THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES The RALPH D. REED LIBRARY o DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CALIF. THE FOSSILS PAUEONTOLOGICAL AFFINITIES NEOCOMIAN DEPOSITS UPWARE AND BRICKHILL. lontion: C. J. CLAY, M.A. & SON, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, 17, PATERNOSTER Row. CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. LEIPZIG: F. A. BROCKHAUS. THE FOSSILS AND PAL^EONTOLOGICAL AFFINITIES OF THE NEOCOMIAN DEPOSITS OF UPWAKE AND BRICKHILL (CAMBRIDGESHIRE AND BEDFORDSHIRE) WITH EIGHT PLATES BEING THE SEDGWICK PRIZE ESSAY FOR THE YEAR 1879 BY WALTER KEEPING, M.A. F.G.S. Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee : And the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.'' JOB xii. 8. CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1883 ambrtoge : PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AND SON, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. Geologjf' Library PEEFACE. THE study of the Neocomian faunas of Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire has occupied much of my time for some years past. I have had the advantage of watching the course of the 'coprolite' workings from their beginning in 1866 up to the present time, and have constantly been familiar with the large collections that have been made by the Woodwardian Museum, by Mr J. F. Walker of Sidney Sussex College, Mr E. Earwaker of Merton College, Oxford, and other Geologists. In the comparison of the fossils with known species it has always been my endeavour to see the original or, failing that, some typical specimen, and to trust as little as possible to bare figures and descriptions. In this work I am much indebted to a number of Geologists for their kind assistance, for the loan of specimens, &c., amongst whom I must particularly mention Mr J. F. Walker, M.A., F.G.S., Mr C. J. A. Meyer, F.G.S., Mr J. J. Harris Teall, M.A., F.G.S., Mr E. C. Davey, F.G.S. of Wantage, and Mr T. Davidson, F.R.S. of Brighton. In continuing the same work of comparison and identification through Holland and Germany I had the advantage of Professor Judd's Paper 1 as an admirable guide, and I am much beholden to Professors Marten of Leiden, R. Lepsius of Darmstadt, Ulrich of Hanover, and Geinitz of Dres- den, and other German Geologists for their kindness and valuable help. 1 " On the Neocomiau strata of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, with notes on their relations to the beds of the same age throughout Northern Europe." Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. xxvi. p. 326. G9046G VI PREFACE. A considerable number of the species from Upware and Brick- hill prove to be as yet undescribed, a fact which was to be expected in so isolated and peculiar a deposit so thoroughly ' episodal ' as Mr Blake would express it as that of Upware and Brickhill. In working with the already known species the reference to the original figure has always been made; and I have also given, when possible, references to some few other good figures and descriptions such as may be most useful or accessible to working Geologists ; but no attempt is made to work out the complete synonymy of each species. Such a work can indeed rarely be quite satisfactory, depending, as it must do, to so great an extent upon the com- parison of figures and descriptions only. In the nomenclature it will be found that I have in several cases adopted names and used them as of varietal value and not as distinct species- e.g., Ostrea frons, Park, var. macroptera, Sowerby, for it appears to me that such a trinomial system is a growing necessity in many of the larger generic groups, both in recent and fossil organisms. Amongst the matters of more general interest worked out in these pages will be found : (1) The close palseontological relationship of the Ironsand and Phosphatic series as found at Upware, Potton, Brickhill, and Farringdon. (2) The special character of the native forms of life in our Lower Greensand Phosphatic beds : their richness in Brachio- po4s, Polyzoa, and Sponges. (3) The influence of different physical conditions upon the characters of the faunas as illustrated by the Upware and Potton fossils (p. 48). (4) The presence at Upware of a little batch of species which flourished long afterwards in the Upper Chalk period in the neighbourhood of Dresden (pp. 20, 119), PREFACE. Vli (5) The curious resemblances of the Upware group of oysters to the well-known Jurassic species 0. dilatata, deltaidea, nana and gregaria. (6) The profusion of Brachiopod shells, both species and specimens at Brickhill and Upware and the graduation of the various types (species) into one another (p. 22). (7) The similarity of the Upware and Brickhill fossils to those of the Neocomian beds of the Brunswick area at Shop- penstedt and Berklingen (p. 73). (8) The existence of a large ' derived ' fauna in the coprolite beds, these being to a great extent much worn and otherwise mutilated remains of shells, &c., washed out of the rocks of the old coast lines, of Neocomian to Oxfordian age. (9) The very general almost invariable phosphatization of these remains. (10) The great similarity of the ' derived ' Neocomian phos- phatic nodules over wide areas. (11) The occurrence of a 'derived' Neocomian fauna in beds of very nearly the same age, and the evidence of the rapidity of their fossilization, exhumation and redeposition. (12) The evidence that the Vertebrate remains of Upware are, in great part, truly Neocomian species, native to the deposit in which they are found ; while others are derived. (13) The curious difficulty in determining the age of some of the Fishes' teeth ; and the probable identity of form of some of the palatal teeth of Jurassic and Neocomian species ; and (14) The importance of distinguishing the Downham Market Phosphate Bed from the Ironsand and Phosphatic series as belong- ing to a separate Physical Group (pp. 11, 54). My general conclusions as to the age of the Ironsand and Phosphatic series are in near accordance with the opinions of MM. Walker, Teall, Meyer and Barrois, all of whom have placed viii PREFACE. the Upware bed in the Upper Neocomian or Aptien series (Lower Greensand) 1 . There is however some difference of detail between my results and those of Mr Teall. I refer them to a somewhat lower horizon of the Lower Greensand than does Mr Teall, believ- ing them to be of the age of Sandgate and Hythe beds with the lower part of the Folkestone series (Meyer). This distinction becomes important when we take into consideration the views of some Geologists as to the relation of these beds to the superposed series ; for the beds which are known as Upper Folkestone, the mammillaris zone, may well be taken as the basement bed of the gault just as we may regard the Cambridge Greensand as the basement bed of the chalk ; and such I consider is the true aspect of the Downham Phosphate bed. But our Ironsand and Phosphatic series (of Upware, Farring- don, &c.) I regard as truly belonging to the lower Group (Upper Neocomian or Aptien) which is very generally separated by a distinct break from the overlying Gault series namely by the ' Great Unconformity ' of Mr Judd as seen in Yorkshire, Lincoln- shire, Hunstanton, Upware and Farringdon. 1 Professor H. G. Seeley regards them as much older. CONTENTS. PAGE TABLE OF CRETACEOUS STRATA . . xi CHAPTER 1. GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE DEPOSITS 1 CHAPTER II. THE INDIGENOUS FAUNA ........ 16 CHAPTER III. THE ' DERIVED ' FOSSILS 30 CHAPTER IV. THE RELATIONS OF THE UPWARE AND BRICKHILL DEPOSITS TO OTHER BRITISH FORMATIONS 47 CHAPTER V. THE FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE UPWARE AND BRICKHILL NEOCO- MIANS 67 CONTENTS. PART II. SPECIAL PALAEONTOLOGY. I. VERTEBRATA. EEPTILIA PAGE 70 PISCES 80 II. INVERTEBRATA. CEPHALOPODA 84 GASTEROPODA 92 LAMELLIBEANCHIATA 100 BOBING SHELLS 126 BEACHIOPODA 128 131 ECHINODEBMATA 133 POLTZOA 137 POKIFEBA 144 DEBITED FOSSILS 150 TABLES OF UPWABE AND BBICKHILL FOSSILS 157 INDEX 165 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES 169 a as. M M s s PQ A* ^bg< fl " Hfl "S-J II I I w CHAPTEK I. GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE DEPOSITS. I. HISTORICAL. BEFORE the years 1866 1867 little was known of the forms of life in the Lower Greensand of East-central England. But at that time the "thin and anomalous but highly interesting deposits of Upware and Potton" 1 were found to contain certain gravelly and conglomeratic beds of Phosphatic Nodules in such quantity as to be of commercial value. The work of extracting such nodules and their manufacture into agricultural manure was already an indus- try of considerable extent in the pebble bed above the gault (Cambridge Greensand) in the immediate vicinity of Cambridge, and the same work was soon established, and energetically carried on for some three or four years in the newly found Lower Green- sand 'coprolite' beds beneath the gault at Upware. These workings furnished to Palaeontologists unusually good opportunities for the collecting of fossils, in a district which had hitherto been conspicuous for its barrenness in organic remains. Large collections were therefore gathered together, especially by the Woodwardian Museum, by Mr J. F. Walker of Sidney Sussex College and Mr E. P. Earwaker of St John's College. Many of the specimens were found by the collectors themselves upon the pre- 1 Upware is a small village on the river Cam, about 10 miles from Cambridge and 5 miles from Waterbeach. It is in the parish of Wicken, and the two names Upware and Wicken have both been used, synonymously, in descriptions of this bed. There is a convenient inn, with the sign "Five miles from anywhere. No hurry!" K. 1 2 GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE DEPOSITS. pared heaps of Phosphatic nodules or rejected rubbish, but the great majority were saved by the workpeople whose attention was directed to the " curiosities," and their interest maintained by the usual stimulus. After the year 1868, the work gradually slackened and was soon almost entirely discontinued ; but some new workings having been opened near Upware last year the sections are now (Aug. 1879) again well exposed to view. The Potton deposit did not prove to be very rich in native forms of life but contained much the same kinds of fossil remains as are commonly found upon our present sea beaches (Folkestone for example), that is to say, a large quantity of pebbles and rolled fossils that have been washed down out of the neighbouring cliffs; a few shells which lived upon the spot; and the bones, mostly water-worn, of the vertebrated animals which lived upon the neighbouring lands. But at Upware, owing perhaps 'to quieter waters and also to the calcareous nature of the shore line, or reef, of coral rag, a much richer aquatic fauna flourished, the study of whose remains has furnished the principal part of the work of the following pages. In the year 1875, some new phosphatic workings, in beds of the same general character as at Upware, were opened out near the village of Little Brickhill, about 2 miles east of Bletchley 1 . These workings were described by me in a paper published in the Geological Magazine of that year (p. 372), and I have nothing to add to the stratigraphical details of that section; our knowledge of its fauna has however largely increased since then, so that the Brickhill bed is now second only to Upware and Farringdon in its organic richness. Some of the rarer fossils from this place were got from certain calcareous nodular masses which occur scattered through the sands, but most of them were obtained in the usual way here, namely from the workmen, who find and preserve the fossils in the course of their employment of digging and sifting out the 'coprolites' from their sandy matrix; also from the women and children who are engaged as 'pickers' to weed out all the stony rubbish (quartz, Lydian stone, chert, &c.) from the true phos- phatic pebbles before it is ready for the market. 1 The nodules were found here first by Mr J. J. Harris Teall, of St John's College GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE DEPOSITS. II. ACCOUNT OF THE SECTION AT UPWARE. The Upware deposit was first described by Mr J. F. Walker, M.A., in the Geological Magazine (Vol. iv., p. 310), and another account has since been published by the same author, in a foot- note to Dr Lycett's description of Trigonia Upwarensis, Lycett (Monog. Trigoniae Pub. Palaeontographical Society, Vol. xxix., p. 145). An account of the overlying gault accompanied by a woodcut section was published by my father, Mr H. Keeping, in the Geological Magazine, Vol. V., 1868, and the whole subject has received special attention from Prof. Bonney, in his Cambridge- shire Geology, 1875, p. 22, and Appendix I. Also this bed to- gether with the Potton rock formed the subject of the Sedgwick Prize Essay for 1873, by my friend Mr J. J. Harris Teall of St John's College (1875 Pub.). To these various publications I must refer for all special particulars of the stratigraphical characters of the deposit; it will suffice here to indicate the general characters of a typical section, so as to shew the general nature of the deposit, and the relation of the beds to one another, and to the adjacent formations. The appended section is in the main similar to one published by my father in 1868 (Geological Magazine). (A) Lowermost we have the Coral Rag of Upware, a highly coralline rock as seen in the line of our section, but in some other places it is more compact in texture and more oolitic and arenace- ous in composition. In a large limestone quarry near by this rock is seen dipping to the N.W. at about 4 (recorded by Prof. Bonney). (B) Upon this rests (conformably, as there is every reason to believe) the Kimmeridge Clay in its usual character. But for some depth around the present outcrop of the Coral Rag this latter rock has been bared of its covering of Kimmeridge Clay so that the phosphatic bed of the Lower Greensand comes to overlap on to the coral rag. The destructive work of the removal of the Kimmeridge Clay went on during the earlier times of the formation of the Lower Greensand, and one of its results was the production of a curious deposit composed of irregular broken fragments of 12 GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE DEPOSITS. GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE DEPOSITS. 5 coral rag mixed up with the clayey material of the Kimmeridge Clay in such a manner that it "actually presents the appearance of Boulder Drift." This deposit is of limited extent, in the line of junction at the base of the Lower Greensand only. (C) Then we come to the first definite bed of the Upware Neocomian bed C. 1, of section a pebbly sand and rocky con- glomerate bed about one foot thick. The pebbles are mostly phosphate of lime, together with chert and Lydian stones, vein quartz, quartzite, jasper (less common) and coral rag (still rarer). The quartzites are of very various grain and colour, clear to opaque white, pink, yellow, and sometimes very dark; fragments of iron- stone and iron sandstone are abundant, and some fine grained pink sandstones are occasionally found. All these rocks are very frag- mentary and are more or less worn, some being quite rounded into pebbles, but the majority by far are still angular or subangular in their contours. These different stones, varying in size, mostly between the measurements of peas, beans, and walnuts are mingled together without order in a matrix of sand, with occasional oolitic grains of coral rag origin. Here and there these materials are cemented together by carbonate of lime to form irregular patches and nodules of conglomerate, in which many fossils were found. Each pebble in the hard conglomerate is enveloped in a filmy case of carbonate of lime which has formed around it in the matrix. Mixed up with these pebbles are the shells of Mollusca, which, strange to say, are not at all worn but excellently well preserved, although some of them are of a very delicate nature ; and from this bed many of the best fossils were obtained, especially the indi- genous Lamellibranchs and Gasteropoda. The richness of this bed in fossils, its hard conglomeratic character, and the excellent preservation of its shells are probably all connected with its con- tiguity with the coral rag. (C. 2) Above the 'lower phosphate bed' just described comes a bed of loose sand, or 'silt,' red and yellow coloured, and composed for the most part of grains of quartz, Lydian stone, chert, and iron- stone. Some of the quartz grains are blue and amethystine. Near the junction lines some irregular masses and nodules of irony and slightly phosphatic sand rock are found, which we again refer to in the sequel. (C. 3) Next we come to the upper nodule bed which differs 6 GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE DEPOSITS. from the lower nodule seam in the slightly paler colour of its phosphatic nodules, and in its scanty supply of carbonate of lime, so that this seam remains constant as a loose pebble bed. The pebbles are the same as in the lower nodule bed. Amongst them the cherts and Lydian stones are particularly interesting. These vary greatly in colour, dark green to nearly black being most abundant ; others are of lighter colours of yellowish and chocolate hues. Frequently they are found with bands of colour, or with projecting rings of more durable material. Many of the chert pebbles are, to the naked eye at least, precisely like chalk flints, both black and pale types being common 1 . It was in this bed that the workings for coprolites were princi- pally carried on, and from it were obtained > a large proportion of our Brachiopod fossils. (C. 4) The upper sand (C. 4) is similar to the lower seam (C. 2) between the two nodule beds, already described. (C. 5) The bed of clay next in order has been referred to the gault, but it is probably the representative of a bed of sandy clay or clayey sand belonging to the Lower Greensand which was seen in many of the Upware sections (e.g. the bed numbered (b. 4) in the Spinney Abbey section) as was suggested by Prof. Bonney in 1875 (Cambridgeshire Geology, p. 64). This is the more likely because phosphatic pebble beds (see bed Da in woodcut) occupy characteristically the lines of chronological breaks, especially throughout the cretaceous period. 1 These chert and Lydian stone pebbles are very widely distributed in Neocomian strata. They are found at Upware, Potton, Brickhill, and Farringdon, and in the Bargate Pebble Beds, and they occur in precisely similar condition in the Hils conglomerat of Schoeppenstedt in Brunswick. They are also abundant in the Portlandian pebble bed of Bourton, near Swindon. Larger pebbles also occur, mostly of quartz and quartzite. Some of the pebbles, especially those from Potton, have yielded fossils, including shells, crinoids, W. Walkeri " W. Woodwardi may indicate the line of evolution of this species. The species of the oblonga group of Terebratella fall into line with perfect ease in the order indicated in the following table : TEREBRATELLA. GROUP A. Terebratella Keeping! (Walker) Davidsoni (Walker) oblonga (Sow.) 1 Meyeri (Keeping) ,, Fittoni (Meyer). and moreover I find such variations amongst the allied continental species that it is clear to me that with the help of a good measure of specimens these also could be readily adjusted to fit into our developmental series. Thus, we have in Germany, T. oblonga, Puscheana and Beaumonti, and in France and Switzerland, T. Meyeri [1] and semistriata. This group of Terebratella is markedly characteristic of the Lower Cretaceous rocks all over Europe. Of the straight hinged types of Terebratella transition forms occur which bind well together the two species T. Menardi T. trifida, but we have at Upware and Brickhill no traces of any passage of the two types oblonga and Menardi into one another. After having thus studied our materials with respect to their interrelationships, it becomes a matter of special interest to inquire into the general results and their meanings, and the interpretation of those points of difficulty where our chains were weakest. 26 THE INDIGENOUS FAUNA. Now our most troublesome points were in the connexion be- tween Moutoniana, microtrema, and sella ; between microtrema and Meyeri ; and between Waldkeimia pseudojurensis and W. tamarindus. Now if from the groups of Terebratula and Wald- heimia we select all the species that are known in rocks of older date than our Midland Neocomians, we shall have Ter. Moutoniana, T. depressa and T. sella, Waldheimia tamarindus and W. pseudo- jurensis, all of them occurring in the Middle Neocomian of other districts, and some in the Lower Neocomian. Now these are pre- cisely the species where we have failed to establish a perfect series of connecting links, where our chain seemed weak or broken 1 . These species had acquired their special characteristics of form in an earlier period and remained distinct. The same was doubtless true of the Terebratellffi, for these fall, not into one group but into two, and these two types must have be- come differentiated and fixed before the period of our Brickhill deposit, and so of course remained distinct as separate local main- stocks. It is noteworthy that at Upware, and indeed all other places known to me, the species of Brachiopoda maintain much more dis- tinctness and isolation from one another than at Brickhill. And from this fact one might expect to find that the Brickhill fauna flourished at a slightly earlier date than that at Upware, and acquired diverse developments into well-marked types ; and these spreading outwards from this centre of dispersion to other areas (Upware, Potton, etc.), afterwards maintained their special deve- lopments of form with all the fixity which commonly obtains in specific characters. In examining the gradational series arranged on tablets in the Woodwardian Museum it should be borne in mind that these tablets do not pretend to be complete in their every connexion at each point. Indeed it is scarcely possible to arrange a perfect lineal series. The characters to be considered are very numerous in each species, and, in the absence of the ideally perfect con- necting specimen, intermediate in all its points, it must suffice in 1 It is worth recording that the arrangements here described had been com- pleted and the points of difficulty here noticed were recognised before the idea of their connexion with the earlier appearance of certain species had suggested itself to me. THE INDIGENOUS FAUNA. 27 places to consider here one character and there another, and thus demonstrate the variability of each character by itself. Thus the series, though made somewhat more cumbrous, yet serves scarcely the less to illustrate a conviction which steadily and powerfully grows upon one in the course of many years' constant familiarity with a multitude of specimens. While thus pointing out the mutability of the forms of Brachio- poda it is perhaps worth while observing that the value of the species is thereby in no way decreased, but on the other hand is, I believe, considerably increased both to the Naturalist and Strati- graph ist. Whether we call our various forms varieties, races, types or any other name, the facts of the great constancy of our recognised ' specific ' types, and their limited distribution in space and time still remain to us : our characteristic species are as useful as ever they were ; while on the other hand we shall have added a most important help to the determination of the relations of rock beds to one another when we can recognise the true meaning of allied genera, species and varieties. Nor can I leave this part of the subject without referring to those false specialists of late years who, to shield their own half- knowledge of a subject, seem to be content in making loud pro- fessions of their belief that " there are no such things as species." These persons, it seems to me, are ignoring the house because the scaffolding has been taken away. They fail to see that the old values remain unbroken, when viewed in the new lights, and still less are they able to perceive the added virtues. Nor can they appreciate the laborious training of the modern Naturalist and the increasing importance of his work. POLYZOA. The Polyzoa of Upware and Brickhill are remark- able for the rich development of the large arborescent forms. The Ceriopora (Echinocava] Rawlini is a peculiar coralloid type, originally described from the Ardennes but not uncommon at Upware. Rep- tomultisparsa Haimiana is a Swiss species, but the Heteropora coalescens is a North European form described by Reuss from the Unterer Quader ( = Upper Chalk) of Saxony, near Dresden. The great amorphous, nodulose masses of Ceriopora are amongst the most striking of the Upware fossils ; but of the ordinary types of creeping and encrusting Polyzoa scarcely a trace has been found. 28 THE INDIGENOUS FAUNA. The full number of species known is 26, 18 from Upware and 8 from Brickhill. ANNELIDA. Amongst the Worms tine species of the Genus Serpula are common, and the Vermicularia Phillipsii occurs both at Upware and Brickhill. The Serpula articulata (Sowerby) is the representative of the S. vertebralis of the Oxford Clay. ECHINODERMATA. The Echinoderms are few but interesting. A single specimen of Peltastes Wrightii has occurred at Upware, and at Brickhill it flourished in good numbers, but its full de- velopment was realized still further south, at Farringdon. The Pseudodiadema are fine and abundant from Brickhill. SPONGES. This group was nobly represented in the Neoco- mian formation at Upware. Beautiful cup sponges of the group CatagmiddB (the old Manon) flourished around the Upware Coral Bank, belonging to the genera Catagma, Elasmostoma, Verticillites and others ; altogether they number eight species. Eleven species have occurred at Brickhill. The Upware sponges were remark- ably limited in their distribution, all the good specimens having been found within the area of some two or three fields; unless indeed it be that they have been destroyed elsewhere by the percolation of water, which is improbable. The curious septate and siphuncled sponge Verticillites reached its greatest development in these deposits, three distinct species (two of them new) having lived at Upware ; and the strange- looking fragments of the coarse mesh-work of Pachytiloda are also worthy of note. At Brickhill most of the species are the same as at Upware, but two new forms appear with narrow elongated cloacal cavities, which I refer to the genus Peronella (Zittel). Allthesespongesbelongto the group of Vermiculata (O.Schmidt), the " Schwamme mit Wurmformigen Gewebe " of Roemer, so named from the vermiculate appearance of the anastomosing fibres of which these sponges are composed ; but at Brickhill another species belonging to the beautiful group of Hexactinellidce or Vitrea, has also been found, namely Plocoscyphea pertusa, a species de- scribed by Geinitz, and occurring in the Quader Sandstein, near Dresden. The classification of sponges is now undergoing a complete THE INDIGENOUS FAUNA. 29 reformation in the hands of Professor Zittel, in Germany, and MM. Carter and Sollas, in England. The old system of founding genera and families upon such characters as the simple or compound habit of the sponge, the openness or closeness of the cup, presence of epitheca, or according as the oscular openings were on the concave or convex surface, has resulted in the present utter confusion of nomenclature. Such characters were, indeed, often not even of specific value. Unfortunately the modern reformers are not yet in harmony with respect to the nature of the group of sponges to which most of those at Upware and Brickhill belong. All the sponges from these beds (as also from Farringdon) now consist of carbonate of lime. Every fibre as now found is made up of that material, and Professor Zittel, having regard to this fact, and attaching especial importance to the occurrence of triradiate spicules in the fibres, regards them as having been likewise originally calcareous sponges, as they are now, in spite of their being so different from all the living representatives of the Caldspongidce. Mr Sollas, on the contrary, giving more weight to the preponderance of simple bacillar spicules in the fibres, argues that all the spicules were originally silicious. That such a replacement of silica by car- bonate of lime has often occurred in Nature, especially amongst the sponges, is recognised on both sides, so that the dispute affects only this particular group. In this connexion the discovery of the silicious hexactinellid sponge Plocoscyphea is of especial interest, for no one will contest the original flinty composition of this sponge, whilst now its most delicate structure is beautifully pre- served entirely in carbonate of lime. Thus Mr Sollas' theory of substitution receives some special support from our Brickhill fossils ; but we must leave this question to be settled as time goes on and new experience is gained. We can however no longer rest content with the old methods of classification, but must in future base our classification firstly upon the nature and form of the constituent fibres and spicules, using only with great caution the features of external form, in- tramural canals, and surface oscula as generic characters. " The microstructure of the skeleton alone is of decided importance for the determination of all sponges," are the words of Professor Zittel 1 . 