribed by the laws of the Colony. 199. The costs of every such transport or conveyance shall be borne Costs of by the promoters of the undertaking, and such costs shall include all com-e^-ancT charges and expenses incurred, on the part as well of the seller as of tlie purchaser, of all transports or conveyances and assurances of any such lands, and of any outstanding terms or interests therein, and of deducing, evidencing, and verifying the title to such lands, terms, or interests, and of making out and furnishing such abstracts and attested copies as the promoters of the undertaking may require, and all other reasonable expenses incident to the investigation, deduction, and verification of such title. 200. — (1.) If the promoters of the undertaking and the party en- Settlement of titled to any such costs do not agree as to the amount thereof, such transport or costs shall be taxed by the Taxing Officer as aforesaid, upon an order conveyance in of the Court to be obtained, upon petition in a summary way, by either ^^^^ °^ of the parties ; and the promoters of the undertaking shall pay what the said Taxing Officer may certify to be due in respect of such costs to the party entitled thereto, or, in default thereof, the same may be recovered in the same way as any other costs payable under an order of the Court, or the same may be recovered by distress in the manner herein provided in other cases of costs, (2.) The expense of taxing such costs shall be borne by the promoters of the undertaking, unless upon such taxation one-sixth part at least of the amount of such costs is disallowed, in which case the costs of such taxation shall be borne by the party whose costs may be so taxed, and the amount thereof shall be ascertained by the said Taxing Officer, and deducted by him accordingly in his certificate of such taxation. 201. It shall not be lawful for any person or party whomsoever to Prohibition oppose the passing of any transport or conveyance to the company of ^^ p^^^j^^^^^of any lands advertised to be transported or conveyed to the company for transport'^or the objects and purposes mentioned in this or the Special Ordinance, conveyance, 88 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISU GUIANA: [A.D. 1846. or deposit of purcliase money made. or in any Ordinance incorporated therewith, provided the company, upon notice of any intended opposition, deposits in the Registrar's Office, ad opus jus hahentiuni, the aiuonnt of the purchase money agreed CO be paid for, or the amount of the valuation of, any such lands, ascertained in manner and form herein prescribed. Prohibition of entiy upon lands requii'ed except under certain con- ditions or for certam purposes. Entry upon Lands hy Promoters of Undertaking. 202. The promoters of the undertaking shall not, except by con- sent of the owners and occupiers, enter upon any lands which may be required to be purchased or permanently used for the purposes and under the powers of this or the Special Ordinance, until they have either paid to every party having any interest in such lands, or deposited in the Registrar's Office, in manner herein mentioned, the purchase money or compensation agreed or awarded to be paid to such parties respectively for their respective interests therein : Pro- vided always that, for the purpose merely of surveying and taking levels of such lands, and of probing or boring to ascertain the nature of the soil, and of setting out the line of the works, it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking, after giving not less than three or more than fourteen days' notice to the owners or occupiers thereof, to enter upon such lands without previous consent, making compensation for any damage thereby occasioned to the owners or occupiers thereof : Provided, also, that, if the promoters of the under- taking are desirous of entering upon and using any such lands before an agreement has been come to, or an award made or verdict given for the purchase money or compensation to be paid by them in respect of such lands, it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking to deposit in the Registrar's Office, by way of security as herein men- tioned, either the amount of the purchase money or compensation claimed by any party interested in or entitled to sell and transport or convey such lands, and who does not consent to such entry, or such a sum as may, by valuators appointed by two Justices in the manner herein provided in the case of parties who cannot be found, be deter- mined to be the value of such lands, or of the interest therein which such party is entitled to or enabled to sell and transport or convey, and also to give to such party a bond under the common seal of the promoters, if they are a corporation, or, if they are not a corporation, under the hands and seals of the said promoters or any two of them, with two sufficient sureties, to be approved of by two Justices, in case the parties differ, in a penal sum equal to the sum so to be deposited, conditioned for payment to such party, or for deposit in the Registrar's Office for the benefit of the parties interested in such lands, as the case may require, under the provisions herein contained, of all such purchase money or compensation as may in manner herein provided be deter- mined to be payable by the promoters of the undertaking in respect of the lands so entered upon, together with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent, per annum from the time of entering upon such lands, until such purchase money or compensation is paid to such party or deposited in the Registrar's Office for the benefit of the parties interested in such lands, under the provisions herein contained ; and, upon such deposit by way of security being made as aforesaid and such bond being delivered or tendered to such non-consenting party as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking to enter upon and use such lands without having first paid or deposited A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 89 the purchase money or compensation in other cases required to be paid or deposited by them before entering upon any lands to be taken by them under the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance. 203. The money so to be deposited as last aforesaid shall be paid Receipt to be into the Registrar's Office, to be placed there to the credit of the ReSstnir *^ parties interested in or entitled to sell and transport or convey the upon Heijosit lands so to be entered upon, and who may not have consented to such °* money, entry, subject to the control and disposition of the Court ; and, upon such deposit being made, the Registrar shall give to the promoters of the undertaking, or to the party paying in such money by their direction, by way of receipt, a copy of the act of deposit of such money, specifying therein for what purpose and to whose credit the same may have been paid in. 204. — (1.) The money so deposited as last aforesaid shall remain Effect of in the Registrar's Office by way of security to the parties whose \^^^'f^ lands have been so entered upon for the performance of the condition and application of the bond to be given by the promoters of the undertaking as thereof, herembefore mentioned, and the same may, on the application by petition of the promoters of the undertaking to the Court, be ordered to be invested in bank annuities or CJovemment securities and accu- mulated. (2.) Upon the condition of such bond being fully performed, it shall be lawful for the Court, on a like application, to order the money so deposited or the securities in which the same may have been invested, together with the accumulation thereof, to be repaid or transferred to the promoters of the undertaking, or, if such condition is not fully performed, it shall be lawful for the Court to order the same to be applied in such manner as it may think fit for the benefit of the parties for whose security the same may so have been deposited. 205. — (1.) If the promoters of the undertaking or any of their Penalty on contractors, except as aforesaid, wilfully enter upon and take pos- ^j'^?™"*^',^ session of any lands which may be required to be purchased or hnxAa wiutbout permanently used for the purposes of the Special Ordinance, without consent, such consent as aforesaid, or without having made such payment of purchase"*^" for the benefit of the parties interested in the lands or such deposit money, by way of security as aforesaid, the promoters of the undertaking shall forfeit to the party in possession of such lands the sum of forty- eight dollars over and above the amount of any damage done to such lands by reason of such entry and taking possession as aforesaid, such penalty and damage respectively to be recoverable before two Justices. (2.) If the promoters of the undertaking or any of their con- tractors, after conviction in such penalty as aforesaid, continue in unlawful possession of any such lands, the promoters of the under- taking shall be liable to forfeit the sum of ninety-six dollars for every day they or their contractors so remain in possession as aforesaid, such penalty to be recoverable by the owner or party entitled to the possession of such lands, with costs, by action in any Court of com- petent jurisdiction : Provided always that nothing herein contained shall be held to subject the promoters of the undertaking to the payment of any such penalties as aforesaid, if they have, bond fide and without collusion, paid the compensation agreed or awarded to be 90 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. paid in respect of the said lands to any person whom the promoters of the undertaking may have reasonably believed to be entitled thereto, or have deposited the same in the Registrar's Office for the benefit of the parties interested in the lands or made such deposit by way of security in respect thereof as herein mentioned, although such person may not have been legally entitled thereto. Effect of decision on right of entry. Proceedings in case of refusal of owner or occupier to deliver possession of lands. No power to require sale of part of lot, etc. 206. On the trial of any action for any such penalty as aforesaid, the decision of the Justices under the provision herein contained shall not be held conclusive as to the right of entry upon any such lands by the promoters of the undertaking. 207. — (1.) If, in any case in which, according to the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated there- with, the promoters of the undertaking are authorized to enter upon and take possession of any lands required for the purposes of the un- dertaking, the owner or occupier of such lands or any other person refuses to give up the possession thereof, or hinders the promoters of the undertaking from entering upon or taking possession of the same, it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking to issue their warrant to the Magistrate of the District to deliver possession of the same to the person appointed in suoh warrant to receive the same. (2.) Upon the receipt of such warrant, the Magistrate shall deliver possession of such lands accordingly, and the costs accruing by reason of the issuing and execution of such warrant, to be determined by the Magistrate, shall be paid by the person refusing to give possession, and the amount of such costs shall be deducted, and retained by the pro- moters of the undertaking from the compensation, if any, then payable by them to such party, or, if no such compensation is payable to such party or if the same is less than the amount of such costs, then such costs or the excess thereof beyond such compensation, if not paid on demand, shall be levied by distress, and, on application to any Justice for that purpose, he shall issue his warrant accordingly. 208. No party shall at any time be required to sell and transport or convey to the promoters of the undertaking a part only of any lot of land, the extent of which does not exceed one-fourth of an acre, or of any house or other building or manufactory, if such party is willing and able to sell and transport or convey the whole thereof. Eight of owner of intersected lands to insist on sale. Small Portions of Intersected Lands. 209. If any lands, not being situated in a town or built upon, are so cut through and divided by the works as to leave, either on both sides or on one side thereof, a less quantity of land than half an acre, and if the owner of such small parcel of land requires the promoters of the undertaking to purchase the same along with the other land required for the purposes of the Special Ordinance, the promoters of the undertaking shall purchase the same accordingly, unless the owner thereof has other lands adjoining that so left into which the same can be thrown, so as to be conveniently occupied thercswith ; and if such owner has any other land so adjoining, the promoters of the undertaking shall, if so required by the owner, at their own expense, throw the piece of land so left into such adjoining lands, by removing the fences and levelling the sites thereof, and by soiling the same in a sufficient and workmanlike manner. A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 91 210. — (1.) If any such lands are so to leave on either side of the works a cut through and piece of land of less extent making a divided as Right of pro- moters, ill certain cases, than half an acre, or of less value than the expense of making a to insist on bridge, culvert, or such other communication between the land so pu/^^hase of divided as the promoters of the undertaking are, under the provisions lands, of this or the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated therewith, compellable to make, and if the owner of such lands has not other lands ad joining such piece of land, and requires the promoters of the undertaking to make such communication, then the promoters of the undertaking may require such owner to sell to them such piece of land. (2.) Any dispute as to the value of such piece of land, or as to what would be the expense of making such communication, shall be ascertained as herein provided for cases of disputed compensation ; and on the occasion of ascertaining the value of the land required to be taken for the purposes of the works, the assessors or the arbitrators, as the case may be, shall, if required by either party, ascertain by their award the value of any such severed piece of land, and also what would be the expense of making such communication. Lands subject to Mortgage. 211. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking to purchase the interest of the mortgagee of any lands which may be required for the purposes of the Special Ordinance, and to do so whether the mortgagee thereof is entitled thereto in his own right or in trust for any other party, and whether such mortgage affects such lands solely or jointly with any other lands not required for the purposes of the Special Ordinance. (2.) In oi'der thereto, the promoters of the undertaking may pay or tender to such mortgagee the principal and interest due on such mortgage, together with his costs and charges, if any, and also six months' additional interest, and thereupon the mortgagee shall release his interest in, and the mortgagor shall immediately transport or convey, the lands comprised in such mortgage to the promoters of the undertaking, or as they may direct ; or the promoters of the under- taking may give notice in writing to such mortgagee that they will pay off the principal and interest due on such mortgage at the end of six months, computed from the day of giving such notice ; and if they have given any such notice, then, at the expiration of such notice or at any intermediate period, on payment or tender by the promoters of the undertaking to the mortgagee of the principal money due on such mortgage and the interest which would become due at the end of six months from the time of giving such notice, together with his costs and expenses, if any, the mortgagee shall release his interest in, and the mortgagor shall transport or convey, the lands comprised in such mortgage to the promoters of the undertaking, or as they may direct. 212. — (1.) If, in either of the cases aforesaid, on such payment or tender, any mortgagee fails to release his interest in, or any mort- gagor fails to transport or convey, the lands comprised in such mort- gage, as directed by the promoters of the undertaking, or if such mortgagor fails to adduce a good title thereto to their satisfaction, it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking to deposit in Power to promoters to purchase or pay off mortgage. Deposit of mortgage money on re- fusal to release or transport or convey. 92 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Sum to be paid where mortgaged lands are of less value than mort- gage. Deposit of money when refused on tender. the Registrar's Office, in manner provided by this Ordinance for the depositing of money, the principal and interest, together with the costs, if any, due on such mortgage, and also, if such payment is made before the expiration of six months' notice as aforesaid, such further interest as would at that time become due. (2.) It shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking, if they think fit, to petition the Court for authority on a Sworn Clerk to pass, in manner and form prescribed by law, the necessary trans- port or conveyance of the lands so mortgaged to the promoters of the undertaking, or as they may direct ; and the Court, if it sees fit, shall grant such petition, and shall award to the company the costs of such application, and shall order payment of such costs to be made by the Registrar out of the money deposited as last aforesaid. (3.) On the passing of such transport or conveyance, all the estate and interest of such mortgagee and mortgagor in and to such lands shall vest in the promoters of the undertaking, and they shall be entitled to immediate possession thereof, 213. — (1.) If any such mortgaged lands are of less value than the principal, interest, and costs secured thereon, the value of such lands, or the compensation to be made by the promoters of the undertaking in respect thereof, shall be settled by agreement between the mort- gagor and mortgagee of such lands on the one part, and the promoters of the undertaking on the other part. (2.) If the parties aforesaid fail to agree respecting the amount of such value or compensation, the same shall be determined as in other cases of disputed compensation ; and the amount of such value or compensation, being so agreed upon or determined, shall be paid by the promoters of the undertaking to the mortgagee in satisfaction of his mortgage debt, so far as the same will extend ; and, on payment or tender thereof, the mortgagee shall release all his interest in, and the mortgagor shall transport or convey, such mortgaged lands to the promoters of the undertaking, or as they may direct. 214, — (1.) If, upon such payment or tender as aforesaid being made, any such mortgagee fails to release his interest in, or the mortgagor fails so to transport or convey, such mortgaged lands, or to adduce a good title thereto to the satisfaction of the promoters of the undertaking, it shall be lawful for them to deposit the amount of such value or compensation in the Registrar's Office in manner provided by this Ordinance for the depositing of money, and every such payment or deposit shall be accepted by the mortgagee in satis- faction of his mortgage debt, so far as the same will extend, and shall be a full discharge of such mortgaged lands from all money due thereon. (2.) It shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking, if they think fit, to petition the Court for authority on a sworn Clerk to pass, in manner and form prescribed by law, the necessary transport or conveyance of the lands so mortgaged to the promoters of the under- taking or as they may direct, and the Court, if it sees fit, shall grant such petition, and shall award to the company the costs of such appli- cation, and shall order payment of such costs to be made by the Registrar out of the money deposited as last aforesaid. (3. ) On the passing of such transport or conveyance, such lands shall become absolutely vested in the promoters of the undertaking, A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 93 and they shall be entitled to immediate possession thereof : Provided, nevertheless, that all rights and remedies possessed by the mortgagee against the mortgagor, by virtue of the mortgage, or of any ])ond or covenant or other obligation, shall remain in force in respect of so much of the mortgage debt as may not have been satisfied by such payment or deposit. 215. — (1.) If a part only of any such mortgaged lands is required p^^,^!!^^®^ for the purposes of the Special Ordinance, and if the part so required part only of is of less value than the principal money, interests, and costs secured mortgaged on such lands, and the mortgagee does not consider the remaining part of such lands a sufficient security for the money charged thereon or is not willing to release the part so required, then the value of such part, and also the compensation, if any, to be paid in respect of the severance thereof, or otherwise, shall be settled by agreement between the mortgagor and mortgagee on the one part, and the pro- motors of the undertaking on the other part. (2.) If the parties aforesaid fail to agree respecting the amount of such value or compensation, the same shall be determined as in other cases of disputed compensation ; and the amount of such value or compensation, being so agreed upon or determined, shall be paid by the promotors of the undertaking to such mortgagee in satisfac- tion of his mortgage debt, so far as the same will extend ; and there- upon the mortgagee shall release all his interest in, and the mortgagor shall transport or convey to the promotors of the undertaking, or as they may direct, all such mortgaged lands, the value whereof may have been so paid. (3.) A memorandum of what has been so paid shall be endorsed on the deed creating such mortgage, and shall be signed by the mort- gagee, and a copy of such memorandum shall at the same time, if required, be furnished by the promotors of the undertaking, at their expense, to the mortgagor of the lands comprised in such mortgage deed. 216. — (1.) If, upon payment or tender to any such mortgagee of the amount of the value or compensation so agreed upon or deter- mined, such mortgagee fails to release his interest in, or the mort- gagor fails to transport or convey to the promotors of the undertaking, or as they may direct, the lands in respect of which such compensation has been so paid or tendered, or if such mortgagor fails to adduce a good title thereto to the satisfaction of the promotors of the undertaking, it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking to pay the amount of such value or compensation into the Registrar's Office, in manner provided by this Ordinance for the depositing of money, and such payment or deposit shall be accepted by such mortgagee in satisfaction of his mortgage debt, so far as the same will extend, and shall be a full discharge of the portion of the mortgaged lands so required from all moneys due thereon. (2.) It shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking, if they think fit, to petition the Court for, and to obtain, transport or conveyance of the lands in question, in manner and form herein- before provided. (3.) On such transport or conveyance being obtained, such lands shall become absolutely vested in the promotors of the undertaking as to all right, title, and intei-est therein, and they shall be Deposit of money when refused on tender. 94 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Compensation to be made in certain cases, if mortgage, paid oif before stipulated time. Apportion- ment of rent where part only of lands under lease taken. entitled to immediate possession thereof ; but, nevertheless, every such mortgagee shall have the same powers and remedies for recovering or compelling payment of the mortgage money or the residue thereof, as the case may be, and the interest thereof respectively, upon and out of the residue of such mortgaged lands, or the portion thereof not required for the purposes of the Special Ordinance, as he would otherwise have had or been entitled to for recovering or compelling payment thereof upon or out of the whole of the lands originally comprised in such mortgage. 217. — (1) If, in any of the cases hereinbefore provided for with respect to lands subject to mortgage, a time has been limited in the mortgage deed for payment of the principal money thereby secured, and, under the provisions hereinbefore contained, the mortgagee has been required to accept payment of his mortgage money, or a part thereof, at a time earlier than the time so limited, the promoters of the undertaking shall pay to such mortgagee, in addition to the sum which has been so paid off, all such costs and expenses as may be incurred by such mortgagee in respect of or which may be incidental to the re-investment of the sum so paid off, such costs, in case of difference, to be taxed and payment thereof enforced in manner herein provided with respect to the costs of transports or conveyances. (2.) If the rate of interest secured by such mortgage is higher than, at the time of the same being so paid off, can reasonably be expected to be obtained ou re-investing the same, regard being had to the then current rate of interest, such mortgagee shall be entitled to receive from the promoters of the undertaking, in addition to the principal and interest hereinbefore provided for, compensation in respect of the loss to be sustained by him by reason of his mortgage money being so prematurely paid off, the amount of compensation to be ascertained, in case of difference, as in other cases of disputed compensation. (3.) Until payment or tender of such compensation has been made as aforesaid, the promoters of the undertaking shall not be entitled to possession of the mortgaged lands under the provision hereinbefore contained. Lands subject to Leases. 218. — (1.) If any lands are comprised in a lease for a term of years unexpired, part only of which lands is required for the purposes of the Special Ordinance, the rent payable in respect of the lands comprised in such lease shall be apportioned between the lands so required and the residue of such lands. (2.) Such apportionment may be settled by agreement between the lessor and lessee of such lands on the one part and the pro- moters of the undertaking on the other part, and, if such apportion- ment is not so settled by agreement between the parties, such apportionment shall be settled by two Justices. (.3.) After such apportionment, the lessee of such lands shall, as to all future accruing rent, be liable only for so much of the rent as may be so apportioned in respect of the lands not required for the purposes of the Special Ordinance, and as to the lands not so required, and as against the lessee, the lessor shall have all the same rights and remedies for the recovery of such portion of rent as, previously to to tenant from year to A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 95 such apportionmeat, he had for the recovery of the whole rent reserved by such lease ; and all the covenants, conditions, and agreements of such lease, except as to the amount of rent to be paid, shall remain in force with regard to that part of the lands which may not be required for the purposes of the Special Ordinance, in the same manner as they would have done in case such part only of the lands had been included in the lease. 219. Every such lessee as last aforesaid shall be entitled to receive Compensation from the promoters of the undertaking compensation for the damage '^ ^^^^^' done to him in his tenancy by reason of the sevei'ance of the lands required from those not required or otherwise by reason of the exe- cution of the works, 220. — (1.) If any such lands are in the possession of any person Compensation having no greater interest therein than as tenant for a year or from year to year, and if such person is required to give up possession of year any lands so occupied by him before the expiration of his term or interest therein, he shall be entitled to compensation for the value of his unexpired term or interest in such lands, and for any just allowance which ought to be made to him by an incoming tenant, and for any loss or injury which he may sustain, or, if a part only of such lands is required, compensation for the damage done to him in his tenancy by severing the lands held by him, or otherwise injuriously affecting the same. (2.) The amount of such compensation shall be determined by two Justices, in case the parties differ about the same. (3.) On payment or tender of the amount of such compensation, ail such persons shall respectively deliver up to the promoters of the undertaking, or to the person appointed by them to take possession thereof, any such lands m their possession required for the purposes of the Special Ordinance. 221. If any person having a greater interest than as tenant at will Production of lease in certain cases. claims compensation in respect of any unexpired term or interest under ^^^^^ ^ any lease or grant of any such lands, the promoters of the undertaking may require such person to produce the lease or grant in respect of which such claim may be made, or the best evidence thereof in his power ; and if, after demand made in writing by the promoters of the undertaking, such lease or grant, or such best evidence thereof, is not produced within twenty-one days, the party so claiming compensation shall be considered as a tenant holding only from year to year, and be entitled to compensation accordingly. 222. The powers of the promoters of the undertaking for the com- Limitation of pulsory purchase or taking of lands for the purposes of the Special g^^ciseof Ordinance shall not be exercised after the expiration of the prescribed compulsory period, and, if no period is prescribed, not after the expiration of three powers of years from the commencement of the Special Ordinance. ^ Interests in Lands by Mistake omitted to he purchased. 223. If, at any time after the promoters of the undertaking have Power to entered upon any lands which, under the provisions of this or the ^j^°/j^^j^^g^ Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated therewith, they to purchase were autnorized to purchase, and which may be permanently required interests iu 96 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. lands omitted by mistake to be purchased. Mode of estimating compensation for interest in lands. Payment of costs of litigation as to lands. for the purposes of the Special Ordinance, any party appears to be entitled to any estate, right, or interest in or charge affecting such lands which the promoters of the undertaking, through mistake or inadvertence, have failed or omitted duly to purchase, or to pay compensation for, then, whether the period allowed for the purchase of lands has expired or not, the promoters of the undertaking shall remain in the undisturbed possession of such lands, provided that, within six months after notice of such estate, right, interest, or charge, in case the same is not disputed by the promoters of the undertaking, or, in case the same is disputed, then within six months after the right thereto has been finally established by law in favour of the party claiming the same, the promoters of the undertaking shall purchase or pay compensation for the same, and shall also pay to such party, or to any other party who may establish a right thereto, full compensation for the mesne profits or interest which would have accrued to such parties x*espectively in respect thereof during the interval between the entry of the promoters of the undertaking thereon and the time of the payment of such purchase money or compensation by the promoters of the undertaking, so far as such mesne profits or interest may be recoverable at law or in equity ; and such purchase money or compensation shall be agreed on or awarded and paid in like manner as, according to the provisions of this Ordinance, the same respectively would have been agreed on. or awarded and paid in case the promoters of the undertaking had purchased such estate, right, interest, or charge before their entering upon such land, or as near thereto as circumstances will admit. 224. In estimating the compensation to be given for any such last- mentioned lands, or any estate or interest in the same, or for any mesne profits thereof, the assessors, or arbitrators, or Justices, as the case may be, shall assess the same according to what they may find to have been the value of such lands, estate, interest, and profits at the time such lands were entered upon by the promoters of the under- taking, and without regard to any improvements or works made in such lands by the promoters of the undertaking, and as though the works had not been constructed. 225. In addition to the said purchase money, compensation, or satisfaction, and before the promoters of the undertaking become absolutely entitled to any such estate, interest, or charge, or to have the same merged or extinguished for their benefit, they shall, when the right to any such estate, interest, or charge has been disputed by the company and determined in favour of the party claiming the same, pay the full costs and expenses of any proceedings at law or in equity for the determination or recovery of the same to the parties with whom any such litigation in respect thereof may have taken place ; and such costs and expenses shall, in case the same are disputed, be settled by the Taxing Oflicer acting in the County in which such litigation took place. Sale of supfr« fluous liiiuls. Lands Acquired hy Promoters of Undertaking, but not required for purposes thereof 226. Within the prescribed period, or, if no period is prescribed, within ten years after the expiration of the time limited by the Special Ordinance for the completion of the works, the Promoters of the A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 97 Superfluous lands to be offered in first instance to owners of lands from which they were taken, etc. undertaking shall absolutely sell, transport, and dispose of all lands acquired by them under the provisions of tliis or tiie Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated therewith, but which may not be required for the purposes thereof, and shall apply the purchase money arising from such sales to the purposes of the Special Ordinance ; and, in default thereof, all such superfluous lands remaining unsold at the expiration of such period shall thereupon vest in and become the property of the owners of the lands adjoining thereto, in proportion to the extent of their lands respectively adjoining the same. 227.— (1.) Before the promoters of the undertaking dispose of any such superfluous lands, they shall, unless such lands are situated in a town, or are lands built upon or used for building purposes, first offer to sell the same to the person then entitled to the lands, if any, from which the same were originally severed ; or, if such person refuses to purchase the same, or cannot after diligent inquiry be found, then the like offer shall be made to the person or to the several persons whose lands immediately adjoin the lands so proposed to be sold, such persons being capable of entering into a contract for the purchase of such lands ; and when more than one such person are entitled to such right of pre-emption, such offer shall be made to such persons in succession, one after another, in such order as the promoters of the undertaking may think fit. (2.) If any. such persons are desirous of purchasing such lands, then, within six weeks after such offer of sale, they shall signify their desire in that behalf to the promoters of the undertaking, or, if they decline such offer, or if for six weeks they neglect to signify their desire to purchase such lands, the right of pre-emption of every such person so declining or neglecting in respect of the lands included in such offer shall cease ; and a declaration in writing made before a Justice of the Peace by some person not interested in the matter in question, stating that such offer was made and was refused, or not accepted within six weeks from the time of making the same, or that the person or all the persons entitled to the right of pre-emption was or were out of the Colony, or could not after diligent inquiry be found, or was or were not capable of entering into a contract for the purchase of such lands, shall in all Courts be sufficient evidence of the facts therein stated. 228. If any person entitled to such pre-emption is desirous of pur- Settlement of chasing any such lands, and such person and the promoters of the diflference as undertaking do not agree as to the price thereof, then such price shall \.^^^^ be ascertained by arbitration, and the costs of such arbitration shall be in the discretion of the arbitrators. 229.— (1.) On payment or tender to the promoters of the under- Transport or taking of the purchase money so agreed upon or determined as afore conveyance of said, they shall transport or convey such lands to the purchasers purchasers, thereof, and such transport or conveyance may be signed and executed by any person authorized under the common seal of the promoters of the undertaking, if they are a corporation, or, if they are not a cor- poration, under the hands and seals of the said promoters or any two of the directors or managers thereof, acting by the authority of the body. (2.) A transport or conveyance so executed shall be effectual to vest the lands comprised therein in the purchaser of such lands for 98 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Exercise of powers to construct railway to be subject to provisions of Special Ordinance. Deposit of plans and sections of railway, with book of reference. Manner in which plans and sections are to be made. the estate, right, title, and interest which may so have been purchased by him. Construction of Railivay and Works connected therewith. 230. — (1.) In exercising the powers given to the company by the Special Ordinance to construct the railway and to take lands for that purpose, the company shall be subject to the provisions and restric- tions hereinbefore and hereinafter contained ; and the company shall make to the owners and occupiers of and all other parties interested in any lands taken or used for the purposes of the railway, or injuriously affected by the construction thereof, full compensation for the value of the lands so taken or used, and for all damage sus- tained by such owners, occupiers, aud other parties, by reason of the exercise as regards such lands of the powers of this or the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated therewith, vested in the company. (2.) Except where otherwise provided by this or the Special Ordinance, the amount of such compensation shall be ascertained and determined in the manner hereinbefore provided for determining questions of compensation with regard to lands purchased or taken under the provisions of this Ordinance ; and all the provisions herein- before contained shall be applicable to determining the amount of any such compensation, and to enforcing the payment or other satisfaction thereof. 231. It shall not be lawful for the company to proceed in the execution of the railway unless, two months previously to the com- mencement of such work, a plan, as hereinafter described, is deposited for public inspection at the Registrar's Office of each of the several Counties in or through which the work is proposed to be made, maintained, varied, extended or enlarged, together with a book of reference containing the names of the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and occupiers of the lands in or through which it is to be made, maintained, varied, extended, or enlarged, or through which every communication to or from the work may be made ; and in the case of public roads, cuts, canals, reservoirs, aqueducts, and railways, a section thereof, as hereinafter described, shall likewise be deposited with such plan. 232. With respect to the manner in which such plans and sections are to be made, be it enacted as follows : — (1.) The plan shall be on a scale of not less than four inches to a mile, and shall describe the line or situation of the whole of the work, and the lands in and through which it is to be made, main- tained, varied, extended, or enlarged, and through which every communication to or from the work may be made ; (2.) Where it is the intention of the company to make any lateral deviation from the line of the proposed woi'k, the limits of such deviation shall be defined upon the plan, and all lands included within such limits shall be marked thereon ; and in all cases, except where the whole of such plan is upon a scale of not less than a quai'ter of an inch to every one hundred feet, an additional plan of any building, yard, court-yard, or land within the curtilage of any building, or of any ground cultivated as a garden, either on the original line or included within the limits of the said deviation, A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 99 shall be laid down on the said plan, or on the additional plan deposited therewith, upon a scale of not less than a quarter of an inch to every one hundred feet ; (3.) In all cases where it is proposed to make, vary, extend, or enlarge any railway, the plan shall exhibit thereon the distances in miles, furlongs, and chains from one of the termini ; and a memorandum of the radius of every curve not exceeding one mile in length shall be noted on the plan in miles, furlongs, and chains ; (4.) The section shall be drawn to the same horizontal scale as the plan, and to a vertical scale of not less than one inch to every one hundred feet, and shall show the surface of the ground marked on the plan, and the intended level of the proposed work, and a datum horizontal line, which shall be the same throughout the whole length ot the work or any branch thereof respectively, and shall be I'eferred to some fixed point stated in writing on the section, near either of the termini ; (5.) In every section of a railway, the line marked thereon shall correspond with the upper surface of the rails. (6.) Distances on the datum line shall be marked in miles and fur- longs, to correspond with those on the plan ; a vertical measure from the datum line to the line of the railway shall be marked in feet and inches at each change of the gradient or inclination ; and the proportion or rate of inclination between each such change shall also be marked ; (7.) The height of the railway over or under the surface of every public road, navigable river, canal, or railway, or junction with a railway, and the height and span of every arch of all bridges and viaducts, shall be marked in figures at every crossing thereof, and the extreme over or under the surface of the ground shall be marked for every embankment and cutting ; and if any altera- tion in the present level or rate of inclination of any public road or i-ailway is intended, then the same shall be stated on the said section, and each numbered ; and cross sections in refei'ence to the said numbers, on a horizontal scale of one inch to every three hundred and thirty feet and on a vertical scale of one inch to every forty feet, shall be added, to explain the nature of such alterations more clearly ; and (8.) Where tunnelling as a substitute for open cutting, or a viaduct as a substitute for solid embankment, is intended, the tunnelhng shall be marked by a dotted line on the plan, and shall also be marked on the section, and the viaduct shall be marked on the section. 233. — (1.) If any omission, mis-statement, or erroneous description Con-ectionof has been made of any lands, or of the owners, lessees, or occupiers of omission, etc., any lands, described on any plan or book of reference mentioned in |,ook'"f rgfej. the Special Ordinance or in the schedule to the Special Ordinance, it ence. shall be lawful for the company, after giving ten days' notice to the owners of the lands affected by such proposed correction, to apply to two Justices for the correction thereof. (2.) If it appears to such Justices that such omission, mis-state- ment, or erroneous description arose from mistake, they shall certify the same accordingly, and they shall in such certificate, state the particulars of any such omission, and in what respect any such matter VOL. I. 6 100 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846 has been mis-stated or erroneously described, and such certificate shall be deposited in the Registrar's Office for the several Counties in which the lands affected thereby may be situated, and such certificate shall be kept in such Registrar's Office along with the other docu- ments to which it may relate ; and thereupon such plan, book of reference, or schedule shall be deemed to be corrected according to such certificate ; and it shall be lawful for the company to make the works in accordance with such certificate. Deposit ot plan and section of alterations approved by the Govemor- in-Council. Deposit of copy of plans, etc., -with Government Secretary. Receipt and rij,'ht of inspection of plans and sections. 234. It shall not be lawful for the company to proceed in the execution of the railway unless it has, two months previously to the commencement of such work, deposited in the Registrar's Office of the several Counties in or through which the railway is intended to pass a plan and section of all such alterations from the original plan and section, as may have been approved of and confirmed by the Governor-in-Council in manner hereinafter mentioned, on the same scale, and containing the same particulars, as the original plan and section of the railway. 235. A copy of all plans, sections, and books of reference ordered to be deposited as aforesaid shall, on or before the same day, be deposited in the Office of the Government Secretary or Clerk of the Executive Council, to be submitted to the Governor-in-Council for approval and confirmation ; and it shall not be lawful for the company to proceed in the execution of the work until the said plans and sections have been so approved of and confirmed. 236. The Registrar shall receive the original plans and sections, and also the said plans and sections of alterations, and copies and extracts thereof respectively, and shall retain the same, and shall per- mit all persons interested to inspect any of the documents aforesaid and to make copies of and extracts from the same, on payment by each person to such Registrar of fifty cents for every such inspection, and the further sum of fifty cents for every half hour during which such inspection may continue after the first hour. Use as evi- 237. True copies of the said plans and books of reference, or of any dence of copies alteration or correction thereof, or extracts therefrom, certified by the o p ans, e c. j^egistrar (which certificate the Registrar shall give to all parties interested, when required), shall be received in all Courts of Justice or elsewhere, as evidence of the contents thereof. 238. In making the railway, it shall not be lawful for the company to deviate from the levels of the railway as referred to the common datum line described in the section approved of by the Governor- in-Council, and as marked on the same, to any extent exceeding in any place five feet, or, in passing through a town, village, street, or land continuously built upon, two feet, without the previous consent in writing of the owners and occupiers of the lands in which such deviation is intended to be made ; or, in case any street or public highway is affected by such deviation, then the same shall not be made without the like consent of the trustees, commissioners, or other persons having the control of such street or public highway, or, if there are no such trustees, commissioners or other persons, without the like consent of two or more Justices of the Peace of the district in which such street or public highway may be situated, or without the like consent of any corporation, company, or person affected by such Limitation of right of deviation from datum lins described in section. A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 101 deviation : Provided always that it shall be lawful for the company to deviate from the said levels to a further extent without such consent as aforesaid by lowering solid eml>anknieuts or viaducts : Provided, also, that the requisite height of headway as prescriljed by this Ordi- nance shall be left for roads, streets, or canals passing under the same : Provided, also, that notice of obtaining such consent of two Justices as hereinl^efore required shall, fourteen days previous to the meeting of such Justices, be given in some newspaper circulating in the County in which such deviation or alteration is intended to be made. 239. — (1.) Before it shall be lawful for the company to make any Notification greater deviation from the level than five feet, or, in any town, village, to be made street, or land continuously built upon, two feet, after having obtained n^^kin"^ neater such consent as aforesaid, it shall be incumbent on the company to deviatimi. give notice of such intended deviation by public advertisement, in- serted once at least in two newspapers, or twice at least in one news- paper, circulating in thn district or neighbourhood where such devi- ation is intended to be made twenty-one days at least before com- mencing to make such deviation. (2.) It shall be lawful for the owner of such lands prejudicially affected thereby, at any time before the commencement of making the deviation, to apply to the Governor-in Council, after giving ten days' notice to the company, to decide whether, having regard to the interests of such applicants, such proposed deviation is proper to be made. (3.) It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, if he thinks fit, to decide such question accordingly, and either to disallow the making of such deviation or to authorize the making thereof, either simply or with any such modification as may seem proper to the Governor-in-Council. (4.) After such decision has been given by the Governor-in- Council, it shall not be lawful for the company to make such deviation except in conformity with such decision. 240. Where in any place it is intended to carry the railway on an Making of arch, arch or arches or other viaduct as marked on the said plan or section, etc., as mai-ked the same shall be made accordingly ; and where a tunnel is marked on ^-^^^^ oj. section, the said plan or section as intended to be made at any place, the same shall be made accordingly, unless the owners, lessees, or occupiers of the land in which such tunnel is intended to be made consent that the same shall not be so made. 241. It shall not be lawful for the company to deviate from or alter the gradients, curves, tunnels, or other engineering works de- s bribed in the said plan or section, except within the following hmits, and under the following conditions, that is to say, — (1.) Subject to the above provisions in regard to altering levels, it shall be lawful for the company to diminish the inchnation or gradients of the railway to any extent, and to increase the said inclination or gradients as follows, that is to say, in gradients of an inchnation not exceeding one in a hundred, to any extent not exceeding ten feet per mile, or to any further extent which may be decided by the Governor-in-Council to be consistent with the public safety, and not prejudicial to the public interest ; and in grcidients of or exceeding the inclination of one in a hundred, to Limitation of right of deviation from gi-adient, etc., described in deposited phm or section. VOL. I. t)A 102 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. any extent not exceeding three feet per mile, or to any further extent authorized by such decision as aforesaid of the Governor-in- Council ; (2.) It shall be lawful for the company to diminish the radius of any curve described in the said plan to any extent which shall leave a radius of not less than half a mile, or to any further extent authorized by such decision as aforesaid of the Grovernor-in- Council ; and (3.) It shall be lawful for the company to make a tunnel not marked on the said plan or section, instead of a cutting, or a viaduct instead of a solid embankment, if authorized as aforesaid by such decision of the Governor-in-Council. Limitation of right of lateral deviation from line delineated on deposited plan. Amount of capital to be deposited before works commenced. General powers of constructing works. 242. It shall be lawful for the company to deviate from the line delineated on the plans so deposited, provided that no such deviation shall extend to a greater distance than the limits of deviation deli- neated upon the said plans, or to a greater extent, in passing through a town, village, or lands continuously built upon, than ten yards, or elsewhere to a greater extent than one thousand four hundred yards from the said hne, and that the railway by means of such deviation be not made to extend into the lands of any person, whether owner, lessee, or occupier, whose name is not mentioned in the books of reference without the previous consent in writing of such person, unless the name of such person has been omitted by mistake, and the fact that such omission proceeded from mistake has been certified in manner herein, or in the Special Ordinance, provided for in cases of unintentional errors in the said books of reference. 243. No part of the works which may by the Special Ordinance be authorized to be executed shall be undertaken or commenced until it is proved, to the satisfaction of the Governor-in-Council, that a sum equal to one-tenth of the proposed capital of the company has been actually invested in good and available securities, or deposited in a bank, for the prosecution of the work or undertaking mentioned in the Special Ordinance. 244. Subject to the provisions and restrictions in this and the Special Ordinance, and in any Ordinance incorporated therewith, it shall be lawful for the company, for the purpose of constructing the railway, or the accommodation works connected therewith hereinafter mentioned, to execute any of the following works, that is to say, — (1.) It may make or construct in, upon, across, under, or over any lands, or any streets, hills, valleys, roads, dams, railroads, or tramroads, rivers, canals, trenches, brooks, streams, or other waters within the lands described in the said plan, or mentioned in the said books of reference, or any connection thereof, such temporary or permanent inclined planes, tunnels, embankments, aqueducts, bridges, roads, dams, ways, passages, conduits, drains, piers, arches, cuttings, and fences as it may think proper ; (2.) It may alter the course of any rivers not navigable, brooks, streams, or water-courses, and of any branches of navigable rivers, such branches not being themselves navigable, and of any roads, dams, streets, or ways within such lands, for the purpose of con- structing and maintaining tunnels, bridges, passages, or other works over or under the same, and divert or alter, as well tem- porarily as permanently, the course of any such rivers or streams A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' GLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 103 of water, roads, dams, streets, or ways, or raise or sink the level of any such rivers or streams, roads, dams, streets, or ways, in order the more conveniently to carry the same over or under or by the side of the railway, as it may think proper ; (3.) It may make drains or conduits into, through or under any lands adjoining the railway, for the purpose of conveying water from or to the railway ; (-1.) It may erect and construct such houses, warehouses, offices, and other buildings, yards, stations, wharfs, stellings, engines, machinery, apparatus, and other works and conveniences as it may think proper ; (5.) It may from time to time alter, repair, or discontinue the before- mentioned works or any of them, and substitute others in their stead ; and (6.) It may do all other acts necessary for making, maintaining, altering, or repairing, and using the railway ; Provided always that, in the exercise of the powers by this or the Special Ordinance granted, the company shall do as little damage as can be, and shall make full satisfaction, in manner herein and in the Special Ordinance, and in any Ordinance incorporated therewith, pro- vided, to aU parties interested for all damage sustained by them by reason of the exercise of such powers. 245. Whereas the Colony is intersected by divers lai-ge rivers and Connexions by creeks intercepting and breaking the communication by land from over^rivers ' many parts of the Colony to other parts thereof : Be it therefore or creeks, enacted that it shall be lawful for the company, if it sees fit, to establish a railway, commencing on the bank of the river or creek opposite to the bank on or near to which any part of the railway or railways by the Special Ordinance authorized to be made may terminate or end, and to connect such railways by bridges, boats, or vessels to be propelled by such power as may be deemed expedient by the company, and such railways, the communication between which may be kept up by means of such bridges, boats, or vessels, shall be considered and deemed to be one and the same railway, subject to all the rules, regulations, and provisions contained in this or the Special Ordinance or in any Ordinance incorporated therewith. 246. Every person who wilfully obstructs any person acting under Penalty for the authority of the company in the lawful exercise of its pcTwers in obstructing J /i T i- ^1 -1 n 1 setting out of setting out the line of the railway, or pulls up or removes any poles or ^^ ^i railway, stakes driven into the ground for the purpose of so setting out the line etc of the railway, or defaces or destroys any marks made for the same purpose, shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars. Temporary Occupation oj Lands near Railway during Construction thereof. 247. Subject to the provisions herein and in the Special Ordinance Power to contained, it shall be lawful for the company at any time before the company to expiration of the period by the Special Ordinance limited for the tempoVarilv completion of the railway, to enter upon and use any existing private private lands road, being a road gravelled or formed with stones or oth'T hard "^^t'liii '^^^^'»"i 104 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. distance from railway, etc. materials, and not being an avenue, or a planted or ornamental road, or an approach to any mansion house, within the prescribed limits, if any, or, if no limits are prescribed, not being more than five hundred yards distant from the centre of the railway, as delineated on the plans ; and to make tramways along any public or private road leading to the sea coast or shore, or to any river, creek, or canal, for the purpose of obtaining therefrom shells, sand, caddy, or other material for constructing, repairing, and consolidating the embank- ments of the railway, or for any other purpose connected with the railway : Provided always that, before the company enters upon or uses any such existing road, it shall give twenty-one dajs' notice of its intention to the owners and occupiers of such road and of the lands over which the same passes, and shall in such notice state the time during which and the purposes for which it intends to occupy such road, and shall pay to the owners and occupiers of such road, and of the lands through which the same passes, such compensation for the use and occupation of such road, either in a gross sum of money or by half-yearly instalments, as may be agreed upon between such owners and occupiers respectively and the company ; or, in case they differ about the compensation, the same shall be settled by two Justices, in the same manner as any compen- sation not exceeding two hundred and forty dollars is herein directed to be settled. Power to owners and occupiers of road or lands pro25osed to be taken to object that other road or lands ought to be taken. 248. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the owners and occupiers of any such road and of the lands over which the same passes, within ten days after the service of the aforesaid notices, by notice in w^riting to the company, to object to the company making use of such road, on the ground that other roads, such as the company is hereinbefore authorized to use for the purposes aforesaid, or that some public road, would be more fitting to be used for the same. (2.) On any such objection being made, such proceedings may be had as are hereinafter mentioned with respect to lands temporarily occupied by the company, in respect of which twenty-one days' notice is hereinafter required to be given, and in the same manner as if, in the provisions relative to such proceedings, the word " road " or the words " road and the land over which the same passes," as the case may require, had been substituted in such provisions for the word " lands." company to 249. — (1.) Subject to the provisions herein and in the Special take temporary Ordinance contained, it shall be lawful for the company, at any time certaLnT^ d^ before the expiration of the period by the Special Ordinance limited without for the completion of the railway, without making any previous previous payment, tender, or deposit, to enter upon any lands within the pre- payment, etc. scribed limits, or, if no limits are prescribed, not being more than two hundred yards distant from the centre of the railway as deli- neated on the plans, and not being a garden, orchard, or plantation attached or belonging to a house, or a park, planted walk, avenue, or ground ornamentally planted, and not being nearer to the mansion house of the owner of any such lands than the prescribed distance, or, if no distance is prescribed, then not nearer than five hundred yards therefrom, and to occupy the said lands so long as may be necessary for the construction or repair of that portion of the railway, or of the accommodation works connected therewith hereinafter A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 105 mentioned, and to use the same for any of the following purposes, that is to say, — (a.) For the purpose of taking earth or soil by side cuttings therefrom ; or {b.) For the purpose of depositing spoil thereon ; or (c. ) For the purpose of obtaining materials therefrom for the construction or repair of the railway, or of such accommoda- tion works as aforesaid ; or {d.) For the purpose of forming roads thereon to or from or by the side of the railway. (2.) In the exercise of the powers aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the company to deposit, and also to manufacture and work upon such lands, materials of every kind used in constructing the railway, and also to dig and take from out of any such lands any clay, stone, gravel, sand, or other things that may be found therein useful or proper for constructing the railway or any such roads as aforesaid, and, for the purposes aforesaid, to erect thereon workshops, sheds, and other buildings of a temporary nature : Provided always that nothing in this Ordinance shall exempt the company from an action for nuisance or other injury, if any, done, in the exercise of the powers hereinbefore given, to the lands or habitations of any person, other than the person whose lands may be so taken or used for any of the purposes aforesaid : Provided also, that no stone or slate quarry, brick- field, or other like place, which at the commencement of the Special Ordinance, may be commonly worked or used for getting materials therefrom for the purpose of selling or disposing of the same, shall be taken or used by the company, either wholly or in part, for any of the purposes lastly hereinbefore mentioned. obtaining materials for the construction entering thereon Giving notice in certain cases previous to taking temporary possession of lands. 250. — (1.) In case any such lands are required for spoil banks or for side cuttings, or for or repair of the railway, the company shall, before (except in the case of accident to the railway requiring immediate reparation), give twenty-one days' notice in writing to the owners and occupiers of such lands of its intention to enter upon the same for such purposes ; and in case the said lands are required for any of the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, the company shall (except in the cases aforesaid) give ten days' like notice thereof. (2.) The company shall, in any such notice, state the substance of the provisions hereinafter contained respecting the right of such owners or occupiers to require the company to purchase any such lands or to receive compensation for the temporary occupation thereof, as the case may be. (3.) The said notice shall either be served personally on such owners and occupiers, or left at their last usual place of abode, if any such can after diligent inquiry be found, and, in case any such owner is absent from the Colony or cannot after diligent inquiry be found, shall also be left with the occupier of such lands, or, if there is no such occupier, shall be fixed upon some conspicuous part of such lands. 251. — (1.) In any case in which a notice of twenty-one days is Power to o\viier hei-einbefore required to be given, it shall be lawful for the owner or i|j*n(js'^''^roposed occupier of the lands therein referred to, within ten days after the to be taken to service of such notice, by notice in writing to the company, to object object that other 106 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. lands ought to be taken. Power to Justices to order that lands shall not be taken. Power to Justices to order other lands to be taken. Power to Justices to suininon other to the company making use of such lands, either on the ground that the lands proposed to be taken for the purposes aforesaid, or some part thereof, or of the materials contained therein, are essential to be retained by such owner in order to the beneficial enjoyment of other neigh- bouring lands belonging to him, or on the ground that other lands lying contiguous or near to those proposed to be taken would be more fitting to be used for such purposes by the company. (2.) On any such objection being made, such proceedings may be had as are hereinafter mentioned. 252. — (1.) If any such objection is on the ground that the lands proposed to be taken, or some part thereof, or of the materials con- tained therein, are essential to be retained by the owner in order to the beneficial enjoyment of other neighbouring lands belonging to him, it shall be lawful for any Justice, on the application of such owner, to summon the company to appear before two Justices, at a time and place to be named in the summons, such time not being later than the expiration of the said twenty-one days' notice. (2.) On the appearance of the company, or, in its absence, on proof of due service of the summons, it shall be lawful for such Jus- tices to inquire into the truth of such ground of objection, and if it appears to such Justices that for seme special reason, to be stated in the order hereinafter mentioned, the lands so proposed to be taken, or any part thereof, or of the materials contained thei'ein, are essentia] to be retained by the owner of such lands in order to the beneficial enjoyment of other neighbouring lands belonging to him, and ought not therefore to be taken or used by the company, it shall be lawful for such Justices, by writing under their hands, to order that the lands so proposed to be taken, or some part thereof, or of the materials contained therein, to be specified in such order, shall not be taken or used by the company. (3.) After service of such order on the company, it shall not be lawful for it to take or use, without the previous consent in writing of the owner thereof, any of the lands or materials which, by such order, it is ordered not to take or use. 253. — (1.) If any such objection is on the ground that other lands lying contiguous to those proposed to be taken, and being sufficient in quantity, and such as the company is -hereinbefore authorized to use for the purposes aforesaid, would be more fitting to be used by the company, and if in such case the company refuses to occupy such other lands in lieu of those mentioned in the notice, it shall be lawful for any Justice, on the application of such owner or occupier, to summon the company, and the owners and occupiers of such other lands to appear before two Justices, at a time and place to be named in the summons, such time not being more than fourteen days after such application or less than seven days from the service of the summons. (2.) On the appearance of the parties, or, in the absence of any of them, on proof of due service of the summons, it shall be lawful for such Justices to determine summarily which of the said lands shall be used by the company for the purposes aforesaid, and to authorize the company to occupy and use the same accordingly. 254. — (1-) If, in the case last mentioned, it appears to such Justices, upon the inquiry before them, that the lands of any other party not A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 107 summoned before them, being sufficient in quantity and such as the owners of company is hereinbefore authorized to take or use for the purposes |.jj"j,j '^ '^^^ aforesaid, would be more fitting to be used by the company than the lands of the person who may liave been so summoned as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said Justices to adjourn such inquiry and to summon such other person to appear before them at any time not being more than fourteen days from such inquiry or less than seven days from the service of such summons. (2.) On the appearance of the parties, or, in the absence of any of them, on proof of due service of the summons, it shall be lawful for such Justices to determine finally which lands shall be used for the purposes aforesaid, and to authorize the company to occupy and use the same accordingly. 255. Before entering, under the provisions hereinbefore contained, GiviaiK of upon any such lands as may be required for spoil banks or for side go^,!j,,y {f cuttings, or for obtaining materials or forming roads as aforesaid, the required, before company shall, if required by the owner or occupier thereof, seven days entemig upon at least before the expiration of the notice to take such lands as hereinbefore mentioned, find two sufficient persons, to be approved of by a Justice, in case the parties differ, who shall enter into a bond to auch owner or occupier in a penalty, of such amount as may be approved of by such Justice, in case the parties differ, conditioned for the payment of such compensation as may become payable in respect of the same in manner herein mentioned. 256. Before the company uses any such lands for any of the Separation of purposes aforesaid, it shall, if required to do so by the owner or lands taken occupier thereof, separate the same by a sufficient fence from the lands.' ° lands adjoining thereto, with such gates as may be required by the said owner or occupier for the convenient occupation of such lands, and shall also, to all private roads used by it as aforesaid, put up fences and gates in like manner, in all cases where the same may be necessary to prevent the straying of cattle from or upon the lands traversed by such roads, and, in case of any difference between the owners or occupiers of such roads and lands and the company, as to the necessity of such fences and gates, such fences and gates as any two Justices may deem necessaiy for the purposes aforesaid, on application being made to them in like manner as hereinbefore is provided in respect to the use of such roads. 257. If any lands are taken or used by the company under the "Working of provisions of this or the Special Ordinance for the purpose of getting f^r^^tt^^" materials therefrom for the construction or repair of the railway or of materialsr the accommodation works connected therewith, the company shall work the same in such manner as the surveyor or agent of the owner of such lands may direct, or, in case of disagreement between such surveyor or agent and the company, in such manner as any Justice may direct, on the application of either party, after notice of the time fixed for hearing the application has been giving to the other party. 258. — (1.) In all cases in which the company, in the exercise of Eight of o^raers the powers aforesaid, enters upon any lands for the purpose of making ^empmarilv spoil banks or side cuttings thei-eon, or for obtaining therefrom mate- taken to require rials for the construction or repair of the railway, it shall be lawful purchase for the owners or occupiers of such lands, or parties having such 108 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Compensation to be made for tempoi-ai7 occupation of lauds. estates or interests therein as, under the provisions hereinbefore men- tioned, would enaljle them to sell and transport or convey lands to the company at any time during the possession of any such lands by the company, and before such owners or occupiers have accepted compensation from the company in resjiect of such temporary occu- pation, to serve a notice in writing on the com^iany, requiring it to purchase the said lands, or the estates and interests therein capable of being sold and conveyed by them respectively. (2.) In such notice, such owners or occupiers shall set forth the particulars of such their estate or interest in such lands, and the amount of their claim in respect thereof, and the company shall there- upon be bound to purchase the said lands, or the estate and interest therein capable of being sold, transported, and conveyed by the parties serving such notice. 259. In any of the cases aforesaid, where the company is not required to purchase such lands, and in all other cases where it takes temporary possession of lands by virtue of the powers herein or in the Special Ordinance granted, it shall be incumbent on the company, within one month after its entry upon such lands, upon being required to do so, to pay to the occupier of the said lands the value of any crop or dressing that may be thereon, as well as full compensation for any other damage of a temporary nature which he may sustain by reason of its so taking possession of his lands, and also, from time to time during its occupation of the said lands, to pay half- yearly to such occupier or to the owner of the lands, as the case may require, a rent to be fixed by two Justices, in case the parties differ, and also, within six months after it has ceased to occupy the said lands, and not later than six months after the expiration of the time by the Special Ordinance limited for the completion of the railway, to pay to such owner and occupier, or deposit in the Registrar's Office for the benefit of all parties interested, as the case may require, compensation for all permanent or other loss, damage, or injury that may have been sustained by them by reason of the exercise, as regards the said lands, of the powers herein or in the Special Ordinance granted, including the full value of all clay, stone, gravel, sand, and other things taken from such lands. Power to company to enter upon adjoining lands to repair accidents, etc. 260. Whereas it is essential for the public safety, and also for the proper maintenance of railways in a state of efficiency for the public service, that railway companies should have the power in case of accidents or slips happening or being apprehended to their cuttings and embankments or other works, to enter upon the lands adjoining their respective railways for the purpose of repairing or renewing the same, and of doing such works as may be necessary for that purpose : Be it therefore enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council to empower any railway company, in case of any accident or slip happening or being apprehended to any cutting, embankment, or other work belonging to it, to enter upon any lands adjoining its railway for the purpose of repairing or preventing such accident, and to do such works as may be necessary for the purpose : Provided always that, in case of necessity, it shall be lawful for any railway company to enter upon such lands and do such works as aforesaid, without having obtained the previous sanction of the Governor in- Council ; but in every such case, such railway company shall, within A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 109 forty-eight hours after such entry, make a report to the Governor-in- Council specifying the nature of such accident or apprehended accident, and of the works necessary to be done, and such powers shall cease and determine if the Governor-in-Cuuncil, after considering the said report, declare that their exercise is not necessary for the public safety : Provided also, that such works shall be as little injurious to the said adjoining lands as the nature of the accident or apprehended accident Avill admit of, and shall be executed with all possible despatch, and full compensation shall be made to the owners and occupiers of such lands for the loss or injury or inconvenience sustained by them respectively by reason of such works, the amount of which compensa- tion, in case of any dispute about the same, shall be settled in the same manner as cases of disputed compensation are hereinbefoi-e directed to be settled : Provided, also, that no land shall be taken permanently by any railway company for any such works without authority from the Governor-in-Council as hereinbefore mentioned. 261. The amount and application of the purchase money and other Ascertainment compensation payable by the company in any of the cases last aforesaid, j^on'e^^or^^ shall be determined in manner hereinbefore provided for determining compensation, the amount and application of the compensation to be paid for lands taken under the provisions of this Ordinance. Taking oj Lands for Additional Stations, etc. 262. It shall be lawful for the company, in addition to the lands Power to authorized to be compulsorily taken by it under the powers of this or company to the Special Ordinance, to contract with any party willing to sell the fQi- additional same for the purchase of any lands adjoining or near to the railway, stations, etc not exceeding in the whole the prescribed number of acres, for extra- ordinary purposes, that is to say : — (1.) For the purpose of making and providing additional stations, yards, wharfs, stellings, and places for the accommodation of passengers, and for receiving, depositing, and loading or unloading goods or cattle to be conveyed upon the railway, and for the erection of weighing machines, toll houses, offices, warehouses, and other buildings and conveniences ; and (2.) For the purpose of making convenient roads or ways to the rail- way, or any other purpose which may be requisite or convenient for the formation or use of the railway. Crossing of Roads, or other Interference therewith. 263. If the railway crosses any turnpike road or public highway, then (except where otherwise provided by the Special Ordinarce), either such road shall be carried over the railway, or the railway shall be carried over such road by means of a bridge, of the height and width, and with the ascent or descent, by this or the Special Ordin- ance in that behalf provided ; and such bridge, with the immediate approaches, and all other necessary works connected therewith, shall be executed, and at all times thereafter maintained at the expense of the company : Provided always that, with the consent of two or more Justices as hereinafter mentioned, it shall be lawful for the company to carry the railway across any highway, other than a public carriage road, on the level, Crossing of roads. 110 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Crossing of road on a level. Crossmg of public road adjoining station. Eegulations as to construction of bridges over roads. 264. If the railway crosses any turnpike road or public carriage road on a level, the company shall erect, and at all times maintain, good and sufficient gates across such road, on each side of the railway where the same communicates therewith, and shall employ proper persons to open and shut such gates, and such gates shall be kept constantly closed across such road on both sides of the railway, except during the time when horses, cattle, carts, or carriages passing along the same may have to cross such railway, and such gates shall be of such dimensions and so constructed as, when closed, to fence in the railway and prevent horses or cattle passing along the road from entering upon the railway ; and the person entrusted with the care of such gates shall cause the s^ame to be closed as soon as such horses, cattle, carts, or carriages may have passed through the same, under a penalty of ten dollars for every default therein : Provided always that it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, in any case in which he may be satisfied that it will be more conducive to the public safety that the gates on any level crossing over any such road should be kept closed across the railway, to order that such gates shall be kept so closed, instead of across the road ; and in such case such gates shall be kept constantly closed across the railway, except when engines or carriages passing along the railwav may have occasion to cross such road, in the same manner and under the like penalty as herein directed with respect to the gates being kept closed across the road, 265. Where the railway crosses any public road on a level adjoining to a station, all trains on the railway shall be made to slacken their speed before arriving at such public road, and shall not cross the same at any greater rate of speed than four miles an hour ; and the company shall be subject to all such rules and regulations with regard to such crossings as may from time to time be made by the Governor-in- Council. 266. Every bridge to be erected for the purpose of carrying the railway over any road shall, except where otherwise provided by the Special Ordinance, be built in conformity with the following regulations, that is to say, — (1.) The width of the arch shall be such as to leave thereunder a clear space of not less than thirty-five feet, if the arch is over a turnpike road, and of twenty-five feet, if over a public carriage road, and of twelve feet, if over a private carriage road ; (2.) The clear height of the arch from the surface of the road shall not be less than sixteen feet for a space of twelve feet, if the arch is over a turnpike road, and fifteen feet for a space of ten feet, if over a public carriage road, and, in each of such cases, the clear height at the springing of the arch shall not be less than twelve feet ; (3.) The clear height of the arch for a space of nine feet shall not be less than fourteen feet over a private carriage road ; and (4.) The descent made in the road in order to carry the same under the bridge shall not be more than one foot in thirty feet, if the bridge is over a turnpike road ; one foot in twenty feet, if over a public carriage road : and one foot in sixteen feet, if over a piivate carriage road, not being a tramroad or railroad ; or, if the same is a tramroad or railroad, the descent shall not be greater than the prescribed rate of inclination, and, if no rate is prescribed, A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. Ill the same shall not be greater than as it existed at the commence- ment of the Special Ordinance. 267. Every bridge erected for carrying any road over the railway shall, except as oLhervvise provided by the Special Ordinance, be built in conformity with the following regulations, that is to say, — (1.) There shall be a good and sufficient fence on each side of the bridge of not less height than four feet, and on each side of the immediate approaches of such bridge of not less than three feet; (2.) The road over the bridge shall have a clear space between the fences thereof of tliirty-five feet, if the road is a turnpike road, and twenty-five feet, if a public carriage road, and twelve feet, if a private carriage road ; and (3.) The ascent shall not be more than one foot in thirty feet, if the road is a turnpike road ; one foot in twenty feet, if a public carriage road ; and one foot in sixteen feet, if a private carriage road, not being a tramroad or railroad ; or, if the same is a tram- road or railroad, the ascent shall not be greater than the pre- scribed rate of inclination, and, if no rate is prescribed, the same shall not be greater than as it existed at the commencement of the Special Ordinance : Provided always that, in all cases where the average available width for the passage of carriages of any existing roads within fifty yards of the points of crossing the same is less than the width herein- befoi-e prescribed for bridges over and under the railway, the width of such bridges need not be greater than such average available width of such roads, but so, nevertheless, that such bridges be not of less width, in the case of a turnpike road or public carriage road, than twenty feet : Provided, also, that if, at any time after the construction of the railway, the average available width of any such road is increased beyond the available width of such bridge on either side thereof, the company shall be bound, at its own expense, to increase the width of the said bridge to such extent as it may be required by the trus- tees, commissioners, or surveyors of such road, not exceeding the width of such road as so widened or the maximum width herein or in the Special Ordinance prescribed for a bridge in the like case over or under the railway : Provided, also, that if the mesne inclination of any road within two hundred and fifty yards of the point of crossing the same, or the inclination of such portion of any road as may require to be altered, or for which another road is substituted, is steeper than the inclination hereinbefore required to be preserved by the company, then the company may carry any such road over or under the railway, or may construct such altered or substituted road at an inclination not steeper than the said mesne inclination of the road so to be crossed, or of the road so requiring to be altered, or for which another road is substituted. 268. — (1.) If, in the exercise of the powers by this or the Special Ordinance granted, it is found necessary to cross, cut through, raise, sink, or use any part of any road, whether carriage road, horse road, tramroad, or railway, either public or private, so as to render it impassable for, or dangerous or extraordinarily inconvenient to pas- sengers, or carriages, or to the persons entitled to the use thereof, the company shall, before the commencement of any such operations, Begulations as to construction of bridges over railway. JIakiiig of new road before existing road intei-fered with. 112 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. cause a sufficient road to be made instead of the road to be interfered with, and shall, at its own expense, maintain such substituted road in a state as convenient for passengers and carriages as the road so interfered with, or as nearly so as may be. (2.) If the company does not cause another sufficient road to be so made before it interferes with any such existing road as aforesaid, it shall forfeit ninety-six dollars for every day during which such substituted road is not made after the existing road has been inter- cepted ; and every such penalty shall be recoverable, with costs, by action in any Court of competent jurisdiction. Right of action of person suti'ering by interference with road. Period for restoration of road mterfered witli. 269. If any person entitled to a right of way over any road so interfered with by the company suffers any special damage by reason that the company fails to cause another sufficient road to be made before it interferes with the existing road, it shall be lawful for such person to recover the amount of such special damage from the com- pany, with costs, by action in any Court of competent jurisdiction ; and to do so whether any person has sued for such penalty as afore- said or not, and without prejudice to the right of any person to sue for the same. 270. — (1.) If the road so interi^'ered with can be restored compatibly with the formation and use of the railway, the same shall be restored to as good a condition as the same was in at the time when it was first interfered with by the company, or as near thereto as may be ; and if such road cannot be restored compatibly with the forma- tion and use of the railway, the company, shall cause the new or sub- stituted road to be put into a permanently substantial condition, equally convenient as the former road, or as near thereto as circum- stances will allow ; and the former road shall be restored or the sub- stituted road put into such condition as aforesaid, as the case may be, within the following periods after the first operation on the former road has been commenced, unless the trustees, commissioners, sur- veyors, or other persons having the management of the road to be restoi'ed, by writing under their hands, consent to an extension of the period, and in such case, within such extended period, that is to say, if the road is a public road, within three months, and, if the road is aot a public road, within six months. (2.) If any such road is not so restored, or the substituted road so completed as aforesaid within the periods herein or in the Special Or- dinance fixed for that purpose, the company shall forfeit to the trus- tees, commissioners, surveyors, or other persons having the manage- ment of the road interfered with by the company, if a public road, or, if a private road, to the ow^ner thereof, twenty-four dollars for every day after the expiration of such periods respectively during which such road is not so restored or the substituted road completed. Company to repair road used or interfered with by it. 271. If, in the course of making the railway, the company uses or interferes with any road, it shall from time to time make good all damage done by it to such road ; and, if any question arises as to the damage done to any such road by the company, or as to the repair thereof by it, such question shall be referred to the deter- mination of two Justices, and such Justices may direct such repairs to be made in the state of such road, in respect of the damage done by the company, and within such j)eriod, as they may think reason- able, and may impose on the company, for not carrying into effect A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 113 such repairs, any penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars per day as to such Justices may seem just : Provided always that, in deter- mining any such (|uesti<)n with regard to a public road, the said Justices shall have regard to and make full allowance for any tolls that may have been paid Ijy the company on such road in the course of the using thereof. Proceedings on application of company to Justices for consent to caii-j' railway across higliway on a level. See Ordinance No. 13 0/" 1893. 272. — (1.) VVhen the company intends to apply for the consent of two Justices in manner hereinbefore provided, so as to authorize it to carry the railway across any highway other than a public carriage road, on the level, the company shall, fourteen days at least previous to the day on which such application is intended to be made, cause notice of such intended application to be given in some newspaper circulating in the County in which such crossing is intended to be made; and, if it appears to any two or more Justices acting for the district in which such highway at the proposed crossing thereof is situated, after such notice as aforesaid, that the railway can, consist- ently with a due regard to the public safety and convenience, be carried across such highway on the level, it shall be lawful for such Justices to consent that the same may be so carried accordingly. (2.) If either party feels aggrieved by the determination of such Justices upon any such application as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for such party, in like manner and subject to the like conditions as are provided by law in the case of appeals in respect of penalties and forfeitures, to appeal to the Supreme Court ; and it shall be lawful for the said Court, on the hearing of such appeal, either to confirm or quash the determination, or to make such other order in regard to the method of carrying the railway across such highway as aforesaid as to it may seem fit, and to make such order concerning the costs, both of the original application and of the appeal, as to it may seem reasonable. 273. — (1.) If the railway crosses any highway, other than a public Making of carriage way, on the level, the company shall, at its own expense, make g^^^'^j^j'^^case of and at all times maintain convenient ascents and descents, and other highway crossed convenient approaches, with handrails or other fences, and shall, if such on a level, highway is a bridleway, erect and at all times maintain good and sutticient gates, and, if the same is a footway, good and suthcient gates or stiles, on each side of the railway where the highway communicates thei'ewith. (2.) If, where the railway crosses any highway on the level, the company fails to make convenient ascents, descents, or other con venient approaches, and such handrails, fences, gates, and stiles as it is hereinbefore required to make, it shall be lawful for two Justices, on the application of the trustees, commissioners, surveyors, or other persons having the management of such road, after not less than ten days' notice to the company, to order the company to make such ascent and d( scent or other approach, or such handrails, fences, gates, or stiles as aforesaid, within a period to be limited for that purpose by such Justices. (3.) If the company fails to comply with such order, it shall for- feit twenty-four dollars for every day during which it fails to do so. 274. In all cases where the company may be willing, at its own Alteration of expense, to carry any public or private road or tramway over or under J^"f ^^^g^^ 114 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. the railway by means of a bridge or arch, in lieu of crossing the same on the level, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, on the application of the company, and after hearing the several parties interested, if it appears to the Governor-in-Council that such level crossing endangers the public safety, and that the proposal of the company does not involve any violation of existing rights or interests without adequate compensation, to give the company full power and authority for removing the danger at its own expense, either by building a bridge, or by such other arrangement as the nature of the case may require, subject to such conditions as the Governor-in-Council may direct. Execution of work in nature of screen adjoining public road. Provisions q/ Screens for Public Beads. 275. — (1.) If the trustees, commissioners, surveyors or other per- sons having the management of any public road apprehend danger to the passengers on such road in consequence of horses being frightened by the sight of the engines or carriages travelling upon the railway, it shall be lawful for such trustees, commissioners, surveyors, or other person after giving fourteen days' notice to the cumpany, to apply to the Governor-in-Council with respect thereto^ and if it appears to the Governor-in- Council that such danger might be obviated or lessened by the construction of any works in the nature of a screen near to or adjoinmg the side of such road, it shall be lawful for them, if they think fit, to execute such works within such time as the Governor- in-Council may appoint. (2.) Where the company has been so required to execute any such work in the natui'e of a screen, it shall execute and complete the same within the period appointed for that purpose, and, if it fails to do so, it shall forfeit to the said trustees, commissioners, surveyors, or other persons as aforesaid twenty-four dollars for every day during which such works may remain uncompleted beyond the period so appointed for their completion. Power to enforce repair of bridge, etc., by company. Power to the Governor- ill-Council to nuxlify (•f>iistru(;tion of roads in certain cases. Maintenance of Bridges, etc. 276. — (1.) Where, under the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated therewith, the company is required to maintain or keep in repair any bridge, fence, approach, gate, or other work executed by it, it shall be lawful for two Justices, on the application of the trustees, commissioners, surveyors, or other persons having the management of roads, complaining that any such work is out of repair, after not less than ten days' notice to the com- pany, to order the company to put such work into complete repair within a period to be limited for that purpose by such Justices. (2.) If the company fails to comply with such order, it shall forfeit twenty-four dollars for every day during which it fails to do so, 277. Whereas expense might frequently be avoided, and public convenience promoted, by a reference to the Governor-in-Council upon the construction of public works of an engineering nature connected with the railway, where a strict compliance with this or the Special Ordiuanct; might be impossil)le or attended with inconvenience to the company, and without adequate advantage to A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 115 the public : Be it therefore enacted that, in case of any difference in regard to the construction, alteration, or restoration of any i-oad, bridge, or other pubUc work of an engineering nature required by the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance arising between the company and any trustees, commissioners, surveyors, or other persons having the management of, or being authorized by law to enforce to construction of, such road, bridge, or work, it shall be lawful for either party, after giving fourteen days' notice in writing of their intention to do so to the other party, to apply to the Governor-in-Council to decide upon the proper manner of con- structing, altering, or restoring such road, bridge, or other work ; and it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, if he think fit, to decide the same accordingly, and to authorize any arrangement or mode of construction in regard to such road, bridge, or other work which may appear to hiin either to be in substantial com- pliance with the provisions of this and the Special Ordinance or to be calculated to afford equal or greater accommodation to the public using such road, bridge, or other work ; and after any such authority has been given by the Governor-in-Council, the i*oad, bridge, or other work therein mentioned shall be constructed by the company in conformity with the terms of such authority, and, being so con- structed, shall be deemed to be constructed in conformity with the provisions of this and the Special Ordinance : Provided always that no such authority shall be granted by the Governor-in-Council unless he is satisfied that existing private rights or interests will not be injuriously affected thereby. 278. With respect to the making and repairing of public roads and Exemption of highways, and roads, dams, bridges, or other public works, the com- gxpense^of pany, as proprietors of lands taken for the purposes of the undertaking, makiiisand shall not be deemed proprietors of lands within the meaning of any repamnK public Ordinance by which the expense of making or repairing such public roads and highways, and roads, dams, bridges, or other public works, is directed to be borne by proprietors of land, but the company shall, after the commencement of the Special Ordinance, be exempt from all such expenses or any contribution thereto. 279. — (1.) All regulations, certificates, notices, and other documents Authentioation in writing purporting to be made or issued by or by the authority of o^ regulations the Governor -in-Oouncil, and signed by the Govei'nment Secretary or Govemoi-bi- Clerk of the Executive Council, shall, for the purposes of this and the Coimcil. Special Ordinance, and of any Ordinance incorpoi'ated therewith, be deemed to have been so made and issued, and that without proof of the authority of the person signing the same or of the signature thereto, all which matters shall be presumed until the contrary is proved ; and service of any such document, by leaving the same at one of the principal offices of the company, or hj sending the same by post addressed to the secretary at such office, shall be deemed good service upon the company. (2.) All notices and other documents required by this or the Special Ordinance to be given to or laid before the Governor-in-Council shall be delivered or sent by post addressed to the Government Secretary or Clerk of the Executive Council. VOL. I. 116 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH QUI AN A : [A.D. 1846. Making and maintenance of works for accommodation of lands adjoining railway. See Section 4 for meaning of " cattle." Works for Accommodation of Lands adjoining Railway . 280. The company shall make, and at all times thereafter maintain, the following works for the accommodation of the owners and occupiers of lands adjoining the railway, that is to say, — (1.) Such and so many convenient gates, bridges, arches, culverts, and passages over, under, or by the sides of or leading to or from the railway as may be necessary for the purpose of making good any interruptions caused by the railway to the use of the lands through which the railway may be made, and such works shall be made forthwith after the part of the railway passing over such lands has been laid out or formed, or during the forma- tion thereof ; (2.) Sufficient posts, rails, hedges, ditches, mounds, or other fences for separating the land taken for the use of the railway from the adjoining lands not taken, and protecting such lands from trespass, or the cattle of the owners or occupiers thereof from straying thereout by reason of the railway, together with all necessary gates, made to open towards such adjoining lands and not towards the railway, and all necessary stiles ; and such posts, rails, and other fences shall be made forthwith after the taking of any such lands, if the owners thereof so require, and the other works as soon as conveniently may be ; (3.) All necessary arches, tunnels, culverts, drains, or other pas- sages, either over or under or by the sides of the railway, of such dimensions as will be sufficient at all times to convey the water as clearly from the lands lying near or affected by the railway as before the making of the railway, or as nearly so as may be ; and such works shall be made from time to time as the railway works proceed ; and (4.) Proper watering-places for cattle, where, by reason of the rail- way, the cattle of any person occupying any lands lying near thereto are deprived of access to their former watering-places ; and such watering-places shall be so made as to be at all times as sufficiently suppHed with water as theretofore, and as if the railway had not been made, or as nearly so as may be ; and the company shall make all necessary water-courses and drains for the purpose of conveying water to the said watering-places : Provided always that the company shall not be re(|uired to make such accommodation works in such a manner as would prevent or obstruct the working or using of the railway, or to make any accom- modation works with respect to which the owners and occupiers of the lands have agreed to receive, and have been paid, compensation, instead of the making them. 281. If any difference arises respecting the kind or number of any such accommodation works or the dimensions or sufficiency thereof, or respecting the maintaining thereof, the same shall be determined by two Justices ; and such Justices shall also appoint the time within which such works shall be commenced and executed by the company. Power to 282. If, for fourteen days next after the time appointed by such execute works Justices for the commencement of any such works, the company fails *'{*d'Tault"b'^''*'° to commence such works, or having commenced them, fails to proceed company. Settlement of difference as to accommodation works. A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 117 diligently to execute the same in a sufficient manner, it shall be lawful for the party aggrieved by such failure himself to execute such works or repairs, and the reasonable expenses thereof shall be repaid by the company to the party by whom the same may so have been executed ; and if there is any dispute about such expenses, the same shall be settled by two Justices : Provided always that no such owner or occupier or other person shall obstruct or injure the railway or any of the works connected therewith for a longer time,, or use them in any other manner, than is unavoidably necessary for the execution or repair of such accommodation works. 283. — (1.) If any of the owners or occupiers of lands affected by Power to owner the railway consider the accommodation works made by the company, o^" occupier of or directed by such Justices to be made by the company, insufficient to'^ui^ke for the commodious use of their respective lands, it shall be lawful for additional any such owner or occupier at any time, at his own expense, to make accommodation such further works for that purpose as he may think necessary, and as may be agreed to by the company, or, in case of difference, as may be authorised by two J ustices. (2.) If the company so desires, such accommodation works shall be constructed under the superintendence of its engineer, and according to the plans and specifications to be submitted to and approved by such engineer : Provided, nevertheless, that the company shall not be entitled to require either that plans should be adopted which would involve a greater expense than that incurred in the execution of similar works by the company, or that the plans selected should be executed in a more expensive manner than that adopted in similar cases by the company. 284, The company shall not be compelled to make any further or Period during additional accommodation works for the use of owners and occupiers of which accom- land adjoining the railw^ay after the expiration of the prescribed ^orf^^s^maybe period, or, if no period is prescribed, after five years from the comple- required. tion of the works and the opening of the railway for public use. 285. — (1.) Until the company has made the bridges or other proper Powertoowners communications which it may, under the pro\dsions contained herein, and occupiers of or in the Special Ordinance, or in any Ordinance incorporated there- land^s'to cross with, have been required to make between lands intersected by the untQ accom- railway, and no longer, the owners and occupiers of such lands and any ^lodation works other persons whose right of way may be affected by the want of such communications, and their respective servants, may at all times freely pass and repass, with carriages, horses, and other animals, directly (but not otherwise) across the path of the railway made in or through their respective lands solely for the purpose of occupying the same lands, or for the exercise of such right of way, and so as not to obstruct the passage along the railway or to damage the same : Provided, nevertheless, that if the owner or occupier of any such lands has, in his arrangements with the company, received or agreed to receive compensation for or on account of any such communications instead of the same being formed, such owner or occupier or those claiming under him shall not be entitled so to cross the railway. (2.) In case any disagreement or difference arises between any such owner or occupier or other persons and any railway company as to the proper places for any opening in tue ledges or flanches of VOL. I, 9a 118 No. l.J THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. any railway for the purpose of communication, then the same shall be left to the decision of the Go vernor-in- Council who is hereby empowered to hear and determine the same in such way as he may think fit, and his determination shall be binding on all parties. Penalty on 286. If any person omits to shut and fasten any gate set up at person omitting either side of the railway for the accommodation of the owners or occupiers of the adjoining lands, as soon as he, and the carriage, horses, or other animals under his care, have passed through the same, he shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding ten dollars. to fasten gate. Power to O'ivners, etc., to make branch railways com- municating with railway. Power of iiiiikinr; hraiicli liiifw.iys to be siul)ject tr) Branch Railways. 287. — (1.) Nothing in this or the Special Ordinance shall prevent the owners or occupiers of lands adjoining to the railway, or any other persons, from laying down, either upon their own lands or upon the lands of other persons, with the consent of such persons, any collateral branches of railway to communicate with the railway for the purpose of bringing carriages to, or from, or upon the railway, but under and subject to the provisions and restrictions hereinafter mentioned. (2.) The company shall, if required, at the expense of such owners and occupiers and other persons, and subject also to the provisions hereinafter mentioned, make openings in the rails, and such additional lines of rail as may be necessary for effecting such communication, in places where the communication can be made with safety to the public, and without injury to the railway, and without inconvenience to the traffic thereon. (3.) The company shall not take any rate or toll or other money for the passing of any passengers, goods, or other things along any branch so to be made by any such owner or occupier or other person. (4.) This enactment shall be subject to the following restrictions and conditions, that is to say, — (a.) No such branch railway shall run parallel to the rail- way; {h.) The company shall not be bound to make any such openings in any place which it may have set apart for any specific purpose with which such communication would interfere, or upon any inclined plane or bridge, or in any tunnel ; and (c.) The persons making or using any such branch railway shall be subject to all by-laws and regulations of the company from time to time made with respect to passing upon or crossing the railway and otherwise ; and the persons making or using any such branch railway shall be bound to con- struct, and from time to time, as need may require, to renew the offset plates and switches, according to the most approved plan adopted by the company, and under the direction of its engineer. 288. Where powers of laying down branch lines opening into the ledges or fianches of main lines of railway, and of entering upon and passing along such main lines with carriages and wagons drawn by A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 1 io 1 X «/ locomotive engines or by other mechanical or by animal power, and reguLition l.y also powers to form roads or railways across other railways on a ^n^comicil""^ level, are given by any Ordinance relative to railways to the owners and occupiers of lands adjoining the railway, and to other persons with their consent, and where it appears to the Governor-in-Council that such powers as aforesaid cannot be exercised without seriously endangering the public safety, and that an arrangement may Ije made with a due regard to existing rights of property, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council to order and direct that such powers shall only be exercised subject to such conditions as the Governor-in-Council may direct. Carrying of Passengers and Goods upon Railway, and Tolls to he taken thereon. 289. It shall be lawful for the company to ixse and employ loco- Power to motive engines or other moving power, and carriages and wagons g^pfoy loco- to be drawn or propelled thereby, and to carry and convey upon the motive enfrinea, railway all such passengers and goods as may be offered to it for carriages, etc. that purpose, and to make such reasonable charges in respect thereof as it may from time to time determine upon, not exceeding the tolls by the Special Ordinance authorized to be taken by it. 290. It shall be lawful for the company from time to time to enter Power to into any contract with any other company, being the owners or c°™t?act\J°t]j lessees or in possession of any other railway, for the passage over other raUway or along the railway by the Special Ordinance authorized to be made companies for p ^ . 1 J.I • r i-u nnming powers of any engines, coaches, wagons, or other carriages ot any other over railways. company, or which may pass over any other line of railway, or for the passage over any other line of railway of any engines, coaches, wagons, or other carriages of the company, or which may pass over their line of railway, upon the payment of such tolls and under such conditions and restrictions as may be mutually agreed upon ; and, for the purpose aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the respective parties to enter into any contract for the division or apportionment of the tolls to be taken upon their respective railways : Provided always that no such contract as aforesaid shall in any manner alter, affect, increase, or diminish any of the tolls which the respective companies, parties to such contracts, may for the time be respectively authorized and entitled to demand or receive from any person or any other company, but that all other persons and companies shall, notwithstanding any such contract, be entitled to the use and benefit of any of the said railways on the same terms and conditions, and on payment of the same tolls, as they would have been in case no such contract had been entered into. 291. Nothing in this or the Special Ordinance shall extend to charge Extent of or make liable the company further or in any other case than where, eompa)iv''as according to the laws of this Colony, common carriers would be liable, carriers' or shall extend in any degree to deprive the company of any protection or privilege which common carriers may be entitled to ; but, on the contrary, the company shall at all times be entitled to the benefit of every such protection and privilege. 292. Whereas it is expedient that the company should be enabled Power to to vary the tolls upon the railwav so as to accommodate them to the company to , c .t . i\^ ^ . A , 1 e • 1 1 J varv tolls. circumstances of the traffic, but that such varying bhould 120 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. not be used for the purpose of prejudicing or favouring particular parties, or for the purpose of collusively and unfairly creating a monopoly, either in the hands of the company or of particular parties : Be it therefore enacted that it shall be lawful for the company, subject to the provisions and limitations herein and in the Special Ordinance contained, from time to time to alter or vary the tolls by the Special Ordinance authorized to be taken, either upon the whole or upon any particular portions of the railway, as they may think iit : Provided that all such tolls shall be at all times charged equally to all persons, and after the same rate, whether per ton per mile, or otherwise, in respect of all passengers, and of all goods or carriages of the same description, and conveyed or propelled by a like carriage or engine passing only over the same portion of the line of raOway under the same circum- stances, and that no reduction or advance in any such tolls shall be made, either directly or indirectly, in favour of or against any particular company or person travelling upon or using the railway. Calculation of toUs of amalgamated railway. General right to use railway on pajTnent of toUs. Exhibition of list of toUs. Placing of milestones on railway. Tolls not to be demandable unless list thereof exliibited, etc. Payment of toUs. 293. Tn cases in which any railway may be amalgamated with any other adjoining railway or railways, the tolls of the railways so amalgamated shall be calculated and imposed at such rates as if such amalgamated railways had originally formed one line of railway. 294. It shall not be lawful for the company at any time to demand or take a greater amount of toll, or make any greater charge for the carriage of passengers and goods, than it is by this and the Special Ordinance authorized to demand ; and, on payment of the tolls from time to time demandable, all companies and persons shall be entitled to use the railway, with engines and carriages properly constructed, as by this and the Special Ordinance directed, subject, nevertheless, to the provisions and restrictions hereinafter mentioned. 295. A list of all the tolls authorized by the Special Ordinance to be taken, and which may be exacted by the company, shall be published by the same being painted upon one toll board or more in distinct black letters on a white ground or white letters on a black ground, or by the same being printed in legible characters on paper affixed to such board, and by such board being exhibited in some conspicuous place on the stations or places where such tolls may be made payable. 296. The company shall cause the length of the railway to be measured, and milestones, posts, or other conspicuous objects to be set up and maintained along the whole line thereof, at the distance of one quarter of a mile from each other, with numbers or marks inscribed thereon denoting such distances. 297. — (1.) No tolls shall be demanded or taken by the company for the use of the railway during any time at which the boards herein- before directed to be exhibited are not so exhibited, or at which the milestones, posts, or other conspicuous objects hereinbefore directed to be set up and maintained are not so set up and maintained. (2.) Tf any person wilfully pulls down, defaces, or destroys any such board, milestone, post, or other conspicuous object, he shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty four dollars. 298. — (1.) The tolls shall be paid to such persons and at such places upon or near to the railway, and in such manner and under such A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' GLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 121 regulations, as the company may, by notice to be annexed to the list of tolls, appoint. (2.) If, on demand, any person fails to pay the toll due in respect of any carriage or goods, it shall be lawful for the company to detain and sell such carriage, and all or any part of such goods, or, if the same has or have been removed from the premises of the company, to detain and sell any other carriages or goods on such premises belonging to the person liable to pay such tolls, and out of the moneys arising from such sale to retain the tolls payable as aforesaid, and all charges and expenses of such detention and sale, rendering the overplus, if any, of the moneys arising by such sale, and such of the carriages or goods as may remain unsold to the person entitled thereto ; or it shall be lawful for the company to recover any such tolls by action at law. 299. — (1.) Every person being the owner or having the care of any Accoimtof carriage or goods passing or being upon the railway shall, on demand, ^^'^"3^^^^*^,' give to the collector of tolls, at the places where he attends for the purpose of receiving goods, or of collecting tolls for the part of the railway on which such carriage or goods may have travelled or be about to travel, an exact account in writing, signed by him, of the number or quantity of goods conveyed by any such carriage, and of the point on the railway from which such cai'riage or goods has or have set out or is or are about to set out, and at what point the same is or are intended to be unloaded or taken off the railway ; and if the goods conveyed by any such carriage, or brought for conveyance as aforesaid, are liable to the payment of different tolls, then such owner or other person shall specify the respective numbers or quantities thereof liable to each or any of such tolls. (2.) If any such owner or other such person fails to give such account, or to produce his way-bill or bill of lading to such collector or other officer or servant of the company demanding the same, or if he gives a false account, or if he unloads or takes off any part of his lading or goods at any other place than may be mentioned in such account, with intent to avoid the payment of any tolls payable in respect thereof, he shall for every such offence forfeit to the company a sum not exceeding forty-eight dollars for e%'ery ton of goods or for any parcel not exceeding one hundredweight, and so in proportion for any less quantity of goods than one ton or for any parcel exceeding one hundredweight, as the case may be, which may be upon any such carriage ; and such penalty shall be in addition to the toll to which such goods may be liable. 300. If any dispute arises concerning the amount of the tolls due to Settlement the company, or concerning the charges occasioned by any detention or °g ^^ amount sale thereof, under the provisions herein or in the Special Ordinance of toll. contained, the same shall be settled by a Justice ; and it shall be lawful for the company in the meanwhile to detain the goods, or, if the case so requires, the proceeds of the sale thereof. 301. — (1.) If any difference arises between any toll collector or Procediu-e other officer or servant of the company and any owner of or person Ul+j^^^p^^pg pg having the charge of any carriage passing or being upon the railway, or to wci-rht, etc., of any goods conveyed or to be conveyed by such carriage, respecting '^- goods, the weight, quantity, quality, or nature of such goods, such collector or other officer may lawfully detain such carriage or goods, and examine, weigh, gauge, or otherwise measure the same. 122 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. (2.) If, upon such weighing, gauging, measuring, or examining, such goods appear to be of greater weiglit or quantity, or of other nature, than has been stated in the account given thereof, then the person who has given such account shall pay, and the owner of such carriage, or the respective owners of such goods, shall also, at the option of the company, be liable to pay, the costs of such weighing, gauging, measuring, and examining ; but if such goods appear to be of the same or less weight or quantity than, and of the same nature as, have been stated in such account, then the company shall pay such costs, and it shall also pay to such owner of or person having the charge of such carriage, and to the respective owners of such goods, such damage, if any, as may appear to any Justice, on a summary application made to him for that puipose, to have arisen from such detention. (3.) If at any time it is made to appear to any Justice, on the complaint of the company, that any such detention, weighing, gauging, measuring, or examining of any carriage or goods as hereinbefore mentioned was without reasonable ground, or that it was vexatious on the part of such collector or other officer, then the collector or other officer shall himself pay the costs of such detention and of such weigh- ing, gauging, measuring, and examining, and the damage occasioned thereby ; and, in default of immediate payment of any such costs or damage, the same may be recovered by distress of the goods of such collector, and such Justice shall issue his warrant accordingly. Penalty on passenger practising fraud on company. Detention of passenger practising fraud on company. Carriage of dangerous goods on railway. 302. Every person who — (1.) Travels or attempts to travel in any carriage of the company, or of any other company or party using the railway, without having previously paid his fare, and with intent to avoid payment thereof ; or (2.) Having paid his fare for a certain distance, knowingly and wil- fully proceeds in any such carriage beyond such distance without previously paying the additional fare for the additional distance, and with intent to avoid payment thereof ; or (3.) Knowingly and wilfully refuses or neglects, on arriving at the point to which he has paid his fare, to quit such carriage, shall for every such offence forfeit to the company a sum not exceeding ten dollars. 303. If any person is discovered either in or after committing or attempting to commit any such offence as is mentioned in the last preceding section, all officers and servants and other persons on behalf of the company or such other company or party as aforesaid, and all constables, gaolers, and peace officers, may lawfully apprehend and detain such person until he can conveniently be taken before some Justice, or until he can be otherwise discharged by due course of law. 304. — (1.) No person shall be entitled to carry, or to require the company to carry, upon the railway any aquafortis, oil of vitriol, gunpowder, lucifer matches, or other goods which, in the judgment of the company, may be of a dangerous nature. (2.) If any person sends by the railway any such goods without distinctly marking their nature on the outside of the package con- taining the same, or otherwise giving notice in writing to the book- A.D. 1846.] COMrANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 123 keeper or other servant of the company with whom the same may be left at the time of so sending, he shall for every such offence forfeit to the company ninety-six dollars. (.3.) It shall be lawful for the company to refuse to take any parcel which it may suspect to contain goods of a dangerous nature, or to require the same to be opened to ascertain the fact. 305. If any collector of tolls or other officer employed by the Deliverj- up company is discharged or suspended from his office, or dies, absconds, po*gg"^j^,"of or absents himself, and if such collector or other officer, or the wife, officer of widow, or any of the family or representatives of any such collector fompany on or other officer refuses or neglects, after seven days' notice in writing '^'' '"^^' ^ *^* for that purpose, to deliver up to the company, or to any person ap- pointed by it for that purpose, any station, dwelling-house, office, or other building, with its appurtenances, or any books, papers, or other matters belonging to the company in the possession or custody of any such collector or officer at the occurrence of any such event as aforesaid, then, on application being made by the company to any Justice, it shall be lawful for such Justice to order any constable, with proper assistance, to enter upon such station or other building and to remove any person found therein and to take possession thereof, and of any such books, papers or other matters, and to deliver the same to the company or any person appointed by it for that pui'pose. Regtdations and Bye-latos. 306. It shall be lawful for the company from time to time, subject Power to to the provisions and restrictions in this and the Special Ordinance company to contained, to make regulations for the following purposes, that is to (.j^j^g f^j? say,— (1.) For regulating the mode by which and the speed at which carriages using the railway are to be moved or propelled ; (2.) For regulating the times of the arrival and departure of any such carriages ; (3.) For regulating the loading or unloading of such carriages, and the weights which they are respectively to carry ; (4.) For regulating the receipt and delivery of goods and other things which are to be conveyed upon such carriages ; (5.) For preventing the smoking of tobacco and the commission of any other nuisance in or upon such carriages, or in any of the stations or premises occupied by the company; and (6.) Generally for regulating the travelling upon or using or working the railway : working and use of railway. Provided that no such regulation shall authorize the closing of the railway, or prevent the passage of engines or carriages on the railway at reasonable times, except at any time when, in consequence of any of the works being out of repair, or from any other sufficient cause, it may be necessary to close the railway or any part thereof. 307. — (1.) For better enforcing the observance of all or any of such Power to regulations, and for the purpose of regulating the conduct of the ^"'Vl'''"^,*" officers and servants of the company, and for providing for the due .q^^,,. bylaws, management of the affairs of the company in all I'espects whatsoever, it shall be lawful for the company, subject to the provisions hereinafter 124 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. contained, to make by-laws, and from time to time to repeal or alter such by-laws and make others, provided that such by-laws be not repugnant lo the laws of this Colony or to the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance. (2.) All such by-laws shall be reduced into writing and shall have affixed thereto the common seal of the company. (3.) Every person who offends against any such by-law shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty -four dollars, to be imposed by the company in such by-laws as a penalty for every such offence. (4.) If the infraction or non-observance of any such by-law or other such regulation as aforesaid is attended with danger or annoy- ance to the public or hindrance to the company in the lawful use of the railway, it shall be lawful for the company summarily to interfere to obviate or remove such danger, annoyance, or hindrance, and to do so without prejudice to any penalty incurred by the infraction of any such by-law. Power to mitigate penalties in by-laws. Exhibition of by-laws. Operation and proof of publication of by-laws. Evidence of by-laws. By-laws, etc., to be approved by the Governor and Court of Policy. 308. All by-laws to be made by the company shall be so framed as to allow the Justice before whom any penalty imposed thereby may be sought to be recovered to order a part orily of such penalty to be paid, if such Justice thinks fit. 309. The substance of such by-laws, when confirmed or allowed according to the provisions of any Ordinance in force regulating tlie allowance or confirmation of the same, shall be painted on boards or printed on paper and affixed to such boards, and hung up and affixed and continued on the front or other conspicuous part of every wharf or station belonging to the company, according to the nature or subject-matter of such by-laws respectively, and so as to give public notice thereof to the parties interested therein or affected thereby ; and such boards shall from time to time be renewed as often as the by-laws thereon, or any part thereof, may be obliterated or destroyed ; and no penalty imposed by any such by-law shall be recoverable unless the same has been published and kept published in manner aforesaid. 310. — (1.) All such by-laws, when so confirmed, published, and affixed, shall be binding upon and be observed by all persons, and shall be sufficient to justify all persons acting under the same. (2.) For proof of the publication of any such by-law, it shall be sufficient to prove that a printed paper or painted board containing a copy of such by-law was affixed and continued in manner by this Ordinance directed, and, in case of its being afterwards displaced or damaged, then that such paper or board was replaced as soon as conveniently might be. 311. The production of a written or printed copy of the by-laws of the company, having the common seal of the company affixed thereto, shall be sufficient evidence of such by-laws in all cases of prosecution under the same, and in all actions and matters before any Courts, Judges, Justices, and others. 312. Whereas railway companies may hereafter be empowered to make l)y laws, orders, rules, or regulations, and to impose penalties for the enforcement thereof upon persons other than the servants of the said companies, and it is expedient that such powers should be A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 125 under proper control : Be it therefore enacted that no such by-law, order, rule, or regulation which may be made after the commencement of this Ordinance shall have any force or effect until two calendar months after a true copy of such by-law, order, rule, or regulation, certified as the Governor and Court of Policy may from time to time direct, has been laid before the Governor and Court of Policy, unless the Governor and Court of Policy before that period signify their approbation thereof. 313,_(1,) It shall be lawful for the Governor and Court of Policy, ^^^^^^^^^j. either before or after any by-law, order, rule, or regulation which ^nd Court of may have been laid before them as aforesaid, has come into operation. Policy to dis- to notify to the company who may have made the same their dis- '^^^"^ ijy-law, allowance thereof, and, in case the same is in force at the time of such disallowance, the time at which the same shall cease to be in force. (2.) No by-law, order, rule, or regulation which may be so dis- allowed shall have any force or effect whatsoever, or, if it is in force at the time of such disallowance, it shall cease to have any force or effect at the time limited in the notice of such disallowance, saving in so far as any penalty may have been then already incurred under the same. Selling, Leasing, or Transferring Railway. 314. Where the company is authorized by the Special Ordinance Exercise of to sell, lease, or transfer the railway, or any part thereof, to any com- feTse^or ^ ' pany or person, the sale, lease, or transfer to be executed in pursuance transfer of such authority shall contain all usual and proper covenants on the I'ailway. part of the purchaser, lessee, or transferee for maintaining the railway, or the portion thereof comprised in such sale, lease, or transfer, in good and efficient repair and working condition during the continu- ance thereof, and for so leaving the same at the expiration of the term thereby granted, and such other provisions, conditions, covenants, and agreements as are usually inserted in contracts of sale, leases, or transfers of a like nature : Provided always that it shall not be lawful for the company of proprietors of any railway to make or grant, or for any other railway company or party to accept, a sale, lease, or other transfer of any railway except under the authority of a distinct provision in some Ordinance to that effect, specifying by name the railway to be so sold, leased, or transferred and the company or party by or to whom such sale, lease, or transfer may be respectively made, granted, or accepted. 315. Any such sale, lease, or transfer shall entitle the company or Effect of sale, person to whom the same may be granted to the free use of the rail- transfer. way or portion of railway comprised therein ; and, during the con- tinuance of any such sale, lease, or transfer, all the powers and privileges granted to and which might otherwise be exercised and enjoyed by the company, or the directors thereof, or their officers, agents, or servants, by virtue of this or the Special Ordinance, with regard to the possession, enjoyment, and management of the railway, or of the part theieof comprised in such sale, lease, or transfer, and the tolls to be taken thereon, shall be exercised and enjoyed by the purchaser, lessee, or transferee, and the officers and servants of such purchaser, lessee, or transferee, under the same regulations and restric- tions as are by this or the Special Ordinance imposed on the company 126 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. and its directors, officers and servants ; and such purchaser, lessee, or transferee shall, with respect to the railway comprised in such sale, lease, or ti-ansfer, be subject to all the obligations by this or the Special Ordinance imposed on the company. Engines to consume their own smoke. Approval of engine, and certificate of approval. Penalty on pei'son using imj)roper engine on railway. Engines ana Carriages. 316." — (1.) Every locomotive steam engine to be used on the rail- way shall, if it uses coal or other similar fuel emitting smoke, be constructed on the principle of consuming, and so as to consume, its own smoke. (2.) If any such engine is not so constructed, the company or party using such engine shall forfeit twenty-four dollars for every day during which such engine may be used on the railway. 317. — (1.) ^o locomotive or other engine or other description of moving power shall at any time be brought upon or used on the railway unless the same has first been approved of by the com- pany. (2.) Within fourteen days after notice given to the company by any person desirous of bringing any such engine on the railway, the company shall cause its engineer or other agent to examine such engine at any place within three miles distance from the railway, to be appointed by the owner thereof, and to report thereon to the com- pany, and, within seven days after such report, if such engine is proper to be used on the railway, the company shall -give a certificate to the party requiring the same of its approval of such engine. (3.) If at any time the engineer or other agent of the company reports that any engine used upon the railway is out of repair or unfit to be used upon the railway, the company may require the same to be taken off, or may forbid its use upon the railway until the same has been repaired to the satisfaction of the company, and, on the engine being so repaired, the company shall give a certificate to the party requiring the same of its ajiproval of such engine. (4.) If any difference of opinion arises between the company and the owner of any such engine as to the fitness or unfitness thereof for the purpose of being used upon the railway, such difference shall be settled by arbitration. 318. If any person, whether the owner or other person having the care thereof, brings or uses upon the railway any locomotive or other engOK or any moving power without having first obtained such certificate of approval as aforesaid, or if, after notice given by the company to remove any such engine from the railway, such person does not forthwith remove the same, or if, after notice given by the company not to use any such engine upon th(! railway, such person does so use such engine, without having first repaired the same to the satisfaction of the company, and obtained such certificate of approval, every such person shall, in any of the cases aforesaid, forfeit to the company a sum not exceeding ninety-six dollars ; and in any such case it shall be lawful for the company to i-emove such engine from the railway. Construction r,f 319. — (!•) No carriage shall pass along or be upon the railway carnage used on ^gxcept in directly crossing the same as herein or by the Special A.D. 1846.] COMPAXIES' GLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 127 Ordinance authorized) unless such carriage is at all times, so long as it is used or remains upon the railway, of the construction and in the condition which the regulations of the company for the time being require. (2.) If an}'^ dispute arises between the company and the owner of any such carriage as to the construction or condition thereof, in reference to the then existing regulations of the company, such dispute shall be settled by arbitration. 320. The regulations from time to time to be made by the company respecting the carriages to be used upon the railway shall be drawn up in writing, and be authenticated by the common seal of the company, and shall be applicable alike to the carriages of the company and to the carriages of other companies or persons using the railway ; and a copy of such regulations shall, on demand, be furnished by the secretary of the company to any person applying for the same. Regulations as to carriages. Penalty on person using improper carnage on Registration of names of owners of carriages. 321. If any carriage, not being of such construction or in such condition as the regulations of the company for the time being recjuire, is made to pass or be upon any part of the railway (except as afore- said), the owner thereof, or any person having for the time being the railway charge of such carriage, shall for every such offence forfeit to the company a sum not exceeding forty-eight dollars, and in any such case it shall be lawful for the company to remove any such carriage from the railway. 322. — (1.) The respective owners of carriages using the railway shall cause to Ije entered with the secretary or other officer of the company appointed for that purpose the names and places of abode of the owners of such carriages respectively, and the numbers, weights, and gauges of their respective carriages. (2.) Every such owner shall also, if so required by the company, cause the same particulars to be painted in legible characters on some conspicious part of the outside of every such carriage, so as to be always open to view. (3.) Every such owner shall, whenever required by the company, permit his carriage to be weighed, measured, or gauged, at the expense of the company. (4.) If the owner of any such carriage fails to comply with any requisition made under this section, it shall be lawful for the company to refuse to allow such carriage to be brought upon the I'ailway or to remove the same therefrom until such compliance. 323. — -(1.) If the loading of any carriage using the railway is such Dealing with as to be liable to collision with other carriages properly loaded, or to impvoperly be otherwise dangerous, or if the person having the care of any carriage loaded, etc. or goods upon the railway suffers the same or any part thereof to remain upon the railway so as to obstruct the passage or working thei'eof, it shall be lawful for the company to cause such carriage or goods to be unloaded and removed in any manner proper for preventing such collision or obstruction, and to detain such carriage or goods, or any part thereof, until the expenses occasioned by such unloading, removal, or detention ai-e paid. (2.) The Company shall not be liable for any damage or loss occasioned by any such unloading, removal or detention as aforesaid, 128 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA . [A.D. 1846. except for damage wilfully or negligently done to any carriage or goods so unloaded, removed or detained, nor shall it be liable for the safe custody of any such carriage or goods so detained, unless the same is or are wrongfully detained by it, aud then only for so long a time as the same may have been so wrongfully detained. Liability of owner of engine or carriage for damage done by servant. Eecovery by owner from servant. 324. — (1.) The respective owners of engines and carriages pas&ing or being upon the railway shall be answerable for any trespass or damage done by their engines or carriages, or by any of the ser- vants or persons employed by them, to or upon the railway or the machinery or works belonging thereto, or to or upon the property of any other person. (2.) Every such owner, servant, or other person may lawfully be convicted of such trespass or damage before any two Justices of the Peace, either by the confession of the party offending or upon the oath of some credible witness ; and, on such conviction, every such owner, servant, or other person shall pay to the company or to the person injured, as the case may be, the damage to be ascertained by such Justices, so that the same does not exceed two hundred and forty dollars. carriage 325. It shall be lawful for any owner of an engine or who may pay the amount of any damage caused by the misfeasance or neghgeuce of any servant or other person employed by him to recover the amount so paid by him from such servant or other person by the same means as the company is enabled to recover the amount of such damage from the owner of any engine or carriage. Powers of Postmaster General and obligations of company witb respect to conveyance of maUs by railway. Conveyance of Mails by Railway. 326. — (1.) In aU cases of railways to be hereafter made within this Colony by which passengers or goods may be conveyed in or upon carriages drawn or impelled by the power of steam or by any loco- motive or stationary engines or other power whatever, it shall be lawful for the Postmaster General, by notice in writing under his hand dehvered to the company of proprietors of any such railway, to require that the maUs or post letter-bags shall, from and after the day to be named in any such notice (being not less than twenty-eight days from the delivery thereof), be conveyed and forwarded by such company on its railway, either by the ordinary trains of carriages or by special trains, as need may be, at such hours or times in the day or night as the Postmaster General may direct, together with the guards appointed and employed by the Postmaster General in charge thereof and any other officers of the Post Office. (2.) The said company sball, from and after the day to be named in such notice, at its own cost, provide sufficient carriages and engines on such railway for the conveyance of such mails and post letter- bags, to the satisfaction of the Postmaster General, and receive, take up, carry and convey by such ordinary or special trains of car- riages or otherwise, as need may be, all such mails or post letter- bags as may for that purpose be tendered to it or any of its officers, servants, or agents, by any officer of the Post Office, and also receive, take up, carry, and convey in and upon the carriages carrying such mails or post letter-bags the guards in charge thereof and any other officers of the Post Office, and shall receive, take up, A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 12d deliver, and leave such mails or post letter-lmgs, guards, and officers, at such places in the line of such railway, on such days, at such hours or times in the day or night, and subject to all such reason- able regulations and restrictions as to places, times and duration of stoppages and times of arrival as the Postmaster General may in that behalf from time to time order or direct, and at any rate of speed not exceeding twenty-seven miles in the hour, including stoppages. (3.) It shall also be lawful for the Postmaster General to send any mail guard with bags, nut exceeding the weight of luggage allowed to any other passenger or subject to the general rules of the company for an excess of that weight, by any train other than a mail train, upon the same conditions as any other passenger : Provided that in such last-mentioned case nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to authorize the Postmaster General to require the conversion of a regular mail train into an ordinary train, or to exercise any control over the company in respect to any ordinary train, nor shall the company be responsible for the safe custody or delivery of any mail bags so sent. (i.) It shall be lawful for the Postmaster General, if he sees fit, to require that the whole of the inside of any carriage used on any railway for the conveyance of mails or post letter-bags shall be exclusively appropriated for the purpose of carrying the mails. 327. — (1.) The company of proprietors of any such railway shall, Provision of on bein<; required to do so by the Postmaster General, provide and separate , . , °. ^, ,.,. , ,1 ■ !■ -jv . • carnage for furnish (ui addition to the carriages aforesaid) a separate carriage or sorting letters. separate carriages, fitted up as the Postmaster General, or such person as he may nominate in that behalf, may direct, for the purpose of sorting letters therein, and shall forward the same carriage or carriages by its railway, at such hours or times and subject to all such reason- able regulations as aforesaid, as the Postmaster General may in that behalf order or direct. (2.) Such company of proprietors shall receive, take up, carry, and convey in any such last-mentioned carriage or carriages all such post letter-bags and officers of the Post Office as the Postmaster General may reasonably require, and shall deliver and leave any post letter-bags and officers of the Post Office at such places on the line of the railway as the Postmaster General may in that behalf from timQ to time reasonably ord^r and direct. 328. In case the Postmaster General is at any time desirous of sending by any such railway any of His Majesty's mail coaches or mail carts, with the mails or post letter-bags, and guards thereof, and carriages for sorting letters with any officers of the Post Office therein, instead of sending the said mails or post letter-bags, guards, and officers of the Post Office by carriages to be provided by such railway company as aforesaid, then and izi any such case such railway company shall, at the request of the Postmaster General, signified by such notice as aforesaid, cause such mail coaches or mail carts, with the mails or post letter- bags and guards thereof, and carriages for sorting letters, with any officers of the Post Office therein, to be conveyed by the usual or proper trucks or frames on its said rail- way, subject to such regulations and restrictions of the Postmaster General as are hereinbefore mentioned. Conveyance of mail coaches and carts on railway. 130 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Regulations of tlie Postmaster General to be observed by company. 329. — (1.) For the greater security of the mails or post letter-bags so to be carried or conveyed by railways, the company of proprietors of such respective railways along which such mails or post letter-l)ags, mail coaches, carts, or carriages for sorting letters may be so required by the Postmaster General to be conveyed, and its respective officers, servants, and agents, shall obey, observe, and perform all such reason- able regulations I'especting the conveyance, delivering, and leaving of such mails and post letter-bags, guards and officers of the Post Office, )uail coaches, carts and carriages on any such railways, or on the line thereof, as the Postmaster General, or such officer of the Post Office as he may nominate in that behalf, may, in his discretion, from time to time give or make : Provided always that it shall not be lawful for any officer or servant of the Post Office to interfere with or give orders to the engineer or other person having the charge of any engine ujDon any railway along which mails or post letter-bags may be conveyed ; but, if any cause of complaint arises, the same shall be stated to the conductor or other officer of the railway company having the charge of the train or to the chief officer at any station upon the railway. (2.) In case of any default or neglect on the part of any officers or servants of the railway company to comply with any of the regula- tions of the Postmaster General or other officer of the Post Office so to be nominated as aforesaid, the railway company shall be wholly responsible for the same. 330. Every company of proprietors of any railway along which such mails or post letter-bags, mail coaches, carts, or carriages may be so required by the Postmaster General to be conveyed shall be en- titled to such reasonable remuneration to be paid by the Postmaster General to any such company of proprietors for the conveyance of such mails, post letter-bags, mail guards, and other officers of the Post Office, mail coaches, carts, and carriages, in manner required by such Postmaster General or by such officer of the Post Office as he may nominate in that behalf as aforesaid, as may (either prior to or after the commencement of such service) be fixed and agreed on between the Postmaster General and such company of proprietors, or, in case of difierence of opinion between them, then as may be determined by arbitration as herein provided, but so that the services which may be required by the Postmaster General, or by such officer of the Post Office as he may nominate in that behalf as aforesaid, to be performed by any such company of proprietors be not suspended, postponed, or deferred by reason of such remuneration not having been then fixed or agreed on between the Postmaster General and such company of proprietors, or by reason of the award on any reference to arbitration to determine the remuneration not having been then made. Alteration of 331. — (I.) Notwithstanding any agreement to be entered into jigreement as to between the Postmaster General and any such company, or any award remimeration. ^^ ^jg made on any such reference as aforesaid fixing the amount of remuneration to be paid to such company for any services to be rendered by it as aforesaid, it shall bo lawful and competent to and for the Postmaster General, by notice in writing, to require, from and after the day to be named in any such notice, not being less than twenty-eight days from the delivery thereof, any addition to be made to the services in respect of which such agreement may be entered into or award made. Remuneration to company for conveyance of mails, etc. A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' GLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 131 (2.) In any such case, and also in case of a discontinuance of any part of such services as hereinafter provided, a fresh agreement shall be entered into between the Postmaster General and such company for regulating the future amount of remuneration to be paid by the Postmaster General to such company for such increased or diminished services, as the case may be. (3.) If the parties cannot agree on such amount, the same shall be referred to arbitration in like manner as hereinbefore is mentioned, and hei'ein provided, as to any original agreement, and such arbiti'a- tors shall have power to award any compensation they may consider reasonable to be paid to any railway company for any loss that may have been occasioned to it by the discontinuance or alteration of the services previously agreed to be performed by it by any train or carriage specially required by the Postmaster General to be for- warded for the conveyance of the mails, but so, nevertheless, that such increased or diminished services shall not be suspended, postponed, or deferred by reason of the amount of such increased or diminished re- muneration not having been then fixed or agreed on between the Postmaster General and such company of proprietors, or by reason of the award on any reference to arbitration to determine the amount of such increased or diminished remuneration not having been then made. 332. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Postmaster General, and he is Notice to hereby authorized, at any time during the continuance of the services company to of any company of proprietors as aforesaid, to give to such company, ^^^^^ services. by writing under his hand, six calendar months' previous notice that such services, or any part thereof, shall cease and determine ; and thereupon, at the expiration of such six calendar months' notice, the said services or such part thereof as aforesaid, and the remuneration for the same, shall cease and determine. (2.) It shall be lawful for the Postmaster General, at any time during the continuance of the services of any company of proprietors as aforesaid, by notice in writing under his hand, absolutely to deter- mine and put an end to the same, or any part thereof, without giving any previous notice or on giving any notice less than six calendar months in respect thereof, and thereupon the said services shall cease and determine accordingly : Provided, nevertheless, that in case the Postmaster General, without giving six calendar months' notice as aforesaid, at any time determines the services to be required by the Postmaster General of any company of proprietors, or any part of such services, without any cause whatever, or for any cause other than the default by such company of proprietors in the performance of any of the services to be required of them by the Postmaster General, or the breach by such company of proprietors of any of their engagements with the Postmaster General, then and in any such case the Postmaster General shall make to such company a full and fair compensation for all loss thereby occasioned, the amount whereof, in case the parties differ about the same, shall be ascertained by arbitration in manner and form hereinbefore mentioned. 333. If the company of proprietors of any railways, or any of its Penalty on respective officei s, servants, or agents, refuses or neglects or refuse or company for neglect to carry or convey any mails or post letter-bags when tendered »'e^"smg or to it or them for such purpose by the Postmaster General or any officer oari7 mails. VOL. 1, 10 132 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Power to Postmaster General to require company to gite security by bond. of the Post Office, or refuses or refuse to carry on the railway any mail coaches, carts, or carriages as hereinbefore provided when so required by the Postmaster General, or refuse or neglect to receive, take up, deliver, and leave any such mails or post letter-bags, mail guards or other officers of the Post Office, mail coaches, carts, or car- riages, at such places, at such times, on such days, and subject to such regulations and resti'ictions as to speed of travelling, places, times, and duration of stoppages as the Postmaster General may from time to time reasonably direct or appoint, as hereinbefore provided, or does or do not obey, observe, and perform all such regulations respecting the conveyance of the mails and post letter-bags, mail coaches, carts, and carriages on any such railway as the Postmaster General, or such officer of the Post Office as he may nominate in that behalf, may make for the purposes aforesaid, then and in any such case the company of proprietors which, or whose officer, servant, or agent, so offends in the premises, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay a sum not ex- ceeding ninety-six dollars : Provided, nevertheless, that the payment of or liability to such penalty shall not in any manner lessen or affect the liability of any such company under any bond which may have been given by it under the provisions hereinafter contained. 334. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Postmaster General, if he so thinks fit, to require the company of proprietors of any railway to be hereafter made within this Colony to give security by bond to His Majesty, his heirs and successors, conditioned to be void if such com- pany shall from time to time carry or convey, or cause to be carried or conveyed, all such mails or post letter-bags, mail guards and other officers of the Post Office, mail coaches, carts, and carriages, in manner hereinbefore mentioned, when thereunto required by the Postmaster General or any Officer of the Post Office duly authorized for that purpose ; and shall receive, take up, deliver, and leave all such mails or post letter-bags, guards and officers, mail coaches, carts and car- riages, at such places, at such times, on such days, and subject to such regulations and restrictions as to speed of travelling, places, times, and duration of stoppages, as hereinbefore mentioned ; and shall obey, observe, and perform all such regulations lespecting the same as the Postmaster General may reasonably make ; and shall well and truly do and perform, and cause to be done and performed, all such other acts, matters, and things as by this Ordinance are required or directed to be done or performed by or on the part or behalf of such company its officers, servants, and agents. (2.) Every such bond shall be taken in such sum and in such form as the Postmaster General may think proper ; and every such security shall be renewed from time to time whenever and so often as such bond may be forfeited, and also whenever and so often as the Postmaster General may, in his discretion, require the same to be re- newed. (3.) If any company of proprietors of any such railway as afore- said, when so required as aforesaid, refuses or neglects, for the space of one calendar month next after the delivery of any notice for such purpose to it given by or from the Postmaster General, to execute to His Majesty, his heirs and successors, such bond to the effect and in manner aforesaid, or at any time refuses or neglects to renew such bond whenever and so often as the same may, by or in pursu- ance of this Ordinance, be required to be renewed, such company of A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 133 proprietors shall forfeit four hundred and eighty dollars for every- day during the period for which there may be any refusal, neglect, or default to give or renew such security as aforesaid, after the expiration of the said one calendar month. 335. In an)' case in which the Postmaster General and any company settlement by of proprietors of any railway are not able to agree on the amount of arbitration of remuneration or compensation to be paid by the Postmaster General rem^eration'' to such company of proprietors for any services performed or to be performed by it as hereinbefore mentioned, the same shall be sub- mitted to and settled by arbitration in manner and form hereinbefore directed. 336, After any contract entered into or award made under the authority of this Ordinance has continued in operation for a period of three years, it shall be competent for any railway company which may consider itself aggrieved by the terms of remuneration fixed by such contract or award, by notice under its common seal, to require that it shall be referred to arbitrators to determine whether any and what alteration ought to be made therein ; and thereupon such arbitrators or umpire to be appointed as hereinbefore mentioned shall proceed to inquire into the circumstances and make their or his award therein as in the case of an original agreement : Provided always that the services performed by such railway company for the Post Office shall in nowise be interrupted or impeded thereby. Right of company to refer contract in existence for three years to arbitration. Returns of Traffic. 337. — (1.) The Governor-in-Council may order and direct any Power to the railway company to make up and deliver to him returns, according ^°^^'^°[""^' to a form to be provided by the Governor-in-Council, of the aggregate order company traffic in passengers, according to the several classes, and of the to make retuma aggregate traffic in cattle and goods respectively on the said railway, ° ^^ °' as well as of all accidents which may have occurred thereon attended with personal injury, and also a table of all tolls, rates, and charges from time to time levied on each class of passengers, and on cattle and goods conveyed on the said railway. (2.) If the returns herein specified are not delivered within thirty days after the same may have been required, every such company shall foi-feit the sum of ninety-six dollars for every day during which the said company wilfully neglects to deUver the same, and every such penalty may be recovered in any Court of competent jurisdic- tion : Provided always that such returns shall be required in like manner, and at the same time, from all the said companies, unless the Governor-in-Council specially exempts any of the said companies, and enter the grounds of such exemption in the minutes of his proceedings. (3.) Every officer of any company who wilfully makes any false return to the Governor-iu-Council shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Inspection of Railway. 338. It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, if and when Power to the he thinks fit, to authorize any proper person or persons to inspect Govemor-m- any railway, and it shall be lawful for any person so authorized, apiwint VOL. I. IUa 134 No. 1.] TEE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. person to inspect railway. Punishment of person obstructing engine, etc. Punishment of person obstructing officer of company or trespassing. Punishment of person employed un railway guilty of misconduct. at all reasonable times, upon producing his authority, if required, to enter upon and examine the said railway, and the stations, works, and buildings, and the engines and carriages belonging thereto : Provided always that no person shall be eligible to an appointment as such inspector as aforesaid who exercises any powers of interference in the affairs of the company. 339. — (1.) Every person who wilfully obstructs any person duly authorized as aforesaid in the execution of his duty shall, on being convicted before a Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction in the place where the offence may have been committed, for every such offence forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding forty-eight dollars. (2.) In default of payment of any penalty so adjudged imme- diately or within such time as the said Justice of the Peace may appoint, the same Justice, or any other Justice having jurisdiction in the place where the offender is or resides, may commit the offender to prison for any period not exceeding two calendar months ; but such commitment shall be determined on payment of the amount of the penalty. Obstructions. 340. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, every person who wilfully does or causes to be done anything in such manner as to obstruct any engine or carriage using any railway, or to endanger the safety of persons conveyed in or upon the same, or aids or assists therein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, being con- victed thereof, shall be liable, in the discretion of the Court before which he may have been convicted, to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding two years. 341. If any person wilfully obstructs or impedes any officer or agent of any railway company in the execution of his duty upon any railway, or upon or in any of the stations or other works or premises connected therewith, or if any person wilfully trespasses upon any railway or any of the stations or other works or premises connected therewith, and refuses to quit the same on request made to him by any officer or agent of the said company, every such person so offending, and all others aiding or assisting therein, shall and may be seized and detained by any such officer or agent, or any person whom he may call to his assistance, until such offender or offenders can be conveniently taken before some Justice, who shall summon some other Justice to act witli him, and, on being convicted before such Justices, (who are hereby authorized and required, on complaint made to them upon oath, to take cognizance thereof, and to act summarily in the premises), shall, in the discretion of such Justices, forfeit any sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and, in default of payment thereof, shall or may be imprisoned for any tsrm not exceeding two calendar months ; but such imprisonment shall be determined on payment of the amount of the penalty. 342. — (1.) It shall be lawful for any officer or agent of any railway company, or for any constable duly appointed, and all such persons as they may call to their assistance, to seize and detain any engine driver, wagon driver, guard, porter, servant, or other person employed by the said or any other railway company, or by any other company or person, in conducting traffic upon the railway belonging to the said A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 135 company, or in repairing and maintaining the works of the said railway, who is found drunk while so employed upon the railway, or commits any offence against any of the by-laws, rules, or regula- tions of the said company, or wilfully, maliciously, or negligently does or omits to do any act whereby the life or limb of any person passing along or being upon such railway or the works thereof respectively, may be or might be injured or endangered, or whereby the passage of any engines, carriages or trains may be or might be obstructed or impeded, and to convey such engine driver, wagon driver, guard, porter, servant, or other person so offending, or any person counselling, aiding, or assisting in such offence, with all con- venient despatch, before some Justice of the Peace, without any other warrant or authority than this Ordinance. (2.) Every such person so offending, and every person counselUng, aiding, or assisting therein as aforesaid, shall, when convicted upon the oath of one or more credible witness or witnesses before two Justices, (who are hereby authorized and required, on complaint made to them upon oath, without information in writing, to take cognizance thereof, and to act summarily in the premises), in the discretion of such Justices, be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding two calendar months, or, in the like discretion of such Justices, shall for every such offence forfeit any sum not exceeding forty-eight dollars, and, in default of payment thereof, shall be imprisoned, with or without hard labour as aforesaid, for such period not exceeding two calendar months as such Justices may appoint ; but such commitment shall be determined on payment of the amount of the penalty. Opening of Railway. 343. — (1.) No railway or portion of any railway shall be opened for the public conveyance of passengers until one calendar month after notice in writing of the intention of opening the same has been given by the company to whom such railway may belong to the Governor-in-Council, and until ten days after notice in writing has been given by the said company to the Governor-in Council of the time when the said railway or portion of railway will be, in the opinion of the said company, sufficiently completed for the safe conveyance of passengers and ready for inspection : Provided always that no railway shall be considered a passenger railway if two-thirds or more of the gross annual revenue of such railway are derived from the carriage thereon of goods. (2.) If any railway or portion of any railway is opened without such notice as aforesaid, the company to which such I'ailway may belong shall forfeit the sum of ninety-six dollars for every day during which the same may continue open until the said notices have been duly given and have expired ; and every such penalty may be recovered in any Court of competent jurisdiction. 344. _(1.) If the officer or officers appointed by the Governor-in- Council to inspect any such railway or portion of railway, after inspection thereof, report in writing to the Governor-in-Council that, in his or their opinion, the opening of the same would be attended with danger to the public using the same by reason of the incompleteness of the works or permanent way, or of the insufficiency of the establish- ment for working such railway, together with the grounds of such Notice to be given of intended opening of railway. Power to the Govenior-in- Coiincil to postpone opening. 136 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Notification of accident on railway. opinion, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, and so from time to time, as often as such officer or officers may, after further inspection thereof, so report, to order and direct the company to which such railway may belong to postpone such opening for any period not exceeding one calendar month at any one time, until it appears to the Governor-in-Council that such opening may take place without danger to the pubUc. (2. ) If any such railway, or any portion thereof, is opened contrary to any such order and direction of the Governor-in-Council, the company shall forfeit the sum of ninety-six dollars for every day during which the same may continue open contrary to such order and direction ; and every such penalty may be recovered in any Court of competent jurisdiction : Provided always that no such order as aforesaid shall be binding upon any railway company, unless there is delivered therewith to the said company a copy of the report of the officer or officers on which such order may be founded. Accidents. 345. — (1-) Eveiy railway company shall, within forty-eight hours after the occurrence upon the railway belonging to such company of any accident attended with serious personal injury to the public using the same, give notice thereof to the Governor-in-Council. (2.) If any company wilfully omits to give such notice, such com- pany shall forfeit the sum of twenty-four dollars for every day during which the omission to give such notice may continue ; and every such penalty may be recovered in any Court of competent jurisdiction. 346. — (1.) The Governor-in-Council may order and direct any rail- way company to make up and deliver to them returns of serious accidents occurring in the course of the public traffic upon the railway belonging to such company, whether attended with personal injury or not, in such form and manner as the Governor-in-Council may deem necessary and require for his informatipn, with a view to the public safety. (2. ) If any such returns are not so delivered within fourteen days after the same may have been required, every such company shall forfeit the sum of twenty-four dollars for every day during which the said company neglects to deliver the same ; and every such penalty may be recovered in any Court of competent jurisdiction : Provided always that all such returns shall be privileged communications, and shall not be evidence in any Court whatsoever. Disputes between Companies, Settlement of 347. — (1.) Where two or more railway companies whose railways dispute between have a common terminus or a portion of the same line of rails in common, or which form separate portions of one continued line of railway communication, are not able to agree upon arrangements for conducting at such common terminus, or at the point of junction between them, their joint traffic wdth safety to the public, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, on the application of either of the parties, to decide the questions in dispute between them, so far as the same relate to the safety of the public, and to order and determine wl ether the whole or what portion of the expenses attending on such arrangement!) shall be borne by either of the parties respec tively. (2.) If any railway company refuses or wilfully neglects to obey Power to the Govemor-in- Comicil to order returns of serious accidents. companieB owning connecting railvvays. A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 137 any such order made upon or against such company by the Governor- in-Council pursuant to this provision, such company shall forfeit the sum of ninety-six dollars for every day during which such refusal or neglect may continue ; and every such penalty may be recovered in any Court of competent jurisdiction. conditions to revise scale of tolls and fix new scale. Options of Revision and Purchase. 348. If, at any time after the end of twenty-one years from and after Power to the the first day of January next after the commencement of any Ordinance q^I^^ l^ Policy for the construction of any line of passenger railway, whether such line in certain is a trunk, branch, or junction line, the clear annual profits divisible upon the subscribed and paid up capital stock of the said railway, upon the average of the three then last preceding years, equal or exceed the rate of fifteen pounds for every hundred pounds of such paid-up capital stock, it sliall be lawful for the Governor and Court of Policy, subject to the provisions hereinafter contained, upon giving to the said company three calendar months' notice in writing of their intention to do so, to revise the scale of tolls, fares, and charges limited by the Ordinance or Ordinances relating to the said railway, and to fix such new scale of tolls, fares, and charges applicable to such different classes and kinds of passengers, goods, and other traffic on such railway as, in the judgment of the Governor and Court of Policy, assuming the same quantities and kinds of traffic to continue, will be likely to reduce the said divisible profits to the said rate of fifteen pounds in the hundred : Provided always that no such revised scale shall take effect unless accompanied by a guarantee, to subsist as long as any such revised scale of tolls, fares, and charges may be in force, that the said divisible profits, in case of any deficiency therein, shall be annually made good to the said rate of fifteen pounds for every hundred pounds of such capital stock : Provided also that such revised scale shall not be again revised or such guarantee withdrawn, other- wise than with the consent of the company, for the further period of twenty-one-years. 349. Whatever may be the rate of divisible profits on any such Power to the railway, it shall be lawful for the Governor and Court of Policy, if ^o^^^^^o/ "'^."^ 1 , • 1 /> 1 . 1 • • 1 • c 1 • -I j^ Coui-t of Pobcy they thmk fit, subject to the provisions heremaiter contamed, at any to pm-chase time after the expiration of the said term of twenty-one years to pur- railway chase any such railway, with all its hereditaments, stock, and appur- goQ^^^iong^ tenances, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty, on giving to the said company three calendar months' notice in writing of their inten- tion to do so, and on payment of a sum equal to twenty-five years' purchase of the said annual divisible profits, estimated on the average of the three then last preceding years : Provided that if the average rate of profits for the said three years is less than the rate of fifteen pounds in the hundred, it shall be lawful for the company, if it is of opinion that the said rate of twenty-five years' purchase of the said average profits is an inadequate rate of purchase of such railway, reference being had to the prospects thereof, to require that it shall be left to arbitration in case of difference to determine what, if any additional amount of purchase money shall be paid to the said company : Provided, also, that such option of purchase shall not be exercised, except with the consent of the company, while any such revised scale of tolls, fares, and charges may be in force : Provided, also, that the 138 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. option of purchase shall not be exercised as regards any branch or extension of any trunk line of railway without including such trunk line of railway in the purchase, ia case the proprietors thereof require that the same be so included. Reservation to the Governor and Court of Policy of consideration of future policy in regard to option of purchase. Keeping of accounts, etc., by company liable to option of purchase. 350. Whereas it is expedient that the policy of purchase should in no manner be prejudged by the provisions of this Ordinance, but should remain for the future consideration of the Legislature, upon grounds of general and national policy ; and whereas it is not the intention of this Ordinance that under the said provision of purchase, if callefl into use, the public resources should be employed to sustain an undue competition against any independent company or com- panies : Be it therefore enacted that no such notice as hereinbefore mentioned shall be given until provision has been made by an Ordin- ance or Ordinances, to be passed in that behalf, for authorizing the guarantee or the levy of the purchase money hereinbefore mentioned, as the case may be, and for determining, subject to the conditions hereinbefore mentioned, the manner in which the said options or either of them shall be exercised ; and that no Bill for giving powers to exercise the said options, or either of them, shall be received by the Governor and Court of Policy, unless it is recited in the preamble to such Bill that three months' notice of the intention to apply to the Governor and Court of Policy for such powers has been given by the Governor-in-Council to the company or companies to be affected thereby. 351. — (1.) From and after the commencement of three years next preceding the period at which the option of purchase becomes avail- able, full and true accounts shall be kept of all sums of money received and paid on account of any railway within the provisions hereinbefore contained (distingnishing, if the said railway is a branch railway or one worked in common with other railways, the receipts, and giving an estimate of the expenses on account of the said railway, from those on account of the trunk line or other railways,) by the directors of the company to which such railway belongs, or by which the same is worked ; and every such railway company shall once in every half-year, during the said period of three years, cause a haK-yearly account in abstract to be prepared showing the total receipt and expenditure on account of the said railway for the half-year ending the thirtieth day of June and the thirty-first day of December respectively, or such other convenient days as may in each case be directed by the Governor- in-Council, under distinct heads of receipt and expenditure, with a statement of the balance of such account duly audited and certified under the hands of two or more directors of the said railway company, and shall send a copy of the said account to the Governor-in-Council on or before the last days of August and February respectively, or such other days as may in each case be directed by the Governor-in- Council in each year. (2.) It shall be lawful for the Govemor-in-Council, if and when he thinks fit, to appoint any proper person or persons to inspect the accounts and books of the said company during the said period of three years ; and it shall be lawful for any person so authorized, at all reasonable times, upon producing his authority, to examine the books, accounts, vouchers, and other documents of the company, at the principal office or other place of business of the company, and to take copies of or extracts therefrom. A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 139 Cheap Trains. 352. Whereas it is expedient to secure to the poorer classes of Obligation on travellers the means of travelling by railway at moderate fares, and ™ilway in carriages in which they may be protected from the weather : lie it cheapTraim'^^ therefore enacted that, on and after the several days hereinafter speci- fied, every passenger railway company shall, by means of one train at the least to travel along its railway from one end to the other of each trunk, branch, or junction line belonging to or leased by it, so long as it continues to carry other passengers over such trunk, In-anch, or junction line, once at least each way on every week day, except Christmas Day and Good Friday, provide for the conveyance of third class passengers to and from the terminal and other ordinary passenger stations of the railway, under the obligations contained in its several Ordinances, and with the immunities applicable by law to carriers of passengers by railway, and also under the following con- ditions that is to say, — (1.) Such trains shall start at an hour to be from time to time fixed by the directors, subject to the approval of the Governor-in- Council ; (2.) Such train shall travel at an average rate of speed not less than twelve miles an hour for the whole distance travelled upon the railway, including stoppages ; (3.) Such train shall, if required, take up and set down passengers at every passenger station which it may pass on the line ; (4.) The carriages in which passengers may be conveyed by such train shall be provided with seats, and shall be protected from the weather in a manner satisfactory to the Governor-in-Council ; (5.) The fare or charge for each third class passenger by such train shall not exceed six cents for each mile travelled ; (6.) Each passenger hy such train shall be allowed to take with him fifty-six pounds weight of luggage not being merchandise or other articles carried for hire or profit, without extra charge ; and any excess of luggage shall be charged by weight, at a rate not exceeding the lowest rate of charge for passengers' luggage by other trains ; and (7.) Children under three years of age accompanying passengers by such train shall be taken without any charge, and children of three years and upwards, but under twelve years of age, at half the charge of an adult passenger. 353. If any railway company refuses or wilfully neglects to comply Penalty on with the provisions of this Ordinance as to the said cheap trains, company for within a reasonable time, or attempts to evade the operation of such comply with order, such company shall forfeit a sum not exceeding ninety-six provisions as to dollars for every day during which such refusal, neglect, or evasion cheap trams. may continue : Provided always that, except as to the amount of fare or charge for each passenger by such cheap trains, which shall in no case exceed the rates hereinbefore in such case provided, the Governor in-Council shall have a discretionary power, on the applica- tion of any railway company, of dispensing with any of the conditions hereinbefore required in regard to the conveyance of passengers by such cheap trains as aforesaid, in consideration of such other arrange- ments either in regard to speed, covering from the weather, seats, uo No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Pro^sion of cheax) trains on Sunday. or other particulars as to the Governor-in-Council may appear more beneficial and convenient for the passengers by such cheap trains under the circumstances of the case, and may be sanctioned by him accordingly, and any railway company which may conform to such other conditions as may be so sanctioned by the Governor-in- Council shall not be liable to any penalty for not observing the conditions which may have been so dispensed with by the Governor-in- Council in regard to the said cheap trains and the passengers con- veyed thereby. 354. Whenever any railway company which is subject to the hereinliefore mentioned obligation of running cheap trains, from and after the days hereinbefore specified on which the obligation is to accrue, runs any train or trains on Sundays for the conveyance of passengers, it shall, under the obhgations contained in its Ordinance or Ordinances, and with the immunities applicable by law to carriers of passengers by railway, by such train each way on every Sunday as may stop at the greatest number of stations, provide sufficient carriages for the conveyance of third class passengers at the terminal and other stations at which such Sunday ti-ain may ordinarily stop ; and the fare or charge for each third class passenger by such train shall not exceed six cents for each mile travelled. Obligation of company to convey troops and police. Conveyance of Troops, etc. 355, — (1.) Whenever it may be necessary to move any of the officers or soldiers of His Majesty's Forces of the Line, Ordnance Corps, Marines, Militia, or the Police Force, by any railway, the directors thereof shall and are hereby required to permit such Forces respectively, with their baggage, stores, arms, ammunition, and other necessaries and things, to be conveyed at the usual hours of starting, at such prices or upon such conditions as may from time to time be contracted for between the Governor of the Colony and such railway company for the conveyance of such Forces, on the pro- duction of a route or order for their conveyance, signed by the proper authorities ; and every railway company shall be bound to provide such conveyance as aforesaid for the said Military, Marine, Militia, and Police Forces, at fares not exceeding four cents per mile for each commissioned officer proceeding on duty, such officer being entitled to conveyance in a first class carriage, and not exceeding two cents per mile for each soldier, marine, cr private of the Mihtia or Police Force, and also for each wife, widow, or child above twelve years of age of a soldier entitled by Ordinance, or by competent authority, to be sent to their destination at the public expense, children under three years of age so entitled being taken free of charge, and children of three years of age or upwards but under twelve years of age, so entitled, being taken at half the price of an adult. (2.) Such soldiers, marines, and privates of the Militia or Police Force, and their wives, widows, and children so entitled, shall be con- veyed in carriages which shall be provided with seats, with sufficient space for the reasonable accommodation of the persons conveyed, and which shall be protected against the weather, (3.) Every officer conveyed shall be entitled to take with him one hundred weight of personal luggage without extra charge, and every soldier, marine, private, wife, or widow shall be entitled to take with A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. him or hor half a hundred weight of personal luggage without extra charge, all excess of the a'ove weights of personal luggage being paid for at the rate of not more than two cents per pound. (4.) All public baggage, stores, arms, ammunition, and other necessaries and things, (except gunpowder and other combustible matters, which the company shall only be bound to convey at such prices and upon such conditions as may from time to time be contracted for between the Governor of the Colony and the company,) shall be conveyed at charges not exceeding eight cents per ton per mile, the assistance of the Military and other Forces being given in loading and unloading such goods. (5.) The conveyance of such Military, Marine, Militia, and Police Forces respectivel}', when required by the Governor or other compe- tent authority, shall be at any time by night or by day that such Governor or other competent authority may direct ; and whenever any such conveyance of the Military, Marine, Militia, or Police Forces may be required as aforesaid, the company shall be bound and obliged to make the whole of its resources available for that purpose ; anything in this Ordinance to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. 