r4iU 5, ^ 'M :Sf LIBRARY OF CONGRESS u LIST OF BOOKS WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS > RELATING TO POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS .;". r COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER '(:. i .i ,^ "^?^t -or^^^^v^-Tiri^'^i^irr' ■'^-' -„. ^ 1 ^y i- % \ ,'■ \ '^ \ y^ > r \^ 3 _^- ■^ \ fK \ /.. V ! -' ■^ Vv V / r :>■ ;■•<- V ^ ■*. - * i :*^-*s. > '< . -!■ UINlVERSITY of CALIFOiiMlr. AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF BOOKS WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS RELATING TO POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 11286:) L. C. card 7-:{5013. • • • • •• • • . •■ * • • * • • • • . • • . • • • • - •-. • 7/^-4 LIST OF REFERENCES ON POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS Belgium. Caisse generale cVepargne et de retraite. Compte rendu des operations et de la situation de la Caisse generale d'epargne et de retraite . . . 1884-1902. Bruxelles: Typ. Bruylant-Christophe c& cie. [etc., 1885- 1903']. 16 vols, in 6. Folded maps. Tables. F°. Belloc, Alexis. Les postes francaises. Recherches historiques sur leur origine, leur developpement, leur legislation. Paris: Firmin-Didot et cie., 1886. xix, [i], 783 pp. 4°- " Caisse nationale d'epargne,"' pp. 676-679. Bolton, Sarah K. Post-office savings banks: a help to working people. (/» her Social studies in England, pp. 143-153. Boston, 1900, 12°.) Chevauchez, A. Les caisses d'epargne en France (histoire et legis- lation) . . . avec preface de M. E. Cheysson. Paris: Chevalier et Rivere, 1906. xiii, 68, (2) pp. 8°. Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung. Organ fiir das Post-und Tele- graphenwesen iind fiir die Interessen der deutschen Ver- kehrs-Beamten. 31. Jahrgang. Berlin: 1907. Weekly. Dutch East Indies. Departement der hurgerlijke openhare Werken. Verslag omtrent den Dienst der Postspaarbank in Neder- landsch-Indie . . . 1904-1905. Batavia: Laiuhdrnkkerij, 1905-1906. 2 cols, in 1. Tables. Diagrams. r. Forbes, Urquhart A. The law of savings banks since 1878, with a digest of decisions made by the chief registrar and assist- ant registrars of Friendly societies from 1878 to 1882, being a supplement to The Law relating to trustee and post-office savings banks. London: Stevens c& Haynes, 1884. viii, 2U PP- 1^°- 4 IJ15HAHV OF CONiJHKSS Forbes, I r«|ulKirt A. Tlif law rclaiiii;^: to (n^-^t('t.' ami posl-olKce savinjj;s banks, with notes of decisions and awards made by the l)arrister and the registrar of I''ricndly societies, to- •;ether with a sujjplenient containing the law of savings banks since IsTt't. and a di<;est of decisions niaile by the cliief re<::i>irar and assistant re|i. .".itu |-_'l'. Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. Ilrsir. \<>ii Dr. J. Conrad | und others], lito jriiiizlich uiiificarlK'ilelc Aiif- lage. Vol. 6. Jena: Gustav Fischer, U)01. 