1 Translated by Mr Dallas, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hint. 1879, p. 366. CHAPTER III. THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. THE remains of fossil organisms which have been derived from the destruction of older rocks are very numerous in all the copro- lite pebble-beds of Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. Referring to my notes on some pits near Ampthill I find "the coprolite heap looks like one mass of Ammonites Uplex, mostly worn and frag- mentary," and in all cases a large proportion of the coprolites shew traces of the outlines of shells. The vast majority of the derived fossils are preserved in phos- phate of lime, but the Ammonites of the Oxford clay are composed of limonite and some of the fragments of fossil-wood are silicified. The vertebrate fossil remains are more or less impregnated with oxide of iron or phosphate of lime, but we find some difficulty in deciding exactly to what extent these are derived, and which are native to the deposit. The Coral Rag fossils from the neighbouring rock at Upware have not been phosphatised at all, but retain their original character although they occur well in the nodule-bed amongst a mass of other phosphatised fossils. The proper shells of the derived fossils are usually lost, and the casts themselves have suffered much from trituration on the old sea shore, the burrowing work of boring shells, &c. The present condition of these phosphatised fossils will best be understood from a description of a typical example. Two of the commonest are Ammonites biplex and a Myacites. The former occurs as a discoidal mass of oval or elliptical shape, like a mineral concretion, but in it one or more whorls of the Ammonite may here and there be marked in shadowy outline. No fragment of THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. 31 the shell itself is left upon the exterior, and only faint traces of the ribs of the inside cast remain. The umbilicus is filled with an irregular mass and protuberant lumps of phosphate of lime, often exhibiting fragments and impressions of other fossils. No abrupt shell-aperture now breaks the contour of the body, all this having been worn down flush with the general outline. Thus the action of the waves has changed the beautiful Ammonites biplex into an unsightly mass; and the work of mutilation has been further carried on by crowds of worms, sponges (?), Lithodomi, Area-like shells, Pholadidea and such rock-boring animals, whose empty crypts now stud the surface of the relict of the Ammonite and its adherent phosphate. But within this mass the inner shell-whorls have been protected and saved from destruction by the older enfold- ing coils; and often, under a stroke of the hammer the central part will jump out in all its original freshness, a brilliant new birth glistening, it may be, with a charming play of iridescent colours from its pearly shell layer. The other example is a bivalve shell of the Anatinidce, com- monly referred to Myacites. Here the shell is totally lost, and the original outline of the interior phosphatic mould has been to a great extent destroyed by wave-action, the umbo, pallial border, and all the margin being completely denuded into rounded outlines. The Upware phosphates are smaller and very much more worn than those of Bedfordshire. The derived fossils belong to various ages, ranging at least from the Neocomian to the Oxford clay inclusive. I. THE 'DERIVED' NEOCOMIAN FOSSILS. A. The Phosphatised Forms. One of the most surprising facts connected with our Upware deposit is the occurrence of undoubted Neocomian species as de- rived fossils. Ammonites Deshayesii and two species of Ancylo- ceras occur at Upware in as thoroughly phosphatised and battered conditions as the Ammonites biplex and other species of the inferior Jurassic rocks. In both cases the shells have been fossilized in their original sediments and washed out of the old sea cliff or sea bed, just as fossils are now washed out and scattered along the beaches 82 THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. of our present sea lines. There they were broken into fragments and rolled into pebbles till they found a resting-place and were buried in the accumulating sediment together with the true abori- ginal shells that had lived in the Neocomian sea. Lithologically I am not able to distinguish the derived Ammonites Deshayesii of the Neocomian from the Am. biplex of the upper Jurassic. The following is a list of the phosphatised Neocomian derived species: Ammonites Deshayesii, Leym.; Ammonites, smooth species; Ancyloceras, sp.; Hamites,sp.; Gervillia linguloides, Forbes? Thetis minor, Sby.; Terebratula ovoides, Sby.; Terebratula ovoides, var. rex, Lankester. At Potton we meet with the same list of species with, in addi- tion, fragmentary phosphatised specimens of Ancyloceras gigas. In the Tock of Heligoland similar, though usually smaller, frag- ments of the same Ancyloceras are found upon the shore. But the richest of these derived phosphatised Neocomian faunas is that of Hunstanton, where the following species were collected for the Woodvvardian Museum: Perna Mulleti (some of them derived, but some look like natives); Pleurotomaria ; Ammonites Cornuelianns Forbes; Ammonites Martini (Forbes) ; Ammonites Deshayesii (Leym.); Ammonites, sp. ? (allied toKoenigi); Ammonites, sp. 2; Ancyloceras gigas (Sow.}; Ancyloceras (tuberculated species); Nautilus, sp. B. The Dark-grit Types of Derived Neocomian Fossils. A peculiar, dark-coloured grit rock, containing a special fauna, occurs at Upware in the form of derived pebbles and boulders. The same rock is found in precisely similar condition in the Potton sands of Bedfordshire and the lower red sands of Hunstanton, in Norfolk. The Upware and Potton blocks may be described as hard, ragged-looking lumps of most irregular form but with eroded surfaces: the unevenness is produced by the fossils, which here project into angles, and there leave hollows where they have fallen away. It is a moderately fine-grained stone, the constituent particles being quartz and ironstone, cemented together with iron oxide. It may be to some slight extent impregnated with phos- phate. Generally it is crowded with casts of fossils. The Upware blocks were small, and yielded the following species: Cerithium THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. 33 f/ranidatum,. Phill.?; Solarium Neocomiense, d'Orb. ?; Trochus sp. (also at Shanklin, M.); Trigonia Vectiana, Lycett; Trigonia, sp. ; Mytilus lanceolatus, Sby.; Thetis minor, Sby.; Perna Mulletti,Sby.; PernaRicordeana,d'Or\).; Pecten orbicular is, Sby.; Cucullcea errans, Keeping ; Cucullcea Donningtonensis, Keeping. There is good reason to believe that Terebratula ovoides, Sby. and T. ovoides var. rex, Lankester, likewise belong to this fauna, although at Upware they are commonly found in a thoroughly phosphatised condition. So crowded are the fossils in this rock that one small block of it from Upware, now in the Woodwardian Museum, exhibits speci- mens of Pecten orbicularis, Sby., Thetis minor, Sby., a small triangu- lar bivalve, and Trigonia Vectiana, Lye. At Potton these blocks have been found with many of the same species, and in addition, FissurellaNeocomiensis,d'Orb.; Pecten striatocostatus, Goldf.?; Lu- cina; Leda; Cardium? small species; and Fossil-wood, with the woody fibres beautifully seen. At Hunstanton large masses of exactly similar rock as big as large cannon-balls are found in a zone beneath the carstone and above the clay (see Wiltshire, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. xxv. p. 188). From these blocks we have in the Woodwardian Museum the following species: Hamites or Ancyloceras, small species with a double row of spines along the back ; Scalaria; Tornatella; Sola- rium Neocomiense, d' Orb.; Pecten orUcularis, Sby.; Nucula; Lucina; Cardium subhillanum, Leym.; Cythercea Orbigniana; Goniomya Rauliniana, d'Orb.; Scrobicularia phaseolina, Phill.; Corbula; and Pholadomya, and other species from the same rock are probably included in the list given by Mr Etheridge in the paper by the Rev. T. Wiltshire already cited. The similar rock above referred to as occurring in the Isle of Wight is found in the upper part of the Lower Greensand at Horseledge, Shanklin, and at Blackgang Chine, and here it contains, like the Upware blocks, the casts of Thetis minor. The palaeontological resemblances of these two rocks are however not so great as the lithological, for out of thirty species only seven are known to be common to the two. The fragments of fossil- wood are much alike in all these places. Again, a very similar dark grit occurs in the Uppermost Lower Greensand at Folkestone, containing Thetis minor and other small bivalves, Mytilus and fossil-wood. K. 3 34 THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. The subjoined table gives a list of all the fossils known from the Neocomian Black Grit rock, with some notes on their distribu- tion elsewhere. FOSSILS FROM THE DARK GRIT BLOCKS. A mmonites sp. (collection J. F. Walker) ... ... ... IT. Hamitea, or Ancyloceras, small species with double row of dorsal spines ... ... ... ... H. Emarginula Neocomiensis, d'Orb., of the Shanklin and Ather- fieldbeds P. *Trochus, small ornamented species ... ... ... ... P.H. Trochus, also at Shanklin, Meyer ... ... ... ... U. Scalaria ... ... ... ... ... ... ... H. Tornatella H. Cerithium, muricated species ... ... ... ... U. Pecten orbicularis, Sby., Hilgay (Teall) H. striato-punctatus, Roemer (Wiltshire) ... ... P.H. *Perna Mulletti, Desh U.H. * JRicordeana, d'Orb. ... ... ... ... ... TJ. Nucula, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... H. Leda P. *Cardium subhillanum, large form ... ... ... ... U. H. P. Also occurs in the Donnington sands (Tealby), Shanklin, and Punfield (Meyer). Small triangular bivalve U. H. P. *Thetis minor, Sby., of Shanklin U.P. *Cythercea Orbigniana, Forbes, of Shanklin ; and the Crackers, Isle of Wight H.S. Lucina U.P.H. *Goniomya (?) Pholadomya Raulimana, d'Orb. of the Albien, Ardennes; also at Nutfield (Meyer) and Tealby H. ? Scrobicularia phaseolina, Phill. ... ... H. Pholadomya ... ... ... ... ... ... ... H. Panopcea Neocomiensis, Leym. Corbula H. *Cucullcea errans, Kpng., also at Herrimere, and (?) in the Tealby series at Claxby U. * ,, Donningtonensis, Kpng., also in Lower Neocomian, Tealby district U. *Mytilus lanceolatus, Sby. ... ... U. Trigonia spinosa, Park. ... ... ... ... ... U. * Vectiana, Lycett, of Shanklin and A therfield ... TJ. *[Terebratula ovoides, Sby. var. occurs in the Herrimere rock, and is found phosphatised at Upware, Brickhill and Potton] ILP. U indicates the dark grit blocks at Upware. P Potton. H Hunstanton. THE ' DERIVED ' FOSSILS. 35 On certain Boulders of Neocomian Grits which occur in the East of England. Some clue to the origin of the dark fossiliferous grits which we have just been considering, may, I believe, be obtained by studying the boulders of green grit which have been found in various locali- ties on the surface in the gravels of the east of England. So long ago as 1812 this rock was made known in the description of Tere- bratula ovoides by Mr J. Sowerby from "blocks of sandstone con- taining greensand" (Mineral Conchology, Vol. I., p. 227, pi. 100), found in "some parts of Suffolk." I have found the same rock-boulders containing abundantly the same fossils at South Wiilingham, in Lincolnshire, and near the inn at West Dereham, Downham Market, Norfolk. The last-named block yielded, besides the Terebratula ovoides (Sby.) aLucina and Pecten orbicularis (Sby.). Mr Teall in his Essay (pp. 22, 23) cites other localities, namely, at Southery, and in a pit at Hilgay, Norfolk, where he found several such blocks of sandstone with the fossils "Panopcea Neocomiensis, Pecten orbicularis, and Terebratula depressa." And Mr E. Ray Lankester also mentions a gravel-pit at Thorpe, Suffolk, another at Snape, and the Drift at Stow Bardolph. I have lately found that several large boulders around Cam- bridge belong to the same set. The great corner-stone by the side of a cottage close by the Coton public-house contains good speci- mens of Pecten orbicularis and Belemnites subquadratus, some of the latter very large ; and from other boulders in the farm next to the rectory at Hardwick I obtained Pecten orbicularis and Pinna. But the most important of these boulders (as I believe it to be), was dredged up from the bed of the Cam some few years ago at a place called Herrimere between Upware and Ely, where it was found by Professor Seeley and Mr Earwaker, and described by Mr E. Ray Lankester in his paper on "A new large Terebratula occur- ring in E. Anglia," in the Geological Magazine for May, 1870, p. 410. In this paper we are told that the matrix is "a fine sand- stone conglomerate, closely resembling the matrix from Thorpe and Snape, and having small black pebbles scattered through it." The specimens are in the Woodwardian Museum. It is a curious grey sandstone, full of fossils, and the contained pebbles are Lydian stones and rolled phosphatic fragments which have been 32 36 THE ' DERIVED ' FOSSILS. much penetrated by lithophagous mollusca. Altogether the pebbles are very similar to those of the Upware Neocomians. Terebratula ovoides, Sby., and other fossils, were found by Mr Seeley. Thus in all these localities extending from S. Willingham in Lincolnshire to Cambridge and Suffolk we have a set of similar rock boulders containing Terebratula ovoides and T. rex. But the Herrimere mass is of particular interest, because besides the Tere- bratula it contains a number of other species which serve to fix the geological age of the original deposit. These are, Belemnites, sp. ; Terebratula ovoides (Sby.); *Cucullcea errans (Keeping); *Pecten striato-costatus (Roemcr); *Pecten orbicularis (Sby.); * Li ma long a (Roem.)?; Pholadomya; Lucina (same species as at W. Dereham) ; Trigonia (Mr Ray Lankester) ; *Exogyra Tombeckiana (d'Orb.) ; *Avicula macroptera? (umbo large, ribs stout and rounded). In the notice of this rock in the Geological Magazine above referred to the importance of its fossils, as helping to settle the age of the grit boulders, was fully recognised, but I cannot find any proof that the rock occurs "in situ beneath the bed of the Cam," as there stated on the authority of Mr Seeley; nor can I admit that the fossils "agree with the stratigraphical position of the bed as the very highest of the oolites." Notwithstanding the long- continued work of dredging in the bed of the Cam, the rock has, I believe, never presented itself but on this one occasion, and as to its stratigraphical position a glance at the map will show that it lies between the coral rag of Upware and the Kimmeridge clay of Ely. Again, its fossils, such of them as give any evidence at all, point to the Neocomian age. Six of the species are, I believe, cretaceous, namely, those marked with an asterisk in the list. Now of the Herrimere boulder fossils the two most special and characteristic species also occur as derived fossils in the Upware coprolite bed, namely Terebratula ovoides, and the Cucullcea emans of the dark grit; and the latter species is unknown in any other rock. I believe therefore that both sets of boulders, those now imbedded in the lower greensand of Upware and those scattered about the country in gravels and surface drift, were all derived from the same parent rock. Other links in the chain of evidence are afforded by the second species of Cucullcea, C. Donningtonensis n. sp. and the THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. 37 large Cardium suUiillanum from the Upware dark grit fragments, for both of these are found in the Lower Neocomian sands of Donnington, in Lincolnshire. At this place, scattered through the lower green-coloured sands (Lower Neocomian of Judd), are large masses of hard- cemented greensand-rock, whose litholo- gical characters are similar to the various boulders we have been describing. And we have seen that they contain some of the same fossil species, I conclude therefore (1) that the various blocks of greenish grit with Terebratula ovoides are of the same age as the derived fragments of dark grit in the Nodule bed at Upware, Potton, and Hunstanton; and (2) that they are all of Neocomian age, having been derived from a deposit closely connected with that of the Lower Neocomian sands of Lincolnshire, whose loose sandy materials being removed, the harder masses were left ; some of them, perhaps, like 'sarsen stones,' never having been far removed from the place of their original construction, while others have been carried as 'drift' to greater distances. I believe, then, that the original home of Terebratula ovoides and T. ovoides var. rex was in the Neocomian seas, and not in the upper oolite. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AS TO THE 'DERIVED' NEOCOMIAN FOSSILS. The presence of these 'derived' Neocomian fossils has had curiously different influences upon different observers, according to the different aspects in which they have been regarded. The Rev. T. Wiltshire, looking upon them as indigenous fossils, came to the conclusion that the Hunstanton carstone and ironsands were of the age of the Atherfield clay; Mr Teall, seeing that they were derived fossils, was, it would seem, thereby influenced to consider the Upware and Potton beds of later date than the horizon to which I believe they truly belong ; whilst Mr Godwin Austen and Mr Seeley, recognising them as Neocomian species, and believing them to be indigenous, and seeing also their close correspondence in appearance and preservation to the Jurassic species (Am. biplex, &c.), concluded that these latter likewise were " denizens of the old sea-bed." As proceeding from this belief we have their theories of the cretaceo-oolitic age of the Farringdon and Potton series. 38 THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. In the subjoined table the principal species of the derived Neocomian fossils are given, together with an account of their distribution in space and time : Aneyloceras gigas, Sby. Atherfield clay ; Aptien of Bedoule, Bouches de Eh6ne (d'Orb.). Ammonites Cornueliamis, d'Orb. Aptien of Paris area ; Upware, Neocomian; Atherfield?; Hythe, Perte du Rhdne, Aptien ; Ber- nese Alps. "A characteristic Aptien species," Pictet and Renevier. Ammonites Martini, d'Orb. Aptien, Paris area; Atherfield clay, beds 12 29, Fitton (Forbes and Ibbetson); Constantine, Africa, Upper Neocomian ; Beausset, Var. Up. Neocomian. Ammonites Deshayesii, Leym. Atherfield clay, beds 6 10, Fitton ; Aptien, Paris area ; Speeton, Upper Neocomian ; Brunswick, Up. Neoc. ; Folkestone, Junction Bed ; Constantine, Africa ; Beausset, Var. Up. Neoc.; Pyrenees, urgo- Aptien. Perna Mulletti, Desh. Neocomian proper of Paiis area ; in England mostly in the Upper Neocomian, Atherfield clay, and Cement beds of Speeton ; Teal by, Mid. Neocom. ; Schoeppenstedt, Lower Neocomian ; Landeron, Lower Neocom. ; Switzerland, Valengien, Urgouien. Perna Ricordiana, d'Orb. Neocomian proper of Paris area ; Ather- field beds, Shanklin sands, St Croix, Perte du Rhdne, Aptien. Thetis minor, Sby. Shanklin, Speeton, Upper Neocomian. Gardium subhittanum, Leym. Upware, Neocomian ; Neocom. proper of Paris area ; Switzerland, Valengien ; d'Arzier, Landeron, Marnes d'Hauterive, Lower Neocomian. Trigonia ornata, d'Orb. Hythe ; Atherfield Perna bed ; Perte du Rhdne, Aptien. From this list we see that some of the derived species are actually of late Neocomian or even Aptien age. But the indige- nous fossils prove the Nodule beds themselves to be of Aptien age. The same kind of anomaly seems to exist in the Neocomian rocks of Mont Saleve, where the fossils are casts of Neocomian shells, &c., and the Serpula and Polyzoa have attached themselves to the surfaces of these casts a circumstance which M. de Loriol states he is unable to explain 1 . Here then we are in a difficulty, for the history of a derived fossil is usually a long and important one, identical indeed with that of unconformity. We read its story as having lived its day in the seas of its birth, and been buried in the accumulation of sediment, when the surrounding rock penetrated it and it became 1 See de Loriol, p. 5, "Mont Salfcve." THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. 39 fossilized. Then by a series of changes which are commonly interpreted as first an upheaval and then a depression of the land, the rock formations were removed, so that the imbedded fossil shells were exposed and carried down to the shore, to be battered by the waves and otherwise injured by destroying agents, the whole process requiring a long period of time. But just as a rock unconformity is often simulated by and may be confounded with false bedding, so also I believe the story of a derived shell may be greatly exaggerated by such an account as that given above. Many of the cases of derived fossils, including those we have under consideration, seem scarcely to admit of so prolonged a history as this ; otherwise we should be obliged to refer our Midland Neocomians to at least as late an age as the gault, which is impossible. I think we must admit that a very thorough fossilization may go on far more rapidly than is generally supposed. The rapid metainorphism of the interior of coral reefs is a well-known fact, and many other very modern deposits are quickly hardened into 'rock' especially in the presence of iron or carbonate of lime 1 . Rolled nodules of coal occur in the coal measures, and concretions are well formed in modern bogs. In the 'Challenger' dredgings concretions were found spread over the bottom of the deep sea. Just so, I believe, was the case with our Neocomian rocks, which contain derived Neocomian fossils. The ferruginous and phos- phatic concretes were formed quickly after the formation of the rock, and, afterwards, some such alteration as a change of level or a variation in the strength or direction of the ocean currents, caused the sediments to be torn away again, and the older or- ganisms were redistributed as 'derived* fossils in immediately subsequent deposits. Looking to the geographical distribution of these derived fossils in the Neocomian rocks, we find that the Cephalopoda are essentially Southern species belonging to the Anglo-Gallic area, whereas we have found in the grit boulders evidence of a northern origin. This mixture is not surprising when we reflect that at this period the advancing southern sea had overwhelmed the Wealden estuary and spread itself northwards over the Eastern 1 I have seen glacial moraine matter hardened into a strong breccia on mountain bog lands. 40 THE ' DERIVED ' FOSSILS. Counties where the two seas, northern and southern, gradually approximating, at last surged together and fused into one con- tinuous Upper Neocomian sea. [And this, be it noted, would be almost sure to increase erosion, as there would be currents from the one sea to the other. There is more than one way in which depression means erosion. T. G. B.] THE DERIVED FOSSILS OF THE WEALDEN. I am not aware of any undoubted remains of Wealden fossils having occurred in the Upware and Brickhill deposits, but in the intermediate area, at Potton, rolled fragments of Endogenites have been found in considerable numbers ; also certain fragments of sandstone in the collection of Mr J. F. Walker are very similar to the Lower Cretaceous Sands (Wealden probably) of Shotover Hill, Oxford. So that, as pointed out some years ago by Professor Morris, it is probable that the Wealden rocks once formed part of the shore line of the Neocomian sea beyond their present limits up to the north of Brickhill ; but we have no reason to believe they ever extended so far as Cambridge. It is the opinion of some geologists that the remains of Land Vertebrates at Upware and Potton were derived from the de- nudation of the weald. This theory I cannot support, for some of the specimens are beautifully preserved, being scarcely worn at all ; and the bones are not highly phosphatised, but are com- monly impregnated with iron oxide. Moreover, the shore line and land were close by, and we know that the Iguanodonts continued to live on during Lower Greensand times. Therefore I regard the great majority of these reptile remains of Potton and Upware as having belonged to animals which lived and died during the period of the Iron Sands and Coprolite Nodule beds. Some of the Saurians and Crocodilians are exceptions to this rule, having been washed out of the Kimmeridge Clay, and there are many of them distinguished by being in a more highly phosphatised con- dition, with, occasionally, adherent lumps of phosphatic matter. THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. 41 THE DERIVED FOSSILS OF THE PORTLANDIAN. At Swindon the Portlandian rocks appear under two very different aspects. Below, we find the true marine Portlandians, t at the top we meet with ' dirt beds ' and freshwater limestone interst ratified with the marine limestones. For this latter set of beds I use the name Swindon Series 1 . A. The Swindon Series. Remanie materials from the destruction of the Swindon series are not conspicuous either from the Upware or Potton Neocomian deposits, and they have not hitherto been recorded ; but at Brick- hill undoubted fragments of the Upper Swindon Limestone are of frequent occurrence. Anyone who has worked in the great 1 The section exposed in the Swindon Quarry in 1875 was as follows : h. Greensand, Neocomian? g. Limestone bed with casts of Portlandian fossils. It varies rapidly in thickness. /. Limestone with profusion of fossils, moulds and casts, of Portlandian species, Cythercea rugosa, Cardium dissimile, Cerithium Portlandi- cum, &c. e. Thin clayey bed, much contorted in the quarry. E d. Bed of cherty rock and band of purer chert with freshwater fossils of Purbeck species [?] Valvata? Varies much in thickness. This bed is identical in appearance with some of the true Purbeck series. L c. The dirt bed. Unconformity g x C 6. Great series of sand rock, and some sand; in places false bedded. Fossils few (Trigonia, Ostrea). g 2 [_ a. Hard limestone, made up of a great extent of the casts of shells. The beds a and b are thoroughly Portlandian, but in beds c to g we find some beds of Purbeck type. The chert bed and cherty limestone at d are just like those of the true Purbeck series, and one would unhesitatingly so call them were they not overlain by the limestone/ and g, which are again Portlandian. But the latter beds are of greater importance in geological classification, being, in the language of Mr Blake, the more normal type, whereas the freshwater beds are truly episodal. The marine limestones / and g are not like the marine beds of the Purbeck series, bvit are truly Portlandian. And what we have here is the record of the gradually diminishing but oscillating stages of the latest Jurassic sea, when land and fresh- water conditions resulting in formations of the Purbeck types were produced in Portlandian times. To this latter set of beds, ranging from c to g inclusive, I apply the term Sicindon series. If we could trace this series southwards we should doubtless find it passing up into the true Purbecks, which were laid down when the boundaries of the old Jurassic sea had become much more limited. 