.V LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA PRESENTED BY MRS. THOMAS M. STORKE WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY A.D. 1627 TO 1636. ADMINISTRATIONS A.D. 1627 TO 1652. THE FOUNDED 1863. INCORPORATED 1893. VOL. XXXV. FOR THE YEAR 1905. , INDEX OF WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY A.D. 1627 TO 1636. ADMINISTRATIONS A.D. 1627 T0 PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. 1905. WORKSOP : ROBERT WHITE & Co. PREFACE. THIS Volume completes the Index to the first 42 Registers of Transcribed Wills, proved in the Prerogative and Exchequer Courts of York, and brings down the Index of Wills from A.D. 1389, practically to A.D. 1636, though there are a few Wills belonging to the year 1637, and of the Admin- istration of Intestate estates, compiled from the Act Books, from A.D. 1502 to A.D. 1652. As previously notified, there is a gap in the Registers between 1636 and 1660, but this was previously supplied in Vols. I. and IV. of the Society's issues. The former Volume contains an Index of all Yorkshire Wills and Administrations to be found in the Registers at Somerset House, which were proved in London during the Inter-regnum ; and the latter is an Index to all the Original Wills, now in existence, that were proved in York from 1636 to 1652. The whole series consists of 1 1 Volumes containing, in round numbers, 96,000 references to Wills and 43,000 to Administrations in the York Court, and one Volume containing about 5,000 references to Wills and Administrations in the London Court. There are still to be dealt with, the Wills proved in the Consistory Court, which commence in the year 1311, the Dean and Chapter's Court, which commence 1321, and also those proved in the various peculiars. The only attempt to get at any of these has been made by the Surtees Society, which in Vol. 26 published abstracts of selected Wills ^belonging to the Archdeaconry of Richmond, dating from 1452 1578, and two volumes (104 and no) of full abstracts of all the Wills enrolled in the Knaresbrough Court Rolls (1510 to 1660), together with an Index to such Wills, &c., now in existence, as were proved in the Manorial Court at Knaresbrough, from 1640 to 1858. These are for the most part original documents, and are now to be seen at Somerset House. Oct. 30th, 1905. ERRATA. Page 33 Reference to John Gilling's will for Vol. 52 read 42. ,, 69 for Richard, Gibson, read Gibson, Richard. 214 for Munne. John, read Manne, John. The Committee of the RECORD SERIES had arranged that Vol. XXXV. should be the second volume of the " Wakefield Court Rolls," but Mr. Baildon not being quite ready, it will have to be delayed till about next Easter. Dr. Collins' " Index to York Wills" is therefore substituted for 1905, and it is hoped that the " Wakefield Rolls " and a second volume of " Yorkshire Inquisitions " by Mr. Brown will follow for 1906. WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 t The date of the Probate precedes the name and that of the Will follows the Name, the reference to the Register and folio following the latter. The Act Books have been freely used in making corrections and supplying deficiencies. Dec. 21, 1627. Oct. 6, 1635. Aug.i3, 1635. Mar.3o, 1636. Apl. 15, 1630. Jun. 8, 1631. May 28, 1635. Jan. 14, 1632. May 31, 1632. Nov.3o, 1630. Feb. 13, 1629. Aug.27, 1634. Mar. 9, 1637. Sep. 30, 1629. Dec. 8, 1631. NOV.II, 1629. July 5, 1630. Nov.25, 1629. Jun. n, 1628. May3i, 1632. July 3, 1630. Aug. 9, 1632. Jun. 10, 1630. Jun. 9, 1631. Oct. 16, 1634. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 6, 1633. Nov.io, 1630. Jan. 28, 1634. Apl. 14, 1630. Feb. 9, 1628. Nov. 8, 1634. May3i, 1632. July 27, 1631. Mar. 2, 1634. Apl. 27, 1631. Feb. 9, T628. Apl. 22, 1630. Apl. 28, 1631. May i, 1628. May i, 1628. May 23, 1629. May 14, 1633. Abbott, John, thelder, Bishopp Mounkton, yeoman, July 2, 1627. , Thomas, Sheffeild, June 23, 1635. Acam, Henry, Hutton Wanseley, Feb. 26, 1629. Acame, Henery, Hutton Wansley, yeoman, Feb. 25, 1635. Acklam, Francis, Haistropp, Jan. 4, 1629. , Raphell, Brandisburton, yeoman, Dec. 27, 1630. , Richard, Bewham (bur. Nunkeelinge), May 21, 1634. Acome, Thomas, Marston, Aug. 29, 1632. Adam, John, Sprotburgh, Nov. 18, 1631. , Margaret, bur. Shirburne, widdowe, Feb. 12, 1626. , Thomas, Stiropp, par. Blyth, labourer, June 20, 1629. Adams, John, Pontefract, gentleman, Nov. 5, 1633. , William, Owston, esq., Jan. i, 1637. Adamson, Edmond, Rotherham, yeoman, Oct. 26, 1627. , James, Newtondale, par. Leasham, Aug. 19, 1628. , William, Horsfurth, par. Guisley, Easter week last. Addamson, James, Fadmore, bur. Kirbymoreshedye, Mar. 26, 1629. Addison, Margarett, Harwooddaile, Dec. 31, 1628. , Thomas, Brandsby, Aug. 30, 1627. Addy, Robert, Ardsley. No date. Adon, William, Greate Ediston, yeoman, Feb. 18, 1628. Adwicke, Thomas, Tuxforde, Notts., notarie, May 8, 1632. Aerton, Elizabeth, Pathorne, par. Gisburne, Apl. 16, 1630. Agar, Thomas, Yorke, aldm., (bur. St. Maurice), May 7, 1631. Agarr, Dame Beatrix, Yorke, widow of Tho. A. (bur. St. Maur.), Aug. 18, 1634. Aierton, John, Beelde, par. Gisburne, husbandman, Jan. 13, 1628. Ailston, Robert, Shipton, yeoman, Feb. 20, 1631. Aire, John, bur. St. Maries in Lasdell, Dec. 18, 1629. Airton, James, Threshfeild, par. Hutton, Dec. 4, 1632. , Robert, {jargrave, husbandman, Jan. 24, 1627. Aiscoughe, Robert, Greenehowe, par. Ingleby, yeom., Jan. 5, 1628. Alcocke, William, Skipton, Feb. i, 1633. Alderley, Arthur, Almonburie, yeoman, July 14, 1630. Allanson, Elizabeth, par. St. Mart., Coney St., York, May 10, . , John, New Malton, taylor, Feb. 19, 1634. , Richard, Bushopp Munckton, yeoman, bur. Rippon, Nov. 7 1629. Allen, John, Mirfeild, clothier, May 26, 1628. , Richard, Bingham, Notts., June 2, 1629. 41 , William, Burton Agnes, victualer, Mar. n, 1630. Allott, Edward, Crigleston, par. Great Sandall, Jan. 24, 3 Car. , Elizabeth, Doncaster, widdow, Oct. 10, 1626. Almond, Thomas, Preston in Holdernes, husbn., Oct. 22, 1628. Alsopp, Francis, Thome, butcher, Jan. 2, 1632. Vol. Fol. 40 103 42 610 42 634 42 77 4 1 J 3 41 441 42 517 42 19 4i 744 41 230 40 626 42 260 42 716 40 526 41 566 40 570 41 97 40 580 40 257 4 1 745 4 1 95 41 828 4 1 73 4 1 447 42 315 40 416 42 208 41 228 42 368 41 4 40 326 42 335 41 723 41 477 42 393 4i 375 40 336 48*49 41 383 40 212 40 214 40 444 42 199 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. May 21, 1633. Julys:, 1632. Apl. 22, 1630. May 20, 1628. Jan. g, 1627. Aug.i3, 1635. Sep. 5, 1635. Jan. 9, 1634. Oct. 2, 1628. Dec. 16, 1631. Apl. 20, 1629. Feb. 10, 1630. July 4, 1631. Jun. 29, 1631. Jan. 23, 1628. Oct. 9, 1629. Dec. 16, 1630. May 20, 1628. May 8, 1633. Jan. 25, 1631. Dec. i, 1628. Sep. 18, 1628. Feb. 22, 1632. May 15, 1633. Oct. i, 1635. Jan. 14, 1630. Aug.i3, 1628. Apl. 23, 1633. May 9, 1633. Jun. 22, 1629. July 31, 1632. Mar.2g, 1635. Oct. 2, 1634. July 14, 1635. Apl. 15, 1630. Nov. 3, 1634. Aug. 13, 1629. Nov.28, 1629. Apl. 15, 1630. Feb. 29, 1627. Oct. 7, 1634. Jan. 25, 1631. Apl. 15, 1635. Feb. 6, 1634. May i, 1628. Dec. i, 1627. Jun. 3, 1630. Feb. 22, 1631. Jun. 10, 1631. Oct. 8, 1628. Apl. 15, 1635. May 8, 1633. Oct. 8, 1635. Feb. 12, 1628. July 7, 1631. July 4, 1632. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Altham, Agnes, Grindleton, May 14, 1633. , Richard, Setle (bur. Gigleswicke), Jan. 12, 1626. i, John, Nottingham, gentleman, Feb. 8, iC Vol. 42 Alton, John, Nottingham, gentleman, Feb. 8, 1629. Alured, Henerie, the Charterhouse near Kingston upon Hull, esq., Apl. 2, 1628. Alvey, Rob., Arnall, co. Notts., husbandman, July 6, 1627. , Robert, elder, Carcolston, Notts., yeoman, Nov. 7, 1634. Ambler, Henry, Hill topp, Kigheley, yeoman, Nov. 23, 1630. , Mary, Brackenhall, wid. of Ric. A., Nov. 29, 1634. , Nathanyell, Bradforth, Apl. 19, 1617. , Richard, Brackenhall in Baildon, clothier, Aug. 17, 1630. Amry, Robert, Clifton, par. Konysbrough, Jun. 18, 1625. Anderson, Dorithie, Northcarr, widdow, Jan. 3, 1630. , Edward, Tickhill, blacksmith, Apl. 9, 1631. , Francis, Seamer, husbandman, Sep. n, 1630. , George, Thircklby, Dec. 25, 1626. Anderton, Raiphe, Whittenwell, Forest Bolland, yeom., Jun. 2, 1628. 40 Andrew, William, Chappell Allerton, par. Leeds, yeom., Mar. 10, 1622. 41 Andrewe, John, Hedon, Feb. i, 1627. Aneley, Thomas, Oldlynley, Staineland, yeoman, Apl. 21, 1632. Anslae, John, Staunton, Notts., gentleman, Dec. 15, 7 Chas. Anwicke, Thomas, Southburton als. Bishoppburton, husbn., Oct. 23, 1628. Apleyeard, Jame, Clayton in Bradforddale, cloathyer, July 10, 1628. 41 Appleby, Gregory, Streatlum (bur. Barnard Castle), Nov. 18, 1623. , John, Wallesby, Notts., taylor, Aug. 27, 1628. Archer, Elizabeth, Emley, spinster, Aug. 17, 1635. , John, Howseham, laborer, Apl. 26, 1630. -, Robert, Kloughton, June 10, 1628. -, Thomas, Chickinley (bur. Dewsbury), Feb. 9, 1631. -.William, (bur. Willerby), May 27, Fol. 114 788 46 40 247 40 1 06 42 631 42 650 42 358 41 84*1 41 259 40 380 41 284 41 466 41 459 40 320 40 559 41 260 40 242 42 143 41 537 40 288 41 73<* 42 65 42 89 42 672 41 275 41 53 42 213 42 i?5 40 457 41 785 42 418 42 282 42 562 Archdale, Richard, par. Sheiffeld, lynnen weaver, Aug. 9, 1628. Armestead, Thomas, Gigleswick, yeoman, Apl. i, 1632. Armestronge, John, Clifton neare, Yorke, Feb. 2, 1632. , William, Hutton juxta Ridbye, husbn., Aug. 5, 1633. Armitage, James, (Greasbrooke), Apl. 21, 1634. , John, the Heath, par. Warmfeild (bnr. Kirkthorpe), Jan. 18, 1628. 41 30 , Thomas, (Baildon), Sep. 10, 1631. 42 330 Armitstead, Katherine, Rawthmell (bur. Gigleswicke), Apl. 12, 1629. 40 512 Armitsteade, John, Stainforth Underbarshe, husbandman (bur. Gigleswicke), Feb. 25, 1628. 40 580 , Richard, yonger, Gisburne, husbn., July 25, 1629. 41 9 Armitt, George, Melburne, about Lamas, 1627. 40 160 Armytage, Mary, Doncaster, widdowe, May 13, 1631. 42 295 Arnald, Thomas, Newarke, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 19, 1630. 41 589 Arnes, Bridgett, (Hunnonby), Mar. 27, 1635. 42 449 Arnett, Elizabeth, Thirske, May 22, 1633. 42 373 Arnold, Richard, Middle Walton in Sandall Magna, yeoman, Jan. 30, 1626. 40 213 Arrundel, Roberte, Croston, labourer, Oct. 22, 1623. 40 94 Artas, Ann, Beverley, widdowe, Sep. 27, 1629. 41 64 Arter, Nicholas, Ollerton, Notts., husbandman, July 19, 1631. 41 621 Ashbie, John, Skerne, laborer, Sep. 8, 1623. 41 451 Ashe, Edward, yeoman, bur. Chippin, co. Lane., Oct. 4, 1627 (com- pleted fol. n). 41 ga , James, Setle, Oct. 15, 1634. 42 450 , Mary, Mithorne, co. Lane., wid. of Edw. A., May 29, 1630. 42 162 Asher, Hugh, Basforde, Notts., laborer, June 5, 1635. 42 621 Ashforth, Richard, Worksopp, Notts., hosier, Jun. 22, 1627. 40 350 Ashington, George, Marnham (Notts.), Mar. 6, 1620. 41 470 Ashley, Thomas, Staynford, yeoman (bur. Hatfeild), Feb. 21, 1631. 41 770 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Oct. 2, 1628. Askerne, Robert, Fennecke, par. Campsale, Jan. i, 1627. 41 j8a Jan. 10, 1630. Askham, Henry, Tickhill, husbandman, Aug. 18, 4 Chas. 41 270 Mar.2O, 1632. Askron, Richard, Egbrough, Mar. 3, 1631. 41 642 Feb. 12, 1632. Askwith, Ralph, Dalby, yeoman, Jan. 17, 1632. 42 44 Sep. 30, 1630. , Thomas, Chappell Allerton, par. Leeds, clothier, Jan. 15, 1626. 41 168 July ii, 1628. Aslocke, Edward, Southcollingham, Notts., laborer, Maie 8, 1628. 41 250 July 29, 1630. , Elizabeth, South Collingham, Notts., spr., May 19, 1630. 41 122 Apl. 27, 1630. Aspinall, Lawrence, Whalley, co. Lane., husbandman, Jan. 4, 1629. 41 52 July 3, 1629. , William, Sowerbie, par. Hallifax, clothier, Mar. 22, 1628. 40 471 Sep. 25, 1634. Atkinson, Anne, (bur. Sladeburne), Feb. 13, 1632. 42 274 Jun. 17, 1635. , Edward, Pannell, Mar. 28, 1635. 42 538 Oct. 9, 1634. , Elizabeth, par. St. Step., Colman St., London, wid., Aug. 4, 1634. 42 327 Oct. 8, 1627. , Frances, Owthorne, widdow, June 14, 1626. 40 55 Apl. 18, 1632. , Henry, Kirskell, yeoman (bur. Addle), Jan. 6, 1631. 41 664 Dec. 22, 1628. , Henry, Sturton, the elder (bur. Skipton), Jan. 22, 1626. 40 308 May 21, 1633. , Issabell, wid of Hen. A. of Stirton, husbn., Mar. 16, 1632. 42 238 Jun. 8,1631. , James, Arnold (bur. Long Riston), Nov. 7, 1630. 41 446 May 8,1633. , Jennett, W. Halton, wid. of Walt. A., Feb. 18, 1631. 42 169 May 9, 1633. , John, Billesdale, June 29, 1628. 42 172 Dec. 24, 1634. , John, Embsay, Feb. 26, 1633. 42 347 May 3,1632. , John, Haygarme, June 20, 1631. 41 703 Apl. 26, 1632. , John, Nottingham, gentleman, June 13, 1628. 41 700 Apl. 15, 1630. , Leonard, (Ruiston), Nov. 26, 1629. 41 14 May2o, 1628. , Margarett, Northfrodingham, widdowe, May i, 1627. 40 246 May28, 1635. > Mary, Arnold, widdowe (bur Longe Riston), May 18, 1634. 42 518 Jun. 30, 1635. , Raiphe, Everingham, Apl. 23, 1634. 42 545 Oct. 27, 1631. , Raiphe, Bridlington, webster, July 18, 1631. 41 551 Jun. n, 1628. , Richard, Barmbie upon Dun, yeoman, Sep. 18, 1627. 40 257 Mar.28, 1628. , Richard, Settrington, miller, July 2, 1627. 40 189 Jun. 25, 1632. , Richard, Sikehouse, yeoman, May 22, 1631. 41 755 Apl. 22, 1635. , Robert, Fiskerton, par. Rolleston, Notts., miller, Feb. 17, 1634. 42 476 Dec. 22, 1628. , Robert, Wadther, par. Brasswell, June 5, 1626. 40 308 Oct. 1,1629. , Rowland, Huton juxta Rudbie, Apl. ,1629. 40 536 May2g, 1635. .Thomas, Batersbye, Oct. 20, 1634. 42 522 Sep. 5, 1635. , Thomas, younger, Kirkby in Malhamdaile, husbn., July 6, 1633. 42 650 Oct. 23, 1634. - , Thomas, Warley, clothier, July 8, 1634. 42 324 Dec. 20, 1632. , William, Maskham, Craven, batchelor, Aug. 20, 1631. 42 7 Oct. 31, 1631. , William, Otterburne, yeoman, Feb. 22, 1629. . 4 1 553 Oct. 28, 1629. , William, Seatner, husbandman, Jan. 19, 1628, 40 566 Feb. 7, 1632. Attenborowe, William, Beeston, Notts., husbn., Sep. 17, 1630. 42 37 May 8, 1628. Atterby, Robert, Woddington, husbandman, Jan. 29, . 40 220 Sep. 3,1632. Avis, Cornelius, Risbie, husbandman, July 4, 1631. 41 848 Feb. 16, 1631. , Henry, Skitbie, husbandman, Jan. 5, 1631. 41 618 Oct. 2, 1634. , Jane, Risby, widdowe, bur. Scitbye, May 4, 1634. 42 282 May 8, 1633. Avison, Mathew, Sharlestonn, husbandman, Jan. i, 1620. 42 150 Apl. 16, 1635. Awder, Robert, Whitbye, tanner, Mar. 6, 1633. 42 458 Oct. 2, 1634. Awderson, Luke, Tollesby, yeoman, Jan. 8, 1633. 42 283 Oct. 2, 1634. Awdersonn, Jane, Barwicke uppon Tease, June 23, 1623. 42 282 Feb. 25, 1628. Awdus, Thomas, Burn, yeom'an, abt. Nov. 6, 1628. 40 357 Jun. 7, 1630. Awmacke, John, Threske, tanner, Nov. 2, 1629. 41 69 Jun. 7, 1630. Awmocke, William, thelder, Sandhutton, yeoman, Sep. 23, 1628. 41 68 Feb. 19, 1635. Awmond, John, Cottingham, yeoman, Nov. 24, 1635. 42 700 Oct. 9, 1634. Awood, Richard, Loudham, Notts., blacksmith, Nov. 27, 1633. 42 302 May 8, 1628. , Grace, Newarke upon Trent, widdow, Dec. i, 1627. 40 223 May 13, 1630. Ayer, Thomas, Tythinge (bur. Humbleton), Dec. 30, 1629. 41 56 Jan. 26, 1627. Aykeroyd, Henry, Folkerthorpe, esq., Jan. 5, 1627. 40 128 Feb. 25, 1629. Aynsley, Thomas, Eggstlyffe, co. Durham, Feb. 17, 1629. 40 636 Feb. 26, 1634. Ayre, John, Newarke, Notts., baker, Oct. 15, 1634. 4 2 39 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Jan. 8, 1634. Apl. 23, 1632. Apl. 26, 1632. Mar. 2, 1634. Aug.iS, 1627. Oct. i, 1630. Mar.i2, 1628. Mar. 3, 1630. Jan. 12, 1631. Mar.i3, 1632. Sep. 30, 1629. May3i, 1632. Feb. ii, 1628. July ii, 1628. July 4, 1628. Aug. 2, 1632. May i. 1628. May 7, 1635. Sep. 27, 1632. Mar. 24, 1628. May 23, 1633. Oct. i, 1635. Aug, 4, 1631. Aug. 4, 1631. Oct. ii, 1627. Jun. 22, 1632. July 31, 1633. Oct. i, 1635. July 29, 1630. July 29, 1630. Oct. 8, 1629. July 4, 1631. Oct. i, 1635. May 7, 1628. Jun. 5, 1629. Apl. 3, 1633. Aug.i3, 1627. Feb. 8, 1631. May 14, 1633. Oct. 7, 1634. July 10, 1630. Aug.i3, 1629. Feb. 12, 1628. Sep. 16, 1629. Apl. 18, 1632. Jun. 24, 1633. Sep. 30, 1630. Apl. 19, 1631. Oct. 18, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 15, 1635. Oct. 9, 1632. Mar.28, 1628. July 2, 1629. Apl. 5, 1633. May 12, 1631. Mar.26, 1628. May i, 1628. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Ayre, Thomas, Doncaster, batchelor, Dec. 21, 1634. 42 Bacchus, Thomas, Marnate, husbandman, Oct. 30, 1631. 41 Backhouse, John, Stirrope, Notts., husbn. (bur. Blithe), Dec. 3, 1631. 41 , Thomas, Fetherston, yeoman (bur. Crofton), Dec. 22, 1634. 42 Backhowse, Thomas, Stirope, par. Blith (Notts.), Mar. 12, 1626. 40 Backus, Christopher, Cottingham, yeoman, May 10, 1630. 41 Bacon, Jane, Cottingham, spinster, Sep. 16, 1628. 40 , Samuel, Bothomsall, Notts., husbandman, Apl. 6, 1629. 41 , Thomas, Netherhaugh, par. Rotherham, clothier, Aug. 18, 1631. 41 , William, Colne, co., Lane., yeoman, Oct. 22, 1632. 42 Bagshawe, Edward, Sheffelde, habberdasher, July 31, 1629. 40 , Gervas, par. Kirkeburton, husbandman, Jan. 20, 1622. 41 Bagulay, Gregory, Elston, Notts., yeoman, Jan. 4, 1626. 40 Baguley, William, Stoke next Newarke, laborer, Apl. 19, 1628. 41 Baildon, Roger, Bishoppside, yeoman, May 13, 1628. 41 Bailie, Jesper, Create Horton, Bradford Dale, Jan. 6, 1631. 41 Baily, Jaine, wid. of Ric. B., of Allerton, par. Bradford, yeoman, Feb. 3, 1626. 40 Baines, Ellin, Houlbecke, Feb. 27, 1634. 42 , Richard, Yorke, baker, Sep. 13,. 1632. 41 Bainton, Stephen, Rowcliffe, gent., bur. Snaith, Mar. 4, 1628. 40 , William, Settrington, husbandman, Dec. 4, 1632. 42 Bairstowe, Alice, Sourbye, widdowe, Oct. i, 10 Chas. 42 , George, Sowerby, par. Hallifax, clothier. No date. 41 , John, Sowerbie, batchelor, Apl. 4, 1631. 41 Baite, George, Sturton, co. Notts., webster, Dec. 5, 2 Car. Baiteson, Robert, Newsham, par. Wresle, husbn., Sep. ii, 1631. Bakar, William, Bothomsall, Notts., husbandman, Feb. 18, 1630. Baker, Frances, Weeton, par. Welwicke, Mar. 23, 1634. , Richard, Bradmere, Notts., carpenter, Mar. 29, 1630. Baldock, John, Ruddington, Notts., laborer, Mar. 23, 1629. Baldocke, Nycholas, Westbrydgford, Notts., yeom., Jun. 30, 1629. Baldrigge, Robert, Oswaldkirke, Apl. 20, 1629. Baldwen, John, Ugthorpe, Marton, yeoman, July 14, ii Chas. Baley, Henry, Lockton, yeoman, Jan. 8, 1626. , Jane, rel. of Pet. B. of Lockton, taylor, March 18, 162 . , John, Agheton, co. Lane. (bur. Mitton), Apl. 10, 1632. , Thomas, Everthorpe (bur. Marchcare), Jan. 22, 1626. Balke, William, Aldbrough, Aug. i, 1631. Balland, Edward, Thorne, yeoman, June 3, 1632. , John, Thorne, yeoman, Nov. 25, 1633. Margarett, Egslecliffe, co. Dur., wid., Feb. 20, 1629. 40 4i 42 42 4 1 41 40 4i 42 40 40 42 40 4i 42 42 4 1 Balshaw, Richard, Chageley, co. Lane., yeoman, bur. Mytton, Apl. 14, 1629. 40 Balye, John, East Retford, Notts., Jan. 6, 1627. 40 Bambrughe, Ellyn, Sutton upon Darwent, spinster. No date. 40 Bamforth, Marie, Whickar, par. Sheffeild, Jan. 20, 1631. 41 Banckas, William, Kingston upon Hull, waiter porter, Mar. 10, 1626. 42 Banckes, Jane, wid. of Hen. B., of Banknewton, esq., May 22, 1630. 41 Bancroft, Robert, Eastofte, par. Adlingflett, Jan. 3, 1631. 41 Bancrofte, Barnard, Burnley, co. Lane., M.A., Nov. 3, 1624. 40 , Roger, the Rookes in Hipperholme, July 17, 1628. 40 Bankes, Ann, Gigleswicke, wid. of Rob. B., gent., Aug. 17, 1633. 42 , Thomas, Doncaster, yeoman, July 14, 1632. 41 Fol. 357 686 696 392 15 176 363 339 582 74 529 716 346 2 5 fl 1 80 796 200 505 850 37 ! 118 668 494 497 65 752 211 674 II 7 117 547 467 662 194 450 136 10 601 193 297 99 509 350 527 655 23 159 3 6 4 56i 384 45i 88 1 , William, Scaglethorpe, yeom. (bur. Settrington), Apl. i, 1623. 40 189 Baraclouge, Richard, thelder, Hallifax, yeoman, Aug. 6, 1628. 40 465 Barbar, Elizabeth, widdow, Moore Muncton, Dec. 24, 1632. 42 207 Barber, Emmott, Kingston upon Hull, widow, Jan. 8, 1630. 41 424 , Robert, Kingston upon Hull, m r and marriner, Oct. 20, 1627. 40 187 , Thomas, (Dewsburie), Feb. 18, 1627. 40 205 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Jan. 28, 1632. Mar.26, 1632. Apl. 23, 1629. Feb. 26, 1634. July 4, 1628. Oct. i, 1629. Nov.2o, 1630. Aug.28, 1630. Mar. 3, 1630. Apl. 22, 1630. Jun. 8, 1631. Jan. 21, 1628. Oct. 28, 1634. Feb. 6, 1634. Mar. 6, 1627. May 5, 1635. July i, 1635. Apl. 26, 1632. July 31, 1633. July 17, 1629. Aug.i3, 1629. Feb. 9, 1631. Oct. 9, 1628. Oct. 9, 1634. Aug.2o, 1629. Jun. 13, 1631. Sep. 25, 1634. Aug. 3, 1635. Sep. 7, 1630. Apl. 16, 1629. Feb. 12, 1630. Oct. 4, 1632. July 17, 1629. Apl. 22, 1630. May i, 1628. Oct. 5, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Jun. it, 1628. Feb. 10, 1628. Nov. 8, 1634. May 21, 1635. Feb. 15, 1632. Apl. 23, 1629. Mar. 28, 1629. Apl. 4, 1633. July 5, 1630. Jan. 30, 1631. May 13, 1631. Aug. 5, 1628. A"g- 4. 1631. Oct. ii, 1631. Aug.io, 1627. Oct. ii, 1627. Vol. 42 41 40 4 2 Barber, William, Ollertoun, cutler, Feb. 13, 1625. Barcrofte, Thomas, the Lodge, co. Lane., gentleman, June 3, 1631. Barghe, John, Snydall, husbn. (bur. Normanton), July 18, 1628. Barkar, Margery, Bothomsall, Notts., widdow, Dec. 3, 1634. Barker, Alice, Sicklinghall, wid., bur. Kirkebye Overblowes, Feb. 9, 1626. 41 , Elizabeth, Egton, widow, Nov. 28, 1628. 40 , Isabell, Whitby, widdow, Jan, 8, 1628. 41 , Margaret, Kingston upon Hull, widdowe, July 21, 1630. 41 , Nicholas, Bothomsall, Notts., blackesmyth, Apl. 22, 1630. 41 , Richard, Nottingham, taylor, Jan. 17, 1629. 4 1 , Robert, Hollym, Holdernes, husbandman, Mar. 13, 1630. 41 , Thomas, Connonley, yeoman (bur. Kildwick), Mar. 31, 1628. 40 , Thomas, Weatherbye, Sep. 26 last. 42 , William, Dalton, labourer, Oct. 3, 1633. 42 William, Towton, Notts., labourer, Dec. 23, 1627. 40 als. Gawkroger, Elizabeth, Hallifax, widdowe, Dec. 7, 1635 (sic.) 42 Barkhard, Francis, Easington, yeoman, Mar. 29, 1635. 4 2 Barlay, John, Worksop Abby, Notts., yeoman, Feb. 4, 1631. 41 Barley, Fardinando, Ramskell, par. Blyth, yeoman, July i, 1633. 42 Barlow, Henry, Carlton in Lindricke, Notts., husbn., Mar. 18, 1628. 40 , Richard, Wiglesworth, husbandman, May 18, 1629. 40 , Robert, Broughton Sulney, Notts., carpenter, Aug. 12, 1631. 41 Barlowe, Alice, Workesoppe (Notts.), widow, Apl. 14, 1628. 40 Barnard, William, Willoughbye uppon Woldes, Notts., blacksmith, June 18, 1634. 42 Barnarde, Hughe, Boney, Notts., Apl. 13, 1629. 40 Barnbie, Anne, Pontefract, widow, May 8, 1630. Barnes, Christopher, Northstainley, bleacher, (bur. Rippon), Jun. 23, 1634. , Henry, Sireston, Notts., Feb. 9, 1634. , Isabell, Tickton in Holdernes, widdow, July 17, 1630. , Richard, Thirske, fishmonger, Mar. 8, 1628. , William, Nottingham, blacksmith, Aug. 9, 1630. Barneslay, William, par. Ecclesfeild, carpenter, Aug. 18, 1632. Barnesley, Thomas, Milnton, par. West Markham, gent., Mar. 3, 1623. 40 Barns, Thomas, Nottingham, blacksmith, July 16, 1628. 41 Barnsby, John, Clarkhouse in Sheffeild, yeoman, Sept. ii, 1627. 40 Barr, Alice, Kirkelley, widow, Feb. 5, 1626. 40 Barraclouge, Richard, Spenn, par. Birstall, July 28, 1625. 40 Barraclough, Richard, Hallifax, sonne of Will. B., dec., June 3, 1628. 40 Barradell, Edward, Normanton on Sore, Notts., blacksmith, Apl. 8, 1628. 40 Barret, John, Sutton, par. Kildwicke, Aug. 10, 1632. 42 Barrett, John, Ayringden als. Eringden, mason, Sep. 25, 1632. Cod., Jan. 4, 1634. 42 , Richard, Hallifax, baker, Mar. 17, 1631. 42 , Richard, Steeton, par. Kildwicke, Dec. 26, 1627. 40 , Thomas, Yorke, chirugion, Jan. 21, 1622. 40 Barrey, Thomas, Scarbrough, fisherman, Apr. 20, 1632. 42 Barringam, George, Rosdale, Jan. 6, 1629. 41 Barrougclough, Thomas, Norwoodgreene, par. Hallifax, yeoman, Oct. 26, 1631. 41 Barrow, Thomas, Skipton, yeoman, Aug. 5, 1630. 41 Barrowe, Ann, Skipton in Craven, widowe, Sep. 9, 1626. 41 Bartles, Richard, Bradford, Jan. i, 1630. 41 Barton, Arthur, S. Collingham, Notts., yeoman. No date. 41 , John, Yorke, tayllor, bur. St. Trin., Micklegaite, May 15, 1625. 40 , Mary, North Clifton, Notts., spr.,bur. Harbie, Mar. 10, 1626. 40 Fol. 2 7 641 411 382 230 536 246 '37 340 46 445 319 328 375 161 497 550 695 248 491 5" 612 270 303 513 455 278 624 149 376 291 862 491 50 217 540 432 256 342 34 5" 57 420 372 205 96 594 429 35 491 536 4 67 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Sep. 3, 1631. Oct. 5, 1628. May 28, 1635. Mar.27, 1636. Oct. 23, 1627. May 3, 1632. Dec. i, 1629. Oct. 4, 1627. Jan. 30, 1631. July 3, 1629. Apl. 5, 1632. Jan. 5, 1630. Jun. 29, 1632. Sep. 30, 1630. Feb. 13, 1631. May3i, 1632. May3i, 1632. Oct. 5, 1631. Aug. i, 1632. Apl. 18, 1632. No date. Sep. 25, 1634. Apl. 28, 1631. Nov.ig, 1629. Dec. 10, 1629. Oct. 2, 1628. May 15, 1633. May i, 1635. July 22, 1635. Oct. 23, 1634. May 8, 1633. Jun. 18, 1628. Sep. 22, 1631. July 20, 1630. Feb. 8, 1631. Oct. ii, 1627. Mar.3O, 1636. Feb. 9, 1631. May 9, 1633. Mar. n, 1629. Apl. 27, 1631. July 22, 1635. May 28, 1635. Oct. 5, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. Jun. 18, 1628. Nov.i3, 1634. Dec. i, 1629. May 8, 1633. Aug. 5, 1628. Aug. 2, 1632. July 15, 1629. Dec. i, 1629. Apl. 15, 1630. May 1 2, 1628. Oct. 6, 1631. Aug.2o, 1634. May 13, 1631. Jun. 18, 1630. Sep. 9, 1635. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Barton, Michaell, Coxwould, Apl. 29, 1631. , Ralphe, Billasdaile, husbandman, Nov. 3, 1624. Basse, William, Leven, Holdernes, husbandman, June 19, 1634. Basset, Edward, Lund, husbandman, Oct. 25, 1634. Bassett, Henry, Bugwith, labr. (bur. Bubwith), June 21, 1625. Batcheler, James, Marston, Feb. 20, 1631. Bates, John, Hallifax, Oct. 14, 1628. John, Haughend in Sowerbie, yeoman, May 7, 1627. John, Ovendon, yeoman, Oct. 13, 1630. Mychaell, Norland, clothyer, July 16, 1627. Samuell, Misterton, Notts., weaver, Mar. 16, 1630. Sara, wid. of Jas. B. of the Pinfold in Soerby, Sep. 25, 1630. Bateson, Dorathie, Newsom, spinster, Sep. 12, 1631. Batley, Thomas, Haitefield Woodhouse, husbn., July 6, 1630. Batman, Jane, Newton. No date. Batte, Richard, Spen, gentleman (bur. Burstall), May 26, 1629. Battie, James, Stones, par. Eland, batchelour, Jan. 31, 1631. , Robert, Burghwallis, victualler, Sep. n, 1631. , Thomas, Conishton, singleman, June 25, 8 Chas. Battersbie, William, Slaidburne, July 9, 1631. Battersbye, Elizabeth, Furthhouse (Tuition), Jan. 26, 1633. , Margaret, Slaidburne in Bolland, widow, Nov. 22, 1633. Barwicke, Jane, Doncaster, widowe, Jan. 19, 1630. , John, Cawton (bur. Gillinge), Aug. 28, 1629. , Margarett, Rotherham, spinster, Sep. 30, 1629. Baudwen, John, East Morton, bur. Marton, July 17, 1628. Baule, George, Radford, Notts., Sep. 24, 1632. Baumeforth, Ralphe, Kirkestall Fordge, par. Leedes, Apl. 16, 1635. Baumforth, Elizabeth, par. Bradford, June 9, 1634. , Isaacc, Bradford parish, Mar. 21, 1633. Bawdwaine, William, Paythorne, yeoman, Jan. 29, 1632. Bawdwin, John, Pontefracte, gentleman, Nov. 29, 1627. Baxter, Christopher, Kingston upon Hull, yeoman, Jun. 22, 1631. , John, Abdie, par. Wath on Dearne, gent., Dec. 29, 1629. , John, Scoulcotes, Jan. 10, 1630. Bayles, George, Litlebrough, co. Notts., Apl. 16, i Car. Bayley, Richard, Burnley, co. Lane., badger, Feb. 17, 1635. Baylie, Anne, Nottingham, widdowe, Nov. 23, 1631. Baylyey, William, Carleyhouse, par. Whitbie, carpenter, Dec. 3, 1627 Bayne, Roger, Bickerton, Jan. 29, 1629. Baynes, Francis, Grindleton, yeom., bur. Waddington, July 31, 1630. , Thomas, Thome, par. Wakefeild, clothier, Mar. 8, 1634. Bayteman, John, par. Horton in Riblesdayle, Apl. 22, 1635. Beaid, Anne, Stubswalding, widdow. No date. Beale, Thomas, Harpham, husbandman, Dec. 23, 1628. , William, Egbrough, yeoman (bur. Kellington), Apl. 18, 1628. Beall, William, Egbrough, yeoman, Feb. 22, 1633. Beamont, Anthonie, Cawthornelands, July 27, 1629. , George, Bothomhall, par. Huddersfeild, Apl. i, 1633. , James, Cravvshaw, yeoman, May 5, 1628. , Sir Richard, Whitley, par. Kirkeheatori, kt. & bart., Aug 22, 1631, Oct. 5, 7 Chas. 41 -, William, par. Kirkeheaton, Apl. 4, 1625. Beamonte, Richard, Southcoyd, par. Kirkeheaton, Nov. 3, 1627. Beamounte, Thomas, Sheffeild, Feb. 5, 1629. Beane, John, Kilnsey, yeoman, Mar. 29, 1627. , Mathew, Egton, carpenter, Jan. 5, 1630. , Robert, Orston, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 30, 1604. , Thomas, Gilsteade, clothier (bur. Bingley), May i, 1630. Beanelands, Christopher, Eastmorton, par. Bingley, yeoman, Nov. 14, 20 Jas. Bearne, Ralphe, Goodmanham, grasman, Apl. 13, 1634. Vol. Fol. 41 512 41 940 42 518 42 706 40 74 41 703 40 584 40 47 41 596 40 470 4 1 643 41 264 41 756 41 169 41 617 41 732 41 724 41 529 41 792 41 663 42 307 42 273 41 380 40 572 40 598 41 8311 42 86 42 484 42 581 42 319 42 161 40 262 41 516 41 105 41 602 40 62 42 7 41 615 . 42 181 40 622 42 577 42 521 41 39 Ann, wid. of Sam. B. of Wareley, Apl. 4, 1634. 42 264 Aug. i, 1628. , Isabell, Southkirkebie, Nov. 22, 1627. 4 1 3 ia May2i, 1633. .John, the elder, Collinge, par. Kildwicke, yeoman, Dec. 14, 1632. 42 113 Aug. 4, 1631. , Robert, Yatehouse in Midgley, yeoman, Jan. 17, 6 Chas. 41 489 May i, 1628. Brigges, Brewen, Roundhey, yeoman, May 23, 1626. 40 198 Apl. 18, 1632. , Elizabeth, Rippon, vidua, Dec. 7, 1631. 41 667 Sep. 25, 1629. - , Jennett, widow (Sikehowses), Apl. 30, 1629. 40 563 Sep. 8, 1632. , John, Eskricke, May 19, 7 Chas. 41 845 Aug.iS, 1627. , John, Pomfret, joyner, Sep. 9, 1625. 40 14 Aug. 6, 1635. , Thomas, Yeadon, yeoman, May 22, 1635. 42 627 Mar.2o, 1631. Briggs, Godfrey, Brodsworth, tayler, Dec. 28, 1631. 41 638 Feb. 9, 1631. Brightman, Margarett, Nottingham, Feb. 8, 1626. 41 612 Mar. 5, 1630. Brittaine, Constance, S. Collingham (Notts.), batchler, Sep. 23, 1630. 41 347 Oct. 6, 1635. Broadbent, George, Kimberworth, par. Rotheram, husbn., May 26, 1635. 42 678 Mar. 3, 1634. Broadhead, John, younger, Burton, par. Royston, May 31, 1634. 42 398 Dec. 1,1629. Broadley, John, Nether Shitlington, Aug. ii, 1629. 40 585 Oct. 4, 1632. Broadley, Thomas, (Southowram), June 6, 1632. 41 861 Jan. 18, 1634. Brockbancke, Thomas, Ardesley, par. Darfeild, yeom., Oct. 24, 1632. 42 364 Aug. 5, 1628. Brockden, Edward, Gisburne, blacksmith, Jan. 28, 1627. 41 360 Jan. 16, 1631. Brocklebancke, Christopher, Hessell, husbandman, Feb. 3, 1630. 41 584 12 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Mar.ia, 1628. Jun. 14, 1633. Apl. 28, 1631. May 12, 1635. Dec. 22, 1632. May3i, 1632. Oct. n, 1630. Aug. 4, 1630. Aug. 4, 1631. Jan. 30, 1631. Feb. 24, 1635. Mar.28, 1628. Apl. 28. 1631. Jan. 28, 1632. Oct. 6, 1635. Jun. 22, 1629. Aug. i, 1635. Aug.i;, 1630. Dec. i, 1629. Apl. 14, 1635. Dec. i, 1629. Sep. 2, 1630. Sep. 2, 1630. May3i, 1632. May3i, 1632. Jan. 30, 1631. Feb. 24, 1635. Aug. 4, 1631. Mar. 7, 1627. Mar.ii, 1627. Aug. 1 2, 1629. Apl. 28, 1631. Jan. 9, 1632. Apl. 18, 1632. Dec. 19, 1632. Jun. 22, 1629. May i, 1628. Sep. 3, 1631. Jan. 10, 1632. Sep. 20, 1627. Apl. 14, 1630. May 9, 1633. Apl. 27, 1631. Apl. 16, 1635. May 8, 1633. Aug. 5, 1628. Jun. 24, 1629. Aug.2o, 1628. Feb. 6, 1629. Jun. 21, 1628. May 13, 1630. Feb. 12, 1627. Apl. 29, 1633. July 15, 1629. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Brocklebanke, Anthonye, Dripoole, labourer, Apl. 15, 1616. 40 Brodbent, Richard, Thome, yeoman, Sep. 16, 1632. 42 Brodeheade, William, Woodhall, par. Kirkburton, husbandman, Feb. 23, 1630. 41 Brodley, Richards, Lane End, Hipperholme, Oct. 28, 1633. 42 Broke, John, Fullforth, fisherman, Oct. i, 1632. 42 Bromeheade, Christopher, Wakefeild, Feb. 17, 1630. 41 Bromhead, Issabell, Horburie, wid. of Jas. B., par. (? Ecclesfeild), June 22, 1626. , Thomas, par. Everton, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 23, 1630. Broocke, William, Totties, par. Kirkeburton, husbn., Dec. 9, 1630. Brooke, Christopher, Ossett, house wrighte, Apl. 16, 7 Chas. Elizabeth, Heckmondwicke, par. Birstall, Nov. 9, 1634. Elizabeth, (Sherburne), July 31, 1627. Edward, Okonshay, Mar. 14, 1630. Francis, Ravemarsh, tanner, Mar. 31, 1632. Francis, Rawmarsh, yeoman, Jan. 16, 1633. Godfrey, Rawmarshe, tanner, Nov. 28, 1626. Henry, Gatefoulforth, Apl. 21, 1635. John, Arncliffe, July 20, 1629. John, Liversedge, par. Birstall, clothyer, Dec. 15, 1628. John, Scoles, husbandman, Dec. 22, 1634. Roger, thelder, Greenhowse (Hallifax Dnry.), Jan. 14, 1628. 40 William, (Adwalton). No date. William, Adwalton, yeoman, Mar. 13, 1629. William, Heckmondwicke, clothier, Jan. 2, 1631. Brookesbancke, John, the elder, Farseley, yeoman, Aug, n, 1631. , John, Mirfeild, yeoman, June 21, 1631. Brookesbanke, Dorothy, S. Crosseland, wid. of Jas. B., Nov. 3, 1635. 4 2 , Gilbert, Ovenden, yeoman, Nov. 7, 4 Chas.. , Gilberte, Booth in Midgeley, yeom., Oct. 6, 3 Chas. 40 , John, Eland, chapman, June 13, 1627. Margarett, Hipperholme, wid. of Rob. B., Dec. 9, 1628. 40 Brooksbanke, James, Crosland, clothier, Apl. n, 1630. 41 Broome, Bartholomewe, Worksopp, Notts., Sep. i, 1632. 42 Brotherton, Jennet, Cloughbrowe in Grindleton, Jan. 26, 1631. 41 Broughton, Ellis, Bashall Eaves, husbandman, Oct. 6, 1631. 42 , William, Balbie (bur. Doncaster), yeom., Nov. 6, 1628. 40 Broumhead, Jennett, the Ewetres in Bradfeild, Sep. 16, 1627. 40 Browen, Marie, Dripoull, widow, Sep. 7, 1630. 51 Brown, Robert, Halton (bur. Skipton), Dec. 17, 1632. 42 Browne, Anne, Dacker, widdow (bur. Paithlobrigges). Feb. 10, 1626. 40 , Anthony, Hallifeild (bur. Longpreston), carpenter, Jan. 3, 1629. 41 , Catherin, Potternewton, par. Leedes, laborer (sic), Nov. 15, 1632. 42 , Christopher, Elizemire (bur. Rippon), yeom., May 19, 1629. 41 , Christopher, Fylinge Row, Sep. 16, 1633. 42 , Edmond, W. Halton (bur. Long Preston), singleman, Apl. 25, 1632. 42 , Edmond, Westhalton, par. Longpreston, husbandman, Nov. 3, 1627. 41 , Edmonde, Knottingley, yeoman, bur. Pontefract, Feb. 6, 1628. 40 , Edward, Tuxford, Notts., labourer, Mar. 30, 1628. 41 , Elizabeth, Boney, Notts., widdow, Jun. 3, 5 Chas. 40 , Elizabeth, Moorehouse, par. Gisburn, Jan. 17, 1627. 40 , Ellen, [TJicton in Holdernes, widdow, Jan. 17, 1629. 41 , Francis, Helmesley, spinster, Nov. 5, 1627. 40 , Francis, Long Riston, husbandman, Oct. 16, 1632. 42 , Gabriell, Ovenden, clothyer, June 5, 1628. 40 Fol. 368 239 397 507 10 722 41 199 41 125 41 493 41 594 42 692 40 189 41 397 42 25 42 613 40 455 42 622 41 134 40 59* 42 438 40 582 41 147 41 148 41 716 41 736 41 593 42 697 41 487 40 175 508 390 15 659 3 458 211 507 18 177 377 457 169 37 a 435 700 621 316 59 140 134 479 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Aug.22, 1632. Feb. 14, 1627. Apl. 27, 1631. Dec. 15, 1631. Feb. 12, 1630, Jan. 3, 1631. Jan. 3, 1631. Oct. 2, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. Apl. 24, 1628. May 14, 1629. Oct. 16, 1634. Feb. 8, 1631. July 22, 1635. May i, 1628. Mar.i2, 1628. Aug. 4, 1635. Apl. 26, 1632. Feb. 15, 1632. May 13, 1631. May 20, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. May 6, 1629. Aug.io, 1629. Oct. 4, 1627. May 9, 1633. Oct. i, 1629. Dec. 19, 1632. Jun.2i, 1630. Jan. 10, 1630. Apl. 18, 1632. July 23, 1630. Sep. 29, 1634. Aug. 8, 1632. July 20, 1630. May 28, 1633. Feb. 24, 1635. MayiS, 1631. Apl. 29, 1633. Apl, 15, 1630. Apl. 15, 1630. Mar-30, 1636. May 13, 1631. Sep. 8, 1631. Apl. 18, 1632. July 22, 1635. Apl. 26, 1632. Oct. 5, 1632. May 20, 1628. July 16, 1632. May 27, 1633. May 27, 1633. May 9, 1633. Oct. 8, 1635. Apl. 24, 1635. Apl. 18, 1632. Jun. 21, 1630. Vol. 41 40 41 4 1 Fol. 832 Browne, George, Leedes, Kirkegate, Dec. 2, 1631. Henrie, Littleburgh, Notts., labourer, Nov. 21, 1626. James, Gargrave (?) linnen webster, Oct. 22, 1630. John, Crakall, par. Topclife, husbandman, Aug. 26, 1617. John, Gedlinge, Notts., cottiare, Sep. 6, 1630. 41 John, Halton West, husbandman (bur. Longpreston), Apl. n, 1631. 41 John, Halton (bur. Longpreston), Apl. n, 1631. 41 John, bur. Hartsheade, Aug. 14, 1628. 41 John, Himsvvorth, par. Burstall, Oct. 10, 1629. 41 John, Micklefeild, par. Sherborne, Mar. 23, 1627. 40 John, New[s]holme (bur. Gisburne), husbn., Aug. 17, 1628. 40 465 John, Therkelbie, grasman, June 14, 1634. 42 310 Peter, Long Riston, husbandman, June 30, 1629. 41 602 Peter, Riggehead, par. Whitby, June 21, 1635. 42 588 Margrett, West Hardwicke, par. Wragbye, wid., June 26, 1627. .40 213 Martin, Sutton in Holdernes, weaver, Dec. i, 1627. 40 363 Mary, Rippon, widdowe, Nov. 25, 1634. Richard, Farndon, Notts., yeoman, Feb. 25, 1631. Richard, Pontefract, mason, Nov. 24, 1632. Richard, Storethes, (bur. Bolton in Channons), July 9, 1630. 41 Robertt, Aldbrouge, June 2, 1627. Rowland, Kilton (bur. Brotton), Sep. 17, 1624. Thomas, Beverley, butcher, Oct. 13, 1628. Thomas, Cawthorne, Dec. 12, 1628. Thomas, Newton Kyme, Dec. 28, 1626. Thomas, Threske, yeoman, Sep. 16, 1632. William, Longrigge Housses, par. Whitbie, Jan. 4, 1627. William, Rennington, husbandman, Aug. 23, 1632. Brownell, Thomas, Holdworth in Bradfeild, yeoman, May 9, 1623. Browneloe, Elizabeth, Dalton Pva., widow, Dec. 15, 1629. Brownerigg, Roger, Ripston (bur. Spoffurth), Apl. 19, 1631. Brownerigge, William, Brian Milne, par. Lockinton, yeom., Mar. 23, 1629. 41 Brownrigge, Edmond, verger of York Minster, Aug. 22, 1634. 42 Bruan, William, Homeperpoint, Notts., yeoman, Feb. 13, 1631. 41 Brukesbancke, Richard, Midgesly, yeoman, Aug. 2, 4 Chas. 41 Brumflet, George, Hessill, Jan. 3, 1632. 42 Brurely, Richard, Colne, co., Lane., clerke, Jan. 29, 1635. 42 Bryan, Thomas, Whitwell, bur. Crambe, Apl. 28, 1631. 41 Buck, Anne, Pattrington, widdow, Jan. 15, 1627. 42 , Elizabeth, Carnabie, widowe, Jan. 8, 1629. 41 , Thomas, Denholme in Thornton, clothier, Oct. 25, 1629. 41 , Thomas, Thorgillbecke, June 17, 1635. 42 , William, Arncliffe, yeoman. No date. 41 Buckle, John, Huntington, carpenter, Aug. 18, 1631. 41 , Richard, Arthington, Oct. 16, 1630. 41 Buckley, David, Heptonstall, alehouse keeper, Mar. 19, 1634. 42 , Gervas, Gerton, Notts., labourer, Sep. 4, 1631. 41 Buller, Elizabeth, Easington, widdow, July 23, 1631. 41 , John, Riston in Holdernesse, Aug. 6, 1626. 40 , Richard, Preston in Holdernes, labourer, May 9, 1632. 41 Bullocke, James, Barrowford, co. Lane., yeom. (bur. Cowllne), June 28, 1630. 42 , James, Barroweford, co. Lane., yeoman, June 28, 1630. 42 , Nicholas, South Holme, June 22, 1632. 42 , Robert, par. St. Pet., Nottingham, cloth worker, Aug. 16, 1634. 42 , Thomas, Sutton, Notts., ironmonger, Feb. 23, 1634. 42 William, Tosside in Sawley, husbandman, Jan. 24, 1630. 41 367 571 289 576 578 86a 29 *93 42 626 41 692 42 60 41 428 40 248 41 16 40 294 40 503 40 4 1 42 243 4 538 42 2 4 1 84 41 272 4 1 667 279 823 108 123 697 433 132 13 35 707 430 Bullos, John, the elder, Wincobancke, yeoman, Sep. 4, 1627. 669 596 691 245 774 620 482 660 82 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Jun. 29, 1631. Nov. 29, 1630. May 5, 1631. July3i, 1633. Mar.27, 1633. Sep. 25, 1628. Feb. 15, 1632. July 7, 1631. Jan. 12, 1631. May 27, 1635. Oct. 6, 1629. Jun. 18, 1628. Oct. 28, 1628. Apl. 16, 1635. Apl. 29, 1631. Dec. i, 1629. May 8, 1628. Sep. 25, 1634. Mar.22, 1630. Aug. 7, 1632. July 20, 1632. May 14, 1633. Feb. 2, 1634. Apl. 24, 1629. Mar.i2, 1628. Apl. 29, 1633. May 20, 1628. Jun. 23, 1635. Aug.2O, 1629. Jan. 10, 1627. Aug.2O, 1634. Oct. 8, 1627. Feb. 9, 1631. July 14, 1631. Nov.ig, 1629. Dec. 24, 1628. Feb. 2, 1629. Feb. 19, 1635. Apl. 14, 1635. July 16, 1632. Apl. 22, 1630. May 9, 1633. Mar.28, 1628. Sep. 9, 1635. Nov. 8, 1634. Dec. 20, 1628. Jun. 15, 1633. Apl. 18, 1628. Jan. 25, 1621. May 8, 1628. Apl. 23, 1629. July 31, 1632. Dec. 8, 1631. Sep. 30, 1630. Sep. 30, 1630. Oct. 8, 1629. July 10, 1631. July 12, 1633. May 5, 1631. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Bulmer, Frauncis, Wilton, Apl. , 1631. , Jane, Newton, Sep. 30, 1624. Bunington, John, par. Thurgarton, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 20, 1630. Buntinge, Thomas, Welley, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 29, 1633. Burdet, John, servt. to Raphe Hopton, esq., of Armley Hall, par. Leedes. No date. Burdett, Anne, Allwoodley, par. Harwoode, Wed. foil. fst. St. Mart. 1627. , Mathewe, Danby, par. Peniston, gentleman, Dec. n, 1632. , Michaell, S. Clifton, Notts., laborer. No date. Burdsall, Henry, Doncaster, yeoman, June 27, 1625. Burdus, Ann, Whitlay, widdowe (bur. Kellington), Feb. 6, 1634. Burgon, William, Aldbrough, Apl. 18, 1629. Burie, Thomas, Kingston npon Hull, scrivener, June 8, 1627. Human, Ellen, Slingesbie (will missing). Burnand, Robert, Lockton, husbandman, Nov. 16, 1633. Burndstone, Marie, Yorke, spr. (bur. St. Mart., Coney St.), Mar. 21, 1630. Burne, William, (Hallifax), Apl. 5, 1629. Burnell, William, Winckburn, Notts., esq., Sep. 8, 1627. Burnet, John, (bur. Rippon). No date. Burnett, William, Catton, par. Toplyfe, yeoman, Sep. 6, 1630. Burnham, Robert, Wiggeslay, Notts., labourer, Mar. 28, 1632. Burnley, Robert, Eland, clothier, Feb. 23, 1631. Burr, Margarett, Thorne, widdow, July 29, 1632. Burrell, Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, widdow, Dec. 14, 1634. , Francis, Kingston upon Hull, mariner, Nov. 18, 1628. , Leonard, Cottingham, Jan. n, 1628. , Peter, Preston, Holdernes, Feb. 28, 1632. Burrill, John, Preston in Holdernesse, yeoman, July n, 1627. Burrow, Josias, Wakefeild, Mar. 29, 1634. Burrowes, Dorithie, Lyttle Leake (Notts.), widow, May 6, 1629. , Richard, Giltwhate, par. Whiston, Feb. 20, 1616. , Samuell, Nottingham, mercer, Feb. 14, 1633. Burstall, Beatrice, Hedon in Holdernes, widdow, May 4, 1627. Burton, Francis, Wolloughton, Notts., blacksmith, Jan. 3, 1631. Jaine, par. Horton, Riblesdayle, Dec. u, 1624. John, Beverley, marcer, bur. St. Mary, Dec. n, 1628. Margaret, Yorke (bur. St. Mar., Connistreete), Feb. 23, 1627. Mathew, Brandsburton, June i, 1629. Ralphe, yonger (Cottingham). No date. Robert, Wakefeild, gentleman, Dec. 3, 1632. Thomas, Headon, alderman, Dec. 31, 1631. Thomas, Littlebrough, Notts., waterman, Apl. 17, 1629. Thomas, Woodappleton, par. Lastingham, Mar. 22, 8 Chas. William, Birdsall, yeoman, Apl. 9, 1626. William, Goodmanham, webster, Jun. 20, 1634. William, Skiptpn in Craven, Mar. 13, 1633. William, Swinton, yeoman, Apl. 29, 1628. Busfeild, Michaell, Yorke, braysier, May 10, 1630. Bushopp, Robert, Sturton, Notts., yeoman, Jan. 6, 1627. Bust, Isabell, S. Collingham, Notts., Nov. 2, . , Rouland, Bramby, Notts., labourer, Nov. 24, 1627. Butler, Ismaell, Idle, husbandman, Jan. 16, 4 Chas. , John, the elder, par. Bingley, husbandman, Aug. 16, 1631. , John, Snaynton, labourer, Mar. 25, 1631. , Robert, Rawden, par. Guisley, yeoman, Mar. 22, 5 Chas. , Thomas, Baildon, husbandman, June 17, 1628. -, Thomas, Hucknall Torkerd, Notts., yeoman, May 31, 1628. -, Thomas, Midleton, clerke, Apl. 6, 1631. Butroyd als. Butterye, Sheareburne, Sep. 13, 1632. Buttericke, Charles, Everton, Notts., husbandman, Nov. 26, 1630. Vol. Fol. 41 460 41 246 41 410 42 247 42 202 41 76* 42 47 41 469 41 579 42 516 4 543 40 263 42 455 41 399 40 589 40 221 42 270 41 358 41 817 41 778 42 198 42 37 40 387 40 362 42 133 4 245 42 541 40 512 4 II 3 42 252 40 54 41 607 41 470 40 573 40 309 40 614 42 701 42 446 41 776 41 42 42 171 40 189 42 652 42 340 40 302 42 126 40 192 41 589 40 223 40 385 41 785 41 567 41 162 41 165 40 547 41 461 42 230 41 409 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Oct. ii, 1627. July 23, 1635. Apl. 14, 1630. Oct. 6, 1634. Feb. 22, 1627. May 8, 1628. May 3, 1631. Oct. n, 1632. Aug. 8, 1632. Apl. 30, 1629. Oct. 6, 1629. Aug.n, 1627. Feb. 7, 1632. Jun. i, 1635. Oct. 8, 1635. Aug. 10, 1629. Jan. 7, 1629. Apl. 28, 1631. Oct. 3, 1635. Aug.i3, 1630. Aug. 6, 1631. Apl. 20, 1632. Apl. 16, 1635. Sep. 27, 1628. July 10, 1631. Mar.2i, 1635. May 15, 1633. July 4, 1633. May 20, 1633. Mar.io, 1635. Mar. 2, 1632. Aug. 7, 1632. Apl. 3, 1633. Aug. 7, 1632. Mar. 5, 1630. Aug. 9, 1632. Oct. i, 1629. Feb. 22, 1631. Feb. 27, 1628. Feb. 15, 1632. July 4, 1632. Jan. 12, 1631. July 21, 1635. Feb. 19, 1635. Jun. 10, 1631. Aug-30, 1628. Feb. 19, 1632. Jan. 28, 1632. Dec.i6, 1634. Jan. 18, 1632. May 8, 1633. Apl. 18, 1632. Apl. 15, 1630. Jun. 10, 1630. Oct. 6, 1635. Apl. 21, 1635. May i, 1628. May i, 1628. Vol. 40 42 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Butterie, William, Mattersey, Notts., husbandman, Feb. 28, 1626. Butterfeild, James, Setle, mason, May 2, 1635. , John, Gargrave, husbandman, Dec. 5, 1628. 41 , Thomas, Leedes, clothworker, June 9, 1634. 42 Buttle, Richard, Seaton, May 27, 1627. 40 Buttler, Marie, St. Peters, Nottingham, widow, Apl. 14, 1628. 40 Button, Henry, Conisbrough, carpenter, Feb. 28, 1630. 41 Buxton, Edward, Arnold, Notts., June 24, 1632. 41 Buxtonnes, Edward, Arnold, Notts., June 24, 1632. 41 Bynge, Nycholas, South Leverton, Notts., Mar. 20, 1629 (sic). 40 Byrd, Robert, bur. Easington. No date. 40 , Thomas, Owthorpe (Notts.), husbandman, Dec. 6, 1619. 40 Byrde, Robert, the elder, Outhropp, Notts., husbn., Oct. 22, 1632. 42 Byrnand, William, (York), Apl. 20, 1635. 42 Caldecotte, Elizabeth, Bassingfeild, Notts., widdowe, Mar. 23, 1625. 42 Callbecke, William, Shafton, par. Felchurch, yeom., July 9, 1628. 40 Calstraw, Andrew, Bramley, par. Braithwell, labr., Oct. 15, 1629. 40 Calvart, William, Borrybie (bur. Lyth), Apl. n, 1630. 41 Calverley, Walther, Barwicke in Elmett, yeoman, May 15, 1634. 42 Calverly, William, Leedes, gentleman, Aug. 3, 1630. 41 Calvert, George, servt. to Earle of Newcastle (bur. Norton Cuckney), Dec. 6, 1630. 41 , John, Tidkinhow (Cleveland), Feb. 17, 1631. 41 , Robert, Wilton, clarke. Mar. 23, 1632. 42 Campinot, Joseph, par. Dorryvoylam, co. Fermannagh, cloger, Feb. 3. 1627. Campion, Thomas, Glaisdale, Apl. 20, 1629. Campleshone, Edward, Yorke, taylar (bur. St. Crux), Oct. 25, 1635. Campsall, Robert, Goldthorpe, par. Blyth, yeoman, Jan. 23, 1628. Camsall, William, Tickhill, tayler, July 27, 1632. Cannabye, Raphe, Bushopburton, husbandman, May 14, 1629. Cant, William, Seamer, labourer, Oct. 25, 1635. Capes, John, Barmbie in the Willowes, Notts., labouringman, Oct. 30, 1632. 42 Cappes, Henrie, Kellam, Notts., July 8, 1632. 41 , Robert, Kellam (Notts.), Mar. 13, 1632. 42 , William, Barnbie in the Willowes, Notts., labr., Apl. 24, 1632. 41 Capron, Danyell, Newarke, Notts., blacksmyth, Oct. 25, 1630. 41 Carlile, Christopher, Worksopp, Notts., yeoman, Sep. 16, 1630. 41 , Frauncis, Newton, par. Lith, Dec. 28, 1622. 40 Carlill, Anne, Doncaster, widdowe, Jun. 7, 1631. 41 , Francis, Bushopton, yeoman (bur. Ripon), Jan. 25, 1625. 40 , George, Kingston upon Hull, mr. and maryner, Sep. 25, 1632. 42 , John, Doncaster, gentleman, Apl. 16, 1632. 41 , Robert, Doncaster, yeoman, Dec. 9, 1631. 41 Carlin, William, Holme in Spaldingmore, July 15, 1634. 42 , William, Holme in Spaldingmore, Dec. 28, 1635. 42 Carnabie, John, Leckenfeild, Apl. 8, 1631. 41 Carocke, John, Apleton Robucke, par. Boulton Percye, yeoman, Sep. 9, 1627. 41 Carom, Henery, Preston, Holdernesse, Jan. 12, 1631. 42 Carr, Alice, Attercliffe, par. Sheffeild, widdowe, June 19, 1632. 42 , Ailce, Winskall, spinster. No date. 42 , George, thelder, Brighthouses, par. Sheffeild, Oct. 2, 1632. 42 , Jennitt, Craverrigge (bur. Gigles%vicke), July 15, 1632. 42 , Margaret, Sheffeld, widowe, Dec. 26, 1631. 41 , Nicholas, Rotheram, iron munger, Jan. 7, 1629. 41 , Oliver. Brownebanckes, husbandman, Oct. 28, 1629. 41 , Ralph, Shiergreene, par. Ecclesfeild, yeoman, Jan. 24, 1634. 42 , Thomas, Sandbecke, par. Maltbye, yeoman, Jan. 14, 1633. 42 , William, par. Slaidburne, Apl. 6, 1626. 20 Carre, William, Shiregreene in Ecclesfeild, blacksmith, Mar. n, 1626. 40 Fol. 67 599 6 289 156 226 406 886 823 392 545 10 37 523 621 503 605 383 678 128 50* 680 458 460 683 88 218 240 687 817 96 818 346 827 535 625 353 49 768 580 568 700 452 64 25 352 21 162 6 57 22 73 612 469 199 209 i6 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Sep. 25, 1628. Feb. 9, 1631. Aug. 13, 1635. Jan. 9, 1617. Feb. 13, 1627. Aug.iS, 1627. Dec. 3, 1634. Feb. 6, 1627. Dec. 15, 1628. Nov. 25, 1631. Oct. 4, 1632. July 22, 1635. Feb. 7, 1632. Oct. 5, 1627. Mar.22, 1630. Jan. 15, 1630. Oct. 14, 1630. Jun. 27, 1632. July 24, 1632. Feb. 14, 1627. May 8, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 18, 1632. Feb. 8, 1632. May 9, 1633. Nov. 8, 1632. May i, 1628. Aug.25, 1634. Oct. 4, 1632. Oct. 5, 1631. Dec. 4, 1628. Nov.2i, 1634. Jan. 21, 1634. Jun. 24, 1629. July 22, 1635. Mar. 6, 1631. Feb. 2, 1629. July 8,1633. Apl. 9, 1635. Feb. 5, 1632. Feb. 6, 1629. Apl. 22, 1635. Jun. 29, 1632. Oct. 4, 1627. May 10, 1633. Feb. 13, 1629. Apl. 27, 1631. Jun. 29, 1632. July 14, 1629. Jan. 9, 1627. Nov.22, 1632. Sep. 25, 1634. Mar.2g, 1633. July n, 1629. Aug. 5, 1630. Aug.i2, 1634. May 3, 1635. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Garret, Christopher, Bramley, May 3, 1628. Carrington, Brian, Gedlinge, Notts., carpenter, Nov. 2, 1631. .Walter, Trowell, Notts., husbandman, Jun. 26, 1634. , William, Hoveringham, Notts., labourer, . Carter, Ann, Marfleete in Holdernes, widowe, July 28, 1626. Edmond, Stappleton, husbn. (bur. Darrington), May 5, 1627. Carter, Gawin, St. Maryegate nigh York, inholder, Dec. 21, 1634. James, Yorke (bur. St. Mart., Conistreete), Dec. 22, . Katherin, Stapleton, par. Darrington, Nov. 18, 1628. Katherine, Ruston, Aug. 14, 1631. Nathan, Ballgreene, Mar. 21, 1632. Nathan, (Warley), Jan. 16, 1634. Nicholas, Wollatan, Notts., labourer, Jan. 7, 1632. Richard, Farndaile, husbandman, Apl. 7, 162 . William, (Thirkleby), Oct. 5, 1630. Cartwright, George, Healaughe, yeoman, Jan. 17, 1629. , William, Knapton, yeoman, May 24, 1630. Cartwrighte, John, Boole, Notts., esquier, Feb. 21, 1631. Corver, William, Doncaster, alderman, July 15, 1632. Caskin, Thomas, Littleburgh, Notts., lab., Aug. 22, 1627. Casse, Elizabeth, Sawdon, widdowe (bur. Brompton), July 25, 1634. Elizabeth, Sawden, par. Brumpton, Dec. 18, 1627. John, Guyesley, July 19, 1631. Ralphe, Aldbrough, Sep. 8, 1631. Richard, Sawdon, yeom. (bur. Brompton), July 21, 1632. Rowland, Sawdon, yeoman, bur. Brompton, Apl. 10, 1637 (sic) Casslin, John, Darrington, labourer, Nov. 23, 1626. Casson, Elizabeth, Leedes, widdowe, Aug. 8, 1634. , Richard, Hunsletwoodhouse, par. Leedes, tanner, Oct. 6, 1631. Robert, Ardesley, yeoman, July 28, 1630. Robert, Armley, singleman (bur. Leeds), Oct. 22, 1627. Robert, Lingwell Yate, par. Wakefeild, May 12, 1630. Sem, Yorke, gouldsmith, Feb. 26, 1633. William, Leedes, May 27, 1629. William, Stanley (bur. Wakefeild), June 9, 1634. Castle, Bartholomew, Moresome (bur. Skelton), Feb. 12, 1631. Catherall, Richard, Hollym, gentleman, June 16, 1629. , Roger, Hollim, Mar. 19, 1619. Cattell, William, Wintringham, husbandman. No date. Caudbecke, Thomas, Bishopthorneton (bur. Rippon), Dec. 2, 1631. Caulton, John. Nottingham, butcher, Oct. 7, 1629. Caunt, Catherine, Horringham, Notts., widdow, Oct. 18, 1633. Cave, Christopher, Otley, Apl. 23, 1632. , Elizabeth, Ottley, widdow, July 3, 1627. , Grace, Skydbye, spinster, Feb. 18, 1632. Cavendyshe, Katherine, wid. of Chas. C. of Welbecke, kt., July 22, 1624. Caverley, Isabell, (bur. Gisborne), Feb. 6, 1630. Cawdrey, George, Otley, Feb. 25, 1631. , William, Lowbushopsted (bur. Paytleybrydge), June 4, 1628. Cawnte, Symon, Flintham, Notts., husbandman, July 24, 1627. Cawood, Thomas, Acaster Malbis, yeoman, Oct. 2, 1632. Cawthorne, Alice, Barnsley, widdowe, Apl. 3, 1634. , Theodore, Doncaster, mercer, May 10, 1632. , Thomas, Abberford, Apl. 21, 1629. Cay, John, par. Longe Preston, husbandman, Feb. 5, 1628. Chadwick, James, Nareland (bur. Eland), May 12, 1634. Chadwicke, Robert, Greenehurst, par. Heptonstall, yeoman, June 30, 1623. Vol. Fol. 4* 750 41 607 42 636 40 106 40 148 40 17 4* 346 40 139 40 296 41 562 41 861 42 590 42 39 4 1 3 4i 359 41 276 41 214 41 762 41 779 40 149 42 506 40 427 41 666 41 605 42 170 41 910 40 211 42 259 41 86O 41 525 40 291 42 343 42 3 6 4 40 461 42 578 41 631 40 616 42 225 42 428 42 30 40 620 42 473 41 760 4 4i 42 1 86 40 625 41 369 4i 759 40 478 40 113 41 913 42 271 42 202 40 473 5i 127 42 251 42 487 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Oct. 25, 1632. Chambers, Henrie, Kingston upon Hull, aldm. and merch., June n, 1632. 41 898 Apl. 20, 1629. , Mychaell, Sheffeild, myller, Dec. 22, 1628. 43 380 May 8, 1628. , Peter, Staplefourd, Notts., husbandman, Feb. 13, 1627. 40 230 Aug.28, 1634. , Thomas, Catton, Feb. 13, 1630. 42 264 Oct. i, 1629. , William, Wintringham, weaver, Dec. 27, 1628. 40 531 Jan. 12, 1631. Champion, Joane. Aston, widdowe, May 22, 1631. 41 581 Jun. 4, 1635. Chandler, John, East Ayton (bur. Seamer), June 21, 10 Chas. 42 526 Jun. 26, 1635. Chaplan, Thomas, Bedforth, husbandman, Jan. n, 1634. 42 545 July 10, 1631. Chapman, Alice, Danbie, widow, Sep. 8, 1630. 41 461 Feb. 22, 1631. , Bartholomew, (Mattersey), July 26, 1631. 41 625 May i, 1628. , Christopher, Lith, Nov. 13, 1627. 40 219 Feb. 19, 1634. , George, Yorke, yeoman, Feb. 16, 1634. 42 380 Oct. i, 1629. , James, Sneaton, husbandman, Dec. 21, 1629. 4 537 Feb. 22, 1631. , John, Mattersay, Notts., Aug. 30, 1631. 41 623 July 4, 1631. , Margarett, Hallom, par. Sheffeild, spr., Oct. 2, 1628. 41 467 [Jan. 2i]i628. , Robert, Setle, yeoman, June 27, 1628. 40 319 Apl. 23, 1629. , Thomas, Danby, Nov. 3, 1628. 40 430 Apl. 28, 1631. , Thomas, thelder, par. Skelton, yeoman, June 29, 1630. 41 383 Oct. 3, 1634. , William, Thorner, Apl. 22, 1634. 40 288 Aug. 4, 1631. Chapline, Peter, Eastroupe (bur. Goodmanham), grassman, Feb. 14, 1630. 41 509 Dec. i, 1627. Chappell, William, Old Barnsley, clothier, Dec. 7, 1625. 40 93 Feb. 15, 1632. Charlesworth, Godfrey, Mosedge, par. Kirkeburton, Apl. 18, 1632. 42 55 Aug. 2, 1632. Charlsworth, George, (Kirkeburton), July 3, 1631. 41 794 Apl. 28, 1631. , James, Honley, May 27, 1630. 41 391 Dec. 22, 1628. Charneley, Roger, Bradforth Eyves, yeoman, Feb. 15, 21 Jas. 40 305 Oct. 9, 1634. Charlton, Alice, Thurgarton, Notts., widdowe, Mar. 29, 1634. 42 305 Jun. 26, 1629. Chatte, Henry, Aldbrough in Holdernes, June 10, 1629. 40 436 Oct. ir, 1627. Chatterton, Lancelott, Hawton neare Newarke, vicktalar, June 29, 1627. 40 68 Apl. 24, 1632. Chauntre, William, Stainford (bur. Haitefeild), Oct. 20, 1631. 41 689 Jun. 23, 1627. Chester, John, Warmsworth, labourer, Feb. 6, 1626. 40 126 Oct. 7, 1634. - , Robert. Hatefeild Woodhouse, yeoman, Aug. 14, 1634. 42 293 Apl. 27, 1631. Chewe, Robert, Hugganinge, husbandman, Dec. 8, 1630. 41 371 Mar.15, 1635. - , William, Bradford, yeoman, Aug. 18, 1634. 42 685 Feb. 2, 1629. Chicken, John, Sutton, joyner, Mar. 3, 1622. 40 616 Sep. 30, 1630. Child, Anthony, Foxton, Apl. 17, 1630. 41 162 Dec. 20, 1628. , Elizabith, Badsworth, spinster, June 17, 1628. 40 299 Apl. 23, 1629. Childe, Isaac, Ovenden, bur. Hallifax, May 28, 1628. 40 436 May 8, 1628. Childers, Richard, Clareborrow, Notts., tanner. No date. 40 231 Mar.ia, 1628. Chimlea, Robert, Riston, minister of God's word, May n, 1624. 40 366 Mar.24, 1630. Chippendale, Lawrence, Embsay, par. Skipton, Apl. 27, 1629. 41 361 Sep. 10, 1628. Chippingdall, William, Owsewick, bur. Rosse, husbn., May 20, 1628. 41 6za Aug. 4, 1635. Cholmeley, Joann, Wetherby, wid. (bur. Spofforth), Oct. 24, 1634. 42 626 Oct. 5, 1632. Christie, Marie, wid. of Will. C. of Ottringham, May 17, 1632. 41 876 Oct. i, 1635. Christy, Frances, Pattrington, widdowe, May 17, 1635. 42 675 Mayi6, 1628. Claiton, Mane, Kildweeke, July 20, 1624. 40 241 Apl. 22, 1635. Clapam, John, Newarke, Notts., webster, Apl. 3, 1634. 42 477 Mar. 5, 1629. Clapham, George, Bethmisley, July 4, 1629. 40 638 Nov.29, 1632. , Martha, Beamsley, widdow of Geo. C., esquire (bur. St. Olives, York), Oct. 25, 1632. 41 913 May 15, 1635. Claphamson, Robert, York, Notary publique (bur. St. Mart.), Nov. 19, 1633. 42 509 Feb. 12, 1628. Clarke, Allain, Sutton upon Lownd, Notts., husbn., May 3, 4 Chas. 40 352 Jun. 10, 1631. , Cecihe, Kirkeburne, widow, May 10, 1630. 41 451 Aug. 5, 1628. - , Christopher, Longpreston, linnen weaver, 1620. 41 39^1 Feb. 7, 1632. , Edward, Gonalston, Notts., husbandman, May 24, 1632. 42 42 May 8, 1628. - , Edward, Little Gringley, par. Clareborough, Notts., yeoman, Nov. 30, 1627. 40 233 May23, 1629. - .Edward, Roos in Holdernes, Oct. 10, 1628. 40 405 Jan. 20, 1628. , Elizabeth, Fostin, Apl. 24, 1627. 40 315 i8 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Aug. 5, 1635. May3i, 1632. May 23, 1629. Jun. 23, 1632. Oct. 6, 1635. Dec. 3, 1634. Apl. 23, 1629. Dec. n, 1630. July 4, 1632. Nov. 8, 1634. Mar. 3, 1630. Sep. 9, 1628. Feb. 19, 1632. Oct. 4, 1627. Aug.iS, 1627. Oct. 23, 1634. May i, 1628. Aug. 3, 1631. Oct. 8, 1627. Jan. 28, 1632. Aug. 4, 1631. Mar.i3, 1631. Dec. 19, 1632. May 29, 1632. Apl. 19, 1632. Apl. 6, 1632. Jan. 30, 1631. July 4, 1635. Sep. 25, 1634. May 20, 1629. Dec. 7, 1631. Nov.24, 1629. Mar. 1 2, 1628. Jan. 18, 1627. Jan. 12, 1631. May 8, 1633. Dec. 22, 1628. Oct. 4, 1632. Sep. 30, 1630. May 5, 1635. Oct. 7, 1628. Mar.io, 1634. Aug.3i, 1632. Jun. 23, 1635. Dec. i, 1629. May ii, 1632. July ii, 1635. May i, 1628. July 8, 1628. May 8, 1628. May 8, 1633. May 5, 1635. Aug. 14, 1628. Oct. i, 1635. Sep. i, 1635. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Clarke, Elizabeth, Scarbroughe, widdowe, Apl. 21, 1634. -, Francis, Adwicke by the Streete, Aug. 24, 1631. Vol. 42 , Henry, Cottingham, Mar. 24, 1628. 40 , John, Heasle, Dec. 13, 1631. 41 , John, Rawmarsh, clothier, Feb. 7, 1632. 42 , Maud, Bempton, widdow, Oct. 21, 1634. 42 , Richard, Rawthmell (bur. Gigleswicke), Oct. 28, 1628. 40 , Richard, Righton, par. Hunandby, Mar. 8, 1629. 41 , Richard, Ulley, husbandman, Apl. i, 1631, 41 , Richard, Westside Houses, Kirkby Malhome Dayle, July 16, 1634. 42 , Robert, Gotham, par. S. Leverton, Notts., yeom., Oct. 7, 1630. 41 , Robert, Southburne, husbn., bur. Kirkeburne, July 2, 1627. 41 , Robert, Stoneferry, Holdernes (bur. Sutton), labr. No dats. 42 , Sibill, Hallifax, wid. of Jas. C., Apl. 18, 1627. 40 .Thomas, Cottam, par. South Leverton (Notts.), yeom., Mar. 24, 3 Chas. , Thomas, Estofte, labourer, Mar. 9, 1629. , Thomas, Newton in Bolland, yeoman, Jan. 30, 1627. , William, Bempton, May 3, 1631. , William, Cattwicke, carpenter, June 6, 1627. , William, Doncaster, alderman, Mar. 5, 1631. , William, Knottingley, yeoman, June 3, 1630. , William, Laughton, husbandman, May 30, 1631. , William, Longpreston, husbandman, Aug. 3, 1632. , William, maior of Beverley, Feb. 23, 1631. als. Ripley, William, Conishton, Jan. 18, 1627. Clarkeson, Robert, Bradford, yeoman, Mar. 5, 1631. , Thomas, Southkirkby, husbandman, Aug. 25, 1629. Clarkson, William, Elvington, labour, May 5, 1633. Claske, Thomas, Bowlershawe Grange, par. Patleybridge, yeoman, May 2, 1634. 42 Claxton, Anthonie, Stappleton, gentleman, June 25, 1628. 40 Clay, Jane, Yorke, widdowe (bur. St. Margt.), Sep. 17, 1631. 41 , John, Seaton, Mar. 3, 1628. 40 , Sibbell, Sutton in Holdernes, widowe, Mar. 24, 1621. 40 Claye, George, Linley, par. Huddersfeild, May 19, 1627. 40 Clayton, Charles, ShefTeild, corvasor, May 28, 1631. 41 , Edmund, Horbury, May 25 (?) 1631. 42 , Elizabeth, par. Bingley, wid. of Rob. C. of Crosley Hall, May 28, 1624. 40 , James, servt. to John Armitage of Kirkleis, esq., Dec. 30, 1631. 41 , Margarett, Sheaffeild, widdow, July 15, 1630. 41 , William, Allerton, Bradforddale, yeoman, Aug. 23, 1633. 42 , William, Rotheram, inholder, Aug. 28, 1626. 41 Cleathinge, John, Bridlington, yeoman, Dec. 14, 1633. 42 Cleaveland, Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, taler, May 27, 1631. 41 Clement, Richard, Pontefract, Apl. 23, 1635. 42 Clerke, Alice, Sharlstone, par. Warmefeilde, wydow, Jan. 16, 3 Chas. 40 , Anthonie, Farnedayle, par. Kirbymoreshedd, yeoman, Mar. 2, 1631. , Elizabeth, Myton, widdowe, Mar. 30, 1635. -, Richard, par. Fishlake, Oct. 20, 1626. Clerkeson, John, Dighton, husbn. (bur. Eskrigg), July 4, 1628. Cliffe, Christopher, Cottgrave, Notts. No date. , James, Bashall, husbandman (bur. Mitton), Apl. 20, 1631. , Jane, Knottingley, spinster. No date. , John, Orston, Notts., Nov. 19, 1627. Clifton, Robert, Hilla Lease (Cleveland), May 25, 1635. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, grocer, Apl. 8, 1635. 42 40 4i 40 42 42 4i 42 42 Fol. 627 744 404 752 6i5 352 414 150 772 338 339 6ja 6 4 46 17 317 198 482 56 27 493 635 3 711 675 643 599 558 277 403 564 576 369 117 579 306 861 174 491 5 404 504 54i 593 706 562 207 240 227 162 498 55 673 6 45 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Apl. 23, 1632. Clippingdale, Christopher, S. Skerlay, husbn. (bur. Swyne), Feb. 20, 1630. 41 684 Feb. 19, 1632. Close, George, Routh, yeoman, May 15, 1630. 42 63 Jun. 3, 1629. Cloughe, John, Hallifax, yeoman, Oct. 18, 1628. 40 447 Oct. 5, 1629. , Thomas, Skipton upon Swale, gentleman, Sep. n, 1629. 40 541 Mar. 5, 1630. Clyfe, Thomas, Fawboro, Notts., husbandman, Sep. 21, 1630. 41 344 July 21, 1635. Coakes, Ann, Cranswicke, widdow, May 16, 1635. 42 571 July 7, 1631. Coale, Leonard, Fenton, par. Littlethorpe, Nov. 19, 1626. 41 470 Feb. 25, 1631. , Thomas, (bur. St. Mich., York), Apl. 27, 1631. 41 627 Oct. 20, 1631. Coate, Thomas, (Slaidburne), Apl. 18, 1631. 41 549 Mar.n, 1629. Coates, Barnard, Egton, June 17, 1625. 40 577 Jun. 22, 1633. , Elizabeth, Northlaythes, wid. (bur. Rippon), Apl. 2, 1633. 42 237 July 28, 1635. , Christopher, Rawden, yeoman, Apl. u, 1635. 42 604 Dec. 4, 1628. , Henry, Rawdon (bur. Guiseley), June u, 1628. 40 291 Jan. 30, 1628. , James, Headingley, yeoman, Oct. 23, 1627. 40 325 Feb. 16, 1629. , John, Bilsdale, husbandman, July 30, 1627. 4 630 Dec. 18, 1632. (John, Sheriffehuton, dying in Ybrke, Nov. 23, 1632. 41 i Nov.27, 1634. , John, Swinton, yeoman, Sep. 14, 1634. 42 345 Nov.26, 1634. , Raiph, Swinton, husbn. (bur. Amonderbye), Jan. 14, 1633. 42 343 July 31, 1633. Cob, John, Cottam, Notts., weaver, Jan. 12, 1632. 42 247 Dec. 15, 1631. Cobb, Roger, Fullsutton, husbandman, Dec. 12, 1630. 41 571 Feb. 12, 1628. , Thomas, Cottam, Notts., yeoman, Sep. 4, 1628. 40 351 Jun. 9, 1631. Cobbe, Katherine, Sherifhutton, wid. of Will. C., tanner, Feb. 15, 1630. 41 447 Mar. i, 1632. Cockcroft, Elizabeth, Hallifax, widdowe, Jan. 5, 1630. 42 69 Dec. 31, 1631. Cocke, John, Flocktonne, par. Thornhill, Dec. 18, 1631. 42 n July 9, 1629. , Nycholas, Thorne, laborer, Mar. 19, 1628. 40 472 July 10, 1630. Cockerell, Thomas, younger, Little Becke, par. Whitby, yeoman, Feb. 25, 1629. 41 98 Nov. 8, 1634. Cockerofte, John, Hardinge (bur. Bingley), Mar. 14, 1632. 42 338 Feb. 8, 1635. Cockhead, William, Stainforth, Apl. 29, 1635. 4 2 75 Feb. 19, 1632. Cockin, Anne, Halsham, widdowe, Nov. 29, 1632. 42 63 Feb. 23, 1630. Cockrame, Ralffe, Mydleton, par. Rothwell, yeom., Dec. 10, 1630. 41 312 Apl. 15, 1630. Cockrofte, Henry, Ovenden, par. Hallifax, yeoman, June 23, 1629. 41 25 Sep. 13, 1634. Cockson, Agnes, wife of Rob. C. of Parlington, Oct. 15, 1630. 42 268 Mar.ig, 1635. , Robert, Parlington, par. Abberford, Feb. 13, 1635. 42 683 Jun. (28), 1630. (Cockson), Thomas, Cracoe, bur. Rilleston, yeoman, Mar. 8, 1626. 41 81 Mar. 5, 1634. Coldwell, Edmond, Nether Midhope, husbn., Feb. 27, 1633. 42 394 May3i, 1632. , Nicholas, (Doncaster Dnry.). No date. 41 743 Nov.iG, 1630. Cole, Christopher, Sandfeild, husbandman, Sep. 29, 1628. 41 234 Jun. 18, 1633. - , Robert, Hutton Cranswicke, husbandman, Apl. 6, 1633. 42 129 Mar.i3, 1632. , William, Manlesse Greene, par. Skelton, 1611. 42 74 Feb. 7, 1632. Collenson, William, Nottingham, gentleman, Nov. 14, 1632. 42 34 Sep. 23, 1634. Colley, Richard, North Elmesall, yeoman, May 26, 1634. 42 269 Jun. 29, 1629. Collinson, Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, widow, Feb. 10, 1628. 40 464 May 7, 1628. , John, Thornton in Pickeringelithe, wright, Apl. 30, 1626. 40 194 Jun. 10, 1628. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, mr. and marriner, Dec. 28, 1625. 40 261 Oct. 6, 1634. , William, Yeadon, May 15, 1634. 42 289 Apl. 20, 1629. Colly, Thomas, Rotherham, corviser, Jan. 20, 1628. 40 379 Mar. 12, 1634. Collyer, Alice, Bewerlay (bur. Paitlay Brigges), wid., Sep. 12, 1634. 42 406 Oct. 5, 1629. Colman, Robert, Kingstone upon Hull, shipwright, Mar. 10, 1628. 40 541 Feb. 2, 1634. Colson, Thomas, Swanland, par. N. Ferriby, yeom., Apl. 14, 1634 42 371 Aug. 5, 1628. Colthrust, Robert, Bashall, husbandman, Nov. 20, 1627. 41 370 Jan. 3, 1631. Colthurst, Edward, Waddington. No date, 41 576 Oct. 13, 1631. Comen, Edward, Chilwell, husbandman (bur. Adenborowe), Aug. 31, 7 Chas. 41 544 July 16, 1632. Compton, Richard, Marfleete, Jan. 30, 1631. 41 775 July 29, 1630. Comyn, Henry, Bilbrough, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 23, 1630. 41 115 Sep. 5, 1628. Condall, Nynian, Bushop Munckton, yeom., bur. Rippon, Mar. 26, 1628. 41 sga July 25, 1633. Conelis, William, Thorne, Nov. 27, 1632. 42 236 20 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Mayzo, 1628. Coningham, Harbertt, Barniston in Holdernesse, husbandman, Oct. Vol. Fol. Oct. 5, 1627. Feb. 16, 1631. Feb.ult.,i63i. Aug. 4, 1635. Feb. 21, 1632. Jun. 8, 1631. Jan. 27, 1631. Mar. 6, 1632. Oct. 7, 1628. Apl. 18, 1632. Apl. 23, 1632. Aug. 7, 1628. Oct. 7, 1634. Oct. 16, 1634. May 13, 1630. Apl. 3, 1633. Oct. ii, 1630. July 22, 1635. Feb. 9, 1628. July 6, 1628. July 23, 1631. Sep. 10, 1628. May i, 1628. Aug. 3, 1635. Feb. 13, 1629. May 8, 1628. Apl. 24, 1629. Jun. 15, 1633. Jun. 21, 1633. Jun. 8, 1631. Apl. 29, 1633. Feb. 9, 1632. Oct. 24, 1632. Jun. 12, 1628. Feb. 27, 1634. Apl. 18, 1632. Jan. 30, 1631. Apl. 18, 1633. Feb. 18, 1627. Mar. 20, 1631. Feb. 15, 1632. Dec. 20, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. May i, 1628. July 12, 1633. Oct. 8, 1629. Oct. 13, 1631. Mar.i5, 1631. Jan. 30, 1627. May i, 1628. Oct. 23, 1634. Oct. 4, 1627. Nov. 8, 1630. Mar.i4, 1630. Jan. ii, 1630. 26, 1626. 40 Consettchild, William, Hovingham, yeoman, Dec. 4, 1624. 41 Constable, Leonard, Beverley, gentleman, July 15, 1631. 41 Conyers, Leonard, Baulke, yeom. (bur. Bagbye), Jan. 13, 7 Chas. 41 Conyworth, John, Drax, Oct. ii, 1631. 42 Cooke, Anne, Sutton upon Darwent, widdow, Nov. 13, 1632. 42 Anne, Sutton, Holdernes, singlevvoman, Apl. 2, 1631. 41 Anne, Yorke, singlewoman, Jan. 2, 1631. 41 Elizabeth, Armethorpe, spinster, Nov. 27, 1632 42 Elizabeth, Doncaster, widdowe, Sep. 8, 1628. 41 Gilbert, Overskale, par. Longpreston, husbn., Feb. 9, 1631. 41 Hellen, Holmpton in Holdernes, widow, Dec. 4, 1630. 41 John, Bridlingeton, Feb. 25, 1627. 41 John, Doncaster, yeoman, Aug. 26, 1634. 42 John, Preston, Holdernes, husbandman, Jan. 14, 1633. 42 Marmaduke, Skipsey, yeoman, Apl. 20, 1629. 41 Mary, Marnham, Notts., widow, Mar. 22, 1632. 42 Mathew, bur. Wressle, yeoman, Sep. 14, 1630. 41 Richard, Rowley, batchelor, June 16, 1634. 42 Robert, Eckelsell, clothyer (bur. Bradford), Jan. 6, . 40 Robert, Kingston upon Hull, Feb. 26, 1628 (sic). 41 Roger, Stainforth Underbargh, yeoman (bur. Gigleswicke), Feb. 17, 1629. 41 Stephen, Ottringham, husbandman, Jan. 29, 1627. 41 Thomas, Askerne, yeoman, Aug. 14, 1627. 40 Thomas, Fenwicke (bur. Campsall), yeom., July 26, 1635. 42 Thomas, Mapplebecke, Notts., milner, May 17, 1629. 40 Tobias, Stocke next Newarke, labourer, Mar. 18, 1627. 40 William, Newborough, tanner (bur. Coxwold), Apl. i, 1629. 40 William, Thome, yeoman, Sep. 27, 1632. 42 William, Thorne, yeoman, Sep. 27, 1632. 42 Cookeman, Elizabeth, servt. to Marie Midforth (bur. Horsley). No date. 41 Coolman, Robert, Ottringham, husbandman, May 24, 1632. 42 Coomar, Edward, Wheldrake, Dec. , 1632. 42 Cooper, Martha, High Bentley, widdow, May 21, 1632. 41 , William, Helmeslie, May 20, 1627. 40 , William, par. Newarke, Notts., Jan. 13, 1633. 42 Copeland, Thomas, Chappell Hadlesey (bur. Birkin). A T a date. 41 Copley, Alice, widdowe (bur. Batley), Jan. 12, 1627. 41 , Edith, Plumtree, Notts., widdowe, Mar. 20, 1629. 42 , Edward, (Batley), Jan. 25, 1622. 40 , Gervas, Tickhill, husbandman, Jan. 19, 1630. 41 , James, Skelmanthorpe, par. Highe Hoiland, yeoman, Sep. 17, 1632. 42 , John, Newbigginhill, chapman (bur. Sandall Magna), June 4, 4 Chas. 40 , Robert, Doncaster, gentleman, Jan. 29, 1629. 41 , Thomas, Tireshill, par. Darfeild, yeoman, Nov. 4, 1624. 40 , William, Worsbrough, Apl. 22, 1633. 42 Copperwhite, John, Mattersay Thorpe, Notts., Nov. 27, 1628. 40 , Robert, Misson, Notts., batchelour, Jan. 3, 1629. 41 Corbet, Thomas, Burton Agnes, Nov. 13, 1631. 41 Corbie, John, Newsham, lab. (bur. Kirkbye), Jan. 14, 1627. 40 Cordingley, Humphrey, Holme in Tonge, yeom., July 29, 1625. 40 , Richard, Bollinge, May 28, 1634. 42 Cordinley, Walter, Dewsburie, yeoman. May 14, 1627. 40 Corker, James, Yorke, gent. (bur. All Sts. Pavement), Sep. 21, 1630. 41 Corner, Raiphe, North Cave, grasman, Nov. 5, 1627. 41 Corte, Jane, Boltbie, widdow, bur. Foelixkirke, Nov. 18, 1629. 41 248 2a 619 631 626 44 442 590 7* 7 659 684 5oa 295 310 57 95 197 590 338 250 476 62a 208 645 628 224 387 126 239 445 131 44 900 257 39i 654 598 212 154 638 50 302 22 208 232 552 547 636 34 205 322 43 227 350 274 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 21 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. May i, 1628. Coward, Richard, Midgeley, par. Thornhill, wood collier, Aug. 9, 1627. 40 203 Aug. Q, 1627. , William, Harwood, husbandman, Oct. 13, 1622. 40 2 Jan. 25, 1631. Cosin, Samuell, S. Collingham, Notts., labourer, July 18, 1631. 41 587 Aug.n, 1634. Coslentine, James, Carlton, Craven, Aug. 7, 1634. 42 250 May 4, 1628. Coston, Isabel, Kayton, Jan. 19, 1627. 40 254 Oct. i, 1635. Cotes, Robert, Hasgill Cloughead (bur. Slaidburne), Sep. 17, 1634. 42 664 Oct. i, 1629. Gotham, George, Newton, par. Lyth, July 12, 1629. 40 537 Sep. 19, 1635. Coulson, William, Scarbrough, glover, June 17, 1635. 42 659 Aug.20, 1628. Coulsone, Ann, Bilstropp, Notts., widdow, Feb. 16, 1627. 41 6ja Dec. 20, 1634. Coultas, Jane, Farnedaile, spinster, May 26, 1634. 42 355 Jan. 9, 1632. , Richard, Kirbe under Dayle, Jan. 17, 1632 (sic). 42 14 Aug.27, 1631. Coulthirst, Robert, Kirkleatham, yeoman, July 10, 1631. 41 504 Mar.25, 1628. Coulton, Jennett, Kighley, widdowe, Jan. 14, 1619. 40 186 Sep. ii, 1630. , Robert, Flambrough, fisherman, Nov. 20, 1629. 41 150 Dec. 12, 1632. Courtbie, George, Spandford, Notts., yeoman, Sep. 28, 1632. 42 i Oct. 5, 1631. Coverdaile, James, Leedes, Kirkgate, Feb. 28, .1630. 41 518 Apl. 23, 1629. Coverdale, Frauncis, Egton, Nov. 19, . 40 432 May i, 1628. , Stephen, Danbie, Jan. 2, 1626. 40 220 Aug. 8, 1632. Cowe, Thomas, Epperstone, Notts., husbandman, May n, 1632. 41 824 Oct. 4, 1632. Cowldwell, John, Austenley, par. Almonbury, June 11, 1631. 41 872 Jun. 18, 1630. Cowley, Richard, Rotheram, tanner, Jan. 29, 1628. 41 75 May 28, 1635. Cowlin, Ann, Buttercraumbe, widdowe, May 28, 1635. 42 520 Jun. 24, 1629. Cowlinge, Alice, Egbroughe, widow (bur. Kellington), June 24, 1628. 40 435 Oct. 5, 1632. , Dorathye, Castell of Kingston upon Hull, par. Driepoole, wid. of Tho. C., Apl. 10, 1631. 41 873 Jan. 30, 1631. , Richard, Clayton, clothier, Apl. 7, 1630. 41 591 Jan. 17, 1630. Cowper, Agnes, wife of Rich. C. of Bowforth (bur. Kirkby Moore- side), May n, 1629. 41 277 Aug.2o, 1629. , Gervase, Nottingham, butcher, Apl. 7, 1629. 40 513 Mar.i2, 1630. - , Jane, Appleton, par. Boulton Percye, wid., Dec. 27, 1630. 41 350 July 27, 1635. , John, Bowforth, yeoman (bur. Kirbymooreside), July 3, 1635. 42 602 Aug.2o, 1629. , John, Brynsley, Notts., clothyer, May 28, 1629. 40 515 Apl. 23, 1632. , John, Westhadelsay, batchelour (bur. Birkin), Mar. 18, 1631. 41 683 Oct.. 5, 1627. , Nicholas, Kirbiemoorside, yeoman, July 31, 2 Chas. 41 ia Apl. 23, 1629. , Richard, Bonford, yeoman (bur. Kirkbymooresyde), Jan. 3, 1628. 40 423 Feb. 5, 1632. , William, theldest, Harwood, husbandman, Jan. 20, 1631. 42 30 Jun. 29, 1629. Cowtons, Robert, Pocklington, mylner, May 20, 1629. 40 464 May 15, 1629. Crabtree, John, Dinley, co. Lane., July 8, 1627. 40 402 Jan. 18, 1627. , Samuel, Ovenden, par. Hallifax, clothier, May 17, 1627. 40 118 Apl. 22, 1635. Cragge, Miles, Ratcliffe upon Trent, Notts., labourer, Jan. 28, 1634. 42 474 Jan. 25, 1631. Cragges, Joane, wid. of Rich. C., Thorpe, Notts., labr., Apl. 18, 1626. 41 588 Jan. 12, 1631. - , Katherine, Edlington, May 6, 1631. 41 585 May 3, 1631. , Thomas, Edlington, Apl. 12, 1631. 41 407 Nov.iS, 1634. Craike, Alice, (Branton, Archdy. Richmond), Oct. 27, 1634. 42 342 Apl. 23, 1632. , Scicilie, Kaingham, Jan. n, 1631. 41 684 Nov. 5, 1634. Crake, Jane, York, spr., bur. All Hal. Pavement, Oct. 22, 1633. 42 330 Mar.i4, 1630. Cramye, William, Pontefracte, yeoman, Dec. 31, 1630. 41 355 Mar. 6, 1627. Cranwell, George, Nottingham, woollen draper (bur. St. Peter's), June ii, 1627. 40 161 Nov. 19, 1629. Craven, Ambrose, North Dalton, wheelwright, May 26, 1629. 40 573 Apl. 18, 1632. - Elizabeth. Rippon, widow, Nov. 18, 1631. 41 671 July 23, 1631. Isabell, wid. of Jas. C. of Stainforth (bur. Gigleswicke), June 2, 1630. 41 477 May i, 1628. Johan, Bondgate neare Rippon, singlewoman, Jan. 9, 1627. 40 217 Apl. 23, 1632. John, Sutton in Craven, yeoman, Apl. 17, 1602. 41 683 May2i, 1633. Margarett, Sutton, widdow, Jan. 20, 1632. 42 107 Apl. 27, 1631. Mathew, Horsforth, bur. Guysley, Apl. 2, 1631. 41 376 July 22, 1635. Rosamond, Horton (bur. Bradforth), Mar. 3. 1634. 42 592 Aug. 4, 1631. William, Badsworth, yeoman, Feb. 8, 1630. 41 493 Apl. 14, 1635. William, Ovenden, yeoman, Jun. 19, 1634. 42 430 22 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Aug. 6, 1631. Crawsdale, John, Blith, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 25, 1631. 41 500 Feb. 23, 1630. Crawshaw, Frauncis, Himsworth, laborer, Aug. 5, 1630. 41 323 Mar. 3, 1634. Crawshay, Henry, Gt. Haughton, par. Darfcild, Sep. 6, 1634. 42 397 Jan. 10, 1628. Cressie, Thomas, par. St. Dyonesse, Yorke, turner, Dec. i, 1628. 40 311 Aug. 7, 1632. Creswell, Stephen, Hawton (Notts.). No date. 41 817 Sep. 25, 1634. Creswicke, John, Wadsley, par. Ecclesfeild, Aug. 28, 1634. 42 272 Oct. 9, 1627. , William, Sheffeild, June 28, 1627. 40 59 May 23, 1629. Crishye, William, Otteringham, husbn., Dec. 10, 1628. 40 419 Dec. 16, 1630. Croft, Barnard, par. Leedes, taylor, Sep. 24, 1630. 41 261 Oct. 4, 1632. , James, Hasell (bur. Wragbie), June 23, 1632. 41 862 Apl. 23, 1629. , Elizabeth, Thorner, widow. No date. 40 427 Aug. 7, 1632. , Richard, S. Collingham, Notts., blacksmith, June 16, 1632. 41 818 Apl. 18, 1632. , William, Thornor, taylor, June 3, 1630. 41 666 Oct. 9,1628. Cromewell, Jerome, South Collingham (Notts.), labr., Nov. 30, 1627. 40 272 MayiS, 1633. Cromocke, Bryan, Knowstroppe, yeoman, Feb. 24, 1630. 42 140 Sep. ii, 1628. Crompton, Edward, Bentley, gentleman, Apl. 12, 1628. 41 67* May 3, 1631. Crooke, Zeno, Sheffeild, Feb. 7, 1630. 41 405 Mar. 5, 1634. Crookes, Michaell, Worsbrough, freemason, May i, 1634. 42 394 July ii, 1628. Crosbee, Anthonye, Coddington, Notts., laborer, Apl. 19, 1628. 41 25*1 Nov. 2, 1627. Crosdall, John, Newhey in Boland (bur. Waddington), Apl. 6, 1625. 40 81 Sep. 25, 1634. , William, Waddington Eaves, yeoman, June 6, 1634. 42 274 Mar.2i, 1632. Crosfeild, Robert, Holbecke, clothier, Feb. 16, 1632. 42 76 Aug. 2, 1632. Crosland, Thomas, Hepworth, par. Kirkburton, husbn., July 27, 1631. 41 797 Oct. 20, 1630. Croslay ah. Dobson, Robert, Worsthorne, co. Lane., husbandman, Feb. 10, 1613. 41 219 Feb. 9, 1628. Crosley, Elizabeth, Moulgraime in Heptonstall, widow of John C., Mar. 17, 2 Chas. 40 334 July 22, 1635. , Hellen, Houley, widdow (bur. Allmansburie), Jan. 14, 1633. 42 580 July 22, 1635. , Issabell, wife of Jos. C. of Stansfeild, Sep. 3, 1634. 42 593 May3i, 1632. , James, Fallomes, par. Thornhill, Apl. 4, 1632. 41 737 May i, 1628. , John, Bothomley, par. Eland, Nov. 19, 1627. 40 202 Mar. 3, 1634. , John, Royston, alehouse keeper, June 2, 1634. 42 396 Aug. 2, 1632. , John, Sowerby, par. Hallifax, taylor, Mar. 26, 6 Chas. 41 799 Apl. 14, 1635. , John, Stansfeild, June 17, 1632. 42 437 Dec. i, 1629. , Margarett, Bothomley, par. Eland, widow, Jan. 23, 4 Chas. 40 589 Feb. 15, 1632. , Thomas, Howley, yeom. (bur. Almonbury), Sep. 22, 1627. 42 48 Oct. 8, 1627. Crosse, Edmond, South Frothingham, husbn. (bur. Owthorne), Apl. i, 1626. 40 52 Jan. 28, 1628. , Michael, Burton Fleming, husbandman, Dec. 17, 1627. 40 323 May 20, 1628. , Robert, St. Michaells, New Malton, May 7, 1628. 40 242 July 4, 1628. Crow, Thomas, Hungate in Grantley, yeoman, Jan. 24, 1627. 41 i6a Dec. i, 1629. Crowder, Edward, bur. Batley, Mar. 22, 1626. 40 583 Feb. 13, 1629. , Thomas, Myssen, co. Line., batchelour, Jan. 10, 1628. 40 626 May i, 1628. , Thomas, Pontefract, cooper, May 28, 1627. 40 212 Jun. 17, 1633. Crowe, Christopher, Grantley, par. Rippon, batchelor, July 6, 1632. 42 127 July 29, 1628. Crowther, Edward, Hallifax, chapman, July 25, 1626. 41 270 May 8, 1633. , Gilberte, Ealand, yeoman, Feb. 6, 1631. 42 148 Mar. 14, 1631. , Jefferay, Kirkebramwith, gentleman, Sep. 25, 1631. 41 636 May 5, 1635. Cryer, John, Netherton, South Crosland, yeoman, Apl. 3, 1633. 42 495 Apl. 18, 1632. , William, Thorner, yeoman, Aug. 29, 1628. 41 668 May i, 1628. Cudworth, Nicolas, Wigfale (bur. Worsbrughe), Jan. 2, 1627. 40 210 Apl. 18, 1632. Cullingworth, Peter, Dunkeswicke (bur. Harwood), Feb. 10, 1631. 41 668 Sep. i, 1629. Culshawe, Marie, Snenton, Notts., widow, June 30, 1629. 40 517 Jan. 24, 1631. Cundall, Robert, par. Christ Church, Yerke, cooke, Dec. 27, 1631. 41 586 Mar. 23, 1630. Cundy, Edmund, Wortley, clerke, Apl. 13, 1629. 41 360 Mayio, 1631. Cunlyffe, John, Woodhead, co. Lane., gent., May 13, 1630. 41 420 Apl. 21, 1632. Cunnesbie, Elizabeth, Nether Poppleton, widowe, Jan. 13, 1630. 41 683 No date. Cunstable, Ann, wid. of Marm. C. of Cliffe, par. Santon, esq., Aug. 28, 1630. 41 151 Apl. 3, 1633. Currer, Henry, Middleton, yeoman (bur. Ilkeley), Dec. i, 1632. 42 204 July 17, 1629. , Thomas, Ilkley, Feb. 19, 1627. 40 488 Mar.23, 1632. Currey, John, (Cleveland), pettichapman, Feb. 5, 1632. 42 77 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Oct. 8, 1627. Apl. 23, 1628. Mar.io, 1629. Oct. 27, 1629. Aug. 4, 1631. May 15, 1633. Apl. 16, 1635. Jun. 5, 1630. Feb. 26, 1634. Feb. 2, 1630. May 15, 1633. Aug. 5, 1628. Jan. 28, 1628. May 3. 1631. Mar. 6, 1631. May 3, 1631. May 23, 1629. Feb. 7, 1632. Dec. 20, 1634. Jan. 19, 1629. Nov. 19, 1629. Sep. 10, 1628. Oct. 7, 1634. Jan. 9, 1632. Apl. 30, 1629. Mar.2o, 1634. Oct. 2, 1629. Oct. 28, 1630. July 4, 1628. Jan. 16, 1634. Oct. 7, 1630. May 12, 1631. Jan. 16, 1634. Dec. 4, 1628. Jun. 9, 1629. Apl. 18, 1632. May 12, 1631. Oct. 8, 1629. Aug.3i, 1629. Aug. 8, 1632. Oct. 31, 1627. May 26, 1635. Feb. 14, 1627. Oct. 16, 1630. Apl. 22, 1635. Apl. 27, 1631. May 27, 1635. Apl. 14, 1630. Apl. 22, 1630. Jan. 27, 1629. July 24, 1629. May 8, 1628. Jan. 30, 1627. Dec. r, 1629. Oct. 2, 1628. Apl. 14, 1635. Feb. 12, 1630. Sep. 30, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. July 10, 1631. Curtesse, John, Holmpton, husbandman, Apl. 21, 1627. Curtis, Bryan, Ottringham in Holdernes, husbn., Jan. 18, 1627. Curwaine, Thomas, Shereburne, batchelor, June 6, 1629. Cusforth, Henry, Langrake, par. Drax, July 13, 1615. Cusworth, John, Cadelton. No date. Cutforthay a/5. Sheppard, Thomas, Scroby, Notts., yeoman, Feb. 23, 1632. Cuthbert, Thomas, Kirkeleathom, yeoman, Mar. 14, 1634. , William, Stokesley, yeoman, Oct. 6, 1629. Dafte, Robert, the elder, Hickling, Notts., yeoman, Sep. 19, 1634. Dailes, Phillipp, Cottingham, batchler, Nov. 7, 1630. Dalby, Anne, East Leake, Notts., widdow, Feb. 2, 1631. Dale Thomas, Carlton Moore, husbandman, Mar. 20, 1627. Thomas, Carnaby, grassman. No date. Thomas, thelder, Whitleywood, par. Sheffeild, yeoman, Jan. 27, 1630. William, Egton, yeoman, Oct. 19, 1631. William, par. Sheffeild, Feb. 23, 1630. Dales, Thomas, Brandsburton, husbandman, Dec. 27, 1628. Dallie, Richard, par. St. Marie, Nottingham, brasier, Oct. 4, 1632. Dalston, John, Dalston, co. Cumberland, kt., Oct. 7, 1631. Dalton, Arthur, Northferribye, Mar. 19, 1628. , Henry, Kilnewicke, graseman, Sep. 7, 1629. , John, Longe Riston. No date. Dam, Ellin, Tickhill, widdowe, Jan. 21, 1633. Dames, William, Mattersay, Notts., yeoman, Aug. 3, 1631. Damporte, Ellinor, Treversall, Notts., widow, Nov. i, 1628. Danby, Anne, Leake (bur. Ottrington), Oct. 16, 1632. Vol. 40 40 4 40 42 42 41 42 41 42 41 40 Fol. 57 193 578 565 495 90 45 6 67 385 300 86 360 322 41 404 41 631 41 400 40 407 42 38 42 352 40 609 40 573 4 1 65 42 296 42 15 40 395 42 4 X 3 40 540 4 1 223 41 2Ort 42 364 4 1 186 4 1 426 42 363 40 289 40 45 r Elizabeth, Thorpe pirrowe, wid. (bur. Massam), Sep. i, 1627. 40 Dance, Richard, Scarbrough, gentleman, Dec. 4, 1627. Daniel, William, Wetherby, bur. Spofford, carrier, May 10, 1628. Daniell, Christopher, Sutton (bur. Tadcaster), Oct. 6, 1634. , Hompray, East Markeham,' Notts., husbn., June n, 1627. , John, Tolton, bur. Saxton, yeoman, May 2, 1623. , Margarett, Wetherbye, widdow, Jan. 26, 1633. Danniell, Thomas, Stotton (bur. Tadcaster). No date. Dansley, Janne, Scarbrugh, widdow, Mar. 23, 1628. Danson, John, Lumley Carres in Rippon, yeoman, Feb. 28, 1631. 41 671 Danyell, Alexander, Stutton, husbn. (bur. Tadcaster), May 27, 1630. 41 426 , Thomas, Ecteringe, Notts., husbandman, May 19, 1629. 40 555 Darcye, Margrett, Beverley, Apl. 13, 1626. 40 517 Darker, Michaell, Greate Leake, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 12, 1632. 41 822 Darley, Thomas, Wooley, gentleman, Sep. 27, 1626. 40 79 Darnton, Ann, Knaresbrough, widdow, Feb. 17, 1634. 42 514 Darrell, Edward, Westrettford, esq., Feb. 18, 1623. 40 150 Davison, Henry, Thirske, yeoman, May 31, 1629. 41 215 Dawbney, Cordell, Eastebridgeford, Notts., labr., Jan. 24, 1634. 42 472 Dawson, Chfistopher, Gargrave, husbandman, Sep. 24, 1630. 41 369 Christopher, Topliffe, laborer, Feb. 2, 1634. 42 516 Elizabeth, Stadfold (bur. Horton), Nov. ro, 5 Chas. 41 6 Francis, Westmarkham, Notts., weaver, Apl. 16, 1629. 41 42 John, Dewesbury, yeoman, July 27, 1629. 40 606 John, Sprostoune, laborer, June 15, 1629. 40 496 Mathew, Kellam (Notts.), labourer, Feb. 25, 1627. 4 224 Richard, Sutton super Trent, Notts., labourer, Jan. 8, 1627. 40 134 Robert, Wroose, par. Calverley, July 24, 1629. 40 592 Simond, Gargrave, Mar. 27, 1628. 41 8ia Thomas, Horburye, June 25, 1634. 42 434 William, East Leake, Notts., yeoman, June 27, 1630. 41 291 William, (bur. Harwood), June 10, 1629. 41 164 William, Horburye, labourer, Apl. 19, 4 Chas. 41 460 William, Kirkleverton, laborer, May 23, 1631. 41 462 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Nov. 17, 1632. Oct. g, 1629. May 9, 1633. Apl. 16, 1635. July 16, 1635. May 26, 1628. Oct. 23, 1634. Mar.i2, 1628. Oct. 23, 1627. Jun. 21, 1630. Sep. 30, 1635. Apl. 15, 1630. Oct. 20, 1630. Mar. 8, 1630. May 8, 1628. May 7, 1635. Jan. 7, 1629. Feb. 23, 1630. Oct. 2, 1628. Jun. 21, 1630. Oct. 23, 1634. Mar. 25, 1636. May i, 1628. Apl. 28, 1631. Oct. g, 1632. Mar. 3, 1634. Aug. 5, 1628. Sep. 25, 1634. Oct. 8, 1629. Oct. 7, 1630. Aug. 3, 1631. Feb. 16, 1631. Oct. 8, 1627. Nov.27, 1634. Apl. 21, 1635. Oct. g, 1632. Jun. 26, 1634. Oct. 6, 1628. May 8, 1633. Oct. n, 1632. Oct. 6, 1635. Jun. 4, 1635. Jun. 4, 1635. Aug. g, 1628. Mar.i2, 1631. May 3, 1631. Nov.25, i&2g. Dec. 6, 1630. Jan. 3, 1631. Oct. ii, 1631. Apl. 27, i62g. May 26, 1628. Oct. 6, 1635. Apl. 25, 1631. May 8. 1633. July 2, 1635. Oct. 6, 1631. Apl. 19, 1631. Aug. 7, 1628. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Dawson, William, Yorke, gentleman, Aug. 19, 1632. Day, Elizabeth, Staynlaywood, widow, Jan. 6, 1627. , Thomas, Eastcottinwith (bur. Aughton), Feb. 8, 1632. Dayle, John, Harrom, par. Hemslaye, weaver, July 4, 1632. , William, elder, Catton, yeoman, Apl. 4, 1631. Dayles, John, Midleton super le Wolde, husbn., Aug. 3, 1627. Deane, Jonas, Ovenden, clother, Apl. 3, 10 Chas. , Peter, South Skerloe, husbandman, bur. Swine. No date. , Ragwell, Hootham, grassman, May 6, 1626. , Robert, Ovenden, yeoman, Sep. 9, 1629. , Stephen, Yorke, yeoman, Sep. 2, 1635. , William, Denholme in Bradforddale, Aug. 23, 1628. , William, Raucliffe, par. Snayth, Oct. n, 1630. , William, South Cliffe, par. North Cave, Sep. 22, 1630. Death, Robert, Newarke upon Trent, tanner. Mar. 4, 1627. Demaine, Peter, Dacre, par. Patleybrigge, yeoman, Mar. 6, 1634. Denbie, Richard, Haitfeild, laborer, June 4, 5 Chas. Denisonn, John, Morley, par. Batley, Apl. 24, 1629. Dent, Mathewe, Wackefeild, yeoman, July 14, 1627. Denton, Anthony, Northawrome, clothyer, Oct. 17, 1629. Grace, Slacke, Jan. i, 1632. James, Gowlton, gent. (bur. Rudbye), Mar. 7, 1635. Leonard, Horlon, Jan. 22, 1627. Thomas, thelder, Skamonden, yeoman, Sep. 13, 1628. Thomas, Winckabancke, par. Sheffeild, Dec. 22, 1631. William, Royston, blacksmith, Nov. 22, 1634. William, Slacke in Quarmbye, Dec. i, 1623. Depledge, Robert, Barghe, par. Darton, husbn., Mar. 10, 1633. Deverell, Marie, Arnold, Notts., Nov. 18, 1627. Deverill, William, Arnoll, Notts., July n, 1630. Devis, Richard, par. Radford, Notts., mealer, Oct. 26, 1630. Dewell, Anne, Beswicke, wid. (bur. Kilnewicke), May 26, 1631. Dibney, Agnes, Lelley, widdow (bur. Preston), Mar. 5, 1626. , Mathew, Scarbrough, June 26, 1633. Diccones, Nicholas, Wales, par. Treeton, badger, Dec. 2, 1634. Dicconson, Richard, Tossyde, husbn. (bur. Boulton, Bolland), Feb. 21, 1631. Dickinson, Christopher, Yorke, aldm. (bur. All Sts. Payment), Dec. 18, 1630. Giles, Scarbrough, tanner, Mar. 20, 1608. Jane, Gigleswicke, widdow, Feb. 22, 1632. Joane, East Leake, Notts., spinster, Apl. 3, 1632. Johann, Rotheram, widdowe, July 29, 1634. John, Burnistone, Feb. 2, 1634. John, Scarbrough, Feb. 3, 1631. Thomas, Ellington (bur. Masham). No date. William, Scalbie Heay, wheelewright, Apl. 7, 1628. Dickonson, Frauncis, Rotheram, draper, Apl. 10, 1626. Jane, Scarbroughe, widow, June 28, i62g. Joney, Menithorpe, wid. (bur. Westowe), Aug. 10, 1623. Katherine, Stocke, par. Bracewell, spr. Feb. 10, 1630. William, Morehouse, par. Laxton, Notts., husbandman, Feb. 10, 1630. , William, Stockport, Apl. 30, i62g (sic). Dickson, Anne, Beverley, spinster. No date. Francis, Carcroft (bur. Owston), felmonger, Oct. 4, 1634. George, Cropton, par. Midleton, yeoman, July 19, 1628. John, Bentleyroid, par. Hallifax, Dec. 18, 1629. Maximilian, Waleswood, Apl. 18, 1635. William, Danbie, Feb. 6, 1630. William, Estofte, yeoman (bur. Adlingflete), Feb. 22, 1631. Dighton, Robert, Caiton, No date. Vol. Fol. 41 gi2 40 559 42 184 42 454 42 566 40 250 42 318 40 368 40 75 41 87 42 660 4i 33 41 178 41 348 40 222 42 505 40 603 41 306 41 830 41 86 42 322 42 608 20 200 4i 395 41 883 42 399 41 40 James, Dyningtone, yeoman, Nov. 10, 1634. 42 555 Apl. 27, 1631. , John, Harwood, husbandman, Feb. 27, 1630. 41 379 Mar.i7, 1628. , John, Skellowe, par. Owston, yeoman, Feb. 8, 1628. 40 369 Jan. 21, 1628. , John, Tosside in Sawley, yeoman, Feb. 2, 1627. 40 317 Dec. 20, 1628. , Katherine, Thurnscoe, wid. of John E., Aug. 21, 1628. 40 299 Feb. 7, 1630. , Marie, Barwicke in Elmett, gentlewoman, Feb. 18, 1629. 41 282 Nov. 2, 1627. , Martin, Flasbie, par. Gargrave, Dec. 20, 1627. 40 82 Feb. 9, 1628. , Percevall, Bradford, husbandman, May 17, 1627. 40 338 Oct. 4, 1632. , Richard, Burghwallis, laborer, Apl. 8, 1632. 41 870 Oct. 20, 1631. , Robert, the Hardhead, bur. Long Preston, Sep. 17, 1630. 41 548 Jun. 29, 1632. , Robert, Rigton, par. Kirkbyoverblowes, Apl. 27, 1632. 41 757 July 23, 1635. , Thomas, Stocke, par. Bracewell, yeoman, Dec. 29, 10 Chas. 42 601 Sep. 30, 1629. , Thomas, Long Preston, husbandman, Apl. i, 1629. 40 523 Apl. 6, 1635. , Thomas, Wolley, yeoman, Nov. 26, 1634. 42 422 Apl. 19, 1632. Ellison, William, Cullingworth, par. Bingley, clothier, Feb. last, 1630. 41 674 Feb. 15, 1632. Ellistones, Henry, Greatland, clothier, Dec. 18, 1632. 42 59 Jan. 30, 1627. Ellott, Alice, Northe Clifton, Notts., widowe, Sep. 16, 1627. 40 133 Oct. 4, 1632. Ellwes, Richard, Boulton upon Downe, husbn., May 4, 1631. 41 870 Jun. 3, 1628. Ellwood, John, Butterrambe, Nov. 17, 1627. 40 252 Aug.iS, 1627. Elsame, Richard, younger son of Rich. E. of Wellam (Notts.), yeoman, Aug. 30, 1625. 40 16 Dec. 20, 1632. Eltoftes ah. Duckett, Mary, Steeton, par. Kildweeke, Dec. 3, 1632. 42 6 Oct. ii, 1632. Elton, John, Clawworth, Notts., taylor, May 23, 1632. 41 894 Sep. 27, 1630. Elwood, George, Cuckwould. No date. 41 157 Jun. 8, 1631. Elwoode, John, servt. to Rob. Stapleton, Wighell, esquyre, Jan. 21, 4 Chas. 41 447 Apl. 6, 1635. Elyott, Prudence, Norton Pryorye, spinster, Dec. 15, 1634. 42 421 May 15, 1635. Emerson, Richard, Brencke (bur. Coxwould), Apl. n, 1635. 42 510 May 2, 1632. , Richard, Hasholme (bur. Spaldingmore), Sep. 14, 1631. 41 702 Feb. 10, 1628. , Thomas, par. St. Nich., Nottingham, Dec. 26, 1628. 40 344 Sep. 30, 1629. Emery, William, Sheffeild, gentleman, Oct. 4, 1628. 40 529 Jun. 19, 1629. Emesonn, Richard, par. Aighton, Oct. 29, 1628. 40 454 Jun. 10, 1630. Emot, John, Gisborne, husbandman, Mar. 24, 1629. 41 69 Dec. 9, 1629. Emott, Alison, Winwall, co. Lane., spinster, Jan. u, 1626. 40 597 Mar.io, 1629. , George, Keighley, husbandman, May i, 1629. 40 639 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Feb. 23, 1630. Emott, Grace, Oxenhopp, par. Haworth, widow, June 8, 1629. 4 1 308 Nov.24, 1630. , John, Kelbrocke, par. Thornton, husbn., Jan. i, 1622. 4i 241 Jun. 10, 1631. Emson, Bryan, bur. Tadcaster, May 30, 1631. 4i 450 Jun. 23, 1630. England, Daniell, Potternewton, par. Leeds, singleman, May 7, 1630. 4i 9 Mar. 24, i635- Errington, Robert, Kingston upon Hull, shipwright, Oct. 7, 1635. 42 682 May 13, 1630. Escrecke, Roger, (Skipsey), Jan. 6, 1628. 4 1 59 July 8, 1633- Eshburne, John, Outhorne, husbandman. No date. 42 223 Oct. 4, 1632. Eston, Roland, Rilton Thorpe, par. Brotton, Sep. 14, 8 Chas. 41 857 Apl. 23, 1629. , William, Westsyde of Farnedale, yeom., Mar. 3, 1627. 40 426 Jun. 28, 1631. Evans, Thomas, Doncaster, cordwayner, May 15, 1631. 41 458 Jun. 23, 1630. Evars, Robert, North Cave, grassman, Sep. 8, 1629. 4' 93 Nov.io, 1629. Everingham. Frauncis, Bessenby, Apl. 24, 1629. 40 570 Jun. 18, 1628. 1627. 40 260 NOV.I2, 1630. Ewdall, Thomas, Windhill, par. Calverlay, Oct. 9, 1630. 4i 230 Apl. 23, 1629. Ewen, Richard, Womersley, myller, Oct. 4. 1627. 40 412 May 23, 1629. Ewte, John, Riston in Holdernes, yeoman, Feb. 25, 1628. 40 AAA TT^ Aug. 4, i35- Exilbey, Christabell, Mooreside, par. Spofford, wid., Mar. 5, 8 Chas. 42 625 July 4. 1632. Eyre, Robert, Bramley, par. Breathwell, yeoman, Mar. 11, 1631. 4i 767 Apl. 22, 1630. Eyton, Robert, Babington Moore, Notts., yeom. (bur. Gresley), Feb. n, 1629. 4i 47 Mar. 4, 1634. Fairebanck, Simon, Sowewood, Ealand, Feb. 19, 1634. 42 393 Dec. i, 1629. Fairebanke, Dorithie, Hudderfeild, widow, Mar. 24, 1628. 40 584 Sep. 3, 1631. Faireburne, Anne, Kaingham, Holdernes, widow, Apl. 17, 1631. 4i 57 May 23, 1629. Fairwether, John, Ulrom, laborer, 1628. 40 407 Jun. 4, 1629. Fallowwell, Margery, Cathorpe, Notts., widdow, Mar. 30, 1629. 4 448 July 31. 1632. Falshay, William, Kettlewell, May n, 1632. 4i 787 Aug. 5, 1628. Faltheropp, Thomas, Gigleswicke, clothworker, Feb. last, 1627. 4 3a Sep. 30, 1630. Fange, William, Doncaster, yeoman, Apl. 4, 1626. 4i 172 May 20, 1628. Fardin, Robertt, Headon, younge man, servt. of Mrs. Robinson, Apl. 28, 1628. 40 249 July 21, 1635- Farmarye, Richard, Upton, par. Headon, Notts., yeom., Feb. 21, 1634. 42 574 Oct. 7, 1628. Farmer, Jennet, Rotheram, widowe, Aug. 17, 1628. 4i in/ July 28, 1635- r rt* *r. x" ,-vt-f Vi A*! * i v .- vr ,-,* # c- i !. * A- ^ 42 607 j i iiom ds, i> on n 1*1 UciKiiciiii , i^utio f j u i} * y * ^j5* Oct. 7, 1634. Farneworth, Richard, Tickhill, yeoman, Dec. 28, 1633. 42 297 Jun. ii, 1628. Farnhame, William, Owston (bur. Coxwodd), May 23, 1627. 40 258 Julys*. 1633- Farnsworth, William, Parlethorpe, Notts., husbn., Jan. 26, 1620. 42 245 May 6, 1628. Farrand, Blanch, Flasbie in Craven, spinster, Feb. 13, 1627. 40 220 Oct. 3, 1627. nPUrt-w n r> r^ T-til f/^T-i Ar-rt T 111 < ^A Y Af*M 40 34 j i nuniaof \_-tiiciion, csu., jui^ zu, lu^iy. Dec. 17, 1629. Farrington, William, Ryther, yeoman, June 28, 1629. 40 599 Sep. 19, 1635- Farthinge, Henry, Scarbrough, tannor, June 30, 1635. 42 658 May 15, 1633- Faulkener, John, Stapleford, Notts., husbandman, Mar. 15, 1632. 42 83 May2i, 1635- Fawber, Abraham, par. Crux. Yorke, tallowchanlor, Mar. 19, 1629. 42 512 July 4, 1635- r^A + 1iA*-^**A /^ r-ii v * \7rt.1,. ...1x4 yvf A KT- f T ! V 1 rux. par. x UIKC , \v ici . ui t\ DI . JT ) juiic i ^ i u ^ ^ . Jun. 10, 1630. Fawcett, Christopher, Otterburne, par. Kirkeby Malhamdale, Oct. 22, 1622. 4i 69 Dec. 22, 1628. Ois%ltiT-1 T itt-nvt /lt*lf A V AnKT n \ \A n* ^ T Al- 40 306 j iviL iitiiQ , L/iiton i DUI . /\rncLiiiTc i . ivi*ty ^^ i u^ ^ . Feb. 16, 1629. L> ^vKtir-*- T o c-4- i n *V* - A*11 *=. T<*MA A t f\^f\ 40 631 i ixouciLf ijdsti ngiiaiT] i luiiCFj junc u, i u_y . Aug.io, 1627. Fawkes, Thomas, Farnley, esq., bur. Otley, Mar. 20, 1626. 40 4 May 9, !633- Fearne, Robert, Thorpearch, laborer, Mar. 13, 1631. 42 185 July 4. i633- Fearneley, John, Heeley, par. Sheffeild, 1627. 42 220 Oct. 4, 1627. T*^V-i - f^ 1. rvo i+ - "D- Afr\rA ... \A n f t f\^f\ 40 44 July 20, 1630. Tii, lit Vt tl. ..*... * I* ...*xJn... A .! j lf\^f\ 4i 107 Feb. 16, 1630. Fearnely, Christopher, Armeley, clothyer, Dec. 6, 1630. 4i 297 Feb. 23, 1630. Fearnley, Sara, Bowlinge, dau. of Joh. F. of Bradford, dec., May 31, 1630. 4i 3" Jan. 24, 1634- Featherstone, William, Goxhill, July 20, 1634. 42 368 Feb. 15, 1627. Feelde, Joseph, Kingstone upon Hull, merchant, Dec. 13, 1627. 40 156 Jan. 18, 1627. Feelden, John, Stannington, par. Ealand, Dec. 13, 1626. 40 121 Feb. 9, 1628. Feild, Thomas, Horton, yeoman, July 25, 1623. 40 328 Apl. 4, i633- Feilde, Humfray, Aughton, husbandman, Mar. 17, 1632. 42 205 Apl. 3, 1633- Feilden, John, Agheton, co. Lane., yeom. (bur. Mitton), Oct. 6, 1632. 42 137 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 29 Apl. 28, 1631. Jan. 28, 1628. May 13, 1635. Mar. 6, 1627. Dec. 8, 1634. July 17, 1629. Apl. 30, 1629. Oct. 9, 1628. Feb. 15, 1632. Oct. 2, 1628. July 9, 1629. Mar.iS, 1630. Oct. 9, 1628. Jan. 24, 1634. Dec. 4, 1628. July 4, 1632. Oct. 3, 1627. Sep. 16, 1635. Mar.ig, 1632. July 4, 1633. May 8, 1633. May i, 1628. Jan. 30, 1631. Dec. i, 1627. July 22, 1635. Apl. 14, 1635. May3i, 1632. Jan. 18, 1627. Dec. i, 1629. July 22, 1635. Mar. 3, 1630. Feb. 9, 1628. Jun. 21, 1630. Jan. 30, 1631. Feb. 19, 1635. Apl- 3. l6 33- Oct. 9, 1629. Feb.ult.,i63i. Jun. 10, 1631. July 17, 1629. Jun. n, 1628. Oct. n, 1630. July 4, 1631. Dec. ii, 1628. May i, 1628. Oct. i, 1635. Jun. 16, 1628. May 7, 1635. Aug.28 : 1634. Apl. 30, 1629. May 8, 1628. Oct. n, 1632. May 3, 1635. Feb. 22, 1631. Sep. 21, 1630. Oct. 6, 1631. Oct. 2, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. Sep. 27, 1630. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Feilden, Robert, Southowrom, clothier, Nov. 19, 1630. 41 398 Fell, Hellen, York, widow (bur. St. Margt.), Aug. 7, 1628. 40 324 , Thomas, Cropton, gentleman, Apl. 8, 1635. 42 508 Fells, Leonard, Colston Bassett, Notts., roughe mason, July 26, 1627. 40 163 Fenbye, Peter, Settrington, taylor, Nov. ii, 1634. 42 348 Fentiman, John, Worksopp, Notts., chaundler, Nov. 13, 1628. 40 494 Fenton, Thomas, Carcoulstone, Notts., batchler, Apl. 20, 1629. 40 398 Feriman, Richard, Elston (Notts.), labourer, May 12, 1628. 40 271 Fernillie, William, Carr Greene, par. Darton, mason, Sep. 5, 1624. 42 56 Ferrebye, Michaell, Staithes, bur. Hinderwell. No date. 41 goa Ferribie, James, thelder, Thome, shipcarpenter. No date. 40 472 Ferries, Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, alderman, Jan. 22, 1630. 41 351 Ferriman, James, Arnold (Notts.), howsewright, July 2, 1628. 40 273 Fether, Edward, Oxenhopp, par. Haworth, clothier, Mar. 26, 1633. 42 366 , Francis, Leedes. Kirkgaite, clothier, Oct. 30, 1628. 40 290 Fewler, Edward, Maltby, linnen weaver, May 23, 1632. 41 769 Fewster, Christofer, clarke, chaplaine of Acklam in Cleveland, Oct. 3> 1626. Fidlinge, Edward, Kingston upon Hull, maryner, June 19, 1634. Filliskirke, George, Eastcottingwith, yeoman, June 24, 1630. Firth, Edward, Sheffeild, Apl. 8, 1633. , George, Firth house in Barslande, Aug. 13, 1629. , Isabel!, Hallifax, widdowe, Jan. 14, 1627. , Jane, Comberworth, widdowe, Dec. 4, 1630. , Jennett, Comberworth, spinster (bur. Kirkburton), Apl. 19, 1627. 40 , John, the elder, Oakes, Nov. 15, 1633. , John, Rishworth, par. Ealand, yeoman, June 5, 1634. , John, Rybonden in Eland, yeoman, May 3, 1628. , John, Skirrcoate, par. Hallifax, clothier, Oct. 12, 1626. , Margaret, Rastricke, wid. of John F., June 2, 1628. , Marye, dau. of John F. of the Oakes, par. Ealand, yeoman, dec., Jan. 31, 1633. 42 , Richard, Rossington, husbandman, Aug. 6, 1630. 41 , Susan, Ribbonden, par. Ealand, widow, Nov. 20, 1627. 40 , Thomas, Comberworth, par. Silkeston, clothyer. Wo date. 41 , Thomas, Liversedge, chapman, Nov. 12, 1630. 41 Fish, Arthur, Beverley, mercer and alderman, Nov. 3, 1635. 42 Fishburne, George, Newarke, Notts., gentleman, Mar. 28, 1633. 42 Fishe, Edmond, Campsall, carpenter, Sep. 24, 1629. 40 Fisher, Christopher, Thormonbie, laborer, Nov. 26, 1631. 41 Edward, Lund, laborer, Apl. 6, 1631. 41 George, Elston, Notts., May 31, 1629. 40 George, Hewton, par. Sesea, May 10, 1627. 40 John, chapman (bur. Kirkburton), Apl. 20, 1624. 41 Robert, Normanbie, husbandman, Mar. 6, 1630. 41 Thomas, Helmseley, Aug. 17, 1627. 40 37 42 657 42 75 42 221 42 145 40 2O3 41 596 40 9 6 42 586 42 447 41 725 40 1 20 40 595 Flecker, William, Ecclesell, husbandman, Nov. 19, 1627. Fleminge, Abraham, (Norland), about Martinmas, 1634. 40 40 42 Lawrance, Otley, 4, 1634. Fletcher, Abraham, Horsfall in Stansfeild, July 13, 1634. Fraunces, East Retford, Notts., May 22, 1628. George, East Retford, Notts., mercer, Jan. 24, 1627. Rosamond, Eastreeteford, Notts., spr., July 23, 1632. Thomas, Horton, par. Bradford, Mar. 31, 1633. Thomas, bur. Mattersey (Notts.), July i, 1631. Thomas, Whitlay, husbn. (bur. Kellington), Aug. 12, 1630. 41 William, (bur. Gisbrough), July 4, 1631. 41 William, Hausker, par. Whitley, Nov. 9, 1625. 41 William, Ilkley, husbandman, Jan. 10, 1629. 41 Flint, Mary, Dringehouses, spinster, Sep. 20, 1630. 41 598 337 339 80 594 699 97 557 629 453 489 258 202 468 295 207 662 Flesher, Anthony, Alwoodley, yeoman (bur. Harwood), Oct. 8, 1627. 40 259 54 261 393 234 891 487 623 153 532 88a ii 155 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Oct. 7, 1630. Jan. 10, Sep. 30, Oct. 5, Mar. 5, Oct. 2, Jan. 9, May 15, Feb.ult. Aug. 4, Jun. 13, Oct. i, May 14, Feb. ii, Apl. 23, Aug. 5, Oct. 20, Dec. 19, Jan. 30, Apl. 13, Oct. 8, May 16, Mar. 19, Aug.iy, July 20, Oct. 7, Apl. 26, Sep. 10, Mar.3o, Sep. 6, Oct. 6, Oct. 23, Aug.i3, Apl. 16, Oct. 7, Dec. i, Oct. 28, May2i, Oct. 1 1 , Nov.25, 1627. 1630. 1632. 1630. 1628. 1627. 1631. 1631. 1628. l6 33- 1628. 1629. 1628. 1631. 1632. 1627. (1629) 1631. 1628. 1630. 1630. 1628. 1632. 1628. 1636. 1632. 1634. 1627. 1629. 1629. 1634. 1629. 1634. 1633- 1631. 1631. Feb. 14, 1632. Feb. 10, 1635. July 29, 1630. Dec. 16, 1630. Apl. 20, 1628. Sep. 15, 1630. Feb. 19, 1634. Oct. ii, 1632. Aug. 17, 1631. Dec. 22, 1628. Jan. 18, 1627. Mar. 1 1, 1627. Feb. 23, 1630. Apl. 14, 1635. Mar. 2, 1635. Jan. 10, 1630. May 15, 1633. Nov. 6, 1629. Sep. 5, 1635. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Flintam, Ann, Greshope, Notts., widow (bur. Marneham), Apl. 18, 1625. Flinte, Michael, Aston, husbandman, Jan. 14, 1625. Flintoft, Agnes, Bilsdale, widdowe, Jan. 2, 1629. Flinton, Marrian, Garton, Holdernes, Aug. 23, 1631. , Thomas, Sutton upon Trent, Notts., labr., Dec. 18, 1630. Flocke, Margaret, Readkar, widdow (bur. Marske), May 8, 1615. Flower, Edward, Langar, Notts., labourer, Dec. 26, 1626. , Robert, Everton, Notts., husbandman, Jan. 4, 1632. , William, Ellmyer, yeoman (bur. Topcliffe), Aug. 29, 1630. Foores, John, par. Campsall, yeom. (bur. Burghwallis), Apl. 20, 1631 Foreman, Jennet, Northfrodingham, widow, Jan. 30, 1632. , William, the elder, Northforthingham, Oct. 13, 1626. Fores, William, Balne, par. Burwallis, Mar. ii, 1631. Forman, John, Kersall, Notts., taylor (bur. Kneesall), Dec. 23, 1628. Fort, Richard, Newby, husbandman, Feb. 7, 1627. , Robert, Howgill, miller (bur. Gisburne), Apl. 23, 1627. Forte, Isabel!, (Newbie, Craven), wid. of Rich. F., Apl. 21, 1630. , Roberte, Doudland Closse, bur. Gisburne, Apl. 12, 1632. Foster, Alee, Eyckring (Notts.), Mar. 13, 1627. , Ann, Stamforthbrigges, Dec. 5, 1631. , Anne, Tuxford, Notts., wid. of Hen. F., gent., July i, 1627. .Christopher, Gillamore, Mar. 10, 1628. , Clementt, Thorparch, Mar. 13, 1627. , Isabell, Settle (bur. Gigleswicke), May 8, 1630. , John, Denholme in Bradforddaile, clothier, Feb. 2, 1629. , John, Doncaster, mason, July 15, 1628. , John, Ryhill, yeoman, Feb. 20, 1631. , Lawrence, bur. Riston. No date. , Martin, Leathley, July 29, 1635. , Phillipp, Kildale, Apl. 21, 1631. , Richard, Leathley, husbandman, Feb. 18, 1633. , Richard, bur. Northoram, May 12, 1626. , Richard, Settle, par. Gigleswicke, husbn., Feb. 15, 1626. , Robert, Eastend of Stamforthbrydge. No date. , Roger, Bentley, par. Arksey, yeoman, Aug. 29, 1634. , Roger, Hallifax, yeoman, Aug. 17, 1629. , Thomas, Winskall. No date. , William, Arnecliffe, singleman, Feb. 22, 1631. , William, Eakeringe. Notts., yeoman, May 25, 1629. , William, Earswicke, wheelwright, bur. Huntington, July , 1631. , William, Farndaile, husbn. (bur. Lastingham), Nov. 29, 1632. , William, Thome, Dec. 20, 1628. , William, par. West Bridford, Notts., Mar. 3, 1629. -, William, Weston, tanner, Feb. 4, 1629. Fotherby, John, senior, Beverley, draper, Apl. 5, 1628. Fothergill, William, Yorke, tanner (bur. St. Margt.), Sep. 10, 1630. Foukes, James, Burnholme, gentleman. No date. Fouliam, George, Stockbardolphe, Notts., weaver, May 30, 8 Chas. Fountaines, Christopher, Yorke, taler, May 31, 1631. Fountance, Thomas, Langber, par. Ilkley, Sep. 16, 1628. Fournes, Anthonie, Hallifax, Feb. 5, 1626. , George, Apperleybridge in Eccleshall, carpenter, Aug. 12, 1627. , Richard, Allerton in Bradforddale, clothier, Feb. 26, 1629. Fowernes, Sammuell, Hallifax, chapman, May 20, 10 Chas. Fowler, Jane, Ripon, widow, Feb. 21, 1635. , George, Maltby, yeoman, Nov. 5, 1630. , Robert, Warsopp (Notts.). No date. , Thomas, Holdenyeate, Oct. 2, 1625. Fowlshay, Agnes, Kighley, spinster, Nov. i, 1634. Vol. Fol. 41 182 40 114 41 158 41 874 4* 342 41 8ga 40 113 42 91 41 630 41 498 42 126 41 76* 42 192 40 346 40 413 41 3 8a 4 548 42 2 40 133 42 208 40 55<> 41 433 40 37 41 133 41 109 41 oa 41 690 41 650 42 708 41 839 42 290 40 72 40 510 40 375 42 292 40 587 42 328 42 115 41 537 41 562 42 44 42 701 41 119 41 255 40 194 41 154 42 380 41 888 41 504 40 307 40 121 40 174 41 35 42 443 42 689 41 271 42 94 40 569 42 646 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Apl. 14, 1635. Apl. 28, 1631. Sep. 16, 1634. Apl. 4, 1633. Apl. 4. !633- Oct. 7, 1628. Oct. 9, 1634. Nov.i5, 1627. Apl. 29, 1629. Jan. 9, 1632. Feb. 22, 1631. Jun. 29, 1632. Apl. 15, 1630. Oct. 4, 1632. Oct. i, 1635. May2i, 1633. Apl. 14, 1630. Oct. 31, 1627. Apl. 4, 1628. Feb. 13, 1627. Oct. .16, 1634. Feb. 23, 1630. Sep. 30, 1630. Apl. 3, 1633. Aug. 8, 1632. Sep. 6, 1632. Mar.ig, 1632. May 14, 1633. May 5, 1631. Mar. i, 1632. Nov.io, 1630. Dec. 16, 1630. Aug. 4, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. Sep. 3, 1631. Feb.ult.,i630. Nov 29, 1630. Oct. 4, 1627. Feb. 6, 1629. July 19, 1630. Mar.29, 1633. Oct. 8, 1627. July 27, 1635. Apl. 20, 1632. Feb. 24, 1635. May 23, 1629. May 23, 1629. Apl. 27, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. May 20, 1628. Sep. 10, 1635. July 31, 1632. Jan. 27, 1629. Sep. 10, 1634. Apl. 22, 1635. Oct. 28, 1634. Aug. 5, 1628. Apl. 29, 1633. Apl. 24, 1629. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fowrnes, Robert, Shelfe, par. Hallifax, grocer, Apl. 2, 9 Chas. 42 Fox, Anne, Buckton, widdow (bur. Bridlington), Mar. 29, 1631. 41 Grace, Wakefeild, July 9, 1634. 42 John, Scalby, Apl. 9, 1632. 42 Margery, Scalby, widdow, Oct. 30, 1630. 42 Stephen, Litle Sheffeild, yeoman, Aug. 14, 1627. 41 Thomas, Sturton, Notts., yeoman, June 26, 1633. 42 William, Huttonbushell, husbandman, Mar. 9, 1625. 40 Foxe, William, thelder, Silfo, par. Hacknes, May n, 1629. 40 Foyston, An, Bothamsall (Notts)., July 31, 1632. 42 , Robert, Bottomsall (Notts.), Dec. i, 1630. 41 Frances, William, Hacknes Dalles, Aug. 20. 1631. 41 Francis, John, Ingleby under Arncliffe, yeoman, Jan. 19, 1629. 41 Francke, Robert, Huton, yeoman, Nov. i, 7 Chas. 41 , Robert, Owthorne, husbandman, Oct. 7, 1634. 42 Franckland, Christopher, Haltongill, par. Arnecliffe, July 8, 1632. 42 , Jane, Over Standen, co. Lane., spr., Apl. 16, 1629. 41 , John, Wansforth, husbandman. No date. 40 Francklande, Joan, Boutham neare Yorke, widdowe (bur. Great Therkleby), Mar. 24, 1625. 40 Franke, Annas, Elsterneweeke, Oct. 24, 1626. 40 , John, Owthorne, husbandman, June i, 1634. 42 Fraunce, Edward, Adwicke by the Streete, Mar. 8, 1628. 41 , John, Darnall, par. Sheffeild, Apl. i, 1630. 41 Freeman, Robert, N. Collingham, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 2, 1632. 42 , Rob3rt, Nottingham, fellmonger, Dec. 26, 1631. 41 Freere, Richard, Kirkleavington, May i, 1632. 41 Freman, John, Swinflet, husbn. (bur. Whitguift), Sep. 14, 1632. 42 Fretwell, Eliner, wife of Ralphe F. of Maltbygate, Sep. 14, 1632. 42 , John, Cuckney, Notts., husbandman, Nov. 14, 1630. 41 Frickley, Brian, Snapethorpe, par. Wakefeild, yeom., June 6, 1632. 42 Frier, James, Bawdwinhead, par. Helmesley, Mar. 15, 1630 (sic). 41 , Robert, Great Usburne, gentleman, Nov. 5, 1630. 41 Froode, Thomas, Beverley, cowper, Jan. 23, 3 Chas. 41 Frost, Roger, Butterwick on the Would, husbn., Nov. 18, 1628. 41 Fryston, Bryan, Benningham (bur. Swyne), Feb. 20, 1630. 41 Fulthrope, Jane, Toulsbie, widow (bur. Marton), Feb. 19, 1630. 41 Fulthropp, Christopher, Tollesbye, Feb. n, 1624. 41 Furnesse, Christofer, Northowrom, clothier (bur. Hallifax), Jan. 29, 1627. 40 Gad, William, Sutton Bonnington, Notts., yeoman, Sep. 6, 1627. 40 Gaites, Marmaduke, Swanland, June 27, 1630. 41 Gamble, Elizabeth, Leedes Churchyard, widdow, Feb. 21, 1633. 42 , George, Barmston, about seaven years agone. 40 , Richard, Gillamore (bur. Kirbiemooreside), Apl. 20, 1635. 42 Gamelle, Mathew, Newsteadegrange, par. Thornton, July 10, 1630. 41 Gant, Isabell, Emley, widowe, Dec. n, 1635. 42 Ganton, Mathew, Skipsey, husbandman, Nov. 12, 1627. 40 , William, Attwicke in Holdernese, Oct. 19, 1628. 40 Garbut, Richard, Leedes, clerke, Jan. or Feb. 1630. 41 Garbutt, Michaell, Danby, Jan. 31, 1628. 40 Gardam, Elizabeth, (bur. Humbleton), July 9, 1626. 40 Gare, Christopher, Litlepreston, par. Kippax, husbn., Aug. r, 1635. 42 Garforth, Francis, Kighley, taylor, Dec. 25, 1631. 41 , Thomas, Thorlebie, par. Skipton, Sep. 26, 1629. 40 Fol. 442 382 269 206 206 6a 300 87 389 *7 623 761 15 854 675 121 2 78 191 r 47 3" 320 169 96 833 838 76 *95 409 70 228 254 508 J 3 506 326 247 619 103 202 56 6O2 678 690 444 406 374 43i 2 45 655 783 612 327 472 329 34" 131 387 3 2 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. May22, 1635. Gartham, Margaret, Seaton, widdow, Feb. 26, 1634. 42 512 May 16,1628. Garthforth, William, thelder, Steeton als. Steveton, gent. (bur. Kildwicke), Oct 27, 1624. 40 227 July i, 1635. Garton, Agnes, Humbleton, widdowe, Apl. 22, 1635. 42 548 Feb. 22, 1629. , John, thelder, Huton, Feb. i, 1629. 40 635 Oct. 8, 1627. , Richard, Kaingham, Mar. 2, 1626. 40 51 Apl. 3, 1633. , Robert, Newarke, Notts., cordwainer, Mar. 5, 8 Chas. 42 95 Mayi6, 1633. , Thomas, Cropwell Butler, Notts., yeoman, Nov. 14, 1631. 42 100 Oct. i, 1628. , William, Bar%vicke, Feb. 8, 1627. 41 j6a Aug. 3, 1631. , Walter, par. Holme Pierepoint, Notts., taler, May 31, 1631. 41 484 Dec. 5, 1631. Gascoigne, Agnes, Otley, widdowe, Monday after twelve of the clocke at night the day before beeinge the 2ith day of June, 1630. 41 563 <*"g- ji iu ;j:>- July 18, 1631. Mar.26, 1628. Oct. 9, 1628. Apl. 29, 1633. May i, 1628. May 3 1, 1632. May 5, 1635. Feb. 20, 1629. May 12, 1631. Aug. 9, 1627. Jun. 23, 1632. Nov. 4, 1629. Feb. 22, 1630. Jan. 27, 1628. Apl. 26, 1632. Dec. 19, 1632. Aug. 1 4, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. Feb. 8, 1635. July 17, 1629. Feb. 10, 1628. Jun. 22, 1629. July 4, 1632. Aug.i 3 , 1635. Oct. 22, 1630. July 8,1633. Mar. 19, 1629. Dec. 8, 1631. Feb. 13, 1631. Apl. 25, 1635. July i, 1635. Jan. 26, 1632. July 10, 1630. Nov.i3, 1627. Jun. 8, 1631. Sep. 3, 1634. Apl. 28, 1631. Oct. 16, 1634. Feb. 13, 1629. July 4, 1632. July 4, 1631. May 5, 1631. Mar. 5, 1631. Jan. 13, 1629. Oct. 15, 1634. July 13, 1630. May 4, 1633. 42 4i 40 4i 42 40 4i 42 40 4 1 40 41 40 4i 40 4i 42 4i 4i 42 40 40 40 4 1 42 41 42 40 4i 41 42 42 42 41 40 41 42 41 42 40 4i 4i 4i 41 40 42 41 623 473 1 86 12(1 130 214 740 497 634 424 2 754 568 300 320 693 4 57 27 75 482 342 455 771 634 219 225 577 568 512 483 548 21 IO2 86 443 266 382 3H 624 777 4 6 3 418 411 453 307 IOO Gaskyn, Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, widdowe, June 18, 1626. Gaudie, Thomas, Sutton, yeoman. No date. Gaull, Robert, Paullfleete, husbandman, Feb. 7, 1632. Gaunte, Anne, Tickhill, widdow, Nov. 29, 1627. Gawkroger, John, Warley, clothier, Mar. 26, 1628. Gawtres, Richard, Gatefoulforth, husbandman, Apl. 21, 1628. Gaytes, Susanna, Kingston upon Hull, widow, Jan. 13, 1630. Gayton, Robert, Heasill, marchante, Dec. 26, 1629. Gedley, Godfrey, Barlebrough, co. Darby, yeoman, Apl. i, 1629. Gedney, Robert, Estrinwicke in Holdernes, husbn., May 30, 1630. Gee, Rowland, Eykering, Notts., yeoman, Apl. , 1632. Geldard, Richard, Holme, par. Bolton, Apl. 10, 1623. Geldart, Richard, Yorke, butcher, bur. Christe Church, Nov. 9, 1626. Gelder, William, Tonge, Mar. 31, 1628. Gelderd, Henry, Mosse, yeoman, Dec. 17, 1635. Geldert, Beatrix, par. St. Joh. Ouzebridge ende York, wid., Oct. 15, 1628. Gelsthropp, Thomas, Nottingham, gentleman, Dec. 13, 1622. Genne, Robert, Melton upn the Hill, laborer, Sep. 7, 1628. Ghest, John, Rawmarsh, husbandman, July 7, 1625. Gibbin, John, Sutton, par. Granbye (Notts.), Apl. 15, 1634. Gibson, Alice, Little Preston, par. Kippax, wid., Dec. u, 1629. , Anne, (bur. Easington), Feb. 25, 1632. , James, Southskerley (bur. Swyne). No date. , Rachel), Kingston upon Hull, widdow, Sep. 26, 1633. , Richard, Thwinge, husbandman, Dec. 2, 1629. , Thomas, the eldest, Rimswell (bur. Owthorne), July 9, 1634. Giffard, Elizabeth, wife of Roger G., Doncaster, gent., Aug. 23, 1629. Gilbert, Anne, Bentihough (Doncaster Dnry.), June 15, 7 Chas. , John, Brambye in the Willowes, Notts., Apl. 17, 1629. Gilbie, Robert, Paplewicke, Notts., fst. St. Andr., 1630. Gilburne, William, par. Trin., Gotheramgate, York, Oct. 17, 1617. Gilby, Richard, Kingston upon Hull, gentleman, May i, 1634. Giles, Thomas, Ottringham, husbandman, Dec. 20, 1628. WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 33 Dec. 20, 1627. Oct. 5, 1631. May 5, 1631. MayiS, 1632. July 4, 1631. No date. Aug.3r, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. Mar. 5, 1635. Aug. 6, 1628. Feb. 9, 1635. Apl. 6, 1635. Sep. 30, 1629. Sep. 30, 1629. May25, 1631. Oct. 6, 1629. Oct. 8, 1627. Apl. 22, 1635. Feb. 9, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. Oct. i, 1635. May3i, 1632. Aug. 2, 1632. Jun. 29, 1632. Sep. 21, 1629. Apl. 14, 1635. Oct. 22, 1628. Jan. 7, 1630. Apl. 15, 1630. Apl. 30, 1629. Apl. 21, 1635. May 15, 1633. Aug.i4, 1628. Feb. 27, 1634. Oct. 9, 1634. Feb. 15, 1627. Apl. 26, 1632. Feb. 24, 1635. Jun. 29, 1635. May3i, 1632. Mar.23, 1630. Apl. 22, 1630. Aug.i3, 1635. Oct. 23, 1627. Jun. i, 1635. May 8, 1628. Feb. 20, 1629. May 25, 1635. Jun. 4, 1629. Jun. 21, 1630. Aug.2o, 1628. Sep. 10, 1628. May 8, 1628. Feb. 15, 1632. Oct. 6, 1631. May3i, 1630. July 14, 1629. May 15, 1629. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Gill, Christofer, Rippon, carpenter, Aug. 25, 1627. Elizabeth, Sowood Greene, par. Dewsburie, Jan. 7, 1630. Henry, Newarke, Notts., gentleman, Dec. 18, 1630. Jane, Yorke, wid., bur. All Hal., North St., Feb. 4, 1628. Phillipp, Sheffeild, ironmonger, Jan. 25, 1630. Richard, Botton, husbandman, May 22, 1633. Thomas, Wakefeild, chapman, Dec. 27, 1632. William, Comondaile, Jan. , 1627. Gillay, Ann, Unckelbie (bur. Kirke Underdall), Jan. 6, 1635. Gilliat, David, Cowlan (bur. there). No date. Gilling, John, Heigh Meltonne, linen webster, Aug. 6, 1635. Gillott, Gervas, Denby, par. Peniston, husbn., Feb. 15, 1633. , Thomas, Treeton, husbandman, Aug. 10, 1627. , Thomas, Treeton, husbandman, July 9, 1629. Gilmyn, Bryan, Sessey, yeoman, Dec. 21, 1630. Gilson, Ann, Tickton, spynster (bur. Beverlay), Dec. 3, 1628. Girslie, Christofer, husbandman (bur. Halsham), Apl. 29, 1627. Glason, Richard, Newarke, Notts., tanner, Dec. 27, 1634. Gleadhill, Thomas, Horton in Bradfordale, Jan. 23, 1627. Gledall, James, Horton in Bradforddale, clothier, Feb. 9, 1628. Gleddhill, James, Greate Horton, par. Bradford, Mar. 7, 1634. Gledhill, Thomas, Sleeland, par. Eland, Jan. 24, 1624. , William, Hallifax, clother, May 14, 1625. Glensouer als. Brafitt, Thomas, Hunsflett, par. Leedes, clothier, Jan. 4, 1631. Glew, Thomas, Knapton (bur. Wintringham), May 23, 1628. Glover, Bartholomew, Okenshey, par. Birstall, Jan. 17, 1634. , Gregorie, Harwooddale, par. Hacknes, Sep. 15, 1628. , Lawrence, Roundhey, par. Barwicke, yeom., May 10, 1628. , Mathew, Craven, co. Yorke, coolemaster, June 10, 1629. Goddard, Margarett, (bur. Newarke), June 16, 1628. Goddyson, Nicholas, Catcliffe, carpenter (bur. Rotheram), May 2, 1634. Godfrey, Francis, Langar, Notts., yeoman, May n, 1632. , Robert, Cotgrave. No date. Godsaffe, Elizabeth, Newarke (Notts.), Nov. 26, 1634. , Richard, North Collingham, labourer, Apl. 24, 1634. Godsave, Alexander, Burnebye, yeoman, Nov. 26, 1625. Golland, Robert, Westretford, Notts., yeoman, Dec. 13, 1630. Golthwate, Robert, Midleton, par. Rothwell, yeoman. No date. Good, Elizabeth, Spaldington (bur. Bubwith), spr., Feb. n, 1634. Goodale, John, Skellow, par. Owston, mason, Apl. 15, 1630. , Robert, Whitbie, marriner, Dec. 18, 1625. Gooddy, Richard, Norney, par. Blyeth, Notts. No date. Goodicarye, Alice, Greascrofte, par. Greasley, Notts., spr., Mar. 30, 1635- Goodlad, Hugh, bur. Northcave, Jan. 6, 1626. , Thomas, Northcave, yeoman, May 23/1635. Goodrich, William, Workesoppe, Notts., yeoman, Jan. 26, 1625. Goodricke, Katherine, (bur. Foulforthe), Feb. 3, 1626. William, Clifton nigh Yorke, yeoman, Nov. 18, 1634. Vol. 40 41 4 1 4i 4i 42 42 4 1 42 4i 52 42 40 40 4i 40 40 42 40 4 1 42 4i 4 1 Goodwin, Nathaniel, Rempston, Notts., blacksmith, Apl. 20, 1629. Goodyeare, John, Hellywellgreene, joyner, bur. Eland, Jan. 17, 1629. 41 Goodyer, George, North Wheatley, Notts., Oct. 8, 1627. 41 Gossippe, William, Riston, Dec. 25, 1627. 41 Gouldinge, Richard, Bradmer, par. Bunney, Notts., weaver, Nov. 18, 1627. 40 Goulthorp, Ralphe, Shepley, par. Kirkebyrton, yeom., Nov. 22, 1626. 42 Gowland, Gregorie, Rudby, husbandman, Feb. n, 1628. 41 Gowlande, Robert, Thorpasset, Nov. 27, i Chas. 41 Gowthwaite, Hellen, par. Paitley Bridge, spinster, May 14, 1629. 40 Gowthwaithe, Frauncis, Thriske, habbersher, Jan. 21, 1628. 40 Fol. 101 526 414 708 462 659 265 17 687 704 423 525 526 437 545 53 475 336 32 665 720 794 758 40 5 J 9 42 441 40 280 41 265 41 26 40 389 42 464 42 84 41 54* 42 39i 42 299 40 153 41 694 42 693 42 544 41 731 4 1 360 4 1 40 636 75 523 232 633 5H 449 89 6ga 630 225 55 531 63 478 402 34 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Oct. 6, 1635. Oct. 18, 1630. Aug. 8, 1632. Dec. 3, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. Oct. 9, 1632. Sep. 5, 1632. Sep. 8, 1632. May 27, 1630. Oct. 6, 1631. July i, 1635. Dec. 15, 1631. Feb. 8, 1631. Feb. 10, 1628. Aug. 4, 1635. Feb. 23, 1630. Aug. 2, 1632. May 3, 1631. Aug. 2, 1632. Feb. 12, 1630. Apl. 21, 1635. Aug.i3, 1635. Feb. ii, 1628. Oct. 9, 1634. Oct. 3, 1627. July 27, 1635. May 14, 1633. Mar.27, 1636. Jan. 9, 1632. Jan. 30, 1631. Dec.2o, 1627. Dec. i, 1629. Apl. 14, 1635. Mar. 25, 1628. May3i, 1632. May 9, 1633. Oct. 4, 1632. Dec. 20, 1628. Jun. 22, 1635. Apl. 7, 1628. May 7, 1631. May 13, 1632. Oct. 3, 1627. Apl. 15, 1630. July 22, 1635. Oct. 2, 1628. Apl. 14, 1635. Sep. 30, 1630. Apl. 23, 1629. Jun. 9, 1635. Aug.i3, 1635. July 16, 1632. Feb. 7, 1634. Jun. 14, 1635. Apl. 14, 1635. Mar.io, 1627. May 8, 1635. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Grainger, Robert, Haitefeild Woodhouse, yeoman, Julys, 1634. 42 Granger, Ann, Yorke, spr., died abt. Lammas last. 41 , Christopher, Chilwell, Notts., husbn. (bur. Addenborrowe), Sep. 29, 1619. 41 Grantham, Sir Thomas, Golthough, kt. (bur. St. Mart., Lincoln), Oct. 4, 1628. 41 Grason, William, Thorpe neere Ripon, yeoman, May 24, 1628. Graves, John, Hallifeild, gentleman, Mar. 21, 1627. , Margaret, Kingston upon Hull, widdowe, Mar. 8, 1631. Graye, Sir Edward, Morpeth Castle, co. Northum, kt., Jan. 10, 1627. 41 Gray, Elizabeth, Sunderlandwicke, Mar. 16, 1628. , Gressam, Gisbrough, yeoman, Mar. 31, 1631. , John, Owstwicke, par. Roos, Aug. 4, 1634. , Mrs., Katherine, Yorke, wid., bur. St. Den., Aug. 14, 1629. , Thomas, Sprotley, husbandman, Jan. 2, 1630. Grayson, Richard, Lenton, Notts., Mar. 3, 1626. Graysonn, Thomas, Bishopmounckton (bur. Rippon), yeom., May 23, I&34- Greaves, Frauncis, Pennistone, Oct. 16, 1625. , George, par. Bradfeild, husbandman, Dec. 24, 1631. , John, Fulwood, yeom. (bur. Sheffeild), May 29, 1631. , Margaret, par. Bradfeild, Feb. i, 1631. , Marie, Nottingham, wid. of Will. G., aldm., Feb. 2, 1629. , Mary, Rotheram, Mar. 21, 1634. , Robert, Hawkesworth, Notts., yeoman, Jun. i, 1635. , Roger, Newarke upon Trent, Notts., dyer, Dec. 7, 1628. Greene, Anne, Balderton, spinster, May 4, 1634. , Christofer, Whitbie, pannyerman, June 14, 1626. , Christopher, Gillamoore (bur. Kirkbyemooreside) , husbn., Apl. 7, 1634. , Francis, Barnsley, yeoman, Apl. 22, 1633. , George, Howbrooke, yeoman, Oct. 26, 1629. , George, West Burton (Notts.), Oct. 8, 1631. , Jane, Bramley, widdowe, July 4, 1629. , Jane, Rippon, widowe, July 20, 1627. , Jennett, Fulstone, Feb. 14, 1628. , John, Holme, par. Almonburie, Dec. i, 1634. , John, Ellerton, laborer, Mar. 7, 1627. , John, Little Liversedge, yeom. (bur. Birstall), May 12, 1630. , John, Rippon, yeoman, Feb. 16, 1632. , John, Stoxley, Feb. 9, 1626. , Marie, Burnsley, spinster, aboute July, 1628. , Phillipp, Kingston upon Hull, grassman, May 5, 1634. , Raph, Parlethropp, Notts., husbandman, Oct. 23, 1627. , Richard, Holbrooke, par. Tankersley, Apl. 28, 1631. , Richard, Shelley, par. Bradford, yeoman, Jan. 12, 1631. , Richard, Whitbie, cordinner, Aug. 17, 1624. , Robert, Brinsforth, par. Rotheram, lynnen webster, Jan. 23, 1629. , Robert, Silkestone, yeoman, May 7, 1624. , Thomas, Barnseley, Mar. 9, 1627. , Thomas, (Fellchurch), June i, 1634. , Thomas, Lofthouse, husbn. (bur. Harwood). Apl. 22, 1629. , William, Bramley, clothyer, Dec. 10, 4 Chas. , William, Liversedge, yeoman, Apl. 29, 1635. , William, Sutton, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 10, 1635. , William, Whitley (bur. Kellington), Mar. 27, 1633. Greenebury, William, Yorke, aldm., Feb. 7, 1634. Greenesword, Henry, Cliketon, par. Spofford, yeom., Apl. 15, 1635. Greenewood, Andrew, Stansfeild, Apl. 26, 1634. 40 40 \2 4 42 40 42 40 Fol. 610 218 824 41 361 41 879 41 836 4 1 849 41 62 41 533 42 546 4i 602 40 343 42 626 1 ' 325 4 1 797 41 404 41 803 41 287 42 467 42 637 40 347 42 298 40 33 42 603 42 192 42 706 42 15 Gregorye, Heptonstall, clothyer, Oct. i, 1631. 42 594 447 1 86 729 179 856 298 539 192 419 739 32 22 582 77 a 433 !6 7 428 529 636 234 375 536 446 ' 7 506 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 35 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Mar.io, 1627. Greenewood, John, the Hygreane in Wadsworth, husbn., Feb. 8, 1627. 40 167 July 22, 1635. Tohn Mian^feild hou^e Wad\vort h clothier Feb 6 1631. 42 593 Jan. 18, 1627. Tohn \Varele** husbandman Tune T ifi^T 40 122 May 19, 1631. Greenewoode, John, par. Rachdale, co. Lane., yeom., Oct. 21, 1628. 41 434 Feb. 23, 1630. Tohn Stanburie \vollen ^veb^ter file date 41 320 MayiS, 1631. Greensydes, Christopher, Whitwell (bur. Crambe), Nov. 18, 1630. 41 434 Feb. 23, 1630. Greenwood, William, Waikefeild, inholder, July 21, 1628. 41 324 May 5, 1631. Gregorie, Hugh, Ansley, Notts., husbandman, Feb. last, 1630. 41 411 Sep. 30, 1630. Gregson, Christopher, Harpeham, yeoman, May 18, 1626. 41 161 Apl. 18, 1632. Tntin TTi rrlifiF 1 ' ^fninr f hnr ^1 1 rlf^KnmfO Tnlv n yfi^T 4 1 661 May 8, 1633- Pichard Warlev veoman 1M ar 10 1 6 ^ i 42 151 Mar.io, 1634. \X7i1Knrn T^T 1 1-1-1 1-1 1 t-1 TT*a*-krv nn AT n . r -r i-* fA.- , 42 403 , vv iiiitiiii, lidi piicHii ^ ycuiiidii, ivi a.y i z, xu^^* Apl. 23, 1629. Grene, Edward, Cudworth, par. Royston, Feb. 8, 1628. 40 408 Aug. 4, 1631. , Richard, Barkerend, Bradford, clothier, Sep. 30, 1630. 496 July 24, 1629. \A7i11io ^IrmtHkprclpv (? TCirkhv^ vf*r*miln Ana" 01 Tf\rn(?\ 40 496 Apl. 28, 1631. Grenwode, William, Coulden in Heptonstall, clothier, May 13, 14 Jas. 396 July 3. 1629. Grenwood, William, Stansfeild, bur. Heptonstall, Apl. 6, 1622. 40 47 ! May i, 1628. Gresthwaite, John, Follifoote, par. Spofforth, 1623. 40 196 Apl. 17, 1635. Grey, Edward, elder, Beverley, gentleman, Jan. 9, 1634. 42 460 Apl. 16, 1635. , Hellin, Welwicke Thorpe, Sep. 10, 1634. 42 453 Apl. 22, 1630. Grice, Henry, Sandall, esq., Nov. 30, 1629. 4 1 37 July 22, 1635- 42 595 , ivi eirgcireLi, oanuctii ividgnei, opinbcer, June ^cu, 1034* May2i, 1633- Griffith, Roger, servt. to Rich. Hughes of Rilston, esq., Feb. 18, 1632. 42 107 Dec. 2, 1630. Grimbald, Katherine, Kingstone upon Hull, widow, Apl. 18, 1628. 4i 250 Jan. 25, 1631. Grimshawe, Martin, Stoke nexte Newarke, Notts., labr., Oct. 3, 1631. 590 Aug. i, 1629. Grindall, James, Sinington, yeoman, Apl. 14, 1629. 40 500 Oct. 9, 1634. Grubb, Edward, Balderton, laborer, Sep. 25, 1634. 42 298 Feb. 7, 1632. Grundy, Michaell, Thurgarton, Notts., gent., July 18, 1627. 42 40 Dec. 16, 1628. Gurnell als. Sharpp, John, Ravensime, Dewsbury, yeoman, June 30, 1625. 40 296 July 16, 1632. Gutherdayle, Mathew, (bur. All Hal., Scecklinge), May 2, 1632. 778 Jun. 18, 1629. Guye, John, Crutchanbarr, par. Slaidburne, Oct. i, 1628. 4 o 453 Oct. 13, 1631. Gylby, Thomas, (West Retford), Aug. 25, 1631. 544 Aug. 8, 1635- Gyles, Alice, All Sts. Northstreete, Yorke, spinster, May 16, 1633. 42 628 Aug. 6, 1631. Haae, Thomas, Norton Cuckney, Notts., husbn., Apl. 26, 1629. 502 May i, 1628. Hackeforth, John, Faceby, yeom. (bur. Whorlton), Sep. 24, 1627. 40 219 Oct. n, 1631. Hackett, Nicholas, Tickill, July 28, 1631. 539 Oct. i, 1635- Hackforth, John, Kirkleavington, husbandman, July 29, 1634. 42 673 Apl. 23, 1629. Hagg, Peter, Carleton, par. Hemsle, Apl. 7, 1627. 40 425 July 13, 1630. Haggit, John, Borehousehill, par. Paull, yeoman, Nov. 19, 1629. IOO Feb. 22, 1630. Haggitt, Mychaell, par. Beforth, Sep. 25, 1630. 41 301 Feb. 23, 1630. Haige, John, Hieroide in Honley, Nov. 14, 1629. 41 309 May 16, 1633- Haigh, Nicholas, (bur. Lowdham, Notts.). No date. 42 98 May 8, 1633- Haighe, Edmond, Hirst, par. Huddersfeild, Mar. n, 1632. 42 144 Apl. 14, 1635. 42 434 "') nenry, ooweruye, yeoman , juiy 13* 34* Apl. 28, 1631. TnKvt f~* n rt*.1 Al-.il 1 in A 1 tv-i,-\t-i Kii -Tr T?Vi m T(^.'-II-\ 399 j j uiirif xsdbiiciiiii in /xiiiiuii uury , i c u, J. y * iOj*-/* Mar. 2, 1630. Haihurste, John, heir app. of Hen. H. of Bayley, co. Lane., yeoman, Dec. 7, 1630. 41 335 Oct. 2, 1628. Hainson, George, Lythe, June 12, 1624. 4i 8ga Apl. i, 1630. Haiton, James, East Aiton, Sep. 13, 5 Chas. 4i i Feb. 8, 1631. Hakin, Allan, Rowton, husbandman, Nov. 25, 1630. 60 1 Feb. 1 1, 1628. Halam, Edward, Newarke upon Trente, Notts., labr., Jan. 12, 1628. 40 348 Apl. 19, 1631. Haldenbie, Robert, Haldenbie, par. Adlingfleyt, gent., Nov. 13, 1630. 363 Apl. 23, 1629. Haldesworth, Elizabeth, Astay, wid. of Joh. H., gent., Sep. i, 1629. 40 384 Oct. 4, 1632. Haldsworth, Roberte, Heckmondwicke, par. Bristall, cloothur, Dec. 10, 1631. 41 862 Aug. 4, 1631. Hall, Augustine, Doncaster, barber chirurgion, June 7, 1631. 4i 487 Feb. 22, 1631. , Bartholomew, Mattersey, Notts., May 14, 1631, 41 622 May 20, 1628. , Barbary, Patterington, July 31, 1627. 40 245 Oct. 6, 1631. f^hrict rinti**r Rrnftnn Ancf R yfi^T 4 1 532 Mar. 3, 1634. , Christopher, Walkeley, par. Sheffield, Apl. 12, 1631. 42 399 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Aug. 5, 1631. Mar. 5, 1634. July 24, 1630. Jan. 6, 1629. May 18, 1631. May 9, 1633. Oct. i, 1629. July 6, 1635. Mar.io, 1629. Oct. 9, 1628. Oct. 6, 1635. Feb. 6, 1634. Nov. 14, 1629. Mar.io, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. May 28, 1635. Jun. 21, 1630. Jan. 31, 1628. Oct. 9, 1628. May2i, 1633. Apl. 22, 1630. Feb. 12, 1630. Jun. 24, 1629. Apl. 27, 1631. Jan. 28, 1632. Jan. 30, 1628. Aug.i3, 1635. Mar. 9, 1630. Apl 27, 1631. Apl. 27, 1631. Oct. 8, 1627. July 14, 1629. Oct. 9, 1628. Apl. 26, 1632. Aug. 3, 1631. Apl. 22, 1635. Feb. 9, 1631. May 5, 1631. Feb. 26, 1634. Feb. 26, 1634. i, 1632. Nov. 3, 1628. Dec. 20, 1634. Jun. 26, 1635. Mar.io, 1629. Feb. 22, 1630. Apl. 23, 1632. Feb. 23, 1630. Oct. 13, 1628. Jun. 18, 1628. Oct. 29, 1629. Oct. 9, 1632. Mar. 5, 1630. Oct. 13, 1631. Mar. 7, 1637. Oct. i, 1630. Feb. 2, 1629. Oct. 9, 1628. Mar.io, 1634. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Hall, Edward, Ricroft, yeoman, bur. Rawmarsh, Apl. 28, 1630. 41 , Elizabeth, Ryecroft, par. Rawmershe, widdow, Oct. n, 1634. 42 , Francis, Lowe Worsall, yeoman, Oct. i, 1629. 41 , Frauncis, Lowe Worsall, yeoman, Oct. i, 1629. 40 , George, North Clyfton, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 10, 1631. 41 , Henry, Nafferton, tayler, June 13, 1631. 42 , Henry, Rudbye, shomaker, May 13, 1629. 40 , James, Scarbrough, mason, Jun. n, 1635. 42 , John, Knapton, par. Wintringham, July 10, 1629. 40 , John, Orston (Notts.), Oct. n, 1627. 40 , John, Sheaffeild, soper, May 20, 1635. 42 , John, Thirske, chapman, May 25, 1634. 42 , Leonard, Yorke, merchante, Apl. 16, 1628. 40 , Margaret, Scarbrough, widowe, Nov. 28, 1635. 42 , Margret, Normanton, widow, Oct. 31, 1628. 40 , Richard, Gigleswicke, yeoman, Mar. 26, 1635. 42 , Richard, Marr, yeoman, Dec. 27, 1629. 41 , Richard, York, taylor, Oct. 18, 1626. 40 , Robert, Goteham (Notts.), yeoman, July 5, 1628. 40 , Robert, Newsome, yeoman, June 29, 1632. 42 , Robert, Peverallthorpe, Notts., yeoman, Nov. 4, 1629. 41 , Robert, Titheby, Notts., gentleman, Oct. 19, 1630. 41 , Rychard, Whitley (bur. Kellington), Apl. 7, 1627. 40 , Stephen, Otley, sadler, Jan. 29, 1629. 41 , Thomas, Gilbathorpehill, Nov. 5, 1632. 42 , Thomas, Gonalston, Notts., husbandman, Nov. 28, 1628. 40 , Thomas, Haukesworth, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 9, 1635. 4 2 , Thomas, Keighley, clothier, Sep. 28, 1630. 41 , Thomas, Lindley, husbandman, bur. Otley, Jan. i, 1630. 41 , Thomas, Milow, husbandman (Craven Dnry.), Mar. 30, 1630. 41 , Thomas, Ruston (bur. Wiccam), Sep. 5, 1624. 40 , Walter, Fordon, June 14, 1624. 40 , William, Upton, par. Headon (Notts.), Feb. ult., 1627. 40 - a/5. Henson, John, Plumtree, Notts , husbn., Feb. 24, 1631. 41 ah. Sumerby, Goodieth, Barnston, Notts., wid., Mar. 14, 1629. 41 Hallam, Jane, Haukesworth, Notts., spr., Oct. 12, 1634. 42 , Jane, Radford, Notts., wid. of Nich. H., Sep. 20, 1627. 41 , John, Basingfeild, par. Holmepirepont, labr., Nov. 10, 1630. 41 , Nicholas, Gotham, Notts., June 18, 1634. 42 , Richard, Westbridgford, Notts., husbandman, Oct. 15, 1604. 42 Halleday, Thomas, Carcrofte, par. Owston, linnen weaver, Jan. 24, 1630. 41 Halley, William, Bubwith, husbandman, Nov. 8, 1627. 40 Halliday, George, New Malton, yeoman, Oct. 21, 1634. 42 , Leonard, Northcliffe, Jan. 24, 1634. 42 , Thomas, Kirkby in Grindalyth, husbandman, May 22, 1629. 40 -, William, Weeton, par. Welwicke, Mar. 7, 1629. Hallington, Robert, Winesteade, labourer, Sep. 22, 1629. Halmeshire, Christopher, Flockton, par. Thornhill, Aug. 30, 1628. Halsey, Anne, Kingston upon Hull, widow, July 23, 1628. John, Kingston upon Hull, merchant, Oct. 27, 1627. Halstede, John, younger, Rowley, co. Lane., gent., Mar. 7, 1628. Hammerton, William, Sikehill, yeom. (bur. Tickhill), Dec. 29, 1631. 41 Hamond, Dorathie, Syreston, Notts., widow, Sep. 28, 1630. 41 .John, Lound, par. Sutton, Notts., yeom., Oct. 6, 1626. 41 Hancocke, John, Lottersdale, par. Carlton, yeoman, Aug. 20, 1637. 42 , Thomas, Plowland, servant, Nov. 6, 2 Chas. 41 , Thomasyn, Halsham, widow, June 21, 1628. 40 Handley, Richard, Nottingham, Nov. 26, 1627. 40 1634. Winnefrid, Sandacre, co. Derby, gentlewoman, June 23, Fol. 498 395 "3 603 470 175 537 560 639 275 68 1 375 57^ 687 411 521 84 325 274 101 40 291 461 376 25 324 633 348 378 368 49 474 270 699 486 472 614 411 385 386 741 284 353 54i 579 897 686 35 3" 262 566 884 344 546 710 177 618 272 42 402 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 37 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. May i, 1628. Dec. 22, 1634. Sep. 6, 1627. Oct. 8, 1629. Oct. 6, 1628. Oct. 5, 1632. Oct. 5, 1632. Oct. ii, 1627. Apl. 15, 1635. Aug. 2, 1632. Oct. 5, 1631. July i, 1635. Feb. 9, 1628. Apl. 14, 1635. Oct. 5, 1631. July 31, 1632. Oct. i, 1635. Nov. 2, 1627. July 4, 1628. July 18, 1631. Sep. 22, 1629. July 17, 1629. Nov.i3, 1632. Apl. 30, 1629. Oct. 4, 1632. Aug.i2, 1629. July 13, 1630. May 8, 1628. Oct. 2, 1634. Oct. 16, 1634. Oct. 3, 1631. Sep. 21, 1629. Feb. 9, 1628. Feb. 9, 1631. Apl. 22, 1635. July 4, 1628. May 8, 1633. Mar.3o, 1636. Feb. 8, 1635. Sep. 25, 1634. Mar. 6, 1627. Oct. 3, 1627. Feb. 12, 1627. Oct. i, 1630. July 13, 1630. Feb. 23, 1630. Mar.28, 1628. Oct. n, 1631. Dec. 16, 1627. July 4, 1628. Jan. 28, 1629. July 22, 1635. May 3, 1635. Mar.n, 1627. Dec. i, 1630. Jan. 29, 1628. July 4, 1632. Haneworth, Agnes, Cockon in Claiton, wid. of Rob. H., Dec. 21, 1627. 40 , James, Clayton in Bradforddaile, yeom., July 15, 1630. 42 , Robert, Clayton in Bradfordaile, yeom., June 4, 1627. 40 Hanforth, Bridgett, South Collingham, Notts., widow, Sep. 8, 1629. 40 Hansall, William, Scarbrough, taylor, Feb. 15, 1627. 41 Hansley, Gillian, Witon, Oct. 31, 1629. 41 , Roberte, Wilton, husbandman, Nov. 25, 1631. 41 Hanson, George, Westretforth, co. Notts., codder, Mar. 13, 1626. 40 James, Newfeildedge, par. Gisborne, yeom., Dec. n, 1634. 4 2 Vol. Fol. John, Roidshall, yeoman, May 14, 1632. Richard, Bradford, carpenter, July 4, 1631. Thomas, Hatfeild, yeoman, June 29, 1634. William, Alcomden (bur. Heptonstall), Feb. 25, 1621. 4 1 4i 42 40 42 Hansonne, Robert, Rasteicke, yeoman, May 26, 1634. Hanworth, Martin, Clayton in Bradfordaile, yeom., Mar. 19, 1630. Hardacre, George, Long Preston, husbandman, May 28, 1632. 41 , Henry, Long Preston, husbandman, Aug. 6, 1635. 42 , Thomas, Farnehill in Craven, glover (bur. Kildwicke), Nov. 25, 1625. Hardcastle, Annas, Hairfeeld in Netherdale, wedowe, May 20, 1627. 41 , Thomas, Deacerbancke, par. Pateleybridge, Apl. 26, 1627. 41 Hardie, Elizabeth, Terrington, widow, Sep. 4, 1629. , Henry, Southleverton, Notts., mylner, Feb. 24, 1628. , Jane, Yorke, wid. of Chris. H., baxster, Oct. 30, 1632. , Thomas, Cossall Marsh, Notts., husbn., Nov. 8, 1628. Hardinge, William, Lownsdale, par. Ayton. No date. Hardwicke, Silvester, Waikffeild, yeoman, Jan. 4, 1628. Hardy, Margaret, Helmpton, wid., June 9, 1629. -, Richard, Overham, Notts., labourer, Feb. 28, 1627. Harlinge, Symond, Greetland in Ealande, Sep. 20, 1630. Harlsey, Dorathie, Foston, Sept. 23, 1627. Harpam, Isabell, Aughton, par. Aston, widow, Apl. 7, 1631. Harper, Garvase, now of Yorke Castle, yeoman, late of Quarrell Hill, Leedes, Sept. 13, 1627. George, Giesley, Jan. 27, -, Grace, Helperthorpe, widdow, Sep. n, 1629. Robert, Calverley, clothier, Jan. 5, 1632. 206 355 20 556 4 877 874 65 45i 803 527 549 33 44 8 520 787 664 40 80 41 170 41 472 40 520 40 492 40 41 40 911 396 858 506 41 IOI 40 42 224 286 42 315 , Thomas, Brompton, husbandman, May 5, 1625. Hardye, Henry, Siglesthorne, husbandman, Dec. 2, 1633. , James, Sledmire, yeoman, Jan. 26, 1630. , Richard, Sledmarr, husbandman, May 21, 1627. 4 5*9 , William, Thornton, Bradfordale, husbn. (bur. Bradford), July 9, 1628. 40 Hare, Richard, thelder, Nottingham, apothecarie, Nov. 9, 1631. 41 , Richard, Nottingham, mercer, Jan. 3, 1634. 42 Harger, Jane, late the wife of Mich. H., Otley, May 8, 1628. 41 Hargrave, Thomas, Thornhill, Mar. 10, 1632. 42 Hargraves, William, Cowling, par. Kildwicke, yeom., Feb. 8, 1635. 42 Hargreves, Jenet, Willisnest (Craven), Apl. 17, 1635. 42 , Lawrence, Willissie West (bur. Gisborne), Nov. 15, 1633. 42 Harker, Margaret, Eastbriggford, Notts., widowe, June 23, 1625. 40 , Thomas, Whitbie, fisherman, Jan. , 1626. 40 Harland, Gregorie, Farndale, par. Lastingham, husbn., Oct. n, 1625. 40 , Simond, Brandsburton, July 31, 1630. 41 Thomas, Weeton (bur. Welwicke), Apl. 21, 1629. 41 40 4i 40 42 Harpin, George, elder, Farneley tyas, par. Almonbury, yeo., Dec. 23, 1634. 42 , Peter, Birkes, par. Almenburie, Nov. 27, 1627. 40 Harriman, Patricke, Everingham, taylor, Nov. n, 1630. 41 Harrison, Anne, Codworth, widow, 1628. 40 314 , Anne, Marlon, widow, Mar. 24, 1631 (original Will). 41 757 332 609 47 2ia 154 707 705 274 1 60 36 141 176 100 318 190 538 99 zia 614 598 490 *74 249 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Jun. 4, 1632. Oct. 18, 1627. Jun. 18, 1631. Apl. 26, 1632. Aug.24, 1630. Oct. 7, 1630. Nov. 19, 1630. Jun. 8, 1631. Oct. 20, 1631. Oct. ii, 1627. Apl. 21, 1635. Nov.25, 1631. Apl. 4, 1633. May 8. 1633. Sep. 21, 1629. Feb. 13, 1629. Apl. 20, 1632. Apl. 3, 1633. Aug.i4, 1628. July 19, 1628. Oct. 3, 1627. Oct. 16, 1634. Mar.io, 1635. Apl. 28, 1635. Sep. 10, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. Mar. 9, 1634. Jan. 25, 1631. May 29, 1635. Oct. 31, 1627. July 26, 1632. July 3, 1630. Oct. 28, 1629. Oct. 3, 1627. May i, 1628. Apl. 24, 1632. Oct. 3, 1627. Jun. 28, 1631. Apl. 22, 1630. Oct. 4, 1632. Apl. 5, 1633. Jun. 28, 1633. Jun. 6, 1631. July 6, 1635. Apl. 27, 1631. Aug. 2, 1632. May 8, 1633. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug. 4, 1628. Jun. 29, 1632. Aug. 4, 1631. Aug.i3, 1629. July 14, 1629. Sep. 25, 1634. Oct. 15, 1632. May 7, 1635. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Harrison, Anne, Morton in Cleavelande, widdowe, Mar. 24, 1631. 41 748 , Christofer, Stantondaile, bur. Scalbie, Mar. 17, 1626. 40 70 , Christopher, Claxton, husbn. (bur. Bossell), Jan. 2, 1630. 41 457 , Elizabeth, Blythe, Notts., spinster, July 31, 1630. 41 695 , Elizabeth, Kingeston uppon Hull, widdowe, Apl. 12, 1628. 41 136 , Elizabeth, par. Ordsall, Notts., spr., July 29, 1630. 41 185 , Elizabeth, widdowe, bur. Saxton, Apl. 15, 1630. 41 238 , Elizabeth, Stoneferrie (bur. Sutton), Nov. 25, 1630. 41 443 , Frances, Yorke, wid. (bur. St. Mart. Micklegate), Mar. 14, 1630. 41 550 , George, Bawtrie, inholder, June 12, 1627. 40 64 , George, Sheffield, cutler, Aug. 25, 1634. 4 2 4^7 , Isabell, Yorke, wid. of Joh. H., bur. St. Mart., Micklegate, Feb. last, 1629. 4 1 5 2 , James, Cloughton, husbn. (bur. Scalby), Nov. 30, 1632. 42 206 , Jennett, Langcliffe (bur. Gigleswicke), Mar. 20, 1625. 42 167 , John, Kirkbie in Grindalyth, Dec. ii, 1628. 40 518 , John, Marnham, Notts., yeornan, Nov. 17, 1626. 40 628 , John, Marton, Cleveland, yeoman, Oct. 3, 1631. 41 681 , John, Yorke, practiconer of phisicke, July 28, 1632. 42 204 , Margerye, Newton Kime, spinster, May 24, 1628. 41 570 , Richard, Elvington, Apl. 13, 1627. 41 260 , Robert, East Cotam, par. Kirklethom, Feb. , 1624. 40 35 .Robert, Fossam, Holdernes, May 9, 1634. 42 314 , Robert, Newby, yeoman, Sep. 9, 1635. 42 686 , Robert, Sherifhutton, yeoman, Feb. 12, 1634. 4 2 4^4 , Robert, Stonferrie, par. Sutton, husbn., Sep. 2, 1627. 41 6ia , Robert, Wheatley in Ovenden, yeoman, May 4, 1629. 41 31 .Thomas, Barkston, yeoman (bur. Saxton), Feb. 19, 1634. 42 401 .Thomas, Coddingtonne, Notts., Nov. 17, 1631. 41 590 , Thomas, Middlesbrough, husbandman, Mar. 5, 1634. 42 522 , Thomas, Nafferton, batchelour, May 12, 1620. 40 78 , Thomas, Oxton (bur. Tadcaster), Mar. 7, 1626. 41 780 , William, Eastkeswick, husbandman, Feb. 18, 1629. 41 96 , William, Greate Aithton. No date. 40 565 , William, Maske, July 3, 1627. 40 35 , William, Mowsehill Banke (bur. Longepreston), Dec. 30, 1627. 20 199 , William, Skarbrough, panyerman, Nov. 22, 1630. 41 687 , William, thelder, Skiningrave, fisherman (bur. Brotton), Apl. 17, 1627. 40 38 Harsnett, Samuell, Archbp. York, Feb. 13, 1630. 41 478 Harson, Roger, Northleverton, Notts., weaver, Apl. 24, 1629. 41 42 Harst, Richard, Wadland, Mar. 25, 1636 (sic). 41 869 Hart, Paull, Yorke, June 20, 1632. 42 139 , William, (York), Jan. 14, 1632. 42 215 Harte, Alice, par. St. Sampson (York), Mar. 2, 1630. 41 440 Harthropp, Robert, Skarbrough, Oct. 18, 1632. 42 559 Hartley, Elizabeth, Remington, spr., bur. Gisborne, Mar. 5, 1630. 41 370 Hugh, Roughley, co. Lane., yeoman, Feb. 3, 1631. 41 812 James, Langham Row, in Sawley, Ascention day, 1631. 42 167 James, Trawden, co. Lane., yeom. (bur. Colne), Nov. 24, 1628. 40 418 John, (Lincoln), Jan. 30, 1620. 41 330 John, Ripon, alderman, Mar. 24, 1631. 41 759 John, Shipley, husbandman, Mar. 20, 1629. 41 497 Margrett, Stirkhouse, widow, June 7, 1629. 40 509 Mathew, Hawkesworth, par. Otley, husbn., July 14, 1628. 40 475 Richard, Gisborne, husbandman, June 16, 1634. 42 275 Robert, Heartfeild, yeoman, Mar. 30, 1631. 41 895 Roger, Wycoler, co. Lane., yeoman, Mar. 24, 1634. 42 502 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 39 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. May 23, 1633. May 23, 1629. Jan. 16, 1628. Feb. i, 1627. Sep. 10, 1631. May 4, 1628. Jun. 10, 1628. Nov.25, 1631. Jan. 9, 1632. May28, 1635. Oct. 28, 1630. Oct. 5, 1630. Oct. 8, 1629. May 5, 1635. July 9, 1633. Jun. 21, 1630. Aug. i, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. Jun. 4, 1633. Apl. 18, 1632. Mar. 3, 1634. Feb. 16, 1631. Oct. i, 1635. Aug. 4, 1631. Oct. ii, 1627. Jun. 10, 1631. Aug. 3, 1635. Aug.2o, 1629. Apl. 14, 1635. May 15, 1633. July 16, 1632. Oct. 25, 1630. May i, 1628. July ii, 1628. Aug.24, 1631. Apl. 26, 1632. Jun. 15, 1631. May 3, 1631. Mayi6, 1628. Oct. 5, 1631. Dec. 20, 1627. Mayi6, 1628. Apl. 28, 1633. Nov.29, 1630. Oct. ii, 1632. Apl. 14, 1635. Apl. 15, 1635. Apl. 14, 1635. Mar. 1 2, 1634. Jun. ii, 1632. Oct. 2, 1634. Aug. i, 1632. Apl. 19, 1632. Aug. 8, 1632. Jan. 17, 1627. Aug. 3, 1631. Oct. 18, 1627. Hartshorne, George, Lound, par. Sutton, Notts., yeoman, Jan. 9, 8 Chas. 42 Hartus, John, Ulram, yeoman, Dec. i, 1623. 40 Harvie, Ralph, Doncaster, blacksmith, Nov. n, 1628. 40 Harwood, Anthony, West Ayton, par. Hutton Bushell, Oct. 8, 1626. 40 , John, Scarbrough, glover, Jan. 30, 1626. -, Ralphe, East Ayton, labourer, Jan. 16, 3 Chas. Vol. Fol. Hasell, Thomas, Hutton upon Darwent, gent., June 15, 1625. Hassard, Robert, Agnes Burton. No date. Hatfeild. John, Worsoppe, Notts., fellmonger, July 6, 1632. Hatkell, John, (Rollings in Bolland), Oct. 5, 1634. Haton, Thomas, Irton, par. Seamer, husbandman, Dec. 15, 1629. Hattersley, Joan, par. Bradfeild, widdowe, Feb. 10, 1628. Hatton, Elizabeth, Kellam, Notts., widow, July 6, 1629. Hauldsworth, Mary, Norland in Rishworth, spr., Aug. 31, 1633. Hauslin, Thomas, (bur. Thorne), July 27, 1632. Haustine, Robert, Wath, yeoman, Mar. i, 1628. Hauxhirst, Thomas, Moore-end, yeom. (bur. Silkestone), May 12, 1628. 41 Hawcrofte, Thomas, Graneles, par. Peniston, husbn., Nov. i, 1629. Hawden, Richard, Sikehouse, linnen webster, June ii, 1631. Hawkesworth, John, Edlington, abt. May day, 1631. Hawksworth, Henry, Fulwood, par. Sheffeild, husbn., July 15, 1633. 4 2 Hawley, William, Brighton (bur. Bubwith), Sep. 28, 1631. Hawmond, Grace, Little Horton, widdowe, June 24, 1634. , William, Scolemoore in Horton, yeom., July 17, 1630. Haworth, William, Sturton, Notts., Feb. 15, 1625. Haxbie, John, Cranswicke, graseman, May 6, 1631. Haye, William, Cuckney, Notts., husbandman, Apl. 15, 1635. Hayes, Thomas, Nottingham, taylor, May 5, 1629. Hayford, Thomas, Ferrybrigges, gent., postmaister, Jan. 27, 1633. Hayne, Nathaniell, Rempston, Notts., blacksmith, Feb. 6, 1632. Headley, George, Sutton, Holdernes, husbandman, Jan. 30, 1631. , William, Killinge, Aug. 17, 1630. Heald, George, Seacrofte, wyerdrawer, Feb. 9, 1624. Healde, Henry, Churchmarnham, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 16, 1628. , William, Stillingflett, grasseman, Nov. 17, 1630. Heath, John, par. Cuckney, Notts., husbandman, Oct. 10, 1631. Heather, Mathew, Sharlestone, yeoman, Apl. 30, 1629. Heaton, Elizabeth, Long Sandall, widow (bur. Doncaster). No date. 41 Hebden, Anthonie, Grimwith (bur. Burnsall), Apl. 25, 1627. , John, Burley, labr. (bur. Otley), June 8, 1631. , Margaret, Denton, par. Ottley, widowe, Apl. 9, 1627. Heber, Thomas, [? HJWartlingeton, par. Burnsall, Jan. 24, 1627. Hebton, Francis, Dowthorpe, par. Swyne, grasseman, Dec. 2, 1632. 42 Heddon, John, Wilton, July i, 1630. Heighten, Elizabeth, Wattnall Cantolopp, par. Greasley, July 2, 1632. Heley, Edward, (Stanley). No date. Hellard, Phillip, Flambrough, husbandman, Dec. 29, 1634. Helliwell, Francis, Warley, Mar. 21, 3 Chas. Helme, John, Sneaton, yeoman, Nov. 3, 1634. , Robert, Farnedale, par. Lastingham, yeom., Mar. 30, 1632. , Thomas, Billesdale, husbandman, May 15, 1633. Hembrough, George, Draxe, Apl. 22, 1631. Hemsley, Elizabeth, Carnabie, widdowe, Mar. n, 1630. , John, Broughton Sulney, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 23, 1631. , Michael, Newland, par. Drax, Oct. 25, 1627. Hemsworth, Jennett, Alwoodlie (bur. Harwood), wid., May 31, 1631. , Thomas, Potterton, bur. Barwicke in Elmett, Dec. 18, 1626. 40 40 "5 406 312 136 253 256 16 520 225 181 556 494 227 82 41 20 42 122 41 659 42 400 41 618 42 666 41 491 40 66 41 452 42 622 40 515 42 439 42 85 41 775 41 223 40 196 41 2 5 a 41 513 41 694 41 456 41 406 40 240 41 519 40 104 40 240 42 130 41 247 41 887 42 440 42 449 42 437 42 405 4 1 749 42 285 41 793 4 1 676 41 820 40 "5 4 1 483 Nov.io, 162^, Henlecke, Adam, Eskricke, laborer, June i, 1627. 69 84 4 o WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Mar. 6, 1627. May 8, 1628. Apl. 26, 1632. July 3, 1630. July 24, 1630. Aug. 10, 1629. Apl. 14, 1635. Oct. 4, 1627. Feb. 23, 1630. July 22, 1635. Feb. 9, 1628. Oct. ii, 1630. Oct. 2, 1628. Aug. 2, 1632. Jan. 9, 1632. Mar. 3, 1635. Mar. 8, 1627. July 4, 1628. Nov. 26, 1629. Sep. 10, 1635. Apl. 21, 1632. May 22, 1635. May 27, 1630. Jun. 22, 1635. July 2, 1635. Mar. 25, 1631. Jan. 12, 1631. Aug. i, 1632. Mar. 24, 1635. Oct. 4, 1632. Oct. i, 1629. Sep. 10, 1632. Oct. 2, 1628. Oct. 3, 1627. Apl. 16, 1635. May i, 1628. Oct. 6, 1631. Jan. 7, 1629. Sep. 17, 1629. Dec. 8, 1631. Dec. 27, 1627. Nov. 8, 1632. Apl. 8, 1635. Nov.2o, 1632. May2i, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug. 26, 1627. July 22, 1635. Oct. 4, 1632. Aug.i3, 1629. Mar.23, 1627. Oct. 2, 1634. Apl. 23, 1632. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Henson, Isabel, Barnestone, Notts., widowe (bur. Langar), May 4. 1627. 40 162 , Robert, Ratcliffe upon Trent, Notts., yeom., Jan. 31, 1627. 40 230 a/5. Hall, John, Plumtree, husbn.. Notts., Feb. 24, 1631. 41 699 Henthorne, Elizabeth, Haukesworth, spr. (bur. Otley), May 25, 1630. 41 95 Heptenstall, Robert, Badsworth, husbandman, Sep. 29, 1629. 41 113 Heptonstall, Mathew, Aickton, husbn. (bur. Fetherstone), May 7, 1628. 40 502 , William, Fetherston Mooreside, yeoman, Dec. 31, 10 Chas. Hepworth, Henry, the Chappell, par. Emley, July 23, 1626. , James, Mirfeild, clothier, July 3, 1630. , John, Shepley, husbandman, Feb. 19, 1634. , John, Shepley, par. Kirkburton, husbn., June 18, 1628. , John, Thornhill, cooper, May 15, 1630. , Thomas, Hartishead, Apl. 7, 1628. William, Stanyeland, par. Eland, Oct. 4, 1631. Herdson, Edmond, Treswell, Notts., miller, July 20, 1632. Herison, James, Northdeighton, blacksmith, Feb. 19, 1635. Herrison, John, bur. Ste. Dionesses (York), Jan. 21, 1627. , Margarett, Stubhouse, wid. (bur. Harwood), Sep. 19, 1627. 41 Heslam, Lawrance, Whitbye, Nov. 21, 1626. 40 Hesleden, William, Brackanbothome (bur. Horton), husbn., Nov. 9, 1631. 42 Heslerton, John, New Malton, gentleman, Jan. 25, 1631. 41 Heslewood, Robert, Seaton, July 14, 1634. 42 Hessey, William, Holme in Spaldingmore, Jan. 20, 1629. 41 Heuland, James, Willerbie, par. Cottingham, June 19, 1634. 42 Heward, John, Neather Haugh, par. Rotheram, husbn. No date. 42 Hewardine, Thomas, Aldenham, co. Herts., yeom., Jan. 28, 1625. 41 Hewes, Thomas, Aston, Feb. 5, 1630. 41 Heweth, William, Foggerthroppe, par. Bubwith, grasman, Dec. i, 1631. 41 Hewett, Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, mr. & maryner, Dec. 22, 1635. 42 Hewgill, John, Greenehowe, May 19, 1632. 41 , Xpoffer, Linthrope, par. Acklam, May 17, 1629. 40 Hewit, James, York, haberdasher (bur. Bphill the newer), July 25, 1632. 41 , Margaret, Pinchinthorp, widdowe, July 23, 1627. 4 1 Hewitson, Fetter, Normanbie in Fillingdailes, yeom., May 10, 1625. 40 Hewitt, Christopher, elder, Pinchinthorpe, yeom. (bur. Gisbrough) May 14, 1633. 42 , James, Snidall, yeoman (bur. Normanton), Mar. 24, 1626. 40 , John, Pinchinthorpe, July 28, 1631. 41 , John, Washforth Bridge, par. Sheffeild, cutler, Aug. 25, 1629. 40 , Mathew, Coniston, yeoman, July 26, 1629. 40 Hewittson, John, Levesham, Mar. n, 1630. 41 Heworth, John, Kelfeeld, grasseman (bur. Stillingfleete), June 24, 1627. Hewthwaite, John, Bilsdell, husbandman, Feb. 6, 1630. William, Ingilbie under Arnecliffe, Jan. 5, 1631. 40 4* 42 Hewton, Francis, Estoft,~yeom. (bur. Adlingfleete), M~ay 6~ 1631. 41 , Richard, Kilnewicke juxta Watton, husbn., Dec. 12, 1634. 42 Hey, John, Denby, par. Penistone, dishturner, Nov. 28, 1627. 40 , Richard, Howbrooke, par. Tankersley, yeom., Oct. 30, 1625. 40 , Robert, Woodend, par. Kirkeburton, yeoman, Apl. 23, 1635. 42 Heyborne, Elizabeth, Mircosid, Egton, widdow, Nov. 21, 1631. 41 Heye, Thomas, Stocke, yeoman. May 29, 1629. 40 Heyworth, John, Todmerden, co. Lane., May 9, 1625. 40 Hicke, Robert, Wood Apleton (bur. Lastingham), Jan. 27, 1631. 42 Hickson, Robert, Preston, Holderness, labouring man, Mar. 25, 1630. 41 446 45 306 575 339 203 86a 795 16 689 164 190 580 655 646 513 62 539 554 640 580 794 683 858 536 846 gia 38 457 208 532 604 5i8 565 103 910 425 912 5" 410 26 579 856 5io 179 286 685 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Apl. 18, 1632. Hide, Francis, Coldstonefold, yeoman (bur. Paiteleybriggs), Feb. 2, Vol. Fol. Aug. 4, 1630. Oct. 8, 1627. May 8, 1633. Jan. 18, 1627. Jan. 18, 1631. May 20, 1628. Jan. 8, 1634. Jan. 19, 1632. July 4, 1631. Oct. 8, 1629. Apl. 28, 1631. Apl. 6, 1635. Oct. 3, 1627. May3i, 1632. Aug.3i, 1630. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug. 4, 1631. Jan. 16, 1628. Oct. 9, 1628. Apl. 19, 1632. Nov.i5, 1630. Apl. 19, 1632. Oct. 3, 1627. Apl. 23, 1629. Nov.28, 1629. Oct. 8, 1635. May 8, 1628. Feb. 16, 1631. Feb. 10, 1628. Sep. 26, 1627. Jan. 31, 1628. Jun. 4, 1629. Sep. 9, 1631. Jun. 21, 1630. Aug.26, 1627. May i, 1628. July 22, 1635. Oct. 29, 1634. Apl. 21, 1635. Aug. i, 1628. July 29, 1630. Jun. 29, 1631. Oct. 6, 1628. Apl. 30, 1629. Dec. i, 1629. Apl. 15, 1630. Apl. 15, 1630. Mayi6, 1628. Apl. 22, 1630. Nov.24, 1628. Feb. 23, 1630. Feb. 23, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. Feb. 9, 1628. Apl. 14, 1635. 1627. , William, Elvington, yeoman, June 16, 1630. , Alexander, Walkley, par. Sheffeild, cutler, May 25, 1627. Higgin, William, Bradford, clothier, Apl. n, 1633. Higinson, Henrie, clerke, viccar of Hartishead, Dec. 15, 1626. Hildiard, Robert, Elvett near Durham, Oct. 22, 7 Chas. Hildiarde, Richard, Ottringham, gent., Jan. 7, 1627. Hildierd, Sir Christopher, Wynestead, kt., Nov. 22, 1634. Hildyard, William, Bishop Wilton, kt., Oct. r, 1632. Hill, Anne, Sheffeild, widdow, Apl. 14, 1631. -, Bartholomew, Nevvarke upon Trent, blacksmith, July 19, 1629. 40 -, Edward, the eldest, Danbie, Nov. n, 1629. -, Edward, Thorgoland, par. Silkston, husbn., Jan. 14, 1634. -, Ellen, Borrybie (bur. Leythe), Apl. i, 1627. , Ellen, Eckleshill, widdowe, Aug. 15, 1631. , Grace, wid. of Ric. H. of Aighton, May 22, 1630. , Henry, Molham in Craven, husbandman, Dec. 30, 1628. , Jenett, Rowall, par. Kellington, widowe, July n, 1631. , John, Brightside, par. Sheffeild, weaver, Dec. 6, 1628. , John, Kirsall, par. Kneesall (Notts.), labr., June 13, 1628. , John, Malham in Craven, yeoman, June 30, 1631. , Margaret, Rilleston, Aug. 3, 1630. , Richard, Malham in Craven, Aug. 30, 1631. , Richard, Staythes, singleman (bur. Hinderwell), Apl. 19, 3 Chas. 40 , Robert, par. Campsall, Feb. 3, . , Robert, Malham, husbandman, Mar. 7, 1628. , Roger, Lyth, June 25, . , Stephen, Nottingham, alderman, Dec. 25, 1627. , Thomas, Burnbuttes, par. Walton, laborer, Mar. I, 1627. , Thomas, Scarrington, Oct. 18, 4 Chas. , Thomas, South Kirkbie, husbandman, Aug. 8, 1626. , William, Whallaygrainge, co. Lane., tanner, June 9, 1628. Hilton, Raphe, Ellton, Notts., laborer. No date. .William, Gamsthorpe, July 26, 1631. Himynway, Jonas, Southowrm, par. Hallifax, Dec. 27, 1628. Hinchcliffe, Jennett, Badsworth, Jan. 25, 1625. , John, .(Eland, Apl. 17, 1628. , Richard, Austonley, par. Almonburye, Apl. 17, 1635. Hinchlife, George, Skoles, par. Kirkeburton, June n, 1634. Hinchliffe, William, Sheffeild, blacksmith, Dec. 5, 1634. Hincliffe, Edward, Daucwell, par. Silkston, husbn., Nov. 12, . Hinde, Christopher, Hawton next Newark, Notts., taylor, July 3, 1630. 41 Hinderwell, Ellis, Thorstanbie (bur. Scawbie), June 15, 1630. 41 , Jane, Scalby, widdow, Mar. 7, 1627. 41 Hindes, Richard, Barmbye in the Willowes, Notts., carpenter, Feb. 27, 1629. 40 Hindle, Arthur, Hallifax, laborer, May 5, 1629. 40 , William, Heptonstall, Oct. 6, 1628. 41 Hine, Henry, Ecclesfeild, par. Sheffeild, Jan. 22, 1629. 41 , Josias, Dueland in the manasterie of Sawley, husbn., June 10, 1637 (sic). 40 Hippon, George, Fetherston, gentleman, Aug. 20, 1627. 41 Hippy, Thomas, Thiscendall, husbn. (bur. Wharam Peircy). No date (twice entered). 40 Hirde, Edithe, Shelffe, widow of Wm. H., Oct. 27, 6 Chas. 41 , William, Shelffe, par. Hallifax, Jan. 9, 1630. 41 Hirst, Alice, Greenehouse, par. Kirkheaton, widowe, Dec. 18, 1626. 41 , Anthonie, Dewsburye, clothier, Apl. 16, 1628. 40 , George, Slaighwitt Hall, clothier (bur. Huddersfeild), June 5, 1634. 42 440 41 666 41 123 4 57 42 144 4 o ng 4i 585 40 247 4 2 358 42 19 4i 464 40 556 4i 387 42 424 40 38 4i 715 4i 139 40 415 4 1 487 4 o 313 40 272 41 675 4i 232 4i 673 40 33 4 o 410 4 o 581 42 619 40 228 4i 618 40 344 40 24 4 o 326 40 449 4i 5iia 4i 89 40 26 40 205 42 594 42 329 42 463 41 310 ng 459 594 34 22 241 37 288 313 310 430 339 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Jan. 30, 1631. Oct. 21, 1629. July 22, 1635. Feb. 9, 1628. Sep. 30, 1629. July 22, 1635. Oct. 5, 1627. Nov. 3, 1631. Oct. 6, 1629. Dec. 8, 1631. Jan. 10, 1630. May 23, 1629. Jan. 24, 1634. Oct. 6, 1631. Aug. 3, 1631. Feb. 22, 1630. Jun. 29, 1635. July 4, 1628. Aug. 9, 1632. May 13, 1631. Feb. i, 1630. July 30, 1629. Mar. 15, 1630. May 30, 1632. July 12, 1633. Jan. 28, 1632. May i, 1628. Oct. i, 1629. Feb. i, 1630. Jan. 5, 1634. Sep. 10, 1631. Dec.2o, 1628. July 4, 1635. Mar. 8, 1630. Jun. i, 1632. Sep. 4, 1628. Oct. 2, 1628. Oct. 4, 1632. July 22, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 30, 1629. Mar. 3, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. May3i, 1632. Oct. 5, 1631. Dec. i, 1629. May 8, 1633. July 20, 1630. Jan. 30, 1631. May 15, 1633. July i, 1628. May 5, 1631. Jan. 21, 1630. July 3, 1630. Feb. 2, 1634. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Hirst, Richard, Nunbrooke, par. Harteshead, Nov. 24, 6 Chas. 41 592 , Thomas, Bradley Hall, Huddersfeild, clothyer, Aug. 4, 5 Chas. 40 563 , William, Birkbylanehead, par. Hartshead, carryer, Dec. 18, i633 42 597 , William, Ovendale, clothier, Sep. i, 1628. 40 339 Hirste, Frauncis, Broadfeilde, par. Sheffield, yeoman, July 13, 1629. 40 529 Hitchone, Isaacc, Sowerbye, May 18, 1630. 42 591 Hobson, Christopher, Rosedaile, husbandman, Apl. 22, 1626. 41 in , George, thelder, Yorke, inholder (bur. St. Mich, le Belf.), Oct. 27, 1631. 41 558 James, par. Nunkeelinge, yeoman, May 25, 1629. 40 543 John, Northfrothingham, Oct. 12, 1631. 41 565 Margarett, Walkley, par. Sheffeild, widdow, Aug. 10, 1622. 41 270 Robert, Skiphey in Holdernesse, senior, Aug. 15, 1628. 40 406 Roger, Skipsey, Jan. 24, 1633. 42 367 William, Arnthorpe in Danbie, July 19, 1631. 41 535 William, Foston, May i, 1631. 41 483 William, Risse in Holdernes, yeoman, May 29, 1630. 4 1 41 300 42 543 Hobsonne, William, Wheldrake, labourer, Feb. 8, 1631. Hodgeson, Elizabeth, Bishopside, wedow, June 4, 1627. 41 i6a Hodgkins, Michaell, Ollerton, par. Edwinstowe (Notts.), inholder, Apl. 25, 1632. 41 826 Hodgson, Anthony, Buckerhouse in Rillestone, husbn., Dec. 31, 1630. 41 431 -, Christopher, Seatonros, Aug. 27, 1630. -, George, Thirklebie, husbandman, Nov. 25, 1628. -, Janne, Seaton, Jan. 6, 1630. -, John, Hallifax, Feb. last, 1631. -, Rober[t], Seaton, Apl. 16, 1633. -, Robert, Thorpe in Balne, husbandman, July 15, 1632. -, Thomas, Ugthorpe, May 16, 1626. -, William, Scalinge in Rowsbye, June 17, 1629. -, William, Seatonros, Aug. i, 1630. -, William, Sowerbye, husbandman, Dec. 20, 1629. 4i 28i 40 498 41 358 41 745 42 231 42 27 40 218 40 536 41 281 42 355 41 5110 40 304 42 558 4 1 348 4i 747 41 850 41 861 42 599 Mychaell, Mennibente, par. Ealande, clothier, May 26, 1627. 40 384 Hodshon, Elizabeth, Scarbrough, widdowe, Apl. 23, 1631. Hogg, John, Bagbie, Jan. 20, 1619. , John, Bagbye, yeoman, Feb. 21, 1633. Hoggard, Nycholas, Farnedaile, husbn., bur. Lastingham, Nov. 7, 1630. , Raph, Hallifax, taylor, Mar. 14, 1631. Hoggarde, Jennett, North Ferrybye, Mar. 16, 1627. Hoggen, Edmond, par. Kirkeburton, flecher, Sep. i, 1627. Hogley, Richard, Boulton upon Dearne, yeoman, Mar. 10, 1631. Hoile, Anthony, Midgley, clothyer, July 22, 1634. Holcroft, Ann, Balderton, Notts., widow, Oct. 7, 1628. 40 390 Holdernes, Frauncis, Sutton upon Trent, laborer, Sep. 24, 1626. 41 347 Holdsworth, Dorothie, (Bradford), Aug. 26, 1627. 41 440 , James, Slakthwate, par. Huddersfeild, Aug. 29, 1628. 41 32 , John, Cowclose, par. Birstall, Oct. 21, 1631. 41 718 , John, Wharley (bur. Hallifax), May 2, 1624. 41 523 , Michaell, Shelfe, yeoman, Dec. 7, 1628. 40 584 , Richard, Wibsey, par. Bradford, Mar. 18, 1632. 42 157 , Samuell, Midgley, par. Lnddington, yeoman, July 22, 1628. 41 106 Holgate, John, Ovenden, yeoman, Oct. 27, 1628. 41 600 Holland, Rowland, Arnold, Notts., blacksmith, Dec. 29, 1632. 42 84 , William, Hallom, par. Sheffeeld, yeoman, Mar. 25, 1628. 41 130 Hollett, Anne, Newarke, Notts., widdow, Mar. 10, 1630. 41 417 Hollingdrake, Thomas, Sugdenhouse, par. Bingley, husbn., Nov. 15, 1628. 41 2 8o Hollings, Jespar, Rawdon (bur. Giseleay), Apl. 13, 1629. 41 94 Holloe, Anthony, (Kingston upon Hull), July 8, 1634. 4 2 370 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 43 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. May i, 1628. Hollrodd, Elizabeth, Fishlake, Jan. 18, 1624. 40 212 Aug.iS, 1627. Hollton, Margarett, Sturton (Notts.), widdow, Feb. 2, 1626. 40 15 Mar.ii, 1627. Hollyns, Richard, Revey in Clayton, Apl. 21, 1626. 40 173 Feb. 8, 1631. Holme, Henry, Pawleholme, esquire, Mar. 8, 1626. 41 603 Apl. 29, 1629. , Lionel!, Barden (bur. Bilton), June 25, 1628. 40 389 Feb. 18, 1629. , Richard, Maghall, co. Lane., esq. (bur. Mellinge), Sep. n, 1612. 40 632 Feb. 22, 1630. , William, Hedon in Holdernes, July 27, 1630. 41 303 Apl. 22, 1630. Holmes, Bryan, Mattersay, Notts., Dec. 12, 1629. 41 41 Apl. 20, 1629. , Humphrey, Tickhill, yeoman, Feb. i, 1628. 40 379 May 13, 1631. , Isabel!, Keighley, wid. of Joh. H., Feb. 25, 1629. 41 430 July 17, 1629. , John, Addingham, Jan. 23, 1628. 40 487 July 21, 1635. , John, Bubthropp (bur. N. Cave), singleman, July 23, 1634. 42 573 Feb. 23, 1630. , John, younger, par. Haworth, husbandman, Jan. 8, 1629. 41 311 Feb. 19, 1635. , John, Holme in Spaldingmore, grasseman, Dec. 27, 11 Chas. 42 700 Apl. 15, 1630. , Marmaduke, Somerscales, par. Skipton, yeoman, Feb. 10, 1628. 41 9 May i, 1628. , Robert, Askwith, par. Weston, yeoman, Sep. 2, 1627. 41 196 July 16, 1632. Holmpton, Christopher, Cattwicke, husbandman, Feb. 7, 1631. 41 777 Jun. 19, 1629. Holt, Margret, Clinger (? Cliviger, co. Lane.), Apl. 17, 1629. 40 454 May 20, 1628. Holtby, Anthony, Martin in Holdernesse, gent., Sep. 10, 1627. 40 243 Aug. 6, 1632. , John, Trippitt, par. St. Trin., Hull, Mar. 30, 1631. 41 816 Feb. 15, 1632. Holte, Katherine, (Barnesley), July 5, 1632. 42 59 Jun. 5,1629. , Robert, Clivicher, co. Lane., husbn. (bur. Burneley). No date. 40 450 Aug. 4, 1631. Holyday, William, Melton upon the Hill, husbn., Nov. 2, 1630. 41 489 Apl. 8, 1635. Homfray, Jane, Kingston upon Hull, widdow, Feb. 27, 1634. 42 425 Mar.i2, 1628. Hompton, William, Catweeke, husbandman, May 17, 1628. 40 367 Aug.n, 1628. Hood, Henry, New Malton, Skinner, June 29, 1625. 41 530 Apl. 23, 1629. Hoode, William, Marton (bur. Synnington), July 21, 1628. 40 425 May 13, 1635. Hoomble, Christopher, Woodapleton, wheelewright (bur. Lasting- ham), Dec. 17, 1633. 4 2 58 Apl. 23, 1629. Hoopwood, George, Cawthorne, abt. Oct. 12, 1628. 40 382 Feb. 26, 1634. Hooton, Richard, Hoveringham, Notts., shepheard, Jan. 3, 1634. 42 386 Feb. 9, 1628. Hopkinson, Anthonie, Birstall, yeoman, bur. Hallifax, Oct. i, 1628. 40 327 Mar. i, 1632. , Susan, Warley, wid. of Joh. H., May n, 1631. 42 67 Dec. 4, 1628. Hopton, Johan, Armeley Hall, par. Leedes, widdow, Nov. 16, 1627. 40 290 May 5, 1635. Hopwood, Ann, Hallifax, widdow, Jan. i, 1635 (sic). 42 501 July 14, 1629. Christopher, Eastkeswicke, laborer, Jan. 13, 2 Chas. 40 475 Apl. 6, 1635. , Frances, Thorparch, widdow, Feb. 26, 1623. 42 421 Apl. 23, 1629. , Richard, Horsferth, par. Guysley, abt. Mar. 21, 1628. 40 381 Apl. 23, 1629. Hopwoodd, John, Thorparch, yeoman, Nov. 8, 1623. 40 429 Aug. 9, 1632. Horberie, Anne, Walkeringham, Notts., widdow. No date. 41 827 Oct. n, 1627. , John, Claworth, Notts., husbandman, Mar. 6, 1626. 40 67 Feb. 10, 1628. Horesby, Clifton, Nottingham, yeoman, Aug. 20, 1628 40 342 May2i, 1630. Hornbie, William, Yearsley, par. Couckould, Nov. 13, 1629. 41 60 May 28, 1635. Hornbye, Robert, Longe Preston, Holdernes, husbn., Feb. 10, 1634. 42 519 Apl. 6, 1635. Horncastle, Thomas, Norton, yeoman (bur. Campsall), Jan. 17, 1634. 42 424 Oct. 6, 1631. Home, Xpofer, Marske, Sep. , 1636. 41 533 Feb. 7, 1632. Hornebuckle, Elizabeth, Eastleake, Notts., spinster, Nov. 21, 1632. 42 39 Oct. 3, 1628. Horneby, Francis, Bottons, par. Coxwould, May 14, last. 41 940 Nov.2o, 1627. Hornecastle, Christofer, Kingston upon Hull, glover, Sep. 22, 1620. 40 88 July 4, 1631. , Jennett, Mooreley (bur. Rotheram), Sep. 30, 1630. 41 467 July 15, 1635. , John, Fetherston, yeoman, May 26, 1635. 42 564 Dec. i, 1627. , Thomas, Skelbrooke, yeoman, July 25, 1627. 40 95 Feb. 14, 1632. Horner, Anthonie, the elder, Tadcaster, husbandman, Jan. 27, 1631. 42 46 July 17, 1629. , Anthony, Appletreweeke, bur. Burnsall, Sep. 8, 1627. 40 488 May 12, 1631. - , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, boateman, Feb. 16, 1630. 41 424 Oct. 9, 1634. , Thomas, Rolleston, Notts., labourer, May 28, 1634. 42 300 Jan. 3, 1628. , Thomas, Upper Kilburne, weaver, Sep. 26, 1627. 40 310 Aug. 3, 1631. Hornesie, Thophilus, Alford, co. Line., batcheler, Aug. 20, 1630. 41 485 May 8, 1633. Horrockes, Marie, wid. of Rog. H., par. Kildwicke, Jan. 14, 1632. 42 166 Oct. 2, 1628. Horsfall, Isaac, Ovenden, cloather, Mar. 18, 1627. 41 870. 44 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Apl. 28, 1631. Mar. i, 1632. Oct. ii, 1630. July 22, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Feb. 14, 1627. July 17, 1629. Oct. 16, 1629. July 18, 1631. May 14, 1633. Feb. 12, 1630. Apl. 30, 1629. Oct. ii, 1630. Mar.i6, 1635. Dec. 23, 1630. Oct. 4, 1632. May i, 1628. Sep. 16, 1634. Apl. 18, 1632. Aug. 13, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 14, 1635. Jun. 23, 1635. Feb. 24, 1635. Jun. 21, 1630. May 14, 1633. Feb. 20, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug. 5, 1628. Apl. 27, 1631. Dec. 22, 1628. July 17, 1633. July 31, 1632. Jun. 21, 1630. July 22, 1635. May i, 1628. Apl. 24, 1632. Jun. 22, 1629. Aug. 20, 1629. Aug. 14, 1628. Apl. 29, 1633. Jan. 8, 1634. Oct. 2, 1628. Mar.i2, 1628. Apl. 28, 1631. Mar.26, 1628. May 3, 1631. Sep. 22, 1627. July 14, 1629. Jun. 3, 1635. May 24, 1632. May i, 1628. Apl. 16, 1632. Apl. 15, 1630. Mar. 4, 1630. Oct. i, 1629. May 8, 1633. Oct. 2, 1629. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Horsfall, John, Heptonstall, brewster, Nov. 6, 1630. , Richard, Stoothley, yeoman, Aug. 25, 1632. , Thomas, Shoorehead, par. Huddersfeild, Aug. 20, 1630. , William, Golker in Quermbye, Sep. 19, 1634. , William, Heptonstall, clothyer, Feb. 3, 1620. Horsfeeld, Thomas, Rossington, husbandman, Jan. 18, 1627. Horsfole, William, Worksopp, Notts., tanner, June 24, 1628. Horsley, Mathew, Fimber, par. Wetwange, yeoman, Mar. 26, 1629. Horsman, George, Bewerley (bur. Paiteleybridge), Dec. 23, 1630. Hough, Ellis, Brightside, par. Sheffeild, carpenter, Feb. 18, 1632. Houghe, John, Nottingham, joyner, June 14, 1630. Houghton, Anne, Elkesley, Notts., abt. Mar. 19, 1628. , Thomas, the Eastwood in Stanfeild, yeom., July 12, 1630. 41 Thomas, (bur. St. Warborough), Jan. 25, 1634. Houlden, Elizabeth, Sheapley, par. Kirkburton, Mar. 3, 1630. Houldsworth, Gilbert, thelder, Mirfeild, yeoman, July 19, 1631. Houle, William, Crooks, par. Sheffeild, yeoman, June 21, 1626. Howborne, John, Lisset, Holdernes. No date. Howdell, Thomas, Parlington, par. Abberford, Feb. 17, 1628. Howe, Richard, Newstead Abbey, Notts., carver, June 3, 1635. Howitt, James, (Upton), Nov. 20, 1628. , Wilfrey, Ackworth, butcher, Aug. 6, 10 Chas. Howie, William, Wakefeild, Apl. 15, 1635. Howley, Thomas, the Haigh, par. W. Ardisley, Jan. 9, 1633. Howrobime, Thomas, Boulsterston in Brodfeild, husbn., May 22, 1629. Howsley, Charles, Sheffeild, lynnen draper, June 25, 1601. Howsman, Christopher, Stamforth Brigges, yeoman, Oct. 27, 1630. Howsom a/5. Kydd, John, Kylnsay, yeom. (bur. Conishton), Jan. 12, 1628. Howson, Anthony, Newhouses, par. Horton in Riblesdale, Oct. 10, 1627. , John, Flasbie (bur. Gargrave), Dec. 10, 1628. , William, Craven, husbandman (bur. Rilston). No date. , William, Sikehouse, yeoman, May 29, 1632. Hoyle, Xpofer. Kighley, husbandman, Mar. 16, 1628. , Edward, Woodsom, Jan. i, 1629. , John, Burnemoore, par. Ealand, yeoman, Feb. 10, 1634. , Marie, Ovenden, spinster, Feb. i, 1627. Hoystroppe, Anne, Longsandall, par. Doncaster, wid., Jan. 7, 1631. Hubbald, Symond, Wickersley, Mar. 9, 1628. Hubbard, John, Bradmoore, Notts., laborell, June 24, 1628. Hubberd, Thomas, Arnall, Notts., May 20, 1628. Huchisonne, James, Easington, Apl. 20, 1632. Hudson, Anne, Doncaster, widdowe, May 8, 1634. Edward, Bradfeild, yeoman, Nov. 24, 1623. Edward, Sutton in Holdernes, yeoman, Aug. 13, 1620. Frauncis, Yarome, minister of God's word, Feb. 6, 1630. Henrie, Marston, husbandman, Mar. i, 1627. Isabell, Warmsworth, widdow, Dec. 31, 1630. John, Cawood Castle, servt. to Tobie, Archbp. Yorke, May 20, 1627. John, Leeds, mercer, Mar. 24, 1628. John, Morton, May 26, 1635. Margarett, Palsgrave, widdowe, June 21, 1631. Randall, Tickhill, yeoman, Dec. 21, 1627. Richard, Hallifax, May 10, 1631. Richard, Otley, yeoman (bur. Kighley), Aug. 4, 1624. Richard, Scarbrough, milner, Apl. 24, 1630. Robert, Leedes, May i, 1629. Robert, Norton, Feb. 20, 1632. Robert, (bur. Skeringam), Apl. 6, 1629. Vol. Fol. 41 396 42 66 41 205 42 586 40 441 40 149 40 492 40 560 41 471 42 196 41 292 40 394 .. 41 207 42 684 41 263 41 868 40 215 42 269 41 665 42 638 40 409 42 437 42 539 42 1 692 41 85 4 2 82 41 > t 619 40 k 422 41 39 41 371 40 305 42 235 41 783 41 99 42 584 4 206 , 41 688 40 457 40 5" 41 54 42 I 3 I 42 356 41 790 40 364 4 1 385 40 188 403 40 22 40 475 42 525 4i 810 40 214 4 1 654 4 1 7 4i 341 40 534 42 146 40 540 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 45 Dec. 16, 1630. July 20, 1630. Oct. 4, 1627. Oct. 16, 1634. Dec. i, 1627. Sep. 30, 1630. Dec. 21, 1631. July 14, 1629. Sep. n, 1630. Dec. 22, 1628. Apl. 26, 1632. July 20, 1631. Aug. 5, 1629. Aug. 7, 1628. Dec. 8, 1631. Apl. 13, 1629. Apl. 3, 1633. Dec. 19, 1634. Jan. 7, 1629. Aug.2o, 1634. Sep. 9, 1635. Feb. 2, 1634. Sep. 24, 1630. Oct. 20, 1629. May2i, 1633. Sep. 29, 1634. Apl. 23, 1629. May 3, 1631. Oct. 23, 1627. Sep. 5, 1635. Oct. 6, 1634. Sep. 3, 1632. Sep. 20, 1630. Jan. 4, 1627. Oct. i, Oct. ii, 1635- 1632. Aug. 2, 1632. Aug. 4, 1630. May i, 1628. Oct. 31, 1631. July 17, 1629. Jun. 12, 1633. Oct. 5, 1631. July 4, 1632. Aug. 9, 1627. May 31, 1632. Jun. 14, 1635. May 13, 1631. Apl. 20, 1632. Apl. 22, 1635. Oct. i, 1635. Aug. 9, 1632. Oct. 6, 1635. Feb. 8, 1632. May3i, 1630. Jun. 9, 1635. Oct. 9, 1628. Feb. 6, 1629. Mar. 23, 1632. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Hudson, Stephen, Baildon, yeoman, Nov. 17, 1630. Thomas, Bramton, yeoman. No date. Thomas, Dickton, webster (bur. Paitley bridge), July i 3 Chas. Thomas, Hornsey, labouringeman, Apl. 6, 1634. Thomas, Wentworth, par. Wath, chapman, Nov. 27, 1626. William, Haitefeild Woodhouse, husbn., July 5, 1630. Huebancke, Thomas, Leedes, clothier, Oct. 14, 1631. Huetson, Ellen, Thwinge, widow, July 14, 20 Jas. , Thomas, (Thwinge), yeoman, Feb. i, 5 Chas. Hugden, Richard, the Crosse greene, par. Carlton, June 22, 1623. Huggin, Henry, Flawborow, Notts., yeoman, Feb. , 1631. Hugh, Thomas, Brighton, wheelwright, Apl. 3, 1631. Hughes, Dorithie, Yorke, wid. (bur. St. Dynnis), Jan. n, 1628. Huitson, Nicholas, Wouldnewton, Mar. 31, 1627. Humble, Jane, Woodappleton, wid. (bur. Lastingham), Apl. 26, 1627. 41 , John, Kingstone upon Hull, laborer, Feb. 18, 1628. 40 Humfray, John, Thornton, yeoman (bur. Sainton), Nov. 9, 1632. 42 Hungate, Lady Joane, wid. of Sir Will. H., kt., renunciation of Adm. 42 Hunt, Thomas, Dunscrofte, bur. Hatefeild, Mar. 29, 1629. 40 William, Kirkby Mashfeild, Notts., June 6, 1634. 42 Vol. 41 41 i 40 42 40 41 41 40 41 40 41 41 40 41 Huntar, William, Beverley, musisonar, June 16, 1635. Hunter, Anne, Kingston upon Hull, widdow, Feb. 24, 1631. Francis, South Milforth, par. Shereburne, husbn., Sep. 25, 1625. George, Yorke, tailor, bur. St. Belfrayes, July 10, 1629. Henry, Appletreeweeke, Dec. 15, 1632. Jane, Yorke, widdow (bur. St. Cuth.), Nov. 19, 1633. Jervas, Pontefract, Aug. 23, 1624. John, thelder, par. Sheffeild, yeoman, Nov. i, 1630. John, Warter, yeoman, 1626. William, Apletreweeke, clerke (bur. Burnsall), Oct. 23, 1633. 42 William, Staineburne, June 5, 1634. 42 Huntman, Alice, (bur. Rowley), Dec. i, 1629. 41 Hunton, John, Whorleton, May 30, 1629. 41 Huntroid, Isabel!, Southard houses in Fileing, widowe, Nov. 2, 1627. 40 Hurd, Humfray, Pickton. No date. 42 Hurst, Anthonie, Willowbie, par. Walsby, Notts., July 10, 1632. 41 , Anthony, Solby, par. Hundersfeild, May 19, 1631. 41 , Henry, Eastretford, Notts., Apl. 22, 1630. 41 Robert, Lodge in Nether Bradley (bur. Hunderfeild), Apl. 25, 1627. 4 Husband, Michael, Kirkby in Malhamdale, husbn., Aug. 8, 1631. 41 , William, Fledburrow [Notts.], July 5, 1629. 40 Huscrofte, George, Skellowe, husbandman, Apl. 3, 1633. 42 , John, thelder, Kirkesmeaton, yeoman, Sep. 13, 1631. 41 , Roger, Bentley, May 7, 1632. 41 Hustler, Ellin, widdow, bur. Skipton, Aprill 23, 1625. 40 Hutchinson, Anthonie, par. Darton, yeoman, May i, 1625. 41 Edward, Yorke, inholder (bur. St. Den.), Feb. 23, 1634. 42 Elizabeth, Kettlewell, spr., 1630. 41 Elizabeth, Upleatham, widdowe, 1630. 41 George, Nottingham, gentleman, Mar. 28, 1635. 42 Johann, Bilsdaile, widdowe, July 30, 1634. 42 John, Stirropp, par. Blythe, Notts., Nov. 5, 1631. 41 John, Thorpearch, yeoman, June 20, 1635. 4 2 John, West Barneby, par. Lithe, Dec. 6, 1630. 42 Richard, par. Burythorrp, yeoman, Mar. 6, 1626. 41 Richard, Yorke, tanner (bur. St. Den.), Dec. 2, 1634. 42 Robert, Arnold (Notts.), husbn., Apl. 23, 4 Chas. 40 Mary, Nottingham, widow, Mar. 17, 3 Chas. 40 William, Barnby, par. Lithe, Aug. , 1628. 42 Fol. 261 103 40 3" 98 *73 573 474 150 308 694 476 504 5o 568 374 203 342 604 256 6 54 37 154 358 108 279 412 402 74 651 290 848 152 104 673 891 795 126 204 555 488 232 527 77 3 743 536 428 680 473 662 830 611 43 63 531 276 618 78 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Apl. 14, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Oct. 6, 1631. Dec. 9, 1631. Dec. 20, 1628. July 16, 1632. Jan. 21, 1628. Feb. 28, 1631. July3i, 1632. Apl. 15, 1630. Aug. 3, 1635. Feb. 12, 1628. Oct. 5. 1631. Oct. 20, 1631. Nov. 8, 1634. May 5, 1635. Aug. 20, 1629. Apl. 15, 1630. Apl. 16, 1635. Aug.io, 1632. July 20, 1630. Oct. 16, 1634. Oct. ii, 1632. Feb. 25, 1631. Sep. 21, 1635. Oct. 13, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. Nov. 2, 1627. May 16, 1633. Aug. 14, 1628. Jan. 5, 1632. Feb. 9, 1631. Apl. 22, 1635. Jan. 23, 1628. Mar.28, 1628. May 3 1, 1632. Jun. 4, 1635. Jun. 29, 1631. May27, 1633. Feb. 13, 1627. Jan. 25, 1627. Feb. 13, 1627. Feb. 25, 1627. Oct. 2, 1628. May 5, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. May3i, 1632. Mar. 4, 1635. Feb. 13, 1627. July 24, ^629. Jan. 3, 1631. July 13, 1630. Feb. 18, 1632. Jun. 18, 1633. Sep. IT, 1630. May 5, 1635. Oct. 6, 1629. Jun. 10, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Hutchinson, William, Stanbrigg, par. Sandall Magna, Nov. 22, 1634. 42 432 Hutson, Jane, Skinningrave, widow (bur. Lofthouse), Aug. 14, 1628. 40 430 Hutton, Francis, Marton, yeoman, Apl. 7, 1631. 41 533 , Timothy, Feb. 17, 1628. 41 569 Hyde, Marie, Greenehallside, par. Ecclesfeild, widdow, Mar. 23, 1626. 40 301 Hynde, Robert, Rimswell (bur. Owthorne), Sep. 27, 1631. 41 777 Hynd, William, Gigleswicke, yeoman, July 9, 1625. 40 316 Ibbison, Thomas, Loftsome, yeoman (bur. Wressle), June i, 1631. 41 628 Ibbotson, Richard, the elder, Rilleston, Mar. 31, 1632. 41 786 Ibbottson, Anthonie, Coppergill (bur. Linton), May 24, 1628. 41 ii Ibersonn, Robert, Spaudforth, Notts., webster, May 30, 1635. 42 622 Ibotson, John, Welbecke, Notts., yeoman, Dec. 24, 1628. 40 348 lies, Thomas, thelder, Holbecke, par. Leedes, June 8, 1631. Illingworth, Arthur, Sawly, Aug. 9, 1630. , John, Bingley, blacksmith, Dec. 18, 1632. , John, Ferryfriston, husbandman, Feb. 16, 1635 (sic"). , Robert, Illingworth, par. Hallifax, yeom., Jan. 13, 1626. 40 , William, yonger, Thornton in Bradfordale, Nov. 9, 1629. 41 Inglebye, Mathew, Rihill, Holdernes, husbandman, Oct. 28, 1634. ton, , William, Create Baswell, co. Durham, yeom., bur. Easing- 25, 1632. Inglish, Thomas, Wooley, husbandman, Apl. 25, 1629. Ingram, Ellenor, Ottiingham, widdowe, June 27, 1634. , John, Lenton, Notts., laborer, June 5, 1632. , Dame Katherine, wid. of Sir Will. I., kt. (bur. York mynster), Aug. 29, 1630. Ingrame, Thomas, elder, North Dalton, Feb. i, 1634. Inkersall, Dorothie, Cossall (Notts.), Apl. 27, 1631. Inman, John, Burnsall, smith, Oct. 20, 1628. , William, Addingham, clothier, June 18, . Innocent, John, Ollerton, Notts., gentleman, Dec. 26, 1632. Innosent, John, Felley, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 22, 1625. Iredall, William, the Waterend, par. Lo%veswater, shoemaker, Aug. 28, 1632. Ireland, Richard, Radford, Notts., husbandman, Oct. 21, 1631. Irman, Stephen, Maplebecke, Notts., blacksmith, Mar. 7, 1634. Isbell, Thomas, Beverley, baker, Sep. 4, 1628. Ison, Richard, Firby, laborer (bur. Westowe), Dec. 19, 1627. Issott, Laurence, Horburie, yeoman, May 30, 1631. Iveson, Ellis, Cloughton (bur. Scalby), singlwoman, Oct. 6, 1634. , Richard, Cloughton, husbn. (bur. Scalbye),Mar. i, 1630. Jackes, Henry, Sutton upon Darwaine, Dec. 30, 1631. Jackeson, Emmott, Hilton, widowe, Dec. 6, 1626. 40 , John, Bishoppthorpe, husbandman, Aug. 13, 1623. 40 , Richard, Hilton, June 13, 1626. 40 , Richard, Iselbecke, par. Seasey, Nov. 29, 1627. 40 Jacks, William, Gigleswicke, July 26, 1626. 41 Jackson, Adam, Hawton, Notts., Mar. 2, 1630. 41 Anthony, South Kilvington, linnen weaver, Apl. 6, 1629. 4 1 Bryan, Horton in Bradforddale, husbn., Dec. 30, 1631. 41 Christopher, Towton (bur. Saxton), Nov. 18, 1635. 42 Cuthberte, Hilton (bur. Rudby). No date. 40 Edward, Norton, par. Campsall, Feb. 20, 1628. 40 Edward, Steeton, blacksmith, Nov. 2, 1631. 41 Francis, Waxham, yeoman, bur. Owthorne, Jan. 26, 1629. 41 Issabell, Kilnewicke, widdowe, Jan. 9, 1631. 42 John, Beverley, oatemeale maker, Dec. 18, 1632. 42 John, Bridlington, husbandman, May i, 1630. 41 John, Carlton Hall, par. Rodwell, gent., Sep. 7, 1633. 42 John, Headon in Holdernes, cordwainer, June 16, 1629. 40 John, Kilnewicke juxta Walton. No date. 41 John, Middleton. No date. 41 41 548 42 42 40 337 498 516 41 29 42 453 4: 831 41 104 42 309 899 41 626 42 656 4 1 542 41 10 40 80 42 97 4 54, 1635. Nov. 2, 1627. July 4, 1633. Oct. 7, 1628. Apl. 26, 1632. Oct. 5, 1631. Oct. 13, 1631. Oct. 4, 1632. Sep. 21, 1631. Apl. 25, 1629. Nov.i2, 1627. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Jackson, John, Rippon, July 11, 1631. John, (?par. Sherehutton), Feb. 5, 1631. John, Thriske, cordiner, Aug. 26, 1630. Margarett, Burgwallis, widowe, Apl. i, 1631. Margarett, Dugglebie, June 14, 1629. Margarett, North Streete, Yorke, wydow, Sep. 3, 1630. Margarett, Thorne, July 24, 1635. Jagger Jagure Margrett, the Lees in Bolland (bur. Sladburne), May 6, 1629. Marmaduke, Idle, July 23, cod. Sep. 20, 1635. Marmaduke, West Newton, Aug. 20, 1626. Mathevv, Newton uppon Ouse, May 17, 1631. Michaell, East Bridgford, Notts, yeoman, Dec. 24, 1631 Nicholas, Hallifax, cordwinner, July 4, 1635. Peter, Leedes Kirkegaite, yeoman, Oct. 19, 1629. Fetter, Newlande, par. Drax, Aug. 13, 1627. Richard, Fairburne, 1628. Richard, Kirkby [overblowes], June 20, 1628. Robert, Marske, husbandman, Jan. 30, 1627. Roger, Stamford, yeoman, Dec. 4, 1630. Thomas, Alsayntes, NorthstreetJe, York, lynnen weaver, June 16, 1628. Thomas, Couldehindle. No date. Thomas, Headon, Jan. 6, 1632. Thomas, Hemesley, glover, Sep. 15, 1627 (?). Thomas, Nottingham, May 14, 1635. Thomas, Raskall, Oct. 20, 1627. Thomas, Ugglebarbie, par. Whitbie, husbn., Feb. 3, 1625. Thomas, Wickham, May 12, 1630. William, Coottes, Notts., bur. N. Lanerton, Jan. 2, 1631. Jacksonne, Thomas, Rillington, stringlayer, Jan. 14, 1631. John, Ovenden, husbandman, Feb. 12, 1633. Ann, Kirbie, Cleveland, widdowe, Dec. i, 1631. Oct. 8, 1635. July 21, 1635. Apl. 22, 1630. Dec. i, 1629. Oct. 6, 1631. Jalland, John, Scarrington, Notts., yeoman, May 13, 1634. James, Richard, Cottgrave, Notts., laborer, Apl. 30, 1635. Jameson, John, Beswicke (bur. Kilnewicke), Nov. 22, 1630. Jarome, Thomas, Easingwould, May 7, 1635. Jarrat, John, the eldest, Skerne, brasman, Nov. 9, 1630. , Margarett. Skipsey, widdow, Oct. 27, 1628. Jefferson, Thomas, Welwicke Thorpe, Sep. 17, 1631. Jenkinson, Anne, Barnesley, widdowe, May 25, 1631. , Theophilus, Beverley, mercer, Nov. 24, 1634. , Thomas, Beverley, yeoman, Nov. 13, 1628. Jenkinsonn, John, Stapletonn (bur. Darrington), Nov. 23, 1632. Jennett, Raiphe, Brearley, woollen webster, Dec. 30, 1634. Jenninges, Edmond, Settle. No date. , Edward, Thorne, yeoman, Nov. 13, 1632. , John, thelder, Thorpe in Balne, laborer, Aug. 4, 1625. Jepson, Henrie, Warsopp, Notts., husbandman, Aug. 18, 1631. , Thomas, Gomersall (bur. Birstall), June 26, 1631. , William, S. Leverton, Notts., labourer, Oct. 13, 1630. , William, Mortomley, par. Ecclefeild, nailer, Mar. 20, 7 Chas. 41 Jepsonn, Thomas, par. St. Buttolph, Aldersgate, London, baker, Aug. 22, 1631. Jeram, Thomas, Wilberfosse, May 5, 1628. Jerman, Robert, thelder, Lynton uppon Wharffe, yeo. (bur. Spofford), June 27, 1622. Jervase, William, WerkesOppe, Notts., cordwainer, July 27, 1635. Jessop, Henry, Thorpe, par. Mattersey, Notts., yeom.i Sep. 2, 1633. Jessopp, William, Barmby neere Newark, labr., June 11, 1629. Jewett, John, Thornton in Bradforddale, waller, May 2, 1629. Jobson, Beatrice, Gisbrough, widdowe, Apl. i, 1631. Vol. Fol. 41 782 4 1 911 41 365 4 1 496 40 579 41 283 42 643 40 461 42 660 40 51 4 2 94 4 1 700 42 666 40 596 40 61 40 287 41 73 40 218 r, 658 40 597 4 1 526 42 132 41 2a 42 636 40 253 4 1 461 41 365 41 621 42 H 42 447 4 1 857 42 255 42 632 41 451 42 561 4 1 455 40 543 4 1 685 4 1 524 42 652 42 5 6 9 42 50 42 423 40 83 42 220 41 8a 4 1 697 4 r 528 41 547 s. 41 r, 865 514 40 388 )> 40 85 42 619 , 42 574 41 43 40 585 41 53 2 4 8 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. July 21, 1630. Nov. 8, 1634. Apl. 23, 1629. July 16, 1632. Jun. 4, 1635. Jun. 22, 1629. July 16, 1632. Apl. 15, 1635. July 16, 1632. Oct. 8, 1629. July 8, 1633. Feb. 9, 1631. Jan. 27, 1628. Jan. 24, 1634. Oct. ii, 1627. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug. 4, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. Oct. i, 1630. Sep. 27, 1630. July 14, 1629. May 29, 1633. Jan. 27, 1629. July 29, 1630. Jan. 24, 1634. Feb. 2, 1629. Mar.iS, 1634. Oct. 4, 1632. Feb. 19, 1629. Oct. 20, 1629. Dec. 20, 1634. Oct. 5, 1632. Mar. 12, 1631. Feb. 9, 1628. July 3, 1629. Aug. 8, 1632. Oct. 5, 1631. Oct. 4, 1632. May i, 1628. Nov.29, 1630. Feb. 13, 1627. Sep. 25, 1628. May2o, 1628. Oct. 20, 1627. July 3 1, 1633. Dec. 10, 1627. Jan. 27, 1628. Aug. 9, 1632. July 31, 1633. Jan. n, 1630. Nov.28, 1629. Aug. 2, 1632. Aug. 2, 1632. Aug. 4, 1631. Feb. 23, 1630. May 8, 1633. Sep. 7, 1634. July 22, 1635. Apl. 25, 1629. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Johnson, Ann, Kingston upon Hull, widdow, May 7, 1628. 41 109 Anthony, Halton upon Hill (bur. Skipton), Feb. 20, 1632. 42 337 Dionis, New Malton (bur. Old Malton), Dec. 18, 1627. 40 425 Edmund, Burstwicke, yeoman (bur. Scecklinge), Mar. 24, 1631. 41 777 Edward, Grostrope (bur. Filay), Dec. 10, 1634. 42 527 Elizabeth, Marsbrughe, widdow, Nov. 10, 1628. 40 454 Fraunces, Thornegumbolde, wid. (bur. Paule), Apl. i, 1632. 41 775 George, Wansford, Sep. 14, 1633. 42 449 Isabell, Halsham, widdowe, Apl. 27, 1630. 41 774 John, Bothomsall, Notts., husbandman, Dec. n, 1627. 40 552 John, Kilnsey, yeoman, July 12, 1632. 42 223 John, Kirkby in Ashfield, Notts., freemason, Sep. 3, 1631. 41 611 John, Northolme (bur. Great Edston), July 21, 1628. 40 314 John, Preston, Holdernes, Jan. 23, 1634. 42 368 Josias, Kingston uppon Hull, m r and maryner, bur. Trynitie Church, Jan. 3, 1626. 40 62 Peter, Easterby, husbn. (bur. Skipton), Sep. 23, 1627. 40 418 Richard, Beverley, tanner, bur. St. Mary's, Feb. 8, 1629. 41 509 Symond, Rotheram, baker, Jan. 11, 1629. 41 23 Thomas, Aldbrough, Apl. 10, 1630. 41 176 Thomas, Bishop Burton, gent., Jan. 3, 1628. 41 155 Thomas, Boynton, husbandman, Dec. 12, 1628. 40 474 Thomas, Muston (bur. Hunnanbie), Oct. 6, 1632. 42 121 William, Arnclyffe, May 7, 1627. 40 611 William, Gresthorpe, par. Marneham, Notts., husbn., Feb. 26, 5 Chas. 41 William, Halsham, husbandman, Aug. 22, 1634. 42 William, Leven in Holdernes, yeoman. No date. William, (bur. Stokesley), Sep. 13, 1634. 40 42 William, Wanfourth, husbn. (bur. Nafferton), Jan. 5, 1631. 41 Xpofer, Raskall, par. Easingwould, Jan. 9, 1629. 40 Jollie, William, Ayton Parva, Frid. bef. Palme Sonday, 1629. 40 Jones, Richard, Ampleforth, gent. (bur. Oswaldchurch), June 18, 1633. 42 Jonsonn, Richard, Kaingham, husbandman, May 30, 1632. Jordan, William, Scarbrough, May 12, 1629. Jowet, James, Ecclesall, Sep. i, 1623. Jowett, Abraham, Bollinge, yeoman, May n, 1629. - , Parcivall, Heaton Roydes, July 30, 1632. Jowitt, James, Steade, May 23, 1631. Jowsey, John, Gisbrough, blacksmith, Nov. 25, 1630. - , John, the elder, Marske, Mar. 8, 1626. Jowsie, Ann, Gisbrough, widdowe, Sep. 13, 1630. - , Raphe, Gisbroughe, carpenter, Nov. 7, 1627. Joy, Jennet, Bishop Thornton, wid. (bur. Rippon), July 9, 1628. , Margrett, Holmpton, widdowe, July 23, 1627. Joye, Thomas, Moore Munckton, May 22, 1627. Joyner, Marye, Tilne, Notts., widdow, Mar. 25, 1633. Judson, William, Kirkebyemooreside, yeoman, Aug. 17, 1625. Jurdon, John, Besswicke, June 4, 1628. Justice, Robert, Walkringham, Notts., yeoman, Oct. 28, 1631. Justis, Robert, Barmbye, par. BIythe, Notts., June 3, 9 Chas. Kabray, Christopher, Myton. No date. Kaie, Bryan, Rawthmell, husbn., bur. Gigleswicke, Sep. n, 1629. - , Edward, Wakefeild, Aug. 30, 1631. - , Sara, Rothwell, May 9, 1632. Kay, Agnes, (bur. Roiston), June 13, 1631. Jane, Almonbury, Oct. 21, 1630. John, Milshawe, par. Kirkburton, Feb. 10, 1631. Mary, Wakefeild, wid. of Joh. K., gent., May 7, 1634. Michaell, Roughehead (bur. Heptonstall), Mar. 2, 1634. Robert, Crakall, par. Toplyffe, husbandman, Feb. 4, 1628. 121 368 6i8 412 852 633 567 354 877 41 634 40 340 40 468 41 8190 41 518 856 218 246 '47 74" 243 72 246 99 321 830 246 274 40 41 4 4* 40 4" 4-^ 4" 40 4i 4i 42 40 802 802 496 150 267 589 388 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 49 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Aug. 5, 1628. Kaye, Edward, Huddersfeild, Feb. 17, 1627. 4i 42rt May 20, 1628. , John, Catfosse, par. Singlestron als. Silstron, grassman. No date. 40 248 Feb. 15, 1632. Kelcha, Thomas, Chadworth, par. Roiston, Feb. 15, 7 Chas. 42 50 Oct. i, 1630. Keld, Stephen, Bransburton, June 28, 1630. 178 Oct. 6, 1629. Kellam, George, Cottingham, goldsmyth, June 25, 1629. 40 543 Nov. 5, 1627. Kellinglay, Thomas, Kellinglay, yeom. (bur. Kellington), Apl. 9, 1627. 40 83 Feb. 7, 1632. Kempe, Patricke, Boney, Notts., husbandman, Jan. 9, 1631. 42 42 Jan. 13, 1634- Kendall, Stephen, Longpreston, yeoman, Aug. 21, 1633, Cod. Sep. n, 1634. 42 362 Aug. 5, 1628. \J17;1K .- \!t ^vAn*.A*i.A **. T A- f rill-i^tl'f All XTrt -r T A '"> ~ 41 37 a i vv 111 lain j iviuuTcrowc, pdr. LfUrigprcistun , IN uv. i , iu^^j . Feb. 9, 1631. Kente, Thomas, par. St. Nic., Nottingham, Sep. 24, 1631. 4 1 609 Sep. 6, 1632. Kerbie, Ann, Stookesley, spinster, Apl. 9, 1632. 41 842 Oct. 16, 1634. Kerman, John, Rimswell, par. Owthorne, Apl. 4, 1634. 42 3 T 3 Sep. 25, 1628. Ketlewell, James, Studley Roger (bur. Ripon), Jan. 14, 1627. 75 a Dec.2o, 1628. T*i^rt^ nj:.* ? ~ n r**:u i.. n ii.~ /v\n,- T~\..frt.u\ TVT^*. ^A 1627. 40 304 Apl. 15, 1630. Kettlewell, William, Rippon, cordwainer, May i, 1629. 17 Jun. 18, l6 33- Key, Ciscile, Beswicke, widdow, Apl. 29, 1632. 42 129 Feb. 2, 1634. , Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, widdow, May 25, 1634. 42 372 Jan. 5, 1634. , Elizabeth, Wood Appleton, par. Lastingham, Mar. 24, 1628. 42 356 Dec. 19, 1632. Keyley, Thomas, Longpreston, blacksmith, May 15, 1632. 42 2 July 3. 1630. Kidd, Robert, Kirkbymorside, Jan. 7, 1629. 41 95 Apl. 23, 1632. T? /-i K m-t- XTrt-frV r*-j~v4-llin vU i -. Gnn s* r* T^-T 41 684 5 ivODcrc j IN ortnirutningnam, ocp. 22, lux i * May2i, i633- Kighley, Margaret, Helton (bur. Rilleston), fifty day of Dec. 1632. 42 "3 May 2, 1632. T^i^Kocrl VT, ... O nH T A T A -> T 41 702 , IVlLlltUU, INCWoUIIlC, ocp. IU, 1 L) j I . Apl. 26, 1632. Pnllprt' VS/ll1rr*rin rrfri m ^Mntf" \ ^\f*r> nn T Fil T 41 696 , IVUUCrt, VV dlKcrillgdcilll ^INUlLo.^, Ocp. ZA, lUjl. Apl. 26, 1632. , Robert, Walkeringham (Notts ), Sep. 24, 1631. 41 697 Jan. 30, 1631. , Stephen, Wilsden, par. Bradford, May 24, 1631. 41 597 July 26, 1630. Kildale, John, Ormesby. No date. 4 1 "4 July 4. 1628. Killinbecke, Ann, Allerton Grange, par. Leedes, Mar. 15, 1627. 4i iga May i, 1629. (Kilshawe), George, Sneton, Notts., Feb. 25, 1629. 40 399 Feb. 12, 1630. Kinge, Henry, Orston, Notts., Nov. 4, 1630. 41 293 July 4. 1631. , John, Sheffeld, Jan. 28, 1630. 41 466 Mar.28, 1628. , Thomas, Harropp in Bolland, yeom. (bur. Slaidburn), May 12, 1626. 40 i go May i, 1628. , William, the Westmore, yeom. (bur. Slaidburn), Mar. 8, 1627. 20 199 Aug. 8, 1628. Kingston, Christopher, Greate Broughton, par. Kirby, abt. end Jan. 1623. 41 52rt May 8, 1633- Kippasse, John, Healeygreene, par. Kirkheaton, freemason, July 5, 1632. 42 152 Mar.ai, 1628. Kirby, William, Stokesley, badger, Jan. 19, 1628. 40 370 Jun. 10, 1631. Kircas, Peter, (bur. Mynster Church Yarde), Feb. 21, 1630. 4i 454 Feb. 2, 1629. Kirkbie, Thomas, Halsham, husbandman, Oct. 18, 1629. 40 617 Feb. 15, 1627. Kirkbye, Christofer, South Cliffe, par. Northcave, Sep. 7, 1627. 40 152 Jun. 5, i635- \3 r\m*r T_T. rv,Tt.f f **-. ,, T\ T I- f " -rA-i^ 42 528 i ixUgcr, nuggcti) y cuiiidn , ivi d.r. iy , iuj j. Oct. 15, 1634. , William, [KJaingham, husbandman, Apl. 20, 1634. 42 308 Dec. 4, 1630. Kirke, Grace, South Clyfton, Notts., wid M Nov. 18, 1630. 41 452 Feb. 26, 1634. 42 388 , jonn, iviruDcriey, par. ureasiey, INOIIS., nusun., juiy 15* *^3T~* May i, 1628. , Richard, Bilsdayle, husbandman, Feb. 8, 1626. 40 195 July 29, 1630. nrViy\>-ic' M/^t-4- K r^i iff y-*t-\ KT*-V *!> A *-! ^- T A-/I 41 1 20 1 1 IK) 1 1 1 tlS , IN <)1 1 1 1 V_- 1 1 1 LtJI 1 , i> ( > I IS, , /Vpl * y , I Uj(J May ii, 1630. Kirkeby, Jane, Haldenby, par. Adlinfleet, widdowe. No date. 4 56 Aug.i4, 1628. Kirkebye, Agnis, Trowell, Notts., widdowe, Mar. 13, 1625. 41 57 May 12, 1633- T I tJti r-i r .... /vckf ^PV. . . 1 o K^t-or- A. n*m T A T ^ 42 124 May 12, 1631. Kirkhowse, Thomas, Swanland, carpenter (bur. N. Ferrybie), Mar. 23, 1630. 41 425 Jun. 29, 1635- Kirkupp, Gawine, Snaynton (bur. Brompton), yeom., Apl. 7, 1635. 42 544 Oct. 8, 1627. Kirrocke, Robert, Seaton in Holdernes, Nov. 21, 1626. 40 53 Jan. 10, 1630. Kirshawe, Raiphe, Rotheram, yeoman, Oct. 20, 1629. 41 266 May 20, 1635- Kirton, Thomas, Walkington, laborer, May 10, 1634. 42 510 May 8, 1633- Kitchin, Jane, Wilden, widdowe, Feb. 2, 1632. 42 148 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Nov. 1 6, 1630. Oct. 23, 1634. Oct. 16, 1634. May 16, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. Feb. 9, 1635. Jun. 29, 1632. Oct. 6, 1628. Feb. 23, 1630. Oct. 25, 1627. Apl. 28, 1631. Oct. 6, 1631. Oct. 6, 1631. Oct. 4, 1627. Jan. 7, 1629. Apl. 27, 1631. Apl. 22, 1630. Aug.i3, 1635. Dec. 16, 1630. Jun. 29, 1632. Jun. 8, 1631. Jun. 28, 1628. Apl. 19, 1632. Aug.i7, 1630. Jun. 8, 1631. Sep. 22, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug. 12, 1629. Oct. 31, 1627. Aug.i7, 1627. Apl. 28, 1628. July 7, 1630. Mar. i, 1632. May 6, 1635. Oct. 5, 1631. Feb. 12, 1630. Oct. 8, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Nov. 9, 1631. Feb. ii, 1628. Jan. 9, 1627. Aug. 7, 1632. Oct. 26, 1631. Jan. 28, 1634. Oct. 13, 1631. Feb. 26, 1634. Apl. 15, 1630. Apl. 26, 1632. Feb. 21, 1631. Jan. 9, 1634. Aug. 5, 1628. Aug. 6, 1631. Aug.26, 1627. Apl. 18, 1632. July 29, 1630. May 28, 1635. Jan. 30, 1627. Apl. 9, 1635. May 8, 1628. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Kitchin, Robert, Rilleston, Apl. 18, 1629. , William, Oxenhopp, par. Haworth, husbn., Jan. 4, 1630. Kitchine, John, Hilstone, Holdernes, yeoman. No date. Kitchinge, Stephen, Craven (bur. Rilleston), June n, 1624. , Stephen, Crecowe (bur. Rilston), Dec. 20, 1629. Kitchingman, Richard, Hallifax, July 16, 1635. Kitchyn, Henry, Cayton, May 30, 1627. , William, Osgoodby, husbn. (bur. Cayton), Apl. 5, 1628. Kitson, William, Tingley, laborer, Sep. 10, 1630. Knages, William, Rascal, yeoman, June 4, 1627. Knagges, John, Shortwhaite, par. Egton. No date. , Robert, son of Mat. K. of Aislabye, Sep. 4, 1631. , Thomas, Waplay, husbandman (bur. Lofthouse). [KJnapton, John, Cleforth (bur. Bramham), Dec. 2, 1625. Knepp, John, Greasbroughe, par. Rotheram, yeom., Aug. 15, 1629. Knight, Thomas, West Morton, husbandman, Jan. 21, 1630. , William, Weston, Notts., husbandman, Feb. 30, 1629. Knighte, Richard, Nottingham, cordwiner, July 19, 1634. Knightson, Edmond, Weeton, yeoman, Feb. last, 1628. Knightsone, Edmond, par. Kirkbieoverblowes, Jan. 13, 7 Chas. Knipe, Richard, Cottingham, July 20, 1630. Knokes, Allan, Leckenfeild, Apl. 22, 1628. Knowles, Henry, Haltongill, par. Arnecliffe, Dec. 15, 1631. , Lancelot, Haltongill, par. Arncliffe, Dec. 22, 1629. , Robert, Stoneferry, par. Sutton, Mar. i, 1629. Knuckell, Richard, Cambridge (bur. Ellerton), Aug. 9, 1629. Kydd a/5. Howsom, John, Kylnsay, yeom. (bur. Conishton), Jan. 12, 1628. 40 Kynge, John, Warley, July 7, 1627. 40 Laburne, John, Nafferton, webster. No date. Robert, Nafferton, Nov. 21, 1626. Vol. Fol. 41 233 1630. 42 317 42 39 40 240 4 12 42 704 41 761 1628. 4i 4 4* 3*3 40 76 4 388 4 1 534 No date. 41 530 40 41 5. 1629. 40 605 41 3 6 9 29. 4i 45 42 635 4 258 lias. 4 757 4i 440 40 269 4i 675 4i 134 4i 445 40 5 Z 9 Lacie, Robert, Scarebrough, gent., Dec. 23, 1628. Lacocke, Elizabeth, Hawton, Notts., July i, 1630. Lacy, Mary, Hallifax, Feb. 13, 1632. Lacye, Thomas, Horton, esquier, May 28, 1634. Laicocke, Barnabie, (bur. Otley), Feb. 21, 6 Chas. , Stephen, Carrehead, yeom. (bur. Kildwicke), Jan. 13, 1630. 41 Lainge, Thomas, Lith, husbandman, Mar. 25, 1635. 42 Lambard, James, Askewith, par. Weston, husbandman, Jun. 10, 1626 Cod. Feb. 16, 1628. Lambe John, Camelsforth, par. Draxe, husbandman, Apl. 19, 1631. Katherine, Farndon, Notts., widdow, Oct. 13, 1628. Patricke, Arnall, Notts., Dec. 8, 1626. Ralphe, Newarke, Notts., glover, Apl. 23, 1632. Lambert, Anne, bur. Hewton, widdowe, Apl. 29, 1631. Anne, Kylnsay, widdow, Oct. 27, 1632. Elizabeth, Mattersey, wid. of Will. L., May 21, 1631. Gervis, Blythe, Notts., yeoman, Aug. 30, 1634. Jeffrey, Milnethorpe, yeom. (bur. Sandall), Jan. 29, 5 Chas. 41 John, (bur. Fininlay), Jan. 10, 1631. 41 Phillipp, Paithleybriges, yeoman, May 9, 1628. 41 Richard, Horsforth (bur. Gyesley), June 21, 1634. 42 Richard, Longpreston, husbandman, Mar. n, 1623. 41 Lamberte, William, Matthershay, Notts., wheelewright, Apl. 23, 1631. 41 Lancaster, James, Brearley, par. Felechirch, freemason, Sep. 22, 1626. 40 John, yonger, Gisburne, Feb. 28, 1631. 41 Lancton, George, Stanton on the Wolds [Notts.], Apl. 22, 1630. 41 - , Richard, Katfos, yeoman, Oct. 17, 1634. 42 Landsborough, John, Brodholme, Notts., labourer, Sep. 30, 1627. 40 Lane, George, Tilne, par. Haiton, gent., June i, 1630. 42 - , Richard, East Leake als. Great Leake, Notts., yeom., Mar. 13, 1624. 40 230 422 503 78 12 268 97 67 501 5'6 284 618 428 559 347 112 819 551 309 545 382 25 696 620 360 3& 500 2 5 663 118 516 134 426 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 51 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Jun. 8, 1631. Langdaile, Edward, Cottingham, tanner, Jan. 20, 1630. 41 440 July 16, 1632. , Ursula, Cottingham, singlewoman, Feb. 6, 1631. 41 773 Mar. 24, 1627. Langdale, Margarett, Hacknes, May 21, 1627. 40 179 Jan. 16, 1631. , William, Hessell, yeoman, Aug. 28, 1631. 41 584 Oct. 6, 1629. Langfeilde, Frauncis, Doncaster, baker, June i, 1629. 40 542 Dec. i, 1629. , Gyles, Lepton, par. Kirkheaton, Mar. 31, 1628. 40 583 July 4, 1632. Langold, Leonard, Maltby, labourer, Dec. 3, 1631. 41 766 Feb. 22, 1630. Langton, George, Halsham, husbandman, Nov. 25, 1630. 41 302 May 23, 1633. Langwith, Simon, Sledmare, husbandman, Apl. 26, 1632. 42 116 Jan. 9,1632. Larberton, John, Westretforth, yeoman, Nov. 5, 1632. 42 17 May28, 1635. Lard, Issabell, Skipsey, widdowe, Dec. 15, 1634. 42 519 Mar.i2, 1628. , Stepen, Holy[mJ in Holderness, husbandman, July 28, 1628. 40 368 Apl. 18, 1632. Lasenbie, Jane, Huntington, widow, abt. Michaelmas last. 41 655 Jun. 19, 1632. Lasenby, Robert, Huntington, Sep. 17, 1631. 41 752 Apl. 25, 1632. Lasinby, Seath, Huntington, Apl. 14, 1626. 41 689 Oct. 9, 1627. Lasleyes, John, Elcliffe, par. Sheffeild, cutler, Mar. 26, 1627. 40 60 Aug. 3, 1635. Laughterton, Alice, N. Collingham, Notts., widdowe, Apl. 17, 1635. 42 624 Oct. 12, 1627. , William, North Collingham, Notts., taylor, July 12, 1627. 40 68 Oct. 5, 1630. Laughton, William, Tickhill, Sep. 15, 1630. 41 180 May 16, 1629. Laverocke, Robert, Elvington, laborer, Aug. 7, 1628. 40 402 Oct. 3, 1627. , Robert, Glaysdale (bur. Danbie), Feb. 3, 1626. 40 39 Oct. 2, 1628. Law, Grace, Hallifax, widdow, Aug. 16, 1628. 41 840 Apl. 15, 1630. Lawe, Edmund, Arthington, yeoman, Jan. 9, 1629. 41 20 Aug. 9, 1632. , Isabell, Myssen, Notts., widdowe, Nov. i, 1630. 41 829 May3i, 1632. , James, Hipperholme, clothier, Feb. last, 1631. 41 724 Aug. 5, 1628. , Matthew, Outwoodside, par. Wakefeild. No date. 41 42*1 Oct. 3, 1627. , Thomas, Normandie in Fillingdayles, carpenter, Sep. 29, 1625. 40 37 May 8, 1633. Lawkeland, Thomas, Horton, Craven, yeoman, Jan. 20, 1630. 42 166 May 15, 1629. Lawkland, Elizabeth, Gouldshaybooth in Pendle, co. Lane., spr., Sep. 27, 4 Chas. 40 401 Dec. 20, 1632. Lawley, Thomas, Thorlebie, Apl. 25, 1631. 42 7 Apl. 16, 1635. Lawnd, Ann, Robinhoodbay, widdow (bur. Fylinge), July 15, 1634. 4 2 45& Apl. 15, 1635. , Thomas, Yorke, merchant (bur. St. Lawr.). No date. 42 450 Feb. 13, 1627. als. Render, Richard, Welberie, Apl. 20, 1625. 40 145 Dec. 24, 1634. Lawson, Agnes, Malham, Nov. 24, . 42 348 Oct. 2, 1628. , Christofer, the Lodge, par. Gigleswicke, husbn., Feb. 14, 1628. 41 8ia Apl. 20, 1632. , George, Barnabie (bur. Gistwright), Jan. 27, 1628. 41 678 Oct. 31, 1631. , John, Kirkby in Malhamdaile, husbandman, Mar. 29, 1630. 41 553 Feb. 8,1631. , Richard, Burshill, yeom. (bur. Brandsburton), July 19, 1631. 41 603 Dec. 24, 1634. , Roger, par. Kirkbye Malhamdaile, yeoman, Aug. 22, 1634. 42 347 Oct. i, 1635. , Stephen, Arneforth, yeom. (bur. Long Preston), May 12, 1635. 42 662 Apl. 4, 1629. , William, St. Mariegate nigh the walls of Yorke, yeoman, Mar. 13, 1628. 4 372 Apl. 15, 1628. , William, Yorke, merchant cowper, abt. Christmas, 1625. 40 192 Oct. 9, 1634. Lawton, Marye, Nottingham, widdowe, Jan. 24, 1632. 42 303 July 10, 1633. Laycocke, Christopher, the Gyll in Coolinge, yeom., Oct. 19, 1632. 42 228 Sep. 5, 1635. , Richard, Glusburne (bur. Kildwicke), Nov. 19, 1634. 42 649 Nov. 5, 1634. , Walter, Leedes, gentleman, Oct. 10, 1634. 42 331 Nov.i6, 1630. Layland, Lawrence, Hartlington Moore Ra%ve, par. Burnsall, linen webster, Oct. 30, 1629. 41 236 Nov.io, 1630. Laynge, John, Newhouse (bur. Helmesley), husbn., Aug. 21, 1628. 41 229 May 9, 1633. Laysenbye, John, Gisbrough, yeoman, Nov. 14, 1632. 42 184 Aug.i4, 1634. Lea, Judeth, wid. of Joh. L. of Sowerby, par. Hallifax, Sep. 16, 1633. 42 251 Sep. 28, 1629. Leach, Alice, Preistthorppe, par. Bingley, wid., Jan. 30, 1628. 40 522 Nov. 6, 1629. , Henry, Yorke, chirurgion (bur. St. Mich, the Belf.), May 6, 1629. 40 568 Nov. 8, 1634. - a/5. Bentley, Margarett (par. Bingley), Aug. 25, 1631, 42 335 May 9, 1633. Leadale, John, Oswaldkirke, Oct. 31, 1630. 42 169 Oct. i, 1629. Leadson, Henry, (Sherborne), Dec. 29, 1628. 40 532 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Apl 30, 1633. Leak, Mary, Yorke, widdow (bur. St. Crux), Dec. 8, 1632. 42 135 Jan. 10, 1631. Leake, Awdrie, South Dalton, widdow, Feb. 9. 1630. 4i 453 Apl. 23, 1629. John, Dawgrene, par. Sandall Magna, Aug. 3, 1628. 40 411 May 8, 1633. John, Hallifax, Feb. 15, 1632. 42 152 Aug.n, 1627. John, Plumtrie (Notts.), yeoman, Oct. 12, 1626. 40 ii Aug. i, 1628. Thomas, Ledsham, yeoman, Mar. 13, 1627. 4 27*1 Jun. 2, 1629. Thomas, Lound, grasman, Oct. 25, 1628. 40 446 Apl. 22, 1630. Leaper, George, Lowdham, Notts., yeoman, Oct. 20, 1629. 4i 39 May 22, 1633. TJ * O__ 1 JJ r.v-.Vt/^1 rv A / Kn ** I^iiKti'itlit V 11 i- Kr \A t *r 1 a T A-> 1 42 114 f i cici, *p.ii uingcncji i iic \ uur. ouowiin^ , 11 u s nn . , .i i\ --4 ' ^"3 July 3, 1629. Ledgard, Robert, thelder, Hopton, par. Myrfeild, yeo., Apl. 29, 1629. 40 469 May 15, 1633. Ledgerd, Thomas, Bautree, merchant, Jan. 7, 1632. 42 9i Oct. ii, 1630. Lee, Ann, Wakefeild, widdowe, Dec. 16, 1629. 4i 206 Apl. 15, 1630. Francis, Hallifax, Oct. 16, 1628. 4 2? July 4, 1633. Francis, Rotheram, mettalman, Apl. 21, 1633. 42 221 Mar. 20, 1631. Marke, Tickhill, wheelewright, Mar. 25, 1631. 4i 638 Apl. 14, 1635. Robert, Wakefeild, butcher, June 20, 1634. 42 438 Oct. 2, 1628. Roger, Altoftes, par. Normanton, Oct. 4, 1624. 4 79 Jan. 18, 1627. William, Wakefeeld Westgate, clothier, Mar. 3, 1626. 40 122 Mar. 24, 1627. Leedes, Andrew, Yorke, yeoman, Apl. 20, 1627. 40 181 May 5, 1630. Leeds, John, Yorke, tapster (bur. St. Sav.), Mar. 21, 1620. 4i 54 July 22, 1635. Leeke, Thomas, East Ardesley, clerke. No date. 42 595 May 8, 1628. Lees, John, Watton, Notts., labourer, Sep. 30, 1627. 40 225 Feb. 12, 1630. , Thomas, Sutton Bonnington (Notts.), miller. No date. 4i 285 Oct. 11, 1627. Leese, James, Westretforth, co. Notts., weaver, Apl. 13, 1627. 4 65 Oct. 13, 1631. Legerd, John, Missen, Notts., husbandman, Apl. 9, 1631. 4i 545 Oct. 5, 1632. Legg, Thomas, (York), servt. to Rich. Robinson, Aug. 25, 1632. 4i 873 Oct. 2, 1628. Legge, Andrew, Ayresome, par. Aeklam, July 2, 1628. 4 1 gia July ii, 1633. Leife, Henry, Yearsley, launterne maker (bur. Coxwould), Dec. 31, 1632. 42 230 May 9, 1633. Leminge, Francis, Staneburne, Mar. 23, 1632. 42 176 Sep. 27, 1627. Lemminge, Richard, Swinden, par. Kirkbe Ouerblowes, May 30, 1627. 40 3 Feb. 13, 1627. Leng, Raphe, Cottingham, grasseman, Nov. 2, 1627. 4 *47 Aug. 31, 1632. Lenge, Elizabeth, (bur. St. Olives, Marygate, York), July 29, 1632. 4i 833 Nov.25, 1629. , Thomas, Osgodby, husbandman, Apl. 24, 1629. 40 576 Jun. 10, 1631. , William, Etton, graseman, Jan. n, 1630. 4i 45i Aug. 3, 1631. Leppington, Edward, Thwinge, yeoman, Nov. 23, 6 Chas. 41 482 Apl. 30, 1629. Letherland, Robert, Kellam, Notts., clerke and rector, Feb. 3, 1628. 40 390 Feb. 12, 1630. Leverton, Thomas, Cropwell Butler, Notts., husbn., Nov. 16, 1630. 4i 294 Oct. 22, 1627. Levitt, Anthony, Cheryburton, husbandman, Mar. 3, 1626. 4 72 Apl. 6, 1635. , Elizabeth, wife of Will. L. of Bentley (bur. Arksey), Feb. 10, 1631. 42 421 Feb. 25, 1627. Lewes, Thomas, Russam, par. Drax, gent. No date. 40 158 Feb. 9, 1635. Leye, Elizabeth, Loscowe, widowe, June 5, 1635. 42 73 July 10, 1628. Lightfoote, Elizabeth, Yorke (bur. St. Mich.. Owzebridge), July 2, 1628. 4i 250 Oct. 23, 1634. Lilley, William, Howley, yeoman, May 4, 1634. 42 324 May i, 1628. Lillie, Isaac, Southourum, March 9, 19 Jas. 4 204 Oct. 6, 1631. Lincolne, George, Gisbrough, yeoman, Apl. 22, 1631. 4 1 530 Oct. 5, 1631. Lindall, Alexander, Leedes, chapman, July ii, 1631. 4i 5 J 7 Apl. 27, 1631. Lindley, John, Stainburne, yeoman, Jan. 21, 1630. 41 375 Oct. 28, 1629. Linge, John, par. Ayeton, husbandman, May 10, 1629. 40 566 Oct. 7, 1630. Linley, John, Nottingham, fellmonger, May 31, 1630. 4i 195 Jun. 18, 1630. , Thomas, Morley (bur. Rotheram), joyner, May 22, 1629. 4i 75 Mar. 5, 1634. , Ursuley, Pilley, par. Tankersley, wid., Sep. 23, 1634. 4 1 395 Nov.26, 1627. Linskell, Christofer, Whitbie, Sep. , 1625. 4 88 July 21, 1630. Linton, Thomas, Harton, husbn., bur. Bossall, Jan. 10, 1628. 4 1 no May 31, 1632. Lister, Agnes, Bolton, widdowe, July n, 1631. 4i 739 Nov.22, 1631. , Edward, Bradford, clothier, Oct. 10, 1631. 4 1 560 Aug.n, 1629. 1- \7j- r\r A rv A *i / It i * - t \Jt I f+V+ * *liA 13 i 1 f r o h f * i n A /- i j un n , i (JIKC, gen i . i nu r. 01 . *vi icii . in inc rjiiirHy i , junc 22, 1628. 40 504 July 17, 1629. , Richard, Skargill, par. Addingham, Apl. 3, 1628. 40 486 Aug. 9, 1627. , Richard, Skipton, bur. Bolton in Cannons, May 3, 1626. 40 3 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 53 May 31, 1632. Feb. 15, 1632. July i, 1635. Feb. 9, 1628. Oct. 2, 1628. July 17, 1628. Nov. 6, 1627. Mar.i4, 1637. Jan. 28, 1632. Aug.ig, 1630. Oct. 31, 1631. Sep. 2, 1630. Jan. 30, 1631. Aug. 5, 1628. Oct. 4, 1632. Jan. 3, 1631. Oct. 18, 1628. Mar.26, 1628. Jun. 19, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Jan. 10, 1630. July 17, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 28, 1631. Oct. 4, 1627. Aug. 2, 1632. Jun. 15, 1631. Jan. 30, 1627. Apl. 6, 1629. July 27, 1632. Mar.24, 1627. Jan. 27, 1629. Aug.29, 1634. Jun. 18, 1630. May 31, 1632. Mar. i, 1631. Feb. 26, 1634. Feb. 23, 1630. Feb. 23, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Oct. 17, 1632. July 4, 1633. Oct. 5, 1631. Dec. i, 1629. July 15, 1633. Jun. 29, 1632. Dec. 24, 1632. Apl. 15, 1630. Jun. 10, 1630. Oct. 4, 1632. July 2, 1635. July 29, 1631. Dec. 20, 1634. Vol. 41 42 42 40 41 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Lister, Rowland, Newton, par. Sprotbrough, Sep. 29, 1631. , Samuel), Sowthowrom, yeoman, May 22, 1632. Litle, Edward, Owthorne, yeoman, Feb. 19, 1632. , John, par. Allmonburye, Aug. 18, 1628. Litlewood, Dorithie, par. Kirkeburton, singlewoman, Feb. 3, 1628. Little, Andrew, the Millhills, co. Northumberland, yeoman (bur. Haydon), May 16, 1628. 41 , William, Shipton, laborer, Jan. 31, 1624. 40 Littlefare, Elizabeth, Nottingham, widdow, Jan. 30, 1637. 42 Littlewood, Thomas, Stanington, yeoman, Dec. 15, 1615. 42 Litton, Thomas, Litton (bur. Arncliffe), Jan. 7, 1625. 4 1 , William, Oowates, yeoman, bur. Arncliffe, Sep. 27, 1630. 41 Lity, Abraham, Northowrom, clothier, May 4, 1630. 41 Liversage, Richard, Birkehouse in Clifton, yeoman, Oct. 3, 1631. 41 Liversedge, Alice, (Clifton), widowe, July 6, 1628. 41 , James, Southhindley, yeoman, Dec. 19, 1631. 41 Livesey, John, Skipton, gentleman, July 28, 1627. 41 Lockcocke, Robert, Ganthorne, husbn. (bur. Terrington), June 30, 1627. 42 Locke, Christopher, Brigham, yeoman, Mar. 26, 1627. 40 Lockewood, Nycholas, Hylelees in Golker, Apl. 17, 1622. 40 , Thomas, the Knowles in Fekisbye, yeoman, July 23, 4 Chas. 40 Lockey, Elizabeth, Ulley, widow, Apl. 7, 1629. 41 Lockie, Christopher, Newbie, par. Clapham, Nov. 20, 1628. 40 Locksmyth, John, Sproxton, par. Hemsley, May 18, 1628. 40 Lockwood, George, par. Huddersfeild, clothier, Feb. 8, 1627. 41 , George, Slagthwaite, yeom. (bur. Huddersfeild), Jan. 17, 1625. 40 , John, Helme, par. Almonbury, clothier, Aug. 29, 1631. 41 , Margarett, Oldefeilde, wid., bur. Rippon, May 16, 1631. 41 Lodge, Dorothie, Sutton upon Trent, Notts., wid. of Hen. L., Oct. i, 1627. 40 , Marmaduke, Hemsley, Mar. 24, 1628. 40 , Raph, Parleby, par. Hemingbrough, yeom., May 5, 1632. 41 Loft, Raphe, Scalby, husbandman, May 20, 1627. 40 Lofthouse, Christopher, Elslacke, bur. Broughton. No date. 40 , George, Osmonthorpe, par. Leedes, Apl. 20, 1634. 42 , Richard, Ilkley, June 20, 1639. 41 Lome, Mathew, Hagandlee, par. Elande, Oct. 31, 1631. 41 Londsdale, Marie, Collne, co. Lane., spinster, Mar. 28, 1629. 41 Long, Mary, (Welbecke, Notts.). No date. 42 Longbothom, Gilbert, Northowrom, clothier, Sep. 14, 1629. 41 , Humfrey, Warley, clothier, Mar. 31, 1630. 41 , Richard, Warley, yeoman. No date. 41 , Thomas, Northowrom, clothyer, Jan. 6, 1624. 40 Longe, John, Rawden, husbandman, Feb. 5, 1628. 40 Longebothom, James, Sowerbye, par. Hallifax, yeom., Aug. 4, 1632. 41 Longley, Hellin, wife of Rob. L., par. Rotheram, yeoman, Nov. 21, 1632. 42 , Richard, Thornels, par. Hartsteade, Dec. 31, 1628. 41 William, Lepton, par. Kirkheaton, taylor, Oct. 27, 1628. 40 Lonkester, Robert, Langricke, par. Drax, May 9, 1633. Lonnsbrough, Elizabeth, Cloughton, wid. (bur. Scalby), Apl. i, 1631. 41 Lonsdale, John, Mutshay, co. Lane., yeoman, Nov. 20, 1632. 42 -- , Mathew, Maltbie, Oct. 8, 1629. 41 Lonsdell, Hugh, Newholme. No date. 41 Lord, Agnes, Hepworth, par. Kirkeburton, Aug. i, 1631. 41 - , Henry, Fulwood, par. Sheffeild, husbandman, Feb. 3, 1634. 42 Losse, Hugh, Rippon, kt., Feb. 4, 1629. 41 Lotherington, Robert, Stainegrave, yeoman, Sep. n, 1634. 42 Fol 744 56 545 338 86rt 26a 84 7*5 24 129 556 !47 60 1 44 872 577 277 187 434 440 272 484 425 394 47 795 456 133 374 781 180 613 264 80 715 632 38i 319 313 440 427 896 217 52i 582 235 756 10 M 73 86 1 555 480 353 54 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Dec. 4, 1630. Lothrenton, William, younger, Butterwicke, yeoman (bur. Barton in the Streete). No date. July 27, 1635. Lothrington, Thomas. Lockton, Mar. 20, 1634. Apl. 23, 1629. Lounde, Myles, par. Woodchurch, vitteller, Feb. 5, 1628. Aug. 6, 1629. Lounsdale, Jennett, Spaldington, wid. (bur. Bubwith), Mar. 5, 1628. 40 Oct. 8, 1629. Lovatt, Thomas, Bradmoore, bur. Boney, May 23, 1629. Jan. 9, 1627. Lovelocke, Frauncis, Nottingham, chapman (bur. St. Pet.), July 12, 1627. Oct. 8, 1629. Lovett, Robert, Edwalton, Notts., husbandman, June 29, 1629. July 23, 1635. Lowde, Robert, Badger Rake in Bashall, husbandman, Dec. 27, Jan. 9, 1627. Lowe, Roger, Arnold, Notts., husbandman, Apl. 30, 1627. Oct. 5, 1632. Lowry, Roger, Wellwicke, husbandman, Mar. 4, 1631. Jun. 8, 1632. Lowson, Thomas, Muston, yeoman, Dec. 3, 1631. Oct. 1,1629. , William, thelder, Stoopebrough, par. Fyling, yeom., July 14, 1628. May 9, 1633. Lowsonne, William, Carnabie, servant. No date. Sep. 27, 1630. Lowther, Peter, Over Kilburne, linning weaver, May 23, 1629. Feb. 15, 1627. Lucas, Francis, (bur. Lounsbrough), Oct. 5, 1627. Sep. 30, 1629. , John, Doncaster, gentleman, Aug. 8, 1629. July 22, 1630. Lucke, Thomas, Seamer, husbandman, May 8, 1630. Dec. 8, 1631. Luckoppe, Laurence, Middleton, Feb. 25, 1630. Oct. 9, 1628. Ludlam, Ellenn, Nottingham, July i, 1628. Oct. 2, 1628. Lume, John, (Altoftes), June 2, 1628. Oct. 3, 1632. Lumley, George, Came, weaver (bur. Kearby), May 10, 1631. Sep. 25, 1634. Lund, John, Halton, par. Long Preston, husbn., July 18, 1634. Oct. ii, 1631. - , John, Lambley, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 19, 1631. Aug. 2, 1632. , John, N. Staineley, miller, bur. St. Mich. Well, June 23, 1632. 41 July 4, 1628. , Thomas, Mearewoodside, par. Leeds, milner, Apl. 2, 1628. Mayi3, 1631. Lunde, Anthony, par Horton in Riblesdale, husbn., Mar. 26, 1624. Oct. i, 1629. .Thomas, Pinchingthorpe, par. Gisbrouge, Apl. 15, 1629. Nov.29, 1630. Lunne, John, Gisbrough, chapman, July 20, 1630. Sep. 30, 1630. , John, thelder, Well, milner, Oct. i, 1629. July 4, 1628. Lupton, Francis, Lowbishoppside, yeoman, Feb. 7, 1627. Jan. 19, 1627. , Frauncis, senior, Feizer, yeoman (bur. Clapham), Aug. 12, 1626. Apl. 22, 1630. , George, Newarke upon Trent, Notts., skinner, May 18, 1629. 41 May 8, 1633. . John, son of Hen. L. of Setle, yeoman, July 25, 1632. Aug. 14, 1628. , William, Nottingham, glover, May n, 1627. Jun. 10, 1631. Luttman, Robert, Middleton super lee Wolde, yeom., Aug. 6, July 6, 1628. Lye, Christopher, Northstainley, yeoman, May 22, 1627. Oct. 2, 1634. Lyell, Olliver, Gisbrough, July 28, 1634. Jan. 10, 1630. Lyndley, George, Bramley, par. Breathwell, husbn., Sep. 3, 1630. Apl. 30, 1629. Lyne als. Malster, John, Paplewicke, Notts., Nov. 10, 1628. Jun. 22, 1635. Lynne, Jonathan, Kingston upon Hull, marryner, Apl. 19, 1635. July 14, 1629. Lynton, Henry, Fostonn, Dec. n, 1626. May 9, 1633. , Myles, Ouldfeild, yeoman, Mar. 18, 1632. Oct. 18, 1627. Lyon, John, Birdsall, Mar. 2, 1626. Apl. 2, 1633. Lyones, Agnes, Kirkleavington, widdow, Nov. 25, 1631. Aug. 8, 1628. , George, senior, Skelton. No date. July 3, 1629. Lyster, Abraham, Bollinge, yeoman, Oct. 24, 1629. Dec.i6, 1630. , Richard, Horsfurth, par. Guiesley, gent., Mar. 3, 1628. July 29, 1633. Lyversedge, Gilbert, Hunslett, Leedes, clothworker. No date. Sep. 13, 1632. Macham, Frances, Beaverley, widdowe, May 6, 1632. Apl. 20, 1629. Machon, Ellen, Romfeild, May 23, 1628. July i, 1628. , Thomas, Hallam, par. Sheffeild, yeom., May 29, 1627. Apl. 16, 1635. Maddockes, Jeromye, Kirbyemooreside, Oct. 24, 1633. Aug. i, 1628. Maer, Robert, Fennicke, Mar. 16, 1627. Aug. 4, 1631. Magges, Edward, Woodmansey, Liberty of Beverley, yeoman, Mar. 19, 1629. Aug. 6, 1631. Maior, Charles, Stirroppe, Notts, (bur. Blith), Mar. 8, 1630. Sep. 3, 1631. , William, Rimswell, Aug. 23, 1630. Dec.iG, 1634. Malham, Stephen, Conishton (bur. Gargrave), Aug. 28, 1634. 42 Vol. Fol. 41 250 42 604 40 440 ,, 1628. 40 501 40 548 uly 12, 40 107 3- 40 548 7, 1633. 42 601 40 106 4 1 875 41 749 [uly 14, 40 534 42 175 . 41 157 40 153 40 527 4' no 4i 568 40 274 41 8oa 41 851 [- 42 273 41 54i 3, 1632. 41 810 >28. 41 22a [624. 41 431 19. 40 528 41 245 4i 1 66 Ug. 12, i 7 a 4 5 3, 1629. 41 42 !. 42 161 41 56ri 4 1 40 454 255 42 287 530. 41 271 40- 394 (5- 42 539 40 473 42 1 80 40 71 42 135 40 468 t. 41 256 42 243 41 847 4 17. 41 382 42 455 41 33 i, Mar. 4 1 5" 41 502 4 1 508 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 55 Apl. 28, 1631. May 3, 1631. May 30, 1632. May3i, 1632. Sep. 10, 1628. Apl. 30, 1629. Apl. 16, 1635. Oct. 25, 1627. Apl. 22, 1630. Oct. 7, 1634. Jan. 10, 1627. Feb. 9, 1628. May 9, 1633. Oct. 16, 1634. July 24, 1629. Apl. 5, 1633. Oct. 9, 1634. Oct. 8, 1627. Oct. 4, 1632. Oct. 2, 1628. Sep. 23, 1628. Oct. 5, 1631. Apl. 13, 1633. Apl. 14, 1635. Jun. 14, 1633. Mar. 1 6, 1632. July 2, 1635. Oct. 3, 1627. Mar.24, 1635. Sep. 13, 1632. Oct. 1 6, 1634. Sep. ir, 1628. Oct. 8, 1635. May 14, 1633. July 17, 1633. Apl. 20, 1629. Dec.2o, 1628. Jan. 28, 1632. Feb. 26, 1627. Aug.n, 1627. Oct. 23, 1627. NOV.II, 1630. Feb. 4, 1627. May 20, 1631. Jun. 3, 1630. Feb. 15, 1632. Oct. i, 1629. July 4, 1632. Oct. 23, 1627. Oct. i, 1635. Dec. 1 1, 1627. Feb. 2, 1627. Jun. 17, 1633. Apl. 16, 1635. Dec. i, 1627. May 9, 1633. Aug. 3, 1635. Aug. 8, 1628. July i, 1635. Fol. 398 402 746 712 62a 394 460 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Malingson, John, Gauthorpe, bur. Kirkeheaton, Jan. 29, . 41 Malleson, John, Thrybrough, Feb. 28, 1630. 41 Mallinson, John, the elder, Clifton, clothier, Oct. 8, 1629. 41 , Thomas, Clifton, husbandman, Feb. 3, 1631. 41 Malson, Katheryne, Sceckling. No date. 41 Malster als. Lyne, John, Paplewicke, Notts., Nov. 10, 1628. 40 Man, Francis, Rowsbye, June 20, 1634. 42 Mancknolls, Lovverance, Mosshowse, par. Collne, co. Lane., June 5, 1627. Mandivill, Nicholas, South Clifton, Notts., labourer, Feb. 14, 1629. Mann, Ann, Doncaster, widdowe, July 9, 1634. , Christofer, Doncaster, hosier, Nov. 15, 1627. , Samuel, Norland in Rishworth, yeoman, July 26, 1628. Manners, William, Broxwell, yeom. (bur. Helmesley), Mar. 21, 1630. 42 Mannyson, Thomas, Shipton, Mar. 31, 1632. Manzer, Richard, Brearley, tanner, Feb. 5, 3 Chas. Mapples, Anna, Rowcliffe, spr. (bur. Snaith), Jan. 18, 1632. Mapplethorpe, Richard, Bingham, Notts., yeoman, Aug. 7, 1634. Mareland, Stephen, Ulrum, milner, bur. Skipsey, Feb. 14, 1626. Marflet, William, Lockton, yeoman, Jan. n, 1627. Margerison, John, Wakefeild, clothier, Jan. 6, 1624. Margetson, Richard, Pontefract, blackesmith. No date. Margettson, John, Drighlington, yeoman, Apl. 29, 1627. Margison, John, Carlton, Mar. 16, 1632. Margitsonn, Elizabeth, Drighlington, widdowe, July 8, 1632. Margrave, Elizabeth, Thome, widdow, Sep. n, 1632. Markinfeild, Thomas, Lincolnes Inne, co. Middx., gent., Apl. i, 1630. 42 Marley, Francis, par. Aston, laborer, Mar. 2, 1625. , Richard, Stanghow, par. Skelton. No date. Marmaduke, Richard, Kingston upon Hull, ropemaker, Dec. 15, 1630. 42 Marr, Richard, Cherry Burton, yeoman, Apl. 20, 1631. Marre, Barbarye, Cottingham, widdowe, Feb. 20, 1632. , William, Bushopburton, husbandman, Apl. 10, 1627. Marriotte, Edward, Warsopp, Notts., labourer, July 21, n Chas. Marsden, Anne, par. Rotheram, Aug. 5, 1630. , Elizabeth, Barbothall, par. Rotheram, wid., Nov. 9, 1632. , James, Rotherham, cutler, Dec. 30, 1628. , Marmaducke, Bradfeild, yeoman, Nov. i, 1627. , Nicholas, Rotherham, husbandman, Dec. 22, 1632. als. Parker, John, usher of the free grammer schoole in Cliderow, co. Lane., Jan. 14, 1627. 4' I 59 Marsh, William, Flintham (Notts.), labourer. No date. 40 9 Marshall, Elizabeth, wife of Hugh M. of North Cave, dec., Jan. 9, 1626. 70 74 , Elizabeth, Swinflete, widdow, Oct. 7, 6 Chas. 41 229 , Elizabeth, Yorke, wid. (bur. All-hall. Pav.), Dec. 19, 1627. 40 138 , Ellen, Thriske, widow, Apl. 10, 1631. 41 437 , Francis, Leckenfeild, July 24, 1630 f sic). 41 64 , Grace, Denby, par. Peniston, Nov. 14, 1632. 42 48 , Henry, Eskedayle Syde (bur. Whitbie), Aug. 17, 1629. 40 538 , Henry, Tickhill, Apl. 2, 1632. 41 766 , Hugh, bur. Northoram, Jan. 4, 1626. 40 72 , James, Bradford, Apl. 22, 1634. 42 666 , Jennett, Flaxton, widow (bur. Bossall), Feb. 9, 1623. 4 99 , John, Eskricke als. Eskrigge, husbandman, Mar. 3, 1626. 40 137 , John, Leedes, clothier, Mar. 30, 1633. 42 105 , John, Robinhoodbay (bur. Filingdailes), July u, 1634. 42 459 , John, Ughill, par. Bradfeild, yeoman, June 18, 1621. 40 95 , John, Yeadon, par. Gieslay, Apl. 7, 1633. 42 179 , Katherine, Kellam, Notts., widdowe, Jan. 24, 1634. 42 622 , Peter, Leaserige (bur. Egton), 1627. 41 520 , Peter, Pattrington, Apl. i, 1635. 42 547 40 75 4i 44 4 2 294 40 H4 40 330 42 I 7 2 42 4 496 42 207 42 4 o 4i 302 56 855 41 850 4i 4i 74 528 42 210 4 2 437 42 124 42 75 42 553 40 42 41 35 682 847 42 4 1 42 310 6-ja 620 42 197 42 40 235 378 40 303 42 24 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Feb. 17, 1630. Mar.io, 1627. Jun. 28, 1630. Feb. 23, 1628. Jan. 28, 1628. Aug. 19, 1630. Feb. 13, 1631. Feb. 9, 1628. Sep. 26, 1627. Dec. 1 1 , 1628. May 8, 1628. Sep. 24, 1629. Oct. 9, 1634. May 8, 1628. May 9, 1633. Mar. 12, 1628. Jun. 10, 1631. Aug. 4, 1631. Jun. 8, 1631. Oct. ii, 1631. Feb. 9, 1631. Jan. 13, 1630. Feb. 8, 1631. Jan. 9, 1627. Jun. 9, 1631. Aug.i3, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. Mar.24, 1627. Apl. 20, 1632. Mar.2i, 1628. Apl. 26, 1633. Oct. 18, 1634. Apl. 15, 1630. Aug. 20, 1629. Jun. 10, 1630. Oct. 16, 1634. Sep. 3, 1631. Oct. 15, 1634. Feb. 15, 1632. July 21, 1635. Sep. 10, 1628. Jun. 14, 1632. Aug. 8, 1632. Sep. 30, 1629. Aug. 4, 1631. Oct. 16, 1634. Oct. 5, 1627. May 15, 1629. Jun. 8, 1631. Sep. 30, 1630. Nov. 8, 1634. Feb. 5, 1632. Apl. 19, 1635. May ii, 1632. Jan. 25, 1631. Oct. 2, 1628. July 2, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Marshall Richard, Dunington, yeoman, Feb. 10, 1630. Richard, Kildwicke, yeoman, Oct. 13, 1627. Robert, Egton, par. Lith, June 6, 1630. Susanna, Yorke, wid. (bur. All Sts. Pavement), Aug. 21, 1628. Thomas, Butterwicke, husbandman, Sep. i, 1627. Thomas, Lofthouse, June 12, 1630. Thomas, Shipton, labourer, Nov. 23, 1631. Thomas, Sutton, Jan. 30, 1628. William, Bradfeild, Jan. 6, 1626. William, Hutton Bushell, Mar. 29, 1628. William, Lawyer (? Langer), Notts., yeom. Jan. ii, 1627. Vol. 41 40 41 40 41 4" 4" 4 o 40 I" 4-' 4 Marshe, Margaret, Thornehill, July 8, 1629. , William, Bingham, Notts., laborer, Aug. 19, 1634. Marshland, Johne, Austerfeild, widdowe, Jan. 22, 1627. Marsingill, James, Aislaby, carpenter (bur. Middleton), Feb. i, 1632. 42 Marston, Richard, Preston in Holdernes, yeoman, Sep. 15, 1628. 40 Martin, Elizabeth, Aram, wid., bur. Leckenfeild, Sep. 6, 1630. 41 , John, Billam, Dec. 20, 1630. 41 , William, Benningholme Grange (bur. Swyne), labr., Nov. 28, 1630. 41 , William, Newarke, Notts., taylor, June 26, 1631. 41 ah. Strelley, Nicholas, Strelley (Notts.), esq., Sep. 29, 1631. 41 Marton, Edward, Terrington, yeoman, Dec. 24, 1630. 41 , George, Aldbrough, Apl. 30, 1631. 41 , John, Nottingham, gent. (bur. St. Pet.), Sep. 22, 3 Chas. 40 , William, Sherif hutton, webster, Oct. 2, 1630. 41 Marwood, Edward, Greenehouses, par. Danby, Aug. 5, 1631. 41 , John, Lowmore Chappell, in the precintes of Mount Grace parish, Jan. 18. 1629. 41 , Thomas, Scalbie, lether dresser, Sep. 15, 1627. 40 , William, Ugthrope, par. Lithe, Jan. 28, 1630. 41 Masham, Margaret, Yarome, Oct. 16, 1628. 40 Maskew, John, Yorke, draper (bur. St. Mich, le Belf.), Apl. 9, 1633. 42 Mason, John, Marston, Aug. 27, 1634. 42 , John, Rippon, yeoman, Jan. 21, 1629. 41 , Katherine, Nottingham, widow, Mar. 24, 1628. 40 , Thomas, Emsey, par. Skipton, yeoman, Apl. ii, 1629. 41 Masser, Robert, Hornsey, Jan. 14, 1632. 42 Matcham, Robert, Kilnesey, fisherman, June 10, 1630. 41 Matchon, Robert, Ottringham Marsh, May 25, 1634. 42 Matsonne, John, Hallifax, yeoman, Nov. 8, 1632. 42 Mather, John, Elkesley, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 20, 1634. 42 Mathew, John, Cottingham, May 26, 1628. 41 , Thomas, Ecope, yeoman, Oct. 20, 1630. 41 , William, Paplewicke, Notts., labourer, Dec. 4, 1631. 41 Mathewman, John, Sheffeild, cutler, July 13, 1629. 40 , Thomas, par. Kirkeburton, Aug. 30, 1629. 41 Mathison, Anne, Catwicke, widdowe, May 23, 1633. 42 Mathon, Anne, Scawton, widdow, July 20, 1624. 41 Matthew, Fraunces, Yorke, widow, Aug. 9, 1628. Cod. May 6, 1629. 40 Matthewe, Isabell, Cottingham, widdow, Apl. 16, 1631. 41 Maude, Thomas, Chappell Allerton, par. Leedes, husbn., Mar. 16, 1628. 41 , Bryan, Stothill (bur. Kildwicke), yeoman, Sep. 6, 1631. 42 , John, Baildon, clothier, Dec. 29, 1632. 42 , John, elder, Wakefeild, yeoman, Jan. 21, 1634. 42 , Robert, Helthwaite, par. Harwood, esquier, Mar. 28, 1632. 41 Mawer, Thomas, Weston, Notts., labourer, Nov. 8, 1631. 41 Mawhoode, John, Ardesley (bur. Darfeild), gentleman, Junes, 1628. 41 Mawman, Thomas, Suburbs of York, May 8, 1629. 41 Mawmond, Grace, wife of Tho. M., Yorke, yeoman, July 12, 1624. 41 Fol. 297 165 93 355 322 135 617 326 2Q, 295 226 521 34 234 172 34 454 490 444 536 610 274 603 108 449 53 15 1 80 679 370 112 317 19 5M 72 3" 508 308 55 575 6ia 751 821 527 490 3" in 397 440 166 338 3i 461 705 586 7 7 94 35 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 57 Aug. 14, 1628. Dec. 4, 1628. Aug.25, 1635. Jan. 25, 1631. Oct. 6, 1631. July 29, 1630. Mar.n, 1634. Mayi6, 1633. Nov.24, 1630. Sep. 10, 1628. Jun. 20, 1629. Sep. 3, 1631. Aug. 4, 1631. Aug.i7, 1627. Nov.i3, 1628. Apl. 5, 1635. May 8, 1628. May28, 1633. Aug. 6, 1631. May 8, 1628. Sep. 30, 1630. July 20, 1630. May 23, 1633. July 13, 1630. July 3, 1630. Oct. 6, 1635. Dec. 20, 1628. Oct. 2, 1634. July 12, 1634. Oct. 13, 1630. Oct. 8, 1629. Oct. 2, 1634. May 4, 1628. Aug.2i, 1634. May 3, 1633. No date Jun. ii, 1628. Aug.i4, 1635. May 15, 1633. Jan. 27, 1629. May 14, 1633. May 29, 1633. Oct. 5, 1630. Sep. 9, 1630. Apl. 29, 1633. May 20, 1628. Apl. 21, 1630. May 13, 1630. Jun. 8, 1631. Jnn. 20, 1633. May3i, 1632. July 22, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Feb. 5, 1632. Oct. 2, 1628. Oct. 5, 1631. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Mawre, Tristeram, Kneeton, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 17, 1628. 41 540 Mawson, Jennett, Weston, late wife unto Will. W., Sep. 18, 1628. 40 293 Maxon, Thomas, Sherifhutton, yeoman, July 21, 1635. 42 642 May, John, S. Collingham, Notts., yeoman, Aug. 30, 1630. 41 587 , John, Yaram, May 21, 1631. 41 534 , Lawrence, South Collingham, Notts., yeoman, July i, 1630. 41 121 , Robert, Harton, grasseman (bur. Bossall), May 19, 1634. 42 405 Mayfeild, John, Gowthrop, par. Lowdham, Notts., yeoman, Sep. 10, 1632. 42 98 Mayson, Grace, Eastby, widdowe (bur. Skipton), July 24, 1630. 41 241 , Richard, Kaingham, yeoman, May 12, 1623. 41 64*1 Meaburne, Jane, wid. of John M. of Gilligate, Yorke, May 15, 1629. 40 456 Meadley, Richard, S. Frothingham, par. Owthorne, husbn., June 26, 1631. Steven, Santon, yeoman, Jan. 6, 1630. Mease, William, Ruston, husbandman, July 29, 1623. 40 Medley, Margaret, Liversedge, widdow, June 24, 1626. 40 , William, Radforth nye Worksoppe, Notts., yeoman, May 7, 1629. 42 Mee, Barnabie, Nottingham, linnen draper, Dec. 31, 1627. 40 Meede, Stephen, Kingston upon Hull, mr. & mariner, Aug. 9, 1632. 42 Meeke, Anthony, Norton, par. Cuckney, Notts., Nov. 18, 1630. 41 Meekley, Bridgett, late wife of Geo. M., city of Lincoln, gent., Mar. 6, 1627. 40 Megson, John, senior, Ruston. No date. 41 Mellin, Martin, Northowrom, clothyer, Jan. 26, 1629. 41 Melton, Katherine, Norton, widdow, Jan. 26, 1632. 42 Memprice, Ann, bur. Skipsey, widdow, Feb. 2, 1629. 41 Mendicke, John, Great Habton, bur. Kirkbymisperton, Mar. 7, 1629. 41 Mendlove, Agnes, Hornthwaite, par. Peniston, wid., Nov. 24, 1630. 41 , William, Hornthwaite, par. Peniston, yeom., Jun. 13, 1621. 40 Mercer, Robert, Rosedale (bur. Lastingham), yeom., Mar. 14, 1633. 42 Meris, Francis, Kirkebye Overblowes, husbandman, Jan. 6, 1633. Meriton, Mary, Castle Leventon, widdowe, Feb. 26, 1629. Merrian, Christopher, Walford, Notts., husbandman, Feb. 2, 1624. Merrie, Richard, Trootsdale, yeoman, Dec. 30, 1633. Mershall, Richard, Kayton, Jan. 14, 1627. Metcalfe, Ann, Yorke, spinster, Mar. 8, 1633. -, Michaell, Rippon, letherdresser, Feb. 8, 1632. Metcalffe, Margarett, par. St. Samp., Yorke, wid., Nov. 22, 1628. Metham, Guye, Yorke, gent., June 4, 1628. , Robert, Naborne, gent. (bur. Acaster Malbis), Mar. 19, 1634. 42 Mew, Edward, Everton, Notts., husbandman, July 22, 1632. 42 Michell, Dionis, Steeton, par. Kildwicke, Dec. 26, 1628. 40 , Edward, Thurlston, par. Penniston, yeoman, Apl. 17, 1622. 42 Micklethwaite, Elias, Yorke, alderman, Feb. 2, 1632. 42 Middleton, Christopher, Cornebrough, par. Sheriffhuton, yeoman, Nov. 4, 1629. Miles, par. All Sts. Northstreete, Yorke, tanner, Aug. 19, 1630. Richard, Kilnsey, yeoman, Aug. 4, 1632. Robert, Kilnesey. No date. Robert, Womersley, yeoman, Jan. 27, 1629. Midford, Robert, the eldest, Hornsey, yeoman, Dec. 8, 1629. Midfurth, John, Hornsey, yeoman, Dec. 9, 1630. Midgley, Margaret, Ilghleye, wid. of Rob. M., Nov. 14, 1632. Marie, Midgley, Jan. 16. 1630. Mary, Hauroyd, bur. Luddington, Oct. 31, 1632. Richard, Treyroyde in Midgley, clothyer, Aug. 30, 1628. Robert, Brearey, clothier (bur. Addell), Dec. 2, Chas. Samuell, Hawworth, husbandman, Oct. 20, 1623. 42 40 41 41 41 42 41 42 40 42 41 508 508 13 286 419 227 1 20 500 223 163 107 122 IOI 9 6 614 298 286 268 221 547 287 254 258 138 569 267 639 89 613 198 109 41 179 149 134 247 36 59 441 128 740 596 438 Susan, dau. of Sam. M. of Blackcarre, dec., May 6, 1631. 41 526 s WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Oct. 23, 1634. Midgley, William, Blackarre, Thornton, Feb. 5, 1632. 42 325 Aug. 4, 1631. , William, Horton in Bradforddale, June n, 1630. 41 497 May 5, 1631. Midlam, Thomas, Nottingham, carpenter, Feb. 16, 1629. 41 412 Aug. 5, 1628. Midlaye, William, (bur. Thornehill), Oct. 4, 1626. 41 44*7 Oct. 8, 1629. Midlebrooke, Elizabeth, Newark upon Trente, spinster, July 9, 1629. 40 555 May 14, 1633. , Ellin, Thorne, widdow, Aug. 5, 1632. 42 201 Aug. 5, 1628. Midlebrough, Edward, Ossit (bur. Dewsbur[y]). No date. 41 46*1 Apl. 18, 1632. Midlebrouke, James, Carleton, yeoman, Nov. 24, 1630. 41 662 Oct. 9, 1627. Midleton, Elizabeth, Ufferton, co. Durham, widdow, bur. Houghton in the springe, July 20, 1627. 40 58 July 14, 1633. , Margaret, Womersley, widdow, Nov. 2, 1632. 42 234 Aug. 5, 1628. Midwoodd, Edmonde, younger, Huddersfeild, Dec. i, 1627. 41 4oa July 29, 1633. Milburne, Anne, Clifton (bur. St. Olleves, York), June 3, 1632. 42 244 Dec. 15, 1630. , Christopher, Clyfton, par. St. Olive, York, Nov. 21, 1630. 41 273 Jan. 9, 1632. , Nicholas, Shereburne, husbandman, Mar. 20, 1631. 42 14 Aug. 6, 1635. Miller, Richard, Hunonbye, Mar. 13, 1634. 4 2 628 Nov. 6, 1634. ah. Southwayte, Frances, Skutterskelfe, wid. (bur. Rudby), June 4, 1626. 42 333 Oct. 13, 1631. Millner, Edward, West Drayton, Notts., husbandman. No date. 41 545 Aug. 9, 1632. , Richard, Worksopp, Notts., apothecarie, May 23, 1632. 41 827 Aug.n, 1627. Millott, Marie, Ansley (Notts.), widdow, May 9, 1627. 40 9 Feb. 22, 1631. Milner, Henerie, (bur. Mattersey, Notts.), Aug. 5, 1631. 41 620 Jan. 23, 1627. , John, Loversall, yeoman, Jan. 29, 1619. 40 126 July i, 1628. , John, Sheffeeld, Apl. 14, 1628. 41 15(1 Sep. 5, 1635. , Roger, Hebden (bur. Linton), Feb. 4, 1633. 4 2 648 Apl. 16, 1635. , William, Rimswell, par. Owthorne, Dec. 23, 1634. 42 453 Oct. 2, 1628. Milnes, Edward, (bur. Peniston). No date. 41 78** Dec. 30, 1628. , John, Shipton in the forrest of Galtrees, husbandman, Jan. 20, 1629 (sic). 40 309 Feb. 26, 1634. , Prudence, East Retford, wid. of John M., Sep. 22, 1634. 42 382 Jan. 17, 1627. , Stephen, Farmanby, gent. (bur. Ellerburne), Nov. 4, 1626. 40 116 Feb. 23, 1630. Milnthorpe, John, Warmfeild, husbandman, Oct. 4, 1630. 41 323 Apl. 22, 1630. Mirfin, George, Haworth, par. Clarke, Nov. n, 1628. 41 40 Oct. ii, 1631. , Robert, Bramley, par. Breathwell, labr., July 13, 1631. 41 539 Jun. 22, 1629. , Robert, Hatfeild Woodhouse, yeoman, Sep. 14, 1628. 40 455 Feb. 5, 1632. Mitchell, (Anubie ? Act Bk.), Rippon, singingman, July 5, 1632. 42 28 Jun. 21, 1630. Henry, Fostroyde, July 13, 1629. 41 85 Jan. 18, 1627. John, Sowerbie, par. Hallifaxe, Nov. 24, 1626. 40 122 Jan. 3, 1631. John, Thorneton Highyeate, July 11, 1631. 41 577 Aug. 3, 1631. Lawrence, Gonalston, Notts., husbn., Mar. 16, 1631. 41 486 Dec.3i, 1631. Nicholas, Heptonstall, yeoman, son of Sym. M., dec., Sep. 10, 1631. 41 574 Feb. 12, 1630. , William, Nottingham, butcher, Nov. 15, 1630. 41 292 July 26, 1633. Mitford, Christopher, Hulam, co. Durham, esq., Nov. 22, 1633. 42 241 Dec. i, 1627. Mitton, Nicholas, Ferribridge, labr. (bur. Waterfriston), Oct. 29, 1626. 40 93 Oct. 9, 1632. Mockson, William, Carhouse, yeoman, Nov. 23, 1631. 41 882 Apl. 30, 1629. MolliclifTe, Oliver, Kellam, Notts., carpenter, Apl. 23, 1629. 40 390 May 15, 1628. Molton, Katharine, (Ledston), Mar. 26, 1616. 40 237 Mar. 21, 1631. Molyneux, John, Farndon (Notts.), gentleman, Mar. i, 1631. 41 639 Sep. 4, 1634. Monckes, Richard, Gisborne, gentleman, Mar. 3, 1630. 42 266 Apl. 27, 1631. Monckton, John, Rippon, yeoman, Mar. 14, 1630. 41 375 July 14, 1629. , Leonard, Thorpe neare Rippon, yeom., Oct. 16, 1626. 40 477 July 9, 1629. Monkman, Johnn, Everley, par. Hacknes, husbn., Mar. 13, 1628. 40 450 Aug. 26, 1627. Moodie, Robert, South Kirkbie, badger. No date. 40 25 Oct. ii, 1627. Mooer, Edward, Roolston, co. Notts., laborer, May 16, 1627. 40 62 Oct. 4, 1632. Moore, Anne, Agnes Burton, Feb. 23, 1631. 41 852 Mar.25, 1630. , Ellinor, Norton (bur. Campsall), widow, Jan. 18, 1629. 41 362 Mayi6, 1628. , Grace, Horton in Craven, spinster, Dec. 3, 1627. 40 237 Aug. 7, 1627. , Gyles, Eldwith, dioc. Chester, July 12, 1627. 40 i Apl. 23, 1629. , Isabell, Cregleston, par. Sandall Magna, wid., Apl. 5, 1627. 40 411 Jan. 2, 1629. , James, thelder, Sprotley, Jan. 20, 1627. 40 617 Jun. 22, 1629. , Joane, Clarkehouse, wid. (bur. Sheefeild). No date. 40 460 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 59 Oct. 8, 1629. Mar.n, 1627. July 19, 1631. July 14, 1635. Nov.22, 1634. May 14, 1633. July 6, 1631. Aug.23, 1630. July 4, 1631. July 19, 1628. Nov. 8, 1634. Aug.2o, 1628. Dec. 16, 1628. Apl. 14, 1635. Apl. 14, 1635. Apl. 18, 1632. Sep. 5, 1635. Nov.i6, 1630. Oct. 4, 1632. July 21, 1635. Dec. 22, 1628. Oct. 6,1635. Jun. 6, 1631. May i, 1628. July 9, 1629. Feb. 23, 1630. Feb. 10, 1630. Aug. i, 1634. Feb. 10, 1628. Dec. 3 Jan. 9, July 16 Feb. 8, Apl. 16, Oct. 9, Oct. 27, (Oct. 27 Feb. 23, Apl. 22, May 8, Aug.2o, Feb. 13, 1631. 1632. 1632. 1631. 1635. 1632. 1629. , 1629) 1630. 1635. 1633. 1628. 1635. Mar.io, 1634. Oct. 3, 1628. Feb. 5, 1632. Feb. 13, 1629. Oct. 8, 1629. Apl. 15, 1630. Nov.29, 1630. May 26, 1628. Sep. 30, 1630. Feb. 22, 1631. May3i, 1632. Dec.i6, 1630. Jan. 7, 1629. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Moore, Johan, Bawtrye, spinster, June 25, 1629. - , John, Camelsforth (bur. Drax). No date. - , John, Haitefeild, Apl. 23, 1631. - , Katherine, Hullbancke (bur. Cottingham), Dec. 21, 1634. - , Katherine, Yorke, wid. of Joh. M., esq. (bur. Cath. Ch.), Sep. 2, 1628. - , Mathew, Great Usburne, yeoman, Aug. 27, 1633. - , Richard, Moulsonnplace, Staynland, clothier, Sep. 3, 1630. -- , Robert, Terrington, Mar. 18, 1629. - , Robert, par. Thribargh, carpenter, Apl. 21, 1631. - , Thomas, Skelton, blakesmith, Aug. 23, 1625. - , Wilfray, Okeworth, par. Kighley, yeoman, Jan. 24, 1633. - , William, Morton, yeom. (bur. [CJampsall), July 29, 1628. - , William, Sutton, yeoman (bur. Tadcaster), Apl. n, 1627. , William, elder, Wentbridge, yeom. (bur. Darrington), July 5, 1632. Moorehouse, George, Stonie Bancke, par. Kirke Burton, Oct. 28, 1633. - James, Settle, yeoman, Aug. 18, 1631. -- John, Helton (bur. Rilleston), July 8, 1634. -- Margaret, Rilleston, widdowe, Apl. n, 1630. -- Roger, Helmsley, Mar. 23, 1636 (sic). -- Thomas, Carlton Kingston, Notts., May 8, 1635. --- Thomas, Rilleston in Craven, Mar. 15, 1626. ' - Thomas, Westmall, Bradfeild, husbn., Nov. 5, 1634. Moorehowse, Edward, Comberforth, par. Silkestone, Jan. 21, 1628. - , Michaell, the Hall (Pontefract Dnry.), Mar. 27, 1628. More, Brian, Thorne, taylor, Oct. 4, 1628. Morehouse, Jennett, Fulstone Hall, par. Kirkburton, wid. of Wm. M., May 20, 5 Chas. -- , Mary, Simonley, par. Glosope, co. Darbie, May 16, 1630. Morley, George, South Kirkbye, husbandman, Jan. n, 1633. - , Thomas, Long Roe, par. St. Mary, Nottingham, gent., Mar. 29, 1628. Morrell, Valentine, Bagbye, yeoman, July 24, 1631. Morris, Anthonie, Shereburne in Hartforth, batchelor, Mar. 10, 1631. - , Emmatt, Skipley, May 5, 1632. - , James, Southskirley, bur. Swyne, June 28, 1631. -- , William, Weeton, par. Welwicke, May 5, 1634. Morton, Emmot, Hilltoppe, par. Bradford, wid., Dec. 19, 1631. - - , Margarett, Spaldington, wid. (bur. Aughton), Feb. 23, 1628. - , Margaret, Spaldington, widow, Dec. 22, 1628. - - , Nicholas, Spowtehouse in Bradfeild, yeom., June 12, 1630. - , Oliver, Normanton upon Trent (Notts.), Oct. 2, 1634. - , Richard, Deareshawe, par. Kirkburton, yeom., Nov. 8, 1632. Mose, John, West Burton, Notts. Feb. 10, 1627. Mosey, Ann, Barker Hill, par. St. Mawrice, without Monkebarr, Yorke, died Easterday xx. or xxi. years since. - , Issabell, Muston, widdow, Feb. 4, 1627. Mosiley, Thomas, Yorke, marchant, Aug. 13, 1628. Mosley, Ladie Jane, Yorke, wid. of Tho. M. (bur. St. Joh.), Dec, 26, 1632. Mosse, John, Eastmarkham, Notts., husbandman, Oct. 2, 1629. - , Robert, Eastmarkham, Notts., Apl. 12, 1629. Mossely, Richard, Embsey, par. Skipton, Jan. 24, 1624. Mothersall, James, Crathorne, husbandman, July 10, 1628. Moudye, Robertt, Lond, grassman, Aug. 12, 1627. Mouldson, George, Hatefeild, husbandman, July 28, 1630. - , Thomas, Finningley, Notts., husbandman, June 6, 1631. Moulson, Thomas, (Pontefract Dnry.), Apl. 22, 7 Chas. Mounckton, James, Slennyngforth, yeoman, Oct. 29, 1630. Mounforth, Elizabeth, Tickhill, widow, Mar. 20, 4 Chas. Vol. Fol. 40 553 40 173 41 476 42 563 , 42 532 42 190 41 468 41 136 41 466 40 266 42 338 41 710. 40 297 42 429 42 432 41 664 42 645 41 231 41 854 42 573 43 307 42 611 41 439 40 201 40 472 41 307 41 283 42 250 40 345 41 562 42 15 41 773 41 605 42 454 41 881 40 564 40 309 41 317 42 477 42 143 41 68a 42 701 42 404 40 281 42 32 40 626 40 554 41 10 41 244 40 250 41 168 41 624 41 721 41 254 40 604 6o WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. July 15, 1630. May i, 1628. Mar.io, 1627. Apl. 23, 1632. Apl. 16, 1628. Sep. 5, 1634. Jan. 28, 1628. Apl. 26, 1632. Dec. i, 1629. Feb. 24, 1635. Apl. 28, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. Oct. 9, 1634. Apl. 26, 1632. Feb. 9, 1631. Feb. 12, 1630. Nov.28, 1629. Mar.io, 1634. Jun. i, 1629. Aug. 2, 1632. Dec. 23, 1629. Mar.22, 1630. Mar.iG, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Dec. 31, 1630. May 9, 1633. Jun. 13, 1633. Mar. 8, 1637. Sep. 18, 1635. May 30, 1632. Oct. n, 1630. May 8, 1633. Sep. 27, 1627. Apl. 28, 1631. Jun. 21, 1630. Oct. 5, 1631. Jun. 21, 1630. Feb. 9, 1628. May 8, 1628. Aug. 3, 1635. Feb. 2, 1627. Sep. 3, 1631. Mar. 5, 1630. July 21, 1635. May 5, 1631. Oct. 2, 1634. Apl. 23, 1629. Nov.28, 1629. Aug. 12, 1629. Apl. 28, 1631. Feb. 14, 1627. Oct. i, 1635. Feb. 26, 1635. July 22, 1635. May3i, 1632. Feb. 4, 1630. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Mountaigne, George L lt Bp. of London, Feb. 12, 1626. 41 Mounteforth, John, Tickhill, July 19, 1627. 40 Mountney, John, St. Faithes in Paternoster Rowe, London. No date. 40 Mowbray, Thomas, Dunswale, par. Cotttingham, yeoman, Nov. 15, 1631. 41 Moxon, Gilbert, Shearburne, yeoman, Aug. 24, 1627. 40 Munckas, Laurance, New Malton, taylor, Jan. 4, 1622. 42 Munckman, Matthew, Foston. No date. 40 40 42 4i 40 42 40 42 Fol. 105 216 165 685 192 267 322 693 583 696 391 431 298 701 606 287 580 391 Murfin, Christopher, Brodholme, Notts., labr. (bur. Thorney), Mar. 27, 1632. Murgatroyde, John, Ovenden (bur. Hallifax), Sep. 15, 1628. Murton, Henry, Kirkerton (bur. Kirkheaton), Aug. 31, 1631. Musgrave, Alice, Birstall, Apl. 16, 1630. , Richard, Staythes (bur. Hinderwell), Jan. 18, 1628. Musson, Richard, Bilstrop, Notts., husbandman, May 21, 1634. , Richard, Cropwell Butler, Notts., yeom., bur. Teethbie, Jan. 8, 7 Chas. , William, Broughton Sulney, Notts., yeom., Mar. 21, 1630. Mussonn, Anthony, Cropwell Butler, Notts., husbn., May to, 1630. Mydlton, Anthony, Longe Preston, husbandman, Oct. 15, 1629. Myers, Arthur, (Cockermouth), Aug. 30, 1634. , John, servt. to Will. Sikes of Long Liversedge, bur. Birstall, blacksmith, Oct. 22, 1628. , Robert, Felbecke house, Apl. 13, 1632. , William, Geysley, Dec. 16, 1628. Mylburne, Thomas, Wintringham, tailor, Feb. 20, 1629. Myles, John, Shereburne, yeoman, Nov. 20, 1635. , Robert, Sawdon, par. Brompton, laborer, Dec. 30, 1628. Myne, Emott, (bur. St. Margt, York), Dec. 12, 1630. Myres, William, North Hall neare Leedes, Mar. 8, 1631. Nabbes, John, Walmersley, Apl. 30, 1633. Nailer, Jonas, Heckmondwike, yeoman, Jan. 8, 13 Chas. , John, East Ardsley, June 27, 1635. Nailor, Anthonie, Wadsworth, yeoman, Feb. 10, 1627. Nayler, Dorothy, (Strete, Pontefract Dnry.), Mar. 14, 1629. , Matthannah, Wadsworth, widdow, Dec. i, 1632. Nayllor, Thomas, par. Skipsley, gent. (bur. Bedforth), May 24, 1627. 40 30 & 31 Naylor, James, Bollinge, yeoman, Mar. 7, 1630. 41 392 , John, Ossett, par. Duesbery, Jan. 5, 1629. 41 86 , Susan, Sowood, par. Haworth, spr., Mar. 28, 1631. 41 522 , Thomas, Hallifax, butcher, Feb. 8, 1628. 41 85 , William, Oxenhope, clothier, June 4, 1623. 40 333 Needham, Edward, Worksoppe, Notts., gent., Nov. 26, 1627. 40 235 , Thomas, Stoake, Notts., batchelor. No date. 42 623 Nelson, James, Garstall, chapman, Sep. 6, 1627. 40 137 , Ralph, Thirske, gardiner, Mar. 19, 1630. 41 513 , Rose, Averam, Notts., widow, Sep. 30, . 41 345 , Thomas, elder, Beverley, baker, July 10, 1634. 42 571 , Thomas, (Knesall, Notts.), Nov. 6, 1630. 41 418 Nesfeild, Guy, Snaynton, May. 12, 1634. 42 285 Netherwood, Margrett, Idle, widow, bur. Calverley, Jan. 27, 2 Chas. 40 439 , Nicholas, St. Mart., Mycklcgate (York), yeom., Oct. 16, 1629. 40 581 Netherwoode, Myles, North Owram, clothyer, June 9, 1629. 40 507 , Robert, Gisbrough, laborer, Feb. 23, 1630. 41 383 Nettleshipp, Westretford, Notts., husbn., July 28, 1627. 40 150 Nettleton, James, Rycroft, Tong, husbandman, Jan. i, 1633. 42 667 Nevile, Ann, Cockney, Notts., widowe, Oct. 16, 1634. 42 690 , Henry, Cheete, esquier, Mar. 9, 1634. 42 579 Newbie, Jane, Pontefract, Apl. 27, 1632. 41 719 , Thomas, Yorke, barber, Dec. 15, 1630. 41 282 40 445 811 40 600 42 359 684 40 42 424 264 178 42 127 42 42 710 658 4 1 745 42 209 146 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 61 July 4, 1628. Jun. 2, 1629. Oct. 8, 1635. July 29, 1630. Oct. i, 1629. Oct. 9, 1628. May 7, 1635. Sep. 30, 1634. Apl. 18, 1632. Feb.iS, 1629. Oct. g, 1628. Aug. 3, 1631. Aug.n, 1627. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Newbrough, Thomas, Weston, widow (sic), Feb. 9, 1627. 41 Newcome, John, Beverley, tanner, Nov. 26, 1628. 40 , Richard, younger, Torworth, Notts., yeom., Jun. 5, 1635. 42 Thomas, Newarke, Notts., yeoman, May 19, 1630. Newsam, John, Weton, par. Harwood, yeoman, May 3, 1627. Newseham, John, Orston (Notts.), Mar. 17, 1627. Newsom, George, Sawdon, par. Weston, yeoman, Feb. 5, 1634. -, Thomas, Riccall, yeoman, Sep. 20, 1634. May 8, Oct. n, Feb. 9, Mar. 15, Oct. 11, May i. (July 26, Jan. 12, July 8, J ul y 4. Mar. 2, Apl. 20, 1630. 1632. 1628. 1631. 1631. 1628. 1631) 1631. 1633- 1631. 1632. 1632. Newsteade, Margaret, Thorpe neare Rippon, spr., Feb. 21, 1630. Newton, Anne, New Malton, widow, July 13, 1627. John, Nottingham, parchement maker. No date. Nicholas, Stanford, Notts., husbandman, June 19, 1631. Richard, Normanton vppon Soure (Notts.), yeom., Jan. 19, 2 Chas. 40 Richard, Yorke, Notary (bur. St. Mart.), Apl. 17, 1630. 41 Thomas, Carlton in Lindricke, Notts., husbn., Dec. 17, 1630. 41 Nicholl, Richard, Southowrom, chapman, Aug. 17, 1628. 40 Nicholls, Symon, Would Newton. No date. 41 Nichollson, Henry, Edlington, Feb. 26, 1629. 41 May3i, 1632. Jan. 3, 1627. July 4, 1632. July 21, 1635. Dec. 22, 1628. July 2, 1635. Jun. 29, 1635. Jun. 5, 1630. Apl. 18, 1632. Mar. 8, 1630. Feb. 15, 1632. Mar. 7, 1632. Aug.2o T 1629. Feb. 9, 1631. July 2, 1635. Apl. 20, 1629. May 15, 1628. Jun. 27, 1628. Oct. n, 1630. Oct. 5, 1631. Sep. 30, 1629. Apl. 14, 1635. Oct. 7, 1630. Jun. 21, 1630. Nov. 25, 1630. Apl. i, 1630. May 14, 1632. Apl. 16, 1635. Aug.i3, 1635. May 8, 1628. Feb. 23, 1630. Oct. 23, 1634. July 8,1633. July 24, 1629. Fol 22a 446 619 1 20 533 2 75 503 280 665 632 2 73 485 6 54 893 332 637 538 Nicholsome, Allexander, Stansaull in Tickhill, husbn., May 20, 1627. 40 216 Nicholson, Edward, Crake, dioc. Durham, June 29, 1629. 41 480 Edward, Hooton Robert, husbandman, June 30, 1631. 41 583 Edward, Ottringham, husbandman, Sep. 10, 1631. 42 226 Henry, Clyfton, par. Conysbroughe, yeom., Apl. 17, 1631. 41 464 John, Sutton upon Trent, Notts., labourer, Nov. 20, 1632. 42 71 John, Wood Appleton, husbn. (bur. Lastingham), Nov. 5, 1631. 41 678 Mathew, Hallifax, clothier, Jun. 22, 1631. 41 741 Mathew, Newbie. yeoman, May 14, 1627. 40 135 Nicholas, Conisbrough, Dec. 12, 1631. 41 770 Peter, Burnebutts, par. Watton, Apl. 25, 1635. 42 572 Reynald, Mitton, 1628. 40 307 Thomas, Brothwell, husbandman, Feb. 20, 1634. 42 556 William, Brafferton, July 14, 1634. 4 2 543 William, Newbie, yeoman, July 23, 1629. 41 67 Xpofer, Edlington, July 5, 1631. 41 655 als. Tomlin, John, Hollingburne, husbn., bur. Aughton, Nov. 28,^630. 41 348 Nicoll, Elizabeth, Hallifax, widdowe, Nov. 7, 1632. 42 52 Nicolson, Andrew, Yorke, butcher (bur. Curia Regis), 1632. 42 72 Nix, Thomas, Nottingham, gentleman, Oct. 31, 1628. 40 514 Nixe, Robert, Willford, Notts., gentleman, Oct. 31, 1631. 41 608 Norborne, Hugh, Thome, carpenter, May 6, 1634. 42 552 , Richard, Walkworth, par. Rotheram, Mar. 14, 1623. 40 378 Norclife, Samuell, (Almondbury), Dec. 5, 1623. 40 237 Norcliffe, Sir Thomas, Nonington, knight, Oct. 13, 1627. 40 269 Norcroft, William, Thournscoe, taylor, May 17., 1630. 41 201 Norfolke, Dorothie, Chappellthorpe, July 14, 1631. 41 526 , Edward, Doncaster, batchler, Sep. 10, 1629. 40 531 , Francis, Chappelthorpe (bur. Sandall), yeom., July 29, 1634. 42 447 Norman, John, Workesopp, Notts., labourer, Feb. 27, 1629. 41 183 Normanton, Richard, Sowerby, clothier, Apl. 21, 1625. 41 91 Norres, Sir William, Speake, co. Lane., K.B., Oct. 23, 6 Chas. 41 242 North, Ann, par. Hacknes, spinster, Nov. 14, 1629. 41 i , Christopher, Kirsegill (bur. Adle), Dec. 22, 1631. 41 707 , John, Buttervvicke, yeoman, Nov. 15, 1634. 42 455 , Margarett, Eperston, Notts., widdowe, July 7, 1630. 42 633 , Nicholas, Langer, Notts., shepard, Jan. 4, 1627. 40 226 , Thomas, Kirkesmeaton, Nov. 20, 1630. 41 324 Northend, Joseph, Northowran, son of Hen. N., July 6, 1632. 42 320 Northus, William, Cottingham, yeoman, Feb. n, 1632. 42 223 Norton, Frauncis, Croston, scholemaister, June 9, 1626. 40 497 62 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Jan. 27, 1629. Apl. 27, 1631. May 9. 1639. Apl. 9, 1635. Aug. 4, 1631. Aug. 3, 1631. Oct. 23, 1634. May 27, 1633. May 23, 1629. Oct. i, 1635. Jan. 17, 1631. July 4, 1628. Jan. 22, 1632. May 8, 1633. May i, 1628. Apl. 20, 1632. Aug.i3, 1635. May 5, 1631. Oct. 12, 1627. Apl. 15, 1630. Aug.i4, 1628. Apl. 30, 1629. Sep. 3, 1631. Oct. 6, 1629. Jun. 13, 1629. Feb. 27, 1634. Nov.29, 1630. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug.2o, 1634. July 31, 1633. July 13, 1630. Feb. 24, 1630. Feb. 7, 1632. Apl. 14, 1635. May 8, 1628. July 22, 1635. Oct. 4, 1632. July 17, 1629. Mar.i6, 1634. July 28, 1635. Nov. 8, 1634. Feb. 22, 1631. Feb. 26, 1634. Jan. 30, 1629. July 17, 1629. Feb. 9, 1632. Feb. ii, 1627. Oct. 8, 1629. Sep. 5, 1628. Apl. 14, 1635. Apl. 14, 1635. May 14, 1633. July 4, 1633. Apl. 18, 1632. July 21, 1635. July 13, 1631. Vol. 40 4* 42 42 41 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Norton, George, Sutton, Oct. 20, 1629. , John, Croseyeates (bur. Whit Kirke), Feb. 19, 1629. , Margaret, Crosyates, Mar. 6, 1632. Norwood, John, Yorke, gentleman (bur. Cath. Ch.), Jan. 5, 1634. Nowell, Christopher, Pontefract, glasier, Aug. 19, 1630. Nunnelo, Francis, Moregreene, par. Gresley, Notts., husbn., Mar. 29, 1631. 41 Nutter, Anthony, Woodkirke, clerke, Jan. 19, 1633. 42 , Myles, Roughley, co. Lane. (bur. New Church, in Pendle), May 10, 1633. 42 Nycholson, William, Ottringham Marsh, husbn., Nov. 10, 1628. 40 Oakes, Elizabeth, par. Emley, Apl. 17, 1634. 42 Gates, Isabell, Thorner, Apl. 16, 1631. 41 Oddey, Thomas, Yeadon, par. Giesley, Jan. 20, 3 Chas. 41 Oddye, John, Wildon, Dec. 3, 1632. Ogden, John, Eckleshill, husbandman, Feb. 27, 1632. Okes, jefferie, Rotheram, Nov. 6, 1627. Oldfeild, Thomas, Gilstead, par. Bingley, yeoman, Jan. 13, 1631. Oldney, Thomas, Gedlinge, Notts., yeoman, Feb. ii, 1634. Oldstocke, Thomas, North Clifton, Notts., laborer, Jnly 27, 1627. Oliver, Katheran, Hawton, Notts., Feb. 3, 1626. , William, Ruston, senior, Mar. 15, 1629. Olldney, Margaret, Gedlinge, Notts., widdowe, Mar. 31, 1628. Olliver, Thomas, Aslockton, Notts., husbandman, Dec. 12, 1628. Orr.bler, George, Hedon, Holdernes, tanner, Apl. 5, 1631. Omler, Margery, Great Hatefeilde, Aug. 26, 1629. Ormeroyde, William, Gammilsyde in Rosindale, co. Lane., yeoman, Feb. ii, 1628. 40 Osborne, Bridgitt, N. Collingham, Notts., widdow, Nov. 30, 1630. 42 , John, bur. Lofthouse, July 7, 1630. 41 Mathew, Waplay, husbandman, Jan. 23, 1625. Fol. 615 373 179 426 491 487 325 6 7 I 585 42 21 42 155 40 213 68 1 42 635 40 415 68 41 12 II 55* 40 394 4 1 507 40 542 452 244 Richard, Underwood, par. Selston, Notts., husbn., Apl. i, 40 Osburne, Thomas, North Wheatley, yeoman, June 12, 1633. Osmond, Robert, Ottringham, carpenter, July 23, 1629. Otes, John, Northowrome, clothier, Jan. 30, 1626. Ougrave, Roger, Cotgrave, Notts., Nov. 14, 1632. 42 Ouldfeild, Mary, wid. of Tho. O. of Meltholme, Dec. 20, 1633. , Robert, Mattersay, Notts., yeoman, Oct. 31, 1627. 40 .Thomas, Kirsheahouse, Midgley, July 4, 1634. 42 Ourum, Nicholas, Ardesley, par. Darfeild, yeoman, Mar. 20, 1631. 41 Overall, Richard, Rudfurth, nie Warksoppe, Notts., labr., Apl. 5, 1629. 40 Overend, Christopher, par. Gyesley, yeoman, July 25, 1634. 42 , John, Giesley, Feb. n, 1634. 42 255 42 249 41 102 41 325 39&42 42 445 234 576 871 491 411 607 John, (jiesley, teb. n, 1634. 4 2 007 Reignald, Farnehill, woollen webster (bur. Kildwicke), Apl. 21, 1634. 42 336 Owldham, William, par. W. Markham, Notts., July 18, 1631. 41 622 Owlett, John, Harworth, Notts., yeoman, Aug. 8, 1630. 42 382 Owrom, Jane, Dalton, par. Toplyffe, widow, Nov. 15, . 40 616 Owsell, John, Elston, Notts., whelwright, Apl. 7, 1629. 40 490 Owston, William, Newton upon Darwent, Sep. i, 1626. 42 43 Oxarde, Christofer, Sheriffe Huton, husbandman, Oct. 18, 1626. 40 140 Oxenforth, John, Bole, co. Notts., yeoman, Aug. 9, 1629. 40 555 Oxley, (Lionel), Farbrne, par. Ledsham, Jan. 2, 1628. 41 6oa , Raiph, Sandall Magna, shoomaker, Mar. 2, 1634. 42 442 , Richard, Wakefeild, May ii, 1634. 42 429 , Robert, Netherswathe, yeom. (bur. Worsbrough), Dec. 18, 1632. 42 193 Oxpringe, Richard, Sowthey, par. Ecclesfeild, husbn., Apl. 9, 1633. 4 2 220 Oxspring, Thomas, Sheffeild, Feb. 9, 1631. 41 656 Oxstaby, Ann, Etton, spinster, Apl. 16, 1635. 42 571 Padgett, William, Tressewell, Notts., June 26, 1631. 41 471 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. July 2, 1635. Padgitt, John, Doncaster, cordwiner, Mar. 31, 1635. 42 550 Oct. 23, 1627. Padley, Richard, Northolme, Mar. 8, 1626. 40 73 Mar.22, 1630. , Thomas, Fishlacke, Feb. 14, 1630. 41 359 Oct. 9, 1634. , William, S. Leverton, Notts., laborer, May 15, 1634. 42 301 Aug.2o, 1634. Pagett, Thomas, Sutton, par. Granbie, Notts., Nov. 12, 1632. 42 254 Oct. 9, 1634. Pagitt, Thomas, Teethbye, Notts., husbandman, Apl. 22, 9 Chas. 42 303 July 17, 1629. Paicocke, James, Rudbie, weaver, Mar. 2, 1627. 40 482 Dec. 19, 1632. Paley, Elizabeth, Giglesweeke, widdow, June 9, 1632. 42 5 Apl. 14, 1632. , William, the Crosse in Gigleswicke, yeom., Apl. 20, 1629. 41 4 Oct. 23, 1627. Palmer, Agnes, Holme in Spaldingmore, Feb. 22, 1626. 40 73 Apl. 24, 1629. , Fraunces, (Hesle), Oct. 19, 1627. 40 386 Feb. 10,1628. , Thomas, Bingham, Notts., husbandman, Sep. 9, 1627. 40 344 Oct. 8, 1635. , Thomas, (bur. Carlton), Oct. 28, 1632. 42 618 May i, 1628. Pannall, William, Rastricke, Nov. 12, 1627. 20 200 May 5, 1635. Pannell, William, Norcliffe, Northowram, Aug. 17, 1633. 42 493 Mar. 25, 1629. Pape, Richard, par. St. Mich., New Malton, Mar. 12, 1628. 40 372 July 29, 1630. Papletoft, William, South Collingham, Notts., husbn., May 13, 1630. 41 122 May 26, 1628. Parcivell, Elizabeth, Beverley, Sep. 13, 1625. 40 250 Sep. 16, 1634. Parke, John, E. Ayton, par. Seamer, yeoman, June 21, 1634. 42 268 May 9, 1633. , Peter, Lynton (bur. Spofforth), Oct. 27, 1628. 42 186 July 14, 1629. Parker, Frauncis, Stubhouse, par. Harwood, husbn., Feb. 15, 1628. 40 476 Jun. 10, 1630. , Giles, Shittrigge, co. Lane., gent. (bur. Mitton), Sep. 30, 1629. 41 71 Aug. 5, 1630. , George, Neerclough, husbandman, Sep. 28, 1629. 41 126 Oct. 4, 1627. , Henry, Midgley, yeoman, May 4, 1627. 40 49 Aug. 7, 1632. , John, Balderton, Notts., yeoman, Apl. i, 1632. 41 818 July 23, 1635. , John, Stocke, par. Bracewell, Nov. n, 1631. 42 600 Mar.24, 1634. , John, elder, Extwisill, co. Lane. (bur. Burneley), gentleman, Apl. 15, 1633. 40 414 Jun. 2, 1635. , Lawrence, Worsthorne, co. Lane., wright, Apl. 25, 1635. 42 524 Jan. 27, 1628. , Richard, Bointon, Mar. i, 1627. 40 321 Jun. 30, 1632. , Stephen, Birkbie, yeoman, May 6, 1631. 41 763 Mar. 23, 1634. , Thomas, Browsholme, esquier, Feb. 26, 1634. 42 413 Apl. 14, 1635. , Thomas, eldest, Rothwell, yeoman, Aug. 14, 1634. 42 440 Jun. 13, 1628. als. Brenand, John, Sladeburne Woodhouse in Bolland, husbandman, Aug. 7, 1627. 40 258 Feb. 26, 1627. als. Marsden, John, usher of the free grammer schoole in Cliderow, co. Lane., Jan. 14, 1627. 40 159 Aug. 5, 1628. als. Raugill, Robert, Newton in Bolland, husbandman, May 18, 1628. 41 370 Apl. 18, 1632. Parkin, Edward, Micklebringe, par. Braithwell, husbn., Feb. 2, 1631. 41 656 May3i, 1632. , George, Hoylehouse, par. Almonburie, Apl. 25, 1631. 41 723 May 14, 1633. , John, Hunterhouse, par. Ecclesfeild, yeoman, Mar. i, 1632. 42 197 Mar.i3, 1634. , John, Mortomley, par. Ecclesfeild, yeoman, Apl. 18, 1634. 42 408 Aug. 4, 1628. , Margrett, Ellerton, widowe, July 27. 41 33*1 Sep. 30, 1630. , Nicholas, Sheffeild, cutler, May 18, 1630. 41 170 Oct. 4, 1632. , Richard, Danby, yeoman, June 29, 1632. 41 858 Oct. 16, 1634. , William, Humbleton, July 29, 1634. 42 312 Feb. 13, 1627. Parkinson, Ann, Kildwicke, spinster, Jan. i, 1627. 40 145 Jan. 18, 1627. , Bridget!, Bradford, widowe, Oct. 21, 1627. 40 119 July 17, 1629. , Henry, (bur. Gargrave), May 7, 1629. 40 488 May 16,1628. , Henery, Waddingeton. No date. 40 240 May 5, 1635. John, Bradford, yeoman, Mar. 20, 1634. 42 499 Feb. 12, 1627. , John, Eastburne, par. Kildewicke, Jan. 17, 1626. 40 144 May 16, 1628. , Robert, Kildewicke graundge, par. Kildwicke, husbn., June 25, 1623. 40 239 Nov. 8, 1631. , Robert, Weston, husbandman, June i, 1624. 41 559 Feb. 13, 1627. , Roberte, Easthome, par. Kildwicke, yeom., Dec. 20, 1627. 40 145 Aug. 9, 1627. , Thomas, Grinleton Eives, wollen webster (bur. Wadding- ton), March 26, 1627. 40 2 May26, 1628. , William, Beverley, gent, and alderman, Apl. 30, 1627. 40 251 Sep. 30, 1629. , William, Gargrave, Feb. 25, 1627. 40 523 Feb. 26, 1634. Parnell, Francis, East Retford, Oct. 5, 1634. 42 384 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Mar. 3, 1630. Parnell, Henry, East Retford, Notts., yeoman, Nov. 3, 1630. 41 340 May 15, 1633. , Robert, Mooregate, par. Clarbroughe, Notts., yeom., July 16, 1632. 42 87 Nov.i6, 1630. Pairish, (Emmot), par. Arncliffe, Jan. 17, 1627. 41 234 July 2, 1635. - , John, Wilswicke, yeoman, Dec. 23, 1634. 42 553 Oct. 6, 1635. Parsonson, Robert, Doncaster, yeoman, Aug. 15, 1635. 42 679 Aug. 6, 1631. Partridge, John, Walkeringham, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 15, 1630. 41 501 Feb. 18, 1632. Pashbye, Robert, Beverlye, webster (bur. St. Marie), July 27, 1632. 42 61 Feb. 8, 1631. Pashley, William, Sutton, husbandman, Mar. 16, 1630. 41 604 Oct. 4, 1632. Pasley, Francis, Bridlington, yeoman, Jan. 12, 1631. 41 853 Jan. 8, 1634. Patricke, William, Doncaster, yeoman, Dec. 15, 1634. 42 356 Feb. 5, 1632. Pattisome, Richard, Farneley, clothier (bur. Leedes), Sep. 14, 1631. 42 29 Apl. 16, 1635. Pattison, Roger, Gisbrough, Apl. 17, 1634. 42 458 May 9, 1633. Paulmer, William, Button nigh Rudby, 1632. 42 183 May 8, 1628. Pauson, Nicholas, thelder, Laxton (Notts.), yeoman, Nov. 30, 1627. 40 221 July 14, 1629. Pawle, Elizabeth, Willerbie. No date. 40 474 Nov.ig, 1629. Pawlinge, Robert, Lound, Aug. 29, 1629. 4 57 2 Aug. 2, 1632. Pawson, Christopher, Leedes Kirkegate, yeoman, Jan. 7, 1631. 41 808 Apl. 30, 1629. , Nicholas, Laxton, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 25, 1629. 40 391 Jan. 9, 1634. Pawsonn, Jane, Leedes Kirgate, widdow, July 5, 1634. 42 359 Feb. ii, 1631. Payley, John, Studley Roger, yeoman (bur. Rippon), Apl. 2, 1631. 41 617 July 13, 1633. P avt t Robert, Southard houses (bur. Fyellinu;), May 10, 1633. 42 233 Apl. 29, 1633. Payte, Thomas, Southward houses (bur. Fyling), Oct. 30, 1632. 42 134 Nov. 5, 1630. Peacocke, Alice, Yorke, wid. of Will. P. (bur. St. Samp.), May 21, 1625. 41 226 Feb. 26, 1630. , Elizabeth, par. St. Mart., Mycklegayte, Yorke, spr., Feb. 16, 1630. 41 326 Sep. 30, 1630. , Henry, Bridgeham (bur. Foston), Apl. 30, 1630. 41 160 Oct. 16, 1634. , James, Upper Hemsley, yeoman, Apl. 15, 1634. 42 314 Oct. 28, 1630. , Richard, Scarbrough, gentleman, Mar. 15, 1629. 41 225 Feb. 13, 1627. , Thomas, Heddon in Holdernes, Dec. 2, 1626. 40 148 Feb. 12, 1630. Peake, John, Normanton upon Sore, Notts., yeoman, June 3, 1629. 41 288 Apl. 18, 1632. Peale, Michaell, Scelton, husbandman, Apl. 28, 1631. 41 671 Sep. 3, 1632. Pearce, Allen, Beaverley, June 25, 1632. 41 836 Oct. 9, 1634. Pearson, Alice, (North Collingham, Notts.), Dec. 13, 1633. 42 300 Mar. 3, 1634. Dinah, Cammerton, widdow, July 10, 1634. 42 393 Sep. i, 1634. - George, Barwicke in Elmett, yeoman, Feb. 4, 1633. 42 265 Apl. 18, 1632. Henry, par. Sheffeild, husbandman, June 22, 1631. 41 658 Aug.i2, 1629. James, Hunsworth Lodge, par. Birstall, May 16, 1629. 40 505 July 4, 1635. John, Brightside, par. Sheffeild, yeoman, Apl. 12, 1633. 42 557 Apl. 14, 1635. John, Mirfeild, wiredrawer, Sep. 18, 1633. 42 449 Apl. 21, 1635. John, Sheffeild, yeoman, Feb. 14, 1634. 42 469 July i, 1628. Lawrence, Osgathorpe hills, par. Sheffeeld, cutler, Sep. 25, 1627. 41 140 Jan. 16, 1628. Lawrence, Sheffeild, cutler, Oct. n, 1628. 40 312 Jun. 22, 1629. Nycholas, Harkehouse. No date. 40 459 May 3, 1635. Paul, Scoles, husbandman, Oct. 23, 1634. 42 485 Feb. 5, 1637. Peter, Bradford, yeoman, Sep. 22, 1637. 42 717 May 1 1, 1635. Peter, York, gouldsmith, May 27, 1632. 42 506 Oct. 9, 1629. Richard, Oswaldkirke, Aug. 10, 2628. 40 558 Feb. 18, 1633. Robert, Okenshey, par. Birstall, May n, 1630. 42 701 Jan. ii, 1630. Robert the elder, Sowerbie, husbandman, Aug. 7, 1630. 41 273 Dec. i, 1627. Roberte, Birkewood, par. Croston, labr., Dec. 18, 2 Chas. 40 94 Apl. 23, 1629. Roger, Okenshawe, tanner, Dec. 22, 1628. 40 443 Jun. 22, 1629. Thomas, par. Sheffeild, cutler, Sep. 13, 1628. 40 456 Jun. 10, 1631. William, Fanges, Loweswater, co. Cumb., yeom., Mar. 15, 1630. 41 450 Oct. i, 1635. , William, Rosedaile, husbandman, Mar. 20, 1634. 42 661 Oct. i, 1630. Pearsonne, Robert, Hornsey, Mar. 15, 1629. 41 177 July 31, 1632. Pearte, Rowland, Grissington (bur. Lynton), Jan. 20, 1631. 41 782 Mar. 2, 1630. Pease, George, Kingston upon Hull, merchante, Oct. 15, 1630. 41 334 Dec. 20, 1628. Peate, John, Wath upon Dearne, linnen webster, June 29, 1624. 40 300 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Feb. 6, 1629. Apl. 22, 1635. Dec. 12, 1632. July 29, 1630. Feb. ii, 1628. Oct. 2, 1635. Apl. 26, 1630. Oct. 4, 1627. May i, 1628. Aug. 8, 1632. Feb. 15, 1632. July 12, 1633. Jun. 12, 1629. Oct. 2, 1628. May 12, 1635. Feb. 19, 1628. Oct. 16, 1634. Jan. ii, 1630. July 8, 1633. Feb. 26, 1634. Oct, 6, 1631. Sep. 30, 1630. Oct. i, 1629. July 8, 1633. May 28, 1635. Oct. 9, 1634. Apl. 27, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. Nov. 6, 1632. Jan. 9, 1632. May 23, 1629. Aug. i, 1629. July i, 1635. Oct. 18, 1627. Sep. 23, 1630. Apl. 15, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. Feb. 6, 1629. Mar. 6, 1628. Oct. 7, 1630. Feb.ult.,i635. Sep. 10, 1632. Apl. 14, 1635. Feb. 9, 1628. Aug. 4, 1629. July 20, 1630. Jun. 29, 1633. Aug.io, 1631. Feb. 13, 1629. Mar.i3, 1632. Nov. 7, 1628. Jan. 18, 1627. Aug. 4, 1631. Oct. 4, 1627. Jun. 21, 1630. Jun. 28, 1633. May3i, 1632. May 3, 1635. Feb. 9, 1631. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Pecke, Henry, Kneeton (Notts.), husbandman, July 19, 1629. 40 621 , John, Lounde, par. Sutton, Notts., yeoman, Feb. 3, 1633. 42 470 , Richard, Eykeringe, Notts., husbandman, Apl. 30, 1632. 42 i , Valentine, Balderton, Notts., labourer, Apl. 17, 1630. 41 119 , William, Eickeringe, Notts., husbandman, Sep. 4, 1628. 40 347 Peckham, Sr. George, Colwicke, Notts., kt., July 27, 1635. 42 676 Peele, Michaell, Whinfeild, par. Brighame, July 2, 1629. 41 52 Peell, William, Liverdsedge, blacksmith, May 29, 1627. 40 49 Peighin, James, Eston, yeoman, Nov. 8, 1627. 40 218 Peirponte, Henrie, Kneeton, Notts., husbandman, May 27, 1632. 41 820 Pell, Allen, Dawgreene, par. Sandall Magna, Oct. 13, 1632. 42 54 Penington, Lionell, Wolley, tanner, Apl. 18, 1633. 42 232 Penithorne, Robert, Sherburne, yeoman, Feb. 28, 1628. 40 451 Pennyman, William, Marske, esquiere, Feb. 24, 1625. 41 8ja Penrose, John, Newton upon Darwent (bur. Wilberfosse), labr., Dec. 28, 1634. 42 , Richard, bur. Wheldrake, Jan. 3, 1627. 40 Penstrope, Thomas, Hompton, husbandman, Nov. 26, 1633. 42 Penteth, Elizabeth, Catton, par. Topliffe, Dec. 21, 1630. 41 Pentith, Francis, Pattrington, cordwiner, Mar. 28, 1633. 4 2 Pepper, Thomas, Carleton, par. Gedling, Notts., July 20, 10 Chas. 42 Perkin, William, Gt. Moresome (bur. Skelton). No date. 41 Perrish, John, Baildon, husbandman, May 31, 1630. 41 Fetch, John, Newton, par. Lyth, husbandman, July 23, 1629. 40 , Francis, Skeldskewgh (Cleveland), July 4, 1624. 42 Petfeild, George, Cattfosse, par. Siglesthorne, yeom., Nov. 15, 1634. 41 Petiner, James, Swinderby, co. Line., husbandman, Feb. 16, 1625. 42 Pettie, Christopher, Chappell Allerton, par. Leedes, Feb. i, 1629. 4 1 , Francis, Bradley, bur. Kildwick, Oct. 28, 1629. 41 , Henry, Yorke, taylor, May 10, 1624. 41 Pettinger, Grace, Upton, Notts., singlewoman, July 26, 1632. 42 Petty, George, Suttcoates in Holdernesse, taylor, Feb. 18, 1628. 40 Pettye, Henry, Colthorpe, yeoman, Jan. 2, 1627. 40 , Jane, Pattrington, Jan. 28, 1634. 42 Peyton, Stephen, Duggelbie, Apl. 4, 1626. 40 Philiskird, Roger, Rither, Mar. 13, 1626. 41 Phillipe, John, Hayes, par. Wakefeild, Oct. 30, 1629. 41 , John, Westgaitt in Wakefeild, husbandman, Feb. 8, 1624. 41 Phillipps, John, Westbridgford, Notts. No date. 40 , William, Swainby, yeoman, Feb. 6, 1628. 40 Phillipson, Mathew, Girton, Notts., yeoman, July 17, 1630. 41 Pibus, William, Yorke, tailor, Dec. 2, 1634. 42 Piccope, John, Harewod, co. Lane., cloathmaker, May 6, 1632. 41 Pickard, William, son of Jesper P. of Shipley, clothier, dec., May 21, 42 Pickerd, Jennet, Sowed, Mar. 8, 1627. 40 Pickeringe, John, Kingstone upon Hull, Mar. 26, 1629. 40 , Thomas, Waterfriston, yeoman, Sep. 14, 1628. 41 Pickersgill, Richard, Covrham, Mar. 8, 1633. 42 Picocke, Charles, Adlingfleet, husbandman, May 2, 1631. 41 Pie, William, South Markham, Notts., laborer, Nov. 22, 1629. 40 Pierrepont, Dame Frances, Holme Pierrepont, Notts., widdow of Sir H. P., kt., Feb. 15, 1620. 42 Pighells, Christopher, Bradford, yeoman, Apl. 10, 1628. 40 , Richard, Lingley, par. Huddersfeeld, Mar. 29, 1627. 40 , Richard, Stanbury, yeoman, Jan. 28, 1629. 41 , Thomas, Staineberie (bur. Haworth), June 20, 1627. 40 Pighels, Richard, Linley, Oct. 30, 1629. 41 Pighills, Margarett, Northeves, wid. (bur. Haworth), May 31, 1632. 42 , Richard, Ovenden, clothier, Aug. 21, 1631. 41 , William, Whiteroide, par. Haworth, yeom., Mar. 26, 1635. 42 Pight, John, Edwalton, Notts., husbandman, Oct. 6, 1631. 41 910 iQ 406 499 547 7 1 153 28 4ia 621 357 183 690 845 432 337 500 108 217 503 428 73 284 1 20 495 48 85 216 741 487 612 66 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Aug.n, 1627. Pight, Robert, Edwaltone (Notts.), husbandman, May 25, 1627. Feb. 12, 1630. Pilkinton, John, Wilford, Notts., husbandman, Sep. 8, 1630. Sep. 26, 1627. Pilley, James, Thorpe Hessey, naillor, June 16, 1625. Jun. 21, 1630. Pillin, Richard, (bur. Heptonstall), May 12, 1630. Aug.3O, 1632. Pillinge, William, Norland, Risheworth, clothier, June 30, 1632. Jun. 29, 1633. Pinckney, Elizabeth, Seasey, widdow, June 15, 1633. May 17, 1630. , William, Seassey, taylor, Oct. 30, 1629. May 13, 1635. Pindar, Richard, Rosdale, Nov. 6, 1627. Oct. 6, 1624. Finder, Anthonye, (Ravenstone Dale co. Westld.), Feb. 12, 1623. July 13, 1630. , Jane, Cottingham, widdow, Mar. 2, 1629. MayiS, 1629. , Jennett, Tadcaster, June 14, 1628. May 26, 1631. , Robert, Newmalton, butcher, Apl. 5, 1631. May 28, 1632. , Thomas, the elder, Swinton, bur. Amotherbie, Apl. 19, 1628. 41 Apl. 6, 1635. Piper, George, the elder, Aldfeild, yeoman (bur. Rippon), Dec. 6, 1630. 42 Dec. 20, 1627. , John, Moorehouse Garforth, Feb. 21, 1621. May3i, 1632. Pitts, George, Grimsthorpe, yeom. (bur. Felkirke), Jun. 16, 1631. July 2, 1629. Plashley, Constance, Lysytt, widow, Apl. 21, 1629. Oct. 23, 1634. Plattes, Isaac, Ovenden, clothier, Apl. 16, 1634. May 8, 1628. Platts, Eglamore, Remyston, Notts., labourer, Mar. 2, 1626. July i, 1628. , Henry, Hatefeeld, husbandman, Apl. 26, 1628. Sep. 9, 1635. Plaxton, Robert, Holme in Spaldingmoore, June 18, 1635. Feb. 26, 1634. Plowwrighte, Richard, elder, West Bridgford, Notts., husbn., Mar. 19, 1630. Dec.2o, 1627. Plumland, Richard, Bondegate, Rippon, lynnen webster, Sep. 4, 1627. 40 July 14, 1629. Pochit, Thomas, Speton, talor, June 9, 1625. Oct. 23, 1634. Pollard, Elizabeth, Tonge, wid. of Rich. P., May 31, 1634. Mar. i, 1631. Jenett, Alltham, co. Lane., widdowe, July 21, 7 Chas. Apl. 23, 1629. Richard, Tonge, yeoman, Aug. 29, 1628. July 30, 1633. Robert, Wike, par. Birstall, Nov. 13, 1632. Apl. 23, 1629. Thomas, Highholland, shomaker, Oct. 5, 1628. Oct. 5, 1631. William, the elder, Gomersall, yeoman, Jan. 29, 1624. May 8, 1628. Poole, Audrie, Farndon, Notts., widow. No datt. May 15, 1633. , Elizabeth, Fenton, par. Sturton, Notts., widdowe, Apl. 30, 1627. 42 May 8, 1628. , Richard, Starthorpe (Notts.), gent., Jan. 18, 1627. Aug. i, 1628. Popleton, Henrie, Morethorpe (bur. Southkirkebie), yeom., Mar. 28, 1628. Apl. 23, 1629. Poplewell, Mary, wid. of John P., par. Ecclesfeild, Aug. 10, last past. 40 May 8, 1628. Popple, Christopher, South Clifton, Notts., husbn., Jan. 4, 1627. Jan. 9, 1627. Porter, Henrie, Eastbridgford, Notts., labourer. Apl. 10, 1627. May 30, 1629. , Jennett, Brughwallis, spinster, Feb. 7, 1628. Apl. 30, 1629. , Thomas, Lenton, Notts., yeoman, July 13, 1628. May 5, 1631. , William, Netherlangwith (bur. Cuckney, Notts.), Jun. 13, 1630. 41 Apl. 28, 1631. Portington, Robert, Haitfeild, esq., Feb. 14, 1630. Oct. 28, 1630. Postgate, James, Stanton, yeoman (bur. Scalby), Mar. 31, 1627. Apl. 18, 1632. Potter, Ann, Rippon, widdow, Dec. 9, 1631. Oct. 23, 1634. , Anne, Rethwell, spinster, July 14, 1633. Apl. 23, 1629. > Christopher, Stokesley, husbandman, Dec. 27, 1627. Apl. 13, 1632. , Margrett, Burston, wid. (bur. Shereborne), Aug. 23, 1631. July 29, 1633. , William, Copthewicke, yeoman (bur. Rippon), Feb. 16, 1623. 42 May 13, 1630. Pottes, Ralph, Pattrington, son of Geo. P. of Headon, dec., June u, 1630 (sic). Jun. 13, 1632. Powell, James, Bramham, June 30, 1628. Mar. 21, 1632. , John, Horsforthe, par. Gisley, June 13, 1632. Jan. 12, 1631. , William, senior, Leedes, blacksmith, Dec. 21, 1631. Jun. 12, 1633. , William, Scarbrough, skinner, Apl. n, 1633. Feb. 6, 1627. Powley, John, Kigheley, blackesmith, Nov. 26, 1627. Aug.26, 1627. Preist, Isabel, Heelandswaine, widdow (bur. Silkeston), Jan. 16, 1625. 40 Aug. i, 1628. , John, Bilcliffe, par. Peniston, yeoman, Feb. 20, 1625. Feb. 12, 1628. , Nicholas, Elksey, Notts., laborer, Nov. 9, 1628. Jan. 7, 1629. Preistley, George, Hutton Pannell, Apl. 7, 1629. Dec. ii, 1629. Pressicke, William, Maultbie, yeom. (bur. Stainton), Feb. 22, 1628. Sep. 15, 1628. Preston, Agnes, [Aireton] in Craven, widdowe, Apl. 30, 1628. Vol. Fol. 4 8 4 1 285 40 29 41 90 41 834 42 216 4 1 59 42 507 4 1 298 4 1 99 40 403 4 1 438 !. 41 709 >. 42 420 40 IO2 41 732 40 467 42 3^8 40 229 42 P 653 42 389 7.40 IO2 40 473 42 320 4 1 633 40 442 42 244 40 408 4 1 522 40 222 7.42 88 40 8, 223 t. 40 382 40 22 4 40 "3 40 405 40 395 o. 41 408 4 1 379 41 224 41 667 42 326 40 43 4 1 651 |. 42 244 I, 41 58 41 750 42 76 41 583 42 125 40 144 5.40 25 41 320 40 349 40 605 4 598 41 72* WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 67 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Oct. i, 1635. Preston, Ann, Bradford, widdowe, May 5, 1635. 42 668 Jan. 19, 1627. , Bridgett, (bur. Marton), Sep. 2, 1627. 40 126 Oct. 2, 1628. , Christopher, par. Kircbie in Malhamdale, husbn., Feb. 22, 1621. 41 82a Oct. i, 1635. , John, (Bradforth ?), Jan. 5, 1634. 42 672 Aug. 4, 1631. , John, Wakefeild, grocer, Jan. 29, 1630. 41 489 May 8, 1633. , Margarett, par. Bolton nighe Bolland, Mar. 10, 1627. 42 166 Apl. 15, 1635. , Richard, Wycangill, par. Bolton nighe Bolland, yeoman, Dec. 4, 1633. 42 452 May 8, 1633. , Roger, Mearegill, par. Boulton, July 25, 1631. 42 166 Jan. 19, 1627. , Thomas, Aireton in Craven, husbandman, Nov. 2, 1626. 40 125 Oct. 15, 1634. > Thomas, Kaingham, husbandman, Apl. 25, 1631. 42 308 Feb. 13, 1627. , Thomas, Seathorne als. Owthorne in Holdernes, Dec. 25, 1626. 40 148 Apl. 18, 1632. , William, Mearbecke, par. Gigleswicke, yeom., Oct. 20, 1631. 41 661 Aug. 5, 1628. Priestley, Ann, Stainland, wid. of Hen. P., Oct. 21, 1627. 41 470 Oct. 4, 1627. , Henry, Southhey in Stainland, yeoman, Apl. 15, i Chas. 40 42 Aug. 5, 1628. < , William, Ribonden, par. Ealand, yeoman, Mar. 6, 1627. 41 43* May 14, 1633. Prince, Gadd, par. Bradfeild, Feb. 20, 1632. 42 82 Dec. 7, 1631. , Henry, Yorke, habberdasher, Dec. i, 1631. 41 564 Jun. 22, 1629. Priorman, John, Conisbrough, batchlor, Mar. 3, 1628. 40 458 Apl. 28, 1631. Prissicke, William, Carleton, bur. Whorlton, yeom., Sep. 21, 1630. 41 386 Oct. 5, 1632. Priston, Bartholomew, Swyne, laborer, Aug. 27, 1632. 41 873 May 7, 1633. Priswicke, Elizabeth, Manfeild, widdowe, Apl. u, 1633. 42 139 May 5, 1631. Pritchit, James, Normanton, par. Plumtree, Notts., labr., June 12, 1620. 41 413 Oct. 9, 1634. Procter, Anne, Carcolston, Notts., gentlewoman, May 27, 1633. 42 297 Apl. 15, 1635. Edmund, Northcote, par. Horton, husbn., Apl. 14, 1634. 42 449 May 2 1, 1633. Francis, Hanelith, taylor, Jan. 13, 1632. 42 114 Oct. 31, 1631. James, bur. Burnsall, Sep. 30, 1630. 41 554 Feb. 22, 1631. John, Little Greeneley, Notts, (bur. Weeston), Oct. 27, 1631. 41 624 Aug.3i, 1630. John, Slaidburne in Bolland, yeoman, Nov. 30, 1629. 41 138 Aug.3i, 1630. Mathew, Rawthmell (bur. Gigleswicke), husbn., Feb. 9, 1629. 41 138 May 8, 1633. Richard. Preston Jacklin, par. Fetherston, Dec. 14, 1632. 42 154 Mayi3, 1631. Robert, Linton, July i, 1630. 41 427 July 29, 1630. Stephen, South Collingham, Notts., June i, 1630. 41 123 an. 3, 1631. Thomas, Lothersdale, par. Carleton, Aug. 15, 1631. 41 576 July 8, 1633. Walter, Marfleete, yeoman, Oct. 14, 1631. 42 223 Aug.n, 1627. Proctor, Robert, Bingham (Notts.), gent., Sept. 29, 1626. 40 6 Jun. 29, 1635. Prowde, Thomas, Terington, yeoman, Dec. 18, 1629. 42 543 Dec. 14, 1629. Pudsay, William, Bolton, esquyre, Aug. 12, 1629. 40 598 Jun. 30, 1630. Pullaine, Alis, Spoffourth, widdowe, Dec. 10, 1629. 41 94 Jun. 27, 1635. Pullan, William, par. Bishopthorpe, singleman, Aug. i, 1634. 42 542 Dec. 20, 1632. Pullein, Richard, Kilnesey, Jan. 20, 1627. 42 7 Oct. 8, 1629. Purfeey, Mychaell, Nottingham, esquyre, Aug. 23, 1627. 40 546 Oct. 23, 1627. Purrell, Roger, Northcave, Apl. 6, 1627. 40 74 Sep. 30, 1630. Pye, Francis, Sheffeild, cutler, Apl. 18, 1629. 41 170 Feb. 24, 1635. Quare, Thomas, East Ardislawe, Nov. 9, 1635. 42 695 Feb. 15, 1632. Radclife, Ellen, Sowerby. No date. 42 60 July 17, 1629. Radclyffe, William, Threshfeild, par. Lynton, June 5, 1628. 40 487 May 8, 1628. Radford, John, Nottingham, yeoman. No date. 40 229 Jan. 10, 1627. Rahams, Alice, widowe, Wheldrake, about Michaelmas last past. 40 115 Oct. n, 1632. Raine, John, Gaitefourth, Apl. 16, 1632. 41 891 May 8, 1633. Rakes, Christopher, Eshton, par. Gargrave, May 23, 1623. 42 161 July 16, 1632. Raley, William, Ulram als. Ouram, par. Skipsey, yeom., Feb. 23, 1631. 41 778 May 18, 1633. Rames, Jane, Wheldrake, widdow, Feb. 24, 1632. 42 107 May 28, 1633. Ramsdell, Jane, Kingston upon Hull, widdowe, Nov. 7, 1632. 42 116 Jan. 29, 1629. , William, Kingstone upon Hull, maryner, Mar. 20, 1628. 40 433 July 22, 1635. Ramsden, Edward, Horburye, yeoman, Feb. 10, 1634. 42 591 Nov. 2, 1627. , Elexander, Beamesley (bur. Bolton), Dec. i, 1626. 40 82 May 8, 1633. , Ellin, par. Huddersfeild, wid. of Jef. R., Apl. 28, 1632. 42 157 68 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Mayzi, 1633. Ramsden, Erasmus, Beamesley, par. Adingham, July 8, 1632. 42 108 May 1,1628. , Henry, Greenehoyles in Sowerby, clothier, June 19, 2 Chas. 40 201 Feb. 15, 1632. , Heugh, Northowram, yeoman, Oct. 14, 1631. 42 60 Apl. 14, 1635. , John, Clifton, husbandman, Nov. 18, 1634. 42 448 Apl. 23, 1629. , John, thelder, Siddall in Southowrom, Mar. 27, 1626. 40 443 Ma> 31, 1632. , Marie, wid. of Sam. R. of Hallifax, Feb. 7, 1631. 41 738 Feb. 9, 1628. , William, Horburye, yeoman, Jan. 12, 1623. 40 333 Feb. 8, 1631. Rancke, Richard, Cottingham, July 14, 1631. 41 606 Sep. 10, 1628. Raspin, William, Cottingham, husbandman, Sep. 7, . 41 6ia July 8, 1633. Raspine, Jane, Cottingham, widdow, May 8, 1633. 42 224 Jun. 21, 1630. Ratcliffe, Hellen, Cawseyhead, par. Hallifax, widdow, Nov. 3, 1626. 41 91 Jun. 18, 1630. , John, Treeton, husbandman, Oct. 22, 1626. 41 76 July i, 1635. Ranson, John, (S)Ekeflinge, yeoman, Mar. 13, 1634. 4 2 547 May 15, 1633. Ransonne, Richard, par. St. Marie Nottingham, carpenter, Feb. 26, 1632. 42 87 Aug. 5, 1628. Raugill als. Parker, Robert, Newton in Holland, husbn., May 18, 1628. 41 37<* Apl. 12, 1633. Rawdon, William, Thornhill, par. Bransby, gent., June 28, 1632. 42 209 May 20, 1628. Rawlinge, Alice, Ottringham, widdow, Nov. 6, 1627. 40 248 July 15, 1629. Rawlingson, William, Horton, clothier, Feb. 7, 1628. 40 480 Feb. 22, 1630. Rawlinson, Frauncis, Marflett, singlewoman. No date. 41 303 Apl. 18, 1632. Rawlison, Christopher, North Staineley, Dec. 31, 1631. 41 664 Feb. 23, 1630. Rawson, Gennett, Windhill, par. Caverley, wid., Nov. 3, 1629. 41 308 Sep. 22, 1629. , John, Fairburne, husbandman, Aug. 31, 1629. 40 520 Apl. 23, 1629. , John, Pigborne, yeoman, Mar. 18, 1628. 40 381 Oct. 15, 1634. , Martin, Runswell, par. Owthorne, May 14, 1634. 42 308 Apl. 28, 1631. , Paule, Bradford, tanner, Oct. 29, 1630. 41 397 Sep. 24, 1634. , Peter, Preston, Holdernes, husbandman, Apl. 21, 1634. 42 270 Sep. 30, 1630. , Richard, Bagley, par. Tickhill, yeoman, Aug. 25, 1630. 41 169 Apl. 21, 1635. , Robert, Scoales, yeoman (bur. Rotherham), Aug. 22, 1634. 42 467 Feb. 22, 1630. , Steven, Preston in Holdernes, yeoman, Aug. 22, 1629. 41 304 Aug.2o, 1634. , Thomas, Selston, Notts., husbandman, Mar. 18, 1633. 42 256 Oct. 5, 1631. , William, Shipley, Apl. n, 1631. 41 529 Oct. 6, 1635. Raynald, Elizabeth, North Elmsall, widdowe, Mar. 10, 1634. 42 616 Jan. 20, 1630. Rayne, Edward, Harwell Hill, Notts., bur. Everton, Aug. 10, 1630. 