4°. r«)stsi);irl<;issrn, jip. 17.'5-1S1. Haynes, ThornwcU. Freiicli national savings l)ank. (In U. S. Consuhir n'p'H'ts. no. -J!):;. i"<'l>niar\ , T.Hi:.. pji. 34-36.) • Heath, P^liot. The Post-ollice savin-is hank. (/// St. Martin's-le-Crand. \b'J3. S°.) Heyn, Edward T. Postal savings banks. (//( .Vnicrican academy of political and social scieuce. Annals, vol. S, Nov., ISne, pp. 401-4!Kt.) Hitchcock, Gilbert M. For postal sa vinos banks. Speech in the House of Representatives, Monday, January 30, 1905. Washington, lOOo. lo pp. 8°. Speech on government savings hanks. House of Representa- tives, January 80, 1005. (/;/ C'oiiKressional record, oStli Congress. :!d session, vol. 39, .Tan. ."n. 1!io.". pii. KHK) -1(;04.) Italy. M'niistcro delle paste e dei teleijmf. Relaziohe stati.stica in- torno ai servizi postale e telegratico per V esercizio ed al s(n"vizi() !' ilii' I'osi olliic -:i\inu- I'aiik and lu)\v lo (leal with its drlicit of fcll.l )()(). 000. Loudon: ('. Wilson, l!)l)-'>. 67, (/) pi>. i:i\ Ki'l»iiiiUHl from " Tlu" Iii\rs" ifvi.w." Mayet, 1*. Airii<'iiltin'al iiisiiraiice in ori^anic connection with sav- n\if> hanks, land credit, and the coinnnitation of deht-. Translated from the (Jernian l)y Aithnr Llovd. London: Swan Sunn-)S. . xxriri, 26 pp. Tables. 8°. Consists of inoposiils fur mcasuros lu In- mlnittt'd in .f:i|i;in. basiHl iii»)ii (Jeniian institutions. Mazoyer, Irlniile. Albeit Faure, and Louis Naud. La |)oste, le tele. 204-1^50, Netherlands (h'htf/doni) Departemcnt van tvatevstaat. handel en nljverheid. Verslag aan do koninj^dn betrekkelijk den dienst der rijkspostspaarhank in Xederland. ['s-frraren/idf/c: (rcdiuht tcr Algenieene landsdnih'kenj, 1S0J-1'JUG.\ Li voh. Tables. 4°- The New post-office savinirs-haidc huilding. {In St. M:iitiirs-lc-(;i-aii(i, \()1. VI. i)|t. 71-7.1. T.omlon, 1!>02. New South Wales. rarUament. Legislative asse^mhly. Select roviinittee on post office savings hank — National hank. Pro\>. :}22-33G. London. .1800, S°.) Kcpi'intcd Croiii I>ail.v .News. The Post office savinirs bank in Holland. {In St. Maitins-lc-Crand. vol. !t. pp. 225-226. Lnodon. lsr>0. 8°.) POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS 9 Postal savings banks. {In U. S. Treasury departuiotit. Annnal rpport. 1897, pp. 362-380. Washington, 1897. 8°.) Rice, Augustus Ephraim. Postal savings banks. Their evil effects upon the country. [Fremont. O., 1898.^ (4) PP- 8°. Scratchley, Arthur. A practical treatise on savings banks, con- taining a review of their past history and present con- dition, with rules, acts of Parliament, &c.. including Mr. Gladstone's new post office savings bank system. [New ed.] London: Longman^ Green^ Longman^ and Roherts^ 1862. [454] P2^- 8°. {His Treatise on associations for prom- dent investment. Div. 1.) Various paging. Solvay, Ernest. Social comptabilism. The cheque and clearing service in the Austrian postal savings bank. Proposed law laid before the Chamber of representatives of Bel- gium by Hector Denis. Brussels: At the Institute, 1897. (3), 98 pp. 8°. Extract from the Annals of the Institute of social sciences, 1896. Stern, Julius. Government savings banks. {In The Building and loan herald, vol. 13, Oct., 1901, pp. 312-.316; Nov., 1901, pp. 344-348.) Stewart, J. Cunningham. The postoffice savings bank system of Canada. {In British association for the advancement of science, 54th meeting, Montreal, 1884, pp. 834-835. Loudon, 1885. S°.) Sweden. Styrelsen for Postsparhanken. Extrait du rapport au roi sur la situation et la gestion de la caisse d'epargne postale de Suede, pendant I'annee 1897. Rapport pre- sentee par le direction de la Caisse le 25 novembre 1898. Stockholm: Impr. K. L. Beckman, 1899. (^), 19 pp. Ii.