42 THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. Swindon Quarry will readily recognise the same rock and fossils (though now somewhat changed by being impregnated with phos- phate of lime) among the Brickhill pebbles. Its specially characteristic fossil is the Astarte cuneata of Sowerby, arid with these, associated in the same blocks, occur Litorina sp., Trigonia (small), Lucina sp., Myacites (very inequilateral sp.), Natica, Litho- domus, and Ammonites biplex ; the latter with the pearly lustre of its shell well preserved. Several of the Portlandian species mentioned below (e.g. Cardium dissimile, Trigonia gibbosa and Lucina Portlandica) may also have been derived from the same bed, for they are all found together in the Limestone of the Swindon series. The rock as now found at Brickhill is a rather pale chocolate- coloured phosphate, with many coarse grains of sand. To the freshwater beds of this same series I would refer the many fragments of silicified wood found at Potton and Brickhill. From Upware the evidence of this series is less satisfactory. Some much rolled and worn casts of bivalves may pertain to the Astarte cuneata, but this is very doubtful, and I cannot consider that we have any conclusive evidence of the former existence of any part of the infra-cretaceous fluviomarine series, either Port- landian, Purbeck, or Wealden in this area. B. The Portlandian Fossils. The Portlandian species that have been recognised (some of them doubtfully) at Brickhill are the following : Ammonites giganteus (Sby.) ; Ammonites biplex (Sby.) ; Myacites; Modiola, sp. ; Cyprina; Cardium dissimile (Sby.); Myoconcha Portlandica (Blake) ; Trigonia gibbosa (Sby.) ; Trigonia incurva (Sby.) ; Pho- ladomya tumida (Ag.) Buccinum naticoides and Lucina Portlandica occur, I believe, at Upware. Mr Walker has pointed out to me that many of these fossils (Cardium dissimile, &c.) occur in a very gritty phosphate, but they cannot be easily separated off from the other derived fossils by lithological characters. I am inclined to think that a large proportion of the derived species of the Upware and Brickhill Neocomians were washed out of old coast lines made up of these uppermost Jurassic rocks. THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. 43 The absence of Ceritkium Portlandicum, tlie " Portland Screw," is noteworthy, but may be accounted for by the fragile nature of the casts of these shells. KlMMERIDGE CLAY FOSSILS. Kimmeridge clay fossils are amongst the most abundant of our derived shells. The following have been recognised : Belemnites explanatus,~P\u\\..; Ammojiitesbiplex,Sby.', Ammon- ites Kcenigi, Sby. ; Pleurotomaria reticulata, Sby. ; Trochus, sp. and other Gasteropoda (Alaria, Chemnitzia, &c.); Gervillia avicu- loides, Sby.; ? Lima Iceviuscula, Sby.; Cardium striatulum, Sby.; Myoconcha Scemanni ; Astarte Hartwelliensis, Sby. ; Myacites re- curva, Phill. ? ; Myacites, sp.; Serpula tricarinata (affixed to the Belemnites). These are all (except the Belemnites) internal casts in a phos- phatized condition. Besides these invertebrate species the Kimmeridge clay seems to have furnished, by its destruction, some of the vertebrate remains now found in our Neocomians. I have no doubt that many of the Saurian remains are of Kimmeridge clay origin, amongst which some of the Ichthyosaurs, Plesiosaurs, and Pliosaurs are the most certain. Our 'Potton sand' specimens compare well with Jurassic species, and we have, besides, other positive evidence of Kimmeridge clay remanie material amongst the Mollus- can remains. The Upware bed has furnished us with the teeth of Pliosaurus brachydeirus, both the three-sided and rounded forms, precisely like those of the Ely clay-pit (Kimmeridge clay); the Dakosaur teeth are likewise identical, and some of the Plesiosau- rian, Ichthyosaurian, and Crocodilian teeth have probably the same origin. It will however be remembered that very many of the reptiles of our Ironsand and Phosphatic beds were living in the Neocomian period, and are true natives of the deposit. Amongst the Fishes are some extremely well-preserved teeth and jaws belonging to Sphcerodus, Gyrodus, Pycnodus, Strophodus, and the spines of Aster acanthus, which are absolutely undistinguish- able from the Jurassic species. Many of these are, in my opinion, 'derived' fossils of Jurassic age, but I fail fully to separate out these from others which certainly swam in the Neocomian sea. 44 THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. Besides these there are Hybodus (dorsal spines, teeth, and Sphenonchus), Otodus, Acrodus and Chimceroids, all of which would be inscribed by Mr Walker amongst the 'derived' fossils. CORAL RAG. At Upware the Coprolite bed rests, in places, upon the Coral Rag, which was broken up by the waves so as to form a rubbly zone of fragments along the line of junction (see the section, p. 4) so that the origin of the following species found in the Upware Neocomians is not far to seek. Chemnitzia Heddingtonensis, Sby. ; Cerithium muricatum Sby. ; Gryphea dilatata, var.; Ostrea gregaria; Exogyra; Pecten vimi- neus; Lithodomus inclusus; Opis corallina; Unicardium ; Hemi- cidaris intermedia (flattened form); Pseudodiadema hemispheri- cum ; Cidaris Jlorigemma ; Echinobrissus scutatus-; Holectypus depressus; Glypticus hieroglyphicus ; ? Apiocrinus or M illericrinus. Now it is a remarkable fact that these fossils have not become phosphatised but retain their original condition as seen in the Coral Rag pits near by. But between Upware and Brickhill the Coral Rag is not developed as such, being represented by some coeval argillaceous clay deposits (the Ampthill clay of Prof. Seeley), and it is not unlikely that some of the species such as Gervillia aviculoides and Lima, Iceviuscula, which we have placed in other lists, may have been derived from rocks of this age. THE DERIVED FOSSILS FROM THE OXFORD CLAY. This formation must have formed a considerable part of the shore line of the old Neocomian sea, for in many places the Iron- sand and Nodule beds rest upon it. The Ammonites of this age as found at Upware and Brickhill are characterised by being pre- served in oxide of iron (Limonite) and never phosphatised as those of the Kimmeridge clay and others are. The Oxfordian species include: Ammonites biplex (d'Orb. non Sby.); Area concinna ; Phola- domya Phillipsii ; Modiola bipartita; Rhynchonella varians, var. socialis. r THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. 45 There was no Oxford clay exposed within some few miles of Up ware, but yet the little Ammonites there are perfectly well preserved. General. From the presence of these remanie materials of Oxfordian to Neocoinian ages inclusive and from the nature of the rock, it is clear that the Upware and Brickhill deposits were formed along the neighbourhood of a shore whose coast consisted of the upper and middle Jurassic rocks. In pre-cretaceous times the Kimmeridgian and probably the Portlandian rocks extended from Dorsetshire to Yorkshire, and the Purbeck and Wealden conditions also had a greater spread than now, probably reaching as far as Potton if not to Upware. The old coast line ran from S.W. to N.E. along a line to the west of Calne, Warminster, Farringdon, Oxford, Potton and Cambridge to our present Wash, and thence trending N.W. ran up into Yorkshire. The following lists include all the derived species known to me from Upware and Brickhill. I. THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS OF THE UPWARE DEPOSIT. Belemnites, Phragmicoe of Nerincea. abbreviates, Miller. Aporrhais. explanatus, Phill. Turritella or C/wmnitzia. Nautilus, sp. Exogyra (Coral Rao;). Ammonites biplex, Sby. Gryphea dilatata, Sby. var. Coral ,, cordatus, var. Marice, Rag, &c. d'Orb. Ostrea gregaria, Sby., Coral Rag. Ammonites biplex, d'Orb., of the Lithodomus inclusus, Phill., Coral Oxford clay. Rag. Ammonites Deshayesii, Leyra. Modiola, sp. small smooth species Perna Mulletti (in dark grit). (? Neocomian). Ricordiana, d'Orb. Ammonites Kcenigi, Sby. (collection Pecten vimineus, Sby., Coral Rag. J. F. Walker, M.A.). Unicardium, Coral Rag. Ancyloceras, sp. (J. F. W.). Opis Corattina, Coral Rag. sp. in gritty phosphate. Pectunculus, ribbed species, in JIa mites. phosphate. Chemnitzia Heddingtonensis, Sby. Trigonia incurva, Sby. ? Cerithium muricatum, Sby. gibbosa, Sby. ? Litorina (in dark grit). Cardium striatulum, Sby. Cerithium (ditto). dissimile, Sby. Pleurotomaria reticulata, Sby. Lucina Portlandica, Sby. ,, sp. Cyprina, large species. ? Buccinum naticoides, Sby. Myacites, of Portland oolite, and Natica, 2 sp. Kimmeridge clay. 46 THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS. Cyrena rugosa, Sby. Area, or Macrodon. Pholadidea. Astarte 1 (a Portlandian species). cuneata, Sby. Terebratula ovoides, Sby. ,, var. rex, Lan- kester. Serpula tricarinata, Sby. (attached to Belemnites explanatus, Phill.). Column of Crinoid (Apiocrinus 1). Milkricrinus 1 Hemicidaris intermedia, Flem. Pseudodiadema hemisphericum Ag. Cidarisjlorigemma, Phill. Echinobrissus scutatus, Gmel. Holectypus depretsus, Lam. Gli/pticus hieroglyphicus, Goldf. Vertebrates : Sphcerodus gigas, Ag. Pycnodus. Gyrodus. StropJwdus. Hybodua. Asteracanthus. Plesiosaurus, several species. Plwsaurus, several species. Ichthyosaurus. Dakosaurus. IT. THE 'DERIVED' FOSSILS OF BRICKHILL. Those marked with a star (*) are not known to me from Upware. Belemnites. Ammonites biplex, Sby. the Ox- ford Clay variety. Ammonites giganteus, Sby. ? Lamberli, Sby. Turbo, sp. (from the Kimmeridge clay). Pleurotomaria reticulata, Sby. -_ > S PP" Aatwa. Chemnitzia. Aporrhais. Lima. Iceviuscula, Sby. ? *Gervillia aviculoides, Sby. Area, sp. concinna, Sby. * Astarte Hartwdliensis, Sby. cuneata, Sby. (of the Swindon series). Astarte, sp. *Myacites recurva, Phill. sp. Modiola (Portlandian, sp.). * bipartita, Sby. Cythercm. Thracia depressa, Sby. Cardium striatulum, Sby. Lucina, Myacites. *Myoconcha Scemanni. Portlandica 1 Blake. Pholadomya Phillipsii, Morris. ovalis, Sby. Cyrena (Cythercea) rugosa, Sby. of the Purbeck Oolite. Trigonia gibbosa, Sby. incurva, Sby. S P- Rhynchonella varians, var. sociale, Dav., of the Jurassic clays. Rhynchonella, 2 sp. Terebratula ovoides, Sby. Vertebrates, Fish : Asteracanthus. Sphenonchus. Pycnodus. Sphcerodus gigas, Ag. Edaphodon. Otodus ] vertebrae of. Reptiles : Dakosaurus. Ichthyosaurus. Pliosaurus. Plesiosaurus. Fossil wood : Silicified. CHAPTER IV. THE RELATIONS OF THE UPWARE AND BRICKHILL DEPOSITS TO OTHER BRITISH FORMATIONS. OUR first care in considering the relations of the Upware and Brickhill deposits to other British rocks, is to establish the close relationship of these two deposits to one another. This is no difficult task. Homotaxially the beds are similarly placed, and there are many points of rock resemblance between them, amongst which the identity of the included phosphatic nodules is the most striking. But it is of the fossils that we have particularly to in- quire, and these establish with decision the same fact of the close affinity of the two deposits. Out of the 86 species found at Brick- hill, 61 are common to the Upware Bed. The numerous types of Brachiopoda, so special and limited in their distribution, which are common to both areas, are of themselves a sufficient witness of the nearness in age of the two deposits, only three of the Upware species being absent from Brickhill. Of the Brickhill Polyzoa all but two are found at Upware ; and the sponges tell the same story, the Elasmostoma (Manori) macropora, Catagma porcatum, and Verticellites clavatus, species so restricted in space and time, being common to the two. Amongst the other organic groups the re- semblances are however not so striking. The state of preservation of all the fossils in the two localities is so precisely similar that the most practised eye fails to separate them out with certainty from a mixed lot. Between the Upware and Brickhill areas is another well known place, Potton in Bedfordshire, where the Neocomian Phosphatic nodules have been worked for some years. This locality has been 48 RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. well described by MM. Brodie 1 , Seeley 2 , and Walker' and its close connexion with the Upware bed has been recognised by all. The indigenous fauna of Invertebrates at Potton is scanty, but, so far as it goes, is the same as that at Upware. There are 21 species in common, mostly (13) Lamellibranchiata, including Cyprina Sedgwicldi and Plicatula Carteroniana; also there are seven species of JBrachiopoda, all of them Upware types : but all these fossils were rare at Potton though so very abundant in the other two districts. That the two faunas, Upware and Potton, do not agree even more precisely with one another is doubtless due in great part to the different physical conditions which obtained in the two areas. Pot- ton was no doubt nearer to the shore line of the ancient Neocomian sea than were Upware and Brickhill, and therefore the land animals are much more abundant in the former place. Also a further difference was due to the near presence of a great calcareous mass (the Coral Rag) at Upware, which was wanting at Potton. A number of important differences have resulted from this fact of the abundance of carbonate of lime at Upware, for this served not only to favour the growth of animals with calcareous supporting struc- tures, but also furnished excellent matter for their petrification and permanent preservation. At Potton, where the lime was scanty, shell life was restricted, and a further result is, that even of such calcareous exuviae as were buried in the bare sands, many have doubtless since been destroyed by the free percolation of water. Such indigenous species as do occur at Potton are now preserved in oxide of iron (Limonite), a mineral which does not readily serve for the mineralization of fossil remains. We have thus sufficient evidence of the very close relationship of the Upware, Potton, and Brickhill beds. Beyond Brickhill, passing southwards by Oxford, we next meet with a number of isolated sand-hills which yield only the most scanty traces of fossils ; and the first place that arrests us by its ex- cellent sections and rich fossil remains is Farringdon, in Berkshire. The Farringdon sponge bed is a well-known collecting ground and an old battle-field of geologists; it has been well described 1 Geological Magazine, Vol. in. page 153. 2 Annals and Magazine of Natural History, I860, 1867. 3 Ibid. RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. 49 by Dr Fitton 1 in 1836, by Mr Godwin Austen 2 in 1850, and by Mr Sharpe 3 in 1854. And here again the general relations of the bed are the same as those we have been describing in other districts, the iron sands resting upon the Kimmeridge Clay and Coral Rag, and being over- laid by the Gault, with marked unconformity at both junction lines, above and below. The nature of the rock (a false bedded iron sand, as much like the Suffolk Crag as any other British rock) shews that we are still near upon the old coast line, as at Potton and Brickhill, and the included pebbles are also of the same nature, namely, Quartzite, Vein Quartz, Lydian stone, Flinty altered slate rock, and Jasper with (according to Mr Godwin Austen) water-worn crystals of Felspar; thus shewing that the waves of the Up ware and Farring- don Neocomian sea beat against one and the same old coast line. The Phosphate of Lime nodules or "coprolites" also occur at Farringdon, but only scantily, and are indistinguishable in appear- ance from those at Potton and Upware; but here, as at Brickhill, the pebbles and 'coprolites' are loosely scattered through the sands and not collected into a distinct nodule or pebble bed as they are at Upware and Potton, and Rushmoor Bottom, in Bedfordshire. Again, the close relationship of all these deposits to one another is scarcely less well shewn in their included vertebrate remains and 'derived' fossils, than by their native invertebrate species. Here at Farringdon we meet with the same vertebrate fossils, namely : Iguanodon. Otodus. Megalosaurus. Gyrodus. Crocodilians (Goniopholis ? Teleo- Sphcerodus. saurus, and Dakosaurus). Pycnodus. Pliosaurus. StropJiodus. Plesiosaurus. Hybodus. Ichthyosaurus. Asteracanthus and Ischyodus. And the same derived invertebrate species, namely : Ammonites biplex, Sby. Natica. mutabilis, Sby. Chemnitzia Heddingtonensis, Sly. excavatus, Sby. Modiola. sp. Area, fielemnites, large sp. Cardium striatulum, Sby. 1 Strata Mow the Chalk. * Quarterly Journal Geol. Roc. 1850, p. 454. 3 Ibid. Vol. x. p. 176. K. 4 50 RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. Myacites recurva, Phill. Ostrea dilatata, Sby. Astarte or Cyprina (same as at deltoidea, Sby. Upware). Glyphea. Cardium dissimile, Sby. Cidaris jlorigemma, Phill. Perna mytiloides, Lam. ? Pentacrinus. Trigonia incuvra, Sby. Isastrcea oblonga, Flem. Thracia depressa, Sby. Thamnastrcea arachnoides, Park. Pholadomya. These are found in a condition just similar to the derived fossils of the Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Neocomian areas. Turning now to the native species for more positive evidence, we find the result is in perfect harmony with our other con- clusions. Of our Upware and Brickhill species 45 (a very large propor- tion) are known to occur also in the Farringdon gravels. These consist of 12 Lamellibranchiates, 16 Brachiopods, 4 Polyzoa, 3 Echinodermata, 2 worms and 6 (or more) sponges, and they in- clude a number of forms of very limited range, which are of par- ticular value in detailed and exact comparisons, such as Neithea ornithopus, Kpng.; Opis Neocomiensis, d'Orb.; Lima Farr ing donen- sis, Sharpe; Terebratella Menardi, Lam. ; Terebratula prcelonga, Sby. and T. microtema, Walker. The identity of the Sponges and Polyzoa of Upware and Far- ringdon is also very striking, all the more common Upware species being of frequent occurrence at Farringdon likewise. Still there are some prominent differences which give to each of these two faunas a well-marked character of its own when con- trasted with one another. This is apparent in a glance at any collection from the two places : but much even of this apparent isolation in the characters of the Upware and Farringdon/acies was broken down with the discovery of the new fossil area at Little Brickhill near Bletchley. This little village lies just about mid- way between Upware and Farringdon, and it was extremely pleasing to find that its Lower Greensand fauna was likewise of just a corresponding intermediate character. Its close con- nexion with the Upware bed we have already seen, supra, p. 47, and its affinity to the Farringdon sponge bed is especially manifest in the abundance of Peltastes Wrightii, and the presence of Lima Farringdonensis, Terebratella Menardi, T. oblonga, and Terebratula Tornasensis ; also in its Polyzoa and Sponges. RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. 51 Leaving Farringdon we trace the Ironsands southwards to the Ferruginous conglomerate of Calne in Wiltshire with its rare and interesting fossil Eequienia Lonsdalei 1 (Chama, Dicer as). A richer fauna was gathered together in 1849 1850 by Mr Cunnington from a road cutting at Sceend 2 near Devizes, where the Kimmeridge Clay was exposed overlain by a pebble bed with Quartz pebbles and fossils, which formed the base of a series of yellowish, dark green, and brown sands and iron sandstones, also containing fossils, "the whole surmounted with a patch of yellow brashy clay of a few acres in extent." This is evidently an exposure of the same series of Neocomian sands and gravels as at Farring- don, and the fossils leave no room for doubt in the matter. In the Woodwardian Museum, we find from Sceend : Exogyra. Terebratella Fittoni, Meyer. Lima longa, Roener. oblonga, Sby. Terebratula Tornasensis, d'Archiac. Rhynchonella depressa, Sby. Terebratella Menardi, Lam. and Mr Cunnington also records amongst others, Emarginula Neocomiensis, d'Orb. Rhynchonella latissima, Sby. Waldheimia tamarindus, Sby. Gibbsiana, Sby. Terebratula sella, Sby. 1 Opis Neocomiensis, d'Orb. Other species in the British Museum are, Lima Farringdonensis, Sharpe; various small univalves and bivalves; Sphcerodus Neoco- miensis, and various undetermined Reptile Bones. A few miles further south, towards Warminster, these western shore deposits of the Upper Neocomian sea are lost to view, being overlapped by the newer members of the Cretaceous system. There can therefore scarcely be a reasonable doubt remaining that these western Neocomian Ironsands and coprolite beds above described are all the result of one and the same physical phenome- non, or continuous (and not greatly protracted) series of pheno- mena; so that for most purposes they should be treated all together as one group. "No one can reasonably doubt the identity of the iron sand and gravels of Devizes, Rowde, and Calne, with those of Farringdon," wrote Mr Godwin Austen, so long ago as June, 1850. The many local differences in the several sections are, of course, 1 According to M. Barrois this is a distinct shell from the Diceras Lonsdalei of the Middle Neocomian of Southern Europe. 2 Quarterly Journal Geological Society, 1850, page 453. 42 52 RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. of little importance in such a series of coarse and littoral deposits as these where rapid change and great variety are the general rule. But besides these differences our more detailed studies amongst the indigenous fossils shew that there also exist other differences, which I take to be of real significance, between the several faunas. This is perhaps most strikingly seen in the species of Mollusca. Contrasting the Upware and Farringdon species, we find that they have no Cephalopod and only one Gasteropod (Pleurotomaria gigan- tea) in common, and of the Lamellibranchs only five species are known from both localities. Amongst the Brachiopoda there is more affinity, 11 out of the 26 Upware species being found at Farringdon. In the Echinodermata the distinction is also marked; and even amongst the sponges it is not easy to see why the Farringdon species Peronella furcata, Elasmostoma pezisa, Catagma (Manori) Farringdonense and others should not have flourished equally well at Upware had the two formations been contemporaneous. Between Brickhill and Upware we have the same kind of differ- ences though not so strongly marked; the greatest contrasts here being amongst the Echinodermata and Lamellibranchiata. Now remembering the close correspondence in the Physical conditions of these several areas, their topographical nearness to one another, and the similarity of the types of life in each locality, these differences are, to my mind, greater than one would expect to find along such a coast line now-a-days. Wherever in two separate beds fossil organisms of widely different types are found say, only fishes in one bed and only sponges in another, we have but poor materials for chronological comparisons; but with allied forms in two deposits which were formed under similar conditions, we have trustworthy data of the most exact value to work upon. Now bearing these considerations in mind the differences amongst the faunas of our several Iron- sand and 'coprolite' beds become of such importance as to demand a special interpretation. In working with the Brachiopoda there will also be found some reasons for supposing that the Brickhill bed was of scmewhat older date than the Upware rock, the former having apparently been the centre of dispersion for many of our special types of Neocomian Brachiopoda (Terebratula, Waldheimia, and Terebratella), which RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. 53 reached Cambridgeshire at a somewhat later date. The general Physical phenomena of the period, which have been treated of by Professor Judd and Mr TealP, point in the same direction, and shew us that in the period of the deposition of these ironsands, a transgressive wave of depression was slowly creeping northwards from the south, so that the shore beds of the south are of some- what older date than those further to the north. At the same time I consider that the whole of this series of ironsands, pebble beds, and coprolite beds of the western Neocomian outcrop although not of exactly the same age, are so nearly synchronous that they may fairly and, perhaps, in general work most advan- tageously be treated as one bed. Now turning northwards from Upware and Cambridge we can readily trace the Ironsand group in a series of exposures through the Fen country up to the edge of the wash in the Hunstanton cliffs; but for the details of the stratigraphy of this area we must refer to the published work of Mr J. G. Harris Teall in the Sedg- wick Prize Essay for 1873. Just beyond Upware, at Streatham, and at Ely, Haddenham, Cottenham and near Rampton isolated patches of the Lower Greensand have been left and are now more or less well exposed. The Streatham bed was at one time worked for 'coprolites' (see Teall's Essay, p. 24), when it yielded fossils all of the Upware type. The 'derived' vertebrate fossils (Dakosaurus, &c.) were in a parti- cularly good state of preservation at this place. But at the other localities no nodule bed has been discovered and only the most meagre traces of organic remains have been found; From the Neo- comian of Ely specimens of Pleurotomaria (ornamented species); Pecten orbicularis, Sow.; Corbis (probably the same as at Tealby); Trigonia, sp. (large), are to be seen in the Woodwardian Museum. North of Ely a neck from the great gulf of sea and fen-level stretches across to the east hiding all the solid geology under its beds of peat, silt, and gravel. This extends for some fifteen miles across (N. and S.), when the Lower Cretaceous sands again appear at the surface around Downham Market in Norfolk. .At this place some new features present themselves and good fossil evidences may be gathered. 1 Sodgwick Prize Essay. 54 RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. In all the more southern developments that we have been considering the junction of the Lower Greensand with the gault is found to be abrupt and unconformable ; here, however, at Downham Market there appears to be a perfect passage and transi- tion from the sands below to the overlying gault 1 . An account of this section will be found ante [p. 11]. The thoroughly distinct nature and age of this bed from the Potton and Upware nodule beds is not recognised in the work of Mr Teall (Sedgwick Prize Essay 2 ), but on the other hand all these deposits seem to have been taken as of approximately the same age, and all are referred to the Folkestone series. And this grouping has, I believe, had an unfortunate and false influence in appearing to support a Folkestone sand age for the Upware and Potton nodule beds. For the Downham Market truly belongs, as I also doubt not, to that age ; but I find, from the fossil evidence, that this bed is totally distinct from all the other worked coprolite beds of the Eastern Counties, and must be kept clearly separated off from them ; and thus the evidence rebounds to shew that if the Downham bed is of Folkestone age then the others are not of that age, but belong to some different and older period a conclusion quite in harmony with the direct evidence from their contained fossils as already worked out. See supra. The list of Downham fossils given by Mr Teall (p. 21) is, as he tells us, a mixed lot partly gault and partly from the underlying sands and coprolite bed. Separating these out we find : I. GAULT SPECIES: Ammonites interruptus, d'Orb. Inoceramus sulcatus, Park. splendens, Sby. concentricus, Park. ffamites, 2 sp. Nucula pectinata, Sby. Belemnites attenuatus, Sby. These occur, all except the Belemnites, in a pale phosphatic condition, such as is frequent in the gault, and quite different from the Neocomian types. 1 Mr Teall describes (in his Sedgwick Prize Essay, page 24) a gradual transition from the Ironsand to the gault at Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire. This section is now not visible. a Mr Teall writes me that he has always believed the position of the Nodule bed varies in different localities. RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. 