BIBLIOTHECA DRAMATICA. CATALOGUE THEATRICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY OP THE LATR WILLIAM: E. BUHTON, THE DISTINGUISHED COMEDIAN, COMPRISING AN IMMENSE ASSEMBLAGE OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE STAGE, And including interesting specimens of the Early English Drama, exceeding in extent any collection that has ever been submitted to the public competition, commencing with the earliest dawn of Histrionic Art, and brought down to the present time. Among these will be found the first four folio Shak.s peares , and seventy other editions; also about 1,500 vols. of Shaks- peariana. An unrivalled collection of Books of Wit and Humor; a complete series of the History of the Stage, containing Music, Pageants, Ac. Old English Poetry of the Elizabethan era, including all of the contemporaries of Shakspeare. Indeed the collection is at once magnificent and uniiiue, and offers to buyers a rare opportunity of collecting books not to be obtained except in the dispersion of Private Collections. Also, a small but select collection of Curiosities, Antiquities, Sbakspearian Models, &c. Library Furniture, Bookcases, Tables, Antique Side Board, Fire Proof, some CHOICE OIL PAINTINGS, &c. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION BY J. SABIN & CO., AT THEIR AUCTION ROOM, Corner of Broadway, Fourth Street, and Lafayette Place, HXT e TAT- ~yorl. 7 On Monday, October 8, 1860, and following days. COMMENCING EACH DAY AT 2 O CLOCK. The Books will be on view one week before the Sale, and Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers at the above address, also of Booksellers generally. Z NO TIC lH. The Catalogue of Books, now offered to the public, comprises the entire library of the late Mil. WM. E. BURTON, the eminent Comedian, who devoted many years to its collection, and it is believed to be by far the largest Library of Dramatic Literature ever offered at public auction in this or any other country. It contains a most surprising mass of rare old English Plays; Works on the Drama, History of the Stage, Theatres, Theatrical Characters and Biography, Pageants, Royal Progresses, and Pro cessions, Mimes, Pantomimes, Masquerades, Mummeries, Myste ries, and Morris Dancers, Fantoccini, Olympian Games, Feats of the Circus, Carnivals, Cavalcades, and every other description of Exhibition which were all objects of Mr. B. s research; indeed, such was Mr. Burton s enthusiasm that nothing was too trivial that tended in any way to illustrate the profession which he was so eminently qualified to fill. OLD ENGLISH POETRY, will be found not only voluminous, but abounding in rare and choice copies, including many English translations of the classics of very early dates; while the Dramatic collection is replete with the first editions of most of the Plays of importance. Shakspeariana is especially rich, not only in rare books, but in some presque unique copies of books printed for presentation only. Amidst such a variety of really choice and rare books it would be almost invidious to make a special reference to any particular work or works; but the fact of there being the First Four Folio Editions of Shakspcare s Works is too important to overlook. Also, all the collected editions from that of Rowe to Halliwell s folio. For a further account of this department, the reader is referred to page 335. TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS, however rare or expensive, were not forgotten, nor Antiquities of Greece and Rome. Among the former is a fine copy of the first edition of Dugdale s Warwick shire, containing the earliest engraving of the Monument of Shaks- 863942 iv NOTICE. peare, by the elaborate, accurate, and most industrious Hollar, which differs materially from all the more recent representations of it, either from the burin of the engraver, or the numerous plaster casts. Dugdale s St. Paul s, Weever s Funeral Monuments, Wren s Parentalia, and Nichols Royal Progresses will also be found. ME. BURTON S speciality as an author of Comic Pieces naturally led him to the collection of Books of Wit and Humor ; of this fact there will be sufficient evidence on referring to the departments of Facetiae and Jest Books, among which will be found many works of rarity books of this class being cheaply got up, are especially liable to mutilation. Polonius s description of the players whom Rosencrantz and Gil- derstern "coted on the way" from the Academy at Wittenburg to the Court of Elsinore, as " being the best actors in the world, either for Tragedy, Comedy, History, Pastoral, Pastoral-comical, Historical-pastoral, Tragical-historical, Tragical-comical, Histori cal-pastoral, Scene indivisible, or Poem unlimited," conveys some idea of the thorough completeness of this dramatic collection. " Seneca was not too heavy, nor Plautus too light." The Curiosities and Antiquities comprise some desirable rari ties, including Statues, Busts, Models, Casts of Shakspeare s Monu ment and Bust at Stratford, including Clara Fisher s Museum, and the celebrated Mulberry Tree Tea Caddy, one of the choicest Sou venirs of the Tree in existence, and perfectly unique. Also, many Bronze Medals, a Watch formerly belonging to Washington, and Talma s Repeater, presented by Napoleon. The Library Furniture comprises a series of Book Cases of Gothic Pattern, made for a room thirty feet square. An Oak Book Case and four Mahogany Book Cases, Library Table, Chairs, two Fire-proofs, &c. Also, a magnificent Antique Buffet, or Side board, Gas Fixtures, Billiard Table, &c. There are also a few of the best of the Oil Paintings which were not sold with the Gallery. Of the Catalogue, let it suffice to observe that the books are all faithfully represented, and distant buyers may rely upon the con dition of the books being truly expressed. Its arrangement has been attended with much labor, but the convenience to the buyer will be self-evident. J. SABIN & CO. CONTENTS. LOTS. PAUK. Africa . 1 to 8 1 America 9 " 234 1 American Poetry 235 338 20 Aiieodotes, Ana 339 " 374 24 Antiquities 375 " 429 27 Arts and Sciences in general . . . . 429 " 547 33 Bibliography and Typography . . . . 548 " 618 40 Biography 019 " 734 48 China . . . . 735 " 741 56 Chivalry 742 " 744 57 Dialects 745 " 701 58 Dictionaries, &c 702 " 797 00 Drama, Old English, and Foreign, Mysteries, In terludes, Masques, &c 798 " 1743 63 Dramatic Biography 1743" 1889 120 Duels and Duelling . ... . . . 1890 " 1S94 132 Egypt and the Holy Land 1896 " 1910 132 Emblems 1911 " 1925 133 England, Chronology, and General History, Particu lar Biography, Topography, &c., including London and Westminster 1920 " 2094 135 Europe 2095 " 2100 155 Fables 2101 " 2110 155 Facetiw 2117 " 2620 150 Fine Arts, Architecture, Painting, Books of Prints, Emblems, &c 2027 " 2752 191 France 2753 " 2810 202 Free Masonry 2811 " 2817 200 Germany and Holland 2818 " 2835 207 Greece and the Levant 2836 " 2845 208 Greek and Latin Classics and Translations . . 2846 " 2928 209 Heraldry 2929 " 2931 216 History in General 2932 " 2954 217 History of the Stage 2957 " 3190 218 Costume: Ancient, National, Civil, and Theatrical 3200 " 3290 234 Histrionic Art, Gestures, Action, Elocution, Oratory, Rhetoric 3297 " 3310 244 Vi CONTENTS. i LOTS. PAOE. India 3317 " 3332 245 Ireland 3333 " 3376 246 Jest Books 3377 " 3397 249 Jurisprudence 3398 " 3416 251 Literature 3417 " 3486 252 Magazines, Periodicals, Newspapers, Annuals, Re views, &c 3487 " 3566 257 Man, Mental Philosophy, &c 3567 " 3630 261 Music 3631 " 3691 265 Novels, Romances, Tales, &c 3692 " 4022 269 Occult Sciences 4023 " 4041 285 Pageants, Coronations, Funerals, Feasts, Processions, Progresses, Masks. Mysteries, &c. Poetry, Old English, Scotch, and Foreign Politics and Political Economy . Portraits, collections of, . Scotland, ........ SlIAKSPEAEIANA Separate Plays 4567 " 4679 337 Poems and Sonnets 4690 " 4697 347 Doubtful and Spurious Plays .... 4680 " 4689 347 Collected Editions 4698 " 4759 348 Translations 4760 " 4770 356 Commentaries, Glossaries, &c. .... 4772 " 5213 357 Ireland s Forgeries 4974 " 4996 381 SUAKSPEAKE RELICS Songs, Ballads, &c 5214 " 5271 404 Spain and Portugal 5272 " 5278 407 Sports, Games, Pastimes, &c 5278 " 52!)7 408 Theatres 5298 " 5314 410 Theatrical and Dramatic Criticism .... 5315 " 5385 411 Theology 5386 " 5524 415 Voyages and Travels 5525 " 5535 425 Trials 5536 " 5586 426 Turkey 5587 " 5589 427 Wales 5590 " 5592 428 Woman 5594 " 5624 429 Miscellaneous 5626 " 5721 431 Manuscripts 5722 " 5776 438 Prints 5777 " 5999 443 Curiosities 6003 " 6063 450 Shakspeare Relics, &.G C084 " 6109 450 Library Furniture 6104 " 6128 459 Oil Paintings 6129 " 6154 461 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again. 2. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 25 per cent., if required, in part of payment of the Purchase-money ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away, with all faults, at the Buyer s Expense, immediately after the conclusion of the Sale; in default of which the Auctioneers will not hold them selves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. If at the expiration of ONE WEEK after the conclusion of the Sale, the Lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be Catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. The Auctioneers will have the option of re-selling the Lots uncleared either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale, except for cash ; and the money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. 5. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required or deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such Lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such resale shall be made good ~by the defaulter at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by the Auc tioneers. CATALOGUE. AFRICA HISTORY OF, AND VOYAGES TO. 1 ALEXANDER (J. E) Expedition to Africa, 2 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1833 Jj~ 2 AYALA (J. L. dt), History of Gibraltar, translated by Bell, cloth, 12mo. Lond., Pickering, 1845 - ^ 3 GARDNER (Capt. A.) Visit to the Zoolu Country, colored plates, cloth, 8vo. Lond. 183G J? 4 MARCO- POLO, Travels of, edited by Murray, cloth, 12mo. 1844 5 OGILBY (T.) Africa, being an exact Description of -/2. Egypt, Barbary, Lybia, Guinea, Ethiopia, and Abys sinia, folio, numerous fine plates by HOLLAR, half calf. Lond. 1670 Ogilby may he considered the English Do Bry. His works are similar in their object, compilation, and mode of illustration. r~ 6 PONCET (Z?r.) Voyage to Ethiopia, calf, 18 mo. Lond. 1709 , /<- 1 RUSSELL (J/.) History of the Barbary States, cloth, 18mo. N. Y. 1855 /*- 8 SALAME (A.) Expedition to Algiers, loards, 8vo. Lond. 1819 AMERICA WORKS RELATING TO. f 9 ALBERT (Lieut.) Notes on the Wisconsin Territory, par ticularly with reference to the Iowa District, or Black Hawk Purchase, with maps, 18mo., pp. 53. Phil. 1836 j^ 10 ALEXANDER (Capt. J. E.) Transatlantic Sketches of North and South America, West Indies, &c., with notes on Negro Slavery, and Canadian Emigration, 8vo. Phil. 1833 /^ 11 ALLEN (Col. Ethan), A Narrative of the Life of, written by himself, half cloth, 12mo. Burlington, 1838 1 AMERICA. I $ t^MSRiCAN Almanack, 1830-9, 10 vols., sewed. Bost. v. d. .13 AMERICAN Institute, Annual Keports from 1847 to 1854, /, - : \\ ...tS Vola. 8vo. doth. Albany. .f& 14 ANDERSON (Mr.) History of the Life and Adventures of, containing his Strange Varieties of Fortune in Europe and America, compiled from his own papers, half calf , pp. 243, 12mo. Berwick, 1782 " The author was kidnapped to the colonies and sold for a slave at Sen- nepuxon Inlet, Maryland, and afterwards joined in the Indian and French campaign." ^-trv 15 ANDRE: A Tragedy in Five Acts, as performed by the Old American Company, New York, 1798. With authentic documents respecting Andre. The Cow Chace, Court Martial, &c., 8vo. with full length portrait of Andre, very rare, half bound. N. Y. 1798 .// 16 ASHE (Thomas), Travels in America, performed in 1806, 12mo. sheep. Newburyport, 1808 /j"~ 17 AUTOBIOGRAPHY of an English Soldier in the U. S. Army, 12 mo. doth. N. Y. 1853 18 BANCROFT (George), A History of the United States, vols. I. II. & III. doth. Boston, 1834 BEHN (Mrs.) Widow Eanter. Vide Drama. 19 BIRKBECK (M.) Letters from Illinois, with a map show ing Mr. Birkbeck s journey from Virginia to Illinois, 12mo. Phil. 1818 20 BLUE Laws of Connecticut, The Code of, 1650, half doth, 18mo. Hartford, 1830 21 BONNYCASTLE (Sir R. H.) Canada and the Canadians in 1841, cloth, 2 vols. post 8vo. 1841 22 BOSTON, Horrid Massacre in, A short Narrative of the, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. Eepub. 1849 23 BOSWORTH (N.) Hochelagi Depicta; the Early History and Present State of the City and Island of Montreal, with numerous illustrative engravings, doth, 12mo. Montreal, 1839 24 BOTTA (Carlo), Storia della Guerra Americana, 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Livorno, 1825 25 BRADFORD (Alden), History of Massachusetts, from July, 1775 to 1789, 8vo. boards. Boston, 1825 J7> 26 BROWN (//.) Illinois, The History of, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1844 > 2-. 27 BRYAN (Hugh and Mary Hutson, of South Carolina), Diaries and Letters of, with Preface by Conder and Gibbons, 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1760 AMERICA. 3 28 BUCANIERS of America, The History of, 24mo. calf. Lond. 1800 29 BUENOS Ayres: A Five Years Residence during the years 1820 to 1823; containing remarks on the Coun try and Inhabitants; and a Visit to Colonia del Sac- ramenta, by an Englishman; with an Appendix, containing Rules and Police of the Port of Buenos Ayres, Navigation of the River Plate, &c. &c. Pp. 176, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1825 / J2 30 CALIFORNIE, Histoire Naturelle et Civile de la, 3 vols. sewed, 12mo. Paris, 1767 31 CAMPBELL ( William W.) Annals of Tryon County, or the Border Warfare of New York during the Revo lution, 12mo. lioank. N. Y. 1831 32 CANDLER (J.) Brief Notices of Ilayti, with its Condi tion, Resources, and Prospects, 12mo. cloth, pp.175. Lond. 1842 33 CARLTON (Robert), The New Purchase, or Early Years in the Far West, 12mo. cloth, illustrated. New Albany, 1855 34 CARVER (Jon.) Travels through the Interior parts of North America in 1766-8, ivith plates, 8vo. half calf. 1778 " This valuable work lately attracted much attention from its description of parts near to the supposed Northwest Passage." Lowndes. +<S~~ 35 CARVER (John), Sketches in New England, or Memories of the Country, cloth, post 8vo. N. Y. 1842 35* CATLIN S Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians: in a series ^ of Letters and Notes, during Eight Years of Travel and Adventure among the wildest and most remark able Tribes now existing, 2 vols. impl. 8vo., contain ing engravings from the author s original paintings, cloth. " 1844 " Catlin, one of the most admirable observers of manners who ever lived among the aborigines of America." Hutuboldt s Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 609 (Bonn s ed.). " A faithful and well-authenticated declaration, not only of a most in teresting portion of the globe, as it at present exists, in a state of nature, but of a race of innocent, unoffending men so rapidly perish ing, that too truly may it be said of them, " Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto!" Quarterly Review. 36 CHANDLER (P. W.) American Criminal Trials, 2 vols. cloth, scarce, 12 mo. Bost. 1844 AMERICA. 37 CHAPMAN (Isaac}, Wyoming, A Sketch of the History of, 12rao. half cloth. Wilkesbarre, Penn. 1830 38 CHASTELLUX (Marquis de\ Travels in .North America in 1780- 82, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, calf. Dublin, 1787 " Nothing escapes the eager eye and minute attention of this lively tra veller, and we owe to him the most graphic account of the private life of the Kevolutionary era." 39 CHEEVER (Dr. G. J5.) Journal of the Pilgrims at Ply mouth in New England in 1620, doth, gilt. N. Y. 1848 40 COBBETT ( William), The Emigrant s Guide in Ten Let- . >vj ters, addressed to the Tax Payers of England, with letters from English residents in America. 12mo. boards. Lond. 1830 . ^f- 41 Bloody Buoy, thrown out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of America, 4 plates, 18mo. calf. Phil. 1796 " It appears, then, that these bloody revolutionists, who styled them selves the friends of freedom and of mankind, destroyed in one city of France a population equal to that of the United States." 42 Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine, with a full and fair account of all his authoring transactions, &c., by himself, 12mo. half bound, curious and scarce. Phil. 1797 - Life of General Jackson, vide Biography. , * , 43 COE (Joseph), The True American, with lives and political characters of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson, in augural addresses, 12mo. cloth. Concord, N. H. 1840 44 COLUMBUS, Memorials of: or, a Collection of Authentic /,/2- Documents of that celebrated Navigator, from the original MSS., by order of .the Decurians of Genoa, with portrait and plates, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1823 This valuable work is a translation of the Codice Diplomatico Columbo- Americano, published at Geneva, in 1823. 45 CONNECTICUT, Blue Laws of, by an Antiquary, 12 mo. doth. Hartford, 1838 46 COOPER (J. F.) History of the Navy of the United States / 2J~ of America, from the Earliest Period to the Peace of 1815, 2 vols. 8vo. doth. Phil. 1839 These volumes are filled with the graphic records of daring adventure, and contain, in their narration of facts, a treasure to the lovers of Sea-Romance. f f0 47 CORTES (Hernando), Despatches of, translated, with in troduction and notes, by George Folsom, 8vo. boards. N. Y. 1843 AMEKICA. 5 48 COXE (Daniel), Description of the English Province of Carolana, called by the Spaniards Florida, and by the French Louisiana, the Great lliver Meschacebe, &c., large and curious map, old calf, gilt. Lond. 1741 The whole of this tract was claimed by the author under a grant from the crown. The name Carolana is probably of his own invention. 49 CROCKETT (David), Narrative of the Life of, 12mo. loanls uncut. Phil. 1834 50 CUBA, Album Pintorcsco de la Isla do Cuba, by May & Co., beautifully colored j)lales, oblong 4fo. cloth. Berlin - 51 DANA {Rich. Henry), To Cuba and Back, a Vacation Voyage, 12 mo. cloth. Bost. 1859 52 DARLEY (F. 0. C.) Scenes in Indian Life, a series of original designs portraying events in the Life of an Indian Chief, drawn and etched on stone by F. 0. C. Darley, to which is added an illustration of the Death of the War Eagle, a pseudo-biographical sketch, with copious notes, 5 parts, oblong 4to. 14 Dilates. Pail. 1843 , 53 DAVIS (A.) Antiquities of Central America and the Dis covery of New England by the Northmen 500 years before Columbus, a lecture, 8vo. pp. 24. Rochester, 1843 / ./ 2-. 54 (J/". L.) Memoirs of Aaron Burr, with miscella neous correspondence, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. N. Y. 1837 " The extraordinary history of Aaron Burr is here displayed by Mr. Davis with great integrity and ability. The work is full of instruction to public men. Perhaps no one has illustrated in a more striking manner the fate of unprincipled ambition, the prostitution of great talents, the wreck of a splendid career. To the common reader the memoirs have much of the interest of tragedy." Griswold. 55 DAY-BREAKING if not the Sun-Rising of the Gospel with <f~ the Indians in New England, wanting last leaf, rare, 4to. Lond. 1647 In a curious lot of old sermons mostly imperfect. This appears to be the second of the relations of the progress of the Gospel among the Indians of New England. The former is known as New England s First Fruits. 56 DENNETT (J. F.) Voyages and Travels of Captains Parry, ~- Franklin, Ross, and Mr. Belzen, forming an Interest ing History of the Manners, Customs, and Characters of various Nations, visited by enterprising travellers, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1826 6 AMERICA. 57 DENTON (Daniel), A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands, with the places thereto adjoining ; likewise, a brief relation of the Customs of the Indians there. A new edition, with an introduction and copious historical notes by Judge Furman, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1845 58 DESCRIPTION of the New World, wants a title page (? by K. Burton), old and torn, 18 mo. Lond. 1650 60 DE TOCQUEVILLE (A lexis), Democracy in America, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1848 Let me earnestly advise your pernsal of M. De Tocqueville s work. His testimony, as well from actual personal experience as on account of freedom from prejudice, is above exception." Sir R. Peel. 61 DUBOCCAGE (Mme,} La Colombiade ou la foi porte au Nouveau Monde, Poeme en dix chants, 8vo. calf. Paris, 1756 62 DUNN (John), A Collection of Curious Observations on the Manners, Customs, Usages, Languages, Ceremo nies, Religion, Medicine, Physics, Natural History, Commerce, &c., of Asia, Africa, and America, trans lated from the French, 2 vols. 8vo. old sheep. Printed for the translator. Lond. 1750 A very scarce and interesting privately printed book, chiefly relating to the primitive inhabitants of America. //. 63 DUYCKINCK (E. A. & Gco. L.} Cyclopaedia of American Literature, embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and Selections from their Writings, from the earliest period to the present day. With 225 por traits, 425 autographs, and 75 views of colleges, libra ries, and residences of authors, 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1856 ,fP 64 DWIGHT (Theodore}, History of the Hartford Convention, with a Review of the Policy of the United States Government which led to the war of 1812, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1833 /- 65 EASTERN Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, History of, by a Member of the Legislature, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1835 Ss# 66 EDWARDS (Jonathan], Account of the Life of Mr. David Brainard, 8vo. old calf. Boston, 1749 <S& 67 (F. S.) Campaign in New Mexico with Colonel Doniphan, 12mo. Phil. 1848 ^ 68 EMMONS (Richard), The Fredoniad: or, Independence Preserved, an Epic Poem of the Late War of 1812. 4 vols. 12 mo. calf, neat, with portrait. Phil. 1832 7 AMERICA. 7 69 EXPOSITION of the Weakness and Inefficiency of the United States Government, 12mo. half roan. 1845 70 FALLS of Niagara, with Sketches of the Way, 8vo. Imlf morocco* N. Y. 1829 71 FAR WEST: or, a Tour beyond the Mountains, 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 1838 72 FAUX (W.) An English Farmer, Memorable Days in America, being a Journal of a Tour to the United States to ascertain the Condition and Probable Pros pects of British Emigrants, including accounts of Mr. Birkbeck s Settlement on the Illinois, Svo. boards. Lond. 1823 73 FERRIS (Mrs. B. O.) Mormons at Home, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1856 74 FIDLER (Rev. Isaac), Observations on Professions, Litera ture, Manners, and Education in the United States and Canada in 1832, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1833 75 FINDLAY (TV.) History of the Insurrection in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, Svo. half sheep, wants title. Phil. 1796 This is known as the "Whiskey Insurrection." It is the only history of that rebellion, and is now scarce. 76 FLINT (Timothy), Recollections of the Last Ten Years in the Valley of the Mississippi, Svo. boards, loose. Boston, 1826. 77 FRANKLIN (Benj.), The Private Life of, originally written by himself and now translated from the French, to which are added some account of his public life, a variety of anecdotes concerning him, by MM. Brissot, Condorcet, Rochefoucault, Le Roy, &c., and the eulo- gium of M. Fauchet, Svo. boards, uncut. Lond. 1793 This work is but little known in the United States. 78 GAGE (Thos.) Travels: New Survey of the West Indies, a Journal of 3,300 miles within the main land of America, the only Protestant that ever was known to have traversed those parts. First edition, folio, calf, gilt. Lond. 1648 Contains many curious accounts of the Devil in sorceries and witchcraft. His travels are principally in Mexico, Guaxaca Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Pax, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, &c. In the third edition, a chapter which was said to reflect on Archbishop Laud is omitted. 79 GAYERRE (C.) Romance of the History of Louisiana, 12mo. N. Y. 1848 8 AMERICA. /$ 80 GEORGIA SCENES Characteristics, Incidents, &c., in the First Half Century of the Republic, 12 mo. boards. August, 1835 ,/z 81 GEORGIA SCENES, by a Native of Georgia, 12tno. N. Y. 1855 82 GKSSNER (I/.) Death of Abel, in two books; attempted J/ from the German of Mr. Gessner, by Mary Collyer, sixth edition, pp. 117. London, printed; New York, reprinted by H. Gaine, at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover Square. 1765 One of the first books printed by Hugh Gaine, in the city of New York. 83 GODWIN (Caleb}, Men and Manners in America, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1833 84 GORDON (Th. F.) Gazetteer of the State of New York, 8vo. sheep. 1836 85 Gazetteer of the State of Pennsyl vania, comprehending the Colonial History, &c. 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1832 It contains a large amount of historical information, not to be found elsewhere. 6 History of America, containing the History of the Spanish Discoveries prior to 1520, 2 vols. cloth, 12mo. Phil. 1832 87 GRAYSON: Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Penn sylvania, within the last 60 years, 8vo. boards. Edin. 1822 88 GREGG (Josiah), Commerce of the Prairies, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1844 89 HACKE (Capt. W.) Collection of Original Voyages, illus trated with maps and draughts, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1699 This Collection contains part of the original material for the History of the Buccaniers, Capt. Cowley s Voyage round the Globe, Capt. Sharp s Journey over the Isthmus of Darien and Expedition to the South Seas, Capt. Wood s Voyage to the Straits of Magellan, &c. 90 HALE (Capt. Nathan), Memoir of, 8vo. pp. 1.6. New Haven, 1844 91 HALIBURTON (Thos. C.) An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia, with maps of the province and several engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. half cloth. Halifax, 1829 92 HALL (A. Oakey), Manhattaner in New Orleans, or Phases of " Crescent City" Life, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1851 Presentation copy, with the author s autograph. 93 HALL (James), Legends of the West, 12mo. boards. Phil. 1832 AMERICA. 9 /J 94 HARRIS (J. J/.) Discourse on the Life and Character of Sir W. Raleigh, 8vo. pp. 71. Bait. 1846 ^J~ 95 (Thos.) Lii e and Services of Commodore Wil liam Bainbridge, U. S. Navy, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1837 ff~ V6 IlAYES (John L.) Vindication of the Kights and Titles of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan, 8vo. cloth. Wash. 1853 97 HEAD (G(orge), Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North America, being a Tour through the Canadas, post 8vo. Lond. 1829 98 HENRY (John Joseph), An accurate and interesting Account of the Hardships and Sufferings of that band of Heroes who traversed the Wilderness by the route of Kennebec and Chaudiere River to Quebec, in 1775, 12 mo. sheep. Lancaster, 1812 99 HERBERT (7 homas), Some Years Travels into Africa / -./^ and Asia the Great, especially describing the famous Empires of Persia and Industant, as also divers other Kingdoms in the Oriental Indies and Isles adjacent, folio, half calf . Lond. 1677 This work has 50 curious plates, among them the city of Babylffli, with a key. It contains many ingenious quotations from the ancient Greek and Latin authors, to show that they had some idea of the continent of North America. It also gives a somewhat detailed account (page 355) of the discovery of this country l>y Madoc, a Welshman, who planted a small colony here 322 years before Co lumbus. . * f- 100 HEROES of the Lake: A Poem, in two books, written in the Autumn of 1813, with plate, 18mo. boards, pp. 108. N. Y. 1814 r , 101 HINTON (J. If.) History and Topography of the United States, illustrated by about 80 very fine steel plates, 2 vols. 4to. sheep. Bost. 1834 j/.r 102 HOPKINSON & Nicholson : Pennsylvania State Trials, 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1794 . j%, 103 HOSKINS (Nathan), A History of Vermont, from its Discovery and Settlement to the close of 1830, half cloth, 12 mo. Vergennes, 1831 /<" 104 HOUSTON (Mrs.) Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. Port. of Santa Anna, 16mo. cloth. Phil. 1845 /\T 105 HULL (Brig. Gen. W.) Defence of, written by himself, 12mo. Ms. Bost. 1814 Js~ 106 UUMBOLDT (Alex.) The Island of Cuba, from the Spanish, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1856 <f~ 107 HYDE (John, Jr.) Mormonism, its Leaders and Designs, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1857 10 AMERICA. // 108 INDIAN Fairy Book, with illustrations by McLenan, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1856 .