°. Switzerland. Les cheques postaux. {In Bulletin de statistique et de legislation comparee, vol. 28, Aug., 1904, pp. 219-226.) Treadway, James Willway. Evils of government savings banks. San Francisco, Cal., 1899. {15) pp. 8°. . Bound in same covers with his American history of Trans- val Boers. 10 UBRA1>N OF CONGRESS United States. Dt /xirtnu nt of state. Postal savings banks in lurciirn coiiiitiMcs. Mcssajrc i'l-oin the Prosidont of the Uniti'd States, transmit tinanks: 1889, pp. 29-31; 1890, pp. 11-14; 1891, pp. 90-97: lNit2, pp. 44-47, 104- 112. Postal savings depositories. Inquiries addressed to foreign countries and replies received therefrom; pp. 113- 124. Details of iiostal savings-bank systems in Belgium, Netherlands. Frniu-e. Civeat I'.ritain, Italy, Sweden, Austria- Ilitngary. liussia, and Finland. 1S97. i»p. 24-34. 4Sd Congix'ss, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. TG. Postal savings institutions. Letter from the Postmaster-gen- eral ... ill reliitioii lo how many employees of all grades it will rc(|uire to carry on the postal savings institution ill the United States and Teri-itories. and also in relation to postal telegraj)h system, dan. -2?). 1874. 5 pp. 8°. olst Congress, 2d session. Senate mis. doc. no. 01. Postal savings banks. An argument in their favor by the Post- master-genei-al. with appendices. February 2, 1891. 72 pp. 8°. olst Congress, 2d session. House report no. 4002. Postal savings banks. Report [fi-om] the Committee on the post- ollirr and post-roads, February 25, 1801. 13 pp. 8°. E.stablishment of ])ostal savings ba.dvs recommended. o2d Congress,. 1st session. Senate mis. doc. no. 136. An ad- ditional argument by the Postmaster-general in favor of the establishment of postal savings depositories, with ap- pendices. April 20, 1802. 71 pp. 8°. ootJi Congress, l.st session. Senate doc. no. 83. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting ... a report from the Secretary of state relative to diplomatic and consular reports on postal savings banks in foreign countries. May 13, 1807. 1 pp. 8°. POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS 11 United States. 55th Congress^ 1st session. Senate doc. no. 127. Letter from the Postmaster-general, . . . relative to re- ports received by the Department of state as to the prac- tical workings of postal telegraph systems and postal savings banks. May 28, 1897. 2 pp. 8°. Senate doc. no. 151. Reports from United States consuls on the nature and operation of postal savings banks in certain foreign countries, other reports and pa- pers. June 23, 1897. 61 pp. 8°. Senate doc. no. 187. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting ... a report of the Acting secretar}^ of state with accompanying papers, rela- tive to the nature and practical workings of the postal telegraphs, telephones, and postal savings banks of for- eign countries. July 23, 1897. 3 pp. 8°. doth Congress., 2d session. Postal savings banks; hearings before House subcommittee on post-office and post -roads. 