141 Electric Telegraphs. 356, Every railway company, on being required to do so by the obligation on Governor and Court of Policy, shall be bound to allow any person or company to persons, with servants and workmen, at all reasonable times, to enter '^p",^^' ^1^^, into or upon its lands, and to establish and lay down upon such telegiaph to be lands adjoining the line of such railway a line of electric telegraph established, for His Majesty's service, and to give to him and them every reason able facility for laying down the same, and for using the same for the purpose of receiving and sending messages on His Majesty's service, subject to such reasonable remuneration to the company as may be agreed upon between the company and the Governor-in Council, or, in case of disagreement, as may be settled by arbitration : Provided always that, subject to a prior right of use thereof for the purposes of His Majesty, such telegraph may be used by the company for the purposes of the railway, upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the parties, or, in the event of diflference, as may be settled by arbitration. 357. Where a line of electric telegraph has been established upon Rigbt of public any railway by the company to which such railway belongs, or by any tek<^aph ^"'^ company, partnership, person, or persons, otherwise than exclusively established by for His Majesty's service, or exclusively for the purposes of the private persons, railway, or jointly for both, the use of such electric telegraph for the purpose of receiving and sending messages shall, subject to the prior right of use thereof for the service of His Majesty and for the purposes of the company, and subject also to such equal charges, and to such reasonable regulations, as may from time to time be made by the said railway company, be open for the sending and receiving of messages by all persons alike, without favour or preference. Prosecutions to enforce Provisions of Raihvay Ordinances. 358. "Whenever it appears to the Governor and Court of Policy that Power to the any of the provisions of any Ordinance regulating any railway company, Governor and 142 No. 1.] THE LA W8 OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Covirt of Policy to direct prosecution of railway company for non-compliance with Railway Ordinances. or the provisions of this Ordinance, or of any general Ordinance relating to railways, have not been complied with on the part of any railway company or any of its officers, or that any railway company has acted or is acting in a manner miauthorized by the provisions of any Ordinance or Ordinances relating to such railway, or in excess of the powers given and objects defined by the said Ordinance or Ordinances, and it also appears to the Governor and Court of Policy that it would be for the public advantage that the company should be restrained from so acting, the Governor and Court of Policy shall notify the same to the Attorney General ; and thereupon the Attorney General shall, in case such default of the railway company consists of non-compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance or Ordinances relating tliereto, or of this Ordinance, or of any general Ordinance relat- ing to railways, proceed by information or by action, bill, plant, suit at law or in equity, or other legal proceeding, as the case may require, to recover such penalties and forfeitures, or otherwise to enforce the due performance of the said provisions by such means as he may think fit ; and in case such default of the railway company consists in the com- mission of some act or acts unauthorized by law, then the Attorney General, upon receiving such notification as aforesaid, shall proceed by such legal proceeding and in such mode and manner as the nature of the case may require, to obtain an injunction or order of interdict (which any Judge of the Court to whom the application may be made shall be and is hereby authorized and required to grant, if he is of opinion that the act or acts of the railway company complained of is or are not authorized by law), to restrain the company from acting in such illegal manner, or to give such other relief as the nature of the case may require : Provided always that no such notification as aforesaid shall be given by the Governor and Court of Policy until twenty-one days after they have given notice to the company, against or in relation to which they may intend to give such notification, of their intention to give the same, and that no legal proceedings shall be commenced under the authority of the Governor and Court of Policy against any railway company for any offence against this Ordinance or any Ordinance relating to railways, except upon such notification of the Governor and Court of Policy as aforesaid, and within one year after such offence may have been committed. Loans. Prohibition of company lending money on real security. Penalty on railway company issuing loan otherwise than as authorized by Ordinance. 359. It shall not be lawful for the company to lend or advance out of the ready moneys for the time being belonging to the company in or upon any real security or securities whatsoever, whether in the United Kingdom, or in Demerara, or elsewhere, in the name and on behalf of the company, any sum or sums of money in any mode or manner whatsoever. 360. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, any railway conpany issuing any loan note, or other negotiable or assign- able instrument purporting to bind the company as a legal security for money advanced to the said railway company, otherwise than under the provisions of some Ordinance or Ordinances authorizing the said railway company to raise such money and to issue such security, shall for every such offence forfeit a sum equal to the sum for which such loan note or other instrument purports to be such security. A.D. 1846.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 1. 143 361. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed or construed to exempt the railway or other works by the Special Ordinance authorized to be made from the provisions of any Act of Parliament, Order-in- Council, or Oi'dinance relating to railways or other undertakings of a public nature, which may hereafter be passed and be in force in this Colony. 362. It shall be lawful for the Governor and Court of Policy by any future enactments to i-epeal, alter, or amend any part of any Ordinance which may hereafter come into operation and take effect incorporating a joint stock company for the purpose of carrying on any undertaking of a public nature, wdthout being responsible on that account to provide compensation and indemnity to the shareholders of such company. Railway to be subject to future enactments. Power to repeal, etc., Ordinance incorijorating joint stock company. SCHEDULE. FORMS. Form No. I. Certificate of Share. Number " The Company." This is to certify that A.B., of is the Proprietor of the Share Number subject to the regulations of the said Company. Given under the Common Seal of the said Company, the day of in the year of our Lord Section 11. Form No. 2. Transfer of Share or Slock. I, of in consideration of the sum of paid to me by of do hereby transfer to the said Share [or Shares] numbered in the undertaking called "The Company," [or pounds Consolidated Stock in the undertaking called " The Company," standing [or part of the Stock standing] in my name in the books of the Company,] to hold unto the said his heirs; executors, administi-ators, and assigns [or successors and assigns], subject to the several conditions on which I held the same at tlie time of the execution hereof ; and I, the said do hereby agree to take the said Share [or Shares, or Stock], subject to the same conditions. As witness our hands and seals, the day of 1 Section 14. Form No. 3. Section 40. Bond. Bond, Number S. [or $ ] "The Company." By virtue of [here name the Special Ordinance'] We, " The Companv," in consideration of the sum of pounds [or dollars] to us in hand paid by A. B., of do bind ourselves and our successors unto the said A.B., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, in the penal sum of pounds [or dollars]. i he condition of the above obligation is such that if the said Company shall pay to the said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns [at {in ease any other place or payment than the principal Office of the Company is intended)'] on the day of 1 , .the principal sum of pounds [or dollars] together with interest for the same, at the rate of pounds [or dollars] per cent, per annum payable half-yearly, on the day of then the above written obligation is to become void ; otherwise to remain in full force. Given under our Common Seal this day of 1 144 "No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Section 45. Section 74. I, A.B., of G.H., of FoKM No. 4. Transfer of Mortgage or Bond. in consideration of the sum of paid to me by do hereby transfer to the said G.H., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, a certain Bond [_or Mortgage] Number made by " The Comijany " to bearing date the day of 1 , for securing the sum of and interest [or, if such transfer is by endorsement, the within security] and all my right, estate, and interest in and to. the money thereby secured \_and if the Transfer is of a Mortgage, and in and to the tolls, money, and property thereby assigned]. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of 1 Form No. 5. Proxy. A.B., one of the Proprietors of "The Company," doth hereby appoint CD., of to be the Proxy of the said A. li., in his absence to vote in his name upon any matter relating to the undertaking proposed at the meeting of the Proprietors of the said Company to be held on the day of next, in such manner as the said CD. may think proper. In witness whereof the said A.B. hath hereunto set his hand \or if a Corporation, the Common Seal of the Corporation] the day of 1 ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1846. A.D. 1846. Ordinances No. 16 o/'1847, No. 6 of 1850, No. 11 of 1894, s. 3 (3.), and No. 2 of 1902, s. 4, incorporated. See also Ordinances No. 1 of 1846, No. lo/'1849. No. 2 of 1852, No. 2 of 1854, No. 3 o/' 1855, No. 5 0/1861, iVo. 8 0/1896, No. 10 of 1897, No. 16 of 1899, No. ;3 of 1900 and No. 8 of 1901. An Ordinance to incorporate a Company to be called '' The Demerara Kail way Company," and to authorize the said Company to make and maintain a Railway in the Colony of British Guiana, from the City of Georgetown, the Capital of the said Colony, to Mahaica, with Extensions and Branches, and for other purposes. [18th July, 1846.] WHEREAS the making and maintaining a railway in the Colony of British Guiana, from the City of Georgetown, the Capital of the said Colony, to Mahaica, would be of great public advantage to the Colony by opening and keeping a certain and expeditious com- munication between Georgetown and Mahaica aforesaid and the intermediate and adjacent villages and districts, and by affording and facilitating the means of bringing the produce of the said Colony into the market ; And whereas corresponding advantages are likely to result from the continuation of the said railway to other parts of the Colony, and the construction of lateral branch railways therefrom, and from such continuation thereof ; And whereas by an indenture or deed, bearing date the 18th day of September, 1845, and made between Charles Cave, of Thread- needle Street, in the City of London, Esquire, Michael M'Chlery, of Finsbury Circus, in the County of Middlesex, Esquire, and others A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 145 of the first part ; the several other persons whose names and seals are, by themselves or their respective attorneys or agents, thereunto, or to a duplicate thereof, subscribed and affixed in the schedule written under or annexed to such indenture or duplicate of the second part ; and Alexander MacGregor, of No. 3 Chester Street, Grosvenor Place, in the County of Middlesex, Esquire, and Alexander George Milne, of No. 10, George Yard, Lombard Street, in the City of London, Esquire, of the third part, which is hereinafter referred to as " the said Deed of Settlement," and in which it is recited (amongst other things) that the several persons, parties thereto of the first and second parts, had agreed to form a joint stock company for making and maintaining such railway as aforesaid, and all necessary works connected therewith, with power, if the said Company thought fit and the Legislature of this Colony should permit them to do so, to extend or continue such railway and make any lateral branch railway or branch railways therefrom or from such extended or continued railway ; and had also agreed to raise for the purpose of such under- taking a capital of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, in ten thousand shares of twenty-five pounds each, such capital to be increased if thought proper, as thereinafter mentioned, and to enter into the covenants thereinafter contained, the several persons, parties thereto of the first and second parts, have covenanted and agreed with the said Alexander Macgregor and Alexander George Milne, their executors and administrators, that, when and so soon as an Act of the Legislature of this Colony could be obtained for the purpose they would become and remain associated as a joint stock company for the purpose of the said undertaking, viz. —the making and main- taining a railway from Georgetown to Mahaica respectively aforesaid, and all necessary works connected therewith, with such power to extend or continue the same, and to make branch railway or railways as aforesaid, according to the provisions contained in the said Deed of Settlement, and to be contained in such Act, by the name and style of " The Demerara Railway Company," or such other name as might be fixed by such Act, and that the capital of the said Company should be the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds divided into ten thousand shares, each of the amount of twenty-five pounds, to be increased, if thought proper, in manner thereinafter mentioned, and that such shares should be numbered in ai'ithmetic progression, begin- ning with No. 1, and should be personal estate and transmissible as such, and, as such, should not be subject to the lex loci, but be regu- lated as to transmission thereof and otherwise by the law of the place of domicile of the shareholder; and the said Deed of Settlement con- tains certain provisions relative to the said Company and the conduct of the affairs thereof by Committees of Management in London and in Georgetown aforesaid, to be styled respectively " The London Com- mittee" and "The Demerara Committee," and the shareholders in the said Company, and the meetings of such shareholders and of the said respective Committees, and the shares in the capital of the said Company, and the increase of such capital by the creation of new shai-es, and the conversion of shares into stock, and the transfer or transmission of shares, and the payment of calls on such shares, and the contracts to be entered into by or on behalf of the said Company, and various other agreements and provisions for the internal regulation of the afl'airs of the said Company and otherwise; And whereas it is deemed expedient to facilitate the proof of the 146 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUI AN A : [A.D. 1846. Short title. Interpretation of terms. said Deed of Settlement in all actions, suits, or other proceedings, acts, matters, and things which may be brought, instituted, or done under or by virtue of the said Deed of Settlement, or any covenant or pro- vision therein contained, by or on the behalf of or against the said Company, in its corporate name and capacity ; and such proof would be greatly facilitated by causing the said Deed of Settlement to be printed, and by declaring that each printed copy of the same should be admissible in evidence in the like manner in which public Ordin- ances are admissible : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Demerara Railway Company's Ordinance, 1846. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, — "^ ' Words importing the masculine gender only include females : Words importing the singular number only include the plural number; and words importing the plural number only include the singular number : "Lands" extends to messuages, lands, tenements, and heredita- ments of any tenure : " Lease " includes an agreement for a lease : " The Railway " and " Railway " respectively mean the railway or the extensions and branches thereof, or the canals or other works connected therewith, respectively, by this Ordinance au- thorized to be made : " Toll " includes any rate or charge or other payment payable under this Ordinance for any passenger, animal, carriage, goods, merchandi.se, articles, matters, or things conveyed upon the railway, or along any canal constructed by the Company : " Goods " include things of every kind conveyed upon the railway : " Month " means a calendar month : " Day " means twenty-four hours computed de momento in mo- mentum : '• Oath " includes affirmation or other declaration or solemnity lawfully substituted for an oath in this Colony : "Justice of the peace" and "Justice" respectively mean and include any Stipendiary Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, as the case may be, acting as such in this Colony, and who is not interested in the matter requiring the cognizance of any such Stipendiary Magistrate or Justice of the Peace ; and where any matter is authorized or required to be done by two Justices, the expression " two Justices " means two Justices assembled and acting together ; and where any matter is so authorized or re- quired to be done by two Justices, any Justice as aforesaid may summon the party or parties before himself and another Justice, or before any two other Justices, as the case may re- quire ; and where any matter is so authorized or required to be done by two Justices, the same shall and may be done by any Stipendiary Magistrate : " Court " means the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction, or the Chief Justice of the said Court during non- A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. U7 session or any of the Judges of the said Court sitting apart, or any Court of competent jurisdiction, as the nature of the case or the context may require : " The Supreme Court " means the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction : Where under the provisions of this Ordinance, any notice is re- quired to be given to the owner of any lands, or where any act is authorised or required to be done with the consent of any such owner, the word " owner " means any person or cor- poration who, under the provisions of this Ordinance, would be enabled to sell, and transport or convey, lands to the Com- pany : " The Company " means the Demerara Railway Company : " The Deed of Settlement " means the Deed of Settlement for the formation of the Company hereinbefore mentioned : " The Secretary " means the Secretary of the Company, and includes the word " clerk." Incorporation of the Company. 3. The said Charles Cave and Michael M'Chlery, and others the Establishment persons parties of the first and second parts to the Deed of Settle- ^}^^ "^'^°'lp°^'''" ment, and all other parties who have already subscribed or may here- Dgmerara after subscribe to the said undertaking, and their respective heirs, Railway executors, administrators, and assigns, shall be united into a company Company. for the purpose of making and maintaining the said Railway from Georgetown to Mahaica respectively aforesaid, and if the said Com- pany thinks fit (but not otherwise), extending or continuing the same to any point or points in the said Colony beyond Georgetown and Mahaica aforesaid, or either of those places, and making and maintain- ing any lateral or branch railway or railways from the said Railway from Georgetown to Mahaica, or from any extension or continuation thereof, with all necessary and proper works and conveniences connected therewith, and for that purpose shall be, and they are hereby, incor- porated by the name of " The Demerara Railway Company," and by that name shall be a body corporate, with perpetual succession and a coumion seal, and shall have power to purchase and hold lands, within the restrictions hereinafter contained, for the purposes of the said undertaking, and also any boats, barges, ships, or vessels, in order the more easily to carry and convey any passengers or goods from any part or parts of the said Colony to such Railway or Railways. 4. — (1.) The Deed of Settlement (which said Deed of Settlement is. Confirmation and is hereby declared to be, as set forth in the Schedule to this ggttlement. Ordinance) and all the agreements, articles, and provisions therein con- Schedule, tained (except Article 53, which is hereby disallowed) shall be, and the same are hereby confirmed, and shall be of full force and ofiect. (2.) The word " undertaking " in the Deed of Settlement means, includes, and comprises the works, lands, buildings, messuages, tene- ments, and hereditaments of any tenure, and all the carriages, machi- nery, and appurtenances of the Company. 5. — (1.) Each printed copy of this Ordinance, purporting to be Proof of Deed printed by the printers to the Government of the Colony, shall be of Settlement. admitted as evidence of the Deed of Settlement by all Courts, Judges, VOL. I, 11 148 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Justices, and others, without any proof being given that such copy is so printed, or that such copy is a true copy of the original Deed of Settlement, or of any record thereof. (2.) If any person whose duty or interest it may be to deny and disprove the correctness of any such copy denies and takes upon himself to disprove the correctness of such copy, he shall be permitted to do so, and the proof of such incorrectness shall rest entirely upon him. Enforcement of provisions of Deed of Settlement. 6. — (1.) All actions, suits, or other proceedings, acts, matters, and things which might be brought, instituted, or done under or by virtue of the Deed of Settlement or any covenant or provision therein con- tained on behalf of the Company, or with reference to the said under- taking, may be brought, instituted, or done by or on behalf of the Con pany in its corporate name and capacity, and particularly pay- ment of all subscriptions and calls upon or in respect of any share or shares in the said undertaking, as provided by the said Deed, may be so enforced by or on behalf of the Company, as well against the several |)ersons parties thereto as against any other person or persons who may for the time being be a shareholder or shareholders in the Company. (2.) Every person becoming a shareholder in the Company under the provisions of the said Deed, although not a party thereto, shall be bound by all the agreements and provisions therein contained in the same manner as if he had actually executed the said Deed, or some deed of accession thereto, immediately on becoming such shareholder. (3.) In any action to be brought by or on behalf of the Company against any shareholder to recover any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient for the Company to declare or state that the defendant is a shareholder of one or more shares in the Company (stating the number of shares), and is indebted to the Company in the sum of money to which the calls in arrear may amount in respect of one call or more upon one share or more (stating the number and amount of each of such calls), whereby an action has accrued to the Company by virtue of this Ordinance and the Deed of Settlement. Provision for case of interruption of Railway by bridges, etc. 7. Whereas the Colony is intersected by divers large rivers and creeks, intercepting and breaking the communication by land from many parts of the Colony to other parts thereof : Be it therefore enacted that it shall be lawful for the Company, if it sees fit, to establish a railway, commencing on the bank of the river or creek opposite to the banks on or near to which any part of the Railway or Railways may terminate or end, and to connect such railways by bridges, boats, or vessels to be propelled by such power as may be deemed expedient by the Company, and such railways, the communication between which may be kept up by means of such bridges, boats, or vessels, shall be considered and deemed to be one and the same Railway, subject to all the rules, regulations, and provisions contained in this Ordinance. Power to the Company to make and maintain Railway from General Powers of the Company. 8. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Company, and it is hereby em- powered, to make and maintain a railway, with all proper works and conveniences connected therewith, for the passage on such railway of carriages properly constructed, that is to say, commencing at such A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 149 point in or near the City of Georgetown as may appear convenient to Georgetow-n to the Company, and terminating at such point in or near Mahaica as ^^'''^*''^^- may also appear convenient to the Company. (2.) It shall also be lawful for the Company, and it is hereby empowered, if and in case it thinks proper to do so, to extend or continue the Railway to any point or points in the Colony beyond Georgetown and Mahaica respectively aforesaid, or either of those places, and to make and maintain any lateral or branch railway or railways from the Railway between Georgetown and Mahaica, or from any such extension or continuation thereof as aforesaid, with all such proper works and conveniences as aforesaid connected with the said extended or continued or branch railway or railways. 9. The Company shall have the exclusive right of railroad on the Exclusive right Railway : Provided that the Company shall strictly and faithfully of road on comply with and carry into effect all the provisions in this Ordinance ■^''"^'^y- contained, which are or ought to be performed and fulfilled on the part of the Company. 10. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Company, and it is hereby Power to the authorized, in the name of the Company or of such person or persons Company to as it may for that purpose appoint, to contract and agree with any niaking of person for making the Railway or any part thereof, or any other of Railway and the works hereby authorized to be made or done by the Company. works. (2.) Every such contract or agreement (being in writing) shall be binding on the Company and all other parties thereto, their respective successors, heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns ; and actions and suits may be maintained thereon, and damages and costs re- covered by or against the Company, or by or against any other party failing in the execution thereof. •'o 11. — (1.) For the purposes of this Ordinance, the Company, its Power to the deputies, contractors, agents, servants, and workmen, and other per- Company to sons by it authorized, shall be and they are hereby empowered from survev'and time to time to enter in the daytime into and upon the lands of take and use any person or persons whomsoever, according to the provisions and lands, etc, for restrictions of this Ordinance, and to survey and take levels of the RaQwa^y°^ same or any part thereof, and also to set out and appropriate such parts thereof as the Company is by this Ordinance empowered to take or use for the purposes of this Ordinance, and in or upon such lands, or in or upon any lands adjoining thereto, to bore, dig, cut, trench, embank, and sough, and to remove or lay, and also to use, work, and manufacture, any earth, stone, rubbish, trees, gravel, or sand, or any other materials or things whatsoever which may be dug or ob- tained therein or otherwise in the execution of any of the powers of this Ordinance, and which may be necessary or proper for making, maintaining, altering, repairing, or using the Railway and other works by this Ordinance authorized, or which may obstruct the making, maintaining, altering, repairing or using the same respectively according to the true intent and meaning of this Ordinance; and also, for the purposes and according to the provisions and restrictions of this Ordinance, to construct or make in, under, upon, across, or over the Railway or other works by this Ordinance authorized, or over any lands, or any roads, streets, dams, ways, lanes, or other public passages or places, mills, valleys, rivers, canals, brook«, streams, or other waters VOL. I. lU 150 No. 2.J THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. whatsoever, such inclined planes, tunnels, embankments, bridges, arches, piers, roads, ways, passages, conduits, drains, culverts, cuttings, and fences, and also to erect and construct such houses, wharves, stellings, warehouses, toll-houses, landing-places, engines and other buildings, machinery, and apparatus and other works and conveniences as the Company, or any person acting on its behalf in the execution of all or any of the powers of this Ordinance, may think proper, and also to alter the course of any rivers, not navigable canals, trenches, brooks, streams, or watercourses if necessary, for con- structing and maintaining tunnels, bridges, passages or other works over or under the same, and to divert or alter, as well temporarily as permanently, the course of any such rivers or streams of water, canals, trenches, roads, streets, dams, or ways, or raise or sink the level of, or widen any such rivers or streams, canals, trenches, roads, streets, dams, or ways, in order the more conveniently and economically, as regards the construction of the Railway, to carry the same over, under, or by the side of the Railway, as they may think proper, and particularly to divert any one or more of any such streams, canals, or trenches into any other or others, so as that two or more of such streams, canals, or trenches may thenceforth, for any distance on either side of the Rail- way, form one stream, canal, or trench, and also to make canals, water-courses, drains, trenches, or conduits, into, through, or under any lands, for the purpose of bringing or conveying any passengers, goods, animals, or carriages to or from the Railway, or conveying water from or to the Railway, and also to erect and construct such houses, warehouses, offices, and other buildings, yards, stations, stel- lings, wharves, engines, machinery, and apparatus, and other works and conveniences as they may think proper, and also from time to" time to alter, repair, or discontinue the beforementioned works, or any of them, and to substitute others in their stead, and to do and execute all other matters and things necessary for making and maintaining, altering, repairing, and using the Railway and other works by this Ordinance authorised ; they, the Company, its deputies, contractors, agents, servants, and workmen, doing as little damage as may be in the execution of the several powers hereby granted to them ; and the Company making recompense or satisfaction, hi manner hereinafter mentioned, to all persons interested in any lands which may be taken, used, or injured, for all damages to be by them sustained in or by the execution of all or any of the powers hereby granted. (2.) This Ordinance shall be sufficient to indemnify the Company and all other persons whomsoever for what they or any of them may do by virtue of the powers hereby granted, subject, nevertheless, to such provisions and restrictions as are hereinafter mentioned and contained. Breadth of 12. The lands to be taken or used for the line of the Railway shall EailvvaT ^^^ exceed one hundred yards in breadth, except in places where a greater breadth may be judged necessary for an approach to the Railway, or for carriages to turn, remain, or pass each other, or for raising embankments for crossing valleys or low grounds, or in cut- tings, and not above one hundred and fifty yards in any place, except at the termini in or near Georgetown and Mahaica respectively, or elsewhere, for stations, wharves, warehouses, and other buildings, except with the consent in writing of the owners or occupiers of, or persons interested in, any lands which the Company may be desirous A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 151 of appropriating, ia order to and for the purpose of obtaining greater space for the purposes of this Ordinance. 1 3. The Company may make, at convenient distances along the Power to make Railwciy, passing-places or turn-outs for the enabling of carriages passmg-places. using the Railway to pass each other. Acquisition of Lands. 14. After any lauds intended to be taken or used for the purposes Power to of this Ordinance have been set out and ascertained, it shall be lawful parties under for any such parties as hereinafter mentioned to sell and transport and transport^ or convey the same to the Company, and to enter into all necessary or convey lands agreements for that purpose, that is to say, all corporations, tenants ^^ *^® for Jife or for any other partial or qualified estate or interest, married women, guardians, committees or curators of lunatics and idiots, trustees, executors, sequestrators of plantations, and administrators ; and the power so to sell and transport or convey as aforesaid may lawfully be exercised by all such parties, not only on behalf of them- selves and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and suc- cess oi's, but also for and on behalf of every person entitled after them, if incapacitated, unborn, or not to be found, and as to such married women as if they were sole, and as to such guardians on behalf of their wards, and as to such committees or curators on behalf of the lunatics and idiots of whom they are the committees or curators, and that to the same extent as such wives, wards, lunatics, and idiots respectively could have exercised the same power under the authority of this Ordinance if they had respectively been under no disability, and as to such trustees, executors, sequestrators of plantations, and administrators, on behalf of their cestuis que trusts, whether infants, issue unborn, lunatics, femes covert, or other persons, and that to the same extent as such cestuis que trusts respectively could have exer- cised the same powers under the authority of this Ordinance if they had respectively been under no disability. 15. The consideration to be paid for the purchase of any such Consideration lands, or of any such estates, or of any interest therein, or for any for such lands. damage done thereto, shall be in a gross sum. 16. The owners of any such lands, or of any such estate or interest Acceptance of therein as aforesaid, and all parties by this Ordinance enabled to sell, compensation and transport or convey, any such lands, may agree to accept, and, damage^to subject to the restrictions in this Ordinance contained as to the pay- lands. ment thereof, may accept, satisfaction for the value of such lands, or of any such estates, or any interest therein, to which any party may be entitled, and may in like manner accept compensation for any damage by them sustained by reason of the severing or dividing of such lands, or otherwise owing to the exercise of the powers of this Ordinance. 17. With respect to the consideration money to be paid for any Ascertainment lands to be purchased from any party under any disability or inca- °f,^j!|^g°J^+°* pacity, and not having power to sell and transport or convey, except in case of under the provisions in this Ordinance contained, and the compensa- parties nuder tion money to be paid for any permanent damage or injury to any '*^ ^" such lands : Be it enacted that such consideration money or compen- 152 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Ascertainment of amount of compensation in case of absent parties. Costs of transport or conveyance. sation shall not, unless the same has been determined by assessors under the provision hereinafter contained, be less than may be deter- mined by the valuation of two valuators, one of whom shall be nominated by the Company and the other by the other party, and, if such valuators cannot agree in the valuation, then such third valuator as any two Justices of the Peace, on the application of such two valu- ators, may for that purpose appoint. 18. With respect to the compensation money to be paid for any lands to be purchased from any party, who, by reason of absence or from any other incapacity or accident, is prevented from treating or cannot be found, and the compensation money to be paid for any permanent injury to such lands : Be it enacted that such considera- tion or compensation shall not be less than may be determined by the valuation of the majority of such three valuators as two Justices may nominate for that purpose. 19. With respect to the costs of the transport or conveyance of any such lands purchased or taken by the Company : Be it enacted that all such costs shall be borne by the Company, and such costs shall include all charges and expenses, incurred on the part as well of the seller as the pui'chaser, of all transports, conveyances, and assurances of any such lands, and of or incident to the deducing, evidencing, and verifying the title to such lands. 20. If the Company and the party entitled to any such costs do not agree as to the amount thereof, such costs shall be ascertained by taxation of the Taxing Officer of the Supreme Court ; and for that purpose, either party may apply to such Taxing Officer, who shall proceed to tax such costs accordingly, forty-eight hours' notice of such taxation being given to the opposite party ; and, after taxation thereof, in default of payment of the same, the same may be recovered in manner and form as any other costs payable under this Ordinance may be recovered. Payment and 21, For the purpose of providing for the deposit and application of application of the purchase money or compensation to be paid in respect of any irarchase money g^^^ lands as may belong to parties under disability : Be it enacted 111 C(ISG 01 »/ o 1 •/ piirties imder that if any such purchase money or compensation is payable in respect disability. of any such lands, or of any interest therein, which any corporation, tenant for life or for any other partial or qualified interest, married woman, guardian, committee or curator of lunatic or idiot, trustee, executor, sequestrator, administrator, or person under any disability may be entitled to, and may, under the powers of this Ordinance, be enabled to transport, convey, or dispose of the same, shall be paid into the Registrar's Office for Demerara and Essequebo or for Berbice, as the case may require, to an account there ex parte " The Demerara Railway Company " ; and such money shall remain so deposited, subject to the order or disposition of the Supreme Court, until the same is applied to some one or more of the following pui'poses, that is to say, — (1.) In the discharge of any debt or incumbrance affecting the lands in respect of which such money may have been paid ; or (2.) In the purchase of other lands to be conveyed upon the like trusts and purposes, and in the same manner, as the lands Settlement of costs of transport or conveyance in case of difference. A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 153 in respect of which such money may have been paid stood settled ; or (3.) If such money is paid in respect of any buildings taken under the authority of this Ordinance, in replacing such buildings or substituting others in their stead, in such manner as the Court may direct ; or (4.) In payment to any party becoming absolutely entitled to such money. 22. Such money may be so applied as aforesaid upon an order of Order for the Court made on the petition of the party who would have been and^kive^tment entitled to the rents and profits of the lands in respect of which such meanwhile, money may have been deposited ; and, until the money can be so applied, it may, upon the like order, be deposited or invested at in- terest by the Registrar in such manner as may be directed by the Court ; and the interests and annual proceeds thereof shall from time to time be paid to the party who would for the time being have been entitled to the rents and profits of the said lands, and the order for such investment and application of the interest and annual proceeds thereof may be made on the like petition. 23. For the purpose of providing for the payment and application Deposit of in certain cases of the purchase money or compensation to be paid in w^grrparties^^ respect of any such lands not belonging to parties under disability: refuse to convey Be it enacted that in the following cases, that is to say, if the owner or do not of any such lands, or of any interest therein, on tender of the pur- chase money or compensation, either agreed or awarded to be paid, refuses to accept the same, or if any such person fails to make out a title to the lands in respect whereof such purchase money or com- pensation may be payable, or to the interest therein claimed by him, to the satisfaction of the Company, or if such owner cannot be found, or is not known, or refuses to transport or convey such lands as directed by the Company, it shall be lawful for the Company to deposit the purchase money or compensation payable in respect of such lands, or any interest therein, in the Registrar's Office for Demerara and Essequebo or for Berbice, as the case may require, to be placed to his account there to the credit of the parties interested in such lands (describing them so far as the Company can do), subject to the control and disposition of the Supreme Court, and a chart or diagram of such lands, and to petition the Court, or the Chief Justice during non- session, for authority on the Registrar, or any Sworn Clerk in his Office, to pass and execute, under all the formalities i-equired by law, a transport or conveyance of the said lands to and in favour of the Company ; and the Court, or the Chief Justice during non-session, is hereby authorized to grant such order in the pi-emises as may seem fit ; and, on such authority being granted, such transport or convey- ance shall be passed by the Registrar or a Sworn Clerk as aforesaid in the usual and customary manner and form. 24. It shall not be lawful for any person or party whomsoever to Prohibition of oppose the passing of any transport or conveyance to the Company of "P^g"j^\^*^f *° any lands advertised to be transported or conveyed to the Company for transport, or the objects and purposes mentioned in this Ordinance, provided the conveyance, if Company, upon notice of any intended opposition, deposits in the p^^X^semoney Office of the Registrar aforesaid ad opus jus habentiuni, the amount made. of the purchase money agreed to be paid for, or the amount of the 154 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH QUI AN A : [A.D. 1846. Application of money deposited. Power to direct investment or payment of money in respect of partial interest. Costs in cases of money deposited. Notice of intention to tuke lands. valuation of any such lands, ascertained in manner and form herein prescribed. 25. On the appHoation by petition of any party making claim to any money so deposited as last aforesaid or any part thereof, or to the lands purchased or taken by the Company, or any part thereof, or any interest in the same, the Supreme Court may, in a summary way, as to the Court may seem fit, order such money to be laid out or in- vested, or may order distribution thereof or payment of the dividends thereof according to the respective estates, titles or interests of the parties making claim to such money or lands, or any part thereof, and may make such other order in the premises as to the Court may seem fit, 26. Where any purchase money or compensation paid into the Office of the Registrar under the provisions of this Ordinance, has been paid in respect of any estate in lands for the use and benefit of parties having an interest therein not amounting to the absolute ownership, it shall be lawful for the Court, on the petition of any party interested in such money, to order that the same shall be laid out, invested, accumulated, and paid in such manner as the Court may consider will, give to the parties interested in such money, the same benefit therefrom as they might have legally had from the estate in respect of which such money may have been paid, or as near thereto as may be. 27. The Court may in all such cases, except where money may have been so deposited by reason of the wilful refusal of any party entitled thereto to receive the same, or to transport or convey the lands in re- spect whereof the same may be payable, order the costs of the follow- ing matters, including therein all reasonable charges and expenses in- cident thereto, to be paid by the Company, that is to say, the costs of the purchase, or of the taking or using, of the lands, or which may have been incurz'ed in consequence thereof, other than such costs as are herein otherwise provided for, and the costs of the deposit or invest- ment of such money and of the re-investment thereof in the purchase of other lands, and also the costs of obtaining the proper orders for any of the purposes aforesaid, and of the orders for the payment of the in- terest and annual produce of such money, and for the payment out of Court of the principal of such money and of all other proceedings re- lating thereto, except such as may be occasioned by litigation between adverse claimants. 28. — (1.) When the Company requires to purchase any of the lands which by this Ordinance it is authorized to purchase or take, it shall give notice thereof to all the parties interested in such lands, or enabled by this Ordinance to sell and transport or convey the same, or such of them as may be known to the Company or to its representatives in this Colony, and by such notice shall demand from such parties the particulars of their estate and interest in such lands and of the claims made by them in respect thereof. (2.) Every such notice shall be in writing, and shall state the particulars of the lands so required, and shall state that the Company is willing to treat for the purchase of the interest in such lands of the party to whom the notice is addressed, and as to the compensation to A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 155 be made for the damage that may be sustained by reason of the making of the Railway. 29. In cases of parties resident in this Colony, if, for one month Parties after the giving of such notice, and in cases of parties absent from the "iterested in Colony, if, for three months after the giving of such notice, any such to befaken to party fails to state the particulars of his claim in respect of any such state their lands, or to treat with the Company in respect of his interest therein, claims, or if such party and the Company differ as to the amount of compen- sation to Ije paid to such party for any such interest or for any damage that may l)e sustained by him by reason of the making of the Railway, the amount of such compensation shall be settled in the manner hereinafter provided for settling cases of disputed com- pensation. 30. — (1.) All notices required by this Ordinance, in every case in Sen-ice of which any party may be unknown to the Company, or may be absent notice in case of from the Colon}' and unrepresented therein, shall be advertised in The etcf" P«iw> 0[)icial, Gazette and one other newspaper of the Colony, and also in The London Gazette, for one month jireviously to any measure being taken in pursuance of any such notice ; and the advertisements of every such notice in manner and form aforesaid shall be considered as good and sufficient service of every such notice as if such notice had been served personally upon the party to whom such notice purports to be given. (2.) The production of The Official Gazette or other newspaper as aforesaid, and of The London Gazette, containing such notice, shall, without further or other proof, be held by all Courts, Judges, and Magistrates to be good and sufficient evidence of the advertisement of such notice in all matters and causes whatsoever. Disputes as to Compensation and Appointment of Assessors. 31. If any difference arises, or if no agree inent can be come to Settlement by between the Company and the owners of any lands, or of any interest two Justices or in any such lands, taken or required for, or injuriously aiiected by, the dispute as to making of the Railway (including among such owners all parties by compensation, this Ordinance enabled to sell, transport, or convey lands) as to the value of such lands, or of any interest therein, or as to the compensa- tion to be made in respect thereof, or if, by reason of absence and the want of a representative in this Colony, any such owner is prevented from treating, for or on account of, or if any such owner fails to dis- close or prove his title to, any such lands, or any interest therein, or if, by reason of any impediment or disability, any such owner is incap- able of making any agreement or conveyance necessary for enabling the Company to take such lands, or to proceed in making the Railway or works, or if any such difference arises as to the amount of the damages occasioned to any lands by the temporary occupation thereof in the making of the Railway, or otherwise in exercise of the powers given by this Ordinance, and for which any party may be entitled to demand compensation according to the provisions of this Ordinance, the amount of the compensation to be paid by the Company in every such case shall be settled by two Justices of the Peace or by assessors, in manner hereinafter mentioned. 156 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Rule as to mode of settlement according to amount. Giving of notice Ly the Company before issuing warrant for assessors. Method of 32. — (1.) It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, on the Justices for ^ application of either party with respect to any question, difference, or settling dispute, matter in dispute authorized by this Ordinance to be settled by two Justices, to summon the other party to appear before himself and another Justice, or before any two other Justices, at a time and place to be named in the summons, and, on the appearance of such parties, or, in the absence of any of them, on proof of due service of the summons, it shall be lawful for such Justices to hear and determine any such question, difference, or matter in dispute, and for that pur- pose to examine such parties, or any of them, and their witnesses upon oath. (2.) The costs of every such inquiry shall be in the discretion of such Justices, and they shall determine the amount thereof. 33. If the compensation claimed in any of the cases hereinbefore mentioned does not exceed two hundred and forty dollars, the same shall be settled by two Justices of the Peace, and if the compensation claimed in any of the cases hereinbefore mentioned exceeds two hun- dred and forty dollars, the same shall be referred to assessors as here- inafter mentioned. 34. — (1.) Where it is necessary to refer any question to the deter- mination of assessors by reason of any difference as afoi'esaid, then, one month at least before issuing its warrant for appointing assessors as hereinafter provided, the Company shall give notice in writing to the party with whom such difference may have arisen, or his repre- sentatives in the Colony, of its intention to cause such assessors to be appointed. (2.) In such notice the Company shall state what sum of money it is willing to give such party for his interest in such lands, and for the damage to be sustained by him by the making of the Rail- way. 35. — (1.) If any party who claims compensation to the amount of two hundred and forty dollars and upwards in respect of any lands, or of any interest therein, taken for or injuriously affected by the making of the Railway desires the amount of such compensation to be determined by assessors, it shall be lawful for such party to give notice in writing to the Company of such his desire. (2.) Such party shall in such notice state the nature of the in- terest claimed by him in such lands, and the amount of the compen- sation claimed by him in I'espect thereof ; and unless the Company is willing to pay the amount of compensation so claimed, and enters into a written agreement for that purpose, then, within twenty-one days after the receipt of any such notice from any such party so entitled, the Company shall issue its warrant to the Magistrate of the District in which such lands are situated to summon assessors accord- ingly in the manner herein mentioned. Issue of warrant 36. — (1.) In every case in which any question of disputed compen- for summoning gatiou is required to be determined by assessors, the Company shall issue its warrant to the Magistrate of the District in which the lands in question, or some part thereof, are or is situated, under its common seal, and signed by the Secretary of the Company, requiring him to summon assessors under the provisions of this Ordinance for that purpose. Requisition by party claiming compensation to have assessors summoned. assessors. A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 157 (2.) If such Magistrate is interested in the matter in dispute by being a shareholder of the Company or otherwise, such apphcation shall be made to some disinterested Justice of the Peace of the said District in which the lands, or some part thereof, are or is situated. 37. — (1.) On the receipt of such warrant, the Magistrate or Justice Summoning of the Peace as the case may be, shall summon twelve disinterested °^ jurors for ,. -^ ',, i-r?ii i • ■ assessors and persons as assessors, being persons duly qualihed to act as jurors in selection of the Supreme Court, its criminal jurisdiction, to meet at the time and assessors. place named in the warrant for that purpose. '^^ 19 ofl893 (2.) Out of the persons appearing upon such summons, six disin- terested persons shall be selected by the Magistrate or Justice, as the case may be, as assessors, for the purpose of assessing such compen- sation or damage as hereinafter mentioned. (3.) Fourteen days' notice of the time and place of inquiry shall be given in writing by the Company to the other party or his repre- sentative in this Colony. 38. — (1.) The Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, as the case may Conduct of be, shall preside on the said inquiry, and the party claiming compen- "^I'^'T- sation shall be deemed the plauitiif, and shall have all such rights and privileges as the plaintiff is entitled to in the trial of an action at law in this Colony. (2.) If either party so requests in writing, the Magistrate or Jus- tice, as the case may be, shall summon before hiui any person con- sidered necessary to be examined as a witness touching the matters in question, and, on the like request, the Magistrate or Justice shall order the assessors, or any three or more of them, to view the place or matter in controversy. (3.) Before the assessors proceed to inquire of and assess the compensation or damage in respect of which their decision is to be given, they shall make oath that they will truly and faithfully in- quire of and assess such compensation or damage, and the Magistrate or Justice shall administer such oaths, as well as the oaths of all per- sons called upon to give evidence. 39. The assessors shall deliver their decision for the sum of money Rules of to be paid for the purchase of the lands required for the Railway, or assessment of any interest therein, belonging to the party with whom such ques- o* P^i'^'^'^se tion of disputed compensation has so arisen, and also the sum of compensation money to be paid for the injury done to the lands of any such party ^o"" damage, by the severance from such lands of the lands required by the Com- pany, and also the sum of money to be paid by way of compensation for the damage occasioned to any such lands by the execution of the works, whether it be for damage sustained before the time of the inquiry, or for future damage, either temporary or permanent, or for any recurring damage, of which the cause is then only in part obviated, and which cannot or will not be further obviated by the Company ; and the sums of money to be paid for the injury done by any such severance as aforesaid, or by way of compensation for any such damage as aforesaid, shall in every case be assessed separately from the value of the lands, or the sum to be paid for the purchase thereof or of any interest therein. 40. In assessing the sum of money to be paid for the purchase Deduction of of any such lands, the value of any interest in such lands wliich may ^aluf "^ "'terest purchased. 158 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Recording and effect of decision and judgment. Rule as to apportionment of costs of inquiry. Particulars of costs. Payment of costs. No power to require sale of part of lot, etc. have been theretofore rightfully purchased by the Company shall be first deducted, 41. — (1.) The Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, as the case may be, before whom such inquiry may be held shall give decision and judgment for the purchase money or compensation assessed by such assessors, and the decision and judgment shall be signed by the Magis- trate or Justice, and, when so signed, shall be deposited and kept in the Office of the Registrar for Demerara and Essequebo or for Berbice, as the case may require. (2.) Every such decision and judgment shall be deemed a recoi'd, and the same, or true copies thereof, shall be good evidence in all Courts and elsewhere. (3.) All persons may inspect the said decisions and judgments, and may have copies thereof or extracts therefrom, on paying re- spectively the fees payable to the Registrar for inspection of records and for copies of or exti'acts therefrom. 42. On every such inquiry before assessors, where the decision of the assessors is given for the same or a greater sum than the sum previously offered by the Company, all the costs of such inquiry shall be borne by the Company ; but if puch decision is given for a less sum than the sum previously offered by the Company, one-half of the costs shall be defrayed by the owner of the lands and the other half by the Company : Provided always that in every case where, by reason of any disability, the owner of the lands has been prevented from treat- ing with the Company, all the costs shall be borne by the Company. 43. Such costs shall be determined by the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace, as the case may be, who may preside at such inquiry ; and such costs shall include all reasonable costs, charges, and expenses incurred in summoning assessors, making the inquiry, the attendance of witnesses, the employment of counsel, recording the decision and judgment, and otherwise incident to such inquiry. 44. With respect to any such costs payable by the Company, if, within seven days after demand, such costs are not paid to the party entitled to receive the same, the same shall be recoverable by distress, and, on apphcation to any Justice of the Peace, he shall give his warrant accordingly ; and with respect to any such costs payable by the owner of the lands, or of any interest therein, the same may be deducted out of any money awarded by the assessors to be paid to such owner, and the payment of the remainder of such money shall Ije a good payment and satisfaction of the whole thereof. 45. No party shall at any time be required to sell and transport or convey to the Company a part only of any lot of laud the extent of which does not exceed one-fourth of an acre, or of any house or other building, if such party is wilhng to sell and transport or convey the whole thereof. Lands subject to Mortgage. Power to 4i6. — (1.) Whenever the Company purchases or takes possession of deposit any land subject to or under mortgage, or any part thereof, and purchase money there arises any difference between the mortfiaKor of such lauds and or compensa- , , •' , „ ^ i • i ,. i ■ , • i i ^ .. i tion in order the mortgagee thereof, as to winch of them is entitled to receive the to obtain purchase money of or compensation for the same, and such differ- A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 159 ence is not satisfactorily settled between such mortgagor and mort- transport jligation on the Company t'l repair road used or interfered with by them. 64. — (1.) If such former road or dam cannot be restored compatibly with the formation and use of the Railway, the Company shall cause such new road or dam to be put into a permanently substantial con- dition equally convenient as the road or dam for which the same is substituted. (2.) If such former road or dam can be restored compatibly with the use and formation of the Railway, such restoration shall be made, and the former road or dam shall he lestored, or the substituted road or dam shall be put into such condition as aforesaid, as the case may be, within twelve months after the first operation on the former road or dam may have been commenced, unless the persons having charge of the road or dam to be restored, by writing under their hands, consent to an extension of the period, and in such case within such extended period. (3.) If any such road or dam is not restored, or the substituted road or dam is not completed within the period hereinbefore fixed for that purpo=;e, the Company shall forfeit twenty-four dollars for every day after the expiration of the period during which such road or dam is not so restored, or the substituted road or dam is not completed in such condition as aforesaid. (4.) Every .such penalty shall be sued for and recoverable by the Attorney General by action in any Court of competent jurisdiction. 65.— (1.) If, in the course of making the Railway, the Company uses or interferes with any rrad or dam, whether public or private, it shall maintain the same in as good a state of repair as such road or dam was in at the time when the Company began to use the same, and shall leave the same in such state of repair at the conclusion of its use thereof ; and if any difference arises as to the state of any such road or dam, either Ijefore or after the use thereof by the Company, the ques- tion shall l)e referred to the determination of two Justices, and such Justices may direct such improvements or repairs to be made in the state of such road or dam, and within such peiiod as they may think reasonable, and may impose on the Company not carrying into etfect such improvements or repairs any penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars per day, as to such Justices may seem just. (2.) If the Company neglects to commence such works within the time appointed by such Justices in that behalf, it shall forfeit twenty- A.D. 1846.] DEMERAEA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 165 four dollars for every day during which it does not so commence, or if, having commenced, it does not continue from day to day fluly to execute sucli works till the completion thereof, it shall forfeit twenty-four dollars for every day during which it does not so proceed in the execu- tion of such works ; and if the Company does not complete such works within the time in that behalf appointed by such Justices, it shall forfeit twenty-four dollars for every dfiy during which such works remain incomplete beyond the time so appointed for their completion. (3.) Every such penalty shall be recoverable by and in the name of the Attorney General by action as aforesaid. 66. The Company shall make convenient ascents and descents, where Provision of required, for every footway crossed by the Railway. ^^j. foo'twav. 67. With respect to the making and repairing of public roads and ^j^g^Q^^'^gj"^ highways, and roads, dams, bridges, or other public works, the Com- from expense of pany, as proprietors of lands taken for the purposes of the Railway, making and shall not be deemed proprietors of lands within the meaning of any 3!ii"roads Ordinance by which the expense of making or repairing of such public etc. roads and highways, and roads, dams, bridges, or other public works, is directed to be borne by proprietors of lands, but the Company shall at all times hereafter be exempt from all such expenses or any contribution thereto. Works for Accommodation of Lands adjoining Railway. 68. After any part of the Railway has been formed and during the Making of construction thereof, the Company shall make the following works at acTommodation the times hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, — of lands (1.) Such and so many convenient gates upon or adjoining the Railway. Railway as may be necessary for the purpose of making good any interruptions caused by the Railway to the use of the lands through which the Railway may be made, and protecting such lands from trespass or the cattle of the owners or occupiers thereof from straying thereout by reason of the Railway ; and also such and so many bridges, arches, hollows, culverts, fences, trenches, ditches, drains, and passages over, under, or by the sides of, or leading to or from, the Railway as may be necessary for the above purposes ; and such works shall be made forthwith after the part of the Railway passing over such lands has been laid out or formed ; (2.) Sufficient posts, rails, hedges, trenches, ditches, mounds or other fences for separating the lands taken for the use of the Railway from the adjoining lands not taken, with all necessary gates made to open towards such adjoining lands and not towards the Rail- way, and all necessary stiles; and such works shall be made forthwith after the taking of any such lands, if the owners thereof so require ; (3.) All necessary arches, tunnels, culverts, drains, trenches, or other passages, either over or under or by the sides of the Railway, of such breadth, depth, and dimensions as will be sufficient at all times to convey the water as clearly fiom the lands lying near to the Railway as before the making of the Railway, and such works shall be made from time to time ; and (4.) Proper watering-places for cattle, where, by reason of the Rail- way, the cattle of any person occupying any lands lying near VOL. I. 1?A 166 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. thereto are deprived of access to their former watering-places ; and such watering places shall be so made as to be at all times as sufficiently supplied with water as theretofore, and as if the Rail- way had not been made ; and for that purpose the Company shall make water-courses, drains, or trenches by the side of, along, or under the Railway, or in, through, or over, or across any lands adjoining thereto, of sufficient number and dimensions, and in a sufficient manner, and with proper and convenient bridges over, and tunnels under, the same respectively, for the purpose of con- veying water to the said watering-places : Provided always that it shall be lawful for the Company to make such accommodation works in such a manner as will not prevent or obstruct the working or using of the Railway. Cost and maintenance of accommo- dation works. Settlement of difference as to accommodation works. Power to execute accom- modation works ordered in case of default by the Company. 69. — (1.) AH accommodation works to be made as aforesaid shall be made at the expense of the Company, and at all times thereafter the Company shall, at its own expense, maintain in sufficient repair, and in proper condition, the works so made by it. (2.) For the purpose of enabling the Company to execute such works, and to keep them in repair, it shall be lawful for the Company, according to the provision hereinbefore contained respecting the tem- porary occupation of lands by the Company, its agents or workmen, to enter into any lands adjoining or near to the Railway, and load and carry the requisite materials in carts and otherwise upon and over such lands, doing as little damage as can be, and making full compen- sation for any damage done to the owner or occupier of such lands. 70. If any difference arises respecting the kind of any such accom- modation w^orks required, or the number of each kind, or the dimen- sions of the works, or the manner of executing them, or respecting the maintaining thereof, the same shall be determined by two Justices, on the application of any owner or occupier of any lands intersected or otherwise affected by the Railway, or of any other person having a right of way interrupted thereby, and such Justices shall also appoint the time within which such works shall be executed by the Company. 71. — (1.) If, for fourteen days next after the time appointed by such Justices for the execution or repair, as the case may be, of any such accommodation works, the Company fails to execute or repair, as the case may be, such accommodation works, it shall be lawful for the owners or occupiers of the adjoining lands who may be aggrieved by such failure themselves to execute such works or repairs, and the reasonable expenses of executing or repairing such accommodation works shall be repaid by the Company to the owners or occupiers by whom the same may have been executed or repaired. (2.) If there is any dispute about such expenses, the same shall be settled by two Justices, and if such expenses are not repaid within five days after the same have been settled by such Justices, and after an account thereof has been delivered to the Company, and demand thereof made upon the Company, the same may be levied by distress, and such Justices shall issue their warrants for that purpose ac- cordingly : Provided always 'that no such owner or occupier shall obstruct or injure the railway, or any of the works connected there- with, for a longer time, or use them in any other manner, than is un- A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 167 avoidably necessary for the execution or repair of such accommoda- tion works. 72. — (1.) If any owner or occupier of lands affected by the Railway Power to owner considers the accommodation works made by the Company, or directed J"" °^'^^^}'^^ °^ by such Justices to be made by tlie Company, insufficient for the com- t',j maicV modious use of such lands, it shall 1)H lawful for such owner or occu- additiomil ac- pier to make works for that purpose, but such works shall not be ^"q'^"*^''^'''^ executed without the consent of the Company, or, if such consent is withheld, without the authority of two Justices. (2.) For the purpose of obtaining such consent, such owner or occu- pier shall make a request in writing to the Company, and, if the Com- pany refuses, or for ten days after such request, delays to give such consent, it shall be lawful for such owner or occupier to make appHca- tion to such Justices, and thereupon, after hearing the Company, or without hearing, if no person attends on its behalf after notice for that purpose, such Justices may either give or withhold their authority for such works being made, as they may think fit. (3.) If the Company so desires all such last-mentioned works shall be constructed under the superintendence of its engineer, and according to plans and specifications to be submitted to and approved by such engineer : Provided, nevertheless, that the Company shall not be entitled to require either that plans should he adopted which would involve a greater expense than that incurred in the execution of similar works by the Company, or that the plans selected should be executed in a more expensive manner than that adopted in similar cases by the Company. 73. If, on the application of the owner or occupier of lands to Costs of any two Justices respecting the execution of any such accommodation application to • J 11S11C6S works, such Justices decide in favour of such owner or occupier, they may also award such reasonable costs to such owner or his represen- tative in this Colony, or to such occupier, for his loss of time, trouble, and expense in making such application as to such Justices may seem proper and the circumstances of the case may warrant ; and such costs shall be recoverable by the party entitled thereto, in the same manner as damages to a small amount are herein made recoverable. *e>^ 74. The Company shall not be compelled to make any further or Period durin- additional accommodation works for the use of owners and occupiers of which accom- land adjoining the Railway after ten years from the commencement of works may be this Ordinance. required. 75. Until the Company has made the bridges or other proper accom- Power to modations required to be made by it between lands intersected by the owners and Railway, and no longer, the owners and occupiei's of such lands, and ^^t'^eJ.gg^^g^ any other persons whose right of way may be affected by the want of lands to cross such communication, and their respective servants, may at all times Railway until freely pass and repass, and lead and conduct any horse or other animal works are made, dii-ectly (but not otherwise) across the pai-t of the Railway made in or through their respective lands, solely for the purpose of occupying the same lands, or for the exercise of such right of way and so as not to obstruct the passage along the Railway or to damage the same : Provided, nevertheless, that if the owner of any such lands has, in his arrangements with the Company, received or agreed to receive com- pensation for or on account of any such communications instead of 168 No. 2.] THE LA W8 OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. the same being formed, such owner or those claiming under him shall not cross the Railway from one part to the other part of the lands so severed, otherwise than by a bridge, arch, or culvert erected at the charge of such owner or those claiming under him. Branch Railways, Power to 76. — (1.) Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent the owners or owners, etc., to occupicrs of lands adjoining the Railway, or any other persons, from make branch laying down or cutting or constructing, at their own expense, either municating Upon or through their own lands or uj^on or through the lands of with Railway, other persons, with the consent of such persons, any canals or any collateral branches of railway from their respective lands to communi- cate with the Railway, for the purpose of bringing carriages, goods, and passengers to, or from, or upon the Railway. (2.) The Company shall, if required, at the expense of any such owners and occupiers and other persons, make openings in the ledges or tlanches uf the Railway for effecting such communication in such places where the communication can be made without injuiy to the Railway and without inconvenience to the traffic thereon. (3.) The Company shall not take any rate or toll or other money for the passing of any passengers, goods, or other things along any canal or branch railway so to be made by any such owner or occupier or other person. (4.) This enactment shall be subject to the following restrictions and conditions, that is to say, — (a. ) No such bi-anch railway shall run parallel to the Railway ; (b.) The Company shall not be bound to make any such open- ing in any place which it may have set apart for any specific purpose with which such communication would in- terfere, or upon any inclined plane or bridge, or in any tunnel ; and (c.) The persons making or using such canals and branch rail- ways shall be subject to all by-laws and regulations of the Company from time to time made with respect to passing upon or crossing the Railway and otherwise, and the persons making or using such branch railways shall be bound to construct, and from time to time as need may require to renew, the offset plates and switches according to the most approved plan adopted by the Company and under the directions of its engineer. Penalty on person ohstracting construction of Railway. Laying of property in niatprials in use under contract with the Company, Obstructions, etc, 77. Every person who wilfully obstructs any person acting under the authority of the Company in setting out the line of the Railway, or pulls up or removes any poles or stakes driven into the ground for the purpose of setting out the line of the Railway, or defaces or destroys any marks made for the same purpose, shall for every such offence forfeit twenty-four dollars. 78. During the execution of any contract made with the Company, the works in course of being done under such contract, and all the materials of every description brought upon or near such works for the purpose of being used in the execution of such contract, shall, in all A.D. 1846.J DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 169 mdictments or other criminal proceedings instituted by it for the purpose of protecting the same, be held to be the property of the Company. 79. After tlie expiration of seven years from the commencement of Duration of this Ordinance, all the powers hereby granted to the Company for po^^ers for executing the Railway shall oease to be exercised, except as to so much Railway, of the Railway as may then be completed, and except such powers as may hereby be declared to be continued for a longer period. I'olls to he taken on Railway. 80. The Company shall frame a tariff of tolls, which, when sane- Tariff of tolls tioned by the Governor and Court of i^olicy, may be lawfully demanded for passengers, in respect of the passengers, animals, articles, and things set forth in Railway, this section, and in the six next succeeding sections, that is to say, — 'First — In respect of passengers and animals conveyed in carriages upon the Railway as follows : — (a.) For every person conveyed in or upon any such carriage, per mile ; (6.) For every horse, mule, ass, or other beast of draught or tjurden, and for every bull, cow, ox, or neat cattle conveyed in or upon any such carriage, per mile ; and (c.) For every calf, sheep, lamb, pig, or other small animal conveyed in or upon any such carriage, per mile ; Second — In respect of the tonnage of all articles conveyed upon the Railway, or any part thereof, as follows : — (a.)' For any dung, compost, and all sorts of manure, lime, and limestone, and all undressed materials for the repair of pubHc roads or highways, per ton, per mile ; [h.) For all coals, coke, culm, charcoal, and cinders, hay, grass, firewood, all stones for building, pitching, and paving, all bricks, tiles, slates, clay, sand, ironstone, and iron ore, pig iron, bar iron, rod iron, hoop iron, and all other similar descriptions of wrought iron, and iron castings not manu- factured into utensils or other articles of merchandise, per ton per mile ; (e.) For all sugar, rum, molasses, grain, corn, flour, plantains, salt fish, hides, dyewoods, earthenware, timber, stones, and deals, metals (except iron), nails, anvils, vices, and chains, per ton per mile ; and {d.) For all cotton and other wools, drugs, manufactured goods, and other wares, merchandise, articles, matters, or things, per ton per mile ; and Third — In respect of carriages conveyed upon the Railway, or any part thereof, as follows : — (a.) For every carriage, of whatever description, having more than two wheels and not being a carriage adapted and used for travelling upon a railway, and not weighing more than one ton, carried or conveyed on a truck or platform, per mile ; and (6.) For every ton of every such carriage, weighing more than one ton, which any such carriage may weigh, per mile, 176 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Power to demand tolls for carriage of passengers, etc., by water. Tolls for use of engines. Eegulations as to fixing of toUs ToUs for small packages and single articles of great weight. 81. The Company may also demand in respect of the carriage by water of any passengers, animals, articles, and things brought or con- veyed to or from the Railway along or by means of any canals con- structed by the Company under the powers of this Ordinance, any tolls which may be authorized to be taken by tariff, to be framed in manner and form aforesaid. 82. The toll which the Company may demand for the use of engines for propelling carriages on the Railway shall not exceed, per mile, for each passenger or animal, or for each ton of goods or other articles, in addition to the several other tolls or sums authorized to be taken for the conveyance of such passengers, animals, goods, or articles, such sum as may be authorized to be taken by tariff, to be framed in man- ner and form aforesaid. 83. The following provisions and regulations shall be applicable to the fixing of such Railway and other tolls, that is to say, — (1.) For persons, animals, or articles conveyed upon the Railway for a less distance than two miles, the Company may demand, in addition to the tolls and charges for conveyance, a reasonable charge for the expense of stoppuig, loading, and unloading ; ^(2.) For a fraction of a mile leyond two miles, or beyond any greater number of miles, the Company may demand tolls for such fraction in proportion to the number of quarters of a mile con- mn^ tained therein, and, if there is a fraction of a quarter of a mile, ^-«- such fraction shall be deemed a fourth of a mile ; (3.) For a fraction of a ton, the Company may demand toll accord- ing to the number of one fourths of a ton in such fraction, and, if there is a fraction of one-fourth of a ton, such fraction shall be deemed one-fourth of a ton ; (4.) With respect to all articles, except stone and timber, the weight shall be determined according to the usual avoirdupois weight ; and (5.) With respect to stone and timber, fourteen cubic feet of stone, forty cubic feet of oak, mahogany, teak, beech, ash, greenheart, mora, and timber usually known as hardwood, or fifty cubic feet of every other timber, shall be deemed one ton weight, and so in proportion for any smaller quantity. 84. With respect to small packages and single articles of weight, the Company may lawfully demand tolls as follows : — great (1.) For the carriage of small parcels, that is to say, parcels not ex- ceeding ten pounds weight each, the Company may demand any sum which it may think fit : Provided always that articles sent in large aggregate quantities, although made up of several par- cels, such as bags of sugar, coffee, meal, and the like, shall not be deemed small parcels, but such terms shall apply only to single parcels and separate packages ; (2.) For the carriage of any one boiler, cylinder, bob, or single piece of machinery, or single piece of timber or stone, or other single article, the weight of which, including the cari'iage, exceeds six tons, but does not exceed eight tons, the Company may demand such sums as it from time to time may think fit, not exceeding such sum per ton per mile as may be authorized to be taken by tariff, to be framed in manner and form aforesaid ; and A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. ^. 171 (3.) For the carriage of any single piece of timber, stone, machinery, or other single article, the weight of which with the carriage ex- ceeds eight tons, the Company may demand such sum as it may think fit. 85. No carriage shall carry or bear at one time upon the Railway Liuiit of (including the weight of such carriage) more than the weight of eight ^a^rried oii^^ tons, except any one boiler, cylinder, bob, or piece of machinery, or Railway, any one piece of timber or stone, or any other single article ; and no such excepted ariicle, the weight of which, mcluding the carriage, ex- ceeds eight tons, shall be carried upon any part of the Railway without the special licence of the Company. 86. Every passenger travelling upon the Railway may take with Passenger's him his ordinary luggage, not exceeding such weight or dimensions luggage, as may be authorized to be taken by tariff, to be framed in manner and form aforesaid, without any charge being made for the carriage thereof. 87. All tolls for the use of the Railway shall be at all times charged equally to all persons, and after the same rate, whether per mile, or per ton per mile, or otherwise, in respect of all passengers, and all goods, animals, or carriages of a like description, and conveyed or pro- pelled by a like carriage or engine, and all tolls for carriages and the use of any locomotive power shall be at all times charged equally to all persons, and after the same rate, whether per mile or per ton per mile, or otherwise, in respect of goods, animals, or carriages of a like descrip- tion, and conveyed or propelled by a like carriage or engine passing along the same portion of the line of the Railway under the like circumstances ; and no reduction or advance in any such tolls for the use of the Railway, or for the conveyance by the Company, or for the use of any locomotive power to be supplied by them, shall be made either directly or indirectly, in favour of or against any particular persons travelling upon or using the same portion of the Railway : Provided always that it shall not be incumbent on the Company to adopt one uniform rate of charge in respect of Passengers, goods, animals, or carriages, brought or conveyed from different districts or localities ; but it shall be lawful for the Company from time to time to vary, increase, or diminish the rate of charge according to an average scale to be fixed or appointed by the Company, in proportion to the distances which such passengers, goods, animals, or carriages may have been brought or conveyed ; yet so, nevertheless, that in such cases the Company shall not, on any pretence, demand more than the maximum rates of toll to be fixed as hereinbefore mentioned. 88. The Company shall not at any time demand or take a greater amount of tolls, or make any greater charge for the carriage of pas- sengers or goods, than it may be authorized by tariff, to be framed in manner and form aforesaid, to demand ; and, on payment of the tolls from time to time demandable, all persons shall be entitled to use the Railway with carriages properly constructed as by this Ordinance directed, subject, nevertheless, to the regulations to he from time to time made by the Company, by virtue of the powers in that behalf herein conferred upon them. 89. If, at any time after the end of twenty-one years from and after the first day of January next after the commencement of this Ordin- Tolls to be charged equally to all persons. General right to use Railway on payment of tolls. ' Power to tho Governor and Court of m No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1846. Policy, in cei"tain cou- tingeiicies, to revise scale of tolls and fix new scale. Payment of tolls. Account of lading, etc., to be given. ance, the clear annual profits divisible upon the subscribed and paid up capital stock of the Railway, upon the average of the seven then last preceding j-ears, shall equal or exceed the rate of fifteen pounds for every hundred pounds of such paid up capital stock, it shall be lawful for the Governor and Court of Policy, upon giving to the Company three months' notice in writing of their intention to do so, to revise the scale of tolls, fares, and charges authorized by this Ordinance to be hereafter fixed by tariff to be framed in manner and form aforesaid, relating to the Railway, and to fix such new scale of tolls, fares, and charges applicable to such different classes and kinds of passengers, goods, and other traffic on the Railway as, in the judgment of the Governor and Court of Policy, assuming the same quantities and kinds of traffic to continue, will be likely to reduce the said divisible profits to the said rate of fifteen pounds in the hundred : Provided always that no such revised scale shall take effect unless accompanied by a guarantee, to subsist as long as any such revised scale of tolls, fares, and charges may be in force, that the said divisible profits, in case of any deficiency therein, shall be annually made good to the said rate of fifteen pounds for every hundred pounds of such capital stock : Provided, also, that such revised scale shall not be again revised, or such guarantee withdi'awn, otherwise than with the consent of the Company, for the further period of twenty-one years. 90. — (1.) All such tolls shall be paid to such persons and at such places upon or near to the railway, and in such manner, and under such regulations as the Company may, by notice to be annexed to the account or list of toll, appoint. (2.) If, on demand, any person fails to pay the tolls due in respect of any goods, it shall be lawful for the collector to detain and sell all or any part of such goods, and out of the money thence arising to re- tain the tolls payable in respect of such goods, and all charges and ex- penses of such detention and sale ; and such collector shall, on demand, render the overplus, if any, of the money arising by such sale, and such of the goods as may remain unsold, to the person entitled thereto ; and if such goods happen to be removed before the tolls payable in respect of the same are paid, then the Company may recover such tolls on complaint before one or two Justices, as the nature of the case may require. 91. — (1.) Every person being the owner or having the care of any carriage passing or being upon the Railway shall give to the collector of tolls at the places where he attends for the purpose of collecting tolls for the part of the Railway on which such carriage may have travelled or be about to travel, an exact account in writing, signed by him, of the number or quantity of articles conveyed by such carriage, and of the point of the Railway from which such carriage may have set out or be about to set out, and at what point the same is intended to be unloaded or taken off" the Railway, and if the articles conveyed by any such carriage are liable to the payment of each or any of such tolls. (2.) If any such owner or other person fails to give and deliver such account, or to produce his bill of lading to such collector demand- ing the same, or if he gives a false account, or if he leaves or delivers out, or takes any part of his lading or goods at any other place than may be mentioned in such account, with intent to avoid the payment A.D. 1846,] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 175 of any tolls payable by him, he shall for every such offence forfeit to the Company a sum not exceedmg ten dollars for every ton of goods or for any parcel not exceeding one hundred weight, and so in proportion for any less quantity of goods than one ton or for any parcel exceeding one hundred weight as the case may be, which may be upon any such carriage ; and such penalty shall be in addition to the toll to which such goods or things may be liable. 92. If any dispute arises concerning the amount of the tolls due to Difference as the Company, or concerning the charges occasioned by any distress to amount of levied with reference thereto, the collector or person distraining may distrain the goods, or, if the case so requires, the proceeds of the sale thereof, until the amount of the tolls due, or until such amount and the amount of the costs of such distress, has or have been ascertained by some Justice, and, on application made to any such Justice for that purpose, he shall examine the matter upon oath of the parties or witn(!sses, and determine the amount of the tolls due, and also the amount of the costs ; and it shall l)e lawful for such Justice to award such costs to be paid by either of the parties to the other of them as he may think reasonable, and if, on demand thereof, such costs are not paid by the parties ordered to pay the same, they shall be levied by distress, and such Justice shall issue his warrant for that purpose accordingly. 93. — (1.) If any difference arises between any toll collector or other Procedure m officer or servant of the Company, and any owner of or person having case of difler- the charge of any carriage passing or being upon the Railway, or of any ^yeight, etc., articles conveyed by such carriage, respecting the weight, quantity, of goods. or nature of such articles, such collector or other officer may lawfully detain such carriage and examine, weigh, gauge, or otherwise measure such cariiage and all articles conveyed thereby. (2.) If, upon such examining, weighing, gauging, or measuring, such articles appear to be of greater weight or quantity, or of other nature, than has been stated in the account given thereof, then the pei'son who has given such account shall pay, and the owner of such carriage or the respective owners of such articles, shall also, at the option of the Company, be liable to pay, the costs of such examining, weighing, gauging, or measuring ; but if such articles appear to be of the same or less weight or quantity than has been stated in such account, then the Company shall pay such costs, and it shall also pay to such owner of or person having the charge of such carriage, and to the respective owners of such articles, such damage, if any, as may appear to any Justice, on a summary application made to him for that purpose, to have arisen from such detention. Prevention of Frauds on the Conipciny, 94. Every person who — Penalty on (1.) Travels upon the Railway without having previously paid his practising fraud on the fare, and with intent to avoid payment thereof ; or (2.) Having paid his fare for a certain distance, knowingly and wil- fully proceeds beyond such distance, without previously paying the additional fare for the additional distance, and with intent to avoid payment thereof; or Company. 174 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. Detention of passenger practising fraud on the Company. Placing of milestones on Railway. (3.) Knowingly and wilfully refuses or neglects, on arriving at the point to which he has paid his fare, to quit the carriage of the Company, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding ten dollars. 95. If any person is discovered either in or after committing or attempting to commit any such offence as in ohe last preceding section mentioned, all officers and servants and other persons on behalf of the Company, and all constables, gaolers, and peace officers, may lawfully apprehend and detain such person until he can conveniently be taken before some Justice, or until he is otherwise discharged in due course of law. Milestones. 96. For the purpose of ascertaining distances with greater precision and facility, the Company shall cause the length of the Railway to be measured, and milestones, posts, or other conspicuous objects to be set up and maintained along the whole line thereof, at the distance of one quarter of a mile from each other, with numbers or mat ks inscribed thereon denoting such distances. Exhibition of list of tolls. No power to demand tolls luiless list exhibited. Lists of Tolls. 97. A list of the tolls authorized l)y this Ordinance to be taken and which may be exacted by the Company shall be published by the same being pamted upon one toll-board, or more, in distinct black letters on a white ground, or white letters on a black ground, and by such board being exhibited in some conspicuous place on the toll-gates, or toll- houses, or places where such tolls may be payable. 98. — (1.) No tolls shall be demanded or taken by the Company for the use of the Railway during any time at which the boards herein- before directed to be exhibited are not so exhibited, or at which the milestones, posts, or other conspicuous objects hereinbefore directed to be set up and maintained are not so set up and maintained. (2.) If any person wilfully pulls down, defaces, or destroys any such board or milestone, he shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars. Regulations as to toll ; collectors. Penalties on toll collector. Toll Collectors. 99. Every collector of tolls shall place in the front or on some other conspicuous part of the toll-house or other building where he may be on duty his name in legible characters, and each of the letters of such name shall be at least two inches in height and of a breadth in pro- portion, and painted either in white letters on a black ground or in black letters on a white ground, and he shall continue the same so placed during the whole time he is on duty. 100. Every such toll collector who commits any of the following offences shall forfeit a sum not exceeding forty-eight dollars for each such offence, that is to say, — (1.) If he does not place such board, and keep the same in its place during the whole time he is on duty ; or A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 175 (2.) If he either refuses to permit any person to read, or in any way hinders any person from reading, the inscription on such board ; or (3.) If he refuses to tell his name to any person demanding the same, who may have paid or tendered the tolls demanded of him, or if he gives a false name to any such person ; or (4.) If he demands or takes a greater or leas toll from any person than he may be lawfully authorized to do by tariff', to be framed in manner and form aforesaid ; or (5.) If, upon the legal toll being paid or tendered, he unnecessarily detains or wilfully hinders any carriage or any person from pass- ing upon the Railway ; or (6.) If he makes use of any scuri-ilous or abusive language to any passenger upon or to any person lawfully using the Railway. 101. If at any time it is made to appear to any Justice, on com- Liability of plaint that any such detention, examining, weighing, gauging, and ^^^ wrom^ul measuring of any carriage or goods as hereinbefore mentioned was detention, etc, without reasonable ground, or that it was vexatious on the part of ^^ goods. such collector or other officer, then the collector or other officer shall himself pay the costs of such detention, examining, weighing, gaug- ing, and measuring, and the damage occasioned thereby : and, in de- fault of immediate payment of any such costs or damages, the same may be recovered by distress of the goods of such collector, and such Justice shall issue his warrant for that purpose accordingly. 102. If any such toll collector is discharged or suspended from his Deliverj' up office, or dies, absconds, or absents himself, and if such collector so of things in discharged or suspended, or the wife, widow, or any of the family or toll collector representatives of any such collector so discharged or suspended, or on discharge, who may have died, absconded, or absented himself, refuses or neglects, ^^^' after seven days' notice in writing for that purpose, to deliver up to the Company, or to any person appointed by it for that purpose, any toll-house, dwelling-house, office, or other building, with its ap- purtenances, or any books, papers, or other matters belonging to the Company, in the possession or custody of any such collector at the occurrence of any such event as aforesaid, in right of his appointment as toll collector, then, on application being made by the Company to any Justice, it shall be lawful for such Justice to order any con- stable, with proper assistance, to enter upon such toll-house or other building, and to I'emove any person found therein, and to take pos- session thereof, and of any such books, papers, or other matters, and to deliver the same to the Company or any person appointed by it for that purpose. Regulations and By-Laws. 103. It shall be lawful for the Company from time to time, subject Power to the to the provisions and restrictions in this Ordinance C( ntained, to make |^"™e 're^^iila- regulations for preventing the smoking of tobacco and the commission tions relatmg of any other nuisance in or upon the carriages, or in any of the stations to smoking, etc or premises occupied by the Company, and generally for regulating the travelling upon, or using, or working of the Railway. 104. — (1.) For better enforcing the observance of all or any of the Power to the regulations prescribed by this Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the [^J'JJ^^g^^^^ alter by-laws. 176 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA ; [A.D. 1846. Power to mitigate penalties in by-laws. Exhibition of by-laws. Operation and proof of publi- cation of by-laws. Penalty on person puUino down board, etc. Carriage of dangerous goods on Railway. Company to make by-laws, and from time to time to repeal or alter such by-laws and make others provided that such by-laws are not repugnant to the laws of this Colony or the provisions of this Ordinance. (2.) Such by-laws shall be I'educed into writing and shall have affixed thereto the common seal of the Company. (3.) Any person offending against any such by-law shall for every such offence forfeit any sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars, to be imposed by the Company in such by-laws, as a penalty for any such offence ; and if the infraction or non-observance of any such by law or other regulation as aforesaid is attended with danger or annoyance to the public or hindrance to the Company in the lawful use of the Railway, it shall be lawful for the Companj- summarily to interfere to obviate or remove such danger, annoyance, or hindrance and to do so without prejudice to any penally incurred by the infraction of any such by-laws. 105. The said by-laws shall be so framed as to allow the Justice before whom any penalty imposed thereby may be sought to be re- covered to order a part only of such penalty to be paid if such Justice thinks fit. 106. The substance of such by-laws shall be painted on boards or printed on paper and affixed to such boards, and hung up and affixed and continued on the front or other conspicuous part of every office, toll-house, wharf, or station belonging to the Company, according to the nature or subject-matter of such by-laws respectively, and so as to give public notice thereof to the parties interested therein or affected thereby ; and such boards shall from time to tine be renewed as often as the by-laws thereon, or any part thereof, may be oblite- rated or destroyed ; and no penalty imposed by any such by-law shall be recoverable unless the same has been published and kept published in manner aforesaid. 107. — (1.) Such by-laws, when so made, published and affixed, shall be binding upon and be observed by all persons, and shall be sufficient to justify all persons acting under the same. (2.) For proof of the publication of any such by-laws, it shall be sufficient to prove that a printed paper or painted board containing a copy of such by-laws was affixed and continued in manner by this Ordinance directed, and, in case of its being afterwards displaced or damaged, then that such paper or board was replaced as soon as con- veniently might be. 108. If any person pulls down, breaks, or defaces any such board put up or affixed as required by this Ordinance for the purpose of publishing any by-law or penalty, or obliterates any of the letters or figures thereon, he shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and he shall also defray the expenses attending the restoration of such board, and such expenses shall be re- coverable as any penalty imposed by this Ordinance may be recovered. 109. — (1.) No person shall be entitled to carry or to require the Company to carry, upon the Railway any aquafortis, oil of vitriol, or gunpowder, or any other goods which, in the judgment of the Com- pany, may be of a dangerous nature. A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 177 (2.) If any person sends by the Railway any such goods without distinctly marking their nature on the outside of the package con- taining the same, or- otherwise giving notice in writing to the book- keeper or other servant of the Company with whom the same are left at the time of so sending, he shall for every such offence forfeit forty- eight dollars. 110. If, through any act, neglect, or default on account whereof LiaLility of any person may have incurred any penalty imposed by this Ordin- offender for ance, any damage to the property of the Company has been committed to proper^of by such person, he shall be liable to make good such damage, as well the Company. as to pay such penalty. 111. If any person omits to shut and fasten any gate set up across Penalty on or at either side of the Railway as soon as he and the carriage, cattle, R^^^°" ?™?*' or other animals under his care have passed thr ough the same, he shall gate. for every such offence forfeit a sura not exceeding ten dollars. Penalties and Forfeitures. 112. For the purpose of providing for the due publication of all Publication of penalties and forfeitures exigible under this Ordinance, or any by-law ^o^g|^^jfgg ^^^ of the Company, be it enacted that from time to time the Company by-laws, shall publish the short particulars of the several offences for which any such penalty is imposed by this Ordinance, and of the amount of any such penalty, and shall cause such particulars to be painted on a board, or printed upon paper and affixed to a board, and shall cause such board to be hung up or affixed on some conspicuous part of the principal place of business of the Company in this Colony ; and, where any such penalties are of local application, shall cause such boards to be affixed in some conspicuous place in the immediate neighbourhood to which such penalties are applicable or have reference ; and such particulars shall be renewed as often as the same or any part thereof are or is obliterated or destroyed, and no such penalty shall be recoverable unless it has been published and kept published in the manner hereinbefore required. 113. Every penalty or forfeiture imposed by this Ordinance, or by any by-law made in pursuance thereof, the recovery of which is not otherwise provided for, may be recovered by summary proceedings before two Justices ; and the laws for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction, including the right of and the procedure on appeal from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates, shall apply in respect of such proceedings, with the modifications necessary to meet the case of the jurisdiction hereby conferred upon two Justices. 114. Any officer or agent of the Company, and all persons called by him to his assistance, may seize and detain any person who may have committed any offence against the provisions of this Ordinance and whose name and residence are unknown to such officer or agent, and convey him with all covenient despatch before some Justice ; and such Justice shall proceed with all convenient despatch to the hearing and determination of the complaint against such offender. Procedure and appeal. See Ordi- nances No. 12 o/"1893awrf No. 13 o/"1893. Apprehension of offender who is unknown. 178 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA . [A.D. 1846. Service of process on the Company. Saving of right of future legisla- tion relating to railways. Saving of enactment. No. 1 of 1846. Property in carcase of pig. Miscellaneous Provisions. 115. Any summons, notice, or writ, or other proceeding at law or in equity, requiring to be served upon the Company may be served by the same being given personally to the Secretary or other officer appointed in that behalf by the Company, or being left at the office of the Company, or being delivered to some inmate at the place of abode of such Secretary or other officer ; and in case there is no Secretary or such other officer appointed in that behalf, or the place of abode of the Secretary or such other officer respectively is not found, then by being given to any one member of the Committee of the Company, or by being delivered to some inmate of the place of abode of any such member of Committee. 116. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed or construed to exempt the Railway hereby authorized to be made from the provisions of any Act of Parliament, Order-in-Council, or Ordinance relating to railways which may hereafter be passed and be in force in this Colony ; and it shall be lavvful for the Governor and Court of Policy, by any future enactments, to repeal, alter, or amend any part of this Ordin- ance, without being responsible on that account to provide compen- sation or indemnity to the shareholders of the Company. 117. Nothing in this Ordinance or in the Deed of Settlement shall repeal, alter, vary, or affect section 359 of the Companies' Clauses and Powers Consolidation Ordinance, 1846. 118. It shall not be lawful for the Demerara Railway Company or any servant thereof to appropriate the carcase of any pig destroyed on the Railway ; but the property in the carcase shall remain in the person to whom the animal belonged when alive. (2 of 1902, s. 4.) Section 4. Preamble. Recitals. SCHEDULE. Deed of Settlement of the Demekaka Kailway Company. This Indenture, made the Eighteenth day of September, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-five, between Charles Cave, of Threadneedle Street, in the City of London, Esquire ; Michael M'Chlery, of Finsbury Circus, in the County of Middlesex, Esquire ; Henry Barkly, of Eaton Place, Belgrave Square, in the said County, Esquire ; Sir James Egbert Cakmichael, of Sussex Gardens, in the said County, Baronet ; George Anderson, of Lime Street Square, in the City of London, Esquire ; James Brand, of New East India Chambers, in the City of London, Esquire ; Henry Davidson, of Lime Street Square, aforesaid, Esquire ; George Labalmondiere, of Lime Street, in the City of London, Esquire ; and Thomas Naghten, of Fenchurch Street, in the City of London, Esquire, of the first part ; the several other persons whose names and seals are iDy themselves, or by their respective attorneys or agents, hereunto, or to a duplicate hereof, subscribed and afiixed in the Schedule written under or annexed to these Presents, or such duplicate hereof, of the second part ; and Alexander Macgregor, of No. 31, Chester Street, Grosvenor Place, in the County of Middlesex, Esquire, and Alexander George Milne, of No. 10, George Yard, Lombard Street, in the City of London, Esquire, of the third part. Whereas the making a Railway in the; Colony of British Guiana, from George- town the Capital of said Colony, to Mahaica, in such Colony, would be not only of great public advantage to the said Colony by opening a certain and expeditious communication between Georgetown and Mahaica aforesaid, and the intermediate anil adjacent villages and districts, and by affording or facilitating the mc;ins of bringing the produce of the said Colony into the market, but would also probably A.D. 1846.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 179 afford an ample return to the individuals making such Railway upon their capital expended for that purpose ; And whereas corresponding advantages would result from the continuation of the said Railway to other parts of the said Colony, and the construction of lateral Branch Railways therefrom and from such continuation thereof ; And whereas the several persons, parties hereto of the first and second parts, have agreed to form a joint stock company for making and maintaining such Rail\»ay as aforesaid, and all necessary and proper works and conveniences connected therewith, with power (if the Legislature of the Colony of British Guiana shall so permit) to make such Extension or Branch Railways as aforesaid, and have also agreed to raise for the purpose of such undertaking, a capitaP of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, in ten thousand shares of twenty-five pounds each, such capital to be increased, if thought proper, in manner hereinafter mentioned, and to apply for and obtain an Act of the Legislature of the said Colony for establishing and incorporating them as such joint stock company, and for enabling them to make such Railway and (if thought proper) such extensions and branches, and, with reference to the objects aforesaid, have agreed to enter into the covenants hereinafter contained ; And whereas the said several persons, parties hereto of the first and second parts, have respectixely agreed to take the shares in the said Company, the numbers of which are set opposite to the res|)ective names of such parties in the said schedule written under or annexed to these Presents, or a duplicate hereof, and each of such parties has paid into the banking house of Messrs. Puescott, Guote, Cave, Ames, and Cave, in London, the sum of Two Pounds Ten Shillings per share by way of deposit on the shares to be taken by him or her : Now this Indenture witnesseth, that in pursuance of the said recited agreement, each of the parties hereto, of the first and second parts, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, but so far only as relates to the acts and defaults of himself and his own executors or administrators, hereby covenants and agrees with the said Alexander Macgkegor and Alexander George Milnf, their executors and administrators, in trust for the Company to be established and incorporated as afore- said in manner following (that is to say) — 1. That when and so soon as an Act of the Legislature of the said Colony of British Guiana can be obtained for the purpose, (and the expenses of applying for and endeavouring to obtain which Act, as well as all other expenses incident to the for- mation of the said intended Company, shall be defrayed out of the amount paid by the said parties hereto by way of deposit as aforesaid, or to be called for pursuant to the ninet^-enth clause or article hereinafter contained), the several persons, parties hereto, and other the persons who shall from time to time be holders of shares in the capital or joint stock hereinafter mentioned, shall become and remain associated as a joint stock company for the purpose of the said undertaking, viz., the making and maintaining a railway from Georgetown to Mahaica, in the Colony aforesaid, with such extensions, continuations, or branches as the s^dd act may authorize, and all necessary and proper works and conveniences connected therewith respectively, according to the provisions contained in these Presents, or such of them as may bo confirmed or sanctioned by the snid Act, and according also to such alterations or modifications (if any) of the said provisions, and to such other provisions as shall or may be contained in the said Act, by the name and style of " The Demerara Railway Company," or such other name as may be fixed by the said Act, and which intended Company is hereinafter referred to as " the Company." 2. That the capital i of the Company shall, in the first instance, be the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds, divided in Ten Thousand shares, each of the amount of twenty-five pounds, and such shares shall be numbered in arithmetical progression, beginning with number 1, and every such share shall be distinguished by its appropriate number, but such capital may be increased in the manner herein- after provided. Provisional establishment and name of the Company. Capital of the Company. 3. That all shares in the undertaking shall be personal estate and transmissible as such, and as such shall not be subject to the lex loci, but shall be regulated as to transmission thereof, and otherwise, by the law of the place * ' ' ''" '" ^^' shareholder. of domicile of the 4. That every person who shall have subscribed or shall subscribe the sum of twenty-five pounds or upwards to the capital of the Company shall be deemed a shareholder of the Company, and shall be entitled to have one share therein allotted to him in respect of every sum of twenty-five pounds so subscribed by him. Shares to be personal estate. Shareholders. 1 But see Ordinance No. 1 ol 1849 b. 2. VOJ- 13 180 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1846. Register Book of Share- holders. Shareholders' Address Book. Certificates of shares. Use of certifi- cate as evi- dence. Renewal of certificate. Register of Transfers. No right of transfer if calls unpaid. Closing of Register of Transfers. 5. That the Company shall keep a book to be called the " Register Book of Share- holders," and in such book shall be entered, from time to time, the names and additions of the several persons being shareholders in the Company, the number of shares to which such shareholders shall be respectively entitled, (distinguishing each share by its number), and the amount of the subscriptions paid on such shares, and such book shall r)e authenticated by the common seal of the Company being affixed thereto, and such authentication shall take place at the first ordinary meeting or at some subsequent meeting of the Company, and such book shall be kept at the Office of the Company iu London. 6. That, in addition to the said Register of Shareholders, the Company shall provide a book to be kept at the Office of the Company in London to be called the "Shareholders' Address Book," in which shall, from time to time, be entered the places of abode of the several shareholders of the Company, and every shareholder may at all convenient times peruse such book gratis, and may require a copy thereof, or of any part thereof, and for every one hundred words so required to be copied the Company may demand a sum not exceeding sixpence. 7. That, on demand of the holder of any share, the Compan}' shall cause a certifi- cate of the proprietorship of such share to be delivered to such shareholder, and such certificate shall have the common seal of the Company affixed thereto, and such certificate shall specify the share in the undertaking to which such shareholder is entitled, Hnd the same may be according to any form determined or approved of by the London Committee hereinafter mentioned ; and for such certificate the Company may demand any sum not exceeding two shillings and sixpence. 8. That such certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the title of such share- holder, his executors, administrators, or as^imis, to the share therein specified, nevertheless the want of such certificate shall not prevent the holder of any share from disposing thereof. 9. That if any such certificate be worn oirt or damaged, then, upon the same being produced at some meeting of the London Committee hereinafter mentioned, such Committee may or ai o ^. (= S +5 .s ^ ft.a rt (D •« o !^ o [o -a . ^cu kg ^ S _^ . . J „• J5 .9 tS a ^ S sajBttg JO 'oj^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'rtOOmOOOOOOOOO o o s> o Ph •53 -w'^ 5 3 ^ gm C Qi h^ * -M "o 3 A X j> w o S a o T3 s C ai-:i o T3 rn c O i h-1 a 0) 03 ^ So a a' d CC tb C O) a -M c« C3 OJ a ^ OI h^iz; o a c - a J -3 M a a a a ^'tK

^ !- t< '■ ^ ^ fH a> 0) 0) a a / « aj 0) QPP a a cS!3c«0;jc;oJcSc«:4cScS 01 h ^ h kl M 03 aj o m 0) a a a a c o o o c -M -t-3 -W -*^ -*^ 3; Qj a; O Q^ M 6jC 6C ec 6C ;h !h ^ h !h o o o o o (U ti) CI) o) 03 a a a 03 g g ..SO) 03 D ri5 oj oj oj a> Q ft XQ « Q P a" a' S a" a' a' a' g p: 2 ? s 5 s o o if o c o c -M -^ l/J -4^ -M -*J -f3 03 03 03 03 03 03 M tJ} >;< 6C bc bC' at tn ^< _fe tn ^< >- tH o o -S o o o o 03 03 ►^ 03 03 03 03 Oc5^ OcScSO H M !-l ;-i 03 03 03 03 a a a a 03 03 03 03 POOP a a a a ^ S g ? o o o o -H -M -*J -M 03 03 03 03 tc at' tx 6c h Si Sh h o o o o 03 03 03 03 05 CU U 03 a 03 53 3i Q 03 cS ,r t< V< 03 03 03 > a a ° Q) CD ^ a a « S > a C O -3 03 03 > tie tc*^ o o rt 03 03 J ^ .=« ? 0! ^^ ^ ^3 ci cj ?3 Sh fci l^ 03 03 a a a C O) OJ p«fi M ? ^ g c o U 03 03 WOO aj 03 03 a _o O 53 P4H 03 03 03 "S 'a 'a '3 S CTi cri Crl fci 03 « m c3 -♦^ +3 -*a +3 . -M . a (S 03 03 Pi a a !h oi Sh te 03 -- 03 rt ,U "-^ ,U T^ -f3 a 03 iH fci 0) Sh t< oi S 03 03 T* 03 03 _i ""7 ?g^mS^«S aaja30303'^0303^^iSa3j8«^^g^«^O 03 GO « a a o « a sj'^'S "^IKgP A>A>Aa>^>AA 03 ^5 9 a • o "■ o -a a M1 ;l^ 9 • o „ M^ o:gcc3'*; -i- o s a M O h? H <1 ■ ce 0) _ o o . a"^ • '^ 5 a o m o o lO (M CO O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (M ce ^ a ce -Js aj a g oT oj 5 I" fi;5 g h IH ce ^ cj m V « a> o a a ao Q) aj » ^ ftftfi ?§ a" F a'W a> 0) oj ^ O (P o « gS .3 ce a _ ^ MikPhOOOPh 3 p 3 a 0) 01 S I' a apft ft ft a" 2 - - ce K-' a a gi^ o o a Ol ceft ce ce A! tn t. s a; -t S-l o o .tS o o (U 0) r; 0) D o a o g 2 fin oT o D fci ce ce !- "S o cj "S a ;h ^ ^ ce a> 0) ce en >H I:l1gg-a,1-al|||| J^ '2^ C3 OJ a; .^ rt rH Qj c3 ce CC 0) ; ce O) g o 0) S a ce iz; a .a g Oi -" M -? 02 t^ J' en V (U CD Q w ^s r^ Ol D .S O N ce 3 ■ CO 'I- ce q q.q ►?«P?E-i ^^ sw 1) a-S eg 0) o "2 £f£ a 2 S 9 2 sa S a 3 0) O =! =e .. r' X ►^ 5 5 0) s ^ .a -3 -i o o O) t< ,-4 q; .a h Pi a o u & -2 aw W a £.2 aa VOL. I. U 196 No. 3.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1846. A.D. 1846. — ♦ — As to the criminal laio of iihcl, see Ordinance No. 18 of 1893 Title J. Short Title. Interpretation of terms. Cases in wliich action for defamation to be maintain- able. Rii^ht of defendant to plead truth of matters cliarged. Power to defendant to give evidence of apology in mitigation of damages. Kiglit of defendant in acti')n for libtl HI news- paper to plead special plea. ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1846. An Ordinance to amend the Laws respecting Defama- tory Words and Libel. [2nd January, 1846.] FOR the purpose of amending the laws respecting defamatory words and libel, and for the better protection of private character and for more effectually securing the liberty of the press, and for better preventing abuses in exercising the said liberty : Be it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Slander and Libel Ordinance, 1846. 2. Wherever in this Ordinance in describing the plaintiff or the defendant, or the party affected or intended to be affected by the offence, words are used importing the singular number or the masculine gender only, yet they shall be understood to include several persons as well as one person and females as well as males, unless when the nature of the provision or the context of the Ordinance excludes such construction. 3. In every case in which an action for defamation would be main- tainable in the High Court of Justice in England in respect of words spoken, and in no other case, an action for defamation shall be main- tainable in the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction, and in no other Court of this Colony. 4. In every action for defamation or for libel it shall be lawful for the defendant to plead the truth of the matters charged by way of justification in the same manner as he might do in any like action in the High Court of Justice in England, and if, on the issue joined on such plea, a verdict passes for the defendant, the defendant shall have final judgment and recover his costs of suit. 5. In every action for defamation it shall be lawful for the defendant (after notice in writing of his intention to do so, duly given to the plaintiff at the time ot filing or delivering the plea in such action) to give in evidence, in mitigation of damages, that he made or offered an apology to the plaintiff for such defamation before the commencement of the action, or as soon afterwards as he had an opportunity of doing so, in case the action has been commenced before there was an oppor- tunity of making or offering such apology, 6. — (1.) In any action for a libel contained in any public newspaper or other peri(jdical publication, it shall be competent to the defendant to plead that such libel was inserted in such newspaper or other periodical publication without actual malice and without gross neg- ligence, and that, before the commencement of the action, or at the earliest opportunity afterwards, he inserted in such newspaper or other periodical publication a full apology for the said libel, or, if the news- paper or periodical publication in which the said libel appeared is A.D. 1847.] AUTHORITY OF CHIEF JUSTICE. [No. 2. 197 ordinarily published at intervals exceeding one week, had offered to publish tlie said apology in any newspaper or periodical publication to be selecte 1 by the plaintiff in such action. (2.) Every such defendant shall, on filing such plea, be at liVjerty to pay into Court a sum of money by way^f amends for the injury sustained by the publication of such libel ; and such payment into Court shall be by leave of the Court or any one of the Jud'_'es of the Court, in such n)anner and under such regulations as the Court may, by any rules or orders by the Court to be from time to time made, order and direct. 7. It shall not be competent to any defendant in such action to file Payment of any such plea, without at the same time making a payment of money ^°^^^^^\l into Court by way of amends as provided by this Ordinance, but special plea, every such plea so filed without payment of money into Court shall be deemed a nullity, and may be treated as such by the plaintiff in the action. 8. Nothing in this Ordinance shall take away or prejudice any de- Saving of fence under the plea of not guilty which it would be competent to the of ^not°euiltv defendant to make under such plea to any action for defamatory words or libel. England. if such action was brought in the High Court of Justice in OKDINANCE No. 2 OF 1847. An Ordinance to explain and regulate the Duties, a.d.i847. Powers, and Authority of the Chief Justice of * British Guiana in certain Civil Matters. [28th August, 1847.] WHEREAS by Ordinance No. 5 of the Year 1846, and by other Ordinances, certain applications in civil cases are allowed to be made upon motion before a Judge sitting apart, and trans- ports and mortgages are assigned to l)e passed before a Judge, and it has been construed that the Chief Justice of British Guiana is included in the words " a Judge sitting apai't " and in the words " a Judge," whenever these wx)rds occur in any of the said Ordinances, and that he, the Chief Justice, is bound to sit apart to hear motions, to pass transports and mortgages, and to do and perform all such other matters and things as are directed by the said Ordinance No. 5 of the year 1846, and by other Ordinances, to be done by and before " a Judge sitting apart " or " a Judge " ; And whereas it is expedient that the Chief Justice should be relieved from such duties : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. Wherever by the said Ordinance No. 5 of the year 1846, or by J^^'^Jl^^j*'" °^ any other Ordinance, it is declared or enacted that any application or j„stice from motion in any civil case shall be made, or any matter or thing in any meaning of civil case shall be done, by or before a Judge sitting apart, or by or */™ " i*. .. IP Ti "^PiTi-i-i;-!, Judge sitting berore a Judge or anv one of the Judges, without speciiying such apart," etc. VOL. I. Ua 198 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1847. Cases in which the Chief Justice may sit apart. Saving of powers, etc., of the Chief Justice. Awarding of costs by the Chief Justice. Judge to be the Chief Justice or one of the Puisne Judges, the words " a Judge sitting apart," or " a Judge," or " one of the Judges," shall mean, and be construed to mean, one of the Puisne Judges and not the Chief Justice of British Guiana. 2. The Chief Justice shall not be bound to sit apart to hear any motion in any civil case, or to pass any transport or mortgage, or to do or perform any matter or thing directed to be done or performed in any civil case by any Judge sitting apart, or by a single Judge, unless the Puisne Judges are unavoidably absent or incapable of attending, when he shall be authorized to do so ; and every order, act, matter, and thing done and performed by the Chief Justice in any such case shall be as binding and effective as if done and performed by one of the Puisne Judges. 3. Nothing in this or any other Ordinance shall annul, abridge, or affect the powers, privileges, and authority of the Chief Justice ; and the Chief Justice shall have and possess full power and authority to make, during non-session of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction, orders on all petitions for mandaments and on all other petitions which he may consider do not admit of delay, and shall have, enjoy, and possess all the rights powers, privileges, and authority formerly lawfully possessed, exercised, or enjoyed by any President or Chief Justice of the Supreme Courts of Criminal and Civil Justice of Demerara and Essequebo, or of the Supreme Court of Civil Justice of British Guiana, anything in any law or Ordinance to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. 4. The Chief Justice shall have full power and authority on all petitions for mandaments, and on all other petitions which may be brought before him, to make such orders in respect to costs as to him may seem right ; and every order of the Chief Justice directing the payment of costs by any party may be enforced by process in execu- tion in the same manner in which a sentence of the Supreme Court condemning a party to pay costs may be enforced. Ordinance No. 23 of 1859 s. 7 incorpor- ated. OBDINANCE No. 1 OF 1849. A.D. 1849. An Ordinance to alter, amend, and enlarge some of the provisions of the Ordinances relating to the Demerara Kail way Company. [13th January, 1849.] WHEREAS by the Indenture or Deed of Settlement of the Deme- rara Railway Company, bearing date the 18th day of September, lb45, imcorporated with and confirmed by the Demerara Railway Company's Ordinance, 1«46, and made between Charles Cave, of No. 2 of 1846. Threadneedle Street, in the City of London, Esquire, Michael M'Chlery, of Finsbury Circus, in the County of Middlesex, Esquire, and others of the first part, the several other persons whose names and seals are by themselves, or their respective attorneys or agents, thereunto, or to a duplicate thereof, subscribed and affixed in the schedule written under A.D. 1849.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 1. 199 or affixed to such Indenture or duplicate of the second part, and Alexander Macgregor, of No. 3, Chester Street, Grosvenor Place, in the County of Middlesex, Esquire, and Alexander George Milne, of No. 10, George Yard, Lombard Street, in the City of London, Esquire, of the third part, the capital of the said Company was declared to be the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, divided into ten thousand shares, each of the amount of twenty-five pounds ; And whereas it is expedient that the capital of the said Company should be reduced to the sum of one hundred and seventy-five thousand pounds, and that the shares of twenty-five pounds each should be reduced to the amount of seventeen pounds ten shillings each, instead of twenty- five pounds each, and that the sum of seventeen pounds ten shillings only, instead of the sum of twenty-five pounds, should be raised in respect of each such share : Be it therefore enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Demerara Railway Company's Ordinance, 1849. 2. The capital of the said Company shall be the sum of one hundred and seventy-five thousand pounds, instead of the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, and the said capital of one hundi*ed and seventy -five thousand pounds shall be divided into ten thousand shares, of seventeen pounds ten shillings each, and such' last-mentioned shares shall (as far as circumstances will allow) be subject to the same pro- visions in all respects as the said original number of shares of twenty- five p )unds each were made subject to by the said Ordinance and Indenture or Deed of Settlement, and each of them, unless where other- wise provided for or directed by this Ordinance. 3. Whereas, by virtue of the said Ordinance and Deed of Settlement, the said Company is empowered to borrow on mortgage or bond such sums of money as may from time to time, by an oi'der of a general meeting of the Company, be authorized to be borrowed, but the rate of interest to be paid by the said Company for the use of such sum or sums borrowed is not particularly specified therein : Be it therefore enacted that it shall be lawful for the said Company to allow any rate of interest for the use of the sum or sums of money to be borrowed as aforesaid : Provided that such rate of interest shall not exceed the sum of ten pounds per cent, per annum. 4. Whereas it is expedient that the said Company should be em- powered to raise the sum or sums of money they are authorized to borrow by the issue of preferential shares, in case such sum or sums of money cannot be obtained by way of loan secured by mortgage or bond : Be it therefore enacted that it shall be lawful for the said Company, by order from time to time of any ordinary or extraordinary meeting of the said Company, to raise either by contribution among themselves or by the admission of other persons as subscribers to the undertaking, or in part by each of those means, such sum or sums of money as it would otherwise be at liberty to borrow. The money so to be raised from time to time by subscription shall be divided into distinct and integral shares of the sum of seventeen pounds ten shillings each ; and all such new shares, and the holders thereof, Short title. Reduction of capital of the Company. Rate of interest on money borrowed. Power to create new sliares in lieu of borrowing. 200 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA . [A.D. 1849. Increase of rate of interest allow- able to share- holders advancing subscriptions. Reduction of number of members of London and Demerara Committees. See Ordinance No. 3 0/1855. shall have priority and preference over all other shares and interests in the capital of the said undertaking, as regards the principal of such other shares and the dividends or interests to accrue thereon, and over all charges now granted by the said Company, or hereafter to be granted, for the execution of the works under the said Ordinance authorized to be made and constructed ; but such new shares, having such priority and preference as aforesaid, shall not be issued without the authority of the vote of the shareholders at an ordinary or extra- ordinary meeting of the said Company : Provided always that all the provisions in the said Ordinance and Indentm'e or Deed of Settlement, or either of tliem, contained with regard to the money by the said Ordinance and Indenture or Deed of Settlement, or either of them, authorized to be raised by subscription, and to the shares to be issued in respect thereof, and to the creation of new shares, and to the holders of such shares, shall apply to the money to be raised, and to the shares to be created, by virtue of this Ordinance, and to the holders of such shares, sa\e and except so far as such provisions are repealed or altered by or are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. 5. Whereas the rate of interest allowed to be paid to shareholders of the said Company who may be willing to advance the whole or any part of their subscriptions, beyond the sums actually called for, is limited by the said Ordinance and Indenture or Deed of Settlement to the rate of five per cent, per annum ; and whereas it is expedient to extend such limitation : Be it therefore enacted that it shall be law- ful for the said Company to pay to any shareholder or shareholders who may advance the whole or any part of the moneys due upon their respective shares, beyond the sums actually called for, such rate of interest upon the principal moneys so paid in advance, or so much thereof as from time to time may exceed the amount of the calls upon the shares in respect of which such advance may have been made, as the shareholder paying such sum in advance and the Company may agree upon : Provided that the rate in interest to be paid shall not in any case exceed the sum of ten pounds per cent, per annum. 6. Whereas, by the said Ordinance and Indenture or Deed of Settle- ment, the general direction and management of the affairs of the Com- pany (subject only to the control of general meetings) are vested in a Committee of not less than nine shareholders, resident in England, and styled " The London Committee," and the local direction and manage- ment of such afiairs in this Colony (subject to the absolute control in all things of the London Committee) are vested in a Committee of nine shareholders resident in this Colony, and styled " The Demerara Committee "; and whereas the said Company is empowered from time to time in general meeting, after due notice for that purpose, to increase the number of members in the case of the London Committee to twelve ; and whereas it is expedient that the number of members of the London Committee of the said Company should be reduced from nine to five, and that, in the case of the Demerara Committee, the number of members should V)e reduced from nine to three ; Be it therefore enacted that it shall be lawful for the said Company, from time to time in general meeting, after due notice for that purpose, to reduce the number of members in the case of the London Committee, upon the death, resignation, disquaUfication, or removal uf the present members of such Committee, to five ; and also to determine the order A.D. 1849.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 1. 201 of rotation in which such reduced number shall go out of office, and what number shall be a quorum at their meetings ; and also, in the case of the Demerara Committee, it shall be lawful either for the said Company from time to time, in general meeting, after due notice for that purpose, or for the London Committee of the said Company, at any meeting of such Committee, to reduce the number of the members of the Demerara Connnittee, upon the death, resignation, discjualification, suspension, or removal of the present members of such Committee to three ; and also to determine the order of rotation in which such reduced number shall go out of office, and what number shall be a quorum at their meetings ; and that it shall henceforth be sufficient that there be, in the case of the London Committee, not less than five members to act in the general diiection and management of the affairs of the said Company, and, in the case of the Demerara Committee, not less than three members to act in the local direction and manage- ment of affairs in this Colony, but subject to the absolute control in all things of the said London Committee, according to the provisions of the said Ordinance and Indenture or Deed of Settlement, except as hei'eby altered, and which said five, in case of the London Committee, and which said three, in case of the Demerara Committee, shall have, enjoy, and be subject to all the powers and provisions, rights, privileges, and indemnities which, by the said Ordinance and Indenture or Deed of Settle nient, are given and provided for the said nine members in the case of the TiOndon Committee, and for the said nine members in the case of the Demerara Committee, except such of the powers and provisions as are altered and amended by, or inconsistent with this Ordinance. 7. If at any time there are not three members serving on the Local Right of Committee in this Colony, the Manager of the Railway for the time Manager to J * ~ *j ^ act on J_jOC3.1 being may lawfully act as and be provisionally one of such Committee, Committee in and may, with the remaining members or member of such Committee, certain event, lawfully exercise the powers of such Committee until the vacancy or vacancies is filled up according to law : Provided always that it shall be lawful for the Company, with the consent of a general meeting of shareholders, from time to time to appoint, if it thinks fit to do so, a Managing Director in lieu of the Local Committee, and such Managing Director may, during his tenure of office, lawfully have, exercise, and enjoy all the rights, powers, duties, and authorities vested in the Local Committee by the provisions of the Deed of Settlement and of the several Ordinances relating to the Company now in force ; and in the event of such Managing Director dying, resigning or becoming incap- able of acting, it shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint pro- visionally in his place until the vacancy is filled up by the Company. 8. All the powers, provisions, matters, and things which are con- Saving of tained in the said Ordinance and Indenture or Deed of Settlement, °j ^j^J except such of them, if any, as are by this Ordinance repealed, altered. Company. or otherwise provided for, shall remain in full force and cflFect to all intents and purposes, as if the same powers, provisions, matters, and things were hereby and herein repeated and re-enacted. 9. This Ordinance shall be incorporated with the said Ordinance, and Constraction all the provisions of this Ordinance shall form part of the said oftheOrdm- Ordinance and shall be construed together therewith as forming one Ordinance, ance. 202 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1850. A.D. 1850. Ordinance. No. 37 o/ 1900, incorporated , Short title. Interpretation of terms. Materials of whicli bread may be made. Regulations as to weight and size of bread. B Weights to he used in sale of bread. (See Ordinance bio. 2 of 1851. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1850. An Ordinance to provide Regulations for the Making and Sale of Bread and for preventing the Adulter- ation of Meal, Flour, and Bread. [1st August, 18.50.] E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance maybe cited as the Bread (Making and Sale) Ordinance, 1850. 2. In this Ordinance, unless it is otherwise specially provided or unless the context otherwise requires, — " Baker " means every person who makes, or sells, or exposes bread for sale : Every word importing the singular number only shall extend and be applied to several persons, matters, or things, as well as to one person, matter, or thing : Every word importing the plural number shall extend and be applied to one person, matter, or thing, as well as to several persons, matters, or things : Every word importing the masculine gender only shall extend and be applied to a female as well as to a male. 3. It shall be lawful for every baker or seller of bread to make and sell, or offer for sale, in his shop, or to deliver to his customers, bread made of flour or meal of wheat, barley, rye, oats buckwheat, Indian corn, peas, beans, rice, plantains, yams, or potatoes, or any of them, and with any common salt, fresh water, eggs, milk, barm, leaven, potato, or other yeast, and mixed in such proportions as he may think fit, and with no other ingredient or matter whatsoever, subject to the regulations hereinafter contained. 4. — (1.) It shall be lawful for any baker or seller of bread to make and sell, to his customers, bread made of such weight or size as such baker or seller of bread shall think fit. (2.) All bread shall be sold by weight, and in case any baker or seller of bread shall sell, or cause to be sold, bread in any other manner than by weight, then and in such case, every such baker or seller of bread shall for every such offence forfeit and pay any sum not exceed- ing ten dollars, which the Magistrate before whom such offender is convicted may order and direct ; Provided always that nothing in this Ordinance shall extend or be construed to extend to prevent or hinder any such baker or seller of bread from selling bread usually sold under the denomination of French or Fancy Bread or Rolls without weighing the same. (37 of 1900, s. 2.) 5. — (1.) Every baker or seller of bread, in the sale of bread, shall use Avoirdupois weight of sixteen ounces to the pound, accorxling to the standard provided under any Ordinance for the time being in force relating to weights and measures, and the several gradations of the same for any less quantity than a pound. (2.) In case any baker or seller of bread at any time uses any A.D. 1850.] BREAD. [No. 1. 203 other than such Avoirdupois weight and the several gradations of the same, he shall for every such offence forfeit and pay any sum not less than ten dollars and not exceeding twenty-three dollars. Obligation to provide sfrales and weights in baker's shop. Obligation to carry scales and weight in delivei7 cart. 6. — (1.) Every baker or seller of bread shall cause to be fixed on some conspicuous part of his shop, on or near the counter, a beam and scales with pi'oper Avoirdupois weights, or other sufficient balance as aforesaid, in order that all ]>read there sold may from time to time be weighed in the presence of the purchaser thereof, except as aforesaid. (2.) In case any baker or seller of bread neglects to fix such beam and scales, or other sufficient balance, iu manner aforesaid, or to provide and keep for use proper beam and scales and proper weights or balance as aforesaid, or has or uses in the sale of bread any other kind of weights, or any incorrect or false beam or scales or balance, or any false weight, not being of the kind of weights or of the weight it purports to be, according to the standard aforesaid, then and in every such case he shall forfeit and pay any sum not less than ten dollars and not exceeding twenty-three dollars. 7. — (1.) Every baker or seller of bread, and every journeyman, servant, or other person employed by any baker or seller of bread, who conveys or carries out bread for sale in any cart, carriage, barrow, tray, basket, or otherwise, shall be provided with and shall constantly carry a correct beam and scales with proper wei^ihts, or other sufficient balance as aforesaid, in order that all bread sold by every such baker or seller of bread, or by his journeyman, servant, or other person, may from time to time be weighed in the presence of the purchaser thereof, except as aforesaid. (2.) In case any such baker or seller of bread, or his journeyman, servant, or other person, at any time carries out or delivers any bread without being provided with such beam and scales with proper weights, or other sufficient balance, or whose weights are deficient in their due weight according to the standard aforesaid, or at any time refuses to weigh any bread purchased of him, or delivered by his journeyman, servant, or other person, in the presence of the person purchasing or receiving the same, then and in every such case such baker or seller of bread shall for every such offence forfeit and pay any sum not less than ten dollars and not exceeding twenty-three dollars. 8. No baker or other person who makes bread for sale, nor any Penaltj- on journeyman or other servant of any such baker or other person, shall ^^g^^^"^"*'*^^^ at any time, in the making of bread for sale, use any mixture or materials other ingredient whatsoever in the making of such bread, other than and than those except as hereinbefore mentioned, on any account or under any colour prescnbed. or pretence whatsoever ; upon pain that every such person, whether master or journeyman, servant, or other person, who offends in the premises, and is convicted of any such oft'ence, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay any sum not less than twenty- three dollars and not exceeding forty eight dollars. 9. If any person puts into any cornmeal or flour intended for sale or for the manufacture of bread any sour or damaged cornmeal or flour, or any ingredient or mixture whatsoever not being cornmeal or flour ; or if any person knowingly sells or offers or exposes for sale, either separately or mixed, any meal or flour of one sort of corn or grain as the meal or flour of any other sort of corn or grain, or any Penalty on person using damaged materials for making bread, etc. 204 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1850. ingredient whatsoever mixed with the meal or flour so sold or offered or exposed for sale, then and in every such case every person so offend- ing shall for every such offence forfeit and pay any sum not less than twenty-three dollars and not exceeding forty-eight dollars. Marking of bread made of mixed materials. Power to search for and seize adulterated bread. 10. —{1.) Every person who makes for sale, or sells, or exposes for sale any bread made wholly or partially of peas, beans, plantains, yams, or potatoes, or of any sort of corn or grain other than wheat, shall cause all such bread to be marked with a large Roman M. (2.) If any person at any time makes for sale, or sells, or exposes for sale any such bread without such mark as hereinbefore directed, then and in every such case every person so offending shall forfeit and pay, for every pound weight of such bread, and so in proportion for any less quantity which may be so made for sale, or sold, or exposed for sale, without being so mai'ked as aforesaid, such sum, not exceeding two dollars, as the Justices of the Peace before whom such conviction takes place may from time to time order and adjudge. 11. — (1.) It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, or for any Commissary of Taxation, and also for any police officer or constable authorized by warrant under the hand of any Justice of the Pe^ce (which warrant any such Justice is hereby empowered to grant), to enter at any seasonable time in the daytime into any house, shop, stall, bake- house, warehouse, outhouse, or ground of or belonging to any baker, and to search and examine whether any mixture or ingredient, not the genuine produce of the grain of such meal or flour, has been mixed up with or put into any meal or flour in the possession of such baker, whereby the purity of any meal or flour is or may be in any wise adul- terated, or whether any mixture or ingredient other than is allowed by this Ordinance has been mixed up with or put into any dough or bread in the posses'^ion of any such baker or other person, whereby any such dough or bread is or may be in anywise adulterated, and also to search for any mixture or ingredient which may be intended to be used in or for any such adulteration or mixture. (2.) If, on any such search, it appears that any such meal, flour, dough, or biead so found has been adulterated by the peison in whose possession it may then be, or any mixture or ingredient is found which seems to have been deposited there in order to be used in the adul- teration of meal, flour, or bread, then and in every such case it shall be lawful for every Justice of the Peace and Commissary of Taxation, and for every officer or constaVde authorized as aforesaid, respectively, to seize and take any meal, flour, dough, or bread which may be found in any such search and deemed to have been adulterated, and all ingre- dients and mixtures which may be found and deemed to have been used, or intended to be used, in or for any such adulteration as aforesaid , and such part thereof as may be seized as aforesaid shall, with all convenient speed after the seizure, be carried to a Justice of the Peace. (3.) If any Justice of the Peace who makes any such seizure in pursuance of this Ordinance, or to whom anything so seized under the authority of this Ordinance is brought, adjudges that any such meal, flour, dough, or bread so seized has been adulterated by any mixture or ingredient put therein other than is allowed by this Ordinance, or adjudges that any ingredient or mixture so found as aforesaid has been deposited or kept where so found for the purpose of adulterating meal, A.D. 1850.] BREAD. [No. 1. 205 Penalty on baker having in possession mixture for purijoses of adulteration. Complaint against servant by Laker convicted of offence. flour, or bread, then and in any such case every such Justice of the Peace or Commissary of Taxation is hereby required to destroy the same, or to dispose of the same for some public purpose. 12. Every baker in whose house, shop, stall, bakehouse, warehouse, outhouse, ground, or possession any ingredient or mixture may Vje found which, after due examination, is adjudged to have been deposited there for the purjjose of being used in adulterating meal, flour, or bread, shall, on being convicted of any such ofi'ence, forfeit and pay any sum not less than ten dollars and n()t exceeding twenty-three dollars for the first offence, and a sum of not less than twenty-three dollars and not exceeding forty-eight dollars for the second and every subsequent offence. 13. — (1.) If any baker at any time makes complaint to any Justice of the Peace, and makes appear to him that any offence which such baker may have been charged with, and for which he may have in- curred and paid any penalty under this Ordinance, has been occasioned by or through the wilful act, neglect, or default of any journeyman or other servant employed by or under such person so making complaint, then and in any such case it shall be lawful for such Justice, and he is hereby required, to issue out his warrant under his hand for bringing any such journeyman or servant before himself and other Justice or Justices, or any two or more Justices. (2.) On any such journeyman or servant being thereupon appre- hended and brought before any such two or more Justices, such Justices are hereby authorized and required to examine into the matter of such complaint, and, on proof thereof, to adjudge and order that a reason- able sum of money, not exceeding forty-eight dollars, shall be paid by such journeyman or servant to his master by way of recompense to him for the money which he may have paid by reason of the wilful act, neglect, or default of such journeyman or servant. 14.— (1.) No master or journeyman, or other person exercising or employed in the trade or calling of a baker, shall on the Lord's Day, or on any part thereof, make or bake any bread, rolls, or cakes of any sort or kind, or shall, on any other part of the said day, after the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, sell or expose for sale, or permit or suff'er to be sold or exposed for sale, any bread, rolls, or cakes of any sort or kind, or bake or deliver, or permit or suff'er to be baked or delivered, any meat, pudding, pie, tart, or victuals, or in any other manner exercise the trade or calling of a baker, or be engaged or em- ployed in the business or occupation thereof, save and except so far as may be necessary in setting and superintending the sponge to prepare the bread or dough for the following day's baking. (2.) Every person who off'ends against any of the last mentioned regulations, and is thereof convicted before any Justice of the Peace within six days from the commission thereof, shall forfeit and pay for the first offence the penalty of two dollars, for the second offence the penalty of five dollars, and for the third and every subsequent offence respectively the penalty of ten dollars. 15. Every person who resists or makes forcible oppossition against Penalty on any pei'son employed in the due execution of this Ordinance shall for person resisting *^ CXGCUtlOll OI 1116 every such offence forfeit any sum not less than twenty-three dollars Ordinance, and not exceeding forty-eight dollars. Provisions as to Siinday labour in bakehouse. 206 Procedure and ajipeal. See Ordinance No. 12 of 1893. See Ordinance No. 13 of 1893. Protection of Justices and others for acts done under the Ordinance. See Ordinance No. 2 of 1850. No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1850. 16. Every- complaint to obtain a conviction under or by virtue of the provisions of this Ordinance, and all pi'oceedings upon or in con- sequence of any such complaint, except where otherwise provided for by this Ordinance as to the mode and manner of making such complaint, obtaining a conviction, and carrying the same into effect, shall be regulated and governed by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction ; and every appeal from any such conviction shall be governed by and conducted in pursuance of the provisions of any Ordinance for the time being in force regu- lating appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates : Provided always that whenever any person is committed to prison for non- payment of any penalty under and hj virtue of this Ordinance, such imprisonment shall be with or without hard labour as to the Justice or Justices committing may seem fit : Provided, also, that whenever any baker or other person is convicted of a second offence under either section 8 or section 12, in addition to all other pains and penalties, the Justices before whom any such baker or other person may be convicted of a second offence, shall cause the offender's name, place of abode, and offence to be published, at the expense of the person convicted, in some newspaper of the Colony. 17. Every action or suit which may be brought or commenced against any Justice of the Peace, Commissary of Taxation, member of the Police Force or constable, or person, for any matter or thing done or committed in the execution of his office, by virtue of or under this Ordinance, shall be subject to and governed by the provisions contained in any Ordinance for the time being in force relating to the protection of Justices of the Peace and other persons from vexatious actions for acts done by them in execution of their office ; and all the rights, privileges, defences, and protection granted under and by virtue of such Ordinance to any Justice of the Peace or other person acting in the execution of his office shall be extended to and be had, held, and enjoyed by every Justice of the Peace, Commissary of Taxation, member of the Police Force, constable or other person, in every action, suit or prosecution brought against him for anything done or committed by him in the execution of his office, under and by virtue of this Ordinance. A.D. 1850. — f — Short title. OKDINANCE No. 2 OF 1850. An Ordinance to protect Justices of the Peace and other Persons from Vexatious Actions for Acts done by them in Execution of their Office. [1st February, 1851.] WHEREAS it is expedient to protect Justices of the Peace, mem- bers of the Police Force, constables. Commissaries of Taxation, and other officers, in the execution of their duty : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1, This Ordinance may be cited as the Justices Protection Ordin- ance, 1850. A.D. 1850.] PROTECTION OF JUSTICES, ETC. [No. 2. 207 2. Every action hereafter to be brought against any Justice of the Character of Peace for any act done by him in the execution of his duty as such "'^^'^"^ *" ^ Justice, with respect to any matter within his jurisdiction as such Justice, shall be an action as for a tort or injury ; and in the claim it shall be expressly alleged that such act was done maliciously and without reasonable and probable cause ; and if, at the trial of any such action, upon the general issue being pleaded or a simple contrax-y con- clusion taken, the plaintiff fails to prove such allegation, he shall be nonsuited, or the defendant shall be absolved of the instance, or a sen- tence shall be given for the defendant. brought against Justice for act done in execution of office. 3. For any act done by a Justice of the Peace in a matter of which by law he has no jurisdiction, or in which he may have exceeded his jurisdiction, any person injured thereby, or by any act done under any conviction or order made or warrant issued by such Justice in any such matter, may maintain an action against such Justice in the same form and in the same case as he might have done before the commence- ment of this Ordinance, without making any allegation in his claim that the act complained of was done maliciously and without reason- able and probable cause : Provided, nevertheless, that no such action shall be brought for anything done under such conviction or order until after such conviction or order has been quashed, nor shall any such action be brought for anything done under any such warrant which may have been issued by such Justice to procure the appear- ance of such party, and which has been followed by a conviction or order in the same matter, until after such conviction or order has been so quashed as aforesaid ; or, if such last-mentioned warrant has not been followed by any such conviction or order, or if it is a warrant upon an information for an alleged indictable offence, never- theless, if a summons was issued previously to such warrant and such summons was served upon such person either personally or by leaving the same for him with some person at his last or most usual place of abode, and he did not appear according to the exigency of such summons, in such case no such action shall be maintained against such Justice for anything done under such warrant. 4. Where a conviction or order is made by one or more Justice or Justices of the Peace, and a warrant of distress or commitment is granted thereon by some other Justice of the Peace bond fide and wdthout collusion, no action shall be brought against the Justice who so granted such warrant by reason of any defect in such conviction or order, or for any want of jurisdiction in the Justice or Justices who made the same, but the action, if any, shall be brought against the Justice or Justices who made such conviction or order. Action for act done without or in excess of jurisdiction. Provision for case where conviction or order made by one Justice, and waiTant thereon granted by another. 5. In all cases where a discretionary power is given to a Justice of Prohibition of the Peace by any Ordinance, no action shall be brought against such action m respect Justice by reason of the manner in which he may have exercised his discretional^ discretion in the execution of any such power. power. 6. In all cases where a warrant of distress or warrant of commit- ment may be granted by a Justice of the Peace upon any conviction or order which, either before or after the granting of such warrant, has been or is confirmed upon appeal, no action shall be brought against such Justice who so granted such warrant for anything which may Prohibition of action on warrant where conviction or order continued on appeal. 208 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1850. have been done under the same by reason of any defect in such con- viction or order. Setting aside of action brought against pro- hibition of the Ordinance. Limitation of time for bringing action. Notice of action. Right of defendant to plead general issue, etc. Tender and payment of money into Court. 7. In all cases where by this Ordinance it is enacted that no action shall be brought under particular circumstances, if any such action is brought it shall be lawful for a Judge of the Court in which the same is brought, on the application of the defendant and on an affidavit of the facts, to set aside the proceedings in such action, with or without costs, as to him may seem meet. 8. No action shall be brought against any Justice of the Peace for anything done by him in the execution of his office unless the same is commenced within six calendar months next after the act complained of has been committed. 9. No such action shall be commenced against any such Justice of the Peace until one calendar month at least after a notice in writing of such intended action has been delivered to him, or left for him at his usual place of abode, by the party intending to commence such ac- tion, or by his attorney or agent, in which said notice the cause of action and the Court in which the same is intended to be brought shall be clearly and explicitly stated ; and upon the back thereof shall be en- dorsed the name and place of abode of the party so intending to sue, and also the name and place of abode or of business of the said attorney or agent, if such notice has been served by such attorney or agent. 10. In any such action the defendant shall be allowed to plead the general issue or take a simple contrary conclusion therein, and to give any special matter of defence, excuse, or justification in evidence under such plea or conclusion at the trial of such action. 11. — (1.) In every such case, after notice of action is so given as aforesaid, and before such action is commenced, the Justice to whom such notice is given may tender to the party complaining, or to his attorney or agent, such sum of money as he may think fit as amends for the injury complained of in such notice ; and after such action has been commenced, and at any time before issue joined therein, the defendant, if he has not made such tender, or, in addition to such tender, shall be at liberty to pay into Court such sum of money as he may think fit. (2.) The said tender and payment of money into Court, or either of them, may afterwards be given in evidence by the defendant at the trial under the general issue or contrary conclusion aforesaid ; and if the jury, where there is a jury, or the Court where there is not a jury, at the trial, are or is of opinion that the plaintiff is not entitled to damages, beyond the sum so tendered and paid into Court, then a verdict by the jury, or a sentence by the Court, shall be given for the defendant, and the plaintiff shall not be at liberty to elect to be non- suited or that the defendant be absolved of the instance, and the sum of money, if any, so paid into Court, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to pay or satisfy the defendant's costs in that behalf, shall thereupon be paid out of Court to him, and the residue, if any, shall be paid to the plaintiff. (3.) If, where money is so paid into Court in any such action, the plaintifi" elects to accept the same in satisfaction of his damages in the said action, he may obtain from any Judge of the Court in which such A.D. 1850.] PROTECTION OF JUSTICES, ETC. [No. 2. 209 action is brought an order that such money shall be paid out of Court to him, and that the defendant shall pay him his costs to be taxed, and thereupon the said action shall be determined, and such order shall be a bar to any other action for the same cause. 12. If, Oji the trial of any such action, the plaintiff does not prove that such action was brought within the time hereinbefore limited in that behalf, or if he does not prove that such notice as aforesaid was given one calendar month before such action was commenced, or if he does not prove the cause of action stated in such notice, or if he does not prove that- such cause of action arose in the place laid in the claim, then and in every such case the plaintiff shall be non-suited, or the defendant shall be absolved of the instance, or a sentence or verdict shall be given for the defendant. 13. In all cases where the plaintiff in any such action is entitled to recover and he proves the levying or payment of any penalty or sum of money under any conviction or order as parcel of the damages which he seeks to recover, or if lie proves that he was imprisoned under such conviction or order, and seeks to recover damages for such imprisonment, he shall not be entitled to recover the amount of such penalty or sum so levied or paid, or any sum beyond the sum of four cents as damages for such imprisonment or any costs of suit whatsoever, if it is proved that he was actually guilty of the offence of which he was so convicted, or that he was liable by law to pay the sum he was so ordered to pay, and with respect to such imprisonment, that he had undergone no greater punishment than that assigned by law for the offence for which he was so convicted, or for non-payment of the sum he was so ordered to pay. 14. If the plaintiff in any such action recovers a verdict or obtains a sentence, or the defendant allows judgment or sentence to pass against him by default, such plaintiff shall be entitled to costs in such manner as if this Ordinance had not been passed ; or if in such case it is stated in the claim and demand that the act complained of was done maliciously and without reasonabl*^. and probable cause, the plaintiff, if he recovers a verdict or obtains a sentence for any damages, or if the defendant allows judgment or sentence to pass against him by default, shall be entitled to his full costs of suit, to be taxed as between attorney and client ; and in any such action the defendant, if he obtain judgment or sentence upon verdict or otherwise, shall in all cases be entitled to his full costs in that behalf, to be taxed as between attorney and client. 15. This Ordinance shall apply for the protection of all members of the Police Force, all constables, all Commissaries of Taxation, and all other persons for anything done in the execution of their office under and by virtue of any Ordinance ; and in all other cases whatsoever, and whether protection is given or not to the members of the Police Force, constables, and Commissaries of Taxation, or any of them, or any otlier person, by any Ordinance, all memVjers of the Police Force, all con- stables, all Commissaries of Taxation, and all other persons, in all and every action brought against them, or any of them, for anything done by theai, or any of them, in the execution of their or his office, shall be entitled to the protection afforded by the provisions of this Ordinance. Cases in which plaintitt' is to be non-suited, etc. Rule as to damages where plaintift' is entitled to recover. Rules as to costs. Extension o other oflScer of protection of the Ordinance. 210 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1851. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1851. Ordinances No. 1 of 1852 and No. 33 of 1856 incor- porated. A. D. 185 1. An Ordinance for partitioning Plantation New Orange Nassau, a part of whicli forms the Village of Buxton, among the Joint Proprietors thereof, and for partitioning other Lands and Villages similarly circumstanced. [19th February, 1851.] WHEREAS a large majority of the joint proprietors of Planta- tion New Orange Nassau, by transport, dated the 2nd day of January, 1841, the front lands of which now constitute and form the Village of Buxton, on the sea coast east of the River Demerara, have presented a Petition to this Court whereby, after stating as is therein stated, they have prayed that this Court would be pleased to pass an Ordinance by which a partition of the lands of New Orange Nassau, including that part of the said lands forming the Village of Buxton, may be made and had amongst them according to the survey therewith laid over, that is to say, a survey of the said lands and Village made in March, 1842, by James Hackett, Sworn Land Surveyor ; And whereas the Court, having taken the premises into considera- tion, has granted the prayer of the said Petition, and is willing to pass the said Ordinance ; And whereas it is desirable to make provision for the partitioning of other lands similarly circumstanced : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Village Lands (Partition) Ordinance, 1851. 2. In this Ordinance, unless it is otherwise specially provided or unless the context otherwise requires, when, in describing or referring to any person, matter, or thing, any word importing the singular num- ber or the masculine gender is used, the same shall be understood to include, and shall be appHed to, several persons and parties as well as to one person or party, and to females as well as to males, and to bodies corporate, as well as to individuals, and to several matters and things as well as to one matter or thing. Short title. Interpretation of tenns. Power to Justice nomi- nated by the Governor to convene meeting of of proprietors of Buxton. Partition of Plantation New Orange Nassau. 3. Any Justice of the Peace resident at or near the Village of Buxton, on the sea coast east of the River Demerara, and nominated by the Governor, shall, within one calendar mouth after the commence- ment of this Ordinance, by public advertisement in 7%e Official Gazette, and by notice in writing affixed to the door of ever}' Church and Chapel in the said Village, summon and call togethw a meeting of the pro- prietors by transport, and purchasers at execution sale, since the 2nd day of January, 1841, of any right, title, or interest in and to any lot or allotment of the lauds of Plantation New Orange Nassau, including A.D. 1851.] PARTITION OF VILLAGE LANDS. [No. 1. 211 that part of the said lands forming the Village of Buxton, at some certain time and at some certain place in the said Village, such time to be not less than fourteen days after the publication of such advertise- ment and atlixing of such notices, and such advertisement and notices shall specify that such meeting is called for the purpose of appointing four fit and proper persons to be Commissioners jointly with such Justice of the Peace for the purposes of this Ordinance. 4. — (1.) Every such meeting shall not proceed to business unless Composition one-fourth in number of such proprietors by transport or by purchase and proceedings at execution sale are present, and every such proprietor present at such ° ^^^ ^^^' meeting, being of full age and not subject to any legal disability, shall be entitled to vote in the election of such Commissioners as aforesaid, and such votes shall be taken in such manner and form as the said Justice of the Peace may deem most convenient and eligible. (2.) After such votes have been taken, a roll fairly written out of such votes shall be made and kept by such Justice of the Peace as Chairman of such Commissioners, and such roll shall contain the name of every person who may have given his vote at such meeting. (3.) Upon taking the votes and ascertaining in whose favour the largest number of votes have been given, the said Justice of the Peace shall declare the four persons having the largest number of votes to be duly elected Commissioners to act jointly with the said Justice of the Peace, and to serve as Commissioners under this Ordinance for the purposes of this Ordinance, receiving such remuneration for theii' ser- vices as may be fixed by the majority present at such meeting. Vacancy in oflSce of Justice or Commissioner. 5. In the event of the Justice of the Peace dying or ceasing to act, some other Justice of the Peace shall be appointed by the Governor in his place, and in the event of any Commissioner dying or ceasing to act, the vacancy shall be filled on the nomination of a majority of the remaining Commissioners ; and the Justice of the Peace so appointed, or any Commissioner so nominated, shall have, possess, and enjoy all the rights, powers, and authority under this Ordinance, as if such Justice had been originally appointed, or such Commissioner originally elected as aforesaid. 6, The said Justice of the Peace or Chairman of the Commissioners Oath to be shall, previously to entering on the duties of his office, take an oath in tf^^'^ ?'y. the following form before the other Commissioners, and shall then administer such oath to the other Commissioners, and every such oath shall be entered in a book and signed by the Commissioner taking it:— " I, A. B. [naming the Justice or Commissioner'^, do hereby solemnly declare and make oath that I will, to the best of my ability, fairly and impartially discharge the duties imposed upon me by the V^illage Lands (Partition) Ordinance, 1851." 7. — (1.) The Chairman shall have the power of convening a meeting of the Commissioners whenever he may think fit. (2.) Any three of the Commissioners shall be a quorum for the purpose of carrying into effect any of the provisions of this Ordinance not otherwise specially directed. (3.) The Chairman or any two of the Commissioners shall have the power of adjourning any meeting to any future reasonable time that he or they may think fit. VOL. I. J5 Meetings of the Commissioners. 212 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1851. Placing of posts denoting Ijoundaries of lots. Effect of defining houndaries of lots. Certificate of survey. Passing of transports to persons entitled. Cost of tra)i sport. 8. Within one week after such election as aforesaid, or as soon thereafter as practicable, any one or more of the Commissioners, accom- panied by a Sworn Land Surveyor employed by the Commissioners, shall enter upon each of the lots or allotments laid down in the survey of lands of Plantation Neio Orange Nassau, including the Village of Buxton, made by the Sworn Land Surveyor James Hackett, in March, 1842, and shall, with such aid and assistance, cause such a number of posts a'^ may be sufficient to denote the boundaries of each lot or allot- ment to be placed and planted, and each of such posts shall be branded, or otherwise substantially marked, with the initials of the Sworn Land Surveyor, and with the number of the lot or allotment, 9. Straight lines drawn from post to post on each side and at each end of each lot or allotment shall be the boundary line of each of the said lots or allotments, and the land enclosed in the boundary lines of each lot or allotment shall be held and considered to be, and shall be, the full and free property of the person to whom, being one of the pro- prietors by transport of the 2nd day of January, 1841, such lot or allot- ment was given up by the other proprietors on a division amongst themselves of the lands in question, as designated on the chart of the said survey as aforesaid, or of any person representing by purchase at execution sale as aforesaid any such proprietor by transport. 10. Posts denoting the boundary lines of each lot or alloiment laid down in the survey being placed and planted as aforesaid, a certificate, signed by such Commissioner or Commissioners and Sworn Land Sur- veyor, to the effect that posts denoting the boundary lines according to the Ltts or allotments laid down in the said survey have been placed and planted by such Sworn Land Surveyor on the boundary lot of each of the said lots or allotments in presence of such Commissioner or Commissioners shall be attached to the said survey, and the said cer- tificate shall be countei'signed by the Chairman, and shall contain a list of the names of the proprietors by transport on the 2nd day of January, 1841, and of all persons representing by purchase at execu- tion sale as aforesaid any proprietor by transport, and the number of the lots or allotments to them respectively belonging ; and such survey, certificate, and list shall be deposited in the Registrar's Office for the Countries of Demerara and Essequebo. 11. — (1.) Two or more of the Commissioners, of whom the Chairman shall be one, shall have full power and authority to pass, and shall pass, to each person or his legal ref Te.sentatives entitled by the original transport or execution sale as aforesaid to a lot or allotment a transport of the same, and thereupon such transport shall be to all intents and purposes evidence in all Courts and in all cases. (2.) The proprietor of any such lot or allotment, and his heirs, shall have full power to sell, alienate, convey, and transport the said lot or allotment in the same mode and manner as if he had had and held originally a title separate and distinct by transport from all the other joint proprietors of the said plantation. 12. For every such transport including the grosse copy thereof, advertisements in Th". Official Gazette, and all other expenses, the Kegi.strar shall be entitled to charge and receive a sum of one dollar and fifty cents, and no more, and such sum shall be paid by the party receiving the transport. A.D. 1851.] PARTITION OF VILLAGE LANDS. [No. 1. 213 13. — (1.) Notwithstanding the provisions contained in the last five preceding sections, it shall be lawful for the Cominissioners, aided and assisted by any two additional J ustices of the Peace whom the Governor may from time to time be pleased to apjjoint, to receive, entertain, and determine the claim of any purchaser of Plantation New Orange Nassau, inclu<]ing the Village of Buxton, ov his heirs, executors, or adminis- trators, in and to any lot or any porton or part of any lot laid down on the chart of the survey of the said plantation, including the said Village, whether the name of such purchaser has been stated or not in the transport of the said plantation, including the baid Village, dated the 2nd day of January, 1841. (2,) Upon any such claim being admitted and determined by the Commissioners, aided and assisted as aforesaid, the Commissioners shall grant to such claimant a title in and to the lot so claimed by him in the same mode and manner as if the name of such claimant, being one of the purchasers as aforesaid, had been inserted in the said transp.^rt of the 2nd day of January, 1841 ; and such title, when so granted, shall be to all intents and purposes a good, legal, and valid title. 14. The Commissioners shall value each of said lots or allotments independently of the buiJdini^s and cultivation thereon, and shall assess the rate or portions to be paid in respect of each of the said lots or allotments towards the expenses incurred and to be incurred in carrying into effect the provisions of this Ordinance. 15. — (1.) The amount assessed upon each lot or allotment shall be paid by the person to whom the same is allotted within thirty days after a demand of payment is served on him or on the lot or allotment, or by nailing or fastening the same to any principal building, con- spicuous tree, or paling of the said allotment ; and, in default of payment, the Commissioners shall authorize, in writing, some fit and proper person to proceed for the recovery of the same by summary execution according to law. (2.) In any such process it shall Ije sufficient to describe the Com- missioners as Commissioners of tlie Village of Puxton, without specify- ing their names or proving their authoiity. 1 6. All lots or allotments as aforesaid shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be, liable and executable for the amount of any such assessment as aforesaid, and the amount of any such assessment due by or claimable against any such lot or allotment as aforesaid shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be, preferent over and above all claims of whatever nature, kind, or description, whether any such claims are against such lot or allotment, or lot and buil'iings, or against the proprietor thereof, anything in this or any law or Ordinance not- withstanding, but the same shall not be preferent over any claims against the whole of the proprietors or against the whole of the lands of the said Plantation Naw Oranje Nassau, including the lands of the Village of Buxton. Determination of subsequent claims. Assessment of lots for expenses. Payment and recovery of amount assessed. Liability of lot for amount assessed. Partition of other Lands. 17. If at any time the proprietors, by transport or by purchase at Eight of apph- execution sale, of any other lands purchased iointly, and on which any cation of joint TT 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 ■ i> • 1 proprietors of V illage has been established, such proprietors being nut fewer in number than ten, or a majority of such propi'ietors, are desirous of having such lands partitioned, and present to the Grovernor-in-Couacil a petition YOU I, iOA other Village lands for partition of such landfl 214 Procedure by Commissioners of such other lands. Power to the Govemor-in- Council to declare estate partitioned under the Ordinance to be subject to provisions of the Ordinance. Power to the Govemor-in- Coimcil to declare lands purchased by more than ten persons in community to be subject to provisions of the Ordinance. Definition of sliares of land for purposes of the Ordinance. Restriction on nunilier of purchasers of land in common. No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1851. praying for a partition of the same, it shall be lawful for the Governor- in-Council, if he sees fib to do so, but not otherwise, to grant the prayer of such petition, and thereupon the joint proprietors of any such lands shall be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, mutatis mutandis. 18. If it appears that such last-mentioned proprietors have no plan or survey of their lands by a Sworn Land Surveyor, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners to be appointed and chosen according to the provisions of this Ordinance, to have such lands surveyed by a Sworn Land Surveyor at the costs and charges of such joint proprietors, to be assessed and levied in manner and form provided by this Ordinance, and thereafter to proceed to establish titles and recover expenses in manner and form directed in this Ordinance. 19. If at any time the proprietors, under separate titles, of shares of land situated on any tract of land formerly known as an estate, or the majority of them, have availed themselves of the provisions of this Ordinance, or if at any time it is shown to the Governor-in- Council, by or on behalf of any one or more of the persons interested, that any number of persons exceeding ten have purchased and obtained transports or letters of decree for the whole or portions of any tract of land previously known as an estate, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, if he thinks fit, by order to be published in The Official Gazette and some other newspaper of the Colony, to declare such proprietors and their lands to be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance. 20. If at any time it is shown to the Governor-in-Council, by or on behalf of any one or more of the persons interested, that any number of persons exceedini^ ten have purchased or entered into agreements, verbal or written, for the purchase in community or in undivided shares of the whole or of portions of any tract of land known as an estate, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, if he thinks fit, to direct the Registrar and any two Justices of the Peace whom he may select, to receive, entertain, and detei'mine the claims of any such purchasers or intending purchasers, and further to exercise all the powers by this Ordinance conferred upon the Justices and Com- missioners hereinbefore mentioned ; and the Governor-in-Council may then, by Order to be published in The Official Gazette and some other newspaper of the Colony, declare such purchaser;* or intending purchasers and their lands to be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance. 2 1 . For the purposes of this Ordinance, the shares of land in each such estate shall be taken to be those lor which the claimants have obtained transports or letters of decree, or those allotted, or to be allotted to the respective proprietors or claimants thereof, under the provisions of this Ordinance. 22. No greater number of persons than twenty (corporate bodies excepteci) shall, after the 31st day of May, 1852, be allowed to purchase any landed property in this Colony as joint tenants or tenants in common or in community : and every such purchase of land by more than twenty persons as aforesaid, except as before excepted, shall be null and void, so that no transport of the same may be passed, nor any part of the purchase money of the same be recovered in any Court of Law or otherwise. A.D. 1851.] WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. [No. 2. 215 ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1851. An Ordinance for establishing Uniformity of Weights a. d. iss i. and Measures in this Colony. ordinance iVo. 17 0/1894, [1st January, 1851.] ;.„»«„„,. WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament passed in the fifth year of the rei,a;n of His late Majority George the Fourth, chapter 74, in- tituled " An Act for ascertaining and establishing Uniformity of Weights and Measures," it was enacted, amongst other things, that the straight line or distance between the centres of the two points in the gold studsinthestraight brass rod then in the custody of the Clerk of the House of Commons, whereon the words and figures "Standard Yard 1760" were engraved, should be and the same was thereby declared to be the original and genuine standard of that measure of length or lineal ex- tension called a yard ; and that the same straight line or distance between the centres of the said two points in the said gold studs in the said brass rod, the brass being at the temperature of sixty -two degrees by Fahrenheit's Thermometer, should be and was thereby denominated the " Imperial Standard Yard," and should be, and was thereby declared to be, the first or only standard measure of extension, where- from or whereby all other measures of extension whatsoever, whether the same be lineal, superficial, or solid, should be derived, computed, and ascertained, and that all measures of length should be taken in parts or multiples, or certain proportions of the said standard yard ; and that one-third of the said standard yard should be a' foot, and the twelfth part of such foot should be an inch ; and that the pole or perch in length should contain five such yards and a half, the furlong two hundred and twenty such yards, and the mile one thousand seven hundred and sixty such yards ; And whereas by the said Act of Parliament it was further enacted, amongst other things, "that from and after the 1st day of May, 1825, the standard brass weight of one pound Troy weight, made in the year 1758, then in the custody of the Clerk of the House of Commons, should be, and the same was thereby declared to be, the original and genuine standard measure of weight, and that such brass weight should be and was thereby denominated the " Imperial Standard Troy Pound," and should be, and the same was thereby declared to be, the unit or only standard measure of weight, from which all other weights should be derived, computed, and ascertained ; and that one-twelfth part of the said Troy pound should be an ounce ; and that one-twentieth part of such ounce should be a pennyweight ; and that one twenty-fourth of such pennyweight should be a grain ; so that five thousand seven hundred and sixty grains should be a Troy pound, and that seven thousand such grains should be, and they were thereby declared to be, a pound Avoirdupois ; and that one-sixteenth part of the said pound Avoirdupois should be an ounce Avoirdupois ; and that one-sixteenth part of such ounce should be a drachm ; And whereas by the said Act of Parliament it was further enacted, amongst other things, that from and after the 1st day of May, 1825, the standard measure of capacity, as well for liquids as for dry goods, should be the gallon, containing ten pounds Avoirdupois weight of 216 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1851. distilled water, weighed in air, at a temperature of sixty-two degrees of Fahrenheit's Thermometer, the barometer being at thirty inches ; and that a measure should be forthwith made of brass, of such contents as aforesaid, under tlie direction of the Lord High Treasurer or the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom, or any three or more of them for the time being ; and such brass measure should be and was thereby declarepies and models of each of the said standard yard, the said standard pound, and the said standard gallon, and of such parts and multiples thereof respectively as the Lord High Treasurer of the United Kingdom of Gieat Biitain and Ireland, or the said Comissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, or any three of them, for the time l)eing, should judge expedient, should, within three calendar months next after the passing of that Act, be carefully made and verified under the direction of the said Lord High Treasurer, or the said Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, or any three of them, for the time being ; and that the copies and models of the said standard yard, oi. the said standard pound, and of the said standard gallon, and of parts and multiples thereof, so forthwith to be made and verified as aforesaid should, within three calendar months after the passing of that Act, be deposited in the Office of the Chamberlains of the Exchequer at Westminster, and that copies thereof, verified as aforesaid, should be sent to the Lord Mayor of London, and the Chief Magistrates of Edinburgh and Dublin, and of such other cities and places, and to such other places and persons in His Majesty's dominions or elsewhere, as the said Lord High Treasurer or the Commissioners of the Treasury might from time to time direct ; And whereas it is necessary for the security of commerce and for the good of the community that weights and measures should be just and uniform, and that the standard weights and measures of Great Britain and Ireland, as hereinbefore defined, should be introduced into and established throughout this Colony : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — Short title. Procuring and custody of niodols and ropies of Impf-'rial Btandfirds of lenj^h, weight, and measure. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Weights and Measures Ordinance, 1851. 2. — (1.) On the commencement of this Ordinance, the Receiver General shall purchase or cause to be purchased, for each of the Counties of the Colony at the expense of the Colony, a model and copy of each of the said standards of length, weight, and measure, and of each of the parts and multiples thereof mentioned in the preamble of this Ordinance, which models and copies, when so purchased, shall A.D. 1851.] WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. [No. 2. 217 be compared and verified with the models and copies deposited iu Her Majesty's Excliequer, as mentioned in the said preamble, in such manner as therein mentioned, and upon payment of such fees as are at present payal)le upon the c(»mparison and verification of weights and measuies, with the standards thereof. (2.) One set of such models and copies so compared, upon their arrival in this Colony, shall be placed hy the Receiver General for custody and inspection with a Commissary of Taxation of each of the said Counties, to be appointed by the Governor, and to be named Inspector of Weights and Measures for the County, and the same shall be produced by such Commissar)^ of Taxation, upon reasonaltle nf)tice, at such time or times or place or places within the County as any person or persons may, by writing under his or their hand or hands, require, the person or persons requiring such production paying the reasonable charges of the same. 3. AH superficial measure shall be computed and ascertained by the Computation said standard yard, or by certain parts, multiples, or proportions of superliciul thereof : Provided always that the quantities of all lands shall be computed and ascertained by the Rhynland measure at present in force in this Colony. Articles to 1)e sold by A\ oir- dupois wei'^lit, with cei'taiii excejjtions. 4. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, all articles sold by weight shall be sold by Avoirdupois weight, except gold, silver, platina, diamonds, or other precious stones, which may be sold by Troy weight, and drugs which, when sold by retail, may be sold by Apothecaries weight. 5. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, the weight Stone, inmdred- denominated a stone shall in all cases consist of fourteen standard ^^"olit,an ton. pounds Avoirdupois, and the weight denominated an hundred -weight shall consist of eight such stones, and the weight denominated a ton shall consist of twenty such hundred-weight : Provided always that nothing herein contained shall prevent any bargain, sale, or contract being made by any multiple or by some aliquot part, such as the half, the quarter, the eighth, or the sixteenth part of the pound weight. 6. — (1.) Fi'om and after the commencement of this Ordinance, the Measure of standard measure of capacity, as well for li(i|uids as for dry goods, c-ip^it-ity. shall be the Imperial standard gallon mentioned and referred to in this Ordinance, and such Imperial standard gallon shall be, and is hereby declared to be, the unit and only standard measure of capacity^ from which all other measures to be used, as well for wine, beer, ale, spirits, and all sorts of liquids as for dry goods, shall be derived, computed, and ascertained ; and all measures of capacity shall be taken in parts or multiples or certain proportions of the said Imperial standard gallon; and the quart shall be the fourth part of such standard gallon, and the pint shall be one-eighth of such standard gallon; and two such gallons shall be a peck ; and eight such gallons shall be a bushel ; and eight such bushels shall be a quarter of corn or other dry goods. (2.) Whenever it may be necessary to convert the common wine gallons heretofore in use in this Colony into Imperial gallons, six wine gallons shall be held and be taken to be equal to five Imperial gallons, and in the same proportion for any greater or lesser quantity. 7. All weights which may be made or imported after the commence- 'Weights and ment of this Ordinance of the weight of one pound Avoirdupois or more "i^***^" j^ *° ^^ 218 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1851. Prohibition of 8tamj)ing or using weights made of lead or pewter. Providing of stamps for Inspectors, and use thereof. Schedule. shall have the number of pounds contained in every such weight stamped or cast at or on the top or side thereof, in legible figures and letters ; and all measures of capacity which may be made or imported after the commencement of this Ordinance shall have their contents denomi- nated, stamped, or marked on the outside of such measures, in legible figures and letters. 8. For the purpose of preventing frauds by the use of weights made of soft materials, no weight made of lead or pewter, or of any mixture thereof, shall be stamped or used : Provided always that nothing herein contained shall prevent the use of lead or pewter, or of any mixture thereof, in the manufacture of weights, if they are wholly and substan- tially cased with brass, copper, or iron, and legibly stamped or marked " cased," or shall prevent the insertion of such a plug of lead or pewter into weights as may be bond fide necessary for the purpose of adjusting them, and of affixing thereon the stamp hereinafter mentioned. 9. — (1.) The Receiver General shall provide for the use of each Inspector of Weights and Measures, at the public expense, good and sufficient stamps for the stamping or sealing weights and measures used or to be used in each and every County of the Colony, and such stamps so provided shall be taken to be the stamps of the County for which they may be provided, and all weights and measures whatsoever, except as hereinafter excepted, which are used for buying and selling, or for the collecting of any tolls or duties, or for the making of any charges on the conveyance of any goods or merchandise, shall be examined and compared with one or more of the copies of the Imperial standard weights and measures provided under the authority of this Ordinance, for the purpose of comparison by such Inspector, who shall stamp, in such manner as best to prevent fraud, such weights and measures, when so examined and compared, if found to correspond with the said copies. (2.) The fees for such examination, comparison, and stamping shall be according to the scale contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance. (3.) Every person who uses any weight or measure other than those authorised by this Ordinance, or some aliquot part thereof as hereinbefore de^scribed, or which has not been so stamped as aforesaid, except as hereinafter excepted, or which is found light or otherwise unjust, shall, on being convicted, forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty- four dollars. { 4 ) Any contract, bargain, or sale made by any such weight or measure shall be wholly null and void. (5.) Every such light or unjust weight and measure so used, on being discovered by any Inspector as aforesaid, shall be seized, and, on conviction of the person so using or possessinc the same, shall be for- feited, broken up, and sold, and the proceeds thereof shall be paid to the Receiver General or the Assistant Receiver General for the public use of the Colony : Provided always that nothing herein contained shall extend to require any single weight above fifty-six pounds to be inspected and stamped, such weight of fifty-six pounds being the greatest of the Imperial standard weights deposited in the Exchequer : Provided, also, that nothing herein contained shall extend to require any wooden or wicker measure used in the sale of lime or other articles of the like nature, or any glass or earthenware jug or drinking cup, though repre- sented as containing the amount of any Imperial measure, or of any A.D. 1851.] WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. [No. 2. 219 multiple thereof to be stamped ; but any person buying by any vessel represented as containing the amount of any Imperial measure, or of any multiple thereof, is hereby authorized to require the contents of such vessel to be ascertained by a comparison with a stamped measure, such stamped measure to be found and provided by the person who uses such wooden or wicker measure, glass, jug, or drinking cup as aforesaid ; and in case the person who uses such last-mentioned measure or vessel refuses to make such comparison, or if, upon such comparison being made, such wooden or wicker measure, glass, jug, or drinking cup is found to be deficient in capacity, the person who uses the same shall, on being convicted, be subject to the forfeitures and penalties hereinbefore imposed on any person using a light or unjust weight or measure. 10. Every Inspector of Weights and Measures, on the commence- ment of this Ordinance, shall enter into a bond or recognizance to the Duty of Inspector of Weights and Measures as to comparing and stamping of weights and measures. Giving of security by King in the sum of five hundred dollars for the due and punctual per- Weights and formance of his duties under this Ordinance, and for a due and punctual measures. return to the Receiver General, at the expiration of each and every month, of all fees received by him under the authority of this Ordin- ance, and for the safety of the stamps and copies of the Imperial standard weights and measures committed to his charge, and for their due re- storation and surrender to such person or persons as may be appointed by the Governor to receive the same. 11. — (1.) Every Inspector of Weights and Measures shall examine, compare, and stamp, if found correct, all such weights and measures as may be brought to him for that purpose, and shall also upon all measures and upon all weights of a quarter of a pound and upwards stamp a number or mark distinguishing the County in which he acts, and he shall keep a book wherein he shall enter minutes of all such compari- sons, and give, if required, a certificate under his hand of every such stamping. (2.) Every Inspector who knowingly stamps any weight or measure of any person residing within the limits of another County or District than his own, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding ten dollars for every weight or measure which he so stamps. 1 2. — (1 .) It shall be lawful for every Magistrate, Justice of the Peace, Powers of entry and Commissary of Taxation, at all reasonable times, to enter any o? weights and shop, store, warehouse, stall, yard, or place whatsoever, within the measures. County to which he is appointed, or in which he acts, wherein goods may be exposed or kept for sale, or may be weighed for conveyance or carriage, and there to examine all weights, measures, steelyards, or other weighing machines, and to compare and try the same with the copies of the Imperial standard weights and measures required or authorized to be provided under this Ordinance. (2.) If, on such examination, it appears that the said weights or measures are light and otherwise unjust, the same shall be seized, for- feited, and dealt with as aforesaid, and the person or persons in whose possession the same shall be, shall, on being convicted, forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars. (3.) Every person who has in his or her possession a steelyard or other weighing machine which, on such examination, is found incorrect or otherwise unjust, or who refuses or neglects to produce for such examination, when thereto requiredi all weights, measures, steelyards, 220 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BB IT IS If GUIANA; [A.D. 1851. or other weighing machines which may be in his or her possession, or otherwise obstructs or hindei'S such examination, shall be liable to a like penalty. Contracts, etc.. to refer to standard weights and measures, unless contraiy specified. 13. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, all con- tracts, bargains, sales, and dealings which may be made or had within any part of the Colony for any work to be done, or for any goods, wares, merchandise, or other thing to be sold, delivered, done, or agreed for, by weight or measure, where no special agreement is made to the contrary, shall be deemed, taken, and construed to be made and had according to the standard weights and measures ascertained by this Ordinance ; and in all cases where any special agreement is made with reference to an}^ weight or measure established in this Colony, the ratio or proportions which every such weight or measure bears to any of the said standard weights or measures shall be expressed, declared, and specified in such agreement, or otherwise such agreement shall be null and void. Penalty on 14. In case any Inspector, or any other person legally authorized to W '^<^ht°^ d examine and stamp any weight or measure, stamps any weight or Measures for measure without duly verifying the same by comparison with a neglect of dutj'. copy of the Imperial Standard, or is guilty of a breach of any duty imposed upon him by this Ordinance, or otherwise misconducts him- self in the execution of his office, every such offender shall, for every such offence, on being convicted thereof, forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars. Forgery of weight or measure. Penaltj' on person pub- lishing price list, etc., denoting greater or less weight or measure than Imperial weight or measure. 15. — (1.) Every person who makes, forges, or counterfeits, or causes or procures to be made, forged, or counterfeited, or knowingly acts or assists in the making, forging, or counterfeiting, any stamp or mark which is or may be used for the stamping or marking of any weight or measure under this Ordinance, shall for every such offence, on being convicted thereof, forfeit a sum not less than forty-eight dollars and not exceeding two hundred and forty dollars. (2.) Every person who knowingly sells, utters, disposes of, or ex- poses to sale any weight or measure with such forged or counterfeit stamp or mark thereon shall for every such off'ence, on being convicted thereof, forfeit a sum not less than ten dollars and not exceeding forty eight dollars. (3.) Every weight or measure with such forged or counterfeited stamp or mark shall be forfeited, broken up, and sold, and the proceeds thereof shall be paid to the Receiver General or the Assistant Receiver General for the public use of the Colony. 16. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, if any person or persons prints or print, or if the clerk of any market or other person makes, any return, price list, or price current in which the denomination of weights and measures quoted or referred to denotes or implies a greater or less weight or measure than is denoted or implied by the same denomination of the Imperial weights and measures, under and according to the provisions of this Ordinance, such person or persons, or clerk of the market, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five dollars for every copy of every such return, price list, price current, journal, or other paper which he or they publishes or publish. A.D. 1851.] WE TOUTS AND MEASURES. [No. 2. 221 1 7. The Governor may appoint some fit and proper person to be an Appointment Inspector of Weights and Measures for each Fiscal District, and the inspectors of provisions of this Ordinance shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to such Wci;;hts and Inspectors. ^^'''''''''^ 1 8. All penalties, forfeitures, and seizures under this Ordinance shall be complained or infoiined of and recovered in manner and form pro- vided by any Oidimmce foi- the time being in force regulating proce- dure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction and appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magis- trates, Procedure and appeal . Hee Ordinate IS No. 12 of 1893, and No. 13 of 1898. SCHEDULE. Section 9. Table of Fees to be taken isy Inspectors of Weights ani> Measures. 1. For examining, comparing, and stamping all Weights within their respective jurisdictions : — $ c. 1. Each weight, from half a hundred weight to a stone, both included . 20 2. Each weight under a stone to a pound . . . . . . 12 3. Each set of weights of a pound and under . . . . . 32 4. Each weighing machine and steelyard 48 2. For examining, comparing, and stamping all Wooden Measures within their respective jurisdictions : — 1. Each bushel 8 2. Each half bushel 8 3. Each peck, and all under 8 4. Each yard 8 3. For examining, comparing, and stamping all jMeasures of Capacity of Liquids made of Copper or other Metal, within their respective juris- dictions : — 1. Each five-gallon 016 2. Each four-gallon 16 3. Each three-gallon 16 4. Each two-gallon . . . . . . . . . .016 6. Each gallon 16 6. Each half-gallon 16 7. Each quart, and under 16 222 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1851. ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1851. A. D. 185 1. ^N Ordinance to authorize the Importation into this Colony of Books, being Foreign Reprints of Books first composed, written, printed, or published in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and in which there is Copyright. [17th December, 1851.] WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, C. 45. entitled " An Act to amend the Law of Copyright," it is, amongst other things, enacted that it shall not he lawful for any person, not being the proprietor of the copyright, or some person authorized by him, to import into any part of the United Kingdom or into any other part of the British Dominions, for sale or hire, any printed book first composed or written, or printed or published, in any part of the United Kingdom wherein there is copyright, and reprinted in any country or place whatsoever out of the British Dominions : And whereas by an Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the eighth and ninth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, ^ ^^M^''^ entitled " An Act to regulate the Trade of the British Possessions abroad," books wherein the copyright is subsisting, first composed, or written, or printed in the United Kingdom, and printed or reprinted in any other country, are absolutely prohibited to be imported into the British Possessions abroad ; And whereas by an Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the tenth and eleventh years of the reign of Her present Majesty, ^- ^^- entitled " An Act to amend the law relating to the Protection in the Colonies of Works entitled to Copyright in the United Kingdom," it is enacted that in case the Legislature or proper legislative authorities in any British Possession shall be disposed to make due provision for securing or protecting the rights of British authors in such possession, and shall pass an Act or make an Ordinance for that purpose, and shall transmit the same in the proper manner to the Secretary of State, in order that it may be submitted to Her Majesty, and in case Her Majesty shall be of opinion that such Act or Ordinance is suflTi- cient for the purpose of securing to British authors reasonable protec- tion within such possession, it shall be lawful for Her Majesty, if she thinks fit to do so, to express her royal approval of such Act or Ordin- ance, and thereupon to issue an Order-in-Council declaring that, so long as the provisions of such Act or Ordinance continue in force within such Colony, the prohibitions contained in the aforesaid Acts and hereinbefore recited, and any prohibitions contained in the said Acts, or in any other Acts against the importing, selling, letting out to hire, exposing for sale or hire, or possessing foreign reprints of books first composed, written, printed, or published in the United Kingdom and entitled to copyright therein, shall be superseded so far as regards such Colony ; A.D. 1851.] BOOKS (FOREIGN REPRINTS). [No. 3. 223 And whereas it is expedient to permit the importation into this Colony of books so prohibited as aforesaid, subject to the restrictions contained in the last aforesaid recited Act, and to the provisions here- inafter contained : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance maybe cited as the Books (Foreign Reprints) Short title. Importation Ordinance, 1851. 2. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, it shall be Legalizing of lawful to import into this Colony all books and reviews of whatsoever o"'f*oreiln nature or kind, and from whatsoever country the same may be reprints of imported, being reprints of books or reviews first composed, written, ^"tish books printed, or published in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and reviews. 3. On the importation into this Colony of every reprint of any such Duty on foreign book or review as aforesaid, of whatsoever nature or kind the same j^i^g^ :^^ may be, first composed, written, printed, or published in the United the Colony. Kingdom aforesaid, and protected at the time of such importation by the Acts of the Imperial Parliament to enforce the law of copyright, whether imported from the United States or from any other foreign country, there shall be paid to the Receiver General or the Assistant Receiver General an ad valorem duty on the bond fide price of such reprints of twenty per cent. : Provided always that, before the reprint of any book or reviews as aforesaid is made liable to such ad valorem duty as aforesaid, the said book or review shall have been duly regis- tered according to the provisions of the above-recited Act of the Im- perial Parliament passed in the Session holden in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, entitled " an Act to amend the Law of Copyright " : Provided, also, that, in order to provide a fund for remunerating the officers who collect and keep the account of such ad valorem duty as aforesaid, there shall be deducted and retained, out of the duty so collected and paid as aforesaid, five per cent, on the amount of such duty : Provided, also, that the said duty shall not be paid on newspapers or other periodicals containing only extracts from such books or reviews as aforesaid. 4, For the purpose of computing the duty payable on any reprint Mode of imported as aforesaid, the value thereof shall be ascertained by the yalu^oiTforeiKn declaration in writing made and subscribed before the Comptroller of reprint. Customs or other proper officer receiving the entry of such reprints, or his known agent, specifying the invoice price thereof, and that he verily believes such invoice price was the true value thereof at the place from whence the said reprint was imported ; and such invoice price shall be deemed to be the value of the said reprint upon which the duty imposed by this Ordinance shall be charged and paid : Pro- vided always that if it appears to such Comptroller or other proper officer that such reprint has been invoiced below the real and true value thereof at the place from whence the same was imported, or if the invoice price is not known, the said reprint shall in such case be examined by two competent persons, to be nominated and appointed by such Comptroller or other proper officer; and such persons shall declare in writing what is the true and real value of such reprint in 224 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1851. this Colony ; and the value so declared shall be deemed to be the true and real value of such reprint, and upon which the duty by this Ordinance imposed shall be charged and paid. Transmission of returns and duties collected. Prohibition and puiiisliment of unlawful importation of foreign reprints. See Ordinances No. 12 0/1893 and No. 13 of 1893. Stamping of rei)rint passed for importation. 5. The Comptroller of Customs, whenever he may be required to do so, shall furnish to the Governor or Lieutenant-Governor for the time being a detailed account of all such books and reviews as aforesaid which may have been imported into this Colony, with the amount of duty levied and paid thereon, and shall transmit the same, together with the amount of duties so collected, at least once a year to the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs, in order that the said duty may be duly paid over to the registered proprietors of such books or reviews i-espectively. 6. — (1.) After the commencement of this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person to import or bring, or cause to be imported or brought, into this Colony, for use, sale, or hire, any reprint referred to in this Oi'dinance, and hereby made liable to the duty aforesaid, con- trary to the true intent and meaning hereof ; or knowingly to sell, publish, or expose for sale, or let to hire, or have in his or her possession for use, sale, or hire, any such reprint as aforesaid. (2.) Every such reprint imported or brought into this Colony, and sold, published, exposed for sale, or let to hire, contrary to any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be forfeited and seized by any Officer of Customs and sold, and one-half of the proceeds of the sale thereof shall be paid to the Officer of Customs seizing the same, and the other half to the registered proprietor of the copyright of the book or review from which such reprint is made. (3.) Every person so offending shall for every such offence, on being convicted thereof, forfeit and pay the sum of twenty-four dollars and double the value of every copy of such reprint which he or she so imports or causes to be imported into this Colony, or knowingly sells, publishes, exposes for sale, or lets to hire, or has in his or her posses- sion for sale or hire, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Ordinance. (4.) Every such sum shall be recovered in mode and manner provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction and appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. 7. At the time of the entry of any reprint of any book or review as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller of Customs or other proper officer on passing such reprint, to stamp the same, for which purpose he shall be furnished with the necessary stamps. A.D. 1852.] INDUSTRIAL, ETC., SCHOOLS. [No. 1. 225 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1852. An Ordinance to provide for the Establishment of a.d. i852. Industrial and Keformatory Schools and for the urdimnwen Care- and Education of Destitute and Vagrant jJ^lfl^-^S Children. %'^\ ,,™ I btn March, looz.j iVo. iso/isee and No. a of 1904, s. 12 E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice i,u:orporat€d. and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — See also Ordinance 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Industrial and Reformatory Schools Ordinance, 1852. B No. I of 1879. Short title. 2. In this Ordinance, unless it is otherwise expressly provided or interpretation unless the context otherwise requires, — "^ tenns. " Industrial School " means and includes any Industrial School established and conducted by the Colony : " Reformatory School " means and includes any Reformatory School established and conducted by the Colony : " Stipendiary Magistrate " means any Stipendiary Magistrate of this Colony : " Month " means a calendar month : Every word importing the singular number only shall extend and be applied to several persons, matters, and things, as well as to one person, matter or thing : Every word importing the plural number shall extend and be applied to one person, matter, or thing, as well as to several persons, matters, or things : Every word importing the masculine gender only shall extend and be applied to a female as well as to a male. PART I. General Provisions. 3, On the commencement of this Ordinance, all the lands, buildings, Vesting of and effects, both movable and immovable, moneys, books, and papers ,^^]heCiwvn^ of the Orphan Asylum and School of Industry o; British Guiana, and au industrial all and singular the corporate property of the said Institution, shall School. be and the same are hereby vested in His Majesty, for the support and maintenance of an Industrial School under this Ordinance. 4. — (1.) The Governor, on behalf of His Majesty, may appoint some Appointment fit person to be Managing Director of the Industrial and Reformatory DirectM-f ^^ Schools established under this Ordinance, and such Managing Director master, and shall hold office during pleasure. ^e"°^ °®"^"«' (2.) The Governor may also appoint a master, matron, and such officers and servants as he may consider necessary. (3.) The salaries and wages of such master, matron, officers, and servants, and all other charges and expenses which may be incurred in the due maintenance of the said Industrial and Reformatory ne No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA . [A.D. 186S. Schools respectively, shall be paid from and out of such moneys as may from time to time be provided for that purpose by the Combined Court. Inspection of Schools. Annual account of receipts and expenditure and report. Framing of regulations. 5. The Industrial and Reformatory Schools established under this Ordinance shall be regularly visited and inspected by the Inspector of Schools. 6. The Managing Director shall lay before the Governor and Court of Policy, on or before the first day of March in each year, an exact account of the receipts and expenditure of the Industrial and Reforma- tory Schools as audited and approved by the Auditor General, and an estimate of the sums likely to be required during the year then next ensuing, and also a report of the state and condition of the Industrial and Reformatory Schools, in such form and containing such particulars as the Governor may direct. 7. — (1.) It shall be the duty of the Managing Director from time to time to frame regulations for the following purposes, that is to say, — (a.) For the guidance of the Managing Director of the Indus- trial and Reformatory Schools m the discharge of his duties ; (h.) For the management and discipline of the Industrial and Reformatory Schools respectively ; and (c.) For the education, training, moral and religious instruc- tion, and apprenticeship of the children and youthful offenders sent to the Industrial and Reformatory Schools respectively. (2.) All such regulations shall be laid before the Governor and Court of Policy for approval, and, if approved, shall be published in The Official Gazette for general information, and shall be thereupon legal, valid, and binding upon all persons concerned. Children admissible into Industrial School. Power to send destitute child to Industrial School. 2 03 ames of son to w bound. 6 6 1 "3 ames of tices or J trate asse ;z; fi 'A Ul < & ^ H M 'A 240 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1852. Sections 36 and 41. Form No. 3. Register of Apprentices Assigned. 3 'A , ., and him safely convey to the Prison at and there to deliver him to the Keeper thereof, together with this precept ; And I hereby command you, the said Keeper of the said Prison, to receive the said C. B. into your custody in the said Prison and there to imprison him [and keep him to hard lahour] for the term of unless the said sum, and all costs and charges of the said distress and of the commitment and conveying of the said C. B. to the said Prison, amounting to the further sum of are sooner paid unto you, the said Keeper ; And for your so doing, this shall be your sufficient warrant. Dated this day of 1 , at (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. Section 47. British Guiaka. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. Forms Relating to Reformatory Schools. Form No. 1. Conviction, Be it remembered that on the day of 1 , at in the County of A. B., being under the age of sixteen years, to wit, of the age of [thirteen] years, is convicted before me the undersigned, a Stipendiary Magistrate for the said Colony, for that [state offence in usual manner] ; and that, in pursuance of the Industrial and Reformatory Schools Ordinance, 1852, I sentence the said A. B. to be sent to the Reformatory School situated at and to be there detained for the period of years, commencing from and after the date hereof Dated this day of 1 , at (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate, A.D. 1852.] INDUSTRIAL, ETC., SCHOOLS. [No. 1. 243 Form No. 2. Order of Detention. Beitish Guiana. To all Members of the Folice Force and Constables and to the Master of the Feformatory School at "Whereas A. B., being under (he age of sixteen years, to wit, of the age of [thirtcrn'] years, was this day duly convicted before me the undersigned, a Stipen- diary Magistrate for the said Colony, for that [_sfntc the offence as in thr. conviction'], and, in pursuance of the Industrial and Reformatory Schools Ordinance, 1852, the said A. B. was thereby sentenced to be sent to the Reformatory School at and to be there detained for the period of years com- mencing from and after the date thereof : —This is therefore to command you, the said ^Members of the Police Force and Constables, and every of you, to take the said A. B., and him safely to convey to the Reformatory School at and there to deliver him to the Master thereof, together with this precept ; and I do hereby command you, the said Master of the said Reformatory School, to receive the said A. B. into your charge in the said Reformatory School, and tt ere to detain him for the period of years commencing from and after the said date. Dated this day of 1 , at Section 47. (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. Form No. 3. Complaint for enforcing Contribution from Parent, etc. British Guiana. The complaint of the Master of the Reformatory School situated at [or as the case may be] made to me the undersigned, a Stipendiary Magistrate for the said Colony, this day of 1 , at in the said Colony, who says, that one A. B., of the age of years or there- abouts, is now detained in the said Reformatoiy School under the Industrial and Reformatory Schools Ordinance, 1852, and has been duly ordered and directed to be detained therein until the day of 1 ; and that one C. D., dwelling in the Parish of in the County of is the parent [or step-parent, etc.'] of the said A. B., and is of sufficient ability to contribute to the support and maintenance of the said A. B., his son ; and the said complainant there- fore prays that the said C. 1). may be summoned to show cause why an order should not be made against him to contiibute accordingly. Exhibited before me this day of 1 , at (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. Section 53. Form No. 4. Summons to Parent, etc. British Guiana. To C. D., of "Whereas complaint has this day been made before me the undersigned, a Sti- pendiary Magistrate for the said Colony, for that you [here state shortly the ni'itter of the complaint] : — This is therefore to command you, in His Majesty's name, to be and appear on day, the day of 1 , at o'clock in. the forenoon, at before such Stipendiary Magistrate as may then be there, to answer the said complaint and to be further dealt with according to law. Section 53. Dated this VOL, I. day of 1 ,at /Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. 17 244 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1852 Section 53. Form No. 5. Order on Parent, etc., to contribute a Weekly/ Sum. British Guiana. Be it remembered that on this day -1 , at in the County of a certain complaint of the Master of the Eeforma- tory School situated at [or as the case may be'\ for that one, A. B., of the age of years or thereabouts, is now detained in the said Reformatory School under the Industrial and Reformatory Schools Ordinance, 1852, and has been duly ordered and directed to be detained therein until the day of 1 , and that one C. B., dwelling in the Parish of in the County of is the parent [or step-parent, etc.'] of the said A. B., and is of sufficient ability to contribute to the support and maintenance of the said A. B., his son, was duly heard by and before me the imdersigned, a Stipendiary Magistrate for the said Colony, in the presence and hearing of the said C. JJ. [or the said C. D. not appearing to the summons duly issued and served in this behalf] ; and I, having duly examined into the ability of the said 0. D. and on consideration of all the circumstances of the case, do order the said C. D. to pay the said Master [or to an agent of the said Master] the sum of per week from the date of this order until the day of 1 , the same to be paid at the expiration of each fourteen days [or as the case may be]. Dated this day of 1 , at (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. Section 54 Form No. 6. Distress Warrant for Amount in Arrear. British Guiana. To all Members of the Police Force and Constables, Whereas on the hearing of a complaint made by the Master of the Reformatory School situated at [or as the case may be] that A. B., of the age of years or thereabouts, is now detained in the said Reformatory School under the Industrial and Reformatory Schools Ordinance, 1852, and has been duly ordered and directed to be detained therein until the day of 1 , and that one C. J)., dwelling in the Parish of in the County of is the parent [or step-parent, etc.] of the said A. B., and is of sufficient ability to contribute to the support and maintenance of the said A. B., his son, an order was made on the day of 1 , by me the undersigned, a Stipendiary Magistrate for the said Colony, against the said C. It. to pay to the said Master [or as the case may be] the sum of per week from the date of the said order until the day 1 , the same to be paid at the expiration of each fourteen days [or as the case may be'] ; And whereas there is due upon the said order the sum of being for [three] periods of [fourteen'] days each, and default has been made therein for the space of fourteen days : — This is therefore to command you and every of you in His Majesty's name, forthwith to make distress of the goods and chattels of the said C. D., and if, within the space of [Jiv(^ days next after the making of such distress, the said last-mentioned sum, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress, is not paid, then to sell the goods and chattels so by you distrained, and to pay the money arising from such sale to my Clerk that he may pay and apply the same as by law directed, and may render the overplus, if any, on demand to the said C. D. ; and if no such distress can be found, then to certify same to me, to the end that such proceedings may be had therein as the law requires. Dated this day of 1 , at (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate, A.D. 1852.] DEMERAKA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 245 Form No. 7. Section 54. Commitment in Default of Distress. British Guiana. Tu all Members of the Police Force and Constables and to the Keeper of the Prison at in the County of Whereas on the hearing of a complaint made by the Master of the Reformatory School situated at [or as the case may be'\ that A. B., of the age of years or thereabouts, is now detained in the said Reformatory School under the Industrial and Reformatory Schools Ordinance, 1852, and has been duly ordered and directed to be detained therein until the day of 1 , and that one C. D., dwelling in the Parish of in the County of is the parent [or step-parent, etc.'] of the said A. B., and is of sufficient ability to contribute to the support and maintenance of the said A. B., his son, an order was made on the of 1 , by me the undersigned, a Stijjendiary Magistrate for the said Colony, against the said C. D., to pay to the said Master [or an the case may be] the sum of per week from the date of the said oi-der until the day of 1 , the same to be paid at the expiration of each fourteen days [or as the case may be] ; And whereas after- wards, on the day of 1,1 issued a warrant to all Members of the said Police Force and Constables commanding them and every of them to levy the sum of due upon the said recited order, being for [three] periods of [foiD'teen] days each, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said C. D. ; And whereas a return has this day been made to me, the said Stipendiary Magis- trate, that no sufficient goods of the said C. D. can be found : — This is therefore to command you, the said Members of the Police Force and Constables, and every of you, to take the said 0. D. and him safely to convey to the Prison at in the County of and there to deliver him to the Keeper thereof, together with this precept ; And I do hereby command you, the said keeper of the said Prison, to receive the said G. D. into your custody in the said Prison, and there to imprison him [and keep him to hard labour] for the term of unless the said sum, and all costs and charges of the said distress and of the com- mitment and conveying of the said C. D. to the said Prison, amounting to the further sum of are sooner paid unto you, the said Keeper ; And for your so doing, this shall be your sufficient warrant. Dated this day of 1 , at (Signed.) Stipendary Magistrate. OKDINANCE No. 2 OF 1852. An Ordinance for converting into Stock the existing a.d. i852. Shares in the Demerara Railway Company, and * for empowering the said Company to raise Money. [18th September, 1852.] WHEREAS by an Indenture or Deed of Settlement of the Demerara Railway Company, bearing date the 18th day of September, 1845, confirmed (with certain modifications) by and incorporated with the Demerara Railway Company's Ordinance, j^q 2 of 1846. 1846, and made between Charles Cave, of Threadneedle Street, in the City of London, Esquke, Michael M'Chlery, of Finsbury Circus, in the County of Middlesex, Esquire, and others, of the first part, the several other persons whose names and seals are by themselves, or their respective attorneys or agents, thereunto, or to a duplicate thereof, subscribed and affixed in the schedule written under or affixed to such Indenture and duplicate of the second part, and Alexander MacGregor, of No. 3, Chester Street, Grosvenor Place, in the County of Middlesex, Esquire, and Alexander George Milne, of No. 10, George Yard, VOL. I. 17a. 246 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1852. Lombard Street, in the City of London, Esquire, of the third part, the capital of the said Company was declared to be the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds divided into ten thousand shares each of the amount of twenty five pounds ; No. 1 of 1849. And whereas by the Demerara Railway Company's Ordinance, 1849, it was, amongst other things, enacted that the capital of the said Company should be one hundred and seventy-five thousand pounds instead of the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, and that the said capital of one hundred and seventy-five thousand pounds should be divided into ten thousand shares of seventeen pounds ten shillings each ; And whereas in pursuance of Ordinance No. 9 of the year 1850 of the Colony of British Guiana, the sum of fifty thousand pounds has been lent and advanced by the said Colony to the said Company, and the repayment of such sum with intei'est is secured in the manner prescribed by the said Ordinance ; And whereas the said loan of fifty thousand pounds has been found insufficient to enable the said Company to complete its line of Railway to Mahaica ; And whereas at a special meeting of the shareholders of the said Com- pany, held in the City of London on Friday the 27th day of February, 1852, resolutions in the following terms were passed, that is to say : — That in order to raise the funds required for the completion of the line to Mahaica, and for supplying the "necessary rolling stock and other necessaries, the directors be authorized to raise, by way of loan or by the creation of preference stock, the sum of eight thousand pounds which, under the powers of the existing Ordinances of the Colonial Legislature, the Company is empowered to borrow ; that in- asmuch as a further sum of about twenty-two thousand pounds will be required to meet the emergencies of the Company, and to complete the Hne to Mahaica, and put the same in working condition, the directors be authorized to raise that sum in such manner as they may deem most advantageous to the Company ; and that they be further autho- rized to apply to the Colonial Legislature for authority to raise the required amount by the creation of additional preference stock ; And whereas the sum which the said Company is now, under its existing powers, authorized to borrow is, in fact, eight thousand three hundred and thirty-three pounds six shillings and eight pence, being such a sum as, when added to the said sum of fifty thousand pounds so already borrowed by the said Company as aforesaid, amounts to one- third of the capital of the said Company ; And whereas it is expedient to convert or consolidate all the ten thousand shares now existing in the Capital of the said Company into a general capital stock : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — Short title. 1 • ^his Ordinance may be cited as the Demerara Railway Com- pany's Oidinance, 1852. Conversion of 2. The existing capital of the said Demerara Railway Company .xistlnu' capital ^q,^ consisting of ten thousand shares, of seventeen pounds ten shillings Kiiilway"'^'^'^'^'^ each, shall be and is hereby converted and consolidated into a general Company into stock, to be divided amongst the shaioholders according to their re- general stock, gpectivo interests in such capital, and such consohdated stock shall b© A.D. 1852.] DEMERARA RAILWAY COMPANY. [No. 2. 247 subject to the provisions contained in the said recited Ordinances and Indenture or Deed of Settlement, so far as the same may be ap|)licable, in the same manner in all respects, as near as may be, as if the con- version or consolidation hereby made had taken place under the pro- visions of the said Indenture or Deed of Settlement. 3. It shall be lawful for the said Company, without any further Power to the order or resolution of any general meeting of the said Company, to j^°™o^""£.j|^,x)(} raise any sum or sums not exceeding, together with the sum which by bond or ' it is now authorized to borrow as aforesaid, the sum of thirty mortgage, thousand pounds, either by bond or mortgage, according to the pro- visions of the said Indenture or Deed ot Settlement as altered or modi- fied in that behalf by the said Demerara Railway Company's Ordin- N°- ^ of 1846 ahce, 1846, or by the creation of additional stock of the said Company, or partly in some or one, and partly in another, of the said modes, and in such manner as to the mode of payment or advance to the said Company of the sum or sums so to be raised, whether by instalment or otherwise, and at such rate of interest or dividend, not exceeding the rate of seven pounds ten shillings per cent, per annum from the time or respective times of advancing such sum or suras as may be raised by bond or mortgage as aforesaid, as the said Company may determine, and to convert such sum or sums, or any part thereof, into stock of the said Company by way of augmentation of the capital thereof, and which additional stock, whether by original creation or conversion as aforesaid, shall be subject to the same provisions and regulations as the other stock of the said Company, except that all such additional stock and the holders thereof shall have priority and preference over all other stock of the said Company as regards the principal thereof and the dividends or interest to accrue thereon. 4. For the purpose of paying off every or any sum to be raised by Power to the any bond or mortgage, or bonds or mortgages, as aforesaid, whether ^aise^raoney afterwards converted into stock or not, together with the interest or not exceeding dividend on such sum or sums up to the time or respective times of such payment, and also for the purpose of redeeming and extinguish- ing all or any additional stock to be orginally created as aforesaid by paying off the amount of such stock at par, together with the dividend computed up to the day of such redemption as aforesaid, and also to ensure the completing the line to the Village of Mahaica, it shall be lawful for the said Company, with the consent of a general meeting of the proprietors of the said Company to be specially convened for that purpose, to raise, by the ways and means and in manner aforesaid, any sum or sums not exceeding the sum of fifty thousand pounds, and to apply and dispose of the same accordingly, with full power (in case any sum or sums is or are raised by bond or mortgage as aforesaid) to convert the same or any part thereof into preferential stock as aforesaid, and also to pay off and redeem such last-mentioned bonds, mortgages, or stock respectively, or any of them or any part thereof, and the interest or dividends thereon as aforesaid, and also for the purposes of the completion of the line of Railway to Mahaica and with the consent aforesaid, to raise the necessaiy sum or sums for that purpose, and so from time to time as the directors of the said Company may think proper. 5. It shall be lawful for the said Company to pay oft' every or any Paying off sura to be raised by any bond or mortgage, or bonds or mortgages, as ^ £511,000 for certain purposes. 248 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1852. by bond or mortgage. Confirmation except as altered, of Ordinances and Deed of Settlement. Construction of the Ordinance No. 2 of 1846. aforesaid, whether afterwards converted into stock or not, together with the interest or dividend on such sum or sums up to the time or respective times of such payment ; and also to redeem and extinguish all additional stock to be originally created as aforesaid, and every or any portion thereof, by paying off the amount of such stock at par, together with the dividend computed up to the day of such redemption, at any time or times after the expiration of five years from the period or respective periods when such sum or sums may have been so raised or such stock may have been so created, as the case may be, on giving to the party or respective parties who may be the legal holder or holders of such bond or mortgage or bonds or mortgages, or of such stock respectively, six calendar months' notice in writing, under the common seal of the said Company, of the intention of the said Company in that behalf. 6. All powers, provisions, matters, and things contained in the said before in part recited Ordinances and Indenture or Deed of Settlement, except such of them, if any, as are by this Ordinance repealed, altered, or otherwise provided for, shall remain in full force and effect, to all intents and purposes, as if the same powers, provisions, matters, and things were hereby and herein I'epeated and re-enacted. 7. This Ordinance shall be incorporated with the Demerara Railway Company's Ordinance, 1846, and all the provisions of this Ordinance shall form part of the said Ordinance, and shall be construed therewith as forming one Ordinance. A.D. 1853. -;— ♦ Ordinances No. 27 of 1893 and No. 13 of 1894 s. 3 (25) incorporated. See also Ordinance No. 10 of 1893 s. 38. Short title. Interpretation of terms. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1853. An Ordinance for regulating the Rights, Duties, and Relations of Employers and Servants. [22nd January, 1853.] WHEREAS it is expedient that the hirings of servants in hus- bandly, of sailors and boatmen employed on board Colonial vessels and boats, of menial servants, and of artificers, handi- craftsmen, and labourers should be properly regulated, and that provision should be made for the more easy recovery of the wages of such persons as aforesaid, and for the more ready determination of all disputes con- nected with their hirinss : Be it therefore enacted by the Govenor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of PoHcy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Employers and Servants Ordinance, 185.3. 2. Within the meaning and for the purposes of this Ordinance, — (1.) All masters, mistresses, foremen, attorneys, agents, managers, and other persons engaged in the hiring, employing, or superintending the labour or ser\T[ce of any servant within the meaning of this Ordinance shall be and be deemed to be " employers " ; (2.) Any money or other thing paid, or contracted to be paid, de- livered, or given as a recompense, reward, or remuneration for any A.D. 1853.] EMPLOYERS AND SERVANTS. [No. 1. 249 labour or other service done or to be done, whether within a certain time or to a certain amount, or for a time or for an amount uncertain, sliall be deemed and taken to be the "wages" of any servant aforesaid ; (3.) Any agreement, understanding, or arrangement whatever on the subject of wages, whether written or oral, whether direct or in- direct, to which any employer and any servant or other persons are parties, or are assenting, or by which they are mutually bound to each other shall be and be deemed to be a " contract " and every contract shall mean an indenture ; (4.) Every labourer or mechanic employed upon any sugar, coffee, or other plantation, shall be and be deemed to be a " servant in hus- bandry " ; (5.) All servants in husbandry, mechanics, artificers, handicraftsmen, labourers, persons employed in droghers, vessels, or boats, or other- wise, and all household or other domestic servants, laundresses, or other servants, shall be deemed to be comprised within the term "servant " ; (6.) " Defendant" also means " offender " and " offender " also means "defendant"; (7.) "Indenture" means any contract in writing, and " uninden- tured " means " not bound by any contract in writing " ; (8.) Wherever in this Ordinance any term importing the singular number occurs, the plural number shall be deemed included ; (9.) Where any term is used which signifies the male gender, the female gender shall be considered and taken to be included ; and (10.) Where one matter or subject is treated of, two or more matters or subjects shall be considered and included and intended, provided it is necessary to put such a construction in order to render the sense clear, or to give full and complete effect to any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance, unless it is otherwise specially provided for or there is something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction. 3. If any person described in the preamble to this Ordinance con- Penalty on tracts with any employer to serve him for a time certain, or in any ^^rvant for other manner whatsoever, and does not enter into or commence his contract, service according to such contract, such contract being either in writing and signed by the contracting parties, or verbal and made in the pre- sence of two ci-edible witnesses, or, having entered into such service in pursuance of or under any contract, whether the same is in writing or not in writing, absents himself fi'om his service, or refuses to fulfil the same before the term of his contract has been completed, whether such contract is for a time certain or work certain, or under the provisions hereinafter in that behalf contained, except for some reasonable cause as hereinafter provided, or practises or is guilty of any fraud or decep- tion in the performance of any work which he is bound to perform, such off'ender, on being convicted thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-four dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. 4. If any such person as aforesaid, by negligence or other improper Penalty on conduct, loses, throws away, endangers, or damages the property of his ^^^Jj""* ., , employer, or endangers such property by a careless or improper use of damaging" fire, or wilfully maims, wounds, or cruelly ill-uses any cattlo or other property of his employer, etc. 250 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1853. Penalty on servant for other wilful misconduct. Power to abate wages of servant on conviction. Penalty on employer ill- using servant. Duration of contract, and mode of termination thereof. Penalty on employer wrongfully terminating contract for service for time uncertain. Penalty on employer wrongfully terminating contract for time certain. live stock belonging to his employer or entrusted to his care, or by negligence suffers or occasions to be maimed, wounded, or cruelly ill- used any such cattle or live stock, every such offender, on being con- victed thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-four dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. 5. If any such person as aforesaid is guilty of any other wilful mis- conduct or ill-behaviour in such service, such person, on being convicted thereof, shall forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding ten dollars. 6. The Justice by and before whom any complaint is heard and determined may, in addition to any such fine or imprisonment herein- before directed, abate the whole or any part of the wages due to such person as aforesaid, and direct the same to be retained by and to the use of the employer of such person ; and, in the event of any such per- son being sentenced to imprisonment, no wages shall accrue to him during such imprisonment. 7. If any employer ill-uses any person, or does not deliver to any person any articles stipulated for and which by the conti'act of service are to be furnished by the employer to the servant, or if the articles so furnished are not of the stipulated quantity or quality, every such employer shall, on being convicted of any such offence, forfeit and pay such sum, not exceeding fifty dollars, including the reasonable costs of such servant, as to the convicting Justices may seem fit. 8. — (1.) In the absence of any express agreement between the par- ties thereto to the contrary, the entering of any person into the service or employ of any one shall be deemed and taken to be a contract for one month certain from the time of entering on such service, such month to be deemed a lunar month in the case of agricultural labourers and a calendar month in all other cases. (2.) Every such contract shall be terminated by mutual consent of the parties, or by either party, at the expiration of the first or any sub- sequent month on giving fourteen days' previous notice to the other party in writing or in the presence of a credible witness, or for any good and sufficient cause as hereinafter pi'ovided. 9. If any employer terminates any contract entered into with any servant for service for a time uncertain, except with the consent of such servant, or by giving fourteen days' notice as aforesaid, or for some good and sufficient cause as aforesaid, such employer shall forfeit and pay, to the use of the servant, a sum equal to one month's wages, according to the rate of wages which may have been fixed by and be- tween the parties, or, if the rate of wages has not been so fixed, then such sum as the Justice or Justices may consider fair and reasonable, as and for a month's wages, regard being had to the class of the servant and the nature of the duties contracted to be performed, in addition to tlie wages due to the servant at the time of the termination of such contract. 10. If any employer, having engaged any servant for service for any period of time certain or for the performance of any particular work, puts away, dismisses, or discharges such servant before the completion of his contract, such employer, unless ho is able' to prove reasonable and sufficient cause for putting away such servant, shall forfeit, to the use of the servant, such sum, not exceeding twenty-four dollars, as the A.D. 1853.] EMPLOYERS AND SERVANTS. [No. 1. 251 Justice may consider a reasonable compensation for the wrong and injui'y done to such servant. 1 1. Whenever any labourer, servant, or other person, having entered into a contract in writing or otherwise for the performance of any job or work for the performance of which no spocified time is agreed upon, and having commenced the same, sus})ends his labour on the same, or, by his example or persuasion, advises or otherwise induces any person working with him to suspend his labour on the same, every such labourer, servant, or other person shall for every such offence, on being convicted thereof, forfeit and pay to the employer a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, and shall, moreover, forfeit and lose to such employer every sum of money which would otherwise have been due and pay- able for such part or portion of the job or work which may have been done and performed. 12. — (1.) It shall be lawful for any employer to discharge any ser- vant who may be guilty of any misconduct or wilful omission or neglect of duty, without notice and without payment of any wages beyond the ^\•ages due at the period of such discharge. (2.) To any complaint made in respect of such discharge, such mis- conduct or wilful omission or neglect of dvity j^roved shall be a suffi- cient answer • but such employer shall not be precluded by the fact of such discharge from proceeding against any such person as afore- said for any offence under the provisions of this Ordinance committed during the service of such person. 13. On any complaint made by any employer against any servant for refusing or wilfully neglecting to perform his contract, such ser- vant shall be at liberty to show by evidence, in answer to such com- plaint, that he terminated his service or contract in consequence of ill-usage by his employer, or for some other good and sufficient cause to be judged of by the Justice or Justices. 14. On any complaint made by any employer or servant, the Jus- tice or Justices by whom such complaint is heard may discharge such employer or servant from his contract or service, in addition to any other order made on such complaint, and shall, in case of such dis- charge, award to such servant the whole or such proportion of the wages appearing due to such servant as the Justice or Justices may think reasonable, or shall authorize the employer to retain the whole or any specified portion of such wages, and shall give to such employer or servant, as the case may require, a certificate of such discharge and of such award without any fee or consideration. 15. Whenever the use and occupation of any house, cottage, tene- ment, or room form an ingredient in any contract of service with any labourer under < ontract, or are stipulated for or deemed a part of the consideration for any work or labour to be performed on any planta- tion by any such labourer, it shall be lawful for the employer to de- mand, and, if need be, to enforce, under the authority of any Justice of the Peace, by deduction of wages due or otherwise, paynient by any such labourer or servant, for each day that such labourer or ser- vant, without reasonable cause, may have absented himself from the service of his employer and have kept possession of the saii house, cottage, tenement, or room, such sum as may have been stipulated as the value, not exceeding sixteen cents per diem. Penalty on labourer delaying to complete job where work has been commenced. Power to employer to discharge servant for misconduct. Right of servant to show ill-usage in answer to complaint by employer. Power to Justice to discharge employer or servant from contract. Eight of employer to charge and recover rent in certiiin cases from labourer. 252 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1853. Ejection of jg^ — (1.^ After such application to such Justice as aforesaid, the retabiing (Jccupancy of any person hereinbefore mentioned shall cease and possession of determine upon three clear days' notice to quit being given by the tenement after proprietor of such tenement or premises, or by any person by him duly notice to ciuit. ,1 • 111 1 authorized thereto. (2.) In the event of any person overholding possession of the said tenement or premises after expiration of such notice, it shall be lawful for any Justice, and he is hereby authorized and required, on complaint made and proof thereof given, to issue his warrant directing any police officer or constable of the district in which such tenement or premises may be situated to enter and take possession of the same, and to eject any person therefrom : Provided always that in the event of any person proceeding to recover possession of such tenement or premises as aforesaid, otherwise than in the mode and manner pointed out by this Ordinance, he shall be subject and liable, on complaint made, to the payment of a fine not exceeding twenty-four dollars. 17. Whenever any employer grants to any servant the use and occu- pation of any piece of land for the growth of provisions, such permis- sion to be valid shall be in writing, and unless such permission in writing contains a stipulation that the employer shall be at liberty to determine the grant at any time and to resume possession of the land without the servant being entitled to the growing crops, every servant to whom there may be granted the use and occupation of any land in the manner and for the purpose aforesaid shall, at any hour between six o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon of every day, within three months after his quitting or ceasing to be in such service, have the right of entering upon and reaping the growing crops on the said land. 18. Where a contract of service within the purview of this Ordin- ance is entered into by any person out of this Colony but is to be per- formed in this Colony, such contract of service shall be valid and binding, under and subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and of any other Ordinance in any way relating to contracts of service or to proceedings in connexion with the breach thereof, in the same manner as if it had been entered into in this Colony. Use of contract 19. A contract entered into as mentioned in the last preceding as evidence in section, or any endorsement thereon, shall be admissible in evidence as primd facie proof of any matter or thing contained therein in any proceeding relating to or affecting such contract or endorsement. Right of servant in specified case to enter and reap growing crops on provision grounds. Validation of contract of service entered into out of the Colony. Application of the Ordinance to servants introduced from outside the Colony. Procedure and appeal. See Ordinances No. 12 of 1893 and No. 13 of 1893. 20. This Ordinance shall apply to servants introduced from out- aide the Colony at the expense of the employer, unless expressly excluded by any law for the time being in force relating to im- migrants. 21. All complaints, differences, and disputes which may arise be- tween employer and servant touching and concerning any matter or thing shall and may be heard and determined in manner and form, and shall be subject to the appeal, provided by any Ordinances for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction and appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. A.D. 1854.] ArPRENTICES. [No. 1. 253 OKDINANCE No. 1 OF 1854. An Ordinance to make provision for the Apprentice- a.d. 1854. ship of Children. ordi^ [18th January, 1854.] f^^J^^ BE it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with, the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Apprentices Ordinance, Short title. 1854. 2. In this Ordinance, unless it is otherwise specially provided or Interpretation unless the context otherwise requires, — °* terms. " Month " means a calendar month : Every word importing the singular number only shall extend and be applied to several persons, matters, and things, as well as to one person, matter, or thing : Every word importing the plural number shall extend and be applied to one person, matter, or thing, as well as to several persons, matters, or things : Every word importing the masculine gender only shall extend and be applied to a female as well as to a male : " The Receiver General " includes the Assistant Receiver General : " Stipendiary Magistrate " extends, applies to, and includes the ^ee No. 10 of Police Magistrate of Georgetown, and also any Justice of the ' ^' Peace who may be specially appointed by the Governor to act under the provisions of this Ordinance. PART I. Resident Apprentices. 3. All children who have arrived at the age of twelve years shall and may be apprenticed out by their parents and guardians, for any period not exceeding five years, to persons competent to provide for such children and to rear them to the end of their apprenticeship in habits of industry. 4. — (1.) Before any child is bound apprentice under and by virtue of the provisions of this Part, such child shall be taken by his parent or guardian before two Justices of the Peace in the City of Georgetown or the Town of New Amsterdam, who shall inquire into the propriety of binding such child apprentice to the person to whom it may be proposed by such parent or guardian to bind such child ; and such Justices shall particularly inquire and consider whether such person resides or has his place of business within a reasonable distance from the place where the parent or guardian of such child resides, having regard to the means of communication between such places, and to the distance from any Place of Worship of the communion to which such child may belong, or whether any circumstances make it fit, in the judgment of such Justices, that such child should be placed apprentice at a greater or lesser distance ; and such Justices shall, if they see fit, e:3?;amine the parent or guardian of such child as to the distance of the Eight of parent or guardian to apprentice child under 12 years. Inquiry as to propriety of binding child to particular person. 254 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1854. residence or place of business of the person to whom it may be pro- posed to bind such child and the means of communication therewith ; and such Justices shall also inquire into the circumstances and character of such person. (2.) If such Justices, upon such examination and inquiry, think it proper that such child should be bound apprentice to such person, such Justices shall sign the register of apprenticeship, and such signing shall be a declaration that such person is a fit person, to whom such child may be properly bound as an apprentice, and such signing shall be an order of such Justices and a warrant for binding such child apprentice as aforesaid. Keeping of register of apprentices. Schedule : Form No. 1. Furnishing of copy of register to master, and payment of fee. Mutual obligations of master and apprentice. 5. — (1.) There shall be kept by the Clerk of the PoUce Magistrate of Georgetown and the Clerk of the Stipendiary Magistrate in New Amsterdam respectively a register of all apprentices bound out within the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo and of Berbice respectively ; and such register shall be kept in the Form No. 1 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and shall contain the date of apprenticeship, the name and age of the apprentice, the name, if known, of his parent or guardian, the name of the person to whom such apprentice is bound, the trade and residence of such person, and the parties to the act of apprenticeship, including the Justices of the Peace and the parent or guardian of such child, and all such particulars being entered in such register shall be the act and articles of apprenticeship. (2.) A copy of such register, purporting to be authenticated by such Clerk as aforesaid, shall be evidence of such apprenticeship, and shall be so received by all Courts, Judges, Justices of the Peace, and Magistrates, without any further proof of apprenticeship and without proof of the handwriting of such Clerk. 6. — (1.) Every person taking an apprentice as aforesaid shall be furnished with a copy of such register authenticated by such Clerk as aforesaid, and such copy shall be considered and held to be the counterpart of the act or articles of apprenticeship. (2.) Such person shall pay to the Receiver General the sum of one dollar, and no apprenticeship shall be valid or binding unless it appears by the register, and every authentic copy thereof, that such fee has been paid. 7. — (1-) Every person so taking an apprentice as aforesaid shall sign his name in the column of the register appropriated to the same, and thereupon such person shall become bound and obliged to provide such apprentice during the continuance of the apprenticeship with sufficient clothing, meat, drink, lodging, medical attendance, and all other necessaries, and also shall allow such apprentice to attend Divine Service at least once on every Sunday. (2.) By the signature of the parent or guardian of such apprentice in the column of the register appropriated to the same, the said ap- prentice shall become bound and obliged to serve his master faithfully during the whole term specified in the said register, and during all that time he shall be bound and obliged to keep the secrets of his master, to obey all his lawful commands, not to do any damage to his master, nor see any damage done by others, but to prevent the same or give notice of the same to his master, not to waste the goods of his master nor lend them unlawfully to any, not to commit forni- cation nor contract matrimony, not to play at cards, dice, tables, or A.D. 1854.J APPRENTICES. [No. 1. 255 any other unlawful game whereby his master may have or sustain any loss, not to frequent taverns or grog shops, and not to absent himself from his master's service by day or by night unlawfully, but as a faithful apprentice to behave himself towards his master in all things. (3.) A copy of sections 5, 6, and 7 shall be printed at the foot of each authenticated copy of the i-egister when given off as afore- said. 8. If any person apprenticed under this Part runs away from or Apprehension leaves the service of his master, it shall be lawful for any Justice of °^ apprentice the Peace to gi*ant a warrant, directed to any officer of the Police " '" ^'^^^ ' Force or constable, to arrest such apprentice and bring him before him, the said Justice, or any other Justice of the Peace, to be dealt with according to law. 9. It shall be lawful for any Justice, on any complaint or applica- Misusage of tion made by any person apprenticed under this Part, or by any person '^PP^'e^tice. on belialf of any such apprentice, touching or concerning any misusage, refusal or neglect to provide clothing, meat, drink, lodging, medical attendance, or other necessary, or to allow such apprentice to attend Divine Service at least once every Sunday, cruelty, or other ill-treat- ment of or toward such apprentice by his master, to summon such master to appear before such Justice and some other Justice at a reasonable time to be named in such summons ; and such two Justices shall examine into the matter of such complaint ; and, on proof thereof to their satisfaction, (whether the master is present or not, if service of the summons is prt)ved upon oath,) the said Justices may convict the offender for every such offence in a penalty not exceeding twenty- five dollars, to be levied, if not forthwith paid, by distress and sale of his goods by warrant under the hand of either of the said Justices, and in case the conviction is for refusal or neglect to provide suitable and necessary clothing for such apprentice, such master shall be ordered to provide clothing for such apprentice, and in case of disobedience of such oi'der, Avithin a time to be specified by the Justices, such master shall be sentenced to imprisonment for any term not exceeding four- teen days ; and such Justices shall moi'eover discharge from appren- ticeship such appi"entice, by warrant or certificate under their hands, for which warrant or certificate no fee shall be paid ; and thereupon such apprentice shall be bound out to some other person for the un- expired portion of the original term. 10. On application or complaint made upon oath by any master iil-behaviour touching or concerning any misdemeanour, miscarriage, or ill-behaviour °^ apprentice, of any such apprentice in his service, it shall be lawful for any Justice to hear, examine, and determine the same, and to punish the offender by commitment to any Prison, there to remain in solitax'y confinement for a reasonable time, not exceeding fourteen days. 11. — (1.) If any apprentice absents himself from his master's service Liability of before the term of his apprenticeship has expii'ed, every such appren- ''P^*'^"''^^ tice shall, at any time thereafter, whenever he may be found, be com- himselfto pelled to serve his master two days for every day on which he may have df>"\'le tei-m of so absented himself from such service, unless he makes satisfaction to ''^'"^'''^• his master for the loss which his master may have sustained by his absence from his service, and so from time to time, as often as any such 256 Insolvency of master. Death of master. Schedule : Form No. 2. Death of 8ul)sequent master. Case of no application made on death of master, etc. No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1854. apprentice, without leave of his master, absents himself from his service before the term of his apprenticeship is fulfilled. (2.) In case any such apprentice refuses to serve as hereby required or to make such satisfaction to his master, such master may complain, upon oath, to any Justice of the Peace, who shall issue a warrant under his hand for apprehending such apprentice, and such Justice, on hear- ing the complaint, may determine what satisfaction shall be made to such master by such apprentice, and in case such apprentice does not give security to make such satisfaction according to such determination, it shall and may be lawful for such Justice to commit such apprentice to any Prison, thei'e to remain in solitary confinement for any time not exceeding twenty-one days. 12. When any person as aforesaid is apprenticed to any person who is declared a bankrupt or adjudged an insolvent, such bankruptcy or insolvency shall, if the parent or guardian thinks fit, be and operate as a complete discharge from apprenticeship of the apprentice : Provided that, in the case of any child bound out by any Local Board of Guardians, he shall be bound out for the unexpired term of his original apprenticeship. 13. — (1.) At any time within three months after the death of any master to whom any person may have been apprenticed as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for any two Justices of the Peace, on application made by the widow of such master, or by any son or daughter, or brother or sister, or executor or administrator of such master, or of his estate and effects, to assign such appi-entice, by order under their hands, and by and with the consent of the pai-ent or guardian of such apprentice, to serve as an apprentice to any one of such persons so making such application as aforesaid (such person having lived with and having been part of the family of such master at the time of his death) as the said Justices may in their discretion think fit, for and during the residue of the term mentioned in such articles of apprenticeship ; and the person obtaining such order shall declare his acceptance of such apprentice by subscribing his name to such order. (2.) From and after the making of such order, the executors and administrators, and the personal assets, estate, and effects of the master so dying as aforesaid, shall be released and discharged of and from any promise, covenant, or obligation whatsoever on the part of such mas- ter, his executors or administrators, to be done or performed ; and the person obtaining the same shall be taken to be and shall be the master of such apprentice. (3.) iSuch assignment shall be in the form or to the effect set forth in Form No. 2 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance. 14. All and singular the regulations and provisions hereinbefore made and directed to take place on the death of the original master shall be deemed and taken to relate to the like event of the death of any subsequent master, and to his several relations and representatives before enumerated, from time to time, so often as the case may happen during the continuance of the term mentioned in any original act or articles of apprenticeship. 15. In case no such application is made as aforesaid within three months next after the death of any such master, or in case the Justices to whom any such application as aforesaid may be made do not think A.D. 1854.] APPRENTICES. [No. 1. 257 fit that such apprenticeship should be continued, then the said appren- ticeship shall be determined, and the act or articles of apprenticeship and covenants therein contained shall be at an end, and the Justices may bind out the apprentice to some other person until the expiration of the original term. Restriction of provisions to apprentice living with farnilv. Failure of master to maintain aitprentice. 16. Nothing in this Part shall extend ov be construed to extend to any apprentice, except such only as may be living with and make part of the family, or may be in the actual employment of such original master, or of any subsequent master under and by virtue of the several provisions of this Part at the time of the bankruptcy, insolvency, or death of any such master. 17. In case any master aforesaid, during the term of any such ap- prenticeship as aforesaid, or any executor or administrator of any such master during such three months as aforesaid, refuses or neglects to maintain and provide for any such apprentice according to the pro- visions of this Part, it shall and may be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, on complaint of such apprentice or of any person on his behalf, by warrant under his hand, to levy, by distress and sale of the per- sonal estate and effects of such master or such executor, such sum of money as may be necessary for the maintenance and clothing of such apprentice, and such sum shall be over and above and independent of any fine or penalty that may be levied under any of the provisions of this Part. 18. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the master of any such apprentice as Assignment aforesaid, by and with the consent of the parent or guardian of such of apprentice, apprentice and with the approbation of two Justices as aforesaid, to assign such apprentice to any other person who may be willing to take such apprentice for the residue of the term mentioned in the articles of apprenticeship ; and such assignment may be in the form or to the effect set forth in form No. 2 contained in the Schedule to Schedule : this Ordinance. Fo'""^ No. 2. (2.) In such case such apprentice shall be deemed and taken to be the apprentice of such subsequent master to whom such assignment may be made, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, and so from time to time as often as it may be necessary or convenient for any such subsequent master to part with any such apprentice ; and two Justices of the Peace shall have the like power and authority, in the several cases last mentioned, in respect as well to the subsequent master as to the apprentice, as if such apprentice had been originally bound to such master. (3.) Such last-mentioned master and apprentice respectively shall be subject and liable to the several penalties, provisions, and regula- tions of this Part. 19. Where any apprentice is discharged, the Justices discharging Rights of hiin may order the person who was his master to deliver up to such ajiprentice ^- 1 • • 1 . T on being apprentice nis wearing apparel, or to pay any sum, not exceeding discharged. twenty-five dollars, in case such master refuses to deliver up such wear- ing apparel ; and on his refusal to pay the sum so ordered, or any part thereof, such Justices shall levy the same by distress, together with the reasonable expenses of such distress. 20. To prevent the expectation of a discharge being an inducement Power to bo ill- behaviour on the part of an apprentice, in all cases where any r""'^ 258 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1854. apprentice dischai>,'ed for ill-behaviour. Case of master removing his residence. Penalty on master putting away or transferring apprentice mthout consent of Justices. Penalty on person harbouring apprentice, etc. apprentice is discharged by any Justices under and by virtue of this Part from his apprenticeship, on account of any misdemeanour, mis- carriage, or ill-behaviour on the part of such apprentice, it shall be lawful for such Justices, by warrant, to commit such offender to any Prison, there to remain in solitary confinement for any time not exceeding twenty days. 21. — (1.) If any person to whom an apprentice is bound under and by virtue of this Part removes his residence or establishment of business from the place where the same was when such apprentice was bound, such person shall, at least ten days previous to such removal, give a written notice thereof to a Justice of the Peace, who shall associate with himself some other Justice, and they shall cause such apprentice to appear before them. (2.) Such Justices shall inquire whether it is fit and proper that such apprentice should continue in the service of such person, or be discharged therefrom and bound or assigned over to any other person, and shall thereupon make order either for the continuance of such apprentice with such person, or for the discharge of such apprentice, or for the binding or assigning of such apprentice to some other person, as to them may seem meet, and, if they see fit, shall also require the person so giving notice of removal to pay the amount of the expense of assigning or binding such apprentice to any other person, so approved by the said Justices. (3.) The person to whom such apprentice is bound or assigned shall be subject to the same rules, provisions, regulations, and obligations as the person to whom such apprentice was originally bound. (4.) In case any such master removes as aforesaid, and takes any such apprentice to another place without such order as aforesaid, or wilfully abandons and leaves any such apprentice without giving such notice as aforesaid, every person so offending shall forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty-three dollars. 22. It shall not be lawful for any master to put away or transfer any such apprentice to any other person, or in any way to discharge or dismiss from his service any such apprentice, without the consent of two J ustices a§ aforesaid, upon pain of forfeiting a sum not exceeding twenty-three dollars, and of having the act or articles of apprenticeship cancelled. 23. — (1.) Every person who — (a. ) Harbours, conceals, or employs any apprentice, being at the time bound in virtue of this Part ; or {b.) Removes or entices away or solicits or entices any such apprentice to remove from the employment or service of his master, shall for every such offence, on being convicted thereof before any Justice of the Peace, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty-three dollars, and shall further pay to the master of such apprentice a sum of not less than one dollar and not exceeding three dollars for each day during which such apprentice may have been harboured, concealed, or employed. (2.) If the master of any such apprentice proves upon oath, before any Justice of the Peace, a reasonable cause to suspect that such ap- prentice is harboured, concealed, or employed on the premises of any A.D. 1854.] APPRENTICES. [No. 1. 259 person, such Justice shall grant a warrant to search for such appren- tice, and bring him, together with tlie person Ijy whom such apprentice may be harboured, concealed, or employed, before him, to be dealt with as aforesaid : Provided always that in every case in which any dispute or diiference arises as to whether any person charged with harbouring, concealing, or employing any apprentice under this Part, or with having removed or enticed away, or with having solicited or enticed any such apprentice to remove from the employment or ser\ace of his master, had knowledge of any such apprentice being bound under this Part, the proof of the want of such knowledge shall be on such person, and the proof of the knowledge of such person shall not \)q on the party aggi-ieved, complaining, or informing. 24. All complaints to any one or more Justices of the Peace under and by virtue of this Part shall be made, heard, and determined, and the punishments inflicted and penalties recovered in manner and form directed by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating pro- cedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their sum- mary jurisdiction, and the decision of such Justice or Justices shall be subject to the appeal provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. 25. In default of payment of any of the moneys payable under and by virtue of the provisions of this Part, (unless their collection is otherwise specially provided for,) the same shall be recovered and en- forced by the Receiver General by summary execution. 26. All Justices of the Peace, police ofiicers, constables, and other persons acting under and by virtue of the provisions of this Part shall be entitled to all the protection, benefits, and advantages of the Justices Protection Ordinance, 1850. Procedure and appeal under Part. I. See Ordinance No. 12 of 1893. ourg, conceals, or employs any apprentice, being at the time bound in virtue of this Part ; or (6.) Removes or entices away or solicits or entices any such apprentice to remove from the employment or service of his master, shall for every such offence, on being convicted thereof before any Stipendiary Magistrate, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and shall further pay to the master of such apprentice a sum of not less than fifty cents nor exceeding two dollars for each day during which such apprentice may have been harboured, concealed, or employed. (2.) If the master of any such a])prentice proves upon oath, before any such Magistrate, that he has reasonable cause to suspect that such apprentice is harboured, concealed, or employed on the premises of any person, such Magistrate may grant a warrant to search for such apprentice, and bring him, together with the person by whom such apprentice may be harboured, concealed, or employed, before him to be dealt with as aforesaid : Provided always ihat in every case in which any dispute or difference arises as to whether any person charged with harbouring, concealing, or employing any apprentice under this Pai't, or with having removed or enticed away, or with iiaving solicited or enticed any such apprentice to remove from the employment or service of his master, had knowledge of any such apprentice being bound under this Part, the proof of the want of such knowledge shall be on such person, and the proof of the knowledge of such person shall not be on the party aggrieved, complaining, or informing. 43.-- (1.) All proceedings before any Stipendiary Magistrate under Procedure and this Part shall be conducted, as near as may be, according to the form ^PPe«Yuider of procedure, and shall be subject to the ap2:)eal, provided by any (^, ^ ,- Ordinances for the time being in force regulating procedure before Ivo. 12 of 1893 Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction «'"( ^'o. 13 of and appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. {'2.) Every such Magistrate shall have full power, jurisdiction, and authority to award and determine and to enforce the recovery of any fine, penalty, or sum of money incurred under this Part, notwithstand- ing that the same may exceed forty-eight dollars. 1893. 264 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1854 SCHEDULE. Forms. Section 5. Form No. 1. Eegister of Apprentices. p4 < 5 a PM.i3 a (S s . o o • M O . O y s^g *o to S ® +3 "«"=« 2 -MT3 .a ■"•43 2 Si 1^ 2 fl § a o o a) .'H ames Just ing pren •A Q 25 CO ->1 PM 15 H « ■ iz; Sections 13 and 18. Form No. 2. Register of Apprentices Assigned. a fl a a> T3 ^ n P< M VH =4H o • o — Ordinances No. 14 of 1891 and No. 13 of 1894, s. 3 (3)" incorporated. Short title. Interpretation of terms. An Ordinance for resulatin^r the Harbour of Georoetown B in the County of Deinerara. [17th October, 1855.J E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Georgetown Harbour Regu- lation Ordinance, 1855. 2. In this Ordinance, — Words importing the singular number include the plural, and the plural the singular : Words importing the masculine gender include the feminine : " Vessel " means and includes every kind and description of navi- galole craft, whether propelled by sails, or by steam, or by both, or without either : " Master " means and includes every person in charge of a vessel. Definition of limits of Harbour. TJie Harbour. 3, — (1.) The limits of the Harbour of Georgetown shall be the fol- lowing : — Between a line drawn in a north-westerly direction from the north-west angle of Fort William Frederick to the extent of two miles, thence due south until it strikes the land ; and another line drawn across the River Demerara from the southern boundary of Plantation La Penitence on the east bank to the southern boundary of Plantation Klien Pouderoyen on the west bank of the said River. (2.) The jurisdiction of the Harbour Master shall extend to high- water mark on both banks of the River. Appointment, removal, and salary of Harl)our Master. Place of office and general duties of the Harbour Master. Appointment and salary of Officers. 4. — (1.) The Governor shall appoint some fit and competent person to be Harbour Master ; and he may also remove any person so appointed, and appoint some proper person in the room of any person so removed, or in the room of any Harbour Master dying, resigning, or becoming incapable of performing the duties of his office. (2.) Every person so appointed shall receive the salary assigned to the office of Harbour Master by the Combined Court. 5. The Hai'bour Master shall have an office in such place as may be appointed by the Governor ; he shall keep a correct journal of every- thing occurring in his department ; he shall keep a good and sufficient ])oat carrying a distinguishing flag by which she may be known at all time3, and manned liy a proper crew, to enable him to perform his duties ; and he shall visit the shipping at least once every day, and take care that all vessels are properly moored or made fast to a stelling. 6. — (1.) The Governor may from time to time appoint some fit and proper person to be Deputy Harbour Master. 271 A.D. 1855.] GEORGETOWN HARBOUR REGULATION. [T^o.^. (2.) Every person so appointed shall receive such salary as may Deputy Har- from time to time be assigned to him by the Combined Court. bour Muster. 7. — (I.) The Deputy Harbour Master shall perform such duties in Duties of the relation to the Harlwur as may be assigned to him by the Grovernor, P^puty Har- boi.ir Jjiiisif*!' and in the performance of such duties he shall be subject to the general control and direction of the Harbour Master. (2.) Where by any Act of Parliament, Ordinance, rule, rejculation, or by-law anything is to be or may be done by or to the Harbour Master, such thing may be done by or to the Deputy Harbour Master. Visitivij of Vessels. 8. Every vessel arriving from beyond the limits of the Colony shall Visiting of be visited by the Harbour Master ; if arriving between sunset and yf^sels by . . tiiG xltirbour sunrise, at some time before seven o'clock on the succeeding morning ; Master. or if arriving between sunrise and sunset, within two hours after she brings to off Fore William Frederick. 9. — (1.) The Harbour Master shall give to the master of each vessel Harbour so visited a printed copy of sections 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, JJ''' -^f ^f" °'''^ 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 37, and 38, for the guidance of such master during certain sections his stay in the Harbour. to masters (2.) The Harbour Master shall at the same time direct the pilot °^ ^^*P^- where to moor the vessel. (S. 8 (2), (3).) 10. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to relieve the Harbour Master from the duty of visiting vessels between sunset and sunrise, if he is specially required, with the sanction or by order of the Governor, to do so. (S. 9.) 11. — (1.) Every vessel, if arriving between sunset and sunrise from a place beyond the limits of the Colony, whether or not she has pre- viously entered the Port of Berbice, shall come to anchor, or, if arriving between sunrise and sunset shall bring to, abreast of Fort William Frederick, to await the visit of the Harbour Master. (2.) The master of such vessel shall promptly answer all such questions as may be put to him by the Harbour Master in the execution of his duty. (3.) Any master who refuses to answer such questions, or neglects to anchor or bring to, as the case may be, abreast of Fort William Frederick shall be liable to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars. 12. — (1.) The Harbour Master, under such limitations and condi- tions as may be authorized by the Governor, shall prohibit all persons from visiting any vessel arriving with immigrants imported at the public expense, and from communicating in any manner whatsoever with such immigrants, and shall prevent any immigrant from quitting such vessel, until arrangements have been made by the Immigration Agent General for the allotment and distribution of such immigrants. (2.) Every person who commits a breach of the provisions of this section shall, on being convicted thereof, be liable to a penalty not ex- ceeding forty-eight dollars. 13. The Royal Mail Steamers shall, unless liable by law to the per- formance of quarantine, be allowed to proceed at once to their usual Visiting during the night. Anchoring of vessel aniving between sunset and sunrise, etc. Duty of Harbour Master as to vessel with immigrants Duty of Harbour 272 No. 4.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1855. Master as to Royal Mail Steamers. Copies of certain enact- ments to be given by pilot to shipmaster. Mooring limits for diiferent classes of vessels. Marking and mooring of Colony craft. Vessel discharging or loading at public stelling. Allowing vessel to lie alongside private stelling. Kules as to rig of vessels in Harbour, etc. anchorage, either by day or by night, without bringing to abreast of Fort William Frederick, and the Harbour Master shall be bound to visit them within half-an-hour after the anchor is down. 14. Every pilot, on taking charge of a mail steamer, shall give to the master thereof a copy of section 13, and, on taking charge of any other vessel, shall give to the master thereof a copy of section 11. Mooring of Vessels, etc. 15. — (1.) Fore and aft rigged vessels, if under sixty tons, shall not be moored less than forty fathoms from the nearest stelling or vessel lying alongside a stelling, nor lie at single anchor without permission from the Harbour Master ; and no vessel of larger tonnage shall be moored nearer the shore than seventy-five fathoms from low-water mark on the east bank of the River, nor lie at single anchor, without permission from the Harbour Master ; nor shall any vessel, except a vessel of war or a mail steamer, be moored in the River in front of that part of Georgetown between the Market Slaughter-House and the Colonial Bonded Warehouse. (2.) If any vessel is moored contrary to the provisions of this sec- tion, the master shall be liable to a penalty of forty-eight dollars ; and if any such vessel is not removed within twenty-four hours after notice to quit has been given to the master thereof by the Harbour Master, such master shall be liable to a further penalty of twenty-four dollars for every twenty-four hours that it may remain after such notice. 16. — (1.) The Harbour Master shall see that all Colony craft are duly marked with the proper numbers according to their licences. (2.) All Colony craft, if not alongside a stelling, must be moored or anchored at least ten fathoms to the westward of any stelling or vessel lying alongside a stelling. (3.) Any master of such craft who moors his vessel improperly, or refuses to remove when directed by the Harbour Master, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five dollars and not exceeding twenty- four dollars. 17. Every vessel having to land or take in any part of its cargo at a public stelling shall do so with boats or other small craft, which must land or take their cargo without delay. 18. The Harbour Master may grant permission to any vessel, on application being made for that purpose, to go alongside a private stelling for the purpose of breaking bulk, or, in case of a steamer, for coaling, providing the same can be done without injury or inconve- nience to the public or to private persons. 19. — -(1.) Every vessel moored in the Harbour, or lying alongside any stelling, shall have its lower yards topped up, and its flying-jib booms, jil>booms, and spanker booms run in ; no vessel shall have an out-rigger longer than twelve feet from the gunwale, or shall run an anchor on shore, or shall have a rope made fast on shore or to another vessel, except in case of emergency, or in warping from one place to another, or in getting under weigh, when, in order to prevent accidents, it shall be the duty of the master to have a boat fastened to the bight or centre of the rope while laid out ; and, to prevent accidents at night. A.D. 1855.] GEORGETOWN HARBOUR REGULATION. [No. 4. a light shall Vie hoisted in any boat so placed, and kept burning from sunset to sunrise. (2.) Any master who is convicted of a breach of the provisions of this section shall bo liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars. 20. — (1.) The Harbour Master is authorized to cause any vessel alongside a stelling to move in any direction for the purpose of facili- tating the movements of other vessels, and also to remove any vessel from her moorings for her own safety or for the safety of other vessels, or to enforce quarantine regulations, or to secure free navigation. (2.) Any master of a vessel who refuses so to remove when ordered by the Harbour Master shall be liable, in addition to any expense in- curred by the Harbour Master in effecting such removal, to a penalty of not less than twenty-four dollars and not exceeding forty-eiglit dollars. 21. Whenever any vessel leaves her moorings, it shall be the duty of the owner of such moorings to cause them to be well buoyed pre- viously to the departure of such vessel, or within twenty-four hours thereafter, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceed- ing twenty-four dollars. Passenger Boats. 22. No boat shall be employed for the conveyance of passengers or their luggage to or from any vessel, unless such boat belongs to some vessel other than Colony craft, or unless such boat is licensed and registered as hereinafter provided. 23. — (1.) Tf any person who has taken out a licence for any boat is desirous of employing the same for the conveyance of passengers or luggage to or from any vessel, he sIihII have such licence registered by the Harbour Master in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and the Harbour Master shall endorse upon such licence the date of regis- tration and the number in his register, and no such registration shall have any force or effect after the expiration of the term for which the licence itself has to run. (2.) No fee shall be charged, taken, or received for such registra- tion and endorsation. (3.) The Harbour Master shall not be compelled to register any boat which, in his judgment, is insufficient or unsafe for the purpose of plying for the conveyance of passengers and luggage. (4.) Once in every six months the names of the owners of all boats registered under the provisions of this Ordinance, with the respective numbers of such boats according to licence and register, shall be pub- lished in The Official Gazette. 24. — (1.) If any boat not belonging to some vessel other than Colony craft is employed for the conveyance of passengers or luggage to or from vessels without being registered as aforesaid, or if any person employed on board any such boat is guilty of any breach of the peace, of any violent or disorderly conduct, of using any obscene, abusive, or profane language, or of refusing to leave any vessel when ordered to do so by the master thereof, or if any person plies as aforesaid with a boat in a dirty state, or not properly fitted up for the conveyance of passengers, or not in good repair, or insufficiently or improperly manned, or if such person refuses to convey passengers or luggage when required, or to place in and remove from his boat any passenger's luggage, or by 273 Power to the Harbour Master to order vessel to move when necessary. Buoying of moorings on vessel leavuig. Regulations for passenger boats. Registration of passenger boats. Penalty in respect of boat illegally plying, or of misconduct of person employed in such boat. 274 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1855. negligence injures, destroys, or loses any property entrusted to him for conveyance, or disobeys any order given by the Harbour Master in the execution of his duty, then and in every such case the person so offending shall be liable, on being convicted, to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars, in addition to the value of any property injured, lost, or destroyed as aforesaid. (2.) Any person so offending may be arrested, with or without warrant, by any police officer or constable and conveyed to the nearest Police Station until dealt with in due course of law. Penalty in respect of refusing to quit stellLng. 25. If any boat or other craft employed to land or take in any cargo, passengers, or luggage at a public stelling does not quit the stelling when discharged or loaded, the person holding the licence for such boat or craft, or the master of the vessel to which the same may belong, as the case may be, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five dollars. Penalty for hauling vessel on shore with- out permission. Preparation of pitch, tar, etc., for vessel. Regulations as to vessels on fire or in other distress. Providing of punt, etc., with proper grapnels and chains. Miscellaneous Provisions. 26. If Hny vessel is hauled on shore without the permission of the Harbour Master, the master or owner thereof shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-four dollars, and a further penalty of ten dollars for every period of twelve hoars during which such vessel remains after notice given by the Harbour Master to remove her. 27. — (1.) Any pitch, tar, or other combustible matter required for the use of any vessel lying at her moorings shall be prepared in a boat towed astern ; and if required for the use of any vessel lying alongside a stelling, in a boat moored at least ten fathoms from the nearest vessel or stelling. (2.) No light shall be used on board any vessel when drawing off, starting, coopering, or removing spirits. (3.) The master of any vessel in respect of which a breach of any of the provisions of this section may be committed shall be liable for each offence to a penalty of one hundred dollars. 28. — (1.) If any vessel takes fire whilst at anchor, or is otherwise in distress, it shall be the duty of the master thereof to make a signal of alarm, and, on such signal being made, the master of every other vessel shall send a boat and crew with requisite appliances to render aid ; and, in case of the vessel being on fire, the master shall imme- diately use his best endeavours to get into the stream and to leeward of all other vessels. (2.) The Harbour Master shall take charge of such vessel, whether the master is on board or not, until she is removed to a safe distance from other vessels or from buildings on shore ; and he shall be entitled to require the aid and assistance of the pilots and River Police in carrying out his orders for that purpose. (3.) Any master of a vessel who refuses or neglects, without reasonable excuse, to obey the provisions of this section shall, on being convicted, be liable to be fined not less than twenty-four dollars and not more than forty-eight dollars. 29. — (1.) Every punt and craft shall be provided with a good iron grapnel and chain or cable of sufficient weight and strength, according to the size of the vessel ; a,nd no punt or craft shall be allowed to make A.D. 1855.] GEORGETO \VN HARBOUR REGULATION. [No. 4. fast to a public stelling between sunset and sunrise without permission of the Harbour Master. (2.) For any bread i of the provisions of this section, the owner of such punt or craft shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five dollars and not exceeding twenty-four dollars. 30. — (1.) If a vessel is sunk, the Harbour Master shall, within twelve hours after the occurrence, give notice to the master, owiier, or consignee of such vessel to remove the same; and, in default of com- pliance within twenty-four hours thereafter, he shall forthwith demand from the master, owner, or consignee of such vessel security for the repayment of the expenses which he may incur in removing her, and he shall cause the said vessel to be removed in such manner and to such place as he may deem best. (2.) In case of the refusal or inability of such master, owner, or consignee to give security as aforesaid, the vessel shall be deemed to be abandoned and may be sold to defray the expenses of removal. In all such cases it shall be the duty of the master, owner, or consignee to give notice to the Harbour Master of such occurrence within twelve hours, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding twenty-four dollars. 31. For the redress of injury sustained by any vessel, by the negli- gence or misconduct of the master of any other vessel where the amount of damages claimed does not exceed forty-eight dollax's, juris- diction shall be vested in the Police Magistrate and one other Magis- trate, who are hereby authorized to associate with themselves the Har- bour Master and a member of the Committee of Pilotage for advice in case of conflicting testimony on any technical point, and the decision of such Magistrates shall be final. 32. Any person who finds a boat or other craft or any package adrift, or picks up an anchor or cable, not buoyed, shall forthwith de- Uver the same to the Harbour Master, and, in default of so doing, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five dollars and not exceeding forty eight dollars. 33. — (1.) On receiving from any person any boat, craft, package, anchor, or cable mentioned in the preceding section, the Harbour Mas- ter shall forthwith advertise the same, giving notice that, if not claimed within ten clear days from the date of the publication of such adver- tisement, the same will be sold by public auction on a day to be named by the Harbour Master ; and, on the sale being effected, the Harbour Master shall, before paying over tlie proceeds for the public use of the Colony, deduct thereout all expenses necessarily incurred. (2.) In the event of any such article being claimed, and right thereto established, to the satisfaction of the Harbour Master, before the expiration of the ten days mentioned in the advertisement, he shall deliver such article to the owner thereof, on payment by him of the expenses actu;dly incurred, and of a salvage not exceeding one-thii'd of the appraised value, after deduction of expenses, to be determined by the Harbour Master. 34. If any timber or other article which may cause obstruction is dropped alongside or in front of any public stelling, such timber or other article may be seized, and on complaint preferred by the Harbour VOL. I. 19 275 Provision as to sunken vessel. Jurisdiction in respect of injury by one vessel to another not exceeding $48. See No. lO 0/ 1893, s. 68. Dealing with boat adrift, etc. Mode of dealing with article found adrift. Obstruction of public stelling by timber, etc. 276 No. 4.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1855. Sec No. 10 of 1893, s. m. Tlirowiiig overboard ballast, carcass, or other injurious matter. Illegal extension of stalling. lUegaUy carrj'ing away soil from Led or banks of Harbour. See No. 10 of 1893, s. 68. Refusal or neglect of shipmaster to comply with the Ordinance. Power to the Harbour Master to do any act not done by shipmaster. Mode of sale of property found or seized. Procedure and appeal. *S'ee Ordinance No. 12 0/1893. See Ordininee No. 13 of 1893. Master before the Police Magistrate, shall be forfeited and sold ; and the owner of the vessel from which such timber or other article was dropped, or the owner of such timber or other article, shall, on beinj^ convicted, be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty-four dollars for each offence. 35. — (1.) If any ballast, or the carcass of any dead animal, or any other matter or thing injurious to health is thrown overboard from any vessel, the master thereof shall, on being convicted, be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars. (2.) Any such ballast, carcass, or other matter or thing required to be removed from any vessel shall be so removed and shall be dis- posed of as may be directed or sanctioned by the Harbour Master. 36. — -(I.) The Harbour Master shall take notice of any encroach- ment on the bed of the river by the erection or extension of any stelling beyond the proper limit, which is hereby declared to be low- water mark of spring tides. (2.) Every person who extends a stelling beyond such limit with- out the licence in writing of the Governor shall, on being convicted, be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars and to all expenses incurred by the Harbour Master in removing such extension. 37. Every person who digs, takes, or carries away for any purpose whatever any caddy, shell, or other soil from the bed or banks of the Harbour below high-water mark without the licence in writing of the Governor shall, on being convicted befoi^e the Police Magistrate, be liable to a fine of not less than twenty-four dollars and not exceeding forty-eight dollars, and the punt, boat, or other craft employed in re- ceiving such caddy, shell, or other soil shall be seized, and, if the Police Magistrate thinks fit, he may adjudge such punt, boat, or craft to be forfeited and sold, and the pi'oceeds of such sale shall, after payment of all expenses, be for the public use of the Colony. 38. In case of refusal or neglect on the part of any master of a vessel to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance, he shall be liable, on being convicted, in any case for which no penalty is specially provided, to a fine of not less than len dollars and not exceeding twenty- four dollars. 39. In any case where the master of a vessel is required by this Ordinance to do any act, and such master refuses or neglects to do such act, the Harbour Master is hereby authorized to have such act df)ne, and any expense attending the same shall be recovered from such master, in addition to, and in the same manner as, any penalty which may be awarded against such master. 40. In all cases where any sale of property found or seized is authorized by this Ordinance, such sale shall be by public competition. 41. All fines, penalties, and forfeitures incurred under this Ordin- ance may be complained for and recovered by the Harbour Master under the provisions of any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction, -and the proceedings shall be subject to the appeal provided by any Ordinance for the time bein<; in force regulating apj)eals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. A.D. 1856.] PRESCRIPTION. [No. 1. 277 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1856. An Ordinance to alter and aineiid the Laws relating to a. d.iss b. the Prescription of certain Actions and Claims. * [24th September, 1856.] B E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Prescription Ordinance, Short title. 1856. ^ 2. In this Ordinance, the word " writing " means any document Interpretation wholly written, or wholly printed, or partly written and partly o^t^rm. printed. 3. Every action and suit upon any bill of exchange, promissory note. Action on bill or other writing not relating to lands or immovable property or the °\ exchange, produce or usufruct thereof, shall be brought within six years from the time at which the amount claimed in respect of such bill, note, or other writing has become due. 4. Every action and suit by any ward against his guardian shall be Action by brought within six years next after the time when such ward has ward agamst ,, • , . . -^ guardian. attained majority. 5. Every action and suit against any executor, attorney, or agent, Action against to render accounts, shall be brought within four years next after the executor, etc. time when such executor, attorney, or agent has ceased to act in such capacity. 6. Every action and suit for any movable property, or upon any Action for contract, bargain, or agreement relating to movable property, or to '^\°^'^^'; recover money lent without written acknowledgment or upon any 1' ^ ^' account or book debt, or to recover any salary or the value of any goods sold and delivered, shall be brought within three years next after the cause of action or suit has arisen. 7. Every action and suit for the wages of labourers, artisans, or Action for servants shall be brought within one year next after the time when ^^f^^''- such wages have become due. 8. Every action and suit for any illegal or excessive levy, injury to Action for property, whether movable or immovable, assault, battery, wound- fgxc'^yt^for libel ing, or false imprisonment, and every other action or suit in which and slandei). damages may be recovered (save and except for libel or slander) shall be brought within three years next after the cause of action or suit has arisen. 9. Every action and suit for any libel or slander shall be brought Action for within one year next after tlie publication of the said libel or the lil^el or slander, words spoken. 10. No term of prescription provided by this Ordinance may be Waiver or waived, or the right of action or suit continued for any further period continuance of whether there has been any part-payment or not, unless such waiver prescription. VOL. I. 19a 278 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1856. or continuance is in writing, signed by the party to be bound thereby ; and no such waiver or continuance shall at any one period exceed the original term of prescription, or Ije liable to stamp duty, but such waiver or continuance may ha renewed from time to time. Eight of heir, etc., to bring action in case of person entitled dying. Liability of heir, etc., to be sued in case of person liable to action dying. Prescription not to run in certain cases of absence, or disability from minority, coverture, usanity, etc. 11. If a person entitled to bring any action or suit mentioned in this Ordinance dies before the expiration of the term of prescription, and if the caut^e of .such action or suit survives, his heir, executor, or administrator may bring such action or suit after the expiration of the said term, provided he does so within one year from the death of such person. 12. If a person against whom any such action or suit may be brought dies before the expiration of the term of prescription, and if the cause of such action or suit survives, the same may be brought against his heir, executor, or administrator after the expiration of the said term, provided that such action or suit is brought within one year from the death of such person. 13. With respect to the terms of prescription provided by this Or- dinance for actions or suits, if, at the time of the right of action or suit accruing, the defendant is absent without ever having been in the Colony, or without ever having had an attorney or agent to represent him therein, or if, by reason of the minority, or coverture, or insanity of the plaintiff or of the defendant, or if, by reason of any Ordinance in force in this Colony forbidding actions or suits under certain cir- cumstances, either party is disabled from bringing or defending such action or suit, the period of prescription of such action or suit shall begin to run in every such case from the time when such absence from the Colony or such disability has ceased. 14. When such absence or disability has ceased, and the term of prescription has thereupon commenced to run, no new absence or other disability shall be allowed to prevent such prescription from being completed. 15. In case any action or suit hereinbefore specified is brought within the term of prescription in that behalf limited, and a .sentence absolving the defendant of the instance is pronounced therein, the period during which such action or suit may be pending shall not be reckoned as forming part of such term of prescription. 16. This Ordinance shall be deemed and taken to apply to the case of any debt or sum of money founded on any cause of action or suit hereinbefore mentioned alleged by way of set-off on the part of any defendant, in all cases wherein such set-off can be legally pleaded ; and the woids " action" and "suit" respectisely used in this Ordin- ance shall include every claim in reconvention for or in respect of any of the causes of action or suit hereinbefore mentioned. Non-applica- 17. Nothing in this Ordinance shall in any way affect the rights of tionof the ^jjg Qrown or apply or extend to any right, title, or interest in or to certain matters lu-nds or immovable property, or to any servitude or easement, or to and things any mortgage, whether written, tacit, or legal, or to any Act of Ver- specified. weezing, or to any definite sentence, or to any bond, bill, note, or other evidence of debt issued hy any bank corporation, or l)y or on behalf of the Colony, or to any claim now or hereafter to be filed against the Rmming of prescription when begun. Effect of sentence of absolution of instance on temi of prescription. Application of the Ordinance to set-off and claim in reconvention. A.D. 1857.] DISPENSARIES. [No. 2. 279 proceeds of any estate in the Registry of the Supreme Court, or to any balance of any closed estate, or to any unclaimed dividend, now or hereafter to bo deposited in the Colony Chest. OKDINANCE No. 2 OF 1857. An Oedinance for establishing Dispensaries and pro- a. d.i85 7. viding Medical Attendance m this Colony. [22nd July, 1857.] WHEREAS it is necessary to make provision for establishing dispensaries, and likewise for affording medical assistance as far as practicable to the inhabitants of this Colony : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Dispeosaries Ordinance, 1857. short title. 2. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, from time to Power to time, to establish a dispensary in any place, and the Governor may estabUsh appoint some fit and proper person to the charge thereof. ispensar (2.) Notice of the establishment of any such dispensary, and of the name of the person so appointed and of the place at which such dispensar}' is to be kept, shall be published in The Official Gazette and in one other newspaper, and be generally made known in the neigh- bourhood thereof. 3. — (1.) No person, other than one already duly licensed as a chemist Qualification and druggist, shall be appointed to the charge of any such dispensary °^ dispenser, until he has been examined by the Surgeon General, assisted by such other medical practitioner and such known dispenser of medicines as he may associate with himselt for that purpose, nor until such person has obtained from them a certificate that he is possessed of sufficient knowledge and attainments to be entrusted, without danger, with the custody and issue of medicines. (2.) It shall be lawful for the Governor, if it appears necessary to do so, to remove any person so appointed, and to appoint another pei'- son in his place. 4. It shall l)e lawful for the Governor-in-Council to make agreements Making of with duly qualified medical practitioners for professional attendance at agreements any dispensary which may be established under this Ordinance, and to pi-actitioners. pay to evex'y such medical practitioner such I'emuneration as may be fixed by any such agreement. 5. Every person appointed to the charge of any such dispensary Dispensing of shall issue medicin(!s free of cost, upon the order of the medical prac- medicines, titioner assigned by the Governor to attend thereat ; and all such orders shall be duly signed by such medical practitioner. 6. The Governor-in-Council may make special arrangements for the Making of management of a dispensary in any place in which it may be desirable special '280 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1857. aiTangements to establish the same, but at which it may be impracticable to obtain in^certahrcases^ ^^^ attendance of a duly qualified medical practitioner. Defraying of 7. All charges which may be incurred for carrying out any of the expenses. provisions of this Ordinance shall be paid out of such sums as may be granted by the Combined Court. A.D. 1858. — ♦-^— See Ordinance No. 7 of 1893 s. 35. Short title. Repeal of laws against iism-y. Legal rate of interest in existing contracts. Rate of interest where no rate fixed. OKDINANCE No. 1 OF 1858. An Ordinance to repeal the Laws relating to Usury. [6th January, 1858.] BE it enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Usury (Repeal of Laws) Ordinance, 1858. 2. All laws now existing in this Colony against usury are hereby repealed. 3. Where interest is now payable upon any contract expressed or implied, for payment of the legal or current rate of interest, or where upon any debt or sum of money interest is now payable by any rule of law, the same rate of interest shall be recoverable as if this Ordinance had not been passed. 4. In all proceedings befoi'e any Court of Justice founded upon contract in which no rate of interest is specifically named, the Court shall award interest, if it so thinks fit, at the rate of six per cent, per annum and no more. A.D. 1858. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1858. An Ordinance for transferring to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the War Depart- ment certain Powers and Estates in this Colony. [18th December, 1858.] WHEREAS by an Act of the Session of Parliament holden in the. 18th and 19th years of Her present Majesty, chapter 117, all the powers and estates which had been theretofore vested in, or exercised or exercisable by, the principal otHcers of Her Majesty's Ordnance, or any of them, throughout the United Kingdom were transferred to and vested in Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the War Department ; And whereas it is expedient that the said powers and estates which are by the said Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom vested in the said Secretary of State should in this Colony be by local enact- ment transferred to and vested in such Secretary of State : A.D. 1859.] APPOINTMENTS TO PUBLIC OFFICES. [No. 1. 281 Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may ]je cited as the War Department (Vesting Short title, of Lands) Ordinance, 1858. 2. tier Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the time beinj^ to Vesting of whom Her iMajesty may think fit to entrust the Seals of the War etfl'ln tir*""' Department, and his successors in office, shall have, possess, exercise, and Hecretary of enjoy in this Colony all and singular the powers, estates, privileges, ''^^■^^^ ^"r War. authorities, rights, and immunities whatsoever which have been at any time before the commencement of this Ordinance vested in or exercised by the prmcipal officers of Her Majesty's Ordnance, or any of them, in this Colony. 3. All lands, buildings, and property whatever in this Colony which, Vesting of before the taking effect of the said recited Act, were vested in the ijindTin the principal officers of Her Majesty's Ordnance, or any of them, on behalf Colony in the of Her Majesty, or which have been at any time before the commence- uf"^*i''\y^ ment of this Ordinance held, used, or occupied, or purchased, vested, or taken by or in the name of, or by any person or persons in trust for, Her Majesty for the use and service of the said Department, and v/hich have not been sold, aliened, or parted with^ shall from henceforth be, and the same are hereby declared to be, transferred to and vested in the last- mentioned Principal Secretar}'^ of State for the time being on behalf of Her Majesty ; and when and so often as the said last-mentioned Principal Secretary of State, and any succeeding Principal Secretary of State to whom Her Majesty may have entrusted the Seals of the War Department, ceases to hold such office, the said several lands, buildings, and property, and all lands, buildings, and property in this Colony which hereafter may be purchased or otherwise acquired by any such last-mentioned Principal Secretary of State for the time being on behalf of Her Majesty, shall, by virtue of this Ordinance, be absolutely divested out of such Secretary of State so ceasing to hold such office as aforesaid and shall, by virtue of this Ordinance, be transferred to and vested in his successor in the said office immediately upon his receiving tlie Seals of the said Department absolutely, according to the nature and tenure thereof respectively. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1859. An Ordinance to regulate Appointments to Public a.d. i859. Offices in this Colony. * [24tli August, 1859.] WHEREAS it is expedient to remove doubts and to establish uniformity iji respect of the mode of making appointmeuts to Public Offices in this Colony : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as foUow^s : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Offices (Appointments) Short title. Ordinance. 1859. 282 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1859. Appointments to public offices vested in the Governor to be subject to His Majesty's approval. Provision for acting appointments to public offices. 2. In any case in which, by any law or Ordinance now in force in this Colony, the appointment to any public office is vested in the Governor thereof for the time being, such appointment shall be taken to be and shall be made for and in the name, and subject to the approval, of His Majesty, 3. In case of the Governor, in the absence or incapacity of any person holding any public office, appointing any person to act in such office during such absence or incapacity, such person so appointed shall, during his tenure of the office, have and exercise all the powers, authorities, rights, and privileges, and perform all the duties appertain- ing to the same, and all acts, matters, and things done and performed by such person during such temporary tenure shall be as legal and valid as if done and performed by an officer entitled to hold such office permanently. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1859. A. D. 185 9. An Ordinance to vest in Her Majesty certain Parcels * of Land in that j^art of Georgetown called North Cumingsburg, East Ward, for the Establishment of a Public Lunatic Asylum. [•28th September, 1859.1 WHEREAS the present accommodation for lunatics having become quite insufficient for the requirements of the Colony, it was, on the 11th day of July, 1859, resolved by the Governor and Court of Policy that a Public Lunatic Asylum should be established in that part of Georgetown called North Cumingsburg, East Ward, on the lots or parcels of land hereinafter more particularly described, the same being the most eligible site for that purpose ; And whereas it is expedient that the said lots or parcels of land, with all the buildings and erections thereon, should be forthwith vested in Her Majesty for the public use of the Colony : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, ass f(^llows : — Vesting of 1 . The several lots and portions of lots of land mentioned in the and Uiildhfi Schedule to this Ordinance, with all the buildings and erections thereon, in Her Majesty, shall be and the same are hereby absolutely vested in Her Majesty for Schedule. the public use of the Colony. Section 1. SCHEDULE. Table of Lands Vested. Nob. of Lots. District. Nordi i Lot No. 281 South i Lot No. 284 and Lot No. 285 . North i Lot No. 286 South i Lot No. 286 West i Lot No. 287 ■•Sast i Lot No. 287 North Cumingsburg, East Ward. Do. Do. Do. . Do. Do. A.D. 1861.] .MISCELLANEOUS LICENCES. [No. 2. 283 OKDINANCE No. 2 OF 18G1. B An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Licences other than for the Sale of Si:>irituous Licjuors. [17th July, 1861.] E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Miscellaneous Licences OnUnance, 1861. 2. In this Ordinance, — " Colony Craft " extends and applies to any Colony schooner, sloop, vessel, boat, bateau, punt, corial, or craft : " Firearm " extends and applies to any fowling-piece, rifle, or other gun, or to any pistol : "Goods, wares, or merchandise " includes charcoal, provisions, or refreshments, or anything, other than wine, malt liquor, or sprituous liquor, for the sale of which a licence is or may be required by law : " Commissary of Taxation " extends, applies to, and includes any Revenue Officer of rivers, creeks, crown lands, and forests, who is hereby invested with all and singular the jurisdiction, power, and authority of a Commissary of Taxation under this Ordinance. 3. This Ordinance shall not apply to licences for the sale of wine malt liquor, or spirituous liquor. Issue of Licences. 4. Every hcence required to be taken out under or by virtue of the provisions of any Ordinance for the raising of Colonial Taxes shall be in conformity with the provisions of the Tax Ordinance, under which the same may be issued. 5. Until the term for which any such licence is taken out has expired, no second licence in respect of the same business or trade shall be issued. 6. — (1.) On proof, to the satisfaction of the Receiver General, that any licence has been lost, the Receiver General may authorize the issue of a copy thereof, and of the transfers endorsed thereon, on payment of a fee of fifty cents. (2.) Every such fee shall be paid into the Colony Chest. 7. In any proceeding in any Court, the fact that a licence of any description has been issued to any person may be established by the production — (1.) Of an extract, certified by the Receiver General, from the books of the Treasury Department, of the entry recording the issue of such licence, and (2.) Of proof that such person and the person named in such entry are one and the same. 8. Every Commissary of Taxation, when issuing a licence to keep a dog, shall, with such licence, give to the person taking out the same a collar or label, and such collar or label shall be in accordance with such A.D. 1861. - — ♦ — Onliiuinces No. 7 of 1875, No. 8 of 1880, No. 5 of 1H85, No. 2 of 1899, No. 28 of 1902 s. 2, No. 26 of 1903 s. 18 and No. 6 of 1904, s. 2, incorporated. Short title. Interi)retuti(jn of teiTus. Application of the Ordinance. Licences to he in confonnity with Tax Ordinance. Prohihition of concurrent licences. Copy of lost licence. Proof of issne of licence. Giving of collar or label with licence to keep dog. 284 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA .- [A.D. 1861. Eeturn of collar or label. Power to destroy dog not liavinc; collar or label. Counterfeiting collar or label. Penalty on person liable to take out licence not doing so. Eight to transfer licence on certain conditions. pattern as may from time to time be approved of by the Receiver General. 9. Every person, before be shall be entitled to take out a fresh licence to keep a dog, shall return to the Commissary of Taxation any collar or label formerly given to him in respect of the same dog, together with all collars or labels given to him in any previous Financial Year. 10. Every dog found in any place other than private premises with- out having round his neck a collar or label issued by a Commissary of Taxation for the then current Financial Year may be destroyed by any officer of police, town constable, or rural constable. 1 1 . Any person counterfeiting any such collar or label shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to im- prisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding one year. 12. — (1.) Every person who fails or neglects, without lawful excuse, to take out any licence required to be taken out by him under the pro- visions of any Ordinance for the raising of Colonial Taxes shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall pay for each such offence a sum of not less than two dollars and not exceeding forty- eight dollars, and shall in addition, with all costs, if he has not at the time of conviction taken out a licence, pay the sum following, that is to say, — (a.) Where the licence is one that can be obtained for the whole of the Financial Year, the sum required by the said Ordinance to be paid for the licence for the whole year ; or (6.) Where the licence is one that is issued for a particular act or occasion, the sum required by the said Ordinance to be paid for the said licence. (2.) The said two sums shall be deemed to be and shall be re- covered as one penalty. (3.) On payment of the penalty as aforesaid, with all costs, if the licence is one that can be granted for a whole year and there is any portion of the Financial Year for which the licence was required then unexpired at the time of the conviction, a licence shall be issued to the person convicted for such unexpired portion of the said Financial Year. (4.) The whole amount paid by the person convicted in respect of the sum payable for the licence shall be paid to the Receiver General for the public use of the Colony, without any deduction. (Amd. by 28 of 1902 s. 2 (1.).) 13.— (1.) The owner of any licence issued under or by virtue of the provisions of any Ordinance for the raising of Colonial Taxes shall be at liberty, ."^ave as hereinafter mentioned, to transfer the same for the unexpired term thereof, provided that the premises, chattel, or thing which are or is the subject of such licence are or is transferred there- with, and provided that tlie transfer and the date and hour thereof are endorsed on such licence by the Commissary of Taxation of the District. (2.) The owner of a licence taken out in respect of any business or trade desirous of transferring such licence shall deliver to the Commissary of Taxation of the District in which the business or trade is carried on, a notice signed by the Transferor and Transferee of the A.D. 1861.] MISCELLANEOUS LICENCES. [No. 2. 285 intended transfer setting forth in full the Christian names and sur- names of the transferor and ti'ansferee, their respective addresses, the nature of the business to which the licence relates, the precise premises and situation in which the business is carried orf, giving the lot, street, village, town, city or plantation, and shall at the same time pay to the said Commissary the sum of $5, for the benefit of the general revenue. (3.) The said Commissary of Taxation on receiving the notice of intended transfer shall forthwith cause the same to be advertized in the Gazette and in one other newspaper in the Colony, for 1 4 days from the date of the first publication in the Gazette, and shall in tlie said notice notify to all persons having claims of over $100 for a liquidated sum against the ti'ansferor, and being desirous of opposing the transfer of the said licence that they may give to the said Commissary a notice in writing objecting to the said transfer at any time within the said fourteen days. (4.) If any person objects to such transfer and gives the said Commissary notice, as bet'ein before provided for, the said Commissary shall not transfer the said licence until such person has had an opportunity of enforcing his claim by legal proceedings : Provided always that if proceedings to enforce such claim are not begun within seven days after the receipt by such Commissary of the notice of objection or citation be not lodged with the Registrar within seven days after the commencement of such proceedings or if proceedings having been commenced and such proceedings have been abandoned, dismissed, or in any way terminated the said Commissary shall, on production of a certificate of a Sworn Clerk of the Registrar's Office of British Guiana, of the date that such claim was filed or that the citation was lodojed or the termination of the suit the said Commissarv shall transfer the said licence. (Amd. 2 of 1899 s. 3.) Transfer of Licences. 14. The owner of any store, shop, office, or counting-house licence Eight to in Georgetown, New Amsterdam, or the rural districts issued under or by virtue of the provisions of any Ordinance for the raising of Colonial Taxes, shall be at liberty, under the same licence, to transfer his business to other premises than those specified in such licence, within Geoi'getown, New Amsterdam, or the rural districts respectively, for the unexpired term thereof, provided that the transfer and the date and hour thereof, and a description of the new premises, are endorsed on such licence by the Commissary of Taxation of the District, and provided further that, if such new premises are situate in Georgetown or New Amsterdam, the holder of the licence shall, at the time of such transfer, pay up the difterence, if any, arising from such new premises being rated at an increased valuation to the former premises, such difference to be computed and paid from the last preceding quarter-day of the year ; but no abatement shall be allowed in respect of tlie new premises being in any case rated at a less valuation than the former premises. 15. — (1.) The transfer of every licence made under the provisions of Register of either of the last two preceding sections shall be exempt from stamp ti''i"sfers. duty, and shall be registered by the Commissary of Taxation in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. (2.) Any extract from such register, certified and signed by a Commissary of Taxation, shall be received in evidence in all Courts whatsoever in this Colony, without production of such register. transfer shop or store licence to new premises, on certain conditions. 286 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1861. Prohibition of jiersoii using or trading under another person's licence. Painting of name and number on carriage or cart kept for hire. Painting of certain particuhirs on cart not kept for hire. Labelling of licensed bicycles and other cycles. (3). Every such Commissary shall be entitled to a fee of twenty- four cents, on giving off any such extract, to be paid by the party applying for the same. 16. If any person lets out, hires, or lends to any other person any licence granted or transferred to him, or if any person makes use of, trades, or acts in any way with, under, or by colour of any licence granted or transferred to any other person, or of any licence in which his real name is not inserted as the name of the person to whom the same is granted or transferred, eveiy person letting out, hiring, or lending any such licence, and every person making use of, trading, or acting in any way with, under, or by colour of any such licence, shall, each of them forfeit and pay for each such offence a sum of not less than five dollars and not exceeding forty-eight dollars, and each .such licence shall be forfeited and become null and void : Provided always that any person bond fide employed by the owner of any licence may lawfully make use of, trade, and act with and under such licence for the exclusive benefit of such owner : Provided, also, that, in the case of a huckster licence, gun licence, or Colony craft licence, the name of sucli person so honcl fide employed must be inserted in such licence, or be endorsed thereon, with the date and hour of endorsation, by a Commissary of Taxation or by a St^'pendiary Magistrate, in which last case such Magistrate shall, within seven days thereafter, send or deliver to the Commissary the particulars of such endorsation. Marking- of Licensed Vehicles and Premises, etc. 17. — (1-) Every person who keeps any carriage or cart for hire shall have his name and the number of his licence painted in plain legible letters and figures, in black upon a white ground or in white upon a black ground, upon some conspicuous part of such carriage or cart. (2.) Every person who uses or suffers to be used, for hire or other- wise, any such carriage or cart without such name and number being so painted thereon as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay for each such offence a sum not exceeding forty-eight dollars. Provided that this section shall not apply to any carriage, cab, or other vehicle on springs plying for hire of passengers in Georgetown or within three miles from the Public Buildings to which the Georgetown Town Council Ordinance, 1898, applies. (^Amd. 2 of 1899 s. 4.) 18. — (1.) Every person who keeps any cart other than for hire shall have the word " Private " and also, if a licence is I'equired in respect thereof, his name and the number of such licence, and if such cart belongs to, and is exclusively used in the service of, an estate, plantation, or cattle farm, the name thereof, painted in plain legible letters and figures, in black upon a white ground or in white upon a black ground, upon some conspicuous part of such cart. (Amd. 2 of 1899 s. 6.) (2.) Every person who uses or suffers to be used any such cart without the particulars hereinbefore required in that behalf being so painted thereon shall forfeit and pay for each such offence a sum not exceeding forty-eight dollars. 19. — (!•) Every Commissary of Taxation when issuing a licence to keep a bicycle or other cycle, whether kept for the purposes of trade or for hire or for private use, shall with such licence give to the person A.D. 1861.] MlSCELLANEOJJii LICENCES. [No. 2. 287 taking out the same a label of such size aud description as may from time to time be approved of by the Receiver General. (2.) Every person obtaining such lal)el shall affix the same in such manner and to such part of the bicycle or other cycle to which the label relates as 'is required by the Receiver General. (3.) Every person who uses or suffers to be used whether for trade or hire or otherwise, aTiy bicycle or other cj'cle for which a licence is required not having affixed thereto as required by tlie Receiver General the label issued therefor during the then current Financial year shall for each offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty-eight dollars. (4.) Any Commissary of Taxation or peace Officer may seize any bicycle or other eycle found in any place other than private premises and which has been used without having affixed thereto as required by law a label issued for the then current Financial year and may remove and detain the same until the person using the same or suffering it to be used has been proceeded against and the penalty (if any) incurred has been duly paid or recovered together with all costs of removal, and such costs of removal may be recovered if not paid as if the same formed part of the penalty which the offender has been sentenced to pay. (5.) Any person counterfeiting any such label shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on being convicted thereof shall be liable to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not exceeding one year. (6.) In case of a label being lost or stolen during the course of the year it shall be lawful for the Commissary of Taxation on being satisfied of the loss to issue another label in place of the label so lost or stolen on payment of a fee of ninety-six cents. (2 of 1899 s. 5, amd. by 5 of 1901 s. 9 & 26 of 1903 s. 18.) 20. — (1.) Every person who keeps any Colony craft in respect whereof Painting of a licence is or may be required shall have the number of such licence number on painted in plain legible figures upon the stei'n or bow of such craft. o o ly t a (2.) Every person who uses or suffers to be used any such craft without such number being so painted thereon as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay for each such offence a sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars, (s. 19.) 21. — (1.) It shall be lawful for any Commissary of Taxation, or any Liability to police otHcer or constable, to seize any carriage or cart (together with seizure of any animal drawing the same), or any Colony craft, in respect whereof oJ^raft not'^' a penalty or forfeiture may have accrued under any of the last three marked, preceding sections, and to remove and detain the same until such penalty or forfeiture is paid, together with all costs of removal, and until the particulars hereinbefore required in that behalf are duly painted thereon at the owner's expense. (2.) In case such penalty or forfeiture is not paid upon conviction, together with all costs of removal as aforesaid, such carriage or cart (together with any animal drawing the same), or craft, as the case may be, shall be liable and executable for the amount thereof, with costs, and shall be sold by order of the convicting Magistrate ; and if the proceeds of such sale are not sufficient for the payment of such penalty or forfeiture, with costs, the party convicted shall be liable for the same, and such payment shall be recovered by distress, (s. 20.) 22. — (1.) Every person who is licensed to sell wine and malt liquor Affixing of to be drunk on the premises shall affix a board in some conspicuous ^lotice-board 288 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1861. by person licensed to sell wine and malt liquor to be dnnik on the premises. Affixing of notice-board by butcher in rural districts. Giving of notice by butcher in rural districts to Police of animal intended to be slaughtered. place outside and over the door and window of his shop, whereon shall be painted, in plain legible letters, his name and the words "Licensed to sell Wine and Malt Liquor to be drunk on the Premises ; " on pain, in default thereof, of forfeiting and paying for the first offence a sum not exceeding twenty- four dollars and for the second and every subsequent offence the sum of forty-eight dollars. (2.) The offence of omitting to affix such board shall be considered and held to be repeated every ten days after any pi-evious conviction during which such board may be omitted to be affixed as aforesaid, and to be a separate offence, (s. 21.) 23. — (1.) Every person who is licensed to keep a butcher's shop in the rural districts shall affix a board in some conspicuous place outside and over the door or window of his shop, whereon shall be painted, in plain legible letters, his name and the words " Licensed to sell Butcher's Meat ; " on pain, in default thereof, of forfeiting and paying for the first offence a sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and for the second and every subsequent offence the sum of forty eight dollars. (2.) The offence of omitting to affix such board shall be considered and held to be repeated every ten days after any previous conviction during which such board may be omitted to be affixed as aforesaid, and to be a separate offence, (s. 22.) 24. — (L) Every person who is licensed to keep a butcher's shop in the rural districts who intends to slavighter any bull, cow, ox, steer, heifer, or calf, or any ram, ewe, sheep, or lamb, shall, after svich animal has been brought to his shop or to the place where the same is to be slaughtered, and one day at least previous to the slaughtering of such animal, be bound to deliver or cause to be delivered to the person in charge of the Police Station nearest to his shop a notice in writing, signed with his name, or, if he is unable to write, marked with his mark and attested by some credible witness, of his intention to slaughter such animal as aforesaid, and such notice shall contain a description of such animal as to sex and colour, and also as to any brand and any peculiar or distinguishing marks by which such aniiual might be known or identified, and further the name and place of residence of the person from whom such person so hcensed as afore- said has bought or procured such animal and where such animal is slaughtered at some place other than his shop, he shall also be bound at the same time to deliver or cause to be delivered a like notice to the person in charge of the Police Station nearest to such place ; on pain, in default thereof, of forfeiting and paying for each offence a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. (2.) Every such person as aforesaid shall, if so required by any member of the police force, forthwith produce such animal at his shop or at the place where it is to be slaughtered, and such police officer may, if he has reason to suspect that such animal has been stolen, require such person to keep the animal for a period not exceeding seventy- two hours before killing it. Any person refusing or neglecting to produce or keep any animal when so required shall forfeit and pay for such offence a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. (.3.) Every such person as aforesaid shall l)e bound to keep the skin of every animal so slaughtered for not less than three days after it has been slaughtered, and on demand to produce such skin for the inspection of any member of the police force or rural constable ; on A.D. 1861.] MISCELLANEOUS LICENCES. [No. 2. 289 pain in default thereof of forfeiting and paying for each oflfence a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. (20 of 1904 s. 2.) 25. Every person who is licensed to keep a butcher's shop in the rural districts shall be bound to send or deliver to the person in charge of the Police Station nearest to his shop a weekly return containing all the descriptive particulars specified in the last pi-eceding section, signed with his name, or, if he is una])le to write, marked with his mark and attested by some credible witness, of all such animals as aforesaid which have been slaughtered by him during the week preceding, and such return shall be by him sent or delivered to the person in charge of such Police Station within three daj's after the expiraticni of each week ; on pain, in default thereof, of forfeiting and paying for each offence a sum of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding forty-eight dollars, (s. 24.) 26. The person in charge of any such Police Station as aforesaid shall, immediately on receipt of such weeklj'^ return, cause the same to be atiixed in a conspicuous place in the said Police Station for one week after the receipt thereof, and shall thereafter transmit the same to the Inspector General of Police in Georgetown, to be by him filed as a record in his Office, (s. 25.) 27. No licence shall be granted to any person to give, have, or hold, or to permit or allow to be given, had, or held, any ball, dance, concert, theatrical, or other public entertainment for money or reward, or by subscription, unless he produces a certificate from the Inspector General of Police or an Inspector of Police, if in Georgetown, or from a Justice of the Peace, Inspector of Police, or Officer in charge of a Police Station, if in New Amsterdam or in any part of the rural dis- tricts, to the effect that such person is a fit and proper person to obtain such licence, (s. 26.) . Powers of Officers, 28. — (1.) It shall be lawful for any Commissary of Taxation, or any police officer or constable, to demand from any person huckstering or exposing for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise, or carrying or using any fire-arm, or keeping for hire or using any Colony craft, his licence for the same, in any case in which a licence in respect thereof is or may be required ; and if such person does not forthwith produce such licence or satisfactorily account for the non-production thereof, the Commissary of Taxation, or the police officer or constable, may seize and detain such goods, wares, merchandise, fire-arm or craft until such licence is produced, or, if no such licence has been taken out, until the penalty or forfeiture incurred by the person huckstering or offering for sale such goods, wares, or merchandise, or carrying or using such fire-arm, or keeping for hire or using such craft, is paid, together with all costs of removal. (2.) A.11 such goods, wares, merchandise, fire-arm, or craft, as the case may be, shall be liable and executable for the amount of such penalty or forfeiture, with costs, and, in default of payment by the oftender upon conviction, shall be sold by order of the convicting Magistrate ; and if the proceeds of such sale are not sufficient for the payment of such penalty or forfeiture, the party convicted shall be liable for the same, and such payment shall be recovered by distress, (s. 27.) Furnishing of weekly return of animuls slaughtered. Posting up of weekly return in District Police Station. Certificate required in case of licence required for public entei'taiument. Power to demand production of huckster, gun, or Colony craft licence. 290 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1861. Penalty on person not j)roducing licence when required. Power to enter premises and mspect carriage, etc., kept for hire. Power to search huckster's pack. Assaulting Commissary m execution of duty. 29. If any person who has taken out a licence or licences does not produce and deliver such licence or licences to be examined and read by any Commissary of Taxation within a reasonable time after such officer requests the production of the same, he shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars, (s. 28.) 30. It shall be lawful for any Commissary of Taxation, at any hour between six o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening, to enter on any, premises whereon is any carriage, cart or other vehicle kept for hire, or any horse, donkey, ov mule kept for hire, and to inspect and ascertain the state and condition of any such carriage, cart, or other vehicle or of any such horse, donkey, or mule. (s. 29.) 31. — (1.) Any Commissary of Taxation or any constable or officer of Police may at any time open and inspect any pack, box, bag, trunk, or case, and may stop and inspect any vehicle in which any pedlar, hawker, or huckster carries his goods, wares, and merchandise. (2.) Any pedlar, hawker, or huckster who refuses to allow such Commissary of Taxation, or such constable or officer of Police, to open or inspect any such pack, box, V)ag, trunk, or case, or to stop or inspect any such vehicle, or attempts to do so, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. (3.) Any pedlar, hawker, or huckster so acting may be appre- hended and detained with such pack, box, bag, trunk, case, or vehicle, and the goods, wares or merchandise therein, until he can be brought before a Stipendiary Magistrate, (s. 30.) 32. If any person assaults, obstructs, hinders, or molests any Commissary of Taxation in the execution of his duty under this Ordinance he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars. (28 of 1902 s. 2 (2).) Onus of proof in certain proceedings. Onus of proof as to dog. Onus of proof as to animal or thing found on premises. Procedu7'e. 33. Where in any proceedings taken for the recovery of any penalty for the failure or omission to take out any licence required by law in respect of any vehicle or animal, any question arises as to the number of the vehicles or animals which the pei'son proceeded against has kept and used or owned and permitted to be used or has used, the burden of proving the number of the vehicles or animals kept and used, or owned and permitted to be used, or used by the defendant, and that he has a licence for each, shall lie on the defendant, (s 32.) 34. Every person in whose custody, charge, or possession, or in whose house or premises, any dog is found or seen shall be deemed to be the person who keeps such dog, unless the contrary is proved, (s. 33.) 35. Every animal and every thing in respect of which a licence to keep, or to use, or to keep and use, or to own and permit to be used, or to carry the same, as the case may be, is by law required, found in or on the premises of the person by law required to take out such licence, or in the possession or under the control of, or being used or permitted to be used by, such person, his attorney, agent, clerk, or ser- vant, whether acting or employed for a terra, for an undefined period, or for a special occasion, shall be deemed primd facie to be kept, or used, or kept and used, or owned and permitted to be used, or carried. A.D. 1861.] MISCELLANEOUS LICENCES. [No. 2. 291 Application of certain provisions of law to holders of licences, etc. See Ordinance No. 8 of 1868 3S. 78 and 79. Liability of person found on licensed premises during period when business cannot be lawfully transacted, etci as the case may be, by such person ; and the onus of showing that any such animal or thing found as aforesaid was not in fact kept, or used, or kept and used, or owner! and permitted to l)e used, or carried, as the case may be, by him shall be on such person. (S. 34.) 36. The provisions of any enactments for the time being in force relating to proceedings in cases where the holder of a licence under any Ordinance relating to wine and spirit licences is made liable to a penalty in respect of any act or omission, and a charge is preferred alleging such act or omission, and relating to the liability to penalties of the attorney of any su' h holder of a licence where such holder is without the Colony, shall, mufafis mniandis, apply to every holder of a licence of whatever kind under this Ordinance and to his attorneys, agents, clerks, and servants, whether acting or employed for a term, for an undefined period, or for a special occasion. (S. 35.) 37. — (1) Any person who is found in or on any licensed premises within any period during which business cannot therein be lawfully transacted, or during which such premises are by law required to be closed or forbidden to be opened, shall, unless he satisfies the Stipendiary Magistrate that he was on such premises as an inmate, servant, or lodger or otherwise lawfully, be guilty of an offence, and, being con- victed thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. (2.) Any police constable may demand, the name and address of any person found in or on any licensed premises within any such period, and, if such name or such address is not given or if there is reasonable ground for suspecting the name and address given to be false, may arrest such person without a warrant, unless such person produces satisfactory proof as to the correctness of the name and address given, and carry him as soon as practicable before a Justice of the Peace. (3.) Any person who fails, when so required by a police constable, to give his name and address, or gives a false name or address, or produces false testimony in respect of his name or address shall be guilty of an ofifence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars. (S. 36.) 38. All articles ordered to be sold by virtue of any of the preceding Sale of articles provisions of this Ordinance shall be publicly sold by some police ofiicer sold '^/er the or constable, by direction of the Stipendiary Magistrate, for cash to the Ordinance, highest bidder, and the Magistrate shall cause notice of the intended sale to be affixed upon a board in his Court Room at least one week before the day of sale, unless the article seized is of a perishable nature, in which case the same shall be sold at such time and in such manner as the Magistrate may direct ; and the surplus proceeds of every sale held under this section, after payment of any penalty awarded against the owner of the article sold, together with all costs and expenses, shall be paid over to such owner, if he is known, and, if he is not known, the same shall accrue due and shall be paid to His Majesty, his heirs, and successors, for the public use of the Colony. (S. 37.) 39. All fines, penalties, and forfeitures incurred under this Ordin- Recovery of ance shall and may be sued for and recovered before any Stipendiary ^"^8. penalties, Magistrate, who is hereby invested with full power, authority, and jurisdiction to hear and determine the same, notwithstanding that such fine, penalty, or forfeiture may exceed in amount or value the sum of forty-eight dollars. (S. 38.) VOL. I. 20 and forfeitures. 292 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1861. Procedure and appeal. See Ordinances No. 12 0/1893, and No. 13 of 1893. Power to the Governor to order deliverj' up of article seized under the Ordinance. Penalty on police officer or constable not aiding in execution of tlie Ordinance. Keeping and publication of lists of licences. 40. All proceedings under this Ordinance shall be conducted as near as may be according to the form of procedure, and shall be subject to the appeal, provided by any Ordinances for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction and appeals from the decisions of Stipen- diary Magistrates. (S. 39.) 41. It shall be lawful for the Governor to order any article seized under or by virtue of any of the provisions of this Ordinance to be restored in such manner and on such terms and conditions as he may think fit to direct. (S. 40.) 42. Every police ofiicer or constable who, without lawful excuse, refuses or neglects to aid and assist in the execution of this Ordinance, when thereto required by any Commissary of Taxation or other person whomsoever, shall be guilty of an offence, and shall forfeit and pay for each such offence a sum of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding forty-eight dollars. (S. 41.) 43. Lists of all licences issued under the Tax Ordinance of the year shall every year be kept l)y the Receiver General and such Hsts shall be published from time to time as and when the Governor may direct. (2 of 1899, s. 7.) OEDINANCE No. 3 OF 1861. A.D. 1861. — ♦ — Short title. Interpretation of terms. Appointment of Legal Assessor. An Ordinance for better enforcing Discipline among the Clergy of the Church of England in this Colony. [28th August, 1861.] WHEREAS for better enforcing discipline among the Clergy of the Church of England in this Colony, it is expedient that provision should be made for the trial and correction of any of such Clergy guilty of offences or of conduct unbecoming the chai'acter of a Christian Minister : Be it therefore enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Church of England Clergy Discipline Ordinance, 1861. 2. In this Ordinance, — " The Bishop " means the Bishop for the time being of the Diocese and See of Guiana : " The Diocese " means the Diocese or See of Guiana : " Clerk " comprehends, includes, and applies to every Rector, In- cumbent, Curate, Chaplain, or other Clergyman or Minister in Holy orders of the Church of England, licensed or authorized by the Bishop to officiate within the Diocese. 3. — (1.) For the purposes of this Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the Bishop to appoint a Legal Assessor, who must be a barrister at-law. advocate, or attorney-at-law of not less than seven years' standing, A.D. 1861.] CLERGY DISCIPLINE. [No. 3. 293 Right of Cler{jy to elect Clerical Assessor. and notice of his appointment shall be published in Tlte Official Gazette for general informati'm. (2.) Such Le^fal Assessor shall hold office durinned in such order or summons, such person shall be subject to a fine by the Governor and Court of Policy, not ex- ceeding two hundred and forty dollars, to be recovered at the instance of the Attorney General by summary execution. 10. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Governor and Court of Policy to administer to any person who may appear as a witness in any such proceeding any oath or affirmation that may lawfully be administered in any Court of Justice. (2.) Every witness who wilfully gives a false answer to any ques- tion that may be put to him. or swears falsely on any oath, or falsely affirms any matter or thing shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and, being convicted thereof before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction, shall be subjected to the pains and penalties imposed on persons guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury. 1 1. Whenever any Clerk is guilty of any immorality or other act or conduct unbecoming the character of a Christian Minister, or is guilty of gross or habitual neglect of ministerial duty, he shall, on being con- victed thereof in manner and form hereinafter provided, be punishable by suspension or deprivation, by sentence of the Bishop subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, according to the nature of the offence committed ; but no Clerk shall be liable to be deprived by any sentence under this Ordinance except for an offence which, if committed in England, would subject such Clerk to deprivation by the Ecclesiastical Law of England. Power to the 12. — (1.) If any Clerk, to the knowledge or belief of the Bishop, is Commis^sion**"^ charged and accused, by common report, with any offence or neglect of of Inquiry in duty punishable by this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Bishop, and he is hereby empowered, to issue a Commission as hereinafter men- tioned for inquiring into the probable grounds and truth of the report. (2.) If any person delivers a charge in writing to the Bishop, set- ting forth the belief of such person, that any Clerk has been guilty of any such offence or neglect of duty, it shall be lawful for the Bishop, and he is here})y empowered, if he thinks fit but not otherwise, to issue such Commission for inquiry into the probable grounds and truth of the charge Proceedings of 13, — (1 ) The Commission to be issued by the Bishop as aforesaid Commissioners. ^^^nW be according to the Form No. 2 contained in the Schedule to this Punishment of Clerk guUty of misconduct. case of Clerk charged with misconduct. A.D. 1861.] CLERGY DISCIPLINE. [No. 3. 295 Schedule ; Form No. 2. Requisites of citation. Ordinance, or such other form as may suit the circumstances of the case, and shall be directed to any two Clerks, being priests of seven years' standing, to be chosen Ijy the Bishop, and to any Stipendiary Magistrate to be appointed by the Governor. (2.) Such Commissioners shall have full power to inquire into the charges against the accused party, to cite him before them, to summon all necessary witnesses and examine them upon oath, or upon solemn affirmation in cases where an ailirmation is allowed by law instead of an oath, and to adjourn from day to day or for a longer period, not ex- ceeding one week at a time, until the inquiry is concluded. (3.) In case the accused party, being duly cited to appear, does not attend, or refuses to answer before the said Commissioners, it shall be lawful for them to proceed ex parte ; and it shall be lawful for the accused party, if he attends, to cross-examine the witnesses, by him self or by his counsel or attorney, and also to be heard by counsel or attorney. (4.) All such preliminary proceedings shall be public, unless, on the special application of the accused party, the Commissioners direct that the same or any part thereof shall be private. 14. The citation or summons of the Commissioners to the accused party shall set forth : — First — Whex-e a charge is delivered, the name and place of abode of the party delivering the same, and in all cases the time when, and the place where, each offence is alleged or reported to have been committed, and the nature of each offence, with reasonal)le preci- sion ; and Second — The names of the Commissioners and the time and place appointed for the sitting of the Commission. 15. A copy of every such citation or summons shall be served per- sonally on the accused party, or at bis usual or last known place of abode, ten clear days at least before the inquiry, and, in default of such service, all proceedings thereunder shall be void, unless the accused party voluntarily appears at the proceedings under the Com- mission. 16. After the inquiry has been concluded, the Commissioners, or a Report of majority of them, shall transmit to the Bishop, under their hands, the Commissioners depositions of witnesses taken before them, and also their report whether or not there is sufficient prima facie ground for instituting proceedings against the accused party under the provisions of this Ordinance, and such report shall be filed in the Registry of the Diocese, and the Bishoj) shall, on the application of any party interested, cause to be delivered to such party a copy of the said depositions, on payment to the Registrar of the Diocese of the sum of twenty-five cents for each folio of ninety words of the same. 17. If the Commii-sioners, or a majority of them, report that there Etiect of is no sufficient primd facie ground for instituting proceedings against h^'^'^^s^^''* the accused party, the report of the said Commissioners, or a majority prima facie of them, shall operate to prevent any further proceedings against him ground. on that complaint ; and a certified copy of such report sliall be given by the Registrar of the Diocese to the accused party. 1 8. — (1 . ) In all cases where proceedings have been commenced under Power to the this Ordinance against any Clerk, it- shall be lawful for the Bishop, with ^'^l^oP *» Service of citation. 296 No. 3.J THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1861. pronounce sentence by consent without further proceedmgs. Presentment of charges against accused party. Power to the Bishop to require accused party to appear before him. Holding of Court by the Bishop, with assistance of his two Assessors. Proceedings of the Court. the consent of such Clerk and of the party complaining, if any, first obtained in writing, to pronounce, without any further proceedings, such sentence as the Bishop may think fib, not exceeding the sentence which might be pronounced after trial, as hereinafter provided. (2.) All such sentences shall l)e as good and effectual in law as if pronounced after a hearing according to the provisions of this Ordin- ance, and may be enforced by the like means. 19. — (1.) If the Commissioners, or a majority of them, report that there is sufficient primd facie ground for instituting proceedings against the accused party, they or a majority of them shall also draw- up and sign a presentment, setting forth with reasonable precision the particular offence or offences for which the accused party ought to be tried, and shall forthwith transmit the same to the Bishop, along with their report under the Commission. (2.) The Registrar of the Diocese shall cause a copy of the report and presentment to be served personally on the accused party, or at his usual or last known place of abode ; and it shall not be lawful to pro- ceed upon such presentment until after the expiration of fourteen days after the day on which such copy has been so served. 20. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Bishop, by writing under his hand, to be served personally on the accused party or at his usual or last known place of abode, to require the accused party to appear before him at any place within the Diocese, and at any time after the expira- tion of the said fourteen days, and to make answer to the said present- ment within such time as to the Bishop may seem reasonable. (2.) If the accused party a2:)pears, and by his answer admits the truth of the presentment, the Bishop shall then, or on some convenient day thereafter, proceed to pronounce sentence thereupon. 21. — (1.) If the accused party refuses or neglects to appear and make answer to the said presentment, or makes any answer other than an unqualified admission of the truth thereof, the Bishop shall proceed to hold a Court under this Ordinance, and to hear the cause, with the assistance of his Legal and Clerical Assessors ; and the said Assessors shall be entitled to vote upon all questions that may arise during the hearing. (2.) The finding shall be that of the majority of the Court; includ- ing the said Assessors, and in the event of the accused party being found guilty, the said majority shall further declare whether the offence of whicli he was found guilty was one for which deprivation might or might not be legally inflicted ; and the Bishop shall then, or at some convenient day thereafter, proceed to pronounce sentence in accordance with such finding. 22. The following provisions shall have effect with respect to the proc(;c(lings of the Court, that is to say, — (1.) The Registrar of the Diocese shall act as clerk during the sitting of the Court, which may be adjourned from time to time ; (2.) The accused party may have the aid of any counsel or attorney who shall be entitled to be heard on his behalf, and any parties concerned as prosecutors may also appear by counsel or attorney; (3.) All witnesses shall be sworn in open Court, and their testimony shall be reduced to writing by the clerk, and shall be rc^ad over to and signed by them ; A.D. 1861.] CLERGY DISCIPLINE. [No. 3. 297 (4.) Tlie finding and sentence shall be pronounced in open Court ; and (5.) The proceedings with respect to the arguments and addresses of counsel or attorney, and the examination of witnesses and pro- duction of evidence shall be regulated, as near as may be, Ijy the prevailing practice of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its See Ordinance criminal jurisdiction. Ao. 19«/1893. 23. — -(I.) In case sentence of suspension is pronounced by the Bishop, Sentence of the same shall l)e certified by him to the Governor, and the stipend of suspension, the Clerk so suspended shall be applicable, in the first place, to the payment of any Curate or substitute who may l)e appointed by the Governor and licensed by the Bishop to perform the duties of the Clerk so suspended during the time of his suspension. (2.) The Rectory or Parsonage House, if belonging to the Benefice or Incumbency, shall also be assigned to the Curate or substitute, if such assignment has been ordered and directed as part of the sentence of the Court, but not otherwise. 24. In case sentence of deprivation is pronounced Ijy the Bishop, sentence of the same shall be certified by him to the Governor, and the Rectory, deprivation. Incumbency, Curacy, or other Preferment shall be and become vacant, and the same may thereupon be filled up according to law. 25. If any Clerk is convicted and sentenced on any indictment pre- Proceedings ferred against him before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its y^iere 9^""^ cciminal jurisdiction, a copy of such indictment and of the depositions indictaLle in the case shall, with all reasonable despatch, be furnished by the offence. Clerk of the said Court to the Bishop, who may forthwith deal with the offender by suspension or dej^rivation, as if the case had been heard and decided under the provisions of this Ordinance : Provided always that, before any such Clerk is sentenced to be deprived under tills section, he shall be entitled to be heard . by liimself or by his coun- sel or attorne}^, before the Bishop and his two Assessors, upon the question whether the offence of which he was convicted was one which would warrant deprivation by the Ecclesiastical Law of England. 26. Every Clerk shall have the same right of appeal against any sentence pronounced in virtue of this Ordinance as he at present pos- sesses, or may at any time possess, against sentences of the Bishop pronounced in \irtue of the jurisdiction conferred upon the Bishop Ijy Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. 27. Any Clerk who— (1.) Attempts to ofliciate during the period of his suspension, or after deprivation of his Benefice or Incumbency ; or (2.) In any way obstructs the Curate, substitute, or successor ap- pointed to officiate in his stead ; or (3.) Refuses to give up possession of the Rectory or Parsonage House, or of the Registry Books, or of any Church property in his custody, when thereto lawfully required, shall, notwithstanding the pendency of any appeal that ma}^ be open to him, be guilty of a misdemeanour, and, being convicted thereof before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction, shall for each offence be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding one year, or to both such fine and such imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court. Right of appeal against sentence. Punishment in case of Clerk attempting to officiate when suspended or deprived. 298 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1861. Attendance of witnesses. Giving of false evidence by witness. Power to the Bishop to inhibit accused party from officiatmg, pending proceedings. Limitation of time for issue of Commission. No objection on teclmical grounds, etc. Provision in case of the Bishop's absence or inability to act. Service of process. 28. It shall be lawful in any preliminary inquiry under this Ordin- ance, for any one or more of the Commissioners, or, in any proceeding under this Ordinance before the Bishop and his Assessors, for the Bishop or any Assessor of the Bishop, to require the attendance of such witnesses, and the production of such deeds, evidences, or writings, as may be necessary. 29. — (1.) Every witness who is exammed in pursuance of this Ordinance shall give his evidence upon oath or upon solemn affirmation in cases where an affirmation is allowed by law instead of an oath. (2.) Such oath or affirmation respectively any Court of Commis- sion of Inquiry to be held by virtue of this Ordinance shall have full power and authority to administer. (3.) Every such witness who wilfully swears or affirms falsely shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and shall be liable to punishment accordingly. 30. In every case in which, from the nature of the offence charged, it appears to the Bishop that great scandal is likely to arise from the accused party continuing to perform the services of the Church while such charge is under investigation, or that his ministration will be useless while such charge is pending, it shall be lawful for the Bishop to cause a notice to be served on such party at the same time with the service of a copy of the presentment aforesaid, or at any time pending any proceedings before the Bishop, inhibiting the said party from per- forming any services of the Church within the Diocese fi'om and after the expiration of fourteen days from the service of such notice and until sentence has been given in the said cause. 31. Every Commission of Inquiry against any Clerk for any offence under this Ordinance shall be issued within twelve months after the commission of the offence in respect of which the Commission is issued, and not afterwards. 32. No proceedings under this Onlinance shall be quashed or objected to before any Court or tribunal whatsoever for want of form, or on any technical ground ; and no proceeding, commission, or document required by this Ordinance shall be subject to any stamp duty. 33. — (1.) The Vicar-General of the Diocese for the time being, and, in case of his death, absence from the Colony, or inability to act, the Bishop'.s Commissary or Commissaries for the time being, or any special Commissaries appointed to act for and in the name and on behalf of the Bishop under this Ordinance, and each, every, and any of them, are hereby authorized and empowei'ed, in the absence of the Bishop from the Colony, or in case of his inability to act, or in case of a vacancy in the See, to exercise all the powers hereby vested in the Bishop, and shall be chai'gealile with all the duties hereby imposed on him. (2.) All acts, matters, and things to be done or performed by such Vicar-General, Commissary, or Commissaries in any such case shall have the t ame force and effect as if the same had been done or performed by the Bishop himself in person. 34. — (1.) All process, citations, notices, orders, and summonses issued or granted under this Ordinance shall be served and executed by the Registrar of British Guiana or one of the Marshals. A.D. 1861.] CLERGY DISCIPLINE. [No. 3. 299 Punishment of witness in contempt. (2.) For the making and serving of each copy of any such process, citation, notice, order, or summons, the Registrar shall be allowed to charge the sum of fifty cents., and no more, and for travelling expenses or distance money the fees chargeable by the Provost Marshal under the Fees and Costs (Supreme Court) Ordinance, 1855.' 35. In case any witness residing in any part of the Colony whose evidence may be required before any Commission of Inquiry or Court to be held by virtue of this Ordinance refuses or neglects to attend, without lawful excuse, or refuses to be swoi'n or to give evidence when sworn, or is guilty of any other contempt or disobedience to the lawful order of such Commission or Court, it shall be lawful for any Judge of the Supreme Court of this Colony, on motion made to him by any person interested in the proceedings, to cause such witness to be brought before him, and to sentence such witness to a fine not exceeding ninety-six dollars, and to imprisonment for any term not exceeding thirty days unless such fine is paid, and to make such order as to costs as to him may seem proper : Provided that no process shall issue against any such w^itness as aforesaid unless the Judge is satisfied that the witness was duly summoned, and that a sum had been tendered to him or lodged with the Registrar sufficient for the payment of his reasonable travelling expenses, and for his remuneration at a rate per diem according to the tariff in force for the payment of witnesses summoned before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction. 36. The Legal Assessor appointed under this Ordinance shall receive the sum of twenty-four dollars for every day on which the Court sits, and the same shall be paid from and out of the vote for the contingent expenses of justice, upon the warrant of the Governor, to be granted on a certificate from the Bishop stating the number of days during which the Court has been held ; and all witnesses summoned in support of any presentment under this Ordinance shall be paid from and out of the same vote, upon the warrant of the Governor, on their bills being duly taxed by the Registrar of the Diocese according to the tariff uf fees prevailing in the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction. 37. Each member of any Commission appointed under the provi- sions of section 13 who refuses or fails to attend without sufficient cause, or who, having attended, withdraws without excuse before the termination of the proceedings, shall for eveiy day of absence or refusal to act and vote, forfeit to His Majesty, for the public use of the Colony, the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered at the instance of the Attorney General by summary execution. 38. If, on the trial of any Clerk before any Court under this Ordinance, it is proved, by the oath or affirmation of any credible witness, that an}' person whose deposition has been taken before the Commission of Inquiry as aforesaid is dead or absent from the Colony, or so ill as not to be able to travel, and if it is proved also that such deposition was taken in the presence and hearing or perception of the accused party, and that he, or his counsel or attorney, had a full oppor- tunity of cross-examining the witness, then, if such deposition purports See Ordinance No. 19 of 1893 Fourth Schedule. Provision for pajnnent of Legal Assessors and witnesses. See Ordinance Xo. 19 of 1893 Fourth Schedule. Penalty in ease of Coniniissioner's refusal to act. Cases in which deposition of dead or absent witness may be received. ^ See now, however, No. 17 of 1901, s. 4. 300 No. 3.] THE LA TF^S' OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1861. Saving of certain rights. to be signed by the Commissioners, it shall be lawful to read such deposition as evidence before such Court without further proof thereof, unless it is proved that such deposition was not in fact signed by the Commissioners purporting to sign the same. 39. Nothing in this Ordinance shall deprive the Bishop of any spiritual power or authority vested in him ; and nothing in this Ordinance shall in any way prejudice, alter, or affect any right, power, or authority vested in the Governor by virtue of the Royal Commission, or in the Governor and Court of Policy by virtue of the provisions of any Ordinance for the time being in force relating to the maintenance of ministers of the Christian Religion in this Colony. Section 6. Section 13. SCHEDULE. FOEMS. Form No. 1. Fro.i-y. By virtue of the provisions of the Church of England Clergy Discipline Ordinance, 1861, I, the Reverend A. B., do hereby appoint the Reverend C 1). to he my Proxy in my absence, and to vote in my name at the Election of a Clerical Assessor to be held on the day of 1 , in such manner as he, the said C. D., may think proper. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, at this day of 1 (Signed.) A. B. Form No. 2. To Commission of Inquiry. The Reverend A. B., of The Reverend C. D., of Stipendiary Magistrate, appointed in that behalf by His And E. F., Esquire, Excellency the Governor. By virtue of the authority conferred, and in discharge of the duty imposed, on us by the Church of England Clergy Discipline Ordinance, 1861, we, the undersigned Bishop of Guiana, do hereby nominate and appoint you, and every of you, Commissioners to inquire into ceitain charges preferred by of \_or commonly or openly alleged], against the Reverend of to the following elfect, viz.: — \_here state the nature of the charges'], and to make a true report to us, pursuant to the said Ordinance, of the result of your inquiries into the said charges ; and we hereby appoint that your iirst meeting, in execution of the authority hereby conferred upon you, shall be holden at [name the place of meeting], on the day of 1 Given under our hand and sealed with the Episcopal Seal of Guiana, this day of 1 ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1861. A.D 1861 An Ordinance to punish Breaches of Trust l)v Traders. — ^ ' [28th August", 18G1. ] BE it enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — Short title. 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Traders (Breaches of Trust) Ordinance, 1861. A.D. 1861.J TRADERS (BREACHES OF TRUST). [No. 4. 301 2. In this Ordinance, — " Trader " means any handicraftsman, artificer, manufacturer, mechanic, laundress, or \v(jrkman, and any person exercising or pretending to exercise any trade, handicraft, manufacture, busi- ness, or mystery whatsoever : " Work " means any work in any trade, handicraft, manufacture, or business whatsoever, and any repairing, fashioning, altering, or cleansing whatsoever : " Materials " means any goods, wares, merchandise, articles, chat- tels, and things of any kind or material whatsoever : " Stipendiary Magistrate " extends to, applies to, and includes any Justice of the Peace who may be specially appointed by the Governor to act under the provisions of this Ordinance, which it shall be lawful for the Governor at any time to do. 3. If any trader contracts with any person to perform any work for reward (whether the amount of such reward is, at the time of making the contract, fixed and agreed upon or not), and if, in pursu- ance or on the faith of such contract, such trader receives, as and by way of advance or in anticipation of such reward, any sum or sums of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of twenty-four dollars, or if any sum or sums of money, not exceeding in the whole the sum of twenty-four dollars, is or are paid to such trader for the purchase of materials necessary for such work, or for any other purpose in relation thereto, and if such trader, without any lawful excuse, refuses or neglects to perform such contract, either within the time specified for the completion of the same, or, in the absence of any agreement as to time, within such time as the Stipendiary Magistrate hearing any complaint to be brought under the provisions of this Ordinance may deem to be reasonable, and refuses or neglects, when so required, to repay to the person with whom he has so contracted, or to his agent lawfully autho- rized, such sum or sums of money as he may have so received, such trader shall, on being convicted before the Stipendiary Magistrate of the District where such contract has been made or such trader is, at the time of preferring the complaint, resident, be adjudged to pay a fine or penalty not exceeding the sum of forty-eight dollars. 4. If any trader, having contracted as aforesaid, receives any materials, not exceeding in value the sum of twenty -four dollars, for the purpose of being wrought up or used in the work so agreed to be performed, and if such trader, without any lawful excuse, refuses or neglects to perform his contract within such specified or reasonable time as aforesaid, and refuses or neglects, when so required, to return to the person with whom he has so contracted, or to his agent lawfully authorized, the materials so delivered to him, such trader shall on being convicted before an}^ Stipendiary Magistrate having jurisdiction as aforesaid, be adjudged to pay a fine or penalty not exceeding the sum of forty-eight dollars. 5. If any goods, articles, or chattels of any description, not exceeding in value the sum of twenty-four dollai\s, are delivered to any trader or other person for the purpose of being repaired, fashioned, altered, or cleansed, for reward (whether the amount of such reward is specified or not), and if such trader or other person, without any lawful excuse, Interpretation of terms. Penalty on trader receiving money in advance and neglecting to perform contract or return money. Penalty on trader receiving materials and neglecting to perfoi-m contract or return materials. Penalty on trader receiving article to be repaired, etc., and neglecting to return the same. 302 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1861. refuses or neglects to repair, fashion, alter, or cleanse the same, and, after the expiration of such specified or reasonable time as aforesaid, refuses or neglects, when so required, to return the same, such trader or other person shall, on being convicted before any Stipendiary Magistrate having jurisdiction as aforesaid, forfeit and pay a fine or penalty not exceeding the sum of forty-eight dollars. Liability to imprisonment of trader pawning or misappro- priating materials, etc., entrusted to him. Punishment of offender where amomit of contract or value of materials exceeds $24. Awarding of compensation to complainant out of penalty paid. Saving of trader's right of lien. Procedure and appeal. See Ordinances No. 12 of 1893 and No. 13 of 1893. 6. If it appears, upon due proof, to the Stipendiary Magistrate before whom any complaint under this Ordinance is heard that such trader or other person has sold, pawned, converted to his own use, or otherwise misappropriated any materials, goods, wares, articles, or chattels delivered to him for the purposes in this Ordinance stated, and not exceeding in value the sum of twenty-four dollars, such Magistrate may abstain from the infliction of any fine or penalty, and, in lieu and in stead thereof, may adjudge the offender to be forthwith imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding three months. 7. Any breach of contract in any of the matters or respects herein- before provided, where the amount of the contract, or the amount of materials furnished or money advanced, exceeds the limit of twenty- four di^illars, shall be held and deemed to be a misdemeanour, and shall and may be tried, heard, and determined by the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction, and the offender shall be liable, on being convicted, to a fine or penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding one year, or to both such fine and such imprisonment. 8. The party aggrieved in any complaint to be determined by any Stipendiary Magistrate or by the Supreme Court under this Ordinance, shall, on conviction of the offender, be entitled to receive out of any fine or penalty imposed and paid such sum of money as may, in the opinion of such Magistrate or Court, be adequate compensation for any injury which such aggrieved party proves to have been sustained by him. 9. Nothing in this Ordinance shall prejudice or affect the right of lien of any trader or other person as at present existing. 10. A.11 proceedings before any Stipendiary Magistrate under this Ordinance shall be conducted as near as may be according to the form of procedure, and shall lie subject to the appeal, provided by any Ordinances for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction and appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates; and all fines or penalties imposed by any such Magistrate under the authority of this Ordinance, together with costs, if adjudged, shall be recovered in manner directed by any such Ordinances. A.D. 1861.] D. R. COMPANY (PREFERENCE STOCK). [No. 5. 303 ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1861. An Ordinance to enable the Demerara Railway Com- a. d ise i. pany to raise One Hundred and Fifteen Thousand * Pounds by the Creation of Perpetual Preference Stock. [26th March, 1862.] WHEREAS, under aijd by virtue of several Ordinances enabling it in that Ijehalf, the Demerara Railway Company has heretofore raised divers sums of money, partly by the issue of bonds and partly by the creation of preference stock, and there is now a considerable amount due by the said Company for capital and interest in respect of the moneys so raised and otherwise ; And whereas it is deemed expedient that the said Company should be authorized to raise, in manner hereinafter appearing, the sum of one hundred and fifteen thousand pounds for the purpose not only of improving and completing the Railway to Mahaica, in accordance with the terms of Ordinance No. 2.3 of 1859, and of the plan submitted to and approved by the Governor and Court of Policy, but also of satisfy- ing and extinguishing all claims in respect of bonds and preference stock heretofore issued and created as above mentioned, and all other debts and liabilities of the said Company : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Demerara Railway Company Short title. (Preference Stock) Ordinance, 1861. Power to the Demerara Railway Company to create preference stock not exceeding £115,000, for certain purposes. 2. It shall be lawful for the Demerara Railway Company to create and issue perpetual preference stock of the said Company to an amount not exceeding one hundred and fifteen thousand pounds in the whole, in order thereby to raise a sum of not less than thirty thousand pounds for the purposes mentioned in that behalf in the said Ordinance No. 23 of 1859, and also to provide the means, by exchange, adjustment, or otherwise, of satisfying, liquidating, and extinguishing all claims now existing in respect of bonds and preference stock heretofore issued and created respectively by the said Company, and all other existing debts and liabilities of the said Company : Provided always that no portion of the said perpetual preference stock shall be issued below par, but for every one hundred pounds thereof the said Company shall receive not less than one hundred pounds sterling in cash, or the surrender of a bond or bonds, or existing preference stock, in respect of which the principal or capital and the interest due amount to not less than one hundred pounds. 3. — (1.) The preference stock to be created and issued by virtue of Rate of interest the provisions of this Ordinance shall bear interest perpetually at the st'oc^k^and"''^ rate of seven per cent, per annum, and such interest, after the satis- paj-ment faction of all existing bonds and preference stock of the said Company thereof. as aforesaid, shall have priority and be payable out of the net revenue 304 No. 5.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1861. Exchange of existmg bonds or preference stock for new bonds or stock. Saving of provisions of Ordinances and deed of Settlement of the Company. of the said Company in each year before any dividend is paid on the ordinary capital stock of the said Company. (2.) If tLe said net revenue is in any year insufficient to pay the whole interest at the rate aforesaid on the said perpetual preference stock, the unpaid portion thereof shall remain chargeable on the net revenues of all further years until the same is paid off, and all such arrears shall rank in point of priority next after the said interest of seven per cent, per annum payable for the current year ; but in every other respect the said perpetual preference stock shall be subject to the same provisions and regulations as the said ordinary stock of the said Company : Provided always that it shall be lawful for the said Company, if it is deemed expedient, by resolution to be passed at a genei'al meeting of the shareholders and holders of existing bonds and preference stock of the said Company, to declare that the preference stock to be issued for the purpose of raising a sum of not less than thirty thousand pounds shall have priority and preference in regard to the payment of interest and every or any other respect over all the other preference stock to be issued under this Ordinance ; and in such case it shall be lawful for the said Company to issue such first preference stock at any rate of interest not exceeding seven per cent, per annum that may be deemed necessary. 4. It shall be lawful for the said Company to satisfy and extinguish all bonds and preference stock heretofore issued and created liy the said Company by issuing to the respective holders thereof (with their consent), in exchange for the same, perpetual preference stock, not ex- ceeding in amount in each case the capital and interest due and out- standing in respect of the bonds and preference stock so satisfied and extinguished. 5. All the clauses, powers, provisions, matters, and things which are contained in the several Ordinances relating to the said Company, and in the Deed of Settlement of the said Company, except so far as the same are repugnant to or inconsistent with this Ordinance or any part thereof, or are hereby altered or otherwise provided for, shall remain in full force and effect to all intents and purposes, and be ap- plicalile to and form part of this Ordinance and be construed together therewith in the same way as if the same were herein rejDeated. A.D. 1862. ¥ Ordinance No. 14 of 1870 incorporated. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1862. An Ordinance to enable Commissioners of Inquiry to summon Witnesses and to examine them upon Oath. [2n(l April, 1862.] WHEREAS it is expedient that all Commissioners who may be appointed by the (Governor to inquire into the conduct of any public officer, or into any matter relating to the public service, should be empowered to summon witnesses and to examine them upon oath : \ A.D. 1862.] COMMlSSIOSi:iiS OF INQUIRY. [No. 1. 305 Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Commissioners (Examination Short title, of Witnesses) Ordinance, 1862. 2. All Commissioners who may be at any time appointed by the Governor, under the Public Seal of the Colony, to in(iuire into the conduct of any public officer, or into any matter relating to the public service, or into any matter of public interest or concern may summon all witnesses they may consider necessary, and who they may have reason to believe will not attend voluntarily, and may examine every witness upon oath touching the subject-matter of every such inquiry. 3. — (1.) Every witness who may be examined in pursuance of this Ordinance shall, if so directed by any such Commissioners of Inquiry, give his evidence upon oath, which oath may be administered by any one of the said Commissioners. (2.) Every such witness who wilfully gives false evidence shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and shall be liable to punishment accordingly. 4. — (1.) AH summonses issued under this Ordinance shall be served and executed by the Registrar or one of the Marshals. (2.) For the making and service of each copy of any such sum- mons, the Registrar shall be allowed to charge the sum of fifty cents and no more, and for travelling expenses or distance money the fees chargeable by the Provost Max'shal under the Fees and Costs (Supreme Court) Ordinance, 1855.^ 5. In case any witness residing in any part of the Colony whose evidence may be required before any such Commissioners of Inquiry refuses or neglects to attend, without lawful excuse, or refuses to be sworn or to give evidence when sworn, or is guilty of any other con- tempt or of disobedience to the lawful order of such Commissioners, it shall be lawful for any Judge of the Supreme Court of British Guiana, on motion made to him by any person interested in the proceedings, to cause sucli witness to be brought before him, and to sentence such witness to a fine Jiot exceeding ninety-six dollars, and to imprison- ment for any term not exceeding thirty days, unless such fine is paid, and to make such order as to costs as to him may seem proper : Pro- vided that no process shall issue against any such witness as aforesaid unless the Judge is satisfied that the witness was duly summoned, and that a sum had been tendered to him or lodged with the Registrar sufficient for the payment of his I'easonable travelling expenses, and for his remuneration at a rate per diem according to the tariff in force for the payment of witnesses summoned before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction. 6. All witnesses summoned by any Commissioners of Inquiry under this Ordinance shall be paid from and out of the vote for the contingent expenses of justice, upon the warrant of the Governor, on their bills being duly taxed by the Clerk of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction according to the tariff of fees prevailing in the said Court. Power to Coinmissioners of luijuiry to suninion witnesses and examine them upon oatli. Mode of givuig evidence, etc. Service of process. Liability to punishment of witness in contempt. See now, however, No. 17 of 1901, s. 4. Payment of witnesses. See Ordinance No. 19 of 1893 Fourth /Schedule. 306 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1862. A.D. 1862. — ♦ — Publication of assessment of lands. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1862. An Ordinance to vest in Her Majesty certain Parcels of Land in the Town of New Amsterdam for the Establishment of a Public Hospital. [3rd May, 1862.] WHEREAS, for the public benefit and convenience, it was, on the 3rd day of January, 1862, resolved by the Governor and Court of Polic)' that a Public Hospital should be estaljlished in the Town of New Amsterdam, on the portions of land hereinafter more particularly described, the same being the most eligible site for that purpose ; And whereas it is expedient that the said land, with all the buildings and erections thereon, should be forthwith vested in Her Majesty for the pubUc use of the Colony, and that adequate compensation should be made to the owners thereof and to all other parties beneficially interested therein : — Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . When and so soon as the amount payable to the owners of the north half of Lot No. 26 in the Town of New Amsterdam and the Mud Lot in front thereof has been assessed, the Magistrate presiding at such assessment shall return the same under his hand to the Governor, and the same shall be recorded in the minutes of the Court of Policy', and shall be published in Tlie O^cial Gazette for general information. Vesting of lands in the Crown. 2. Immediately on such publication in The Official Gazette, the said several portions of land, with all the buildings and erections thereon, shall be and become absolutely vested in Her Majesty for the public use of the Colony. A. D. 1862 ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1862. An Ordinance to vest in Her Majesty a certain Piece See Ordinance of Eand at Suddic, in the County of Essequebo, for jvo. 3 0/1868. tj^e Establishment of a Court-House. [4th October, 1862.] WHEREAS it has been resolved by the Combined Court that a Court House should be established in and for the County of Essequebo ; And whereas a portion of the piece of land at Suddie in the said County, containing three-and-a-half acres, more or less, as defined A.D. 1863.] ADMIRALTY LANDS. [No. 1. 307 by the diagram made by the Crown Surveyor, dated the 5th day of September, 1861, is deemed eligible for the purpose : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . On the commencement of this Ordinance, the Receiver General shall enter upon and take possession of so much of the said piece of land at Suddie, in the Couiitj^ of Essequebo, as is bounded on the west by the public road, on the north by Belfield, on the south by Ondar- neeming, and on the east by the sea, containing three-and-a-half acres, more or less, and shall cause the same to be appraised by two com- petent appraisers, one to be appointed by the Governor and Court of Policy and the other by the proprietor or proprietors of the said piece of land, or his or their lawful representative or representatives, with authority on the said appraisers, in case of difference of opinion, to appoint an umpire, to ascertain and fix the value of the said land and of any buildings thereon, and upon the value thereof being so ascer- tained and fixed, the same shall be paid over to the proprietor or pro- jtriptors of the said piece of land, or, if need be, deposited in the Registrar's Office of Demerara and Essequebo, ad opus jus habeatium, and thereupon the said piece of land with all the buildings thereon, shall be vested in and be the property of Her Majesty, for the public use of the Colony ; and the Court House for the said County, including all the requisite accommodation, shall be erected thereon. Certain land at Buddie in Essequebo to be tiiken for public purposes and a Court- House for tlie Comity to be erected thereon. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1863. An Ondinance for vesting all Lands, Buildings, and Property in this Colony occupied by or for the Naval Service of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in the Lord High Admiral, or the Commissioners for executing the OfHce of Lord Hiu-h Admiral, of the said United Kingdom for the time being. [7th March, 1863.] WHEREAS it is expedient that all lands, buildings, and property in this Colony which may have been at any time hei'etofore purchased for the use of the Naval Service of the United Kngdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or which may hereafter be pur- chased or in any manner used and occupied by or for the said service in this Colony, should be vested in the Lord High Admiral of the said United Kinsrdora or the Conunissioners for executing the Office of A.D. 1863. — ♦ — Lord High Admiral aforesaid for the time being : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of PoUcy thereof as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Admiralty (Vesting of Lands) Short title. Ordinance, 1863. VOL. I. 21 308 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1863. Vesting of lands, etc., in the Colony occupied by or for the Naval Service of the United King- dom in the Lord High Admiral or the Connnissioners for executing the said office. Vesting of futm-e acquired lands, etc., in like manner. Vestuig in successors in case of death, etc., of any Commissioner. 2. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, all lands, tenements, and hereditaments, erections, buildings, and property what- ever in this Colony which have been conveyed to or are vested in any person or persons, or are held or in any manner occupied by or in the name of any person or persons, in trust for Her Majesty or Her Royal Predecessors, and Her or their heirs or successors, for the use of the Naval Service of the said United Kingdom, or of any of the depart- ments of or belonging to the said Naval Service, by whatever mode of conveyance, or by whatever title, or for whatever estate or interest therein the same may have been conveyed or be vested, held, or occu- pied, together with the rights, memVjers, servitudes, and appurtenances to the same respectively belonging, shall be and become and remain and continue vested in the Lord High Admiral of the said United Kingdom or the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral aforesaid for the time being, according to the respective nature and quality of the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments, and the several estates and interests of and in the same respectively, in trust for Her Majesty, Her heirs and successors, for the public service. 3. From and after the purchase and conveyance, transport, grant, or demise thereof, all other lands, tenements, aiid hereditaments which may at any time or times hereafter be purchased, taken, held, or occu- pied in this Colony by the Lord H igh Admiral or the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral aforesaid for the time being, or by any person or persons by his or their order, for the Naval Service of the said L^nited Kingdom, or of any of the departments of or belonging to the said Naval Service, and all erections and buildings which are then or may thereafter be erected or built thereon, with the rights, members, servitudes, and appurtenances to the same respectively belonging, shall in like manner be and become and remain and con- tinue vested in the Lord High Admiral of the said United Kingdom or the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral aforesaid for the time being, and his or their successors in the said office, according to the respective nature and quality of the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments, and the several estates and interests of and in the same respectively, in trust as aforesaid. 4. On the death, resignation, or removal of the present Commis- sioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the said United Kingdom or of any of them, or of any future such Commissioners, or of any Lord High Admiral of the said United Kingdom, all such lands, tenements, and hereditaments respectively shall become vested in and be held by the succeeding Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral aforesaid or by the Lord High Admiral aforesaid, as the case may he, and so in pei'petual succession, according to the respec- tive nature and quality of the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments, and the several estates and interests of and in the same respectively, in trust as aforesaid. Mode of describing Commissioners in deed, etc., and execution thereof. 5. In all deeds, conveyances, transports, letters of decree, leases, contracts, and other instruments touching any estate, property, matter, or thing in ihis Colony relating to the Naval Service of the said United Kingdom or to any department under the control of the Commissioner.s for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral aforesaid, or whereto they or any of them are parties, it shall be sufficient to describe them A.D. 1863.] ADMIRALTY LANDS. [No. 1. generally l>y the style and title of "The Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Tnilaiid," without expressing their names ; and all such deeds, conveyances, transports, letters of decree, leases, contracts, and other instruments, wherein the said Commissioners are so descrilied, and the execution or signature thereof by any two of them under their respec- tive hands and seals, or by any person duly authorized by any two or more of them under their respective hands and seals, shall be as valid and eflfectual to all intents and purposes ars if they or any of them had been expressly named therein and had executed or signed the same. 309 6. It shall ])e lawful for the said Commissioners or any two or more of thein, or any person authorized by any two or more of them under their respective hands and seals, or the Lord High Admiral afoie- said or any person authorized l)y him as aforesaid, to sell, exchange, or in any manner dispose of, or let or demise, any of the lands, tenements, and hereditaments respectively which ma}^ be vested in them under or by virtue of this Ordinance, with their respective appurtenances, either by public auction or private contract, and in due form of law to transport, convey, surrender, assign, or make over, or grant, or demise the same respectively, as the case may require, to any person or persons who may be willing to purchase or take the same respectively ; and also to do any other act, matter, or thing in relation to any such lands, tenements, and hereditaments which they or he may deem l)eneficial for the public service in relation thereto, or for the better management thereof, which might l>e done by any person or persons having a like interest in any such lands, tenements, or hereditaments. 7. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the said Commissioners or the Lord High Admiral aforesaid for the time being, by themselves or himself, or by any person authorized by any two or more of the said Commis- sioners or by the Lord High Admiral aforesaid under their hands and seals or his hand and seal, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, to bring, prosecute, and maintaui in this Colony any action, suit, or other proceedings at law or in equity for recovering possession of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments by this Ordinance vested in them or him as aforesaid, and to distrain or sue for any arrears of rent which may become due for or in respect thereof, under any demise from the said Commissioners or Lord High Admiral, or from any person or persons on their or his behalf or on behalf of Her Majesty, and also to bring, prosecute, or mamtain, or to defend, in this Colony any other action or suit in respect of or in relation to the said lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or any trespass or encroachment committed thereon or damage or injury done thereto. (2.) In every such action or suit the said Commissioners shall be called " The Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland," without naming them ; and no such action or suit shall abate, by the death, resignation, or removal of such Commissioners, or any of them, or of such Lord High Admiral, any law, custom, or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. (3.) The said Commissioners or Lord High Admiral shall be entitled to recover costs for and on behalf of Her Majesty, where judgment is given for the Crown, and shall be liable to pay costs where VOL. I. ^1a Power to tlie Coininissioners to sell, let, and dispose of property. Actions, etc., by and against the Coni- missiouers. 310 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1863. judgment is given against the Crown, in any such action, suit, or other proceeding in like manner, and subject to the same rules and provisions, as though such action, suit, or other proceeding had been had between. subject and subject. ORDINANCE No, 1 OF 1864. A.D. 1864. Short title. Licensing of Emigi'ation Agent. An Ordinance for the Punishment of Unlicensed Persons acting as Agents for the Collection and Removal of Emiojrants from this Colony. [2nd March, 1864.] E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — B 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Emigration Kegulation Ordinance, 1864. 2. — (1.) No person shall act as an agent to collect emigrants and to arrange for their conveyance to any other Colony or place unless he is first authorized by the Governor to act as such agent, by licence under his hand and seal, subject to such rules and regulations as he may from time to time, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy, prescribe. (2.) Any such licence may be provisionally suspended or absolutely revoked by the Governor at any time, for such cause as he may deem sufficient. Notification of 3. AH such licences, and all suspensions and revocations of the same licence, etc. as aforesaid, shall be duly notified in The Official Gazette. Punishment of person acting without licence. Acts sufficient to constitute offence. 4. Every person who acts in any way as the agent for the collection or engagement of any persons of the labouring class to proceed to any other Colony or place without being'duly licensed by the Governor as afore- said, and every person who in any manner aids or abets such person so acting as agent, without being duly licensed by the Governor as afore- said, shall be guilty of an offence, and being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of ninety-six dollars, and, in default of payment, to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceed- ing six iiKHiths, or to both such fine and such imprisonment. 5. In order to constitute an offence against this Ordinance, it shall be sufficient to prf>ve that the person charged as not being a duly au- thorized agent for emigrants offered to engage persons of the labouring class to serve in some other Colony or place, either under indenture or otherwise ; and that he offered some inducement in the nature of a free passage or the payment of a sum of money by way of bounty, either l)efore or sulisequently to the embarkation of the labourers, or the pro- vision of clothes, implements, or other necessaries, or that he arranged for the conveyance of such persons in contravention of the Imperial A.D. 1864.] PASSENGERS. [No. 4. 31 Passengers Act and that such persons were actually on hoard (jf a vessel l« & 1^ Vict, with the intention of leaving the Colony. *"■ '^^■ 6. All coiiiplaiiits f(jr offences against this Ordinance shall and inav Procedure he heard and determined hy any Stipendiary Magistrate, who is hereljy '*'"* appeal, invested with full power, authority, and jurisdiction to adjudicate upon the .same, and the procedure shall be in manner and foi-m, and shall be subject to the appeal, pro\ided by any Ordinances for the time s^i Ordinanres being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in -^o. 12 of 1893 the exercise of their summary jurisdiction and appeals from the decisions "^93* °' "^ of Stipendiary Maj;istrates. ORDINANCE No. 4 OF 1864. An Ordinance to make better provision for the Con- veyance of Passengers between this Colony and the Neighbouring Colonies and Places. [13th July, 18(34.] E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of PoHcy thereof, as follows : — - B A.D. 1864. ' — ♦ — Ordinance Xo. 34 of 1861 incorporated. 1, This Ordinance may be cited as the Passengers Ordinance, 1864. Short title. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, — " Statute adult " signifies any person of the age of twelve, years or upwards, or any two persons above the age of one and under the age of twelve years : " Passenger ship '' signifies every description of sea-going vessel, whether British or Foreign, carrying any passenger or passen- gei-s upon any inter-colonial voyage : " Master " signifies the person who is borne on the ship's articles as master, or who, other than a pilot, is for the time being in charge or command of any such passenger ship : " Inter-colonial voyage " signifies any voyage from any place in this Colony to any other place whatever, where the distance between such places does not exceed four hundred miles, or the dui'ation of the voyage, to be presci'ibed as heremafter men- tioned, does not exceed three days. 3. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to interfere with or prevent the operation of the Passengers Act, 1855, or of any other Act of Parliament altering or amending the same ; and this Ordinance shall only apply to inter-colonial voyages as hereinafter defined. 4. The Comptroller of Customs and all other Officers of Customs in the Colony, and the respective Harbour Masters of the Ports of George- town and New Amsterdam, shall be and they are hereby respectively empowered to carry this Ordinance into execution ; and all Stipendiary Magistrates, and all Commissaries of Taxation and Revenue Officers, Interpretation of terms. Operation ai;d application of the Ordinance. IS & 19 Vict, c. 119. Officers to execute and to aid in execution of the Ordinance. 312 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1864. and all police officers and constables shall be, and they are hereby- required to be, aiding and assisting in the execution of this Ordinance. Duty of master of vessel to afford facilities for inspection by officer. Proportion of passengers to tonnage. Making declaration in writing by master before clearing. Prohibition of passenger sbip proceeding to sea until master has certificate of clearance. 5. — (1.) The master of every vessel, whether a passenger ship or otherwise, fitting or intended for the carriage of passengers, or which carries passengers, upon any voyage to which this Ordinance extends shall afford to the Comptroller of Customs and to all other Officers of Customs in the Colony, to the respective Harbour Masters, Justices, Commissaries of Taxation, Revenue Officers, and police officers and constables aforesaid, every facility foi' inspecting such vessel, and for communicating with the passengers, and for ascertaining that the provisions of tliis Ordinance, so far as the same may be appHcable to such vessel, have been duly complied with. (2.) Any such master wlio fails or neglects to comply with the requirements of this section shall, on being convicted, be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred and forty dollars. 6. — (1.) No passenger ship employed in carrying passengers on any inter-colonial voyage shall carry a greater number of persons, including every individual on board, than in the proportion of one statute adult for every ton of her registered tonnage. (2.) If there is on board of any such ship at and after the time of clearance a greater number of persons than in the pioportion afore- said, the master of such ship shall, on being convicted, be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty-four dollars and not exceeding ninety- six dollars for each person constituting such excess. 7. — (1.) The master of every passenger ship shall, before demanding a clearance for such ship, make a declaration in writing, in such form as may be appointed or required by the Comptroller of Customs, and shill correctly set forth therein the name of such ship, the name of the master, and the number of tons of the registered burden of such ship, and also the number, names, sex, and age of the several persons on board of such ship ; and the said declaration shall be signed and affirmed by the master before the principal Officer of Customs at the port of clearance, and shall be delivered by the master to such officer. (2.) Any person who wilfully and corruptly makes and signs any such declaration, knowing the same to be untrue in any material par- ticular, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, being convicted thereof before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction, shall be hable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding one year. 8. — (1.) No passenger ship shall clear out or proceed to sea until the master thereof has obtained from the principal Officer of Customs at the port of clearance a certificate of clearance, under his hand that all the requirements of this Ordinance have been duly complied with, and that the number of persons on board such ship does not exceed the number limited by this Ordinance. (2.) If any passenger ship clears out or proceeds to sea without the master having obtained such certificate of clearance, or if, at any time after he has obtained such certificate, any additional persons are taken or are permitted to remain on board, such sliip shall be forfeited to His Majesty, for the public use of the Cokjny, and may be seized by any officer empowered to carry this Ordinance into execution, or by A.D. 1864.] MERCHANT SHIPPING. [No. 6. 313 any person authorized to aid and assist in the execution of this Ordin- ance, if found within two years in any port or place in this Colony, aod such ship shall thereupon be dealt with in the same manner as if she had been seized or forfeited under any of the Ordinances relatini^ to the Colonial Customs for any offence incurring forfeiture -SVc OnUmince under those Ordinances. '^'''- ' °-f ^^**- J'unalty on lierson found on board without permission and on jjerson aiding. 9. — (1.) If any person is found on board any passenger ship with intent to obtain a passage therein without the consent of the owner, charterer, or master, such person, and every person aiding and abetting him in such fraudulent intent, shall respectively, on l^eing convicted, be liable to a penalty of twenty-four dollars, and, in default of payment, to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding three months. (2.) Any such person so found on board may Ije taken before any Stipendiary Magistrate without warrant, and such Magistrate may forthwith hear the case, and, on proof of the oifence, convict such offender. 10. It shall be lawful for the Governor, by any Proclamation to be by him from time to time issued for that purpose, which shall take effect from the issuing thereof, to declare what shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Ordinance, to be the length of the voyage of any ship carrying passengers from any place in this Colony to any other place whatever. 1 1 . All penalties and forfeitures imposed by this Ordinance may be Procedure sued for by any officer empowered to carry this Ordinance into execution '^"'^ appeal, before any Stipendiary Magistrate acting in the District in which the prosecution is instituted ; and the procedure shall be in the manner, and be subject to the appeal, provided by any Ordinances for the time being g^^ Ordinances in force regulating procedure befor.i Stipendiary Magistrates in the Ao. 12 of 1893 exercise of their summary jurisdiction and appeals from the decisions ^'^93" °' of Stipendiaiy Magistrates. Power to declare dura- tion of voyage. 12. This Ordinance shall not extend to any of His Majesty's ships of war, or to any ships in the service of the Commissioners for exe- cuting the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom, or to any steam vessels regularly employed in the conveyance of the public mails under conti'act with His Majesty's Government or with the Government of this Colony. Exceptions to operation of the Ordinance. OKDINANCE No. 6 OF 1864. An Ordinance to introduce into this Colony the Law of Enghmd with regard to Merchant Shipping and matters connected therewith. [2nd January, 186.5.] HEIIEAS it is expedient that the Law of England should be observed in this Colony with regard to merchant shipping and matters connected therewith : w A.D. 1864. — ♦— - 314 No. 6.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1864. Short title. Interpretation of teiTn. Questions relating to merchant shipping to be determined according to the Law of England. Exercise of jurisdiction in specified matters. Saving of Admiraltj' jurisdiction. See now Ordinance No. 7 of 1893 «. 34. A.D. 1864. - — ♦ — Ordinance No. of 1891 s. 7 incor- porated. Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Law of Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1864. 2. In the construction and for the purposes of this Ordinance, the term "ships " used therein includes every description of vessel used in naidgation. 3. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, all ques- tions arising within this Colony relating to the following matters, namely, ships, and the property therein, and the owners thereof, and the beliaviour of the master and mariners and their respective rights, duties, and liabilities as regards the carriage of passengers and goods by ships ; stoppage in transitu ; freight ; demurrage ; insurance ; salvage ; average ; collision between ships ; bills of lading ; and all rights, liabilities, claims, contracts, and matters arising in respect of any ship, or any such question as aforesaid, shall be adjudged, deter- mined, construed, and enforced according to the Law of England applicable to such or the like case. 4. All such questions and matters as aforesaid which, according to the Law of England, are cognizable and determined by or before any of His Majesty's Superior Courts of Justice, or by or before any County Court shall be cognizable and determined in this Colony by or before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction, according to the course and practice thereof ; and all such questions which, according to the Law of England, are cognizable before Justices of the Peace shall in like manner be cognizable and determined by or before the Stipendiary Magistrates of this Colony, according to the course and practice of such Magistrates, and so that such matters as, according to the Law of England, are cognizable or determined by or before two Justices of the Peace may be cognizable and determined in this Colony by any Stipendiary Magistrate. 5. Nothing in this Ordinance shall in any way affect His Majesty's Vice-Admiralty Court of British Guiana or the jurisdiction or practice thereof. ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1864. An Ordinance to consolidate the loans authorized to be raised for Immigration Purposes. [2nd January, 1865.] WHEREAS, at the Annual Meeting of the Combined Court, it was, on the-20th day of June, 1864, resolved as follows : — " 1. That it is expedient to consolidate the following Ordinances authorizing the raising of loans for immigration purposes ; namely, — Ordinances No. 16 of 1855 and No. 8 of 1857, authorizing the issue of bonds to the amount of £150,000 sterling, for the payment of the passages of immigrants from India : A.D. 1864.] CONSOLIDATED IMMIGRATION LOAN. [No. 7. 315 Ordinances No. 5 of 18G0 and No. 17 of 1862, authorizing the i«8ue of bonds to the amount of £150,000 sterling for the introduction into this Colony of immigrants from China : Ordinances No. 23 of 1856 and No. 6 of 1859, autliorizing the issue of bonds to the amount of £100,000 sterling, for the payment of bounty to Indian immigrants entitled to a back passage post- poning their right thereto and entering into indenture for further industrial service, and for paying bounty to immigrants who have fulfilled their first term of indenture, entering into fresh inden- tures for further industrial service. "2. That His Excellency the Governor and the Honourable the Court of Policy be requested to pass an Ordinance authorizing the raising a loan for all 2'urposes mentioned in the foregoing Ordinances, and also to include payment of bo.unty to Chinese and other immigrants who shall renew their indentures under the provisions of the Consolidated Immigration Ordinance, and also the payment of the passage money and other expenses connected with the introduction into this Colony of liberated Africans ; the said loan not to exceed the sum of .£400,000 sterling, and interest on the same not to exceed six per cent, per annum. " 3. That, for the payment of the interest half-yearly, and the prin- cipal when due, this Court pledges all the Colonial Revenues not specially appropriated by any Ordinance already in force : " Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Consolidated Immigration Short title. Loan Ordinance, 1864. 2. — (1.) The Government Secretary, two persons to be nominated Appomtment by the Governor, not being public officers, the Receiver General, and ii^,,^,|i!)|!!ition*^'^ the Immigration Agent General for the time being resijectively shall Loan Com- be, and they are hereby declared to be. Commissioners for carrying nussioners. into effect the purposes of this Ordinance, and they shall be called "The Consolidated Immigration Loan Commissioners." (Amd. 3 of 1903, s. 2.) (2.) Three of such Commissioners shall form a quorum for the despatch of business, subject to the pi'ovisions hereinafter contained. 3. The Governor may from time to time, as to him may appear Purposes for necessary, call upon the Commissioners to raise, in manner hereinafter ^hidi moneys provided, such sums as may be required for any of the following pur- poses : — First — For the payment of the cost of the introduction into this Colony of immigrants from the East Indies and China, and also of liberated Africans ; and Secontljy — For the payment of bounty to immigrants who have ful- filled their first or any subseciuent terms of indenture, on their entering into indenture for further industrial service. ^o 4.- — ( 1 .) The Commissioners may from time to time, on receiving from Issue of the Governor an application in terms of the last pi-eceding section, ^"'«'s f«»' ,. 11 • -ii I amount to be issue bonds m such number as may be sulhcient to provide the amount raised. so' applied for, and in the Form contained in the Schedule to this Schedule. Ordinance, or as near thereto as circumstances admit. 316 No. 7.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1864. Sums to be taken for bonds issued. Power to appoint agents in the United Kingdom. Keeping of accounts by tlie C'onmiis- sioners. Paying over of amounts applied for by the Governor. Crediting of the Commis- sioners with sums received by the Re- ceiver General from mimi- grants and employers. 'S'ee Ordin- ance No. 18 0/1891. Payment of jirincipal and interest of bonds, and investment of surplus. (2.) Each of such bonds shall be eithei' for the sum of one hundred pounds sterling, or of two hundred pounds sterling, or of five hundred pounds sterling, or of one thousand pounds sterling, or for any of the like amounts expressed in dollars at the rate of four dollars and eighty cents to the pound sterling, payable to bearer at the expiration of such period not exceeding ten years after date as may from time to time be fixed by the Governor-in-Council, and bearing interest at a ra,te not exceeding six per cent, per annum, to be paid half-yearly : Provided that the total amount of such bonds outstanding at any one time shall not exceed four hundred thousand pounds sterling. (Amd. 6 of 1895, s. 5.) 5. The Commissioners may accept for any bonds to be issued by them any svnns of money equal to or exceeding the sums mentioned in the said bonds respectively, or, with the previous sanction of the Governor, any sums of money less than any such sums. 6. — (i.) The Commissioners may, with the consent of the Governor- in-Council, from time to time appoint an agent or agents in London or elsewhere in the United Kingdom for the purpose of disposing of the bonds, for receiving and paying money, and generally for all the purposes of this Ordinance. (2.) All acts done by any snch agent or agents, in conformity with the terras of his or their appointment, shall be as good and valid to all intents and purposes as if the same had been done by the Commis- sioners. 7. — (1.) The Commissioners shall keep an account with the Receiver General, and also with such bank or banks as may from time to time be appointed by the Governor-in-Council, and all sums received by them under any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deposited with the Receiver General or with such bank or hanks, in such manner as may from time to time be found convenient. (2.) No sum so deposited shall be drawn out except upon a bill, cheque, order, or instruction signed by thre(! of the Commissioners. 8. The Commissioners, out of tlie funds at their disposal under this Ordinance, shall pay over to the Receiver General, or to such bank or banks as aforesaid, any amount applied for by the Governor for any of the purposes mentioned in section 3, and the Receiver General, or such bank or banks, shall hold the same subject to the Governor's warrant. 9. The Receiver General shall collect tind deposit to the credit of the Commissioners in such bank or banks, or shall credit the Com- missioners in current account, with all sums of money received or re- covered hy him, under the provisions of any Ordinance for the time being in force relating to Asiatic immigrants, from any immigrant or employer, on account of whom any payment may have been made to the Receiver General, or to such bank or banks, by the Commissioners under this Ordinance. 10. The Conmiissioners shall, out of the sums to be received under the provisions of the last preceding section, pay all principal and in- terest becoming due upon the bonds by them issued ; and it shall be lawful for the Commissioners, after making such payments, with the A.D. 1864.] CONSOLIDATED IMMIGRATION LOAN. [No. 7. 317 approval of the Governor, to invest any balance remaining to their credit in such manner as to them may appear most advantageous. 11.— ('•) All the Colonial Revenues not specially appropriated by any Ordinance already in force shall, during the continuance of this Ordinance, be held to be pledged for the payment of the principal and interest becoming due in respect of the bonds issued under the pro- visions hereof. (2.) If at any time the sums which may be credited to the Com- missioners by the Receiver General, under the preceding provisions of this Ordinance, are insufficient to meet any payment so Ijecoming due, the Ooiuniissioners shall report the amount deficient to the Governor, who shall thereupon issue his warrant to the Receiver General directing him to credit the Commissioners, from any public moneys in his hands, with the amount recjuired to make good such deficiency. (3.) The Commissioners shall repay to the Receiver Genei'al any sum so paid by him out of the public moneys whenever there may be a balance remaining in their hands after payment of any principal or interest then due upon such bonds as aforesaid. 12. — (1.) In case any bond issued under this Ordinance is by accident defaced, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners to cause a new Ijond to be made and delivered to the Ijearer, and to cause the defaced bond to be cancelled, and the bond so cancelled shall be deposited in the Office of the Receiver General. (2.) The new bond shall bear the same number, date, and principal sum, and carry the same interest, and be subject to the same rules as the original bond. 13. The Commissioners on proof to their satisfaction that any bond issued under this Ordinance has by accident been lost or destroyed before the same has been paid off, may, if the number and amount of such bond are ascertained, and on being furnished with security for indenuiifying the Colonial Revenues for any loss to which they may at any time be subjected by reason thereof, issue a new bond corresponding witli the l)ond so lost or destroyed ; or, if any bond when so lost or destroyed is overdue, they may cause the money due thereupon to be paid off and discharged. 14. The Receiver General shall keep regular accounts of all the receipts and disbursements of the Commissioners ; and a balance sheet of such accounts shall be furnished by him to the Governor and Court of Policy as soon as practicable after the thirty-first day of December in each year. 15. No person shall have any right of action against the Commis- sioners, or any of them, by reason of the non-payment of any principal or interest which may be due upon any bond issued by them ; but any such action shall be brought against the Receiver General in like manner as any action brought against the said officer for the recovery of any other sum due by or from the Colony. 16. From and after the connnencement of this Ordinance, the Com- missioners appointed by or under the several Ordinances recited in the preamble of this Ordinance shall cease to issue any bonds under Pledging of Colonial Revenues for iniyineut of principal and interest Vjonds. Replacement of defaced bond. Replacement of lost bond, or payment tliereof, if overdue. Furnisliing of annual balance sheets. Relief nf the Commis- sioners from personal liability, etc. Discontinu- ance of issue of bonds under previous 318 No. 7.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1864. Immigration Loan Ordin- ances. the said Ordinances or any of them, but they shall continue to act as Commissioners under the several Ordinances aforesaid for the purpose of paying as they become due all bonds issued thereunder and the interest accruinsc thereon. SCHEDULE. FoEM OF Bond. Ordiuiincc Xo. 7 of 1864. Section 4. Section 2. — (1.) The Government Seoretary, two persons to be nominated by the Governor not being public offi- cers, the Keceiver General, and the Immigration Agent General for the time being respectively shall be, and they are hereby declared to be. Commissioners for carry- ing into effect the purposes of this Ordinance, and they shall be called the " Consoli- dated Immigration Loan Commissioners." (2.) Three of such Com- missioners shall form a quo- rum for the despatch of busi- ness, subject to the provisions hereinafter contained. Section 4. — (1.) The Commissioners may from time to time, on receiving from the Governor an application in terms of the last preceding- section, issue bonds in such number as may be sufficient to provide the amount so ajpplied for, and in the Form contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, or as near thereto as circumstances admit. (2.) Each of such bonds shall be either for the sum of one hundred pounds ster- ling, or of two hundred pounds sterling, or of five hundred pounds sterling, or of one thousand pounds sterling, or for any of the like amounts expressed in dollars at the rate of four dollars and eighty cents to tVic pound sterling, payable to bearer at the ex- piration of such licriod not exceeding ten years after date as may from time to time be fixed by the Governor-in- Council, and bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annun, to be paid half-yearly : Provided tliat the total H mount of such bonds outstanding at any one time shall not exceed four lumdred thousand pounds sterling. British Guiana. Consolidated I mniiy ration Loan Bond. Series No. £ yi9i owe to €^of The Consolidated Immigration Loan Com- missioners appointed under Ordinance No. 7 of the Year 1864, do hereby acknowledge to or bearer, the sum for the payment of which at on the diy of j^ , 1 , with interest ^2^S^ successive esfa&>3 this Bond, on the surrender of the respective ^'Sys Interest Warrants hereto attached, the .-,J^^ Colonial Revenues of British Guiana are 'e^gss pieged as security under the provisions of the ^^aS^ said Ordinance. Given under our hands, at the Guiana Public buildings, Georgtown, Deme- rara, this day of 1 mm mm Consolidated Immigration Loan Commissioners. A.D. 1865.] PENAL SERVITUDE. [No. 1. .319 COUPONS. Bond No. Interest Warrant No. (Note. — 10 Coupons The Consolidated Immigration Loan Commissioners to Le attached to each Bond.) will pay the bearer on the day of 1 , at being one half-year's interest on the Bond No. Consolidated Immigration Loan Commissioners. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1865. An Ordinance to amend tlie Law relating to Penal Servitude. [27tli May, 18(55.] B E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. .This Ordinance may be cited as the Penal Servitude Ordinance, 1865. Granting of Licence. 2.— (1. ) It shall be lawful for the Governor to gi'ant to any convict heretofore sentenced to transportation or penal servitude, or who may hereafter be sentenced to penal servitude, a licence under this Ordinance. (2.) It shall be lawful for the Governor at any time to revoke any such licence. 3. So long as any licence granted under this Ordinance continues in force and uuforfeited and unrevoked, the holder thereof shall not be liable to be imprisoned by reason of his sentence, but shall be allowed to go and remain at large according to the terms of such licence. 4. A licence granted under this Ordinance may be in the form set forth in Form No. 1 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and may be written, printed, or lithographed. 5. — ( 1.) It shall be lawful for the Govex-nor, whenever he thinks fit, to grant from time to time to convicts under sentence of penal ser^'itude licences in any other form different from that set forth in the Schedule to this Ordinance which he may consider it expedient to adopt, and A.D. 1865. ^— ♦ — Ordinances No. 4 of lfi85 ss. 4-6,' 8 and 9 and No. 13 of 1894 s. 3 (6.) in- corporated. Short title. Power to the Governor to gi-ant licence to convict. containing other and different conditions. granted (2.) A copy of any conditions annexed to any licence under this section, other than the conditions contained in the form set forth in the Schedule to this Ordinance, shall be laid before the Governor and Court of Policy within one month after the issuing of such licence. (3.) Any licence granted under this section shall be revocable at the Governor's pleasure ; but no holder of any such licence shall be deemed guilty of an ofi'ence punishable on summary conviction merely by reason of the breach of the conditions of such licence or any of them, Eflect of licence. Form of licence. Schedule : Form No. 1. Power to the Governor to grant licence in I'onn differ- infi from that in Schednle. 320 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1865. Offences by holder of licence. Breach of con- ditions in licence differ- ing from those in Schedule. Obligation on holder of licence to notify resi- dence or change thereof to Police. Observance of Conditions of Licence. 6. If any holder of a licence granted in the form set forth in the Schedule to this Ordinance — (1.) Fails to produce his licence when required to do so by any Judge, or Stipendiary Magistrate, or other competent Magistrate before whom he may be brought charged with any offence, or by any constable or officer of Police in whose custody he may be, and also fails to make any reasonable excuse why he does not produce the same ; or (2.) Breaks any of the other conditions of his licence by an act which is not of itself punishable either upon indictment or upon summary conviction, he shall be deemed guilty of an offence punishable, on summary con- viction, by imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding three months. 7. Whei'e, in any licence granted under this Ordinance, any conditions different from or in addition to those contained in the form set forth in the Schedule to this Ordinance are inserted, if the holder of such licence breaks any such conditions by an act that is not of itself punishable either on indictment or on summary conviction, he shall be guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction, and, being convicted there- of, shall be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding three months. 8. — (1.) Every holder of a licence granted under this Ordinance who is at large in the Colony shall notify the place of his residence to the Police authorities of the district in which his residence is situated, and shall also, whenever he changes such residence -within the same Police district, notify such change to the Police authorities of that district, and shall also, whenever he changes his residence from one Police District to another, notify such change of residence to the Police authorities of the Police District which he is leaving and to the Police authorities of the Police District into which he is going to reside. (2.) Every male holder of a licence as aforesaid shall, once in every month, report himself to the Police authorities of the district in which he resides at such time as may ])e prescribed by the Inspector General of Police. (3.) If any holder of a licence as aforesaid who is at large in the Colony remains in any place for forty-eight houx's without notifying the place of his residence to the Police authorities of the district in which such place is situated, or fails to comply with the requirements of this section on any change of residence, or with the requirements of this section as to reporting himself, he shall in every such case, unless he proves, to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Magistrate before whom he is tried, that he did his best to act in conformity with the law, be guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction, and, being con- victed thereof, shall l)e liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding three months ; or his licence may, in the discretion of the Stipendiary Magistrate, be forfeited ; or, if the term of penal servitude in respect of which his licence was granted has expired at the date of his conviction, the Stipendiary Magistrate may sentence him to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any A.D. 1865.] PENAL SERVITUDE. [No. 1. 321 term not exceeding three months, or, if the said term of penal servitude has not expired, but the remainder thereof unexpired is less than three months, to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, to commence at the oxpii-atioii of the said term of penal servitude, for such a term as, together with the remainder unexpired of his said term of penal servitude, will not exceed three months : Provided always that the Governor may, in any licence as aforesaid, exempt the holder thereof from all or any of the requirements of this section. 9. Every holder of a licence granted under this Ordinance who is Mode of noti- required to notify his residence or any change of his residence, or to |jt"?gl.[d^e^,ce! report himself, to the Police authorities of a district shall comply with etc. such requirement by making the )iotification to the Inspector of Police of the district in which the residence is situated or by personally pre- senting himself and declaring his place of residence to the constable or person who, at the time when such notification is made, is in charge of the Police Station nearest to such residence, or as may be otherwise directed by the Inspector General of Police ; and it shall be the duty of the Police in each case to endorse on the licence every change of resi- dence so notified and every report so made. 10. — (1.) Any appointment, direction, or authority purporting to be Proof of ap- signed by the Inspector General of Police and to have been made or ^t""! mTde'by given for the purposes of this Ordinance shall be evidence, until the the Inspector contrary is proved, that the appointment, direction, or authority there- ^e^eral of by made or given was duly made or given by the Inspector General of ' Police. (2.) Evidence that it appears from the records kept by authority of the Inspector General of Police that a person required, as herein- before mentioned, to notify his residence or change of residence, or to report himself, has failed to comply with such x-equireraent shall be prima farie evidence that such person has not complied with such re- quirement, but if the person charged alleges that he made such notifica tion or report to any particular person or at any particular time, the Court shall require the attendance of such persons as may be necessary to prove the truth or falsehood of such allegation. 11. Any constable or police officer may, without warrant, take into custody any holder of a licence granted under this Ordinance whom he may reasonably suspect of having committed any oftence, or of having broken any of the conditions of his licence, and may detain him in custody until he can be taken before a Stipendiary Magistrate or other competent Magistrate, and dealt with according to law. 1 2. — (1 .) Any police constable may, if authorized to do so in writing by an Inspector or non-commissioned ofhcer of Police or by the officer in charge of any Police Station, without warrant, take into custody and bring before a Stipendiary Magistrate for adjudication any holder of a licence granted under this Ordinance, if it appears to such police con- stable that such holder is getting his livelihood by dishonest means. (2.) If the facts proved before such Stipendiary Magistrate show reasonable grounds for believing that such holder is getting his liveli- hood by dishonest means, such holder shall be deemed to be guilty of an offence punishable ou summary conviction, and his licence shall be forfeited. Apprehension of holder of licence with- out warrant in certain cases. Apprehension, under written authority, of holder of licence appar- ently living by dishonest means. 322 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1865. Forfeiture of licence. Proceedings where holder of licence is sununarily convicted. Schedule : Form No. 2. Procedure on revocation of licence. Effect of for- feiture or re- vocation of licence. Committal to prison of holder of for- feited licence. Forfeiture and Revocation of Licence. 13. If any holder of a licence granted in the form set forth in the Schedule to this Ordinance is convicted, either by the verdict of a Jury or upon his own confession, of any offence for which he is indicted or charged, his licence shall be forthwith forfeited by virtue of such con- viction. 14. Where any holder of a licence granted in the form set forth in the First Schedule to this Ordinance is convicted of an offence punish- able on summary conviction under this or any other Ordinance, the Justice or other Magistrate convicting the prisoner shall without delay forward to the Government Secretary a certificate in the form set forth in Form No. 2 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and there- upon the licence of such holder may be revoked in manner hereinafter provided. 15. — (1.) If it pleases the Governor to revoke any licence granted under this Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the Government Secretary to signify, under his hand, to any Stipendiary Magistrate that such licence has been revoked, and to require such Magistrate to issue his warrant for the apprehension of the person to whom such licence was granted ; and such Magistrate shall issue his warrant accordingly, and such warrant shall and may be executed by any police officer or constable. (2.) Such person, when apprehended under such warrant, shall he brought as soon as conveniently may be before a Stipendiary Magis- trate, who shall thereupon make out his warrant for the re-commitment of such person to the Prison from which he was released by virtue of his licence or to any other Convict Prison. 16. Where any licence granted in the form set forth in the First Schedule to this Ordinance is forfeited by a conviction of any indict- able offence, or is revoked in pursuance of a summary conviction under this or any other Ordinance, the person whose licence is forfeited or revoked shall, after undergoing any other punishment to which he ma}'- be sentenced for the offence in consequence of which his licence is for- feited or revoked, further undergo a term of penal servitude equal to the portion of his term of penal servitude that remained unexpired at the time of his licence l^eing granted, and shall, for the purpose of his undergoing such last-mentioned punishment, be removed from the Prison in which he may be confined to any Prison in which convicts under sentence of penal servitude may lawfully be confined, by warrant under the hand of any Justice of the Peace, and shall be liable to be there dealt with in all respects as if such term of penal servitude had formed part of his original sentence. 1 7. Where any offence involves a forfeiture of a licence granted under this (Jrdmance, the Court by which the offender is convicted may com- mit him to any Prison, there to remain until he can conveniently be removed to undergo the term of penal servitude to which he is lia]>le, and any person while so committed shall be kept to hard labour. Procedure and appeal. (S'cfi Ordinance No. 12 of 1893. Procedure. 18. Any offence under this Ordinance punishable on summary con- viction may be prosecuted summarily before any Stipendiary Magis- trate in manner directed by any Ordinance for the time being in force A.D. 1865.] PENAL SERVITUDE. [No. 1. 323 regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction, and the proceedings shall be subject to the appeal provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. See Ordinance No. 13 of 1893. British Guiana. SCHEDULE. FORMS. Form No. 1. Licence to Convict. Section 4. Guiana PubUc Buildings, Georgetown, this day of 1 His Excellency the Governor of British Guiana, in the name and on behalf of His Majesty, is pleased to grant to who was convicted of at a Session of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction for the County of on the day of 1 , and was then and there sentenced to be kept in Penal Servitude for the term of years, and is now CDnfined in the Licence to be at large from the daj^ of his liberation under this order during the remaining portion of \\ii said term of Penal Servitude, unless the said shall, before the expiration of the said term, lae convicted of some indictable offence, within the Colony, in which case such Licence will be immediately forfeited by law, or unless it shall please His Excellency, in the name and on behalf of His Majesty, sooner to revoke or alter such Licence. This Licence is given subject to the conditions endoi'sed upon the same, upon the breach of any of which it will be liable to be revoked, whether such breach is followed by a conviction or not. And His Excellency hereby orders that the said be set at liberty within thirty days from the date of this order. • Given under my hand, (Signed.) A. B., Government [or Assistant Government] Secretary. Conditions. 1 . The holder shall preserve his licence and produce it when called upon to do so by a Magistrate or Police Officer. 2. He shall abstain from any -siolation of the law. 3. He shall not habitually associate with notoriously bad characters, such eia reputed thieves and prostitutes. 4. He shall not lead an idle and dissolute life, without visible means of obtaining an honest livelihood. 5. If his Licence is forfeited or revoked in consequence of a conviction for any offence, he will be liable to undergo a term of Penal Servitude equal to the portion of his term of years which remain unexpired when his licence was granted, namely, the term of years. Form No. 2. Certijicate of Conviction of Holder of Licence. I do hereby certify that the holder of a Licence under the Penal Servitude Ordinance, 186,3, was, on the day of 1 , duly convicted by me, the undersigned Stipendiary Magistrate in and for the Jutiicial District of the oiience of and sentenced to Dated this day of 1 (Signed) C. D., Stipendiary Magistrate. VOL. I. 23 Section 14. ^24 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1866. A.D. 1866. ~ — ♦ — Ordinance No. 14 of 1890 sAand No. 26 of 1903 s. 2 in- corporated. As to George- town, see Ordinance No. 25 of 1898 ss. 173-178 ; as to New Amster- dam, No. 8 of 1891 Part X. Short title. Power to the Governor to establish Pounds. Appointment of Pound keepers. Impomiding of stray on l)rivate premises. Poundage money and expenses. Impounding of stray on public- premises. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1866. An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to Pounds. [1st July, 1866.] E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — B 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Pounds Ordinance, 1866. 2. The Governor may from time to time, by Proclamation to be published in The Official Gazette, establish Pounds in such parts of the Colony as to him may seem fit : Provided that all Pounds already established shall continue to be kept subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, unless the Governor at any time otherwise directs. 3. The Governor may appoint fit and proper persons to be keepers of such Pounds who shall hold office during his pleasure : Provided that every member of the Police Force for the time being in charge of a Police Station at which a Pound is established shall, without any further or other appointment, act as and be ex-officio the keeper of such Pound while in charge of such Station. 4. On any stray being found trespassing on any private premises or land, the owner oi- person in possession of such premises or land may take, or by some one authorized by him in writing send, such stray to the nearest Pound, and, for so doing, he shall receive from the keeper thereof the sum of forty-eight cents for every horse, mare, gelding, pony, mule, bull, cow, ox, heifer, or steer, thirty-two cents for every ass, and twenty-four cents for every calf, sheep, or goat. 5. — (1.) The Pound-keeper shall, before delivery, demand and receive from the person claiming any stray the sum of forty-eight cents for every horse, mare, gelding, pony, mule, bull, cow, ox, heifer, or steer, thirty-two cents for every ass, and twenty-four cents for every calf, sheep, or goat, as poundage money, in addition to the reward men- tioned in the last preceding section, and in addition to the expense of feeding and advertising the stray. (2.) The Pound keeper shall be entitled to charge the sum of twenty-four cents per diem for feeding each horse, mare, gelding, pony, mule, ass, bull, cow, ox, heifer, or steer, and eight cents per diem for feeding each calf, sheep, or goat, and no more : Provided that the young of any mare, cow, ass, goat, or sheep sent to the Pound with its mother or dam, under six months old, shall not be liable to poundage. 6. Any horse, mare, gelding, pony, mule, ass, bull, cow, ox, heifer, steer, calf, sheep, or goat tethered, grazing, or straying on any public premises or land (other than a public road or bridge) may be seized and impounded by any police officer or constable, or by any person authorized in writing by the District Commissary of Taxation ; and the same pound fees shall be paid and received in respect of any there- of, as are hereinbefore provided in respect of strays on private premises or land. A.D. 1S66.] POUNDS. [No. 1. 325 7. All swine straying or trespassing on any private premises or land Mode of may be destroyed by the owner or person in possession of such premises '^^;.'^"^8 with or land ; and all swine straying or trespassing on any such public passing, premises or land may be destroyed by any police otKcer or Cdnstable or other person authorized as aforesaid ; and in either case the bodies of all swine so destroyed shall belong to the persons destroying them. 8. Every person who — (1.) Releases or attempts to release any stray which is taken for the Penalty on purpose of being impounded under the authority of this Ordinance P^''^"" '^^^^"•^T^ ^ lu i iu tT ] niK or rescuing on the way to the round ; or stray, etc. (2.) Damages or destroys the said Pound, or any lock or bolt be- longing thereto, or with which the same is fastened ; or (3.) Rescues or releases, or attempts to rescue or release, any stray which is impounded under the authority of this Ordinance until or before the same is discharged by due course of law, shall, on being convicted thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. 9. No person taking any animal to the Pound shall ride the same or in any way beat or ill-use the same ; and if any person takes any animal to the Pound by any way other than the nearest way to the Pound, every such party so offending shall forfeit all right to the poundage, and shall, on being convicted, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars. 10. Every person who — (1.) Drives off any animal from the premises of the owner ; or (2.) Breaks a gap in any fence or enclosure with the view of making any animal a stray ; or (3.) With the like view, takes any animal from any private premises or land of which he is not the owner or occupier, or authorized by him in writing, shall, on being convicted, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty- four dollars for every animal so driven off or taken or attempted to be so driven off or taken ; and if any such animal is I'eceived into the Pound, every such person shall in addition be liable to repay the full expenses of poundage to the owner of such animal. 1 1 . — (1.) No person taking any stray with the intention of impound- ing the same shall detain it more than three hours before sending it to the nearest Pound, unless the said stray is taken up after sunset, in which case he shall send it to the said Pound before eight o'clock in the following morning. (2.) Every person who detains any stray for a longer period than aforesaid shall, on being convicted, pay for each stray so detained a penalty not exceeding five dollars. 12. — (1.) Every Pound-keeper shall keep a book in which he shall enter the date when each stray is received, the name of eveiy person sending a stray, and also the name of the person taking or delivering such stray to the Pound, with the colour, description and marks of each stray, the place from whence it was sent, and the sum paid to the party impounding ; and such book shall be free for the inspection of any person during the day, without any fee. VOL. 1. 22a. Penalty on person ill- using stray on way to Pound. Penalty on perr^on im- properly im- pounding animal as stray. Stray not to be detained before being sent to Pound. Keeping of record of stra- s im- pounded. 326 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1866. Feeding of impounded stray. Public ation of weekly list of strays. Receiving and delivering of strays. Prohibition of hiring out or using of im- pounded stray. Sale of un- claimed stray after notice. Prohibition of pound-keeper purchasing stray. (2.) If any Pound-keeper — (a.) Neglects to make such entries ; or (b.) Wilfully makes any false, erroneous, or incorrect entry ; or (c.) Refuses or declines to produce his book when demanded as aforesaid ; or (d.) Demands any fee for so doing, he shall on being convicted, be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. 13. — (1.) Every Pound-keeper shall procure for, furnish, and give to each stray in his Pound a sufficient quantity of good grass and water daily. (2.) In case of any neglect or omission to do so, any such Pound- keeper shall, on being convicted, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and shall, over and above such penalty, be liable to immediate dismissal. 14. Every Pound-keeper shall publish once every week in The Offi- cial Gazette a correct list of all the strays in his Pound, describing them in every particular as recorded in his book, and shall, in default thereof, on being convicted, be liable to a penalty not exceeding five dollars for every such omission or neglect. 15. — (1.) Every Pound-keeper, or some person appointed by him as his deputy, and for whose acts or omissions in respect of any matter or thing under this Ordinance he shall be responsible, shall constantly be at hand between the hours of six o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening to receive and deliver all strays ; and, in default there- of, every such Pound-keeper shall, on being convicted, be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars for each time he or his deputy is so absent. (2.) No'sti'ay shall be received at any Pound except between the hours aforesaid. 16. If any Pound-keeper — (1.) Hires out, lets, uses, works, or employs any stray animals im- pounded ; or (2.) Allows any stray to be taken out of the Pound wrongfully; or (3.) Suffers any stray while impounded to be ill-used or injured, he shall for every such offence, on being convicted, be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. 17. — (I.) Incase any stray which has been impounded is not re- deemed within one week, the same shall be sold. (2.) The Pound-keeper shall advertise for one week in 7'he Official Gazette for sale all strays, except sheep and goats, and he shall notify, upon a board to be placed in some conspicuous place at or near the Pound, the intended sale of all strays for two days beforehand. (3.) Every such sale shall take place between the hours of eleven and three o'clock in the day. 18. If any Pound-keeper or his deputy, either directly or indirectly, purchases any unclaimed stray sold out of his Pound, the purchase shall be v(n(l, and he shall for every such offence, on being convicted thereof, be liable in addition to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. A.D. 1866.] POUNDS. [No. 1. 327 Accounting by Pound-Keeper being police officer. 19. — (1.) Every member of the Police Force who is a Pound-keeper shall regularly, and at least once in each month, pay over to the In- spector General of Police, to the credit of the PoHce Pound Fee Fund, the proceeds of all sales of strays made by him after deducting such amounts as he may have paid for rewards. (2.) From and out of such Fund every such Pound-keeper shall be entitled to a gratuity monthly of five dollars, or such other gratuity as the Governor-in-Council may from time to time be pleased to appoint, and from and out of such Fund shall be defrayed all expenses incurred for establishing Pounds and for advertising and feeding strays and other incidental legal charges, and the balance, if any, shall be annually carried to the credit of the Police Reward Fund. 20. Every Pound-keeper who is not a member of the Police Force Accounting i)y shall regularly, and at least once in each month, pay over to the Re- Po""d-keeper ceiver General the balance of the proceeds of all sales of strays made by police officer, him, after deducting the sums of money paid for rewards, the expenses of poundage and of advertising and feeding strays and other incidental legal charges, and a commission for his own use and benefit of five per cent, on the amount of all such sales. 21. If any Pound-keeper fails or neglects duly and faithfully to Penalty on comi^ly with the provisions of either of the last two preceding sections Pound-kteper which may be applicable to his case, he shall for e.\evy such failure or account" neglect, on being convicted thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty four dollars ; and in the event of his not paying over any money in his hands on account of the sale of strays to the proper officer and within the time in that behalf prescribed, he shall, in addition tc such penalty, forfeit and pay double the amount of the money so kept back by him. 22. If any person proves, to the satisfaction of any Stipendiary Payment to owntr of balance of sale of stray. Magistrate, after the sale of any stray, that he was the owner of such stray, the Inspector General of Police or the Receiver General, as the case may be, shall, upon the order of such Magistrate, pay over to such owner the balance of the proceeds of the sale of such stray which may have been paid into his hands. (Amd. 28 of 1902, s. 3.) 23. Any stray which has been duly advertised and put up for sale Unsold stray under this Ordinance, but which has not been sold, may be destroyed i"'iy ^e by the Pound-keeper. (26 of 1903, s. 2.) destroyed. 24. All prosecutions for penalties and forfeitures under this Ordi- Procedure and nance may be instituted before any Stipendiary Magistrate, and the appeal, same shall be conducted in the manner, and shall be subject to the appeal, provided by any Ordinances for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise '?'f*^'.'^'"'""'Q„ of their summary jurisdiction and appeals from the decisions of Stipen- ^^^^^ js^o. 13 of diary Magistrates, (s. 23.) 1893. 25. — (1.) The Governor-in-Council may from time to time make Makin" of general rules and orders, consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, nJes and for reducing all or any of the Pound fees and other charges and expenses '''•^^rs. specified in this (Ordinance, and for regulating the mode of accounting for the same, and generally for the guidance and government of Pound- keepers in the discharge of their duties. (2.) All such rules and orders shall be published La The Official Ga- zette, and, when so published, shall be binding upon all persons concerned. 328 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1866. 1866. Stohsequent additions to By-laws and Mules con- tained in Schedules incorporated. Shoi-t title. Interpretation of terms. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1866. An Ordinance to re-enact, with certain Amendments, the provisions of Ordinance No. 21 of the Year 1853, entitled " An Ordinance for incorporating the Royal Agricnltural and Commercial Society of British Guiana." [24th November, 1866.] WHEREAS on the 18th day of March, 1844, a Society was formed and instituted in this Colony under the name of " The Agricul- tural and Commercial Society of British Guiana " ; And whereas the objects of the said Society are to promote, as far as possible, the improvement and encouragement of the agriculture of the Colony, and of every branch of industry, whereby the resources of the Colony are likely to be developed and increased, as also the collect- ing and disseminating of useful information on such subjects ; And whereas the intentions of the said Society are that its funds shall be devoted to the establishment and maintenance of suitable public rooms in the City of Georgetown for the use of the members, viz. : — an Exchange Room, a Reading Room, a Museum and Model Room, and a Library, and to the awarding of premiums and grants of money for such purposes connected with the advancement of agricul- ture, manufactures, or trade as the Society may deem expedient ; And whereas permission was granted to the said Society by Her Majesty the Queen to take the name and designation of " The Royal Agricultural and Commercia ] Society of British Guiana " ; And whereas Her Majesty the Queen was further pleased to become the Patroness of the said Society ; And whereas Ordinance No. 21 of the Year 1853 was passed for the purpose of legally incorporating the said Society by the name and style of " The Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana " ; And whereas by inadvertence the said Society was empowered by the said Ordinance to acquire immovable property without any limit as to value, and by reason thereof the same was not submitted to Her Majesty for confirmation ; And whereas it has been deemed expedient to re-enact the said Ordinance with certain amendments, and a reasonable limit as to the value of the property which the said Society may acquire ; Be it therefore enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as fol- lows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Royal Agricultural and Com- mercial Society's Ordinance, 1866. 2. In this Ordinance, — " The Society " means the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana incorporated by this Ordinance : " Member " extends to and includes every class of members and associates of the Society. A.D. 1866.] R. A. AND C. SOCIETY. [No. 2. 329 Incorporation of " The Royal Agricultural and Couiniercial Society of British Guiana. . 3. The persons who now are members of the Society, and such per- sons as may hereafter be admitted members thereof according to such by-laws as have been framed by the Society, or may hereafter be framed under the powers contained in this Ordinance, shall by virtue thereof be, and shall hereafter continue to be, for the purposes aforesaid, one body politic and corporate, or legal incorporation, by the name and style of " The Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana," by which name they shall have perpetual succession ; and by the same name shall be in law capable of suing and of being sued, pleading and of being pleaded, answering and of being answered unto, defending and being defended in all Courts and places whatsoever, in all manner of actions, suits, complaints, and causes whatsoever ; and shall be able and capable in the law to purchase, receive, possess, and enjoy to them and their successors an}'' goods and chattels whatsoever, and also be able and capable in the law (any law or Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding) to take, purchase, possess, hold, and enjoy, to them and their successors, any plantations, messuages, lands, tene- ments, and hereditaments whatsoever, provided that the same shall not at any time exceed in value the sum of ten thousand pounds sterling ; and to mortgage, sell, exchange, transport, lease, and dispose of the same at pleasure ; with full power to the Society to lend out the money, funds, and effects already acquired and received, or to be acquired and received, by the Society on such security, real or personal, or to invest the same in the stock of such of the incorporated banks of this Colony or of the United Kingdom, or in such of the public funds of this Co- lony or of the United Kingdom, as may be determined and approved of by the Society according to the laws and by-laws of the Society for the time being in force ; with power also, to the Society to borrow money, and if necessary, in its corporate capacity aforesaid, to grant mortgages, bonds, and other securities for the same ; and with power, also, to the Society in all other things to act, and do, and proceed in such manner as the law permits, and as is i^sual in the case of persons incorporated, and with all the privileges incident to such incorpora- tions. 4. It shall and may be lawful for all and every person and persons, Power to bodies politic and corporate (being otherwise competent), to grant, sell, E^anUauds to alienate, transport, lease, and convey unto and to the use of the Society the Society, and their successors any messuages, lands, tenements, and heredita- ments. 5. AH transports, mortgages, charters, grants, dispositions, leases, Mode of takin?,' transfers, assignments, securities, and all other deeds and instruments transport, etc. affecting property, real or personal, to be granted to or by the Society shall be taken to and granted by the Society in the corporate name and title aforesaid, that is to say, " The Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana," without specifying the names of any of the office-bearers, or constituted members of the Society. 6. All transports, mortgages, deeds of conveyance, leases, contracts. Subscribing cf transfers, assignments, or other deeds whatever touching or concerning transpon, etc. the estate, real or personal, of the Society, and all powers of attorney and powers ad Hies, and all notarial instruments of whatever kind or description, shall be subscribed by the Treasurer or the Secretary for the time being of the Society, and shall be eoually valid and effectual as if the same had been signed by the whole members of the Society, 330 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1866. Service of notices to be given to or by the Society. Exclusion of political questions from proceedings of the Society. Office-bearers of the Society. Number and classification of members. Limitation of liability of members. Power to the Society to sue for arrears of subscription due by member. Power to the Society to expel member. Use of certain documents as evidence. 7. — (1.) All notices required by law to be given to the Society may and shall be legally served upon the Secretary for the time being of the Society personally or at his residence, or by leaving the same with any Assistant Secretary or Clerk at the rooms of the Society, and every notice so served shall be held to be good and sufficient notice to the Society in its corporate capacity aforesaid, and to each and every member thereof. (2.) All notices required to be given by the Society may be given and signed by the Treasurer, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary, or by such other person as the Society may hereafter from time to time appoint. 8. An essential principle of the constitution of the Society shall be the total exclusion at its meetings and in its proceedmgs of all ques- tions of a political nature or tendency ; and this principle no resolution or by-law of the Society shall, on any account or pretence whatever, at any time infringe or controvert. 9. The office-bearers of the Society shall consist of a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, six or more Ordinary Directors, three or more Managing Directors, a Treasurer, and a Secretary and such other office- bearers as the Society may hereafter think fit to appoint. 10. The number of members of the Society shall be indefinite, and the said members may and shall be classed in such manner, and with such individual privileges, as the by-laws of the Society, already framed or hereafter to be framed, may from time to time appoint. 11. In the event of the Society borrowing money or contracting debt of any kind, no member of the Society shall be liable for the money so borrowed, or for the debt so contracted, beyond the amount of his annual subscription as a member of the Society, which may at the time be due and payable : Provided always that the property of the Society, both movable and immovable, shall be liable and executable for every sum .of money borrowed or debt contracted as aforesaid. 12. The Society shall have power to sue any member who may have remained four months and upwards in arrear of paying the subscription due by him as a member of the Society for the amount of the sub- scription so due as aforesaid, and an account signed, or purporting to be signed, by the Treasurer of the Society for the time being shall, without proof of the signature or official character or capacity of such Treasurer, b(^ taken and held to be good and sufficient evidence of the amount due by any member in arrear as aforesaid. 13. It shall be in the power of the Society to expel any member for any cause which may appear to the majority of the members present at a general meeting to require that proceeding, after due notice given in accordance with the by-laws of the Society now in force or hereafter to be in force ; and every such person so expelled shall thereupon cease to be a member, and to have any right or interest in the Society, its property and concerns : Provided always that any member not being in arrear may at any time resign, and shall thereupon cease to be a member, and to have any right, title, or interest in or to the property and concerns of the Society, 14. Each and every copy or extract purporting to be a copy of, or extract from, the minutes, proceedings, or by-laws of the Society, signed A.D. 1866.] R. A. AND C. SOCIETY. [No. 2. 331 or purporting to be signed by the Secretary thereof for the time being, shall, without proof of the signature or official character or capacity of such Secretary, be taken and held to be good and sufficient evidence of the matters and things therein contained respectively, and shall be taken judicial notice of by all Courts, Judges, Magistrates, and others in this Colony. 15. The Society shall be governed by the by-laws and rules now in By-laws and force for the regulation of the Society and the management of its affairs, ^^^^ f'f *''^ and which by-laws and rules are set forth in the Schedules to this ' " ' Ordinance : Provided always that the Society shall and may have power from time to time to alter, suspend, or repeal the said by-laws and rules as it may see occasion, and to make such new by-laws and rules as may appear to it most proper and expedient, so as the same be not repugnant to the provisions of this Ordinance or to the Laws of this Colony ; and such new by-laws and rules shall come into opera- tion after thirty days publication thereof in The Official Gazette. SCHEDULES. Section 15. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. By-Laws and Eules op the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana. Chapter I. Constitution and Objects of the Society. 1. The Society shall be denominated " The Royal Agricultural and Commercial Name. Society of British Guiana." 2- The Society shall consist of Honorary Members, Ordinary Members, Associates, Members, and Corresponding Members. 3. The Society shall endeavour to promote, as far as possible, the improvement Objects, of the agriculture of the Colony, and of every branch of industiy, manufacture, or trade whereby the resources of the Colony are likely to be developed and increased. 4. The funds of the Society shall be devoted to the establishment and mainten- Employment ance of suitable public rooms in the City of Georgetown for the use of the members, of funds. viz. : — A Reading Room and Library, an Exchange Room, and a Museum and Model Room, and to the awarding of premiums and grants of money for such purposes connected with the advancement of agriculture, manufactures, or trade as the Society may deem expedient. 5. The property acquired by and belonging to the Society shall not be sold or Alienation of alienated without the consent of a majority of the members present at a General property. Meeting of the Society, specially called to consider and decide upon a motion, previously intimated, having for its object such sale or alienation. Chapter II. Meetinffs. 1. Five General Meetings of the Society shall be held annually, on such days Oi-diiiary of January, April, July, October, and December as the Board of Directors shall General appoint ; and the general meeting in December shall be held as the Anniversary Meetings. Meeting of the Society, at which the Office-Bearers for the ensuing year, com- mencing on the 1 st of January, thereafter, shall be elected. 2. On the requisition of three or more Ordiraiy Members, an Extraordinary Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society may be called at any time by authority of the General Meetings. 332 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1866. Quorum and ordei' of business. Meetings of Dii-ectors. Notice of General Meeting. President, or in his absence, by authority of the Vice-President : Provided always that the Board of Directors may appoint General Meetings of the Society to be held at such other times as they may think proper. 3. At all meetings of the Society seven members entitled to vote shall consti- tute a quorum, and the following Order of Business shall be regularly observed : — 1. Chair taken; 2. Minutes of preceding meeting read ; 3. Candidates ballotted for ; 4. Eeport of Directors read ; 5. Reports of Committees read ; 6. Motions intimated at previous meetings discussed ; 7. New motions intimated ; 8. Miscellaneous business ; 9. Communications and papers read; 10. Meeting adjourned. 4. Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at such times as the President or Vice-President may appoint. At such meetings, three members shall constitute a quorum, and the Chairman shall have a casting vote. 5- Notice of all General Meetings, whether Ordinary or Extraordinary, shall be given by advertisement, to be signed by the Secretary and published at least seven days previous to such meetings in one or more of the newspapers of the Colony ; and in regard to Extraordinary General Meetings, it shall be necessary in such advertisements to state the special purposes for which they are called. Chapter III. Election of Office-Bearers. Board of Directors. Eligibility for re-election. Proposal of candidates for office. Declaration of willingness to act. Other evidence of willingness to act. Limitation of prescribed procedure. Filling up vacancies. Local Secretaries. Office-Bearers. 1. At the General Meeting in December, the Society shall elect the following Office-Bearers, viz. :— A President, a Vice-President, six Ordinary Directors, three Managing Directors, three Exchange Room Directors, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. 2. These Office-Bearers shall together form a Board of Directors for the general superintendence and management of the affairs of the Society. 3. All the Office-Bearers may be re-elected annually, with the exception of the President and Vice-President, who shall not be re-eligible to the same offices till after an interval of one year from the date of theii* retirement from the said offices respectively. 4. Before proceeding, at the Annual Election, to ballot for Office-Bearers members of the Society present at the meeting shall propose candidates for election 5. The candidates so proposed shall, if present, intimate their willingness to accept office, and to discharge the duties of the office to which they may be elected. 6. The proposer of a candidate who is not present at the meeting shall satisfy the members that the candidate is willing to take office and discharge the duties thereof. 7. This mode of procedure at the Annual Election shall be applicable only to the offices of President, Vice-President, and Directors. 8. The Board of Directors shall have the power of filling up vacancies occurring in that body during the intervals between the General Meetings for the election of Office-Bearers. 9. Local Secretaries may be appointed at such places, in this Colony or elsewhere as the Society shall from time to time direct. Chapter IV. Duties of Office-Bearers. President and !• ^^ shall be the duty of the President and Vice-President when in the chair, and Vice-President, of the fJhairman in their absence, to conduct the business of the Society according to the order laid down in Chapter IT., Section 3, and to attend to the observprre. and enforcement of the by-laws of the Society. At all meetings of the Society, the President or Chairman shall have a casting vote. AD. 1866.] R. A. AND C. SOCIETY. [No. 2. 333 2. The six Ordinary Directors shall, along with the other OflBce-Bearers, assist in Directors. the superintendence and management of the affairs of the Society. The three Managing Directors shall he a Committee entrusted with the exclusive management of the Reading Room, and Library, and shall perform the duties of such management in such rotation as they may from time to time appoint. Tlie thi-cc Exchange Room Directors shall have the exclusive management of the Exchange Room, and may make such rules and regulations in relation thereto as may be deemed necessary, subject to the ajjproval of the Board of Directors. 3. The Treasurer, subject to the inspection and control of the Board of Treasurer. Directors, shall receive and disburse all money belonging to the Society, granting the necessary receipts and collecting the money when due. He shall keep regular Books of Accounts, and present them for inspection at each General Meeting, and whenever required by the Society or the Board of Directors so to do. It shall also be the duty of the Treasurer to place all money belonging to the Society, exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars, in one of the Banks of the Colony, unless the same shall have been ordered by the Society to be otherwise invested or disposed of. The Bank account shall be kept in the name of the Society, and all drafts thereon shall be signed by the Treasurer. 4. The Secretary shall attend to the general business of the Society, and shall Secretary, prepare reports whenever required so to do. He shall give intimation of all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors, and shall take minutes of their proceedings. He shall also conduct the Society's correspondence, and keep a record thereof ; and he shall endeavour to establish such a connexion with societies and individuals in Great Britain and elsewhere as may be advantageous for the Society, and tend to the furtherance of its various views and objects. 5. The Treasurer and Secretary fhall, ex officiis, be members of all Committees. Chapter V. Admission and Subscriptions of Members. 1. A candidate for admission as an Ordinary Member must be proposed by two Ordinary Members, and shall thereafter be balloted for at a General Meeting, as hereinafter mentioned. 2. Ordinary Members, if admitted before the 1st of April in any year, shall, on admission, pay the sum of ten dollars to the funds of the Society for that year, and shall contribute a like sum on the 1st of January annually thereafter ; except in the case of members not residing in Georgetown, who, if admitted before the 1st of April in any year, shall pay eight dollars on admission, and contribute a like sum on the 1st of February annually thereafter. Subscriptions will be received in two equal half-yearly instalments, if such instalments are paid in advance before the end of January and July of each year. 3. A candidate for admission as an Associate must be proposed by two Ordinary Members or Associates, and shall thereafter be balloted for at a General Meeting, as hereinafter mentioned. 4. Associates if admitted before the 1st of April in any year shall, on admission, pay the sum of five dollars to the funds of the Society, and shall contribute a like sum on the 1st of January annually thereafter. Subscriptions will be received in two equal half-yearly instalments, if such instalments are paid in advance before the end of January and July of each year. 5. No person shall be elected or be permitted to continue an Associate whose income exceeds £300 sterling per annum. Treasurer and Secretary. Proposal of candidate for membership. Subscription of ordinary member. 6. An Associate may become an required by Section 2 of this Chapter. Ordinary Member by paying the amount 7. Members and Associates, if admitted after the Ist of April in any year shall, on admission, pay a proportionate part of their annual contributions commencing from the first day of the quarter in which the election takes place to the 3 Ist of December following. 8. The Board of Directors shall have the privilege of proposing Honorarj- Members at any of the Meetings of the Society, but the individuals so proposed shall not be balloted for till the next General Meeting thereafter. Projiosal of candidate for associateship. Subscription of Associate. Rule as to income of Associate. Privilege of Associate to become Ordinary Jlember. Proportionate subscription. Proposal of Hoiioraiy Member. 334 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1866. Proposal of Corresponding Member. Candidates' book. Exliibition of list of candidates. Proportion of votes required for election. Subscription of member absent from the Colony. Privilege of Officei's of the A.rmy. Privilege of ladies. Ordinary subscribers. Children. Schoolmasters may bon-ow books for use of their scholars. Certain subscribers may borrow books, but not use reading room. Privileges of Ordinary Members. 9. Any person not residing in the Colony may be proposed by two Ordinary Members as a Corresponding Member ^1 the Society, and be balloted for at the next General Meeting thereafter. 10. The names of individuals proposed as Members or Associates, with the date of the proposal and the names of their proposers, shall be entered in a book to be kept in the Eeading Eoom for that purpose, and submitted to the inspection of the meeting at which they are to be balloted for. 11. Two days before the holding of any General Meeting at which candidates may be balloted for, a list of all such candidates as it is intended to ballot for at such General Meeting, together with the names of the proposers in each case, shall be suspended in some conspicvious part of the Reading Room, for the infor- mation of members. 12. Five negative balls shall be held to exclude a candidate or individual balloted for, unless fifty members and upwards, entitled to vote, be present, when one black ball in every ten votes shall be necessary for the rejection of a candidate. 13. Members leaving the Colony, and afterwards returning to it shall not be required to pay any subscription during the time they are absent ; and on returning shall only be required to pay such sum as, in the judgment of the Directors, maybe considered appropriate in each particular case. 14. Officers of the Army quartered in this Colony shall be allowed the use of the Library subject to the same rules as members of the Society residing in Georgetown, on paying to the Treasurer two dollars quarterly, in advance, on the fii-st days of January, April, July, and October. 15. Ladies shall be allowed the use of the Library, subject to the Rules for circulating Books, and on payment of the same amount of subscription as Associates of the Society, on application to, and at the discretion of, the Board of Directors : provided, that if the father or husband of the lady be not a Member or Associate, the subscription shall be that of an Ordinary Member (|10), which subscription shall give the privileges of an Ordinary Member, except that of holding office. 16. A candidate for admission as an Ordinary Subscriber must be recommended by an Ordinary Member, and must be a person not permanently residing in the colony, and who does not intend to remain longer than six months. Such candidate may be admitted by the Secretary for a period of three months, or for a longer period by permission of the Directors, on payment of $1 20 per month, in advance. He shall be entitled to the same privileges as an Ordinary Member in regard to the use of the Library and Reading Room, and be bound by the same rules. 17- Children of Members, Associates, and Lady Subscribers, or other children introduced by them, between the ages of 10 and 16 years, may be admitted by the Honorary Secretary as Juvenile Subscribers, on payment of fifty cents on the first day of each quarter, reckoned from the day of admission. They shall have the free use of the Reading Room, and be entitled to borrow one book under the rules, the Librarian to have the power to prepare a selection of books for such Juvenile Subscribers. 18. At the discretion of the Directors, Schoolmasters who are Members or Associates will be permitted to borrow for the use of theii' scholars, books that have been added to the Library over two years previous to the time of borrowing. They shall jjay at the rate of 12^ cents per volume, per quarter, in advance according to the number of volumes required at one time, this number not to be less than ten or . more than twenty. They shall undertake to be responsible for any loss or damage beyond fair usage, and to issue and receive the books, the scholars not being considered in any way connected with the Society. 19. Subscribers of Two Dollars per annum, payable half-yearly, in advance, may be admitted by the Secretary on the recommendation of a Member, Associate, or Ijady Subscriber. They shall be entitled to borrow either one book, one magazine, or a set of newspapers, but shall not be entitled to the use of the Reading Room. Chapter VI. Privileges of Members. 1. Ordinary Members shall have the benefit of, and access, to the Exchange Room, the Reading Room, the Museum and Model Room, the Library and every other department of the Society at all times when the same shall be open, and shall have A.D. 1866.] R. A. AND C. SOCIETY. [No. 2. 335 the privilege of noiuinating one lady member of his own family to the free use of the Reading Room, and they shall have the privilege of taking a part in the proceedings, and voting, when present, at all meetings of the Society. They shall also have special privileges in regard to the number of books and periodicals boiTowed, prior rights in the engagement of new books, and the privilege of receiving fi-ee copies of the (Society's journal. 2. Honoi-ary Members and corresponding Members when in the Colony, shall be entitled to the same privileges as Ordinary Members, with the exception of being eligible as Office- Bearers, voting at tlie meetings of tlie Society, admitting visitors, and taking out a smaller number of books. 3. Associates and Lady Subscribers shall have the privilege of attending General Meetings, and of moving, discussing, and voting on all matters and questions, except tinances, and elections of Office-Bearers ; and other privileges of Ordinary Members not specially provided for under the By-laws and Rules. Privileges of Houorarj' and C'oiTesponding Membei's. Privileges of Associates and Lady Subscribers. 4. Kach Ordinary Member sliall have the privilege of admitting visitors, not Visitors, being inhabitants of or domiciled in the Colony, to the E.xchange Room, the Reading Room, the Museum and Model Room, and the Library, for a period not exceeding two months ; it being understood that Officers of His Majesty's Army and Navy and of the Royal ilail Steam Packet Company shall be admitted without intro- duction. The names of all visitors, with those of tbeu- proposers, shall be entered in a book to be kept for the purpose. Ordinary Members may further admit, by written orders, inhabitants of the Colony and others as visitors to the Museum and Model Room, at such times and under such restrictions as the Society or the Board of iJirectors may appoint. Chapter VLL Members in Arrear and Expuhion of Members. 1. On the tirst of February, and the first of July annually, a list of the Members, Associates and Lady Subsciibers then in arrear shall be prepared, and a notice sent to each informing liim or her of the fact. If, on the fifteenth of the same month, the subscription is still unpaid, a second notice shall be sent informing him or her of the fact, and that he or she is excluded from the jirivileges of membership from that date. On the first of March and the first of August, a list of those in arrear shall be posted in the Reading Room, and their names shall be struck off the roll. 2. When any member shall have had his name so expunged, he may again be admitted as an Ordinary Member or Associate when he has paid up all ai-rears. 3. It shall be competent to any Ordinary Member to submit to the Board of Directors a written notice of motion for the expulsion from the Society of any Ordinary Member or Associate, and also a statement in writing of the grounds of such motion, and if the Board of Directors shall see tit, they shall thereupon grant leave to the member submitting such notice of motion and statement to give such notice of motion, at the next General Meeting of the Society. And if, on such leave being granted, such notice of motion shall be given, the members present at such next General Meeting shaU appoint a Special General Meeting, to be held not less than one month thereafter, for the purpose of considering such motion ; and a notice, signed by the Secretary, of the time and purpose of such last-mentioned meeting, shall be handed to the person to be affected by such motion, and similar notices shall be put into the Post Office in Georgetown for all Ordinary Members resident in this Colony, not less than thi'ee weeks previous to the time appointed for such last-mentioned meeting ; and the question as to the expulsion of sucli person shall be decided by a majority of the Ordinary Members present at such last-mentioned meeting. Jklode of dealing with member in arrear. Re-admission of member. Procedure for expulsion of member. Chapter VIII. Funds. 1. AU salaries due to persons employed by the Society, and all ordinary expenses, Paj-ment of shall be paid out of the general funds of the Society. salaries. 2. After payment of the salaries and ordinary expenses incurred and due by Appi-opriation the Society for the year ending on the 31st of December preceding, the next General "' sm-plus ' fimds. 336 I?0. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA .- [A.D. 1866. Meeting of the Society shall cause the surplus funds, if any, to be appropriated in any manner that they may consider most conducive to the interests and objects of the Society. Application of 3. Grants of money received from the Colonial Legislature or other sources, and public gi-ants all donations and bequests of money for any particular purpose, shall be applied to of money, etc. the specific purposes for which they may have been given or bequeathed. Annual 4. A statement of the receipts and expenditure of the Society, made up to the statement of 31st of December of each year, shall be prepared by the Treasurer, and with the receipts and vouchers thereof, shall be referred to the Board of Directors for report. Two or expenditure. more members of the Board of Directors shall thereupon examine the statement and vouchers submitted to them, and attach to such statement a certificate declaring that they have examined the Treasurer's accounts for the period to which such statement refers, and have found the same to be correct or have adjusted and corrected the same, as the case may be. This statement shall thereafter be laid before the next General Meeting of the Society, and, when finally adjusted and approved of, shall be adopted by the Society. Chapter IX. Constitution of Book Committee. Purchase of books for Libraiy. Donations or bequests of books. Management of Library. Book Committee and Library. 1. The Book Committee shall consist of not less than ten and not more than twenty-four Ordinary or Associate Members of the Society. Any three shall be a quorum. Such Committee shall, in the first instance, be elected at a General Meeting of the Society, but shall have power to fill up vacancies in its own body, and to add to its number, subject to revision at the next ensuing General Meeting of the Society, and shall thereafter be elected annually at the General Meeting of the Society in December. 2. For the Library there shall be purchased such books and publications as the Book Committee may think fit ; more especially works relating to agriculture, com- merce, and the staple productions of the Colony, and such as come most within the scope of the views and objects embraced, or hereafter to be embraced, by the Society. 3. The Society shall also add to the Library all such works as may be received by donation or bequest from members and others. 4. The Library shall be subject to such by-laws and rules as may from time to time be enacted by the Society or the Board of Directors. Chaptek X. Constitution of Committee of Corre- spondence. Election of Committee. Duties of Committee. Funds of Committee. Committee of Correspondence. 1. There shall be a permanent Committee to consist of Honorary, Ordinary, or Associate Members, not less than ten and not more than twenty-four in number, including a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Treasurer, and a Secretary, and to be called " The Committee of Correspondence." At aU meetings three members shall constitute a quorum. 2. Such Committee shall, in the first instance, be elected at a General Meeting of the Society, but shall have power to fill up vacancies in its own body, and to add to its number, subject to revision at the next ensuing General Meeting of the Society, and shall thereafter be elected annually at the General Meeting of the Society in December. 3. The Committee of Correspondence shall be especially charged with the duty of entering into and maintaining correspondonco with the Society of Arts in London and other kindred Societies, and also with literary and scientific individuals elsewhere ; forming and maintMiiiiiii;- a Local Museum and an Experimental Garden ; arranging for and holding local exhibitions from time to time ; making arrange- ments for the offering and awarding of premiums ; and establishing and carrying on a periodical publication as the organ of the Society. 4. The funds of the Committee of Correspondence shall be provided exclusively for its own purposes, and the Society's ordinary funds shall not be responsible for A.D. 1866.] R. A. AND C. SOCIETY. [No. 2. 337 any debt incurred by the Committee of CoiTespondence, though it shall be lawful to make appropriations from such funds from time to time, in aid of the Committee's objects. 5. The Committee of Correspondence shall be entitled to make rules for its Power to own guidance and government in carrying on its business, provided such rules Committee to are laid before the next ensuing General Meeting of the Society, and are then make rules, approved of. Chapter XI. Agricultural and Commercial Committees. 1. There shall be a Committee to consist of not less than ten and not more Constitution of than twenty-four members of the Society, and to be called " The Agricultural Agncultural Committee." Comiuittee. 2. Such Committee shall, in the first instance, bo elected at a General Meeting Election of of the Society, but shall have power to fill up vacancies in its own body, and to Committee, add to its number, subject to revision at a General Meeting of the Society. The Committee shall thereafter be elected annually at the General Meeting of the Society in December. 3. The Committee so elected shall, at its first meeting, appoint a Chairman, Chairman, etc., a Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary. At all meetings three members shall constitute of Committee. a quorum. 4. The Agricultural Committee shall give its attention chiefly to the improve- Duties of ment of agriculture throughout the Colony, and co-operate with the Committee Committee, of Correspondence in making arrangements for holding periodical exhibitions of agricultural produce and live stock, at which premiums may be offered and awarded. 5. There shall be a Committee to consist of not less than ten (of whom the Constitution of Exchange Room Directors shall be three), and not more than twenty-four Commercial members of the Society, and to be called " The Commercial Committee." Committee. 6. Such Committee shall, in the first instance, be elected at a General Meeting of Election of the Society, but shall have power to fill up vacancies in its own body, and to add Committee, to its number, subject to revision at a general meeting of the Society. The Committee shall thereafter be selected annually at the general meeting of the society in December. 7. The Committee so elected shall, at its first meeting, appoint a Chairman, Chairman, etc., a Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary. At all meetings three members shall constitute of Committee. a quorum. 8. The Commercial Committee shall endeavour to promote, as far as possible, the Duties of improvement of the Trade of the Colony, and shall collect and digseminate inform- Committee, ation tending to develop and increase the resources of the Colony. Chapter XII. Heading Room and Exchange Hoom, 1. In the Reading Room shall be kept, for the use of the members, files of T/ic Oflfieial papers Official Gazette of this Colony ; also of such commercial, shipping, and other lists, for Reading newspapers, and publications as the Book Committee may think proper to Room, select. 2. The Reading Room shall be supplied with such newspapers and periodical Newspapers publications as the Book Committee may think desirable. for Koading Room. 3. There shall be an Exchange Room for the use of members of the Society, Exdiange and of such other persons as may become subscribers thereto as hereinafter Room, mentioned. 4. Members of the Society shall have free access to the Exchange Room without Subscription charge, but members wishing to use the Room for the sale or purchase of produce or for Exchange Room. 338 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1866. other property, as hereinafter mentioned, shall only be entitled to the use thereof for such purposes on paying to the Treasurer a subscription of five dollars for the year when they become subscribers, and a like sum on the 1st of January annually thereafter ; Provided always that any partner in a firm, being a member of the Society, may, by paying a subscription of ten dollars annually, obtain the use of the Exchange Room, for the purposes above mentioned, for any partner, clerk, or representative of such firm. Election of Exchange Eoom Directors. Subscription for Exchange Room by person not member. Granting of pennission to broker to use Exchange Eoom. Privilege of broker. Eecorduig of particulars as to produce oftered for sale. Use of Eeading Eoom and Exchange Eoom. 5. Members of the Society subscribing to the Exchange Room shall, on or before the second Thursday of December of each year, nominate three of their number for election as Exchange Room Directors for the ensuing year, and persons so nominated shall be proposed for election at the General Meeting in December. 6. The Exchange Room Directors may, on application, give permission to any person not being a member of the Society, to use the Exchange Room on his paying to the Treasurer a subscription of ten dollars for the year when he becomes a sub- scribfr, and a like sum on the 1st of January annually thereafter : Provided always that the Board of Directors may at any time recall such permission, and thereupon such subscriber shall cease to be entitled to the use of the Exchange Room. 7. The Exchange Room Directors may from time to time, on application being made, give permission to any person, being a member of the Society, to act as broker in the Exchange Room on payment to the Treasurer of a fee of twenty-five dollars for the year in which he is admitted, and a like sum on the 1st of January annually thereafter, and on such other conditions as may be decided upon and approved of by the Board of Directors. 8. Any broker permitted to use the Exchange Room may offer for sale, by tender or otherwise, any produce, merchandise, stocks, shares, or other property, and make such charge for brokerage thereon as may from time to time be authorized by the Exchange Room Directors. 9. Any broker using the Exchange Room shall record in a book to be kept in the Room for the use of the members full particulars of all produce and other property offered for sale, as follows : — (1.) The name of the firm or person offering the produce, etc., for sale ; (2.) The selling limit ; (3.) The bids or tenders made ; and (4.) In the event of a sale, the name of the purchaser and the purchasing price, unless the sale is made " on private terms," after the tenders have been read out. 10. The Reading Room and Exchange Room shall be open for the use of the members daily, at such hours and under such regulations as the Society or the Board of Directors may from time to time appoint. Chapter XIII. Museum and Model Room. Procuring of 1. The Society may devote a portion of its funds annually to the procuring of models. models and diagrams of such implements and machinery connected with agriculture, manufactures, and the arts as the Society may think it desirable to introduce into this Colony. Specimens of 2- In the Museum shaU be kept the best specimens which can be obtained of productions of the productions of the Colony, both indigenous and introduced ; more particularly the Colony. specimens of minerals, soils, woods, fibres, fruits, seeds, gums, resins, dyes, and drugs, and of aU other productions of the Colony which either have been or may hereafter be successfully cultivated or used as articles of commerce or of food. Specimens of 3. Specimens of the productions of other countries which it is supposed may be foreign successfully introduced into and cultivated in the Colony shall also, when practicable productions. be obtained. Specimens of 4. Specimens illustrative of the zoology of the Colony, it will likewise be the zoology of object of the Society to procure — especially such as may tend to illustrate the the Colony. ichthyology of the coasts and rivers of the Colony, and render its fisheries of more importance. A.D. 1866.] R. A. AND C. SOCIETY. [No. 2. 339 Chapter XIV. Premiums. 1. As soon as the funds of the Society will permit, premiums may he offered for improvements in the agriculture of the Colony ; for the application of manures to the cultivation of the soil ; for improved methods of clearing and draining land ; for the improvement of pasture lands ; for the improvement of implements and machinery ; for the improvement of existing, and the introduction of new and improved, breeds of horses, cattle, and stock of every desctiption ; for the imj)rovcment of the cottages and dwellings of the labouring population : and generally for the advancement of the various objects embraced and contemplated by the Society. 2. Grants of money to aid in useful experiments of any kind, such as the testing of the utility of new inventions, the chemical analysis of soils, and other purposes, may be also given by the Society. Chapter XV. Making and altering By-Laws and Rules. 1. When a motion is made for the alteration of existing by-laws, or the enactment of new ones, the by-law to be altered, and the proposed alteration therein, and the exact words of any proposed new by-law shall be clearly specified in the notice of any such moti(m, and it shall lie over till the next General Meeting of the Society, when if then aj^proved of by a majority of the members present, it shall be held as carried. 2. The Board of Directors shall have the power of making such rules as they shall think proper and necessary, and the same shall be held to be of equal force and effect witii the by-laws of the Society : Provided that nothing contained in the rules so to be enacted shall be at variance or inconsistent with the by-laws of the Society already existing, and provided the same shall not be ordered by the Society, after such enactment, to be altered, amended, or rescinded. 3. All by-laws and rules made and enacted by the Society or the Board of Directors respectively shall be entered in a book, to be kept in the Reading Room for the information and guidance of the members. Power to offer premiums for various specified objects. Power to make gi'ants of money for certain purposes Mode of altering by-laws or making new by-laws. Making of rules. Book of by-laws and rales. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. Rules for the Reading Room and Library. 1. The rooms to be open daily, except Sundays, from 7 a.m. till dusk. 2. On Sundays the rooms to be open from 7 a.m. till 4 p.m. 3. AH books, newspapers, periodicals, and other publi'^ations to be marked with the name of the Society before being placed on the tables of the Reading Room or in the I.,ibrary. 4. All periodicals that are not bound by the Society shall be disponed of within three months after the end of each year. 5. All applications for the use of the rooms of the Society must be addressed to the Secretary ; and the President, or, in liis absence, the Vice-President, and any two of the Managing Directors, shall have the power of deciding on such applications. 6. No games to be played in the rooms, except chess, backgammon, and draughts. 7. No smoking to be allowed in the rooms or in the gallery. "Week-day hours. Simday hours. Marking of books, etc. Disposal of old periodicals. Applications for use of rooms. Games. Smoking. THE THIKD SCHEDULE. Rules for Circulating Books, Periodicals, f.tc. 1. Members shall be entitled to take out three works of not more than three .."^ *, . volumes each, two magazines, and one set of newspapers, to consist of two weeklies member or twelve dailies. VOL. I. 23 340 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1866 Works allowed to associate. Periodicals. Time allowed for reading work. Loss of privi- lege by mem- ber in aiTear witli fine. Mode of taking out book. Record of works taken out. Works of refer- ence, etc. Power to stop circulation of works. Injurj' to work. Right to engage work. Right to renew term allowed for reading work. Prohibition of exchange, etc., of work. Fine for violation of rules. Taking out of serials and periodicals. 2- Associates and Lady Subscribers shall be entitled to take out two works of not more than three volumes each, and either one set of newspapers or one magazine. 3. No number of any periodical shall be taken out until after the arrival of the next succeeding number. 4. New Works, which shall mean new publications that have been added to the Library within a period of six montns irom the date of issue, shall not be kept longer than seven days, and only one such new work shall be allowed to a member at one time. Other than new works may be kept fourteen days. Country members shall be allowed four days beyond that time for sending for and returning books, except in the case of new works. There shall be written or printed in every volume and periodical the number of days allowed for reading it, and a fine of two cents shall be paid for every day that any work, magazine or set of newspapers shall be kept beyond that time. 5. No member in arrear of the payment of any fine shall be entitled to take out any book or periodical. 6. Books, magazines, and newspapers may be talcen out on application to the Librarian or his assistant, at any time when the Liljrary is open, except on Sundays and Public and Bank Holidays, when only magazines and newspapers from the tables may be taken out. 7. The Assistant Secretary shall keep a book in which he shall enter the name and the number of the volume of every work, and the name and the date of every periodical taken out, the name of the nerson by whom taken out, the date when taken out, the date when returnable, the date when returned, and the amount of the fine, if any, incurred. 8. Works of reference and local literature shall not be taken out without the written permission of one of the Managing Directors. 9. The books and periodicals may be collected within the Library, and their cir- culation be stopped, at such times and for such periods respectively as the Managing Directors may think fit. 10. When any book or periodical borrowed from the Library by a member or associate is lost or injured when so borrowed, such member or associate shall be required to deposit with the Secretary siich amount as the Managing Directois may consider necessary to replace or repair the book or periodical lost or injured ; and until that amount is deposited such member or associate shall not be allowed to take out books or periodicals from the Library. 11. Any member may engage a book or periodical not in the Library at the time of his application for it, by writing his name and that of the book or periodical in a book kept in the rooms for this purpose ; and such hook or periodical so engaged shall, on being returned to the Library, be retained for such applicant for twenty- four hours after its return and no longer. 12. Any member may renew or again take out a book or periodical for an additional period not exceeding the number of days allowed for reading it once (and no more) without returning it, and even if it shall be engaged ; except in the case of new works, magazines, and newspapers, or unless he shall have failed to pay any fine that the Assistant Secretary may, previously to application being made for such renewal, have notified to have been incurred by him. 13. No member shall exchange a book or periodical with another member, or lend a book or periodical to any other member or to any other person. 14. Any person wilfully infringing any of the above rules shall be bound to pay for the first ofPence a fine of one dollar, for the second offence a fine of two dollars, and for the third offence, or for refusing to pay any fine so incurred, shall be deprived of the use of the Library until he shall have paid the fine incurred, and such further fine as the Board of Directors or the Society shall think projicr to impose. 15. During the time magazines or newsj)apt!rs are required to remain on the Reading Room tables a nu^niber may take out on(> magazine and one set of news- papers, and an associate or hidy subscriber either a magai^iiie or a set of nows])aper8, between the hours of closing in the evening and of opening in the morning. Every such magazine or set of newspapers must be returned within half-an-hour of the A.D. 1868.] REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. [No. 1. 341 time of opening, and a fine of six cents per hour shall be paid for every hour, or portion of an hour, a set of newspapers or a magazine is kept h(;yond tliat time. Provided also that if it shall appear that any member wilfully or habitually neglects to return such magazines and newspapers in time, the Managing Director for the week may order that such member be deprived of the privilege. 16. New books shall lie on the table for seven days previous to issue, during Taking out which time they may be engaged for si.K issues, the first two to be open to ^Members new books, only (not associates or lady subscribers) by signing the name in the book jirovided for that purpose. Such engageiucnt of one new book for one date to each member shall be valid for 24 hours after the book is ready for issue, provided the full number allowed under the rules are not charged on the morning of issue. Note. — Where not otherwise stated, the Rules in which the word Member occurs shall apply to associates and lady subscribers. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1868. An Ordinance to make provision for the Registration a.d. ises. of Births and Deaths. • ordinances [1st October, 1868.] N'o'.VofiS No. 3 of 1871, BE it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and^No.^lf and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1898, incorporated. 1 , This Ordinance may be cited as the Registration of Births and short title. Deaths Ordinance, 1868. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires. " The Registrar General means the Registrar General of Births and Deaths in this Colony for the time being, and, in case of his absence, also means and includes the person appointed by the Registrar General as his deputy : (Amd. 13 of 1898 s. 5.) " Occupier," for the purposes of the notification of births and deaths for registration under this Ordinance, includes the Governor, Keeper, Master, Superintendent, or other chief resident officer of every Gaol or Prison, School, Reformatory, Hospital, Lunatic or Leper Asylum, or other Public or Charitable Institution ; and where any house is let in separate apartments or lodg- ings includes the person under whom such separate apartments or lodgings are immediately held, and any agent or servant of such person residing in such house ; and, in the case of births and deaths among the indentured or other labourers resident upon any plantation, estate, farm, mining claim, or woodcutting establishment, the manager or other superintendent for the time being of such plantation, estate, farm, mining claim, or wood- cutting estal)lisliment sliall be deemed to be the oc^iupier of the house in which any such birth or death occurs : (Amd. 13 of 1898, s. 7.) ** General search " means a search during any number of successive days, not exceeding six, without stating the object of search : " Particular search " means a search over any period not exceeding five years for any given register of birth or death. VOL. I. 23a Intei-pretation of terms. 342 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. Appointment of Registrar General, and establisliment of General Register Office. Appointment of deimty. Appointment and salaries of Clerks. ProvisioJi and use of seal. PART I. Central Administration. Tlui Registrar General. 3. — (1.) The Governor may appoint a Registrar Genera] of Births and Deaths in this Colony. (2.) The Office of the Registrar General of Births and Deaths shall be called the General Register Office. (J 3 of 1898 s. 3.) 4. — (1.) The Registrar General shall subject to the approval of the Governor, appoint by writing under his hand a fit person to act as his deputy in case he is at any time ill or unavoidably absent, otherwise than on leave. (2.) Such deputy shall at all times during such illness or unavoid- able absence of the Registrar General have all the powers and be subject to all the duties and liabilities of the Registrar General, save and except that such deputy shall not have any power to make, rescind or alter any general order, regulation or form, or to rescind or vary anything done l)y the Registrar General or apjiroved of by him in writing under his hand. (13 of 1898 s. 4.) 5. The Governor, on behalf of His Majesty, may appoint such and so many Clerks as may from time to time be necessary for carrying on the business of the General Register Office, and at pleasure may remove any of them ; and such Clerks shall be paid such salaries as the Com- bined Court may annually assign to them. (s. 4.) 6. — (1.) The Registrar General shall cause to be made a seal of the General Register Office, and the Registrar General shall cause to be sealed or stamped therewith all certified copies of entries given in the said Office. (2.) All certified copies of entries purporting to be sealed or stamped with the seal of the said Office (which seal it shall not be necessary to prove) shall be admissible as evidence of the birth or death to which the same relates, without any further or other proof of such entry ; and no certified copy, purporting to be given in the said Office, shall be of any force or effect which is not sealed or stamped as aforesaid, (s. 5.) Power to 7 — (].) It shall be lawful for the Registrar General, with the a lei onns. approval of the Governor-in-Council, to alter the Forms contained in the First Schedule. First Schedule to this Ordinance, regard being always had to the objects and purposes of this Ordinance and to rendering the same more effectual. (2.) Any such alterations of the said Forms shall be published in The Official Gazette, and shall thereupon be deemed the forms required by this Ordinance to be used. Milking of regulations for Tnaiiagement of Office. 8. It shall be lawful for the Registrar General, with the approval of the Governor-in-Council, from time to time to make regulations for the management of the General Register Office and for the discharge of the duties of the Registrar General, of the Clerks of the said Office, and of the Superintendent Registrars and Registrars and their deputies hereinafter mentioned. A.D. 1868.] REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. [No. 343 9. The Registrar General shall from time to time causo printed Posting of notices to be fixed or placed on the outside of the several Church and j-enuired to*he Chapel doors, or other public and consjiicuous buildings or j)laces, done under the within the respective Registration Divisions and Districts, which said Ordinance, notices shall specify the several acts required to be done for the purpose of registering any birth or death under the provisions of this Ordinance. 10. All fees received by or on account of the Registrar General Reeeipt and under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be entered in a cash book oH^es "^^'^ to be kept for that purpose, and shall be paid over monthly to the Receiver General. Supply of Books and Boxes. 11. — (1.) The Registrar General shall cause to be provided, at Provision of the public expense, a sufficient number of such Register Books and Register forms as may be necessary for the execution of this Ordinance. (2.) The Register Books shall be of durable materials, and in them shall be printed upon each side of every leaf the heads of information herein required to be known and registered of births and deaths respec- tively ; and every page of each of such books shall be numbered progressively from the begi»ining to the end of the book, beginning with number one, and every place of entrj^ shall be also numbered progres- sively from the beginning to the end of the book, beginning with number one ; and every entry shall be divided from the following entry by a printed line. (3.) The Registrar General shall furnish, for the use of the Regis- trars, a sufficient number of Register Books of Births and of Register Books of Deaths and of forms for certified copies thereof, as may from time to time be required for the purposes of this Ordinance. 12. — (1.) The Governor shall cause to be furnished, at the public Provision of expense, on the application of the Registrar General, for the use of the iron boxes for Registrars appointed under this Ordinance, a sufficient number of strong Books. iron boxes to hold the Register Books to be kept by each Registrar. (2.) Every such box shall be furnished with a lock and two keys and no more, and one of such keys shall be kept by the Registrar and the other key shall be kept by the Superintendent Registrar appointed under this Ordinance. (3.) The Register Books of each District, while in the custody of the Registrar and not in use, shall always be kept in the register box, which shall always be kept locked. PART II. Registration Districts and Divisions. 13. — (1.) The Governor-in-Council may divide the Registration Districts, and sub-divide such Districts into Divisions, and may, with the like advice and consent manner, add to or diminish the number of Districts or Divisions, and alter the limits of any of them as from time to time may appear necessary. Colony into Division of the Registration Colony into and in like Registration Districts and Divisions. 344 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. (2.) Every such division, addition, diminution, or change of District or Division when made shall be published in The Official GazpMe, and also within the several Districts or Divisions so appointed in such manner as the Governor may direct. Appointment of 14. The Governor may appoint a fit person to be Superintendent Supermtendent Registrar of Bii'ths and Deaths in each such District, and in like Registrars. manner may appoint a fit person to be Registrar of Births and Deaths within each Division, and may remove any such person from any such office, and in every case of vacancy in the office of Superintendent Registrar or of Registrar may forthwith fill up such vacancy. Power to the Governor to requu-e certain Officers to act iia execvition of the Ordinance. 15. — (I.) The Governor may I'equire all or any of the Commissaries of Taxation, Revenue Officers, Officers of Police, Warden or Government C)fficer appointed under the Mining Laws of the Colony, and Stipendiary Magistrates' Clerks, to act as Supermtendent Registrars or as Registrars, as the case may be, under this Ordinance, without receiving additional remuneration for the performance of such duty. (2.) In every case in which any such Commissary, Revenue Officer, Officer of Police, Warden or Government Officer appointed under the Mining Laws of the Colony, or Clerk ceases to hold his office, he shall cease to be a Superintendent Registrar or a Registrar, as the case may be, under this Ordinance. (Amd. 13 of 1898 s. 6.) Filling of office of 16. Whenever the office of Superintendent Registrar for any Regis- Superintendent ^ration District becomes vacant, any District Commissary of Taxation Registrar in whose District comprises the whole or any part of such Registration District shall at once become Superintendent Registrar of such whole or such part of such Registration District, and shall so remain until the appointment of a Superintendent Registrar to such Registration District. case of /acancy Power to Superintendent Eegistrar to act as Eegistrar in case of vacancy in office. Appointment of Deputy Snijcriiitendent Registrars and Registrars. 17. Whenever from any cause whatsoever there is no Registrar or Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths in any Registration Division, it shall be lawful for the Superintendent Registrar of the District in which such Registration Division is situate to perform the duties of Registrar of such Division, and receive the fees therefor, until a Regis- trar is appointed ; and any copies of Registers forwarded from any such Division to the General Register Office during any period in which a Superintendent Ptegistrar is performing the duties of Registrar shall be sufficiently certified by the signature of such Superintendent Registrar alone. 18. — (1.) Every Superintendent Registrar and Registrar shall, subject to the approval of the Governor, appoint, by writing under his hand, a fit jierson to act as deputy, in case of his illness or unavoidable absence. (2.) Every such deputy, while so acting, shall have all the powers and fluties and be subject to all the penalties herein declai-ed concern- ing Superintendent Registrars and Registrars respectively ; and, in case of the death or resignation of tlie Superintendent Registrar or Registrar, as the case may be, shall so act until another Superintendent Registrar or Registrar is appointed. (3.) Every Superintendent Registrar or Registrar shall be civilly responsible for the acts and omissions of his deputy. A.D. 1868. j HEG 1ST HAT ION OF BIRTHS, ETC. [No. 1. Ub 19. -(1.) In every case in which any Superintendent Registrar or Registrar dies, or is removed from or ceases to hold his oflice, all register boxes, keys, books, documents, and papers in his possession as such Superintendent Registrar or Registrar or which may come into the possessi(m of his representatives shall be given up as soon as conveniently may be to his successor in oHii e. (2.) If any person refuses to give up any such box, key, book, document, or paper in such case as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, on application made for that purpose, to issue a warrant under his hand for bringiog such person before any Stipen- diary Magistrate, and, on such person appearing or not being found, it shall b) lawful for the Stipendiary Magistrate to hear and determine the matter in a summary way. (o.) If it appears to the Stipendiary Magistrate that any such box, key, book, document, or paper is in the custody or power of any such per.son, and that he has refused or wilfully neglected to deliver the same to the person in whose custody the same ought to be, the Stipendiary Magistrate shall commit such offender to the Common Gaol of the County, there to remain without bail until he delivers up the same or until satisfaction has been given in respect thereof ; and the Stipendiary Magistrate may grant a warrant to search for s-uch box, key, book, document, or paper, as in the case of stolen goods, in any dwelling-house or other premises in which any credible witnesses prove upon oath before him that there is reasonable cause to suspect the same to be ; and the same, when found, shall be delivered to the person in whose custody it ought to be. 20. — (1.) Each Superintendent Registrar and Registrar shall, with the approval of the Registrar General, appoint some suitable house, either his dwelling-house or otherwise, to be his ofhce within his District. (2.) The Registrar General shall cause to be printed and published in The Official Gazette and within the respective Parishes^ the name, place of abode, office, and hours of business of every Superintendent Registrar and Registrar. 21. Every Superintendent Registrar and Registrar appointed under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be freed and exempted from serving on any jury or inquest, and from every parochial and corporate office whatever. Transfer of boxfs, et<'., on death or removal i>i Siiiicrinteiiduiit Ri.'Kistrar or Retjistrar. Offices in Registration Districts. Exemption from service on juiy, etc. Duty of Registrar to learn and register births PART III. Registration of Births and Deaths. 22. Subject to the regulations to be made under this Ordinance, every Registrar shall be and he is hereby authorized and required to inform himself c irefully of every birth and death which may happen within his Division, and to learn and register, as soon after the event i"iil deaths as conveniently may be done and without fee or reward, save as herein provided, in one of the Register Books the particulars re [uired to be registered according to the Forms No. 1 and No. 2 contained in First the First Schedule to this Ordinance, touching every such birth or S'-lifdnle: , ' p -^ , . 1 . lomis No. 1 every such death, as the case may l)e, every such entry being made m jj^d No. -2. order from the beginning to the end of the book. ^ Ordinance No. 11 of 1904 s. 4 abolished Parishes. 346 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. Obligation on certain persons to give notice of birth of child. First Schedule : Foiin No. 1. Special provision as liability of occupier in certain cases. Liability of successor to defaulting occupier. Form of notice given by occupier in certain cases. Penalty for default under sections 23-26. 23. The parent or parents of any child born in the Colony after the commencement of this Ordinance, or the occupier of the house or tenement in which to his or her knowledge such child has Ijeen born, or the nurse or any person present at the birth of such child, shall, at any time within twenty-one days next after the day of such birth, give notice thereof to the Registrar of the Division within which such child has been born ; and every such parent or person above specified, whether he or she has given such notice or not, shall, on being required personally or by written requisition of the Registrar within three months after the date of such birth, attend at the Office of the Regis- trar of the Division in which such birth has occurred, or otherwise at the residence of such parent or person, and give information to the Registrar, according to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, of the several particulars by the Form No. 1 contained in the First Schedule to this Ordinance required to be registered touching the birth of such child, and shall sign the Register in the presence of the Registrar. 24. In case of a birth in any Gaol or Prison, or in any School, Reformatory, Hospital, Lunatic or Leper Asylum, or other Public or Charitable Institution, or upon any plantation, estate, farm, mining claim, or wood-cutting establishment, the Governor, Keeper, Master, Superintendent, or other chief resident officer of any such Gaol or Prison, or any such School, Reformatory, Hospital, Asylum, or other Public or Charitable Institution, and the manager or other superin- tendent for the time being of such plantation, estate, farm, mining claim, or wood-cutting establishment as "occupier," within the meaning of the last jjreceding section and of section 2, shall be liable in the first instance, and notwithstanding the liability of the parent or parents of such child, to report and give the particulars of the birth of such child to the Registrar of the Division. (Amd. 13 of 1898 s. 7.) 25. In the event of any default on the part of any such occupier being discovered, after he has ceased to hold such office in any such public institution or such management or superintendence of such plantation, estate, farm, mining claim, or wood-cutting establishment, then and in any such case the proceedings under this Ordinance in. respect of such default may be instituted and prosecuted against his successor, after fourteen days' notice in writing has been given to such successor to have such birth registered in due course of law. (Amd. 13 of 1898 s. 7.) 26. Every Governor, Keeper, Master, Superintendent, or other chief resident officer of any Gaol or Prison, or of any School, Reformatory, Hospital, Asylum, or other Public or Charitable Institution, and every manager or other superintendent for the time being of any plantation, estate, farm, mining claim, or wood-cutting establishment, who may be liable to give notice to any Registrar of any birth or death may give such notice by filling in and forwarding to the Registrar of the Division a form to be prescribed by the Registrar General, and at such times and in such manner as may be fixed by the Registrar General ; and the Registrar General may from time to time alter and vary such form and such times and manner of giving such notice. (Amd. 13 of 1898 s. 7.) 27. Every person in default of doing anything required to l)e done, or prescribed by the Registrar General to be done, by him, under or in A.D. 1868.] REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. [No. 1. 347 pursuance of the last four preceding sections, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fne dollars. 28. — (1.) Tt shall he lawful for any person giving information of a birth or death happening in any part of the Colony within tlie limits set forth in tlu) Second Schedule to this Ordinance, instead of attend- ing persoiially and signing the original entry in the Register Book of such birth or death, to write the particulars of such birtli or death, as required by this Ordinance upon a printed form, two copies of which shall be sent to him on application by letter or message to the nearest Registrar, and to sign the same, with the name and residence and de- scription of such informant, or to make his mark thereto in presence of a witness, and to forward such printed form to such Registrar, either by some safe messenger or by post. (2.) If the receipt of such info7-mation is not acknowledged by the Registrar within ten days, such informant shall be bound to make and forward in like manner a duplicate of such printed form. 29. — (1.) The Registrar shall, immediately on receiving notice in any manner of a birth or death in any part of the Colony within the limits set forth in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance, forward to some one or more of the persons who are bound to give information of the particulars of such birth or death such printed forms (two copies to each such person) as may be furnished to him for the purpose by the Registrar General, and shall require every person to whom a form may be forwarded to fill up one copy of the same in terms of the last preceding section of this Ordinance ; and, on such form being filled up and returned to him, shall acknowledge the receipt thereof by letter addressed to the informant and forwarded by some safe messenger or by post. (2.) The Registrar shall then proceed to register such birth or death in the Register Book, filling up the name, residence, and de- scription of the informant in the proper column, and adding his own initials at the foot of such column, and completing such entry in the same manner as if the informant had signed it ; and the form shall be preserved by the Registrar and delivered to the Superintendent Regis- trar, together with the certified copies for the quarter next ensuing. 30. Nothing in either of the last two preceding sections shall excuse any informant from signing the original liegister in due form, when he is personally present with the Registrar, and an entry is tendered to him by the Registrar for Signature. 31. If any person residing in any part of the Colony within the limits set forth in the Second Scherlule to this Ordinance, and who is bound to give information of a birth or death, does not, within three months from such birth or death, give such information in either of the ways prescribed by this Ordinance, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five dollars. 32. The Governor-in-Council may from time to time, by Order to be puljlished in the lite O^fficial (Jazette and one newspaper of the Colony, extend the provisions of the last four preceding sections to other places than those mentioned in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance ; and, at the ex])iration of three weeks from the time of the first publication of any such Order, the provisions of the said sections ItiKhts of persons in certain specified districts to give notice in writing instead of in person. Second Schedule. Duty of Eegistrar on receipt of notice of hirth or death in specified district. Saving of obligation on informant to sign original Register, if present. Penalty on person in specified district neglecting to give notice of hirtli or deatli under the Ordinance. Power to extend provisions as to notice in writing to other than specified districts. 348 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA . [A.D. 1868. Rule as to entering name of person as father of illegitimate child. Registration after exijiration of three months from birth. Prohibition of rcgistrati(m of birth after twelve months. Registration of name given in bai)tism. First Sdiedule : Form No. 3. shall apply to any place or places mentioned in such Order, in the same manner as if it or they had been included in the said Schedule. 33. N^o Registrar who receives information of the birth of an illegitimate child shall enter in the Register of Births the name of any person as the father of such illegitimate child except at the joint request of the mother and of the person who acknowledges himself to be the father of such illegitimate child, and such person shall in such case sign the register together with the mother. 34. — (1.) After the expiration of three months following the birth of any child, it shall not be lawful for any Registrar to register such birth, save as hereinafter pi'ovided ; that is to say, in case the birth of any child has not been registered according to the provisions herein- before contained, it shall be lawful for any person present at the birth of such child, or for the father or mother or guardian thereof, at any time within twelve months next after the birth of such child, to make before the Superintendent Registrar a declaration in writing of the particulars required to be known touching the birth of such child, according to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, which declara- tion the Superintendent Registrar is hereijy authorized to take, and it shall thereupon be lawful for the Registrar, then and there in the presence of the Superintendent Registrar, to register the birth of such child, according to the information of the person making the said declaration ; and the Superintendent Registrar before whom the said declaration is made shall sign the entry of the birth as well as the Registrar. (2.) For every such entry as last aforesaid the Superintendent Registrar shall be entitled to receive a fee of sixty cents from the person requiring the bii'th to be registered, and the Registrar, over and above the fee by this Ordinance authorized to be taken in respect of every birth registered by him, shall be entitled, unless the delay has been occasioned by his default, to take a fee of sixty cents from the person requiring the birth to be registered. (3.) No register of births shall be given in evidence to prove the birth of any child where it appears that more than three months have intervened between the day of the birth and the day of the registration of the birth of such child, unless the entry is signed by the Super- intendent Registrar as well as by the Registrar. 35. After the expiration of twelve months following the birth of any child, it shall not be lawful for any Registrar to register the birth of such child, and no Register of Births shall be given in evidence to prove the birth of any child where it apj^ears that twelve months have intervened between tlie day of the birth and the day of the regis- trati<)n of the birth of such child. 36.- — (1.) If any child born in the Colony, whose birth has been registered as aforesaid, within twelve months next after the registra- tion of such birth has any name given to it in baptism, the parent or guardian of such child,-or other person procuring such name to be given, may, within fourteen days next after such baptism, procure and deliver to the Registrar or Superintendent Registrar of the District in whose; custody the Register of the Birth of the child may then hap{)en to be, a certificate according to the Form No. 3 contained in the First Schedule to this Ordinance or to the like effect, signed A.D. 1868.] REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. [No. 1. 349 by the clergyman, or minister, or officiating person who has performed the rite of ba])tisni (whicli certificate he is hereby required to deliver immediately after the baptism, whenever the same is then demanded, on payment of the fee of twenty-four cents, which he shall be entitled to receive for the same), and the Registrar or Superintendent Regis- trar, on receipt of such certificate and on payment of the fee of twenty- four cents, which he shall be entitled to receive for the same, shall, without any erasure of the original entry, forthwith register therein that the child was baptized by such name and also the date of the registration of such baptismal name. (2.) The Registrar or Superintendent Registrar shall thereupon certify upon the said certificate the additional entry so made, and shall foithwith send the said certificate through the post or otherwise to the Registrar General. (.'5.) Whenever a baptismal name has been added to an entry of the birth subsequently to the transmission to the General Register Ortice of the return of certified copies containing such entr^, a duly certified copy of sucii entry, containing the baptismal name and the date of such entry, shall in like manner be sent to the Registrar Genera], who shall cause the same to be duly entered in the Register without any erasui'e of the original entry ; and whenever any such certificate of baptism is received by the Registrar or Superintendent Registrar after the Register Book containing the original entry of birth, as well as the certified copy thereof, have both been forwarded to the Registrar General, the Registrar or Superintendent Registrar shall forward the said certificate to the Registrar General, who shall in Hke manner cause the same to be duly entered in the Register. 37. — (1.) In the case of any child of parents not rcognizing the sacrament of baptism or infant baptism, when any name has been given to any such child by the parents or guardians of such child other than that by which it may have been registered, it shall be law- ful for such parents or guardians, within twelve months after the birth of such child has been registered, or, if after twelve months, then only with the written authority of the Stipendiary Magistrate of the District in which such parents or guardians reside (whioh authority, upon a statement of the circumstances of the case submitted to him. it shall be lawful for such Magistrate to give) to deliver to the Registrar or Superintendent Registrar in whose custody the Register of the birth of such child may then happen to be, a certificate in the Form No. 4 contained in the First Scliedule to this Ordinance, or to the like effect, signed by such parents or guardians ; and thereupon, and on payment of a fee of twenty-four cents, such Registrar or Superintendent Registrar shall, without any erasure of the name by which such child may ha>e been registered, register therein the name of such child. (2.) Such certificate shall be certified and transmitted by the Registrar or Superintendent Registrar to the Registrar General, in the like manner and to the like efi'ect as is in this Oi'dinance prescribed regarding certificates in relation to names given in baptism. 38. Some person present at the death, or in attendance during the last illness, of any person dying in this Colony or the occupier of the hous ; or tenement in which such death has taken place, or, if the occu- pier is the person who has died, then some one or more of tbe persons residing in the house in which such death has taken jilace, shall, within Eegistration of name given without baptism after registration. First Schedule : Form No. 4. Obligation on certain persons to give notice of death. 350 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. First ScliediUe : Form No. 2. seven days next after the day of such death, give notice of such death to the Registrar of the Division in which such death has occurred ; and every such person as aforesaid, or if such death has not taken place within a house, then any person present at such death, or having a knowledge of the circumstances attending the same, shall, whether he or she has given such notice or not, on being required personally or by written requisition of the Registrar, within fourteen days after the date of such death, attend personally at the Ottice of the Registrar of the Division in which such death has occurred, or otherwise at the place of residence of such person, and give information to the Regis- trar, according to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, of the several particulars required by the Form No. 2 contained in the First Schedule to this Ordinance, to be registered touching such death, and shall sign the Register in the presence of the Registrar. Obligation on person tanding new-boni child or dead body to give notice. 39, Tn case any person finds exposed any new-born child or any dead body, the person first having charge of such child, in the case of the new born child, and the Coroner, in the case of the dead body, shall forthwith give notice of the finding of the same and of the place where the same was found to the Regis 'rar of the Division in which the same has been found ; and the Registrar shall register, after proper inquiry, all the several particulars required to be known and registered touching the said birth or death, or so much anrl so many of the particulars as may have been ascertained, (s. 40.) Entry of finding of JniT npon Coroner's Inquest. 40. In every case in which an inquest is held on any dead body, the Jury shall inquire of the particulars by this Ordinance required to be registered concerning the death, and the Coroner shall communicate the finding of the Jury to the Registrar of the Division in writing under his hand, and the Registrar shall make the entry accordingly : Provided that the Coroner shall not be required to sign the Register as informant ; but the Registrar shall state in the entry of such death that I he information was received from the Coroner, and shall transmit all such inf< rmation to the the same to the Registrar preserve such informations with the records of his Office, (s. 41.) Superintendent Registrar, who shall send General, and the Registrar Geneml shall PieKistration of birth or death on board ship. 41.— (1.) In the case of any birth or death on board any ship moored in any river in I he Colony, the master or chief officer shall be bound to report such birth or death in like manner and subject to the like penalties in case of disobedience, as is required of the occupier of a house on shore. (2.) The master or chief officer of any Colony craft shall also, in like manner and subject to the like penalties as aforesaid, report in like manner every birth or death on board any such craft, whether moored or on any coasting or other voyage within the Colony, (s. 42.) Jifjiort of death on boat in Mining district. 42. — The Captain or in case of his death tlic Ijowman, or in case of his death or absence at che time of a death occurring, some person in the boat at the time shall in the case of a boat going to or returning from any Mining District of the Colony be bound to report such death taking place on or from such boat to the nearest Registrar of the Division in the same manner as other deaths are reported and subject A.D. 1868.] REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. [No. 1. 351 to the like penalties in case of disoljedience as is required of the occupier of a house on shore. (13 of 1898 s. 8.) 43. l^jvery person by whom the information contained in any regis- Signing of ter of birth or death under this Ordinance may have been given, R^Kister by except in cases in which such information has been given by the ^.^^^^ specified Coroner or under the provisions hereinbefore contained as to giving exceiitions. notice in writing, shall sign his name, description, and place of abode in the Register; and, except as aforesaid, no register of birth or death according to this Ordinance shall be given in evidence which is not signed by some person professing to be the informant, and to be such party as is by this Ordinance rec^uired to give such information to the Registrar. -&' 44. — (1.) In case of the inability to write of any person whose sig- Signing by nature is required or necessary under this Ordinance, it shall be lawful m^rk. for such person to adhibit, in the presence of the Registrar, a cross or other mark, and the Registrar shall annex the designation of such per- son to such cross or other mark. (2.) Such cross or other mark shall be in all respects as binding and effectual as the signature of such person, if capable of writing, would have been. 45, — (1.) If any error is discovered to have been committed in the Correction of entry of any birth or death in any Register, the person discovering the ^"o^eous same shall forthwith give information thereof to the Stipendiary Register. Magistrate of the District. (2.) Such Magistrate thereupon, or upon otherwise coming to the knowledge of such erroneous entry, shall summon before him the per- son who made and any person concerned in making such erroneous entry or having any knowledge concerning the same, and also any per- son interested in the effect of such erroneous entry, and shall examine all such persons upon oath ; and if such Magistrate is satisfied that any error has been committed in any such entry, he shall, by authority under his hand, direct the Registrar to correct the erroneous entry. (3.) The Registrar shall thereupon correct the erroneous entry, ac- cording to the truth of the case, by entry in the margin, without any alteration of the original entry, and shall sign the marginal entry, and add thereunto the day of the month and year when such correction is made ; and such marginal entry shall be signed by the person applying for the correction. (4.) In every such case the Registrar shall make the like alteration in the certified copy of the Register Book to be made by him as herein- after provided : Provided that in case such certified copy and the Register Book from which it was made have been already forwarded to the General Register Office,, the Registrar shall make and forward forthwith to the General Register Office a memorandum of ^\xc\\ error and of the correction to be made. 46. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the registry of baptisms Saving as to or burials as now by law established, or the right of any officiatinc: J'^R'stO' "' ' o */ o ();iptlSniS U11Q minister to receive any fee which may now Ije usually pai(i for the per- burials, formance or registration of any baptism or buriaK 352 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. Obligation on medical attendant to transmit certificate of death to tlie Registrar. First Schedule : Form No. 5. PART IV. Registration of Causes of Death. 47. Whereas it is expeflient to establish a registration, of the causes of death : Be it therefore enacted that each Registrar shall furnish from time to time gratis to every duly qualified medical practitioner within his Division the necessary forms of certificates of death in the Form No. 5 contained in the First Schedule to this Ordinance, which certificates the Registrar General shall cause to be printed and for- warded from time to time to every Registrar for that purpose ; and the medical practitioner who may have been in attendance during the last illness and until the death of any pei'son dying in the Colony shall, within ten days after the death of such person, transmit to the Registrar of the Division in which the death has occurred a certificate of the cause of death in the aforesaid form, the particulars of which shall be entered by the Registrar in the Register ; and, in case such certificate is not so transmitted, the Registrar shall transmit to such medical practitioner a form of such certificate, and by a written or printed requisition under his hand shall require such medical practitioner forthwith to return to him such certificate duly filled up, and such medical practitioner shall, within three days after the receipt thereof, return such certificate duly filled up to the Registrar. Transmission of certified copies of Registers of births and deaths to Superintendent Registrars, and of Register Books when filled, to the Registrar General. First Schedule : Form No. fi. Transmission of certified copies of PART V. Returns, etc. Certified Copies of Registers. 48. — (1.) In the months of January, April, July, and October in every year, on such days as may from time to time be appointed by the Registrar General, every Registrar shall make and deliver to the Superintendent Registrar of his District on durable materials, a true copy certified by him under his hand, according to the Form No. 6 contained in the First Schedule to this Ordinance, of all the entries of births and deaths made during the quarter of the year last preceding the first day of each of the several months hereinbefore mentioned respectively in the Register Book kept by him ; and the Superinten- dent Registrar shall examine the same, and if found to be correct, sliall certify the same under his hand to be a true copy. (2.) If there has been no birth or death registered since the delivery of the last certificate, the Registrar shall certify the fact, and such certificate shall be delivered to the Superintendent Registrar as aforesaid, and be countersigned by him. (3.) The Registrar shall keep safely each of the Register Books until it is filled, and shall then deliver it to the Superintendent Regis- trar to be forthwith forwai'ded by him to the Registrar General to be kept in. the records of the General Register Ofiice : Provided always that the Register Books in and for the County of Berbice may be for- warded to and kept in the Registrar's Office for that County, instead of being sent to the Registrar General, if the Governor so directs. 49. — (1.) Every Superintendent Registrar shall, four times in every year, on such days as may from time to time be appointed by the A.D. 1868.] REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. [No. 1. 353 Indexes, seurches, and certified copies. Registrar General, send to the Registrar General all the certified copies Registers of of the Registers of births and deaths which he has so received during V,^'."*,''"'^ the three months next preceding such quarterly days of transmission ti,e Registrar respectively. General. (2.) The Registrar General, if it appears, by interruption of the regular progression of numbers or otherwise, that the copy of any part of any Register has not been duly delivered to him shall procure as far as possible, consistently with the provij^ions of this Ordinance, that the same be amended and supplied. (3.) The certified copies so sent to the General Register Oflice shall be thereafter kept in the said Office in such order and manner as the Registrar General, under the direction of the Governor, may think fit, so that the same may be most readily seen and examined. 50. The Registrar General shall, once in every year, furnish to the FumishinK of Governor and Court of Policy a general abstract of the number of KegiTters! births and deaths registered during the preceding year, in such form and at such date as the Governor may from time to time prescribe. 51.— (1.) The Registrar General shall cause indexes of all the said certified copies and original Registers herein mentioned to be made and kept in the General Register Office. (2.) Every person shall be entitled, on payment of the fees herein- after mentioned, to search the said indexes between the hours of ten o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon of every day, except Sundays and Holidays, and to have a certified copy of any entry in the said certified copies of the Registers or in the said original Registers. (3.) For every general search of the said indexes there shall be paid the sum of five dollars, and for every particular search the sum of twenty -four cents, and for every such certified copy the sum of sixty cents, and no more. 52. In case the Governor directs the Register Books in and for the County of Berbice to be kept in the Registrar's Office for that County, the Registrar General shall keep and preserve the original Register Books to be forwarded to him as hereinbefore mentioned, and shall cause all necessary entries and coirections to be made therein, and also indexes of the same to le made and kept with them for reference at the times and in manner provided in respect of the General Register Office, and shall give off certified copie-* and receive and pay over to the Assistant Receiver General, in the mode prescribed by any Ordin- ance for the time being in force relating to the Registrar's Office for the County of Berbice the like fees for searches and copies as are by this Ordinance made payable at the General Register Office. 53. Every Registrar shall, subject to such regulations as may from time to time be made by the Registrar General, allow searches to be made of any Register Book in his keeping, and shall give a copy, cer- tified under his hand, of any entry or entries in the same, on payment of the fee hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, for every such search the sum of twenty-four cents, and foi- every single certificate the sum of twenty-four cents. Provision for keeping Register Books for Berbice. See Ordinance No. 6 of 1880. Searches in Register Books in Icecping of Registrars. every smgi 54. In case any certified copy of any Register of births or deaths is lost in course of transmission to the General Register Office, the Provision for case of loss of certified copy of Register. 354 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. Prohibition of transmitting original Eegister at same time as certified copies thereof. Making of quarterly account of fees by Registrar. Making of quarterly account of fees by Superintendent Registrar. Payment of fees in case of place other than George- town or New Amsterdam. Payment of fees in case of Superintendent Registrar by whom the same may have been forwarded shall forthwith procure fresh copies to be made and forwarded to the General Register Office in lieu of those so lost. 55. — (1.) No original Register Book shall at any time be forwarded or transmitted from any Registrar to any Superintendent Registrar or from any Superintendent Registrar to the General Register Office, or otherwise, at the same time and by the same person by whom any certified copies are forwarded or transmitted. (2.) Any Superintendent Registrar or Registrar who carries, for- wards, or transmits, either by post or in any other way, the original of any Register at the same time as the certified copy, or until the'original or copy of the same Register previously transmitted has been acknow- ledged to have arrived at its place of destination, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty-eight dollars. Fees. 56. — (1.) Every Registrar shall four times in every year, make out an account of the number of the births and deaths which he may have registered since the last quarterly account, and the Superintendent Registrar shall verify and sign the sj,me. (2.) When any such account has been rendered to and certified by the Registrar General, there shall be paid to the said Registrar from the Public Revenues or out of such funds as may be available for that purpose as hereinafter provided but not otherwise, as the case may be, such sums as he may be entitled to receive on the said account at the rate of twenty-four cents for every entry of birth or death included in such account : Provided that no fee shall be paid for any entry which may appear to the Registrar General to have been made in a careless manner or in an illegible handwriting. 57. — (1.) Every Superintendent Registrar shall, four times in every year, at such periods as may from time to time be appointed by the Registrar General, make out and send to the Registrar General an account of the number of entries in the certified copies so sent by him under this Ordinance to the Registrar General. (2.) If, on examination, such account is found correct, the Superin- tendent Registrar shall be entitled to receive from the Public Revenues or out of such funds as may be available for that purpose as hereinafter provided but not otherwise, as the case may be, the sum of four cents for every entry in such certified copies : Provided that no Commissary of Taxation, Revenue Officer, Officer of Police, Warden or Government Officer appointed under the Mining Laws of the Colony, or Stipendiary Magistrate's Clerk shall be entitled to receive any fees under this or the last preceding section as a Registrar or Superintendent Registrar. (Amd. 13 of 1898 s. 6.) 58. In every case in which any amount is payable in respect of fees under ei*^her of the last two jjreceding sections to any Registrar or Superintendent Registrar of any part of the Colony other than George- town or New Amsterdam, the same sliall be paid by the Receiver (ieneral or the Assistant Receiver General, on the warrant of the Governor, from the Public Revenues of the Colony. 59. — (1.) In every case in which any amount is payable in respect of fees under section 56 or section 57 to any Registrar or Superintendent A.D. 1868.] REGTSTEATTON OF nrRTlTS, ETC. [No. 1. 355 Registrar of Georgetown or New Amsterdam, the same shall be paid by the Mayor and Town Council of the said City or Town, as the case may be, from and out of the municipal rates or taxes, and shall be recovei-able by summary execution at the instance of the otticer to whom the same may be due, by his style of office, without naming him. (2.) In any proceeding for the recovery of any account for such fees, an account purporting to be signed by the officer to whom the same purports to be due, and pur[iorting to be certified by the Registrar General and to be stamped and sealed with the seal of the General Register Office, shall, without further or other proof, be received before all Courts and by all Judges and Justices as sufficient evidence of such account being in every particular correct, and every such account shall be a preferent claim next after claims due to the Crown or to the Colony. Burial of Still-born Children. 60. — (1.) No person shall wilfully bury or cause to be buried the body of any deceased child as if it were still-born, except as hereinafter provided. (2.) No person who has the control over, or ordinarily buries bodies in, any burial ground shall bury or permit to be buried in such burial ground the body of any deceased child as if it were still-born, or shall bury or permit to be buried in such burial ground any still-born child, before there is delivered to him either — («.) A written certificate that such child was not born alive, signed by a licensed medical practitioner who was in attend- ance at the birth of such child, or, in the event of no licensed medical practitioner having been in attendance at the birth of such child, then a certificate of a licensed medical practitioner who has been called in subsequent to the birth of such child, to the eflfect that he has examined the body of such child, and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the child was not born alive, or (b.) If there has been an inquest, an order of the Coroner who presided at such inquest. 61. — (1.) Every person who, on presenting the body of a still-born child for burial, at the time of presenting such body for burial or within such time as may be allowed by the person to whom such body is pi'esented for burial, fails to produce to such person one of the certifi- cates of a medical practitioner referred to in the last preceding section or an order of the Coroner, if an inquest has been held, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars. (2.) Every person who acts contrary to the provisions of the last preceding section with respect to the burying of the body of any still- born child shall be liable to a similar penalty. 62. — Every person who forges, or utters knowing it to be forged, any such certificate or order as is referred to in section 60 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, being convicted thereof before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction, shall be liable to im- prisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding two years. 63.— (1.) Where a licensed medical practitioner is applied to by any person to view the body of any child alleged to have been still-born Georgetown or New Amsterdam. Provisions relating to burial of deceased and still-born cbildren. VOL. I. 24 Obligation on persons pre- senting body of stiU-bom child for burial to produce certificate of medical practitioner. Punislunent of person forging or uttering forged certificate. Payment of fee to medical practitioner. 