55 II. NEOCOMIAN SPECIES : Ammonites Beudanti, Brong. Janira Morrisii. Pleurotomaria. Spondylus. Solarium. Cyprina Liguriensis. Aporrhais. sp. Pecten orbicularis, Sby. This revised list does not however alter the value of the other facts already brought forward by Mr Teall, but only strengthens his conclusion that the Downham coprolite bed belongs to the mammillaris zone of the southern Neocomians. Next, if we compare this bed with the Upware deposit we find that the differences between the two are very numerous and striking, whilst their resemblances are few. Both are phosphatic nodule beds with yellowish sandy matrix, it is true, but all the nodules at Upware are ' red coprolites ' the pale yellowish choco- late-like type, whereas at Downham Market there are, besides those of the gault, two types both equally and strikingly different from those of Upware (see ante), and indeed much more like those of the Cambridge greensand. It is remarkable that they are actually undistinguishable from those of the mammillaris zone at Grandpre in the Ardennes. Now when we remember the great constancy in the characters of the Neocomian nodules all along the western Neocomian out- crop, and how great is their similarity in the other beds farther north, we shall probably be prepared to attach considerable import- ance to the different character of the Downham coprolites. Lastly, the fossil evidences conclusively decide the matter, for although the lithological characters of the two deposits are similar, and the general physical conditions must have been so nearly the same, the types of life being also similar, yet the only species common to the two beds are Pecten orbicularis and Janira Morrisii. Both of these are long-ranged types of no value what- ever in detailed chronological comparison. We must therefore reject this bed from our Ironsand series, as belonging to quite a distinct age, and as I am inclined to think, pertaining to quite another series of events. For I look upon the Ironsand group as belonging to the true Lower Greensand (Sand- gate and Hythe series and perhaps base of Folkestone series), while the Downham Market coprolite bed might, it seems to me, 56 RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. better be taken as the basement bed of the gault ; important physical events having, as a rule, separated the two groups. The Downham coprolite bed being thus excluded we are met with the demand what then is the representative of the Upware Nodule bed in the Downham Market section ? I should consider that it very probably exists somewhere amongst the 20 feet of sand beneath the rock bed or Carstone, or, may be, a little deeper. These sands have not yielded any fossils, nor have I seen here any evidence of a physical break between them and the gault, other than that which is probably indicated by the Phosphatic nodule bed itself. Passing northwards from Downham Market the Neocomian sands swell out considerably in thickness and form the sandy country about Sandringham warren. They vary somewhat in character, being sometimes a pure white sand, more often yellowish or fox coloured and frequently false bedded and obliquely lami- nated ; while at Wolverton these sands "closely resemble those of Woburn, Potton and Sandy" (Teall, Sedgwick Prize Essay, p. 19). In this country too the Carstone, "an indurated ferruginous sandstone," notifies its better development in well-defined crests and escarpments ; and beneath it a bed of clay comes in which is worked for bricks and tiles at Heacham and Sandringham. The fossil remains in all these places are most scanty and meagre, and I can only reproduce the records already published by Mr Teall, who found at Lodge Hill, Snettisham, specimens of Lucina and Pecten orMcularis, and at Heacham, in the stiff dark blue clay, Ammonites Deshayesii, Pecten orbicularis and a Trigonia. Dr Fitton found the following fossils in some 'ferruginous masses' in a brickfield near Ingoldsthorp, Norfolk, which he records as follows 1 : Cinulia incrassata, Sby. ; Avicula ; Panopcea plicata, Sby. ; Rostellaria calcarata, Sby. ; Turritella granulata, Sby. ; Venus faba, Sby. We have now arrived at the well-known Ironsands and Car- stone of Hunstanton, a set of ironsands and pebble beds with a zone of nodules near the base of the series. Fossils occur rather rarely in this bed, in the lines of nodules just referred to, and we 1 Fitton, .Strata Mow the Chalk, page 317. RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. 57 have given the list of species elsewhere (see ante, p. 33). Amongst these are Ammonites Martini, Ammonites Deshayesii and Ancylo- ceras gigas, which are all good Upper Neocomian or Aptien species very characteristic of the Atherfield clays to which beds Mr Wilt- shire has consequently referred the Hunstanton series. But so far as I have seen or been able to learn all the Hunstanton species are ' derived ' fossils, and not native to the stratum in which they lie. They are all either in the condition of rolled phosphatised casts, or are found in the hard rolled lumps of dark iron grit as re- corded ante, so that these fossils instead of proving the bed to be of Atherfield clay age, really shew that it is of some age posterior to that period : though it is probably not far removed from it. Comparing the Hunstanton bed directly with the Upware Nodule bed we find some resemblances between the two litholo- gically, also in the contained phosphatic nodules and pebbles ; and particularly in the species of derived Neocomian fossils. To these points I attach considerable importance, and I consider that, not- withstanding the absence of a true indigenous fauna (they may have once existed there and since been destroyed), we have good reason to consider the Hunstanton and Upware sands and pebble beds as belonging approximately to the same age. We have thus been enabled by the study of a number of isolated sections and their fossils to establish the close relationship of the beds of variously coloured sands, coprolite beds and carstones which are exposed, with some interruption, along an outcrop running from the N.E. at the Wash to the S.W. in Wiltshire 1 stretching from the neighbourhood of Wicken in Norfolk down to Wicken in Cambridgeshire (!). They are again well developed around Potton and Sandy in Bedfordshire, and are last seen near the villages of Pottern and Sandy in Wiltshire (!!). It now becomes a matter of great interest to discover the relation of this set of deposits to the better known and typical districts of the S.E. and N.E. of England. In the year 1850 Mr Godwin Austen published a masterly description of the Farringdon and Swindon areas and came to the 1 The Lower Sands of Shotover Hill, with Freshwater fossils, and the Downham Market coprolite bed excluded. 58 RELATIONS TO OTHER BKITISH DEPOSITS. conclusion that the Farringdon bed was of Precretaceous age, and was possibly the representative of the Portlandians. Mr Sharpe, at the other extreme, argued that they were of much later date, later than any other British cretaceous rock. Again in 18G7 Mr Seeley came to conclusions about the Potton sands similar to those of Mr Godwin Austen with the Farringdon beds ; but both these authors seem to have given most attention to the vertebrate fossils and to have believed that all these remains, together with the rolled phosphatised casts of invertebrate species, were native fossils proper to the deposit in which they occur. This entirely destroys the value of their arguments, for we have seen that most of these are really 'derived' fossils belonging properly to older formations ; and when these are excluded the apparent conflict of evidence disappears. For the indigenous species point uniformly, not to a precretaceous or postcretaceous age, but to the higher beds of the Lower Cretaceous series, i.e. the upper Neocomian or Aptien. This has been very generally recognised during the last few years. Mr Walker writes 1 : " The age of the bed [at Upware] is the same as that of the deposits at Potton, Farringdon and Godalming, viz. upper Neocomian." Mr Teall refers all the Ironsand series and coprolite beds to the very latest part of the Lower Greensand, posterior to the Hythe and Sandgate series, and he believes and considers it of importance that these beds pass up by simple gradation into the gault, so that they might indeed be taken as the basement beds of the gault. Mr Meyer and M. Barrois take them to be an extension of the Godalming Pebble bed. I come to the conclusion that they are the representatives of the Sandgate and Hythe beds of the South of England, including the pebble bed, some of our " coprolite beds " presenting a very close correspondence with the latter deposit. The upper part of the Folkestone series is represented by the Downham Market bed, and not by our Ironsand and phosphatic group, a physical break separating the two series. 1 In the Monograph of the Trigonice by Dr Lycett, Palaontographical Society, Vol. xxix., page 145. RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. 59 In England the lower cretaceous beds are developed under two very different types, namely, the North British Type or Speeto- nian, and the South British or Vectian. In Surrey, Sussex and Kent the Vectian series is divided as follows : 14. Folkestone Beds. 3. Sandgate Beds. 2. Hythe Beds. 1. Atherfield Clay. B. WEALD CLAY. A. HASTINGS SANDS. But this series, so well developed in the S.E. of England and in the Isle of Wight, becomes greatly altered before it appears again some 30 miles off along the coast in Swanage Bay, for in this place the upper division or Lower Greensand is only with difficulty recognisable and is greatly reduced in thickness, though according to Mr Meyer all the zones are there present. Another interesting peculiarity of this section is the intercalation of some fresh or brackish water deposits in the midst of the Lower Greensand, shewing the temporary recurrence of the earlier wealden con- ditions in this area. Still further east we meet with the anoma- lous and interesting silicious sandstone of Blackdown the Black- down beds ; and seeing that this rock contains a number of Lower Greensand species, and that it lies exactly in the line of outcrop of the Ironsand series, we might reasonably expect it to be nearly related to these latter. But such an idea is decidedly overthrown by a study of the fossils, for although both rocks are shallow water formations, rich in organic remains, yet I only know of two species common to the two deposits, namely, Cyprina rostrata and Pectun- culus sublcevis. The Ironsand series of Hunstanton-Farringdon, and the true Vectian type of the Lower Greensand approach nearest to one another in Berkshire and Surrey, and it is in these places that we find, as already indicated by Mr Teall, the closest affinity between the two types. By the careful work of Mr C. J. A. Meyer, F.G.S. 1 the series of sands, sandstones, limestones and clays in the country around Godalming have been correlated with the complete series 1 Proceedings Geologists 1 Association, read December, 1868. 60 RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. of Lower Greensand rock groups as developed further east on the coast of the Weald area in Kent. The Godalming section is as follows (Meyer) : 3. Upper aeries (Folkestone beds, Meyer, = Folkestone beds, Sandgate beds and upper part of Hythe beds, Geol. Survey). Sands, carstones, and shelly lime- stones with pebble beds at base ... ... about 50 2. Middle series (Sandgate and Hythe beds, Meyer = greater part of Hythe beds, H.M. Geol. Survey). Ash-coloured sands and sandstones, Ferruginous sands and sandy clay ... ... ... about Lower series (Atherfield clay). Argillaceous beds with concretions of shelly limestone towards the base, about 250 160 ware varieties. Total 450500 Comparing these in their order with the Upware and Brickhill beds, we find (1) the Atherfield clay quite dissimilar lithologically, while its palaeontological relationship is by no means intimate. Mr Meyer (who has kindly supplied me with revised copies of his papers) records 120 species from these beds at East Shelford, amongst which the following also occur as indigenous fossils at Upware or Brickhill: Terebratula sella, Sby. I ^- , , , TT Ithynchonella lata, d'Orb. f " Exogyra Tombeckiana, d'Orb. Ostrea Couloni, d'Orb. Pecten Robinaldinus, d'Orb. ,, orbicularis, Sby. Perna Mulleti, Desh. Area Carteroni, d'Orb. Cardium subhillanum, Leym. (2) In the next set of beds (the Sandgate and Hythe series of Mr Meyer), fossils are much less numerous, but the list of species shews strikingly the resemblance of its fauna to that of Upware. Twenty-one species are recorded by Mr Meyer (loc. cit. pp. 8, 9), of which the specific names of ten have been determined, and all these ten species occur in the Upware and Brickhill deposits, namely : Ostrea macroptera, Sby. Waldheimia tamarindus, Sby. RhynchonellaCantabridgiensis,T)a.\. Exogyra Couloni, d'Orb. Terebratula Meyeri, Walker? ,, Toinbeckiana, d'Orb. sclla, Sby. Plicatula Carteroniana, d'Orb. prcelonga, Sby. Jielemnites pistil/ If or mis, Blainv. RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. 61 A layer of Phosphatic nodules occurs about 50 feet from the top of this series (Meyer). (3) The upper series is considered under three divisions, (a) the Pebble bed, (6) the Bargate stone, and (c) the Upper sands and Car- stone. The Pebble beds are stated to rest unconformably upon the sands beneath, and this fact, together with the nature of the de- posit, a coarse sand with angular pebbles seeins to indicate that this bed denotes a period of earth-movements and marine disturb- ances; a point which has been insisted upon by Mr Meyer as of great importance. The upper limit of the bed is ill-defined, pass- ing on in gradual transition to the Bargate stone above. Now here again, just as with the Hythe and Sandgate series, every one of the pebble-bed fossil species that has been named and identified occurs also in the Cambridgeshire deposit. These are 15 in number : Pecten Eaulinianus, d'Orb. Wcddheimia Juddii, Walker. ,, orbicularis, Sow. psvudojurensis, Leym. Exogyra Tombeckiana, d'Orb. Wanklyni, Walker? Terebratulina striata, Wahl. Terebratula depressa, Lam. Terebratella oblonga, Sow. extensa, Meyer. ,, Fittoni, Meyer. microtrema, Walker. ,, Menardi, Lam. Tornasensis, d'Arch. ? Waldheimia tamar Indus, Sow. But the resemblances between this deposit and our 'coprolite beds' do not end here, for their lithological similitude is also most close; we have the same Lydian stones, jasper, irony grit, and quartzite, and the same phosphatic nodules; and again, just as at Upware, the bed becomes in places hardened into a conglomerate, so as to be almost identical with the lower conglomeratic coprolite bed of the Upware section. Again, we have the same fragments of fishes and derived fossils as at Upware including the following species identified from the collection of Mr Meyer, F.G.S., and Mr J. F. Walker, M.A., &c. : Lepidotus, scales and teeth. Gyrodus. Otodus. Acrodus. Pycnodus. Plesiosaurus. Hybodus, Rostellaria. Ammonites Lamberti, Sby. Ludna. cordatux, Sby. Myacites. biplex, Sby. Pentacrinus, dec. 62 RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. (b) Next we come to the Bargate stone, and here we find this fast increasing resemblance of the beds to the Upware type is abruptly broken off. The Bargate series consists of sand and layers of concretionary limestone very scantily furnished with fossil remains, but these have been perseveringly collected by Mr Meyer to the number of 34 species, 24 of which are fully named. Amongst these 16 species are common to our coprolite beds, namely: Verticillites anastomosans, Mant. Terebratella oblonga, Sby. Pecten orbicularis, Sby. , Davidsoni, Walker. Dutemplei, d'Orb. ,, Rauliniana, d'Orb. Plicatula Carteroniana, d'Orb. Exogyra Tombeckiana, d'Orb. Wald leimia tamarindus, Sby. Terebratulina striata, Wahl. Terebratula depressa, var. chrysa- lis, Lam. Fittoni, Meyer. Menardi, Lam. trifida, Meyer. Juddii, Walker. Wanklyni, Walker. It is to the Godalming pebble bed therefore, that we must look for the most exact representative of the Upware Phosphatic Nodule Bed. Now the above lists of species require more than a mere addition, and simple calculation of their proportionate numbers in order to see their full meaning; and their detailed considera- tion will strongly emphasise the facts gathered in our first over- sight. The list from the Atherfield clay beds consists of species of little value for the work of detailed correlation, consisting as it does for the most part of types with wide ranges in the Lower Cretaceous series. And the same remark applies, though less thoroughly, to the middle sand group; still, we have here some of the special Upware types such as Terebratula Meyeri and Ehyncho- nella Upwarensis, and the presence of Terebratula sella and T. prce- longa are to my mind important, for these species do not occur in the overlying pebble series, and Bargate stone. With the pebble bed, the value of the fossil evidence is es- pecially intensified as we take each species into consideration. There is also the same preponderant development of the Brachio- pods, including several of the most typical Upware forms. In the list from the Bargate stone the species Terebratella Davidsoni and T. trifida are of importance, and my conclusion from the whole is that at Upware and Brickhill we have the repre- sentatives of all the Godalming beds from the Upper part of the RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. 63 Hythe beds, (Meyer) to the Bargate stone inclusive, (the whole being contained in the Hythe beds of H.M. Geological Survey.) Each particular horizon in this series has however not been recognised at Upware and Brickhill, perhaps because of the un- fortunate mixture of the fossils in the course of the workings ; but we still have some evidence in the large blocks preserved in the Woodwardian Museum which shews that Terebratula sella (var. Upwarensis) was especially abundant in the lower phosphate bed, just as at Godalming it occurs in the Hythe beds and lower clays only. Other species from this conglomerate are, Terebratetta Fittoni, Meyer. Terebratula depressa, Lam. Terebratula Moutoniana, d'Arch. ,, prcelonga, Sby. microtrema, "Walker. Pecten orbicularis, Sby., and many of the Lamellibranchs and Gasteropodes. Further comparisons with more distant localities of the Vectian area yield results in perfect conformity with our conclusions from the Godalming area. In the Isle of Wight, amid the rich profusion of fossils found in the Atherfield beds, only 15 species occur in our Neocomian phosphatic series, and of these three only, namely, Lima Farringdonensis and the two sea urchins Pseudodiadema Fittoni and Peltastes Wrightii, belong to our particular Ironsand types. The 16 species common to the Upware bed and the Shank- lin sands present a much greater proportion with respect to the whole faunas and form a much more weighty evidence of affinity. They include the 4 Brachiopods Terebratella oblonga, Waldheimia celtica, W. tamarindus and W. Wanklyni. Again in East Kent we have the Hythe beds and Folkestone series well exposed, the former shewing in its contained fossils im- portant relationship to the Upware and Brickhill beds. Fifteen species of the Hythe Invertebrate fossils are also common to Upware, amongst which are Ammonites Cornuelianus. Terebratula Afoutoniana. Ancyloceras Fittoni. Waldheimia tamarindus. Plicatula Carteroniana. Peltastes Wrightii. Thus we find that the affinity of the Ironsand and Phosphatic series is not with the mammillaris zone nor with any part of the Folkestone series (H. M. Geol. Survey), nor do they belong to the 64 RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. Atherfield clay period; but we do find a very close relationship between these beds and the Sandgate and Hythe series as developed in Kent and Surrey, and it is to this part of the Lower Cretaceous series that I consider they belong. The phosphatic nodule beds are especially similar to the pebble bed of Mr Meyer as developed both in the east and west of the Weald area. In proceeding to trace the relations of our Neocomians to those of the northern areas we find their connexions seriously broken at the two sea gulfs of the Wash and Humber ; for these places just coincide with points of radical changes in the rock beds. The general characters of the rocks are so widely different on opposite sides of these two barriers that the detailed relations of the several types to one another are far from obvious. North of the Humber we have the Speetonian type, consisting of one great mass of stiff clay. Between the Humber and the Wash is the Tealby type of Neocomian consisting of (3) Upper sand group, (2) Middle series of limestones, ironstones and clays = Tealby series (Judd), (1) Lower sand group, which Professor Judd has shewn to be the equivalents of the Upper, Middle, and Lower Speetonian (Neocomian) respectively. But the relations of these beds to the Ironsand and Carstone series over the other side of the Wash have yet to be determined. Scarcely any fossils were known from the lower sands of Tealby at the time when Mr Judd's papers 1 on the Lincolnshire Neoco- mians were written; but in the summer of 1875 when working in Lincolnshire with my father, we were fortunate enough to find a number of beautiful fossils, mostly from hardened sandstone masses in the neighbourhood of Donnington and Claxby. These include : Ammonites Kcenigi, Shy. Ammonites multiplicatus, Roem. 1 mutabilis, Sby. plicomphalus, Sby. Species of Chemnitzia. Pileopsis and Viatica. PJiasianeUa. Inoceramus. Pleurotomaria, Pholadomya. Trochus. Thetis. Crepidula. Lucina. 1 Geological Soc. Proceedings, August, 1867. RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. 65 CytJiercKa. Trigonia Keepingi, Lycett. Avicula. Tealbyensis, Lycett. Area. ingens, Lycett. Astarfe and Myacites. Cucullcea Donningtonensis, Kpng. Lima Tombeckiana, d'Orb. ,, errans, Kpng. Trigonia Eobinaldina, d'Orb. Cardium subhillanum, Leym. (dsedaloid form). Pecten orbicularis, Sby. var. mag- alcpformis, Sby. var. nus, Keeping. The middle series, or Tealby series proper, is very rich in fossils, which include the following Upware species: Belemnites pistilliformis, Blainv. Avicula Cornueliana, d'Orb. subquadratus, Roem. Lima longa, Roem. Chemnitzia (with spiral grooving at Lima Tombeckiana, d'Orb. base). Astarte, sp. Ostrea Couloni, d'Orb. Terebratula Tornasensis, d'Arch. macroptera, Sby. depressa, Lam. Pecten orbicularis, Sby. Waldheimia Juddii, Walker. Our Waldheimia Woodwardi is represented by W. hippopus in Lincolnshire. This list forms but an unimportant and insignificant pro- portion of the Tealby species, and they convey the impression that these beds are somewhat less nearly allied to our Ironsand and Phosphatic series than the Atherfield clay. Unfortunately I have not been able to obtain many indigenous fossils from the Upper Neocomian sands of Lincolnshire, but it is to these I look as being the probable representatives of the Potton, Upware, and Hunstanton beds. In our account of the phosphatic nodule beds (ante p. 10) we have already described the phosphatic nodule beds which occur in the Lincolnshire area, both at the lower junction with the Jurassic Clays and at the upper junction with the Red Chalk. But in spite of the close resemblance of the nodules in these beds to those of the Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire district, I cannot regard either of them as having been synchronous with the Upware nodule bed. Twenty-four of the Upware and Brickhill species are common to the Speeton area, and of these five are Lower, nine Middle, and eleven Upper Neocomian. The most noteworthy of these species in the lower beds are Belemnites pistilliformis, B. subquadratus and Exogyra Couloni; in the middle series Belemnites pistilliformis, B. subfusiformis and Ostrea macroptera ; and in the upper beds Belem- nites subfusiformis, Ammonites Deshayesii, Ostrea macroptera, Tere- K. 5 66 RELATIONS TO OTHER BRITISH DEPOSITS. bratula sella and Vermicularia Phillipsii. So that it is evident that if our Upware beds have any representative at Speeton it must be somewhere in the Upper Neocomian Clays of Prof. Judd. Such I believe may well be the case, for although the fossils are not nearly so similar as those in the Godalming district of the South of England, we must remember that the physical condi- tions at the time were very different in the two places, Speeton being deep sea whilst Cambridgeshire was shallow water or dry land; and if the Upper Neocomian earth-subsidence was at all uniform over the East of England, the Speeton waters were at their deepest while the Upware beds were being laid down further south. "What in England is called Lower Greensand is partly a littoral deposit (Potton, Farringdon, Hunstanton), and may readily be admitted to have its pelagic equivalent in some part of the Speeton Clay where Exogyra sinuata occurs V 1 Phillips, Geology of Yorkshire, 2nd edition, page 99. CHAPTER V. THE FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE UPWARE AND BRICKHILL NEOCOMIANS. THE old sea-basin in which the Upper Neocomian rocks of the South of England were deposited extended far to the south towards the centre of France till it reached the granite plateau of the Auvergne and Puy de Dome : and in an east and west direction it was bounded by the ancient rocks of Normandy and of the axis of Artois (Ajrdennes region) \ But in the earlier part of the Neocomian period (Lower Neoco- mian) this sea was not quite so extensive as here indicated, barely reaching as far north as the present north coast of France where, at that time, the great Wealden river was laying down some of its immense accumulations of freshwater sediments. In this part of the series therefore it can scarcely be possible to make any de- tailed correlation between the South of England freshwater beds and their marine representatives in the French area. But our Ironsand and Phosphatic series was laid down during the immediately subsequent period when this Neocomian sea had attained to its greatest extent and was united with the northern (Anglo-Germanic) sea, through what Mr Teall 2 calls the North- Eastern channel. Now the deposits laid down in the deep water of the Upper Neocomian sea differ considerably from those formed around the margins; and in searching for the extension of our Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Lower Greensand rocks, these being shallow- 1 A tongue or neck of land running across the eastern counties separated this old sea from the northern (Anglo-Germanic) ocean. 2 Sedgwick Prize Essay, 1875, page 40. 52 68 FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE water formations, we naturally look for their best marked repre- sentative beds to occur along other parts of the old shore line. In the Ardennes district these old coast deposits are again well de- veloped, and in some places they appear actually to be extremely similar to our Ironsand series. They have been thoroughly worked out by M. Barrois 1 , who refers them principally to the Mammillaris zone 2 , and the Upper Neocomian or Aptien. In the comparison of the Upware and Brickhill fossil species with these beds we find that (1) they shew but little affinity to the Mammillaris zone, just as we found in England. The Upware bed does not belong to this zone, but still there are some eight or ten species common to the two deposits, including (see Barrois, p. 271) Terebratula capillata, d'Arch.; Terebratula Moutoniana, d'Arch.; and Waldheimia Juddii, Walker. (2) A far more important list of species (more than 20) links the Upware bed with the Lower Aptien clays and sands of the Ardennes. These include Pecten Dutemplei, d'Orb. ; Spondylus Roemeri, Desh.; Verticillites anastomosans, Mantell; Elasmostoma acutimargo, Roemer; Elasmostoma pezisa, Goldf; Peronella fur- cata, Goldf.; Terebratula depressa, Lam.; Terebratula Moutoniana, d'Arch.; Waldheimia pseudojurensis, Leym.; and Waldheimia ta- marindus var. magna, Walker. Several of these are very characteristic of our Ironsand and Phosphatic series. Moreover the lithological resemblances are also, according to M. Barrois, very close, for that gentleman writes (1. c., p. 257): "J'ai e'te' frappe" de 1'analogie du Gompholite de Blangy avec le Farringdon Gravel; 1'aspect des couches est le meme, les caracteres de leurs faunes sont identiques; il y a enfin a Blangy des formes connues (Verticillites anastomosans, Terebra- tella truncata, Cidaris Farringdonensis} qui sont si caracteVistiques du gisement du Farringdon, que je crois que tons les gdologues qui compareront ces deux localite's n'he'siteront pas & les identifier malgre' leur e'loignement et leur isolement;" and I have no hesita- tion in adopting his views that the lower Aptien beds of the 1 "MSmoire sur le terrain cre'tace' des Ardennes et des regions voisines, par le Dr Charles Barrois," Annales de la Socilte Gtologique du Nord, tome v., page 227. Lille, 187778. 2 By English geologists the Mammillaris zone is usually placed in the Folkestone series as the uppermost bed of the Lower Greensand, but on the continent it is put into the Gault. UPWARE AND BRICKHILL NEOCOMIANS. 