41 279 Apl. 23, 1629. Rayner, John, Morley, bur. Batley, Feb. 7, 1628. 40 432 May 8, 1633. , Jonas, Birstall Smythes, baker, Oct. 29, 8 Chas. 42 142 Feb. 2, 1629. Raynes, Abraham, Marlton, par. Swyne, singleman, Nov. 20, 1629. 40 617 Apl. 23, 1632. , Lawrence, Sprotley, Dec. 30, 1631. 41 686 July ii, 1633. 1 Suzanna, Newton (bur. Albrough), dau. of Will. R. of Rims- well, dec., June 21, 1633. 42 231 May 5, 1631. Raynor, Richard, Colstropp, par. Blyth, July 14, 1630. 41 407 Dec. i, 1629. Raynye, Frauncis, Tiershill, par. Darfeild, gent., July 30, 1628. 40 595 Feb. i, 1632. Read, Nicholas, Saxton (bur. Willerby). No date. 42 27 Feb. 13, 1627. , Richard, Swinnesties in Egton, husbandman, Mar. 29, 1624. 40 145 Nov. 8, 1632. Reade, Henrie, Budlaw, par. Helmsley, Dec. 28, 1629. 41 911 Nov.25, 1631. , John, Butterwicke upon the Wolds, Apl. 24, 1628. 41 561 Mar. 3, 1630. , Thomas, Welbecke, Notts., May 9, 1630. 41 338 Jan. 18, 1627. Reader, Henrie, Swillington, Nov. 12, 1627. 40 116 Feb. 13, 1635. Readman, Isabel!, servt. to Mr. Will. Todd, York, Jan. 11, 1635. 42 702 Jun. 23, 1628. , Mathew, Stoupbrow, husbandman, Mar. i, 1627. 40 268 Apl. 23, 1629. Reanold, Henry, Ableday, par. Royston. No date. 40 408 July 24, 1629. , Henry, bur. Royston, May 23, 1625. 40 497 Jun. 29, 1629. - , Thomas, Holme in Spaldingmoore, Apl. 30, 1629. 40 463 Apl. 30, 1629. Reason, William, Askham, Notts., esquire, Nov. 13, 1627. 40 391 Jun. 29, 1631. Reay, Richard, Fyley, yeoman, Oct. 22, 1630. 41 459 Feb. 9, 1631. Reclis, Richard, Chilwell, Notts., husbn. (bur. Adenborough), Sep. 20, 1631. 41 616 May i, 1628. Redferre, Thomas, Brambie upon Dun, labourer, Nov. 18, 1626. 40 217 Aug. i, 1632. Redman, Robert, Normanton, June 6, 1632. 41 793 Feb. 26, 1629. Redmayne, John, Gatefoulforth, gentleman, July 20, 1628. 40 636 Apl. 22, 1630. Redpage, Marie, Harbie, par. Clifton, Notts., wid., Jan. 20, 1629. 41 44 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 69 Oct. 8, 1627. Apl. 6, 1635. Apl. 20, 1629. Apl. 27, 1631. Feb. 13, 1627. Jan. 12, 1631. Jan. 20, 1630. May 5, 1631. Sep. 30, 1629. Oct. 23, 1630. Feb. 24, 1635. Jan. 18, 1627. Dec. i, 1629. Aug. 5, 1629. Jan. 16, 1627. May3i, 1632. May3i, 1632. Aug. 3, 1631. Mar.n, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Jan. 28, 1628. Jan. 28, 1628. Jun. i, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. Oct. 7, 1630. Feb. 28, 1628. Aug. 3, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 7, 1635. Oct. 4, 1632. Aug. 6, 1631. July 4, 1633. Aug. 7, 1632. Mayi6, 1629. July 4, 1628. Sep. 15, 1631. Feb. 8, 1631. Feb. 19, 1632. Jun. 5, 1632. Sep. 9, 1635. May 27, 1629. Jun. 15, 1629. May 19, 1631. Oct. 23, 1634. Jun. 29, 1630. Dec. 8, 1631. Aug.29, 1628. Jun. 29, 1629. Mar. 5, 1630. Mar.22, 1630. Jun. 8, 1631. Feb. ii, Oct. 5, Aug. 2, 1627. 1631. 1632. Sep. 3, 1631. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol Reeder, Thomas, Thome, May 8, 1627. 40 58 Reiner, Elizabeth, (Felchurch), . 42 424 Reines, John, Tickhill, par. clerke, Oct. 5, 1628. 40 377 Remmington, John, Eshton (bur. Gargrave), Mar. 30, 1630. 41 369 Render als. Lawnd, Richard, Welberie, Apl. 20, 1625. 40 145 Reresbie, Ralph, Hooton Robert, gentleman, Nov. 19, 1631. 41 582 Revell, Alexander, Foccarbie, husbn., bur. Adleingfleete, Dec. 30, 1630. 41 279 , Thomas, Blyth, victualer, Oct. 24, 1630. 41 410 , Thomas, Heeley, par. Sheffeld, yeoman, Dec. 11, 1627. 40 523 , William, Donningworth in Bradfeild, yeom., June 20, 1630. 41 219 Reyner, Humfrey, Gildersom (bur. Batley), yeoman, Dec. 8, 1632. 42 691 , Richard, the elder, Clifton, husbandman, June 23, 1627. 40 123 , William, Gildersome, yeoman, Feb. 20, 1628. 40 592 Reynold, George, Botham, suburbs of Yorke. No date. 40 501 Rhames, James, Wheldrake, Oct. 18, 1627. 40 115 Rhodes, Agnes, Northorpp, Mirfeild, vvid., Oct. 4, 1631. 41 714 , William, Northorpe, Mirfeild, yeoman, Sep. 18, 1631. 41 727 Ribie, William, Staxton, bur. Willerby. No date. 41 483 Ribush, Roger, Englebie, Nov. , 1628. 40 578 Riby, James, Hutton Bushell, husbandman, Nov. 5, 1628. 40 424 Ribye, Marian, Bridlington, widow, Dec. 29, 1627. 40 323 , Walter, Fordon, husbandman, bur. Hunnanby, Aug. 16, 1624. 40 323 Riccall, Thomas, Warter, Feb. 25, 1630. 41 438 *Richard, Gibson, Criglestone, glover, Feb. 24, 1627. 40 411 Richardes, John, thelder (Radford), husbandman, Mar. 24, 1629. 41 194 Richards, John, Newark upon Trent, Notts., dyer, Jan. 10, 1628. 40 390 .Richard, Lambecote, labr. (bur. Ratclife, Notts.), Nov. 5, 1629. 41 485 Richardson, Alice, Rakes, widow (bur. Tonge), June 23, 1628. 40 438 , Ann, Raskell, widdow, Mar. 24, 1634. 42 424 , Barbara, Thorneholme, widdowe, Dec. 12, . 41 853 , Edward, Kingston upon Hull, aldm. & merch., May 15, 1630. 41 498 , Ellin, Thorne, Oct. 3, 1632. 42 218 , Francis, Cromwell, Notts. No date. 41 819 , Frauncis, Water, husbandman, Dec. 26, 1627. 40 403 , George, Bramhopp, May 9, 1628. 41 i8a , George, Carlton Minpot, webster. No date. 41 514 , George, Emmotland (bur. N. Frothingham), June 9, 1631. 41 604 , Issabell, Ruston, Feb. n, 1632. 42 63 , James, Thirbassitt, gentleman, Oct. 2, 1631. 41 749 , Katherine, Northcave, Aug. i, 1634. 41 653 , Leonard, Towton (bur. Saxton), Feb. 5, 1629. 40 404 , Margrett, Mycklegayte, York, widow (bur. St. Mart.), June 17, 1629. 40 483 , Richard, Brend (bur. Wressle), yeoman, Jan. 29, 1630. 41 437 , Richard, Northbierle, yeoman, May 3, 1634. 42 323 , (Richard, Scarbrough). No date. 41 93 , Robert, Crunisland (bur. Helmeslay), May 15, 1630. 41 565 , Thomas, Micklegate, York, bur. St. Mart., July 21, 1628. 41 J2a , Thomas, bur. North Ferrybie, May 18, 1628. 40 434 , Thomas, Newarke, Notts., codder, Nov. 8, 1630. 41 346 , Thomas, Rullington, laborer, Feb. 10, 1629. 41 359 , Thomas, Ryse, Holdernes, Nov. 9, 1630. 41 447 , Thomas, Sheriffe Hutton, blackesmith, July 19, 1627. 40 139 , William, Clifforth, husbandman, Oct. 9, 1630. 41 518 -, William, Melton uppon the Hill, blackesmith, Apl. 20, . 41 801 4i 5 12 -, William, Raskall, husbandman, May 6, 1631. * Out of place. Should be under letter G. Richard, Christian name, Gibson, surname. 7 o WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Jan. 7, 1632. Richardsonne, Ambrose, Yorke, cordiner (bur. All Hal. pav.), Dec. 31, Vol. Fol. Mar. 30, Jan. 9, [Aug.g, Jun. 20, Jan. 28, May 27, Apl. 14, Ju'y 23, Apl. 13, May 20, Oct. i, Sep. 28, 1636. 1627. 1627.] 1633. 1632. 1630. 1630. 1635. 1630. 1628. 1632. May 24, 1630. Jun. 21, 1630. Aug. 13, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. Aug.2o, 1627. Nov.i2, 1632. Aug. 1 8, 1627. Aug. i, 1631. Apl. 19, 1632. Oct. 3, 1627. Oct. 13, 1631. Oct. 15, 1632. Feb. 12, 1630. July 31, 1633. Aug. 5, 1628. Aug. 12, 1629. Oct. i, 1635. May 14, 1633. Jun. 2, 1628. May i, 1628. Mar. 10, 1629. Oct. 9, 1628. May 3 1, 1632. Sep. 27, 1629. Aug.2O, 1627. Oct. 4, 1632. Oct. n, 1630. Jan. 9, 1634. Oct. ii, 1630. Aug. 7, 1632. Mar. 3, 1634. Apl. 27, 1631. Oct. ii, 1632. Oct. 6, 1635. Nov. 2, 1627. Oct. 2, 1628. July 8, 1633. Oct. i, 1635. July 31, 1632. Mar. n, 1632. Aug. 14, 1628. July 30, 1629. 1632. Richeson, Thomas, Holbecke, par. Leedes, Sep. 3, 1635. Richmond, Bryan, Bingham, Notts., weaver, Jan. i, 1624. , Edward, Harden in Holland, Jan. 26, i Chas. I. Rickall, William, Thorganbie, labourer, May ii, 1633. Rickard, Elizabeth, Doncaster, widdowe, June 14, 1632. -, John, Langwith, par. Draxe, Jan. 27, 1629. 42 >3 42 708 40 no 40 3 42 239 25 6i 4-' 41 41 3 42 601 57 Ricroft, William, Harden, par. Thornton, yeom., May 18, 1629. Ricrofte, John, Conistone Coule, par. Gargrave, Mar. 3, 1634. Riddocke, George, Newland, par. [CJottingham, yeom., June 27, 1629. 41 Rider, George, Kaingham, May 13, 1627. 40 244 , Richard, Kaingham Marsh, yeoman, Feb. ii, 1634. 42 675 als. Swift, Marie, Armthorpe, wid. of Rob. R., esq., dau. of _ Sir Rob. S. of Doncaster, kt., Oct. 23, 1631. 41 850 Ridinge, Richard, Overwicke, par. Burstall, Feb. 3, . 41 61 Righton, John, the elder, par. Rothwell, yeoman, Mar. 26, 1626. 41 88 Riley, James, Skipton, Apl. 6, 1630. 41 128 , Thomas, Warley, clother, Sep. 26, 3 Chas. 41 490 als. Robert, John, par. Colne, co. Lane., clothier, May 16, 1627. 40 22 Rimer, Thomas, Elvington, May 7, 1632. 41 911 Ringrose, Robert, Kirkby Misperton, yeoman. No date. 40 14 , Thomas, Newsome (bur. Osmotherley), Jan. 25, 1630. 41 482 Riplay als. Clarke, William, Conishton, Jan. 18, 1627. 41 675 Ripley, Elizabeth, Borrowbie, par. Lythe, widdow, Mar. 14, 1626. 40 39 Rippon, George, par. St. Mary, Nottingham, ropemaker, July 13, 1631. 41 543 , John, Walton Abbaye, yeoman, Nov. , 1631. 41 895 , Nicholas, West Bridgeford, Notts., husbn., Aug. 2, 1630. 41 286 Rippun, Richard, Scroobye, Notts., husbandman, Mar. 31, 1633. 42 246 Rishworth, Edward, Manningham, Mar. 23, 1627. 41 480 , Margrett, wid. of Edw. R. of Manningham, Mar. 23, 1628. 40 506 42 674 42 201 40 252 Ritcheson, Sibbell, Witton (bur. Bilton), Dec. 13, 1633. Ritchmond, John, Rotheram, butcher, Feb. i, 1632. Rivis, Alice, Birdsall, widdow, Dec. 14, 1628 (sic). Roades, William, Staineburne, husbn., Mar. 31, 1627. 40 196 Robarte, Elizabeth, Roughley in Pendle, co. Lane., singlewoman, Aug. 16, 5 Chas. 40 640 Robarts, George, Beeston (Notts.), labourer, Sept. 27, 1627. 40 272 Robert, James, Stansfeild, June 16, 1630. 41 726 - , Lawrence, Roughlee, co. Lane., yeom. (bur. Pendle), Mar. 30, 1627. 40 521 - als. Riley, John, par. Colne, co. Lane., clothier, May 16, 1627. 40 22 Roberte, Lawrence, par. Kirkeburton, yeoman, Apl. 4, 1632. 41 865 Robertes, Edmund, Wirdale, par. Kirkburton, clothier, Apl. 30, 1630. 41 207 - , Edward, Farnley, yeoman (bur. Leedes), Jan. n, 1633. 42 361 , George, par. Kirkeburton, May 25, 1629. 41 209 - , Henrie, Barnebie in the Willowes, Notts., June 9, 1632. 41 817 - , Richard, Barnsley, husbandman, July 24, 1634. 42 400 - , Richard, Snawden, husbn., bur. Weston, May 3, 1630. 41 377 , Roberte, Kirketon, Notts., husbandman, Feb. 12, 1631. 41 892 - , Thomas, Hickleton, Apl. 6, 1635. 42 616 - , William, Storthes, par. Skipton, husbn., Sep. 6, 1630 (sic). 40 79 Roberts, Oliver, par. Kirkeburton, yeoman, Mar. 23, 1626. 41 86n Robinson, Anne, Hollim, widdowe, Apl. ii, 1632. 42 224 - , Christopher, Foside, Bradfordaile, clothier, Jun. 4, 1632. 42 670 - , Christopher, Gisborne, sadler, May 7, 1632. 41 789 - , Daniel), Kingston upon Hull, mr. & mariner, July 5, 1632. 42 72 - , Edward, Altofts, Apl. 15, 1628. 41 530 - , Edward, Bishopburton, yeoman, Apl. 16, 1629. 40 498 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 7 1 Oct. 16, 1627. Oct. 31, 1631. Apl. 29, 1633. July 8, 1633. Mar. 12, 1628. Nov.27, 1634. Sep. 5, 1635. Feb. 2, 1629. Aug.i7, 1627. July 13, 1630. Jan. 10, 1630. Mar. 6, 1631. Oct. 20, 1631. Nov.2o, 1627. May 9, 1633. Feb. 23, 1630. Dec. 9, 1631. May 20, 1628. May i, 1628. Jan. 30, 1631. Mar. 5, 1630. Apl. 30, 1629. Jan. 7, 1629. Nov.27, 1627. Jan. 5, 1632. Sep. 25, 1634. Oct. 6, 1635. Jun. 7, 1633. Dec. 4, 1628. May 15, 1633. Apl. 14, 1635. July 14, 1629. Jan. 16, 1628. May 5, 1635. Oct. 4, 1632. Apl. 24, 1632. May3i, 1632. Feb. 9, 1635. Apl. 21, 1635. July 22, 1630. Oct. 9, 1627. July 14, 1629. Oct. 8, 1629. May 8, 1633. Dec. 12, 1632. Oct. ii, 1630. July 30, 1635. Oct. 3, 1627. Oct. ii, 1631. Oct. 2, 1634. Oct. 3, 1627. Aug. 8, 1628. Mayi6, 1628. Mar.24, 1627. Feb. 14, 1627. July 14, 1629. Dec. i, 1627. Apl. 15, 1630. Apl. 18, 1632. Oct. 7, 1628. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Robinson Elizabeth, Gigleswicke, widdow, July 31, 1627. Francis, Nesfeild, par. Ilkelay, Jan. 24, 1630. George, Aldbrough, May 25, 1632. George, Newtongarth, draper (bur. Paull), Apl. 25, 1633. Grace, Newtongarth, widowe, bur. Paull, May n, 1627. Ingram, Scarbrough, Jan. 24, 1633. John, Addingham, May 8, 1627. John, Aldbrough, June 26, 1629. John, Gransmoor (bur. Burton Agnes), Apl. 10, 1626. John, (Hollym), Holdernes, husbn., Oct. 26, 1629. John, Rawmarshe, cutler, Feb. i, 1629. John, Willton, Nov. 20, 1631. Laurence, Holme Knotts in Sauley, yeom., Apl. 30, 1630. 41 Margerie, Kingston upon Kingston, widdow, June i, 1627. 40 Mary, Hutton, Sep. 22, 1632. Nycholas, Northowrom, yeoman, Mar. 10, 1629. Richard, Bempton, Nov. 23, 1631. Robert, Skefflinge, Dec. 9, 1625. Thomas, Allerton, par. Bradford, Dec. 17, 1627. Thomas, Barnsley, linnon weaver, Oct. 6, 1631. Thomas, Sutton upon Trent, butcher, Dec. 3, 1630. Thomas, Truswell, Notts., yeoman, Nov. 20, 1628. Thomas, Whiston, Nov. i, 1629. William, Holme uppon the Wold, yeom., Aug. 19, 1626. William, par. St. Mich., Yorke, maryner, Mar. 5, 1631. Robinsonn, George, Abberford, Apl. 30, 1634. Richard, Waldershelfe, Bradfeild, husbn., Oct. 28, 1634. 42 Robinsonne, Seath, Yorke, bearebruer (bur. St. Hellin), May 9, 1633. 42 Robson, Elizabeth, Slingsby, widdow, Nov. 5, 1628. , John, Sturton, Notts., laborer, Oct. 23, 1632. , Margarett, Middleton, widdow (bur. Rothwell), Oct. 10, 1632. 42 , Thomas, Staxton. No date. Robuck, Robert, Tickhill, Mar. 25, 1628. Robucke, Edward, Knottingley, yeoman, Feb. 29, 1635 (sic). ( ), Elizabeth Banby, widdowe. No date. , George, Tickhill, yeoman, Feb. 6, 1631. , Gilbert, Brampton, par. Wath, wollen webster, Dec. 2, 1631. 41 , John, Roidhouse, yeoman, Oct. 8, 1635. , John, Tickhill, yeoman, May 25, 1634. , Mary, Dancaster, spinster, Mar. 21, 1629. , Oliver, Thribarghe. No date. Robynson, Robert, Fraisthorp. No date. Rockingham, William, Sutton super Trente, Notts., laborer, Mar. 18, 1625. Rockliffe, Parsivell, Newsham, yeoman (bur. Kirkby Wiske), Feb. 20, 1632. Rodes, Peter, Otley, Nov. 13, 1632. Roe, John, par. Warmefeild. No date. , Thomas, Bilton, Holdernes, July 8, 1634. Roger, James, Linthrope, par. Acklam, Apl. 18, 1627. , William, N. Collingham, Notts., husbn., June 14, 1614. Rogers, Avis, East Barnbye, par. Lith, spr. No date. , Christofer, Linthorpe, Nov. 22, 1622. , Elizabeth, (Marske), Apl. 6, 1628. , John, Mortonbankes, par. Bingley, yeoman, Mar. 12, 1626. , Nicholas, Scarrbrough. No date. , Portington, Sturton, Notts., gentleman, Dec. 22, 1627. Rogerson, Fraunces, Snawden, par. Weston, spr., Nov. 9, 1628. Roiston, Hughe, Billingley (bur. Darfeeld), Apl. 24, 1627. , Margaret, Billingley, par. Darfeild, wid., Dec. 7, 1629. Rolanson, Robert, Sheffeild, mercer, Oct. 2, 1631. Rolinson, James, Rotheram. No date. Vol. Fol. 40 69 4 1 552 42 132 42 224 40 365 42 343 42 647 40 617 40 13 41 IOO 4 1 265 4 1 632 > 4i 550 7.40 88 42 181 4i 3 J 8 4i 57 40 246 40 200 4 1 598 4 1 345 40 393 40 606 40 89 4- 748 42 277 42 615 3- 42 123 40 289 42 92 ;2. 42 430 4 o 474 40 314 42 494 4 1 859 4 1 689 H. 41 742 42 703 42 466 41 in 40 59 40 8, 473 40 Q 557 42 '74 42 i 41 207 42 607 40 40 4 1 537 42 288 40 36 4 1 520 40 239 40 179 40 150 40 476 40 95 4* 21 41 6 5 6 41 111! WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Jun. 10, 1635. Aug. 4, 1632. Mar.u, 1627. Apl. 30, 1629. Apl. 21, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. May 29, 1632. Oct. 5, 1631. Mar. 6, 1627. May i, 1628. Dec. 4, 1628. May3i, 1632. Jun. 29, 1629. Mar. 10, 1627. May 3, 1635. May 9, 1633. Jun. 4, 1629. Jun. 29, 1632. Apl. 22, 1630. Aug. 8, 1632. Feb. 7, 1632. Nov. 6, 1634. July 10, 1628. Aug.20, 1629. May 9, 1631. May 3, 1631. May 19, 1628. Oct. 5, 1631. Jun. 29, 1633. Feb. 25, 1631. Aug. i, 1629. Feb. 18, 1633. Aug.i3, 1635. May 28, 1635. Feb. 17, 1629. Jun. 21, 1630. Apl. 28, 1631. May 5, 1635. Oct. 4, 1627. Dec. i, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Oct. 8, 1627. Jun. 8, 1629. Mar. 17, 1634. July 17, 1635. Oct. i, 1629. Sep. 6, 1632. Oct. 8, 1627. Jun. ii, 1628. Oct. 7, 1630. Mayi6, 1632. Nov.i2, 1631. July 2, 1635. Oct. 2, 1628. Apl. 25, 1630. Mar. i, 1630. Mar.io, 1629. Sep. 30, 1630. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Romsden, Joseph, Bowers in Barkslande, May 15, 1633. Ronetree, Thomas, thelder, Boroby, May 31, 1632. Roo, Frauncis, Pontefract, yeoman, Apl. 2, 1627. Roobotham, Alexander, Kirkbye, Notts., Dec. 29, 1628. , Otthowell, Doncaster, Jan. 7, 1634. Roodes, Jane, Darfeild, widdow, Dec. 18, 1628. , John, Baildon, Feb. 9, 1631 , John, Holbeck, clothier, Apl. 5, 1631. , Nicholas, Bingham, Notts., cooper, Oct. 2, 1626. , Thomas, Menston, laborer, Nov. , 1627. Rookeby, William, Northstainley, gent. (bur. Rippon), May 2, 1628. Rookes, Richard, Barnesley, yeoman, June 28, 1627. Roper, John, Kingston upon Hull, merchant, Mar. 19, 1628. Roberte, par. Kighley, clothier, Jan. 27, 1627. Thomas, Northowram, Apl. i, 1634. Rose Agnes, Wansforth, vvid. (bur. Nafferton), Sep. 21, 1624. Nycholas, Orston, Notts., Apl. i, 1629. Robert, Leedes Kirkegate, taylor, Mar. 28, 1632. Thomas, Sturton, Notts., Feb. 20, 1626. William, Flawborrowe, par. Orston, Notts., Nov. I, 1631. William, Nottingham, felmonger, May n, 1632. Rosse, George, Hustwaite, gentleman, Oct. 22, 1634. Roston, William, Birdsall, labourer, Mar. 21, 1628. Rotheram, Robert, Nottingham, glover, Mar. 14, 1628. Rothwood, Thomas, Kirksandall, Feb. , 1629. Roulstone, Gamihell, (Houlbeck Woodhouse, Notts.), Sep. 15, 1630. Rousby, Bartholomew, Sleddmarre, labourer, Apl. 27, 1628. Routhe, George, Idle, par. Calverley, singleman, June 16, 1631. Routlesse, Richard, Seasey. No date. Rowle, Thomas, Wheldrake, labourer, Oct. 3, 1631. Rowley, Henry, Lynton upon Wharfe, yeoman, May 4, 1629. , John, yonger, Whitstones, Thurstoland, corvizour, June 24, 1633- Roworth, Alice, Screaveaton a/5. Screaton, Notts., wid., June 11, 1632. Rowsbye, Richard, Mooretowne, par. Brandesburton,yeom., Jan. 25, 1634. Roxby, Myles, York (bur. St. Hellens), Sep. 9, 1628. Royde, Gilbert, Sourbye, Nov. 8, 1629. Roydes, Abraham, Bradford, clothier, June 7, 1628. , Abraham, Leedes, clothworker, Sep. 9, 1634. , John, Barneside, par. Kirkburton, yeoman, Oct. 28, 1627. , Mathew, Clayton in Bradforddayle, Sep. 15, 1629. , Myles, Idle, Aug. 10, 1628. Rudderforth, Issabell, Routh, Jan. 23, 1626. Ruddocke, Christopher, Rellington, yeoman, May 27, 1627. , Issabell, Edlethorp, wid. (bur. Westowe), May 13, 1634. , Jane, Normanby, widdowe (bur. Eston). No date. , John, Normanbie, par. Eston, Apl. 16, 1629. , William, Normanby, late of Eston, yeom., Jan. 10, 1631. Rudston, Raiphe, Headen, graisner, Sep. 16, 1627. Rumfray, Diones, Ryton, yeoman, Apl. 25, . Rumney, William, Bilsthorpe (Notts.), June 4, 1629. Rundell, Martyn, Yorke, purveyor, bur. Allhallowes, Apl. 6, 1632. Rusbie, John, Balme, yeoman, Nov. 4, 1631. Rusbye, Thomas, Haitfeild, husbandman, Jan. 24, 1633. Russell, James, Whitbye, fisherman, May 15, 1625. , William, Grimthorpe, par. Lo%vdam, Notts., labr., Jan. 6, 1623. Ruston, Isabel!, Bridlington, wid. of Nic. R., Nov. 15, 1630. , John, Settrington, laborer, Apl. 23, 1629. , Nicholas, Bridlington, yeoman, Feb. 26, 1628. Vol. Fol. 42 532 4 1 815 40 172 40 401 42 467 40 410 41 710 41 518 4O I'M 40 IQ7 40 292 41 728 4 463 4O 163 42 486 42 175 40 448 41 760 4 I 4 I 41 820 4 2 36 42 334 41 240 40 513 41 419 41 400 40 251 41 529 42 217 41 618 40 499 42 701 42 639 42 51? 40 43 * 41 90 41 389 42 ,501 40 49 4 594 40 386 40 53 40 452 42 411 42 567 40 536 41 839 40 54 40 257 41 188 41 708 41 560 42 553 41 goa 4i 38 4i 330 40 640 41 161 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 73 Jan. g, 1632. May 29, 1635. Oct. 8, 1627. Jan. 23, 1632. May 8, 1633. July 22, 1635. Oct. 23, 1634. Jan. 25, 1631. July 22, 1635. Sep. 16, 1634. Apl. 15, 1631. Mar.23, 1632. Mar.n, 1627. May 15, 1629. Apl. 19, 1633. Apl. 20, 1632. Dec. 9, 1634. Apl. 20, 1629. July 12, 1633. Mar.i7, 1627. Mar.2i, 1631. Apl. 19, 1632. Aug. 8, 1632. Oct. 11, 1631. Mar.i2, 1627. Apl. 16, 1633. May 2, 1633. Sep. 26, 1634. Apl. 22, 1635. Apl. 16, 1635. Sep. 16, 1634. Sep. 3, 1631. Oct. n, 1631. Sep. 12, 1628. Feb. 17, 1634. Mar.i5, 1630. Mar.24, 1635. Jan. 3, 1631. May 9. 1633. Mar.28, 1632. May 14, 1633. Jan. 28, 1632. Jan. 28, 1632. Jun. 21, 1630. Jun. 23, 1632. July 2, 1632. Feb. 23, 1630. Feb. 5, 1632. Jan. 19, 1627. July 28, 1635. Apl. 23, 1635. Nov. 4, 1630. Aug. 7, 1632. Dec. 20, 1628. Oct. 8, 1629. May 9, 1633. Jan. 10, 1630. Jun. 22, 1632. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Ruston, Sicily, Langton, widdowe, June 28, 1632. Rutter, John, Bagbye (bur. Stoxley), Mar. n, 1635. Ryder, William, Eske, par. Beverley, laborer, June 17, 1627. Ryley, Abraham, Yorke (bur. St. Ellens), Oct. 10, 1631. Henry, Blackwood in Sowerby, June 8, 1624. Henry, Ovenden, Apl. i, 1635. James, Shipley, par. Bradford, husbandman, Mar. 15, 1631. John, Normanton, Notts., husbandman, Aug. 7, 1631. Mary, Sowerbye, maide servant, Mar. 23, 1632. Thomas, Bolton nigh Bolland, yeoman, Aug. 31, 1634. Vol. 42 42 40 42 4 2 42 42 41 42 42 41 42 Rymer, Richard, Northallerton, yeoman, Mar. 27, 1627. Sadler, George, Yarme, clerke, Aug. 5, 1632. Sagar, Marie, Clifton, co., Lancaster, spinster (bur. Padiham), Apl. 5. 1625. 40 Sager, Thomas, thelder, Cliviger, co. Lane., clothur, Aug. 25, 1628. 40 Saile, Catherin, Campsall, widdow, Dec. 30, 1631. 42 , Elizabeth, (bur. St. Mich, in the Belf., York), Mar. 5, 1631. 41 Sainter, George, Hirst, par. Birkin, yeoman, July 14, 1633. 42 Sale, Dorothy, Mosse als. Mosley, par. Campsall, wid., Feb. n, 1628. 40 , Robert, Sikehouse, par. Fishlake, yeoman, Sep. 24, 1630. 42 Salkeld, Thomas, Hensingham, co. Cumb., esq., Aug. 22, 1627. 40 Salmon, Rowland, Maplebecke, Notts., husbandman, Sep. 21, 1631. 41 , William, Carnabie. No date. 41 Salter, Robert, Lenton, Notts., surgeon. No date. 41 Salterthwaite, Nicholas, Greasbrough, yeo. (bur. Rotheram). No date. 41 Saltmarsh, Isabell, Thorgonbie, widowe, Nov. 29, 1626. 40 Saltonsall, Edward, Illingworth, Mar. 10, 1629. 42 Salven, Robert, (Skerne), Nov. 5, 1629. 42 Sam, Thomas, Cowthropp, laborer, June 24, 1634. 42 Samon, Francis, Staunton, par. Orstone, Notts., husbn., Dec. 21, 1634. 42 Sander, James, Staithes, par. Hinderwell, carpenter, Oct. 18, 1634. 42 Sanderson, Agnes, Lissett, Holdernes, widdow, June 29, 1632. 42 , George, Thourne Gumbold, taler, Jan. 24, 1630. 41 , John, Stainton, husbandman, July n, 1631. 41 Sandersonne, Agnes, Raskell, widdow, June 18, i6[28]. 41 Sandwith, Thomas, par. St. Olives, Yorke, gent., Feb. 3, 1633. 42 Saunderson, Edward, Ferribridge, yeoman, Mar. i, 1630. 41 , Elizabeth, Hesell, Sep. 8, 1635. 42 , Ellinor, Ferryfryston, widdowe, Dec. 16, 1631. 41 , Richard, Bolton Percy, Mar. n, 1632. 42 Savage, George, Sheffeild, Mar. 6, 1631. 41 , John, Rotheram, tanner, Feb. 9, 1632. 42 , Richard, Maltby, sailor, Oct. 29, 1632. 42 , Wilfrey, Nether Middoppe, par. Bradfeild, husbn., Apl. 14, 1632. 42 , William, Rawmarsh, yeoman, Aug. 9, 1629. 41 Savidge, Rowland, Kingston upon Hull, Feb. 2, 1629. 41 Savile, Sir Henrye, Meathley, Kt. & Bart., June 18, 1632. 41 , John, Ld., Baron of Pontefract, Jan. 15, 1629, signed Aug. 15, 1630. 41 , Robert, Clint, esq., Jan. 25, 1632. 42 Sawley, Marie, East Marlon, wid. of Tho. S., May 6, . 40 Sawre, Samuell, Farneley, Mar. 30, 1635. 42 Sayer, John, Greate Worksall, July 21, 1630. Cod. Sep. 5, 1632. 42 Sayle, John, Campsall, yeoman, Mar. 2, 1623. 41 Saywell, Francis, Thorney, Notts., husbandman, June r, 1632. 41 Scalyerd, Thomas, Wrighton, par. Sprottingbecke, June 23, 1628. 40 Scarbrough, George, Bawtrye, laborer, June 6, 1629. 40 , Stephen, Rawden, husbandman, Apl. 17, 1633. 42 Scargell, George, Sheffeld, May 20, 1630. 41 Scarth, Margerie, Could Ingleby, widow, Jan. 14, 1631. 41 Fol. H 523 54 21 147 597 319 588 595 268 366 77 172 402 213 682 349 419 233 178 639 676 821 54 178 211 136 279 47 2 459 269 5<>7 540 66a 377 356 683 578 185 641 196 22 26 83 754 764 32 125 605 479 226 819 34 551 178 265 753 10 74 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Feb. 19, 1628. Scarth, William, Ingleby, Apl. 13, 1627. 40 355 Apl. 28, 1631. Scarthe, Isabell, Carleton, July 31, 1630. Nov. 8, 1627. Scathley, Richard, Bowtham, baiker, Mar. 31, 1626. 40 8 4 Dec. 17, 1627. Scelton, Alice, widowe, par. Swillington, Mar. 2, 1624. 40 100 May3i, 1632. Scholefeild, Henrie, Thornhill, Mar. 23, 1631. 718 Dec. i, 1629. Scolefeild, Henry, Claypyttes in Hipperholme, clothier, Jun. 28, 1629. 40 May 3, 1635. Scoley, Richard, Cold Hindley (bur. Felkirke), yeoman, Apl. 10, 10 Chas. 42 485 Apl. 29, 1633. Scorer, James, Kingston upon Hull, mr. & maryner, Aug. 19, 1632. 4 2 208 Jan. 30, 1631. Thomas, Wollay, Oct. 24, 1629. 4 1 597 Aug. 7, 1628. Scot Roberte, Frastrop, Apl. 8, 1627. 4i 50*1 Feb. 12, 1630. Scothorne, Thomas, Tythbie, Notts., yeoman, Nov. 14, 1630. 290 Apl. 15, 1630. Scot , Agnes, Oxenhope, par. Haworth, widowe, Oct. 20, 1629. 4 1 31 Mar.u, 1627. Alice, Gildersom, widowe, bur. Battley, Sep. 27, . 40 175 July 4, 1631. Anthony, Sheffeild, cutler, May 21, 1630. 41 466 Jun. 29, 1635. Edward, Wheldrake, grasseman, Feb. 23, 1633. 42 542 Oct. 5, 1631. George, Drighlington, baker (bur. Birstall), Nov. 5, 1625. 523 Oct. 3, 1627. In me M dr^lie I ulv u. 16^*7 40 38 July 15, 1635. Mathew, Rillington, yeoman, June 14, 1635. 42 563 Nov. 6, 1629. Peter, Myton. No date. 4 569 Jan. 17, 1630. Richard, Bishopedike Hall, esq., Nov. 15, 1630. 4 1 277 Jan. 27, 1629. Thorn d th elder Kichlev veomcin Tune ^T 16^0 40 611 May 9, 1633. Vinzan, Appleton (bur. Bolton Percye). No date. 42 185 Feb. 15, 1627. Scrafton, Richard, Seaton, husbandman, May 15, 1627. 40 Oct. 9, 1634. Screaton, Robert, the elder, Willoughbie upon Woldes, Notts., yeom., Apl. 5, 1632. 42 302 Apl. 22, 1635. Scrimshawe, Richard, N. Collingham, Notts., tayler, Nov. 14, 1633. 42 476 Dec.2o, 1628. Scruton, Henry, Carleton Miniot, Mar. 10, 1627. 40 305 Mar.29, 1628. William TVT V* y-i * A r*\ *\f\ rfv?-? 40 191 July 15, 1631. Scudamor, Rowland, Yorke, gentleman, July 4, 1631. 4 1 47 * Oct. 2, 1634. Seamer, Henry, Marton, Cleavland, husbandman, Apl. n, 1634. 42 282 Oct. i, 1629. Seaton, Richard, Mooresyde, carpenter (bur. Skelton). No date. 40 537 Oct. 4, 1632. T?.^V\1T-/-1 C1.. r\ /v."M'k rrwnf V\t*. T7 o t? i r* rrt ^-t- T *^ T A -t T 4 1 857 , IxlLndru, oKlIHllIlgl dVC, gcIlL., L/UI . ILaol llglUil , Jail. ^^, lO^I. Apl. 22, 1630. Seawell, Issabell, Whatton, Notts., widowe, Dec. 19, 1629. 48 Jun. 21, 1630. Seeker, George, Wombwell, par. Darfeild, Oct. 17, 1627. 4 1 82 Aug. 5, 1635. Sedman, Margarett, Suffeild, widdowe, Apl. 14, 1633. 42 627 Mayio, 1632. Seller, William, Hutton super Montem. No date. 41 704 Aug. 3, 1631. Seniaker, Richard, Kingston, Notts., labourer, Nov. 16, 1630. 41 484 Aug. 2, 1632. Senior, Richard, Wortley, inhoulder, July 13, 1631. 4 1 796 Feb. 7, 1632. Sergan, Thomas, Hucknall Torkerd, Notts., chapman, Jun. 22, 1632. 42 38 Oct. 9, 1628. Seriant, John, Snayton, Notts., brickemaker, Aug. 4, 1628. na Sep. 30, 1634. Settle, John, Woodclose House, Oct. IT, 1633. 42 280 Feb. 26, 1630. , Richard, Potterton, tanner (bur. Barwicke), Sep. 13, 1629. 327 Nov.i6, 1630. , Robert, Helton (bur. Rilleston), Dec. 15, 1628. 4 1 236 May 8, 1633. , Thomas, the Lodge, par. Gigleswicke, Dec. 8, 1632. 42 167 Aug.i7, 1630. Thomn^ Hex* vice ^ \vorth fbur Arncliffe^ Oct ^* i 16*^0 4i 129 Sep. 25, 1628. Settill, Roger, Grantley, yeoman, Sep. 9, 1627. 74 Aug. i, 1634. Sewhill, Raphe, Thriske, ropemaker, Dec. 12, 1631. 42 250 Oct. 9, 1628. Shackelocke, John, Sturton, Notls., laylor, Feb. 22, 1627. I2fl Feb. 19, 1634. Shackleton, Ailce, Goodgreave, widdow, Feb. 9, 1632. 42 379 Oct. 4, 1627. Chri"tofcr Arrondme veomcxn Tune i^ 16"^ 40 49 Jun. 18, 1630. 79 Fcb 2*3 16^0 A T 908 Feb. 22, 1631. Shacklock, Richard, Sutton upon Lound, Notts., Sep. 4, 1631. 4 1 41 300 625 Feb. 13, 1629. Shacklocke, Robert, Sturton, Notts., June 8, 1627. 40 624 Apl. 23, 1629. Shakelton, Richard thelder, Newsome, par. Kighley, yeoman, July 20, 1624. 40 420 Oct. 4, 1627. Shakleton, John, Southden, par. Haworth, Oct. 28, 1624. 40 49 Jan. 22, 1634. Shanne, Richard, Methley, yeoman, June 21, 1627. 42 365 Sep. 30, 1630. Sharpe, Alice, Bishopside in Nidderdale, widow, Oct. 20, 1629. 41 166 Apl. 16, 1633. \licc Scolcmore in Horton \viddo\v SCD **i LfiT^ 42 2IO Ton ->8 fft->A Catherine, nar. Marstnn. Dec. T. ifi-iA. AV afin WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 75 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Jan. 30, 1631. Sharpe, Gilbert, Menibente, par. Ealande, abt. midsommer, 1631. 41 598 Nov.io, 1629. , John, Carnaby, husbandman, June 5, 1629. 40 570 Apl. 22, 1630. , John, Huggitt, Apl. 14, 1630. 41 36 Oct. 9, 1628. , Margarett, North Collingham (Notts.), widdovv, Jan. 3, 1628. 40 271 Mar.io, 1634. , Nathaniel, Carnabey, husbandman, June i, 1633. 42 403 Apl. 29, 1633. 1 Ralph, Headon, Feb. 7, 1632. 42 132 Oct. 7, 1630. , Richard, Cotham, Notts, (bur. Gotham), July 28, 1628. 41 195 Sep. 26, 1627. , Richard, Eclesfeild, Nov. 5, 1624. 40 28 Jan. 18, 1627. , Roberte, (Hallifax), June 17, 1627. 40 123 Mar. 5, 1630. , Thomas, Barmby, Notts., yeoman, Aug. 24, 1630. 41 347 Sep. 25, 1634. , Thomas, Tadcaster, yeoman, July 14, 1634. 42 277 Aug. 3, 1635. , William, S. Collingham, Notts., husbn., Apl. 18, 1635. 42 625 Apl. 29, 1633. , William, Welwicke Thorp, Sep. 22, 1632. 42 133 Aug.2O, 1628. Sharpely, William, Bawtruye, Mar. 26, 1628. 41 6ga Aug.3i, 1630. Sharpies, Edmund, Aighton, co. Lane., yeoman, June i, 1630. 41 144 Dec. 16, 1628. Sharpp als. Gurnell, John, Ravensime, Dewsbury, yeoman, June 30, 1625. 40 296 Jun. 23, 1635. Sharrocke, Timothye, Todthill, Rastricke, chapman, Feb. 9, 1634. 42 540 May i, 1628. Shaw, Andrew, Ingbrichworth, par. Peniston, taylor, Sep. 27, 1626. 40 208 Feb. 15, 1632. , Emer, Dodworth, carpenter (bur. Silkeston), Aug. 5, 1632. 42 47 July 4, 1632. , Joan, Rotheram, widdowe, Jan. 24, 1631. 41 768 July 31, 1632. , John, Pollucehouse, par. Hallifax, wollen webster, June 10, 1632. 41 780 Oct. ii, 1630. Shawe, Alice, Halbrome, par. Bradfeild, widdowe, Sep. 6, 1628. 41 202 Feb. 15, 1632. , James, par. Ratchdale, co. Lane., husbandman, Aug. 12, 1632. 42 56 Feb. 13, 1629. , John, Rotheram, yeoman, Dec. 27, 1629. 40 628 Mar. 5, 1634. , John, Sickehouse, Bradfeild, yeoman, June 30, 1634. 42 394 May 14, 1633. , Nicholas, Howber, par. Wath uppon Dearne, yeom., Jan. 12, 1632. 42 191 Feb. 12, 1630. , Raphe, Nottingham, gentleman, Sep. 28, 1630. 41 294 July 29, 1630. , Richard, Newarke, Notts., butcher, 1629. 41 120 Nov.24, 1629. , Thomas, Seaton, Nov. 22, 1628. 40 575 Aug. 8, 1632. , Thomas, Towton, Notts., husbandman, Apl. i, 1630. 41 820 July n, 1628. , William, Farndon, Notts., laborer, Apl. 12, 4 Chas. 41 26a Feb. n, 1628. , William, Sutton upon Trent, Notts., cordwyner, Sep. 19, 1628. 40 346 Aug.27, 1629. Shearburne, William, Riccall Parke, par. Eskricke, Aug. 14, 1629. 40 515 Oct. 4, 1632. Sheard, Michaell, thelder, Mirfeild, clerke, June 24, 1632. 41 866 Dec. i, 1629. Shearde, Thomas, Ovenden, par. Hallifax, clothither, Sep. 8, 1628. 40 590 May i, 1628. Shearecrofte, William, Norton, yeoman, Sep. 29, 1627. 40 209 July 17, 1629. Sheeppard, William, Normanton upon Trente, Notts., yeom., Oct. 8, 1628. 40 490 Aug.n, 1627. Shelton, Marie, Bestwoodparke (Notts.), widdowe (bur. Arnold), , 1626. 40 10 May 8, 1628. , Reginold, Winthorpe (Notts.), husbn., Mar. 14, 1627. 40 223 Sep. 30, 1630. Shemeld, James, (Thribargh), July i, 1630. 41 169 Sep. 30, 1630. Shepard, Robert, Trumphlete, husbn. (bur. Sandall), June 23, 1630. 41 173 May3i, 1632. Shepley, Richard, Mirfeild, tanner, Oct. 18, 1631. 41 728 Aug. i, 1628. Sheppard, Joan, Brampton, par. Wath upon Dearne, wid., Mar. 17, 1627. 41 2ga July 4, 1628. , Marmaduke, Sikehouse, par. Pateleybridge, singleman, 1627. 41 150 Aug. 6, 1631. , Thomas, Blith, Notts., cowper, Mar. 23, 1630. 41 501 May 15, 1633. als. Cutforthay, Thomas, Scroby, Notts., yeom., Feb. 23, 1632. 42 go Oct. 9, 1632. SherclirTe, Thomas, Pigburne (bur. Broadsworth), Apl. 20, 1632. 41 883 Mar.io, 1628. Shereburn, Richard, Stoniehurst, co. Lane., esq., Sep. 4, 1627. 40 358 May 3 1, 1632. Sherecrofte, Thomas, Bently, Feb. 2, 1629. 41 743 Jun. 2, 1629. Sherewood, Richard, (Beverley), Nov. 13, 1628. 40 445 Nov.ig, 1629. , Thomas, Lound upon Would, gent., June 22, 1629. 40 572 May i, 1628. Shertlife, Thomas, Stainton, husbandman, Dec. 31, 1627. 40 216 Feb. 23, 1629. Shillito, Abraham, Huggett, husbandman, June 13, 1602. 40 635 Feb. 12, 1628. Shinell, Francis, Bawtrie, laborer, July 3, 1627. 40 349 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. July 17, 1629. Feb. 10, 1628. July 18, 1631. Apl. 28, 1631. Mar.i2, 1628. Jun. 10, 1630. Aug.2o, 1629. Oct. 8, 1629. Dec. i, 1627. Apl. 14, 1630. Feb. 23, 1630. Apl. 18, 1632. Jun. 29, 1629. Feb. 12, 1628. Oct. 7, 1634. May 9, 1632. May i, 1628. Dec. 21, 1631. Apl. 26, 1632. Aug. 5, 1628. July 22, 1635. Feb. 23, 1630. July 21, 1635. Jan. 27, 1628. Dec. 20, 1632. May 8, 1633. Apl. 15, 1635. Apl. 28, 1630. Aug.io, 1635. Mar. n, 1627. May 15, 1633. Oct. 4, 1627. Nov.2o, 1627. July 29, 1630. Jun. i, 1630. un. 18, 1633. Nov.27, 1634. Jan. 30, 1627. Sep. 25, 1628. Oct. 7, 1630. Aug. 8, 1632. July 13, 1633. Oct. 12, 1631. July 4, 1628. Feb. 27, 1627. Oct. 28, 1634. Apl. 26, 1632. Sep. it, 1628. Apl. n, 1629. Jan. 24, 1634. May 28, 1633. May 13, 1630. Sep. 25, 1634. Sep. 25, 1634. Jan. 17, 1631. Apl. 23, 1632. Jan. 28, 1632. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Shipman, Ann, Kylton, par. Worksopp, Notts., wid., Mar. 25, 1629. 40 492 -, Richard, Granley, Notts., yeoman, Sep. 19, 1628. 40 4 1 Shippard, George, Whithouse, par. Paitleybridge, Feb. 2, . , Marie, Orton, par. Thwinge, widdow, Apl. 7, 7 Chas. 41 Shipperd, John, Cottingham in Holdernes, husbn., Sep. 30, 1628. 40 -, Stephen, Mearsike, bur. Longpreston, husbn., Mar. 14, 1628. Shipsyde, John, Goteham, Notts., laborer, Apl. 8, 1629. Shipton, William, Bothomsall, Notts., laborer, Apl. 3, 1629. Shires, Christofer, Halton on the Hill, husbn. (bur. Skipton), Sep. 3, 1627. 40 40 Thomas, Gringleton, par. Miton, yeoman, Jan. 8, 1629. Shirte, William, Cawthorne, Feb. 2, 1626. Shooter, William, Pondhouse, nere Sheffeild, cutler, Dec. 10, 1631. 41 Shore, Nycholas, Knottingley, par. Pontefract, husbn., July 18, 1628. 40 Short, Thomas, Elkesley, Notts., laborer, Oct. i, 1628. 40 Shorte, Peter, Doncaster, draper, Jan. 19, 1633. 42 Shorten, Thomas, Bridlingtonne, Apl. 18, 1632. 41 Shute, Katherine, Gigleswick, widdowe. No date. 20 Shutt, William, Kirbyeoverblowes, Jan. i, 6 Chas. 41 Sibthorpe, William, Upton, par. Headon, Notts., husbandman, Jan. 18, 1630. 41 Sickes, John, Boothbankes, par. Huddersfeild, July 31, 1627. 41 Siddall, Elizabeth, Soyland (bur. Eland), Dec. 20, 1634. 42 , Thomas, Swilland, clothier, Apl. 16, 1628. 41 Sigston, John, Hutton Cranswicke, husbandman, Oct. 28, 1634. 42 , William, North Dalton, laborer, Mar. 10, 1627. 40 Sigswicke, Thomas, Camehouses, par. Hortoune, yeom., July 6, 1630. 42 , Thomas, Lambhill. No date. 42 , Thomas, Langcliffe, husbandman, Jan. 15, 1633. 42 Sigsworth, Robert, Sleigholme Dale (bur. Kirkedale), Mar. 12, 1629. 41 Sikes, Christopher, Nabourne, July 19, 1635. 42 , Margarett, Riley, par. Kirkburton, widowe, Nov. 21, 3 Chas. 40 Silkstone, William, Egmanton, Notts., yeoman, Feb. 4, 1632. 42 Silvester, Dionis, Woodsome (bur. Allmemberie), Apl. 26, 1627. 40 , Robert, Kingston upon Hull, marriner (bur. Dripoole), May 3, 1627. 40 Simon, Thomas, Langar, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 21, 1629. 41 Simpson, Christofer, Barsland, taylour, Jan. 27, 1629. 41 Edward, Hutton Cranswicke, yeoman, Feb. 14, 1632. 42 Elizabeth, Normanby, spinster, Nov. 27, 1633. 42 Ellene, Newarke upon Trent, Notts., widdowe, Sep. 2, 1624. 40 Issabell, Leedes, widdowe, Jan. 30, 1627. 41 John, servt. to Geo. Ld. Goringe, Aug. 15, 1630. 41 John, Lenton, Notts., labourer, Oct. 5, 1630. 41 Margaret, Barton in the Willowes (bur. Crambe), May 18, Ralph, par. St. Mary, Nottingham, Aug. 3, 1631. Robert, Felbecke in Bishopside, 1621. Roberte, Skipton, mercer, Oct. 15, 1627. William, Barton in the Willowes, Nov. n, 1633. William, Kellam, July 30, 1631. William, thelder, Ryton, bur. Kirby Miston. No date. Singleton, Mary, Dalbanke, par. Ryppon, spr., Mar. 24, 4 Chas. Sisson, Christopher, Cottingham, yeoman, Jan. 15, 1633. Robert, Hessill, yeoman, Feb. 26, 1632. 42 41 4 1 40 42 40 42 42 Thomas, Collingham, yeoman (bur. Hayle), May 6, i Chas. 41 - , Thomas, Little Haughton, par. Darfeild, June 14, 1634. 42 Skaife, Francis, Sawley, yeoman, Jan. 26, 1633. 4 2 Skalins, Anne, York, abt. fst. St. Mich. last. 41 Skarber, Xpofer, Easington, mariner, Nov. i, 1631. 41 Skargell, George, Sheffeild, cutler, May 15, 1632. 42 345 475 382 364 70 512 554 93 3i6 655 462 349 291 708 198 573 696 47 598 312 573 321 9 J 54 452 53 629 *74 93 48 88 116 64 214 344 192 823 233 540 i5 159 328 691 66a 374 367 1 20 57 272 278 585 685 24 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 77 July i, 1628. Jan. 12, 1631. Jun. 10, 1628. May3i, 1632. Apl. 16, 1635. Dec. ii, 1628. Jun. 22, 1629. Feb. 12, 1627. Feb. 20, 1627. Jan. 30, 1631. Jun. 2, 1632. Apl. 22, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. Jan. 18, 1627. Nov. 10, 1627. Oct. 6, 1635. July 31, 1632. Aug.i2, 1629. May 9, 1633. Aug. 5, 1628. Feb. 22, 1630. Aug.n, 1631. Apl. 19, 1632. Nov. 8, 1634. Apl. 19, 1632. Apl. 19, 1632. July 16, 1635. May3i, 1632. Oct. 27, 1631. Apl. 30, 1629. Feb. 14, 1627. Apl. 30, 1629. May3i, 1632. Aug.3i, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. Jun. n, 1635. Nov. i, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. Oct. 31, 1631. May 9, 1633. Jan. 29, 1627. Oct. 4, 1632. Feb. 15, 1632. Oct. 8, 1627. Apl. 28, 1633. Sep. 6, 1632. Apl. 21, 1635. Sep. 25, 1634. Dec. 19, 1632. July 27, 1633. Feb. 23, 1635. July 4, 1631. May2i, 1633. May 20, 1628. Nov.i6, 1630. Jan. n, 1630. Dec.2o, 1628. July 28, 1635. 4i 40 4 1 42 40 4 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Skargell, William, Sheffeeld, Mar. 15, 1627. Skargill, Alice, Sheffeld, widowe, Sep. 14, 1631. Skayles, Henery, (Thirsk), Feb. 10, 1627. Skelton, Richard, Hipperholme, husbandman, Apl. 20, 1631. , Robert, Marton, par. Sinnington, yeoman, Jan. 27, , Thomas, Snaynton, taylor, Apl. 21, 4 Chas. Skeltonn, William, Sheffelde Parke, yeoman, Oct. 5, 1624. Skynner, John, Newmalton, chappell of St. Michaell, June n, 1627. 40 Slacke, Elizabeth, Southe Kirkebie, Dec. 29, 1627. 40 , Jane, Woodhouse, widdowe (bur. Emley), Sep. 7, 1629. 41 , Margarett, Turlingham, bur. Holme in Spaldingmore, Apl. 27, 1631. 41 , William, Adwicke upon the street, Mar. 27, 1628. 40 , Edward, par. Thornhill, Oct. n, 1629. 41 Sladyne, Bridgett, Warley, widowe, Jun. 25, 1623. 40 Slater, Anne, Marston, Oct. 26, 1627. 40 , Hellin, Unfeild house, widdowe, Jan. 19, 1631. 42 , Henrie, Kirkby in Malhamdayle, yeoman, May 10, 1631. 41 , Martha, Clayton, dau. of Edw. S. of Shelf., dec., Mar. 17, 1628. 40 Slayter, John, Skelton, May 30, 1632. 42 Sleadhill, James, Stainland, bur. Ealand, Nov. 25, 3 Chas. 41 Slede, Ellen, Sprotley, Sep. 9, 1630. 41 Sleightholme, Marie, Yorke, widowe, Aug. 2, 1631. 41 Slinger, Francis, Buckden, par. Arnecliffe, bur. Hubbram, Dec. 16, 1630. 41 , James, Buckden (bur. Hubbram), July 31, 1634. 42 , Robert, Conishtonn, yeoman, Aug. 24, 1629. 41 , Mathew, Beggarmonds, par. Arnecliffe, yeom., Feb. 2, 1630. 41 Slingesby, Henry, Screven, kt., Dec. 10, 1634. 42 Smalebent, Richard, par. Peniston, Aug. 28, 1630. 41 Smalebert, Anne, rel. of Bryan, S. of Walkeringham (Notts.), Sep. 3, 1631. 41 Smalwood, Joise, Wysall, Notts., widow, Jan. 7, 1628. 40 Smarte, William, Scroobie, Notts., 1627. 40 Smeadley, Robert, Nottingham, chapman, Dec. 4, 1628. 40 Smeaton, John, Boulton upon Dearne, carpenter, Feb. 14, 1631. 41 .William, Yorke, yeoman (bur. St. Cuth.), July i, 1631. 41 Smirke, William, Studley Roger, yeoman, Aug. 6, 1629. 41 Smith, Alice, Apl. 16, 1635. 42 Alice, Halton super Montem, par. Skipton, wid. No date. 41 Alice, par. Leedes, widowe, Mar. 26, 1628. 41 Allane, Westmarton, yeoman, June 14, 1631. 41 Allison, Newby, widdow, Feb. 7, 8 Chas. 42 Ann, Yorke, widowe, May 31, 1626. 40 Annas (Agnes), Lackenby, vvid. of Will. S. (bur. Wilton). No date. 41 Anne, Heptonstall, widdow, Oct. 8, 1631. 42 Bryan, Swyne, shoomaker, April 20, 1627. 40 Christopher, Allerthorpe, Mar. 29, 1633. 42 Elizabeth, Wilton, widdow. No date. 41 Ellin, Marsbrough, wid. (bur. Rotheram), Nov. 5, 1634. 42 George, Rippon, hosier, May 5, 1634. 42 Gilbert, Sandholme, Wigglesworth, yeoman, Oct. 18, 1632. 42 Henry, Kingston upon Hull, merchant, Mar. 31, 1633. 42 Henry, North Dalton, Dec. 15, 1635. 42 Henry, Tinslawe, husbandman, Mar. 6, 1630. 41 Issabell, Helton (bur. Rilleston), Nov. 10, 1629. 42 Issabell, Swine, widdow, Jan. 10, 1627. 40 James, Aierton, husbandman, Nov. 2, 1629. 41 James, Burnholme, bachler, Jan. 7, . 41 James, Nether Skyers, Dec. 28, 1625. 40 Jefferay, Wortley, par. Leedes, May 16, 1635. 42 Vol. Fol. 256 454 294 458 141 154 592 747 193 30 124 8 4 679 784 506 1 80 503 672 336 673 672 567 723 396 150 396 742 5>5 19 535 557 18 556 183 132 858 53 55 130 842 468 279 5 240 698 463 1 20 249 237 273 303 606 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Mar. 12, 1628. Smit May 15, 1633. Nov.iS, 1630. Sep. 21, 1631. 1 h, Jennett, Sprolley (bur. Sprotley), widowe, July 26, 1627. Jervis, Littlebargh, Notts., carpenter, Nov. 12, 1632. Johan, Beverley, widdowe, June 29, 1630. John, Emley, corviser, Aug. 23, 1631. John, Rotherham, cowper, May 8, 1629. John, Settrington, laborer, Oct. 22, 1632. John, Yorke, butcher (bur. St. Olives), Jan. 26, 1632. Katheren, Ferrybriggs, May 22, 1626. Leonard, Herley, par. Shefeild, Aug. 20, 1631. Lorance, Claworth, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 14, 1629. Margarett, Broughton, widdow, Oct. 2, 1630. Margarett, Nunburnholme, widdow, Sep. 25, 1625. Marke, Beverley, carreer, Nov. 10, 1627. Mathew, North Burton, yeoman (bur. Hunnanbye), Dec. 19, 1625. Michael, Workeley a/5. Wirkeley, yeoman, Nov. 26, 1627. Miles, Utley, par. Kighley, Jan. 9, 1627. Nicholas, Leaven, grasman, Feb. 19, 1634. Nicholas, Sheffeild, Mar. 9, 1632. Peter, Reighton, Apl. 9, 1627. Raiph, Gresbrough, yeoman, Mar. 29, 1630. Raiph, Hayton, Notts., Notarey publiq, Oct. 29, 1634. Richard, Blith, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 24, 1627. Richard, Skelton (bur. Rippon), July 8, 1627. Richard, Yorke, cordiner. No date. Robart, Pudsay, Feb. 8, 1632. Robert, Huntington, Sep. n, 1631. Robert, Kingstone upon Hull, sayler, Nov. 30, 1627. Robert, Siglisthorne, husbandman, Dec. 27, 1634. Robert, Stainton, par. Orstonne, Notts., weaver, Oct. 29, 6 Chas. Samuell, Clayton in Bradforddale, clothier, June 20, 1629. Samuell, Coswicke, par. Garton, husbandman, Mar. 6, 1631. Thomas, Fairburne, blacksmith (bur. Ledsham), Oct. 1, 1628. Thomas, Holhead, husbandman, May n, 1628. Thomas, Kirkleatham. No date, Thomas, Seymor, husbandman, Nov. 6, 1631. Thomas, Stillingfleete, yeoman, Aug. 22, 1634. Thomas, Thwaites, par. Kighley, yeoman, Apl. 8, 1630. William, Hallifax, milne wright, Oct. 23, 1629. William, Harwodhill, par. Kighley, husbn., Feb. 17, 1630. William, Hessill, grassman, Mar. 24, 1629. William, Westardselay, par. Woodfkirk], Nov. 17, 1632. Xpofer, Swyne, July 24, 1631. lies, Ann, Horton, Bradfordaile, Mar. i, 1633. /ol. 40 42 41 41 40 42 42 4 1 4i 4 4i 40 40 42 40 40 42 42 4i 4i 42 4i 40 4i 42 4i 40 42 4i 4i 4 1 40 40 4i 4i 42 4 1 4i 4i 4i 42 4i 42 40 4i 4i 40 42 42 40 4i 40 40 4i 40 4i Fol. 366 93 237 515 529 118 65 683 878 125 372 74 250 403 135 241 562 194 12 102 383 710 I 754 202 75i 266 519 286 27 774 286 301 533 680 628 552 146 554 65 53 604 578 385 356 557 15 177 no 489 349 423 388 293 535 378 May 23, 1633. Feb. 23, 1632. Apl. 23, 1632. Oct. 9, 1632. Aug. 4, 1630. Oct. 23, 1627. May 26, 1628. Jan. i, 1627. Mayi6, 1628. May 14, 1633. Apl. 15, 1630. Feb. 26, 1634. Aug.2O, 1628. Aug. 9, 1627. Apl. 23, 1632. Jun. 18, 1628. May 28, 1635. Apl. 15, 1630. Dec. 20, 1628. Oct. 6, 1631. Apl. 20, 1632. Aug. 8, 1635. Nov. i, 1631. Sep. 2, 1630. Feb. 15, 1632. Feb. 8, 1631. July 22, 1635. Smit Mar.i2, 1630. Smithson, Elizabeth, dau. of Will. S. of Yorke, draper, dec., Jan. 22, 1630. ton), Feb. u, 1626. May 20, 1633. Smorthwaite, William, Kingston upon Hull, mr. & maryner, May 2, 1627. July 17, 1629. Smyth, Elizabeth, Laxton, Notts., widow, Apl. 17, 1629. , John, Bingham, Notts., husbandman, Aug. 12, 1630. Ort T tfi-?n Pf>fpr ffirHirp in ririnrl-ilirth Ont OT rfifR WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 79 , 1629. Jan. 23, 1629. Jan. 15, 1629. Feb. 23, 1630. Nov.23, 1629. Oct. 2, 1629. Oct. i, 1629. Jan. 15, 1634. May 12, 1630. Feb. 8, 1631. Oct. 6, 1631. May i, 1628. Jun. 8, 1631. Mar.i2, 1635. Sep. 5, 1635. Sep. 25, 1634. Apl. 30, 1629. Feb. 9, 1631. Sep. 26, 1627. Dec. i, 1629. Mar. 6, 1627. Mar. 5, 1629. Feb. 9, 1628. Jan. 28, 1632. Sep. 17, 1628. May 20, 1628. Oct. 8, 1627. Oct. i, 1635. Feb. 8, 1631. Aug.20, 1628. May 5, 1635. Sep. 18, 1632. Sep. 19, 1632. Oct. 8, 1627. Oct. 2, 1634. Nov. 6, 1634. May3i, 1632. Apl. 22, 1630. Oct. 4, 1632. July 24, 1629. MayiS, 1633. Nov.29, 1631. July 29, 1633. Jun. 2, 1629. Apl. 15, 1630. Apl. 18, 1632. Oct. 13, 1634. Sep. 21, 1632. May 15, 1635. Apl. 20, 1632. Jan. 3, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. Feb. 10, 1628. July 2, 1635. Dec. 19, 1632. May 4, 1628. Oct. 8, 1629. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Smyth, Raiph, Brandsburton, husbandman, Dec. 27, 1628. , Thomas, Nunburneholme, husbandman, Nov. 12, 1629. , Thomas, Wilpshire, co. Lane., yeoman, Oct. 25, 1629. -, William, par. Ecclesfeilde, yeoman, Oct. 16, 1627. Vol. Fol. 40 445 40 615 40 608 41 322 -, William, Woodhous, par. Byngley, clothyer, Dec. 18, 1628. 40 574 Smythe, William, Otley, clerk, Maister of the free grammer schole, Sep. 25, 1628. 40 540 Snaipe, Johan, Almonbury, Apl. 7, 1629. 40 531 Snaith, Robert, Haldanbye, par. Adlingfleete, yeom., May 16, 1633. 42 363 , Susann, Gelston, par. Houghoath, co. Line., spr., Apl. 28, 1630. 41 56 Snath, Peter, Brandesburton, husbandman, Jan. n, 1631. 41 602 Snawden, Asculph, Normanby, husbandman, Mar. 28, 1631. 41 530 Snawdon, Edward, Woodapleton, par. Lastingham, Apl. 23, 1624. 40 195 Snayth, Christopher, Witon, yeoman (bur. Swyne), Jan. 24, 1630. 41 466 Sneaton, Elizabeth, Yow Coote, singlewoman, Feb. 18, 1635. 42 686 Snell, Allison, Ketlewell, spinster, Jan. 16, 1634. 42 647 , John, Silkestone, Jan. 27, 1633. 42 271 Sniles, George, Harworth, Notts., husbandman, Feb. 20, 1628. 40 394 Soarsbye, Mathew, Ruddington, Notts., husbandman, Dec. 12, 1631. 41 613 Somersall, John, the Feildhead, Dec. 16, 1625. 40 25 Sommer, Johne, Thorncliffe, par. Kirkburton, Dec. 5, 1628. 40 590 Somner, Roberte, Bingham, Notts., husbandman, June n, 1627. 40 163 Sonley, Robert, Thormonby, yeoman, Dec. 26, 1629. 40 638 Soothill, Richard, Hartleshead, yeoman, Jan. 10, 1625. 40 327 Soresbie, Katherine, Bridghouses, par. Sheffeild, wid., May 31, 1632. 42 27 Sotheram, Edward, Northcliffe, par. Sancton, Aug. 18, 1628. 41 720. Sotheran, Robert, Cottingham, Mar. 19, 1627. 40 244 Southebie, Robert, Owstwicke, husbn. (bur. Garton), Apl. 24, 1627. 40 51 Southwicke, Christopher, Preston, Holdernes, singleman, June 20, 1635- -, George, Sprotley, weaver, Dec. 22, 1630. Southworth, Elizabeth, Nottingham, widow, Apl. 14, 1628. Sowden, John, Manningham, June i, 1632. , Nicholas, Bramley, yeoman, June 18, 1632. Nicholas, Bramley, par. Leedes, yeoman, July 2, 1632. 42 676 41 604 41 700 42 498 41 849 41 850 40 55 Sowerbie, John, Waxham, par. Owthorne, yeoman, June 2, 1627. Sowerbye, William, Farnedale, Feb. 7, 1630. 42 285 Sowthwayte ah. Miller, Frances, Skutterskelfe, wid. (bur. Rudby), June 4, 1626. 42 333 Soynyard, John, Sowerbie, par. Hallifax, wollendraper, Apl. 18, 1631. 41 737 Spalton, Richard, Balderton, Notts., yeoman, July 5, 1629. 41 45 Spanton, Roberte, younger, Nafferton, laborer, Dec. 30, 1631. 41 853 Sparke, Nicholas, (Shoiegreene Dnry., Doncaster). No date. 40 481 Sparlinge, James, par. Craike, dioc. Durham, May 4, 1631. 42 101 Sparrow, Peter, Wressle, yeoman, July 20, 1631. 41 561 , Robert, North Burton (bur. Walkington), grasseman. No date. 42 241 Sparrowe, Peter, Wressle, yeoman, Apl. 14, 1628. 40 447 Spawton, Robert, Whenby, Feb. 21, 1628. 41 8 Speake, Stephen, Gisburne, clarke, Mar. 15, 1630. 41 660 Spence, Elizabeth, Yorke, spr. (bur. St. Sampson), Sep. 24, 1633. 42 307 , Leonard, Topcliffe, yeoman, July 18, 1632. 41 836 , Leonard, Yorke, yeoman, Feb. 20, 1634. 42 510 Spenceley, William, Wombleton, yeom., bur. Kirkdale, Dec. 18, 1629. 41 677 Spencer, Edward, Mains (Craven), Apl. 22, 1631. 41 577 , John, Glasburne, par. Kildwicke, Jan. 6, 1626. 40 420 , John, Wysall, Notts., husbandman, Sep. 28, 1628. 40 342 , Thomas, Sheffeild, cordwiner, Mar. 29, 1635. 42 550 , William, Dudland in Sawley, June 8, 1632. 42 3 Spencley, Ralphe, Cayton, laborer, Jan. 2, 1627. 40 254 Spensar, Margarett, Claworth, Notts., spinster, June 9, 1629. 40 553 8o WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Apl. 22, 1630. Feb. 26, 1634. May2i, 1633. Oct. ii, 1627. July 31, 1633. Oct. 4, 1632. Aug. 10, 1629. Feb. 17, 1630. Nov.ig, 1631. Aug.n, 1627. Jan. 18, 1631. Feb. 18, 1632. Feb. 1 1, 1628. May i, 1628. Apl. 24, 1632. May 15, 1633. Aug.2i, 1635. July 17, 1629. Aug. 4, 1631. May 8, 1633. July 18, 1631. Aug. 2, 1632. Oct. 2, 1628. Apl. 20, 1629. Nov.2o, 1632. Mar. 2, 1630. Feb. 8, 1627. Jan. 19, 1629. Apl. 28, 1631. Jan. 9, 1634. Apl. 30, 1629. Feb. 22, 1631. Sep. 3, 1627. Nov.i6, 1630. May 3, 1631. May 3, 1631. July 29, 1630. Oct. 9, 1628. Oct. 8, 1629. 1628. May Oct. 5. 1631. May 8, 1633. May 3, 1635. Feb. 24, 1635. Oct. 8, 1629. Apl. 2, 1631. Apl. 26, 1632. Sep. 3, 1632. Oct. 8, 1627. July 4, 1633. Sep. 9, 1635. Mar. 26, 1628. Oct. 9, 1629. May 9, 1633. Mar. 3, 1634. Oct. 4, 1632. July 3, 1629. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Spenser, Grace, Stanford upon Shore, Notts., widdow, Nov. 3, 1629. 41 , Gregorye, Bingham (Notts.), yeoman, Aug. 20, 1634. 42 , John, Aeirton (bur. Kirkebye in Malham), husbn., Dec. 23, 1632. Nicholas, Clauworth, co. Notts., Feb. 24, 1627. Robert, Sturton, Notts., laborer, Jan. 14, 1630. 42 40 4i 40 4i Spensley, William, Wombleton, skutlemaker, Sep. 29, 1627. Spinke, Frauncis, (bur. Normanton), Dec. 8, 1628. , John, Stutton, tanner, Nov. 7, 1630. , Robert, Swillington, yeoman, Sep. 9, 1631. 41 Spivie, William, Bingham (Notts.), husbandman, Oct. 26, 1626. 40 Spoffurth, Reinold, West Hadlesay, yeoman (bur. Birkin), June 16, 1630. 41 Sproxton, John, the elder, Hutton Cranswicke, grasman, Mar. 28, 1632. Spurr, Anne, Girton, Notts., spinster, Sep. 9, 1628. Spurre, Charles, Bramley, par. Leedes, Oct. i, 1627. Spyvie, Margrett, Haitfeild Woodhouse, widdow, July 20, 1630. Squire, Francis, Hucknall Torkerd, Notts., laborer, Aug. 15, 1632. , James, Saxton, laborer, May 8, 1635. , Thomas, Ilkley, May 12, 1628. Stabley, George, Ecleshill, yeoman, Mar. 18, 1627. , Samuell, Idell, tanner, Feb. 13, 1632. Stagg, Anthony, Holbeck, clothier (bur. Leedes), Aug. 22, 1626. , Robert, Clayton, par. Hoyland, Oct. 5, 1631. Stainetliffe, Thomas, Normanbye (bur. Filinge),yeom., June 23, 1627. 41 Stainforth, Robert, par. Sheffeild, hardwareman, Nov. 24, 1628. 40 -, Diones, Kingston upon Hull, widow, Oct. 6, 1630. -, Robert, Sikehouse, Apl. 15, 1627. -, William, Kingston upon Hull, yeoman, Jan. 30, 1623. Stancliffe, John, Northowrom, yeoman, July 30, 1630. Stanfeild, John, Hampstwaite, Sep. 14, 1634. Stanfeilde, William, Lound, par. Sutton, Notts., husbandman, Jun. 3, 4 Chas. 40 Stanford, Daniell, Sutton upon Lound, Notts., gent., May 27, 1627. 41 Stanhope, Sir John, Millwood parke, co. Line., kt., Apl. 30, 3 Chas. 40 Staniforth, Agnes, Hartlington, wid. (bur. Burnsall). No date. 41 , Anne, Sheffeild, wid., Feb. 9, 1629. 41 , John, Darnall, yeoman, June 16, 1630. 41 Stanley, Henry, Sutton Bonington, Notts., yeoman, Nov. i, 1629. 41 Mary, Sutton (Notts.), spinster, Sep. 4, 4 Chas. 40 40 40 4i 42 4 2 40 4i 4i 40 42 Stather, Robert, Hotham, taylor, Aug. 13, 1634. 4 2 Staveler, Miles, Suerby, husbandman, bur. Bridlington, May 21, 1627. 40 Stawper, Robert, Hemsley, butcher. No datt. 40 Staynas, William, Rowsbye, Nov. 5, 1632. 42 Stead, Elizabeth, Middle Coumbes, spr., Aug. 15, 1634. 42 , Myles, Dogpearke (bur. Weston), Nov. 20, 1631. 41 Steade, Richard, Mooresyde in Tonge, yeoman, Dec. 31, 1628. 40 Stansaw, William, par. St. Marie, Nottingham, Feb. 15, 1627. Stansfeild, Agnes, Wadsworth, widdowe, June 19, 1627. , John, Stanbury, husbandman, July 9, 1629. , Richard, Sowerby, par. Hallifax, Feb. 27, 1631. , Simon, Stansfeild, yeoman, Sep. 5, 1634. , Thomas, Greenhairst, batchellor, Jan. 13, i634(?). Stanshawe, Anne, Nottingham, Feb. 21, 1628. Stapilton, Henry, Wighell, esq., Feb. 14, 1630. Staples, Robert, Nottingham, gentleman, June 3, 1630. Stapleton, Hery, Thorpbrantingham, May i, 1631. Starke, Robert, Flynton in Holdernes, Jan. 20, 1625. Thomas, Thorne, batchelor, Sep. 8, 1632. Fol. 49 388 112 64 248 855 5O2 299 560 II 585 63 348 197 688 86 641 487 494 155 475 795 890 377 Stainton, Austan, flaldenbie, par. Adlingflight, labr., June 30, 1631. 41 912 333 139 609 389 393 623 18 236 402 401 114 273 550 202 527 152 485 691 549 362 697 848 55 220 652 187 559 182 399 860 469 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 81 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. July 5, 1628. Steade, Roberta, Kirbye, yeoman (bur. Kirkebye Overblowes), Nov. 30, 1626. 41 230 Oct. 5, 1631. - , William, Chates in Hunsworth, blacksmith, Apl. I, 1629. 41 521 Sep. 30, 1630. Steele, Ealse, Hargeham (? Harpham), May 7, 1630. 41 160 Apl. 20, 1632. Stcene, Percivall, Pinchingthorpe, yeoman, Nov. 10, 1631. 41 679 Aug.2o, 1629. Steephenson, Jane, Kirkbie in Ashfeilde, Notts., spr., June 20, 1629. 40 515 July 6, 1632. Steere, John, Thome, yeoman, June 28, 1632. 41 772 Junei2, 1633. , William, Thorne, July 26, 1632. 42 240 May 21, 1633. Stell, John, Cragside, par. Kildwicke, widdower, Dec. 30, 1627. 42 113 Oct. 31, 1627. Stephenson, Agnes, Carnabie, widdow, Mar. 13, 1627. 40 79 Dec. 26, 1627. , Ann, Hothame, widowe, Oct. 28, 2 Chas. 40 103 July 16, 1629. , Lawrence, Southburton, yeoman, Apl. 17, 1629. 40 481 Nov.iS, 1630. , Robart, Holme uppon the Woold, yeom., Feb. 2, 1629. 41 238 Oct. 22, 1627. , Richard, Cranswicke, yeoman, Feb. 22, 1626. 40 72 Apl. 26, 1632. , William, Burlay, yeoman, Mar. 4, 1631. 41 690 Jun. 26, 1635. Stevenson, Agnes, Northcliffe, Jan. 30, 1634. 42 541 Feb. 9, 1630. Anne, Adleingfleet, widow, Nov. i, 1630. 41 283 Jun. 19, 1633. Connon, Shadwell, Sep. 21, 1630. 42 214 Apl. 3, 1633. John, Thorpefeild, bur. Sowerby, July 16, 1632. 42 137 May 7,1629. Lawrence, Rawthmell, yeom., bur. Giglesweeke, June 23, 1628. 40 449 Feb. 16, 1629. Thomas, Howlden, draper, Feb. i, 1629. 40 630 Apl. 18, 1632. William, Birkbie, yeoman (bur. Thorner), June 22, 1631. 41 760 Dec. 4, 1628. William, Westwoodes in Bishopthornton, Sep. 17, 1628. 40 292 Sep. 30, 1629. Stiringe, Alice, Warmsworth, wid. of Anth. S. (bur. Doncaster). No date. 40 524 July 22, 1635. Stirker, William, Stubwalden, par. Womersley, Nov. 19, 1634. 4 2 59 1 Oct. 7, 1630. Stoakes, John, thelder, Thoroughton, Notts., Aug. 31, 1630. 41 191 Oct. 16, 1630. Stockdaile, Henry, Whenbie, May n, 1630. 41 217 Dec. i, 1629. Stockdale, Abraham, Cockan, May 16, 1628. 40 588 Jan. 9, 1627. Stockes, Ann, Nottingham, widowe (bur. St. Maries), June i, 1625. 40 112 July i, 1635. , Margaret, Preston, Holdernes, widdowe, Nov. 26, 1634. 42 549 July 4, 1633. , Miles, Tickhill, yeoman, May 18, 1633. 42 219 Apl. 26, 1632. , Robert, Bingham, Notts., husbandman, Apl. 24, 1631. 41 699 Jan. 18, 1627. - a/5. Tailor, Thomas, Clifton, husbn. (bur. Hartshead), Apl. 27, 1623. 40 118 Nov.29, 1630. Stockton, Henry, Oxell (Cleveland), Sep. , 1630. 41 245 Apl. 16, 1635. , John, Middleton, Pickeringlyth. No date. 42 456 July 6, 1630. , Robert, Great Baurg (bur. Kirkby), Feb. 19, 1628. 41 97 July 2, 1635. Stoke, Henry, the elder, Tickhill, yeoman, Oct. 27, 1634. 42 554 Apl. 22, 1630. Stokes, Anthony, Barnby, Notts., Jan. 23, 1629. 4 1 44 Jan. 9, 1632. Stonas, Bartholomewe, Knapton (bur. Wintringham). No date. 42 14 May 9, 1633. , Christopher, Dunslay, May 19, 1613. 42 183 Nov.27, 1634. - , Henry, Silpho, Sep. 9, 1634. 42 344 Feb. 10, 1628. Stonehouse, Lawrence, Farnedale, par. Lastingham, Mar. 21, 1627. 40 340 Apl. 28, 1631. , Nycholas, Gisbrough, Mar. 5, 1623. 41 386 Oct. i, 1629. , Margrett. Whitbye, widow, Nov. 14, 1627. 4 53^ Apl. 28, 1631. - , Xpoffer, Dunsley. No date. 41 387 July 27, 1635. Stonehowse, William, Bitchgreene (bur. Lastingham), husbandman, May ii, 1634. 42 603 May 8, 1633. Stones, Alice, Hipperholme, widdow, Jan. 15, 1632. 42 143 Apl. 18, 1632. , Robert, Whiteleywood, par. Sheffeild, husbn., Nov. 16, 1631. 41 658 Apl. 18, 1632. , William, Chappell Hadlesey (bur. Birkin). No date. 41 654 Mar. 3, 1634. Stor, Bettris, Norton, widdow, Jan. 13, 1634. 42 397 Aug.ig, 1628. Stor, John, Newton, par. Huton [BushellJ, July 23, i6[28]. 41 580 Aug.24, 1635. ' Margarett, Preston neare Hutton Bushill, wid., July 24, 1635. 42 642 May 9, 1633. , William, Middleton, Aug. 27, 1632. 42 171 Jan. 24, 1634. Storre, Ellis, Norton, yeoman, Dec. 18, 1634. 42 366 Dec. 8, 1631. - , John, Middleton, yeoman, Mays, 1631. 41 567 Oct. 9, 1634. - , Thomas, North Collingham, Notts., labourer, Mar. 15, 1633. 42 300 Aug. i, 1628. Storres, Frauncis, Kexbroughe, husbandman, July 10, 3 Chas. 41 3i<* Apl. 29, 1633. Story, John, (bur. Patrington), Feb. I, 1631. 42 130 82 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Oct. 7, 1630. July 14, 1629. Nov.ia, 1627. Apl. 14, 1630. Oct. 8, 1627. No date. Feb. 9, 1631. Mar.29, 1636. May 14, 1633. Sep. 6, 1632. Feb. 26, 1634. Oct. ii, 1632. Apl. 22, 1630. Feb. 22, 1630. Feb. 22, 1630. July 13, 1633. Apl. 18, 1632. Oct. 7, 1628. Apl. 22, 1635. Apl. 22, 1635. Jun. 8, 1631. Mayi6, 1628. Apl. 23, 1629. Nov.24, 1630. Oct. 21, 1629. Nov. 8, 1634. Jan. 30, 1631. Aug. 3, 1631. Mar. 5, 1634. May 8, 1633. Oct. 16, 1630. Feb. 23, 1630. May 13, 1631. May 23, 1629. July 7, 1631. May 9, 1631. Feb. 9, 1628. Mar.24, 1627. Jan. 18, 1627. Oct. 6, 1635. Oct. ii, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. Dec. i, 1629. July 3, 1630. May i, 1628. Feb. 22, 1630. Apl. 18, 1632. Apl. 18, 1632. Apl. 15, 1635. Oct. 9, 1632. Mar.i8, 1634. Oct. i, 1629. Jun. 17, 1633. May 8, 1633. May 5, 1635. Vol. 41 40 40 Story, Robert, Southscar[l]e, Notts., laborer, July 8, 6 Chas. Stotte, George, Yewden Wath, par. Paitleybridge, June 4, 1628. Stotwell, Robert, Hutton, yeoman, May 14, 1627. Stoute, Roger, Brighouse in Bolland, yeoman (bur. Slaidburne), Jun. 9, 1629. 41 Stowpe, Thomas, Gantstead (bur. Swyne), Dec. 24, 1626. 40 Straker, Jane, rel. of Mark S., Yorke, musistioner, June 24, 1628. 41 Strelley als. Martin, Nicholas, Strelley (Notts.), esq., Sep. 29, 1631. 41 Stringer, John, Scriningham, labourer, July 20, 1626. 40 Stubbes, Rober[t], New Malton, yeoman, Feb. 25, 1630. 42 Stubes, John, Marske, Sep. 28, 1634 (sic). 41 Stuffin, John, Walesby, Notts., husbandman, July 22, 1634. 4 2 Stufin, William, Walesbye, Notts., husbandman, Mar. 26, 1632. 41 Sturton, George, Wieston, Notts., husbandman, Sep. 4, 1629. 41 Sturtwin, Henry, Beford, singleman, Jan. 23, 1629. 41 .Thomas, par. Beforth, singleman, Mar. 19, 1629. 41 Stuther, Jane, Kelfeild (bur. Stillingfleete), June 25, 1633. 42 Styreinge, Joel, Arnowlesbigin, husbn. (bur. Gisburne), Feb. 9, 1631. 41 Styringe, Richard, Hooton Robert, husbandman, Oct. i, 1625. 41 Sudberye, Robert, Maplebecke, Notts., yeoman, Jan. 30. Cod. Feb. 2, 1634. 42 Sudbury, Lawrence, Starnthorpe, par. Button, Notts., yeoman, Feb. 4, 1634. 42 Suersbie, Percivell, Sutton, Holdernes, labr., June 9, 1630. 41 Sugden, Edward, Graystones, par. Kighley, roughwaller, Jan. 2, 1627. 40 , Leonard, Castley, yeoman, Mar. 5, 1628. 40 , Margret, par. Kighley, dau. of Rob. S., Sep. 24, 1629. 41 , Robert, Newhouse, par. Keighley, yeoman, Feb. 19, 4 Chas. 40 , Thomas, Sletheriforde, par. Kighley, batchelour, Feb. 24, 1633. 42 , Thomas, Wibsaye, par. Bradford, yeoman, May 26, 1631. 41 Sumerby als. Hall, Goodieth, Barnston, Notts., wid., Mar. 14, 1629. 41 Sunderland, Ann, Wathe, Sep. 24, 1634. 42 , Edward, minister of God's word att Ealand, Feb. 22, 1625. 42 , Emanuell earle of (bur. Langer, Notts.), May 26, 1630. 41 -, Robert, Wike, clothier (bur. Bristall), Nov. 6, 1625. Sur, John, Craumbe, Dec. 26, 1623. Surdevell, Margarett, Longe Riston, widow, July 31, 1628. Surflett, Thomas, Sutton upon Trent, Notts., labr. No date. Surr, Eliz, Crambe, widdow, Feb. 14, 1630. Sutcliffe, Abraham, Boothtowne, par. Hallifax, yeom., Oct. 26, 1627. 40 , Ellene, widowe of John S. of Burrowford co. Lane. (bur. Coulyne (? Colne), Dec. 15, 1627. 40 , Henrie, Sowerbye, par. Hallifax, July 20, 1625. 40 , Henry, Staineforth, draper (bur. Hatfeild), May 22, 1635. 42 , Jane, Lee, par. Heptonstall, widdow, Aug. 13, 1627. 41 , Roberte, Lee in Heptonstall, yeoman, Aug. 30, 1626. 41 Sutlyffe, Alice, Rowtonstall, widow, Feb. 28, 1628. 40 Suttell, David, (Blubberhouses) (bur. Fuiston), husbn., Aug. 5, 1628. 41 , William, Weeton, yeom. (bur. Harwood), Feb. 7, 1626. 40 Sutton, Robert, Roos in Holderness, Sep. ii, 1630. 41 , William, East Keswicke (bur. Harwood), Mar. 2, 1631. 41 Swaineson, George, Knight Stainforth, par. Gigleswicke, husbn., Sep. 10, 1631. 41 Swainson, John, Gigleswicke, yeoman, Nov. 9, 1634. 42 Swainsonn, Roberte. Settle, yeoman. May 8, 1632. 41 Swainston, Robert, Thornaby, labr. (bur. Stainton), Apl. 7, 1634. 42 Swale, Frauncis, Whorlton, yeoman, Apl. 8, 1628. 40 Swallow, Nicholas, Hoylandswayne, Sep. 10, last. 42 , Richard, Houley, bur. Almonbury, yeoman, Sep. 5, 1631. 42 , Suzan, Howley, Mar. 29, 1635. 4 2 Fol. 182 477 240 610 706 1 88 841 38i 893 40 304 301 233 660 ga 478 477 444 238 429 241 563 339 396 1 60 218 321 433 407 470 433 335 180 1 20 679 204 43 592 95 197 34 669 662 452 885 412 538 240 153 500 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Mar.iS, 1630. Swan, Anne, Kingston upon Hull, widow, Aug. I, 1630. 41 357 Oct. 9, 1629. Swann, Robert, par. Staynegrave. No date. 40 557 Aug.2o, 1628. Swanne, Nicholas, Upton, par. Headon, Notts., labr., Mar. 18, 1627. 41 68* Aug.3i, 1630. , Thomas, Hull, aldm. & merch., Jan. 8, 1629. 41 140 Apl. 23, 1629. Swayne, Joseph, Idle, bur. Calverley, clothier, Oct. n, 1628. 40 432 Aug. i, 1628. Swift, John, Shafton, husbandman (bur. Felechurch), Jan. 9. 1627. 41 32*1 Feb. 20, 1627. > Richard, Lofthouse, par. Rothwell, wyerdraer, Jan. 5, 1627. 40 155 Nov. 6, 1634. Swifte, Richard, Lofthouse, wierdawer, May 31, 1634. 42 333 May 3, 1631. , Richard, Rotherham, Feb. 25, 1630. 41 402 May 14, 1633. , Thomas, Rotheram, cutler, Jan. 21, 1632. 42 195 Aug. 5, 1629. Swinburne, Symond, Settrington, yeoman, Mar. 28, 1629. 40 501 Feb. 9, 1628. Swinden, Anne, Wakefeild, Jan. 15, 1628. 40 339 Sep. 26, 1627. , Henry, Barnesley, yeoman, Jan. 15, 1626. 40 29 Oct. 7, 1634. , Margarett, Grimsthorpe, par. Sheffeild, wid., Sep. 8, 1626. 42 294 July 17, 1629. Swinscoe als. Doughty, William, (bur. Hawton, Notts.), Mays, J 629. 40 490 Sep. 15, 1631. Sydgewicke, John, Sowerby, July 16, 1631. 41 513 Dec.io, 1634. Sykes, Elizabeth, (Huddersfeild), Jan. 29, 1633. 42 350 Oct. 4, 1627. , John, Stainland, par. Eland, Dec. 17, 1625. 40 44 Apl. 15, 1630. Sylvester, Nicholas, Rotheram, chapman, Dec. 14, 1629. 41 23 Dec. 20, 1632. Symme, Robert, Thorpe, par. Burnesall, yeoman, Aug. 12, 1631. 42 8 May 15, 1633. Tacye, Richard, Upton, par. Headon, Notts., Mar. 9, 1632. 42 87 Feb. 15, 1632. Tailer, Edward, Meltham, par. Almonburie, yeoman, Mar. 23, 1632. 42 51 Oct. 3,1627. Taillor, John, Fillinge Thorpe (bur. Fillinge), Mar. 16, 1626. 40 37 Jun. 23, 1632. Tailor, Anne, Kingston upon Hull, widdowe, Jan. 6, 1628. 41 754 May 5, 1631. , Barnard, Sutton, Notts., yeoman, Mar. 16, 1630. 41 418 Dec. 23, 1629. , Charles, senior, Raskell, yeoman, Sep. 3, 1629. 40 601 Apl. 23, 1629. , John, Hill, par. Almonbury, Mar. 24, 1628. 40 440 Oct. 6, 1629. , Josephe, Rimswell, par. Owthorne, Feb. 12, 1624. 40 544 Jan. 18, 1627. als. Stockes, Thomas, Clifton, husbn. (bur. Hartshead), Apl. 27, 1623. 40 118 May 1 1, 1632. Tallie, William, Acaster Malbis, minister, Mar. 19, 1631. 41 706 Oct. 30, 1628. Tanckred, Thomas, Brampton, esq. (will missing). Jan. 8, 1628. Tatam, Lyonell, Pontefract, baxter, May 12, 1627. 40 311 May 17, 1630. Tate, Mary, Eastcottingwith, par. Aughton, Apl. 18, 1628. 41 59 Sep. 3, 1631. , Richard, Watton, Dec. 28, 1630. 41 51 ia Apl. 21, 1635. Tattersall, John, Neatherhaugh, par. Rotheram, yeom., Oct. 16, 1634. 42 465 May 8, 1633. , John, Stansfeild, Dec. 20, 1631. 42 159 Apl. 23, 1629. Taylboysse, John, Gisbrough, yeoman, Dec. 9, 1628. 40 430 Apl. 15, 1630. Tayleboyes, John, Skelton, Feb. 13, 1629. 41 17 July 31, 1632. Tayleforth, Thomas, Rilleston, Mar. 23, 1631. 41 791 May 2, 1635. Tayler, Christopher, Yorke, tanner (bur. St. Margt.), Jan. 18, 1634. 42 484 Mar.28, 1632. , Ellenor, Newmalton, wid. of Tho. T., Mar. 16, 1631. 41 642 Jun. 3, 1635. , Francis, Butterwicke, yeoman (bur. Barton), May 6, 1635. 42 525 May 9, 1633. , Issabell, Hemlington, par. Stainton, Apl. 3, 1633. 42 182 Apl. 5, 1633. , Jane, Fylingthorpe, widdow, Jan. 10, 1632. 42 207 Apl. 6, 1635. , Margarett, Worrall, Bradfeild, widdow, Jan. 3, 1633. 42 422 Apl. 6, 1635. , Marke, Rippon, Apl. 20, 1634. 42 421 Sep. 6, 1628. , Robert, Towthropp, husbandman, bur. Wharrame Pearcy, Nov. ii, 1628. Cod. foils. 41 6oa Jun. 26, 1630. , Thomas, Filinge Thorpe, fisherman, Oct. 29, 1629. 41 92 May 15, 1632. , William, Northinges, Apl. 23, 1632. 41 707 July 7, 1631. Taylor, Abraham, Laxton, Notts., husbandman, Jan. 18, 1631. 41 469 Jan. 22, 1634. , Ailce, Hutton (bur. Huttons ambo). No date. 42 366 Nov.i4, 1627. , Edward, Doddington, husbandman, Aug. 14, 1627. 40 87 Oct. 4, 1632. , Henry, Leedes, shoemaker, Oct. 16, 1631. 51 859 Oct. 20, 1628. , John, yeoman (bur. Arnecliffe), 40 277 May i, 1628. , John, Hollhouse, par. Sheffeild, yeoman, June 24, 1627. 40 215 Apl. 18, 1632. , Margaret, wid. of Will. T. of Carleton, Jan. 2, 1631. 41 658 Apl. 14, 1635. , Michaell, Wakefeild, clothier, Aug. 15, 1632. 42 441 Mayi5, 1633. , Nicholas, Radford, Notts., miller, May 23, 1632. 42 83 Jan. 20, 1629. , Richard, Waikfeild, gentleman, Feb. 2, 1628. 40 610 Apl. 22, 1635. , Robert, Nottingham, wheelwright, Feb. 2, 1634. 42 471 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Jun. 18, 1630. Jun. 10, 1630. Mar. 5, 1630. Mar. 3, 1630. Oct. 2, 1634. May 29, 1632. Aug. 3, 1635. Jun. 3, 1630. Oct. 7, 1634. Oct. 8, 1627. Oct. 2, 1628. May 14, 1633. Dec. 18, 1629. May 9, 1633. Aug. 17, 1630. Feb. 2, 1629. May 13, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. Mar.i2, 1628. Oct. 4, 1632. July i, 1635. Dec. 23, 1629. July 18, 1631. Nov.23, 1630. May 13, 1631. Mar. 2, 1630. July 4, 1628. Apl. 15, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. Feb. 15, 1627. Aug. 4, 1631. Mar. 2, 1630. Jun. 24, 1633. Feb. 8, 1629. July 4, 1628. July 10, 1630. Sep. 3, 1631. July 14, 1635. Oct. 2, 1634. Oct. 12, 1627. Sep. 3, 1631. Dec. 3, 1631. Jun. 7, 1630. May 23, 1629. Jun. 2, 1631. Dec. 9, 1634. Oct. 9, 1634. Oct. 6, 1631. July i, 1635. Mar. 6, 1632. Oct. 22, 1627. July 9, 1631. Jun. 8, 1631. Jan. 14, 1631. Feb. 8, 1631. Sep. 10, 1628. Aug. 4, 1631. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Taylor, Roger, Grindleton, bur. Waddington, husbn., Jan. 4, 1628. 41 78 , Roger, Rowtsforth, par. Gileswicke, yeoman, May 10, 1630. 41 71 , Thomas, Laxton, Notts., husbandman, Dec. 29, 1630. 41 342 , Thomas, Tuxford, Notts., laborer, Oct. 15, 1630. 41 341 , Thomas, Welberrye, yeoman, Oct. 27, 1633. 42 284 , William, Molscroft, gent., bur. Beverley minster, Apl. 26, 1632. 41 711 , William, (bur. Sutton upon Trent), Apl. 7, 1635. 42 623 Taylour, Richard, Norland, dyer, Jan. 19, 1629. 41 65 , Robert, Rotheram, shoomaker, May 14, 1634. 42 292 Temiesonn, Railph of Kaingham March, Nov. 27, 1626. 40 53 Tempest, Jane, Catley (bur. Slaidburne), widow, Aug. i, 1628. 41 j6a Temple, John, Clayton, par. Frycklay, milner, Sep. 12, 1632. 42 igi , Margarett, the Wall, par. Danby, widdow, May 6, 1626. 40 599 , Thomas, younger, Hutonbushell, husbn., Mar. 29, 1633. 42 184 Tenant, Christopher, Chapell, par. Arncliffe, yeoman, May 27, 1630. 41 133 Tenisson, Lawrence, Paull, husbandman, May 30, 1625. Tennant, Thomas, Raisgill, par. Arnclyffe, yeom., Jan. 28, 1630. William, Lynton, husbn. (bur. Arnclyffe), Sep. 9, 1628. Tenneson, John, Paullfleete, husbandman, Feb. 17, 1628. Tetlawe, Heaster, Hallifax, spinser, July 19, 1632. Tewine, James, Pattrington, Mar. 12, 1633. Thackerey, Marmaduke, Rippon in Annisgate, labr., Apl. 19, 1629. 40 600 Thackray, Robert, Bishopsyde, yeom. (bur. Paiteleybridge), Jan. 25, 40 618 41 432 40 417 40 369 41 868 42 546 1630. -, Thomas, Hull, aldm. & merch., May 19, 1630. Thackwray, Anne, Hinganstone (bur. Ilkley), Feb. 26, 1629. , Frauncis, Hubye, par. Harwood, yeom., Aug. 4, 1630. , Henrie, Colthrop, yeoman, July 20, 1627. Theakston, Thomas, Easington (Cleveland), Feb. 18, 1629. Thewles, Margret, (Almonburie), Mar. 6, 1626. Thimble, Richard, Seaton, husbandman, Aug. 7, 1627. Thomas, Dorithy, Sowerby, spinster, Jan. 12, 1629. , James, Hull, mr. & mariner, June 6, 1630. , Jane, Kingston upon Hull, widdow, Jan. 12, 1632. 41 472 4i 239 41 429 4i 330 41 2ia 41 15 41 480 40 153 41 496 42 214 Marie, Hamer, par. Ratchdall, co. Lane., spr., Apl. 26, 5 Chas. 40 623 Thomlinson, William, Powle (bur. Otley), Oct. 23, 3 Chas. 41 2ia , William, Yorke, melster (bur. St. Den.), Dec. 17, 1629. 41 98 Thomlynsonne, John, Easingwould, labourer, July 27, 1631. 41 514 Thompson, Ann, Cottingham, widdowe, Jan. 18, 1633. 42 562 Anne, Yarom, widdowe, Nov. 6, 1633. 42 284 Augustine, North Collingham, Notts., husbn., Aug. 8, 1627. 40 68 Bartholomew, Cottingham, yeoman, June 10, 1631. 41 506 Christopher, Coxwould, Sep. 17, 1631. 41 563 Edward, Beverley, tallow chandler, Apl. 21, 1631 (sic). 41 68 Edward, Newland, par. Cottingham, tanner, Oct. n, 1628. 40 404 Elizabeth, Hallifax, wid. of Joh. T., Nov. 12, 1628. 41 439 Elizabeth, Raskell, widdowe, Aug. 27, 1634. 42 349 Ellin, Thurgarton, Notts., widdowe, June 27, 1634. 42 305 Henry, Marske, weaver, Dec. 17, 1629. 41 532 Jane, Sutton, Holdernes, Nov. 3, 1634. 42 546 John, Carleton, Aug. 2, 1627. 42 71 John, Etton, grasman, May 29, 1627. 40 72 John, Stokesley, cordiner, May 15, 1631. 41 460 John, Swyne, grasman, Oct. 16, 1631 I sic ). 41 444 Leonard, Midridge Grange, co. Durham, labourer (bur. Heighington), Jan. 5, 1631. 41 584 Peter, Cattwick, May 19, 1630. 41 605 Richard, Cottingham, yeoman, July 3, 1628. 41 630 Richard, Goodmanham, blacksmith, Feb. 12, 1630. 41 511 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Oct. ii, 1627. Dec. 16, 1634. Oct. 7, 1630. Jun. i, 1632. Oct. 18, 1627. Oct. 17, 1632. Oct. 2, 1634. Feb. 25, 1627. Apl. 20, 1632. Jun. ii, 1632. Apl. 22, 1630. Feb.ult.,i63i. Nov. 5, 1632. Feb. 2, 1634. Oct. 2, 1628. Sep. 30, 1629. Oct. 6. 1631. Apl. 29, 1633. Jan. 29, 1632. Feb. 22, 1631. Dec.2o, 1632. Oct. ii, 1630. Oct. ii, 1627. Apl. 15, 1630. Nov.2g, 1632. Oct. 13, 1628. Jun. 21, 1630. Aug. 6, 1631. July 4, 1631. Apl. 24, 1630. Apl. 23, 1629. July 8, 1633. Jun. 18, 1630. Feb. 22, 1630. Aug. 5, 1628. July 16, 1635. Feb. 19, 1634. Apl. 10, 1632. Sep. 3, 1632. Feb. 12, 1628. July 10, 1629. Mar.23, 1631. Aug. 17, 1635. Feb. 13, 1629. Jan. 12, 1631. Feb. 12, 1628. Sep. 14, 1635. Oct. 20, 1631. Sep. 25, 1634. May 8, 1633. Oct. 9, 1628. Nov. 24, 1630. Nov. 2, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. May 3, 1635. Jun. 8, 1631. Jun. 29, 1631. May 19, 1631. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Thompson, Richard, Mysen, Notts., Aug. 31, 1626. 40 66 , Robert, Longpreston, husbandman, Aug. 28, 1634. 42 351 , Robert, Misen, Notts., husbandman, Nov. 30, 1627. 41 187 , Thomas, Hawkesworth, carpenter (bur. Otley), Aug. 21, 1631. 41 747 , Thomas, Norton, wheelewright, Apl. ii, 1627. 40 72 , Thomas, par. St. Mart., Conistreete, Yorke, armorer, July 27, 1632. 41 896 , Thomas, Skelton, laborer, June 22, 1634. 42 288 , Thomas, Thirske, yeoman, Nov. 10, 1627. 40 159 > , Thomas, younger, Yarom, yeoman, Jan. 27, 1631. 41 680 , William, Farnedale, par. Lastingham, husbn., Mar. 6, 1631. William, Nottingham, glover, Dec. 28, 1629. William, Raskell, linnen webster, Nov. 22, 1631. William, Wakefeild, taylor, Aug. 5, 1632. Thompsonn, Cuthbert, Hull, mr. & mariner, Oct. 8, 1634. , Thomas, Kirkeleavington, yeoman, Apl. 29, 1628. Thompsonne, John, Tickell, yeoman, Mar. 12, 1628. Thomson, William, Marske, Mar. 4, 1630. Thooe, Wilfray, Out Newton (bur. Easington), Dec. 5, 1632. Thome, Judeth, Bedderne, Yorke, widdowe, Jan. 13, 1632. Thorneton, Francis, Eastretford (Notts.), Apl. 19, 1631. James, Cowlinghill, July 16, 1628. John, Thornscoughe, husbandman, July 10, 1629. William, East Retford, Notts., Nov. 18, Thornton James, Gt. Horton in Bradforddale, clothier, July 18, 1628. 41 Jane, (bur. St. Crux York), May 12, 7 Chas. John, Burdforth, gent., Nov. 14, 1625. John, Himsworth, taylor, Oct. 6, 1628. Richard, par. Clarebrough, Feb. 20, 1630. Tempest, Linthwaitehall, par. Almonbury, Aug. 19, 1630. Thomas, Brandsby, glover, May 9, 1629. Water, Weaverlane end, clothyer, Oct. 19, 1628. 41 750 41 47 4 1 630 4 1 905 42 372 4 1 g2a 40 528 4 1 535 42 134 42 28 4 1 625 42 8 41 200 40 66 4 1 28 41 913 40 276 41 83 4 1 502 4 1 465 40 42 4 1 4 1 42 42 Thorpe, George, Wakefeild, June 18, 1633. , Jennet, Marsbrough, spinster, Mar. 30, 1630. , Richard, Aldbroughe, Oct. 22^ 1630. Thowlesse, John, (Farneley Tyas). No date. Threkeld, Christopher, Great Thirkelbye, yeoman, Apl. 21, 1634. Thriske, Henry, Skidbye, Feb. 20, 1633. Thriston, Edward, Wansforth, yeom. (bur. Nafferton), Mar. 3, 1631. , William, Cranswicke, laborer, Feb. 10, 1631. 41 Throope, William, Scroobye (Notts.), gentleman, Dec. 2, 1628. 40 Throwpe, Alexander, Nether Cantley, gentleman, Apl. ii, 22 [Jas.] 40 Thruston, Edward, Wantfourth, yeoman (bur. Nafferton), Mar. 3, 1631. 41 Thurley, Henry, Lan[g]throp (bur. Swyne), yeoman, May 20, 1635. 42 Thursbye, Hughe, Walkringham, Notts., taylor, Apl. 16, 5 Chas. 40 Thushe, Ellen, Tickill, July 17, 1631. 41 Tibbert, Jarvase, Torworth, par. Blyth, Notts. ,yeo., abt. Oct. 29, 1627. 40 Tildesley, Addam, Wetherby, gentleman, Aug. 17, n Chas. Tillottson, John, Grove, par. Carleton, yeoman, Apl. 3, 1631. Tilney, John, Wath upon Dearne, yeoman, May 30, 1634. Tincker, Rowland, Holmeffirth, par. Kirkburton, Feb. 5, 1632. Tindale, John, Newton (Notts.), husbandman, Mar. 9, 1627. Tindall, Christopher, Kelbrocke, husbandman, Nov. 24, 1623. Richard, Houltby, par. Horneby (bur. Danbie). Tingle, Anne, Gledellbridge, par. Wath, Nov. 23, 1628 Tinkarr, John, the Hades, par. Kirkeburton, Dec. 26, 1634. Tipladie, Gabriell, Coneston, husbn. (bur. Swyne), Sep. 7, 1630. Tiplady, Richard, Whitwell, blacksmith (bur. Crambe), Mar. 14, 1630. 41 Tirrington, Thomas, Shippen, laborer, Mar. 31, 1631. 41 438 222 7 6 302 480 565 380 640 848 353 472 792 640 624 583 35i 657 549 272 275 241 557 382 487 442 460 436 86 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. July 29, 1633. May 14, 1633. Jan. 9, 1627. May 8, 1633. Jun. 9, 1628. Mar. 4, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 26, 1632. Mar. 8, 1630. Feb. 15, 1627. Aug. 4, 1628. July -2, 1635. May i, 1628. Oct. 27, 1628. Dec.3i, 1627. Dec.28, 1627. Sep. 25, 1627. July 10, 1633. July 10, 1633. July 18, 1631. Feb. 4, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. May i, 1628. Jun. 18, 1630. Apl. 16, 1629. Aug.2o, 1628. Oct. 7, 1630. Oct. 8, 1629. July 4, 1632. Feb. 12, 1630. Dec. 10, 1630. May 1 1, 1631. Apl. 18, 1632. Oct. 13, 1631. Mar.24, 1627. July 30, 1629. May 3, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 14, 1635. Mar.n, 1627. May i, 1628. May 9, 1633. July 27, 1635. Apl. 22, 1635. Oct. 3, 1632. Feb. 26, 1634. Apl. 7, 1632. Sep. 25, 1634. Mar. 3, 1634. Nov.27, 1628. Aug. 7, 1628. Oct. 23, 1632. Oct. ii, 1631. Ap). 22, 1635. Apl. 2, 1633. Feb. 22, 1630. Aug. 3, 1635. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Tirrye, Raphe, Sharrow, yeoman (bur. Rippon), Sep. 30, 8 Chas. 42 Tirwhitt, Anne, par. Arkesey, Mar. 8, 1621. 42 Toale, Audrian, Normanton upon Soare v Notts., husbn., Apl. 17, 1627. 40 Tod, Henry, Idell, butcher, Jan. 18, 1632. 42 Todd, George, Hull, marriner, Nov. 21, 1627. 40 Toe, Anne, Kingstone upon Hull, widow, Mar. 16, 1628. 40 Toes, William, Skelton, Jan. 19, 1628. 40 Tomkin, Anne, Bestrop, widowe, bur. (S. Skarll, Notts.), Nov. 18, 1630. 41 Tomlin als. Nicholson, John, Hollinghurne, husbn., bur. Aughton, Nov. 28, 1630. Tomlinson, James, Seaton, clerke, Oct. 16, 1626. , Parcivall, (bur. Otley), July 16, 4 Chas. , Randolphe, par. Aston, Dec. 19, 1634. , Thomas, Gildersom in Batley, May i, 1627. Tompson, Jane, Newlande, par. Draxe, widdowe, Sept. i, 1627. , Peter, Nether Poppleton, yeoman, Oct. 9, 1627. Tomson, William, Brighton in Bradfeeld, yeoman, Nov. n, 1627. Topham, Anthony, ArnclifTe in Craven, yeoman, July 2, 1623. , Anthony, Hebden, par. Lynton, Dec. 17, 1632. , Jane, Hebden, widdow, Apl. 24, 1633. , William, Litle Thorpe (bur. Cundall), Oct. 18, 1630. Tophan, Mathew, Yorke, alderman (bur. St. Mart. Micklegate), Jan. 29, 1635. , Richard, Hebden (bur. Lynton), Nov. 15, 1627. , Thomas, Rippen, alderman, Mar. 31, 1626. Toppham, Parcivell, Kettlewell, Apl. 30, 1627. Toppon, Robert, Topcliffe, yeoman, Feb. 24, 1627. Torr, John, (? Scrooby, Notts.), June 15, 1632 (sic). Tourten, William, Milneton, par. W. Markeham, Notts., Jun. 6, 1630. 41 Tourton, Clare, Wilford, Notts., widow, Aug. 4, 1629. Towers, Andrew, Rotherham, baker, May 18, 1632. , William, Orston, Notts., Nov. i, 1630. , William, Yorke, gent. (bur. All Hal., North St.), Oct. 10, 1629. 41 Towler, Frauncis, S. Collingham, Notts., laborer, Apl. 19, 1631. 41 Robert, Otley, labourer, Jan. 10, 1630. Towndrow, Martin, Nottingham, glover, June 18, 1631. To%vneley, John, Hurstwood, co. Lane., gent. (bur. Burneley, Aug. 26, 1627. , Richard, Towneley, co. Lane., esquyre, Sep. 20, 1627. Townend, Bridgett, Wadsworth, Dec. 26, 1634. , Frauncis, Tankersley, June 7, 1625. Michaell, Wainsgate, par. Heptonstall, July 18, 1634. 41 .40 4" 4- -t" 42 Townende, Roberte, Carleton, par. Rothwell, batchelor, Sep. 3, 1627. 40 Townrow, Raphe, Swinden in Peniston, husbandman, Dec. 22, 1625. 40 Traineholme, William, Hutton (bur. Rudbye). No date. Trattle, Robert, Rosdale, yeoman, May i, 1635. Traulove, John, Coddington, Notts., yeoman, Dec. 16, 1634. Trewhit, Thomas, Easingwould, husbandman, Apl. 25, 1631. Trewman, John, Burton Jorce, Notts., yeoman, July 28, 1634. Robert, Giltwhayte, par. Coxwould, Mar. 3, 1631. 42 42 42 4 1 42 4 1 42 42 40 Fol. 241 199 1 06 149 255 637 431 691 41 348 40 152 41 33 42 554 40 40 204 282 40 104 40 104 40 23 42 227 42 227 41 474 42 694 40 421 40 217 41 40 77 37 6 41 41 40 710 1 86 548 41 771 41 293 253 469 667 541 182 498 489 383 433 173 211 184 602 478 8 5 I 388 649 270 398 288 Trickett, Alexsander, Hadfeild house, husbandman, Apl. 26, 1634. Trippitt, Charles, Sheffeild, sheather, July 3, 1634. Trott, Thomas, Scalby, husbandman, Sep. 4, 1625. Trotter, Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, spinster, Apl. 28, last past. 41 500 , Marmaduke, Kingston upon Hull, widdower, July 29, 1624. 41 900 Trowlove, Robert, N. Collingham, Notts., taylor, June 6, 1631. 41 536 Trueman, John, elder, Burtoniorce, Notts., tayler, Nov. , 1633. 42 474 Trulove, William, Harlington (bur. Barnbrough), June 23, 1632. 42 203 Truslow, Myles, Winesteade in Holdernes, husbn., July 31, 1630. 41 303 Tubb, John, Sutton upon Trent, Notts., labourer, May i, 1635. 42 625 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Feb. 22, 1630. Dec. 16, 1634. July 17, 1629. Feb. 9, 1628. Mar. 2, 1630. July 22, 1635. May i, 1628. Oct. 2, 1628. July 4, 1632. Aug. 4, 1631. Oct. 9, 1629. Dec. 20, 1634. Mar.i3, 1631. Oct. 8, 1627. May 15, 1633. Sep. 26, 1627. Aug. 3, 1631. Aug. 8, 1632. Apl. 29, 1633. Apl. 29, 1633. Oct. 13, 1631. Feb. 22, 1630. Apl. 16, 1635. Jan. 9, 1627. Feb. 10, 1628. July 29, 1630. July 13, 1635. Jun. 9, 1631. Oct. 6, 1635. MayiS, 1633. Apl. 22, 1630. July 22, 1635. Jun. 4, 1630. Oct. 4, 1632. July 2, 1635. Dec.i6, 1630. Oct. 4, 1632. Oct. 9, 1634. Oct. ii, 1632. Mar. 5, 1630. May 5, 1631. May 5, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. May 8, 1633. Jun. 8, 1631. July 28, 1635. May 5, 1631. Oct. 6, 1629. May 20, 1628. May 20, 1628. Feb. 9, 1631. Apl. 3, 1633. Aug. 1 1, 1627. Jan. 10, 1630. Jan. 25, 1631. July n, 1628. Jun. 17, 1631. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Tumholme, Frauncis, Garton in Holdernes, husbn., Mar. 20, 1629. 41 Tunstall, Lawrence, Nevvlandhouse, par. Horton, Oct. 17, 1634. 42 , William, Hutton near Rudbie, husbn., Mar. 7, 1628. 40 Turnbull, Jennet, par. Almonsbury, spinster, May 30, 1626. 40 Turner, George, (Hessle), Dec. 15, 1630. 41 , John, Pontefract. No date. 42 , Margret, Ovenden, widdow, Dec. 20, 1624. 40 , Robert, Thome in Holme, in Bollond, husbn., July 15, 1628. 41 , Rosamund, York, widdowe, Oct. 24, 1631. 41 , Samuell, Warley, Feb. 14 or 15, 1630. 41 , Thomas, Hemsley, cordiner, Feb. 20, 1627. 40 , William, Hemsley, yeoman, May 28, 1634. 42 , William, Rullington, Jan. 25, 1631. 41 Turpin, Alexander, Newthrop, par. Sherburne, Aug. 25, 1627. 40 , Henry, Chilwell, Notts., husbn., bur. Adenborowe, Jan. 14, 8 Chas. 42 Turton, Nicholas, Silkestone, May 6, 1627. 40 Turvie, Isabell, Gunthrop, par. Lowdam, Notts., wid., Mar. 9, 1630. 41 Fol. 34 351 482 340 333 597 266 820. 766 494 559 354 635 50 85 28 484 822 133 132 548 304 454 Tutburie, William, Orston, Notts., Jan. 2, 1631. 41 Tutinge, John, Leven, Holdernes, husbandman, Jan. 2, 1632. 42 , William, Leaven, Holdernes, husbandman, Nov. 17, 1632. 42 Tuttie, William, Mattersey, Notts., labourer, Feb. 21, 1630. 41 Tutting, Joan, Leven in Holdernes, widdowe, Oct. 23, 1630. 41 Tweene, Henry, Easington, Oct. 15, 1634. 42 Twelles, John, Nottingham, shoomaker (bur. St. Maries), Apl. 14, 1626. 40 in , John, the eldest, Watnaw Cantlawe, par. Gresley, Notts., Sep. i, 1628. Twells, William, Watnam Cantlaw, Notts., husbn., July 20, 1629. Twigg, Barbaray, Sheffeild. No date. Twisleton, Robert, Fairborne, yeoman (bur. Kippax), May 7, 1631. Tyas, Isabell, Barmbrough, widdowe, Nov. 15, 1634. , William, (par. Almonbury), May 3, 1633. Tymmyn, Mary, Clipston, par. Plumtree, Notts., spr., June 9, 1629. Tyncker, John, Homehouse, par. Burton, May 2, 1635. Tyndall, Francis, Swanland, gentleman, Dec. n, 1628. , William, Kirkemisperton, batchler, June 23, 1632. Ughtibrigge, Richard, Hatfeild Woodhouse, laborer, Feb. 3, 1634. Ullithorne, Bryan, Slenningforth, yeoman, Nov. 20, 1623. Unthanke, John, Tocketts, May 16, 1632. Upton, Christopher, Southscarle, Notts., husbandman, Apl. 16, 1630. 42 , Henry, N. Collingham, Notts., yeoman, Aug. 23, 1632. , Margarett, Farnton, Notts., widow, Oct. 20, 1630. Urry, Robert, Weston, Notts., yeoman, Mar. n, 1630. , William, Laxton, Notts., husbandman, Nov. 24, 2 Chas. Usher, Henrie, Thornholme, labr. (bur. Agnes Barton). No date. 41 Uttley, Anthony, Stansfeild, Dec. 16, 1632. 42 Vales, Anthony, Rise, Holdernes, Apl. 7, 1631. 41 Varley, Margarett, Headinglay, widdow, June 5, 1635. 42 Varnam, Elizabeth, Basford, Notts., spincer, Apl. 2, 7 Chas. 41 Veale, Alice, Aldrough, Apl. 12, 1629. 40 , John, Aldbrough, Jan. 24, 1626. 40 , Robert, Aldbrough, Aug. 15, 1627. 40 Vearie, Millicent, par. St. Mary, Nottingham, abt. fst. St. Mich., 1631. 41 Ventris, Richard, Sibthorpe, Notts., yeom., June 7, 1625 & Mar. 24, 1632. 42 Verdon, Hughe, Nottingham, gent., bur. St. Fetters, May 29, 1627. 40 Vescie, William, Brampton, par. Treeton, gent., Nov. 28, 1628. 41 Vessie, Anne, Maplebecke, widdowe, Sep. 25, 1631. 41 588 , Hellin, Bestrop. No date. 41 26a Vessey, Thomas, par. Cuckney, Notts., husbandman, Oct. 5, 1630. 41 458 40 344 4 1 118 42 56i 4 1 450 42 617 42 244 4 1 48 42 577 4 1 66 4 1 855 42 552 4i 254 4i 856 42 299 4 1 890 4i 342 4i 416 4 1 415 157 443 606 413 544 248 246 616 95 7 267 ss WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Vol. 42 4 1 40 40 40 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Jan. g, 1634. Vevers, Mark, Rigge Coate, husbandman, May 6, 1634. Feb. 23, 1630. Vicars, Robert, Bissett, par. Hymsworth, husbn., Apl. 16, 1629. Dec. i, 1627. Viccars, John, Cudworth, par. Roiston, Apl. 2, 1626. Jan. 26, 1627. Vickarman, Thomas, Carnabie, yeoman, Nov. i, 1625. Jan. 28, 1628. Vickerman, Martin, Righton, husbandman, Mar. 10, 1628. Oct. 9, 1632. Waade, Andrew, M.A. and cheife mr. of the Free Schole of Sheff- [ield], Nov. 19, 1622. 41 Jan. 31, 1632. Waddelove, Roberte, Sikehouse, labr. (bur. Fishlake), Nov. 22, 1631. 42 Apl. 27, 1631. Waddington, Edward, Bashall Eaves, yeoman, May 8, 1630. 41 May 7, 1635. , Richard, Arthington, Dec. 29, 1634. 42 Aug. i, 1628. , Walter, Pontefract, May n, 1626. 41 Aug. 5, 1628. Wade, Abraham, Elvington, farmer, Apl. 2, 1624. 41 May 14, 1633. , John, Doncaster, husbandman, Apl. 29, 1632. 42 Oct. 23, 1634. , Judith, Wakefeild, May 2, 1634. 42 Feb. 24, 1635. , Richard, par. Moore Monckton, Jan. n, 1635. 42 Aug.27, 1635. , Ruben, Peelehouse, Warley, yeoman, Sep. 27, 1632. 42 Oct. 13, 1631. Wadslay, Elizabeth, Lound, par. Sutton (Notts.), Oct. 20, 1630. 41 May 15, 1633. , William, Lound, par. Sutton, Notts., Jan. 5, 1631. 42 Jan. 30, 1631. Wadsworth, Raph, Barstasten in Bradfeld, Aug. 24, 1630. 41 Apl. 28, 1631. , Richard, Warelay, husbandman, Jan. 27, 1627. 41 Feb. 15, 1632. , William, Stansfeild, Jan. 10, 1631. 42 July i, 1635. Wadworth, Thomas, Skeckling, Dec. n, 1634. 42 Aug. 9, 1632. Wagstaffe, George, Harworth, Notts., yeoman, Feb. 10, 1635 (sic). 41 Apl. 28, 1631. , John, Scooley, par. Burton, Jan. 8, 1629. 41 Jun. 14, 1633. Waide, Alice, Thome, widdow, Aug. 29, 1632. 42 Dec. 16, 1630. , John, Chappell Allerton, husbn. (bur. Leeds), May 9, 1628. 41 Jan. 10, 1630. , John, Thorne, yeoman, Sep. 30, 1630. 41 Feb. 20, 1631. , Marie, Beverley, widdow, Dec. 6, 1630. 41 Oct. 2, 1634. , Phillip, Beverley, Mar. 23, 1633. 4 2 Aug. 4, 1631. , Richard, Beverley, tanner, Apl. 25, 1631. 41 July 17, 1629. , Richard, Pontefract, yeoman, Dec. 15, 1628. 40 Oct. i, 1635. , Richard, Wakefeild, gentleman, Sep. 13, 1629. 42 July 4, 1633. , Thomas, Rotheram, May 6, 1633. 42 Oct. 9, 1627. , Thomas, SheifTeild, millner, Apl. 29, 1627. 4 Jan. 9, 1634. , William, Westohill (bur. Harwood), husbn., Apl. 19, 1629. 42 Sep. 6. 1632. Waidson, Meriell, Newton, Dec. 10, 1631. 41 Mar. 6, 1631. , Merioll, Newton, widdowe, Oct. , 1629. 41 Aug. 4, 1631. Wainehouse, Marie, Norland in Rishworth, wid. of Ric. W., June 29, 1629. 41 Sep. 25, 1634. Wainwright, Dines, Midthorpe, par. Bradfeild, widow, Mar. 5, 1632. 42 Jun. 18, 1630. Waite, John, Middleton, husbandman, Nov. 27, 1628. 41 Apl. 22, 1630. , Richard, Barnestone, Notts., husbandman, Jan. 8, 1626. 41 Jan. 20, 1628. , Richard, Thornton (bur. Foston), Mar. 25, 1628. 40 July 4, 1628. , William, Burley, yeom., bur. Otley, Mar. 18, 1627. 41 Oct. 31, 1628. , William, Fishlake (will missing). Aug. 9, 1632. Wakefeild, William, Walkeringham, Notts., husbn., Sep. 25, 1631. 41 Apl. 22, 1630. Waker, Anthony, Deane, co. Lane., chapman, Nov. 20, 1629. 41 Feb. 15, 1632. Walker, Adam, Gomersall, par. Birstall, Apl. 10, 1632. 42 Dec. i, 1629. Agnes, Liversedge, spinster, July 6, 1629. 40 Feb. 27, 1631. Anthonie, Eskrick, Oct. 19, 1631. 41 Nov.23, 1629. Anthony, Gawthorpe, par. Bingley, gent., July 3, 1629. 40 Aug. 5, 1628. Edward, (Hunger Hill. Craven). No date. 41 Jun. 7, 1633. Francis, Gedlinge, Notts., husbandman, May 27, 1633. 42 July 28, 1629. Fraunces, Pickeringlithe, widow, June 6, 1624. 40 May 3, 1635. Henry, Burnetfeild in Bollinge, clothier, Sep. 20, 1634. 42 Mar. 6, 1627. Hugh, Langar, Notts., yeoman, Dec. 17, 1627. 40 July 22, 1635. Jennett, Crimblebrooke, Slaighthwaite, wid. of Rich. W., Mar. 18, 1632. 42 May 9, 1633. John, Castleford, gentleman, Apl. 9, 1632. 42 Apl. 9, 1633. John, Hessay, (bur. Moore Munckton), Jan. 24, 1632. 42 Feb. 25, 1630. John, Hubie, yeoman, Aug. 24, 1630. 41 Apl. 14, 1635. John, Midleshittlington, par. Thornhill, Feb. 24, 1626. 42 Fol. 360 310 96 132 322 490 272 78 49 3i5 2ia 829 37 57 585 628 574 39 239 497 489 163 594 176 208 325 433 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 89 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Feb. 9, 1631. Walker, John, Nottingham, cordwyner, Nov. 14, 1631. 41 613 Feb. 15, 1632. , John, Wombwell, husbandman, May 31, 1632. 42 48 Feb. 13, 1634. , Margarett, Catton (bur. Kirckby Wiske), July n, 1634. 42 376 Apl. 18, 1632. , Marmaduke, Savvley, yeoman (bur. Rippon), Feb. r, 1631. 41 669 Aug.3i, 1630. , Martin, the Close of Lincolne. No date. 41 137 Oct. 9, 1632. , Richard, Balbye, yeoman, July 23, 1631. 41 882 Dec. 19, 1632. , Richard, Bolton nigh Bolland, carpenter, May 20, 1614. 42 4 Oct. i, 1635. , Richard, Bradford, yeoman, July 26, 1633. 42 670 Oct. i, 1629. , Richard, Cowlthrope, yeoman, Aug. 10, 1629. 40 533 Dec. 10, 1634. , Richard, Crimblebrooke (bur. Huddersfeild), yeom., July 3, 1629. 42 350 Mar. 5, 1630. , Richard, S. Collingham, Notts., labr., Jan. 27, 1628. 41 346 Jun. 26, 1629. , Robert, Liversedge, clothier, Apl. 23, 1629. 40 462 May 14, 1633. , Robert, Moreley, husbandman, Jan. 16, 1632. 42 82 Apl. 14, 1635. , Roger, Okenshey, par. Birstall, Oct. 2, 1633. 42 441 July 25, 1633. , Roger, Sawdon (bur. Brompton), June n, 1633. 42 236 No date. , Sara, Hallifax, wid. of Tho. W., husbn., Aug. 18, 1635. 42 641 Oct. ii, 1627. , Thomas, par. Harworth, Notts., yeom., Dec. 15, 1626. 40 65 Feb. 15, 1632. , Thomas, the Nabb in Mirfeild, tanner, Mar. 29, 1631. 42 60 Feb. 17, 1630. , Thomas, Northallerton, mercer, Dec. 24, 1630. 41 298 Aug. 2, 1632. , Thomas, Thurnoell. No date. 41 803 Aug.io, 1629. , William, Cudworth (bur. Royston), Oct. 20, 1624. 40 503 Jan. 27, 1629. , William, Gildersome, Sep. i, 1622. 40 614 May i, 1628. , William, Heartshead, batchelour, May I, 1627. 40 207 July 6, 1629. , William, Hewicke upon the Bridge, carpenter, bur. Rippon, July 3, 1625. 40 472 Aug. 2, 1632. , William, the Hollinges, par. Bursall, Sep. 16, 1630. 41 801 Jun. 17, 1630. , William, Nortfrothingeham, the elder, husbn., June 4, 1630. 41 74 Dec. 20, 1627. , William, Sawley, par. Rippon, Mar. i, 1626. 40 101 Feb. 26, 1628. - , William, Scholes, par. Bristall, clothier, Dec. 21, 1628. 40 353 Oct. 9, 1634. - , William, Whatton, Notts., husbandman, Apl. 30, 1634. 42 306 May 23, 1629. Walkhouse, Thomas, Halsham in Holdernes, husbn., Apl. 11, 1629. 40 406 Jun. 2, 1635. Wallas, Ellin, Cheryburton, widdow, May 6, 1635. 42 523 Oct. 7, 1630. Waller, James, Carleton, Kingston, Notts., labr., May 19, 1626. 41 184 Feb. 19, 1634. , Nicholas, Beverley, Jan. 21, 1633. 42 378 Mar.28, 1628. Wallington, Richard, Burithropp, husbandman, June 23, 1630 (sic). 40 189 Mar.22, 1630. Wallis, Cisceley, West Heslerton, widdow, Jan. i, 1630. 41 360 Dec. 19, 1632. Walmesley, John, Bashall Eaves, husbn. (bur. Mitton), Apl. 12, 1631. 42 2 July 16, 1632. Walne, John, Etherdwoke (bur. Aldbrough), Apl. 2, 1632. 41 776 July 23, 1635. Walsh, Edward, Cononley, par. Kildwicke, yeoman, Mar. 27, 1632. 42 600 Feb. 9, 1628. , John, Warley, yeoman, Jan. 13, 1628. 40 333 Aug.3i, 1631. Walsham, Symon, Beckingham, Notts., Aug. 8, 1630. 41 505 Nov. 5, 1632. Walshaw, Daniell, Southowrum, par. Hallifax, Sep. 27, 1632. 41 907 Feb. 18, 1627. - , Frauncis, Kirkeheaton, Dec. 30, 1625. 40 155 Nov. 8, 1634. Walshe, Edmund, Glusburne, par. Kildwicke, Feb. 16, 1633. 42 336 Apl. 6, 1635. , John, High Holand, Jan. 5, 1634. 42 423 Oct. 6, 1634. Walter, Elizabeth, Barmby upon Dunn, widdow, Dec. 12, 1633. 42 681 Apl. 22, 1635. Walters, Suzanna, (Nottingham), Nov. 23, 1633. 42 473 Apl. 3, 1635. Walton, Bartholomew, Dalton, par. Kirkheaton, Dec. 27, 1631. 42 418 Oct. 3, 1627. - , Cicilie, Northwat, par. Gisburne, widdow, May 4, 1627. 40 36 Aug.iS, 1634. , George, mercer and aldm. of Durham, Apl. 15, 1634. 4 2 2 5 X July 4, 1628. - , Henrie, Leedes, Kirkegate, chapman, June 22, 1627. 41 i8a May 26, 1630. - , John, Great Marsden, co. Lane., yeoman, Jan. 15, 1629. 41 61 Mar.24, 1634. , Lancelot, Azerley, gent. (bur. Kirkby Malzeard), Feb. 4, 1634. 42 414 May3i, 1632. , Thomas, Westhorpe, husbandman, June 2, 1631. 41 735 May i, 1628. Wand, Richard, Gisboroughe, singleman, Apl. 5, 1628. 40 219 Jun. 29, 1629. Ward, Frauncis, Birdsall, Aug. 3, 1628. 40 462 Nov.29, 1630. Lawrence, Gisbrough, yeoman, Mar. 30, 1630. 41 245 Mar-3o, 1636. - Michaell, Leedes, sheareman, Dec. 3, 1635. 42 709 May2i, 1633. - Richard, Raw, par. Horton in Riblsdale, Nov. 26, 1629. 42 112 Feb. 10, 1628. - Robert, Cropwell Butler, Notts., laborer, Dec. 10, 1627. 40 346 Sep. 6, 1632. William, Gisbrough, clerke, May 6, 1632. 41 840 12 go WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Jun. 27, 1631. Wardaile, William, Willerbie, webster (bur. Cottingham), May 5, 1631. 41 458 Aug. 6, 1631. Warde, Henry, Treswell, Notts., labr., Mar. n, 1625. 41 502 July 16, 1635. , Humfrey, Pontefract, Apl. 27, 1635. 42 566 Feb. 9, 1631. , Joane, Ruddington, Notts., widdowe, May 13, 1631. 41 609 May 9, 1633. , John, senior, Eastrounton (bur. Rudby), Oct. 19, 1632. 42 182 Jun. 2, 1629. , Roger, Cranswicke, grasman, Dec. 27, 1628. 40 446 Sep. ii, 1635. Wardell, Mathew, Hulbancke, par. Cottingham, yeoman, June 13, 1635. 42 656 Apl. 4, 1633. , Robert, Ould Malton, yeoman. No date. 42 205 Dec. 16, 1630. Wardle, William, Northdighton, Feb. 28, 1629. 41 255 Oct. 31, 1631. Wardman, Robert, Storethis, par. Scipton, Aug. 16, 1630. 41 553 May 3. 1635. Waringe, Grace, Horbury, spinster, Feb. last, 1634. 42 491 Oct. 4, 1632. , William, Rowsby. No date. 41 859 Apl. 18, 1632. Warris, Henry, Greasbrough (bur. Rotheram), sifemaker, Nov. 25, 1631. 41 655 Apl. 15, 1630. Wasling, Anne, Settrington, widowe, Feb. 5, 1629. 41 7 Aug. ii, 1635. Waslinge, Robert, Winteringham, yeoman, Feb. 20, 1634 & July 7, 1635. 42 629 May 2, 1632. Wasse, John, Thorpbassett, labourer, Apl. 4, 1631. 41 702 Nov.i6, 1630. Water, John, Woohouse, par. Burnsall, Sep. 6, 1630. 41 232 Apl. 15, 1630. Waterhous, Richard, thelder, Skircote, yeoman, Nov. 18, 1628. 41 33 Feb. 24, 1635. Waterhouse, Isaack, Skirkate (bur. Hallifax), clothur, Dec. 27, 1630. 42 696 Jun. 21,1630. , Josuah, Hallifax, Oct. 23, 1628. 41 88 Nov. i, 1632. , Margaret, Chaplerey of Bradfeild, wid., Aug. 30, 1632. 41 903 Oct. 2, 1628. , William, Stead, Mar. 28, 1616. 41 780 Nov. 7, 1634. Waterhowse, Edmund, Swinocke Hall, Bradfeild, yeoman, Apl. 29, 1634. 42 334 Jun. 14, 1635. Waters, John, par. Long Reston, shire smith, Dec. 23, 1634. 42 536 July 20, 1630. Watkin, Thomas, Upton, par. Badsworth, May 25, 1630. 41 104 Oct. i, 1635. Watkinson, Mathew, Rawthmell (bur. Gigleswicke), Apl. i, 1635. 42 664 Feb. 15, 1632. Watmough, Marie, Hallifax, dau. of Hen. W., elk., dec., Aug. 18, 1632. 42 51 Oct. ii, 1627. , Thomas, Tuxford, co. Notts., yeoman, June 18, 1627. 40 63 Apl. ii, 1635. Watson, Anne, Yorke, Mar. 30, 1635. 42 429 Apl. 15, 1635. Christopher, (Marlon, Craven), June 29, 1634. 42 450 Mar. 3, 1630. Dorathie, Wesl Relford, Nolls., Sep. 29, 1630. 41 338 Oct. 5, 1630. Edward, Armethorpe, Aug. 2, 1630. 41 180 Aug. 7, 1628. Francis, Scalbe, gentleman (bur. St. Dunstans in West London). No date. 41 493 Apl. 15, 1631. George, Yorke, draper (bur. Chrisl's Church), Dec. 15, 1630. 41 363 Ocl. 5, 1632. Henry, Thirklebye, Holdernesse, husbn., Apl. 6, 1632. 41 875 Mar.22, 1630. Jane, Burithorpe, widdowe, Nov. 20, 1630. 41 359 Jun. 16, 1631. John, Holme in Spaldingmoore, Apl. 9, 1631. 41 457 May i, 1628. John, Tockell, Jan. 28, 1627. 40 219 Aug. i, 1628. Michael, Over Hoylande, par. Walh, husbn., May 3, 1628. 41 28a May 5, 1635. Michaell, Allerlon, par. Bradford, clolhier, May 7, 7 Chas. 42 500 May 24, 1632. Michaell, Barnesdaile (bur. Kirkedaile), May 10, 1632. 41 708 Jan. 12, 1631. Richard, Doncaster, Oct. 22, 1631. 41 580 Jan. 21, 1628. Richard, Thornton. No date. 40 317 Apl. 23, 1629. Robert, Bentley, Dec. 14, 1628. 40 382 Jan. 25, 1631. Tabitha, Kingslon upon Hull, widdowe, July i, 1631. 41 590 Nov.22, 1628. Thomas, Fokerby, yeoman (bur. Adlingfleel), Nov. ii, .40 287 Apl. 25, 1631. Thomas, Hutonbushell, Mar. 20, 1630. 41 364 Sep. 26, 1635. Thomas, Wike (bur. Birstall), Aug. 31, 1635. 42 660 Aug.28, 1634. William, (Rippon), Aug. 2, 1634. 42 262 Sep. 20, 1630. William, Sandhulon, husbandman, May 24, 1630. 41 152 Jun. 22, 1629. Watsonn, George, Huddhill Hollings, par. Tankersley, yeom., Apl. 14, 1629. 40 457 Jan. 2, 1632. Watsonne, Richard, Weldracke, husbandman, Dec. 20, 1632. 42 12 Sep. 17, 1627. Watterhowse, Richard, Claylon, yeoman, Ocl. 4, 1620. 40 21 Aug.i3, 1635. Walters, William, Longriston, yeoman, Mar. 14, 1634. 42 630 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Sep. 5, 1632. Jan. 8, 1627. Oct. 7, 1631. Mar.io, 1629. Nov.i2, 1634. Apl. 27, 1631. Oct. i, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. July 14, 1629. July 23, 1635. Apl. 29, 1633. July 31, 1632. Jan. g, 1632. Feb. 14, 1627. Apl. 20, 1632. July 2, 1635. Oct. 7, 1634. Oct. i, 1629. May i, 1628. Mar. 5, 1634. Mar.i2, 1628. Nov. 15, 1630. May3i, 1632. Apl. 15, 1630. Oct. 7, 1634. Jun. 10, 1630. Mar. 17, 1634. Dec. 7, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. May i, 1628. Feb. 14, 1627. Apl. 27, 1631. Feb. 2, 1629. Apl. 15, 1630. Apl. 18, 1632. Jun. 8, 1632. Apl. 24, 1635. Aug. 5, 1628. Sep. 30, 1630. May i, 1628. Mar.n, 1629. Oct. 13, 1631. May 8, 1628. Feb. 8, 1632. Apl. 4, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Feb. 27, 1634. Feb. 12, 1628. Apl. 23, 1629. May3i, 1633. Jan. 27, 1629. Feb.ult.,i632. May 9, 1631. Jan. 7, 1629. Jan. 14, 1630. Aug. 17, 1630. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Wattman, Robert, Hessill, yeoman, Mar. 15, 1631. 41 Wattson, Thomas, Wapping, co. Midd., sailor, shipped in the good shipp the Angell of London, bound to the Straits, Oct. 24, 1624. 40 Waugh, George, Kirkbyoverblowes, yeoman, Apl. 5, 1630. 41 Waughe, William, Rooley, yeoman (bur. Kirkheaton), May 10, 1628. 40 Wauldbye, Bryan, Santon, yeoman, Oct. 4, 1632. 42 Wawne, George, Waddington, par. Mittan, July 15, 1630. 41 , Thomas, Slainmayraw (bur. Slaidburne), batchelour, Dec. 3, 1634. William, Normanbye, husbandman, Feb. 21, 1627. Wayde, Marmaduke, Bushoppmonckton, yeoman, Apl. 12, 1628. Wayneman, John, Gargrave, blacksmith, Mar. 27, 1635. , John, Headon, Holdernes, Sep. 7, 1632. 42 40 40 42 42 Thomas, Draughton, yeo. (bur. Skipton), June 25, 1630. 41 Waynewright, Jane, Bottomsoll, Notts., widdowe, Sep. 15, 1632. 42 , John, Botthomsall, Notts., husbn., Dec. 16, 1627. 40 , John, Middopp, yeoman, Sep. 22, 1631. 41 Wayte, Bryan, Thome, yeoman, Feb. 7, 1634. 42 , Richard, Kirke Sandall, yeoman, Mar. 9, 1633. 42 , William, Kirkskill, bur. Adle, clothyer, Jan. 20, 1628. 40 Webster, Elizabeth, Worley lane, Dec. 6, 1627. 40 , Ellin, Sheffeild, widdowe, July 9, 1614. 42 , Henry, Marfleet in Haldernes, grasman, Apl. 27, 1628. 40 , John, Eastcottenwith (bur. Aughton). No date. 41 , John, Morley, par. Batley, Nov. 18, 1631. 41 , Leonard, Cawood, sadler, Mar. 8, 1629. 41 , Leonard, Sheffeild, hardwareman, Oct. 13, 1629. 42 , Mary, dau. of Hugo W. of Eastcottingwith, par. Aughton. No date. 41 , Mathew, Doncaster, woollin draper, Feb. 17, 1634. 42 , Richard, Chippyn, co. Lane., mylner, Oct. 13, 1629. 40 , Robert, Kexbroughe, Nov. 2, 1628. 40 , Thomas, Clowfeild, par. Sheffeild, cuttler, Dec. 13, 1627. 40 , Thomas, Sturton, Notts., yeoman, Dec. 8, 1627. 40 , William, (Leeds), Mar. 9, 1630. 41 , William, Owthorne, cottager (bur. Seathorne), Apl. 12, 1629. 40 , William, Sheffeild, cutler, May 4, 1629. 41 Weddle, Leonard, York, march. & aldm. (bur. All Sts. Pavement), Apl. 3, 1632. 41 Welbanke, John, Agnes Burton, Dec. 14, 1631. 41 Welburne, Jennett, Molescroft, wid. (bur. St. Jo. Beverley), Apl. 30, 1634. , Margaret, Bradford, widdow, Apl. 24, 1628. Mathew, Gemblinge, bur. Foston, Dec. 2, 1629. Welbury, Elizabeth, Cirkeleathome, Oct. 14, 1627. , William, Kirkleathom, June 26, 5 Chas. Welch, Phillip, Plumtree, Notts., husbandman, May 18, 1629. Welles, Henery, Papplewicke, Notts., carpenter, May 18, 1625. Wells, Francis, Stillington, Nov. 30, 1632. , Jane, Clyfton, widow (bur. St. Olives nr. husband), 1626. , John, Codworth, par. Weston. No date. , Richard, (Weston), Dec. 30, 1633. , William, Treswell, Notts., yeoman, June 8, 1627. a/i. Bentham, John, Wiston, co. Lane., Feb. 7, 1627. Welsey, Robert, Camelsforth, par. Drax, May 3, 1633. Wentworth, John, Lytle Haughton, par. Darfeild, May 8, 1629. , Thomas, North Elmsall, esquire, Nov. 13, 1632. , William, Doncaster, blackesmith, Apl. 22, 1631. West, Charles, Haitefeilde, Aug. 4, 1629. , Elizabeth, Langton, widow, Dec. 10, 1630. , Henry, (bur. Burnsell), Aug. 31, 1629. Fol. 837 105 535 639 37 1 663 426 478 599 788 19 149 682 551 296 533 216 39 6 363 231 719 7 293 69 412 597 409 261 378 618 24 653 749 482 46^ 1 60 218 578 231 42 373 382 390 415 122 613 65 419 606 275 132 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Apl. 18, 1632. Apl. 28, 1631. Jan. 14, 1630. Feb. 6, 1629. July 29, 1630. Mar. 3, 1634. Dec.24, 1631. Feb. 13, 1635. Jun. 22, 1629. Apl. 15, 1630. Feb. i, 1630. Jan. 28, 1632. Oct. i, 1629. Apl. i, 1630. July 16, 1632. Dec. 20, 1632. Jan. 3, 1631. Sep. 6, 1632. Jan. 3, 1631. Oct. 31, 1631. May 8, 1633. Aug. 7, 1632. Apl. 22, 1630. Oct. 2, 1628. Oct. 2, 1628. Oct. ii, 1630. Dec. 20, 1628. Feb.22, 1631. Apl. 23, 1630. Feb. 13, 1629. Oct. n, 1632. Apl. 28, 1631. Apl. 15, 1630. Aug. 4, 1631. Aug. 5, 1628. May 15, 1629. Dec.iS, 1629. Mar.23, 1632. Oct. 4, 1632. May 3, 1631. Oct. 9, 1634. July 21, 1635. Oct. ii, 1627. Apl. 16, 1635. Oct. i, 1629. July 31, 1633. Apl. 23, 1629. Oct. i, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 21, 1635. Oct. ii, 1631. Feb.i5, 1632. May 7, 1635. Aug.3i, 1630. Oct. 13, 1631. Dec. i, 1627. May 8, 1633. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. West, Richard, yonger, Otley, Apl. i, 1632. 41 - , Robert, Gisbrough, laborer, Jan 24, 1630. 41 - , William, Langton. No date. 41 Westbie, John, Flintham, Notts., yeoman, Aug. 6, 1629. 40 Westby, William, Nottingham, ropemaker, Jan. 4, 1629. 41 Westbye, Faith, Ranfeild, wid. of Tho. W., June 9, 1634. 42 Westerman, Thomas, Rothwell haige, singlman, Sep. 28, 1631. 41 Westerne, Margery, Treeton, widowe, Oct. 26, 1635. 42 - , William, Rawmarsh, yeoman. Jan. 27, 1628. 40 Westland, John, Brotton. No date. 41 Westmerland, William, (Burston), bur. Holme in Spaldingmoore, Dec. 16. 1630. Westren, Margery, Rawmarsh, widdowe, Apl. 21, 1632. Wetherall, Alice, bur. Gisbrough, widow, Aug. 5, 1624. - , William, (bur. St. Mary, Scarbrough). No date. Wetherell, Thomas, Paulefleete, husbandman, Feb. 6, 1631. Wetherhead, Isabell, par. Hortonne in Ripplesdall, Aug. 4, 1632. -- , Richard, Skipton, Nov. 3, 1631. -- , Thomas, Draughton, yeoman, Sep. 7, 1632 (sic). Wetherheade, Isabell, Skipton, widdowe, Aug. 3, 1631. -- , William, Hanlieth, husbandman, Sep. 8, 1631. Whaley, William, Wadsworth, clothier, May 23, 1632. Whalhead, William, Elston, Notts., yeoman. Mar. ii, 1631. Whalheade, William, Elston, Notts., husbandman, Dec. 7, 1629. Whape, Issabell, (bur. Marske), Sep. 20, 1621. - , Jenet, wid. of Tho. W. (bur. Marske), Oct. 3, 1623. Wharne, John, Thronscoe, husbandman, Aug. 21, 1624. Wharom, William, Adwicke upon Dearne, husbn., Jan. 12, 3 Chas. Fol. 66S 388 276 619 117 397 574 702 460 16 282 23 539 Wharton, John, Eastretford, Notts., woollen draper, July 6, 7 Chas. 41 - , Robert, East Retford, Notts., mercer, Nov. 8, 1628. 41 - , Thomas, Eastretford, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 7, 1623. 40 Wheatcroft, William, Newark, Notts., cutler. June 23, 1932. 41 Wheatley, Richard, Eston, Jan. 9, 1630. 41 - , Thomas, Wolley, gentleman, Feb. 3, 1628. 41 Wheelewright, Thomas, Risheworth (bur. Ealand), July 7, 1630. 41 Whitacres, Henrye, Norland in Rishworth, Feb. 25, 1625. 41 Whitaker, Robert, Brownkirkes in Clivger, co. Lane., husbn., Jan. 16, 1628. 40 Whitbie, William, Marton, husbandman, Sep. 26, 1629. 40 Whitby, Edward, Seaton Hall, yeoman, Jan. ii, 1631. 42 White, Alice, Egton, widdow, Oct. 2, 1631. 41 - , Anthony, Thribargh, May 18, 1630. 41 - , Charles, Beavall Abbey, Notts., gentleman, Mar. i, 1633. 42 - , Henry, Clarbrough, Notts., wheelwright, Mar. 28, 1635. 42 - , James, Serlbie, par. Harworth, co. Notts., husbn., July 27, 1627. 777 9 576 go8 576 554 156 41 8iga 4i 45 41 920 41 gin 41 200 40 , Marke, Lockton, husbandman, Dec. 28, 9 Chas. , Nathaniell, Bantergayte in Whitbye, July 14, 1628. , Robert, Sutton upon Lound, Notts., tayler, Feb. 28, 1632. , Thomas, Kexbroughe, par. Darton, May 18, 1624. , Thomas, Thornton in Bradforddaile, mason (incomplete), Feb. 23, 1634. 42 , William, Barghe, Oct. 4, 1628. 40 , William, Doncaster, skynner, Dec. 3, 1634. 42 , William, the elder, Donckaster, glover, Aug. 16, 1630. 41 , William, Thorneton in Bradforddale, Aug. 20, 1632. 42 Whitehead, Dorothy, wid. of Fras. W. of Newall Jare, July 14, 1632. 42 , Edmond, Benthall, par. Carleton, yeoman, June 9, 1630. 41 , Thomas, Warsopp, Notts., yeoman, June i, 7 Chas. 41 Whitelaie, Francis, (bur. Bradfeeld). No date. 40 Whiteley, George, Stanigdon, par. Ealand, clothier, Nov. 23, 1631. 42 300 620 5 627 890 386 21 494 42rt 401 599 77 859 43 306 573 65 456 535 245 409 669 383 464 538 59 503 145 546 95 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 93 Oct. i, 1635. Aug.io, 1630. Jun. 21, 1632. Sep. 5, 1635. Jan. 28, 1632. Apl. 30, 1629. Jan. 9, 1632. Feb. 24, 1635. July 31, 1632. Oct. 4, 1632. Jan. 30, 1631. May3i, 1632. Dec. 20, 1631. May 3, 1632. Mar. i, 1631. Aug.30, 1631. Oct. 5, 1631. Oct. 4, 1627. Oct. 2, 1628. May3i, 1632. Apl. 14, 1635. Apl. 20, 1632. July 31, 1632. Nov. 8, 1632. Jan. 9, 1634. Oct. 4, 1632. Aug. 2, 1632. Jan. 7, 1632. Aug.27, 1635. Oct. 8, 1629. Jan. 9, 1627. May 23, 1629. Oct. 7, 1630. July 20, 1630. Sep. 3, 1631. May3i, 1632. Jan. 9, 1627. Oct. 9, 1629. Feb. 28, 1631. Apl. 30, 1629. Oct. ii, 1627. Dec. i, 1629. Jan. n, 1632. Oct. n, 1631. Mar.3O, 1636. July 31, 1632. Apl. 20, 1630. Oct. i, 1635. Oct. 6, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Sep. 29, 1632. May 15, 1633. Sep. 25, 1634. Apl. 23, 1629. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Whiteley, John, elder, Rishworth Hall, par. Ealand, clothier, Mar. 18, 1630. Whitesides, Ann, Kingston uppon Hull, widdow, June 14, 1630. Whitfeild, Nicholas, Durham, mercer (bur. St. Mich.), Apl. i, 1632. , Thomas, Bowgilgreene, Rilleston, husbn., Apl. 25, 1634. Whithead, Thomas, Woodall (bur. Harthill), Mar. 15, 1631. Whitheade, Alice, Marnham, Notts., spinster, Feb. 5, 1628. Whitlam, Robert, Milneton, Notts., batchelor (bur. W. Markham), May 20, 1632. Whitley, Allen, Soyland, par. Ealand, clothier, May 14, 1629. George, Byngley, Mar. 16, 1631. Michaell, Bentley in Sowerby, clothier, June 17, 1631. Randall, Stainland, freemason, May 23, 1631. Samuell, Rounding (bur. Eland), Aug. 5, 1630. Thomas, Sinderhilles in Hipperholme, yeom., Nov. 17, 1631. Whittacres, William, Eller Carre, par. Bingley, Mar. 24, 1631. Whittaker, John, Clowbanke, par. Altham (co. Lane.), May 22, 1631. , Thomas, Holme, par. Burnley, co. Lane., gent.. Jan. 29, 1630. , Thomas, Longfeild, clothier, Jan. 2, 1629. Whittakers, James, Thornton, par. Bradforth, glover, Mar. i, 1626. Whittell, Henrie, Mirfeild, Jan. 27, 1624. , Robert, Eland, yeoman, Dec. 23, 1630. Whittikers, Robert, Wakefeild, Sep. 9, 1632. Whitton, Richard, Maultbie, par. Stainton, Aug. 15, 1630. Whitwam, Henrie, Bradley. No date. Whitwell, James, Brompton, yeoman, Apl. 3, 1632. , John, Scirtenbecke, husbandman, Dec. 13, 1634. , Thomas, Ugglebarbie, yeoman, bur. Whitby, Sep. 5, 1629. Whitvvham John, Worsthorne, co. Lane., yeoman, Sep. 15, 1631. Mary, Bradeley, par. Kildweeke, Dec. 16, 1632. Richard, Earbye, linen webster (bur. Thornton), July 9, 1635- Whitworth Nicholas, Westbridgeford, Notts., Aug. 13, 1629. Reynold, Westbridgforth, Notts., husbn., May i, 1627. Whorram, William, Bormeston, yeoman. No date. Wiate, Robert, Lound, par. Sutton (Notts.), Apl. 18, 1630. Wicam, Martin, Snydall (bur. Normanton), yeoman, Apl. 7, 5 Chas. Wickham, John, Cottingham, yeoman, Aug. 8, 1631. Widdopp, Thomas, Carrehouse, Stansfeild, 1631. Widdowson, Richard, Sutton, par. Granbie, Notts., yeoman, Apl. 16, 1627. Widhouse, Richard, Amplefurth, par. Oswaldkirke, May 26, 1629. Widhowse, Richard, Wressle, blacksmith, Feb. 9, 1630. Widmerpoole, George, Wysall, Notts., esq., Nov. 21, 1628. Wiersdale, William, Saunbie, Notts., yeoman, Nov. 28, 1626. Wiggin, John, Bradforddale, clothier, June 15, 1629. Wightman, John, St. Peter in the Willowes (bur. St. Margt., York). No date. Wighton, Richard, Normanton upon Trent, Notts., Aug. 29, 1631. Wiglesworth, Jane, Kirkbyoverblowes, widdowe. No date. Wignoll, James, Grindleton, par. Mitton, blacksmith (bur. Wadding- ton), Feb. 20, 7 Chas. Wilbore, Richard, Bentley, gentleman, Oct. 5, 1627. Wilcocke, John, M.A., schoolemaster of Bradford, May 26, 1635. , Roger, Worsbrough, mason, Feb. 14, 1634. , Thomas, Over Shillington, Mar. 24, 1627. Wild, Thomas, Maltby, yeoman, June 9, 1632. Wilde, Elizabeth, Everton, Notts., widdowe, Jan. 29, 1632. Wildman, Edmond, par. Horton in Riblesdale, Nov. 12, 1632. , Mary, Wiglesworth, spr. (bur. Long Preston), May 25, 1628. Vol. Fol. 42 671 41 128 41 753 42 648 42 26 40 39 * 42 18 42 696 41 784 41 864 41 600 41 726 41 572 41 704 4i 633 4i 505 41 526 40 45 41 850 41 717 42 443 41 679 41 790 41 910 42 359 41 856 41 811 42 13 42 644 40 55 40 112 40 444 41 188 41 107 41 506 4 1 7 J 3 40 107 40 558 41 628 4 399 40 65 40 586 40 416 94 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Feb. 23, 1630. Jan. 30, 1627. Apl. 27, 1631. Oct. i, 1630. Oct. 16, 1627. Oct. 9, 1634. July 15, 1635. Mar.i7, 1635. Nov.24, 1630. Jan. 18, 1630. Apl. 28, 1633. Nov.25, 1626. Nov. 2, 1627. Oct. 16, 1630. Apl. 20, 1632. Nov.i6, 1630. Oct. 28, 1628. Aug.3i, 1630. Oct. 6, 1631. Feb. 12, 1628. Feb. 12, 1630. Jun. 10, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. Dec. 23, 1629. Feb. 19, 1632. Jan. 30, 1631. Aug. 20, 1634. Mar.26, 1628. Apl. 23, 1629. Jan. 9, 1632. May 15, 1633. Nov. 5, 1632. May 20, 1633. Oct. ii, 1631. May i, 1628. Feb. ult., 1631. Dec.2i, 1631. Apl. 29, 1633. July 21, 1631. May 15, 1633. July 31, 1633. Feb. 7, 1632. Apl. 24, 1630. Jan. 10, 1630. Oct. 2, 1628. Dec. 20, 1632. Aug-3o, 1632. Mar.i2, 1628. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Wildsmyth, Nycholas, Bretton Smithies, smyth, June 9, 1929. Wiley, Bridgett, Southscarle, Notts., widowe, July 16, 1627. Wilkes, William, Sawley, yeoman (bur. Rippon), May 22, 1622. Wilkins, John, Sprotley, Feb. 27, 1628. Wilkinson, Alice, Westhalton, widdow, Mar. 17, 1626. , Charles, Radford nie Worksopp, labr., Apl. 21, 1634. , Francis, Fornham St. Martin, co Suff., miller, May 30, 1625. , Gilbert, Kilburn, yeoman, Jan. 6, 1633. , Henry, [Kjelbrooke, par. Thornton, Oct. 20, 1629. , Isabell, Claxton, wid. (bur. Bossall), Jan. 9, 1629. , James, Birkinshaw, yeoman, Jan. 24, 1632. , John, Copmanthorpe, par. Bishophill the newer, yeoman, Mar. 23, 1625. , John, Paythorne, husbn. (bur. Gisborne), June 10, 1627. , John, Raskell, yeoman, Aug. 23, 1630. , John, Thorneton, blacksmith, Sep. 20, 1631. , Mary, Kilnsay, wid., bur. Conishton, Jan. 15, 1629. , Mary, Sowerbie, spinster, July 13, 1628. , Mathew, Slaidborne, shomaker, Jan. 4, 1629. , Richard, (Cleveland), May 31, 1630. , Robert, Hardwicke Graing, par. Workesopp, shereman, Jan. 13, 1627. , Robert, Ruddington, Notts., laborer, Sep. 20, 1630. , Thomas, Cotlingham, yeoman, Oct. 3, 1630. , Thomas, Longpreston, linnen webster, Sep. 18, 1628. , Thomas, Rippon, laborer, Oct. 2, 1626. , William, Cottingham, yeoman, July 6, 1632. , William, Ealand, yeoman, July 25, 1623. , William, Hoveringham, Notts., Apl. 20, 1634. , William, Kingston upon Hull, cowper, Nov. 16, 1624. , William, Thornton in Pickeringlyth, labr., July 20, 1628. Willde, John, Everton (Notts.), Aug. 14, 1632. Willey, Peter, Widmerpoole, Notts., husbandman, Feb. 24, 1632. Williamson, Dorathy, Goutheramgate, Yorke, wid. (bur. Trin. Ch.), Oct._i6, 1632. Elizabeth, Eddelthorpe, wid. (bur. Westowe). No date. Joane, Rotheram, widdowe, Sep. 3, 1631. John, Overflockton in Thornhill. No date. Margarett, Boltbye, wid. (bur. Foelixchurch), Feb. 26, 1630. Ralphe, Rippon, labourer, July 25, 1631. Raph, Preston, Holdernes, husbandman, Feb. 7, 1633. Richard, Rotheram, corvisser, Feb. 18, 1623. Robert, Great Markham, Notts., esq., Jan. 25, 1632. i, 1632. Oct. 6, 1629. Oct. 28, 1629. Oct. 23, 1634. Nov. 6, 1634. Nov. 8, 1634. , 1631. Williamsonn, Robert, Scaftworth, Notts., yeoman, Feb. i, 1632. Williamut, John, Over Broughton, Notts., husbn., Sep. 22, 1632. Willinsonn, George, Bagby, tanner, Dec. 6, 1629. Willmson, Robert, Tickhill, lynnen weaver, July 26, 1628. Willson, George, Nuninton, husbandman, Nov. 16, 1624. Willsonne, John, Coniston, the elder, Nov. i, 1631. Wilson, Alice, Hipperholme, widdowe, Oct. 25, 1631. , Bennet, Seaton, par. Siglestran als. Selstran, yeom., Nov. 12, 1627. Bryan, Bradford, clothier, June 20, . Christopher, Weeton in Holdernes, husbn., June 21, 1629. Christopher, Yorke, innholder (bur. All Hal. Payment), Mar. 10, 1628. Gregory, Hallifax, mason, Oct. 17, 1633. Henry, Greate Ayton, yeoman, June 8, 1634. Henry, Lummilne in Cowlinge, June 23, 1634. Humfrey, (Bestropp), May 7, 1631. Vol. Fol. 4 1 3"9 4 133 41 373 41 175 40 69 42 299 42 564 42 684 41 242 41 277 42 130 40 252 40 83 41 217 41 677 4i 235 40 282 41 139 4i 534 40 350 41 289 41 454 40 414 40 600 42 63 41 599 42 254 40 1 86 40 427 42 18 42 85 41 904 42 135 4i 539 40 20 1 41 629 41 574 42 131 41 476 42 89 42 245 42 37 4i 5 1 41 271 41 93 42 9 4i 833 40 3 6 5 41 7*5 40 544 40 565 42 324 42 332 42 337 41 469 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 95 Jun. 4, 1635. Feb. 15, 1632. Oct. 3, 1634. Jan. 30, 1627. Jan. 27, 1631. Apl. 16, 1635. Oct. 2, 1628. Dec. 16, 1628. May 23, 1629. Oct. 2, 1628. Jan. 8, 1627. May 25, 1632. Jun. 29, 1629. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 21, 1635. Oct. 23, 1634. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug. 5, 1628. Oct. 4, 1632. Jun. 9, 1635. Feb. 12, 1627. Apl. 9, 1635. Sep. 7, 1632. Feb. 15, 1632. Apl. 28, 1631. Apl. 24, 1632. Apl. 24, 1632. Aug. i, 1628. Oct. 8, 1627. Feb. 22, 1631. Sep. 16, 1635. Apl. 19, 1632. May 7, 1635. Mar.i2, 1628. Oct. 9, 1629. Sep. 5, 1635. Apl. 28, 1631. July 31, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Oct. ii, 1630. Oct. 6, 1628. Jan. i, 1628. July 29, 1633. Dec. 8, 1628. Nov. 6, 1632. Oct. i, 1629. Oct. 9, 1632. Oct. ii, 1632. Jun. 21, 1630. Mar.i5, 1631. Apl. 20, 1629. Jun. 8, 1631. Jan. 16, 1628. Dec. 2, 1630. Apl. 24, 1632. Feb.iS, 1632. Aug.iS, 1627. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Wilson, Ingram, Seamer, Jan. 27, 10 Chas. Issabell, Wakefeild, spinster, Mar. i, 1624. Johan, (bur. Sherif button), May 7, 1634. Vol. 42 42 42 40 4i 42 4i 40 40 4i 40 4i 40 40 42 42 40 4 1 John, Besthorpe, par. Southscarle, Notts., husbn., Oct. 28, 1627. John, Beverley, cordiner, Oct. 21, 1631. John, Etton, yeoman, Jan. 2, 1634. John, Great Ayton, yeoman, July 14, 1627. John, Hallifax, yeoman, May 21, 1628. John, thelder, Pattrington, cordwainer, Jan. 26, 1628. John, Pruston Jacklinge, Apl. 18, Chas. John, Sheriffe Hutton, tailor, June 26, 1627. John, Sheriffhutton, wheelewright, Feb. 28, 1631. John, (Walkington), yeoman, Aug. 15, 1628. Joshua, Houley, clothyer, Feb. 6, 1628. Lyonell, (Doncaster), Sep. 26, 1628. Margarett, wid. of Chris. W. of Gretland, Dec. 31, 1633. Mathew, Thurstonland, clothyer, Feb. 2, 1628. Nathaniell, Hallifax. No date. Nicholas, par. Kirbymooreside, yeoman, June 22, 1630. Olliver, Drax, Apl. i, 1635. 42 Petronell, Nawton, par. Kirkdale, widowe, Sep. 30, 1625. 40 Raiph, elder, Barmeby upon the Moore, Notts., yeom., Nov. 7, 10 Chas. Richard, Soyland in Sowerby, clothier, Apl. 17, 1630. Robert, Carcrofte, par. Owston, husbn., Aug. 30, 1631. Robert, Danbie, Feb. 18, 1629. Thomas, Huntington, Sep. 17, 1631. Thomas, Huntington, Sep. 17, 1631. Thomas, Marre, yeoman, Oct. 5, 1627. Thomas, Newshame uppon Wiske, yeoman, Sep. 5, 1627. Thomas, Ollerton, Notts., alehousekeeper, Oct. 10, 1631. Thomas, Osmotherby, webster, Aug. 31, 1635. William, Buckden, par. Arncliffe, bur. Hubbram, Mar. 22, 1629. William, March Lane, neare Leedes, clothier, Jun. 8, 1626. William, Skecklinge, yeoman, Dec. 3, 1627. Wilsonn, Christopher, Hemslay, bur. Sheryffe Hutton, Apl. 28, 1629. 40 George, Hauksweeke, husbandman, Apl. 9, 1634. Richard, Hipperholme, clothier, Jan. 6, 1630. Robert, Manfeild, yeoman, June 23, 1635. Thomas, Sutton, par. Kildweeke, glover, Aug. 8, 1628. 42 40 4i 40 42 40 40 Wilsonne, Raiph, Yorke, blacksmith, Sep. 3, 1630. Wilton, Robert, York, glover (bur. St. John), Feb. last, 2 Chas. Wincke, John, Beverley, Dec. 4, 1628. Wind, George, Coppt Hewick, taylor, Sep. 23, 1632. Windle, John, Comonley, par. Kileweeke, Nov. 28, 1626. Windley, John, Cocklecke in Bolland, Sep. 17, last. Windresse, Christopher, Holbecke, Dec. 6, 1628. Winne, Richard, Haitefeild, June 6, 1631. 41 Winsor, John, Walkeringham, Notts., Apl. 12, 1632. 41 Winter, (Isabell, Ulrom), July 20, 1629. 41 Wintringham, William, Bellthorpe in Balne, Jan. 7, 1631. 41 , William, Belthorpe, par. Barmby upon Dun, July 14, 1628. 40 Wiske, Alice, Bramston, widdow, Nov. 16, 1630. 41 Witley, Thomas, Skooles, par. Rotheram. No date. 40 Wittie, Marmaduke, Menithorpe, yeom. (bur. Westowe), Nov. 5, 1630. 41 Witton, Richard, Tickhill, yeoman, Nov. 5, 1631. 41 Wittye, William, Middleton, labourer, Oct. 30, 1632. 42 Woade, John, Wyeston (Notts.), husbn. (bur. Claworthe), Mar. 5, 1626. 40 Fol. 527 58 288 133 590 460 93 297 407 8o 105 709 464 375 463 326 436 4oa 855 529 142 42 428 41 842 42 47 4* 388 41 686 4 1 754 4 1 3oa 40 50 41 625 42 657 41 672 42 505 40 367 40 558 42 646 608 420 197 3* 310 242 293 909 532 879 895 81 637 378 446 312 260 687 62 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. Feb. 22, 1630. July 15, 1629. Oct. ii, 1631. Apl. 22, 1635. Aug.iS, 1634. Aug. 8, 1632. Apl. 28, 1631. Feb. 9, 1628. Jan. 30, 1631. Apl. 20, 1629. Feb. 15, 1632. Dec. 27, 1630. Oct. 2, 1628. Oct. 9, 1628. Feb. 16, 1629. Aug. 2, 1632. Aug. 9, 1627. Jun. 18, 1630. Mar. 3, 1634. Sep. 18, 1631. Feb. 23, 1630. Jan. 18, 1627. Oct. 4, 1627. Jun. 4, 1635. Mar.n, 1627. Mar.u, 1627. Oct. 5, 1631. Oct. 4, 1632. Apl. 23, 1629. May3i, 1632. July 10, 1633. Dec. 2, 1634. May 26, 1628. July 21, 1635. Oct. 4, 1632. Oct. 4, 1627. Oct. 4, 1632. July 22, 1635. Apl. 22, 1630. Oct. 2, 1634. May 5, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. Oct. 3, 1627. Aug. 9, 1632. Oct. 9, 1634. Jan. ii, 1630. May 8, 1633. Nov.i6, 1630. May i, 1628. July 17, 1629. Mar.io, 1627. Jan. 28, 1632. May i, 1628. Oct. 23, 1634. Oct. 23, 1634. Feb. 9, 1628. July 4, 1631. A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Wolffe, Frauncis, Sudcoates, bur. Dripoole, Oct. 16, 1630. , Mathew, Scarbrugh, tanner, Feb. 13, 1628. Wollen, Jerome, Southscarle, milner, Sep. 22, 1631. Wolley, Abraham, Newthorpe, par. Greasley, Apl. 16, 1634. Womacke, Leonard, Braithwith, par. Bramwith, labr., July 28, 1630. 42 Wood, Bartholemewe, Eperstone, Notts., husbn., Dec. 30, 1631. Edward, par. Whitbie, yeoman, Sep. 13, 1630. Elizabeth, Shelley, widow. No date. Francis, Sandall Magna, yeoman. Sep. ii, 1630. Francis, Smythey fould, par. Tankersley, Dec. 24, 1628. Issabell, Birstall, widdowe, Sep. 6, 1631. James, Dinckley, co. Lane., yeoman, Oct. 29, 1630. James, Northorom, par. Hallifax, Apl. 3, 1628. Jervis, Sutton upon Trent (Notts.;, raper. No date. John, Bransdale, Mar. 18, 1624. John, Create Leptonn, yeoman, Apl. 6, 1625. John, Grindleton, husbn. (bur. Waddington), May i, 1625. John, Scoales, par. Rotheram, gardiner, Oct. 10, 1629. John, Stanfeild, par. Ecclesfeild, nayler, Aug. 23, 1634. John, Tadcaster, Nov. 28, 1630. Margaret, Hallifax, widdow, July 6, 1624. Marmaduke, Norland, clothier, Sep. 12, 1626. Robert, Lepton, par. Kirkheaton. No date. Robert, Newton, yeoman, Mar. 14, 1634. Roberte, Newall Grange in Boiling, yeoman, Dec. 22, 1627. Thomas, Gilderson (bur. Batley), June 22, 1627. William, Altoftes (bur. Normanton), May 10, 1631. William, Birstall, June 8, 1631. , William, Hollandswaine, yeoman, Feb. 14, 1628. , William, Westthorpe, par. Silkstone, Dec. 27, 1631. Woodburne, James, Yorke, butcher, Apl. 12, 1633. , Jane, Yorke, wid. of Jas. W., Sep. 13, 1634. Woode, William, Beswicke, husbandman, Apl. 7, 1627. Woodell, Leonard, East Heslerton, yeoman. Nov. 17, 1632. Woodes, Christopher, Yaram, yeoman, Aug. 29, 1632. Woodhead, Edmund, Northow (bur. Hallyfax), June 3, 1627. , George, Tankersly, yeoman, Feb. 24, 1631. , John, Heyhouse, Barkisland, Mar. 22, 1626. Woodhous, Nicholas, Gresthorpe, Notts, (bur. Marnham), Mar. i Vol. Fol. 41 302 40 478 41 536 42 473 >. 42 252 41 822 41 384 40 340 41 595 40 380 42 58 4i 263 41 830 40 271 40 627 4i 797 40 2 4i 7 6 42 398 41 514 41 321 40 I2 4 40 45 42 525 40 175 40 '73 41 520 41 871 40 408 41 721 42 228 42 346 40 251 42 575 41 857 40 46 41 869 42 588 1629. Woodhouse, Mathew, (Huton juxta Gisbrough), June 8, 1634. 42 -- , Thomas, Gresthouse (bur. Marneham), Notts., Mar. 26, 1631. 41 William, Northlofthouse, Nov. , 1627. 40 43 288 417 43 Woodhowse, Henry, the Brackan bancke howse, par. Whitbie, June 20, 1626. 40 39 Woodrowe, Ephraim, Rosington, batchelor. No date. 41 830 Woodsend, Christopher, Harbie, Notts., labouringeman, Mar. 12, 1633. 42 299 Woodward, Lancelott, Myton, Mar. 20, 1629. 41 273 Woodworth, Margarett, Hilltopp (bur. Longpreston), Nov. i, 1630. 42 162 Wooller, William, Soulinge, lin. web. (bur. Kildwicke), Aug. 20, 1629. 41 235 Wordsworth, John, Castley, par. Peniston, yeoman, June I, 1626. 40 212 Worley, Thomas, South Collingham, Notts., husbn. No date. 40 489 Wormeley, Thomas, Cusworth, gent., Feb. 18, 1627. 40 168 Worrall, Edward, Rotheram, sheather, Nov. 8, 1632. 42 23 Worralle, Henery, Chappellthorpe, Apl. 4, 1628. 40 213 Wortley, Edward, Shepley, yeoman, Oct. 30, 1632. 42 318 , John, Shepley, batchlour (bur. Kirkeburton), June 24, 1634. 42 327 , William, Shaley, par. Burton, batchelor, Apl. 16, 1628. 40 335 Worton, Raiphe, Crofton, yeoman, Dec. 20, 1630. 41 462 WILLS IN THE YORK REGISTRY. 97 A.D. 1627 TO 1637. Vol. Fol. Sep. 3, 1631. Woulfe, Robert, Sutton in Holdernes, yeoman, Mar. 16, 1630. 41 507 Aug.26, 1634. Wray, Issabell, Hebder, simpster, June 24, 1634. 42 260 Dec. 14, 1631. Wraye, George, Yorke, butcher, Aug. 10, 1631. 41 570 Sep. 25, 1634. Wreakes, John, Rippon, glazier, June 18, 1634. 42 277 Apl. 20, 1632. Wrench, Katheren, Upleatham, widdowe, Sep. 4, 1631. 41 679 Jun. 19, 1628. Wreye, Guye, Skelton in the forrest of Gallies, yeom., Jun. 10, 1625. 40 266 Dec. 20, 1632. Wright, Anthony, the Deane, par. Kighley, batchelor, Nov. 18, 1632. 42 7 May 3, 1631. ,. Anthony, Maltby, gentleman, Oct. 31, 1630. 41 406 July 16, 1635. > Anthony, Myton, Apl. 6, 1635. 42 565 Dec. 23, 1629. , Brian, Howlbecke, par. Leedes, clothier, Jan. 3, 3 Chas. 40 601 Feb. 10, 1628. , Edmund, Clifton by Nottingham, yeoman, Dec. 9, 1627. 40 343 May 5, 1631. , Henry, Egmanton, Notts., yeoman, Nov. 30, 1630. 41 409 Jan. 9, 1632. , James, Walkringham, Notts.. Mar. 8, 1631. 42 16 Apl. 15, 1632. , John, Bagbye, Dec. 31, 1631. 41 651 Sep. 10, 1628. , John, Cottingham, singleman, Oct. 18, 1627. 41 6$a Mar. 8, 1634. , John, Grauntley, par. Rippon, Apl. 25, 1634. 42 401 Apl. 19, 1628. , John, Ledston, laborer (bur. Kipax), Mar. 29, 1628. 40 193 Nov. 7, 1634. - , John, elder, Litle Ribston, par. Spofforth, Sep. 27, 1632. 42 333 Oct. 7, 1630. , John, Whatton, Notts., tailor, Mar. 26, 1630. 41 196 July 22, 1635. , John, Womersley, Sep. 4, 1634. 42 577 July ii, 1628. , Michell, Newarke upon Trent, Notts., dyer, Apl. 27, 1628. 41 260, Mar.i3, 1631. , Richard, Myton, Feb. 25, 1631. 41 634 Mar. 3, 1630. , Robert, Doncaster, draper, May 20, 1630. 41 337 Mar. 3, 1630. , Robert, Hayton, Notts., Sep. 12, 1630. 41 339 July 24, 1629. , Robert, Huntington, lynnen webster, Apl. 10, 1629. 40 495 Feb. 12, 1630. , Thomas, Bingharn, Notts., husbandman, June 27, 1630. 41 285 Mar.2o, 1631. , Thomas, Middleshittleton, abt. May Day, 1631. 41 638 Aug. 4,1632. , Thomas, Myton, July 4, 1632. 41 793 Oct. 6, 1629. > Thomas, Skeflinge in Holdernes, Mar. 19, 1628. 40 544 Jun. 4, 1630. , William, Hessell, grasman, Nov. 29, 1629. 41 65 Jun. 29, 1629. , William, (bur. Holme in Spaldingmoore), Aug. 18, 1628. 40 463 May 5, 1631. , William, S. Collingham (Notts.), Feb. 4, 1630. 41 415 Feb. 9, 1631. Wrigson, Richard, the elder, Nottingham, glover, Oct. 31, 1631. 41 608 Sep. 25, 1634. Wroe, Hellin, Britton, July 2, 1634. 42 270 Mar.i4, 1634. Wrose, Alexander, Burley, par. Otley, June 23, 1632. 42 410 Apl. 27, 1631. , John, Farneley, clothier, bur. Leedes, Mar. 24, 1630. 41 376 July 18, 1631. Wrosse, Thomas, Burley, par. Otley, yeoman, Mar. 9, 1629. 41 474 Feb. 9, 1631. Wyer, Elizabeth, Carcoiston, Notts., widdowe, Jan. 10, 1631. 41 613 Apl. 26, 1632. Wylde, Richard, Carleton Kingston, Notts., husbn., Jun. 9, 1630. 41 697 July 3 1, 1632. Wyldeman, Robert, Paley Greene, Apl. 14, 1632. 41 790 July 24, 1629. Wyldman, Robert, Pontefract, wollen draper. No date. 40 495 Feb. 25, 1627. Wynd, Roberte, Great Thirklebie, cooke, Oct. 6, 1625. 40 159 Feb. 10, 1628. Wynkfeild, Thomas, Barton in the beanes, Notts., weaver, Feb. 8, 1610. Cod. July 17, 1622. 40 341 Oct. ii, 1627. Wyttie, Raiph, (bur. Middleton), Apl. 20, 1627. 40 61 Oct. 2, 1634. Yarrow, Michael), Yarom, blacksmith, Sep. 14, 1632. 42 283 May 5, 1635. Yates, Joyce, Bradford, widdow, Jan. 17, 1635 (sic). 42 495 May3i, 1632. Yeadon, John, Linley, par. Huddersfeild, Nov. 2, 1631. 41 737 Oct. ii, 1630. Yeoman, Robert, Waldershelfe, par. Bradfeild, July 19, 1630. 41 198 Aug.n, 1627. Yonge, John, Gonalston (Notts.), yeoman, Jan. 21, 1627. 40 7 Mar.i3, 1634. Yorke, John, Sleningford, kt. (bur. Midllesmoore), Mar. n, 1634. 42 406 Apl. 2, 1628. - , Tobie, Archbishopp of, Aug. 23, 1625. 40 195 May 20, 1628. , William, Burton Constable, yeoman, May 13, 1627. 40 246 Sep. 10, 1628. Younge, Audryan, Owsewicke, bur. Burton Pidsey, Jan. 20, 1626. 41 64*1 Nov. 2, 1627. , Henry, Appletrewicke, Oct. 31, 1626. 40 82 Aug.i7, 1630. Younge, William, Hebden, May 30, 1630. 41 134 APPENDIX. Index to the Administration Acts taken from the Act Books, 1627 to 1652. May 19, 1648. Abbatt, Frances, Pigburne, fol. 512, Doncaster. Feb. 24, 1644. Abbey, John, Kirkehamerton, fol. 271, Prerogative. Jun. 25, 1638. , Robert, Bilton, fol. 278, Ainsty. Feb. 9,1638. , William, son of Rob. A., dec. tui. to Jos. Winfeild, fol. 131, Nottingham. Aug.n, 1627. Abbott Alice, Wilfoord, fol. 36, Nottingham. Apl. 18, 1632. Lawrence, Bradford, fol. 391, Craven. Mar. 20, 1646. Mary, Preston Jacklin, fol. 478, Doncaster. Jan. 4, 1635. Richard, Himsworth, fol. 587, Doncaster. Feb. 10, 1628. Richard, Lenton, fol. 49, Nottingham. Aug.2o, 1629. Robert, Lenton, fol. 54, Nottingham. Feb. 13, 1637. Ableson, Jacobus, East Dayleside, fol. 317, Cleveland. Apl. 30, 1649. , William, Eskdale, fol. 477, Dickering. Sep. 7, 1645. Ablet, Thomas, Pigburne, fol. 460, Doncaster. Oct. 31, 1633. Abraham, Isabel, Arnecliffe, fol. 416, Craven. Dec. i, 1648. Abson, Thomas, Barnbrough, fol. 514, Doncaster. May 3, 1635. Abye, Thomas and Jennett, Wakefeild. fol. 322, Pontefract. May24, 1628. Acaster, William, Cawood, fol. 128, Ainsty. Oct. 22, 1633. Acklam, Ann, Holmpton, fol. 169, Holderncss. Mar.26, 1644. Elizabeth, dr. of Joh. A. of Mooreby, esq., dec. tui., fol. 13, Bnlmcr. Sep. 28, 1642. John, Atwicke, fol. 227, Holderness. Jan. 9, 1650. Richard, Hastropp, fol. 485, Dickering. Sep. 4, 1631. Thomas, par. Acklam, fol. 15, Harthill. Dec. 28, 1649. Thomas, Dringo, fol. 250, Holderness. Jan. 24, 1634. Acklom, John, Seaton, fol. 181, Holderness. May 9, 1638. , Sir William, Mooreby, par. Stillingfleet, kt., fol. 90, Bulmer. Feb. 19, 1635. Acom, Mary, Huton Wandesley, fol. 233, Ainsty. Oct. 4, 1639. Acombe, Margery, Marston, fol. 303, Ainsty. 6 in. 4, 1642. Acreland, Issabell, Pontefract, fol. 29, Pontefract. ec. 4, 1644. Acroyd, Martha, Wadsworth, fol. 45, Pontefract. Jan. 24, 1634. Acy, Peter, Preston, fol. 181, Holderness. Oct. 6, 1636. als. Slater, Hellen, Preston, fol. 191, Holderness. Sep. 10, 1645. Acye, Ellen, Kirke Ellay, fol. 131, Harthill. Jan. 19, 1645. , Timothy, Ann, Elizabeth & Frances, Willerby, fol. 133, Harthill. Sep. 4, 1634. Adam, Lawrence, Beswicke, fol. 44, Harthill. Apl. 16, 1647. Adams, , City of London, fol. 587, Doncaster. , Thomas, Thirske, fol. 25, Bulmer. Adamson, Ann, dr. of Edw. A. of Rotheram, dec. tui., fol. 650, Doncaster. Edward, Barnesley, fol. 613, Doncaster. Ellen, Shroghead, par. Darfeild, fol. 489, Doncaster. Peares, Kirkby Moorside, fol. 196, Ridall. Robert, Helaugh, fol. 279, Ainsty. Robert, Huttonbushell, fol. 163, Ridall. Sarah, dr. of Edw. A. of Rotheram, dec. tui., fol. 650, Doncaster. Oct". 8, 1632. Thomas, Gilling, fol. 156. Ridall. Jan. 9, 1634. als. Backhowse, Thomas, son of Tho. B. of Fetherston, tui., fol. 184, Pontefract. May 9, 1639. Adcocke, Elizabeth, North Wheatley, fol. 267, Retford. Oct. 2, 1637. 1 William, Bilton, fol. 264, Ainsty. Oct. 4, 1632. , William, Leedes, fol. 173, Ainsty. 1647. 1639. 2, 1637. May May May Nov. 2, 1647 May 2, 1639 Apl. 2, 1638 7 7 Jan. May 1639. APPENDIX. 99 Oct. i, 1644. Addams, Dorothy, Doncaster, fol. 451, Doncaster. Apl. 24, 1634. Addamson, John, Rippon, fol. 424, Craven. Nov.28, 1646. , William, Bilsdale, fol. 93, Rldall. Sep. 26, 1627. Addie, Edward, Burton, fol. 434, Doncaster. Oct. 6, 1636. Addison, John, Pattrington, fol. 192, Holderness. Oct. 18, 1638. , John, York, fol. 65, City. Jun. 29, 1637. , Thomas, Scarbrough, fol. 334, Dickering. Jan. 20, 1628. Adinett, Anthony, Wighell, fol. 128, Ainsty. Apl. 18, 1632. Admergill, Robert, Thorner, fol. 168, Ainsty. Aug.23, 1650. Adwicke, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 48, Hat-thill. Aug. 5, 1636. , Katherine, Egmanton, fol. 245, Retford. Oct. 6, 1635. , Richard, Arksey, fol. 582, Doncaster. Jun. 2, 1629. , William, Beverley, Harthill. Nov. 7, 1637. Agar, Andrew, B.L., York, fol. 183, Prerogative. Oct. 4, 1632. Francis, Leverton, fol. 280, Cleveland. Dec. 14, 1647. Mary, Ampleford, widow, fol. 99, Ridall. Oct. 2, 1634. Marmaduke, Alice, Robert, Francis, and William, chdn. of Fras. A. of Leverton, tui., fol. 294, Cleveland. Nov. 9, 1650. Peter, Under Parke, fol. 233, Cleveland. Apl. 29, 1642. Ralph, Glasedaile, fol. 196, Cleveland. Aug. 7, 1639. - Thomas, Gisbrough, fol. 324, Cleveland. Nov.i6, 1637. William, Dowthwait, fol. 188, Ridall. Feb. 18,1640. William, Filey, fol. 352, Dickering. Mar.2i, 1647. - William, son of Fran. A. of Liverton, dec., fol. 217, Cleveland. Feb. 13, 1639. Aidon, Thomas, Nawton, fol. 202, Ridall. Sep. 28, 1637. Aikerigge, Sibell, Daker, dioc. Chest., fol. 171, Prerogative. Jun. 23, 1636. Aikeroid, John, Haworth, fol. 327, Pontefract. Jun. 26, 1629. Aikroid, Richard, son of Joh. A., par. Hallifax, fol. 56, Pontefract. May3O, 1648. Aikroyd, Jennet and Grace, drs. of Rich. A. of Breercliff, dec; tui., fol. 120, Pontefract. Mar. i, 1636. Aileworth, Elizabeth, Southleverton, widow, caveat, fol. 246, Retford. Dec. 20, 1644. Ailston, William, son of Rob. A. of Shipton, dec., tui., fol. 14, Bulmer. Mar.23, 1636. Aineley, Susanna, dr. of Will. A. of Linthwait, par. Almonbury, dec. fol. 341, Pontefract. July 3, 1647. Ainley, John, Low Westwood, fol. 39, Prerogative. Aug. 4, 1631. , Robert, Fleminghouse, fol. 98, Pontefract. Apl. 27, 1636. Ainsley, Robert, Yarom, fol. 304, Cleveland. Aug.iS, 1642. Aire, Robert, Whitby, fol. 195, Cleveland. Nov.26, 1627. Airesome, Jane, Marske, fol. 240, Cleveland. Sep. 5, 1635. Airton, John, Shirethornes, fol. 448, Craven. July 31, 1632. Airtonn, Thomas, Malsham, fol. 399, Craven. July 1,1651. Aiscough, Marie, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 53, Harthill. May 7, 1647. Aislaby, Thomas, son of Fran. A. of South Dalton, gent., dec. tui., fol. 15, Harthill. Oct. 3, 1639. Aisley, Anthony, Broughton Parva, fol. 325, Cleveland. Dec. 30, 1646. Akam, Elizabeth, Hulbanke, fol. 9, Harthill. Jun. 29, 1650. - , Elizabeth, dr. of Joh. A. of Hulbanck, dec. tui., fol. 47, Harthill. Mar. 2, 1630. - , Jane, Ann, and Susanna, tui. to Tho. A. of Northferriby, father, fol. 10, Harthill. Jan. 14, 1646. , Samuel, Hulbancke, fol. 9, Harthill. Apl. 27, 1637. Akensyde, Michael, Owlderay, par. Helmsley, fol. 185, Ridall. Feb. 16, 1636. Akeroid, John and Mary, tui., fol. 342, Pontefract. Dec.iS, 1628. - , Sarah, Sowerbie, fol. 42, Pontefract. Mar. i, 1632. Akeroyd, John and Mary, chdn. of Sam. A. of Halifax, dec. tui., fol. 133, Pontefract. May 8, 1633. , Samuel, Hallifax, fol. 141, Pontefract. July , 1640. Akeroyde, Benjamin, Dewsebury, fol. 4, Pontefract. May 9, 1645. Akett, William, senior, Leckenfeild, fol. 128, Harthill. Oct. 25, 1642. Alberrie, John, Bromcote, Nottingham. Mar. 5, 1630. Alcocke, Edward, Balderton, fol. 322, Newark. May 20, 1641. , Matthew, Fiskerton, par. Rolston, Newark. Jun. i, 1646. Alder, William, Newcastle upon Tyne, clerk, fols. 25 & 27, Prerogative. Nov. 29, 1630. Alderson, Henry, York, fol. n, City. Apl. 23, 1629. , Robert, Stokesley, fol. 249, Cleveland. IOO APPENDIX. Feb. 15, 1641. Aldred, Richard, Colwicke, Nottingham. Jan. 28, 1632. Allan, Francis. Doncaster, fol. 528, Doncaster. Mar. 12, 1628. , Ralph, South Skirley, Holderness. Aug. 8, 1636. , Robert and Jane, Gawthorpe, fol. 332, Potitefract. Mar. 2, 1636. , Sibel, Longpreston, fol. 473, Craven. Oct. 4, 1627. Allanbridge, Thomas, Pudsey, fol. 16, Pontefract. Feb. 12, 1627. Allanby, Jacobus, Stainegrave, fol. 135, Ridall. Mar.i3, 1638. Allanson, Anthony, Copthewicke, fol. 514, Craven. Nov. 5, 1644. , Anthony, Woodhouse, fol. 42, Pontefract. Oct. 10, 1633. , Edward, Elkesley, fol. 229, Retford. Jun. 16, 1640. , Henry, York, fol. 214, Prerogative. Sep. 25, 1643. , Ingram, Harwood Dale, fol. 3540, Dickering. Feb. 17, 1629. , Jane, Westowe, Buckrose. July 31, 1632. , Richard, Skipton, fol. 405, Craven. Feb. 10, 1637. , Stephen, Naburne, fol. 89, Buhner. Oct. 22, 1632. , Thomas, Sandhuton, gentleman, fol. 61, Bttlmer. Sep. 30, 1638. , Thomas, Thorpe, fol. 515, Craven. Mar.i6, 1640. Allatson, Frances, Filingdailes, fol. 337, Cleveland. Sep. 27, 1639. , Jane, Shernton, fol. 200, Ridall. Dec. ii, 1635. , Robert, Normanby, fol. 302, Cleveland. Mar.i3, 1649. , William, son of Rob. A. of Fileingdale, tui., fol. 482, Dickering. Apl. 5, 1633. , William, Kingston upon Hull. fol. 31, Harthill. Oct. ii, 1627. Allen, Anthony, Bilstropp, fol. 187, Retford. May 12, 1649. Isabel, Wakefeild, fol. 131, Pontefract. May 3, 1642. Katharine, Doncaster, spinster, fol. 443, Doncaster. Dec. i, 1643. Nicholas, Middleshitlington, fol. 37, Pontefract. Oct. 31, 1633. Reginald, Ketlewell, fol. 416, Craven. Mar.iS, 1644. Robert, par. ShefTeild, fol. 454, Doncaster. Apl. 12, 1638. Thomas, Potto, fol. 317, Cleveland. Apl. 20, 1640. William, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 96, Harthill. Jan. 20, 1636. William, Tollerton, fol. in, Nottingham. Apl. ii, 1639. Allenson, Jane, Elkesley, widow, fol. 263, Retford. Mar.i6, 1649. Allerton, Robert, West Ardsley, fol. 343, Pontefract. Jan. 25, 1631. Allicocke, Edward, Laxton, fol. 328, Newark. Mar. 9, 1649. Allison, Thomas, Armboth, par. Crosthwate, co. Cumb., fol. 67, Prerogative. July 22, 1630. Allotson, Jane and William, chdn. of Will. A. of Scarbrough, dec., tui., fol. 300, Dickering. Jan. 7, 1641. Allott, Thomasin and Beatrice, drs. of Rich. A. of Fishlake, dec. fol. 439, Doncaster. May i, 1628. Allottson, William, Normanby in Fylingdailes, fol. 243, Cleveland. Feb. 16, 1637. Alman, Ann, Skarbrough, fol. 339, Dickering. Jun. 8, 1631. Almond, George, Marfleete, fol. 145, Holderness. July 29, 1630. Aired, John, Nottingham, fol. 62, Nottingham. Aug.i6, 1638. Alsibrooke. Edward, Nottingham, fol. 126, Nottingham. May 5, 1631. Alsopp, Robert, Balderton, fol. 325, Newark. Dec. 5, 1638. Alsoppe, Ann, Thome, widow, fol. 643, Doncaster. Sep. 19, 1628. Alured, Latimer, Charterhouse, Harthill. Jun. 2, 1628. , Roger, Birdsall, Buckrose. Aug.24, 1649. Alvey, Gervase, Norwell, Newark. Jan. 10, 1636. Ambler, Charles, Scothrop, fol. 607, Doncaster. Mar.28, 1637. , Elizabeth, Heywood, par. Campsall, fol. 608, Doncaster. Jan. 25, 1639. , John, Silsden, fol. 529, Craven. July 31, 1639. , Thomas, Woodkirke, fol. 402, Pontefract. Jan. 12, 1638. Ambrose, Matthew, Elvington, fol. 99, Buhner. Feb. 10, 1634. Amcoates, Alexander, Ayton, fol. 319, Dickering. May i, 1628. Amerie, Richard, Ann, John, and William, tui. to Jon. A. of Clifton, yeoman, father, fol. 446, Doncaster. Nov.24, 1631. Anderson, Ed., Bridlington, fol. 305, Dickering. Sep. 2, 1639. Ellicia, Gristhorpe, fol. 347, Dickering. Apl. 20, 1640. Henry, Cavill, fol. 96, Harthill. Apl. 29, 1629. John, Gristropp, Dickering. Oct. 16, 1634. John, Halsham, fol. 179, Holderness. Mar.io, 1652. Mark, Farndale, fol. 237, Cleveland. Mar. 9, 1647. Rowland, Thirklebie, fol. 31, Bulnter. APPENDIX. 