356 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1868. Obligation on person burj'ing still- bom chUd to infomi Eegistrar. Punishment of person wiDfuUy giving false infor- mation. Punisliment of person destroying, etc., Register Book. See now Ordinance No. 18 0/1893, ss. 258 and 259. Penalty for not duly registering birth or death, or for losing or injuring Register. Penalty on person neglecting to deliver Registers or copies thereof when required. Penalty on medical practitioner neglecting to transmit certificate of death. Penalty on person improperly registering birth. and to give a certificate under this Ordinance, and such person is unable to pay any fee, the medical practitioner may, with the sanction of the Governor, receive from any money granted for the contingent expenses of Justice a fee of two dollars for viewing the body. (2.) Where such a certificate as is referred to in section 60 can be properly given by the medical practitioner, such fee shall include the granting of such certificate. 64. Every person who buries or causes to be buried the body of any still-born child shall be bound to inform the Registrar of the Division in which such burial has taken place of the fact of such burial within seven days after such burial has taken place ; and if any such person fail to do so, he shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars. PART VI. Offences and Procedure. 65. Every person who wilfully makes or causes to be made, for the purpose of being inserted in any register of births or deaths, any false statement touching any of the pa'^ticulars herein required to be known and registered, shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to imprisonment with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding six months, or to a penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars. (26 of 1903, s. 3). 66. Sections 38 and 39 of Ordinance No. 23 of the Year 1862, entitled "An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Indictable Offences by Forgery," shall be incorporated with and form part of this Ordinance. 67. Every Registrar who refuses, or without reasonable cause omits, to register any birth or death of which he has had due notice, or to make any addition to or alteration upon the register in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, and every person having the custody of any Register Book, or certified copy thereof or of any part thereof, who carelessly loses or injures the same or carelessly allows the same to be injured whilst in his keeping, shall for every such oflfence be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty-eight dollars. 68. Every person who under the provisions of this Ordinance is required to dehver the Register of births and deaths, or copies of such Registers, to any Superintendent Registrar or to the Registrar General and who, after being duly required to deliver such Registers or copies as aforesaid, refuses, or during one month neglects, to do so, shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty- eight dollars. 69. Every medical practitioner who, after being required by the Registrar to return him a certificate of the cause of death duly filled up under section 47, without reasonable cause refuses or neglects to do so, shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty-eight dollars. 70. Every person who — (1.) Knowingly registers or causes to be registered the birth of any child otherwise than is by this Ordinance required after the A.D. 1868.] REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. [No. 1. 357 expiration of three months following the day of the birth of such child ; or (2.) Knowingly registers or causes to be registered the birth of any child after the expiration of twelve months following the day of the birth of such child, shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty- four dollars. 71. Every person requii'ed by this Ordinance who, within the period Penalty on specified by this Ordinance, fails to give notice of any birth or death to person faQing the Registrar of the Division within which such birth or death has of birtVor"^^ occurred shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five dollars. death. 72. Subject to the provisions hereinbefore contained as to giving Penalty on notice in writing, every person required by this Ordinance who, within person failing the period specified by this Ordinance, fails to attend personally at the iufonuation place specified by the Registrar of the Division within which such birth personally to or death has occurred, and to give information to such Registrar of the ''^f^^^V'^'^oh'rti particulars required by this Ordinance to be registered touching such or death." birth or death, or refuses to sign the Register in the presence of the Registrar, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. 73. In the case of finding exposed any new-born child or any dead Penalty on body, every person who is required by this Ordinance to give notice, person failing and who does not give notice forthwith of finding the same, and of the *f gndina^n ^ . place where the same was found, to the Registrar of the Division in bom chifd or which the same has been found, shall be liable to a penalty not exceed- ^^^^ ^^^J- ing five dollars. 74. Whenever notice is required by this Ordinance to be given, the Right to give person required to give the notice shall be held to have sufficiently notice by post. discharged himself if he proves upon oath that he put into the Post Office, before the expiration of the period within which the notice is required to be given, a letter addressed to the person to whom and containing the particulars of which the notice is required to be given. 75. No penalty imposed by this Ordinance on persons failing to give Penalty not any notice required by this Ordinance shall be exacted, if any of the exigible if persona so required have or has given such notice. "°*^'^^ ^^'^"• 76. No penalty imposed by this Ordinance shall be exacted in any Penalty not case where it appears, to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Magistrate, exigible where that the person failing to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance wilful! ^^^ in relation to the giving notice or information under the same has not wilfully been guilty of such failure, but that such failure has been occasioned by unavoidable accident, or by circumstances (jver which he had no control, and where he had used every reasonable endeavour towards compliance with such provisions. 77. Every penalty recoverable under the provisions of this Ordinance Procedure and shall be recoverable in a summary manner, according to the provisions appeal. of any Ordinances for the time being in force regulating pr icedure SeeOrdinances before the Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary ^"^^ ^No^ii3 jurisdiction and appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. 1893^ 78. All letters 8ent by post under the provisions of sections 28 and Postage of 29, all letters and parcels addressed to any Registrar or Superintendent letters, etc- Registrar or to the Registrar General, and all letters from the General Register Office, shall be forwarded free of postage. VOL. 1, 24a 358 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. QQ d (N m CO O (M .fH o ID 9 02 Cj o 13 3 o O xrx P w o CO P^ Hi P « o ^ ■p? m i4 '^ H o a %« -£ [^ o ■•s> P HH ^ (11 t^ (^ ^ ^ a w H o s .a 2 •<3 pq Baptismal Name, if added after Registration of Birth, and Date. Robert. 15th February, 1869. Signature of Registrar. John Cox, Registrar. When Registered. 10th January, 1869. Signature, Qualification, and Residence of Informant. James Rea, (Father) Carpenter, Lot No. 1, High Street. Rank or Profession of Father. 8 5 Name and Surname, and Maiden Surname, of Mother. Sarah Rea, formerly Thompson. [If married more than once, surnames of former husbands should be stated.] Name and Surname, and Dwelling- place, of Father. James Rea. Lot No. 1, High Street. Sex. Male. Name (if any). 1 S A . '2 -a %th January, 1869. Lot No. 1, High Street. 6 r-( bc o u .a -a a fiS « ,0 8 a DO I c 03 O 360 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. Section 36. Form No. 3. Certificate of Baptisth. I, of do hereby certify that I have this day baptized by the name of a [^state the sex"] child produced to me by as the child of A.B. and C. D., of and declared by the said to have been born at in the County of on the day of 1 Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) Section 37. Form No. 4. Certificate of Name given without Baptism. I do hereby certify that the child named -was born at in the County of on the day of 1 ; that A. B. and C. B., of are the parents of the said child ; and that the name of was given to the said child on the day of 1 , according to the rules or usage of the sect or persuasion of to which the said parents belong. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) Parent [or Guardian]. (Signed.) Magistrate, Section 47. Form No. 5. Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. To the Registrar of the Division of in the District of in the County of I hereby certify that I attended who was apparently aged [or was stated to be aged] years ; that I last saw him [or her] on the day of 1 , at ; that he \or she] died on the day of 1 , at ; that the cause of his [or her] death was ; and that the disease had continued Dated this day of 1 . (Signed.) Profession, Eesidence, Section 48. Form No. 6. Certified Copy of Register of Births or Deaths. I, the Kegistrar of Births and Deaths in the Division of in the District of in the County of do hereby certify that this is a true copy of the Register Book of Births [or Deaths] within the said Division from the entry of the birth [or death] of No. to the entry of the birth [or death] of No. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) Registrar. N.B. — The vords in ifalirs and tie hlanJcs for words and figures in the above Forms No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, a7id No. 6 to be be filed in as the case may be. A.D. 1868.] FERGUSON'S PENSION. [No. 2. 361 THE SECOND SCHEDULE. Places in respect of which Notices of Births and Deatus may be Section 28. GIVEN IN Writing. The County of Essequebo. From and exclusive of Plantation Devonshire Castle to the River Pomeroon and its Tributaries and islands ; and the Tapacooma Lake, and the other Lakes on the Essequebo Coast, except such parts as belong to Sugar Plantations in cultivation. The Supenaam Creek and its Tributaries ; the River Essequebo and its Tributaries and Islands, from the Supenaam Creek on the one Bank, and Plan- tation Philadelphia on the other Bank upwards, excepting the Penal Settlement and the Town of Bartica ; and the Islands of Essequebo, exclusive of Leguan, Wakenaam, and Tiger Islands. The Left Bank of the Boerasirie Creek, beyond where it adjoins any Sugar Plantation. The County of Betnerara. The River Demerara and its Tributaries and Islands, from Plantations Vries- land on the West Bank, and Plantation Golden Grove on the East Bank, up- wards. The Right Bank of the Boerasirie Creek, beyond where it adjoins any Sugar Plantation. The Mahaica, Creek and its Tributaries, above Plantation Cane Grove on the West Bank, and the Bridge on the East Bank. The Mahaicony Creek and its Tributaries, above Relief Village on the East Bank, and Felicity on the West Bank. The Abary Creek and its Tributaries, above the Bridge. The County of Berhice. The River Berbice and its Tributaries and Islands, from Plantation Eighbury on the East Bank, and Ithaca on the West Bank, upwards. The Canje Creek and its Tributaries, from Plantation Goldstone Hall on the East Bank, and Sandvoort on the West Bank, upwards. The Corentyne Coast, from Ulverston upwards to Anamoronusi, or No. 66 Creek. The River Corentyne and its Tributaries on the West Bank and Islands, from Plantation Sheldon upwards. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1868. An Ordinance to grant to the Reverend Alexander a.d.i868. Ferguson a Pension of Three Hundred and Thirty- *~~ six Dollars per annum. [23rd, May, 1868.] WHEREAS at a Special Session of the Combined Court it was, on the 12th day of March, 1868, resolved that it is expedient that a pension of seventy pounds per annum, commencing from the 1st day of January, 1868, should be granted to the Reverend Alexander Ferguson, and secured by Ordinance : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. From and after the commencement of this Ordit)ance, it shall be Granting of lawful for the Governor, in the name and on the behalf of Her Majesty, pension of 362 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. $336 per annum to grant to the said Reverend Alexander Ferguson a pension of three Fergulon. hundred and thirty-six dollars per annum during the term of his natural life ; and the Receiver General shall, on the warrant of the Governor, pay the said pension to the said Reverend Alexander Ferguson, or his lawful attorney, quarterly, on the four most usual quarter days of che year, commencing as from the 1st day of January, 1868. OEDINANCE No. 3 OF 1868. A.D. 1868. An Okdinance respecting the Colony House at New * Amsterdam and the Court-House at Suddie, [13th June, 1868.] WHEREAS the premises knov^n respectively as the Colony House at New Amsterdam, in the County of Beibice, and the Court- House at Suddie, in the County of Essequebo, are public property, and are maintained at the public expense, under direction of the Governor ; And whereas questions have been raised as to the rights of the Executive Government in relation to the said premises, and the occu- pation thereof, and it is expedient that such rights should be declared and defined by Ordinance : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — Vesting of Colony House at New Amsterdam and Com-t House at Suddie, in the Governor, with proviso as to rij^hts of the Judges. 1. The direction and control of the said several premises known as the Colony House at New Amsterdam and the Court House at Suddie, and of all and every the apartments therein respectively, shall be and are hereby declared to be vested in the (7 0vernor, and the occupancy of the said several premises, and of the apartments therein respectively, shall be and is hereby declared to be subject to his pleasure, and no person shall be entitled to use or occupy any of the said apartments except with his permission first obtained : Provided always that nothing in this Ordinance shall in any way prejudice or afPect the right of the Judges of the supreme Court of British Guiana, or any of them, to the free and unrestricted use of the respective Court Halls at ISiew Amsterdam and Suddie, whenever judicial business is required to be transacted therein. A.D. 1868.] REVENUE DEFENCE FUND. [No. 4. 363 OKDINANCE No. 4 OF 1868. An Ordinance to provide for the Establishment and a. d ise s. Administration of a Revenue Defence Fund. [1st July, 1868.] WHEREAS it is expedient that a fund should be established for the purpose of providing the Officers of Colonial Customs and Revenue with legal advice and assistance and in defraying on their behalf the costs of legal proceedings in matters wherein the public interest is concerned : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, a,s follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Revenue Defence Fund Short title. Ordinance, 1868. 2. In this Ordinance, — " Stipendiary Magistrate " means any of His Majesty's Stipendi- ary Magistrates in and for this Colony : "The Receiver General '' includes the Assistant Receiver General : " The Fund " means the Revenue Defence Fund established by this Ordinance. Interpretation of terms. 3. A fund, to be called " the Revenue Defence Fund," is hereby established for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned. 4. Whenever any fine or penalty is recovered or paid in any case of summary jurisdiction, the Stipendiary Magistrate receiving the same, before pi'oceeding to the distribution or appropriation of such fine or penalty, under any Ordinance regulating such distribution or appropri- tion, and whether there is an informer's share or not, shall deduct and retain from and out of such fine or penalty a sum equal to ten per cent, of the gross amount thereof, and he shall cause the Clerk monthly to pay over all such sums so deducted and retained to the Receiver General, who shall enter the same to the credit of the Fund. Establishment of Revenue Defence Fimd. Pajinent of 10 per cent, of fine or penalty to the Fund. 5. In like manner there shall be deducted and retained from and out of the gross proceeds of every forfeiture or seizure realized, re- covered, or paid, a sum equal to ten per cent, of such gross proceeds, and the Stipendiary Magistrate or Officer receiving such gross proceeds shall pay over every such sum so deducted and retained to the Receiver General, who shall enter the same to the credit of the Fund. 6. Where by any law or Ordinance any share or portion of any fine, penalty, forfeiture, or seizure is appropriated or made payable to the Governor of this Colony, such share or portion shall be paid over to the Receiver General, who shall enter the same to the credit of the Fund. Payment of 10 per cent, of forfeiture or seizure to the Fund. Paj-ment of Governor's share of fines, etc., to tlie Fund. 36-1 Application of the Fund. No. 4.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1868. 7. The Fund, under the order and direction of the Governor and at his discretion, shall be applied to providing the Officers of Colonial Customs, Commissaries of Taxation, Revenue Officers, and all other officers and servants of the Colonial Government engaged in the col- lection or protection of the Revenue with legal advice and assistance, and. in defraying on their behalf the costs of legal proceedings, in all matter? and cases in which, in the opinion of the Governor, the public interest is concerned ; and the Receiver General may from time to time, on the warrant or order of the Governor, pay such sums for the purposes aforesaid from and out of the Fund as the Governor may direct, without any further or other order or formality. A.D. 1868. OEDTNANCE No. 5 OF 1868. An Ordinance for the Incorporation of the Curates and Wardens of District Chapels. [18th July, 1868.] WHEREAS in divers Parishes in this Colony District Chapels have been established in connexion with the Church of Eng- land, and Curates have been nominated and licensed thereto having separate cure of souls, and annual salaries have been assigned to them by Ordinance ; And whereas it is expedient that provision should be made for incorporating the Curates and Wardens of such Chapels : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — Short title. Interpretation of terms. Appointment and tenure of office of Chapel Wardens. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the District Chapels Ordinance, 1868. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, — The " Bishop," in case of the absence of the Bishop or his inability to act, or in case of a vacancy in the See, includes the Vicar- General of the Diocese : " District Chapel " means any Church or Chapel of the Church of England, other than the Parish Church, to the Curate or Incum- bent of which an annual salary is now or hereafter may be assigned by Ordinance : " District Curate " means any such Curate or Incumbent. 3. — (1.) In every Parish in this Colony in which there maybe a District Chapel, it shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint two fit and proper persons to be Wardens of such Chapel, and from time to time to fill up vacancies in the number of such \N ardens. (2.) Such Chapel Wardens shall be appointed on the recommenda- A.D. 1868.] DISTRICT CHAPELS. [No. 5. 365 tion of the District Curate, whose duty it shall be to report to the Governor any vacancy which may occur. (3.) The persons appointed Cliapel Wardens shall continue in their said office for three years from the date of their respective appointments and until others are appointed in their stead 4. The Curate and Wardens of every District Chapel, by their name Incorporation of office and specifying the particular Chapel, shall be a body politic Wa^.^ens^o't'^*^ and corporate, with perpetual succession, and it shall not be necessary District for them to have a common seal, and they shall have full power and Chapel, authority in their corporate name to sue and be sued, and to acquire and hold immovable property, and to grant mortgages thereon, and to sell and transport the same : Provided always that the annual value of the land held by any one District Curate and Chapel Wardens shall in no case exceed two thousand five hundred dollars. 5. When and so soon as any two Wardens are appointed for any Publication of District Chapel under the provisions of this Ordinance, notice thereof notice of shall be given in The Official Gazette for general information, and such of Chapel notice shall be conclusive evidence of the due incorporation of the Wardens. District Curate and Wardens of the Chapel for the purposes and within the meaning of this Ordinance, and the date of incorporation shall be deemed to be the date of the publication of the notice. 6. It shall be lawful for any District Curate and Chapel Wardens Power to for the time being, in their corporate name, to borrow money on bonds "mortgage or other securities for the purposes of erecting, renewing, or repairing property of the District Chapel or other buildings under theii" management and District control, and to secure the repayment of any sum or sums of money so '^^^ ^^^' borrowed, and of the interest thereon, by gi'anting a preferent lien or security, by bond or by mortgage, on the revenues of the District Chapel under their management and control, as well as on the buildings and immovable property held by them in their corporate capacity : Pro- vided always that no immovable property shall be acquired, sold, or transported by any such Curate and Chapel Wardens, and also that no bond, mortgage or other transferable evidence of debt shall be granted or issued by them, without the consent of the Governor and Court of Policy ; and the Governor and Court of Policy shall, before granting such consent, obtain evidence, to their satisfaction, that the property sought to be acquired, sold, or transported, or that the loan required, by such Curate and Chapel Wardens is for an object approved of by the Bishop of the Diocese, and that adequate provision has been made for the total extinction of the debt, with the interest thereon, within a period not exceeding twenty years. 7. It shall be lawful for any District Curate and Chapel Wardens Power to pass for the time being, in their corporate name, to pass, execute, grant, ^"^1*° • ^ '^• accept and receive any transport, mortgage, bond, or other securiry authorized to be executed or received under the provisions of this Ordinance. 8. In all legal proceedings against any District Curate and Chapel Legal Wardens service of pi'ocess upon the Curate for the time being shall be Proceedings, good and sufficient service, and in all legal proceedings by any District Curate and Chapel Wardens the power ad litem shall be signed by the Curate and Chapel Wardens for the time being. 366 No. 5.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH QUI AN A : [A.D. 1868. Form of bond, and provision for defaced or lost bond. Schedule. Duties of Chapel Wardens. 9. — (1.) Any bond issued by virtue of this Ordinance may be in the Form contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, or as near thereto as circumstances will admit. (2.) In case any bond so issued is by accident defaced, it shall be lawful for the District Curate and Chapel Wardens to cause a new bond to be made and delivered to the bearer, and to cause the defaced bond to be cancelled in their presence, and the bond so cancelled shall be filed ; and the new bond shall bear the same number, date, and prin- cipal sum, and carry the same interest, and be subject to the same rules as the cancelled bond. (3.) Any such Curate and Chapel Wardens, on proof to their satis- faction that any bond issued under this Ordinance has been lost or destroyed before the same has been paid off, may, if the number and amount of such bond are ascertained, and on being furnished with due security for indemnifying them for any loss to which they may at any time be subjected by reason thereof, issue a new bond corresponding in all respects with the bond so lost or destroyed, or if any bond, when so lost or destroyed, is overdue, may cause the money due thereon to be paid off and discharged. 10. — (1.) The Wardens of any District Chapel who may be appointed under the provisions of this Ordinance shall collect and receive the rents of the pews and seats in the District Chapel, and shall do, perform, and execute all lawful acts, matters, and things necessary for the maintenance of the fabric thereof, and for the recovery of the pew rents, if in arrear. (2.) The money given at the offertory at such Chapel shall be dis- posed of by the District Curate and Wardens thereof in the same manner as the money given at the offertory at any District Church in England is by the Law of England directed to be disposed of by the Minister and Church Wardens thereof. Banking of moneys. Submission of annual account. 1 1 . All moneys at the disposal of any District Curate and Chapel Wardens shall be deposited in one of the local banks of the Colony in their corporate name, and such moneys shall not be drawn out of any such bank except by cheques signed by the District Curate and Chapel Wardens for the time being. 12. The Curate and Wardens of every District Chapel shall lay before the Governor and Court of Policy, on or before the first day of March in each year, an exact account of their receipts and expenditure, and a copy of the same shall be affixed to the doors of such Chapel. A.D. 1868.] DISTRICT CHAPELS. [No. 5. 367 SCHEDULE. Form of Bond. Section 9. 6. It shall be lawful for any District Ciu-ate and Chapel War- dens for the time being, in their corporate name, to borrow money on bonds or other securities for the purpose of erecting, renewing, or repairing the District Chapel or other buildings under their management and control, and to secure the repa\Tnent of any sum or sums of money so borrowed, and of the interest thereon, by granting a preferent lien or se- curity, by bond or by mortgage, on the revenues of the District Chapel under their- management and con- trol, as well as on the buildings and immovable property held by them in their corporate capacity. Provided always that no immov- able property shall be acquired, sold, or transported by any such Curate and Chapel Wardens, and also that no bond, mortgage, or other transferable evidence of debt shall be granted or issued by them, without the consent of the Governor and Court of Policy ; and the Governor and Court of Policy shall, before granting such consent, obtain evidence, to theii- satisfaction, that the property sought to be acquired, sold or transported, or that the loan re- q\iired, by such Curate and Chapel Wardens is for an object approved of by the Bishop of the Diocese, and that adequate provision has been made for the total extinction of the debt, with the interest thereon, within a period not ex- ceeding twenty years. 7. It shall be lawful for any District Curate and Chapel War- dens for the time being, in their corporate name, to pass, execute, grant, accept, and receive any transport, mortgage, bond, or other security authorized to be executed or received under the provisions of this Ordinance. 8. In all legal proceedings against any District Curate and Chapel Wardens service of pro- cess upon the Curate for the time being shall be good and suificient service, and in all legal proceedings by any District Curate and Chapel Wardens the power ad litem shaU be signed by the Curate and Chapel Wardens for the time being. CHAPEL BOND. British Guiana. District Chapel of No. The Curate and Wardens of the District Chapel of do hereby acknow- ledge to owe or bearer, the sum of dollars, for the pay- ment of which, at on the day of , with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, at the same place, on the successive days of and next ensuing the date of this Bond, on the surrender of the respective Interest Warrants hereto attached, the Revenues of the District Chapel and other Property under the management of the Curate and Wardens are pledged as Security under the pro- visions of the District Chapels Ordinance, 1868, passed by His Excellency the Governor and the Honourable Court of Policy of the said Colony. Given under our hands, at day of 1 this Curate. Wardens. 368 No. 7.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. A.D. 1868. — ♦ — 25 & 26 Vict, c. 89. 30 & 31 Vict. c. 131. Now No. 21 1898. Short title. Power to company incorporated under the Com- panies Acts to ORDINANCE No. 7 OF 1868. An Ordinance with regard to Trading Companies in- corporated under the Law of England, and for confirming the Title of the Colonial Company, Limited, to lands in this Colony. [29th July, 1868.] WHEREAS an Act was passed in the Session of Parliament held in the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth years of Her Majesty's Reign entitled " An Act for the Incorporation, Regulation, and Winding-up of Trading Companies," and another Act was passed in the Session of Parliament held in the thirtieth and thirty-first years of Her Majesty's Reign, entitled "An Act to Amend the Companies Act, 1862," which Acts of Parliament are hereinafter referred to as "the Companies Act, 1862," and "the Companies Act, 1867"; And whereas it is expedient to enact and declare that all companies already incorporated or which may hereafter be incorporated under either of the said Acts of Parliament shall have the same power to hold lands and immovable property in this Colony as if they had been incorporated in this Colony under the Companies Ordinance, 1864, and also that provision should be made for facilitating the proof in this Colony of the incorporation of such companies and of deeds and other instruments executed by or on behalf of such companies ; And whereas the Colonial Company, Limited, was incorporated in England under the first recited Act of Parliament, and examined copies of the memorandum of association and of the articles of association thereof certified under the hand of George Deane, Esquire, Assistant Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and the Seal of the Joint Stock Companies Registry Ofiice in England, and the certificate of incorpora- tion thereof under the hand of the Honourable Edward Cecil Curzon, Registrar of Joint Stock Companies in England, have been duly recorded in the Registrar's Office of the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo in this Colony, and divers transports of plantations and other immovable property in this Colony have been heretofore passed and executed to and in favour of the said Company ; And whereas doubts have been raised with respect to the said trans- ports, and it is expedient to remove such doubts, and to confirm the said transports, and to declare and enact by Ordinance the power of the said Company to hold lands and other immovable property in this Colony ; Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as. the English Companies (Holding of Lands) Ordinance, 1868. 2. It shall be lawful for any Company already incorporated, or which may hereafter be incorporated, under the Companies Act, 1862, or the Companies Act, 1867, to hold lands and other immovable property iu this Colony in the same manner to all intents and purposes A.D. 1868.] ENGLISH COMPANIES. [No. 7. 369 as if such company had been incorporated in this Colony under the Companies Ordinance, 1864. 3. It shall be lawful for any company already registered, or which may hereafter be registered, under either of the aforesaid Acts of Parliament to deliver to the Registrar of British Guiana, to be recorded by him, a certificate of incorporation of such company purporting to be under the hand of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, or a copy of such certificate of incorporation proved to be a true and correct copy by the oath or solemn declaration of the secretary or other officer of such company sworn or made before the Mayor or other Chief Magistrate of atiy City, Town, or Borough, or before any Notary Public or Justice of the Peace in Great Britain or Ireland, and such certificate or copy thereof duly recorded, or any office copy thereof certified by such Registrar, shall be conclusive evidence in this Colony of the incorporation of such company. 4. It shall be lawful for any company already registered, or which may hereafter be registered under either of the aforesaid Acts of Parliament to deliver to the Registrar of British Guiana, to be i-ecorded by him, a copy of the memoranduiu of association, and a copy of the articles of association, registered under either of the said Acts of Parliament, and proved to be true and correct copies by the oath or solemn declaration of the secretary or other officer of snch company sworn or made in manner hereinbefore mentioned ; and every such copy duly recoi'ded, or any office copy thereof certified by such Regis- trar, shall be conclusive evidence in this Colony, of such memorandum of association and articles of association respectively and of the signing thereof by the persons by whom the same respectively purport to be signed. 5. Any deed of any incorporated company registered under either of the aforesaid Acts of Parliament which is executed out of this Colony, but which is recorded in this Colony, shall be executed under the common seal of such company in the presence of two witnesses ; and the execution of such deed, and that the seal affixed thereto is the common seal of the company, and that the same was affixed thereto by the authority of the board of directors or managers of such company, and in conformity with the articles of association of such company, and the signatures of the directors or managers to any such deed (where such signatures are required by the articles of association of such company,) and the signature to such deed of the secretary or other officer by whom such seal may have been affixed, may be proved by the affidavit or solemn declaration of one of such witnesses or of the secretary or other officer affixing such seal, sworn or made in manner liereinbefore mentioned. 6. Every instrument made in this Colony on behalf of any such incorporated company and executed in the presence of two witnesses under the hand of any person empowered by instrument in writing under the common seal of such company, either generally or in respect of any specified matter, as its attorney to execute deeds on its behalf in this Colony, shall be binding on such company, and have the same effect as if it were under the common seal of the company. 7. The Colonial Company, Limited, hereinbefore mentioned shall have, and is hereby declared to have, power to hold lands and immov- hold lands in the Colony. Now No. 21 of 1898. Evidence of incorijoratiou of company. Evidence of nieniorandiim and articles of association. Manner of executing deed and mode of pi'oving same. Effect of instrument luider hand of attorney of company. Power to the Colonial Com- pany, Limited, 370 No. 7.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1868. to hold lands, and confirma- tion of previous trans- ports to tliem. Now No. 1898. 21 0/ Evidence of memorandmn and articles of association and certificate of incorporation of the Colonial Company, Limited. able property in this Colony in the same manner to all intents and purposes as if the said company had been incorporated in this Colony under the Companies Ordinance, 1864; and all transports of planta- tions and other immovable property heretofore passed and executed in this Colony to and in favour of the said company are hereby confirmed and declared legal, valid and binding, as on and from the respective dates of such transports. 8. The hereinbefore mentioned examined copies of the said memor- andum of association and of the said articles of association of the Colonial Company, Limited, both so recorded in the Registrar's Office of the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo as aforesaid, shall be and are hereby declared to be conclusive evidence of such memorandum of association and articles of association respectively, and of the signing thereof by the persons by whom the same respectively purport to be signed ; and the said certificate of incorporation of the said company signed by the Honourable Edward Cecil Curzon, Registrar of Joint Stock Companies in England, also so recorded in the said Registrar's Office as aforesaid, shall be and is hereby declared to be conclusive evidence of the incorporation of the said company. A.D. 1868. -;— ♦ Ordinances No. i of 1877, No. 7 of 1880, No. 13 of 1890, No. 8 0/1892, No. 8 of 1899, No. 22 of 1900, anA No. 28 of 1902 s. 5 incor- porated. Short title. Interpretation of terms. B ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1868. An Ordinance to consolidate the Laws relating to Licences for the Sale of Wines, Malt Liquors, and Spirituous Liquors. [1st January, 1869.] E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Wine, etc., Licences Ordin- ance, 1868. 2. In this Ordinance, — *' Licence," when used by itself, means " Retail Spirit Shop Licence " : " Commissary," when used by itself in relation to a licence, means any person doing the duty of Commissary of Taxation in the Fiscal District within which the licence is to be used : "Stipendiary Magistrate," when used by itself in relation to a licence, means any person doing the duty of Stipendiary Magis- trate in the Judicial District within which the licence is to be used ; " Financial Year " means twelve months commencing on the first day of April in one year and ending on the thirty-first day of March in the next succeeding year : '* Rum " includes all liquor whatever of which rum forms a component part other than bitters, cordials, liqueurs or similar compounds which the Commissary on any question connected therewith arising is satisfied were manufactured by a com- pounder under the Bitters and Cordials Ordinance, 1890, from rum distilled in the colony : (Amd. 22 of 1900, s. 3.) A.D. 1868.J WINF, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 371 ' Proof " means proof as shown by Sikes' Hydrometer or (where the strength of any liquor cannot be immediately ascertained thereby) as certified by the Government Analyst or by any Assistant Analyst apjjointed for the purposes of the sale of Food and Drugs Ordinance, 1892. (Amd. 22 of 1900, s. 3.) ' Colonial Bonded Warehouse " means the Colonial Bonded Ware- house in Georgetown or in New Amsterdam : 'By wholesale," when used with reference to rum, means, in quantities of forty-five gallons and upwards when disposed of for consumption within the Colony, and of twenty gallons and upwards when disposed of for exportation, and, when used with reference to other spirituous liquors, means in quantities of forty gallons and upwards : ■ Business premises " includes any room or place adjoining, or adjacent to, any store or shop : ■ Quart " means the quart as defined in section 6 of the Weights and Measures Ordinance, 1851. 3. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the City of Georgetown shall be considered the Judicial District of a Stipendiary Magistrate, and the Police Magistrate of Georgetown shall be the Stipendiary Magistrate of such Judicial District. 4.— (1.) No liquor containing more than thirty-five per cent, of proof spirit shall be deemed wine. (2.) No liquor containing more than twenty per cent, of proof spirit shall lie deemed malt liquor. (3.) All liquor other than wine or rum containing more than twenty per cent, of proof spirit, and all liquor other than rum containing more than thirty-five per cent, of proof spirit shall be deemed spirituous liquor. (Amd. 22 of 1900, s. 4.) No. 2 of 1851. Case of Georgetown. See No. 1893, s. 10 0/ 68. Classification of wine, malt liquor, and spiritiious liquor. The Excise Board. 5. There shall be an Excise Board, to consist of such persons as may Establislunent be appointed members thereof by the Governor, who shall have power of Excise to add to or vary the constitution of the Board, and to appoint a ^'°^™- Chairman and a Secretary of the Board, and to vai'y such appoint- ments from time to time as to him may seem fit. 6. — (1.) All the powers of the Excise Board maybe exercised at Exercise of meetings of the Board at which not fewer than three members are powers of the present. ^^"'« ^°*'^^- (2.) At every meeting the Chairman, if present, shall preside, and, in the absence of the Chairman, one of the members of the Board present shall be chosen by the members present to preside at the meeting. (3.) The Board may act notwithstanding any vacancy therein. (4.) Meetings of the Board shall be convened, whenever necessary, by the Chairman. 7. The Excise Board shall determine, in manner hereinafter pro- Powers and vided, as to the granting of Liquor Store Licences and Hotel or Tavern |^i"'"tions of the Licences and as to the granting and classification or rating or assess- ment of Retail Spirit Shop Licences, and shall regulate and control the issue of all licences under this Ordinance, and shall supervise the VOL. I. 25 372 No. 8.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1868 holders of all such licences and all Commissaries of Taxation and other persons engaged in carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance. ( Amd. 8 of 1899, s. 2.) Duty of the Excise Board to frame regulations for pmi)oses of the Ordinance. 8. It shall be the duty of the Excise Board from time to time to frame regulations, not being inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, for the following purposes, that is to say,^ — (1.) For establishing a proper classification or rating or assessment of Retail Spirit Shop Licences in the several Districts of the Colony ; and (2.) For the guidance in the discharge of their duties of the Com- missaries of Taxation and all other persons engaged in carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance, and for providing them with proper forms. (Amd. 8 of 1899, s. 2.) Power to ap- point Special Justices for pui-poses of tlie Ordinance, etc. Use of Sikes' Hydrometer, weights, and tables. Issue of licences in different counties. Special Jtistices, etc. 9.-' (1 ) The Governor is hereby authorized to appoint Special Justices of the Peace, who, in case of the absence from their Districts, or the inability at any time to act, of Stipendiary Magistrates, may perform all the duties of Stipendiary Magistrates relating to the granting and transfer of licences under this Ordinance ; and to the ordering of seizures under section 61. (2.) No such special Justice shall be required to take any oath of office. (3.) Any Stipendiary Magistrate or Special Justice may, in any Judicial District and without any special appointment, perform all the duties by this Ordinance assigned to the Stij^endiary Magistrate of the District. (4.) Any Couimissary of Taxation or Clerk to a Stipendiary Magistrate may, in any Fiscal District and without any special appoint- ment, perform all the duties by this Ordinance assigned to the Commissary of Taxation of the District. 10. Every instrument purporting to be a Sikes' Hydrometer, and all weights used with the same, and all printed tables purporting to be tables for ascertaining the strength of spirits with Sikes' Hydrometei', according to their temperature by Fahrenheit's thermometer, and purporting to be printed by authority of Parliament, may be used by any Officer of Colonial Revenue in order to ascertain the strength of any rum for the purposes of this Ordinance, and, as well as any Fahrenheit's thermometer used by any such Officer for the purposes of ascertaining the temperature of such rum, shall be deemed to be correct, and to give correct results, until the contrary is shown by some person interested. 11. The Receiver General shall deal with all licences whatever issued for localities within the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo ; and the Assistant Receiver General shall deal with all licences what- ever issued for localities within the County of Bar bice. Rules as to sale of wine und malt liquor. Sale of Whip, etc. 12. — (1.) Save as hereinafter excepted, every person who sells, or exposes or oflFers for sale, or barters, or otherwise disposes of for money A.D. 1868.] WINF, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 373 or reward, any wine or malt liquor shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars. (2.) The following are the exceptions; and in the excepted cases following wine or malt liiiuor may be lawfully sold, exposed or offered for sale, or bartered or disposed of for money or reward, that is to say, — (a.) Where it is sold, exposed or offered for sale, bartered, or disposed of for money or reward by wholesale and in quantities exceeding thirty Imperial gallons at one time to one person, firm, or corporation ; (b.) Where it is sold, exposed or offered for sale, bartered, or disposed of for money or reward in a Licensed Liquor Store by the person holding the licence for such liquor store, or by some servant or agent employed by such person, in quantities of not less than two Imperial gallons, to be drunk off the premises ; (c.) Where it is sold, exposed or offered for sale, bartered or disposed of for money or reward in a Licensed Hotel or Tavern, the licence holder of which is not in arrear of pay- ment of any tax or duty imposed by Ordinance in respect of his licence or of any instalment thereof, to be consumed on the premises, and is so sold, exposed or offered for sale, bartered, or disposed of for money or reward by the person holding the licence for such hotel or tavern, or by some servant or agent employed by such person, and is consumed on the premises ; (d.) Where it is sold, exposed or offered for sale, bartered, or disposed of for money or reward in a Licensed Retail Spirit Shop, by the person who holds the licence for such shop, or by some servant or agent employed by such person ; and (e.) Where it is sold, exposed or offered for sale, bartered, or disposed of for money or reward in a shop, store room, or yard for which the person so selling, exposing or offering for sale, bartering, or disposing of for money or reward holds a licence authorizing him there to sell wine and malt liquor and is sold, exposed or offered for sale, bartered, or disposed of for money, or reward by such person, or by a servant or agent employed by such person, to be drunk off the premises, and is not consumed on the piemises. (Amd. 8 of 1899, ?. 3.) 13. — (1.) Every person who sells or offers for sale, or barters. Penalty on exchanges, or otherwise disposes of, any rum, except by wholesale or P^^'^"" d^^i"'^ in some retail spirit shop for which he, or some person by whom he is spirituous employed, has a licence, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than liquor without fifty dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars. icence. (2.) Every person who sells or offers for sale, or barters, exchanges, or otherwise disposes of, any other spirituous liquor, except by whole- sale, or in some retail spirit shop, or some liquor store, or some hotel or tavern, as provided in Section 12 (2) (c.) hereof, for which he, or some person by whom he is employed, has a licence, or during tho period and at the place for which he, or some person by whom he is employed, has an Occasional Licence for the sale of spirituous liquors, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars and not VOL. I. * 25a 374 No. 8.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. exceeding two hundred dollars : Provided that not more than one charge shall be brought against any person in respect of offences against this section committed on any one day. ( Amd. 8 of 1899, s. 4.) Kinds of licences for sale of spirituous liquors. Classes of different kinds of licences. Penalties on holders of different licences for selling, etc., wine, etc., in contravention of licence. Penalty on holders of Eetail Spirit Shop Licence selling moi'e Licences for Sale of Spirituous Liquors. 14. There shall be four kinds of licences authorizing the sale of spirituous liquors : — (1.) The first shall be called a Liquor Store Licence, and shall autho- rize the sale of all spirituous liquors except rum, in quantities of not less than two gallons ; (2.) The second shall be called an Hotel or Tavern Licence, and shall authorize the sale of wine, malt liquors, and all spirituous liquors except rum, to be drunk on the premises ; (3.) The third shall be called a Retail Spirit Shop Licence, and shall authorize the sale, in the shop for which the licence is granted, of wine, malt liquors, and all spirituous liquors except rum, in any quantities, and whether to be drunk on the premises or not, and shall authorize the sale of rum in the shop for which the licence is granted, in quantities not exceeding one quart at any one time to any one person or on the order of any one person ; and (4.) The fourth shall be called an Occasional Licence for the Sale of Spirituous Liquors, and shall authorize the sale of wine, malt liquors, and all spirituous liquors except rum, during such day, or such portion of such day, as may be specified in the licence, at the place, or at the public entertainment, mentioned in the licence. 15. There shall be one class of Liquor Store Licences, and one class of Hotel or Tavern Licences, and the classification or rating or assess- ment of eveiy Retail Spirit Shop Licence shall be determined by the Excise Board, subject to the provisions of any Tax Ordinance for the time being in force relating to the same. (8 of 1899, s. 5.) 16. — (1.) Every holder of a Liquor Store Licence who sells or offers for sale, or barters, exchanges, or otherwise disposes of, any spirituous liquor, other than rum, in quantities of less than two gallons, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars. (2.) Every person, other than the holder of an Hotel or Tavern Licence or of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence, who sells or offers for sale, or barters, exchanges, or otherwise disposes of, any wine or malt liquor, to be drunk on the premises, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars. (3.) Every holder of an Hotel or Tavern Licence who sells or offers for sale, or barters, exchanges, or otherwise disposes of, any spirituous liquor, except to be drunk on the premises or by wholesale, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars : Provided that not more than one charge shall be brought against any person in respect of offences against this section committed on any one day. 17. — (L) Except as hereinafter provided, it shall not be lawful for the holder of a Retail Spirit Shop licence to sell, deliver, or dispose of more than one (juart of rum to any one person, or on the order of any on(,' person, at any one time. A.D. 1868.] WINE, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 375 (2.) Every holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence who, by himself, than one quart his servant, or agent, sells, delivers, or disposes of more than one quart oj,^"^^* of rum to any one person, or on the order of any one person, at any one time, and every holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence in whose shop more than one quart of rum is sold, delivered, or disposed of to any one person, or on the order of any one person, at any one time, shall be guilty of an offence, and shall, on a lirst conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars, and, on a second conviction, to a like penalty, and, in addition, to have his licence suspended for any period not exceeding one mouth, and, on a third or any subsequent conviction, to a like penalty, and, in addition, to have his licence forfeited : Provided always that it shall be lawful for the holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence to sell, deliver, or dispose of more than one quart of rum to any one per- son, if such holder has, previously to such sale or delivery, obtained a special authority, in the Form No. 1 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, from a Commissary of Taxation, and signed by such Com- Schediile : missary, authorizing such holder to sell such larger quantity to the io"»i-^"-i- particular person named therein. 18. — (1.) Liquor Store Licences may be taken out at any time, for Time for wliidi the whole unexpired portion of any Financial Year, provided that the licences i nay period for which they are taken out shall not be less than three months, and Retail Spirit Shop Licences shall not be granted after the com- mencement of any financial year unless it is shewn to the satisfaction of the Excise Board that special reasons exist for granting the same. (Amd. 8 of 1899, s. 6.) (2.) Hotel or Tavern Licences may be taken out at any time, for the whole unexpii'ed portion of any Financial Year, provided that the period for which they are taken out shall not be less than one month. 1 9. All licences dealt with in this Ordinance shall be obtained and Obtaining and paid for in the manner hereinafter provided. paying for licences. Liquor Store and Hotel or Tavern Licences. 20. Every person who is desirous of procuring a Liquor Store Licence shall make application to the Excise Board in the Form No. 2 contained in the Schedule to tliis Oi'dinance, and every person who is desirous of obtaming an Hotel or Tavern Licence shall make application to the Excise Board in the Form No. 3 contained in the said Schedule, and in making such apphcation shall name some place in Georgetown to which all communications relating to it are to be addressed. 2 1 . The Excise Board shall proceed at once to take every such appli- cation into consideration, and shall grant or refuse the same as to them may seem fit, and immediately on coming to a decision, shall intimate such decision to the applicant at the address given by him as herein- before provided, and when they refuse any application, they shall state their reasons for such refusal. 22. — ( 1 .) Any such applicant may appeal against any decision of the Excise Board refusing him a licence, and such appeal shall be by petition to the Governor-in-Council. (2.) Every such petition shall state fully the grounds of appeal, and shall be presented within seven days from the time of the commu- nication to the applicant of the decision of the Excise Board. Ajiplication for Liquor Stove or Hotel or Tavern Licence. Sdiedule : Fomi No. 2 • Forai No. 3 Dealing with apjilication. Right of appeal from decision of the Excise Board. .176 No. 8.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. (3.) As soon as may be practicable, the Governor-in-Council shall take such petition into consideration, and may confirm or reverse the decision of the Excise Board ; and the Government Secretary or Clerk of the Executive Council shall, immediately on the decision of the Governor-in-Council. communicate the same to the applicant at the address given by him as hereinbefore provided. Issuing and form of licence. Schedule : Form No. 4 : Fonn No. 5. Payment for Eetail Spirit Shop Licence. Holding of meetings of Justices for entertaining applications for Eetail Spirit Licences. Application for Retail Spirit Shop Licence, consideration thereof, and decision thereon. Schedule : Form No. 6. 23. — (1.) If, either by the decision of the Excise Board or of the Governor-in-Council, the application is granted, the applicant shall obtain the licence for which he has applied, on payment to the Receiver General or the Assistant Receiver General of the sum properly charge- able for the same. (2.) A Liquor Store Licence and an Hotel or Tavern Licence shall respectively be in the Forms No. 4 and No. 5 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance. Retail Spirit Shop Licences. 24. Payment for a Retail Spirit Shop Licence shall be made by equal monthly instalments in advance, the first instalment to be paid at the time hereinafter provided, and the remaining instalments to be secured by, and to be payable in terms of, a bond with two sureties as hereinafter provided. 25.- (I.) A meeting of the Justices of the Peace residing in each Judicial District of the Colony for the purpose of entertaining applica- tions for Retail Spirit Shop Licences for localities within the District for any Financial Year, shall be held on any day after the 31st January and not later than the second Monday of the month of February next- preceding such Financial Year. (Amd. 8 of 1899, s. 7.) (2.) Every such meeting shall be convened by the Stipendiary Magistrate of the District, by advertisement to be published in 7'he Official Gazette and one newspaper of the Colony, at least five days be- fore the day appointed for such meeting ; and every such advertisement shall state the hour of the meeting and the place within the Judicial District at which it is to be held. 26. Every application for a Retail Spirit Shop Licence shall be made, and proceeded with and dealt with, in the manner following, that is to say, — (1.) The applicant, at least five days before the day appointed for the meeting of the Justices, shall serve on the Commissary of Taxation for the Fiscal District in which the house, shop, or pre- mises in which the business to be carried on under the licence, is or are situate, a notice in duplicate, signed by himself or his au- thorized agent, and in the Form No. 6 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance if the application is for a renewal of a licence, and, if the application is for a new licence, shall, in addition, to such service as aforesaid, also affix one copy of such notice on the outside, and another on the inside, of the outer front door of such house, shop, or pi-emises, and shall keep such notice so affixed until the granting or refusal of his application, as hereinafter provided for, by the Excise lioard ; (2.) At the time and place appointed, the applicant or his agent thereto duly authorised in writing shall attend, and the Justices shall in every case inquire into the character and circumstances of the applicant, and generally as to the expediency of granting the A.D. 1868.] WINE, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 377 licence, and shall in every case procure such information as may be available as to the circumstances of the proposed sureties ; and on every such occasion the Justices shall be entitled to the assistance of the Commissary, who shall act as their Clerk, and shall be bound previously to inform himself, and on every such occasion to impart to the Justices all the information in his possession, relating to the matters in question ; and, in pursuing such imjuiry as aforesaid, the Justices may take evidence, examine witnesses upon oath, and hear parties in support of, and in opposition to, the application : Provided that the Justices present may, if they think fit, require the applicant to attend in person ; ( Anid. 8 of 1899, s. 8). (3.) The Stipendiary Magistrate, and, in his absence, any Special Justice appointed under this Ordinance acting for him, and, if there is no Stipendiary Magistrate or Special Justice present, the senior Justice present, shall be Chairman of the meeting. Every ques- tion arising and propei'ly cognizalile on any such occasion, shall be decided by a majority of the Justices present, and, if they are equally divided, the Chairman shall have a casting vote ; and if on any such occasion there are a Stipendiary Magistrate and only one other Justice present, then such Stipendiary Magistrate, or if there is only one Justice present, then such Justice, shall, if he thinks fit, decide and dispose of all matters properly cognizable on the occasion. On every occasion the business may be adjourned lo some other day ; (4.) On the conclusion of such inquiry as aforesaid, the Chairman of the meeting, or the single Justice, if there is only one present, shall make a report to the Excise Board ; and such report may contain any general information which it is considered desirable to insert therein, and shall state whether the meeting, or such single Justice, as the case may be, recommends the granting or the refusal of such application, and the reasons for such recommenda- tion ; and, along with such report of the Chairman or Justice, the Commissary shall furnish to the Excise Board a report containing particular information as to the locality, the popuhition of the neighbourhood, and the house, shop, or premises in question, and also such general information in his possession as he may consider likely to be of use to the Excise Board in deciding as to the granting or refusal of the application ; and (5.) The Excise Board, as soon as may be convenient and practicable, shall take every such report into consideration, and shall grant or refuse the application as to them may seem fit, and, if they refuse the application, they shall at once intimate such rejection to the Commissary, who shall notify it to the applicant ; and every such refusal shall be final. 27. — (1-) If the Excise Board decide to grant the application, they Fixing shall at the same time fix the classification, or rating, or assessment, classification of the licence, and they shall at once intimate their decision to the ^*^^"'^"- Commissar}', who shall notify to the applicant such classification, and his right to obtain the licence on making payment in advance of one monthly instalment of the amount payable for the same, and executing a bond before a Stipendiary Magistrate as hereinafter provided. (2.) If the applicant is dissatisfied with the classification, or rating, or assessment, he may either at once withdraw his application 378 No. 8.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1868. Further proceedings by applicant for obtaining licence. or may appeal from the decision of the Excise Board to the Goveraor- in-Council. (3.) Such appeal shall be by petition, setting forth the reasons of the petitioner ; and the petition must be presented not later than one week after the receipt from the Commissary of such intimation as aforesaid, and must be accompanied by a letter to the (Government Secretary or Clerk of the Executive Council, naming some place in Georgetown, to which the communication of the decision of the Governor-in-Council is to be addressed for the applicant. (4.) The Governor-in-Council shall at once proceed to the consideration of such petition, and may, by his decision, confirm, alter, or vary the classification, or rating or assessment made by the Excise Board, and, immediately on such decision being arrived at, the Government Secretaiy or Clerk of the Executive Council shall communicate the same to the applicant at the address named by him ; and, if he is dissatisfied with such decision, he may at once withdraw his application. (Amd. 8 of 1899, ss. 2 and 9.) 28. — (1.) Within ten days after intimation of the decision of the Excise Board given to the applicant as aforesaid by the Commissary, or within seven days after communication of the decision of the Governor-in-Council made to him as aforesaid by the Government Secretary or Clerk of the Executive Council, the applicant and his sureties, if he is desirous of proceeding with his application, shall appear before the Stipendiary Magistrate of any District, who, with the assistance of the Commissary of the Fiscal District in which the Stipendiary Magistrate is sitting, shall inake full inquiry into the sufficiency of the sureties, and if he is satisfied with their sufficiency, the applicant shall then and there pay to the Commissary the first monthly instalment of the amount payable for his licence, and he and his sureties shall then and there execute a bond in either of the Forms numbered 7 («) and 7 (b) contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, or as near thereto as circumstances will admit, for the payment of the remaining monthly instalments, each in advance, and of any other sum that may be or become payable by way of duty ; and the Commissary shall at once forward the sum so paid and the bond to the Receiver General or the Assistant Receiver General : Provided that if the applicant fails to pay the first monthly instalment of the amount payable for his licence and to execute a bond as hereinbefore provided within the above mentioned period of ten days, he shall be deemed to have abandoned his application, and any classification I'ating on assessment made thereunder shall be void. (Amd. 8 of 1899, s. 10.) (2.) Whenever any of the sureties die, or become insolvent, or are absent from the Colony, the Receiver General may require the holder of the licence to find another surety to be bound in like manner, and if the holder fails for one mouth to comply with such requirement, the licence shall be deemed to be determined. (28 of 1902, s. 5 (1.).) 29. On the payment of the first instalment and the execution of the bond, the Stipendiary Magistrate shall give to the applicant a certificate in the form No. 8 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and the ajjplicant, on delivering such certificate to the Receiver General or the Assistant Receiver General, shall obtain a licence in the Form No. 9 contained in the Haid Schedule. Schedule : Forms No. 7 (a) and 7 ib). Giving of certificate and issue of licence. Schedule : Form No. 8 ; Form No. 9. A.D. 1868.] WINE, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 379 30. No Stipendiary Magistrate shall, except with the express per- Time within mission in writiii'' of the Excise Board, grant any certificate for a ^'>"^'» certifi- licence for any Financial Year on any day lat(M- than the fifteenth day of March next preceding such Financial Y^ear. cute to lie granted. 31. — (1.) Application may at any time he made for a Retail Spirit Aiiiilientiou for Shop Licence for any period not less than three months of the unexpired itttail Spirit portion of the Financial Year, and such application shall be made in fJ,rshort'period manner hereinbefore provided with respect to applications for new licences. (2.) In every case of such application, the Stipendiary Magistrate for the Judicial District within which the business is proposed to be carried on under the licence shall convene a meeting of the Justices resident in the District, by advertisement to be published in The Ojficinl • Gazette ami one newspaper of the Colony, at least eight days before the day appointed for such meeting ; and such advertisement shall state the day and hour of the meeting, and the place within the Judicial District at- which it is to be held, and the object for which it is called ; and after such advertisement all proceedings relating to such application shall be the same as hereinbefore provided with respect to other applications for licences. 32. — (1.) Every holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence who is desirous of transferring the same from one house, shop, or premises to another shall make application in the Form No. 10 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and in the same manner as if he were applying for a new licence. (2.) Every application for such transfer shall thereafter be pro- ceeded with and dealt with in all respects in the same manner as pro- vided in the last preceding section with respect to an application for a new licence : Provided that no licence shall be removed from a locality in one Fiscal District to a locality in another Fiscal District : Provided, also, that if any proposed I'emoval is from a locality in one Judicial District to a locality in another Judicial District, the Stipendiary Magis- trate of the latter District shall deal with such application. 33. — (1.) When any holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence is desirous to transferring the same to any other person, the proposed transferor and transferee shall make application by serving on the Commissary a joint notice in duplicate in the Form No. 1 1 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, as in the case of an application for a renewal of a licence. (2.) Every application for such transfer shall thereafter be pro- ceeded with and dealt with in all respects in the same manner as pro- vided in section 31 with respect to an application for a new licence, except that the Excise Board shall not make any new classification or rating or assessment of such licence : Provided that all intimations requii-ed to be given to an applicant shall be given to both the proposed transferor and the proposed transferee, and that the provisions relating to the attendance of an applicant for a new licence, or his agent shall apply to both such persons, and that the Justices in their proceedings shall treat the transferee as an applicant for a licence : Provided, also, thit, after the execution of the security bond by the transferee and his sureties, it shall not be necessary to issue a new licence, but the existing licence shall be transferred by endorsement thereon by the Application for transfer of Retail Spirit Shop Licence to other premises. Schedule : Form No. 10. Apphcation for transfer of Retail Spirit Sliop Licence to other person. Schedule : Foiin No. 11. 380 No. 8.1 THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1868. Stipendiary Magistrate before whom the security bond is executed, and the date of the said endorsement shall for all purposes be deemed to be the date of the transfer. (Amd. 8 of 1899, ss. 2 and 11.) Power to allow transfer for unexiiired portion of year. Prohibition of Justice taking part in proceedings in certain cases. 34. — (1.) The Excise Board may, if they see fit, allow the transfer of any licence, under either of the last two preceding sections, for any unexpired portion of a Financial Year, though the same may be less than three months. (2.) The bond in Form No. 7 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance shall be varied and adapted to suit every case of security required to be given on the transfer of a Licence under either of the last two preceding sections. 35. No Justice shall take any part in any proceedings relating to the granting or transfer of a licence when the premises for which the licence is sought, or to which it is attached, or to which it is to be transferred, or the land whereon such premises are situate, are or is the property, in whole or in part, of such J ustice, or of any person for whom he is manager or agent, or of a person to whom he is, either by • blood or marriage, father, son, or brother, or of a person of whom such Justice is the partner in any trade or business. Fee to Commissary. Proceedings of Justices relating to licence under the Ordinance not to be sub- ject to appeal. Keeping and publication of lists of licences. Keeping of record of proceedings relating to Retail Spirit Shop Licences. 36- Every Commissary shall receive from every applicant for a Retail Spirit Shop Licence, or for the renewal or transfer of the same, the sum of two dollars, to be paid to him at the time of the service of notice on him by such applicant. 37. Except as hereinbefox'e provided with respect to the supervision and the powers to be exercised by the Excise Board, no decision and no proceeding whatever of any Justice or Justices in any way relating to the granting or the transfer of any licence shall be subject to any revision, control, or a^^peal by or before any court or tribunal whatever or any person or persons whomsoever ; nor, except as aforesaid, shall anything done, or omitted or refused to be done, by any Justice or Justices in relation to the granting or transfer of any licence be brought in question, or be made the subject of any order, application, or proceeding whatever, by or before any Court or tribunal whatever or any person or persons whomsoever ; notwithstanding the px'ovisions of any law or Ordinance whatever to the contrai'y. 38. — (1.) The Receiver General and the Assistant Receiver General shall respectively keep sepai-ate lists of all Liquor Store Licences, all Hotel or Tavern Licences, and all Retail Spirit Shop Licences issued in Demerara and Essequebo and in Berbice respectively ; and such list shall be in such form as may be prescribed by the Excise Board. (2.) The Excise Board may at any time demand and have copies of such lists. (3.) Such lists shall be published from time to time as and when such ])ublication may be directed by the Governor. 39. — (L) Every Stipendiary Magistrate shall keep a separate book in which he shall enter all transactions and matters relating in Retail Spirit Shop Licences, and such book, when and so soon as a form of keeping the same is prescribed by the Excise Board, shall be kept in such form. A.D. 1868.] WINE, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 381 (2.) On or before the fifth day of each month, each Stipendiary Magistrate shall forward to the Excise Board a copy of all entries in such book during the preceding month. Occasional Licence. 40. — (1.) Any Commissary of Taxation may issue an Occasional Issue of Occa- T ■ \ l^ ^ n • -^ ^• i. ,„ sional Licence. Licence tor the sale or spirituous liquors except rum. (2.) Every such licence shall specify the 2)lace at which the person obtaining such licence is to be authorized to sell wine, malt liquors, and all spirituous licjuors except rum, and the day on which, or the portion of the day during which, such person is to be so authorized. Power to issue special permit for use of spirituous liquor in scientific pursuits, etc. See Ordinance No.\ q/' 190.5. Schedule : Forra No. 12. Special Permit. 41. — (1.) Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance or in any Ordinance for the time being in force relating to spirits, the Comp- troller of Customs may at any time, with the sanction of the Excise Board, issue a special permit, in the Form No. 12 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, or as near thereto as circumstances will admit, to any person engaged in any scientific pursuit, or in the practice of any art, or in any manufacture, trade, or business authorizing him to remove to and keep in the premises where he is engaged in such pursuit, or practises such art, or carries on such manufacture, trade, or business (hereinafter called his " business premises ") any spirituous liquor in such quantity, not exceeding fifty gallons, as may in each case be fixed by the Excise Board, and of a strength not exceeding fifty degrees over proof, for the purpose of being there used exclusively in such pursuit, art, manufacture, trade, or business. (2.) It shall be in the discretion of the Excise Board in each case whether they will grant or withhold their sanction to the issue of any such permit. (3.) Any such permit shall not authorize any such person to have or keep any spirituous liquor in any place other than his business premises. 42. Every person to whom any such permit is issued shall be bound Accounting for to account, to the satisfaction of the Excise Board, for the due disposal ^^^^l^l speciaT of all spirituous liquor obtained by him under such permit before any penult, new special permit shall be issued to him under the last preceding section. . 43. Every person to whom any such permit has heretofore been, or raa)' hereafter be, issued who — (1.) Has or keeps any such spirituous liquor in any place other than his business premises ; or (2.) Uses or applies, or suffers to be used or applied, any such spirituous liquor for any purpose or in any way whatever other than for the bond fide preparation of or dealing with anything in the course of such pursuit, art, manufacture, trade, or business as aforesaid, shall be lial)le to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars. 44. The provisions of sections 77 and 80 shall extend and apply to the holder of any special permit issued under section 41 and to his business premises. Penalty for contravention of provisions relating to special permits. Application of certain provisions. 382 No. 8.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. Affixing of sign board on licensed liquor store, hotel, tavern and retaQ spirit shop. Keeping of books l)y liolder of Retail Spiiit Shop Licence. Schedule : Form No. 13 : Form No. 14. Production of books, etc. Declaration to be made by lioldcr of lletail Spirit Shop Licence on taking mm out of bond. Scliedule : Form No. 15. Regulation of strength of spirit kept by licence holders. Regulation of Licence-holders. 45. — (1.) Every holder of a licence for a liquor store, au hotel, a tavern, or a retail spirit shop shall affix on the outside of and over some conspicuous door in the front of such store, hotel, tavern, or shop, a board, on which there shall be legibly and clearly painted, in white letters, not less than three inches long, on a black gi'ound, the name of the holder of the licence at length, and underneath the words "Licensed Liquor Store," "Licensed Hotel," "Licensed Tavern," or " Licensed Retail Spirit Shop," as the case may be, on pain in default thereof, of liability to a penalty of ten dollars for. the first, twenty dollars for the second, and forty dollars for the third and every subse- quent breach of this section. (2.) Every continued omission to affix such board for ten days after the last previous conviction shall be considered a repetition of the offence. 46. — (1.) Every holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence shall keep in the shop for which the Licence has been granted a book, in the Form No. 13 contained in the Schedule to this Oi*dinance, in which shall be entered all the rum received or brought into the said shop^ and a book, in the Form No. 14 contained in the said Schedule, in which shall be entered all the other spirituous licjuors brought into the said shop. (2.) Every holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence who neglects to make the necessary entries in the said books on the same day on which he receives any rum or other spirituous liquor shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars. 47. Every holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence who — (1.) Refuses to j^roduce to any Commissary of Taxation, when re- quired to do so, any book required to be kept by such holder in the shop for which the licence is granted ; or (2.) Prevents any Commissary of Taxation from inspecting any such book j or (3,) Molests or obstructs any Commissary of Taxation when inspect- ing such books ; or (4.) Prevents or attempts to prevent by any device or otherwise any Commissary of Taxation from ascertaining the true quantity and strength of all liquor in such shop ; or (5.) Molests or hinders any Commissary of Taxation when ascertain- ing such quantity or strength ; shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars. (Amd. 8 of 1899, s. 12.) 48. Every holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence, or his agent, before being allowed to pay duty at the rate per gullon fixed by an}^ Tax Ordinance for the time being in force to be paid on each gallon (jf the number of gallons of rum specified in his licence, shall be required to fill in, according to the facts, a declaration relating to the same in the Form No. 15 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and to sign the same. (Amd. 8 of 1899, s. 13.) 49. — (1.) All rum, brandy, whiskey, gin and other spirituous liquors in any licensed retail spirit shop, hotel or tavern, or liquor store, or in any part of the premises or outbuildings of, or connected with, the A.D. 1868.] WINE, FAV., LICENCES. [No. 8. 383 same, sliall be of good wholesome quality and shall be of a strength not below twenty-five per cent, under proof. (2.) If any such ruin, brandy, whiskey, gin or other spirituous liquor is not of good wholesome quality, or is of a strength below twenty- five per cent, under proof, the same, and the package containing the same, may be seized by any Commissai-y of Taxation or Officer of Customs and shall be forfeited, and the liolder of the licence for the retail spirit shop, hotel or tavern or liquor store, (as the case may be) in or near which the same is found, shall be guilty of an offence, and being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. (3.) If any rum, brandy, whiskey, gin, or other spirituous liquor of a strength below twenty-five per cent, under proof is sold from any licensed retail spirit shop, hotel or tavern, or liquor store, the holder of the licence for such retail spirit sliop, hotel or tavern, or liquor store (as the case may be), shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. (4.) The provisions of this section as to the strength of rum, brandy, whiskey, gin and other spirituous liquors sold shall not apply to any such bitter^, cordials, liqueurs, or similar compounds of rum manufactured by a compounder under the Bitters and Cordials Ordin- m, i of 1890. ance, 1890, or to any such spirituous liquors as have on importation been passed by the Comptroller of Customs as bitters, cordials, or liqueurs, provided the strength of such bitters, cordials, liqueurs, or similar compounds, compounded or imported has not been artificially altered since they wei'e removed from the compounder's premises, or imported, as the case may be. (22 of 1900, s. 5.) 49a. — (1.) The quantity of rum in bottles in any licensed retail Quantity of spirit shop shall not exceed at any one time thirty reputed quarts or ^™ be kept in sixty reputed pints for each 100 gallons or part of 100 gallons of the retail spirit annual assessment of such shop. .shop. (2.) If any quantity of rum in bottles is at any time found by an officer in the stock of a holder of a retail spirit shop licence in excess of the quantities mentioned in sub-section (1) of this section, the same may be seized by such official and the holder of the retail spirit shop shall be guilty of an offence and being convicted thereof shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars : Provided that where in any case the number of bottles so allowed to be kept would be less than 270 reputed quarts or 540 reputed pints, it shall be lawful to have rum in bottles in such shop to the extent of 270 reputed quarts or 540 reputed pints at one time and no more. (20 of 1904, s. 3.) 50. — (1.) No goods, wares or merchandise whatevei', except ice, liquors of every description used for drink, empty packages which have contained such liquors, and tobacco, whether manufactured or not, cigars and cigarettes, shall be dealt io, sold bartered, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of, either directly or indirectly, in or from any licensed retail spirit shop in Georgetown or New Amsterdam, or by the holder of the licence for such shop in or from any adjoining house or premises. (2.) The holder of such licence shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars for every breach of any of the foregoing provisions of this section : Provided that a Articles, other than liquors permitted to be sold in retail spirit shops in Georgetown and New Amsterdam. 384 No. 8.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1868. Penalty on holder of licence for sale of liquor to person intoxicated. Penalty on holder of Retail Spirit Shop Licence for barter of liquor in retail spirit shop. Penalty on holder of Retail Spirit Shop Licence, etc., not dispersing riotous meeting in or near retail spirit shop. licence may be granted to any person, other than the holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence, to keep any shop, other than a retail spirit shop, in such adjoining house or premises, provided that there is no internal communication between the two; and if after the granting of any such licence, any such communication is jiiade, the holder of such licence shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollai's for every day that such communication remains open. (Amd. 12 of 1896, s. 4.) 51. If ''iny intoxicating drink whatever is delivered in any licensed hotel or tavern, or in or from any licensed retail spirit shop, to any person appearing to be in a state of intoxication, the holder of the licence for such shop, hotel, or tavern, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five dollars. 52. All liquors disposed of in any licensed retail spirit shop shall be sold for money, and shall not be bartered or exchanged for any other thing, on pain of the holder of the licence for such shop being liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars for every breach of this section. 53.— (1.) If at any time there is a riotous, or disorderly, or noisy meeting or assemblage of persons in, at, or near any licensed retail spirit shop, the person in charge of such shop shall immediately call or send for the assistance of the nearest policeman or rural constable to disperse such meeting or assemblage. (2.) If any person so in charge fails to call or send for such assist- ance, the holder of the licence for such shop shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars ; and any policeman or rural constable who, Penalty for playing at cards or dice, or gaming in licensed retail spirit shop. Penalty for sale of spirits in or from licensed retail spirit shop to soldier, etc. neglects to give such assist- on being so called or sent for, refuses or ance shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. 54. No playing at cards or dice, whether for money or mere amuse- ment, and no gaming of any kind whatever, shall be carried on in any licensed retail spirit shop, or in any part of the premises thereto apper- taining, or adjoining, on pain of the holder of the licence for such shop being liable to a penalty of fifty dollars, and of every person engaged in any such playing at cards or dice, or in any such gaming, being liable to a penalty of ten dollars. 55. — (1-) No spirituous liquor of any kind shall be sold, bartered, exchanged, or in any way disposed of or delivered, under any pretext whatsoever, in or from any licensed retail spirit shop, or in or from any adjoining house or premises of the holder of the licence for such shop, to any of His Majesty's Troops in this Colony, or to the wife or child of any soldier, the servant of any officer, or any person whomsoever coming under the description of a follower of the Army, there being a reasonable cause to know or suspect the person to be such. (2.) The holder of the licence for any such shop shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding twenty-five dollars for the first, and of fifty dollars for each subsequent, breach of any of the provisions of this section. 56. Powers and Procedure. -(1.) It shall be lawful for all members of the Police Force, Power to Polic?Force to ^^en and a's often as they may think fit, to enter any licensed retail enter licensed spirit shop, and into and upon the premises belonging thereto or used retail spirit therewith. shop. A.D. 1868.J WINE, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 385 (2.) Ever}'' person who refuses to admit any Member of tlie Police Force into such shop or premises, or molests any member of tlie Police Force when in such shop or premises, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall Ije liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. Production f)f Occasional Licence. Arrest of person found selling spirituous liquor without licence. 57. Ever}' person holding an Occasional Licence for the sale of spirituous liquor.s shall be bound to produce such licence, whenever required to do so by any Commissary of Taxation, member of the Police Force, or constable. 58. Every person who is found selling, or offering or exposing for sale, any spirituous liquor at any place other than in a licensed liquor store, hotel, tavern, or retail spirit shop, or any wine or malt liquor at any place other than in a licensed liquor store, hotel, tavern, or retail spirit shop, and who doe*^ not produce an Occasional Licence for the sale of spirituous liquors which authorizes the sale, or the offering or exposing for sale, of wine, malt liquors, or spirituous liquors at the time when and at the place where such pei'son is so found selling, or offering or exposing for sale, wine, malt liquor, or spirituous liquor, may be arrested by any Commissary of Taxation, member of the Police Force, or constable, and detained until such person can be brought before a Stipendiary Magistrate, and dealt with according to law, and the wine, malt liquor, or spirituous liquor so sold or offered or exposed for sale, with the packages containing the same shall l)e seized and forfeited. 59. — (1-) No rum, exceeding in quantity one quart, shall be removed Prohibition of without a permit accompanjnng the same, given and signed by a Com- missary of Taxation or other person authorized by any law now or hereafter to be in force to grant permits for the removal of rum. (2.) Every person concerned in the removal of any rum, exceeding in quantity one quart, without such permit accompanying the same, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars; and the rum so removed, together with the packages containing the same, and ever}^ cart, vessel, or other conveyance, and every animal, employed in removing the same, shall be forfeited. 60, Every Commissary of Taxation, Officer of Customs, member of Powers of the Police Force, and constable who has cause to suspect that any gearch^and person is carrying or romoving any rum, exceeding in quantity one an-est in regard quart, may stop, detain, and examine such person, and may examine *" mm being every package, cart, vessel, or conveyance under the control of such ^^^^^^ person, and may examine every cart, vessel, or conveyance on or in which such person may be ; and if any Commissary of Taxation, Officer of Customs, member of the Police Force, or constable ascertains that any person is carrying or removing any rum, or is concerned in the carrying or removing of any rum, exceeding in quantity one quart, without having obtained a permit for such removal given and signed by a Commissary of Taxation, or other person authorized by any law now or hereafter to be in force to grant permits for the removal of rum, such Commissaiy of Taxation, Officer of Customs, member of the Police Force, or constable may seize such rum with the package con- taining the same, and may seize the cart, vessel, conveyance and all animals employed in removing the same, and may arrest the person removuig iiini, exceeding in quantity one ([uart, without permit. 386 No. 8.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. carr^'ing or removing such rum, or concerned in the carrying or remov- ing of such rum, and detain such person until he can be brought before a Stipendiary Magistrate and dealt with according to law. Persons authorized to enter premises and demand licence. Disposal of liquor, etc., seized. Mode of disputing seizure of liquor, etc. 61. The Inspector Genei'al of Police, any Commissary of Taxation, any Inspector and sergeant of Police, and any corporal of Police and ordinary policeman who has a general authority in writing from the Inspector General or any Inspector, may enter any premises whatever in which any wine or malt liquor to lie drunk on the premises, or any spirituous liquor whatever, is sold, or is offered, exposed, or kept for sale, and any room or place thereto attached and belonging, and may demand from the person in charge of such premises, room, or place his licence for selling such wine, malt liquor, or spirituous liquor, and, if such person does not immediately produce such licence, shall place some person in charge of such premises, room or place, and of all wine, malt liquor, and spirituous liquor found therein, and shall make a report of his proceedings, and of the evidence which he may have as to such selling, or offering, exposing, or keeping for sale as aforesaid, to the nearest Stipendiary Magistrate, and any such Magistrate shall, if he thinks fit, order all wine, malt liquor, and spirituous liquor in' the said premises, room, or place to be seized, and all such wine, malt liquor, and spirituous liquor so seized shall be dealt with according to the pro- visions of this Ordinance. 62. — (1.) All liquor and every cask or other package, so seized shall be at once removed to, and shall until forfeiture or restoration of the same, be kept in, the Colonial Bonded Warehouse, or some convenient and safe place of custody elsewhere, and the owner, or person claiming the same, shall be at liberty, before the removal thereof, to cause such liquor to be examined, and, if in casks, to be gauged, and, if rum, to be tested for proof by Sikes' Hydrometer, and such examination, gauging, and testing may be made by any Commissary of Taxation, or by any sworn ganger, or by any manager or overseer of a plantation, who may be called in for such purpose. (2.) Such owner or person claiming the same, and the person seizing the same, shall each take down or cause to be taken down in writing the particulars of such examination, gauging, and testing ; and during such examination, gauging, and testing, the liquor seized, and the casks or other packages containing the same, shall remain on the premises of the owner or person claiming the same, but in the posses- sion of the person seizing, or some person authorized by him to retain possession of, the same : Provided that not more than six hours shall be allowed for any such examination, gauging, and testing. 63. — (I.) Every person owning any liquor so seized, and desirous of disputing such seizure, shall, within fourteen days thereafter, by him- self or by some ngent authorized by him, niake his claim in writing to the Stipendiary Magistrate of the Judicial District within which such seizure has been made, for such liquor and the casks or other packages containing the same, and shall, within the same time, serve a copy of the claim on the Commissary of the Fiscal District within which the seizure has been made, and, if the seizure has been made by any other person than the Commissary, shall also, within the same time, serve a copy of the claim on such person. (2.) The Commissary, if the claim is to be resisted, shall appear in opposition thereto, and in support of the seizure. A.D. 1868.] WINF, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 387 (3.) When the seizure has been made by any other person than the Commissary, such person shall be considered a co-defendant with the CoramissMry, and may also appear in opposition to the claim and in support of the seizure, if he thinks fit. (4.) Every such claim shall contain the name of the claimant, and his occupation and residence, or the name, occupation, and residence of his agent, if the claim is made through an agent, and the grounds of the claimant for disputing the seizui-e, and shall also state that the liquor seized is the property of the claimant. (5.) Every such claim shall be supported by the oath of the claimant, or, if the claim is made through an agent, by that of his agent swearing to the best of his knowledge and belief. (6.) When any such claim is made through an agent, sufficient evidence of his authority to satisfy the Stipendiary Magistrate shall be laid over with the claim. (7.) No such claim shall be received by the Stipendiary Magistrate unless, along with the same, the claimant deposits the sum of twenty- four dollars by way of security for any costs which may be awarded afjainst him. 64. In ever}^ case under the preceding provisions of this Ordinance, Onus of proof the proof of the illegality of the seizure shall rest with the claimant; as to legality and proof of its legality shall not rest with the Commissar}' or other person making the seizure ; but he may adduce evidence in answer to any evidence given by the claimant. 65. On the hearing of any such claim, if the seizure has been made Proof of by a Corporal of Police or an ordinary policeman, in addition to his '^'^Pj^city and statement upon oath, that he is a police officer, he shall be bound to seizin^ officer produce his authority from the Inspector General or Inspector ; but if the seizure has been made by any other officer entitled to make the same, it shall be sufficient for him to state upon oath that he acts as such officer. 66. Every such claim shall be heard before the Stipendiary Magis- Hearing and trate of the Judicial District within which the seizure has been made, HfJiWf '^^''*'"" "^ and if the Stipendiary Magistrate rejects the claim with respect to all or any of the articles seized, he shall condemn such articles, and shall make an order of condemnation in the Form No. 1 6 contained in the Schedule : Schedule to this Ordinance. ^o"" N°- ^'^■ 67. If, on the hearing of any claim, an}'^ of the articles seized are Costs, and condemned, the claimant shall be adjudged to pay all costs of the Com- I'estoration of missary, and also of the co-defendant, if there is any co-defendant, and in such case any articles not condemned shall be restored to the claimant at his own expense ; but if none of the articles seized are con- demned, the Stipendiary Magistrate shall order their restoration at the expense of, and the payment of all costs of the claimant by, the seizing officer. 68. If any articles seized as aforesaid are not claimed, or if any copy Forfeiture of of a claim relating to any such articles is not served, as hereinbefore articles seized, provided, and in the manner, and within the time hereinbefore limited, with respect to the making, and the service of copies, of claims, or if, VOL. I. 26 388 No. 8.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1868. after a claim has been made, any articles so seized are condemned, all such articles shall ijiso facto become and be forfeited. Proceedings on claim. iSee Ordinances No. 12 o/ 1893 and A^o. I'i of 1893. Power to search certain premises for wine and malt liquor. Penalty on occupier of certain premises if wine or malt liquor is found theron. Limitation of time for proceedings under a. 71. 69. All proceedings before, and every order made by, any Stipendiary Magistrate in relation to any such claim shall be according to the provisions of, and shall be subject to the appeal provided by, any Ordinances for the time being in force regulating procedure l^efore Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction and appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. 70. Any Commissary of Taxation, and any person authorized by him in writing for each particular case, may enter any store, shop, or business premises whatever and may search for wine and malt liquor. 71. — (1.) The occupier of any store, shop, or business premises what- ever, other than a licensed liquor store, hotel, tavern, or retail spirit shop, or a store, shop, room, or yard for which the occupier holds a licence to sell wine and malt liquor thei'ein, in which is found any wine or malt liquor shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceed- ing fifty dollars, and all the wine and malt liquor whatsoever so found, and the packages containing the same, shall be seized by the Comrais- sar}'- of Taxation, or other authorized person making the search, and removed to a safe place of custody elsewhere, and shall there be detained until adjudication of the charge to be brought against such occvipier as hereinafter provided. (2.) If such charge is decided against the defendant, the wine and malt liquor so detained and the packages shall, ijiso facto and without any condemnation whatever, be forfeited ; and if the charge is decided in favour of the defendant, such wine and malt liquor and packages shall be restored to him by the Commissary of Taxation : Provided always that if the person charged satisfies the Stipendiary Magistrate Ijefore whom the charge is investigated that the whole of the wine or malt liquor found on the premises was there kept for the exclusive use of the occupier or his servant or agents working or residing on the premises, and not for the purpose of l:)eing disjDosed of for monej^ or reward, the Stipendiary Magistx'ate shall dismiss the charge and order the restoration of the wine and malt liquor so seized. (3.) The onus of proving that the wine and malt liquor so found was kept for the purposes aforesaid shall be on the person charged, and the person charged may tender himself and be examined as a witness on his own behalf. (4.) For the purposes of this section, any member of a firm occupy- ing a shop, store, or other business premises may be proceeded against as occupier. 72. — (1.) Every charge under the last preceding section shall be brought within one month from the seizure of the wine or malt liquor to which such charge relates. (2.) In default of its being so brought, the occupier of the premises in which such wine or malt liquor may have been seized shall be en- titled, on application to any Stipendiary Magistrate, to an order from him on the Commissary of Taxation who has removed such wine or malt lifjuor to re-deliver the same, and the packages containing it, to such occupier. A.D. 1868.] WIiYB, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 389 73. Any person dealing in wine or malt liquor l>y wholesale may Privilege of keep, in any store, shop, or business premises occupied by him, a sample j i , * k not exceeding one qnait, of each quality of wine or malt liquor in which smuples of he deals, without being guilty of an offence under section 71. wine or mult ' o o ^ liquor. 74. — (1.) If any holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence is convicted Exhil.iting of of having any rum, brandy, or other spirituous liquor in his shoi), or ""*^":*^ "' . in liny premises or out-buudmgs connected therewitli, not or a good certain casis. wholesome (luality, or of having there had any rum of a strength below twenty-five per cent, under proof, he shall be bound to suffer any mem- ber of the Police Force to affix, and shall be bound to permit to remain for fourteen days affixed, to the said shop in some place where the same are conspicuous, two placards stating the fact of such conviction. (Amd. 22 of 1900, s. 6.) (2.) Every holder of any licence to whose shop any such placards are so affixed shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty five dollars if any such placard is defaced <»r destroyed before the expira- tion of the said fourteen days, and if any such placard is defaced or destroyed a new placard may be so affixed instead thereof. 75. — (1.) AMien an order is made under the provisions of this When order of Ordinance suspending any licence for a retail spirit shop, such order, suspension of unless an appeal against such order is previously made by the holder of eflect. such licence, shall take effect at the expiration of the ten days next after the day on which the order suspending such licence is made, and if an appeal is previously made, then at the expiration of the ten days next after the day on which the order is finally confirmed. (2. ) It shall not be lawful for the holder of such licence to sell any wine, malt liquor, or spirituous liquor in the shop for which the licence has been granted while such licence is suspended. (3.) Every person who sells any wine, malt liquor, or spirituous liquor in the said shop whilst such licence is suspended shall be deemed to have sold the same without having a licence to do so, and shall Ije- come liable to the penalties imposed on every person so acting. 76. Any holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence who, in any one Penalty on month, is in arrear of the payment in advance of his instalment for that ^° ^j^lj Spji-it month, and who, notwithstanding such arreai', sells in or from any shop Licenee such shop any liquor whatever shall be liable for every such sale to a selling luiuor penalty of not less than fifty dollars and not exceeding five hundred j^^j^j. ^f licence dollars. is in arrear. 77. — (1.) Every holder of a licence for a liquor store, hotel, tavern, Liability of or retail spirit shop shall be, as he is hereby declared to be, penally |»'^lder of liable and respcmsible for every breach of any provision of this Ordin- ijreach of the ance by any member of his family, or by any person employed, whether Ordinance by temporarily or permanently, in or about any liquor store, hotel, tavern, J"","]^'^^;^^^ ''** or retail spirit shop, or in or about any room or place thereto attached person in his and belonging, in the same manner and as fully as if he himself had employ, committed such breach. (2.) Any such member of the family, or any such person in the employ, of any such holder of any such licence may be examined as a witness for or against him on any charge brought against him under this Ordinance, and, if so examined, shall not himself thereafter be liable to any charge in respect of such breach. VOL. I. . 26a 390 No. 8.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. Special provisions where holder of licence incurs a penalty and wliere he is without the Colony. Liability of representative of holder of licence in certain cases. Persons authorized to enter store, shop, or busi- ness premises and search for liquor. Penalty for having rum or other spirituous liquor in premises not duly licensed. 78. Where by the provisions of this Ordinance the holder of a licence is made liable to a penalty in respect of any act or omission, and a charge is preferred alleging such act or omission, the following proceedings shall be lawful, that is to say, — (1.) The summons may be served in the manner now permitted by law, or by leaving the same with any person wdio is apparently a clerk or servant found on the premises for which the licence is granted, or, if no such person can be found, by affixing the same in a conspicuous manner to the outer door or outer wall of the premises ; (2.) Where the holder is without the Colony, his attorney or agent may appear on his behalf ; and (3.) Where the holder is without the Colony, either at the time of the act or omission charged or at the time when the summons is served, the Stipendiary Magistrate, on being satisfied as to the service of the summons as hereinbefore authorized, shall proceed to investigate the matter of the charge, whether any attorney or agent appears for such holder or not, and, if the act or omission is proved, may order the penalty to be paid and to be levied upon the goods and chattels of the holder of the licence by distress, but where it is not shown that the holder left the Colony to avoid the service of the summmons upon him personally, the Magistrate shall not make order or direct that the holder shall be imprisoned, either in default of sufficient goods or chattels V)eing found or otherwise. 79. The attorney of the holder of any licence issued under this Ordinance, where the holder is without the Colony, shall be liable to every penalty imposed by this Ordinance on the holder of the licence in respect of any act or omission, if it is proved that such act or omission occurred with the knowledge and consent of the said attorney. 80. Any Commissary of Taxation, and any person specially author- ized by him in writing for each particular case, may enter any store, shop, or business premises whatever, and may search for spirituous liquor. 81. — (1.) The occupier of any store, shop, or business premises what- ever, other than a licensed letail spirit shop, in which is found any rum, and the occupier of any store, shop, or business premises whatever, other than a licensed liquor store, hotel, tavern, or retail spirit shop, in which is found any other spirituous liquor whatever, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars. (2.) All spirituous liquor whatever so found, and the j^ackages containing the same, shall be seized by the person making the search, and shall be removed by the Commissary of Taxation to the Colonial Bonded Warehouse, or to some convenient and safe place of custody elsewhere, and shall there l)o detained until adjudicaticm of the com- plaint for the penalty to be brought against such occupier as hereinafter provided. (3.) If such complaint is decided against the defendant, the spirit- uous liquor and packages so detained shall, i/wo facto and without any condemnation wliatever, be forfeited ; and if such complaint is decided A.D. 1868.] WINE, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 391 in favour of the defendant, such spirituous liquor and packages shall be restored to him l)y the Coinniissary of Taxation. (4.) For the jjurposes of this section, any member of a firm occupy- ing a shop, store, or other business premises may te proceeded against as the occupier. 82. Every complaint under the last preceding section shall Ix; brought I^iniitatinii of within one month from the seizure of the spirituous liquor to which such coiTaHin'r'"''" charge relates ; and, in default of its being so brought, the occupier of under s. 81. the premises in which such spirituous li({uor has been seized shall be entitled, on application to any Stipendiary Magistrate, to an order from him on the Commissary of Taxation who has removed such spirituous liquor, to re-deliver the same and the packages containing it to such occupier. 83. Any person dealing in rum or other spirituous liquor by whole- Keeping; of sale may keep, in any store, shop, or business premises occupied by him, **'"."l'l*^s "^ a sample, not to exceed one quart, of each kind and each (juality of ii(jiior. spirituous liquor in which he deals, without being held guilty of an offence under section 81. 84. Every person who — Penalty for (1.) By refusing to open any door which it is legally in his power to etc., persoTi' open, or in any other way, obstructs, or who in an}^ way molests, authorized to opposes, hinders, or impedes, any officer authorized by this Ordin- geiirch^"^ ance, r>v any person having authority in writing under this Ordin- premises. ance and exhil)iting his authority, to enter any premises, and there to search, or otherwise to ascertain whether there has been any breach of any part of this Ordinance ; or (2.) Removes, throws away, or destroys, or causes to be removed, thrown away, or destroyed, any wine, malt liquor, or spirituous liquor, in order to prevent or impede any search for or seizure of the same, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars and not more than five hundred dollars. 85. In any charge, complaint, or information which may be brought Rule as to under this Ordinance, it shall not be necessary to negative any excep- "egatiym^' tion or proviso that there may be in favour of the defendant or party proceeded against, but the onus of proving such exception or proviso shall rest with such defendant or party. 86. Every person who, under the provisions of this Ordinance, Description becomes liable to any penalty shall be held guilty of an offence, and shall be convicted thereof ; and in every conviction under this Ordinance it shall be sufficient that the offence therein intended to be set forth is stated in plain language, so as to inform a person of ordinary intelli- gence of what is meant, and no technical description of any offence shall be necessary in any conviction under this Ordinance. 87. — (1.) Every holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence who has twice Lialiility of been convicted under this Ordinance, may, on conviction a third time, be i\",l*?*^[^^- .■^ adjudged, in addition to any fine or penalty awarded against him, to ghop Licence, forfeit his licence. "» tliii'd wn- (2.) In every case of forfeiture under this section, the Stipendiary f,'rfg"t"'j.g"of Magistrate, in addition to the conviction awarded against the defendant, licence. of oft'eiice in conviction. 392 No. 8.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1868. Schedule : Form No. 17. Procediu'e and appeal. SreOi'dinayires No. 12 0/1893 and No. 13 q/" 1893. shall, by a separate adjudication under his hand and in the Form No. 17 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, declare the licence of the defendant to be forfeited, and, immediately on such adjudication, the defendant shall deliver the licence theretofore held b}' him to the Commissary of Taxation for the Fiscal District within which it has been used, on pain of liability to a penalty of fifty dollars for every day that he fails so to deliver the same. (3.) Every Commissary, on any forfeited licence being delivered to him, shall deliver the same to the Excise Board, who shall cancel the same. (4.) No such forfeiture or cancelment shall exonerate the defendant or his sureties from their liability to pay up all instalments then due, or thereafter to accrue due, in respect of such licence. 88. — (1.) All fines and penalties to which any person may be liable under this Ordinance shall be sued for, prosecuted, realized, and re- covered, and all proceedings in respect of forfeitures under this Ordin- ance, to effect which any proceedings may be necessary, shall be prosecuted and carried on, in a summary manner, by any Commissary of Taxation, before any Stipendiary Magistrate. (2.) Every conviction, order, or adjudication whatever in respect of anj?^ such fine, penalty, or forfeiture shall be according to the forms, (except as specially provided in this Ordinance,) and the rules of pro- cedure, and subjt^ct to any appeal, respectively provided by an}^ Ordin- ances for the time being in force regulating procedure bef(jre Stipen- diary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction and ajDj^eals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. (3.) Every Stipendiary Magistrate shall have full jurisdiction and power t ) hear, determine, and adjudicate in the case of any such fine, penalty, or forfeiture, whatever may be the amount or value thereof : Provided that no prosecution or proceeding for or in respect of an}^ fine, penalty, or forfeitui-e exceeding in amount or value the sum of two hundred and forty dollars shall be carried on without the previous authority in writing of the Attorney General, 89. AH articles forfeited under the provisions of this Ordinance other than articles forfeited under section 49, shall be put up to public competition by the Commissary of Taxation, and sold by him for cash to the highest bidder, not sooner than fourteen days after the forfeiture, and after not less than ten days' advertisement of such sale in T/te Official Gazette and at least one newspaper published in the Colony. Articles forfeited under section 49 shall be destroyed, (Amd. 28 of 1902, s. 5.) Deduction 90. — (1.) The ofticer into whose hands the gross amount of any from proceeds g penalty, or forfeiture recovered and realized under this Ordinance of hnc, etc., for in i t-> • /-i i l the Revenue may come shaJl pay over the same to the Keceiver (jeneral or the Defence Fund. Assistant Receiver General, who shall deduct a sum equal to ten per 'no 4 'oflnm'^ cent, thereof, and sliall enter the same to the credit of the Revenue Defence Fund. (2.) There shall also be deducted from such amount all costs and expenses whatever. Recovery of 91. The Receiver General or the Assistant Receiver General shall money due on },e entitled to parate or summary execution, against all the parties to the Ordinance. *".^' '"^'"d given under this Ordinance, for any sum for which the Crown Solicitor may instruct the Registi-ar to issue sunnnation Sale of for- feited article. A.D. 1868.] ]VIX£, FTC, LICENCES. [No. 8. 393 on such bond ; and such execution may be against all, or any one or two, of such parties ; and to oV)tain such execution, it shall not he ne- cessary to give any proof of the signing or of the validity of the bond. 92. The Governor may remit, either in whole or in part, and on Power to such terms as may be deemed fit, any fine, penalty, forfeiture, or costs remit tiue, etc. whatever incurred under this Ordinance. Protection of person acting under the Ordinance. No. 2 of 1850. Liability to diiniaf^es and costs of person making,' seizure under the Ordinance. 93. All persons acting under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be entitled to the protection afforded by the Justices Protection Ordinance, 1850. 94. — (1.) No action, suit, or prosecution whatever shall be brought against any person in I'espect of any detention or seizure made under this Ordinance when such detention or seizure has been followed ])y forfeiture of the articles seized or any portion of them. (2.) When any action, suit, or prosecution whatever is brought against any person in respect of any detention or seizure made under this Ordinance, and which has not been followed by forfeiture of any of the articles detained or seized, if the Judge or Court before whom or which such action, suit, or prosecution is tried is of opinion that there was reasonal^le ground for such detention or seizure, the defendant shall not be liable to pay to the plaintiff in such action or suit more than four cents damages, nor any costs of suit, nor shall he in such prosecution be liable to more than a fine of twenty- five cents. 95. — (1.) The Forms contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance Power to vaiy may, as and when it may be found necessary, be varied and adapted to i'onus. t-tc. suit the particular circumstances of any case. Schedule. (2.) The Excise Board may, with the sanction of the Governor and Court of Policy, at any time vary or alter any of such Forms, and may make new forms to be used for the purposes of this Ordinance, pro- vided that such new forms shall not be used until they have been published, as sanctioned by the Governor and Court of Policy, in three publications of The Olficiid Gazette and of one newspaper of the Colony. (3.) Any of the Forms No. 1, No. 7, No. 13, No. 14, and No. 15 may from time to time be altered by the Comptroller of Customs, with the apj)roval of the Governor and Court of Policy, and such altered forms, when published in The Official Gazette, shall have the same force and effect as if they were incorporated in the Schedule to this Ordinance. 96. Commissaries of Taxation and members of the Police Force shall be incapable of holding any licence mentioned in this Ordinance. 97. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the provisions of any Ordinance for the time being in force relating to the distillation and sale of rum, or to the quantity of rum that may be kept by any person or to the regulations for keeping the same, as provided by any such Ordinance. Disqualifi- cation of Com- nrissary, etc., from holding licence. Saving of provisions of Orduiance relating to distillation and sale of rum, etc. Sec No. 1 of 1905. 394 No. 8.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 186$. Section 17. SCHEDULE. FORMS. Form No. 1. Permission to the Holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence to sell mute than One Quart of Rnm. British Guiana. Permission is hereby granted to the holder of a Retail Spirit Shop Licence for the shop" situated at to sell gallons of Rum to and permission is hereby granted to to convey the said gallons of rum to within hours from o'clock of the day of 1 Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) Commissary of Taxation. Section 20. Section 20. Form No. 2. Application for a liquor Store Licence. British Guiana. To the Secretary of the Excise Board. I, A. B., [state trade or occupation'] now residing at in the County of hereby make application to the Excise Board for a Liquor Store Licence to sell Spirituous Liquors, other than Rum, in quantities not less than two gallons, in the premises occupied by me, and situated at \Jiere describe the premises as accaratcly as possible'] where I intend to keep a Licensed Liquor Store. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) A. B. Form No. 3. Application for an Motel or a Tavern Licence. British Guiana. To the Secretary of the Excise Board. I, A. B., \_state trade or occupation] now residing at in the County of hereby make application to the Excise Board for an Hotel [or a Tavern] Licence to sell Wine, Malt Liquors, and all Spirituous Liquors, except Rum, to be drunk on the premises occupied by me, and situated at [here describe the premises as accurately as jjossible] where I intend to keep an Hotel [or a Tavern]. Dated this day of 1 . (Signed.) A.B. Section 2.3. Form No. 4. Liquor Store Licence. British Guiana. No. (Date) A Fiiciiior Store Ijicencc is hereby granted to to Icctp from (he day of 1 , to the dny of 1 > a Ivicjiior Store at [ilescribe locality as in application] in the County of for the purpose of selling in such Liquor Store Spirituous Liquors, A.D. 1868.] WINE, ETC., LICENCES. [No. 8. 395 other than Rum, in ijuantities not less than two gallons, subject to all the provisions, rules, and regulations of tho Wine, etc.. Licences Ordinance, 1868. (Signed.) Iteeeiver General \_or Assistant Receiver General]. FoHM No. 0. Section 23. Ilotd or Tavern Licence. British Guiana. No. (Date.) An Hotel \or a Tavern] Licence is hereby granted to to keep from the day of 1 , to the day of 1 , an Hotel \or a Tavern] at \deseribe loralUji as in ftppVirafion'^ in tlie C'oanty of for the purpose of selling in such Hotel [or Tavern] Wine Malt Liquors, iind Spirituous Liquors, other than Rum, to be drunk in such Hotel [or Tavern] and not elsewhere, subject to all the provisions, rules and regulations of the Wine, etc., Licences Ordinance, 1868. (Signed.) Receiver General [or Assistant Receiver General]. Form No. 6. Section 26. Notice of Application for a Certificate to obtain a lictail Spirit S/iop Licence. British Guiana. To Y. Z., Commissary of Taxation, and to all irhom it may concern. I, A. B., [state trade or occupation] now residing at in the County of hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply, on the earliest occasion on which such application can bo made, for a Certificate to obtain a Retail Siiirit Shop Licence to sell Wine, Malt Liquors and all Spirituous Liquors whatsoever, in the house, or premises thereto appertaining, situated at [/(ere describe the locality as accuratelij as possible'] subject to the provisions of the La,w, and the persons whom I shall offer as my sureties are C. D. of and E. F., of Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) A. B. N.B. — When this notice of ajiplication relates to the renewal of a Jyicence, it shall he screed in duplicate on the Commissary, and when it relates to a new Licence, it shall not only be served on the Commissary, but, jireriously to such service, one copy of it shall be affixed on the inside, and another on the oi(,tside, of the front door of the house, shoj), or premises in which the business is pvoposcd to be carried on. Form No. 7 (a). Section 28. British Guiana. County of Be it known that on this day of , One thousand nine hundred and , before me, {name of Stipendiary Mayistrate and Jxdicial District) appeared A. B. of [place of residence and calling or occupation) and C. I), of [place of residence and culling or occupation) and Lj. 1. of [place of residence and calling or occupation) who stated that the said A. B. was desirous of keeping a Retail Sjnrit Shop at [describe the house or premises as in application for licence), and in consideration of the granting of a certificate to the said A. B., in accordance with the provisions of the Law to enable him to obtain a licence therefor, each of the appearers under renunciation of the exceptions ordinis sen e.vcussionis et divisionis [with the meaning of 396 No. 8.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. Section 28. w/iich he stated himself to he icell acquainted) acknowledged himself to be hound to Our yovereign Lord the King iu the sum of (estimated amount of dutij and § t)i addition). Now the condition of this Bond is that if the said A. B. shall regularly and punctually pay the sums of money due and payable thereunder in respect of any licence that may be issued to him continuously hereafter from year to year to keep a Retail Spirit Shop on the said j remises and any other sums of money due and payable vmder any (Ordinance imposing the payment of any taxes or duties in respect of the sale of ruin by retail, then this Bond to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, notwithstanding any forfeiture or suspension of any such licence under the provisions of the law, or any neglect of the said A. B. after application made to take out, or the abandonment of, any such licence. Signed before me on the day and year first above written. Form No. 7 (*). British Guiaxa. County of Be it known that on this day the day of , One thousand nine hundred and before me [name of Stipendiary Mayistrate and Judicial District) appeared A. B. of [place of residence and calling or occupatioii), CD., of [place of residence and culling or occupation) and E. F., of [place of residence and calling or occupation), who stated that the said A. B was about to take out a Retail Spirit Shop Licence to keep a Retail Spirit Shop at [describe the house or premises as in application for licence), and in consideration of the granting of a certificate to the said A. B. in accordance with the provisions of the Law to enable him to obtain such licence, each of the appearers under renunciation of the exceptions ordinis seu excussionis et divisionis [with the meaning of irhich he stated himself to be ivell acquainted) acknowledged himself to be bound to Our Sovereign Lord the King in the sum of [estimated amount of duty and ^ in addition) Now the condition of this Bond is tliat if the said A. B. shall regularly and punctually pay the sums of money due and j.ayable thereunder in respect of the said licence and any other sums of money due and payable under any Ordinance imposing the payment of Taxes or Duties in respect of the sale of rum by retail, then this Bond io be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, not-wilh- standing any forfeiture or suspension of the said Licence under the provisions of any Law, or any neglect of the said A. B. to take out, or the abandonment of, the said Licence. Signed before me on the day and year first above written. Section 29. Foi^i No. 8. Certificate to obtain a lictail Spirit Shop Licence. British Guiana. County of I, [name of Stipendiary Magistrate] hereby certify that A. B., having coinpli with the provisions of the Wine, etc.. Licences Ordinance, 1868, is entitleil to obts from tilt! Receiver (4encral [or the Assistant Receiver General] a Retail Spirit Shop Licence, to keep a Retail Spirit Shop in the house or premises situated at [describe locality as in application] subject to the provisions of the said Ordinance, and to take out of bond under such licence gallons of rum. Dated this day of 1 complied tain (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. A.D. 1868.] WINE, FTC, LICENCES. [No. 8. 397 Form No. 9. Section 29. Retail Spirit Shop Liceiicr. British Gii.\na. No. (Date.) Class A Retail Spirit Shop Licence, at the yearly rate of dollars, assessed in respiict of gallons of rum, is hereby granted to to keep from thi; day of 1 , to the day of 1 , a Retail Spirit Sliup in the house or premises situated at [describe locality as in certificate'] for the purpose of selling in such Retail Spirit Shop Wine, Malt Liquors, and all Spirituous Licpiors whatever, subject to the provisions of the Law. (Signed.) lieceircr General [or Assistant Receiver General]. Form No. 10. ,, ^. „^ section 32. Xoticc of Applicatiun fur Transfer of Retail Spirit Shop Licence from one Place to another. British Giiaxa. To Y. Z., Commissary of Taxation. I, A. B., holder of the Licence No. for the Retail Spirit Shop situated at [describe locality as in Licence'] hereby make application for the transfer of such Licence to the house or premises thereto appertaining, situated at [here describe the p7-emiscs ai accurately as possible] subject to the provisi(ms, rules, and regulations of the Wine, etc., Licences Ordinance, 1868 ; and the persons whom I shall offer as my sureties, in accordance with the provisions of the said Ordinance, are C. B., of and E. F., of Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) A. B. 'S.H.—This notice and copies of it iiiiist be serrcd and affi.r.ed asin a case of an applica- tion for a new Licence. Form No. 11. . Section 33. Notice of Application for Transfer of Retail Spirit Shop Licence from one Person to another. British Guiana. To Y. Z., Commissary of Taxation. I, A. B., holder of the Licence No. for the Retail Spirit Shop situated at [describe locality as in Licence] hereby make application for the transfer of such Licence to C. D., residing at in the County of subject to the provisions, rules, and regulations of the Wine, etc., Licences Ordinance, 1868 ; and I, the said C. D., join in this application, and I offer as sureties for me, in accordance with the provisions of the said Ordinance, H. F., of and G. H., of Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) A.B. N.B. — This notice must he served in dtiplicafc on the Commissary as in the case of ati opplicationfor the renewal of a Licence. British Guiana. Form No. 12. Section 41. Special Pennit. Special permission is, with the sanction of the Excise Board, hereby granted, under the Wine, etc., Licences Ordinance, 1868, to of engaged in [or carrying on the manufacture, or trade, or business of ] at in the County of to remove from to the said business premises, for the purpose of being there exclusively 398 No. 8.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1868. Section Ifi, used in the bona fide i^reparation of \or dealing with, describing the mode of dcaliny'\ iind not otherwise, and there to keep and use exclusively for the purpose aforesaid, spirituous liquor, the 2»articulars whei'eof are as follows : — Kind of Spirituous '. jiquor. No. of Gallons. Degree of Strength. Whether coloured or not. Name of Place where made. Kind of Package. No. of Package. Marks of Package. Dated this day of ,1 (Si^-ned.) Comptroller. Form No. 13. Booh showing the Quantity of Rum received into the Licensed Retail Spirit Shop at Date Wlien received. From From Jljirks Number Gallons of whom wliat Place on of Strength. at Permit. purchased. received. Packages. Gallons. Proof. Sc('tir his] Licensed Retail Spirit SIkjj), situate (Signed.) Dated this dav of , 1 Declarant. Form No. 16. Section OO. Order of Condemnation. BuiTisH Guiana. County of Be it remembered that on the day of 1 , at in the said Colony, the following articles, to wit, [_deiicrihc all the articles seized'] were duly seized on certain premises said to be in the occupation of one l^^naiiie of occupier of pretiiiins] and that \_ii property, Revenues, Rates and Taxes, of the Mayor and Town Council of Georgetown, subject to any existing liens thereon in favour of the Colony, for the payment of the A.D. 1868.] LAM All A CANAL WAX. [No. 32. 403 amount of their proportion of each instahnent, as and wlien the same shall fall due, and upon ('ach of the said Plantations, suljject to any- existing liens thereon in favour of the Colony, for payment of the amount of its proportion of each instalment as and when the same shall fall due. 9. Incase of default of payment by the Mayor and Town Council Right of of any one or more of the amounts payable by them as aforesaid, as XowirCoimdl and when the same shall respectively fall due, and become payable, the Colonial Receiver General, for and on behalf of the Colony, may proceed forthwith by parate or summary execution against the Mayor and Town Council, and levy upon the Property, Revenues, Rates and Taxes of the said Corporation, and recover from the sale or realization thereof every such amount. 10. In case of default of payment by the proprietor or proprietors Right of of any Plantation of any one or more of the amounts payable by such 'i'^°I!PQns°™ Plantation as aforesaid, as and when the same shall respectively fall due and become payable, the Colonial Receiver General, for and on behalf of the Colony, may proceed by parate or summary execution against such Plantation, and may levy on the said Plantation, c^lm annexis, and may recover from the sale thereof every such amount due by such Plantation. Execution against Town Council and plantations to he separate. Lien to con- tinue until payment in full witli interest. 1 1 . Such parate execution shall be separate against the Mayor and Town Council, and each such Plantation, in respect of any amounts that may be due by them respectively. 12. Until the whole amount of the principal and interest intended to be secured shall be paid to the Colonial Receiver General, the pre- ferent lien hereby created in favour of the Colony, shall continue in full force, and shall continue vested on each of the said Plantations notwithstanding any change or changes of ownership of such Plantation, whether by private, or execution or other public, sale. 13. Tu every proceeding by parate execution under this Ordin- Signature of ance, the signature of the Colonial Receiver General for the time Receiver being, subscribed to any document containing a statement of the statement of amount claimed, shall, without proof of such signature, or of any amount matter or thing, be held by all Courts sufficient prima facie proof of ^^I'^iped, pnma ^.' . •' I ^ r Jacie evidence, the amount claimed being due. VOL. I. 404 No. 32.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1868. SCHEDULE. Ordinance No. 32 of 1868. .^SS^ BEITISH GUIANA. Lamaha Loan Bond. Section 2—" The Colonial ^^ Receiver General, for and on '^^ behalf of the Colony shall ^g^;^ ^ . , ^ ,. -yr oo * io^q issue Bonds in the form t^&^ Issued under Ordinance ^o. 32 of 1868. No. annexed hereto, or as near thereto as circiimstances will admit, each payable to (t^s^ mi. n i • t x. • r^ ^ t j bearer for such sum as the ^# , J^e Colonia Eeceiyer General for and on Governor shall approve, and ^^M J^^^^ ^^ ^he Colony of British Guiana does to an amount not exceeding ^Sf. hereby acknowledge to owe in the whole Thirty Thou- #,^ <^l S*^^^^^' ^^/^^'^.^J , *°^ sand Dollars; and "bearing ^^^, t^efy'^^^t of which at _ interest payable half-yearly ^^1;^ «" ^^^^ ^ ^ ^, .", iij 1 n -P ™ +V. +v„-„3 'c^iyw?S" attached : the Colonial Kevenues are pledged as due annually irom the thu-d ^^s^ •, j ^.r, • ■ c r\ i- year after the issue of the mP-.^ security, under the provisions of Ordinance firJtBond" ^1^ ^<^- 32, of the year 1868, intituled "An ^t^g%" Ordinance to provide for the raising and the Section 3 — " AU the Col- ^c^^g^ repayment of a Loan, for the purpose of widen- onial Revenues not specially ''^ |g|"^^ ing and deepening the Lamaha Canal." api^ropriated by any Ordin- ^-ik-^ ance already in force, shall r.rtU,^ Given under my hand, at the Guiana Public be held, and are hereby ^csfc"^ Buildings, Georgetown, Demerai7, this day declared, to be pledged for S^th^ of 18 . the payment of the Interest and Principal to beconi'' "'^'.";'^* Colonial Receiver General. due in respect of the said ^!ii'<2s Recorded Bonds." 'TM^t ' Colonial Book-keeper. COUPONS. Issued under Ordinance No. 32 of 1868. Lamaha Loan Bond No. . Interest "Warrant No. The Colonial Receiver General of British Guiana will pay the bearer on the day of 18 at being one half-year's Interest on the Bond No. Colonial Receiver General. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1869. A.D. 1869. An Ordinance for raising a loan for the construction -^^ of Public Works. [28th July, 1869.] WHEREAS at the Annual Meeting of the Combined Coui't it was, on the 28th day of May, 1869, resolved by the said Court as follows : — " 1. That, in the opinion of this Court, the funds required for public works of a permanent character should be provided, during a limited term of years, by means of a Loan on the security of the Colonial Revenues. " 2. That so long as such Loan shall sutHce for the purpose, the votes required for the aforesaid public works shall be placed on a separate Public Works Estimate to be annually framed and A.D. 1869.] rUBLIC WORKS LOAN. [No. 1. 405 of loan not exceeding $500,000. submitted, and that no portion of such Loan shall be appro- priated to the service of tiie Public Works Dejjartment without the sanction of this Court to the special object intended having been first ol)tained. " 3. That the Governor and Court of Policy be authorized to cause bonds to be issued to an amount not exceeding in the whole five hundred thousand dollars, charged upon the Pul)lic Revenues of the Colony, and redeemable, with interest thereon at six per cent, per annum, in twenty-five years from the date of issue. "4. That for the redemption of such bonds, a Sinking Fund at the rate of three per cent, shall be provided for on the Annual Estimates " : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Works Loan Ordin- Short title. ance, 1869. 2. It shall be lawful for the Governor, for and on behalf of the Authorization Colony to borrow ard raise by Loan upon public tender, from time to time and as occasion may require, on the security hereinafter men- tioned, sums of money not exceeding in the whole five hundred thousand dollars ; and, so long as such Loan may suffice for the pur- pose, the same shall be applied to defraying the cost of such of the public works of the Colony as the Combined Court may in each year decide on providing for by loan as aforesaid : Provided always that the sums of money required for such of the said public works as may be intended to be defrayed from the said Loan shall be placed on a separate Public Works Estimate, which shall be annually framed and submitted to the said Court : Provided, further, that no portion of such Loan shall be appropriated to the service of the Public Works Department until the sanction of the said Court to the sjDecial object intended has been first obtained. 3. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Governor, for and on behalf of the Colony, from time to time and as occasion may require, to cause bonds to be issued in the Form contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, or as near thereto as circumstances will admit, signed by the Govern- ment Secretary and the Receiver General for the time being. (2.) Each of such bonds shall be either for the sum of four hundred and eighty dollars, or of nine hundred and sixty dollars, or of two thousand four hundred dollars, or of four thousand eight hundred dollars, payable to bearer at the expiration of twenty- five years after date, and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, to be paid half-yearly. 4. In order to provide for the redemption of the said Loan, there shall be established a Sinking Fund, as a provision for the formation of which there shall be set apart from the Colonial Revenues, during the like period, a sum equal to three per cent, per annum, in addition to the aforesaid interest, on the amount of the bonds from time to time issued under this Ordinance. 5. During the continuance of this Ordinance, all the Colonial Reve- nues not specially appropriated by any Ordinance already in force shall be held to be pledged for the paj^ment of the intei'est and principal becoming due in respect of the bonds issued under this Ordinance. VOL. I. 27a Issue of bonds for amomits required. Schedule. Establishment of Sinking Fimd for redemption of Loan. Security for payment of interest and principal. 406 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRIT IS IT GUIANA: [A.D. 1869. llepliicemeiit of defaced bond. Replacement of lost or destroyed liond, 01 payment thereof, if overdue. 6. — (1.) In case any bond issued under this Ordinance is by accident defaced, it shall be lawful for the Governor to cause a new bond to be made and delivered to the bearer, and to cause the defaced bond to be cancelled. (2.) The new bond shall bear the same number, date, and principal sum, and carry the same interest and be subject to the same rules, as the original bond. 7. The Governor, on proof to his satisfaction that any bond issued under this Ordinance has by accident been lost or destroyed before the same has been paid ofp, may, if the number and amount of such bond are ascertained and on due security being given to his satisfaction for indemnifying the Colonial Government for any loss to which the said Government may at any time be subjected by reason thereof, issue a new bond, corresponding in all respects with the bond so lost or destroyed ; or, if any bond when so lost or destroyed is overdue, the Governor may cause the money due thereupon to be paid off and discharged. Section 3, SCHEDULE. Form of Bond. Section 3.— (1.) It shall be law- ^$f^nl% British GriANA. Public Works Loan Bond. W" Issued under Ordinance No. 1 of 1869. Series No. $ '>^rf for the payment of which at ful for the Governor, for and on ^.^sy behalf of the Colony, from time ^e^y? to time and as occasion may re- ;g^ quire, to cause bonds to be issued ^ in the Form contained in the Sche- ^^g; dule to this Ordinance, or as near S^^^ thereto as circumstances will ad- ^i^ The Undersigned, the Government rait, signed by the Government ^^ Secretarv and the Eeceiver General of Secretary and the Eeceiver Gene- &S,f)^ ..,!,. „ , i i u. n ,, ral for the time being. e^g^ British Guiana, for and on behalf ot the (2.) Each of such bonds shall be ^^^^ said Colony, do hereby acknowledge that either for the sum of four hundred ^^ the Colony of British Guiana is indebted and eighty dollars, or oi nine hun- '^tsaJ^ *' dred and sixty dollars, or of two ^^ "nto or bearer, in the sum of thousand four hundred dollars, or s^^'B^. of four thousand eight hundred 'a^&^ i * dollars, payable to bearer at the ^^ ""^ ^^^ ^^^ ° . ' expiration of twenty-five years sxgsj^^ with interest at the rate of six per cent. after date and bearing interest at ^^ annum, payable half-yearly, at the the rate ot six per cent, per annum, -%Vi^i^^^ '■ to be paid half-yearly. ; ; : ^ same place, on the successive Section 4. — In order to pro- 'i^ij^'.f'y days of and next ensuing \\A.e for the redemption of the said -QSif)^, ^i i . ^ xi,- -d i iu a T 4.1, 1, n 1 4^ -UT 1 1 ^ ?';*'■,- the date of this Bond, on the surrender Tjoan, there shall be established a . : ' Sinking Fund, as a provision for ■>.". t „« t -..o.v,-.,^ „ ■ -i ■ I . 4U i. i i\, GNfiGVa entitled "An Ordinance tor raising a s.ud interest, on the amount of the ^^^^ bonds from time to tirae issued eWi^, Loan for the Construction of Public under this Ordinance. 'e^®^ "Wr,7-lro " Section o. — JJuring the con- ^^►^ tinuance of this Ordinance, all the gxp^ Given under our hands at Georgetown, Colonial Be venues not specially ^^ Demerara appropriated ])y any Ordinance ^^^^ ' ' already in force shall be held to ^C^ ^ be pledged for th(! payment of the ^^^^' interest and principal becoming ^S^^^S; due in respect of the bonds issued ^^^ under this Ordinance. *^S^ Recorded. this day of iTOvernment Secretary. Receiver General. A.D. 1869.] COXTAGIOUS DISEASE {AXIMALS). [No. 2. 407 Coupons. Bond No. Interest Warrant No. The Undersigned, the Government Secretary and the Receiver General of British Guiana, for and on behalf of the said Colony, will pay the bearer, on the day of 1 , at the sura of dollars, being one half-year's Interest on their Bond No. (Signed.) Government Secretary. Receiver General. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 18f39. A.D. 1869. See also Ordinance No. 4 of 1892 An Ordinance to prohibit the Importation into this Colony of Catttle sutiering from Contagious or Infectious Disease. [20th November, 1869.] WHEREAS it is necessary to prohibit the importation into this Colony of cattle suffering from contagious or infectious disease : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Contagious Diseases Short title. (Animals) Ordinance, 1869. 2. It shall be lawful for the Governor, whenever it appears 1o him expedient to do so, to declare, by Proclamation, any island or place to be infected with the cattle disease. Power to the Governor to declare place infected. 3. — (1.) No bull, cow, ox, steer, heifer, or calf shall be imported into Prohibition of this Colony from any island or place so declared by such Proclamation importation of to be infected with the cattle disease ; and no bull, cow, ox, steer, heifer, pi.^.e^^cie^lHred or calf brought from any such island or -pl&CQ shall be permitted to be infected, landed in this Colony. (2.) If any such bull, cow, ox, steer, heifer, or calf is so landed, it shall thereupon be immediately slaughtered. 4. Every animal slaughtered under the provisions of the last pre- Buriid of cattle ceding section shall be buried as soon as possible in its skin in some so imported, proper place, and shall be covered with a sufficient quantity' of quick- lime or other disinfectant and with not less than four feet of earth. 5. — (1.) It shall not be lawful to land in this Colony any carcass or Prohibition of any part of the carcass, of any bull, cow, ox, steer, heifer, or calf H"'!'i!f '■''"^'*^*''®* brought from any island or place which has been so declared to be imported, infected with the cattle disease. (2.) If any such carcass, or an}^ part of anj' such carcass, is so landed, it shall thereupon be immediately buried with a sufficient quantity of quicklime and not less than four feet of earth. 6. — (1.) Every per.son who lands or attempts to land, and every Penalty on person concerned in the landing of, any bull, cow, ox, steer, heifer, or J^j."*^.|"^? cattle, calf, or of any carcass, or of any part of any carcass, of any bull, cow, cattle, from 408 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1869. place declared infected. See Ordinances No. 12 q/1893 and No. 13 of 1893. Slaughter, etc., of cattle landed from place declared infected. OX, steer, heifer, or calf, brought from any island or place which has been so declared to be infected with the cattle disease shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liabln to a penalty not exceeding ninety-six dollars for each such bull, cow, ox, steer, heifer, or calf, or for each such carcass or part of such carcass, which is landed contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance. (2.) 7\ny such penalty shall be recovered in a summary manner before any Stipendiary Magistrate, under the provisions of any Ordinances for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercisa of their summary jurisdiction and "ppeils from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. 7. Every Officer of Colonial Customs and every police constable shall have full power to seize, destroy, and slaughter all such bulls, cows, oxen, steers, heifers, or calves, and to bury the carcasses thereof, and to seize and bury all such carcasses of all such bulls, cows, oxen, steers, heifers, or calves, as may be landed in this Colony contrary to the pro- visions of this Ordinance. A.D. 1869. See Ordinances No. 2 of 1870, No. 10/1878, and No. 6 of 1891. ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1869. An Ordinance to enable the International Ocean Tele- graph Company to land, construct, and maintain Telegraphs in this Colony. [8th January, 1870.] WHEREAS the International Ocean Telegraph Company is char- tered under the Laws of the State of New York, in the United States of America, for the purpose of connecting, by means of tele- graphic wires and cables, the United States with the Island of Cuba and other West Indian Colonies, and with the State of Panama and the Sjijanisli Main ; And whereas the said Company has applied to the Government of this Colony for permission to establish, and it is expedient that it should be enabled to establish, telegraphic communication between this Colony and the United States by way of Havannah in the said Island of Cuba ; And whereas at a Meeting of the Combined Court held on the 26th day of May, 1869, it was resolved to grant a subsidy ^ to the said Com- pany during a limited term of years, subject to certain terms and con- ditions, in consideration of its establishing such telegraphic commu- nication as aforesaid, and of connecting this Colony with Trinidad, J3arbados, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint Thomas, Cuba, and all other West Indian Colonies, between which and the Continent of North America ttlegraph communication may be established by the said Company and also in consideration of their extending the line of tele- graph from the City of Georgetown to the Town of New Amsterdam in Jierbice : ^ The subsidy was granted for a terra of years, which has expired. A.D. 1869.] INTERNATIONAL OCEAN TELEGRAPH. [No. 3. 409 Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows ; — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the International Ocean Telegraph Short title. Company's Ordinance, 18G9. Inteq)retatioii of terms. 2. In this Oi'dinance, — " The Company " means the International Ocean Telegraph Com- pany : " Telegraph " means a wire or wires used for the purpose of tele- graphic communication, with any casing, coating, tube, or pipe enclosing the same, and any apparatus connected therewith for the i)urpose of telegraphi(3 communication : " Work " includes telegraphs and posts : "Post" means a post, pole, standard, stay, strut, or other above- ground contrivance for carrying, suspending, or supporting a telegraph : " Street " means a pultlic way situate within a city, town, or village, or between lands continuously built upon on either side and repaired at the public exprnse or at the expense of any municipal or village rate, including the footpaths of such way, and any bridge forming part thereof : "Public road" means a public highway being required to be main- tained by virtue of any Ordinance for the time being in force relating to roads and bridges, or of any Proclamation published thereunder, and not being a street, including the footpaths of such public highway, and any bridge forming part thereof, and also any land by the side, and forming part of such a public highway, but not including a I'ailway or canal : " Eailway " includes any station, work, or building connected with a railway : " Canal " includes navigation or navigable river, and any dock, basin, towing path, wharf, work, or building connected with a canal : " Land " means land not being a street or public road, and not being land by the side and forming part of a public I'oad, and includes lands laid out for and proposed by the owner to be converted into a street or public I'oad : " Body " includes a body of trustees or commissioners, municipal corporation, board, vestry, company, or society, whether incor- porated or not ; and any provision referring to a body applies to a person, as the case may require : " Person " includes a corporation aggregate or sole : " The Colonial Civil Engineer " includes any other officer whom the Governor may appoint to perform or execute any of the duties or powers assigned to the Colonial Civil Engineer by this Ordinance : " Stipendiary Magistrate " means any of His Majesty's Stipendiary Magistrates in and for this Colony. 3. The provisions of the Companies' Clauses and Powers Consolida- lucoi-poration tion Ordinance, 184G, with respect to the recovery of damages not ^,^„^^^tm^ents. specially provided for and of penalties, and to the determination of any ^,^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^ other matter referred to Justices, shall, so far as the same are applic- able and except so far as the same are inconsistent with any express 410 No. 3.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1869. provision of this Ordinance, be incorporated with this Ordinance ; and terms used in those provisions shall be interpreted as the same terms are directed to be interpreted in this Ordinance. Procediu'e. No. 1 of 1846. See Ordinance No. 12 of 1893. Appeal. See Ordinance Ao. 13 0/1893. Provision as to notices and consents. Power to the Company to hold lands. Now No. 21 of 1898. 4. All things in the Companies' Clauses and Powers Consolidation Ordinance, 1846, authorized or required to be done by two Justices may be done by one Stipendiary Magistrate, and the procedure shall be, as near as may be, according to the mode provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction. 5. Every conviction or order of a Stipendiary Magistrate in respect of any penalty, damages, or sum of money incurred under or by virtue of this Ordinance shall be subject to the appeal provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating appeals from the decisions of Stipendiaiy Magistrates. 6. The following provisions shaU apply to notices and consents under this Ordinance : — (1.) Every notice or consent shall be in writing or print, or partly in writing and partly in print ; (2.) Any notice to or by the Company, or a body having the control of a street or public road or of the sewerage or drainage there- under, may be given to or by the agent, attorney, manager, secre- tary, clerk, or surveyor or other like officer, if any, of the Com- pany or of such body, as the case may be ; and (3.) Any consent may be given on such pecuniary or other terms or conditions (being in themselves lawful) or subject to such stipula- tions as to the time or mode of execution of any work, or as to the removal or alteration, in any event, of any work, or as to any other thing connected with or relative to any woi-k, as the person or body giving the consent thinks fit. 7. The Company, for the purposes of its undertaking, may hold lands and other immovable property in this Colony in the same manner to all intents and purposes as if such Company had been incorporated in this Colony under the Companies Ordinance, 1864. Proof of incor- poration of the Company. Execution and proof of deed made by the Company out of the Colony. Proof of Incorporation and Execution of Deeds. 8. The Company may deliver to the Registrar of the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo, to be recorded by him, a copy of the articles of association of the Company, purporting to be certified as a true copy under the signature and seal of the officer in whose office the original articles of association may purport to be registered or filed ; and such copy duly recorded, or any office copy thereof certified by such Regis- trar shall be sufficient evidence in this Colony of the due incorporation of the Company. 9^ — (1.) Any deed of the Company which maybe executed out of this Colony, Ijut which may be required to be used in evidence in this Colony, shall be executed under the common seal of the Company, and shall be recorded in this Colony in the Registrar's Office aforesaid. (2.) The execution of such deed, and that the seal affixed thereto is the common seal of the Company, and that the same was affixed thereto by the authority of the Board of Directors of the Company A.D. 1869.] INTERNATIONAL OCEAN TELEGRAPH. [No. 3. 411 and in conformity with the articles of association of the Company, and the signatui-e to such deed of the Secretary or other officer by whom sucli S(;al may have been affixed, may be proved l)y tlie affidavit or solemn declaration of the Secretary or other officer affixing such seal sworn or made l^efore any Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, Mayor, or other Chief Officer of any City, Town, or Borough, or before any British Consul or Vice-Consul. 10. Every instrument made in this Colony on behalf of the Com- Execution of pany, and executed in the presence of two witnesses under the hand of "j^^^^^^i'^ any person empowered by deed or letter of attorney under the common Company seal of the Company, either generally or in respect of any specified "ithin the matter, as its attorney or agent to execute deeds on its behalf in this " ""^' Colony, shall be binding on the Company, and have the same effect as if it were under the common seal of the Company. 11. — (1.) Any attorney or agent of the Company in this Colony (Granting and may accept and receive, for and on behalf of the Company (if thereto eonveyanets of duly empowered by the Company), any grant, licence, lease, transport, innaovable or other conveyance of land or other immovable property in this pioperty, etc. Colony authorized to be received by the Company under the provi- sions of this Ordinance, and may also mortgage and encumber the sime or any part thereof (if thereto duly empowered by the Company). (2.) In all legal proceedings by the Company in this Colony, the power ad litem shall be signed by the attorney or agent of the Com- pany for the time being. Landing and wo7'king of Telegraphs. 12. — (1.) For the purpose of enabling the Company to establish tele- Powei- to land graphic communication between this Colony and the United States of -I'ld work America, by way of Havannah, and connecting this Colony with Trini- ® egiapis. dad, Barbados, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint Thomas, Cuba, and all other West Indian Colonies, between which and the Continent of North America the Company may establish telegraphic communication, the Company may, subject to the restrictions and provisions hereinafter contained, lay, construct, land, maintain, and work telegraphs under, in, upon, over, along, or across any of the waters, shores, or lands of this Colony, provided that a plan of the intended works of the Company shall have been first submitted by it to, and approved by the Governor- in-Council. (2.) As regards any part of the foreshore or bed of the sea within the territorial limits of the Colony, the Company shall be bound to obtain a licence of occupancy from the Governor, which licence shall not restrict further than the nature of the case requires the grant of like privileges to other appUcants, and shall be limited to specified points of the coast only, and shall reserve a nominal rent, and shall be subject to forfeiture in the event of the Compaiiy failing to lay, construct, land, maintain, or work the said telegraphs. Extension of Line to Neiv Amsterdam. 13. — (1.) In consideration of the said subsidy, and of the privileges OhliKation on extended to the Company by this Ordinance, the Company shall be ^'^^*g^^°™|']"^g bound, at its own expense, to extend the line of telegraph from George- t„ j^^^, Amsterdam. 412 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1869. town to New AmsLerdam, withiu a reasonaljle time to be fixed, and subject to a plan to be approved, by the Governor-in-Council and thereafter to maintain such hne n efficient working order. (2.) The rates to be charged by the Company for the transmission of messages along the said line between Georgetown and New Amster- dam, and also between this Colony and Surinam or Cayenne (in case of the extension of the line to either such Colony), shall not exceed the rates limited by section 52. Use of streets and public roads, and rivers and waters, of the Colony, under certain conditions. General description of ^vorks which the Company may execute, subject to the restrictions of the Ordinance. General Powers of the Comjyany. 14. Subject to the restrictions and provisions of this Ordinance, the Company shall be allowed the gratuitous use of the streets of George- town and New Amsterdam, and of the public roads, rivers, and waters of the Colony, which may be required to be used by the Company for the purposes of their undertaking in accordance with the plans re- ferred to in sections 12 and 13 : Provided that any work of the Com- pany in, under, upon, over, along, or across any public street of George- town or New Amsterdam must be execu'ed subject to the superin- tendence and approval of the Major and Town Council of such City or Town ; and that any such work in, under, upon, over, along, or across any public road or river of the Colony, or the shore or bed of any tidal water, must be executed subject to the approval of the Colonial Civil Engineer. 15. Subject to the restrictions and provisions of this Ordinance, the Company may execute works as follows : — (1.) It may place and maintain a telegraph under any street or public road, and may alter or remove the same; (2.) It may place and maintain a telegraph over, along or across any street or public road, and place and maintain posts in or upon any street or public road, and may alter or remove the same ; (3.) It may, for the purposes aforesaid, open or bi-eak up any street or public road, and alter the position thereunder of any pipe (not being a main) for the supply of water or gas ; and (4.) It may place and maintain a telegraph and posts under, in, upon, over, along, or across any land or Ijuilding, or any railway or canal, or any estuary or branch of the sea, or the shore or bed of any tidal water, and may alter or remove the same : Provided always that the Company shall not be deemed to acquire any right other than that of the user only in the soil of any street or public road under, in, upon, over, along, or across which it may place any work. Provisions as to 16. In the exercise of the powers given in the last preceding section, compensation, the Company shall do as little damage as may be, and shall make full compensation to all bodies and persons interested for all damage sus- tained by them by reason or in consecitience of the exercise of such j)()\vers, the amount and application of such compensation to be deter- mined in manner provided by the Companies' Clauses and Powers Con- Ko. 1 of 1846. solidation Ordinance, 1846, for the determination of the amount and application of compensation for lands taken and injuriously affected. A.D. 1869.] INTERNATIONAL OCEAN TELEGRAPH. [No. 3. 413 17. — (1.) lu the exercise of the aforesaid powers, the Company shall Provision as to also be subject to the following restrictions : — ph^es" ^'^ ^^ (a.) It shall cause as little detriment or inconvenience as circum- stances admit to the body or person to or by whom any pipe for the supply of water or gas belongs or is used ; (6.) Before it alters the position of any such pipe, it shall give to the body to whom the same belongs notice of its intention to do so, specifying the time at which it will begin to do so, such notice to be given twenty-four hours at least before the commencement of the wox'k for effecting such alteration ; (c.) The Company shall not execute such work except under the superintendence of the body to whom such pipe belongs, un- less such body refuses or neglects to give such superintend- ence at the time specified in the notice for the commencement of the work, or discontinues the same during the work ; and the Company shall execute such work to the reasonable satis- faction of such body ; and (d.) The Company hhall pay all reasonable expenses to which such body may be put on account of such superintendence. (2.) The body to whom any such pipe belongs may, when and as occasion requires, alter the position of any work of the Company already constructed or to be hereafter constructed, under, in, or upon a street or public road on the same conditions as are by the last preceding and present sections imposed on the Company in relation to such a body, mutatis midaiidis. Telegraphs under Streets and Public Roads. 18. Every underground tube or pipe of the (company shall be so Marking of marked as to distinguish it from tubes or pipes of every other Com- underground ■^ r r J tubes and pipes, pany. 19. Where the Company places a telegraph along, across, or over any Telegraph street or public road, it shall not place it so low as to stop, hinder, or across street interfere with the passage for any purpose whatsoever along the street °^ ^'" or public road. Works affecting Streets and Public Roads, 20. In the following cases, that is to say, — Removal of (1.) If any part of the Company's works is abandoned or suffered to in case of ' fall into decay ; or aiiandonment (2.) If the Company is dissolved, or ceases for six months to carry ^'lereof. on business, the body having the control of any street or public road, or the owner of any land or building affected, in the former case by such part of the Company's works as aforesaid, or, in the latter case, by any of the Company's works, may give notice to the; Company, or leave a notice at the last known office or place of business of the Company, to the effect that, if such works as are specified in the notice are not removed within one month after the notice given or left, the same will be removed by the body having such control or by such owner ; and in every such case, unless such works are removed accordingly, the body having such 414 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1869. control or such owner may, without prejudice to any remedy against the Company, remove such works, or any part thereof, and sell the materials thereof, or of any part thereof, and, out of the proceeds of such sale, reimburse themselves their expenses relative to such notice, removal, and sale, and consequent thereon (rendering the overplus, if any, to the Company), and may recover any unpaid residue of such expenses from the Comjjany. Eemoval of works in event of alteration of street or public road. 21. In case the body having the control of any street or public road at any time hereafter resolves to alter the line or level of an} portion of such street or road under, in, upon, over, along, or across which any work of the Company, constructed either before or after the commencement of this Ordinance, is placed, the Company shall from time to time be bound, on re-^eiving one month's notice of such intended alteration, and at its own expense, to I'emove such work, and to replace the same in such position and manner in all respects as may be required by such body, or, in the event of difference between such body and the Company, in such position and manner in all respects as may be determined by the Governor-in-Council, Restrictions of right to open streets and public roads. Kestoration and repair of streets and public roads opened. 0'peni7ig of Streets and Public Roads. 22. Where the Company proceed to open or break up a street or public road, the following provisions shall have effect : — (1.) The Company shall give to the bodies having control of the street or public road notice of its intention to open or break up such street or public road, specifying the time at which it will liegin to do so, such notice to be given, in the case of an under- ground work, ten days at least, and, in the case of an aboveground work, five days at least, before the commencement of the work ; except in case of emergency, in which case notice of the work proposed shall be given as soon as may be after the commencement thereof ; (2.) The Company shall not (except m case of emergency) open or break up any street or public road, except under the superintend- ence of the bodies to whom respectively notice is by the present section required to be given, unless such bodies respectively refuse or neglect to give such superintendence at the time specified in the notice for the commencement of the work, or discontinue the same during the work ; and (3.) The Company shall pay all reasonable expenses to which such bodies respectively may be put on account of such superintendence. 23. public to say, — (1.) After the Company has ojiened or broken up a street or road, it shall be under the following further obligations, that is (a.) It shall, with all convenient speed, complete the work on account of which it opened or broke up the same, and fill in tlie ground and make good the surface, and generally restore the street or pu])lic road to as good a condition as that in which it was before being opened or broken up, and carry away all rul)bish occasioned thereby ; (//.) It shall in the meantime cause the place where the street or public road is open or broken up to be fenced and watched, and to be properly lighted at night ; and A.D. 1869.1 INTERNATIONAL OCEAN TF.LEGRAP II. [No. 3. 415 (r-.) It shall pay all reasonable expenses of keeping the street or puV)lic road in good repair for six months after the same is restored, so far as such expenses may he increased by such opening or breaking up. (2.) If the Company fails to comply in any respect with the pro- visions of this section, it shall for every such offence (without prejudice to the I'ight of any person to enforce specific performance of the requirements of this Ordinance, or to any other remedy against the Company) be lialjle to a penalty not exceeding ninety-six dollars, and to a further penalty, not exceeding twenty-four dollars, for each day during which anj^ such failure continues after the first day when such penalty was adjudged. 24. Whenever the permanent surface or soil of any street or public Power to street road is broken up or opened b}^ the Company, it shall be lawful for the °^' P"^j1i*:' ™'*'^ body having the control of the street or road, in case they think it ex- execute works pedifent to do so, to fill in the ground, and to make good the pavement and charge or surface or soil so broken up or opened, and to carry away ttie rubbish expenses to occasioned thereby, instead of permitting such work to be done by the Company ; and the costs and expenses of filling in such ground, and of making good the pavement or soil so broken up or opened, shall be repaid, on demand, to the body having the control of the street or road by the Company, and, in default thereof, may be recovered by the body having the control of the street or road from the Company, as a penalty is or may be recoverable from the Company. 25. — (1.) The Company shall not stop or impede traffic in any street Restrictions or or public road, further than is necessary for the proper execution of ""ti^fffi^^*^*^ its works. (2.) The Company shall not close against traffic more than one- third in width of any street or public road, or of any way opening into any street or public road, at one time ; and in case two-thirds of such street or road are not wide enough to allow two carriages to pass each other, it shall not occupy with its works at one time more than fifty yards in length of the one-third thereof, except with the special consent of the body having the control thereof. Works affecting Crown or Private Projyerty. 26. The Company shall not place any work by the side of any land or building, so as to stop, hinder, or interfere with ingress or egress for any purpose to or from the same, or place any work under, in, upon, over, along, or across any land or building, except with the previous consent in every case of the owner, lessee, and occupier of such land or building, which consent, in case of any land or building belonging to or enjoyed by His Majesty in right of the Crown, or belonging to the Colony, may be given by the Governor on behalf of His Majesty or the Colony : Provided always that, with respect to lands and buildings situate within the limits of Georgetown or New Amsterdam, the con- sent of the Mayor and Town Council shall be sufficient authority for the Company, without any further consent, except as to any land or building belonging to or enjoyed by His Majesty in right of the Crown or belonging to the Colony, to place and maintain a telegraph, over, along, or across any building adjoining to or near the street, and within Works affecting Crown property. 416 No. 3.] THE LA TF,9 OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1869. the limits of Georgetown and New Amsterdam, or over, along, or across any land, not being laid out as building land, or not being a garden or pleasure ground, adjoining to or near the street, and situate within the same limits, subject, nevertheless, to the following provisions, that is to say,— (1.) Twenty-one days at least before the Company proceeds to place a telegraph by virtue of the authority so conferred, it shall pub- lish in The Official Gazette a notice stating it has obtained the con- sent of such body as aforesaid, and describing the intended course of such telegraph ; (2.) Where the Company by virtue of the authority so conferred, places a telegraph directly over any dwelling house, it shall not place it at a less height above the roof thereof than six feet, if the owner, lessee, or occupier thereof objects to the placing of it at a less height ; (3.) If at any time the owner, lessee, or occupier of any building or land adjoining to a building, directly over which building or land the Company, by virtue of the authority so conferred, places a telegraph, desires to raise the building to a greater height, or to extend it over such land, the Company shall increase the height or otherwise alter the position of the telegraph so that the same may not interfere with the raising or extension of the building, within fourteen days after receiving from the owner, lessee, or occupier a notice of his intention to raise or extend the building, or, in case of difference between the Company and the owner, lessee, or occu- pier as to his intention, then within fourteen days after receiving a certificate signed by a Stipendiary Magistrate, certifying that he is satisfied of the intention of the owner, lessee, or occupier to raise or extend the building ; and (4.) The Company shall make full compensation to the owner, lessee, and occupier of any land or building, over, along, or across which the Company, by virtue of the authority so conferred, places a tele- graph and which may be shown to be in any respect prejudicially aff"ected thereby, the amount of such compensation to be deter- mined in manner provided by the Companies' Clauses and Powers Consolidation Ordinance, 1846, for the determination of the amount of compensation with respect to lands injuriously affected. No. 1 of 1846. Placing of telegraphs above gi'ound and of jjosts within certain distance of dwelling- houses. Provided also that the consent of any person occupying as a tenant from year to year only shall not be required, nor shall any person so occupying be entitled to such compensation as aforesaid. 27. Subject and without prejudice to the preceding provisions, the Company shall not place a telegraph above ground, or a post, within ten yards of a dwelling-house, or place a telegraph above ground across an avenue or approach to a dwelling-house, except subject and according to the following restrictions and provisions, that is to say, — (1.) The Company shall in each such case obtain the consent of the occupier, if any, of such dwelling-house, and, if there is no occu- pier, then of the lessee entitled to possession, and if there is none, then of the owner ; (2.) The consent of an occupier shall be effective only during the continuance of his occupation ; (3.) On the termination of the occupation of any occupier, the lessee or owner entitled to possession, if he did not consent to the placing A.D. 1869.] INTERNATIONAL OCEAN TELEGRAPH. [No. 3. 417 Pulilication of notices of intended telegraph. of the telegraph or post, may give notice to the Company tViat he requires it to be i-enioved ; and the Company shall remove the same accordingly within one month after receiving such notice ; and (4.) If any question arises between a lessee or owner and the Com- pany as to such reiuoval or the time or mode thereof, the same shall be referred to the determination of a Stipendiary jMagistrate, and the Stipendiary ^Magistrate may give such directions as to such removal, and the time and mode thereof, as may seem reasonable, and may impose on the Company for not carrying such direction into effect such penalty, not exceeding twenty-four dollars a day, as may seem just. 28. Before the Company proceeds to place a telegraph over, along, or across a street (not being a street in Georgetown or New Amsterdam), or a public road, or to place posts in or upon a street (not being such a street as aforesaid), or a public road, it shall publish a notice stating that it has obtained the consent in that behalf of th'i body having the control of the street or public road, and describing the intended course of the telegraph — (1.) By affixing such notice on some conspicuous places by the side of the part of the street or road affected, at distances of not more than one mile apart ; (2.) By leaving such notice at every dwelling-house fronting on the part of the street or road affected, and being within fifty feet thereof ; and (3.) By inserting such notice once at least in each of two successive weeks in The Official Gazette ; and the Company shall not so place any such telegraph or post until the expiration of twenty-one days from the last publication of such notice. 29. At any time during such twenty-one days the owner, lessee, or Eight of owner occupier of any land or building adjoining to either side of such street or ocoupier of or road may give to the Company notice of his objection to the or buUdhig''to intended works as prejudicially affecting such land or building, and object. send to the Colonial Civil Engineer a copy of his notice of objection. 30. Until such objection is settled, or is determined in manner Stay of works hereinafter provided, the Company shall not execute that part of the ^"itU objection intended works to which the objection relates 31. As soon as may be after the receipt of such copy of notice of Examination objection, the Colonial Civil Engineer shall (unless the difference be- obj^ection"^ ''^ tween the Company and the person objecting is arranged) make inquiry and examination, and shall report the same in writing to the Goveruor- in-Council. Powers of the Govenior-iii- Coimcil on 32. On considering any such report, the Governor in-Council — (1.) May allow the objection wholly or in part; or (2.) May authorize the Company to proceed, with its works, subject report m? to the provisions of this Ordinance, according to its published objection, notice, paying to the owner, lessee, or occupier objecting full compensation (the amount thereof to be determined in case of difference by the Governor-in-Council) for any damage done to him ; or 418 No. 3.] THE LA^yS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1869. (3.) May authorize the Company to so proceed, subject to any such conditions as to the time or mode of execution of any work, or as to the removal or alteration in any event of any work, or as to any other thing connected with or relative to any work, as the Governor-in-Council thinks fit ; or (4.) May authorize the Company to so proceed, subject to any such modification of any intended work as the Governor-in-Council prescribes ; but so that in that case such notice and opportunity of objecting and being heard as the Governor-in-Council directs shall be given to any owner, lessee, or occupier whom such modification may affect. Finality of 33. The determination of the Governor-in-Council on the matter of determination. ^^^^ anch objection shall be final and conclusive. Costs. 34. The Governor-in-Council may allow to any owner, lessee, or occupier so objecting such costs as seem just, to be paid by the Company. Works affecting Lands or Buildings. Right of owmer, 35. — (1.) Where at any time the Company has constructed any for building or work under, in, upon, over, along, or across an}' land or building, and other puiiioses, ^^^ owner, lessee, or occupier of such land or building, or other person removal of having any interest in such land or building, desires to build upon or works. enclose such land, or in any manner to improve or alter such land or building, or to use such land or building in some manner in which it was not actually used at the time of the construction of such work by the Company, and with which the continuance of such work would interfere, then and in every such case the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say, — ■ («.) Such owner, lessee, occupier, or other person interested may give to the Company a notice specifying the nature of such intended building, enclosure, improvement, alteration, or other use of the land or building, including ingress or egress thereto or therefrom, and requiring the Company to remove or alter its work so that the same may not interfere therewith : (J).) Within fourteen days after the receipt of such notice, or in case of difference between the Company and the person giving the same as to his intention, then within fourteen days after the receipt of a certiBcate, signed by a Stipendiary Magistrate, certifying that he is satisfied of the intention of such person to make such building, enclosure, improvement alteration, or other use of the land or building, and that the continuance of such work would interfere therewith, (the granting of such certificate being deemed to be a matter referred to the determination of the Magistrate so certifying,) the Company shall remove or alter its work so that the same shall not interfere with such intended building, enclosure, improvement, alteration, or other use of the land or building ; and (c.) When such certificate is required by the Company, the costs thereof, when obtained, shall be paid by the Company to the person giving the notice. A.D. 1869.] INTERNATIONAL OCEAN TELEGRAPH. [No. 3. 419 (2.) Nothing in this section shall empower any person to obtain the removal or alteration of an\' work contrary to the terms of any grant or consent in writing made or given by him, or by any person thi'ough whom he takes his estate or interest. Works affect'inij Railways and Canals. 36. The Company shall not place anjf^ work under, in, upon, over, piacinf,' of along, or across any railway or canal, except with the consent of the works afleiting proprietors or lessees, or of the directors or persons having the con- ™il^^">'^' ^*'-"- trol, thereof ; but this provision shall not restrict the Company from placing any work (subject and according to the other provisions of this Ordinance) under, in, upon, over, along, or across any street or public road, although such street or public road may cross or be crossed by a railway or canal, so that such work does not damage tlie railwaj^ or caiial, or interfere witli the use, alteration, or impi'ovemont thereof. 37. — (1.) If at anytime after the Company has placed any work Access from under, in, upon, over, along, or across any canal, any person having f^tui'e docks to power to construct docks, basins, or other works upon any land "^""'^ ^' adjoining to or near such canal constructs any dock, basin, or work on such land, but is prevented by the Company's work from forming a communication for the convenient passage of vessels with or without masts between such dock, basin, or other work and such canal ; or if the business of such dock, basin, or other work is interfered M'ith liy reason or in consequence of any such work of the Company, then the Company, at the request of such person, and on having reasonaljle facilities afforded it by him for placing a telegraph round such df)ck, basin, or other work, under, in, upon, over, along, or across land behmging to or under his control, shall remove and place its work accordingly. (2.) If any dispute arises between the Company and such person as to the facilities to be afforded to the Company, or as to the direction in which the telegraph is to be placed, it shall be determined by the Governor-in-Council. Appointment of Arbitrator. 38. — (1.) If, in any case where the matter is hereinbefore authorized Power to the or directed to be determined by the Governor-in-Council, it appears to Govemor-m- i.u rt • /^ •! 1 T p • n Council in an V tne 'c;overnor-ni-Uouncil to be expedient, tor convenience of local case to appoint investigation or for any other reason, that the matter should be deter- ail'itrator. mined by an ai'ljitrator, the Governor-in-Council may, notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained and whether the Governor-in-Council has entered on the investigation or not, refer the matter to some competent and impartial person as arbitrator. (2.) With respect to the matter so referred any such arbitrator shall have the like authority and jurisdiction as the Governor-in-Council has under this Ordinance, and his determination shall have the same effect as a determination of the Governor-in-Council under this Ordinance. (3.) The reasonable expenses and remuneration of the arbitrator (to be settled in case of difference by the Governor-in-Counoil) shall be paid by the Company. VOL. I. 28 420 No. 3.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1869. Placing of works on sea shore. Submission for approval of plan of such works. Lights and signals for such works. Power of the Governor as to such works, if disused, etc. Recoveiy of expenses of act done at expense of the Company Works affecting Sea Shore. 39. The Company shall not place any work under, in, upon, over, along, or across any estuary or branch of the sea, or the shore or bed of any tidal water within the limits of the Colony, except with the consent of all persons and bodies having any right of property or other right, or any power, jurisdiction or authority in, over, or relating to the same, which may be affected or be liable to be affected by the exercise of the powers of the Company, which consent, where His Majesty in rio;ht of the Crown, or the Government of the Colony, is interested, may be given, on behalf of His Majesty or the said Government by the Governor, in writing signed by him. 40. — (1.) Before commencing the construction of any such work as last aforesaid, or of any buoy or sea mark connected therewith, except in cases of emergency for repairs to any work previously constructed or laid, and then as speedily after the commencement of such works as may be, the Company shall deposit at the Office of the Government Secretary a plan thereof, for the approval of the Governor-in- Council. (2.) The work shall not be constructed otherwise than in accord- ance with such approval. (3.) If any work is constructed contrary to this provision, the Colonial Civil Engineer may, at the expense of the Company abate, and remove it, or any part of it, and restore the site thereof to its former condition. 41. The Company may, in or about the construction, maintenance, or repair of any such work, use, on board ship or elsewhere, any light or signal allowed by any regulation to be made in that behalf by the Governor-in-Council, and published in The Official Gazette. 42. If any such work, buoy, or sea mark is abandoned or suffered to fall into decay, the Colonial Civil Engineer may, if and as the Governor thinks fit, at the expense of the Company, either repair or restore it or abate and remove it, or any part of it, and restore the site thereof to its former condition. 43. Whenever the Governor-in-Council, under the authority of this Ordinance, do or order to be done, in relation to any such work, any act or thing which they are by this Ordinance authorized to do at the expense of the Company, the amount of such expenses shall be a debt due to the Crown from the Company, and shall be recoverable as such, with costs, or the same may be recovered, with costs, as a penalty is or may be recoverable from the Company. Rule as to teleoraph being open for all messages with- out preference, subject to leases. Maintenance of Telegrapli Stations in General Obligations and Liabilities of the Company and its Servants. 44. Every telegraph of the Company shah be open for the mes- sages of all persons alike, without favour or preference ; and all such messages shall be forwarded in the order of their receipt ; but this provision shall not prejudicially affect the operation of any lease or agreement authorized by this Ordinance. 45. — (1.) Telegraph Stations shall be duly maintained in Georgetown and New Amsterdam. A.D. 1869.] INTERNATIONAL OCEAN TELEGRAPH. [No. 3. 421 (2.) The Company's Offices shall be open for the use of the public daily, fcom seven o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the after- noc>n of every day, except on Sundays and holidays, when the same shall be opened during such hours as tlie Governor-in-Council may from time to time appoint ; and the said Offices shall also be open at all times for the use of the Government of the Colony for the transmission of messages on the public service in cases of emergency. 46. The Company sliall be answerable for all accidents, damages, and injuries happening through the act or default of the Company, or of any person in its employment, by reason or in consequence of any of the Company's works, and shall save harmless all bodies having the control of streets or public roads, cullectively and individually, and their officers and servants, from all damages and costs in respect of such accidents and injuries. 47. The Compuny shall not sell, transfer, or lease its undertaking or works, or any part thereof, in this Colony to any other Company or to any persons, except with the consent of the Governor-in-Council, previously ol^tained for such sale, transfer, or lease ; but this provision shall not restrict the making or carrying into effect by the Company of any arrangement with any person for providing any work for his private use only. Georgetown and Xew Aiiisterdain, and opening of oflicfs. Responsiljility of the Company for damages. Proliiliition of sale, etc., of undertaking, except witli consent of the Govenior-in- Council. Office of the Conii)any and service of documents. Now No. 21 of 1898. 48. — (1.) The Company, before exercising any power for the con- Registered struction of works or the opening or breaking up of streets or public roads in any part of the Colony, shall give to the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies under the Companies Ordinance, 1864, notice of the situation of some Office where notices may be served on the Company within the Colony ; and the Company shall from time to time give to such Registrar notice of any change in the situation of such Office. (2.) Every such notice shall be recorded by the R.egistrar, and the record thereof may be inspected from time to time by any person. (3.) The delivery at the Office of which notice is so given of any notice, writ, summons, citation or other document addressed to the Company shall, for the purposes of the Ordinance, and for all other purposes, be deemed good service on the Company. (4.) The Company shall, on giving each notice to the Registrar under this section, pay such fee as is payable under the last-mentioned Ordinance on registration of any document by that Ordinance required or authorized to be registered, other than a memorandum of association ; and every person inspecting the record of such notice with the Registrar shall pay such fee as is for the time being payable under the last- mentioned Ordinance for inspection of documents kept by the Registrar under that Ordinance. 