1898. 8°. Senate doc. no. 39. Postal telegraph and telephone lines, postal savings banks, government life annuities, and provisions of old age, in foreign countries. Information furnished through the State department by diplomatic and consular officers. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 332pp. 8°. Postal savings bauks iu foreign countries, pp. 263-323. Senate doc. no. 39, part 2. Message from the Presi- dent of the United States, transmitting ... a report from the Secretary of state, with accompanying papers, relating to postal telegraphs, telephones, and postal savings banks in the Colony of Victoria, Australia. April 15, 1898. 65, (1) pp. 8°. Senate doc. no. 92. Letter from the Postmaster-gen- eral relative to Senate bill no. 2369, providing for postal savings banks. January 26, 1898. 6 pp. 8°. Senate doc. no. 215. Mr, Wolcott presented the fol- lowing cop3^ of correspondence between himself, as chair- man of the Committee on post-offices and post-roads, and the Secretary of the treasury upon the general subject of postal savings banks. March 30, 1898. 4 pp. 8°. I'J LIBRARY UF CONGRESS United States, oot/i Co/Kjress, 3d hcshUhi. Senate report no. 1504. I'nsial .savinost-roa(l.s. .famiaiT liO, IbO'J. 5b pp. S°. o7th Congress^ lut session. House doc. no. 500. Letter from tin* resident connnissioncr from Porto Rico, transmitting a copy of a resolution of the executive council of Porto Ivico relatiiiL' to postal savinirs hank-. March ±1. 1002. 2 pp. b. ('on(ji-e,ss. House. Committee on post-o-fjice ami post-roads Post-check bill (H. K. ~i)7)'.\) and i>ostal notes. Hearings before the Committee on the post-oiUce and post-roads of the Hous(> of Representatives, Fifty-ninth Congress, first session . . . April 25, lUOO. May 23, 190G. Washitiffton: Gocemment printing o'ffice, 1906. 73 pp. S°. ARTICLES ON POSTALS SAVINGS BANKS IN L'UNION POSTALE L'Union jDostale; journal publie par le Bureau international de I'Union postale universelle. Berne, 1875-1907. 32 vols, in 27. ^°. Printed in Frencli, German, and Englisli in parallel columns. Contents relating to Postal savings Iianks : Generai,. — Post-office savings banks, vol. 4, Jan. 1, 1879, pp. 1-17; Feb. 1, 1870, pp. 38-4.5. The post-office savings-bank service. By a Belgian officer, vol. 5, Dec. 1, 1880, pp. 235-246. Co-operation of the post-office in the savings-bank service, vol. 6. Nov. 1, 1881, pp. 220-237. Historical development of the post-office savings banks, by A. de Malarce, vol. 24, July 1, 1899, pp. 103-106 ; Aug. 1, 1899, pp. 119-124. France. — Co-operation of the French postmaster in the service of the savings banks, vol. 2, Feb. 1, 1877, pp. 33—40. The establishment of a post-office savings bank in France, vol. 5, May 1, 1880, pp. 104-106. The post-office savings bank in Fi-ance, vol. 6, July 1, 1881, pp. 141-156. International post-office savings-bank service between France and Belgium, vol. 7, Aug. 1, 1882, pp. 182-185. The post-office savings banks in France, vol. 10, Jan. 1, 1885, pp. 7-19. In 1892, vol. 19, Feb. 1, 1894, pp. 24-36 ; Mar. 1, 1894, pp. 87-44. In 1894, vol. 21, Feb. 1, 1896, pp. 23-38 ; Mar. 1, 1896, pp. 41-.50. In 1895, vol. 