^0 109 IRVING (Washington), Life of George Washington, illus trated edition, 4 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1855 // 110 Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains, 2 vols. 8vo. Phil. 1836 ./If 111 The Rocky Mountains, or Scenes, &c., in the Far West, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1837 ,/7 112 Voyages and Discoveries of Columbus, 2 vols. sheep, 1839. Do. of the Companions of Columbus, forming vol. 3, uniform, 1835. 3 vols. 8vo. Phil. v.y. 113 JOHNSTON (Dr. John), A History of the Haunted Caverns of Magdelanna, an Indian Queen of South America, 12mo. Ms. Phil. 1821 114 JONES (George), Tecumseh and the Prophet of the West, an original historical Israel-Indian Tragedy, 8vo. cloth. Loud. 1844 115 JUAN AND ULLOA S Voyage to South America, describ ing at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, and Provinces of that extensive Continent, with Notes on the Bra zils, translated by J. Adams, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806 " Juan and Ulloa s travels may be selected as the most entertaining and satisfactory work of its kind ; they are the acknowledged source of much that has been published in other forms." Retrospective Rev. 116 KENDALL (G. W.) The War between the United States and Mexico, illustrated, embracing Pictorial Drawings of all the Principal Conflicts, by Carl Ntbel, with a De scription of each Battle, large folio size, elegantly colored, in a Portfolio. N. Y. n. d. This magnificent work has long been scarce, and commands more than its original price. / 2- 117 KENNEDY (J. P.) Discourse on the Life and Character of George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, 8vo. Bait. 1845 ;f~y 118 KOSTER (Henry), Travels in Brazil, from Pernambuco to Serara, with map, and plates of costume, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. Lond. 1817 7y- 119 LA HONTAN (Baron de), Nouveau Voyage du, dans 1 Ame- rique Septeutrionale, et Relation des differents Peu- ples qui y habitant, &c., 2 vols. 18mo. maps and curious plates, old calf. La Haye, 1703 "An ardent and enterprising man, whose accounts bear every mark of authenticity, and are quite confirmed by contemporary and subse quent writers." N. A. Rev. At the end of the second volume is a " Dictionary of the Algonkin Lan- AMERICA. 11 /.-_ 120 LEE (Henri/), Memoirs of the War in the Southern De partment of the United States, 8vo. half cloth. Wash. 1827 " Lee s memoirs aro very interesting, and as fascinating as a romance, though they undoubtedly contain true history." Chancellor Kent. ^2 121 LEWIS AND CLARK, Travels to the Source of the Mis souri River, and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean, in 1804-6, with large map of the route, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1814 " This is an interesting work, and exhibits not only some valuable geo graphical notices, but very copious and amusing details respecting the manners, habits, and diversions of the Indian North American tribes. 1 Critical Review. V"V 122 LEWES (J. C.) Aboriginal Portfolio, Part 1, 4to. N. Y. 1853 123 LIEBER (Francis), The Stranger in America, or Letters to a Gentleman in Germany, 8 vo. half cloth. Phil. 1835 124 LIFE on the Lakes, by the Author of "Legends of a Log Cabin," 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 1836 /z- 125 LLOYD S Steamboat Directory, &c., 4 vols. cloth. . 126 LONG (t7.) Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter / & z~ and Trader, describing the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians, map, uncut, clean copy, a very interesting work, containing a valuable Voca bulary of the Chippewa and other Indian Languages, 4to. half calf. L(5nd. 1791 "A most faithful picture of the lifeaud manners of the Indian and Ca nadian traders." Volney. / J? 127 MAINE Historical Society, Collections of, Vol. 1, 8vo. cl Portland, 1831 128 MAP of Cuba and Plan of Havana, 12mo. 129 MARION (Gen. Francis), The Life of, 12mo, sheep. Phil. 1841 130 MARQUETTE (Le P.) ET ST. JOLIET, Voyage et De cou- verte de Quelques Pays et Nations de 1 Amerique Septenlrionale, map, sm. 8vo. morocco. Paris, 1681, rep. 1845 Only 125 copies reprinted. 131 MARRYAT (Capt.) Diary in America, 3 vols., 1st and 2d series, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1839 *.? /^ / 132 MARTIN S (Montgomery) History of the British Colonies, complete, numerous ??<a/w and engravings, 10 vols. fcap. 8vo. cloth. 1837, &c. This popular and excellent work comprises the Canadas, New South Wales, Cape of Good Hope, East and West Indies, Nova Scotia, New foundland, Gibraltar, possessions in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. 12 AMERICA. 133 MATURIN (Ed.), Montezuma, the Last of the Aztecs, a Historical Komance, 2 vols. 12mo. paper. N. Y. 1845 < / 2~ 134 MATHEWS (G.) A Pen and Ink Panorama of New York City, 18mo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 /S~~ 135 McCoNNEL (J. L.) Western Characters, or Types of Border Life, 12rao. cloth, illustrated. N. Y. 1853 J0 136 MEAD (Oh.) Mississippian Scenery, a Poem, Descriptive of the Interior of North America, 18mo. sheep. Phil. 1819 ,/J~~ 137 MELVILLE (H.) Typee and a Voyage Thither, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1852 ,.//? 138 MEMOIRS of a Life Passed Chiefly in Pennsylvania, 12mo. sheep. Harrisburg, 1811 - j fi 139 MEXICO, Life in, being a Eesidence in that Country, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1843 < / 2_ 140 MEXICO Versus Texas, a Descriptive Novel of Living Persons, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1838 > / 2- 141 MIRANDA (Don Francisco), The History of his Attempt to effect a Revolution in South America, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1810 142 MOLINO (Don J. Ignatius], The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili, from the Italian, with notes and appendices by the Translator, 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1808 Contains a valuable essay and vocabularies in the Chilian or Araucanian language. 143 NEAL (John), The Battle of Niagara, with other Poems, 16mo. bds. Bait. 1819 144 NATIONAL Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, conducted by James Herring, of New York, and Jas. B. Longacre, Philadelphia, under the Superintendence of the American Academy of Fine Arts, containing one hundred and forty-nine engraved Portraits of the most eminent Persons who have occupied a Place in the History or Contemporary Annals of the United States, all of which are executed on steel, by the best artists, and from the most esteemed likenesses known or extant, and each portrait accompanied by a concise, authentic, and characteristic Biographical Sketch of the individual, in the preparation of which the work has been aided by the ablest writers in the country, and recourse has been had, invariably, to the most competent and unequivocal authorities in the state ment of facts, 3 vols. 4to., fine early impressions of the plates. Phil. 1837 AMKRICA. 13 " These are <leo<ls which should not pass away, Aii.l names that must not wither, though the earth Forgets her empires with a just decay, The enslavers and the enslaved, their death and birth. Nothing has yet come from the hands of American engravers to equal, in delicacy of handling and beauty of finish, these line portraits of American statesmen, scholars, and heroes. There is the true texture of the flesh, the indications of color, which is the highest achieve ment of the artist who is confined to light, shade, and truthfulness of expression, the faultlessness of drawing. Each portrait is accompa nied by a biographical sketch from the hands of our first writers, among whom are the names of John Quincy Adams, Prof. Ticknor, Robert Y. Hayne, Dr. Francis, and others equally renowned. y , J0 144*NATIONAL History of the United States, comprising tlie Colonial, Revolutionary, and Constitutional Records of the Country, based upon and including the State Documents of the Federal Constitution, by Benson J. Lossing and Edwin Williams, in 2 vols. royal 8vo. half calf . Lond. n. d. sr I 145 NEGRO (The), Equalled by few Europeans, to which are added Poems by Phillis Wheatly, 2 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1801 * 146 NORMAN (B. Af.) Rambles by Land and Water : or, Notes of Travel in Cuba and Mexico, including a Canoe Voyage up the River Panuco, and Researches among the Ruins of Tamaulipas, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1845 147 NORTHMORE (77<os.) Washington: or, Liberty Restored, a Poem, 18mo. sheep. Bait. 1809 / 148 NovusORBis (Ori/noBus New World] Region um ac Insu- larum Veteribus Incognitarum, una cum Tabula, Cos- mographia, &c., folio, in old calf, tall copy, rare. Basil, 1637 This valuable work (the first collection of the wonderful relations of the maritime discoveries of the age) contains the voyages of Columbus, Vespucius, Marco Polo, Magellan, llaython, Peter Martyr s Decades, &c. &c. 149 OCAROPUCERIO, a "Peruvian Journal, 4 vols. 4to. half morocco. Peru, 1837 42 / N 150 ORIGIN and Progress of Despotism in the Oriental and other Empires of Africa, Europe, and America, 8vo. half calf . , Amst. (i. e. the private press of John Wilkes) 1764 ^/ 151 PAYNE (A. R. ILf.) The Geral Milco; or, the Narrative of a Residence in a Brazilian Valley, or the Sierra Paricis, 12 mo. boards. N. Y. 1852 14 AMERICA. 152 PHELPS (Capt. Mathnv), Memoirs and Adventuresof Capt. Mathew Phelps, formerly of Harwington, in Conn., now /- ^ resident in New Haven, Vermont, particularly in Two Voyages from Connecticut to the River Mississippi, from Dec., 1773, to Oct., 1780, compiled by Anthony Has well, 12mo. sheep. Bennington, 1801 / 153 PISONIS (CfuiV) De Indiae utrusque Re Naturali et Me- dica, with woodcuts. Georgii Margravii de Regionibus et Indigenis Brasilia et Chili ejusdem Continentis. Jac. Brontii Historic Naturalis Medicas India3 Orien- talis, with fine plates and cuts, folio, half calf . Amst., Elzevir, 1658 Contains Georgins Maregravius on the Country and Aborigines of Chili and Brazil, Brontius s Natural History of the East Indies, &c. " The climate, &c., of Brazil have been described by two eminent natural ists, Piso and Margrave, who observed it with a philosophical accu racy, unusual in accounts of American provinces." Robertson. /2- 154 PHILADELPHIA Souvenir, by J. E. Hall, 12mo. Phila. 1826 /Z. 155 PIZARRO in Peru : or, the Death of Rolla, a Play in Five Acts, from the German of A. Von Kotzebue, 8vo. pp. 92. N. Y. 1800 // 156 POLICE Regulations of City of New York. POWERS (T.} Impressions, vide Dramatic Biography. 157 PRIEST (Jbsiah), American Antiquities and Discoveries in the West, 8vo. sheep. Albany, 1834 158 PRIOR (Aug. S.) All the Voyages Round the World, from the first by Magellan, in 1520, to that of Trajanet, in 1820, 18mo. sheep. N. Y. 1841 159 PRESIDENTS Messages and Documents, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth. 184958 160 PURCHAS, His Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all ages and places dis covered, from the Creation until this present, &c., by Samuel Purchas, folio, fine copy in old calf, gilt. Lond. 1614 The synopsis and complement of the collection of voyages edited by the venerable author, of which it forms the fifth volume. 161 PYM, Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, of Nan tucket, 12mo. half calf. N. Y. 1838 RALEIGH (Sir W.) Guiana, vide Shakspeariana. 162 RALEIGH, History of the World, by Oldys, fine portrait by Vertue, folio, calf. 1666 " The design of this great work was equal to the greatness of the author s mind, and its execution to the strength of his parts and the variety of his learning. His style is pure, nervous, and majestic, and much better suited to the dignity of history than that of Lord Bacon." Dr. Drake. AMERICA. 15 . fjp 163 REPORT of the Commissioners appointed for the Common Schools, thick 8vo. sewed. Albany, 1858 164 - Of the Common Council of New York on the Reception of Kossuth, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1852 .70 165 RIGHTS of Great Britain asserted, being an Answer to the American Declaration of Independence, 12mo. half roan. Lond. 1786 . frf 166 ROBERTSON S (J. P. & W. P.) Paraguay, and Francia s Reign of Terror, comprising an Account of Four Years Residence in that Republic under the Govern- mentof the Dictator Fraiicia,^ufcs, 4 vols.!2mo. boards. Phil. 183839 " These are very pleasant volumes ; more agreeable travelling companions we have not lately met with. We recommend our readers to get the work as soon as possible." Athemeuia. 167 ROBERTSON (William), History of America, with a General Ilistory of North and South America, and a Complete Ilistory of the United States, thick, royal 8vo. pp. 1146. Lond. 1834 _- 168 ROBINSON (Fayette), An Account of Organization of the Army of the United States, with thirty-six portraits, 2 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1848 AT" 169 Mexico and her Military Chieftains, plates, 12mo. sheep. Phil. 1847 ,/j"~ 170 ROGERS (Rev. Ammi) Memoirs of a Clergyman of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, 12mo. half sheep. Schen. 126 e/y 171 (T. J.) American Biographical Dictionary, 12mo. sheep. Phil. 1829 ^/y 172 ROSENBERG (C. G.) Jenny Lind s Tour through America and Cuba, pp. 226, 12mo. cloth. -N. Y. 1851 . tf/ 173 RULES for the Government of the Board of Guardians of the Almshouse Hospital, 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1835 -j 174 RUSCHENBERGER ( W. S. W.) A Voyage Round the World, including an Embassy to Muscat and Siam in 1835, 1836, and 1837, 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1888 /^ 175 SAFFORD ( Wm. II.) The Life of Ilarman Blennerhassett, 12mo. cloth. Chilicothe, O. 1850 JS~ 176 SAVAGE (Ex-Mid. Timothy), The Amazonian Republic, recently discovered in the interior of Peru, 12mo. boards. N. Y. 1842 , t 177 SCHOOLCRAFT (Ht-nry Rotcc), Algic Researches, or In quiries respecting the Mental Characters of the North American Indians, 2 vols. cloth, 12mo., scarce. N. Y. 1839 16 AMERICA. 178 SCHUYLKILL Fishing Company, Authentic Historical Memoir of the, from 1732 to 1830, cloth, 8vo. Phil. 1830 179 SEATSFIELD: Life in the New World, or Sketches of American Society, 8vo. cloth, covers loose. N. Y. 180 SEWARD S Monody on Major Andre, embellished with en gravings, pp. 22, 12mo.; and other tracts, as follows: Galatea, a Pastoral Romance ; imitated from Cer vantes, by M. de Florian, translated into English ; to which is added, Amelia, or the Faithless Briton ; and Amelia, or Malevolence Defeated. Bost. 1796 181 SHARP (Granville), The Law of Retribution against Tyrants, Slaveholders, &c. ; or, A Serious Warning to Great Britain and her Colonies, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1776 /2_ 182 SHERIDAN and Kotzebue: The Surprising Adventures of Pizarro, preceded by a brief sketch of the Voy ages and Discoveries of Columbus and Cortez; to which are subjoined the Histories of Alonzo and Cora, &c. 8vo. proof plate, pp. 144. Lond. 1793 183 SHIRREFF (Patrick], Tour through North America, with a View of the Canadas and United States, as adapted for Agricultural Emigration, 8vo. Edin. 1835 184 SIMMONDS (P. L.) Franklin and the Arctic Regions, 12mo. cloth. 1852 185 SIMMS (W. Gilmore], The Life of Francis Marion, 12mo. / cloth. N. Y. 1844 /? 186 SIMON (Mrs.} Ten Tribes of Israel Historically Identi fied with the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere, boards, 8vo. Lond. 1836 This work consists principally of extracts from the sixth volume of Lord Kingsborough s Antiquities of Mexico, with Mrs. Simon s remarks. 187 SMITH (J. T.} The Discovery of America by the North men in 10th century, Translation of all the Icelandic Sagas, Narratives, &c., maps and plates, cloth, 12 mo. Bost. 1839 A very interesting volume, principally translated from the Icelandic, Danish, and Latin "Antiquitates Americanse," published by the Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen. 188 - (Jerome, V. C., M. D.] Natural History of Fishes of Massachusetts, with an Essay on Angling, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1833 189 SMYTH (Capt} Sketches in the Canadas, 26 large and beautiful plates, equal to drawings, by HULLMANDEL. irnpl. folio, half morocco. Lond. n. d. AMERICA. 17 y L 190 SNOWDEN (Rickanfy The American Revolution, written in Scriptural or ancient Historical style, to which is added the Columbiad, 12mo. sheep, rare. Bait. n. d. le /^ 191 SONGS and Ballads of the American Devolution, with Notes and Illustrations by FRANK MOORE, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1856 - ffi 192 SOUTHWEST (Tht\ By a Yankee, 2 vols. 12 mo. cloth. N. Y. 1835 /.. , 193 SPARKS (Jared), The Lifo of Benjamin Franklin, con taining his Autobiography, with Notes and a Con tinuation, 8vo. cloth. Bost. 184-1 , /. 194 SPENCER (J. A.) History of the United States, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, illustrated with original portraits and historical scenes, in 52 parts, 4to., wants parts 6 and 26. N. Y. 1856 . #2. 195 STEWART (Com. Chas.} Biographical Sketch and Services of, royal 8vo., pp. 50. Phil. 1838 ,-* 196 SWAN (John], Speculum Mundi, or a Glass representing the face of the World, small 4to. calf. Camb. 1644 Contains a " Curious Conjecture how America came to be at the first unknown." pp. 226-7. /, jy 197 ST. DOMINGO, Secret History of the Horrors of, in a Series of Letters to Col. Burr, by a Lady, 12 mo. sheeji., very scarce. 1808 .43 198 TAYLOR and his Generals, including an Account of the Mexican War, 12mo. Phil. 1847 . Jj 199 THOMAS (L. F.) Cortez, the Conqueror, a Tragedy (founded on the conquest of Mexico), 8vo. Wash. 1857 /2 200 THOMPSON (Benj. F.) History of Long Island, containing an Account of the Discovery and Settlement, to the Present Time, 8vo. half cloth. N. Y. 1839 . .// 201 TOWNSEND (John A".) Narrative of a Journey across the Rocky Mountains, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1839 /*, - 202 TRACTS, A volume of interesting, on the subject of tax ing America: I. Conduct of the Administration; II. Proceedings of Congress at New York; III. Exami nation of Dr. Franklin; IV. Two curious papers writ ten in 1739, by Mr. Joshua Gee and others ; scarce, 8vo., wants covers. Lond. 1767 203 TRAITS of the Tea Party, being a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, a scion of the little band of patriots who drowned the Tea in Boston Harbor in 1773, by a Citizen of New York, 16mo. cloth. N. Y. 1835 2 18 AMERICA. /204 TRANSACTIONS of the New York State Agricultural So- , /^ / ciety for 1851, 1853, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1854 I 205 of the American Institute for 1851, 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1852 206 TROLLOPE (Mrs.) Domestic Manners of the Americans, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1832 207 Domestic Manners of the Americans, plates, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1832 208 TROLLOPE (Frances), The Life and Adventures of Jona than Jeff . Whitlaw, or Scenes on the Mississippi, 8vo. sheep. Paris, 1836 209 TRUMBULL (John), Autobiography, Reminiscences, and Letters of, from 1776 to 1841, 8vo. cloth, numerous etchings and fine port. N. Y. and Lond. 1841 210 (Henry), History and Discovery of America, half roan, 8vo. Bost. 1832 211 UNITED STATES, an Accompaniment to Mitchell s Re ference and Distance Map of the, half roan, 8vo. Phil. 1834 212 VALENTINE (D. T.) History of the City of New York. Illustrated by numerous plates, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 213 VAN HEUVEL (J.) El Dorado; a History of the Reports in the 16th Century, of a Rich and Splendid City in S. America, with a Defence of Sir Walter Raleigh, &c. map, 8vo. N. Y. 1844 214 VISION of Rubeta, an Epic Story of the Island of Man hattan, with illustrations, 8vo. boards. Bost. 1830 215 VOICE to America; or the Model Republic, its Glory or its Fall ; with a Review of the Causes of the Decline and Failure of the Republics of South America, Mexico, and the Old World, applied to the Present Crisis in the United States, cloth extra, 18mo. N. Y. 1855 216 VOYAGES and Discoveries in South America. I. Voy age up the river of Amazons to Quito in Peru, by Chris. D. Acugna. II. Up the river of Plata, and thence by land to the Mines of Potosi, by M. Acarete. III. From Cayenne to Guiana, in search of the Lake of Parima, " reputed the richest place in the World," by M. Grillet and Bechamel, done into English from the originals, 8vo. curious maps, old calf. Lond. 1698 Acugna s Voyage appeared in Spanish in 1641. Acarete s Relation is in Thevenot s Collection. The Original of Grillet and Bechamel s Voy age has not yet been discovered. AMERICA. 19 217 WAKEFIELD (John A.) History of the War between die United States and the Sac and Fox Nations of In dians, half shiep, 12mo. Jacksonville, 111. 1884 218 WARD (//. G.) Travels in Mexico, during the years 1825, 26, and 27, with an Account of the Mining Com panies, and of the Political Events in that Republic to the present day, 15 maps and plates, 2 thick vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1829 "A sterling work upon a subject of great and growing interest, the very merits and elaborate nature of which prevent us from doing it jus tice : we can only say we have seen enough of it to be satisfied with its features of particular attraction and general importance." Literary Gazette. 219 WARDEN (Thos. J. J/. J9.) America Vindicated, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1855 220 WASHINGTON (Geo.) Letters from, to Sir John Sinclair, on Agriculture and other interesting topics, engraved from the original letters, so as to l>e an exact fac simile of his handwriting, 4to. Phil. 1839 221 WATSON (John F.\ Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsyl vania, from the Earliest Settlement down to the year 1844, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1844 In speaking of this work, Washington Irving says, "Its author has done an important service to his country." It deals with the interesting facts of olden time ; traces the origin of much that is uew about us ; and shows the changes which have passed over customs and locali ties ; calls up and places before the view, the scenes, the buildings, and the persons who were memorable in the days of our forefathers. 222 WEBBER (C. W.) Old Hicks, the Guide, or Adventures in the Camanche Country, 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 1848 223 WEBSTER (AW*), A Collection of Essays and Fugitive Writings on Moral, Historical, and Literary Subjects, with fine Autograph Letter, 8vo. sheep, gilt. Bost. L700 Printed in the author s peculiar style of orthography ; scarce. 224 Letters to a Young Gentleman Com mencing his Education, 8vo. Ids. New Haven, 1823 225 WESTERN PILOT; containing Charts of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, 8vo. half calf. Cincinnati, 1847 226 WESTERN BORDER LIFE, or what Fanny Hunter saw and heard in Kansas and Missouri, 12mo. cl. N. Y. 1856 227 WHITE (G. S.) Memoir of Samuel Slater, the Father of American Manufactures, with a History of the Rise and Progress of Cotton Manufacture in England and America, 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1836 ^f 228 WHITE Sulphur Papers in Western Virginia, by Mark Pencil, cloth, 12mo. N. Y. 1839 / 20 AMERICAN POETRY. 229 WILKES (Geo.) History of Oregon, Monsieur Violet, &o. 4 vols. 8vo. N. Y. 230 WILKINSON (Eliza), Letters of, during the Invasion of Charlestown by the British in the Revolutionary War; from the original MS., by Caroline Oilman, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1839 231 --- (Gen. James), Memoirs of My Own Times, 3 vols. 8vo. half mor. neat, scarce. Phil. 1816 232 WILKINSON (Jemima}, History of a Preacheress of the XVIII. Century, containing an Authentic Narrative of her Life and Character, and of the Eise, Progress, and Conclusion of her Ministry, by Dav. Hudson, 12 mo. Ids. pp. x. 208, with Appendix, pp. xx. Geneva, 1821 233 WOOD (John), The Suppressed History of John Adams, with Notes by John II. Sherburne, fine port., 12mo. cl. Phil. 1846 234 WYTHE (John), Portraits to the Life and Manners of the Inhabitants of that Province in America called Vir ginia, afterwards engraved by Theodore de Bry, 1590, 24 plates, 8vo. half calf. N. Y. 1841 AMERICAN POETRY. 235 ADAMS (J. Q.) Dermot Mac Morragh. Bost. 1832 236 ADAMS (J. T.) Poems, 12mo. Ids. " New Haven, 1825 237 AIIASUERUS, a Poem, by a Virginian, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1842 238 ALLEN (Miss E.) The Silent Harp, or Fugitive Poems, 12mo. half cloth. Burl. 1832 239 ALLEN (Mr.) Pastorals, Elegies, Odes, Epistles, &c., 12mo. sheep. Abingdon, Md., 1806 240 ALLSTON (W.) Sylphs of the Seasons, 8vo. half calf . Bost. 1813 241 AMERICAN Manners, or the Atlantic Voyage, a Moral Poem, 12mo. cloth. Lond. / Z- 242 BARRY ({?.) Poems, 12mo., scarce. Bait. 1807 , #& 243 BARTLETT (J.) Physiognomy, a Poem, 12mo. Portsmouth, 1810 / - 244 BATES (David), The ^Eolian, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1849 j 245 BATTLE of Lepanto, The Fall of Delhi, and other Poems, by W., 12mo. Ids. Phil. 1829 246 BRIDAL of Vaumond, a Metrical Romance, 12mo. Ids. N. Y. 1817 ./. 247 BUTLER, Nothing to Wear, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1857 x AMERICAN rOETUY. 21 248 CAIRNS (J.) Miscellaneous Poems, 12mo. Ids. Jedburgh, 1832 249 CANNON (Chas. J.) Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1851 250 CAPRICES, 12mo. Ills. N. Y. 1849 251 CHIVERS (T. //.) Nacoochee, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1837 252 CLARKE (MacdonaU\ Poems by, sq. 16ino. paper. N. Y. 1844 253 CLIFFTON ( Wm., of Philad a), Poems, chiefly occasional, some account of a manuscript found among the papers of a French emigrant, entitled Talleyrand s Descent into Hell, with his Life and Portrait, scarce, 18mo. sheep. N. Y. 1800 254 CURSE of Liberty, with other Poems, 18mo. half roan. N. Y. 1817 A, 255 DABNEY (7?.) Poems, 12mo. Phil. 1815 ff 256 DABNEY (Kichard\ Poems, original and translated, 18mo. bds. Phil. 1815 S 257 DARWIN (E.) Temple of Nature, 8vo. sheep. Bait. 1804 ST> 258 DAVIDSON (Lucre. J/.) Amir Khan, and other Poems, the Kemains of, 12mo. bds. N. Y. 1829 J* 259 DAVIS (R. B.) Poems, with Life, 12mo. sheep. N. Y. 1807 z~ 200 DAWES (Rnfus\ Geraldine, Athenia of Damascus, and Miscel. Poems, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1839 261 DEMOCRATIAD, a Poem, 8vo. halfmor. Phil. 1796 262 EARLE (Pliny, M.D.) Marathon, and other Poems, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1841 263 ECHO (Th<), Printed at the Porcupine Press, by Pasquin Petronius, plates, 8vo. sheep. N. Y. 1807 264 FAIRFIELD (8um. L.) Lays of Melpomene, 12mo. cloth, port. 1824 265 - Last Night of Pompeii, and Lays and Legends, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1832 266 - Abaddon, 8vo. bds. N. Y. 1830 267 FLINT (3/. P.) Hunter, and other Poems, 12mo. bds. Bost. 1826 268 -- Hunter and other Poems, 12mo. Bost. 1826 269 FOSTER (Win. C.) Poetry on different subjects, written under the signature of Timothy Spectacle, 12mo. shp. Salem, 1805 270 GLANCE at the Nations, and other Poems, 12 mo. cloth. Bost. 1835 271 GOODRICH (/SI G.) Poems by, 8vo. cloth gilt, illustrated. N. Y. 1851 22" AMERICAN POETRY. 272 GUIDO, a Tale, Sketches from Memory, and other Poems, by lanthe, 12rno. half cloth. N. Y. 1828 /< 273 HALM (Fried] The Son of the Wilderness, a Dramatic Poem, 12mo. pi N. Y. 1848 #& 274 HILL (G.) Euins of Athens, 8vo. cloth. Bost. 1839 /j 275 HITCHCOCK (Z>.) Social Monitor, a Series of Poems, 12rno. half calf. Stockbridge, 1812 276 HORACE in New York, and other American Poems, 8vo. v. d. // 277 JERUSALEM, The Destruction of, 12mo. slip. Phil. 1809 ^ 278 JONES (J. B.) Rural Sports, 12mo. Phil. 1849 / 279 JUDGMENT, a Vision, and Percy s Masque, 12mo. bds. 7 / N. Y. 1821 ( 280 JUDGMENT, a Vision, 8vo. bds. N. Y. 1821 4?6 281 JOURNALS of the Ocean, and other Miscellaneous Poems, by a Seaman, 12mo. N. Y. 1826 282 KETTEL (S.) Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices, uncut, 3 vols. 8vo. bds. Bost. 1829 283 LEXINGTON, with other Fugitive Poems, 8vo. bds. (pri vately printed?) N. Y. 1830 284 LINN (J. B.) Powers of Genius, a Poem, 18mo. bds. Phil. 1802 285 LONE, or the Heart s Ordeal, a Dramatic Sketch. 