49. If any person in the employment of the Company in this Colony wilfully or negligently omits or delays to transmit or deliver any message ; or, l)y any wilful or negligent act or omission, prevents or delays the transmission or delivery of any message ; or improperly divulges to any person the purport of any message, he shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding ninety-six dollars. 50. — (1.) Nothing in this Ordinance shall relieve the Company from Saving for being subject to any restrictions, regulations, or provisions which may effect of future hereafter be made by any general Act of Parliament or any general ^^^^^'^^t'"^"*^' ^OL. I. 28a Punishment of officer of the Company for misconduct respecting messages. 422 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1869. Prohibition of acquisition by tlie Coiupiuiy of exclusive privileges in Panama. Ordinance of this Colony respecting telegraphs or telegrapliic com- panies or their charges. (2.) The Company shall not be entitled to make any claim or assert any right in respect of its enterprise so far as it is carried on within this Colony which could not be legally made or asserted ])y it, if it had consisted of British subjects or had been of British domicile ; and it shall be subject to the judicature of the Colony. 51. — (1.) The Company shall not acquire any exclusive right or ]irivilege in Panama in respect of any telegraphic line connecting that Province with British Territory. (2.) In case the Company shall at any time hereafter acquire any such exclusive right or privilege in Panama, the subsidy and all and singular the rights and privileges granted to the Company by this Ordinance shall thereupon absolutely cease, determine, and become null and void. Bates of Charges. Prices to be charged for transmitting messages. 52. — (1.) The prices to be charged by the Company for transmitting messages on the line between Havannah and this Colony shall not exceed the following rates, that is to say, — for each message containing twenty words, including address and signature, one cent per English mile for any distance exceeding four hundred and fifty miles, and one cent and three-tenths of a cent per English mile for any distance not exceeding four hundred and fifty miles, and for every additional word exceeding twenty, there shall be paid a further sum of one-twentieth of the aforesaid rates. (2.) The Company may, with the consent of the Governor-in- Council, alter the number of words fixed for a single message, provided that the proportional rate for each additional word remains unaltered. (3.) With respect to places more distant than Havannah, the Com- pany shall charge only the same rates as those charged by the several telegraphic lines whose co-operation will be required for the trans- mission of messages to places which are not on the Company's lines. Priority of messages of the Cok)nial Goveninient. Power to the Colonial Government, in case of emergency, to take possession of the Com- pany's works and lines. Poivers of the Colonial Government over the Company. 53. All messages of the Government of the Colony shall be secured priority over private messages, and the said Government shall have the full right of inspection at all times, to ascertain whether such priority is duly observed ; and whenever the Governor requires the Company to transmit any messages on the public service, the Company shall, as soon as reasonably may be, transmit the same, and shall, uiitil transmission thereof, suspend the transmission of all other messages from this Colony. 54. — (!•) Where, in the opinion of the Governor, an emergency has arisen in which it is expedient for the public service that the Colonial Government should have control over the transmission of m» ssages ])y the Company's telegraph, the Governor may, l^y warrant uiider his hand, direct and cause the Company's works and lines, or any part thereof in this Colony, to be taken j)()ssessi()n of in the name and on behalf of His Majesty, and to be used for His Majesty's service, and, subject thereto, for such ordinary service as may seam fit ; or may A.D. 1869.] INTERNATIONAL OCEAN TELEGRAPH. [No. 3. 423 direct and authorize such persons as he thinks fit to assume the control of the transmission of messages by the Compan3''s telegraphs, either wholly or partly, or in such manner as he directs. (2.) Any such warrant shall not have effect for a longer time than one week from the issuing thereof ; but the Governor may issue successive warrants from week to week, so long as in his opinion such emergency continues. (3.) The Receiver General shall, on the warrant of the Governor, pay to the Company as compensation for any loss of profit sustained by the Company by reason of the exercise by the Governor of any of the powers of the present article, out of the public revenues of the Colony, such sum as may be settled between the Government of the Colony and the Company by agreement, or, in case of difference, by arbitration. (4.) Such arbitration shall be conducted as follows, that is to say,— {a.) The Governor and the Company shall each, within fourteen days after the delivery by one to the other of a demand, in writing, for an arbitration, nominate an ai'bitrator ; {h.) The two arbitrators nominated shall, before entering on the arbiti'ation, nominate an um})ire ; (c) If either party or arbitrator makes default in nominaling an arbitrator or umpire within fourteen days after receiving from the other a demand in writing for such nomination, the Chief Justice of this Colony may, on the request of the Governor or of the said Company, under his hand, nominate an arbitrator or umpire ; (d.) The arbitrators shall make their award within twenty- eight days after their nomination, otherwise the matter shall be left to be determined by the umpire ; and (e.) The umpire shall make his award within twenty-eight days after notice from the ar})itrators, or one of them, that the matter is left to be detertnined by him ; or, on default, a new umpire shall be appointed as nearly as may be in manner aforesaid, who shall make his award within the like time, or in default be superseded, and so toties quoiies. (5.) The award of the arbitrators or umpire shall be final and conclusive, as between the Governor and the Company. 55.- -(1.) Where it appears to the Governor that any provision of Prot-eedin^s this Ordinance has not been complied with on the part of the Com- ii^ainst the pany, and that it would be for the public advantage that compliance ^"T'!';'."-y *" therewith should bo enforced, the Attorney General, by direction of jiiianee with the Governor, may, by such civil or criminal proceeding as the case tl^e Oidiuauce. may require, enforce compliance with such provision, by the recovery of penalties or otherwise according to law. (2.) No such proceeding shall be taken by the Attorney General until the expiration of twenty-one days after he has given notice to the Company of his intention to take the same. (3.) This provision shall be deemed to be cumulative and to be without jarejudice to any other remedy or process against the Company on the part of His Majesty or of any person or body. 424 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1870. OEDINANCE No. 1 OF 1870. A.D. 1870. — ♦ — Short title. Penalty foi" allowiiif,' refuse matter or lees to flow into canal, etc., so as to be a nuisance or injurious to health. Penalty for allowing refuse matter or lees to flow into trencli, etc., so as to he injurious to healtli. Additional jiciiiiUies for contintiancc of nuisance. An Ordinance to prohilMt the Refuse Matter from Distilleries on Plantations from being allowed to flow into the open Trenches, and for other pm'poses. [1st October, 1870.] WHEREAS it appears from the Report of certain Commissioners appointed to inquire and report on the practice of allowing the refuse matter from distilleries, commonly called lees, and other impurities, to flow into and remain in the open trenches of plan- tations, and that the said practice is prejudicial to the public health, and ought not to be allowed to continue ; And whereas it is expedient that the said practice should be pro- hibited : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows*: — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Lees Ordinance, 1870. 2. The owner of any plantation who at any time causes or sulfei's to be brought or to flow into any canal, trench, or drain on such plan- tation any refuse matter, lees, or other impurity produced in the dis- tillation of rum, whereby the water in any such canal, trench, or drain becomes so foul as to be a nuisance or injvu'ious to health, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars. 3. The owner of any plantation who at any time causes or suffers to be brought or to flow into any jjond, reservoir, or swamp on or in the vicinity of such plantation any refuse matter or lees produced in the distillation of rum, whereby any offensive effluvium injurious to health is caused, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars : Provided always that it shall be lawful for any such owner to form a reservoir or pond, and allow the said refuse matter or lees to flow into and remain therein, in such exceptional localities as may be approved of and sanctioned l>y the Governor-in-Council, and on the said owner obtaining from the Governor a licence of authority to do so, which said licence shall not remain in force for more than twelve months from the date thereof ; but any such licence may be renewed from time to time by the Governor. 4. In addition to the said penalties the owner of any such planta- tion so offending shall be liable to a further penalty (to be recovered in the like manner) of not more than twenty-five dollars for each day during which the water in any such canal, trench, or drain is so foul as to be a nuisance or injurious to health, or during which such ofl'en- sive effluvium so continues, after such owner has been convicted of such offence, exclusive of the day on which such conviction takes place. A.D. 1870.] LEES. [No. 1. 425 5. All complaiuts and informations for anything done contrary to tho provisions of this Ordinance shall be preferred and laid lsory Oaths i'e(|iiii'ed to be taken as a (^ualifica- onUnaiu-,' tion for the Exercise and Enjoyment of OlHces and fn^'^^l^'-IJ^i} other Civil llights in this Colony. [•20th July, 1870.] WHEREAS it is expedient to amend and make unifoDu tlie several promissory oaths now rci[uired to be taken by different classes of His Majesty's subjects, as a qualification for the exercise and enjoyment of offices, franchises, and civil inghts in this Colony : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana with the advice and consent of the Coui't of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Promissory Oaths Ordinance, Short title. 1870. 2. The oath in this Ordinance referred to as the Oath of Allegiance Fonn of Oath shall be in the form following, that is to say, — °^ Allegiance. " I, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Edward the Seventh, His Heirs and Successors, according to law. — So help me God." 3. The oath in this Ordinance referred to as the Official Oath shall Form of Oath be in the form following, that is to say, — °^ Office. " I, do swear that I will well and truly serve His Majesty King Edward the Seventh in the office of . — So help me God." 4. 1 he oath in this Ordinance referred to as the Judicial Oath shall Form of be in ihe form following, that is to say, — Judicial Oath. " I, do swear that I will well aud truly serve Our Sovereign Lord King Edward the Seventh in the office of and I will do right to all manner of people after the Laws and Usages in force in this Colony, without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. — So help me God." 5. Where in any oath under this Ordinance the name of His present Name of Majesty is expressed, the name of the Sovereign of the Realm for the Sovereign in time being shall be substituted from time to time. oath. 6. When an oath is required to be taken under this Ordinance, every when affirma- person for the time being by law permitted to make a solemn affirma- *»"» f^i" tion or declaration instead of faking an oath may, instead of taking b^ substituted such oath, make a solemn atfirmation in tlie form of the oath iierel)y for oath, appointed, substituting the words "solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and aflirm " for the word " swear," and omitting the words " So help me God." 7. The Oath of Allegiance only shall be taken by aliens on Oath to ho naturalization, and such oath shall be in the form in this Ordinance alien'on set forth. naturalization. 428 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1870. Officers to take Oath of Alle- giance and Official Oath. Schedule : First Part. Officers to take Oath of Alle- giance and Judicial Oath. Schedule : Second Part. Case of officer reiiuired to take oath declining or neglecting to do so. 8. The Oath of Allegiance and the Official Oath shall be tendered to, and taken by, each of the officers named in the First Part of the Schedule to this Ordinance, as soon as may be after his acceptance of office. 9. The Oath of Allegiance and the Judicial Oath shall be taken by each of the officers named in the Second Part of the Schedule to this Ordinance, as soon as may be after his acceptance of office. 10. If any officer specified in the Schedule to this Ordinance declines or neglects, when any oath required to be taken by him under this Ordinance is duly tendered to him, to take such oath, he sh dl, if he has already entered on his office, vacate the same, and if he has not entered on the same, he shall be disqualified fi'om entering on the same ; but no person shall be compelled, in respect of the same appointment to the same office, to take such oath or make such affirmation more times than one. Form of oath of iixecutive Councillor. Form of oath to he taken hy Clerk to the Executive Council. 1 1 . The following oath shall be taken by every person appointed to be a member of the Executive Council of this Colony, as soon as may be after his acceptance of office and before exercising any of the func- tions thei'eof : — " I, being chosen and admitted of His Majesty's Executive Council in British G\iiana, do swear that I will, to the best of my judgment, at all times when thereto required, freely give my counsel and ad\'ice to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Officer administering the Government of the said Colony for the time being, for the good management of the public affairs thereof ; that I will not, directly or indirectly, reveal such matters as shall be debated in Council and committed to my secrecy, but that I will in all things be a true and faithful Councillor. — So held me God." 12. The following oath shall Ije taken by every officer appointed to exercise the functions of Clerk to the Executive Council of this Colony before entering on the duties of his office : — " I, being appointed to exercise the functions of Clerk to His Majesty's Executive Council in British Guiana, do swear that I will not, directly or indirectly, reveal such matters as shall be debated in Council and committed to my secrecy.- -So help me God." 1 3. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the oaths required to be taken by members of the Court of Policy, Financial Representatives, officers of the Militia, or any other persons, not being officers in the ])ublic service of His Majesty, who may be required by any law to take an oath : Provided that when the Oath of Allegiance is required to be taken, the form of sucli oath suliscril)ed by this Ordinance shall be substituted for the form of the Oath of Allegiance heretofore recjuired to be taken. Saving as to 14. No officer mentioned in the Schedule to this Ordinance who has officers hereto- been heretofore ap[)oinl(!d, and who has already taken such oath or and sworn oaths as may have been heretofore required to be taken on his appoint- ment, shall be required to take any oath under this Ordinance. Saving as to oaths required to he taken by certaiji persons. A.D. 1871.] CIVIL LIST ESTABLISHMENT. [No. 1. 429 SCHEDULE. Lists of Offkkus uEQriREn to take Oaths. First Part. Section 8. Tlic Attorney General. The King's Advocate in Admiralty. The Solicitor General. The Crown Solicitor. The (iovernment Secretary. 1'he Assis^tant Government Secretary. The Auditor General. The Receiver General. The Assistant Receiver General. The Comptroller of Customs. 1'he Suh-ComptroUer of Customs. The Supervisor of Aid- Waiters. The Inspector General of Police. The Inspectors of Police. The Superintendent of the Penal Settlement. The Colonial Civil Engineer. The Registrar of Court. The Crown Surveyor. The Revenue Officeis. Second Part. Section 9. The Chief Justice. The Puisne Judges. The Judge of the Court of Vice- Admiralty. The Justices of the Peace. OEDINANCE No. 1 OF 1871. An Ordinance to provide for the Levying of certain Ad a. d. i87 i. Valorem Duties during the Existence of a Civil List * Estabhshment in this Colony. W [13th September, 1871.] HEREAS it is necessary to make provision for the maintenance of a Civil List Establishment, for so long as the same may be in existence in this Colonj'^ : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Combined Court thereof, as follows : — 1. Whenever, during the existence of the present or any future Civil Power during List Establishment in this Colony, no provision other than the present p^esg*iT^^!'^ 430 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1871. future Civil i<^ made by the Colony for the payment of the amount payable in sup- in' defauU of' P'^^'^ thereof, there shall be raised, levied, and collected a tax or duty of other provision, four dollars on every one hundred dollars of the value of all goods, four per cent. wares, and merchandise whatever imported into this Colony, and not duty on im- entered for exportation ; and the proceeds of such tax shall be poris, and applical)le, first to the payment of such amount, and afterwards to any proceeds'^" ' ds. (2.) There shall be paid on such goods kept therein such storage ^ 'J his Ordinance is repealed by the Explosives Ordinance, 1889, so far as relates to explosives as defined hy that Ordiuaneo. A.D. 1872.] VETROLEVM. [No. 1. 431 Koocls. rent as may from time to time be fixed by any Tax Ordinance for the time l^eing in force. 4. — (1.) All goods proclaimed to l)e of a specially dangerous nature Landinj;, etc., ■within the meaning of this Ordinance which may be introduced into <>f (luii-ieroiis this Colony shall be landed as directed by Pi'oclamation, and be stored in such magazines as may l)e provided for that purpose. (Amd. G of 1904, s. 3.)' (2.) All such goods not so landed and stored shall be seized, and, on such seizure, shall become forfeited ; and all such goods so introduced, if they are of such a degree (jf inflammability as to render their impor- tation unlawful, shall be seized, and, on such seizure, shall become! for- feited : Provided that all goods seized under this section may be claimed b}' the owner, or the agent of the owner, within fourteen days from the date of the seizure. 5. — (1.) The Governor-in-Council may, by Proclamation, fix the quantity of specially dangerous goods to be kept on any premises for sale, and also to be kept on any private premises. (2.) Every pers(m who keeps on any such premises respectively an}^ larger quantity than is allowed by Proclamation shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, and, on conviction in any such penalty, all such goods shall, without any other process, become forfeited. 6. All persons who at the time of the issuing of any such Proclama- tion, may have on their premises any quantity of specially dangerous goods greater than by such Proclamation is allowed to be kept thereon, shall at once cause the excess to be removed to a magazine ajjpointed for the storage of specially dangerous goods ; and any such excess found on any premises after seven da3's from the issuing of such Proclamation shall be liable to seizure, and, on such seizure, shall be forfeited, unless claimed within fourteen days from the date of the seizure : Provided that all goods seized under this section may be claimed by the owner, or the agent of the owner, within fourteen days from the date of the seizure. 7. — (1.) All persons who, at the time of the issuing of any such Proclamation, have on their premises any dangerous goods of such a degree of inflammability as makes it unlawful to keep the same shall make declaration thereof to the Comptroller of Customs, and shall be at liberty to export the same under the supervision of the Comptroller. (2.) Any person who does not make such declaration and exporta- tion, within seven days from the issuing of such Proclamation, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, and, on his con- viction in such penalty, the goods shall, without any other process, be forfeited : Provided that if, in the opinion of the Comptroller, such ex- portation within such period is impracticable, the Comptroller shall be at liberty to cause the same to be stored, at the exi:)ense of the owner, in some magazine for the i*eception of dangerous goods ; and the owner shall be bound to export the same within one month from the date of the same being so stored, on pain of tlie same becoming forfeited. 8. It shall be lawful for any Inspector of Police or District Commis- sary of Taxation, or for any person authorized in writing b}^ such Inspector or Commissaiy, at all reasonable times to insjiect and test all specially dangerous goods kept, offered, or exposed for sale ; and if, upon such inspection and test, any description of such goods is found Fixiiii,' of quantity of danjjerous goods to be kept on premises. Removal of dangerous goods to maga- zine after Proclamation. Mode of deal- uig with dangerous goods prohi- bited to be kept. Power to Inspector of Police or Dis- trict Commis- sary of Taxa- tion to inspect and test 432 No. 1.] THE LAW^ OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1872. dangerous goods. Power to enter and search premises for dangerous goods. Disposal of forfeited goods. Penalty for ol)Striii-ting, etc., person authorized to enter and search. Making, hearing, and detennination kept, offered, or exposed for sale as aforesaid contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance or of any Proclamation issued in pursuance hereof, the same shall be liable to be seized, and the person so seizing the same shall retain a sample thereof ; and the person in whose possession the same may have been found shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars ; and, on his conviction in such penalty, the goods shall, without other process, become forfeited : Provided always that any such last-mentioned person may, at the time of trial, have a portion of the sam^ile retained as aforesaid tested by someone having competent chemical knowledge, who shall give evidence of the result of such test ; and if such person is held liable in any penalty, the cost of such last- mentioned analysis shall be added to, and recovered in the same manner as, the costs in the prosecution for the offence : Provided, also, that all goods seized under this section may l)e claimed by the owner, or the agent of the owner, within fourteen days from the date of the seizure. 9. If any Officer of Customs, Inspector of Police, District Commis- sary of Taxation, police officer, or constable knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect, that any specially dangerous goods within the mean- ing of this Ordinance are illegally kept on any premises, then and in such case, upon oath made by such Officer of Customs, Inspector of Police, District Commissary of Taxation, police officer, or constable before any Stipendiary Magistrate of the fact of such knowledge or such cause of suspicion, such Magistrate may, by warrant under his hand, authorize such Officer of Customs, Inspector of Police, District Commissary of Taxation, police officer, or constable, with or without assistance, to enter into and search the premises wherein he knows or suspects such goods to be kept, and to seize the same ; and the owner or person in possession of the premises on which the same are found shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars ; and, on his conviction in such penalty, such goods shall, without other process, become forfeited : Provided that all goods seized under this section may be claimed by the owner, or the agent of the owner, within fourteen days from the date of the seizure. 10. — (1.) All goods forfeited for being of a degree of inflammability which renders their importation or keeping unlawful shall be destroyed. (2.) All goods forfeited for being in excess of the quantity allowed to be kept shall be put up to competition by the seizing officer, and sold by him to the highest bidder, after advertisement for two weeks in 71ie Oj/icial Gazefte and one newspaper ])ulilished in the Colony. 1 1 . Every person who, by refusing to open any door which it is legally in his power to open, or in any other way, obstructs, or who in any waj molests, opposes, hinders, or impedes, any person authorized under this Ordinance to enter any premises or vessel, and there to search or otherwise ascertain whether there has been any breach of this Ordinance, or who removes, throws away, or destroys, or causes to be removed, thrown away, or destroyed, any specially dangerous goods, in order to prevent or impede any search for or seizure of the same, sliall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars. 12.— (1.) Every claim allowed to be made for goods seized under this Ordinance must state in what way such seizure is averred to be A.D. 1872.] TRUST MONEYS OF SEE. [No. 2. 433 illegal, and shall be heard and determined by any Stipendiar}' Magis- of claim for trate whomsoever, according to the provisions of, and shall be subject """^'' seized. to the appeal respectively provided by, any Ordinances for the time being in force regulating procedure l)efore Stipendiary Magistrates '*>'«« Ordi- in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction and appeals from the "^'V'ono''^"' /^ decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. JVo. 1.Vo/ihidcnce of service. Maimer of proceedings in tlie Presbytery Court. 438 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1872. (3.) All witnesses shall be sworn and examined in open Court, and their testimony shall be reduced to writing by the Clerk or some duly authorized assistant or clerk ^jro tempore, and shall be read over to and signed by them ; (4.) The proceedings with respect to the ai'guments and addresses of counsel, the examination of witnesses, and the production of evi- dence, shall be regulated as near as may be by the prevailing practice of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction ; and (5.) The finding shall be that of the majority of the Presbytery, and the finding shall be delivered, and the sentence shall be pronounced, in open Court. See Ordinance No. 19 of 1893. Default of attendance of member of Presbytery. Proceeding ex jmrte on non- appearance of accused. Manner of arriving at and pronomic- ing sentence. 18. If, after a process has been instituted, any member of the Pres- bytery refuses or fails to attend the Presbytery Court without suffi- cient cause, or, having attended, withdraws without excuse before the termination of the proceedings, he shall for every day of refusal or absence to act and vote, forfeit to His Majesty, for the public use of the Colony, the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered by summary execution at the instance of the Attorney General. 19. If the accused, being duly cited, refuses or neglects to appear before the Presbytery, at the time and place appointed, and make answer to the libel, the Presbytery may proceed ex parte. 20. — (1.) In the event of the votes being equal, the case shall be decided by the casting vote of the Moderator, who shall have no deliberative vote. (2.) In the event of the accused pleading guilty, the Presbytery shall then, or at some convenient day thereafter, proceed to pronounce sentence of censure, or suspension, or deposition, as the nature of the offence may require. (3.) In the event of the accused being found guilty after a hearing, whether in his presence or ex parte, of an offence involving suspension or deposition, the Presbytery shall not pronounce sentence until after the expiration of ten clear days from the da}' of the delivery of the finding, in order to afford an opportunity of reference to the General Assembly, as hereinafter provided. Reference of case to the General Assembly. Forwarding of copies of pro- ceedings in case of reference. Reforence to tlie General Assembly. 21. Within ten days from the day of the delivery of such finding, it shall be lawful either for the Presbytery to make, or for the accused to demand, a reference of the case, through the Colonial Committee, to the (ieneral Assem])ly of the Church of Scotland before proceeding to final judgment or sentence : Provided that such demand, if not made orally at the trial, shall be made in writing, addressed to the Moderator and signed by the accused party. 22. Immediately on such reference or demand being made, true copies of the libel, proof, and finding, and of such reference or demand, certified under the hand of the Moderator and Clerk, shall be forwarded to the Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland, for the considera- tion and decision or advice of the General Assembly of that Church ; and it shall be competent to the said (general Ass(^mbly, on receipt of such reference, to dispose of the same by pronouncing such deliverance A.D. 1872.J CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. [No. 3. 439 or decision as to it may seem just and conformable to the laws and practice of the Church of Scotland. 23. On the receipt of such deliverance or decision, and not Vjefore, Pronouncing the Pi-eshytery shall pronounce (inal sentence in accordance with such "^sentence on decision ; but it shall not be lawful for the Presbytery to act upon any General such decision, unless the same is certified under the hands of the Assembly. Moderator and Clerk of the General Assembly, and unless the same has been forwarded tiirough the Colonial Committee to the Moderator or Clerk of the Presbytery. Suspension and Deposition. 24. Where any sentence of suspension is pronounced by the Pres- Disposal of bytery, the same shall be certified to the Governor under the hand of ^jj^g^gj"' the Moderator and Clerk, and the stipend of the minister so suspended dui-ing suspen- shall be chargeable during the whole period of such suspension to the sion. extent of one-half for the performance of the duties of his ofiice. 25. Where any sentence of deposition is pronounced by the Pres- Vacation of bytery, the incumbency, or other preferment shall become and be depofit°ion of vacant, and the same shall thereupon be filled up according to law : minister. Provided that any such sentence of deposition pronounced against any minister to whom an annual stipend is assigned by any Ordinance for the time being in force shall be certified to the Governor under the hand of the Moderator and Clerk. (Amd. 13 of 1904, s. 5.) Witnesses. 26. — (1.) In order to pi'ocui'e the attendance of witnesses at any Presbytery Court, a citation, in such convenient form as may seem fit and signed by the Clerk, may be served on every witness whose name may appear on a list of witnesses prepared and signed as hereinbefore provided. (2.) Every such citation shall specify the time and place at which the witness is to attend, and the })erson against whom the charge is prefei'red. (3.) Eveiy such citation may contain the names of twelve witnesses ; a copy shall be served bj'^ some intelligent person, able to read and wi'ite, on each such witness ; and a return of every such service shall be endorsed on the original. (4.) If any person cited does not appear, the return of service shall })e verified by the oath of the person making the service taken before the Presbytery Court or any Justice of the Peace. 27. In case any witness residing in any part c)f the Colony whose evidence may be required before any Presbyter^' Court held b}^ Wrtue of this Ordinance refuses or neglects to attend, without lawful excuse, or refuses to be sworn, or to make affirmation, or to give evidence when sworn or after making affirmation, or is guilty of any other contempt of or disobedience to the lawful order of such Presbytery Court, it shall be lawful for any Judge of the Supreme Court of this Colony, upon motion made to him by order of the Presbytery, to cause such witness to be brought before him, and to sentence such witness to a fine not exceeding ninety-six dollars and to imprisonment for any term not exceeding thirty days, unless such fine is paid, and to make such order VOL. I. 30 Manner of making and returning service on witness at the Presbytery Court. Maimer of dealing with witness refus- ing or neglect- ing to appear, etc. 440 No. 3.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1872. as to costs as to him may seem propei- : Provided always that this right shall extend to the accused party. Process not to issue against such witness luiless payment for attendance has been tendered. See Ordinance No. 19 of 1893. Taking of evidence of witness unable to attend. Making of order for examination of such witness. Proceedings of the Moderator in granting such oi'der. When and by whom such evidence is to be taken. Maimer of taking such evidence. Right of opposite party to n\)\)(-'AV at hearing of such evidence. 28. No process shall issue against such witness as aforesaid unless the Judge is satisfied that the witness was duly summoned, and that a sum had been tendered to him sufficient for the paj'ment of his reasonable travelling expenses, and for his remuneration at a I'ate per diem according to the tariff in force for the payment of witnesses summoned before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction. 29. In the event of any witness being about to leave the Colony, or being ill, or old, or infirm, so as to be unlikely to be able to attend at the trial, and so as to render it probable that the evidence of such witness may be lost, the party wishing to obtain or perpetuate the evidence of such witness, may, at any time before or after the com- mencement of proceedings under this Ordinance, apply to the Moderator for an order to have such witness examined. 30. — (1.) If the party so applying is the accused, or if proceedings have been commenced, the Moderator shall make such order as of course ; but, if proceedings have not been commenced, no such order shall be made except upon an application in writing, signed by the applicant, and setting forth the grounds upon which the application is made. (2.) The obtainer of any order under this section shall be liable for all the costs incurred in consequence thereof, unless the final decision in the matter is in his favour. 31. The Moderator shall report the granting of such order at the first meeting of the Presbytery thereafter, and shall, without waiting for such meeting and without delay, prepare a duplicate of the order, and shall cause the witness to be cited, to appear, if able to travel, at the time and place mentioned in the order, and, if unable to travel, to give evidence at his own residence at the time mentioned in the order. 32. Such evidence shall be taken, unless some other place is con- sidered moi-e convenient, at the vestry of the Church of that Parish in which or nearest to which the witness resides, in the presence of a committee of not less than three members of the Presbyter}^, one of whom at least shall be an elder, and all of whom shall be selected by the Moderator, where practicable, from members of the Presbytery residing near to the place appointed for the examination. 33. — (1.) One of the members so selected shall act as convener and another as clerk. (2.) The evidence shall be given in open Court upon oath or upon affirmation, as the case may require, and shall be reduced to writing by the clerk, and shall be read over to and signed by the witness and by the convener and clerk. (3.) For the purposes of this section, the convener shall have full power and authority to administer the oath to, t)r to take the affirma- tion of, any such witness. 34. I^ue notice shall be given to the opposite party to appear by himself oi' by counsel, at the time and place appointed, to cross-examine such witness, oi', instead of appearing, to send written interrogatories ; A.D. 1872.] CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. [No. 3. 441 and, in default of such notice, no evidence so taken as aforesaid shall be admissible at the trial. 35. — (1.) Every order issued and to be carried out in conformity Sen-ice of euch with the provisions of the last six preceding sections shall be served, order, etc. and the service, if necessary, shall be verified, in manner provided for ordinary citations on witnesses. (2.) Every person on whom an}'^ such order may be served failing or refusing to comply with such order or to give evidence, or being guilty of any other contempt or disobedience of the Presbyteiy Court, shall be dealt with in manner provided with respect to witnesses cited to appear in the ordinary way and guilty of similar default or con- tempt. 36. If it is proved at the trial, by the oath or affirmation of any credible witness, that any person whose evidence has been so taken is dead or absent from the Colony, or so ill, or old, or infirm as not to be able to travel, all such examinations, cross-examinations, interrogatories, and answers thereto, if purporting to be signed by the witness and by the convener and clerk, shall bo read at the trial as evidence in the cause, without further proof. Use as evidence of deposition of dead or absent witness. process in legal etc. Miscellaneous Provisions. 37. — (1.) In all legal proceedings against the Presbytery, service of Service of process upon the Moderator for the time being shall be good and suffi- proceedki' cient service. etc (2.) In all legal proceedings by the Presbytery, the power ad litem shall be signed by the Moderator and Clerk for the time being. 38. AH property in this Colony heretofore vested in any person Vesting of for the benefit for the Church of Scotland shall be considered, from and P'^op^^'ty- after the commencement of this Ordinance, the property of the Pres- ^^ iif laru bytery. 39. In all matters not specially provided for by this Ordinance, the Power, Presbytery shall so far as may be practicable, possess and exercise the authority, and like power and authority in all matters ecclesiastical and disciplinary, jjig piesbyten- as are possessed, and may be lawfully exercised, by the several Pres- under the" byteries of the Church of Scotland, and its proceedings shall be Ordmance. governed by the laws, regulations, process, and practice of the Church of Scotland. 40. Nothing in this Ordinance shall in any way prejudice, alter, or Saving of affect any right, power, or authority vested in the Governor by virtue Govemorandof of the Royal Commission, or in the Governor and Court of Policy by the Governor any law now or hereafter to be in force in this Colony. and Court of VOL. 1 31 442 No. 4.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1872. A.D. 1872. -♦ — Short title. Powei" to the Governor to authorize destruction of (loin)iu»icants. 4. Every layman of the age of twenty- one years, who is an annual subscriber of Qualification of not less than one dollar to the Clergy Sustentation Fund, being a communicant of Lay-Repre- the Church of England in British Cluiana, shall be qualified to be elected as a sentative. Lay -Representative. 5. Every person so elected shall, before doing any act in the Synod, sign a Declaration declaration in the following form in a book to be kept for that purpose by the to be made, proper otiicer of the Synod : — " I, A.B., of do hereby solemnly declare that 1 am a CDnuiumicant of the Church of England in British Guiana." No person shall accept or hold more than one appointment as Lay-Representative. 446 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1873 Time and notification of election. Cliairman at election. Proof of willingness of person nomi- nated to serve. Election in case of vacancy. Case of no election taking place. Certificate of election. Forwarding of certificate to Secretary. Enteiing of name in Synod list. EfTect of non-payment of assessment. CHAPTER III. Mmnner of electing Lay-Kepresentatives. 6. In each Parish the Lay-Eepresentatives shall be elected in Whitsun-week in every year, and notice of holding each election shall be given publicly in the time of Divine Service, on the two Sundays immediately preceding such election. 7. The incumbent himself, if present, shall preside at the election, and in his absence, the Curate, or, in case neither the Incumbent nor Curate is present, a Chairman elected by a majority of those present shall preside. 8. In elections the Chairman shall not allow any one to be nominated for election, or voted for, whose willingness to accept the office of Lay-Representative of the electing congregation has not been declared by satisfactory authority from the proposed Representative himself. 9. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the number of Lay-Representatives of any parish, either by death, resignation, absence from the Colony, without leave of the Diocesan Council, or otherwise, the Incumbent of the Parish shall notify the vacancy to the Secretary of the Synod, and shall thereupon proceed to call a new election by giving due notice thereof on two consecutive Sundays. Such new election shall take place within twenty-one days from the receipt of the notification to the Secretary of the Synod. The person elected to till a vacancy shall serve only for the unexpired term of the Representative in whose place he is elected. 10. In the event of no election taking jdacc, or in the event of any election becoming void, the Incumlient shall, within two months from the time when the election ought to have taken place or becomes void, proceed to call a new election by giving due notice thereof on two consecutive Sundays. 11. Each Lay-Representative shall receive fi-om the Chairman of the meeting at which he is elected a certificate of his election in the subjoined form, which he shall hand in to the Secretary of the Synod, on taking his place in the Synod : — " I hereby certify that at the Meetmg for the Election of [a] Lay-Representative [s] for this Parish held on the day of 19 , was [were] duly elected to represent this Parish in the Sjiiod for this year. Dated this day 19 Chairman." 12. Within one month after the election of a Lay-Representative, it shall be the duty of the Chairman of the meeting at which he was elected to forward to the Secretary of the Synod a copy of the foregoing certificate. 13. On the receipt of each certificate by the Secretary of the SjTiod, he shall enter the names of the Lay- Representatives on the Synod List to be printed and sent to each of the Clergy and Lay-Representatives fifteen days before the meeting of the Synod. 14. No Clergyman or Lay-Representative can sit or vote in Synod unless the assessment hereinafter provided for due by their Parish is paid at least fourteen days before the date of tlie meeting, except from causes approved of by Finance Committee. Time and place of meeting, and adjoimmient. Notice of meeting. President. Quorum. Mode of Convening the CHAPTER IV. Synod and transacting the Bminess thereof. 15. The Synod shall meet at such time and jdace as may from time to time be pre.scribed by the Pishop : Provided tliat there shall be a "meeting at least once in every year. The Synod may be adjourned from time to time, as may appear to be necessary. 16. Notice of all meetings of the Synod shall be given to every member thereof by the Secretary, at least four weeks before such meeting. 17. The Bishop shall preside at all meetings of the Synod. 18. The presence of th(! Bisho]), of one-fourth of the Clergy, and of one-fourth of the Lay-Representatives shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the Synod. . A.D. 1873.] DIOCESAN SYNOD. [No. 1. 447 19. The Bishop, Clergy and Lay-Ropresentatives shall sit together in the Synod Hittinp;together for the transaction of all business, and shall together dehato all questions. of Orders. Non-repre- sentation of Piirisli. Itcipiisites of validity of act. 20. 'I'he failure of one or more Parishes to return Lay-Representatives shall not prevent the Synod from jircjceeding to the despatch of Inisiness. 21. The concurrent assent of the ]5ishop, and of a majority of the Clergy and Lay- Representatives, shall be necessury to give validity to any act of the iSynod. A vote liy Orders, however, may bo taken at the call of any live members of the Synod, whether Clergymen or laymen, and in such case a majority of both Orders shall be necessary, as well as the consent of the Bishop of the Diocese. This rule shall not apply to the election of a Bishop. 22. If a majority of the Clergy and of the Lay-Representatives present are in Jux ^7Q n ^'^- ^^ o/lS64 [ I si fJ 01} , J O / O. J incorporated. B E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and the consent of the Court of Policj^ thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Commissaries Ordinance, short title. 1873. 2. On and after the 1st day of July, 1873, there shall be a -Chief Commissaiy and as maii}^ District Commissaries of Taxation as may have salaries provided for them by the Combined Court. 3. The - Chief Commissary of Taxation shall exercise a general supervision over the District Commissaries of Taxation, and may perform any duty that may be performed by a District Commissary of Taxation ; and he shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Governor. 4. The District Commissaries of Taxation shall severally perform such duties as were assigned to District Commissaries of Taxation previously to the 1st day of January, 1869, and all such other duties as may at a.ny time be assigned to them by the Governor. 5. — (1.) The Governor may, by Proclamation, abolish the present Police and Fiscal Districts, and establish Fiscal Districts, and may from time to time alter the limits, or add to or diminish the number of such districts. Establishment of Chief Com- missan' and District Commissaries. Duties and powers of the Chief Commissaiy. Duties of the District Commissaries. Power to the Governor to establish Fiscal Dis- tricts, etc. ^ By Ordinance No. 10 of 1895 the Commissary Department was abolished, and its officers transferred to the Treasury Department, except as regards their duties in relation to spirits. 2 The office of Chief Commissary was abolished, and his duties transferred to the Receiver General, except in relation to spirits, which were transferred to the Comptroller of Customs, by Ordinance No. 10 of 1895 ss. 2, 4 and 5. VOL. I, 32a 460 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1873. Giving of security by Comniissary of Taxation. Duties and powers of District Commissaries. Construction of references in certain documents. Seizures and prosecutions. (2.) The Governor may assign to each District Commissary of Taxation a Fiscal District, as the District beyond which he shall not be bound to act without directions from the Governor ; but in the absence from his District of any District Commissary, any other District Commissary may act for, and the Chief Commissary may also at any time act for, any District Commissary without any special appointment. 6. Every Commissary of Taxation shall give security to His Majesty, to such amount and in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Governor-in-Council, for the due and faithful performance of the duties of his office, and for the accounting for and payment of all moneys which may come into his hands as such Com- missary of Taxation. 7. Every District Commissary of Taxation shall have and exercise within his District all and singular the powers, authority, and juris- diction heretofore possessed by a Sub-Commissary of Taxation, and all and singular the powers, authority, and jurisdiction heretofore possessed by a Commissary of Taxation, whether in his special capacity as such Commissary, or otherwise howsoever ; and he may lawfully do and perform within his District all acts which might have been lawfully done and performed by a Commissary or Sub-Commissary of Taxation under or by virtue of any Ordinance in force previous and up to the commencement of this Ordinance. 8. Whenever in any such Ordinance, or in any bond, contract, or other writing, the expression "Commissary of Taxation," or "Sub- Commissary of Taxation," or " District Inspector," or any other expression of the like import is used, the same shall be held and taken to mean " District Commissary of Taxation" for all the purposes of this Ordinance, 9. All seizures and prosecutions for fines, penalties and forfeitures which might have been made by a Commissary or Sub-Commissary of Taxation under or by virtue of any Ordinance in force previous and up to the commencement of this Ordinance may be made by the Dis- trict Commissary of Taxation for the District in which the seizure may be made or the cause of action may arise. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1874. A. D. 187 4. An Oedinance to provide for the Better Maintenance * of the Tapacooma Lake and the Works connected therewith. [11th July, 1874.] WHEREAS in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty- eight the Tapacooma Lake, and the various canals and locks ijonnected therewith, situated in the County of Essequebo, were formed and estaVjlished by the private enterprise, and joint action of the Proprietors of Plantations Anna liegina, Henrietta, Hichmond, La Belle, A.D. 1874.] TAPACOOMA LAKE. [No. 1. 461 Alliance, Lima, Coffee Grove, Fear Not, Sparta, and Catherine Eliza- beth and No. 1 (now known as Windsor Castle), at a cost to themselves of twelve thousand pounds sterling ; And whereas on the 3rd day of June, 1828, a certam agreement was entered into by the proprietors of the said plantations for the proper maintenance, management, and control of the said Lake and Works connected therewith ; And whereas it was then agreed that the immediate control of the said Lake and Works should be left with two persons who should be appointed by His Excellency the Governor for the time being and be styled Commissai'ies, to whose decision and control they, the said proprietors of the said plantations, bound themselves to submit, and whom they then agreed to furnish with the necessary funds for the proper maintenance and management of the Lake and the Works connected therewith ; And whereas at a meeting of the said proprietors held on the 28th day of September, 1828, it was resolved, ascertained, and determined that the said sum of twelve thousand pounds had been contributed in the following way, that is to say, two thousand pounds of the said twelve thousand pounds had been contributed by Plantations Richmond, La Belle Alliance, and Lima, and that the remaining ten thousand pounds had been contributed in the following proportions, that is to say,— Plantation Anna Regina Do. Henrietta Do. Michmond Do. La Belle Alliance . Do. Lima . . » Do. CoJ'ee Grove . Do. Fear Not Do. Sparta . Do. Catherine Elizabeth and No. 1 And whereas it was further resolved, at the said last-mentioned meeting, that any of the other plantations lying to the north or south of the several plantations hereinbefore mentioned wishing to share in the benefits to be derived from the said Lake and the works connected therewith should be allowed to do so on paying the sum of eight pounds for each rood of its fa9ade, the said sum being ascertained to be the average sum expended by the said plantations in and about the said works ; And whereas it was also agreed that all sums to be so received should be distributed in the proportion in which the money expended in the said works had been provided, but that the said sum of two thousand pounds should first be paid to the proprietors of Plantations Richmond, La Belle Alliance, and Lima ; And whereas the said Lake and the works connected therewith have continued to the present time and have proved to be of great public utility ; And whereas during the time the plantations hereinbefore men- tioned were in the hands of and belonged to the proprietors who were parties to the said agreements, the teruis thereof were faithfully and honourably fulfilled, but, since the death or absence of the said pro- prietors, the terms and conditions of the said agreements have not been strictly carried out ; And whereas it is desirable that the agreements so made and entered into should be sanctioned by law, and the proper maintenance, manage- 22i per cent 5i do. lOf do. 14f do. 17 do. 9t do. 5^ do. 6 do. 8| do. 462 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1874. ment, and control of the said Tapacooma Lake and the works connected therewith be properly provided for : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — Short title. 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Tapacooma Lake Ordinance, 1874. Maiiagem.eut of the Tapa- cooma Lake and works connected therewith. Nonimation of the Commissaries. Votes of proxjrietors of plantations. Approval of nomination. Term of office of Commis- saries. Procedure ui case of vacancy. Mode of voting. 2. The Tapacooma Lake and the various locks, sluices, and canals connecting the said Lake with the various plantations in communica- tion therewith, and all the dams and banks of the said Lake, locks, sluices, and canals, shall be under the management, care, custody, and control of two Commissaries, who shall be styled the Commissaries of the Tapacooma Lake, and who shall be chosen and appointed in the manner hereinafter provided. 3. The proprietors of all the plantations connected with the said Lake and including Plantation La Belle Alliance, southward, shall nominate a fit and proper person to be one Commissary, and the pro- prietors of all the plantations connected with the said Lake from and including Plantation Lima, northward, shall nominate some fit and proper person to be the other Commissary, 4. The projDrietors of each plantation shall have one vote for each one hundred roods fagade of their plantation, and the person having the largest number of votes in his favour shall be considered to be the person nominated as Commissary : Provided always that if the number of the roods of the fagade of a plantation is not divisible by one hundred, without leaving a remainder, the proprietors of the plantation shall be entitled to an extra vote, if such remainder exceeds fifty. 5. No person so nominated shall be deemed to be a Commissary until the nomination has been approved of by the Governor-in-Council ; and in the event of the Governor-in-Council not approving of any nomination submitted to them, the proprietors of the plantations having to nominate shall proceed to make a fresh nomination. 6. The Commissaries shall hold office for two years from the date of their appointment, and shall be eligible for re-election. 7. — (1.) Whenever a vacancy occurs, the other Commissary, or if he refuses or neglects to act, or if there is none, then, on the written ap- plication of any proprietor interested, the Government Secretary shall, by a written notice to be left with the person in charge of the planta- tion, recjuire the proprietors of each plantation entitled to vote to meet at a time and place within the district to be named by him, not less than ten days and not more than fifteen days after the date of such intimation, and then and there to nominate a person to be Commissary. (2.) If no person is nominated at the time and place so appointed, then the Governor-in-Council may appoint any suitable person to be Commissary of the said Lake. 8. Votes for the nomination of a Commissary may be given in writing, and may be given either by the proprietor or his duly con- stituted attorney, and it shall not be necessary for the proprietor or A.D. 1874.] TAP AC 00 MA LAKE. [No. 1. 463 his attorney to be personally present at any meeting for the nomination of a Commissary. 9, The Commissaries so nominated and approved shall have full Powers of the power and authority to maintain and keep in thorough order, elliciency, Commissaries, and repair the said Lake and all works connected therewith, as well including all locks, sluices, dams, and banks as otherwise, and shall have full power and authority to regulate the flow of water from the said Lake to the said plantations, and to put and keep the canals and dams leading from the said Lake to the said plantations in pi-oper order ; and for the purposes aforesaid they are authorized and empowered to expend and lay out all the sums of money that may be necessary therefor which may be obtained or recovered as hereinafter provided : Provided always that it shall not be lawful for the said Commissaries to- expand for any one work any sum exceeding five hundred dollars without the sanction of a majority of votes for the proprietors to be given at any meeting, of which not less three days' notice shall be given by the Commissaries or either of them. 10. All sums of money expended by the said Commissaries in or Apportionment , , ,, . , . . '' ^ . 1 • 1 • of expense of al)Out the maintaining, management, working, or keeping up or improving the said Lake, and the locks, sluices, canals, or dams connected therewith, shall be apportioned amongst the different plan- tations interested in proportion to the number of the roods of their fa9ade : Provided always that the expenses connected with the Rich- mond lock and the canals connecting it with the said Lake shall be borne exclusively by the plantations lying to the south of the Lima fresh-water canal, and that the expenses connected with the Lim,a sluice and the canals connecting it with the said Lake shall be borne by Plantation Li7na and the plantations lying to the north of the said Lim,a fresh- water canal. niauitaming the Lake and works. Recovery of moneys required or 11. — (L) All sums of money required or expended by the Commis- saries as aforesaid shall be recoverable from the several plantations by parate execution at the instance of the said Commissaries or of one of expended for them. maintenance. (2.) A statement signed by the said Commissaries or one of them of the amount required or due by a plantation shall, without proof of the signatures or signature, be prim,d facie evidence of the fact that the said amount is so required or due, and also that it is recoverable against the said plantation by parate execution. 12. All legal proceedings that may be necessary for the proper Legal preservation and maintenance of the said Lake, and of the locks, F.°f^g "^^ sluices, dams, or works connected therewith, or for the due exercise or Commissaries, carrying out of the powers, authorities, or duties granted to or imposed on the said Commissaries, may be instituted and carried on by the said Commissaries, or by either of them, in their or his capacity as such Commissaries or Commissary. 13. — (L) It shall be lawful for the said Commissaries to impose on Power to all persons using the said Lake, locks, sluices, canals, or dams, other jj^'/eesfrom^ than the proprietors of the plantations maintaining the said Lake or strangers using works, their servants or agents, such tolls or fees as the Governor and the Lake and . . woi'ks Court of Policy may from time to time sanction and approve. (2.) For the more effectual recovery of such tolls or fees, it shall be lawful for the said Commissaries, by themselves or either of them, 464 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1874. or by their servants or agents, to detain all craft, timber, or other articles carried or conveyed over, along, in, or upon the said Lake, locks, sluices, or canals, until such tolls or fees are paid, (3.) Every person, not being entitled to use the said Lake, locks, sluices, or canals, who attempts to go or goes over, along, in, or upon the same, or along or upon the dams or banks of the same, without paying such tolls or fees, shall be deemed to be a wilful trespasser and shall be liable to punishment accordingly. (4. ) In every such case it shall be sufficient to state that the land was the land of the Commissaries of the Tapacooma Lake, and to prove that the place in question was under their management or control. Eegiilation of quantity of water to be dra^vii by eaoh plantation. Penalty on manager of plantation drawing laore water than allowed by the Commissaries. See Ordinance No. 12 of 1893. See Ordinance No. 13 of 1893. Right of proprietors of neighbouring plantations to participate in benefits of the Lake on certain terms. 14. It shall be lawful for the said Commissaries, whenever it may appear to them to be necessary to do so, to regulate and determine the quantity of water to be drawn from the said Lake by each of the plantations connected therewith in each day of twenty-four hours, and for that purpose to determine the time during which the kokers, sluices, or tunnels of the said several plantations shall remain open or shut on each day : Provided always that the said Commissaries shall permit the kokers, sluices, or tunnels on the said several plantations to remain open for such periods respecbively in each day as, taking into consideration the size of such kokers, sluices, or tunnels, will allow each of the said plantations to draw in each day an equal quantity of water for each rood of its fa9ade. 15. — (L) The manager or person in charge of any plantation con- nected with the said Lake on which the koker, sluice, or tunnel remains open beyond the time determined or allowed by the Commissaries or when they differ, by the Governor-in-Council, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to pay a penalty of fifty dollars for every hour or part of an hour during which such koker, sluice, or tunnel so remains open after the expiration of the time so determined or allowed as aforesaid. (2.) Every complaint for any such offence may be made by any person before the Stipendiary Magistrate of the District in which such plantation is situated, who shall have full power to hear and determine the same, and the procedure shall be that provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction, and shall be subject to the appeal provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates. 16. The proprietors of any plantation not now connected with the said Lake desiring to participate in the benefits to be derived there- from shall be permitted to do so on making, at their own cost, all the works necessary to bring the said plantation into communication with the said Lake, and on paying to the other plantations now connected therewith a sum equal to thirty-eight dollars and forty cents, or eight pounds sterling, nmltiplied by the number of the roods of the fagade of the said plantation, and all sums so paid shall be distributed amongst the said several plantations in manner following, that is to say, — The first sums received shall be paid to Plantations Lima, La Belle Alliance, and Richmond, that is to say, one-half to Plantation Lim,a and one- fourth each to Plantations La Belle Alliance ami Richmond, until the first-named plantation has received one thousand pounds and the two last-named plantations five hundred pounds each, and all sums so A.D. 1875.] PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. [No. 1. 465 received after the said sura of two thousand pounds has been so re-paid shall be divided in the following proportions, namely, — Plantation Anna llegitia ..... '22\ per cent. Do. Henrietta ...... b\ do. Do. Michmond . . . . . .10^^ do. Do. La Belle Alliance 14| do. Do. Lima ....... 17 do. Do. Coffee Grove 9^ do. Do. Fear Not 5| do. Do. Sparta 6 do. Do. Catherine Elizabeth and No. 1 . . 8| do. 17. — (1.) The proprietors of any plantation desiring so to partici- Submission for pate shall be bound to submit to the Governor-in-Council a plan of the p|!fn°(,f ,ro proposed canals, locks, sluices, dams, and works requisite for bringing posed connect- such plantation into Cdmmunicatiou with the said Lake, and shall not ing works, commence any such canals, locks, sluices, dams, or works until the plan thereof has been so approved, and all such canals, locks, sluices, dams, and works must be made and executed to the satisfaction of the Commissaries. (2.) In the event of any plantation, or part of a plantation, not now connected with the said Lake being added or joined to, or worked with, a plantation now coiuiected therewith, the plantation so pre- viously connected shall not be entitled to draw any greater quantity of water from the said Lake than it was entitled to before such plan- tation or part of a plantation was so added or joined thereto or worked therewith, unless all the requirements of this and the last preceding section have been complied with in respect to the plantation, or part of a plantation, so added, joined or worked. 18. In the event of the two Commissaries not being able to agree Settlement of as to the mode in which their duties ought to be performed, or as to w^'^^"''tv, the work required to be done, or as to the quantity of water to be Commissaries, allowed to any plantation, they are hereby required to lay the matter before the Governor-in-Council, whose decision shall be final. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1875. An Ordinance to make provision for Public Holidays, a. d. i87 5. and respecting Obligations to make Payments and as to uiis of do other Acts on such Public Holidays. s^foX^ffce ^ ^ , , ^ , - -■ i\"o. 13 o/" 1891 [27th ]\Iarch, 1875.] WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for rendering the day after Christmas Day, and also certain other days, Public Holidays, and for enabling Public Holidays to be appointed by Proclamation : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Holidays Ordinance, Short title. 1875. 466 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1875. Certain days to be Public Holidays. Schedule. Making of papiient on Public Holiday. Power to ap- point Special Public Holiday. Power to alter day apointed for Public Holiday. 2. After the commencement of this Ordinance, the several days mentioned in the Schedule to this Ordinance (and which days are hereinafter referred to as Public Holidays) shall be kept as close holi- days in all the public offices and in all banks in this Colony. 3. — (1.) No person shall be compellable to make any payment or to do any act upon such Public Holidays which he would not be com- pellable to do or make on Christmas Day or Good Friday. (2.) The obligation to make such payment and do such act shall apply to the day following such Public Holiday ; and the making of such payment and doing of such act on such following day shall be equivalent to payment of the money or performance of the act on the holiday. 4. It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council from time to time, as he may see fit, to appoint a special day to be observed as a Public Holiday, and any day so appointed shall be kept as a close holiday throughout this Colony and in all public offices and in all banks in this Colony. 5. It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council in like manner, from time to time, when it is made to appear to him in any special case, that in any year it is inexpedient that a day by this Ordinance appointed for a Public Holiday should be a Public Holiday, to declare that such day shall not in such year be a Public Holiday, and to appoint such other day as to him may seem fit to be a Public Holiday instead of such day, and thereupon the day so appointed shall in such year be substituted for the day so appointed by this Ordinance. Section 2. SCHEDULE. Public Holidays. The First of January, if a week-day. , Easter Monday. The Monday in Whitsun "Week. The First Monday in August. The Twenty-sixth day of December, if a week-day, but if the Twenty-sixth day falls on a Sunday, then the Twenty-seventh day of December. A.D. 1875. -^ — * — Ordinance No. 13 of 1894 s. 3 (10.) incorporated. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1875. An Ordinance for the purpose of enabling Fresh Water to be conveyed to New Amsterdam through Pipes placed along the Public Road, and for other purposes. [15th May, 1875.] WHEREAS it has been determined to supply the Town of New Amsterdam with water for drinking and other purposes from the Caiijo Creek ; And whor(!as licences of occupancy of certain strips of Crown Lands lying between the said Creek and the said Town have been granted to the Board of Superintendence thereof for a water-way ; A.D. 1875.] N. A. WATER-WAY. [No. 2. 467 And whereas it is expedient and necessary to connect such water- way with the said Town by means of pipes laid along the puVjlic road running, at the commencement of this Ordinance, from the Ketting between Plantations Loc/iaber and Vrylceid to the Town of New Amsterdam : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Folic}'- thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the New Amsterdam Water-Way Short title. Ordinance, 1875. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, — "The Town" means the Town of New Amsterdam : "The Board" means the Board of Superintendence of the Town of New Amsterdam : "Public road" means the public highway running from the Ket- ting between Plantations Lochaher and Vryheid to the Town, through Plantations Vryheid, Caraccas, and Mount Sinai, through certain lands belonging to the Town and rented to Plantation Smythfield, and through the Savannah Lands belong- ing to the Town, as such public highway is required to be maintained by the Road Ordinances of the Colony or by any Proclamation published thereunder, and including any footpath and any bridge, and any adjacent land forming part of such public highway ; " Pipe " means any long and hollow body, whether cylindrical or otherwise : " Pipes " includes not only all pipes for the conveyance of water to the Town placed and maintained by the Board in, under, or along the public road, but also all apparatus and appliances whatsoever connected with such pipes within the limits of the public road : " Road Commissioners " means the Board of Road Commissioners, or any other body, officer or person having, under or by virtue of any Ordinance for the time being in force, the control of the public road : "Commissary" means the Commissary of Taxation for the District, and includes also any other person whom the Governor may invest with any of the powers, or appoint to perform any of the duties, assigned by this Ordinance to the Commissary : " The Secretary " means the person duly appointed to act as Secretary to the Board, whether permanently or j^ro tempore : " Persons " includes corporations, aggregate or sole : Plural terms include the singular, and vice versa. Interpretation of terms. See noto Ordinance No. 8 0/1891. See Ordinance No. 13 of 1905. Rights of Water- Way. 3. The Board shall be allowed to make use of so much of the public Use of public road as may be necessary for the purposes of their undertaking. ''°'^^- 4. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the Board may open and ^^^^^^^ loaT^" break up the public road, and may place pipes in, under, or along the same ; and may at any time alter the position of any pipes, or rene*', repair, relay, or remove the same. 468 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : A.D. 1875. Power to place pipes across trenches, etc. Approval of placing of pipes. Conditions of exercise of powers. 5. The Board may place and maintain pipes, under, over, along, or across any trench, canal, or water-way which may intersect or lie adjacent to the public road, and upon, under, over, along, or across any bridge forming j^art of the public road. 6. All pipes placed, laid, or relaid by the Board under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be placed and maintained in such position as may be approved by the Governor-in-Council. 7. — (1.) In the exercise of the powers conferred upon them by this Ordinance, the Board shall not stop or impede traffic on the public road further than is necessary for the execution of their works, and shall not close against traffic at one time more than one-third in width of the public road, or of any way opening into the public road ; and shall not place their pipes so as to interefere in any way .with the free use by the persons interested of any navigation or draining or other trench, canal, or water-way ; and shall cause as little detriment or inconveni- ence as circumstances admit to the persons to or by whom the said trench, canal, or water-way belongs or is used, and shall do as little damage as may be. (2.) In case of the proprietors or lessees of the land adjacent to the public road digging, making, or using any new trenches, canals, or water-ways, the Board shall, at their own expense, remove and relay their pipes so as not to interfere with the digging, making, or using of such new trenches, canals, or water-ways. (3.) The Board shall make full compensation to all persons interested for all damage sustained by reason or in consequence of the exercise of such powers, and the amount of such compensation shall be determined by the Governor-in-Council in such way as he may deem most feasible and equitable, and his decision shall be final. Limitation of 8. The Board shall not acquire or have any right other than that of right to user of the user only in the soil of the public road in, under, or along which pu J c roa . they may place their pipes, or in the soil of any trench, canal, or water- way under, over, along or across which, or in or to any bridge upon, under, over, along, or across which they may place their pipes. 9. The Board shall not sell, transfer, or lease any of their rights under this Ordinance without the consent previously obtained of the Governor-in-Council. Prohibition of sale, etc., of right, without consent. Eemoval of 10. If at any time hereafter the line or level of any portion of the pipes in case of public road in, under, upon, over, along, or across which any pipes of alteration of ^j^g Board are placed is altered, the public road as so altered shall be and be deemed to be the public road for the purposes of this Ordinance ; and the Board shall be bound, on receiving one month's notice in writing from the Commissary of such alteration, at their own expense, with all convenient speed, to remove such pipes, and to replace the same in such position as may be required by the Commissary : or, in case of difierence between the Board and the Commissary, in such position in all respects as may be determined on by the Governor-in-Council. Notice to be given before opening road. Execution of Works. 1 1. Before opening or breaking up the public road, the Board shall give notice to the Commissary of their intention to open or break up A.D. 1875.] N. A. WATER-WAY, [No. 2. 469 such public road, specifying the time at which they will begin ; and such notice sIkiH be given ten days at least before the commencement of the work, except in case of emergency, in which case notice of the work proposed to be done shall be given as soon as may be after the commencement thereof. 1 2. The Board shall complete the work on account of which they Execution of may open or break up the public road with all convenient speed, and ^'o^j^. f'^r winch shall carry away all rubbish occasioned thereby, and shall fill in the opened, ground and make good the surface, and generally restore the public road to as good a condition as that in which it was before being opened or broken up. 13. While such works are in progress the Board shall cause that Fencing, etc., part of the public road which is opened or broken up by them to be of work m securely fenced, to be properly watched by day, and to be properly ^ '^ ' ' lighted and watched at night. 14. If the Board fail to comply with any of the preceding provisions Failure to with respect to the opening and breaking up of the public road, the comply with Commissary forthwith, at the expense of the Board, shall make good the pj-ovisiwis with parts of the public road opened or broken up, and not properly restored, respect to user and shall provide the necessary fencing, lighting, and watching, and "^ 1'^^^^^'^ ™*'^- the expenses thereby incurred shall be recoverable from the Board in any Court of Justice having jurisdiction by the Commissary suing in his official capacity. Ojffences and Procedure. Offences under the Ordinance. 15. Every person who — (1.) Wilfully injures, or does any act tending to injure any pipe placed by the Board under the provisions of this Ordinance ; or any of the machinery or buildings erected for supplying fresh water to or forcing fresh water through the pipes so placed ; or any dam or sluice of any canal or reservoir dug or constructed for the conversance, collection, or preservation of the fresh water to be supplied to or forced through the pipes so placed ; or any such canal or reservoir ; or (2.) Wilfully throws or puts, or causes to be thrown or put, into any such pipe, canal, or reservoir, any dirt, filth, dead animal or other matter tending to contaminate or corrupt the water ; or (3.) Commits any nuisance on, or bathes or washes any clothes in, any such canal or reservoir ; or (4.) Without the permission of the Board, makes or causes to be made any cut or opening in or through any dam of any such canal or reservoir, or places or constructs, or causes to be placed or con- structed, in or upon any such canal or reservoir, or in, upon, or through any dam thereof, or inserts in any pipe, any pump, sluice, pipe or contrivance whatever to be used, or capable of being used, for the purpose of drawing off the water contained in any such sluice, pipe, or reservoir, shall be guilty of an offence under this Ordinance. 16. Every offence under this Ordinance may be tried by any Procedure, Stipendiary Magistrate, in manner and form prescribed by any Ordinance p^'^^lti'es"^ 470 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1875. See Ordinance No. 12 of 1893. See Ordinance Ao. 13 0/1893. for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction, subject to the appeal provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates ; and, on being convicted, the offender shall, in the case of bathing, pay a penalty not exceeding ten dollars, and in all other cases not exceeding ninety-six dollars. Making of compensation for damage by person convicted. Laying of property. Mode of carry- ing on legal proceedings. Service of process. 17. Every offender so convicted shall, in addition, pay all reasonable expenses incurred by the Mayor and Town Council in replacing, repairing, or making good the injury of causing which he has been convicted ; and such expenses shall be recoverable by the Board in any Court of Justice having jurisdiction, and a certificate of the conviction purporting to be signed by the Magistrate who tried the case, or, in the event of his death or absence from the Colony, by any other Magistrate, and an account of the expenses so incurred, purporting to be certified by the Secretary, shall, taken together, be sufficient proof to establish primd facie the liability of the defendant. 18. In all legal proceedings by, or on the part of, or against the Board, it shall be sufficient to state generally that the pipe, machinery, building, dam, sluice, canal, reservoir, or other property in question is the property of the Board. 19. All legal proceedings under this Ordinance by, or on the part of, or against the Board shall be preferred, instituted, defended, or carried on in the name of the Secretary ; and no proceedings whatever shall abate or be discontinued by reason of the death, resignation, removal, or other disability of the Secretary for the time being, or by reason of any change in the Board by death, resignation or otherwise. 20. Service on the Secretary shall be and be deemed to be service on the Board. Execution of documents. Onus of proof as to oilicial capacity. Protection of person acting under the Ordinance. No. 2 of 1850. 2 1 . All documents whatsoever proceeding from the Board under this Ordinance shall be signed by the Secretary, he being first duly authorized thereto by resolution of the Board. 22. In legal proceedings under this Ordinance, it shall not be neces- sary for the plaintiff" or complainant to prove that any person who may have done any act as in an official capacity was duly authorized so to act, but it shall be competent for the defendant or the accused to prove that such person was not duly authorized. 23. The Board, and each and every member thereof, and each and every servant thereof, and each and eveiy person acting under the direction of the Board shall, with respect to all matters and things done or intended to be done under this Ordinance, be entitled to the benefit and protection of the Justices Protection Oi'dinance, 1850. A.D. 1875.] PUBLIC OFFICERS (PENSIONS). [No. 3. 471 A.D. 1875. ■♦ — nance No. 13 of 1894, s. 3 (ll!) ^ordinancp: no. 3 of 1875. An Ordinance to provide for the Payment of Pensions and Retiring Allowances to the Public Servants of ordi: the Colony. [24th March, 1876.] "incorporated. WHEREAS by the Superannuation Ordinance of 1860 provision was made for the payment of superannuation or retiring allow- ances to tlie public servants of the Colony by an abatement at the rate of four dollars per cent, per annum from their salaries or official incf)mes ; And whereas at the Annual Meeting of the Combined Court it n-as, on the 29th day of May, 1871, resolved, "that the present abatement from the salaries of public officers for superannuation allowance shall in future form a fund for providing pensions for the widows and children of deceased public officers," and "that the superannuation allowances to public officers under the existing system shall be con- tinued without any abatement from the salaries for that purpose ; " And whereas, by other Resolutions of the said Combined Court, it was, on the 29th day of May, 1873, and on the 11th and 22nd days of June, 1875, further resolved that pensions and retiring allowances should be paid to public officers of the amount and on the conditions hereinafter contained : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Officers (Pensions) Short title. Ordinance, 1875. Rates of Pension. 2. Every public servant at the commencement of this Ordinance holding any of the offices named in the Civil List Ordinance or de- scribed in the Annual Estimates as Fixed Establishments of the Ct>lony, and drawing a salary of one hundred and forty-four dollars and upwards, shall be entitled to a pension calculated at the rate of one-fiftieth of the annual salary of the office he may hold at the time of his retiring or becoming superannuated for each year he may have been in the public service up to thii*ty-five years ; but no addition shall be made in respect of any service beyond thirty-five j-ears : Provided always that the public offices before referred to shall be taken to include all offices or aj^pointments the holders of which have become entitled to superannuation allowances under the Superannuation Ordinance of 1860. 3. Every public servant entering tlie public service after the com- mencement of this Ordinance and holding any of the offices named in the Civil List Ordinance or described in the Annual Estimates as Fixed Establishments of the Colony, and drawing a salary of one hundred and forty-four dollars and upwards, shall be entitled to a pension Rate of pension to officers now liolduig office. Rate of pension to officer entering service hereafter. ^ Repealed by Ordinance No. 11 of 1903, s. 28, but its effect saved as to officers appointed before the 1st April, 1897, by ss. 26, 27 and 28, 472 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1875. calculated at the rate of one-fiftieth of the average annual amount such public servant may have received for the three years last preceding the time when he retires or becomes superannuated for each year he may have been in the public service up to thirty-five years ; but no addition shall be made in respect of any service beyond thirty-five years. Service and iige necessaiy to entitle to pension. Exception of the Police Force. Maimer of calculating ser- vice of officer. Extension of benefits of the Ordinance to fifficcrs who did not con- tribute to the Superannua- tion Fund. Qualifications for Pension. 4. — (1.) No public servant shall be entitled to retire from the public sevrice of the Colony on a pension under the provisions of this Ordinance unless he has been ten years in the service of the Colony, and no public servant under the age of fifty-five years shall be entitled so to retire unless it is pi'oved, to the satisfaction of the Governor-in- Council, that such public servant is incapable from infirmity of mind or body to discharge the duties of his office, and that such infirmity is likely to be permanent. (2.) Every Judge of the Supreme Court shall after ten years' service be entitled to a pension of fifteen-fiftieths of his salary, and for each succeeding year of service to an addition of one-fiftieth of his salaiy up to thirty years' service ; but no addition shall be made in respect of any service beyond thirty years, nor shall the pension of any such Judge, in respect of the whole of his service in any capacity in the Colony, exceed thirty-five-fiftieths of his salary. (Amd. 12 of 1895, s. 3 (5). ) 5. The privates and other members of the Police Force, except the Inspector General, Inspectors, and Clerks, shall not come under the provisions of this Ordinance. 6. The service in respect of which any pension or retiriiig allowance shall be calculated under the provisions of this Ordinance must be con- tinuous except when the officer has been absent from the performance of the duties of his office with the permission of the Government ; and the service of every public servant shall, for the purposes of this Ordinance, be taken to commence from the date of his first permanent appointment to any ofiice under the Government, save and except as regards the special pensions to the Judges of the Supreme Court hereinbefore provided, and further save and except as hereinafter provided. 7. The service of public servants heretofore and still in the service of the Colony who, being in receipt of salaries exceeding six hundred dollars per annum, did not, by failing to contribute to the Superannua- tion Fund, become entitled to pensions under the Superannuation Or- dinance of 1860 establishing such Superannuation Fund, shall, for the purposes of this Ordinance, to be taken to commence from the 1st day of June, 1871 : Provided always that every such public servant may, if lu! thinks fit, pay to the Receiver General or the Assistant Receiver General, either in cash or in thirty-six equal monthly instalments, a sum equal to two per cent, upon the salary or official income received by him during his past service up to the commencement of the Super- annuation Ordinance of 1860, and a further sum equal tofour per cent, upon the salary or ofiicial incftme received by him from the date of the commencement of the said Ordinance up to the 1st day of June, 1871, A.D. 1875.] PUBLIC OFFICERS (PENSIONS). [No. 3. 473 8. It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council to pay to any public servant who, being the holder of an office in respect of which a pension is granted by this Ordinance, may be constrained from infirmity of mind or l)()dv to leave the public service before the completion oi the period which would entitle him to such pension, such sum of money by way of retiring allowance, as the Governor-in-Council may think proper, not exceeding the amount of one month's salary or official income of such office for each year of service : Provided that no such retiring allowance shall l)e granted, except upon medical certificate, to the satisfaction of the Governor-in-Council, that such public servant is incapable from infirmity of mind or body to discharge the duties of his office, and tliat such infirmity is likely to be j)ermanent. 9. Tf at any time any public servant is deprived of his office by reason of the abolition thereof, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in- Council to determine the terms upon which such public servant shall, on appointment to some other office, be entitled to the benefit of the provisions hereof in respect of the period for which he may have been or shall be unemployed ; or, in the event of his not being again employed in the public service, to determine what gratuity or pension, if any, shall be granted to such public servant for the period during which he has been in the public service of this Colony. 10. No public servant who has resigned his office or been dismissed from the service, and no public servant who may hereafter resign or be dismissed from his office for misconduct, shall be entitled to the benefit of the provisions of this Ordinance. 1 1 . Every public servant who, after holding any office in this Colony for the sjjace of five years and upwards, may have been, subsequently to the 29th day of May, 1873, or who may hereafter be, a^^pointed by His Majesty to any public office in any other part of His Majesty's Dominions, shall be entitled, on his final retirement from the service of His Majesty whether from infirmity or by reason of his being superannuated, to demand and receive from the Govern- ment of this Colony a pension, at the rate of one-fiftieth of the salary or official income of the office last held by him in this Colony for each year during which he may have been in the public service of this Colony. 12. — (1.) In any case in which the income of a ^^ublic servant is derived from fees, or partly from fees and salary, such public servant shall, within fourteen days from the expiration of each quarter, furnish the Receiver General with a certificate, under the hand of the Auditor General, of the amount of fees received by him during such quarter. (2.) If any such public servant fails to furnish such certificate within the space of fourteen days as aforesaid, he shall be deemed to have forfeited all claim to any pension or retiring allowance in respect of the fees of his office. Power to tlie Govenior-in- Council to (,'i'aiit retiring iilluwauce b" certain cases. Provision in case of abolition of office. Exclusion from benefit of the Ordinance in consequence of resignation or dismissal. Appointment of officer to office elsewhere. Furnishing of quarterly certiticates by officer paid by fees. Miscellaneoibs Provisions. 13. In all cases where any doubt may arise, the Governor-in-Council Settlement shall have full power and authority to determine who shall be con- alisingllnder sidered public officers of this Colony within the meaning of this the Ordinance. VOL. I. 33 474 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1875. Ordinance, and to decide all questions which may arise in respect to the period of service to be allowed in computing the claims of public servants under this Ordinance, and likewise all questions which may arise in respect to the retiring allowance or pension to be granted to any officer whose official income may have been at any time or may be derived from fees or partly from fees and salary, and also all other questions of whatever nature which may arise in connexion with the provisions of this Ordinance. Power to the 14. The Governor shall have power, at any time after a public Crovernor to servant has attained the age of sixty -five years and been ten years in require officer -fi/-., -i ■ p above 65 years the public service oi the Colony, to require such servant to retire irom to retire. the public service under the provisions of this Ordinance Payment of 15. All retiring allowances due and payable under the Superannua- Superaimna- ^ioii Ordinance of 1860 shall hereafter be due and payable out of the aiices. General Revenue of the Colony under this Ordinance. OKDINANCE No. 4 OF 1875. A.D. 1875. - — ♦ — Ordinance No. 5 of 1894 8x. 3 and 7 and No. 3 of 1894 incorjyorated . See also Ordinance No. n of 1903. Shoit title. Vaccination Districts. See Ordinance No. 5 of 1886. Making of regulations. Appointment and remunera- tion of Pulilic Vaccinators. An Ordinance to make compulsory the Practice of Vaccination. [1st November, 1881.] WHEREAS it is expedient for the protection of the public against the disease of small pox that the practice of vaccination should be made compulsory : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Vaccination Ordinance, 1875. 2. Tlie Medical Districts appointed under any Ordinance for the time being in force relating to the Medical Department shall be Vaccination Districts under this Ordinance. 3. The Governor may from time to time make regulations to secure the efficient performance of vaccination and the provision and supply of vaccine lymph from England, and shall appoint the stations and the times at which each Public Vaccinator shall respectively attend for the purpose of vaccinating persons. (Amd. 26 of 1903, s. 29.) 4. — (1.) The Governor may appoint one or more duly qualified medical practitioners to be a Pu])]ic Vaccinator or Public Vaccinators for any Vaccination District. (2.) Where in any Vaccination District there are not a sufficient number of duly qualified medical practitioners, the Governor, on the reconmunidation of the Surgeon General, may appoint any proper person or persons to be a Public Vaccinator, or Public Vaccinators, for such District. (3.) Every Public Vaccinator shall receive such fees for the per- formance of vaccination in his District and of other duties connected therewith as the Governor-in-Council may direct, and such fees shall A.D. 1875.] VACCINATION. [No. 4. 475 be pa3'able from such moneys as may be provided by the Combined Court for purposes of vaccination: Provided that no Public Vaccinator who is a Government Medical Ofticer shall receive any fee in respect of the vaccination of any person who is a patient or inmate in any hospital or institution under his charge or of which he is a Medical Officer, or in respect of the vaccination of any immigrant on any estate or plantation of which he is the Medical Oflficer. (3 of 1894, s. 3, amd. 26 of 1903, s. 17, and G of 1904, s. IG.) Appointment, duties, iind remuneration of Vaccination Officers. Direction of Public Vacci- nators and Vaccination Officers. Duties of PuLUc Vaccinator. 5. — (1) The Governor may appoint for each Vaccination District fit and proper persons to be Vaccination Officers in the District. (2.) Every Vaccination Officer shall perform such duties in con- nexion with vaccination as may be assigned to him by the Surgeon General, with the sanction of the Governor. (3.) Every Vaccination Officer shall receive such fees for the per- formance of the duties assigned to him as the Governor-in-Council may direct, and such fees shall be payable from such moneys as may be provided by the Combined Court for purposes of vaccination. (3 of 1894, s. 4.) 6. The Public Vaccinators and Vaccination Officers shall, subject to the authority of the Governor, act under the direction of the Surgeon General. (3 of 1894, s. 5.) 7. The Public Vaccinators shall vaccinate all childi'en and other persons who may be in attendance at the times and places so appointed for the purpose of being vaccinated, and who may, in the opinion of the Public Vaccinator, be in a state of health favourable for successful vaccination, (s. 4.) 8. Every Registrar of Births and Deaths shall, on or within seven Giving of days after the registration with him of the birth of a,nj child not already ri°H*^V'ld^"'^"t vaccinated, give a notice according to the Form No. 1 contained in the be vaccinated. Schedule to this Ordinance, or to the like effect, to the person giving Schedule : the notice of birth to him, or to the father or mother, or to the person Form No. 1. having the custody of such child, requiring such child to be duly vac- cinated according to the provisions of this Ordinance, and specifying the days, hours, and places when and where the Public Vaccinator of the Vaccination District wherein such child resides will attend for the purpose of performing the Vaccination, (s. 5.) 9. — (1.) The father or mother of every child born in this Colony after the connuencement of this Ordinance, or, in the event of the death, illness, absence, or inability of the father and mother, then the person who may have the care, nurture, or custody of such child, shall, within six months after the birth of such child, take or cause to be taken such child to the Public Vaccinator of the District wherein such child resides, for the purpose of being vaccinated ; unless such child has been previously vaccinated by some duly qualified medical practitioner and the vaccination duly certified. (2.) The Public Vaccinator is hereby required thereupon, or as soon as it may conveniently and properly be done, to vaccinate such child, (s. 6.) 10. Upon the same day in the following week when the operation inspection of may have been performed by the Public Vaccinator, such father, or vaccination, mother, or other person, as the case may be, shall again take the child VOL. I. 33a Obligation on parent or person having care of child to procure vaccination of chUd withui sis months after birth. 476 No. 4.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1875. Power to Public Vacci- nator to take lymph from healthy child. Giving of certificate of snccessful vaccination. Schedule : Form No. 2. I?nfitness of child for vaccination. Schedule : Form No. 3. Insusceptibility of child of successful vaccination. Schedule : Form No. 4. Keeping of registers of vaccinated children. or cause it to be taken to the Public Vaccinator in order that he may inspect it and ascertain the result of the operation, and, in the event of the vaccination being unsuccessful, such father, or mother, or other person shall, if the Public Vaccinator so directs, cause the child to be forthwith again vaccinated and again brought for inspection as on the previous occasion, (s. 7 ) 11. — (1.) The Public Vaccinator may, if he sees fit, take from any healthy child successfully vaccinated by him lymph for the purpose of vaccinating any other child then present. (2.) Ever}' person who prevents any such Vaccinator from so taking from any such child such lymph shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one dollar, (s. 8.) 12. — (1.) As soon as the successful vaccination of any child has been verified by inspection, the Public Vaccinator or medical practitioner who may have performed the operation shall deliver to the father or mother of such child, or to the person having the care, nurture, or custody of such child, a certificate under his hand, according to the Form No. 2 contained iji the Schedule to this Ordinance or such other form as may from time to time be authorised by the Governor, that such child has been successfully vaccinated. (2.) Such certificate shall be admissible as evidence of the suc- cessful vaccination of such child on any complaint or information for non-compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance where such evi- dence may be required, (s. 9.) 13. — (1.) When any Public Vaccinator or medical practitioner is of opinion that the child is not in a fit and proper state to be successfully vaccinated, he shall deliver to the father, or mother, or other person having the custody of such child a certificate under his hand, according to the Form No. 3 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance or to the like effect, that the child is then in a state unfit for successful vaccination. (2.) Any such certificate shall remain in force for six months, and shall be renewable for successive periods of six months until a Public Vaccinator or medical practitioner deems the child to be in a fit state for successful vaccination, when the child shall, with all reasonable despatch, be vaccinated, and the certificate of successful vaccination duly given, if warranted by the result, (s. 10.) 14. If any Public Vaccinator or medical practitioner finds that a child whom he has unsuccessfully vaccinated is insusceptible of successful vaccination, or that a child brought to him for vaccination has already had the small )iox, ho shall deliver to the father, or mother, or oihn' person as aforesaid a certificate under his hand, according to the Form No. 4 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, or to the like effect, and the father, or mother, or such person as aforesaid shall thenceforth not be recjuired to cause the child to be vaccinated, (s. 11.) 15. — (1.) Every Public Vaccinator and every medical practitioner shall keep a register, in which he shall enter the date of vaccination, the name, age, sex, name of parent or guardian, and place of abode of every child vaccinated by him, and the operation, whether successful, unsuccessful, or doubtful, and such further particulars as ma fro time to time be directed by the Governor-in-Council. A.D. 1875. VACCINATION. [No. 4. 477 (2.) Every Public Vaccinator and inexlical practitionor sliall, on or before the tenth day of January, the tenth day of April, the; tentli day of July, and the tenth day of October in each year, transmit a certified copy of such register, signed l)y himself, to the Surgeon General, (s. 12.) 16. — (1.) If any Public Vaccinator or Vaccination OHicer gives information in writing to a Stipendiary Magistrate that he has reason to believe that any child above the age of six months, being within the District for which the informant acts, has not been successfully vaccinated, the Magistrate shall summon the father, or mother, or person having the care, nurture, or custody of such child to appear with the child before him at a certain time and place. (2.) On such appearance, if the Magistrate finds, after such exami- nation as he may deem necessary, that the child has not been vaccin- ated, nor has had the small pox, he may, if he sees fit, make an order under his hand, in the Form No. 5 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance or to the like effect, directing such child to be vaccinated within the period of three months, (s. 13.) 17. The father or mother of any child, or, in the event of the death, illness, absence, or inability from any cause of the father or mother, then the person having the care, nurture, or custody of any child, who, without reasonable excuse, fails or neglects — (1.) To cause such child to be vaccinated within six months after the birth of such child ; or (2.) "Where such child has been vaccinated by a Public Vaccinator, to cause such child to be taken to the Public Vaccinator for in- spection on the eighth day after its vaccination ; or (3.) To produce any such child before the Stipendiary Magistrate, when summoned to do so, shall be guilty of an offence, and being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five dollars, (s. 14.) 18.- — (1.) Every such father, mother, or other person as aforesaid who, after having been ordered by any Stipendiary Magistrate to cause any child to be vaccinated, or who, after having been convicted of having failed or neglected, without reasonable excuse, to have any child vaccinated, without reasonable excuse, fails or neglects to have the said child vaccinated, shall, for each period of three months during which such failure or neglect continues, be guilty of a separate and distinct offence, and shall for each such offence, on being convicted thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. (2.) Every such father, mother, or other person may be proceeded against in respect of each and every period of three months during which such failure or neglect continues, until the said child is vaccin- ated, (s. 15.) 1 9. Tf the father, or mother, or the person having the custody of any child recjuiring to be vaccinated intimates to the Public Vaccinator that he or she desires that such child should be vaccinated with lymph pro- cured from England, the Public Vaccinator shall be bound to vaccinate such child with lymph procured from England ; and no person shall be liable to any penalty under this Ordinance for failing or neglecting to have any child vaccinated if he can prove in his defence that the cause Power to order VHccination of child above the iijie of six months. Soliedule : Form No. 5. Penalty on father, etc., neglecting to have child vaccinated. Penalty in case of continued refusal to have child viiccinated. Right of parent to require cliild to be vaccinated with lymph procured from England. 478 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A-D. 1875. of the child not having been vaccinated has been that the father, mother, or person having the custody of the child has intimated his or her desire that the child shall be vaccinated with lymph procured from England, and that the Public Vaccinator has been unable so to vaccinate the said child, (s. 16.) Puiiishraent of person forging certificate. Punishment of person fraudu- lently using certificate. Penalty on person inocu- lating with small pox. Procecliu'e and appeal. See Ordinance No. 12 of 1893. See Ordinance No. 13 of 1893. Transmission of monthly re- turns of hirths and deaths of infants to Puh- lic Vaccmators. Refunding of expenses incurred hy Public Vacci- nator, etc. 20. Every person who wilfully forges, counterfeits or alters any certificate required by this Ordinance, or utters or produces in evidence any such certificate, knowing the same to be forged, counterfeited, or altered, shall be guilty of a misdemeanour, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment with hard labour, for any term not exceeding one year. (s. 17.) 2 1 . Every person who gives, lends, or uses, any such certificate for any fraudulent purpose shall, on being convicted thereof before any Stipendiary Magistrate, be imprisoned, with hard labour for such term, not exceeding three months, as the convicting Magistrate may direct, (s. 18.) 22. Every person who produces, or attempts to produce, in any person, by inoculation with variolous matter, or by wilful exposure to variolous matter or to any matter, article or thing impregnated with variolous matter, or wilfully, by any other means whatsoever, produces the disase of small pox in any person, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof before any Stipendiary Magistrate, shall be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding three months, (s. 19.) 23. All penalties for any offence under this Ordinance shall and may be recovered in a summary manner, on the information of the Public Vaccinator or of the Vaccination Officer of any District, before any Stipendiary Magistrate, and the procedure shall be that provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary juris- diction, or as near thereto as may be, and shall be subject to the appeal provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating- appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates, (s. 20.) 24. Every Registrar of Births and Deaths for any place shall, once at least in every month, transmit, by post or otherwise, to each Public Vaccinator whose District is wholly or partly comprised in such place, a return, certified under the hand of the Registrar to be a true return, of all births and deaths of infants under twelve months have been registered by him. (s. 21.) 25. All costs actually incurred by any Public Vaccinator, Vaccina- tion Officer, or medical practitioner in respect of any books, forms, or notices in use under this Ordinance, or in respect of any other matter required by the same or by any rules or regulations made uufler the same, shall be allowed and paid for by the Receiver General, on the warrant of the Governor, (s. 22.) of age which A.D. 1875.] VACCINATION. [No. 4. 479 SCHEDULE. FORMS. FoHM No. 1. Sections. Notice to have Child Vaccinated. I, the undorsigncd, hereby give you notice, to have the child \_hrrc insert name, if (oiy'] whose birth is now registered, vaccinated within six months from the date of its birth, pursuant to the provisions of the Vaccination Ordinance, 187S, and that, in default of your doing so, you will be liable to the penalties theri^by imposed for neglect of those provisions. The J'ublic Vaccinator will attend at on the day of 1 , at the hour of You are required to produce to the Public Vaccinator who vaccinates the child aforesaid the three forms marked respectively No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 herewith supplied. If you wish the Public Vaccinator to vaccinate the child with lymph procured from England, you must so inform him. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) Registrar of Births and Deaths. Form No. 2. Certificate of Successful Vaccination. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that aged the of was vaccinated by me in the of on the day of 1 , and found to have proved successful. Situation of Vaccination. Number of successful insertions. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) A. B., • Public Vaccinator. [or A. B., Medical Practitioner. (!'.<•., M.D., or F.R.C.S., or otherwise as the case may be.)] Section 12. Form No. 3. Section 13. Certificate of Unfitness for Vaccination. I, tlic undersigned, hereby certify that I am of opinion that the child of in the County of aged is not now in a fit and proper state to be successfully vaccinated, and I do hereby postpone the vaccination for months [a period not exceeding six months']. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) A.B., Public Vaccinator. [or A. B., Medical Practitioner. [i.e., M.D., or F.R.C.S., or otherwise as the case may be).] 480 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1875. Section 14, Form No. 4. Certificate of Insusceptibility of Successful Vaccination. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I have unsuccessfully vaccinated aged the child of in the County of \_or that the child has already had small pox, as the case may he\ and I am of opinion that such child is insusceptible of successful vaccination. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) A. B., Public Vaccinator. [w A. B., Medical Practitioner. {i.e., M.D., or F.R.C.S., or otherwise as the case may be).] Section 16. Fohm No. 5. Order directing Child to be Vaccinated. British Guiana. Judicial District. To C. D., residing at, etc. Whereas on the day of, etc., the Public Vaccinator [_or the Vaccina- tion Officer, as the case may Je] for District gave iniormation in writing to me the undersigned, one of His Majesty's Stipendiary Magistrates in and for the said Colony, that he had reason to believe that a certain child named apparently above the age of sis months, now residing at within the District for which the said informant acts, has not been successfully vaccinated, and whereas you, the said C. I)., having been duly summoned, have appeared with the said child before me on this day of 1 , and I having found, after such examination as I deemed necessary, that the said child has not been vaccinated nor has had the small pox, I do hereby, in pursuance of the Vaccination Ordinance, 1875, order and direct you, the said to cause the said child to be vaccinated within three months from the date hereof. Dated this day of 1 , at (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1876. A.D. 1876. — ♦ — An Ordinance to declare tliat Tender of Payment in Spanish, Mexican or Columbian Silver Coins called " Dollars " shall cease to be a Lawful Tender. [1st August, 1876.] WHEREAS the Spanish, Mexican, and Columbian silver coins called " Dollars " circulate and are received in payment in this Colony as being of the full value of four shillings and two pence sterling current money of the United Kingdom ; And whereas tender of payment in this Colony in such coins at the rate aforesaid is a lawful tender in the same manner as if such tender was made in the current coin of the United Kingdom : A.D. 1876.] VLISSEXGEN [No. 2. 481 And whereas it is expedient that, in all payments to be made in this Colony, tender of payment in the said Spanish, Mexican, and Colum- bian silver coins called " Dollars " shall henceforth cease to be a lawful tender : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Bi-itish Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Spanish, etc., Silver Dollars short title. Demonetization Ordinance, 1876. 2. From and after the 22nd day of August, 1876, no tender of pay- Spanish, ment in Spanish, Mexican, or Columbian silver coins called " Dollars " Me'iican, and shall be deemed or taken to be a lawful tender, anything contained in DoHars not to any Law, Ordinance, or Proclamation in any wise to the contrary l^e lawful i .,,.',. ' -^ •' tender, notwithstanding. An ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1876. Ordinance for the Improvement of the City of a.d. i876. Georgetown, and to vest Plantation Vlissengen in see ordinance Commissioners\ No. 1 or 881. [1st January, 1877.] B E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1, This Ordinance may be cited as the Geox'getown Improvement Short title. (Vlissengen) Ordinance, 1876. 2, In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, — "Plantation Vlissengen" means that piece of land known as Plan- tation Vlissengen, and the pieces of land held under licences of occupancy granted to the proprietors of the said Plantation Vlissengen ; the whole being bounded on the west by the River Demerara, on the east by the land granted for the Lamaha Fresh Water Canal, on the north by the land known as the Company's Path, and on the south by Stabroek and the lands held under licences of occupancy granted to the proprietors of Plantation Werk-en-Rust ; save and except that portion of the said Plantation Vlissengen which was vested in the Commissioners of llobb's Town by the Georgetown Improvement (Robb's Town) Ordinance, 1864-. " The Commissioners "^ means the Board of Commissioners of Vlissengen, hereinafter appointed : " The Secretary " means the Secretary to the Commissioners •? " The New Town Ward " means the Municipal Ward No. 8 of the Interpretation of terms. 1 The Commissioners were aliolished, and their rights and powers transferred to the Receiver-General by Ordinance No. 22 of 1896. '■^ Repealed by Ordinance No. 25 of 1898, 6. 213. ' Now the Receiver General ; see Ordinance No. 22 of 1896, ss. 11 and 14. 482 No. 1 of 1860. No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1876. City of Georgetown, as defined in the Georgetown Town Council Ordinance, 1860^ : " The Columbia and Lacy Town Ward " means the Municipal Ward No. 7 of the City of Georgetown, as defined in the Georgetown Town Council Ordinance, 1860^ : " The Columbia District " means that portion of the Columbia and Lacy Town Ward which lies to the west of the street called King Street in the City of Geoi'getown : "The Lacy Town District" means that portion of the Columbia and Lacy Town Ward which lies to the east of the Columbia District. "The Bourda District" means that portion of Plantation Vlis- senyen which lies to the east of the Columbia and Lacy Town Ward. Vesting of Pla»tation Vlissengcn and ricrht to receive rents in arrear in tlie Com- missioners. Vesting of Lands, etc. 3. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance, Plantation Ylissenyen, and all and every the rights, members, and appurtenances thereto appertaining, and the absolute dominion and the inheritance of the same, and the right to receive all sums of money now due to the proprietors thereof for the rent or occupation of the said lands or any part thereof, shall vest, and the same are hereby vested, in the Com- missioners of Vlissengen, who shall be deemed in law to be the absolute owners thereof ; subject, nevertheless, to the provisions of this Ordinance : Provided always that nothing herein contained shall alter, prejudice, or take away any right, estate, property, or interest of His Majesty, his heirs and successors,. or of any public officer, corpora- tion, or body, who may Jhave or hold the same on behalf of the Colony, (s. 9.) Power to recover rents in aiTear. General Powers and Duties of the Coimnissioners. 4. The Commissioners shall have full power and authority to demand, have, sue for, and recover all sums of money, including capital and interest, that are now due or claimable for or in respect of the use or occupation, or for or in respect of rent, of an}^ portion or part of the said lands hereby vested in the Commissioners, since the 1st day of January, 1858; and all buildings now on the said lands are hereby declared and made liable and executable for the proper payment of all sums so due or claimable in respect of the occupation or rent of the portion or lot of land on which such buildings are situate and which is 0(;cupied therewith : Prtnided always that no person shall be bound to pay to the Commissioners for or in respect of the use or occupation or for or in respect of the rent of any land within the Lacy Town District, for any period before the commencement of this Ordinance, any sum exceeding in amount one-sixth of the appraised value of such land : Provided, also, that the Commissioners may, in case of the proved inability of any person to pay the full amount of rent demanded, receive a smaller amount and stay all pr(jceediugs for the recovery of the remainder, (s. 10.) 1 Eepealed by Ordinance No. 25 of 1898, s. 213. see 8. 5 of above Ordinance. As to the Wards mentioned, A.D. 1876.] VLISSENGEN. [No. 2. 483 5. The Coramissiouei's may, subject to the provisions of this I'ower to sell, Ordinance, sell and transp(jrt or lease an}' of the lands hereby Aested '^^^'^ ^""*'''- in them. (s. 11.) 6. All transports, agreements, or other documents of any kind or Kxecution f.f description, except bonds or debentures and except as hereinafter ""cuments. provided, requiring to be passed or executed by the Commissioners, may be passed or executed by the Senior Commissioner and the Secretary, (s. 12.) 7. — (1.) The Commissioners shall employ a Secretary, and may Power to pay him such remuneration as may be approved of by the Governor-in- secietan- and Council. other officers. (2.) The Commissioners may from time to time employ such other officers, agents, or servants as may be necessary for the due execution of the provisions of this Ordinance, and pay them a reasonable remuneration, (s. 13.) 8. — (1.) All notices, summonses, or other process required bylaw Senice of to be given to or served upon the Commissioners may be served upon process, etc. the Secretary, either personally or by leaving the same at the Office of the Commissioners. (2.) All notices required to be given by the Commissioners ma}'^ be given and signed by the Secretary. (3.) In all legal proceedings by the Commissioners the power ad litem may be signed by the Secretary, (s. 15.) 9. — (1.) All notices required by this Ordinance to be served by the Service by the Commissioners upon any persons interested in any lauds hereby vested on't'ersous'^^^^ in the Commissioners, or in any buildings thereon, may be served mterested. personally on such persons or left at their last usual place of abode, if any such can, after diligent inquir}-, be found. (2.) If no usual place of abode of such person is known to the Commissioners, then such notice may be served by leaving the same with the occupier of such lands, or, if there is no such occupier, by affixing the same upon some conspicuous part of such land or buildings, (s. 16.) 1 0. The Commissioners may require all notices to be served by the Power to Registrar or his officers, and the Registrar shall be entitled to demand Jo'be"madyi)v the same fees for so doing as if the notice were a summons issued at the Eepistrar. the instance of the Commissioners in a proceeding in the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction, (s. 17.) 11. — (1.) All books of account shall be kept in the Office of the Right of Conunissioners, and shall be open during the ordinary business hours "pp^^^^j^g" " for the inspection of every person who may wish to inspect the same, on his first paying a fee of one dollar for each hour during which he may wish to inspect the same. (2.) The Commissioners, in the months of January and July in each year, shall lay before the Governor and Court of Policy a balance sheet of each of such accounts to the end of the preceding half-year, (s. 19.) Terms of Sale of Lands, etc. 12, — (1.) The Commissioners may receive the purchase money of Power to any land sold by them under the provisions of this Ordinance in p^|^"j^^ lase money 484 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1876. of land in iiistalments. Power to receive purcliase money of bnUdiiigs in instalments if purchaser keeps them insured. Power to pass transport on receiving first instalment. sixteen instalments, to be jjaid to the Commissioners in the following manner, that is to say, one-tenth of the whole of the purchase money in cash at the time of completing the sale, and one-fifteenth of the remaining nine-tenths of the purchase money at the expiration of each succeeding year thereafter, together with interest on the whole balance remaining unpaid at the rate of six per cent, per annum, until the whole is paid : Provided always that the purchaser shall be at libert}'^ to anticipate the payment of all or any of sucli instalments. (2.) The Commissioners may require the purchasers to give pro- missory notes for the different instalments of the purchase money of any land or buildings, but the acceptance of such notes shall in no way affect the lien of the Commissioners or their right to recover by parate execution. (3.) The purchasei's shall pay all the expenses of passing trans- ports, (s. 48.) 13. — (1.) The Commissioners may receive the purchase money of any buildings sold by them with any land under the provisions of this Ordinance in four instalments, to be paid in the manner following, that is to say, one-fourth in cash at the time of the sale and the remaining three fourths by three equal annual instalments, with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum on the balance remaining unpaid : Provided that the said buildings shall be insured by the purchaser for the amount of the purchase money from injury by fire and that the policy of insurance shall be transferred to the Commissioners. (2.) In the event of the premium on the policy of insurance not being duly paid by the i^urchaser, the Commissioners may pay the same, and the whole of the purchase money shall thereupon at once become payable, and the Commissioners are hereby authorized and required forthwith to proceed for the recovery of the same together with the amount of the premiums so paid. (s. 49.) 14. The Commissioners, on receiving one-tenth of the purchase money of any land sold by them, and one-fourth of the purchase money of the buildings sold by them, if any, on such land, may transport such land, with the buildings thereon, to the purchaser thereof ; but in every case in which the Commissioners transport the land before the whole amount of the purchase money has been paid to them, a statement shall be inserted in the transport that such transport is made " subject to the lien of the Commissioners of Vlissengen." (s. 50. j Charging of interest on overdue instalment. Preferent lien for unpaid purchase money. Recovery of Purchase Moneys of Lands, etc. 15. In tlie event of any instalment of the purchase money of any land or buildings sold by the Commissioners, or any interest on such instalment, remaining unpaid for fourteen days after the same has be- come payable, the Commissioners may demand and recover interest on such overdue and unpaid instalment and the interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, until the same is fully paid. (s. 51.) 16. The Commissioners shall have a preferent lien on all land sold by them, and on all and each of the buildings which may be erected on such land, and shall have a preferent lien on all buildings sold by them, over and above all liens and mortgages thereon, legal or conventional, excepting only lions and preferent rights of the Crown A.D. 1876.J VLISSENGEN. [No. 2. 485 or of the Colony, foi' securing the due payment of tlie several instal- ments of the 2>ui'ehase money payable in resjiect of such land, with all interest thereon, including the additional interest on any unjiaid instalments (»r interest which the Commissioners are authorized by this Ordinance to recover, (s. 52.) 17. The preferent lien created by this Ordinance in favour of the Subsistence of Commissioners shall subsist and continue in full force and eilect uiKjn pieieient neu 1111111/-. • • 1 11 1 1 j> 1 notwitlistaml- the land sold by the Commissioners, and upon all and each ot the ing devolution buildings erected thereon, and upon each building sold by the Com- of property, missioners, until the whole of the purchase money for such land or buildings, and all interest thereon, including the additional interest on any unpaid instalment or interest which the Commissioners are by this Ordinance authorized to recover, have been paid in full, notwith- standing any sale, either at their instance or otherwise, transport, letters of decree, conveyance, or any devolution of such land or buildings of any kind or description, (s. 53.) 18.^ — ( 1 .) The Commissioners may recover by parate execution every Power to sum which may become payaVjIe tt) them under the provisions of this I'ecoyer sums Ordinance, and whether the same becomes payable for the purchase of execution. any lands or buildings sold by them, or for the rent or use or occupa- tion of any of the lands hereby vested in them, or for the rent of any lands let to hire by them, or for any rate, or for any other cause what- soever, together with all interest and costs ; and the Connnissioners may proceed by parate execution to recover such sum either against the persons liable to pay such sum or against the proprietors of the lands and buildings in respect of which such sum may have become payable, without naming any of such proprietors. (2.) In every proceeding by parate execution, the signature of the Senior Commissioner and of the Secretary, subscribed to any document setting forth or containing a statement of the amount claimed, shall, without proof of such signatures or of any other matter or thing, be held to be primd facie evidence of the amount claimed })eing in every particular correct, and that the same is due to the Commissioners by the proprietors of the lands or buildings or by the persons therein specified, (s. 54.) Appraisement of Buildiiujs. 19. — (1.) Whenever it may become necessary for the Commissioners Power to to have any buildings appraised, they shall appoint two competent appraise persons to appraise such buildings, and such persons shall give in their appraisement in writing, signed by them, and shall therein state the size and condition of each })uil(ling so appraised, and the sum of money which they consider such l)uilding to be worth. (2.) The appraisement shall be kept in the Office of the Commis- sioners, and shall be open to the inspection of all persons interested therein without any fee. (o.) The appraisers shall be entitled to receive from the Commis- sioners reasonable remuneration for their trouble. (4.) The value in money as ascertained by such appraisement shall be deemed, for all purposes and in all Courts of Law, to be the full value in money of such buildings, except as hereinafter provided, (s. 55.) 1 See Ordinance Ko. 22 of 189{), s. 10. 486 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1876. Application for re-appraise- ment, and proceedings tliereon. Rule as to expenses of person objecting to appraisement. Oljtaining of certificate of | tlie Colonial Ci\nl Engineer as to appraise- ment. 20. — (1.) If any person interested is dissatisfied with the appraise- ment of any building made by the Commissioners, he may, on fihng at the Office of the Commissioners an affidavit sworn to by two carpenters stating what, in their opinion, is the true value of such building, and that the value of the said building as appraised by the persons appointed by the Commissioners is riiore than ten per cent, below the real value of the said building, and on lodging with the Secretary the sum of ten dollars, require the said building to be re-appraised ; and the said building shall thereupon, at the request of the Commissioners, be appraised by the Colonial Civil Engineer and the Town Superintendent, who shall each be entitled to receive from the Commissioners a fee of five dollars for their trouble. (2.) If the Colonial Civil Engineer and the Town Superintendent do not agree in their estimate of the value of the said building, they shall appoint an umpire, who shall receive a fee of ten dollars from the Commissioners. (3.) The value as appraised by the Colonial Civil Engineer and the Town Superintendent, or by the umpire only, as the case may be, shall be taken as the appraised value of such building for all the purposes of this Ordinance, (s. 56.) 21. If the value of the said building, as appraised by the Colonial Civil Engineer and the Town Superintendent, or by the umpire, exceeds the amount appraised by the persons appointed by the Commissioners by ten per cent, of the amount as first aj^praised, the person who has deposited the said sum of ten dollars shall be entitled to re-payment of the same from the Commissioners, and the person requiring the new appraisement shall be entitled to receive from the Commissioners the reasonable expenses of the appraisement rnade by the carpenters appointed by him. (s. 57.) 22. — (1.) Where the Commissioners have reason to suppose that any minors or persons who are incapable of protecting their own interests, or who are not properly represented, are interested in any building requiring to be appraised, they shall submit the appraisement given in by the persons appointed b}^ them to the Colonial Civil Engineer for his approval ; and if the Colonial Civil Engineer, after investigation, considers the appraisement a fair and reasonable one, he shall write a certificate thereon to that effect ; or, if he considers the value as appraised to be too small, he shall state what in his opinion is the true value, and such value so stated by him shall be taken to be the appraised value of the said building. (2.) The Conunissioners shall pay to the Colonial Civil Engineer a fee of five dollars in respect of eacli principal building and the out- buildings connected therewith so appraised by him. (s. 58.) Kecovery of Tax. Power to the 23.' If any tax imposed by the Mayor and Town Council of George- Commissioners town on any lot or half-lot forming a portion of the lands hereby vested in the Commissioners remains uni)aid, the Commissionei's may pay the same and recover tlie amount tliereof, with interest at six per cent, per annum, by parate execution against the proprietors of the buildings on the said lot or half-lot, or, if the said lot or half-lot has to pay tax and recover amount thereof. 1 See Ordinance No. 22 of 1896, ss. 11 and 14. A.D. 1876. VLISSENGEK. [No. 2. 487 1)0011 half] ])rovi()u.sly sold by tlio Commissioners, against the said lot oi- (»t, together with the buildings thereon, (s. G7.) Defraying of cost of improvements in Hounlii District. Special Provisions tvith respect to Columbia and Lacy Town Ward and Bourda District. 24. The cost of making or widcniing the streets or roads, and of laying out, cleaning, and digging ihe drains and trenches, of the Bourda District, so as to conform to the plan as approved by the Governor and Court of Policy, may be defrayed in tlie first instance by the Commis- sioners from any funds at their dis])Osal, and shall thereafter be recovered by a special rate to be levied on all property within the said District, and which rate the Commissioners are hereby authorized and reiiuirod to levy in the manner herein provided, (s. 80.) 25. The Commissioners shall, as soon as practicable, sell and dispose The Commis- of all the building lots, as laid out on the plan of the Columbia and building lots. Lacy Town Ward and the Bourda District as the same is finally settled by the Governor and Court of Policy, and such lots may be sold either as whole or half lots, but the Commissioners shall not sell or dispose of less than a half-lot, or of any half-lot which does not abut on a street, (s. 81.) 26. The person in the occupation of any lot or half-lot, as laid out on the plan approved by the Governor and Court of Policy, and which is not required for any public purpose, or who owns the buildings thereon, shall be entitled to purchase such lot or half-lot, on paying the appraised value thereof, as ascertained and determined in the manner herein provided, together with such further sum, if any, as may be due and claimable for the rent or for the use or occupation of the said lot or half -lot. (s. 82.) 27.— (1.) Where several persons having difierent interests are in the occupation of the same lot or half-lot of land, as laid out on the said plan, being any portion of the lands hereby vested in the Commis- sioners, other than in the New Town Ward, or where there are several buildings or erections on any such lot or half-lot belonging to different persons, the Commissioners shall proceed in the following manner, that is to say, — [a.) They shall ascertain whether any lease, or any transfer of any lease, or any document has been recorded in the Regis- trar's Office for the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo, affecting or pretending or intended to affect the land comprised in, or the buildings or erections on, such lot or half-lot ; (6.) The Commissioners shall serve a notice, in the Form contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, upon each person within the Colony who, they know or have reason to suppose, claims to be entitled to the occupation of the said lot or half-lot, or of any portion thereof, or to be entitled to any of the })ui]dings or erections thereon, requiring each such person, within twenty-one days from the day of the service of such notice, to state at their Office, either verbally or in w^ritins, the nature and extent of the interest which he claims to the occupation of, or to the buildings or erections on, the said lot or half-lot ; and where any person states verbally Pre-emption right of occu- pier of lot or of owner of buildings. Pro^asion for cases where there are several occu- piers of lot. Schedule. 488 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1876. the nature and extent of the interest which he claims, the Secretary shall reduce his statement to writing, and require such person to sign the same or put his mark thereto ; and the Secretary shall inquire as to the mode in which such person acquired his interest and whether he has any, and, if so, what, documents to support his claim ; and the Secretary shall inform such person of his rights under this Ordinance ; (c.) The Commissioners, within one week after the service of the notice last served, shall have each of the buildings and erections on the said lot or half-lot appraised in the manner provided by this Ordinance. The Commissioners shall state in writing at the end of such appraisement what sum they claim for rent or for the use or occupation of the said lot or half-lot ; and {d.) The Commissioners, on receiving the said appraisement, shall issue an advertisement in The Official Gazette and one other newspaper published in the Colony, for three successive Saturdays, calling on all persons claiming any right to the occupation of the said lot or half -lot, or any interest in any of the buildings or erections thereon, who may wish to purchase the whole of the said lot or half-lot, with all the buildings and erections thereon, to send in to their Office, on or before noon on the Monday following the third ^publication of the advertisement, a tender in writing for the purchase of the said lot or half-lot, with all the buildings and erections thereon. If the amount of the highest tender exceeds the aggregate amount of the appraised value of the said lot or half-lot and of the buildings and erections thereon, as ascertained by the Commissioners as aforesaid, together with the amount, if any, which may be due and claimed in respect of rent or for the use or occupation of the said lot or half-lot, the person so offering to pay the highest amount shall be entitled to purchase the said lot or half-lot, with all the buildings and erections thereon, for the amount offered in such tender. If the highest amount so offered does not exceed the said aggregate amount, the Commissioners shall put up the said lot or half-lot, with all the buildings and erections thereon, for sale by public auction, but the Com- missioners shall not allow the said lot or half-lot to be sold for less than the said aggregate amount, without the consent of the Governor and Court of Policy, and in such case the Com- missioners shall not pay as the price of such lot or half-lot under section 2P more than the sum which may be received l)y the sale of such lot or half-lot. (2.) The Commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to sell the said buildings and erections with the said lot or half-lot, and to give a valid title thereto, (s. 83.) Preparation of 28. — (1-) Where the Commissioners sell any lot or half-lot with statement as the buildings thereon, whether by tender or otherwise, they shall pre- to division of pjj^j.g .^ statement in writing, showing the proportions in which they Ijuildingb sold, propose to divide the amount of the purchase money, after deducting the amount of the appraised value of the said lot or half-lot, and the ' S. 21 was repealed by Ordinance No. 22 of 1896, s. 15. A.D. 1876.] VLISSENGEN. [No. 2. 489 amount, if any, claimed in respect of rent or for the use or occupation of the said lot or half-lot, among the different persons claiming an interest in the said lot or half-lot or in the buildings or erections thereon. (2.) Such statement shall be open, at the Office of the Commis- sioners, for the inspection of all persons, and shall be i)ublished for three successive Saturdays in The Official Gazette and one other news- paper published in the Colony, (s. 84.) Making of objection to proposed division. Transmission of objections to the Registrar. 29. Within fourteen days after the first publication of the advertisement, any person objecting to tlie mode in which it is proposed to divide such surplus may entei-, in a book to be kept for that pur- pose in the Office of the Commissioners, his objections to the proposed division and the grounds thereof ; and such entry may be made by the person himself, or by a barrister-at^law, advocate, or attorney-at- law on his behalf, or if such person so requests, by the Secretary to the Commissioners, (s. 85.) 30. If any objection is entered to the proposed division, the Com- missioners shall, within fourteen days after the last publication of the advertisement, lodge in the Registry of Court a statement, signed by the Senior Commissioner and the Secretary, showing the number of the lot or half-lot as laid down on the said plan, the appraised value of the said lot or half-lot, the amount claimed and due, if any, for rent, or for the use or occupation of the said lot or half-lot, the appraised value of each of the buildings or erections on the said lot or half-lot, the division of the purchase money proposed to be made by the Commissioners, and a copy of the objections entered in the said book ; and the Commissioners shall lay over with such statement the original appraisement of the buildings and erections on the said lot or half-lot. (s. 86.) 31. — (1.) On the statement being lodged with the Registrar, he Summoning shall issue, at the cost of the Commissioners, an advertisement in The ?f persons ITlTPl'PSTPfi to Official Gazette and in one other newspaper published in the Colony appear before calling upon all persons interested in the division of the said money a Judge. to appear before one of the Judges, at a time and place to be fixed by the Judge, being not less than fourteen days after the date of such notice ; and all persons interested may then appear and oppose or support the division made by the Commissioners. (2.) If any person wishes to oppose the said division who has not entered any objection in the said book in the Office of the Commis- sioners, he shall be entitled to do so on filing with the Registrar a statement in writing, signed by himself or by a barrister -at-law, advo- cate, or attorney-at-law, of the grounds of his opposition, at least two days before the day so appointed, but he shall not in any such case be entitled to any costs, (s. 87.) 32. — ■(!.) Any person wishing to summon witnesses may do so on Summoning depositing tlie necessary amount and on lodging in the Registrar's Office witnesses. a certificate from the Registrar stating that the Commissioners have lodged their statement as to the division of the purchase money of the said lot or half-lot, and the time which has been fixed by the Judge for the hearing of the matter. (2.) Such certificate may be granted by the Registrar, who shall VOL. I. 34 490 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1876. Power to the Judge to alter or confirm ilivision. Costs. Compliance with order of the Judge. Appeal to H.M. in Council. l)e entitled to demand the ,sum of one dollar for each such certificate. (s. 88.) 33. On the day fixed by the Judge, or as soon thereafter as may be convenient, the parties shall be heard, and their witnesses, if any, and the Judge may alter, vary, or modify the division of the Commis- sioners in any way that he may consider the justice of the case requires, or may confirm such division, (s. 89.) 34. The Judge may make such order as to costs as to him may seem meet ; and, where the Commissioners are ordered to pay costs, they may defray them out of the funds at their disposal, (s. 90.) 35. The decision of the Judge in all cases where the question at issue is under live hundred pounds sterling shall be final, and the Commissioners shall, within three weeks thereafter, pay in cash to the several persons interested the amount to which they are entitled under such order : Provided always that where the purchaser of the said lot or half-lot becomes entitled to any money under such order, the amount so awarded shall be considered and taken as a payment on account of the purchase money, (s. 91.) 36. Every person wishing to appeal to His Majesty in His Privy Council in any case where the question at issue is above five hundred pounds sterling in value shall be bound to follow the same mode of procedure as in ordinary cases, (s. 92.) Provision for case where the Commissioners cannot sell at appraised value. 37. — (1.) If the Commissioners are unable to sell any lot or half lot in the manner hereinbefore provided, they may either permit the owners of the Imildings on the said lot or half-lot to remain in the occupation of the said lot or half-lot, at an annual rental, or maj- permit the owners of the said buildings to remove such buildings from the said lot or half-lot, on paying to the Commissioners all sums claimed and due for rent in arrear, or for the use or occupation of the land on which such buildings may stand. (2.) If the owners of any such buildings continue in the occupation of any lot or half-lot, they shall pay to the Commissioners as rent of the said land a sum which shall be not less annually than eight per cent, of the appraised value of the said lot or half-lot, and such sum shall Vje payable in equal monthly instalments ; and where there are several buildings on the same lot or half-lot, belonging to different owners, the rent shall be apportioned amongst the owners of such })uildings in the proportion of the appraised value thereof, (s. 93.) Time allowed for removal of buildings. 38. — (1.) Where the owners desire to remove their buildings from the said lot or lialf-lot, they shall be allowed six months within which to remove the same, without any charge for rent beyond the amount that may be claimed and due for rent or for the use and occupation of the lot or portion of land on which tlie })uildings are situate and which is occupied therewith at the commencement of this Ordinance. (2.) If the said buildings are not removed within the said period of six months, the owner thereof shall be bound to pay rent to the Commissioners at the rate before sjiecified for any jjcriod beyond the said period of six months during which such buildings may remain on the said lot or half-lot. (s. 94.) A.D. 1876.] VLISSENGEX. [No. 2. 491 39. — (1.) In any case where there are several owners and one of them purchases the whole lot or half-lot, witli all the Iniildin^fs thereon, or where the Commissioners sell the whole lot or half-lot, with all the buildings thereon, under the provisions of this Oi'dinancc, the occupier of each of the buildings shall have three months free of any rent wherein to remove therefrom ; and the said period of three months shall commence to run from the day on which the Commissioners pay or tender the amount to be paid in respect of such building to the owner or person entitled to receive the same, or pay the same into the Registry of Court. (2.) If any person refuses or neglects to quit any such building when required by the Commissioners to do so, the Connnissioners, on the expiration of the said period of three months, shall be entitled, on a petition ex parte, to obtain an authorization de facto to eject and put out such j^erson from the said building, (s. 95.) Time allowed for quitting tniiiilings sold. Miscellaneous Provisions. 40. The Connnissioners shall transjjort the land taken for the streets. Transport of roads, dams, drains, trenches, or open spaces, as laid down in the plans ^*^'^'^ forming approved of by the Governor and Court of Policy, to and in favour of the Colony, (s. 99.) streets, etc. 41. Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent the erection of Saving as to buildings on the strip of land, the property of the Colony, lying between J'^'*''™. ^^^^ Lot 26, New Town, and the River, and adjoining the America Stelling, the Colony, with the permission of the Governor-in-Council, and on such terms and conditions as the Governor-in-Council may think fit. (3 of 1895, s. 2(1).) 42. The provisions of the Justices Protection Ordinance, 1850, Protection to shall extend to the Commissioners, and to each and all of them, and *!!l2.Tif^^" .._' ' oHJllcI Oj etc to then* several othcers and servants acting in the execution of this j^^ 2 of 1850 Ordinance, (s. 101.) THE SCHEDULE. Form of Notice. The Commissioners of Vlissengen hereby give notice to you that under the provisions of the Georgetown Improvement (Yl\B- sengen) Ordinance, 1876, you are hereby required, within twenty-oue days from the day on which this notice shall be served on you, to state at the Office of the Commissioners of Vlissengen at the nature and extent of the interest which you claim to the occupation of, or to the buildings or erections on, Lot situate in Dated this day of 19 A.B. Secretari/. Section 27 VOL. I. 34a 492 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1876. A.D. 1876. ^-» — Ordinances No. fi of 1882, No. 19 of 1900, No. 2G o/ 1903, ss. 4 and 5, iV^o. 34 o/ 1903, and No. G of 1904, s. 4. incorjywatcd . Short title. Interpretation of terms. OEDINANCE No. 3 OF 1876. An Ordinance to enforce Elementary Education. [3rd February, 1877.] WHEREAS, on the 6th day of July, 1874, His Excellency the Governor was pleased to issue a Commission under his hand and the Public Seal of the Colony to certain persons therein named especially to inquire into the state of public education in this Colony and to report thereon : And whereas the said Commissioners have reported that elementary education should be enforced by law ; And whereas, on the 17th day of June, 1876, the Combined Court resolved and undertook that the requisite provision should be made for enforcing elementary education : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Polic}^ thereof, as follows : 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Elementary Education Ordinance, 1876. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, — " Parent " includes guardian and every person who is liable to maintain or has the actual custody of any child, and every male person cohabiting with the mother of any child, whether he is the father of such child or not : " Father " includes the reputed father and every male person cohabiting with the mother of any child, whether he is the father of such child or not : " Teacher " includes assistant teacher, pupil teacher, sewing mis- tress, and every person who forms part of the educational stafl' of a school : " Certificate of proficiency " means a certificate of proficiency in reading, writing, and elementary arithmetic given and signed by the Inspector of Schools, or by an Assistant Inspector of Schools, in this Colony : " Managers," when used with reference to a school, includes all persons who have the management of any Elementary School, or of any Day Industrial School, whether the legal interest in the schoolhouse is or is not vested in them : " Schoolhouse " includes a play-ground and all offices required for a school : "Colonial Grant" means a grant made for tlie support or in aid of an Elementary School or Day Industrial School, either annually or otherwise, from the revenues of the Colony : " Elementary School " means a school, or department of a school, at which elementary education is the principal part of the educa- tion there given : " Aided School " means an elementary school, the managers of which receive any grant-in-aid from the cf)lonial revenues : " Colonial School " means an elementary school established by the Inspector of Schools and maintained from the colonial revenues : A.D. 1876.] ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. [No. 3. 493 ' Industrial School " means any elementary schooi in which theoretic aiul practical instruction in agriculture or in any trade or trades, or in both is given and which is recognised under the regulations as an Industrial School : ' Educational District Officer " means any officer appointed to carry out the provisions of this Ordinance in any Educational District : ' Authorised Person " means any person who, under this Ordinance, has, and is entrusted with the same rights, powers, privileges, and functions as an educational district officer : ' Pi-escribed " means prescribed by any Regulations made under this Ordinance. (Amd. 19 of 1900, s. 3, and 6 of 1904, s. 4 (1 ).) Th^ Education Department. 3. His Majesty may appoint an Inspector of Schools for tliis Colony, and the Governor may appoint one or more Assistant Inspectors of Schools, who shall receive such salaries or emoluments as may from time to time be provided for that purpose by the Combined Court, and who shall hold office during pleasure. 4. The Inspector of Schools shall submit annually, to be laid before the Governor and Court of Policy, a report on the state of elementary education throughout the Colony, in such form and containing information with regard to such particulars as the Governor may direct. 5. The Inspector of Schools and every Assistant Inspector of Schools shall have full power and authority to enter, visit, and inspect every school or schoolhouse and all the premises or offices used there- with, where the managers of the school have received or have applied for any aid from the Colonial Revenues within the next preceding twelve months. 6. — (1.) The Governor and Court of Policy may from time to time, by Resolution, enact regulations for all or any of the following purposes, that is to say, — {a.) For the government and discipline of all schools of every kind which may receive aid from the Colonial Revenues and of the teachers thereof ; {h.) For securing the proper application and distribution of all funds voted from the Colonial Revenues for the purposes of elementary education ; (c. ) For securing the efficiency of all schools required by this Ordinance to be maintained on a plantation in cultivation ; and (e.) Generally for maintaining an efficient system of elementary education throughout the Colony. (2.) All such regulations, when published in The Official Gazette, shall be binding on all persons. 7. — (1.) If any teacher in any school receiving aid from the Colonial Revenues is charged by any person with immoral conduct as teacher or otherwise, or cruel or improper treatment of any of the children or pupils attending such school, the Inspector of Schools may transmit a Appointment etc., of In.spector, and Assi.stant Inspectors of Schools. Making of annual report on elementary education. Power to inspect schools recei\ing public mone}-. Making of regulations. Power to refer complaints against teacher to ^Magistrate for investi- gation. 494 . No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1876. Power to cancel certi- ficate in certain cases. statement, specifying the particular acts in respect of which the charge is made, to the Stipendiary Magistrate of the Judicial District within which such school is situate; and the said Stipendiary Magistrate shall thereupon cause a copy of such statement to be served on such teacher, together with a summons requiring such teacher to appear before him at any time to be therein appointed, but not less than eight days from the day of the service of such summons. (Amd. 19 of 1900, s. 4.) (2.) The teacher may, if he thinks fit, answer the particulars of the complaint in writing, or may plead orally that he is not guilty ; and the Magistrate shall proceed to hear the complaint, and take evidence upon oath in the same manner as if the complaint were a complaint in a civil matter over which the Magistrate had jurisdiction, and the teacher was the defendant therein. (.3.) The Magistrate shall transmit to the Inspector of Schools the evidence taken by him, with a report of what, in his opinion, is the effect and weight of such evidence. 8. If any teacher holding a certificate granted by the Inspector of Schools or other authority in this Colony is, in the opinion of the Inspector of Schools, guilty of immoral conduct as teacher or otherwise, or of cruel or improper treatment of any of the children or pupils under his charge, the Inspector of Schools may cancel such certificate or suspend the operation thereof for such time as to him may seem meet. (Amd. 19 of 1900, s. 4.) Establishment of Educational Districts. Educational Districts. 9. — (1.) The Governor-in-Council may, hj Proclamation to be published in The, Official Gazette, declare that any portion of the Colony specified in such Proclamation shall form a district for educa- tional purposes; and such district shall ))e called an "Educational District." {'!.) The Governor-in-Council may, in like manner, add to or diminish the number of such Districts, and alter the limits of any District as from time to time may appear to be necessary. District Officers Educational District Officers. Appointment 10. — (1.) For more efi'ectually carrying out the provisions of this of Educational Ordinance, the Governor may appoint one or more oflicers for each Educational District, who shall hold otHce during the Governor's pleasure. (2.) Such oflicers shall be called Educational District Officers, and they shall receive such salaries as may be provided for them by the Combined Court. (3.) Every member of the Combined Court, Minister of Religion, Justice of the Peace, Inspector of Schools, Assistant Inspector of Schools, School Manager, Certificated principal Teacher of a school authorised in writing by the manager of liis school, Member of any Town or Village Council, Commissary of Taxaticm, Government Officer appointed under the Crown Lands Ordinance, 190-3, or the Mining Ordinance, 1903, member of ihe Police Force or person authorised by the Governor shall have and may exercise all the riglits, ])()wers, privileges and functions vested in an Educational District Officer by A.D. 1876.] ELEMENTARY EDUCATIOl. [No. 3. 495 this Ordinance : Provided always that no Police Constable shall have and exercise the powers given to an Educational District Officer by Section 15 or Section 52 of this Ordinance unless authorised or empowered as therein mentioned antl provided also that nothing herein contained shall impose on any person hereinbefore specified the duties imposed on Educational District Officers Viy Section 1 1 of this Ordinance. (19 of 1900, s. 5.) 1 1. It shall be the duty of each Educational District Officer : — Duties of Educational (1.) To keep a register of all children under the age of twelve 3 ears, District and whether under the age of five years or not, residing in his Officer. Disti'ict ; and such register may be in the Form No. 1 containe J |chediile : in the Schedule to this Ordinance ; (2.) To ascertain and report to the Inspector of Schools every parent of every child resident within his District who has failed or is omitting to cause his child to receive efficient elementary instruc- tion in reading, writing, and arithmetic ; (3.) To enforce the provisions of this Ordinance, and to prosecute all persons not complying therewith ; and (4.) Generally to follow such directions as may be laid down for his guidance by the Inspector of Schools. (Amd. 19 of 1900, s. 24.) 12.— (1.) Every Educational District Officer, or other authorised Power to person, shall have authority to enter any yard, house, building, cjr j^'jj^^,.j(.t Officer place, between the hours of six o'clock in the morning and five o'clock to enter in the evening of any day in the week, except Sunday, and there piemises at make inquiries as to any child who may there reside or be em- ^^^^^ make ployed. inquiries. (2.) Every person who — {a.) Hinders or obstructs any Educational District Officer, or other authorised person, in the performance of his duty ; or (b.) Wilfulh^ makes any false representations to any Educational District Officer, or other authorised perscm, wnth respect to the age or employment of any child, whether such child is under the age of five years or not ; or (c.) Wilfully refuses to afford to any Educational District Officer or other authorised person reasonably requiring the same, any information of which such person may be possessed as to the age or employment of any child, whether such child is under the age of five years or not, shall Vje guilty of an olfence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. (Amd. 19 of 1900, s. 22.) Provisions for enforcing Elementary Education of Children . 13. It shall be the duty of the parent of every child to cause such Declaration of child to receive efficient elementaiy instruction in reading, writing to"^)j^°cate'"^* and arithmetic, and if such parent fails to perform such duty, he child, shall be liable to such orders and penalties as are prt)vided b}- this Ordinance. 14. — (1.) If the parent of any child habitually and without reason- Proceeding able excuse omits to provide efficient elementary instruction for his ofi^/tting'to*^" educate child. 496 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1876. child, an Educational District Officer, or other authorised person, may prefer a complaint against such parent before a Stipendiary Magistrate ; and the Magistrate, if satisfied of the truth of such complaint, shall inake an order that the child do attend some school named in the order, being either such as the parent may select, or, if he does not select any, then such Public Elementary School as the Magistrate may consider expedient ; and the child shall attend such school every time the school is opened, or in such other regular manner as may be specified in the order. (2.) Any of the following reasons shall be deemed a reasonable excuse, that is to say, — (a.) That there is not within two miles, measured according to the nearest road, from the residence of such child any Aided School or Colonial School open which the child can attend ; or (h.) That the absence of the child from school has been caused by sickness or other unavoidable cause. (3.) Every complaint under this section may be in the Form Ko. 2 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and every order under this section may be in the Form No. 3 contained in the said Schedule. (Amd. 19 of 1900, ss. 22 and 23.) (4.) In the towns of Georgetown and New Amsterdam and in such other places as the Governor-in-Council vaary order, twenty-five attendances in one month, and in all other places fifteen attendances in one month, of a child at an Elementar}'- School shall be deemed to be " efficient elementary instruction " within the meaning of this section. Attendance shall mean attendance throughout the hours specified in the Regulations made under Section 6 of this Ordinance in the morning or in the afternoon. (34 of 1903, s. 3.) Schedule : Form No. 2 ; Form No. 3. Proceedings with respect to child found habitually wandering or not under control, etc. 15. — (1.) If any child is found habitually wandering or not under proper control, or in the company of rogues, vagabonds, disorderly persons, or reputed criminals, such child may be taken into custody by an Educational District Officer, or other authorised person, or by any police constable authorised by the Inspector of Schools to detain children so found, until a complaint can be preferred against such child and he can be brought before a Stipendiary Magistrate. (2.) The Magistrate shall enquire into the circumstances, and may either make an order — («.) That the child do attend some Elementary School other than an Industrial School named in such order ; and in such case the school so named shall be either such as the parent may select, or, if he does not select any, then such Public Elementar}^ School as the Magistrate considers expedient ; or {b.) That such child shall be sent to an Industrial School to be named in such order ; or (c.) That such child shall be delivered to the parent. (3.) When any child is taken into custody under the provisions of this section, the person taking the child into custody shall, as soon as practica})le, give notice of such detention to the parent, if the parent is known and can be found ; and the parent may appear before the Magistrate and shall have the same rights with resjioct to such complaint as if the complaint was a civil proceeding and he was the defendant therein. A.D. 1876.J ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. [No. 3. 497 (4.) Every complaint under this section may be in the Form No. 4 Schedule: contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and every order under YJ^^l^ ^-|^' 5 ' this section may be in the Form No. 5 contained in the said Schedule. (Amd. 19 of lyOO, ss. 7, 22 and 24.) 16. — (1.) Where, without any reasonalile excuse within the meanin*^ of this Ordinance, an order for the attendance of any child at school is not comi)lied with, any Stipendiary Magistrate, on the complaint of an Educational District Officer or other authorized person, may, if he thinks fit, order as follows : — (a.) In the first case of non-compliance, if the parent of the child does not appear, or appears and fails to satisfy the Magistrate that he has used all reasonable efforts to enforce compliance with the order, the Magistrate may impose a penalty not exceeding two dollai's ; but if the parent satisfies the Magistrate that he has used all reasonable efforts as aforesaid, the Magistrate may, without inflicting a penalty, order the child to be sent to an Industrial School ; and (/>.) In a second or any subsequent case of non-compliance with the order, the Magistrate may order the child to be sent to an Industrial School ; or he may for each such non-compliance inflict any such penalty as aforesaid, without ordering the child to be sent to an Industrial School : Provided that a complaint under this section with respect to a continuing non-compliance shall not be repeated by the Educational District Officer or other authorized pei'son at any less interval than two weeks. (2.) Every complaint under this section may be in the Form No. 6 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and every order under this section may be in the Form No. 7 contained in the said Schedule. (Amd. 19 of 1900, ss. 22 and 24.) Emjjloyment of Children. 17. After the commencement of this Ordinance, no person shall take into his employment or shall employ any child — (1.) Who is under the age of nine years ; or (2.) Who, being of the age of nine years or upwards, has not obtained a certificate of proficiency in reading, writing, and elementary arithmetic, unless such child during such employment attends an efficient school on every school day for two and a half hours between seven o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening, when not prevented by sickness or other unavoidable cause. 18. Any person who receives a child into his house as a domestic servant, or permits a child to perform any work in his house who has not obtained a certificate of proficiency, shall be deemed to have undertaken the duty of a parent with respect to the elementary education of such child so long as the child remains with him ; and if he does not cause such child to receive efficient elementary instruc- tion, he may be proceeded against as if he were the pai-ent of such child ; but the duty of the parent shall not thereby be diminished or dis- charged, nor shall the parent be thereby exempted from liability to be proceeded against as herein provided. ^ Proceedings on disobe o Q SI CO ■3. a -f^ 03 -3 5h en t»i o S a *?; a 1 a w o 2 12; 6 i •A g O 6 S 02 60 1 s o Ol cS ft .a Eh i 05 ;z; Whether Mother is With whom Child i What School, if ai attending. If not attending Scl Child is receiving I Home. o 4) . II *-* a a w o 00 1 a Section 14. Form No. 2. Complaint against Parent for not educating Child. British Gtiana. The complaint of an Educational District Officer or other authorised person, taken before me, the undersigned Stipendiary Magistrate for the District, at in the County of this day of 1 , who saith that residing at in the said County, being the parent, within the meaning of the Elementary Education Ordinance, 1876, of the child named and which child is above the age of five years and under the age of twelve years, has, for the period of next before the date ol this complaint, habitually and without reasonable excuse omitted to provide efficient elementary education for h said child, the said in contravention of the said Ordinance; and thereupon ho, the said Educational District Officer or other authorized person, makes application that the said may be dealt with according to Law. A. B. Taken before me the day and year and in the place above mentioned, (Signed.) CD. Stipendiary/ Magistrate. A.D. 1876. ELEMENT A R Y ED UGA TION. [No. 3. 505 FoiiM No. 3. Order on Parent for Attendance of Child at School. British Guiana. County of Be it remembered that on the day of 1 , complaint was made before Esquire, Stipendiary Magistrate for the District, by an Educational District Officer, or other authorised person, that residing at in the County of being tlio parent, within the meaning of the Elementary Education Ordinance, 1876, of the chiLl named who is above the age of five years and under the age of twelve years, had, for the period of next before the said day of 1 , habitually and without reasonable excuse omitted to provide efficient elementary education for the said child, the said in contravention of the said Ordinance, and that on the day of 1 , at the Court Room, at in the said County of the matter of the said complaint was heard and investigated by the undersigned Stipendiary Magistrate for the District ; and now, being satisfied of the truth of such complaint, I do order that the said do cause the said child to attend the School at [_hfre describe the School'] being the School which the said parent has selected [^or which, as the parent has not selected any, I have named] on \Jierc specif >/ how mani diijs oh ichich the child is to attend School] in each week during which such School shall be open for hours on each such day. Dated this day of 1 , at (Signed.) CD. Stipendiary Magistrate. Section 14, Form No. 4. Complaint against Child found habitually wandering. British Guiana. The complaint of an Educational District Officer, or other authorised person, taken before me, the undersigned Stipendiary Magisti'ate for the District, at in the County of this day of 1 , who saith that being a child subject to the provisions of the Elementary Education Ordinance, 1876, has, for the period of next before the date of this complaint, been found within the Edu- cational District habitually wandering, ['>r not under proper control, or in the company of rogues or vagabonds or disorderly persons or reputed criminals, as the circumstances of the case may require], A. B Taken before me the day and year and at the place first above mentioned. (Signed.) C. B. Stipendiary Magistrate Section 15. Form No. 5. Order under Section 15. British Guiana. Be it remembered that on the day of Court Room in the County of Elementary Education Ordinance, 1876, I, trate for the District, do order that VOL. I. Section 15. 1 , at the in pursuance of the Stipendiary Magis- being a child 35 506 No. 3.] THE LA W8 OF BRITISH GUIANA . [A.D. 1876. Section 16. siiliject to the provisions of section lo of the saiil (^idinance, do attend the Publie Klementary School at beine; the School which the parent of the said child has selected [or which, as the parent of the said child has not selected any, I have named] for days in each week during which such School shall he open for hours on each such day, [or he sent to the Industrial School at or he delivered to his parent]. Dated this day of (Signed.) CD. Stipendiary 3Iayistrate. Form No. 6. Complaint for Non-Compliance with Order of Magistrate. British Gciana. The complaint of an Educational District Officer or other authorized person, taken before me, the undersigned Stipendiary Magistrate for the District, at in the County of this day of 1 , who saith that heretofore on the day of 1 , an order was made by Esquii-e, Stipendiary Magistrate for the District, that being the parent, within the meaning of the Elementary Education Ordinance, 1876, of the child named should cause the said child to attend, and that the said child should attend, the School at therein named, in the manner specified in the said order, and that the said now residing at in the County of has, for the period of next before the date of this complaint, failed, without reasonable excuse, to comply with the said order in contravention of the said Ordinance, and thereupon he, the said Edvica- tional District Officer, or other authorized person, makes application that the said may be dealt with according to Law. A.B. Taken before me the day and year and at the place above-mentioned. (Signed.) C. D. Stipendiary Magistrate. Note. — For a second or any subseqiient case of non-comjtliance ii-ith an order made by a Stipendiary Magistrate after tke icords " to comply with the said order, in contravention of the said Ordinance," proceed us foUon-s : — and further that he, tlie said heretofore, and before the period mentioned in this complaint, to wit, on the day of 1 , was adjudged to have failed to comply witli the said order without reasonable excuse. Section 16. Form No. 7. Order under Section 16. British Guiana. an Educational District Officer, or to appear to me, the undersigned Whereas on the complaint of other authoriKcd person, it has been made Stipendiary Magistrate for the District, that, without any reasonable excuse, the order made by Esquire, Stipendiary Magistrate for th(> District, requiring that residing at in the County of being the ]iarent, within the meaning of the Klementary Education Ordinance, 1876, of the child named should cause such child to attend, and that such child should attend, the S(;hool thereiTi named at the times therein specified, has not been complied with ; and whereas the said parent, the said has failed to satisfy me that he has used all reasonal)le efforts to enforce compliance with the said order, I, the said Stipendiary Magistrate, do, this A.D. 1876.] ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. [No. 3. 507 day of 19 , at order the said to pay to the said Educational District Officer, or other authorized person, the sum of and if the said sum is not paid forthwith [or on or before the day of next] I do order and adjudge the said to be imprisoned in the Prison at in the said County, and there kept to hard hibour, for the space of days, unless the said sum shall be sooner paid. Dated this day of 19 , at in the said County. (Signed.) C. D. Stipendiary Magistrate. Note. — It here, in thefrst case of non-compJiance, the Magistrate orders the child to he sent to an Industrial Schoo!, jjroct'fd from the n-ords "has not been compUed wth " as folloirs : — and whereas the said parent, the said has satisfied me that he has used all reasonable eftbrts to enforce compUance with the said order, I, the said Magistrate, under the provisions of the said Ordinance, do, this day of 1 , at in the County of order that the said shall be sent to the Industrial School at and there detained until he day of 1 ]Vhere, in the second case of non-compliance, the Magistrate orders the child to he sent to an Industrial School, proceed from the words in the form " has not been complied witli ' ' . \S'77.] COMPANIES' GLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 525 writing of the registered holder of the share and with the sanction of consent of a general meeting, may resolve that the share shall be cancelled, and immediately thereupon the share shall be cancelled, and all liabilities and rights with respect to the share shall thereupon be absolutely extinguished. 42. The company may from time to time accept, on such terms as Surrender of it may think fit, surrenders of any shares which have not been fully "li^^e. paid up. 43. The company shall not pay or refund to any shareholder any No money to sum of money for or in respect of the cancellation or surrender of any ^'^ paid for share. cancellation or surrender. 44. The company may from time to time, in lieu of any shares that Power to have been cancelled or surrendered, issue new shares of such amounts j^^ ^j^^^ ^^ ^^^^ as will allow the same to be conveniently apportioned or disposed of celled or sur- according to the resolution of any ordinary or extraordinary meeting g^'^^^gg®*^ of the company, and may from time to time fix the amounts and times of payment of the calls on any such new shares, and dispose thereof on such terms and conditions as may be so resolved upon : Provided that the aggregate nominal amount of the new shares shall not exceed the aggregate nominal amount of the shares in lieu of which the new shares are issued, after deducting the amount actually paid up in respect of the shares cancelled or surrendered. Liability of shareholders on execvition against companj', to extent of shares not paid up. PART VII. Remedies of Creditors of Company against Shareholders. 45. — (I.) If any execution has been issued against the property or effects of the company, and if there cannot be found sufficient whereon to levy such execution, then such execution may be issued against any of the shareholders to the extent of their shares respectively in the capital of the company not then paid up : Provided always that no such execution shall issue against any shareholder except upon an order of the Court in which the action, suit, or other proceeding has been brought or instituted, made upon motion in open Court after sufficient notice in writing to the persons sought to be charged ; and, upon such motion, such Court may order execution to issue accordingly. (2.) For the purpose of ascertaining the names of the sharehold'ors, and the amount of the capital remaining to be paid up or. their respective shares, it shall be lawful for any person entitled tf^ any such execution, at all reasonable times, to inspect the register of share- holders without charge. 46. If, by means of any such execution, -any shareholder has paid Right of share- any sum of money beyond the amount theu due from him in respect of i^,°cr'^execution' calls, he shall forthwith be reimbursed, 'such additional sum by the to re-imbur 7 ' directors out of the funds of the compatiy. / ■se meut 526 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1877. Mode of borrowing money. Power to re-borrow money paid ofif. Evidence of authority for borrowing. Term and execution of mortgage. Schedule : Form No. 3, PART VIII. BORROAVING OF MoNEY BY COMPANY ON MORTGAGE OR BOND, 47. If the company is authorised by the Special Ordinance to borrow money on mortgage or bond, it shall be lawful for it, subject to the restrictions contained in the Special Ordinance, to borrow on mortgage or bond such sums of money as may from time to time, by an order of a general meeting of the company, be authorized to be borrowed, not exceeding in the whole the sum prescribed by the Special Ordinance, and for securing the repayment of the money so borrowed, with interest, to mortgage the undertaking, and the future calls on the shareholders, or to give bonds in manner hereinafter mentioned. 48. If, after having borrowed any part of the money so authorized to be borrowed on mortgage or bond, the company pays off the same, it shall be lawful for it again to borrow the amount so paid off, and so from time to time ; but such power of re-borrowing shall not be exercised without the authority of a general meeting of the company, unless the money is so re-borrowed in order to pay off any existing mortgage or bond. 49. — (1.) Where by the Special Ordinance the company is restricted from borrowing any money on mortgage or bond until a definite portion of its capital has been subscribed or paid up, or where, by this or the Special Oi'dinance, the authority of a general meeting is required for such borrowing, the certificate of a Justice that such definite portion of the capital has been subscribed or paid up, and a copy of the order of a general meeting of the company authorizing the borrowing of any money, certified by one of the directors or by the secretary to be a true copy, shall be suflicient evidence of the fact of the capital required to be subscribed or paid up' having been so sub- scribed or paid up, and of the order for borrowing money having been made. (2.) On production to any Justice of the Books of the company and of such other evidence as he may think sufficient, such Justice shall grant the certificate aforesaid. 50. — (1.) Every mortgage of the undertaking, or of the future calls on the shareholders for securing money borrowed by the company, shall be passed and executed before one of the Judges of the Supreme Coart (who is hereby authorized to pass the same) in the same manner as mortgages on immovable property are or may be required by law to be passed and executed, and shall be advertised in the same manner as mortgages ^on immovable property situate within the County of Demerara are or may be required by law to be advertised. (2.) Every person who would have a right to oppose the passing of such mortgage, if such proposed mortgage were a mortgage on specific imiiiova))le property of the company situate witliin tlie said County sliall have a right to opi)Ose die passing of such mortgage. (3.) The consideration fo.r such mortgage shall be truly stated in the mortgage deed. (1.) Every such mortgage rijay be in the Form No. 3 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance : Provided always that nothing in this A.D. 1877.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 527 section shall l)e construed to extend to mortgages on any specific im- movable property of the Company within the Colony, and all such mortgages shall be made, passed, and executed in such manner and form as are now or may from time to time be prescribed l>y law and in the same manner as if this Ordinance had not been passed. 5 1 . The respective mortgagees shall be entitled to their respective portions of the tolls, sums, and premises comprised in such mortgages and of the future calls payable by the shareholders, if comprised tliere- in, and to be repaid the sums so advanced, with interest, according to their several priorities and rights as ascertained and determined by the said mortgages. 52. No such mortgage (although it should comprise future calls on the shareholders) shall, unless expressly so provided, preclude the company from receiving and applying to the purposes of the company any calls to be made by the company. 53. — (1.) Every bond for securing money borrowed by the company may l^e in the Form No. 4 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and the consideration shall be truly stated therein. (2.) The respective obligees in such bonds shall proportionally, according to the amount of the moneys secured thereby, be entitled to be paid, out of tolls or other property or effects of the company, the respective sums in such bonds mentioned and thereby intended to be secured, without any preference, one above another, by reason of the priority of date of any such bond or of the meeting at which the same was authorized, or otherwise howsoever, and without any preference over any other creditor. 54. — (1.) A register of mortgages and bonds shall be kept by the secretary, and, within fourteen days after the date of any such mort- gage or bond, an entry, or memorial, specifying the num])er and date of such mortgage or bond, and the sums secured thereby, and the names of the parties thereto, with their proper additions, shall be made in such register. (2.) Such register may be perused at all reasonable times by any of the shareholders, or by any mortgagee or bond creditor of the company, or by any person interested in any such mortgage or bond, without fee or reward. 55.— (1.) Any person entitled to any such mortgage or bond may from time to time transfer his right and interest therein to any other person. (2.) Every such transfer shall be by instrument in writing, wherein the consideration shall be truly stated. (3.) Every such transfer shall ])e recorded in the Registrar's Office for the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo. (4.) Every transfer of a bond may be in the Form No. 5 contained in the Schedule to this Oi'dinance or to the like effect. 56.— (1.) Within thirty days after the date of every such transfer, if executed within the Colony, or otherwise within tliirty days after the arrival thereof, in the Colony, it shall be produced to the secretary, and thereupon the secretary shall cause an entry or memorial thereof to be made in the same manner as in the case of the original mortgage, Rights of mortgagees. Application of calls not- withstanding mortgage. Form of bond and rights of obligees. Schedule : Form No. 4. Register of mortgages and bonds. Right and mode of transfer of mortgage or bond. Schedule : Form No. o. Registration of transfer of mortgage or bond. 528 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877 Payment of interest on money borrowed. Repayment of money borrowed at time fixed. Repayment of money borrowed where no time fixed. Cesser of interest on expiration of notice to pay off mortgage or bond. Power in cer- tain cases for mortgagees to enforce and after such entry every such transfer shall entitle the transferee to the full benefit of the original mortgage or bond in all respects. (2.) No party having made such transfer shall have jiower to make void, release, or discharge the mortgage or bond so transferred or any money thereby secured. (3.) For such entry the Company may demand a sum not exceed- ing the prescribed sum, or, if no sum is prescribed, the sum of one dollar ; and until such enti-y the company shall not be in any manner responsible to the transferee in respect of such mortgage. 57. The interest of the money borrowed upon any such mortgage or bond shall be paid at the periods appointed in such mortgage or bond, and, if no period is appointed, half-yearly, to the several parties en- titled thereto, and in preference to any dividends payable to the share- holders of the company. 58. The company may, if it thinks proper, fix the period for the repayment of the principal money so borrowed, with the interest thereof ; and in such case the company shall cause such period to be inserted in the mortgage deed or bond, and, upon the expiration of such period, the princij^al sum, together with the arrears of interest thereon, shall, on demand, be paid to the party entitled to such mort- gage deed or bond, and if no other place of payment is inserted in such mortgage deed or bond, such principal and interest shall be pay- able at the principal office or place of business of the company in this Colony or elsewhere, as the case may require. 59. — (1.) If no time is fixed in the mortgage deed or bond for the repayment of the money so borrowed, the party entitled to the mort- gage or bond may, at the expiration or at any time after the expiration of twelve months from the date of such mortgage or bond, demand payment of the principal money thereby secured, with all arrears of interest, upon giving six months' previous notice for that purpose ; and in the like case the company may at any time pay otf the money borrowed on giving the like notice. (2.) Every such notice shall be in writing or print, or both, and if given by a mortgagee or bond creditor, shall be delivered to the secretary or left at the principal office of the Company in this Colony, or elsewhere, as the case may require, and, if given by the company, shall be given either personally to such mortgagee or bond creditor, or left at his residence, or, if such mortgagee or bond creditor is unknown to the directors or cannot after diligent enquiry be found, such notice shall be given by advertisement in The London Gazette and The Official Gazette of the Colony, and in some newspaper as hereinafter mentioned. 60. If the company has given notice of its intention to pay off any such mortgage or bond, at a time when the same may lawfully be paid oft' by it, then at the expiration of such notice all further intei-cst shall cease to be payable on such mortgage or bond, unless, on demand of payment made pursuant to such notice or at any time thereafter, the company fails to pay the principal and interest due at the expiration of such notice on such mortgage or Ijond. 61. The mortgagees of the company shall be ('in]i()werod to enforce the, ])ayinent of the arrears of interest, or of the ai'i-cars of i)riiicipal and interest; due on such mortgages, by the appointment of a receiver, A.D. 1877.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 529 and if within thirty days after the interest accruing upon any such payment of mortgage has become payable and after demand thereof in writing, terestbv '" the same is not paid, the mortgagee may, without prejudice to his appointment right to sue for the interest so in arrear in any Court of competent ^^ receiver, jurisdiction, require the appointment of a receiver, by an application to be made as hereinafter provided ; and if, within six months after the principal money or any instalment thereof owing upon any such mortgage has become payable and after demand thereof in writing, the same is not paid, the mortgagee, without prejudice to his right to sue for such principal money, together with all arrears of interest, in any Court of competent jurisdiction, may require the appointment of a receiver, by an application to be made as hereinafter provided. 62. — (1.) Every application for a receiver in the cases aforesaid Application shall be made to one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of British appoiiitment Guiana in its civil jurisdiction ; and, on any such application, it of receiver, shall be lawful for such Judge, by order in writing, after hearing the parties, to appoint some person to receive the whole or a competent part of the tolls or sums liable to the payment of such interest or such principal and interest, as the case may be, until such interest, or until such principal and interest, as the case may be, together with all costs, including the charges of receiving the tolls or sums aforesaid, has or have been fully paid. (2.) On such appointment being made, all such tolls and sums of money as aforesaid shall be paid to and received by, the person so to be appointed ; and the money so to be received shall be so much money received by or to the use of the party to whom such interest or such principal and interest, as the case may be, is or are then due, and on whose behalf such receiver has been appointed. (3.) After such interest and costs, or such principal, interest, and costs, have been so received, the power of such receiver shall cease. 63. At all seasonable times the books of account of the company shall be open to the inspection of the respective mortgagees and bond creditors thereof, with liberty to take extracts therefrom, without fee or reward. 64. Money bori'owed by the company for the purpose of paying off, and duly applied in paying off, mortgages or bonds of the company given or made under the statutory powers of the Company shall, so far as the same is so applied, be deemed money borrowed within and not in excess of such statutory powers. Right of access by mortgagees, etc., to books of account. Effect of bor- rowing monej- for j)aying off mortgage, etc. PART IX. Conversion of Borrowed Money into Capital. 65. It shall be lawful for the company, if it thinks fit, unless it is power to otherwise provided by the Special Ordinance, to raise the additional raise money sum which the company is authorized to borrow, or any part thereof, by creating new shares of the company instead of borrowing the same, or, having borrowed the same, to continue at interest only a part of such additional sum, and to raise part thereof by creating new shares ; but no such augmentation of the capital as aforesaid shall take place without the previous authority of a general meeting of the company. by creating new shares, etc. 530 No. 4.J THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. Character of new shares. Right of sliareholders, if existing shares are at a premium, to subscribe for new shares. Dealing with new shares. Case of exist- ing shares not being at a premium. 