22, May 1, 1897, pp. 71-79 ; June 1, 1897, pp. 87-96. In 1896, vol. 23, Mar. 1, 1898, pp. 39^7 ; Apr. 1, 1898, pp. 49-59. In 1897, vol. 24, May 1, 1899, pp. 72-79 ; June 1, 1899, pp. 92-98. In 1898, vol. 25, June 1, 1900. pp. 88-91; July 1, 1900, pp. 103-109. In 1899, vol. 26, July 1, 1901, pp. 114-123. In 1900, vol. 27, May 1, 1902, pp. 80-89. In 1902, vol. 20, Jan. 1, 1904, pp. 7-10. In 1903, vol. .30, Feb. 1, 1905, pp. 20-32. In 1904. vol. 31, Feb. 1, 1906, pp. 22-28. In 1905, vol. 32, Feb. 1, 1907, pp. 25-31. The Netherlands. — Co-operation ot the Netherlands post-offices in the service of the savings banks, vol. 2, Nov. 1, 1877, pp. 234-239. The post-office savings bank in the Kingdom of the Nether- lands, by Mr. Engelbregt, vol. 7, Feb. 1, 1882, pp 5,8-64. The post-office savings banks in the Netherlands, vol. 7, Oct. 1, 1882, pp. 239-240; vol. 10, Feb. 1, 1885, pp. 21-26. 13 14 LIBRARY OF CONORESS LLiiioii postale — 'IrtK Netiikrlanos — In lS.sr>, vol. 12. Jan. 1. l^^T. pp. 112-1.". In iKsti. vol. i:5. A|ir. 1, is-ss, pp. (;r.i-i;7. In 1S.S7. vol. 14. Apr. 1. ISSO, pp. (\r>-C,K In 18S8, vol. 15. Mny 1, 1S!M). pi'. 71 71. In iss!>. vol. IC. I).-.-. 1. isiil. PI.. liH-^ir.. In ISJM. vol. IS. .Jiiiii' 1, lyi:'.. pp. 117-lls. In 1W>2. vol. 10. Aup. 1, IS'.tl. im'. 18'>-137: Oct. 1, 1894. pp. 1(K»-172. In 1S<.I4, vol. 21. .luiw I. l^'.Hi. |ip. si>-!»l. In IMt"). vol. 22. Sept. 1. 1V.>7, pp. 155-158. In IStXi. vol. 2:{. June 1. 18.08. pp. 01-03. In 1S07. vol. 21. Ai.r. 1. Is'.tO. pp. 57-(!0. In 180S. vol. 25. .Miir. 1. lOtM). pp. ,^8-41. In ISOO. vol. 2r.. Apt-. 1. 1!>i»1. pp. f!7-7<>. Ill I'.KM). \..l. 27, -Mar. 1. T.HI2. \>]i. 4 1-17. Extension of the circle of activity of tbo Dutch post-office saviiis.'s hank. vol. 27, Oct. 1. 1002, pp. 157-lGl. In 10O2, vol. 20, Tel). 1, 1004, pp. 23-27. In P.H»:'.. vol. 30. Mar. 1. 100.5. pp. 41^5. In 1004, vol. 31. Mar. 1. 1000. pp. 47-50. In 1005. vol. 32. June 1. 1007. pp. 00-08. SwKOKN. — The post-office savings hanks in Sweden, vol. 0. Apr. 1. 1884, pp. 81-80. In 1887. vol. 15. Feh. 1, 1800, p.p. 20-24. In 1888, vol. 10, Jan. 1, 1801, pp. 11-17. In 1890, vol. 17, July 1, 1892, pp. 117-124. In 1895, vol. 22, May 1, 1897, pp. 84-85. In 1890, vol. 23, May 1. 1808. pp. 75-70. In 1807, vol. 24, July 1, 1800. pp. 111-114. In 189S, vol. 25, Aug. 1, 1900, pp. 128-132. In 1899, vol. 20, Aug. 1, 1001, pp. 137-141. In 1000, vol. 27, July 1. 1002, pp. 114-117. In 1002. vol. 20, Au.i,'. 1, 1004, pp. 132-135. In 10(13. vol. .30. July 1, 1005, pp. 108-112. In 1005, vol. .32, Aug. 1, 1007. pp. 120-133. rirN(;.\RY. — Estahlishnietit of a ijost-othce savings hank in the Kingdom of Hungary, vol. 11, Mar. 1, 1880, pp. 4.5-52. The Uoyal Hungarian post-office savings l.ank during 1886, vol. 13, June 1, 1888, pp. 07-00. In 1802, vol. 10, Aug. 1, 1804, pp. 131-1.35. In 1893, vol. 20, Nov. 1, 1805, pp. 188-191. In 1895, vol. 22, Dec. 1, 1807, pp. 107-203. In 1800, vol. 23. May 1, 1808. pp. 70-80. In 1S07, vol. 24, Jan. 1. 1800, pp. 11-15. In 1808, vol. 25. Apr. 1, 1000, pp. 57-02. In 1809, vol. 20, Feh. 1, 1!»n. i)p. 27-31 : Mar. 1, 1001. pp. 43-46. In 1000, vol. 27. Apr. 1. 1002, pp. 07-72. In 1002. vol. 20. .Mar. 1, 1004. pp. 43-48. In l'.