286 Low (Samuel), Poems, 2 vols. 12mo. sheep. N. Y. 1800 287 LOWELL (./. .Russell), Conversations on some of the Old Poets, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1845 288 LUNT (Geo.) Poems by, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1839 289 MARSH ( Wm.) England, and other Poems, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1839 ^ / 290 MCDONALD (Mrs. M] Poems, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1844 /2 , 291 McHENRY (James], The Blessings of Friendship, and other Poems and Harmoniee Coelestes, by Geo. Bett- ner, M. D., 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. and Lond. S3 292 MISANTHROPE of the Mountain, 12mo. N. Haven, 1833 S3 293 MIRIAM, a Dramatic Poem, 12mo. pr. Bost. 1838 294 MISCELLANEOUS Poems, by Osander, 12 mo. bds. Hudson, 1811 295 MONTH of Freedom, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1837 296 MORRIS (G.P.) Deserted Bride, and other Poems, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1838 //Z-. 297 MUZZY (Mrs. Harriet], Poems, Moral and Sentimental, 12rno. Ids. N. Y. 1821 AMERICAN POETKY. 23 ?f- 298 NACK (James), Earl Rupert, and other Tales and Poems, with a Memoir by P. M. Wetmoro, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1839 ,/2.. 299 An Ode on the Proclamation of General Jack son, with a Memoir of the Author, 8vo. saved. N. Y. 1833 / x/ 300 NOAH, a Poem, by Paul Allen, 18mo. Ids. Bait. 1821 .,// 301 OTEMPORA! O Morcsl 12mo. N. Y. 184-1 .// 302 OCEAN Harp, a Poem written in Two Cantos, and a Monody on the Death of John Syng Dorsey, M. D., by the author of Lord Byron s Farewell to England, 12mo. Phil. 1819 303 ORIGINAL Poems, by a Citizen of Baltimore, 12mo. slip. Bait. 1809 X./ 304 OSANDER, Poems, 12mo. Ids. Hudson, 1811 .jj- 305 OSGOOD (F. S.) A Wreath of Wild Mowers from New England, 8vo. cloth. 1838 X/ 306 PIERCE ( W. L.) The Year, a Poem, 18mo. Ids. N. Y. 1813 307 PIERPOXT (John), The Portrait, a Poem, 8vo. half mor. Bost. 1812 308 PINDARIC Shop Opened, 12mo. Ids. Bost. 1801 309 POEMS on Different Subjects, 18mo. Ids. Bost. 1813 310 POEMS, Original and Select, by a Stranger, 12mo. cloth. Alb. 1827 . j/ 311 POEMS, Miscellaneous, selected from U. S. Literary Ga zette, 18mo. Bost. 1826 Contains the early effusions of Bryant, Longfellow, &c. . SJ 312 POETICAL Wanderer (The), 12mo. . ^ 313 PRAY (Isaac (7.) Poems of, sd. 8vo. Bost. 1837 .s t ? 314 Progress of Society, a Poem, 12mo. N. Y. 1817 j/ 315 POET (The), A Metrical Romance of the 17th Century, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1840 S# 316 RUINS of Athens, and other Poems, 8vo. cloth. / Wash. 1831 317 RUINS of Athens, &c. f 8vo. boards. Wash. 1831 x <*? 318 SANDS (R. C.) Writings of, in Prose and Verse, with Memoir of the Author, 2 vols. 8vo. half cloth. N. Y. 1835 <^ __ 319 SAUNDERS (Jas. J/.) Pieces in Prose and Verse, 18mo. cloth. Phil. 1834 -320 SAUNDERS (J. M.) Poems, 18mo. cloth. Phil. 1834 321 SAXE (J. G) Poems, 12mo. cktli. Bost. 1856 24 ANECDOTES. 322 SEARSON (John), Mount Yernon, a Poem, portrait of Washington, 8vo. sheep, soiled. Phil. 323 SEARSON (John) Poems, 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1797 324 SELIM S New Haven, a Poem, satirical and sentimental, with explanatory notes, 8vo. half mor. 1ST. Y. 1809 /z ^ 325 SIMMONS (J. W.) The Maniac s Confession, a Fragment of a Tale, 12 mo. boards. Phil. 1821 .// 326 SPRAGUE (C.) Writings of, Svo. doth. N. Y. 1841 .^ 327 STORY (Joseph), The Power of Solitude, a Poem in 2 parts, 12mo. sAee/>. Salem, 180-4 /<- 328 STUART (J.) Poems on Various Subjects, 12mo. boards. Bait. 1812 J f 329 SUKEY, a Poem, Barnyard Khymes, and other vols. of American Poetry, Svo. v. d. /z- f 330 SWANWICK (J.) Poems, 18mo. sheep. Phil. 1797 S/ 331 TAGGART (Cynthia), Poems, 12rno. cloth. Provid. 1834 / & 332 TRIUMPH of Peace, and other Poems, 12mo. cbth. N. Y. 1840 Sf 833 UNTAUGHT Bard (The), 12mo. sheep. K Y. 1804 334 WAKONDAH, The Moth of Life, Svo. boards. N. Y. 1841 335 WARREN (J/rs. J/.) Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous, 12mo. sheep. Bost. 1790 336 WEEKES (R) Poems, 12mo. N. Y. 1823 337 WHITTIER (/. (7.) Poems by, 12mo. roan, damaged. Phil. 1838 338 ZELIA, a Poem, 12mo. N. Y. 1830 ANECDOTES. See also BIOGRAPHY AND FACETIAE. 339 ADDISONIANA, or Anecdotes of Addison, 2 vols. 12rno. half calf . Lorid. 340 AMERICAN Anecdotes, Original and Select, by an Ame rican, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, one title-page gone. Bost. 1830 341 ANDREWS (James Petit}, Anecdotes, Ancient and Mo dern, calf, Svo. Lond. 1789 342 ANECDOTES of the most Distinguished Persons, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Sine loco et anno. 343 ANECDOTIANA, being Select Gems of Anecdote and Wit, sewed, 32mo. Lond. 1826 344 ANONYMIANA, or Ten Centuries of Observations on various Authors and Subjects, Svo. half sheep. Lond. 1818 345 ATTERBURYANA, being Miscellanies by the late Bishop of Rochester, ICrno. sheep. Lond. 1727 ANECDOTES. 25 346 ARVINE (A .) Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes of Literature and the Fine Arts, containing a copious and choice selection of Anecdotes of the various forms of litera- ^ // Z-, ture, of the arts, architecture, engraving, music, poetry, painting, and sculpture, and of the most cele brated literary characters and artists of different countries and ages, &c., with numerous illustrations, royal 8vo. half calf . . Bost. 1855 This is unquestionably the choicest collection of anecdotes ever pub lished. /<S# 347 BEAUMAHCHAISIANA, ou rccueil d anecdotcs, bons mots, sarcasmes, repartees &c. de Beaurnarchais, half nwr. 18mo. Par. 1832 Beaumarchais is known as a dramatist, a speculator, a diplomatist, and political intriguer. / * . 348 BENTHAMIANA, or Select Extracts from the Works of Jeremy Bentham, 8vo. cloth. Phila. 1844 tZr* 349 BiOGRAi HiANA, by the Compiler of Anecdotes of Dis tinguished Persons (Miss SEWARD). 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1799 J 350 BLOSSOMS of Anecdote and Wit, or Mirth for the Parlor, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1823 j~~ 351 CHARACTERISTIC Anecdotes, from the History of Russia, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1805 %* Cobleriana vide Shakespeariana. 352 COLMAN (George), Circle of Anecdote and Wit; to which Is added a Choice Selection of Toasts and Sentiments, boards, 18 mo. N. Y. 1825 353 CRISPIN Anecdotes, comprising interesting notices of / < N Shoemakers, who have been distinguished for genius, enterprise, eccentricity, &c. half cloth, 18mo. Sheffield, 1827 ^ 354 DEMOCRAT (The), Interspersed with Anecdotes of well- ^ known Characters, 2 vols in 1, calf, 16rao. Lond. 1795 355 DOUGLAS (James}, Travelling Anecdotes through vari ous parts of Europe, 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1786 355* FRENCH Anas, or Literary Table-Talk Translated, viz. Perroniana, Poggiana, lluetiana, Scaligeriana, Mena- giana, St. Evrernondiana, &c., 3 vols. 12mo. half bound. Lond. 1805 France was very fruitful of that miscellaneous literature which, desultory and amusing, has the advantage of remaining better in the memory than more systematic books. IlaUam. 356 FUNGUSIANA, or the Opinions and Table-Talk of the late Barnaby Fungus, Esq., 12mo. boards. Lond. 1809 26 ANECDOTES. 357 GALANTERIANA, ou Choix de Propos et d Anecdotes Galantes, Ancienues et Modernes, 2 vols. 12mo. paper. Paris, 1814 358 GASCONIANA, ou Eecueil des Bons Mots, 18mo. old calf. Arnst. 1708 HOGARTH, Anecdotes of, vide Fine Arts. 359 JOHNSONIANA, or Collection of Anecdotes, &c., illustra tive of the Life and Character and Writings of Dr. Johnson, 4to. 50 beautiful plates, portraits, views, fac similes, &c., half calf. Lond. 1836 This amusing work, collected by Piozzi and others, is a supplement to BoswelFs Johnson. 360 JOINERIANA, or the Book of Scraps, 2 vols. 18mo. calf. Lond. 1772 361 JOLYANA, ou Choix de Bons Mots, 18mo. paper. Paris, 1816 362 LIBER Facetiarum, being a Collection of Curious and Interesting Anecdotes, 12mo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1800 363 MANGIN (E.} The Parlor Window, or Anecdotes, Ori ginal Eernarks on Books, etc., 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1841 364 MALCOLM (James Feller}, Miscellaneous Anecdotes of the Manners and History of Europe in the Eeigns of Charles II., James II., William III., and Queen Anne, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1811 365 MENAGIANA, ou Bons Mots, Pensees Judicieuses et Ob servations Curieuses, De M. Menage, 18mo. calf. Paris, 1694 366 PEGGE (SamT) Curialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times, Eegal, Noble, &c., including Anecdotes of the Eoyal Household, &c., with portrait, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1818 367 PIOZZIANA, or Eecollection of the late Mrs. Piozzi, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1833 368 PRANZERIANA, A Select Collection of Fugitive Pieces, published since the Appointment of the Present Pro vost of the University of Dublin, 12mo. sheep. Dublin, 1775 369 EAILWAY Anecdote Book, a Collection of the newest Anecdotes and Tales to the present day, 8vo. sewed. Lond. n. d. 370 EOGERS (Samuel), Eecollections of the Table-Talk of, to which is added Porsoniana, 12rno. cloth. N. Y. 1856 ANTIQUITIES. 27 371 SELDENIANA, or the Table-Talk of John Selden, Esq., 18 mo. calf. Loud. 372 TAVERN Anecdotes, including the Origin of Signs and Reminiscences connected with Taverns, Coffee Houses, Clubs, &e., MS. notes by G. Furman, of Brooklyn, portrait, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1825 373 "\VALPOLIANA, being a Collection of Anecdotes of Horace Walpolc, 18mo. boards. Lond. 1820 374 WAKHENIANA, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, 12 mo. boards. Bost. 1824 ANTIQUITIES. / 375 ANTICIIITA DI ERCOLANO, Pitture, &e., 9 vols. royal 3 -- I folio, with many hundred fine large engravings, calf. Napoli, 1757-92 "Ouvrage ti^s curienx et magnifiquement execute ; vendu 820 francs, Trudaine, 760 fr. Clos." Brunei. This great work was begun under the auspices of King Charles of Naplos, in 1757, and completed in 171*2, and is the most learned, elegant, and valuable work ever published on the discoveries made in the buried City of Herculaneum. It is richly embellished with many thousands of beautiful engravings. .^ f-fi 376 ANTIQUARIAN (TVie)and Architectural Year Book, large 8vo. cloth, engravings. Lond. 1845 %* Contents Primeval Antiquities of the Channel Islands, Roman Lon don, Confessionals, Medieval Antiquities, Ancient Frescoes, Stained Glass, Tombs, Ancient Irish Amulets, Bibliography, &c. 377 ANTIQUARIAN Repertory, by Grose, Astle, and other Y Eminent Antiquaries, icith npicards of 200 fine and scarce fwrlrails and engravings, btst edition, 4 vols. royal 4to. Lond. 177584 A most interesting assemblage of Topography, History, Biography, Cus toms, and Manners, intended to illustrate and preserve several valua- able Remains of Old Times. This valuable work throws abundant light on ancient manners and cus toms, and embraces with minuteness the value of money, houses, land, &c., the provision usually made for the younger branches of great families, accounts of ancient furniture, religious ceremonies, tournaments, theatrical exhibitions, &c. 378 BARKER S Lares and Penates, or Cilicia and its Governors, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, map and numerous engravings, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1853 This interesting volume includes a description of some household gods of the Ancient Cilicians broken up by them on their conversion to Christianity 28 ANTIQUITIES. 379 BATTELY (Jolni), Opera Posthuma ; viz., Antiquitates Eutupina3 et Antiquitates S. Edmundi Burgi ad an num 1272 perductcG, 4to. boards, maps, and 16 plates, besides tail pieces. Oxon. 1745 *#* " Written in pure Latin, it is an undeniable proof of the author s excellent judgment and learning, and will be a lasting monument of his profound skill in our most early antiquities." Hearn s Life of John Leland. "An elegant posthumous discourse." Bp. Nicholson. 380 BAYARDI (0. A.} Catalogo Degli Antichi Monumenti, 2 vols. folio, calf. Napoli, 1755 This important work contains numerous pamphlets of the Antiquities of Herculaneum, and is a part of Lot 375. 381 BOZE (Gros de), Dissertation sur la Culte que les Anciens ont rendu a la Deese de la Santo; Dissertation sur Janus des Anciens; Dissertation d une Inscription An tique trouve e a Lyon, est de Sacrifices Tauroboles, curious plates of medals, &c., relating to each subject, 8vo. old binding. Paris, 1705 382 BRAYLEY S Graphic and Historical Illustrator, an Ori ginal Miscellany of Literary, Antiquarian, and Topo graphical Information, 150 wood-cuts, 8vo. Lond. 1834 383 CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC (if.) Egypte Ancien, 8vo. hf. cf. Par. 1839 384 CHAMPOLLION le Jeune, Monuments de 1 Egypte et de la Nubie, 4 vols. elephant folio, containing 537 splendid engravings, many of which are beautifully colored to represent the originals, half mor. 1835 In consequence of the irregularity of the manner in which this magnifi cent work was published, it is impossible to ascertain the perfection of copies from the prefatory list of plates ; some there mentioned not appearing in the body of the work, and, on the other hand, no less than 26 being published beyond the number (511) specified in the list. 385 COTTONI POSTHUMA Divers Choice Pieces by that re nowned antiquary, Sir E. Cotton, 12mo. old calf. Lond. 1672 A valuable book, showing how the Kings of Scotland consult with their Peers. It includes Questions of Precedency, 24 Arguments against Popery, Sir P. Sydney s " Valour Anatomized in a Fancy," Walsing- ham s "Anatomy of Ambition," &c. 386 CUMBERLAND (Bp.) Originis Gentium Antiquimina3, or Attempts for Discovering the Times and First Plant ing of Nations, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1724 "A valuable and important work." Lowndes. V* ANTIQUITIES. 29 387 DAWSON (T/ws.) Memoirs of St. George, the English Pa tron, and of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1714 388 DESCRIPTION of the Townley Gallery in the British Mu seum, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, gilt. Lond. 1836 389 DROGONTEO (S.) Storia di Alesa antica citta di Sicilia, te. col rapportes de suoi piu insigni Monumenti, Statue, Madaglia, Iscrizioni, &c., 4to. vellum, fine plates of an tiquities, etc. Palermo, 1753 390 DUGDALE (Sir W.} Monasticon Anglicanum, a History of ,/ the Abbeys and other Monasteries, Hospitals, Friaries, and Cathedral and Collegiate Churches in England and Wales, and all such Scotch, Irish, and French Monasteries as were in any manner connected with the Religious Houses in England, translated with Additions and a Continuation by Capt. Stevens, with brilliant impressions of the numerous fine engravings of cathedrals, costume, etc., ly Hollar, 3 vols. folio, very fine copy. Lond. 1718-22 " What Dugdale has done is prodigious. His memory ought to be vene rated and held in everlasting reverence." Anthony Wood. The clergy, the lawyer, the antiquary, the historian, the architect, and the topographer, as well as the possessor of real property, will find the Monasticon Anglicanum one of the most interesting and indis pensable works that has ever issued from the press. 391 DUGDALE (Wm.) Antiquities of Warwickshire, illus- . trated, from Records, Leiger Books, &c., portrait, maps, * ** and plates, including the monument to Shafapeare at Stratford upon Avon, folio, calf. Lond. 1656 This celebrated county history, the result of twenty years indefatigable research, is not only considered the chefd auvre of Sir William, but, in the words of Mr. Gough, " it must staud at the head of all our county histories." There are works which scrupulous accuracy united with stubborn integrity have elevated to the rank of legal evidence ; such is this first edition of Dugdale s Warwickshire, it being the only one admitted as evidence in a court of law. /. H 392 History of St. Paul s Cathedral in London, from its foundation until this time, fine plates ly Hollar, folio, half calf . Lond. 1658 ,., 393 ELGIN and Phigaleian Marbles of the Classic Ages, in * <* the British Museum, described by Sir Henry Ellis, 200 cuts, 2 vols. 12rno. cloth. Lond. 1833 /. , 394 FORSYTH (J. S.) Antiquary s Portfolio, or Cabinet Se lection of Historical and Literary Curiosities, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Lond. 1825 "A selection of historical and literary curiosities on subjects principally connected with the manners, customs, &c., of Great Britain during the middle and later ages." Lowndes. 30 ANTIQUITIES. 395 GODWIN (Bp.) An English Exposition of the Roman Antiquities, wherein many Roman and English Offices are parallel d, and divers obscure Phrases explained, with his Moses and Aaron, in 1 vol. 4to. calf. 1680 " Godwin s memory cannot but be precious in succeeding ages." An thony Wood. 396 GROSE S Antiquities of England and Wales, the original 7 ^ edition, large paper, with, very fine impressions of the numerous engravings of castles, abbeys, &c., 4 vols. royal 4to. calf. Lond. 1772-6 First and best edition ; this is evidently a superior and very early copy, being printed on very thick paper. 397 HAMMER (Joseph], Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic . , Characters explained, in the Arabic by Ahmad Bin Abubeke Bin Wahshih, and in English by Joseph Hammer, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1806 A very curious and rare work. r/ />/ 398 HEATH (Ohas.) Historical and Descriptive Account of the Ancient and Present State of Tintern Abbey, 8vo. uncut. Monmouth [1823] 399 HEWLETT (Rev. J] Vindication of the Authenticity of the Parian Chronicle, in answer to a dissertation on that subject lately published, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1789 400 HULME (Dr.) Account of a Brick brought from the Site of Ancient Babylon, &c. Lond. 1801 ^;.#-0 401 LIPSII (J.) Admiranda, sive de Magnitudine Romana 1617, de Militia Romana 1614, Poliorceticon, et Dis- sertativncvla in Plinii, 4 vols. in 1, folio, vellum. Antverp, Plantin, 1605-17 7.f0 402 MASCHENS (A. G.) Die Gottesdienlichen Altethumer der Obortriten aus dem Temple zur Rhctra am Tollenzer- See, numerous singular plates of ancient wooden idols, &c. An extract of a letter from the Rev. M. Masch, of Strelitz, read at the Antiquarian Society, giving an account of this extraordinary col lection, and of the intended publication of this rare volume, is inserted. The idols were dug up at Prilwitz, in the neighborhood of Strelitz, where formerly stood the Temple of Rethra, burned in 1150. /f~ 403 LANDSEER (J.) Engraved Gems brought from Babylon, considered with reference to Earl v Scriptural History, 4to. Lond. 1817 // 404 LAURENT (P. E.) Manual of Ancient Geography, cloth, 8vo. Oxford, 1840 , 7iT~ // ANTIQUITIES. 31 405 LUMSDEN (A.) Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome and its Environs, being a Classical and Topographical Survey of the Ruins of that celebrated City, 50 plates, 4to., cloth. Lond. 1812 406 MALLET S Northern Antiquities, or a Description of the Manners, Customs, Religion, and Laws of the Ancient Danes, including those of our own Saxon Ancestors, with a Translation of the Edda, or System of Runic Mythology, and other Pieces from the An cient Icelandic Tongue, translated, with Additional Notes, by Bp. Percy, cloth, post 8vo. 1847 " Highly valuable." Lowndcs. 407 MISCELLANEA Pictica; containing the History of the Picts, (supposed to be written) by Mr. II. MAULE. Sir R. SIBBALD S Account of the Picts, from his Ilis- tory of Fife and Kinross, and a Description of Pictish Antiquities remaining in Scotland and the Northern Islands, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Edin. 1818 408 MONTFAUCON, L Antiquite Expliqude et Represented en Figures, avec le Supplement, 15 vols. Monumens de la Monarchic Franchise, 5 vols.; together 20 vols. folio, original editions, upwards of 1600 plates, fine im pressions, very neat and uniform, in French marbled calf, gilt lacks, marbled edges. Paris, 1719, 33 A work still unsurpassed in utility ; of great importance to classical scholars and artists. A very fine original library copy. This is the great storehouse from which all succeeding writers on the subject have borrowed ; no his torical library should be without Montfaucon. 409 NENNIUS "Historia Brittonum," from a Manuscript lately discovered in the Vatican, edited in the lOtli century by Mark the Hermit, with an English Ver sion, Notes and Illustrations by the Rev. W. GUNN, facsimile of the MS., royal 8vo. boards, uncut. 1819 410 O CoNWAY (U. J.) The Knights Templars; a Historical Tragedy, with Notes, 8vo. boards, uncut, portrait of Jaques de Molay. 1809 Prefixed ia an interesting history of the origin, character, and persecution of that illustrious order, the mode of receiving members, &c. 411 ORDONNANTIE des Coninghs op het Reglement van Signe Munte, 4to. numerous plates of coins. Antwerp, 1744 412 PEARSALL (R. L.) The Kiss of the Virgin; a Narrative of Researches made in Germany, for the purpose of ascertaining the mode of inflicting that ancient punish ment, 4to. 1857 32 ANTIQUITIES. 413 PIGNORIA (Lorenzo), Origin di Padova, curious woodcuts, old binding, 4to. Padova, 1625 414 PINELLI (B.) Principal! Fatti della Storia Greca Antica e compendiosamente descritta nelle tre lingua ; Italiana, Greca e Francese, oblong 4to. boards. Venezia, n. d. This volume contains 100 engravings of the principal incidents of Gre cian history, engraved by Pinelli. 415 Gran Quadro della Storia di Roma Anticba; e descritto nelle tre lingue Italiana, Tedesca e Fran cese, oblong 4to, boards. Venezia, n. d. /2- 416 PUTZ (W.) Handbook of Medieval Geography and His tory, 12 mo. half bound. K Y. 1850 417 RELIQUES of Antiquity, or Remains of Ancient Struc- / ^ tures, with other Vestiges of Early Times in Great Britain, accompanied with Descriptive Sketches, 4to. half mor. uncut. Lond. 1811 India proof impressions of the numerous plates. 418 REMARKS on Some Passages in Mr. Bryant s Publica tions respecting the War of Troy, by the Editor of the Voyage of Hanno, 8vo. pp. 62. Lond. 1799 419 RICHARD of Cirencester; The Description of Britain, Jv with the Original Treatise, De Situ Britannia?, illus trated with maps, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1809 420 SIBILLIN.E ; Sibyllina Oracula ex vett. codd. emendata ac restituta et commentarius diversorum illustrata; op. et stud. Servetii Gallsei, accedunt etiam oracula magica Zoroastris, Jovis Appollinis, etc. Astrumpsychi oneirocriticum, etc. Gr. et Lat. cum notis varior, 1689, et S. Galkei, Dissertationes de Sibillis earumque Oraculis, 1688, beautiful plates, by ROMAN DE HOOGE, 2 vols. 4to. vellum. Amst. 1688-9 This is a new recension from a MS. in the possession of the Oxford Pro fessor, Ed. Bernard, and a careful collection of the exegetical ap paratus that has hitherto appeared. 421 Six Old English Chronicles, viz., Asser s Life of Alfred, and the Chronicles of Ethelwerd, Nennius, Geoffrey of Monmouth, and Richard of Cirencester, cloth, post 8vo. Bohn. 1848 422 THOMSON (Richd.) An Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John, and the Charter in Latin and English ; also, the Charters of Henry III. and Edward I., with Notes thereon, &c., with the arms of 600 of the nobility and gentry of the period, beautifully printed, and illustrated with vignettes and ornamental borders, uncut, boards, royal Svo. Lond. 1829 ARTS AND SCIENCES IN GENERAL. 33 423 THURY (Hericart de\ Descriptions des Catacombs do Paris, plates, half morocco, 8vo. Paris, 1815 424 TKYPHIODORUS: The Destruction of Troy, being the Sequel of the Illiad; Translated from the Greek by J. MERRICK, 8vo. calf. Oxford, 1739 425 WARNER S (Rev. R.) Antiquitates Culinaria:, or Curious Tracts relating to the Culinary A flairs of the Old English, with a Preliminary Discourse, Notes and Illustrations, royal 4to. large paper, with the 2 scarce colored plates of a Saxon Entertainment and a Peacock Feast, boards, uncut. 1791 A most curious and entertaining book. Copies in large paper arc very scarce, and have been sold for Jt 5 5s. and upwards, each. 426 WEEVER (John], Ancient Fvnerall Monvments within / f-Q the Vnited Monarchic of Great Britaine, Ireland, and ^ the Islands adiacent. Printed by Tho. Harper, and are to be sold in Little Britayne by Laurence Sadler, at the signe of the Golden Lion; jine portrait, and en graved frontispiece by Cecftfyvind curious ivoodcuts, fine, clean copy, rare, half russia, folio. Lond. 1631 This miscellany of epitaphs and inscriptions, collected in various parts of the kingdom, is of great utility to antiquaries and historians. Sold in Brockett s sale for Jt 4 10s. . /_ 427 WESTON (S.) Opinions of Various Writers on the Iden tical Place where the Ark of Noah Rested, Gog and Magog, &c. 4to. 1815 Jj 428 WILKINS (IK) Account of the Prince s Chapel, Cam. bridgeshire (Soc y of Antiquaries). 1801 Zr 429 WILLIAM of Malmesbury s Chronicle of Kings of Eng land, post 8vo. Bohn. 1847 ARTS AND SCIENCES IN GENERAL. See also FINE ARTS. . f f] 429* AccuM(Fra7.) Culinary Chemistry, exhibiting the scien tific principles of Cookery, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1821 /27 430 ADLUM (John], Cultivation of the Vine in America, 12mo. boards. Wash. 1828 /, /_ 431 ALEXIS, The Secrets of, containing many excellent Remedies against Divers Diseases, small 4to. old calf. Lond. 1615 This work, which has been translated and published in every European language, is by Haller attributed to Hieronymi Roselle. 432 ALLEN (J. FisJc\ on the Culture and Treatment of the Grape Vine, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1858 3 34 ARTS AND SCIENCES IN GENERAL. // ji6fj 433 AMERICAN Repertory of Arts and Sciences, from 1840 to 1842, 8vo. half calf. N. Y. v. y. hiA 434 ANTRIM (B. J.) Pantography and Pasiography, 12 mo. *<f r ^l sheep . 1843 435 BACON (Francis Lord Verulam), Silva Silvarum, or a ///) Natural History in Ten Centuries: also the New Atlantis, published by W. Eawley, D. D., folio, old calf. Lond. 1678 436 BANK Notes : Report of the Society of Arts on Pre- venting the Forgery of, with six small notes, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1819 437 BECKMANN (J.) History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins, revised and enlarged by Francis & Griffith, portrait, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1846 438 BENNETT S Toxicological Chart ; or, a Synoptical Table of Poisons and their Effects, 12mo. cloth. Edin. 1825 t.23~~ 439 BEWICK (Thos.) A General History of Quadrupeds, ex cellent impressions of the wood-cuts, 8vo. half calf . Newcastle, 1807 z_ 440 BLAKE (J. L.) Conversations on Vegetable Physiology, 12mo. sheep, Phil. 1837 441 BLiTH(W.)The English Improver Improved, or The Survey of Husbandry Surveyed, small 4to, sheep. Lond. 1653 "A well known and very ingenious work." Quarterly Review. 442 BREAKFAST, Dinner, and Tea, viewed Classically, Poeti- cally, and Practically, and containing numerous Dishes and Feasts of all Times and Countries, small 4to. cloth. N. Y. 1859 443 BRILLAT SAVARIN: Physiologic du Gout, ou Meditations de Gastronomic Transcendante, suivis de la Gastro nomic, Poerne en quatre Chants par Berchoux, 12mo. half morocco. Paris, 1842 Zi> 444 BUIST (B.) The Rose Manual, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1844 j 445 BURTON (F. J3.) Elective Polarity the Universal Agent, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1845 ^ 446 CASS (M. P. A.) Le Museum D Histoire Naturelle, 8vo. cloth, colored plates. Paris, 1859 , J7? 447 CASTLE (Thos.) Essay on Poisons, colored plates, 24mo. cloth. Lond. 1837 CAVALLO (Tiberius), The History and Practice of Aeros tation, 8vo. half sheep, portrait and plates. Lond. 1785 449 CHORLTON (W.) The Cold Grapery, 12mo. N. Y. 1853 450 CHEMICAL Amusements, &c,, 10 yol?, children s books. ARTS AND SCIENCES IN GENERAL. 85 // 451 CLAXTON (Tim.) Hints to Mechanics on Self-Education, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1839 7452 COINS and Medals, Catalogue of W. Bentham s Collec- I tion of, 8vo. pp. 33. 1838 I 453 COINS.- A Report Containing an Essay for the Amend ment of the Silver Coins, by W. Lowndes, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1695 /2- 454 COMBE (A.) On the Management of Infancy, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1840 455 COOPER (D. and Oco. Busk), The Microscopic Journal and Structural Record for 1841 and 1842, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842 . J J~~ 457 (Thomas], The Introductory Lectures of, 8vo. boards. Carlisle, 1812 />f~ 458 DARBY (Win.) Mnemonika, or the Tablet of Memory, being a Register of Events from the earliest period to the year 1829, etc., 12mo. cloth. Bait. 1829 - / Z- 459 DEAN (Wm.) Historical and Descriptive Account of Croome d Abilot, with a Ilortus Croomensis and Observations on the Propagation of Exotics, 12mo. boards. Worcester, 1826 ,/<? 460 DICK (Thos.) The Practical Astronomer, illustrated, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1846 #2, 461 DIGGES (Leonard), Prognostications, containing Plain, Briefe, Pleasant, and Choice Rules to judge the weather, &c., by the Sunne, Mooue, and Starres, 4to. half bound, rare. Lond. 1556 /. 462 DOWNING (A. J.) Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, illustrated, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. and Lond. 1844 / / 2. 