z 7165 U5U5C 1 c: OD cz ^ JD 33 8 ^ U.S. Library of Congress Select List of References on Corrupt Practices in Elections THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 'l'A°0 'U0t)i30tS SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES, CACir. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON CORRUPT PRACTICES m ELECTION COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER li286^^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 I.. C. card S-or.l>07. SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON CORRUPT PRACTICES IN ELECTIONS Allen, Philip Loring. Ballot laws and their workings. (In Political science quarterly, vol. 21, March, 1906, pp. 38-58.) Bauman, Arthur A. The influence of money in politics. (7;^ Saturday review, vol. 104, Aug. 17, 1907, pp. 197-198.) Belmont, Perry. Publicity of election expenditures . . . Article on publicity of election expenditures, . . . from the North American review for .February . . . [Washington: Government printing ofjice^ lOOo] 14 fp- S°. {U. S. 59th Congress^ 1st session. Senate document 89.) Bishop, Joseph B. Insufficient restriction of campaign expenditures. {In The Forum, vol. 15, Apr., 189.3, pp. 148-1.5.3.) Money and political machines. {In The Nation, vol. 44, March 17, 1887, pp. 222-223.) Comment on papers by William M. Ivins in the New Yorli Evening Post, who " shows, in the ingenious parallel at the close of his second paper, how completely the evils which we are suffering under Machine control can be eliminated by the adoption of the remedy which is embodied in the English law." The mone}^ power in politics. " {In The Nation, vol. 44, March 3, 1887, pp. 180-181.) With regard to figures presented by William M. Ivins, showing the amount of money entering into municipal elections in New York city. The money power in politics again. (7» The Nation, vol. 44, March 10, 1887, pp. 204-205.) Continuation of discussion of figures presented by William M. Ivins, and suggests a remedy. — •* The price of peace." {In The Century, n. s., vol. 20, Sept., 1894, pp. 007-072.) Bonaparte, Charles J. Corruption in public life. {In La Follette, Robert M., cd. The making of America, vol. 10. pp. 301-300. Chicago, 1906. 8°.) Political corruption in Maryland. {In The Forum, vol. 13, Mar., 1892, pp. 1-19.) 4 LIBKAHY OV CONGRESS Burton, Svdiu-y C. The corrupt practices bill. [1881.] Hii Tlu' Contt'iiiiHiriiiy ri'view, vol. 39, May, 18S1. pp. 758-779.) Buxton, Chiirlrs Itodcii. Elect ioneorinnr up-to-date, with some sug- •rcstions for ainemliu^' the Corrupt practices act, by Charles Kodeii Buxton, with three additional chapters on the case of Thanet, by J. C. Ilaig. Lomfon: F. Onffiths, 1900. 00 pp. 12°. On tlie verge of the corrupt ])ractices act. (In Sponkpr. vol. 14. June 9, IC, .".O. July 7. 1907, pp. 222-223, 245-247, 2S.S-2S9, 312-1^1. *i.) Connecticut, f'ommisslon on n laws. Report of the Com- mission on laws relating*to direct primaries and corrupt practices at elections made to the General assembly at its January session, 1007. Brkhjt'port.. Conn.: Marigold -Foster p7'hiting company, 1907. 173 pp. 8°. Corrupt piactices. (Ill The Saturday review, vol. 50. Oct. 20. 1883, pp. 489-490.) Corrupt practices acts. (In Americjui law review, vol. 20, Xov.-Dec., 1892, pp. 909- 911.) The Corrupt practices bill. (In Blackwood's Edinburgh review, vol. 134, Dec, 1883, pp. 728-739.) Current tojjics: Contribution to political campaign funds by insur- ance companies not larceny. (In The Albany law journal, vol. 68, May, 1906, pp. 129-130.) Dana, Kichard II. Tlie corrupt practices act — the nominating ma- chinery — and the Australian ballot system of Massachu- setts. (hi Xew York state bar association. Proceedings, vol. 29, l.].. .360-384. Albany, 1906. 8°.) Also in Albany law journal, vol. 68, April, 1906, pp. 102-108; and in .