101 May 14, 1651. Oct. i, 1630. Sep. 30, 1646. Mar.24, 1635. Sep. 10, 1638. Oct. 31, 1635. Nov. 7, 1635. Nov. 26, 1*330. Dec. 10, 1647. Feb. 19, 1632. Mar. 2, 1645. Sep. 3, 1631. Jan. 21, 1640. Oct. g, 1646. Oct. 9, 1646. Feb. 5, 1638. Mar.24, 1 647- Aug.iy, 1643. Nov.23, 1648. Sep. 8, 1638. Dec. 23, 1647. Oct. 16, 1634. Aug.2i, 1643. Apl. 22, 1640. Nov. 14, 1633. May_i3, 1641. Dec. 19, 1649. Feb. i, 1644. July 20, 1631. Feb. 6, 1638. Feb. 3, 1639. July 21, 1649. Sep. 10, 1628. Oct. 17, 1633. Jan. 9, 1632. Jan. 27, 1645. Mar. 8, 1638. Mar.2o, 1633. Oct. 3, 1627. Aug.n, 1637. July 20, 1640. Aug. 7, 1639. July 22, 1635. Nov.iS, 1634. Aug. 9, 1638. Jan. 15, 1635. Oct. 3, 1633. Aug. i, 1645. Oct. 9, 1646. Oct. 12, 1633. Jun. 24, 1633. Feb.ult.,i636. Jun. 3, 1646. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug.n, 1646. May 8, 1649. Apl. 30, 1640. Oct. 20, 1646. July 23, 1635. Oct. ii, 1631. Anderson, Suzann, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 53, Harthill. Thomas, Halsham, fol. 140, Holderness. Thomas, Newbie, fol, 208, Cleveland. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 56, Harthill. William, Linge, fol. 509, Craven. Anderton Alexander, Sheffeild, fol. 585, Doncaster. Alexander, Sheffeild, fol. 583, Doncaster. Jacobus, Clayton, co. Lane., Caveat, fol. 74, Prerogative. Andrew, Christopher, Shearburne, fol. 395, Bnckrose. Elizabeth, Pattrington, fol. 161, Holderness. Henry, junior, Ashtonunderlyne, fol. 18, Prerogative. Jane and Andrew, chdn. of Joh. A. of Headon, dec., tui., fol. 148, Holderness. Leonard, Sinnington, fol. 207, Ridall. Marmaduke, Elkesley, Retford. Mary, dau. of Marm. A. of Elkesley, dec., tui., Retford. Richard, Eastheslerton, fol. 267, Bnckrose. Andrewes, Ralph, Ollerton, Nottingham. Anlabie, Sarah, Towton, fol. 255, Prerogative. Ann, Margaret, Ashley, fol. 512, Doncaster. Anne, Margaret, Burghwalles, widow, fol. 642, Doncaster. , Philip, Frickley, esq., fol. 505, Doncaster. Anneson, Jacobus, Arnold, fol. 179, Holderness. Annison, Elizabeth, Ryse, fol. 231, Holderness. , George, Ayton Magna, fol. 331, Cleveland. , George, Bishopthorpe, fol. 29, City. , Gregory, Whitby, fol. 339, Cleveland. Annyngson, Robert and Jane, chdn. of Geo. A. of Magna Ayton, dec., tui., fol. 229, Cleveland. Anstrother, Robert, Wheatley, kt., fol. 454, Doncaster. Anthoney, Thomas, Skipsey, fol. 146, Holderness. Anwick, Robert, Bishopburton, fol. 86, Harthill. Apleby, Alice, grant to Jac. A. of Beverley, fol. 94, Harthill. , Francis, Lartington, par. Romaldkirke, gent., fol. 61, Prerogative. , Xpofer, Burstwicke, Holderness. a/5. Skelding, Elizabeth, York, fol. 29, City. Appleby, Gregory, Streetham Dikes, Barnardcastle, fol. 93, Prerogative. , Jacobus, son of Jac. A., par. Osmotherley, tui., fol. 14, Prerogative. , Jacobus, Thornedale, par. Osmotherley. esq., fol. 189, Prerogative. , John. Beverley, fol. 37, Harthill. Applegarth, William, Kirkleveaton, fol. 239, Cleveland. Appleton, Ann, Muscoth, fol. 187, Ridall. Appleyard, Elizabeth, Wrangbrooke, fol. 421, Doncaster. , Thomas, Hallifax, fol. 400, Pontefract. , William, Bradford, fol. 201, Pontefract. Archbutt, Seath, York, taylor, fol. 38, City. Archer Bartholomew, Carnaby, fol. 342, Dickering. Issabel, Staxton, fol. 327, Dickering. John, Rippon, fol. 439. Craven. Mary, Filingraw, fol. 204, Cleveland. Thomas, Jane, Frizemond, chdn. of Wm. A. of Elkesley, dec., tui., Retford. William, Fyling, fol. 286, Cleveland. Xpofer, Hallifax, Caveat, fol. 135, Pontefract. als. Clayton, Jane, Elksley, fol. 124. Nottingham. Arksey, Christofer, Willitoft, gentleman, fol. 12, Harthill. Armestead, Thomas, Stocke, fol. 344, Craven. Armestrong, George, Orston, Nottingham. , Gervase, Scarrington, Nottingham. , John, Wysall, fol. 143, Nottingham. , Robert, Cloughton, foj. 460, Dickering. Armestronge, George, Broughton, fol. 445, Craven. , Roger, Newarke, fol. 327, Newark. 102 APPENDIX. Jun. 18, 1630. Dec. 4, 1646. Apl. 24, 1634. July 14, 1640. Jun. 8, 1633. Apl. 20, 1648. Jan. 28, 1641. Apl. 10, 1633. Apl. 6, 1638. Jan. 21, 1638. Dec. 7, 1635. Jan. 20, 1646. Apl. 28, 1640. Aug.io, 1637. Sep. 5, 1638. MayiS, 1641. May 7, 1635. Apl. 5, 1645. Feb. 8, 1631. Oct. 10, 1649. Sep. 13, 1632. Aug. 6, 1647. May 19, 1647. July 9, 1631. Oct. 8, 1635. Sep. 24, 1642. Aug.2i, 1644. Sep. 10, 1645. May 3, 1638. May23, 1629. Feb. 18, 1647. Apl. 10, 1638. Aug. Feb. 4 , Sep. 1638. 1644. 1631. Aug. 3, 1637. Oct. i, 1630. May 5, 1636. Feb. 3, 1635. Jun. 17, 1634. July 13, 1636. Feb. 3, 1635. Oct. 24, 1644. Oct. 6, 1632. Nov.i2, 1647. Feb. 14, 1645. Nov.29, 1644. Oct. 22, 1647. Jun. 28, 1638. Aug.is, 1644. May 7, 1636. Oct. 9, 1628. Aug.2o, 1633. Sep. 28, 1632. Aug.2o, 1635. Dec. 8, 1634. Oct. 12, 1632. Oct. 14, 1635. Oct. 17, 1643. Nov. 2, 1642. Nov.24, 1629. Mar. 12, 1629. Armfeild, George, Grace, Gregory, Ann, Alice, and Michael, tui. to Rob. A. of Harthill, father, fol. 481, Doncaster. , Ralph, Gaytford, par. Worksopp, Retford. Armistead, Richard, Garforth, fol. 195, Ainsty. , Thomas, Brokerbancke, par. Gargrave, fol. 529, Craven. ah. Preston, Isabel, Gisborne, fol. 439, Craven. Armitage, Ann, Dod Lee, widow, fol. n8, Pontefract. Ann, Doncaster, fol. 438, Doncaster. Elizabeth, par. Burstall, fol. 134, Pontefract. George, Breswell, fol. 375, Pontefract. George, Gawthropp, fol. 389, Pontefract. Jane, wife of Jac. A., par. Almonbury, fol. 311, Pontefract. John and Anthony, Doncaster, fol. 477, Doncaster. John, Robert, Elizabeth, Katherine, chdn. of Joh. A., of Doncaster, dec., tui., fol. 671, Doncaster. Lancelot, Armeley, fol. 261, Ainsty. Margaret, South Milford, fol. 281, Ainsty. Susanna, Doncaster, fol. 428, Doncaster. Thomas, Farneley, fol. 212, Ainsty. Armsbye Margaret, Holme in Spaldingmoore, fol. 127, Harthill. Armstronge, Dorathy, Burstwicke, fol. 151, Holderness. Arnald, Elizabeth, Sandall Magna, fol. 137, Pontefract. Arnall, Alexander, Beverley, fol. 24, Harthill. Arnett, Richard, Thirsk, fol. 28, Bulmer. Arnold, Anthony, Walton, fol. 97, Pontefract. , Brice, Barley, par. Braiton, fol. 47, Bulmer. , Dorathy, niece of Tho. A. of Newark, dec. tui., fol. 345, Newark. , George, Barlay, fol. 248, Prerogative. , Stephen, Stoneferry, fol. 237, Holderness. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 131, Harthill. Arrat, John, Hessle, fol. 75, Harthill. , William, Hollym, Holderness. Arrundell, Samuel, Cheete, fol. 112, Pontefract. Arthington als. Faukes, Jane, Farneley, fol. 274, Ainsty. Arthur, Richard, Catton, fol. 91, Bulmer. Arthure, Robert, Harlethorpe, fol. 125, Harthill. Artlas, John, Sutton, fol. 148, Holderness. Arties, Matthew, Flinton, fol. 197, Holderness. Artlosse, Robert, Rosse, fol. 140, Holderness. Ascough, Elizabeth, Upelhome, fol. 305, Cleveland. Ashburn, Abraham, Kelfeild, fol. 231, Ainsty. , William, York, fol. 35, City. Ashburne, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 61, Harthill. Asheburn, Tymothy, Kelfeild, fol. 231, Ainsty. Ashley, John, Stainford, fol. 449, Doncaster. Ashton, Anthony, Doncaster, fol. 531, Doncaster. , Matthew, Arram, fol. 22, Harthill. , Ralph, Kirkby, gentleman, fol. 461, Doncaster. , Sir Ralph, Whalley, co. Lane., Bt., fol. 265, Prerogative. , Richard, Chadderton, co. Lane., fol. 42, Prerogative. , Thomas, Nottingham, fol. 124, Nottingham. , William, Lockton, fol. 122, Harthill. Aske, Robert, Harlthorpe, par. Bubwith, fol. 59, Harthill. Askew, Margaret, Northwheatley, fol. 194, Retford. Askham, George, Ledston, fol. 180, Ainsty. , Nicholas, Pontefract, cordwyner, fol. 124, Pontefract. Askwith, Anthony, Kiburne, fol. 75, Bulmer. , Brian, Kilburn, fol. 70, Bulmer. , Phillip, York, fol. 23, City. , William, Osgodbie, esq., fol. 75, Bulmer. Aslaby, Inkersoll, Cottam, Retford. Aspinall, Judith, dr. of Alex. A., par. Clithero, dec. tui., fol. 34, Pontefract. Aspinall, , Hallifax, fol. 63, Pontefract. Aspinwall, Lawrence, Whalley, co. Lane., caveat, fol. 64, Prerogative. APPENDIX. 103 Feb. 6, 1629. Astie, Christofer, Kinston, fol. 58, Nottingham. Apl. 27, 1647. Atchard, Richard, South Collingham, Newark. Aug.2i, 1635. Atkin, Matthew, Scarbrough, fol. 325, Dickering. Oct. 8, 1629. , Richard, Lambley, fol. 56, Nottingham. Jan. 24, 1638. Atkinson, Ann, Skeckling, fol. 205, Holderness. Apl. 23, 1652. , Ann, aged 12 years, tui. to Elias Hutchinson of South Kilvington, fol. 44, Bulmer. Feb. 12, 1640. , Ann, diocese of York, fol. 100, Harthill. Aug.i7, 1638. , Charles, Ramsclough, fol. 507, Craven. Sep. 13, 1644. , Christopher, Coxwould, fol. 14, Bulmer. Oct. n, 1632. , Dorothy, Bawtree, fol. 223, Retford. Jun. n, 1645. , Ellen, Hutton, Rudbye, fol. 204, Cleveland. Oct. 31, 1633. , Francis, Boultonbrigg, fol. 416, Craven. Apl. 14, 1640. , Francis, Myton, fol. 105, Bulmer. Aug. 6, 1632. , George, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 22, Harthill. May 7. 1652. , Henry, Long Brough, co. Cumb., fol. 76, Prerogative. Aug. 4, 1630. , Henry, Warsope, fol. 204, Retford. May 5, 1629. , Jacobus, Adwicke in Lee Street, late of London, fol. 48, Pontefract. Dec. 8, 1631. , John, Billesdale, fol. 153, Ridall. Jan. i, 1645. , John, Burnedge, co. Lane., fol. 17, Prerogative. Mar.io, 1627. , John, Butterwicke, fol. 133, Ridall. July 21, 1630. , John, Harton, par. Bossall, fol. 41, Bulmer. Sep. 4, 1628. , John, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Apl. 20, 1636. , John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 60, Harthill. Aug.i3, 1635. , John, Lindley, fol. 216, Ainsty. Aug. 4, 1635. , John, Rippon, fol. 444, Craven. Nov. 5, 1639. , John, Skarbrough, fol. 350, Dickering. Aug. 9, 1638. = , Joseph, Dringhowse, par. Carnaby, fol. 342, Dickering. Apl. 13, 1640. , Margaret, Bridlington, fol. 350, Dickering. Aug. 2, 1639. , Margaret, Kirkby in Malhamdayle, fol. 522, Craven. Dec. 16, 1636. , Margaret, Kirskill, fol. 245, Ainsty. Dec. 9, 1647. , Margery, daur. of Hen. A. of Carleton, dec., tui., fol. 215, Cleveland. Sep. 25, 1634. , Marmaduke, Rippon, fol. 429, Craven. Mar.iS, 1646. , Nicholas, Sutton super Trent, Newark. July 5, 1631. , Reginald, par. Morland, dioc., Carl., Prerogative. Apl. 21, 1635. , Richard, Haitfeild, fol. 574, Doncaster. Jun. 21, 1647. , Richard, Hatefeild, fol. 484, Doncaster. Jun. 4, 1627. , Richard, Rippon, fol. 315, Craven. Feb. 12, 1627. , Robert, Kirkby Mooreside, fol. 134, Ridall. Nov.2o, 1644. , Robert, Ryston, fol. 234, Holderness. Sep. 10, 1645. - , Seth, Hornseay, fol. 240, Holderness. Jun. 5, 1634. , Thomas, Arnall, par. Riston, fol. 172, Holderness. Apl. 28, 1640. , Thomas, Hatefeild, fol. 670, Doncaster. Jun. 24, 1639. , Thomas, Knottingley, fol. 288, Ainsty. Dec.2i, 1631. , Thomas, Ripon, fol. 387, Craven. Jun. 23, 1632. , Thomas, Swanland, fol. 22, Harthill. Apl. 29, 1629. , Walter, Scarbrough, Dickering. May 2, 1632. , William, Cottingham, fol. 19, Harthill. Jan. 28, 1639. , William, Eastheslerton, fol. 270, Buckrose. Feb. 9, 1638. , William, Foxupp, par. Arnecliffe, fol. 512, Craven. Feb. 7, 1634. , William, Otterburne, fol. 433, Craven. Apl. 15, 1630. , William, Skipton, fol. 360, Craven. Jun. 12, 1628. , William, Thirske, fol. 29, Bulmer. Oct. 4, 1632. , William, Ugthorpp, fol. 280, Cleveland. Jun. 7, 1638. a/5. Smithson, Jane, Gargrave, fol. 502, Craven. Dec. 3, 1645. Alley, Peter, Atherton, co. Lane., fol. 13, Prerogative. Oct. 14, 1642. Atmar, Peter, Beverley, fol. 105, Harthill. Apl. 29, 1633. Atsee, Thomas, Dimbleton, fol. 163, Holderness. Apl. 26, 1632. Attenborowe, Robert, Chihvell, fol. 75, Nottingham. Apl. 19, 1638. Auckland, Alexander, Heyton, fol. 257, Retford. July 18, 1638. , Thomas, Loversall, fol. 636, Doncaster. Jan. 24, 1633. Audesley, Jennet, Gawthorpe, widow, fol. 145, Pontefract. Jun. 15, 1647. Austen, Thomas, Stipden (?) co. Lane., fol. 37, Prerogative. I0 4 APPENDIX. Apl. 23, 1629. Austwicke, John, Joseph, Samuel, Thomas, and William, sons of Will. A. of Morley, tui. to the sd. Will., fol. 54, Pontefract. Sep. 28, 1642. Autherdaile, Robert, Dring. par. Skipsey, fol. 227, Holderness. Oct. ii, 1632. Awcott, William, Missen, fol. 223, Retford. Jun. 15, 1643. Awderson, Ann, Stokesley, widow, fol. 199, Cleveland. Jun. 24, 1629. , Thomas, Slingesby, fol 142, Ridall. Jan. 3, 1633. Awdsleye, William and Jennet his wife, Gawthorpp, fol. 136, Pontefract. Jan. 17, 1649. Awdus, John, Brighton, fol. 42, Harthill. Mar. 3, 1634. , Robert, Russholme, fol. 194, Ainsty. Aug.23, 1650. A%vman, Nicholas, Tranby, fol. 48, Harthill. Aug. 3, 1639. Awstin, Robert. Bashall, fol. 523, Craven. Apl. 24, 1639. Awtheison, John, Huntington, fol. 97, Buhner. Aug. 3, 1646. , Roland, Slingsby, fol. 93, Ridall. Feb. 3, 1627. Ayckroid, Ellen, dau. of Hen. A. of Foggerthorpe, dec., Caveat agst. tui., fol. 48, Prerogative. Jan. 26, 1627. Aykroid. Ellen, dr. of Hen. A. of Folkerthorpe, dec., Caveat agst. tui., Harthill. Sep. 30, 1641. Aykroide, Robert, par. Wakefeild, fol. 19, Pontefract. Sep. 13, 1643. Aynesley, Allison and Margery, daurs. of Tho. A. of Yarom, dec., tui., fol. 200, Cleveland. Jun. 9, 1636. Aynley, Elizabeth, dr. of Will. A. of North Crosland, dec., fol. 325, Pontefract. Jun. 9, 1636. , William, North Crosland, fol. 325, Pontefract. July 31, 1639. Aynsworth, Charles, Bullwell, clerk, fol. 136, Nottingham. Apl. 19, 1632. Ayre, Anthony, Boynton, fol. 307, Dickering. Nov.15, 1627. , Jane, Brompton, fol. 133. Ridall. Oct. 2, 1639. , Thomas, Newland. par. Cottingham, fol. 93, Harthill. Jun. 17, 1636. Ayrey a/5. Ayrow, Thomas, Kilnesey, fol. 462, Craven. Jun. 17, 1636. Ayrow als. Ayrey, Thomas, Kilnesey, fol. 462, Craven. Feb. ult., 1639. Ayrton, John. Rilston, par. Burnsall, fol. 529, Craven. May 22, 1637. , Richard and John, sons of Job. A. of Beyld, tui., fol. 483, Craven. Feb. 26, 1634. Ayscough, Humphrey, Nottingham, fol. 98, Nottingham. Apl. 24, 1629. - , Roger, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Jan. 19, 1631. Aysh, William, Lyons Inne, London, fol. 218, Retford. July 28, 1634. Babington, Sir Henry, co. Northumberland, kt., fol. 115, Prerogative. May 12, 1636. , Thomas, Watnall Chaworth, fol. 107, Nottingham. Mar.25, 1639. Babthorpe, Ralph, Osgarbie, par. Hembrough, gent., fols. 190, 195, Preroga- tive. July 2, 1636. , Ralph, Osgodby, fol. 145, Prerogative. Apl. 23, 1634. , Ralph, Osgodby, par. Howden, esq., fol. 114, Prerogative. July i, 1647. Bacchus, Anthony, Mickleby, fol. 214, Cleveland. Apl. 27, 1649. Backhouse, Brian, Endmoore, par. Heversham, fol. 55, Prerogative. Oct. ii, 1652. , John, Clifton, fol. 45, Bnlmer. Jun. 12, 1639. Backhowse, Ricary, Shereburne, fol. 288, Ainsty. Jan. 9, 1634. als. Adamson, Thomas, son of Tho. B. of Fetherston, tui., fol. 184, Pontefract. Jan. 2, 1650. Bacon, Francis, North Ferriby, gentleman, fol. 50, Harthill. Jan. 16, 1628. , Thomas, Haughe, fol. 458, Doncaster. Feb. 13, 1637. Bacooke, Robert, Huby, fol. 85, Buhner. Feb. 7, 1633. Baddy, Thomas, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 36, Harthiil. Jun. 18, 1630. Badger, Henry, Brampton, fol. 481, Doncaster. Sep. 18, 1640. Bagguley, Robert, Nottingham, fol. 149, Nottingham. Feb. 7, 1631. Bagshaw, Edward, York, late dwelling beyond the seas, fol. 17, City. Jan. 20, 1630. Bagula, William, Carlton in Linericke, fol. 208, Retford. Feb. 13, 1629. Baguley, Thomas, Stoke juxta Newarke, fol. 318, Newark. Jun. 29, 1635. Baiker, Francis, Brandsbie, fol. 75, Buhner. Apl. 29, 1635. Baikes, Thomas, Tong, fol. 307, Pontefract. Apl. 27, 1631. Bailden, Richard, Howgill, fol. 374, Craven. Feb. 18, 1633. Bailes, Brian, par. Wakefeild, fol. 151, Pontefract. Jan. 10, 1632. , Elizabeth, Nunnington, fols. 156, 157, Ridall. Jan. 2, 1634. , Elizabeth, York, fol. 40, City. July 8, 1636. , John, Romaldkirke, fol 158, Prerogative. Sep. 29, 1638. Baildon. Elizabeth, Carleton, fol. 514, Craven. Apl. 18, 1634. ' > Sir Francis, kt., Methley, fol. 144, Pontefract. Nov.26, 1630. , Richard, Shereburn, fol. 151. Ainsty. APPENDIX. 105 Mar.ao, 1636. Feb. 6, 1627. May 20, 1628. Jun. 27, 1642. Aug.27, 1632. Jan. 24, 1633. July 29, 1641. Sep. 21, 1645. Feb. 18, 1650. Dec. 29, 1646. July 9, 1649. Sep. 10, 1635. Mar.n, 1629. Jan. i, 1645. Jun. 8, 1646. Sep. 15, 1631. May 4, 1638. Dec. 12, 1632. Feb. 15, 1637. May 5, 1631. Nov.2O, 1627. Jun. 4, 1629. Oct. ro, 1639. Sep. 28, 1638. Feb. 19, 1633. Jan. 25, 1640. Oct. ii, 1632. Feb. 15, 1641. Feb. 19, 1645. Nov.2o, 1646. Feb. 19, 1632. Jun. 18, 1638. Sep. 9, 1633. July 27, 1640. May 22, 1640. July 6, 1638. Jan. 27, 1629. May i, 1628. Nov.i6, 1637. Aug. i, 1628. Oct. 23, 1646. Apl. 5, 1648. Jun. 4, 1628. Aug.ao, 1640. Jun. 23, 1635. Jun. 27, 1647. Aug.io, 1641. May 9, 1639. May 20, 1645. Dec. 15, 1631. Dec. 12, 1650. Sep. 25, 1632. Apl. 29, 1634. Aug. 3, 1636. July 22, 1635. July 22, 1635. Sep. 26, 1651. Dec. ii, 1628. Sep. 10, 1641. Jan. 19, 1635. Feb. 12, 1646. May 22, 1647. July 29, 1636. Baildon, Robert, Carleton, fol. 472, Craven. , William, Baildon, fol. 127, Ainsty. Bainbridge, Thomas, Ottringham, Holderness. Bainbrough, Katherine, Cottingham, fol. 105, Har thill. Bainebrigg, Guy, Chester le Street, dioc. Dur., fol. 94, Prerogative. Bainton, Lawrence, Crathorne, fol. 288, Cleveland. als. Greathead, Henry, Brighton, fol. 102, Harthill. Bairstow, Christopher, Northallerton, fol. 8, Prerogative. Bairstowe, Mary, par. Hallifax, fol. 351, Pontefract. , Michael, Ovenden, fol. 84, Pontefract. Baites, Martha, Illingworth, widow, fol. 134, Pontefraet. , Michael, Hallifax, fol. 203, Pontefract. , William, Mooresome, fol. 254, Cleveland. Baiteson, John, Manchester, fol. 17, Prerogative. Baitman, Ann, Pontefract, fol. 75, Pontefract. Baitson, Robert, Newsom, par. Wressle, fol. 13, Harthill. Bake, Arthur, Daker pasture, fol. 502, Craven. Baker, Dorathy, Northscarle, fol. 333, Newark. Edward, Thurgarton, fol. 120, Nottingham. Francis, par. Whatton, fol. 67, Nottingham. Lawrence, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Richard, Stoneferry, Holderness. William, East Soke, fol. 364, Newark. William, Southowram, fol. 387, Pontefract. als. Pawlinge, Richard, son. of Tho. P. of Midleton, dec., tui., fol. 170, Holderness. Balch, Edward, York, fol. 78, City. Balderston, George, Nottingham, fol. 78, Nottingham. , William, Nottingham, Nottingham. Baldocke, Richard, Plumtree, Nottingham. Baldwin, Elizabeth, North Clifton, Newark. Baldwyn, Christopher, Thurne, fol. 522, Doncaster. , Hugh. Smithies Brigge, fol. 502, Craven. Baley, John, Tickton, fol. 182, Ainsty. Julia, Eathorpe (? Easthorpe), fol. 112, Harthill. Lancelot, Everthorppe, fol. 113, Harthill. Robert. Drax, fol. 279, Ainsty. Thomas, West Bradford, fol. 357, Craven. William, son of Hen. B. of Lockton, dec. tui., fol. 137, Ridall. Ball, Francis, Kirkthorp, fol. 365, Pontefract. Ballance, Robert. Pontefract, fol. 383, Pontefract. Balland, Samuel, Thorne, fol. 473, Doncaster. Ballechouse, Robert, Blith, Retford. Ballmer, Mary, Scarbrough, Dickering. Balme, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 109, Harthill. Balne, Thomas, Goodall, fol. 131, Prerogative. Balsome, Elias, Cawood, fol. 102, Pontefract. Baly, Alice, Bingham, Nottingham. Bambrough, Jacobus, Acklam, fol. 193, Prerogative. , Jane, Swinton, fol. 274, Buckrose. , Sir John, Howsom, Bart., fol. 255, Buckrose. Bamford, Joan, Pulehill, to Lion B., esq., husband, fol. 529, Doncaster. Bamforth, George, Ardesley, par. Darfeild, fol. 490, Doncaster. , Michael, Barmbie super Dunn, fol. 553, Doncaster. , Robert, Nottingham, fol. no, Nottingham. , Sarah, dr. of Isaac B. of Bradforth, dec. tui., fol. 202, Pontefract. , William, Midgley, fol. 201, Pontefract. Banbury, Legard, par. Hutton Bushell, fol. 489, Dickering. Bancke, Richard, Ruston, fol. 140, Ridall. als. Lindall, Margery, Healough, widow, fol. 312, Ainsty. Banckes, Christopher, Wynestead, fol. 188, Holderness. , Godfrey, Sturton, Retford. , John, Gildersome, fol. 97, Pontefract. , Thomas, Ryall Hill, par. Aiton Magna, fol. 306, Cleveland. io6 APPENDIX. Jan. 15, 1640. Sep. 26, 1638. Sep. 3, 1631. Mar.3i, 1627. May 8, 1628. Apl. 8, 1651. May 2, 1637. Nov.ao, 1644. Oct. 19, 1642. May i, 1628. May 12, 1646. Nov.2o, 1645. Mar.22, 1640. Nov. 2, 1627. Nov. 2, 1627. Oct. 7, 1634. Jan. 16, 1636. Sep. 10, 1645. Nov. 8, 1648. Aug.i4, 1639. Aug.i6, 1632. Oct. 12, 1627. Sep. 4, 1631. Feb. 13, 1638. Apl. 5, 1647. Apl. 26, 1637. Mar. 2, 1643. Mar. 2, 1643. Jun. 28, 1648. May i, 1628. Aug.28, 1646. May 5, 1636. Feb. 5, 1627. Apl. 24, 1634. Oct. i, 1638. May i, 1628. July 8, 1633. Oct. i, 1635. Sep. 27, 1641. Dec. 4, 1633. July 21, 1636. Nov. 19, 1630. Feb. 22, 1631. Jun. 19, 1640. July 26, 1633. Nov. 3, 1635. Aug. 8, 1634. Oct. 23, 1631. May 22, 1648. Aug. 8, 1636. May 2, 1639. Oct. 12, 1627. July 27, 1635. July 15, 1635. Oct. 9, 1629. Jan. 27, 1630. Dec. ii, 1649. July i, 1631. July 10, 1629. Oct. 23, 1637. Jan. 31, 1630. Banckes, William, par. Bradford, fol. 6, Pontcfract. Bancks, Jane, Marley, par. Bingley, fol. 508, Craven. , Martin, Witherensey, fol. 148, Holderness. , William, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Bancroft, George, Lenton, gent., fol. 41, Nottingham. Banister, John, Gate Helmesley, tfbl. 71, Prerogative. Bankes, Edward, Fullwood, fol. 616, Doncaster. , Edward, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 234, Holderness. , Ralph, Gisbrough, fol. 197, Cleveland. , Thomas, Thorneton in Pickeringlyeth, fol. 135, Ridall. , William, Buholme, fol. 214, Holderness. Banks als. Cowper, Frances, rel. of Rob. C., gent, and wife of Will. B. of Durham, fol. u, Prerogative. Bannester, Felix, York, fol. 78, City. , John, Horrockforth, co. Lane., fol. 48, Prerogative. Bannister, John, Horrockforth (cancelled), fol. 323, Craven. Barbar, William, par. Sheffeild, fol. 562, Doncaster. Barber, Ann, Guisley, fol. 251, Ainsty. , Bartholomew, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 131, Harthill. , Christopher, Faceby, fol. 221, Cleveland. , Edward, Gawberhall, par. Darton, fol. 655, Doncaster. , John, Moore Mounckton, fol. 171, Ainsty. , Richard, Southcollingham, fol. 305, Newark. Barchard, William, Beverley, fol. 15, Harthill. Barcroft, Mary, grant to Tho. B. of Barcroft, gent., husband, fol. 189, Pre- rogative. , Robert, Barcroft, co. Lane., gentleman, fol. 35, Prerogative. Barden, Roger, Hirst Courtney, fol. 257, Ainsty. Barge, Ann, Hunnonby, fol. 354^, Dickering. , Henry, junior, Hunnonbie, fol. 3540, Dickering. , Thomas, Campsall, fol. 510, Doncaster. , William, Snithall, fol. 34, Pontefract. Barke, William, Brodsworth, fol. 473, Doncaster. Barker, Ann, Elizabeth, Margaret, Isabell, John, and Jane, tui. to John B., father, fol. 305, Cleveland. , Ann, Harswell, widow, Harthill. , Ann, Tadcaster, fol. 195, Ainsty. , Charles, Newcastle upon Tyne, fol. 1840, Prerogative. , Edmund, Norton, fol. 448, Doncaster. , Elizabeth, dr. of Rob. B. of Dunsley, dec. tui., fol. 165, Holderness. , Elizabeth, Stonefeny, fol. 186, Holderness. , George, Eston, fol. 189, Cleveland. , Henry, Banvicke upon Tease, fol. 284, Cleveland. , Jane, dr. of Rich. B., late of Pontefract, dec., fol. 328, Pontefract. , Jane, Saxton, fol. 151, Ainsty. , John, Barmebie super Moram, fol. 218, Retford. , John, Helmsley, fol. 204, Ridall. , John, Newton upon Owze, fol. 101, Prerogative. , John, Scarbrough, fol. 326, Dickering. , John, Swainby, fol. 292, Cleveland. , John, Tadcaster, fol. 160, Ainsty. , John, Wimbleton, fol. 102, Ridall. , Mary, Greglestone, fol. 331, Pontefract. , Nicholas, Budelam, fol. 197, Ridall. , Richard, South Collingham, fol. 305, Newark. , Robert, Amotherby, fol. 174, Ridall. , Robert, son of Rob. B. of Dunseley, dec., tui., fol. 187, Holderness. , Robert, Nawton, fol. 143, Ridall. , Robert, Waterfulforth, fol. 44, Bitlmer. , Stephen, Stoneferry, fol. 249, Holderness. , Thomas, Egton, fol. 267, Cleveland. Thomas, tui. to Robt. Barker, his father, Harthill. -, Thomas, Skipton, fol. 490, Craven. -, Thomas, Tickhill, fol. 502, Doncaster. APPENDIX. 107 Aug.25, 1640. Feb. 6, 1638. July 29, 1639. Sep. 27, 1641. Sep. 3, 1630. July 16, 1634. Apl. 28, 1631. Dec.3i, 1646. Apl. 19, 1636. Sep. 27, 1641. May 12, 1636. Jan. 30, 1627. Dec. 12, 1644. July 21, 1635. Oct. 10, 1633. Oct. ii, 1638. Jun. 18, 1630. Sep. 10, 1652. Jan. 20, 1644. Oct. 9, 1634. Mar. 3, 1630. May 4, 1637. Sep. 25, 1645. Mar.i5, 1636. Feb. i, 1635. Mar.i2, 1646. Apl. 27, 1637. Mar.24, 1636. Feb. 21, 1649. Jun. 24, 1648. Aug. 2, 1632. Mar. 2, 1636. Mar.iS, 1650. Dec. i, 1640. Jan. 15, 1635. Mar. 1 2, 1639. Oct. 8, 1640. Oct. 8, 1627. Apl. 14, 1648. Aug. 2, 1633. Jan. 28, 1632. Apl. 6, 1635. Jan. 16, 1646. Jun. 27, 1642. Oct. 22, 1633. Feb. 22, 1630. July 19, 1631. Sep. 26, 1637. Oct. 3, 1638. Feb. 5, 1637. Feb. 16, 1636. Oct. 23, 1634. Feb. 13, 1629. Oct. 4, 1648. May 21, 1636. Aug. 3, 1636. Oct. 10, 1639. Barker, William, Farnedale, par. Kirkbie Moreshead, fol. 206, Ridall. , William, Hootham, fol. 86, Harthill. , William, Leadebancke, fol. 302, Ainsty. -, William, Seamer, fol. 190, Cleveland. -, William, Shereburn, fol. 149, Ainsty. Barley, Fardinand, son of Fard. B. of Ranskill, dec., tui., fol. 234, Retford. , Humphrey ,-Gisbrough, fol. 266, Cleveland. , Mary, dr. of Will. B. of Bilsdaile, dec., tui., fol. 95, Ridall. , Richard, Lessey, fol. 79, Bulmer. , William, Hewthwaite, fol. 189, Cleveland. Barlow, Elizabeth, Fiskerton, fol. 348, Newark. , George, Newarke super Trent, fol. 308, Newark. , Thomas, Holme in Spaldingmoore, fol. 124, Harthill. Barlowe, John, Radford, fol. 238, Retford. , Jostlin, Worksopp, fol. 229, Retford. , Thomas, Eastmarkham, fol. 261, Retford. Barmby, Robert, Thomas, Edward, Christian, Jane, and Ann, tui. to Joh. B. of Harthill, father, fol. 482, Doncaster. , Sara, Sturton, widow, Retford. Barmbye, Robert, Wath, fol. 453, Doncaster. Barmebie, Brian, Sturton, fol. 235, Retford. , John, Sturton, fol. 210, Retford. , Mary, Sturton, fol. 250, Retford. Barmsby, Richard, New Malton, fol. 88, Ridall. Barnard, Frances, Kingston upon Hull, widow, fol. 66, Harthill. ah. Burney, Elizabeth, wife of Jac. Burney, of Beverly, clerk, dec., fols. 59 and 67, Harthill. Barnby, Lancelot, Cunsforth, fol. 31, Prerogative. , Thomas, son of Will. B. of Baynton, dec., fol. 333, Dickering. , Thomas, Richard, Elizabeth, and Jane, chdn. of Rich. B. of East Nesse, tui., fol., 184, Ridall. Barnbye, Richard, East Nesse, fol. 42, Harthill. Barne, Sir George, London, kt., fol. 51, Prerogative. Barnebie, Isabell, par. Cawthorne, fol. 519, Doncaster. , Thomas, Richard, Elizabeth, and Jane, chdn. of Ric. B. of Nesse, dec., Caveat agst. tui., fol. 309, Cleveland. Barneby, William, Boynton, fol. 486, Dickering. Barnerd, Frances, Kingston upon Hull, widow, fol. 98, Harthill. , Mary, Folkton, fol. 327, Dickering. als. Wrightington, Margaret, grant to Coniston W. of Hull, hus- band, fol. 95, Harthill. Barnes, Brian, Bingham, fol. 144, Nottingham. , Isabel, Headon, Holderness. , William, Beverley, fol. 26, Harthill. Barnesley, Isabel, par. Sandall, fol. 153, Pontefract. , Thomas, par. Sheffeild, fol. 528, Doncaster. Barney, John, Dalebancke, fol. 443, Craven. Barnsdale, Christopher, Balderton, Newark. Barnsley, William, par. Sheffeild, fol. 441, Doncaster. Baron, William, Bransburton, fol. 168, Holderness. Barr, Anthony, Stoneferry, fol. 144, Holderness. Barraclough, Jennet, Spenne, fol. 488, Doncaster. Jerome, son of Rich. B. par. Hallifax, dec., fol. 364, Pontefract. John, Lightcliffe, fol. 385, Pontefract. Mary, dr. of Rich. B., par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 370, Pontefract. Samuel, Hallifax, fol. 342, Pontefract. William, son of Jos. B., par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 182, Pontefract Barresale, John, Norton, fol. 202, Retford. Barresford, Cornelius, Raskall, gentleman, fol. 33, Bulmer. Barret, Ann, dr. of Chris. B. of Burnehouse, par. Campsall, dec., tui., fol. 597, Doncaster. , Humphrey, Gotham, fol. no, Nottingham. , Isabel, Steeton, fol. 524, Craven. io8 APPENDIX. July 25, 1636. May 10, 1641. Dec. 5, 1649. Oct. 7, 1630. Jan. 19, 1633. Oct. 19, 1632. Oct. 3, 1638. Feb. 22, 1630. May 23, 1629. Sep. 22, 1647. Apl. 2, 1647. Mar. 19, 1632. Mar. 2, 1647. Feb. 12, 1628. Oct. ii, 1631. Aug. 24, 1632. Nov.23, 1647. Feb. 12, 1628. May i, 1634. Jun. 8, 1631. Oct. 9, 1628. Feb. 7, 1637. Apl. 14, 1638. May 30, 1639. Mar. 24, 1629. Apl. 30, 1640. Nov.is, 1632. May25, 1638. Apl. 22, 1640. May i, 1637. Jun. 17, 1635. July 2, 1634. Dec.i6, 1634. Sep. 26, 1627. Nov.2i, 1648. Feb. 10, 1630. Jun. 21, 1633. Feb. ii, 1647. Apl. 19, 1638. Dec. 22, 1630. Feb. 5, 1635. Oct. ii, 1632. July 29, 1637. Nov.26, 1634. Apl. 30, 1645. July 26, 1647. Jun. 19, 1628. Oct. 2, 1628. Jan. 29, 1630. July 21, 1643. July 27, 1650. May 29, 1650. Mar.27, 1647. Feb. 19, 1633. Feb. 8, 1631. Aug. 8, 1632. Aug. 6, 1647. Jan. 3, 1637. Aug. 2, 1632. July 24, 1634. July 2, 1635. Barret, Richard, York, Caveat, fol. 50, City. Barrett Gilbert, Thornes, par. Wakefeild, fol. 13, Pontefract. Suzanna, Heptonstall, fol. 139, Pontefract. Thomas, Hawkesworth, fol. 64, Nottingham. William, York, fol. 34, City. William, York, to Jane Asenbie, mother, fol. 25, City. Barrit, Martha, dr. of Jon. B., par. Heptonstall, dec., tui., fol. 385, Pontefract. Barron, John, Halsham, fol. 143, Holdcrnc3s. Barrow, Xpofer, Rowthe, Holderness. Barrowby, Ellen, Eskrigg, fol. 31, Buhner. , William, Eskrigg, fol. 27, Buhner. Barrowclough, John, Wath super Dearne, fol. 531, Doncaster. Barrowe, Edward, Lowdham, Nottingham. , Elizabeth, Missen, fol. 196, Rctford. a/5. Lickborrow, Grace, diocese of York, fol. 493, Doncaster. Barrowes, Michael, par. Sheffeild, fol. 520, Doncaster. Barthrop, Henry, East Retford, Retford. Barthropp, Edward, Treswell, fol. 196, Retford. Bartle, Peter, Kellam, fol. 340, Newark. Barton Edward, Easington, fol. 146, Holderness. Edward, Walkringham, fol. 194, Rctford. Elizabeth, wife of Joh. B. of Hovingham, esq., fol. 89, Bulmer. Elizabeth, Hovingham, fol. 190, Ridall. George, Easingwould, fol. 98, Bulmer Jacobus and Margaret, his wife, Hull, Harthill. John, Mapplebecke, fol. 368, Newark. John, Nunnington, fol. 157, Ridall, Margaret, York, spinster, fol. 64, City. Margaret and Ann, daurs. of Rich. B. of Yarom, dec., tui., fol. 331, Cleveland. Matthew, Dighton, fol. 85, Bulmer. Richard, Crosseyate, par. Longpreston, fol. 446, Craven. Richard, Crosseyate, par. Longpreston, fol. 427, Craven. Richard, Dobdale, fol. 438, Craven. Richard, Swinton, fol. 433, Doncaster. Richard, William, Thomas, sons of Will. B. of Hutton Cranswicke, dec., tui., fol. 29, Harthill. Robert, Cawton, fol. 148, Ridall. Thomas, son of Edw. B. of Walkringham, dec., tui., fol. 226, Retford. Thomas, Whenby, fol. 31, Bulmer. William, Blith, fol. 257, Retford. William, Cawton, fol. 148, Ridall. Bartroppe, Mary, Thorney, fol. 347, Newark. Barwell, Richard, Nottingham, fol. 78, Nottingham. Barwick, Gabriel, Thurgarton, fol. 115, Nottingham. , Matthew, son of Fran. B., diocese of York, dec., tui., fol. 560, Doncaster. Barwicke, Barnard, Neshagg, fol. 204, Cleveland. Elizabeth, Neshagg, dioc. York, fol. 215, Cleveland. George, Dalby, fol. 137, Ridall. George, Upleatham, fol. 247, Cleveland. Matthew, son of Fran. B., City London, dec., tui., fol. 498, Doncaster. Nathaniel, Owston, fol. 13, Bulmer. Barwis, Thomas, Woolsley Castle, co. Cumb., fol. 69, Prerogative. Basforth, Ralph, Ecclesfeild, fol. 528, Doncaster. , William, Ecclesfeild, fol. 481, Doncaster. Bashell, Ann, Marfleet, fol. 170, Holderness. Basse, Jacobus, Catwicke, fol. 151, Holderness. , Peregrine, Cotgrave, fol. 76, Nottingham. Bassett, Richard, Upsall, fol. 28, Bulmer. Batchler, William, Barnesley, fol. 6260, Doncaster. , William, Skircote, fol. 119, Pontefract. Batchlor, William, Wighell, fol. 198, Ainsty. Bate, John, Rotheram, fol. 577, Doncaster. APPENDIX. 109 Apl. 28, 1640. Jan. 23, 1633. Feb.iS, 1647. Jan. 16, 1635. Mar.ai, 1636. Nov. 8, 1648. Apl. 12, 1647. Jan. i, 1645. Apl. 24, 1634. Mar.iS, 1644. Apl. 4, 1633. Jun. 21, 1636. Dec. ii, 1637. Oct. 4, 1627. Jun. 6, 1637. Apl. 15, 1630. Apl. 14, 1635. Feb. 16, 1636. Mayio, 1636. May 10, 1636. Apl. i, 1647. Mar.i3, 1644. Sep. 26, 1627. Jun. 29, 1630. Mar. 9, 1646. Mar. 9, 1637. July 14, 1635. Dec. 6, 1634. Dec. 16, 1636. Sep. 4, 1638. Jan. 17, 1628. Feb. 12, 1644. Sep. 22, 1631. Apl. 27, 1637. July 26, 1636. Aug.24, 1634. July 3, 1637. Jun. 20, 1629. Apl. 8, 1628. Oct. 25, 1642. Aug. 2, 1632. May 28, 1647. Oct. 12, 1628. May 7, 1639. Dec. 20, 1628. Jan. 25, 1631. Jan. 23, 1632. Mar. i, 1637. Aug. 2, 1633. Mar.ig, 1629. July 30, 1647. Dec. 17, 1633. May 29, 1631. Aug. 5, 1634. Jun. 29, 1637. Jan. 26, 1629. Feb. 13, 1629. Apl. n, 1648. Feb.2i, 1632. Bate, Seth, par. Treeton, clarke, fol. 669, Doncaster. Bateman, John, Doncaster, fol. 544, Doncaster. , Stephen, Wakefeild, fol. 112, Pontefract. , Thomas, Doncaster, fol. 588, Doncaster. Bates, John, par. Hallifax, fol. 344, Pontefract. , Jonas, son of Joh. B. of South Ovvram, dec., tui., fol. 123, Pontefract. , William, Horton Cuckin, Retford. Bateson, John and Isabell, chdn. of John B. of Manchester, dec., fol. 14, Prerogative. Batley, John, par. Horburie, fol. 169, Pontefract. , William, Doncaster. fol. 454, Doncaster. Batman, Margaret, Seaton, fol. 26, Harthill. Battie, Alice, Rippon, fol. 468, Craven. Ann, Hunslett Carre, fol. 268, Ainsty. Elizabeth, Sarah, Tymothy, and Rebecca, chdn. of Joh. B., tui. to sd. Joh., fol. 17, Pontefract. Isabel, par. Burton, fol. 353, Pontefract. Ralph, Rippon, fol. 363, Craven. Richard, par. Pontefract, fol. 194, Pontefract. Richard, par. Thurstoland, fol. 342, Pontefract. William and Brian, sons of Will. B. of Holmehouse, dec., tui., fol. 594, Doncaster. , William, Holmehouse, fol. 593, Doncaster. Battison, Richard, Himsworth, fol. 483, Doncaster. , Samuel, Pontefract, fol. 46, Pontefract. , William, Brearley, fol. 433, Doncaster. Batty, Elizabeth, Scarbrough, fol. 300, Dickering. , John, Woodall, fol. 92, Pontefract. Bauderskell, William, Thirkleby, fol. 88, Buhner. Baumbrough, William, Cottingham, fol. 51, Harthill. Baumforth, George, Hipperholme, fol. 182, Pontefract. Bawcome, Christofer, Rippon, fol. 469, Craven. Bawdwyn, Mary, Kildweeke, fol. 511, Craven. Bawne, John, Skearne, Harthill. Bawtrye, John, Warmsworth, fol. 455, Doncaster. Baxter, Christopher, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 15, Harthill. , Elizabeth, dr. of Will. B. of Foston, dec., tui., fol. 333, Dickering. , Elizabeth, Foston, fol. 330, Dickering. , Francis, Richmond, fol. 117, Prerogative. , John, Cammerton, fol. 196, Holderness. , John, Hessell, Harthill. , John, Usburn Parva, fol. 59, Prerogative. , 'Robert, Willoughbie, Nottingham. , Thomas, par. Bolton, fol. 519, Doncaster. , Thomas, Claxton, fol. 26, Buhner. , Thomas, Newland, Harthill. , William, Bolton super Darne, fol. 651, Doncaster. Bayles, Thomas, Crakehill, fol. 34, Bulmer. Bayley, Henry, Nottingham, Caveat, fol. 70. Nottingham. , John, Aighton, par. Mitton, fol. 400, Craven. Baylie, Francis, East Retford, fol. 256, Retford. Bayne, Francis, Brigghowse, par. Rippon, fol. 409, Craven. Francis, Westhouse, par. Kirkebiemalsheard, fol. 69, Prerogative. John, Coxwould, fol. 29, Bulmer. Marmaduke, Brighouse, fol. 423, Craven. Peter, Sutton suptet Whistoncliffe, fol. 46, Bulmer. Ralph, Leedes, fol. 202, Ainsty. Baynes, William, Langricke, par. Drax, fol. 258, Ainsty. als. Saunderson, Alice, Leedes, fol. 147, Ainsty. Beach, Agnes and Frances, daus. of Nich. B. of Winthorpe, dec., tui., fol. 318, Newark. Beadall, Thomas, Hollin, fol. 2^8,Holderness. Beardshaw, George, Bedforth, par. Leigh, clioc. Chest., Caveat, fol. 92, Pre- rogative. no APPENDIX. Jan. 19, 1645. Oct. 2, 1639. Mar.i2, 1631. Jun. 29, 1638. July 25, 1639. Aug. 6, 1640. May 9, 1633. May 14, 1633. Jan. 28, 1628. May 22, 1639. July 17, 1629. Feb. 2, 1629. Mar. 6, 1645. Dec. ii, 1645. Oct. 31, 1643. Jan. 21, 1638. Apl. 16, 1649. Jun. 6, 1637. Oct. 10, 1633. Feb. 18, 1638. Oct. i, 1631. Mar. 20, 1631. Apl. 10, 1638. July 21, 1647. Feb. 14, 1627. Aug.is, 1639. Feb. 19, 1640. Jan. 12, 1636. Dec. 20, 1632. May 20, 1628. Feb. 10, 1646. Oct. 8, 1627. Oct. 8, 1627. Oct. 28, 1636. Feb. 10, 1628. May 21, 1648. Mar. 9, 1640. May 5, 1642. Oct. 21, 1636. Dec. 20, 1634. Feb. 8, 1631. Apl. 5, 1637. Feb. 7, 1637. July 31, 1639. Dec. ii, 1637. Oct. 5, 1632. Nov.29, 1630. Oct. 16, 1646. Dec. 12, 1639. Oct. 6, 1646. July 18, 1634. NOV.II, 1636. Feb. 25, 1642. Oct. 7, 1633. Oct. 7, 1633. Jan. 18, 1637. Jan. 25, 1627. July 12, 1634. Jan. 14, 1633. Aug. 6, 1646. Oct. 15, 1634. Sep. 30, 1629. Bealby, John, Swanland, fol. 133, Harthill. Beale, Frances, Hatfeild, widow, fol. 209, Holderness. Frances, Scarbrough, fol. 306, Dickering. Isabel, Skarbrough, fol. 342, Dickering. John, Scarbrough, fol. 347, Dickering. Richard, Brodsworth, fol. 424, Doncaster. Richard, Harpham, fol. 313, Dickering. Thomas, Marsbrough, fol. 534, Doncaster. William, Harpham, Dickering. William, Skarbrough, fol. 345, Dickering. Beamond, Alice, Coddington, fol. 317, Newark. , Elizabeth, Cottingham, Harthill. , Humphrey, Netherton, par. Almonbury, fol. 61, Pontefract. , William, Whitby, fol. 56, Pontefract. Beamont, Alice, par. Burstall, fol. 36, Pontefract. , John, par. Almonburie, fol. 390, Pontefract. , John, Honley, fol. 129, Pontefract. , Nicholas, Almonburie, fol. 352, Pontefract. , Nicholas, Francis, and Huntingdon, sons of Hunt. B. of Bilborrow, dec., tui., fol. 86, Nottingham. , Nicholas, par. Dewsbury, fol. 397, Pontefract. , Sir Richard, Whitley, kt., Caveat, fol. 99, Pontefract. , Sarah, par. Kirkheaton, fol. 509, Doncaster. , Walter, Netherton, fol. 376, Pontefract. Beamount, John, Mirfeild, fol. 104, Pontefract. Bean, William, Tadcaster, fol. 123, Ainsty. Beane, Francis, Easington, fol. 209, Holderness. Francis, par. Fuiston, fol. 313, Ainsty. George, Bingley, fol. 247, A.insty. Henry, son of Jac. B. of Bingley, dec., tui., fol. 402, Craven. Matthew, Easington, Holderness. Robert, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Simon, Kilnesey, Holderness. William, Kilnesey, Holderness. Beard, Alexander, Ecclesfeild, fol. 604, Doncaster. Beardsall, Richard, Lenton, fol. 48, Nottingham. Beardsley, Robert, Whiston, fol. 512, Doncaster. Beasford, Ann, dau. of Will. B. of Nottingham, dec., tui., fol. 147, Nottingham. Beck, Ann, Newarke, Newark. Becke, Ann, Ditchmarsh, fol. 605, Doncaster. Anthony, Thorne, fol. 560, Doncaster. Cicilia, Aldbrough, fol. 151, Holderness. John, Kendall, fol. 159, Prerogative. John, Skipsey, fol. 200, Holderness. Richard, Nottingham, fol. 135, Nottingham. Robert, Wetherbie, fol. 268, Ainsty. Thomas, Headon, fol. 159, Holderness. William, Whitbie, fol. 261, Cleveland. Becket, Anthony, Doncaster, fol. 473, Doncaster. , Richard, Worsbrough, fol. 659, Doncaster. als. Martin, Ann, Doncaster, fol. 475, Doncaster. Beckfeild, John, Langton, fol. 258, Buckrose. Beckitt, John, Burton, fol. 605, Doncaster. Beckwith, Arthur, Aldbroughgrainge, pecul., Massam, fol. 250, Prerogative. , Francis, York, fol. 31, City. , Francis, York, vacat, fol. 181, Ainsty. , Mary, dau. of Hen. B. of Kirkebie Malsherd, dec., tui., fol. 175, Prerogative. , Stephen, Bishopthorp, fol. 122, Ainsty. Bedford, John, Bramham, fol. 199, Ainsty. , Richard, Tockwith, fol. 191, Ainsty. , Robert, Beverley, fol. 7, Harthill. Bedforth, Edith, Doncaster, fol. 560, Doncaster. , John, Doncaster, fol. 474, Doncaster. APPENDIX. in Oct. 3, 1627. Bednell, John, Stokesley, fol. 235, Cleveland. Mar.ij, 1632. Beecroft, John and Jonathan, tui. to Rob. Smith, Forest of Pendle, fol. 99, Prerogative. Oct. n, 1638. Beedall, Robert, Sutton super Lound, fol. 261, Retford. Oct. ii, 1632. Beedham, Robert, Fiskerton, fol. 334, Newark. July 16, 1632. Beelby, Stephen, Beeford, fol. 156, Holderness. Mar-30, 1630. Beesley, Robert, Wakefeild, fol. 85, Pontefract. Oct. 23, 1634. Beeston, Ralph, par. Tonge, fol. 181, Pontefract. May 14, 1645. Beggin, John, Mickleby, fol. 204, Cleveland. July 18, 1638. Beighton, Ann, par. Sheffeild, fol. 636, Doncaster. May 2, 1637. , Hugh, Stumplaw, fol. 616, Doncaster. Apl. 27, 1632. , Jane, dr. of Joh. B., par. Bradfeild, dec., tui., fol. 514, Doncaster. Oct. 12, 1637. , Ralph, Eastwood, fol. 117, Nottingham. May 2. 1637. ' > William, Dinnington, fol. 616, Doncaster. Mar.iS, 1634. Beilbie, Francis, Micklethwaite Grange, fol. 195, Ainsty. Dec. 15, 1637. , Thomas, Killerby, par. Seamer, esq., fol. 336, Dickering. Jan. 2, 1648. Beilby, Michael, Huggett, fol. 31, Harthill. Jun. 4, 1635. , Xpof., Skarbrough, fol. 324, Dickering. Feb. 16, 1630. Belfeild, Mary, York, Caveat, fol. n, City. Feb.io, 1646. Belfin, William, Rempston, Nottingham. Oct. 9, 1641. Belgh, Richard, par. Harthill, fol. 435, Doncaster. Aug. 6, 1640. , Roger, Harthill, fol. 425, Doncaster. Feb. 3, 1636. Belke, Richard, Gamston, fol. 249. Retford. Apl. 5, 1648. , Thomas, Gamston, Retford. Apl. i, 1640. Bell, Abraham, Thirske, fol. 109, Bulmer. Mar. 27, 1638. Ann, Elmiri, fol. 96, Bulmer. Dec.i6, 1651. Christopher. Heslerton, fol. 55, Harthill. Jan. 5, 1634. Christopher, son of Will. B. of Sovverby, dec., fol. 71, Bulmer. May23, 1637. Daniel, Thirske, fol. 85, Bulmer. May 28, 1628. Daniel, Thirske, effects unadministred, fol. 27, Bulmer. Aug.i6, 1633. Dorothy, Topcliff, fol. 62, Bulmer. Mar.27, 1638. Elizabeth, Elmire, fol. 96, Bulmer. Dec. 21, 1632. Ellen, Sowerby, fol. 57, Bulmer. May 18,1647. George, Brafferton, fol. 26, Bulmer. Jan. 14, 1636. George, Leedes Mainrideinge, fol. 248, Ainsty. July 5, 1645. Henry, Marton super Moram, fol. 4 and 5, Prerogative. Jun. 19, 1650. Henry, Marton in le Moore, fol. 68, Prerogative. May 12, 1636. Ingram, Nottingham, fol. 107, Nottingham. Nov.i2, 1627. Jane, Cawood, widow, fol. 120, Ainsty. May2i, 1635. John, Beverley, fol. 48, Harthill. Oct. 9, 1637. John, Eastropp, fol. 71, Harthill. Aug. 7, 1632. John, Harbie, fol. 332, Newark. May 10, 1633. John, Low Hutton, fol. 33, Harthill. Jun. 6, 1651. John, Nottingham, Nottingham. Oct. 6, 1629. John, Ryall, Holderness. Feb. 19, 1632. Margaret, Bewholme, fol. 160, Holderness. Jun. 19, 1647. Matthew, Parva Smeaton, fol. 101, Pontefract. Nov. 25, 1639. Nicholas, Fellside, par. Brigham, fol. 200, Prerogative. May 7, 1628. Ralph, Sowerby, fol. 27, Bulmer. Jun. 17, 1628. Richard, Skearne, Harthill. Jan. 29, 1634. Robert and Lancelot, minors, Dalton, par. Topclife, fol. 71, Bulmer. Nov.2O, 1644. Sarah, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 235, Holderness. July 18, 1631. Thomas, Bishopmounckton, fol. 379, Craven. Sep. 22, 1642. Thomas, Ellerton, fol. 118, Harthill. Dec.i6, 1639. William, Helperby, fol. 203, Prerogative. Nov. 3, 1634. William, junior, fol. 69, Bulmer. Dec. 9, 1628. William, Rillington, Buckrose. Jan. 13, 1641. William, Thirske, fol. 5, Bulmer. Jan. 24, 1637. Bellarby, Alice, Hutton juxta Rudby, spr., fol. 314, Cleveland. Jan. 24, 1637. ' > Elizabeth, dau. of Ambr. B. of Thornaby, par. Stokesley, tui., fol. 314, Cleveland. Nov.i6, 1637. , John, son of Ambr. B. of Thorraby, tui. fol. 314, Cleveland. Jun. 28, 1638. , Richard, Gilling, fol. 192, Ridall. Mayio, 1630. Bellard, Brian, Newland, fol. 3, Harthill. 112 APPENDIX. Aug. 2, 1633. Jan. 30, 1644. Aug. 8, 1634. Apl. 5, 1630. Jan. 19, 1945. Aug.i3, 1647. Mar. 19, 1630. Jun. 15. 1636. May 5, 1631. Nov 29, 1638. Dec. 6, 1639. Oct. 8, 1640. Aug. i, 1636. Jun. i, 1648. Apl. 21, 1635. Dec. i, 1646. Mar.i3, 1639. Oct. i, 1630. July i, 1639. Dec. 2, 1643. Aug.22, 1648. Oct. 6, 1635. Jun. 15, 1647. Sep. 24, 1647. Mar.iS, 1646. Aug.n, 1646. May 12, 1647. July 16, 1646. Feb. 23, 1638. May 14, 1638. Feb. 8, 1649. Jan. 27, 1635. Jan. 25, 1637. Jun. 30, 1647. Aug. 5, 1628. July 24, 1630. Jun. 23, 1641. May 29, 1649. Nov. 14, 1635. Mar. i, 1637. Oct. 31, 1633. Oct. 12, 1637. July 2, 1634. Nov.23, 1638. Apl. 19, 1632. July 21, 1636. Apl. 5, 1632. Aug. 3, 1631. May 20, 1628. Oct. 16, 1628. Oct. 4, 1627. Apl. 12, 1638. Aug. 2, 1633. Sep. 15, 1646. Apl. 27, 1636. Dec. 5, 1632. Feb. 16, 1631. Apl. 30, 1648. Sep. 12, 1632. Bellard, Edward, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 29. Harthill. , Frances, dr. of Brian B. of Newland, dec., tui., fol. 236, Holderness. , Issabell, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 42, Harthill. , Robert, son of Rob. B. of South Cave, dec., tui., fol. i, Harthill. Suzanna, Nuland, fol. 134, Harthill. Bellasis, Henry, Newbrough, esq., fol. 28, Bulmer. Bellasse, Thomas, Robinhoodbay, fol. 263, Cleveland. Bellingham ah. Wyvell, Elizabeth, grant to Will. B. of Skidbie, husband, fol. 60, Harthill. Bellomy, Francis, Eastretford, fol. 212, Rctford. Belhvood, Christopher, Upsall, fol. 94, Buhner. , John, Raskall, fol. 102, Bnlmer. , Richard, son of Will, and Margery B., par. Lith, dec., tui., fol. 333, Cleveland. als. Wrangham, Ursula, Mowlthropp, fol. 81, Buhner. Benett, William, Preston, fol. 244, Holderness. Benet, William, Sheffeild, fol. 574, Doncaster. Benkes, Richard, Wragby, fol. 82, Pontefract. Benks, John, Ruiston, fol. 665, Doncaster. Benington, Christopher, Easington, fol. 140, Holderness. , John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 92, Harthill. , William, Baynton, fol. 119, Harthill. Benison, Roger, Ganthorpe, par. Tirrington, fol. 33, Bnlmer. Bennet als. Parker, William, Sheffeild, fol. 580, Doncaster. Bennett, John, Newarke super Trent, Newark. , John, Scrooby, Retford. , Robert, Gedling, Nottingham. , William, Kirkby in Ashfeild, Nottingham. Bennison, Richard, Shearburne, fol. 394, Buckrose. Benrott, Valentine, Thorne, fol. 467, Doncaster. Benson, Christopher, Sutton in le Gaultres, fol. iQ2n, Prerogative. Jane, Whitwell, fol. 91, Buhner. John, Methley, fol. 522, Doncaster. John, par. Wakefeild, fol. 312, Pontefract. Marmaduke, Beverley, fol. 73, Harthill. Mudwin, Austerfeild, Retford. Nicholas, par. Wakefeild, fol. 36*1, Pontefract. Peter, Yearsley, fol. 41, Bulmer. Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 103, Harthill. Robert, son of Rev. Dr. B. of Carleton in Lindricke, dec., tui., Retford. William, Millington, fol 138, Prerogative. William, Osterfeild, fol. 255, Retford. Bentham, Anthony, Netherlodge, fol. 416, Craven. , Edmund, Scroobie, fol. 253, Retford. , John, Stoodfold, fol. 427, Craven. , Thomas, son of Joh. B. of Netherlodge, dec., tui., fol. 511, Craven. , Thomas, Northcoate, fol. 392, Craven. , Thomas, Settle, fol. 464, Craven. , William, Studfold, par. Horton in Riblesdayle, fol. 389, Craven. Bentley, Alice, Foxholes, fol. 304, Dickering. , Arthur, Nether Knotsford, dioc. Chester, fol. 54, and Oct. 17, fol. 56, Prerogative. Arthur, Nether Knuttsforth, co. Lane., fol. 56, Prerogative. Gilbert, Dewsburie, fol. 17, Pontefract. John, Bowthropp, fol. 340, Dickering. John, par. Hallifax, fol. 152, Pontefract. John, Staupes in North Owram, fol. 81, Pontefract. John, Whitwell, Caveat, fol. 78, Bulmer. John, Whitwell, fol. 59, Bulmer. Margaret, Birkes, par. Bingley, fol. 165, Ainsty. Martha, dr. of Joh. B. of Highbins, dec., tui. (also Apl. u), fol. 118, Pontefract. , Michael, Caveat, fol. 398, Craven. APPENDIX. Nov. 4, 1640. Bentley, Michael, Sowerbie, fol. 674, Doncaster. Aug. 8, 1636. , Richard, par. Horburie, fol. 332, Pontefract. Feb. 25, 1632. Berisford, Robert, par. Arnold, Caveat, fol. 77, Nottingham. Mar. i, 1641. Bernard, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 104, Harthill. Mar.2O, 1631. Berrie, Andrew, Almonburie, fol. 108, Pontefract. Jun. 18, 1630. Ann, Mortonbanckes, fol. 367, Craven. May 12, 1636. Edmund, Nottingham, fol. 107, Nottingham. Jan. 4, 1635. Jacobus, Royston, fol. 587, Doncaster. Apl. 27, 1636. Richard, Beefurth, fol. 188, Holderness. Nov. 9, 1641. William, Gateside, dioc. Dur., fol. 238, Prerogative. Feb. 18, 1640. Berriman, Alexander, Appleton super Moram, fol. 81, Ridall. Jun. 24, 1634. Berry, Leonard and Mary, par. Almonbury, fol. 178, Pontefract. Dec. 22, 1647. Berryman, Robert, East Heslerton, fol. 395, Buckrose. Nov.2o, 1644. Besby, Michael, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 233, Holderness. May 12, 1641. Best, Charles, Kaingham, fol. 222, Holderness. May 4, 1639. , Jacobus, Kingston upon Hull, apothecary, fol. 90, Harthill. Feb. 3, 1634. , Jane, Cottingham, widow, fol. 43, Harthill. Feb. 27, 1638. , Judith, Brookehowse, par. Hallifax, fol. 398, Pontefract. Jan. 8, 1638. , Judith, Ovenden, fol. 391, Pontefract. Feb. 9, 1628. , Nicholas, Hallifax, fol. 46, Pontefract. July 24, 1650. , Richard, Appleton super Wiske, fol. 232, Cleveland. Oct. 4, 1627. , Richard, par. Hallifax, fol. 16, Pontefract. Mar. 8, 1631. , Thomas, Catton, fol. 45, Bulmer. Aug.i2, 1645. , Walter, New Malton, fol. 87, Ridall. Oct. 6, 1627. , William, Heaning, fol. 47, Prerogative. Apl. 30, 1649. Beswicke, John Hutton Bushill, fol. 477, Dickering. Apl. I, 1651. , Mary, Burton Agnes, fol. 487, Dickering. Oct. 17, 1649. , Robert, Manchester, fol. 65, Prerogative. Feb. 24, 1633. Bethell, Hugh, Wintringham, co. Line., fol. no, Prerogative. July 31, 1645. , Robert, Everthorpe, gent., fol. 127, Harthill. Oct. 18, 1637. ' > William, London, gentleman, Caveat, fol. 169, Prerogative. Mar.iS, 1646. Betson, Anthony, Holtby, fol. 32, Prerogative. Apl. 22, 1635. Belt, John, Scastforth, fol. 237, Retford. Oct. ii, 1638. , Robert, Radford, fol. 261, Retford. Mar. i, 1637. , Thomas, Claworth, fol. 255, Retford. Apl. 30, 1639. Bettinson, William, junior, Rolleston, fol. 359, Newark. May 20, 1641. , William, Rolston, Newark. Sep. 12, 1627. Bevercoates, Matilda als. Magdalen, par. St. Margt., Line., Caveat, fol. 46, Prerogative. July 18, 1648. Beverley, Christopher, East Heslerton, fol. 397, Buckrose. Oct. 22, 1636. , Philip, Rillington, fol. 263, Buckrose. Feb. 12, 1635. , Robert, Tadcaster, fol. 225, Aitisty. Dec. 19, 1634. .Vincent, Great Smeaton, esq., fol. 121, Prerogative. Nov. 5, 1630. , William, Beverley, fol. 6, Harthill. Jan. 30, 1627. , William, Gotham, fol. 307, Newark. Jan. 30, 1627. , William, Gotham, fol. 306, Newark. Oct. 20, 1637. Bewick, William, Newcastle on Tyne, fol. 171, Prerogative. July 21, 1638. Bewicke, Robert, son of Will. B. of Newcastle upon Tyne, dec., tui., fol. 183, Prerogative. Jan. 17, 1639. Bewley, Judith, dau. of Will. B. of Penreth, dec., fol. 205, Prerogative. Jan. 17, 1639. - , William, Penreth, dioc. Carl., fol. 205, Prerogative. Dec. 6, 1639. , William, Penreth, goods unadm., fol. 245, Prerogative. Mar.24, 1634. Bewshawe, Peter, North Burton, Caveat, fol. 319, Dickering. Feb. 9, 1642. Bewys, Mary, Tickhill, fol. 437, Doncaster. Feb. 8, 1644. Bexwicke, John, Blakley, co. Lane., fol. 267, Prerogative. Oct. 16, 1648. Bigges, Thomas, East Retford, Retford. Apl. 5, 1642. Biggin, Ellicia, Filey, fol. 354, Dickering. Jun. 6, 1650. .John, Mickleby, fol. 232, Cleveland. Nov.2o, 1635. B'gg' ns . William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 53, Harthill. Feb. 13, 1628. Bigod, Simon, Scagglethorpe, fol. 141, Ridall. Feb. 13, 1632. Bilcliffe, Amor, Flockton, fol. 131, Pontefract. Jan. 3, 1636. , Thomas, Ruiston, fol. 610, Doncaster. Apl. 6, 1635. , Thomas, Wath super Dearne, fol. 571, Doncaster. Mar.i6, 1634. Bilham, Elizabeth, Rotherham, fol. 560, Doncaster. APPENDIX. Jan. 24, 1638. Billamy, George, Wellwicke, fol. 205, Holderness. Apl. 22, 1630. Billiald, Richard, Westmarkham, fol. 203, Retford. Nov.2o, 1644. Billingham, Joel, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 233 Holderness. Mar.iS, 1639. , John, Apleton, fol. 326, Cleveland. Apl. 6, 1642. , Michael, Haram, fol. 84, Ridall. Nov.20, 1644. , Philip, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 233, Holderness. Dec.iS, 1644. Billington, William, Eighton, co. Dur., fol. 272, Prerogative. May 31, 1632. als. Hirst, Edward, Mirfeild, fol. 114, Pontefract. Mar. 8, 1631. Billopp, John, Thormanby, fol. 45, Buhner. Mar.2o, 1633. Bilton, Gilbert, Stocke, fol. 37, Harthill. Feb. 13, 1627. Gregory, Pattrington, Holderness. Jan. 21, 1645. Richard, Kayingham, fol. 239, Holderness. Jun. 27, 1651. Richard, Pattrington, fol. 257, Holderness. Jan. 18, 1652. Robert, Catlam, fol. 493, Dickering. Apl. 24, 1649. William, Arram, fol. 34, Harthill. Oct. 22, 1633. William, Kayingham, fol. 169, Holderness. Apl. 22, 1640. - William, Pattrington, fol. 213, Holderness. Aug-3o, 1641. Binckes, Jane, York, widow, fol. 79, City. Nov.2i, 1639. , Robert, Colthorpe, fol. 289, Ainsty. Apl. 27, 1647. , William, Barnesley, fol. 483, Doncaster. Jan. 24, 1634. , William, Humbleton, fol. 181, Holderness. Aug.2O, 1634. Bind, Margery, Nottingham, fol. 93, Nottingham. Feb. 5, 1633. Bingham, Dorathy, daur. of Will. B. of Beeston, dec., tui., fol. 89, Notting- ham. Apl. 30, 1640. , Dorothy, dau. of Will. B. of Beeston, dec., tui., fol. 139, Nottingham. Feb. 12, 1646. , George, Edward, Ann, chdn., of John B., Heaton, dec., tui., Retford. Apl. 22, 1635. , George, Mooregate, fol. 237, Retford. Jan. 20, 1648. , Edward, Rampton, Retford. Mar. 6, 1639. , John, senior, Northwheatley, fol. 271, Retford. Apl. 22, 1635. als Cooper, Mary, daur. of Tho. B. als. C. of E. Retford, dec., tui., fol. 237, Retford. Feb. 13, 1627. Bingley, George, Blieth, fol. 187, Retford. Mar.3i, 1646. , Godfrey, Cusworth, fol. 466, Doncaster. Nov. 6, 1646. , Ralph, Walton Wood, fol. 474, Doncaster. Aug. 5, 1636. , Richard, Blithe, fol. 245, Retford. Oct. 20, 1636. , Richard, George and Mary Wood, chdn. of Eliz. W. of Blith, dec., fol. 246, Retford. Nov. 7, 1634. , Thomas, Wortley, fol. 564, Doncaster. Mar.3i, 1636. als. Laicock, John, Bradford, fol. 318, Pontefract. Oct. 5, 1640. Binington, Ann, Neswicke, fol. 113, Harthill. Jan. 4, 1646. , John, Baynton, fol. 9, Harthill. Jun. 8, 1646. Binnes, Roger, Wragbie, fol. 75, Pontefract. Apl. 13, 1649. Binney, William, Stirropp, Retford. Jun. 2, 1637. Binnington, Henry, son. of Rob. B. [of Callom], dec., fol. 337, Dickering. Aug.i2, 1645. Binns, Richard, Warley, fol. 52, Pontefract. July 4, 1640. Biram, Edmund, Wheldrake, fol. no, Bulmer. Aug.23, 1647. Birch, John, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Dec. 16, 1636. , William, Kirkedighton, fol. 245, Ainsty. Mar.26, 1646. Birchall, John, Croft, co. Lane., fol. 21, Prerogative. Oct. 16, 1634. Bird, Agnes, dr. of Will. B. of Easington, dec., tui., fol. 179, Holderness. May 5, 1631. , Ann, Ratclife, fol. 68, Nottingham. July n, 1633. , Matthew, Easington, fol. 164, Holderness. May 9, 1633. , Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 33, Harthill. Aug.23, 1647. ' Stephen, Out Newton, fol. 235, Holderness. Nov.2o, 1650. , Thomas, Kaingham, fol. 255, Holderness. Jan. 9, 1627. , William, Cotgrave, fol. 39, Nottingham. Feb. 6, 1629. Birde, John, West Leake. fol. 57, Nottingham. Dec. 14, 1632. Birdsall, Benjamin, Oxton, fol. 176, Ainsty. Dec. 21, 1631. , John, Leedes, fol. 165, Ainsty. Sep. 24, 1647. Birkby, Martin, Scrooby, Retford. Feb. 15, 1632. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 24, Harthill. Oct. 2, 1639. Birke, Francis, Goxhill, fol. 209, Holderness. Sep. 13, 1630. Birkebecke, Jacobus, Elizabeth and Barbara, chdn. of Tho. B., par. Orton, dioc. Chest., Caveat agst. tui., fol. 73, Prerogative. APPENDIX. Oct. I, 1635. Birkes, Robert, Swyne, fol. 186, Holderness. Jan. 15. 1633. , William, par. Darfeild, fol. 549, Doncaster. May 22, 1645. Birket, William, Newarke, Newark. Oct. n, 1632. Birkett, John, Kirton, fol. 223, Retford. Apl. 30, 1641. ah. Mason, Jane, par. St. Mary, Castlegate, York, wid., fol. 77, City. Mar.28, 1638. Birkhead, George, par. Kendall, Caveat, fol. 176, Prerogative. Dec. 12, 1639. - , Jacobus, Stainbrough, fol. 658, Doncaster. Feb. 19, 1635. , Peter, Burnt Knotts, par. Kirkbie Kendall, fol. 137, Prerogative. Dec. 23, 1635. .William, par. Kirkbie Kendal, co. Westld., fol. 133, other entries, Prerogative. July 28, 1640. Birstall, Robert, Ottringham, fol. 216, Holderness. Aug.26, 1630. Birtbecke als. Thorneburrough, Margaret, rel. of Tho. B. of Carlisle, Caveat, fol. 72, Prerogative. ' Mar. 21, 1643. Bishopp, Francis, Whittley, fol. 37, Pontefract. Oct. 9, 1634. , Hugh, Broughton Soulney, fol. 94, Nottingham. May 25, 1632. Bissatt, John, York, fol. 19, City. Mar.2i, 1636. Blackar, William, par. Pontefract, fol. 344, Pontefract. Jan. 27, 1635. Blackberd, John, Nonnington, fol. 178, Ridall. Sep. 5, 1635. Blackbrough, Leonard, Cacesleshay, fol. 448, Craven. Jan. 18, 1630. Blackburn, Ann, Kirkeby, fol. 263, Cleveland. Mar.26, 1646. John, Pontefract, fol. 76, Pontefract. Sep. 13, 1627. John, Pontefract, fol. 13, Pontefract. July 4, 1633. John, Thorne, fol. 546, Doncaster. Nov.23, 1631. Sarah, Hudersfeild, fol. 99, Pontefract. Oct. 7, 1630. William, Newarke super Trent, fol. 321, Newark. Feb. 25, 1631. Blackburne Ann, York, fol. 18, City. Dec. 7, 1650. Edmund, Halbower, fol. 350, Pontefract. Feb. 18, 1627. Richard, par. Almonburie, fol. 24, Pontefract. Oct. 12, 1637. Robert, Balderton, fol. 352, Newark. Jun. 25, 1638. Thomas, Rippon, fol. 503, Craven. Nov. 9, 1650. William, Sneaton, fol. 232, Cleveland. Jan. 19, 1629. Blacke, Dionisius, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Sep. 4, 1628. , Hugh, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Apl. 17, 1636. , John, SwilKtigton, fol. 233, Ainsty. July 4, 1646. , Thomas, junior, Beverley, fol. 2, Harthill. Oct. 15, 1645. , Thomas, Beverley, fol. 132, Harthill. Sep. 2,1631. Blackelocke, Jane, Bridlington, fol. 308, Dickering. Sep. 2, 1631. , Ralph, Bridlington, fol. 308, Dickering. Mar. 9, 1640. Blackenhall, Richard, Lowdham, fol. 146, Nottingham. Apl. 19, 1650. Blacker, Francis, Sandall, fol. 346, Pontefract. Feb. 12, 1633. , Robert, Cudworth, fol. 550, Doncaster. May 20, 1628. Blackhouse, Richard, Beefurth, Holderness. Jun. 29, 1649. Blackitt, Richard, Bilsdaile, fol. 106, Ridall. Jun. 10, 1631. Blacklocke, Brian, Beverley, fol. 12, Harthill. Jun. 30, 1635. , Luke, son of Will. B. of Bridlington, dec. tui, fol. 324, Dickering. Sep. 24, 1630. , Margery, Leckenfeild, fol. 5, Harthill. Mar. i, 1630. , William. Bridlington, fol. 302, Dickering. Mar. 5, 1637. Blackwell, Thomas, Settrington, fol. 266, Buckrose. Oct. 30, 1647. Bladen, Robert, Hemsworth, fol. 501, Doncaster. Mar. 15, 1631. Blades, Jacobus, Agnes Burton, fol. 307, Dickering. July 31, 1640. Bladworth, John, Thurne, fol. 422, Doncaster. Nov.2o, 1646. Blagg, George, Barnston, par. Langor, Nottingham. May 12, 1636. Blague, Ellen, Barneston, fol. 107, Nottingham. Dec. 12, 1633. Blaides, Ingram, Wakefeild, fol. 136, Pontefract. Nov.i3, 1630. - , Jacobus, son of Jac. B. of Hull, dec., tui., fol. 6, Harthill. July 28, 1643. Blaikeston, John, Thornley, dioc. Dur., gentleman, fol. 254, Prerogative. Jan. 15, 1649. Blaikestone, Christopher, Etton, fol. 42, Harthill. Feb. 18, 1640. Blake, Robert, Scarbrough, fol. 352, Dickering. Oct. 16, 1634. Blaket, Jane and Peter, chdn. of Pet. B. of Preston, dec., tui., fol. 177, Holderness. Oct. 23, 1637. Blakey, Jacobus, Carrehead, fol. 490, Craven. Mar. 2, 1636. , Nicholas, adm. to Kath. Dugdale of Woolstan, fol. 473, Craven. Apl. 2, 1630. , Robert, Clough in Fowlrigg, co. Lane., fol. 68, Prerogative. Sep. 29, 1638. , Thomas, Morleybancke, fol. 514, Craven. u6 APPENDIX. Nov.ir, 1639. Blakiston, Ann, grant, to Tho. B. of Kilnwick, yeom., fol. 92, Harthill. Nov.28, 1635. , William, York, gentleman, fol. 45, City. Jun. I, 1650. Blamyre, Richard, Branton, co. Westmorland, fol. 68, Prerogative. Aug. 6, 1636. Blanchard, John, Wheldrack, fol. 80, Bulmer. Feb. 8, 1627. , Mary, dr. of Will. B. of Holme in Spaldingmore, dec., Harthill. Apl. 26, 1633. , Richard, Seaton, fol. 26, Harthill. Apl. 29, 1630. Blancherd, John, Garthom, fol. i, Harthill. Sep. 30, 1641. Bland, John, South Crosland, fol. 19, Pontefract. July 17, 1629. Michael, Hubblesthorpe, fol. 199, Retford. Sep. 10, 1644. Peter, St. Paul's Close, London, fol. 262, Prerogative. Apl. 7, 1628. Richard, Aplesthorpe, co. Notts., fol. 51, Prerogative. Mar. 24, 1627. William, Clougton, Dickering. Oct. 17, 1633. William, Easingwould, fol. 66, Bulmer. Sep. 5, 1635. William, Hartlington, fol. 448, Craven. Jun. 29, 1632. William, Leedes, fol. 172, Ainsty. NOV.II, 1642. 0/5. Merriman, Jane, grant to Will. B. of Easingwould, husband, fol. 6, Bulmer. Jan. 9, 1627. Blanye, William, Basford, fol. 39, Nottingham. Oct. 9, 1628. Blatherwicke, John, Barton, fol. 46, Nottingham. Mar. u, 1636. Blaydes, George, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 67, Harthill. Jan. 15, 1638. , Mary, to Grace wife of Ric. Harrison of Wakefeild, fol. 395, Ponte- fract. Aug. 28, 1637. a ^ s " Milner, Susanna, Wakefeild, fol. 365, Pontefract. Oct. 20, 1647. Blaykey, John, Colne, co. Lane., fol. 42, Prerogative. July 30, 1634. Bleasby, Robert, Wakefeild, fol, 167, Pontefract. Dec. 9, 1636. Bleesbie, William, Leedes, fol. 480, Craven. Feb. 21, 1632. Blenckhorne, Thomas, York, fol. 26, City. Sep. I, 1636. Blencowe, Henry, Blencowe, dioc. Carl., Caveat, fol. 147, Prerogative. Dec. 9, 1631. Blenkarne, Beatrice, Thorp Bassett, fol. 255, Bnckrose. Sep. 6, 1632. Blenkinshopp, William, Sandhuton, fol. 58, Bulmer. Jun. 10, 1633. Blieth, John, son of Anth. B. of Ellerton, dec., fol. 28, Harthill. Feb. 23, 1638. , Robert, West Cottingwith, fol. 86, Harthill. Oct. 25, 1642. Blissett, Thomas, Nottingham, Nottingham. Mar. 15, 1648. Blith, Charles, son of Chas. B. of Dranfeild, dec., tui., fol. 32, Harthill. July 31, 1633. , Richard, Boughton, fol. 228, Retford. Feb. 23, 1638. Blithe, Robert, West Cottenwith, fol. 95, Bulmer. May 20, 1628. , Stephen, Hollam, Holderness. Apl. 30, 1629. , Thomas, Selson, fol. 51, Nottingham. Oct. 8, 1635. Bloud, John, Ruddington, fol. 104, Nottingham. Apl. 5, 1648. Bloudworth, Thomas, East Retford, Retford. July 9, 1647. Bloumfeild, Robert, Orston, Nottingham. Jun. 5, 1634. Blunt, Barbara, Lelley, fol. 176, Holderness. Feb. 2, 1629. , Edward, Halsham, Holderness. Mar. 9, 1638. Blyth, George, West Cottingwith, fol. 97, Bulmer. Nov.2O, 1644. Blythe, Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 235, Holderness. Jan. 27, 1645. Boardman, William, Worsley, co. Lane., fol. 15, Prerogative. Aug. 3, 1636. Boare, Henry, Haughton, fol. 349, Newark. July 31, 1639. , Hnry, Hawton, fol. 135, Nottingham. Oct. 20, 1641. Boate, Peter, Ackworth, fol. 20, Pontefract. Aug. 7, 1644. Bollan, John, Kingrosse, fol. 45, Pontefract. Jan. 9, 1639. Holland, Anthony, Leedes Callelaine, fol. 305, Ainsty. July 31, 1632. , Symon, Ketlewell, fol. 400, Craven. Sep. 25, 1634. 1 William, Rippon, fol. 429, Craven. May 5, 1646. Bolmer, Thomas, Magna Nyton, fol. 207, Cleveland. Sep. 27, 1630. Bolton, Anthony, Northings, fol. 42, Bulmer. Nov.ia, 1629. , John, Brotherton, fol. 65, Prerogative. Apl. 27, 1631. , John, Eastmarton, fol. 375, Craven. Oct. 16, 1648. , Thomas, Thorp Salvin, fol. 513, Doncaster. Feb. 14, 1627. Bomer, Richard, Worksopp, fol. 189, Retford. Dec. 20, 1644. Bond, Francis, Doncaster, fol. 452, Doncaster. Sep. 20, 1648. , William, Bradmore, Nottingham. Sep. 26, 1632. als. Waid, Alice, fol. 530, Doncaster. Dec. 14, 1635. Bone, Ann, Naborne, fol. 134, Prerogative. Apl. 26, 1637. Bonefray, Henry, Heddon, fol. 195, Hulderness. APPENDIX. 117 Apl. 26, 1637. Bonefray, Frances, Headon, fol. 194, Holderness. Oct. 9, 1628. Bonner, Humphrey, Nottingham, fol. 47, Nottingham. May 5, 1634. Bonwicke, Issabel, Kingston upon Hull, widow, fol. 40, Harthill. Apl. 30, 1639. Bookaid, Thomas, Norton, fol. 198, Retford. Jun. 24, 1637. Booker, Frances, Carlton in Lindrick, widow, fol. 252, Retford. May 7, 1628. , Francis, Mikbringe, fol. 448, Doncaster. Apl. 24, 1634. Boone, Allan, Pontefract, fol. 169, Pontefract. Mar. 12, 1639. Boote, Nicholas, Barton in Fabis, fol. 142, Nottingham. May 28, 1651. Boosse, Henry, Dalby, par. Thornton, fol. 487, Dickering. Mar. i, 1637. Booth, Ann, Fyningley, fol. 256, Retford. Dec. 8, 1642. Francis, Newbiggin, dying at Scarbro', fol. 193, Cleveland. Jan. 23, 1648. George, Idle, fol. 126, Pontefract. Oct. 8, 1640. George, Wood Coates, par. Bledbrough, fol. 369, Newark. Jun. 5, 1634. Hellen, Skeffling, fol. 176, Holderness. July 16, 1632. Henry, Holmefurth, Caveat, fol. 103, Pontefract. Mar. 21, 1636. Jacobus, par. Bradford, fol. 344, Pontefract. Aug. 3, 1637. John, Cawthorne, fol. 620, Doncaster. Apl. 29, 1636. John, Glossopp, Dioc. Litchfeild, fol. 143, Prerogative. Apl. 29, 1636. John, Glossopp, dioc. Litchfeild, fol. 320, Pontefract. July i, 1646. John, Hallifax, fol. 76, Pontefract. Aug. 2, 1632. John, par. Hallifax, fol. 120, Pontefract. May 5, 1636. John, Robinhoodbay, par. Fyling, fol. 305, Cleveland. Jun. 5, 1634. John, Skeffling, fol. 176, Holderness. Apl. 29, 1634. John, Wortley, fol. 555, Doncaster. Aug. ii, 1632. Margaret, par. St. Margt., Walmegate, York, widow, fol. 22, City. May3i, 1632. children of Matthew, Kirckburton, tui., fol. 112, Pontefract. July 3, 1635. - Robert, Heybecke, par. Dewsbury, fol. 304, Pontefract. Nov.2i, 1644. William, Horton, par. Bradford, fol. 39, Pontefract. May 21, 1630. William, Pocklington, fol. 70, Prerogative. Jun. 30, 1647. William, North Wheatley, Retford. Apl. 10, 1632. William, Whiston, fol. 511, Doncaster. Aug.2g, 1640. William, Woodcoates, fol. 371, Newark. Apl. 26, 1650. Bootham, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 44, Harthill. Feb. 23, 1630. Boothe, Robert, Gawthorpe, fol. 85, Pontefract. Nov. 7, 1644. Bordall, Matthew, Parkhouse, fol. 43, Pontefract. Apl. 2, 1639. , Sarah, dr. of Abr. B. of Norland, par. Ealand, dec., tui., fol. 391, Pontefract. Feb. 19, 1633. Border, William, Wyton, fol. 170, Holderness. Mar.i7, 1630. Bordley, John, Cocklakebancke, fol. 371, Craven. Feb. 2, 1629. Borfett, Jacobus, Halsham, Holderness. Apl. 23, 1632. Borfoote, George, Catwicke, fol. 154, Holderness. Jan. 28, 1635. Borrowdale, Ann, Normanton upon Sore, fol. 106, Nottingham. July 5, 1638. Bosfeild, William, West Retford, fol. 259, Retford. May 7, 1651. Bosnian, John, Midleton, fol. 234, Cleveland. Jun. 26, 1640. Bosse, Michael, Hugget, fol. 97, Harthill. Nov.29, 1633. Bossell, Richard, Cauton, fol. 163, Ridall. July 4,1648. - , Thomasin, Hungerhill, par. Bainton, co. Westld., fol. 49, Prerogative. Feb. 13, 1648. Bostocke, George, Eaststocke, Newark. Mar. 5, 1630. , John, Elston, fol. 322, Newark. Aug.i6, 1638. , Walter, Chilwell, fol. 124, Nottingham. Oct. 12, 1637. Boston, Robert, East Retford, fol. 253, Retford. Oct. 8, 1646. - , Robert, West Retford, fol. 477, Doncaster. Dec. 7, 1649. Bosvile, Jasper, Wardsend, par. Sheffeild, fol. 523, Doncaster. Oct. 9, 1638. , Margaret, Warmesworth, fol. 641, Doncaster. May 9, 1639. Boswell, Ed., par. Clarebrough, fol. 267, Retford. Mar. i, 1637. - , Richard, East Retford, fol. 255, Retford. Oct. 10, 1639. Bosworth, Bartholomew, Hicklinge, fol. 137, Nottingham. Dec. 22, 1635. , William, Newlodge, par. Himsworth, fol. 585, Doncaster. Jun. 5, 1638. Bothomley, Abraham, Thornton, fol. 383, Pontefract. July 7, 1631. , William, Newarke super Trent, fol. 326, Newark. Nov.2o, 1649. Bottrell, Phillippa, Beverley, fol. 40, Harthill. Jan. 12, 1629. Bottrill, William, son of Hen. B., tui. to Joh. Lambert, Harthill. Apl. 5, 1637. Boulton, Francis, par. Hallifax, fol. 349, Pontefract. Aug. 2, 1636. , John, South Milforth, fol. 239, Ainsty. n8 APPENDIX. Dec. 22, 1628. Boulton, Thomas, Addingham Moore, fol. 339, Craven. Mar. i, 1633. , Thomas, Glusburne, fol. 423, Craven. Sep. 20, 1644. , Thomas, Harthill, fol. 447, Doncaster. May 14, 1633. , William, South Kirkebie, fol. 535, Doncaster. Nov.i4, 1637. Bounby, Ellen, Dykeyeates in Pateleybrigges, fol. 476, Craven. Sep. 9, 1635. Bourne, John, senior, Cherry Burton, fol. 53. Harthill. July 6, 1648. , Robert, Radford, par. Worksop, Retford. Nov.28, 1644. Bovell, Tobias. Newton super Darwent, fol. 126, Harthill. Dec. 13, 1632. Bovill, William, Newton super Darwent, fol. 24, Harthill. Mar. 21, 1636. Bowcocke, Bartholomew, Bradford, fol. 344 (fs. 343-4 follow 344), Pontefract. Apl. 30, 1640. Bowe, Robert, Warsop, fol. 273, Retford. Feb. 23, 1647. Bower, Edward, Oxspringe, fol. 503, Doncaster. July 4, 1633. , John, par. Bradfeild, fol. 547, Doncaster. NOV.IS, 1647. , Jonas, son of Jos. B., par. Bradford, dec., tui., fol. 109, Pontefract. July 4, 1632. , John, Whiston, fol. 516, Doncaster. July 18, 1637. , Lawrence, Marfleete, fol. 196, Holderness. Feb. 10, 1641. , Lawrence, Welburye, fol. 191, Cleveland. May 7, 1639. , Thomas, Chappell, par. Bradfeild, fol. 652, Doncaster. July 25, 1639. , Thomas, par. Sheffeild, fol. 648, Doncaster. Oct. 10, 1637. , William, Doncaster, fol. 622, Doncaster. Sep. 22, 1643. , William, Idle, par. Calverley, fol. 36, Pontefract. Jan. 10, 1627. , William, Rotherham, fol. 441, Doncaster. Apl. 30, 1640. , William, West Retford, fol. 273, Retford. Jun. 15, 1647. als. Ellis, Elizabeth, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Aug. i, 1638. Bowerman, Thomas, Baulke, fol. 92, Buhner. July 21, 1648. Bowes, Charles, Hagthorpe, fol. 49, Prerogative. July 31, 1650. , Christopher, Bilsdale, fol. 232, Cleveland. Apl. 26, 1637. , George, Birkin, fol. 257, Ainsty. Nov.2g, 1648. , John, Howden, fol. 50, Prerogative. May 9, 1633. , John, Skelton, fol. 283, Cleveland. Sep. 22, 1636. , Thomas, Streatlam, Durham, esq., fol. 150, Prerogative. Feb. 12, 1629. Bowker, Alexander, Spawdford, fol. 366, Newark. Jan. 25, 1631. ', Jacobus, Spaudforth, fol. 328, Newark. Aug. 26, 1635. , Jacobus, Manchester, fol. 132, Prerogative. Apl. 27, 1631. , Thomas, Grindleton, fol. 375, Craven. Aug. 7, 1636. Bowland, Charles, Auldfeild, fol. 465, Craven. Aug.2o, 1631. , John, Audfeild, par. Rippon, fol. 379, Craven. May 7, 1639. Bowman, John, Sheffeild, fol. 649, Doncaster. Oct. 13, 1636. , Mary, Burton, co. Lincoln, fol. 349, Newark. Dec. 22, 1635. , Richard, Spofforth, fol. 220, Ainsty. Feb. 24, 1634. Bowmer, Magdalen, Hospital of St. Trin., Fossegate, York, fol. 41, City. Jan. 13, 1633. Bowne, Alice, Budbie, fol. 232, Retford. Mar.2i, 1631. Bowradall, Ellen, Sutton super Trent, fol. 329, Newark. Jan. 5, 1647. > Thophilus, Sutton super Trent, Newark. Apl. 23, 1629. Bowser, John, Adwicke super Dearne, fol. 464, Doncaster. Sep. 27, 1637. , Thomas, York, carpenter, fol. 59, City. Mar. 2, 1647. Bowskill, Alice, Westbradford, Nottingham. Jan. 18, 1627. Bowton als. Waineman, Frances, wife of Wm. W. of Addingham, fol. 324, Craven. Jun. 28, 1638. Boy, Cicilia, Gilling, fol. 192, Ridall. Apl. 21, 1631. , Nicholas, Easingwold, fol. 46, Bnlmcr. Oct. 3, 1651. , William, Swinton, fol. 530, Doncaster. May 19, 1634. Boye, Robert, Staingrave, fols. 166, 167, Ridall. Oct. 14, 1630. Boyes, Christopher, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 7, Harthill. Dec. 3, 1644. , Jane, Hotham, fol. 122, Harthill. . Oct. 9, 1629. , John, Brompton, fol. 142(1, Ridall. Dec. 2, 1637. , John, Ireland, fol. 1580, Prerogative. Jun. 26, 1637. > John, Naburn, fol. 86, Buhner. Jun. 21, 1637. , John, dioc. York, fol. 311, Cleveland. Aug. 5, 1641. , Lawrence, Hotham, fol. 114, Harthill. Jun. 22, 1632. , Mark, Thirske, fol. 59, Buhner. Jun. 19, 1640. , Richard, Fadmoore, fol. 204, Ridall. Nov. 8, 1649. - , Richard, Hallifax, fol. 138, Pontefract. Mar. 21, 1639. , Thomas, Glaisedaile, fol. 326, Cleveland. APPENDIX. 119 Feb. 15, 1627. Boyes, William, Hootham, Harthill. May i, 1628. Boyle, George and Ann, chdn. of George B., par. Burstall, dec., tui., fol. 33, Pontefract. Sep. 28, 1647. Boynton, Elizabeth, Flixton, fol. 105, Pontefract. Oct. 10, 1647. , Hugh, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 19, Harthill. Jun. 26, 1640. , Richard, Bridlington, fol. 350, Dickering. Nov.io, 1646. , Richard, Bridlington, fol. 460, Dickering. Mar.io, 1634. , Robert, Gransmore, fol. 321, Dickering. Oct. 4, 1638. , Susanna, Wintringham, fol. 267, Buckrose. Mar. 8, 1636. , Thomas, Wintringham, fol. 264, Buckrose. Nov.io, 1646. , William, Bridlington, fol. 460, Dickering. Dec. 9, 1646. Braban, Philip, Levell, fol. 473, Doncaster. Jan. 19, 1636. Bracebridg, Frances, Headon, fol. 193, Holderness. Mar. 12, 1628. Bracebridge, Ann, Headon, Holderness. Sep. 3, 1631. , John, Headon, fol. 148, Holderness. Oct. 16, 1634. , John, Humbleton, fol. 178, Holderness. Jan. 19, 1641. , William, Grove, Retford. Oct. 13, 1641. Brachard, Peter, Lellay, fol. 224, Holderness. Feb. 16, 1646. Brackan, Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 10, Harthill. Oct. 6, 1647. Braddell, Thomas, Edward, Roger, John, Elizabeth, Millicent, & Leutitia, tui. to Job. B. of Portfeild, father, fol. 42, Prerogative. May 17, 1638. Bradford, Elizabeth, dr. of Tho. B. par. Foston, dec., fol. 341, Dickering. Apl. 18, 1632. , Francis, Otley, fol. 168, Ainsty. Sep. 8, 1646. , John, Kelham, Newark. Mar. 4, 1633. , Mary, Westhardwick, fol. 186, Pontefract. Oct. 28, 1642. , Richard, Kellom, Newark. Mar. i, 1637. , Robert, Osterfeild, fol. 256, Retford. May 23, 1638. , Thomas, Brigham [par. Foston], and June 8, fol. 341, Dickering. Apl. 21, 1635. Bradforth, John, Tickhill, fol. 574, Doncaster. July 18, 1638. Bradley, Alice, Loversall, fol. 636, Duncaster. Jun. 6, 1629. Edward, Waddington, fol. 347, Craven. Jan. 21, 1631. Edward, Westnesse, fol. 151, Ridall. May 13, 1640. Francis, Spaldington, fol. 97, Harthill. Nov.i2, 1644. Francis and Ann, chdn. of Fran, and Ann B. of Spaldington, dec., tui., fol. 126, Harthill. Dec. 10, 1638. Gartrude, rel of Will. B., gentleman, fol. 66, City. Aug. 3, 1637. George, East Retford, fol. 252, Retford. Apl. 27, 1638. Henry, Bridlington, fol. 344, Dickering. Sep. 13, 1642. Jacobus, Hovingham, fol. 82, Ridall. Jan. ii, 1638. John, Addingham, fol. 518, Craven. Oct. 18, 1630. John, Darnton, dioc. Dur., fol. 79, Prerogative. July 23, 1641. John, Huddersfeilde, fol. 16, Pontefract. Apl. 6, 1638. John, Rippon, fol. 499, Craven. May 1,1628. John, Woodhouse, fol. 126, Ainsty. July 7, 1640. Mark, son of Will. B. of Beetham, dec., fol. 212, Prerogative. Feb. 23, 1630. Michael, Windhill, fol. 90, Pontefract. Feb. 5, 1632. Nicholas, Farneley, fol. 175, Ainsty. Mar. 23, 1639. Richard, Cuningley, fol. 528, Craven. Aug. 14, 1639. Roger, Worsbrough, fol. 655, Doncaster. Sep. 23, 1641. William, son of Will. B. of Flintham, dec., tui., Nottingham. Dec. 8, 1638. William, York, gentleman, fol. 65, City. Apl. 14, 1635. als. Denham, Thomas, par. Bradford, fol. 193, Pontefract. Jan. 23, 1648. Bradrigg, George, Hutton Mulgrave, fol. 223, Cleveland. Jan. i, 1645. Bradshaw, Robert, Darcy Leaver, co. Lane., fol. 17, Prerogative. May2O, 1641. , Thomas, Milnton, Retford. Apl. ii, 1651. , John, Brooksbrestine, Nottingham. Oct. 10, 1646. Bradshawe, Richard, Fetherstone, fol. 87, Pontefract. July 14, 1646. Braileford, Ann, dr. of Luke B. of Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 468, Doncaster. May 5, 1648. Brailford, Grace, Southwell, Newark. May 5, 1648. , Mary, Southwell, Newark. Mar. 20, 1634. Braithwait, Thomas, York, fol. 36, City. Sep. 13, 1638. Braithwaite, Jacobus, York, fol. 66, City. May 4, 1637. , Thomas, Carlton in Linricke, fol. 250, Retford. Feb. 16, 1627. als. Cawston, Samuel, Wakefeild, Caveat, fol. 22, Pontefract. I2O APPENDIX. Jun. 16, 1640. Braken, Ann, grant to Tho. B. of Beverley, fol. 113, Harthill. May 13, 1647. William, Glasedale, fol. 213, Cleveland. Mar.2g, 1644. Bramhall, George, Darfeild, fol. 447, Doncaster. Mar. g, 1631. , John, Pontefract, fol. 108, Pontefract. Oct. 3, 1633. Bramham, Alice, Ledston, fol. 189, Ainsty. Sep. 30, 1630. Brand, Magdalen, Doncaster, fol. 500, Doncaster. Apl. 26, 1632. , Richard, Ratcliffe, fol, 220, Retford. Apl. 4, 1646. , Robert, Doncaster, fol. 466, Doncaster. Mar.io, 1641. , William, Robert, Elizabeth, Joan, tui. to Rob. B., father, fol. 438, Doncaster. Dec. 20, 1647. , William, Thome, fol. 500, Doncaster. Feb. 22, 1640. Brandling, Sir Francis, Alnwick Abbey, co. Northumb., fol. 215, Prerogative. Aug.n, 1646. Brandreth, Anthony, Blidworth, Nottingham. Oct. 14, 1635. Bransbie, William, Rippon, fol. 448, Craven. Dec.i6, 1636. , William, Rippon, fol. 469, Craven. Jun. 29, 1638. Bransby, Ann, Nafferton, widow, fol. 341, Dickering. July 16, 1629. , Robert, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Aug. i, 1648. Brasbridge, Jeremiah, Malton, fol. 103, Ridall. Apl. 17, 1637. Brasington, Bartholomew, York, Caveat, fol. 55, City. Feb. 22, 1641. Brassbrigge, William, Grove, fol. 150, Nottingham. Oct. 17, 1643. Brasse, Ann, dau. of Tho. B., dec., tui. to Tho. B. of Bishopp Awkland, co. Durham, Newark. Mar.24, 1635. Brather, William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 56, Harthill. Sep. 21, 1636. Brathericke, Thomas, Bramley, fol. 247, Ainsty. Aug. 7, 1636. Brathwaite, Francis, Bishopmouncton, fol. 468, Craven. Oct. 26, 1632. Bray, Jane and Sarah, drs. of Humph. B., par. Kirkburton, dec., tui., fol. 119, Pontefract. Oct. 6, 1634. Brayfoote, Jacobus, Hunslett, fol. 202, Ainsty. May 6, 1636. Brayme, Henry, Barnebowe Carr, par. Barwick in Elmett, fol. 234, Ainsty. Jan. ii, 1648. Brayshawe, William, son of Will. B. of Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 125, Pontefract. Oct. ii, 1631. Braywell, Michael, Attercliffe, fol. 493, Doncaster. Jan. 28, 1641. Breadberry, William, Gate, fol. 438, Doncaster. July 26, 1636. Breakes, John, Hampsthwaite, gent., Caveat, fol. 236, Ainsty. Nov. 12, 1634. Brear, Thomas, Kendall, fol. 124, Prerogative. Jun. 30, 1637. Brearcliffe a/5. Rawdon, Christian, York, fol. 57, City. Feb. 18, 1638. Brearey, Mary and Sarah, tui. to Ric. B. their father, fol. 397, Pontefract. NOV.II, 1647. Brearley, Gervase, Barrowshaw, co. Lane., fol. 43, Prerogative. Jun. 17, 1646. , Isaac, Chadderton, par. Oldham, co. Lane., fol. 24, Prerogative. Nov. 10, 1647. , Jacobus, Thomas, William, Alexander, Elizabeth, Jane, Mary, Hester (chdn. of Ad. B.) of Coldgrave in Butterworth, co. Lane., tui., fol. 43, Prerogative. Aug. 22, 1637. ' Roger and Abell, sons of Rog. B., clerk, curate of Burnley, tui., fol. 168, Prerogative. Apl. 27, 1631. Brears, Agnes, Grindleton, fol. 374, Craven. Aug.iS, 1640. Breckon, Edmond, City of York, fol. 9, Pontefract. May 5, 1631. Breedon, Robert, Newarke, fol. 324, Newark. Feb. 19, 1633. Breerwood, John, Newland, fol. 38, Harthill. Oct. 8, 1635. Breilsford, Thomas, son of Will. B. of Nottingham, dec., tui., fol. 104, Nottingham. Aug.i3, 1634. Breilsforth, Ann, dau. of Will. B. of Nottingham, dec., tui., fol. 102, Notting- ham. Nov.27, 1638. Brelsford, Elizabeth, York, fol. 1845, Prerogative. Apl. 21, 1635. Brelsforth, Luke, par. Sheffeild, fol. 574, Doncaster. Apl. 18, 1632. Brennand, Jacobus, Stainburne, fol. 390, Craven. May 20, 1641. Brentnall, Edward, Basford, Nottingham. Oct. 12, 1637. > Thomas, Nottingham, fol. 118, Nottingham. Jun. 15, 1629. Brereton, Richard, Wetton Hall, fol. 57, Prerogative. Jan. 9, 1632. Brett. Margery, Ollerton, fol. 224, Retford. Apl. 30, 1629. Brettle, Jane, Thurgarton, fol. 52, Nottingham. Mar.27, 1647. Bretton, William, Bretton, gentleman, fol. 481, Doncaster. Oct. ii, 1632. Brewell, Anthony, Bawtrie, fol. 222, Retford. Apl. 12, 1647. Brewerton, Thomas, Harwell, Retford. Apl. 19, 1637. Brewin, John, Ibstocke, co. Leices., Caveat, fol. 159, Prerogative. May 4, 1637. , John, Pickering Grange, co. Leicester, fol. 113, Nottingham. APPENDIX. 121 Jan. 20, 1647. Oct. i, 1629. Feb. 7, 1636. Jun. 20, 1646. Sep. 18, 1640. Sep. 17, 1629. Aug.26, 1630. Apl. 23, 1629. July 24, 1631. Mar.n, 1636. Jun. 21, 1645. July 20, 1630. Feb. 10, 1640. May 5, 1636. Aug.3i, 1636. Jun. 5, 1627. Oct. 17, 1636. Oct. 2, 1628. Mar.28, 1628. Mar.i3, 1632. Jun. 21, 1640. Sep. 25, 1628. Aug. i, 1633. Oct. 4, 1636. July 24, 1634. Jan. 17, 1633. May 9, 1639. July 31, 1639. Oct. 18, 1631. Sep. 28, 1646. Nov.i2, 1647. Mar.ig, 1632. July 31, 1637. Jun. 4, 1642. May28, 1639. Feb. 22, 1648. May 5, 1636. Oct. 8, 1635. Dec.iS, 1644. July 4, 1638. July 22, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 15, 1630. July 22, 1635. Aug. 6, 1627. Apl. 16, 1640. Feb. 23, 1630. Nov.22, 1633. Apl. 24, 1634. Apl. 24, 1634. Oct. 9, 1629. Oct. i, 1635. Oct. 10, 1633. Sep. 28, 1642. Jun. 3, 1652. Jan. 30, 1644. Apl. 21, 1636. Dec. 9, 1631. Oct. 31, 1636. Mar. 27, 1628. Aug.i4, 1649. Brewster, Thomas, Elvington, fol. 30, Bulmer. Brian, Henry, Gisbrough, fol. 253, Cleveland. Brice, Robert, Farlington. fol. 84, Buhner. Bridbury, Jane, dau. of Job. B. of Saddleworth, dec., tui., fol. 25, Prerogative. Briddges, Elizabeth, Nottingham, fol. 150, Nottingham. Bridges, William, Sikehowses, fol. 472, Doncaster. als. Sandford, Dame Elizabeth, Bashall, par. Mitton, Caveat, fol. 72. Prerogative. Briges, Jacobus, Womersley, fol. 50, Pontefract. Brigg, Grace, Mithom, par. Bradford, fol. no, Pontefract. , Ralph, Bishop Burton, fol. 67, Harthill. , William, Hallifax, fol. 49, Pontefract. , William, Heptonstall, fol. 81, Pontefract. Briggam, Ann, Paull, fol. 218, Holderness. Brigge, Abraham, Kighley, fol. 459, Craven. , Christofer, Hallifax, fol. 337, Pontefract. , Thomas, Rattanclough, fol. 316, Craven. Brigges, Jacobus, Woodhouse (? par. Gargrave), fol. 468, Craven. , Henry and John, sons of Joh. B. of Benroyd, dec., fol. 36, Pontefract. , Henry and John, chdn., of Joh. B., par. Hallifax, dec., Caveat, fol. 28, Pontefract. , Joseph, Winewall, co. Lane., fol. 99, Prerogative. , Paul, diocese of York, gentleman, fol. 424, Doncaster. , Robert, Kirke Dighton, fol. 133, Ainsty. , William, Roundhey, fol. 186, Ainsty. Briggs, Henry and John, Benroyd in Norland, fol. 340, Pontefract. , Mary, Roundhey, fol. 198, Ainsty. , Michael, Brompton in Allertonshire, fol. 109, Prerogative. , Robert, Church Marnham, fol. 361, Newark. , Thomas, Nottingham, fol. 136, Nottingham. , Thomas, Sikehouse, fol. 503, Doncaster. Brigham, Gabriel, Hornseay, fol. 213, Holderness. , Thomas, Beverley, fol. 22, Harthill. , Thomas, Holme in Spaldingmoore, fol. 21, Harthill. Brighouse, Robert, son of John. B., par. Ealand, dec., tui., fol. 354, Pontefract. , Thomas, Brighouse, fol. 29, Pontefract. Brighovvse, Robert, son of Joh. B. of Ealand, tui., fol. 399, Pontefract. , Mary, Shelfe, fol. 127, Pontefract. Brisco als. Stanley, Gilbert, Skipton, fol. 459, Craven. Bristowe, John, Maplebecke, fol. 345, Newark. , William, Elston, Newark. Brittaine, John, York, fol. 64, City. Broadhead, Alice, par. Dewsburie, fol. 202, Pontefract. , Edward, Kirkeburton, fol. 53, Pontefract. , Richard, Austenley, fol. 77, Pontefract. , Robert, Austenley, fol. 202, Pontefract. Broadley, Abraham, Hallifax, fol. 13, Pontefract. , Isaac and Judith, chdn. of Mich. B. of Windill, dec., tui., fol. 533, Craven. , Judith, dr. of John B. of Southowram, dec., tui., fol. 87, Pontefract. , Margaret, Gaysgill, fol. 417, Craven. , Thomas, son of Joh. B. of Leedes, tui., fol. 195, Ainsty. , William, son of Joh. B. of Leedes, tui., fol. 195, Ainsty. Brockbanke, William, Farnedaile, fol. 143, Ridall. Brockden, Christofer, Cocklake house, fol. 450, Craven. Brocke, Elizabeth, Basford, fol. 86, Nottingham. Brocklebancke, Ann, Anlaby, spinster, fol. 229, Holderness. James, Hesle, fol. 59, Harthill. John, Anlaby, fol. 235, Holderness. Thomas, junior, Anlaby, fol. 59, Harthill. William, Anlabie, fol. 16, Harthill. William, Anlaby, fol. 63, Harthill. Broddell, John, Whitley, fol. 29, Pontefract. Brodebent, Mary, Thome, fol. 521, Doncaster, 16 122 APPENDIX. Apl. 6, 1638. Brogden, Robert, Tadcaster, fol. 273, Ainsty. Dec. 2, 1635. , Stephen, Ealand, fol. 309, Pontefract. Jan. 28, 1633. Broklebancke, Isabel, Nesfeild, fol. 439, Craven. July 29, 1630. Bromby, Christopher, Cottgrave, fol. 62, Nottingham. Jun. 18, 1649. Bromefeild, Ralph, Wilton, par. Ellerburne, fol. 106, Ridall. Apl. 9, 1638. Bromley, George, Darton, fol. 633, Doncaster. Oct. 13, 1636. Bromskill, Robert, Sutton super Lound, fol. 245, Retford. Aug. 9, 1634. Brooke Christopher, Lincolns Inn, esq., fol. 117, Prerogative. Feb. 9, 1634. Dorothy, par. St. Olave, York, fol. 41, City. Sep. 8, 1638. Grace and Mary, drs. of Edw. B. of Marre, dec. fol. 642, Doncaster. Feb. 5, 1637. George, par. Almonburie, fol. 369, Pontefract. July 10, 1633. George, Huddersfeild, fol. 161, Pontefract. Aug. 2, 1633. George, par. Huthersfeild, fol, 153, Pontefract. Feb. 6, 1635. Henry, Newton Kyne, fol. 230, Ainsty. Jun. 14, 1637. Humphrey, Beghall, par. Kellington, Caveat, fol. 350, Pontefract. Jan. 30, 1631. Jacobus, Cudworth, fol. 494, Doncaster. Jun. 5, 1632. Joan, dr. of John B. of Gartfulfoorth, dec., fol. 56, Bulmer. Aug. 5, 1628. John and Elizabeth, Birkebie, fol. 370, Pontefract. Apl. 28, 1646. John, Hallifax, fol. 73, Pontefract. Dec.29, 1646. John, Hallifax, fol. 84, Pontefract. Mar.iS, 1628. John, Litle Carr, fol. 46, Pontefract. Dec. i, 1629. Joseph, par. Almonburie, fol. 68, Pontefract. Aug. 5, 1628. Joshua, Stooth (?), fol. 360, Pontefract. Jun. 3, 1629. Leonard, Cantley, fol. 472, Doncaster. Feb. 18, 1633. Mary, dr. of Edw. B., par. Huddersfeild, dec., tui., fol. 186, Pontefract. Jan. 15, 1635. Richard, Cleyton, par. Hoyland, fol. 314, Pontefract. Dec. 3, 1636. Richard, Dalton, par. Kirkheaton, fol. 340, Pontefract. Aug. 8, 1636. Richard and Grace, chdn. of Rich. B. of Kirkeheaton, tui., fol. 333, Pontefract. Apl. 20, 1640. Richard, Leedes, fol. 309, Ainsty. Apl. 28, 1636. Samuel, Baildon, fol. 460, Craven. Mayr6, 1636. Samuel, Baildon, fol. 236, Ainsty. Jun. 29, 1650. Theophilus, Goose Haddlesey, fol. 347, Pontefract. Jan. 17, 1638. Thomas, junr., son of Tho. B. of Newhouse, par. Huddersfeild, dec., fol. 391, Pontefract. Oct. 25, 1650. Thomas, Wath, fol., 529, Doncaster. Nov.26, 1635. William, Batley, fol. 203, Pontefract. Mar.u, 1645. William, Heckmonwicke, fol. 61, Pontefract. Aug. 6, 1646. William, Northowram, fol. 78, Pontefract. Dec. 16, 1651. als. Crake, Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 56, HarthilL May 29, 1636. Brookes, Elizabeth, dioc. of York, fol. 344, Retford. Dec. 31, 1632. Brookesbancke, Thomas, South Ardsley, Caveat, fol. 309, Dickering. Mar. 9, 1646. , William, Eccleshill, fol. 86, Pontefract. Jun. 5, 1646. Brookesbanke, Gilbert, Horton Magna, fol. 70, Pontefract. Dec. 3, 1641. Broome, George, Farnsfeild, Pecul. of Southwell, fol. 239, Prerogative. Aug.i3, 1641. Brough, Charles, Ellerton, fol. 102, HarthilL Nov.27, 1635. , Henry, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 54, HarthilL Aug.24, 1638. , John, Kingston upon Hull, tailer, fol. 78, HarthilL Feb. 9, 1647. , Robert, Staintondale, fol. 470, Dickering. Oct. 27, 1637. Broughton, Gervas, Bentley, fol. 621, Doncaster. Mayi6, 1629. Brown, Francis, Hutton super Darwent, Buckrose. Oct. 9, 1637. Browne, Agnes, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 71, HarthilL July i, 1635. ' Brian, Owbrough, fol. 185, Holderness. May 17, 1642. , Christopher, Cheryburton, fol. 106, HarthilL Nov. 5, 1632. , Cicilia, par. Burstall, fol. 123, Pontefract. Apl. 19, 1633. , Cuthbert, Kirklenton, fol. 99, Prerogative. Sep. 13, 1642. , Edward, son of Tho. B. of Beverley, dec., tui., fol. 118, HarthilL Jun. 14, 1638. , Edward, Sherifhutton, fol. 92, Bulmer. Oct. 3, 1635. > Elizabeth, Gigleswicke, fol. 456, Craven. Jun. 27, 1647. , Frances, Birthwaite, widow, fol. 37, Prerogative. Oct. 9, 1640. , Francis, Cudworth, fol. 674, Doncaster. Jun. 19, 1632. , George, Doncaster, fol. 520, Doncaster. July 21, 1635. > George, Torworth, fol. 238, Retford. Jan. 18, 1640. , George, son of Geo. B. of West Retford, dec., tui., fol. 277, Retford. APPENDIX. 123 Nov.ia, 1652. Jun. 22, 1635. Aug. 30, 1638. Mar.2i, 1636. Aug. 5, 1628. Oct. 29, 1632. Mar.3o, 1637. July 23, 1635. Oct. 29, 1646. Aug. 4, 1633. Jun. 23, 1648. Jun. 25, 1638. Jan. 15, 1637. Aug. 5, 1628. July 5, 1638. Nov.ig, 1645. Sep. 28, 1638. Aug. 9, 1637. July 30, 1634. Oct. i, 1630. Nov.27, 1638. Oct. n, 1632. Nov.22, 1645. Feb. 7, 1631. July 23, 1649. Aug. 2, 1636. July 2, 1633. Feb. 5, 1638. Mar. i, 1634. Mar.io, 1627. Nov.i6, 1633. July 14, 1629. Jun. 28, 1638. July 4, 1633. Dec. 23, 1629. Oct. 26, 1647. Oct. 10, 1633. Jnly 24, 1629. Dec. 20, 1648. Nov.iy, 1629. Sep. 12, 1644. Apl. 15, 1630. May2i, 1630. May 3, 1639. Sep. 7, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug.2o, 1628. Aug.22, 1648. Apl. 14, 1646. Mar. 4, 1650. Apl. 2, 1640. Sep. 4, 1628. Sep. 9, 1632. Apl. 22, 1635. Feb'. 9, 1638. Feb. 9, 1638. Feb. 22, 1631. Aug. 13, 1635. Oct. 12, 1644. Jan. 23, 1642. Browne, Gilbert, North Dalton, fol. 61, Harthill. Henry, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. Henry, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 82, Harthill. Henry, Stoneferry, fol. 194, Holderness. Henry, Wakefeild, fol. 380, Pontefract. Henry, Wilsden, Caveat, fol. 398, Craven. Isabel, Sawley, fol. 484, Craven. Isabel, Sawley, fol. 445, Craven. Isabel, dr. of Nich. B. of Knottingley, dec., tui., fol. 476, Doncaster. Jane, dr. of Nich. B., tui. to Rob. Jackson of Beverley, fol. 29, Harthill. John, Barmby super Don, fol. 510, Doncaster. John, Beckey, fol. 277, Ainsty. John, Alderman of Beverley, fol. 175, Prerogative. John, par. Hallifax, fol. 37a, Pontefract. John, Hodstocke, fol. 259, Retford. John, Knapton, fol. 274, Buckrose. John, Northhowses, fol. 85, Harthill. John and Anthony, sons of Tho. B. of Rauthmell, dec., tui., fol. 487, Craven. John, Sproxton, fol. 167, Ridall. Luke, Halsham, fol. 140, Holderness. Marmaduke, Kilton, fol. 321, Cleveland. Mary, Bawtrie, fol. 223, Retford. Mary, dr. of Tho. B. of Beverley, dec., tui., fol. 133, Harthill. Mary, Crakall, fol. 49, Bulmer. Nicholas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 38, Harthill. Richard, Bouregreene, fol. 464, Craven. Richard, Kirkelley, fol. 39, Harthill. Richard, par. Ledsham, fol. 286, Ainsty. Richard, Tockwith, fol. 205, Ainsty. Robert, Acaster Selby, Caveat, fol. 325, Craven. Robert, Oversilton, fol. 64, Bulmer. Robert, Snawden, fol. 140, Ainsty. Robert, Sowth Dalton, fol. 81, Harthill. Robert, par. Wiston, fol. 547, Doncaster. Roger, Rippon, fol. 353, Craven. Samuel, North Burton, fol. 468, Dickering. Sibell, East Retford, fol. 229, Retford. Thomas, Barton, fol. 471, Doncaster. Thomas, Calverley, fol. 125, Pontefract. Thomas, Egton Briggs, par. Lieth, fol. 254, Cleveland. Thomas, Howden, fol. 271, Prerogative. Thomas, junior, Kilton, fol. 257, Cleveland. Thomas, Liversedge, fol. 71, Pontefract. Thomas, New Malton, fol. 198, Ridall. Ursula, Cottingham, fol. 15, Harthill. William, Askwith, fol. 138, Ainsty. William, Blithe, fol. 193, Retford. William, Long Riston, fol. 242, Holderness. William, Northallerton, fol. 22, Prerogative. William, Rise, fol. 256, Holderness. William, Saltfletby, dioc. Line., fol. 209^1, Prerogative. William, Thomas, Robert, Ann, Mary, chdn. of Tho. B. of Silkston, tui., fol. 453, Doncaster. William, Sireston, fol. 361, Newark. Brownelay, Richard, Newarke, fol. 343, Newark. Browneley, Isabel!, Nottingham, fol. 130, Nottingham. , Jacobus, Richard, and Thomas, sons of Isab. B. of Nottingham, dec., tui., fol. 131, Nottingham. , Lawrence, West Retford, fol. 218, Retford. , Richard, Adenburgh, fol. 102, Nottingham. Brownell, Thomas, par. Rotheram, fol. 450, Doncaster. Brownerick, George, par. Lockington, fol. 107, Harthill. I2 4 APPENDIX. Feb. 7, 1632. May 2, 1634. Nov.ag, 1633. Mar. 5, 1631. Aug. 3, 1632. May 20, 1641. Mar. 27, 1629. Jun. 6, 1628. Jun. 26, 1634. Mar. 5, 1649. Jan. 14, 1645. Aug. 4, 1636. Oct. 14, 1635. Aug. 7, 1627. Apl. 27, 1647. Feb. 25, 1647. Jun. 14, 1648. Feb. i, 1632. Jun. 25, 1649. Mar.26, 1628. Dec. 27, 1631. Jan. 6, 1631. Jan. 25, 1632. Oct. 8, 1635. Mar.ig, 1639. Oct. ii, 1636. Dec. 31, 1645. Dec. 15, 1649. Jun. 26, 1634. July 18, 1637. Feb. 22, 1630. Sep. 24, 1647. July 23, 1635. May 9, 1633. Jan. 2, 1643. Jan. 9, 1632. July 19, 1633. Apl. 9, 1631. July 13, 1629. July 25, 1639. July 9, 1647. Jun. 26, 1651. Jun. Jun. Aug. 8, 1632. May 20, 1641. Feb. 9, 1641. 5, 1634. 3, 1652. 1641. Feb. 4, 1646. Dec. 29, 1648. Sep. 12, 1631. Oct. 6, 1629. Feb. 8, 1631. Apl. 12, 1638. Jun. 27, 1642. MayiS, 1641. Jan. 20, 1631. Oct. ii, 1631. Apl. 29, 1634. Jan. 4, 1635. Jan. 4, 1635. Aug. 14, 1639. Jan. 24, 1638. Brownlow, William, Nottingham, fol. 80, Nottingham. Brownrigge, Ann, Ellerton, fol. 40, Harthill. Bruise, John, Wombleton, fol. 163, Ridall. Brumbie, Robert, Tollerton als. Tollaston als. Thorlorton, fol. 70, Nottingham. Bruntes, Elizabeth, Mansfeildwoodhouse, Notts., fol. 89, Prerogative. , Gabriel, Nottingham, Nottingham. , Rowland, Christ's Coll., Cambridge, fol. 52, Nottingham. Bruse, Ann, Thornton, fol. 329, Craven. Bubwith, William, Doncaster, fol. 558, Doncaster. Bucke, Alice, Carnaby, widow, fol. 482, Dickering. Alice, Harpham, widow, fol. 357, Dickering. Ann, Beverley, fol. 61, Harthill. Ann, Ribston, fol. 217, Ainsty. Francis, Darnbrooke, fol. 321, Craven. Henry, Rowlston, Nottingham. Sir John, Fyley, kt., fol. 471, Dickering. John, Pidsburton, fol. 48, Prerogative. Samuel, Carneby, fol. 311, Dickering. Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 37, Harthill. William, Carnaby, Dickering. Buckle, Ann, Huntington, fol. 49, Buhner. , John, Huntington, fol. 53, Btilmcr. -, John, York, fol. 26, City. a/5. Watson, Bridget, York, grants to Joh. B., husband, fol. 47, City. Buckstones, Ed., Hubbercoote, fol. 528, Craven. Bullas, Hugh, par. Sheffeild, fol. 601, Doncaster. , John, Horberry, par. Ecclesfeild, fol. 460, Doncaster. , Mary, dr. of Jac. B. of Burley, dec., tui., fols. 523, 527, Doncaster. , Nicholas, par. Sheffeild, fol. 558, Doncaster. Buller, Jacobus, son of Joh. B. of Preston, dec., fol. 196, Holdcrness. , Ralph, Etherdwicke, fol. 144, Holderness. Bullivant, Richard, Tuxford, Rctford. Bullocke, Jacobus, Gargrave, fol. 445, Craven. , Nicholas, South Holme, fol. 160, Ridall. s- als. Peacocke, George, Harpham, fol. 3541, Dickering. Bulloke, Robert, Ollerton, fol. 224, Retford. Bulmer, Ann, Kingston upon Hull, widow, fol. 29, Harthill. , Francis, Wilton, Caveat, fol. 263, Cleveland. , Henry, Leven, fol. 142, Ridall. , William, Wilton Castle, gent., fol. 324, Cleveland. Bunby, William, son of Rich. B. of Ekring, dec., tui., Newark. Bunney, Mary and Ester, drs. of Tho. B. of Ealand, dec., tui., fol. 352, Pontefract. * Buntinge, Michael, Alesworth, fol. 76, Nottingham. Burbridge, George, Normanton, Nottingham. Burd, Issabel, dr. of Rich. B., par. Pontefract, dec., tui., fol. 25, Pontefract. Burdas, William, Owthorne, fol. 176, Holderness. Burden, Edward, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 59, Harthill. Burdet, Matthew, tui. to Tho. B. of Denbie, father, fol. 675, Doncaster. Burdett, Francis, Burthwaite, fol. 91, Pontefract Burdis, Edward, South Frothingham, fol. 242, Holdcrness. Burdon, John, Newton super Darwent, fol. 147, Holderness. Burdsall, John, Cottingham, Harthill. , Robert, Cottingham, fol. 17, Harthill. , Tho., Whitby, fol. 316, Cleveland. Burdus, Cuthbert, Middleton, fol. 251, Prerogative. Burges, Ann, Barnsley, fol. 431, Doncaster. , Phillipp, York, fol. 18, City. als. Wells, Katherine, Basford, fol. 71, Nottingham. Burgias, William, Barnesley, fol. 555, Doncaster. Burgon, Jacobus, Thurgaland, fol. 587, Doncaster. Burkenshawe, Henry, Thurgaland, fol. 587, Doncaster. Burkett, Grace, par. Silkston, fol. 655, Doncaster. Burkwood, Agnes, Owstwicke, widow, fol. 205, Holderness. APPENDIX. Dec. 24, 1636. Burleigh, Gilbert, Scorbrough, fol. 65, Harthill. Sep. 29, 1649. Burley, Francis, Crofton, clerk, fol. 34, Pontefract. Aug. 8, 1628. , John, Uplethom, fol. 244, Cleveland. July 29, 1639. Burman, Henry, Ledston, fol, 301, Ainsty. Nov.24, 1631. Burn, Benjamin and Sarah, York, grant to Tho. B., father, fol. 16, City. Aug. 23, 1650. Burne, Christopher, Frances, Elizabeth, and Jane, chdn. of Tho. B. of Horn- sey, dec., tui., fol. 254, Holderness. Jun. 14, 1639. , Henry, Rise, effects unadministered, fol. 207, Holderness. Oct. 25, 1637. , Henry, Ryse, fol. 198, Holderness. Aug. 5, 1628. , Richard, Pontefract, fol. 35, Pontefract. Oct. 5, 1638. , Matthew, Cherryburton, fol. 83, Harthill. Sep. 10, 1631. , William, Scarbrough, fol. 305, Dickering. Aug.26, 1641. Burneham, Ann, Kelfeild, fol. i, Bulmer. Aug. 3, 1636. Burneley, Thomas, Sikehouse, fol. 600, Doncaster. Jun. 19, 1637. > William, Harwood, fol. 258, Ainsty. July 15, 1647. Burnell, Lawrence, Batley, fol. 104, Pontefract. Oct. 5, 1638. Burnet, Robert, Stoneferrie. fols. 201, 207, Holderness. July 9, 1630. , Thomas, Raskall, fol. 41, Bulmer. Apl. 16, 1635. Burnett, Roger, Aclam, fol. 299, Cleveland. Feb. i, 1635. Burney als. Barnard, Elizabeth, wife of Jac. Burney, of Beverley, clerk, dec., fols. 59 and 67, Harthill. Nov. 19, 1630. Burnham, Mary, Longpreston, fol. 139, Holderness. Nov. 19, 1630. , Mary, Preston, fol. 144, Holderness. Jun. 5, 1634. , Wilfrid, Matthew, Hellen, and Edward, tui. to Pet. B. of Preston, husbandman, their father, fol. 172, Holderness. Jan, 16, 1636. Burnit, Henry, Wallerthwaite, fol. 474, Craven. Mar. 8, 1634. Burnitt, Elizabeth, Cophuicke, fol. 433, Craven. Dec.22, 1632. , Richard, Markinton, fol. 177, Ainsty. Apl. 17, 1648. Burnlay, John, Wakefeild, fol. 117, Pontefract. Mar. 6, 1649. Burnley, Anthony, Churwell, fol. 343, Pontefract. Apl. 17, 1648. , Richard, par. Batley, fol. 118, Pontefract. Sep. 3, 1627. Burnman, Thomas, par. Abberforth, fol. 116, Ainsty. Jan. 16, 1648. Burrell, Christopher, Bransburton, fol. 243, Holderness. Mar.i2, 1628. , John, Cottingham, Harthill. Oct. 2, 1639. , Katherine, Skipsey, fol. 209, Holderness. May 15, 1645. Burrill, Joseph, Catwicke, fol. 239, Holderness. Sep. 28, 1646. , Katherine, Cottingham, fol. 3, Harthill. Apl. 12, 1650. Burrow, Thomas, Wakefeild, fol. 345, Pontefract. Apl. 26, 1632. Burrowes, Edward, Scroobie, fol. 220, Retford. Oct. 9, 1628. , William, son of Hen. B. of Gotham, dec., tui., fol. 45, Nottingham. Jun. 26, 1638. Burrowskalls, John, Hewthwaite, par. Cockermouth, fol. 180, Prerogative. Apl. 20, 1644. Bursey, Michael, Hessell, fol. 123, Harthill. July 31, 1638. Burstall, Pattrick, Wellwicke, fol. 203, Holderness. Apl. 14, 1635. Burstowe, Nicholas, par. Hallifax, fol. 194, Pontefract. Nov. 5, 1647. Burthan, Thomas, Killome, fol. 45, Prerogative. Feb. 6, 1629. Burton, Agnes, Bradmore, fol. 57, Nottingham. Apl. 19, 1638. , Ann, Kirkbie ouerblowes, fol. 272, Ainsty. Jan. 18, 1636. , Barbara, Rillington, fol. 263, Bnckrose. Mar.2o, 1646. , Christopher, Cayton, fol. 462, Dickering. July 24, 1648. , Cicilia, Farnedale, fol. 102, Ridall. Oct.-i6, 1649. , Edward, Leven, fol. 249, Holderness. July 21, 1634. , Elizabeth, Woodapleton, fol. 165, Ridall. Jun. 28, 1638. , Francis, Beverley, fol. 80, Harthill. Aug.i3, 1649. , Francis, Tuxford, Retford. Mar.22, 1630. , George, Wintringham, fol. 255, Buckrose. Aug.i?, 1640. , George, York, fol. 78, City. July 16, 1634. , Humphrey, West Retford, fol. 233, Retford. Jun. 29, 1641. , Jacobus, Filey, fol. 3510, Dickering. Oct. 9, 1638. , Jacobus, Harthill, fol. 640, Doncaster. Feb. 26, 1627. , Jane, Tadcaster, fol. 124, Ainsty. Jun. 7, 1630. - , John, son of Will. B. of Kilburn, dec., tui., fol. 40, Bulmer. May 8, 1633. , John, Rathmell, fol. 408, Craven. Oct. 4, 1637. , John, Thirkleby, fol. 87, Bulmer. Jan. 31, 1633. , Judith, Torworth, fol. 230, Retford. 126 APPENDIX. July 28, 1630. Burton, Margaret, Stathes, fol. 259, Cleveland. May i, 1628. , Priscilla, Ingarthorp, fol. 328, Craven. Apl. 24, 1634. , Ralph, Rippon, fol. 424, Craven. Apl. 8, 1636. , Richard, Cottingham, Caveat, fol. 56, Harthill. Aug. 3, 1636. , Richard, Sutton super Trent, fol. 348, Newark. Jan. 2, 1650. , Richard, Weele, fol. 50, Harthill. Jan. 17, 1634. , Robert, son of Rob. B. of Egbrough, fol. 185, Pontefract. July 29, 1639. , Seth, grant to Will. B. of Wintringham, fol. 270, Buckrose. Nov. 25, 1630. , Thomas, Tuxford, Caveat, fol. 204, Retford. Apl. 17, 1638. , William, Bentley, par. Arksey, fol. 639, Doncaster. Aug. 3, 1637. , William, Cottingham, fol. 71, Harthill. Dec. 2, 1643. , William, Cottingham, fol. 231, Holderness. Mar.io, 1645. , William, Hutton Cranswicke, fol. 251, Harthill. Feb. 7, 1632. , William, Nottingham, fol. 79, Nottingham. Jan. 24, 1638. , William, Owstwicke, fol. 205, Holderness. July 11, 1633. , William, Riston, fol. 163, Holderness. Jan. 28, 1941. , William, Sheffeild, fol. 438, Doncaster. May 4, 1637. , William, Trowell, fol. 113, Nottingham. Jan. 20, 1646. , William, Wakefeild, fol. 478, Doncaster. Aug. 17, 1640. als. Crosthwaite, Mary, grant to Ric. C., husband, fol. 78, City. July 14, 1631. als. Harrison, Agnes, Giglesweeke, fol. 378, Craven. Feb. 22, 1628. als. Williamson, William, Tadcaster, fol. 123, Ainsty. Apl. 28, 1642. Burtonwood, John, Hallifax, fol. 33, Pontefract. Aug.io, 1637. Burtwisle, Ann, Hunslett, fol. 261, Ainsty. Oct. 2, 1634. Busbie, Richard, Gisbrough, fol. 294, Cleveland. Jan. 24, 1633. Busby, Christopher, Yarome, fol. 288, Cleveland. Sep. ii, 1641. , Richard, tui. to Elizabeth, wife of Mich. Ridley, fol. 340, Cleveland. Feb. 16, 1634. Busfeild, Martin, York, draper, fol. 41, City. Jan. 17, 1641. , Thomas, Thormanby, fol. 4, Buhner. Mar. 12, 1639. Bush, Robert, Scarrington, fol. 142, Nottingham. July 15, 1647. Bushell, Henry, Whitby, fol. 214, Cleveland. Nov. 19, 1632. , Nicholas, Baggdale hall, par. Whitbie, fol. 275, Cleveland. Jan. 24, 1639. Busterd, Leonard, Wetherby, fol. 306, Ainsty. Apl. 27, 1636. Butcher als. Wagge, Alice, Hutton Rudbye, fol. 304, Cleveland. Apl. 29, 1645. Butler, John, Thorganbye, fol. 16, Bulmer. Oct. 9, 1628. , Michael, Eastmarkham, fol. 195, Retford. Apl. 16, 1635. , Phillis, Hilton, fol. 299, Cleveland. Feb. 3, 1637. William, Stillingfleet, fol. 90, Bulmer. Dec. 20, 1632. Butterfeild, Joh. of Bingley, fol. 402, Craven. Oct. 30, 1639. , William, Leeds, fol. 309, Ainsty. May 30, 1639. Buttericke, John, Thirske, fol. 98, Bulmer. Feb. 7, 1645. Butterwicke, Anthony, son of Tho. B. of Yaram, dec., tui., fol. 205, Cleveland. Mar. 6, 1643. , Ralph, Yarm, fol. 200, Cleveland. Jun. 27, 1646. , Thomas, Yaram, fol. 207, Cleveland. Jan. 22, 1646. Butterworth, Edward, Royle(?), co. Lane., fol. 30, Prerogative. Nov. 4, 1647. Buttery, Matthew, Scarbrough, fol. 469, Dickering. Jan. 13, 1631. , William, Sneatonfeild house, dioc., York, fol. 275, Cleveland. Mar.28, 1650. Butterye, Christopher, Crathorne, fol. 231, Cleveland. Mar.ig, 1645. Buttrell, Thomas, Rosington, fol. 462, Doncaster. Sep. 30, 1641. Buttrie, George, Buttercramb, fol. 3, Bulmer. May 5, 1631. , William, Mattersey, fol. 211, Retford. Mar.i5, 1631. Buttry, Ann, Cayton, fol. 306, Dickering. Oct. 8,1632. , William, Nafferton, fol. 3:1, Dickering. Jan. 2, 1639. Buxton, Joyce, Arnold, fol. 137, Nottingham. Oct. 4, 1638. Byas, Henry, Hovingham, fol. 193, Ridall. Mar.29, 1648. Bygott, John, Kirksmeaton, fol. 46, Prerogative. Jun. 28, 1638. Bylton, William, Leckenfeild, fol. 81, Harthill. Apl. 6, 1627. Bynnes, John, Bingley, fol. 319, Craven. Jun. 19, 1637. , William, York, fol. 57, City. Aug. 6, 1640. Bynningley, Franc., Bessackle, fol. 424, Doncaster. Aug. i, 1639. Bynns, Sibil, Risworth, par. Bingley, fol. 519, Craven. Jan. 5, 1647. Byrd, William, Weston, Newark. Apl. 14, 1635. Bywater, Richard, par. Pontefract, fol. 194, Pontefract. Sep. 8, 1647. , William, Foulby, fol. 105, Pontefraet. APPENDIX. 127 Jun. 19, 1640. Cade, Dorothy, South-holme, fol. 204, Ridall. Aug. 3, 1637. > Thomas, East Retford, fol. 252, Retford. May 4, 1637. Caldwell, Samuel, Muskam, fol. 352, Newark. Aug. 6, 1633. Caley, Robert, Grindleton, fol. 413, Craven. Mar.ig, 1633. Callis, Robert, Wakefeild, fol. 146, Pontefract. Jan. 24, 1633. Calvart, Robert, Crathorne, fol. 288, Cleveland. May3i, 1636. Calveley, Edward, Langton, fol. 263, Buckrose. May 28, 1646. Calverley, Elizabeth, Doncaster, fol. 471, Doncaster. July 3, 1632. John, Little Preston, fol. 207, Ainsty. Jun. 15, 1632. John, Remington, par. Gisburn, fol. 393, Craven, July 23, 1631. John, Rimington, fol. 379, Craven. Jun. 3, 1630. John, Salton, dioc. Chest., fol. 70, Prerogative. Feb. 18, 1633. John, par. Womersley, fol. 150, Pontefract. May 4, 1647. William, Doncaster, fol. 482, Doncaster. Sep. 6, 1632. Calvert, Dorothy and William, chdn. of Will. C. of Hyborovvby, dec., tui., fol. 278, Cleveland. Jun. 29, 1649. Giles, Newby, fol. 227, Cleveland. Apl. 20, 1642. Henry, Marske, fol. 195, Cleveland. Jun. 12, 1636. Henry, Sowerby, fol. 81, Buhner. 001.31,1633. Henry, Starbothom, fol. 416, Craven. Oct. 24, 1633. Jacobus, York, fol. 30, City. Oct. 21, 1642. Jane, Ayton Magna, fol. 193, Cleveland. Jun. 30, 1641. John and Richard, chdn. of Tho. C. of Mooremouncton, dec., fol. 313, Ainsty. 'Oct. 3, 1627. John, Newby, par. Semer, fol. 239, Cleveland. Nov.22, 1644. Margaret, Cathedral Close, York, widow, fol. 264, Prerogative. Aug. 17, 1646. Matthew, Hallifax, fol. 79, Pontefract. May 12, 1631. Miles, Kingston upon Hull, fol. n, Harthill. Nov.25, 1631. Robert, York, fol. 17, City. Jan. 27, 1634. Thomas, Moor Mounckton, fol. 203, Ainsty. Mar.i4, 1638. Thomas, Ouldcoates, fol. 516, Craven. MayiS, 1641. Cam, Ann, Mosse, fol. 431, Doncaster. MayiS, 1641. , Robert, Mosse, fol. 430, Doncaster. Jan. 16, 1634. Camadge, Thomas, Tadcaster, fol. 208, Ainsty. July i, 1641. Carnage, John, Sutton super Forestt, fol. i, Bulmer. Mar.io, 1640. Came, Randolph, Welley, fol. 277, Retford. Mar. 4, 1650. Campinot, Jacobus, Meltham, fol. 351, Pontefract. Aug.i5, 1639. Campion, Elizabeth, Ottringham, fol. 209, Holderness. Oct. 2, 1634. , Katherine, Lieth, fol. 294, Cleveland. Jun. 21, 1637. , Marmaduke, dioc. York, fol. 311, Cleveland. Dec. 18, 1652. Camplin, Richard, Thornton, fol. 113, Ridall. Apl. 29, 1642. Camplion, Peter, Glasedaile, fol. 196, Cleveland. Oct. 8, 1640. Campsall, Dorothy and William, chdn. of Geo. C. of Scrooby, dec., tui., fol. 276, Retford. Feb. 4, 1651. Canby, John, Scarbrough, fol. 490, Dickering. Aug.ig, 1641. Cantt, Simon, Screaveton, Nottingham. Apl. 20, 1640. Cape, Thomas, Beverley, fol. 96, Harthill. Aug. 7, 1632. Cappes, William, Kellame, fol. 331, Newark. Apl. 28, 1631. Capslacke, Adam, Thornehill, fol. 93, Pontefract. May 29, 1629. Carcroft, Elizabeth, wife of Will. C., Caveat, fol. 318, Newark. Sep. 20, 1648. Carington, Alice, Papplewicke, Nottingham. Jun. 2, 1636. Caris, Frances, Raskall, fol. 80, Bulmer. Dec. 10, 1633. , Robert, Huby, fol. 66, Bulmer. Oct. 16, 1627. Carleton, Thomas, Lockington, Harthill. Feb. 22, 1630. Carliell, Jane, Sutton, fol. 143, Holderness. July 2, 1647. Carlile, Jane, late w. of Rob. C. of High Cumersdale, co., Cumb., fol. 39, Prerogative. Apl. 6,1642. Carlill, Jacobus, New Malton, fol. 84, Ridall. Apl. 10, 1632. Richard, son of Rob. C. of Doncaster, dec., tui., fol. 511, Doncaster. Apl. 10, 1632. Robert, son of Rob. C. of Doncaster, dec., tui., fol. 511, Doncaster. Jun. 9, 1630. Robert, Scostropp, fol. 364, Craven. Apl. 23, 1629. Thomas, Aislaby, fol. 249, Cleveland. May 9, 1633. William, Egton, fol. 283, Cleveland. Jan. 23, 1648. William, Ugglebarby, fol. 223, Cleveland. 128 APPENDIX. Nov.25, 1628. Carline, Thomas, Leppington, Buckrosc. Nov. 4, 1636. Carling, Margaret, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 63, Harthill. Jun. 19, 1636. Carlingford, Barnam Swifte, Lord, Doncaster, fol. 605, Doncaster. Apl. 20, 1643. Carlton, Elizabeth, Croft, widow, fol. 257, Prerogative. Apl. 14, 1643- Carnaby, John, Easingwould, fol. u, Bulmer. , Mar. 13, 1649. Carpenter, Richard, Scarbrough, fol. 482, Dickering. Feb. 20, 1637. Carpnell, Alexander, Bracewell, fol. 495, Craven. Apl. 1 8, 1646. Carr, Alice, Scarbrough, fol. 458, Dickering. Jun. 4, 1649. , Dulcibella, dau. of Tho. C. S. T. P., Rect. of Hugget, dec., tui., fol. 60, Prerogative. Jan. 12, 1635. , Ellis, York, fol. 46, City. Mar. i, 1638. , Jacobus, Skarbrough, fol. 344, Dickering. Apl. 23, 1632. , John, Burstweeke, fol. 154, Holderness. Dec. 10, 1652. , Richard, Gowthorp, fol. 79, Prerogative. May 22, 1635. , Thomas, Haistropp, fol. 324, Dickering. May 2, 1639. , Thomas, Thweing, fol. 345, Dickering. May 29, 1649. , Wentworth, son of Tho. C., S. T. P., Rect. of Hugget, dec., tui., fol. 57, Prerogative. Jun. 10, 1649. - , William, son of Tho. C., S. T. P., Rect. of Hugget, dec., tui., fol. 38, Harthill. Oct. 2, 1628. Carre, Elizabeth, Stackhouse, fol. 336, Craven. Oct. ii, 1638. , John, Mooregate, fol. 261, Retford. Apl. 27, 1631. , Robert, Stubbinge, fol. 374, and tui. of chdn., fol. 375, Craven. Apl. 23, 1629. , Roger, Giggleswicke, fol. 344, Craven. Feb. 15, 1638. , Stephen, Brashey, fol. 516, Craven. Apl. 10, 1632. , Symon and John, sons of Margt. C. of Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 511, Doncaster. May 8, 1641. , William, Dobdale, par. Gisburn, fol. 534, Craven. Jan. 28, 1632. , William, par. Ecclesfeild, fol. 528, Doncaster. Feb. 15, 1632. , William, Hoyland, fol. 530, Doncaster. July i, 1630. , William, Rotheram, fol. 497, Doncaster. Feb. 14, 1627. Carriar, Edward, South Leverton, fol. 189, Retford. Apl. 22, 1635. Carrington, Cicilia, Trowell, fol. 100, Nottingham. Mayio, 1636. , Henry, Tickhill, fol. 593, Doncaster. Aug.n, 1646. , John, Papplewicke, Nottingham. Dec. 15, 1628. Carter, Catherine, Stapleton, Caveat, fol. 36, Pontefract. Aug. 4, 1636. , Christofer, Thirske, fol. 81, Bulmer. Jan. 28, 1634. , Elizabeth, par. St. Olave, York, fol. 40, City. Sep. 3, 1633. , Elizabeth, dr. of Jac. C. of Thorpe Audlin, dec., fol. 538, Doncaster. Jan. 16, 1633. , Elizabeth, dr. of Jac. C. of Thorp Awdlin, fol. 542, Doncaster. July 21, 1641. , Francis and Elizabeth, chdn. of Will, and Ell. C. of Northallerton, dec., fol. 234, Prerogative. July 24, 1634. , Jacobus, Altofts, fol. 166, Pontefract. Oct. i, 1646. , Jacobus, Thorpe Audlin, fol. 473, Doncaster. Apl. 27, 1648. , Jane, Sewerby, fol. 473, Dickering. Nov.2i, 1629. , John, Manchester, fol. 65 and fol. 67, Prerogative. Mar. 9, 1647. , John, Thirske, fol. 30, Bulmer. Sep. 26, 1649. - , Michael, Warley, fol. 136, Pontefract. Apl. 4, 1632. , Nathan, Sowerbie, fol. 109, Pontefract. Apl. 4, 1632. , Nathan, of Sowerbie, fol. 100, Pontefract. May2o, 1645. , Robert, East Ardsley, fol. 53, Pontefract. Apl. 22, 1640. , Thomas, Morton, fol. 331, Cleveland. Mar. 14, 1639. - , Thomas, Steeton, par. Kildwicke, fol. 519, Craven. Oct. 5, 1632. , William, par. Badsworth, fol. 491, Doncaster. May 27, 1642. , William, Danby Wiske, goods unadm.,fol. 246, Prerogative. July 31, 1640. , William, Northallerton, fol. 217, Prerogative. Mar. 4, 1645. Cartmell, William, Stanley, fol. 60, Pontefract. Oct. 2, 1638. Cartwright, Ann, Healough, fol. 280, Ainsty. July 20, 1649. Anthony, Kirby Mooreside, fol. 107, Ridall. Sep. 16, 1647. Elizabeth, Normanton, fol. 105, Pontefract. July 8, 1639. Peter, junr., Danby, fol. 324, Cleveland. Jun. 22, 1646. Thomas, Newarke, Newark. Apl. 26, 1632. Thomas, Southcollingham, fol. 330, Newark. Jun. 6, 1637. William, to Eliz. Wright of Newland, fol. 353, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 129 Oct. 9, 1634. Carvell, Henry, Farnedon, fol. 342, Newark. Mayi6, 1633. , Margery, Laughterton, co. Line., fol. 105, Prerogative. May 9, 1639. , Margery, North Collingham, fol. 361, Newark. May 8, 1649. Carver, Bartholomew, Keyworth, Nottingham. Feb.24, 1644. , Isabell, Dringhouses, fol. 266, Prerogative. Jan. 12, 1647. Carvile als. Thompson, Frances, dr. of Mich. C. of Humber Parva, gent., dec., fol. 21, Harthill. Dec. 4, 1638. Casse, John, Brompton, fol. 194, Ridall. Apl. 15, 1630. Margaret, Seasey, fol. 39, Bulmer. Mar.23, 1639. Marmaduke, Marrishes, fol. 202, Ridall. Feb. 29, 1632. Thomas, Cottingham, fol. 26, Harthill. Jan. 2, 1650. Thomas, Dripoole, fol. 50, Harthill. Nov. 5, 1636. William, Brompton in Pickeringlyth, fol. 182, Ridall. Nov.26, 1640. William, Sawdon, par. Brompton, fol. 206, Ridall. Sep. 28, 1649. Casson, Francis, Rivax, fol. 107, Ridall. Feb. 6, 1628. Katherine, Kingston upon Hull, widow, Harthill. Dec.iS, 1633. Thomas, Horsforth, fol. 192, Ainsty. Dec. 5, 1627. William, Bentley, par. Arksey, fol. 436, Doncaster. Dec. 31, 1632. William, Bentley, fol. 531, Doncaster. Sep. u, 1649. Joshua, Holmefirth, par. Kirke Burton, fol. 136, Pontefract. July 9, 1647. Castledyne, William, Bingham, Nottingham. Aug.^4, 1649. Castleton, Hannah, Hawkesworth. Nottingham. Aug.ig, 1641. , John, Hawksworth, Nottingham. May 14, 1634. Catell, Hugh, Harpham, fol. 318, Dickering. M'ayii, 1639. Catlin, Ann, Barnby super Dun, fol. 650, Doncaster. Jan. 23, 1633. , Elizabeth, son of Jac. C. of Cantley, dec., tui., fol. 543, Doncaster. Jan. 23, 1633. , Jacobus, Cantley, fol. 544, Doncaster. Mar.26, 1628. , Ralph, Kingston'upon Hull, Harthill. Oct. 13, 1647. Catline, Andrew, Soothwell, Newark. May 24, 1647. Caton, William, Doncaster, tui. fol. 484, Doncaster. Jun. 17, 1642. Cattell, Jacobus, Brawley, fol. 82, Ridall. July 23, 1641. , Thomas, Pontefract, fol. 16, Pontefract. Jan. 27, 1648. Catterall, John, Ulrome, fol. 243, Holderness. Mar.ig, 1648. , John, son of Joh. C. of Ulrum, dec., tui., fol. 244, Holderness. Aug.28, 1647. , Mary, Ulrum, fol. 221, Holderness. Mar.io, 1642. Cattericke, Anthony, Carleton, par. St. Joh., juxta Aldbrough, dioc. Chest., fol. 251, Prerogative. Oct. 6, 1636. , John, Harrom, fol. 181, Ridall. Dec. 10, 1628. Catterson, Thomas, Skipton, fol. 340, Craven. Apl. 19, 1638. Caunt, Francis, Eastbridgford, fol. 123, Nottingham. Oct. ii, 1632. , Henry, Eastbridgford, fol. 78, Nottingham. Apl. 22, 1635. , John, Screaton, fol. 100, Nottingham. Dec. 6, 1638. Causfeild, Isabel, Leedes, fol. 2830, Ainsty. Aug. 2, 1636. Cave, William, Sheereburne, fol. 239, Ainsty. Sep. i, 1635. Caverd, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 52, Harthill. Nov.28, 1638. Caward, Elizabeth, dr. of Joh. C. of Hull, dec., tui., fol. 84, Harthill. Nov.28, 1638. , Susanna, dr. of Joh. C. [of Hull], dec., tui., fol. 84, Harthill. May 28, 1646. Cawdrell, Joseph, Nottingham, Nottingham. Apl. 6, 1638. Cawdrey, Jonas, par. Bradford, fol. 375, Pontefract. Apl. 24, 1634. , William, Breakes, fol. 195, Ainsty. Apl. 28, 1640. Cawood, Anthony, Rebroid, par. Darfeild, fol. 672, Doncaster. Aug.i6, 1636. , Henry, Rufforth, fol. 240, Ainsty. Dec. n, 1628. , , John, Nova Malton, fol. 140. Ridall. Oct. 28, 1639. , Robert, Home Greene, par. Bolton Percie, fol. 289, Ainsty. Feb. 2, 1641. , Robert, Stillingffleet, fol. 4, Bulmer. Apl. 24, 1634. Cawson, Edward, Wizwall, fol. 425, Craven. Feb. 16, 1627. Cawston als. Braithwaite, Samuel, Wakefeild, Caveat, fol. 22, Pontefract. Apl. 6, 1635. Cawthorne, Agnes, Galbarhall, fol. 572, Doncaster. Oct. 10, 1637. William, Thurgaland, fol. 624, Doncaster. Aug.3i, 1647. Cawton, Elizabeth, dr. of Brian C. of South Kilvington, fol. 29, Bulmer. Oct. 8, 1627. Cayre, John, Out Newton, Holderness. Mar.30, 1647. Cayton, Issabel, Doncaster, fol. 487, Doncaster. July 24, 1629. Chadburne, Richard, Himsworth, fol. 59, Pontefract. July 6, 1632. Chaderton, Edmund, South Milforth, fol. 166, Ainsty. 130 APPENDIX. Jun. 10, 1634. Nov. 7, 1628. Jan. i, 1645. Feb. 13, 1650. Oct. 26, 1649. Aug. 15, 1633. Feb. 13, 1648. May 8, 1628. Mar.i4, 1644. Jun. 29, 1649. Oct. 13, 1636. May 22, 1628. Sep. 22, 1636. Oct. 12, 1627. Dec.i6, 1630. Jan. 13, 1633. Jun. 6, 1632. Feb. 24, 1644. Apl. it, 1648. Apl. 6, 1641. Dec. 24, 1635. Mayi3, 1631. Jun. 28, 1638. July ii, 1651. May2i, 1650. Oct. 13, 1631. Dec.iS, 1633. Nov.ig, 1629. Aug. 6, 1640. Apl. 6, 1641. Aug.iS, 1630. July 6, 1648. July 23, 1639. May i, 1628. Dec.i3, 1638. July 22, 1645. May 22, 1637. July i, 1631. Mar. 6, 1631. Oct. 19, 1642. Jun. i, 1643. May i, 1628. Oct. 7, 1636. Apl. n, 1638. May 23, 1629. Feb. 9, 1641. Nov. 2, 1637. Oct. 22, 1633. Feb. 21, 1649. Jan. 20, 1630. Feb. 14, 1637. Jan. 23, 1649. Aug.26, 1637. Mar.i7, 1627. Nov.iS, 1651. July i, 1631. Aug. i, 1638. Aug.27, 1631. July 14, 1646. Jun. 6, 1637. , 1631. Chadwick, Jacobus, Norland, par. Ealand, Caveat, fol. 146, Pontefract. Chadwicke, Geffrey, Norland, fol. 41, Pontefract. , George, Healey, co. Lane., fol. 17, Prerogative. , Nathaniel, le Hill in Warley, fol. 260, Prerogative. , Thomas, Rotheram, fol. 524, Doncaster. Challengs, Robert, Cossall, fol. 85, Nottingham. Challon, Robert, Laxton, Nottingham. Chalmer, Elizabeth and Ann, daus. of Geo. C. of Blith, dec., tui., fol. 311, Newark. Chamber, Robert, Woolsey Castle, co. Cumb., fol. 270, Prerogative. Chamberlaine, Edward, Cawthorne, fol. 107, Ridall. , Richard, Cortlingstocke, fol. in, Nottingham. Chamberlane, Francis, Cawthorne, fol. 137, Ridall. Chambers, Dorothy, Wheldrake, fol. 81, Buhner. Elizabeth, Marneham, fol. 305, Newark. John, Thorner, fol. 153, Ainsty. John, Warsopp, fol. 231, Retford. Robert, Compton, par. Collingham, fol. 170, Ainsty. Robert, Woolsey, co. Cumb., fol. 260, Prerogative. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 239, Holderness. William, Osgodby, fol. 353, Dickering. Chamley Francis, Wetherby, par. Spofforth, Caveat, fol. 219, Ainsty. William, Langbar, fol. 377, Craven. Chance, William, New Malton, fol. 192, Ridall. Chaplin, John, Elloughton, fol. 54, Harthill. Chaplin, Robert, Santon, fol. 46, Harthill. Chapman, Alexander, Eastmarkham, fol. 216, Retford. Ann, Flaxton, fol. 64, Buhner. Ann, Walton, Harthill. Ellen, Sheffeild, fol. 424, Doncaster. Frances, Danby super Wiske, fol. 242, Prerogative. Henry, par. Whitbie, fol. 260, Cleveland. Humphrey, Sturton, Retford. John, Cranswicke, fol. 91, Harthill. John, Leith, fol. 243, Cleveland. John, Staithes, fol. 321, Cleveland. John, Ormsby. fol. 203, Cleveland. John and Isabell, Whitby, fol. 310, Cleveland. Leonard, Kirckleventon, fol. 267, Cleveland. Marmaduke, Stanghowe, fol. 272, Cleveland. Mary, daur. of Nich. C. of Newton, dec., tui., fol. 197, Cleveland. Matthew, Scarbrough, fol. 3541, Dickering. Meriol. Hutton juxta Rudby, fol. 243, Cleveland. Nicholas, Uplethom, fol. 308, Cleveland. Percivall, Wassam, fol. 201, Holdtrness. Peter, Winstead, Holderness. Richard, son of Rich. C. of Bradford, dec., tui., fol. 25, Pontefract. Richard, Askham Brian, fol. 172, Prerogative. Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 39, Harthill. Robert, Stanghow, fol. 230, Cleveland. Thomas, Norton, fol. 208, Retford. Thomas, Redcar, fol. 315, Cleveland. William, Burniston, fol. 481, Dickering. William, Hallifax, fol. 361, Pontefract. William, Kirkeby Moreside, fol. 133, Ridall. William, Lockton, fol. 235, Cleveland. William, Stanghowe, fol. 267, Cleveland. William, Sutton subter Whitstoncliffe, fol. 92, Bulmer. ah. Machon, Alice, Sheffeild, Caveat, fol. 488, Doncaster. Oct. 13, 1647. Chappell Robert, Darnall, fol. 468, Doncaster. Robert, Kirkeburton, fol. 352, Pontefract. Thomas, Mary, Ann, chdn. of Tho. C. of Thribargh, dec., tui., fol. 508, Doncaster. , William, Newarke super Trent, Newark. APPENDIX. Mar.ao, 1633. Feb. 15, 1627. Apl. 22, 1635. July 22, 1635. Jun. 10, 1636. Feb.i6, 1636. July , 1640. Aug. 2, 1632. Jun. 18, 1630. Feb. i, 1638. Feb. 17, 1652. Jun. 30, 1647. Feb. 10, 1628. Oct. 6, 1629. Apl. 20, 1646. May 8, 1628. Jan. 20, 1648. Oct. 4, 1637. Sep. 8, 1646. May 22, 1645. Jun. 17, 1637. Apl. 23, 1632. Nov. 7, 1640. July ii, 1639. Sep. 30, 1630. Apl. 18, 1631. Mar.ii, 1644. Aug. 4, 1631. Oct. i, 1635. July 25, 1639. Mar. 3, 1630. May i, 1634. Apl. i, 1636. Oct. 9, 1638. Apl. 23, 1629. Jan. 25, 1641. Sep. 5, 1628. Feb. 19, 1632. May 5, 1634. Jan. 16, 1648* Jan. 14, 1633. Feb. 4, 1629. Feb. 13, 1639. Dec. 3, 1635. Dec. 23, 1648. Sep. 29, 1631. July 27, 1632. Nov.2o, 1645. Nov. 20, 1645. Apl. 19, 1638. Feb. 7, 1637. Dec. 16, 1630. Dec. 29, 1636. Oct. 22, 1632. Dec. 18, 1635. May 1 8, 1639. May 5, 1636. Apl. 6, 1638. Oct. 2, 1639. Jan. 31, 1639. Jun. 28, 1638. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 15, 1630. Chappelowe, Ambrose, Beverley, fol. 37, Harthill. , Thomas, Goodmanham, Harthill. Charitie, Hugh, Orston, fol. 100, Nottingham. Charlesworth, Elizabeth, par. Almonburie, fol. 202, Pontefract. , Godfrey, Hollingrave, par. Kirkburton, fol. 327, Pontefract. , John, Kirkheaton, fol. 345, Pontefract. , Mary, par. Almonbury, fol. 2, Pontefract. , Robert, par. Darton, fol. 519, Doncaster. , Roger, Rotherham, fol. 481, Doncaster. , Richard, Darrington, fol. 392, Pontefract. , Thomas, Almonbury, fol. 356, Pontefract. , Thomas, Workesopp, Retford. Charleton, William, Thurgarton, fol. 49, Nottingham. Chatt, Henry, Aldbrough, Holderness. Chatterton, Robert, Augerington, co. Lane., fol. 22, Prerogative. Chauner, Elizabeth, Claworth, fol. 191, Retford. , William, Chauworth, Retford. Chaworth, Gartrude, Harthill, fol, 625, Doncaster. , George, Vincunt, late of Ansley, Nottingham. , John, Armaugh, Notts., Newark. Cheeseman, William, Lastingham, fol. 187, Ridall. Cherrie, John, Preston, fol. 155, Holderness. Chester, Dionisius, Rossington, fol. 277, Retford. , Joan, Hatefeild, fol. 657, Doncaster. , Richard, Haitefeild, fol. 500, Doncaster. Chetam, Thomas, Godley, par. Motteram, Caveat, fol. 77, Prerogative. Chetham, Ann, Heptonstall, fol. 45, Pontefract. Child, George, Badsworth, fol. 488, Doncaster. , Isaac, John and Joseph, sons of Isaac C., par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 307, Pontefract. Robert, Cayton, fol. 346, Dickering. Robert, Sulkholme, fol. 210, Retford. Simon, Rolston, fol. 339, Newark. Thomas, Sikehouse, par. Fishlake, fol. 590, Doncaster. William, Great Tilts, fol. 640, Doncaster. William, Wakefeild, fol. 53, Pontefract. Childers, Ann, dr. of Will. C. of Doncaster, dec., tui., fols. 426, 438, Doncaster. , Hugh, dr. of Will. C. of Doncaster, dec., tui., fol. 453, Doncaster. Chimley, Dorathy, Riston, fol. 160, Holderness. Robert, Sherborne, fol. 259, Buckrose. Chippen, Michael, Knayton, gentleman, fol. 51, Prerogative. Chippendale, William, Wighton, fol. 191, Ainsty. Cholmeley, Marmaduke, esq., fol. 37, Buhner. Cholmley, John, Marishes, fol. 202, Ridall. , Marmaduke, Bransbie, effects unadministered, fol. 77, Buhner. , John, Brayham, fol. 50, Prerogative. Chomley, Sir Rich., Whitby, kt., fol. 272, Cleveland. , Thomas, Brandsbie, fol. 56, Buhner. Chorlton, Samuel, Manchester, fol. 12, Prerogative. , Timothy, Manchester, fol. n, Prerogative. Choyse, Robert, Austerfeild, fol. 257, Retford. Christenwhite, Robert, Wynestead, fol. 199, Holderness. Claghton, Josias, son of Joh. C. of Rawden, dec., tui., fol. 153, Ainsty. Claiton, Ralph, Himsworth, fol. 605, Doncaster. , William, Okenshay, esq., fol. 490, Doncaster. Clapan, Isabel, Epley, fol. 453, Craven. Clapham, Josias, York, merchant, fol. 69, City. , Richard, Burnesall, fol. 459, Craven. Clare, Sir John Hollis, Earl of, fol. 256, Retford. Clark, Rachael, Ottringham, fol. 209, Holderness. Clarke, Agnes, Horton, fol. 528, Craven. , Alice, dr. of Joh. of Beverley, dec., tui., fol. So, Harthill. , Ann, Gisburne, fol. 344, Craven. , Brian, Welbury, fol. 257, Cleveland. I 3 2 APPENDIX. Apl. 23, 1629. Clarke, Dorothy, Huton juxta Gisbrough, fol. 249, Cleveland. , Jan. 31, 1641. Edmund, Duggleby, par. Kirbygrundelay, fol. 271, Buckrose. Oct. 12, 1637. Edward, Colston Basset, fol. 117, Nottingham. Nov.io, 1636. Edward, Litle Gringley, fol. 246, Retford. Feb. 10, 1646. Elizabeth, East Stoke, Newark. Dec. 22, 1628. Francis, son of Ralph C. of Bishopthorpe, fol. 128, Ainsty. May 4, 1650. Francis, Huton, fol. 232, Cleveland. Apl. 18, 1637. George, Ribchester, co. Lane., fol. 159, Prerogative. Jan. 15, 1647. George, Stapleford, Nottingham. Nov. 7, 1633. George, York, fol. 31, City. May 26, 1650. Gilbert, Bleasby, Newark. May 15, 1650. Gilbert, Somersall, fol. 527, Doncaster. Oct. 7, 1630. Gregory, Radforth, fol. 207, Retford. Oct. 20, 1650. Henry, Flawborrow, Nottingham. May 15, 1638. Henry, Hessle, fol. 77, Harthill. Jan. 12, 1642. Henry, Thornton, fol. 8, Bulmer. May 9, 1633. - Jane, dr. of Rob. C. of Bridlington, dec., fol. 313, Dickering. Feb. 22, 1630. - Jacobus, son of John C. of Roos, dec., tui., fol. 143, Holderness. July 7, 1638. Jacobus, Ugthorpe, fol. 318, Cleveland. Nov.22, 1637. John, Cottingham, fol. 74, Harthill. Sep. n, 1628. John, Holme super le Wolde, Harthill. Apl. 23, 1629. John, Kilton, fol. 248, Cleveland. July 24, 1629. John, Pontefract, fol. 59, Pontefract. Dec. 2, 1630. John, South Kirke, par. Philliskirke, fol. 43, Bulmer. Aug. 3, 1636. John, Teethbie, fol. no, Nottingham. Dec. 20, 1634. Judith, Habton Parva, widow, fol. 169, Ridall. Apl. 19, 1638. Katherine, Gonalston, fol. 123, Nottingham. Oct. 3, 1633. Katherine, Stoxley, fol. 287, Cleveland. May 15, 1645. Mabel, Hesle, fol. 239, Holderness. May 9, 1633. Margaret, Bridlington, fol. 313, Dickering. Aug.i6, 1637. Matthew, New Malton, fol. 187, Ridall. Jun. 22, 1629. Michael, Helloly, fol. 469, Doncaster. July 30, 1631. Miles, Newarke super Trent, fol. 326, Newark. July 3, 1640. Peter, Bempton, fol. 351, Dickering. Jan. 14, 1649. Ralph, Ryehill, fol. 229, Cleveland. Oct. 6, 1631. Richard, Fairebarne, fol. 160, Ainsty. Aug. 2, 1638. Richard, Rowsby, fol. 319, Cleveland. Jun. 23, 1632. Robert, Anleby, fol. 22, Harthill. Apl. 18, 1639. Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 87, Harthill. Jun. 23, 1629. Robert, Seaton, Harthill. Nov.27, 1630. Samuel, City of London, fol. 61, Nottingham. Aug.2i, 1647. Thomas, Beverley, fol. 17, Harthill. Dec. 19, 1627. Thomas, Everingham, Harthill. Aug.24, 1649. Thomas, son of Fras. C. of Huton Lockris, fol. 228, Cleveland. Sep. 17, 1632. Thomas, Newton, fol. 395, Ripon, Craven. Sep. 21, 1629. Thomas, Newton in Bolland, fol. 352, Craven. Aug. i, 1636. Thomas, New Malton, fol. 180, Ridall. Feb.2i, 1633. Thomas, son of Rich. C. of Rilston, dec., tui., fol. 411, Craven. Mar. i, 1648. Thomas, Runswicke, fol. 224., Cleveland. Oct. 2, 1634. Thomas, Seaton, fol. 44, Harthill. May i, 1634. Thomas, Selston, fol. 90, Nottingham. Feb. 15, 1637. Walter, Cotgrave, fol. 120, Nottingham. May 10, 1636. - William, Aston, fol. 594, Doncaster. Oct. 16, 1639. William, Fyley, fol. 347, Dickering. Aug.29, 1639. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 91, Harthill. Sep. 18, 1633. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 33, Harthill. July 25, 1637. William, Nottingham, sopeboyler, fol. 116, Nottingham. Feb. 9, 1638. William, Orston, fol. 130, Nottingham. Jun. 19, 1648. William, Scarbrough, fol. 473, Dickering. Jan. 29, 1633. William, Skarbrough, fol. 316, Dickering. Apl. 4, 1651. als. Crave, Mary, Swanland, fol. 52, Harthill. May 13, 1640. als. Ripley, Thomas, Rilston, par. Burnsall, fol. 534, Craven. Dec. 3, 1638. a/5. Wilson, Isabel!, Goosemireheight, fol. 512, Craven. Mar. i, 1632. Clarkeson, Robert, son of Rob. C. of Badfeild, dec., tui., fol. 133, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 133 Oct. 8, 1640. Clarkeson, William, par. Blyth, fol. 275, Retford. Mar.20, 1636. Clarkson, Edward, Baildon, fol. 249, Ainsty. , Edward, Burstall, fol. 109, Pontefract. , Elizabeth, Thorgonby, fol. 76, Bulmer. , George, Ryehill, par. Wragby, fol. 134, Pontefract. , Jacobus, Skipwith, fol. 155 Prerogative. , John, Hunnonby, fol. 302, Dickering. , Margaret, a minor, Elvington, fol. 70, Bulmer. , William, son of Rog., dec., and Ann C., tui., fol. 79, Buhner. Dec. i, 1647. Nov.27, 1635. Mar.29, 1633. Jan. 26, 1636. Mar. i, 1630. Dec. 12, 1634. May 5, 1636. May 4, 1637. Mar. 5, 1638. Jun. 19, 1640. Oct. 23, 1634. Mar. 2, 1647. Jun. 22, 1648. Apl. 14, 1635. Clater, John", Bingham, fol. 113, Nottingham. Claxton, Samuel, Hutonbushell, fol. 197, Ridall. , Thomas, Fencot, par. Kirkby Fleetham, fol. 210, Prerogative. Clay, Ann, dr. of Luke C. of Halifax, dec., tui., fol. 182, Pontefract. , Elizabeth, Bramcoate, Nottingham. , George, Nether Linley, par. Huddersfeild, fol. 121, Pontefract. -, George, VVarley, fol. 195, Pontefract. Feb.penult.,i646. , John, junr., Clayhouse, fol. 93, Pontefract. 1649. i, 1628. 1642. May i, 1634. Aug.io, 1642. Aug. 6, 1652. Jun. 17, 1641. Jan. 14, 1649. Jan. 24, 1647. July 14, 1635. Nov.i6, 1648. Oct. 4, 1632. July 27, 1652. Aug. 3, 1637. May 8, 1633. Oct. n, 1636. Aug.i2, 1631. Feb.ult.,i636. July 17, 1629. May 1 1, 1640. Jan. 16, 1639. July 14, 1645. Dec. ii, 1649. Dec. ii May Oct. Oct. 9, 1634. Jun. 29, 1640. Jan. 18, 1639. Apl. 22, 1630. Nov.2o, 1632. Feb. 9, 1638. May 9, 1631. Feb. 5, 1632. Jun. 6, 1649. Oct. 10, 1639. Apl. 21, 1635. Dec.27, 1644. July 26, 1647. May 3, 1633. Feb. 24, 1640. Apl. 30, 1630. Aug.ig, 1641. Apl. 7, 1627. Mar.28, 1649. Nov.2o, 1645. Apl. 28, 1636. July 9, 1640. Mar. 20, 1640. Oct. 14, 1635. -, Michael, Fledborrowe, fol. 340, Newark. -, Phoebe, dr. of John C., par. Hallifax, dec. tui., fol. 27, Pontefract. -, William, Ellinthorpe, Newark. Clayton, Andrew, Barley, co. Darbie, fol. 436, Doncaster. Ann, dr. of Tho. C. of Thornhill, dec., tui., fol. 340, Pontefract. Giles, clerk, curate of Cole)', fol. in, Pontefract. John, Himsworth, fol. 578, Doncaster. John, son of Tho. C., par. Thornhill, dec., tui., fol. 124, Pontefract. Margaret, Sandall, widow, fol. 522, Duncaster. Matthew, Nether Shitlington, fol. 355, Pontefract. Ralph, Clayton, fol. 619, Doncaster. Ralph, Greenefould, fol. 408, Craven. Thomas, Clayton, fol. 603, Doncaster. William, Okenshay, par. Crofton, Caveat, fol. 94, Pontefract. als. Archer, Jane, Elksley, fol. 124, Nottingham. Cleaton, George, Northwheatley, fol. 199, Retford. Clement, John, Newton Morrell, par. Barton, fol. 2ogrt, Prerogative. Clerke, John, York, fol. 74, City. , Peter, Westowe, fol. 274, Buckrose. -, Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 41, Harthill. , Stephen, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 41, Harthill. , Thomas, par. Thornehill, fol. 33, Pontefract. -, William, Newton super Darwent, fol. 107, Harthill. Cleton, John, Worksopp, fol. 235, Retford. Cleveland, Francis, Eskrigg, fol. 108, Bulmer. , John, Sutton upon Darwent, fol. 95, Harthill. Clife, Ann, Orston, fol. 60, Nottingham. Cliffe, Ann, Brighton, widow, fol. 27, Harthill. Elizabeth, Cotgrave, fol. 131, Nottingham. Jacobus, Bashall, Caveat, fol. 371, Craven and fol. 77, Prerogative. John, East Cottonwith, fol. 27, Harthill. Matthew, Hesle, fol. 38, Harthill. Robert, Flintham, fol. 138, Nottingham. Thomas, Harthill, fol. 574, Doncaster. Clifford, William, New Malton, fol. 86, Ridall. Clifton Dorathy, daur. of Hen. C. of Yarom, dec., tui., fol. 214, Cleveland. Henry, Yarom, fol. 276, Cleveland. Nicholas, Yarom, fol. 336, Cleveland. Thomas, Bawtree, fol. 204, Retford. William, Bingham, Nottingham. Clinte, Richard, Kirkebie Overblowes, fol. 315, Craven. Clitheroe, Thomas, Cathedral Close, York, gentleman, fol. 54, Prerogative. Clitherow, Richard, Clifton, co. Lane., fol. 12, Prerogative. Cliverger, William, Gisburne, fol. 460, Craven. Clough, Barbara, Sowerby, fol. 109, Bulmer. , Clifton, York, fol. 79, City. , Jacobus, Roundhey, fol. 217, Ainsty. 