«)3, vol. .30, .May 1. 10(15. pp. 70-81. in 1!M>1, vol. 30, Dec. 1, 10(J5, pp. 102-107. POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS 15 L'Union postale — Hungary — In 1905, vol. 32, May 1, 1907, pp. 75-SO. The Hnngariiui post-office savings bank at the end of the first twenty years of its activity, vol. 32, June 1, 1907, pp. 91-95. Austria. — The Austrian post-office savings bank, vol. 15. Nov. 1, 1S90, pp. 170-174; Dec. 1, 1890, pp. 184-191. In 1890, vol. 17, June 1, 1892, pp. 99-104. In 1893, vol. 19, Sept. 1, 1894, pp. 141-149. In 1895, vol. 21, Sept. 1, 1896, pp. 143-149; Oct. 1. 1896. pp. 153-158. In 1896, vol. 22, Nov. 1, 1897, pp. 177-188. Collection and exchange business in the I. & R. Austrian post- office savings bank in Vienna, vol. 23, Feb. 1, 1898, pp. 27-29. In 1897, vol. 23, July 1, 1898, pp. 104-108; Aug. 1, 1898, pp. 113-118. In 1898, \ol. 24, Sept. 1, 1899, pp. 143-148; Oct. 1, 1S99, pp. 158- 162. In 1899, vol. 25, Nov, 1, 1900, pp. 178-182 ; Dec. 1, 1900, pp. 193- 197. In 1900, vol. 27, Jan. 1, 1902, pp. 10-14 ; Feb. 1. 1902. pp. 28-34. In 1901, vol. 27. Nov. 1, 1902, pp. 183-188; Dec. 1. 1902, pp. 198-200. In 1903, vol. 30, Jan. 1, 1905, pp. 8-13. In 1904. vol. 30, Aug. 1, 1905. pp. 123-129. In 1905, vol. 32, Jan. 1, 1907, pp. 10-15. In 1906, vol. 32, July 1, 1907, pp. 111-110. Italy. — Post-office savings banks in Italy, vol. 6, Feb. 1, 1881, pp. 48-50. In 1880, vol. 0, Oct. 1, 1881, pp. 218-223 ; Dec. 1, 1881, pp. 260- 263. In 1884, vol. 11, Sept. 1, 1886, pp. 169-183. The Italian post-office savings banks during the 12th year of their existence, vol. 14, Dec. 1, 1889, pp. 196-203. In 1895, vol. 23, Sept. 1, 1898, pp. 134-140. Miscellaneous. — The post-office savings banks in Belgium, vol. 2, May 1, 1877, pp. 102-108. The Belgian state savings bank in 1904, vol. 30, Nov. 1, 1905, pp. 173-177. In 1905, vol. 31, Dec. 1, 1906, pp. 205-209. In 1906, vol. 32, Nov. 1, 1907, pp. 184-188. The savings and loan societies of the Imperial German postal officers, vol. 2, Aug. 1, 1877, pp. 159-168. The savings banks of Danish postal and telegraph officers and subaltern officials, vol. 4, May 1, 1879, pp. 98-107. The parcels-post, tlie post-office savings bank, and the insur- ance of lives through the medium of the post-office in Great Britain, vol. 7, Nov. 1, 1882, pp. 205-268. The Japanese post-office savings banks, vol. 10, July 1. 1885, pp. 138-142. Parochial post-office savings banks in Japan, vol. 14, Oct. 1, 1889, pp. 164-167. 16 LIBRAKV OF CONGRESS L'Unioii post ale — MiSCELLANKOUS — Now sjivin.ss l)anks in Kussia, vol. If), Feb. 1, 1S!»0, |)p. 24-25. The iiost-olHct' saviM,i,'s hank in tlie (Jrand Duchy of Finhuul, vol. 1(1, .Mm.v 1, l^!il. i>i). 82-84. The |iost-ollice savinf,'.s liaiik in New South Wales, vol. lit. Jan. 1. ISIM. pp. 7-S. The post-otiiee savings hank of ihe Dutch Indies, vol. 2"), May 1, l!H)n. pi>. (i«)-7;}; vol. 27. June 1, 1902, pp. !)S-102. In I'.iOJ. vol. ;:i, May 1. I'.km;. |)p. 7!)-s;}. IVtst-ottice savings hank in India, 11)04-05, vol. 32, Jan. 1, 1007, pp. 0-10; in 1!)05-, vol. 32, Sept. 1, 1007, pp. 145-140. Post-otHce sjivings bank in Great Britain, 1005, vol. 32, April 1, 1907, pp. 55-57, ARTICLES IN UNITED STATES CONSULAR REPORTS 1882. Postal savings banks in Holland. Report by Consul Eckstein, November 8, 1892. Vol. 8, no. 26, December, 1S82, pp. 390-392. 