\nierican lawyer, vol. 14, April, 1900, pp. 103-107. Deming, Horace E. Corrupt practices and electoral methods. (In National municipal league. Proceedings of the Atlantic City conference for good city government and twelfth annual meeting, held April 24-27, 1900, pp. 308-328.) REFERENCES ON CORRUPT PRACTICES IN ELECTIONS 5 Democracy or plutocracy. (In The Spectator, vol. 56, November 3, 188.3, pp. 1405-1400.) On the Corrupt practices bill. Edmunds, George F. Corrupt political methods. (In The Forum, vol. 7. June, 1889, pp. 349-360.) Concludes with the suggestions for reform, relating largely to election laws and to naturalization and education. Electioneering agency. (In The Spectator, vol. 56, June 9, 1883, pp. 731-732.) On the Corrupt practices bill. Essay competition. " The best suggestion for the amendment of our election laws, with a view to diminish corrupt practices and to cheapen the cost of election," (In Speaker, n. s., vol. 15, Feb. 16, 1907, pp. 578-580.) First prize essay, by *' Liberals ;" second prize essay, by W. H. Allen. Evans, John S. Blind partisanship and political corruption. (In American magazine of civics, vol. 7, September, 1895, pp. 278-285.) A Federal corrupt-practices act. (In The Nation, vol. 70, March, 1900, page 84.) Field, David Dudley. Corruption in politics. (In The International review, vol. 4, January-February, 1877, pp. 77-96.) Also printed in the author's " Speeches, arguments, and mis- cellaneous papers," vol. 2, pp. 128-149. New York, 1884. Fox, George L. Corrupt practices and elections laws in the United States since 1890. (In American political science association. Proceedings at its second annual meeting, pp. 171-180. Lancaster, Pennsyl- vania, 1906. 8°.) Eraser, Hugh. The law of parliamentary elections and election petitions. London: Butterworth d' co., 1906. xxiv, 4'3S, {^4) PP- S°. " Six appendices contain respectively some practical sugges- tions on the conduct and trial of an election petition, the text of the statutes, the election petition rules, an abstract of the principal provisions of the Ballot act, 1872, the case and judgment in Woodtcard v. Sarsons, 1875, L. K. 10 C. P. 733, and a series of forms and precedents." 6 l.IDKAl'.Y OF CONGRESS Garvin. Lu. m- !• . ( . Corrupt practices in elections. (//I T..IU Watsons iiiajiazino. vol. 1. April, i;)0">, pp. 203-207.) <>P|M>iii'iits of forniiit practices should fuse 1oj:ether upon a few issues autl so cfTeet reform. George, Ihiuv. Money and elections. ill! The Nortli Aiueriean review, vol. l.'Ji!, .Mar., ISS."), pp. •_Mil-211.» Godkin, K. L. Criminal politics. [In Tlie North Auiericnii review, vol. ].">0, .June. 1S<»(», ji]). 7(k;- 72;!. ) Als»> printed in tlie autlior's " l'rol)lenis of modern democracy," pji. 12;{-l.V..'New York. is!ic,. With rc^rard to municipal politics, esjiecially in New York. M(ir<' altoiit money in elections. {Ill The Nation, vol. .".. Oct.. 1v.(l>, i.aw 274.) Gratacap, L. V. Centralization the cure for political corruption. ( III American niajrazine of civics, vol. 9, Oct., 1S9G, pp. 307-.320; Nov., LSI 10, pp. 4fK)-413.) Great Britain. Home o-ffjce. Parliamentary elections (expenses) " Keturn of charges made to candidates at the general election of lOOG in Great Britain and Ireland by returning officers, specifying the total expenses of each candidate (l)oth exclusive and inclusive of returning officers' charges) delivered to the returning officers pursuant to * The Cor- rupt and illegal practices act, 1883.' " Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 2 August, 1906. 93 pp. F°. («;reat r.ritaiu. Parliament. Sessiomil papers, lOOG. 302.) Parliament. Parliamentary elections and corrupt practices consolidation bill. A bill to consolidate the law of parlia- mentary elections and corrupt practices therein. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 22 Apa-il, 1885. (2). iv, 0.5 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1S84-S5, vol. 4. Bill 1.35.) I*arliamentary elections (Corrupt practices). A bill to amend the law with respect to corrupt practices at par- liamentary elections. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 30 April, 1885. 