134 APPENDIX. Mar.i4, 1638. Clough, Martin, Winmorehead, par. Barwicke in Ellmit, fol. 286, Ainsty. July 12, 1637. Cloughe, Lawrence, Broughton, fol. 485, Craven. May i, 1628. Clynse(?), Margaret, Newton, fol. 327, Craven. Jun. 30, 1647. Coapeland, Thomas, Tarworth, Retford. July 8, 1631. Coates, Ann, Normanton, fol. 95, Pontefract. Oct. 2, 1634. , Anthony, Hutton near Rudby, fol. 293, Cleveland. Apl. 12, 1638. , Elizabeth, Egton, fol. 316, Cleveland. July 17, 1629. , George, Carleton,.fol. 349, Craven. July 9, 1641. , George, Thornton in Fabis, par. N. Ottrington, fol. 233, Prerogative. Dec. 2, 1635. , John, son of Dionisius C., par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 310, Pontefract. Aug. 7, 1628. , John, Suerby, Dickering. Feb. 20, 1643. , Mary, New Malton, fol. 85, Ridall. Feb. 24, 1640. , Richard, Apleton super Wiske, fol. 336, Cleveland. Oct. 2, 1634. , Richard, par. Gisbrough, fol. 294, Cleveland. Sep. 9, 1637. , Richard, Leedes, Caveat, fol. 261, Ainsty. Dec. 17, 1635. , Richard, Malton, fol. 176, Ridall. Mar. 19, 1646. , Thomas, Bilsdale, fol. 95, Ridall. Oct. 9, 1637. > Thomas, York, fol. 61, City. Jan. 22, 1633. , William, Swinton, fol. 164, Ridall. May3i, 1632. , Xpofer, Hallifax, fol. 112, Pontefract. Apl. 3, 1649. als. Driffeild, Mary, Cottingwith, grant to Joh. C., husband, fol. 34, Harthill. Feb. 16, 1646. Coatesworth, Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 10, Harthill. Apl. 26, 1650. , Hannah, dr. of Tho. C. of Hull, dec., tui., fol. 46, Harthill. Feb. 19, 1632. Cobb, Peter, Swine, fol. 161, Holderness. Dec. 17, 1637. Cobbe, Gregory, Norton, par. Cuckney, fol. 254, Retford. Mar. I, 1637. Mary, Norton, fol. 256, Retford. Mar. 3, 1630. Cobstake, John, Sutton super Lound, fol. 210, Retford. Mar.26, 1646. Cockcroft, Henry, William, Sarah, and Judith, chdn. of Will. C. of Mayroyd, dec., tui., fol. 67, Pontefract. Aug.i6, 1629. , Mary, Ovenden, dr. of Hen. C., dec., caveat agst. tui., fol. 56, Pontefract. Aug.26, 1637. Cockcrofte, Gregory, son of Rich. C. of Streegape, dec., tui., fol. 362, Ponte- fract. Aug.24, 1646. , Henry, Mary, and William, chdn., of Hen. C. of Burlees, dec., tui., fol. 79, Pontefract. Dec. 15, 1641. Cocke, Ann, Pontefract, fol. 20, Pontefract. Dec. 27, 1633. John, Flockton Parva, fol. 531, Doncaster. Mar. 2, 1647. Patricius, Newthorpe, Nottingham. Jun. 3, 1652. Raiph, Ottringham, fol. 261, Holderness. July 10, 1649. Richard, Magna Ayton, fol. 227, Cleveland. Jan. 2, 1639. Robert, Skidbie, fol. 93, Harthill. Apl. 23, 1632. Thomas, Pattrington, fol. 154, Holderness. Feb. 5, 1633. Thomas, Teethbie, fol. 89, Nottingham. May 29, 1647. William, Carcoulston, Nottingham. May 7, 1639. Cockell, Thomas, Cawthorne, fol. 652, Doncaster. Jan. 10, 1630. Cocken, Allan, Arkesley, fol. 502, Doncaster. July 12, 1631. Cocker als. Crofte, Cicillia, Gornersall, Caveat, fol. 94, Pontefract. Mar. 9, 1640. als. Eaton, George, son of Rob. E. of Babbington Moore, dec., tui., fol. 147, Nottingham. Jun. 9, 1649. Cockerel!, Elizabeth, Thomasin, and Bridget, sprs., Hollings, par. Whitby, fol. 227, Cleveland. Aug. 29, 1635. , George, Stakesbie, gent., fol. 299, Cleveland. Jun. 3, 1647. Cockerill, Henry, Goadlandend, fol. 213, Cleveland. Jun. 10, 1630. Cockhead, Henry, Eastby, fol. 362, Craven. Apl. 6, 1638. Cockhill, Richard, Middle Shitlington, fol. 373, Pontefract. Mar.i5, 1647. Cockin, William, Arksey, fol. 504, Doncaster. Oct. 10, 1633. Cockine, William, Gedling, fol. 86, Nottingham. Jan. 24, 1638. Cocking, John, Skekling. fol. 205, Holderness. Aug. 3, 1636. Cockle, Alexander, Teethbie, fol. 109, Nottingham Jun. 29, 1649. Cockrell, John, Broxa, fol. 478, Dickering. Jun. 29, 1631. Cockrill, Richard, Broxey, fol. 304, Dickering. Sep. 25, 1640. , William and Christian, chdn. of Tho. C. of Litlebeck, par. Whitbie, dec., tui., fol. 333, Cleveland. APPENDIX. 135 Jan. 28, 1629. Cockrill ah. Lenge, Mary, Broughton, fol. 255, Cleveland. Jan. 3, 1630. Cockrom, Ralph, Midleton, par. Rothwell, Caveat, fol. 77, Pontefract. July 10, 1635. Cockshott, Edmund, Bradley, par. Kildwicke, fol. 451, Craven. Mar.n, 1635. Cockson als. Mitchell, Agnes, Parlington, fol. 230, Ainsty. May 5, 1648. Coe, Robert, Orston, Nottingham. Oct. 10, 1639. Cogges, Humphrey, Nottingham, fol. 138, Nottingham. Apl. 27, 1647. Colbecke, Jacobus, Ripley, fol. 35, Prerogative. Jun. 27, 1634. , Thomas, Catebeeston, fol. 197, Ainsty. Apl. 10, 1638. Colbie, Ellen and Mary, Newhall, fol. 177, Prerogative. Aug. 23, 1647. Colclough, Sampson, Nottingham, Nottingham. Oct. 10, 1650. Coldcole, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. May i, 1634. Coldwell, Godfrey, Kirton, fol. 340, Newark. Mar. 28, 1628. Cole, Elizabeth, Thorpbassett, Buckrose. Mar. 13, 1632. , Frances, wid. of Will. C., par. Egton, fol. 276, Cleveland. Sep. 16, 1642. , William, Hutton Cranswicke, fol. 118, Harthill. Sep. 24, 1647. Colebrand, John, Newhall Grainge, fol. 488, Doncaster. Aug.20, 1640. Colecole, William, son of Rob. C. of Hull, dec., tui., fol. 109, Harthill. Jan. 19, 1645. Colesvvorth, Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 133, Harthill. Jan. 5, 1648. Colgrave, Thomas, Winthorp, Newark. Nov. 9, 1638. Colier, Ralph, Topcliffe, fol. 64, Bulmer. Aug. 7, 1637. Collet, Edward, Leedes, fol. 259, Ainsty. Sep. 27, 1639. Collet, Mary, dr. of Ed. C., par. Leedes, dec., tui., fol. 404, Pontefract. Feb. 13, 1636. Colley, Thomas, Pontefract, fol. 340, Pontefract. May 12, 1635. Collie, Richard, Smeaton, fol. 187, Pontefract. Oct. i, 1630. , Thomas, Smeaton, fol. 72, Pontefract. Feb. 18, 1634. Collier, Alice, Bewerley, widow, Caveat, fol. 439, Craven. May3i, 1636. , George and Ann, Bishopmounckton, fol. 465, Craven. July n, 1632. , Geffrey, York, fol. 22, City. Apl. 5, 1642. Collin, Elizabeth, Scarbrough, fol. 354, Dickering. Feb. 19, 1632. , Gregory, Button, fol. 161, Holderness. Jun. 29, 1638. , Richard, Suffeild, fol. 342, Dickering. May 5, 1647. Colling, Francis, Newby, fol. 466, Dickering. Mar.28, 1^39. Collinson, Elizabeth, Beverley, fol. 87, Harthill. Mar.24, 1648. , Jacobus, Wibsey, fol. 128, Pontefract. Apl. 13, 1640. , John, Bridlington, fol. 350, Dickering. Aug. u, 1627. , Leake, Nottingham, fol. 36, Nottingham. Mar.22, 1631. , Thomas, Worsbrough, fol. 503, Doncaster. Sep. 15, 1641. Collis, John, Feliskirke, fol. i, Bulmer. Feb. i, 1637. Collison, Thomas, Kelfeild, fol. 89, Bulmer. Aug. 4, 1631. Collit, Elizabeth, par. Arksey, fol. 488, Doncaster. July 31, 1638. Collman, Lancelot, Preston, fol. 202, Holderness. July 15, 1646. Collyer, Ruth, dr. of Jerem. W. of Bradford, dec., tui., fol. 77, Pontefract. Aug. 4, 1636. , Thomas, Topcliffe, fol. 81, Bulmer. May 12, 1641. Collyson, Marmaduke, Beverley, fol. 115, Harthill. Nov.2O, 1644. Colman, Issabel, Preston, fol. 234, Holderness. Oct. 16, 1634. - , John, son of Geo. C. of Bilton, dec., tui., fol. 179, Holderness. Oct. 16, 1651. , Lancelot, Preston, fol. 259, Holderness. Nov. 3, 1646. , Lancelot and Issabel, drs. of Pet. C. of Preston, dec., tui., fol. 215, Holderness. May 3, 1645. Colson, Gawin, Brompton, fol. 87, Ridall. Oct. i, 1630. , George, Swyne, fol. 140, Holderness. Jan. 23, 1633. , Henry, Brockhole, par. Cantley, fol. 544, Doncaster. Feb. 4, 1639. , Lawrence, Royal Hill, dioc. York, fol. 329, Cleveland. Sep. 3, 1631. , Reginald, Aldbrough, fol. 148, Holderness. May 9, 1633. , Robert, Whayworth, fol. 283, Cleveland. Jan. 23, 1633. > Thomas, Doncaster, fol. 544, Doncaster. July 25, 1639. , Thomas, Hardwicke, fol. 346, Dickering. Apl. 23, 1632. Coltard, Robert, Swine, fol. 155, Holderness. Oct. 8, 1635. Colthirst, Anthony, Wapley, fol. 302, Cleveland. Aug. 3, 1639. , Edward, Grindleton, fol. 522, Craven. Aug.i7, 1631. , Ellen, Bashall, fol. 380, Craven. Nov. 5, 1647. Colthouse, Leonard, Rosedaile, fol. 100, Ridall. Dec. 30, 1628. Colthourst, Edward, Towton, fol. 134, Ainsty. Jun. 19, 1628. Coltman, Roger, Wrelton, fol. 137, Ridall. 136 APPENDIX. Oct. 7, 1630. Colton, Elizabeth, dau. of And. C. of South Leverton, dec., tui., fol. 207, Retford. Oct. 3, 1633. , Francis, Collingham, fol. 189, Ainsty. Apl. 15, 1629. , William, Starbottom, fol. 346, Craven. Oct. 4, 1632. Coitus, Elizabeth, Locketon, fol. 155, Ridall. July 12, 1631. Comendayle, Christopher, Hornsey, fol. 146, Holderness. Oct. I, 1628. Con, John, Ottringham, Holderness. Oct. 4, 1638. Conn, William, Knapton, fol. 267, Buckrose. Nov. 3, 1637. Consett, William, Rickall, Caveat, fol. 170, Prerogative. Aug. i, 1633. Consitt, Thomas, Riccall, fol. 105, Prerogative. Sep. i, 1642. Constable, Ann, Danby super Wiske, fol. 251, Prerogative. July 31, 1645. Dorothy, Newbald, fol. 127, Harthill. Oct. 6, 1637. Francis, Thorpe, gentleman, fol. 72, Harthill. Mar.26, 1640. Herbert, Shereburn and May 15, fol. 268, Buckrose. July 15, 1647. Jacobus, Beverley, fol. 17, Harthill. July 9, 1629. John, Marmaduke, Mary, chdn. of Marm. C., par. Ayton, dec., Caveat, fol. 245, Cleveland. Nov.22, 1631. John, Cathorpp, esq., fol. 308, Dickering. Sep. 7, 1652. John, Newbuildinge, gentleman, fol. 45, Buhner. Sep. 6, 1632. - Sir Marmaduke, Everingham, kt., fol. 27, Harthill. Sep. 16, 1630. Marmaduke, Northcliffe, esq., fol. 6, Harthill. Oct. 27, 1647. Margery, Woodhouse, fol. 21, Harthill. Mar.22, 1637. Robert, North Cliflfe, fol. 73, Harthill. July 28, 1640. Robert, Rymswell, fol. 216, Holderness. Dec. 27, 1643. Sidney and Ann, chdn. of Eliz. C. of Scarbrough, dec., tui. to Sidney C., father, fol. 3541, Dickering. Nov.i6, 1640. , Thomas, Filingdailes, fol. 335, Cleveland. July 9, 1641. Conyers, Darcy, Holtby, par. Hornby, esq., fol. 245, Prerogative. NOV.II, 1641. , George, Scarbrough, fol. 351*1, Dickering. Jan. 27, 1635. , John, New Malton, fol. 178, Ridall. Mar. 21, 1639. , Robert, Bowlby, esq., fol. 327, Cleveland. Aug. 2, 1633. Cooke, Adam, clerk, curate of Leedes, fol. 180, Ainsty. Oct. 2, 1639. Ann, Stoneferry, fol. 209, Holderness. Apl. 20, 1643. Ann, Thirkelbye, fol. n, Bulmer. Jun. 12, 1633. Ann and Nathaniel, chdn. of Will. C. of Thome, dec., fol. 536, Don- caster. Mar.2o, 1636. Christofer, Adingham, fol. 472, Craven. Jan. 22, 1632. Christopher, Sheriffhutton, fol. 59, Bulmer. May it, 1635. Christopher, Stainforth, fol. 455, Craven. Apl. 22, 1640. Edward, Easington, fol. 212, Holderness. Jan. 28, 1649. Edward, senior, Fishlake, fol. 524, Doncaster. Oct. 16, 1632. Edward, York, fol. 92, Prerogative. Dec.29, 1648. Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 30, Harthill. Sep. 16, 1629. Elizabeth, Sutton super Darwent, Harthill. Apl. 5, 1642. Ellicia, Hacknes, fol. 354, Dickering. Aug.i4, 1628. Francis, Toton, fol. 44, Nottingham. Apl. i, 1630. George, Durham, fol. 71, Prerogative. Nov.29, 1630. George, Egton, fol. 262, Cleveland. Sep. 7, 1636. Henry, Aislabie, fol. 306, Cleveland. Oct. 18, 1636. Henry, Aislaby, fol. 308, Cleveland. Sep. 24, 1634. Henry, Sneaton, fol. 292, Cleveland. Mar.2g, 1638. Jacobus, York, fol. 62, City. Apl. 24, 1634. Jane, Egton, widow, fol. 291, Cleveland. May2O, 1646. John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 6, Harthill. Aug.22, 1648. John, Ottringham, fol. 240, Holderness. Sep. 28, 1646. John, Welwicke, fol. 213, Holderness. Feb. 7, 1636. Lawrence, Snainton in Pickeringlyth, fol. 183, Ridall. May 23, 1629. Marmaduke, Witherensey, Holderness. Oct. 16, 1637. Mary, Gomersall, fol. 359, Pontefract. May 3, 1642. Mary, dr. of Tho. Cooke of Tickhill, dec., tui., fol. 443, Doncaster. Jun. 29, 1632. Matthew, Scarbrough, fol. 308, Dickering. May 14, 1631. Matthew, York, taylor, fol. 14, City. Apl. 18, 1631. Michael, Wold Newton, fol. 303, Dickering. Apl. 17, 1649. Ralph, Winthorpe, Newark. APPENDIX. '37 Jan. 9, 1632. Oct. 23, 1629. Oct. 5, 1629. Apl. 3, 1630. May 10, 1636. Aug.2o, 1649. Oct. i, 1635. Feb. 9, 1638. Oct. 7, 1641. Feb. 27, 1629. May 4, 1637. May 9, 1633. Aug.23, 1650. Jan. 21, 1638. Oct. 3, 1633. Oct. 8, 1640. Oct. 8, 1640. Mar.i7, 1645. Jan. 8, 1643. Aug.iS, 1642. Jan. 28, 1641. July 21, 1635. Feb. 7, 1633. Oct. 7, 1630. Jun. 13, 1649. Apl. 22, 1630. Apl. 22, 1635. May 9, 1639. Apl. 23, 162,9. Mar. 15, 1635. Oct. 23, 1634. Aug. 2, 1632. Nov. 5, 1632. Oct. 6, 1647. Aug. 2, 1638. Sep. 14, 1648. Mar. 2, 1632. Apl. 27, 1638. Apl. 14, 1635. Sep. 14, 1648. Jan. 15, 1646. July 29, 1640. May 4, 1638. Nov. 19, 1644. Oct. ii, 1638. Feb. 26, 1634. Apl. 26, 1632. July 23, 1644. Oct. 8, 1640. Apl. 20, 1640. May 4, 1638. May 5, 1636. Nov.ig, 1629. Oct. 9, 1646. Jun. 27, 1649. Dec. ii, 1647. May 10, 1636. Apl. 18, 1632. Apl. 22, 1640. Oct. 3, 1633. Aug. 2, 1638. Aug.28, 1635. Cooke, Robert, Eastretfoord, fol. 224, Retford. Robert, Molesby, fol. 37, Buhner. Robert, Molesby, par. Stillington, gent., Caveat, fol. 62, Prerogative. Robert, Newcastle upon Tyne, fol. 71, Prerogative. Robert, Stoneferry, fol. 190, Holderness. Rosamund, Bradford, fol. 136, Pontefract. Rowland, par. Pontefract, fol. 307, Pontefract. Thomas, Chilwell, fol. 131, Nottingham. Thomas, East Markham, Retford. Thomas, Houghton, co., Leicester, fol. 58, Nottingham. Thomas, Warsopp, fol. 250, Retford. William, Coxwold, fol. 61, Buhner. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 48, Harthill. Cookeson, Henry, London, fol. 193, Prerogative. , Robert, Settle, fol. 420, Craven. Coope, Thomas, Warsopp, fol. 275, Retford. Cooper, Charles, Everton, fol. 275, Retford. Francis, Sandsend, fol. 205, Cleveland. John, Pontefract, fol. 37, Pontefract. John, Sandsend, fol. 195, Cleveland. John, York, to Rich, and Ambr. C. of Coleshill, co. Warwick, fol. 438, Doncaster. Margaret, Sturton, fol. 239, Retford. Martin, Staithes, fol. 288, Cleveland. Mary, Farndon, fol. 320, Newark. Richard, East Markham, Retford. Thomas, son of Tho. C. of East Retford, dec., tui., fol. 203, Retford. ah. Bingham, Mary, dau. of Tho. B., ah. C. of E. Retford, dec., tui., fol. 237, Retford. ah. Halley, Jacobus, Hauton juxta Newark, fol. 361, Newark. Cootes, Godfrey, Sprotbroughe, fol. 464, Doncaster. Copeland, Henry, Shereburn, fol. 233, Ainsty. Copland, Ellen, par. Wakefeild, fol. 181, Pontefract. , Thomas, par. Wakefeild, fol. 519, Doncaster. Copley, Alvereay, Batley, esq!, Caveat, fol. 123, Pontefract. , Edward, Smeaton Parva, fol. 488, Doncaster. , Elizabeth, Milnehouse, fol. 638, Doncaster. , Gartrude, Selby, widow, fol. 49, Prerogative. , Gervase, Plumtree, gentleman, fol. 78, Nottingham. , John, Thornhill, fol. 391, Pontefract. , Richard, Kirkeheaton, fol. 196, Pontefract. , Thomas, Selby, fol. 49, Prerogative. , Thomas, Sutton, par. Campsall, gentleman, fol. 474, Doncaster. , Wilfrid, Wrangbrooke, fol. 421, Doncaster. , William, Batley, fol. 391, Pontefract. , William, Sprotbrough, esq., fol. 45, Pontefract. Coppacke, Mary, dau. of Will. C. of Woodborough dec., tui., fol. 356, Newark. , , Cathropp, grant to Ann C., widow, fol. 98, Nottingham. , Richard, Cathroppe, fol. 75, Nottingham. Coppendaile, William, North Cave, fol. 121, Harthill. Copperwhite, Symon, Carleton Lindricke, fol. 275, Retford. Coppie, Lancelot, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 96, Harthill. Corbrecke, Oswald, Stanfordbrigg, fol. 90, Buhner. Cordingley, Richard, Tonge, fol. 325, Pontefract. Cordix, Jane, Beverley, Harthill. Cordley, Henry, Hunsworth, fol. 87, Pontefract. , Jacobus, Barksland, fol. 133, Pontefract. Corker, Margaret, Egbrough, widow, fol. no, Pontefract. , Thomas, Rotherham, fol. 594, Doncaster. Corlesse, Ellen, Gisburne, fol. 391, Craven. Corneforth, Hugh, Upleathom, fol. 331, Cleveland. , Stephen, Seainer, fol. 286, Cleveland. Corner, Edward, Awding, fol. 319, Cleveland. Cornewell, John, Hotham, fol. 60, Harthill. 18 I 3 8 APPENDIX. July i, 1635. Feb. 17, 1644. May 2, 1639. Jun. 25, 1640. Oct. 28, 1638. Aug. 1 8, 1642. May 2, 1639. Aug. 6, 1651. Nov.i6, 1636. Dec. 19, 1639. Sep. 30, 1629. Jun. 2, 1641. July 28, 1640. Apl. 28, 1631. Apl. 24, 1646. Mar. 2, 1634. Mar. 9, 1640. May 26, 1634. Mar. 19, 1638. Aug. 20, 1628. Aug. 6, 1631. Dec. 30, 1633. May 19, 1635. Apl. 28, 1631. Jan. 23, 1648. Apl. i, 1630. Feb. 24, 1648. Jun. 5, 1628. Mar.24, 1645. July 8, 1636. Nov. 4, 1647. July 27, 1635. Jan. 31, 1639. Nov.20, 1627. Apl. 24, 1634. Jun. 29, 1636. Sep. 26, 1651. Jun. 9, 1649. Mar.26, 1649. Apl. 27, 1631. Mar.25, 1631. May 29, 1647. Mar.ig, 1647. Apl. 16, 1652. Oct. 5, 1638. Jun. 17, 1642. Aug. 4, 1636. Aug. 4, 1636. Nov.io, 1629. Sep. 28, 1637. Jun. i, 1648. Jun. 22, 1635. Feb. 9, 1628. Apl. 27, 1631. Sep. 10, 1631. May 12, 1641. Apl. i, 1648. Apl. 23, 1642. July 16, 1633. Jan. 9, 1644. Mar.io, 1634. Cornewayle, William, Gumberthorne, fol. 185, Holderness. Corney, Andrew, Petergate, York, vintner, fol. 267, Prerogative. , Ann, Gisbrough, fol. 323, Cleveland. , Thomas, Bubwith, fol. 99, Harthill. , Thomas, Bubwith, fol. 82, Harthill. , William, Stainsby, fol. 195, Cleveland. Cornwell, John, son of Jon. C., tui. to Will. Kirkas of Hotham, yeoman, fol. 88, Harthill. , William, son of Job. C., Hotham, dec., tui., fol. 54, Harthill. Corselis, John, Thoarne, esq., fol. 606, Doncaster. Cosen, Nicholas, Rotherham, fol. 660, Doncaster. , Sarah, Rotheram, fol. 474, Doncaster. Cossin, Bridget, par. Hallifax, fol. 20, Pontefract. Coston, Jane, Easington, fol. 216, Holderness. Gotham, John, Newbie, fol. 264, Cleveland. Cottam, William, Clithero, co. Lane., fol. 23, Prerogative. , Robert, Spofforth, Mar. 2, 1634, fol. 207, Ainsty. Coubley, John, Orston, fol. 146, Nottingham. Coulbie, Thomas, Settrington, fol. 258, Buckrose. Coulby a/5. Proctor, Ann, Newhall, fol. 189, Prerogative. Couldwell, Francis, Boulton, fol. 193, Retford. Coulson, Dionisius, Blith, fol. 213, Retford. Joan, Busbie, Caveat, fol. 284, Cleveland. Joan, Busby, widow, fol. 167, Ridall. John, Magna Busbie, fol. 264, Cleveland. Francis, Welbury, fol. 223, Cleveland. Peter, Scarbrough, fol. 299, Dickering. Richard, Blyth, Retford. Thomas, Knottingley, fol. 131, Ainsty. Coultes, Lawrence, Rosdaile, fol. 89, Ridall. Coulthouse, Thomas, Rosdall, par. Lastingham, fol. 179, Ridall. Coulthurst, Edward, Staunton, Newark. Coulthus, George and Jane, chdn. of Anth. C. of Wapplie, dec., tui., fol. 174, Ridall. Coulton, Thomas, Setle, fol. 527, Craven. Coultys, John, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Coupland, Elizabeth, Forest Froyston, fol. 169, Pontefract. , William, Sheereburne, fol. 239, Ainsty. Coverdaile, Joseph, Scarbrough, fol. 489, Dickering. Coward, Anthony, Dawgreene, fol. 133, Pontefract. , Anthony, Sandall, fol. 129, Pontefract. Cowbourne, Laurence, Heddingley, fol. 157, Ainsty. Cowden, John, Nunwicke, par. Rippon, fol. 371, Craven. Cowell, Thomas, Southwell, Newark. Cowlam, Richard, Harton, fol. 26, Bulmer. Cowling, Richard, Catton, fol. 44, Bulmer. Cowlinge, Ralph, Hootham, fol. 83, Harthill. Cowlman, John, Thurne, fol. 442, Doncaster. Cowlson, Edward, Swine, fol. 61, Harthill. , Edward, Swine, fol. 190, Holderness. , Peter, Scarbrough, Dickering. , Richard, Broxay, fol. 336, Dickering. , Stephen, son of Will. C. of Hornsey, dec., tui., fol. 473, Dickering. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. Cowme, Henry, Shiregreene, fol. 460, Doncaster. Cowper, Alice, Wigton, fol. 157, Ainsty. Andrew, Stainton, fol. 305, Dickering. Christopher, Beverley, fol. 115, Harthill. Christopher, Hutton in Lee Hole, fol. 102, Ridall. Dido, Westheslerton, fol. 272, Buckrose. Edith, grant to Edm. C., aid. and merch. of York, husband, fol. 27, City. Elizabeth, Wheldrake, spinster, fol. 14, Bulmer. Ellen, Everingham, fol. 46, Harthill. APPENDIX. 139 Jan. July Apl. 18, 1639. May 8, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Dec. 5, 1639. Jan. 9, 1637. Mar.io, 1629. Mar.i4, 1649. Nov. 4, 1647. Feb. 2, 1629. Jan. 4, 1648. Sep. 28, 1642. Feb. 29, 1632. Feb. i, 1632. Aug. 8, 1636. Apl. 6, 1632. Apl. 26, 1637. Jun. i, 1639. Jan. 14, 1633. Mar.23, 1640. Sep. 20, 1644. July 6, 1638. Mar. 5, 1637. Feb. 9, 1641. 4, 1636. 4, 1638. May 9, 1633. Jan. 7, 1646. Mar.26, 1631. Mar. 13, 1649. Oct. 4, 1647. July i, 1631'. Nov.20, 1645. Apl. 25, 1636. Jun. 7, 1634. Sep. 28, 1643. Jan. 21, 1640. Feb. 9, 1649. Oct. i, 1632. Dec. 5, 1649. May 18, 1647. Mar. 5, 1637. Oct. u, 1631. Feb. 6, 1629. May 5, 1636. Apl. 25, 1649. May 10, 1650. May3i, 1632. Sep. 27, 1644. Aug.28, 1628. Jun. 24, 1634. Apl. 21, 1635. Jun. 28, 1638. Oct. 3, 1639. Dec. 20, 1639. Apl. 4, 1645. Oct. 2, 1638. Dec. 21, 1631. Oct. 19, 1637. Mar.io, 1634. Feb. 12, 1640. Apl. 8, 1637. Oct. n, 1631. Cowper, Ellis, Kirkelley, fol. 87, Harthill. Francis, Barmston, fol. 188, Holderness. Francis, Castley, fol. 138, Ainsty. George, Bransdale, fol. 200, Ridall. Grace, Stainton Dale, par. Scawbie, fol. 337, Dickering. Henry, Rillington, Buckrose. Jacobus, son of Jac. C. of Bransdale, dec., tui., fol. 108, Ridall. Jacobus, Lidmore, fol. 99, Ridall. Jane, Arnold, Holderness. Jane, Bransdale, widow, fol. 104, Ridall Jane, Cottingham, fol. 229, Holderness. fohn, Cottingham, fol. 26, Harthill. John, Crownest, fol. 126, Pontefract. John, Fetherston, fol. 332, Pontefract. John, par. Huddersfeild, fol. 109, Pontefract. John, Westhaddlesey, fol. 257, Ainsty. John, Whitwell super Montem, par. Cotton, fol. 103, Buhner. Martyn, Stythes, par. Hinderwell, fol. 284, Cleveland. Miles, Scarbroughe, fol. 351, Dickering. Nicholas, Rotheram, fol. 448, Doncaster. Philip, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 78, Harthill. Ralph, Kirkby Mooreside, fol. 190, Ridall. Rebecca, Beverley, fol. 115, Harthill. Thomas, senr., Boulford, fol. 182, Ridall. Thomas, Bowforth, fol. 191, Ridall. Thomas, Helmsley, fol. 160, Ridall. Thomas, son of Geo. C., par. Kirkby Mooreside, tui., fol. 93, Ridall. William, Appleton, fol. 155, Ainsty. William, Scarbrough, fol. 482, Dickering. William, Upper Helmsley, fol. 29, Buhner. William, Whitwell, par. Cramb, fol. 47, Bulmer. als. Banks, Frances, rel. of Rob. C., gent, and wife of Will. B. of Durham, fol. n, Prerogative. als. Ellerton, Mary, Ellerton, fol. 59, Harthill. a/s. Hadocke, John, Battris, fol. 426, Craven. Cowpland, Robert, Selby, fol. 13, Bulmer. Cowston, John Kirkby Milnes, fol. 207, Ridall. Cowton, Ingraham, Hunnanby, fol. 481, Dickering. , Jacobus, Rippon, fol. 402, Craven. , Parcival, Agnesburton, fol. 481, Dickering. , William, Branton Greene, par. Aldbrough, fol. 36, Prerogative. Cowtus, Edward, Amotherby, fol. 189, Ridall. Cox, Humfrey, Bramcote, fol. 71, Nottingham. Coxon, Christopher, Burdenhead, par. Harwood, fol. 146, Ainsty. Cozen, Richard, Whitbie, fol. 305, Cleveland. Crabtree, Edward and Francis, Heaton, fol. 130, Pontefract. , John, Barkerend, fol. 348, Pontefract. .John, Ovenden, fol. 112, Pontefract , John, Stansfeild, fol. 45, Pontefract. , Margaret, dr. of Jac. C., par. Heptonstall, dec., tui. fol. 36, Pontefract. , Nicholas, Maningham, fol. 177, Pontefract. , William, Stainford, fol. 574, Doncaster. Crackle, Thomas, North Dalton, fol. 80, Harthill. Cradocke, John, Durham, S.T.P., fol. 204, Prerogative. Craducke, Dorothy, York, spinster, fol. 204, Prerogative. Craforth, Edward, Thorpe, fol. 6, Prerogative. Cragge, Ann, Danswicke, fol. 281, Ainsty. Cragges, John, Askerne, par. Campsall, fol. 491, Doncaster. Craine, William and John, sons of Will. C. of Pontefract, dec., tui., fol. 357, Pontefract. Crake, William, Fyley, fol. 321, Dickering. Crakes, John, Riplingham, fol. 99, Harthill. Crampton, Robert, par. Arnold, fol. 112, Nottingham. Cranwell, John, son of Geo. C. of Nottingham, dec., tui., fol. 71, Nottingham. 140 APPENDIX. Oct. 20, 1632. Crashaw, William, Haldenbie, fol. 124, Pontcfract. July 8, 1630. Crathorne, John, Warter, fol. 4, Harthill. Jun. 3, 1642. , Katherine, Crathorne, widow, fol. igi, Cleveland. Sep. 21, 1636. , Roger, Crambe, fol. 82, Bulmcr. Sep. 27, 1639. , Thomas, Crathorne, esq., fol. 325, Cleveland. Dec. 6, 1638. Craven, Edmund, Mooreclose, fol. 2830, Ainsty. Oct. 4, 1648. George, par. Bradford, fol. 123, Pontcfract. Apl. 20, 1647. ' George, Doncaster, fol. 505, Doncaster. Apl. 12, 1647. John and Elizabeth, chdn. of John C. of Harworth, dec. tui., Retford. Apl. 6, 1638. John, Wortley, fol. 274, Ainsty. Feb. 9, 1638. Lawrence, Shelton, fol. 131, Nottingham. July 29, 1651. Marmaduke, Hull, fol. 54, Harthill. July 3, 1649. Peter, Riggs (in Middlesmoor ?), fol. 60, Prerogative. Nov.23, 1635. Robert, Gomersall, fol. 314, Pontcfract. Dec. ii, 1647. Thomas, Upton, fol. 501, Doncaster. July 13, 1649. William, senior, Rigges in Netherdale, fol. 62, Prerogative. July 21, 1649. ' William, junior, Riggs (in Middlesmoor), fol. 62, Prerogative. Apl. 21, 1649. William, Riggs in Middlesmore, fol. 55, Prerogative. July 3, 1630. William, Rippon, fol. 370, Craven. Apl. 27, 1631. Crawe, Ann, Markinton, fol. 372, Craven. Apl. 12, 1627. , John, Grantley, fol. 315, Craven. Apl. 4, 1651. als. Clarke, Mary, Swanland, fol. 52, Harthill. Mayi6, 1649. Crawshaw, John, aged 15, son of Geo. C. of Colne, tui., fol. 56, Prerogative. Oct. 2, 1628. Crawshawe, Alice, dr. of Tho. C. of Berriemoore in Thurgaland, dec., tui., fol. 454, Doncaster. Jun. 10, 1646. , Lidia, dr. of John C. of Wolley, dec., tui., fol. 471, Doncaster. May 5, 1642. Creame, William, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Sep. 16, 1646. Creike, Thomas, Bridlington, fol. 463, Dickering. July 15, 1636. Crescie, Gervase, Hammleton, par. Braiton, fol. 147, Prerogative. May 8, 1628. Cressie, John, Gunthorpe, fol. 43, Nottingham. Jan. 18, 1632. Creswell, Ralph, Donington, fol. 159, Holderness. Oct. 30, 1641. Creswick, Godfrey, Bristol, fol. 244, Prerogative. Feb. 22, 1627. Creswicke, Roger, par. Ecclesfeild, fol. 18, Pontcfract. Dec. 19, 1639. , William, par. Ecclesfeild, fol. 661, Doncaster. Sep. 28, 1642. Crew, Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 227, Holderness. Sep. i, 1635. , John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 52, Harthill. Apl. 30, 1629. Cripple, Isabell, Barton in Lee Beanes, fol. 51, Nottingham. May 15, 1633. , John, Clifton, fol. 82, Nottingham. Jun. 12, 1640. Crispin, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 97, Harthill. Apl. 27, 1647. , Thomas, Balderton, Newark. Nov.2o, 1646. , William, Balderton, Newark. Dec. 24, 1644. Crocker, Jane, Wheldrake, fol. 14, Biilmer. Jun. 16, 1630. Croft, Joshua, son of Tho. C. of Batley, dec., tui., fol. 70, Pontefract. Jun. 21, 1630. , Silence, Churwell, fol. 80, Pontefract. Jun. 13, 1636. Crofte, Hugh, Empsey, par. Skipton, fol. 461, Craven. Apl. 10, 1638. , John, Dewsburie, fol. 376, Pontefract. Oct. 2, 1637. , Matthias, Collingham, fol. 264, Ainsty. Aug. i, 1633. , Robert Collingham, fol. 186, Ainsty. July 12, 1631. als. Cocker, Cicillia, Gomersall, Caveat, fol. 94, Pontefract. Sep. 24, 1647. Croftes, Henry, Scrooby, Retford. Oct. n, 1638. , Thomas, Worksopp, fol. 261, Retford. Dec.iS, 1645. Crofton, John, Skirpenbecke, fol. 275, Buckrose. Jun. 15, 1632. Croiser als. Kay, Jane, dau. of Will. K. of York, dec., to Rob. C. of S. New- bald, husbn., fol. 19, City. Sep. 14, 1642. Crombocke, John, Wisvvall, co. Lane., fol. 254, Prerogative. Aug. 3, 1632. Crompton, Ellis a/5. Elizeus, Hacking, dioc. Chest., fol. 88, Prerogative. Jan. 15, 1647. > Ralph, Catton, fol. 22, Harthill. May 20, 1643. Crooe, William, Thirske, fol. 12, Bulmer. Sep. 26, 1649. Crooke, Ann, Norland, fol. 137, Pontefract. Oct. 17, 1643. Crookes, Edward, Scrooby, Retford. Jan. 27, 1641. , Francis, Denby, fol. 436, Doncaster. Dec. 2, 1649. , Thomas, son of Edw. C. of Scrooby, dec., tui., Retford. Apl. 26, 1636. Crosbie, John, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 60, Harthill. Apl. 20, 1632. , Peter, New Malton, fol. 154, Ridall. APPENDIX. 141 Dec. 2, 1636. Crosbie, Samuel, Armeley, fol. 250, Ainsty. Mar. 2, 1632. , Thomas, son of Tho. C. of Codington, dec. tui., fol. 334, Newark. May 9, 1637. Crosby, John, Raskall, fol. 85, Buhner. July 25, 1648. Crosbye, John, Owston, fol. 32, Bnlmer. Sep. ii, 1639. Crosdall, Edward, London and ef Everton, and Mar. 20, fol. 269, Retford. Jun. 7, 1639. Crosdell, Thomas, Waddington Eaves, fol. 521, Craven. Feb. penult. ,1639. ah. Marlon, Robert, son of Oliver M. of Stableoake, tui., fol. 528, Aug.is, 1634. July 16, 1632. Feb. 13, 1648. Jan. 21, 1647. Apl. 14, 1635. July 8, 1634. Aug.i4, 1628. Jun. 21, 1630. Oct. 25, 1637. Mar.3i, 1636. July 24, 1649. Sep. 22, 1643. July 16, 1640. Jun. 26, 1646. May 6, 1630. Jan. 3, 1637. Oct. 30, 1645. Oct. 4, 1627. Feb. 5, 1637. Aug. 3, 1641. Mar. 26, 1628- Jun. 7, 1638. Apl. 27, 1638. May 15, 1633. Jun. 5, 1645. Mar.io, 1634. July 25, 1629. Feb. 9, 1638. Aug.i7, 1640. Apl. 23, 1629. May 31, 1632. July 29, 1645. Dec. 7, 1643. July 21, 1635. Sep. 20, 1648. Jan. 14, 1630. Apl. 14, 1647. Jan. 21, 1644. July 31, 1645. Apl. 9, 1638. Oct. 16, 1637. Aug. 9, 1637. Jan. 20, 1648. Aug. 23, 1627. Mar.i2, 1629. July 12, 1633. Mar. 9, 1637. Aug. i, 1642. May 9, 1637. Aug. 8, 1628. May 13, 1634. Feb. 23, 1630. Nov.io, 1627. Jun. 28, 1641. Craven. Croser, Robert, Rudston, fol. 319, Dickering. Crosier, Anthony, Barmston, fol. 157, Holderness. Crosland, Francis, Whatton, Nottingham. , John, Cawthorne, fol. 500, Doncaster. , John, par. Huthersfeild, fol. 195, Pontefract. , John, par. Thornhill, fol. 173, Pontefract. , Robert, Flintham, Caveat, fol. 43, Nottingham. , Thomas, Croslandhill, fol. 80, Pontefract. Crosley, Christopher, Osmotherley, fol. 174, Prerogative. Elias, par. Heptonstall, fol. 317, Pontefract. Francis, Helmsley, gentleman, fol. 107, Ridall. Jacobus, Ledston, par. Ledsham, fol. 258, Prerogative. Jacobus, par. Wragby, fol. 4, Pontefract. John, Long Empsall, fol. 467, Doncaster. Katherine, Hatefeild, widow, fol. 478, Doncaster. Luke, Bekenbrooke, fol. 6260,, Doncaster. Nicholas, par. Ecclesfeild, fol. 460, Doncaster. Simeon, son of Levye C. of Stansfeild, dec., tui., fol. 17, Pontefract. Thomas, Houley, fol. 370, Pontefract. William, Mortonlay Lane, fol. 433, Doncaster. Crosse James, Bridlington, Dickering. Joan, Latham, fol. 76, Harthill. John, Wolferton, fol. 76, Harthill. Joseph, Nottingham, fol. 82, Nottingham. Stephen, Huggett, fol. 129, Harthill. Thomas, Bridlington, fol. 321, Dickering. William, Aldbrough, Holderness. William, Willobie, fol. 131, Nottingham. Crosthwaite als. Burton, Mary, grant to Ric. C., her husband, fol. 78, City. Crostwait, Jacobus, Wapley, fol. 248, Cleveland. Crowder, John and Samuel, son of Joh. C. of Swillington briggs, tui., fol. 112, Pontefract. , Lucia, Elvington, widow, fol. 17, Bulmer. , Robert, Gomersall, fol. 36, Pontefract. , William, Stirropp, fol. 238, Retford. Crowe, Richard, Upleatham, fol. 221, Cleveland. , Robert, Selbie, Caveat, fol. 76, Prerogative. Crowle, Robert, Wistow, fol. 35, Prerogative. Crownar, Nicholas, Newbald, fol. 125, Harthill. Crowner, Edward, Newbald, fol. 127, Harthill. Crowther, Gilbert, Hoyland, fol. 633, Doncaster. , William, Pledwicke, fol. 359, Pontefract. Croysdaile, John, Waddington, fol. 487, Craven. Crumwell, John, son of Rob. C. of Barneby, dec., tui., Retford. Cuckson, Thomas, Carleton, fol. 185, Retford. Cudworth, John, Worsbrough, Caveat, fol. 475, Doncaster. , Richard, par. Darton, fol. 540, Doncaster. , Robert, Leedes, fol. 270, Ainsty. , Thomas, Barnsley, fol. 445, Doncaster. Culcheth, Roger, Nottingham, fol. 112, Nottingham. Culley, John, Normanby, fol. 244, Cleveland. Cullingworth,.John, par. Wakefeild, fol. 165, Pontefract. Culpan, Abraham, Mythamroid, fol. 91, Pontefract. , Abraham, Mythomroyd, Caveat, fol. 17, Pontefract. Cumberland, Francis, Earl of, Skipton Castle, fol. 243, Prerogative. 142 APPENDIX. Oct. 25, 1627. Cundall, Elizabeth, Isabel and Alice, drs. of Tho. C. of Easingwold, dec., tui., fol. 25, Buhner. Jan. 28, 1641. Elizabeth, Easingwould, fol. 5, Bulmer. Sep. 30, 1639. Mary, Easingwould, fol. 102, Bulmer. Oct. 2, 1634. Robert, Belbie, clerk, fol. 294, Cleveland. Mar. 10, 1634. Thomas, Huby, fol. 72, Bulmer. July 22, 1633. William and Ann, chdn. of Tho. C., dec., tui., fol. 62, Bulmer. Sep. 7, 1644. William, junior, Easingwould, iol. 14, Bulmer. Feb. 20, 1634. Cundie als. Smith, Cicilia, wife of John S. of York, gent., Caveat, fol. 39, City. Dec. 26, 1645. Cunningham, John, Gisbrough, fol. 2040, Cleveland. Dec. 3, 1650. Curdeaux, William, Menethorpe, fol. 401, Buckrose. May 20, 1628. Curdicke, Cicilia, Ryall, Holderness. Aug. 29, 1646. Curie, Richard, Scorton, fol. 26, Prerogative. Feb. 22, 1630. Currett, William, Rowthe, fol. 143, Holderness. Tan. 28, 1635. Curtis, Roger, Northwheatley, fol. 243, Retford. Nov. 8, 1633. , Thomas, Walton, Caveat, fol. 182, Ainsty. Nov. 8, 1633. Curtisse, Isabel, Walton, fol. 418, Craven. Oct. i, 1635. Curtys, Gregory, son of Greg. C. of Swyne, tui., fol. 187, Holderness. Apl. 6, 1641. Cusforth, Isabel, Lankrigg, par. Drax, fol. 311, Ainsty. Jan. 29, 1644. Cussans, Thomas, Byland Abbey, fol. 14, Bulmer. Feb. 4, 1639. Cust, William, Stokesley, fol. 329, Cleveland. Mar. 2, 1647. Cusworth, Elizabeth, Balderton, Newark. July 9, 1647. , William, Balderton, Newark. July 28, 1640. Cute, John, Ryston, fol. 216, Holderness. July 5, 1645. Cuthbert als. Shawe, Margaret, rel. of Rob. S. of Crosby, to Joh. C., her husband, fol. 3, Prerogative. Jun. 26, 1634. Cutt, John, Bellhagge, fol. 558, Doncaster. Nov. 5, 1644. , Richard, Marr, fol. 451, Doncaster. Oct. i, 1642. Dagget, William, S. T. [P ?J, fol. 249, Prerogative. May 9, 1633. Daie, Roger. Gaytcoates, fol. 160, Ridall. Mar.27, 1638. Daile, Christofer, Catton, fol. 96, Buhner. Apl. 21, 1636. , Henry, York, panyerman, fol. 49, City. Oct. 16, 1629. , John and Mary, chdn. of Joh. D. of Setterington, dec., tui., fol. 144, Ridall. July 26, 1639. , Margaret, Brawbie, par. Sawton, wid., fol., 198, Prerogative. July 26, 1639. , Thomas, son of Tho. and Margt. D. of Sawton, fol. 198, Prerogative. July 26, 1639. , Thomas, Brawbie, par. Sawton, fol. 198, Prerogative. Feb. 14, 1627. Daintrie, Tristram, Ordsall, fol. 190, Retford. Oct. 23, 1634. Dakers, John, par. Ealand, fol. 181, Pontefract. Sep. 30, 1645. Dalbie, Jervase, Chatham, co. Kent., fol. 8, Prerogative. Mar. 6, 1631. Dale, Ann, dau. of Will. D. of Egton, dec., tui., fol. 272, Cleveland. Mar. i, 1641. , Christopher, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 103, Harthill. Jan. 20, 1635. , Edward, Sowerbie, fol. 78, Buhner. Jan. 20, 1635. , Jane, Sowerby, fol. 77, Bulmer. Dec. 4, 1629. Dalley als. Midlam, Elizabeth, grant to Edw. M. of Nottingham, fol. 56, Nottingham. Feb. 10, 1628. Dallie, Philip, Nottingham, fol. 48, Nottingham. Oct. 25, 1642. Dallywater, Richard, Elton, Nottingham. Nov.2O, 1644. Dalton, Edward, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 235, Holderness. July 22, 1641. , George, son of Mich. D. of Lissett, dec., fol, 217, Holderness. Feb. 2, 1629. , Jane, Winstead, Holderness. July 22, 1641. , Michael, Lissett, fol. 217, Holderness. July 31, 1638. , Susanna, Swyne, fol. 203, Holderness. Apl. 19, 1639. , Thomas, Flotmanby, esq., fol. 345, Dickering. Aug.26, 1645. Daltry, Francis, Fulsutton, gentleman, fol. 275, Buckrose. Oct. ii, 1632. Dalywater, Thomas, Elton, fol. 78, Nottingham. Mar. 6, 1639. Darnes, Edmund, Scaftworth, fol. 272, Retford. Aug. 3, 1631. Dammes, Nicholas, Basford, fol. 69, Nottingham. Feb. 10, 1634. Danby, Christopher, London, fol. 127, Prerogative. Mar.2o, 1636. , Christopher, London, fol. 162, Prerogative. Aug. 3, 1647. Dand, Richard, Misne, Retford. Aug. 4, 1635. Daniel, Agnes, Walton, fol. 215, Ainsty. Oct. 20, 1650. Daniell, Gilbert, Screaton, Newark. APPENDIX. Mar.iS, 1631. Daniell, Mary, Towton, fol. 176, Ainsty. Apl. 29, 1630. , Robert, New Malton, fol. 145, Ridall. May i, 1628. Danser, Christofer, Gaisegill, fol. 327, Craven. Feb. 5, 1637. > Elizabeth, Gisborne, fol. 497, Craven. Apl. 28, 1636. , William, Gisburne, fol. 460, Craven. Dec. 17, 1633. Darbie, Thomasin, Rippon, fol. 423, Craven. May 12, 1636. , William, Adenborough, fol. 107, Nottingham. Aug.n, 1627. Darbishire, Thomas, Kneeton, fol. 36, Nottingham. Apl. 9, 1641. Darcie als. Simpson, Jane, York, to Hen. S., her husb., fol. 77, City. Dec. i, 1632. Darfeild, John, Buttercrambe, fol. 57, Bnlmer. Jun. 27, 1636. Darley, Susanna, rel. of Rob. D., diocese of York, fol. 595, Doncaster. July 29, 1637. Darlowe, Edward, Thurgarton, fol. 115, Nottingham. Sep. 25, 1634. Darnebrooke, William, Beverley, fol. 429, Craven. Oct. i, 1632. Darnton, Henry, Yorke, grocer, fol. 25, City. May 8, 1632. Davell, John, Crake, fol. 55, Buhner. Jan. i, 1645. Davie, Alexander, Manchester, fol. 17, Prerogative. May 9, 1639. , Ann, Ratcliffe, fol. 133, Nottingham. Sep. 6, 1639. , Cicilia, Skeffling, fol. 210, Holderness. Jun. 2, 1629. , Henry, Beverley, Harthill. Jun. 21, 1637. " > Stephen and Edith, chdn. of Rob. D. of York, dec., tui., fol. 57, City. Aug. 6, 1633. Davies, Thomas, Battris, fol. 412, Craven. Feb. 5, 1627. Davill, Sir Roger, Filey, kt., Dickering. Mar.iS, 1632. , Thomas, Rookeburgh, esq., effects unadministered, fol. 157, Ridall. Feb. 13, 1637. Davison, Elizabeth and Jane, Nawton, spinster, fol. 189, Ridall. Dec. 20, 1648. , Henry, East Lutton, fol. 50, Prerogative. Dec. 10, 1636. , Jacobus, York, fol. 53, City. Feb. 19, 1632. Davy, Elizabeth, Goxhill, fol. 160, Holderness. Oct. i, 1630. , Richard, Burstwicke, fol. 141, Holderness. Dec. 20, 1644. Dawbikin, Richard, Doncaster, fol. 452, Doncaster. Apl. 6, 1630. Dawney, John, Womersall, esq., fol. 69, Pontefract. Nov.i6, 1629. Dawson, Adam, Stoodfeld, par. Horton in Ribblesdale, Caveat, fol. 353, Craven. Sep. 30, 1633. , Ann and William, chdn. of Will. D. of York, gent., fol. 107, Prerog- ative. May 5, 1636. Anthony, Skipton, fol. 459, Craven. May 13, 1631. Christopher, Addingham, fol. 377, Craven. Nov. 3, 1636. Edmund, Peniston, fol. 605, Doncaster. Jun. 4, 1630. Elizabeth, Drax, fol. 148, Ainsty. Mar. i, 1651. Jane, Melmerby, widow, fol. 75, Prerogative. July 15, 1646. John, Quernby, fol. 77, Pontefract. Jun. 30, 1641. John, Dewsburie, fol. 420, Pontefract. Dec. 2, 1636. John, Hunslett Carre, fol. 250, Ainsty. Aug.2O, 1640. John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 109, Harthill. Oct. 22, 1633. John, senior, Lowbaswicke, fol. 169, Holderness. Jan. i, 1645. John, Manchester, fol. 14, Prerogative. Nov. 9, 1646. John, Tuxford, Retford. Oct. 3, 1627. John, Yarom, fol. 289, Cleveland. Aug.i2, 1643. Katherine, Beverley, fol. u 9, Hart hill. Mar.iS, 1629. Margaret, dr. of Ad. D. of Studfold, dec., tui., fol. 357, Craven. Mayi6, 1640. Mary, Gunthrop, fol. 140, Nottingham. Apl. 6, 1638. Matthew, Munckfriston, fol. 177, Prerogative. Dec. 18, 1639. Matthew, York, merchant, fol. 71, City. July 31, 1637. Ralph, par. Ealand, fol. 354, Pontefract. Jun. 5, 1638. Richard, Downeham, co. Lane., fol. 182, Prerogative. Oct. 10, 1639. Rowland, Fiskerton, fol. 364, Newark. May 13, 1634. Ruben, Thornton in Craven, fol. 426, Craven. Jun. 29, 1630. Thomas, Kirke Garforth, fol. 151, Ainsty. Apl. 14, 1651. Thomas, Plumpton Wall, co. Cumb., fol. 71, Prerogative. Oct. 9, 1645. Thomas, York, merch., son of Tho. D., senr., fol. 9, Prerogative. Nov.io, 1633. Thomas and Jane, chdn. of Will. D. of York, gent., Caveat, agst. tui., fol. 105, Prerogative. Sep. 10, 1631. , William, Idle, par. Calverley, fol. 98, Pontefract. Jun. 2, 1629. als. Mallorie, Frances, Warsell, fol. 348, Craven. Jan. i, 1644. Dawtrie, Richard, Ovenden, fol. 42, Pontefract. Apl. 15, 1630. Day, Christopher, Gisbrough, fol. 257, Cleveland. 144 APPENDIX. Mar. 19, 1639. Day, Geffrey, York, fol. 71, City. Aug. 29, 1629. George, Patley Brigges, fol. 142, Ainsty. Oct. 7, 1641. Henry, Attenbrough, Nottingham. May 15, 1647. John, par. Dewsbury, fol. 97, Pontefraet. Aug.is, 1633. John, Newthorpp, fol. 84, Nottingham. Mar. 2, 1639. Luke, York, fol. 75, City. Apl. 27, 1647. Richard, Lamclosehouse, par. Greasley, Nottingham. Sep. 27, 1630. Robert, Thircleby, fol. 42, Bulmer. Feb. 16, 1632. Thomas, East Cottingwith, Caveat, fol. 25, Harthill. Aug. 3, 1650. Thomas, Radclifie, Nottingham. May 24, 1648. Dayle, Ann, Kirkdalebanckes. widow, fol. 220, Cleveland. July 7, 1649. , Ann, Kirkdale Bankes. widow, fol. 227, Cleveland. Sep. 27, 1634. , John. Kirkdaile in Egton, fol. 292, Cleveland. Oct. 10, 1633. , Thomas, New Malton, fol. 161, Ridall. Feb. 22, 1630. Dayles, Francis, Cottingham, fol. 10, Harthill. Oct. 23, 1644. , Roger, South Dalton, fol. 123, Harthill. Jun. 25, 1641. Dean, William, Ovenden, fol. 420, Pontefraet. Feb. 4, 1636. Deane, Ann, Clitherowe, co. Lane., fol. 156, Prerogative. Dec. 20, 1632. - Ann, Traynehouse, fol. 402, Craven. Sep. 18, 1644. Ann, City of York, fol. 43, Pontefraet. July 15, 1646. Gilbert, Jacobus & Elizabeth, Exley, par. Hallifax, fol. 77, Pontefraet. May 12, 1641. George, Bilton, fol. 217, Holderness. Feb. 2, 1648. Grace, dr. of Jon. D. of Ovenden, dec., fol. 127, Pontefraet. Jan. 30, 1631. Henry, par. Bradford, fol. 106, Pontefraet. Apl. 25, 1649. Isabel, dr. of Jonas D. of Ovenden, dec., tui., fol. 130, Pontefraet. Aug. 2, 1633. John, par. Hallifax, fol. 160, Pontefraet. Aug. 7, 1632. John, Normanton, fol. 331, Newark. Feb. 23, 1630. Joseph, Wareley, fol. 90, Pontefraet. Jan. 18, 1627. Matthew, par. Bradford, fol. 21, Pontefraet. Apl. 28, 1631. Ralph, Gisbrough, fol. 265. Cleveland. May 5, 1636. - Richard, Linton, fol. 459, Craven. May 27, 1642. Robert, Sutton, fol. 226, Holderness. Jun. 21, 1630. Sarah, dr. of Will. D., par. Bradford, dec., tui. fol. 79, Pontefraet. Apl. 19, 1632. Thomas, Kettlewell, fol. 392, Craven. Feb. 22, 1630. Thomas, Owstwicke, fol. 143, Holderness. May 17, 1648. William, Pontefraet, fol. 119, Pontefraet. Nov. 7, 1628. Dearden, John, son of Rich. D. of Sowerbie, dec., tui., fol. 41, Pontefraet. Aug.2o, 1645. Deareman, Ann, dr. of Phil. D., par. Bramwith, dec., tui., fol. 459, Doncaster. Jan. 16, 1628. Dearman, Thomas and Jane, chdn. of Lea D. of Doncaster, dec., fols. 460, 477, Doncaster. Mar. 3, 1630. Deepinge, William, Missen, fol. 210, Retford. May 17, 1628. Delebere, Henry, Middle Temple, London, fol. 57*1, Prerogative. Aug.2o, 1638. Denbie, Robert, Utley, fol. 279, Ainsty. Apl. 14, 1635. Denham als. Bradley, Thomas, par. Bradford, fol. 193, Pontefraet. July 4, 1628. Denison, Christopher, Guisley, fol. 131, Ainsty. Apl. 3, 1651. , Margaret, Helbecke, co. Westmorland, fol. 71, Prerogative. Apl. 12, 1650. - , Priscilla, dr. of Will. D. of Altoftes, dec., tui., fol. 346, Pontefraet. Dec. 2, 1649. Denmar, Suzanna, dau. of Will. D. of Ranskill, dec., tui., Retford. Aug.i3, 1635. Dennis, Roger, tui. to Will. D. of Averton, father, fol. 102, Nottingham. Apl. 20, 1636. Dennyson, William, York, habberdasher, fol. 49, City. Jan. 9, 1627. Denovell, John, Arnold, fol. 39, Nottingham. Feb. 18, 1627. Dent, Jane, dr. of Anth. D. of Southclife, dec., Harthill. Dec. 16, 1628. Matthew, par. Wakefeild, fol. 42, Pontefraet. Apl. 28, 1631. Ralph, Ingleby, fol. 266, Cleveland. Oct. 7, 1941. Simon, Normanton super Trent, Newark. Feb. 19, 1632. Thomas, Drypoole, fol. 160, Holderness. Apl. 8, 1646. William, Marwood Parke, par. Barnard Castle, fol. 21, Prerogative. Feb. 12, 1640. Denton, Edward, diocese of York, fol. 99, Harthill. Apl. 5, 1637. ' Elizabeth, dr. of Rich. D., par. Ealand, dec., fol. 349, Pontefraet. Oct. 5, 1641. , Thomas,Silkeston, fol. 436, Doncaster. May 27, 1642. . Xpofer, Hornsey, fol. 226, Holderness. May 5, 1631. Deutrie, Liddia, Eastretford, fol. 212, Retford. Sep. 29, 1628. Dewe, Thomas, Cottingham, Holderness. May2o, 1631. Dewell, Roger, Beswicke, fol. 9, Harthill. APPENDIX. Aug.iS, 1638. Dewhirst, John, Bose-house, par. Ribchester, fol. 188, Prerogative. Apl. 29, 1634. Dewie, Simon, Hatfeild, fol. 553, Doncaster. Oct. 12, 1637. Dewsberie, William, Radcliffe super Trent, fol. 117, Nottingham. Feb. 9, 1628. Dewsbury, Alice, Catton, Harthill. Aug-30, 1634. Dewys, Henry, Seacroft, fol. 202, Ainsty. Oct. 6, 1636. Dibbe, Henry, Wiscoe Hill, fol. 242, Ainsty. Oct. 14, 1645. Dickenson, Edward, Doncaster, fol. 458, Doncaster. Sep. 5, 1651. , Edward, Hemsvvorth, fol. 529, Doncaster. July 14, 1636. , Thomas, Gisbrough, fol. 306, Cleveland. Jun. 29, 1629. , William, Holme, Harthill. Sep. ii, 1635. Dickinson, Agnes, Rombaldkirke, fol. 134, Prerogative. Oct. 28, 1641. , Ann, Everley, fol. 353, Dickering. May 26, 1643. , Ellis, Scarbrough, fol. 354^, Dickering. Feb. 4, 1639. , George, Whitby, fol. 329, Cleveland. Dec. 5, 1649. , Jane, dr. of Rich. D. of Barmby super Dunn, dec., tui., fol. 522, Doncaster. May 15, 1646. , Jane, Scalby, fol. 457, Dickering. Dec. 13, 1643. , John, Whitbie, fol. 201, Cleveland. Mar. i, 1648. , Laurence, Pinchinthorpe, fol. 224, Cleveland. Feb. 12, 1646. , Margaret, Ranskell, Retford. May 15, 1646. , Nedelia and Christopher, chdn. of Geo. D. of Scalby, dec., tui., fol. 458, Dickering. Feb. 28, 1645. , Richard, Wakefeild, fol. 60, Pontefract. Apl. 30, 1629. Robert, Aslacton, fol. 51, Nottingham. Apl. 27, 1649. , Robert, son of Pet. D., Carlton juxta Snaith, dec., tui., fol. 55, Prerogative. Jun. 29, 1637. , Robert, Everley, fol. 334, Dickering. Jun. 17, 1637. , Robert, Scawbie, fol. 334, Dickering. Sep. 16, 1652. , Robert, Seamer, fol. 492, Dickering. Sep. 9, 1633. , Thomas, Palsgrave, fol. 314, Dickering. July 23, 1645. , Thomas, Southhicke houses in Filingdaile, fol. 203, Cleveland. Oct. 8, 1640. , William, Ranskill, fol. 275, Retford. May 3, 1636. Dickon a/5. Whiteside, Alice, Rowle, par. Kellington, fol. 328, Pontefract. May 4, 1633. Dickonson, Agnes, Suffeild, fol. 312, Dickering. Apl. 30, 1629. , Andrew, Saxendale, fol. 51, Nottingham. July i, 1631. , Christopher, Whitbie, fol. 268, Cleveland. Jun. 26, 1639. , Gilbert, Wincoebancke, par. Sheffeild, dying over the seas, fol. 648, Doncaster. Feb. 7, 1636. , Gregory, Crathorne, fol. 183, Ridall. May 6, 1639. , Henry, Eltoftes, par. Thorner, fol. 307, Ainsty. Oct. 23, 1639. , Henry, Eltoft, par. Thorner, fol. 289, Ainsty. Nov.29, 1638. , John, Topcliffe, fol. 94, Buhner. Apl. 6, 1633. , Michael, Bilbrough, fol. 182, Ainsty. Feb. 3, 1636. , Nicholas, Claworth, fol. 249, Retford. Jun. 4, 1628. , Robert, Burniston, Dickering. May 29, 1946. , Robert, Cloughton, fol. 458, Dickering. Nov. 7, 1632. , Samuel, Langbarre, par. Ilkley, fol. 400, Craven. Nov.25, 1629. , Thomas, Osgodby, Dickering. Oct. 9, 1638. Dickson, Ann, Upperwoodall, fol. 642, Doncaster. Nov. 2, 1627. , Anthony, Empsey, fol. 323, Craven. July 28, 1635. , Elizabeth, Wheatley, fol. 214, Ainsty. Jan. 30, 1631. , John, par. Ealand, fol. 106, Pontefract. Aug. 5, 1628. , Matthew, Ealand, fol. 380, Pontefract. Mar. 9, 1646. Didsbury, John, son of Joh. D.,Traswisle,dioc. Chest., tui., fol. 32, Prerogative. May 8, 1631. Dighton, Christofer, Pudsey, fol. 88, Pontefract. Jan. i, 1648. , Christopher, Woodhouse, fol. 126, Pontefract. Jan. 29, 1631. , George and Eden, Collingehowe, par. Batley, Caveat, fol. 99, Pontefract. Aug.i4, 1634. , Robert, Burstall, fol. 171, Pontefract. May 22, 1647. 1 Thomas, Bruncliffe, fol. 97, Pontefract. July 27, 1640. , William, Skipsey, fol. 213, Holderness. Mar.iS, 1647. Dikes, Leonard, Wardale, dioc. Carl., fol. 45, Prerogative. Mar. 5, 1630. , Margaret, Sibthorpe, fol. 323, Newark. 146 APPENDIX. Aug.12, 1629. July i, 1629. Mar.i2, 1639. Dec. 6, 1638. Mar.n, 1650. May 15, 1646. Oct. 10, 1637. Nov.27, 1638. Dec. 16, 1651. Aug.ia, 1629. Jan. 7, 1636. July 3, 1647. July 24, 1651. May3i, 1638. July u, 1634. May 15, 1649. July 8, 1651. Aug.27, 1629. July 4, 1636. Oct. i, 1635. Apl. 15, 1630. Oct. 31, 1627. Nov.22, 1639. Jun. 7, 1630. May 16, 1649. Jun. 12, 1635. July 18, 1639. Apl. 27, 1647. July 21, 1635. May 18, 1641. Aug. 7, 1650. Jan. 4, 1647. July 17, 1629. Apl. 9, 1647. Jun. 26, 1646. Oct. 15, 1645. Sep. 25, 1640. Apl. 14, 1635. Oct. 23, 1634. Mar.22, 1631. Mar. i, 1648. Sep. 7, 1628. Sep. 20, 1631. Aug. 6, 1639. Feb. 13, 1639. Oct. 17, 1646. July 10, 1643. Mar.i7, 1630. Oct. 7, 1636. May 20, 1636. May 2, 1639. May 3, 1640. Apl. 29, 1642. Feb. 20, 1634. Jan. 28, 1632. Aug. i, 1633. Apl. 13, 1647. Mar. 5, 1638. Mar. 5, 1638. Jan. 26, 1637. Dilworth, John & William, chdn. of Will. D., par. Heptonstall, dec., tui., fol. 61, Pontefract. Dineley, George, Whitwell, fol. 35, Buhner. Dinsbury, Margaret, Ratcliffe super Trent, fol. 142, Nottingham. Dishford, Francis, Cooke Rigge, fol. 283, Ainsty. Dishforth, Christopher, Scarbrough, fol. 486, Dickering. , Edward, son of Chris. D. of Scarbrough, dec., tui., fol. 457, Dickering. , George, par. Darton, fol. 624, Doncaster. , Mary, dr. of Fras. D. of Calverley, dec., tui., fol. 28m, Ainsty. Dison, George and Ann, chdn. of Geo. D. of Crimble, dec., tui., fol. 353, Pontefract. Jacobus, son of Jac. D. of Huthersfeild, tui., fol. 61, Pontefract. John, Gresbrough, fol. 609, Doncaster. William, Woodend, fol. 37, Prerogative. Dixon, Ann, dr. of Tho. D. of Lowthropp, dec., fol. 488, Dickering. David, par. St. Mary Castlegate, York, fol. 64, City. Isabell, Abberford, fol. 203, Ainsty. Jane, Thornton, fol. 106, Ridall. John, Dewsbury, fol. 352, Pontefract. John, par. Ealand, fol. 63, Pontefract. John, York, fol. 51, City. Leonard, Brandesdale, fol. 175, Ridall. Nicholas, Commondale, fol. 257, Cleveland. Ralph, son of Joh. D. of Seamer, Dickering. Richard, Cunnanley, fol. 525, Craven. Richard, Gisbrough, fol. 258, Cleveland. Robert, Pontefract, fol. 131, Pontefract. Thomas, Shereburne, fol. 213, Ainsty. Thomas, Workley, fol. 288, Ainsty. Dixson, John, Thornhill, fol. 96, Pontefract. Doare, John, Blithspittle, fol. 238, Retford. Dobb, Alice, Hooton, fol. 428, Doncaster. Dobby, Edmund, New Malton, fol. no, Ridall. , Thomas, Bridlington, fol. 469, Dickering. Dobleday, William, Stoke juxta Newarke, fol. 317, Newark. Dobson, Catherine, New Malton, widow, fol. 97, Ridall. , Ellen, dr. of Will. D. of Beverley, dec., tui., fol. 7, Harihill. , Ellen, dr. of Will. D. of Beverley, dec., tui., fol. 132, Harthill. , Henry, Litlebeck, par. Whitbie, fol. 333, Cleveland. , Jacobus, par. Wakefeild, fol. 195, Pontefract. , John, Hipperholme, fol. 179, Pontefract. , John, Wilstrop, fol. 161, Ainsty. , Margery and Frances, daurs. of Will. D. of Lyth, dec., tui., fol. 223, Cleveland. , Michael, Blackwood, fol. 38a, Pontefract. , Philip, New Malton, fol. 151, Ridall. , Richard, par. Helmesley, fol. 199, Ridall. , Richard, New Malton, fol. 202, Ridall. , Richard, Owlton, fol. 87, Pontefract. , Thomas, Nun Munckton, fol. 258, Prerogative. , William, Baildon, fol. 155, Ainsty. , William, Lyth, fol. 308, Cleveland. , Xpofer, Birdfurth, fol. 80, Bulmer. Dockrey, Isabell, Preston, fol. 206, Holderness. Dodge, Isabell, Norton Cuckney, spr., fol. 271, Retford. Dodgson, Dorothy, East Gotham, fol. 196, Cleveland. , John, Catton, par. Topclifife, fol. 70, Buhner. , Leonard, par. Rawmarsh, fol. 528, Doncaster. , Thomas, Roundhey, fol. 186, Ainsty. Dodshon, John, Stranton, dioc. Durham, fol. 35, Prerogative. , Katherine, Normandby. fol. 197, Ridall. , William, Normandby, fol. 197, Ridall. Dodsworth, Edmund, Settrington, fol. 265, Buckrose. APPENDIX. 147 Aug.2o, 1634. Dodsworth, Israel, York, merchant, fol. 39, City. Oct. 7, 1631. , Matthew, Slingsbie, B.L., fol. 48, Bulmer. Nov.29, 1645. , Richard, Sproxton, fol. 88, Ridall. Aug.3i, 1633. Doe, Christopher, Rippon, fol. 411, Craven. Jan. n, 1638. Dolliffe, Jane, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 85, Harthill. Oct. ii, 1645. , Thomas, Pontefract, fol. 54, Pontefract. May 8,1628. Doncaster, William, Laxton, fol. 311, Newark. Dec. 5, 1645. Done, William, Ackton, dioc. Chest., fol. 13, Prerogative. Jun. 25, 1649. Donforth, Elizabeth, Paull als. Pagula. fol. 247, Holderness. Apl. 18, 1646. Donke, Thomas, Carberton, Retford. Oct. 24, 1632. Donne, Silvester, Gemblinge, fol. 311, Dickering. May 17, 1637. Donnell, Margaret, dau. of Will. D. of Doncaster, fol. 349, Pontefract. Apl. 12, 1647. , Thomas, West Retford, Retford. July 12, 1634. Doughtie, William, Bolton Percie, fol. 199, Ainsty. Jun. 8, 1630. - als. Issott, Margarett, par. Campsall, fol. 70, Pontefract. July i, 1648. Doughtye, Richard, Mosse als. Mosseley, fol. 512, Doncaster. Oct. 23, 1646. Douglas, Francis, Knaresbrough, fol. 28, Prerogative. Mar. i, 1637. Dounill, Richard, Babworth, fol. 256, Retford. Mar.i2, 1645. Dove, Humphrey, Doncaster, fol. 461, Doncaster. Apl. 24, 1634. , children of John, Egton, par. Lyth, tui. to Eliz. D., mother, fol. 290, Cleveland. Aug.23, 1647. 1 John, North Clifton, Newark. Mar.2o, 1645. , John, son of Joh. D. dioc., York, fol. 205, Cleveland. July 31, 1632. Dowbiggin, Thomas, Newland, fol. 399, Craven. Oct. 2, 1638. Dpwgill, Christopher, Pannall, fol. 281, Ainsty. Oct. 25, 1636. Downam, Christopher, Addaingham, fol. 467, Craven. Jan. 15, 1648. Downes, Christopher, son of Chris. D. of Cawood, dec., fol. 51, Prerogative. Sep. 24, 1627. , Christopher, Cawood, Caveat, fol. 116, Ainsty. Feb. 4, 1639. , Jacobus, Stokesley, fol. 327, Cleveland. Oct. 9, 1638. Downinge, Grace, Gunthwaite, fol. 642, Doncaster. Nov.i6, 1633. Dowson, Francis, Kirbymisperton, fol. 163, Ridall. Sep. 10, 1645. > Jacobus, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 131, Harthill. Mar. 8, 1650. , Mar[maduke ?] Salkeld, fol. 71, Prerogative. May 5, 1636. , Marmaduke, Sincliffe, fol. 79, Bulmer. Jan. 21, 1630. , Ralph, Limberhill, fol. 260, Cleveland. Oct. 8,1635. ' Richard, Rowseby, fol. 301, Cleveland. Nov. 6, 1639. Dowthty, Richard, Basingfeild, fol. 136, Nottingham. Feb. 26, 1634. Dracott, Richard, Rempston, fol. 98, Nottingham. Aug. 27, 1644. Drake, Francis, Horley Greene, fol. 43, Pontefract. July 14, 1630. , Grace, North Owrom, fol. 72, Pontefract. Feb. 9, 1641. , Judith, Jonathan, William, Hester, chdn. of Jerem. D., par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 25, Pontefract. Mar.3i, 1636. Dransfeild, Joshua, Barsland, fol. 318, Pontefract. Aug.i2, 1629. Draper, Henry, par. Hallifax, fol. 61, Pontefract. Mar. 2, 1632. , Robert, Staunton, fol. 334, Newark. Feb. 16, 1636. , William, par. Heptonstall, fol. 3410, Pontefract. May 2, 1632. Drew, William, Kingston upon Hull, marriner, fol. 19, Harthill. Feb. 10, 1641. , William, Ottringham, fol. 225, Holderness. May3i, 1647. , William, Synnington, fol. 97, Ridall. Nov.io, 1647. Driffeild, Barbara and Margaret, drs. of Tho. D. of Sutton in le Galtres, dec., fol. 30, Bulmer. Jun. 21, 1628. - , Katherine, Wheldrake, widow, fol. 29, Bulmer. Oct. 16, 1630. , Robert, Easingwold, fol. 43, Bulmer. Dec. 4, 1647. , William, Lawndhouse, gentleman, fol. 29, Bulmer, Apl. 3, 1649. als. Coates, Mary, Cottingwith, grant to Joh. C., husband, fol. 34, Harthill. Jun. 27, 1636. Dring, George, Wintringham, fol. 262, Buckrose. MayiS, 1640. - , John, Aslockton, fol. 140, Nottingham. Jun. 29, 1631. Dringe, Ellen, Cloughton, fol. 303, Dickering. May 13, 1645. ' i Thomas and John, Wood Appleton, fol. 87, Ridall. July 18, 1633. Driver, Alice, Bolland, fol. 407, Craven. Sep. 30, 1640. , Bartholomew, Thornley, co. Lane., fol. 219, Prerogative. July 13, 1632. - , Christopher, Hawkesworth, par. Otley, fol. 170, Ainsty. Apl. 14, 1635. , Joseph, son of Geo. D. of Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 195, Pontefract. 148 APPENDIX. Jun. 18, 1634. Dromanbie, Robert, Halton super Montem, fol. 432, Craven. Dec. 8, 1648. Droughton, Elizabeth, Hatefeild Woodhouse, fol. 514. Doncaster. May 8, 1628. Drurie, Henry, Sireston, fol. 311, Newark. Aug. I, 1628. , William, son of Will. D. of Cawthorne, dec., tui., fol. 452, Doncaster. Apl. 30, 1640. Drury, Henry, Flintham, fol. 143, Nottingham. Dec. 4, 1639. Dry, Hester, dr. of Rob. D. of Preston, dec., fol. 210, Holderness. Mar. 12, 1628. , Matthew, Headon, Holderness. Aug.n, 1651. Drye, Robert, Little Ruston, fol. 488, Dickering. Nov.i2, 1634. , Robert, Preston, fol. 180, Holderness. May 18, 1646. Ducenett, Constance, Nottingham, widow, Nottingham. Mar.io, 1635. Duck, William, Scarbrough, fol. 328, Dickering. Jun. 29, 1638. , William, Skarbrough, fol. 342, Dickering. Nov.iS, 1627. Ducke, John, Everley, Dickering. Apl. 28, 1631. , Peter, Hudderwell, fol. 266, Cleveland. Mar. 9, 1649. , Robert, Scalby, fol. 482, Dickering. May 9. 1633. , Thomas, Whitbie, fol. 283, Cleveland. July 7, 1637. Ducket, John, Sowth Kirkby, fol. 621, Doncaster. Jun. 25, 1638. , Robert, Hunslet, fol. 278, Ainsty. Apl. 27, 1637. Duckett, Stephen, Nunnington, fol. 185, Ridall. Aug.23, 1627. Ducklin, John, son of Oliver D. of East Markham, dec., tui., fol. 185, Retford. Mar.28, 1629. Dudding, Robert, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Dec. 23, 1643. Dudine, Jane, Weedley, fol. 119, Harthill. Dec. n, 1635. Dudsberrie, William, Rotherham, fol. 583, Doncaster. Apl. 29, 1642. Duehirst, John, par. Ribchester, fol. 250, Prerogative. July 20, 1629. Duffeild, Ann, Longley, fol. 57, Prerogative. Jun. 25, 1638. , John, Grantley, fol. 503, Craven. Nov.i7, 1635. , Stephen, par. Bramham, fol. 220, Ainsty. Aug. i, 1633. Duffin, William, Roundhey, fol. 186, Ainsty. Mar. ii, 1635. Duffine, William, Normanton, fol. 314, Pontcfract. Oct. 2, 1628. , William, Normanton, fol. 39*1, Pontefract. May 6, 1639. Dugdayle, Elizabeth, ^r. of Giles D., dec., tui., fol. 288, Ainsty. Sep. 28, 1638. , Margaret, Chatborne, fol. 187, Prerogative. Mayio, 1631. Dun, William, Bulmer, fol. 46, Buhner. Oct. 4, 1644. Dunford, Thomas, Barnsley, fol. 450, Doncaster. July 16, 1649. Dungwith, Richard, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 38, Harthill. Oct. 12, 1642. Duninge, Francis, Thirske, fol. 6, Bulmer. Apl. 18, 1634. , William, Honicarr howse, par. Thirske, fol. 67, Bulmer. July 31, 1638. Dunkan, Thomas, Cottingham, fol. 84, Harthill. Jun. 8, 1631. Dunken, Ralph, Cottingham, fol. n, Harthill. Feb. 13, 1627. Dunkon, Joseph, Tickton, Holderness. Mar.iS, 1635. Dunn, Emma and Ann, drs. of Silv. D. of Gemling, par. Foston, dec., fol. 77, Bulmer. Oct. 8, 1633. , John, Brearley, fol. 539, Doncaster. Aug. 2, 1638. , John, Earby, fol. 320, Cleveland. May 5, 1648. , John, son of Will. D. of Maunbie super Swaile, dec., tui., fol. 32, Bulmer. Feb. 8, 1631. , Ralph, Aldbrough, fol. 150, Holderness. Jan. 30, 1644. Dunne, Joan, Arnold, fol. 236, Holderness. Oct. 9, 1627. , Nicholas, Whiston, fol. 435, Doncaster. Feb. 26, 1637. , Robert, Hugget, fol. 74, Harthill. May 15, 1645. , Thomas, Mooretowne, fol. 239, Holderness. July 13, 1630. , William, Swyne, fol. 138, Holderness. May 9, 1634. Dunnill, Richard, Darrington, fol, 145, Pontefract. Oct. 6, 1640. Dunning, Lancelot, curate of Wilton, fol. 108, Bulmer. Oct. 6. 1640. , Lancelot, curate of Wilton, fol. 333, Cleveland. Mar. 29, 1639. Dunninge, Jacobus, Kirkbie Siggeston, fol. 191, Prerogative. Jun. 7, 1648. , John, Southwoodes, fol. 32, Bulmer. Sep. ii, 1644. William, Thirske, fol. 13, Buhner. Aug.ig, 1641. Dunnington, John, Whitbie, fol. 340, Cleveland. Apl. 10, 1638. Dunsforth, Andrew, par. Thornehill, fol. 377, Pontefract. Apl. 27, 1638. Dunstall, William, son of Rich. D., Kingston upon Hull, dec., tui., fol. 76, Harthill. Nov.23, 1647. Dunston, Elizabeth, East Retford, Retford. Nov.23, 1647. , John, East Retford, Retford. APPENDIX. 149 Nov.23, 1649. Dunston, Mary, dau. of Will. D. of East Retford, dec., tui., Retford. Sep. 4, 1637. Dunwell, Ann and Isabell, Otley, fol. 264, Ainsty. Sep. 4, 1637. , Christopher, Otley, fol. 264, Ainsty. Mar.25, 1634. , Christopher, Staineburne, fol. 194, Ainsty. Feb. 10, 1632. , John, par. Horburie, fol. 130, Pontefract. July 22, 1635. , Xpofer, Wakefeild, fol. 201, Pontefract. Feb. 10, 1628. Dutton, Hugh, Barton in fabis. fol. 49, Nottingham. Jan. 30, 1627. Duxbury, Lawrence, eldest son of Nic. D., Higham Deane, dioc. Chest., fol. 49, Prerogative. Apl. 9, 1635. Dyamond als. Heleley, Elizabeth, Caveat, fol. 570, Doncaster. Jan. 20, 1647. Dymond, John, East Ardsley, fol. 115, Pontefract. Feb. i, 1632. Dynnis, Anthony, Thornton, fol. 54, Bulmer. Mar.26, 1635. , Richard, Buttercrambe, fol. 74, Bulmer. July i, 1634. , Ursula, Longmarston, fol. 197, Ainsty. Apl. 27, 1647. Dyse, Anthony, Balderton, Newark. Feb. 9, 1628. Dyson, Alice, par. Almonburie, fol. 46, Pontefract. Jan. 14, 1646. , George, Alice, Ann, chdn. of Geo. D. of Crimble, dec., tui., fol. 90, Pontefract. Oct. 23, 1634. , Jacobus, son of Jac. D., par. Huthersfeild, dec., tui., fol. 182, Ponte- fract. Apl. 24, 1634. , Mary, dr. of Jac. D., par. Huthersfeild, dec., tui., fol. 170, Pontefract. May 7, 1639. , Robert, par. Felkirke, fol. 652, Doncaster. May 2, 1637. , Robert and Troath, tui. to Rob. D., father, fol. 616, Doncaster. Dec. 17, 1633. , Sarah, dr. of Will. D:, par. Almonburie, dec., tui., fol. 162, Pontefract. Oct. i, 1629. , Susanna, par. Huthersfeild, fol. 62, Pontefract. Jan. 15, 1635. , William, Leedes, fol. 224, Ainsty. Mar. 7, 1641. Eagland, Isaac, Hallifax, fol. 21, Pontefract. Feb. 5, 1637. , Matthew, Hallifax, fol. 370, Pontefract. May 2, 1637. Ealam, Jennet, Melton, fol. 614, Duncaster. May 2, 1637. , John, Howber, par. Wath super Dearne, fol. 613, Doncaster. Jan. 16, 1635. Earle, William, Great Tyles, fol. 588, Doncaster. Mayio, 1641. Earneshawe, Jane, Holme, par. Almonburie, fol. 13, Pontefract. Oct. 7, 1641. Earnshawe, Elizabeth, Normanton super Trent, Newark. Jan. 21, 1630. Easbie, Robert, Haldanby, fol. 84, Pontefract. Feb.ult.,i63i. .Thomas, Haldenbie, fol. 109, Pontefract. Feb. 2, 1644. Easdall, William, Doctor of Laws, Prob. (will dated Mar. 4, 1638), fol. 260, Prerogative. July 29, 1633. Eastborne, Lowland [? Rowland] Holbecke, fol. 182, Ainsty. Dec. 16, 1636. Easterbie, Richard, Linton, fol. 245, Ainsty. Jun. 18, 1635. Easton, Cicilia, Farndale, par. Kirkbymoreshead, Caveat, fol. 171, Ridall. Mayio, 1636. Eastropp, , grant to Jane E., relict, fol. 190, Holderness. Jan. 21, 1638. Eastwood, Edmund, Bradshawe, fol. 390, Pontefract Jan. 19, 1640. , John, Cliviger, co. Lane., fol. 214, Prerogative. May 5, 1631. , Thomas, Hayton, fol. 212, Retford. Apl. 22, 1630. , William, son of Will. E. of Ragnell, dec., fol. 203, Retford. Sep. 2, 1639. Eates, Jacobus, Filey, fol. 347, Dickering. May i, 1634. Eaton, George, Nottingham, fol. go, Nottingham. Oct. 7, 1641. , Michael, son of Geo. E. of Nottingham, dec., tui., Nottingham. Mar.2g, 1633. , Richard, par. Sheffeild, fol. 522, Doncaster. Mar. 9, 1640. als. Cocker, George, son of Rob. E. of Babbington Moore, dec., tui., fol. 147, Nottingham. Apl. 21, 1648. Eccles, William, Mosse, par. Campsall, fol. 509, Doncaster. Nov. 14, 1645. Ecton, Mary, Darneton, dioc. Dur., fol. n, Prerogative. Aug.io, 1641. Eddenborough, Jacobus, Orston, Nottingham. Aug.iS, 1640. Eden, Robert, Wilton, fol. 333, Cleveland. Feb. 25, 1647. - , Thomas, par. Pontefract, fol. 114, Pontefract. Jan. 27, 1645. Edison, Thomas, Manchester, fol. 15, Prerogative. Jan. 12, 1652. Edlington, John, tui. to Edm. E. of Ollerton, father, Retford. Sep. 24, 1647. , William, West Stockwith, Retford. Feb. 2, 1649. Edmonds, Jane, Bridlington, widow, fol. 481, Dickering. Jan. 15, 1629. Edmondson, John, Leedes, fol. 63, Prerogative. May 15, 1633. Edmunds, John, Nottingham, fol. 82, Nottingham. Sep. 25, 1651. Edon, Isaac, Gisbrough, fol. 235, Cleveland. Mar.zo, 1649. Edson, William, Carlton, Retford. APPENDIX. Feb. 15, 1630. Mar. 24, 1630. Apl. 22, 1639. Mar. 6, 1649. Sep. 4, 1647. July 31, 1635. Jun. 19, 1646. Feb. 9, 1637. Dec. 16, 1636. Nov.24, 1648. Aug. 2, 1648. May 17, 1638. Aug.23, 1647. Oct. 5, 1637. Oct. 6, 1629. Oct. 10, 1637. July 29, 1640. Aug. 3, 1636. Aug. 3, 1.631. Feb.ult.,i63i. Feb. 19, 1633. Apl. 20, 1629. Feb. ii, 1628. May i, 1641. Feb. 7, 1637. Oct. 21, 1650. Jun. 23, 1641. Dec. 16, 1651. Feb. 8, 1631. Mar. 8, 1637. Apl. 26, 1641. May 2, 1639. Apl. 25, 1636. Feb. 19, 1635. Jan. 17, 1636. Aug.i6, 1652. Apl. 15, 1630. Apl. 17, 1649. Mar. 30, 1650. Jan. 20, 1636. Dec. 21, 1644. Mar.3o, 1650. Aug. 6, 1640. July 31, 1632. Aug.ig, 1634. Dec. 13, 1633. July 24, 1629. Jan. 14, 1633. July 3, 1635. Aug.3i, 1637. May 2, 1632. Oct. ii, 1636. Apl. 8, 1645. Feb. 5, 1637. Aug.26, 1637. Sep. 21, 1629. Sep. 9, 1639. Dec. i, 1645. Oct. i, 1629- Dec. 31, 1635. Apl. 30, 1646. Oct. 22, 1651. Jan. 31, 1630. Aug. 3, 1641. Edwardes, John, Garton, Caveat, fol. 7, Harthill. , John, Garton als. of Vbrk Castle, fol. 302, Dickering. , John, Newsom, par. Wressle, fol. 89, Harthill. , Laurence, Yarome, fol. 230, Cleveland. Edwards, Elizabeth, Sowerby, fol. 98, Ridall. , John, Chirke, dioc. Chest., Caveat, fol. 129, Prerogative. , Rose, Bronroid, par. Mould, co. Flint, fol. 25, Prerogative. Eedson, Edward, Chappell Ollerton, fol. 270, Ainsty. Eeedson (sic), Jane, Chapell Ollerton, fol. 245, Ainsty. Eeles, Jacobus, Newsome, fol. 33, Bulmer. Egglefeild, Brian, East Ayton, fol. 473, Dickering. Egglesfeild, Brian, Holthrop, fol. 191, Ridall. Eggleston, Frances, Southwell, widow, Newark. Eglestone, Thomas, Owthorne, fol. 198, Holderness. Eieles, Agnes, Hollym, Holderness. Elam, Elizabeth, Adwicke in Lee Strata, fol. 624, Doncastcr. , John, Wombwell, fol. 421, Doncaster. Eldershawe, John, Keyworth, fol. 109, Nottingham. , Lawrence, Normanton, fol. 69, Nottingham. Eldmire, Jacobus, Easingwold, fol. 52, Bulmer. Eldrecke, Margaret, Elsternwicke, fol. 170, Holderness. Eleston, Robert, Doncaster, fol. 462*1, Doncaster. Elison, John, Gotham, fol. 314, Newark. Ellell, Roger, Holden, par. Bolton, fol. 533, Craven. Ellerbecke, William, Pattrington, fol. 198, Holderness. Ellergill, Simon, Carlton co. Cumb., fol. 70, Prerogative. Ellerker, Sir Ralph, Risbie, par. Rowley, kt., fol. 101, Harthill. , Ruth, dr. of Phil. E. of Welton, dec., tui., fol. 55, Harthill. , William, Preston, fol. 150, Holderness. Ellert, William, Over Catton, fol. 75, Harthill. Ellerton, Thomas, Scriningham, fol. 271, Buckrose. , Xpofer, Rudston, fol. 345, Dickering. als. Cowper, Mary, Ellerton, fol. 59, Harthill. Ellethorp, William, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 55, Harthill. Ellill, William, Holden, fol. 471, Craven. Ellin, Rebecca, rel. of Joh. E. of Womersley, fol. 355, Pontefract. Ellington, William, Clotherum, fol. 362, Craven. Elliot, John, Newland, fol. 246, Holderness. , John, Walkington, fol. 44, Harthill. , Richard, Northowses, par. Cottingham, fol. 65, Harthill. Elliott, Ambrose, Weighton, fol. 125, Harthill. , John, Walkington, fol. 46, Harthill. , Robert, Rotheram, fol. 425, Doncaster. Ellis, Anthony, Gisburne, fol. 405, Craven. , Christofer, son of Barnard E. of Kilnehirst, esq., dec., fol. 556, Doncastcr. , Dorothy, Allrhay, par. Bangor, Caveat, fol. 104, Prerogative. , Edward, Hooton Pannell, fol. 471, Doncaster. , Elizabeth, Brearhey, fol. 191, Ainsty. , Elizabeth, dr. of Rob. Ellis of Hardhead, fol. 443, Craven. , Frances, Barden, wid., Caveat, fol. 486, Craven. , Francis, Bridlington, fol. 309, Dickering. , Henry, Rotheram, fol. 601, Doncaster. , Hester, Churwell, fol. 57, Pontefract. , Isabel, Bardin, fols. 477 and 497, Craven. , Jacobus, Brearley, fol. 362, Pontefract. , Jacobus, senr., Elslacke, Caveat, fol. 352, Craven. , John, Bentley, fol. 648, Doncaster. , John, Coates, par. Silkston, fol. 462, Doncaster. , John, Leedes, fol. 143, Ainsty. , John, son of Rob. E. of Rudston, dec., fol. 328, Dickering. , John, par. Waikfeild, fol. 74, Pontefract. Joseph, West Ardsley, fol. 353, Pontefract. -, Richard, Darton vel Hexham, clerk, fol. 485, Doncaster. -, Richard, Highhoyland, fol. 434, Doncaster. APPENDIX. Oct. 10, 1633. Ellis Robert, Ansley, fol. 87, Nottingham. Dec. 9, 1636. Robert, Burnesall, fol. 480, Craven. Mayzo, 1635. Robert, Kirbymisperton, fol. 171, Ridall. Sep. 10, 1634. Robert, Rigton, fol. 232, Ainsty. Mar.30, 1636. Roger, Burghwallis, fol. 590, Doncaster. Jun. 18, 1634. Roger, Burnesall, fol. 432, Craven. Sep. 25, 1635. Thomas, Kildwicke, fol. 450, Craven. Nov.28, 1639. Thomas, Wheldrake, fol. 103, Bulmer. Sep. 26, 1627. William, Ardsley, fol. 433, Doncaster. July 3, 1633. William, Pinchinthorp, fol. 276, Cleveland. Aug. 7, 1630. William, Upton, Skipsey, fol. 136, Holderness. Jun. 15, 1647. als. Bower, Elizabeth, Newarke Super Trent, Newark. Oct. 10, 1636. Ellison, Galfrid, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 62, Harthill. Jan. 9, 1639. , Henry, Sicklinghall, fol. 305, Ainsty. Apl. 27, 1632. , John, Doncaster, fol. 514, Doncaster. May 28, 1646. , William, Doncaster, fol. 471, Doncaster. May 8, 1628. , William, Stooke juxta Newarke, fol. 310, Newark. July 12, 1649. , William, son of Joh. E. of Worsbrough, dec., tui., fol. 521, Doncaster. May 5, 1634. als. Waid, Jane, Cullingworth, Caveat, fol. 418, Craven. Oct. 21, 1648. Ellisone, John, Coates, fol. 513, Doncaster. July 4, 1633. Elliston, Richard, Doncaster, fol. 546, Doncaster. Dec. 8, 1635. Ellithorne, William, York, fol. 47, City. May 8, 1649. Ellott, Denzill, Westropp, par. Southwell, Newark. Apl. 25, 1640. Ellwood, Christopher, Upper Silton, par. Cuckold, fol. no, Bulmer. Sep. 22, 1641. , George, Coxwould, fol. 3, Bulmer. Sep. 30, 1630. Elmore, Randolph, par. Sheffeild, fol. 500, Doncaster. Nov.is, 1647. Elmsall, Elizabeth, Wakefeild, fol. 109, Pontefract. Sep. 25, 1648. Elrington, John, Wood Appleton, fol. 103, Ridall. Oct. 5, 1627. Elsam. Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. July 9, 1647. , William, Lenton, Nottingham. Jan. 16, 1628. Elsom, Richard, East Retford, fol. 196, Retford. Oct. 9, 1634. Elston, Lawrence, son of Rich. E. of Elston, tui., fol. 95, Nottingham. Apl. 22, 1630. Elton, Robert, Nottingham, fol. 60, Nottingham. May 19, 1647. Elvish, George, Egmonton, Retford. Jan. 4, 1635. Elvishe, Roland, Bolton, fol. 587, Doncaster. Oct. 13, 1636. Elwis, Thomas, Balderton, fol. 349, Newark. May 5, 1648. Elwood, Robert, Over Silton, fol. 32, Bulmer. Dec. 6, 1631. , Robert, York, fol. 17, City. Mar. i, 1627. , Susanna, par. Hallifax, fol. 442, Doncaster. Jan. 16, 1634. , Thomas, Wighill, fol. 207, Ainsty. Mar. 9, 1640. Emberson, George, Tythby, fol. 146, Nottingham. Oct. 2, 1644. Emerson, Franc., Darnton, dioc. Dur., fol. 270, Prerogative. July 5, 1631. , George, Whiteharworth, Dioc. Dur., fol. goa, Prerogative. May 17, 1638. , Ralph, Wood Appleton, fol. 191, Ridall. Feb. 7, 1633. , Robert, Bursey, fol. 36, Harthill. Mar. i, 1638. , William, Staunton, fol. 131, Nottingham. Oct. 13, 1636. Emley, Thomas, Torworth, fol. 245, Retford. Feb. 19, 1650. Emmerson, Alexander, Adlingfleete, fol. 351, Pontefract. Dec. 2, 1629. Emott, Alison, Colne, dioc. Chest., spr., vacat, fol. 66, Prerogative. May i, 1634. Emperall, Edward, Ollerton, fol. 232, Retford. Mayi.8, 1635. Empsall, Thomas, Purston Jackling, fol. 215, Ainsty. Apl. 4, 1648. Empson, Ann, Gowlehouses, par. Snaith, fol. 46, Prerogative. Jun. 24, 1633. , John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 32, Harthill. Jun. 9, 1649. , Robert, son of Joh. E. of Saltmarsh, dec., tui., fol. 58, Prerogative. Oct. 4, 1649. , William, aged 16, son of Joh. E. of Saltmarsh, dec., tui., fol. 63, Prerogative. Aug. 7, 1636. Emson, Ralph, Leedesheadraw, fol. 240, Ainsty. Apl. 26, 1650. Endicke, Dionisia, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 44, Harthill. Feb. 16, 1646. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 10, Harthill. Jan. 15, 1647. England, Ellis, Moore Greene, Nottingham. Aug. 2, 1638. , Richard, West Melton, fol. 637, Doncaster. Aug. 3, 1647. ' Robert, Carleton in Lindricke, Retford. July 17, 1635. Erie, Hellen, Kirkleventon, fol. 300, Cleveland. July 31, 1632. Escam, Christopher, Herber, par. Horton, fol. 399, Craven, APPENDIX. Mar.i3, 1637. Apl. 23, 1629. May 2, 1639. Feb. 14, 1637. Aug. 15, 1629. Jun. 22, 1635. May 23, 1629. May 9, 1628. Jun. 22, 1637. Aug. 15. 1639. May 27, 1642. Aug.23, 1647. May 3 1, 1647. Apl. 16, 1635. Aug.23, 1650. Jun. 19, 1628. July i, 1629. May 14, 1634. Mar.23, 1632. May 14, 1634. Sep. 25, 1634. Aug.25, 1630. Aug.i6, 1627. May 13, 1641. Sep. 25, 1640. Oct. 7, 1630. Mar.26, 1628. Jun. 23, 1632. Nov. 2, 1630. Oct. 23, 1634. July 30, 1647. July 28, 1637. Jan. 25, 1642. Sep. 23, 1642. Mar.23, J 639- Dec. 31, 1631. May 13, 1631. Mar.2O, 1644. Jan. 28, 1632. July 18, 1638. Jan. 16, 1628. (an. 28, 1647. July 9, 1647. Dec. 24, 1636. Feb.ult.,i644. Dec. 3, 1631. Sep. 26, 1651. Jan. 16, 1635. Jan. 16, 1635. Apl. 14, 1635. Jan. 15, 1644. Sep. 28, 1646. Nov.27, 1634. Jun. 24, 1636. Dec. 19, 1639. Apl. 30, 1629. May 24, 1638. July 31, 1640. Oct. 12, 1633. Jan. 4, 1636. May 13, 1647. Esh, George, Harpham, fol. 339, Dickering. , John, Danby, fol. 248, Cleveland. , Susanna, Harpham, fol. 345, Dickering. , Thomas, Harpham, fol. 337, Dickering. , Thomas, Harpham, Dickering. Eshall, William, Lofthouse, par. Rothwell, fol. 197, Pontefract. Eshborne, Francis, Witherensey, Holdirness. Eshton, Richard, Melburn, fol. 52, Prerogative. a/5. Turner, Ann, Ellerton, fol. 68, Harthill. Eskricke, Thomas, South Skirlay, fol. 208, Holderness. Eskrigg, John, Flinton, fol. 226, Holderness. Eskrigge, Thomas, son of Rob. E. of Skipsey, dec., fol. 223, Holderness. Estill, William, Langdale, par. Wickeham, fol. 97, Rldall. Eston, Robert, Marske, fol. 299, Cleveland. Etherington, Henry, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. Richard, Newton garth, par. Paul, esq., Holderness. Richard, Whitwell, fol. 35, Bulmer. Thomas, Bridlington, fol. 318, Dickering. Thomas, Dunsley, fol. 281, Cleveland. William, Bridlington, fol. 318, Dickering. William, Headon, gentleman, fol. 181, Holderness. William, Newton Garth, par. Paule, fol. 136, Holderness. Ettie, John Acaster Malbis, fol. 117, Ainsty. Eurie, Dorothy, Easby, spr., fol. 339, Cleveland. , Ralph, par. St. Geo., Southwarke, esq., fol. 213, Prerogative. Everatt, Edward, Kirkebie in Ashfeild, fol. 64, Nottingham. Everingham, Joshua, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 21, Harthill. Evers, Margaret, North Cave, widow, fol. 7, Harthill. Ewart, Thomas, par. Wakefeild, fol. 181, Pontefract. Ewde, Roger, Hawarden, dioc. Chest., fol. 40, Prerogative. Evvre, Horace, Easbye, fol. 310, Cleveland. als. Hall, Deborah, rel. of Horace E. of Easby, dec., fol. 197, Cleveland. Ewrey, Horace, Earsby, fol. 197, Cleveland. Exilby, Nicholas, Follifoote, fol. 306, Ainsty. , Richard, Stockell Lodge, par. Spofforth, fol. 164, Ainsty. Exley, Robert, Cullingworth, fol. 377, Craven. , Robert, Samuel, Joseph, sons of Sam. E. of Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 45, Pontefract. Eyre, Grace, par. Rotheram, fol. 528, Doncaster. , Godfrey, par. Rotheram, fol. 636, Doncaster. , Jacobus, Mary, chdn. of Joh. E. of Sheffeild, tui., fol. 458, Doncaster. , Joseph, Haslehead, fol. 504, Doncaster. , Richard, Kirklington, Newark. Ezate, Robert, Beverley, fol. 65, Harthill. Faceby, Margaret, Huby, fol. 15, Bulmer. , Robert, Hubie, fol. 51, Bulmer. Facon als. Fiddling, Priscilla, grant to John Facon, husband, fol. 55, Harthill. Fairam, Richard, Clifton, fol. 588, Doncaster. , Sarah, par. Conisbrough, fol. 588, Doncaster. Fairbanck, Thomas, son of Sim. F. of Staneland, dec., tui., fol. 195, Ponte- fract. Fairbanke, Hester, Sowerby, widow, fol. 39, Pontefract. Fairbarne, Alice, dr. of Will. F. of Waxham, dec., tui., fol. 213, Holderness. , William, Scarbrough, fol. 320, Dickering. Fairebancke, George, Moulston, par. Hallifax, 327, Pontefract. Fairebanke, William, Hensall, fol. 201, Prerogative. Fairefax, Cuthbert, Acaster Malbis, fol. 142, Ainsty. als. Waterhouse, Abigael, Lieth, fol. 317, Cleveland. Fairewether, Jane, Danby, fol. 291, Cleveland. , Thomas and Jane, chdn. of Geo. F. of Brotton, tui., fol. 286, Cleveland. Fairfax, Arthur, Birkin, fol. 158, Prerogative. , Francis, Sandhutton, fol. 26, Bulmer. APPENDIX. 153 May 12, 1638. Dec.ao, 1634. Feb. 8, 1639. Oct. 7, 1629. Dec. 4, 1635. Dec. ir, 1637. Mar. 2, 1645. Oct. 3, 1633. Apl. 6, 1636. May 19, 1647. Dec. ii, 1635. Nov.27, 1635. Mar.27, 1638. Mar. 2, 1632. May 5, 1642. July 4, 1632. July 29, 1637. Dec. 2, 1635. Feb. 8, 1631. Aug. 4, 1636. Jun. 14, 1639. Sep. 22, 1636. Aug.i7, 1630. Jun. 26, 1640. Oct. 17, 1643. Jun. 5, 1634. May 29, 1647. Aug. 4, 1631. Apl. 29, 1634. July i, 1631. May 9, 1639. May 4, 1637. Apl. 20, 1629. Feb. 1 6, 1646. Dec. 8, 1631. Feb. 18, 1640. Nov.i4, 1628. Apl. 10, 1638. Aug. 3, 1635. Aug. i, 1633. July 4, 1628. Mar.i7, 1628. Nov.23, 1638. July 16, 1638. Jun. 14, 1636. Jun. 18, 1628. Nov. 6, 1632. Apl. 16, 1629. Apl. 18, 1632. Apl. 9, 1649. Aug. 2, 1647. Feb. i, 1642. May 9, 1633. Oct. 4, 1627. Apl. 10, 1638. Feb. 13, 1637. Feb. 5, 1637. Sep. 30, 1641. Mar. 3, 1646. Dec. 22, 1630. Sep. 27, 1633. Feb. 22, 1630. Fairfax, Hungate, Dunsley, fol. 317, Cleveland. , William, Newton Grainge, fol. 170, Ridall. Fairwether, Charity, York, fol. 73, City. Falkener, Leonard, Beverley, Harthill. , Richard, Bromhill, par. Leedes, fol. 223, Ainsty. Falkiner, William, Hunslet, fol. 268, Ainsty. Faram, Matthew, clerk, Curate of Settrington, fol. 275, Buckrose. Farden, Leonard, son of Joh. F. of Gemlen, dec., tui., fol. 315, Dickering. Fardin, William, Bishopthorp, fol. 232, Ainsty. Farmary, Richard, West Retford, Retford. Farmerie, Elizabeth, Upton, fol. 240, Retford. , Richard, son of Ric. F. of Upton, dec., tui., fol. 241, Retford. Farmery, Thomas, Topcliffe, fol. 96, Bulmer. Farnell, Robert, Thorney, fol. 333, Newark. Farnton, William, Cromwell, Newark. Farnworth, Mary, Tickhill, fol. 515, Doncaster. Farrand, Christofer, Stapleford, fol. 116, Nottingham. Farrer, Abraham, par. Ealand, fol. 310, Pontefract. George, Cottingham, fol. 17, Harthill. Nathaniel, Easingwold, fol. 81, Bulmer. Robert, Beverley Parkes, fol. 92, Harthill. Robert, Easingwould, fol. 8i,Bnlmer. Susanna, Hallifax, fol. 71, Pontefract. Farro, Jane, Barnsley, fol. 427, Doncaster. Farrow, Elizabeth, South Collingham, Newark. , Jane, Cottingham, fol. 42, Harthill. , William and Sara, South Collingham, Newark. Farrowe, Jane and Ellen, drs. of Joh. F., par. Barnesley, dec., tui., fol. 488, Doncaster. , Jane and Hellen, chdn. of Joh. F., par. Silkston, dec., tui., fol. 555, Doncaster. , John, Barnesley, fol. 489, Doncaster. , Lancelot, South Collingham, fol. 361, Newark. , William, son of Will. F. of Newarke, dec., tui., fol. 352, Newark. Farthing, Francis, Wilbecke, fol, 198, Retford. Farthinge, Nicholas, Dringho, fol. 217, Holderness. Fatherley, Ralph, Sproxton, fol. 153, Ridall. Faucet, John, Dighton, fol. 109, Bulmer. Fauell, Henry, Womersley, fol. 454, Doncaster. Faukes als. Arthington, Jane, Farneley, fol. 274, Ainsty. Faul[k]ner, Ralph, Newarke, fol. 344, Newark. Faunder, John, Rocliffe, fol. in, Prerogative. , William, Sawley, fol. 332, Craven. Fawber, Thomas, Rippon, fol. 56, Prerogative. Fawcet, Christofer, son of Mary F. of Otterburne, dec., tui., fol. 511, Craven. Elizabeth, Litton, fol. 504, Craven. John, York, fol. 50, City. Fawcett, Edward, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Henry, Ouldtown, fol. 117, Pontefract. Robert, Brafferton, fol. 35, Bulmer. Roland, Rippon, fol. 389, Craven. Fawconbridge, William, Parlington, fol. 132, Pontefract. Fawden, Thomas and Ann, Seaton, fol. 17, Harthill. Fayrer, John, de Warcoppe co. Westmerland, fol. 250, Prerogative. Fearne, Anthony, Thorp Arch, fol. 179, Ainsty. , John, Armeley, fol. 118, Ainsty. Fearneley, George, Clackheaton, fol. 376, Pontefract. , Godfrey, York, gentleman, fol. 60, City. , Judith, dr. of Jac. F., par. Thornehill, dec., tui., fol. 370, Pontefract. , Randolph, Gomersall, fol. 18, Pontefract. Fearnley, Anthony, Hanging Heaton, fol. 85, Pontefract. Fearnside, Anthony, New Inge, fol. 365, Craven. Feather, John, son of Joh. F. of Leedes, dec., tui., fol. 181, Ainsty. Featherston, George, Headon, fol. 143, Holderness. '54 APPENDIX. July ii, 1633. Apl. 18, 1636. Mar.3i, 1636. May i, 1628. May i, 1628. May i, 1628. Nov.24, 1646. Feb. 4, 1633. Oct. 23, 1634. Feb. 4, 1633. Nov.2o, 1635. Feb. ig, 1633. Aug. 4, 1631. Jan. 30, 1639. Aug.23, 1627. Mar. 5, 1645. Jun. 16, 1647. Dec. 19, 1632. Aug. 3, 1631. Jan. n, 1647. Nov. 2, 1637. Nov. 6, 1627. Oct. 30, 1639. Jan. 4, 1633. May 28, 1647. Feb. 22, 1648. Apl. 30, 1628. May 22, 1627. Dec. i, 1629. Dec. 24, 1646. Nov. 1 6, 1640. Nov.ig, 1636. May i, 1628. Nov.ig, 1636. Jun. ii, 1633. Jan. 9, 1637. Aug. 5, 1628. Jun. 16, 1647. Nov. 2, 1628. Sep. 6, 1632. May 20, 1637. Apl. 27, 1636. Oct. ii, 1650. Jan. ii, 1638. Aug. 2, 1638. Mar.3O, 1637. Feb. i, 1646. Sep. 26, 1651. Mar.2i, 1636. Mar. 6, 1634. Apl. 20, 1629. Jan. 2, 1642. May 9, 1639. Sep. 3, 1646. Jan. 7, 1646. July ii, 1643. Apl. 5, 1637. Dec. 6, 1632. Nov. 3, 1636. Oct. 7, 1637. July 16, 1638. Jan. 9, 1637. Feazer, Elizabeth, Sculcoates, fol. 163, Holderntss. , William, Beverley Parke, fol. 59, Harthill. Feether, Robert, Rauen Roid, par. Bingley, fol. 456, Craven. Feild, Francis, Fishlake, fol. 448, Doncaster. Francis, Fishlake, fol. 456, Doncaster. George, par. Bradford, fol. 33, Pontefract. Grace, Ackworth, fol. 89, Pontefract. Issabel, Aughton, fol. 39, Harthill. Jacobus, par. Wakefeild, fol. 181, Pontefract. John, Kingston upon Hull, Caveat, fol. 34, Harthill. John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 53, Harthill. Joshua, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 39, Harthill. Matthew, East Ardsley, gent., fol. g8, Pontefract. Robert, Tiresall, fol. 654, Doncaster. Feilden, John, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. , Martin, son of Nat. F. of Soyland, dec., tui., fol. 61, Pontefract. , Mary, dr. of Sarah F., tui. to Sim. Kirshay of Inchefeild, co. Lane., yeoman, fol. 101, Pontefract. , Mary, dr. of Barth. F. of Stansfeild, dec., fol. 125, Pontefract. Feildinge, Francis, Ratcliffe als. Radcliffe, fol. 6g, Nottingham. Fell, Issabel, par. Wakefeild, fol. in, Pontefract. , Thomas, Cropton, Caveat, fol. 187, Ridall. , Thomas, junr., Marlon Banckes, par. Bingley, fol. 320, Craven. Fenby, Richard, Lund, fol. 95, Harthill. Fenney, Robert, York, fol. 31, City. Fennix Bartholomew, Bradford, fol. 98, Pontefract. Fenton Emanuel, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 32, Harthill. George, Fulforth, fol. 30, Bulmer. Jennet, Carleton, fol. 315, Craven. Thomas, Sprotbrough, fol. 63, Pontefract. William, Elizabeth, Ann, chdn. of Rich. F. of Newarke, dec., tui., Newark. Ferkinson, John, York, fol. 77, City. Feme a/5. Feron, John, Howe, par. Brigham, fol. 148, Prerogative. Ferneley, Jacobus, Cawthorne, fol. 447, Doncaster. Feron als. Feme, John, Howe, par. Brigham, fol. 148, Prerogative. Ferrabie, Edward, Thurne, fol. 536, Doncaster. Ferrer, Richard, par. Normanton, fol. 366, Pontefract. , Walter, Pudsey, fol. 37a, Pontefract. Ferthing, Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 17, Harthill. Fether, Francis, Leedes, Caveat, fol. 133, Ainsty. Fetherstone, William, Jelley Parke, dioc. York, fol. 278, Cleveland. Fetherstonhalgh, Ralph, Stanhop Hall, dioc. Dur., gent., fol. 160, Prerogative. Fethom, John, Gilling, dioc. Chest., fol. 142, Caveat, Prerogative. Fewler, Henry, Ellerton, fol. 4g, Harthill. Fewsdall, Thomas, Rippon, fol. 517, Craven. Fewster, Elizabeth, Brandsby, fol. 95, Bulmer. , Robert, Brandsby, fol. 85, Bulmer. Ficcars, Margaret, Killom, fol. 460, Dickering. Fiddling als. Facon, Priscilla, grant to John Facon, husband, fol. 55, Harthill. Fiddy, Bartholomew, Skarbrough, fol. 332, Dickering. Filiskirke, William, Eastcottonwith, fol. 46, Harthill. Filpott, Thomas, Sheeffeild, fol. 462, Doncaster. Finch, Sir John, Inner Temple, London, kt., fol. 254, Prerogative. Finne, John, par. Trowell, fol. 133, Nottingham. Finney, Thomas, Finney, par. Almonbury, fol. 80, Pontefract. , William, son of Tho. F. of Almonbury, dec., tui., fol. 89, Pontefract. als. Pare, Margaret, Eaton, Retford. Firth, Daniel, Burstall, fol. 349, Pontefract. Edmund, Himsworth, fol. 119, Pontefract. Grace, dr. of John F. par. Ealand, dec., tui., fol. 338, Pontefract. Mary, Ribbonden in Ealand, fol. 362, Pontefract. Michael, par. Ealand, fol. 381, Pontefract. Samuel, son of Joh. F., par. Ealand, dec., tui., fol. 366, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 155 Apl. 16, 1637. Firth, William, Quomby, par. Almonbury, fol. 357,. Pontefract. Oct. 3, 1633. Fish Christopher, Marston, fol. 189, Ainsty. Jun. 29, 1647. George, Beverley, fol. 16, Harthill. Jun. 28, 1645. Mark, Cowicke, par. Snaith, fol. 3, Prerogative. Jun. 29, 1637. Robert, Doncaster, fol. 617, Doncaster. Aug.2o, 1634. Robert, Nottingham, fol. 93, Nottingham. Apl. 21, 1635. Thomas, Doncaster, fol. 573, Doncaster. Nov.2o, 1632. Thomas, Scarbrough, fol. 311, Dickering. Mayio, 1636. William, Haitefeild, fol. 593, Doncaster. Apl. 20, 1630. Fish , Robert, Spofforth, fol. 147, Ainsty. Nov.io, 1645. Fish r, Edward, Sheiffeild, fol. 462, Doncaster. Jun. 25, 1633. Edward, son of Fras. Fisher, York, dec., fol. 27, City. Jun. 30, 1631.. Frances, grant to Anth. F. of Stillington, husband, fol. 48, Bulmer. Jan. 24, 1645. Jane, Apley, co. Lane., widow, fol. 15, Prerogative. July 31, 1638. John, Drypoole, fol. 202, Holderness. July 26, 1639. - John and Thomas, chdn. of John F. of Embleton, fol. 202, Prerogative. Jan. 9, 1651. John, Isell, co. Cumb., fol. 75, Prerogative. July 4, 1646. John, William, and Thomas, chdn. of Tho. F. of Loundsbrough, dec., tui., fol. 2, Harthill. Oct. 28, 1641. Margaret, Scramston, fol. 272, Buckrose. Jan. 30, 1629. Mary, Hawxwell, fol. 206, Prerogative. Nov.iS, 1630. Matthew, Lockington, fol. 6, Harthill. Apl. 29, 1634. Philip, par. Darfeild, fol. 554, Doncaster. Oct. 9, 1627. Richard, Rotheram, fol. 435, Doncaster. July 12, 1646. Robert, Grindall, fol. 2, Harthill. Dec. 24, 1646. Robert, Winthorp, Newark. Jun. 3, 1630. Thomas, Lund, fol. 4, Harthill. Apl. 5, 1648. Thomas, Mattersey, Retford. Aug. 6, 1640. William, Attercliffe, fol. 425, Doncaster. Jun. 8, 1631. a/5. Cooke, Frances, wife of Anth. F. of Stillington, Caveat, fol. 78, Prerogative. Jun. 7, 1639. Fishweeke, John, Crooke in Withgill, par. Mitton, fol. 521, Craven. Nov. 6, 1634. Fishwick, William, Middleton, fol. 295, Cleveland. Aug. 6, 1633. Fishwicke, Margaret, Mitton, fol. 413, Craven. Oct. 2, 1628. , William, Carlton, fol. 247, Cleveland. May i, 1628. Fittieplace, Richard, Doncaster, fol. 445, Doncaster. Jan. 20, 1647. Fitton, Abraham, Thorncliffe, fol. 502, Doncaster. Feb. 27, 1636. , William, Cawarden, dioc. Chest., gent., fol. 158, Prerogative. July 24, 1639. , William, Cawarden, dioc. Chest., esq , fol. 197, Prerogative. Mar. 9, 1636. Fitz Randolph, Anthony, Hucknall Huthwaite, fol. 350, Newark. Apl. 19, 1638. Fitz Randolpe, John and Anthony, sons of Anth. F. of Hucknall subter Houthwaite, dec., tui., fol. 355, Newark. May 8, 1649. Fitzrandolphe, Fardinand, Laughton Hall, Nottingham. July 18, 1638. Flamstead, John, Doncaster, fol. 635, Doncaster. Nov.28, 1643. Flather, William, Adwalton, fol. 36, Pontefract. July 8, 1628. Flavell, William, par. St. Botolph, Aldgate, London, fol. $ja, Prerogative. Mar.i6, 1634. Flawith, Thomas, Paynst-ropp, par. Kirkbyunderdayle, fol. 260, Buckrose. Mar.iS, 1632. Fleeming, Agnes, Ridall, co. Westld., wid. fol. 99, Prerogative. Oct. i, 1644. , John, Acaster Selby, par. Stillingfleete, fol. 13, Bulmer. Feb. 10, 1646. Fleinders, Edward, East Stoke, Newark. Aug. 2, 1632. Fleminge, Abraham, Norland, fol. 120, Pontefract. Mar.i6, 1634. Flesher, Lawrence, Otley, fol. 204, Ainsty. July 13, 1633. Flesher als. Johnson, George, Robbinhoodsbay, fol. 276, Cleveland. July 2, 1638. Fletcher, Ann, Farnedayle, fol. 195, Ridall. Oct. n, 1636. Bartholome%v, par. Campsall, fol. 603, Doncaster. May i, 1638. Francis, Thorssenbie, par. Scawbie, fol. 338, Dickering. July 23, 1641. Grace, par. Hallifax, fol. 14, Pontefract. Dec. 29, 1646. Jacobus, Ratchdale, co. Lane., fol. 28, Prerogative. July 28, 1637. John, Brigham, fol. 174, Prerogative. Aug. 14, 1643. - Robert, Mosse, fol. 446, Doncaster. Oct. ii, 1632. Rosamund, Eastretford, fol. 223, Retford. Dec. 19, 1635. Simon, Beverley, fol. 54, Harthill. Feb. 26, 1645. William, junr., Aston, fol. 463, Doncaster. Dec. 16, 1630. William, Weeton, fol. 153, Ainsty. i 5 6 APPENDIX. July 14, 1647. Nov.i3, 1643. Mayio, 1633. May 5, 1648. NOV.IS, 1627. Feb. 3, 1635. Oct. 8, 1640. May 29, 1649. Sep. 8, 1652. May 5, 1642. Dec. 17, 1647. Nov.io, 1630. May 5, 1648. Mar. 9, 1640. Oct. 25, 1642. May 7, 1633. Apl. 23, 1650. May 10, 1633. May 5, 1648. Aug. 6, 1631. Jan. 24, 1647. Nov. 2, 1650. Jan. 30, 1644. July 23, 1644. Nov.20, 1644. Oct. 6, 1636. July 8, 1642. Mar.iS, 1646. Oct. 23, 1646. Nov.24, 1645. Feb. 19, 1635. July 15, 1647. Feb. i, 1627. Apl. 12, 1651. Mar. 9, 1647. Oct. 31, 1633. Sep. 28, 1644. Oct. 2, 1639. Nov.2i, 1644. May 9, 1633. Feb. 20, 1637. Aug.io, 1629. Sep. 30, 1629. Jun. 4, 1635. Apl. 27, 1633. Feb. 10, 1646. Oct. 17, 1652. Jun. 30, 1640. Jun. 2, 1634. Apl. i, 1630. Jan. 9, 1639. Dec. 12, 1645. Dec. 16, 1636. Oct. 25, 1627. Dec. 26, 1645. Oct. 6, 1636. Jan. 7, 1632. July 13, 1631. Mar.i4, 1649. Jan. 19, 1636. Apl. 15, 1630. Fletcher a/5. Phillipps, Ralph, Seamer, fol. 467, Dickering. Flicke, Margaret, East Cottingwith, fol. 232, Holderness. Flinders, Richard, Sibthorpe, fol. 335, Neivark. , William, Stoke, Newark. Flintas, Richard, West Ayton, fol. 133, Ridall. Flintham, Francis, Newarke, fol. 346, Newark. , William, Norton, par. Cuckney, fol. 275, Retford. Flintoft, William, Huthwate, fol. 226, Cleveland. Flintofte, Anthony, Ormeshill, fol. 237, Cleveland. Flower, Alexander, Barnestone, Nottingham. , Anthony, Hatfeild, fol. 500, Doncaster. , Joan, Everingham, fol. 5, Harthill. , John, Hoveringham, Nottingham. , Thomas, Langer, fol. 146, Nottingham. , Thomas, Langer, Nottingham. , Thomas, North Collingham, fol. 335, Newark. , William, senior, Barnston, Nottingham. , William, Farnedon, fol. 335, Newark. , William, Hoveringham, Nottingham. , William, Sturton, fol. 213, Retford. Plunders, Thomas, Elizabeth, Patrick, chdn. of Jac. F. of Lastingham, dec., tui., fol. 100, Ridall. , Thomas, son of Jac. F. of Lastingham, dec., tui., fol. in, Ridall. Foddle, Ann (or Jane?), Kingston upon Hull, fol. 236, Holderness. , Hugh, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 121, Harthill. Foggill, Christopher, Hesle, fol. 235, Holderness. Foldes, Richard, Leedes, fol. 242, Ainsty. Folliambe, Francis, Aldwarke, kt., fol. 445, Doncaster. Footett, Robert, North Clifton, Newark. Foottet, John, North Clifton, Newark. Ford, Nicholas, Melburne, fol. n, Prerogative. , William, Newarke, M.D., fol. 347, Newark. Forrest, Ann, Dewsbury, fol. 104, Pontefract. , Avice, Leathley, fol. 124, Ainsty. Fossicke, John, Stoaksley, fol. 234, Cleveland. Foster, Ann and Elizabeth, drs. of Fran. F. of Bishopburton, dec., tui., fol. 24, Harthill. , Anthony, Airton, fol. 416, Craven. , Charles, Storthwhaite Eastwood, fol. 262, Prerogative. , Dorothy, Arnold, fol. 209, Holderness. , Dorothy, Storthwaite, widow, fol. 264, Prerogative. , Edward, Farndale, fol. 160, Ridall. , Edward, Gasgill, fol. 495, Craven. , Edward, Thurnescoe, fol. 472, Doncaster. , Elizabeth, Doncaster, fol. 475, Doncaster. , Elizabeth, S%vine, fol. 183, Holderness. , Elizabeth, Wynscale, fol. 408, Craven. , Gabriel, Stoakes, Newark. , Jaine, Beverley, fol. 61, Harthill. , Jane, Hacknes, fol. 35 la, Dickering. , Jarret, Bishop Burton, fol. 41, Harthill. , John, Fyley, fol. 299, Dickering. , John, Leathley, fol. 305, Ainsty. , John, Neswicke, fol. 251, Harthill. , John, Rippon, fol. 469, Craven. , Major, Kelfeild, fol. 24, Buhner. , Margery, daur. of Tho. F. of Acklam, dec., tui., fol. 2040, Cleveland. , Mary, Bishopside, fol. 466, Craven. , Mary, Thurnscoe, fol. 522, Doncaster. , Rawland, Eykering, fol. 326, Newark. , Rebecca and Jane, drs. of Tho. F. of Bishopburton, dec., tui., fol. 250, Holderness. -, Richard, Headon, fol. 192, Holderness. -, Richard, Silkeston, fol. 483, Doncaster. APPENDIX. Oct. 16, 1634. Aug. 2, 1638. May 7, 1647. May 8, 1632. July 18, 1646. Feb. 10, 1641. Oct. 22, 1627. Aug.io, 1646. Aug. 7, 1628. Jun. 24, 1633. Jun.3O, 1640. Jan. 10, 1630. Jun. ii, 1638. Feb. 18, 1646. Oct. 5, 1638. Oct. 13, 1641. Apl. 27, 1637. Feb.25, 1649. Oct. 3, 1633. Sep. 25, 1646. Jan. 17, 1634. Feb. 7, 1643. Aug.23, 1636. Aug.i7, 1650. Oct. 9, 1646. Aug.2Q, 1633. Oct. 30, 1649. Apl. 18, 1632. Dec. 2, 1635. Oct. 28, 1651. Oct. 4, 1639. Sep. 16, 1628. Mar. 2, 1629. Oct. 7, 1640. Apl. 21, 1635. Jan. 28, 1631. Jan. 30, 1627. Sep. 29, 1638. Apl. 5, 1641. Oct. 7, 1628. Dec. 16, 1643. Aug. 5, 1636. Jan. ii, 1649. Feb. 22, 1631. Sep. 4, 1634. May 24, 1649. Apl. 15, 1630. July 18, 1638. Apl. 18, 1631. Feb. 18, 1636. Oct. 10, 1639. Jan. 30, 1648. Oct. 12, 1637. July 6, 1638. Apl. 27, 1647. Mar. 3, 1630. May 29, 1637. Dec. 5, 1635. Jun. ii, 1647. Dec. 2, 1640. Foster, Robert, Brandsburton, fol. 179, Holderness , Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 82, Harthill. , Robert, Ripley, fol. 25, Buhner. , Robert, Staineford, par. Giggleswick, fol. 393, Craven. , Robert, Stainford, par. Hatefeild, fol. 475, Doncaster. , Robert, Toulsby, fol. 192, Cleveland. , Thomas, Baynton, Harthill. , Thomas, Bishop Burton, fol. 3, Harthill. , Thomas, Bridlington, Dickering. , Thomas and Frances, Earswicke, fol. 64, Bulmer. Thomas, Ne , fol. 351^, Dickering. -, Thomas, Overhaugh, fol. 502, Doncaster. -, Thomas, tui. to Rob. F. of Whaworth, father, fol. 320, Cleveland. -, William, Holm in Spaldingmoore, fol. 10. Harthill. -, William, North Cave, fol. 83, Harthill. -, William, Rise, fol. 224, Holderness. -, William, Toulesbye, fol. 313, Cleveland. -, William, Wragby, fol. 342, Pontefract. Fosterd, Ellen, par. Wragbie, fol. 156, Pontefract. Fothergill, Ann, dau. of Rob. F. of Ireby, co. Lane., dec., tui., fol. 31, Pre- rogative , Henry, Skipton, fol. 439, Craven. , Judith, York, widow, fol. 255, Prerogative. Fouldes, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 62, Harthill. Foulforth als. Grainge, Peter, son of Job. G. of Dighton, par. Northallerton, dec., tui., fol. 69, Prerogative. Foulis, Sir Henry, Ingleby Manner, fol. 209, Cleveland. Foulthorpp, Mary, Crathorne, fol. 282, Cleveland. Fountaine, Edward, Carlisle, notary publique, fol. 67, Prerogative. Fountance, Thomas, Abberford, fol. 167, Ainsty. Fournes, Joseph, par. Hallifax, fol. 310, Pontefract. , Nicholas, Isle [co. Cumb.], fol. 74, Prerogative. , Thomas, Woodlaine, par. Hallifax, fol. 403, Pontefract. Fournesse, William, Menston, fol. 133, Ainsty. Fowkes, Jacobus, Bransby, fol. 38, Bulmer. Fowler, Jacobus, York, fol. 79, City. , John, Colman Street, London and Holden Yate, par. Kildwicke, Caveat, fol. 440, Craven. , John, Tadcaster, fol. 165, Ainsty. , Nicholas, Rither, fol. 123, Ainsty. , Thomas,, Utley, fol. 514, Craven. Fowles, Roger, Trawden, dioc. Chest., fol. 234, Prerogative. Fox, Ann, Stephen and Francis, chdn. of Steph. F. of Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 455, Doncaster. Anthony, Hovingham, fol. 85, Ridall. Bridget, dr. of Tho. F., par. Sheffeild, dec., fol. 598, Doncaster. Edward, Bothroyd, fol. 341, Pontefract. Edward, Scroobie, fol. 218, Retford. Grace, Wakefeild, fol. 173, Pontefract. Jacobus, Nafferton, dark, fol. 477, Dickering. John, Ayton, fol. 257, Cleveland. Robert, Fulwood, fol. 635, Doncaster. Robert, Lowthrop, fol. 303, Dickering. Robert, Stillingfleight, fol. 83, Buhner. Samuel, Rolston, fol. 364, Newark. Simon, Beverley, fol. 31, Harthill. Stephen, Sheffeild, fol. 621, Doncaster. Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 81, Harthill. Thomas, Winswould, co. Leicester, Nottingham. William, Harworth, fol. 210, Retford. William, Millhill, fol. 258, Ainsty. Foxcroft, Jacobus, York, merchant, fol. 45, City. , John, Batley, fol. 99, Pontefract. , Thomas, Hallifax, fol. 6, Pontefract. APPENDIX. Sep. 10, 1641. Mayi6, 1645. Sep. 10, 1641. Oct. 8, 1629. Oct. 8, 1635. Jan. 19, 1637. Mar. i, 1647. Nov. 22, 1637. Apl. 7, 1649. July 18, 1638. May 26, 1643. May 12, 1636. July n, 1628. May 5, 1631. Oct. 29, 1634. Sep. 12, 1639. Oct. 29, 1634. Aug.i2, 1645. Oct. 29, 1634. Jan. 28, 1638. Jan. 19, 1627. July 4, 1628. Nov.29, 1630. Nov.ag, 1630. Apl. 21, 1632. July 8, 1639. Mar.2i, 1628. Aug. 2, 1641. Jun. 21, 1637. Oct. 25, 1642. Feb. 20, 1644. Apl. 16, 1635. Mar. 2, 1645. Mar.2g, 1635. Aug.i4, 1633. Mar.io, 1634. May 8, 1638. Feb. 12, 1646. Sep. 12, 1637. Oct. 24, 1946. Jun. 15, 1647. Feb. 5, 1632. Dec. 8, 1637. Oct. 22, 1633. May 8, 1649. Sep. 3, 1641. Nov.24, 1637. Sep. 5, 1633. Sep. 25, 1648. Dec. 21, 1641. May 2, 1641. Jun. 28, 1631. July i, 1628. July 2, 1629. Jan. 23, 1633. NOV.22, 1636. Oct. 10, 1634. July 5,1638. May 8, 1633. Foxcrofte, Jacobus, par. Hallifax, fol. 421, Pontefract. , Michael, Keproyde, fol. 48, Pontcfract. , Susanna, par. Hallifax, fol. 421, Pontefract. Foxe, Elizabeth, Nottingham, fol. 56, Nottingham. , Luke, Whitbie, fol. 301, Cleveland. , William, Askam Bryan, fol. 175, Prerogative. Foxecroft, Dorathy, Kebrough, fol. 113, Pontefract. Foxton, Ellen, Rippon, fol. 498, Craven. John, Burton, fol. 517, Doncaster. France Charles, Shefeild, fol. 636, Doncaster. Thomas, East Retford, Retford. Francis, Dorathy. Nottingham, fol. 107, Nottingham. Gilbert, Newarke super Trent, fol. 312, Newark. Brian, Slappon, par. Clifton, fol. 68, Nottingham. Jane, Riston, fol. 181, Holderness. John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 92, Harthill. Josias, Swine, fol. 181, Holderness. Margaret, Old Malton, fol. 87, Ridall. William, Riston, fol. 181, Holderness. Franckland, Agnes, Danby, fol. 3210, Cleveland. , John and Margaret, chdn. of Rob. F. of Holme Knotts, dec., tui., fol. 325, Craven. , Mary, Paiteleybriggs, fol. 332, Craven. , Mavella, Glaisedale, fol. 262, Cleveland. , Miles, Danbie, fol. 262, Cleveland. , Peter, Howsom, fol. 308, Dickering. , Robert, senr., Danbie, fol, 324, Cleveland. , Thomas, Nookehowse, par. Danby, fol. 247, Cleveland. , Thomas, Pickeringlith, fol. 35i, 1651. July 8, 1639. Aug. 4, 1635. Aug. 2, 1636. Jan. 22, 1633. Oct. 12, 1649. July 25, 1639. Aug. 2, 1636. Nov. 25, 1640. Jun. 21, 1639. un. 5, 1635. May 17, 1628. Feb. 13, 1627. Aug. 4, 1635. Aug. 8, 1636. Feb. 26, 1634. Dec. 23, 1633. July 26, 1636. Feb. 7, 1637. Aug. 2, 1633. Feb. 8, 1627. Jun. 17, 1646. Jan. 28, 1639. Sep. ii, 1628. Apl. 17, 1650. Feb. 25, 1645. Mar.28, 1650. Oct. 5, 1630. May 17, 1631. July 29, 1633. Dec. 18, 1645. Oct. i, 1630. Jan. 13, 1633. Jun. 4, 1628. Aug. 6, 1633. Dec.iS, 1633. Jan. 14, 1633. Sep. 28, 1646. Mar.29, 1636. Jun. i, 1636. Oct. 4, 1637. May 12, 1641. Aug.3i, 1647. Feb. 23, 1643. Aug. 2, 1636. Dec. 20, 1639. Sep. 22, 1632. Jan. 2, 1636. Sep. 29, 1638. Mar.i2, 1633. May 20, 1631. Jun. 18, 1634. Oct. 5, 1632. Jun. 17, 1642. Hodgeson, Thomas, son of Anth. H. of Backerous, par. Burnsall, dec., tui., fol. 446, Craven. Thomas, Skaling, fol. 281, Cleveland. --, William, Sneaton, fol. 309, Cleveland. Hodgkin, John, Worksop, fol. 189, Retford. Hodgkinson, Christofer, Lowdham, fol. 140, Nottingham. , George, Preston in Amoundernes, fol. 36, Prerogative. , Humphrey, Elksley, fol. 250, Retford. Hodgshon, Isabell, Westward, co. Cumb.. fol. 73, Prerogative. Hodgson, Alice and Ann, drs. of Tho. H. of Skipton, dec., tui., fol. 521, Craven. , Ann, South Milforth, fol. 215, Ainsty. , Brian, Staineburne, fol. 238, Ainsty. , Christofer, Bishopmounckton, fol. 418, Craven. , Christofer, Calfthwait, fol. 480, Dickering. , Christopher, Scarbrough, fol. 346, Dickering. , Christopher, Scarbrough, fol. 330, Dickering. , Daniel, Gotham, fol. 371, Newark. , Dorothy, dr. of Will. H., Whitby, dec., fol. 323, Cleveland. , Ellen, Follifoote, fol. 211, Ainsty. , Francis, par. St. Ann and Agnes, London, fol. 57(1, Prerogative. , Jacobus, Carhill, par. Whitby, fol. 241, Cleveland. , John, Bondgate (Ripon ?), fol. 444, Craven. , John, Bradford, fol. 333, Pontefract. , John, Everton, fol. 237, Retford. , John, Hornsey, fol. 169, Holderncss. , Katherine, dr. of Joh. H. of Bridlington, dec., tui., fol. 330, Dicker- ing. , Katherine, Dinnington, par. Beeford, fol. 200, Holderness. , Margaret, Pontefract, fol. 160, Pontefract. , Martin, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. , Nicholas, Wakefeild, fol. 72, Pontefract. , Peter, Broughton Magna, fol. 326, Cleveland. , Richard, Midleton, Harthill. , Richard, Thurneholme, fol. 483, Dickering. , Richard, Uglebarby, fol. 205, Cleveland. , Robert, Comondaile, fol. 231, Cleveland. , Robert, Hebburne, esq., Caveat, fol. 73, Prerogative. , Thomas, Huntington, fol. 46, Bulmer. , Thomas, Rippon, fol. 414, Craven. , Thomas, Swinton, fol. 89, Ridall. , Thomas, Thorn Gumbald, fol. 141, Holderncss. , Thomas, Worksopp, fol. 231, Retford. , William, Fyley, Dickering. , William, Gargrave, fol. 413, Craven. , William, Rawden, fol. 192, Ainsty. , William, Rippon, fol. 423, Craven. , William, Weeton, par. Welwicke, fol. 211, Holderness. , William, Whitby, fol. 306, Cleveland. , William, Whitby, Caveat, fol. 301, Cleveland. , William, Yarom. fol. 313, Cleveland. als. James, Dinah, Humbleton, fol. 222, Holderness. Hodshon, Robert, Knapton, fol. 394, Bnckrose. Hodson, Henry, Beverley, fol. 119, Harthill. Hogdson, Robert, Warsell, fol. 464, Craven. Hogg, Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 94, Harthill. a/i. Pecket, Alice, Sutton, widow, fol. 152, Holderness. Hoggard, Ralph, Farndale, par. Lastingham, Caveat, fol. 182, Ridall. , Hannah als. Joan and Susanna, drs. of Joan H. of Hull, dec., fol. 79, Harthill. , John, Staintondaile, fol. 317, Dickering. , Lancelot, Farnedaile, fol. 149, Ridall. , Ralph, Filey, fol. 317, Dickering. , William, Borehowsehill, par. Pawle, fol. 158, Holderness. , Xpofer, Gillamoore, fol. 82, Ridall. APPENDIX. 181 Oct. i, 1635. May 20, 1628. Mar.iS, 1634. Oct. ii, 1636. Apl. 10, 1638. July 4, 1631. Jan. 18, 1627. Jan. ii, 1648. May 2, 1637. Jan. 29, 1632. Aug.i2, 1639. July 29, 1640. Aug. 4, 1646. May 13, 1651. Nov. 12, 1633. Jan. 10, 1645. Oct. 5, 1632. Mayii, 1641. Jun. i, 1648. Dec. 14, 1635. Oct. 8, 1633. Jan. 12, 1652. Dec. 22, 1628. Oct. ii, 1631. May 3, 1642. July 7, 1634. Apl. 12, 1647. Jun. 22, 1646. Aug. 2, 1633. Aug.3i, 1636. Apl. 15, 1629. Oct. 6, 1636. Apl. 10, 1633. Apl. 30, 1629. Aug. 4, 1648. Feb. 24, 1637. Aug.29, 1640. Jun. 24, 1634. Mar.ii, 1645. Jan. 15, 1636. Apl. 6, 1638. Jun. 9, 1641. Mar. 2, 1647. Jan. 24, 1634. Mar. 8, 1650. Mar.ig, 1646. Jun. 22, 1646. Feb.ult.,i634. Apl. 15, 1629. Jun. 27, 1651. Aug.25, 1652. Jan. 12, 1637. May 22, 1640. Mar.2g, 1637. Mar.i6, 1630. Oct. 2, 1629. July 21, 1635. May 8, 1638. Sep. 30, 1635. Aug. i, 1631. May 10, 1636. Hogge, John, Pickton, fol. 300, Cleveland. , Stephen, Elizabeth, Sibil and Susanna, chdn. of Step. H. of Stone- ferry, dec., tui., Holderness. Hoggerd, Leonard, Could Ingleby, fol. 297, Cleveland. Hogley, John, Wath super Dearne, fol. 603, Doncaster. , Robert, Doncaster, fol. 630, Doncaster. Hoile, Margaret, Rotheram, fol. 487, Doncaster. Holden, Edmund, par. Hallifax, fol. 21, Pontefract. , Humphrey, Hallifax, fol. 126, Pontefract. , John, Chadgeley, Caveat, fol. 480, Craven. , Margaret, Hesberdhaugh, fol. 395, Ripon, Craven. , Robert, Cocklickhowse, par. Slaidburne, fol. 522, Craven. , William, Barnsley, fol. 421, Doncaster. Holder, John, Flambrough, fol. 456, Dickering. Holdernes, Robert, Wheldrake, fol. 42, Bulmer. Holdesworth, Richard, Burstall, fol. 165, Pontefract. Holdsworth, George, Revey, par. Bradford, fol. 57, Pontefract. , Henry, Easingwold, fol. 60, Bulmer. , Jonas, Wadesworth, fol. 420, Pontefract. , Samuel, Wombwell, fol. 510, Doncaster. Holgate, Francis, Stappleton, par. Darrington, fol. 311, Pontefract. , Thomas, Carlton, par. Ruiston, fol. 544, Doncaster. Holingworth, Gervase, Stapleford, gentleman, Nottingham. Holland, Alice, Kighley, fol. 340, Craven. George, Doncaster, fol. 493, Doncaster. John, Buttonhill, fol. 443, Doncaster. John, junr., Dovehouse, par. Sheffeild, fol. 555, Doncaster. Richard, East Retford, Retford. Thomas, Retford, Retford. Holies Holley Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 29, Harthill. William, North Blockhowses, fol. 194, Holderness. Hollingdrake, Alice, Cullingworth, fol. 346, Craven. Hollinges, George, Walton, fol. 242, Ainsty. Hollingracke, Stephen, Wilsden, fol. 134, Pontefract. Hollingsworth, John, Stapleford, fol. 51, Nottingham. Hollingworth, Francis, Missen, Retford. , John, Calverley, fol. 366, Pontefract. , Robert, Farndon, fol. 371, Newark. Hollins, Isabel, Bradford, fol. 184, Pontefract. , Thomas, Clayton, fol. 61, Pontefract. , William, Pontefract, fol. 341, Pontefract. Hollis, Sir John, Earl of Clare, fol. 256, Retford. Hollowell, Bartholomew, Wrelton, fol. 209, Ridall. Hollyman, Stephen, Nottingham, Nottingham. Holme, Barbara, Thorn Gumbold, fol. 181, Holderness. , Leonard and Margaret, his wife, Botcherby, co. Cumb., fol. 71, Pre- rogative. , Mary, widow, Burwallis, fol. 464, Doncaster. Holmer, George, Cromwell, Newark. , George, Sheffeild, fol. 566, Doncaster. Holmes, Alice, Somerskales, fol. 345, Craven. , Ann, Bilton, fol. 257, Holderness. , Elizabeth, Waghen, fol. 60, Harthill. , Elizabeth, York, fol. 60, City. , Henry, Hutton Cransvvicke, fol. 113, Harthill. , Henry and Thomas, sons of Rich. H. of Hootham, dec., tui., fol. 68, Harthill. , Isaac, Kighley, renunc. and adtn., fol. 371, Craven. , John, Bilton, Holderness. , John, Everthrop, fol. 51, Harthill. , John, Southdeane, par. Haworth, fol. 372, Pontefract. , John, Woodhowse als. Ramsgill, par. Ilkley, fol. 451, Craven. , Margaret, Scoles, par. Kighley, widow, fol. 380, Craven. , Peter, Bradgate, fol. 593, Doncaster. 1 82 APPENDIX. Jan. 16, 1635. Holmes, Philip, Thorne, fol. 588, Doncaster. July 17, 1629. Richard, to Will. H. of Kippax, fol. 349, Craven. July 21, 1635. Roger, Everthorpe, fol. 51, Harthill. Nov. 2, 1638. Thomas, York, fol. 65, City. Jun. 15, 1635. William, Addingham, fol. 446, Craven. Jun. 25, 1650. William, Doncaster, fol. 528, Doncaster. Mar.i5, 1632. Holmpton, Robert, Preston, fol. 152, Holderness. Aug.28, 1633. , Robert, Preston, fol. 166, Holderness. Dec. 2, 1629. Holrood, Richard, Fishlake, fol. 68, Pontefract. Oct. 6, 1644. Holroyd, John, Staningden, fol. 40, Pontefract. Jan. 15, 1639. Holsworth, Jacobus, Rascall, fol. 104, Buhner. May i, 1651. Holt, Alexander, Castleton, co. Lane., will pd. June 28, fol. 72, Prerogative. Sep. ii, 1639. , Isabell, Warsopp, fol. 269, Retford. Aug.2o, 1640. Holtbie, Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 109, Harthill. Aug. 9, 1641. , William, Bothomes, par. Wakefeild, fol. 421, Pontefract. May 12, 1643. Holtby, Lancelot, Helmenden, gentleman, fol. 254, Prerogative. Oct. 22, 1633. , Robert, Coniston, fol. 168, Holderness. Apl. 27, 1637. , Stephen, Hunnanby, fol. 333, Dickering. May ii, 1640. , (blank,, Kingston upon Hull, grant to Margery Mowbray, fol. 100, Harthill. Oct. 29, 1629. Hood, John, Folkerthorp, Harthill. Apl. 4, 1636. , Manasses, Richmond, fol. 148, Prerogative. Aug. 4, 1630. , Michael, Richmond, fol. 71, Prerogative. Dec. 18, 1645. Hoode, Thomas, Malton, fol. 88, Ridall. Mar. 2, 1632. Hoole, Edward, Southscarle, fol. 333, Newark. Oct. 22, 1652. , Mary, dr. of Joh. H. of Bradford, dec., tui., fol. 356, Pontefract. Jan. 9, 1632. Hoomes, Francis, Upton, fol. 224, Retford. Jun. 14, 1630. Hoopes, George, Mooresome Mylne, par. Skelton, fol. 258, Cleveland. Oct. 7, 1636. , Robert, Moorsom, fol. 308, Cleveland. Mar.27, 1633. Hootham, William, Gribthorpe, fol. 27, Harthill. Feb. 10, 1628. Hooton, William, Normanton, fol. 49, Nottingham. Nov. 4, 1647. Hope, Jane, Normanton, Newark. May 20, 1641. - , Katherine, Harworth, Retford. May 29, 1647. als. Widosonne, Mary, Burton Jorce, Nottingham. Aug. 3, 1636. Hopkin, Alice, Chilwell, fol. no, Nottingham. Dec. 7, 1650. , Henry, Fulham, fol. 350, Pontefract. Aug. 3, 1631. , John, Eperston, fol. 69, Nottingham. Oct. 27, 1637. , Richard, Seasey, fol. 87, Buhner. Dec. 2, 1635. Hopkins, Ann, dau. of Ralph H. of York, dec., fol. 46, City. Oct. 20, 1640. Hopkinson, Edward, par. Bradford, fol. 4, Pontefract. May n, 1640. , Francis, Baddesworth, fols. 664 and 665, Doncaster. Dec. 7, 1637. , Humphrey, Laxton, fol. 354. Newark. Aug. 4, 1630. , Philip, Sainbie, fol. 205, Retford. Dec. 24, 1646. , Suzanna and Elizabeth, Paplewicke, Nottingham. July 2, 1635. , Thomas, Dynington, fol. 577. Doncaster. Sep. 9, 1633. Hopper, Jacobus, Seamer, fol. 314, Dickering. Mar.27, T 633- > John, West Ayton, fol. 276, Cleveland. July 13, 1630. , Nicholas, Seaton, fol. 139, Holderness. Sep. 23, 1645. , William, Bennington, fol. 357, Dickering. Sep. 30, 1645. , William, Seamer, fol. 357, Dickering. Jun. 29, 1633. Hoppey, Gilbert, Hecke, fol. 64, Buhner. July 20, 1630. Hopps, Katherine, Abberforth, fol. 151, Ainsty. May 2, 1639. , Thomas, Sutton Howgrave, dioc. Chest., fol, 198, Prerogative. Aug.26, 1641. , Thomas, Sutton Howgrave, fol. 235, Prerogative. Apl. 9, 1638. Hopton, George and Jane, chdn. of Tho. H. of Silston, dec., tui., fol. 632, Doncaster. Feb. 15, 1643. > Jh n i Pontefract, fol. 37, Pontefract. Jan. 14, 1633. , Robert, Beiston, fol. 191, Ainsty. May i, 1628. Hopwood, Thomas, Heslewood, fol. 126, Ainsty. Jan. 9, 1632. Horberie, Thomas, Upton, fol. 224, Retford. Aug. 6, 1631. , William, Walkeringham, fol. 214, Retford. Feb. 14, 1627. Horberrie, Lawrence, son of Joh. H., dec. fol. 190, Retford. Jun. 2, 1636. Hornby, Elizabeth, Thirske, fol. 81, Bultner. July n, 1649. , Thomas, Deane Hall, par. Whitby, fol. 227, Cleveland. APPENDIX. 183 May 28, 1633. Oct. 27, 1647. Mar. g, 1645. July n, 1646. Apl. 22, 1640. Feb. 4, 1649. Apl. 14, 1635. Mar.3i, 1629. Apl. 19, 1650. Oct. 18, 1630. Apl. ig, 1638. Apl. n, 1648. Mar. 4, 1650. Nov. 3, 1634. Mar.i3, 1646. May 15, 1645. July 24, 1629. May 12, 1631. July 13, 1636. Oct. 16, 1646. Aug. 3, 1635. Jan. 21, 1628. Oct. 23, 1646. Oct. 20, 1637. May 4, 1639. July 18, 1638. Jan. 16, 1645. Feb. 9, 1628. Mar.23, 1627. Mar.zo, 1636. Aug. 8, 1636. Apl. 23, 1628. Dec. 2, 1635. Mar.i3, 1644. Jan. 24, 1636. Aug. 4, 1630. Jun. 8, 1635. Sep. 18, 1644. Sep. 18, 1644. Apl. 5, 1642. Jun. 4, 1647. Mar.i4, 1636. May 14, 1633. Sep. i, 1641. Nov. 7, 1638. Sep. 29, 1641. Aug. 3, 1631. May 17, 1636. Oct. 16, 1634. Sep. 27, 1637. May 17, 1638. Oct. 7, 1636. Jan. 19, 1649. Jan. 15, 1628. Feb. 9, 1641. May 19, 1648. Apl. 13, 1636. Dec. 19, 1639. Apl. 28, 1640. Horncastle, Abdiel, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 31, Harthill. , Adam and Elizabeth his dr., Egbrough, par. Kellington, fol. 105, Pontefract. , Ann, dr. of Sam. H. of Hull, dec., tui., fol. 251, Harthill. , William, Skelbrooke, fol. 467, Doncaster. Horncliffe, Francis, Kayingham, fol. 213, Holderness. Home, Abraham, Langfeild, fol. 341, Pontefract. , Anthony, par. Heptonstall, fol. 194, Pontefract. , Francis, Midleton, par. Rothwell, fol. 48, Pontefract. , Henry, Nethercomberworth, fol. 346, Pontefract. , Margaret, Elvington, fol. 43, Bulmer. Hornebuckle, Thomas, Bonnie, fol. 122, Nottingham. Horneby, John, Bewholme, fol. 238, Holderness. , John, Longe Riston, fol. 255, Holderness. , Thomas, Bagbie, fol. 69, Bulmer. , Thomas, Catt Fosse, fol. 217, Holderness. , Thomas, Hornsey, fol. 239, Holderness. Hornecastle, John, Skelbroke, fol. 471, Doncaster. , Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. u, Harthill. , Samuel, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 61, Harthill. Horner, Edward, Ecclesfeild, esq., fol. 472, Doncaster. , John, Winthorpe, fol. 344, Newark. , Margaret, Kirkbie in Mallam Daile, fol. 341, Craven. , Peter, Newarke super Trent, Newark. , Richard, Sleelands, fol. 492, Craven. , William, York, merchant, fol. 69, City. Horrobin, John, par. Rotheram, fol. 635, Doncaster. Horsfall, Edmond, Huddersfeild, fol. 58, Pontefract. , Grace, Heptonstall, fol. 46, Pontefract. , Isaac, Ovenden, par. Hallifax, fol. 28, Pontefract. , John, Henry, William, Bridget and Elizabeth, chdn. of Ric. H., of Malsis, dec., fol. 472, Craven. , Jonathan, son of Sim. H., par. Heptonstall, dec., tui., fol. 333, Pontefract. , Mary, Ovenden, fol. 36, Pontefract. , Phillipp, Huthersfeild, fol. 309, Pontefract. , Richard, Storthishall, fol. 46, Pontefract. , Thomas, son of Xpof. H., par. Huthersfeild, dec., tui., fol. 345, Pontefract. Horsfeild Ann, Rosington, fol. 205, Retford. Robert, Pontefract, fol, 188, Pontefract. Samuel, Sowerby, fol. 43, Pontefract. Sarah, Sowerby, fol. 44, Pontefract. Thomas, diocese York, fol. 440, Doncaster. Horsley, Christopher, Hutton Bushell, fol. 466, Dickering. Elizabeth, Thornton, fol. 184, Ridall. Francis, New Malton, fol. 157, Ridall. Francis, Skirpenbecke, fol. 271, Buckrose. Francis, Skirpenbecke, fol. 268, Buckrose. Gartrude, Skirpenbecke, widow, fol. 271, Buckrose. Joan, Snenton, fol. 69, Nottingham. Michael, London, fol. 143, Prerogative. Richard, Hulbancke, fol. 43, Harthill. Robert, Thorganby, fol. 72, Harthill. William, Beckhouse, fol. 191, Ridall. William, Skirponbecke, fol. 264, Buchrose. Horsman, John, Ragill House, fol. 66, Prerogative. Horssley, Hugh, Filey, Dickering. Hotham, Edward, Holme Parva, fol. 116, Harthill. , John, Leckonfeild, esq., fol. 26, Harthill. Hothersall, Elizabeth, spr., dau. of Job. H. of Hothersall, dec., fol. 142, Prerogative. Hothersell, Ann, Humbleton, fol. 201, Prerogative. Houcroft, George, par. Wolley, fol. 672, Doncaster. 184 APPENDIX. Aug.2O, 1629. Hough, Roger, Snenton, fol. 54, Nottingham. Nov.20, 1646. Houghton, Henry, South Collingham, Newark. July 20, 1630. , Margaret, Staires, par. Haworth, fol. 81, Pontefract. Oct. 12, 1627. , Ralph, Warington, co. Lancaster, fol. 305, Newark. Apl. 27, 1631. , Stephen, Rathmell, fol. 375, Craven. May2o, 1641. Houglinge (or Houginge), Ellen, Flawbourough, Newark. Jan. 30, 1627. Houle, Margery, Southclifton, fol. 308, Newark. Feb. 18, 1633. Houlroyd, Jacobus, Ealand, fol. 151, Pontefract. July 5, 1638. Hoult, Ann, dau. of Lawr. H. of Warsopp, dec., tui., fol. 259, Retford. Mar. 3, 1630. - , Margaret, Warsopp, fol. 210, Retford. July 5, 1638. , Mary, dau. of Lawr. H. of Warsopp, dec., tui., fol. 259, Retford. Oct. 13, 1631. , Mary, dau. of Lawr. H. of Warsopp, dec., tui., fol. 216, Retford. Jun. 24, 1637. Houmsha,we, Robert, Rotheram, fol. 617, Doncaster. Jun. 26, 1634. Housley, Thomas, par. Bradfeild, fol. 558, Doncaster. Oct. 10, 1637. , Thomas, par. Sheffeild, fol. 622, Doncaster. Jan. 4, 1635. , William, par. Bolton, fol. 587, Doncaster. Sep. 28, 1643. Howard, Thomas, Cerby Castle, co. Cumb., fol. 255, Prerogative. May 27, 1644. , Sir William, York, kt., fol. 268, Prerogative. Dec. 12, 1646. , William, Naward, co. Cumb, esq. fol. 33, Prerogative, Feb. 15, 1637. Howborne, John, Bingham, fol. 120, Nottingham. Aug. 2, 1636. Howbrigg, John, son of Will. H. of Gristropp, dec., tui., fol. 331, Dickering. Feb. 6,1638. Howdayle, Miles, Bubwith, fol. 85, Harthill. Jun. 2, 1646. Howden, John, Darrington, fol. 79, Pontefract. Apl. 20, 1639. , Marmaduke, Miton, fol. 97, Bulmer. Apl. 12, 1638. , Matthew, Bridlington, fol. 340, Dickering. Dec. 9, 1631. , William, Brotherton, fol. 164, Ainsty. Oct. 3, 1633. Howgill, Richard, Bolton juxta Bolland, fol. 420, Craven. May 16, 1640. Howitt, Robert, Selston, fol. 140, Nottingham. Jun. 21, 1630. Howie, Charles, Wakefeild, fol. 80, Pontefract. Nov.iS, 1647. Howley, Thomas, par. Woodchurch, fol. 107, Pontefract. Oct. 4, 1647. Howsman, William, Stanford Brigges, fol. 19, Harthill. Apl. 20, 1629. Howson, Edmund, Doncaster, fol. 462, Doncaster. Jun. n, 1634. , Edmund, Horton, fol. 437, Craven. Feb. 20, 1637. , John, Newhowses, fol. 495, Craven. Apl. 29, 1636. , William, Horton, fol. 461, Craven. Nov.24, 1630. Hoy, William, Worksopp, fol. 205, Retford. Dec. ii, 1635. Hoye, William, Sheffeild, fol. 584, Doncaster. Apl. 27, 1647. Hoyes, Margaret, Newarke super Trent, Newark. July 21, 1630. Hoyland, Jacobus, Rawmarsh, fol. 484, Doncaster. July 20, 1630. , Jacobus, par. Rawmarsh, fol. 81, Pontefract. Jan. 26, 1640. , Robert, Bradfeild, fol. 666, Doncaster. Mar.3i, 1636. Hoyle, Henry, Hallifax, fol. 319, Pontefract. Dec. i, 1629. Isaac, par. Ealand, fol. 67, Pontefract. Dec. 29, 1646. John and Tempest, sons of Jon. H. of Bradford, dec., tui., fol. 84, Pontefract. Apl. 25, 1649. John, son of Nath. H. of Soyland, dec., tui., fol. 130, Pontefract. May3i, 1632. Reginald, Cumberworth, fol. 112, Pontefract. July 16, 1638. William, par. Huddersfeild, fol. 379, Pontefract. Jan. 14, 1633. Hubie, Elizabeth, Wenshill, fol. 191, Ainsty. Oct. 23, 1637. Hudgson, Jacobus, Utley, fol. 490, Craven. July 30, 1638. Hudleston als. Lamplough, Elizabeth, par. St. Margt., Westminster, fol. 186, Prerogative. Sep. 9, 1633. - als. Lamplugh, Margaret, par. St. Margt., Westminster, fol. 107, Prerogative. Dec. 3, 1636. Hudlestone, George, Millain, Chest, dioc., fol. 152, Prerogative. Aug. 5, 1634. Hudson, Abraham, par. Heptonstall, fol. 184, Pontefract. Sep. 17, 1642. , Abraham, son of Abr. H., par. Heptonstall, dec., tui., fol. 27, Ponte- fract. Apl. 20, 1629. Ann, Tickhill, fol. 462(1, Doncaster. July 22, 1635. Isabel, Knottingley, fol. 201, Pontefract. July 13, 1629. Isabel, Northgrimston, Harthill. Sep. 10, 1631. Issabel, Scarbrough, fol. 305, Dickering. May 28, 1634. Jacobus, Boltby, fol. 67, Bulmer. Oct. 16, 1637. John, par. Croston, fol. 359, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 185 Apl. 10, 1638. Hudson, John, Doncaster, fol. 630, Doncaster. Mar. 2, 1647. John, Epperston, Nottingham. Oct. 16, 1628. Mary, dr. of Leon. H. of Kingston upon Hull, dec., tui., Hart hill. Oct. 29, 1641. Peter, Lowswater, co. Cumb., fol. 234, Prerogative. May 2, 1639. Ralph, Rudston, fol. 345, Dickering. Mar.28, 1628. Richard, Knapton, Buckrose. Aug.ai, 1647. Sarah, dr. of Will. H. of Swinkhill. dec., tui., fol. 17, Harthill. Apl. 10, 1647. Thomas, Harton, fol. 27, Bulmer. July 25, 1639. Thomas, Scarbrough, fol. 346, Dickering. July 21, 1636. William, son of Ann, H. of Doncaster, dec., tui., fol. 598, Doncaster. Nov. 2, 1633. William, Gawthorpe, fol. 18301, Ainsty. Jun. 21, 1637. William, Iboondale, fol. 311, Cleveland. Apl. 22, 1635. William, Nottingham, fol. 99, Nottingham. Jan. 12, 1638. William, Thomas, Ann, Elizabeth, John, Nicholas, chdn. of Tho. H. of Wickersley, dec., tui., fol. 645, Doncaster. Feb. 5, 1646. Hudspeth, Ursula, dau. of Joh. H., Sunderland, co. Dur., tui., fol. 33, Pre- rogative. Jan. 19, 1636. Huggan, George, Wynestead, fol. 193, Holderness. Jun. 17, 1645. Huggett, John, Flaxton, fol. 16, Bulmer. Jun. 12, 1640. Hugill, Leonard, Topcliffe, fol. 107, Bulmer. Nov.iS, 1646. Huggon, Jane, Carlisle, spinster, fol. 28, Prerogative. Jan. i, 1645. Hulme, Thomas, Newton, co. Lane., fol. 14, Prerogative. Dec. n, 1627. Humble, Alison, Kirkebyeknowle, fol. 26, Bulmer. May 5, 1649. , Elizabeth, Cropton, widow, fol. 106, Ridall. Oct. 21, 1648. , Roger, Cropton, fols. 103, 106, Ridall. Sep. 4, 1628. Humfrey, Joseph, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Sep. 16, 1628. , Thomasin and Ann, tui. to Will. H. of Brawby, father, fol. 139, Ridall. Sep. i, 1635. Humphrey, Jane, dr. of Jane H., Hull, dec., tui., fol. 52, Harthill. July 29, 1630. , John, Nottingham, fol. 62, Nottingham. Aug. 5, 1636. , William, par. Helmesley, fol. 179, Ridall. Dec. 19, 1634. Hungate, Sir William, Saxton, kt., Renunc. and Adro., fol. 203, Ainsty. May 20, 1649. Hunt, Bridget, dr. of Tho. H. of Micklebring, dec., tui., fol. 518, Doncaster. Apl. 15, 1630. Ed., Sheffeild, fol. 480, Doncaster. Sep. ii, 1628. Francis, Welton, fol. 56, Prerogative. Oct. 14, 1630. - Hellen, Methley, widow, fol. 74, Prerogative. July 31, 1639. - John, Nottingham, fol. 136, Nottingham. Oct. 23, r&4O. John, Wath, fol. 426, Doncaster. Mar. 6, 1646. Luke, Dighton, par. Eskrigg, fol. 25, Bulmer. Nov. 20, 1646. Miles, Cartlingstocke, Nottingham. Feb. 7, 1632. Symon, Eskrigg, fol. 60, Bulmer. Oct. 12, 1636. Thomas, Bewholme, fol. 192, Holderness. Apl. 16, 1635. Hunter, Ann, dr. of Anth. H. of Kirkby Moorsyde, fol. 172, Ridall. Oct. 27, 1643. Anthony, Beckhouse, fol. 85, Ridall. Oct. 3, 1633. - Charles, Huton, fol. 286, Cleveland. Nov.29, 1630. Christoper, Newham, fol. 262, Cleveland. Feb. 8, 1631. Cicil, Cottingham, fol. 17, Harthill. Jun. 18, 1633. Edward, North Dalton, fol. 32, Harthill. NOV.IS, 1634. Elizabeth, Tockwith, widow, fol. 202, Ainsty. Apl. 23, 1632. Frances, Leaven, fol. 155, Holderness. Apl. 27, 1637. George, senr., Kirbye, fol. 313, Cleveland. May 12, 1641. Gerrard, Marfleet, fol. 222, Holderness. Dec. 8, 1638. Joan, North Dalton, widow, fol. 80, Harthill. Nov. 8, 1649. John and Samuel, North Owram, fol. 138, Pontefract. Dec. ii, 1637. John, Ribston, fol. 268, Ainsty. Apl. 29, 1642. - Marmaduke, Lackenby, fol. 196, Cleveland. Oct. 13, 1628. Richard, Pudsey, Caveat, fol. 36, Pontefract. Mayi7, 1638. Robert, Kirkbymooreside, fol. 191, Ridall. Oct. 13, 1641. Stephen, Beverley, fol. 117, Harthill. Oct. i, 1635. William, Gamstead, fol. 186, Holderness. Apl. 19, 1638. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 74, Harthill. Feb. 7, 1637. Huntington, John, Sutcoates.t ol. 200, Holderness. Apl. 6, 1638. Huntingtonn, Robert, Ouershitlington, fol. 374, Pontefract. Aug.n, 1643. Hunton, Thomas, Wholeton, fol .4 oo, Cleveland. 1 86 APPENDIX. Mar. 23, 1631. Huntres, Thomas, York, fol. 18, City. Aug.15, 1630. Huntridge, John, Scarbrough, fol. 300, Dickering. Nov.27, 1634. Huntrodes, Rich'ard, Scarbrough, fol. 320, Dickering. Apl. 23, 1634. , Robert, Scarbrough, fol. 318, Dickering. Oct. i, 1629. Huntrods, Edward, Filinge, fol. 253, Cleveland. Oct. 2, 1631. Huntroides, John, Stowbrow, dioc. York, fol. 268, Cleveland. Nov.27, 1638. Huntroids, John, Whitby, fol. 321, Cleveland. Mar.ig, 1630. Huntroydes, Elizabeth, Fyling Rowe, fol. 263, Cleveland. Nov.26, 1649. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 40, Harthill. Apl. 28, 1640. Hurst, John, Barnsley, fol. 673, Doncaster. Apl. n, 1637. John, Clarebrough, fol. 246, Retford. July 7, 1647. , John, Roydes, fol. 488, Doncaster. Nov.23, 1638. , Mary, Stubbe Waldinge, widow, fol. 386, Pontefract. Aug. 6, 1631. , Richard, Walesbie, fol. 213, Retford. Aug.2o, 1628. , Thomas, Bottomsall, fol. 193, Retford. July 17, 1629. Husband, George, Southleverton, fol. 199, Retford. Oct. 10, 1627. , John, Scarbrough, Dickering. Jun. 24, 1645. , John, Wressle, fol. 130, Harthill. Oct. 31, 1631. , Thomas, Kirkebie in Malhamdale, fol. 382, Craven. Jan. 29, 1645. Huscrofte, Alice, Campsall, fol. 464, Doncaster. Jan. 29, 1645. , Bartholomew, Campsall, fol. 464, Doncaster. Oct. 12, 1627. Husse, John, Newark upon Trent, fol. 305, Newark. Jan. 17, 1639. Hustcroft, Elizabeth, Bentley, fol. 654, Doncaster. Dec. 4, 1637. Hustler, John, Skipton, fol. 477, Craven. July 21, 1649. , Thomas, Kirkburton, fol. 134, Pontefract. Nov. 3, 1646. , Thomas, Stanley, fol. 86, Pontefract. Feb. 7, 1645. , William, Idle, fol. 59, Pontefract. Oct. 7, 1636. Hutchenson, Edward, son of Hen. H. of Westbarnby, dec., tui., fol. 308, Cleveland. Feb. 18, 1632. , Henry, Scorbrough, fol. 30, Harthill. Feb. 17, 1633. , Michael, York, fol. 31, City. N.D. (1630). , Richard, Burithorpe, Caveat, Harthill. Nov.25, 1631. , Richard, Newton Kyme, fol. :6i, Ainsty. Apl. 24, 1634. , Thomas, Westbarneby, fol. 290, Cleveland. Apl. 5, 1637. , William, Uglebarnby, par. Whitby, fol. 310, Cleveland. Jun. 24, 1629. , William, Whitley, fol. 55, Pontefract. July 7, 1637. als. Senthus a/5. Godsenthus, John, Thirske, fol. 86, Buhner. May 27, 1642. Hutcheson, Joseph, Redcarr, fol. 194, Cleveland. Oct. 9, 1628. Hutchinson, Anthony, Nottingham, fol. 46, Nottingham. Sep. 5, 1628. , Christopher, Hutton Confers, fol. 56, Prerogative. Apl. 20, 1632. , Frances, Moorsome, fol. 274, Cleveland. May 12, 1636. , George, Nottingham, fol. 107, Nottingham. May3i, 1632. , Henry and George, sons of Joh. H., lui. to Tho. H. of Thirske, fol. 54, Bnlmer. Oct. 18, 1635. , Isabel, dr. of Joh. H. of Thorp Arch, dec., tui., fol. 218, Ainsty. Apl. 20, 1629. , John, Rotheram, fol. 462, Doncaster. May 8, 1632. , John, Thirske, fol. 55, Bulmer. Feb. 24, 1640. , John, West Barneby, fol. 336, Cleveland. Jan. 18, 1632. , Robert, Bridlington, fol. 311, Dickering. Nov.i2, 1649. , Robert, Eueringham, fol. 40, Harthill. Jan. 18, 1632. , Thomas, Bridlington Key, fol. 309, Dickering. Aug.26, 1647. , Thomas, Gilling Castle, fol. 98, Ridall. Apl. 10, 1651. , Thomas, Gillinge, effects unadministered, fol. in, Ridall. Apl. 29, 1645. , Thomas, Gillinge, fol. 87, Ridall. Dec. 7, 1652. , Thomas, Hull, fol. 61, Harthill. July 16, 1638. , Thomas, Overton, fol. 379, Pontefract. Jan. 30, 1631. , Thomas, Sandall Magna, fol. 106, Pontefract. Feb. 22, 1638. , Thomas, Slingsby, fol. 197, Ridall. Sep. 27, 1647. , Thomas, son of Tho. H. of Slingsby, dec., tui., fol. 98, Ridall. Sep. 16, 1640. , Thomas, par. St. Mich, de Belf., York, fol. 219, Prerogative. Dec. 18, 1632. , William, Screyingham, fol. 256, Buckrose. Nov.i4, 1649. , William, Cath. Close, York, fol. 65, Prerogative. Sep. 28, 1638. Huton, Richard, Cottingham, fol. 85, Harthill. Jun. 21, 1637. , Richard, Egton, fol. 311, Cleveland. APPENDIX. 187 Jun. 30, 1648. Hutton, Ann, daur. of Fras. H. of Egton Eastbanckes, fol. 220, Cleveland. Dec. 4, 1647. , Barnard and Ann, his wife, Huddlesketh, dioc. Carl., fol. 45, Preroga- tive. Jun. 30, 1648. Francis, Egton Eastbanckes, fol. 220, Cleveland. Jun. 6, 1650. Jane, Eggton, fol. 232, Cleveland. Mar. i, 1636. Lawrence, Snenton, fols. 115 and 247, Nottingham. Nov.24, 1643. Robert, Hutton le Springe, fol. 255, Prerogative. Feb. 24, 1629. Sibell, Leedes, fol. 146, Ainsty. Jun. 5, 1637. Thomas, Danbie super Wiske, fol. 160, Prerogative. Apl. 15, 1642. Thomas, Grays Inn, London, esq., fol. 246, Prerogative. Dec. 27, 1644. Timothy, York, gentleman, fol. 264, Prerogative. Jan. 27, 1636. Hyde, John, Cawood, gent., fol. 247, Ainsty. Jun. 29, 1638. - , Thomas, Fockerthorpe, fol. 78, Harthill. July 9, 1647. Hydes, John, Kingston, Nottingham. Feb. 12, 1639. Ibborson, Jane, Spawford, fol. 366, Newark. Sep. 2, 1646. Ibbotson, Matthew, Bramwith, fol. 476, Doncaster. Apl. 19, 1632. , Stephen, Kettlewell, fol. 392, Craven. Feb. 20, 1648. , Thomas and Ann, chdn. of Tho. I. of Bradford, dec., fol. 127, Pontefract. May 3, 1642. Ibotson, Jennet, Moorewood, fol. 444, Doncaster. Mar. 7, 1637. , Lawrence, Thresfeild, fol. 496, Craven. Oct. 6, 1635. , Richard, Warall, fol. 582, Doncaster. Jan. 27, 1641. Ibottson, George, Norwood in Bradfeild, fol. 436, Doncaster. Apl. 28, 1640. Ibson, Robert, Morehouse, fol. 672, Doncaster. Aug. 9, 1632. Ideson, Robert, Carleton Linricke, fol. 221, Retford. May 3, 1630. lies, Isabell, Elizabeth, tui. to Jac. I., junr., of Leedes, clothier, father, fol. 147, Ainsty. Oct. 3, 1633. , Jacobus, Leedes, fol. 187, Ainsty. Aug.3o, 1628. , Ralph, Leedes, fol. 132, Ainsty. Dec.i6, 1634. Iley, Thomas, York, fol. 40, City. Oct. 4, 1627. Illingworth, Christabel, par. Hallifax, fol. 17, Pontefract. Mar. 8, 1638. , Elizabeth, Lumbie, par. Shereburn, fol. 284, Ainsty. Oct. 29, 1632. , John, Harden, fol. 400, Craven. Aug. 2, 1633. , Judith, dr. of Dionisius I. of Illingworth, dec., tui., fol. 153, Pontefract. Sep. 8, 1636. , Judith, dr. of John I. (of Ovenden), dec., fol. 334, Pontefract. Feb. 24, 1635. , Luke, par. Tong, fol. 314, Pontefract. Sep. 8, 1636. , Matthew, Ovenden, fol. 334, Pontefract. Oct. 10, 1639. , Thomas, Bingley, fol. 524, Craven. May 13, 1637. , William, Harden, fol. 483, Craven. Nov.23, 1647. Ingall, George and William, son of Will. I. of Gaiteforth, dec., tui., Retford. May 9, 1639. Ingham, Christopher, Laxton, fol. 361, Newark. Oct. 16, 1637. , John, par. Hallifax, fol. 359, Pontefract. Oct. 15, 1645. - , Michael, Ovenden, fol. 54, Pontefract. Nov.i2, 1638. , Robert, Northdighton, fol. 283, Ainsty. Jun. 16, 1647. , Simeon, Luddington, fol. 101, Pontefract. Aug. 3, 1637. Ingle, John, Shafton, fol. 620, Doncaster. Apl. 10, 1638. als. Parsonson, Elizabeth, tui. to Isaac P. of Doncaster, father, fol. 630, Doncaster. Nov.i2, 1636. Inglebie, William, Paddathorpe (par. Bolton Percie), gent., fol. 242, Ainsty. Aug. 17, 1649. Ingleby, Arthur, son of Joh. I. of Lawkland, esq., dec., tui., fol. 6r, Prerogative. Jun. 14, 1643. , John, Shincliffe, dioc. Dur., fol. 258, Prerogative. Oct. 4, 1632. , John, Stokesley, fol. 280, Cleveland. May 20, 1631. Ingledewe, Gregory, Midleton, fol. 266, Cleveland. Aug. 4, 1632. Ingleton, Anthony, Skipton super Swaile, fol. 54, Buhner. Feb. 7, 1637. Inglish, William, Settrington, fol. 266, Buckrose. July 25, 1651. Ingmire, Thomas, son of Tho. I. of Beswicke, dec., tui., fol. 54, Harthill. May 15, 1633. Ingram, Alice, Willoughbie, fol. 82, Nottingham. Mar.22, 1638. , Alice, York, fol. 68, City. July 31, 1638. , Jacobus, Garton, fol. 202, Hohlcrness. Feb. 6, 1639. , Joan, Sproatley, fol. 211, Hohlcrness. May 8, 1649. Inkersall, Godfrey, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Sep. 27, 1639. Inman, Agnes, Gatesuphouse, par. Bingley, fol. 528, Craven. Jun. 18, 1634. , John, Empsay, fol. 432, Craven. 1 88 APPENDIX. Sep. 26, 1635. Jun. 2, 1635. Mar.io, 1642. Aug. 2, 1634. Mar.io, 1629. Aug. ii, 1627. Aug. 22, 1648. Oct. 9, 1629. Oct. 5, 1641. Aug. 3, 1636. Jun. 8, 1630. Oct. 23, 1634. Mar.n, 1636. Oct. 17, 1634. Jun. 4, 1635. Feb. 24, 1639. July i, 1635. Oct. 29, 1634. Apl. 13, 1642. Dec. 2, 1636. Jan. 22, 1634. Jan, 19, 1645. Sep. 3, 1634. May 23, 1629. Feb. 8, 1632. Dec.3O, 1647. Mar. 9, 1646. July ii, 1645. Apl. 13, 1642. Oct. 26, 1640. Dec. 21, 1647. Jan. 28, 1638. Sep. 27, 1634. Inman, Thomas, York, fol. 46, City. Ireland, Elizabeth, Hunkilbie, fol. 260, Buckrose. , Elizabeth, Kilvington, widow, fol. 251, Prerogative. , Sir Francis, Nostell, kt., fol. 170, Pontefract. , John, Hunkilby, Buckrose. , William, Burton Jorce, fol. 36, Nottingham. Isaack, William, Withernseay, fol. 240, Holdcrness. Isherwood, Hugh, Slingsbie, fol. 143, Ridall. Ison, Walter, Sutton, fol. 236, Prerogative. Issatt, John, Newarke, fol. 349, Newark. Issott als. Doughtie. Margaret, par. Campsall, fol. 70, Pontefract. Ives, Thomas, son of Rich. I., par. Kirkburton, dec., tui., fol. 182, Pontefract. Iveson Anthony, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 67, Harthill. Anthony, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 44, Harthill. Elizabeth, Clougliton, fol. 324, Dickering. Ellicia, Cloughton, fol. 349, Dickering. Frances, dr. of Mich. I. of Sutton, dec., tui., fol. 185, Holderness. Frances, dr. of Mich. I. of Sutton, dec., tui., fol. 181, Holderness. Francis, Eastrop, fol. 106, Harthill. John, Cloughton, fol. 331, Dickering. Michael, Sutton, fol. 180, Holderness. Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 134, Harthill. i, 1632. Apl. 6, 1637. Aug.27, 1646. July 16, 1632. Mar.iS, 1646. May 13, 1630. Oct. 16, 1634. Nov.22, 1645. Oct. 27, 1635. Sep. 22, 1641. Jan. 28, 1645. Feb. 19, 1645. May2i, 1632. Mar. 28, 1628. Mar. i, 1648. Apl. 22, 1640. July 3, 1647. Aug. 4, 1633. Apl. 13, 1649. May 29, 1647. Sep. 17, 1641. Jun. 24, 1647. Jan. 8, 1649. Apl. 17, 1643. July 2, 1631. Oct. 6, 1629. Sep. 19, 1638. Nov. 4, 1635. May 29, 1647. Jackm n, Henry, Kingston upon Hull, mr. marryner, fol. 43, Harthill. Jackson, Agnes, Waxham, Holderness. Ann, Poole, fol. 207, Ainsty. Arthur, Newton super Owse, fol. 31, Bulmer. Cesar, Kirkeheaton, fol. 84, Pontefract. Christopher, Dimpley, co. Lane., fol. 5, Prerogative. Cicilia, Walkington, fol. 106, Harthill. Cuthbert, Worsall, fol. 335, Cleveland. David, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 21, Harthill. Dionisius, Bransdayle, fol. 197, Ridall. Elizabeth, dr. of Hen. J., par. Kirkbie, Grindallieth, dec., fol. 259, Buckrose. Elizabeth, dr. of Hen. J. of Kirckburton, dec., tui., fol. 114, Pontefract. Elizabeth, London, fol. 254, Ainsty. Francis, Rampton, Retford. George, Bilton, fol. 156, Holderness. George, Hilton, fol. 210, Cleveland. George, Northfroddingham, fol. 137, Holderness. Grace, dr. of Joh. N J. of Headon, dec., tui., fol. 179, Holderness. Griffin, Wentbrigge, fol. 459, Doncaster. Henry, Eskrigge, esq., fol. 76, Buhner. Henry, Thirske, fol. 3, Bulmer. Henry, Womersley, fol. 58, Pontefract. Henry and Catherine his wife, Womersley, fol. 462, Doncaster. Issabell, Hovingham, fol. 155, Ridall. Jacobus, York, Caveat, fol. 124. Ainsty. Jane, par. Gisbrough, fol. 224, Cleveland. Jane, Sprotley, fol. 219, Holderness. Jennet, Pontefract, widow, fol. 103, Pontefract. John, son of Joh. Jackson, tui. to Rob. J. of Beverley, fol. 29, Harthill. John, Fenton, par. Sturton, Retford. John, Hucknal Tockerd, Nottingham. John, par. Loweswater, Chest, dioc., will Exhib. and Adm. granted, fol. 236, Prerogative. John, Pontefract, fol. 102, Pontefract. John, Sikehouse, fol. 525, Doncaster. Lawrence, Wilton, fol. 199, Cleveland. Margaret, Burwallis, Caveat, fol. 508, Doncaster. Margaret, dr. of John J. of Headon, dec., tui., Holderness. Margaret, North Frothingham, fol. 203, Holderness. Margaret, Thorne, widow, fol. 585, Doncaster. Nicholas, Ruddington, Nottingham. APPENDIX. 