69 Ardennes are truly the representatives, in part at least, of our Upware, Potton, and Farringdon sand and Pebble beds. In the central area of the Paris Basin the precise horizon of our Phosphatic beds does not appear to be so clearly indicated. Much discussion has been carried on as to the age of the Atherfield beds with reference to the Parisian series; but all agree that the upper beds of the Vectian area, to which our phosphatic series pertains, are of Aptien age; and according to M. Barrois the Farringdon beds might be identified with the Argile d plicatuks of the Haute Marne. In Switzerland the Neocomian fossils have been admirably worked out in the magnificent monographs of MM. Pictet, de Loriol, Renevier, and Campiche, and we find a considerable number of our species are there described and figured. Thirty-one species are common to the Upware and Brickhill beds and the Lower Cretaceous of St Croix. To the North of Geneva, and at Mont Saleve, we have the Jurassian type of Lower Cretaceous which is divided into the (4) Aptien or Upper Neocomian. (3) Urgonien or Middle Neocomian. (2) Neocomien or Lower Neocomian. (1) Valengien. The Valengien deposits are known with certainty only over a very limited area; and its fossils as developed at d'Arzier (Vaud), have been worked out by M. de Loriol 1 . Amongst them we find seven species of Upware fossils, including Janira atava, Roemer; Opis Neocomiensis, d'Orb. ; Waldheimia pseudojurensis, Leym. As examples of the Swiss Neocomian we may take the Mont Saleve or Landeron sections. From the Marnes d'Hauterive (Lower Neocomian) of Landeron twelve native Upware species are recorded besides two of our derived Neocomian shells, namely : 1 Palteontologie Suisse, Vol. IV. 70 FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE MARNES D'HAUTERIVE, LANDERON ', LOWER NEOCOMIAN. Pycnodus Couloni, Ag. Janira alava, d'Orb. Serpula antiquata, Sow. Plicatula Carteroniana, d'Orb. [Panopcea Neocomiensis, d'Orb.] Ostrea Couloni, (Defr.), d'Orb. Cardium subhillanum, Leyra. Tombeckiana, d'Orb. Opis Neocomiensis, d'Orb. rectangularis, Roem. [Perna Mulletti, Desh.j Terebratula tamarindus, Sow. Lima Tombeckiana, d'Orb. sella, Sow. And from the Pierre jaune (Middle Neocomian) of Landeron, we also have 12 Upware and Brickhill species, these beds further resembling our phosphatic deposits in their rich sponge fauna. UPWARE SPECIES IN THE PIERRE JAUNE. Pycnodus Couloni, Ag. Ostrea rectangularis, Eoem. Sphcerodus Neocomiensis, Ag. Terebratula sella, Sby. Lima Tombeckiana, d'Orb. Moutoniana, d'Arch. Pecten Robinaldinus, d'Orb. ,, tamarindus, Sby. Hinnites Leymerii, Desk Elasmostoma acutimargo, Roemer. Ostrea Couloni (Defr.), d'Orb. Catagma cupuliformis, From. macroptera, Sby. The following list also shews considerable relationship between our Upware beds and the Swiss Aptien. FOSSILS OF THE APTIEN BEDS, PERTE DU EHONE, ALSO OCCURRING IN THE IRONSAND SERIES. Belemnites subfusiformis, d'Orb. Pecten Dutemplei, d'Orb. Cyprina angulata, Sby. Pinna Robinaldina, d'Orb. Janira Morrisii, P. and R. Pkurotomaria gigantea, Sby. Opis Neocomiensis, d'Orb. Serpula antiquata, Sby. Ostrea Couloni, d'Orb. gordialis, Goldf. Exogyra conica, Sby. Terebratella oblonga, Sby. Panopcea plicata, Sby. Rhynchonellce and Terebratulce. Thus, from the comparison of our fossils with the various lists of Swiss species, we gain little knowledge of their exact affinity to any one particular zone in the Swiss series. 1 De Loriol and Gilli6ron, Monographie de VEtage Urgonien infmeur du Landeron (Canton de Neuchfitel). Geneva, 1869. UPWARE AND BRICKHILL NEOCOMIANS. 71 South of Mont Saleve, near Geneva, we meet with quite a different type of Neocomian rocks with a fauna almost entirely distinct from our British forms, and indeed very different from the north Swiss or Jurassian group. The great Diceras limestones and Terebratula diphyes limestones and other Neocomian limestones are enormous calcareous masses, making up in their simple thick- ness such great mountains as Mont Ventoux, 1910 metres high, in Provence. These beds are hardly separable in places from the Jurassic limestones below or the Tertiaries above. Although there are so few common species to connect this great Limestone series with our British Lower Greensands it is still interesting to note the very wide range of some few of them, such as Ammonites Martini, A. Deshayesii, and Belemnites pistilli- formis which are recorded by M. Coquand from the province of Constantine in Africa; while as many as 13 of our Up ware and Brickhill species are known (Magnan) from the TJrgo-Aptien beds of the Pyrenees. SPECIES COMMON TO THE IRONSAND SERIES AND THE NEOCOMIAN OF THE PYRENEES (MAGNAN). Terebratula sella, Sby.; Terebratula Moutoniana, d'Arch. SPECIES COMMON TO THE IRONSAND SERIES AND THE TJRGO-APTIEN OF THE PYRENEES. Bdemnites semicanaliculatus, Bl. Ostrea carinata, Sby. Ammonites Deshayesii, Leym. (Exogyra) Tombeckiana, Pecten (Neithea) atavus, Roemer. d'Orb. Spondylus Roemeri, Desh. ] Terebratula sella, Sby. Hinnites Leymerii, Desh. praelonga, Sby. Ostrea Couloni, Defr. pseudojurensis, Leym. macroptera, Sby. Moutoniana, d'Arch. NORTH EUROPE. In Germany the cretaceous rocks occupy but a very small area of the surface of the country. Sections or other exposures of the Neocomian rocks are few and far between, and the relations of the various rock series to one another are very difficult to determine, so that I am by no means satisfied that any of the various theories of correlations of these beds has been fairly established. The 72 FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE similarity of the sponge faunas of our phosphatic beds and Essen in Westphalia 1 deserves to be mentioned, although the rock of this latter place is generally referred to a much higher horizon, viz. the Tourtia or Cenomanian. Our Peronella furcata and Elasmostoma pezisa are I have no doubt the same as the original Essen species, and E. acutimargo and the curious Pachytiloda have also very near representatives amongst the Essen forms. The great series of brownish yellow sandstones of the Teutobur- ger Wald, near Bielefeld, shews no special palseontological affinity to our Upper Neocomian (Lower Greensand) sands. In the country around Hanover we again meet with a great Lower Cretaceous freshwater series like our Vectian type of Wealden; but the overlying clays shew little community either of lithological or palaeontological character with our ironsand series; nor indeed with any part of the Vectian cretaceous group. Still further east at Salzgitter, south of Brunswick, we meet with some open-air iron-workings in the Neocomian rocks which are placed by Professor Judd in his Middle Neocomian group. The similarity of these beds to the oolitic iron-beds of Lincolnshire has been pointed out by Mr Judd ( Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1870, p. 330), who writes, "The English and German ironstones are, both as rock specimens and in polished sections under the microscope, quite un distinguishable in their characters." Specimens of Pecten cinctus from the two areas are almost identical in every respect 2 . As compared with the Upware bed this rock is interesting as 1 The fossils of this bed were found in the course of the workings for coal around Essen ; these having now ceased the cretaceous fossils are difficult to obtain. 2 Some of the iron ore is as perfectly oolitic in appearance as the well-known Pisolitic ironstone of Lincolnshire, the grains being round and regular, and speci- mens may be obtained identical with the Lincolnshire rock. But generally certain larger angular and sub-angular fragments occur scattered through the rock, and it frequently passes into a rock composed of a blue clay matrix, crowded with iron fragments, most of which are markedly angular. Now some of these latter are quite evidently fragmentary rocks, the iron particles being more or less worn fragments, of irregular shape. Again this type passes by perfect gradation into the most thoroughly rounded oolitic-looking rocks. As a result of my work in this quarry I became convinced that this rock is no true oolite, but is made up of the rounded and polished fragments of iron derived from older rocks ; perhaps from the destruction of the Brown Jura formation. This is also the opinion of Herr Geheimer von Strombeck of Brunswick. To such rocks 1 apply the term ' pseudoolitic.'' An examination of thin sections confirms this opinion as a whole, but discloses also a number of true oolitic grains in most specimens. UPWARE AND BRICKHILL NEOCOMIANS. 73 containing large isolated phosphatised masses of calcareous matter, pale in colour, which are much tunnelled by Lithophagi (Liiho- domus probably), and as having very similar-looking phosphatic derived fossils, such as Ammonites Lamberti, Am. Conybeari, Myacites, Ichthyosaur vertebra and fossil wood. It is also remark- able for containing the same Lydian stones and quartz pebbles and smaller grains as at Upware in the coarser beds. A similar bed of ironstone, but much thinner, is found at Goslar at the north foot of the Harz mountains. The Upper Neocomian beds (Judd) in all these places are but poorly exposed and have yielded few fossils, so that we have small means of comparison with our English series. But it is in the Brunswick Neocomians at Schb'ppenstedt that we find the most interesting set of resemblances to our Upware and Brickhill phosphatic beds. In this country we have a series of clays above and limestones below, which have been divided into zones and their fossils collected by Herr Geheimer von Strombeck of Brunswick. The clay series is considered by Prof. Judd to represent his Upper and Middle Neocomians, and the limestone series he regards as Lower Neocomian. It is in the former group that we should have expected to find the representatives of our Upware beds. Such however is not the case, for in Prof. Judd's lists (Quarterly Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. xxvi.), Ammonites Des- hdyesii, Leym., and Terebratula Moutoniana, d'Arch., are the only species common to our phosphatic beds and the Brunswick Upper Neocomian. On the other hand Avicula Cornueliana, d'Orb.; Panopcea plicata, Sby.; Lima longa, Roemer; Exogyra sinuata, Sby.; Terebratula Moutoniana, d'Arch.; RhyncTionella antidichotoma and Serpula Phillipsii, Roemer ; are common to the Middle Neocomian. We must however remember that much of the want of correspondence between the fossils of these beds and our Upware fauna is undoubtedly due to the difference in the pre- vailing physical conditions. But coming now to examine the lower group of Limestones, &c., we find a remarkable set of repetitions of the characters of our Upware and Brickhill phosphatic series. These beds are exposed in several quarries near Berklingen to the S.W. of Schoppenstedt, and the following section is seen to the east of the village of Grosser Vahlberg: 74 FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE (5) Limestones similar to (1), (4) Second Pebble bed, (3) Limestone bed, (2) First Pebbly bed with iron fragments, (1) Beds of pale yellowish and cream-coloured Limestone, the whole exposure amounting to 10 feet. At the first glance this section does not strike one as being very like that of Upware or Brickhill, for this is altogether a calca- reous series, while the Upware section is in the main a sand series. But the pebble beds (Nos. 2 and 4 of section) are astonishingly similar to our Upware conglomerate of the lower coprolite seam. The general appearance of the two is identical though some differ- ence is found in the greater proportion of iron fragments in the Schbppenstedt rock. Quoting from my pocket-book I find we have "The same angular iron-fragments; the same phosphatic nodules, identical in appearance with those of Upware; the same derived fossils, and in the same mineral condition ; and the same angular fragments of Lydian stones." Looking at a series of the indigenous fossils too, their resem- blance to the Upware and Brickhill ones is even more striking, and the aspect of a drawer of Schoppenstedt fossils is almost identi- cal with our Upware series, the adherent rocks being absolutely undistinguishable one from the other. So that although one had thought that our Neocomian phosphatic bed fossils had so peculiar a character that they could at once be recognised amongst any other specimens all over the world, I now find it necessary to take special care to keep the several sets of Upware, Brickhill and Schoppenstedt fossils separate. Looking to the groups of life we find that these also are similar, the same kinds of Sponges and Polyzoa, Brachiopods and Lamelli- branchs being found in the two areas. The following list of the Schoppenstedt fossils shews a close affinity between these two deposits : UPWARE AND BRICKHILL NEOCOMIANS. 75 FOSSIL SPECIES FROM THE NEOCOMIAN ROCKS OF SCHOEP- PENSTEDT, BRUNSWICK. Elasmostoma, acutimargo, Roem. Cidaris, plates, and thorny spines of. Serpula gordialis, Goldf. antiquata, Sby. quadrangular is, Roem. plexus, Sby. 1 lophioda, Goldf. ampullacea, Sby. Vermicularia Phillipsii, Roem. Terebratula prcelonga, Sby. ? microtrema, Walker? sella, Sby. ,, ,, var. Tornasensis, d'Arch. Wald/teimia celtica, Morris. hippopus, Roem. Juddi, Walker? tamarindus, Sby. Terebratella Pucheana, Roem. oblonga, Sby. RhyncJwnella, several species. Ceriopora nodosa, Kpng. ,, polymorpha, Goldf. Entalophora dendroidea, Kpng. Heteropora ramosa, Roem. Ostrea Couloni, d'Orb. frons, Park. Exogyra spiralis, Roem. Tombeckiana, d'Orb. ? Avicula Comueliana, d'Orb. Pecten fiobinaldinus, d'Orb. Carteroniana, d'Orb. elongatus, Lam. cinctus, Sby. ,, orbicularis, Sby. ,, (Neiihea) ornithopus, Kpng. Lima longa, Roem. Tombeckiana, d'Orb. Plicatula Carteroniana, d'Orb. Perna Mulleti, Desh. Trigonia carinata, Ag. ? Spondylus Roemeri, Desh. Myacites ? Lithodomus. Patella. Belemnites subquadratus, Roem. PAKT II. SPECIAL PALAEONTOLOGY. I. VEBTEBRATA. KEPTILIA. THE Reptilian remains from Upware and Brickhill, although few in number, include representatives of most of the types which are so abundant and well known from the Potton area in Bed- fordshire 1 . Remains of Deinosaurians, including Iguanodon; of Crocodilians, including Goniopholis and Teleosaurus; and of Saurians proper (Plesiosaurus, Pliosaurus and Ichthyosaurus) all occur, and the bones are usually in a good state of preservation, being much less wave-worn than the Potton specimens. It is unnecessary here to describe in detail all these remains, for many of them are not true cretaceous species at all, being only the wave-spoils from the old sea cliffs of Jurassic rocks. Examples of these latter are seen in the teeth of Pliosaurus brachydeirus, and Dakosaurus, not uncommon fossils, which are identical with those found in the Kimmeridge clay of the immediate neighbour- hood ; also they are types which are not known to have lived on into the cretaceous epoch. These are therefore, with others, ' de- rived ' fossils belonging properly to earlier geological periods. But others of the Reptilian remains, such as the Deinosaurs, and the crocodilian teeth, are cretaceous in type and are just such 1 See Seeley, Index to Reptilia, etc., in the Woodwardian Museum, Cambridge, REPTILIA. 77 creatures as we should expect to have lived on the neighbouring land in the Lower Cretaceous period. Many of the Saurians, especially the Plesiosaurs, were also, I believe, native around the Lower Greensand shores ; their back- bones are often excellently well preserved, and but little rolled; and although the projecting structures of their neural arches and the perforations for the nutritive arteries offer just such protected recesses as the phosphatic substance is generally formed in, yet no such phosphatic matter is found there, and the bone itself is often mineralized more with oxide of iron than phosphate of lime. See ante, p. 18. It has been argued, and is still maintained by Prof. H. G. Seeley, that all the remains we find at Potton and Upware belong properly to the bed in which they are found, the animals having lived at the time these beds were deposited. Mr J. F. Walker, on the other hand, advocated the theory that all the Reptilian remains are of derivative origin, having been obtained by the destruction of the Jurassic and older Cretaceous rock groups, and this has been the generally received theory. But the truth is, I believe, as stated above, that both these ideas are in part correct, some of the species being ' derived ' while others actually lived at the period. One of the principal means of separating these two groups is found in an important difference of their lithological nature, namely the ' derived ' fossils are found, for the most part, thoroughly fossilized in phosphate of lime, whereas the true Neocomian Vertebrate remains are preserved in oxide of iron. Moreover, as might be expected, the former group has suffered much more from abrasion by water-rolling than the latter 1 . Thus I have been enabled to separate out two different sets of vertebrate remains, the one of contemporaneous Lower Cretaceous age, and the other properly of Jurassic age. Additional evidences of the truth of this conclusion are that certain types of Plesiosaurus vertebra which occur in the Upware and Potton beds are not known in the Jurassic rocks, and on the other hand it is a striking fact that the large Saurian vertebrae, 1 The collection of bones from Potton in the Woodwardian Museum cannot be taken as representing their usual state of preservation, since only the best specimens have been selected there. 78 VERTEB11ATA. mostly Pliosaurus and Ichthyosaurus, which are the most common and conspicuous fossils of the Kimmeridge and Oxford clays, are absent from the Up ware and Brickhill deposits 1 . DEINOSAURIA. Of the Deinosaurs two teeth of Iguanodon have been found at Upware, now in the collection of Mr J. F. Walker, of York ; and a well-preserved caudal vertebra (PelorosaurusT) is in the Wood- wardian Museum (vn. ^, Seeley, Catalogue of Reptilia, &c., Cam- bridge, p. 78). None have occurred at BrickhilL The figure (Plate i. fig. 1) represents a small claw-like dermal spine of a Deinosaur from Upware, also in Mr Walker's collection. An Iguanodon tooth, with its serrated edges perfectly pre- served, has been found by Mr C. J. A. Meyer, F.G.S., in the Bargate stone at Guildford ; and the Cambridge University Museum possesses a fine series of them, usually more or less worn, from Potton. SAURIANS. Plesiosaurus. Some of the Plesiosaurian remains from Upware are recorded by Professor Seeley in his Catalogue (Reptilia, &c. p. 75 et seq.), namely V. ^, which he states " indicates a species different from all the Potton forms" ; and V. , which is the cervical vertebra of " a well marked species." The centrum is very transverse (length l in., breadth If in., depth 1 in.) ; the articular faces are shallow (not deeply concave), with a slight central prominence, and the neural arch is slender, v. | and V. ^ are dorsal vertebrae, the former approaching the P. Neocomiensis of Campiche in form. (See PL I. figs 2, 2a.) Other vertebras are arranged in shelf d, and specimens of the paddle-bones humerus and. femur are in v. e. Besides these there is a set of five vertebras, mid-dorsal and late dorsal in position, well characterized and in unusually good preservation. The centrum is short-cylindrical, the sides and articular faces nearly straight, but slightly concave. Length 35 mm., breadth 38mm., depth 35mm. 1 These large vertebras are found in the Potton bed, and it is important to ob- serve that they occur there in a highly phosphatised condition and with masses of phosphate adhering to them ; quite different from the ordinary bones of the Iguanodonts, &c. REPTILIA. 79 From Brickhill also a few small vertebrae have been obtained, some of them belonging to the species just described, and others (PI. I. figs. 3, 3a) with a very transverse short centrum, the sides and articular faces nearly flat, and the outline of the latter roughly trapezoidal. The neural arches are lost, their osseous union with the centrum having been, as in Ichthyosaurus, incomplete. The pair of pits on the ventral surface for the entrance of the nutritive arteries is conspicuous in all the specimens. Measurements : length 28mm., breadth 48mm., depth 39mm. Some slender, curved, pointed teeth from Upware probably belong to Plesiosaurus. Their surface is covered with small, very continuous primary ridges, upon the sides of which there usually exists a more delicate, crimpy crest. They measure 35 x 12mm. PLIOSAURUS. Of the Pliosaurian teeth from Upware I cannot separate out any that are likely to belong to the Lower Greensand age. A number of vertebraB and fragments of paddles have occurred at Upware, amongst which Mr Seeley has recorded (Cat. of fieptilia, p. 76) VI. $ " a peculiar new species," and v. d. , a dorsal vertebra, which is an instructive example, since it shews the epiphysis of the centrum fallen away, just as occurs in the backbones of living whales. Also fragments of the paddle-bones have occurred at Upware which are remarkable for the shaft and epiphyses being often separated. The latter having fallen out now look like gigantic teeth or dermal spines, leaving the shaft as a double hollow cone like a dice-box, or rather like an hour-glass, for the two cavities are continuous. All these are probably ' derived ' fossils belonging properly to the Upper Jurassic clays. ICHTHYOSAURUS. Some conical teeth with square fangs found at Upware and Brickhill are referable to the genus Ichthyosaurus. A fine speci- men measures 60mm. in length, of which the conical enamelled biting portion occupies only 15mm. 80 VERTEBRATA. CROCODILIANS. Goniopholis? The crocodilian remains from Upware and Brickhill consist of teeth and a fragment of skull. The teeth are of the common crocodilian type, conical, terete, and slightly curved, with a pair of strong lateral crests, similar to the teeth of the Goniopholis of the Wealden. A fragment of skull-bone exhibits the characteristic rain-pit surface-sculpturing of the crocodiles. The lance-shaped teeth of Dakosaurus are of Kimmeridgian age, occurring at Upware only as ' derived ' fossils. PISCES. NATIVE FISHES. The remains of Fishes consist of teeth, fragments of jaws, and dermal spines, with occasional fragments of bones. For the most part they are rare fossils, but the hemispherical teeth of Sphcerodus (known as buttons by the workmen) are amongst the most common and conspicuous fossils of the deposit. These are more or less mineralized with oxide of iron and phosphate of lime, principally the former, and the roots of the teeth have not served as centres for the formation of phosphatic nodules, such as is commonly the case with the derived teeth in the coprolite beds of the Suffolk Crag. The close correspondence of the fish fauna in the Neocomian rocks of Upware, and St Croix in Switzerland, is very remarkable. Our Sphcerodus teeth are identical with their S. Neocomiensis, Ag., our Pycnodus with their P. Couloni, Ag., and the jaws and teeth of Gyrodus are also similar in the two places. Again the Upware Strophodus corresponds well with that figured by MM. Pictet and Campiche (Terr. Crti. St Croix, PI. xn. pp. 17). The same Sphcerodus occurs at Shanklin in the Isle of Wight, at Landeron,Neuchatel, Alais, and Auxerre. Now in these latter places derived fossils are, so far as I can learn, either unknown, or of very rare occurrence, and there seems to be no reason to doubt that the fishes' teeth likewise belonged to animals who lived in the Neoco- PISCES. 81 mian period (see ante, p. 17). Such must also be the case with many of our Upware specimens. On the other hand these palatal teeth shew no specific differences from those of S. gigas, Ag. from the Kimmeridge clay, nor do I think they could be distinguished and separated out if they were found mingled together. The fact of the undoubted occurrence of many Jurassic species in the Upware deposit affords good ground for the belief held by MM. Walker, Teall and others, that these are truly ' derived ' fossils 1 . Under these circumstances I record both species, native and derived, from Upware, the proper Neocomian ones being, in my opinion, especially well witnessed to by the number of the specimens, and the scantiness of phosphate of lime either in their present mineral substance or in the form of concretions around the roots of the teeth. SPILERODUS NEOCOMIENSIS, Agassiz. (Plate i. fig. 4 a c.) Sphcerodus Neocomiensis, Agassiz, 1843. Poissons Fossiles, n. 2, p. 216. Pictet and Campiche, Palceontologie Suisse, St Croix, Vol. i. p. 72, pi. 9, f. 16. We have already pointed out the resemblance of the teeth of this species to those of P. gigas of the Kimmeridge clay. MM. Pictet and Campiche write : " Je suis meme tres-embarrasse pour y trouver des differences apprdciables," but add that perhaps the cap formed by the dentine and enamel is deeper and narrower in S. gigas. These teeth are always isolated, and at Upware and Brickhill only the palatal type is known ; but at Potton the sharper cutting incisor teeth are also found. Fragments of the jaw-bone occasionally occur still adhering to the tooth, but usually dentine and enamel only remain when the under side is cupped, and in some specimens the dentine also has disappeared, leaving only the saucer-like enamel cap, shaped like an acorn cup. These palatal teeth were known as ' buttons ' amongst the workmen, for whom they were 1 As mentioned before, I have no knowledge of any specimen of Spluerodus gigas or Rtrophodus reticulatus having been found in the Jurassic rocks of this neighbour- hood (Cambs. and Bucks. ). K. 6 82 VERTEBRATA, actually manufactured up into coat buttons in considerable numbers (J). Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Potton, Shanklin (I. W.), Far- ringdon (Berks.). 8. Europe. Dept. de 1'Aube, Alais, Auxerre, Landeron, Neuchatel, St Croix. STROPHODUS, sp. Strophodus reticulatus, Agassiz ? Psammodus reticulatus, Walker, Geol. Mag. Vol. IV. p. 310 (see Psammodus reticulatus, Ag. Poissons .Foss.Vol.iiLp. 123, pi. 17,1. From the clay at Shotover (Kimmeridge clay). This species is undistinguishable from the Strophodus reti- culatus, Ag. of Shotover, and also from the 8. subreticulatus, Ag. of Soleure, according to MM. Pictet and Campiche. Still there can be little doubt that when better specimens are found to shew the arrangement of the teeth in the jaws we shall find evidence of the specific distinction of the Neocomian and Kimmeridgian species, and the former might then very appropriately celebrate the great Palaeontologist who first described it by bearing the name Stro- phodus Picteti. Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Potton. 8. Europe. St Croix, Switzerland. PYCNODUS COULONI, Agassiz. (Plate I. fig. 5, a, b.) Pycnodus Couloni, Ag. 1843. Poissons Fossiles, n. pt. 2, p. 200. Pictet and Campiche, Terr. Cret. St Croix, p. 57, pi. 7, fig. 517. de Loriol et Gillieron, Pal. Landeron, pi. 1, 57. Pycnodus gigas, Walker, Geol. Mag. Vol. iv. p. 310 [and Pal. Soc. in Lycett]. With this species there exist difficulties just similar to those we meet with in the Sphaerodus teeth. Agassiz writes : " Elles PISCES. 83 sont tellement semblables au P. gigas du Portlandien qu'il est presque impossible de les distinguer." Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Potton. S. Europe. St Croix, Landeron, Neuchatel, Thoiry, Alle- moque (dept. de 1'Ain). Urgonien and Neo- comian (de Loriol and Gillieron). OTODUS, sp. A short and stout hastate tooth. The root is massive but not expanded ; two slight enamelled eminences on its sides represent the lateral denticles of the genus. Length. 1 inch. Some deeply biconcave sharks' vertebrae, measuring 1 3 inches in diameter, are likely to belong to the same species. Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Potton. Besides these well-marked types, several other species of fishes occur at Upware and Brickhill, and have been enumerated amongst the ' derived ' fossils, though some of them may be proper to the bed. There is a particularly fine dorsal spine of Asteracanthus ornatissimus from Upware in the Woodwardian Museum, measuring 7 inches in length ; and the jaws of Ischyodus Townshendi are found in fine condition both at Upware and Potton. Other species of Chimeroid jaws also occur. II. INVEETEBEATA. CEPHALOPODA. (See ante, p. 18.) Belemnites (Actinocamax) pistilliformis, Blainville, Memoir sur les Belemnites, p. 98, pi. v. figs. 14 and 15, 1827. [Not B. pistilliformis, Sby. Min. Con. 1828.] jaculum, Phillips, Geol. Yorkshire, I. pi. in. fig. 1. pistilliformis, Duval, Journ. Belem. des Terr. Cret. infr. de Castellano, pi. 8, figs. 10 16. Ewaldi, Strombeck, Deutsches Geolog. Gesell 1861, p. 34. pistilliformis, Ooster, Pet. des Alpes, I. Cephalopoda, pi. 2, figs. 911, p. 21. pistilliformis, Renevier, Terr. Neocomian des Voirons, pi. 1, figs. 1 4, p. 5. [Belemnites subfusiformis, auctorum is a variety of this species. See infra.'} THIS species belongs to a group of Belemnites characterised by the soft and powdery nature of the alveolar region of the guard, so that commonly this part is not preserved. Further, in con- sequence of the outer layer being more friable than the inner, a delamination occurs in successive coats ' en lames en retrait.' A perfectly fusiform structure is thus produced, being a guard, wanting its alveolar portion and its phragmocone. The Genus Actinocamax (Miller and Voltz) was erroneously grounded upon specimens in this condition, and the name has consequently been rejected. Dr Schluter has, however, lately revived the name, and I think it may be retained with advantage to denote a well- marked group of Cretaceous Belemnites, including Belemnites pistilliformis, subfusiformis, minimus, attenuatus, ultimus, and CEPHALOPODA. 