1 page. F°. (/h Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1884-85, vol. 4. Bill 148.) REFERENCES ON CORRUPT PRACTICES IN ELECTIONS 7 Great Britain. Parliamtnt. Plural voting. A bill [as amended in committee and on report] to impose a penalty on a Parliamentary elector registered in more than one con- stituency who votes in any constituency except that se- lected for the purpose. Ordered, by the House of Com- mons, to be printed, 28 November, 1906. (2), 9 pp. F°. (Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 190G. Bill .358.) Prevention of corruption. [H. L.] A bill intituled an Act for the better prevention of corruption. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 13 March, 190C. 2 pp. F°. . (Great Britain. Parliament. .Sessional papers, lOOt;. Bill 96.) Royal commission on the Worcester election. Report of the Royal commission appointed to inquire into the ex- istence of corrupt practices at the last election for the city of Worcester. [Together with Minutes of evidence.] London: Printed for H. 21. Stationery office^ Tjy Wyma7i and sons, limited, 1906. 2 vols, in 1. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Papers hy command. Cd. 3268-3269.) Gregory, Charles Xoble. The corrupt use of money in politics and laws for its prevention. Madison, ^Yis., 1893. 25 pp. 8°. Political corruption and English and American laws for its prevention. [Madison^, 1895. 262-298 j^p. 8°. From Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters. Trans- actions, vol. 10, 1805. Hawkins, Rush C. Our political degradation; being several short essays setting forth certain facts which every thoughtful citizen of the United States should know. Neiv York: The Grafton press, 1904. (6), 289 pp. 12°. Herzberg, Henry. Remedies for political evils. (In American magazine of civics, vol. 7, Nov., 1895, pp. 474- 487.) Hutchinson, Joseph. Corrupt practices acts. (In American law review, vol. 27, May-June, 1893. pp. 345- 360.) g LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Indictments iiiuler the corrupt practices prevention act, 1883. ( In The Irish hiw times, vol. 20. July 10. 1S,8C, pp. 340-342.) Ivins, AVilliain Mills. Machine politics and money in elections in New York City. [Xew York: Harper d- hrnf/icr.s, 1SS7] loO pp. Tables. James, Ihnry. The British corrupt practices act. (/// Tlie Funiiii. vol. ir.. April. 1S03. pp. 120-141.) Jelf, Krnest Arthur. The corrupt and illegal practices prevention acts, ly.s;^ and ISJ)."). [4G & 47 Vict. c. 51, and 58 & 59 Vict. c. 40.] With notes of judicial decisions, and with short introductory chapters on election petitions under these acts, election contests under these acts, the general policy and effect of these acts and the parliamentary common law of agency. 3d ed. London: Siveef and Ma.rwelJ, limited, 1905. xiii, 239 pp. 12° . Jeze, (iaston. Angleterre: La reforme electorale et parlementaire : la redistribution des sieges parlementaires; la suppres- sion du vote multiple. (/// Revue du droit public et de la science politique, vol. 23, Julj'-September. lOO*!, pp. nrtT-oTo. ) Meyer, Ernst Christopher. Nominating sj'stems: direct primaries verms conventions in the United States. Madison, ^Vis.: Puhlished hy the author, 1902. xx, (2), 501 pp. cS'°. "The iirevention of political corruption," pp. 444-447. National publicity bill organization. First annual report. January 7, li)07. 15 pp. 8°. {U. S. 59th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 195.) Publicity of election contributions and expenditures. Ab- stract of laws relating to the publicity of election con- tributions and expenditures. Prepared by the National publicity bill organization. To accompany S. 5777. Washington : Government printing office, 1908. 