189 Jan. 14, 1629. Nov.23, 1639. Aug.iS, 1640. Apl. 18, 1632. Feb. 27, 1644. Apl. 19, 1638. Jan. 16, 1648. Dec. 5, 1648. July 31, 1633. Jun. 21, 1637. Oct. 5, 1631. Mar.i3, 1631. Apl. 18, 1646. Feb. 6, 1638. Feb.iS, 1638. Aug.23, 1647. Feb. 10, 1634. May 12, 1641. Jun. 10, 1648. Nov.28, 1635. Feb. 7, 1647. Nov. 8, 1634. Oct. 6, 1632. May 13, 1630. Mar. i, 1648. July 14, 1643. Nov.i4, 1633. Jun. 21, 1637. Sep. 4, 1631. July 31, 1639. Mar. i, 1648. Apl. 18, 1632. Aug.n, 1648. Aug. 19, 1648. Sep. 26, 1627. Aug.24, 1630. Jan. 9, 1648. May3o, 1639. Sep. 10, 1645. Jun. 5, 1633. Feb. 3, 1636. July 16, 1640. Aug. i, 1645. Sep. 8, 1646. Oct. 25, 1642. Oct. ii, 1638. May 12, 1641. Jan. i, 1645. Oct. 13, 1631. Oct. 8, 1640. Oct. 28, 1642. Dec. 18, 1644. Jun. 17, 1630. Aug. 28, 1639. May 12, 1641. May 15, 1645. Jun. 24, 1637. July 25, 1639. Apl. 23, 1641. Nov. 6, 1649. Jan. 22, 1648. Mar.28, 1638. Jackson, Oswald, Northgrimston, Buckrose. Peter, clerk, curate of Sowerby, fol. 102, Bulmer. Ralph, Wilton, fol. 333, Cleveland. Richard, Adle, fol. 168, Ainsty. Richard, Beverley, fol. 125, Harthill. Richard, Newarke, fol. 355, Newark. Richard, Thorpe in Balne, fol. 126, Pontefract. Richard, Thorpe in Balne, fol. 513, Doncaster. Richard, Tuxford, fol. 228, Retford. Richard, Whitbye, fol. 311, Cleveland. Richard, Woosper, fol. 103, Pontefract. Richard, Wosperdale, fol. 511, Doncaster. Robert, Burrowbrigs, fol. 32, Prerogative. Robert, Darnethropp, fol, 358, Newark. Robert, par. Ealand, fol. 396, Pontefract. Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 223, Holderness. Robert, Molescrofte, fol. 45, Harthill. Robert and John, sons of Fran. J. of Waxham, dec., tui., fol. 223, Holderness. Roger, Edderthorpe, fol. 510, Doncaster. Rosamond, Beverley, fol. 54, Harthill. Simon, Carlisle, fol. 45, Prerogative. Stephen, Sutton, fol. 436, Craven. Thomas, Harrowton, par. Chester le Street, fol. 95, Prerogative. Thomas, Northfroddingham, fol. 137, Holderness. Thomas, Sandsend, fol. 223, Cleveland. Thomasin, Margaret, William, Elizabeth, tui. to Joh. J., father, fol. 12, Bulmer. Tristram, Barnby, par. Bossall, fol. 64, Bulmer. William, Glaisdale, fol. 311, Cleveland. William, Killingraves, fol. 14, Harthill. William, Kilvington, fol. 100, Bulmer. William, Lazenby, fol. 224, Cleveland. William, Leedes, fol. 167, Ainsty. William, Moss, par. Campsall, fol. 513, Doncaster. William, Mosse, fol. 511, Doncaster. William, Mosse, fol. 434, Doncaster. William, Newcastle upon Tyne, Caveat, fol. 72, Prerogative. William, North Grimston, fol. 104, Ridall. William, South Kilvington, fol. 99, Bulmer. William, son of Tho. J. of Sprotley, dec., tui., fol. 240, Holderness. William, Wentbrigg, fol. 135, Pontefract. Jacob, J agger Jaines James jeorge, Worksopp, fol. 249, Retford. William, par. Almonbury, fol. 4, Pontefract. Moses, Spennythorne, gentleman, fol. 7, Prerogative. Elizabeth, Wilforde, widow, Newark. John, Nottingham, Nottingham. Richard, Nottingham, fol. 127, Nottingham, als. Hodgson, Dinah, Humbleton, fol. 222, Holderness. Jameson, John, Preston, co. Lane., fol. 14, Prerogative. Jaques, Edmund. Missen, fol. 216, Retford. , Edward, Farndon, fol. 369, Newark. , Stephen, Farndon, Newark. , Thomas, Farnden, Newark. als. Gambold, John, Towton, par. Addenburrow, fol. 60, Nottingham. Jarram, Leonard, Cottingham, fol. 91, Harthill. Jarum, Timothy, son of Leon. J. of Cottingham, dec., tui., fol. 222, Holderness. , Timothy, son of Leon. J. of Cottingham, dec., fol. 239, Holderness. Jarvas, Edmund, Dinington, fol. 617, Doncaster. Jefferson, Barbara, Scarborough, fol. 346, Dickering. , Francis, Bridlington, fol. 353, Dickering. , Francis, Lythe, fol. 228, Cleveland. , Francis, Sunderlandwicke, fol. 32, Harthill. , George, Rippon, fol. 477, Craven. i go APPENDIX. Jan. 28, 1635. Jefferson, John, Atwicke, fol. 187, Holderness. Mar.28, 1639. , John, Bridlington, fol. 344, Dickering. July 2, 1646. , Robert, East Heslerton, fol. 391, Buckrose. Nov.2O, 1644. , Robert, Hessell, fol. 234, Holderness. July i, 1635. , Robert, Pattrington, fol. 185, Holderness. Mar. 7, 1638. , Robert, Rippon, fol. 514, Craven. Oct. 30, 1647. , Stephen, West Ardsley, fol. 105, Pontefract. July 16, 1642. , Thomas, Bramham, fol. 252, Prerogative. Apl. 3, 1650. , Thomas, Cottingham, fol. 46, Harthill. July 16, 1634. Jeffes, Peter, Everton, fol. 233, Rctford. Oct. 6, 1636. Jeffray, Thomas, Sawley, fol. 466, Craven. Sep. 20, 1644. , William, par. Rotheram, fol. 448, Doncaster. Jan. 9, 1634. Jeffrey, Brian, Holebeck, fol. 209, Ainsfy. Nov.28, 1645. Jeninges, Robert, Scarbrough, fol. 357, Dickering. Oct. 6, 1649. Jenings, Jonathan, Ripon, esq., fol. 65, Prerogative. Jun. 9, 1646. , Robert, junior, Scarbrough, fol. 463, Dickering. Jan. 30, 1627. Jeniver, William, Ampton, fol. 308, Newark. Aug. 2, 1646. Jenkins, Sir Henry, Scorsby, kt., fol. 31, Prerogative. Sep. 12, 1645. , Henry, Scorsby, gentleman, fol. 19, Prerogative. Oct. 6, 1647. Jenkinson, Abraham, Hull, fol. 488, Doncaster. Oct. 6, 1632. , Francis, par. Barnesley, fol. 531, Doncaster. Nov. 4, 1641. , Isabell, Kingston upon Hull, spinster, fol. 103, Harthill. Feb. 11,1647. Jane. dr. of Gilb. J. of Huton Cranswick, dec., tui., fol. 23, Harthill. Oct. 9, 1638. , John, par. Cawthorne, fol. 642, Doncaster. Dec. 26, 1646. , Leonard, Hull, fol. 8, Harthill. May 26, 1628. , Richard, Beswicke, Harthill. Jun. 28, 1638. , Richard, Cranswicke, fol. 81, Harthill. Mar. ii, 1636. , Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 67, Harthill. Oct. 2, 1639. , Robert, Flinton, fol. 209, Holderness. Apl. 9, 1649. , Thomas, and Ellen Cooper als. Jenkinson, his rel., Willerby, fol. 247, Holderness. May 25, 1649. , William, Killome, fol. 60, Prerogative. Oct. 9, 1638. Jenninges, John, Doncaster, fol. 641, Doncaster. Dec. 8, 1632. Jennings, George, Yeastropp, fol. 157, Ridall. Feb. 23, 1637. , Isabel, Hauksworth, fol. 501, Craven. Aug. 4, 1635. , Richard, Follifoote, fol. 214, Ainsty. Nov.2O, 1632. , Richard, Scarbrough, fol. 311, Dickering. Jun. 22, 1629. , Sarah and Ann, drs. of Tho. T. of Sheffeild, tui., fol. 469, Doncaster. Jun. 22, 1629. , Thomas, Sheffeild, fol. 468, Doncaster. Aug.23, 1647. Jennison, Jane, Newarke, widow, Newark. Aug.27, 1649. Jepson, Ann, dau. of Will. J. of South Leverton, dec., tui., Retford. Feb. 18, 1638. , George, Houley, fol. 397, Pontefract. Aug.ig, 1630. , Henry, par. Cuckney, fol. 204, Retford. Oct. 8, 1635. , John, Warsop, fol. 239, Retford. Aug.2i, 1635. , Robert, Wakefeild, fol. 315, Pontefract. Apl. 30, 1640. , Thomas, Clowne hills, par. Welbecke, fol. 273, Retford. Feb. 3, 1636. , William, East Retford, fol. 249, Retford. Apl. 30, 1629. Jerman, George, Gonalston, fol. 52, Nottingham. May 24, 1636. Jerrat, Robert, par. Hugget, fol. 60, Harthill. Aug. 4, 1636. Jervase, Ellen, of Foxhills, par. Egglesfeild, widow, fol. 598, Doncaster. Apl. 26, 1632. Jesopp, Isabell, Barnebie in Lee Willowes, fol. 330, Newark. May 1 1, 1649. Jessop, Agnes, Fulstone, fol. 131, Pontefract. Dec.24, 1646. Jessopp, Augustine, Newarke, Newark. Apl. 30, 1629. , John, Aram, fol. 52, Nottingham. Dec. 14, 1641. , John, Stockton upon Tease, fol. 239, Prerogative. May 5, 1631. , William, Thorpe, par. Mattersey, fol. 212, Retford. Oct. 7, 1630. , William, Tilne, par. Clarebrough, fol. 208, Retford. Jan. 30, 1638. Jessoppe, John, par. Claworth, fol. 263, Retford. Jun. 5, 1634. Jewetson, Christofer, Warter, fol. 40, Harthill. Aug.2o, 1632. Joardall, Roger, Taxall, dioc. Chest., Caveat, fol. 89, Prerogative. Oct. 6, 1629. Jobson, Francis, Headon, Holderness. Apl. 26, 1637. , Matthew, Midleham, fol. 159, Prerogative. Oct. 20, 1648. , Mary, dr. of Tho. J. of Leedes, dec., tui., fol. 514, Doncaster. APPENDIX. 191 Jun. 20, 1638. Jobson ah. Girlington, Joan, rel. of Nich. G. of South Cave, to Rich. J., gent., her husband, fol. 181, Prerogative. Feb. 10, 1634. Johnson, Ann, Hishholme, fol. 46, Harthill. Jun. 22, 1635. Edward, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. Oct. 19, 1647. Edward (? Newton), fol. 43, Prerogative. Sep. 13, 1637. Elizabeth, dr. of Hen. J. of Kingston upon Hull, dec., tui., fol. 69, Harthill. Jun. 30, 1647. Ellen, Ann, daur. of Geo. J. of East Retford, dec., tui., Retford. Apl. 10, 1632. Ellen and Mary, drs. of Sim. J. of Rotheram, dec., tui., fol. 511, Doncaster. Mar.i4, 1635. Emot, dr. of Edw. J. of Gristhroppe, par. Filey, dec., fol. 329, Dickering. Jan. 19, 1645. Frances, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 134, Harthill. July 21, 1635. Francis, Blith, fol. 238, Retford. Oct. 13, 1641. Francis, par. Skekling, fol. 223, Holderness. Oct. 8, 1629. George, Clifton, fol. 56, Nottingham. May 20, 1628. George, Stoneferry, Holdtrness. Jun. 30, 1647. George, West Retford, Retford. Mar.io, 1634. Henry, Flambrough, fol. 321, Dickering. Mar. 3, 1630. Henry, Heyton, fol. 210, Retford. Dec. 22, 1634. Henry, Kingston upon Hull, mr. marryner, fol. 43, Harthill. Jun. 23, 1637. Henry, Manchester, Caveat, fol. 162, Prerogative. Jun. 18, 1630. Isabel, Keighley, fol. 367, Craven. Oct. 5, 1632. Jacobus, Aldbrough, fol. 159, Holderness. Feb. 13, 1635. Jacobus, Healaughe, fol. 225, Ainsty. Jan. 24, 1638. Jacobus, Preston, fol. 205, Holderness. May 13, 1647. Jane, Margaret and Alice, drs. of Tho. J. of Rascall, dec., tui., fol. 27, Bulmer. Feb. 6, 1638. John, Beverley, fol. 86, Harthill. Feb.ult.,i649. John, Brumfleete, fol. 66, Prerogative. Oct. 9, 1646. John, Carleton in Lindrecke, Retford. Jun. 4, 1635. John and Jane, chdn. of Ed. J. of Gristrop, dec., tui., fol. 324, Dickering. Feb. 8, 1631. John, Halsham, fol. 151, Holderness. Dec. 18, 1635. John, Kighley, fol. 453, Craven. May 14, 1649. John, Mowtalacke, co. Westld., fol. 55, Prerogative. Mar. 6, 1627. John, Newthropp, fol. 40, Nottingham. May 5, 1646. John, Stokesley, fol. 206, Cleveland. Apl. 24, 1634. John, Thornabye, fol. 289, Cleveland. Jun. 2, 1637. Mark, Northallerton, fol. 166, Prerogative. Feb. 16, 1631. Marmaduke, Ratsey, fol. 18, Harthill. Jan. 14, 1638. - Martin, Sheriff hutton, fol. 99, Bulmer. Mar.ig, 1637. Matthew, Southwell, fol. 177, Prerogative. Aug. 5, 1633. Matthew, West Aiton, fol. 159, Ridall. Jun. 17, 1652. Milcah, dr. of Will. J. of Bridlington, dec., tui., fol. 491, Dickering. July 6, 1639. Nicholas, Cowlton Mill, par. Hovingham, fol. 198, Ridall. Jan v . 26, 1637. Peter, Levell, fol. 628, Doncaster. May 5, 1648. Philip. North Muskham, Newark. Jun. 25, 1638. Richard, Abberford, fol. 276, Ainsty. Aug.2o, 1634. Richard, Bingham, fol. 93, Nottingham. July 31, 1645. Richard, Crofton, fol. 50, Pontefract. Oct. 23, 1646. Richard, Stoke, Newark. Sep. 7, 1639. Robert, Crake, fol. 201, Prerogative. May i, 1628. Robert, Fileinge, fol. 242, Cleveland. Aug. 7, 1648. Robert, Hatfeild Woodhouse, fol. 512, Doncaster. Nov.iS, 1630. Robert, Lund, fol. 6, Harthill. July ii, 1628. Robert, Newarke super Trent, fol. 312, Newark. July 15, 1631. Robert, Newton super Owze, fol. 47, Bulmer. Mar. 6, 1627. Robert, Nottingham, fol. 40, Nottingham. Apl. 27, 1637. Robert, Rudstone, fol. 333, Dickering. Aug. i, 1638. Robert, Thirlbie, fol. 91, Bulmer. July 31, 1633. Robert, Walesbie, fol. 228, Retford. Dec. 2, 1636. Roger, Burniston, fol. 331, Dickering. Apl. 5,1638. Rowland, Birkin, fol. 251, A insty. APPENDIX. Feb. 26, 1633. Johnson, Stephen, Gisburne. fol. 417, Craven. Mar. 6, 1627. Thomas, Barton, fol. 40, Nottingham. Mar.i3, 1645. Thomas, Bridlington, fol. 359, Dickering. Feb. 21, 1650. Thomas, Bothomsall, Retford. Oct. ii, 1647. Thomas, Cawton, fol. 99, Ridall. Feb. 6, 1638. Thomas, Eake, fol. 86, Harthill. Oct. 10, 1639. Thomas, Lenton, fol. 138, Nottingham. May 15, 1645. Thomas, Leven, fol. 239, Holderness. Apl. 5, 1632. Thomas, Newton super Owze, fol. 55, Btilmer. Oct. 25, 1644. Thomas, Kascall, fol. 13, Bulmer. Feb. 18, 1645. Thomas, Scalby, fol. 359, Dickering. May 4, 1637. Thomas, Strelley, fol. 113, Nottingham. Dec.i6, 1636. - Thomas, Wincksley, fol. 469, Craven. Dec. 22, 1636. Thomas, York, fol. 55, City. July 23, 1639. William, Beverley, fol. 91, Harthill. Aug.23, 1647. William, Burton Pidsey, fol. 223, Holderness. Nov. 6, 1637. William, Dringhouses, fol. 60, City. Oct. 5, 1637. William, Helmsley, fol. 188, Ridall. Oct. 2, 1634. William, par. Huttonbushell, Caveat, fol. 168, RiJaU. Feb. 14, 1639. William, Jordonhouse, fol. 103, Bulmer. Feb. 13, 1640. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. in, Harthill. Feb. 19, 1633. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 36, Harthill. Mayao, 1641. - William, Normanton, Newark. July 13, 1630. William, Thome Gumbald, fol. 138, Holderness. Mar. 26, 1652. William, Wakefeild, fol. 354, Pontefract. Feb. 10, 1628. William, Welburn, fol. 141, Ridall. July 13, 1633. als. Flesher, George, Robbinhoodsbay, fol. 276, Cleveland. Dec. 20, 1634. Jones, Edward, son of Rich. J. of Ampleford, dec., tui., fol. 170, Ridall. Jan. 5, 1647. , Jeremiah, North Muskhain, Newark. Oct. 19, 1647. , John, Siddal, par. Middleton, co. Lane., fol. 42, Prerogative. Oct. 2, 1637. Jopson, Mary, dr. of Tho. J. of Leedes, dec., tui., fol. 264, Ainsty. Feb. 8, 1637. Jordaine, William, Howsome, fol. 265, Buckrose. May 20, 1641. Jordan, William, Nottingham, Nottingham. Aug.i2, 1642. Jordisson, Christopher, Greathelme, dioc. Dur. fol. 250, Prerogative. Apl. 29, 1640. Jordon, Robert, Righton, fol. 350, Dickering. Apl. 28, 1637. Jowcye, Frances, Danby, fol. 310, Cleveland. Dec. i, 1641. Jowet, John, par. Bradford, fol. 21, Pontefract. Oct. 16, 1637. , William, son of Mich. J., par. Bradford, tui., fol. 359, Pontefract. May 2, 1646. Jowett, John, Bradford, fol. 70, Pontefract. Mayio, 1641. .Thomas, par. Bradford, fol. 13, Pontefract. Nov.i5, 1647. ' > William, Bradford, fol. 109, Pontefract. Sep. 21, 1649. Jowsey, Thomas, Gisbrough, fol. 62, Prerogative. Apl. 22, 1640. Joy, Ann, Withornsea. fol. 212, Holderness. Jun. 13, 1649. , Frances, New Malton, fol. 106, Ridall. Oct. 14, 1635. , Robert. Thorneton, fol. 449, Craven. Apl. 23, 1632. , William, Witherensea, fol. 154, Holderness. MayiS, 1633. Jubb, Jane, Sheffeild, fol. 544, Doncaster. Oct. 8, 1639. , Martin, Hutton Pannell, fol. 664, Doncaster. Mar. 6, 1645. , Nicholas, Kirke Smeaton, fol. 61, Pontefract. Apl. 15, 1630. , Thomas, Rotherham, fol. 480, Doncaster. Apl. 23, 1629. Jubbe, William, Catebie, fol. 465, Doncaster. May 8, 1628. Judd, Thomas, Sutton super Trent, fol. 311, Newark. July 8, 1636. Judson, Edmund, Norwoodgreene, par. Hallifax, fol. 327, Pontefract. Oct. 23, 1629. Julian, Jo., Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Mar.i3, 1632. Kay, George, York, fol. 26, City. May 24, 1649. - , Gervase, Padgon, fol. 518, Doncaster. Nov.29, 1638. - , Henry, Dalton, fol. 94, Buhner. Apl. 26, 1637. .John, Brearey, fol. 257, Ainsty. Apl. 5, 1636. , Matthew, Beghall als. Beale, gentleman, fol. 141, Prerogative. Aug.2o, 1639. , Paul, Claiton super Moram, co. Lane., fol. 199, Prerogative. Sep. 25, 1643. . Richard, Wakefeild, fol. 36, Pontefract. May 12, 1636. .William, Leedes, fol. 234, Ainsty. Jun. 8, 1646. , William, Settrington, fol. 392, Buckrose. APPENDIX. 193 Jun. 15, 1632. Kay als. Croiser, Jane, dau. of Will. K. of York, to Rob. C. of S. Newbald, husb., dec., fol. 19, City. Mar.u, 1630. Kaye, Robert, par. Kirkheaton, fol. 84, Pontefract. Aug. 2, 1632. , Robert, Nunbrooke, fol. 119, Pontefract. Feb. 16, 1637. , Robert, Wakefeild, fol. 371, Pontefract. Feb. 6, 1629. Keate, John, Boney, fol. 58, Nottingham. May 2, 1639. Keddy, Marmaduke, son of Tho. K., dec., tui. to Will. Kirkas of Hotham, yeoman, fol. 88, Harthill. Dec. 12, 1632. Kedworthe als. Peele, Elizabeth, Averham, fol. 333, Newark. Apl. 27, 1648. Keirsley, Ann, daur. of Geo. K. of Gisbrough, dec., tui., fol. 219, Cleveland. July 14, 1646. Keld, Christopher, Scarbrough, fol. 456, Dickering. Apl. 4, 1628. , George, Northcave, Harthill. Aug.29, 1628. , Jane, Goatlands, fol. 141, Ridall. Jun. 28, 1639. , John, Cloughton and Janet, wid., Dunsley, fol. 345, Dickering. Oct. 10, 1627. , Xpofer, Cloughton, Dickering. Jan. 10, 1627. Kellam, Ann, dr. of Will. K. of Cantley, dec., fol. 441, Doncaster. Jan. 10, 1627. , Elizabeth, dr. of Will. K. of Cantley, dec., fol. 441, Doncaster. Mar. 9, 1637. Kellet, William, Pudsey, fol. 371(1, Pontefract. Apl. 2, 1644. Kelsicke, Thomas, son of Tho. K. of Crosthwate, fol. 268, Prerogative. Jun. 19, 1638. Kemp, Thomas, Knottingley, fol. 381, Pontefract. Apl. 22, 1630. Kempe, Elizabeth, Blakeston, fol. 203, Retford. Mar. 9, 1640. , Henry, Gunthorpe, fol. 146, Nottingham. Oct. 3, 1633. , Henry, Marston, fol. 189, Ainsty. Aug. 3, 1637. > John, Kilnsey, fol. 197, Holderness. Jan. ii, 1630. , Richard, Wyestead, fol. 141, Holderness. Feb. 13, 1640. , Robert, Hull, fol. 99, Harthill. Mar. 5, 1634. , William, Goulthropp, fol. 569, Doncaster. Aug.27, 1646. , William, Sutton super Lounde, Retford. May 2, 1639. Kempley, Richard, Whitby, fol. 322, Cleveland. Aug. 7, 1636. Kendall, Jennet, Rippon, fol. 465, Craven. Oct. 9, 1632. , John, Steeton Moore, fol. 394, Craven. Apl. 23, 1629. - , John, Tosside, fol. 344, Craven. Jan. 14, 1633. , Leonard, Rippon, fol. 423, Craven. May 5, 1631. , William, Mattersey, fol. 212, Retford. Oct. 27, 1641. Kendraw, Ann, daur. of Rich. K. of East Rowneton, tui., fol. 190, Cleveland. Feb. 8, 1650. Kendrawe, Jane, Snisdell, fol. 233, Cleveland. Jan. 29, 1640. Kennett, Dame Katherine, Helmsley, widow, fol. 207, Ridall. Sep. 4, 1635. , Katherine, Middleton-erderowe, dying at Copgrave, fol. 132, Pre- rogative. Apl. 12, 1647. Kent, Nicholas, West Retford, Retford. Oct. 8, 1639. , Robert, Hoyland lane end, fol. 664, Doncaster. Dec. 19, 1639. , Thomas, Rotherham, fol. 661, Doncaster. Oct. 8, 1635. Kerchivall, Robert, Flawborough, fol. 345, Newark. Feb. 15, 1637. Ketcliffe, John, Eastbridgford, fol. 120, Nottingham. Nov. 9, 1638. Ketlewell, Ellinor, Topcliffe, widow, fol. 94, Buhner. Jan. 9, 1635. , Robert, Rippon, fol. 455, Craven. Oct. 6, 1636. Kettlewell, Isabel, Studley Roger, fol. 466, Craven. Oct. 28, 1633. . Marmaduke, York Castle, fol. 30, City. Dec. 23, 1639. Key, Alice, Leedes, fol. 305, Ainsty. Jun. 30, 1645. Henry, Beswicke, fol. 129, Harthill. May 3, 1642. Henry, Wath, fol. 444, Doncaster. Sep. 13, 1632. Hercules, Kilnewicke, fol. 24, Harthill. Aug. 4, 1631. Humphry, Totties, fol. 98, Pontefract. Aug. 5, 1628. John, par. Almonburie, fol. 37a, Pontefract. Feb. 19, 1635. John, Beverley, fol. 55, Harthill. May 7, 1639. John, Midesley, par. Darfeild, fol. 652, Doncaster. Aug.3i, 1643. William, Warmefeild, fol. 35, Pontefract. Oct. 4, 1632. Keye, Margaret, Kirkeburton, fol. 122, Pontefract. Mar. 2, 1647. Keywood, Ralph, Lowdham, Nottingham. Apl. 19, 1638. Keyworth, John, Habblesthorpe, fol. 258, Retford. Nov.26, 1647. Kid, John, North Froddingham, fol. 236, Holderness. Mar.25, 1634. Kidd, Agnes, Leedes, fol. 193, Aittsty. May 12, 1637. , Margaret, Hebdin, par. Linton, fol. 483, Craven. July 28, 1651. , Mary, Carlile, fol. 73, Prerogative. APPENDIX. Oct. i, 1635. Apl. 6, 1638. May 9, 1635. Jan. 6, 1644. Jan. 16, 1634. Nov.24, 1648. Jan. 23, 1627. Oct. 25, 1627. May 13, 1631. July 31, 1632. May 17, 1633. Oct. ii, 1632. Apl. 28, 1631. Feb. 4, 1639. Mar.i5, 1648. Jan. 7, 1629. Jan. 25, 1641. Oct. 20, 1630. May 16, 1636. Apl. 28, 1636. Jan. 30, 1631. May 9, 1633. May 5, 1636. Nov. 8, 1643. July 2, 1635. Feb. 18, 1646. Aug.3o, 1638. Oct. 7, 1630. Dec. 16, 1648. May 12, 1636. Sep. 10, 1645. Jan. 14, 1649. Jun. 24, 1630. Jun. 24, 1630. Apl. 26, 1634. May 3, 1642. Jan. 3, 1647. July 18, 1634. Feb. 15, 1638. Jan. 7, 1636. Feb. 14, 1637. Oct. 3, 1639. Oct. 9, 1634. Jan. 12, 1631. Mar.2o, 1639. , 1641. May 23, 1637. Jan. 16, 1646. Nov.i2, 1652. Oct. 20, 1650. Nov.24, 1628. May 2, 1634. Jan. 12, 1638. May23, 1632. Mar. 12, 1639. May 15, 1633. July 4, 1631. May 12, 1636. July 8,1633. Mar.n, 1635. Aug. 7, 1635. Kidd, William, Kirkebie Moorshead, fol. 175, Ridall. Kidder, Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 75, Harthill. Kiddie, Thomas, Kingston super Hull, fol. 57, Harthill. Kidson, Richard, Wike, fol. 38, Pontefract. , Stephen, Follifoote, fol. 207, Ainsty. , William, Sowerby, fol. 33, Bulmer. , William, Thirsdaynooke howse, fol. 26, Bulmer. , William, Thormonby, fol. 25, Bnlmer. Kidsonne, William, Stainforth, fol. 377, Craven. Kighley, George, Thwaites, fol. 399, Craven. , Robert, Usburnparva, Caveat, fol. 107, Prerogative. Kilburn, John, par. Lenton, fol. 77, Nottingham. , John, Crathorne, fol. 264, Cleveland. Kildaile, John, Egton, fol. 327, Cleveland. , Richard, Hutton Rudby, fol. 224, Cleveland. Killam, Brian, Stayforth, fol. 477, Doncaster. , Richard, son of Rich. K., Highellers, dec. fol. 439, Doncaster. Killingbeck, John, Pontefract, fol. 72, Pontefract. Killingbecke, Robert, Barrowbie Grange, fol. 235, Ainsty. , Robert, Barrowbie Grange, fol. 460, Craven. , Robert, Wakefeild, fol. 107, Pontefract. , Toby, Horsforth, fol. 178, Ainsty. Kilner, John, Dalton, fol. 325, Pontefract. Kiplin, John, Staindrop, dioc. Dur., fol. 259, Prerogative. Kippax, George, Cantley, fol. 577, Doncaster. King, Francis, Gisbrough, fol. 209, Cleveland. , Jacobus, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 79, Harthill. , John, Bridgford, fol. 61, Nottingham. , Robert, Glasedale, fol. 222, Cleveland. Kinge, Ann, Adenborowe, fol. 107, Nottingham. . Bartholomew, Cottingham, fol. 131, Harthill. , John, son of Jac. K. of Skircoate, dec., tui., fol. 340, Pontefract. , John, Thornton in Pickeringlith, fol. 146, Ridall. , Margaret, Thornton in Pickeringlith, fol. 146, Ridall. , Ralph, par. Whitby, fol. 289, Cleveland. , Samuel and John, sons of Jac. K. of Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 27, Pontefract. , Samuel, son of Jacobus K. of Skircoate, dec., tui., fol. no, Pontefract. , Thomas, Kirkebie in Mallamdale, fol. 430, Craven. , Thomas, Langrigge, fol. 516, Craven. , William, Doncaster, fol. 609, Doncaster. Kingston, Margaret, Broughton, widow, fol. 315, Cleveland. , Thomas, Broughton Parva, fol. 325, Cleveland. , Thomas, Thorpe, fol. 341, Newark. Kinman, Thomas, Stainford, fol. 496, Doncaster. a/5. Norton, Isabel!, Burton Slather, co. Line., wife of Will. K., fol. 2oga, Prerogative. Kirkas, Peter, Hotham, fol. 117, Harthill. Kirkbie, Thomas, Northcliffe, fol. 66, Harthill. Kirkby, Alexander, Newarke super Trent, Newark. , John, Beverley, fol. 61, Harthill. , Richard, Kelham, Newark. , Robert, Thixendayle, Buckrose. , Roger, Huggett, fol. 44, Harthill. .Thomas, Studley Roger, fol. 511, Craven. , William, Hootham, fol. 20, Harthill. -, William, Kimberley, fol. 142, Nottingham. Kirke, Agnes, Hoveringham, fol. 81, Nottingham. Ellen, Budlam, fol. 150, Ridall. Henry and George, sons of Geo. K. of Lowdham, dec., fol. 107, Nottingham. Katherine, Cottingham, fol. 30, Harthill. Mary, dr. of Rich. K., Barwicke, dec., tui., fol. 230, Ainsty. Nicholas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. APPENDIX. 195 Aug. 4, 1635. Mar.2i, 1631. July 18, 1637. Mar. 24, 1647. Oct. 6, 1635. Oct. 29, 1639. Aug. i, 1634. May 8, 1649. Mar. 2, 1647. Mar.24, 1647. May 9, 1633. Feb. 26, 1637. Feb. 19, 1635. May 12, 1641. May3i, 1647. Oct. 14, 1635. Jun. 8, 1631. Feb. 7, 1633. Oct. 22, 1627. Oct. 10, 1639. Sep. 21, 1650. Apl. 5, 1633. Mar. 7, 1647. Jan. 28, 1646. July 31, 1639. Mar.27, 1640. Oct. 24, 1637. Oct. 8, 1635. Aug. 2, 1633. Jan. 3, 1631. Nov.io, 1649. Mar. 5, 1649. Mar. 3, 1630. Mar. 29, 1636. July 2, 1633. Apl. 22, 1630. Oct. 9, 1644. Aug. 8, 1636. Oct. 2, 1647. Aug. 5, 1628. Aug.28, 1641. Feb.iS, 1633. Dec. 9, 1647. Aug.io, 1637. May 14, 1645. Oct. 2, 1628. May 4, 1635. Oct. 2, 1634. Oct. 8, 1635. Feb. 10, 1641. Oct. 6, 1631. Apl. 5, 1642. July i, 1631. July 18, 1631. Nov.3O, 1639. Sep. 15, 1646. Mar. 10, 1642. Apl. 23, 1632. Kirke, Richard, late of Barwicke in Elmett, fol. 215, Ainsty. Richard, Carcolston, fol. 329, Newark. Robert, York, fol. 58, City. Roger, Nottingham, Nottingham. Roger, Stainford, fol. 580, Doncaster. Stephen, Billsdale, fol. 191, Cleveland. Thomas, Cooke Rigge, fol. 194, Ainsty. Thomas, East Bridgford, Nottingham. Thomas, Nottingham, Nottingham. Thomas, Nottingham, Nottingham. Kirkebie, John, Ripon, fol. 409, Craven. , Robert, Hugget, fol. 73, Har thill. Kirkebride, John, par. Bugthorp, fol. 139, Prerogative. Kirkeby, Anthony, Leckenfeild, fol. 115, Harthill. , Edmond, Huggett, fol. 14, Harthill. , Richard, Studley Roger, fol. 449, Craven. , Roger, Great Hatefeild, fol. 146, Holderness. Kirkehowse, Issabel, Swanland, fol. 36, Harthill. Kirkeman, Jacobus, Beswicke, Harthill. Kirkham, Michael, Averham, fol. 364, Newark. , William, Rivalx, gentleman, fol. in, Ridall. Kirkhowse, William, Swanland, fol. 31, Harthill. Kirle, Anthony, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 24, Harthill. Kirshaw, John, Marland, Notts., fol. 29, Prerogative. Kirshawe, William, Little Clegge, par. Rachdayle, fol. 2080, Prerogative. Kirton, John and William, minors, Welbury, to Chris. K., their father, fol. 327, Cleveland. Kitchen, Henry, Strickland Kettle, co., Westld., fols. 170, 172 and 1840, Prerogative. , Rebecca, Rolston, fol. 345, Newark. , Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 29, Harthill. , Thomas and Jane, chdn. of Steph. K. of Cracoe, dec., tui. fol. 387, Craven. Kitchin, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 39, Harthill. , John, Stathorp, Newark. , William, Gambston, fol. 210, Retford. , William, Heptonstall, fol. 315, Pontcfract. Kitchinge, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 39, Harthill. , Nicholas, Grove, fol. 204, Retford. Kitchingman, Ann, Marton, widow, fol. 202, Cleveland. Kitchinman, Ann, par. Hallifax, fol. 332, Pontefract. Kitson, Jacobus, Chunvell, fol. 105, Pontefract. , John, Birstall, fol. 360;, Pontefract. , Lionel, Clackheaton, par. Burstall, fol. 421, Pontefract. -, Thomas, par. Hartshead, fol. 151, Pontefract. Knagges, Elizabeth, daur. of Tho. K. of Aysleby, dec., tui., fol. 215, Cleve- land. , George, Egton, fol. 310, Cleveland. Knagges, Jacobus, Skelton, fol. 204, Cleveland. , Margaret, Moorehouses late of Woodellhouses, par. Egton, fol. 245, Cleveland. , Matthew, Aislabie, fol. 299, Cleveland. , William and Katherine, chdn. of Fras. K., Huton par. Lieth, tui., fol. 294, Cleveland. Knaggs, children of Ralph K. of Lealome, tui., fol. 302, Cleveland. , Richard, junr., Easington, fol. 192, Cleveland. , Robert, son of Math. K. of Aislaby, dec., tui., fol. 270, Cleveland. , Thomas, Ayslaby, fol. 353, Dickering. , Thomas, Scaling, fol. 267, Cleveland. Knapton, Christopher, Bramham, fol. 159, Ainsty. , William, son of Tho. K. of Clifforth, dec., fol. 304, Ainsty. Knight, Ellis, Tunsted in Saddleworth, co. Lane., fol. 26, Prerogative. , William, Northallerton, fol. 251, Prerogative. Knipe, Alice, Dunswall, fol. 155, Holderness. ig6 APPENDIX. Nov.23, 1638. Oct. 21, 1639. Dec. 19, 1632. Apl. 24, 1634. Apl. i, 1639. July 9, 1630. May 29, 1635. Feb. 2, 1629. July 30, 1636. Feb. 10, 1636. Nov. 3, 1645. Dec. 19, 1637. Mar. 21, 1636. Mar.29, 1651. Aug.i4, 1628. May 5, 1648. Dec. 28, 1634. Oct. 9, 1628. Apl. 15, 1634. Mar.io, 1634. Apl. 16, 1628. May 15, 1645. Apl. 30, 1629. Mar.3i, 1636. Mar.2i, 1636. Apl. 12, 1648. Oct. 19, 1637. Feb. 19, 1633. Apl. 23, 1632. Jan. 24, 1634. Aug. 9, 1628. May 24, 1649. Jan. 21, 1647. Feb. 10, 1646. July 4, 1628. Oct. 6, 1636. July 15, 1635. Feb. 23, 1648. Mar.io, 1647. Sep. 7, 1643. Aug. 6, 1640. Apl. 8, 1636. Jun. 3, 1630. Apl. 8, 1636. May2i, 1633. Oct. 10, 1647. May 4, 1637. Jun. 20, 1646. May 2, 1639. Oct. 17, 1643. May 20, 1641. Apl. 22, 1635. Nov.23, 1647. Feb. 12, 1628. May 23, 1649. Nov. 2, 1638. May 7, 1647. Jan. 19, 1632. July 30, 1638. Sep. 9, 1633. Feb. 13, 1635. Jun. 20, 1633. Knipe, Christofer, Widdington, fol. 511, Craven. , Francis, Cottingham, fol. 93, Harthill. Knolls, Elizabeth, Gigleswicke, fol. 403, Craven. , Giles, Waddington, fol. 425, Craven. Knovvles, Abraham, par. Arnecliffe, fol. 517, Craven. , George, Acaster Malbis, fol. 148, Ainsty. , George, Scampston, fol. 261, Buckrost. , Marmaduke, Headon, Holderness. , Richard, Malham, fol. 465, Craven. , Richard, Overtrainehouse, fol. 159, Prerogative. , Richard, Thurne, fol. 459, Doncaster. Knowlsley, Jane, Potter Brompton, fol. 336, Dickering. Knutton, Edward, par. Thornehill, fol. 344, Pontefract. Laburne, William, Nafferton, fol. 487, Dickering. Lacie, Agnes, Beeston, fol. 45, Nottingham. Brian, Kimberley, Nottingham. Hugh, Bynneroyd in Norland, par. Hallifax, Caveat, fol. 183, Pontcjract. John, Beeston, fol. 46, Nottingham. John, senr., Brearley, par. Hallifax, fol. 145, Pontefract. Lacye, Mary, Beverley, fol. 47, Harthill. Robert, Scarbrough, Dickering. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 239, Holderness. Ladson, Richard, Sutton Bonington, fol. 51, Nottingham. Laicock als. Bingley, John, Bradford, fol. 318, Pontefract. Laicocke, Jane, par. Bradford, fol. 344, Pontefract. Lainethrope, Peter, Greenehowe, fol. 219, Cleveland. Laithes, Jane, York, fol. 59, City. Lake, Richard, Swine, fol. 170, Holderness. , William, Swine, fol. 155, Holderness. Lakes, Robert, Welwicke, fol. 181, Holderness. Lakyn, Robert, Eastheslerton, Buckrose. Lambe, Henry, Lund, fol. 36, Harthill. John, Newarke super Trent, Newark. John, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Lawrence, Leathley, fol. 131, Ainsty. Robert, Leathley, fol. 242, Ainsty. Thomas, Carlton Ferric, fol. 129, Prerogative. Thomas, Carlton juxta Snaith, fol. 52, Prerogative. William, Pontefract, fol. 114, Pontefract. Lambert, Ambrose, York, fol. 257, Prerogative. , Ann, Tickhill, fol. 425, Doncaster. , Christofer, Beaston, fol. 234, Ainsty. , John, Cranswicke, fol. 4, Harthill. .John, Hunslett, fol. 234, Ainsty. , Josiah, Gallon in Craven, fol. 415, Craven. , Leonard, Beverley, fol. 19, Harthill. , Nicholas, Auckley, fol. 250, Retford. , Nicholas (?), Snaith, fol. 24, Prerogative. , Richard, Whitby, fol. 323, Cleveland. , Robert, Blith, Retford. , Suz., Newarke super Trent, Newark. , Thomas, Auckley, fol. 237, Retford. , Thomas, West Retford, Retford. , William, Blithe, fol. 196, Retford. Lambton, Sir William, Lambton, dioc. Dur. kt., fols. 56 and 60, Prerogative. Lamplough, Anthony, Dovanby Hall, co. Cumb., fol. 184(7, Prerogative. , Richard, Leberston, gentleman, fol. 466, Dickering. , Sir Thomas, Dovenby, co. Cumb., kt., fol. 92, Prerogative a/5. Hudleston, Elizabeth, par. St. Margt., Westminster, fol. 186, Prerogative. Lamplugh als. Hudleston, Margaret, par. St. Margt., Westminster, fol. 107, Prerogative. Lancaster, Ambrose, Thormanby, fol. 78, Bnlmcr. , Arthur, dioc., York, fol. 28, City. APPENDIX. 197 Oct. 10, 1639. Lancaster, William, Peverilthorpe, fol. 270, Retford. May 15, 1642. , William, Seasey, fol. 6, Buhner. Oct. 4, 1633. Lanchester, Issabel, Thormonby, fol. 64, Buhner. Sep. 30, 1630. Landsdale, John, Sheffeild, fol. 500, Doncaster. Oct. 9, 1646. Lane, George, Elkesley, Retford. Aug.iS, 1643. Langdaile, Robert, South Ottringham, fol. 12, Buhner. Aug.i5, 1639. , Stephen, Ryle, fol. 209, Holderness. July 9, 1646. Langdale, Ambrose, son of Chris. L. of Willerby, dec., tui., fol. 456, Dickering. July 9, 1646. , Frances, Edward, Mary, William, chdn. of Will, and Eliz. L. of Farnaby, par. Ellerburne, dec., tui., fol. 93, Ridall. Jan. 22, 1648. , Philip, Lanthrop, par. Swine, fol. 243, Holderness. Aug.3i, 1633. als. Hay ton, Ellicia, Westayton, fol. 314, Dickering. Mar.i2, 1628. Langdayle, Henry, Ryse, Holderness. Sep. 15, 1630. , Thomas, Sowth Ottrington, fol. 42, Buhner. Mar.i6, 1634. Lange, Ann, Scarbrough, fol. 321, Dickering. Mar.2O, 1636. Langfellowe, John, son of Joh. L. of Stockell, dec., tui., fol. 249, Ainsty. Aug.27, 1646. Langfet, John, East Retford, Retford. May 6, 1639. Langhorne, Lancelot, York, fol. 68, City. Oct. 2, 1628. Langley, Ann, Stokesley, widow, fol. 246, Cleveland. May 9, 1639. , Henry, Normanton super Sore, fol. 133, Nottingham. Jan. 21, 1644. , Richard, Hutton Cranswicke, fol. 125, Harthill. July 2, 1629. Langthorne, Stephen, Dikeyeat, fol. 141, Ainsty. Jan. 16, 1650. Langton, Edmund, Thorpon, fol. 529, Doncaster. Jun. 25, 1632. , Francis, Thixendale, par. Wharrom Percie, fol. 256, Buckrose. Sep. 2, 1636. , John, Garton, fol. 329, Dickering. Jun. 19, 1638. , John, diocese of York, fol. 78, Harthill. Jun. 5, 1645. , Roger, Preston, co. Lane., fol. 6, Prerogative. Nov.24, 1631. Langwith, Stephen, Wansforth, fol. 305, Dickering. Mar.i2, 1628. Lard, Margaret, Hollym, Holderness. Oct. 4, 1632. Lareman, Thomas, Runsvvicke, fol. 279, Cleveland. Aug.ig, 1630. Lascells, Bryan, Beckingham, Notts, Caveat, fol. 72, Prerogative. Sep. 9, 1633. , Elizabeth, Elston, fol. 335, Newark. Mar. i, 1637. > Thomas, Sturton, fol. 255, Retford. Jan. 15, 1647. Lasco, Ollive, Wakefeild, fol. in, Pontcfract. Jun. 3, 1647. Laspeir, Michael de, Hatfeild, fol. 486, Doncaster. Aug. 5, 1628. Lastles, Henry, Wentbridge, fol. 452, Doncaster. May 3, 1631. Lathom, John, Barnsley, fol. 489, Doncaster. Oct. 5, 1630. Laughton, John, tui. to Edm. L., his father, fol. 483, Doncaster. July 2, 1635. , John, son of Edm. L. of Thropam, dec., tui., fol. 577, Doncaster. Dec. 21, 1647. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 21, Harthill. Oct. 20, 1637. Laukland, Thomas, Stocke, fol. 492, Craven. Aug. i, 1649. Laurence, Dorothy (minor), dau. of Joh. L., cur. of St. Mich, le Belf., York, fol. 63, Prerogative. Aug. i, 1649. , John, curate, St. Mich, le Belf., York, fol. 63, Prerogative. Oct. 18, 1644. Laverocke, Robert, North Duffeild, fol. 270, Prerogative. Jan. 28, 1644. , William, Armyne, fol. 38, Pontcfract. Nov.i2, 1650. Law, Agnes, Raystricke, widow, fol. 348, Pontcfract. Nov.i2, 1650. , Judith, Over Woodhouse, fol. 349, Pontefract. Dec. 24, 1636. - , Richard, Holmes Chappell in Cliviger, co. Lane., fol. 154, Prerogative. Apl. 14, 1635. Lawcocke, Thomas, par. Heptonstall, fol. 195, Pontefract. Aug.24, 1644. Lawe, Agnes, Rastrick, widow, fol. 46, Pontefract. May 7, 1639. - , Elizabeth, par. Darfeild, fol. 652, Doncaster. Aug. 2, 1632. , Elizabeth, par. Hallifax, fol. 120, Pontefract. Jan. 29, 1628. , George, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Oct. 5, 1631. , Jerome, par. Hallifax, fol. 103, Pontefract. Jun. 22, 1629. , Malia, Riddinges, fol. 469, Doncaster. Jun. i, 1631. - , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 9, Harthill. Aug. 30, 1650. Lawnd, Ralph, Egton, fol. 232, Cleveland. Apl. 29, 1633. , Robert, Robbinhoodsbay, fol. 276, Cleveland. Oct. 8, 1640. Lawnder, Cornelius, Nottingham, fol. 144, Nottingham. July 7, 1635. Lawne, John, son of Tho. L. of York, dec., tui., fol. 44, City. Nov.20, 1627. , William, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Apl. i, 1641. - als. Rachetie, Ralph, Kirkeleathom, fol. 337, Cleveland. Oct. 22, 1633. Lawre, George, Sutton, fol. 168, Holderness. 198 APPENDIX. May 17, 1639. Aug. 6, 1638. Oct. 9, 1634. Jun. 12, 1640. Feb. 10, 1634. Aug.i 3 , 1635. Nov.26, 1638. Mar.i6, 1628. Sep. 25, 1637. July 21, 1636. Aug. 2, 1638. Mar.ii, 1636. Jan. 23, 1648. uly 3, 1632. Oct. 18, 1641. Jun. 6, 1651. Mayio, 1636. Nov.2o, 1627. Jun. 15, 1635. May3i, 1632. Jun. 2, 1629. Aug. 2, 1637. Oct. ii, 1627. Mar.i2, 1639. Dec. 30, 1630. Dec. 6, 1630. Jan. 21, 1633. May 14, 1638. May 20, 1647. May i, 1632. Oct. 2, 1635. May i, 1632. Oct. 18, 1639. Mayio, 1641. Feb. 23, 1636. Mar.23, 1648. Aug. 4, 1635. Nov.24, 1641. Aug.26, 1633. Mar.ii, 1635. Aug. 7, 1628. Nov. 4, 1647. Mar.27, 1639. Dec. 9, 1630. May 29, 1645. Jun. 19, 1630. Jun. 28, 1638. Jun. 17, 1635. Mayio, 1633. Apl. 30, 1633. Nov.i2, 1647. Apl. 30, 1629. Feb. 25, 1646. Jun. 3, 1630. Aug. 2, 1631. Feb. 3, 1636. Nov.ig, 1633. Jan. 29, 1645. Aug.26, 1628. Dec. 22, 1634. Nov.24, 1638. Lawrence, Edus., Sherberne, dying at Beddern, York, fol. 193, Prerogative. , John, Wakefeild, fol. 385, Pontefract. , Thomas, Holbecke Woodhouse, fol. 234, Rctford. Lawson, Elizabeth, Lawckland, par. Clapham, grant to Tho. L., husband, fol. 212, Prerogative. Herbert, Skerne, fol. 45, Harthill. Christopher, Leedes, fol. 219, Ainsty. George, Mooreby, Esq., fol. 93, Btilmcr. Jacobus, Leadhall, par. Ryder, fol. 135, Ainsty. Jacobus, Rippon, fol. 492, Craven. Jacobus, Scosthrop, fol. 464, Craven. Jane, Limberhill, fol. 320, Cleveland. Katherine, St. Anthony, co. Northumb., fol. 158, Prerogative. Robert, Lazenby, fol. 223, Cleveland. William, Spofforth, gentleman, fol. 170, Ainsty. Lawtie John, Bishop Burton, fol. 102, Harthill. Philip, Beverley, fol. 53, Harthill. Lawton, William, Masbrough, fol. 594, Doncaster. Lawty, Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Layburn, Ann, Nafferton, fol. 324, Dickering. Laycocke, Ann, Bradford, fol. 112, Pontefract. , George, Farnley, fol. 138, Ainsty. , Jane, Bradford, fol. 365, Pontefract. , Peter, Wheatley, fol. 439, Doncaster. , Thomas, Acaster Selby, fol. 106, Buhner. Layton, William, Dayle Mayne, par. Daker, co. Cumb., caveat, fol. 76, Pre- rogative. Lazenbie, Bulmer, York, fol. 11, City. , John, Huntington, fol. 65, Buhner. , John, Wheldrake, fol. 45, Bulmer. Lazenby, Christopher, Meltenby, par. Pocklington, fol. 36, Prerogative. , Hester, Huntington, fol. 55, Bulmer. , Jacobus, Kirkbyoverblowes, fol. 219, Ainsty. , John and Thomas, Huntington, fol. 55, Bulmer. , Richard, Skreningham, fol. 270, Buckrose. Lea, Richard, Thornehill, fol. 12, Pontefract. Leach, Elizabeth, York, widow, fol. 54, City. , John, Higham, fol. 52, Prerogative. , Richard, Rippon, fol. 444, Craven. , Robert, Hallifax, fol. 18, Pontefract. , Thomas, Wheldrack, fol. 63, Bulmer. Leadbetter, Alice, Eske, par. St. Joh., Beverley, fol. 59, Harthill. , George, Nafferton, Dickering. , Robert, Cropwell, Nottingham. Leadham, Margaret, Smeaton, fol. 193, Prerogative. Leadley, Philip, Ripon, fol. 365, Craveu. Leadshon, Robert, Sheareburne super le Woulds, fol. 274, Buckrost. Leadson, Henry, Brompton in Pickering Lyth, fol. 147, Ridall. Leake, Andrew, Ake, fol. 81, Harthill. Arthur, Spofforth, fol. 211, Ainsty. Frances, Kellamarsh, co. Darby, fol. 335, Newark. Mary, dau. of Mary Leake, widow, dec., fol. 27, City. Robert, Aake, fol. 21, Harthill. Robert, Nottingham, fol. 51, Nottingham. Sarah, dr. of Joh. & Eliz. L. of Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 91, Pontefract. Thomas, Scorbrough, fol. 4, Harthill. Thomas, York, M.D., fol. 16, City. William, son of Will. L. of Retford, dec., fol. 249, Retford. William, Lockenton, fol. 35, Harthill. Lealam, Roger, East Barnbye, fol. 2040, Cleveland. Lealand, Henry, Leeds, fol. 132, Ainsty. Leaper, Anthony, Willitoft, par. Bubwith, fol. 43, Harthill. , William, Cottingham, fol. 79, Harthill. APPENDIX. 199 Apl. 7, 1632. Leathley, Robert, Alice, Barbara and Mary, chdn. of Rob. L. of Raskall, dec., tui., fol. 55, Bulmer, Jun. 21, 1648. Leavens als. Sterker, Ann, rel. of Job. S. of Walden Stubbs, fol. 510, Don- caster. Jan. 24, 1645. Leaver, Alice, Ann, Sarah, daus. of Will. L. of Kirsall, co. Lane., dec., tui., fol. 14, Prerogative. Jan. i, 1645. , John, Alrington, co. Lane., gent., fol. 14, Prerogative. Mar.io, 1634. Leavinge, Henry, Hunnanby, fol. 321, Dickering. Jan. 16, 1628. Lecke, Henry, Sandall, fol. 458, Doncaster. Sep. 10, 1638. Leddell, Jane, Selbie, fol. 192, Prerogative. Jun. 26, 1643. Ledgard, Ann, Spanton, fol. 85, Ridall. Jun. 5, 1646. , Mary, Idle, fol. 70, Pontefract. Jan. 30, 1635. Ledgerd, Jane, dau. of Tho. L. of Bawtry, dec., fol. 240, Retford. Oct. 5, 1631. Ledgert, Thomas, par. Calverley, fol. 103, Pontefract. Jan. 5, 1648. Lednam, Hellen, North Collingham, Newark. Dec. ii, 1637. Ledome, George, Rigton, fol. 268, Ainsty. Jan. 20, 1648. Lee, Anthony, Rampton (Southwell), fol. 51, Prerogative. Oct. 20, 1650. Bridget, Kneesoll, Newark. Oct. 23, 1635. Edward, par. Waikefeild, fol. 188, Pontefract. Apl. 23, 1632. Elizabeth, dr. of Gilb. L. of Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 545a, Doncaster. May 3, 1631. Elizabeth, dr. of Gilb. Lee, par. Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 506, Doncaster. July 21, 1647. Elizabeth, Heckmanwicke, widow, fol. 104, Pontefract. Jun. 26, 1632. Elizabeth, par. Wakefeild, fol. 185, Pontefract. Nov. 22, 1645. Henry, Thornhill, fol. 55, Pontefract. Mar.3i, 1636. Jacobus, Mirfeild, fol. 318, Pontefract. Oct. 23, 1635. Jane, par. Waikefeild, fol. 188, Pontefract. Sep. 30, 1641. Luke, Golker, fol. 19, Pontefract. July 22, 1645. Martha, dr. of Luke L. of Golker, dec., tui., fol. 51, Pontefract. Dec. 6, 1638. Matthew, Harswell, fol. 79, Harthill. Mar.i4, 1630. Richard, Alstonmore, par. Addingham, dioc. Dur., fol. 86, Prerogative. Feb. 18, 1647. Richard, East Ardesley, fol. 112, Pontefract. Oct. 10, 1637. Richard, Tickhill, fol. 622, Doncaster. Dec. i, 1645. Richard, Wakefeild, fol. 56, Pontefract. Aug.i6, 1638. Robert, Radcliffe super Scare, fol. 126, Nottingham. Mar.25, 1631. Thomas, Bempton, fol. 302, Dickering. Mar.29, 1647. Thomas, Bempton, fol. 466, Dickering. Oct. 4, 1627. Thomas, Thornhill, fol. 16, Pontefract. Apl. 12, 1628. William, East Cottonwith, Harthill. Apl. 24, 1634. William, Wakefeild, fol. 169, Pontefract. July 22, 1648. William, Whitby, dec., fol. 220, Cleveland. Oct. 10, 1639. Leech, Peter, Bayldon, fol. 524, Craven. July 4, 1633. - , William, Attercliffe, fol. 546, Doncaster. Jun. 16, 1647. Leedes, Cicilia, Paull, fol. 17, Harthill. Mar. 7, 1633. , Frances, York, fol. 34, City. Jan. 19, 1632. , Thomas, Bishopthorpp, fol. 174, Ainsty. Sep. 16, 1628. Leedle, Agnes, dr. of Joh. Leedall of Belnone, co. Leicester, tui., fol. 139, Ridall. Sep. 28, 1638. , Jane, Selby, fol. 184, Prerogative. Apl. 3, 1628. Leedom, Ann, Elizabeth & Susanna, drs. of Geo. L., Hull, dec., tui., Harthill. Jun. 5, 1632. Leefe, Francis, Earsley, fol. 50, Bulmer. Feb. 14, 1627. Leeke, William, East Retford, fol. 189, Retford. Oct. 10, 1633. Leeman, William, Fiskerton, fol. 337, Newark. Oct. 3, 1634. Leemeing, Robert, Aighton, fol. in, Prerogative. Oct. 31, 1629. Leeminge, Jennet, Pateleybrigges, fol. 355, Craven. July 4, 1628. , John, Sawley, fol. 333, Craven. Dec. ii, 1635. , William, Wetherbie, fol. 223, Ainsty. Jun. 26, 1634. Lees, Thomas, par. Sheffeild, fol. 558, Doncaster. Mar. 2, 1647. Leeson, Richard, Elston, Newark. July 29. 1637. Richard, Westbridford, fol. 116, Nottingham. Aug. 7, 1632. , William, Sireston, fol. 332, Newark. Apl. 18, 1634. Leetham, Christopher, Howgill, par. Gysburn, fol. 426, Craven. Apl. 15, 1635. , Christopher, Newbie, fol. 443, Craven. Oct. 7, 1634. Legatt, Richard, Nostell, fol. 187, Pontefract. Jun. 21, 1630. Legg, Isabel!, Langfeild, fol. 79, Pontefract. 200 APPENDIX. Mar. 8, 1638. Legg, John, Airesome, fol. 322, Cleveland. Nov.iS, 1630. Legge, Ellen, Leckinfeild, fol. 7, Harthill. Mar.io, 1646. Leife, Henry, Helmesley, fol. 95, Ridall. Feb. 19, 1645. Leigh, Jacobus, West Hawghton, co. Lane., fol. 16, Prerogative. July 28, 1635. , Richard, Houlebecke, fol. 214, Ainsty. Feb. 6, 1629. Leighe, Ralph, Wysall, fol. 58, Nottingham. Mar.i6, 1634. Lelam, Henry, Skarbrough, fol. 321, Dickering. Apl. 23, 1632. Lelley, Robert, Halsham, fol. 155, Holderness. Jun. 10, 1636. Leng, George, York, sadler, fol. 49, City. Jan. 28, 1629. Lenge ah. Cockrill, Mary, Broughton, fol. 255, Cleveland. Oct. 8, 1639. Lenisley, Robert, Doncaster, fol. 663, Doncaster. Apl. 24, 1634. Lenton, Matthew, Appleton, fol. 195, Ainsty. Jan. 16, 1646. , Miles, Gunthorp, Nottingham. Oct. 4, 1639. Leper, Walter, Barnebowe Carr, fol. 304, Ainsty. Apl. 8, 1636.- Leppington, Edward, Bulmer, fol. 78, Butmer. Jun. 28, 1638. , Martin, Sowth Dalton, fol. 80, Harthill. Jun. 21, 1639. Lepton, Jacobus, Kepwicke, dioc. Dur., fol. 196, Prerogative. July 5, 1649. Letall, Peter, Hatfeild Chase, fol. 521, Doncaster. Jan. 30, 1644. Letherbarrow, William, Winsley, dioc. Chest., fol. 266, Prerogative. Jun. 24, 1630. Letherdell, George, Streethouses, fol. 151, Ainsty. Apl. 9, 1640. Levans, Brian, Sherburne, fol. 313, Ainsty. May 17, 1638. Levell, George, Helmsley, fol. 191, Ridall. Feb. 5, 1633. Levens, Richard, Humberston, fol. 89, Nottingham. Dec. 24, 1646. Levers, Richard, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Jun. 28, 1638. Level, Elizabeth, Dalton, fol. 81, Harthill. Apl. 28, 1648. , Matthew, Lund, fol. 26, Harthill. Jan. 19, 1645. , Robert, Cottingham, fol. 134, Harthill. Apl. 19, 1638. Levis, Edward, Saxondale, fol. 123, Nottingham. May 3, 1642. Lewin, John, Swinton, fol. 444, Doncaster. July 14, 1642. Lewins, Thomas, Auckley, co. Notts., fol. 441, Doncaster. Sep. 26, 1627. Lewis, Elizabeth, Ann, Margaret, chdn. of Morgan L. of Carcrofte, dec., tui., fol. 434, Doncaster. Nov.2o, 1635. Lewys, Thomas, Marre, gent., fol. 585, Doncaster. Nov.i7, 1637. Lickbarrow, Margaret, Leathley, fol. 268, Ainsty. Mar.2o, 1633. , Peter, Beverley, fol. 37, Harthill. Oct. 1 1, 1631. Lickborrow als. Barrowe, Grace, diocese of York. fol. 493, Doncaster. May 21. 1638. Liddall, Francis, York, glover, fol. 64, City. Jun. 30, 1641. Lieth, William, Newton in Rocliffe, fol. 244, Prerogative. Feb. 25, 1647. Lightfoot, John, Carnaby, fol. 470, Dickering. Nov.io, 1635. , John, Rowth, weaver, fol. 189, Holderness. Apl. 7, 1632. , William, Criplecroft, fol. 55, Bulmer. Mar. 3, 1639. Lightfoote, Ann, Baxby, par. Cuckold, fol. 105, Buhner. Mar. 4, 1639. , Isabel, Baxby, par. Cuckold, fol. 105, Bulmer. Mar.ifj, 1649. , Margaret, Wakefeild, fol. 343, Pontefract. May 20, 1628. Lighten, Hellinor, Owthorne, Holderness. July 8, 1634. Liley, Thomas, par. Huddersfeild, fol. 166, Pontefract. Oct. 21, 1651. Lilforth, William, North Cave, fol. 55, Harthill. Dec. 5, 1650. , William, North Cave, fol. 51, Harthill. Jan. 24, 1636. Lillay, Ralph, Sawdon, par. Brompton, lol. 182, Ridall. July 8, 1634. Lilley, Ann, par. Huddersfeild, fol. 166, Pontefract. Feb. 10, 1632. Lillie, Edward, par. Hallifax, fol. 130, Pontefract. May3i, 1629. , Elizabeth, North Marneham, fol. 315, Newark. May 13, 1635. , Ralph, Gillamore, fol. 173, Ridall. Feb. 23, 1630. , Robert, Northowrom, fol. go, Pontefract. Jun. 28, 1635. Lillieman, Alexander, Rosington, fol. 243, Retford. May 10, 1636. Lilliwhite, Matthew, Marfleete, fol. 190, Holderness. Feb. 9, 1628. Lilye, William, par. Bradford, fol. 46, Pontefract. Aug.22, 1633. Lincolne, Elizabeth, dau. of Geo. L. of Gisbrough, dec., tui., fol. 282, Cleve- land. Mar.io, 1630. , Robert, son of Hen. L. of Gisbrough, dec., tui., fol. 263, Cleveland. Apl. 20, 1631. , Susanna, Gisbrough, fol. 266, Cleveland. Oct. 3, 1627. , Thomas, Gysbrough, fol. 239, Cleveland. Sep. 10, 1641. Lindall als. Bancke, Margery, Healaugh, widow, fol. 312, Ainsty. Dec. 16, 1636. Lindley, John, Staineburne, fol. 246, Ainsty. APPENDIX. 2OI Jun. 23, 1632. Apl. 26, 1650. May 13, 1631. Feb. 18, 1627. Oct. 9, 1635. Jan. 10, 1627. Jan. 30, 1631. Jan. 30, 1631. Sep. 3, 1647. NOV.2O, 1648. May 1 6, 1640. July ii, 1628. Aug.23, 1627. Oct. 8, 1640. Nov.26, 1627. Jun. 21, 1637. Nov. 9, 1638. Oct. 31, 1646. Apl. 13, 1642. Jun. 14, 1641. Apl. 12, 1638. Aug. 9, 1649. Mar.2o, 1644. Jan. 15, 1635. May 5, 1636. Apl. n, 1637. Mayi6, 1628. Aug.23, 1647. Dec. 19, 1635. Sep. 5, 1635. Aug. 5, 1636. May 12, 1641. Mar.i5, 1631. Aug. 9, 1638. July 18, 1645. Feb. 9, 1646. Dec. 17, 1645. Sep. 24, 1652. Dec. i, 1629. Dec. 9, 1644. Oct. 18, 1633. Feb. 26, 1637. Oct. 20, 1637. Nov. 8, 1634. Jun. 22, 1638. Jun. 22, 1638. Sep. 28, 1646. Mar.iS, 1630. Nov.25, 1642. Nov. 4, 1647. Apl. 22, 1630. Nov. 20, 1644. Apl. 22, 1640. Mar.io, 1633. Feb. 10, 1646. Jan. 28, 1632. Oct. i, 1629. Feb. 13, 1643. Jun. 11, 1642. Jan. 28, 1643. July 15, 1639. Lindley, Percival, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 21, Harthill. , Rosamund, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 44, Harthill. Lingard, William, Bradley, fol. 376, Craven. Linley, Elizabeth, dr. of Jasp. L., par. West Ardsley, dec., tui., fol. 24, Ponte- fract. Richard, Netherthwang, fol. 308, Pontefract. Robert, Rotheram, fol. 441, Doncaster. Robert, Elizabeth, Hester, chdn. of Jesper L. of Woodchurch, dec., tui., fol. 494, Doncaster. Robert, Wombewell, fol. 494, Doncaster. William, Silkston, fol. 488, Doncaster. als. Waterhouse, Suzanna, Firbecke, fol. 514, Doncaster. Linn, Godfrey, Brinsley, fol. 140, Nottingham. Linne, Robert, Sutton super Trent, fol. 312, Newark. Linoxe, John, Thorneley, par. Chippin, dioc. Chest., fol. 47, Prerogative. Linsdale, George, Cromwell, fol. 369, Newark. Linskell, Jane, Whitby, fol. 240, Cleveland. , Leonard, Whitby, fol. 311, Cleveland. Linsey, Thomas, Easingwould, fol. 94, Buhner. Linthwaite, Henry, senr., Sadleworth, fol. 28, Prerogative. , Jane, Swainscroft in Sadleworth, fol. 246, Prerogative. Lion, John, Warter, fol. 103, Harthill. Liones, George, Skelton, fol. 316, Cleveland. , Jacobus, Skelton, fol. 228, Cleveland. Lionesse, Thomas, Nafferton, effects unadministered, fol. 355, Dickering. Lister, Anthony, Keckgill, fol. 224, Ainsty. Christopher, Langbar, fol. 459, Craven. Edward, Rise, fol. 201, Holderness. Frances, Somerskales, fol. 331, Craven. Francis, Upton, fol. 235, Holderness. George, Beverley, fol. 54, Harthill. George, son of Tho. L. of Somerscales, fol. 448, Craven. Jane, Maningham, par. Bradford, fol. 334, Pontefract. John, Beverley, fol. 114, Harthill. John, Bridlington, fol. 306, Dickering. John, son of Job. L. of Bridlington, dec., tui., fol. 342, Dickering. John, Bolton in Calverley, fol. 50, Pontefract. John, son of Will. L. of Maningham, dec., tui., fol. 91, Pontefract. John, Parva Horton, fol. 57, Pontefract. Joshua, Bowling, fol. 355, Pontefract. Margery, Hallifax, fol. 68, Pontefract. Marmaduke, Braithwaite, gentleman, fol. 271, Prerogative. Richard, Wakefeild, fol. 165, Pontefract. Richard, York, merchant, fol. 61, City. Thomas, Parkehouse, fol. 492, Craven. Thomas, Somerscales, fol. 436, Craven. William, Cononley, fol. 509, Craven. William, Cononley, fol. 382, Pontefract. William, Dringhow, par. Skipsey, fol. 211, Holderness. William, senior, Dringo, fol. 141, Holderness. William, [MJaningham, fol. 34, Pontefract. Lith Mary and Elizabeth, drs. of Rob. L. of Scarbrough, dec., tui., fol. 469, Dickering. Litherland, Thomas, Scarrington, fol. 60, Nottingham. Litle, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 233, Holderness. Margaret, Borrowby, fol. 331, Cleveland. Richard, York, Caveat, fol. 29, City. Litledike, John, Newarke, Newark. Litlewood, Thomas, par. Brathwell, fol. 528, Doncaster. Little, George, Hutton juxta Gisbrough, fol. 252, Cleveland. , Thomas, West Chester, esq., fol. 259, Prerogative. Littledaile, Anthony, Gunerdaile, dioc. Chester, fol. 246, Prerogative. Littlewood, Fran., Howden, fol. 259, Prerogative. Liveley, William, le Bedderne, York, not. pub. fol. 202, Prerogative. 202 APPENDIX. Aug. 5, 1628. Liversedge, Alice, diocese of York, fol. 370, Pontefract. May 8, 1638. Isabel, par. Felkirke, widow, fol. 626*1, Doncaster. Aug. 5, 1628. John, Hartshead, fol. 370, Pontefract. May i. 1628. John, Litle Liversedge, fol. 33, Pontefract. Feb. 23, 1630. Matthew, Wotton, fol. 507, Doncaster. Apl. 13, 1629. Richard, Mary, Robert and William, chdn. of Rob. L. of Clifton, dec., tui., fol. 54, Pontefract. Dec. i, 1629. ah Ramsden, Edith, Birkehouse, fol. 68, Pontefract. Jan. 14, 1633. Lobley, Christopher, Rither, fol. 191, Ainsty. Jan. 30, 1627. Locke, Matthew, Westheslerton, Buckrose. Apl. 20, 1640. Locker, Henry, par. Walton, fol. 96, Harthill. Aug. 3, 1637. Lockes, Lawrence, Paullfleete, fol. 197, Holderness. Aug. 15, 1639. Lockin, Elizabeth, Carton, fol. 209, Holderness. Apl. 16, 1635. , John, Pattrington, fol. 182, Holderness. Oct. 8, 1627. , Simon, Kilnesey, Holderness. Dec. i, 1629. Lockwood, Elizabeth, dr. of Nich. L. of Hilelees, dec., tui., fol. 68, Pontefract. Apl. 21, 1635. George, par. Rotherham, fol. 574, Doncaster. Sep. 25, 1635. Jennet and Bridget, drs. of Geo. L., par. Huthersfeild, dec., tui., fol. 307, Pontefract. Aug. 5, 1628. John, par. Hallifax, fol. 37*1, Pontefract. Sep. i, 1637. John, Longley, par. Ecclesfeild, fol. 620, Doncaster. Jun. 27, 1629. Mary, Linthwaite, fol. 185, Pontefract. Aug.26, 1637. Thomas, par. Thornehill, fol. 361, Pontefract. Sep. n, 1644. Lodge, Brian, Barlby, gentleman, fol. 262, Prerogative. Dec. 22, 1628. , Lawrence, Starbottle, fol. 339, Craven. Aug. i, 1629. , Margaret, Starrbottom, fol. 347, Craven. Jan. 23, 1627. , Margery, Chappell Towne, fol. 124, Ainsty. Apl. 28, 1640. , Richard, Old Barnsley, fol. 673, Doncaster. Oct. ii, 1636. , Richard, Woolley, fol. 603, Doncaster. Jun. 21, 1636. als. Lowde, Elizabeth, Barleby, fol. 144, Prerogative. Jun. 4, 1628. Loft, Francis, Falsegrave, Dickering. Apl. 6, 1638. , Richard, Walsegrave als. Falsegrave, fol. 340, Dickering. Apl. 13, 1638. Lofte, Ann, dr. of Tho. L. of Falsegrave, dec., tui., fol. 341, Dickering. Apl. 14, 1638. , Ellis, dr. of Tho. L. of Falsegrave, dec., tui., fol. 341, Dickering. Mar.i3, 1627. , George, Abberford, fol. 127, Ainsty. Jun. 25, 1638. Lofthouse, George, Ripon, fol. 503, Craven. July 29, 1633. , Marj-, dau. of Will. L. of Weston, dec., tui., fol. 182, Ainsty. Jan. 17, 1633. Lofthowse, Robert, Bramhopp, fol. 183, Ainsty. Feb. 14, 1638. Loftous, Lawrence, Howsom, par. Scrayeingham, fol. 268, Buckrose. Jun. 4, 1637. Logling (PLogline), Elizabeth, Garton, fol. 198, Holderness. Apl. 6, 1638. Lolley, David, Wetherbie, fol. 273, Ainsty. May 4, 1638. , Robert, Bilton, fol. 275, Ainsty. Jan. 22, 1632. Lonchester, Richard, Thormonby, fol. 59, Buhner. Mayi6, 1628. Londesdale, Robert, Mary, Elizabeth, co. Lane., tui., fol. 52, Prerogative. May 23, 1649. Long, Maurice, Gisbrough, fol. 226, Cleveland. Mar.26, 1647. , William, Gisbrough, fol. 212, Cleveland. July i, 1628. Longbothom, Henry, Hatefeild, fol. 450, Doncaster. Feb. 5, 1637. , Isaac, par. Hallifax, fol. 370, Pontefract. Oct. 10, 1637. , Thomas, Barnebie super Dunne, fol. 622, Doncaster. Oct. 10, 1637. , Thomas, Robert, John, Elizabeth, Frances and Ann, chdn. of Tho. L. of Barnebie, dec., tui., fol. 623, Doncaster. Jan. 9, 1629. Longe, Elizabeth, Beverley, Harthill. Apl. 28, 1641. Longley, Elizabeth, Marsbrough, fol. 20, Pontefract. Feb.23, 1630. , Mary, par. Kirkeheaton, fol. 91, Pontefract. Feb. 2, 1629. Longridge, Thomas, Rimswell, Holderness. July 17, 1629. Lonsdaile, Elizabeth, dr. of Tho. L. of Pathnoll, dec., tui., fol. 349, Craven. Aug. 5, 1628. , Jennet, Paueley (?) fol. 333, Craven. Aug. 5, 1628. , Robert, Paueley (?) fol. 333, Craven. Feb. 15, 1631. Lonsdayle, Peter, York, fol. 18. City. Feb. 22, 1630. Lopham, Christopher, Sutton, fol. 143, Holderness. Feb.22, 1630. , John and William, tui. to Marm. L. of Sutton, father, fol. 143, Holderness. Feb. 10, 1641. , Ann, Marflett, fol. 225, Holderness. Sep. 26, 1645. Lord, Richard, son of Rich. L. of Stansfeild, dec., tui., fol. 53, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 203 Aug. 8, 1636. Lorriman, Robert, par. Huddersfeild, fol. 332, Pontefract. July 10, 1631. Losse, Sir Hugh, Rippon, Kt., caveat, fol. 78, Prerogative. Apl. 27, 1637. Lotherington, Alice, Butterwicke, fol. 185, Ridall. Jan. 25, 1629. , William, Butterwicke, Caveat, fol. 1420, Ridall. Feb.ult.,i649. als. Virgo, Margaret, rel. of Nich. V. of Lockton, fol. 108, Ridall. Oct. 22, 1645. Loton, Simeon, co. Lane., fol. 9, Prerogative. Dec. 4, 1627. Lovell, Mary, York, fol. 48, Prerogative. Feb. 6, 1638. Lovers, Richard, Hockerton, fol. 358, Newark. Feb. 7, 1632. Lovet, Gervase, Ruddington, fol. 80, Nottingham. Aug. 3, 1636. Lovett, George, Cortlingstocke, fol. 109, Nottingham. Feb. 12, 1630. , Robert, Tollerton, fol. 65, Nottingham. Oct. 23, 1637. Lowcocke, George, Catgill Coate, fol. 490, Craven. Nov.22, 1638. Lowde, Edmund, to Rog. L. of Ryther, clerk, his father, fol. 28ra, Ainsty. Jun. 21, 1636. als. Lodge, Elizabeth, Barleby, fol. 144, Prerogative. Mar.29, 1644. Lowden, Edward, par. Wakefeild, fol. 43, Pontefract. Feb. 13, 1648. Lowe, George, Cossall, Nottingham. Apl. 27, 1647. , Thomas, Arnold, Nottingham. Feb. 18, 1647. Lowicke, Christopher, Gisbrough, fol. 217, Cleveland. Jun. 24, 1634. Lewis, Ann, Wakefeild, fol. 178, Pontefract. July 13, 1636. Lownd, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 60, Harthill. July 31, 1639. , Robert, Radford, fol. 135, Nottingham. Apl. 13, 1640. Lownsbrough, Elizabeth, grant to John Palmer of Muston, fol. 349, Dickering. Sep. 3, 1646. , Thomas, Muston, fol. 459, Dickering. May 17, 1638. , William, Wood Appleton, fol. 191, Ridall. July 8, 1633. Lowry, John, Welwicke, fol. 165, Holderness. May 9, 1631. Lowson, Frances, York, fol. 14, City. Mar.2i, 1635. , John, Hononby, fol. 328, Dickering. Oct. i, 1629. , Thomas, Eskdaile, par. Whitby, fol. 253, Cleveland. Nov.io, 1629. , William, son of Rob. L. of Muston, dec., tui., Dickering. Sep. 26, 1646. Lowther, Sir Christopher, Witham, co. Cumb., bart., fol. 27, Prerogative. Apl. 13, 1642. Lowthrop, Robert, Cherry Burton, fol. 106, Harthill. Jun. 15, 1641. Lowthropp, Richard, Cherriburton, fol. 102, Harthill. July 22, 1635. Loxley, Henry, Wakefeild, fol. 201, Pontefract. Aug. 7, 1634. Lucas, John, Leedes Briggate, fol. 196, Ainsty. Jun. 27, 1640. , Katherine, Barrowes Green, par. Kendall, widow, fol. 209, Prerogative. Oct. 23, 1627. , William, Lownesbrough, Harthill. Jan. 24, 1633. Luccopp, Ralph, Middleton, fol. 287, Cleveland. May 2, 1639. Luck, Robert, Bishopburton, fol. 88, Harthill. Jun. 17, 1647. Lucke, Elizabeth, dr. of Geo. L. of Eske, dec., tui., fol. 15, Harthill. Oct. 22, 1633. - , George, Eske, fol. 168, Holderness. Jun. 10, 1631. , Richard, Molescrofte, fol. 12, Harthill. Jan. 15, 1635. - , Thomas, son of Job. L. of Seamer, dec. fol. 327, Dickering. Aug. 20, 1629. Ludam, Roger, Nottingham, fol. 54, Nottingham. Oct. 10, 1639. Ludlam, Edward, Nottingham, fol. 138, Nottingham. Jan. 13, 1645. , John, Nottingham, Nottingham. Jun. 17, 1631. Luken, Henry, Sulkholme, fol. 214, Retford. Dec. 20, 1648. Lume, Abraham, Soyland, fol. 125, Pontefract. Oct. 22, 1645. Lumes, John, Newarke, Newark. Jun. n, 1646. Lumme, Suzanna, dr. of Joh. L. of Pontefract, fol. 93, Pontefract. Nov. 5, 1632. als. Turner, Judith, Warley, fol. 123, Pontefract. Mar. i, 1636. Lund, Ann, Lambley, fols. 115 and 247, Nottingham. Apl. 16, 1647. Ann, dr. of Tho. L. of Pontefract, dec., tui., fol. 96, Pontefract. Mar. 9, 1638. Ann, Thornber, fol. 514, Craven. July 3, 1638. Christopher, Leedes, fol. 279, Ainsty, Jan. 27, 1637. Edmund, City of London, fol. 497, Craven. Jan. 27, 1637. - Elizabeth, dr. of Hen. L. of Elslacke. dec. tui., fol. 497, Craven. Jun. 12, 1637. Francis, York, fol. 59, City. Nov.23, 1638. Henry and Margaret, chdn. of Joh. L. of Thornebarre, dec., tui., fol. 511, Craven. Apl. 7, 1638. John, Leedes, fol. 274, Ainsty. Oct. 31, 1649. John, Pontefract, fol. 137, Pontefract. Oct. 30, 1632. - John, junior, Wiggington, fol. 91, Prerogative. May ii, 1636. John, York, fol. 50, City. 2O4 APPENDIX. May 24, 1638. Lund, Richard, Stockton, fol. 182, Prerogative. Oct. 4, 1644. , Robert, Fenningley, Retford. Feb. 23, 1630. Lunne, Ann, Pontefract, fol. 91, Pontefract. Nov.2o, 1646. , Edward, Bingham, Nottingham. Sep. 30, 1629. , Jennet, Brewell, fol. 475, Doncaster. Oct. ii, 1632. , Richard, Newarke, fol. 332, Newark. Mar. Q, 1640. Lupton, George, Nottingham, fol. 147, Nottingham. May 28, 1635. , Henry, Settle, fol. 446, Craven. MayiS, 1627. , John, Brastiewoods, fol. 316, Craven. Oct. 25, 1642. , John, Nottingham, Nottingham. July 31, 1632. , Peter, Bradley, fol. 399, Craven. Oct. 19, 1627. Lutton, Robert and Philip, East Cottonwith, Harthill. May i, 1628. Lyell, William, Cropton, fol. 135, Ridall. Mar. 2, 1632. als. Lyon, Alexander, Wakefeild, fol. 126, Pontefract. Apl. 15, 1630. Lylye, Richard, Leedes, fol. 150, Ainsty. Jun. 3, 1630. Lynas, William, Midleton, fol. 4, Harthill. July 13, 1636. Lyndley, George, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 60, Harthill. Apl. 20, 1635. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 48, Harthill. July 30, 1638. , Robert, Newhall, Chapelry of Beeston, fol. 281, Ainsty. Jun. 15, 1642. Lynn, Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 105, Harlhill. Jun. 22, 1635. John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 50. Harthill. Aug.3o, 1651. John, Midleton, fol. 54, Harthill. May 23, 1632. Lyon, Elizabeth, Warter, fol. 20, Harthill. May3i, 1651. George, Seazey, fol. 42, Bulmer. Jan. 23, 1632. John, Wakefeild, Caveat, fol. 118, Pontefract. Jan. 30, 1631. John, par. Wakefeild, fol. 107, Pontefract. Feb. 16, 1629. Richard, Farnedale, fol. 144, Ridall. Jun. 29, 1633. - Thomas, Rufforth, fol. 180, Ainsty. Mar. 2, 1632. als. Lyell, Alexander, Wakefeild, fol. 126, Pontefract. Oct. 30, 1648. Mabson, Alice, Lazenby, co. Cumb., widow, fol. 50, Prerogative. Oct. 6, 1637. Machell, Francis, son of Marm. M., Thoresby, par. Edwinstowe, dec., fol. 254, Retford. Apl. 27, 1647. Machin, Richard, Newarke super Trent. Newark. Feb. 16, 1631. Machon, Richard, Beverley, fol. 18, Harthill. Mar. 20, 1645. , Samuel, South Kirby, fol. 464, Doncastcr. Aug.27, 1631. als. Chapman, Alice, Sheffeild, Caveat, fol. 488, Doncaster. Sep. 20, 1638. Mackley, Edward, Beverley, fol. 79, Harthill. Feb.ult.,i633. Maddison, Roland, Bp. Wilton, fol. 113, Prerogative. Nov. 8, 1638. Madson, Robert, Bursey, fol. 85, Harthill. Feb. 7, 1632. Mafeild, Edward, Robert and Stephen, sons of Will. M. of Cathropp, dec., tui., fol. 80, Nottingham. Feb. 7, 1632. , Stephen, Eperston, fol. 79, Nottingham. Aug. 14, 1628. , William, Cathorpe, fol. 45, Nottingham. Feb. 5, 1633. , William, Cathropp, fol. 89, Nottingham. Aug.i6, 1638. Magson, Francis, son of Tho. M. of Selston, dec., tui., fol. 124, Nottingham. Jan. 12, 1631. Mainel, Bartholomew, Arksey, fol. 496, Doncaster. Oct. 31, 1634. Maineman, Alice, Leckenfeild, fol. 69, Bulmer. May 6, 1651. , John, Swainsby, fol. 234, Cleveland. May 13, 1641. Mainerd, George, Yarome, fol. 339, Cleveland. Oct. 26, 1648. Mainwareing, Thomas, Doncaster, fol. 512, Doncaster. Mar.25, 1648. Mainwaring, Sir William, Chester, kt., fol. 47, Prerogative. Apl. 26, 1650. Maire, William, Skulcoates, fol. 253, Holderness. Aug.iS, 1640. Maison, John, Whitbie, fol. 333, Cleveland. Feb. 27, 1634. Maisterman, Christofer, Dalton, par. Topclife, fol. 71, Bulmer. Mar.n, 1629. , Thomas, Ayton Magna, fol. 254, Cleveland. Mar.iS, 1644. , Thomas, Dalton. fol. 15, Btthner. Sep. 28, 1638. , Wilfrid, Sutton, fol. 93, Bulmer. Apl. 22, 1647. Making, Thomas, Elvington, fol. 27, Bulmer. May i, 1628. Makins, Richard, Fylinge, fol. 243, Cleveland. May 2, 1639. Malen, Richard, Sewerby, fol. 345, Dickering. Oct. 7, 1633. Malham, Christopher, Thorner, fol. 1830, Ainsty. Dec. 14, 1629. , Franc., Elslacke, fol. 354, Craven. Aug. 6, 1650. Malhams, Henry, Waterside, co. Lane., fol. 69, Prerogative. Aug.n, 1643. Malin, William, Rotheram, fol. 446, Doncaster. APPENDIX. 205 May 5, 1636. Malinson, John, Hartshead, fol. 325, Pontefract. Aug. 8, 1636. , John, Oakes, gentleman, fol. 331, Pontefract. July 4, 1633. Mallinson, Francis, Thome, fol. 546, Doncaster. July 26, 1633. , Isabell, dau. of Edvv. M. of Cawood, dec., fol. 179, Ainsty. Dec. 15, 1646. , John, Thurne, fol. 474, Doncaster. Jan. 25, 1647. , Mary and Elizabeth, drs. of Will. M. of Stainforth, par. Snaith, dec., tui., fol. 501, Doncaster. Jun. 25, 1650. , Richard, Fixeby, fol. 347, Pontefract. Oct. i, 1635. , Thomas, par. Ealand, fol. 307, Pontefract. Sep. i, 1636. Malliverer, Henry, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 62, Harthill. July 31, 1632. Mallobie, Humphry, Ketlevvell, fol. 399, Craven. Apl. 6, 1638. Mallorie, George, Asherley, fol. 178, Prerogative. Jun. 2, 1629. als. Dawson, Frances, Warsell, fol. 348, Craven. Jan. 23, 1635. Mallory, Ralph, Hutton Conyers, gentleman, fol. 456, Craven. Sep. 17, 1636. , William, junr., Studley, par. Rippon, gent., fol. 471, Craven. Jun. 22, 1652. , William, Studley, esq., fol. 77, Prerogative. May i, 1634. Maltbie, Hugh, Orston, fol. 91, Nottingham. Oct. 3, 1633. Maltby, John, Hunnanby, fol. 315, Dickering. May 29, 1647. , Robert, Muskam, Newark. Mar.iS, 1846. , Simon, South Collingham, Newark. Mar. 2, 1649. Man, Dorothy, dr. of Peter M. of VVentworth, dec., tui., fol. 525, Doncaster. Jan. 31, 1638. , John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 85, Harthill. Mar. 6, 1631. , Peter, Nunthorpp, fol. 272. Cleveland. July 29, 1640. , Roger, Ardsley, fol. 421, Doncaster. July 12, 1648. Manby, Robert, Beverley, gentleman, fol. 33, Harthill. Dec. 15, 1637. - , Roger, Middleton upon Wolds, fol. 72, Harthill. Feb. 20, 1651. Manchitt als. Mansell, William, Huntington, fol. 43, Bulmer. Sep. 23, 1646. Mancklands. William, Gildersome, fol. 81, Pontefract. Apl. 25, 1639. Manghall, John, Sikehovvse, fol. 398, Pontefract. Apl. 22, 1640. Mann, Richard, Stokesley, fol. 331, Cleveland. Jan. 10, 1627. Manne, William, son of Chris. M. of Doncaster, dec., tui., fol. 442, Doncaster. July 27, 1640. Mannells, William, Middleton, fol. in, Harthill. Nov. 3, 1632. Manners, Katherine, York, fol. 25, City. Feb. 20, 1651. Mansell als. Manchitt, William, Huntington, fol. 43, Bulmer. Aug. 4, 1642. Mappleton, John, Beverley, fol. 108, Harthill. Oct. 2, 1634. Marcer, William, Rossedale, fol. 169, Ridall. Apl. 20, 1632. Marchant, George, Stookesby (Stokesley ?) fol. 273, Cleveland. Oct. 4, 1632. Marchaunt, Ralph, Stokesley, fol. 278, Cleveland. May3i, 1638. Mare, Bartholomew, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 78, Harthill. Mayio, 1641. Margerison, Mary, par. Wakefeild, fol. 13, Pontefract. Mar.22, 1632. Margison, John, Carleton, fol. 60, Bulmer. July 4, 1633. Margrave, William, Thorne, fol. 546, Doncaster. July 17, 1629. Mariot, Thomas, Havvton, fol. 317, Newark. Oct. 2, 1638. Markendale, Matthew, Birkbie, fol. 280, Ainsty. Feb. 24, 1649. Markham, George, Barnby Marsh, fol. 67, Prerogative. Nov. 9, 1633. , Mary, Ollerton, widow, fol. 232, Retford. Mar.n, 1645. , Thomas, Pontefract, fol. 61, Pontefract. Aug. 6, 1631. , William, Claworth, fol. 214, Retford. Feb. 15, 1632. Markindayle, John, Gargrave, fol. 403, Craven. Aug. i, 1636. Markinfeild, William, Bishopthornton, fol. 237, Ainsty. May 12, 1636. Marlowe, Ann, Woodhouse, fol. 242, Retford. May 15, 1638. Marmaduke, Grace, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 77, Harthill. Aug. 8, 1629. , Richard, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. May 8, 1628. Marneham, John, Elkesley, fol. 191, Retford. Mar.io, 1640. Marples, Samuel, Clareborough, fol. 277, Retford. May 27, 1642. Marr, Alice, Cottingham, fol. 229, Holderness. Jun. 16, 1647. - Christopher, Cottingham, fol. 17, Harthill. Mar. 4, 1645. John, Pontefract, fol. 60, Pontefract. Jun. 21, 1648. John and Mary his wife, Pontefract, fol. 121, Pontefract. Jan. 28, 1635. - Peter, Cottingham, fol. 55, Harthill. Feb. 2, 1629. - Richard, Cottingham, Harthill. Oct. 5, 1638. Samuel, Cherriburton, fol. 83, Harthill. Nov. 7, 1646. Thomas, Cottingham, fol. 6, Harthill. Feb. 6, 1638. William, Risby, fol. 86, Harthill. 206 APPENDIX. Dec. 2, 1643. Apl. 6, 1647. Feb. 12, 1646. Jan. 5, 1636. Dec. 16, 1647. Oct. 5, 1638. Oct. 8, 1633. Nov.24, 1636. Aug. 2, 1647. Mar.i2, 1645. Sep. 7, 1636. Feb. 15, 1637. Oct. 26, 1627. Dec.3i, 1649. May 28, 1646. Dec. i, 1637. Sep. 24, 1629. Sep. 12, 1629. Apl. 22, 1630. Apl. 15, 1630. Aug. 6, 1631. Jun. 2, 1645. Oct. 17, 1643. Apl. 28, 1640. July 31, 1638. Oct. 3, 1627. Jan. 26, 1637. May 14, 1633. Mar.27, 1648. Nov.2o, 1627. Nov. 6, 1639. July 18, 1628. Sep. 7, 1637. Jun. 27, 1651. Oct. 31, 1646. Sep. 22, 1643. Aug. 2, 1636. Apl. 6, 1638. Aug.2o, 1634. Oct. 28, 1642. Feb. 7, 1637. Jan. 28, 1632. Mar.28, 1638. Dec. 2, 1649. Sep. 6, 1634. May 9, 1633. Feb. 14, 1637. Jan. 20, 1628. Jun. 17, 1634. Sep. 22, 1643. May 14, 1640. July 9, 1647. Aug. 2, 1633. Jun. 4, 1635. Apl. 6, 1638. Jun. 29, 1632. Mar. 6, 1627. Jun. 24, 1650. Apl. 17, 1637. Marre, Ann, Cottingham, widow, fol. 231, Holderness. Marres, Thomas, Cheriburton, fol. 14, Harthill. Marriott, Richard, Bautrie, Retford. Marris, Richard, Went%vorth, esq., fol. 607, Doncaster. , Richard, Wentworth Woodhouse, fol. 501, Doncaster, , William, Etton, fol. 83, Harthill. Marsden, Christopher, Diocese of York, fol. 539, Doncaster. , Edmund, Boulsterton, fol. 608, Doncaster. . Joan, Thurlston, fol. 487, Doncaster. , Richard, Conisbrough, fol. 460, Doncaster. , William, par. Peniston, fol. 594, Doncaster. Marsh, Dorathy, Bingham. fol. 120, Nottingham. , John, Barnesley, fol. 439, Doncaster. , Mattehw, Thurstonland, fol. 343, Pontcfract. -, Thomas, Doncaster, fol. 470, Doncaster. -, William, London, fol. 440, Doncaster. Marshe, John, Thornehill, fol. 62, Pontcfract. , Margaret, Thornehill, fol. 61, Pontefract. , Ralph, Walsbye, fol. 203, Retford. Marshall, Ann, Easingwould, fol. 39, Buhner. , (Armivall?) Westmarkham, fol. 214, Retford. , Christopher, Rastropp, fol. 274, Bnckrose. , Christopher, Rollestone, Newark. , Edward, Armethorpe, fol. 668, Doncaster. , Edward, Hollym, fol. 203, Holderness. , Elizabeth and George, chdn. of Rich. M. of Glaisdale, dec., tui., fol. 239, Cleveland. , Elizabeth, dau. of Tho. M., Aldm. of York., dec., fol. 63, City. , Ellen, Mary, Elizabeth, Margaret, Emmot, chdn. of Will. M., par. Bradfeild, dec., tui., fol. 534, Doncaster. , Francis, William, Richard, John sons of Ric. M. of Highborraby, dec., fol. 219, Cleveland. , George, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. , George, Nottingham, fol. 134, Nottingham. , George, Welburne, fol. 137, Ridall. , Isabel, Yeadon, par. Guisley, widow, fol. 261, Ainsty. , Israel, Rebecca and Elizabeth, chdn. of Israel M. of Hull, dec., tui., fol. 53, Harthill. , Jacobus, How Houses, par Old Malton, fol. 94, Ridall. , Jane, Oakebarg helme, fol. 12, Bulmer. , John, Bollershay, fol. 464, Craven. , John, Eastkeswicke, fol. 273, Ainsty. , John, Edwalton, fol. 92, Nottingham. , John, Newarke super Trent, Newark. , John, Settrington, fol. 266, Buckrose. , John, Worrall, fol. 528, Doncaster. , Leonard, Tadcaster, fol. 276, Ainsty. , Libian, Boole, Retford. , Marmaduke, Robert, Katherine, chdn. of John M. of Flaxton super Moram, dec., fol. 71, Bulmer. , Mary, Colton, fol. 179, Ainsty. , Mary, Northcollingham, fol. 354, Newark. , Mary, Thornethropp, Buckrose. , Paul, Scarbrough, fol. 319, Dickering. , Ralph, Oakebarg helme, fol. 12, Bulmer. , Richard, Brandsby, fol. no, Bulmer. , Richard, Newarke super Trent, Newark* , Richard, par. Rodwell, fol. 161, Pontcfract. , Robert, Skarbrough, fol. 324, Dickering. , Robert, Yeadon, fol. 273, Ainsty. , Robert, Yeadon, fol. 172, Ainsty. , Thomas, Arnoll, fol. 40, Nottingham. , Thomas, Blenco Magna, co. Cumb., fol. 68, Prerogative. , Thomas (? effects unadministered), fol. 264, Buckrose. APPENDIX. 207 Feb. 15, 1632. May 6, 1639. Feb. 6, 1638. May 5, 1642. Oct. 8, 1639. Mar.i5, 1632. Feb. 4, 1651. Apl. 4, 1645. Mar.27, 1638. July 8, 1636. Apl. 24, 1635. Mar.ag, 1633. Jun. 29, 1637. Dec. 20, 1639. Apl. 24, 1634. Mar.23, 1640. Apl. 24, 1634. May 2, 1637. Feb. 20, 1638. July 11, 1628. Oct. 7, 1630. July 26, 1631; Apl. 26, 1632. May 12, 1641. May ii, 1650. Oct. g, 1639. May 9, 1639. July i, 1635. Feb. 13, 1639. May22, 1628. Apl. 6, 1637. Oct. 6, 1646. July 12, 1650. Apl. 30, 1629. Apl. 23, 1632. May 14, 1638. Oct. i, 1635. Feb. ii, 1635. Thomas, Hoyland, fol. 530, Doncaster. Thomas, Nether Yeadon, fol. 288, Ainsty. Thomas, Seamer, fol. 322, Cleveland. Thomas, Sturton, Retford. Thomas, Clarkson house, par. Watton, fol. 93, Harthill. William, Bradfeild, fol. 545*1, Doncaster. William, Burniston. fol. 490, Dickering. William, Burrowby, par. Lythe, fol. 204, Cleveland. William, Garlton, par. Guisley, fol. 284, Ainsty. William, Egberholme, par. Egton, fol. 305, Cleveland. William, Eskrigge, fol. 73, Buhner. children of Will. M. of Bradfeild, dec., tui., fol. 522, Doncaster. Marsigill, Francis, Newby, fol. 335, Dickering. Marsingale, Anthony, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 94, Harthill. , George, Whitbye, fol. 290, Cleveland. , Richard, Newholme, par. Whitby, fol. 336, Cleveland. , Thomas, Whitbye, fol. 290, Cleveland. Marshaw, Mary, dr. of Will. M. of Netherbradfeild, dec., tui., fol. 614, Doncaster. Marston, Thomas, Tadcaster, fol. 281*1, Ainsty. Martch, Jacobus, Welwicke, Holderness. Martin, Anthony, Stainton, fol. 320, Newark. , Charity, Miton, widow, fol. 48, Bulmer. , George, Strelley, fol. 74, Nottingham. , Leonard, Weeton, fol. 115, Harthill. , Richard, South Newbald, fol. 46, Harthill. , Thomas, Eastropp, fol. 92, Harthill. , Thomas, Gunthorpe, par. Loudham, fol. 133. Nottingham. , Thomas, Headon, fol. 185, Holderness. , Thomas, Marishes, fol. 202, Ridall. , Thomas, Thorne, fol. 448, Doncaster. , William, Thorne, fol. 612, Doncaster. als. Beckel, Ann, Doncaster, fol. 475, Doncaster. Marline, John, Ake, fol. 48, Harthill. Martindale, Jacobus, Nottingham, fol. 51, Nottingham. Martins, Thomas, Hempeholme, fol. 154, Holderness. Martinson, Richard, York, fol. 63, City. Marlon, Christopher, Appleton on Wiske, fol. 300, Cleveland. , Lellicia, Holbeck, par. Leedes, fol. 233, Ainsty. Feb.penull.,i639. als. Crosdell, Robert, son of Oliver M. of Stableoak, tui., fol. 528, Craven. Ocl. 3, 1633. Martson, Gregory, Wansforth, fol. 315, Dickering. May 20, 1646. Marvin, Richard, Kingslon upon Hull, fol. 6, Harthill. Aug. 8, 1636. Masheler, Richard, Allerton, fol. 332, Pontefract. Aug.is, 1639. Maske, George, Calwicke, fol. 209, Holderness. Sep. 28, 1646. - .William, Paull,fol. 211, Holderness. July 8, 1649. Maskell, Humphrey, Woorlley, fol. 519, Doncaster. May 13, 1631. Maskewe, Robert, Winlerburne, fol. 377, Craven. Oct. 4, 1638. Mason, Agnes, Keldome, widow, fol. 193, Ridall. Oct. 9, 1634. , Cicilia, Elston, fol. 342, Newark. Dec.24, 1646. , Dorothy, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Jun. 4, 1640. , Ellen, dr. of Edw. M. of Roiheram, fol. 422, Doncaster. Dec. ii, 1628. , Francis, Middleton, fol. 140, Ridall. Jun. 2, 1643. , George, Kildale, fol. 199, Cleveland. May 9, 1639. , George, Worksop, fol. 267, Retford. Feb. 20, 1650. , Henry, Hawksworlh, Nottingham. May 7, 1639. , Henry, Wincobanck, par. Egglesfeild, fol. 652, Doncaster. Dec. 20, 1634. , Jacobus, par. Helmesley, fol. 170, Ridall. Nov.2o, 1634. , Jane, a minor, dr. of John M., Marslon, dec., fol. 202, Ainsty. May i, 1634. , Joan, Broughlon Soulney, fol. 90, Nottingham. Aug. 14, 1628. , John, Carcolslon, fol. 45, Nottingham. Feb. 12, 1640. , John, Cranswicke, fol. 99, Harthill. May 30, 1639. , John, Sandhutlon, fol. 98, Bulmer. Oct. 10, 1639. , Malachi, Elston, fol. 364, Newark. 208 APPENDIX. Jun. 22, 1641. Sep. 8, 1646. July 31, 1633. Apl. 30, 1641. Oct. 14, 1646. Feb. 4, 1638. Feb. 4, 1638. Oct. 8, 1635. Oct. 14, 1646. Jun. 22, 1647. Sep. 5, 1633. Mar. 14, 1634. Dec.ag, 1648. Aug.25, 1652. Feb. 16, 1646. Oct. 10, 1639. Nov. i, 1643. Apl. 20, 1630. Aug.28, 1633. Oct. 25, 1644. Aug. 4, 1631. Mar. 9, 1640. May 23, 1629. Apl. 18, 1632. Feb. 19, 1632. Mar. 14, 1630. Apl. 23, 1632. Oct. i, 1635. Jan. 18, 1627. May 9, 1638. Apl. 27, 1631. Sep. 21, 1629. Feb. 2, 1628. Jun. 19, 1629. Mar. 5, 1645. Apl. 9, 1628. Apl. 5, 1628. Oct. 2, 1629. Mar. i, 1630. Dec. 14, 1634. Mar. 9, 1636. Nov.2g, 1643. May 20, 1645. Feb. 6, 1631. Feb. 26, 1634. Dec. 24, 1646. Sep. 17, 1646. Apl. 20, 1632. Jun. 29, 1647. Sep. 25, 1637. Oct. 6, 1634. Apl. 24, 1634. Feb. 23, 1637. Oct. 6, 1636. Mar. 6, 1639. Oct. i, 1630. Oct. 14, 1631. Jun. 29, 1632. July 15, 1633. May 2, 1636. Oct. 2, 1634. July 16, 1632. Mason, Peter, Langthorne, par. Beedall, fol. 242, Prerogative. , Robert, Newarke super Trent, Newark. , William, East Retford, fol. 228, Retjord. a/5. Birkett, Jane, par St. Mary, Castlegate, York, wid., fol. 77, City. Massam, Alice, daur. of Will. M. of Gisbrough, dec., fol. 207, Cleveland. , Robert, senr., Gisbrough, fol. 32 m, Cleveland. , Robert, junr., Gisbrough, fol. 3210, Cleveland. , William, Gisbrough, fol. 301, Cleveland. William, son of Will. M. of Gisbrough, dec., fol. 207, Cleveland. Massie, Thomas, Roiston, fol. 485, Doncaster. Massinghall, Mary, Newarke, fol. 336, Newark. Massye, William, Keirbye, fol. 210, Ainsty. Masterman, Christopher, fil. Chris. M. of Kilnsea, dec., tui., fol. 243, Holder- ness. , Matthew, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 60, Harthill. , Peter, Skefling, fol. 216, Holderness. Mastin, Ann, Cromwell, widow, fol. 364, Newark. Maston, Mary, par. Skelton, widow, fol. 201, Cleveland. Mather, Jane, Haitfeild, fol. 478, Doncaster. , Mary, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 166, Holderness. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 124, Harthill. Mathew, Dorothy, par. Darfeild, fol. 488, Doncaster. , Roger, Nottingham, fol. 147, Nottingham. Mathe%ve, John, Cottingham, Harthill. , Thomas, Ecoppe, fol. 168, Ainsty. Matthew, Matthew, Sutton, fol. 160, Holderness. , Thomas, Sutton, fol. 141, Holderness. Mattocke, Robert, Winestead, fol. 154, Holderness. Maud, Edward, Southowrom, fol. 306, Pontefract. , Margery, Hallifax, fol. 22, Pontefract. , Marmaduke, Burley, fol. 501, Craven. Maude, Oswald, Leeds, fol. 157, Ainsty. Maulton, Dakins, East Heslerton, Bnckrose. Mawd a/5. Scholey, Margaret, Lynes, par. Himsworth, fol. 460, Doncaster. Mawde, Daniel, Wakefeild, fols. 54 and 55, Pontefract. , Joshua, Adwicke, fol. 462, Doncaster. Mawdesley, Lawrence, Askwith, par. Weston, fol. 127, Ainsty. , Lawrence, Denton, Caveat, fol. 326, Craven. , Thomas, Longpreston, fol. 352, Craven. Mawe, Issabel, Forden, fol. 302, Dickering. , Jacobus, Towthrop, fol. 260, Bnckrose. , Michael, Towthropp, fol. 264, Bnckrose. , Thomas, son of Jac. M., Thoulthorpe, dec., tui., fol. 13, Buhner. , William, son of Jac. M. of Toulthop, dec., tui., fol. 274, Buckrose. Mawer, Ann, Bishop Burton, widow, fol. 23, Harthill. , Dorathy, Eastmarkham. fol. 237, Retford. , Tristram, Kneeton, Nottingham. Mawger, Ellicia, rel. of Will. M. of Flambrough, dec. fol. 463, Dickering. Mawleverer, Christopher, par. Ingleby, fol. 274, Cleveland. Mawmond, Margaret, Tirrington, fol. 27, Bitlmer. Mawson, John, Askwith, fol. 265, Ainsty. , Robert, Bluberhowse, fol. 202, Ainsty. , Thomas, Leedes, fol. 195, Ainsty. , William, Leedes, fol. 271, Ainsty. Maxam, Grace, Elizabeth, Joan, Jordan, Thomas, Barbara and Ellen, tui. to Rob. M., father, fol. 181, Ridall. Maxfeild, Robert, Missen, fol. 272, Retford. Maxholme, William, Pawlesholme, fol. 141, Holderness. Maxwell, John, Kirkelevington, fol. 268, Cleveland. , John, Scarbrough, fol. 307, Dickering. May, Miles, Eston, fol. 275, Cleveland. , Thomas, York, fol. 49, City. Maynerd, Jane, Kirkleventon, fol. 293, Cleveland. Mayre, John, Stoneferry. fol. 157, Holderness. APPENDIX. 209 Feb. 7, 1633. Jan. 7, 1633. Nov. 2, 1633. Sep. 3, 1631. May g, 1633. July n, 1633. Oct. 19, 1640. May 14, 1633. Aug. 3, 1635. Feb. 13, 1632. Mar.26, 1628. Mar. 3, 1640. May 14, 1632. Jan. 21, 1640. Mar.28, 1650. May 28, 1646. Feb.ult.,i632. Apl. 21, 1648. Jun. 21, 1631. Apl. 23, 1629. May 12, 1641. Oct. ii, 1632. Apl. 19, 1638. July 8, 1633. Sep. 28, 1646. Jan, 15, 1635. Nov.i3, 1638. Jan. 30, 1644. May 8, 1633. Apl. 12, 1638. Nov.i5, 1647. Jan. 12, 1632. Apl. 22, 1630. May 20, 1641. May 5, 1642. Aug. 8, 1632. Nov. 4, 1645. Nov.24, 1628. Aug.2O, 1645. Aug.2i, 1640. Oct. 15, 1649. Feb. 13, 1639. Apl. 26, 1646. Dec. 18, 1644. Feb. 14, 1637. July 29, 1630. May 29, 1649. July 29, 1630. Oct. 13, 1636. May i, 1643. NOV.II, 1642. Dec. 20, 1648. Mar. ii, 1634. Jun. 27, 1636. May 23, 1637. Oct. 31, 1640. Mar.23, 1632. Jan. 29, 1633. Nov. 9, 1648. May i, 1628. Mayson, Ann, Everingham, fol. 36, Harthill. , Dorothy, York, fol. 3.0, City. , George, York, fol. 30, City. , John, Kilnsey, fol. 148, Holderness, Mead, Laurence, Aslaby, fol. 283, Cleveland. Meadley, Thomas, Aldbrough, fol. 163, Holderness. Mealby, Thomas, York, dying at Acomb, fol. 219, Prerogative. Meanes, Richard, Doncaster, fol. 534, Doncaster. Mearinge, William, Sutton super Trent, fol. 344, Newark. , William, Waterfrieston, a minor, fol. 126, Pontefract. Mease, Lancelot, son of Will. M., dec., Dickering. Medd, Elizabeth, Rosedaile, fol. 207, Ridall. , Hellen, dr. of Nich. M. of Lastingham, dec., tui., fol. 155, Ridall. , Thomas, Wikam, fol. 207, Ridall. , William, Danby, fol. 231, Cleveland. Medley, Gervase, Doncaster, fol. 471, Doncaster. , John, Hallifax, Caveat, fol. 123, Pontefract. , Margaret, dr. of Jerv. M. of Doncaster, dec., tui. fol. 509, Doncaster. , Nicholas, Birkin, fol. 158, Ainsty. , Robert, par. Dewsburie, fol. 53, Pontefract. , Stephen, Newland, fol. 220, Holderness. Mee, Dorothy, Arnoll, fol. 78, Nottingham. , John, Nottingham, fol. 123, Nottingham. Meeke, John, Burstwicke, fol. 165, Holderness. , John, Skipsey, fol. 213, Holderness. Megson, George, Foston, fol. 326, Dickering. , George and John, sons of Geo. M. of Nafferton, dec., tui., fol. 343, Dickering. , John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 235, Holderness. , Richard, Wakefeild, fol. 140, Pontefract. , Robert, Collam, fol. 266, Bnckrose. Meller, John, par. Kirkeburton, fol. 109, Pontefract. , Thomas, Foston, fol. 59, Bulmer. Mellers, Ottiwell, Bothomsall, fol. 204, Retford. Mellett, Elizabeth, Plumtree, Nottingham. Melton, Brian, Gedling, Nottingham. , John, Normanton, fol. 77, Nottingham. , Parcival, Norton, fol. 88, Ridall. , William, Thixendayle, Buchrose. Mendlove, Thomas (sic), to Tho. M. of Melton on Hill, brother, fol. 458, Doncaster. Mennell, Elizabeth, Hilton, spr., fol. 335, Cleveland. Richard, Sinnington, fol, 107, Ridall. Mercer Christian, Farnedaile, fol. 202, Ridall. John, Rosdale, fol. 93, Ridall. Matthew, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Richard, Newarke, fol. 353, Newark. William, South Collingham, fol. 319^, Newark. Merelew, Roger, Huton Musgrave, fol. 227, Cleveland. Meriall, John, Lenton. fol. 62, Nottingham. Meridewe, Thomas, Rossington, fol. 245, Retford. Merriman, John, Easingwould, effects unadministered, fol. 13, Bulmer. als. Bland, Jane, grant to Will. B. of Easingwould, husband, fol. 6, Bulmer. Merriot, George, Rosse, fol. 243, Holderness. Merriton, Robert, Castleleventon, gent., fol. 296, Cleveland. Merry, Margaret, Sherborne, fol. 262, Bnckrose. , Richard, East Heslerton, fol. 264, Bnckrose. Merryman, Isabel, Easingwould, fol. 108, Buhner. Mersingale, Gilbert, Whitbie, fol. 281, Cleveland. Messenger, William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 39, Harthill. Metcalf, Bridget, Normanton, fol. 124, Pontefract. , Thomas, Doncaster, fol. 445, Doncaster. 27 210 APPENDIX. Aug.io, 1637. Sep. 18, 1632. Apl. 10, 1634. Apl. 25, 1642. Feb. 18, 1645. Dec. 9, 1632. Mar.i2, 1633. Dec. 6, 1633. May 15, 1633. Sep. 8, 1637. Oct. 9, 1628. Mar.2i, 1631. May 29, 1647. Apl. ii, 1635. July 4, 1632. Apl. 13, 1647. July 29, 1640. Nov.i4, 1646. Apl. 7, 1651. July 18, 1635. Oct. 18, 1642. Tun. LI, 1652. May i, Sep. 5, Dec. i, Mar. i, 1637. Nov. 13, 1644. Aug. 6, 1631. Aug.23, 1647. Oct. 13, 1641. Sep. 5, 1633. May 14, 1633. Jun. 20, 1632. Apl. 18, 1637. 1649. I&33- 1646. Mar.22, 1630. Jun. 29, 1637. Aug. 5, 1641. Oct. 10, 1633. May 4, 1649. Jun. 10, 1628. Sep. 27, 1638. Jan. 30, 1644. Jun. 5, 1634. Jun. 30, 1641. Sep. 10, 1628. Mar.22, 1637. July 31, 1645. Jan. 14, 1642. Jan. 26, 1638. Jan. 25, 1638. Mar.3o, 1636. May 3, 1635. Apl. 23, 1629. Oct. 15, 1645. Mar.3o, 1636. Oct. 6, 1634. Apl. 27, 1648. Dec. 4, 1629. Metcalf als. Smith, Alice, Metcalf ah. Siggeswicke, Elizabeth, Metcalf als. Bateman, Mary, Metcalf als. Calvert, Jane, Metcalf, Mark, lawful chdn. of John M., dec., fol. 58, City. Metcalfe, Ann, dau. of Rich. M. of Northallerton, dec., Caveat agst. tui., fol. 90, Prerogative. , Ann, par. St. Mart., York, spinster, Caveat, fol. 31, City. , Anthony, Durham, fol. 249, Prerogative. , Augustine, Wakefeild, fol. 60, Pontefract. , Elizabeth, Wakefeild, fol. 119, Pontefract. , Elizabeth, York, fol. 30, City. , Issabel, Buttercrambe, fol. 65, Bnlmer. , Jacobus, Thirske, fol. 62, Bulmer. , John, Acaster Selby, fol. 265, Ainsty. , John, Newarke, fol. 313, Newark. , John, Newarke super Trent, fol. 329, Newark. , John, Richmond, fol. 36, Prerogative. , John, York, fol. 44, City. , Michael, York, merchant, fol. 19, City. , Reginald, Cold Ingleby, fol. 212, Cleveland. , Robert, Hinningfeild, fol. 420, Doncaster. , Scroope, Langer, gentleman, Nottingham. , Thomas, Tickhill, fol. 529, Doncaster. , Vincent, Rippon, fol. 132, Prerogative. Methamf Jordan, Wigginthorpe, kt., fol. 8, Bulmer. , Dame Margaret, Wiggenthorpe, fol. 112, Ridall. , Sir Thomas, York, kt., fol. 55, Prerogative. Metherington, Thomas, Newarke super Trent, fol. 336, Newark. Mew, Dionis, East Markham, Retford. Mewe, Richard, Everton, fol. 250, Retford. Micchill, John, Huddersfeild, fol. 44, Pontefract. Michell, Gilbert, Carleton Linricke, fol. 213, Retford. Micheson, John, Burton Pidsey, fol. 222, Holderness. , John, Skefling, fol. 224, Holderness. Middlebrooke, William, Newarke, fol. 336, Newark. Middlebrough, Thomas, Thorne, fol. 534, Doncaster. Middleton, Ambrose, Downeham Coat Raw, co. Lane., fol. 90, Prerogative. , Ann, a minor, dr. of Tho. M., par. Brandesburton, fol. 193, Holderness. , Ann, Kineton, par. Harthill, dau. of Will. M., fol. goa, Preroga- tive. Edward, York, de bonis non, fol. 57, City. George, diocese of York, fol. 114, Harthill. John, Wannsley, fol. 87, Nottingham. Leonard, Mosse, par. Campsall, fol. 518, Doncaster. Robert, Sleswicke, dioc. Dur., fol. 53, Prerogative. Middlewood, John, Lainehouse, par. Drax, fol. 282, Ainsty. Midford, George, Hornesey, fol. 235, Holderness. , Robert, Hornsey, fol. 176, Holderness. Midfurth, John, Hornesey, fol. 217, Holderness. , Stephen, Hornsey, Holderness. Midgley, Abraham, Kirbie, fol. 177, Prerogative. John, senr., Headley, par. Bradford, gent., fol. 51, Pontefract. John, Headley, fol. 35, Pontefract. Jonathan, Middleton, fol, 189, Prerogative. Joseph, Hallifax, fol. 387, Pontefract. Lawrence, Ricrofte, fol. 474, Craven. Mary, par. Hallifax, fol. 322, Pontefract. Nathaniel, Midgley, fol. 53, Pontefract. Phebe, dr. of Tho. M. of Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 54, Pontefract. Richard, Horsforth, fol. 231, Ainsty. Samuel, Adle, fol. 201, Ainsty. Thomas, Hallifax, fol. 118, Pontefract. Midlam als Dalley, Elizabeth, grant to Edw. M. of Nottingham, fol. 56, Nottingham. APPENDIX. 211 May n, 1639. Midlebrough, Edward, Thorne, fol. 650, Doncaster. Sep. 9, 1636. Midleton, Ed., York, fol. 52, City. Feb. i, 1633. , Francis, York, fol. 30, City. Aug. 4, 1631. , Henry, Londsbrough, fol. 13, Harthill. Jun. 24, 1633. , Hugh, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 32, Harthill. Aug. 2, 1638. , John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 82, Harthill. Mayn, 1640. , Peter, son of Hugh M. of Hull, dec., tui., fol. 100, Harthill. Mar.27, 1638. , Richard, Sandhutton, fol. 96, Bulmer. Feb. 5, 1627. , Thomas and Susanna, Fogarthorpe, Harthill. July 6, 1648. , William, Missen, Retford. Nov.i2, 1647. , William, Skidby, gentleman, fol. 21, Harthill. May 9, 1633. Miers, John, Beeston, fol. 179, Ainsty. Sep. 25, 1649. Mighell, Thomas, Hesle, fol. 39, Harthill. May 23, 1633. Milborne, Francis, Knapton, fol. 257, Buckrose. Jan. 24, 1636. Milbourne, Nicholas, Bedlington, dioc. Dur., fol. 152, Prerogative. Feb. i, 1627. Milburn, George, Bulmer, fol. 26, Bulmer. Oct. 25, 1649. , Thomas, Parva Riston, fol. 480, Dickering. July 15, 1647. Milburne, John, Stanisaker, fol. 214, Cleveland. Jun. ii, 1647. , Thomas, Flambrough, fol. 466, Dickering. Apl. 24, 1650. Miles, John, Sawdon, fol. 483, Dickering. Jun. 9, 1640. , Thomasin, Eastharlsey, fol. 337, Cleveland. Mar. 6, 1649. Millcaster als. Stable, William, Arthington, co. Cumb., fol. 67, Prerogative. May 3, 1651. Miller, George, Eskrigg, fol. 42, Bulmer. Jan. 17, 1645. , Simon. Wakefeild, fol. 58, Pontefract. Jun. 20, 1637. Milleson, John, Chappell Haddlesey, par. Birkin, fol. 259, Ainsty. Dec. 24, 1636. Millington, Margaret, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 65, Harthill. Oct. 9, 1637. , Robert, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 71, Harthill. Apl. 10, 1635. , Thomas, par. Harden, fols. 100 and 132, Prerogative. Jun. 4, 1633. Milner, Allan, Leedes, fol. 182, Ainsty. Aug. 8, 1631. , Alexander, Brotherton, fol. 160, Ainsty. July 29, 1630. , Alice, Leedes, fol. 149, Ainsty. Nov.2g, 1633. , Ann, Baildon, fol. 136, Pontefract. Nov. 19, 1629. , Anthony, Beverley, Harthill. Apl. 17, 1649. , Catherine, Ganstead, fol. 246, Holderness. Mar.iS, 1650. , Emanuel, Carnaby, fol. 486, Dickering. Feb. 13, 1629. , George, Missen, fol. 202, Retford. Oct. 20, 1641. , Giles, Bagby, fol. 2, Bulmer. Nov.29, 1633. , Jane, Baildon, fol. 136, Pontefract. Oct. 9, 1627. , John, Doncaster, fol. 435, Doncaster. Jan. 8, 1634. , John, Fairburne, par. Ledsham, fol. 210, Ainsty. Jun. 15, 1647. , John, Skircoate, fol. 100, Pontefract. Jun. 6, 1637. , Joseph, par. Ealand, fol. 353, Pontefract. Oct. 14, 1635. , Margaret, Wetherbie, fol. 217, Ainsty. Oct. 18, 1647. - , Peter, Pontefract, fol. 105, Pontefract. July 3, 1630. , Ralph, Leeds, fol. 154, Ainsty. Mar.i2, 1639. , Randolph, Nottingham, fol. 142, Nottingham. Aug.27, 1628. , Robert, Fetherstone, fol. 39^, Pontefract. Nov.i3, 1635. , Robert, Harden, par. Bingley, fol. 451, Craven. Oct. 29, 1642. , Thomas, Beverley, fol. 107, Harthill. Oct. 9, 1632. , Thomas, Rotheram, fol. 525, Doncaster. Oct. 12, 1637. 1 William, Annsley, fol. 117, Nottingham. Mar.iS, 1633. , William, Brotherton, fol. 189, Ainsty. Sep. 13, 1649. , William, Burdsall, fol. 399, Buckrose. Apl. 27, 1637. , William, Foston, fol. 333, Dickering. Aug. 28, 1637. als. Blaydes, Susanna, Wakefeild, fol. 365, Pontefract. Sep. 23, 1646. Milnes, Ann, dr. of Joh. M. of Ratchdale, co. Lane., tui., fol. 82, Pontefract. Apl. 26, 1632. , Elizabeth, Thoroughton, fol. 75, Nottingham. Oct. ii, 1632. , John, Eastretford, fol. 222, Retford. Feb. 6, 1638. , Katherine, Newarke super Trent, fol 358, Newark. Jan. 29, 1635. , Ralph, Rippon, fol. 456, Craven. Jan. 5, 1647. ' Richard, son of Mat. M.of Newark, dec., tui., Neivark. Mar.25, 1645. - , Robert, Mooresome, fol. 204, Cleveland. Apl. 16, 1635. , Robert, Moorsome, fol. 298, Cleveland. Oct. 2, 1638. , Thomas, Castley, fol. 281, Ainsty. 212 APPENDIX. Oct. 16, 1649. Milnes, Thomas, Newarke, Newark. Nov.i6, 1648. , Thomas, Wragby, fol. 124, Pontefract. Feb. 20, 1628. Milson, Edward, Hubie, fol. 34, Bulmer. May 4, 1637. Milward, Edith, Ashburne, fol. 113, Nottingham. Mar.i6, 1628. Mirfin, George, Thurcroft, par. Laughton in Lee Morthing, fol. 460, Doncaster. Sep. 27, 1647. , John, Rossington, fol. 488, Doncaster. Apl. 26, 1632. Mirphin, Jennet, Harworth, fol. 220, Retford. Feb. 14, 1627. , Robert, West Retford, fol. 190, Retford. Feb. 9, 1649. Misle, Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 42, Harthill. Mayag, 1632. Misterton, Alice, Dynington, fol. 512, Doncaster. Apl. 30, 1646. Mitchell, Dorothy, West Heslerton, fol. 391, Buckrose. Jan. 30, 1631. , Ellen, par. Bradford, fol. 107, Pontefract. Mar.i2, 1643. , Francis, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 232, Holderness. Apl. 9, 1638. , George, Cawthorne, fol. 633, Doncaster. Aug. 7, 1628. , John, Gemlinge, Dickering. July 31, 1641. , John, Heptenstall, fol. 20, Pontefract. Oct. 5, 1631. , John and Christabell, chdn. of Mary M. of Prestearth, widow, fol. 107, Pontefract. Jan. 31, 1643. , John, Thornton in Bradford Dayle, fol. 37, Pontefract. Nov.i6, 1637. , Joseph, Thornton, par. Bradford, fol. 363, Pontefract. Nov. 9, 1630. , Margaret, Bagbie, fol. 43, Bulmer. Oct. 5, 1631. , Mary, Prestearth, par. Heptonstall, widow, fol. 107, Pontefract. Dec. 20, 1648. , Nicholas, Boothroyde, fol. 125, Pontefract. Sep. 13, 1650. , Robert, Barnerd Castle, fol. 70, Prerogative. Jun. 3, 1630. , Robert, Heptonstall, fol. 74, Pontefract. Jan. 16, 1645. , Samuel, Northowram, fol. 58, Pontefract. Jan. 27, 1630. , Thomas, par. Darfeild, fol. 477, Doncaster. Jan. 3, 1631. , Thomas, Marton, fol. 387, Craven. July i, 1635. , Thomas, grant to Walter Rawson of Preston, fol. 185, Holderness. May 5, 1636. , Thomas, Skipton, fol. 459, Craven. Apl. 6, 1635. , William, bar. Cowthorne, fol. 572, Doncaster. Jan. 9, 1627. , William, Nottingham, fol. 38, Nottingham. Mar.n, 1635. als. Cockson, Agnes, Parlington, fol. 230, Ainsty. Apl. 4, 1637. Mitcheson, Thomas, Wetheringwicke, fol. 193, Holderness. Apl. i, 1645. Mitley, Elizabeth, widow of Will. M. of Pontefract, fol. 46, Pontefract. Dec. 16, 1634. Mitton, Edmund, Elslacke, fol. 438, Craven. Apl. 27, 1631. , Jacobus, Elslacke, fol. 374, Craven. May28, 1635. , Margaret, Bolton, fol. 446, Craven. Sep. 4, 1631. Mizzle, William, Cranswicke, fol. 15, Harthill. Aug. 5, 1628. Moake, Jennet, par. Almonburie, fol. 373, Pontefract. May 2, 1637. Moakson, William, Cawthorne, fol. 613, Doncaster. Feb. 10, 1646. Moates, Francis, Newarke super Trent, Newark. May3i, 1629. Mollicliffe, Oliver, Kellam, fol. 315, Newark. Dec. 31, 1638. Monckes a/5. Slater, Matilda, Kighley, fol. 512, Craven. Jun. 20, 1649. Moody, George, Pontefract, fol. 134, Pontefract. Apl. 27, 1637. Moon, Robert, Marton, fol. 185, Ridall. Jan. 23, 1648. Moone, Mark, Newton, fol. 223, Cleveland. Aug. 19, 1642. , Richard, Billesdale, fol. 84, Ridall. Oct. 16, 1651. Moore, Ann, Burstwick, fol. 259, Holderness. Oct. 19, 1637. > Bartholomew, Netherledge, par. Horton. Caveat, fol. 488, Craven. Jan. 26, 1637. , Edward, Brathwell, fol. 627, Doncaster. Aug. 5, 1635. , Elizabeth, Scarbrough, fol. 325, Dickering. Dec. 18, 1644. , George, Cropwell, Newark. Apl. 29, 1643. , Henry, Terrington, fol. n, Bulmer. July 20, 1630. , Hugh, Wakefeild, fol. 81, Pontefract. Jun. 22, 1635. , Jacobus, Kin[g]ston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. Jan. 20, 1646. , Jacobus, Swinton, fol. 477, Doncaster. Jan. 20, 1646. , Jacobus, Swinton, fol. 478, Doncaster. Jun. 5, 1634. , Jane and Thomas, chdn. of Joh. M. of Cottingham, dec., tui., fol. 42, Harthill. Feb. 12, 1639. , Jane and William, chdn. of Rich. M. of Normanton super Trent, dec., tui., fol. 365, Newark. Feb. i, 1627. , Janet, Barley, fol. 124, Ainsty. Feb. 20, 1637. , John, Came, fol. 495, Craven. APPENDIX. 213 July 10, 1633. Moore, John, Cottingham, fol. 33, Harthill. Oct. u, 1636. , Joseph, Cudworth, fol. 603, Doncaster. Feb. 26, 1641. , John, Eadon, esquire, Newark. Jan. 9, 1639. , John, Leedes, fol. 305, Ainsty. July 9, 1647. , John, Newarke super Trent, Newark. July ii, 1633. , John, Scullcoates, fol. 163, Holderness. Feb. 17, 1630. , John and Ann, chdn. of Will. M. of Stutton, tui., fol. 155, Ainsty. May 1 1, 1633. , John, York, fol. 32, City. Apl. 5, 1642. , Margaret, Catton, fol. 354, Dickering. Mar. 30, 1636. , Martin, Sicklinghall, par. Kirkbyoverblovves, fol. 230, Ainsty. Jun. 20, 1646. , Michael, Wentbridge, fol. 471, Doncaster. Oct. 8. 1635. , Prudence, Eastleake, fol. 104, Nottingham. Aug. 2, 1633. , Richard, par. Wakefeild, fol. 160, Pontefract. July 19, 1631. , Robert, Hatefeild, fol. 490, Doncaster. Oct. 10, 1633. , Robert, Nottingham, fol. 86, Nottingham. Nov.iS, 1647. , Robert, South Owram, fol. loj, Pontefract. Jan. 17, 1647. , Roger, George, Rebecca, Jacobus, chdn. of Edw. M. of Newhall, gent., dec., tui., fol. 44, Prerogative. Dec. 4, 1628. , Sibbell, Leedes, fol. 135, Ainsty. Oct. 8, 1645. , Timothy, Menston, gentleman, fol. 464, Doncaster. Apl. 15, 1645. , Walter, Bridlington, fol. 356, Dickering. Mar.io, 1645. , William and Ann, Bishopburton, fol. 251, Harthill. Mar.28, 1647. " > William, Bolton super Dearne, fol. 481, Doncaster. May 29, 1635. , William, Cayton, fol. 324, Dickering. Apl. 27, 1631. , William, Heddingley, fol. 157, Ainsty. Aug.i3, 1635. , William, Nottingham, fol. 102, Nottingham. Nov.22, 1651. , William, Tirrington, fol. 43, Bulmer. Nov. 13, 1645. Mooreby, Charity, Pontefract, fol. 55, Pontefract. Aug.i7, 1630. Moorehouse, Elizabeth, Lothersdale, fol. 370, Craven. Sep. 8, 1628. , Hester, Fulston, par. Kirkburton, Caveat, fol. 35, Pontefract. Jan. 5, 1647. > William, New Milne, par. Kirkburton, fol. no, Pontefract. Oct. 12, 1637. Mooreley, John, Nottingham, fol. 117, Nottingham. Aug. 9, 1639. Mooreson, John, Robinhoodbay, fol. 200, Ridall. May 3, 1637. Moorewood als. Heathcote, Alice, Staden, co. Derby, fol. 164, Prerogative. Jun. 29, 1631. Moresome, William, Scarbrough, fol. 304, Dickering. Apl. 16, 1628. Moorland, Jacobus, N. Grimston, fol. 52, Prerogative. Aug.iS, 1628. Morley, Ann, Pontefract, fol. 3ga, Pontefract. Nov. 6, 1634. - , Henry, Middleton, fol. 295, Cleveland. Jun. 17, 1652. , John, Kellingley, fol. 354, Pontefract. Jun. 15, 1649. , Joseph, Kellingley, fol. 134, Pontefract. Nov.26, 1649. - , Margaret, dr. of Tho. M. of Kellingley, dec., tui. (and Jan. 18), fol. 138, Pontefract. Oct. 25, 1639. , Margaret, dr. of Mary M. of Northgrimston, dec., tui., fol. 348, Dickering. Apl. 14, 1635. , Samuel, Morley, fol. 194, Pontefract. May 7, 1631. , William, York, fol. 14, City. May3i, 1632. Morrall, Thomas, Thirckleby, fol. 54, Buhner. Oct. 25, 1648. Morrell, John, Bulwell, Newark. Feb. 26, 1630. , John, Easingwould, fol. 44, Buhner. Apl. 10, 1640. , Michael, son of Will. M. of Bagby, dec., tui., fol. 105, Buhner. Oct. 30, 1645. Morret, Ann, Ursula, Catherine, Robert, chdn. of Rob. M. of Warren Hall, dec., tui., fol. 10, Prerogative. Aug.29, 1631. Morris, Brian, Hessey, fol. 165, Ainsty. Mayao, 1646. , Francis, Sheareburne, fol. 391, Bnckrose. Oct. 16, 1634. , John, Ulrom als. Oram, fol. 179, Holderness. May 13, 1630. - , Robert, Dringho, fol. 137, Holderness. Apl. 5, 1648. , Roger, Everton, Rctford. Feb. 16, 1649. Mortimer, Mary, Clayton, widow, fol. 342, Pontefract. May28, 1649. - , Richard & Jacobus, sons of Rich. M. of Clayton, dec., tui., fol. 132, Pontefract. July 17, 1629. Morton, Beatrix, Harby, fol. 316, Newark. Sep. 25, 1634. , Edward, Thurgaland, fol. 565, Doncaster. Nov.26, 1629. , Isabel, dr. of Chris. M. of Fulforth, dec., fol. 37, Bulmer. Oct. 9, 1632. , Thomas, par. Bradfeild, fol. 225, Doncaster. 214 APPENDIX. Apl. 7, 1630. Morton, William, Doncaster, fol. 478, Doncaster. Jan. 30, 1628. , William, Spaldington, Harthill. Aug.24, 1649. Morwin, Robert, Sledmer, fol. 399, Buckrose. Dec. ii, 1637. , Robert, Wetherbie, fol. 268, Ainsty. Sep. 9, 1635. Morwine, Anthony, Bishop Burton, fol. 53, Harthill. May 26, 1628. Monvyn, Hector, Watton, Harthill. Feb. 18, 1646. Moses, Jeffrey, Thirklebie Magna, fol. 25, Bulmcr. July 15, 1630. , Richard, Skirpenbecke, fol. 253, Buckrose. Mar.28, 1628. Mosey, John, Paynestropp, Buckrose. Nov.i3, 1632. Mosley, Ann, Manchester, fol. 91, Prerogative. Mar. 22, 1636. , Ann, York, a minor, fol. 54, City. Mar. 5,1634. , Henry, Barmbrough, fol. 569, Doncaster. Feb. 17, 1635. , Richard, Embsey, fol. 456, Craven. Mar. 4, 1646. , Robert, Newarke, Newark. Aug. 7, 1649. Mote, Emanuel, Melton, fol. 523, Doncaster. July 4, 1632. , Guy, Hatfeild, fol. 516, Doncaster. Oct. 18, 1637. Mothersall, Jacobus, Crathorne, fol. 314, Cleveland. Feb. 19, 1640. Mottershed, Edward, lee Bedderne, York, L.L.D., fol. 235, Prerogative. Jun. 15, 1638. Motterson, Richard, Lorton, par. Kirkbie Malsherd, fol. 182, Prerogative. Jan. ii, 1649. Moulson, Christopher, Flockton, par. Thornhill, fol. 524, Doncaster. Oct. 17, 1637. , Grace, Holdroid, par. Ribbonden, fol. 357, Pontefract. Nov. 9, 1649. Mounckhouse, William, Plumpton Wall in Lazonby, fol. 64, Prerogative. Nov.26, 1628. Mounckton, Frances, Bishopmounckton, fol. 338, Craven. Oct. i, 1635. Mountaigne, Thomas, Ryhill, gentleman, fol. 187, Holderness. Mar. 2, 1636. Mountaine, Edward, York, fol. 248, Ainsty. Jan. 14, 1633. , Isabell, Marston, fol. 191, Ainsty. May 22, 1637. , Susanna, York, widow, fol. 56, City. Sep. i, 1634. , Thomas, Bishopmounckton, fol. 428, Craven. Sep. 25, 1634. , Thomas, son of Tho. M. of Bishopmounckton, dec., tui., fol. 429, Craven. July 15, 1641. Mountney, Thomas, Ritton, co. Northumb., esq., fol. 233, Prerogative. Oct. i, 1629. Moverley, William, Oulstone, fol. 37, Bulmer. July 31, 1638. Mowbray, Thomas, Michael, Ann, Mary and Elizabeth, chdn. of Joh. M. of Cottingham, dec., tui., fol. 84, Harthill. July 31, 1638. , Thomas, Michael, Ann, Mary, Elizabeth, chdn. of John M. of Cottingham, dec., tui., fol. 202, Holderness. Mar.24, 1644. Mowbrey, Robert, Easingwould, fol. 15, Bulmer. Feb. 22, 1636. Mowson, William, Melkinthorpe (?co. Cumb.), fol. 162, Prerogative. Aug. 31, 1648. Moxson, John, Midleton, fol. 122, Pontefract. Aug. 23, 1644. Moyser, Thomas, Lockinton, esq., fol. 122, Harthill. Jun. 3, 1643. Moysley, William, Sheffeild, fol. 4460, Doncaster. Oct. 8, 1639. Much, William and Jane, his wife, fol. 93, Harthill. Apl. 27, 1647. Mugg, John, East Leake, Nottingham. Feb. 14, 1627. Muncke, William, Cottham, fol. 189, Retford. Oct. 20, 1649. Munckman, William, Scarbrough, fol. 480, Dickering. Jan. 15, 1635. *Munne (or Manne ?), John, Houlbecke, fol. 224, Ainsty. Oct. 25, 1636. Murgatroid, Thomas, Leeses, fol. 467, Craven. Nov.i3, 1644. Murgatroyd, Jacobus, Hollins, fol. 41, Pontefract. Jun. ii, 1638. Murres, John, Yeadonwath, fol. 501, Craven. Apl. 14, 1630. Murrowes, Elizabeth, dr. of Tho. M. of Settle, dec., tui., fol. 359, Craven. Dec. 9, 1640. Murton, Christopher, Apleton, fol. 335, Cleveland. Sep. 4, 1628. , Edward, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. July 18, 1629. , Elizabeth, Brandsby, fol. 34, Bulmer. Feb. 6, 1640. , Francis, Barnebrough, fol. 426, Doncaster. Dec. 9, 1640. , Margaret, Apleton super Wisk, fol. 335, Cleveland. Aug. 5, 1637. Musgrave, Alice, Mirfeild, wid., Caveat, fol. 354, Pontefract. Mar.i7, 1639. Dorathy, Eskrigg, fol. 106, Bulmcr. Mar. 22, 1647. Edward, Howden, fol. 45, Prerogative. Jun. 5, 1649. Edward, als. Will. Gray, Newbigginhill, Newark. Dec. 10, 1632. Mary, Canterbury, fol. 92, Prerogative. Apl. 15, 1630. Richard, Birstall, fol. 77, Pontefract. Nov. 3, 1634. Robert, Carlton, par. Rothwell, fol. 186, Pontefract. Munne should read Manne. APPENDIX. 2I 5 Mar. i, 1636. Mussen, Jacobus, Snenton, fols. 115 and 248, Nottingham. Feb. 5, 1633. , John, Bingham, fol. 89, Nottingham. Mar. i, 1636. , Mary, Ann and Jane, daus. of Math. M. of Bingham, dec., tui. fols. 115 and 248, Nottingham. Jan. 28, 1635. , Matthew, Bingham, fol. 105, Nottingham. Aug.n, 1646. Musson, John, Cropwell Bishopp, Nottingham. Mar. ii, 1629. Muston, Thomas, Danthorpe, Hclderness. Oct. 2, 1639. Myas, Peter, Arnold, fol. 209, Holderness. Oct. 2, 1637. Myers, John, Briggate, fol. 26^, Ainsty. Jun. 29, 1629. Myles, Henry, Midleton, Harthill. Oct. 6, 1632. , Jane, East Harlesey, fol. 57, Bulmer. July 28, 1628. , Robert, Bishopthorpe, fol. 141, Ainsty. Aug. 2, 1638. , Thomas, Salcocke, fol. 318, Cleveland. Aug.i7, 1646. Nailer, Nicholas, Pontefract, fol. 80, Pontefract. July 27, 1649. , Richard and Christopher, son of Rob. N. of Sikehouse, dec., tui. fol. 521, Doncaster. Jan. 28, 1636. Nalson, Richard, par. Normanton, fol. 345, Pontefract. Nov. 2, 1638. Nayler, Christofer. par. Wakefeild, fol. 387, Pontefract. Feb. 5, 1635. , Henry, Errenden in Heptonstall, fol. 319, Pontefract. Jun. 6, 1633. , Richard, Heptonstall, fol. 186, Pontefract. Sep. 7, 1631. Naylor, Jonas, Heptonstall, fol. 99, Pontefract. Apl. 15, 1630. , Joseph, Barmby super Dunn, fol. 480, Doncaster. Apl. 24, 1634. , Nicholas, par. Burstall, fol. 169, Pontefract. Mar. 15, 1639. , Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 95, Harthill. Sep. 10, 1645. , Thomas, Soyland, fol. 53, Pontefract. Aug.29, 1640. Needeham, Nathaniel, Fiskerton, fol. 370, Newark. July 31, 1633. Needham, Alice, East Retford, fol. 228, Retford. Aug.is, 1633. Andrew, Nottingham, fol. 85, Nottingham. July 16, 1638. Edward, Heath, fol. 381, Pontefract. May 7, 1639. Ellen, par. Sheffeild, fol. 650, Doncaster. Dec. 24, 1646. Henry, Westbridgford, Nottingham. Feb. 16, 1645. John, Kildwicke Perse, fol. 16, Prerogative. Jan. 15, 1638. Robert, Rolston, fol. 359, Newark. Mar.iS, 1646. William, West Bridgford, Nottingham. Apl. 5, 1634. Neeld, Thomas, Warrington, co. Lancaster, fol. 342, Newark. Oct. 30, 1638. Neile, William, York, gentleman, fol. 65, City. Oct. 4, 1632. Neilson, William, par. Pontefract, fol. 122, Pontefract. May 7, 1639. Nell, John, Conisbrough, fol. 650, Doncaster. Jan. 23, 1636. Nelson, Ann, Beverley, fol. 65, Harthill. May 8, 1628. , Ann, Normanton, fol. 310, Newark. Jun. 8, 1631. - , Ann, Ryall, par. Skeckling, fol. 145, Holderness. Oct. i, 1635. > Edward, Kayingham, fol. 186, Holderness. May 20, 1645. , George, Thorpfeild, fol. 16, Bulmer. Feb. 20, 1637. , John, Diocese of York, fol. 495, Craven. Jan. 24, 1639. , Katharine, Phinningley, fol. 270, Retford. Sep. 10, 1645. > Marmaduke, Weeton, fol. 240, Holderness. Jan. 10, 1637. , Mary, Camelsfurth, par. Drax, fol. 271, Ainsty. Nov.26, 1631. , Matthew, Egton, fol. 268, Cleveland. Apl. 26, 1650. , Paul, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 44, Harthill. Apl. 14, 1643. , Richard, Eldmyre, par. Topcliffe, fol. 13, Bulmer. Jan. 20, 1635. , Richard, Sandhuton, fol. 78, Bulmer. Jan. 21, 1638. , Samuel, Sinderhills, fol. 390, Pontefract. Dec. 13, 1633. - , Timothy, York, fol. 35, City. Oct. 10, 1634. , Thomas, Askham Richard, fol. 210, Ainsty. Apl. 13, 1642. , Thomas, Beverley, fol. 106, Harthill. Oct. 22, 1633. , Thomas, Kayingham, fol. 169, Holderness. Dec. 9, 1645. ' > Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 251, Harthill. May 9, 1633. , Thomas, Thorp Arch, fol. 179, Ainsty. Oct. 4, 1632. - , Tobias, Marton, fol. 280, Cleveland. Mar.28, 1635. , William, Eldmyre, par. Topcliffe, gentleman, fol. 74, Bulmer. Jan. 6, 1638. , William, Seazey, fol. 95, Bulmer. Jun. 17, 1631. , William, Scroobie, fol. 214, Retford. July 25, 1637. Nelthroppe, Edward, Beverley, Caveat, fol. 68, Harthill. Feb. 27, 1640. Nesbecke, Miles, Bubwith, fol. 98, Harthill. 2l6 APPENDIX. Oct. 21, 1635. Sep. 30, 1645. Aug-3o, 1636. Mar.2i, 1647. July 16, 1632. Apl. 5, 1648. July 31, 1633. Apl. 12, 1647. Feb. 13, 1629. Apl. 30, 1640. Apl. 17, 1648. Dec. 7, 1629. May 14, 1633. Jun. 30, 1636. NOV.II, 1641. Aug.28, 1628. Sep. 2, 1634. Feb. tilt., 1632. Nov.i6, 1647. Dec. 12, 1632. Mar. 3, 1630. Jun. 10, 1635. May 27, 1635. May 12. 1638. Mar.2i, 1636. Jun. 8, 1631. Sep. 30, 1630. Aug. 8, 1636. Mar. 24, 1630. Feb. 26, 1634. Apl. 28, 1640. Aug. 6, 1631. July 31, 1647. Jan. 24, 1634. Jun. 18, 1633. May 6, 1631. Sep. 20, 1649. Apl. 28, 1631. Sep. 20, 1637. May 17, 1639. Feb. 10, 1641. May 28, 1638. Sep. 28, 1643. July 14, 1629. Dec. 5, 1640. Mar. 2, 1630. Oct. 9, 1632. Mar.28, 1635. May 28, 1635. Aug. 14, 1645. Aug.ig, 1641. Feb. 27, 1631. Oct. 16, 1648. Oct. 31, 1627. Nov.23, 1647. Jan. 4, 1647. Aug. 6, 1640. July 6, 1641. Feb. 5, 1637. May 24, 1638. Aug. 8, 1636. Mar. 4, 1641. Aug. 2, 1638. Nesfeild, Barbara, Wintringham, Caveat, fol. 261, Buekrost. , John, Seamer, fol. 357, Dickering. Nesse, William, Rocliffe, par. Drax, fols. 147 and 153, Prerogative. Netherwood, Samuel, Bradford, fol. 114, Pontefract. Netleton, Francis, Huttoncranswicke, fol. 21, Harthill. Nettleship, William, Norton Grange, par. Babworth, Retford. Nettleshipp, Alice, West Retford. fol. 228, Retford. , John, West Retford, Retford. , William, Saunbie, fol. 202, Retford. , William, son of Will. N. of Saunby, dec., tui., fol. 273, Retford. Nettleton, John, Hanging Heaton, fol. 118, Pontefract. , Thomas, Ruyston, Caveat, fol. 475, Doncaster. Nevell, Cotton, Conisbrough, fol. 534, Doncaster. , George, London, fol. 14111, Prerogative. , Gilbert, Grove, fol. 277, Retford. -, John, Cuckney, fol. 193, Retford. Nevile, Alexander, Sutton super Lound, fol. 234, Retford. , Anthony, par. Gamston, fol. 222, Retford. , Issabel, Woodmansie, fol. 21, Harthill. , Robert, Fledborowe, fol. 333, Newark. Nevill, Anthony, Mattersey, fol. 209, Retford. , Henry, Milnethorpe, par. Sandall, fol. 304, Pontefract. , Henry, Milthorpe, par. Ruiston, Caveat, Doncaster. Nevison, Doughtiman, Thomas, John, sons of Step. N. of Wortley, dec., tui. fol. 634, Doncaster. Newall, Robert, East Ayton, fol. 332, Dickering. Newarke, Jacobus, Pattrington, fol. 145, Holderness. Newband, William, Darnell, fol. 500, Doncaster. Newbie, Robert, par. Wibsey, fol. 332, Pontefract. , William, Barwicke, fol. 372, Craven. Newbold, Mary, Nottingham, fol. 98, Nottingham. Newbound, Elizabeth, Barmbie super Dunn, fol. 668, Doncaster. Newbudd, Richard, Sturton, fol. 213, Retford. Newby, Jeremiah, son of Rob. N. of Wibsey, dec., tui., fol. 104, Pontefract. , William, Cottingham, fol. 45, Harthill. Newcome, Ann dr. of Joh. N. of Beverley, dec., fol. 32, Harthill. , Roger, Beverley (?) fol. 8, Harthill. , Newham, John, par. Leith, fol. 228, Cleveland. Newholme, Henry, par. Lyth, fol. 265, Cleveland. Newitt, Edward, Womersley, fol. 362, Pontefract. Newlove, Syth, Foston, fol. 346, Dickering. Newmarsh, Mary, Cottingham, fol. 225, Holderness. , Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol, 77, Harthill. Newporte, John, Ollerton, Retford. Newsam, John, Willerby, Dickering. Newsom, Ann, South Kilvington, fol. 109, Bulmer. , Xpofer, Fockerby, fol. 84, Pontefract. Newsome, Elizabeth, Seamer, fol. 310, Dickering. , Guy, Appleton par. Bolton Percye, fol. 215, Ainsty. Newton, Benjamin, Caukhill, par. Watton, fol. 48, Harthill. , Elizabeth, Sidington (?) dioc. Chest., fol. 7, Prerogative. , George, Hucknall Torkerd, Nottingham. , John, York, esq., fol. 16, City. , Richard, Notion, fol. 513, Doncaster. , Thomas, Hunnanby, Dickering. , Thomas, Newarke super Trent, Retford. , William, Bridlington, fol. 470, Dickering. Niccoll, Ralph, Melburne, par. Thorneton, fol. 230, Prerogative. Niccolles, John, par. Ealand, fol. 16, Pontefract. Niccolls, Christopher, Bollinge, fol. 370, Pontefract. , John, par. Brasseller (? Braithwell), fol. 633, Doncaster. Nicholls, Henry, par. Ealand. fol. 332, Pontefract. , John, Boutrye, Retford. , Philip, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 82, Harthill. APPENDIX. 217 May 4, 1634. Nicholls, Richard, South Owrom, fol. 145, Pontefract. Aug. 8, 1628. Nicholson, Christofer, Yarome, fol. 244, Cleveland. July 5, 1637. Christopher, York, fol. 58, City. Aug.15, 1637. Edward, Hutton in Hay, fol. 168, Prerogative. Apl. 10, 1638. Elizabeth, Brethwell, fol. 630, Doncaster. Jan. 19, 1637. Faith, Barnard Castle, fol. 176, Prerogative. Jun. 3, 1633. George, Manfeild, dioc. Chest., Caveat, fol. 99, Prerogative. Apl. 27, 1637. Henry, Barnardcastle, fol. 1580, Prerogative. Aug. 8, 1650. John, Bishop Burton, fol. 48, Harthill. Nov.23, 1639. John, Clifton, fol. 102, Buhner. Mar-30, 1646. John, Highfeild Moore, co. Cumb., fol. 22, Prerogative. Dec. 4, 1628. John, Wheldraike, fol. 33, Btilmer. Sep. 9, 1633. Margaret, Seamer, fol. 314, Dickering. Nov. 4, 1647. Michael, Scarbrough, fol. 468, Dickering. July 22, 1652. Richard, Crow Nests, par. Clapham, fol. 78, Prerogative. Nov. 2, 1638. Richard, Howton, fol. 83, Harthill. Jan. 3, 1630. Richard, and Ann, his wife, Towton, fol. 154, Ainsty. Jan. 12, 1638. Robert, Braithwell, fol. 644, Doncaster. Nov.io, 1629. Robert, Hunnanby, Dickering. Apl. 26, 1632. Thomas, Auckley, fol. 220, Retford. Oct. 6, 1635. Thomas, son of Tho. N. of Braithwell, dec., tui., fol. 580, Don- caster. Apl. ii, 1637. Thomas, Sowth Frothingham, fol. 201, Holderness. May 9, 1633. William, Binington, fol. 313, Dickering. Nov.io, 1629. William, Hunnanby, Dickering. Jun. 2, 1630. William, Toldsley, par. Marton als. Newby, par. Seamer, Caveat, fol. 255, Cleveland. Mar. 8, 1630. als. Tomlin, Frances, Hollinghurn, fol. 8, Harthill. Oct. 10, 1631. als. Tomlin, Margaret, Hollinghurn (par. Aughton), fol. 16, Harthill. Feb. 18, 1633. Nicoll, William, par. Hallifax, fol. 151, Pontefract. May 4, 1633. Nightgale, Barbara, Scarbrough, fol. 312, Dickering. July 20, 1631. , Cuthbert, New Malton, fol. 150, Ridall. Apl. 28, 1630. , Margaret, Oswald Church, fol. 145, Ridall. Oct. 2, 1628. , William, Staithes, fol. 246, Cleveland. Nov. 9, 1633. Nightgell, William, Skarbrough, fol. 315, Dickering. Mar.23, 1632. Nightingale, Dorothy, Stathes, fol. 281, Cleveland. Aug. 4, 1630. , Thomas, Northleverton, fol. 206, Retford. May 5, 1648. Nix, Alice, Nottingham, Nottingham. Jun. 22, 1646. , Robert, Wilforde, Nottingham. Oct. 8, 1633. Nixson, Jane, Thorpe, fol. 548, Doncaster. Feb. 15, 1637. Nixon, John, Cossall, fol. 120, Nottingham. Apl. 28, 1640. Noad, Elizabeth, Hatfeild, fol. 669, Doncaster. Oct. ii, 1631. - , Robert, Hatefeild, fol. 491, Doncaster. Aug.2O, 1628. Noble, Alice, Bawtrie, fol. 193, Retford. Mar.2i, 1631. Edmund, Rolston, fol. 329, Newark. May 8, 1647. Gawin, Penreth, co. Cumb., fol. 36, Prerogative. Oct. 3, 1627. - John, Whitby, fol. 235, Cleveland. Sep. 10, 1642. Thomas, Barlby, fol. 247, Prerogative. July 25, 1639. Thomas, Scarbrough, fol. 346, Dickering. Sep. 20, 1644. Nodder, Oliver, Rotheram, fol. 447, Doncaster. Sep. 2, 1637. Nolson, John, Marsh-hill, par. Sutton super Darwent, fol. 69, Harthill. Apl. 22, 1634. Noone, Luke, Nottingham, fol. 91, Nottingham. Oct. i, 1640. Norcliffe, George, par. Bradford, fol. 6, Pontefract. Sep. 21, 1627. Nordas, Margaret, Flambrough, Dickering. Oct. 6, 1629. Nordus, Matthew, Skipsey, Holderness. Oct. 17, 1636. Norfolke, Issabel, par. Felkirke, widow, Caveat, fol. 600, Doncaster. Jun. 26, 1643. Norham, Ralph, Farndale, fol. 85, Ridall. May 3, 1647. Norledge, William, North Anston, fol. 466, Doncaster. Feb. 24, 1648. Norman, Henry, Orston, Nottingham. Sep. 5,1632. , John, Hull, fol. 25, Harthill. Nov.i2, 1633. , John, Thomas, Elizabeth, Dorathy, chdn. of Job.. N. of Kingston upon Hull, dec., tui., fol. 38, Harthill. 218 APPENDIX. Apl. 24, 1634. Normanton, Abraham, son of Rich. N., par. Hallifax, dec., tut., fol. 169, Pontefract. Nov. 2, 1636. Oct. 6, 1636. Apl. 13, 1630. Jun. 7, 1634. Nov.26, 1627. Jun. 22, 1635. Mary, par. Hallifax, fol. 337, Pontefract. Mary, Sowerby, par. Hallifax, fol. 339, Pontefract. Normavell, William, Southcave, fols. 69 and 70, Prerogative. Normanvile, Ellen, Southcave, fol. 116, Prerogative. Norris, Thomas, Yarom, fol. 239, Cleveland. Norrison, Henry, Willerby, fol. 50, Harthill. Feb. penult., 1639. , William, par. Whitby, fol. 326, Cleveland. Aug. i, 1638. North, Jacobus, Dalton, fol. 92, Bulmer. Sep. 18, 1638. Jane, Seasey, fol. 92, Bulmer. Dec. 2, 1635. John, par. Almonburie, fol. 310, Pontefract. Sep. 3, 1646. John, Dalton, fol. 80, Pontefract. Oct. 24, 1637. John, West Ayton, fol. 182, Ridall. July 27, 1638. Lancelot, York, fol. 67, City. May 9, 1639. Richard, East Leake, fol. 133, Nottingham. Apl. 24, 1634. Richard, par. Kirkeheaton, fol. 169, Pontefract. Aug.ig, 1640. Robert, Kirkbie Moreshead, fol. 206, Ridall. May 23, 1629. Thomas, Seasey, fol. 34, Bulmer. Jan. 25, 1640. Northedge, Edward, Averham, fol. 371, Newark. July 8, 1633. Northend, Ann, Sutton, fol. 165, Holderness. Dec. i, 1629. , Edward, Agnes, Robert, Joseph, chdn. of Edw. N. of Northowram, dec., tui., fol. 68, Pontefract. Jan. 30, 1631. May 14, 1632. Mar.3i, 1636. May 27, 1633. July 27, 1636. Aug. 8, 1636. Oct. 25, 1641. May 4, 1646. Oct. 2, 1638. Jun. 4, 1649. Dec.is, 1630. Feb. 19, 1649. Apl. 6, 1635. Feb. 12, 1627. Feb. 12, 1630. Apl. 28, 1640. Apl. 26, 1637. Aug.ao, 1645. Jun. 25, 1638. Mar.20, 1639. -, Edward, Northowrom, fol. 106, Pontefract. Richard, Northowrom, fol. 107, Pontefract. Northrope, Thomas, Mirfeild, fol. 319, Pontefract. Northumberland, Henry, Earl of, fol. 100, Prerogative. Norton, Agnes, Riall, par. Wragbie, widow, fol. 327, Pontefract. , Agnes, Sandall, fol. 333, Pontefract. , Ann, par. Massam, fol. 236, Prerogative. , Brice, Chappellthorpe, fol. 70, Pontefract. , Charles, Parlington, fol. 281, Ainsty. , Edmund, Richmond, gentleman, fol. 59, Prerogative. , George, York, gentleman, fol. n, City. , Gervas, Ketlethorpe, fol. 342, Pontefract. , Henry, Sawley, fol. 441, Craven. , John, Pockeley, fol. 135, Ridall. , Ralph, Crofton, Caveat, fol. 502, Doncaster. , Richard, Brierley, fol. 672, Pontefract. , Thomas, Chappelthorpe, fol. 350, Pontefract. , Thomas, Howbrooke, fol. 458, Doncaster. , Thomas, Potternewton, fol. 2jj, Ainsty. als. Kinman, Isabel!, Burton Slather, co. Line., wife of Will. K., fol. 2090, Prerogative. Norwood, Ann, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 31, Harthill. Nottingham, John, Hessey, fol. 289, Ainsty. Nowell, Susanna, dr. of Christofer N., par. Pontefract, tui., fol. 107, Pontefract. , Susanna, Pontefract, fol. 353, Pontefract. , Susanna, Pontefract, fol. 357, Pontefract. Thomas, Clitherow, co. Lane., fol. 140, Prerogative. Apl. 5, 1633. Jan. 8, 1639. Jan. 30, 1631. Jun. 6, 1637. Nov.2i, 1637. Apl. 24, 1635. Apl. 30, 1640. Nutt, Richard, Bawtrie, fol. 273, Rctford. Mar.ii, 1645. , Richard, Scothorpp, fol. 462, Doncaster. May30, 1648. Nutter, John, Fixby, fol. 120, Pontefract. Mar.2o, 1633. , Myles, Roughlie (co. Lane.), lol. no, Prerogative. May i, 1628. Oakes, Jeffrey, Rotheram, fol. 444, Doncaster. Oct. 5,1641. , Richard, Darfeild, fol. 436, Doncaster. Dec. 5, 1649. , Thomas, Barnsley, fol. 525, Doncaster. Mar. 9, 1647. Oastler, Edward, Bagbye, fol. 30, Bulmer. Feb. 7, 1627. Oates, Brian, Thorner, fol. 124, Ainsty. Mar. 20, 1631. , Isaac, Jerome and Joshua, sons of Jac. O., par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 108, Pontefract. Jan. 14, 1641. , Jacobus, junr., Widmerpoole in Northowram, fol. 26, Pontefract. Aug. 8, 1636. , Jeremiah, par. Hallifax, fol. 333, Pontefract. Jun. 15, 1647. , John, Batley, fol. 100, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 219 Jan. 12, 1638. Oct. 3, 1638. DCC.IS, 1647. Sep. 15, 1638. Oct. 3, 1633. Jun. 6, 1637. July 29, 1633. Jan. 20, 1646. Sep. 3, 1641. Apl. 15, 1629. Nov.i4, 1637. Aug.i5, 1646. Apl. 20, 1632. Mar.i2, 1628. Feb. 10, 1646. Aug.i6, 1639. Oct. 14, 1631. July 4, 1636. May 15, 1631. Jun. 17, 1646. Apl. 28, 1631. Jan. 16, 1628. Jan. ii, 1648. Oct. 4, 1627. May 8, 1633. Mar. 7, 1637. Mar.io, 1627. Mar.i2, 1644. Aug. 5, 1636. May 29, 1647. Jan. 5, 1640. Oct. 12, 1637. May 3, 1647. Apl. 17, 1646. May 25, 1635. Oct. 5, 1632. Feb. 2, 1629. Feb. 8, 1631. Aug.23, 1650. Mar.io, 1640. Dec. 23, 1629. Nov.zi, 1651. Feb. 6, 1627. Aug. 3, 1650. May 12, 1635. Jan. 4, 1647. July 15, 1640. Aug.2O, 1638. Aug. 3, 1637. Oct. 22, 1647. Jan. 28, 1641. Oct. i, 1630. May 23, 1629. May 20, 1628. Dec. 9, 1629. Sep. 30, 1651. July 27, 1640. Aug.i3, 1632. Aug. i, 1628. Jun. 29, 1637. Mar.i2, 1643. Dec. 19, 1648. Oct. 31, 1646. Apl. 25, 1631. Gates, Margaret, par. Sheffeild, fol. 645, Doncaster. Michael, Hallifax, fol. 385, Pontefract. Michael, Hallifax, fol. no, Pontefract. Rachel, Middlewalton, par. Sandall, widow, fol. 387, Pontefract, Richard, par. Wragbie, fol. 156, Pontefract. William, par. Hallifax, fol. 353, Pontefract. Oddie, Frances, Woodmanuray, fol. 413, Craven. Francis, Swinton, fol. 92, Pontefract. Christopher, Thirlbie, par. Filliskirke, fol. i, Bulmer. Leonard, Skipton, fol. 345, Craven. Oddy, Frances, Dykeyates in Pateley Brigges, fol. 476, Craven. Oddye, Edward, Rymington, co. Lane., fol. 26, Prerogative. Ogden, Katherine, South Empsall, fol. 520, Doncaster. Oggram, Robert, Easington, Holderness. Ogle, Frances, Snenton, Nottingham. , George, Flambrough, fol. 348, Dickering. Oglethorpe, Elizabeth, York Castle, fol. 161, Ainsty. , Stephen, Kellington, fol. 327, Pontefract. , Susanna, Horsforth, fol. 158, Ainsty. Oglethorppe, Francis, Pontefract, fol. 72, Pontefract. Okell, John, Potto, fol. 266, Cleveland. Okes, Ellen, Rotheram, fol. 458, Doncaster. Oldfeild, John, Meltham, fol. 126, Pontefract. , Michael, Hallifax, fols. 16 and 17, Pontefract. , Thomas, par. Almonburie, fol. 161, Pontefract. , Thomas, Draughton, fol. 496, Craven. als. Gott, Elizabeth, Draughton, par. Skipton, fol. 329, Craven. Oldham, Mary, Chedle, dioc. Chest., widow, fol. 270, Prerogative. Olgle, Ephaim, Worksop, fol. 244, Retford. Oliver, Francis, Goatham, Nottingham. , John, Clifton, fol. 76, City. , John, Eastbridgford, fol. 118, Nottingham. Olliver Robert, North Anston, fol. 482, Doncaster. William, Scarbrough, fol. 456, Dickering. Ombler , Francis, Thorn Gumbald, fol. 182, Holderness. John, Camerton, fol. 159, Holderness. Magdalen, Lelley, Holderness. Richard, Burstwicke, fol. 151, Holderness. William, Leila, fol. 254, Holderness. Onnyon, Jacobus, Ollerton, fol. 277, Reiford. Oram, Jane, Dalton, fol. 38, Bulmer. Orfewer, Mrs. Mabell, Arkelbie, fol. 73, Prerogative. Ormesbie, Robert, Holme in Spaldingmore, Harthill. Orston, William, Neither Broughton, Nottingham. Osbaldeston, John, Osbaldeston, dioc. Chest., fol. 128, Prerogative. Osborne, Sir Edward, Bart., Thorp Salvin, fol. 505, Doncaster. Osburn, Alexander, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 97, Harthill. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 79, Harthill. Osburne, John, North Wheatley, fol. 252, Retford. , Thomas, Bridlington, fol. 468, Dickering. , William, par. Sheffeild, fol. 438, Doncaster. Osmond, Barbara, Hollym, fol. 140, Holderness. , Francis, Witherensey, Holderness. , Jacobus, Kilnsey, Holderness. Ostcliffe, Richard, Havercrofte, fol. 477, Doncaster. Ostler, Brian, Thirkelby, fol. 43, Bulmer. Otlay, Marmaduke, grant to Sus. O. of Baineton, spr., fol. 113, Harthill. Otley, John, Bainton, fol. 23, Harthill. , Richard, Wragby, fol. 38^, Pontefract. , Robert, Osgodby, par. Cayton, fol. 334, Dickering. Ottay, George, Hesle, fol. 231, Holderness. Otter, Edmond, Worksop, Retford. Otterburne, William, Howkill, par. Kirkedaile, fol. 94, Ridall. , William, Kirkbie Moreshead, fol. 149, Ridall. 22O APPENDIX. Mayio, 1636. Ouldfeild, John, Rotheram, fol. 593, Doncaster. Oct. 7, 1630. Overall, George, Radford, fol. 208, Retford, fol. 207, Retford. July 28, 1635. Overend, John, Margaret, Samuel, Timothy, chdn. of Joh. O. of Guisley, dec., tui., fol. 214, Ainsty. Sep. 9, 1635. Owbridge, Robert, Beswick, fol. 52, Harthill. Oct. 5, 1637. Owbrigge, Roger, Ryse, fol. 198, Holderness. Jan. 15, 1649. Owram, Richard, North Cave, fol. 42, Harthill. Nov.22, 1645. , Robert, Neswicke, fol. 132, Harthill. Jan. 5, 1647. Ovvsall, Thomas, East Stoke, Newark. Apl. 22, 1640. Owst, Christopher, Headon, fol. 219, Holderness. Jan. 24, 1634. , Jane, Halsham, fol. 181, Holderness. July 13, 1629. Owstable, Alice, Eastropp, Harthill. Jan. 2, 1648. Owstaby, Lucretia, Etton, fol. 31, Harthill. Mayio, 1636. Owste, Christopher, Wynestead, fol. 189, Holderness. Jan. 10, 1639. Owston, Joan, Newton upon Darwent, fol. 95, Harthill. Jan. 7, 1639. , John, Newton super Darwent, fol. 93, Harthill. Oct. 2, 1635. , John, Shearburn, fol. 231, Ainsty. Oct. 2, 1635. , John, Shearburn, fol. 261, Buckrose, Feb. 13, 1644. Owthwate, George, Huton Conyers, fol. 271, Prerogative. Sep. 3, 1641. Owtrom, Edward, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Aug.23, 1627. Oxley, Dorathy and Francis, chdn., of Tho. O. of Scrowbie, dec., tui., fol. 185, Retford. Dec. 5, 1649. George, Munck Britton, fol. 523, Doncaster. Mar.i6, 1649. John, Thornhill, fol. 343, Pontefract. Feb. 6, 1629. Lewes, Nottingham, fol. 57, Nottingham. Nov.27, 1637. Robert, Leydes, fol. 259, Ainsty. Aug. 3, 1636. Robert, Netherswaith, par. Darfeild, fol. 326, Pontefract. July 29, 1633. Thomas, Hunslett, fol. 181, Ainsty. Mar.27, 1647. Oxspring, Margaret, Sheffeild, fol. 481, Doncaster. Dec. 7, 1632. Oxspringe, Elizabeth, Sheffeild, fol. 520, Doncaster. Mayi6, 1640. Pacie, Adam, Flintham, fol. 140, Nottingham. Mar.i2, 1639. Pacy, Edward, Bingham, fol. 142, Nottingham. Sep. 18, 1640. Pacye, Henry, Nottingham, fol. 149, Nottingham. Aug.iS, 1649. Padget, John, Hunderskelfe, fol. 62, Prerogative. Sep. 30, 1636. , Theodore and Griscilla, chdn. of Ric. P. of York, gent., dec., fol. 53, City. Jun. 22, 1646. Padgett, Edward, Muskham, Nottingham. Apl. 28, 1648. , Phineas, North Dalton, gentleman, fol. 26, Harthill. Jun. 23, 1634. Padgitte, Robert, Holme in Spaldingmoore, fol. 39, Harthill. Feb. 12, 1640. Padley, John, grant to Tho. Rennington of Ayton, fol. 100, Harthill. Apl. 4, 1636. Padmore, Phillipp, York, fol. 52, City. July 9, 1649. Pagden, Ellen, Shire Oakes, Retford. Jun. 17, 1628. Page, Jacobus, Beverley, Harthill. Apl. 6, 1638. , John, Emley, fol. 375, Pontefract. Jan. 10, 1647. , Thomas, Sowerby, fol. 30, Buhner. Nov.ag, 1630. , William, Thornabie, fol. 261, Cleveland. May 8, 1628. Paget, Robert, clerk, curate of Cottam, fol. 308, Newark. Apl. 30, 1633. Pagitt, Henry, Holme in Spaldingemoore, fol. 26, Harthill. Nov.iS, 1634. Paige, Arthur, York, sadler, fol. 38, City. Jun. 15, 1641. , Edward, Hunsley, fol. 117, Harthill. Sep. 10, 1642. Pailer, Watkinson, Thorwouldby, fol. 250, Prerogative. Apl. 18, 1632. Paine, John, Abberford, fol. 167, Ainsty. May 18, 1640. , John, Abberford, fol. 312, Ainsty. May 9, 1639. , Robert, Gotham, fol. 361, Newark. July 23, 1631. Paley, William, Settle, fol. 379, Craven. Dec. 24, 1627. Palliser, Elizabeth, Bilton, fol. 123, Ainsty. Feb. 3, 1629. , John, Paiteleybrigges, fol. 356, Craven. Jun. 13, 1639. Pallister, Jacobus, York, fol. 69, City. Oct. 10, 1647. Palmer Ann, Bishop Burton, fol. 19, Harthill. Sep. 28, 1638. Ed., Cottingham, fol. 85, Harthill. Oct. 15, 1645. Elizabeth, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 132, Harthill. Aug.i5, 1644. Francis, Beverley, fol. 122, Harthill. May i, 1634. Michael, Barmbie, fol. 339, Newark. Mar. 12, 1639. Richard, Nottingham, gentleman, fol. 141, Nottingham. APPENDIX. 221 May 7, 1632. Palmer, Robert, Bishopburton, fol. 21, Harthill. Feb. 29, 1632. Oct. 12, 1627. Sep. 28, 1638. Aug.i5, 1628. Oct. 12, 1627. Jun. 17, 1631. July 16, 1639. , Thomas, Cottingham, fol. 26, Harthill. -, Thomas, Hawton, fol. 305, Newark. -, William, Cottingham, fol. 85, Harthill. -, William, Hesle, fol. 138, Ridall. Palmes, Guy, Lindley, fol. 117, Ainsty. Pannall, Thomas, Yearsley, fol. 47, Bulmer. Pannet, Grace and Ann, York, fol. 70, City. Feb. 16, 1646. Pannot, Katherine, Kingston upon Hull. fol. n, Harthill. Mayio, 1636. Pape, Bartholomew, Elvington, fol. 80, Bulmer. Matthew, New Malton, fol. 93, Ridall. Peter, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 59, Harthill. , Robert, Lawndhouse, par. Cottingham, fol. 10, Harthill. Jun. 9, 1646. July 16, 1652. Feb. 22, 1630. May 7, 1639. Paramoure, Thomas, tui. to Geo. Braywell, par. Sheffeild, fol. 650, Doncaster. Oct. n, 1638. July n, 1643. Aug. 2, 1636. Pare, Joan, Nottingham, fol. 128, Nottingham. als. Finney, Margaret, Eaton, Retford. Parke, Jacobus, Spofforth, fol. 239, Ainsty. Feb. 12, 1632. , Edward (? Peter, see fol. 179), Linton super Wharfe, fol. 174, Ainsty. July 16, 1640. , John, Wakefeild, fol. 2, Pontefract. Jun. 12, 1628. , William, Empsey, fol. 331, Craven. Aug. 5, 1645. Parker, Alice, Storth, co. Lane., widow, fol. 5, Prerogative. Nov.23, 1638. , Ann, Bowelyeth, fol. 510, Craven. Feb. 23, 1630. , Ann, Midgeley, fol. 90, Pontefract. Jan. 25, 1638. , Arthur, Spofforth, fol. 286, Ainsty. Mar. 13, 1634. , Dionisius, Eastburn, fol. 440, Craven. Oct. 23, 1637. Francis, Leathley, fol. 266, Ainsty. Oct. 2, 1637. , Francis, Leathley, fol. 267, Ainsty. Sep. 19, 1635. , George, Beverley, fol. 48, City. Aug.i4, 1645. > Giles, West Bradford, co. Lane., fol. 7, Prerogative. Mar.i2, 1634. , Henry, Lancaster, esq., fol. 125, Prerogative. Aug. 6, 1633. , Henry, West Bradford, fol. 413, Craven. Apl. 27, 1631. , Jacobus, Highfeild, fol. 375, Craven. Dec. 21, 1631. , John, Leedes, fol. 159, Ainsty. Feb. 13, 1638. , John, Dorothy, Elizabeth, Isabell, Jane, chdn. of Rob. P. of Nether- wood, co. Lane., dec., tui., fol. 189, Prerogative. Nov. 7, 1638. , Robert, Burniston, fol. 343, Dickering. Oct. 8, 1627. , Robert, Leaven, Holderness. -, Thomas, Carlton Husthwaite, fol. 67, Prerogative. -, Thomas, Carlton Husthwhait, fol. 67, Prerogative. -, William, Newarke super Trent, Newark. als. Bennet, William, Sheffeild, fol. 580, Doncaster. Feb.penult.,i629. Feb.penult.,i62g. Sep. 20, 1648. Oct. 6, 1635. May 15, 1633. Parkhouse, Isabell, Thurgarton, fol. 82, Nottingham. Feb. 5, 1638. Parkin, Cicilia, Rullington, fol. 267, Buckrose. Oct. 17, 1643. , Elizabeth, Mooregate, Retford. , Gabriel and William, Banckend, tui., fol. 519, Doncaster. , George, Easington, fol. 216, Holderness. , John, par. Almonbury, fol. 73, Pontefract. , John, Cottingham, fol. 89, Harthill. , Mary, dr. of Geo. P. of Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 87, Pontefract. , Mary, dr. of Geo. P. of South Owram, dec., fol. 349, Pontefract. , Richard, Moregate, fol. 261, Retford. , Robert, Rotheram, fol. 640, Doncaster. , Sarah, Sheffeild, fol. 528, Doncaster. , William, Humbleton, fol. 159, Holderness. als. Scott, Alice, Boale, Retford. July 8, 1649. Sep. 7, 1646. Dec. 6, 1630. May 2, 1639. Oct. 9, 1646. Oct. i, 1650. Oct. n, 1638. Oct. 9, 1638. Jan. 28, 1632. Oct. 5, 1632. Feb. 12, 1646. May 7, 1633. July 31, 1639. May 29, 1647. Parkins, Adrian, Nottingham, fol. 80, Nottingham. , Elizabeth, Nottingham, fol. 136, Nottingham. , George, Farndon, Newark. , William, Thome, fol. 626, Doncaster. Dec. 15, 1637. Aug. 24, 1647. Parkinson, Abraham, son of Abr. P. of Little Horton, dec., tui., fol. 103, Pontefract. Oct. 13, 1631. , Anthony, Staunton, fol. 325, Newark. Oct. i, 1635. , Bartholomew, Eshton, fol. 450, Craven. Apl. 28, 1636. , Edward, Chageley, fol. 460, Craven. 222 APPENDIX. Apl. 14, 1630. Parkinson, John, Easington, fol. 359, Craven. Oct. 10, 1639. John, Gargrave, fol. 524, Craven. Apl. 29, 1642. John, Thorneton, fol. 196, Cleveland. Feb. 18, 1633. Jonas, par. Huthersfeild, fol. 151, Pontefract. Mar.iS, 1638. Mary, Cowling, fol. 516, Craven. Apl. ii, 1636. Robert, Eastburn, par. Kildwicke, fol. 457, Craven. Oct. 12, 1627. Robert, Staunton, fol. 306, Newark. Jan. 23, 1649. - Sarah, dr. of Barth. P. of Bradford, dec., tui., fol. 341, Pontefract. May 8, 1651. Thomas, Kilnewicke, fol. 52, Harthlll. Apl. 19, 1638. Parnam, Jarvase, Northwheatley, fol. 257, Retford. Feb. 10, 1646. , John, East Stoke, Newark. Jan. 12, 1652. Parnell, Francis, East Retford, Retford. May 4, 1637. , Margaret, East Retford, fol. 250, Retford. Apl. 22, 1630. Parnham, Robert, Stocke, fol. 319, Newark. Dec. 24, 1646. , Thomas, Maplewicke, Newark. May 31, 1649. Parr, George, Ratcliffe, Nottingham. Mar.iS, 1646. , Robert, Bingham, Nottingham. Oct. 6, 1629. Parrat, Philip, Ulrum, Holderness. May 29, 1647. Parsons, John, Saxendale, Nottingham. May i, 1634. , Richard, Newarke, fol. 340, Newark. Apl. n, 1651. , Suzanna, Martha, Mary, Ann, Richard, Jane, chdn., Ric. P. of Newarke, dec., Newark. May 7, 1639. Parsonson, Thomas, Doncaster, fol. 650, Doncaster. Apl. 10, 1638. als. Ingle, Elizabeth, tui. to Isaac P. of Doncaster, father, fol. 630, Doncaster. Feb. 19, 1645. Partington, Edward, Little Bolton, co. Lane., fol. 16, Prerogative. Oct. 16, 1645. Pashby, Henry, Sheareburne, fol. 274, Buckrose. Jun. 30, 1635. , Thomas, Shereburne, fol. 261, Buckrose. Nov.io, 1629. Pashley, Henry, (torn), Dickering. Apl. 23, 1629. Pate, Robert, Mickleby, par. Lieth, fol. 249, Cleveland. Jun. 27, 1642. Patricke, Thomas, par. Rotheram, fol. 441, Doncaster. Aug. 2, 1638. Patten, Nicholas, Gisbrough, fol. 319, Cleveland. NOV.II, 1648. Pattingson, John, Moscrofte, fol. 29, Harthill. Apl. 15, 1630. Pattinson, Edward, Barnsley, fol. 483, Doncaster. Aug. 7, 1628. , George, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Oct. 12, 1633. Pattison, Elizabeth, Kilton Mill, fol. 286, Cleveland. Apl. i, 1637. , Michael, Middleton, fol. 66, Harthill. Oct. 6, 1629. , Thomas, Easington, Holderness. Jun. 2, 1632. Pattricke, Edward, Skefflinge, fol. 157, Holderness. Oct. 18, 1634. , John, Newarke super Trent, fol. 342, Newark. Oct. 8, 1627. , Robert, Skeffelinge, Holderness. Mar.i6, 1635. Pattrickson, Thomas, Careswellhow, co. Cumb., fol. 138, Prerogative. Jun. 7,1651. , William, Cargo, co. Cumb., fol. 73, Prerogative. Apl. 13, 1642. Pattrington, Jacobus, Cheryburton, fol. 106, Harthill. Sep. 20, 1641. Pauferman als. Harrison, Ann, grant to Chris. P. of Sowerby, husband, fol. i, Buhner. Dec. 12, 1647. Paul, Christopher, clerk, curate of Wilton, fol. 215, Cleveland. May 9, 1639. Pauson, Samuel, Joseph, Jacobus, Mary, Richard, Nathaniel, Jonathan and Sara, chdn. of Jac. P. of Newark, dec., tui., fol. 361, Newark. Mar. i, 1627. Paver, Elizabeth, Spofforth, fol. 124, Ainsty. Jan. 5, 1648. Pawle, Richard, Lowdham, Nottingham. Feb. 19, 1633. Pawlinge a/5. Baker, Richard, son of Tho. P. of Middleton, dec., tui., fol. 170, Holderness. Feb. 6, 1638. Pawson, Jacobus, Newarke super Trent, fol. 357, Newark. July 12, 1632. , Samuel, York, Caveat, fol. 19, City. July 27, 1632. , Samuel, York, fol. 89, Prerogative. July 18, 1641. , Thomas, Fearneley, fol. 534, Craven. Oct. ii, 1632. Paybody, Thomas, Beeston, fol. 77, Nottingham. Jun. 23, 1628. Paycocke, William, Scarbrough, Dickering. Dec. 19, 1632. Payley, Thomas and William, sons of Will. P. of Gigleswicke, dec., tui., fol. 403, Craven. Jun. 18, 1632. Payne, Elizabeth, Kirbie, fol. 155, Ridall. Jan. 13, 1646. , Francis, Wakefeild, fol. 90, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 223 Apl. 12, 1632. Peables, Andrew, Wintringham, fol. 255, Buckrose. Aug. 8, 1636. Peace, John, Ossitt, fol. 331, Pontefract. Feb. i, 1632. Peacock, Gregory, Bridlington, fol. 311, Dickering. Aug. 4, 1640. , Robert, par. Lythe, fol. 337, Cleveland. July 28, 1637. Peacocke Edward, Middleton, fol. 310, Cleveland. Nov. 7, 1638. Elizabeth, Skarbrough, fol. 343, Dickering. May 4, 1633. Francis, Elizabeth, Faith and John, chdn. of Rich. P. of Scarbrough, dec., tui., fol. 312, Dickering. Jun. 12, 1628. Francis, Tirrington, fol. 29, Bulmer. July 10, 1635. Jacobus, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. Oct. 5, 1639. John, Eastbie, fol. 518, Craven. Sep. 9, 1635. William, Cherry Burton, fol. 53, Harthill. Jun. 19, 1640. William, New Malton, fol. 204, Ridall. Apl. 6, 1633. William, Woodmansey, par. St. Job., Beverley, fol. 28, Harthill. Jan. 2, 1643. als. Bullocke, George, Harpham, fol. 354, Dickering. Mar.i4, 1635. Pearcie, Henry, Harom, fol. 303, Cleveland. Oct. 26, 1640. Peares, Jacobus, Thornaby, fol. 334, Cleveland. Jan. 26, 1637. Pears, Michael, Ocoston, fol. go, Buhner. Sep. ii, 1635. Pearson, Alice, dr. of Robt. P., par. Burstall, dec., tui., fol. 203, Pontefract. Apl. 7, 1641. Ann, Egton Hollings, par. Lyth, fol. 337, Cleveland. Aug.i4, 1646. Barbara, Elizabeth, Ann and Jonas, chdn. of Jonas P. of Wike, dec., tui., fol. 79, Pontefract. Feb.ult.,i633. Christopher, Rosdayle, par. Midleton, fol. 161, Ridall. July 5, 1628. Dorathy, Myton, Harthill. Oct. 8, 1627. Edward, Sutton, Holderness. May 12, 1641. Elizabeth, Beverley, fol. 117, Harthill. Oct. 2, 1638. Elizabeth, Chappell Allerton, fol. 280, Ainsty. Apl. 26, 1630. Elizabeth, Rufforth, fol. 148, Ainsty. Sep. 22, 1643. Francis, Beswicke Parke, fol. 12, Bulmer. July i, 1647. Francis, Egton, fol. 214, Cleveland. Dec. 22, 1647. George, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 24, Harthill. Jan. 7, 1647. George, Whitby, fol. 216, Cleveland. Oct. 9, 1629. Gregory, Branisdaile, fol. 143, Ridall. Jun. 13, 1636. Isabel, par. Shereburn, fol. 234, Ainsty. Sep. 10, 1628. Isabel, dr. of Leon. P. of Skecklinge, dec., tui., Holderness. Jun. 5, 1634. Issabel, Thome Gumbald, fol. 172, Holderness. Feb. 16, 1629. Jacobus, Lastingharn, fol. 145, Ridall. Apl. i, 1648. Jacobus, Misterton, Retford. Apl. 29, 1629. Jane, Falsgrave, Dickering. Apl. 29, 1634. John, son of Joh. P. of Brightside, dec., tui., fol. 553, Doncaster. Apl. 29, 1637. John, Hillom, par. Munckfrieston, fol. 160, Prerogative. Aug.iS, 1642. John, Kirgdayle Bankes, fol. 195, Cleveland. Jan. ii, 1646. John, grant to Joh. P. of Settrington, gent , father, fol. 392, Buckrose. Aug.23, 1642. John, Shipton, fol. 8, Bulmer. Jan. 15, 1635. John, Skeldesmer, par. Kendall, fol. 141, Prerogative. Jun. 12, 1628. John, Rosedaile in Pickeringlith, fol. 133, Ridall. Sep. 7, 1643. John, son of Jonas P. of Wike, dec., tui., fol. 12, Bulmer. Jan. 27, 1647. John, Wilberfosse, fol. 22, Harthill. Sep. 27, 1643. Jonas, Wike, fol. 36, Pontefract. Dec. 7, 1627. Matthew, Bilton, fol. 121, Ainsty. Apl. 16, 1635. Myles, Whitbye, fol. 299, Cleveland. Apl. 20, 1644. Nicholas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 123, Harthill. Aug. i, 1633. Richard, Bilton, fol. 186, Ainsty. July 5, 1647. Richard, Coltclose, par. St. Mary, dioc. Carl., gent., fol. 39, Preroga- tive. Mar. 6, 1643. Robert, Pinchington, fol. 200, Cleveland. Mar.25, 1645. Robert, Sowerby, fol. 17, Bulmer. Jan. 25, 1647. Robert, West Melton, fol. 502, Doncaster. Aug.3i, 1638. Thomas, Durham, fol. 192, Prerogative. May 9, 1639. Thomas, Kirbey in Ashfeild, fol. 133, Nottingham. Nov. 4, 1647. Thomas, Scarbrough, fol. 469, Dickering. Jun. 5, 1645. William, Huggett, fol. 129, Harthill. Jan. 5, 1629. William, Mircoside, par. Egton, fol. 255, Cleveland. 