463 Landscape Gardening adapted to North America, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 464 DOYLE (Martin), The Flower Garden, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1835 465 DUNCAN (Rev. Henry), Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons, adapted to American Readers, by F. W. P. Greenwood, 4 vols. 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1839 466 DUNLAP (John), Drinking Usage in Great Britain and Ireland, 12rno. cloth. Lond. 1839 467 ELLIS (Mrs.) Family Monitor, or Domestic Guide, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 468 FAMILY Oracle, or the Science of Good Living, wants title- page, curious plate, 8vo. half cloth. Lond. 469 FISHER (Jon.) Scripture Animals, or Natural History, cuts, 12mo. cloth. Portland, 1834 36 ARTS AND SCIENCES IN GENERAL. 470 FITCH (Sam. S.) On Diseases of the Heart, Apoplexy, Dyspepsia, &c., 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1859 471 FRASCATORII (Hieronymi) Syphilis, sive Morbus Gallicus, fine portrait, 4to. calf. Lond. 1720 472 FULKE ( William), A goodly Gallery with a most Pleasant Prospect into the Garden of Natural Contemplation, Ju> fl.44- to behold the Naturall Causes of all kind of Meteors, imprinted by William Griffith, 16mo. calf extra, |3iark Cctter. Lond. 1571 " An excellent performance." Lowndes. 473 GALEN S Bookes of Elementes, as they be in the epitome (which may very aptly, in my judgement, be entitulcd for the better understandingof the readers, theoriginall of all things naturall in the whole worlde ; confuting / 1 as well the errours of all them that went before time as that hath, or shal folowe hereafter of the Paracel- cians; maruelious pleasaunt and most acceptable for all sharpe wittes, desirous of wisdome). Published foorth of Latine into English by John Jones, Phisition. Imprinted by William Jones, dwelling in Panic s Church- Yarde, at the Southwest doore of Panic s, and are there to be solde, very rare, fine, clean copy, paper. JBlack ettcr, 4to. Lond. 1574 474 GARDENS and Menagerie of the Zoological Society deli neated, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1825 This work is illustrated with some of the most beautiful specimens of modern wood engraving from drawings by Harvey. 475 GERANIUM (TJie\ Its Propagation, 12mo. colored plates. Lond. 1843 476 GILES (0. A.) Class Book of General Information, 12mo. edition. Lond. 1836 477 GIRAUD, Jr. (J. P.) Natural History of the Birds of Long Island, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1844 478 GRAETER (Francis), Hydriatics, or Manual of the Water Cure, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1844 479 GRAHAM (Jas. M. D.} Medical and Chirurgical Practice Exhibited, I2mo. paper. Lond. 1779 480 GREY (Dr. E.) Memoria Technica, or Method of Artifi cial Memory, 12mo. half cloth. Ox. 1841 481 GROSMAN (J.} A Treatise for the Service of Chemistry in General, 4to. boards. 1766 482 HALLIWELL (Jas. 0.) A Collection of Letters illustrative of Science in England, 8vo. paper, Lond. 1841 ARTS AND SCIENCES IN GENERAL. 87 483 HARRIS (John, D. D.) The Pre- Adamite Earth, 12mo. cl. Bost. 1850 484 HARVEI (Guilielmis), Exercitationes de Gcnerationc Animalium, 18mo. old calf, rare. Amst., Elzevir, 1(551 485 HERVIG (//. J/.) Art of Curing Sympathetically or Mag netically proved to be most true, both in its Theory and Practice, wants 4 leaves, 12mo. Lond. 480 HERMAN (Johan), Tabula Direetionum, Profcctionurn, &c., 4to. Vcnctiis, MCCCCXC. 487 HILL (Benson K) The Epicure s Almanac, or Diary of Good Living, 12tno. cloth. Lond. 1841 / 2- 488 HINTS for the Table, or the Economy of Good Living, lOmo. cloth. Lond. 1838 489 HIITOCRATIS de Morbis Popularibus comment. I Friend, 8vo. vellum. Lond. 1717 490 HISTORY of Wonderful Inventions, illustrated, 2 vols. 12mo.^a;;er. N. Y. 1849 491 HORTICULTURIST (The}, Vols. 2, 3, 4, 6, royal 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1848, &c. . / 492 HOUGIITON (ft. S.) Bulwer and Forbes on Water Treat ment, revised edition, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1851 494 LANGHAM (W., Practitioner in PhysicL), The Garden of Health, containing the sundry Rare and Hidden Ver- tues and Properties of all Kindes of Simples and Plants, etc., original edition, small 4to. c/ ., black letter. Lond. 1579 495 LIFE beneath the Waters, plates, 12mo. cl N. Y. 1858 490 LYELL (Sir Chas.) A Manual of Elementary Geology, illustrated, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1851 497 MACIIIAVEL (Nicholas), Artc of Warre set foorth in Eng- . lish, with an Addicion of other like Marciallc Feats ^ " and Experimentes, by Peter Withorne, student at Graie s Inne, 4to., black letter, partly mildewed. 1573 Sold in Home Tooke s sale for II. 16s. 0. 498 MARKHAM (Gervase), Masterpiece, containing all Know- ledge belonging to Smiths and Diseases of Horses, cur. vig., 4to. old calf. . Lond. 1723 " Gervase is the first English writer who deserves to be called a hackney writer. All subjects seem to have been alike to him ; yet, as his thefts were innumerable, he has now and then stolen some very good things." JIarte. 499 MAPES (J. J.) American Repertory of Arts, Sciences, and Manufactures, 4 vols. royal 8vo. half calf . N. Y. 1840 38 ARTS AND SCIENCES IN GENERAL. 500 MARTINEAU (Harriet], How to Observe, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1838 501 MASON (Monk), Aeronautica, or Sketches of the Theory and Practice of Aerostation, with plates, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1838 /2. 502 MEAD (Rich., M. D.) Medical Account of Poisons, 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1702 ?./j 503 MILLINGEN (J. G., M. D.) Curiosities of Medical Expe rience, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Lond. 1837 504 MNEMONIKA, or Artificial Memory, 18mo. sheep. Bait. 1812 NATURAL HISTORY, vide Sports and Games. 505 NATURAL HISTORY Third Annual Report of the Re gents of the University on, 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1850 506 NEWMAN (J. C.) Harmonies of Creation, 18mo. calf. Bait. 1836 507 OINOS KRITIIINOS, or a Dissertation concerning the Ori gin and Antiquity of Barley Wine, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1750 508 PARK (7?.) Pantology, or a System of Human Know ledge, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1842 509 PATENT Office Report, 1854. Wash. 1855 510 PEREIRA (J.) on Food and Diet, 8vo. N. Y. 1843 /2- 511 PEYTON (G.) How to Detect Counterfeit Bank Notes, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1856 /z 512 PHILOSOPHICAL Theories and Philosophical Experience, by a Pariah, 12 mo. Lond., Pickering, 1845 / 513 PHYSIC and Physicians, a Medical Sketch-Book, 2 vols. 18mo. Phila. 1845 514 PLAT (Sir Hugh), The Jewel House of Nature and Art, containing rare and profitable Inventions, together with sundry new Experiments in the Art of Hus bandry, Distillation, and Moulding. G. Furman s Autograph, square 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1653 2 ,/~~ 515 PLAYFAIR (John), Outlines of Natural History, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Edin. 1812 516 POLEHAMPTON (Rev. E. and J. M. Good, F. R. S.), The 4/"J~fl Gallery of Nature, or a Tour through Creation, Science, and Art, numerous plates, 6 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1821 An interesting work, compiled with considerable judgment. // 517 RALPH S Agricultural Catalogue, and other tracts, 80 Nos. 8vo. N. Y. v.d. AHTS AND SCIENCES IN GENERAL. 39 518 Ho ADS AND RAILROADS; Vehicles and Modes of Travel- * ling of Ancient and Modern Countries, 18mo. cloth. Lond. 1839 ./. 519 ROSE (J. S. t M. D.) The Reformed Practice of Medicine, 12mo. half cloth. Phila. 1845 7<f> ^^O ROUSSEAU (J. J.) Emilius and Sophia, or a New System of Education, 4 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1783 <^<b 521 SAVERS (K) American Flower Garden Companion, 12 mo. cloth. Bost. 1839 j 522 SCHENCH/KRO (Jo. Jac.) Ilelvctius sive Itinera per Hel vetia) Alpinas Regionis, plates and maps, curious, 2 vols. 4to. uncut boards. Lug. Bat. 1723 /# 523 SCIENTIFIC and Literary Journal for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 8vo. half sheep. Bost. 1837 524 SCIENTIFIC TRACTS and Family Lyceum, conducted \>y J. V. C. Smith, M. D. New scries, 4 vols. 12mo, half cMi. Bost. 1834 525 SCIENTIFIC TRACTS. Sunderland (La Roy) Pathetism ; Whewell on the Creation; Von Leonhard on Ge ology ; Discussion on Marriage and Mutual Instruc tion, 5 vols. N. Y. and Lond. 526 SHEW (Jo< 7), Hydropathy, or the Water Cure, 8vo. doth. N. Y. 1849 527 SPOON, with 100 illustrations, 8vo. sheep, scarce. (See 538, p. 40.) N. Y. 1844 528 STOCKUARDT S Principles of Chemistry, 8vo. cloth. Cambridge, 1852 529 SULPITII VERULANI (Jo.) de Nersuum Scancionc, de Syl- labarum quantitate, de Ileroici Carminis decoro, &c. ; and Nigri (Francisco), Opusculum Scribendi Epistolis, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. vdlum. Romce, MCCCCXCIV 530 SYSTEMATISCIIE, Bilder-Gallerie (Natural History), 4to. 1839 531 TATIIAM ( IF.) Historical and Practical Essay on the Culture and Commerce of Tobacco, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1806 532 TIMES (Jo/in), Popular Errors Explained and Illustrated, 12mo. doth, plates. Lond. 1851 533 TREASURIE, of Hidden Secrets, commonly called the good Housewife s Closet of Provisions, for the Health of her Household, Jjlack cttcr, 4to. sewed. R. Johnes, Lond. 1596 , 534 VESTIGES of the Natural History of Creation, with sequel, 2 vols. 12mo. doth. N. Y. 1845 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPHY. , J0 535 WARD (KB.) Growth of Plants in closely glazed Cases, post 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1852 . J " 536 WATER-CURE JOURNAL, edited by Joel Shew, M. D., 6 vols. in 3, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1845 * 537 WEISS (Dr. 7.) Handbook of Hydropathy, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1849 //Z-~ 538 WESTMAN (HaUk 0.) The Spoon, with upwards of 100 illustrations, primitive, Egyptian^ Roman, <c., 8vo. half mor. N. Y. 1844 , /& 539 WHEWELL (W.) Astronomy and General Physics, 12rno. cloth. 1836 .<// 540 WHITE (Rev. Gil.) The Natural History of Selborne, IGmo. half cloth. Phil. 1832 . /z. 541 WILSON (J". M.) The Potato, an Essay on its Diseases, &c., 2 colored plates. Edinb. 1850 .T~J~ 542 WISE (John), A System of Aeronautics, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1850 .f<? 543 WONDERS of the Heavens displayed in 20 Lectures, with numerous engravings, 12mo. cf., neat. Lond. 1821 ^*j~ 544 WORCESTER (Marquis of), Century of Inventions, edited by John Buddie, 8vo. calf. Newcastle, 1813 First discoverer of the power of steam. /.j-2 545 Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, 1839 to 1844, 6 vols. 12mo. cloth, illustrated. Lond. 1839 to 40 <ef~& 54 G YOUTH S Handbook of Entertaining Knowledge, 12mo. clotii. Lond. 1844 -Z-j- 547 YOUNG (Geo., M.D.) A Treatise on Opium, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1753 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPHY. See also LITERATURE. 548 ALLIBONE (S. Austin), Dictionary of Authors, a Critical //, / _, Dictionary of English Literature and British Ameri can Authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the middle of the Nineteenth Century, containing upwards of thirty thousand Biographies and Literary Notices, vol. I., super royal 8vo. half morocco. Phil. 1859 I have never referred to this book without finding the information for which I sought ; and judging from the numerous written testimo nials to the same effect, from such persons as Lords Macaulay, Campbell, Cardinal Wiseman, and others, it is fair to presume it will, when complete, be the best bibliographical work ever produced in this or any other country. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPHY. 41 549 APPLETON, Library Manual, containing a catalogue rai- sonnc of upwards of twelve thousand of the most important works in every department of knowledge, &c., 8vo. half inor. N. Y. 1847 550 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL and Retrospective Miscellany, 12mo. boards. Lond. 18oO 551 BIBLIOTHECA DRAMATICA, Priced Catalogue of the Dra- matic Libraries of W. B. Khodes and John Fields, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. half calf . 1625 552 BIHLIOTHECA PAKISIANA, a Catalogue of a collection of Books formed by a gentleman in France, fine chan copy, with the prices in manuscript, 030 lots, total amount of sale .7,070 17s. 6t/., 8vo. boards, uncut. Lond. 1791 The most extraordinary collection ever disposed of by auction. The average was upwards of 11 per lot. "Then you might have seen the most notorious Bibliomaniacs, with blood inflamed and fancies intoxicated, rushing towards the exa mination of the truly matchless volumes contained within this col lection." The JJibliomania. 553 BIOGRAPHIA DRAMATICA, or a Companion to the Play house, containing Historical and Critical Memoirs and Original Anecdotes of British and Irish Dramatic Writers, &c., Lists of their Works, the Dates when printed, &c., with an Introductory View of the Rise and Progress, of the British Stage, &c., by Baker, Rccd, and Jones, best edition, uncut, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. Lond. 18i2 " I cannot resist the opportunity of strongly recommending the last and best edition of Baker s Biographia Dramatica. * * * It is the best production on the subject extant, and is a stock book in a dramatic library." Dibdin, Lib. Comp. 554 BOIIN (77. (7.) Catalogue of Books, vol. 1, 8vo. hf. mor. 1848 555 BRUNET, Manuel du Libraire et de 1 Amateur des Livres, quatrieme Edition, entierement revue et augmented par 1 auteur, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. half mor., scarce. Par. 1842-4 Last and best edition, containing an immense number of articles not in the previous one. 556 BRYDGES (Sir Egertori), Censura Literaria, containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of old English Books, with original Disquisitions, Articles of Biography, and other Literary Antiquities, 10 vols. 8vo. cf., neat. 1805-9 Is the same in contents as the second edition, only in that edition the books are arranged chronologically. "A work justly held in high estimation by all antiquaries in literature." 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPHY. 557 BRYDGES (/SVr Eycrtori), Censura Literaria, first series, & vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1805 e. ^ 558 Eestituta, or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of old Books in English Literature Eevived, 4 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt. Lond. 1814. " My aim shall be to revive those forgotten works which the most en lightened will admit to be among the due apparatus of a curious library, and not detain the reader too long by the technical minutiae of Bibliography." Editor. This valuable work contains extracts from a vast number of rare books, interspersed with much curious information on a variety of literary subjects. 559 CATALOGUES of Books, in all over 1250. 560 of the Basherfield, Bowman, Malmaison, and Queen s Libraries, and Museum Duplicates, 8vo. hf. cf. 1817-19 561 of Ibbot, priced, llollis, Disney, Utterson, and Kernble s Library, 8vo. half calf . 1817-21 f~ 562 CATALOGUE of the Printed Books in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 4to. Lond. 1816 #? 563 of the Library of Stowe House, prices and names, 4to. 1849 Several of the books from this collection are in this catalogue. Catalogue of Five Hundred Celebrated Authors, vide Faulder, Lot 579. - 565 COGGSWELL (Dr.) Alphabetical Index (of Short Titles) to the Astor Library, 8vo., scarce. N. Y. 1851 566 CORWIN (E. B.) Catalogue of the Eare, Curious, and Valuable Library of, by J. Sabin, 8vo. N. Y. 1856 Replete with scarce books published in America, and other curious and rare books. < 567 DAVIS (Wm.) Journey round the Library of a Biblio maniac, small 8vo. boards, uncut. Lond. 1821 A cento of notes and reminiscences concerning rare, curious, and valu able books. 567* DE BURE (O. F.) Bibliographic Instructive, ou Traitd j de la Connaisance, des livres rares et singuliers, 7 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1763 The author was a bookseller of eminence in Paris, and has furnished a large amount of reliable information. 568 DE FOE, Catalogue of the Writings of, 8vo. 1835 569 DIBDIN (Dr. T. F.) Bibliomania, or Book Madness, con taining some account of the History, Symptoms, and Cure of this Fatal Disease, in an epistle addressed to Eichard Heber, Esq., first edition, uncut, 8vo. Lond. 1809 IHBLIOCKAPIIY AND TYPOGRAPHY. 43 570 DIBDIX (Dr. T. F.) Bibliomania, or Book Madness, a Bibliographical Romance, illustrated with cuts, a New and Improved Edition, to which arc now added /*.j~p preliminary observations, and a supplement including a key to the assumed characters in the drama, engrav ings, uncut, royal 8vo. Lond. 1842 "The Hibliomania is written in dialogues or conversations ; the characters introduced are well known book collectors of the author s acquaint ance. This work has in a great degree given a stimulus to the collecting of our early literature and bibliography in this country, ou which subjects it will always bo consulted as a first authority. "- /xwm/fs. " It would now be useless to pass an encomium on this work, as its merits are so fully established as to have more than doubled the original price of a volume now with difficulty to bo obtained." Cettt s May. 571 - Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque . Tour in France and Germany, containing numerous beautiful Portraits, Plates, Vignettes, and Wood-cuts, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1829 572 Introduction to the Greek and Latin Classics, ^ Polyglott, Hebrew, and Greek Bibles, Greek Testa ments, Greek and Latin Fathers, best edition, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1827 573 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, lately forming part of the ^./z_ Library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, and now the property of George John, Earl Spencer, K. G., large paper, uncut, impl. 8vo. Lond. 1823 574 Portraits to Illustrated Dibdin s Tour through Germany, &c., 17 jjlates, proofs on India paper. 575 Bibliophobia; Remarks on the Present Depressed State of Literature and the Book Trade, in a letter addressed to the author of the Bibliomania, by Mcr- curius Rusticus, with notes by Cato Parvus, uncut, 8vo. Lond. 1832 576 DULAU S Catalogue of Foreign Books, 8vo. 577 EGERTON, Theatrical Remembrancer, containing a com plete list of all the Dramatic Performances in the English Language, their several editions, dates, and sizes, &c., from the earliest production of the English Drama to the end of the year 1787, &c., 8vo. Lond. 1788 578 FAULDER(T?.) A Catalogue of Five Hundred Celebrated Authors of Great Britain now living; the whole ar- ranged in alphabetical order, and including a complete list of their publications, with occasional strictures and anecdotes of their lives, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1788 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPHY. 579 EDWARDS (Edward, formerly of the British Museum, and late Librarian of the Manchester Free Library), Memoirs of Libraries, including a Handbook of Library Eco nomy, containing the following illustrations : Eight ., Copper-plates of the Manuscripts of Ilerculaneum ; Thirty - <? u" f our Wood-cuts of Interiors and Exteriors of celebrated Libraries; Eight Plates of Fac-similts of the Types em ployed by Early Printers; Seven Chromo- Lithographic Plates of Bookbinding, St. Augustine s Monastery, Can terbury, and several Plans of Ancient Libraries, 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. 1859 This important work was in preparation during upwards of thirteen years. Neither France nor Germany can boast of a work treating the subjects with a similar comprehensiveness ; and in England the work has certainly had no predecessor. Of this valuable work, a very limited number was printed. 580 FERRIAR O/.) Illustrations of Sterne, giving a Biblio graphical and Critical Account of the Books from " N which Sterne pillaged in composing his "Tristram Shandy," 2 vols. in 1, small 8vo. 1812 "The ingenious Dr. Ferriar, with most singular patience, has traced Sterne through the hidden sources whence he borrowed most of his learning and many of his most striking and peculiar expressions." Sir W. Scott. .^; 581 FOURNIER (W. /.) Nouveau Dictionnaire Portatif de Bibliographic, 8vo. vellum. Paris, 1809 A very useful volume for reference ; with lists of the Aldine and other celebrated editions of books, Continental and English. 582 FRY, Bibliographical Memoranda in Illustration of ->?* Early English Literature, small 4to. calf, extra, fine copy. Bristol, 1816 Presentation copy, one hundred only printed, contains extracts from rare old English poetical authors. 583 GOODHUGH ( W.) English Gentleman s Library Manual, or a Guide to the Formation of a Library of Select Literature, 8vo. boards. 1827 Contains some unpublished letters of Thomson the poet. 584 HALLIWELL (J. 0.) Manuscript Earities of the Univer sity of Cambridge, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1841 A companion to Hartshorne s " Book Rarities." 585 HALLIWELL (J. 0.) Catalogue of the Early Edition of Shakspeare s Plays, and of the Commentaries and other Publications illustrative of his works, with MS. additions and correct-ions by Mr. Burke, boards, 8vo. Lond. 1841 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPHY. 45 586 UEBER (ft.) Catalogue of Ilcbcr s Collection of Early English Poetry, with prices and names, the Drama, Ancient Ballads, and Broadsides, rare and curious books on English, Scottish, and Irish History, and French Romances, with notice by Collins, half morocco, 8vo. Lond. 1840 If collectors find any specimen of early English poetry not described in this catalogue, they may be certain that their value will be much increased by the rare distinction of having been wanting in tho Ileber collection. S2. 587 JARVIS (Dr. F.\ Catalogue of the Library of, sold in Nov., 1851, 8vo. N. Y. 1851 588 JOHNSON (J.) Typographia, or the Printer s Instructor, including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with / ^jT" Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century, &c. engraved titles and portraits, uncut, 2 vols. 24mo. Lond. 1824 589 LELANNE (L.) Curiosite s Bibliographiques, 18mo. half russia. Paris, 1845 590 LONDON Catalogue of all Books published from 1814 to 1834, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1835 >*/ 591 LONGMAN S Catalogue of Rare Books, pp. G02, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1816 592 LOWNDES ( W. T.) The Bibliographer s Manual of English Literature, containing an Account of Kare, Curious, \ and Useful Books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing, with Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Barer Articles, and the prices at which they have been sold in the Present Century, 4 yols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1834 As indispensable in a library as a Dictionary in a school. 593 LUMLEY S Catalogue of Books. 1836 594 MAITTAIRE (31.) Annales Typographic! ab Artes Inventie ^ </j* Origine ad Annum M. D., 5 vols. in 1, old calf. Haga3., Com., 1719 " Mattaire s valuable annals are indispensable in every bibliographical library." Henry. 595 PETTIGREW (Thos. J.) Bibliotheca Sussexiana, a Descrip tive Catalogue, accompanied by Historical and Biogra- .- =. phical Notices of the Manuscripts and Printed Books contained in the Library of the Duke of Sussex, 2 vols., uncut boards, royal 8vo. Lond. 1827 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPHY. 596 PHILADELPHIA Library, Catalogue of the, 3 vols. 8vo., ivith supplement. Phil. 1835-44 </Z- 597 KEED (John Watson} A Catalogue of the Genuine Li brary of 1790. Lond. 1790 >*.?& 598 EENOUARD, Annales de 1 Impriraerie des Aide, portraits, 3 vols. calf, 8vo. Paris, 1803 " Renouard, in his description of the Aldine Poets, is without a rival." Beloe s Anecdotes. X7 s,j~ 599 REED (Z) Bibliotheca Reediana, a Catalogue of the Curi ous and Extensive Library, portrait, half morocco, gilt top, 8vo. Lond. 1807 " Few collections attracted greater attention before, and during the sale of it, than did the library of the late Mr. Isaac Reed." Dibdin. & 600 RHODES (W. 13.) Bibliotheca Dramatica, a Catalogue of the entire curious and extensive Dramatic Library, prices, uncut, paper, 8vo. Lond. 1825 ;. 2j 601 RIMBAULT (Dr.) Bibliotheca Madrigaliana, a Bibliogra phical Account of the Musical and Poetical Works of the XV. and XVI. centuries, under the titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, &c., boards, 8vo. Lond. 1847 It records a class of books left undescribed by Ames, Herbert, and Dib din, and furnishes a most valuable Catalogue of Lyrical Poetry of the age to which it refers. /-ff 602 RITSON (J.) Bibliographica Poetica, a Catalogue of Eng lish Poets, of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fif teenth and sixteenth centuries, with a short account of their works, calf, 8vo. Lond. 1802 ~s~ 603 RODD (T.) Catalogue of Books, 8vo. 1836 604 SABIN (J.) Catalogue of the Library of Dr. S. F. Jarvis, -2* sold Nov. 1851, 8vo. K Y. 1851 This valuable collection sold for over $11,000 ; it was the largest theo logical collection in this country. ,7~2/ 605 Catalogue of the Library of E. B. Corwin, sold 1856, royal 8vo. N. Y. 1856 The most extraordinary omnium gatherum ever made in this country, sold for 9,245 dollars ; very rich in early American books. 606 Catalogue of the Library of A. E. Douglas, G. R. Hazewell and others, 3 vols. v. y. /z_ 607 Catalogue, "Bibliotheca Americana," largely annotated, 8vo. N". Y. 1856 The above catalogues are all annotated, digested and alphabetically arranged for immediate reference. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPHY. 47 808 SPENCE (Jos.) Anecdotes, Observations and Characters of Books and Men, collected from the Conversation of . , Mr. Pope and other Eminent Persons of his Time, published from Original Papers, with Notes and Life of the Author, by Samuel Weller Singer, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1820 SMITH S Bibliography of Dialects, ride Dialects. 009 SOTHEBY (S.) Typography of the Fifteenth Century ; being specimens of the productions of the Early Con- tinental Printers, exemplified in a collection of Fac Similes from 100 Works, together with their Water Marks, half morocco, folio. Lond. 1845 G10 STEEVENS (G.) Bibliotheca Steevensiana, a Catalogue of the curious and valuable Library, rare, large paper, prices and names, royal 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1800 "The wit, taste and classical acquirements of George Steevens are every where recorded and acknowledged. Wit, elegance, gaiety and satire, combined with almost perfect erudition in English dramatic antiquities." The Bibliomania. . 611 STRAKER S Catalogue of Theological Books. 1834-35 612 STRONG (W.) Catalogue of Books, 8vo. v. d. 013 THORPE (Thos.) Catalogue of Curious and Eare Books, 8 vo. half morocco. 1 842 614 Idem, various parts, 8vo. v. d. 615 THEOBRANE, Bibliographique Description, et Analyse d un Livre Unique par Thcobrane, 8vo. por. Mescha, 1840 616 TROW (J. F.) Specimen of Types, &c., 8vo. N.Y.1856 617 TRUE, Perfect, and Exact Catalogue of all the Comedies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Pastorals, Masques, and Interludes, that were ever yet printed and published till this present year, 1671, interleaved, 4to. half calf. Kirkmanj 1671 618 WILLET (7?.) Merly Library; a description of that well known and celebrated library, fine plates, privately printed, folio, half calf . Lond. 1813 " With that winter of the same year there was fought such a fight, as, take it for all in all, the like again hath not been witnessed since the memorable day of the Roxlmrghe battle. I would be under stood here. emphatically to allude to the Willet contest, or to the sale of the Merly Library." Bibliographical Decameron. 48 BIOGRAPHY. BIOGRAPHY. See also DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY AND PORTRAITS. /.f / 619 APPLETON S Cyclopedia of Biography, edited by Dr. Hawks, 8vo. cloth. 1856 AGATHOCLES, vide Spence, under England. . yf~ 620 ANDRYANE (Alex.) Memoirs of a Prisoner of State with Count Confalonieri and Silvio Pellico, translated by Randi, 2 vols. 12mo. doth. Lond. ""848 ^J^~ 621 ANGELO (II., Fencing Master), Reminiscences, witt\ Me moirs of his Father and Friends, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. 1828-30 Contains original anecdotes and curious traits of the most celebrated characters that have flourished during the last eighty years, (Fox, Sheridan, Gainsborough, Dr. Dodd, Byron, &c.) *JtS~ . 