18 pp. 8°. (U. S. 60th Congress, 1st session. Senate document 337.) Laws of various states. REFERENCES ON CORRUPT PRACTICES IN ELECTIONS 9 New York {State) Legislature. Joint coiiiTnittee on investigation of life insurance. Testimony taken before the Joint committee of the Senate and Assembly of the state of New York to investigate and examine into the business affairs of life insurance companies doing business in the state of New York. Albany: Brandow iwinting company^ state frinters^ 1905-06. 10 vols. Folded ijlan. Tahle. 8°. Campaign contributions, Gov. Odell's testimony regarding, pp. 3153^154; of .Etna Life, p. 6426; of Equitable Life (1902), (J. H. Hyde), pp. 2916-2917; of Equitable Life and propriety of, (C. M. Depew), pp. 3167-3169; of Metropolitan Life (J. R. Hegeman), pp. 2710-2711; of Mutual Life (W. T. Gilbert), pp. 1555^1557; (R. Olyphant and R. A. Granniss), pp. 1734-1750; (W. R. Gillette), pp. 1759-1764; (R. A. Mc- Curdy), pp. 1S51-1S53; (T. C. Piatt), pp. 338S-3392; of Mutual Reserve Life (G. D. Eldridge), pp. 4299-4300; of New York Life (G. W. Perkins), pp. 751-754, 762; (J. A. McCall), pp. 825-828, 845, 1471-1477, 3875-3876, 3882; (T. M. Banta), pp. 3897-3899; (T. C. Piatt), p. 3390; (G. W. Per- kins), pp. 751-754; of Provident Savings Life (ex. 700), p. 5095; of Provident Life and Trust Co. of Philadelphia (M. M. Dawson), pp. 6354-6355; of Prudential Life Insur- ance Co. (J. F. Dryden), p. 4834; of Washington Life (J. Tatlock), p. 5441; of United States Life (ex. 878), p. 6123. New York state library. Comparative summary and index of state legislation, 1890-190G. Alha7iy : University of the state of New York, 1891-1907. 8°. {New York state library bulletins. Legislation, nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 21, 2^, 28, 32.) Contains each year a synopsis of the laws passed in the several states, relating to corrupt practices in elections. Digest of Governors' messages, 1777-1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907. Ed by Eobert H. Whitten. Albany: University of the state of Neiv York, 1902-1908. 8°. {New Yoi'h state library bulletins. Legislation, nos. 17, 20, 23, 26, 27, 31, 35.) Contains a section relating to corrupt practices in elections. Review of legislation, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906. Ed. by Eobert H. AMiitten. Albany: University of the state of Neio York, 1902-1907. 8°. {New York state library bulletins. Legislation, nos. 16, 19, 22, 25, 29, 33.) Contains a section " State government, law making and elec- tions." Most of these reports are made by C. E. Merriam. 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Political « of coinnierco, v<»I. 10, Jan.. 1007, pp. 02-G3.) Quiucy, .Josiah. AVorking of the Massachusetts corrupt practices act-s. (/*/ The Fornni. vol. 1"., ^larcli. 1803, pp. 142-147.) Rice, Allen Thorndike. The next national reform. (/;/ The Xorth American review, vol. 148, Jan., 1889, pp. 82-85.) I'roposes ballot reform to prevent corrupt practice in elections. Richards, Ileni-v Charles. The corrupt and illeiral practices pre- vention acts, 1883 & 1895, and the Parliamentary elec- tions corrupt practices act, 1885, annotated and explained with notes of judicial decisions in cases of bribery, treat- ing, undue influence, personation, &c. ; revised and brought up to date by Montague R. Emanuel. London: Jordan d- sons. If mi ted. 1000. xri, 136 pp. 12°. Roosevelt, Theodore. ^Machine politics in Xew York city. ( /« The Centurj- magazine, n. s., vol. 11, Nov., 1886, p]). 74-82.) Ruppenthal, J. C. Election reforms: the trend toward democracy. (In American lawyer, vol. 14, Feb., 190G, pp. 72-75; Marcb, 1906, pp. 10,8-115.) Satterthwait, Linton. The national peril. {In The American magazine of civics, vol. S, Apr., 1896, pp. 407-410.) Schaffner, Margaret Anna. Corrupt practices of elections, contri- butions and expenditures. Compiled with the co-opera- tion of the Political science department of the University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis.: Wisconsiji free libranj commission, Legis- lative reference department, 1906. 