1883. Canadian post-ofRce savings banks. Report by Commercial agent Carroll, of Port t^tauley and St. Thomas. Vol. 9, no. 28, Feb., 1883, pp. 232-234. 1883- Postal savings banks in Austria, Report by Consul-general Weaver. Vol. 10, no. 32, Aug., 1883, pp. 368-374. 1883. The English postal savings-bank system. Report by Consul Lathrop, Bristol, August 31, 1883. Vol. 10, no. 34, October, 1883, pp. 750-759. 1888. Postal savings banks in Great Britain. [Report of] Willoughby Walling, Consul. I.eith, April 2, 1888. Vol. 26, no. 94, June, 1888, pp. 404-409. 1890. Statistics of Amsterdam. Government postal savings bank. Report by Consul Eckstein, April 3, 1890. Vol. 33, no. lis, .July, 1890, pp. 484-486. 1891. Austrian postal savings banks, telegraphs, and telephones. Report by Julius Goldschmidt, Consul-general. Dec. 17, 1890. Vol. 35, no. 125, Feb., 1891, pp. 184-194. 1891. The United Kingdom in 1889 and 1890. Savings banks. [Report by] Consul-general New. Vol. 35, no. 127, April, 1891, pp. 546-547. 1891. The postal savings bank of France. Report by Horace G. Knowles, Consul. November 11, 1891. Vol. 37, no. 135, December, 1891, pp. 481^83. 1893. Austrian postal savings bank. Report by Julius Goldschmidt, Consul-general. May 28, 1892. Vol. 40, no. 144, September, 1892, pp. 148-160. 20613—08 2 17 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1893. I-'irst decadt' ol' postal saviiio, Jan. 2, 1908, pp, 5-6. POvSTAL SAVINGS HANKS; ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1859. Post-office savings banks. Bankers' magazine {London)^ vol. 19 (Nov., 1859) : 671-675. 1861. Post-office savings banks. St. Jameses magazine^ vol. 1 {May., 1861) : 2S8-2Ji.2. 1861. The post-office as a savings bank. Bankers'' magazine {New York), vol. 16 {July, 1861) : 57-59. 1861. Savings banks in connection with the post-office. Fraser''s magazine., vol. 6Ji. {July, 1861) : 88-98. 1861. Post-office savings banks. Leisure hour, vol. 10 {Oct., 1861) : 709-712. A chapter from H. R. Sherman's " A haudy book on post- office savings banks." 1861. Post-office savings banks. Edwin Chadwick. Statistical society of London. Journal, vol. 24- {Dec, 1861) : 519-522. I 1862. Safe bind, safe find. Temple bar, vol. 5 {July, 1862) : ^53-^63. On the English post-office savings banks. 1864. My account with Her Majesty. All the year round, vol. 11 {Mar. 5, 1864) ■' 79-83. On the English post-office savings bank. 1870. The English post-office savings-bank system. Old and new, vol. 1 {June, 1870) : 841-845. 1872. Of state and post-office savings banks. John H. Osborne. Penn monthly, vol. 3 {Feb., 1872) : 92-101. 1873. Post-office savings banks. Republic, vol. 1 {May, 1873) : 138-142. 1877. The perils of our financial system: 1. Savings V)anks. Temple bar, vol. 50 {Aug., 1877) : 497-502. 19 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1877. The postal savin«>:s-l)aiik .system, (ieorge Iv. Gibson. Bankcis" magazine {New York), vol. 3'2 {Dec, IS77) : 407-47J. 1878. The postal savint-ofhce savings bunks. Robert P. l*urter. Penn monthly, vol. 9 {June, 1878); US-J^oG; {July, 1S78) : , 501-518. ^ 1881. Tlie post-office and aids to thrift. W. L. Bhickley. V^ Contemporary review, vol. 39 {May, 1881): 780-791. 