85 semicnnaliculatus 1 . All these species are very nearly allied to one another, and specimens are often difficult to determine. Another characteristic feature of the group Actinocamax, is the presence of a double pair of lateral grooves running along the guard, but this is not so constant nor so characteristic a feature as the one first mentioned. This species is well known from Speeton in Yorkshire, under the name Belemnites jaculum, Phill. Elsewhere in Europe the name jaculum is scarcely known, Phillips's figure being too rough for identification (Goldfuss). I cannot find any character to dis- tinguish it from B. pistilliformis, Blainville. Herr von Strombeck tells me he considers his species Ewaldi to be the same as jaculum, Phillips. Measurements, etc. In the Woodwardian Museum are three specimens, all of them of rather slender, elongated type, regularly but not strongly fusiform. Length, 2f inches ; breadth at centre, 8^ mm. ; breadth at f in. from proximal end (Actinocamax), 7mm.; breadth at J in. from apex, 7 mm. Localities. Up ware, Speeton, Tealby (Mid. Neocomian). N. Europe. Elligserbrink (Hilsthon); Kirchdorf, Oberer Hils (Gottingen Museum). S. Europe. Varappe, Alpine Cretaceous (Ooster), Mont Saleve (Mid. Neocomian), Voirons, St Croix, Castellana. BELEMNITES PISTILLIFOKMIS, var. SUBFTJSIFORMIS, d'Orbigny. (Plate i., fig. 6, ad). Belemnites pistilliformis, var. subfusiformis, Raspail, 1829, Hist. Nat. des Belemnites, pi. VIII, fig. 93, p. 55 ? subfusiformis, d'Orbigny, Terrains Cretaces, I. p. 50, pi. 4, fig. 9, also Supplement, p. 24. minimus, de Blainville, 1827. Mem. sur les Belem- nites, t. v. f. 5, 6 ; t. iv. f. 1 (non Sowerby). 1 Belemnites hastatus of the Oxford clay, and B. clavatus of the Lias, occur in a similar condition, but the double pair of lateral grooves are not well developed in these species. 86 INVERTEBRATA. Belemnites subfusiformis, Duval Jouve, Belem. Terr. Cret. Infr. Castellana, pi. ix. subfusiformis, de Loriol. Descr. des fossiles, Neocom. moyen du Mont Saleve, pi. I. fig. 1. semicanaliculatus, Pictet and Renevier, 1858, Pa- Iceont. Suisse, Foss. du Terr. Aptien. p. 19, pi. in. fig. 1. There is some doubt as to the real type of the Belem nite thus named by Raspail, Quenstedt (Petrifactenkunde Deutschland, Cephalopoda), believing it to be a Jurassic (Weiss Jura) species, different from that figured by d'Orbigny. We therefore refer to the figures by Duval Jouve and d'Orbigny, as illustrating the current idea of the species, being unable to settle the question raised by Quenstedt. This form passes by easy gradations into Belemnites pistilli- formis (Blainville), as was recognised by d'Orbigny in his sup- plement (Terr. Cretaces), and the two so-called species have been united under one name by Pictet and Renevier. In the North German collections I find them still kept distinct, and I think the name subfusiformis may with advantage be retained as a varietal name for those forms with a decided ventral furrow at the alveolar end. Further, this type is as a rule less swollen but more regularly fusiform than the true pistilliformis, and the lateral furrows are less distinct. Measurements. Length, 2| inches ; greatest breadth (just below the middle), 10 mm. ; breadth at lower end of proximal furrow, 8 mm. ; breadth at inch from apex, 7 mm. Localities. Upware, also at Hythe (Woodwardian Museum). N. Europe. Elligserbrink, Hilsthon (Brunswick Museum). S. Europe. Alp. Mar. Claro (Neocomian), Castellane (d'Orb.), Perte du Rhone, Aptien supr. (Pictet and Roux). BELEMNITES SUBQUADRATUS, Roemer. (Plate I., fig. 8, a,b.) Belemnites subquadratus, Roemer, Norddeutsch Oolitengebirge, 1836, p. 166, t. 16, f. 6. Ooster, Fossiles des Alpes, Ceph. p. 24. CEPHALOPODA. 87 Belemnites subquadratus, d'Orbigny, Terr. Cre't. Sup. p. 12, t. 6,f. 14. Quenst. Pet. Deutschl. 1849, Vol. I. p. 462, t. 30, f. 26, 27. lateralis. Cat. Foss., Museum of Practical Geology, 1878, p. 23 (Tealby series). One would hardly have been able to identify our small Brickhill Belemnite as the one figured by Roemer and d'Orbigny without the help of other specimens. Ours is a small, simply- tapering fragment of a guard, worn and flattened on its ventral side, and with a very excentric axis of growth as its most marked character. It is identical with some small Belemnites common in the Hils conglomerate of Goslar, Salzgitter and Schoeppenstadt (Brunswick), where I have collected examples, and in these localities it occurs associated with larger and more typical forms. Measurements. Length, 3|cm.; breadth, side to side, 7 mm.; breadth, back to front, slightly less (6f mm.). Localities. Brickhill (W. M. unique), Farringdon (W. M.), not uncommon. N. Europe. Hils conglomerate of Schandelahe, Bredenbeck, Achim. 8. Europe. Bernese Alps. Wassy, Haute Marne, Neocomian (d'Orb.). Romer's type is from the Jurassic rocks. BELEMNITES UPWARENSIS, n. sp. (Plate i., fig. 7, a d.) A most remarkable little Belemnite utterly dissimilar to any other Belemnite that I know in several of its characters, namely in the markings over its whole surface, the structure disclosed by transverse section, and the characters of the alveolar end of the guard. So that although only a single specimen appears to have been found, I have no hesitation in recording it as a new form, under the name Belemnites Upwarensia. Description. Guard short and stout, conoidal 1 , being a little de- 1 For Terminology, see Phillips, British Belemnites, Pal. Sob. page 30. 88 INVERTEBRATA. pressed by a dorsal flattening; it expands slightly at the proximal end : distal end submucronate, mucro short and stout. No furrows. The Surface is completely covered with ridges and striae, some of the former corresponding in position with the structural radii seen in transverse section : the striae are smaller, and much more numerous (about 10 striae to 1 mm.). The proximal end shews a shallow cavity much like the calyx of a coral, the constituent radii standing out clearly in pencil-groups suggestive of coral septa. The expanding of the guard at this region shews that this proximal cavity was at, or near to, the alveo- lar cavity, but it obviously is not simply that cavity itself but is the result of destroying agents acting upon original peculiarities of structure. Whereas in Actinocamax we have a group of Belemnites with the outer layers more and more friable in the neighbourhood of the phragmocone, here the contrary seems to be the case, so that a hollowing out of the upper end of the Belemnite has occurred. A transverse section shews the contour to be nearly circular, rendered somewhat irregular by the slight dorsal flattening. The characteristic exogenous structure is well seen, with few and strong growth circles and unusually well-marked radii. These radii converge to the centre, most of them being continuous so that the rays become numerous and closely packed towards the cen- tre, but as the more central part is approached they become irregular, curving, and wavy, converging towards and uniting with one another in a manner recalling the section of a Palaeozoic cyaihophyllum. In ordinary Belemnites the radii run straight to the centre (Compare Fig. in Phillips's British Belemnites, Pal. Soc., p. 14). The axis of the guard is subcentral. Phragmocone unknown. Measurements. Length, 23 mm.; breadth near middle, 7 mm. ; lateral diam. at proximal end, 8 mm. ; dorso-ventral diam. at proximal end, 8mm.; dorso-ventral diam. at middle, 7i mm. The axial line meets the diameter excentrically, so as to mark off radii of 3 mm. and 4 mm. respectively. AFFINITIES AND DIFFERENCES. Belemnites Upwarensis is well separated from all other species by the ornamented character of its whole surface. I believe these surface striae to be the true sur- CEPHALOPODA. 89 face structures produced by the formative membrane and not due to decomposition as in B. acuarius macer, Quenst., for the striae are very regular and are best developed where the surface has suffered least in fossilization. The form too is sufficient to distinguish it from other Cre- taceous Belemnites, while yet other specialities are probably indi- cated by the condition of the curious proximal cavity. We find therefore in this Belemnite several such important special features as suggest that we have here the type even of a new genus of Belemnitidae. Locality. Upware. AMMONITES CORNUELIANUS, d'Orbigny. (Plate i., fig. 9, a c.) Ammonites Cornuelianus, d'Orb., Terrains Cr&aces, I., pi. 112, f. 1, 2, p. 364. Pictet and Roux, Mollusc des Ores verts, pi. v., f. 4, a, b, p. 55. Ooster, Fossiles des Alpes, iv., Cepha- lopoda, p. 132 (Bernese Alps). A variable Ammonite, belonging to a variable group the Nodosocostati (P. and C.). It is closely allied to our Atherfield Am. Martini (d'Orb.) with which it has been bound up by MM. Pictet and Campiche in the above-named group. Quenstedt unites this species and Martini with verrucosus d'Orb., (Quenst. Petrifac- tenkunde, Vol. I., p. 136). Am. Martini is a thicker form, less open, than our species, and the spines are better developed in the later whorls. In the Woodwardian specimen the spines are well de- veloped on the younger whorls but become obtuse and rather obscure further on. Two varieties occur at Upware, a rotund variety (A) (round whorled) and a flatter whorled form (B) ; the latter approaches A. Milletianus, d'Orb. The sharply defined, obtuse, square-sectioned ribs, especially over the back, are very characteristic of this group of Ammonites. Our three best specimens (Woodwardian Museum) measure about 3 inches, 1 and f inches respectively. 90 INVERTEBRATA. Localities. Upware. N. Europe. Louvenmont (Gb'ttingen Mus.). 8. Europe. Perte du Rhone (Aptien supr.), Switzerland, Bernese Alps, Basses Alps. " A characteristic Aptien species," (Pictet and Renevier, Perte du Rhone, p. 21). AMMONITES DESHAYESII, Leymerie. (Plate m., fig. 1.) Ammonites Deshayesii, Leymerie, 1842, Mem. Soc. Geol. France, t. v,, pi. 17, f. 17. consobrinus, d'Orbigny, Terr. Cre't., t. 47. fissicostatus, Phillips, Geol. Yorkshire, t. 2, f. 49. In the German collections this form is usually included in Ammonites noricus of Schlotheim (the original types of which came from the Elligserbrink Neocomian clays). But taking Roemer's description and figure of that species as our guide (the original diagnosis being too imperfect to serve), it will be generally admitted that the two names, Deshayesii (Leyni.) and noricus (Schl. ? and Roemer) should be retained for their respective types. They are however very nearly allied, and a connecting chain of transition specimens could, I am convinced, without difficulty be arranged. Ammonites Deshayesii has fewer ribs and coarser than A. noricus, and no tubercles are developed along the outer border where the ribs are deflected to pass over the back. Again the ribs in Am. Deshayesii pass regularly over the back, simply flattening out and deflecting forwards, leaving no such pseudo-keel as we find in A. noricus. Only a single fragment is known from Upware, belonging to a variety with broad obtuse ribs. It is an interesting fact that the more typical coarser-ribbed form of Ammonites Deshayesii, Leymerie, occurs at Upware as a "derived" fossil! Localities. Upware ( Woodw. Mus.), Speeton (Upper Neocomian) , Atherfield. N. Europe. Brunswick. S. Europe. Paris Basin, 1'Aube. CEPHALOPODA. 91 Ammonites, sp. ?. (Plate L, fig. 8.) A fragment in the collection of Mr J. F. Walker, M.A., of Sidney Sussex College. It was a simple round-backed Ammonite with very numerous ribs (30 to 1 inch). Diam. of whorl fth inch. I have not been able to identify this species, and it is too imperfect for further working. Locality. Up ware (Coll. Mr J. F. Walker, M.A., F.G.S.). ANCYLOCERAS HILLSII, Sowerby, sp. (Plate II.) Scaphites Hillsii, Sowerby, Geol Trans, iv., p. 339, pi. xv., f. 1, 2. Only one specimen of this species is known from Upware (Woodw. Mus.). It is a fine shell just so far advanced as to have completed its Crioceroid stage of growth. The aperture here is rounded and transversely oval, whereas the section of the inner whorls and of the mature Ancyloceras part of the shell is nearly square. The ribs become very faint over the last quarter-whorl of our specimen. The species differs from A. gigas Sowerby in its whorls being more rounded, and enlarging less rapidly; also in its more simple rounded ribs in the Crioceroid stages. From Crioceras Asterianus d'Orbigny (Terr. Cret. L, pi. 115, bis. f. 3, 4, 5) our shell differs in its more distinct ribbing, by its whorls enlarging less rapidly, and in the smaller dorso-ventral diameter of its aperture. Localities. Upware, Hythe, Lympne, Maidstone, Godalming(?). 92 1NVERTEBRATA. GASTEROPODA. (See ante, p. 19.) APORRHAIS (TESSAROLAX) GARDNERI. (Plate in., fig. 2, 2 a.) Aporrhais (Tessarolax} Qardneri, sp. nov. Tessarolax, n. sp. J. S. Gardner, ' Cretaceous Gasteropoda,' Geol. Mag., 1880, Vol. vn., pi. iii., f. 2, p. 50. "This fragment possesses all the characters of a Tessarolax, and is similar in shape to T. retusa, the small extent of the region in front of the keels giving the shell a truncated instead of a pear shape. The species is evidently finely striated, and the keels appear to have been slightly tuberculated as in T. Fittoni. It was a larger shell than either of the Gault or Neocomian forms ; but less than the grey chalk T. oligochila. It is scarcely suffi- ciently perfect to furnish specific characters." Locality. Upware (Coll. Mr J. F. Walker, unique). APORRHAIS (TRIDACTYLUS) WALKERI, Gardner. (Plate IIL, fig. 3.) Tridactylus Walkeri. J. S. Gardner, Geol. Mag., Vol. vii., pi. iii., f. 4, p. 50. " Shell elongate and pupseform ; whorls irregular, inflated, not forming a regular cone ; possessing a strong central keel, a second and less prominent keel in front, and two partly concealed sutural keels. The body-whorl has two nearly equal keels (slightly diverging towards the outer lip, the front one being the less promi- nent), and three smaller keels which are arranged above, below, and between the primary keels. All the keels seem to have been tuberculated, and the spire was probably ribbed, as in T. Grif- fithsti, which it generally resembles. Length of fragment, 22 mm. ; diameter of body-whorl, 12 mm. \ GASTEROPODA. 93 " This unique fragment possesses great interest, since the only two cretaceous species previously known were from the Gault. It is remarkable for the irregularity of its growth, the third whorl bulging to the left and the second to the right ; this tendency per- haps preceded the more regularly pupaeform shapes of the Gault species." Locality. Upware (Coll. Mr J. F. Walker). SCALARIA KEEPINGI, Gardner. Scalaria Keepingi, Gardner. Geol. Mag., vn., 1880, p. 54, pi. iii., fig. 7. " Whorls inflated, about twice as wide as high ; ribs of each whorl coarse, rounded, very irregular, flexuous; striae very fine and scarcely perceptible under a glass ; suture not visible. "This species, while resembling Neocomian forms in other respects, differs from them all both in the nearly complete absence of striae, and also by its concealed sutures." Length, 19 mm. Locality. Upware (Coll. Mr J. F. Walker, M.A. ; unique). CERITHIUM NEOCOMIENSE (d'Orb.), Forbes. (Plate IIL, fig. 5, a, 6.) Cerithium Neocomiense, d'Orb.? Terr. Cret. II. pi. 232, f. 89. Forbes. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. I., 1845, p. 351, pi. iv., f. 8. A single prominent keel upon the upper whorls ; two keels exposed upon the body-whorL Localities. Upware (Coll. Mr J. F. Walker), Atherfield. CERITHIUM MAROLLINUM, d'Orbigny. (Plate IIL, fig. 6.) Cerithium Marollinum, d'Orb., Terr. Cre't., p. 353, pi. 227, fig. 2, 3. Localities. Upware, Tealby, E. Shalford (Surrey). S. Europe. Marolles (Aube), Yonne (Neocomian). 94 INVERTEBRATA. NERIN.EA, sp. (Plate in., fig. 7.) A tall turreted shell resembling the Turitella nerincea of Geinitz. We know of only two specimens from Upware, and per- haps another from Atherfield. These indicate a variable species, and do not afford sufficient materials for specific identification or diagnosis. The whorls are concave, being strongly margined at each suture. One specimen shews some spiral striations, but the other is smooth. Localities. Upware, Atherfield (?). NERINCEA TUMIDA (n. sp.). (Plate in., fig. 8.) Shell thick, elongated, tumid, many-whorled, smooth. Whorls narrow, simple, convex ; sutures rather deep, very transverse. Base much contracted, umbilicus wanting. Mouth sub- quadrate ; siphonal canal rather prominent, slightly tortuous ; columellar lip straight. Two broad faint grooves seen in places upon the inside cast indicate slight spiral thickenings of the outer wall. Measurements of type (see figure) : Length (of fragment) 3 inches ; breadth at top, 22 mm. ; at base, 35 mm. ; height of penultimate whorl, 13 mm. ; angle of spire, 13. Only two specimens are known, but these indicate a well- marked species, the general tumid, almost pupoid appearance of the shell being very distinctive. The convexity of the whorls and contracted base distinguish it from N. Banga, d'Orb., and from A T . depressa, Voltz., to which it has most general resemblance. It is separated by the absence of an umbilicus. Locality. Upware. TROCHUS, n. sp. (Plate in., fig. 9, a, b.) A trochiform shell allied to T. Oosteri (P. and C.) of the Aptien Inferieur of St Croix. It is regularly pyramidal, or with the apex slightly produced ; base nearly flat, gently convex ; no umbilicus. GASTEROPODA. 95 Whorls 7 or 8, each with a prominent keel forming its anterior margin; sutures deep and angular. Between the keel and the suture the whorls are ornamented with two or four tuberculated secondary ridges, the two median ones being strongest and most constant. Base ornamented with spiral striations, of which the strongest are next the border-keel. Mouth triangular, slightly effuse below. Only a single specimen is known, in the cabinet of Mr J. F. Walker, M.A., and this is not sufficiently well preserved to serve for perfect specific diagnosis. Measurements. Height, 12 mm. ; breadth, 13 mm, ; apicial angle, 80. Locality. Upware (Collection Mr J. F. Walker, M.A.). LITTORINA, sp. Nearly allied to L. Upwarensis, but much shorter, being nearly as broad as long. Locality. Upware (Woodw. Mus., unique). LITTORINA UPWARENSIS, sp. nov. (Plate III., fig. 10, a, b.) Shell thick, pyramidal, with oblique base, longer than broad, ornamented with tuberculated spiral ridges. Sutures deep ; whorls 6 or 7, convex, ornamented with two tuberculated keels, of which the more posterior is the stronger and more coarsely nodulated. This keel occupies the centre line of each whorl in the spire. Posterior to this the whorls are usually slightly concave, and plain, but an additional ridge, with tubercles, may be developed along the sutural border. The body- whorl has numerous (9 or 10) spiral ridges upon its sides and base, the posterior two or three being distinctly tubercu- lated, the remainder less so. The base is convex and oblique. Mouth rhomboidal ; the coluinellar lip slightly produced. 96 INVERTEBRATA. Besides the spiral ornament already described, the whole shell is covered with a delicate cross striation, running in parallel curved lines between the ribs. The shell varies considerably in the deve- lopment of its spiral ridges and tubercles, the median range of tubercles being sometimes prominently developed. Measurements. Length, 23 mm. ; breadth, 17 mm. ; apicial angle, 55. Locality. Upware. LITTORINA CANTABRIGIENSIS, sp. nov. (Plate in., fig. 11, a, b.) Shell pyramidal, higher than broad, with oblique base ; orna- mented with numerous tuberculated spiral ridges, and cross striations. Spire regularly conic, consisting of six or seven whorls separated by narrow but deep sutures. Body-whorl with a distinct shoulder, in front of which the shell is rather scanty. A tuberculated keel runs along the shoulder, and a second keel, almost as strong, is found next in advance; the next ridge is much less developed, and then comes the sutural ridge, or a row of tubercles. Anterior to the keels are four or five spiral ridges, where the tubercles are but faintly developed. In the spire the whorls are flat, ornamented with four tuberculated ridges, one of which may disappear. Base scanty, with a small umbilical fossa. Mouth rhomboid. Measurements. Height. 18 mm. ; breadth, 14 mm. ; apicial angle, 60. The ornament structures are well developed in this shell, the cross striae between the ridges being coarser and more irregular than in the other Upware species. Locality. Upware (very rare). Woodw. Mus. N. Europe. Ocker, near Goslar (Hils Conglomerate). LITTORINA (TURBO) VARICOSA, sp. nov. (Plate in., fig. 12, a, b.) A. turbinate shell, longer than broad, ornamented with spiral ribbing and tubercles, interrupted at intervals by prominent GASTEKOPODA. 97 varices. The base is short and rounded; imperforate. Spire composed of five or six whorls separated by rather broad and deep sutures. The body-whorl is convex and rounded with spiral ornament belonging to the usual two sets (a) the spire-system, consisting of three rows of tubercles which are more or less connected so as to form tuberculated ridges ; and (6) the anterior or basal set of seven or eight spiral ridges which are faintly tuberculated. The whole shell is covered with delicate cross striae. Mouth subquadrate. The varices are simple, convex and very prominent; four are seen at irregular periods upon our type specimen. Measurements. Length, 16 mm. ; breadth, 12 mm. ; apicial angle 55. Locality. Upware (rare). TURBO REEUI, n. sp. (Plate in., fig. 13, a, 6.) A small, stout, turbinate shell; round whorled, but strongly keeled; striated and reticulated. Sutures deep, whorls five or six, convex, with two (or three) strong keels upon the anterior part ; posterior half of each whorl concave. Body-whorl with numerous (about fifteen) spiral ribs upon its sides and base. Base convex, with a small umbilicus. The whole surface is ornamented with a delicate spiral striation and oblique cross striations producing a beautiful decussated or granulated appearance. Measurements. Height, 13 mm. ; breadth, 11 mm. ; apicial angle, 70. The shells vary in depth of suture and in the number of spiral ribs exposed over the spire. Locality. Upware. PATELLA, sp. (Plate in., fig. 14.) Too imperfect for identification or description. Internal view only known. See figure. K. 7 98 INVERTEBRATA. PLEUROTOMARIA GIGANTEA, Sowerby? Pleurotomaria gigantea, Sby., Trans. Qeol. Soc., 2 Ser., torn. IV., pi. xiv., f. 16. Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse, Terr. Crti., St Croix, Vol. in. p. 433. There are two types of this large pyramidal Pleurotomaria, namely, the more elevated, flat-whorled type with numerous volu- tions found at Atherfield, and a more depressed broader-whorled type common at Hythe ; in the latter also the sides of the whorls are more arched, and expand at their base. Again, in the Hythe form the spiral ornament lines are coarser and more prominent, and the line of the apertural slit is situated at or below the centre of each whorl. In the Atherfield type this line is usually slightly above the medial line. Our Upware shell is nearest to the Hythe type, but as only the inside cast is known the identification is not certain. Localities. Upware, Hythe, Atherfield (?). 8. Europe. St Croix. PLEUROTOMARIA RENEVIERI, n. sp. (Plate IV., fig. 1, a, b.) Pleurotomaria Anstedi, Cat. Fossils Jermyn Street Museum, 1878, p. 21. [not E. Forbes, 1845. Q. J. Geol. Soc. i. p. 349, pi. 5 (13), f. 1.] [ of Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse, p. 435.] In his description of Pleurotomaria Anstedi, Prof. E. Forbes writes: "spire somewhat depressed and very obtuse," and his figure corresponds well with the description; also the margin of the shell is rounded. The Upware shells and that figured by MM. Pictet and Campiche are pointed and their edges sharp. These characters are very constant in the genus Pleuroto- maria, and our specimens shew no variation in the directions of Prof. Forbes' type. Description. Shell thick, regularly conical, broader than high. Base convex, apex acute, whorls few (six or seven), with convex GASTEROPODA. 99 sides, ornamented with a strong thickening at their anterior mar- gin and two ridges bordering the sinus-band. A cancellate orna- ment is developed upon the marginal thickening and above the sinus-band by the intersection of well-marked spiral striations and cross striae. Elsewhere the sides of the cone are ornamented only with transverse striae. Base cancellated with spiral ridgings and cross striae. Umbilicus moderate. Mouth rhomboid. Specimens vary in the development of the striae and costae. From P. elegans (d'Orb.), and P. Cassiana (d'Orb.), this species is distinguished by the absence of spiral ridges upon the whorls in front of the slit. The general proportions of the shell are, as kindly pointed out to me by Prof. Renevier, similar to those of the internal casts from Mont Saleve, described by M. de Loriol as P. Saleviana. Localities. Upware. N. Europe. Berklingen, Brunswick. S. Europe. St Croix. Measurements. Height, 20 mm.; breadth, 24 mm.; apicial le, 85. PLEUROTOMARIA FERRUGINEA, sp. nov. (Plate iv., fig. 2, a, 6.) Shell thick, pyramidal, elevated, slightly higher than broad, consisting of nine or ten whorls which are angular so as to give the shell a stepped appearance. Sinus-band mesial in each whorl, occupying the axis of the keel. Base moderately convex, nearly smooth, but with faint spiral ornament striations, and distinct lines of growth. Mouth trapezoidal, somewhat effuse below; margin thickened. Umbilicus small, slit-like. The shell is ornamented at the sides with spiral striations crossed by delicate striae, and by lines of growth ; about thirty of the spiral ridges are present upon the later whorls. Measurements of type. Height, 3 inches ; breadth of base, 3 inches ; breadth of sinus-band, 1 mm. ; angle of spire, about 55. This species belongs to the Gigantea group, but differs from gigantea in its more convex and nearly smooth base, also in the 72 100 INVERTEBRATA. mesial angle of the whorl. From P. Delahayesii, d'Orb., it is distinguished by its taller form, small umbilicus, distinct spiral striations, and mesial sinus-band. P. Favrina, de Loriol, has a characteristic depression around the umbilicus. Locality. Potton. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. (See ante, p. 19.) OSTREA (ExoGYRA) CouLONi (Defrance), d'Orbigny. Gryphea Couloni, Defrance, 1821. Diet. Sci. Nat. xix. p. 534. E. subsinuata, Leym. 1842. Mem. Soc. Geol. de France, torn. v. pp. 11, 16, 17, PL 12, figs. 37. Ostrea Couloni, 1846. d'Orb., Terr. Cret. pi. 467. 1858. Pictet and Renevier, (pars), Pal. Suisse, Terr. Aptien, p. 138. 1861. de Loriol, Mont Saleve, p. 110. MM. Pictet and Renevier have united this species with 0. (Exogyra) sinuata (Sow.), (Foss. du Terr. Aptien, Pal. Suisse, p. 138), and in N. Germany the two names are usually regarded as synonymous. But de Loriol (Foss. du Mont Saleve) doubts the wisdom of that arrangement, and I agree with him that the two forms may well be kept separate though they are closely allied. I find that where Exogyra sinuata (Sow.) occurs there E. Couloni is also found but the converse does not always obtain as at Upware, Farringdon and Mont Saleve. The true sinuata (Sby.), may be called Ex. Couloni var. sin- nata (Sby.). Measurement. Length of largest specimen, 2| inches. Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Speeton (Lower Neocomian) Tealby, Potton. N. Europe. Brunswick, Hils Thon, and Hils Conglomerat. S. Europe. Perte du Rhone, Mont Saleve, &c. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 101 EXOGYRA CONICA, Sby., vars. including (Plate iv. fig. 3, a, b, c) Chama cornea, Sby., 1812. Min. Con. pL 26, fig. 3. Exogyra conica, Sby., Min. Con. t. 605, figs. 1 3. undata, Sby., Min. Con. t. 605, figs. 3, 4. spiralis, Roemer, 1839. N. Ool. p. 65 (pars). undata, 1841. Nordd. Kreid. p. 47, No. 7. Ostea Tombeckiana, d'Orb., Terr. Cret. p. 701, pi. 467, figs. 46. conica, p. 726, pi. 478, figs. 58. Our TJpware forms are usually known as Exogyra Tombeckiana in England and France, but they are called E. spiralis in the Ger- man Museums. Prof. Morris and Mr Blake record E. spiralis as an oolitic species (Portland Oolite and Coral Rag), and Roemer in his original description gives both the Corallien and the Elligser- brink beds (Neocomian), for its horizons. The Jurassic and Cretaceous shells do indeed closely correspond, and they all belong to the same group. Exogyra nana is especially near to the variety spiralis, and others very nearly resemble even E. virgula, some of the specimens having been mistaken for this latter species and recorded as such in the published lists of Potton Shells. Three well-marked types of this species occur at Brickhill, namely : (1) Exogyra conica, Sby., var. Tombeckiana, d'Orb. This is the true Ostrea Tombeckiana, a small smooth species, with crenu- lated lip. (2) Exogyra conica, Sby., var. spiralis, Roemer. A variety having its upper valve ornamented with regular and distinct imbrications ; and (3) a striated variety. Localities. Upware, Potton, Brickhill, Famngdon, Black- down. N. Europe. Haverlah, Gevensleben; Schoeppenstedt, Hils Conglomerat. S. Europe. Mont Saleve, Perte du Rhone, etc. 102 INVERTEBRATA. OSTREA (GRYPHEA) DILATATA, (Sby.) ? Ostrea dilatata, Sowerby, Min. Con. t. 149, fig. 1. controversa, Roemer, Nordd. Ool. pi. 4, fig. 1. I cannot detect any characters of distinction between the Upware and Potton Gryphites and the Oxfordian G. dilatata. Both the typical and the expanded forms occur, the latter most commonly. They measure respectively 5x3 inches, and 4x4 inches. There being so many ' derived ' fossils in the Upware deposit the suggestion is spontaneous and natural that this shell is of that nature having been washed out from the Oxford Clay of the old shore line and buried in again with true Neocomian fossils. Such was the opinion of Mr J. F. Walker; but I am convinced with Professor Seeley that this is not the case, but that this oyster is really a native of the deposit. Both at Upware and Potton the condition of the shell is precisely that of the true natives and quite different from that of any of the derived shells. Moreover, although the Oxfordian Ostreae are almost invariably covered with Episites (Serpula, Ostrea, and Polyzoa), there are no such Jurassic Episites upon the Upware Ostreae. But although the Oxford Clay and Upware shells are thus inseparable, we cannot, in my opinion, be justified in coming to a certain decision that they are the same species until they are found in some of the intervening rocks of the gap which now separates them in geological time. It is a curious point that, excluding the Ostrea frons type, the Upware Ostreidae would lead the palaeontologist to believe he was amongst the Jurassic rocks Lower Kimmeridgian or Upper Oxfordian or rather Ampthill Clay. For besides the species now under discussion, there is in the Woodwardian Museum a shell identical in shape with Ostrea deltoidea ; and the little Exogyra conica and E. spiralis are undistinguishable from E. nana of the Kimmeridge Clay and Coral Bag. OSTREA FRONS (Park.), var. MACROPTERA (Sowerby). Ostrea macroptera, Sowerby, Min. Con., pi. 478, figs. 3 5. Ostrea frons, Parkinson (Org. Rem. ill., pi. 15, fig. 4), is the type of a beautiful group of oysters which first appeared in the Upper LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 103 Jurassic rocks, but which are very characteristic of the Cretaceous series. A number of names have been given to different varieties such as 0. diluviana, macroptera, carinata, larva and rectangularis, all of which names distinguish well-marked types more or less local- ized in their geological and geographical distribution, but which are found to pass into one another through intermediate forms when a large series is examined. The relation of the types to one another is indeed well illustrated by the arrangement under Prof. Geinitz in the Dresden Museum where the well-marked types are arranged on tablets and a large tray of intermediate forms is also exhibited. The Upware forms belong decidedly to the variety macroptera (Sby.), which is distinguished by its umbonal region being expanded to form a wing, especially on the posterior side. Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Potton, Farringdon. N. Europe. Hils formation, Schb'ppenstedt. S. Europe. France and Switzerland. Ostrea frons, Parkinson, var. carinata, Sowerby, Min. Con., pi. 365. Occurs at Brickhill, Atherfield, etc. OSTREA WALKERI, n. sp. (Plate IV., fig. 4, a, 6.) A variable oyster shell one of the Rudes, plano-convex or con- cavo-convex, covered with rude, imbricating growth-lamellae : the shells are moderately thick. It is attached sometimes by the whole surface of the lower valve but in other specimens by only a very small area ; the lower valve in the former case has a thickened margin. Contour ovate more or less irregular, beak pointed. Lower valve moderately deep, chamoid, or shallow. Upper valve flat or concave, and irregular with concentric growth striae or imbrications, which are usually less prominent than on the lower valve. Ligament area large and triangular (about th length of the whole shell), its base usually broadest. A median gutter serves to divide it into three sub-equal parts; in the upper valve the liga- ment area is much smaller. 104 INVERTEBRATA. The principal muscular impression is of moderate size, situated near the anterior side of the shell at about the middle of its length. This species is distinguished from 0. Germanii (Coquand), and 0. Leymerii by the inequality and dissimilarity of its valves and by its ligament area. 0. Leymerii usually has radiating ribs on its lower valve. One specimen in the Woodwardian Museum which I refer to this species is indistinguishable from 0. deltoidea (Sow.), and is also very similar to some specimens of 0. Germanii (Coquand), see Pictet and Campiche, St Croix, pi. 189, f. 2. Measurements. Length, 1 inches; breadth, 1-| inches; depth, | inch; length of ligament area, finch; breadth of ligament area, ^ inch. Locality. Upware. N. Europe. Brunswick, Speeton Thon (Coll. Herr von Strombeck). OSTREA (GRYPHEA) VESICULOSA, Sowerby. Gryphea vesiculosa, Sby., 1823. Min. Con., pi. 369. Ostrea vesiculosa, 1869. Coquand, Monog. des Huitres, p. 152, pi. 59, f. 47. Pictet and Campiche, St Croix, p. 311, pi. 194, f. 1-6. An upper cretaceous species, but ranging from our Wicken beds (Neocomian) to the Gault and Lower chalk. Localities. Brickhill. I. of Wight ; Warminster, Upper Green- sand. 8. Europe. St Croix, Switzerland (Gault). PECTEN RAULINIANUS, d'Orbigny. Pecten Eaulinianus, d'Orb., 1846. Pal. Fr., Terr. Crtt. III., p. 595, pi. 433, f. 69. Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse, Foss. de St Croix, p. 202, pi. 172, f. 57. The cross imbrications are well developed in the Upware speci- mens, traversing the interradial spaces. In some specimens the ribs LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 105 become double and triple towards the border by the development of side ridges. Range. Neocomian Chloritic Marl. Localities. Upware, Atherfield, Folkestone (Gault), Cambridge Greensand. S. Europe. Presta (Aptien), P. and C.; Gault of depart- ments de 1'Aube and de la Meuse. PECTEN ELONGATUS, Lamarck. Pecten elongatus, d'Orb., Pal. Fr., Terr. Crti., pi. 436, f. 14. Locality. Brickhill. N. Europe. Dresden, (Planerkalk), etc. S. Europe. France, Belgium. PECTEN DUTEMPLEI, d'Orbigny. Pecten Dutemplei, d'Orbigny, 1845, Terr. Cret., p. 596, pi. 433, f. 10. Aptiensis, Pictet and Koux, 1853. Dutemplei, Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse, Terr. Crti. St Croix, p. 199, pL 172, f. 14. Distinguished from the other species of the Interstriatus group by the nature of the ornament on the buccal ear of the larger valve. Localities. Upware, Potton, Farringdon, Atherfield?, Spee- ton(?). S. Europe. Perte du Rhone (Aptien), d'Ervy (Gault). Another Pecten from Upware is distinguished by its numerous ribs over 100. Its ornament is of like nature to that of d'Orbig- ny's P. Robinaldinus (Terr. Cret., pi. 431, f. 4), but more delicate. It approaches the " type & cotes nombreuses " of Pictet and Cam- piche from the Urgonien, but that form has only about 80 ribs. Our specimen is too imperfect for satisfactory determination or description. 106 INVERTEBRATA. PECTEN ORBICULARIS, Sowerby, var. MAGNUS, var. nov. (Plate v., fig. 1.) P. orbicularis, Sby., Min. Con., f. 186. d'Orb., Terr. Crtt., pi. 433, f. 1416. P. Cottaldinus, Cat. Foss. Mus. Practical Geology, 1878, p. 13 (non d'Orb.). A shell variously named in English and German collections P. cinctus, crassitesta, junr. orbicularis and Cottaldinus. I cannot distinguish it from the true Pecten orbicularis of the Upper Green- sand (Warminster, &c.). P. cinctus (crassitesta) has a much thicker shell with straight hinge line, the ears being less prominent than in orbicularis, and the shell is marked on one or both valves with delicate radiating depressed striae. Pecten Cottaldinus is quite a different shell, having very unequal ears, and also ornamented with radiating strise (see d'Orb., Terr. Cre't., p. 590, pi. 431). It is worth notice that Pecten cinctus is absent from the Wicken Beds. Our shell is considerably larger than the original type and de- serves the separate varietal name magnus, Pecten orbicularis (Sow.), var. magnus nob. Localities. Up ware, Potton, Ely (Neocomian), Hythe, Ather- field, Tealby. 8. Europe. France, Switzerland, &c. PECTEN (NEITHEA) MORRISII, Pictet and Renevier. Pecten quinquecostatus, J. Sowerby, Geol. Trans., 1836, Roemer, Forbes and others [non P. quinquecos- tatus, Sby., Min. Con.]. Janira Morrisii, Pictet and Renevier, 1858. Pal. Suisse, Etage Aptien, St Croix, p. 128, pi. 19, f. 2. Pictet and Campiche, Terr. Cret., St Croix, p. 244. A shell very near to Neithea quinquecostata (Sby.), distinguished from it principally by the character of the areas external to the LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 107 outer ribs which are here nearly smooth, while in Sowerby's Upper Greensand shell this part is well costated. Localities. Upware, Atherfield, Shanklin, Hythe. 8. Europe. Perte du Rhone, Wassy, Spain. Range. Neocomian. PECTEN (NEITHEA) ATAVA (Roemer), d'Orbigny. (Plate iv., fig. 6.) Janira atava, d'Orb., Terr. Crtt. in. p. 627, pi. 442, f. 13. Pictet and Campiche, St Croix, p. 237, pL 180. I only know of one specimen from our neighbourhood and this is in the cabinet of Mr J. F. Walker, M.A. Locality. Upware. N. Europe. Hils formation of Shoppenstedt, Berklingen. 8. Europe. Neocomian of France, Switzerland, Spain. PECTEN (NEITHEA) ORNITHOPUS, sp. nov. (Plate iv., fig. 5, a, 6.) Shell subtrigonal, slightly oblique from the greater develop- ment of the posterior side, very inequivalve, plano-convex or concavo-convex, auriculate. It is ornamented with six prominent radiating ribs, and subordinate striae, the former being produced in the form of claw-like processes. The whole surface is crossed with delicate squamous growth-lines. Lower valve convex with prominent, narrow beak ; primary ribs (six) all well defined, the anterior one shortest and the fourth longest ; they are angular, and covered with imbricating cross lines. Interradial grooves slightly narrower than the ribs, depressed, furnished with a number of secondary ribs which are simple and convex, separated by narrow grooves. Fifteen of these are seen in the central furrow, counting those which extend half-way up the sides of the adjacent ribs. Upper valve concave, plane, or even slightly convex; its primary ribs similar to those of the lower valve, but slightly more rounded; grooves deep, ornamented with radiating ribs and striae, which are either broad and flat, or numerous and rounded. Ears very 108 . INVEETEBRATA. unequal, anterior ear trigonal, slightly truncated, convex in the right and plane in the left valve; ornamented with the general imbricating striae but devoid of rays. Posterior ear very small. Measurements. Length, 30mm.; breadth, 25 mm.; thickness, 12mm.; apicial angle, 55. This shell is very generally known from Farringdon and Shank- lin as Neitkea Neocomiensis (d'Orb.). It is however not that species, our shell being more elongated and more oblique, while the characters of the intercostal grooves contrast clearly in both valves. The ears also in d'Orbigny's species are subequal. I am by no means certain that this is not the original atavus of Roemer. The description (Nordd. Ool. Sup., p. 29) tallies very well with our shell, but the ears as figured are quite different and agree with the French P. atavus. Yet it is our shell which occurs 'nicht selten' at Schoppenstedt. But unless the original figured specimen can be discovered, the current ideas (d'Orbigny) are best to be maintained. Besides the striking difference of the ears in our species and P. atavus (d'Orb.), the broader character of the secondary ribs serves also to distinguish it. Localities. Upware, Farringdon, Godalming (?). N. Europe. Schoppenstedt. HINNITES LEYMERII, Deshayes. Hinnites Leymerii, Desh., 1842. Mem. Soc. Oeol. Tr., torn. v. p. 27, pi. 14, f. 1. Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse, Terr. Crdt., St Croix, p. 224, pi. 175. A free valve from Brickhill. The internal cast shews well the intermediate strise between the principal ribs. Where the shell is preserved traces of the prominent scales on the ribs are seen. Locality. Brickhill. S. Europe. Perte du Rhone. LAMELLEBRANCHIATA. 109 AviCULA CORNUELIANA, d'Orbigny. (Plate v., fig. 2.) Avicula macroptera, Roem., 1841. Nordd. Ool. Vol. I. p. 86, pi. 4, f. 5 (non Lamk.). Cornueliana, d'Orbigny, Pal Fr., Terr. Cret., HI., p. 471, pL 389, f. 3, 4. Auctorum. Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse, St Croix, p. 66, pi. 152, f. 14. Our Brickhill shell belongs to a round-ribbed type, identical with the one which is abundant in the Schb'ppenstedt Hils Con- glomerat (Brunswick), recognised as the one originally figured by Roemer. The French type with sharp and more prominent primary ribs (see figs, by d'Orb. and P. and C.) occurs at Speeton, and in the N. German Neocomian clays. These are varietal differences de- pendent upon habitat. The shell is commonly called A. macroptera in Germany, and is sometimes named A. pectinata (Sowerby) in English Cabinets. The latter is generally considered a different species, distin- guished by its smaller sharp ribs, with one intermediate rib between each pair of primary ones, while A. Cornueliana has a number of riblets and striae. Localities. Brickhill, Tealby, Speeton, Folkestone Gault. N. Europe. Schoppenstedt, Hils Conglom., Bredenbeck. S. Europe. St Croix (Mid. Neocomian). PERNA, sp. nov. (Plate V., fig. 3, a, 6.) In form similar to the young of Perna (Gervillid) aliformis (Sby.), but the Up ware shell is more oblique, its anterior ear is larger, and no distinct ribs are seen. A shell from Shanklin in the Collection of Mr C. J. A. Meyer is very near to this, occurring pretty commonly there where mature aliformis is not found. (Meyer.) Locality. Upware (Coll. Mr J. F. Walker, M.A.). N. Europe. Oberg, Hildesheim (?), Hils Conglomerat. 110 INVERTEBRATA. PINNA ROBINALDINA, d'Orbigny. (?) Pinna gracilis, Phillips, 1828. Geol Yorkshire, pi. 2, f. 22. P. rugosa, Roemer (non Schl.) 1839. Ool. Geb. Sup. p. 32, pi. 18, f. 13. P. Eobinaldina, d'Orb., Terr. Grit. in. p. 251, pi. 330, f. 13. Pictet and Renevier, Pal. Suisse, Terr. Apt. p. 117, pi. 16, f. 5. Localities. Brickhill (Woodw. Mus., and in Mr J. F. Walker's Cabinet), Atherfield, Speeton (?). N. Europe. Hildesheim (Gb'ttingen Museum). 8. Europe. Perte du Rhone (Mid. Neocomian). PLICATULA CARTERONI, d'Orbigny. (Plate v., fig. 4, a, b.) Plicatula Carteroniana, d'Orb., 1846. Pal. Fr., Terr. Crti. ill. p. 180, pi. 462, f. 5 7. Pictet and Campiche, 1870. Pal. Suisse, Terr. Cret. St Croix, p. 265, pi. 183, f. 3, 4. A common shell at Upware. The lower valve is usually deeper than in the French specimen, and the smaller valve is rarely spinous, but has 8 10 broad, slightly arched ribs. Specimens which have been found in protected situations (as within oyster-shells) have the spines on the ribs of the lower valve much produced so as to form delicate curved spines -^th inch long. At Brickhill this species occurs as a small variety, with only five or six (sometimes eight) strong ribs on the lower valve. Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Potton, Hythe (Woodw. Mus.), Folkestone (Coll. Mr Meyer). N. Europe. Brunswick. S. Europe. Mid. and Lower Neocomian, St Croix, Hau- terive, Neuchatel, Bonvillers. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Ill PLICATULA EQUICOSTATA, n. sp. (Plate v., fig. 5, a, I, c.) Shell obliquely ovate, plano-convex, very inequivalvular and inequilateral; covered with numerous equal-sized ribs. Upper valve flat or slightly concave, marked with concentric lines of growth, which may be raised into lamellae especially towards the margin, and ornamented with 15 20 radiating ribs. These ribs are broad and slightly arched ; they are separated by only a narrow groove. There are indications that spines may be developed in some specimens at points where the lines of growth cross the ribs. Towards the margin of the shell additional and sharper ribs may be added. The lower valve is deep and gibbous, attached by a small area at its umbo. It is provided with irregular imbricating growth- lamellae and zoned by a few, faint or strong varices. These structures are covered with numerous ribs (about 50) which are rounded and gently arched, separated by narrow and simple interspaces crossed by lines of growth. In one specimen, whose shell has been partly denuded, the ribs on the small valve appear to have been much more numerous than in our type. Affinities and differences. This species approaches most nearly to P. placunea (Lanik.) and P. imbricata (Koch.). From the former it is distinguished by its gibbosity and the equality of its ribs, and from the latter by its flat or concave upper valve. Locality. Upware. LIMA TOMBECKIANA, d'Orbigny. L. semisulcata, Forbes, 1845. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. p. 248 (non Nilsson). L. Tombeckiana, d'Orbigny, 1845. Pal Fr. Terr. Cret. in. p. 534, pi. 415, f. 1317. Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse, Vol. v., Terr. Cret. St Croix, p. 148. Distinguished from L. Dupiniana by its broader, closer-set ribs. 112 INVERTEBRATA. Localities. Brickhill, Reigate, Tealby. N. Europe. In Hils Conglomerat. S. Europe. St Croix (Neocomian), very general in the Neo- comian of France. LIMA FARRINGDONENSIS, Sharpe. (Plate v., fig. 12, a, 6.) Lima Farringdonensis, Sharpe, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. x. pi. 5, fig. 2. A species characterised by its intermediate ribs and by the striae on the sides of the ribs, which gradually increase in strength as the ribs dwindle towards the posterior side. Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Farringdon, Atherfield (Leck- enby Collection). LIMA LONGA, Roemer. L. elongata, Roemer, 1836 (non Sby.). L. longa, Roemer, 1841. Nordd. Kreid., p. 57. L. undata, d'Orb., 1845. Pal. Fr., Terr. Crti. p. 528, pi. 414, f. 912. L. longa, d'Orb., 1845. Pal. Fr., Terr. Cret. ill. p. 529, pi. 414, f. 1316. L. longa, Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse, St Croix, p. 128, pi. 161,f. 6,7. L. undata, Forbes. A very variable shell, especially in the nature of the ribs and their interspaces, as may be well studied in the cabinet of Herr von Strombeck in Brunswick. In some the ribs are broad and flattened, in others narrow and rounded; the interspaces are usually distinctly pitted, but sometimes simple. Some of its varie- ties are very near to L. abrupta. There is a very broad-ribbed variety in the cabinet of Mr J. F. Walker, M.A, F.G.S., of York. Some specimens from Upware have lost the outer layers of shell, and present an almost smooth surface; the imbricating growth - laminae being crossed by the faintest ' ghosts ' of the ribbing. LAMELLIBKANCHIATA. 113 Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Potton, Tealby, Farringdon. N. Europe. Hils Conglomerate Schoppenstedt, &c. 8. Europe. St Croix, Haut Jura, Lower and Middle Neo- SPONDYLUS KOEMERI, Deshayes. Spondylus hystrix, Roemer (non Goldfuss), Nordd. Kreidegeb. p. 59. Spondylus Roemeri of French authors; vide D'Orb. Pal. Fr. Terr. Cret. in. p. 655, pi. XLV., f. 16. Pictet and Carapiche, Terr. Crti., St Croix, p. 256. De Loriol, Mt. Saleve, p. 107, pi. xiv., f. 4, 5. A very variable shell, having very much the general appearance of the figure of S. hystrix Goldfuss (Pet Germ. pi. CV., f. 8), but his description (p. 96), shews it to be perfectly distinct. The spines on the larger ribs vary much in number and in prominence, while some specimens are devoid of spines altogether. The ribs are rather closer set than in the figures by D'Orbigny and De Loriol above referred to. The lower valve is smaller, flattened and marked with strong growth lamellae over its broad base ; its upturned border is covered with numerous simple-rounded ribs without spines. Localities. Brickhill. N. Europe. Schoppenstedt, Hils Conglomerat. S. Europe. St Croix and Mt. Saleve, Mid. Neocomian ; Range. Valengien, Urgonien. TEIGONIA UPWARENSIS, Lycett. Trigonia spinosa of fossil lists from the Upware deposit. Walker, ' Coprolite Workings in the Fens/ Geol Mag., 1867, p. 310. Trigonia Upwarensis, Lycett, Monog. Brit. Foss. Trigoniae, Pal. Soc. p. 143, pi. xxxix., f. 4. I believe this species also occurs in the ' derived ' blocks of dark irony grit rock at Upware ; bat these specimens are not well preserved. Locality. Upware (not uncommon). K. 8 114 INVERTEBRATA. NUCULA SUBTRIANGULA, Koch and Dunker. ? Nucula subtrigona, Roemer, 1836. Nordd. Ool. pi. vi., f. 6. Nucula subtriangula, Koch and Dunker, 1837, Beitr. Nordd. Ool, p. 50, pi. vi., f. 1. Localities. Upware, Shanklin. N. Europe. Hils Thon, Elligsevbrink. ARCA MARULLENSIS, D'Orbigny. Area Marullensis, D'Orb., Pal Fr. Terr. Orel, in., p. 205, pi. cccx., f. 35. Pictet and Campiche, Pal Suisse, Terr. Cret., St Croix, p. 432, pi. cxxx., f. 14. The ligament area is deeply retreating. Localities. Upware, Farringdon. 8. Europe. Morteau (Doubs), Urgonien infr. . ARCA CARTERONI, D'Orbigny. (Plate v., fig. 7, a, b.) Area Carteroni, D'Orb., Pal Fr. Terr. Cret, ill., pi. cccix., f. 48. Pictet and Campiche, Pal Suisse Terr. Cret., St Croix, p. 436, pi. cxxx., f. 9. A rare shell, belonging to the sub-genus Byssoarca. The lozenge-shaped ligament area is even more developed in our speci- mens than in the figures of French shells ; it is crossed by as many as eight pairs of the angular ligament grooves. Localities. Upware, Atherfield, Peasmarsh, I.W. S. Europe. St Croix. Landeron. Range. Mid. Neocomian, Urgonieu. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 115 CUCULL.EA SUBNANA, Pictet and Roux. (Plate v., fig. 10.) Area subnana, Pictet and Roux, 1852, Moll. Foss. grts verts, p. 461, pi. XXXVL, f. 6. Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse Terr. Crd., St Croix, p. 466. Near to the common Atherfield species, C. Cornueliana, D'Orb., but distinguished by wanting the ridge which always passes ob- liquely along the middle of the posterior area in that species. It is distinguished from C. nana by its ligament furrows. Our shell is double the size of the figured types. Localities. Upware, Farringdon. S. Europe. Perte du Rhone, Gault ; St Croix, Lower Gault. GUCULL^EA, sp. ? (Plate v., fig. 8.) A somewhat similar shell to the last, but more oblique a cuneiform shell. The umbo is not prominent, hinge rather short, hinge area small. The radiating striations are very delicate, for the most part obscure. I only know of one specimen (Woodw. Mus.), and this seems to be partly decorticated. Measurements. Transverse diameter, 25mm.; depth, 19 mm.; umbo to posterior angle, 21 mm. Locality. Upware. PECTUNCULUS SUBL^VIS, Sby. (Plate v., fig. 9, a, b, c.) Pectunculus sublcevis, Sowerby, 1824, Min. Con., pi. CCCCLXXH., f. 4. The umbo is narrower and less elevated than is usual in this species, and the ribs are broad and flattened. The ribs vary in this species. Localities. CJpware, Blackdown, Shanklin, I.W. 82 110 INVERTEBRATA. PECTUNCULUS MARULLENSIS, Lcymeric. (Plate v., fig. 11.) Pectunculus Marullensis, Leym. 1842, Mm. Soc. Geol. France, v., pi. ix., f. 2. D'Orbigny, Terr. Crdt, p. 187, pi. cccvi., f. 16. , The ribs vary ; they do not shew such a regular cross-line structure as is shewn in M. D'Orbigny's figures. Localities. Upware, Shanklin. S. Europe. Paris basin, Middle Neocomian. PECTUNCULUS OBLIQUUS, sp. nov. (Plate VI., fig. 1, a, b, c, d) Shell thick, ovate-oblong, transverse, slightly oblique ; convex, but somewhat flattened in the centre ; surface marked with lines of growth and ornamented with delicate radiating striae. Umbones contiguous, rather depressed, oblique, situated in about the line of the anterior third of the shell. Hinge line short, less than half the length of the shell. Ligament area narrow with several (about eight) angular furrows. Hinge strong, furnished with few central transverse teeth, and three longitudinal lateral teeth upon each side of the semicircular hinge shelf. The surface striae are very numerous, gently convex, with simple, narrow interspaces. The species is best distinguished by its shape, which is almost cuneiform, and its anterior, oblique umbones. It approaches nearest to some Jurassic species from the Great oolite and Coral rag. Measurements. Antero-posterior diameter, 16 mm. ; umbono- pallial diameter, 13 mm. Thickness (through both valves), 10 mm. Locality. Upware. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 117 MODIOLA PEDERNALIS, Roemer ? (Plate vi., fig. 2, a, b.) Modiola pedernalis, Roem., Kreide Texas, pi. vil., fig. 11. The ribs are very delicate in our Upware shells, and the cardino-lateral border is straighter and less curved than in Roemer's figure, but having compared it with specimens from the original locality in the Gb'ttingen Museum I believe them to be- long to the same species. Locality. Upware. ^V. Europe. Elligserbrink, Hils Thon. Friedrichsberg, in Texas, America, MODIOLA OBESA, sp. nov. (Plate VL, fig. 3, a, b.) Description. A very obese species, elongated, oval, gibbous, and arcuated. Cardinal and cardino-lateral borders forming together one simple curve ; pallial border markedly sinuated ; anal border narrow and rounded. The umbones are nearly ter- minal, slender, depressed and incurved ; an arched shoulder runs from them to the front limit of the anal border. Buccal area swollen, marked off by a shallow furrow running alongside the mesial shoulder, its pallial termination corresponding with the sinus, which is situated towards the posterior end, nearly two-thirds of the whole length from the umbo. The surface is marked only by delicate laminae of growth, and coarser growth-stages. Measurements. Length, 21 mm. ; breadth, 10 mm. ; thickness (through both valves), 13 mm. Affinities and differences. A shell of the Modiola cequalis type, also approaching near to M. Montmolini of MM. Pictet and Cam- piche, Terr. Cret., St Croix (pi. CXXXIIL, f. 2) ; from both of these it is distinguished by the regularly-arched cardinal side, instead of having a distinct cardinal angle. 118 INVERTEBRATA. Our species is more elongated than M. ccqualis, but less so than M. Montmolini. The depth of the shell is a characteristic feature, and in this as well as in the regular curvature of the cardinal side, it shews affinity to M. lineata, Sow. (Fitton, pi. xiv., fig. 2) ; but the absence of striation and the gibbous buccal region readily distinguish it. Localities. Upware, Shanklin, I.W. MODIOLA, sp. nov. An ovate, lanceolate shell, convex, slightly arcuated, covered with delicate, crimp-like striations, which are well developed upon the buccal side, but appear to become fainter over the back. The umbones are terminal, slender, oblique, and incurved. Cardino- lateral angle gentle and rounded. The buccal area is but faintly marked off, smooth, and slightly swollen. Measurements. Length, 2 inches; breadth, 1 inch; thickness (across both valves), 1 inch. This shell is near to M. Cottce, Geinitz, but the author of that species agrees with me that the two shells are distinct, the umbo being much more obtuse in M. Cottce. The ornament striae have the character of M. lineata, Sow., a shell totally different in shape. We only know of a single specimen, and in this the shell itself is wanting over most of the back ; therefore from being thus imperfectly known I decline to give a name to the species. Locality. Upware. CARDIUM COTTALDINUM, D'Orbigny. (Plate vi., fig. 4.) Cardium Cottaldinum, D'Orb., Pal. Fr. Terr. Cret., ill. p. 22, pi. CCXLIL, f. 1 4. Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse Terr. Crti., St Croix, p. 146, pi. cxvm., f. 1, 2. A larger shell than C. Ibbetsoni of Atherfield, and without the posterior angles. Its greater cardino-pallial diameter distinguishes LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 119 it from C. Voltzii Leym. The best specimens are in the cabinet of Mr J. F. Walker, M.A., of Sidney Sussex College, one of which shews the hinge. The teeth are small and slender ; cardinal tooth slightly bifid, anterior lateral (of the left valve) laminar, double, posterior lateral obsolete ; behind the umbo a well-marked ligament support is seen. Localities. Upvvare, Folkestone, Shanklin, Punfield, under the Punfield series (Meyer). S. Europe. Middle Neocornian of Landeron and Mont Saleve. Range. Neocomian. CARDIUM SUBHILLANUM, Leymerie ? Cardium siibhillanum (Leym.), 1842, Mfrn. Soc. Ge'ol Fr. V., p. 5, pi. VIL, f. 2. De Loriol, 1861. Descr. Anim. Invert, du Mont Saleve, p. 81, pi. x., f. 4. I only know of one specimen, and in this the shell itself has been lost, leaving only the inside cast. Therefore there is some doubt in this identification. The cast is figured by Pictet and Campiche, Pal. Suisse Terr. Gret, St Croix, pi. cxxi., f. 3, 4. Localities. Upware, Atherfield, Devizes, Hythe. S. Europe. St Croix, Landeron, Mt. Saleve, Jura. CYPRICARDIA STRIATA, Geinitz, sp. Cardita striata, Geinitz, Charak. II. p. 52, pi. x., f. 3 a c. Modiola carditoides, Geinitz, Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen I. p. 218, pi. XLVIII., f. 1113, pi. XLIX., f. 19, 20, in Dunker and Zittel, Palceon- tographica. The discovery of the hinge teeth in the closely-allied species C. squamosa, n. sp. (see infra) proves this to be a Cypricardia. I have no doubt as to the above identification of this shell, having compared specimens with Professor Geinitz in the Dresden Mu- seum, but it is remarkable that this little shell should occur only in two such widely separated localities, and in rocks of such different ages. 120 INVEHTEBKATA. The muscle markings and pallial line are shewn upon an internal cast from Oberau, Dresden. The two adductor impres- sions are placed low in the shell ; they are rounded, and connected by a simple, nearly straight pallial line. Localities. Upware. N, Europe. Lower Quader conglomerates, Oberau, near Dresden ; and Lower Planer, Plauen, Dres- den (Upper Cretaceous). CYPRICAKDIA SQUAMOSA, sp. nov. (Plate vi., fig. 5, a c.) Shell quadrate, but broader behind, gibbous, ornamented with squamous growth laminse, crossed by more or less distinct radiating striae. Umbo quite anterior, prominent, incurved ; a strong rounded shoulder passes from the umbo obliquely across the shell. Anal border rounded ; buccal region slightly swollen ; a gentle depression meets the pallial border in front of the median line. Lunule cordiform, deeply impressed. In the hinge two obtuse prominent teeth are seen in the left valve. Right valve with (?) one cardinal tooth ; no laterals. The ornament consists of a few (seven or eight) prominent, separate concentric lamellae ; and radiating striae which are usually faint, best marked over the back, and disappearing on the pos- terior side. Measurements. Antero-posterior diameter, 13 mm. ; dorso- pallial diam., anteriorly, 9 mm., posteriorly, 1 1 mm. ; thickness (through both valves), 10 mm. Nearly allied to the Cardita Neocomiensis of D'Orbigny, but less gibbous in shape, and further distinguished by its few, promi- nent squamous lines of growth, and the faint development of the radiating ribs. Locality. Upware. CYPRICARDIA ARCADIFORMIS, sp. nov. (Plate vi., fig. 6.) Shell oblong, .Area-shaped ; the sides straight, posterior border oblique. Pallial border sinuated. A prominent angular shoulder runs from the umbo diagonally across the shell. Umbones promi- LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 121 nent, incurved, quite anterior. Buccal region slightly swollen. Limule cordiform, impressed ; a posterior lanceolate lunette is also present. The surface is cancellated with prominent growth laminae, crossed by costae radiating out from the umbo. The posterior region behind the shoulder is smooth or with faint shadowy costaB. Measurements. Antero-posterior diameter, 21 mm. ; dorso- pallial diameter, 12 mm.; thickness (through both valves), 13 mm. Locality. Up ware. CARDITA ROTUNDATA, Pictet and Roux ? (Plate vi., fig. 7). Cardita rotundata, Pictet and Roux. Moll. Foss. Geneve, p. 443, pi. xxxm., f. 6. A lower gault species occurring at Folkestone, where it is known by this name ; but it is a longer shell (length equal to breadth) than the Swiss type, and its ribs are fewer and stronger. Localities. Upware, Folkestone, Potton. S. Europe. Depts. Aube, Yonne, Ardennes, Meuse. Range. Neocomian (Upware) and Lower Gault OPIS NEOCOMIENSIS, D'Orbigny. (Plate vi., fig. 8, ac.) Opis Neocomiensis, D'Orbigny, Pal. Fr. Terr. Cret., HI., p. 51, pi. CCLIIL, figs. 1 5. Opis Desori, De Loriol, Foss. du Mont. Saleve, p. 66, pi. vni., f. 4. The shell varies slightly in breadth. There can be little doubt that MM. Pictet and Campiche are justified in their conclusion that 0. Desori (De Loriol) is the same species as the 0. Neocomi- ensis of D'Orbigny. The differences between them are slight, and, according to Pictet and Campiche, depend upon differences in the ages of the specimens. Our Upware shells are sometimes corrugated with projecting growth zones. 122 INVERTEBRATA. Specimens in the Woodwardian Museum shew the teeth. There are in the right- valve one large tooth, V-shaped and massive, by whose sides are two sockets, which are bounded ex- ternally by tooth-like ridges. In the left valve are two diverging teeth, one of them corresponding with the margin of the wide, open lunule. The other is supported on the cardinal shelf. Localities. Upware, Coleshill, Farringdon. N. Europe. Elligserbrink, Brunswick (Hildesheim Mu- seum). 8. Europe. Hauterive, Mt. Saleve, Landeron. Range. Valengien, Neocomian. ASTARTE, sp. nov. (Plate VL, fig. 9.) A shell approaching the Astarte Valengiensis of Pictet and Campiche, but more orbicular. Also A. Valengiensis is broader on the pallia] side, and narrower and more acuminated on the cardinal side than our shell. Localities. Upware, Potton, Tealby ? Shauklin. ASTARTE SUBDENTATA, Roemer. (Plate vi., fig. 11.) Astarte subdentata, Roemer, 1841. Nord. Deutsch. Kreid., p. 71, pi. ix., f. 9. Localities. Upware, Potton. N. Europe. Hils Thon. (Hildesheim Museum). ASTARTE, sp. (Plate vi., fig. 10. a, I.) A more globose shell than A. subdentata, Roemer ; subtriangular and rounded in contour ; length and breadth nearly equal. It is nearly equilateral, the posterior side being slightly the longer. The umbones are large and prominent. The surface is marked by delicate concentric lines, and also usually by more conspicuous growth-grooves or ridges, but these are not prominent and regular. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 123 Anterior side rounded, posterior slightly truncated. The lunule and lunette are shallow and ill-defined. Measurements. Antero-posterior diameter, 12m.m. ; umbono- pallial diameter, 11 mm.; thickness (across both valves), 8 mm. Locality. Upware. CYPRINA SEDGWICKII, Walker, sp. (Plate vi., fig. 12, a, b, c.) Sphcera Sedgwickii, Walker, An. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Novem- ber, 1866, pi. XIIL, figs. 1, 2. Cyprina angulata, var. Seeley, An. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 1867 (non Flem., non Sby.) Cyprina Sedgwickii, Keeping. List of Fossils in Bonney, 'Cambridgeshire Geology,' Appendix, p. 68. Venus Catalog. Cret. Foss., Museum of Prac- tical Geology, 1878, p. 21. I append Mr Walker's description : " Shell globose, nearly equilateral, slightly gibbous, concentri- cally furrowed, the stria; finer and more distinct towards the ventral margin; ligament prominent; lunule large, distinct, cordate." Measurements. Length, T6 in.; breadth, 1'5 in.; thickness, 1-3 in. The size is very constant ; besides the delicate growth striae, the shell is usually zoned with gentle varices. There is a faint posterior ridge running from the umbo to the postero-lateral margin, in which the shell approaches the character of G. angulata. In outline and in thickness the species varies somewhat, the length and breadth being in some specimens equal. Such forms are also more tumid, and come to resemble C. regularis (D'Or- bigny) of the gault. But the two species are distinct. Since Mr Walker described this shell as Sphcera Sedgwickii, the hinge has been worked out in a number of specimens. There are three cardinal teeth, the anterior one being under the lunule ; this tooth is double in the right valve; there is a distinct posterior lateral tooth. The pallial line is simple. Upon the inside cast the adductor muscle-marks arc well seen, and the posterior ridge is 1 24 INVERTEBRATA. more distinct than upon the shell itself. The umbo is pointed. Pallial line simple. Our shell has considerable resemblance to some forms of C. angu- lata, rostrata (Sby.) ; their hinges are similar ; but C. Sedgwickii is a smaller species, with a more globose shell, and less expanded in front. The posterior angle is not nearly so well developed, though it is faintly seen. The distinct cordiform lunule, marked off by a definite groove, is an important character, serving to separate off a small group of cretaceous shells from the true Cyprina. It is seen in C. regularis, as described and figured by D'Orbigny, and this author states that the same structure occurs in the shell which he refers to C. rostrata, Fitton ; I have not detected it in British specimens of that species. Localities. Upware, Potton. N. Europe. Hils Thon (in Hildesheim Museum as " Mac- tromya nicht bestimmt.") CYPRINA SEDGWICKII, Walker, var. A rounded, inflated variety of C. Sedgwickii, Walker, ap- proaching the gault species C. regularis. CYPRINA ANGULATA, var. ROSTRATA, Sby. Cyprina angulata, Sowerby, Mineral Conchology, pi. 65, var. Cyprina rostrata, Sowerby, Geol. Transactions, vol. IV., p. 341, pi. 17, f. 1. C. Ervyensis, Pictet and Roux. We only know of one specimen, and that an internal cast, of this species from Upware. It agrees with Sowerby's typical C. ros- trata from Blackdown. Localities. Upware, Potton (Coll. J. F. Walker), Blackdown, Sandgate, Hythe. N. Europe. Perte du Ehone, Saxonet, Mortran. Range. Lower Greensand, Aptien, and Lower Gault. CYPRINA OBTUSA, n. sp. (Plate vi., fig. 13, a c.) Shell subtriangular, inflated, very inequilateral, the surface marked with delicate concentric striae. Umbones prominent LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 125 and pointed, directed forwards and incurved. Anterior side rounded ; posterior side slightly produced, its margin rounded ; antero-cardinal region hollowed, but with no defined lumule. Pos- tero-cardinal area well-defined by a strong keel, which arches backwards from beneath the umbo to the postero-lateral margin, so as to mark off the posterior lunette. Behind this keel comes a second oblique ridge, which is however very feebly developed ; it produces a slight angle in the pallial border of the shell, which is elsewhere simply curved. Affinities and differences. Cyprina cuneata, C. Saussuri (Brong.) and C. obtusa all belong to one group of Cyprina charac- teristic of the cretaceous rocks, and distinguished by their wedge- shape, produced posterior side, and the presence of two posterior oblique ridges. They are closely allied to one another, and may, I believe, prove to be only varieties of one species. But materials are not yet collected to prove this, though the idea is supported by some Ather field specimens. As compared with Cyprina cuneata, Sby., the umbo is less prominent and more rounded, all the angles less sharp and the posterior side less produced, so that the pallial border is scarcely, if at all, sinuated. The whole shell is less angular and more tumid, hence the name applied to it. In many of these differences our shell approaches C. Saussuri (Brong.), but that shell is of a different shape not so trigonal also its umbo seems to be more prominent, and the posterior end is more produced. In general shape it is near to C. Bernensis Leym. (FAube, pi. v., f. 5). Localities. Upware, Folkestone, base of Folkestone Beds (Mr Meyer's collection). VENUS VECTENSIS, Forbes. Venus Vectensis, Forbes, 1845. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. I., p. 240, pi. II., f. 4. So far as I know only one specimen has occurred, and that a very indifferent one (Woodw. Mus.) A specimen in the University collection from Atherfield shews the hinge teeth in the right valve. There are three cardinal teeth 126 INVERTEDRATA. and a fourth tooth, which starts under the umbo, runs obliquely along the posterior cardinal margin. Localities. Upware, Atherfield, I.W. V PANOP^A PLICATA, Sowerby. Mya plicata, Sowerby. Min. Con. pi. ccccxix., f. 3. Localities. Upware, Atherfield, Sandown, Speeton, Sandgate, Hythe. N. Europe. Bredenbeck, Hils Thon. S. Europe. Perte du Ehone, St Croix, Vassy. PANOP^A GURGITIS, D'Orbigny. Panopcea plicata, Goldfuss., Pet. Germ., p. 274, pi. CLVIII., f. 5 (non Sby.). Panopcea gurgitis, D'Orb., Pal. Fr. Terr. Crti., ill., p. 343, pi. CCCLXI., f. 1, 2, Localities. Upware (Coll. Mr J. F. Walker). S. Europe. Dept. Var. (Cenoman.) ?THRACIA or TELLINA. (Plate vi., fig. 14). A doubtful shell, of which only two specimens have been discovered at Upware. It bears much resemblance to the figures of Thracia Couloni, Pictet and Renevier, Pal. Suisse, Terr. Aptien, p. 66, pi. vii., f. 4. Locality. Upware. BORING SHELLS. Lithophagous bivalves lived in great abundance at the time when the Ironsand and Phosphatic Series was being deposited, so that commonly the phosphatic nodules are studded with the open- ings of their small burrows, which are usually about so big as to admit easily a large pin's head. Some shells collected from these burrows shew that they were made by small Modiola and Arca-Yike bivalves (Lithodomus and ? Saxicava). LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 127 Larger pyriform crypts, measuring G 8 mm. deep are also occasionally found, some of them in fossil wood, and these probably belong to the Pholas constricta of Phillips. Another and larger species is evidenced by a series of fine clavate crypts in the paddle-bone of a Pliosaurus, which measure 4 inches in depth, 1 inch in diameter. Their courses are some- what tortuous. I have found similar great burrows in the Hythe beds of Hythe, Kent. One very curious organism, probably of the same nature, was found at Upware : a pyriform shelly structure, with small circular opening, is continued below into an irregular swollen tube, which, in one specimen, turns sharply upwards and, uniting with a fellow tube, ends in a large, slightly expanded, irregular common opening. Altogether the specimen has much resemblance to a Scotch bagpipe. PHOLAS (FISTULANA) CONSTRICTA, Phillips. Pholas constricta, Phillips, Geol. Yorkshire, pi. II., f. 17. Roemer, Nordd. Kreide, pi. X., f. 11. Localities. Upware, Speeton. LlTHODOMUS PHOSPHATICUS, sp. 11OV. (Plate VIL, fig. 1, a, 6.) A small, rather variable boring shell, abundantly found in crypts in the phosphatised casts of Ammonites, &c. Description. Shell small, cylindrical, the surface smooth or marked only by lines of growth. Umbones nearly terminal, broad, flattened, and incurved. Two gentle shoulder ridges start from the umbo, the one more obtuse, running to the anterior pallial margin, and the other, which is angular in front, passing obliquely to the posterior end ; a slight sinus is therefore formed in the pallial border. The casts shew a posterior ligament groove, bordered by ridges. Measurements. Length, 7 mm. ; breadth, 3 mm. ; thickness (through both valves) 3 mm. Localities. Upware, Potton, Brickhill. 128 INVERTEBRATA. rf MODIOLA ARCADTFORMIS, D. 8p. (Plate VIL, fig. 2, a, b.) Like the preceding this is a small boring shell found in the phosphatic masses. Shell small, oblong, convex (Area-shaped) ; anterior, side rounded ; pallial border gently convex ; anal border square-truncate. The umbo is large, rather prominent, but flattened, incurved and pointed ; it is well removed from the anterior end. A sharply angular keel runs from the umbo to the posterior pallial margin, cutting off a distinct, concave posterior region. There is a strong internal ligament ridge. The surface is covered with distinct lines of growth, which are sharply angulated over the keel. The species is well distinguished by its area-like shape, the posterior keel and hollowed posterior area. Localities. Upware, Potton. BRACHIOPODA. (See ante, p. 20.) MEGERLIA (KINGENA) RHOMBOIDALIS, n. sp. (Plate VIL, fig. 3, a c.) Description. Shell rhomboidal, slightly longer than broad, moderately convex, thickest near the beaks. Surface smooth or marked with lines of growth. Shell structure coarsely punctate. Dorsal valve obtusely trigonal, convex, especially near the beak. Hinge line gently curved ; front obtusely pointed. A distinct line extending f the length of the shell indicates the internal dorsal septum of the genus. Ventral valve rhomboidal, obtusely keeled from back to front. Beak sharp ; beak -ridges acute, area elongated, flattened and concave. Deltidium in two pieces ; foramen small. Measurements. Length, 9 mm. ; breadth, 9 mm. ; thickness, C mm. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 129 Affinities and di/erences. Characterised by its rhomboidal form. In Britain we have only M. lima, Defr. to distinguish it from, a species to which it bears considerable resemblance ; but the front margin in M. lima is truncated, whilst in M. rhomboidalis it is obtusely pointed ; in our new species the beak is less incurved, the hinge line is, as a rule, more curved, and the dorsal valve is more swollen than in M. lima ; also this latter species is ornamented with "small granulations or short, hollowed spines" (p. 43, Davidson), which I have not found in M. rhomboidalis. Again, the lines of growth are more marked. In geological times the two species seem always to have been separated, M. lima ranging only from the Upper Gault to the Chalk. Locality. Brickhill. WALDHEIMIA BONNE YI, sp. nov. (Plate vii. fig. 4, a, 6, c.) Shell thick, oval-pentagonal, usually inflated; pointed behind, truncated and straight or sinuated in front. It is broadest near the centre, and tapers behind to the beak. The surface is marked with interrupting lines of growth of varying intensity, valves about equally convex, deepest near the centre. Ventral valve moderately convex, impressed towards the front so as to form the lateral ridges, and gently carinated in the pos- terior region. Beak rather prominent, slightly incurved, beak ridges sharp. The hinge area is large and flattened. Deltidium large, in two pieces. Foramen small. The Dorsal valve is pentagonal, somewhat inflated, the sides gently curved or with a slight angle. Front sinuated. The loop is long and reflected. This species varies considerably in its form much in the same way as does its near ally W. pseudojurensis. Some of the specimens are flattened so as to pass into that species by regular gradation, but the typical ones are always more inflated. The less truncated forms approach W. Wanklyni. Some specimens are much thickened on the front margin, some are broadly truncated in front, and others are almost pointed. K. 9 130 INVERTEBRATA. Measurements. Length, 33 mm. ; breadth, 2G mm. ; thickness, 18 mm. Another specimen gives length 30 mm. ; breadth, 23 mm. ; thickness, 20mm. TEREBRATELLA KEEPINGII, Walker. (Plate vii. fig. 19.) Shell elongated, subpentagonal, or sometimes trigonal ; pos- terior end produced. Front margin truncated, forming distinct lateral angles. The whole shell is covered with a beautiful delicate striation radiating from the beaks, new striae or ribs being frequently inter- calated towards the front. Stria? rounded, about equal to the interspaces in size. Dorsal valve moderately convex, flattened along the middle and depressed in front. Dorsal septum elongated. The ventral valve is convex with steep sides, straight in front, strongly arched across behind, and produced into a very prominent long beak. Beak ridges well denned and sharp near the foramen. Area elongated, slightly convex. Deltidium elongated in two pieces. Foramen small. This shell varies considerably : the typical shell is pentagonal in form, but some specimens have the long sac-like shape of T. digona ; they vary also in the length of the shell and coarseness of striation ; the latter is however always much more delicate than in T. Davidsoni. The last-named species is the nearest ally of T. Keepingii, and is the only one with which it could be confounded. Our new species is distinguished by its greater length, especially length of beak and area, its steep sides, truncated front, and delicate striae. It is an extremely well-marked type, although as I have shewn elsewhere the passage forms have been found connecting it with T. Davidsoni (see ante, p. 25). Measurements. Length, 23 mm. ; greatest breadth, 17 mm. ; thickness, llmm. ANNELIDA. 131 ANNELIDA. (See ante, p. 28.) SERPULA LOPHIODA, Goldfuss. (Plate vn. fig. 5, a, b.) Serjmla lophioda, Goldfuss, Petrifacta Germanics, I., p. 236, pi. 70, fig. 2. A fine specimen, five inches long, in the University col- lection. Locality. Upware. N. Europe. Essen, Shoppenstedt. SERPULA RUSTICA, Sowerby. (Plate vii. fig. 6, a, b.} Serpula rustica, Sby., Min. Con., pi. 599, f. 3. An obtusely quadrangular tube, commonly bent into a loop in the Upware specimen, the looped portion being attached, but the rest of the tube remaining free and straight. Serpula quadrangularis (Roemer) is its representative in the German Neocomian (Hils formation). Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Godalming (in Lower Green- sand), Folkestone (Upper Greensand). SERPULA ARTICULATA, Sowerby. (Plate vn. fig. 7.) Serpula articulata, Sby., Min. Con., vol. VI., p. 204, pi. 599, f. 4. A worm-tube of the vertebralis (Oxford clay) type. The aper- ture expands periodically, trumpet fashion, and the successive enlargements produce the articulated appearance of the test. This is a rougher, more irregular worm-tube than S. vertebralis, with unequal intervals between the quadrangular nodulose varices, but such differences may be produced simply by difference of habitat. Our Serpula rustica from Upware sometimes exhibits very similar structure. Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Godalming. N. Europe. Berklingen (Hils Conglomerate). 92 132 INVERTEBRATA. tf SERPULA ANTIQUATA, Sowerby. Serpula antiquata, Sby., Min. Con., pi. 598, f. 4. Localities. Upware, Wiltshire (Upper Greensand). N. Europe. Bredenbeck, Elligserbrink. S. Europe. Mont Saleve. Range. Neocomian to Lower Chalk. SERPULA PLEXUS, Sowerby. Serpula plexus, Sowerby, Min. Con., pi. 598, p. 1. Localities. Upware, Blackdown, Wiltshire (U. G. S.), Norwich (Chalk). SERPULA GORDIALIS, Goldfuss. Serpula gorcKalis, Goldf. Pet. Germ., pi. 71, f. 4. Localities. Upware, Brickhill, Farringdon. N. Europe. Schoppenstedt. S. Europe. Perte du Rhone. SERPULA AMPULLACEA, Sowerby. Serpula (Vermillia) ampullacea, Sby., Min. (7 . . c^^* irtijif'IHL. 11 : : 1 i! : !l "III CJ ^ ,, equicostata (Keeping) Neitheaatava(R6m.) Morrisii (P. & Ben.) 100 adojirj -s | : + + + + ++ : + + + + + : : + + + ::+::: SQOJIOA noaapuBT ; i ;+ + ; ;+ + ; ; ;+ ; \ \ \ \ 9A 9 is no W :::+ : :::::+:+::::::::::: auoiia np ajaaj 1 : : + + : + ::+::::::::+:::::: ' pnB^az^s ::+++++:+++++:;++!::::: *mw :: + + + ++: + +:+:::+::+::: sauaapay .. + + : ::.::::+::::.:::::: _ a M ' + + + + + JIDiMsanjfl + : : : : :+: + +: + +::::::::;:: 1I B 'L) pa>l no?UB}sunn pl3 H aainv ;; + +-4- + ;; + +;;i;:;+ii;i!;i m, ; + ; ; ; ;;!;;;+;;+;:!:+::;+ anop^aBia : : : : : ::::::::::::::+:::: ^Boauo^a^oj ^qiax : + ;+:;; + +;:;;;:;;:;:; uojaadg ;+!- + ++;+;;+;;;;;;;;;;;; . . . . . 11 spag auojsojiioj : : + : : : : :::::::::::::::: 8aira[B P oo -! + ++ 1 :::+::::: i :::::: UOpSUUJBJ + ; + + i ;;;;+;+;!;+;+;;;;:; uonoa . . . . lovvra nn4a +;+++ ;++;+;+;+++++++++++ i 1 s I ^ i ~ ^ii f-dlf? ?1 1^1 ?^2 _2 l.lli^ W|2P 52, ^.^ ^ Tw - ,0^- T|. INVEETE ilijiJlSi illlliiill lltp Safto S'3 ffS.! ^^^3 i*-^ S S^ S<^ o g cs llNlllfigJf|5 a | t Hil8'S 11 1 , ..f ; 161 ! + :+ 162 163 + + ; + : + + : : + : + : : : + : : + + + : : + + -2-O g^j i- 11 11 irai SI a a s . i g X'^'& S ^ *" ' . ,-, JJ..I O^^-O 2" | 'Scg a | 3..2 o* O'-w .92 =0-3 "'^"3 "22 3l 1 il ^ 1 1 ^fl ^ 1 ^ ill Ills. siii="S |J5|1JJK fl& ^IIM*& If^fl'sii.'i.g **x* IJ ^i?liF'i* it flw- n -*** iia-? s -3^2 l^S.&J' !l!||| U3 rli s^ S^ 1 II-; 164- INDEX. Ammonites, 30, 89, 90, 153, 155, 156 Annelida, 27, 131 Ancyloceras, 91, 153 Aporrhais, 92 Area, 114 Ardennes, 68 Astarte, 122 Atherfield, 62 Austin, Mr Godwin, 57 Avicula, 109 Bargate stone, 61 Barrois, 68 Belemnites, 19, 84, 89, 155 Bielefeld, 72 Blackdown, 58 Borers, 9 Boulders (Neocomian), 35 Brachiopoda, 20 Brickhill, 2, 19, 52 Brodie, Kev. P. B., 48 Brunswick, 72 Calne, 51 Cambridge, 35 Cardita, 121 Cardium, 118 Catagma, 146 Cephalopoda, 18, 39, 84 Cerithium, 93 Ceriopora, 27, 139 Cidaris, 133 Conglomerate, 5 Constantine, 71 Coral Bag, 30, 44 Corynella, 149 Crocodilia, 80 Cucullsa, 115, 151, 152 Cypricardia, 20, 119 Cyprina, 123 Dana, Prof., 14 Dark Grit rock, 32 Deinosauria, 78 Derived Fossils, 8, 18, 30, 38, 77 Diceras, 71 Downham Market, 11, 54 Echinodermata, 27, 133 Elasmostoma, 147 Ely, 17, 53 Entalophora, 137 Essen, 72 Exogyra, 100 Farringdon, 48, 49, 57 Fishes, 43, 80 Folkestone, 33 Foreign deposits, 67 France, 67 Gasteropoda, 19, 92 Gervillia, 154 Godalming, 60 Goniopholis, 80 Goslar, 73 Hamites, 154 Hanover, 72 Harz, 73 Herrimere, 35 Heteropora, 14 166 INDEX. Hinnites, 108 Hunstanton, 32, 33, 56 Ichthyosaurus, 79 Kimmeridge Clay, 46 Kingena, 128 Lamellibranchiata, 19 Landeron, 70 Leidy, Prof., 14 Lima, 111 Lithodomus, 127 Litorina, 95, 97 Lydian Stone, 61 Mammillaris zone, 68 Melicertites, 138 Meyer, Mr Modiola, 117 Neithea, 106 Nerinsea, 94 Nucula, 114 Oolite, 72 Opis, 121 Ostrea, 100 Otodus, 83 Oxford Clay, 30, 44 Pachytiloda, 149 Panopsea, 126 Paris Basin, 69 Pebbles, 6 Pecten, 104 Pectunculus, 115 Peltastes, 135 Perna, 109, 150, 151 Peronella, 149 Phillips, Prof. J M 66 Pholas, 127 Phosphatic nodules, 9, 11, 12, 18 Pinna, 110 Plants, 150 Plesiosaurus, 78 Pleurotomaria, 94 Plicatula, 110 Pliosaurus, 79 Plocoscyphea, 28, 145 Polyzoa, 27, 137 Porifera, 144 Portlandian, 41, 42 Potton, 2, 32, 33, 47 Psammodus, 82 Pseudodiadema, 135 Pycnodus, 82 Pyrenees, 71 Radiopora, 139 Hampton, 63 Eeptilia, 43, 76 Eeptocea, 141 Beptomultisparsa, 137 Rushmoor, 49 Salenia, 136 Saleve, Mt., 38, 69 Salzgitter, 72 Sandringham, 56 Scalaria, 93 Sceend, 51 Schoeppenstedt, 73, 75 Seeley, Prof. H. G., 17, 35, 37, 48, 58 Semimulticavea, 138 Serpula, 131 Shanklin, 33, 63 Sharpe, Mr, 58 Sollas, Prof., 28 South Carolina, 13 Speeton, 11, 65 Species, transmutation of, 21 SphfBrodus, 17, 81 Spinney Abbey, 7 Spondylus, 113 Sponges, 27, 144 Streatham, 53 Strombeck, Herr von, 73 Strophodus, 82 Swanage, 59 Swindon Series, 41 Switzerland, 69 Tawney, Mr E. B., 7 Tealby, 11, 64 Teall, Mr J. H., 37, 58 Terabratella, 130, 24 Terebratula, 21, 22, 154 INDEX. 167 Thracia, 126 Vertebrates, 16, 40, 76 Trigonia, 113 Verticellites, 145 Trochus, 95 Turbo, 97 Waldheimia, 22, 129 Walker, Mr J. F., 3, 17, 48, 58 Upware, 3, 25 Warminster, 51 Wealden, 40, 67 Vectian, 59 Venus, 125 Zittel, Prof., 28 Vermicularia, 133 PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY. M.A. & SON, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE. PLATE I. FIG. 1. Dermal spine of a Deinosaur, Upware (Coll. Mr J. F. Walker, M.A.). 2. Dorsal vertebra of Plesiosaurug (P. JVeocomiensis, Camp. ?) Upware, a, basal view ; b, anterior face. 3. Plesiosaurus, sp. nov. from Brickhill. a, basal view ; 6, articular surface f. York Museum. 4. Sphaerodus Neocomiensis, Ag., Upware. a, base; 6, surface; c, side view. 5. Pycnodus Couloni, Ag., Upware. a, upper surface ; b, side view (Coll. J. P. Walker, M.A.). 6. Belemnites pistilliformis, var. subfusiformis, d'Orbigny, Upware. a, front view ; b, back view ; c, side view. 7. Belemnites (?) Upwarensis, Kpng., Upware. a, natural size; 6, the same enlarged y ; c, proximal surface j ; d t the same further enlarged. 8. Belemnites subquadratus, Homer, Brickhill. 9. Ammonites Cormtelianus, d'Orb. Upwara 10. Ammonites, sp. Upware, A.SFoorddeLetlith Mintem Bros imp PLATE IT. Ancyloceras Hillsii, Sby., sp. Up ware. natural size, b, outline of aperture; c, the central part of the outer whorl; d, earliest part of outer whorl. PI. II. Mmtem Brx imp. PLATE III. FIG. 1. Ammonites Deshayesii, Leym. Up ware. 2. Aporrhals (Tesserolax) Gardneri, Kpng., Upware. a, front; 6, back view (Coll. J. F. Walker, M.A.). 3. Aporrhais (Tridactylus) Walkeri, Gardner. Upware (Coll. J. F. Walker, M.A.). 4. Scalaria Keepingi, Gardner, Upware (Coll. J. F. Walker, M.A.). a, front ; b, back ; c, costse magnified. 5. Cerithium, Neocomiense, d'Orb., Upware (Collection J. F. Walker, M.A.). 6. Cerithium Marottinum, d'Orb., Upware. 7. Nerincea, sp., Upware. 8. Nerincea tumida, Kpng., Upware. 9. Trochus, sp. nov., Upware (Coll. J. F. W.). 10. Litorina Upwarensis, Kpng., Upware (Coll. J. F. W.). 11. Litorina Cantabrigensis, Kpng., Upware. 12. Litorina varicosa, Kpng., Upware. 13. Turbo fieedi, Kpng., Upware. 14. Patella, sp.? Upware. PI III A.S.Foorddel.etlith PLATE IV. Fio. 1. Pleurotomaria Campichei, Kpng., 1. a, enlarged f, Up ware. 2. Pleurotomaria ferruginea, Kpng., Potton. 3. Exogyra conica, Sby., Upware. 3. c, a striated variety (in Mr Walker's Collection). 4. Ostrea Walkeri, Kpng., Upware. 5. Neithea ornithopus, Kpng., Upware. 6. Neithea atava (Romer), d'Orb., Upware (Coll. J. F. W.). PI IV. A.SFoord