622 BARNUM (P. T.) Life of, 12mo. doth. N. Y. 1855 v* _ 623 BELL (#.) Life of Rt. Hon. George Canning, 12mo. doth. Lond. 1846 vA> 624 BENNETT (James G.) Life and Writings of, Svo. pp. 64. N. Y. 1844 /. "?r~ 625 BIOGRAPHICAL Magazine, each page illustrated by a Portrait and Biography, Svo. calf. Lond. 1794 BIOGRAPHICAL Mirror, vide Portraits. * j- 626 BIOGRAPHICAL Sketches of Eminent Persons whose Portraits form part of the Duke of Dorset s Collec tion at Knole, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1795 *^f~ 627 Boos (Martin) Life and Persecution of, edited by Goss- ner, 12 mo. cloth. Lond. 1836 </s 628 BOYS (Capt. E.) Narrative of a Captivity and Adventure in France and Flanders, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1831 *^r~ 629 BREWER (Thos.) Memoir of John Carpenter, Town Clerk of London, in the Reigns of Henry V. and VI., Svo. Lond. 1836 / 630 BROUGHAM (Lord), Sketches of Statesmen who flour- i ished in the Time of George III., with Remarks on / Party, and on the French Revolution, 4 vols. 12mo. / cloth. Phil. 1839 -? f This well known and interesting work comprises upwards of sixty biographies. I 631 BROUGHAM (Lord), Lives of Men of Letters and Science \ who flourished in the time of George III., 12mo. Phil. 1845 Containing Lives of Voltaire, Rousseau, Hume, Robertson, Joseph Black, James Watt, Dr. Priestley, Sir Humphry Davy, and Simson. BIOGRAPHY. 49 / 632 BROUGHAM (orc7), Sketches of Public Characters, 2 vols. / 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1839 I 033 BROUGHAM (Henry Lord), Letters and Speeches on va- > rious Subjects, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1840 ^ v/7* 634 BRIDGES (Sir E.) Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1834 " A man to all the book tribo dear." /T 635 BUCKINGHAM (Villiers, Duke of), Historical and Biogra phical Memoirs of, })orlraits, 4to. Lond. 1819 /* S~ 636 BURNEY (/Jr.) Memoir of Mctastasio, with Translation of his principal Letters, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1796 . */^ 637 BURTON (J. 77.) Lives of Simon Lord Lovat, and Dun can Forbes, of Culloden, post 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1847 * _- 638 CAGLIOSTRO (Gaunt), or Joseph Balsamo, Life of, his * singular and uncommon Adventures, Trial before the Inquisition, Confessions concerning the Egyptian Masonry, &c., 8vo. calf, very scarce. Lond. 1787 639 CAMPBELL (T., the Poety Life of Petrarch, with Notices of Boccacio and his illustrious Contemporaries, se cond edition, ivithfinc portraits and plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1843 " The standard Life of Petrarch, and one of the most interesting and important historical works of our time." Athaunm. 640 CARSON (Mrs. Ann), History of, written by herself, 12mo. sheep. Phila. 1822 641 CASPER Hauser, Tracts relating to, by Earl Stanhope, 12 mo. cloth, scarce. Lond. 1830 Account of an individual kept in a dungeon, separated from all commu nication with the world from early childhood. 642 GARY (H.) Memoirs of the Kev. II. F. Gary, translator of Dante, 2 vols. 12mo. Mexico, 1847 643 CELLINI (Dcnvenuto), Memoirs of his own Life, with the Notes of Carparn, translated by Thomas Koscoe, royal 8vo. 1839 " Cellini was one of the most extraordinary men of an extraordinary age. His Life, written by himself, is more amusing than any novol I know." Horace Walpole. 644 CHATTERTON Dix (Jno.), Life of, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1851 645 CHILD (Mrs.) Biographies of Mme. de Stael and Ro land, 12mo. Bost. 1832 C47 CICERO, MIDDLETON (Dr. Conyers), History of the Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1837 "An elaborate, learned, and admirably written performance. The style of Middleton is considered a model of pure English." Didbui. 4 50 BIOGRAPHY. . .V 648 CICERO Rollings (J. F.) Life of, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1839 ^r? 649 COLLING WOOD (Admiral), Selections from the Public and Private Correspondence of, 8 vo. half calf. N. Y. 1829 /J 650 COOK (Capt. J.) Life of, 18mo. Lond. 1822 /7- 651 COSTELLO (Hiss), Memoirs of Jacques Cceur, the French Argonaut, and his Times, portrait and woodcuts, 8vo. cloth. 1847 Jacques Cceur, chief adviser and governor of the Finances of Charles VII. of France, was "one of the most remarkable personages of his time." f-Zd 652 COSTELLO (L. S.) Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen, numerous highly finished portraits, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1844 / Z. 652*DALLAS (R. C.) Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron from 1808 to 1814, 8vo. boards. Phil. 1825 653 DANA S Two Years before the Mast, 18mo. 1855 . t rz? 654 D AUBIGNE (Theodore Agrippa), Life of, containing a Succinct Account of the most Remarkable Occur rences during the Civil Wars of France, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1772 J7 1 655 DAVENPORT (R. A.} Narrative of his Perils and Suffer ings, 2 vols. 16mo. cloth. Lond. 1840 //if 656 DAVENPORT (Dr. K. A) Dictionary of Biography, com prising the most eminent Characters of all Ages and Professions, embellished with more than 300 portraits inserted in the text, 8vo. cloth. Lond., Tegg, 1831 A most useful and interesting book for autograph collectors, for the cor rectness of portraits and dates. /^ 657 DE LA SARRE (Mme.) Life and Adventures of, containing a great many incidents presumed to be new, by Thos. Crowley, 12mo. half calf . Rotterdam, 1751 ^" 658 DEMERVILLE (J. 0.) Yies des Enfants Celebres, roy. 8vo. cloth, gilt. Paris, 1842 / J~7> 659 D EwEs s (Sir Simonds) Autobiography and Correspond ence, during the Reigns of James I. and Charles L, edited by J. O. Halliwell, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1845 // 660 DE TOTT (Earon), Memoirs of, and the State of the Turkish Empire, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. gilt. Lond. 1786 "The best memoirs I know of are those of Baron de Tott. I hardly know of a book so necessary for a young man to read and remem ber." Lord Chesterfield. BIOGRAPHY. 51 661 DICTIONATRE (les Giroucttca, on noa contcmporains points d apres eux-memes. 8vo. calf, rjilt. Paris, 1815 A scarce and suppressed work. Each person s biography is preceded by as many weathercocks as he has changed his opinion. / , , GG2 DUMAS (Conit.) Memoirs of his own Time, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Phil. 1839 . </ 603 FAIRFIELD (&L.) Life of, by Jane Fairfield, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1847 . / ^ 664 DAN MARBLE, a Biographical Sketch, by Falconbridge, 12mo. N. Y. n. y. .v~~~ 664*DuNLAP ( William), Memoirs of Charles Brocden Brown, the American Novelist, 8vo. doth. Lond. 1822 f < s 665 FENN S Paston Letters, 2 vols. 12 mo. sewed. 1840 The original edition of this very curious and interesting series of his torical letters is a rare hook, and sells for upwards of ten guineas. The present is not an abridgment. / &e 666 GOETHE, Memoirs of, written by himself, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Lond. 1824 ^ Z 1 667 GOOCII (Mrs.) The Life of, written by herself, dedicated to the Public, 2 vols. in 1, calf. Lond. 1792 /, s 668 GOODRICH (S. G.) Recollections of a Lifetime, or Men and Things I have seen, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1856 ^.f^ 669 GORDON (Peb.-r), Narrative of the Imprisonment and p]scape of, from the French, 8vo. half calf. 181(5 */2_ 670 GRAY (Thomas), Letters of, 2 vols. in 1, sq. 18mo. hf. cf. Bost. 1820 671 HAMILTON (Count A.) Memoirs of Count Grammont, a new translation, icith 76 portraits, fine impressions, 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1818 " The beginning of the eighteenth century witnessed the publication of perhaps the most popular volume of memoirs ever put forth in France, under the title of Mcmoires de Grammont, of which Anthony Hamilton was the author. All the better French critics unite in extolling the style, wit, and sentimentality of this book up to the skies . Dildin. / ^ 672 HAMILTON (Elizabeth), Memoirs of the Life of Agrippina, the Wife of Germanicus, 2 vols. 8vo, sA/>. Lond. 1811 vV 673 HAMILTON (Lady), Memoirs of, with Illustrative Anec dotes, 18mo. half calf. N. Y. 1815 ~ 674 HEBER (Bp.) Life of, by his Widow, 2 vols. 4to. cloth. Lond. 1830 -4.V675 HEMANS (Mrs.) Memoir of the Life and Writings of, 12mo. Phil. 1839 HERBERT of Cherbury, vide Shakspcariann. 52 BIOGRAPHY. .// 676 HUTTON (Wm., Stationer, of Birmingham), Life of. Lond. 1841 </Z- 677 JACKSON (Andrew}, Life of, by Wm. Cobbett, 12mo., scarce. | N. Y. 1836 ^/j 678 JAMES ((r. P. ./?.) Lives of Cardinal de Retz, Colbert, De Witt, and the Marquis de Louvois, 2 vols. 12 mo. Phil. 1837 678* JAMESON S (Mrs.) Beauties of the Court of Charles the * Second, with their Portraits after Sir Peter Lely and jf Jv other eminent Painters; illustrating the Diaries of Pepjs, Evelyn, Clarendon, &c., third edition, consi derably enlarged, with an Introductory Essay, and additional Anecdotes, illustrated by 21 beautiful Portraits, comprising the whole of the celebrated suite of Paintings by Lely, preserved in the Windsor Gal lery, and several from the Devonshire, Grosvenor, and Althorp Galleries, original edition, 2 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1838 " Tliis truly beautiful" and splendid production is equally a gem among the fine arts and in literature. Mrs. Jameson s diligence of research her charms of style the acuteness, force, and justice of her re marks her characteristic touches the racy and piquant manner with which she relates an anecdote, are too well known to require eulogy from us." Court Journal. JOHNSON, Life, vide Dramatic Biography. Lives of the Poets, vide Dramatic Biography. /j- 679 KNIGHTON (Sir Wm.) Memoirs of, during the Eeign of George IV., including his Correspondence, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1838 680 KORNER (0. T.) Life of, written by his Father, with se lections from his Poems, Talcs, and Dramas, by Rich ardson, portrait, 2 vols. post 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1827 A most interesting biography of the "Hero Poet of Germany." , 37 681 LAFARGE (Mme, the Poisoner), Memoirs of, written by herself, 12 vo. cloth. Phil. 1841 ^ _ 682 LAFAYETTE (Genl.) Recollections of the Private Life of, by Dr. Jules Cloquet, embellished with numerous en gravings, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1835 683 LAUD, Abp. (Prynne, Wm.) Breviate of the Life of, Ex- /. ^j tracted for the most part out of his own Diary, and other writing under his own hand, curious plate of the trial, folio, calf. Lond. 1644 .^Lf 684 LEIGH HUNT, Autobiography of, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1850 BIOGRAPHY. 63 /# 685 LIFE and Writings of James Gordon Bennett, Editor of the New York Herald, 12mo. pp. C-i. N. Y. 184-i . ^f- 686 LILLY ( IK"., the astrolog<r), History of his own Life and Times, from 1002 to IGQl, fine portraits by Cooper, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1822 V". "" 087 LIVES of Distinguished Shoemakers, 12mo. cloth. Portland, 1849 /s~P 088 LIVES of Eminent Characters in Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk, with 6Q portraits, unbound^ 8vo. Lond. /i- l s 089 LIVES (The), of those Eminent Antiquaries John Leland, Thomas llearnc, and Anthony a Wood ; also, several engravings of Antiquity^ never before published, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, scarce. Oxford, 1702 ^f.r~ 090 LOUVET (J. I?.) Narrative of the Dangers to which I have been Exposed since 1793, with Historical Memo randa, 8vo. half calf. 1795 Louvet is well known as the author of the celebrated Adventures of tho Chevalier de Faublas. 091 MS. Obituary and Nativity of Eminent Men in every /^^ day of the year, from July 1st to December 31st, and Remarkable Events, vellum, folio. JV"~ 092 MARKOULL (John), Abuses of Justice, illustrated in my own case, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1812 > /f 093 MASSINGEH (Philip), Some account of the Life and Writings of, sewed, 8vo. Lond. 1789 f , 694 MEMOIR of the Life of Artemi of Wagarschapat Arme nia, 8vo. half bound. Lond. 1822 095 MEREDITH (W. 0.) Memorials of Bernadotte, King of /tJ Sweden and Norway, illustrative of his Character, of his relations with the Emperor Napoleon, and of tho History of his Kingdoms, with a Discourse on the Political Character of Sweden, 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1829 "A work that exhibits much of the rise and fall of nations, and we may say contains the seeds of history." Literary Gazette. ^j~~ 096 MILTON (John), His Life and Times, Religious and Poli tical Opinions, by J. Journey, 12mo. boards. N. Y. 1833 >, 697 MIRABEAU, Letters of, during his residence in England, " with Anecdotes, Maxims, &,c.,fme full length portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. half cloth. Lond. 1832 698 MOORE (Th.) Memoirs, Journals and Correspondence of, edited by Lord J. Russell, 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1857 699 MOREAU (Genl.) Some Details Concerning, by Paul Svinine, 12mo. half calf . Boston, 181-1 5-Jt BIOGRAPHY. f-p 700 NAUNTON (Sir Robert), Memoirs of, Author of "The Fragmentaa Eegalia," portraits, large paper, folio. Lond. 1814 , yj- 701 NICOLAS (Sir Harris}, Life and Times of Sir Christopher Ilatton, Chancellor to Queen Elizabeth, portrait, 8vo. cloth. 1847 Includes secret letters of the Queen, and correspondence of the most distinguished statesmen. 702 NOBLE (M.) Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Crom well, as also the Lives of such persons as were dis tinguished by the Cromwells, plates, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1787 /? / 703 PEPYS (Samuel), The Life, Journal, and Correspondence of, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1841 " The ablest picture of the age in which the writer lived, and a work of standard importance in English literature." Sir IF. Scott, 704 PRINCE EUGENE, of Savoy, Memoirs of, containing all fp those passages which have been suppressed by order of the French Government, with Notes, Historical and Biographical, of the Amours with Females of the Highest Hank in France, 12mo. half calf. N. Y. 1811 -.Or-_ 705 PUBLIC Characters of 1799-1800, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1799 J~7 706 RAMBLE (Jas), Life and Adventures of, 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1770 Autograph of John Theobald. 707 RIENZI (Nicholas Galrini de}, Memoirs of, who Raised Himself from a Low. and Despicable Situation to the Sovereign Authority in Rome, 12mo. calf, scarce. Lond. 1730 ? 7S~ ^ R ITSON (Joseph), The Letters of, with a Memoir of the ^ ^ Author, by Sir Harris Nicolas, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond., Pickering, 1833 /.j-p 709 Life of King Arthur, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1825 No library can be called complete in Old English lore which has not the whole of the productions of this laborious and successful antiquary. , ^ , 710 ROCHESTER (Earl of), Some Passages in the Life and Death of, by Bp. Burnet, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1787 /. %- 711 ROGERS (T. J), American Biographical Dictionary, &c. 8vo. sheep. Easton, 1824 S/t 712 ROSCOE S ( W.) Illustrations, Historical and Critical, of the Life of Lorenzo de Medici, with an Appendix of Original Documents, 8vo. portrait of Lorenzo and plates, loanls. Lond. 1822 /-^ 713 ROSCOE S (H.) Life of Win. Roscoe, 2 vols. 12mo. Bost. 1833 BIOGRAPHY. 55 714 HOSE S Biographical Dictionary, A Specimen of Amateur Criticism on, 8vo. Lond. 1839 715 RUSSELL (Lord /.), Memoirs, Journals, and Correspond ences of the lato Thomas Moore, in 8 parts, 8vo. sewed. N. Y. 1843 ..V 716 SEWARD (Anna), Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin, with Anecdotes of his Friends, 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1804 717 SHIPP (John), Memoirs of the Extraordinary Military Career of, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. N. Y. 1829 718 SIAMESE Twins, A Few Particulars of, 8vo. pp. 16. N. Y. 1836 719 SMITH (Horace), Memoirs, Letters, c., in Prose and Verse, of the late J. Smith, in 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1841 720 SOCRATES, Life of, by Dr. G. Wiggers, translated from the German, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1840 721 STOTHARD (G. A.) Memoirs of, including Original Jour nals, Letters, Papers, and Antiquarian Tracts, by Mrs. Stothard, 8vo. half calf, gilt. Lond. 1823 722 SULLY (Duke of), Memoirs of, by A. Jamicson, 2 vols. 18mo. boards. Lond. 1823 " The example of Sully, that master of written portraits, shows that the study of history is practically useful to a statesman." Horace Walpole. 723 SWIFT (Dr. Jon.) Remarks on the Life and Writings of, in a series of Letters from John, Earl of Orrery, to his Son, old calf, 12mo. Lond. 1752 724 THOMPSON (J. P.) Memoir of David Hale, with selec tions from his Miscellaneous Writings. Hartford, 1850 725 TUORBURN (Grant), Life and Writings of, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1852 726 UNIQUE (The), by George Smeetar, 2 vols. 18mo. half calf, five portraits. 727 WARBURTON (Bj).) Letters from a late eminent Prelate to one of his Friends, 8vo. half calf. N. Y. 1809 728 WELLINGTON (Duke of), Military Memoir of, by Capt. Sherer, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1833 729 WESTMINSTER Abbey, Smyth (G. L.) Biographical Il lustrations of Celebrated Authors interred in West minster Abbey, including Chaucer, Spenser, Milton, Shakspeare, Ben Jonson, Congreve, Rowe, Sheridan, Addison, Footc, Gay, &c. &c., complete in one vol. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1843 56 CHINA. 730 WHITE (S. and his Son), Miscellanea Nova, containing remarks on Boswcll s Johnson, &c., 8vo. calf. Dub. 1801 731 WOOLRYCH S (//.) Memoirs of Judge Jeffreys, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1852 An excellent and strictly impartial piece of historical biography, em bracing details of Moumouth s rebellion and the " Bloody Assizes." 732 WOTTON (Sir Henry), Keliquirc Wottonianse ; or, a Col- lection of Lives, Letters, Poems, with characters of sun- dry personages, edited by Izaak Walton, fine portraits of Lord Essex and the Duke of Buckingham, old calf, 8vo. Lond. 1672 733 WHEN (Stephen), Parentalia ; or, Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens, but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren, with portraits, folio, calf. Lond. 1750 731 WOOD (A. a), Athaenre Oxoniensis, an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their edu cation in the most ancient and famous University of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of Henry the Seventh Dom. 1500 to the end of the year 1690, representing the birth, fortune, preferment, and death of all those authors and prelates, the great accidents of their lives, and the fate and character of their writings, &c., 2 vols. in one, folio. Lond. 1691-92 " All hail to thee, old Anthony a Wood 1 May the remembrance of thy researches, amidst thy paper and parchment documents, stored up in chests, pews, and desks, and upon which, alas ! the moth was feeding sweetly may the remembrance of these, thy laborious researches, always excite sensations of gratitude towards the spirit by which they were directed !" CHINA. 735 ANTIQUITY of China, an Historical Essay, &c., 12rno. half calf. Lond. 1678. 736 CHINESE, a small volume printed in Chinese characters, sewed, 12 mo. 737 CUNYNGHAME (A.), Kecollection of China, 18mo. Phil. 1845. 738 LE COMPTE (Louis), Memoirs of China, 8vo. calf Lond. 1737. " The best account of China previous to Du Halde s work, though in many particulars extremely partial to the Chinese." Lowndes. 739 PALAFOX (Sieur.), History of the Conquest of China by the Tartars, 12 mo. calf. Lond. 1671 CHIVALRY. COSTUME. 57 740 STAUNTON S (Sir G.) Account of the Embassy of the %r~ Earl of Macartney to China, the second edition, cor rected, Svo. half calf. Lond. 171)7 A most valuable, and at the present time a peculiarly interesting work upon tho Celestial Knipire, tho manners, customs, e. of its inhabit ants, &c. 741 WOOD (IK W.) Sketches of China, 12mo. loartls. Phil. 1830 CHIVALRY. 742 DIGBY (h"tmeh\ Broad Stone of Honor, or tlie true Sense and Practice of Chivalry, 12rno. cloth gilt. Lond. 1844 743 MILLS, The History of Chivalry, 2 vols, Svo. cloth. Lond. 1826 " This was an appropriate undertaking for the able author of the Crusades, and he has executed it with equal learning, fidelity and elegance." Monthly Review. 744 VERTOT (Albc\ History of the Knights of Malta, "> trat< d with the heads of the Grand Masters, and with maps and plans of Malta, and a complete index to the wliole, 2 vols. folio, calf Lond. 1728 December, 1737. J. W. N. This history was ye last performance (it seems) of ye justly celebrated Abbot Vertot. * * * Besides ye importance of ye subject (viz., ye rise, progress and manners of ye famous Knights of Malta), our author easily appears to have recomended this performance, by ye beauty of ye stile, by ye elegance and perspicuity of the narration, and by ye various and artful episodes interwoven thro out, which to me seem to comprehend a general idea of ye affairs of Europe, and are a kind of a history in miniature of ye establishment of Ma- hometisin, of the Crusades, of several of the Popes, of ye Emperors of ye East, of the Turkish Sultans, of the K gs of Jerusalem, Tripoli and Cyprus, together with other remarkable personages and events. Our author says, "The first rise of ye Order of ye Knights, &c., was owing to "Devotion" I wd. rather say to " Superttilion." For to what else can be justly ascribed ye frequent pilgrimages to the lloly Laud, &c. ?" From a MS. note in the first volume. Dated 1737. COSTUME. Vide HISTORY OF THE STAGE. j V DIALECTS. DIALECTS. "Vetlier it s worth while goin through so much to learn so little, as the Charity-boy said ven he got to the end of the alphabet, is a matter of taste. " Pickwick Papets. 745 CARR, Dialect of Craven, West Riding of York, "chaste and nervous language of its unlettered natives" with Copious Glossary, illustrated by Authorities, from Ancient English and Scottish Writers, and Exem plified by Familiar Dialogues, best edition, much en larged, 2 vols. pub. Lond. 1828 This learned Glossary shows the relationship of the Yorkshire Dialect to the Anglo-Saxon, Danish, Gothic, German, Moeso-Gothic, Suio- Gothic, Scottish, etc. Ample quotations from Popular Songs, Gower, Shakspeare, Chaucer, illustrate the work. The Deanery of Craven is situated in the Northern part of the West Riding of the County of York ; it embraces a small portion of the Wapentakes of Skyrack, Claro, and Ewcross, and the whole of the Wapentake of Stainclilfe. Pent up by their native mountains, the inhabitants had no opportunity of corrupting the purity of their Language. 746 CLARK (C.) John Koakes and Mary Styles: a Poem, exhibiting some of the most striking Lingual Local isms, peculiar to Essex, with a Glossary, by C. Clark, portrait, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1839 Full of quaint wit and humor. * Gent s Mag. 747 CORNWALL, Specimens of Cornish Provincial Dialect, collected and arranged by Uncle Jan Treenoodle, with some Introductory Remarks and a Glossary by an Antiquarian Friend, also a selection of Songs and other Pieces connected with Cornwall, post Svo. ivith curious portrait of Dolly Pentreath, cloth. 1846 748 Another copy. 1846 749 EXMOOR Scolding in the Propriety and Decency of Exmoor Language between two Sisters, as they were Spinning, also an Exmoor Courtship, with Notes and a Glossary, 12mo. half morocco, uncut, scarce. Lond. 1771 750 Another Edition, with Notes and a Glossary, boards. Lond. 1839 Two very amusing Farces in the Devonshire Dialects ; the Forest of Ex- moor, however, is for the most part in the County of Somerset. "A very rich bit of W T est of Englaudism." DIALECTS. 59 751 DORSET, Poems of Rural Life, in the Dorset Dialect, ^2_ with ft Dissertation and Glossary, by the Rev. Wil liam Barnes, B. D., second edition, enlarged and cor rected, royal 12 mo. cloth. 1848 A fine poetic feeling is displayed through the various pieces in this volume ; according to some critics nothing has ap|>eared equal to it since the time of Burns; the "Gentleman s Magazine" for Decem ber, 1844, gave a Review of the First Edition some pages in length. ^ y 752 FORBY (ftcv. ft.) Vocabulary of East Anglia, an attempt "* to record the vulgar tongue of the twin sister Coun ties, Norfolk and Suffolk, as it existed in the last twenty years of the Eighteenth Century, and still exists; with proof of its Antiquity from Etymology and Authority, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1831 Zr~~ 753 GLOSSARY of Provincial and Local Words used in Eng land, by F. Grose, F. S. A. with which is now incor porated the Supplement, by Samuel Pegge, F. S. A., post 8vo. cloth. 1839 The utility of a Provincial Glossary to all persons desirous of under standing our ancient poets, is so universally acknowledged, that to enter into a proof of it would be entirely a work of supererogation. Grose and Pegge are constantly referred to in Todd u "Johnson s Dictionary." + 754 HALLIWELL, Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the time of Edward I., 2 vols. 8vo. closely printed in columns, in parts. 1844 This useful work begins with a History of the English Provincial Dia" lects ; to every word in the whole Dictionary an illustration from an Ancient or Provincial Poet or other source is given, and when purely Provincial, the name of the County is added, where the word or phrase is used. An indispensable book to the reader of the old Poets, Dramatists, Theo logians, amd other writers, whose works abound with allusions of which explanations are not to be found in ordinary Dictionaries ami books of reference. . /z_ 755 HUNTER (7.) Hallamshire Glossary, 8vo. cloth. 1829 An Appendix contains Thoreby s Catalogue of Words used in the West Riding of Yorkshire ; a second Appendix contains Watson s Halifax Glossary. The district called Hallamshire is on the southern border of Yorkshire. .^fj 756 KENT, Dick and Sal, or Jack and Joan s Fair: a Dog gerel Poem, in the Kentish Dialect, third edition, 12mo. 757 SMITH (J. ft.) A Bibliographical List of the Works that have been published towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England, 12rno. Lond. 1839 60 DICTIONARIES AND BOOKS OF REFERENCES. 758 MOORE (Ed.) Suffolk Words and Phrases, 12mo. Woodbridge, 1823 <? 759 SPECIMENS of the Yorkshire Dialect, exemplified in va rious Dialogues, Tales, and Songs, applicable to the County, with a Glossary, 12mo. Knaresborough, 1833 <^j 760 TOM CLADPOLE S Journey to Lunnun, told by himself, and written in pure Sussex Doggerel, by his Uncle Tim, 18mo. n. d. / <__^ 761 WESTMORELAND and Cumberland Dialects : Dialogues, Poems, Songs, and Ballads, by various Writers, in the Westmoreland and Cumberland Dialects, now first collected, to which is added a Copious Glossary of Words peculiar to those Counties, 12mo. doth. Lond. 1839 This collection comprises, in the Westmoreland Dialect, Mrs. Ann Wheeler s Four Familiar Dialogues, with Poems, &c. ; and in the Cumberland Dialect, I. Poems and Pastorals by the Rev. Josiah Relph ; II. Pastorals, &c. by Ewan Clark ; III. Letter from Dublin by a young Borrowdale Shepherd, by Isaac Ritson ; IV. Poems by John Stagg ; V. Poems by Mark Lonsdale ; VI. Ballads and Songs by Robert Anderson, the Cumbrian Bard (including some now first printed) ; VII. Songs by Miss Blamire and Miss Gilpin ; VIII. Songs by John Rayson ; IX. An extensive Glossary of Westmoreland and Cumberland Words. DICTIONARIES AND BOOKS OF REFERENCES. 762 AINSWORTH S Latin Dictionary, reprinted from the best / ( folio edition, with numerous Additions, Emendations, and Improvements, by the Rev. B. W. Beatson, A. M., revised and corrected by W. Ellis, Esq., A. M., impl. 8vo. boards. 1831 /2_ 763 ALPHABETICAL Index to Subjects treated in the Reviews, 8vo. N. Y. 1848 This is the first edition of Poole s Index. 7. j~& 76-i APPLETON S New American Cyclopaedia, XIX Numbers, 8vo. sewed. N. Y. 1858 /-^<y 765 ASH (Dr.) Complete English Dictionary, with a Supple ment, 2 vpls. 8vo. Lond. 1775 Replete with a multitude of obsolete, provincial, vulgar, and cant words and phrases, besides technical terms, &c. 766 BAILEY S (N.) Universal Etymological English Diction ary, comprising explanations of Proverbs, Cant and Slang Words, Technical Terms, &c., 8vo. calf. Lond. 1724 " A favorite book of Lord Chatham s, which he was accustomed to read regularly through." Thos. Moore s Journal. DICTIONARIES AND BOOKS OF REFERENCES. 