224 APPENDIX. May 14, 1633. Pearson, William, par. Sheffeild, fol. 534, Doncaster. Feb. 6, 1644. William and Elizabeth, Shipton, fol. 14, Bulmer. Oct. 8, 1627. William, Skecklinge, HolJerness. May 3, 1643. William, Whitbye, fol. 199, Cleveland. Jan. 17, 1639. William, Yarome, fol. 326, Cleveland. Nov.iS, 1630. Xpofer, Brackon, fol. 6, Harthill. Dec. 9, 1633. ah. White, Matilda, par. St. Cuth., York, fol. 34, City. Jun. 13, 1649. als. Woodhouse, Ann, grant to Jon. W. of Cornforth, dioc. Durham, husband, fol. 59, Prerogative. July 29, 1633. Peart, John, Otley, fol. 182, Ainsty. Jun. 9,1635. , William, Otley, fol. 211, Ainsty. Apl. 15, 1629. Pearte, Richard, Threshfeild, fol. 346, Craven. May i, 1628. Pease, Nicholas, Sikehouse, fol. 448, Doncaster. July 12, 1633. , Robert, Leedes, fol. 180, Ainsty. Oct. 3, 1638. , Thomas, Ossitt, fol. 385, Pontefract. Jan. 5, 1647. Peck, Robert, Collingham, Newark. Jun. 7, 1638. Pecke, Edward, Richard, William, sons of Rich. P. of Clarebrough, dec., tui., fol. 259, Retford. Apl. 18, 1639. , Jacobus, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 87, Harthill. July 29, 1630. , Jacobus, Westbridgeford, fol. 62, Nottingham. Apl. 19, 1638. , John, East Bridgford, fol. 123, Nottingham. Aug. 9, 1638. , John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 78, Harthill. Oct. ii, 1632. , Katherine, Gunthorp, fol. 78, Nottingham. May i, 1634. , Richard, Wakefeild, fol. 233, Retford. May 12, 1646. , Rosamund, Dawthorpe, fol. 215, Holderness. Jan. 9, 1627. , Thomas, Arnoll, fol. 39, Nottingham. Dec. 24, 1646. , Thomas, Bingham, Nottingham. Oct. ii, 1631. Pecket, Peter, Sutton, fol. 149, Holderness. Sep. 22, 1632. als. Hogg, Alice, Sutton, widow, fol. 152, Holderness. Jan. 16, 1633. Peckett, Bartholomew, Oldmalton, fol. 164, Ridall. Nov. 7, 1644. , Richard, Seasey, fol. 14, Bulmer. Nov.i7, 1631. , Robert, Sherifhutton, fol. 48, Bulmer. Oct. 10, 1639. Pedley, Robert, Coulston Bassett, fol. 138, Nottingham. Apl. 8,1646. Peele, Ambrose, Barnard Castle, fol. 21, Prerogative. May 5, 1649. Ann, Missen, Retford. July 10, 1637. Henry, Bolton in Bolland, fol. 497, Craven. Oct. 18, 1649. Jane, dr. of Nich. P. of Long Liversedge, dec., tui., fol. 137, Pontefract. Oct. 13, 1647. John, Rowlston, Newark. Aug.ia, 1644. Nicholas, Liversedge, fol. 44, Pontefract. Dec. 12, 1632. als. Kedworthe, Elizabeth, Averham, fol. 333, Newark. Jan. 5, 1647. Peell, Henry, South Muskham, Newark. Feb. 15, 1637. Peerson, Richard, Nottingham, fol. 120, Nottingham, Oct. 19, 1646. Peighan, Ann, North Anston, fol. 475, Doncaster. Feb. 25, 1645. Peighen, Thomas, Eston, fol. 205, Cleveland. Feb. 7, 1632. Peighte, Thomas, Bradmoore, fol. 80, Nottingham. Jan. 16, 1646. Peires, Edward, Balderton, Newark. May 5, 1631. , Robert, Flawborowe, fol. 325, Newark. May 23, 1649. Peirs, Jane, daur. of Jac. P. of Thornaby, dec., fol. 226, Cleveland. Oct. i, 1636. , Timothy, York, gentleman, Caveat, fol. 147, Prerogative. Dec.n, 1636. Peirson, Alice, dr. of Geo. P. of Drax, clerk, dec., fol. 251, Ainsty. Dec. 24, 1636. , John, Beverley, fol. 65, Harthill. Oct. 30, 1633. Pembroke, William, Earl of, fol. 102, Prerogative. May 5, 1648. Pendocke, William, Tollerton, Nottingham. Oct. 3, 1633. Penington, Stephen, Sawley, fol. 422, Craven. Oct. 5, 1630. Peniston, William, Tretton, fol. 482, Doncaster. Jun. 3, 1647. Pennacke, Ralph, Glaisdale, fol. 213, Cleveland. Jun. 3, 1649. Pennell, Jacobus, Balderton, Newark. Feb. 13, 1639. Pennocke, Ellicia, Middleton, fol. 202, Ridall. Sep. 7, 1636. Francis, Bithewe Graines, dioc. York, fol. 306, Cleveland. Nov.15, 1627. Jane, West Ayton, fol. 133, Ridall. Dec. ii, 1627. John, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. May 3, 1636. John, Ruston, par. Wickham, fol. 304, Cleveland. Apl. 6, 1642. Roger, South Holme, fol. 84, Ridall. APPENDIX. 225 Aug.ao, 1640. Pennocke, William, Scarbrough, fol. 350, Dickering. Jun. 9, 1629. , William, Seamer, Dickering. Sep. 9, 1635. Penrose, Richard, Hootham, fol. 53, Harthill. Feb. 2, 1641. Pepis, Ann, grant to Rog. P. of Cambridge, husband, fol. 245, Prerogative. Oct. 12, 1637. Pepper, Isabell, Bingham, fol. 117, Nottingham. Feb. 5, 1633. , John, Kneeton, fol. 89, Nottingham. Mar.24, 1647. , John, House of St. Martin near Richmond, fol. 45, Prerogative. Apl. 5, 1648. , John, Margaret, Ann, chdn. of Joh. P. of St. Mart, near Richmond, esq., tui., fol. 46, Prerogative. Feb. 20, 1650. , Robert, Kneeton, Nottingham. Feb. 13, 1627. Percy, John, Ultram als. Oram, Holderness. Feb. 10, 1628. Perkins, Henry, son of Sir Geo. P. of Bunney, dec., tui., fols. 49 and 62, Nottingham. Apl. 21, 1628. , Penelope, George, Isabell, chdn. of Sir Geo. P., kt. of Bonney, tui., fol. 43, Nottingham. May n, 1650. Perkinson, Robert, Walton, fol. 46, Harthill. Apl. 13, 1649. Permot, Catherine, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 34, Harthill. Jun. 5, 1640. Pern, Andrew, par. Norton, dioc. Dur., fol. 211, Prerogative. Apl. 22, 1630. Perrie, Robert, Thurgarton, fol. 59, Nottingham. Jan. 21, 1638. als. Thomas, George, par. Emley, fol. 390, Pontefract. July 20, 1630. Perrins, Thomas, Hawcarre, fol. 498, Doncaster. May 5, 1631. Perrott, Thomas, Kirkebie Woodhouse, fol. 68, Nottingham. Aug.20, 1634. Pert, William, Nottingham, fol. 92, Nottingham. Apl. 15, 1630. Petch, Oliver, Lofthouse, fol. 258, Cleveland. Jun. 18, 1633. Petfeild, Leonard, Lockenton, fol. 32, Harthill. July 14, 1648. Pettie, Ann, Bishop Burton, fol. 27, Harthill. Dec. 29, 1637. , Anthony, Woulhouse, par. Bolton Percie, fol. 270, Ainsty. MayiS, 1641. , Robert, Stansall, fol. 428, Doncaster. Jun. 23, 1636. , Thomas, Empsey Kirke, fol. 461, Craven. Apl. 24, 1634. , William, Sawden, fol. 166, Ridall. Aug. 3, 1637. Petty, Hellen, Swine, fol. 198, Holderness. Mar. 2, 1633. , John, York, fol. 28, City. Oct. 3, 1636. Philipps, Walter, West Morton, par. Bingley, Caveat, fol. 465, Craven. May 4, 1637. Phillip, John, Horsforth, fol. 254, Ainsty. July 12, 1634. Phillipp, Edward, Chappell Allerton, fol. 200, Ainsty. Jan. 14, 1646. - , Jacobus, Thornton, fol. 90, Pontefract. Apl. 10, 1641. , Jonas, Shelfe, fol. 420, Pontefract. Jan. 21, 1638. , Mark, Horton, fol. 389, Pontefract. Nov.3o, 1629. Phillippe, Ann, par. Bingley, widow, fol. 354, Craven. May i, 1628. Phillippes, Edward, par. Dewsburie, fol. 32, Pontefract. July 3, 1629. Phillipps, Ann, Ossett, fol. 58, Pontefract. Jan. 3, 1647. ' . Henry, Wresle, fol. 22, Harthill. Mar. 5, 1631. , Jacobus, York, gentleman, fol. 18, City. Aug.i2, 1629. , John, Wakefeild, fol. 61, Pontefract. Nov. 7, 1631. , Marian (?), rel. of Will. P. of Swainby, fol. 272, Cleveland. Feb. 6, 1629. , Matthew, Mooregreene, fol. 58, Nottingham. July 14, 1647. a/5. Fletcher, Ralphe, Seamer, fol. 467, Dickering. Nov.22, 1644. Phillips, William, Stonegate, York, pinner, fol. 265, Prerogative. Sep. 25, 1634. Phillipson, Jacobus, Adwicke super Strata, fol. 564, Doncaster. May 13, 1631. Phipps, William, Jane, Francis, chdn. of Rich. P. of Thirske, dec., tui., fol. 46, Bu Inter. Oct. 4, 1632. Phrisill, Roland, Bratton, fol. 280, Cleveland. Sep. 22, 1639. Piburne, Henry, Dalton on Tease, fol. 203, Prerogative. July 15, 1645. Pibus, John, Thirske, fol. 17, Bulmer. July 15, 1645. . Margaret, Thirske, fol. 17, Bulmer. Nov.2i, 1634. Piccard, Robert, Ann, Mary, Jane, Judith, John, chdn. of Robt. P. of Shad- well, dec., tui., fol. 206, Ainsty. Jun. 26, 1628. Piccopp, Mary, dau. of Jac. P. of Newchurch in Rosindale, tui., fol. 53, Pre- rogative. Oct. ii, 1638. Pich, Thomas, Egmanton, fol. 260, Retford. Dec. 17, 1634. Pickard, Thomas, York, Caveat, fol. 39, City. Aug.22, 1650. Pickering, Elizabeth, Ormesby, widow, fol. 232, Cleveland. Apl. 15, 1630. , John, Leedes, fol. 150, Ainsty. Jan. 8, 1638. , Ralph, York, grocer, fol. 66, City. 226 APPENDIX. Jun. 24, 1642. May 4, 1636. Aug.30, 1647. Sep. 4, 1647. July 10, 1632. Mar. 3, 1646. Feb. 28, 1628. Apl. 6, 1638. July n, 1639. Feb. 19, 1632. Oct. 4, 1632. Jun. 5, 1646. Nov.2o, 1627. Feb. 12, 1640. May 12, 1636. Oct. 21, 1645. Jan. 7, 1647. Feb. 22, 1635. Apl. 4, 1645. Jun. i, 1649. Aug. 3, 1636. Feb. 19, 1648. Oct. 12, 1639. Aug. 3, 1637. Oct. 10, 1639. Jan. 27, 1645. Jun. 19, 1638. Apl. 27, 1639. Dec. 12, 1638. Dec. 12, 1638. Feb. 8, 1631. July 21, 1635. Apl. 27, 1638. Aug.28, 1639. Jun. 29, 1649. May 24, 1634. Mar. 9, 1631. Aug. 8, 1628. July 21, 1643. Jun. 10, 1631. Mar. 5, 1630. Sep. 18, 1632. Jan. 20, 1648. Apl. 6, 1635. Apl. 4, 1631. Nov.24, 1636. May 5, 1631. July 28, 1647. July 22, 1639. Nov.3o, 1652. Dec. 8, 1628. Oct. 12, 1637. Oct. 12, 1637. May 12, 1646. Feb. 9, 1647. Dec. ii, 1637. Sep. 22, 1635. Oct. 13, 1636. Dec. 10, 1632. Dec. 10, 1646. Dec. i, 1640. Oct. 6, 1632. Pickering, Thomas, Gisbrough, fol. 193, Cleveland. William, Kirbie Under Dale, fol. 263, Buckrose. William, Welburne, fol. 29, Buhner. Pickeringe, Bridget, dr. of Will. P. of Welburne, dec., tui., fol. 98, Ridall. Cuthbert, Upper Hutton, fol. 20, Harthill. Jane, Ackworth, fol. 85, Pontefract. Jane, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. John, Rippon, fol. 499, Craven. Michael, Swillington, fol. 288, Ainsty. William, Dripoole, fol. 160, Holderness. Pickerd, Jane, Stokesley, fol. 280, Cleveland. , William, Shepley, fol. 70, Pontefract. Pickhard, Richard, Hunslett Woodhouse, fol. 123, Ainsty. Pickles, Ann, diocese of York, fol. 100, Harthill. Pickman, Margaret; Balderton, fol. 348, Newark. Pickringe, Thomas, par. St. Mich, de Berefrid, York, fol. 9, Prerogative. Pigg, Richard, Scarbrough, fol. 469, Dickering. Pighells, Henry, Stainbury in Haworth, Caveat, fol. 311, Pontefract. , Joseph, par. Bradford, fol. 47, Pontefract. , Michael, Haworth, fol. 133, Pontefract. Pight, Thomas, Hucknall Torkerd, fol. no, Nottingham. Pigot, John, Ledston, fol. 127, Pontefract. Pigott, Barbara, Thorney, spr., fol. 362, Newark. , Francis, Marr, fol. 620, Doncaster. , Richard, Thorney, fol, 364, Newark. Pilkington, Richard, Sharpies, co. Lane., fol. 15, Prerogative. , Robert, Colnebrigg, fol. 381, Pontefract , Robert and Frances, Garton, fol. 206, Holderness. Pinckney, Jacobus, Seasey, fol. 92, Bulmer. , Jacobus, Seasey, fol. 181, Prerogative. Pindar, John, senior, Conniston, fol. 151, Holderness. Finder, Edmund, Cranswicke, fol. 50, Harthill. , Elias, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 77, Harthill. .Jacobus, Kingston upon Hull, 95, Harthill. , John, Greate Habton, fol. 106, Ridall. , John, York, silkweaver, fol. 35, City. , Richard, Newarke super Trent, fol. 329, Newark. , Richard, Rigge in Rowsby, fol. 244, Cleveland. , Richard, Staithes, fol. 200, Cleveland. , William, Beverley, fol. 12, Harthill. , William, Newarke super Trent, fol. 322, Newark. a/5. Hepwprth, Elizabeth, Shelloe, par. Kirkburton, fol. 124, Pontefract. Pipe, Samuel, senior, Bilston, par. Carleton in Lindrecke, Retford. Piper, Ursula, Rippon, fol. 441, Craven. Piscodd, Stephen, Warter, fol. 9, Harthill. Pittes, Thomas, Wraughbrough (? Wrangbrook) fol. 610, Doncaster. Plattes, Katherine, Rempston, fol. 68, Nottingham. Plaxton als. Greenwood, Margaret, grant to Will. P. of Rosington, clerk, husband, Retford. Playforth, Ann, Ellerker, fol. 99, Harthill. Plewes, Thomas, Raskell, fol. 45, Bulmer. , William, Raskall, fol. 32, Bulmer. Plowright, Alice, dau. of Tho. P. of West Bridgford, dec., fol. 118, Nottingham. , Isabell, late wife of Tho. P. of Westbridgford, dec., fol. 118, Nottingham. Plumer, Jane, Magna Cowdon, fol. 215, Holderness. Plummer, Thomas, Stoopebrowe, fol. 470, Dickering. Plumpton, Thomas, Leedes, fol. 268, Ainsty. , William, Watterton, co. Line., esq., fol. 138, Prerogative. Plumtree, Richard, Nottingham, fol. in, Nottingham. Plurett, Charles, York, fol. 26, City. Pockley, John, Wintringham, fol. 392, Buckrose. , Richard, senior, Agnes Burton, fol. 35 la, Dickering. , Thomas, York, fol. 25, City. APPENDIX. 227 Feb. 3, 1631. Dec. 7, 1646. Apl. 6, 1638. July 16, 1638. May i, 1634. Feb. 12, 1630. Aug.20, 1628. May i, 1634. Nov.ao, 1641. Jan. 12, 1631. Oct. 24, 1628. Oct. 16, 1637. Jun. 20, 1634. Oct. 16, 1637. Jan. 19, 1649. May 5, 1637. Jan. 24, 1648. Aug. 9, 1631. Jan. 15, 1638. Mar.i3, 1639. Feb. 21, 1638. Nov.28, 1637. Oct. 4, 1641. Jun. 13, 1649. Sep. 3, 1646. Aug. i, 1628. Nov.i7, 1627. Jun. i, 1632. Nov. 7, 1631. May 14, 1633. Apl. 27, 1631. Jan. 28, 1635. Dec. 22, 1640. Dec. 10, 1635. Apl. 13, 1642. Oct. 7, 1641. Oct. 10, 1639. Jun. 28, 1636. Jan. 31, 1649. May i, 1634. May i, 1634. Aug. 9, 1644. Oct. 12, 1637. May 6, 1636. Feb. 13, 1629. Nov. 8, 1637. Apl. 20, 1632. Nov.29, 1630. Oct. 4, 1632. July 11, 1634. Apl. 27, 1636. Mar. i, 1644. Apl. 22, 1640. Dec. n, 1649. Mar.3o, 1636. Apl. 12, 1627. Jun. 29, 1649. May 16, 1640. Aug.3i, 1643. Jan. 9, 1638. Sep. 3, 1631. Aug.22, 1637. Aug. 3, 1637. Pocklington, William, Carlton super Trent, fol. 329, Newark. Podmoore, Alice, Kirkeby Mooreside, fol. 95, Ridall. Pogson, Richard, Hiegate Lane, fol. 375, Pontefract. , Thomas, Lepton, fol. 381, Pontefract. Pointon, Elizabeth, Worksopp, fol. 232, Retford. John, Nottingham, fol. 65, Nottingham. Richard, Worksopp, fel. 193, Retford. Thomas, Worksopp, fol. 232, Retford. Pollard Ann, Bradford, widow, fol. 17, Pontefract. Francis, Shadwell, par. Thorner, fol. 168, Ainsty. Jacobus, Halwicke, fol. 337, Craven. Mary, Maningham, fol. 359, Pontefract. Mary, Woodlands, fol. 186, Pontefract. Robert, Maningham, fol. 359, Pontefract. Samuel, Frizeinghall, par. Bradford, fol. 341, Pontefract. William, Clack Heaton, par. Birstall, fol. 346, Pontefract. William, Horbery, fol. 126, Pontefract. Pollerd, Nicholas, Altham, dioc. Chest., fols. 906 and 91, Prerogative. Pond, John, South Carleton, fol. 359, Newark. Paul, Southcarlton, fol. 363, Newark. William, South Muskham, fol. 359, Newark. Poole, Christofer, of Walton, fol. 365, Pontefract. John, Poole, par. Eastham, dioc. Chest., fol. 237, Prerogative. John, Mattersey, Retford. John, Sutton Magna, dioc. Chest., fol. 26, Prerogative. Josias, Walton, fol. 38^1, Pontefract. als. Hall, Ellen, wife of Griffin H. of Carlton, fol. 306, Newark. Pooley, Miles, Kighley, fol. 395, Craven. Poolley, Miles, son of Joh. P. of Kighley, dec., Caveat, fol. 380, Craven. Popeley, Robert, Woolley Moorehouse, fol. 536, Doncaster. Popleton, Thomas, Bishopmounckton, fol. 372, Craven. Poplewell, Francis, Missen, fol. 243, Retford. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. no, Harthill. Porret, Francis, Scarbrough, fol. 326, Dickering. , Richard, Hartlepoole, fol. 250, Prerogative. Porter, Dorothy, Farneton, Newark. Dorothy, Farndon, fol. 364, Newark. Edward, York, fol. 50, City. Joseph, son of Geo. P. of Weary Hall, co. Cumb., gent., dec., tui., fol. 66, Prerogative. Richard, Nether Langwith, fol. 233, Retford. Thomas, Farnedon, fol. 340, Newark. William, Fereby, par. Massam, fol. 262, Prerogative. William, Treswell, fol. 253, Retford. Portington, Dame Mary, Thorp Salven, Caveat, fol. 591, Doncaster. Portwood, John, Warsopp, fol. 202, Retford. Posteill, Richard and Elizabeth, his rel., Sherburn, fol. 265, Buckrose. Postgaite, Henry, junr., Gisbrough, fol. 274, Cleveland. Postgate, George, Newham, fol. 262, Cleveland. , Isabell, Egton, fol. 280, Cleveland. , William, Robinhoodbay, fol. 292, Cleveland. Poskett, Christopher, Ayton Magna, fol. 304, Cleveland. Pott, Francis, Potter Shirgley (?) fol. 267, Prerogative. Potter, Agnes, Roos, fol. 213, Holdcrness. Alice, Weeton, fol. 249, Holderness. Ann, Tankersley, fol. 590, Doncaster. Christopher, London, fol. 315, Craven. Cuthbert, Appleton super Wiske, fol. 227, Cleveland. Henry, Lenton, fol. 140, Nottingham. Henry, son of Marm. P. of Stokesley, dec., tui., fol. 200, Cleveland. John, son of Will. P. of Scalby, dec., tui., fol. 344, Dickering. Lancelot, Roos, fol. 148, Holderness. Leonard, Kendall, co. Westld., fol. 171, Prerogative. Mary, Swine, fol. 198, Holderness. 228 APPENDIX. Nov. 25, 1643. Potter, Matthew, Scarbrough, fol. 3540, Dickering. Oct.' 4, 1632. Robert, Scarbrough, fol. 257, Buckrose. July 22, 1646. Robert, son of Tho. P. of Scauby, dec., fol. 456, Dickering. May i, 1628. Robert, Tickhill, fol. 445, Doncaster. Mar.27, 1647. Thomas, Scalbie, fol. 466, Dickering. Mar.24, 1627. Thomas, Scarbrough, Dickering. Apl. 13, 1632. William, Barkeston, fol. 175, Ainsty. Oct. i, 1635. William, Svvyne, fol. 186, Holdemess. Feb. 27, 1636. Potterton, Richard, Otley, Caveat, fol. 471, Craven. Oct. 10, 1643. Pottes, William, Gisbrough, fol. 200, Cleveland. Feb. 14, 1637. , William, junr., Redcarr, fol. 315, Cleveland. Apl. 24, 1634. Potts, Allan, Readcarr, fol. 290, Cleveland. May 9, 1633. , Thomas, Readcar, fol. 283, Cleveland. Sep. 9, 1628. a/5. Harland, Ann, Hornsey, Holderness. May 7, 1647. Poulter, Martin, Sowerby, fol. 25, Buhner. July 12, 1634. Powell, Agnes, Horsforth, fol. 200, Ainsty. Dec. 6, 1633. , William, par. Rodwell, fol. 165, Pontefract. Jun. 4, 1640. als. Powley, Robert, Oxenhopp, fol. 4, Pontefract. July 31, 1629. Power, Ursula, Farlington, fol. 35, Biilmer. Jun. 4, 1640. Powley a/5. Powell, Robert, Oxenhopp, fol. 4, Pontefract. Feb. 12, 1639. Poynton, Richard, Newarke, fol. 366, New ark. Jan. 29, 1647. Prance, Richard, Minskipp, fol. 44, Prerogative. Oct. 15, 1635. Prate, William, Wortley, fol. 218, Ainsty. May i, 1628. Preist, George, son of Joh. P. of Hoyland Swaine, dec., tui., fol. 448, Don- caster. Jan. 27, 1641. Preistley, Elizabeth, Barnbrough, fol. 436, Doncaster. Aug.i3, 1629. , Henry, Appleton Milne, par. Lastingham, fol. 142, Ridall. May 29, 1646. , Henry, Manchester, fol. 24, Prerogative. Aug. 6, 1633. , Jane, Tosside, fol. 413, Craven. Mar.2i, 1636. , John, par. Ealand, fol. 344, Pontefract. Aug.i3, 1629. , John, Hallifax, fol. 55, Pontefract. Jun. 28, 1639. , Mary, Sprodbrough, fol. 653, Doncaster. May3i, 1632. , Thomas, par. Sprotbrough, fol. 545*1, Doncaster. Apl. 6, 1638. Preistman, George, Wetherbie, fol. 272, Ainsty. Aug. i, 1636. , Richard, Thornton, fol. 180, Ridall. July 17, 1629. , Thomas, Ann, John, chdn. of Joh. P. of Thornton, dec., tui., fol. 250, Cleveland. Dec. 4, 1628. (Presse ?) , Rippon, to Mary Presse, widow, fol. 338, Craven. Mar.i4, 1637. Prest, Ann, York, fol. 62, City. Apl. 25, 1636. Prestman, Ellicia, Robinhoodbay, fol. 304, Cleveland. Feb. 16, 1637. , Thomas, Skarbrough, fol. 339, Dickering. Aug. 4, 1637. Preston, Brian, suburbs of York, fol. 58, City. Apl. 26, 1632. Henry, Bilstropp, fol. 220, Retford. Aug.26, 1640. Jane, Litton, fol. 535, Craven. Sep. 18, 1641. John, Durham, fol. 234, Prerogative. Mar.26, 1628. John, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Apl. 17, 1648. John, par. Kirkthorpp, fol. 118, Pontefract. Feb. 26, 1633. Margaret, Elizabeth and Roger, chdn. of John P. of Mearebecke, tui. to the said John, fol. 418, Craven. Jan. 4, 1647. Richard and wife, Bridlington, fol. 470, Dickering. Mar. 6, 1649. Roger, Milend, dioc. York, fol. 230, Cleveland. Jun. 8, 1631. Roger, Tickton, fol. 146, Holderness. Nov.iS, 1643. Thomas, Lastingham, fol. 85, Ridall. Oct. 31,1631. William, Hauksweeke, fol. 382, Craven. Apl. 24, 1634. - Walter, par. Wakefeild, fol. 169, Pontefract. May 15, 1645. William, Withernsea, fol. 239, Holderness. Jun. 8, 1633. a/5. Armistead, Isabel, Gisborne, fol. 439, Craven. Jun. 29, 1640. Prestwood, Edmund, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 97, Harthill. July 17, 1635. , Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. Oct. 26, 1627. Prettie, Jacobus, late of London, now of Hull, Harthill. Mar. i, 1636. Price, William, Nottingham, fols. 115 and 248, Nottingham. Nov.io, 1649. Prince, Jacobus, Wakefeild, fol. 139, Pontefract. Aug.27, 1629. , John, Wakefeild, fol. 63, Pontefract. Aug. 15, 1633. , Richard, Thisleworth, co. Middx., fol. 107, Prerogative. APPENDIX. 229 Mar.22, 1632. July i, 1647. Apl. 22, 1640. May 1 6, 1640. Apl. 16, 1640. Sep. 3, 1631. Feb. 20, 1637. Nov. 8, 1633. Dec. 8, 1648. Sep. 14, 1647. Dec. 12, 1632. Sep. 3, 1634. Apl. 24, 1634. May 20, 1641. Mar.ig, 1638. Aug. 2, 1638. May 16, 1640. Mar.25, 1636. Dec. 15, 1648. May 17, 1648. Aug.3O, 1636. Nov.i6, 1636. Oct. 7, 1636. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 22, 1640. July 16, 1640. Mar.2i, 1628. Jun. 5, 1649. July 20, 1635. Jun. 5, 1649. Nov. 2, 1641. Apl. 23, 1629. Jan. 3, 1638. Apl. 15, 1630. July 20, 1632. Dec. 6, 1638. Apl. 12, 1638. Oct. 4, 1632. Mar. i, 1630. Nov. 2, 1644. Dec.i6, 1634. Aug.2o, 1629. Mar. 2, 1632. Aug.i7, 1632. May 26, 1642. Sep. 14, 1631. Aug.i3, 1635. May i, 1628. May 13, 1641. Apl. i, 1641. May 8, 1628. Apl. 24, 1649. May 8, 1641. Mar.26, 1646. May 8, 1633. Feb. 17, 1637. Feb. 19, 1645. May 7, 1630. Jan. 28, 1635. Feb. 15, 1637. Dec. ii, 1649. Jun. 5, 1640. Prince, William, Overpopleton, par. Bp.hill, fol. 93, Prerogative. Priscicke, William, Middleton, fol. 214, Cleveland. Prissicke, John, Thornton, fol. 331, Cleveland. Pritchitt, Dorothy, Normanton, fol. 140, Nottingham. Prockter, John, Leotherdale, fol. 533, Craven. Procktor, Walter, son of John P. of Marfleete, dec., tui., fol. 149, Holderness. Procter, Anthony, Thornes, fol. 495, Craven. George, Barwick in Elmett, clerk, fol. 187, Ainsty. Henry, Doncaster, fol. 512, Doncaster. John, Munckfrieston, fol. 105, Pontefract. Salomon, Newarke super Trent, fol. 333, Newark. Procto , George, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 42, Harthill. Henry, Waddington, fol. 425, Craven. Mary, Barnby, Newark. - ah, Coulbye, Ann, Newhall, fol. 189, Prerogative. Proddy, William, Thomas and John, sons of Tho. P. of Huton, gent., dec., tui., fol. 319, Cleveland. Proudlove, Thomas, Knipton, fol. 140, Nottingham. Prowde, Dorathy, Harpham, fol. 328, Dickering. Prowdfellow, Isabell, Swinfleete, fol. 50, Prerogative. Prudame, Samuel, Danby, fol. 220, Cleveland. Prudence (Prudom ?) Ab., child of Rob. P. of Bridlington, dec., Caveat, fol. 329, Dickering. Prudom, Ann, dr. of Rob. P. of Bridlington, dec., fol. 332, Dickering. , Thomas, Danby, fol. 308, Cleveland. Pruston, John, Gilling, fol. 142, Ridall. , Peter, grant to Ann Preston, relict, fol. 213, Holderness. Prynce, Alice, Wakefeild, fol. 4, Pontefract. Pudsey, Ambrose, Howgill Castle, co. Westmerland, fol. 59, Prerogative. , Cuthbert, Cottingham, gent., fol. 57, Prerogative. , Cuthbert, Cottingham, gnt., fol. 49, Harthill. , Ellenor, rel. of Cuth. P. of Cottingham, fol. 57, Prerogative. , Thomas, Stapleton, fol. 240, Prerogative. Pullaine, Robert, Hauksworth, fol. 137, Ainsty. Pullan, Thomas, Hoodroyde, fol. 646, Doncaster. Pullein, Jacobus, North Dighton, fol. 150, Ainsty. Pulleyne, William, Sheereburne, fol. 394, Ainsty. , William, Spofforth, fol. 2830, Ainsty. Punder, John, Staithes, fol. 316, Cleveland , Thomas, Runswicke, fol. 280, Cleveland. Punsonbie als. Hewthwaite, Elizabeth, Sowerbye, fol. 43, Bulmer. Purdon, Robert, Etton, fol. 121, Harthill. Purret, Jacobus, Brighton, fol. 43, Harthill. Pye, Edward, Nottingham, fol. 53, Nottingham. , Richard, Moorehouse, fol. 333, Newark. Pythey, Grace, Durham, widow, fol. 94, Prerogative. Quadringe, Gabriel, Friesby, co. Line., fol. 252, Prerogative. Quare, John, Bishopthorpe, fol. 160, Ainsty. Rabie, Humphrey, Chilwell, and Oct. 5, fol. 102, Nottingham. , William, Swainby, par. Whorlton, fol. 242, Cleveland. Rachetie, Ralph, Kirkeleathom, fol. 339, Cleveland. als. Lawne, Ralph, Kirke Leathom, fol. 337, Cleveland. Radcliffe, Elizabeth, Trowell, tui., fol. 43, Nottingham. , Ellenor, Highhill, co. Cumb., fol. 54, Prerogative. , John, Netherwitton, co. Northumb., fol. 234, Prerogative. , Joseph, Rachdale, co. Lane., fol. 21, Prerogative. , Nathaniel, par. Hallifax, fol. 161, Pontefract. Radley, Jacobus, Tadcaster, fol. 271, Ainsty. , Robert, Collyhirst, co. Lane., fol. 16, Prerogative. , Stephen, Manchester, Caveat, fol. 69, Prerogative. Ragge, Thomas, Sutton Bonington, fol. 105, Nottingham. Ragsedale, Thomas, Eastbridgford, fol. 120, Nottingham. Raikes, Josias, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 41, Harthill. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 97, Harthill. 230 APPENDIX. Oct. 7, 1636. Raikstraw, Thomas, par. Gisbrough, fol. 308, Cleveland. Oct. 21, 1631. Railey, Robert, Lockinton, fol, 15, Harthill. July 30, 1639. Raine, John, Snainton in Pickeringlieth, fol. 198, Ridall. July 10, 1650. , William, Burniston, fol. 484, Dickering. Sep. 27, 1645. , William, Gisbrough, fol. 204, Cleveland. Nov. 3, 1647. Raines, Alice, Sprotley, fol. 236, Holderness. Feb. 7, 1637. , Beatrice, Ottringham, fol. 200, Holderness. Dec.2i, 1647. Judith, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 21, Harthill. Mar. 22, 1648. Raisebecke, Christopher, Murton, fol. 225, Cleveland. Dec. 2, 1643. Rakes, Ann, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 231, Holderness. Dec. 2, 1643. , Joshua, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 231, Holderness. Jun. 3, 1652. Raley, Edward, Ulrum, fol. 261, Holderness. Nov.i6, 1630. , Francis and Barbara, chdn. of Will. R. of Beningholme grainge, dec., tui., fol. 144, Holderness. May 12, 1641. , Xpofer, Burstwicke, fol. 222, Holderness. Aug. 2, 1633. Ramsden, Alice, par. Ealand, fol. 160, Pontefract. Jan. 9, 1648. , Barnard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 31, Harthill. Mayi6, 1651. , Edward, Mirfeild, fol. 352, Pontefract. Oct. i, 1635. , George, par. Ealand, fol. 307, Pontefract. Mar.26, 1628. , George, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Feb. 16, 1636. , Grace, dr. of Mat. R. of Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 342, Pontefract. Dec. 10, 1641. , John, son of Will. R., par. Sandall Magna, dec., fol., 17, Pontefract. Apl. 24, 1646. , Mary, Sarah and John, chdn. of Will, and Martha R. of Halifax, dec., fol. 72, Pontefract. Dec. 30, 1636. , Mary, Henry and Dorothy, chdn. of Hugh R. of Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 344, Pontefract. Dec. 10, 1641. , Mary, dr. of Will. R., par. Sandall Magna, dec., fol. 17, Pontefract. Jan. 19, 1635. , Robert, Ruiston, fol. 590, Doncaster. Jan. 15, 1652. , Robert, Wistow, fol. 79, Prerogative. Apl. 28, 1631. , Samuel, Hallifax, fol. 93, Pontefract. Mayio, 1641. , Sarah, par. Ealand, fol. 13, Pontefract. July 31, 1634. , Susanna, Rishworth, fol. 173, Pontefract. Dec. i, 1629. als. Liversedge, Edith, Birkehouse, fol. 68, Pontefract. May 19, 1646. Ramsey, Elizabeth, Spaldington, fol. 5, Harthill. Oct. 4, 1631. , William, Bubwith, fol. 16, Harthill. Mar.26, 1628. Rand, William, Grindall, Dickering. Sep. 3, 1631. Randall, John, Owstwick, fol. 148, Holderness. Mar. 9, 1635. , Thomas, Burnby, fol. 57, Harthill. Aug.27, 1650. Rande, John, Filey, fol. 485, Dickering. Oct. 3, 1628. Ransome (or Ranson), William [son of Will. R.], Raskall, dec., fol. 33,Biilmer. Sep. 18, 1632. Ranson, Jacobus, Tunstall, fol. 157, Holderness. Oct. i, 1630. , Marmaduke, Humbleton, fol. 141, Holderness. July 13, 1630. , Thomas, Humbleton, fol. 139, Holderness. Jun. 5, 1634. , William, Skefflinge, fol. 176, Holderness. Oct. 5, 1637. Ranyell, Richard, Langton, fol. 265, Biickrose. July i, 1640. Raper, Henry, York, fol. 75, City. Jan. 23, 1638. , John, Exlebie, fol. 95, Bnlmer. Nov. 23, 1638. , John, Exleby, fol. 189, Prerogative. Mar. 4, 1645. - , Mary, Pontefract, fol. 60, Pontefract. Dec. 6, 1639. , Robert, Walke Milne, par. Coxwould, fol. 102, Buhner. July 28, 1640. Rashall, Nicholas, grant to Jane R., relict, fol. 216, Holderness. May i, 1628. Rashe, William, Skiningrave, fol. 243, Cleveland. Dec.24, 1636. Rashell, Edward, Etton, fol. 65, Harthill. Feb. 22, 1630. , Nicholas, Conniston, par. Swine, fol. 143, Holderness. Oct. 3, 1627. Rashells, Dorcas, dr. of Tho. R. of Uplethom, dec., tui., fol. 239, Cleveland. Feb. 23, 1646. Rasin, Joan, Hutton Cranswicke, fol. 10, Harthill. Feb. 14, 1627. , Thomas, Brodsworth, fol. 443, Doncaster. Mar.i2, 1643. Raspin, William, Wyllerby, fol. 119, Harthill. July 3, 1630. Rastricke, Thomas, Rawden, fol. 154, Ainsty. Feb. 16, 1646. Raven, John, Garton, fol. 216, Holderness. Aug.i2, 1642. , John, Owstwicke, fol. 227, Holderness. Nov. 8, 1639. , Margaret, Thorklebie, par. Swine, fol. 209, Holderness. May 27, 1642. , Ralph, Elsternewicke, fol. 226, Holderness. Feb. 8, 1631. , Richard, Thorkilby, par. Swine, fol. 151, Holderness. APPENDIX. 231 Feb. ig, 1633. May 1 2, 1646. Aug.2o, 1646. Sep. 29, 1629. Oct. 6, 1627. Jan. 13, 1633. Jun. 30, 1637. Aug.is, 1639. Mayio, 1636. Aug.is, 1639. May 16, 1628. July 16, 1632. July 18, 1641. Feb. 19, 1632. Oct. n, 1636. Apl. 26, 1632. Mar. i, 1647. July 5, 1638. Dec. 19, 1639. May 5, 1636. Apl. 9, 1632. Oct. 19, 1647. Apl. 26, 1637. May 2, 1639. May 5, 1649. Nov.2o, 1644. July 29, 1640. Nov.26, 1649. Sep. 24, 1649. Oct. 5, 1637. May 14, 1633. May 28, 1634. July 15, 1635. Jan. 16, 1631. Nov.i2, 1635. Mar. 4, 1629. July 24, 1634. Aug.ig, 1642. Jun. 22, 1629. Sep. 21, 1638. Apl. 20, 1635. Aug.i3, 1649. Feb. 23, 1630. Mar.i2, 1628. Apl. 23, 1632. Apl. 21, 1648. Dec. 17, 1633. Dec.24, 1636. Apl. 12, 1638. Aug. 3, 1637. May 24, 1642. Nov.i3, 1638. Aug.15, 1628. Jun. 26, 1640. Apl. 18, 1632. Aug. 6, 1635. Aug. 6, 1632. Dec. 14, 1636. Dec. 2, 1636. May 10, 1641. Jun. 29, 1632. Apl. 10, 1630. Raven, Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 36, Harthill. , Walter, Oustwicke, fol. 215, Holderness. Raward, Richard, Hull, fol. 7, Harthill. Rawden, Henry, Bilbrough', fol. 145, Ainsty. , Joseph, son of Will. R. of Bilbrough, dec., fol. 120, Ainsty. , Lawrence, Weston, fol. 338, Newark. Rawdon als. Brearcliffe, Christian, York, fol. 57, City. Rawlinge, Jane, Kaingham, widow, fol. 208, Holderness. , John, Burstwicke, fol. 190, Holderness. , John, Kaingham, fol. 209, Holderness. , John, Keighley, fol. 331, Craven. , Richard, Kayingham, fol. 157, Holderness. , Stephen, Keighley, fol. 534, Craven. , Thomas, son of Rob. R. of Out Newton, dec., tui., fol. 160, Holder- ness. Rawlinson, Francis, City of London, fol. 604, Doncaster. , Robert, Carcolston, fol. 74, Nottingham. Rawnesley, John, Hallifax, fol. 113, Pontefract. Rawood, George, Harwellhill, fol. 259, Retford. Rawson, Alexander, Hooton Robert, fol. 661, Doncaster. Alice, Aslaby, fol. 177, Ridall. Alice, Pigborne, fol. 5450, Doncaster. Alice, Adm. to Rich. R. of Sheffeild, father, fol. 489, Doncaster. Edward, West Brerey, fol. 257, Ainsty. Henry, Hollym, fol. 206, Holderness. John, Walkley, fol. 517, Doncaster. Josias, Preston, fol. 233, Holderness. Thomas, Branton, fol. 421, Doncaster. Thomas, Calverley, fol. 138, Pontefract. Thomas, Sheffeild, clerk, fol. 522, Doncaster. Walter, Preston, fol. 198, Holderness. William, Pitts Moore, fol. 534, Doncaster. Ray, Thomas, Gomersall Parva, par. Burstall, fol. 165, Pontefract. Raye, Robert, Kirkham, fol. 75, Bulmer. Raykes, William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 16, Harthill. Rayley, John, Little Holme, fol. 61, Harthill. , William, Kingston super Hull, Harthill. Raynard, Matthew, Rippon, fol. 439, Craven. Rayne, Richard, Cloughton, fol. 354, Dickering. , Thomas, Barneycastle, co. Dur., fol. 57, Prerogative. , Thomas, Elizabeth, chdn. of Mich. R., par. Rumbaldkirke, fol. 187, Prerogative. Rayner, George, Sopehouse, fol. 307, Pontefract. , John, East Markham, Retford. , Richard, Stubley, fol. 90, Pontefract. Raynes, Elizabeth, South Skirley, Holderness. , Peter, Sprotley, fol. 155, Holderness. , William, Leverton, Retford. Raynuld, Matthew, Rippon, fol. 423, Craven. Rea, Thomas, Nunburneholme, fol. 65, Harthill, Read, Allison, Butterwick, fol. 340, Dickering. Edward, East Retford, fol. 252, Retford. : Henry, Yarm, fol. 196, Cleveland. John, son of Job.. R. of Foxholes, dec., tui., fol. 343, Dickering. John, Levesham, fol. 138, Ridall. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 97, Harthill. Reader, George, Swillington, fol. 168 Ainsty. Readhead, Ellis, Skarbrough, fol. 326, Dickering. , Jane, Scarbrough, fol. 310, Dickering. , Robert, son of Rob. R., Howden, dec., fol. 154, Prerogative. , Robert, Scarbrough, fol. 331, Dickering. Readihaugh, John, par. Wakefeild, fol. 13, Pontefract. Readitt, Jane, dr. of Will. R. of Scarbrough, dec., tui., fol. 307, Dickering. Readmaine, Richard, Copgrave, fol. 69, Prerogative. 232 APPENDIX. Aug.iS, 1630. Headman, Marmaduke, Owlecoates, fol. 371, Craven. Aug.i7, 1630. , Richard, son of Marm. R. of Oldcoates, dec., tui., fol. 370, Craven. Oct. 3, 1637. Readmayne, Thomas, Newton under Streete, dying Egton, fol. 314, Cleveland. Dec. 6, 1638. Reame, Robert, Angram, fol. 283^1, Ainsty. Aug.io, 1637. , Thomas, I eedes, fol. 260, Ainsty. Sep. 26, 1646. Rearesby, George, Thriber, fol. 474, Doncaster. Nov.27, 1639. Rearsby, Gervase, Conisbrough, fol. 665, Doncaster. Jan. 9, 1627. Reccles, Mary, Chilwell, fol. 38, Nottingham. July 20, 1630. Rediock, Thomas, son of Tho. R., par. Huthersfeild, dec., tui., fol. 81, Ponte- fract. Nov.i4, 1644. Redmaine, Sir John, Pontefract Castle, kt., fol. 264, Prerogative. July 6, 1648. Redman, John, Moregate, Retford. May 8, 1649. , Robert, Greaves Lane, Newark. Aug. i, 1638. Redmayne, Richard, Keirby, zSia, Ainsty. Jun. 10, 1635. Redshaw, John, Owston, par. Cuxwold, fol. 74, Bnlmer. July 6, 1648. Reeder, Martin, Missen, Retford. Feb. 9, 1628. Reersbie, Sir George, Thribargh, kt., fol. 460, Doncaster. Aug.2o, 1629. Reeve, Edward, Chilwell, fol. 54, Nottingham. July 20, 1630. Relfe, Elizabeth, Yarom, fol. 259, Cleveland. July 19, 1645. Remington, Jacobus, Gaitforth, par. Brayton, fol. 5, Prerogative. Oct. ii, 1638. , John, Egmanton, fol. 261, Retford. Jan. ii, 1648. , Richard, Lund, esq., fol. 30, Harthill. Jan. 10, 1630. Renalds, Elizabeth, Tickhill, fol. 502, Doncaster. Mar. 4, 1636. Rennoldes, John, Welburn, fol. 84, Bulmer. Oct. i, 1641. Reresby, Gilbert, (?co. Bucks), late dioc. York, fol. 236, Prerogative. Sep. 24, 1646. Retford, Francis, Sheffeild, fol. 472, Doncaster. Nov.i7, 1635. Reveley, Ellen, Tilehowses, par. Cookesvvold, fol. 76, Bulmer. Nov.2g, 1631. Revill, Edward, son of Will. R., par. Bradfeild, dec., Caveat, fol. 489, Doncaster. Feb. 3, 1631. , Edward, Ewes in Dungworth, fol. 509, Doncaster. July 14, 1629. Reynald, Francis, Patleybriges, fol. 350, Craven. Apl. 20, 1629. , Stephen, Tickhill, fol. 462, Doncaster. July 23, 1631. Reynard, Thomas, Slaydburne, fol. 379, Craven. Aug. 6, 1632. Reynards, Marmaduke, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 22, Harthill. Nov.2o, 1627. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Jun. 10, 1650. Reyner, John, Woodchurch. fol. 347, Pontefract. Feb. 24, 1635. , Lionel, par. Burstall, fol. 314, Pontefract. Aug. 2, 1632. , Robert, Hartshead, fol. 120, Pontefract. Apl. 6, 1638. , Thomas, Hunslet, fol. 273, Ainsty. Feb. 15, 1644. Reynold, Anthony, Skaray, par. Riplay, fol. 267, Prerogative. Jun. 19, 1635. , Robert, Sowth Kirkby, fol. 570, Doncaster. Mar.23, 1648. Reynolds, John, Hutton Cranswicke, fol. 32, Harthill. Jun. 29, 1638. , Timothy, Skarbrough, fol. 342, Dickering. Apl. 15, 1630. Rhodes, John, Rotherham, fol. 480, Doncaster. Mar.2o, 1636. , Thomas, Farneley, fol. 249, Ainsty. Aug. 8, 1636. , Thomas, Pontefract, fol. 332, Pontefract. Jan. 4, 1635. , Thomas and George, Rotheram, fol. 587, Doncaster. Feb. 26, 1651. Ricaby, John, Bridlington Key, fol. 490, Dickering. Jan. 26, 1640. Ricard, Jarvase, Hecke, par. Snaith, fol. 215, Prerogative. Dec. 29, 1628. Rich, John, Holme in Spaldingmore, Harthill. July 17, 1629. Richards, Daniel, Beasbie, fol. 316, Newark. Feb. 26, 1634. , Mary, tui. to Will. R. of Nottingham, father, fol. 98, Nottingham. Apl. 7, 1635. Richardson, Ann, Raskall, fol. 72, Bulmer. Aug.22, 1650. , Bridget, Swainby, widow, fol. 232, Cleveland. Feb. 13, 1633. , Christofer, West Lillinge, fol. 65, Bnlmer. Dec. 22, 1640. , Christopher, Kingston upon Hull, fol. no, Harthill. Oct. 7, 1641. , Dorothy, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Sep. 27, 1638. , Edward, son of Joh. R. of Cottingham, dec., tui., fol. 79, Harthill. Aug.i6, 1633. , Edward and Ann, chdn. of Joh. R. of Cottingham, dec., tui., fol. 164, Holderness. July 19, 1633. .Edward, Joseph, William, Valentine, sons of Hen. R. of Pilley, dec., tui., fol. 538, Doncaster. May 2, 1639. , Elizabeth, Carleton Minyet, fol. 97, Bulmer. Jun. 24, 1633. , Frances, dr. of Jonath. R. of Hull, dec., fol. 32, Harthill. Apl. 18, 1632. , Francis, Abberford, fol. 167, Ainsty. APPENDIX. 233 Oct. 3, 1633. Sep. 29, 1646. July 21, 1645. May 14, 1633. May 30, 1639. Mayao, 1651. July 27, 1632. Aug.3o, 1649. Apl. 20, 1632. Jun. 8, 1636. Oct. 28, 1647. Apl. 21, 1631. May3i, 1649. Aug.22, 1648. Apl. 23, 1629. Aug. 2, 1638. Aug.22, 1648. Aug.3i, 1636. May 7, 1630. Jan. 18, 1636. Oct. 16, 1649. Jan. 27, 1645. July 31, 1638. Jan. 30, 1627. Jan. 30, 1627. Apl. 29, 1642. Aug. 4, 1634. Sep. 21, 1629. Apl. 2, 1628. Mar.28, 1636. Feb. 5, 1637. July 21, 1647. Dec. 3, 1644. May 13, 1639. Apl. 15, 1630. Mar.iS, 1640. Oct. i, 1629. Aug. 3, 1637. Oct. 6, 1629. Dec. 4, 1629. Jun. 27, 1636. Sep. 13, 1642. Aug.io, 1649. Oct. 3, 1638. Jan. 3, 1637. Oct. 25, 1649. Feb. 15, 1637. July 4 , 1633. Feb. 15, 1637. Apl. 29, 1634. July 24, 1634. Jun. 8, 1649. May 5, 1648. Feb. 24, 1640. Apl. 24, 1634. Mar. 9, 1631. Oct. 3, 1639. May 2, 1635. July 30, 1636. Apl. 24, 1634. Feb. 12, 1646. Mar. 6, 1639. Jan. 30, 1646. Richardson, Francis, Beeston, fol. 189, Ainsty. , George, Pockley, fol. 93, Ridall. , Henry, Hull, fol. 130, Harthill. , Henry, Pilley, fol. 535, Doncaster. , Jane, Carleton Miniet, fol. 98, Bulmer. , Jane, Daker, co. Cumb., fol. 72, Prerogative. , Jane, Fishlake, widow, fol. 512, Doncaster. , Joan, widow, grant to Tho. Gossup of Beverley, fol. 38, Harthill. 1 John, Ayton, fol. 274, Cleveland. , John, jun., Ayton Magna, fol. 305, Cleveland. , John, Burnby, fol. 19, Harthill. , John, Carleton, fol. 46, Bulmer. , John, Egbrough, fol. 132, Pontefract. .John, Holmpton, fol. 240, Holderness. , John, Howson, Buckrose. .John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 81, Harthill. , John, Weeton, par. Welwicke, fol. 240, Holderness. , Katherine, Westlillinge, Caveat, fol. 81, Bulmer. , Margaret, Sprowston, fol. 145, Ridall. , Margery, Wintringham, fol. 263, Buckrose. , Mary, dr. of Tho. R. of Hull, dec., tui., fol. 39, Harthill. , Matilda, Crawley, co. Chest., fol. 15, Prerogative. : , Peter, Danthorpe, fol. 202, Holderness. , Peter, Southcollingham, fol. 306, Newark. , Peter, Southcollingham, fol. 307, Newark. , Richard, East Gotham, fol. 196, Cleveland. , Richard, Raskall, fol. 69, Bulmer. , Richard and Margaret, his wife, Sherborne, Buckrose. , Richard, Slingsby, fol. 135, Ridall. , Richard, son of joh. R. of Ayton Magna, dec., tui., fol. 300, Cleveland. , Robert, Thornehill, fol. 367, Pontefract. , Samuel, son of Tho. R. of N. Bierley, dec., tui., fol. 104, Pontefract. , Thomas, Beverley, fol. 123, Harthill. Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 89, Harthill. , Thomas, Yarom, fol. 257, Cleveland. , William, pecul. of Ampleforth, fol. 231, Prerogative. , William, Fairebarne, fol. 143, Ainsty. .William, Missen, fol. 252, Retford. , William, Seaton, Holderness. , William, Wilberfosse, Harthill. , William, Wintringham, fol. 262, Buckrose. als.. Rowland, Peter, Rosedaile, fol. 83, Ridall. als. Turner, Sarah, North Bierley, fol. 138, Pontefract. als. Webster, George, Hilton, fol. 320, Cleveland. Riche, Edward, Thurleston, fol. 626*1, Doncaster. Richiarson als. Ritson, William, Coldbecke, co. Cumb., fol. ^Prerogative. Richmond, Ann, dau. of Brian R. of Bingham, dec., tui., fol. 118, Nottingham. Ann, dr. of Joh. R. of Rotheram, dec., tui., fol. 547, Doncaster. Jane, dau. of Brian R. of Bingham, dec., tui., fol. 118, Nottingham. Jeffrey, son of Joh. R., par. Rotheram, dec., tui., fol. 554, Doncaster. John, Respleth, fol. 428, Craven. Margaret, Arkleby, co. Cumb., widow, fol. 58, Prerogative. Robert, Bingham, Nottingham. Robert. Eston Thornes, fol. 336, Cleveland. Thomas, Oxton, fol. 195, Ainsty. William, Skelden, par. Rippon, fol. 380, Craven. Rickinson, John, Robinhoodbay, fol. 325, Cleveland. Ricrofte, Robert, Langbarr, fol. 443, Craven. , Thomas, Hellifeild, fol. 465, Craven. Ridd, Henry, West Bradford, fol. 425, Craven. Ridday, John, Grove, Retford. Riddiall, John, Shireoakes, fol. 272, Retford. Riddiough, Edmund, Huddersfeild, fol. 91, Pontefract. 3 234 APPENDIX. Oct. 17, 1628. Ridell, Elizabeth, Grantley, fol. 340, Craven. Oct. ii, 1631. Rider, Alice, Tickhill, fol. 493, Doncaster. Dec. 6, 1631. Mary, wife of Rob. R. of Armthorpe, Caveat,, fol. 489, Doncaster. Feb. 10, 1641. Thomas, Kaingham, fol. 225, Holderness. Aug. 3, 1637. Thomas, Kayingham, fol. 197, Holderness. May 9, 1639. Ridge, Henry, North Collingham, fol. 361, Newark. Aug. 29, 1640. John, Button, fol. 371, Newark. Sep. 3, 1641. Margaret, Sutton super Trent, widow, Newark. Aug.23, 1627. Ridgeon, George, Milneton, fol. 185, Retford. Apl. 9, 1646. Riding, Edward, Orunden, fol. 68, Pontefract. July 6, 1648. Ridley, Elizabeth, Everton, Retford. Jun. ii, 1647. , George, Beverley, fol. 15, Harthlll. Oct. 3, 1639. , Nicholas, Battersby, fol. 325, Cleveland. Feb. 17, 1643. , Richard, Beverley, fol. 119, Harthill. Oct. 3, 1639. , William, Battersby, fol. 325, Cleveland. May 30, 1639. Ridsdaile, George, Balkewood, fol. 98, Bulmer. Jan. 19, 1645. Ridsdale, Thomas, Cottingham, fol. 133, Harthill. Apl. 23, 1632. Ridsdayle, Thomas, Cottingham, fol. 22, Harthill. Jun. 10, 1646. Rigby, Richard, par. Burnley, co. Lane., fol. 23, Prerogative. Feb.ult.,i638. Rigg, John, West Cottenwith, fol. 95, Bulmer. Aug. 5, 1641. , William, Bishop Burton, fol. 114, Harthill. Oct. 24, 1633. Riggs, George, Hallifax, fol. 136, Pontefract. Feb. 18, 1627. Riley, Arthur, par. Wakefeild, fol. 24, Pontefract. May 15, 1633. , Robert, Nottingham, fol. 82, Nottingham. Sep. 26, 1644. , Thomas, Bishopthorp, fol. 262, Prerogative. Aug.ig, 1641. , William, Scarrington, Nottingham. Jan. 13, 1651. Rimer, Isabel, Bagby, widow, fol. 43, Bulmer. Nov. i, 1648. , John, Bagby, fol. 33, Bulmer. Mar.iS, 1634. , John, Sarah and Susanna, chdn. of Will. R. of Nunkillinge, dec., tui., fol. 71, Bulmer. Feb. 6, 1638. Ringrose, John, Skidby, fol. 86, Harthill. Jun. 27, 1629. , Robert, Carnabye, Dickering. May 5, 1629. als. Rosse, Andrew, Arnold, Holderness. Mar.io, 1647. Ripley, Anthony, East Ayton, par. Seamer, fol. 471, Dickering. Nov.2i, 1638. , John, Brompton, fol. 193, Ridall. Nov.28, 1649. , Margaret, Hutton Bushell, fol. 480, Dickering. July 8, 1634. , Richard, Borrowbye, fol. 291, Cleveland. Dec. 14, 1634. , Richard, Knapton, fol. 260, Buckrose. Apl. 22, 1640. , Roger, Easby, fol. 331, Cleveland. Jun. 30, 1640. , Thomas, Scarbrough, fol. 351^, Dickering. Apl. 20, 1648. , William and John, sons of Anth. R. of E. Ayton, dec., tui., fol. 473, Dickering. Feb. 4, 1639. , William, Broughton, fol. 327, Cleveland. Oct. 28, 1629. , William, Kildale, fol. 253, Cleveland. May 13, 1640. als. Clarke, Thomas, Rilston, par. Burnsall, fol. 534, Craven. Aug.i7, 1630. Rippley, Richard, Kettlewell, fol. 370, Craven. Nov.2o, 1646. Rippon, John, Nottingham, Nottingham. Aug.26, 1642. Rishton, Thomas, Wadsworth, fol. 27, Pontefract. Mar.26, 1648. , Thomas, Wakefeild, fol. 117, Pontefract. Dec. 10, 1633. Rishworth, Jacobus, Haworth, fol. 161, Pontefract. Aug. 2, 1633. , Robert, Bradford, fol. 160, Pontefract. May 5, 1636. , Thomas, Arthur, Isabel, chdn. of Miles R. of dioc. York., tui., fol. 459, Craven. Feb. 15, 1627. Rispin, Thomas, Huggitt, Harthill. > May ii, 1637. Rither, Robert, Belton, co. Line., esq., fol. 160, Prerogative. Oct. 25, 1649. Ritson als. Richinson, William, Coldbecke, co. Cumb., fol. 65, Prerogative. Jan. 24, 1636. Roades, Agnes, Menston, fol. 246, Ainsty. Nov. 7, 1638. , Beatrice, Wakefeild, fol. 387, Pontefract. Nov. 8, 1634. , Elizabeth, New Malton, fol. 168, Ridall. Aug. 3, 1641. , Francis, Wombwell, fol. 434, Doncaster. Jan. 30, 1631. , John, par. Mirfeild, fol. 106, Pontefract. Aug. 28, 1634. , John, junr., Shelf., par. Hallifax, fol. 178, Pontefract. Aug.ai, 1644. , Ralph, Hesle, fol. 235, Holderness. Apl. 23, 1629. , Robert, par. Dewsburie, fol. 53, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 235 Mar.29, 1634. Aug.iS, 1631. Feb. 2, 1631. Aug.iS, 1631. Nov. 5, 1635. Sep. 22, 1629. Apl. i, 1642. Mar. i, 1636. Oct. 7, 1635. July 16, 1640. Oct. 7, 1630. Oct. 7, 1628. Jan. 16, 1635. Mar. 27, 1647. Nov. 6, 1647. Aug. 3, 1637. Jan. 16, 1631. Mar. i, 1636. Apl. 18, 1632. Mar. i, 1647. Oct. 5, 1631. Apl. 19, 1632. Feb. 24, 1639. Nov. 3, 1646. Sep. 10, 1628. Apl. 2, 1647. May 20, 1628. Apl. 27, 1629. Dec. 14, 1635. Feb. ii, 1635. Nov. 8, 1632. Apl. 22, 1628. Aug.22, 1637. Mar. 3, 1640. Aug.2o, 1645. Dec. 16, 1634. Nov.io, 1651. Sep. 10, 1628. Oct. 24, 1638. Apl. 24, 1650. July 12, 1634. Sep. 2, 1642. Mar.i2, 1628. May 7, 1639. Nov. 5, 1629. Aug.3i, 1631. Dec. 16, 1630. Jun. 23, 1632. Oct. 9, 1632. May24, 1628. Aug.3o, 1632. Sep. 3, 1631. Mar. 3, 1646. Oct. 18, 1636. May 28, 1634. Oct. 22, 1635. Jun. 13, 1635. Jan. 30, 1644. Dec. 6, 1651. Roades, Robert, Gomersall, fol. 170, Pontefract. , Sarah (? Ann, see marginal note), dr. of Will. R. of Hepworth, dec., fol. 99, Pontefract. , Sarah, dr. of Will. R. of Heworth, dec., tui., fol. 109, Pontefract. , William, Hepworth, fol. 99, Pontefract. , William, Whitley, fol. 310, Pontefract. Robert, Jacobus, Winewall, dioc. Chest., fol. 64, Prerogative. Roberte, Margaret, wife of Lawr. Robert (no place), fol. 26, Pontefract. Robertes, Elizabeth, Westleake, fols. 115 and 247, Nottingham. , John, Cottingham, fol. 54, Harthill. , Lawrence, Hallifax, fol. 4, Pontcf/act. , Mary, Brinsley, fol. 64, Nottingham. , Richard, Sheffeild, fol. 455, Doncaster. , Thomas, par. Rotheram, fol. 588, Doncaster. Roberts, Anthony, son of Anth. R. of Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 481, Doncaster. Gilbert, Tickhill, fol. 505, Doncaster. Jane, Hickleton, fol. 620, Doncaster. Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 16, Harthill. Robert, West Leake, fols. 115 and 248, Nottingham. William, Grassgarth, fol. 167, Ainsty. Robertshay, Richard and Mary, chdn. of Joh. R., tui. to Joh. R. of Hepton- stall, yeoman, fol. 113, Pontefract. , Samuel, par. Bradford, fol. 103, Pontefract. Robinson, Abel, Skipton, fol. 392, Craven. , Ann, Cloughton, fol. 349, Dickering. , Ann, daur. of Tho. R. of Danbie, dec., tui., fol. 208, Cleveland. , Ann, Headon, Holderness. , Ann, Isabell and Rob., chdn. of Joh. R. of Helperby, dec., tui., fol. 35, Prerogative. , Ann, Hornsey, Holderness. , Ann, Thickhead, par. Wheldrake, fol. 34, Bulmer. , Ann, York, fol. 47, City. , Ann, York, fol. 48, City. , Barnerd, Newton Garth, fol. 152, Holderness. , Christopher, Hutton juxta Rudby, fol. 241, Cleveland. , Daniel, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 70, Harthill. , Edmund, Hutton in Lee Hole, fol. 207, Ridall. , Edmund, Sowerby, fol. 53, Pontefract. , Edward, Sladeburne, fol. 438, Craven. , Ellen, rel. of Leon. R. of Ridmer, fol. 75, Prerogative. , Frances, Marflitt, Holderness. , Francis and Elizabeth, Bempton, fol. 343, Dickering. , Francis, Hacknes, fol. 483, Dickering. , Francis, Marston, fol. 199, Ainsty. , George, Gillamore, fol. 83, Ridall. , George and Barnard, sons of Grace R. of Headon, dec., tui., Holderness. , George, Hickleton, fol. 652, Doncaster. , George, Hovingham, fol. 70, Bulmer. , George, son of Geo. R. of Hull, dec., tui., fol. 13, Harthill. , George, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 7, Harthill. , George, son of Geo. R. of Kingston upon Hull, dec., fol. 22, Hart- hill. , George, Rawmarsh, fol. 525, Doncaster. , George, Yrton, par. Seamer, Dickering. , Grace, dr. of Jac. R. of Hallifax, tui., fol. 124, Pontefract. , Hellen, tui. to Geo. R. of Winestead, father, fol. 148, Holderness. , Henry, Newlands, co. Lane., fol. 31, Prerogative. , Henry, Ryther, Caveat, fol. 240, Ainsty. , Henry, Wigglesworth, fol. 426, Craven. , Henry, son of Will. R. of York, dec., fol. 45, City. , Jacobus, par. Hallifax, fol. 196, Pontefract. , Jacobus, Sowerby, fol. 38, Pontefract. , James, Burton Fleming, fol. 489, Dickering. 236 APPENDIX. Sep. 26, 1629. Robinson, Jane, Gisbrough, widow, fol. 254, Cleveland. Oct. 13, 1641. , John, Bishopburton, fol. 117, Harthill. Jun. 29, 1629. , John, Broomehills, Buckrose. May 13, 1631. , John, Cattgill, fol. 377, Craven. Mar. 30, 1646. , John, Dighton, par. Eskrigg, gentleman, fol. 14, Bulmer. Dec. 28, 1648. , John, East Ayton, fol. 222, Cleveland. Nov.3O, 1637. , John, Giglesweeke, fol. 476, Craven. May 15, 1645. , John, Hallifax, fol. 48, Pontefract. July 14, 1629. , John, Harwood, fol. 140, Ainsty. Apl. ii, 1648. , John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 239, Holderness. Aug. 9, 1649. , John, Seamer, fol. 479, Dickering. Jan. 29, 1633. , John, Seasey, fol. 65, Bulmer. July 16, 1636. , John, Sutton, fol. 81, Bulmer. Nov.i2, 1638. , John, Thorner, fol. 283, Ainsty. Jan. 27, 1645. , John, Yarom, fol. 2O4, Cleveland. Oct. 22, 1635. , John, Anthony, William, sons of Will. R. of York, dec., tui., fol. 45, City. Nov. 4, 1647. , Laurence, Palsgrave, fol. 469, Dickering. Aug. 2, 1638. , Leonard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 82, Harthill. May 15, 1645. , Leonard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 239, Holderness. Oct. 13, 1637. > Leonard, York, Caveat, fol. 59, City. Nov.22, 1641. , Mary, Scarbrough, fol. 353, Dickering. Aug. 7, 1628. , Patrick, Seamer, Dickering. Jan. 25, 1652. , Peter, Stillingfleete, fol. 45, Bulmer. Aug.iz, 1636. , Ralph, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 61, Harthill. Nov.29, 1631. , Richard, Bempton, Caveat, fol. 304, Dickering. Jun. 6, 1651. , Mr. Richard, Beverley, fol. 53, Harthill. Apl. 28, 1631. , Richard, Carlton, fol. 266, Cleveland. Mar.3o, 1640. , Richard, Greencroft, par. Bramwith, fol. 654, Doncaster. Oct. 15, 1649. , Richard, Locton, fol. 107, Ridall. Dec. 21, 1631. , Richard, Micklewhaite Grange, fol. 165, Ainsty. Feb. 4, 1639. , Richard, Newton, fol. 327, Cleveland. Mar. 3, 1630. , Richard, Radcliffe, fol. 209, Retford. July 29, 1639. , Richard, Saxton, fol. 302, Ainsty. May 5, 1636. , Richard, Skipton, fol. 459, Craven. Apl. 6, 1642. , Robert, Hutton in Le Hole, fol. 84, Ridall. Aug.24, 1649. , Robert, Leverton, fol. 228, Cleveland. Aug.i2, 1643. , Robert, Sherifburton, fol. 119, Harthill. Aug.iS, 1640. , Robert, Skelton, fol. 333, Cleveland. Jun. 4, 1636. , Robert & Jane, chdn. of Rob. R. of Wynestead, dec., tui., fol. 190, Holderness. Mar. 29, 1651. , Stephen, Arram, fol. 52, Harthill. Feb. 10, 1628. , Thomas, Broughton Soulney, fol. 49, Nottingham. July 29, 1639. , Thomas, Saxton, fol. 302, Ainsty. Jan. 4, 1635. , Thomas, Stillingfleet, fol. 76, Bulmer. Feb. 12, 1640. , Thomas, Weighton, fol. 100, Harthill. Mar.iS, 1644. , Thomas, Yeddingham, fol. 273, Buckrose. Aug. 8, 1628. , William, Bainton, Harthill. Apl. 24, 1634. , William, Hutton in the Hole, fol. 166, Ridall. Mar.22, 1640. , William, Hutton in Lee Hole, fol. 208, Ridall. Nov.26, 1627. , William, Huton juxta Rudby, fol. 239, Cleveland. Nov. 3, 1627. , William, Lund, Caveat, Harthill. Nov.28, 1635. , William, Northcave, fol. 58, Harthill. Nov.io, 1630. , William, Roughbie in Pendle, co. Lane., fol. 75, Prerogative. Aug.ig, 1629. als. Hartley, Margaret, wife of Jac. R. of Sowerbie, clothier, Adm. to Jac. R., fol. 55, Pontefract. Aug. 2, 1639. Robotham, Robert, Bawtrie, fol. 268, Retford. Nov.29, 1634. Robottom, William, Rotheram, fol. 560, Doncaster. Jan. 28, 1628. Robson, Ann, Gransmore, Dickering. May 26, 1648. , Ann, Slingsby, fol. 102, Ridall. Oct. i, 1634. , Edmund, Topclife, fol. 69, Bulmer. Mar. 12, 1628. , Edward, Burstwicke, Holderness. Jan. 9, 1632. , Edward, Litleburgh, fol. 224, Retford. APPENDIX. 237 Mar.i2, 1628. Robson, Francis, Burstwicke, Holderness. Apl.26,i65o(?5i). Maysi, 1632. Mar.24, 1627. Aug. 3, 1637. Apl. 29, 1629. Nov.28, 1637. July 5, 1630. Feb. 18, 1645. Oct. 25, 1637. May 23, 1629. Feb. i, 1632. Nov.15, 1647. Nov.io, 1637. Apl. 27, 1632. George, Walkeringham, Retford. Jacobus, Rodwell, fol. 114, Pontefract. John, Cloughton, Dickering. John, Leaven, fol. 197, Holderness. John, Suffeild, Dickering. Margery, Wasse, fol. 88, Bulmer. Mary, dr. of Rob. R. of Slingsby, dec., fol. 146, Ridall. Robert, Suffeild, fol. 357, Dickering. Thomas, Hillarthorpe, fol. 336, Dickering. Thomas, Skipsey, Holderness. Robuck, Edward, Sharlston, fol. 126, Pontefract. Robucke, Abraham, Kirkburton, fol. 108, Pontefract. , Ann, Peniston, fol. 624, Doncaster. , George and Mary, chdn. of Geo. R. of Tickhill, dec., tui., fol. 515, Doncaster. May 17, 1648. , John, son of Tho. R., par. Kirkburton, dec., tui., fol. 120, Pontefract. Sep. 5, 1628. , Mary, John & George, chdn. of Rich. R. of Doncaster, tui., fol. 452, Doncaster. Apl. 6, 1635. > Matthew, Peniston, fol. 571, Doncaster. Feb. 5, 1637. , Matthew, Wragbie, fol. 370, Pontefract. Feb. 5, 1637. , Richard, Hiburton, fol. 369, Pontefract. Jan. 16, 1628. , Susanna, dr. of Rich. R. of Doncaster, dec., fol. 458, Doncaster. Oct. 9, 1641. , Thomas, Tyckhill, fol. 435, Doncaster. Apl. ii, 1638. Rochester, Peter, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 75, Harthill. Nov.29, 1630. , William, Magna Ayton, fol. 262, Cleveland. Sep. 9, 1635. Rocke, Thomas, Hootham, fol. 53, Harthill. Apl. 30, 1640. Rockliffe, John, Glapton, fol. 143, Nottingham. Apl. 20, 1644. RoclifTe, Edward, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 126, Harthill. Nov.i3, 1627. Rodes, Dame Mary, York, wife of Sir Godf. R. of Houghton or York, kt., Caveat, fol. 436, Doncaster. Nov.23, 1638. , Richard, Attercliffe, par. Sheffeild, fol. 642, Doncaster. May 3, 1642. als. Greene, Sarah, fil. sup. Will. G. of Bradfeild, dec., tui., fol. 443, Doncaster. July 3, 1629. Rodiocke, Thomas, Huddersfeild, fol. 58, Pontefract. Apl. 14, 1635. Rodley, John, par. Wakefeild, fol. 194, Pontefract. Aug.3i, 1631. Rodmell, Thomas, Kirkelley, fol. 13, Harthill. Oct. 14, 1629. Roe, Edward, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Aug. 8, 1632. , Emmeria, Nottingham, fol. 76, Nottingham. Feb. 10, 1628. , George, Cotgrave, fol. 49, Nottingham. May 5, 1650. , John, Plumtree, Nottingham. Feb. 18, 1638. , Susanna, par. Pontefract, fol. 402, Pontefract. Apl. 19, 1638. , Thomas, Nottingham, fol. 123, Nottingham. Apl. 7, 1642. Roger, Daniel, Huthersfeild, tui., fol. 28, Pontefract. Oct. 3, 1627. Rogers Alexander, Linthorp, fol. 239, Cleveland. Oct. 28, 1641. Jacobus, Settrington, fol. 272, Buckrose. July 31, 1629. Peter, Kildale, fol. 250, Cleveland. Jan. 24, 1636.- Robert, Everton, esq., fol. 249, Retford. May 4, 1637. Robert, son of Geo. R. of Everton, esq., dec., fol. 250, Retford. Feb. 12, 1638. Robert, Netherthorpe, fol. 263, Retford. Oct. 7, 1641. Ruth, Mattersey, Retford. Jun. ii, 1639. Sarah, Hollinghall, par. Ilkeley, fol. 519, Craven. Mar. 6, 1631. Thomas, Skelton, fol. 272, Cleveland. Nov.io, 1636. William, York, fol. 54, City. Jun. 28, 1631. als. Freshvile, Mary, grant to Joh. R. of Everton, gent., husband, fol. 70, Nottingham. Aug. 2, 1638. Rogerson, William, Dimydale, prov. York, fol. 320, Cleveland. Aug. 2, 1633. - , William, par. Horburie, fol. 153, Pontefract. Dec. i, 1629. Roid, Mary and Margaret, drs. of Mich. R. of Bestenhirst, dec., tui., fol. 68, Pontefract. May3i, 1632. Roides, Jennet, Bradford, fol. 112, Pontefract. Jan. 19, 1644. Roiston, Thomas, city London, cordwainer, fol. 453, Doncaster. May 10, 1636. Rollinge, Richard, Overhaugh, fol. 593, Doncaster. 238 APPENDIX. Jan. 28, 1632. Rollington, Francis, Sheffeild, dec., tui. (sic) to Mart. R. of Chesterfeild, fol. 529, Doncaster. Apl. to, 1632. Rollinson, Thomas & Robert, sons of Rob. R. of Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 511, Doncaster. July 29, 1637. Rolston, John, Watnall Chaworth, fol. 115, Nottingham. Jun. n, 1647. Homes, Edward, Kirkeburne, fol. 15, Harthill. Oct. 10, 1637. Roocke, Jennet, Barnesley, fol. 624, Doncaster. Feb. 9, 1641. Roodes, Jeremiah, par. Mirfeild, fol. 25, Pontefract. Feb. 9, 1641. , Robert, par. Thornehill, fol. 25, Pontefract. Jun. 17, 1647. Rooke, Jane, Hotham, fol. 15, Harthill. Oct. 6, 1635. Rookebie, Alexander, Sandall Parva, fol. 580, Doncaster. Aug.iS, 1640. Rookeby, Ralph, Harrovveton als. Harverton, dioc. Dur., fol. 250, Prerogative. Apl. 22, 1640. , Robert, Newcastle upon Tyne, fol. 207, Prerogative. May 12, 1649. , Robert, Newcastle upon Tyne, gentleman, fol. 55, Prerogative. July i, 1629. Roome, Richard, Whitwell, fol. 35, Bulmer. May 25, 1640. , Robert, Allerton, fol. 313, Ainsty. Dec. i, 1641. Roomfitt, Margaret, Stokesley, fol. 190, Cleveland. Oct. n, 1630. Roos, Ann, Laxton, widow, fol. 319**. Newark. Oct. 9, 1634. , Francis, Laxton, fol. 234, Retford. May i, 1634. Rose, Ellen, daur. of Will. R. of Flawbrough, dec., tui., 3 entries, fols. 91, 95, Nottingham. Jan. 28, 1932. George, Sheffeild, fol. 528, Doncaster. Jan. 20, 1630. Jacobus, Everton, fol. 208, Retford. Aug.io, 1628. Phillis, Thirkelby, fol. 32, Bulmer. Feb. 9, 1638. Robert, Nottingham, fol. 73, Nottingham. Apl. 30, 1629. William, Stainton, fol. 51, Nottingham. Feb. 9, 1638. Resell, John, Eastwood, fol. 130, Nottingham. Jun. 26, 1629. Rosindall, Susanna, par. Hallifax, fol. 56, Pontefract. Mar.i2, 1631. Rossdayle, Parcival, Scarbrough, fol. 306, Dickering. Aug. i, 1633. Rosse, John, Bickerton, fol. 186, Ainsty. Jan. 5, 1632. , Mary, Bickerton, fol. 176, Ainsty. Jan. 31, 1641. , Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 104, Harthill. Nov.iS, 1636. , William, Ld. Cecill, Barren de, fol. 149, Prerogative. May 5, 1629. als. Ringrose, Andrew, Arnold, Holderness. Mar.iS, 1646. Rother, Richard, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Nov.27, 1638. Rotheram, Jeremiah, Whitbie, fol. 321, Cleveland. Apl. 7, 1642. Rothwell, Thomas, Pontefract, fol 26, Pontefract. Oct. 13, 1641. Rotsey, Allondus, Skipsey, fol. 223, Holderness. Apl. 18, 1648. , Robert, Buam, fol. 240, Holderness. July 6, 1642. Roughcroft, Alice, York, fol. 247, Prerogative. May 8, 1628. Roughton, Edward, Newarke super Trent, fol. 310, Newark, Sep. 5, 1634. Roulston, Philip, Woodall, Caveat, fol. 556, Doncaster. May 25, 1647. , Thomas, Stubbs, fol. 484, Doncaster. Apl. 19, 1638. Rouseley, Gabriel, Cotgrave, fol. 123, Nottingham. Nov.2i, 1628. Routh, John, South Kilvington, fol. 32, Bulmer. July 30, 1642. , William, Thorpfeilds, fol. 7, Bulmer. Feb. 19, 1635. Reward, Alice, Thurne, in Liberty of Beverley, fol. 55, Harthill. Jan. 28, 1635. Rowe, William, Ruddington, fol. 105, Nottingham. Nov.29, 1630. Rowland, Francis, Nunthorpp, fol. 261, Cleveland. May 12, 1641. , William, York, chirurgeon, fol. 79, City. Sep. 13, 1642. als. Richardson, Peter, Rosedaile, fol. 83, Ridall. Apl. 5, 1649. Rowley, Daniel, Willerby, fol. 34, Harthill. Aug. 9, 1645. Edward, Conisbrough, fol. 458, Doncaster. May 25, 1638. Elizabeth, Anlaby, fol. 77, Harthill. Mar. 9, 1629. Elizabeth, Linton, fol, 146, Ainsty. Aug. 4, 1631. Stephen, par. Kirkeburton, fol. 98, Pontefract, May 9, 1633. William, Willarby, fol. 33, Harthill. Dec. 19, 1639. Rowlin, William, Rotherham, fol. 661, Doncaster. Dec. 6, 1645. Rowlinson, Richard, senr., Wibsey, fol. 56, Pontefract. Aug.23, 1647. Rowlston, John, Carlton, par. Gedling, Nottingham. Jan. 29, 1647. , Philip, Woombwell, par. Darfeild, fol. 502, Doncaster. Feb. 3, 1634. Rownding, Leonard, Agnesburton, fol. 319, Dickering. Feb. 18, 1645. Rowndinge, Elizabeth, Scalbye, fol. 358, Dickering. Dec. 2, 1636. Rownthwait, Ellinor, Shereburne, fol. 248, Ainsty. APPENDIX. 239 Mar. 14, 1648. Rowntree, John, Baxby, fol. 104, Rid all. Apl. 28, 1631. , John, Newbie, fol. 266, Cleveland. Mar. 28, 1650. , Ralph, Staksley, fol. 231, Cleveland. Feb. 24, 1640. Rowntrey, Thomas, senr., Seamer, fol. 336, Cleveland. Aug. 2, 1636. Rowsby, John, Scarbrough, fol. 330, Dickering. Apl. ii, 1648. , Michael, Bransburton, fol. 238, Holderness. Feb. 15, 1641. Rowse, Richard, Coulston, Nottingham. July 29, 1640. .William, Edderthorpe, fol. 421, Doncaster. Apl. 17, 1649. Rowth, Thomas, Riccall, fol. 54, Prerogative. Apl. 22, 1650. , Thomas, Riccall, fol. 68, Prerogative. Sep. 16, 1647. als. Tewke, Ann, dau. of John R. of Riccall, grant to Rob. T., husband, fol. 41, Prerogative. Jun. 8, 1647. Rowtles, Richard, Thornton, fol. 27, Bulmer. Oct. 24, 1646. Rowton, Robert, North Cave, fol. 8, Harthill. July 26, 1649. Royd, John, Soyland, fol. 134, Pontefract. Oct. 3, 1633. Roydes, Jacobus, par. Calverley, fol. 156, Pontefract. July 15, 1646. , Thomas, Bollinge, fol. 77, Pontefract. Dec. i, 1646. Roydhouse, Henry, Wragby, fol. 82, Pontefract. May 5, 1648. Royle, Richard, Southwell, Newark. Apl. 21, 1648. Royston, Thomas, Brodsworth, fol. 509, Doncaster. Mar. 26, 1647. Rud, William, Egton, fol. 212, Cleveland. May 7, 1651. Rudd, George, Glaisdale, fol. 234, Cleveland. Feb. 5, 1651. , Robert, Greene Hamerton, fol. 75, Prerogative. Aug. i, 1638. , Thomas, dioc. York, grant to Eliz. Turner of Wyndyeate, fol. 505, Craven. Jun. 21, 1637. > William, Whitbye, fol. 311, Cleveland. Mar.2o, 1633. Ruddocke, Ann, Letbie, fol. 109, Prerogative. Jan. 29, 1638. George, Bronsdale, fol. 197, Ridall. Oct. 22, 1633. John, Nunkeeleinge, fol. 168, Holderness. July 28, 1642. Stephen, son of Ralph R. of Newland, dec., tui., fol. 225, Holderness. Sep. 26, 1633. William, Elderthorpe, fol. 258, Buckrose. Sep. 26, 1633. William, Elderthorpe, par. Westowe, fol. 317, Dickering. July 20, 1636. Rudston, Ann, Bessenby, fol. 330, Dickering. Oct. i, 1635. Rudstone, Jacobus, Headon, fol. 186, Holderness. Jun. 17, 1637. Rumforth, Richard, Stokesley, fol. 187, Ridall. Dec. 20, 1628. Rumfrey (? Humfrey), William, Brawby, fol. 139, Ridall. Aug.i5, 1629. Rummons, Ann, Cuningston, Holderness. Feb. 16, 1647. Runton, Parcival, Bridlington, fol. 470, Dickering. Jun. 29, 1647. Rusby, Edward, Pontefract, fol. 102, Pontefract. Dec. 10, 1647. Rusholme. Alexander, Baronbroughe, fol. 501, Doncaster. Oct. 14, 1635. Ruskin, Richard, Wetherbie, fol. 217, Ainsty. Oct. 28, 1644. Russell, Ann, Steventhwaite, par. Hawnby, fol. 202, Cleveland. Jun: 29, 1637. > George, Osgodby, fol. 335, Dickering. Mar.24, 1627. , Ralph, Cayton, Dickering. Oct. 31, 1631. , Thomas, Halton, fol. 382, Craven. Jan. 12, 1632. , Thomas, par. St. Sampson, York, fol. 26, City. May3i, 1636. , William, Snilesworth Dayle, par. Hawneby, fol. 179, Ridall. July i, 1635. Russells, Ann, Lelley, fol. 185, Holderness. July 31, 1645. Ruston, Cuthbert, Bishopburton, fol. 128, Harthill. Dec. 2, 1647. , Elizabeth, Bishopburton, fol. 20, Harthill. Feb. 9, 1641. , Francis, son of Rich. R., tui. to Rich. Richardson of Bishopburton, fol. 117, Harthill. Aug. 5, 1641. , Robert, son of Rob. R. of Bishop Burton, dec., tui., fol. 114, Harthill. Feb. 3, 1639. , William, Beverley, fol. 95, Harthill. Nov.22, 1636. Rutelish, Cuthbert, Ravenstondayle, dioc. Carl., fol. 164, Prerogative. Feb. 4, 1646. Rutter, John, Kingesley, co. Chester, gent., fol. 30, Prerogative. Jan. 28, 1628. Ryby, Walter, Fordon, Dickering. Apl. 14, 1639. Ryddiall, William, par. Darfeild, fol. 655, Doncaster. Jun. 13, 1635. Rydell (or Lydell ?), Robert, Newcastle, Caveat, fol. 128, Prerogative. Oct. 9, 1646. Ryder, John, Walkringham, Retford. Feb. 16, 1645. Rydinge, Jacobus, Rydinge, dioc., Chest., fol. 10, Prerogative. May 5, 1642. Rylandes, David, Basford, Nottingham. Dec. 19, 1639. Ryles, Thomas, son of Tho. R., par. Rotherham, dec., tui., fol. 661, Doncaster. Oct. 8, 1639. , Thomas, par. Sheffeild, fol. 662, Doncaster. 240 APPENDIX. Jun. 21, 1645. Ryley> Henry, Hallifax, fol. 49, Pontefract. Oct. i, 1640. , John, Eland, fol. 6, Pontefract. Apl. i, 1634. , John, par. Wakefeild, fol. 184, Pontefract. May 31, 1636. , Richard, Baildon, fol. 236, Ainsty. Jun. 26, 1629. , William, Kingston upon Hull, Caveat, Harthill. Apl. 26, 1637. Rymer, Jane, Sutton, fol. 195, Holderness. Mar.2o, 1633. , William, Nunkilling, fol. 169, Holderness. Jan. 25, 1637. Rysom, Ralph, Willerby, fol. 74, Harthill. Jun. 2, 1640. Sadler, Matthew, Middleton ove (over?) Rowe, Dur. dioc., fol. 208, Preroga- tive. Mayi6, 1631. Saer, Alexander, Brampton, fol. 150, Ridall. Oct. 3, 1633. , Francis, Rudbie, fol. 287, Cleveland. Oct. i, 163,5. Sagg, Richard, Pattrington, fol. 187, Holderness. Apl. 6, 1638. Saile, George, Litle Smeaton, fol. 375, Pontefract. Jun. 16, 1633. , John, Brindesforth, fol. 537, Doncaster. July 4, 1635. Sainsburie, Bartholomew, Wortley, fol. 575, Doncaster. Apl. 16, 1635. St. Quintaine, Harbert, Foulkton, fol. 322, Dickering. Sep. ii, 1646. Saire, Richard, Seazey, fol. 25, Buhner. May 23, 1632. Saleburie, Edward, Broweholme, dioc. Chester, fol. 88, Prerogative. May 9, 1639. Sales, John, Hanvorth, fol. 267, Retford. Sep. 24, 1649. Salkeld, Francis, son of Lane. S. of Whitehall, co. Cumb., dec., tui., fol. 64, Prerogative. Oct. 22, 1641. , Nicholas, Upper Cunscliffe, esq., fol. 245, Prerogative. Nov.28, 1649. Salmon, Henry, Scarbrough, fol. 481, Dickering. Oct. 3, 1633. Salmond, Edmund, Horton, fol. 419, Craven. Oct. 21, 1647. , Richard, Egbrough, fol. 105, Pontefract. Aug. 8, 1632. Salt, John, Lenton, fol. 77, Nottingham. Sep. 17, 1629. Salter, John, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Nov. 2, 1644. Saltmarsh, Edward, Thorganby, fol. 14, Bulmer. Sep. 10, 1635. , George, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 51, Harthill. Sep. 16, 1635. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 54, Harthill. Apl. 10, 1633. Saltonstall, Grace, par. Hallifax, fol. 134, Pontefract. Nov.i3, 1643. , Samuel, Bradford, fol. 37, Pontefract. Jan. 4, 1635. Saltree, John, Melton, fol. 587, Doncaster. May 29, 1647. Salusbury, Thomas, Nottingham, Nottingham. May 8, 1628. Salvin, Hugh, Farndon, fol. 311, Newark. Jun. 9, 1632. , Robert, Skearne, Caveat, fol. 17, Harthill. Feb. 10, 1637. Sampson, Cicilia, par. Kirby Malshead, fol. 1580, Prerogative. May 27, 1642. , Richard, Roos, fol. 226, Holderness. Feb. 19, 1633. , Thomas, Elsternwicke, fol. 170, Holderness. Oct. 7, 1634. , William, Bradfeild, fol. 562, Doncaster. Oct. 3, 1633. , William, Milneforth, fol. 189, Ainsty. Apl. 29, 1633. , William, Ryhill, fol. 163, Holderness. Jan. 14, 1630. Sandeman, Thomas, Rillington, fol. 254, Buckrose. Sep. 20, 1652. Sanderson, James, Warier, fol. 60, Harthill. Sep. 26, 1649. , William, Keswicke, co. Cumb., schoolmaster, fol. 63, Prerogative. Apl. 30, 1640. , William, Kneesol, fol. 368, Newark. July 13, 1646. Sandiman, Thomas, Scarbrough, fol. 456, Dickering. Oct. ii, 1649. Sandford, Robert, Lincoln, Retford. Aug.26, 1630. als. Bridges, Dame Elizabeth, Bashall, par. Mitton, Caveat, fol. 72, Prerogative. Apl. 26, 1632. Sando, William, Scarrington, fol. 74, Nottingham. Feb. 7, 1649. Sands, Robert, Heptonstall, fol. 341, Pontefract. Oct. 24, 1635. Sandwith, Henry, Gil Riddinge, fol. 74, Bulmer. Jun. 3, 1645. > Robert, Hewby, fol. 16, Bulmer. Dec. 6, 1634. Sandys, Robert, Roddington, par. St. Bees, co. Cumb., fol. 122, Prerogative. Dec. 6, 1634. , Robert, Roddington, co. Cumb., dioc. Chest., fol. 38, City. Oct. 24, 1644. Sansby, Richard, Hatefeild, fol. 449, Doncaster. Aug.i4, 1628. Sargeant, John, Sneaton, fol. 44, Nottingham. Sep. 9, 1641. Satenstall, Sarah, Wheatley, par. Ovenden, fol. 16, Pontefract. Apl. 23, 1629. Saunder, George, Sandes end, fol. 249, Cleveland. May 27, 1642. , Mark, Staithes, fol. 194, Cleveland. Mar.i2, 1628. , Sibil, Sutton, Holderness. May i, 1628. , Thomas, Staithes, fol. 243, Cleveland. APPENDIX. 241 Feb. 14, 1627. Apl. 15, 1630. Jan. ig, 1636. Nov.ia, 1635. Jan. 12, 1638. May 3, 1642. Jan. 12, 1640. Aug. 6, 1640. Dec. 13, 1632. Jun. 25, 1638. Jan. 26, 1629. Mayio, 1636. Apl. 15, 1630. Jun. 25, 1632. Oct. 21, 1636. Dec. 24, 1635. Jan. 8, 1627. Oct. 6, 1635. Feb. 9, 1638. Mar.iS, 1628. Aug. i, 1648. May 28, 1649. May 14, 1650. May 6, 1634. Jun. 25, 1650. Aug.27, 1641. Sep. 20, 1644. Oct. 24, 1646. Aug. 2, 1632. Apl. 23, 1629. Jan. 17, 1638. May 28, 1638. Apl. 17, 1648. Apl. 18, 1632. Apl. 23, 1629. Apl. 18, 1632. Aug.29, 1629. May ii, 1639. Apl. 15, 1635. July 10, 1637. May 22, 1632. Feb. 14, 1638. Aug. 4, 1630. July 23, 1635. Oct. 4, 1627. Apl. 2, 1640. Feb. 12, 1646. Feb. 21, 1650. Aug. 9, 1627. Aug. i, 1628. Aug. 8, 1629. Dec. 7, 1639. Jun. 30, 1635. Oct. 26, 1629. Mar.i3, 1634. Aug.3i, 1632. Sep. i, 1632. Apl. 3, 1648. Oct. 28, 1641. Nov.ig, 1631. Saunderson, Anthony, Doncaster, fol. 443, Doncaster. Edward, Farnley, fol. 150, Ainsty. John, Pollard Howse, fol. 193, Holderness. Richard, Nether Cantley fol. 585, Doncaster. Richard, par. Cantley, fol. 645, Doncaster. Richard, Doncaster, fol. 440, Doncaster. Richard, Thornton, par. Foston, fol. 109, Bulmer. Robert, Sheffeild, fol. 425, Doncaster. Thomas, Kirkbie Underdayle, fol. 256, Buckrose. William, North Staineley, fol. 503, Craven. als. Baynes, Alice, Leedes, fol. 147, Ainsty. Savadge, Henry, Headon, fol. 190, Holderness. Savadge, Henry, Rotherham, fol. 480, Doncaster. , Wilfrid, Chapelry of Bradfeild, Caveat, fol. 490, Doncaster. . William, Bubwith, fol. 63, Harthill. Savage Dame , dioc. Chest., wid., Caveat, fol. 131, Prerogative. John, Pattrington, Holderness. Mary, par. Maltbie, fol. 580, Doncaster. Mary, Sutton Bonington, fol. 130, Nottingham. Ralph, Headon, Holderness. Stephen, Thorganby, fol. 32, Bulmer. Savile, Elizabeth, dr. of Will. S. of Arksay, dec., tui., fol. 519, Doncaster. , Gilbert, son of Job. S. of Greetland, dec., tui., fol. 346, Pontefract. , John, Hallifax, gent., Caveat, fol. 145, Pontefract. , Joseph and John, sons of Will. S. of Ealand, dec., tui., fol. 347, Pontefract. , Rosamund, wife of Will. S. of Arksey, gent., to Mat. Franke, her brother, fol. 13, Pontefract. , William, Arksay, esq., fol. 447, Doncaster. , William, son of Will. S. of Arksey, gent., dec., tui., fol. 73, Doncaster. Savill, Henry, Copley, fol. 120, Pontefract. Sawdon, Jane, Snainton, fol. 142, Ridall. , William, Lastingham, fol. 195, Ridall. Sawer, Allison, Liverton, fol. 318, Cleveland. , Edward, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 26, Harthill. , John, Leedes, fol. 167, Ainsty. , Matthew, Readcarre, fol. 249, Cleveland. , William, Abberford, fol. 168, Ainsty. Sawers, John, Leedes, fol. 142, Ainsty. Sawle, Nicholas, son of Nich. S. of Barnby super Dun. dec., tui, fol. 650, Doncaster. Sawley, Edward, Winingber, fol. 442, Craven. , Hugh, York, fol. 57, City. , William, Branthwait, par. Kildwicke, fol. 393, Craven. Sawman, Richard, Warsopp, fol. 263, Retford. Sawoode, Ralph, Carleton in Lindricke, fol. 205, Retford. Saxton, Fidentius, M.D., Wakefeild, fol. 202, Pontefract. Saxton, Margery, Cooke Rigge, fol. 118, Ainsty. Sayle, Margaret, Paule, widow, fol. 219, Holderness. Sayles, John, son of Job. S. of Harworth, dec., tui., Retford. , Thomas, Sturton, Retford. Sayner, Christopher, Bishopthornton, fol. 121, Ainsty. , Thomas, Litle Smeaton, fol. 452, Doncaster. Sayre, Nicholas, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Scadlocke, Nicholas, Bishopthorpe, fol. 305, Ainsty. Scaife, Elizabeth, dr. of Tho. S. of Ripon, dec., fol. 443, Craven. Scaley, Richard, Croome, Buckrose. Scalinge, Mark, York, fol. 41, City. Scamaden, John, par. Silkeston, fol. 518, Doncaster. , John, par. Silkeston, fol. 520, Doncaster. Scandrett, William, Keinton, co. Hereford, gent., fol. 46, Prerogative. Scarbrough, Christopher, Scarbrough, fol. 353, Dickering. , Edmund, Carleton, fol. 377, Craven. 242 APPENDIX. Aug.zo, 1639. Scarbrough, Elizabeth and Florence, drs. of Nich. and Flor. S., tui., fol. 528, Craven. Jun. 2, 1629. , John, Ulrum, Holdcrness. Dec. 20, 1632. , Nicholas, Glaisburn, fol. 401, Craven. Dec. 19, 1632. , Thomas, son of Edm. S. of Carlton, dec., tui., fol. 404, Craven. May 16,1628. , Thomas, Oulcoates, fol. 331, Craven. Aug.i6, 1638. Scarcliffe, John, son of Rich. S. of East Bridgford, dec., tui., fol. 126, Notting- ham. Aug. 6, 1640. Scargill, Robert, Sheffeild, fol. 425, Doncaster. Aug.2o, 1635. Scarr, John, Leedes, Caveat, fol. 216, Ainsty. Feb. 9, 1641. Scarre, Edward, Cherriburton, fol. 117, Harthill. Oct. 6, 1636. Scarth, John, Crathorne, fol. 307, Cleveland. Oct. 6, 1636. , Mary, Crathorne, fol. 307, Cleveland. Jan. 27, 1635. , Richard, Billingham, fol. 178, Ridall. Apl. 21, 1636. Scatcher, John, Wilstrop, fol. 143, Prerogative. Jan. 28, 1630. Scatcherd, Andrew, Wakefeild, fol. 84, Pontefract. July 25, 1647. Scholefeild, Godfrey, son of Will. S. of Sprotbrough, dec., tui., fol. 484, Doncaster. Apl. 9, 1641. , Jacobus, Sheffeild, fol. 666, Doncaster. Apl. 6, 1638. , Thomas, Middleshitlington, fol. 375, Pontefract. July 25, 1647. .Thomas, son of Will. S. of Sprotbrough, dec., tui., fol. 484, Doncaster. Jun. 5,1649. , William, Wombwell, fol. 519, Doncaster. Apl. 14, 1635. Scholes, Joseph, son of Jos. S., par. Chatterton, dec., tui., fol. 195, Pontefract. MayiS, 1641. Scholey, William, par. Aston, fol. 428, Doncaster. Feb. 2, 1628. als. Mawd, Margaret, Laynes, par. Himsworth, fol. 460, Doncaster. Jan. 20, 1639. Scholfeild, Jacobus, Sheffeild, fol. 647, Doncaster. Oct. ii, 1632. Scoales, William, par. Kirckby, fol. 78, Nottingham. Oct. 5, 1638. Scofin als. Weddle, Alice, Crake, fol. 184, Prerogative, Mar.26, 1628. Scoles, Elizabeth, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Aug. 2, 1638. Scoley, Elizabeth, Shafton, fol. 638, Doncaster. July 25, 1635. , Robert, Adwicke by the Streete, fol. 583, Doncaster. Oct. 20, 1637. Scoresby, George, Bridlington, fol. 337, Dickering. Jan. 28, 1628. Scorsby, Robert and George, sons of Will. S. of Boynton, dec., tui., Dickering. Apl. 6, 1637. Scot, Anthony, Wensley, fol. 164, Prerogative. Sep. 22, 1647. Scotson, Mary, Egton, fol. 215, Cleveland. Jun. 21, 1645. Scott, Christopher, Shipperds Thome, fol. 49, Pontefract. Jan. 27, 1636. , Gawen, Braithwait Magna, par. Crostwhait, co. Cumb., fol. 155, Pre- rogative. Jan. 30, 1627. George, Sutton super Trent, fol. 308, Newark. Jun. I, 1640. Henry, Kingston upon Hull, fol. no, Harthill. Feb. 26, 1628. Henry, Tranmore, par. Kellington, fol. 48, Pontefract. Sep. 5, 1632. Hugh, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 25, Harthill. Oct. 18, 1634. Humphrey, Stable Oake, fol. 433, Craven. Oct. 22, 1633. Joan, Pattrington, fol. 169, Holderness. May 13, 1635. John, Brigstone, fol. 48, Harthill. Oct. 2, 1628. John, Glaisdale, par. Danby, fol. 246, Cleveland. Jan. n, 1648. John and Richard, sons of Chris. S. of Shepheardthorne, dec., tui., fol. 126, Pontefract. July 20, 1630. John, par. Silkston, fol. 483, Doncaster. Aug. 2, 1636. Katherine, Thorp Arch, fol. 239, Ainsty. May i, 1628. Margaret, Marske, widow, fol. 243, Cleveland. Jan. 15, 1633. Richard, Rillington, fol. 163, Ridall. Aug. i, 1638. Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 78, Harthill. Mar. 9, 1649. Thomas, Kirksteele, par. Threlkelde, co. Cumb. fol. 67, Prerogative. Jan. n, 1648. Thomas, Shepardthorne, fol. 125, Pontefract. Apl. 17, 1638. Thomas, Slaidborne highfeild, fol. 500, Craven. May 3, 1642. Thomas, Upton, fol. 444, Doncaster. May 8, 1633. Thomas, Wakefeild, fol. 142, Pontefract. Feb. 12, 1646. als. Parkin, Alice, Boale, Retford. Mar.3O, 1640. Scrafton, John, York, fol. 71, City. May 16,1636. , William, Houlbecke, fol. 461, Craven. Jun. 7, 1645. Scrimshaw, Roger, Newarke, Newark. May 5, 1648. Scrimshawe, Elizabeth, Newarke super Trent, Newark. APPENDIX. 243 Feb. 10, 1646. Scrimshire, Harold, Cotgrave, Nottingham. Dec. 15, 1629. Scruton, William, Aldbrough, dioc. Chest., fol. 68, Prerogative. Mar. 9, 1648. Seaman, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 32, Hart/till. Oct. 22, 1633. , John, Marfleet, fol. 168, Holderness. Dec. 21, 1644. , John, Weeton, fol. 124, Harthill. Dec. 30, 1648. , Philip, Swanland, fol. 29, Harthill. Feb. 6, 1638. Seamer, Ann, Marton, fol. 322, Cleveland. Feb. 13, 1640. , Joseph, Standford Briggs, fol. no, Bulmer. Apl. 20, 1644. , Margaret, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 123, Harthill. Jan. 23, 1648. , William, Upleadam, fol. 222, Cleveland. May 28, 1646. Searsby, Christopher, Haldenby, fol. 71, Pontefract. Jun. 15, 1641. Seaton, Elizabeth, Mooresome, par. Skelton, fol. 340, Cleveland. Feb. 9, 1646. , Fides, West Retford, Retford. Feb. 4, 1639. , Francis, Whitby, fol. 329, Cleveland. July 30, 1636. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 66, Harthill. Oct. 2, 1648. , Zachariah, Skinningrave, fol. 221, Cleveland. Aug. 5, 1628. Seckar, Nicholas, par. Dewsburie, fol. 380, Pontefract. July 12, 1633. Seeker, John, Worsbroughdale, fol. 540, Doncaster. Oct. 10, 1627. Sedman, John, Scarbrough, Dickering. Feb. 18, 1645. , Robert, Suffeild, fol. 358, Dickering. Apl. 26, 1637. Seizer, Alice, Leathley, fol. 255, Ainsty. Oct. 8, 1636. Selbye, Katherine, Newcastle upon Tyne, fol. 149, Prerogative. July 31, 1639. Sellars, George, Nuthall, fol. 136, Nottingham. Apl. 10, 1646. Seller, Robert, Kennithorpe, fol. 93, Ridall. Oct. 8, 1647. - , Robert, John and Dinah, chdn. of Rob. S., par. Langton, dec., tui., fol. 395, Buckrose. Feb. 10, 1628. , Roger, Edward and William, tui. to Rog. S. of New Malton, father, fol. 141, Ridall. Jan. 19, 1636. Seman, Samuel, son of Joh. S. of Marfleete, dec., tui., fol. 193, Holderness. Jan. 19, 1645. Sendall, Sarah, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 134, Harthill. July 16, 1647. Senior, Ann, Wortley, fol. 488, Doncaster. Jan. 27, 1635. , Isaac, par. Hallifax, fol. 311, Pontefract. Mar. 3, 1646. , Isabel, Wakefeild, fol. 85, Pontefract. Oct. 13, 1637. .Joseph, Ferrybriggs, fol. 354, Pontefract. Jun. 27, 1634. , Richard, Wortley, fol. 559, Doncaster. Jan. 8, 1643. , Robert, Wakefeild, fol. 37, Pontefract. Apl. 16, 1647. > Robert, Wakefeild, fol. 95, Pontefract. Aug. 2, 1647. ' RS er > Waikefeild, fol. 102, Pontefract. July n, 1636. , Roger, Wakefeild, fol. 325, Pontefract. Mar.22, 1635. , Thomas, Wakefeild, fol. 326, Pontefract. July 7, 1637. Senthus als. Godsenthus als. Hutchenson, John, Thirshe, fol. 86, Bulmer. Oct. 12, 1637. Sergeant, Thomas, Hucknall Tockerd, fol. 118, Nottingham. Sep. 30, 1629. Serieantson, John, Kirkebie, fol. 352, Craven. Mar.io, 1630. Sertaine, Allan, Read Carr, fol. 259, Cleveland. Aug.3i, 1639. Servant, Margaret, Leedes, fol. 289, Ainsty. Oct. 4, 1632. Setle, Robert, Thorner, fol. 173, Ainsty. May28, 1634. Settle, Ann, dr. of Rich. S. of Potter Newton, fol. 197, Ainsty. Sep. 13, 1636. , Margaret, Draughton, widow, fol. 471, Craven. July 18, 1638. , Richard and , chdn. of Fras. S. of Barwicke, dec., fol. 279, Ainsty. Feb. 21, 1650. Shackerdale, Richard, Sturton, Retford. Mar.27, 1628. Shackles, William, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Apl. 30, 1639. Shackleton, John, Gamston, fol. 198, Retford. Feb. 20, 1637. 1 John, son of Rog. S. of Malme, dec., tui., fol. 495, Craven. May 3, 1631. , Thomas, Wheatley, par. Doncaster, fol. 506, Doncaster. Jan. 28, 1633. - , William, Callton, fol. 439, Craven. May 5,1631. Shacrosse, George, Elston, fol. 324, Newark. May 29, 1632. Shadforth, Marmaduke, Kirkeborne, fol. 20, Harthill. Apl. 4, 1633. Shakleden, Janet, Harden, widow, fol. 404, Craven. May 20, 1641. Shallock, Thomas, Farndon, Newark. Dec.i5, 1632. Shan, William and Averey, sons of Will. S. of Potterton, dec., fol. 173, Ainsty. Mar.i6, 1631. Shann, William, Angram, par. Marston, fol. 165, Ainsty. Feb. 9, 1627. Sharow, John, Thirske, fol. 28, Bulmer. Aug. 4, 1636. , Richard, Thirske, fol. 81, Bulmer. 244 APPENDIX. Nov.i6, 1642. Dec. 20, 1638. Oct. ii, 1649. May 5, 1640. Apl. 23, 1632. Mar. 3, 1630. Jun. 13, 1649. Nov.22, 1637. Apl. 21, 1637. May i, 1628. Jan. 30, 1631. Aug.26, 1637. July 29, 1640. May 5, 1648. Oct. 6, 1628. Mar. 4, 1649. Oct. 10, 1639. Oct. 12, 1637. Feb. 15, 1637. May 26, 1631. Sep. 29, 1630. Sep. 14, 1630. Apl. 28, 1631. Aug. 4, 1631. Mar. 2, 1636. Apl. 18, 1632. Aug. 19, 1638. Jan. i, 1645. Sep. 6, 1637. Sep. 14, 1630. Dec. 3, 1634. July 23, 1636. Apl. 6, 1633. Dec. 29, 1637. Aug.i6, 1633. Mar. 9, 1640. Aug. 9, 1649. July 5, 1645. Aug. 3, 1637. Feb. 5, 1632. July 4, 1631. Feb.ult.,i638. Nov.27, 1648. Apl. 22, 1630. Dec. 16, 1634. Jan. 28, 1632. Jun. 25, 1638. July 8, 1636. July 9, 1632. Jun. 30, 1634. Mar.iS, 1646. July 26, 1645. Jan. 16, 1634. Oct. 13, 1631. Feb. 26, 1641. July 5, 1645. Apl. 5, 1637. July 22, 1635. Jun. 24, 1634. May 5, 1637. Sharowe, Christopher, Kilburne, dying at Fakingham, co. Norige, fol. 7, Bulmer. , Elizabeth, Kilborne, fol. 95, Bulmer. Sharpe, Arthur, West Heslerton, fol. 399, Buckrose. , Christopher, Skipton super Swaile, fol. 107, Bulmer. , Cuthbert, Headon, fol. 154, Holderness. , Dorathy, Elksley, fol. 210, Retford. , Edward, Elkesley, Retford. , Gregory, Skarbrough, fol. 336, Dickering. , Gregory and Katherine, chdn. of Rob. S. of Skarbrough, dec., tui., fol. 333, Dickering. , Henry, Carleton, fol. 32, Pontcfract. , John, par. Wakefeild, fol. 107, Pontcfract. , Martha, Litlehorton, fol. 362, Pontefract. , Phelicia, Bramwith, fol. 421, Doncaster. , Robert, Newarke super Trent, Newark. , Robert, Scarbrough, Dickering. , Robert, Stanley, fol. 342, Pontefract. , Thomas, Elkesley, fol. 270, Retford. , William, Fisherton, fol. 352, Newark. , William, Wallaton, fol. 119, Nottingham. als. Gurnell, John, son of Joh. S. als. G., par. Dewsburie, fol. 88, Pontefract. a/5. Gurnell, John, Ravensin, fol. 71, Pontefract. als. Sharpus, Robert, Dewsburie, Caveat, fol. 71, Pontefract. Sharpehouse, Robert, Gaukethorpe, fol. 93, Pontefract. Sharpers, Alice, par. Dewsburie, fol. 98, Pontefract. Sharpies, Hugh, Aighton, fol. 473, Craven. , John, Withgill, fol. 390, Craven. , Thomas, York, fol. 65, City. , William, Manchester, fol. 17, Prerogative. Sharpp, George, Bushopthorpe, fol. 271, Ainsty. Sharpus als. Sharpe, Robert, Dewsburie, Caveat, fol. 71, Pontefract. Shaw, Ellen, dr. of Will. S. of Worsbrough, dec., tui., fol. 185, Pontefract. Hugh, par. Rothwell, fol. 334, Pontefract. John, Beeston, fol. 177, Ainsty. Mary, Ovenden, par. Hallifax, fol. 37 la, Pontefract. Richard, junior, son of Rich. S., dec. (Bradfield), fol. 537, Doncaster. Richard, Widmerpoole, fol. 147, Nottingham. Suzanna, Gristrop, fol. 479, Dickering. Shawe, Ann, dau. of Rob. S., dec., fol. 3, Prerogative. Henry, Magna Houghton, fol. 620, Doncaster. Henry, Rotheram, fol. 5450, Doncaster. Henry, Rotherham, fol. 487, Doncaster. John, Danbie Wiske, fol. 1920, Prerogative. John, Pittsmoore, fol. 514, Doncaster. Margaret, Farndon, fol. 319, Newark. Michael, Remington, fol. 438, Craven. Richard, par. Bradfeild, fol. 528, Doncaster. Richard, Ribston, fol. 278, Ainsty. Robert, Bradgate, fol. 599, Doncaster. Robert, Haughton, fol. 518, Doncaster. Robert, Tadcaster, fol. 203, Ainsty. Thomas, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Thomas, Silkston, fol. 458, Doncaster. Thomas, Tadcaster, fol. 207, Ainsty. William, Eperston, fol. 327, Newark. William, son of Will. S. of Sutton super Trent, dec., tui., Newark. als. Cuthbert, Margaret, rel. of Rob. S. of Crosby, grant to John, her husband, fol. 3, Prerogative. Shay, Elizabeth, par. Bradford, fol. 347, Pontefract. , William, Hudersfeild, fol. 201, Pontefract. Sheard, Anthony, Mirfeild, fol. 178, Pontefract. , Matthew, Mexenden in Ovenden, Caveat, fol. 341, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 245 Jan. 31, 1649. Sheeles, Robert, Magna Ayton, fol. 229, Cleveland. Sep. 30, 1647. , Thomas, Greate Ayton, fol. 215, Cleveland. Aug.26, 1634. Sheepeshankes, Richard, Hebden, fol. 427, Craven. Apl. 23, 1629. , Robert, Adwicke super Dearne, fol. 464, Doncaster. Jun. 18, 1634. Sheffeild, George, Ilkley, fol. 432, Craven. Apl. 23, 1650. , Matthew, Aslockton, par. Whatton, Nottingham. Jun. 8, 1630. , Richard, West Ayton, fol. 145, Ridall. Aug.2o, 1630. , Roland, Aslacton, fol. 92, Nottingham. Dec. 20, 1632. , William, son of Will. S. of Middleton, dec., tui., fol. 177, Ainsty. Oct. 30, 1641. , William, West Ayton, fol. 80, Ridall. July 9, 1639. Sheiffeild, dame Mary, rel. of Sir Will. S., kt., fol. 70, City. Jun. n, 1646. Shelvin, Thomas, Diksmarsh, fol. 471, Doncaster. Apl. 10, 1638. Shemeld, Ann, dr. of Castle S. of Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 633, Doncaster. Aug. 6, 1641. Shemeld, Robert, par. Rotheram, fol. 432, Doncaster. May24, 1647. Shemell, John, Aukley, fol. 484, Doncaster. Feb. 4, 1633. , William, par. Wakefeild, fol. 137, Pontefract. Apl. 6, 1631. Shephard, John, New Malton, fol. 149, Ridall. Oct. 9, 1634. , Thomas, Normanton, fol. 342, Newark. Nov.23, 1630. Shepheard, Edward, Hickleton, fol. 485, Doncaster. Sep. 14, 1648. , John, Northalleiton, fol. 221, Cleveland. Apl. 26, 1637. ' John, Skeffling, fol. 195, Holdemess. Mar. 6, 1631. , Roger, Kildale, fol. 272, Cleveland. Mar. 5, 1637. , Thomas, Wood Apleton, fol. 189, Ridall. Jun. 24, 1634. Shepherd, Samuel, Hallifax, fol. 177, Pontefract. May 19, 1634. Shepherdson, John, New Malton, fol. 167, Ridall. May 14, 1633. Shepley, Joan, Rotheram, fol. 534, Doncaster. Jun. 12, 1634. , William, Dewsburye, fol. 167, Pontefract. May 9, 1639. Sheppard, Thomas, Tollerton, fol. 133, Nottingham. Oct. 6, 1640. Shepperd, John, son of Edw. S. of London, dec., tui., fol. 667, Doncaster. Feb. 12, 1640. , Samuel, North Collingham, fol. 371, Newark. Aug.io, 1629. Shepphard, William, Hickleton, fol. 472, Doncaster. Mar. i, 1647. Sherd, Thomas, son of Mat. S. of Mixenden, dec., tui., fol, 113, Pontefract. Sep. 30, 1637. Shereburn, Elizabeth, Stainhurst, Caveat, fol. 487, Craven. Apl. 21, 1628. , Richard, Stainehurst, par. Mitton, Caveat, fol. 49, Prerogative. July 24, 1633. Sherecroft, John, York, fol. 28, City. Apl. 27, 1647. Shereshawe, Robert, Winderpoole, Nottingham. Feb. 10, 1628. Sherewin, Nicholas, Nottingham, fol. 49, Nottingham. Nov.24, 1636. Sherewood, Richard, par. Barnesley, fol. 610, Doncaster. May 8, 1628. Sheriffe, John, Thorney, fol. 310, Newark. May27, 1640. Sherrewood, Issabell, Beverley, fol. 312, Ainsty. Oct. 2, 1634. Sherwood, John, Dalton, fol. 44, Harthill. July 6, 1648. Shiers, Richard, Everton, Retford. Jun. 18, 1633. Shillito, Edmund, Cranswicke, fol. 32, Harthill. Sep. 13, 1632. - , Issabel, Burnbuttes, fol. 24, Harthill. Feb. 18, 1650. Shillitoe, Elizabeth, Beverley, fol. 50, Harthill. Nov.i5, 1637. , George, Seacrofte, fol. 174, Prerogative. Feb. i, 1632. , Robert, Haughton Magna, fol. 126, Pontefract. Feb. 25, 1647. Shimeld, Joseph, London, fol. 504, Doncaster. Mar.23, 1632. Shinning, Thomas, son of Hen. S. of Horsemirehead in Egton, tui., fol. 281, Cleveland. Apl. 26, 1646. Shiphard, Thomas, Hutton in Lee Hole, fol. 93, Ridall. Feb. 3, 1640. Shipman, George, par. Edlington, fol. 427, Doncaster. Mar. 6, 1627. , Thomas, Orston, fol. 40, Nottingham. May3i, 1632. Shippard, Jane, Nova Malton, fol. 307, Dickering. Mar. 29, 1630. , John, Hampall, fol. 478, Doncaster. Dec. 3, 1645. Shipperd, Edward, Carmsall, co. Lane., fol. 12, Prerogative. May 17, 1638. - , Richard, Helmsley, fol. 191, Ridall. May 2, 1645. , Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 134. Harthill. July 9, 1631. , Robert, Hallifax, fol. 95, Pontefract. Sep. 20, 1644. , William, son of Eliz. S. of Campsall, dec., tui., fol. 448, Doncaster. Mar.2i, 1636. Shipton, Nicholas, Olbaldwicke, fol. 141(1, Prerogative. Mar.i7, 1645. Shircliffe als. Snell, Elizabeth, dr. of Joh. Snell of Silkston, dec., tui., fol. 463, Doncaster. May i, 1634. Shirgley, Anthony, Becston, fol. 91, Nottingham. 246 APPENDIX. Nov. 2, 1648. Shirt, Jane, Brewell, fol. 514, Doncaster. Jun. 12, 1637. Shirtcliffe, Margaret, dr. of Nich. S., senr. of Ecclesfeild, dec., tui., fol. 354, Pontefract. Feb. 2, 1647. ' Mary, Ecclesfeild, widow, fol. 503, Doncaster. Oct. 14, 1639. Mercy, Rotheram, widow, fol. 653, Doncaster. Sep. 22, 1637. Nicholas, Rotheram, fol. 624, Doncaster. Oct. 14, 1639. Nicholas, Rotheram, fol. 653, Doncaster. Sep. 22, 1637. Robert, par. Ecclesfeild, fol. 624, Doncaster. Oct. 6, 1635. William, SherTeild, fol. 580, Doncaster. Oct. 12, 1637. Shittlewood, William, Wisall, fol. 117, Nottingham. Apl. 4,1637. Shoare, Robert, Bilton, fol. 249, Ainsty. Feb. 18, 1636. , William, Brodsworth, Caveat, fol. 606, Doncaster. Apl. 14, 1632. Shore, Richard, Hooton Pannell, fol. 512, Doncaster. Apl. 6, 1638. , Thomas, Grimsdike, fol. 273, Ainsty. Aug. 9, 1645. , William, Whiston, fol. 457, Doncaster. Oct. 5, 1631. Showers, Bauldwin, Knottingley, fol. 103, Pontefract. May 28, 1632. Shrewsbury, Mary, Dowager Countess of, fol. 90, Prerogative. Oct. 4, 1627. Shutt, Robert, Sicklinghall, fol. 118, Ainsty. Sep. 22, 1649. Shuttleworth, George, Asterley, co. Lane., gentleman, fol. 63, Prerogative. Jun. 5, 1630. Shynninge, Ann, Horsemirehead in Egton, fol. 258, Cleveland. Jan. 25, 1646. Sibson, John, Cowdall Hall, dioc. Carl., fol. 29, Prerogative. Jan. 26, 1634. , John, Tosthowse, par. Sherifhutton, fol. 70, Bulmer. Apl. 3, 1648. , Mary, rel. of John S. of Cowdall Hall, co. Cumb., fol. 46, Prerogative. Aug. 1,1642. Siddall, Grace, Wakesfeild, fol. 31, Pontefract. July 5, 1647. 1 Martin and Thomas, Wakefeild, fol. 104, Pontefract. Apl. 22, 1650. , Vincent, Rothwell, gent., fol. 347, Pontefract. Nov.2o, 1629. , William, Milforth, fol. 145, Ainsty. Sep. 5, 1627. a/5. Harries, Elizabeth, par. St. Dunstan, London, fol. 439, Doncaster. Oct. 25, 1639. Sidgwicke, Richard, Cam, par. Horton in Ribblesdale, fol. 517, Craven. May 9, 1633. Sigesworth, Margaret, East Nesse, fol. 160, Ridall. Jan. 20, 1635. Siggeswicke, Paul, Sowerby, fol. 78, Bulmer. Dec. n, 1628. , Thomas, East Nesse, fol. 140, Ridall. Jun. 9, 1637. Sigseweeke, Robert, Woodhouse, fol. 484, Craven. Nov. 19, 1629. Sigston, John, North Dalton, Harthill. Jan. 15, 1637. Sigswick, Philip, Camhowses, dying at Aiskrigg, fol. 179, Prerogative. Mar.26, 1636. , Cicilia, Sowerby, fol. 79, Bulmer. Sep. 21, 1631. , John, Sowerby, fol. 53, Bulmer. Oct. 19, 1632. , Wi liam, Sowerbie, fol. 57, Bulmer. Mar. 21, 1647. Sigsworth, Jchn, Swainby, fol. 217, Cleveland. Jan. 13, 1633. Sikes, Christofer, Worksopp, fol. 231, Retford. May 29, 1632. Henry, Ayke, fol. 20, Harthill. Apl. 6, 1635. Jennet, par. Woolley, fol. 571, Doncaster. Mar. 23, 1648. Thomas, Ecclesfeild, fol. 504, Doncaster. Feb. 16, 1647. Thomas, Haitefeild, fol. 503, Doncaster. Jun. ii, 1636. William, Burley, fol. 234, Ainsty. Jan. 9, 1639. William, Leedes, fol. 305, Ainsty. July 8, 1634. William, par. Sandall Magna, fol. 173, Pontefract. Dec. 23, 1643. Sileato, Richard, Beverley, fol. 119, Harthill. Mar.27, 1628. Silkquoath, Boniface, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Apl. 20, 1649. Sill, Joseph, Thornhill, fol. 518; Doncaster. Apl. 28, 1640. , Tobias, Rotheram, fol. 671, Doncaster. Feb. 12, 1639. Sills, Thomas, Cotham, fol. 366, Newark. Apl. 28, 1637. Sillyman, Jacobus, Leedes, fol. 257, Ainsty. Oct. 5, 1629. Silverside, Richard, Hesle, Harthill. Jun. 29, 1647. Silversides, Ambrose and Thomas, Stillingfleete, fol. 27, Bulmer. July 14, 1632. , John, Stillingfleet, fol. 56, Bulmer. Apl. 23, 1629. Silvester, Katherine, tui. to Kath. Webster of Sprotbrough, wid., fol. 465, Doncaster. Dec. 18, 1639. , Richard, Rotherham, fol. 659, Doncaster. Feb. 5, 1640. , Thomas, Great Driffeild, gentleman, fol. 215, Prerogative. Jan. 19, 1649. Sim, William, Wakefeild, fol. 341, Pontefract. Feb. 13, 1648. Simmond, Edward, Elston, Newark. Apl. 26, 1632. Simmons, Michael, Bassingfeild, fol. 74, Nottingham. Jun. 3, 1652. Simons, Thomas, Owstwicke, fol. 261, Holderness. APPENDIX. 247 Mar. g, 1640. Simpkin, Richard, Hawksworth, fol. 146, Nottingham. Aug.25, 1640. Simpson, Alice, Hunonby, fol. 351, Dickering. Feb. i, 1627. Anthony, Fryton, fol. 133, Ridall. July 29, 1631. Anthony, Wighell, fol. 159, Ainsty. Jun.22, 1635. Christopher, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. Dec. 15, 1627. Edward, Rotheram, fol. 441, Doncaster. July 14, 1648. Elizabeth, Beverley, fol. 27, Harthill. May 12, 1636. Elizabeth, Normanby, fol. 305, Cleveland. Sep. 4, 1628. George, Kingston npon Hull, Harthill. Jun. 3, 1634. George, Pontefract, fol. 170, Pontefract. Aug.23, 1647. Henry, Bilton, fol. 235, Holderness. Dec. 20, 1627. Henry, Leedes, fol. 122, Ainsty. Jan. n, 1637. Jacobus, son of Rog. S. of Riton, dec., fol. 188, Ridall. May 5, 1634. John, Hessle, fol. 41, Harthill. Oct. 9, 1649. John, Keyworth, Nottingham. Apl. 29, 1640. John, Thurne, fol. 665, Doncaster. July 28, 1646. John, Weaverthorpe, fol. 25, Prerogative. July 9, 1647. Jonathan, son of Ralph S. of Nottingham, dec., tui., Nottingham. Apl. 16, 1635. Katherine, Hunnonby, fol. 322, Dickering. Nov.i3, 1638. Matthew, Seamer, fol. 343, Dickering. May 5, 1631. Matthew, South Collingham, fol. 323, Newark. Jun. 4, 1647. Nathaniel, Thwing, fol. 466, Dickering. July 4, 1633. Nicholas, Edlington, fol. 547, Doncaster. Aug. 29, 1646. Richard, Brearton, par. Knaresbrough, fol. 26, Prerogative. July 17, 1629. Richard, Ormsby, fol. 250, Cleveland. Jun. 6, 1652. Richard, Pontefract, fol. 355, Pontefract. Aug.i4, 1628. Robert, Nottingham, fol. 44, Nottingham. Mar.23, 1640. Robert, Staithes, fol. 337, Cleveland. Sep. 22, 1629. Roger, Fattclosehouse, par. Kirkby Over Carre, gent., fol. 143, Ridall. Nov. 9, 1633. Roger, Fattclossehouse, par. Over Carre, fol. 164, Ridall. Nov.22, 1648. Suzanna, Helmsley, fol. 103, Ridall. Mar.28, 1634. Thomas, Ayton Magna, fol. 317, Dickering. Dec. 6, 1638. Thomas, Bramley, fol. 283^1, Ainsty. July n, 1633. Thomas, Pattrington, fol. 163, Holderness. Aug. 4, 1632. Thomas, Scarbrough, fol. 308, Dickering. Mar.iS, 1650. Thomas, Would Newton, fol. 486, Dickering. Jun. 23, 1636. William, Fleetes in Rilston, fol. 462, Craven. Aug.15, 1628. William, son of Will. S. of Ingleby, dec., fol. 138, Ridall. Feb. 4, 1639. William, Marske, fol. 327, Cleveland. Apl. 9, 1641. a/5. Dacie, Jane, York, to Hen. S., husb., fol. 77, City. May 17, 1638. Simson, Jane, Froyton, fol. 191, Ridall. Nov.2o, 1646. , John, Newarke, Newark. Jun. 6, 1636. Singleton, Jacobus, Markinton, fol. 462, Craven. Jan. 19, 1645. Sisson, Ann, Swanland, fol. 133, Harthill. Oct. 9, 1638. , children of John, West Melton, dec., tui., fol. 642, Doncaster. Oct. 25, 1627. , Richard, Brafferton, fol. 25, Bulmer. July 24, 1629. , Thomas, Little Houghton, fol. 471, Doncaster. Jan. 20, 1629. als. Hessey, Ann, Everthorpe, Harthill. Aug.ig, 1648. Skaife, Henry, Seazey, fol. 32, Bulmer. Sep. 3, 1630. - , Robert, Middleton, fol. 74, Pontefract. Sep. 28, 1646. Skales, Henry, Magna Haton, fol. 211, Holderness. Nov.i3, 1637. Skalin, Mark, York, fol. 63, City. Nov. 2, 1636. Skarr, Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 63, Harthill. Oct. 17, 1633. Skelding als. Apleby, Elizabeth, York, fol. 29, City. May 5, 1642. Skelston, Richard, Nottingham, Nottingham. Mar. 13, 1634. Skelton, Edmund, Hembrough, fol. 70, Bulmer. Oct. 8, 1640. Elizabeth, Elkesley, fol. 275, Retford. Apl. 28, 1637. Ellen, Wrelton, fol. 184, Ridall. May 17, 1638. - Henry, Hovingham, fol. 191, Ridall. July 12, 1641. Henry, Kellingley, par. Kellington, fol. 421, Pontefract. Jun. 7, 1638. John, Cawton, fol. 193, Ridall. Mar.25, 1634. - Richard, Addle, fol. 193, Ainsty. Jun. 16, 1647. Skirling, Edward, Thedelthorpe (? Eddlethorpe), fol. 17, Harthill. Aug. 3, 1631. Skinner, Ann, daur. of Tho. S. of Adbolton, dec., tui., fol. 69, Nottingham. 248 APPENDIX. May 12, 1636. Skinner, Mary, Westbridgeford, fol. 107, Nottingham. Sep. 18, 1640. , Richard, Langar, fol. 149, Nottingham. Apl. 22, 1635. , Thomas, Bingham, fol. 99, Nottingham. Apl. 6, 1638. Skipton, John, Pontefract, fol. 375, Pontefract. Sep. 17, 1641. , John, Alderman of Pontefract, fol. 17, Pontefract. Apl. 10, 1638. , Richard, Pontefract, fol, 376, Pontefract. Feb. 14, 1648. Skires, Mary, Alderthwaite, fol. 516, Doncaster. Feb. 8, 1629. Skirmshaw, Jacobus, dioc. Chester, Caveat, fol. 64, Prerogative. Apl. 28, 1631. Skirrie, William, Eastbarnbie, fol. 265, Cleveland. Jan. 26, 1637. Skoloken, Scoram (?), Levell, fol. 628, Doncaster. Mar. i, 1638. Skyn, Christopher, Skarbrough, fol. 344, Dickering. Jun.29, 1629. Skynner, Richard, Huntington, fol. 35, Bulmer. Jun. 5, 1630. Skynninge, Elizabeth, Horsemyrehead, fol. 258, Cleveland. Jun. 25, 1649. Slacke, Hugh, Jenben (?), co. Cumb., fol. 59, Prerogative. Jan. 4, 1644. , Jennet, Emley, fol. 39, Pontefract. Dec. 15, 1649. , John, Swinton, fol. 523, Doncaster. Nov. i, 1645. , Nicholas, Long Haughton, fol. 459, Doncaster. Aug. 3, 1631. , William, Folkton, fol. 305, Dickering. Dec. 7, 1644. Sladen, Richard, Clough in Sowerby, fol. 43, Pontefract. Aug. 6, 1647. Slaiter, Ann, Tibthorp, fol. 17, Harthill. May 19, 1646. , Henry, son of Edw. S. of Yorke, gent, dec., tui., fol. 81, Pontefract. Apl. 20, 1646. , John, Light Oakes, co. Lane., fol. 22, Prerogative. July 6, 1633. Slateburne, Ann, dr. of Rich. S. of Coniston Cold, dec., tui., fol. 411, Craven. Dec. 18, 1652. Slater, Alice, Thornton, widow, fol. 113, Ridall. Dec. 24, 1636. Ed., Watton, fol. 65, Harthill. Nov.i7, 1636. Edward, York, fol. 52, City. Feb.ult.,i63i. Francis, Easingwold, fol. 51, Bulmer. Aug. 6, 1641. Gilbert, Hooton, fol. 432, Doncaster. Oct. 5, 1640. Issabel, Tibthorpe, fol. 113, Harthill. Jan. 10, 1629. John, Kighley, effects unadministered, fol. 355, Craven. Aug. 2, 1636. Mary, Abberford, fol. 239, Ainsty. Dec. 2, 1649. Mary, dau. of Geo. S. of Houghton Lond, dec., tui., Retford. Aug. i, 1638. Thomas, Akerlands, fol. 506, Craven. Feb. 14, 1638. William, Saunbie, fol. 263, Retford. Feb. 7, 1637. - William, Skipsey, fol. 198, Holderness. May 3, 1631. William, Whiston, fol. 506, Doncaster. Oct. 6, 1636. als. Acy, Hellen, Preston, fol. 191, Holderness. Dec. 31, 1638. als. Monckes, Matilda, Kighley, fol. 512, Craven. Feb. 19, 1632. Sled, William, Flinton, fol. 161, Holderness. Mar. 12, 1628. Sledd, John, Sprotley, Holderness. Apl. 17, 1635. Sleightholme, Richard, son of Chris. S., fol. 126, Prerogative. Mar.26, 1650. - , William, Kirkby Moorside, fol. no, Ridall. Dec. 6, 1638. Slinger, Anthony, Hunslett, fol. 283(7, Ainsty. Aug. 9, 1637. Frances, dr. of Jacobus S. of Buckden, dec., tui., fol. 487, Craven. May ii, 1638. Francis, Dent, fol. 178, Prerogative. Dec. ii, 1638. George, Barnard Castle, fol. 193, Prerogative. Sep. 15, 1636. Margaret, Coniston, fol. 441, Craven. Dec. 22, 1636. Richard, Durham, fol. 154, Prerogative. Sep. 5, 1645. als. Tod, Ann, grant to John T. of Redworth, co. Dur., husband, fol. 7, Prerogative. Oct. 3, 1638. Sluman, Richard, Midleton super Leven, fol. 320, Cleveland. Nov.27, 1638. Smailes, William, Whitbie, fol. 321, Cleveland. Oct. 21, 1631. Smalbent, Brian, Walkringham, fol. 216, Retford. May 3, 1631. Smalefeild, Francis, Bradfeild, fol. 506, Doncaster. Sep. 27, 1641. Smales, Henry, Newholme, par. Whitby, fol. 189, Cleveland. Apl. 24, 1634. - , John, Whitbye, fol. 290, Cleveland. Apl. 24, 1634. , Richard, Whitby, fol. 291, Cleveland. Oct. 3, 1627. , William, Huton, par. Lithe, fol. 235, Cleveland. Aug.i6, 1638. Smaley, John, Toton, fol. 127, Nottingham. Aug. 4, 1637. Small, Henry, Mooresom Magna, fol. 310, Cleveland. Jun. 30, 1647. , Perigrine, Newarke upon Trent, Retford. Apl. 27, 1647. Smalley, Robert, Beeston, Nottingham. May 5, 1631. , Symon, South Collingham, fol. 324, Newark. Feb. 12, 1630. , William, Beeston, fol. 66, Nottingham. APPENDIX. 249 Jun. 5, 1634. Smallwood, Alice, Hempeholme, fol. 172, Holderness. July 15, 1628. Smart, Dorothy, Nafferton, Dickering. Jan. 18, 1647. , John and Elizabeth, Nafferton, fol. 470, Dickering, Aug-30, 1649. , Marmaduke, Skerne, fol. 248, Holderness. Sep. 13, 1632. Smartfoote, Hellen, Beverley, fol. 24, Harthill. Feb. 22, 1632. Smarthwait, John, Kingston upon Hull, fols. 28, 29, Harthill. Sep. 17, 1635. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 58, Harthill. Feb. 16, 1629. Smayles, Roger, Wombleton, fol. 145, Ridall. May 13, 1642. Smeadley, George, Sheffeild, fol. 442, Doncaster. Aug-3o, 1628. Smeaton, Hugh, Elvington, fol. 33, Buhner. Dec. 20, 1644. , John, Doncaster, fol. 452, Doncaster. Sep. 27, 1633. , John and Ann, Donington, fol. 105, Prerogative. Feb. 10, 1643. .William, Donington, fol. 251, Prerogative. July 31, 1639. Smedley, William, par. St. Nich., Nottingham, fol. 136, Nottingham. July 3, 1635. Smeethers, Alice, Barnebie super Dunne, fol. 575, Doncaster. Oct. 14, 1647. Smeton, Elizabeth and Mary, daus. of Will. S. of Dunington, dec., fol. 42, Prerogative. Dec. 4, 1650. Smirthwaite, William, fol. 50, Harthill. Mar.iS, 1639. Smith, Abraham, Leedes Mainerideinge, fol. 306, Ainsty. May 31, 1636. - Abraham, Rippon, fol. 465, Craven. Dec. ii, 1637. - Alice, Leedes Kirkegate, fol. 268, Ainsty. Jan. 16, 1627. Ann, Kirkbie Underdale, Buckrose. July 3, 1647. - Ann, dr. of Gerv. S. of Pontefract, dec., tui., fol. 104, Pontefract. Oct. 12, 1627. Ann, Shelton, fol. 305, Newark. May 5, 1637. Ann, Wetherby. fol. 254, Ainsty. Mar.i4, 1636. Ann, York, fol. 55, City. Dec. 12, 1638. Ann, York, fol. 66, City. Apl. 16, 1635. Annas, New Malton, fol. 172, Ridall. Jun. 18, 1633. Anthony, Beverley, fol. 32, Harthill. Feb. 15, 1637. Arthur, Bradmore, fol. 120, Nottingham. Feb. 25, 1646. - Arthur, Tongjuxta Bolton, co. Lane., fol. 30, Prerogative. Jun. 28, 1637. Averilla, York, fol. 57, City. Mar. 6, 1639. Brian, Mooregate, par. Clairbrough, fol. 271, Retford. Dec. 3, 1645. Catherine, Broughton, co. Lane., fol. 13, Prerogative. Apl. 8, 1648. Catherine, Knaresbrough, widow, fol. 46, Prerogative. Jun. 28, 1638. Charles, Helmsley, fol. 192, Ridall. Jan. 15, 1647. Christian, Tickton, fol. 23, Harthill. Oct. 6, 1634. Christofer, Houlbecke, fol. 201, Ainsty. Feb. 18, 1638. Christopher, Haworth, fol. 395, Pontefract. July 31, 1633. - Constance, Sturton, fol. 228, Retford. Feb. 18, 1632. Edward, Beverley, fol. 30, Harthill. Aug.iS, 1637. Edward, par. Bramwith, fol. 355, Pontefract. Feb. 16, 1647. - Edward, Cantley, fol. 503, Doncaster. July 28, 1640. Edward, East Newton, fol. 216, Holderness. Oct. 6, 1652. Edward, Esh, Bpricke of Dur., fol. 78, Prerogative. Apl. 14, 1635. Edward, par. Hallifax, fol. 194, Pontefract. Nov.2O, 1635. Edward, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 53, Harthill. Dec. 29, 1633. - Edward, Kirkstall, fol. 137, Pontefract. Aug. 2, 1636. Edward, Rippon, fol. 465, Craven. July 21, 1630. - Elizabeth, Cottingham, fol. 5, Harthill. Aug.i6, 1638. Elizabeth, dr. of John and Eliz. S. of Cramb, dec., fol. 92, Bulmer. Apl. 30, 1629. - Elizabeth, Nottingham, fol. 51, Nottingham. Aug. 2, 1638. - Elizabeth, Seamer, fol. 318, Cleveland. July 24, 1633. Elizabeth, Wigton, fol. 142, Pontefract. Oct. 24, 1631. - Elizabeth, rel. of Ric. S. of York, fol. 16, City. Oct. 3, 1633. Ellen, Wiglesworth, fol. 420, Craven. May 15, 1633. - Francis, East Retford, fol. 226, Retford. Sep. 30, 1630. Gabriel and Elizabeth, chdn. of Godf. S. of Beeston, dec., tui., fol. 500, Doncaster. Oct. 9, 1637. George, Baynton, fol. 71, Harthill. Jan. 21, 1638. George, par. Hallifax, fol. 388, Pontefract. Oct. 20, 1647. George, Harlethropp, fol. 19, Harthill. Aug.2O, 1629. George, Hoveringham, fol. 54, Nottingham. Oct. 14, 1637. George, London, fol. 170, Prerogative. 250 APPENDIX. May 13, 1639. Smith, George, son of Ric. S. of York, dec., tui., fol. 69, City. Jan. 9, 1632. Gervase, Carleton Linrike, fol. 224, Retford. Feb. 21, 1627. Giles, Tadcaster, fol. 124, Ainsty. Oct. 17, 1629. Giles, Tadcaster, fol. 145, Ainsty. Feb. 14, 1627. ' Hannah, dau. of Tho. S. of Everton, dec., tui., fol. 190, Retford. Sep. 24, 1647. Hellen, dau. of Joh. S. of Ostenfeild, dec., tui., Retford. Aug. 6, 1627. Henry, par. Hallifax, fol. 18, Pontefract. July 12, 1643. Henry, Kellowe, fol. 85, Ridall. Sep. 9, 1633. Hugh, Skarbrough, fol. 314, Dickering. Mar. 9, 1636. Hugh, Southclifton, fol. 350, Newark. May 13, 1640. Isabel, Hameworth, par. Bingley, fol. 529, Craven. Mar.i2, 1633. Isabel!, Asslabie, fol. no, Prerogative. Oct. 4, 1638. Jacobus, Dugleby, fol. 267, Bttckrose. Mar.i3, 1637. Jacobus, North Burton, fol. 339, Dickering. Dec. 4, 1630. Jane, dr. of Pet. S. of Bubvvith, dec., fol. 7, Harthill. Oct. 8, 1640. Jane, Carleton Linricke, fol. 275, Retford. Apl. 15, 1629. Jane, Skipton, fol. 346, Craven. May 8, 1628. Jane, Sturton, fol. 192, Retford. Feb. 7, 1637. John, Aldbrough, fol. 200, Holderness. Mar.25, 1644. John, Beverley, fol. 119, Harthill. July 14, 1629. John, Bewerley, fol. 350, Craven. Jun. 24, 1636. John, Bilbrough, fol. 240, Ainsty. July 29, 1641. John, son of Leon. S. of Bilbrough, dec., fol. 314, Ainsty. Oct. i, 1629. John, Bramhopp, fol. 143, Ainsty. Aug.23, 1641. John, Brandesburton, fol. 218, Holderness. May22, 1632. John, Clayton, fol. 512, Doncaster. Apl. 4, 1638. John, supposed son of Geo. S. of Cliviger, tui., fol. 178, Prerogative. Oct. 8, 1640. John, East Markham, fol. 275, Retford. July 10, 1649. John, Ellerby, par. Lyth, fol. 227, Cleveland. July 14, 1629. John, Flixton, Dickering. Dec. 5, 1632. John, par. Kirkeburton, fol. 519, Doncaster. Apl. ii, 1634. John, par. Kirkeburton, fol. 184, Pontefract. Mar. i, 1648. John, son of Edw. S. of Ovenden, dec., tui., fol. 127, Pontefract. Sep. 28, 1637. John, Scarbrough, fol. 336, Dickering. Aug. 3, 1632. John, Staniefurth, fol. 513, Doncaster. Oct. 20, 1650. John, Sutton super Trent, Newark. May 29, 1638. John, York, fol. 68, City. Feb. 23, 1630. Jonathan, Kirkegate in Bradford, fol. 90, Pontefract. July 17, 1637. Joseph and Sarah, chdn. of Tho. and Isab. S. of Asselby, par. Howden, dec., Caveat agst. tui., fols. 164 and 173, Prerogative. Aug.iS, 1642. Joseph, son of Hen. S. of Ealand, dec., tui., fol. 27, Pontefract. Aug. i, 1638. Josias, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 86, Harthill. Aug.i5, 1636. Katherine, Nunburnholme, widow, fol. 61, Harthill. July 14, 1629. Lambert, Paitleybrigges, fol. 350, Craven. an. 18, 1627. Luke, Ovenden, fol. 22, Pontefract. Oct. i, 1649. Margaret, dr. of Chris. S. par. Felkirk, dec., tui., fol. 523, Doncaster. Jan. 16, 1635. Margaret, par. Leedes, fol. 588, Doncaster. Feb. 19, 1632. Margaret, Swine, fol. 160, Holderness. May i, 1628. Margaret, West Ardesley, fol. 32, Pontefract. Oct. 9, 1634. Margaret, Worksopp, fol. 235, Retford. Oct. 22, 1636. Mary, dr. of Edm. of Burnholme, dec., fol. 57, Harthill. Oct. 24, 1636. Mary, dr. of Edm. S. of Burneholme, dec., fol. 63, Harthill. Jun. ii, 1647. Mary, Cawood, widow, fol. 37, Prerogative. Nov.io, 1641. Mary, par. Hallifax, fol. 18, Pontefract. Jan. ii, 1649. Mary, Harlthorpe, fol. 41, Harthill. May 7, 1641. Mary, Idle, par. Calverley, fol. 16, Pontefract. Oct. 19, 1642. Ottavell, Welbury, fol. 197, Cleveland. Jan. 14, 1649. Parceval, Seamer, fol. 229, Cleveland. Mar.26, 1629. Peter, Bubwith, Harthill. Mar. 4, 1650. Ralph, Cottingham, fol. 50, Harthill. Dec. 19, 1639. Ralph, par. Sheffeild, fol. 660, Doncaster. July 15, 1647. Ralph, Thirske, fol. 28, Buhner. Feb. 26, 1634. Richard, Bergen of Zoue, souldier, fol. 98, Nottingham. Sep. 17, 1631. Richard, Easingwold, fol. 53, Bulmer. APPENDIX. 251 Aug.23, 1636. Apl. 6, 1638. Oct. 31, 1649. Aug. 6, 1633. July 14, 1629. Oct. 8, 1627. Mar.iS, 1644. Feb. 7, 1633. Oct. 20, 1636. Nov.2i, 1637. Apl. 18, 1632. Feb. 10, 1646. Apl. 26, 1632. Jan. 22, 1651. Dec. 20, 1628. Feb. 6, 1639. Mar.i2, 1629. Mar.n, 1634. Sep. 30, 1651. Apl. 5, 1637. July i, 1635. Aug. 5, 1628. May 5, 1651. Feb. 6, 1640. Sep. 20, 1636. Mayi6, 1628. Jan. 24, 1636. Dec. 22, 1628. Mar.24, 1647. Jun. 23, 1629. May 13, 1637. July 3, 1629. Mar.iS, 1646. Jun. 21, 1637. Apl. 9, 1635. Dec.i6, 1628. Apl. i, 1647. Jun. 4, 1630. July 31, 1639. Dec. 18, 1637. Feb. 7, 1636. Apl. 22, 1640. Aug. 6, 1628. Oct. 22, 1627. Aug. 2, 1636. Mar. 9, 1640. May 5, 1631. Aug.i2, 1629. Jan. 9, 1637. Mar. 2, 1649. May 5, 1631. July 24, 1629. Mar. 10, 1629. Feb. 12, 1632. Sep. 24, 1647. Apl. 26, 1632. Jun. 22, 1629. May 7, 1635. Feb. 8, 1631. Apl. 17, 1638. Oct. 12, 1637. Oct. 25, 1636. Nov.27, 1640. Smith, Richard, Haworth, par. Bradford, fol. 328, Pontefract. Richard, Horsforth, fol. 273, Ainsty. Richard, Kayingham, fol. 249, Holderness. Richard, Longpreston, fol. 413, Craven. Richard, Otley, fol. 140. Ainsty. Richard, Pattrington, Holderness. Richard, Sheffeild, fol. 454, Doncaster. Richard, Spofforth, fol. 207, Ainsty. Richard, York, fol. 51, City. Robert and Isabel, chdn. of Will. S., tui. to Joh. Batty of Alverthorp, fol. 357, Pontefract. Robert, Denton, fol. 168, Ainsty. Robert, Farnton, Newark. Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 23, Harthill. Robert, Lockington, fol. 57, Harthill. Robert, Marre, fol. 458, Doncaster. Robert, Marton, fol. 211, Holderness. Robert, New Parke, fol. 70, Pontefract. Robert, Stainforth, fol. 566, Doncaster. Robert, Todwicke, fol. 529, Doncaster. Robert, Wakefeild, fol. 348, Pontefract. Roger, Coniston, fol. 185, Holderness. Samuel, par. Hallifax, fol. $6a, Pontefract. Samuel, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 52, Harthill. Sarah, Clayton, fol. 426, Doncaster. Stephen, Haworth, fol. 339, Pontefract. Susanna, Cliviger, co. Lane., widow, fol. 52, Prerogative. Thomas, Baildon, fol. 246, Ainsty. Thomas, Barden, fol. 339, Craven. Thomas, Brampton, dioc. Carlisle, fol. 33, Prerogative. Thomas, Bubwith, Harthill. Thomas, Carlton, fol. 483, Craven. Thomas, Clayton, fol. 58, Pontefract. Thomas, Darlton, Newark. Thomas, Egton, fol. 311, Cleveland. Thomas, Parsley, fol. 188, Pontefract. Thomas, par. Hallifax, fol. 42, Pontefract. Thomas, Haworth, par. Bradford, fol. 95, Pontefract. Thomas, Hessle, fol. 2, Harthill. Thomas, Ilkley, fol. 521, Craven. Thomas, Kighley, fol. 476, Craven. Thomas, Kirby Moorsyde, fol. 183, Ridall. Thomas, Kirkby Mooreside, fol. 203, Ridall. Thomas, Lighten, fol. 42, Pontefract. Thomas, Lockenton, Harthill. Thomas, Newsham, par. Wresle, fol. 61, Harthill. Thomas, Normanton, par. Plumtree, fol. 145, Nottingham. Thomas, Nottingham, fol. 68, Nottingham. Thomas, Ovenden, fol. 61, Pontefract. Thomas, Pontefract, fol. 366, Pontefract. Thomas, son of Tho. S. of Pontefract, dec., tui., fol. 342, Pontefract. Thomas, Screveton, fol. 68, Nottingham. Thomas, Stapleton, fol. 59, Pontefract. Thomas, Stappleton, fol. 69, Pontefract. William, Ampleford, fol. 156, Ridall. William, Bautry, Retford. William, Bothomsell, fol. 220, Retford. William, par. Bradford, fol. 469, Doncaster. William, Bramhopp, fol. 212, Ainsty. William, Cottingham, fol. 17, Harthill. William, Barbie, fol. 499, Craven. William, Eastmarkham, fol. 253, Retford. William, Fellaine, fol. 467, Craven. William, Filey, fol. 352, Dickering. 252 APPENDIX. Apl. 22, 1635. Smith, William, Flawborowgh, fol. 343, Newark. Mar. 4, 1649. William, Ann, Robert, chdn. of Will. S. of Garton, dec., tui., Newark. Dec.28, 1630. William, Hessle, Caveat, fol. i,Harthill. July 4, 1628. - William, Horsforth, fol. 131, Ainsty. Jan. 15, 1635. William, Kelke, fol. 327, Dickering. Mar. 24, 1635. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 56, Harthill. Oct. 13, 1647. William, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Aug.23, 1647. William, Preston, fol. 236, Holderness. Sep. 28, 1646. William, Seaton, fol. 213, Holderness. Jun. 26, 1634. William, par. Sheffeild, fol. 558, Doncaster. May ii, 1630. William, Spaldington, fol. 3, Harthill. Jun. 4, 1629. William, Stainton, fol. 54, Nottingham. Oct. 4, 1637. William, Thirske, fol. 87, Bulmer. May 2, 1637. William, Topcliffe, Caveat, fol. 84, Bulmer. Apl. 14, 1635. William, par. Wakefeild, fol. 195, Pontefract. Dec.iS, 1634. William, Wortley als. Writley, fol. 206, Ainsty. Feb. 20, 1634. als. Cundie, Cicilia, wife of Joh. S. of York, gent., Caveat, fol. 39, City. Aug. 9, 1639. als. Galloway, Hellen, rel. of Sam. S. of Worsoppe, clerk, fol. 267, Retford. Apl. 10, 1638. als. Hanson, William, Scoles, fol. 274, Ainsty. Jan. i, 1645. a/5. Waite, Ellen, Culthell, fol. 17, Prerogative. July ii, 1637. als. Whittaker, John, son of Margt. W., wid. and of Geo. S. of Cliviger, tui., fol. 167, Prerogative. Aug.2o, 1628. Smithe, Isabell, Sturton, fol. 194, Retford. May 3, 1635. Smithies, William, Bradford, fol. 322, Pontefract. Aug.ig, 1648. Smithson, Dorothy, Lockington, tui., fol. 28, Harthill. July 12, 1650. , John, Beverley, fol. 48, Harthill. Aug. 29, 1642. , John, Habden Parva, par. Kirkbymisperton, fol. 83, Ridall. Sep. 24, 1637. > John, Habton Magna, par. Kirkbie Misperton, fol. 188, Ridall. Mar. 5, 1630. , Margaret, dr. of Anth. S. of Horton, dec., tui., fol. 371, Craven. Mar.23, 1648. , Margaret, Lockington, fol. 32, Harthill. Feb. 10, 1646. , Robert, South Collingham, Newark. July 4, 1637. , Samuel, Kingston upon Hull, Caveat, fol. 185, Ridall. Sep. 10, 1629. , Samuel, Kingston upon Hull, merchant, Harthill. Sep. 19, 1637. , Samuel, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 69, Harthill. Jan. 27, 1629. , Wilfrid, Stirton, fol. 357, Craven. Jun. 7, 1638. als. Atkinson, Jane, Gargrave, fol. 502, Craven. Nov. 9, 1638. Smittes, William, Dalton, fol. 94, Bulmer. May 13, 1634. Smorthwaite, Thomas, Rippon, fol. 439, Craven. Dec. 12, 1645. Snaipe, Robert, Beverley, fol. 251, Harthill. Apl. 26, 1650. Snaith, Margaret, dr. of Gerrard S. of Roos, dec., tui., fol. 253, Holderness. Feb. 19, 1632. , Richard, Sutton, fol. 160, Holderness. May22, 1638. Snarie, Emot, Brunton, par. Ganton, fol. 341, Dickering. May 5, 1636. Snarrie, Christofer, Amotherbie, fol. 176, Ridall. Nov.27, 1638. Snawden, Anthony, Egton, fol. 321, Cleveland. Aug.ig, 1633. , Jacobus, Hawood, fol. 183, Ainsty. Sep. 2, 1642. , Thomas, Appleton, fol. 83, Ridall. July 24, 1647. > Toby, Northallerton, fol. 40, Prerogative. Oct. 2, 1628. Snawdon, Robert, Eston, fol. 247, Cleveland. Mayi6, 1628. , Robert, North Dighton, fol. 128, Ainsty. Dec. i, 1641. , Thomas, Easby, fol. 190, Cleveland. Jan. 19, 1637. , Timothy, Knaresbrough, fol. 179, Prerogative. May 9, 1631. Snawe, Marmaduke, Everingham, fol. 8, Harthill. Aug. 2, 1638. Sneaton, Christopher, Ewecoate, fol. 320, Cleveland. Sep. 18, 1627. , Matthew, Scarbrough, Dickering. Oct. ii, 1635. , Nicholas, Skelton, fol. 300, Cleveland. Mar. 6, 1637. Snell, Leonard, Rippon, fol. 497, Craven. Oct. 25, 1642. , William, Normanton super Soare, Nottingham. May 8, 1633. , William, Sunibancke(P), fol. 408, Craven. Oct. 10, 1639. , William, Henry, Elizabeth and Dorothy, chdn. of Rob. S., dec., tui., fol. 524, Craven. Mar.iy, 1645. als. Shircliffe, Elizabeth, dr. of John Snell of Silkston, dec., tui., fol. 463, Doncaster. May 3, 1631. Snidall, William, Wickersley, fol. 505, Doncaster. APPENDIX. 253 Nov. 9, 1638. Snowden, Richard, Stockwith, par. Misterton, fol. 187, Prerogative. Mar. g, 1640. Soarsby, John, Alice, Mary, Richard, chdn. of Joh. S. of Ruddington, dec., tui., fol. 147, Nottingham. Jun. 18, 1634. Somers, Stephen. Shereburn, fol. 196, Ainsty. Jan. 12, 1638. Somerscales, Charles, Conisbrough, fol. 644, Duncaster. Aug. 5, 1628. Somerskales, Robert, Glusburne, fol. 333, Craven. July 27, 1635. Somerson, John and Andrew, tui. to Nich. S. of Farnedale, father, fol. 174, Ridall. Feb. 10, 1628. Somervell, John, London, fol. 570, Prerogative. July 9, 1647. Sommers, Ann, dau. of Hen. S. of Newarke, dec., tui., Newark. Sep. 26, 1627. Sommerster, Jervis, Barnesley, fol. 434, Doncaster. July 30, 1640. Sonley. John, Fadmoore, fol. 205, Ridall. Mar.i4, 1630. , John, Thornton, fol. 43, Bulmer. Aug.27, 1646. Soobye, Gregory, Laneham, Retford. Feb. 13, 1631. Sothabie, Robert, Darrington, fol. 100, Pontefract. July 16, 1642. Sotheran, Admella, Newcastle super Tyne, fol. 247, Prerogative. Sep. 28, 1638. , Ralph, Cottingham, fol. 85, Harthill. Oct. 20, 1638. Sotheron, Simon, Clifford, par. Bramham, fol. 286, Ainsty. Sep. 23, 1636. Soule, Thomas, Ellerton, fol. 66, Harthill. May 14, 1649. Soulby, Thomas, Kirby Mooreside, fol. 106, Ridall. Dec. 2, 1649. Soulsby, Alice, Sulkehoume, par. Warkesopp, Retford. Aug. 14, 1628. Southernewood, Ralph, Rempston, fol. 44, Nottingham. Jan. 29, 1645. Southwicke, John, Preston, fol. 291, Holderness. Dec. n, 1649. , John, Preston, fol. 249, Holderness. Jun. 3, 1652. , William, Headon, fol. 262, Holderness. July 28, 1640. Southwickes, Martha, Headon, fol. 216, Holderness. Nov.24, 1636. Sowden, Robert, Kighley, fol. 468, Craven. NOV.II, 1646. , William, son of Will. S. of Woodall, dec., tui., fol. 88, Pontefract. May2O, 1641. Sower, Matthew, Gerton, Newark. Mar.23, 1639. Sowerby, Katherine, Kirkby Mooreside, fol. 202, Ridall. Jan. 24, 1648. - , Robert, Hemsley, fol. 104, Ridall. Apl. 8, 1646. , William, Barnard Castle, fol. 21, Prerogative. Nov.i6, 1637. .William, Brandsdale, fol. 188, Ridall. May2g, 1635. , William, Great Broughton lone, fol. 297, Cleveland. Apl. 27, 1637. , William, Snainton, fol. 185, Ridall. Apl. 14, 1648. Sowersby, William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 26, Harthill. Nov.2g, 1630. Sowle, Richard, Carleton, fol. 262, Cleveland. Oct. 13, 1638. , Robert, East Cottenwith, fol. 79, Harthill. Dec. 6, 1650. Sowley, Ann, Seamor, fol. 233, Cleveland. May3i, 1652. , James, Seamer, fol. 236, Cleveland. Oct. 2, 1628. , Jane, Easby, fol. 247, Cleveland. Jan. 31, 1649. , John, Kildayle, fol. 229, Cleveland. May 3, 1635. Sowthies, Katherine, par. Wragbie, fol. 322, Pontefract. Apl. 23, 1632. Sowthwicke, Cicilia, Swine, fol. 155, Holderness. May 23, 1629. , Ralph, Preston, Holderness. Aug. 3, 1632. , Richard, son of Hugh and Eliz. H. of Preston, dec., tui., fol. 157, Holderness. Feb. 2, 1629. , Robert, Preston, Holderness. Dec. 12, 1628. Sowthworth, Edward, son of Edw. S. of Wellam, dec., tui., fol. 196, Retford. Oct. n, 1632. Spabold, Dorothy, Walkringham, fol. 223, Retford. July 29, 1630. Spademan, Edmund, Sutton Bonnington, fol. 61, Nottingham. May 5, 1631. Spaidman, Edmund, Suttonbonington, fol. 68, Nottingham. Oct. 10, 1637. Spaldin, Humphrey, Kirke Sandall, fol. 622, Doncaster. Jun. 28, 1638. Spalding, Alexander, Beverley, fol. 81, Harthill. Oct. 3, 1633. Spanton, Elizabeth, Nafferton, fol. 315, Dickering. Oct. 3, 1633. , Richard, Nafferton, fol. 315, Dickering. Jun. 2, 1634. Sparke, John, Hunsley, fol. 42, Harthill. July 24, 1628. , Matthew, Settrington, Buckrose. May 21, 1641. , William, Manchester, fol. 234, Prerogative. Oct. 3, 1627. Sparling, Jacobus, Whorlton, fol. 239, Cleveland. Oct. 2g, 1645. Spatchurst, Francis, par. Clapham, fol. g, Prerogative. Jan. 27, 1635. Spavand, John, New Malton, fol. 178, Ridall. Sep. 20, 1644. Spawton, Matthew, Balderston, Newark. Jan. g, 1648. Speake, John, Twiston, co. Lane., fol. 51, Prerogative. 254 APPENDIX. Oct. 22, 1647. Oct. 13, 1636. Feb. 27, 1634. May 1 6, 1628. Feb. 25, 1647. Aug. 8, 1636. July 14, 1629. Aug. 2, 1633. Oct. i, 1635. Jan. i, 1637. Oct. 22, 1627. Apl. 23, 1634. Aug. i, 1636. May 17, 1645. Oct. 2, 1637. Jun. 20, 1636. Jun. 2, 1637. Mar. 3, 1647. Jun. 18, 1628. May 28, 1638. May 2, 1639. Apl. 30, 1633. July i, 1631. Aug.2O, 1634. Mar.i7, 1646. Apl. 14, 1635. May 2, 1637. Jan. 18, 1637. Feb. 12, 1640. Aug.i6, 1638. Dec. 13, 1633. Dec.2o, 1632. Mar.27, 1647. Dec. 17, 1649. Aug.2o, 1634. Oct. 28, 1635. Mar.26, 1628. Aug.io. 1633. Feb. 13, 1640. Feb. 28, 1645. Feb. 13, 1646. May 28, 1633. Nov. 3, 1648. Aug.22, 1634. Aug. 3, 1647. Feb. 9, 1635. Feb. 9, 1635. Aug. 8, 1636. Jun. 29, 1638. Dec. 4, 1638. Oct. 4, 1639. Jun. 10, 1650. Aug. 8, 1632. Aug. 3, 1635. Mar. 3, 1637. Apl. 23, 1629. May 28, 1628. Feb. 27, 1632. Spedding ah. Thackston, Ann, Thaxton, fol. 42, Prerogative. Speed, Ann and Richard, chdn. of Jerome S. of Shelton, dec., tui., fol. 350, Newark. , William, Winthorpe, fol. 340, Newark. Speight, Henry, Cononley, fol. 331, Craven. John, Wragby, fol. 1 14, Pontefract. fefra Mary, Strout, fol. 332, Pontefract. Parcival, Northburton, Dickering. Richard, par. Hallifax, fol. 152, Pontefract. Robert, Gawthropp, fol. 307, Pontefract. William, Hambleton, fol. 190, Ridall. Spence, Bartholomew, Beverley, Harthill. , John, Jane, Ann and Margaret, chdn. of Joh. S. of Helmsley, dec., tui., fol. 1 66, Ridall. , John and Margaret, chdn. of Joh. S. of Hemsley, dec., tui., fol. 180, Ridall. , John, Middleham, fol. 19, Prerogative. , Leonard, son of Ad. S. of Coverhead, dec., fol. 264, Ainsty. , Miles, York, fol. 51, City. , Roger, Miles, Edward, Isabel), tui. to Rich. S., father, fol. 61, City. , Thomas, Hopperton, fol. 44, Prerogative. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Spenceley, George, Eastnes, fol. 192, Ridall. , Nicholas, Eastnes, fol. 196, Ridall. Spencer, Dorothy, dr. of Jac. S., who died at Scarbrough, Caveat, fol. 312, Dickering. , Ellen, Wakefeild, fol. 86, Pontefract. , Joan, Gotham, fol. 93, Nottingham. , John, Barbon, fol. 32, Prerogative. , John, par. Batley, fol. 194, Pontefract. , John, Sheffeild, fol. 615, Doncaster. , Matthew, Knottingley, fol. 366, Pontefract. , Mercy, Beverley, fol. 100, Harthill. , Richard, Costocke, fol. 126, Nottingham. , Thomas, York, fol. 30, City. , William, Airton, fol. 402, Craven. , William, Settrington, gentleman, fol. 394, Buckrose. Spencley, George, Helmsley, fol. 108, Ridall. Spenser, Elizabeth, Farnefeild, fol. 93, Nottingham. Spicer, Ellen, North Cave, fol. 58, Harthill. , Thomas, Wolferton, Harthill. Spincke, Ellenor, Stutton, par. Tadcaster, widow, fol. 180, Ainsty. , Thomas, Nether Popleton, fol. 311, Ainsty. Spinke, George, Wakefeild, fol. 60, Pontefract. , Robert, Hillam or Ratchdale, fol. 30, Prerogative , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 31, Harthill. , , William, Skerne, fol. 29, Harthill. Spivie, Ann, Wakefeild, fol. 183, Pontefract. , Edward, West Retford, Retford. , Thomas, Wakefeild, Caveat, fol. 225, Ainsty. , Thomas, Wakefeild, Caveat, fol. 314, Pontefract. , Thomas, Wakefeild, fol. 333, Pontefract. SpofTord, Philip, Everingham, fol. 81, Harthill. SpofTorth, Ann, West Haddlesey, widow, fol. 282, Ainsty. , John, West Hadlesey, par. Birkin, fol. 304, Ainsty. Spooner, Ralph, Agnes Burton, fol. 401, Buckrose. Sprentall, Christofer, Nottingham, fol. 76, Nottingham. Sprigge, Henry, Skelton, fol. 344, Newark. Spurnall, Elizabeth and Mary, daurs. of Rob. S. of Stokesley, dec., tui., fol. 315, Cleveland. Spurnell, Robert, Stokesley, fol. 249, Cleveland. Spurner, William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 77, Harthill. Spurr, John, Alice and Sarah, chdn. of Chas. S. of Bramby, dec., Caveat, fol. 174, Ainsty. APPENDIX. 255 Jun. 2, 1639. Oct. i, 1644. Jan. ii, 1633. Nov.io, 1629. May 15, 1645. Dec. 16, 1630. Oct. i, 1640. Jan. 23, 1635. Aug. 8, 1636. Aug.25, 1637. Dec.iS, 1628. Dec. 1 6, 1630. Oct. 3, 1638. Jun. 29, 1635. July 31, 1635. Mar. 6, 1649. Feb. 9, 1641. Jan. 27, 1634. Oct. 12, 1637. Oct. 12, 1637. Feb. 9, 1631. Oct. 12, 1637. Apl. n, 1629. May i, 1628. MayiS, 1641. Aug. 6, 1640. Oct. 9, 1641. Jan. 27, 1641. Mar.23, 1630. Jun. ii, 1650. Dec. 6, 1628. Jun. 20, 1637. Feb. 6, 1635. Nov.24, 1635. Oct. 14, 1639. May i, 1628. Jan. 28, 1641. Jun. 20, 1627. Jan. 23, 1633. Jun. 26, 1634. Oct. 25, 1633. Jun. 21, 1633. Oct. 9, 1632. Aug. 8, 1645. Apl. 22, 1635. Feb. 29, 1632. Dec. 23, 1629. Jan. 20, 1636. Oct. 8, 1627. Dec. i, 1636. Sep. 10, 1628. May2o, 1641. Nov. 19, 1640. May 20, 1641. May 2, 1639. Feb. 16, 1631. Jun. 4, 1635. July i, 1645. July i, 1645. Squire, Elizabeth, York, widow, fol. 72, City. , John, Doncaster, fol. 451, Doncaster. , John, Grimston Smithy, par. St. Nich., Extra Walmegatebarr, York, fol. 65, Buhner. , Nicholas, Haistrop, Dickering. , William, Preston, fol. 239, Holderness. Stable, Agnes, Horsforth, fol. 153, Ainsty. , Dorothy, Batley, fol. 6, Pontefract. , Edward, Sherif button, fol. 77, Buhner. , John, Micklefeild, fol. 333, Pontefract: , Margaret, Churwell, par. Batley, fol. 355, Pontefract, , Robert, Sherifhutton, fol. 33, Bulmer. , Thomas, Potter Newton, fol. 153, Ainsty. , Thomas, grant to Edw. S. of Sheriffhutton, father, fol. 93, Buhner. , William, Hethericke, par. Harwood, fol. 216, Ainsty. , William, Pontefract, fol. 304, Pontefract. als. Millcaster, William, Arthington, co. Cumb., fol. 67, Prerogative. Stables, John, par. Wakefeild, fol. 25, Pontefract. , Thomas, Wetherbie, fol. 209, Ainsty. Stacie, Luke, Joseph and Sara, chdn. of Tho. S. of Arnoll, dec., tui., fol. 118, Nottingham. , Marie, Mansfeild Woodhouse, fol. 117, Nottingham. , Thomas, Arnoll, fol. 73, Nottingham. , Thomas, Arnoll, fol. 117, Nottingham. Stacke, Richard, Bolton Percie, fol. 350, Craven. Stackhouse, Thomas, Linethwaite, fol. 327, Craven. Stacy, Cuthbert, Sheffield, fol. 428, Doncaster. , Jervis, Sheffeild, fol. 425, Doncaster. , Sarah, relict of Tho. S. of Hansworth, fol. 435, Doncaster. Stadder, Thomas, Wortley, fol. 436, Doncaster. Stafford, John, Walkington, fol. 8, Harthill. , Patterick, Walkington, fol. 47, Harthill. Staineburn, Janet, Tadcaster, fol. 128, Ainsty. , Robert, Bilton, fol. 259, Ainsty. Staineburne, Henry, Bilton, fol. 230, Ainsty. Stainecliffe, Alice als. Ellicia, par. Whitby, fol. 302, Cleveland. Stainefurth, Robert, par. Sheffeild, fol. 653, Doncaster. Stainerigg, Thomas, Fylingthorp, fol. 242, Cleveland. Staineton, Lawrence, Hatefeild, fol. 438, Doncaster. Staineworth, Thomas, Stanburne, fol. 315, Craven. Stainforth, Henry, Sheffeild, fol. 544, Doncaster. , William, Jacobus, Ann & Joseph, chdn. of Nich. S. of Attercliffe, dec., tui., fol. 558, Doncaster. , William, Darnall, fol. 136, Pontefract. , William, Kingston upon Hull, son of Job. S., senr., Darnall, par. Sheffield, Caveat, fol. 536, Doncaster. , William, par. Sheffeild, fol. 525, Doncaster. Stainhouse, Robert, Liverton, fol. 204, Cleveland. Stainland, William, Eastmarkham, fol. 237, Retford. Stainton, John, Cottingham, fol. 26, Harthill. , Michael, Otley, fol. 145, Ainsty. , Peter, Cottingham, fol. 65, Harthill. , Thomas, Cottingham, Holderness. Stainworth, Nicholas, Aigton, fol. 475, Craven. Stamforth, John, Arnold, Holderness. Stampe, Richard, Burton Joyce, Nottingham. Stancie, Ann, dau. of Will. S. of Nottingham, dec., tui., fol. 143, Nottingham. , Millecent, dau. of Will. S. of Nottingham, dec., tui., Nottingham. Stancliffe, Edward, son of Job. S. of Overstonley, par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 394, Pontefract. , Jacobus, Beverley, fol. 18, Harthill. , John, Falesgrave, fol. 324, Dickering. , John, Ollerton, par. Bradford, fol. 50, Pontefract. , Samuel, Clayton, fol. 50, Pontefract. 256 APPENDIX. MayaS, 1646. Stancliffe, Samuel, Doncaster, fol. 471, Doncaster. Feb. 26, 1641. Standish, William, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Apl. 6, 1647. Standley, Robert, Doncaster, fol. 4860, Doncaster. May 9, 1639. Stanfeild, Richard, Balderton, fol. 361, Newark. July i, 1647. Stangay, Frances, Mickleby, widow, fol. 214, Cleveland. Nov. 6, 1649. Stanghey, Peter, Ugthorpe, fol. 229, Cleveland. Nov. 6, 1649. Stanghowe, William, Ugthorpe, fol. 229, Cleveland. July 12, 1649. Staniforth, Richard, Rotheram, fol. 521, Doncaster. July 12, 1649. , Rosia, dr. of Nich. S. of Sheafeild, cutler, tui., fol. 521, Doncaster. Feb. 19, 1645. Stanley, Edward, Broughton, co. Lane., fol. 16, Prerogative. Feb. 12, 1630. . John, Nottingham, fol. 65, Nottingham. May 5, 1636. - als. Brisco, Gilbert, Skipton, fol. 459, Craven. July 9, 1647. Stannidge, Roger, Etton, Nottingham. May 3, 1635. Stansall, Philip, Farneley, fol. 322, Pontefract. Aug. 3, 1631. Stansawe, Thomas, son of Will. S. of Nottingham, dec., tui., fol. 69, Notting- ham. May 8, 1633. Stansfeild, Susanna, junr., par. Hallifax, fol. 141, Pontefract. Nov. 7, 1645. , William, Olton, fol. 54, Pontefract. May 4, 1637. Stanshall, Elizabeth, Nottingham, fol. 113, Nottingham. May 8, 1628. Stanshawe, William, Nottingham, fol. 41, Nottingham. May i, 1629. Stanton, Thomas, Stanton, gentleman, fol. 315, Newark. Sep. 15, 1637. Stapilton, Grace, Barrowe, co. Line., fol. 171, Prerogative. May i, 1634. Staples, Alexander, Nottingham, fol. 90, Nottingham. Dec. 20, 1634. , Robert, Nottingham, gent., fols. 95 and 96, Nottingham. Apl. 22, 1630. Stapleton, Thomas, Nottingham, fol. 60, Nottingham. Nov.iS, 1630. Stareing, William, Kilnwicke, fol. 6, Harthill. Jun. 3, 1642. Starke, Robert, Swine, fol. 229, Holdcrness. Aug.26, 1636. , Robert, York, fol. 51, City, May 8, 1628. Starkie, Gregory, Heaton, fol. 191, Retford. Jun. 24, 1646. Starky, William, Skircoate, fol. 72, Pontefract. Apl. n, 1651. Statham, John, Clifton, Nottingham. Mar.24, 1647. Staton, William, South Leverton, Nottingham. Oct. 11, 1645. Staunton, Beatrice, Mexbrough, widow, fol. 462, Doncaster. Jun. 21, 1636. Staveley, Bessilius, Rippon Parke, Caveat, fol. 457, Craven. Aug.29, 1627. , Miles, Brackonhall, fol. 319, Craven. Oct. 28, 1641. Stawper, Thomas, Scarbrough, fol. 353, Dickering. Jun. 12, 1634. Stead, Dorothy, Hunsworth, widow, Caveat, fol. 147, Pontefract. Jun. 29, 1630. Edward, Hyingingstone, fol. 357, Craven. Oct. 31, 1631. Grace, Hingingstone, fol. 382, Craven. Jan. 28, 1632. John, son of Tho. S. of Bradfeild, dec., tui., fol. 529, Doncaster. May 10, 1636. John, par. Cantley, fol. 593, Doncaster. Sep. 15, 1642. Lionel, Dighton, fol. 29, Pontefract. Dec. 16,1630. - Richard, Beston, fol. 153, Ainsty. Nov.io, 1630. Richard, Milneshawe, par. Leedes, Caveat, fol. 148, Ainsty. Dec. 4, 1637. Thomas, Coombshowse, par Bradfeild, Caveat, fol. 620, Doncaster. Oct. 18, 1649. Steade, Elizabeth, dr. of Tho. S. of Dewsbury, dec., tui., fol. 137, Pontefract. Apl. 26, 1647. , Jacobus, Batley, fol. 96, Pontefract. Feb. 18, 1646. , John, par. Woodmansie, fol. 10, Harthill. Oct. 4, 1639. , Richard, Wyke, fol. 303, Ainsty. May 30, 1639. Steadman, John, Coxwould, fol. 99, Buhner. Apl. 19, 1630. Steare, Bartholomew, Sowth Dalton, fol. i, Harthill. Aug. 9, 1649. Steele, Christopher, Scarbrough, fol. 479. Dickering. Feb. 14, 1627. , Joan, Litle Gringley, fol. 189, Retford. Feb. 14, 1627. , Original, Litle Gringley, fol. 190, Retford. Oct. 28, 1645. , Wilfrid, Heptonstall, fol. 54, Pontefract. July i, 1628. - , William, Barnebie upon Dunne, fol. 450, Doncaster. Apl. 4, 1646. , William, Litle Usburn, fol 25, Prerogative. May 14, 1642. Steere, Edward, Cornelius, Francis, William, chdn. of Edw. and Eliz. S. 01 Thurne, dec., tui., fol. 35, Pontefract. Apl. 6, 1643. , Henry, Thurne, fol. 446a, Doncaster. Aug. 6, 1633. , John, Thome, fol. 541, Doncaster. Mar. i, 1635. Susanna, dr. of Edw. S. of Thome, dec., fol. 589, Doncaster. Jan. 30, 1631. Steeres, Roger, par. Wakefeild, fol. 106, Pontefract. Jan. 24, 1627. Stephenson, Ann, Topcliffe, fol. 26, Bulmer. APPENDIX. 257 Apl. 24, 1650. May 5, 1640. May 12, 1641. Sep. 25, 1627. May 2, 1639. Jun. ig, 1649. May24, 1646. Mar.i2, 1633. Oct. 21, 1647. Aug. 2, 1638. Oct. 5, 1629. Apl. 29, 1640. May 26. 