35 pp. 12°. {^Y^scon- sin free Jihrary commission. Legislative reference depart- ment. Comparative legislation hulletin, no. 3.) REFERENCES OX CORRUPT PRACTICES IN ELECTIONS 11 Schaffner, Margaret Anna. Lobbj'ing. Comp. with the co-opera- tion of the Political science department of the Universit}- of Wisconsin. Madison, ^Yis.: Wisco7ism free library commission, Legis- lative reference department, 1906. 31 fp. 12°. {AVis- consin free library commission. Legislative reference de- partment. Comparative legislation bulletin, no. 2.) Speed, John Oilman. The purchase of votes: 1. How votes are bought in Xew York City. 2. How votes are bought in Xew York state. 3. How votes are bought in Xew Jer- sey. 4. The use of money in doubtful states. {In Harper's Weekly, vol. 49, ^klarcli IS, 1905, pp. 3S6-3S8; March 25, 1905, pp. 422-424 ; April 1, 1005, pp. 45S, 460, 462 ; April S, 1905, pp. 498, 500, 513.) Steffens, [Joseph] Lincoln. The shame of the cities. Neic York: McClure, Phillips & co., 1901^. v, 306 pp. 12°. " Reprinted from McCliire's magazine." CoxTENTS.— Introduction ; and some conclusions. — Tweed days in St. Louis. — The shame of Minneapolis. — The shameless- uess of St. Louis. — Pittsburg : a city ashamed. — Philadel- phia : corrupt and contented. — Chicago : half free and fight- ing on. — New York : good government to the test. The struggle for self-government ; being an attempt to trace American political corruption to its sources in six states of the United States, with a dedication to the czar. Neic York: McClnre, Phillips <& co., 1906. (6), v-xxiii, 29i pp. 12°. Contents. — Dedication. — Folk's fight for Missouri. — Chicago's appeal to Illinois. — Vi'isconsiu : representative government restored. — Rhode Island : a corrupted people. — Ohio : a tale of two cities. — New Jersey : a traitor state. Stickney, Albert. Organized democrac3\ Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1906. (6), 268 pp. 12°. Contents. — 1. Machine politics ; 2. Organized democracy ; 3. The cost of machine politics ; 4. The necessity of reorgani- . zation ; 5. General considerations. Underwood, Oscar W. The corrupting power of public patronage. (In The Forum, vol. 31, July, 1901, pp. 557-560.) 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Congress. House. Committee on election of Presi- (li/it. rice president and rcpresentatires in Congress. Contributions to political committees in presidential and other campaigns. Hearings . . . and various bills before the Conunittoe in reference to contributions made to politi- cal committees engaged in promoting the election of rep- resentatives or delegates to Congress or of presidential electors. :March 12, 190G. Washington: Government printing office, 1906. 80 pp. 8°. o9tk Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 89. Pub- licity of election expenditures. Article ... by Perry Belmont, from the North American review for February. December 16, l^OOo. 14 pp. 8°. Welch, Herbert. Campaign committees: Publicit}'^ as a cure for corruption. (Ill The Korimi, vol. 14, September, 1S92, pp. 26-38.) Wells, Herbert George. The future in America; a search after realities. New York and London: Harper <& brothers, 190G. (8), 259 pp. Frontispiece. Plates. 8°. Contains chapter on " Corruption." White, H. Money in elections. {In The Nation, vol. 31), Oct. 9, 1884, pp. 303-304.) Whitten, Eobert PI. Notes on current legislation. (In American political science review, vol. 1, Feb., 1907, pp. 250-2.-)3.) Corrupt practices and primaries. Will, Thomas E. Political corruption: how best opposed? (In The Arena, vol. 10, Nov., 1894, pp. 845-860.) Discusses use of money in politics and the raising of campaign funds. Remeilles proposed are: 1. Ballot and electoral re- form, 2. Proportional representation and the initiative and referendum. Wilton, G. AV. The prevention of corruption act, 1906. (In The Juridical review, vol. 18, Jan., 1907, pp. 370-385.) Woodrufe. Clinton Rogers. Corrupt political practices. (In American magazine of civics, vol. 8, Feb., 1896, pp. 134- 137.) o i28f; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. D 000 870 717 6