61 # _, 767 BAYLE (Peter), Historical and Critical Dictionary, 4 vols. folio, oUl caff. Lond. 1710 "Such were the materials, and such the genius of tho man, whose folios, which seemed destined for the retired few, lie open on parlour tables. The men of genius of his age studied them for instruction, the men of the world for their amusement. Amidst that mass of facts he has collected, and those enlarged views of human nature his philosophical spirit has combined with his researches, Baylu may be called the Shakspeare of dictionary makers. D Isrucli, Curiosities of Literature, 2</ series, 1st vol. " If Bayle wrote his Dictionary to empty all tho collections he had made, without any particular design, he could not have chosen a better plan. By tho double freedom of a Dictionary and of Notes, he could pitch on what articles he pleased, and say what he pleased on those articles." , ^ff 708 BOHUN (Edmund), a Geographical Dictionary, repre senting the Present and Ancient Names of all tho Countries, Provinces, &c., &c., of tho whole world, 8vo. calf, front, curious issue. Lond. 1688 /^ 7G9 BOYER S French Dictionary, Svo. sheep. Boston, 1844 ,^/ 770 French Master, &c., 3 vols. 1794 . 771 CAREY (/.) Latin Prosody, Svo. boards. L. n. d. 772 COBBETT (W.) English Grammar, 12mo., she<-p. N. Y. 1812 773 COLES (C.) English Dictionary, 12mo., old calf. Lond. 1696 774 ENCYCLOPEDIA Americana, edited by Prof. Licber, 13 vols. Svo., sheep. Phil. 1836 % 770 FALCONER (Wm.) New Universal Dictionary of tho Marine, 4to. calf. Lond. 1784 FLORIO S Dictionary, vid> Shakspeariana. 776 GRADUS ad Parnassum, 12rno. vellum. Colonia), n. d. , 777 IlAYDN (Joseph), Dictionary of Dates, relating to all Ages and Nations, for universal reference, Svo. cloth, Lond. 1841 "A volume containing upwards of 10,000 articles, and, perhaps, moro than 10 times 10,000 facts. What the Directory is to the merchant, this Dictionary of Dates will be found to be to those who are search ing after information, whether classical, political, domestic, or gene ral. 778 HURD (S. T.) Grammatical Corrector and others, 4 vols. 1847 ,, 779 KER (*7. 7?.) An Essay on the Archaeology of our Popu lar Phrases and Nursery Rhymes, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1837 62 DICTIONARIES AND BOOKS OF REFERENCES. 780 KNOWLES (James), Pronouncing and Explanatory Dic tionary of the English Language, founded on a cor rect development of the Nature, the Number, and the Various Properties of all its Simple and Compound Sounds, as combined into Syllables and Words. A neiv edition, in medium 8vo. cloth. 18ji5 /< 781 LEMPRIERE S Classical Dictionary, by Anthon, Barker and Giles, 8vo. cloth. Lond. n. d. 782 LESLIE (Jas) Dictionary of the Synonymous Words and Technical Terms in the English Language, 8vo. sheep. Edin. 1806 783 MANESCA S French Course, vol. 1, 8vo. N. Y. 1834 784 MIEGE (Guy), The Great French Dictionary, 2 parts, Fr. and Eng. and Eng. and Fr., thick folio, calf. 1688 Illustrated with opposite Phrases and Proverbs, the hard words explain ed, the Proprieties adjusted with two Grammars, English and French ; also the Ancient and Modern Orthography, and contains several hundred words not to be found in any other Dictionary. 785 MONBODDO (Lord), Of the Origin and Progress of Lan guage, 6 vols. 8vo. half calf, uncut. 1774 Contains the appendix with the author s last corrections. "Those who were partial to modern literature, on account of their ignor ance of that of antiquity, or who, not unacquainted with the more popular of the ancient authors, were strangers to the deeper mys teries of Greek erudition, condemned this work of Lord Monboddo, with bitter and contemptuous censure. In the late Mr. Harris, however (the philosopher of Malmsbury) , he found an admirer and a literary friend, who was exceedingly delighted to meet with one that had cultivated those studies with equal ardour, and wor shipped the excellence of the ancient Greeks, as far above all other excellencies." Chalmers 1 Biog. Diet. 786 OSWALD (J) Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, 12mo. Phil. 1836 , fy 787 PHILLIPS (E) The New World of Words, or a general English Dictionary, etc., frontispiece of portraits of Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney, Bacon, Selden, etc., folio, calf, neat. Lond. 1671 *#* Among the names of Learned Persons contributory to this Work, are, Ashmole, Evelyn, Dugdale, Boyle, Hollar, Faithorne, Isaac Walton, Col. Veuables, &c., &c. 788 EICHARDSON S Large Dictionary of the English Lan- /% /"^ g ua g e combining Explanations with Etymology, with quotations from the best authorities, 2 thick vols. 4to. half calf. Lond., Pickering, 1838 This celebrated dictionary is the most important achievement in English Lexicography since the days of Johnson. OLD ENOLISn AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 63 >V- 789 READ (A) A Dictionary of the English Language, con taining the Pronunciation, ej-c., 12mo. sheejy. N. Y. 1845 r ___ 790 ROWBOTHAM (J.) New Derivative and Etymological Dictionary of such English Words as have their Ori gin in the Greek and Latin Languages, &c., 12mo. Lond. 1838 -/2~ 791 SCIIADE (C. B.) German Grammar, 12mo. sheep. Phil. 1838 -^J~ 792 SCHREVELII Lexicon Greco-Latinum, sheep, 8vo. Lond. 1814 . ?j- 793 TOOKE (J. //.) Epea Pteroentn, or the Diversions of Purley, with the author s additions, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. 1829 " What an epoch in many a student s life has been his first acquaintance with The Diversions of Purley. " Trench on the Study of Words. JJ 794 WALKER (J.) Rhyming Dictionary, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 183G J/ 795 WARD (John), Four Essays upon the English Language, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1768 J/ 796 WEBSTER (N.) Dictionary Abridged, square 8vo. cloth. 1856 _797 WILSON (J.) French-English and English-French Dic tionary, containing full Explanations, Definitions, Sy nonyms, Idioms, Proverbs, Terms of Art and Science and Rules of Pronunciation iu each Language, impe rial 8vo. sheep. lb33 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, MYSTERIES INTERLUDES, MASQUES, ETC. See also PAGEANTS. Most of the collected works in this department are uniformly bound in half blue calf; contents lettered. The thin volumes have generally several leaves of thick writing paper before and after the text. 798 ABDICATED Prince, or Adventures of Four Years, a Tragi-Comedy, interleaved, half calf. Lond. 1690 Relating to James the Second, who is charged with the murder of Charles 2d ; the Duke of Maryborough is the hero." See MS. Note. 799 ADDISON (Joseph), Drummer, or the Haunted House, a comedy, prefaced by Sir R. Steele, 4to. Lond. 1722 800 ALARBAS: A Dramatic Opera, written by a gentleman of quality, 4to. half calf . Lond., 17<>9 64 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. / J ?. 801 ALFIERI ( Vittorio), The Tragedies of, translated from the Italian by Charles Lloyd, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1815 The Tragedies of Alfieri are noble poems. He displays consummate skill in unfolding and conducting his plots ; he is always eloquent, always able to keep the imagination alive ; and the uniform digni ty of his manner is in the highest degree imposing. Quarterly Re view. * /? 802 ANCIENT Mysteries, from the Digby MSS. in the Bod- leian Library at Oxford: Mind, Will, and Under standing, a Morality inserted, both printed for the Abbotsford Club, 4to. Edinb. 1837 803 ANDRE : A Tragedy in five acts by W. Dunlap, as now f -f~ performing at the theatre in New York ; to which is added The Cow Chase : a Satirical Poem by Major Andre" ; with the Proceedings of the Court Martial, and authentic Documents concerning him, large print, 4to. half roan. Lond. 1799 804 APPARITION (The), or The Sham Wedding, a comedy, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1714 805 ARCHERS or Mountaineers of Switzerland, by W. Dun- lap, sewed, 8vo. K Y. 1796 806 ARIOSTO (L.) Scolastica Comedia, vellum, 12 mo. Venez, 1553 807 ARISTOPHANES, Comedies, translated by Wheelwright, 2 vols. cloth, 8vo. 1837 808 ARMIN (Robert], The Valiant Welshman, or the True Chronicle History of the Life and Valiant Deeds of Caradoc the Great, King of Cambria, now called Wales, woodcut of a Knight on horseback, 4to. Lond. 1663 809 Italian Taylor and his Boy, woodcut, reprint, 4to. Lond. 1609 810 ARROWSMITH, Reformation, a Comedy, acted at the Duke s Theatre. 4to. half calf . Lond. 1673 This is ascribed to Arrowsmith by Langbaine ; it is the only play by its author. 811 B. (G.) Love the Leveller, or the Pretty Purchase. small 4to. half calf. Lond. 1704 /. ,f~z> 812 B. (T.) [Anthony Brewer] The Countrie Girl, a Comedie. sewed, 4to. Lond. 1647 813 BAILLIE S (Joanna} Series of Plays, delineating the stronger passions of the mind, each passion being the subject of a Tragedy and Comedy. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. 1800 Unquestionably the greatest dramatist who has appeared here since the Reformation. Neale s Lectures on English Poetry. OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 65 J/ 814 BAILLTE (Jo.), Bride, and others. 12 vols. v. y. ,* / ? 815 BAKER (Thomas), Tunbridge Walks, or the Yeoman of Kent, a Comedy. 4to. Lond. 1703 816 Act at Oxford, a Comedy. 4to. Lond. 1704 V 817 - Fine Lady s Airs, or an Equipage of Lovers, a Comedy. 4to. Lond. 1709 " Wit, pure and genuine ; satire, just and poignant." Baker. (Dd.) t Biographia Dramatica, vide Biblio graphy. , 818 BALE (John, Bishop of Ossory), Kyngc Johan, a Play in Two Parts, edited from the recently discovered MS., by J. Payne Collier, small 4to. half calf. Lond. 1838 Occupies an intermediate space between moralities and historical plays." \ 819 - Promises. 4to. half calf. Lond. 1780 820 BANCROFT (John), Tragedy of Sertorius, 1679; King Edward the Third, 1691 ; Henry II. King of England, with the death of Rosamond, in 1 vol. 4to. Lond. v. y. 821 BANISHED DUKE, or the Tragedy of Infortunatus. " The scene lies in Belgium the character of Banished Duke is intended for the Duke of Monmouth, and those of Roman us and Papessa for James II. and his queen." 4to. half calf. 1690 /- /j 822 BANISHED VIRGIN \Tlu\ from the Italian,/^ calf. Lond. 1635 /823 BANKES ( John), The Rival Kings. 4to. Lond. 1677 824 Cyrus the Great. 4to. Lond. 1696 825 Virtue Betrayed, or Anna Bullen. 4to. Lond. 1683 826 Unhappy Favorite, or the Earl of Essex, a Tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1702 j 827 BARNES (Barnaly), The Divil s Charter with the Life and Death of Pope Alexander the Sixth, title written by John Kemble. 4to. calf. Lond. 1607 ^ 828 BARREY (Lo.), Ram-alley, or Merry Trickes, a Comedy. ^ 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1636 Charles Mathews copy, with his book-plate. 829 BATTELL OF ALCAZAR, fought in Barbaric, betweene y ^ Sebastian, King of Portugall, and Abdelmelee, King * <* "f~~ of Morocco, with the Death of Capt. Stukeley. 4to. half morocco, very scarce. Lond. 1594 Shakspcare has pointed his ridicule at this play in a parody on the words, Feed, and be fat, &c. 5 66 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 830 BEAUMARCHAIS (Euvres, half calf, 3 vols. 24mo. Paris, 1825 831 BEAUMONT and Fletcher s Comedies and Tragedies, never printed before, very fine impression of the por trait of Fletcher 1y Marshall, title laid down, folio, very neat old calf, fine clean copy, sold in Roscoe s sale, 4: 5s. ; Drury s, 6 6s. 1647 First collected edition, with numerous commendatory pieces by Cokaine, Lovelace, Habington, Stanley, Buck, Earle, Cartwright, Ben Jonson, Herrick, &c. &c. 832 BEAUMONT and Fletcher s Comedies and Tragedies, Edited by George Colman, 4 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1811 833 BEAUMONT and Fletcher, Works, with an Introduction by George Darley, 2 vols. royal 8vo. half calf . Maxon, Lond. 1839 834 BEAUMONT and Fletcher, The Works of; the Text formed from a New Collation of the Early Editions, with Notes and a Biographical Memoir, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce, 12 vols. 8vo. half calf, lettered con tents. Lond. 1843 " Elaborate, without being overloaded. It has done for the text of the united Dramatists, perhaps, nearly all that it was possible to do." Quarterly Review. " Two men once united by friendship and forever by fame, the Dioscuri of our Zodiac, rose upon the horizon as the star of Shakespeare, though still in its fullest brightness, was declining in the sky. In Comedy they founded a new school, at least in England, the vestiges of which are still to be traced in our theatre. Their language bril liant with wit, their measure, though they do not make great use of prose, very lax and rapid, running frequently to lines of thirteen and fourteen syllables. Few of their comedies are without a mix ture of grave sentiments or elevated characters ; and though there is much to condemn in their indecency and even licentiousness of principle, they never descend to the coarse buffoonery not unfre- quent in their age. Never were dramatic poets more thoroughly gentlemen according to the standard of their times." Hallam. -4T" 835 BEAUMONT and Fletcher, Woman Hater, acted with great applause, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1648 -30 836 The same, first edition, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1607 837 - The Knight of the Burning Pestle, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1635 838 The same, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1635 -./-/? 839 Cupid s Revenge, ^to.half morocco. Lond. 1635 840 Another edition, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1630 841 Scornefull Lady, a Comedy, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1639 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 67 *jj 842 BEAUMONT and Fletcher, King and no King, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1631 Jf 843 - Philaster, or Love lies a Bleeding, 4to. half vellum. Loud. 1639 ^J~ 844 Another copy, 4to. sewed. 1652 / 845 The Tragedy of Thierry, King of France, and his Brother Theodoret, 4to. rare. Lond. 1021 . j?4t 846 - - Another edition, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1631 ^T~847 Faithful Shepherdesse, by John Fletcher, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1629 y?r~ 848 Elder Brother, a Comedy, by John Fletcher, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1637 v-*V 849 Monsieur Thomas, a Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1639 \S.r~ 850 Wit without Money, a Comedie, 4to. half mo rocco. Lond. 1639 ^j- 851 Tragedy of Rollo, Duke of Normandy, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1640 ^ 852 The Night-Walker, or the Little Thiefe, a Co- medy, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1640 >^ 853 Spanish Curate, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1718 <&{< 854 Beggar s Bush, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1717 *f 855 Another edition, kto. half morocco. Lond. 1661 s~& 856 The Coxcombe, a Comedy, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1718 v*V 857 The Loyal Subject, a Tragic Comedy, half vel lum. Lond. 1717 Humorous Lieutenant, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1697 859 Another edition, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1717 .1? 860 - Maid in the Mill, a Comedy, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1718 *?S~ 861 Prophetess, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1717 .r#> 862 Scornful Lady, a Comedy, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1691 < t f& 863 Royal Merchant, or Beggar s Bush, a Comedy (same as Beggar s Bush), 4to. half vellum. Lond. v.d. *?S~ 864 - Bloody Brother, or Rollo, a Tragedy, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1718 <?4r 865 Maid s Tragedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1686 ,/j~~ 866 Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, a Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1697 Si 867 A King and no King, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1686 /.? 868 Demetrius and Enanthe, being the Humorous Lieutenant, a Pleasant Comedie, edited by Alex. Dyce, 8vo. srwed. Lond. 1830 68 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 869 BEAUMONT and Fletcher, Wilde Goose Chase, a Gome- die, Eetrieved, by and for the benefit of, John Lowin and Joseph Taylor, fine, copy, folio. Lond. 1652 " Beaumont and Fletcher are lyrical and descriptive poets of the first order ; every page of their writings is a florilegium ; there is hardly a passion, character, or situation, which they have not touched in their devious range, and whatever they touched, they adorned with some new grace or striking feature ; they are masters of style and versification in almost every variety of melting modulation or sounding pomp, of which they are capable : in comic wit and spirit, they are scarcely surpassed by any writers of any age." Hazlitt. " In the romantic Drama, Beaumont and Fletcher are almost supreme. Their plays are, in general, most truly delightful. I could read the Beggar s Bush from morning to night. How sylvan and sunshiny it is ! The Little French Lawyer is excellent. Lawrit is conceived and executed from first to last in comic humor. Monsieur Thomas is also capital. I have no doubt whatever that the first act and the first scene of the second act of The Two Noble Kinsmen, are Shakes peare s. " Coleridge. 870 BEAUTIES and Spirit of English Tragedy, a Companion to the Beauties of Shakspeare, half calf , 12mo. Lond. 1833 871 BECKET (Gilbert Abbot), Dramatic and Prose Miscellanies, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1838 The author was one of the wittiest writers of the day. 873 BECKINGHAM (Chas.) Henry IV. of France, a Tragedy, 8vo. curious portrait, rare, half bound. Lond. 1720 874 BEHN (Mrs.) The Dramatic Works of, 2 vols. 8vo. very rare, half calf , stained. Lond. 1702 Mrs. Behn s Comedy, " The Widow Ranter," is founded on the story of Col. Bacon s Insurrection in Virginia, on which obscure part of his tory it throws much light, exhibiting strongly the mismanagement of the Colony, the incompetence of the authorities, &c., and the state of affairs which led to the outbreak. /./J 875 - City Heiress, or Sir Timothy Treat All, 4to. Lond. 1682 ^/2^ 876 False Count, or a New Way to Play an Old Game, 4to. Lond. 1697 877 BELL S British Theatre, consisting of the most esteemed English Plays, with upwards of 300 fine scene and char acter Prints, after designs by Smirke, Fuseli, and others (including portraits of the most celebrated performers}, 34 vols. 12mo. half calf. 1791-95 " But of the modern stage down to the writings of Morton and Reynolds, get possession of a choice copy, considered with reference to the plates, of Bell s edition. The portraits of the actors, in the princi pal parts of the respective dramas, are admirably executed, and ex hibit the dresses in which the scenes were first performed." Dibdin. OLD ENGLISH AN1) FOHEIGN DRAMAS, ETC. OU $78 BELL (A.) Count Clcrmcnt and Cain s Poranius, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1841 879 BETTERTON (T/tos.) The Prophetess, wants title, 4to. Lond. 1690 880 BLACKET (Joseph), Remains, Poems, Dramatie Sketches, &c., and Memoirs of his Life, by Pratt, 2 vols. 12mo. boards, uncut. Lond. 1811 881 BLADEN (Morton}, Solon; or Philosophy no Defence against Love, a Tragi-comedy, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1705 882 BOILEAU (Nicolas), (Euvres de, fine plates, 2 vols. 4to. old calf. Amsterdam, 1718 "Boileau may be compared to the dog, whose sagacity is remarkable, as well as its fawning on its master, and its snarling on those he dislikes. If Hoileau was too stern to admit the pliancy of grace, he compen sates by good sense and propriety. He is like (for I will drop ani mals) an upright magistrate, whom you may respect, but whoso public justice and severity leave an awe that discourages familiar- ity." HorJts of HOT. Walpole, vol. V, p 6(JO. / 2J~~ ^3 - > The Works of, made English from the last Paris edition by several hands, to which is prefixed his Life, by Des Maiseaux, plates, 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1712 " Boileau is the analogue of Pope in French Literature." Hallam. 884 BOOTH (77.) Sebastian, a Tragedy, Svo. pp. 96. Lond. 1823 885 BOUNDEX (James), Fortress of Rotzbcrg, or the Swiss Patriots, a Play, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 886 BOYLE (C. Earl of Orrery), As You Find It, a Comedy, half calf, 4to. " 1703 887 - (Roger, Earl of Orrery), Dramatic Works of, with portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1739 S88 BRATUWAIT (Richard), Mercurius Britanicus, or the English Intelligencer, a Tragi-comedy, at Paris, small 4to. 1641 Political subjects, Ship money, Judges Hutton and Cooke, are attacked in it ; Pryune is introduced as Prinner, &c. 889 BREWER (Anthony}, The Love-sick King, an P^nglish Tragical History, with the Life and Death of Cartes- munda, the fair nun of Winchester, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1655 > 890 - Another copy, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1655 - vide Lots 812 and 1099. 891 BRIDE of Fort Edward, founded on an incident of the devolution, 12mo. chth, pp. 174. N. Y. 1839 70 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 892 BRITISH Enchanters, or no Magick like Love: A Tra gedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1706 This is by Lord Lansdowne. " Its success was great." Baker. 893 BRITISH Farces, a collection of, 6 vols. 12mo. Edin. 1786 893*Do. vols. 2, 3, 4, and 5, 12mo. Edin. 1786 /894 BRITISH Theatre, Collection of the best Tragedies and ^ \ Comedies, numerous fine %)lates, costumes, portraits, &c., 19 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1776 , (S94*BRIT1SH Theatre, plates, calf, 19 vols. 8vo. (vol. 3 miss ing.) Lond. 1776 v895 BRITISH Theatre, Inchbald s excellent edition, with bio graphical and critical notes, and numerous engravings, containing portraits of eminent actors in their favorite characters, 20 vols. 12mo. cloth. 1808-9 / 896 BROME (Richard), The Northern Lasse: A Comedie, sm. 4to. Lond. 1632 897 Queene s Exchange : A Comedy, sm. 4to. Lond. 1657 898 Sparagus Garden, acted 1635, sm. 4to. Lond. 1640 899 Joviall Crew, or The Merry Beggars : A Comedie, sm. 4to. Lond. .1652 900 Another Edition, la. 4to. Lond. 1708 901 Five new Plays Madd Couple Well Macht; Novella ; Court Begger ; City Witt ; Damoiselle. 1653 902 Five new Plays English Moor, or the Mock Marriage; Love-Sick Court; Covent Garden Weeded; New Academy ; Queen and Concubine, 1659, 2 vols. uniform, half calf , 8vo. Lond. Brome was a servant to Ben. Jonson, but wrote himself into notice. 903 BROOKE (Fulke Greville, Lord), Learned and Elegant Works, containing Alaham and Mustapha, Tragedies, &c., autograph of T. AVarton, half calf , folio. Lond. 1633 " Passion, Character, and Interest of the highest order, all frozen and made rigid with intellect." Charles Lamb. , j-& 904 BROWN (D. P.) Sertorius and Prophet of St. Pauls, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. calf, extra gilt. Phil. 1830-36 905 BROWN (Tom], Physick Lies a Bleeding, or the Apothe- . J?fi cary Turned Doctor: A Comedy, acted every day in most of ve Apothecaries Shops in London, 4to. Lond. 1697 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 71 906 BUCKINGHAM (Duke of), the Chances, altered from Beau mont and Fletcher, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1692 907 BUCKINGHAM (George Villiers, Duke of), genuine Works, half calf, 12mo. Edit). 908 BULLOCK S Octavius, a Tragic Drama in Five Acts, seived, 8vo. Lond. 1831 909 BURGOYNE (Lieut. Gen. T.) Dramatic and Poetical Works, to which is prefixed a memoir of the author, embel- lislied ict th copper -plates, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808 910 BURKE (J.) Female Patriotism, or the Death of Joan D Arc, 12mo. N. Y. 1798 911 BURN (D.) Plays and Fugitive Pieces, Svo. boards. Ilobart Town, 18-12 912 BURNABY (Chas.) Reformed Wife, a Comedy, I. 4to. Lond. 1700 913 - the same, 2d Edition, La. 4to. Lond. 1700 914 - Ladies Visiting-Day, La. 4to. Lond. 1701 915- - Modish Husband, La. 4to. Lond. 1702 916 CAESAR AND POMPEY (The Tragedy of), or Ca3sar s Re- , venge ("a later edition of this play was published in 1607, staling it was acted by the students of Trinity Coll., Ox ford"), 4to. 0. E.for John Wright. Lond. n. d. 917 CALDERON DE LA BARCA, Comedie, 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1823 " His boundless and inexhaustible fertility of invention, the loftiness and purity of his sentiments, and the rich facility of his verse, entitle him to a high rank as to the Imaginative aud Creative faculty of a poet." Quar. Review. 918 CAMILLO (Giutio) Opere; Discorso in Materia del suo Theatro, &c. 2 vols. 18mo. vellum. Venez. 1584 7 919 CAMPEZZI (It.) II Taucredi Tragedia, 4to. vellum, from Jolly s Library. S. n. Y. a. J7 920 CARLELL (Lodoicicke), Deserving Favorite, acted at Blacke-Friers, 1st Edit., 4to., interleaved. Lond. 1629 //j- 921 another Copy, seived, 4to. 1629 . yr- 922 another Edition, frontispiece, 4to. Lond. 1659 jy 923 - IIeraclius,Emperour of the East, a Tragedy from Corneille, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1664 924 Arviragus and Philicia, in two parts, 12mo. interleaved in 4to. Lond. 1639 925 The Passionate Lovers, Svo. interleaved in 4to. Lond. 1655 926 CARLILE (James), The Fortune Ilunters, 4to. half calf. 1689 72 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. CARLISLE, Earl of, see Howard. 927 CARPENTER (Richard), New Play called The Pragmati cal Jesuit, interleaved, 4to. Lond., circa 1657 928 CARTWRIGHT (Wm.) Comedies, Tragi-comedies, with other Poems, by Mr. William Cartwright, late stu- d en t of Christ Church in Oxford, and Proctor of the University. The Ayres and Songs set by Mr. Henry Lawes, servant to his late Majesty in his publick and private musick, rare, Portrait, 8vo. Lond. 1651 Cartwright died at the early age of thirty-two, but he lived long enough to earn the distinguished praise of Ben Jonson, who used to say of him "My son, Cartwright, writes all like a man." Judging from the commendatory poems, which are more than fifty in number, attached to this volume, it would appear that Cartwright was much beloved and admired by all the great writers of the time. The last of the commendatory poems is by Isaac Walton. " On the Death of my dear Friend, Mr. William Cartwright," one of the few specimens of the muse of the good old Isaac. 929 - Another copy, no title or portrait. 930 CARTWRIGHT (W.) The Eoyal Slave, a Tragi-comedy, presented to the King and Queen by the Students of Christ Church, Oxford, 1st edition, small 4to. MS. Note by John Mitford. Oxford, 1639 931 CARYL (John), An English Princess, or Death of Rich- jy ard the Third, a Tragedy written in 1666-1667; Sir Salomon, or The Cautious Coxcomb, a Comedy, 1691, in 1 vol. 4to. Lond. 1691 932 CENTLIVRE (Susannah), Original editions of her Plays, * , z The Man s Bewitched, Love at a Venture, 1706 ; Tho Gamester, 1708; A Bickerstaff s- Burying, or Work for the Upholders, a Farce, in 1 vol. La. 4to. Lond. / 7s~ ^ ^e Beau s Duel, or a Soldier for the Ladies, a Comedy, La. 4to. Lond. 1702 These plays are justly admired for their lively incidents, genteel lan guage, and humorous descriptions of real life. *J2? 934 CHAMBERLAINE (TMer/!), Swaggering Damsell, a Comedy, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1640 935 ( William), Love s Victory, a Tragi-comedy, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1658 This play was afterwards acted under the name of Wits led by the Nose. /7 936 CHAPMAN (George), Al Fooles, a Comedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1605 937 -- All Fools, and Wisdom s Tears, 4to. half calf, large paper copy. Lond. 1780 , j 7 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DltAMAS, ETC. 73 938 CHAPMAN (George), Jonson, and Marston, Eastward Hoc, as it was playd in the Black-friers, stained, 4to. 1(505 ** The first edition, containing the passage reflecting on tho Scots, which gave such offence to James I. that the authors were im prisoned for writing it, and were compelled to cancel it in tho sub sequent edition. 939 Gentleman Usher, half morocco. Lond. 1GOG 940 Monsieur D Olive, a Comedie, half calf . 4to. Lond. 1606 941 - - Bussy D Ambois, a Tragedie, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1641 942 Ovsar and Pompey, a Koman Tragedy, first and only edition, small 4to. sewed. Lond. 1631 943 - Tlie Conspiracie and Tragedie of Charles, Duke of Byron, Marshal of France, sew>d, 4to. Lond. 1608 944 Another edition, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1G25 945 Another copy, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1625 94G Second Part, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1G25 May-dav, a witty Comedie, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1611 . .j /> 948 The Revenge of Bussy D Ambois, a Tragedy, as it hath been often presented at the private playhouse in the White Fryers, first edition, small 4to. scivcd. Lond. 1613 < 949 - Another edition, 4to. Lond. 1623 , 950 Widdowe s Teares, a Comedie, 4to. half calf. * 1612. *- 951 Old English Drama, Two Wise Men and all the restFooles, or a Comicall Morall, censuring the follies of this age, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1619 952 The Tragedy of Alphonsus, Emperor of Ger many, first ami only edition, small 4to. saved. Lond. 1654 953 Second Maiden s Tragedy, sewed, 8vo. Lond. 1824 954 The Tragedie of Chabot, Admirall of France, as it was presented by her Majesty s Servants at the Private House in Drury Lane, written by George Chapman and James Shirley, small 4to. half caff, scarce. 