1628. Jan. 3, 1637. Mar.u, 1627. July 21, 1646. May 29, 1647. May 13, 1637. Jun. 5, 1634. July 8, 1634. Jun. 12, 1639. Jun. 21, 1648. May 10, 1636. Jun. 22, 1629. Aug.iG, 1649. Sep. 28, 1646. Jun. 14, 1633. Dec. 2, 1647. Sep. 3, 1631. Mar.3O, 1636. Dec. 17, 1647. May 24, 1628. Feb. 19, 1635. Nov. 3, 1637. Apl. 19, 1638. July 12, 1646. Dec.i6, 1652. Mar. 9, 1640. Oct. 28, 1630. Jan. 30, 1644. Sep. 21, 1635. Aug. i, 1629. Apl. 20, 1632. Jan. 10, 1627. Aug. 8, 1645. Apl. 26, 1650. July 28, 1636. Oct. 7, 1641. Nov.2i, 1629. Feb. 10, 1634. Jun. 13, 1637. Aug. 2, 1636. Jan. 20, 1646. Feb. 3, 1633. Mar.2o, 1648. July 4, 1628. Apl. 19, 1632. Dec. 29, 1648. Apl. 19, 1635. Stephenson, Christopher and William, sons of Tho. S. of Newbiggin, par. Filey, dec., tui., fol. 484, Dickering. , Edward, Thorpefeild in Sowerby, fol. 107, Buhner. , Francis, Beverley, fol. 115, Harthill. , Grace, Poole, fol. 117, Ainsty. , Jacobus, Pattrington, fol. 206, Holderness. , James, Whitworth, fol. 59, Prerogative. , John, Flambrough, fol. 464, Dickering. , John, son of Tho. S. of Newbiggin, tui. fol. 316, Dickering. , Nicholas, Gowlfeild Houses, fol. 42, Prerogative. , Richard, Westheslerton, fol. 267, Buckrose. , Robert, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. , Robert, Thurne, fol. 664, Doncaster. , Stephen, Baynton, Harthill. , Thomas, Burghe, fol. 626, Doncaster. , Thomas, Hootham, Harthill. , Thomas, George and Dorothy, chdn. of Gabr. S. of Marflett, dec., fol. 218, Holderness. , Thomas, Nottingham, Nottingham. , Thomas, Readnes, fol. 163, Prerogative. , Thomas, Ulrom, fol. 176, Holderness. , William, par. Rodwell, fol. 173, Pontefract. -, William, Whitgift, fol. 202, Prerogative. Sterker als. Leavens, Ann, rel. of Joh. S. of Walden Stubbs, fol. 510, Don- caster. Steven, Nicholas, Sheffeild, fol. 594, Doncaster. Steven, Robert, Sheffeild, fol. 469, Doncaster. Stevens, Phebe, Linn (?), fol. 135, Pontefract. Stevenson, Ann, Willerby, fol. 3, Harthill. Conan, Shadwell, par. Thorner, Caveat, fol. 177, Ainsty. Elizabeth, Bishopburton, fol. 20, Harthill. John, Roos, fol. 148, Holderness. John, Settrington, fol. 262, Buckrose. Lawrence, Thomas, Elizabeth, Ann and Julia, chdn. of Rich. S. of Willerby, dec., tui., fol. 20, Harthill. Magdalen and Mary, North Dighton, fol. 128, Ainsty. Mariana, Penrith, co. Carlisle, fol. 140, Prerogative. Marmaduke, Woodhowse, par. Sutton, fol. 73, Harthill. Richard, Nottingham, fol. 123, Nottingham. Richard, Willerby, fol. 2, Harthill. Robert, Bishop Burton, fol. 63, Harthill. Timothy, Underwood, par. Selston, fol. 146, Nottingham. Thomas, Helperthorpe, fol. 75, Prerogative. Thomas, son of Rich. S. of Willerbye, dec., tui., fol. 236, Holder- ness. William, senior, Easingwold, fol. 77, Buhner. William, Middleton, Harthill. William, Newton, par. Lyth, fol. 273, Cleveland. William, Tickhill, fol. 441, Doncaster. William, Wilton, fol. 204, Cleveland. Steward, John, Keinngham, fol. 253, Holderness. Stiles, William, Doncaster, fol. 598, Doncaster. Stilgoe, Henry, Radforde, Nottingham. Stillington, Robert, Kelfeild, fol. 37, Buhner. Stireing, Thomas, Kirkburne, fol. 46, Harthill. Stiringe, Mary, Besenby, fol. 337, Dickering. Stirke, George, Dikegeates, fol. 238, Ainsty. Stithe, Martin, Silkeston, fol. 477, Doncaster. Stoakes, Katherine, Throughton, fol. 89, Nottingham. Stoakham, William, le Bedderne, York, gent., fol. 53, Prerogative. Stockdaile, Thomas, Askwith, fol. 130, Ainsty. Stockdale, Edmond, Halton super Montem, fol. 392, Craven. , Robert, Risome, fol. 242, Holderness. Stockes, Anthony, Pontefracte, fol. 187, Pontefract. 33 2 5 8 APPENDIX. Oct. 16, 1634. Mar.ig, 1628. Nov. 8, 1648. Feb. 18, 1633. Apl. 15, 1630. Feb. 4, 1639. Mar.i3, 1645. Apl. 30, 1629. Apl. 23, 1650. Mar. 28, 1650. May 29, 1649. Sep. 27, 1641. Feb. 1 6, 1629. Mar. 10, 1634. Aug. 3, 1637. May i, 1628. May 10, 1636. Apl. 10, 1631. Oct. 18, 1651. Oct. 30, 1645. Apl. 10, 1632. Apl. 20, 1639. Mar. 5, 1630. Feb. 10, 1641. Apl. 30, 1639. Sep. 10, 1645. May 2, 1643. Oct. n, 1631. Aug. 9. 1647. Aug.22, 1638. Apl. 18, 1634. Sep. 27, 1643. July 15, 1646. Apl. 29, 1639. Mayi2, 1636. Sep. 22, 1641. Oct. 25, 1630. . 12, 1640. Oct. 5, 1640. Apl. 30, 1629. Feb. 16, 1631. May 6, 1646. Mar.ao, 1646. Jan. 20, 1648. Apl. i, 1635. Oct. 3, 1645. Sep. 13, 1651. Jan. 4, 1647. Oct. 16, 1634. Apl. 26, 1637. Nov.i7, 1632. May 1 1, 1635. Nov.2o, 1635. Jan. 7, 1634. Apl. 20, 1629. July 16, 1635. Apl. 20, 1632. Apl. 20, 1630. Jan. ii, 1643. Feb. 24, 1637. Jan. ii, 1647. Stockes, John, Preston, fol. 179, Holderness. - , John, Sowthowram, fol. 59, Pontefract. - , Joseph, John, George and Grace, chdn. of Jos. S. of South Owram, dec., tui., fol. 124, Pontefract. - als. Tayler, Ann, par. Hartshead, fol. 150, Pontefract. Stockton, John, Potto, fol. 257, Cleveland. - , Thomas, Ayton Magna, fol. 329, Cleveland. - , William, Great Barugh, fol. 89, Ridall. Stokam, Thomas, Walkringham, fol. 197, Retford. Stoke, John, Elston, Newark. Stonas, Francis, Barnby, par. Lithe, fol. 231, Cleveland. - , John, Ellerby, fol. 227, Cleveland. Stonehouse, William, Ugglebarbie, fol. 189, Cleveland. Stonehowse, Richard, Brawbie, fol. 145, Ridall. - , Thomas, Flambrough, fol. 321, Dickering. Stones, Ann, Mexbrough, fol. 620, Doncaster. - , Brian, Litle Shefteild, fol. 445, Doncaster. - , Henry, Catcliffe, fol. 594, Doncaster. - , John, son of Rob. S., Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 512, Doncaster. - , Richard, Hatefeild, fol. 530, Doncaster. - , Richard, Pigburne, fols. 460, 478, Doncaster. - , Robert, son of Rob. S. of Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 511, Doncaster. - , William, Brafferton, fol. 97, Buhner. Stookes, William, Redlodge, fol. 322, Newark. Stoope, Thomas, Brotton, fol. 192, Cleveland. Stoore, William, Milneton, fol. 197, Retford. Stoote, John, Roos, fol. 240, Holderness. Stopford, William, Salterford, dioc. Chest., fol. 260, Prerogative. Storer, Richard, Conasker, fol. 71, Nottingham. - als. Swinscoe, Jane, Balderton, Newark. Storie, Ann, Drax, widow, fol. 279, Ainsty. Ann, wid. of Ralph S. of Snainton, fol. 165, Ridall. Jane, Pontefract, fol. 37, Pontefract. Lionel, son of Brian and Jane S. of Pontefract, dec., fol. 78, Pontefract. Margaret, Burton Grainge, fol. 398, Pontefract. Mary, Jain, Ann, Ellinor and Joan, daus. of Jac. S. of Elton, dec., tui., fol. 108, Nottingham. Thomas, Heskett, fol. 3, Bulmer. Walter, Apleton, fol. 147, Ridall. Storke.JohruJiidleton.fol. QQ. . . *- , MaryVHutton CrariSwtcke, fol. 113, Harthill. , Nicholas, Eastmarkham, fol. 198, Retford. , Thomas, Huton Cranswicke, fol. 18, Harthill. als. Harrison, John, Marishes, fol. 92, Ridall. Storr, Thomas, Cloughton, fol. 461, Dickering. Storres, John, East Retford, Retford. Stors, Elizabeth, Kexbrough, widow, Caveat, fol. 577, Doncaster. Story, Jane, Pontefract, widow, fol. 53, Pontefract. - Matthew, son of Joh. S., Lesham, dec., tui., fol. 112, Ridall. - Richard, Bridlington, fol. 470, Dickering. - Robert, Owthorne, fol. 177, Holderness. - Seth, Elsternwicke, fol. 195, Holderness. - Thomas, Ellerby, fol. 159, Holderness. Story e, Thomas, New Mai ton, fol. 174, Ridall. Stott, Mary, Kingston upon Hull, widow, fol. 53, Harthill. - , Robert, York, spurrier, fol. 40, City. Stow, Richard, Sheaffeild, fol. 462; Doncaster. - als. Younge, Jane, wife of Will. S. of Newton on Trent, gent., fol. 132, Prerogative. Stowpes, William, Ayslaby. fol. 274, Cleveland. Strafforth, Mark, Ecclesfeild, fol. 483, Doncaster. Straker, Greene, Spittle, par. Fanfosse(?), fol. 259, Prerogative. - , William and Robert, sons of Joh. S., fol. 1580, Prerogative. Strangwayes, Christopher, Hawnbye, fol. 216, Cleveland. APPENDIX. 259 May 7, 1639. Apl. ig, 1638. Oct. 20, 1647. Sep. 18, 1640. Aug. 8, 1632. May 10, 1636. Oct. 27, 1632. Apl. 2, 1636. Mar. 5, 1637. Aug. 8, 1628. Aug. 8, 1628. Feb. 18, 1638. Aug. 8, 1632. Jun. 22, 1629. Oct. 3, 1633. Apl. 14, 1647. Mar.3i, 1641. May i, 1628. Jun. 29, 1629. Mar.2i, 1634. Sep. 27, 1641. Nov.i8, 1630. May 10, 1639. Jun. 7, 1637. July i, 1631. May 16, 1637. Aug. i, 1636. Apl. 30, 1641. Aug. 6, 1640. Mar.ig, 1633. Mar.ig, 1633. Nov.27, 1632. Mar.25, 1644. Jan. 15, 1647. Oct. 5, 1637. Aug.ig, 1647. Oct. 13, 1641. Sep. 3, 1631. Feb. 15, 1638. Feb. 5, 1627. Nov. 23, 1636. Feb. ii, 1628. Jan. 15, 1638. Feb. 12, 1628. Oct. 20, 1647. Jan. 16, 1636. Aug. 5, 1628. Jun. 5, 1646. May 14, 1629. Jun. 28, 1638. Oct. 10, 1633. July 27, 1635. Oct. 10, 1637. Sep. 18, 1640. May 2, 1639. Jan. 14, 1646. Oct. 6, 1629. Feb. 6, 1638. Mar. 3, 1630. Feb.'io, 1639. Aug. 7, 1632. Sep. 23, 1646. Feb. 1 8, 1633. Strawe, John, Doncaster, fol. 650, Doncaster. , Mary, Beeston, fol. 123, Nottingham. Streete, Christopher, Bilcliffe, par. Peniston, fol. 489, Doncaster. , William, Selston, fol. 149, Nottingham. Strelley, Mary, Strelley, fol. 76, Nottingham. Strickland, Frances, rel. of Walt. S. of Bointon, esq., dec., fol. 329, Dickering. : , Margaret, Thornton Brigges, dioc. Chest., fol. 95, Prerogative. , Walter, Boynton, esq., fol. 329, Dickering. , William, Kirkbymooreside, fol. 189, Ridall. Stringer, John, Lealome, par. Danby, fol. 244, Cleveland. , Richard, Lealome, fol. 244, Cleveland. , Robert, Methley, fol. 402, Pontefract. , Thomas, Adenborough, fol. 76, Nottingham. Thomas, Rawmarsh, fol. 469, Doncaster. Stringserlay, Isabell, dioc. York, fol. 189, Ainsty. Strother, Robert, Everingham, fol. 16, Harthill. Strutt, Francis, Richard, Jane, chdn. of Fras. S. of Tuxford, dec., tui., fol. 278, Retford. Stubbes, Ellen, West Ayton, fol. 137, Ridall. , Richard, West Aiton, fol. 142, Ridall. Stubbs, John, Upsall, fols. 72, 73, Bulmer. , Ralph, Marske, fol. 189, Cleveland. - , Ralph, Molesworth, fol. 6, Harthill. , Ralph, Topcliffe, fol. 97, Bulmer. , Robert, Seamer, fol. 334, Dickering. , Rowland, Kilton, fol. 267, Cleveland. , Thomas, Eastayton, fol. 334, Dickering. , William, Acklam, fol. 306, Cleveland. , William, Trousdaile, par. Brompton, fol. 80, Ridall. , Xpofer, Sheffeild, fol. 424, Doncaster. Stubley, John, Burstall, fol. 146, Pontefract. , Richard, Heckmondwicke, fol. 146, Pontefract. , Richard, Heckmondwike, Caveat, fol. in, Pontefract. Studdort, Jennet, Sheereburne, fol. 43, Pontefract. Sturdie, Joseph, Henry and Elizabeth, Hallifax, fol. in, Pontefract. Sturtwell, William, Langton, fol. 265, Buckrose. Stutt, Ann, dr. of Joh. S. of Kilnesay, dec., tui., fols. 221, 236, Holderness. , Elizabeth, Kilvesay, fol. 224, Holderness. , Peter, Kilnsey, fol. 148, Holderness. Styringe, Jacobus, Arnoldsinge, fol. 516, Craven. , Thomas, Carrehouse, fol. 442, Doncaster. Sudall, Richard, Great Harwood, co. Lane., fol. 154, Prerogative. Sudberie, Gregory, Normanton, fol. 314, Newark. Sudberrie, Mary, dau. of Rob. S. of Maplebeck, dec., tui., fol. 359, Newark. Sudburie, John, Egmanton, fol. 196, Retford. Sugden, Francis, Bentley, fol. 489, Doncaster. , Mary, London, fol. 153, Prerogative. , Nicholas, Wibsey, fol. 360, Pontefract. , Thomas, Bradford, fol. 70, Pontefract. , William, Kighley, fol. 347, Craven. , William, Leckenfeild, fol. 81, Harthill. Suger, John, Basford, fol. 86, Nottingham. Suggitt, William, Wrelton, fol. 174, Ridall. Sumersall, Sibel, Barnesley, fol. 624, Doncaster. Sumner, Thomas, Storke Bardolph, fol. 149, Nottingham. Sunderland, Abraham, Hallifax, fol. 394, Pontefract. , Abraham, High Hoyland, esq., fol. 90, Pontefract. Suresby, Thomas, Easington, Holderness. Surflett, Ann, Sutton super Trent, fol. 358, Newark. Surflit, John, Eastmarkham, fol. 210, Retford. Surslet, Robert, Sutton super Trent, fol. 366, Newark. Susill, John, Elston, fol. 332, Newark. Sutcliffe, Elizabeth, Wilsden, par. Bradford, fol. 93, Pontefract. , Henry, Haworth, fol. 151, Pontefract. 260 APPENDIX. Feb. 23, 1630. Aug. 6, 1646. Jun. 5, 1646. Feb. 14, 1649. May 5, 1631. Feb. ii, 1628. Jan. 16, 1646. Jan. 19, 1635. Oct. 5, 1638. Oct. 5, 1632. Mayi6, 1636. Apl. 29, 1635. Nov.23, 1637. Jan. 24, 1628. Sep. 5, 1629. Aug. 5, 1628. Dec. 16, 1634. July 18, 1631. Oct. 21, 1629. Jan. 29, 1633. Jun. 23, 1635. Apl. 15, 1635. May 4, 1629. July 18, 1638. Apl. 30, 1642. Aug. 3, 1635. May 3, 1631. Aug. i, 1628. May 12, 1638. Oct. 13, 1636. Oct. 13, 1636. Apl. 22, 1630. Jun. 12, 1646. Mar. 2, 1632. Jan. 28, 1635. May 14, 1633. Dec. 10, 1630. Dec. 7, 1629. Oct. 19, 1638. Jun. 19, 1636. Sep. 30, 1629. Oct. 8, 1639. Jun. 15, 1634. Oct. 4, 1627. Jan. 16, 1628. Feb. 18, 1627. Oct. 10, 1633. Feb. 22, 1631. Jun. 2, 1649. May 2, 1637. Sep. 10, 1629. July ii, 1645. Aug. 9, 1647. Jun. 30, 1637. Oct. 10, 1637. Feb. 19, 1635. Apl. 2, 1647. Sep. 18, 1638. Jun. 29, 1642. Dec. 3, 1627. Oct. 8, 1627. July 8, 1634. Sutcliffe, Jonas, Evingden, fol. 90, Pontefract. , William, Oxenhope, fol. 79, Pontefract. , William, Staires, fol. 70, Pontefract. Sutton, Hugh, Brighton, fol. 42, Harthill. -, John, East Stooke, fol. 324, Newark. , Mary, Kellome, fol. 314, Newark. , Robert, Balderton, Newark. , Robert, son of Rob. S. of Roos, dec., tui., fol. 188, Holderness. Swaby, John, senior, Cherryburton, fol. 82, Harthill. Swacke, Thomas, Kayingham, fol. 159, Holderness. Swafton, William, Holbeck, fol. 235, Ainsty. Swaildale, George, par. All Sts., Newcastle, fol. 126, Prerogative. Swailes, Robert, Kilton, fol. 314, Cleveland. Swaine Ambrose, Stillingfleete, fol. 33, Bulmer. Benjamin, son of Ben. S., dec., tui. to Hen. Smithson of Yeadon, fol. 62, Pontefract. Christofer, par. Calverley, fol. 370, Pontefract. Christofer, Harton Parva, fol. 182, Pontefract. Christopher, Farneley, fol. 159, Ainsty. Samuel, Addingham, fol. 353, Craven. Susanna, dr. of Hen. S. of Scarbrough, dec., tui., fol. 316, Dickering. Swainson, John, Rawthmell, fol. 443, Craven. , Lawrence, son of Job. S. of Gigleswicke, dec., tui., fol. 443, Craven. , Lawrence, Rawthmell, par. Giggleswicke, fol. 466, Doncaster. Swaith, Nicholas, Catcliffe, fol. 636, Doncaster. Swale, John, Nevvingtonbutts, co. Surrey, fol. 248, Prerogative. Swales, Hugh, Besthorpe, fol. 344, Newark. , Jane and Susanna, tui. to Jon. S. of Hesley, father, fol. 505, Doncaster. Swallowe, Bryan, Cartworth, fol. 452, Doncaster. , Robert, Bramber, fol. 634, Doncaster. Swan, Ellen, dr. of Rob. S. of Rossington, dec., tui., fol. 246, Retford. , Gartrude, dau. of Rob. S. of Rossington, dec., tui., fol. 246, Retford. , Robert, Rosington, fol. 203, Retford. , Thomas, East Cottingwith, fol, 7, Harthill. Swanne, Margaret, Newarke super Trent, fol. 333, Newark. Swash, William, Rosington, fol. 243, Retford. Swath, Alexander, Rotheram, fol. 534, Doncaster. Swayne, Susanna, par. Calverley, widow, fol. 73, Pontefract. , William, Idle, par. Calverley, fol. 68, Pontefract. Sweetlove, George, Harwoodmagna, par. Blackburn, fol. 184(1, Prerogative. Swift, Bartia, Ld. Carlingford, Doncaster, fol. 605, Doncaster. Darcie, Doncaster, fol. 474, Doncaster. Robert, Tickill, fol. 663, Doncaster. William, son of Will. S., par. Rodwell, dec., tui., fol. 164, Pontefract. Swif e, Mary, par. Hallifax, fol. 17, Pontefract. Sir Robert, Tristropp, kt., fol. 458, Doncaster. Robert, Wakefeild, Caveat, foj. 22, Pontefract. Swindale, Alice, Nottingham, fol. 86, Nottingham. Swindall, William, Everton, fol. 218, [Retford. Swinden, John, Blacker, fol. 519, Doncaster. Swindlehirst, Richard, Forrest Brigges, fol. 481, Craven. Swinglehirst, John, William, Robert, Thomas, Adam, chdn., of Joh. S. of Wakefeild, dec., tui., fol. 361, Craven. , Robert, Farrockhouse, co. Lane., fol. 5, Prerogative. Swinscoe als. Storer, Jane, Balderton, Newark. Swithskell, Ralph, grant to Geo. Parkin, fol. 335, Dickering. Syberie, John, Tickhill, fol. 623, Doncaster. Sykes, Henry, Cudworth, par. Ruiston, fol. 590, Doncaster. , Robert, Sandall Magna, fol. 96, Pontefract. Symon, Edward, Pickton, fol. 32ia, Cleveland. Symonson, Elizabeth, par. Bagby, fol. 7, Buhner. Tadcastle, William, Migriffe(?) Parke, fol. 235, Cleveland. Tadman, Thomas, Ganstead, Holderness. Tailboyes, Matthew, Gisbrough, fol. 291, Cleveland. APPENDIX. 261 Mar.i4, 1628. May 9, 1639. Nov.22, 1648. July 13, 1633. Aug.ig, 1636. Dec. 20, 1638. Dec. 13, 1650. Jan. g, 1636. Mar.iS, 1640. Jan. 15, 1628. Mar. 2, 1636. Nov.i2, 1640. Feb. 9, 1640. Apl. 10, 1632. July 28, 1637. Dec. 23, 1629. Jun. 19, 1650. Feb. 10, 1641. Jan. 24, 1634. Apl. 24, 1634. Aug. i, 1633. Oct. 4, 1639. Aug.15, 1631. May 6, 1639. Apl. 28, 1640. May 26, 1630. Feb. 16, 1636. Apl. 26, 1636. Jan. 30, 1631. Mar.2i, 1636. May 27, 1642. Nov. 6, 1649. Aug.iS, 1642. Feb. 19, 1645. July i, 1642. Feb. 17, 1633. Feb. 14, 1638. July 10, 1645. Mar.ig, 1633. Sep. 22, 1649. May 12, 1647. July 10, 1648. Aug. 13, 1629. Feb. 12, 1628. Aug.iS, 1640. Oct. 4, 1627. Jan. 9, 1648. Oct. 5, 1631. May i, 1636. Feb. 15, 1637. Feb.ult.,i636. Apl. 19, 1648. Feb. 16, 1651. Mayio, 1636. Feb. 18, 1633. Oct. 2, 1634. Feb. 9, 1641. Nov. 8, 1634. Sep. 20, 1644. Feb. 16, 1631. July 24, 1643. Oct. 2, 1634. Taileboyes, John, Gysbroughe, fol. 244, Cleveland. Tailer, Richard, Basford, fol. 133, Nottingham. Tailor, Christopher, Spanton, fol. 103, Ridall. Edmund, Stodfold, par. Horton in Ribblesdale, fol. 409, Craven. Elizabeth, Langtoit, fol. 179, Ridall. Hugh, Coates, par. Snaith, fol. 185, Prerogative. Humphrey, Gamston, Retford. Marmaduke, York, fol. 53, City. Mary, York, spinster, fol. 76, City. Thomas, Skipsey, Holderness. William, Chadborne, co. Lane., fol. 156, Prerogative. William, New Malton, fol. 206, Ridall. William, son of Job. T. of York, dec., fol. 76, City. Taite, Matthew, Edward, Ann, tui. to Ralph. T., father, fol. 309, Dickering. , Nicholas, Magna Barugh, fol. 187, Ridall. Talbott, Stephen, Sleningforth, fol. 353, Craven. Taler, Richard, Wardsley, co. Lane., fol. 68, Prerogative. Tallery, Peter, Conistone, fol. 224, Holderness. Tart, William, Huby, fol. 72, Bulmer. Tasker, Sibel, par. Hallifax, fol. 169, Pontefract. , Thomas, South Milford, fol. 186, Ainsty. , William, Sherborne, fol. 304, Ainsty. Tate, Gabriel, Rufforth, fol. 206, Ainsty. Taton, Elizabeth, dr. of John T. of Holbecke, dec., tui., fol. 288, Ainsty. Tattersall, Alice, dr. of Alice T., par. Rotheram, dec., cur., fol. 671, Doncaster. , Elizabeth and Alice, tui. to Joh. T. of Brearcliffe, father, fol. 70, Prerogative. , Lawrence, Hallifax, fol. 342, Pontefract. , Michael and Unica, his widow, Sowerbie, par. Hallifax, Caveat, fol. 319, Pontefract. , Thomas, par. Hoyton, fol. 494, Doncaster. , Unica, par. Hallifax, fol. 344, Pontefract. Tattle, Samuel, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 226, Holderness. Tavell, Isabell, (? Ayton Magna), fol. 229, Cleveland. Tayleboys, George, Gisbrough, fol. 195, Cleveland. Tayler, Elizabeth, Harropp, co. Lane., fol. 16, Prerogative. , Ezekiel, Bradford, fo). 27, Pontefract. , Francis, York, fol. 31, City. , Gabriel, Heyton, fol. 263, Retford. , John, Croscliffe, par. Allerston, fol. 87, Ridall. , Joseph, Honley, fol. 146, Pontefract. , Laurence, Wolfenden, co. Lane., fol. 63, Prerogative. , Ralph, Royston, fol. 483, Doncaster. , Richard, Darfeild, fol. 511, Doncaster. , Robert, Longpreston, fol. 351, Craven. , Thomas, Carleton Kingston, fol. 196, Retford. , Thomas, Castle Leavington, fol. 337, Cleveland. , Thomas, Hallifax, fol. 16, Pontefract. , Thomas, Painhill, fol. 51, Prerogative. , Thomas, par. Pontefract, fol. 103, Pontefract. , Thomas, Wighill, fol. 240, Ainsty. , William, Bingham, fol. 120, Nottingham. , William, Chapburne, fol. 473, Craven. , William, Rotheram, fol. 508, Doncaster. , William, Thornton, fol. 43, Bulmer. , William, Wombwell, fol. 598, Doncaster. als. Stockes, Ann, par. Hartshead, fol. 150, Pontefract. Taylerson, Elizabeth, Carlton, fol. 293, Cleveland. Taylor, Ellen, grant to Tho. Lowthrope of Storke, yeo., fol. 117, Harthill. , George, Empsey, fol. 436, Craven. , George, Harthill, fol. 448, Doncaster. , Jane, Huttoncranswicke, fol. 16, Harthill. , Jennet, Wakefeild, fol. 37, Pontefract. , John, Old Malton, fol. 169, Ridall. 262 APPENDIX. Apl. 23, 1634. Taylor, John, Scarbrough, fol. 318, Dickering. Aug. 6, 1635. , John, Skarbrough, fol. 326, Dickering. Dec. 8, 1634. , John, Sledmer, fol. 260, Buckrose. Sep. 13, 1634. , John, Spofforth, fol. 203, Ainsty. Jan. 30, 1632. , John, Wakefeild, fol. 125, Pontefract. Dec. 21, 1644. , John, Walkinton, fol. 125, Harthill. Oct. ii, 1632. , Margaret, Eastmarkham, fol. 223, Retford. Dec.iS, 1644. > Margaret, Gorton, Newark. Mar. 7, 1632. , Robert, son of Tho. T. of Appleton, dec., fol. 174, Ainsty. Oct. ii, 1639. , Robert, Givendayle prope Rippon, fol. 523, Craven. Jun. i, 1641. , Robert, Hutton Cranswicke, fol. 117, Harthill. Oct. 6, 1640. , Robert, par. Sheffeild, fol. 667, Doncaster. Jun. 21, 1630. , Robert, Wakefeild, fol. 78, Pontefract. Jan. 20, 1648. , Roger, Beckingham, Retford. May 9, 1633. , Thomas, Leedes, fol. 178, Ainsty. May i, 1634. , Thomas, Ollerton, fol. 232, Retford. Jun. 5, 1633. , William, Camblesford, fol. 177, Ainsty. Oct. 17, 1643. , William, Laxton, Newark. May 2, 1639. , William, Methley, fol. 394, Pontefract. Sep. 18, 1647. Taylour, Hugh, Ellerton, fol. 18, Harthill. Nov.ig, 1629. Tayte, Jenet, Watton, Harthill. Apl. 16, 1649. Teasdale, John, Knipe, par. Banton, co. Westld., fol. 54, Prerogative. July 25, 1642. , John, Lastingham, fol. 84, Ridall. Dec. 16, 1636. Teasdall, Henry, Rippon, fol. 469, Craven. Aug. 1,1629. ' William, Brackamore, par. Rippon, fol. 352, Craven. Nov.2O, 1644. Teesdall, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 234, Holder -ness. Mar.i2, 1628. Temperan, Thomas, Cottingham, Harthill. Jun. 6, 1645. Tempest, dame Elizabeth, Brasewell, wido%v, fol. 458, Doncaster. Oct. n, 1638. , John, son of John T. of Tonge, dec., fol. 279, Ainsty. July 20, 1627. , Sir Stephen, Broughton, kt., fol. 320, Craven. Feb. 13, 1639. Temple, John, Budelam, fol. 202, Ridall. July 6, 1639. , Prudence, Brandesby, fol. 101, Bulmer. Mar.28, 1628. , Robert, Thornes, fol. 29, Pontefract. July 12, 1633. Templeman, Elizabeth, par. Wakefeild, fol. 143, Pontefract. Apl. 19, 1632. Tennant, Agnes, Crag, fol. 392, Craven. Nov. 7, 1637. > Richard, York, merchant, fol. 61, City. Jan. 14, 1633. , Thomas, Walton, fol. 190, Ainsty. Jan. 28, 1628. Tenney, Francis, Norburton, Dickering. Aug.3o, 1649. Tenny, Hugh, Hugget, fol. 38, Harthill. Aug. 3, 1637. Tennison, Ellen, Kenningham, fol. 197, Holderness Mar. 1 2, 1628. , John, Pawle, Holderness. Feb. 2, 1629. , Michael, Preston, Holderness. May 23, 1629. , Ralph, Kayingham, Holderness. Oct. 6, 1629. , Roger, Thornegumbald, Holderness. May 17, 1638. Tenniswood, Richard, Marton, fol. 191, Ridall. July 2, 1634. Terboton, John, Selbie, Caveat, fol. 112, Prerogative. Oct. 6, 1629. Terrington, John, Cottingham, Harthill. Dec.iS, 1633. Tesh, John, Weeton, fol. 192, Ainsty. Feb. 9, 1646. Tessiman, Michael, Lightclifte, fol. 91, Pontefract. July 16, 1640. Tetlawe, Samuel, par. Heptonstall, fol. 2, Pontefract, Mar. i, 1644. Tetlowe, Edmund, Coldhurst, par. Oldham, fol. 268, Prerogative. Aug. 4, 1636. Te%v, Ellen, Easingwold, fol. 81, Bulmer. Sep. 16, 1647. Tewke als. Rowth, Ann, dau. of Joh. R. of Ricall, grant to Rob. T., husband, fol. 41, Prerogative. Dec. 14, 1649. Thacker, Elizabeth, Woodcoates, Newark. Oct. 12, 1627. , William, Farneton, fol. 305, Newark. Mayi6, 1636. Thackerey, Isabel, Armeley, fol. 235, Ainsty. Mayi6, 1636. , Isabel, Armeley, fol. 461, Craven. Oct. 22, 1647. Thackston als. Spedding, Ann, Thaxton, fol. 42, Prerogative. Nov.28, 1637. Thackwray, Major, Askwith, fol. 266, Ainsty. Sep. 17, 1639. , Robert, Scagglethorpe, par. Mooremounckton, fol. 289, Ainsty. Oct. 8, 1632. Thackwrey, Grace, grant to Walt. T., husband, fol. 173, Ainsty. July 21, 1630. Theaker, Diana Posthuma, Lambeth, Surrey, a minor, fol. 71, Prerogative. Sep. 12, 1632. , Edward, London, Caveat, fol. 90, Prerogative. APPENDIX. 263 Apl. 24, 1634. Theakeston, Ellen, Snapehouse, fol. 290, Cleveland. Feb. 24, 1639. , Richard, Scarborough, fol. 349, Dickering. Apl. 22, 1640. Theakston, Thomas, Easington, fol. 331, Cleveland. Nov.i2, 1645. Theobaldes, Robert, Colwicke, Nottingham. Jun. 25, 1649. Thewes, Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 37, Harthill. Mar. i, 1644. Thewles, John, Motterham, dioc. Chest., fol. 267, Prerogative. Jun. 24, 1646. Thewlesse, John, son of Joh. T. of Hanley, dec., tui., fol. 72, Pontefract. Feb. 18, 1627. , Richard, son of Ric. T., par. Kirkheaton, dec., tui., fol. 24, Ponte- fract. Sep. n, 1649. Thewlice, John, son of Joh. T. of Honley, par. Almonburie, dec., tui., fol. 136, Pontefract. Oct. 5, 1638. Thexton, Thomas, Harswell, fol. 83, Harthill. Sep. 5, 1633. Thichollin, Elizabeth, Weston, fol. 336, Newark. July 28, 1635. Thirleston, Stephen, Leedes, fol. 214, Ainsty. Dec. 23, 1643. Thirske, Charles, son of Tho. T., tui. to Tho. Gossipp of Beverley, fol. 119, Harthill. Mayio, 1641. Thomas, Abraham, par. Ealand, fol. 13, Pontefract. May 28, 1649. Abraham, Ealand, fol. 132, Pontefract. Jun. 18, 1645. Abraham, Eckenwike, fol. 49, Pontefract. Aug. 8, 1633. Abraham, Northowrom, fol. 143, Pontefract. Apl. 16, 1646. Christopher, Heptonstall, fol. 68, Pontefract. Feb. 22, 1648. Margaret, Ealand, fol. 127, Pontefract. Jan. 21, 1638. ah. Perrie, George, par. Emley, fol. 390, Pontefract. Aug.25, 1636. Thomasman, William, Broughton Soulney, fol. 108, Nottingham. Aug. 4, 1628. Thomlingson, Ellen, Poole, fol. 132, Ainsty. Oct. 3, 1646. Thomlinson, Ann, Hull or Ellerton, fol. 7, Harthill. Apl. 16, 1629. Francis, Easingwold, fol. 35, Bulmer. Apl. 16, 1629. George, Birdfurth, fol. 34, Bulmer. Oct. 8, 1639. George, Sandholme, par. Beverley, fol. 93, Harthill. Oct. 5, 1631. Henry, Arthington, fol. 164, Ainsty. May 22, 1630. John, senr., Coniston Could, fol. 358, Craven. Apl. 17, 1650. John, Harpham, fol. 483, Dickering. Aug.25, 1-63% Richard, Durham, fol. 185, Prerogative. Feb. 3, 1646. Thurstan, Bayley, co. Lane., fol. 30, Prerogative. Feb. 4, 1638. Thompson, Allan, Gisbrough, fol. 32in, Cleveland. Mayio, 1636. Ann, Rodley, fol. 326, Pontefract. Feb. 2,1649. Bartholomew, Cottingham, fol. 42, Harthill. Dec.24, 1636. Christian, Beverley, fol. 65, Harthill. Aug.io, 1643. Christopher, Burroughbridges, fol. 258, Prerogative. Jun. 12, 1630. Christopher, Kilburn, fol. 40, Bulmer. Jun. i, 1633. Dorothy, dau. of Tho. T. of York, dec., fol. 28, City. Oct. 31, 1633. Edward, Bordley, fol. 416, Craven. Feb. 8, 1627. Elizabeth, Bubwith, Harthill. Nov.2o, 1649. Elizabeth, Calkehill, par. Walton, fol. 40, Harthill. Jan. 16, 1634. Elizabeth, Follifoote, fol. 208, Ainsty. Mar.i3, 1628. Elizabeth, Long Marston, fol. 134, Ainsty. Oct. 22, 1633. Elizabeth, dr. of Ed. T. of Newland, dec., tui., fol. 34, Harthill. Jan. 24, 1634. Elizabeth, dr. of John T. of Siglesthorne, dec., tui., fol. 181, Holderness. Aug. 8, 1632. Elizabeth, Willoughbie, fol. 77, Nottingham. Sep. 10, 1645. Ellen, Collingham, fol. 131, Harthill. Jun. 5, 1638. Ellinor, Newbus, co. Durham, fol. 179, Prerogative. Sep. 7, 1641. Francis, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 102, Harthill. Feb. 25, 1636. Francis, son of Xpof. T. of Wither, dec., tui., fol. 250, Ainsty. Aug. 5, 1634. Francis, par. Wragbie, fol. 184, Pontefract. May i, 1628. Geffrey, Holbecke, fol. 126, Ainsty. Jun. 8, 1632. George, Muston, par. Hunanbie, fol. 310, Dickering. Apl. 24, 1638. Gervase, West Lilling, fol. 91, Bulmer. Dec. 18, 1633. Henry, Flasby, fol. 421, Craven. Nov.28, 1629. Henry, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. July 23, 1644. Humphrey, Beverley, fol. 121, Harthill. May 8, 1638. Isabell, Acaster Malbis, widow, fol. 272, Ainsty. Oct. 8, 1635. Jane, Dalehouse, par. Hinderwell, fol. 302, Cleveland. Feb. 10, 1632. Jerrat, par. Hallifax, fol. 130, Pontefract. 264 APPENDIX. May23, 1629. Thompson, Joan, Cottingham, Harth'ill. July 2, 1635. - Johan, Haitfeild, fol. 577, Doncaster. Apl. ii, 1638. John, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 75 , Harthill. Apl.20, 1640. John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. in, Harthill. Oct. 22, 1633. John, Siglesthorne, fol. 168, Holderness. May 10, 1641. John, Wakefeild, fol. 13, Pontefract. Dec. ii, 1637. John, Walton, fol. 268, Ainsty. May 9, 1633. John, Whitbie, fol. 283, Cleveland. Jan. 23, 1633. John, par, Wiston, fol. 544, Doncaster. Oct. 12, 1633. Leonard, Acaster Malbis, fol. 1830, Ainsty. Dec. 6, 1650. Margaret, Ingleby subter Arnecliffe, fol. 233, Cleveland. Apl. 23, 1629. Matthew, Rowsby, fol. 249, Cleveland. Feb. 18, 1636. Nicholas, Cawood, fol. 156, Prerogative. May3O, 1635. ' Peter, Popleton, fol. 215, Ainsty. May 3 1, 1646. Richard, Calkhill, fol. 14, Harthill. Sep. 10, 1628. Richard, Cottingham, Holderness. Jun. 10, 1640. Richard, Huton in the Hole, fol. 203, Ridall. Oct. 8, 1644. Richard, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 123, Harthill. July 18, 1631. Richard, Rigge, fol. 159, Ainsty. Oct. 2, 1634. Richard, Stainesby, fol. 294, Cleveland. Nov. 6, 1637. Robert, Collingham, fol. 267, Ainsty. Jan. 28, 1635. Robert, Cottingham, fol. 55, Harthill. July 8,1633. Robert, son of Earth. T. of Cottingham, dec., tui., fol. 30, Harthill. Apl. 30, 1629. Robert, East Retford, fol. 197, Retford. Oct. 4, 1632. Robert, Fyling, fol. 280, Cleveland. Oct. 2, 1634. Robert, Grenehovv, fol. 293, Cleveland. May 10, 1636. Robert, Marfleet, fol. 190, Holderness. Mar.i3, 1635. Stephen, Skelton, par. Howden, Caveat, fol. 137, Prerogative. Apl. 18, 1632. Thomas, Collingham, fol. 168, Ainsty. Apl. 11,1649. Thomas, Easby, fol. 226, Cleveland. May 3, 1631. Thomas, Hatefeild Roodhowse, fol. 506, Doncaster. Feb. 6, 1646. Thomas, Rector of Hurworth, dioc. Dur., fol. 30, Prerogative. Oct. 3, 1633. Thomas, Leeds Mainridinge, fol. 189, Ainsty. July 1 1, 1633. Thomas, Skeckling, fol. 163, Holderness. Oct. 7, 1636. Thomas, senr., Staithes, par. Hinderwell, fol. 308, Cleveland. Jun. 16, 1631. - Thomas, Thorne, fol. 485, Doncaster. Apl. 22, 1630. Thomas, Thurgarton, fol. 59, Nottingham. Mar.i2, 1639. Thomas, Wymefold, fol. 141, Nottingham. Sep. 2, 1646. Thomas, Yarome, fol. 208, Cleveland. Mar.2o, 1633. William, Beverley, fol. 37, Harthill. Oct. 4, 1632. William, Broughton, fol. 156, Ridall. Aug.i5, 1639. William, Hornesey, fol. 209, Holderness. July i, 1631. William, Normanbie. fol. 267, Cleveland. July 25, 1645. William, Normanby, fol. 87, Ridall. July 8, 1633. William, Swainebie, fol. 276, Cleveland. July 21, 1635. William, Tibthorpe, fol. 51, Harthill. May 2, 1631. William, Wilton, fol. 266, Cleveland. May 9, 1633. William, Whitby, fol. 283, Cleveland. July 3, 1639. William, Wressle, fol. 90, Harthill. Jan. 28, 1636. William, York, fol. 54, City. Nov.iS, 1634. William, York, fol. 121, Prerogative. Jan. 12, 1647. als. Carvile, Frances, dr. of Mich. C. of Humber Parva, gent., dec., fol. 21, Harthill. Oct. 31, 1636. als. Wilson, Dorothy, Pattricke Brompton, fol. 151, Prerogative. Oct. 6, 1636. Thoo, William, Out Newton, fol. 192, Holderness. Mar.i2, 1639. Thoresby, Roger, Stannton, fol. 142, Nottingham. Mar. 9, 1638. , Thomas, York and of Antwerp, Holland, fol. 68, City. Aug.26, 1630. Thorneburrough als. Birtbecke, Margaret, rel. of Tho. B. of Carlisle, Caveat, fol. 72, Prerogative. Apl. 2, 1628. Thornehagh, Mary, Fenton, fol. 187, Retford. Apl. 14, 1635. Thornehill als. Haigh, George, par. Almonburie, fol. 195, Pontefract. May 27, 1636. Thorneley, Ann, Wrelton, fol. 179, Ridall. Oct. 6, 1635. Thornes, Francis, Sikehouse, fol. 582, Doncaster. Oct. 3, 1633. , Thomas, Eshton, fol. 420, Craven. APPENDIX. 265 Feb. g, 1638. Oct. 4, 1632. Feb. 20, 1639. Dec. 16, 1636. July 4, 1628. Dec.29, 1648. Jan. 30, 1631. May 7, 1634. July 13, 1647. May n, 1640. Jun. 8, 1635. Oct. 6, 1647. Aug. 6, 1627. Oct. 9, 1637. Aug. 2, 1632. Jun. 8, 1631. Oct. 23, 1646. Sep. 20, 1637. Feb. 10, 1640. Sep. 23, 1630. Aug. 23, 1630. Sep. 29, 1632. Oct. 6, 1636. Feb. 6, 1635. Jan. 24, 1634. Oct. 22, 1649. Jan. 9, 1648. Aug.io, 1649. July 2, 1646. Aug. i, 1642. Aug. 5, 1628. Jun. 5, 1634. July 29, 1631. July 28, 1636. Oct. 4, 1627. Feb. 18, 1646. Mar. 2, 1647. Aug. 9, 1647. Jun. 8, 1631. Dec. 6, 1645. Jun. 3, 1652. May 7, 1650. Aug. 7, 1645. Oct. 15, 1645. Nov.22, 1641. Aug.23, 1647. Aug. 5, 1636. July 27, 1640. Aug.23, I&44- Sep. 4, 1631. May3i, 1632. Feb. 15, 1632. Nov.27, 1635. Oct. 22, 1629. Jan. 16, 1628. Jan. 16, 1628. Oct. 7, 1635. Nov.27, 1635. Aug.28, 1629. Thorneton, Henry, Nottingham, fol. 130, Nottingham. , Jacobus and Susanna, chdn. of Will. T. of Horton(?) Greene, tui., fol. 122, Pontefract. Jenet, Crawnest, fol. 528, Craven. John, Horsforth, fol. 246, Ainsty. Sibell, Horsforth, fol. 130, Ainsty. Thomas, son of Will. T. of Welton, dec., tui., fol. 243, Holderness. Thornhil ey, John, par. Darton, fol. 495, Doncaster. Thornton, Andrew, Pudsey, par. Calverley, fol. 165, Pontefract. Christopher, Birdforth, fol. 29, Buhner. Edward, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 100, Harthill. Jacobus, Howrsforth, Caveat, fol. 219, Ainsty. Jane, Gainsbrough, widow, fol. 29, Bidmer. John, par. Calverley, fol. 18, Pontefract. John, junior, Everingham, fol. 71, Harthill. John, Horsforth, fol. 171, Ainsty. Machabeus, Drypool, fol. 145, Holderness. Richard, North Collingham, Newark. Robert, East Newton, fol. 188, Ridall. Sithe, Withernsea, fol. 218, Holderness. Tempest, Linthwaite, Caveat, fol. 71, Pontefract. Thomas, Wasse, fol. 41, Buhner. William, York, merchant, fol. 25, City. Thorp, Gabriel, Weeton, fol. 192, Holderness. , Jacobus, Gilling, fol. 78, Bulmer. Thorpe, Alexander, Aldbrough, fol. 181, Holderness. Ambrose, Cropton, fol. 108, Ridall. Ann, Awbrough, fol. 243, Holderness. Ann, Beningham Grainge, fol. 248, Holderness. Ann, dr. of Rob. T. of Brighouse, tui., fol. 71, Pontefract. Gervase, Dean of Waterford, dying in the dioc. of York, fol. 197, Cleveland. Isabel, dr. of Xpof. T. of Ulram, dec., tui., Holderness. Issabell, Weeton, fol. 172, Holderness. Jacobus, Rosdale, par. Middleton, fol. 150, Ridall. John, Garton in Holderness, Caveat, fol. 61, Harthill. John and Grace, chdn. of Tho. T., late of Hallifax, tui., fol. 17, Pontefract. John, Holme in Spaldingmoore, fol. 10, Harthill. John, South Clifton, Newark. Robert, tui. to John T. of Danthorpe, father, fol. 221, Holderness. Robert, Flinton, fol. 146, Holderness. Sarah, dr. of Will. T. of Sleadsike, dec., tui., fol. 56, Pontefract. Thomas, Hernehouse in Awbrough, fol. 261, Holderness. William, son of Will. T. of Awbrough, dec., tui., fol. 253, Holderness. William, Sleadsike in Hipperholme, fol. 52, Pontefract. Thorwells, John, Holme in Spaldingmoore, fol. 132, Harthill. Thory, Robert, Annas Burton, fol. 352, Dickering. Thow, George, Out Newton, fol. 235, Holderness. Threshfull, John, Beverley, fol. 61, Harthill. Thriske, Katherine, Everthorppe, fol. 112, Harthill. , Thomas, Beverley, fol. 122, Harthill. , Thomas, Risby, fol. 15, Harthill. Thrist, John, (Barnesley, par.) Silkeston, fol. 517, Doncaster. , William, par. Barnesley, fol. 530, Doncaster. Thriston, Ann, Hutton Cranswick, fol. 57, Harthill. Thromble, John, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Throope, Alexander, Cantley, fol. 458, Doncaster. , Mary, Isabel and Alexander, chdn. of Alex. T. of Cantley, dec., tui., fol. 460, Doncaster. Throwpe, Alexander, Isabel and Mary, chdn. of Alex. T. of Nether Cantley, dec., tui., fol. 304, Pontefract. Thruston, Ann, Cranswick, par. Huton. fol. 57, Harthill. Thumbleby, John, Normanton, fol. 63, Pontefract. 34 266 APPENDIX. May 12, 1646. Thurgill, Jacobus, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 5, Harthill. Jan. 21, 1644. Thurmough, John, Ogden, co. Lane., fol. 266, Prerogative. Mar.28, 1628. Thurnam, John, Rillington, Buckrose. Mar. 6, 1644. Thurske, Peter, Sutton, fol. 237, Holderness. May28, 1634. Thwaites, Anthony, Topcliffe, fol. 68, Bulmer. July 5, 1634. , Euphamia, Overpopleton, fol. 196, Ainsty. Jan. 5, 1647. , John, Rodwell, fol. in, Pontefract. Apl. 29, 1634. , Richard, Armethorpe, fol. 553, Doncaster. May 20, 1628. , Richard, Skefflinge, Holderness. Dec. 4, 1640. Thwinge, Nicholas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 99, Harthill. Nov.2O, 1644. Tibthorpe, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 234, Holderness. Aug. 5, 1628. Tidswell, Elizabeth, par. Hallifax, fol. 38*1, Pontefract. Jun. 10, 1641. Tildesley, Elizabeth, dr. of Joh. Johnson of Rippon, adm. to Will. T., husband, fol. 534, Craven. Apl. 23, 1635. , Sir Thomas, York, kt., fol. 126, Prerogative. Dec. 20, 1639. Tildsley, Edmond, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 94, Harthill. Nov.2i, 1630. Tillson, Abraham, Hilltoppe, par. Keighley, fol. 364, Craven. Jun. 22, 1637. Tilson, Agnes, Cauersikehill, fol. 484, Craven. July 9, 1628. , Henry and Alice, chdn., of Jonas T. of Hallifax, clothier, fol. 35, Pontefract. Jan. 15, 1644. , Henry, son of Nat. T. of Heptonstall, dec., tui., fol. 42, Pontefract. Nov.25, 1635. , Jonas, Sowerby, fol. 203, Pontefract. Oct. 31, 1646. , Mary, dr. of Hen. T. of Luddington, dec., tui., fol. 87, Pontefract. Jan. 29, 1647. Timpley, Jacobus, Hadfeildhouse, par. Ecclesfeild, fol. 502, Doncaster. Aug. 2, 1639. Tingnell, Thomas, Awckley, fol. 268, Retford. Aug-30, 1632. Tinker, Francis, par. Almonburie, fol. 119, Pontefract. Dec. 31, 1649. , John, Shelley, fol. 343, Pontefract. Jan. 9, 1634. , Susanna & Ann, drs. of Tho. T., par. Klrkeburton, dec., tui., fol. 186, Pontefract. Jan. 30, 1631. , William, par. Royston, fol. 494, Doncaster. Oct. ii, 1631. Tinley, Richard, Wath super Dearne, fol. 107, Pontefract. July 4, 1633. Tiplarie, Thomas, Loversall, fol. 546, Doncaster. Nov.ao, 1645. Tipping, Robert, Moberley, co. Chest., fol. 12, Prerogative. Nov. 8, 1637. Tireman, Ann, York, fol. 60, City. Oct. 14, 1635. : Thomas, Wath, fol. 449, Craven. Mar.29, 1638. Tirrye, Thomas, Gatefulford, fol. 89, Bulmer. Oct. 6, 1635. Tirwhit, Ann, Arksey, fol. 582, Doncaster. Mar.23, 1639. Tison, William and Hellen, chdn. of Jac. T. of Newmalton, dec., tui., fol. 202, Ridall. Dec. 5, 1635. Tivie, John, Osbaldwicke, fol. 133, Prerogative. Nov.iS, 1640. Tod, John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 100, Harthill. Oct. 28, 1651. , John, Wilberfosse, fol. 55, Harthill. Aug. 2, 1636. , Richard, Cloughton, fol. 331, Dickering. Jun. 28, 1638. , Timothy, Francis, John, Mary and Faith, tui. to Edw. T., father, fol. 80, Harthill. Sep. 5, 1645. a ^ 3 - Slinger, Ann, grant to John T. of Redworth, co. Dur., husband, fol. 7, Prerogative. Apl. 8, 1633. Todd, Ann, Thornton in Pickeringlyth, fol. 159, Ridall. Apl. 14, 1642. Anthony, Boultby, fol. 6, Bulmer. Mar.2i, 1627. Elizabeth, Southcave, dec., fol. 50, Prerogative. Feb. 8, 1641. Henry, Wintringham, fol. 272, Buckrose. May 15, 1645. Issabell, Kingston upon Hull, widow, fol. 239, Holderness. July 9, 1647. Jacobus, North Clifton, Newark. May 14, 1631. John, East Cottingham, fol. 9, Harthill. Feb. 3, 1636. John, Trainholme, Caveat, fol. 308, Cleveland. Aug. 8, 1628. Lumley, Trainham, fol. 244, Cleveland. May 12, 1646. Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 5, Harthill. Jun. 25, 1649. Thomas, Jane, Dorothy, chdn. of Joh. T. of Ulrom, dec., tui., fol. 247, Holderness. Dec. 6, 1636. , William, York, fol. 151, Prerogative. Nov.i3, 1649. Todhunter, Thomas, Doddacke, co. Cumberland, fol. 64, Prerogative. May 30, 1651. Toes, Chrispianus, aged 5 years, son of Rob. and Margaret T. of Thirske, dec., tui., fol. 42, Bulmer. May 19, 1646. , Leonard, Swinton, fol. 92, Ridall. APPENDIX. 267 Jan. 19, 1629. Tole, Elizabeth, Hessell, Harthill. July i, 1631. Tollerton, John, Stokesley, fol. 267, Cleveland. July i, 1628. Tomasson, Thomas, Hartill, fol. 450, Doncaster. Oct. 3, 1633. Tomingson, Robert, Newland, fol. 189, Ainsty. Aug. 9, 1632. Tomkinson, Margaret, Walkringham, fol. 221, Retford. July 31, 1639. Tomlin, Nicholas, Nottingham, fol. 136, Nottingham. Mar. 8, 1630. als. Nicholson, Frances, Hollinghurn, fol. 8, Harthill. Oct. 10, 1631. als. Nicholson, Margaret, Hollinghurn, par. Aughton, fol. 16, Harthill. Sep. 18, 1640. Tomlinson, Edward, Screveaton, fol. 149, Nottingham. Feb. 16, 1636. , Francis, Healey, fol. 342, Pontefract. Feb. 5, 1633. , John, Meeley, par. Whalley, fol. no, Prerogative. Sep. 25, 1638. , John, Terrington, fol. 99, Bulmer. July 18, 1635. -, Mary, grant to Dorothy T., fol. 74, Bulmer. Aug.n, 1627. , Nicholas, Nottingham, fol. 37, Nottingham. Nov.2o, 1634. , Nicholas, Nottingham, fol. 97, Nottingham. Oct. 6, 1636. , Thomas, Easbye, fol. 307, Cleveland. Apl. 15, 1629. Tomplinsonn, Jennet, Skipton, fol. 346, Craven. Apl. 17, 1649. Tomson, Jacobus, Heasle, fol. 35, Harthill. Aug.2o, 1628. , John, Auckley, fol. 193, Retford. Oct. 9, 1628. , William, Nottingham, fol. 46, Nottingham. Apl. 10, 1632. , William, Whiston, fol. 510, Doncaster. Apl. 30, 1640. Tong, Alexander, Marlon Magna, par. Babworth, fol. 273, Retford. Mar. i, 1637. Tonge, Edward, East Retford, fol. 256, Retford. Nov.23, 1647. Henry, West Burton, Retford. May 8, 1633. Jan. 20, 1648. Feb. 12, 1628. Feb. 14, 1638. Jacobus, Hallifax, fol. 141, Pontefract. John, Misterton, Retford. Margaret, dau. of Geo. T. of Eaton, dec., tui., fol. 196, Retford. Thomas, Sturton, fol. 263, Retford. Oct. n, 1631. Tongue, John, Southcollingham, fol. 327, Newark. Feb. 1,1632. Toope, William, Seamer, fol. 311, Dickering. Feb. 25, 1636. Toothill, Thomas, Fenwicke, fol. 607, Doncaster. Jun. 5, 1634. Topcliffe, Thomas, Fitlinge, fol. 172, Holderness. May 29, 1651. , William, Greate Broughton, fol. 234, Cleveland. July 23, 1635. Topham, Richard, next of kin to Richard Hardacre of Otteburne, tui. fol. 446, Craven. Oct. 8, 1639. , William, Beverley, fol. 93, Harthill. Jun. 15, 1640. Tophan, Christopher, York, merchant, fol. 75, City. Apl. 29, 1636. , John, Heathfeildgarth, fols. 456, 457, Craven. Oct. 2, 1628. ToplifTe, Margaret, Broughton Magna, fol. 245, Cleveland. MayiS, 1635. Toppin, Marmaduke, Beeston, fol. 211, Ainsty. July 6, 1648. Torr, Robert, Lond, Retford. Aug.23, 1627. Torre, Frances, Scrowbie, fol. 185, Retford. Oct. 26, 1646. Totteington, William, Worsbrough, fol. 475, Doncaster. Dec. 19, 1635. Totterill, Frances, Beverley, widow, fol. 54, Harthill. Dec.2i, 1631. Tottie, Thomas, Allerton Gleadhow, fol. 165, Ainsty. Jun. 6, 1637. ' > Thomas, Horburie, fol. 355, Pontefract. Feb. 6, 1640. Tottington, Robert, Woresbrough, fol. 426, Doncaster. Oct. 23, 1646. Towe, Thomas, Weston, Newark. Feb. 12, 1630. Towers, Robert, Basford, fol. 66, Nottingham. Oct. 16, 1647. - a/5. Hankinson, Joyce, Gleadston Castle, grant to Abr. H., husband, fol. 41, Prerogative. Feb. 10, 1640. Tovvle, John, Headon, fol. 218, Holderness. Sep. 25, 1634. Towneend, Thomas, par. Royston, fol. 564, Doncaster. Aug.ig, 1640. Towneley, Barnard, Heigham, Forest of Pendle, fol. 213, Prerogative. Mar.i6, 1635. , Richard, Towneley, co. Lane., esq., fol. 140, Prerogative. Jun. 22, 1638. Townend, Dorothy, Carleton, fol. 381, Pontefract. Mar. 5, 1634. , Francis, par. Tankersley, fol. 569, Doncaster. Apl. 23, 1639. , John, Dewsbury, fol. 395, Pontefract. Nov.ig, 1630. , Robert, Brakenhill, par. Wragbie, fol. 73, Pontefract. Jun. 13, 1642. , Samuel, par. Ealand, fol. 28, Pontefract. Feb. 12, 1637. , Thomas, Ruiston, effects unadministered, fol. 625, Doncaster. Dec. 17, 1631. , Thomas, Jane, Elizabeth, chdn. of Fran. T., Howbrooke, par. Tankersley, dec., tui., fol. 491, Doncaster. Apl. 18, 1646. Townes, Isabel, Pontefract, fol. 72, Pontefract. 268 APPENDIX. Mar. g, 1645. Tovvnesend, Jacobus, Ruiston, fol. 464, Doncaster. Jun. 8, 1636. Townley, Charles, Fowlerigge Hall, co. Lane., fol. 143, Prerogative. Dec. 24, 1646. Townrowe, Thomas, South Collingham, Newark. Jun. 28, 1638. Towrie, Francis, Beverley, fol. 80, Harthill. Sep. 4, 1645. Towry, George, Kirkby Grindalith, gentleman, fol. 274, Btickrose. Aug. 9, 1647. , George, Kirkby Grindelith, effects unadministered, fol. 394, Buckrosc. Aug.2i, 1644. .Tristram, Aldbrough, fol. 337, Holderness. Nov.io, 1629. Towse, Edward, Harpham, Dickering. Aug. 8, 1631. , Thomas, Besenbie, fol. 304, Dickering. Apl. 15, 1630. Trainholm, Richard, Trainholme, fol. 257, Cleveland. Mar.23, 1632. Trainholme, Christopher, Potto, fol. 281, Cleveland. Mar.23, 1632. , William, Potto, fol. 281, Cleveland. Jan. 28, 1635. Tramell, Robert, Litlebrough, fol. 243, Retford. July 6, 1638. Tranmore, Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 81, Harthill. Sep. 22, 1641. Tratle, Robert, Rosedale, effects unadministered, fol. 80, Ridall. Sep. 28, 1640. , Robert, Rossedaile, fol. 206, Ridall. Sep. 22, 1641. Trattle, Robert, Rosdale, fol. 2, Bulmer. Mar.23, 1640. Trattles, Michael, Kildaile, fol. 337, Cleveland. May 19, 1647. Travell, Thomas, Doncaster, fol. 4860, Doncaster. May 20, 1628. Tressure, Frances, Garton, Holderness. NOV.IS, 1638. Trevor, Sir Richard, Trivallin, kt., fol. 188, Prerogative. May 3, 1643. Trewit, Parcivel, Ormesby, fol. 199. Cleveland. Oct. ii, 1631. Tre\vman, Ann, Basford, fol. 71, Nottingham. Feb. 26, 1634. , John, Burton Jorce, fol. 98, Nottingham. May 28, 1632. , Margery, dr. of Rob. T., par. Coxwold, dec., tui., fol. 57, Bulmer. Dec. 6, 1643. , Robert, Abbey Close House, York, fol. 259, Prerogative. Oct. n, 1638. , Thomas, son of Joh. T. of Burton Jorce, dec., tui., fol. 128, Notting- ham. May 3, 1642. Trickett, Thomas, Rawmarsh, fol. 444, Doncaster. Mar.29, 1636. Trickhey, Humphrey, Leedes, fol. 238, Ainsty. Oct. 8, 1633. Triggett, John. Rawmarsh, fol. 548, Doncaster. Jun. 18, 1631. Trigott, John, South Kirkbie, fol. 489, Doncaster. Oct. 7, 1628. Trippett, William, Sheffeild, fol. 455, Doncaster. Oct. 15, 1638. Trossell, Ann, Thornton, fol. 197, Ridall. Sep. 20, 1637. Trott, John, Scarbrough, fol. 334, Dickering. Mar.i6, 1634. , Thomas, Scalby, fol. 321, Dickering. Mar.22, 1643. , William, Robbinhood Bay, fol. 3540, Dickering. Sep. 28, 1637. , William, Scalby, fol. 335, Dickering. July 15, 1628. Trotter, Elizabeth, Hull, Caveat, Harthill. Mar. 9, 1648. , Henry, Gisbrough, gent., fol. 224, Cleveland. Dec. 28, 1640. - , Margaret, Skelton, fol. 337, Cleveland. May28, 1628. Troutbecke, Jane, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 77, Harthill. Mar. 2, 1647. Trowell, Anthony, Nottingham, Nottingham. Oct. 8,1640. , Thomas, Sutton Bonington, fol. 144. Nottingham. Jun. 17, 1642. Trowsdaile, Elizabeth, Yarome, fol. 82, Ridall. May 2, 1639. , Thomas, Nunnington, fol. 197, Ridall. Oct. 5, 1652. Trowsdale. Henry, Greenhow Parke, fol. 237, Cleveland. July 30, 1634. Trowsedaill, Thomas, Haram, fol. 167, Ridall. Jun. 16, 1640. Trosvtbecke, Ann, dau. of Tho. T. of Hull, dec., tui., fol. 209, Prerogative. Jan. 14, 1628. , Thomas, Kingston super Hull, Harthill. Oct. 8, 1639. Trusley, Jacobus, Lowndsbrough, fol. 93, Harthill. Oct. 21, 1634. Truslove, Alferdus, Wawghne, fol. 556, Doncaster. Dec. 2, 1637. Tunstall, John, Norwich, fol. 171, Prerogative. Feb. 16, 1632. , Priscilla, rel. of Toby T. of Cleasbie, Caveat, fol. 106, Prerogative. Oct. 23, 1634. Turneley, Roger, par. Wakefeild, fol. 181, Pontcfract. Apl. ii, 1650. Turner, Abraham, Hallifax, fol. 345, Pontefract. Dec. 19, 1640. , Agnes, par. Thorner, widow, fol. 310, Ainsty. Apl. 16, 1635. - , Alice, Whitby, fol. 299, Cleveland. Aug.i3, 1646. , Christopher, Tupholme Abbey, fol. 86, Pontefract. Feb. 27, 1636. - , Edmund, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 67, Harthill. Aug.i3, 1629. , Edward, son of Rob. T. of Thorniholme, dec., tui., fol. 351, Craven. Nov. i, 1637. > Edward, Thurne, fol. 624, Doncaster. May 12, 1647* Francis, Cottingham, fol. 15, Harthill. July 31, 1633. , Francis, Ollerton. fol. 228, Retford. APPENDIX. 269 Mar. i, 1629. Feb. 22, 1630. May 5, 1631. Sep. ii, 1628. Feb. 23, 1630. Apl. 23, 1639. July 14, 1632. Nov.io, 1637. May 9, 1638. Dec. 3, 1636. Oct. 5, 1631. Oct. 2, 1638. Sep. 24, 1630. Dec. 7, 1650. Feb. 7, 1633. Apl. 18, 1632. Jun. 22, 1635. May 9, 1633. Jan. 19, 1645. Oct. n, 1638. Feb. 26, 1650. Nov. 2, 1647. Jun. 22, 1637. Nov. 5, 1632. Aiig.io, 1649. Jun. 23, 1636. Apl. 10, 1632. Aug. 4, 1651. Aug. 9, 1648. Aug.22, 1648. Aug. 3, 1631. Jun. 5, 1634. Feb. 19, 1633. Apl. 19, 1632. Jun. 14, 1649. Mayio, 1628. Aug. 2, 1633. Sep. 24, 1647. May 5, 1631. May 7, 1639. Apl. 24, 1634. Mar. Q, 1647. Feb. 26, 1634. Apl. 20, 1638. Apl. 28, 1631. Jun. 28, 1638. Feb. 15, 1641. Mar.iS, 1646. Mar.29, 1632. Apl. 15, 1642. Mar.i2, 1628. Dec. 4, 1635. Oct. 10, 1639. May 19, 1647. Dec. i, 1636. July 14, 1629. Oct. 30, 1646. Jan. 21, 1644. July 7, 1628. Nov.28, 1637. Aug. 3, 1637. Jan. 22, 1645. May 5, 1642. Turner, Henry, Midlam, fol. 69, Prerogative. , Hugh, Preston, fol. 143, Holderness. , Jacobus, Newarke, fol. 324, Newark. , Jacobus, South Dalton, Harthill. , Jacobus, Soyland, fol. 91, Pontefract. , John, Himsworth, fol. 398, Pontefract. , John, Hubie, fol. 54, Bulmer. , Jonas, Streetside, fol. 357, Pontefract. , Lawrence, Farnehill, fol. 501, Craven. , Martin, Kingston upon Hull, gentleman, fol. 57, Harthill. , Mary, Ripon, fol. i6^,Ainsty. , Matthew, Shadvvell, fol. 281, Ainsty. , Paul, Morton Banckes, par. Bingley, fol. 365, Craven. , Richard, Fetherstone, fol. 349, Pontefract. , Robert, Brasford, fol. 36, Harthill. , Robert, Cranckleyhowse, par. Easingwold, fol. 53, Bulmer. , Robert, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 49, Harthill. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 33, Harthill. , Thomas, Swanland, fol. 133, Harthill. , William, Fiskerton, fol. 356, Newark. , William, Sutton super Trent, Newark. , William, Water, fol. 21, Harthill. ah. Eshton, Ann, Ellerton, fol. 68, Harthill. ah. Lumme, Judith, Warley, fol. 123, Pontefract. als. Richardson, Sarah, North Birley, fol. 138, Pontefract. Turpin, Thomas, Barkston, fol. 236, Ainsty. Turton, Elizabeth, Sheffeild, fol. 511, Doncaster. , Joseph, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 54, Harthill. , Robert, Water Frieston, fol. 122, Pontefract. Tuttle, George, Cottingham, fol. 28, Harthill. Twells, Ann, Nottingham, fol. 69, Nottingham. Twilton, Edward, Preston, fol. 172, Holderness. , Ralph, Preston, fol. 170, Holderness. Twisell, Henry, Bridlington, fol. 307, Dickering. Twisleton, George, Rowle Hall, fol. 133, Pontefract. Tyas, Elizabeth, Bolton upon Dearne, fol. 450, Doncaster. , John and George, sons of Edm. T., par. Kirkburton, dec., tui., fol. 160, Pontefract. Tye, Thomas, East Retford, Retford. Tyler, John, Lenton, fol. 67, Nottingham. Tymne, William, Rotheram, fol. 650, Doncaster. Tyndall, Edward, Kirbie Mooresyde, fol. 166, Ridall. Tyreman, George, Thirkelby, fol. 30, Bulmer. Tyson, William, Newthorpe, fol. 98, Nottingham. Ulithorne, Elizabeth, Sleningford, fol. 502, Craven. Ulliot, Henry, Whitbie, fol. 264, Cleveland. Up Richards, Ann, Ampleford, fol. 192, Ridall. Upton, Jane, Farnton, Nottingham. , Mary, dau. of Will. U. of North Collingham, dec., tui., Newark. Urie, John, Cottingham, fol. 23, Harthill. Urinne, John, Askame, Nottingham. Urle, Mary, Thornegambold, Holderness. Uron, John, par. Sheffeild, fol. 584, Doncaster. Urrey, Jane, Weston, fol. 364, Newark. Urrye, Thomas, Egmonton, Retford. Usher, Jane, Righton, fol. 181, Ridall. , Matthew, Gryndall, Dickering. Uthwaite, Thomas, Ollerton, Newark. Utie, Richard, Hotham, fol. 125, Harthill. Utley, John, Rawtonstall, fol. 35, Pontefract. , Thomas, par. Addingliam, fol. 476, Craven. Vales, Elizabeth, Ellerby, fol. 197, Holderness. Valkenburgh, Sir Matthew, par. Hatfeild, Bart., fol. 439, Doncaster. Vance, Thomas, Cotgrave, Nottingham. 270 APPENDIX. Apl. 10, 1647. Vanderhurst, Cornelius, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 16, Harthill. Apl. 12, 1638. Vangilders, Peter, Dikemarsh, par. Thurne, fol. 628, Doncaster. May 17, 1642. Varie, Hugh, Oulston, fol. 6, Bulmer. Mar.i5, 1646. Varley, John, Dolehouse, co. Lane., fol. 32, Prerogative. May 13, 1631. - , Peter, Great Close, fol. 377, Craven. May 15, 1633. Varnam, John, Blith, fol. 226, Retford. Apl. 24, 1634. Varome, Richard, Yarome, fol. 289, Cleveland. Apl. 23, 1629. Vasie, William, Colcroft in Filing Dales, fol. 249, Cleveland. Apl. 23, 1629. , William, Filing, fol. 249, Cleveland. Jun. 29, 1630. Vause, John, Gawthropp, par. Tirrington, fol. 41, Bulmer. Mar. 6, 1634. , Katherine, Sutton, fol. 70, Bulmer. May 9, 1633. , William, Hubie, fol. 61, Bulmer. Sep. 16, 1637. Vaux, Thomas, Plumpton Foote, dioc. Carl., fol. 174, Prerogative. Aug. 3, 1636. Vauze, Roger, Cotgrave, fol. no, Nottingham. Aug.ig, 1647. Vavaser, Peter, Willitoft, fol. 17, Harthill. Aug. 19, 1647. Vavasor, Catherine, dr. of Geo. V. of Willitoft, dec., tui., fols. 19, 24, Harthill. Jun. 3, 1634. Vavasour, Mawger, Weston, fol. 196, Ainsty. May 31, 1633. , Sir Thomas, Heslewood, Bart., fol. 177, Ainsty. Dec. n, 1637. , William, Leadhall, fol. 268, Ainsty. Jan. 15, 1635. Vavisor, Margaret, Burley, fol. 224, Ainsty. Oct. 8, 1632. , Peter, Roache Hall, par. Kepax, fol. 174, Ainsty. Dec. 28, 1635. Vawse, Mark, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 58, Harthill. Apl. 21, 1635. Vawser, John, Bishop Burton, fol. 47, Harthill. July 25, 1636. , Robert, Walkington, fol. 61, Harthill. July 18, 1642. , William, Lund on the Woldes, fol. 105, Harthill. Jan. 19, 1636. Veale, Thomas, East Newton, fol. 193, Holderness. Jan. 21, 1629. Vernon, Sir George, Haslington, kt., Just. Ct. Com. Pleas, fol. 2o8a, Preroga- tive. July 5, 1628. Vertie, Margery, Sherifhutton, fol. 32, Bulmer. Dec. 19, 1639. Vessie, John, Treeton, fol. 660, Doncaster. Jan. 28, 1641. Vessey, William, York, effects unadministered, fol. 438, Doncaster. Dec. n, 1635. Vevers, John, son of Mark V., par. Leedes, dec., fol. 220, Ainsty. Apl. 27, 1637. Vicarman, Mary, Bempton, fol. 333, Dickering. Mar.28, 1648. Vicars, Ann, Harwood, fol. 46, Prerogative. July 8, 1647. Viccarrs, George, Doncaster, fol. 486, Doncaster. Jan. 23, 1649. Viccars, Edward, Scarbrough, fol. 481, Dickering. Apl. 27, 1647. Jacobus, North Clifton, Newark. July 16, 1638. John, par. Bradford, fol. 381, Pontefract. Aug. 8,1636. Susanna, Horton, fol. 331, Pontefract. Nov.io, 1646. William, Badsworth, fol. 475, Doncaster. Oct. i, 1635. William, par. Bradford, fol. 307, Pontefract. Jun. 24, 1647. Viccers, Mary, Woomersley, fol. 484, Doncaster. July 17, 1633. Vickerman, Ellicia, Righton, fol. 314, Dickering. Aug.2o, 1648. , Henry, Fraistropp, gentleman, fol. 474, Dickering. Aug.2o, 1640. , William, Scarbrough, fol. 350, Dickering. Oct. n, 1638. Vickerstaffe, Edward, Basford, fol. 128, Nottingham. Jun. 5, 1634. Vincent, Ralph, Bransburton, fol. 172, Holderness. Feb.ult.,i63g. Virgo als. Lotherington, Margaret, rel. of Nich. V. of Lockton, fol. 108, Ridall. May 7, 1639. Waddilove, Thomas, Billingley, par. Darfeild, fol. 652, Doncaster. July 9, 1649. Waddington, George, Hallifax, fol. 344, Pontefract. Oct. 2, 1638. , John, Dunkeswicke, fol. 281, Ainsty. Apl. 18, 1632. , Lawrence, Dudland, fol. 391, Craven. Nov.i3, 1638. Waddsworth, Robert, par. St. Crux, York, merchant, fol. 65, City. Jan. 18, 1627. Wade, Beatrice, par. Bradford, fol. 22, Pontefract. Oct. 2, 1648. , George, Brome, par. Whiston, Retford. Oct. 23, 1649. , Richard, Beverley, fol. 39, Harthill. Oct. i, 1635. , Thomas, Bagley, fol. 307, Pontefract. Nov. 7, 1628. , William, par. Hallifax, fol. 42, Pontefract. Oct. i, 1635. Wadsworth, Christofer, Heptonstall, fol. 307, Pontefract. Aug.22, 1648. Wadworth, Thomas, Headon, fol. 240, Holderness. Apl. 20, 1652. Wager, Edward, son of Rich. W., par. Badsworth, dec., tui., fol. 354, Pontefract. Apl. 27, 1636. Wagge als. Butcher, Alice, Hutton Rudbye, fol. 304, Cleveland. Jun. 22, 1646. Wagstaffe, Henry, Harworth, Retford. Dec. 29, 1646. Waid, Alice, Calverley, widow, fol. 84, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 271 Apl. 21, 1636. Waid, Anthony, Addingham, fol. 457, Craven. Jan. 20, 1646. George, Swinton, fol. 477, Doncaster. July 8, 1628. Henry, Bilton, fol. 131, Ainsty. July 26, 1633. Henry, Hacknes, fol. 312, Dickering. Feb. 24, 1645. Jennet, Pontefract, widow, fol. 59, Pontefract. Sep. 8, 1636. Matthew, Saltonstall, fol. 334, Pontefract. July 28, 1637. - Matthew, son of Rob. W. of York, dec., tui., fol. 58, City. Nov.2i, 1639. Samuel, Midgley, par. Hallifax, fol. 403, Pontefract. Apl. 16, 1633. Samuel, Quickestavers, par. Hallifax, fol. 144, Pontefract. Sep. 26, 1632.' ah. Bond, Alice, fol. 530, Doncaster. May 5, 1634. - - als. Ellison, Jane, Cullingworth, Caveat, fol. 418, Craven. Sep. ii, 1644. Waide, Abraham, Warley, fol. 39, Pontefract. Apl. 2, 1647. , Dorothy, Ealand, widow, fol. 96, Pontefract. Mar.23, 1634. , Francis, Kilnsey, fol. 395, Craven. Nov.22, 1644. , John, Kingcrosse, fol. 38, Pontefract. Feb. 20, 1643. , Philip, Hemingfeild, fol. 446^7, Doncaster. May2g, 1646. , Philip, Pontefract, fol. 71, Pontefract. May 3, 1642. , Robert, Bolton, fol. 444, Doncaster. Nov.28, 1636. Waikefeild, Elizabeth, dau. erf Tho. W. of York, dec., fol. 53, City. Jun. 4, 1635. , Mary, York, fol. 44, City. Jan. 7, 1636. Waineman, John, Doncaster, fol. 609, Doncaster. Dec. 6, 1634. , Robert, Stamford Brigges, fol. 40, Harthill. Jan. 18, 1627. als. Bowton, Frances, wife of Wm. W. of Addingham, fol. 324, Craven. May 7, 1639. Wainewright, John, Bradfeild, fol. 652, Doncaster. May 22, 1632. , John, Over Middopp, par. Ecclesfeild, Caveat, fol. 512, Doncaster. Nov.iS, 1637. , William, Doncaster, fol. 621, Doncaster. July 7, 1651. - , William, Nether Haugh, fol. 530, Doncaster. May 12, 1641. Wainman, Robert, grant to Ann W., relict, fol. 220, Holderness. Aug. 3, 1637. , Thomas, Sowth Frothingham, fol. 197, Holderness. Feb. 23, 1646. Wainwright, John, Hensall, fol. 30, Prerogative. Mar.io, 1644. Waire, Anthony, Easingwould, fol. 15, Bulmer. Sep. 20, 1628. Wait, Ann, dau. of Rich. W. of Wigginton, fol. 570, Prerogative. July 27, 1632. , William, Thorninghirst, par. Fishlake, fol. 513, Doncaster. July 27, 1635. Waite, Ann, Fadmoore, fol. 174, Ridall. Aug.25, 1634. - , Dorothy, Arthington, fol. 197, Ainsty. Apl. 23, 1629. , Lawrence, Cookerigge, fol. 137, Ainsty. Dec.2i, 1631. , Michael, Arthington, fol. 155, Ainsty. Dec. 14, 1632. , Richard, Apleton, fol. 151, Ridall. Jan. i, 1645. a l s - Smith, Ellen, Culthell, fol. 17, Prerogative. Dec. 27, 1634. Walbancke, John, par. Bolton nigh Bolland, fol. 400, Craven. Oct. ii, 1627. Wales, William, Claworth, fol. 187, Retford. Sep. 8, 1649. Walkden, Peter, Nostal, fol. 525, Doncaster. Oct. 9, 1628. Walkeden, Ann, Welley, fol. 194, Retford. Jun. 7, 1634. Walker, Adam, Knaresbrough, fol. 118, Prerogative. July 5, 1637. Agnes, Leedes, fol. 259, Ainsty. Jun. 26, 1629. Alice, dr. of Will. W. of Calverley, dec., tui., fol. 56, Pontefract. Aug.26, 1642. Ann, Jeremiah and Mary, chdn. of Rich. W. of Bradford, dec., tui., fol. 30, Pontefract. Oct. 12, 1627. Ann, Flaworth, fol. 305, Newark. Oct. 4, 1638. Ann, Hovingham, fol. 193, Ridall. Oct. ii, 1632. Ann, Langar, fol. 78, Nottingham. Aug.i6, 1638. Benedict, Watnall Chaworth, fol. 124, Nottingham. Oct. 4, 1644. Christopher, Great Ottrington, fol. 263, Prerogative. Jan. 22, 1632. Christopher, Thirske, fol. 59, Buhner. Oct. 17, 1644. Edmund, Crimblebrooke in Slaithwaite, fol. 270, Prerogative. Oct. 17, 1644. - Edmund, Crimblebrooke in Slaughewhate, fol. 41, Pontefract. Oct. 13, 1641. Edward, Beverley, fol. 104, Harthill. Mar.ig, 1633. - Elizabeth, dr. of Ann Thomas (sic) W. of Thurstenland, tui., fol. 146, Pontefract. Oct. 7, 1628. Ellen, Walls, fol. 455, Doncaster. Mar.26, 1650. Frances or Francis, Helmsley, fol. no, Ridall. Jun. 26, 1638. Francis, Haukesworth, fol. 124, Nottingham. July 27, 1635. Francis, Hovingham, fol. 174, Ridall. 272 APPENDIX. Dec. 3, 1634. Walker, Francis, Sturton, fol. 235, Retford. Feb. 5, 1650. George, son of Geo. W. of Hunanby, dec., tui., fol. 485, Dickering. Feb. 8, 1648. - George, son of Rob. W. of Hunanby, dec., tui., fol. 475, Dickering. July ii, 1637. George, Lebberston, fol. 335, Dickering. Mar. 2, 1647. George, Ruddington, Nottingham. Mar. 5, 1648. - George, Seamer, fol. 476, Dickering. May 16, 1649. Grace, Stanley, widow, fol. 131, Pontefract. Jan. 3, 1631. Henry, Giggleswicke, fol. 387, Craven. Mayi6, 1649. Isabel!, Lowther, fol. 131, Pontefract. Aug.ii, 1632. Jacobus, Bradfurth, fol. 117, Pontefract. Dec. 19, 1639. Jane, Rotherham, fol. 661, Doncaster. Apl. 7, 1642. John, Barkerend in Bradford, fol. 28, Pontefract. Aug. 5, 1628. John, Easington, fol. 335, Craven. Oct. ii, 1632. John, Eperston, fol. 78, Nottingham. Apl. 22, 1640. John, Kirkleaventon, fol. 331, Cleveland. Oct. 8, 1629. John, Lambley, fol. 56, Nottingham. July 12, 1649. John, Lythe, fol. 227, Cleveland. Apl. i, 1647. John, Normanby, fol. 97, Ridall. Sep. 10, 1628. John, Ottringham, Holilerness. Apl. 29, 1648. John, Sheffeild, fol. 509, Doncaster. Aug. 4, 1630. John, George, Francis, Sarah, chdn. of Fras. W. of Sturton, dec., tui., fol. 206, Retford. July 16, 1635. John, Ulston, fol. 74, Buhner. Apl. 14, 1635. John, par. Wakefeild, fol. 194, Pontefract. Jan. 21, 1638. John, Wakefeild, fol. 390, Pontefract. May 2, 1633. John, Wentbridge, fol. 531, Doncaster. Apl. 6, 1642. Lawrence, Calverley, fol. 26, Pontefract. Apl. 6, 1635. Leonard, Sawley, fol. 441, Craven. May 5, 1640. Mary, Easingwould, fol. 107, Bulmer. Sep. 5, 1639. - Mary, dr. of Ferdinand W. of East Ardsley, dec., fol. 402, Pontefract. Oct. 25, 1637. Peter, Mary and Ann, chdn. of Geo. W., par. Fyley, dec., tui., fol. 336, Dickering. May2o, 1628. Peter, Holmpton, Holderness. Mar.i7, 1629. Richard, Bingley, Caveat, fol. 355, Craven. Apl. 19, 1632. Richard, Bingley, fol. 392, Craven. Mar. 6, 1631. Richard, Lazinby, fol. 272, Cleveland. July 29, 1636. Richard, Midleton, par. Rodwell, fol. 328, Pontefract. Jun. 13, 1628. Richard, Setterington, Buckrose. Nov.i2, 1628. Richard, Sowth Ottrington, fol. 33, Bulmer. Feb. 15, 1633. Richard, Wheldrake, fol. 65, Bulmer. Aug.2O, 1633. Robert, Bingley, fol. 420, Craven. Aug. 2, 1647. Robert, Birstall, fol. 102, Pontefract. July 29, 1639. Robert, Hunslet, fol. 302, Ainsty. Jun. 30, 1631. Robert, Rither, fol. 159, Ainsty. Oct. 26, 1630. Robert, Steven Moore, fol. 365, Craven. Aug.24, 1639. - Robert, Sutton subter Whitstoncliffe, fol. 103, Bulmer. July 3, 1646. Roger, Crofton, fol. 78, Pontefract. Mar.2i, 1636. Stephen, Skarbrough, fol. 332, Dickering. May3o, 1633. Stephen, Stamfordbrigges, fol. 28, Harthill. Aug.is, 1644. Suzanna, Watton, fol. 122, Harthill. Nov.i5, 1647. Thomas, Budelam, fol. 100, Ridall. May 27, 1633. Thomas, Budlam, par. Hemsley, fol. 151, Ridall. July 29, 1633. Thomas, Farneley, fol. 181, Ainsty. Aug.2i, 1635. Thomas, Hallifax, fol. 203, Pontefract. May 8, 1628. Thomas, Marneham, fol.J3io, Newark. Feb. ii, 1648. Thomas, Pontefract, fol. 127, Pontefract. Mar. 9, 1637. Thomas, Preston, par. Huton Bushell, fol. 338, Dickering. Aug. 8, 1638. Thomas, Rilston, par. Burnsall, fol. 508, Craven. Sep. 2, 1642. Thomas, Wassingfeild, Nottingham. Apl. 6, 1638. Thomas, Yeaden, fol. 274, Ainsty. Apl. 26, 1637. William, Armeley, fol. 257, Ainsty. May2i, 1630. William, Bolton nigh Bolland, fol. 358, Craven. Aug.22, 1648. William, Cottingham, fol. 28, Harthill. Jun. 26, 1634. William, Greasbrooke, par. Rotheram, Caveat, fol. 147, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 273 Jun. 21, 1630. Walker, William, son of Will. W. of Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 79, Pontefract. Apl. 5, 1637. , William, Kirkeheaton, fol. 349, Pontefract. Mar. 7, 1637. , William, Old Hall als. Rockley, fol. 625, Doncaster. Oct. i, 1634. , William, Quarrellhill, par. Leeds, fol. 210, Ainsty. Nov.28, 1649. , William, Sawdon, par. Brompton, fol. 480, Dickering. Oct. i, 1630. , William, Stockebridge, fol. 478, Doncaster. Dec. 6, 1639. , William, Thirske, fol. 102, Bulmer. Feb. 12, 1639. , William, Weston, fol. 365, Newark. Mar. 6, 1638. Walkington, Margaret, Southcliffe, fol. 87, Harthill. July n, 1639. Walkton, John, Armthropp, fol. 657, Doncaster. Jan. 30, 1638. , John, Ripponden, fol. 391, Pontefract. Apl. 24, 1635. Wall, Thomas, Draughton, par. Skipton, fol. 440, Craven. Feb. 16, 1631. Wallas, George, Cherry Burton, fol. 18, Harthill. Apl. 22, 1646. Waller, Edward, Heighgrave (?) co. Lane., fol. 23, Prerogative. Feb. 8, 1631. , Issabell, Ottringham Marsh, fol. 151, Holderness. Aug. 2, 1632. , Jane, dr. of Steph. W. of Thome, dec., fol. 513, Doncaster. Aug. 2, 1632. , Mary, rel. of Step. W. of Thorne, fol. 513, Doncaster. Aug.22, 1632. , Nicholas, Balne, fol. 89, Prerogative. Dec. 18, 1632. , Stephen, Thirne, fol. 530, Doncaster. Aug. 8, 1648. Wallice, Ephraim, son of Dan. W. of Northowram, dec., tui.. fol. 122, Ponte- fract. Nov. 2, 1648. Wallis, Catherine, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 28, Harthill. Aug. 8, 1636. , Grace, par. Hallifax, fol. 332, Pontefract. - May 5, 1648. , Humphrey, Lenton, Nottingham. Jan. 30, 1644. , Issabell, Fosame (?) fol. 236, Holderness. Oct. 10, 1639. , Nicholas, Widmerpoole, fol. 138, Nottingham. Jan. 30, 1644. , William, Burton Pidsey, fol. 236, Holderness. Nov. 7, 1637. ' William, par. St. Maurice. York, fol. 171, Prerogative. Feb. 22, 1630. Wallys, Alexander, Witherensey, fol. 143, Holderness. July 23, 1635. Walmesley, Ellen, Chadgesley, fol. 445, Craven. Oct. 20, 1631. , Richard, Bayley, fol. 385, Craven. Mar. 2, 1636. , Robert, Bashall, fol. 473, Craven. Aug.2o, 1634. , Robert, Batley, fol. 173, Pontefract. Apl. 27, 1631. , Thomas, Bashall Ewes, fol. 375, Craven. May 15, 1648. , Issabel, Pontefract, fol. 119, Pontefract. Aug.3i, 1631. Walsham, Mary, dau. of Sim. W. of Gringley super Montem, dec., fol. 214, Retford. Apl. 28, 1648. Walshawe, Matthew, Cawthorne, fol. 508, Doncaster. Mar.iS, 1630. Walshey, Mary, dau. of Ric. W. of Brearcliffe, par. Barnsley, tui., fol. 79, Prerogative. . Aug.30, 1633. , Mary, dau. of Tho. W. of Brerecliffe, tui., fol. 104, Prerogative. Mar.i7, 1634. , Mary, Horbury, fol. 187, Pontefract. Nov.2g, 1630. Walter, Christopher, Newbie, fol. 261, Cleveland. Apl. 29, 1637. , Richard, Kelfeild, gentleman, fol. 85, Bulmer. May3i, 1645. Walton, John, Sowerby, fol. 49, Pontefract. Aug. 4, 1636. - , John, Waddington, fol. 146, Prerogative. May3i, 1645. , Joseph, Soyland, fol. 49, Pontefract. July 16, 1638. , Luke, Ovenden, fol. 381, Pontefract. May 29, 1630. - , Robert, Sutton Grainge, par. Rippon, fol. 358, Craven. Jan. 14, 1633. Wand, George Wetherbie, fol. 190, Ainsty. Aug. 6, 1642. Wandesford, Christopher, John, Alice, chdn. of Chris. W. of Dublin, dec., tui., fol. 254, Prerogative. Aug. 6, 1642. Wandisford, Christopher, Dublin, fol. 254, Prerogative. Mar. 9, 1647. Wandisforth, Penelope, Thirske, fol. 30, Bulmer. Apl. 27, 1631. Wandles, Stephen, Rippon, fol. 372, Craven. Mar.23, 1636. Wanles, Francis, Watton, fol. 190, Holderness. Oct. 5, 1636. Wansforth, John, Langton, fol. 265, Buckrose. Apl. 15, 1630. Warberton, John, Brinsforth, fol. 480, Doncaster. Dec. 4, 1635. Warburton, John, Winnington, dioc. Chest., Caveat, fol. 131, Prerogative. Apl. 16, 1632. Warcopp, William, Sewerby, fol. 309, Dickering. Jun. 29, 1637. Ward, Abraham, son of John W., par. Ealand, dec., tui., fol. 353, Pontefract. May 5, 1636. , Anthony, Thirske, fol. 79, Bulmer. Mar.22, 1637. > Charles, York, fol. 62, City. Apl. n, 1648. , Edward, Hollim, fol. 240, Holderness. 35 APPENDIX. Oct. g, 1638. Sep. 13, 1644. Oct. 13, 1638. July 5,1638. May 14, 1633. Aug.io, 1637. Feb. 4, 1631. Oct. 8, 1635. July 16, 1638. July 25, 1646. Aug. 23, 1650. Aug.is, 1633. Feb. 6, 1639. Aug. 3, 1635. May 17, 1642. Jun. 20, 1634. Sep. 20, 1644. Oct. 7, 1634. Dec. 19, 1639. Jun. 10, 1645. Aug. 2, 1633. Oct. 3, 1627. May 9, 1633. Oct. 7, 1634. Dec. 19, 1639. May 27, 1642. Dec. 20, 1627. Mar.27, 1638. Aug. 3, 1631. Apl. ii, 1651. Dec. 17, 1638. Feb. 9, 1628. May 12, 1646. Mar. 1 6, 1646. Dec. 6, 1628. Mar. 9, 1640. Aug. 9, 1632. Sep. 30, 1629. Jan. 29, 1650. May 1 1, 1640. Jan. 16, 1646. Mar. i, 1636. Mar. 6, 1649. Sep. 2, 1641. Oct. 8, 1640. Nov. 6, 1639. Aug.23, 1650. Oct. 12, 1644. May 24, 1649. Jan. 14, 1633. July 12, 1634. Dec. 24, 1636. Mar. 17, 1645. Aug.i7, 1633. Apl. 30, 1630. Apl. 13, 1631. May 15, 1647. Oct. 26, 1632. May 27, 1635. May 29, 1647. Nov.27, 1637. Ward, Elizabeth, Balbie, fol. 640. Doncaster. Elizabeth, York, spinster, fol. 262, Prerogative. Ellen, Balby, fol. 643, Doncaster. George, Ranskill, fol. 259, Retford. Grace, par. Rotheram, fol. 534, Doncaster. Henry, Beeston, fol. 260, Ainsty. Henry, York (? if in Prerog.), fol. 19, City. Jacobus, Elton, fol. 104, Nottingham. James, Ravenflat, fol. 505, Craven. John, Bayley, co. Lane., fol. 25, Prerogative. John, Hollim, fol. 254, Holderness. John, Lenton, fol. 84, Nottingham. John, Ottringham, fol. 211, Holderness. Katherine, Newarke, fol. 344, Newark. Margaret, Lownsbrough, fol. 106, Harthill. Mark, Kellington, fol. 166, Pontefract. Mary, dr. of Rich. W., Balbie, par. Doncaster, dec., tui., fol. 448, Don- caster. Mary and Ann, drs. of Rich. W. of Balbie, dec., tui., fol. 562, Doncaster. Mary, dr. of Will. W. of Balby, dec., tui., fol. 661, Doncaster. Mary, Doncaster, tui., fol. 457, Doncaster. Michael, par. Hallifax, fol. 160, Pontefract. Nicholas, Gisbrough, fol. 235, Cleveland. Ralph, son of Rob. W. of East Runckton, dec., tui., fol. 283, Cleveland. Richard, Balbie, fol. 562, Doncaster. Richard, Balby, fol. 661, Doncaster. Richard, Skefling, fol. 226, Holderness. Robert, Holebeck, fol. 122, Ainsty. Robert, Southwood, fol. 96, Bulmer. Roger, Leaton, fol. 70, Nottingham. Thomas, Averham, Newark. Thomas, Edston, fol. 195, Ridall. Thomas, par. Kirkeheaton, fol. 46, Pontefract. Thomas, Pontefract, fol. 76, Pontefract. Thomas, Raisbecke, par. Orton, co. Westld., fol. 32, Prerogative. Thomas, Rotherham, fol. 456, Doncaster. Thomas, Ruddington, fol. 147, Nottingham. Thomas, Sutton super Lound, fol. 221, Retford. William, Balbie, fol. 474, Doncaster. William, Bayley, co. Lane., fol. 71, Prerogative. William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 100, Harthill. William, Lenton, Nottingham. William, Lenton, fol. 115 and 247, Nottingham. William, Stokesley, fol. 230, Cleveland. William, Wakefeild, draper, fol. 421, Pontefract. Warde Charles, Scrooby, fol. 276, Retford. Francis, Bullwell, fol. 137, Nottingham. Leonard, Weary Hall (?) fol. 253, Holderness. William, Balbie, fol. 450, Doncaster. William, Rudston, fol. 477, Dickering. Wardell, Andrew, Bickerton, fol. 191, Ainsty. , Bridget, Dowsabella, Anthony, chdn. of Andr. W. of Bickerton, dec., tui., fol. 199, Ainsty. , Christopher, Beverley, fol. 65, Harthill. Wardman, John, son of Joh. W. of Horton in Bradford Dale, dec., tui., fol. 61, Pontefract. , Joseph, Walton, fol. 180, Ainsty. Wardropp, Arthur, Tadcaster, fol. 147, Ainsty. Waren, Frances, Newarke super Trent, fol. 323, Newark. Wareing, Richard, Wintersett, fol. 97, Pontefract. Warmouth, Persaval, Stanforthbriggs, fol. 60, Bulmer. Warmowth, Matthew, Kilnsea, fol. 182, Holderness. Warren, Robert, Wilford, gentleman, Nottingham. Warriner, Ann, Cottingham, fol. 74, Harthill. APPENDIX. 275 Apl. 20, 1640. Jan. 22, 1637. Apl. 20, 1635. Feb. 7, 1637. Mar.i5, 1631. Nov. 8, 1638. May 8, 1649. Jan. 31, 1648. Mar. 2, 1631. Jun. 13, 1645. Nov.io, 1630. Nov.23, 1637. Apl. 20, 1642. Dec. 23, 1629. Aug.i7, 1646. Aug.23, 1632. Dec. 12, 1649. July 15, 1640. Oct. 6, 1629. Dec. i, 1645. May 9, 1633. Jan. 3, 1632. Feb. 9, 1628. May24, 1638. Nov.2o, 1648. Dec. 6, 1630. Sep. 15, 1630. May 3, 1633. Mar. 2, 1637. Feb. 12, 1648. Jan. ii, 1639. Feb. 10, 1630. Aug. 3, 1639. Jan. 14, 1649. Apl. 19, 1632. Jan. 24, 1631. Apl. 19, 1632. Oct. 7, 1630. July i, 1629. Apl. 8, 1636. Aug.27, 1646. May 5, 1631. Mar.i5, 1651. Feb. 22, 1635. Jan. 19, 1645. Jan. 23, 1648. May 31, 1647. Jun. 7, 1637. Jan. 3, 1631. Jun. 20, 1627. Jun. 14, 1637. May3i, 1647. Oct. 8, 1640. July i, 1631. Aug.15, 1636. Nov. 1 8, 1644. Oct. 2, 1638. May 13, 1647. Aug. 2, 1646. Warriner, William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. in, Harthill. Warmer (or Warryner), William, Cottingham, fols. 73, 74, Harthill. Warter, Francis, Huttoncranswicke, fol. 48, Harthill. Warton, John, Sherburne, fol. 266, Buckrose. , William, North Burton, fol. 306, Dickering. Warwicke, John, Dalton, fol. 509, Craven. , Ann, dau. of William, Skairsburgh, dec., aged 14 or more, fol. 55, Prerogative. Washington, Jacobus, Adwicke in le Strata, gentleman, fol. 514, Doncaster. Wasse, Ralph, Thorpbasset, fol. 254, Buckrose. , Thomas, Easterside, fol. 87, Ridall. , William, Haunbie, fol. 147, Ridall. Water, Xpofer, Wasse, fol. 87, Bulmer. Waterhouse, Ann, dr. of Hen. W., tui. to Rich. Brighouse, of Bradford, fol. 35, Pontefract. , Daniel, Leedes, fol. 145, Ainsty. , Edward, Brostwell, fol. 79, Pontefract. , Henry, Onesaker, fol. 565, Doncaster. , John and Isaac, sons of Joh. W. of Skircoate, dec., tui., fol. 340, Pontefract. , Jonas, Carlton, fol. 529, Craven. , Mary, Harthill, fol. 475, Doncaster. , Matthew, Ellen, Mary, Thomas, Edward, Elizabeth, Ann and George, chdn. of Rob. W. of Thornhill, dec., tui., fol. 56, Pontefract. , Maximilian, par. Carlton in Lindrick, fol. 224, Retford. , Michael, Hallifax, fol. 125, Pontefract. , Sibel, Bursall, fol. 46, Pontefract. als. Fairefax, Abigael, Lieth, fol. 317, Cleveland. als. Linley, Suzanna, Firbecke, fol. 514, Doncaster. Waterhowse, Sir Edward, Lyth, Kt., Caveat, fol. 263, Cleveland. , Edward, Lyth, Kt., Caveat, fol. 73, Prerogative. , Hieronimus, Rect. of Graistock, dioc. Carl., fol. 100, Prerogative. , Mary, Harthill, fol. 628, Doncaster. Samuel, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 31, Harthill. Waterworth, Xpofer, Broughton, fol. 526, Craven. Watkins, George, Thistleworth, co. Middx., fol. 78, Prerogative. Watkinson, Ann, Rawthmell, fol. 523, Craven. , Henry, par. East Ardsley, fol. 340, Pontefract. , John, Bradeley, fol. 392, Craven. , Richard, Clayton, fol. 377, Craven. , Roger, Bradley, fol. 392, Craven. , William, South Collingham, fol. 320, Newark. Watkyn, Jacobus, Upton, par. Badsworth, fol. 465, Doncaster. Watman, Nicholas, Hessle, fol. 59, Harthill. Watmouth, George, Tuxford, Retford. , William, Tuxford, fol. 212, Retford. Watson, Alexander, Rivalx, fol. 112, Ridall. Alice, Gedling, fol. 106, Nottingham. Ann, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 134, Harthill. Ann, Kirkleedam, fol. 223, Cleveland. Ann, North Cave, fol. 14, Harthill. Ann, Rither Parke, fol. 259, Ainsty. Anthony, Knight Stainforth, fol. 387, Craven. Anthony, Smithie Brigge End, fol. 315, Craven. Arthur, Rosdale, fol. 187, Ridall. Christopher, Holme in Spaldingmoore, fol. 15, Harthill. Denrill (or Devrill), Ekring, fol. 369, Newark. George, Blackmail Lee, par. Gisbrough, fol. 268, Cleveland. George, Yoik, grocer, fol. 51, City. George, York, vintner, fol. 265, Prerogative. Gregory, Wescoehill, fol. 280, Ainsty. Henry, Broughton, fol. 213, Cleveland. Henry, Skidby, fol. 2, Harthill. 276 APPENDIX. Jan. 27, 1642. Watson, Henry, Welton, fol. 249, Prerogative. Feb. 24, 1642. Henry, Welton, fol. 250, Prerogative. Apl.2i, 1638. Isabel, Armethorpe, fol. 633, Doncaster. Dec. 9, 1649. Isabel!, aged 15, dau. of Will. W. of Carlisle, dec., tui., fol. 65, Pre- rogative. Apl. 28, 1631. Jane, Broughton, fol. 265, Cleveland. Oct. 8, 1627. Jane, Out Newton, Holderness. Apl. 15, 1631. Jane, dau. of Geo. W. of York, dec., fol. 14, City. Mar.i3, 1651. Jennet, Whey Rigge, co. Cumb., widow, fol. 76, Prerogative. Sep. 15, 1647. John, Askham, Retford. Apl. 3, 1633. John and Alice, Ballhead, fol. 404, Craven. Apl. 13, 1642. John, Beverley, fol. 106, Harthill. Mar.iS, 1633. John, Brompton in Pickeringlyth, fol. 162, Ridall. Feb. i, 1630. John, East Retford, fol. 210, Retford. Jan. 24, 1630. John, Farneside, co. Cumb., Caveat, fol. 77, Prerogative. Oct. 6, 1629. John, Goxhill, Holderness. Oct. 25, 1642. John, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 105, Harthill. Aug. i, 1633. John, Kirkedighton, fol. 186, Ainsty. July 27, 1640. John, North Cave, fol. 112, Harthill. NOV.II, 1629. John, Sherifhutton, fol. 36, Bulmer. Aug. 7, 1639. John, par. Skelton, fol. 324, Cleveland. Dec. 17, 1640. John, Thorneton in Craven, fol. 534, Craven. May 1 1, 1633. John, York, fol. 27, City. Oct. 6, 1636. Margaret, Ollerton, fol. 241, Ainsty. May 6, 1634. Margaret, York, widow, fol. 35, City. July 12, 1641. Mary, Skidbie, widow, fol. 101, Harthill. Dec. 16, 1651. Mary, Stoneferry, fol. 56, Harthill. July 21, 1638. Matthew, St. Mariesgate, York. fol. 65, City. Feb. 12, 1627. Michael, Rosdaile, fol. 134, Ridall. Nov.29, 1630. Nicholas, Whitbie, fol. 261, Cleveland. Jun. 29, 1649. Richard, Ellerburne, fol. 106, Ridall. Jan. 24, 1638. Richard, Pattrington, fol. 205, Holderness. Oct. i, 1635. Robert, Froddingham, fol. 187, Holderness. Apl. 20, 1640. Robert, Leckonfeild, fol. 96, Harthill. July i, 1635. Robert, Pattrington, fol. 185, Holderness. Jun. 29, 1647. Robert, Thorganby, fol. 27, Bulmer. Feb. 18, 1644. George, son of Roland, VVaplington, dec., tui., fol. 268, Prerogative. July 21, 1630. Rowland, Boulton super Dearne, fol. 484, Doncaster. Apl. 27, 1637. Symon, Brompton, fol. 185, Ridall. Jan. 19, 1635. Thomas, Borehowse Hill, fol. 188, Holderness. Jun. 30, 1636. Thomas, Braithwaite, par. Kirkbramwith, fol. 595, Doncaster. May 28, 1652. Thomas, Brunfeild, fol. 77, Prerogative. July 27, 1640. Thomas, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 97, Harthill. May 25, 1630. Thomas, Lathom, fol. i, Harthill. Nov.iS, 1647. Thomas, Newby, fol. 216, Cleveland. May 2, 1639. Thomas, Oldmalton, fol. 196, Ridall. Oct. 2, 1634. Thomas, Oldmalton, fol. 169, Ridall. Oct. 8, 1635. Thomas, York, fol. 47; City. Aug. 9, 1637. William, Agheton, fol. 487, Craven. Oct. 6, 1636. William, Aldbrough, fol. 191, Holderness. Oct. i, 1635. William, Earbie, fol. 450, Craven. July 13, 1630. William, Pattrington, fol. 138, Holderness. Jan. 26, 1636. William, Seaton, fol. 62, HarUiill. Apl. 29, 1647. William, Weeton Parva, fol. 16, Harthill. .' - Oct. 8, 1629. William, West Retford, fol. 200, Retford. Dec. 24, 1644. - William, Wighton, fol. 126, Harthill. Jun. 8, 1631. Xpofer, Swyne, fol. 146, Holderness. Oct. 8, 1635. a/5. Buckle, Bridget, York, grant to Joh. B., husband, fol. 47, City. May i:, 1642. Watterhouse, Anthony, son of Hen. W. of Tootinge, co. Surrey, dec., tui., fol. 26, Pontcfract. Jan. i, 1645. , John, Hallifax, fol. 62, Pontefract. Nov.27, 1640. , John and Isaac, sons of Isaac W., par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 6, Pontefract. July 16, 1640. , Samuel, Hallifax, fol. 4, Pontcfract. APPENDIX. 277 Mar.26, 1628. Dec. 8, 1651. Dec. 10, 1635. Mar.23, 1632. Apl. 24, 1634. Jan. 4, 1635. Apl. 19, 1642. July i, 1647. Dec. 19, 1648. July i, 1635. Mar.26, 1641. Apl. 8, 1646. July 23, 1639. Oct. 23, 1637. Feb. 3, 1639. Jun. 28, 1638. May 8, 1648. Feb. 16, 1631. Apl. 26, 1631. Oct. 15, 1635. Dec. 19, 1635. Nov.i6, 1637. Feb. 17, 1643. Aug. 3, 1637. July 16, 1640. Aug. 5, 1635. Apl. 19, 1634. Sep. 26, 1627. Apl. 16, 1633. Jun. 30, 1628. May 13, 1630. Jan. 14, 1633. Sep. 5, 1633. Jan. 16, 1634. Apl. 28, 1640. Apl. 18, 1632. Mar. 7, 1634. May 1 1, 1637. Dec.26, 1643. July 12, 1634. July 2, 1634. Nov.2i, 1648. Jan. 10, 1633. Dec. 2, 1634. Mar.27, 1648. Feb.ult.,r644. Oct. 3, 1633. Mar. 4, 1641. Aug. 4, 1635. Oct. 9, 1649. Jun. 22, 1629. Oct. 3, 1638. Oct. 26, 1650. May i, 1649. July 5, 1645. Dec.iS, 1633. July 5, 1645. Aug.29, 1635. 1645. Sep. 19, 1633. Jan. 27, 1637. Sep. ii, 1635. Oct. 5. 1638. Watterman, Alice, Nafferton, Dickering. , Gratian, Kirk Elley, fol. 55, Harthill. Watters, Edward, Cloughton, fol. 326, Dickering. , Elizabeth, East Runkton, fol. 281, Cleveland. , John, Eastnesse, fol. 166, Ridall. , William, par. Wakefeild, fol. 310, Pontefract. Watterton, Thomas, par. Sandall Magna, fol. 32, Pontefract. , Thomas, Stothornebancke, par. Whorleton, fol. 214, Cleveland. Waubye, Ralph, Bursall, fol. 242, Holderness. Waucas, William, Headon, fol. 185, Holderness. Waude, Ralph, Bulmer, fol. 2, Bulmer. Wauldby, Anthony, Sancton, fol. 12, Harthill. Waugh, Alice, Arram, fol. 91, Harthill. , George, Weele, par. St. Joh., Beverley, fol. 72, Harthill. , Margaret, Leckonfeild, fol. 94, Harthill. , Richard, Arram, fol. 80, Harthill. Waune, John, Muscotes, fol. 102, Ridall. Wawne, Margaret, Newsom, par. Wressle, fol. 23, Harthill. , Richard, Aldbrough, Caveat, fol. 77, Prerogative. Wayde, Francis, Kilnsey, fol. 451, Craven. , Mary, dr. of Phil. W. of Beverley, dec., fol. 54, Harthill. Wayles, Edward, Cowlton, fol. 188, Ridall. , John, Walkinton, fol. 120, Harthill. Waynman, Dionisia, Sowth Froddingham, fol. 197, Holderness. Wayringe, Francis, Woodchurch, fol. 4, Pontefract. Weatherall, William, Lebberston, fol. 325, Dickering. Weaver, Gabriel, Chester, Caveat, fol. 109, Prerogative. Webbe, William, Wolley, fol. 433, Doncaster. Webster, Adam, Stillingfleet, fol. 61, Bulmer. Alice, East Cottonwith, Harthill. Francis, Easington, fol. 137, Holderness. Jacobus, Rippon, fol. 423, Craven. John, Newarke super Trent, fol. 336, Newark. John, Ribston, fol. 208, Ainsty. John, Wolley, fol. 673, Doncaster. Marmaduke, Ripon, fol. 389, Craven. Matthew, Doncaster, Caveat, fol. 566, Doncaster. Maurice, Nottingham, fol. 112, Nottingham. Peter, Doncaster, fol. 4460, Doncaster. Ralph, Beeston, fol. 200, Ainsty. Ralph, York, fol. 38, City. Richard, Beverley, fol. 29, Harthill. Richard, Flaxton, fol. 66, Bulmer. Richard, Ledston, par. Ledsham, fol. 203, Ainsty. Richard, Morley, fol. 117, Pontefract. Robert, Bempton, fol. 355, Dickering. Robert, Hunslett, fol. 187, Ainsty. Robert, Warter, fol. 103, Harthill. Thomas, Garforth, fol. 215, Ainsty. William, Fishlake, fol. 525, Doncaster. William, Sheffeild, fol. 469, Doncaster. als. Richardson, George, Hilton, fol. 320, Cleveland. Wedde 1, Jacobus, Keldholme, fol. in, Ridall. John, Wilberfosse. fol. 35, Harthill. Leonard, York, merchant, fol. 4, Prerogative. Roger, Martonabbey, fol. 65, Bulmer. Sarah, York, spr., fol. 4, Prerogative. Sarah, dau. of John and Grace W., York, dec., fol 44, City. , York, widow to Leonard Weddell, fol. 2, Prerogative. Weddle, Elizabeth and Elizabeth (sic), daurs. of Leon. W. of York, merch. dec., fol. 34, City. Mary, dau. of Aldm. W. of York, dec., fol. 57, City. Suzanna, York, fol. 36, City. als. Scofin, Alice, Crake, fol. 184, Prerogative. 2 7 8 APPENDIX. Feb. g, 1638. Weetman, Sara, dau. of Bart. W. of Bilborough, dec., tui,, fol. 131, Notting- ham. Apl. 21, 1645. Weild, William, Scarbrough, fol. 356, Dickering. Jun. 29, 1637. Welbancke, Lawrence, Scarbrough, fol. 334, Dickering. Oct. 31, 1646. Welburne, Christofer, Oswald Kirke, fol. 94, Ridall. Jun. 5, 1634. , John, Marfleet, fol. 172, Holderness. Apl. 17, 1649. , John, North Dalton, fol. 34, Harthill. Jun. 20, 1635. Welfett, Edward, clerk, curate of St. Mary, Hull, fol. 48, Harthill. Jun. 25, 1634. , William, Batley, fol. 167, Pontefract. Mar.26, 1646. Welford, Ralph, Bishopton, co. Dur., fol. 22, Prerogative. May 19, 1638. Welles, Edward, Scaray, dioc. Chest., fol. ig2a, Prerogative. Mar. 22, 1636. Wells, John, Clifton, fol. 234, Ainsty. Aug. i, 1645. John, Danby, esq., fol, 7, Prerogative. Mar. 2, 1639. John, Danby, dying at Epperston, Notts., fol. 2o8a, Prerogative. Apl. 30, 1629. George, Hauksworth, fol. 52, Nottingham. July 9, 1639. Peter, York, fol. 72, City. Apl. 30, 1640. Richard, Weston, fol. 368, Newark. Aug. 20, 1629. Thomas, Bingham, fol. 54, Nottingham. Oct. 11, 1631. als. Surges, Katherine, Basford, fol. 71, Nottingham. Oct. 4, 1638. Welsby, Thomas, Flinton, fol. 204, Holderness. Feb. 15, 1641. Welsh, John, Willobye, Nottingham. Apl. 5, 1648. , Thomas, Bawtrie, Retford. Jun. 5, 1647. Wentworth, Matthew, Woolley, gentleman, fol. 485, Doncaster. Jan. 16, 1628. , Ursula, Brodsworth, fol. 459, Doncaster. Oct. 3, 1633. als. Winter, John, par. Badsworth, fol. 156, Pontefract. Jan. 22, 1639. West, Ann, Doncaster, fol. 661, Doncaster. Feb. 8, 1641. Christopher, Langton, fol. 272, Bitckrose. Oct. ii, 1636. Elizabeth, Hunshelfe, fol. 603, Doncaster. Mar. 24, 1647. George, Stirroppe, Nottingham. Feb. 23, 1630. Henry, Langsett, fol. 507, Doncaster. Feb. 10, 1639. John, Birdsall, fol. 270, Buckrose. Dec. 13, 1627. John, Langton, Buckrose. Aug. 2, 1639. John, Litleburgh, fol. 268, Retford. Oct. i, 1629. John, North Lofthouse, fol. 252, Cleveland. Mar.io, 1635. Laurence, Scarbrough, fol. 328, Dickering. Apl. 27, 1636. Matilda, Langton, fol. 263, Buckrose. Oct. 23, 1628. Matthew, Hirst Courtney, fol. 128, Ainsty. Apl. 26, 1637. Peter, South Skirley, fol. 195, Holderness. MayiS, 1641. Richard, Barnsley, fol. 430, Doncaster. Apl. ii, 1648. Richard, Knaresburgh, fol. 46, Prerogative. July 16, 1640. Richard, par. Pontefract, fol. 4, Pontefract. Apl. 28, 1631. Robert, Gisbrough, fol. 264, Cleveland. Oct. 25, 1637. Samuel, Gomersall, fol. 364, Pontefract. Nov.ig, 1648. Sarah, dr. of Joh. W. of Welburne, dec., tui., fol. 103, Ridall. Sep. 23, 1643. Thomas, Pontefract, fol. 36, Pontefract. Jun. 10, 1645. Thomas, Todwicke, fol. 457, Doncaster. Apl. 21, 1635. Thurstan, Doncaster, fol. 574, Doncaster. Aug. 4, 1630. William, West Retford, fol. 205, Retford. May2O, 1632. Westabie, Margaret, Flambrough, fol. 309, Dickering. Jun. 4, 1635. Westaby, Robert, Cloughton, fol. 324 Dickering. Apl. 12, 1638. , William, Speeton, fol. 340, Dickering. Apl. 13, 1639. Westbie, Thomas, Burne, esq., fol. 198, Prerogative. Oct. 4, 1638. , Thomas, Boarn, co. Lane., fol. 188, Prerogative. Apl. 22, 1634. , Thomas, Mexbrough, gentleman, fol. 114, Prerogative. Mar.26, 1634. Westby, Thomas, Ravensfeild, Caveat, fol. 540, Doncaster. Feb. 19, 1632. Westerdayle, Walter, Preston, fol. 160, Holderness. Oct. 22, 1627. Westerman, Agnes, Rodwell, widow, Caveat, fol. 12, Pontefract. Dec. 24, 1628. Westobie, Janet, Spaldington, widow, Harthill. Apl. 24, 1638. , Richard, York, fol. 62, City. Mar.24, 1630. , William, Allathorpe, fol. gia. Prerogative. Apl. 25, 1627. Westwood, Thomas, Hetton, fol. 320, Craven. Dec. 23, 1629. Wetherall, Ellen, Copthuicke, fol. 353, Craven. Jun. 3, 1652. , Richard, Atwicke, fol. 261, Holderness. Apl. 20, 1641. , Thomas, Thurne, fol. 427, Doncaster. APPENDIX. 279 Apl. 3, 1638. May3i, 1652. Nov. 5, 1630. Jun. 8, 1649. Nov.is, 1627. Apl. 17, 1645. July 6, 1639. Sep. 22, 1641. Apl. 15, 1630. May 14, 1639. Aug.ig, 1642. Jan. 9, 1634. Oct. 25, 1636. Dec.i6, 1635. Apl. 19, 1632. Dec. 6, 1630. May3i, 1637. Apl. 15, 1630. Aug.is, 1639. Jun. i, 1648. Sep. 28, 1638. Mar. 22, 1633. Aug. 5, 1635. Nov.27, 1634. Oct. 8, 1635. Mar.iS, 1646. Oct. 15, 1649. Dec. 9, 1647. Jun. 3, 1650. Aug.i3, 1629. Oct. 23, 1634. Nov. 6, 1633. Jan. 10, 1632. July 3, 1634. Apl. 19, 1638. Jan. n, 1636. Jan. 3, 1636. Jun. 14, 1641. Feb. 14, 1637. Mar.iS, 1646. Apl. 24, 1634. Aug.ii, 1627. Apl. 26, 1632. Oct. 7, 1636. Apl. 5, 1637. Jan. 5, 1648. Dec. ii, 1649. Jun. 5, 1630. July 24, 1646. Apl. 12, 1638. Dec.30, 1645. Jun. 22, 1649. July ii, 1633. Jan. i, 1645. Aug. 7, 1632. Feb. 22, 1638. Oct. 2, 1628. NOV.IS, 1637. Jun. 25, 1650. May 19, 1647. Wetherall, Thomas, Bramham, fol. 276, Ainsty. Wethereld, George, thelder, Hewhwate, fol. 236, Cleveland. Wetherell, Emot, Welburne, fol. 42, Bulmer. John, Ayton, fol. 477, Dickering. Ralph, Ayton, fol. 133, Ridall. Richard, Welburne, par. Bulmer, fol. 16, Bulmer. Robert, Harom, fol. 198, Ridall. Thomas, Huby, fol. 3, Bulmer. William, son of Fras. W., Allwoodley, par. Harwood, dec., tui., fol. 150, Ainsty. William, Farlington, fol. 98, Bulmer. William, Stainton, fol. 354, Dickering. Wetherhead, John, Ecopp, fol. 209, Ainsty. , Richard, Eastbie, fol. 467, Craven. , Thomas, Shereburn, fol. 220, Ainsty. Wetherherd, William, Malham, fol. 392, Craven. Wetherill, Martin, Copthewicke, par. Rippon, fol. 364, Craven. , Robert, Scarbrough, fol. 332, Dickering. Wetherwicke, Christopher, Wakefeild, fol. 75, Pontefract. Wetwand, Robert, Sutton, fol. 209, Holderness. Wetwange, Elizabeth and Barbara, drs. of Tho. W. of Beverley, dec., tui., fol. 27, Harthill. , Thomas, Sutton, fol. 203, Holderness. Whaites, Robert, Leppington, fol. 258, Buckrose. Whaley, George, Scarbrough, fol. 325, Dickering. , Richard, Scarbrough, fol. 320, Dickering. Whalhead, Anthony, Elston, fol. 345, Newark. Whalley, Stephen, Farnton, Newark. Wharam, William, Bolton, fol. 524, Done aster. , William, West Melton, fol. 500, Doncaster. Whare, Francis, Knarisbrough, fol. 68, Prerogative. Wharfe, Alan, Rathmell, fol. 351, Craven. Wharton, Andrew, Shipton, fol. 71, Bulmer. , Christofer, Woodhouse Magna, par. Leedes, fol. 196, Ainsty. , Philip, Lord, Marston, effects unadministered, fol. 95, Prerogative. , Thomas, son of Tho. W. of Birtbeck Skales, tui., fol. 115, Preroga- tive. , Thomas, Litle Gringley, fol. 257, Retford. , Thomas, Lord, senior, Healough, fol. 152, Prerogative. , Thomas, Lord, London, fol. 152, Prerogative. Wheath, Joseph, Ugglebarleby, fol. 339, Cleveland. Wheatley, Ann, Eston, fol. 315, Cleveland. , Brian, Bingham, Nottingham. , Prudence, par. Wragbie, fol. 169, Pontefract. , Richard, Gamston, fol. 36, Nottingham. , Robert, Warsopp, fol. 220, Retford. , Thomas, Eston, fol. 308, Cleveland. Wheelewright, George, Ossett, fol. 348, Pontefract. Whelpdale, Christopher, son of John W. of Heddingley, dec., tui., Newark. , Mary, Stoneferry, fol. 249, Holderness. Whitbye, Elizabeth, dr. of Will. W. of Marlon, dec., tui., fol. 258, Cleveland. White, Christopher, Bransburton, fol. 4, Harthill. , Edmund, Seamer, fol. 317, Cleveland. , Henry, Barmby Marsh, fol. 13, Prerogative. , John, Coldbecke, co. Cumb., fol. 57, Prerogative. , John, Easternwick, fol. 163, Holderness. , John, Fulsutton, fol. 134, Harthill. , John, Kellame, fol. 331, Newark. , Mary, Newtondaile, fol. 195, Ridall. , Miles, Huton, par. Lieth, fol. 246, Cleveland. , Philip, Rippon, fol. 475, Craven. , Richard, aged 16, son of Mat. W. of Hatfeild, dec., tui., fol. 528, Doncaster. , Richard, West Retford, Retford. 280 APPENDIX. Jun. 8, 1638. Jan. 19, 1635. Apl. 2, 1647. Dec. 18, 1645. Feb. 6, 1638. Oct. 8, 1646. Sep. 26, 1639. Dec. 9, 1633. Apl. 27, 1631. Feb. 21, 1632. Oct. 17, 1643. Nov.i6, 1636. Feb. 13, 1627. Oct. i, 1635. July i, 1628. Apl. 28, 1640. Oct. 5, 1638. Oct. 3, 1633. Aug. 8, 1636. May 3, 1636. May 5, 1648. Apl. 9, 1647. Nov. 8, 1634. Dec. 2, 1636. Feb. 13, 1635. May 5, 1650. Feb. 7, 1644. Aug. 8, 1632. May 19, 1647. Oct. 13, 1636. Apl. 5, 1648. Aug. 2, 1639. May 4, 1637. May 29, 1647. July 14, 1648. Feb. 23, 1630. Feb. 10, 1641. May 3, 1642. Aug.25, 1646. Feb.ult.,i636. May 22, 1646. Aug. 8, 1636. Jun. 24, 1650. Oct. 9, 1646. May 20, 1646. Aug. i, 1631. Apl. 6, 1638. July ii, 1637. Dec. 20, 1648. Feb. 14, 1627. May 2, 1639. Apl. 28, 1636. May3i, 1632. July 12, 1637. Jan. 17, 1636. Feb. 2, 1631. Jun. 29, 1637. Sep. 26, 1631. Oct. 29, 1631. Feb. 10, 1632. July 17, 1629. White, Thomas, Cotgrave, fol. 124, Nottingham. Thomas, Elsternwicke, fol. 188, Holderness. Thomas, Harthill, fol. 4860, Doncaster. Thomas, Hovingham, fol. 89, Ridall. William, tui. to Joh. W. of Newark, his father, fol. 358, Newark. William, Spaldington, fol. 7, Harthill. William, Sutton subter Whitstoncliffe, fol. 101, Bulmer. - ah. Pearson, Matilda, par. S. Cuth., York, fol. 34, City. Whitehead, Effam, Farneley, fol. 157, Ainsty. , John, Thorne vel Hatefeild, Caveat, fol. 520, Doncaster. , Richard, par. Harthill, fol. 4460, Doncaster. , Robert, Warmefeild, Caveat, fol. 337, Pontefract. , Susanna, Hutton juxta Rudby, fol. 241, Cleveland. , Thomas, Chadgley, fol. 450, Craven. , Thomas, Harthill, fol. 450, Doncaster. , Thomas, Woodall, par. Harthill, fol. 670, Doncaster. Whiteinge, Jane, Hutton Cranswicke, fol. 83, Harthill. Whiteley, Jacobus, par. Ealand, fol. 156, Pontefract. , Tobias, Thornehill, fol. 333, Pontefract. Whiteside als. Dickon, Alice, Rowle, par. Kellington, fol. 328, Pontefract. Whitfeild, Ann, par. Kirkbie Knowle, fol. 32, Bulmer. , George, Hartofte, fol. 97, Ridall. , Nicholas, Hetton, fol. 436, Craven. , William, Hunmanby, fol. 331, Dickering. als. Whitwell, John, York, fol. 48, City. Whitfoote, Richard, Stoke, Nottingham. Whiting, John, Buckton, par. Bridlington, fol. 355, Dickering. Whitinge, Edward, Nottingham, fol. 76, Nottingham. Whitlam, Jane, West Drayton, Retford. , John, Worksopp, fol. 245, Retford. , Richard, Upton, Retford. , Thomas, West Drayton, fol. 268, Retford. Whitley, Cuthbert, Scrastworth, fol. 250, Retford. , John, Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, chdn. of Jac. W. of Whitley Deane, tui., fol. 45, Prerogative. Mary, Rookes, par. Hallifax, fol. 121, Pontefract. Nathan, diocese of York, fol. 90, Pontefract. Richard, Ardsley, fol. 439, Doncaster. Richard, son of Rich. W. of Ardsley, dec., tui., fol. 444, Doncaster. Richard, Dewsbury, fol. 80, Pontefract. Thomas, Midleton, par. Rothwell, fol. 341, Pontefract. William, Doncaster, fol. 471, Doncaster. William, par. Thorneley, fol. 331, Pontefract. Whitlocke, Richard, son of Ric. W. of Staunton, co. Cumb., dec., fol. 68, Prerogative. Whitmore, John, West Draiton, Retford. Whittaker, Elizabeth, par. Hallifax, fol. 71, Pontefract. , John, Clowbank in Altham, dioc. Chest., fol. 90*, Prerogative. , Robert, Dunswicke, fol. 274, Ainsty. als. Smith, John, son of Margt., W., wid., & of Geo. S. of Cliviger, tui., fol. 167, Prerogative. Whittakers, Abraham, Shelfe, fol. 114, Pontefract. , Cordall, Austerfeild, fol. 189, Retford. , Elizabeth, Folkton, fol. 345, Dickering. , Richard, Middopp, fol. 460, Craven. Whittall, John, par. Ealand, fol. 116, Pontefract. Whittell, John, son of Edm. W. of Ealand, dec., tui., fol. 353, Pontefract. John, Marshall, par. Eland, Caveat, fol. 338, Pontefract. John, son of Hen. W. of Mirfeild, dec., tui., fol. 109, Pontefract. John, son of Hen. W., par. Mirfeild, dec., tui., fol. 354, Pontefract. Judith, par. Mirfeild, fol. 186, Pontefract. Judith, Mirfeild, widow, fol. 108, Pontefract. Robert, par. Ealand, fol. 130, Pontefract. Whittington, Thomas, Southcollingham, fol. 317, Newark. APPENDIX. 281 July ig, 1630. Jun. 22, 1632. Dec.iS, 1644. May 25, 1649. May22, 1639. Feb. 7, 1636. Feb. 13, 1635. Oct. 3, 1638. Sep. 18, 1640. Feb. 13, 1649. Oct. 12, 1637. Nov.2o, 1645. Sep. ii, 1649. Sep. n, 1649. May 23, 1639. July 12, 1652. Aug.24, 1641. Nov.25, 1647. Feb. 8, 1631. Jan. 13, 1628. Feb. 2, 1629. Oct. 9, 1638. Feb. 19, 1635. Sep. 24, 1631. A pi'. 6, 1646. Dec. 21, 1649. July 21, 1636. Feb.iS, 1633. Oct. 10, 1639. Sep. 18, 1640. May 9, 1633. Sep. 18, 1640. Oct. 22, 1645. May 29, 1647. Apl. 14, 1635. Feb. 28, 1627. July 9, 1647. Aug. 6, 1640. Oct. ii, 1638. Mar.i3, 1634. Feb. 10, 1646. Aug.n, 1632. Apl. 26, 1632. Jan. 20, 1639. Aug. 7, 1628. Dec.2i, 1631. Mar.24, 1647. Mar.2o, 1628. Nov. 2, 1639. Feb. 26, 1646. Oct. i, 1640. Apl. 29, 1647. May 7, 1639. Aug. 6, 1631. July 29, 1640. Feb. 16, 1636. Aug. 9, 1627. Mar. i, 1636. Mar. i, 1636. July 3, 1632. May28, 1646. Feb. 7, 1632. Oct. 22, 1647. Whitton, Elizabeth, Scroobie, widow, fol. 204, Retford. , Jane, Kirckleventon, fol. 274, Cleveland. , Richard, North Collingham, Newark. Whitwell, Francis, Skirpenbecke, fol. 399, Buckrose. , Nicholas, Skalby, fol. 345, Dickering. , William, Stonegrave, fol. 183, Ridall. als. Whitfeild, John, York, fol. 48, City. Whitwham, Barnard, par. Wakefeild, fol. 383, Pontefract. Whitworth, Alice, Kirkby in Ashfeild, fol. 149, Nottingham. , Ann, dau. of Rob. W. of Colwall, dec., tui., fol. 66, Prerogative. .John, Westbridgford, fol. 118, Nottingham. , Mary, Manchester, fol. 12, Prerogative. , Robert Coldwall, par. Ratchdale, fol. 66, Prerogative. , Robert, Coldwall, par. Ratchdale (Prerog.), fol. 138, Pontefract. Whorldayle, Katherine, Lotherton, fol. 288, Ainsty. Whorlton, Alexander, Seaton, fol. 59, Harthill. Wibsey, Ann, Thornhills, par. Hallifax, fol. 25, Pontefract. , Frances, Thornhill, fol. 109, Pontefract. Wickham, Frances, Cottingham, fol. 17, Harthill. , John, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. , Margaret, Cottingham, Harthill. , Robert, Moorehouse, fol. 641, Doncaster. , William, Cottingham, fol. 55, Harthill. Wicks als. Wilkes, William, Headon, fol. 149, Holderness. Wiclife, William, Preston super Skearne, dioc. Dur., fol. 25, Prerogative. Wicome, Robert, Carcrofte, fol. 522, Doncaster. Widder, Richard and Henry, sons of Rich. W. of Nether Kellet, Chest, dioc., fol. 150, Prerogative. Widdopp, Edward, par. Heptonstall, fol. 151, Pontefract. Widdowson, George, Barton in Fabis, fol. 138, Nottingham. , William, Nottingham, fol. 150, Nottingham. Widgett, Thomas, Ewecoates, fol. 283, Cleveland. Widmerpoole, Gabriel, Nottingham, fol. 149, Nottingham. Widoson, Edmund, Lowdham, Nottingham. Widosonne als. Hope, Mary, Burton Jorce, Nottingham. Wiggan, Michael, par. Heptonstall, fol. 194, Pontefract. Wigglesworth, William, London, fol. 326, Craven. Wightman, Alfred, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Anthony, Sheffeild, fol. 424, Doncaster. Barbara, Bilborrowe, fol. 128, Nottingham. John, Ampleforth, fol. 72, Bulmer. John, Bingham, Nottingham. John, son of Margt. Booth, York, wid., fol. 22, City. Simeon, Bilborowe, fol. 74, Nottingham. Wiglesworth, John, son of Hen. W. of York, dec., fol. 73, City. Wike, Edward, Everingham, Harthill. , John, Gleadhow, fol. 165, Ainsty. Wikes, Henry, Everingham, fol. 24, Harthill. Wilberfosse, William, Brigham, Dickering. Wilbert, Richard, Harlthorpe, par. Bubwith, fol. 93, Harthill. Wilbore, Elizabeth, Bentley, par. Arksey (effects unadm.), fol. 478, Doncaster. , Elizabeth, Bentley, fol. 425, Doncaster. , Latheria (sic), Bentley, par. Arksey, fol. 483, Doncaster. , Zachariah, Bentley, par. Arksey, fol. 652, Doncaster. Wilbraham, Mary, Sutton, dioc. Chest., widow, Caveat, fol. 86, Prerogative. Wilcocke, George, Swinton, fol. 421, Doncaster. , Jacobus, Stainton, fol. 309, Cleveland. , Richard, par. Long Preston, fol. 321, Craven. , Samuel, Gedling, fol. 247, Retford. , Samuel, Gedlinge, fol. ii4a, Nottingham. Wild, Thomas, Maltbie, Caveat, fol. 490, Doncaster. , Thomas, son of Joh. W. of Sheffeild, dec., tui., fol. 467, Doncaster. Wilday, Margery, Langar, fol. 80, Nottingham. Wildbore, Richard, Morley, fol. 106, Pontefract. 3 282 APPENDIX. Feb. 28, 1636. Wildon, Henry, Skaggledengrainge, fol. 84, Bulmer. Dec.3i, 1636. , Henry, Skaglethorp Grainge, par. Hovingham, Caveat, fol. 181, Ridall. Dec. 10, 1630. , Isabell Posthuma, York, fol. n, City. Sep. 28, 1627. , Thomas, Marlon, fol. 233, Cleveland. Oct. 7, 1634. Wildsmith, Jacobus, Darnall, fol. 562, Doncaster. Jun. 12, 1628. , Robert, Brampton, Caveat, fol. 448, Doncaster. Oct. 22, 1640. Wiley, George, Stamford Briggs, fol. 98, Harthill. Aug. 9, 1627. Wilford, John, Raskall, fol. 24, Bulmer. May 24, 1647. Wilkes, Abraham, junr., Maningham, fol. 97, Pontefract. Aug. 2, 1636. , John, Leathley, fol. 237, Ainsty. Jun. 18, 1639. , John, Sleightholme Dayle, fol. 101, Bulmer. Oct. 22, 1634. , Thomas, Sawley, fol. 209, Ainsty. Sep. 24, 1631. - als. Wicks, William, Headon, fol. 149, Holderness. Feb. 27, 1634. Wilkinson, , Normanton, widow, grant to Tho. Stirrope, Lincoln, gent., fol. 340, Newark. Dec. 18, 1633. Christopher, Horton Hall, fol. 421, Craven. July 18, 1638. Christopher, Tickhill, fol. 636, Doncaster. Mar. 3, 1630. Cicilia, Hardwicke, fol. 210, Retford. Aug. 3, 1639. Edmund, Nether Browsholme, fol. 523, Craven. Dec. 20, 1644. Edmund, Sheffeild, fol. 452, Doncaster. Feb. 15, 1637. Edward, Eastbridgford, fol. 120, Nottingham. Oct. ii, 1632. Edward, Hardwickegrainge, fol. 223, Retford. Jun. 5, 1630. Edward, son of Tho. W. of Kirkbie Kendall, fol. 71, Prerogative. July 8, 1631. Edward, Sprotley, fol. 147, Holderness. Feb. 25, 1631. Edward, York, fol. 18, City. July 30, 1640. Francis, Lockton, fol. 205, Ridall. Feb. 13, 1640. George, Kingston upon Hull, fol. in, Harthill. Dec. 29, 1648. George, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 30, Harthill. May 22, 1637. Grace, Skecklinge, fol. 195, Holderness. Apl. 15, 1630. Henry, Barrayford, fol. 360, Craven. Mar.22, 1647. Henry, son of Tho. W. of Ealand, dec., tui., fol. 114, Pontefract. Feb. 15, 1638. Henry, Helliefeild, fol. 515, Craven. Mar.3i, 1636. Jacobus, par. Hallifax, fol. 319, Pontefract. Aug. 8, 1636. Jacobus, son of Jac. W., par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 333, Ponte- fract. Oct. 10, 1639. Jacobus, Nappey, fol. 525, Craven. Sep. 2, 1645. Jacobus, Skirlay, fol. 130, Harthill. Jun. 22, 1648. Jane, dr. of Rob. W. of Clecke Heaton, dec., tui., fol. 121, Ponte- fract. Nov.24, 1636. Jenet, Kexby, fol. 62, Harthill. Aug. 8, 1636. John, son of Jac. W., par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 333, Pontefract. May 29, 1647. John, Lenton, Nottingham. Apl. 7, 1642. John, Longriston, fol. 229, Holderness. Jun. i, 1646. John, Maningham, fol. 72, Pontefract. Mar. 20, 1648. John, Ovenden, fol. 127, Pontefract. Sep. 22, 1641. John, Sandhutton, fol. 3, Bulmer. Oct. ii, 1646. John, Thornthwaite, co. Cumb., fol. 28, Prerogative. Nov. 8, 1634. John, Ultley, fol. 436, Craven. Jan. 25, 1631. John, York, fol. 17, City. Dec. 22, 1635. Matthew, Tuxford, fol. 240, Retford. Aug. 8, 1636. Nathaniel, son of Jac. W., par. Hallifax, dec., tui., fol. 333, Ponte- fract. Feb. 6, 1638. Richard, Etton, fol. 86, Harthill. Oct. i, 1629. Richard, Chidsall, fol. 62, Pontefract. Oct. 18, 1630. Richard, Colne, dioc. Chester, fol. 79, Prerogative. May 9, 1639. Richard, Ruddington, fol. 133, Nottingham. Oct. 7, 1634. Richard, Thorpe in Bawne, fol. 563, Doncaster. Jan. 14, 1638. Robert, Grissington, fol. 514, Craven. Mar. 2, 1632. Robert, Newarke super Trent, fol. 333, Newark. Sep. 28, 1646. Robert, South Skerle, fol. 211, Holderness. Oct. 23, 1646. Robert, Stoke, Newark. May i, 1628. Roger, Thorneton, fol. 137, Ridall. Sep. 8, 1634. Roland, par. Crostwhait, fol. 124, Prerogative. Dec. 17, 1645. Samuel, Brackenbed, fol. 57, Pontefract. APPENDIX. 283 July 3, 1645. Feb. 13, 1635. Jun. 10, 1631. May 7, 1639. Sep. 7, 1633. Jan. 16, 1644. Mar. 2, 1634. Aug.22, 1648. Sep. 21, 1635. Mar.23, 1646. Oct. 31, 1644. Apl. 19, 1637. Jun. 6, 1635. May 9, 1639. Oct. 8, 1635. July 25, 1639. Jun. 29, 1638. July 29, 1639. Apl. 23, 1629. May 15, 1633. Sep. 23, 1636. Aug. 4, 1636. July 6, 1648. Mar.27, 1629. Dec. 3, 1647. Dec. 16, 1636. Jun. 18, 1628. May 12, 1630. Oct. 25, 1627. Oct. 20, 1638. May 9, 1633. Sep. 28, 1636. Oct. 2, 1637. Oct. i, 1635. Apl. 5, 1645. May 12, 1631. Mar.2o, 1632. Sep. 10, 1645. July 31, 1633. May ii, 1637. July 29, 1636. May 7, 1635. Aug. i, 1638. Nov.i4, 1630. Jan. 3, 1637. Feb. 22, 1628. Nov. 15, 1634. Oct. 10, 1637. Sep. 20, 1648. Mar.25, 1634. May 17, 1637. Mar.n, 1627. tin. i, 1648. eb. 20, 1650. Oct. 8, 1629. May 13, 1635. Oct. 30, 1635. Apl. 27, 1637. Oct. 9, 1641. Wilkinson, Samuel, Ovenden, fol. 50, Pontefract. , Sarah and Sophrana, drs. of Edm. W. of Buttersett, dec., tui., fol. 589, Doncaster. Sibel, Lund, fol. 12, Harthill. Thomas, Barnby super Dun, fol. 649, Doncaster. Thomas, Barton, co. Line., fol. 144, Pontefract. Thomas, Ealand, fol. 39, Pontefract. Thomas, Garforth, fol. 208, Ainsty. Thomas, Swanland, fol. 28, Harthill. Thomas, TopclirTe, fol. 77, Bulmer. William, Pontefract, fol. 84, Pontefract. William, Stockton super Moram, par. Bugthorpe, fol. 271, Pre- rogative. William, Warter, fol. 68, Harthill. William, York, fol. 44, City. Wilkisson, William, Radford, fol. 133, Nottingham. Willey, Thomas, Uplethom, fol. 302, Cleveland. Willhouse, Thomas, Scarborough, fol. 346, Dickering. Willhowse, Elizabeth, Skarbrough, fol. 342, Dickering. Williamson, Ann, Bishop Munckton, fol. 520, Craven. Ann, Whitby, fol. 249, Cleveland. Anthony, Ansley, fol. 82, Nottingham. Barnabas, Haughton Lund, fol. 246, Retford. Bartholomew, Bagbie, fol. 81, Bulmer. Catherine, Walkeringham, Retford. Dorothy, Bagbie, fol. 39, Bulmer. George, Beeston, Nottingham. Jacobus, Spofforth, fol. 246, Ainsty. John, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Lancelot, Boultby, fol. 39, Bulmer. - Lawrence, East Cottonwith, Harthill. Mary, Tadcaster, fol. 286, Ainsty. Reginald, Thorp Arch, fol. 179, Ainsty. Robert, Brotherton, fol. 149, Prerogative. Robert, Firbie, par. Westowe, fol. 265, Buckrose. Robert, Nunnington, fol. 175, Ridall. Thomas, Beverley, fol. 127, Harthill. Thomas, Easingwowld, fol. 47, Bulmer. Thomas, son of Tho. W. of Easingwold, dec., tui., fol. 60, Bulmer. Thomas, Etchells, dioc. Chest., fol. 8, Prerogative. Thomas, Everton, fol. 228, Retford. Thomas, Gray Leyes, fol. 68, Harthill. Thomas, Thirske, fol. 80, Bulmer. William, Baildon, fol. 212, Ainsty. William, Bubwith, fol. 78, Harthill. William, Edlingthorpe, fols. 302, 303, Dickering. William and Martha, tui. to Nich. W. of Higham, nayler, fol. 626a, Doncaster. a/5. Burton, William, Tadcaster, fol. 123, Ainsty. ^ als. Hill, Robert, Rotheram, fol. 564, Doncaster. Willie, Robert, Rotheram, fol. 622, Doncaster. Willimot, Ellinor and Henry, chdn. of Hen. W., Carcoulston, dec., tui., Nottingham. Willinson, Robert, Baildon, fol. 194, Ainsty. , Thomas, par. Darton, fol. 608, Doncaster. Willisell, Thomas, son of Edw. W. of Brearcliffe, dec., tui., fol. $o,Prerogative. Willman, John, tui. to Joh. W. of Sowerby, father, fol. 120, Pontefract. Willoughbie, John, Codgrave, Nottingham. , William, Normanton, fol. 56, Nottingham. Willson, John, Mansfeild, co. Lane., fol. 126, Prerogative. Willy, Thomas, Scarbrough, fol. 325, Dickering. Willye, Alice, Helmsley, fol. 185, Ridall. , Michael, par. Sheffeild, fol. 435, Doncaster. 284 APPENDIX. Sep. 20, 1647. Aug.24, 1647. Mar. 1 2, 1633. Dec. 12, 1636. Oct. 12, 1637. Mar.3o, 1649. May 9, 1633. Feb. 12, 1646. May 30, 1634. July 6, 1635. May3i, 1649. Oct. 5, 1627. Apl. 6, 1642. May 23, 1649. Jun. i, 1642. Apl. 25, 1631. Aug.22, 1627. Jan. 25, 1640. Oct. 16, 1639. Feb. 7, 1632. May 5, 1634. Dec. 29, 1628. Jun. 9, 1635. May i, 1634. Feb. 9, 1627. Oct. 6, 1635. May 10, 1649. Dec.2o, 1628. Oct. 3, 1633. Nov. 8, 1634. Feb. 25, 1639. Aug.27, 1639. Nov. 5, 1632. Oct. 25, 1648. May 10, 1641. Aug.29, 1640. Jun. 4, 1629. Sep. 27, 1641. May 20. 1628. Mar. 21, 1647. Feb. 21, 1652. May i, 1628. Mar. 9, 1640. Oct. i, 1629. July 20, 1630. Jan. 12, 1652. Apl. 18, 1632. Feb. 20, 1633. July 24, 1634. Feb. 2, 1647. Mar. 21, 1647. Feb. 20, 1632. Mar. 4, 1633. Sep. 6, 1632. May 20, 1641. Sep. 16, 1629. May 7, 1633. Apl. 17, 1649. Jun. 20, 1642. Oct. 8, 1646. Willye, William, Holme, par. Pickhall, fol. 41, Prerogative. Wilson Abraham, Hipperholme, fol. 103, Pontefract. Agnes, Gallon, fol. 417. Craven. Alexander, Marlon, fol. 190, Holderness. Ann, Lodge super Lee Woldes, fol. 117, Nottingham. Ann, Sledmer, widow, fol. 399, Bttckrosc. Ann, Willon, fol. 283, Cleveland. Barlholomew, Sturlon, Retford. Brian, Bradford, fol. 166, Pontefract. Bryan, York, fol. 36, City. Charles, Newarke, Newark. Christofer, Ampleford, fol. 132, Ridall. Chrislopher, Cowllon, fol. 84, Ridall. Christopher, Magna Ayton, fol. 226, Cleveland. Dorothy, par. Almonbury, fol. 28, Pontefract. Dorothy, dau. of Tho. W. of Appleton, dec., tui., fol. 14, City. Dorothy, St. Magdalen, Surrey, fol. 46, Prerogative. Edward, Garton, fol. 371, Newark. Edward, Kelk, fol. 347, Dickering. Edward, Nottingham, fol. 79, Nottingham. Eliz. and Ann, daurs. of Hen. W. of Ayton Magna, dec., tui., fol. 295, Cleveland. Elizabeth, Lalhom, widow, Harthill. Elizabelh, Naburn, fol. 74, Bulmer. Elizabelh and Paul, chdn., of Paul W. of Newarke, dec., tui., fol. 340, Newark. Elizabeth, Thirkelby, fol. 28, Bulmer. Farburne, Swinton, fol. 582, Doncaster. George, Carlisle, fol. 56, Prerogative. Gregory, grant to Jane W. of Owston, widow, fol. 34, Bulmer. Henry, par. Hallifax, fol. 156, Pontefract. Henry, Tresfeild, fol. 436, Craven. Henry, Thomas, William, Agnes, Ellen, Alice, Dorolhy and Jane, chdn. of Tho. W. of Underley, co. Weslld., dec. lui., fol. 207, Prerogative. Henry, York, fol. 74, City. Isaac, par. Hallifax, fol. 123, Pontefract. Jacobus, Nottingham, Nottingham. Jenet, par. Ealand, fol. 13, Pontefract. John, Adwicke super Lee Streete, fol. 675, Doncaster. John, Cathropp, par. Lowdham, fol. 54, Nottingham. John, Coatehouse, fol. 190, Cleveland. John, Dunsevall, Holderness. John, Ealand, fol. 114, Pontefract. John, Gisbrough, fol. 238, Cleveland. John, par. Hallifax, fol. 32, Pontefract. John, Keyworth, fol. 146, Nottingham. John, Leedes, fol. 143, Ainsty. John, son of Joh. W., Little Ludsage, dec., lui., fol. 81, Pontefract. John, Newarke, Newark. John, Rippon, fol. 389, Craven. John, Skelton, fol. 65, Bulmer. John, Towlston, fol. 198, Ainsty. Joseph, Exley, fol. 112, Pontefract. Joseph, Exley, fol. 114, Pontefract. Leonard, Seasey, fol. 57, Buhner. Margaret, Anderbie Sleple, Chest, dioc., Caveat, fol. 97, Prerogative. Margaret, Swainby, fol. 275, Cleveland. Mark, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Marmaduke, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 64, Prerogative. Marmaduke, Wesl Tanfield, fol. 97, Prerogative. Marlin, Norlh Cave, fol. 34, Harthill. Mallhew, Kirby Moreside, fol. 83, Ridall. Paul, Hullon Cranswicke, fol. 9, Harthill. APPENDIX. 285 Apl. 9, 1639. Wilson, Peter, Wetherbie, fol. 284, Ainsty. Mar. 19, 1634. , Ralph, Barneby super Moram, fol. 232, Retford. Oct. 6, 1643. , Ralph, Worsall, fol. 201, Cleveland. Jan. 29, 1645. , Richard, Leaven, fol. 291, Holderness. Mar.2g, 1632. , Richard, Mirfeild, fol. 109, Pontefract. May 5, 1631. , Richard, Nottingham, fol. 67, Nottingham. Jan. 20, 1630. , Robert, Carlton in Linricke, fol. 208, Retford. Oct. 9, 1628. , Robert, Ollerton, fol. 194, Retford. July 2, 1629. , Thomas, Cawood, fol. 139, Ainsty. July 5, 1647. > Thomas, Cottingwith, fol. 17, Harthill. Jan. 16, 1646. , Thomas, Cromwell, Newark. Oct. 24, 1644. , Thomas, Doncaster, fol. 449, Doncaster. May 5, 1642. , Thomas, Flawforth, Newark. Dec.i6, 1651. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 55, Harthill. Jun. 14, 1636. , Thomas, son of Tho. W. of Marr, dec., tui., fol. 598, Doncaster. May 5, 1642. , Thomas, Sutton super Trent, Newark. Mar.23, 1648. , Thomas, Watton, fol. 32, Harthill. Sep. 6, 1631. , Thomas, York, fol. 15, City. Nov.i3, 1629. , William, Calverley, fol. 62, Pontefract. Apl. it, 1648. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 239, Holderness. Aug.27, 1639. , William, senior, Skecklinge, fol. 210, Holderness. Dec. 10, 1633. , William, Thornbrough, fol. 66, Bulmer. Nov. 7, 1648. , William, Thome, fol. 511, Doncaster. Feb. 9, 1631. , William, Tollerton, fol. 73, Nottingham. July 6, 1648. , William, Torworth, Retford. Nov. 7, 1648. , William, formerly of York, late of Ripon, gent., fol. 50, Prerogative. Jun. 3, 1630. , Xpofer, Rastrick, fol. 74, Pontefract. Dec.i3, 1641. , Xpofer, Thormanby, fol. 5, Bulmer. Dec. 3, 1638. als. Clarke, Isabel, Goosemoreheight, fol. 512, Craven. Oct. 31, 1636. als. Thompson, Dorothy, Pattricke Brompton, fol. 151, Prerogative. July 24, 1641. Wilton, Christopher, York, fol. 79, City. Apl. 1 8, 1632. , Francis, Rippon, fol. 389, Craven. Mar. 9, 1639. , John, Copheuwicke, par. Ripon, fol. 519, Craven. Dec. 12, 1639. , Mark, Wombwell, fol. 658, Doncaster. Aug.3i, 1629. Winch, Edward, son of Joh. W. of Beverley, dec., Harthill. Dec. 23, 1643. - , Edward and Frances, diocese of York, fol. 119, Harthill. Feb. 25, 1647. Winchester, Henry, Kingston upon Hull. fol. 24, Harthill. May 7, 1639. Wincke, William and Thomas, sons of Tho. W. par. Rotheram, dec., tui., fol. 650, Doncaster. Sep. 21, 1639. Winckles, Griffin, par. Bolam, dioc. Dur., gent., fol. 199, Prerogative. Aug.2o, 1640. Winckley, Roger, junr., par. Mitton, fol. 230, Prerogative. Mar. 9, 1637. Wind, Elizabeth, Thirkleby, fol. 88, Bulmer. July 8, 1633. - , Elizabeth, Ann, Alice, William, Frances, Mary, tui. to Will. W. of Tunsall, father, fol. 165, Holderness. Apl. ii, 1648. Winde, Philip, Easington, fol. 238, Holderness. Apl. 16, 1647. Windebancke, Francis, Pontefract, fol. 96, Pontefract. Jan. 23, 1629. Winder, Allan, Cockermouth, fol. 63, Prerogative. May 6, 1639. , Issabel, Kirskill, fol. 288, Ainsty. Feb. 8, 1635. Windle, John, Arnoldsbiggin, fol. 454, Craven. July 19, 1633. , John, Cocklake, par. Slaidburne, fol. 409, Craven. Dec. 7, 1652. , Rowland, Hull, fol. 61, Harthill. Jan. 3, 1631. Windove, Thomas, Bashall Eaves, fol. 387, Craven. Jan. 31, 1639. Windsor, John, Walsinge, fol. 527, Craven. Aug.28, 1639. Windus, William, son of Will. W. of Kingston upon Hull, dec., fol. 95, Harthill. Feb. 29, 1630. Winfeild, Dorathy, Barton in fabis, fol. 58, Nottingham. May 9,1628. Wingfeild, Humfrey, Staindley (?) fol. 34, Pontefract. Jan. 26, 1632. Winshippe, Robert, York, fol. 26, City. Dec. 24, 1636. Winshop, Jacobus, Holme in Spaldingmore, fol. 65, Harthill. Apl. 29, 1651. Winshopp, Francis, Elvington, fol. 42, Buhner. Nov. 29, 1638. Winser, William, Beeston, fol. 282, Ainsty. Apl. 22, 1630. Winsor, Nicholas, Snenton, fol. 60, Nottingham. Aug. 4, 1636. Winter, Ann, New Malton, fol. 179, Ridall. July 15, 1629. , Elizabeth, tui. to Will. W. of Hull, father, Harthill. 286 APPENDIX. July 13, 1641. Winter, Godfrey, Hooke, par. Snaith, clerk, fol. 233, Prerogative. Apl. 21, 1633. ' Richard, Barmston, fol. 163, Holderness. Jun. 2, 1642. , William, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 105, Harthill. Oct. 3, 1633. als. Wentworth, John, par. Badsworth, fol. 156, Pontefract. Jun. 6, 1639. Winterbothom, Jennet, Whitby, fol. 325, Cleveland, Nov.iS, 1631. , Robert, par. Leedes, fol. 161, Ainsty. Dec. ii, 1638. Winterburn, Elizabeth, York, widow, fol. 66, City. Apl. 11, 1638. , Joan, York, widow, fol. 62, City. Oct. 14, 1639. Winterburne, Margaret, York, fol. 72, City. Apl. 23, 1629. Winteringham, Dorathy, Carcroft, fol. 465, Doncaster. Oct. 20, 1649. , Robert, Muston, fol. 480, Dickering. Feb. 23, 1645. Winterscale, John, Staxton, par. Willerby, fol. 274, Buckrose. Oct. 16, 1634. Wintringham, Edward, Cammerton, fol. 179, Holderness. Mayio, 1636. , John and Elizabeth, chdn. of Marm. W. of Camerton, dec., tui., fol. 190, Holderness. Dec. 20, 1644. , Thomas, Cottingham, fol. 124, Harthill. Aug. i, 1633. Wirell, Elizabeth, Towton, fol. 186, Ainsty. Aug. 12, 1650. Wisdome, John, New Malton, clerk, fol. no, Ridall. Mar.ao, 1648. Wise, Dorothy, Dinsdall, fol. 52, Prerogative. Aug.23, 1647. , Edward, Rolston, Newark. Oct. 8, 1629. , George, son of Joh. W. of Nottingham, dec., tui., fol. 56, Nottingham. Jun. 8, 1631. Wiske, Christofer, Ulrom, fol. 146, Holderness. Jun. 8, 1631. , Christopher, Barmston, fol. 146, Holderness. July 13, 1652. Wisker, Jonathan, son of Will. W. of Beswicke, dec., tui., fol. 59, Harthill. Oct. 5, 1637. , Robert, Kilnewick juxta Watton, fol. 72, Harthill. May 19, 1642. Witherington, Roger, Harbotle, dioc. Dur., fol. 248, Prerogative. Oct. 31, 1640. Withom, Margaret, Bramwith, par. Barnby super Dunn, wid., fol. 668, Don- caster. Oct. 8, 1635. Withome, John, Dalehouse, par. Hinderwell, fol. 301, Cleveland. Oct. 2, 1634. Wittie, Elizabeth, Middleton super Leewold, fol. 42, Harthill. Jun. 9, 1637. Witton, Robert, Paynehill, fol. 485, Craven, Nov.26, 1649. , Thomas, Conisbrough, fol. 524, Doncaster. Apl. 16, 1649. > Thomas, par. Wakefeild, fol. 129, Pontefract. July 4, 1646. Witty, John, Lowndsburgh, fol. 2, Harthill. July 27, 1640. Wittye, Christopher, son of Chris. W. of Tibthorpe, dec., tui., fol. no, Hart- hill. Mar. 4, 1645. Woffenden, John, Emley, fol. 60, Pontefract. Nov.3o, 1635. Wogan, Samuel, London, Caveat, fol. 130, Prerogative. Jun. 23, 1634. Wolrich, Phillippa, Dinsdell, dioc. Dur., fol. 115, Prerogative. Feb. 7, 1632. Wollerton, Henry, Langar, fol. 79, Nottingham. Aug. 8, 1632. , Henry, Langar, fol. 77, Nottingham. Mar. 8, 1638. Womble, Elizabeth, Darfeild, fol. 647, Doncaster. Aug.io, 1629. Wombwell, Appleton, Darfeild, fol. 472, Doncaster. Feb. 13, 1629. Wood, Abigal, Everton, fol. 202, Retford. May3i, 1632. - Abigal, dau. of Edw. W. of Everton, dec., fol. 222, Retford. Feb. 18, 1631. Ann and Isabell, daurs. of Will. W., par. Whitbie, dec., tui., fol. 272, Cleveland. Sep. 19, 1651. Anthony, son of Tho. W. of Hemsworth, dec., fol. 353, Pontefract. Jun. 28, 1638. Christofer, Bransdaile, fol. 192, Ridall. Oct. 2, 1628. Christofer, Sandesend, fol. 247, Cleveland. Oct. 23, 1634. Christopher, par. Burstall, fol. 181, Doncaster. May 19, 1634. Christopher, Cowhouse, fol. 167, Ridall. Oct. 23, 1634. Christopher, (Heckmondwicke), par. Burstal, fol. 181, Pontefract. Apl. 30, 1646. Christopher, West Heslerton, fol. 391, Buckrose. Aug.ig, 1628. Edmund, Westercrofte, fol. 390, Pontefract. Dec. 4, 1650. Edward, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 50, Harthill. Nov.23, 1637. Edward, Selbie, fol. 174, Prerogative. Nov.i2, 1630. Edward, York, fol. n, City. Aug. 3, 1636. Ellen, Nottingham, fol. 109, Nottingham. Apl. 10, 1651. Ellinor, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 52, Harthill. Apl. 10, 1638. Francis, Swillington, fol. 251, Ainsty. Feb. 18, 1630. George, Lastingham, fol. 148, Ridall. Jun. 14, 1645. George, Pocklington, fol. 3, Prerogative. Feb. 9, 1629. George, par. Silkeston, fol. 472, Doncaster. APPENDIX. 287 Jun. 24, 1628. Wood, George, Upsallparke, fol. 27, Bulmer. Nov. 8, 1633. Hellen, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 34, Harthill. Nov.io, 1636. Hellinora, Nun Appleton, par. Bolton Percy, fol. 247, Ainsty. Feb. 18, 1632. Henry, Beverley, fol. 30, Harthill. May 27, 1628. Henry, Edmund and Janet, chdn. of John W. of Morton, dec., fol. 328, Craven. Apl. 22, 1635. Henry, Nottingham, fol. 99, Nottingham. Jan. 5, 1634. Henry, York, merchant, Caveat, fol. 39, City. Sep. 10, 1635. Isaac, Ealand, fol. 315, Pontefract. Nov.io, 1636. Issabel, Aickton, par. Fetherston, fol. 340, Pontefract. Nov. 29, 1630. Jacobus, Aplebie, fol. 262, Cleveland. Apl. 23, 1629. Jacobus, North Loftous, fol. 249, Cleveland. Aug.23, 1647. Jane, Burton Pidsey, fol. 223, Holderness. Dec. ii, 1646. Jane, dr. of Pet. W. of Farnedale, dec., tui., fol. 95, Ridall. Oct. 9, 1638. Jane and Mary, chdn. of Joh. W. par. Silkston, dec., tui., fol. 642, Doncaster. Sep. 10, 1638. Jane, Westheslerton, fol. 197, Ridall. Jun. 28, 1632. Jane, dau. of Edw. W., par. Whitbie, dec., tui., fol. 275, Cleveland. Feb. 5, 1638. Jannet, Westheslerton, fol. 267, Buckrose. Feb. 7, 1636. John, Barnsley, fol. 606, several entries, Doncaster. May24, 1638. Sir John, Beeston, kt., fol. 274, also July 6, 1638, fol. 278, Ainsty. Aug. 5, 1633. John, Fadmore, fol. 159, Ridall. Apl. 25, 1631. John, Farnedale', fol. 150, Ridall. NOV.IS, 1639. John, Fishlake, fol. 657, Doncaster. Apl. 23, 1629. John, Hoyland Swaine, fol. 465, Doncaster. Sep. 18, 1637. John, Parlington, fol. 266, Ainsty. May 20, 1641. John, Ordsell, Retford. July 10, 1648. John, Royston, fol. 511, Doncaster. Nov. 8, 1638. John, Slingsbie, fol. 195, Ridall. Aug.i4, 1639. John, Southkirby, fol. 655, Doncaster. Jun. 7, 1630. John, Thirske, fol. 40, Bulmer. May 3, 1631. John, Wickersley, fol. 506, Doncaster. Aug. i, 1634. Laurence, Bramley, fol. 196, Ainsty. Apl. 10, 1638. Margaret, par. Heptonstall, fol. 376, Pontefract. Sep. 10, 1635. Marmaduke, Norlan in Ealand, fol. 203, Pontefract. Apl. 18, 1637. Martha, Mithon Roides in Sowerby, fol. 350, Pontefract. Aug. 5, 1628. Nathan, Warley, fol. 360, Pontefract. May3i, 1632. Nathaniel, Thomas, Edward, Elizabeth, Ann, chdn. of Edw. W. of Everton, dec., tui., fol. 222, Retford. Nov.27, 1638. Peter, Broughton Magna, fol. 321, Cleveland. Oct. ii, 1627. Richard, Scastforth, fol. 187, Retford. May 2, 1639. Richard, Warley, fol. 394, Pontefract. July 23, 1639. Robert, Beverley, fol. 91, Harthill. Aug. i, 1636. Robert, Brandsdale, fol. 180, Ridall. Feb. 6, 1639. Robert, Goxhill, fol. 211, Holderness. July 23, 1635. Roger, Bolton, fol. 445, Craven. July 23, 1634. Sibel, par. Hallifax, fol. 166, Pontefract. Apl. 7, 1649. Thomas, Cresbrooke, fol. 517, Doncaster. Aug. i, 1646. Thomas, Stainford, fol. 475, Doncaster. Sep. 22, 1637. Thomas, Tirrington, fol. 87, Bulmer. Feb. 5, 1638. Thomas, Westheslerton, fol. 267, Buckrose. Oct. i, 1629. Thomas, son of Tho. W. of Yarome, dec., fol. 253, Cleveland. Jan. 30, 1631. William, par. Bradford, fol. 106, Pontefract. May i, 1628. William, East Rawe, par. Whitby, fol. 243, Cleveland. July 12, 1633. William, Kerkegaite, par. Wakefeild, fol. 143, Pontefract. Jan. 25, 1638. William, Kirkbymooreside, fol. 195, Ridall. May 5, 1642. William, North Collingham, Newark. Apl. 30, 1640. Woodall, Magdalene, Cottham, par. South Leverton, fol. 273, Retford. Apl. 22, 1630. Woodcocke, Brian, Clayworth, fol. 203, Retford. Oct. ii, 1636. , Katherine, Gawberhall, fol. 603, Doncaster. May 12, 1638. , Margaret, Peniston, fol. 634, Doncaster. Jan. 20, 1630. , Mary, dau. of Brian W. of Clayworthe, dec., tui., fol. 208, Retford. Nov.24, 1636. , Richard, Stanbur, fol. 610, Doncaster. 288 APPENDIX. Mar.iS, 1644. Apl. 4, 1630. Aug.23, 1650. May i, 1627. Sep. 16, 1644. Mar.3i, 1636. Apl. 14, 1635. May 10, 1636. Mar.3i, 1636. May 20, 1646. Jan. 13, 1647. Mar.3i, 1636. July 9, 1639. Oct. 20, 1647. Sep. 26, 1651. Aug. 24, 1649. Apl. 26, 1632. Jun. 13, 1649. Feb. 21, 1631. Sep. 28, 1638. Feb. 6, 1629. Apl. 2, 1629. Apl. 20, 1632. May 8, 1633. May 10, 1633. July 13, 1632. Aug.2o, 1647. Jan. 27, 1635. Jun. i, 1629. Sep. 22, 1642. Sep. 28, 1646. Sep. 28, 1646. Dec. ii, 1649. Oct. i, 1628. Jun. 8, 1631. Feb. 8, 1631. July 13, 1630. May 23, 1629. Aug.3o, 1650. Nov.27, 1635. Oct. ii, 1632. Oct. 17, 1638. Oct. 6, 1635. Jun. 16, 1631. Oct. 21, 1634. July 21, 1640. Jan. 5, 1647. May i, 1634. Mar.27, 1647. Feb. 9, 1628. Apl. 28, 1640. July 4, 1633. May 8, 1628. July 20, 1630. Oct. ii, 1632. Feb. 13, 1629. Feb. 26, 1641. May 29, 1637. Jan. i, 1645. Woodcocke, William, Hatfeild Woodhouse, fol. 454, Doncaster. Woodcrofte, Allison, Hesle, fol. 3, Harthill, , Jacobus, Hesle, fol. 48, Harthill. Wooddesworth, William, par. Peniston, fol. 436, Doncaster. Woode, Charles, Sowerbye, fol. 45, Pontefract. Woodhead, Ann, par. Ealand, fol. 319, Pontefract. Ann, dr. of Job. W., par. Ealand, dec., fol. 195, Pontefract. Charles, Dunscroft, fol. 594, Doncaster. Grace, par. Ealand, fol. 318, Pontefract. John, Hallifax, fol. 71, Pontefract. Martha, dr. of Jonas W. of Cockhill, dec., tui., fol. in, Pontefract. Sarah, par. Ealand, fol. 319, Pontefract. William, Almonburie, fol. 402, Pontefract. Woodhouse, Dorothy, Norton, fol. 105, Pontefract. , John, Scarbrough, fol. 489, Dickering. , Richard, Sleightes, par. Whitby, fol. 228, Cleveland. , Robert, Northcollingham, fol. 330, Newark. als. Pearson, Ann, grant to Job. W. of Cornforth, dioc. Dur., husband, fol. 59, Prerogative. Woodhowse, Edward, Wetherby, fol. 161, Ainsty. , William, Cottingham, fol. 85, Harthill. Woodous, Edward, Nottingham, fol. 58, Nottingham. Woodrowe, George, Neway, fol. 138, Ainsty. Woodruffe, George, South Milforth, fol. 172, Ainsty. , Robert, par. Hallifax, fol. 161, Pontefract. Woodsworth, Gregory, Munckbretton, par. Ruiston, fol. 536, Doncaster. , Sarah, dr. of Rich. W., par. Penistone, dec., tui., fol. 185, Pontefract. Woodward, Ellenor, Knottingley, fol. 102, Pontefract. , John, Wrelton, fol. 178, Ridall. , Margaret, Walton, fol. 138, Ainsty. , Valentine, Sandall Parva, fol. 445, Doncaster. Woodworth, Christopher, Skefling, fol. 2 1 1 , Ho Iderness. , John, Shefling, fol. 213, Holderncss. , John, son of Joh. W. of Skefling, dec., tui., fol. 250, Holderness. , Margaret, Witherensey, Holderness. , Mary, Ryse, fol. 146, Holderness. , Susanna, Ryse, fol. 151, Holderness. , Susanna and Mary, chdn. of Xpof. W. of Ryse, dec., tui., fol. 139, Holderness , Xpofer, Ryse, Holderness. Woolstenholme als. Greaves, Elizabeth, dr. of Ralph G. of Halfeild in Brad- feild, to Jac. W., her husband, fol. 528, Doncaster. Woord, Bartholomew, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 53, Harthill. Woorley, John, Southcollingham, fol. 332, Newark. Wordesworth, John, Carlecoates, fol. 642, Doncaster. Wordsworth, Isaac, son of Rich. W., par. Peniston, dec., tui., fol. 582, Don- caster. , William, Peniston, fol. 489, Doncaster. Workefolke, Jacobus, Seasey, fol. 70, Buhner. Workfolke, John, Lith, fol. 332, Cleveland. Worley, John, South Collingham, Newark. , Mary, Southcollingham, fol. 340, Newark. Wormall, Isaac, Almonbury, fol. 95, Pontefract. , Thomas, par. Dewsburie, fol. 46, Pontefract. Worrall, Anthony, Hatefeild, fol. 671, Doncaster. Edmund, Conisbrough, fol. 546, Doncaster. Henry, son of Hen. W., junr., Wisall, dec., tui., fol. 41, Nottingham. Richard, Chappellthorpe, fol. 80, Pontefract. Worsley, Gartrude, Grestropp, fol. 332, Newark. George, Gotham, fol. 202, Relford. Thomas, Sutton super Trent, Newark. Worthie, John, Thorpbasset, fol. 264, Buckrose. Worthington, William, Hilton, co. Lane., fol. 14, Prerogative. APPENDIX. 289 May20, 1647. Wortley, Ann and Margaret, Swinton (will of Ann in bundle May, 1647), fol. 483, Doncaster. Jan. 14, 1634. , Ann, Torworth, fol. 228, Retford. Jan. 3, 1637. Wossendale, Christopher, dioc. York, fol. 626^, Doncaster. May 12, 1636. Wragbie, William, Balderton, fol. 348, Newark. Mar.n, 1635. Wrangham, Richard, Langton super Lee Waldam, fol. 262, Buckrose. Mar. 5, 1637. , Robert, Pockley, fol. 189, Ridall. Aug. i, 1636. ah. Bellwood, Ursula, Mowlthropp, fol. 82, Bulmer. Jan. 13, 1646. Wrath, Henry, Mirfeild, fol. 90, Pontefract. Feb. 9, 1635. Wray, Grace and Mary, par. Sprodbrough, fol. 589, Doncaster. Aug. 4, 1635. , Jane, Spofforth, fol. 215, Ainsty. Apl. 6, 1635. , John, Bishopton, fol. 441, Craven. Feb. 4, 1641. , Thomas, tui. to Will. W., joiner of Hallifax, fol. 26, Pontefract. Nov.2i, 1629. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, Harthill. Apl. 3, 1630. , Sir William, Beamish, co. Dur., kt., fol. 71, Prerogative. Jan. 25, 1649. Wresle, Ellen, Rednes, widow, fol. 66, Prerogative. Dec. 29, 1645. Wrest, Elizabeth, Tickhill, fol. 462, Doncaster. Apl. 15, 1646. Wright, Adam, Haworth, fol. 72, Pontefract. May 7, 1633. , Alice, Stoke juxta Newarke, widow, fol. 335, Newark. Oct. 10, 1639. , Ann, Cotham, fol. 364, Newark. Jun. 5, 1634. , Ann, Rowton, fol. 176, Holderness. Oct. 9, 1632. , Arthur, Doncaster, fol. 525, Doncaster. Feb. 26, 1634. , Benjamin, Northwheatley, fol. 236, Retford. May 15, 1645. , Christopher, Etherwicke, fol. 239, Holderness. Apl. 10, 1628. , Christopher, Sowerby, fol. 27, Bulmer. Feb. 27, 1651. , Christopher, Thornton Feild, par. Gisbrough, fol. 236, Cleveland. Oct. u, 1649. , Clara, Jane, Ann and Henry, tui. to Fran. W. of Whitwell, father, fol. 399, Buckrose. July 30, 1634. , Dorothy, Ardensyde, fol. 167, Ridall. Jun. 28, 1638. , Dorothy, York, fol. 64, City. July 24, 1634. , Edward, Kirke Dighton, fol. 198, Ainsty. Nov. 5, 1634. , Edward, Whenby, fol. 72, Bulmer. Sep. 2, 1642. , Elizabeth, Nottingham, Nottingham. Sep. 6, 1633. , Ellen, dr. of Rich. W. of Miton, dec., tui., fol. 63, Bulmer. Feb. 15, 1637. , Ellinor, Orston, fol. 120, Nottingham. Jun. i, 1648. , Francis, Bolton super Swale, gentleman, fol. 48, Prerogative. Aug.3i, 1645. > Francis, Newarke super Trent, Newark. Feb. 14, 1627. , Francis, Rossington, fol. 189, Retford. May 22, 1645. , George, Balderton, Newark. July 16, 1632. , George, Flinton, fol. 157, Holderness. Mar.23, 1632. , George, Gisbrough, fol. 281, Cleveland. Apl. 10, 1635. , George, Spofforth, fol. 211, Ainsty. Jan. 28, 1639. , Guy, Wintringham, fol. 270, Buckrose. July 18, 1631. , Helen, Horsforth, fol. 159, Ainsty. Oct. 10, 1639. , Issabell, Arnoll, fol. 137, Nottingham. Mar.2i, 1630. , Janet, Sikehouse, Caveat, fol. 503, Doncaster. July 16, 1636. , John, Ayton, fol. 329, Dickering. May 21, 1642. , John, senior, Bagby, effects unadministered, fol. 7, Bulmer. Apl. 22, 1642. , John, Bagby, fol. 6, Bulmer. May2i, 1640. , John, Bagby, fol. in, Bulmer. Oct. 13, 1636. , John, Balderton, fol. 349, Newark. Dec. 6, 1638. , John, Barwicke in Elmett, fol. 2830, Ainsty. Feb. 7, 1636. , John, Bilbrough, fol. 248, Ainsty. Jan. 2, 1627. , John, Bradford, fol. 28, Pontefract. Aug.27, 1629. , John, Bradford, Caveat, fol. 58, Pontefract. Oct. 4, 1645. 1 John, Everton, Retford. Nov. 8, 1647. , John and Frances, Fenningley, fol. 500, Doncaster. Jun. 25, 1646. , John, Finningley, fol. 471, Doncaster. May 9, 1639. , John, Kneesall, fol. 361, Newark. May 28, 1645. , John, Maningham, par. Bradford, fol. 48, Pontefract. Nov.29, 1630. , John, Stonegateside, par. Gisbrough, fol. 262, Cleveland. Sep. 3, 1646. , Jonathan, son of Jonas W. of Wike, dec., tui., fol. 80, Pontefract. Aug. 3, 1637. ' Margery, Osterfeild, fol. 252, Retford. Jan. 9, 1637. , Matthew, Sharlston, fol. 366, Pontefract. 37- ago APPENDIX. Sep. 2, 1650. Wright, Matthew, aet. 16, son of John W. of Skreyngham, dec., tui., fol. 401, Buckrose. Aug.is, 1628. , Matthew, West Ayton, fol. 138, Ridall. Apl. 29, 1634. , Matthew, son of Rob. W. of Wilberfosse, dec., fol. 43, Harthill. Feb. 3, 1631. , Nicholas and Ann his widow, Kirkebramwith, fol. 491, Doncaster. July 17, 1635. , Nicholas, Rippon, fol. 219, Ainsty. July 29, 1639. , Ralph, Laughton, fol. 270, Buckrost. Oct. 9, 1641. , Richard, Doncaster, fol. 435, Doncaster. Feb. 14, 1638. , Richard, Missen, fol. 263, Retford. Mar. 5, 1637. , Richard, Old Malton, fol. 189, Ridall. Aug. 4, 1635. , Richard, Spofforth, fol. 214, Ainsty. Oct. 8, 1627. , Robert, Cottingham, Holderness. May 21, 1636. , Robert, Darfeild, fol. 597, Doncaster. Oct. 4, 1639. , Robert, Follifoote, fol. 304, Ainsty. Jan. 12, 1631. , Robert, Longsandall, fol. 496, Doncaster. Nov.i7, 1645. > Robert, Thorntonlands, par. Blacktoft, fol. n, Prerogative. Oct. 6, 1631. , Rowland, Gisbrough. fol. 270, Cleveland. Mar. 9, 1637. , Rowland, Topcliffe, fol. 88, Buhner. Apl. 6, 1638. , Thomas, Bardsey, fol. 273, Ainsty. Oct. 9, 1628. , Thomas, Bestrop, fol. 313, Newark. May 5, 1642. , Thomas, Clarbrough, Retford. May 26, 1645. , Thomas, Everingham, fol. 134, Harthill. Jun. 26, 1629. , Thomas, par. Hallifax, fol. 56, Pontefract. Sep. 16, 1639. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 91, Harthill. Oct. 10, 1640. , Thomas (? par. St. Andr. Undershaft, London), son of Tho. W. of Kingston upon Hull, dec., fol. 98, Harthill. Mar.i4, 1636. , Thomas, Miton, fol. 84, Bulmer. July 17, 1638. , William, Bradford, fol. 380, Pontefract. May i, 1628. , William, Chappell Ollerton, fol. 125, Ainsty. May 9, 1639. , William, Gotham, fol. 361, Newark. Jun. 29, 1640. , William, Everingham, fol. 97, Harthill. Apl. 10, 1630. , William, Fraystrop, fol. 299, Dickering. Jan. 12, 1631. , William, Fridswith (?), Frances, Jane, chdn. of Rob. W. of Lon[gJ- sandall, dec., tui., fol. 496, Doncaster. Oct. 16, 1651. , William, Newlands, esq., fol. 259, Holdtrness. Aug. 2, 1636. , William and Jennet, Spofforth, fol. 239, Ainsty. May 27, 1642. , William, Stoneferry, fol. 225, Holderness. Jan. 15, 1627. , William, Weetewoodside, par. Leedes, Caveat, fol. 122, Ainsty. Jan. 3, 1630. , William, Willerby, fol. 9, Harthill. Sep. 28, 1638. , William, Wyton, fol. 203, Holderness. July 30, 1634. Wrightman, William, Carleton, fol. 167, Ridall. Mar.i2, 1639. Wrightington als. Barnerd, Margaret, grant to Coniston W. of Hull, husband, fol. 95, Harthill. Jan. 28, 1635. Wrigley, , Ansley, grant to Will. W. of Behvoire Castle, gent, fol. 105, Nottingham. Oct. 8, 1633. Wroe, George, Woolley, fol. 539, Doncaster. Apl. 6, 1641. Wycliffe, John, Dayles als. Darton Travers, fol. 241, Prerogative. Apl. 6, 1638. Wylie, George, Wyke, fol. 273, Ainsty. Mar.i2, 1632. , Rowland, Colne, dioc. Chest., fol. 98, Prerogative. Apl. 30, 1640. Wyman, Robert, Streaton, fol. 143, Nottingham. Aug. 4, 1630. Wymon, Anthony, Bilstrop, fol. 205, Retford. Oct. 4, 1638! Wynd, Robert, Skiplome, fol. 193, Ridall. Nov.22, 1637. Wynde, Alice, Beverley, fol. 72, Harthill. Jun. 13, 1635. Wynne, George, son of Hector W., par. Leedes, dec., tui., fol. 197, Pontefract. July 19, 1631. , John, par. Sprotbrough, fol. 485, Doncaster. Dec. 16, 1636. , William, Beeston, fol. 246, Ainsty. Apl. 13, 1649. Wyvell, William, York, esq., fol. 54, Prerogative. Jun. 15, 1636. a/5. Bellingham, Elizabeth, grant to Will. B. of Skidbie, husband, fol. 60, Harthill. July 5, 1638. Yarwood, Roger, Ollerton, fol. 259, Retford. July 30, 1631. , Thomas, Robert, William, Katherine, tui. to Tho. Y. of Weston, labourer, father, fol. 326, Newark. Nov.2o, 1646. ; William, Nottingham, Nottingham. Oct. 11, 1638. Yates, Alice, Kneesall, fol. 356, Newark. APPENDIX. 291 July 4,1632. Yates, Ezekiah, Maltbie, fol. 515, Doncaster. Mar. g, 1636. , Henry, Kneesall, fol. 350, Newark, May3o, 1639. , John, Topcliffe, fol. 98, Bulmer. Mar.2o, 1633. , Marmaduke, Beverley, fol. 37, Harthill. Apl. 28, 1640. , Mary, Sheffeild, fol. 671, Doncaster. May 4, 1633. Yeoman, Matthew, Scarbrough, fol. 312, Dickering. Jun. 8, 1631. Yonge, Henry, Pattrington, fol. 145, Holderness. Oct. 6, 1629. , Margaret, Swyne, Holderness. May 2, 1632. , Thomas, Kingston upon Hull, fol. 19, Harthill. Jan. 24, 1634. , William, Skeckling, fol. 181, Holderness. Jan. 26, 1635. Yoole, Henry, Coldkearbie, fol. 139, Prerogative. Sep. 27, 1641. Young, Isabell, Aiton, fol. 190, Cleveland. Oct. 2, 1634. , Isabell and Margaret, tui. to Rich. Y. of Aiton parva, father, fol. 294, Cleveland. Jan. 27, 1635. , Jacobus, Busbie Magna, fol. 302, Cleveland. Oct. 2, 1634. , Lancelot, Ayton, fol. 293, Cleveland. Aug.2i, 1638. Younge, Alice, Nafferton, fol. 342, Dickering. Oct. 13, 1641. , Edward, Elstmerweeke, fol. 223, Holderness. Mar. 2, 1636. , Richard, Langcliffe, fol. 473, Craven. Sep. 29, 1651. , Robert, Coxwould, fol. 42, Bulmer. Mar.29, 1639. > William, Brandsby, fol. 97, Bulmer. July 16, 1635. als. Stowe, Jane, wife of Will. S. of Newton on Trent, gent., fol. 132, Prerogative. Dec. 17, 1641. Yoward, Ralph, Brompton, fol. 81, Ridall. May 29, 1647. Yowle, Ellen, Newarke super Trent, Newark. May 29, 1647. Humphrey, Calverton, Newark. ROBERT WHITE & Co., PRINTERS, WORKSOP. 35 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. T) Series 9482 \ A 001 081 808 6 \