66. The capital so to be raised by the creation of new shares shall be considered as part of the general capital, and shall be subject to the same provisions in all respects, whether with reference to the j^ayment of calls or the forfeiture of shares on non-payment of calls, or other- wise, as if it had been part of the original capital, except as to the times of making calls for such additional capital, and the amount of such calls, which respectively it shall be lawful for the company from time to time to fix as it may think fit. 67. If, at the time of any such augmentation of capital taking place by the creation of new shares, the then existing shares are at a premium or of greater actual value than the nominal value thereof, then, unless it is otherwise provided by the Special Ordinance, the sum so to be raised shall be divided into shares of such amount as will conveniently allow the same to be apportioned among the then shareholders in proportion to the existing shares held by them re- spectively ; and such new shares shall be offered to the then share- holders in the jDroportion aforesaid, and such offer shall be made by letter under the hand of the secretary given to or sent by post addressed to each shareholder according to his address in the shareholders' address book, or left at his usual or last place of abode. 68. The said new shares shall vest in and belong to the share- holders who may accept the same and pay the value thereof to the company at the time and by the instalments which may be fixed by the company ; and if any shareholder fails, for one month after such offer of new shares, to accept the same and pay the instalments called for in respect thereof, it shall be lawful for the company to dispose of such shares in such manner as it may deem most for the advantage of the company. 69. Tf, at the time of such augmentation of capital taking place, the existing shares are not at a premium, then such new shares may be of such amount, and may be issued in such manner and on such terms, as the company may think fit. Creation and issue of new ordinary shares or new ordinary stock. Part X. Additional Capital. 70. Where any company, incorporated either before or after the commencement of this Ordinance for the purpose of carrying on any undertaking, is authorized l)y any Special Ordinance hereafter passed, and incorporating this Part, to raise any additional sum or sums by the issue of new ordinary shares, or by the issue of new ordinary stock, or (at the option of the company) by either of those modes, then and in every such case the company, with the sanction of such proportion of the votes of the shareholders and stockholders entitled to vote in that behalf at a meeting of the company, present, either personally or l)y proxy, at a meeting of the company specially convened for the purpose, as may be prescribed in the Special Ordinance and, if no pro- portion is prescrilx^d, then of three-fifths of such votes, may, for the purpose of raising the additional sum or sums, from time to time create and issue (according as the authority given by the Special Ordinance extends to shares only, or to stock only, or to l>oth) such new ordinary K.Ti. IS'T'y.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 531 shares, of such nominal amount, and subject to the payment of calls of such amounts and at such times as the company may think fit, or such new ordinary stock as the company may think fit. 71. Where any such company is authorized by any Special Ordin- Creation and ance to raise any additional sum or sums by the issue of new prefer- issue of new ence shares, or by tlie issue of new preference stock, or (at the option siif^es^^o^new of the company) by either of those modes, then and in every such jireference case the company with the like sanction as aforesaid, may, for the stock, purpose of raising such additional sum or sums, from time to time create and issue (according as the authority given by tlie Special Ordinance extends to shares only, or to stock only, or to both) such new shares or new stock, either ordinary or preference, and either of one class and with like privileges or of several classes and with different privileges, and of the same or diiferent amounts, and respec- tively with any fixed, fluctuating, contingent, preferential, perpetual, terminable, preferred, or other dividend or interest, not exceeding the rate prescribed in the Special Ordinance, and, if no rate is prescribed, then not exceeding the rate of six dollars per cent, per annum, and subject (as to any such new shares) to the payment of calls of such amounts and at such time as the company may from time to time think fit : Provided always that any preference assigned to any shares or stock so issued under the Special Ordinance shall not affect any guarantee, or any preference or priority in the payment of dividend or interest on any shares or stock, which may have been granted by the company under or confirmed by any previous Ordinance or may be otherwise lawfully subsisting. 72. The preference shares or preference stock so issued shall be Right of pre- entitled to the preferential dividend or interest assigned thereto, out of ference shares the profits of each year, in priority to the oi-dinary shares and ordinary stock of the company ; but if in any year ending on the day prescribed in the Special Oi^dinance, and, if no day is prescribed, then on the thirty-first day of December, there are not profits available for the payment of the full amount of pi'eferential dividend or interest for that year, no part of the deficiency shall be made good out of the profits of any subsequent year or out of any other funds of the company. 73. The terms and conditions to which any preference share or Terms, etc., preference stock is subject shall be clearly stated on the certificate of to be stated that preference share or portion of preference stock. °^ '^^^ mcatc. 74. If, after having created new shares or new stock, the company Cancellation determines not to issue the whole of the new shares or new stock, it of unissued 1 J , . 1 1 J > sliares and may cancel tlie unissued new shares or new stock. stock. 75. If, at the time of. the issue of new shares or new stock, the Eight of ordinary shares or ordinary stock of the company are or is at a ordmary share premium, then, unless the company before the issue of the new shares ijoijers if or new stock otherwise determines, the new shares or new stock then existing or- issued shall be of such amount as will conveniently allow the same to dinary shares be apportioned among the then holders of the ordinary stock and ^ premium, to ordinary shares respectively, in proportion, as nearly as convenienth' subscribe for may be, to the ordinary shares and ordinary stock held by them "^Tck ^^"^^^ ^"^ respectively, and shall be offered to them at par in that proportion : Pi-ovided that it shall not be obligatory on the company so to apportion 532 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. or offer any new shares or new stock unless the amount of every new share or portion of new stock to be so offered would, if so apportioned, be at least the sum prescribed in the Special Ordinance, and, if no sum is prescribed, then at least fifty dollars. Mode of offering new shares or stock. Vesting of new shares or stock. Disposal of new shares or stock to others than shareholders. General power to dispose of unappro- priated new shares and stock. 76. The offer of new shares or new stock shall be made by letter under the hand of the treasurer or secretary of the company given to every such shareholder or stockholder as aforesaid, or sent by post addressed to him according to his address in the shareholders' or stockholders' address book, or left for him at his usual or then last known place of abode ; and every such offer made by letter sent by post shall be considered as made on the day on which the letter, in due course of delivery, ought to be delivered at the place to which it is addressed. 77. The new shares or portions of new stock so offered shall vest in and belong to the shareholders or stockholders who accept the same or their nominees. 78. If any shareholder or stockholder fails, for the time prescribed in the Special Ordinance, and, if no time is prescribed, then for one month after the offer to him of new shares or new stock, to signify his acceptance of the same or any part thereof, then and in ever} such case, at the expiration of that period, he shall be deemed to have declined the offer of such new shares or new stock or such part thereof as aforesaid, and the same may be disposed of by the company as hereinafter provided : Provided that where a shai'eholder or stock- holder, from absence abroad or other cause satisfactory to the directors of the company, omits to signify within the time aforesaid his acceptance of the new shares or new stock offered to him, the directors may, if they think proper, permit him to accept the same, notwithstanding that such time has elapsed. 79. Subject to the preceding provisions, the company may from time to time dispose of jiqw shares and new stock at such times, to such persons, on such terms and conditions, and in such manner as the directors may think advantageous to the company. PART XI. Consolidation op Shares into Stock. Power to con- 80. It shall be lawful for the company from time to time, with the solidate shares consent of three-fifths of the votes of the shareholders present, either in o s oc . personally or by proxy, at any general meeting of the company held in the Colony or elsewhere, when due notice for that purpose has been given, to convert or consolidate all or any part ot; the shares then existing in the capital of the company, and in respect whereof the whole money subscribed has be(;n paid up, into a general capital stock, to be divided amongst the shareholders according to their i-espective interests therein. Right of 81. — (1.) After such conversion or consolidation has taken place, proprietors of ^11 tlu! provisions contained in tliis or tho Spc^cial Ordinance which fer^same ^^^^ require or imply that the capital of the company shall be divided into shares of any fixed amount and distinguished by numbers shall, as to A.D. 1877.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 533 so much of the capital as may have been so converted or consolidated into stock, cease and be of no effect, and the several holders of such stock may thenceforth transfer their respective inter(!sts therein, or any parts of such interests, in the same manner and subject to the same regulations and provisions as or according to which any shares in the capital of the company might be transferred under the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance. (2.) The company shall cause an entry to be made, in some book to be kept for that purpose, of every such transfer, and for every such entry the company may demand any sum not exceeding the prescribed amount, or, if no amount is prescribed, a sum not exceeding one dollar. 82. The company shall from time to time cause the names of the several parties who may be interested in any such stock as aforesaid, with the amount of the interest therein possessed by them respectively, to be entered in a book to be kept for the purpose and to be called the " Register of Holders of Consolidated Stock ; ' and such book shall be accessible at all reasonable times to the holders of shares or stock in the undertaking. 83. The several holders of such stock shall be entitled to participate in the dividends and profits of the company, according to the amount of their respective interests in such stock, and such interest shall in proportion to the amount thereof confer on the holders thereof respec- tively the same privileges and advantages, for the' purpose of voting at meetings of the company, qualification for the office of director, and for other purposes, as would have been conferred by shares of equal amount in the capital of the company, but so that none of such pi'ivileges or advantages, except the participation in the dividends and profits of the company, shall be conferred by any aliquot part of such amount of consolidated stock as would not, if existing in shares, have conferred such privileges or advantages respectively. 84. All the money raised by .the company, whether by subscriptions of the shareholders or by loan or otherwise, shall be apjilied, first, in paying the costs and expenses incurred in obtaining the Special Ordinance and all expenses incident thereto, and, secondly, in carrying the purposes of the company into execution. Register of Holders of Consolidated Stock. Rights of proprietors of stock to dividends and profits. Application of capital. PART XII. Debenture Stock. 85. Where any company, incorporated either before or after the Creation and commencement of this Ordinance for the purpose of carrying on any Jf '^^^ °^ ^ undertaking, is authorized by any Special Ordinance to raise money on stock, mortgage or to create and issue debenture stock, then and in every such case the company, subject to the restrictions contained in the Special Ordinance, with the sanction of such proportion of tlie votes of the shareholders and stockholders entitled to vote in that behalf at meetings of the company, present, either personally or by proxy, at a meeting of the company specially convened for the purpose, as may be prescribed in the Special Ordinance, and, if no proportion is prescribed, then of three-fifths of such votes, may from time to time raise all or any part of the money which for the time being it has raised or is 534 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. Priority of charge of debenture stock. Priorit}' of charge for interest on debenture stock. Power in certain cases for holder of debenture stock to enforce payment of arrears by appointment of receiver. authorized to raise, on mortgage by the creation and issue at such times, in such amounts and manner, on such terms, subject to such conditions, and with such rights and privileges, as the company may think fit, of stock to be called " Debenture Stock," instead of and to the same amount as the whole or any part of the money which may for the time being be owing by the company on mortgage, or which it may, from time to time, have power to raise on mortgage, and may attach to the stock so created such fixed and perpetual preferential interest as the company may think fit. 86. Debenture Stock, with the interest thereon, shall be a charge upon the undertaking of the company prior to all shares or stock of the company, and shall be transmissible and transferable in the same manner, and according to the same regulations and provisions, as other stock of the company, and shall in all other respects have the incidents of personal estate and of moveable property. 87. The interest on debenture stock shall have priority of payment over all dividends or interest on any shares or stock of the company, whether ordinary, or preference, or guaranteed, and shall rank next to the interest payable on the mortgages for the time being of the com- pany legally granted before the creation of such stock ; but the holders of debenture stock shall not, as among themselves, be entitled to any preference or priority. 88. If, within thirty days after the interest on any such debenture stock is payable, the same is not paid, any one or more of the holders of the debenture stock holding, individually or collectively, the sum in nominal amount thereof prescribed in the Special Ordinance, and if no sum is prescribed, then a sum equal to one-tenth of the aggregate amount which the Company is for the time being authorized to raise by mortgage, by bond, and by debenture stock, or the sum of ten thousand pounds, whichever of the two last-mentioned sums is the smaller sum may (without prejudice to the right to sue in an}' Court of competent jurisdiction for the interest in arrear) require the appoint- ment of a receiver. Application for and appointment of receiver. 89.^(1.) Every such application for a receiver shall be made to one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction, and, on any such application, the Judge may, by order in writing, after hearing the parties, appoint some person to receive the whole or a competent part of the tolls or sums lial)le to the payment of the interest until all the arrears of interest then due on the deben- ture stock, with all costs, including the charges of receiving the tolls or sums, have been fvxlly paid. (2.) Up(m such appointment being made, all such tolls or sums shall be paid to and received l)y the person so appointed ; and all money so received shall be deemed so much money received by or to the use of the several persons interested in the same according to their several priorities. (3.) The receiver shall distribute rateably and without priority, among all the proprietors of debenture stock to whom interest is in arrear, the money which so comes into his hands, after applying a sutlicient part thereof in or towards satisfaction of the interest on the mortgages or bonds of the company. A.D. 1877.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 035 (k) As soon as the full iunouiit of interest and costs has been so received, the power of tlie receiver shall cease, and he shall be bound to account to the company for his acts ov intromissions or the sums received by him, and to pay over to the company any balance that may be in his hands. 90. If the interest on debenture stock is in arrear for thirty days Right to next after any of the respective days whereon the same is payable, the lecover arrears holder for the time being thereof may (without prejudice to his jjower actioiroTsiiit to apply for the apjiointment of a receiver) recover the arrears, with costs, by action or suit against the company in any Court of competent jurisdiction. 91. — (1.) The company shall cause entries of the debenture stock Registration from time to time created to be made in a register to l^e kept for that of debenture purpose, wherein they shall enter the names and addresses of the '^*"'^*'- several persons and corporations from time to time entitled to the debenture stock, with the I'espective amounts of the stock to which they are respectively entitled. (2.) The register shall be accessil)le for inspection and perusal at all reasonable times to eveiy mortgagee, bondholder, debenture stock holder, shareholder, and stockholder of the company without the pay- ment of any fee or charge. 92. The company shall deliver to every holder of debenture stock Delivery of a certificate stating the amount of debenture stock held by him ; and certificate to all regulations or provisions for the time being applicable to certifi- (jebenture cates of shares in the capital of the company shall, mutitis mutandis, stock, apply to certificates of debenture stock. 93. Nothing in this or the Special Ordinance authorizing the issue Mortgages and of debenture stock shall in any way affect a mortgage or bond at any Montis not to time legally granted by the company before the creation of such stock, [<.^xie of or any power of the company to raise money on mortgage or bond ; debenture but the holders of all such mortgages and bonds shall, during the ^^°'^^- continuance thereof respectively, be entitled to the same priorities, rights, and privileges in all respects as they would have been entitled to if the Special Ordinance authorizing the issue of debenture stock had not been passed. 94. Debenture stock shall not entitle the holders thereof to be status of present or vote at any meeting of the company, or confer any qualifi- holder of cation, but shall, in all respects, not otherwise by or under this or the stock! "^^ special Ordinance provided for, be considered as entitling the holders to the rights and powers of mortgagees of the undertaking other than the right to require repayment of the principal money paid up in respect of the debenture stock. 95. Money raised by debenture stock shall be applied exclusively Application of either in paying off money due by the company on mortgage or bond J"°"^y raisc'l or else for the purposes to which the same money would be applicable s'tock.'''" "''^ if it were raised on mortgage or bond instead of by debenture stock. 96. Separate and distinct accounts shall be kept by the company Keeping of showing how much money has been received for or on account of accounts of debenture stock, and how much money borrowed or owing on mort- stock, gage or bond, or which it has power so to borrow, has been paid off 536 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. Effect of raising money by debenture stock or borrowing powers. Application of Part xii. to mortgage preference stock and funded debt. Ijy debenture stock or raised thereby, instead of being borrowed on mortgage or bond. 97. The powers of borrowing and re-borrowing by the company shall, to the extent of the money raised by the issue of debenture stock, be extinguished. 98. The provisions of this Part shall be deemed to apply to mort- gage preference stock and to funded debt, as the case may require, in all respect as if mortgage preference stock or funded debt were men- tioned throughout this Part wherever debenture stock is mentioned therein. Ordinary general meetings. Business at ordinary meeting. Extraordinary general meetings. Business at extraordinary meetings. Power to shareholders to rofjuire extraordinary meeting to be held. PART XIII. General Meetings of Company and Exercise of Right op Voting by Shareholders. 99. — (1.) The first general meeting of the shareholders of the com- pany shall be held within the prescribed time, or, if no time is pre- scribed, within four months after the commencement of the Special Ordinance, and the future general meetings shall be held at the prescribed periods, and, if no periods are prescribed, in the months of January and July, in each year, or at such other stated periods as may be appointed for that purpose by an order of a general meeting. (2.) The meeting so appointed to be held as aforesaid shall be called " ordinary meetings," and all meetings, whether ordinary or extraordinary, shall be held in the prescribed place, if any, and, if no place is prescribed, then at some place to be appointed by the directors. 100. No matters, except such as are appointed by this or the Special Ordinance to be done at an ordinary meeting, shall be trans- acted at any such meeting, unless special notice of such matters has been given in the advertisement convening such meeting. 101. Every general meeting of the shareholders, other than an ordinary meeting, shall be called an " extraordinary meeting," and such meetings may be convened by the directors at such times as they may think fit. 102. No extraordinary meeting shall enter upon any business not set forth in the notice upon which it has been convened. 103. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the prescribed number of share- holders holding in the aggregate shares to the prescribed amount, or, were the number of share^holders or amount of shares is not prescribed, it shall be lawful for twenty or more shareholders holdiiig in the aggregate not less than one-tenth of the capital of the company, hj writing under their hands, at any time to require the directors to call an extraordinary meeting of the company. (2.) Such requisition shall fully express the object of the meeting required to be called, and shall be left at the office of the company, or given to at least three directors, or left at th(;ir last or usual places of abode. (3.) Forthwith upon the receipt of such requisition, the directors A.D. 1877.] COM FANIES'CLAUSE.'S AND POWERS. [No. 4. 537 shall convene a meeting of the shareholders, and if, for twenty-one days after such notice, the directors fail to call such meeting, the prescibed number of shart'holders, or such other number of shareholders as afore- said, qualified as aforesaid, may call such meeting by giving fourteen days' public notice thereof. 1 04. Fourteen days' public notice at the least of every general Notice of meeting, whether ordinary or extraordinary, shall be given by adver- "meeting, tisemeiit, which shall specify the place, tlie day, and the hour of meet- ing ; and every notice of an extraordinary meeting, or of an ordinary meeting, if any other business than the business hereby or by the Special Ordinance appointed for ordinary meetings is to be done thereat, shall specify the purpose for which the meeting is called. 1 05. — ( 1 . ) In order to constitute a general meeting (whether ordinary Quorum for or extraordinary) there shall be present, either personally or by proxy, general the prescribed (quorum, and, if no quorum is prescribed, then share- holders holding in the aggregate not less than one-twentieth of the capital of the company, and being in number not less than one for every two thousand five hundred dollars of such requii'ed proportion of capital, unless such number would be more than twenty, in which case twenty shareholders holding not less than one-twentieth of the capital of the company shall be the quorum. (2.) If, within one hour from the time appointed for such meeting, the said quorum is not present, no business shall be transacted at the meeting other than the declaring of a dividend, in case that is one of the objects of the meeting ; but such meeting shall, except in the case of a meeting for the election of directors, hereinafter mentioned, be held to be adjourned sine die. 106. At every general meeting one or other of the following persons chairman at shall preside as chairman, that is to say, the chairman of the directors, general or, in his absence, the deputy chairman, if any, or, in the absence of °^^^ ^^^' the chairman and deputy chairman, some one of the directors of the company to be chosen for that purpose by the meeting, or, in the absence of the chairman and deputy chairman and of all the directors, any shareholder to be chosen for that purpose by a majority of the shareholders present at such meeting. 107. — (I.) The shareholders present at any general meeting shall proceed in the execution of the powers of the company with respect to the matters for which such meeting has been convened, and those only. (2.) Every such meeting may be adjourned from time to time and from place to place ; and no business shall he transacted at any ad- journed meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which such adjournment took place. 108. At any general meeting every shareholder shall be entitled to vote according to the prescribed scale of voting, and, where no scale is prescribed, every shareholder shall have one vote for every share up to ten, and he shall have an additional vote for every five shares beyond the first ten shares held by him up to one hundred, and an additional vote for every ten shares held by him beyond the first hundred shares : Provided always that no shareholder shall be entitled to vote at any meeting unless he has paid all the calls then due upon the shares held by him. VOL. I. 37 Transaction business at meeting, and adjournment. Votes of shareholders. 538 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. Mode- of voting. Schedule : Forii No. 'i. Regulations as to proxies. Votes of joint shareholders. Votes of lunatics, etc. Evidence of proceeding having been carried by requisite majority. 109. — (1.) The votes may be given, either personally or by proxies, being shareholders authorized by writing according to the Form No. 6 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, or in a form to the like effect, under the hand of the shareholder nominating such proxy, or, if such shareholder is a corporation, then under its common seal. (2.) Every proposition at any general meeting shall be determined by the majority of votes of the parties present, including proxies, the chairman of the meeting being entitled to vote not only as a principal and proxy, but to have a casting vote, if there is an equality of votes. 110. No person shall be entitled to vote as a proxy unless the in- strument appointing such proxy has been transmitted to the secretary of the company within the prescribed period, or, if no period is pre- scribed, not less than twenty-four hours before the time ajjpointed for holding the meeting at which such proxy is to be used. 111. If several persons are jointly entitled to a share, the person whose name stands first in the register of shareholders as one of the holders of such share shall, for the purpose of voting at any meeting, be deemed the sole proprietor thereof, and on all occasions the vote of such first named shareholder, either in person or by proxy, shall be allowed as the vote in respect of such share without proof of the con- currence of the other holders thereof. 112. If any shareholder is a lunatic or idiot, or a fatuous person, or a person wdiose estate is under the administration of a curator, such lunatic, idiot, fatuous person, or person as aforesaid may vote by his tutor, curator, or other person appointed to manage his estate, and if any shareholder is a minor, he may vote by his guardians or curators, or any one of them, and e\^ery such vote may be given either in person or V)y proxy. 113. Whenever in this or the Special Ordinance the consent of any particular majority of votes at any general meeting is required in order to authoi'ize any proceeding of the company, such particular majority sliall only be re([uired to be proved in the event of a poll being demanded at such meeting, and, if such poll is not demanded, then a declaration by the chairman that the resolution authorizing sucli pi'oceeding has been carried, and an entry to that eff'ect in the book of proceedings of the company, shall be sufficient authority for such pro- ceeding, without proof of the number or proportion of votes recorded in favour of or against the same. Number of directors. Increase or reduction of number of directors. PART XIV. Appointment and Rotation of Dirkctous. 114. The number of directors shall be the prescribed number. 115. Where the company is authorized by the Special Ordinance to increase or to reduce tli(! number of the directors, it shall be lawful for the company from time to time in general meeting, after due notice for tliat purpose, to increase or reduce tlu^ number of the directors williin the prescribed limits, if any, and to determine the order of A.D. 1877.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 539 rotation in which such ineveasorl or rfdiiced number sliall j^o out of office, and what nuuihei- shall 1)h a (juoruni at their meetings. 116. — (1.) Tlie directors appointed ])y the Special Ordinance shall, uidess thereby otherwise provided, continue in office until the first ordinary meeting to be held in the year next after that in which the Special Ordinance has been passed ; and at such meeting the shareholders present, personally or by proxy, may either con- tinue in office the directors appointed by the Special (Ordinance, or any number of them, or may elect a new body of directors, or directors to supply tlie places of those not continued in office, the directors appointed by the Special Ordinance being eligible as members of such new body. (2.) At the first ordinary meeting to be held every year thereafter, the shareholders present, personally or by proxy, shall elect persons to supply the places of the directors then retiring from office, agreeable to the provisions hereinafter contained ; and the several persons elected at any such meeting, being neither removed nor disqualified nor having resigned, sliall continue to be directors until others are elected in their stead, as hereinafter mentioned. 117. If, at any meeting at which an election of directors ought to take place, the prescribed quorum is not present within one hour from the time appointed for the meeting, no election of directors shall be made, but such meeting shaM stand adjourned to the following day at the same time and place ; and if at the meeting so adjourned, the pre- scribed quorum is not present within one hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the existing directors shall continue to act and retain their powers until new directors are appointed at the first ordinary meeting of the following year. 118. No person shall be capable of being a director unless he is a shareholder, nor unless he is possessed of the prescribed number, if any, of shares, and no person liolding an ofiice or place of trust or profit under the company, or interested in any contract with the com- pany, shall be capable of being a director ; and no director shall be capable of accepting any other office or place of trust or profit under tlie company, or of l)eing interested in any contract with the company, during the time in which he is a director. 119. If any director, at any time subsequently to his election, accepts or continues to hold any other office or place of trust or profit under the company, or is, either directly or indirectly, concei'ned in any contract with the company, or participates in any manner in the profits of any work to be done for the company, or if such director at any time ceases to be a holder of the prescribed number of shares in the company, then, in any of the cases aforesaid, the office of such director shall become vacant, and thenceforth he shall cease from voting or acting as a director : Provided always that no person, being a shareholder or member of any incorporated joint stock company, shall be disqualified or prevented from acting as a director by reason of any contract entered into between such joint stock company and the company incorporated by the Special Ordinance ; but no such director, being a shareholder or member of such joint stock company, shall vote on any question as to any contract with such joint stock company. Election of clirectoru. Contiuuance of existing directors on failure of meeting for election of directors. Qualifications of director. Vacation of office by director. VOL. I. 37a 540 No. 4.] THE LA WH OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. Rotation of directois. Filling of occasional vacancies among directors. 120. The directors appointed by the Special Ordinance and con- tinued in office as aforesaid, or the directors elected to supply the places of those retiring as aforesaid, shall, subject to the provision hereinbefore contained for increasing or reducing the number of directors, retire from office at the times and in the proportions fol- lowing ; the persons to retire being in each instance determined by ballot among the directors, unless they otherwise agree, that is to say,— (1.) At the end of the first year after the first election of directors, the jjrescribed number, and, if no number is prescribed, one-third of such directors, to be determined by ballot among themselves, unless they otherwise agree, shall go out of office ; (2.) At the end of the second year, the prescribed number, and, if no number is prescribed, one-half of the remaining number of such directors, to be determined in like manner, shall go out of office ; (3.) At the end of the third year, the prescribed number, and, if no number is prescribed, the remainder of such directors shall go out of office ; and (4.) Tn each instance the places of the retiring directors shall be supplied hj an equal number of qualified shareholders ; and at the first ordinary meeting in every subsequent year the prescribed number, and, if no numl)er is prescribed, one-third of the directors, being those who have been longest irkoffiee, shall go out of office, and their places shall be supplied in like manner; but, neverthe less, every director so retiring from office may be re-elected imme- diately or at any future time, and after such re-election shall, with reference to the going out by rotation, be considered as a new director : Provided always that, if the prescribed number of direc- tors is some number not divisible l^y three, and the number of directors to retire is not prescribed, the directors shall in each case determine what number of directors, as nearly one-third as may be, shall go out of office, so that the whole number shall go out of office in three years. 121. If any director dies, or resigns, or becomes disqualified or in- competent to act as a director, or ceases to be a director by any other cause than that of going out of office by rotation as aforesaid, the re- maining directors, if they think proper to do so, may elect in his place some other shareholder duly qualified to he a director ; and the share- holder so elected to fill up any such vacancy shall continue in office as a director so long only as the person in whose place he may have been elected would have been entitled to continue if he had remained in office. General powers of directors. PART XV. Powers op Directors, and Powers of Company, to re EXERCISED ONLY IN GENERAL MeETINO. 122. The directors shall have the management and superintendence of the affairs of the company, and they may lawfully exercise all the powers of the company, except as to such matters as are directed by this or the Special Ordinance to be transacted by a general meeting of A.D. 1877.] COMPANIES' CLAU^E^ AND POWERS. [No. 4. 541 the company but all the powers so to be exercised shall be exercised in accoi'dance with and subject to the provisions of this and the Special Ordinance, and the exercise of all such powers shall he subject also to the control and regulation of any general meeting specially convened for the purpose, but not so as to render invalid any act done by the dii-ectors prior to any resolution passed by such general meeting. 123. Except as otherwise provided by the Special Ordinance, tlie Reservation following powers of the company, that is to say, the choice and removal P* powers to .. 1)6 Gxcrcisccl of the directors, except as hereinbefore mentioned, and the increasing only in general or reducing of their number were authorized by the Special Ordinance, meeting. the choice of auditors, the determination as to the remuneration of the directors, auditors, treasurer, and secretary, the determination as to the amount of money to be borrowed on mortgage, the determination as to the augmentation of capital, and the declaration of dividends, shall be exercised only at a general meeting of the company. PART XVI. PROCEEDmOS AND LIABILITIES OP DIRECTORS. 124. — (1.) The directors shall hold meetings at such times as they may appoint for the purpose, and they may meet and adjourn as they think proper from time to time and from place to place. (2.) At any time any two of the directors may require the secretary to call a meeting of the directors. (•3.) In oi'der to constitute a meeting of directors there shall be present at least the prescribed quorum, and, if no quorum is prescribed, there shall be present at least one-third of the directors. (4.) All questions at any such meeting shall be determined by the majority of votes of the directors present, and, in case of an equal division of votes, the chairman shall have a casting vote, in addition to his vote as one of the directors. Meeting of directors. 125. — (1.) At the first meeting of the directors held after the commencement of the Special Ordinance, and at the first meeting of the directors held after each annual appointment of directors, the directors present at such meeting shall choose one of the directors to act as chairman of the directors for the year following such choice, and shall also, if they think fit, choose another director to act as deputy chairman for the same period. (2.) If the chairman or deputy chairman dies, or resigns, or ceases to be a director, or otherwise becomes disqualified to act, the directors present at the meeting next after the occurrence of such vacancy shall choose some other of the directors to fill such vacancy. (3.) Every such chairman or deputy chairman so elected as last aforesaid shall continue in office so long only as the person in whose place he may be so elected would have been entitled to continue if such death, resignation, removal, or disqualification had not happened. 1 26. If, at any meeting of the directors, neither the chairman nor the deputy chairman, if any, is present, the directors present shall choose some one of their number to be chairman of such meeting. Election of chairman of directors and, if thought fit, of deimty chairman. Choosing of occasional chairman, in absence of regular chairman. 542 No. 4.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. Power to directors to appoint com- mittees. Proceedings of committee. 127. It shall be lawful for the directors to appoint one or more committees, consisting of such number of directors as they may think fit, within the prescribed limits, if any, and they may grant to such committees respectively power on behalf of the company to do any acts relating to the affairs of the company which the directors could lawfully do, and which they may from time to time think proper to entrust to them. 128. A committee may meet from time to time, and may adjourn from place to place, as they may think proper for carrying into effect the purposes of their appointment ; and no such committee shall exercise the powers entrusted to them except at a meeting at which there is present the prescribed quorum, or, if no quorum is prescribed, then a quorum to be fixed for that purpose by the genei'al body of directors ; and at all meetings of the committee one of the members present shall be apjjointed chairman ; and all questions at any meeting of the committee shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present, and, in case of an equal division of votes, the chair- man shall have a casting vote, in addition to his vote as a member of the committee. Exercise of power of making con- tracts on behalf of company. Piccording of I)roceedings of company, etc , and effect thereof as evidence. 129. The power which may be granted to any such committee to make contracts, as well as the power of the directors to make contracts on behalf of the company, may lawfully be exercised as follows, that is to say, — ■ (1.) With respect to any contract which, if made between private persons, would by law be required to be in writing, and signed by the parties to be charged therewith, then such committee or the directors may make such contract on behalf of the company in writing, either under the common seal of the company or signed by the members of such committee, or any two of them, or any two of the directors, and in the same manner may vary or discharge the same ; (2.) With respect to any contract which, if made between private persons, would by law be valid, although made by parol only, and not reduced into writing, such committee or the directors may make such contract on behalf of the company by parol only, with- out writing, and in the same manner may vary or discharge the same ; and (3.) All contracts made according to the provisions herein contained shall be effectual in law, and shall be binding upon the company and their successors, and all other parties thei'eto, their heirs, exe- cutors, or administrators, as the case may be, and on any default in the execution of any such contract, either V)y the company or any other party thereto, such actions or suits may be brought, either by or against the company, as might be brought if the same contracts had been made between private persons only. 130. — (1.) The directors shall cause notes, minutes, or copies, as the case may require, of all appointments made or contracts entered into l)y the directors, and of the orders and proceedings of all meetings of the company, and of the directors and committees of directors, to be fluly entered in books to be from time to time provided for the pur- pose, which shall be kept under the superintendence of the directors, A.D. 1877.] COMPAXIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 543 and every .such entry shall be signed by the chairman of such meeting. (2.) Every such entry so signed shall be received as evidence in all Courts, and before all Judges, Justices, and others, without proof of such respective meetings having been duly convened or held, or of the persons making or entering such orders or proceedings being share- holders, or directors, or members of connnittee respectively, or of the signature of the chairman, or of the fact of his having been chairman, all of which last-mentioned matters shall be presumed until the con- trary is proved. 131. All acts done by any meeting of the directors or of a com- mittee of directors, or by any person acting as a director, shall, iKjt- withstanding it may be afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any such directors or persons acting as aforesaid, or that they or any of them were or was disqualified, be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was qualified to be a director. 132. — (1. ) No director, by being party to or executing in his capa- city of director any contract or other instrument on behalf of the com- pany, or otherwise lawfully executing any of the powers given to the directors, shall be subject to be sued or prosecuted, either individually or collectively, by any person whomsoever ; and the bodies, or goods, or lands of the directors shall not be liable to execution of any legal process by reason of any contract or other instrument so entered into, signed, or executed by them or by reason of any other lawful act done by them in the execution of any of their powers as directors. (2.) The directors, their heirs, executors, and administrators, shall be indemnified out of the capital of the company for all payments made or liability incurred in respect of any acts so done by them, and for all losses, costs, and damages which they may incur in the execution of the powers granted to them ; and the directors for the time being of the company may apply the existing funds and capital of the company for the purposes of such indemnity, and may, if necessary for that purpose, make calls of the capital remaining unpaid, if any. Validity of acts of direc- tors, notwith- standing defect in appointment, etc. Exclusion of personal liability of director on contract made on ])elialf of coraj^auy. PART XVII. Appointment and Duties of Auditors 133. — (1.) Except where by the Special Ordinance auditors are Election and directed to be appointed otherwise than by the company, tlte comj)any tenure of offic shall, at the first ordinary meeting after the commencement of the Special Ordinance, elect the prescribed number of auditors, and, if no number is prescribed, two auditors, in like manner as is provided for the election of directors ; and, at the first ordinary mc^eting of the company in each year thereafter, the company shall in like manner elect an auditor to supply the place of the auditor then retiring from oftice according to the provision hereinafter contained. (2.) Every auditor elected as hereinbefore provided, l)eing neither removed, nor disqualified, nor having resigned, shall continue to he an auditor until another is elected in his stead. 544 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. Disqualifica- tion of auditor. dotation of auditors. Filling vacan- cies among auditors. Failure of meeting for appointment of auditor. Delivery of accounts to auditors. Duty of auditors. Powers of auditors. 134. No auditor shall hold any office in the company, nor may he be in any manner interested in its concerns, except as a shareholder. 135. One of the auditors (to be determined in the first instance by Ijallot between themselves, unless they otherwise agree, and afterwards by seniority), shall go out of office at the first ordinary meeting in each year ; but the auditor so going out of office shall be immediately re-eligible, and after any such re-election shall, with respect to the going out of office by rotation; be deemed a new auditor. 136. If any vacancy takes place among the auditors in the course of the current year, then, at any general meeting of the company, the vacancy may, if the company thinks fit, be supplied by election of the shareholders. 137. The provision of this Ordinance respecting the failure of any ordinary meeting at which directors ought to be chosen shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to any ordinary meeting at which an auditor ought to be appointed. 138. The directors shall deliver to the auditors the half-yearly or other periodical accounts and balance-sheet six days at the least before the ensuing ordinary meeting at which the same are required to be produced to the shareholders, as hereinafter provided. 139. It shall be the duty of the auditors to receive from the directors the half-yearly or other periodical accounts and balance-sheet required to be presented to the shareholders, and to examine the same. 140. It shall be lawful for the auditors to employ such account- ants and other persons as they may think proper, at the expense of the company, and they shall either make a special report on the said accounts or simply comfirm the same, and such report or confirmation shall be read, together with the report of the directors, at the ordinary meeting. PART XVIII. Accountability of Officers of Company. Taking of 141. Before any person entrusted with the custody or control of security from ixioneys, whether treasurer, collector, or other officer of the company, entnuited with enters upon his office, the directors shall take sufficient security from moneys. him for the faithful execution of his office. Liability of officer to account when required by directors. 142. — (1.) Every officer employed by the company shall from time to time, when required by the directors, make out and deliver to them, or to any person appointed by them for that purpose, a true and perfect account in writing, under his hand, of all moneys received by him on behalf of the company. (2.) Such account shall state how, and to whom, and for what purpose such moneys have been disposed of, and, together with such account, such officer shall deliver the vouchers and receipts for such payments ; and every such officer shall pay to the directors, or to any pei'soii appointed Ijy them to recidve tlie same, all moneys which may appear to be owing by him upon the balance of such accounts. A.D. 1877.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 545 143. — (1.) If any such officer fails to render such account, or to pro- duce and deliver up all the vouchers and receipts relating to the same in his possession or power, or to pay the balance thereof when thereunto required, or if, for three days after being thereunto roquii'cd, he fails to deliver up to the directors, or to any jxirson appointed Ijy them to receive the same, all papers and writings, property, effects, matters, and things in his possession or ])Ower relating to the execution of this or the Special Ordinance, or of any Ordinance incorporated therewith, or belonging to the company, then, on complaint thereof being made to a Justice, such Justice shall summon such officer to appear before a Justice at a time and place to be set forth in such summons, to answer such charge. (2.) On the appearance of such officer, or, in his absence, on proof that such summons was personally served upon him or left at his last known place of abode, such Justice may hear and determine the matter in a summary way, and may adjust and declare the balance owing by such officer ; and if it appears, either upon confession of such officer, or upon evidence, or upon inspection of the accounts, that any moneys of the company are in the hands of such officer or owing by him to the company, such Justice may order such officer to pay the same ; and, if he fails to pay the amount, it shall be lawful for such Justice to grant a warrant to levy the same by distress, or, in default thereof, to commit the offender to gaol, there to remain without bail for any term not exceeding three months, unless the same is sooner paid. 144. If any such officer refuses to make out such account in writing, or to produce and deliver to the Justice the several vouchers and receipts relating thereto, or to deliver up any books, papers, writings, property, effects, matters, or things in his possession or power belong- ing to the company, such Justice may lawfully commit such offender to prison, there to remain until he has delivered up all the vouchers and receipts, if any, in his possession or power, relating to such accounts, and has delivered up all books, papers, writings, property, effects, matters, and things, if any, in his possession or power belonging to the company : Provided always that if any director or other person acting on behalf of the company makes oath that he has good reason to believe, upon grounds to be stated in his deposition, and does believe, that it is the intention of any such officer as aforesaid to abscond, it shall be lawful for the Justice before whom the complaint is made, instead of issuing his summons, to issue his v arrant for bringing such officer before a Justice to answer the charge ; but no person executing such warrant shall keep such officer in custody longer than forty-eight hours, without bringing him before some Justice; and it shall be lawful for the Justice before whom such officer may be brought either to discharge such officer, if he thinks there is no sufficient ground for his detention, or to order such officer to be detained in custody, so as to be V)rought before a Justice at a time and place to be named in such order, unless such officer gives bail, to the satisfaction of such Justice, for his appearance before such Justice to answer the complaint of the company. 145. No such proceeding against or dealing with any such officer as aforesaid shall deprive the company of any remedy which it might otherwise have against such officer, or against any surety of such officer. Summarj' remedy against officer failing to account. Punishment of officer refusing to deliver up . documents, etc. Sa^^ng of other remedies against defaulting officer and his surety. 546 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. Keeping of accounts generally. Balancing of books. Right of inspection of Ijooks and accounts by shareholders. Production of balance-sheet at ordinary meeting. A])pointment of i)ook-keeper to enter accounts, etc. Annual account in abstract of receii)tH and expenditure. PART XIX. Keeping of Accounts, and Right of Inspection thereof BY Shareholders. 146. The directors shall cause full and true accounts to be kept of all sums of money received or expended on account of the company by the directors and all persons employed by or under them, and of the matters and things for which such sums of money may have been received or disbursed and paid. 147. — (1.) The books of the company shall be balanced at the pre- scribed periods, and, if no periods are prescribed, six days at least before each ordinary meeting. (2.) Forthwith on the books being so balanced, an exact balance sheet shall be made up, which shall exhibit a true statement of the capital stock, credits, and property of every description belonging to the company, and the debts due by the company at the date of making such balance sheet, and a distinct view of the profit or loss which has arisen on the transactions of the company in the course of the pre- ceding half-year ; and previously to each ordinary meeting such balance-sheet shall be examined by the directors, or any three of their number, and shall be signed by the chairman or deputy chairman of the directors 148. The books so balanced, together with such balance-sheet as aforesaid, shall, for the prescribed periods, and, if no periods are pre- scribed, for six days previous to each ordinary meeting and for one month thereafter, be open for the inspection of the shareholders at the principal office or place of business of the company, in the Colony or elsewhere ; but the shareholders shall not be entitled at any time, except during the periods aforesaid, to demand the insiDCction of such books, except in virtue of a written order signed by three of the directors. 149. The directors shall produce to the shareholders assembled at such ordinary meeting the said balance-sheet, applicable to the period immediately preceding such meeting, together with the report of the auditors thereon, as hereinbefore provided. 150. — (1.) The directors shall appoint a book-keeper to enter the accounts aforesaid in books to be provided for the purpose, and every such l)Ook-keeper shall permit any shareholder to inspect such l)ooks, and to take copies of or extracts therefrom, at any reasonable time during the prescribed periods, and, if no periods are prescribed, during six days before and one month after every ordinary meeting. (2.) If the book-keeper fails to permit any such shareholder to inspect sucli Ijooks, or to take copies of or extracts therefrom, during the periods aforesaid, he shall for every such offence forfeit to such shareholder a sum not exceeding twenty-four dollars. 151. The company shall in every year cause an annual account in abstract to be prepared and submitted to the Governor and Court of Policy, sliowing the total receipts and expenditure of all funds received and expended l)y the company levied by virtue of this or the Special Ordinance for the year ending on the thirty-first day of December or A..'D.\S'7'r.]C0}rPAXIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 547 some other convenient day in each year, under the several distinct heads of receipt and expenditure, with a statement of the balance of such account duly audited and certified l)y the directors, or some of them, and by the auditors, and shall, if recjuired by the Governor-in- Council, deposit a copy of the said account in the Registrar's Oflice for the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo ; and such last-mentioned account shall be open to the inspection of the public at all reasonable hours, on payment of the sum of fifty cents for every such inspection : Provided always that if the company omits to prepare or deposit, if required to do so by the Governor-in-Council such account as aforesaid, it shall for every such omission forfeit the sum of ninety-six dollars. PART XX. Making of Dividends. 152. Previously to every ordinary meeting at which a dividend is Preparation of intended to be declared, the directors shall cause a scheme to be pre- scheme before pared, showing the profits, if any, of the company for the period ^i^^dend"" "^ current since the preceding ordinary meeting at which a dividend was declared, and apportioning such pi-ofits, or so much thereof as they may consider applicable to the purposes of dividend, among the share- holders, according to the shares held by them respectively, the amount paid thereon, and the periods during which the same may have been paid, and shall exhibit such scheme at such ordinary meeting, and at such meeting a dividend may be declared according to such scheme. 153. The company shall not make any dividend whereby its caj^ital Restriction of stock will be in any degree reduced : Provided always that the word P?^^er to make ..J. .J 11)111,1 "^ „ dividena. axvidena shall not be construed to apply to a return of any portion of the capital stock, with the consent of all the mortgagees and bond creditors of the company, due notice being given for that purpose at an extraordinary meeting to be convened for that object. 154. Before apportioning the profits to be divided among the share- Fund for holders, the directors may, if they think fit, set aside thereout such contingencies, sum as they may think proper to meet contingencies or for enlarging, repairing, or improving the works connected with the undertaking, or any part thereof, and may divide the balance only among the shareholders. 155. No dividend shall be paid in i-espect of any share until all Prohibition of calls then due in respect of that and every other share held by the 'f-^'?'''"? °^ X 1 1 1- • 1 1 n /, , , . , -^ dividend on person to whom such dividend may be payable have been paid. share witli calls unpaid. PART XXI. Making of By-Laws. 156. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the company from time to time Power to to make such by-laws as it may think fit for the purpose of make by-laws regulating the conduct of the ofiicers and servants of the company ofVfficersof" and for providing for the due management of the afl:airs of the company, etc. 548 No. 4.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. comjiany in all respects whatsoever, provided such by-laws be not repugnant to the laws of this Colony or to the provisions of this or the Special Ordinance. (2.) Such by-laws shall be reduced into writing, and shall have affixed thereto the common seal of the company, and a copy of such by-laws shall be given to every officer and servant of the company affected thereby. (3.) All such by-laws, before the same shall come into operation, shall be laid before the Governor and Court of Policy for their approval, and the Governor and Court of Policy, before approving thereof, may alter or amend the same. Fines for breach of by-laws. 157. It shall be lawful for the company by such by-laws to impose such reasonable penalties upon all persons, being officers or servants of the company, offending against such by-laws as the company may think fit, not exceeding twenty-four dollars for any one offence. Mitigation of 158. All by-laws to be made by the company shall be so framed penalties as to allow the Justice before whom any penalty imposed thereby may under by-laws. -^^ sought to be recovered to order a part only of such penalty to be paid, if such Justice thinks fit Evidence of 159. The production of a written or printed copy of the by-laws of by-laws. the company having the common seal of the company affixed thereto shall be sufficient evidence of such by-laws in all cases of prosecution under the same, unless the person proceeded against can prove that such by-laws have not been approved by the Governor and Court of Policy. Appointment of arbitrator when ques- tions are to be determined by arbitration. Death, etc., of arbitrator. PART XXII. Settlement of Disputes by Arbitration. 160. — (1.) When any dispute authorized or directed by this or the Special Ordinance, or by any Ordinance incorporated therewith, to be settled by arbitration has arisen, then, unless both parties concur in the appointment of a single arbitrator, each party, on the request of the other party, shall, by writing under his hand, nominate and appoint an arbitrator to whom such dispute shall be referred. (2.) After any such appointment has been made, neither party shall have power to revoke the same without the consent of the other, nor shall the death of either party operate as such revocation. (3.) If, for the space of fourteen days after any such dispute has arisen, and after a request in writing has been served by the one party on the other party to appoint an arbitrator, such last-mentioned party fails to appoint such arbitrator, then upon such failure the party making the I'equest, and having himself appointed an arbitrator, may appoint such arbitrator to act on behalf of both parties, and such ar})itrator may proceed to hear and determine the matters which are in dispute ; and in such case the award or determination of such single arbitrator shall be final. 161. (1.) If, before the matters so refei-red are determined, any ar])itrator apprtinted by either party dies, or becomes incapable, or refuses, or for seven days neglects, to act as arbitrator, the party by whom such arbitrator was appointed may nominate and appoint in A.D. 1877.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. 549 writing some other person to act in his place ; and if, for the space of seven days after notice in writing from the other party for that purpose, he fails to do so, the remaining or other arbitrator may proceed ex parte. (2.) Every arbitrator so to be substituted as aforesaid shall have the same powers and authorities as were vested in the former ai-bitrator at the time of such his death, refusal, or disability as aforesaid. 162. — (1.) When more arbitrators than one have been appointed. Appointment such arbitrators shall, before they enter upon the matters referred to "mi'i'e- them, nominate and appoint, by writing under their hands, an umpire to decide on any such matters on which they may differ, and if such umpire dies, or refuses, or for seven days neglects, to act, shall forth- with after such death, refusal, or neglect, appoint another umpire in his place and the decision of every such umpire on the matters so referred to him shall be final. (2.) If, in either of the cases aforesaid, the arbitrators refuse, or, for seven days after request cf either party to such arbitration, neglect, to appoint an umpire, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, if he thinks fit, on the application of either party to such arl^itration, to appoint an umpire ; and the decision of such umpire on the matters on which the arliitrators differ shall be final. 163. The arbitrators or their umpire may call for the production of Power to any documents in the possession or power of either party which they a'|)'tiators to or he may think necessary for determining the question in dispute, and etc. ' may examine the parties or their witnesses upon oath, and administer the oath necessary for that purpose. 1 64. Except where by this or the Special Ordinance, or by any Costs of Ordinance incorporated therewith, it is otherwise provided, the costs arbitration. of and attending every such arbitration, to be determined by the arbi- trators, shall be in the discretion of the arbitrators or their umpire, as the case may be. 165. The submission to any such arbitration maybe made a rule Making suh- of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction, on the mksiou to application of either of the parties. ^^jg ^f Court PART XXIIT. Giving of Notices. 166. Any citation, summons, or notice, or any writ or other pro- Service of ceeding, requiring to be served upon the company may be served by citation, etc, the same being left at or transmitted through the post directed to the ^" company, principal office of the company, or to one of its principal offices, where there are more than one, or by being given personally to the secretary, or, in case there is no secretary, then by being given to any director of the company. 167. Any notice requiring to be served by the company upon the Service by shareholders may, unless expressly required to be served personally, "u^^u^^j be served by the same being transmitted through the post directed according to the registered address or other known address of the shareholder, within such period as to admit of its being delivered to or on er. 550 No. 4.J THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A-D. 1877. Notice in case of joint pro- prietors of shares. Notice by advertisement. Authentica- tion of sum- mons, etc. Proof of debts in bankruptc_y, etc. Tender of amends for irregularity in execution of the Ordinance. received by such shareholder, in due course of post, within the period, if any, prescribed for the giving of such notice ; and, in proving such service, it shall be sutlicient to prove that such notice was properly directed, and that it was so put into the post office. 168. All notices directed to be given to the shareholders shall, with respect to any share to which persons are jointly entitled, be given to whichever of the said persons is named first in the register of share- holders ; and notice so given shall be sufiicient notice to all the pro- prietors of such share. 169. All notices required by this or the Special Ordinance, or by any Ordinance incorporated therewith, to be given by advertisement shall be advertised in the prescribed newspaper, or, if no newspaper is prescribed, or if the prescribed newspaper ceases to be published, in a newspaper circulating in the Colony. 170. Every summons, notice, or other such document requiring authentication by the company may be signed by two directors, or by the treasurer or the secretary of the company, and need not be under the common seal of the company, and the same may be in writing or in print, or partly in writing and partly in print. 171. If any person against whom the company has any claim or demand becomes bankrupt, or takes the ])enefit of any Act or Ordin- ance for the relief of insolvent debtors, it shall be lawful for the treasurer or the secretary of the company, in all proceedings against the estate of such bankrupt or insolvent, or under any fiat, sequestration, or act of insolvency against such bankrujijt or insolvent to represent the com- pany, and act in its behalf, in all respects as if such claim or demand had been the claim or demand of such treasurer or secretary, and not of the company. 172. — (1-) If any person has committed any irregularity, trespass, or other wrongful proceeding in the execution of this or the Special Ordinance, or by virtue of any power or authority thereby given, and if, before action brought in respect thereof, such person makes tender of sufficient amends to the party injured, such last-mentioned party shall not recover in any such action. (2.) If no such tender has been made, it shall be lawful for the defendant, by leave of the Court where such action may be pending, at any time before issue joined, to pay into the Registrar's Office such sum of money as he may think fit ; and thereupon such proceedings shall be had as in other cases where defendants are allowed to pay money into the Registrar's Office. Ascertainment and recovery of damages, etc., not pro- vided for. PART XXIV. Recovery of Damages not specially provided pok AND OF Penalties. 173. — (I.) In all cases where any damages, costs, or expenses are by this or the Special Ordinance, or by any Ordinance incorporated there- with, directed to be paid, and the method of ascertaining the amount or enforcing the payment thereof is not provided for, such amount, in case of dispute, shall be ascertained and determined by a Justice ; and, A.D. 1877.] COMPANIES' CLAUSES AND POWERS. [No. 4. i51 if the amount so ascertained is not paid by the corni)any or uihiw })arty liable to pay the same, within seven days after d'rk/iiirnt'\ and further to autliorize the Registrar of British (ituiana to make proper annotation of this mortgage in the Eegister of Mortgages remaining in his Office for the Counties of Derrerara and Essequebo in the Colony aforesaid. Wherefore His Honour the said Juilge condemns the said Company in the payment of the hereinbeforesaid capital sum of money aforesaid on the day and at the time herein aforesaid, and of the interest to become due thereon at the rate aforesaid from the day herein aforesaid, until fully paid and discharged, and hereby authorizes the Registrar aforesaid to make proper annotation hereof as requested. And appeared at the same time who declared to accept of this mortgage and to be satisfied therewith. In testimony whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands, and the said appearers have thereunto affixed the Common Seal of the Company to this mortgage, and I, the said Judge, have countersigned the same in the presence of the Registrar, on the day and year first above written. Section 53. Form No. 4. Bond. The Company. Bond, Number £ By virtue of [here name the Special Ordinance^ we, " The Company," in consideration of the sum of pounds to us in hand paid by A. B., of do bind ourselves and our successors unto the said A. B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, in the penal sura of pounds. The condition of the above obligation is such that if the said Company shall pay to the said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns [at (in case any other place of payment than the Principal Office of the Company is intended)'] on the day of 1 , the jirinciiJal sum of pounds, together with interest for the same at the rate of pounds per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly on the day of and the day of then the above written obligation is to become void ; otherwise to remain in full force. Given under our Common Seal, this day of 1 Section 55. Form No. 5. Transfer of Bond. I, A. B., of in ( onsideration of the sum of paid to me by (J. B., of do hereby transfer to the said O. H., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, a certain Bond, Number made by "The Company " to bearing date the day of 1 , for seciiring the sum of and interest [or, if such transfer is hy endorsement, the within security] and all my right, estate, and interest in and to the money thereby secured. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of 1 A.D. 1877.J WILD BIRDS. [No. 6. 557 Form No. 6. Proxy. A. B., one of the proprietors of " The Company " doth hereby appoint C. D., of to be the proxy of the said yl. Ji., in his absence to vote in his name upon any matter relating to the undertaking proposed at the meeting of the proprietors of the said Company to be held on the day of I , in such manner as he, the said C. D., may think proper. In witness whereof the said A. B. hath hereunto set his hand [or, if a Corporation the Common Seal of the Corporation] the day of 1 Section 109. FoKM No. 7. Conviction. British Guiana. District. Be it remembered that on the day of 1 , A. B. k convicted before me, C. L., Stipendiary Magistrate lor the District [here drscrihe the offence ieralhj,(Uid the time and place when and where connnitted'] contrary to the \_here name the Special Ordinance']. Given under my hand and seal, the day and year first above written. Section 183. OKDINANCE No. 6 OF 1877. An Ordinance for Birds. A.D. 1877. — ♦ — Ordinance No. 12 of 1885 incorporated. the Protection of certain Wild [9th February, 1878.] WHEREAS it is expedient to prevent the unnecessary destruction of certain wild birds : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of PoHcy thereof, as follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Wild Birds Protection Or- Short title, dinance, 1877. 2. In this Ordinance, — " Wild bird '' means any bird specified in the Schedules to this Ordinance : " The close season " means the period between the first day of April and the first day of September in each year, or such other period as may rom time to time be declared to be the close season by Order of the Governor-in-Council in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. 3. Subject to the provisions hei'einafter contained with respect to carrion crows, every person who — (1.) Knowingly wounds or kills any wild bird specified in the First Schedule to this Ordinance ; or (2.) Exposes or ofi'ers for sale, or knowingly has in his possession or exports or attempts to export from this Colony any part of any such wild bird killed after the commencement of this Ordinance Interpretation of terms. Penalty on person wound- ing or killing wild l)ir(l specified in P'irst Schedule. 558 No. 6.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. Onus of proof on charge of unlawful possession, etc., of wild bird. Power to the Governor to authorize the Inspector General to destroy carrion crows in districts where too numerous. Power of the Inspector General under authority. Penalty on unauthorized person wounding or killing carrion crow. Penalty on person wound- ing or killing wild bird specified in Second Schedule during close season. shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-four dollars for each wild bird, or part thereof, in respect of which the offence is committed. 4. Where any person is proceeded against for having in his possession any part of a wild bird specified in the First Schedule to this Ordin- ance, or for exporting or attempting to export any part of any such wild bird, the proof that such wild bird to which the part belonged was wounded or killed without the limits of the Colony or before the commencement of this Ordinance shall be on such person. 5. — (1.) Where it is made to appear to the Governor that the carrion crows in any portion of the Colony are too numerous, it shall be lawful for the Governor to authorize the Inspector General of Police to cause to be destroyed such number of carrion crows found in that district as may be necessary to abate any nuisance caused by carrion crows. (2.) Such authority may be given by letter signed by the Govern- ment Secretary, and may be granted from time to time as occasion may require. (3.) Every such authority shall specify the district or part of the Colony to which it extends ; and no such authority shall continue in force at any one time for any period exceeding one month. 6. On receiving such authority, the Inspector General of Police may cause the number of carrion crows in the district or part of the Colony specified during the period specified to be reduced, so as to abate any nuisance that may be occasioned by such carrion crows. 7. — (1.) Every person not duly authorized who wilfully wounds or kills any carrion crow shall, on being convicted thereof, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars for each carrion crow so wounded or killed. (2.) Where any person is charged with an offence under this section, it shall not be necessary to allege or prove that he was not duly authorized, and the proof that he was duly authorized shall be on the person alleging the same. 8. Every person who — (1.) Knowingly wounds or kills any wild bird specified in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance during the close season ; or (2.) Exposes or offers for sale, or purchases, any such wild bird recently killed duinng the close season, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars for each wild bird in respect of which the offence is committed. Exceptions in certain cases. 9. — (1.) Notwithstanding anything in tjiis Ordinance, no person shall be liable to be convicted of any offence for wounding or killing any wild bird if he can prove that the wild bird in respect of which the offence is alleged to have been committed was wounded or killed for the purpose of jjrocuring food, and at a spot distant more than ten miles from any sugar plantation. (2.) No Aboriginal Indian shall be liable to be convicted of any offence under this Ordinance, A.D. 1877.] WILD BIRDS. [No. 6. 559 10.. Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance, the Governor, by writing signed hy the Government Secretary, may, for such time and subject to such conditions as he tliinks fit, authorize any person to kill wild birds, and may also so authorize any person to export the skins of wild l)irds. (Amd! 21 of 1901 s. 5.) 11. — (1.) The Governor-in-Council may from time to time, and as often as occasion may require, by Order, declare that the name or names of any l)ird or birds shall be added to or expunged from the list of birds contained in either of the Schedules to this Ordinance, and thereupon, and while such Order remains in force, this Ordinance shall be read and have effect as if the name or names of the bird or birds so added had Ijeen inserted, or as if the name or names of the bird or birds so expunged had not been specified, in the Schedule to this Ordinance mentioned in such Order. (2.) The Governor-in-Council may in like manner alter the period hereinbefore declared to be the close season and may declare what period shall be the period to be observed as the close season with respect to any or all of the wild birds specified or to be specified in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance. 12. When any person is found offending against this Ordinance, it shall be lawful for any person to require the jjerson so offending to give his name, description, and place of abode ; and in case the person so offending refuses to give his real name or place of a]:)ode, or gives an untrue name, description, or place of abode, he shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars in addition to any other penalty to which he is liable under this Oi'dinance. 13. — (1.) Every offence under this Ordinance shall be punishable on summary conviction, and the procedure shall be that provided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction. (2.) Any offence under this Ordinance committed on the sea coast may l)e inquired of by any Stipendiary Magistrate in any County where the accused person may be found. (3.) In every proceeding under this Ordinance, the defendant may tender himself and be examined as a witness on his own behalf. Power to the Governor to grant licences to kill wild birds, etc. Power to alter Schedules and close season. Case of person found offending. Procedure and evidence. See Ordinances No. 12 0/1893 (uuJ No. 13 of 18!)3. SCHEDULES. • THE FIRST SCHEDULE. List op Wild Birds absolutely Protected. Section 3. Black Witch. Campanero. (Bell Bird). Carrion Crow. Ca8siqu(!. Cock of the Rock. Cotinga. Crane. Creeper. Egret. Flycatcher. Gauldiii. Goatsucker. Crrass Bii'd. Ground Dove. Jacamar. Hawk. Heron. Humming Bird. Hutu. Kingfisher Kite. Macaw. INIanakin. Martin. 560 No. 6.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1877. Owl. Parroquet. Qu'est-ce qu'il dit. Shrike. Sun Bii-d. Sparrow. Swallow. Tanager. Thrush. Toucan. Trogon. Troupial. Woodpecker. Wren. Vulture. Section 8. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. List of Wild Birds protected during Close Season. Bittern. Parrot. Curlew. Curri-Curri. Pigeon. Plover. Douraquara. Dove (not being a Ground Dove). Ibis. Hannaqua. Maam. Maroudi. Powis. Quail. Snipe. Spur-wing. Trumpet Bij-d. Wild Duck. Negro-cop A.D. 1878. An See Ordhiances No. 3 of 1869, No. 2 of 1870, No. 6 of 1891, ntid No. 4 of 1902. ORDINANCE No. Ordinance to transfer 1 OF 1878. to the West India and No. 3 of 1869. No. 2 of 1870. Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, incorporated on the 9th day of January, 1877, the Rights and Privileges heretofore granted to the West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, incor- porated on the 30th day of July, 18(39. [18th September, 1878.] WHEREAS by the International Ocean Telegraph Company's Ordinance, 1869, a subsidy and certain rights and privileges were granted to the International Ocean Telegraph Company, subject to the terms and conditions tlierein expressed : And whereas by the West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, Ordinance, 1870, the said subsidy and all the said rights and privileges, subject to the said terms and conditions, were transferred to the West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, which was incorporated in England on the 30th day of July, 1869 ; And whereas the said last-mentioned Company has been dissolved and reconstituted as a new Company called "The West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited ; " And whereas the said new Company was incorporated in England on the 9th day of January, 1877 ; And whereas the rights and privileges of the Company incorporated on the 30th day of July, 1869, secured by the said Ordinances have been transferred to the said new Company ; And whereas the Governor and Court of Policy have consented to such transfer ; , A.D. 1878.] VOLUNTEERS. [No. 2. 561 Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of PoUcy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance maybe cited as the West India and Panama Short title. Telegraph Company, Limited (Transfer of Rights) Ordinance, 1878. 2. The subsidy and all the rights and privileges granted to the Inter- TraiiBfer of national Ocean Telegrajih Company by the Ordinance first hereinbefore "Kh*** of recited, and made payable and transferred to the West India and J,(^,^y ^^ ^ew' Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, incorporated on the 30th day (Jompany. of July, 1869, shall be payable and transferred to the said new Company incorporated on the 9th day of January, 1877, and called the West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, subject to tlie same terms and conditions as are expressed in the said Ordinance. 3. All the provisions of the Ordinance first hereinbefore recited with Application respect to the International Ocean Telegraph Company shall apply to ^^ statutory 1. »/ X^ i. »/ DfO Visions the said new Company so incorporated on the 9th day of January, [^ y^^^ 1877, called " The West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Company. Limited." ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1878. An Ordinance to provide for the Establishment and Regulation of a Volunteer Force in British Guiana. [5th October, 1878. J 1) R it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice ) and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Volunteer Ordinance, 1878. Short title. Formation of Corps. 2. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Governor to accept the service of Power to the any persons desiring to be formed under this Ordinance into a Volunteer ,t"services Corps and offering their services to the (xovernor. of Corps. (•J.) On such acceptance, the proposed Corps shall be deemed law- fully formed under this Ordinance as a Corps of the Colony. A.D. 1878. Ordinance No. 13 of 1894 s. 3 (12) incorporated. As to the operation of this Ordinance, see Ordinance No. 12 of 1891 s. 148. Officers of Corps. 3. — (1.) Every Volunteer Corps shall be officered by persons ap- Appointment pointed with the appro\ al of and commissioned by the Governor. ofticers. (2.) Every officer shall hold office during the Governor's pleasure. 4. Officers of the Volunteer Force shall rank with officers of the Rank of officer. Georgetown jNIilitia Force as the youngest of their respective ranks in the respective Forces. 5. — (1.) Every officer of the Volunteer Force shall, on receiving his commission, and every volunteer shall, on his enrolment in the muster roll of his Corps, or in either case as soon afterwards as may be, take the oath in the Form No. 1 contained in the Schedule to this Ordin- ance. Taking of oath by officer and volunteer. Schedule : Form No. 1. 562 No. 2.] THE LA ^Y8 OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. (2.) Every officer shall so take such oath before the Governor, and every volunteer shall so take such oath before a Justice of the Peace or an officer of the Corps who has taken such oath. Power to volunteer to quit his Corps on certain conditions. Quitting Corps. 6. — (1.) Any volunteer may, except when on actual service, quit his Corps on complying with the following Conditions, namely, — (a.) Giving to the Commanding Officer of his Corps fourteen days' notice in writing of his intention to quit the Corps ; (6.) Delivei'ing up in good order (fair wear and tear only excepted) all arms, clothing, and appointments, being the property of the Colony or of his Corps, issued to him ; and (('.) Paying all money due or becoming due by him under the rules of his Corps, either before or at the time or by reason of his quitting it ; and thereupon he shall be struck out of the muster roll of the Corps by the Commanding Officer. (2.) If any volunteer gives such notice and the Commanding Officer refuses to strike him out of the muster roll, and the volunteer considers himself aggrieved thereby, the volunteer may appeal to a Stipendiary Magistrate, who shall hear and determine the appeal, and may for the purposes thereof administer oaths and examine any person as a witness : and if it appears to such Magistrate that the arms, cloth- ing, and appointments issued to the volunteer, being the property of the Colony or of his Corps, have been delivered in good order (fair wear and tear only excepted), or that he has paid or is ready to pay sufficient compensation for any damage which such articles may have sustained, and that all money due or becoming due by him under the rules of his Corps, either before or at the time or by reason of his quitting it, has been paid, such Magistrate may order the Commanding Officer forthwith to strike such volunteer out of the muster I'oll of his Corps, and his determination shall be Ijinding on all persons. Command of Corps. Power to the 7. Whenever any volunteers are on actual military service, or are Governor to undergoing inspection, or are voluntarily doing any military duty, the Iiiule™ "" Governor may put them and their officers under the command of the command of officers of His Majesty's Army, senior in rank to every officer of the officers of the Volunteer Force to be so put under their command, as the Governor may appoint or designate ; but so, nevertheless, that the volunteers put under such command shall be led by their own officers under such command. Efficiency. I*ower to tlie ( jovernor to declare requisites of efficiency. 8. The Governor may from time to time declare what is requisite to entitle a volunteer to be deemed an efficient volunteer by a general order to be published in The Ojfjcial Gazette, defining for that purpose the extent of attendance at drill to be given by the volunteer, the course of instruction to be gone through by him, and the degree of proficiency in drill and instruction to be attained by him and his Corps ; and such proficiency shall be judged of by an Inspecting Officer or otherwise as may be directed by the Governor. A.D. 1878.] VOLUNTEERS. [No. 2. 563 DishmuUiKi of ('()i-/>s. 9. The Governor may disband or discontinue the services of any Power to the Volunteer Corps, or any part thereof, whenever it may seem expedient Ji^^i^j!"^ j'^r,*'' to him to do so. Administrative Begiment. 10. Two or more separate Volunteer Corps may be formed, hty the Formation of authority of the Governor, into a united ])ody for military or admin- ^^l^^gjj^ent istrative purposes, hereinafter called an Administrative Regiment : Provided that, notwithstanding the formation of any such Regiment, the separate Corps, formed into the same shall be severally deemed Volunteer Corps for all the purposes of this Ordinance. Court of Inquiry. 1 1 . — (1.) The Governor may at any time assemble a Court of Intjuiry, Provisions re- to inquire into any matter relative to a Volunteer Corps or Admin- lating to Court istrative Regiment or any officer or volunteer belonging thereto, and ° nquirj . to record the facts and circumstances ascertained on such inquiry, and, if required, to report, on the same for the information and assistance of the Governor. (2.) Such Court, when the inquiry is with reference to an officer, shall be composed of officers of the Volunteer Force, and in other cases shall be composed either of officers or of officers and volunteers belonging to the Corps or Regiment. (3.) The Commanding Officer of a Volunteer Corps or Admin- istrative Regiment may at any time assemble a Court of Inquiry, composed either of officers and volunteers belonging to the Corps or Regiment, or of such officers, or of such volunteers, to inquire into any matter relative to the Corps or Regiment or any volunteer belonging thereto, and to record the facts and circumstances ascertained on such inquiry, and, if required, to report on the same for the information and assistance of the Commanding Officer ; but nothing herein contained shall authorize any inquiry with reference to an officer otherwise than by a Court assembled by direction of the Governor and composed exclusively of officers of the Volunteer Force. Regulations. 12.— (1.) The Governor may from time to time make regulations Making of etc. respecting anything in this Ordinance directed or authorized to be regulations, done or provided by regulation, and also such regulations as may seem fit (not being inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Ordin- ance) respecting the appointment and promotion of officers, and the assembling and proceedings of Courts of Inquiry to inquire into and report on any matter connected with the government or discipline of a Volunteer Corps or Administrative Regiment, and for the full execution of this Ordinance. (2.) The Governor may call for such returns as may from time to time seem requisite. Military Service. 13. — (1. ) Whenever it appears to the Governor necessary to do so. Power to the he may call out any Volunteer Corps for actual service within the ^"I'^y"''^*" ^ 564 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. for actual service. Discipline when not on actual service. Discipline when on actual service. Sec Ordinnvce Colony or within the territorial waters of the Colony, by a written intimation to the Commanding Officer of the Corps. (2.) Every officer and volunteer so called out shall be bound to assemble as the Governor directs, and to march and serve according to orders. (3.) If any such officer or volunteer, not being incapacitated by infirmity for military service, refuses or neglects so to assemble, or march, or serve, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred and forty dollars. Discipline. 14. With respect to the discipline of officers and volunteers the following provisions shall have effect while they are not on actual service, that is to say, — (1.) The Commanding Officer of a Volunteer Corps may discharge from the Corps any volunteer and strike him out of the muster roll for disobedience of orders, or for neglect of duty or misconduct by him as a member of the Corps, or for other sufficient cause, the existence and sufficiency of such causes respectively to be judged of by the Commanding Officer. The volunteer so dis- charged shall nevertheless be liable to deliver up in good order (fair wear and tear only excepted), all arms, clothing, and appoint- ments, being the property of the Colony or of his Corps, issued to him, and to pay all money due or becoming due by him under the rules of his Corps, either before or at the time or by reason of his discharge. The Governor may signify his pleasure and give . such directions with respect to such discharge as to him may appear just and proper ; and (2.) If any officer or volunteer, while under arms or on march or duty with the Corps or Administrative Regiment to which he belongs or any portion thereof, or while engaged in any military exercise or drill with such Corps or Regiment or any portion thereof, or while wearing the clothing or accoutrements of such Corps or Regiment on going to or returning from any place of exercise or assembly of such Corps or Ri^giment or any portion thereof, disobeys any lawful order of any officer under whose command he then is or is guilty of misconduct, the officer then in connnand of the Corps or Regiment or of the portion thereof then under arms or on duty, or any superior officer under whose com- mand the Corps or Regiment then is, may order the offender, if an oIKcer, into arrest, and, if not an officer, into the custody of any volunteer belonging to the Corps or Regiment, but so that the offender be not kept in such arrest or custody longer than during the time of the Corps or Regiment or such portion thereof as aforesaid then remaining under arms, or on march or duty, or assembled or continuing engaged in any such military exercise or drill as aforesaid. 15. With respect to the discipline of officers of the Volunteer Force and volunteers when on actual service the following provision shall have effect, namely, all the provisions of any Ordinance for the time Ix'ing in force relating to the Militia as regards offences committed by members of the Militia, and the mode of procoMlure and the punish- ments, shall apply to all officers of the Volunteer Force and volunteers A.D. 1878.] VOLUNTEERS. [No. 2. r)fi5 in all respects as if the Volunteer Force formed part of the said Militia, subject only to this variation that a Court Martial for the trial of an officer of the Volunteer Force or a volunteer shall be composed of officers of the Volunteer Force only. Making of rules for manageiTient of pro])ert_v, etc., of Corps. Vesting of property of Corps in Commanding Officer ex officio. Rides. 16. — (1.) The officers and the volunteers belonging to a Volunteer Corps may from time to time make rules for the management of the property, finances, and civil affairs of the Corps ; but no such rules shall have effect unless and until the Commanding Officer of the Corps transmits the same to the Governor for his approval, and the Gover- nor's approval is notified to the Commanding Officer of such Corps, to be by him forthwith communicated to the Corps, whereupon the rules so approved shall be binding on all persons. (2.) A copy of the rules, in print, or in writing, or partly in pi'int and partly in writing, certified under the hand of the Commanding Officer as a true copy of the rules whereof the Governor's approval lias been notified as aforesaid, shall be conclusive evidence of the rules of the Corps. Money and Property of Corps. 17. — (1 .) All money subscribed by, or to, or for the use of a Volunteer Corps or Administrative Regiment, and all effects belonging to any such Corps or Regiment lawfully used by it, not being the property of any individual officer or volunteer belonging to the Corps or Regiment, and the exclusive right to sue for and recover current subscriptions, arrears of subscriptions, and other money due to the Corps or Regiment, shall ^est in the Commanding Officer of the Corps or Regiment for the time being and his successors in office, with power for him and his successors to sue, to make contracts and conveyances, and to do all other lawful things relating thereto. (2.) Any civil or criminal proceeding taken by virtue of this section by the Commanding Officer of a Corps or Regiment shall not be discontinued or abated by his death, resignation, or removal from office, but may be carried on by and in the name of his successor in office. 1 8. The Commanding Officer of a Volunteer Corps or Administrative Appointment Regiment receiving any arms, ammunition, or other stores supplied at °^ storehouses the public expense or by subscription shall, subject to the approval of ^°^ ^^"^^^ the Governor, appoint a proper storehouse for the depositing and safe keeping of such arms, ammunition, or stores. 19. If any person belonging or having belonged to a Volunteer Recovery of Corps or Administrative Regiment refuses or neglects to pay any money subscriptions subscribed or undertaken to be paid by him towards any of the funds ^"'^ ^"^*- or expenses of such Corps or Regiment or due under the rules of such Corps and actually payable b}^ him, or to pay any fine incurred by . him under the rules of such Corps, such money or fine shall (without prejudice to any other remedy) be recoverable from him, with costs, at any time within twelve months after the same becomes due and payable, as a penalty under this Ordinance is recoverable, and, when recovered, shall be applied as part of the general funds of the Corps or Regiment. 566 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1878. Wrongful sale, etc., of public or Corps property. "Wrongful buj-ing, etc., of arms, etc. Obligation on volunteer ceasing to serve to deliver property issued to him. Obligation on representative of deceased volunteer to deliver property issued to him. 20. If any person designedly makes away with, sells, pawns, wrong- fully destroys, wrongfully damages, or negligently loses anything issued to him as a volunteer, or wrongfully refuses or wrongfully neglects to deliver up, on demand, anything issued to him as a volunteer, the value thereof shall be recoverable from him, with all costs, as a penalty under this Ordinance is recoverable ; and he shall also for every such offence of designedly making away with, selling, pawning, or wrongfully destroying as aforesaid, be liable, on the prosecution of the Commanding Officer of the Corps or Administrative Regiment issuing tlie thing made away with, sold, pawned, or destroyed, to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars. 21. Every person who— (1.) Knowingly buys or takes in j^awn or in exchange from any volunteer or any person acting on his behalf ; or (2.) Solicits or entices any volunteer to sell or pawn, or knowingly assists or acts for any volunteer in selling or pawning ; or (3.) Has in his possession or keeping, without satisfactorily account- ing for, any arms, clothing or appointments, Ijeing the property of the Colony or of any Volunteer Corps or Administrative Regiment, or any public stores or ammunition issued for the use of any such Corps or Regiment, he shall, on the first commission by him of any such offence, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and shall, on a second and every other subsequent commission by him of any such offence, and on being convicted thereof in the like course of proceeding as that in which any such penalty is recoverable, be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty-four dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars, with or without imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months, with or without hard labour. 22. — (1.) Every person ceasing to serve in the Volunteer Force shall within one week thereafter, deliver over all propei'ty belonging to any Volunteer Corps or Administrative Regiment, or provided at the expense of the Colony, which may have been issued to him or which may be in his possession, to the Commanding Officer. (2.) In case of default, every such person shall be guilty of a mis- demeanour, and shall be liable, on conviction thereof before a Stipendiary Magistrate, to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding two months ; and it shall be lawful for any Stipendiary Masiistrate to issue his warrant to search for and seize all such property which is not so delivered over, wherever the same may be found. 23. — (1.) When any person serving in the Volunteer Force dies, his heir, executor, or other representative, or the householder in whose h(mse he may die, possessed of any propert}^ belonging to any Volunteer Corps or Administrative Regiment, or pi'ovided at the public expense, .shall be })Ound, within fourteen days after such death, t(t deliver up to the Commanding Office^- of the Corps or Regiment all such property. (2.) In case of default, every such heir, executor, or other repre- sentative, or householder, sliall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable, on conviction thereof before a Stipendiary Magistrate, to a like punishment as ia provided in the last preceding section ; and it A.D. 1878.] VOLUNTEERS. [No. 2. 561 shall be lawful in like manner for any Stipendiary Magistrate to issue his warrant to search and seize all such property. 24. Every person who — Penalty on ncrson coni~ (I.) Wilfully commits any damage to any butt or target ])elonging mitting to or lawfully used by any Volunteer Corps or Administrative pay to the person aggrieved the cost of repairing such damage, the amount whereof shall be ascertained and deter- mined by the Magistrate and may be recovered in the same way as the penalty, (s, 49.) 51. — (1.) On the written application of any person to a Local Authority stating that any drain, water-closet, earth-closet, privy, receptacle for refuse matter, or cesspool on or ])elonging to any premises within their District is a nuisance or injurious to health, the Local Authoi'ity may, l)y writing, empower any of their ofticers, after twenty- four houi's' written notice to the occupier of such premises, or, in case of emergency, without notice, to enter such premises, with or without assistants, and, if necessary, cause the ground to be opened and examine such drain, water-closet, earth-closet, privy, receptacle for refuse matter or cesspool. (2.) If the drain, water-closet, earth-closet, privy, receptacle for refuse matter, or cesspool on examination is found to be in proper condition, the Local Authority shall cause any damage done to be made good, and, when the ground has been opened, shall cause it to be A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. closed as soon as can be ; and the expenses of the works shall be defrayed by the Local Authority. (3.) If the drain, water-closet, earth-closet, privy, receptacle for refuse matter, or cesspool on examination appears to be in V)acl t-on- dition or to require alteration or uiiieiidnient, the Local Authority shall •forthwith cause notice in writing to be given to the owner or occupier of the premises requiring him, forthwith or within a reasonable time therein specified, to do the necessary work. (4.) If such notice is not complied with, the person to whom it is given shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding three dollars for every day during which he continues to make default ; and the Local Autho- rity may, if they think fit, execute such works, and may recover in a summary manner from the owner the expenses incurred by them in so doing or may, by order, declare the same to be private improve- ment expenses, (s. .50.) 579 Scavenging and Cleansmg. 52. — (1.) Every Local Authority may, and when requii-ed by the Central Board, shall, themselves undertake or contract for — ■ (a.) The removal of house refuse from premises ; and (b.) The cleansing of earth closets, privies, receptacles for refuse matter, and cesspools, either for the whole or any part of their District. (2.) Every Town Authority, and any Village or Country Autho- rity invested by the Central Board with the requisite powers, may, and, when required by the said Board, shall, themselves undertake or contract for the proper cleansing of streets, and may also themselves undertake or contract for the proper watering of streets for the whole or any part of their District. (3.) All matters collected by the Local Authority or contractor in pursuance of this section may be sold or otherwise disposed of, and any profits thus made by a Town or Village Authority shall be carried to the account of the fund or rate applicable by them for the general purposes of this Ordinance, and any profits thus made by any Country Authority iii respect of any contributory place shall be carried to the account of the fund or rate out of which expenses incurred under this section by that Authority in such contributory place are defrayed. (4.) Every person who removes or obstructs the Local Authority or contractor in removing any matters by this section authorized to be removed by the Local Authority shall for each offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars : Provided thai the occupier of a house within the District shall not be liable to such penalty in respect of any such matters which are produced on his own premises and are intended to be removed for sale or for his own use, and are in the meantime kept so as not to be a nuisance, (s. 51.) 53. If a Local Authority who have themselves undertaken or con- tracted for the removal of house refuse from premises, or the cleansing of earth-closets, privies, receptacles for refuse matter, and cesspools fail, without reasonable excuse (after notice in writing from the occupier of any house within their District requiring them to remove any house refuse or to cleanse any earth-closets, privies, receptacles for refuse matter or cesspools belonging to such house or used by the occupiers Power to Local Authority to provide for removal of refuse and cleansing of streets, etc Penalt}' for neglect of Local Autho- rity to remove refuse, etc. 580 No. 3.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1878. thereof) to cause the same to be removed or cleansed, as the case may be, within seven days, the Local Authority shall be liable to pay to the occupier of such house a penalty not exceeding two dollars for every day during which such default continues aftei- the expiration of the said period, (s. 52.) Power to Local Autho rity to make by-laws im- posing duty cleansing footway, etc. on occupier. of Provision of receptacles for deposit of nibbish. WTiitewash- ing, etc., of house on certificate of licensed medical practitioner. Penalt}' in respect of certain nuisances on premises. 54. — (1.) Where the Local Authority do not themselves undertake or contract for — («.) The cleansing of footways and pavements adjoining any premises ; (6.) The removal of house refuse from any premises ; and (c.) The cleansing of earth-closets, privies, ashpits, and cesspools belonging to any premises, they may make by-laws imposing the duty of such cleansing or re- moval, at such intervals and in such manner as they may think fit, on the ovner or occupier of any such premises. (2.) Every Local Authority may also make by-laws for the pre- vention of nuisances arising from filth, dust, rubbish, or refuse matter, and for the prevention of the keeping of animals on any premises so as to be injurious to health. (26 of 1903, s. 6.) 55. Any Local Authority may, if they see fit, provide, in proper and convenient situations, receptacles for the temporary deposit and collection of dust, rubbish, and refuse matter ; and they may also provide fit buildings and places for the deposit of any matters collected by them in pursuance of this Part. (s. 54.) 56. — (1.) Where, on the certificate of any licensed medical practi- tioner, it appears to any Local Authority that any house or part thereof is in such a filthy or unwholesome condition that the health of any person is affected or endangered thereby, or that the white- washing, cleansing, or pui-ifying of any house or part thereof would tend to prevent or check infectious disease, the Local Authority shall give notice in writing to the owner or occupier of such house or part thereof to whitewash, cleanse, or purify the same, as the case may require. (2.) If the person to whom notice is so given fails to comply there- with within the time therein specified, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding three dollars for every day during which he continues to make default ; and the Local Authority may, if they think fit, cause sucli house or part thereof to be whitev/ashed, cleansed, or purified, and may recover in a summary mann(u- the expenses incurred by them in so doing from the person in default, (s. 55.) 57. — (1.) Every person who in any Town District keeps any swine; or in any Sanitary District — (a.) Keeps any swine or pigstye in an}- dwelUng-house or so as to be a nuisance to any person ; or {!).) Sullers any waste or stagnant water to remain in any place \\ itliin any (IwelHng-house for twenty-four hours after written notice to him from the Local Authority to remove the same ; or (c.) Allows the contents of any water-closet, privy, or cesspool to overflow, A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 581 Provision for obtaining order for cleansing offensive watercourse etc., lying near to or forming boundary of Districts. shall for every such offence lie liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars, and to a further penalty not exceeding two dollars for every day during which the oil'ence is continued. (ll.) The Local Authority shall al)ate, or cause to he ahatofl, every such nuisance, and may recover in a summary manner the expenses incurred by them \\\ so doing from the occupier of the premises on which the nuisance exists, (s. .50.) Offensive Drainfi, Trenchet^, and CoUectiuns of Matter. 58. — (1.) Where any watercourse, main drain, or drain near to or forming the boundary of the District of any Local Authority is foul and offensive so as injuriously to affect the District of such Local Au- thority, any Magistrate may, on the application of such Local Authority, summon the person having the charge of such watercourse, main drain, or drain to appear before a Magistrate to show cause why an order should not be made by such Magistrate for cleansing such watercourse, main drain, or drain, and for executing such permanent or other structural works as may appear to such INlagistrate to be necessary. (2.) Such Magistrate, after hearing the parties, or ex parte in case of the default of any of them to appear, may make such order with reference to the execution of the works, and the persons by whom the sanif^ shall be executed, and by whom and in what proportions the costs of such works shall be paid, and also as to the amount thereof and the time and mode of payment, as to him may seem reasonable : Provided that the Magistrate shall not order the execution of any works of which the probable cost exceeds two hundred and forty dollars (s. 57.) 59. — (1.) Where in any Town or Village District it appears to an Removal of officer of the Local Authority that any accumulation of manure, dung, filtli on soil, or filth, or other offensive or noxious matter, ought to be removed, "ffil^T.^^^J^ " ,,,,.'. Ill 1 oincer or he shall give notice to the pei^son to whom the same belongs, or to the Local occupier of the premises whereon it exists, to remove the same. Authority. (2.) If such notice is not complied with within twenty-four hours from the service thereof, the manure, dung, soil, or filth, or matter referred to shall be vested in and be sold or disposed of by the Local Authority ; and the proceeds thereof shall be applied in payment of the expenses incurred by them in the execution of this section, and the surplus, if any, shall be paid, on demand, to the owner of the matter removed. (3.) The expenses of removal by the Local Authority of any such accumulation, if and so far as they are not covered by the sale thereof, may be recovered by the Local Authority in a summary manner from the person to whom the accumulation belongs, or from the occupier of the premises, or, where there is no occupier, from the owner, (s. 58.) 60. — (1.) Notice may be given by any Town or Village Authority Periodical (by public announcement in the District or otherwise) for the periodical removal of removal of manure or other refuse matter from mews, stables, or other mews and premises. other premises. (2.) Where any such notice has been given, any person to whom the manure or other refuse matter belongs who fails so to remove the same, or permits a further accumulation and does not continue such periodical removal at such intervals as the I.ocal Authority direct, shall be liable without further notice to a penalty not exceeding five dollars 582 No. 3.] THE LA W8 OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. for each day during which such manure or other refuse matter is permitted to acccumulate. (s. 59.) Interpretation of term " com- mon lodging- house. ' ' Keeping of register of common lodging- houses. Obligation of registration. Conditions of registration. Affixing notice of registration. Common Lodginy-liouses. 6 1 . For the purposes of this Ordinance, the expression " common lodging-house " means any house, not being a Kcensed hotel or tavern, in which two or more persons not members of the same family are admitted, for a payment of money, to occupy, by the day or night or for any less period than one month, any part of such house, and includes, in any case in which only part of a house is used as a common lodging-house, the part of such house so used. 62. — (1.) Every Local Authority shall keep a register in which shall be entered the names and residences of the keepers of all common lodging-houses within the District of such Authoi^ity, and the situation of every such house, and the number of lodgers authorized under this Ordinance by such Authority to be received therein. (2.) A copy of any entry in such register, certified by an officer of the Local Authority to be a true copy, shall he received in all Courts and on all occasions as evidence, and shall be sufficient proof of the matter registered, without production of the register or of any document or thing on which the entry is founded. (3.) A certified copy of any such entry shall be supplied gratis by the Local Authority to any person applying at a reasonable time for the same. 63. A person shall not keep a common lodging-house, or receive a lodger therein, unless the house is registered in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, nor unless his name as the keeper thereof is entered in the register kept under this Ordinance : Provided that, when the person so registered dies, his widow or any member of his family may keep the house as a common lodging-house for not more than four weeks after his death without being registered as the keeper thereof. 64. A house shall not be registered as a common lodging-house until it has been inspected and approved for the purpose by some officer of the Local Authority ; and the Local Authority may refuse to register as the keeper of a common lodging-house a person who does not produce to the Local Authority a certificate of character, in such form as the Local Authority may direct, signed by thi'ee inhabitant householders of the District respectively rated for property of the value of one thousand dollars. 65. — (1.) The keeper of every common lodging-house, shall, if required in writing by the Local Authority to do so, affix and keep undefaced and legible a notice with tlie words " Registered Common Lodging-house " in some conspicuous place on the outside of such house. (2.) The keeper of any such house wlio, after requisition in writing from the Local Authority, refuses or neglects to affix or renew such notice shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and to a further penalty of three dollars for every day that such refusal or neglect continues after conviction. A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 583 Making of by-laws. 66. Every Local Authority shall from time to time make V^y-laws — (1.) For fixing, and from time to time varying, the number of per- sons who n)ay be received as lodgers into a common lodging-house, and for the separation of the sexes therein ; (2.) For promoting cleanliness and ventilation in such houses ; (3.) For the giving of notices and the taking of precautions in the case of any infectious disease ; and (4.) Generally for the well ordering of such houses. 67. — (!•) Where it appears to any Local Authority that a common Power to lodging-house is without a proper supply of water for the use of the T^^^fi ■^"*"?- lodgers, and that such a supply can be furnished thereto at a reason- supply of able rate, the Local Authority may, hy notice in writing, require the water. owner or keeper of such house, within a time specified therein, to obtain such supply and to do all works necessary for that purpose. (2.) If the notice is not complied with accinxlingly, the Local Authority may remove such house from the register until it is complied with. 68. The keeper of a common lodging-house shall, to the satisfaction Limewashing of the Local Authority, limewash the walls and ceilings thereof in the house, first week of each of the months of April and October in eveiy year, and shall, if he fails to do so, be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. 69. The keeper of a common lodging-house in which beggars or Power to order vagrants are received to lodge shall from time to time, if required in j'eport from writing by the Local Authority to do so, report to the Local Autho- hcnls" receiv- rity, or to such person as the Local Authority may direct, every ing vagrants, person who has resorted to such house during the preceding day or night ; and for that purpose schedules shall be furnished by the Local Authority to any person so ordered to report, which schedules he shall fill up with the information required and transmit to the Local Authority. 70. The keeper of a common lodging-house shall, when a person in Giving notice such house is ill of any infectious disease, give immediate notice thereof ?,! "i^^ctious to some officer of the Local Authority. 71. — (1.) The keeper of a common lodging-house, and every other Right of person having or acting in the care or management thereof, shall, at inspection, all times when required by any officer of the Local Authority, give him free access to such house or any part thereof. (2.) Any such keeper or person who refuses such access shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars. 72. Any keeper of a common lodging-house who — Offences bv (1.) Receives any lodger in such house without the same being ''^P^^- registered under this Ordinance ; or (2.) Fails to make a report, after he has been furnished b}'^ the Local Authority with schedules for the purpose in pursuance of this Ordinance, of the persons resorting to such house ; or (3.) Fails to give the notices required by this Ordinance where any person has been confined to his bed in such house by any infectious disease, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and, in 584 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. the case of a. continuing offence, to a further penalty, not exceeding ten dollars, for every day during which the offence continues. Effect of conviction of keeper for third offence. Onus of proof as to family in proceedings. 73. Where the keeper of a common lodging-house is convicted of a third offence against any of the provisions of this Ordinance relating to common lodging-houses, the Magistrate before whom the conviction for such third offence takes place may, if he thinks fit, adjudge that the person so convicted shall not, at any time within three years after the conviction or within such shorter period after the conviction as the Magistrate may think fit, keep a common lodging-house without the previous licence in writing of the Local Authority, which licence the Local Authority may withhold or grant on such terms and conditions as they may think fit. 74. In any proceeding under the provisions of this Ordinance relating to common lodging-houses, if the inmates of any house or part of a house allege that they are members of the same family, the burden of proving such allegation shall lie on the persons making it. Making of by-laws as to houses let in rooms. Evidence as to fainilj- in proceedings. Houses Let in Rooms. 75. — (1.) Any Local Authority may make by-laws for the following matters, that is to say, — (a,) For fixing, and from time to time varying, the number of persons who may occupy each room in a house or part of a house which is let in rooms or occupied by members of more than one family ; (6.) For the registration of houses so let or occupied; (c. ) For the inspection of such houses ; (d.) For enforcing drainage and the provision of privy accom- modation for such houses, and for promoting cleanliness and ventilation in such houses ; (fi.) For the cleansing and limewashing at stated times of the premises, and for the paving of the courts and court yards thereof ; and [/.) For the giving of notices and the taking of precautions in case of any infectious disease. (2.) This section shall not apply to common lodging-houses within the provisions of this Ordinance relating to common lodging-houses. 76. In any proceeding under the provisions of this Ordinance re- lating to houses let in rooms, if the inmates of any house or part of a house allege that they are members of the same family, the burden of proving such allegation shall lie on the persons making it. Implied condition where house or room is let. LeUing of House, etc. 77. In any contract for the letting of any house or room for human habitation, whether furnished or unfurnished, there shall be an implied condition that the house or room is in all respects reasonably fit for such hul)itation ; and, in the event of a breach of such condition, any inmate of such house or room who sullers any loss by injury to health or otherwise in consequence of such V)reach shall be entitled to recover damages from the person responsible for such breach. A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 585 Nuisances. 78. ^ov the purposes of this Ordinance, — Explanation as / 1 X A • • 1 . . j^ 1 • ... to nuisances. (1.) Any premises m such a state as to be a nuisance or injurious to health ; (2.) Any pool, trench, drain, gutter, watercourse, privy, urinal, cess- pool, drain, or receptacle for refuse matter so foul or in such a state as to be a nuisance or injurious to health ; (3.) Any animal so kept as to be a nuisance or injurious to health ; (4.) Any accumulation or deposit which is a nuisance or injurious to health ; (5.) Any house or part of a house so overcrowded as to be dangerous or injurious to the health of the inmates, whether or not members of the same family ; (6.) Any factory, workshop, or workplace not kept in a cleanly state, or not ventilated in such a manner as to render harmless, as far as practicable, any gases, vapours, dust, or other impurities generated in the course of the work carried on therein that are a nuisance or injurious to health, or so overcrowded while work is carried on as to be dangerous or injurious to the health of those employed therein ; (7.) Any fireplace or furnace which does not, as far as practicable, consume the smoke arising from the combustible used therein, and which is used for working an engine by steam, or in any mill, factory, dyehouse, brewery, bakehouse, or gas- work, or in any manufacturing or trade process whatsoever ; and (8.) Any chimney (not being the chimney of a sugar factory) sending forth black smoke in such quantity as to be a nuisance, shall be deemed to be nuisances liable to be dealt with summarily in manner provided by this Ordinance : Provided — First —That a penalty shall not be imposed on any person in respect of any accumulation or deposit necessary for the effectual carrying on of any business or manufacture, if it is proved, to the satisfaction of the Magistrate, that the accumulation or deposit has not been kept longer than is necessary for the purposes of the business or manufacture, and that the best available means have been taken for preventing injury thereby to the public health ; and Secondly — That where a person is summoned l^efore any Magistrate in respect of a nuisance arising from a fireplace or furnace which does not consume the smoke arising from the combustible used in such fireplace or furnace, the Magistrate shall hold that no nuisance is created within the meaning of this Ordinance and dismiss the complaint, if he is satisfied that such fireplace or furnace is constructed in such manner as to consume, as far as px'acticable (having regard to the nature of the manufacture or trade) all smoke arising therefrom, and that such fireplace or furnace has been carefully attended to by the person having the charge thereof. 79. It shall be the duty of every Local Authority to cause to be Duty of Local made from time to time inspection of their District, with a view to Authority ascertain what nuisances exist calling for abatement under the powers District for VOL. I. 40 586 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. detection of nuisances. Giving of information of nuisance to Local Authority. Ser^^ce of notice requiring abatement of nuisance. Making of complaint on non-com- pliance with notice. Making of order dealing with nuisance. Making of order of prohibition of this Ordinance, and to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance in order to abate the same. 80. Information of anj^ nuisance under this Ordinance in the District of any Local Authority may be given to any such Local Authority by any person aggrieved thereby, or by any two inhabitant householders of such District, or by any officer of such Authority, or Hy any constable or member of the Police Force. 81. On receipt of any information respecting the existence of a nuisance, the Local Authority shall, if satisfied of the existence of a nuisance, serve a notice on the person by whose act, default, or suffer- ance the nuisance arises or continues, or, if such person cannot be found, on the owner or occupier of the premises on which the nuisance arises, requiring him to abate the same within a time to be specified in the notice, and to execute such works and do such things as may be necessary for that purpose : Provided — First - That where the nuisance arises from the want or defective construction of any structural convenience, or where there is no occupier of the premises, notice under this section shall be served on the owner ; and Scj-n'lly — That where the person causing the nuisance cannot be found, and it is clear that the nuisance does not arise or continue by the act, default, or sufferance of the owner or occupier of the premises, the Iiocal Authority may themselves abate the same without further oixler. 82. If the person on whom a notice to abate a nuisance has been served makes default in complying with any of the requirements thereof within the time specified, or if the nuisance, although abated since the service of the notice, is, in the opinion of the Local Authority, likely to recur on the same premises, the Local Authority shall cause a com- plaint relating to such nuisance to be made before a Magistrate, and such Magistrate shall thereupon issue a summons requiring the person on whom the notice was served to appear before a Magistrate. 83. — (1.) If the Magistrate is satisfied that the alleged nuisance exists, or that, although abated, it is likely to recur on the same pre- mises, the Magistrate shall make an order on such person requiring him to comply with all or any of the requirements of the notice or otherwise to abate the nuisance within a time specified in the order, and to do any works necessary for that purpose ; or an order prohi- biting the recurrence of the nuisance and directing the execution of any works necessary to prevent the recurrence ; or an order both requiring abatement and prohibiting the recurrence of the nuisance : Provided that the Magistrate shall not under this section direct the execution of any works of which the probable cost exceeds two hundred and forty dollars. (2.) The Magistrate may, by his order, impose a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars on the j^erson on whom the oi'der is made, and shall also give directions as to the payment of all costs incurred uj) to the time f)f the hearing or making the order for a])atement or pn)hibiti(m of the nuisance. 84. — (1.) Where the nuisance proved to exist is such as to render a house or a liuilding, in the judgment of the Magistrate, unfit for A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 587 in case of bouse unfit for liuman haljitation. Penalty on person con- travening order of Magistrate. human liabitation, the Magistrate may prohibit the using thereof for that purpose until, in liis judgment, the house or building is rendered fit for that purpose. (2.) On a Magistrate l)eing satisfied that it has been rendered fit for that purpose, any Magistrate may determine the previous order by another declaring the house or building habitable ; and from the date thereof such house or building may be let or inhabited. 85. — (1.) Every person who does not obey an order to comply with the requisitions of the Local Authority or otherwise to abate the nuisance shall, if he fails to satisfy the Magistrate that he has used all due diligence to carry out such order, be liable to a penalty not exceeding three dollars per diem during his default. (2.) Every person who knowingly and willingly acts contrary to an order of prohibition shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding six dollars j)er diem during such contrary action. (3.) The Local Authority may enter the premises to which any order relates and abate the nuisance and do whatever may be necessary in execution of such oi"der, and may recover in a summary manner the expenses incurred by them from the person on whom the order is made. 86. Where any person applies to the Supreme Court by way of Appeal against appeal against any order of a Magistrate, no liability to a continuing °''''®^'- penalty shall arise, nor shall any proceedings be taken or work be done under such order after such application has been made until after the determination of such application, unless such application ceases to be prosecuted. 87. Whenever it appears, to the satisfaction of the Magistrate, that Execution of the person by whose act or default the nuisance arises, or the owner order in cer- or occupier of the premises is not known or cannot be found, then the Local order of the Magistrate may be addressed to and executed by the Authority. Local Authority. 88. Any matter or thing removed by the Local Authority in abating any nuisance under this Ordinance may be sold by public auction ; and the money arising fi'om the sale may be retained by the Local Authority and applied in payment of the expenses incurred by them with reference to such nuisance, and the surplus, if any, shall be paid, on demand, to the owner of such matter or thing. 89. — (1.) The Local Authority, or any of their officers, shall be admitted into any premises for the purpose of examining as to the existence of any nuisance thereon at any time between the hours of nine in the forenoon and six in the afternoon, or, in the case of a nuisance arising in respect of any business, then at any hour when such business is in progress or is usually carried on. (2.) Where under this Ordinance a nuisance has been ascertained to exist, or an order of abatement or prohibition has been made, the Local Authority, or any of their officers, shall be admitted from time to time into the premises between the hours aforesaid until the imisance is abated or the works ordered to be done are completed, as the case may be. (3.) Where an order of abatement or prohibition has not been complied with, or has been infringed, the Local Authority, or any of VOL. I. 4:0a Power to sell matter removed in abatement of nuisance. Powers of entry of Local Authority. 588 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878 their officers, shall be admitted from time to time at all reasonable hours, or at all hours during which business is in progress or is usually carried on, into the premises where the nuisance exists, in order to abate the same. (4.) If admission to premises for any of the purposes of this section is refused, any Magistrate, on complaint therectf upoa oath by any officer of the Local Authority (made after reasonable notice in writing of the intention to make the same has been given to the person having custody of the premises), may, by order under his hand, require the person having custody of the premises to admit the Local Authority or their officer into the premises during the hours aforesaid ; and, if no person having custody of the premises can be found, the Magistrate shall, upon oath made before him of that fact, by order under his hand, authorize the Local Authority, or any of their officers, to enter such premises during the hours aforesaid. (5.) Any order made by a Magistrate for admission of the Local Authority, or any of their officers, on premises shall continue in force until the nuisance has been abated or the work for which the entry was necessary has ])een done. (6.) Every person who refuses to obey an order of a Magistrate for admission of the Local Authority, or any of their officers, on any premises shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars. Costs and expenses of execution of provisions relating to nuisances. 90. — (1.) All reasonable costs and expenses incurred in giving notice, or in making a complaint, or in obtaining any oixler of any Magistrate in relation to a nuisance under this Ordinance, or in carry- ing the same into effect, shall be deemed to be money paid for the use and at the request of the person on whom the order is made, or, if the order is made on the Local Authority, or if no order is made but the nuisance is proved to have existed when the complaint was made or the notice given, then of the person by whose act or default the nuisance was caused ; and in case of nuisances caused by the act or default of the owner of premises, such costs and expenses may be recovered from any person who is for the time being owner of such premises : Provided that such costs and expenses shall not exceed in the whole one year's rack-rent of the premises. (2.) Such costs and expenses incurred in relation to any such nuisance may be recovered in any Court of civil justice of competent jurisdiction ; and the Court shall have power to divide costs and expenses between persons by whose acts or defaults a nuisance is caused as to it may seem just. (3.) Any costs and exj^enses recoverable under this section by a Local Authority from any owner of premises may be recovered from the occupier for the time l)eing of such premises ; and the owner shall allow such occupier to deduct any moneys which he may pay under this enactment out of the rent from time to time becoming due in respect of the said premises as if the same had been actual!}^ paid to such owner as part of such rent : Provided that no such occupier shall be required to pay any further sum than the amount of rent for the time being due from him, or which (aftin- demand of such costs or ex- penses from such occupier and after notice not to pay his landlord any rent without first deducting the amount of such costs or expenses) ))ecomes payable by such occupier, unless he refuses, on application made to him by the Local Authority, truly to disclose the amount of A.D. 1878.J PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. liis rent ;uid the name and address of tlie person to whom sucli rent is payaWe ; but the burden of pi-oof that the sum demanded from any such occupier is greater than the rent due by him at the time of such notice, or wliich lias since accrued, shall lie on such occupier : Provideii, also, that nothing in tliis section shall allect any contract between any owner or occupier of any house, building, or other pKtperty whereby it is or may be agreed that the occupier shall pay or discharge all rates, dues, and sums of moiiey jiayable in respect of such house, building, or other property, or affect any contract whatsoever l:»etween landlord and tenant. 589 91. — (1.) Complaint may be made to a Magistrate of the existence Making of of a nuisance under this Ordinance on any premises within tlie District coiniilaint by e T 1 * i.1 -j^ 1 • 1 j_i 1 1 private person ot any Liocal Authority by any person aggrieved thereby, or by any as to nuisance, inhabitant of such District, or by any owner of premises within such District ; and thereupon the like proceedings shall be had, with the like incidents and consequences as to making of orders, penalties for disobedience of orders, appeal, and otherwise, as in the case of a com- plaint relating to a nuisance made to a Magistrate by the Local Authority : Provided that the Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, adjourn the hearing or further hearing of the summons for an examination of the premises where the nuisance is alleged to exist, and may authorize the entry into such premises of any constable or other person for the purposes of such examination : Provided, also, that the Magistrate may authorize any constable or other person to do all necessary acts for executing an order made under this section, and to recover the expenses from the person on whom the order is made in a summary manner. (2.) Any constable or other person authorized under this section shall have the like powers and be subject to the like restrictions as if he were an officer of the Local Authority authorized under the pro- visions of this Ordinance relating to nuisances to enter any premises and do any acts thereon. 92. Where it is proved, to the satisfaction of the Central Board, that a Local Authority have made default in doing their dut}'^ in relation to nuisances under this Ordinance, the Central Board may authorize any member of the Police Force, or any person named by them, to institute any proceeding which the defaulting authority might institute with respect to such nuisances ; and such officer or person, or the Central Boai'd, may recover in a summary manner or in any Court of civil justice, any expenses incurred by him, and not paid by the person proceeded against, from the defaulting Authority : Provided that such member of the Police Force shall not be at liberty to enter any house or part of a house used as the dwelling of any person without such person's consent, or without the warrant of a Magistrate, for the purpose of carrying into effect this enactment. 93. Any Local Authority may, if in their opinion summary pro- ceedings would afford an inadequate remedy, cause any proceedings to be taken against any person in the Supreme Court of British Guiana to enforce the abatement or prohibition of any nuisance under this Ordinance, or for the recovery of any penalties from, or for the punish- ment of, any persons offending against the provisions of this Ordinance relating to nuisances, and may order the expenses of and incident to I'ower to the Central Board to authorize jiroceeding in certain cases in respect of nuisance. Taking of ])roceedings in the Supreme Court for aVmtement of nuisance. 590 No. 3.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. all such proceedings to be paid out of the fund or rate applicable by them to the general purposes of this Ordinance. Special remedy for abatement of nviisance. 94. — (1.) Where a nuisance exists or is likely to occur in or near any Hanitary District, the Local Authority of such District may apply, by motion in the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdic- tion, for an order of the Court on the owner or occupier of the premises on which such nuisance exists, or on the person offending, to enforce the abatement or pi-ohibition of such nuisance. (2.) The Court, on any such motion, if it is satisfied that a nuisance exists or is likely to occur, may make such order as the circumstances require for effectually abating or preventing the nuisance or prohibiting any recurrence of a nuisance. (3.) Ihe Court, on any such motion, may also order the execution, within a I'easonable and specified time, of such works as may be neces- sary to efi'ectually abate or prevent any such nuisance or prevent the recurrence of any such nuisance, and may direct the owner or occupier of the premises on which such nuisance exists or is likely to occur, or the person offending, to execute such works or may authorize the Local Authority to execute such works. (4.) Where the Local Authority are authorized by the Court to execute any works under the provisions of this section, the Local Authority shall have full power to execute such works and immediately to recover, by parate execution against the premises on which the nuisance exists, or any portion of them, the costs of executing such works and all charges and expenses incurred by the Local Authority in so doing, or the Local Authority may declare such costs, charges, and expenses to be private improvement expenses. (5.) Where the cost of effectually abating or prohibiting any nuisance is estimated by the Local Authority not to exceed the sum of one thousand dollars, the powers of the Court under this section may be exercised by any one of the Judges of the Court. (6.) In vacation and during non-session of the Court, the powers of the Court under this section may be exercised by any one of the Judges of the Court, whatever the estimated cost may be, (7.) Any Judge before whom any such motion is made may refer the matter to the Court : Provided that, where any nuisance dangei'ous to health exists, the Judge, before referring the matter to the Court, shall make an order directing the execution of any works actually necessary to abate the nuisance. (8.) An appeal shall lie from any order by a single Judge under this section to the Court : Provided that where a nuisance dangerous to health is, in the opinion of the Judge, proved to exist, the Judge may, in giving tlie order, direct that any works actually necessary to abate the nuisance shall be executed, notwithstanding any appeal, and thereupon such direction may be immediately enforced, notwithstanding any appeal. (9.) Where any person desires to appeal, notice of appeal and fifty dollars for costs shall be lodged at an Otiice of the Registrar of British Cuiana within seven days from the day on which the order is made by the Judge, and, in default of so doing, the Court may dismiss the appeal. (10.) The Central Board shall have the powers conferred by this section on the Local Authority. A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. .501 (11.) In this section, the terra "works" includes anything neces- sary to be done either by way of construction, alteration, or destruc- tion. 95. Where a nuisance under this Ordinance within the District of a Local Authority appears to be wholly or partially caused by some act or default eominitted or taking place without their District, the Local Authority may take or cause to be taken against any person, in respect of such act or default, any proceedings in relation to nuisances by this Ordinance authorized, with the same incidents and consequences as if such act or default were committed or took place wholly within their District. Proceedings where cause of nuisance arises witliout District. Provision in case of two convictions for overcrowding. Application to ships and vessels of provisions relating to nuisances. 96. Where two convictions against the provisions of any Ordinance relating to the overcrowding of a house have taken place within a period of three months (whether the persons convicted were or were not the same) a Magistrate may, on the application of the Local Authority of the District in which the house is situated, direct the closing of the house for such period as the Magistrate may deem necessary. 97. — "(1.) For the purposes of the provisions of this Ordinance relating to nuisances, any ship or vessel lying in any river, harbour, or other water within the District of a Local Authority shall be subject to the jurisdiction of that Authority in the same manner as if it were a house within such District ; and any ship or vessel lying in any river, harbour, or other water not within the District of a Local Authority shall be deemed to be within the District of such Local Authority as may be prescribed by the Central Board, and, where no Local Authority have been prescribed, then of the Local Authority whose District nearest adjoins the place where such ship or vessel is lying. (2.) The master or other officer in charge of any such ship or vessel shall be deemed, for the purpose of the said provisions, to be the occupier of such ship or vessel. (3.) This section shall not apply to any ship or vessel under the command or charge of any officer bearing His Majesty's Commission, or to any ship or vessel belonging to any Foreign Government. 98. The provisions of this Ordinance relating to nuisances shall be deemed to be in addition to, and not to abridge or aifect, any right, remedy, or proceeding under any other provisions of this Ordinance or under any other Ordinance or law : Provided that no person shall be punished for the same offence both under the provisions of this Oi'din- ance relating to nuisances and under any other law or enactment. 99. Every Local Authority may, and, when required by the Central Making of hy- Board, shall, make by-laws for regulating the keeping of animals, and toTeepinc'cl such by-laws may authorize the destruction of swine which are not animals. kept in accordance with such by-laws. Saving of other remedies relating to nuisances. Offensive Trades. 100. Every person who, after the commencement of this Ordinance establishes within the District of a Town or Village Authority, without their consent in writing, any noxious or offensive trade, business, or Restriction on establishment of offensive trade. 592 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1878. Making of by-laws as to oflfensive trades. Dut}- of Town or Village Authority to complain to Magistrate of nuisance arising from offensive trade. manufacture shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred and forty dollars in respect of the establishment thereof ; and every person who carries on a business so established shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars for every day on which the offence is continued, whether there has or has not been any conviction in respect of the establishment thereof. 101. Any Town or Village Authority may from time to time make by-laws with respect to any offensive trades established with their consent, either before or after the commencement of this Ordinance, in order to prevent or diminish the noxious or injurious effects thereof. 1 02. — ( 1 . ) Where any slaughter-house, or any manufactory, building, or place used for any trade, business, process, or manufacture causing effluvia, is certified to any Town or Village Authority by their Medical Officer of Health, or by any licensed medical practitioner, and by any eight inhabitants of the District of such Town or Village Authority, to be a nuisance or injurious to the health of any of the inhabitants of the District, such Town or Village Authority shall direct complaint to be made before a Magistrate, who may summon the person by or on whose behalf the trade so complained of is carried on, to appear before a Magistrate. (2.) The Magistrate shall inquire into the complaint, and if it appears to the Magistrate that the business carried on by the person complained of is a nuisance or causes any effluvium which is a nuisance or injurious to the health of any of the inhabitants of the District, and unless it is shown that such person has used the best practicable means ■£or abating such nuisance or preventing or counteracting such effluvium, the person so offending (being the owner or occupier of the premises or being a foreman or other person employed by such owner or occupier) shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and, on a second or any subsequent conviction, to a penalty of double the amount of the penalty imposed for the last preceding conviction ; but the highest amount of such penalty shall not in any case exceed the sum of five hundred dollars : Provided that the Magistrate may suspend his final determina- tion on condition that the person complained of undertakes to adopt, within a reasonable time, such means as the Magistrate may deem to be practicable, and order to be carried into efiect, for abating such nuisance or mitigating or preventing the injurious effects of such effluvium. (3.) Any Town or Village Authority may, if they think fit, on such certificate as is mentioned in this section, cause to be taken any proceedings in any Court of J ustice, or against any person in respect of the matters alleged in such certificate. Power to proceed where nuisance arises from offensive trade carried on without District. 103. Whei'e any house, building, manufactory, or place which is ■ certified in pursuance of the last preceding section to be a nuisance or injurious to the health of any of the inhabitants of the District of a Town or Villagf; Authority is situated without such I)istnct, such Town or Village Authority may take, or cause to be taken, any proceedings by that section authorized in respect of the matters alleged in the certificate, with the same incidents and consequences as if the house, building, manufactory, or place were situated within such District. A.D. 1878. PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 593 UnsoioiuL Meal, I'ic. 104. Any licensed medical practitioner, or any officer of any Local Power to Authority, may, at all reasonal)le times inspect and examine any "Jc!^^'^ ' animal, carcass, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruit, vegetaljles, corn, bread, flour, or milk exposed for sale or deposited in any place for the purpose of sale or of preparation for sale, and intended for the food of man, the proof that the same was not exposed or deposited for any such purpose, or was not intended for the food of man, resting with the party charged ; and -if any such animal, carcass, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruit, vegetables, corn, bread, flour, or milk appears to such metlical practitioner or ofHcer to be unsound, unwholesome, or unfit for the food of man, he may seize and carry away the same, himself, or by an assistant, in order to have the same dealt with by a Justice. 105, — (1.) If it appears to the Magistrate that any animal, carcass, Power to meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruit, vegetables, corn, bread, flour, or Magistrate to milk so seized is diseased, unsound, unwholesome, or unfit for the food ^j^j^ ^f of man, he shall condemn the same and order it to be destroyed, or so unsound meat, disposed of as to prevent it from being exposed for sale or used for the ^*''- food of man ; and the person to whom the same belongs, or did belong at the time of exposure for sale, or in whose possession, or on whose premises the same was found, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars for every animal, carcass, or fish, or piece of meat, flesh, or fish, or any poultry or game, or for the parcel of fruit, vegetables, corn, bread, or flour, or for the milk, so condemned, or, at the discretion of the Magistrate, without the infliction of a penalty, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months. (2.) The Magistrate who under this section is empowered to con- vict the offender may be either the Magistrate who has ordered the article to be disposed of or destroyed or any other Magistrate. 106. Every person who — (1.) In any manner prevents any medical practitioner, or officer of the Local Authority, from entering any premises and inspecting any animal, carcass, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruit, vege- tables, corn, bread, flour, or milk exposed or deposited for the purpose of sale or of preparation for sale and intended for the food of man ; or (2.) Obstructs or impedes any such medical practitioner or officer, or his assistant, when carrying into execution the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars. 107. — (I.) On complaint made upon oath by a medical practitioner or by an officer of a Local Authority, any INIagistratc may grant a warrant to any such officer to enter any building in which such medical practitioner or officer has reason for believing that there is kept or concealed any animal, carcass, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish, fruit, vegetables, corn, Ijread, flour or milk, which is intended for sale for the food of man and is diseased, unsound, unwholesome, or unfit for the food of man, and to search for, seize, and carry away any such animal Penalty on person hindering inspection of meat, etc. Granting of search warrant for inirjioses of inspection. 594 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1878. or other article in order to have the same dealt with by a Magistrate under the provisions of this Ordinance. (2.) Every person who obstructs any such officer in the perform- ance of his duty under such warrant shall, in addition to any other punishment to which he may be subject, be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars. Duty of Local Authority to cause premises to be cleansed and disinfected in case of infection. Destruction of infected bedding, etc. Provision of means of disin- fection. Provision of conveyance for infected persons. Removal of infected per- son without proper lodging to hospital by order of Magistrate. Provisio7is against Ivfeclion. 108. — (1.) Where any Local Authority are of opinion, on the cer- tificate of their Medical Ofiicer of Health or of any other licensed medical practitioner, that the cleansing and disinfecting of any house or part thereof, and of any articles therein likely to retain infection, would tend to prevent or check infectious disease, it shall be the duty of such i^uthority to give notice in writing to the owner or occupier of such house or part thereof, requiring him to cleanse and disinfect such house or part thereof and articles, within a time specified in such notice. (2.) If the person to whom notice is so given fails to comply therewith, he shall be liable to a penalty of not less than three dollars and not exceeding twenty-four dollars for every day during which he continues to make default ; and the Local Authority shall cause such house or part thereof and articles to be cleansed and disinfected, and may recover the expenses incurred from the owner or occupier in default in a summary manner. (3.) Where the owner or occupier of any such house or part thereof is, from poverty or otherwise, unable, in the opinion of the Local Authority, effectually to carry out the requirements of this section, such Authority may, without enforcing such requirements on such owner or occupier, with his consent, cleanse and disinfect such house or part thereof and articles, and defray the expenses thereof. 109. Any Local Authority may direct the destruction of any bedding, clothing, or other articles which have been exposed to infec- tion from any dangerous infectious disorder, and may give compensation for the same. 110. Any Local Authority may provide a proper place, with all necessary apparatus and attendance, for the disinfection of bedding, clothing, or other articles which have become infected, and may cause any articles brought for disinfection to be disinfected free of charge. 111. Any Local Authority may provide and maintain a carriage or carriages suitable for the conveyance of persons suffering under any infectious disorder, and may pay the expenses of conveying therein any person so suffering to a hospital (jr other ])lace. 112. — (1.) Where any suitalile hospital or place for the reception of the sick is provided within the District of a Local Authority, or within a convenient distance of such District, to which the Local Authority are entitled to remove patients, any person who is suffering from any dangerous infectious disorder, and is without proper lodging or accommodation, or lodged in a room occupied by more than one family, or is on board any ship or vessel, may, on a certificate signed by a licensed medical practiti(jner, be removed, by order of any Magistrate, to such hospital or place at the cost of the Local A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 595 Authority ; and any person so suffering who is lodged in any common lodging-house may, on a like certificate, be so removed by order of the Local Authority. (2.) An order under this section may be addressed to such con- stable or officer of the Local Authority as the Magistrate or Local Authority making the same may think expedient. (3.) Every person who wilfully disobeys or obstructs the execu- tion of any such order shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. 113. — (1.) Any Local Authority may make by-laws for regulating the removal to any hospital to which such Authority are entitled to remove patients, and for keeping in such hospital, so long as may be necessary, any persons Ijrought within their District by any ship or boat who are infected with a dangerous infectious disorder. (2.) Such by-laws may impose on offenders against the same reasonable penalties, not exceeding ten dollars for each offence. 114. Every person who — (L) While suffering from any dangerous infectious disorder, wilfully exposes himself, without proper precautions against spreading the said disorder, in any street, public place, shop, inn, or pubhc conveyance, or enters any public conveyance without previously notifying to the owner, conductor, or driver thereof that he is so suffering ; or (2.) Being in charge of any person so suffering, so exposes such sufferer ; or (3.) Gives, lends, sells, transmits, or exposes, without previous disinfection, any bedding, clothing, rags, or other things which have been exposed to infection from any such disorder, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars ; and any person who, while suffering from any such disoi'der, enters any public conveyance without previously notifying to the owner or driver thereof that he is so suffering shall, in addition, be ordered by the Magistrate to pay to such owner and driver the amount of any loss and expense they may incur in carrying into effect the provisions of this Ordinance with respect to disinfection of the conveyance : Provided that no proceedings under this section shall be taken against persons transmitting, with proper precautions, any bedding, clothing, rags, or other things for the purpose of having the same disinfected. 115. Every owner or driver of a public conveyance shall imme- diately provide for the disinfection of such conveyance after it has to his knowledge conveyed any j^erson suflering from a dangerous infectious disorder ; and if he fails to do so, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars ; but no such owner or driver shall be required to convey any person so sufiering until he has been paid a sum sufiicient to cover any loss or expense likely to be incurred by him in carrying into effect the provisions of this section, 116. — (1.) Every person who knowingly lets for hire any liouse, room, or part of a house in which any person has been sufiering from any dangerous infectious disorder, without having such house, room, or part of a house, and all articles therein liable to retain infection, Making of l)y-law.s for removal to hospital of infected per- sons brought b}- ship, etc. Penalty on exposure of infected persons and things. Penalty on owner or driver failing to juovide for disinfection of public conveyance. Penalty on letting houses in which in- fected persons have been lodging. 596 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. disinfected to the satisfaction of a licensed medical practitioner (as testified by a certificate signed by him), shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars. (2.) For the purposes of this section, the keeper of an hotel, tavern, or inn shall be deemed to let for hire part of a, house to any person admitted as a guest into such hotel, tavern, or inn. Penalty on person letting house making false state- ment as to infectious disease. 117. Any person letting for hire, or showing for the purpose of letting for hire, any house, or part of a house, who, on being ques- tioned by any person negotiating for the hire of such house, or part of a house, as to the fact of there being, or within six weeks previously having been, therein any person sufiering from any dangerous infec- tious disorder, knowingly makes a false answer to such question shall be liable, at the discretion of the Magistrate, to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars or to unprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding one month. Making of 118.--(1.) The Central Board may from time to time make such regulations for regulations as to the Board may seem fit with a view to the treatment epidemic, ^^ persons affected with cholera, yellow fever, or any epidemic, endemic endemic, and or infectious disease, and preventnig the spi-ead thereof, as well on the di ses"^ seas, rivers, and waters of the Colony as on land, and may declare by what authority or authorities such regulations shall be enforced and executed. (2.) Every person who wilfully refuses or neglects to obey or carry out, or obstructs the execution of, any regulation made under this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred and forty dollars. Hospitals. Power to 119. --(I.) Every Local Authority may, and, when required by the rity to provide Central Board, shall, provide for the use of the inhabitants of their District District hospitals or temporary places for the reception of sick, and hospitals. they for that purpose may, — (a.) Themselves build such hospitals or places of reception ; or (6.) Contract for the use of any such hospital or part of a hospital or place of reception ; or (c.) Enter into any agreement with any person having the management of any hospital for the reception of the sick inhabitants of their District, on payment of such annual or other sum as may be agreed on. (2.) Two or more Local Authorities may combine in providing a common hospital. 120. Any expenses incurred by a Local Authority in maintaining ill a hospital or in a temporary place for the reception of the sick (whether or not belonging to such Authority) a patient who is not a pauper shall be deemed to be a debt due from such patient to the Local Authority, and may be recovered from liim at any time within six months after his discharge from such hospital or place of reception, or from his estate, in the event of his dying in such hospital or place. 121. Every Local Authority may, and, when required by the Central Board, shall, provide and maintain dispensaries at which medicines may be oVitained and medical ])rescriptions prf)perly compounded at reasonable charges ; and the Local Authorities may make by-laws for Recovery of cost of main- tenance of [)atient in hospital. Power to Local Autho- rity to provide and regulate dispensaries. A.D. 1878.1 PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 597 regulating such dispensaries, the issue of merlicines thereat, the persons to whom luedioino shall be supplied, and the charges to be made. PrevenHon of Epidnnic, Endemic, and Infectious Diseases. 122. Whenever any part of the Colony appears to Vje threatened with, or is affected by, any epidemic, endemic, or infectious disease, the Central B(jard may make regulations for all or any of the following purposes, namely, — (I.) For the speedy interment of the dead ; (2.) For house to house visitation ; and (3.) For the provision of medical aid and accommodation, for the promotion of cleansing, ventilation, and disinfection, and for guarding against the spread of disease ; and may, by order, declare all or any of the regulations so made to be in force within the whole or in any part or parts of the District of any Locil Authority, and to apply to any vessels within the Colony or within the territorial waters thereof for the period in such order mentioned, and may, by any subsequent order, abridge or extend such period. 123. — (1.) The Local Authority of any District within which or part of which regulations so issued by the Central Board are declared to be in force shall superintend and see to the execution thereof, and shall appoint and pay such medical or other officers or persons, and do and provide all such acts, matters, and things as may be necessary for mitigating any such disease, or for superintending or aiding in the execution of such regulations, or for executing the same, as the case may require. (2.) The Local Authority may from time to time direct any prose- cution or legal proceedings for or in respect of the wilful violation or neglect of any such regulations. 124. The Local Authority and their officers shall have power of entry on any premises or vessel for the purpose of executing or super- intending the execution of any regulations so issued by the Central Board as aforesaid. 125. — (1.) Whenever J in compliance with any regulation so issued by the Central Board as aforesaid, any licensed medical practitioner, other than a Government Medical Officer acting under the Governor's instructions, performs any medical service on board any vessel, he shall be entitled to charge for any service rendered on board such vessel, with extra remuneration on account of distance, at the same rate as he is in the habit of receiving from private patients of the class of those attended and treated on shipboard, such charges to be paid by the captain of such vessel on behalf of the owners thereof, together with any reasonable expenses for the treatment of the sick. (2.) In case of dispute in respect of such charges, such dispute may (where the charges do not exceed one hundred dollars) be deter- mined by a Magistrate ; and such Magistrate shall determine sum- marily the amount which is reasonable, according to the accustomed rate of charge within the place where the dispute arises for attendance on patients of the like class as those in respect of whom the charge is made. Making of regulations for prevention of epidemic, en- demic, and infectious diseases. Dut\- of Local Authority to see to execution of regulations. Power of entrj' for execution of regulations. Right of licensed medical practitioner to costs of attendance on board vessel. 598 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. Power to secure combination among Local Authorities. Penalty on person violating or obstructing execution of regulations. Providing by Local Authority of mortuary. Power in certain cases to order removal of dead body to mortuary. Providing by Local Authority of place for post-rnortem examinations. Power for Local Authority to 126. The Central Board may, if they think fit, by order, authorize or require any two or more Local Authorities to act together for the purposes of the provisions of this Ordinance relating to the prevention of epidemic diseases, and may prescribe the mode of such joint action and of defraying the costs thereof. 127. Every person who — (1.) Wilfully violates any regulation so issued by the Central Board as aforesaid ; or (2.) Wilfully obstructs any person acting under the authority or in the execution of any such regulation, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars. Mortuaries, etc. 128. — (1.) Any Local Authority may, and, if required by the Cen- tral Board, shall, provide and fit up a proper place for the reception of dead bodies before interment (in this Ordinance called a mortuary) and may make by-laws with respect to the management and charges for use of the same. (2.) They may also provide for the decent and economical inter- ment, at charges to be fixed by such by-laws, of any dead body which may be received into a mortuary. 129. — (1.) Where the body of any person who has died of any in- fectious disease is retained in a room in which persons live or sleep, or any dead body which is in such a state as to endanger the health of the inmates of the same house or room, is retained in such house or room, any Magistrate may, on a certificate signed by a licensed medical practitioner, order the body to be removed at the cost of the Local Authority, to any mortuary provided by such Authority, and direct the same to be buried within a time to be limited in such order ; and, unless the friends or relations of the deceased undertake to bury the body wuthin the time so limited, and do bury the same, it shall be the duty of the Local Authority to cause such body to be buried at their expense ; but any expense so incurred may be recovered by the Local Authority in a summary manner from any person legally liable to pay the expense of such burial. (2.) Every person who obstructs the execution of an order made by a Magistrate under this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars. 1 30. — (1. ) Any Local Authority may, and, if required by the Central Board, shall, provide and maintain a proper place (elsewhere than at a mortuary) for the reception of dead bodies during the time required to conduct any post-mortem examination ordered by a Coroner or other constituted authority, and may make regulations with respect to the management of such place. (2.) Where any such place has been provided, a Coroner or other constituted authority may order the removal of the body to and from sucli place for carrying out such post-mortem examination, and the costs of such removal shall be paid by the Local Authority. Cemeteries and Interments. 131. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Local Authority of any Village Sanitary District or any Country Sanitary District, with the A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 599 approval of the Central Board of Health, to establi.sli a general establish cemetery for such district, and for that purpose to acquire and liold ^^'"eteriea. lands, and to borrow money under section 185 of tliis Ordinance. (2.) The Local Authority, with the approval of the Central Board of Health, may allot any part of such cemetery for the exclusive use of any Church or religious denomination. (3.) The Local Authority may make by-laws for all or any of the matters following : — (a.) for the management and control of any cemetery established by it, and for preserving order therein ; {h.) for regulating the size, deptli and position of graves ; (c.) for regulating Vjurials in such cemetery ; and [d.) for fixing the fees to be paid for graves and in respect of burials in such cemetery. (18 of 1903, ss. 3-5.) 132. — (1.) It shall be lawful for the Central Board to make regula- Making of tions for preventing the interment of any human corpse in an unsuit- legulations as able place or in any place where, from the proximity of dwelling-houses ^^ human or otherwise, danger might arise from such interment to the puljlic corpses, health, and for limiting the time after death within which such inter- ments shall take place. (2.) Such regulations may apply to any part of the Colony therein specified, and different regulations may apply to different parts of the Colony. (3.) Every person who offends against any such regulation shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars. (s. 60, amd. 5 of 1901, s. 2.) (4.) It shall be lawful for the Central Board to make regulations with regard to any cemeteries or places used as burial grounds, prescribing (rt.) The manner in which they shall be laid out ; {b.) The distances of graves from one another ; (c.) The depth of graves ; {d.) The number of bodies which may be buried in one grave ; And generally, all such other matters as may be necessary for their proper regulation. (20 of 1904, s. 4 (2). ) PART III. Local Government Provisions. Regulatioit of Street^. 133. — (1.) The pavements, stones, and other materials of all streets Control of within a Town or Village District shall vest in the Local Authority ; ^^''^ets. and all such streets shall be under the control of the Local Authority. (2.) The Local Authority shall from time to time cause all such streets to be kept in proper order. (3.) Every persf)n who, without the consent of the Town or Village Authority, wilfully or unlawfully displaces or takes up or who injures the pavements, stones, materials, fences, or posts of or the trees in any such street, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and to a further penalty, not exceeding two dollars, for every square foot of stones or other materials so displaced, taken up, or injured ; and he shall be liable, in the case of any injury to trees, to pay to the Local Authority such compensation as the Magistrate may award, (s. 131.) 600 Power to widen streets. No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. 134. — (1.) Any Town or Village Authority may, with the sanction of the Governor-in-Council, purchase any premises for the purpose of widening, opening, enlarging, or otherwise improving any street, or for the purpose of making any new street. (2.) The Governor-in-Council, in sanctioning any such purchase, may direct how the expense of such purchase and completing the work shall be borne ; and the expense shall be borne in the manner directed. (s. 132.) Regulation of Buildings. Making of 135.— (1.) Every Local Authority, with respect to all buildings in by-laws their Sanitary District, may make by-laws with respect to the following 3inSer matters, that is to say,- (a.) The height to which the ground floor shall be raised above the ground ; (b.) The minimum height of each story, and the height from the floor to the plate ; (c.) The minimum size of each room to be used by any person as a room to sleep in ; {d.) The internal ventilation of each room ; (e.) The sufiiciency of space about buildings to secure a free ventilation of air ; {/.) The line of buildings in any street; {g.) The drainage of buildings to water-closets and cesspools in connection with buildings ; and (/;,) The closing of buildings or parts of buildings unfit for human habitation, and the prohibition of their use for such habitation. (2.) They may further provide for the observation of such by-laws by enacting therein such provisions as they may think necessary as to the giving of notices and as to the deposit of plans by persons intend- ing to construct buildings, as to inspection by the Local Authority, and as to the power of such Authority to apply for an order requiring the removal, alteration, or taking down of any work begun or done in contravention of this Ordinance : Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to buildings belonging to His Majesty or to the Colony, (s. 133.) Commence- ment of works, and removal of works made contrary to by-laws. Continuing offence in respect of work. 136. Where a notice, plan, or description of any work is required by any by-law made by any Local Authority, the Local Authority shall, within fourteen days after the same has been delivered or sent to them or their Clerk, signify in writing their approval or disapproval of the intended work to the person who proposes to execute the same ; and if the work is commenced after such notice of disapproval or before the expiration of such period of fourteen days without such approval, and is in any respect not in conformity with any by-law of the Local Authority, the Local Authority may apply for an order on the person causing such work to be executed to take down or alter the same. (8. 134.) 137. — (1.) Where the beginning or execution of any work is an offence in respect whereof the otfender is liable in respect of any by- law to a penalty, the existence of the work in such a form or state as A.D. 1878. PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 60J to be in contravention of the bv-law shall be deemed to be a continuing offence. (2.) Where any work is commenced or maintained in contravention of any by-law, the Local Authority may, by petition, apply fc^r an order to any Judgt^ of the Supreme Court (who is hereby authorized to grant the same) requiring the person causing the work to be so commenced or maintained to take down or alter the same, so as to confoi-m to such by-law, and to pay all the expenses incurred thereby, (s. 1 35 ) 138. — -(1.) Where any lot or share of any land in any Village or Sub-division Country Sanitary District is separately rated, it shall not be lawful to ^^ ^ ^' sub-divide any such lot or share, except with the sanction of the Central Board. (2.) Any su})-division hereafter made or attempted contrary to the provisions of this section shall be null and void. (s. 136.) Making of by-laws for regulating sale of provisions. Power to establish and regulate markets. Regulation of Trades. 139. Ever}' Local Authority may, and, when required by the Cen- tral Board, shall, make by-laws for regulating the sale of provisions, (s. 137.) 140. Any Local Authority may, with the consent of the Central Board, do the following things, or any of them, within their District, that is to say, — (1.) Provide a market-place and construct a market-house and other conveniences for the purpose of holding markets ; (2.) Provide houses and places for weighing carts; (3.) Make convenient approaches to such market ; (4.) Provide all such matters and things as may be necessary for the convenient use of such market ; (5.) Purchase or take on lease, land and public or private rights in markets and tolls, for any of the foregoing purposes ; and (6.) Take stallages, rents, and tolls in respect of the use by any per- son of such market, (s. 138.) 141. Any Local Authority may, if they think fit, provide slaughter- houses ; and they shall make by-laws with respect to the manage- ment and charges for the use of any slaughter-houses so provided, (s. 139.) 142. The owner or occupier of any slaughter-house licensed or regis- tered under this Ordinance shall, within one month after the licensing or registration of the premises, affix, and shall keep undefaced and legible, on some conspicuous place on the premises a notice with the words "Licensed Slaughter-house" or "Registered Slaughter-house," as the case may be. (s. 140.) 143. Every Town or Village Authority may, and, when required by the Central Board, shall, erect and maintain baths and wash-houses, and may make by-laws for the due regulation thereof, (s. 141.) 144^ — ( 1) Any Town or Village Authority may licence the proprie- Power to tors, drivers, and conductors of horses, ponies, mules, or asses standing ^^^^^^^ '^'^^ for hire within the District, in like manner and with the like incidents Power to establish and regulate slaughter- houses. Affixing of notice of licence to slaughter- house. Power to pro- vide and regu- late baths and washhouses. VOL. I. 41 602 No. 3.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1878. and consequences as in the case of proprietors and drivers of hackney carriages ; and may make by-laws for regulating stands and fixing rates of hire, and as to the qualification of such drivers and conductors, and for securing their good and orderly conduct while in charge. (2.) Any Town or Village Authority may also license the proprie- tors of pleasure boats and vessels for hire, and the boatmen or other persons in charge thereof ; and may make by-laws for regulating the numbering of such boats and vessels, and the number of persons to be carried therein, and the mooring places for the same, and for fixing rates of hire and the qualification of such boatmen or other persons in charge, and for securing their good orderly conduct while in charge. (s. 142.) General powers of contract of Local Authority. Provisions as to contracts by Local Authoritv. PART IV. General Provisions. Contracts 45. Any Local Authority may enter into any contracts necessary carrying this Ordinance into execution, (s. 143.) 145 for carrying, 146. With respect to contracts made by a Local Authority under this Ordinance, the following regulations shall be observed, that is to say,— (I.) Every contract made by a Local Authority, whereof the value or amount exceeds two hundred and forty dollars shall be in writing ; (2.) Every such conti'act shall specify the work, materials, matters, or things to be furnished, had, or done, the price to be paid, and the time or times within which the contract is to be performed, and shall specify some pecuniary penalty to be paid in case the terms of the contract are not duly performed ; (3.) Before contracting for the execution of any works the probable cost of which exceeds two hundred and forty dollars under the provisions of this Ordinance, a Local Authority shall obtain from some qualified person an estimate in wi'iting, as well of the prob- able expense of executing the work in a substantial manner, as of the annual expense of repairing the same ; also a report as to the most advantageous mode of contracting, that is to say, whether by contracting only for the execution of the work, or for executing and also maintaining the same in repair during a term of years, or otherwise ; (4.) Before any contract of the value or amount of fi\'e hundred dollars or upwards is entered into by a Local Authority, six days' public notice at the least shall be given, expressing tlie nature and purpose thereof, and inviting tenders for the execution of the same, and such Authoiity may recjuire and take sufficient secui'ity for the due performance of the same ; and (5.) Every contract entered into by a Local Authority in conformity with the provisions of this section, and duly executed by the other parties thereto, shall be binding on the Authority by whom the same is executed and their successors, and on all other parties thereto, and their heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, to all intents and pui'poses : Provided that A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 603 a Local Authority may conipouiul with any contractor or other person in respect of any penalty incurred by reason of the non- performance of any contract entered into as aforesaid, whether sucli penalty is mentioned in any such contract or in any bond or otherwise, for such sums of money or other recompense as to such Authority may seem proper, (s. 144.) Purchase of Lands. 147. Any Local Authority may, with the consent of the Governor- Power to in-Council, for the purposes and subject to the provisions of this purchase Ordinance, purchase or take on lease, sell or exchange, any lands, whether situated within or without their District : and they may also buy up any dam or watercourse which interferes with the proper drainage of or the supply of water to their District, (s. 145.) 148. Any lands acquired by a Local Authority in pursuance of any Sale of surplus powers in this Ordinance contained, and not required for the purpose l^i^ds. for which they were acquired, shall (unless the Central Board other- wise direct) be sold at the best price that can be gotten for the same ; and the proceeds of such sale shall be applied towards the discharge, by means of a sinking fund or otherwise, of any principal moneys which have been borrowed by such Authority on the security of the fund or rate applicable by them for the general purposes of this Ordin- ance, or, if no such principal moneys are outstanding, shall be carried to the account of such fund or rate. (s. 146.) 149. With i^espect to the purchase of lands by a Local Authority Regulations as for the purposes of this Ordinance, the following regulations shall be [ands!''''^'^ ""^ observed, that is to say, — (1.) The provisions of the Companies' Clauses and Powers Consolida- tion Ordinance, 1846, with respect to the taking of lands by agree- No. 1 of 1846. ment ; with respect to the taking of lands otherwise than by agreement ; with respect to the application of the purchase money or compensation coming to parties having limited interests, etc. ; witli respect to small portions of intersected lands ; with respect to lands subject to mortgage ; and with respect to lands subject to leases, shall be incorporated with this Ordinance. In construing the said provisions of the said incorporated Ordinance, for the purposes of this Ordinance, this Ordinance shall be deemed the Special Ordinance, and the Local Authoi-ity shall be deemed to be the promoters of the undertaking. All arbitrations required under the said incorporated Ordinance shall be conducted in the manner provided in this Ordinance, and all things authorized or re(|uired to be done by two Justices of the Peace may be done by a Magistrate ; (2.) The Local Authority, before putting in force any of the powers of the said incorporated Oi-dinance with respect to the purchase and taking of lands, otherwise than by agreement, shall— {a.) Publish, once at least in each of three consecutive weeks, in some local newspaper in the Colony, an advertisement describing shortly the nature of the undertaking in respect of which the lands are pi-oposed to be taken, naming a place where a plan of the proposed undertaking may be seen at aU VOL. I 41a 604 No. 3.] THE LAWS OF liRITISIf (^UIAXA: [A.D. 1878 Power to let anda. reasonable hours, and stating the (iiiantitv of land they require ; and shall further — {h.) Serve a notice on every owner or reputed owner, lessee or i-eputed lessee, and occupier of such lands, defining in each case the particular lands intended to be taken, and requiring an answer stating whether the person so served assents, dis- sents, or is neuter in respect of the taking of such lands ; (3.) On compliance with the provisions of this section with respect to advertisements and notices, the Local Authority may, if they think fit, present a petition to the Governor-in-Council. The petition shall state the lands intended to be taken, and the pur- poses for which they are required, and the names of the owners, lessees, and occupiers of the lands who have assented, dissented, or are neuter in respect of the taking of such lands, or who have returned no answer to the notice ; and it sh ill pray that the Local Authority may, with reference to such lands, be allowed to put in force the powers of the said incorporated Ordinance wdth respect to the purchase and taking of lands otherwise than by agreement ; and such prayer shall be supported by such evidence as the Governor-in-Council may require ; (4.) On the receipt of such petition, the same shall be referred to the Central Board ; and the Central Board, on due proof of the proper advertisements having been published and notices served, shall take such petition into consideration, and shall direct a local inquiry as to the propriety of assenting to the prayer of such peti- tion ; and (5.) After the completion of such inquiry, the Central Board shall report to the Governor-in-Council ; and the Governor-in-Council may, if he sees fit to do so, empower the Local vVuthority to put in force, with reference to the lands referred to in such order, the powers of the said incorporated Ordinance with respect to the purchase and taking of lands otherwise than by agreement, or of any of them, and either absolutely or with such conditions and modifications as the Governor-in-Council may direct ; and it shall be the duty of the Local Authority to serve a copy of any order so made in the manner and on the person or persons in which and on whom notices in respect of such lands are required to be served : Provided that any notices or orders by this section required to be served on a number of persons having any right in, over, or on lands, in undivided shares may be served on any three or more of such per- sons on behalf of all such persons (s. 147.) 150. Any Local Authority may, with the consent of the Central Board, let for any term any lands which they may possess, as and when they can conveniently spare the same. (s. 148.) Mode of reference to (irbitratioii. Arhiiration. 151. In case of dispute as to the amount of any compensation to be made under the provisions of this Ordinance (except where the mode of determining the same is specially provided for) and in case of any matter which by this Ordinance is authorized or directed to be settled Ity arbitration, then, unlroi)erty by ('ountry Authority of Country District other than plantation. 610 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA .■ [A.D. 1878. expenses, or retrospectivel_y, in order to raise money for the payment of charges and expenses incurred at any time within twelve months before the making of the rate. (3.) With respect to levying such rate the following regulations shall be observed, that is to say, — {a.) The Country Authority shall, if practicable, before the thirtieth day of June next, and shall once in every third year thereafter before the thirtieth day of June in such year, prepare a statement showing all the property within their District liable to the payment of the rate and the value of such property as ascertained by such Authority ; and such statement shall be kept at some place of which public notice shall be given, and shall at all reasonable times be open for the inspection of any person interested ; (/;.) If any person interested feels aggrieved at the value as ascertained by such Authority, he may appeal to the Central Board, who shall have power to entertain such apj^eal and decide thereon, and their decision shall be final ; and the value as ascertained by the Central Board shall be deemed the proper value thereof until the next period arrives for ascertaining such value by the Country Authority ; (c.) Where the Country Authority fail to prepare such state- ment, the Central Board may at any time prepare the same ; and the value as ascertained by the Central Board shall be deemed the true value until the next period arrives for ascertaining such value by the Country Authority ; and {d.) The Country Authority, before enforcing the payment of such rate, shall forward a statement to the Central Board of the amount required to be raised by such rate and the mode . in which it is proposed to exj^end the same ; and the Central Board may approve of or diminish such rate or increase the same to one-twentieth of the said value as aforesaid, as may appear expedient to them ; and the rate as approved or fixed by the Central Board shall be the rate to be levied by the Country Authority. (4 ) In any proceedings by a Country Authority for the recovery of such rate, it shall not be necessary to allege or prove that the rate has been approved or fixed by the Central Board, (s. 171.) Levving of 174. — (1) The Country Authority of any Country District, other uniform rate than a plantation, may impose a rate in labour assessed according to on dwellings ^j appraised values, or according to the areas of the several lands, by Country .i i <• i i • i t • Authority of premises, or lots ot land in the district. Country (2.) Such rate may be in addition to any other rate levied by such District, other k .\ L than Authority. . , , ^ plantation. (3.) Such rate may take the form, either of a fixed number of days' labour, or of a specific task and thi^ owners of the several lands, premises or lots of land on wliich such rate is levied, shall be responsi})l(! for the due performance of the prescribed number of days' labour or foi' their proportionate parts of tlie specified task as the case may be : Provided always that the person responsible for such labour or task may elect to pay the Country Authority the value of such labour or task as fixed by the said Auihoi'ity. A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 611 (4.) The Country Authority, before enforcing any labour rate, shall forward a statement to the Central Board of the particulars of such rate, and the Central Board may disallow or amend such rate, or may substitute therefor a money rate, and the rate so amended or substituted shall be the rate to be levied by the Country Authority. (5.) The Central Board may substitute a labour rate for any money i*ate proposed to be levied by a Country Authority, and such rate shall be levied by the Country Authority. (6.) Before any labour rate is enforced the particulars thereof, in writing, specifjung the time within which the labour or task shall be performed, shall be posted at some convenient place or places within the district. (7.) In case any labour imposed as in this section provided is not begun or not completed to the satisfaction of and within the time specified by the Country Authority it shall be lawful for the Country Authority to complete the same by hired labour and to recover the cost of such hired labour in the manner prescribed in this Ordinance for the recovery of rates. (10 of 1902, s. 5.) Sj)ecial Rate for Hospita/s and Dispensaries. {15. — (1.) Every Local Authority of a Village or Country Sanitary Levying of District may, and, when required by the Central Board, shall, levy a special rat^ special rate to defray the cost ^of providing and maintaining District anVmTintain- Hospitals or dispensaries, or both, or to defray any expenses incurred ing District under any agreement authorized by section 119. hospitals and •/ o , •/ (llSl)611S3,riGS« (2.) Such special rate ma}^ be levied on the value of the immov- able property in the District lial)le to be rated, and, if such rate is so levied, all the provisions of this Ordinance for securing the payment and authorizing the recovery of the rate sanctioned by section 1 73 shall apply to such special rate, or, at the option of the Central Board, such special rate may be levied on each room in every inhabited dwelling within the District, and, if such rate is so levied, all the provisions of section 171 shall fipply to such special rate so levied, (s. 173.) Private Improvement Expenses and Rate. 176. Any Local Authority or the Central Board may, if they Private think fit,— improvement expenses. (1.) Perform any work which by this Ordinance the owner or occupier of any property is or may be required to perform ; or (2.) Perform any work which the owner requests should be performed, and which is necessary to place the property in a proper sanitary condition ; and declare the expenses expended or incurred by them in so doing to be private improvement expenses, (s. 174.) 177. — (1.) The Governor-in-Council may, by Order, direct any Power to the Local Authority to perform any work which a Local Authority are C4overnor-in- authorized to perform and to declare the expenses to be expended to'dir ct or incurred by them in so doing to be private improvement execution of expenses, and to levy such private improvement rate as may be '"'oi'ks and ^ j-i r^ • n -1 )■ J. costs to be necessary or as the trovernor-m-Council may direct. defrayed bj- 612 No. 3.] THE LA W^ OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1878. private improvement rate. Levying,' of private improvement rate to defray private improvement expenses. Prefereut lien for private improvement expenses and private improvement rate. Mode of recovery of ))rivate improvement cx])enHes and ]>rivate iiii[»rovement rate. Evidence as to amount of money due. (2.) If any Local Authority, when so directed, neglect to comply with any of such directions, they shall be deemed to have made default in enforcing a provision of this Ordinance, and the Central Board shall enforce the same, and shall have the same power to execute such work as the Local Authority, and the Central Board shall have power to levy and recover the private improvement rate directed to be levied, and shall have the same powers, rights, and preferences for enforcing and securing the payment of the same as the Local Authority, (s. 175.) 178. Where a Local Authority or the Central Board have incurred or become liable for any expenses which, by this or any other Ordinance now or hereafter to be in force, may be declared to be private improvement expenses, such Authority may, if they think fit, make and levy a rate in addition to all other rates on the pnjperty in respect of which the expenses have been incurred, to be called a " private improvement rate," of such amount as may be sufficient to dischai'ge such expenses, with interest thereon at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum, payable at such times and in such period, not exceeding ten years, as the Authority may in each case determine. (s.176.) 179. — (1-) Where a Local Authority or the Central Board have incurred or become liable for any expenses which, by this or any other Ordinance now or hereafter to be in force, may be declared to be private improvement expenses, such Authority shall have a prefereijt lien on the pi'operty in respect of which the expenses have been incurred for all sums advanced, with interest thereon at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum, over and above all other liens or claims wdiatsoever, save and except claims due to the Crown or the Colony and save and except claims due in I'espect of taxes or rates levied by such Authority to defray the general expenditure of such Authority. (2.) Such preferent lien shall continue in full force until the whole sum advanced has been repaid in full, with all intei'est thereon, and continue vested on such property notwithstanding any change of ownership of such property, whether by devolution or private or execu- tion or other public sale. (3.) Where such Authority levy a private improvement rate, they shall have the same preferent lien for the payment of such private improvement rate as for the payment of private improvement expenses. Where any property subject to the payment of a private improvement rate is sold at execution sale, the Authority levying such rate may, if they think fit, require the amount realized by such sale, after payment of all claims preferent thereto, to be applied in payment of the whole amount, with interest, levied by such rate then remaining unpaid, so far as such proceeds may suftice for the purpose, (s. 177.) 180. Private improvement expenses and every private improvement rate may l)o levied and recovered by parate execution against the owner of the property in respect of which such private improvement expenses are payable or in respect of which such private improvement rate is levied, without naming such owner, (s. 178.) 181. A statement purporting to be signed by the Local Authority, or })y any officer of such Local Authority authorized in writing by A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HE ALT IT. [No. 3. 61.3 such Lociil Authority to proceed for the ro^covery of iiioiicys (hu; to such Local Authority, or a statement under the seal of the Central Board, and whether or not tlie expenditure has Ixmmi incurred or the rate levied ))y the Central Board, stating that any private improve- ment expenses or private improvement rate are or is due from the owner of any pi'operty, shall, without proof of any matter or thing, he deemed in all Courts prima facie evidence that the amount therein claimed is so due. (s. 179.) 182. At anytime Ijefore the expiration of the period for which any Redemption private improvement rate is made, the owner of the premises assessed ?f pnvatc thereto may redeem the same by paying to the Local Authority the j-ate. expenses in respect of which the rate was made, or such part ther.iof as may not have been defi'ayed by sums already levied in respect of the same : Provided that money paid in redemption of any private improvement rate shall not be applied by the Authority otherwise than in defraying expenses incurred by them in works of private improvement or in discharging the principal of any moneys borrowed by them to meet those expenses, whether by means of a sinking fund or otherwise, (s. 180.) Payment of Rate. 183. — (1.) Where the owner of any property in a Sanitary District makes default in paying to any Local Authority or the Central Board any tax, rate or amount levied, assessed, or due in respect of such property, as and when the same becomes payable, the occupier of or any pei'son having any interest in such property, or any pirtion thereof, may pay such tax, rate, or amount and recover from the owner of such property the amount so paid, together with interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum until repaid, with all costs of suit. (2.) Where there are several owners, such occupier or person may so recover from any one of such owners, and the part owner so paying shall be entitled to recover from the other part owners of such property the amount of their proper contribution, (s. 181.) 184. — (1.) The Local Authority of any District which consists of a plantation may, for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred })y them in the execution of this Ordinance, recover the amount of all such expenses from the proprietors of such plantation. (2.) In every case where a plantation forms part of any District, any rate levied under this Ordinance shall be assessed and levied on the plantation as a whole, (s. 182.) Right of occupier to pay rate, and recover amount thereof from owner. Recovery of expenses where District is a plantation, etc. Borrorving Powers. 185. Every Local Authority may, with the sanction of the Central Board, for the purpose of defraying any costs, charges, and expenses incurred or to be incurred by them in the execution of this Ordinance borrow any sum of money on the security of the rates, and may mort- gage the rates for the repayment thereof, (s. 1^3.) 186. The owner of any plantation required to erect a tank under the provisions of this Ordinance may borrow any sum of money to defray the cost thereof, at interest not exceeding five per cent, per Power to Local Authority to borrow on creilit of rates. Power to owner of plantation to borrow money 614 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. for erection of annum, repayable within five years from the time of borrowing the *" ■ same ; and the person lending the same shall have a preferent lien on the plantation over all other creditors, debts due to the Crown or the Colony being alone excepted, (s. 184.) Procedure and appeal. See Ordinance No. 12 of 1893. See Ordinance i\^o. 13 0/1893. Restriction on recovery of penalties. Appearance of Local Authority. Proof of name of Local Authority. Punishment of person giving false evidence. Execution of document by Local Authority. PART YI. Legal Proceedings. Procedure Generally. 187. All offences under this Ordinance, and all penalties and for- feitures directed to be recovered before a Magistrate or the recovery of which is not otherwise provided for, may be prosecuted for and recovered before a Magistrate according to the form of procedure pro- vided by any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary juris- diction, and shall be subject to the appeal provided by any Ordinance for the time being in foi'ce regulating appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates, (s. 1S5.) 188. Proceedings for the recovery of any penalty under this Ordin- ance shall not (except as in this Ordinance is pi'ovided) be had or taken by any person, other than a party aggrieved, or by the Local Authority of the District in which the offence is committed, without the ccmsent in writing of the Attorney General : Provided that such consent shall not be required to proceedings which are, by the pro- visions of this Ordinance relating to nuisances or offensive trades, authorized to be taken by a Local Authority in respect of any act or default committed or taking place without their District or in respect of any house, building, manufactory, or place situated without their District, (s. 186.) 189. Any Local Authority may appear before a Magistrate by any member of the Local Authority or by any person authorized in writing generally or in respect of any special proceeding so to appear by any member of the Local Authority, (s. 187.) 1 90. In any proceeding instituted by or against a Local Authority under this Ordinance, it shall not be necessary for the plaintiff" to prove the corporate name of the Local Authority or the constitution or limits of their District, (s. 188.) 191. J^^very person who, on any examination upon oath under any of the provisions of this Ordinance, wilfully and corruptly gives false evidence shall be liable to the penalties inflicted on persons guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, (s. 189.) 192. — (1.) Any document requiring to be signed by any Local Authority may, if such Authority consist of more than one person, be executed by any two members thereof, and if such Authority consist of only one person, then by such person. (2.) In any legal proceeding it sliall not be necessary to prove any signature purporting to be the signature of a member of a Local Authority or that the person so signing was a member thereof, but A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 615 the burden of proof sliall })e on the person disputing the same. (s. 190.) Execution of document by the Central lioard. Use of forms, Second Schedule : Form No. 1 Form No. 2 Form No. 3 Form No. 4. Provisions as to recovery of rates. 193. Any document requiring to V)e executed or authenticated by the Central Board may be executed or authenticated by affixing the common seal of such Board ; and all Courts of Justice shall take judicial notice of such seal. (s. 191.) 194. Any notice, summons, or order with respect to the abatement of a nuisance may be in the Form contained in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance, (s. 192.) Recovery of Rate. 195. — (1.) The payment of any rate at any time imposed under this Ordinance may be enforced, notwithstanding that the period or purpose in respect of which such rate has been imposed has expired or terminated. (2.) Any rate levied by a Village or Country Authority on any immovable property may, whatever may be the amount of such rate, be recovered by such Authority against the owner of such property before the Magistrate of the District in which such property is situated. (3.) The procedure in any such case shall, with the necessary modifications, be that prescribed in any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure for the recovery of petty debts, (s. 193.) 196. In any case where there is no owner of such property or no such owner can be found, the rate may be recovered by parate execu- tion against the owner of such property without further description. (s. 194.) 197. In any proceeding for the recovery of any such rate, a state- Proof of ment under the hands of the Village or Country Authority, or under amount due the hand of any one of them, that any amount is due by the owner of any immovable property shall, without proof of the signatures or signature or of any other matter or thing, be deemed, in all Courts of Justice and for all other purposes whatsoever, prima facie, proof that the amount so mentioned is due by such owner, (s. 195.) 198. — (1.) All sums of money payable by the proprietor of a plan- tation under the provisions of this Ordinance may be levied and re- covered by parate execution against the proprietor of such plantation, without further description. (2.) A statement signed l)y the Local Authority, or under the seal of the Central Board, stating that any amount is due from the proprietor of the plantation shall, without proof of any matter or thing, be deemed in all Courts / rimd facie evidence that the amount therein claimed is so due. (s. 19B.) See Ordinance No. 11 of 18;)3. Case where no owner, etc., of property rated. Recovery of sums due from plantation. Obtninivg Title to Lands sold for Rates. 199. — (1.) Where proceedings by process of parate execution to en- Fees and force the payment of money are taken by a Local Authority or by the process for Central Board against any property (other than a whole) in any Sanitary District, other than a Town Sanitary District, the fees for such process and for letters of decree shall be the fees from time to time determined by Pesolution of the Governor and Court of Policy, and until otherwise resolved by the Governor and plantation as a Jfi^hlcase of proi^erty sold for rates. G16 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. Third Schedule. Recover}' of money authorised to be recovered in summary manner. Court of Policy, shall be the fees mentioned in the Third Schedule to this Ordinance. (2.) Where, in any such proceedings, any such property is pur- chased at execution sale for less than five hundred dollars, it shall not be necessary for the purchaser to petition for letters of decree, and such purchaser shall be entitled, on paying to the Registrar the purchase money in full, with all charges, to receive from the Registrar, without any further payment, a certificate to that effect, and, on filing such certificate with the Registrar, to receive from the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction or from the Chief Justice in non- session, letters of decree for such property. (3.) The provisions of this section shall apply to all property in any Sanitary District, other than a Town Sanitary District, heretofore sold at execution sale and for which letters of decree have not been obtained, (s. 197.) 200. Where any sum of money is authorized by this Ordinance to be recovered in a summary manner, and it is not provided that the same may be recovered in the same manner as a penalty, then if such sum does not exceed one hundred dollars, the same may be recovered before any Magistrate in the same manner as if such sum were a debt under twenty-four dollars, and, if such sum exceeds one hundred dollars, by parate execution, (s. 198.) Giving of notice in action against Local Authority or their officer. Tender of amends. Protection of Local Authority and Protection of Local Authority. 201. — (1.) No process shall be sued out against or served on any Local Authority or any member thereof, or any officer of a Local Authority or person acting in his aid, for anything done, or intended to be done, or omitted to be done under the provisions of this Ordinance until the expiration of one month after notice in writing has been served on such Local Authority, member, officer, or person clearly stating the cause of action, and the name and place of abode of the intended plaintiff and of his attorney or agent in the cause. (2.) On the trial of any such action, the plaintiff" shall not be per- mitted to go into evidence of any cause of action which is not stated in the notice so served ; and, unless such notice is proved, the defendant shall have judgment in his favour. (3.) Every such action shall be commenced within six months next after the accruing of the cause of action, and not afterwards. (s. 199.) 202. — (1.) Any person to whom any such notice of action is given as aforesaid may tender amends to the plaintiff, or his attorney or agent, at any time within one month after service of such notice, and, in case the same is not accepted, may plead such tender in bar. (2.) In case amends have not been tendered as aforesaid, or in case the amends tendered are insufficient, the defendant may, by leave of the Court, at any time before trial pay into Court under plea such sum of money as he may tliink proper. • (3.) If, upon issue joined or upon any plea pleaded for the whole action, the plaintiff' is non-suited or judgment is given for the defendant, then the defendant shall be entitled to the full costs of suit and have judgment accordingly, (s. 200.) 203. No matter or thing done and no contract entered into by any Local Authority, and no matter or thing done by any member of any A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 617 such Authority, or by any officer of such Autliority or other person whomsoever acting under the direction of such Authority, shall, if the matter or thing done or the contract were entered into bond fid", for the purpose of executmg this Ordinance, subject them or any of them personally to any action, liability, claim, or demand whatsoever ; and any expense incurred by any such Authority, member, officer, or other person acting as last aforesaid shall be borne and repaid out of the fund or rate applicable by such Authority to the general purposes of this Ordinance : Provided that nothing in this section shall exempt any member of any such Authority from Uability to be surcharged with the amount of any payment which may be disallowed by the auditor in the accounts of such Authority, and which such member authorized or joined in authorizing, (s. 201.) their officers from personal liability. Notices. 204. Notices, orders, and other such documents under this Ordinance may be in writing, or in print, or partly in writing and partly in print ; and if the same require authentication by authority, the signature thereof by any member or officer of a Local Authority shall be sufficient authentication, (s. 202.) 205. — (1.) Any notice, order, or other document required or author- ized to be served under this Ordinance may be served by delivering the same to or at the residence of the person to whom it is addressed ; or, where addressed to the owner or occupier of premises, by delivering the same or a true copy thereof to some person on the premises ; or, if there is no person on the premises who can be so served, by fixing the same on some conspicuous part of the premises. (2.) Such notice, order, or other document may also be served by post by a prepaid letter, and, if served by post, shall be deemed to have been served at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the oi'dinary course of post, and, in proving such service, it shall be sufficient to prove that the notice, order, or other document was properly addressed and put into the post. (s. 203.) 206. Any notice by this Ordinance required to be given to the owner or occupier of any premises may be addressed by the description of the "owner" or "occupier" of the premises (naming them) in respect of which the notice is given, without further name or description, (s. 204.) Notice, etc., ma}' be printed or written. Service of notice, etc. Address of notice, etc. PART VII. The Central Board. 207. — (1.) The Central Board shall make by-laws for the following purposes, namely, — (a.) For the sanitary care of the ports of the Colony ; and {b.) For the sanitary care of all seamen and other persons be- longing to any vessels therein, or in any of the rivers or creeks of the Colony, or in the territorial waters thereof. (2.) Such by-laws shall provide that any person not complying therewith shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars and not exceeding forty-eight dollars, and, in case of a continuing offence, to a further penalty not exceeding ten dollars for each day after the notice of the breach from any officer of the Board, (s. 205, ) VOL. I. 42 Making of by-laws for sanitarj- care of ports, etc. 618 No. 3.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878- Power to the Board to make inquiries. Effect of order of the Board. Power of oiEcer directed to inquire. iSee Ordinance No. 12 of 1893. Inquiries by the Board. 208. The Central Board may from time to time cause to be made sucli inquiries as are directed by this Ordinance, and such inquiries as they may see fit in relation to any matters concerning the public health in any place, or any matters with respect to which their consent, sanction, or approval is required by this Ordinance, (s. 206.) 209. Any order made by the Central Board in pursuance of this Ordinance shall be binding in respect of the matter to which it refers, and shall be published in such manner as the Board may direct : Provided that an appeal may be made therefrom to the Governor-in- Council, whose decision shall be final, (s. 207.) 210. Any officer of the Central Board shall, for the purposes of any inquiry directed by the Board, have, in relation to witnesses and their examination, the production of papers and accounts, and the inspection of places and matters required to be inspected, similar powers to those which Magistrates have under any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary jurisdiction, (s. 208.) Mode of enforcing obligation of Local Authority. Enforcement of Per/ormmice of Duty by defaulting Local AutJiority. 211. — (1.) Where complaint is made to the Central Board that a Local Authority have made default in providing their District with sufficient main drains, or in the maintenance of existing main drains or in providing their District with a supply of water in cases where danger arises to the health of the inhabitants from the insufficiency or unwholesomeness of the existing supply of water and a proper supply can be got at a reasonable cost, or that a Local Authority have made default in enforcing any provision of this Ordinance which it is their duty to enforce, the Central Board, if they are satisfied, after due in- quiry, that the Authority have been guilty of the alleged default, shall make an order limiting a time for the performance by the Local Authority of their duty in the matter of such complaint. (2.) If such duty is not performed by the time Kmited in the order, such order may be enforced by writ of mandamus, or the Central Board may appoint some person to perform such duty and shall, by order, direct that the expenses of performing the same, together with a reason- able remuneration to the person appointed for superintending such performance, and amounting to a sum specified in the order, together with the costs of the proceedings, shall be paid by the Authority in default ; and any order made for the payment of such expenses and costs may be removed into the Supreme Court of British Guiana in the exercise of its civil jurisdiction and be enforced in the same manner as if it were an order of such Court. (3.) Any person appointed under this .section to perform the duty of a defaulting Local Authority shall, in tlie performance and for the purposes of such duty, be invested with all the powers of such Authority other than (save as hereinafter jirovided) the powers of levying rates. (4.) The Central Board may from time to time, by order, change any person so appointed, (s. 209.) A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 619 Mode of recovering from Local Authority amount expended on their behalf by the Board, 212. — (1.) Any sum specified in an order of the Central Board for payment of the expenses of performing the duty of a defaulting Local Authority, together with the costs of the proceedings, shall be deemed to be expenses properly incurred by such Authority and to be a debt due from such Authority and payable out of any moneys in the hands of such Authority or of their olHcers, or out of any rate applicable to the payment of any expenses properly incurred by such Authority, which rate is in this Part referred to as "the local rate." (2.) If the defaulting Authority fail to pay any such sum, with costs as aforesaid, for a period of fourteen days after demand, the Cen tral Board may, by order, empower any person to levy by and out of the local rate such sum (the amount to be specified in the order) as may, in the opinion of the Board, be sufficient to defray the debt so due from the defaulting Authority and all expenses incurred in con- sequence of the non-payment of such debt. (3.) Any person or persons so empowered shall have the same powers of levying the local rate and requiring all officers of the defaulting Authority to pay over any moneys in their hands as the defaulting Authority would have in the case of expenses legally payable out of a local rate to be raised by such Authority ; and the said person or persons, after repaying all sums of money so due in respect of the order, shall pay the surplus, if any (the amount to be ascertained by the Central Board) to or to the order of the defaulting Authority, (s. 210.) 213. The Central Board may from time to time certify the amount of the expenses which have been incurred, or an estimate of the ex- penses about to be incurred, by any person appointed by the Board under this Ordinance to perform the duty of a defaulting Local Au- thority ; also the amount of any loan required to be raised for the pui'- pose of defraying any expenses which have been so incurred or are estimated as about to be incurred ; and the certificate of the Board shall be conclusive as to all matters to which it relates, (s. 211.) 214. Whenever the Central Board certify a loan to be required, the Eaising of Central Board or the person so appointed may, by any instrument duly loan, executed, charge the local rate with the repayment of the principal and interest due in respect of such loan ; and every such charge shall have the same eflfect as if the defaulting Local Authority were empo\yered to raise such loan on the security of the local rate and had duly executed an instrument charging the same on the local rate. (s. 212.) Effect of certificate of the Board as to expenses, etc. 215. — (1.) Any principal money or interest for the time being due in respect of any loan under this Ordinance made for the payment of the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the performance of the duty of a defaulting Local Authority shall be taken to be a debt due from such Authority, and (in addition to any other remedies) may be re- covered in the manner in which a debt due from a defaulting Authority may be recovered in pursuance of the provisions of this Part. (2.) The surplus, if any, of any such loan, after payment of the expenses aforesaid, shall, on the amount thereof being certified by the Central Board, be paid to or to the order of the defaulting Authority, (s. 213.) VOL. I. 42a Recovery of loan. 620 No. 3,] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. Definition of " expenses." 216. " Expenses," for the purposes of the provisions of this Part re- lating to defaulting Local Authorities, shall include all sums payable under those provisions by or by the order of the Central Board or the person appointed by the Board, (s. 214.) Power of entry in certain cases of oiBcer of Local Authority. Second Schedule : Form No. .5. Penalty on person neglecting to quit land belonging to Local Authority, etc. Provision for case where occupier prevents owner from carr3'ing out the Ordinance. Second Schedule : Form No. 6. Penalty on person wilfully damaging works of Local Authority. Compensation for damage by Local Authority. PART VTII. Miscellaneous Provisions. 217. Whenever it becomes necessary for a Local Authority or any of their officers to enter, examine, or lay open any lands or premises for the pui'pose of making plans, surveying, measuring, taking levels, making, or keeping in repair, or examining works, ascertaining the course of drains, or ascertaining or fixing boundaries, and the owner or occupier of such lands or premises refuses to joermit the same to be entered upon, examined, or laid open for the purposes aforesaid or any of them, the Local Authority may, after written notice to such owner or occupier, apply to a Magistrate for an order authorizing the Local Authority to enter, examine, and lay open the said lands and premises for the purposes aforesaid or any of them. (s. 215.) 218. Every person who occupies any land or house in any Sanitary District belonging to any Local Authority or the Central Board without their permission, and who neglects to quit such land or house on being required to do so, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be Uable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding one month, (s. 216.) 219. — (1.) When the occupier of any premises prevents the owner thereof from obeying or carrying into effect any provisions of this Ordinance, any Magistrate may, if he sees fit, make an order for the carrying into effect of the provisions of this Ordinance ; and if such occupier fails to comply therewith within twenty-four hours after the making of the order, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars for every day during the continuance of such non- compliance. (2.) If the occupier of any premises, when requested by or on behalf of the Local Authority to state the name of the owner of the premises occupied by him, refuses or wilfully omits to disclose or wilfully mis-states the same, he shall, unless he shows cause, to the satisfaction of the Court, for his refusal, be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars, (s. 217.) 220. Every person who wilfully damages any works or property belonging to any Local Authority shall (in cases where no other penalty is provided by this Ordinance) be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars, (s. 218.) 221. Where any person sustains any damage by reason of the exercise of any of the powers of this Ordinance, in relation to any matter as to which he is not himself in default, full compensation shall be made to such person by the Local Authoi'ity exercising such powers ; and any dispute as to the fact of damage or amount of com- pensation shall be settled by arbitration in manner provided by this Ordinance ; or, if the compensation claimed does not exceed the sum of ninety-six dollars, the same may, at the option of either party, be ascertained by and recovered before a Magistrate, (s. 219.) A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 621 222. Notliing in this Ordinance shall he construed to authorize any Local Authority or the Central Board to disturb or interfere with any lands or other property vested in His Majesty, or in any of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, or in the Colony, (s. 220.) 223. No person shall be liable to any penalty under this Ordinance, or shall be deemed to have incurred any liability under this Ordinance, in respect of any foul or offensive trench, watercourse, main drain, drain, or receptacle for refuse matter on any plantation, if it is proved, to the satisfaction of the Court or Magistrate, that the foul or ollensive state of the trench, watercourse, main drain, drain, or receptacle for refuse matter has been caused in carrying on the business of the plantation or in the manufacture of sugar or rum thereon, and that all reasonable means have been taken for preventing injury to the public health, (s. 221.) 224. All powers given by this Ordinance shall be deemed to be in addition to and not in derogation of any other powers conferred by Ordinance, law, or custom ; and such other powers may be exercised in the same manner as if this Ordinance had not been passed ; and nothing in this Ordinance shall exempt any person from any penalty to which he would have been subject if this Ordinance had not been passed : Provided that no person who has been adjudged to pay any penalty in pursuance of this Ordinance shall for the same offence be liable to a penalty under any other Ordinance, (s. 222.) Exemption of Crown and Colony property. Saving in re.sj)ect of plantations. Powers of the Ordinance to be cumulative. SCHEDULES. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. Tables relating to the storage of Water in Buildings and Plantations. The owner of any Building or Plantation described in the first columns of the following Tables shall provide tanks to store the quantity of water specified in the second columns of the said Tables in relation to the said Buildings and Plantations respectively. TABLE I. Section 35. Buildings in Town Districts. Quantity of "W^ater in Imperial Gallons. Each house, including the out-buildings occupied therewith, appraised for local taxation at or above |50,000 Each house, including as aforesaid, so appraised at or above $30,000 and under $50,000 Each house so appraised at or above $20,000 and under $30,000 Each house so appraised at or above $10,000 and under $20,000 . Each house used as a dwelling-house of more than one storj* so appraised at or above $7,000 ....... Each house used as a dwelling-house of more than one story so appraised at or above $3,000 and under $7,000 Each house used as a dwelling-house of more than one story so appraised at or above $1,000 and under $3,000 Each house used as a dwelling-house of more than one story so appiaised at anj- sum under $1,000 Each house used as a dwelling-house of one story only so ajipraised at or above $1,000 Each house used as a dwelling-house of one story so appraised at any sum under $1,000, for each inhabited room Each house of which the different rooms are occujned by different families or different persons not members of the same familj-, for each I'oom so occupied ..... 20,000 10,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 500 1,000 100 100 622 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. TABLE II. Buildings in Villages and Country Districts. Each house used as a dwelling-house of more than one story and of or exceeding |500 in value ....... Each house used as a dwelling-house of one story onl}', or, if of more than one story and of less value than $500, for each room therein ........... Each house of which the diiieront rooms are occupied by different families or different persons not members of the same family, for each room so occupied ..... Quantity of "Water in Imperial Gallons. 1,500 100 100 TABLE III. Description of Plantation. Each Plantation on which any qiiantity of sugar exceeding fifty tons in weight and not exceeding five hundred tons has been made during the preceding year ...... Each Plantation on which any quantity of sugar of or exceeding five hundred tons has been so made, then, for every additional quantity of one hundred tons of sugar or less so made, an additional Quantity of "Water in Imperial Gallons. 25,000 2,500 Provided that, where two licensed medical practitioners certify in writing that there is a supjjly of whole.'ome fresh water on the Plantation sufficient for the wants of all the persons residing on the Plantation, the quantity hereinbefore prescribed in addition to the first 25,000 gallons shall be reduced to 1,250 gallons. Section 194. THE SECOND SCHEDULE, FOKMS. Form No. 1. Notice requiring Abatement of Nuisance. To [the person causing the Nuisance, or the otcner or occupier of the premises wherein the nuisance exists, as the case may hc'\. Take notice that, under the provisions of the Public Health Ordinance, 1878, the [describe the Local Authority'] being satisfied of the existence of a nuisance at [describe the premises or place %chere the nutiance exists], arising from [dcscrilie the cause of tmisance, for instance, want of a privy or drain ; or, for further instance, a ditch or drain so foul as to be a nuisance, or injurious to health; or, for further instance, swine kept so as to be a nuisance or injurious to health] do hereby require you within from the service of this notice to abate the same, and for that purpose to [state any things required to be done or works to be executed]. If you make default in complying with the requirements of this notice, or if the said nuisance, though abated, is likely to recur, a summons will be issued requiring your attendance to answer a complaint which will be made to a Stipendiary Magistrate for enforcing the abatement of the nuisance and prohibiting a recurrence thereof, and for recovering the costs and penalties that may be incurred thereby. Dated this day of 19 . (Signed.) Officer of Local \ Authority. ] A.D. 1878.] PUBLIC HEALTH. [No. 3. 623 British Guiana. Form No. 2. Summons on Compluint relatbtg to Nuisance. District. To the oicncy \_or occupier] of [describe the premises], situated at [insert such a description as luav be sufficient to identifv the premises] \_or to A. B., of ]• You are required to appear before the Court holden before a Stipendiary Magis- on the day of 1 , at the in the noon, to answer the complaint this day made to on certain premises situated at {^insert such Section 104. trate at hour of me by that in or a description as may be sufficient to identify the premises'], in the District, under the Public Health Ordinance, 1878, of [describe the Local Authority] the following nuisance exists, [describing it as the case may be], and that the said nuifance is caused by the act or default of the owner [or occupier] of the said premises [or by you, A. B. [or, in case the nuisnuce is discontinued but likely to he repeated, say, there existed recently, to wit, on or about the day of , on the premises, the following nuisance [describe the nuisance'], and that the said nuisance was caused, etc., and although the same has, since the last-mentioned day, been abated or discontinued, there is reasonable ground to conclude that the same or the like nuisance is likely to recur on the said premises.] Dated this daj' of 1 (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. Form No. 3. Order for Abatement or Prohibition of Nuisance. Section 11)4. British Guiana. District. Whereas on the before District, by To the ou-ner [or occupier] of [ilescribe the premises], situated at [insert such a description as may be sufficient to identify the premises] [or to A. B., of ]• day of 1 , complaint was made Esquire, Stipendiary Magistrate for the that in or on certain premises situated at in the District under the Public Health Ordinance, 1878, of [describe the Local Authority] the following nuisance then existed [describing it] and that the said nuisance was caused by the act or default of the owner [or occupier] of the said premises ; [or was caused by A.B.] [Lf the )iuisauce has been removed, say, the follow- ing nuisance existed on or about [the day the nuisanee was ascertained to exist], and that the said nuisance was caused, etc., and although the same is now removed, the same or the like nuisance is likely to recur on the said premises] ; And whereas the owner [or occupier] within the meaning of the Public Health Ordinance, 1878, [or the said A.B.] has this day appeared before me to answer the matter of the said complaint ; [or, in case the p^rty charged does not appear, say, and whereas it has been this day proved to my satisfaction that a true copy of a summons requiring the owner [or occupier] of the said premises [or the said A.B.] to appear this day before me has been duly served accoi'ding to the said Ordinance : — Now, on proof being here made before me that the nuisance so complained of does exist on the said premises, and that the same is caused by the act of default of the owner [or occupier] of the said premises [or by the said A. B.' I, in pursuance of the said Ordinance, do order the said owner [or occupier, or vi. B.' within [specify the time] from the service of this order, or a true copy thereof, according to the said Ordinance [here specif y anything reijidred to be done or work to be executed, as, for instance, to provide for the cleanly and wholesome keeping of, [or to remove] the animal kept so as to be a nuisance or injurious to health ; or, for further instance, to cleanse, whitewash, purify, and disinfect the said dwelling-house; or. for further instance, to construct a privy or dig a drain, etc. ; or, for further instance, to clean or to cover or to fill up the said cesspool, etc.] so that the same shall no longer be a nuisance or injurious to health as aforesaid. [And if it appears to the Magistrate that the nuisance is likely to recur on the premises, 624 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1878. say, And T, being satisfied that, notwithstanding the said cause or causes of nuisance may be removed under this order, the same is [or are] likely to recur, do hereby prohibit the said owner [or occupier, or A. B.] from [here insert the iiiaiter of the prohibition, as, for instance, from using the said house or building for human habit- ation until the same, in my judgment, is rendered fit for that purpose]. [In case the nuisance was removed before comp'aint, say. Now, on proof being here made before me that, at or recently beifore the time of making the said complaint, to wit, on the day of 1 , as aforesaid, the cause of nuisance complained of did exist on the said premises, but that the same has since been removed, yet, notwithstanding such removal, I, being satisfied that it is likely that the same or the like nuisance will recur on the said premises, do hereby prohibit [order of prohibition'] ; and if this order of prohibition is infringed, then I [order on Local Authority to do icorks']. Dated this day of 19 . (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. Section 194. Form No. 4. Order for Abatement of Xuisance by Local Authority. British Guiana. District. To the Ton-n Council, etc , as the case may be. Whereas [recite complaint of nuisance as in last Forni] ; And whereas it has been now proved to my satisfaction that such nuisance exists, but that no owner or occupier of the premises, or person causing the nuisance, is known [or can be found, as the case may be'\ : — Now I, in pursuance of the said Ordinance, do order the said [Local Authority, naming it] forthwith to [here specify the works to be done. ] Dated this day of 19 . (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. Section 217 Form No. 5. Order of Magistrate for Admission of Officer of Local Authority. British Guiana. District. Whereas [describe the Local Authority] have by their officer [naming him] made application to me, the undersigned Stipendiary Magistrate for the District, and the said oificer has made oath to me that demand has been made pursuant to the provisions of the Public Health Ordinance, 1878, for admission to 'describe the situation of the premises so as to identify them], for the purpose of 'describing the purpose, as the case may be,] and that such demand has been refused : — Now, therefore, I do hereby require you [name the person having custody of the premises] to admit the said [name the Local Authority, or the officer of the Local Authority] to the said premises for the purpose aforesaid. Dated this day of 19 . (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate Section 219. British Guiana. Form No. 6. Order to permit ExMcuiion of Works by Owner. District. Whereas complaint has been made to me, the undersigned Stipendiary Magistrate for tho District, by A. B., owner, within the meaning of the Public He;tlth Ordinance, 1878, of certain premises [describe the situation of the A.D. 1879.] ONDERNEEMING SCHOOL, [No. 1. 625 premises so as to identify them'\, that C. B., the occupier of the said premises, prevents the said A. B. from obeying? and carryins^ into effect the provisions of the said Ordinance in this, to wit, that he, the said C. B., prevents the said A. Ji. from \_here describe the works generally according to circumstances'] ; And whereas the said C. D., having hoen duly summoned to answer the complaint and not having shown sufficient cause against the same, and it appearing to me that the said works are necessary for the purpose of enabling the said A. li. to obey and carrj' nto effect the provisions of the said Ordinance, I do hereby order that the said C. V. do permit the said A. B. to execute the same in the manner required by the said Ordinance. Dated this day of 19 (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. THE THIRD SCHEDULE. Table of Fees for Process and Letters of Decree. For Summation, and serving same ........ 1 For Writ of Execution, to be endorsed on Summation .... For Act of Levy, Inventory, and Advertisements of Sale .... 1 For Selling, a Commission of two and one-half per cent, on the amount of Purchase Money. For Letters of Decree where Property is Purchased for less than $500, to include all charges for recording 1 Section 199. c. 00 25 00 00 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1879. An Ordinance to make provision for the Establishment and liegulation of a School for the Instruction and Training of Vagrant Boys and Youthful Male Offenders. [20th September, 1879.] A.D. 1879. - — ♦ — Ordinance No. 9 of 1883 incorporated. Sec also Ordiwince No. 1 of 1852. WHEIIEAS it is expedient tc make provision for the establish- ment and regulation of a School for the proper instruction and training of vagrant boys and of youthful male offenders, at which the boys may be employed in agricultural pursuits : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Onderneeming School Ordin- Short title. ance, 1879. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, — " The School " means the School established at Onderneeming under the provisions of this Ordinance : *' The Superintendent " means the Superintendent of the School : " Magistrate " means any Stipendiary Magistrate of the Colony. Interpretation of terms. 626 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1879. Eslablishrrient of the School. Establishment 3. A School, to be called " The Onderneeming School," shall be of Onderneem- established at Onderneeming in the Parish of St. John, in the County or Essequebo, for the proper instruction and training of vagrant boys and of youthful male offenders, who shall, as far as practicable, be there employed in agricultural pursuits. ing School. Appointment of Super- intendent. Appointment of oificers, etc. Salaries of superior officers. Wages and expenses of maintenance Appointment and duties of Official Visitors. 4. The Governor, on behalf of His Majesty, may appoint some fit 23erson to be Superintendent of the School, who shall hold the office during pleasure. 5. The Governor may appoint such officers, masters, matrons, and servants as he may consider necessary for the School, and such officers, masters, matrons, and servants shall hold office during the Governor's pleasure. 6. Ihe salaries of the Superintendent, officers, masters, and matrons of the School shall be such as may from time to time be provided for that purpose by the Combined Court. 7. The wages of the servants and all other charges and expenses which may be incurred in the due maintenance of the School shall be paid from and out of such moneys as may from time to time be pro- vided for that purpose by the Combined Court. 8. — (1.) The Governor may appoint any person or persons to be Official Visitor or Official Visitors of the School. (2.) The Governor-in-Council may make regulations for the guidance of such Official Visitor or Visitors in the discharge of his or their duties ; and such regulations, when published in The Official Gazette, shall be binding on all persons concerned. (3.) The School shall at all times be open to the inspection of any member of the Combined Court. Making of regulations. Administratio7i oj the School. 9. — (1.) The Superintendent shall make regulations — («.) For the proper classification of the inmates ; (h.) For the training, education, and moral and religious in- struction, for the employment in agricultural pursuits, and for the apprenticeship of the children sent to the School ; and (c.) Generally for maintaining proper discipline in, and for the proper conduct and management of, the School. (2.) All regulations so made sliall be laid before the Governor-in- Council for approval, and shall have no force or effect until approved. (3.) The Governor-in-Council may at any time alter or amend any sucli regulation. (1.) Any regulation, as settled and approved l)y the Governor-in- Council and published in the I'he Official Gazette, shall, until altered or revoked with the like approval, have the same effect as if such regula- tion were inserted in this Ordinance. A.D. 1879.] ONDERNEEMING SCHOOL. [No. 1. 627 10. The Superintendent shall, in the month of January in each Making of year, prepare a full report of the working of the School during tlie ^"""^^^ ""^P"'*- previous year, to be laid before the Combined Court at its Annual Session. Sending of Boys to the School. 11. It shall be lawful for the Governor, by warrant under his hand, to direct that any boy ordered by any Magistrate, or by the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction, to be detained at an industrial School or at a Reformatory School ho detained at the Onderneeming School for the then unexpired portion of the period during which such boy was so ordered to be detained. Sending to the School of boj"s ordered to be detained at Industrial or Reformatory School. School of vagrant, etc., bo3's under 16 years. 12. Where a boy apparently under the age of sixteen years has been Sending to the sentenced to imprisonment or penal servitude and has been pardoned se'iitenced to^ ^ by the Governor on condition of his going to a Reformatory School, im]jrisonment the Governor may direct him, if under the age of sixteen years, to be ^^ penal »/ ' SGrVltUQG. sent to the School for a period of not less than two years and not more than five years ; and thereupon such offender shall be deemed to be subject to all the provisions of this Ordinance as if he had been originally ordered to be detained in the School. 13. — (1.) Any person may bring before any Magistrate any boy Sending to the apparently under the age of sixteen years who comes within any of the following descriptions, namely, — (a.) Who is found begging or receiving alms (whether actually or under the pretext of selling or offering for sale anything) or being in any street or public place for the purpose of so begging or receiving alms ; or (6.) Who is found wandering and not having any home or settled place of abode, or proper guardianship, or visible means of subsistence ; or (c.) Who is found destitute, either being an orphan or having a surviving parent who is undergoing imprisonment or penal servitude ; or (d.) Who frequents the company of reputed thieves. (2.) The Magistrate befoi-e whom a boy is brought as coming within one of those descriptions, if he is satisfied on incjuiry of that fact and that it is expedient to deal with liim under this Ordinance, may order him to be sent to the School. 14. Where a boy apparently under the age of sixteen years is Sending to the charged before a Magistrate with an offence punishable by such ^„j|er 16 years Magistrate on summary conviction, and the boy ought, in the opinion charged -vvith of the Magistrate (regard beinfj had to his age and to the circum- certain 1 • oifences stance of the case) to be sent to the School, the Magistrate may order him to be sent to the School. 15. Where the parent, or step-parent, or guardian of a boy Sending to the apparently under the age of sixteen years represents to a Magistrate School of •/! ^^-' rGirRctorv bovs that he is unable to control the boy, and that he desires that the under 16 Vears. boy be sent to the School under this Ordinance, or where any boy apparently under the age of sixteen years is now by law liable to 628 No. 1.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1879. be ordered to be detained in an Industrial School, the M;igistrate, if he is satisfied on inquiry that it is expedient to deal with the boy under this Ordinance, may order him to be sent to the School. Form of order of detention. Schedule : Form No. 1. 16. The order of a Magistrate sending a boy to the School (in this Ordinance referred to as the " order of detention ") shall be in writing, and shall specify the time for which the boy is to be detained in the School, being such time as to the Magistrate may seem proper for the teaching and training of the boy. Effect of order. 17. The order of detention shall be forwarded to the Superintendent with the boy, and shall be a sufficient warrant for the conveyance of the boy thither and his detention there. Evidence of order. 18. An instrument purporting to be an order of detention in the School and to be signed by a Magistrate, or purporting to be a copy of such an order and to be certified as such by the Clerk to the Magistrate by whom the order was made, shall be evidence of the order. Sending to the School of j-outhful offenders. Removal of youthful offender to the School. 19. Where any offender who, in the judgment of the Court, is under the age of sixteen years is convicted of an offence punishable with impi'isonment or penal servitude before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction, the Court, instead of awarding a sentence of imprisonment or penal servitude, may oi'der him to be sent to the School, and to be there detained for a period of not less than two years and not more than five years. 20. The Keeper of every Prison having in his custody any youthful offender ordered to be sent to the School shall deliver such offender into the custody of the Superintendent, together with the warrant or other document in pursuance of which the offender is sent to the School. Authority for 21. The j^ossession of the warrant or other document in pursuance detaining of which a youthful offender is sent to the School shall be sufficient offender authority for his detention in the School. Refusal of boy in the School to conform to regulations. Escape of boy from the School Government and Discipline of the School. 22. If any boy detained in the School wilfully refuses or neglects to conform to the regulations thereof, he shall, on summary conviction before a Magistrate, be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding three months, and with or without whipping ; and, at the expiration of the term of his imprisonment, he shall be brought back to the School, there to be detained during a period equal to so much of his period of detention as remained unexpired at the time of his being sent to prison. 23. If any lioy ordered to be detained in the School escapes there- from at any time })efore the expiration of liis period of detention, he may be apprehended without warrant, and, if the Superintendent thinks fit, may be then brought before a Magistrate, and he shall thereupon be liable, on summary conviction before such Magistrate, to be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any term not A.D. 1879.J ONDERNEEMING SCHOOL. [No. 1. 629 exceeding three months, and with or without whipjjing ; and, at the expiration of the term of his imprisonment, he shall bo lirought hack to the School, there to be detained during a period equal to so much of his period of detention as remained unexpired at the time of his escaping. 24. Every person who — Penalty on (1.) Knowingly assists, either directly or indirectly, any boy detained i'ssi^s'thig boy in the School to escape from the School ; or to escape from (2.) Directly or indirectly induces any such boy to escape from the *^^'^ School, School ; or (3.) Knowingly harbours, conceals, or prevents from returning to the School any boy who has escaped from the School, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof before a Magistrate, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ninety-six dollars, or, at the discretion of the Magistrate, to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding four months. 25. — (1.) The Superintendent may, with the approval of the Gover- Granting of nor, at any time after the expiration of six months of the period of ^g ^jj^^^'e o^t'^of ' detention allotted to a boy, by licence under his hand, permit him to the SchooL live with any trustworthy and respectable person named in the licence and willing to receive, teach, train, and take charge of him. (2.) Any licence so granted shall not be in force for more than six months, but may, at any time before the expiration of those six months, be renewed for a further period, not exceeding six months, to commence f r'om the previous period of six months, and so from time to time until the period of detention of the boy has expired. (3.) Any such licence may also be revoked at any time by the Superintendent, by writing under his hand, with the approval of the Governor, and thereupon the boy to whom the licence related may be required l)y him, by writing under his hand, to return to the School. (4.) The time during which a boy is absent from the School in pursuance of a licence shall, except where such licence has been for- feited by his misconduct, be deemed to be part of the time of his detention in the School, and, at the expiration of the time allowed by the licence, he shall be taken back to the School. (5.) Any boy who escapes from the person with whom he is placed under a licence or refuses to return to the School on the revocation of his licence or at the expiration of the time allowed thereby shall be deemed to have escaped from the School, and shall be liable to the same punishment. 26. The Superintendent, subject to such regulations as may from time Power to to time be approved by the Governor-in-Councii, may with the consent ^f'tifg^Scfio^oL of the boy concerned, bind any boy ordered to be detained in the School apprentice to any trade, calling, or service until lie shall complete the age of eighteen years, notwithstanding that his period of detention has not expired ; and every such binding shall be valid and effectual to all intents and purposes. 27. A certificate, purporting to be signed by the Superintendent, to Evidence as the effect that the boy therein named was duly received into and is, at *°j/|g^j^Q"i the signing thereof, detained in the School, or has been duly discharged or removed therefrom, or otherwise disposed of according to law, shall be evidence of the matters therein stated. cion in 630 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1879. Liability of persons, etc., to contribute to maintenance of hoys at the Scliool. Mode of enforcing liability. Schedule : Form No. 2 ; Form No. 3 ; Form No. 4. Maintenance of Boys in the School. 28. When any boy is detained in the School, the father of the boy (and whether the boy is a legitimate or illegitimate son) shall, if of sufficient ability, contribute to the maintenance and training of the boy in the School a sum not exceeding one dollar a week ; and where the father of the boy aforesaid is not of sufficient ability, or where the father is of sufficient ability to pay a part only of the said sum, then the mother, the guardian, every person bound by law to contribute to the support of the boy, and every male person cohabiting with the mother of the boy shall, if of sufficient ability, be bound singuli in solidum, to contribute to the maintenance of the boy in the School the said sum or such part thereof as the father is not of sufficient ability to pay. 29. — (1.) On the complaint of any Inspector of Police, or of the Superintendent, or of any police officer or constable authorized thereto by the Superintendent, at any time during the detention of a boy in the School, any Magistrate may, on summons to any person liable under the last preceding section to contribute to the maintenance of such boy in the School, examine into his ability to maintain the boy, and may, if he thinks fit, make an order on such person for the pay- ment to the Superintendent or his agent of such weekly sum, not exceeding one dollar a week, as to him may seem reasonable, during the whole or any part of the time for which the boy is liable to be detained in the School. (2.) Where any person other than the father of the boy is proceeded against, the burden of proving that the father is of sufficient ability to contribute to the maintenance of the boy shall be on the person proceeded against. (3.) Where two or more persons are liable to contribute to the maintenance of the boy, the Magistrate may summon all or any of such persons before him, and either at the same time or at different times, and may order that each shall be liable for the payment of the whole svan ordered to be paid or for such portion thereof as the Magistrate may direct. (4.) Where the order directs more than one person to pay any amount, the order shall be deemed to be a separate order against each : Provided that where the Magistrate orders that each person shall be liable to pay the whole amount named, the one paying shall be entitled to contribution from the others named in the order. (5.) In every proceeding under this section, the Magistrate shall have full power, for the purposes of this Ordinance, to inquire into and determine whether the person proceeded against is liable to contribute to the maintenance in the School of the boy to whom the proceeding has relation. Terms and enforcement of order for maintenance. Schedule : Form No. 5 : Form No. C. 30. Every such order shall specify the time during which the pay- ment is to be made, or may direct the payment to be made until further order ; and every such order may be enforced by any Magistrate in a summary manner by distress, and, in default of sufficient distress, by imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceed- ing three months. A.D. 1879.] ONDERNEEMING SCHOOL. [No. 1. 631 31. Every such payment shall go in relief of the charges on the Appropriation Colonial Treasury in respect of the School, and shall be accounted for °^ payment, by the Superintendent and paid over to the Receiver General within seven days after the expiration of every month. 32. The Govei'nor may in his discretion remit, either wholly or Power to remit partially, any payment so ordered. payment. 33. Any Magistrate may from time to time vary any such order of Variation payment, on the application either of the person on whom tlie order ^^ order of was made or of the Superintendent of the School, as the case may he, or his agent, on fourteen days' notice being given to the Superinten- dent or such person respectively. payment. Discharge of Boys. 34. No boy who has, to the knowledge of the Superintendent, at- Discharge of tained the age of eighteen years, shall be detained in the School. . °-^' °" attam- » ^ J ' mg 18 years. 35. The Governor may at any time order any boy to be discharged Power to the from the School, either absolutely or on such conditions as the Gover- Governor to nor may approve, and the boy shall be discharged accordingly. charge of boy. Miscellaneous Provisions. 36. No summons, notice, or order made for the purpose of carrying Use of Forms, into effect the provisions of this Ordinance ' shall he invalidated for want of form only ; and the Forms contained in the Schedule to this Schedule. Ordinance, or forms to the like effect, may be used in the matters to which they refer, with such variations as circumstances require, and, when used, shall be deemed sufficient. 37. Service of notice may be made on the Superintendent by de- Service of livery of the notice to him personally or by being sent by post in a notice, letter addressed to the Superintendent, 38. The production of the warrant or other document in pursuance Evidence as of which a boy is directed to be sent to the School, with a statement *°J'?'^' 'f }"g 1 11 11 i-ii-iii_i detained m endorsed thereon or annexed thereto, purportmg to be signed by the the School, Superintendent, that the boy mentioned therein is, at the date of etc. the signing thereof, detained in the School, or has been otherwise dealt with according to law, shall, in all proceedings relating to such boy, be evidence of the identity of, and of the due making of the order and subsequent detention of, the person named in the warrant or other document. 39. Whenever whipping is awarded under this Ordinance by a "WTiipping, Magistrate, the Magistrate shall specify in the conviction the number of strokes, not exceeding twenty-five, and the instrument with which they shall be inflicted. 40. The Ordinances for the time being in force regulating procedure Procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary juris- and appeal. diction and appeals from the decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates shall jy^ 12 o/ 1893 apply to all oifences, payments, and orders in respect of which juris- and No. 13 of lo93i 632 Section 36. Section 16. No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1879. diction is given to a Stipendiary Magistrate by this Ordinance or which are by this Ordinance directed to be prosecuted, enforced, or made in a summary manner : Provided always that no order of detention made under section 16 shall be subject to appeal. SCHEDULE. Bbitish Guiana. FORMS. Form No. 1. Order sending Child to Ondernee)ni)ig School. District. Be it remembered that on the day of 19 , in pur- suance of the Onderneeming School Ordinance, 1879, I, the undersigned Stipen- diary Magistrate of the District, do order that A.B., being a boy apparently of the age of years, and subject to the provisions of the said Ordinance, be sent to the Onderneeming School, and that he be detained there until the day 19 (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. Section 29. Section 29. Form No. 2. Complaint for enforcing Contribution for Maintena)ice from Parent, etc. British Guiana. District. The complaint of the Superintendent of the Onderneeming School [or, as the case mag be'], made to me, the undersigned Stipendiary Magistrate for the District, this day of 19 , who says that one A.B., of the age of years or thereabouts, is now detained in the said School under the Onderneeming School Ordinance, 1879, and has been duly ordered and directed to be detained therein until the day of 19 , and that one C. I)., dwelling in the Parish of in the County of is a person liable to contribute to the maintenance of the said A. B., and is of sufficient ability to contribute to the support and maintenance of the said A. B.; and the said complainant therefore prays that the said C. D. may be simimoned to show cause why an order should not be made on him so to contribute. Exhibited before me, (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. British Guiana. Form No. 3. Summons to Parent, etc. District. To C. P., of Whereas complaint has this day been made before me, the undersigned Stipendiary Magistrate for the District, for that you \_here state shortly the matter of complaint'] : — This is, therefore, to command you to be and appear on day, the day of 19 , at o'clock in the noon at before such Stipendiary Magistrate as may then be there, to answer the said complaint, and to be further dealt with according to law. Dated this day of 19 . (Signed.) Stipendiary Magistrate. A.D. 1879. ONDERNEEMING SCHOOL. [No. 1. 633 Form No 4. Order on I'areiit, etc., lo contribute a Weekly Sum for Mainteuaxce. Bkitibh Guiana. DiRTKICT. Be it remembered that on this day of 19 , at a certain complaint of the Superintendent of the Onderneeming School \or as the cii^« indebted unto " " ' before the passing of the ^^ Loan Ordinance, '^^. Public 5^of . _ ^'^ of which at of or bearer, in the sum for the payment on the day of 1 , with interest at the rate per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly 1879, are pledged by the '^^" at the same place, on the successive days .(25X last-mentioned Ordinance ^of and next ensuing the date of a, this Bond, on the surrender of the ix'spective ^^3^ Interest Warrants hereto attached, the Colonial for the payment of the ^^ 1^3^^,^^^^,^ ^^g ple^lged as Security under the pro- • , , * tu- Tj T f^(?5)/a visions of the Public Loan Ordinance, 1879. capital sum oi this Bond, ^^t>^ ' with the interest accruing ^5>^ this thereon, and due provision ^^§ for the redemption of this Bond is prescribed by the said Ordinance. >^ ^1^1^?? Given under our Hands at day of 1 A.B., Government Secretari/. CD., Receiver General, [or A.B., CD. , Specially authorized to sign this Bond by the Governor-in-Council.j "^m Recorded Coupons. Series Bond No. Auditor General. Interest "Warrant No. The Undersigned, the Grovernment Secretary and the Receii-er (-ieneral [or being sijeciilly hereto authorized by tlie Governor-in- Council] of British Guiana, hereby undertake, for and on behalf of the said Colony, to pay the Bearer, on the day of 1 , at the sum of Dollars, being One- Half Year's Interest on their Bond No. A.B., Governuient Secretary. CD., Receiver General. [or A.B., CD., Specially authorized to sign this Coupon by the Governor-in-Council.] 638 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1880. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1880. A. D 188 0. An Ordinance to facilitate the Removal of Wrecks obstructing; Navigration. B [9tli June, 1880.] E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — Short title. Exception of certain ships. Power to the Comptroller of Customs to remove wreck obstructing navigation. Extension of powers of removal to 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Wrecks Removal Ordinance, 1880. 2. This Ordinance shall not apply to any ship belonging to His Majesty, and shall not apply to any ship belonging to any Foreign Government recognized by His Majesty, unless such ship has been abandoned by such Government 3. Where any vessel is sunk, stranded, or abandoned in any fairway in the Colony or the adjacent sea, or in or near any approach to any bay, port, or harbour of the Colony or the adjacent sea, or on the seashore in the Colony or the adjacent sea, or in any of the territorial waters of the Colony, the Comptroller of Customs, if, in his opinion, such vessel is or is likely to be an obstruction or danger to navigation, may take possession of, and raise and remove or destroy, the whole or any part of the vessel, and light or buoy any such vessel or part until the raising, removal, or destruction thereof, and may sell, in such manner as he thinks fit, any vessel or part so removed, and may, out of the proceeds, pay all expenses incurred in so doing, and shall pay over the surplus, if any, of such proceeds to the persons entitled thereto : Provided as follows : — (1.) Except in the case of property which is of a perishable nature or which would deteriorate in value by delay, a sale shall not be made under this Ordinance until at least seven clear days' notice of the intended sale has been given by advertisement in at least two newspapers published in the Colony ; and (2.) At any time before any property is sold under this Ordinance, the owner thereof shall ))e entitled to have the same delivered to him, on payment to the ConaptruUer of Customs of the fair market value thereof, to be ascertained by agreement between the Comp- troller of Customs and the owner, or, failing such agreement, by some person to be named for the purpose by the Government Secretary, and the sum paid to the Comptroller of Customs as the value of any property under this provision shall, for the purposes of this Ordinance, be deemed to be the proceeds of sale of that property. 4. The provisions of this Ordinance sliall apply to every article or thing or collection of things being or forming part of the tackle, A.D. 1880.] WRECKS REMOVAL. [No. 2. 639 equipments, cargo, stores, or ballast of a vessel in the same manner as if tackle, it wore included in the term " vessel " ; and, for the purposes of this gar'go""eU!!^' Ordinance, any proceeds of a sale arising from a vessel and from the cargo thereof or any other property recovei'ed therefrom shall be regarded as a common fund. 5. — (1.) If such fund is more than sufficient to pay all expenses, the Disposal of persons entitled to the property sold shall have in the same proportions proceeds of similar rights to the balance of the fund, and, for th(; purpose of vessel, etc. ascertaining the portion payable to the owner of any property sold, the value of his pi'operty, as compared with the value of the other property sold, shall be deemed to be the amount of the proceeds realized by the sale of such pi-operty, if the same can be ascertained, and, if not, as near thereto as can be estimated. (2.) Where there is any dispute or doubt as to the persons entitled or as to the share of the balance payable to any person, the Comptroller may pay the whole of the balance of the fund into the Registry of the Court. 6. No action shall lie against the Comptroller of Customs for Protection anything done by him, or by any one acting under his directions or of *lie authority, in or about the raising, removal, destruction, or sale of any ^f Customs vessel or of any article or thing or collection of things being or form- and those ing part of the tackle, equipments, cargo, stores, or ballast of any vessel, y^^^^^ceftain sunk, stranded, or abandoned, and which was, in the opinion of the cases. Comptroller of Customs, likely to be an obstruction or danger to the navigation along the coasts or to the ports of the Colony on the ground that the act complained of was done without the limits of the Colony. 7. Where any vessel is sunk or stranded in or near the Harbour of Taking of Georgetown or in or near the fairway leading thereto, the Harbour ^hriiarbour'"^ Master of Georgetown, and where any vessel is sunk or stranded in or Master, near the Port of New Amstei'dam or in or near the fairway leading thereto, the Harbour Master of New Amsterdam, shall, as soon as they become aware of the fact, adopt such measures of precaution as the circumstances of the case may appear to them to require and may be within their command, and shall notify the casualty to the Comptroller of Customs and aflbrd to the Comptroller of Customs such assistance as they may be able to render. (Amd. 6 of 1904, s. 5.) 8. The Comptroller of Customs, and all persons acting under his Protection direction or control, shall be entitled to the benefits of the Justices Comptroller of Protection Ordinance, 1850. Customs, etc. No. 2 of 1850. 640 No. 3.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1880. ORDINANCE No. 3 OF 1880. A.D. 1880. An Ordinance to make provision for Inquiry into * the Origin of Fires and of Occurrences resulting in Serious Injury. [9th June, 1880.] T) E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice Short title. and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows :- 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Fires Inquiry Ordinance, 1880. Interpretation 2. In this Ordinance " Inquiry " means an inquiry under this of terms. Ordinance. Making of inquiry into origin of fires and certain other occurrences. 3. Where any fire occurs causing injury to person or property, or in respect of which there is reasonable ground to suspect that a crime has been committed, or where any occuri-ence takes place resulting in serious injury to person or property, the Stipendiaiy Magistrate of the District in which such fire or occurrence has taken place, shall, if he considers it expedient or is required by the Attorney-General to do so, make inquiry into the origin of such fire or occurrence. Summoning of witnesses, and taking of evidence. 4. — (1.) The Stipendiary Magistrate may summon such witnesses as he may deem necessary, and shall examine them upon oath touching the matter of the inquiry. (2.) The evidence of every witness shall be taken down in writing by the Stipendiary Magistrate, and distinctly read over to and sub- scribed by such witness in the presence of the Stipendiary Magistrate. Committal of witness failing to appear or of witness refusing to give evidence. 5. — (1.) If any person summoned as a witness at any inquiry refuses or neglects to appear at the time and place appointed by the summons and otherwise to comply with the same, and if no just excuse is offered for such refusal or neglect, then (after proof upon oath of such summons having been served upon such p(!rson, either personally or Ijy leaving the same for him with some person at his place of abode) it shall be lawful for the Stipendiary Magistrate to issue a warrant, under his hand, to Ijring and have such person at a time and place therein men- tioned, before him to testify as aforesaid. (2.) If, on the appearance of the person so summoned, either in obedience to the summons or upon being brought by virtue of the warrant, such person refuses to be examined upon oath concerning the preniisi^s, or refuses to take such oath, or, liaving taken such oath, refuses to answer such questions concerning the premises as may be then put to him, or refuses to jiroduce any document which he may be suunnoned to produce, or refuses to sul)scribe his deposition, the Stipendiary Magistrate may, by warrant under his hand, commit the A.D. 1880.] IXQUIRY AS TO FIRES, ETC. [No. 3. 641 person so refusing to any ordinary Prison of the Colony for any time not exceeding seven days, unless lie shall in the meantime consent to be examined and to answer concerning the premises, or to produce such documents, if any, oi- to sul)scribe his deposition, as the case may be. 6. The Attorney CJeneral or anyone on his behalf, the Inspector Powers to General of Police, or any Inspector of Police, or any person wliose certain persons conduct may be called in question or who may be affected by the result j^ inquiry."^ of the inquiry, may attend at the inquiry and examine or cross-examine any witnesses, and may require that any witness shall be examined. 7. — (1 ) A Stipendiary Magistrate, on becoming aware of any fire or Powers of occurrence as to the origin of which it appears expedient to hold an inagistrrte! inquiry, may do all or any of the following things, that is to say, — (rt. ) He may from time to time himself inspect, or, by order in writing under his hand, authorize and direct any person or persons to inspect the locality where the fire or occurrence has taken place, and make such examination and take such photographs as he or they may deem expedient ; (6.) He may, by order in writing under his hand, require that the place in and near which the fire or occurrence has taken place shall be left undisturbed, and that no article or thing shall be removed therefronj, for such reasonable time, to be .specified in such order, as may be necessary for the purposes of the inquiry, and the time mentioned in any such order may be extended by a like order in writing. While any such order remains in force every member of the Police Force shall liave full authority to remain in possession of such place and to prevent any person from going thereon and any article or thing from being disturbei or removed ; (c.) He may, by an order in writing under his hand, authorize any memljers of the Police Force, without naming such mem- bers, to take and keep possession of any article or thing which he deems it necessary should be safely kept for inspection or production at the inquiry ; and {d.) Where any article or thing, the production of which there is reason to consider is necessary for the purposes of the inquiry, has been removed or is concealed, he may, by war- rant under his hand, empower any members of the Police Force, without naming such members, to search for such article or thing and, when found, to keep possession of the same for production at the inquiry : Provided as follows, that is to say, if any person feels aggrieved by any oi'der of a Stipendiary Magistrate made under the provisions of this section, he may, on an athdavit of the facts and without notice, except as hereinafter directed, apply by motion to a Judge of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction to vary or annul the order of the Stipendiary Magistrate, and the Judge is hereby authorized to make such order as the circumstances may require. Every person who wishes to make any such application shall, twenty- four hours at least before making the application, leave at the chambers of the Attorney General a notice in writing of his intention to apply and a copy of every affidavit which he intends to use on making such application. 642 No. 3.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1880. (2.) Every person who obstructs the Stipendiary Magistrate, or any person acting under his order or direction, shall be guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred and forty dollars or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding one month. Expenses of witnesses and of inquiry. 8. A witness examined on an inquiry may receive such reasonable remuneration as the Stipendiary Magistrate may certify should be allowed, not exceeding in any case what would be allowed to the witness for attendance at the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction, and all the expenses of an inquiry shall be defrayed from the sum annually voted for the miscellaneous expenses of the administration of Justice. Inquiry to be public. Finding of Magistrate, etc. 9. Every inquiry shall be conducted publicly. 10. After all the witnesses have been examined and the Stipendiary Magistrate has made full investigation into the subject-matter of the in(|uiry, he shall record in writing his opinion as to the origin of the fire or occurrence in respect of which the inquiry is held, and shall sign such opinion, and, as soon thereafter as may be practicable, shall transmit the same to the Attorney General, together with all the depositions taken and the documents produced. Use of forms. See Ordinance No. 12 of 1803. 11. The forms of summonses and warrants authorized to be used under any Ordinance for the time being in force regulating procedure before Stipendiary Magistrates in the exercise of their summary juris- diction may, with the necessary modifications, be used for summonses and warrants under this Ordinance. ORDINANCE No. 6 OF 1880. A.D. 1880. Ordinances No. 3 of 18G0, No. 27 of 1862, No. 23 of 1864, No. 12 of 1865, and No. 4 of 1868 incorporated. Short title. An Ordinance to anialoamatc the I\eoistrar's Office of Denierara and Esscquebo aiitl the Ixegistrar's Office of Berbice. [28th August, 1880.] E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — B 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Registrar's Ordinance, 1880. Iiegisirar\s O^ffice mid Oj/icers. Amalgamation 2. — (1.) The Registrar's Oflice of the Counties of Demerara and of Offices, Essequebo and the Registrar's OlUce of tlie County of Berbice are A.D. 18S0.] REGISTRAR. [No. 6. 643 hereby amalgamated and shall in future he one Office or Department and shall be called and known as "The llegistrar's Olhce of British Guiana." (2.) Such Office is hereinafter referred to as "The Registrar's Office "or "the Ollice." 3. — (1.) His Majesty may appoint a Registrar of Bi-itish Guiana, Appointment, and such number of Sworn Clerks and Notaries Public and such tenure of office, number of Assistant Sworn Clerks as may be necessary, and an ^f officers. Accountant, of the Registrar's Office. (2.) All such officers shall hold office during His Majesty's pleasure : Pi'ovided always that no person shall be appointed a Sworn Clerk and Notary Public until he has been examined and obtained a certificate of competency as now required by law. (Amd. 22 of 1903, s. 7 (2).) 4. — (1.) The Registrar, each Sworn Clerk and Notary Public, and Giving of the Accountant in the Ptegistrar's Office, who may not have already certaiVofficers. given security, shall respectively give security, by himself and two sureties, jointly and severally, to such an amount as may be deter- mined by the Governor-in-Council, for the true and faithful performance of his duties and for the accounting for and payment of all sums of money received by him. (2.) The first security bond given by the Registrar, each Sworn Clerk and Notary Public, and the Accountant as aforesaid shall take efiect as from the date of the appointment of any such officer. 5. — (1.) No person shall be appointed a Sworn Clerk and Notary Examination Public unless he has first been examined by two at least of the f oj.'^o!|-ce of*^ Judges of the Supreme Court and has received from them a certificate Swom Clerk of his fitness to discharge the duties of the said office. and Notar}- (2.) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the said office, the Supreme Court, or any two of the Judges thereof, shall, on the application of the Governor, proceed to examine any candidate or candidates to be named by him ; and in the event of there being at any one time more than one candidate for the said office, the person who may be certified by the examining Judges to have passed the best examination shall be preferred for the appointment. 6.— (1.) Whenever the Governor, in the name and on behalf of His Case in which Majesty, appoints provisionally and until His Majesty's pleasure is Q^^g^^f Sworn known any Sworn Clerk and Notary Public in this Colony to fill any clerk and other office, either by way of promotion in the department to which ^^°^?^/ Public he belongs or otherwise howsoever, a vacancy in the particular office of deemed to Sworn clerk and Notary Public held by him previous to such appoint- occur, etc. ment shall be deemed to have thereby occurred within the meaning and for the purposes of the last preceding section, and it shall be the duty of the Supreme Court, or any two of the Judges thereof, there- upon and on the application of the Governor, to proceed to examine any candidate or candidates to be named by him, and to certify as to the fitness of such candidate or candidates in the manner provided by the said section. (2.) It shall be competent to the Govei'nor, if he thinks fit, to name as a candidate at any such examination any Sworn Clerk and Notary Public who has been already appointed after examination, as well as any other person 644 No. 6.] THE LA WH OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1880. Filling of acting ap- pointment of Sworn Clerk and Notary Public. Application for certificate of fitness for office of Sworn Clerk and Notary Public. Duties of Sworn Clerk and Notary Public and of Assistant Sworn Clerk. First Schedule. Payment over of fees received for drawing documents. Appointment and salaries of clerks and copyists. Fiuther provisions as to copyists. 7. — (1.) Whenever leave of absence is granted to any Sworn Clerk and Notary Public, it shall be lawful for the Governor to appoint any person to act for him during his absence, provided such person has been examined by two of the Judges of the Supreme Court and has been certified by them to be fit to discharge the duties of the said office. (2.) It shall be the duty of the Supreme Court or any two of the Judges thereof, on the application of the Governor, to proceed to examine any person to be named by him as a candidate for such acting appointment, and to certify as to his fitness for the office in question. 8. Where any Assistant Sworn Clerk, or other person holding office in the Registrar's Office, desires to obtain a certificate of his fitness to discharge the duties of a Sworn Clerk and Notary Public, he may apply to the Judges of the Supreme Court to be examined ; and thereupon it shall be lawful for the Judges to proceed to examine the person so applying, and, if he is found to be competent, to grant a certificate of his fitness to discharge the duties of the office, although there may be, at the time of the application, no vacancy in the office of Sworn Clerk and Notary Public. 9. — (1.) Each Sworn Clerk and Notary Public may lawfully do and perform all or any of the duties and services which the Registrar is authorized to do and perform ]>y this Ordinance or by any other Ordinance now in force, and may lawfully demand and receive on behalf of the Office the fees in respect of such duties and services for the time being lawfully prescribed. (2.) Each Assistant Sworn Clerk may lawfully do and perform all or any of the duties and services mentioned in the First Schedule to this Ordinance in the same manner, to all intents and purposes, as if he were a Sworn Clerk and Notary Public, and may lawfully demand and receive on behalf of the Office the fees in respect of such last- mentioned duties and services for the time being lawfully prescribed. (3.) Each Sworn Clerk and Notary Public and Assistant Sworn Clerk shall likewise perform all such duties as a clerk and copyist in his Office as the Registrar may from time to time assign to him. (Amd. 17 of 1901, s. 9.) 10. The Registrar, and every Swoi'n Clerk and Notary Public or Assistant Sworn Clerk, who draws up any document of any kind or description whatsoever, for fee or reward, without paying the whole of such fee or reward to the credit of the Office shall be liable to dismissal. 11. — (1.) The Registrar may, with the approval of the Governor, employ such clerks and copyists as may be necessary for the purpose of conducting the business of the Office with efficiency and despatch. (2.) Such clerks and copyists shall receive such salaries respectively as the Governor may from time to time sanction. (.3.) The number of such clerks and copyists may from time to time be increased or diminished by the Registrar, with the approval of the Governor, as the l)usiness of the Office may retjuire. 12. — (1.) No salary of any copyist shall at any time be considered as part of the expenses of the Registrar's Ofiice, unless the appointment of such copyist, and the amount of his salary, are sanctioned by the Governor. A.D. 1880.] REGISTRAR. [No. 6. 645 (2.) The Governor may at any time oi'der the dismissal from the Registrar's Office of any copyist employed there, whether on salary or not. Branch Offices. 13. There shall be a Branch Office of the Registrar's Office at New of'Brancir^'^ Amsterdam in the County of Berbice. Office at New Amsterdam. 14. It shall be lawful for the Registrar, with the sanction -of the Power to Governor, to estabhsh such other Branch Offices of the Registrar's establish other ,,^ ' ., „ , '^ Branch Offices. Office as to the Governor may seem meet. 15,_(1.) The Berbice Branch of the Registrar's Office shall, under Officers of the direction of the Registrar, be always in charge of one of the Sworn Branch Office. Clerks and Notaries Public, who may from time to time be reheved under the like direction by another of such officers. (2.) The Registrar may also assign to the Berbice Branch Office an Assistant Swoni Clerk and one or mox-e clerks as may from time to time be required for the business of the said Office. Fee Fund in Demerara and Esseqicebo. 16. The following provisions with respect to a Fee Fund shall have Provisions as effect in the case of the Registrar's Office in the Counties of Demerara pj y^^j'jij and Essequebo, that is to say, — • Demerara and (1.) The fees of the Office shall l)e regularly paid in by the Registrar ''^'^'i^^^^- to the Receiver General to the credit of a Fee Fund ; (2.) The Registrar, on preparing, executing, recording, or depositing each document or instrument whatsoever, whether original, grosse, or copy, shall, before giving off the same, demand and receive the amount of the fees, if any, payable in respect of the original and grosse, or copy of the same, and also in respect of any advertise- ment or stamp connected therewith ; (3.) On receipt of such fees, the Registrar shall enter in a cash fee book, to be kept for that purpose in the Form No. 1 contained in Second the Second Schedule to this Ordinance, the number of such docu- lo^^^^jj^; j^ ment or instrument, the nature thereof, the names of the parties thereto, the name of the person requiring the same, the amount of fees paid for the same, and the name of the person to whom the same is delivered, and such entries shall in each year be numbered in arithmetical sequence commencing with number one ; (4.) No document or instrument shall be given off by the Registrar until the entries in respect thereof have been made and the fees received for the same have been paid over to the cashier of the Office for the time being, and a receipt for the same signed and initialed by him : Provided always that, in cases of arrest or- other matters of emergency, where any documents are prepared out of the usual office hours, the same may be given off on payment of the fees without any entry being made thereof or receipt of the cashier obtained at the time ; but the Registrar shall in all such cases write and sign on such document an interim receipt for the fees, and shall take on a slip of paper a memorandum of the particulars of the document, and enter the same the next day in the cash fee book and pay the fees to the cashier, and as soon thereafter as such document can be obtained and brought to the 646 No. 6.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [ A.D. 1880. Office the number shall be filled in and the receipt of the cashier obtained ; (5.) On the first day of each month, the Registrar shall produce to the Receiver General his cash fee book containing the record of all fees received during the preceding month, together with an absti'act thereof signed by him, and he shall then pay over such fees to the Receiver General ; and he shall at the same time submit a list or schedule of all the expenses incurred during the preceding month for clerks' salaries, advertisements, stationery, and other necessary expenses ; and (6.) The Registrar shall pei'form the duties of cashier himself, or shall depute, by writing under his hand, the Accountant of the Office, or, in his absence, one of the Sworn Clerks and Notaries Public, to perform such duties. Provisions as to fees and Fee Fund in Bei'bice. Second Schedule : Form No. 1. Fee Fund in Berbice. 17. The following provisions with respect to a Fee Fund shall have effect in the case of the Berbice Branch Office of the Registrar's Office, that is to say, — (1.) The fees of the Office shall be regularly paid in by the Sworn Clerk and Notary Public in charge of the Office to the Assistant Receiver General, to the credit of a Fee Fund ; (2.) Every document, original or copy, in respect of which any fee may be payable at the Office, and every receipt for any fee of such Office, shall, on payment of such fee, be entered in a book to lie kept in the Form No. 1 contained in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance, and which shall be the cash fee book for the purposes of this Ordinance ; and every such document and receipt shall have the number, the year, and the amount of such fee fairly and legibly written thereon by the said Sworn Clerk and Notary Public ; and all entries in such cash fee book shall in each year be numbered in arithmetical sequence ; and every such fee shall be received by the said Swoi'n Clerk and Notary Public, and shall be paid in by him to the Assistant Receiver General, who shall write or stamp his name and official designation under such writing of the said Sworn Clerk or Notary Public ; and, immediately on so writing or stamping his name, shall make a corresponding entry of such fee in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and to be called " The Registrar's Fee Fund Book, Berbice"; and no document or receipt coming within the provisions of this Ordinance shall, except as provided in the next succeeding sub- section, be received in evidence in any Court, or by any Judge, Justice of the Peace, or other legal authority in this Colony, without its being so written on or stamped as aforesaid by the Assistant Receiver General ; (3.) No document or receipt shall be given olF by the said Sworn Clerk and Notary Public, without its being written on or stamped as aforesaid by the Assistant Receiver General : Provided that, in cases of arrest or other emergency, where documents are prepared out of the usual office hours, the said Sworn Clerk and Notary Public may give off sucli documents, and may write interim receipts thereon, dated of the day and hour in which they are given, and such receipts, and the documents on which they are written, A.D. 1880. REGISTRAR. [No. 6. C47 may be received in evidence for forty-eight hours after such date, but the Registrar shall, at the time of giving any such interim receipt, write the amount of the fees for which the same is given on a slij) of paper, which he shall hand as soon as possible to the Assistant Receiver (Jeneral ; and, within the aforesaid space of forty-eight hours, every such document shall be entered in the said cash fee book, and numljered to correspond with the same, and shall be taken to the Assistant Receiver General for the purpose of being written on or stamped as hei'einljefore provided ; and, after the expiration of the said space of forty-eight hours, such document shall not be received in evidence, until the same has been written on or stamped as aforesaid by the Assistant Receiver General ; and (4.) On sf)me day, not later than the third day, of each month, the said Sworn Clerk and Notary Public shall produce to the Assistant Receiver General the cash fee book kept by him during the preceding month, together with an abstract thereof, signed by him, and shall at the same time submit a detailed statement, showing also the aggregate of all the expenses of the Office, of whatever kind, incurred during the preceding month. General Fee Fund. 18.^ — (1.) The Fee Funds hereinbefore mentioned shall be consoli- Consolidation dated and form one Fee Fund of the Registrar's Office of British of Fee Funds. Guiana which shall, so long as the Legislature of the Colony make due provision for the maintenance of the Civil List Establishment of the Colony, to the satisfaction of His Majesty, and no longer, be sultject to the appropriation and under the control of the Governor and Court of Policy for the purpose of carrying on the said Office. (2.) From and out of the said Fund the Receiver General or the Assistant Receiver General shall, upon the warrant of the Governor, pay all salaries and expenses of the Office. 19.^ The Registrar shall, in the months of January and July of Making of every year, make up and render to the Court of Policy a detailed state- half-yearly ment of the fees received under each head of the tariff, and of the costs, fees^received. charges, and expenses of his Office, under each head of disbursement, incuri-ed during the preceeding half-year. Records of the Supreme Court. 20. All the records of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its criminal jurisdiction in and for the Counties of Demerara and Esse- i|ue})0, and all depositions and other documents connected therewith, shall be kept and preserved in the Registrar's Office for Demerara and Essequebo in the care and custody of the Registrar ; and the Account- ant in the said Office shall charge and receive and pay over to the Registrar the fees allowed by the Fees and Costs (Supreme Court) Ordinance, 1855,- for copies of depositions, and also the fees allowed by any Ordinance for the time being in force for subpoenas when required by or on behalf of any person to be tried before the said ^ See now, however, s. 7 of the Civil List Ordinance, 1904. (No. 18 of 1904.) - Eepealed by Ordinance No. 17 of 1901, and other provisions made in lieu. Keeping of records of the Supreme Com-t in its criminal jurisdiction in Demerara and Essequebo. See Ordinance No. 19 of 1893. 648 No. 6.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1880. Court ; but no charge shall be made against the Colony for any service performed, or for the preparation of any subpcena or document required to be given off, copied, made, signed, or certified by the Registrar, at the instance of the Crown. Keeping of separate records of the Supreme Court in its civil jui'isdiction. 21. The Registrar shall set apart, and keep separate from all other books, deeds, acts, and documents of every kind and description in his Office, the records of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction for the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo and for the County of Berbice. Keeping of separate registers for recording documents. Validity of existing records. Indexing of registers. Removal of pai)ers from vault, under direction of the Judges. Registers of Documents. 22. — (1.) The Registrar shall keep one series of registers for enter- ing and recording all deeds and probates of wills sent to this Colony from any place abroad ; another series of registers for entering and recording all last wills and testaments, codicils, and inventories of the estates of deceased persons dying in the Colony ; and another series of registers for entering and recording all instruments of protest. (2.) The said registers shall be written in books strongly bound, and made of thick durable paper. 23. The books of registers or records heretofore and at present existing in the Offices of the respective Registrars of Demerara and Essequebo and of Bei'bice shall be considered and taken to be, as they are hereby declared to be, vahd and legal records ; and all authenticated copies of or extracts therefrom shall be taken and received in all Courts of this Colony as prima facie evidence, which, if not rebutted, shall be as good evidence as the originals of which the said records purport to be records. 24. For the purpose of easy reference to the aforesaid registers, the Registrar shall annex to each book an alphabetical index of the documents therein contained, and shall, from the said indexes, form one general and comprehensive alphabetical index for each class of the records in his Office. 25. The Registrar, under the direction of the Supreme Court or of any one or more of the Judges thereof, may remove from the vault of the Registrar's Office, to any place to be named by the Governor, any of the trunks, boxes, packages, books, antiquated legal proceedings, and papers which, to the Registrar and the said Court or to the Registrar and any one or more of the Judges thereof, it may appear necessary and expedient so to remove. Execution and custody of transports, etc. Execution and Recording of Documents. 26. Any transport, mortgage, lease, or other document executed before a Judge may, in the discretion of such Judge, be executed in any part of the Colony : Provided always that the original of any such transport, mortgage, lease, or other document relating to lands situate in the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo shall be kept and pre- served in the Registrar's OHice in Georgetown and those relating to lands situate in the County af Berbice shall be kept and preserved in the Branch of the Registrar's Office in New Amsterdam. A.D. 1880.] REGISTRAR. [No. 6. 649 Mode of executing, and dejrosit, or recording of, transfer of mortgage or document affecting lauds in the Colony. 27.— (1.) No transfer or assignment of any mortgage, lease, agree- ment, contract, instrument, or cause of action whatsoever of or con- cerning or whereby any lands, tenements, or hereditaments in this Colony may be in any way affected in law or in equity entered into and executed in this Colony, by any person whomsoever, to and in favour of any person whomsoever, whether for a valuable consideration or not, on and subsequent to the 16th day of February, 1845, or which may hereafter be executed, shall be good, valid, and effectual in law, or be in any way pleadable or allowed to be pleaded in any Court of Justice in this Colony, unless the same is signed and executed in the presence of two witnesses, and until the same, as well as the mortgage, lease, agreement, contract, or instrument evidencing the cause of action, is duly deposited in the Registrar's Office or recorded therein. (2.) When any such mortgage, lease, agreement, contract, instru- ment, or cause of action is already deposited or recorded in the Registrar's Office in which such transfer or assignment is to be deposited or recorded, it shall not be necessary again to deposit or record such mortgage, lease, agi'eement, contract, instrument, or cause of action. i 28. No act of verweezing, ante-nuptial or marriage contract, dona- Mode of tio inter vivos, act of division of an inheritance, or other instrument executing, and whereby the interests of creditors or third parties may be affected, recording of, executed on and subsequent to the 16th day of February, 1845, or act of ver- which may l)e hereafter executed, shall be good, valid, and effectual feezing, etc. in law, or be in any way pleadable or allowed to be pleaded in any Court of Justice in this Colony, unless the same, if executed in this Colony, is signed and executed in the presence of two witnesses, or, if executed abroad, is executed according to the laws of the country in which it has been entered into, and until the same is duly deposited in the Registrar's Office or recorded therein. 29. So soon as any transfer or assignment of any mortgage, lease. Effect of agreement, contract, instrument, or cause of action is deposited or depositing or recorded as hereinbefore provided for, such transfer or assignment transfer ^f shall be held to be primd facie valid and effectual, as conveying to mortgage, etc. the transferee or assignee all right, title, and interest in and to any such mortgage, lease, agreement, contract, instrument, or cause of action theretofore possessed by the person transferring or assigning the same, subject, nevertheless, to the right of any person interested disputing the validity of any such transfer or assignment. 30. Nothing in this Ordinance shall extend or be construed to Saving as to extend to any transfer or assignment of any mortgage, lease, agree- t^'ansfers, etc., '' . ° i- ■ 1 i> executed prior ment, contract, instrument, or cause ot action whatsoever or or to IGth Feb- concerning or whereby any lands, tenements, or hereditaments in luaiy, 1845. this Colony might or may be in any way affected in law or equity, or to any act of verweezing, ante-nuptial or marriage contract, donatio inter vivos, act of division of an inheritance, or other instrument whereby the interests of creditors or third parties might or may be affected, which, if entered into and executed in this Colonj, has been so entered into and executed prior to the 16th day of February, 1845. 31. — (1.) Every instrument or document deposited or left for record Mode of in the Registrar's Office, previously to the same being received by the P'o^^"? Registrar, if the same is executed in the Colony, shall be verified and document. VOL. I, 44 650 No. 6.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1880. Second Schedule : Form No. 2 : Form No. 3. Numbering of dociiments prepared by the Registrar. Second Schedule : Form No. 1. Specification of fees in case of grosse copy. Specification of fees in cases of other documents. Giving of receipt for document brought for registration or record, etc. proved, by the oath of one at least of the subscribing witnesses, to have been duly signed and executed ; and the Registrar is hereby authorized to administer any and every such oath. (2.) Whenever it is made apparent to the Registrar that all the subscribing or attesting witnesses to any instrument or document are either dead or absent from the Colony, the person wishing to deposit or register any such instrument or document as aforesaid may produce evidence, by affidavit, of the signature of any one or more of such subscribing or attestmg witnesses or of the party who has signed or executed the same, and the Registrar shall receive every such affidavit, in the place and stead of an affidavit by any such subscribing or attesting witness himself. (3.) The Registrar shall enter the particulars of all such instru- ments and documents in a book to be kept for that purpose, in the Form ISTo. 2 contained in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance in the case of the Office for the Counties of Demerara and Essequebi) and in the Form No. 3 contained in the said Schedule in the case of the Branch Office for the County of Berbice. 32. The Registrar, upon preparing each instrument, document, certificate, extract, grosse copy, or other copy, shall place upon the same a number, and shall cause to be entered in a book, to be kept in the Form No. 1 contained in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance, the number of the said instrument, document, certificate, extract, grosse copy, or other copy, the nature thereof, the date thereof, the names of the parties thereto, the name of the person requiring the same to be prepared or made, the amount of fees to be paid for the same, and the name of the person to whom the same is delivered. 33. — (1.) Ill every case in which a grosse copy of any act or instrument is required to be given off, the whole of the fees for advertisement, for passing or executing, for copy or copies, and for all other matters and things relating to such act or instrument, from the advertisement to the delivery of the grosse copy to the party entitled thereto, both included, shall be specified upon such grosse copy, and such specification shall set forth and show the fee for each particular item, of which the total amount of all the fees is composed. (2.) No grosse copy of any act or instrument shall be delivered oft' to the person entitled to receive the same, unless he grants on the original act or instrument a receipt of such grosse. 34. Tn all other cases the document or instrument given off or delivered out of the Registrar's Office shall bear upon the face of it a s])ecification of all the items charged by the Registrar or in his Office for all services, matters, and things done and performed for or on account of such document or instrument, and relative thereto, and such specification shall be in manner and form hereinbefore directed. 35. The Registrar, upon receiving any instrument or document either for registration or record, shall give a receipt without fee or reward for the same ; and if such instrument or document is lost or mislaid in the Registrar's Office before it is registered or recorded, and returned within a reasonable time to the part}' entitled to the posses- sion ther(!of, the Registrar shall be responsible for all and singular the damages which may be thereby sustained. A.D. 1880.J REGISTRAR. [No. 6. 651 36. — (1.) All powers of attorney, except those in judicial proceed- ings called powers ad litea, made and executed within this Colony, shall be deposited as of I'ecord in the Registrar's Office ; and all powers of attorney executed beyond the limits of the Colony aforesaid shall be deposited as of record or recorded, and be thereupon taken and considered to be recorded in like manner. (2.) With the exception of an authentic copy of any power of attorney deposited as aforesaid, no power of attorney, except such as may be duly recorded as aforesaid, shall be admissible in evidence be- fore any judicial tribunal in the Colony. 37. — (1.) No erasure shall, on any account or pretence whatsoever, be at any time permitted to be made in any book of record. (2.) If any word or words is or are improperly inserted in the recording of any original instrument or document in writing, then a line shall be drawn through the word or words improperly inserted, so as to leave the original word or words, and the line through the same, legible, and any word or words which may be erroneously omitted shall either be interlined or written in the margin, and always, when practicable, by the same hand as the rest of the record ; and the Registrar shall, under such line or such word or words written in the margin or under a mark of reference to any such interlineation or coi-rection, subscribe the initials of his name. 38. Every copy of the register or record of any instrument or docu- ment duly registered or recorded as aforesaid, signed as a true copy by the Registrar, shall be held to be well and sufficiently authenticated within the intent and meaning of this Ordinance ; and every such copy may be pleaded in all Courts of this Colony, and shall be as ad- missible in evidence as if the original were produced. Deposit 01 recording of powers of attorney'. Mode of dealing with error in book of record. Use of authen- ticated copy of registered or recorded document as evidence. Miscellaneous Provisions. 39. — (1.) Every pei'son may ask for and obtain access to all and Allowance of every register or record, and obtain, on paying the legal fees for the records%tc. same, copies of any and every register or record in the Registrar's on payment' Office or of any part or portion of such register or record. °^ f^^^- (2.) No person shall be allowed access to any register or record except in the presence of the Registrar or some one belonging to his office thereto duly authorized. 40. — (1.) Whenever any act, grosse copy, other copy, document, or Power to the instrument of any kind or description whatsoever, which ought to be Registrar to taken up by the party entitled to the possession of the same, is not on gi\'ing ' taken up, and the fees payable for or in virtue of the same, are not notice, paid, the Registrar shall give notice thereof to such party, either per- sonally or by service at his office or place of residence, or last place of residence, and require him to take up the same and pay the fees pay- able for and in virtue of and relative to the same, within ten days after the date of such notice. (2.) If, at the expiration of such ten days, the party is in default of complying with the terms of such notice, the Registrar shall pro- ceed against such party in any Court of Civil Justice of competent jurisdiction for the recovery of such fees, offering in his citation, claim, and demand, or account, to deliver up the act, grosse copy, other copy, VOL, I. 44a 652 Provisions as regards existing officers. No. 6.] THE LA ^YH OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1880. document, or instrument, on receipt of the fees payable for or in virtue of or relative to which such fees are claimed to be payable. 41. The officer now lawfully holding the office of Registrar for the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo shall be the first Registrar of British Guiana, and all the other officers now holding office in the Registrar's Office of the Counties of Demerara and Essequebo, and all the other officers (except the officer performing tlie duties of the Regis- trar of the County of Berbice) now holding office in the Registrar's Office of the County of Berbice, shall, without any other or further appointment, be deemed officers holding like office in the Registrar's Office of British Guiana ; and the said Registrar and every such other officer shall hold office during His Majesty's pleasure. Section 9. SCHEDULES. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. Duties of Assistant Sworn Clerks. 1. Attending on behalf of the Registrar as Clerk of Court any Session of the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction ; and performing any of the duties legally devolving upon the Registrar in the Judicial Department of liis Office. 2. Drawing and Passing Powers ad Hies. Drawing and Passing any Inventory. Sealing, when necessary, any door, box, trunk, or package in the house of a deceased person. 3. Drawing and Passing any Act of Sealing. 4. Drawing and Passing any Act of breaking the Seals and taking them off. 5. Sealing up, when necessary, any paper, parcel, box, trunk, or package de- posited od acta. 6. Attending Execution Sales and Administrator General's Sales. 7. Drawing and Passing Acts of Deposit of Wills and of other Documents. 8. Registering any Act, Paper, or Document, and giving off certified Copies of Documents recorded or deposited in the Registrar's Office. 9. Administering any Oath or Affidavit undnr the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 16 17, and 32. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. FORMS. Form No. 1. Cash Fee Book. No. Nature of Document. Date. Names of Parties thereto. By whom required to be jKepared. Amount of Fees. To whom delivered. A.D. 1880.] COURT OF POLICY (EVIDENCE). [No. 7. 653 No. FoKM No. 2. Register Book for Denierara and Essequebo, Nature of Document. Names of Parties thereto. liy whom deposited or left for Record. Year, Montli, Day, and Hour when left for Record. To whom delivered Date of back Delivery. recorded. Section 31. Form No. 3. Reyistvr Book for Berhice. Section 31. No. ; Nature of (Document. Date of Docu- ment. Names of Parties thereto. By whom deposited or left for Record. Year, Month, Day, and Hour when left for Record. To whom delivered ' Date of back i Delivery, recorded. OKDINANCE No. 7 OF 1880. An Ordinance for enabling the Go vernor-in- Council or Governor and Court of Policy, or any Committee of the said Court, to procure and take Evidence upon Oath. [28th July, 18H0.] W A.D. 1880. — ♦ — Ordinances No. 7 of 1882 and No. 21 of I'JOl, s. 4 incorporated. As to the Com- bined Court, see Ordinance No. 5 of 1883. THEREAS it is expedient that the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Pohcy, and any Connnittee of the said Court, should be enabled to make full investigation into the various matters which are subject to their determination, and should i-espectively have the powers of compelling the attendance of witnesses and of administering oaths to vs^itnesses : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Court of Policy (Evidence) '^hort title. Ordinance, 1880. 2. — (1.) Where it appears to the Governor-in-Council or Governor Power to the and Court of Policy, or to any Committee of the said Court appointed Court of 654 No. 7.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1880. Policy, or a Committee thereof to summon person to give evidence and to produce documents, etc. Schedule : Form No. 1. Administra- tion of oath or affirmation to witness. Apprehension of witness refusing or neglecting to attend. Schedule : F''orm No. 2. by the Governor, that any person within the Colony is able to give any information with respect to the subject-matter of any question arising for their determination, or has any books, plans, or documents in his possession or under his control in any way relating to the subject- matter of such question, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Policy, or for such Committee, to cause a summons to be issued to such person in the Form No. 1 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance or in such other form as the circum- stances may appear to render expedient requiring such person to be and appear before the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Policy, or before such Committee, at the time and place specified, for the purpose of being eyamined, and, if so required, then there to produce the books, plans, or documents referred to in the summons, and thereafter to remain in attendance on the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Policy, or on such Committee, until permitted by the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Policy, or by such Committee, to withdraw. (2.) Every such summons shall be served by the Registrar or by a Marshal, and may be served in the same w^ay as a summons is now by law required to be served on a person who is summoned to attend as a witness before the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction. 3. — (1.) The Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Policy may administer an oath to any witness examined before the Council or the said Court ; and any Committee of the Court of Policy appointed by the Governor may administer an oath to any witness e\amined before the said Committee. (2.) Where any witness to be examined under this Ordinance conscientiously objects to take an oath, he may make his solemn affirmation and declaration in the words following, that is to say, — "I, A. B., do solemnly, sincerely, and truly affirm and declare that the taking of any oath is, according to my religious belief, unlawful, and I do also solemnly, sincerely, and truly affirm and declare, etc." (3.) Any solemn affirmation and declaration so made shall be of the same force and effect, and shall entail the same consequences, as an oath taken in the usual form. (4.) Any oath, or affirmation may be administered to the witness by the Clerk of the Executive Council or by any member of the Court of Policy who is authorized to do so by the Governor, and may be administered by any member of the Committee. 4. If any person summoned to attend as a witness before the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Policy, or before any Committee of the Court appointed by the Governor, refuses or neglects, without sufficient cause, to attend at the time and place mentioned in the summons, it shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Policy to issue a warrant, in the Form No. 2 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance or in such other form as the circumstances may appear to require, signed by the Government Secretary, authori/ing and directing the Registrar or any Marshal to arrest such person and detain him in custody until he can be brought before the said Court or the said Committee : Provided always that no person shall be detained under such warrant for a longer period than one week. A.D. 1880.] COURT OF POLICY (EVIDENCE). [No. 7. G55 5. — (1.) Every person who — Mode of (a.) Being sunnuoned to attend as a witness before tlie Go- witues« vernor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Policy, or before Tefusing to be any Connnittee thereof appointed by the Governor, refuses to ''"'"''"' ^ • be sworn, or, where he conscientiously objects to take an oath, refuses to make a solemn affirmation and declaration, or to answer, or to answer fully and satisfactorily, to the best of his knowledge and belief, all questions put to him, or refuses or omits, without sufficient cause, to produce any books, plans or documents in his possession or under his control ; or (6.) Being present before the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Policy, or before any Committee of the said Court appointed by the Governor, wilfully insults any member of the Council or the said Court or of the said Committee, may be committed to any Ordinary Prison and there detained for any period not exceeding three months : Provided always that where the improper conduct has taken place before any Committee of the Court, the circumstances shall be reported by such Committee to the Court in writing. (2.) Whei-e any person is so committed, a warrant of commitment shall be issued authorizing the Keeper of the Prison to detain such person for the time therein stated ; and every such warrant may be in the Form No. 3 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, or in Schedule : such other form as the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of ^^"" ^*'- ^• Policy may deem right. (3.) Every warrant purporting to be issued by direction of the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of Policy may be signed hj the Government Secretary, and shall be deemed in all Courts of law to be sufficient and effectual for detaining the person mentioned therein in the said Prison for the time stated and to have been issued for good and sufficient cause. 6. Every witness examined under the provisions of this Ordinance Privilege of shall be entitled to the same protection, privileges, and immunities as witness. a witness in the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdic- tion. 7. No officer of the public service of the Colony who is charged Protection of with the commission of any breach of his duty shall be required to "^th^^jre^ch of give any evidence or make any statement upon oath with respect to duty. or in connection with any charge against himself. 8. Every person examined under this Ordinance who wilfully gives ^^""f^^'^gg"* false evidence shall be guilty of perjury. giving false evidence. 9. The Governor and two or more of the official members of the E.\ercise of Court of Policy sitting together for the consideration of any question g'oTCli^j^r'aSi arising for tlieir determination sliall have all the powers given by this official Ordinance to the Governor-in-Council or Governor and Court of members. Policy. 656 No. 7.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1880. Section 2. Section 4. SCHEDULE. FOEMS. Form No. 1. Summons to Witness To A. B. You are hereby required to appear before His Excellency the Govemor-in-Council fo>" before His Excellency the Governor and the Honourable the Court of Policy, or before His Excellency the Governor and the Official Members of the Honourable the Court of Policy, or before a Committee of the Honourable the Court of Policy appointed by His Excellency the Governor at [_pl((ce'\ at o'clock, m., on the day of 1 , and thereafter to remain in attendance until permitted to withdraw. \_If the production of any books, plans, or documents is required, add. And you are hereby further required then and there to produce {here describe in general terms the hooks, plans, or documents required)^. Therefore fail not at your peril. Dated this day of 1 Form No. 2. Warrant of jipprehension tchere Witness neglects to atteyid. To the Megistrar and all Marshals. Whereas A. B. was duly summoned to appear as a witness before [r/s in last Form'] at o'clock, m., on the day of 1 ; And whereas the said summons has, by the return of the Marshal, been duly served ; And whereas the said A. B. has neglected to obey the said summons : — Now, therefore, this is to empower you to apprehend the said A. B. and bring him before [as in last Form'] and for so doing, this shall be your sufficient warrant. Issued by direction of His Excellency the Governor-in-Council [or by direction of His Excellency the Governor and the Honourable the Court of Policy, or by direction of his Excellency the Governor and Official Members of the Court of PoKcy.] Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) Section 6. Form No. 3. Warrant of Committal of Person for Misconduct. To the Keeper of the Prison at Whereas A. B. being present before [us in Form Xo. 1] on the day of 1 , did then and there misconduct himself : — Now, therefore, this is to empower and direct you to keep the said A. B., safely in custody for the period of now next ensuing from the day of 1 , to the day of 1 ; and for so doing this shall be your sufficient waiTant. Issued by direction of His Excellency the Governor-in-Conncil [or by direction of His Excellency the Governor and the Honourable the Court of Policy, or by direction of His Excellency the Governor and Official Members of the Court of Policy]. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) A.D. 1881.J GEORGETOWN IMPROVEMENT. [No. 1. 657 ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1881, An Ordinance to amend the Georgetown Improvement a.d. issi. (Vlissengen) Ordinance 1876. ♦ [12tli November, 1881.] Be it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as the Georgetown Improvement Short title. (Vlissengen) Ordinance, 1876, Amendment Ordinance, 1881. 2. The Georgetown Improvement (Vlissengen) Ordinance, 1876, is Reference to the hereinafter referred to as the Principal Ordinance. Georgetown ^ Improvement 3. Building Lot No. 4 in the New Town Ward is hereby declared Enanle,"^ to be divided into three parts by the prolongation westward of the 187«>. boundary lines between Lots No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 in the said No. 2 of 1876. Ward ; and the part of Lot No. 4 so defined adjoining Lot No. 1 is Division of Lot hereby declared to be incorporated with Lot No. 1 , and the parts so ^"°- "^ iJi^Ncw defined respectively adjoining Lots No. 2 and No. 3 are in like manner "^*^ ^^ ' hereby declared to be respectively incorporated with the said Lots No. 2 and No. 3 ; and no division or sub-division of the said lots as thus enlarged shall be made or recognized. 4. The lessees of Building Lots No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 in the New Transport of Town Ward shall be entitled to receive from the ^Commissioners lots in New transport of the said lots as enlarged by this Ordinance on payment Jnia,-led bv ** tor — division of Lot Lot No. 1, of the sum of $2,967. No. 4. Lot No. 2, do. 2,366. Lot No. 3, do. 2,667, together with such further sum, if any, as may be payable as the proportion due by the said lots for the improvement of the said Waixl. 5. — (1.) The Mayor and Town Council of Georgetown shall, as soon Appraisement as may be practicable after the boundaries of any lot or half-lot situate °f 'o*® 'l^ in the Columbia and Lacy Town W^ard have l)een marked-out and Laiy Town "'^ paaled-ofi^ as required by section 65 of the Principal Ordinance proceed Wards and at their own cost to make an appraisement of each such lot or half-lot l*^? "¥, °^ so marked out and paaled-ofi' with the buildings thereon, if any, until the whole of the lots and half-lots, with the buildings thereon, if any, in the said Ward are appraised. (2.) After any such appraisement, the taxes which may thereafter be levied by the Mayor and Town Council on any property so appraised within the said Ward shall be levied on its value so ascertained, until the same is altered in due course of law. 6. The Governoi'-in-Council may at any time hereafter direct an power to alter alteration to be made, on being satisfied that such alteration is boundaries, reasonable and expedient, in the boundaries of any lot and in the st''^^*^' ^^°- ^ The CommiBsioners were abolished and their rights and powers transferred to the Eeceiver General by Ordinance No. 22 of 1896. 658 Construction of the Ordinance. No. 1.] THE LA WS Ot" BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1881. position, direction, and limits of any street, road, drain, trench, or open space which has been or is about to be marked out, paaled-ofi", laid out, made, or dug in accordance with the plans settled by the Governor and Court of Policy in pursuance of section 65^ of the Principal Ordinance ; Px-ovided that, before such alteration is so directed, notice of the pro- posed alteration shall be given in The Official Gazette and in one other newspaper published in the Colony, in order that the Mayor and Town Council of Georgetown, the -Commissioners of Vlissengen, or any per- son whose interests may be prejudicially aflected by the making of the proposed alteration may, if they or he see or sees fit, within thirty days next after the first publication of the said notice in The Official- Gazette, lodge their or his objections to the proposed alteration, (s. 13.) 7. This Ordinance shall be construed with and shall form part of the Principal Ordinance, (s. 16.) A.D. 1883. — ♦ — Short title. Appointment of Board of Examiners. Seal of the Board. ORDINANCE No. 1 OF 1883. An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to Sworn Weighers and Gangers. [24th Febrnary, 1883.] B E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Weighers and Gaugers Ordinance, 1883. Board of Examinei's. 2. — (1.) The Governor may from time to time appoint persons to examine as to the capability and knowledge of all persons desiring to carry on the business of a Sworn Weigher or Ganger. (2.) The persons so appointed shall form and be styled "The Board of Examiners " (hereinafter referred to as the " Board"). (3.) Any two members of the Board may perform any act author- ized to be performed by the Board. (4.) The Board may from time to time make regulations under which the examinations of applicants for licences under this Ordinance shall 1)6 conducted, and for determining the qualifications to be pos- sessed by those hereafter obtaining licences. (o.) Such regulations shall not come into force until they have been laid before and approved by the Governor and Court of Policy. The Governor and Court of Policy may alter and amend any such regulations, and the regulations, as finally settled by the Governor and C(.urt of Policy, when published in The Official Gazette, shall be binding on all persons concerned, while unrevoked or unaltered, and shall have the same efi'ect as if contained in this Ordinance. 3. 'Hie Board shall use a seal. ^ Sect. 65 was repealed by No. 2'2 of 18i)G, 8. 15. ■■' See noto to s. 4. A.D. 1883.] WEIGHERS AND G AUGERS. [No. 1. 659 4. The Board sliall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Record of Board. proceedings of the Board. Apjjlication for Licence. 5. — (1.) Wliere any person desires to carry on the l)usiness of a Procedure to Weiglier, or of a Gauger, or of a Weigher and Gauger, the following "''ti'iii licence procedure shall be adopted, that is to say, — Gauger''' "^"^ ""^ [((.) Huch person sliall apply in writing to the Board to be examined as to his capability and fitness to conduct such l)usincss with accuracy, and shall pay the fees prescribed by this Ordinance ; (b.) Such person, on making his application, shall lay over certificates from two or more householders that he is of gor)d repute ; (c.) Any such application to be examined may be made to any member of the Board ; {d.) When any such application is duly made and the .prescribed fees are paid, the Board shall proceed to examine the person making such application, and if, in the opinion of the Board, such person is competent to carry on sucJb business and is of good repute, the Board may issue a licence, under the seal of the Board, signed by two members thereof, authorizing such person to carry on such business ; (e.) When the Board are of opinion that such a licence ought not to be issued, the Board may inform the applicant that the Board are unable to issue such licence ; but shall not be bound to assign any reason for not issuing such licence ; (/•) When any such applicant has been examined and does not obtain a licence, he shall not be entitled to be again examined until after the expiration of six months from the previous examination ; and (gr.) When the Board decide that a licence may be issued to First any person, such person shall, before he receives the licence. Schedule. take the oath set out in the First Schedule to this Ordinance before the Board, who are hereby authorized to adminster the same : Provided always that every person who was, on the thirty-first day of December last past, duly licensed by the Governor to carry on any such business and w^as duly sworn, shall be entitled to receive a licence from the Board without any examination or production of certificates and without taking any fresh oath. (2.) Every licence issued without examination shall state the fact. Disqualifications, etc. 6. No merchant, storekeeper, or planter, and no clerk or agent of Disqualifica- any merchant, storekeeper, or planter shall be entitled to receive a *'on of certain licence to act as a Weigher or Gauger or shall act as a Licensed ||ceii°ces °" Weigher or Gauger. 7. — (1.) No person shall carry on the business of a Weigher, or of Prohibition of a Gaugei', or of a Weigher and Gauger until he has obtained from the person acting Board a licence to do so. h.'p1!^»* (2.) Every person who acts contrary to the provisions of this 660 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1883. section sball be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars : Provided always that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent persons from weighing or gauging produce belonging to themselves or employing their clerks or servants to do so. Keeping of register by Licensed AVeigher and Licensed Ganger. Fees payable to Licensed Weigher and Licensed Ganger. Duty of Licensed Weigher or Ganger to attend and weigli or gauge produce, when required to do so. Regulations as to use of instruments. Regulation of Business. 8. — (1.) Every Licensed Weigher and every Licensed Ganger shall be bound to keep a register, in which he shall enter the description, marks, and weights or gauges of every package or thing weighed or gauged by him. (2.) Every Licensed Weigher and every Licensed Ganger who neglects to keep such register, or to enter therein the full particulars of each package or thing weighed or gauged by him, shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five dollars and not exceeding twenty-five dollars. 9. Every Licensed Weigher and every Licensed Ganger shall be entitled to demand and receive the fees prescribed under this Ordinance for such services as may be performed by liim, and such fees shall be payable at the time when the duty is performed. 10. — (1.) Every Licensed Weigher or Ganger shall, on receiving notice from any person between the hours of six o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening of any day of the week, other than Sunday or a Public Holiday, if not engaged, proceed immediately, or within one hour after receiving such notice, to the performance of such of the duties of his office as Licensed Weigher or Ganger in respect to the weighing or gauging of produce of the Colony as may be required of him at such place or places within the limits of Georgetown or on board any vessel within the limits of the Harbour of Georgetown, if he carries on business in or near Georgetown, or within the limits of New Amsterdam or on board any vessel within the limits of the Harbour of New Amsterdam, if he resides in or near New Amsterdam, which may be appointed by such notice, and there continue his attendance and perform such duties as long as he may be reasonably required. (2.) Every Licensed Weigher and every Licensed Ganger who neglects to comply with the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an ofience, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars. 1 1. — (1.) Every Licensed Weigher and every Licensed Gauger shall use instruments for weighing or gauging which are accurately adjusted and plainly marked and no other. (2.) Every instrument used by a Weigher or Gauger for weighing or gauging shall be approved and stamped by order of the Board. (3.) Every Licensed Weigher or Gauger who uses any instrument for weighing or gauging which has not been approved and stamped by order of the Board shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a })enalty of fifty dollars. (4.) Every Licensed Weigher or Gauger who uses any instrument for weighing or gauging wliich is not accurately adjusted or plainly marked shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. A.D. 1883.] WEIGHERS AND G AUGERS. [No. 1. GGl 12.— (1.) Every Licensed Weigher shall have every instrument or Testing of machine used by him in weighing tested by an Inspector of ^\'eights "'•'*t''"'"<^°* and Measures at intervals not exceeding three months. or weighing macliine at (2.) Every Licensed Weigher who does not comply witli this intervals, section shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars. (3.) This section shall not apply to instruments used in weighing loose coals. 1 3. Every Licensed Weigher and every Licensed Gauger, on weigh- Giving of ing or gauging any package or thing, shall, on receiving payment of artfcfe'^wdghed the prescril)ed fees for the weighing or gauging, be bound to give off' or gauged." to each of the persons employing him a correct certificate of the description, marks, weights, or gauges of the package or thing weighed or gauged by him. Offences. 1 4. Every Licensed Weigher and every Licensed Gauger who gives Penalty for a certificate as to the weight or contents of any package or thing which |'^ t^^^v^ti**' *. has not been weighed or gauged in his presence and under his personal personal supervision shall be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, knowledge, shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars. 15. — (1.) Every Licensed Weigher and every Licensed Gauger who Penalty for gives an untrue certificate shall be guilty of an offence, and, being gi^i'ig untrue convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty- five dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars. (2.) Every certificate of the weight of any package or packages given by a Licensed Weigher shall be deemed untrue, within the mean- ing of this section, if the correct weight differs from the weight stated in the certificate by more than one per cent, of the weight stated in the certificate. (3.) Every certificate of the quantity of the contents of any package or packages given by a Licensed Gauger shall be deemed untrue, within the meaning of this section, if the correct quantity differs from the quantity stated in the certificate by more than three per cent, of the quantity stated in the certificate. (4.) Where several packages or things are weighed or gauged as part of the same transaction and the weight or quantity thereof as stated in the certificate differs from the true weight or quantity thereof, such certificate shall be deemed untrue, within the meaning of this section, although such difference is less than the difference hereinbefore in this section stated if the Stipendiary Magistrate who hears the complaint is of opinion that the error could only have arisen through gross carelessness. 16. — (L) Every Licensed Weigher and evex'y Licensed Hanger who Punishment gives a false certificate of the weight of any package, or of the quantity foi; gi^i^g false of the contents of any package, which he knows to be false shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding twelve months. (2.) A conviction under this section shall operate as a cancelment of the licence held by the person so convicted. 662 No. 1.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1883. Provision in case of dispute as to weiglit or quantity of thing weighed or gauged. Table of fees. Second Schedule. Conviction not to affect liability to compensate for loss. Miscellmieo^ts Provisions. 17. — (1.) Where there is any dispute as to the correctness of the weight or (|uantity of any package or thing as ascertained by a Licensed Weigher or Gauger, any person interested may require that such package or thing shall be left untouched for the space of two hours, if it is practicable to do so : Provided always that, during the said interval, such package or thing may be weighed or gauged by any Licensed Weigher or Gauger or any two or more, or by the Receiver General. (2.) A certificate signed by the Receiver General stating the weight or the quantity of the contents of any package or thing shall be admitted, without proof of the signature, in all legal proceedings as proof that the weight or quantity stated in the certifi- cate is the correct weight or quantity, unless the contrary is clearly shown. 18. — (1.) The fees set out in the Table of Fees contained in the Second Schedule to this Ordinance shall be payable in respect of the several matters specified therein : Provided that no examination fee shall be payable by any Commissary of Taxation or Oflicer of Customs. (Amd. 20 of 1904, s. 5.) (2.) The Governor and Court of Policy may from time to time, by Resolution, alter the said fees, and may from time to time, by Resolu tion, determine the amount to be paid for any service performed by any person under this Ordinance. 19. Where any Licensed Weigher or any Licensed Gauger is con- victed of any offence under this Ordinance, such conviction shall in no way affect the right of any person who has suffered loss in con- sequence of the act in respect of which the conviction took place to recover from such Licensed Weigher or Gauger full compensation for such loss. SCHEDULES. Sections. THE FIRST SCHEDULE. Oath to be taken by Licensed Weirhek or Gauger. I do swear that I will discharge and perform the duties of a Licensed "Weigher [or Licensed Gauger or Licensed Weigher and Gaiiger, as the case mill/ /v] to the best of my knowledge, skill, and ability, and without fear, favour, or partiality of or to any person whomsoever. — So help me God ! Section 18. THE SECOND SCHEDULE. Table of Fees. Fees to be paid to the Board of Examiners, etc. 1. Fee to the Board of Examiners by Applicant for Examination, not being a Commissary of Taxation or Ulliccr of Customs, ou making ap2)lication ........... 2. Fee to the Board of Examiners, or their Officer, for inspecting and stamping any instrument for wt'ighing or gauging .... 3. Fee to the Keceiver General for Certificate in any case where he weighs or gauges ........ . . 25 00 2 00 f) 00 A.D. 1883.] SEA DEFENCE. [No. 2. (iG3 Ftes to he paid to a Licensed Weigher or u lAcotscd Gioujer. 4. Weighing every Package of Sugar, Tobacco, or other article exceeding where the cont'Tits exceed 4 cwt. and arc cwt. and are 10 cwt., jier package 5. Weighing every Pack^go under ] cwt. ......... 6. Weighing every Package where the contents exceed 2 under 4 cwt. ............ Weigliing- every Package where the contents do not exceed 2 cwt . Weighing Loose Coals, per ton ........ Gauging and proving every Package of Rum or other Spirits Gauging every Package of Mohisscs ....... 1 1 . Gauging every Package of any other Liquid tlian those before mentioned ............ I. 8. 10. % c. 20 12 06 02 14 12 12 12 Provided always that, after the 1st day of July, 1883, no fee shall be payable under this Ordinance for gauging any jiackage wliere the quantity of the contents is not ascertained by instruments known as Calipers. Where only a single Package is weighed or gauged, treble the above fees according to the description of Package may be charged. The fees shall be payable at the time when the duty is performed ; and when the Licensed Weigher or Gauger is required to attend at any place and his services are afterwards dis- pensed with without any duty being required to be performed, he shall be entitled to a fee of One Dollar, to be paid by the person who required his attendance, unless such person has given notice to the Licensed Weigher or Gauger, previously to his leaving the Office for the purpose of attending at such place, that his services were not required. ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1883. An Ordinance to secure the Maintenance of the Sea, River, and Outer Dams of Estates. [9th June, 1883.] E it enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Pohcy thereof, as follows : — B A.D. 1883 — ♦ — Ordiwtnces No. G of 1899 and No. 23 of 1899 incorporated. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Sea Defence Ordinance, 1883. Short title. 2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, — Interpretation " The Colonial Civil Engineer " includes any person performing the duties of Colonial Civil Engineer : " The Public Works Department " means the Colonial Civil Engineer, and includes every officer of the Colonial Civil Engineer's Department and every person employed by the Colonial Civil Engineer or by any officer of his department : " Works " means any work for repairing, strengthening, heighten- ing, or protecting any existing dam, and includes any work for constructing or protecting a new dam. It also includes groynes and constructions of any material and every description of work or arrangement intended to protect an estate or any land from being submerged or flooded. It also includes the removal of anything which, in the opinion of the Colonial Civil Engineer, ought to be removed for the protection or conservation of the foreshore : "The time limited" means the time mentioned in any notice given by the Colonial Civil Engineer within which the proprietor of 664 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1883. an estate is required to commence or complete any works, and, where there is an appeal, means the time fixed by the Governor-in- Council : " Estate " includes any plantation or estate, or any piece of land abutting on or near to any sea shore or any river or creek or the bank of any river or creek. (Amd. 6 of 1899, s. 3.) Supervision of Defences. Inspection of 3. The Colonial Civil Engineer, and all persons authorized by him in dams of estate. T^^riting, may at all times enter on any estate and inspect the sea, river, and outer dams thereof. Requiring proprietor to execute necessary works. 4, — (1.) When the Colonial Civil Engineer is of opinion that any sea, river, or outer dam of any estate is in bad order or insufficient, or is improperly constructed, either as regards position or material, or is not sufficiently protected, he is hereby empowered to require the pro- prietor of the estate to execute any woi'ks which the Colonial Civil Engineer may consider ought to be executed. (2.) Where any such dam has been completed, whether in obedience to an order of the Colonial Civil Engineer or otherwise, it shall be lawful for the Colonial Civil Engineer to serve a notice on the proprietor of the estate as hereinafter provided requiring him from time to time to execute such works as may be necessary for maintain- ing such dam in good order and repair. (23 of 1899, s. 3.) Procedure where proprietor is required to execute works. Provision for case of default in commencing works. Works of Defence. 5. — (1.) When the Colonial Civil Engineer requires the proprietor of an estate to execute any works, he shall cause a notice, in writing signed by the Colonial Civil Engineer and addressed to the proprietor of the estate, without naming such proprietor, to be served by a Marshal in the same way that a citation addressed to a proprietor of an estate, without naming him, is for the time being required by law to be served. (2.) Such notice shall state shortly the nature and description of the works to be executed, and shall, save in the case of a notice to maintain a dam under section 4 (2), state the time within which such works shall be commenced. (3.) Such notice shall, save in the case of a notice to maintain a dam under section 4 (2), also state the estimated cost of executing the works referred to in the notice. (4.) A return of the service of the notice signed by a Marshal shall, without proof of the signature, be deemed in all Courts of Justice sufficient evidence of the service therein stated, until the contrary is proved. (Amd. 23 of 1899 s. 4.) 6. — (1.) Where the proprietor of an estate fails to commence within the time limited the execution of the works or any of the works which he has been required by the Colonial Civil Engineer to execute, or, in the case of works required to be done under section 4 (2), where the proprietor fails to execute them when and as soon as they become necessary, the Colonial Civil Engineer shall ai)ply to the Governor-in- Council for directions, and the Governor-in-Council may make such order on the application as the circumstances may require. A.D. 1883.] SEA DEFENCE. [No. 2. 665 (2.) The Public Works Department shall execute such works as the Govenior-in-Couiicil may direct. (23 of 1899, s. 5.) 7. — (1.) No deviation from the line in existence of any sea, river, front, or outer dam of any estate shall be made without the permission first obtained of the Governor-in-Council, who may refuse such permission or may attach thereto such terms or conditions as to the Governor-in-Council may seem expedient. (2.) If any such deviation is attempted without such permission having been first obtained, the Attorney General shall be entitled to o})tai)i, on motion rx yarto^ an order prohibiting such attempt, and an order requiring the removal of any work already begun or executed in contravention of the provisions of this section ; and in case of non- compliance by any person with any of the terms or conditions attached to any such permission as aforesaid, the Attorney General shall be en- titled to obtain, on motion p,x parte, from the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction an order to enforce such compHance. (3.) No power ad litem shall be necessary in any proceeding under this section. (4.) The proprietor of an estate shall be deemed to have attempted to deviate from the line of an existing outer dam, within the meaning of this se tion, if he constructs or commences to construct a dam which, in the ojainion of the Colonial Civil Engineer, is intended to be ultimately used as an outer dam. 8. — (1.) The propi'ietor of any right or interest in any estate who desires to secure the estate in which he is interested from inroads of the sea or any river or creek, or from being flooded by water, may apply by petition to the Governor-in-Council either for an advance by way of loan to defray the expense of such permanent works as may be necessary or for an order authorizing the Public Works Department to execute such permanent works and charging the cost thereof on the estate. (2.) Where the Combined Court provides the funds from which any such advance may be made or cost defrayed, the Governor-in- Council may grant any such apj^lication on such terms and conditions as to the Governor-in-Council may seem meet. 9. Where an occurrence takes place by which any estate is in danger of being or is submerged or flooded, and the occurrence is, in the opinion of the Governor-in-Council, a calamity which it is expedient in the public interest to I'emedy or to mitigate, the Governor-in-Council, if the Combined Court provides the necessary funds, may out of such funds grant to the proprietor of the estate so situated such sum of money as to the Governor-in-Council may seem meet ; and such sum of money shall be expended, under the supervision of the Public Works Department, in the execution of such works as the Governor-in-Council may direct. 10. Where, in order to protect the foreshore of any district, the Governor-in-Council or Colonial Civil Engineer deems that it is expedient to execute works which are intended for the protection of more than one estate or of any district the following regulations shall be observed, that is to say, — (1.) The Public Works Department shall prepare detailed plans and specifications of the proposed works, together with an estimate of the cost thereof ; VOL. I. 45 Prohibition of making alteration in line of dam without permission of the Governor- in-Council. Power to proprietor to raise money for sea defences. Pro\asion wlierecalamity occurs to estate. Execution of works for jjrotection of a district. 666 No. 2.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA: [A.D. 1883. Decision as to works to he execute'l, and apportionment of costs thereof. I'ower to take material for execution of works. (2.) The Public Works Department shall also prepare a statement showing the estates and any railway, canal, building or immovable propert}^ of any kind, not being a plantation, which it is proposed should be made liable to contribute to the cost of the execution or maintenance of any of such woi'ks, and the proportions or manner in which it is proposed to assess the amount to be paid by each of such estates and any railway, canal, building or immovable property of any kind, not being a plantation ; (3.) A copy of the documents and plans hereinbefore in this section required to be prepared shall be kept at the Office of the Public Works Department in Georgetown, and, if any portion of the district is in the County of Berbice, another copy shall be lodged at the Office of the Department in New Amsterdam ; (4.) A notice containing a short description of the nature and position of the proposed works, the amount of the total estimated cost, and the names of the estates and any railway, canal, building or immovable property of any kind, not being a plantation, which it is proposed should be made liable, and an intimation that the documents and plans have been lodged and are open for inspection, shall be given l)y public advertisement in The Official Gazette and at least one other newspaper published in the Colony ; (5.) The documents and plans shall remain open for the inspection of every person desiring to see the same on every day, not being a Sunday or public holiday, during office hours, for one month after the date of the first publication of the notice ; (6.) Any person who objects to the execution of any of the proposed works, or to the jiroportion or manner in which it is proposed to assess any estate in which he is interested, shall, within such period of one month, lodge with the Public Works Department his objections in writing and the grounds on which he bases his objections ; and (7.) After the expiration of such period of one month, the Public Works Department shall forward the documents and plans, and the objections, if any, with a full report thereon, to the Govern- ment Secretary, to be laid before the Governor-in-Council. (Aind. 10 of 1899, s. 4.) 11. The Governor-in-Council, after considering the expediency of executing the proposed works referred to in the last preceding section, with all the objections thereto, and after hearing, if he considers it necessary to do so, either before the Council itself or any Committee thereof, any of the persons interested, may make such order as to them may seem meet, and, it the Combined Court provides the necessary funds, may direct that any works be executed for the protection of the f )reshore as to them may seem meet, and may order and direct that the cost of the execution and of the maintenance thereof shall be repayable l)y the proprietors of the estates situated in the district intended to be protected in such proportions and in such manner as to the Governor- in-Council may seem meet. 12. — (1.) Wliere the Pu])lic Works Department execute any works under this Ordinance for the protection of an estate, it shall be lawful for the Public Works Department to dig earth, cut wood, and take material of every kind from or on such estate which may be necessary for any of such works. A.D. 1883.] SEA DEFENCE. [No. 2. 667 (2.) Tf any material is taken l)y the Public "Works Department and tiie proprietor of the estate, or his authorized agent, ohjects to such material being taken or f)bieets to the place from or the manner in which any such material is being taken, he may apply to the Colonial Civil Engineer for his personal directions, and the Colonial Civil Engineer shall have full power to give such directions as the exigencies of the case may appear to him to requii'e. Protection of Foreshore. 13. — (1.) The Colonial Civil Engineer may make regulations for all Making of or any of the following purposes, that is to say, — regulations '' o 1 r ' ji for protection (a.) For protecting the growth of underwood, shrubs, and trees of foreshore. on or near the foreshore or between high and low water marks ; {h.) For the protection of the land and soil between high and low water marks ; and (c.) Generall}' for conserving the foreshore. (2.) The regulations may apply to the whole or to any part of the Colony described in the regulations. (3.) Penalties may be imposed for the breach of any such regulation not exceeding for any one offence the sum of one hundred dollars ; and all such penalties may be recovered under any Ordinances for the time See Ordiimiices being in force regulating the exercise of summary jurisdiction by andNo\Z(^ Stipendiary Magistrates : Provided always that no such regulations iS'Ja. shall come into force until they have been approved by the Governor and Court of Policy, and the Governor and Court of Policy may alter or amend any such regulation. (4.) Every such regulation, as finally settled and approved by the Governor and Court of Policy, shall be published in Tlie Official Gazette and in at least one other newspaper circulating in the Colony, and thereupon shall have the same effect as if it were enacted in this Ordinance. 14. The proprietor of any estate shall not if the Colonial Civil Prohibition of Engineer deems it necessary for the protection of any foreshore and endan"eih*K° gives him notice to abstain from so doing, — any folesliore. [a.) Cut or allow to be cut any courida or other trees or any underwood or shrubs growing on either side of any sea, river, or outer dam of his estate ; or {b.) Remove or allow the removal from the foreshore of his estate of any shell, sand, soil, or other material or of a.nj dead trees, shrubs, or other debris. (6 of 1899, s. 5.) 15. Every proprietor of an estate shall if the Colonial Civil Engineer "Works, etc., for the protection of any foreshore gives him notice to do so, — for the i: J r> ' protection of («.) Execute such works as may be deemed necessary by the '^^^y foreshore. Colonial Civil Engineer and approved of by the Governor-in- Council for the retention between high and low water marks on the foreshore of his estate of any bank of sand, shell, mud or other sulistance ; {h.) Take such steps, by sowing of seed, planting of shoots or otherwise, as the Colonial Civil Engineer deems necessary to promote the growth of courida or other trees, underwood or 668 No. 2.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1883. shrubs between high and low water marks on the foreshore of his estate, (c.) Remove any dead trees, shrubs, or other debris from the foreshore of his estate. (6 of 1899, s. 6.) Appeal by person aggrieved against Appeals. 16. — (1 ) Every person who is aggrieved by any requirement of the Colonial Civil Engineer or by any action of the Public Works Depart- ment under this Ordinance, or who considers that the time limited in requirement of ^ny notice for the commencement or completion of any works is too Civil Engineer, short, may appeal to the Governor-in-Council. etc. (2.) Every such appeal shall be by way of petition. (3.) The order of the Governor-in-Council on any such petition shall be final and shall bind all persons interested, (s. 14.) Repayment of loan made for execution of works. Preferent lien of the Colony foi- amount of loan. Loans for Works. 17. — (1.) The Governor-in-Council may direct that any money advanced by way of loan or expended in the execution of any works under this Ordinance shall be repaid in such manner, and at such times, and in such instalments, and with interest at such rate as the Governor and Court of Policy may deem expedient. (2.) Where the cost of any works executed by the Public Works Department under this Ordinance exceeds the estimated cost by more than one-third of such estimated cost, the Governor-in-Council, if he deem it expedient to do so and if the Combined Court provides the necessary funds, may direct that the amount expended in excess of the amount of such estimated cost and one-third added shall be paid out of such funds, (s. 15.) 18. — (1.) All moneys advanced by way of loan under this Ordinance and all money expended by the Public Works Department under this Ordinance, other than grants made under section 9, shall be deemed a debt due to the Colony, and for the repayment thereof the Colony shall have a preferent lien on the estate, after debts due to the Crown, and such lien shall continue notwithstanding any devolution, transport, or letters of decree of such estate. (2.) All such money may be recovered by parate execution at the instance of the Receiver General against the proprietor of the estate, without naming him. (3.) Where any sum is repayable by instalments, on the failure to pay any instalment or interest within ten days after the same becomes due, the whole amount then remaining unpaid, with the interest thereon, sliall immediately become due and payable. (4.) A certificate signed by the Receiver General that a specified amount is due under the provisions of this Ordinance from the pro- prietor of the estate shall, without any proof of the signature, be received in all Courts as proof of the fact, until the contrary is proved. (S. 16.) Miscellaneous Provisions. Notices. \Q^ Any notice under this Ordinance may be given by post by means of a registered letter signed l)y the Colonial Civil Engineer and A.D. 1883.] SEA DEFENCE. [No. 2. 669 addressed to the proprietor or his attorney or the manager or any occupier of the estate to which the notice relates, and the production of the receipt for such registered letter shall be jjrima facie evidence in all Courts of law. (6 of 1899, s. 7.) 20. The production of a copy of any order or direction of the Proof of order Governor-in-Council under this Ordinance, certified as a correct copy of the by the Government Secretary or Clerk of the Executive Council, or the ^ounciT^ '" production of the The Official Gazette containing the official intimation of any order (»r direction of the Governor-in-Council under this Ordinance, shall be conclusive proof that such order or direction has been made and that the same has been in all respects rightly made and is binding on all persons, (s. 17.) 2 1 . Any work or thing which the proprietor of a plantation is Execution of reciuired under this Ordinance to execute or do may, if he refuses or works by neglects to execute or do the same within the time specified in the ^oiomai t^ivu notice given by the Colonial Civil Engineei", be executed and done by the Colonial Civil Engineer, who shall therefor have the powers con- ferred by section 12 of this Oi'dinance, and section 18 of this Ordinance shall apply to the cost of any work or thing so executed or done by him. (6 of 1899, s. 9.) 22. — (1.) No person, other than the officers of Government herein- Limitation of before mentioned, shall have any right of action for anything done "ght of action vmder this Ordinance or in respect of anything omitted to be done pubUc officers, which might or ought to have been done under this Ordinance. (2.) Any person who desires that the Colonial Civil Engineer should take any action under this Ordinance shall apply by petition to the Governor-in-Council. (s. 18.) 23. Every person who wilfully obstructs any member of the Public Penalty on Works Department acting under the provisions of this Ordinance shall ^^structin be guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to officer acting a penalty not exceeding two hundred and forty dollars, (s. 19.) under the t^ -^ ° J \ / Ordinance. 24. Every person who — Punishment of Dcrsoii (1.) Wilfully damages any dam or defence against the sea or any damaging water ; or defences. (2.) Unlawfully takes for his own benefit any of the material of any such dam or defence, shall be guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding two months, (s. 20.) 25. Every person who infringes any of the provisions of this Penalty. Ordinance shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars recoverable under the Summary Jurisdiction Oi-dinances. (6 of 1899, s. 8.) 26. This Ordinance shall be in force throughout the Colony subject Operation of to the special provisions of any Ordinance from time to time in force Ordinance, affecting any specified part thereof. (6 of 1899, s. 10.) VOL. I. ■iC 670 No. 4.] THE LAWS OF BRITISH GUIANA .- [A.D. 1883. A.D. 1883. Short title. Interpretation of terms. Exemption of ■. skill or knowledge, to be appointed by the Governor, and the Stipendiary Magistrate shall be President of the Court. (2.) The Court is hereby authorized to make the inquiries referred to in section 4 and all inquiries authorized to be made by a colonial tribunal under the provisions of the Merchant Shipping (Colonial Inquiries) Act, 1882, of the Imperial Parliament. (3.) The Court may suspend or cancel the certificate, whether of competency or service, of any master, mate, or engineer in the following cases, that is to say, — {a.) If, on any investigation under sub-section (1) of section 4, the Court finds that the loss, abandonment, or damage to any British ship or loss of life has been caused by his wrongful act or default ; or (h.) If, on any investigation under sub-section (2) of section 4, the Court finds that he is incompetent or that he has been guilty of any gross act of misconduct, drunkenness, or tyrann3\ (4.) The Court shall, at the conclusion of the case or as soon aftei'- wards as possible, state in open Court the decision to which it has come with respect to cancelling or suspending any certificate, and shall in all cases send a full report upon the case, with the evidence, to the Governoi", and shall also, if it determines to suspend or cancel any certificate, forward such certificate to the Governor with their report ; and a copy of such report, together with the certificates, if any, shall forthwith be forwarded by the Governor to the Board of Trade. (5.) No certificate shall be suspended or cancelled under this sec- tion unless a copy of the report, or a statement of the case upon which the investigation is ordered, has been furnished to the owner of the certificate befoi'e the commencement of the investigation, nor unless one Assessor at least expresses his concurrence in the report forwarded to the Governor. (G.) Where any such investigation involves or appears likely to involve any question as to the cancelling or suspending of the certifi- cate of a master, mate, or engineer, it shall be held with the assistance of not less than two persons having experience in the merchant service. 6. In case any member of the Court is or becomes unwilling to act Provision or dies, the Governor may appoint another person similarly qualified ^'^^^^ member in his place ; and no Court of Inquiry shall lapse by reason of, or be unable'^to*'' otherwise affected by, the death, absence, or removal of the Governor act, etc. appointing the same. Proceedings on Inquiry. 7. — (1.) The Court may require any master, mate, or engineer, pos- sessing a certificate of competency or service whose conduct is called in question, or appears to the Court to be likely to be called in question, in the course of such investigation to deliver the certificate to the Court, and the Court shall hold the certificate so dehveretl until the conclusion of the investigation, and shall then either return tl:e same to such master, mate, or engineer, or, if the Court decides to suspend or cancel such certificate, shall transmit the same to the Governor to be forwarded to the Board of Trade. (2.) If any master, mate, or engineer fails to deliver his certificate, when required l)y the Court to do so, he shall be guilty of an oflence. Power to Court to require delivery of certificate. 672 No. 4. J THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1883 and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two hundred and forty dollars. Making of report by Court. Making of rules of procechire. Power of insjjection of members of Court. Summoning and examination of witnesses. See Ordinance No. 12 of 1893. Schedule. Mode of dealing with person refusing to be sworn, etc. Mode of dealing with witness r(;f\ising to appear. 8. — (1.) It shall be the duty of the Court to make a full, faithful, and impartial inquiry into the matters specified in the appointment thereof. (2.) Where the members of the Court are not unanimous in their opinions, each member shall state in writing the conclusions which he has arrived at and his reasons. 9. — (1.) The Court may make such rules for its guidance and the conduct and management of proceedings before it, and the hours, times, and places for its sittings, not inconsistent with its appointment, as it may from time to time think fit, subject only to the terms of its appointment. (2.) It shall be lawful for the Court to exclude any particular person or persons from any sitting of the Court, either for the preser- vation of order, for the due conduct of the inquiry, or for any other reason. 1 . The members of the Court may go on board any ship in respect to which any such inquiry is held, and may inspect the same or any part thereof or any of the machinery, boats, equipment or articles on board thereof, not unnecessarily detaining or . delaying her from pro- ceeding on any voyage. 11. — (1.) The Court shall have the power of a Stipendiary Magis- trate of this Colony to summon witnesses, and to call for the production of books, plans, and documents, and to examine upon oath witnesses and parties concerned. (2.) All summonses for the attendance of witnesses or other per- sons or the production of documents may be in the form contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, and shall be signed by one of the mem- bers of the Court, and oaths may be administered by any member of the Court, or by the clerk of the Court. (3.) No member of the Court shall be liable to any action or suit for any matter or thing done by him as a member of the Court. 1 2. If any person present in Court is required to give evidence and, without lawful excuse, refuses to be sworn, or to give evidence, and if any person at the sitting of the Court wilfully insults any member of the Court or any officer of tlie Court, or wilfully interrupts the pro- ceedings of the Court, or otherwise misbehaves in Court, it shall be lawful for any constable or other person, by order of the Court, to take the oifender into custody and detain him until the rising of the Court ; and the Court sliall be empowered, if it thinks fit, by a warrant signed by the members of the Court or a majority of them, to commit any such offender to any Prison for any time not exceeding one month, or to impose upon such offender a fine, not exceeding forty-eight dollars, for every such offence, and, in default of immediate payment thereof, to commit the oifender to Prison for any time not exceeding one month, unless the said fine is sooner paid. 13. — (1.) If any person summoned as a witness before the Court refuses or neglects to appear at the time and place appointed by the said summons and otherwise to comply with the same, and if no just excu.se is olfered for such refusal or neglect, then (after proof upon oath A.D. 1883.] SHIPPING CASUALTIES (INVESTKIATIOX). [No. 4. 673 of such sunuiions having been served upon such persf)n, either personally or by leaving the same for him with some person of his place of abode) it shall be lawful for the Court to issue a warrant, signed by the memljers of the Court or a majority of them, to bring and have such person, at a time and place therein mentioned, before the Court to testify as aforesaid. (2.) Jf, on the appearance of the person so summoned, either in obedience to the said sunnnons or upon being brought by virtue of the said warrant, such person refuses to be examined upon oath concerning the premises, or refuses to take such oath, or, having taken such oath, refuses, without sutiicient cause, to answer such questions as may be then put to him ))y or with the concurrence of the Court, or refuses, without sufficient cause, to produce any document which he may be summoned to produce, or refuses to subscribe his deposition, the Court may by warrant signed as aforesaid, commit the person so refusing to any Ordinary Prison of the Colony for any time not exceeding one month, unless he in the meantime consents to be examined and to answer concerning the premises, or to produce such documents, if any, or to sul)scribe his deposition, as the case may be. (3.) In addition to being liable to be so dealt with, every person so acting shall be deemed guilty of an offence, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars : Provided that no person shall be punished for an offence under tliis section for any offence for which he has been punished under the pro- visions of section 12. . 14. The Governor may appoint a clerk to afford clerical assistance and to perform such duties connected with the inquiry as the Court may prescribe, subject to the directions, if any, of the Governor. 15.— (1.) The Governor may direct what remuneration, if any, shall be paid to the members of the Court or to the clerk. (2.) A witness summoned or attending at the Court may receive such reasonable remuneration as the President of the Court may certify should be allowed, not exceeding in any case what would be allowed to the witness for attendance at the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction. (3.) All the expenses connected with the appointment of any Court or any inquiry under this Ordinance shall be defrayed from the sum provided for the miscellaneous expenses of justice 16. The appointment of any Court under this Ordinance shall be published in The Ojficial Gazette, and shall take effect from the date of such publication. Appointment of clerk of Court. Remuneration of members and clerk, etc. Notification of appointment of Court. SCHEDULE. Summons to Witness. To A. B. \^iiainf of iri/iirss and his calling raid rcxidoicr. if Jaioioi.'] You arc hereby summoned to appear before [//dv jiamr the mcmherH of thr CoHyt'\ appointed by the Governor to inquire \_sfi(te hricjhj the Kuhjcct of the inqiiir\f\ at Sj)l(tce^ on the day of 1 , at o'clock, m., and to give evidence respecting such inquiry \if the persux tiummoned is to produce oiuj documents, add andyouaie hereby required to bring with you [specify the books, plans, and doctonents required)']. Therefoie fail not at yovir peril. Given under the hand of member of the Court of Inquiry, this day of 1 Section 11. 674 No. 5.] THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1883. OKDIXANCE No. 5 OF 1883. A.D. 1883. An Ordinance for enabling the Combined Court, or any ^ Committee of the said Court, or the Committee of Ways and Means to procure and take Evidence upon Oath. [8th December, 1883.] Ordinance No. 13 0/1894 .^. 3 (14) incorpo}'ated. As to the Court of Policii, see Ordiivance No. 7 of 1880. Short title. Interpretation of term Tower to the Combined Court, or Com- mittee thereof, to summon \vitnesses. Schedule : Form No. 1. Power to the Combined Court, etc., to administer oatli or affirmation. WHEREAS it is expedient that the Combined Court, and any Committee of the said Court appointed by the Governor, and the Committee of Ways and Means should be enabled to make full investigation into the various matters which are subject to their determination, and should respectively have the powers of compelling the attendance of witnesses and of administering oaths to witnesses : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of British Guiana, with the advice and consent of the Court of Policy thereof, as follows : — 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Combined Court (Evidence) Ordinance, 1883. 2. In this Ordinance, the term " The Committee of Ways and Means " means the Committee of Ways and Means of the Combined Court. 3. — (1.) Where it appears to the Combined Court, or to any Committee of the said Court appointed by the Governor, or to the Committee of Ways and Means that any person within the Colony is able to give any information with respect to the subject-matter of any question arisiug for their determination, it shall be lawful for the Combined Court, or for such Committee, or for the Committee of Ways and Means to cause a summons to be issued to such person, in the Form No. 1 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, or in such other form as the circumstances may appear to render expedient, requiring such person to be and appear before the Combined Court, or before such Committee, or before the Committee of Ways and Means at the time and place specified, for the purpose of being examined, and thereafter to I'emain in attendance on the Combined Court, or on such Committee, or on the Committee of Waj's and Means until permitted by the Combined Court, or by such Committee, or by the Committee of Ways and Means to withdraw. (2.) Every such summons shall he served by the Registrar or by a Marshal, and may be served in the same way as a summons is by law recjuired to })e served on a person who is summoned to attend as a witness at the Supreme Court of British Guiana in its civil jurisdiction. 4. — (1.) The Combined Coui't may administer an oath to any witness examined before the said Court, and any Committee of the Combined Court appointed by the (governor, or the Committee of Ways and Means, may administer an oath to any witness examined before them. (2.) Where any witness to be examined under this Ordinance A.D. 1883.] COMBINED COURT (EVIDENCE). [No. 6. 675 conscientiously objects to take an oath, he may make his solemn affirmation and declaration in the words following : — " I, A. li., do solemnly, sincerely, and truly alBrm and declare that the taking of any uath in, according to my i eligiou.s Ijclief, unlawful, and I do also solemnly, sincerely, and truly affirm and declare, etc." (3.) Any solemn affirmation and declaration so made shall be of the same force and effect, and shall entail the same consequences, as an oath taken in the usual form. (4.) Any oath or affirmation may be administered to the witness by any member of the Combined Court who is authorized to do so by the Governor, and may be administered by any member of any Com- mittee thereof appointed by the Governor or by any member of the Committee of Ways and Means. 5. If any person summoned to attend as a witness before the Com- Mode of })ined Court, or before any Committee of the Court appointed by the dealing with Governor, or before the Committee of Ways and Means refuses or ^f "^Ij^g ^j. neglects, without sufficient cause, to attend at the time and place men- neglecting to tioned in the summons, it shall be lawful for the Combined Court, or attend, for any Committee thereof appointed by the Governor, or for the Committee of Ways and Means to issue a warrant, in the Form No. 2 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance or in such other form as Schedule : the circumstances may appear to require, signed by the Secretary of Form No. 2. the Court, authorizing and directing the Registrar or any Marshal to arrest such person and detain him in custody until he can be bi'ought before the said Court, or before such Committee, or before the Com- mittee of Ways and Means : Provided always that no person shall be detained under any such warrant for a longer period than one week. 6. — (1.) Every person who is summoned to attend as a witness before Mode of the Combined Court, or before any Committee thereof appointed by ^^tjj"g° ^'^^^ ^ the Governor, or before the Committee of Ways and Means and who refusing to be refuses to be sworn, or, where he conscientiously objects to take an sworn, etc. oath, refuses to make a solemn affirmation and declaration, or to answer fully and satisfactorily, to the best of his knowledge and belief, all questions put to him, and every person who, being present before the Combined Court, or before any Committee of the said Coui't appointed by the Governor, or before the Committee of Ways and Means, wilfully insults any member of the said Court, or of such Committee, or of the Committee of Ways and Means, may be committed to any Ordinary Prison and there detained for any period not exceeding three months : Provided always that where the improper conduct has taken place before any Committee of the said Court, or before the Committee of Ways and Means, the circumstances shall be reported by such Committee to the Combined Court in writing. (2.) Where any person is so committed, a warrant of commitment shall be issued authorizing the Keeper of the Prison to detain such person for the time therein stated. (3,) Every such warrant may be in the Form No. 3 contained in the Schedule to this Ordinance, or in such other form as the Combined Schedule . Court may deem i^ight. Form No. 3. (4.) Every warrant purporting to be issued by direction of the Combined Court may be signed by the Secretary of the Court, and 676 No. 5.J THE LA WS OF BRITISH GUIANA : [A.D. 1883. Punishment of person giving false evidence. Section 3. shall be deemed in all Courts of law to be sufficient and effectual for detaining the person mentioned therein in the said Prison for the time stated, and to have been issued for good and sufficient cause. 7. Every person examined under this Ordinance who wilfully gives false evidence shall be guilty of perjury. SCHEDULE. FORMS. Form No. 1. Summons to Witness. To A. B. You are hereby required to appear before the Combined Court, [or before a Committee of the Combined Court appointed by His Excellency the Governor, or before the Committee of Ways and Means,] at \_ph(ce], at o'clock, m., on the day of 1 , and thereafter to remain in attendance until permitted to withdraw. Therefore fail not at your peril. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) Section 5. Form No. 2. Warrant of Apprehension where Witness neglects to attend. To the Registrar and all Marshals. Whereas A. B. was duly summoned to appear as a witness before \_as in last Form"] at on the day of 1 ; And whereas the said summons has, by the return of the Marshal, been duly served ; And whereas the said A. B. has neglected to obey the said summons : — Now, therefore, this is to empower you to apprehend the said A. B. and bring him before [«-■ in last Form'] and for so doing, this shall be your sufiBcient warrant. Issued by the direction of the Combined Court \_or of a Committee of the Com- bined Court appointed by the Governor, or of the Committee of Ways and Means]. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) Section 6. Form No. 3. Warrant of Committal for Misconduct. To the Keeper of the Prison at Whereas A. B., being present before [r/s in Form No. 1] on the day of 1 , did then and there misconduct himself : — Now, therefore, this is to empower and direct you to keep the said A. B. safely in custody for the period of now next ensuing, from the day of 1 , to the day of 1 ; and for so doing, this shall be your sufficient warrant. Issued by direction of the Combined Court. Dated this day of 1 (Signed.) End of Volume I. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. rorm L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 K^^O British B77R2 Guiana. Laws, v.l statutes, etc - The laws of British Guiana k5o B77R2 v.l I jr Qni iTwt tJM ai- r:\r\hi f^i i iddapv (^ f:rn .ry AA 000 554 134