1639 Shirley, the principal author of this play, was once of Gray s Inn, and a poet much esteemed in the days of Charles I. ; he wrote 37 pieces and died shortly after. Chapman was well received among tho poetic writers of that age for his translations as well as his original writings. He joined with Ben Jonson in composing the play called Eastward Hoe. He also translated Homer, Hesiod and MIIS.TUS, which works were esteemed well done in that infancy of translation. His theatrical pieces are 13 in number. 74 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 955 CHENIER (M. J. <fc), Theatre de, 3 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1821 956 CHERRY (A) The Travellers, Soldier s Daughter, and Peter the Great, 8vo. half calf. 180(3 /& 957 CHESTER Plays, a collection of Mysteries, edited by Wright, (Sh. Soc.) 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. 1843 70 958 CHETTLE (Henry\ Tragedy of Hoffman, or a Revenge for a Father, 1631. Kind-Heart s Dream, edited by E. F. Eimbault, in 2 vols. half calf, 4to. Lond. 1841 959 Kind-Heart s Dream, 8vo. seived. Lond. 1841 960 GIBBER (Colley), Plays, 2 vols. large 4to. Lond. 1721 961 Plays, 5 vols. half calf , 12mo. Lond. 1777 962 Glue to the Comedy of the Non Juror, by N. Eowe, 1718; 3 Letters on Gibber, &e., 4 Tracts, 12mo. Lond. Gibber s name is frequently introduced in Boswell s Life of Johnson. Boswell " Gibber was a man of observation ?" Johnson " I think not." 963 CICERO, A Drama, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1847 964 CLIVE (Ifrs.) The Rehearsal, or the Boys in Petticoats, a Comedy, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1753 965 COKAIN (Sir Aston), Choice Poems of several sorts: with 3 new Plays, viz.: The Obstinate Lady, a Comedy, Trappolin supposed a Prince, a Tragi-Comedy, The Tragedie of Ovid, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1669 According to Ellis, Cokain may be consulted with advantage by those who search after anecdotes of contemporary characters or pictures of their manners. Many of the poems, epigrams, &c., are addressed to various Gentry in Derbyshire and Staffordshire. 966 COLLECTION of Dramatic Pieces, vol. 1, boards. Lond. 1795 967 COLMAN (Geo.the Younger), The Iron Chest, a Play, with a preface and postscript, 2d edition, 8vo. half calf, port inserted. Lond. 1796 The title is as follows : " The Principal Characters" "By Mr. Kemble, &c." Drury Lane Play-bill. " I had as lieve the town-crier had spoke my lines." Shakspeare. 968 COMIC Theatre ; a Free Translation of all the best French ^ Comedies, by Samuel Foote, Esq., and others, 5 vols. 12 mo. calf. Lond. 1762 969 COOKE (John), Green s Tuquoque Comedy, interleaved, no title, 4to. Lond. 1599 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 75 970 CONGRKVE (William), Mourning Bride, a Tragedy, La. 4to. Lond. " If I were required to select from the whole mass of English poetry the most poetical paragraph, I know not what I could prefer to an excla mation in the Mourning Bride." Dr. Johnson. 971 -- Love for Love, a Comedy, La. 4to. Lond. 1704 972 another copy, La. 4 to. Lond. 1695 972* - Double Dealer, a Comedy, La. 4to. Lond. 1094 " Wo have had in Congreve a humorous observer in another school to whom the world seems to have had no moral at all, and whose ghastly doctrine seems to be that we should oat and drink and be merry when we can, and go to the deuce (if there bo a deuce) when the time comes." Thacktray. COREY, Se > CORYE. 973 CORNEILLE (P.) Les chef d CEuvrcs de, 12mo. calf. Oxford, 1746 Horace Walpole s copy, with his autograph and book-plate. 974 CORNEILLE, Theatre de, calf, 8vo. 17G4 , s $ 975 CORNEILLE (P.) Othon Tragedie, sewed, 12mo. Paris, 1G6G "The greatest of the French dramatic poets. He was born at Rouen, in 1G06, and for some time practiced in that city as an advocate. His first dramatic performance was Mi-lite, a comedy, which met with such distinguished success, that he was encouraged to devote his rare powers to the drama. The tragedies of Medea, The Cid, The Horatii, and Cinna, followed, and established for their author a pre-eminent station among French dramatists. Besides the fore going, he wrote many other tragedies, and translated Thomas ,\ Kempis, On the Imitation of Jesus Christ. It is melancholy to reflect that Corneille, who had achieved fame equally for himself and his country s literature, ended his days in poverty and distress. Died 1684." 976 CORNISH Plays, two Ancient Cornish Plays, Mount Cal- vary and the Creation of the World, written in tho Cornish language with the translation, by J. Keigwin, edited by Davies Gilbert, 2 vols. in 1, half calf, 8vo. (See also Dialects.) Lond. 1826-7 977 CORNWALL (Barry), i.e. Proctor s Dramatic Scenes, with other Poems, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1857 978 CORYE (J.) Generous Enemies, or the llidiculous Lovers, a Comedy, half calf, I. 4to. Lond. 1672 A compilement or rather plagiarism from other authors. Loicndes. 979 - Cure for Jealousie, a Comedy, 1701, Metamor phosis, translated from Molidre, in 1 vol, half calf, large 4to. Lond. v. y. 980 COSTLIE Whore, a Comicall Iljstorie acted by tho com- panie of the Revels, inlerleav&I, 4to. Lond. 1633 COWLEY (A.) The Works of, vide Poetry. J s 76 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 983 COWLEY (A.) The Guardian: A Comedie acted 1641, half caJf. Lond. 1650 " This title was changed, and the play much altered ; it was called the Cutter of Colman Street." See MS. Note. 984 Love s Riddle, a Pastoral Comedy ; Naufragium Joe ul are, unbound, folio. Load. 1681 985 COWLEY (Mrs.} The Runaway, 8 vo. 1776 986 COXE (0. C.) Saul, a Mystery, 12rno. boards. N. Y. 1845 987 CROESIUS, King of Lydia, a Tragedy, 4to. cloth. Pickering, 1845 z- 988 CRAUFURD (David), Love at First Sight, a Comedy, 4to. Lond. 1704 // 989 CREBILLON (P.J. de), (Euvres Completes, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt edge. Paris, 1785 1 ^,r" 990 CRICKET on the Hearth, a MS. prompt copy and sundry others. 991 CRISP, Virginia, a Tragedy, 8vo. Lond. 1754 992 CRITICAL Eemarks on the Four Taking Plays of this Season, sewed, 12mo. Lond. 1719 993 CROSS (J. C.} Dramatic Works, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1812 994 CROKER (Thomas Crofton), Recollections of Old Christ mas, a Masque, wood-cuts, sewed, privately printed, 4to. 1850 995 CROWNE (John), Juliana, Charles 8th of France, The //. Country Wit, The Chaste Nimph, &c., &c., from 1671 to 1693, all first editions, 4 vols. 4to. half calf , fine. Lond. 996 CROWNE (John), The Dramatic Works of, containing 13 plays, the original editions, collected and bound in 4 vols. 4to. half calf , very rare. Lond. v. y. " Crowne was the son of an Independent Minister in New England, who sought his fortune in England, and became a dramatic writer of considerable eminence, being patronized by the Earl of Rochester, and put forward by him in opposition to Dryden ; no collected edi tion of his works has appeared ; they are, consequently, very rare." /2_ 999 CUMBERLAND (Geo.) Mysterious Husband, a Tragedy, interleaved, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1785 1000 DABORN (Robert], Christian Turned Turke; or, The Tragical Lives and Deaths of the two famous Pyrates, Ward and Dansiker, 1612. The Poore Man s Comfort, a Tragi-comedy, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1655 ff 1001 DANIEL (Saml.) The Queene s Arcadia, a Pastoral Tragi-comedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1623 " Both in prose and poetry he is, as to language, among the best writers of his time." Hallain. OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 77 1002 DANCER (John), Agrippa, King of Alba, from Mons. Quinault, La. 4to. Lond. 1675 *. - Nicomede, a Tragi-comedy, translated from Corneille, La. 4to. Lond. 1671 1003 D ANCOURT, G^uvres, augmentees do plusieurs Com edies qui n avoient point etd imprimues, plates, 9 vols. calf, 12rno. Paris, 1729 .r 1004 D AvENANT (Charles), Circe, a Tragedy, as acted at the Duke of York s Theatre, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1685 1005 - (Sir Wm.) The Works of Sir William d Ave- nant, Kt., consisting of those which were formerly _ printed, and those which he designed for the press, now published out of the author s original copies, portrait by Faithorne, bound in 2 vols., folio. Lond. 1673 // 1006 - The Rivals, a Comedy (not in his works), 4to. Lond. 1668 1007 - Another copy. 1008 - - The Cruell Brother, a Tragedy, sm. 4to. Lond. 1630 1010 - Salmacida Spolia, a Masque, presented by the King and Queene s Majesties, at Whitehall, Jan y 21, 1839, invention, ornament, scenes, d c., by Iniyo Jones, musick by Lewis Richard; masques, Charles /"., JIenn<-tta Maria, Duke and Bp. of Lenox, Earl of Carlisle, Ctss. of Carnarvon, Earl and Ctss. Newport, &c. (not in his works), sm. 4to. 1639 Siege of Rhodes, 2 parts, La. 4to. Lond. 1663 Siege of Rhodes, part I., imperfect, 4to. Lond. 1659 - 1013 DAVENPORT (Robert], a Pleasant and Witty Comedy, called a New Tricke to Cheat the Divel, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1639 . 1014 - The City Night Cap, or Crede quod habes, et habes, a Tragi-comedy, halfrussia, 4to. Lond. 1661 New Tricke to Cheat the Divel, 1639; Bloodie Banquet, 1639, by T. D. (see MS. note of Fullerton); King John and Matilda, 1655; The City Night-Cap, 1661, in 1 vol., morocco extra, calf back, 4to. Lond. v. y. < -. 1016 DAY (John), The Isle of Gulls, 1633; Humor out of , Breath, a Comedy, 1608; The Parliament of Bees, with their proper characters, or a Bee-hive furnisht with twelve Iloney-combes, as pleasant as profitable, tuoodcuts, interleaved, unbound, 4to. 1641 78 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1017 DAY (John), The Travaills of the Three English Brothers, Sir Thomas, Sir Anthony, and Mr. Kobert (*- /a/& Shirley, historical play,/ne copy, 4to. 1607 The author was assisted in this by Wm. Rowley and Geo. Wilkins. J./ r r~ 1018 DEKKER (Thomas), Pleasant Ccmedie of Old Fortunatus, blade letter, unbound, 4to. Lond. 1600 ^/..f tf 1019 Satiro-mastix, or the Untrussing of the Humor ous Poet, fine copy, interleaved, 4to. Lond. 1602 Satiro mastix, or the Untrussing the Humorous Poet, a Play, privately acted by the children of Paules, 4to. calf. 1602 A very rare and curious satire, in which Dekker ridiculed Ben Jonson under the name of Horace. *j~~ 1020 Second Part of the Honest Whore, with the Humors of the Patient Man, sewed, 4 to. Lond. 1630 J/ 1021 Honest Whore, Dodsley s edition, 8vo. inter leaved in 4to. Lond. 1780 7 . / 7 /-~1022 and Webster, Westward Hoe, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1607 .7j~ 1023 and Webster, Northward Hoe, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1607 J.JJ 1024 Whore of Babylon, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1609 JL025 The Eoaring Girle, or Moll Cut-purse, a Play, ^ 1611, Dodsley s reprint, 8vo. interleaved in 4to. Lond. 1780 /.j-y 1026 If it be not good the Divel is in it, a new Play, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1612 j# 1027 A Tragi-comedy, called Match Me in London. sewed, 4 to. Lond. 1632 */- 1028 Another copy (title wanting), 4to. Lond. Vr-1029 The Wonder of a Kingdome. 1636 .^ 1030 Another, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1636 //. yy 1031 Shoemakers Holiday, or Gentle Craft, with the Humorous Life of Simon Eyre, shoemaker, and Lord Mayor of London, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1618 j-fl 1032 Sun s Darling, a Moral Masque, by John Foard and , half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1657 , /s~ 1033 Keprint, 8vo. Lond. n. d. - 1034 Virgin Martyr, a Tragedy, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1651 ~ 1035 Another edition, half vellum, 4to. Lond. 1661 1036 Another copy, half calf . 1037 Patient Grissel, a Comedy, by Dekker, Chettle, and Ilaughton. (Shakesp. Soc.) 8vo. Lond. 1841 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 79 1038 T)KKKER(Thomas\ History of Patient Grisscll, two early Tracts, sewed, 8vo. (Percy Soc.) Lond. 18-12 1039 - A Knight s Conjuring, Done in Earnest, Dis covered in Jest, edited by Kimbault, sewed, 8vo. (Percy Soc.) Lond. 1842 1040 - Witch of Edmonton, by Rowley, Dekker, and Ford, snced, 8vo. Lond. n. d. //. r/> 1041 The Gull s Hornbook, reprint, half calf, 4to. Bristol, 1812 "The pamphlets and plays of Dekker alone would furnish a more com plete view of the habits and customs of his contemporaries in vul gar and middle life, than could easily be collected from all tlu grave annals of the times." Quarterly Review. 1042 DELAVIGNE (C.) Theatre de. 2 vols. 8vo. Par. 1826 v>^ 1043 - (Euvres Completes de. Royal 8vo. half calf . Paris, 1830 - */y 1044 DENIIAM (Sir John), Poems and Translations, with the Sophy, a Tragedy. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1709 ^ , 1045 DENNIS (John), Select Works. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1718 y/ 1046 - - A Plot and no Plot, a Comedy. 4to. sewed. Lond. 1697 Jj" 1047 Rinaldo and Armida, a Tragedy. 4to. sewed. Lond. 1699 ././ 1048 Iphigena, a Tragedy. 4to. sewed. Lond. 1700 . Zr~ 1049 - Comical Gallant, or the Amours of Sir John Falstaff (altered from Shakspeare s Merry Wives of Windsor), 4to. sewed. Lond. 1702 , .fj 1050 Liberty Asserted, a Tragedy (autograph of the Duke of Lauderdale), 4to. sewed Lond. 1704 x^r^ 1051 Gibraltar, or the Spanish Adventure, a Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1705 1052 Invader of his Country, a Tragedy, 8vo. seived. Lond. 1720 1052* Rinaldo and Armida, 10 yols. 4to. - /^Xr^ Lond. v. d. 1053 DE VADE, OEuvres Complettes, 2 vols. 18mo. Troyes, 1798 1054 D llARLEViLLE (C.) CEuvres Choises, 18mo. Paris, 1822 f . 1055 DIGBY (Lord) Eloisa, or the Worst not always True, a Comedy, small 4to. calf. Lond. 1667 80 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. / 1056 DILKE (Thomas], Lover s Luck, a Comedy, 4to. sewed. Jf I Lond. 1696 1057 Pretenders, or the Town Unmaskt, a Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1698 1058 DILKE S (T. W.) Old English Drama. Old Plays, edited by C. W. Dilke, 6 vols. 8vo., calf gilt, scarce. Lond. 1844 Contains plays by Chapman, Marston, Rowley, Tourneur, Lily, &c., not reprinted in Dodsley, or any of the modern collections. 1059 DODSLEY S Select Collection of Old Plays, 12 vols. 12 mo. half calf. Lond. 1744 1060 - Old Plays, best edition. Select Collection of Old English Plays (comprising the Works of the Elizabethan Dramatists), new edition, with Notes, Corrections, and Additions, by Isaac Reed, Octavius Gilchrist, and the Editor (J. Payne Collier, Esq.), 13 vols. small 8vo. half calf , contents of each volume lettered on the back, scarce. Lond. 1825 We may here perceive how this noble generation of poets, some of whose names are not familiar to us, have moulded our language with the images of their fancy, and strengthened it by the stability of their thoughts . D Isra eli. 1061 DRUE (Tkos.) The Life of the Duches of Suffolke, as it hath been divers times acted (ascribed by Langbaine to Ileywood), 4to. 1631 1062 DKUR^KI (G-uilielmo, Nobili Anglo], Dramatica Poemata. Alvredus, Tragico Comoedia, Mors, Comoedia, Repa- ratus, Tragico Comoedia, half calf, 24mo. Duaci, 1628 1063 DRYDEN (John], Works, with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott, 18 vols. 8vo. half calf, lettered. Lond. 1808 Pope s admiration of Dryden is well known ; he declared, " he could select from his works better specimens of every mode of poetry, than any other English writer could supply. Speaking of his writ ings, he says, as to his writings, I may venture to say, in general terms, that no man hath written in our language, so much, and so various matter, and in so various manners, so well. . . . His prose had all the clearness imaginable, together with all the noble ness of expression, all the graces and ornaments proper and peculiar to it, without deviating into the language of poetry." Congreve. 1064 Dramatic Works of, being a Collection of the Original Quartos, Collected and Collated by W. E. Burton, 3 vols. fine half calf, 4to. Lond. 1669 to 1680 . 17 plays in all, a rare collection of the original editions. OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 81 1065 DRYDEN (John), Albion and Albanius, 4 to. sewed. Lond. 1G91 1066 - - King Arthur, or The British Worthy, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1691 1067 Clcomcnes, the Spartan Hero, a Tragedy, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1692 / 2- 1068 Don Sebastian, King of Portugal, a Tragedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1692 /z. 1069 - All for Love, or World Well Lost, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1703 *Sj~~ 1070 Aurcngzebe, a Tragedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1694 1071 Amboyna, a Tragedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1691 . / z- 1072 Conquest of Granada, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1695 /# 1073 Tyrannick Love, or The Royal Martyr, a Tra gedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1693 /2- 1074 - Sir Martin Marall, or Feigned Innocence, a Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1691 /^ 1075 Itival Ladies, a Tragic Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1664 /i- 1076 Another edition, 4to. sewed. Loud. 1693 1077 Wild Gallant, a Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1694 /2i, 1078 Spanish Fryar, or the Double Discovery, 4to. half bound. Lond. 1717 1079 Love Triumphant, or Nature will Prevail, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1694 1080 The Revolter, a Trage-Comedy, acted between the Hind and Panther, and lleligio Laici, &c. 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1687 1081 DDCIS (J. F.) (Euvres, 24mo. half morocco. Paris, 1824 " M. Lemercier ranks this writer, and very justly, above Crebillon, who with the terrible has no mixture of tenderness. M. Ducis unites them both." Ventouillac. 1081* DUNLAP S Collection of Plays, 8vo. Autograph of J. H. HacketL N. Y. 1800 1082 D URFEY (Thos.) Madam Fickle, or The Witty False One, a Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1642 1083 Love for Money, or The Boarding-School, a Comedy, 4to. seived. Lond. 1691 1084 Wonders in the Sun, or the Kingdom of the Birds, a Comick Opera, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1706 03 1084* EFFINGHAM (C.) Virginia Comedians, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, (vol. 1.) N. Y. 1856 1#35 ENGLISH and American Stage, &c. 15 vols. odd, 12mo. 6 82 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1086 ENGLISH Theatre, 8 vols. 12mo. calf, odd. Lond. 1776 / ,__ 1087 ETHEREGE (iV George), Works, containing his Poems and Plays, ^Q. half calf. Lond. 1704 1088 Works, containing his Poems and Plays, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1735 1089 Comical Kevenge, or Love in a Tub, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1669 1090 Another edition, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1697 1091 Another edition, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1689 1092 - Man of Mode, or Sir Fopling Flutter, a Co medy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1684 1093 EURIPIDES Tragedies, translated by Woodhull, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1809 1094 FAIR Captive, a Tragedy, by E. Haywood, 8vo. half calf. 1721 1095 FALKLAND (Henry Lucius Cary\ The Marriage Night, a Play, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1664 1095* Another copy. 1096 FAMOUS Tragedie of King Charles I., basely Butchered, ho,., fine copy, surreptitiously printed, 4to. 1649 " This play seems to have been written by some very strong party man, who thought at so critical a juncture the declaration of his name would have been attended with hazard, perhaps, even his life." Biographia Dramatica. 1097 FANE (Sir Francis}, Love in the Dark, or the Man of Business, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1675 1098 FARQUHAR (6reo.)Love and Business, in a collection of occasionary verse, on the death of General Schom- berg, killed at the Boyne, &c., half calf, 8vo. Lond. 1702 1099 Twin Eivals, a Comedy, half vellum, 4to. Lond. 1703 1100 Constant Couple, or a trip to the Jubilee, a Comedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1701 1101 Inconstant, or the Way to win Him, a Comedy. 1102 FATAL Legacy, a Tragedy, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1723 /./i. 1103 FAUGERES (M. F.) Belisarius, a Tragedy, 8vo. N.Y. 1795 ^jr~1104 FENTON (Elijah), Marianme, a Tragedy, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1723 2f- 1105 FIELD (Nathaniel), A Woman is a Weathercock Amends for Ladies, a Comedy, edited by T. P. Col lier, sewed, 8vo. Lond. 1821 , ,// 1106 FISHER (Jasper), Fuimus Troes, vEneid 2, The True Trojanes, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1633 OLD ENOLISII AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 83 J/ 1107 FLETCHER (John], Tragedy of Rollo, Duke of Norman dy, 4to. half calf. Oxford, 1640 FOOTE (Samuel), Dramatic Works, calf, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1797 1109 Comic Theatre, vols. 2 and 5, 12mo. 1762 1110 Roman and English Comedy, considered and compared, with remarks on the Suspicious Husband, sewed, 8vo. Lond. 1747 /S~~ 1111 Mayor of Garratt, a Comedy, in two acts, illus trated by Seymour, sewed, 12mo. Lond. 1831 /,jy 1112 FORD (John), The Dramatic Works of, with Notes, by Henry Weber, Esq., 2 vols. 8vo. calf, fine. Edin. 1811 . 1113 - Vol. 1, of the same. yj- 1114 - The Dramatic Works of, by Hartley Coleridge, 8vo. half calf. Lond., E. Maxon, 1843 1115 - - the same, Harper s Ed., 8vo. calf. N. Y. 1831 " Ford was of the first order of poets ; he sought for sublimity, not by parcels in metaphor or invisible images, but directly where she has her full residence, in the heart of man, in the actions and suffer ings of the greatest minds." Charles Lamb. 1116 FORD (John), Chronicle Historic of Perkin Warbeck, interleaved, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1634 1117 Love s Sacrifice, a Tragedie, Roxburgh copy, autograph of A. Dyce, 4to. Lond. 1633 /.% H18 Fame s Memorial!, or the Earle of Devon shire, deceased, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1606 ./# 1119 Ladies Trial!, acted in Drury Lane, half vellum, fine copy, 4to. Lond. 1639 / , 1120 Tis Pitty Shee s a Whoore, corner of the title torn off, otherwise fine copy, half calf \ 4to. Lond. 1633 /./ 1121 Tis Pitty Shee s a Whoore, acted at the Phoenix, half nissia, 4to. Lond. 1633 /.J7 1122 - Tis Pity Shee s a Whore, interleaved, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1633 ;j 1123 Tracts by, edited by Jos. Hasehvood Kent. - tfs^ //,;_ 1819 1124 FORDE (Tliomas), Love s Labyrinth, or the Royal Sheperdess, a Tragi-Comedie, 8vo. Lond. 1660 FOUR Old Plays. Three interludes, Thyrsites, Jack Jugler, Hey wood s Pardoner, and Frere and Jocasta, a Tragedy, by Gnscoigne and Kinwelmash, with an introduction and notes, 12mo. half calf. Cambridge, U. S. 1848 84 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1126 FREEMAN (Sir Ralph), Imperiale, a Tragedy, fine copy, half vellum, 4to. Lond. 1655 1127 Another copy, half morocco. Lond. 1655 Highly praised by Langbaine. 1128 Female Fop, or the False One Jilted (by Mr. Sanford), 8vo. half calf. 1724 1129 FRENCH Plays, various, royal 8vo. half calf . Paris, n. d. 1130 FRENCH Tragedies, a collection of, in two thick vols., 8vo. half calf. 1820 1131 GAMBOLD (J.) Martyrdom of Ignatius, a Tragedy, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1773 1132 GARRICK (David), The Dramatic Works of, with the Life of the Author, 3 vols.!2mo. calf. Lond. 1798 " Whose death eclipsed the gaiety of nations." Dr. Johnson. 1134 GAY (John), Plays, with portrait, 18mo. calf. Lond. 1760 1135 GAYTON (K) Will Bagnal s Ghost, or the Merry Devil of Gadmunton, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1655 Not mentioned in the Biographia Dramatica. /# 1136 GAZUL (Clara, a Spanish Comedian), Plays of, with Memoir, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1825 ,,& 1137 GERBiER(6 r eor^re UOuvilly), False Favourite Disgrac d, / and the Keward of Loyalty, a Comedy, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1657 1138 GERMAN Plays, 5 vols. 12mo. v. d. 1139 GHOST (The), or The Woman Wears the Breeches, 4to. 1640. , <^ 1140 GIRAUD (Gco.) Comedie Scelte, 12mo. half bound. Paigi, 1829 /*? 1141 GLAPTHORNE (Henry), The Hollander, a Comedy, seived, 4to. Lond. 1640 /2. 1142 Another copy. 1143 Argalus and Parthenia, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1639 1144 - The Ladies Priviledge, acted at the Cock-pit, Drury-lane, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1640 1145 Wit in a Constable, a Comedie, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1640 1146 Tragedy of Wallenstein, Ladies Priviledge, half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1640 " One of the chiefest dramatic poets of that age (Charles I.)" Winstanley. 1148 GOFFE (Thos.) The Raging Turke, or Bajazet the Se cond, 1st edition, rare, 4to. Lond. 1631 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 85 1149 (ioFFE ( 77*0s.) Couragio us Turk, or Amurath the First, 1st edition rare, vellum, 4to. Lond. 1632 1150 -Three Excellent Tragedies, viz., The Raging Turk, or Bajazet the Second; The Courageous Turk, or Amurath the First; and the Tragedie of Orestes, half calf, Svo. Lond. 1656 1151 - Raging Turk, 8vo., 1656; Courageous Turk, 8vo., 1656; Orestes, 8 vo., 1656; Careless Shepherdes, a tragic comedy, (without the alphabetical catalogue of all such plays that ever were printed), 1656, inter leaved, in 2 vols. half calf, 4to. Lond. 1656 1152 GOLDONI (Carlo), Commcdie, 3 vols. I2mo.half calf. Milan, 1S25 1153 - - Commcdie, 31 j)lates to illustrate. " Les Italiens considerent GoldonI comme ayant porte 1 ajrt dramatic fc son plus liaut degrd de perfection. Goldoiii est aujourd hui, le seul roi de la scuiie couiique." Sismondi. 1154 GOMERSALL (Robert), Poems. Tragedie of Lodovick Sforza, Duke of Milan, &c., half calf, sm. 8vo. Lond. 1633 1155 GORING (Charles), Irene, or the Fair Greek, a Tragedy, half calf ,}*. 4to. Lond. 1708 1156 GOUGII (J.) Strange Discovery, a Tragic Comedy, in terleaved, half calf , 4to. Lond. 164.0 1157 GOULD (E. S.) "The Very Age," a Comedy, 12mo. N. Y. 1850 1158 GOULD (Robert), Rival Sisters, or the Violence of Love, a Tragedie, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1696 1159 GRANVILLE (George, Lord Lansdowne), The Sea-gal lants, a Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1696 1160 Ileroick Love, a Tragedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1698 1161 GRATLE Theatrales, or a choice Ternary of English Plays; Thorney-abbey, or the London-maid, a Tragedy, by T. W.; The Marriage Broker, or the Pandar, by M. W.; Grim, the Collier of Croydon, or the Devil and his Dame, with the Devil and St. Dunstan, a Comedy, by J. T., half calf , 12mo. Lond. 1662 1162 GREENE (Robert), Quip for an Upstart Courtier, or a Quaint Dispute Between Velvet Breeches and Cloth Breeches, Hack letter, woodcut rare, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1635 Pricd Jt 7 7s. in Bib. Aug. Poetica. 86 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. , 1163 GREENE (Thomas} and Thomas Lodge, a Looking-Glasse ^ for London, England, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1617 Sold at Nassau s sale for 7 7s. / , 116-1 Honorable Historic of Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay, sewed cut close, 4to. Lond. 1630 */>,S2 1165 Dramatic Works and Poems, with Life of the Author, and Notes by the Eev. Alex. Dyce, 2 vols. #7 /// Svfrhctlf calf , Pickering. 1831 ^ Greene was one of tEe most popular poets of the Elizabethan period. His dramas contain much real poetry, and are especially valuable as pictures of the wild roystering life of the age. yj 1166 HABINGTON ( William), The Queene of Aragon, a Tragi- / comedie, folio, 1635, with Castara, 12rno. 1635, inter leaved, in folio, half calf. Lond. v. d. 1167 HALM (Frederick), Son of the Wilderness, a Dramatic Poem in five acts, translated by Anthon, sewed, 8vo. N. Y. 18-48 1168 HARDING (Samuel), Sicily and Naples, or The Fatal Union, a Tragedy, sewed, 4to. rare. Oxford, 1640 1169 HARDY (Alex) Le Theatre de, 7 pieces, 12mo. vellum. Paris, 1621 /2_ 1170 HARRIS (Jos.) Mistakes, or the False Eeport, a Tragi comedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1691 VJ* 1171 HARTSON (//.) The Countess of Salisbury, a Tragedy, 8vo. Lond. 1767 , 2j-~ 1172 HAUSTED (P.) Rivall Friends, a Comedie, 1632 ; Senile Odium, 8vo. 1633, Ad Populum, or a Lecture to the People, with a Satyre against Separatists, in 1 vol. 4to. Lond. 1675 1173 HAWKINS (Thomas), Origin of the Old English Drama, ^ _, illustrated in its various species, viz : Mystery, Moral- ^ ity, Tragedy, and Comedy, by specimens from our earliest writers, 3 vols. half calf , 12mo. Oxford, 1773 Contains Hycke Scorner, A Morality, Lusty Juventus, do., King Cam- bises, The Spanish Tragedy, Ferrex and Porrex, Satiro Mastix, Re turn from Parnassus, etc. .