1881. P(»>t-<)fHce .savings banks in Great Britain. Alfred Edward Batenian. l^ Scrihner'n monthly, vol. 22 {May, 1881): 117-119. 1883. The state as a banker. Bankers'' magazine {London) , vol. 1^3 {Sept., 1883) : 8^3- 849. "The particulars we ]»ropose to take for this purpose refer almost entirely to the Post Office Savinjrs Baiilis alone." 1884. The i)Ost-office savings-bank system of Canada. .1. Cun- ningham Stewart. Bankers^ magazine {New York), vol. 39 {Nov., 1884) ' 363- 367: {Dec. 1884) ■ 437-443. / 1885. Postal savings banks. 1). B. King. Popular fieienre monthly, vol. 28 {Dec, 1885) : 160-169. 1887. Postal savings banks. II. J. Smith. jy Ndfin,,. vol. 44 {Apr. 14. 1887): 315-316. 1887. The state and the savings of the people. H. L. Wayland. American social science association. Journal, no. 22 {June, 1887) : 156-161. 1887. The j)ost-office savings-banks bill. Bankers' magazine {London), vol. 4^7 {Oct., 1887) : 917-933. 188y. The postal savings banks. Horace J. Smith. '•^ Amei^can, vol. 18 {Aug. 31. 1889) : 314-315. 1890. Pi-ogress of tlie po^t-oflice savings banks. Bankers'* magazine {London), vol. 50 {Oct. 1890): 1625- 1637. POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS 21 1891. Austrian postal banking system. Sylvester Baxter. Arena, vol. 4 (Sept., 1891) : 1^68-1,74. 1892. Postal savings depositories. John Wanamaker. Chanties review, vol. 1 {June, 1892) : 34-2-354. 1892. The post-office savings bank. Edinhurgh review, vol. 176 {Oct., 1892): 485-505. 1896. Holland's care for its poor. [Postal savings banks in Hol- land.] J. H. Gore. Forum, vol. 21 {April, 1896) : 228-236. The post-office savings bank. Banl'ers' Tnagazine {London) , vol. 64 {Nov., 1897) : 615-619. Bankers'' magazine {Loi^don) , vol. 64 {Dec., 1897) : 685-689. 1897. 1897. The Postmaster-ereneral as a banker. 1898 Postal savings banks. Their evil effects upon the country. Bankers^ magazine {New York), vol. 56 {-Jan., 1898): 37- 40. 1898. Should the government establish postal savings banks? Charles S. Burwell. Chautauquan, vol. 26 {Jan., 1898) : 408-411. 1898. Postal savings banks. John P. ToAvnsend. Gunton-s magazine, vol. 14 {Feh., 1898) : 73-76. 1898. Postal savings depositories. James A. Gary. Munsey-s magazine, vol. 19 {June, 1898) : 387-393. 1900. Reforming the savings banks. Bankers'' magazine {London), vol. 69 {June, 1900): 845- 850, 920-921. 1901. The post-office savings-bank problem. Bankers^ magazine {London) , vol. 71 {Jan., 1901) : 78-80. From the Times, Dec. 12, 1900. \2^1l7 Postal savings banks. \/' Independent, vol. 53 {Nov. 21, 1901) : 2791-2792. 1902. The post-office savings bank. Its forty years. Albert M. Hyamson. Westminster review, vol. 157 {Feb., 1902) : 193-196. 1902. The post-office savings bank problem. Bankers^ magazine {London), vol. 73 {Apr., 1902) : 550-552. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. l*t>-t;il >aviii / 35^- ■4 .:>^c r • r f H > lill I i ill A, ■&^0/'^^ \ < '■'■'■ri *-■ - \k::s4 j^ i ^^ fisiii, n ) \%^ ■ /f,: ^"^fh4 V