// 1174 HAYWARD (John), The Four P s, The Pardoner, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1780 1175 HEYWOOD (Thomas), Love s Mistresse, or the Queene s Masque, publickly acted by the Queene s Comedians, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1640 Inglis copy of original sold for 3 3s. /j 1176 Challenge for Beautie, as it hath beene sundry times aoted, stwed, 4to. Lond. 1636 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 87 1177 HEYWOOD (Thomas), Silver Age, including the Love of Jupiter and Alcmena, the Birth of Hercules, and Rape of Proserpine, concluding with the arraignement of the Moone, first edition, calf extra, very scarce, 4to. Lond. 1612 1178 - - and William Rowley, Fortune by Land and Sea, a Tragi-comedy, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1655 117i) - Another copy, ha If morocco, 4to. Lond. 1655 ?, 1180 Pleasant Comedy, called a Mayden-Head well lost, as it was acted at the Cocke-pit, curious woo<.lcut, half russia, 4to. Lond. 1634 1181 A Woman Kilde with Kindnesse, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1617 1181* Brazen Age; Death of the Centaure Nessus; Tragedy of Meleager; Jason and Medea; Vulcan s Nest, &c., calf, cut close, 4to. Lond. 1613 1182 Wise woman of Ilogsdon, a Comedy, seived, cut close, 4to. Lond. 1638 1183 Rape of Lucrece, a true Roman Tragedy, in- ,j-p different copy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1608 Nassau s copy sold for 18 7s. 6d. ; luglis s, 6 12s. 6d. % / 1184 Rape of Lucrece, 4th edition, half russia, 4to. Lond. 1630 1185 The Rape of Lucrece, 5th edition, with sundry Songs before omitted now inserted in their right places, seived, 4to. Lond. 1638 1186 - Fayre Maide of the Exchange, together with the Merry, Humorous, and Pleasant Passages of the Crip ple of Fanchurche, furnished with a varietie of delec table mirth, half russia, 4to. Lond. 1625 1187 The English Traveller, as ithathbeene publikely acted at the Cock-pit in Drury Lane (dedicated to Sir Henry Applcton, Knight Baronet, &c.), sewed, 4to. Lond. 1633 1188 Pleasant Dialogues and Dramas, selected out > /? of Lucien, Erasmus, Textor, Ovid, &c., with sundry emblems extracted from the most elegant Jacobus Catsius, as also certaine Elegies, Epitaphs, and Epi- thalamions, or Nuptiall Songs, Anagrams and Acros- ticks, with divers speeches (upon severall occasions) spoken to their most excellent majesties, King Charles and Queen Mary, with other fancies, translated from Beza, Buchanan, and sundry Italian poets, rare, 8vo. Lond. 1637 Biudley s sale, 1 9s. ; Bib. Ang. Poet., 2 12s. Gd. OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1189 HEYWOOD (Thomas), Iron Age, first and second parts, woodcut, sewed, first part wants title, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1632 ,/Z. 1190 and W. Eowley, two Plays, 8vo. Lond. 1845 <J/ 1191 Ki ng Edward the Fourth, unbound. Lond. 1626 /, 7j~- 1192 Golden and Silver Ages, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1851 ^f~~ 1193 Koyall King and the Loyall Subject, acted with great applause, first edition, one leaf MS. (F. 1), half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1637 /< 1194 Funerall Elegy on Prince Henry, in conjunc tion with Tourneur and John Webster, beautiful clean large copy, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1613 </ -> 1195 Exemplary Lives and Memorable Acts of Nine the most worthy Women in the World ; three Jewes, // r& -ft*~~ three Gentiles, three Christians, rare portraits of Queen Margaret, Queen Elizabeth, and Henrietta Maria, &c., calf, 4to. Lond. 1640 2. 1196 Apology for Actors, containing three brief Treatises ; I. Their Antiquity ; II. Their Ancient & Dignity; III. The True Use of their Quality, half russia, 4to. Lond. 1612 1197 The same, reprint. Lond. 1841 Heywood, whom Lamb styled the prose Shakespeare, was the most volu minous dramatic writer that England produced. See Langbaine and Biographia Dramatica. 1198 HIGGINS (Bevil), The Generous Conqueror and Timo- leon, or the Kevolution, anon., 4to. half calf . Lond. 1702 1199 Generous Conqueror, or The Timely Discovery, a Tragedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1702 1201 HILL (A.) Works of, consisting of, Letters on various /f 2 J~~ Subjects, and Original Poems, moral and facetious, with an Essay on the Art of Acting, 4 vols. 8vo. calf. Loud. 1754 1202 Do. do. vol. 2, 8vo. calf. 1760 1203 HISTORICAL Tragedies, by Beaumont and Fletcher, Nat. Lee, Southerne, and Dryden, 4 Plays in 1 vol. Lond. v. d. 1204 HISTRIO-MASTIX, or The Player Whipt, 4to. half mo rocco extra, by Riviere, printed for Th. Thorp. 1610 This curious play was written towards the close of Elizabeth s reign, though not printed till 1610. It contains a ridicule or burlesque 011 the passage of Shakespeare s Troilus and Cressida, where Troilus, at parting, presents his sleeve to Cressida, and she gives him her glove. Sold at Sotheby s sale in 1823 for 4 16s. OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 89 1205 HITCHCOCK (M.) The Macaroni, a Comedy, 12mo. pp. 82. Phil. 1774 1200 HOLIDAY (Harten), Texnogamia, or The Marriage of the Arts, a Comedie, 4to. half riissia. Loral. 1018 1207 HOME (John) Dramatic Pieces, 12rno. portrait inserted, half calf. Lond. 1700 David Hume, in dedicating his Fonr Dissertations to tho author of Dlnig- las, bestows tlie highest possible praise on him ; observing tliat he possessed the true theatric genius of Shakespeare and Otway. 1208 HOPKINS (Charles), Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, a Tra gedy, 1095 ; Boadicea, Queen of Britain, 1097 ; Friend ship Improved, or the Female Warriour, 1700; all first editions, in 1 vol. 4to. half calf. Lond. v. y. 1209 IIoiiATii, a Tragedy, 8vo. sewed. Lond. 1840 1210 HORDEN (Ilild.) Neglected Virtue, a Play, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1090 1213 How a Man may Choose a Good Wife from a Bad, Second Maiden s Tragedy, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1824 /*r~ 1214 HOWARD (Ed.) The Usurper, a Tragedy, 4to. seived, rare. Lond. 1008 " The character of Damocles is intended to point at that of Oliver Crom well." 1215 - - Another copy, 4to.halfca1f,seu-ed. Lond. 1008 1210 HOWARD (77.) Dramas adapted for the Representation of Juvenile Persons, 18mo. half calf. Lond. 1819 1217 HOWARD (James), All Mistaken, or The Mad Couple and the English Monsieur, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1072 1218 HOWARD (Sir Jtobl.) Poems, including the Blind Lady, a Comedy, 8vo. inlaid in folio, half calf. Lond. 1000 1219 HUGHES (Thomas), Misfortunes of Arthur, edited by J. Payne Collier, 12mo. half calf extra. Lond. 1828 1220 HUNT (Leigh), The Dramatic Works of Wycherly, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar; with Biographi cal and Critical Notices, portrait of Wycherly, 4 vols. royal &vo. portraits, half calf. Lond. 1851 "In some respects Mr. Leigh Hunt is excellently qualified for the task which he has now undertaken. His style is well suited for light, garrulous, desultory ana ; half critical, half biographical, we do not always agree with his literary judgments ; but we find in him what is rare in our time the power of greatly appreciating and heartily enjoying good things of very different kinds. He has paid particular attention to the history of the English drama from tho age of Elizabeth down to our own time ; and has every right to be heard with respect on that subject." Edinburgh Review. 90 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1221 HOWARD (Sir R.\ Five New Plays, viz. the Surprisal, Committee, Indian Queen, Vestal Virgins, and Duke of Lerma, folio, uniformly bound in 2 vols. with portrait, half calf. Lond. 1692 v. d. The Author was known in his own time as " Sir Positive At All," because of his conceit. He is highly praised by Langbaine, Jacob, and Gildon. 1221* INTERLUDES Interlude of Youth, from the rare black letter edition, printed by Waley, about 1554, Bande, Euffe, and Cuffe, a Costume Show; News out of Islington ; and a Derbyshire Mummer s Play, all edited by J. 0. Halliwell, and privately printed at Brixton Hill, half calf , 4to. 1840 1222 ISLAND Princess, or the Generous Portugal (by Beau- mont and Fletcher), half vellum, 4to. Lond. 16(39 IT Cannot Rain but it Pours. Vide London. 1224 JACKE Drum s Entertainment, or the Comedie of Pas- quill and Katherine, as it hath bene sundry times plaide by the Children of Fowles, 1st edition, rare, interleaved, 4to., for Kichard Olive. Lond. 1601 " Bindley s copy sold for 5 15s. 6d." The incident of Mammon s poisoning Katharine s face, seems borrowed from Demagora s treatment of Parthenia, in Argalus and Parthenia. IRELAND S Vortigern, vide Shakspeariana. , /2- 1225 JACOB (H.) Fatal Constancy, a Tragedy, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1723 1226 JAY (Sleph.) Tragedies of Sin Contemplated, in Ruine of the Angels, Fall of Man, Destruction of the World, Confusion of Babel, Conflagration of Sodom, &c., 12mo. sheep, very scarce. Lond. 1689 1227 JONES (John), Adrasta, or Woman s Spleene, and Love s Conquest, a Tragi-Comedie, interleaved, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1635 x,~ 1228 JOHNSON (Charles), The Cobler of Preston, acted at Drury Lane, 8vo. Lond. 1716 A similar character, and founded upon Christopher Sly, in the Taming of the Shrew. 1229 JONSON (Den], The Works of Benjamin Jonson, printed by Richard Bishop, and are to be sold by Andrew Crooke, /* in St. Paulas churchyarde, portrait by Vaughan, fronlis- / * piece by Hole, rare, 2 vols. folio. Lond. 1640 Sold in Roscoe s sale, 3 15s. At the end of Every Man in his Humour, occurs the name of WILL. SHAKESPEARE among those of THE PRINCIPAL COMEDIANS. A very rare edition ; the second collected one of his Works supposed, by Gifford, to have been printed surreptitiously. OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 91 ~ 1230 JONSON (7?e><). The Works of Ben Jonson, portrait by Vtrtue and 2>lales by Guernier, 6 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1716 *** Tho first edition containing Plates, much esteemed by the curious, as displaying the costume of the time in the dressing of the characters. 1231 Ben Jonson s Works, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Momoir, edited by Ginbrd, 9 vols. 8vo. half calf . 1810 " Best edition by the ablest of modern commentators, through whoso learn ing and generous labors Old Hen s forgotten works and injured character are restored to the merited approbation and esteem of the world." J. P. Kemble. / //" 1232 - Beaumont & Fletcher, vol. 4, boards, 8vo. Lond. * .^j 1233 - 19 Comedies by, with Notes, by George Cole- man, Esq., royal, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1811 1234 Comicall Satyre of Every Man out of his Humour, wanting the first leaf, half morocco, 4to. printed for Nicholas Linye. Lond. 1(300 , c 1235 - Yolpone, or the Fox, 1st edition, am. 4to. calf, fine copy, icith Bindlajs bookplate. 1607 " Murphy, and afterwards Cumberland, in speaking to me of this Comedy, described it as the most perfect of any existing." MS. note by Mr. ^ Rogers. 1236 - Mask of the Queens, and the Twelfth Night s Kevels, from a MS. in the British Museum, sewed, 8 vo. n. p. & 1237 - - Catiline, his Conspiracy, a Tragcedie, siwed, 4to. Lond. 1674 ^.^-.1238 G. Chapman, and John Marston, Eastward * Hoe, as it was played in Black Friers, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1605 "The authors were accused of reflecting on the Scots, for which they were committed to prison, and were in danger of losing their ears and noses." Loundes. ^-- 1238| JORDAN (T.) Money is an Asse, a Comedy, 4to. 1663 jV 1239 JUUETTA GORDONI, a Play, not published, 8vo. N. Y. 1839. 1240 KETELLAS (Caroline If.) Last of the Plantagenets, 8vo. sewed. N. Y. 1844 1241 KILLEGREW (Henry), The Conspiracy, a Tragedy, as it was intended for the Nuptials of the Lord Charles Herbert and the Lady Yilliers, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1638 92 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1242 KILLEGREW (Thomas), Comedies and Tragedies^ne and rare portrait, by Faithorne, with picture of Charles I. and his favorite dog, half calf , folio. Lond. 1664 1243 The Prisoners and Claracilla, two Tragi-Come- dies, 12mo. Lond. 1840-41, inlaid on 4to. paper, with the Dramatis Persons, written by a hand of the time, several congratulatory Poems, by William Cartwright and others, half calf. Lond. " Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I, appears to have been the Patroness of this Theatre. Killegrew was the favorite page of Charles L, and companion of his familiar hours." " Perhaps there is no writer of plays who throws so much light upon, and illuminates the customs, habits, and ways of living among the higher classes of his time as Killegrew." 1244 (Sir William), Three Plays, Selindra, Pandora, Orrnasdes, half calf, Svo. Lond. 1665 1245 Four New Plays, Siege of Urbin, Selindra, Love and Friendship, Pandora, calf, folio. Oxford, 1668 1246 KIRKE (J.) The Seven Champions of Chistendome, acted at the Cock-pit and the Ked Bull, and never printed till this year, 4to. 1638 1247 KIRKMAN (Francis}, The Wits, or Sport upon Sport, in selected pieces of Drollery, both parts, original frontispiece, with the scene in the Old Eed Bull Play house of Sir John Falstaffe, &c., 2 parts, half calf. Svo. Lond. 1671 1248 KNAVE in Graine, new Vampt, a witty Comedy, acted at the Fortune many days together with great applause, ^ , 1640 ; The Blind Beggar of Bedual-Green, with the Ss/* Merry Humor of Tom Strowd the Norfolk- Yeoman, 1659, both interleaved, in all 3 vols. half calf j 4to. Lond. 1249 KNEVET (Ralph), Ehodon and Iris, a Pastorale, as it was presented at the Florist s Feast in Norwich, 4to. Lond. 1631 1250 KNOWLES (J. A) The Hunchback, with portrait of Miss. Kemble inserted, Svo. half calf . Lond. 1832 " Judge Furman s copy, with a long account of Miss Kemble s acting, the Influence of the Stage, &c. _ 1251 KOTZEBUE (Augustus Von), Plays, translated from the German, by Smith, Svo. calf. N. Y. 1800 1252 Happy Family, Pizarro and 3 others, 8vo. half calf. N. Y. 1800 - 1253 Abbd de 1 Epee, or the Orphan, 8vo. N. Y. 1801 1254 - The Writing Desk, 8vo. N. Y. 1801 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 93 1255 KYD (T.) The Spanish Tragedy, or Ilicronimo is Mad Againe, containing the lamentable end of Horatio and Belinperia, woodcut half russia, 4to. Lond. 1633 " 1256 - Cornelia, llieronimo is Mad Againe, Solyman and Perseda, half calf , 12mo. Lond. 1780 ^ff 1257 LACY (John), Sawney the Scott; Sir Hercules the Buf foon ; The Old Troope, 3 plays. Lond. 1672-98 , /-Z. 1258 LADY S Visiting Day, a Comedy, by Charles Burnaby, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1701 /< ^ 1259 LAMB (C T .) John Woodvil, a Tragedy, to which aro added Fragments of Burton, the author of the Anato my of Melancholy, 12mo. Ids. very scarce. 1802 A warm admiration of the Elizabethan Dramatists led him to imitate their style and manner, in a tragedy named John Woodville, which was published in 1802. There is much that is exquisite, both in sentiment and expression in Lamb s Play, and the following descrip tion of the Sports in the Forest, has a truly antique air, like a pas sage in Ileywood or Shirley " To see the sun to bed, and to rise." Ilazlit. 1260 - Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who /, ?# lived about the time of Shakespeare, with Notes, 2 vols. half calf. 1844 " A selection in which is displayed the utmost judgment and taste. Tho critical notices are extremely valuable, and above any praise of mine." Singer s Preface to Chapnart t J/i/mns of Homer, , /J) 1261 LANCI (G. C.) II Vespa Commedia, 24mo. in vellum. Firenze, 1586 . j~~ 1262 LAXSDOWNE (G. Granville, Lord), Dramatic Works, 12mo. Lond. 1752 1263 LATOUCHE (If. II. c&) Le Heine d Espagne, 8vo. Paris, 1831 1264 LEE (Nat.) Twelve Tragedies by, Original Editions, as acted at the lloval Theatre, small 4 to. calf. Lond. 1675-1690 (1265 Four Plays: Theodosius, Caesar Borgia, The Rival Queejis, The Princess of Clone, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1684 to 1697 1266 Mithridates, King of Pontus, a Tragedy, sewed. 4to. Lond. 1685 1267 The Rival Queens, or the Death of Alexander, 4to. calf. Lond. 1694 "The Rival Queens, about which play much nonsense has been talked. It is true there is bombast in it, and one or two speeches that smack of Bedlam ; but there is not more bombast than in other plays of the epoch, and there is ten times as much fire." Charles lieade. "Lee was a true poet in all the excesses of poetical fueling." Wltraeli. 94 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1268 LE SAGE (At.) Recueil des pieces raises au Theatre Frangois, 2 vols. 12ino. half morocco. Maestrecht, 1774 j~p 1269 LILLO (George), Dramatic Works, with Memoirs by Davies, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Lond. 1810 1270 LILLY (John), Sixe Court Comedies, often presented /._ x and acted before Queen Elizabeth by the Children of her Majestie s Chappel, and the Children of Paules, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1632 The author is called by the editor, E. Blount, " the only rare poet of that time, the wittie, comical, facetiously quicke, and unparallel d John Lilly," and in his curious address ("to the Readers)" he says, " These his playes crown d him with applause, and the spectators with pleasure. Thou canst not repent the reading of them over, when old John Lilly is merry with thee in thy chamber, thou shalt say few (or none) of our poets now are such witty companions, and thanke mee that brings him to thy acquaintance." 1271 LINGUA, or the Combat of the Tongue and the Five / , v Senses for Superiority, a pleasant Comoedie, very small 4 to. half morocco rare. Lond. 1617 Act IV. Scene 4, is a curious Allegory, in which " Tobacco, apparelled in a Taffata Mantle," is introduced and speaks an "unknown" tongue. Attributed to the witty Antony Brewer. It is said that Oliver Cromwell once acted the part of Tactus in this curious old Droll or Merriment, from which he first imbibed his sentiments or ambition. , /2~ 1272 LONGFELLOW (II. W.) Spanish Student, a Play, 12mo. boards. Camb. 1844 44? 1273 LONGINUS, A Tragedy, &c., 8 Plays. ;/z_ 1274 LOTTERY (The), A Comedy, Svo. half calf . Lond. 1728 J<? 1275 LOVE in the Dark, by Sir F. Ford, and 4 plays, 5 vols. 4to. Lond. v. d. /z, 1276 LAWYER S Fortune or Love in a Hollow Tree, by Lord Grimstone, 8vo. sewed. Lond. 1736 j~~~ 12? 7 LOWER (Sir William), Horatius, a Roman Tragedie, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1656 ,^/f 1278 LUCAN, Translations from, occasion d by the Tragedy of Cato, unbound, Svo. Lond. 1713 J/ 1279 LYNDSAY (D.) Dramas of the Ancient World, 8vo. Ids. Edinb. 1822 1280 McDoNALD (Andreiv), Miscellaneous Works, including the Tragedy of Yimonda, and those productions which have appeared under the signature of Matthew Bramble, Esq., &c., Svo. calf. Lond. 1791 1281 MACHIN (Lewis), The Dumbe Knight, an Historical Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1633 1282 MACKLIN (Charles), Man of the World, a Comedy, 4to. with fine portra it. Lo n d . 1 7 9 3 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 95 S-a~~ 1283 MANLEY (J/>-s.) Lucius; Almyna, or The Arabian Vow; The Lost Lover; 3 vols. 4to. pr. Lond. 1696 v/n. 1284 MAGASIN Theatral, vol. 3, 8vo. Paris, 1835 ^C 1285 MS. DRAMAS, 4to. vellum. v. d. CONTESTS. I., The Generous Courtezan, from the Macklin Collection, as well as the other two, were purchased at Jolly s sale ; II. Green- Room Chitchat, formerly from the library of Isaac Reed ; III. Carn- bas and Thowingia, 173(j, from the Rhotles Collection. ,s\r~ 1286 MARKIIAM (Gcrvase and William Sampson), True Tra gedy of Ilerod and Antipater, with the Death of Marram, interleaved, 4to. morocco. Lond. 1622 /// 1287 MARLOWE (Kit), Works, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. half calf . Pickering, 1826 " Marlowe, renowned for his rare art and wit, Could ne er attain beyond the name of Kit." Hcywootl. . c 1288 MARLOWE (Christopher), Dramatic Works, with Prefa tory Itemarks, Notes, &c., 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1827 "There is an awful melancholy about Marlowe s Mephistophiles, perhaps more impressive than the malignant mirth of that fiend, iu the re nowned work of Goethe. J/allnm. " What mortall soule with Mario might contend, That could gainst reason force him stoope or bend ? Whose silver-charming toung mou d such delight, That men would shun their sleepe in still darke night To meditate upon his gouldeu lynes, His rare conceyts, and sweete-according rimes." Henry Petowe. 4?<y 1289 MARLOW (Chris^her), Famous Tragedy of the Kich Jew of Malta, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1633 1290 Tambarlaine the Greate, with his Impassionate Furie for the Death of his Lady and Love, faire Ze- nocrate, &c., part 2, UlilCU ZLCttCV, stained, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1606 //? 1291 Troublesome Raigne and Lamentable Death of Edward The Second, King of England, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1622 ^S 1291* MARLOW and Nash, Tragedie of Dido, Queen of Car thage. 1594 " The original edition is one of the rarest of Plays, only two known to exist." Steevens s copy sold for 17. 1292 MARMION (Shakerly), Holland s Leaguer, an excellent , ^ Comedy, 1632 ; Fine Companion, acted before the < King and Queene at White Hall, 1633 ; The Anti quary, a Comedy, 1641; in 3 vols. interleaved, 4to. half calf . Lond. v. y. 96 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1293 MARSHALL (Thomas, of King s Norton), Histrio-Mastix, # A Whip for Webster (as tis conceived), the Quondam ** Player, or an Examination of one John Webster s Delusive Examen of Academies, &c., 12mo. sewed. Lond. 1654 1294 MARSTON (John), The Dramatic and Poetical Works of, A now first collected, and edited by J. 0. Halliwell, 3 vols. 18mo. cloth. Lond. 1856 " This edition deserves well of the public ; it is carefully printed, and the annotations, although neither numerous nor extensive, supply ample explanations upon a variety of interesting points. If Mr. Halliwell had done no more than collect these plays, he would have conferred a boon upon all lovers of our old dramatic poetry." Literary Gazette. 2 . j^fl 1295 Plays of, interleaved and unbound, printed 1598, reprinted Lond. 1764 , ^ 1296 Parasitaster; or, The Fawne, as it hath bene divers times presented at the Blacke Friars, by the Children of the Queene s Maiestie s Reuels, 4to. half calf, large print, rare. Lond. 1606 / . 1297 Another copy, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1606 /j 1298 Insatiate Countesse, a Tragedie, 4to. Lond. 1631 ^ .S# 1299 The Malcontent, 1604 ; Eastward Hoe, by Chapman, Jonson, and Marston, 4to. Lond. 1605 ysi// 1299* Insatiate Countesse, 4to. Lond. 1616 . f& 1300 Insatiate Countesse, 8vo. Lond. 1820 , /2 _ 1301 Second Maiden s Tragedy, 12mo. Lond. 1824 " A poet of distinguished celebrity in his own day, no less admired for the versatility of his genius in tragedy and comedy, than dreaded for the poignancy of his satire ; in the former department the col league of Jonson, in the latter the antagonist of Hall." Rev. P. Hall. 1302 MASON (John), An excellent Tragedy of Muleasses the Turke, and Borgias, Governor of Florence, interleaved, hcflfcalf,4:to. 1632 1303 MASSINGER (Phil] Dramatic Works, edited by Hartley Coleridge, royal 8vo. half calf , neat, portrait. Lond., Moocon, 1840 " On a level with, if not one degree above the writings of Fletcher, fol low the purer and more chastened productions of Philip Massinger, a poet of unwearied vigour and consummate elegance." Drake s Shakspeare and his Times. 1304 Plays, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifibrd, 4 vols. 8 vo. hf. cf. extra, marbled edges. 1805 "This is the best edition of an English Dramatist that we have ever seen ; the editor has done everything which was necessary and no thing more." Annual Review. OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 97 yf 1305 MASSINOER (Phillip and T. Dekker), Virgin Martyr, sewed, 4to. Loud. 1031 1306 - Another edition, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1061 1307 - Injured Virtue, or the Virgin Martyr, an alter ation, by Benj. GrifTm, sewed, 12mo. Lond. 1715 The Duke of Millaine, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1638 j*t 1309 -- The Bondman, an ancient storie, as it has beene often acted, sewed, 4to. Lond, 1638 J>* 1310 -- Another edition, seiv(d, 4to. Lond. 1624 ././ "1311 - The Itenegado, a Tragie-Comedie, first edition, dedicated to George llarding, Baron of Barkley, with commendatory verses by James Shirley and D. La- kin, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1630 X/ 1312 - The Picture, a Tragro-Comedie, seiced, 4to. Lond. 1630 A* 1313 -- Emperour of the East, a TragavComedie, seiced, 4to. Lond. 1632 - Maid of Honour, seived, 4to. Lond. 1632 - Fatal Dowry, a Tragedy, seiced, 4to. Lond. 1632 1316 -- New Way to Pay Old Debts, seivcd, 4to. Lond. 1633 1317 -- Great Duke of Florence, a Comicall History, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1630 1318 -- Unnaturall Combat, a Tragedie, first edition, clean, large copy, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1639 1319 - Another copy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1639 1320 - - The Virgin Martyr, with six designs, by Pickers- gill, half calf, square 8vo. Lond. 1844 1321 -- Another copy, cloth. Lond. 1844 1322 -- Beauties of, half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1847 " Pure and chastened Massinger, a Poet of unwearied vigour and con summate elegance, exhibits a perfectibility, both of diction and ver sification, of which wo have, in dramatic poesy at least, no corre sponding example. A transparency, perspicuity, sweetness, har mony, ductility, blended strength and ease, in structure of his Metre, which delight and never satiate." Dr. Draper. " The tragedies of Massinger have a calm and dignified seriousness, a lofty pride, that impresses the imagination very strongly. His genius was more eloquent and descriptive than impassioned or inventive : yet his pictures of suffering virtue, its struggles and its trials, are calculated to touch the heart, as well as gratify the taste. His ver sification is sweetly smooth and mellifluous." Chambers. 1323 MAY (Thomas). The Tragedie of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, calf, 12mo. Lond. 1039 /2- 1324 - (Thomas), The Old Couple, a Comedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1658 98 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1325 MAY (Thomas), The Heire, an excellent Comedie, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1622 1326 MAYNE (Jasper}, Amorous Wane, a Tragi-Comedy, in terleaved, 4to. Lond. 1648 1327 The City Match, a Comoedy, and the Amorous Warre, a Tragi-Comcedy, red morocco, calf back, 1 vol. small 4to. Oxford, 1658-9 1328 MEAD (Robert], Combat of Love and Friendship, a Comedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1654 1329 Another Copy, 4to. Lond. 1654 1330 MEDBURNE (Matheiv), St. Cecily, or the Converted Twins, a Christian Tragedy, 1660, Tartuffe from Moliere, 1670, 1 vol. ha (f calf , 4to. Lond. 1331 MEDEA in Corinth, a Tragic Opera, in 2 acts, sewed. ***- 12 mo. Lond. / 2. 1332 MEILAN (M. A.) Dramatic Works, 8vo. calf. Lond. n. d. J~P 1333 MERCIER, Theatre, complete, 4 vols. calf. 12rno. Amst. 1778 * j 1334 MERITON (Thomas), Love and War, a Tragedy, n. d., Wandering Lover, a Tragi-Comedy, 2 vols. in 1, old calf, fine copies, 4to. Lond. 1658 1335 Love and War, a Tragedy, curious, 4to. half hound. Lond. 1658 " Certainly the meanest dramatic writer that England ever produced." Langbaine. 1336 MERRIE Devill of Edmonton, reprint of an Elizabethan ^/*>- Drama, by an unknown author, 12mo. Lond. " I wish it could be ascertained that Drayton was the author, it would add a worthy appendage to his renown." C. Lamb. 1337 METASTATIO (Pietro}. Opere, 4 vols. half calf , 12mo. Milan, 1822 1338 MICKLE (W. J.) Poems and a Tragedy, 4to. calf. Lond. 1704 1339 MIDDLETON (Thomas), The Dramatic Works of, now first collected, with some account of the Author, and / 3 Notes by the Eev. Alexander Dyce, 5 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1840 Most of his plays are pre-eminently beautiful, many portions only infe rior to Shakspeare. They have hitherto been almost inaccessible from their rarity ; the value averaging from 20 to 30 a play. " Mr. Dyce s unpretending and excellent edition." Edinburgh Revieiv. " We take the opportunity of expressing our very high opinion of the diligence, skill, and judgment of Mr. Dyco, whose editions leave little to desire, and loss to improve." Quarterly Rerieic. OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. . . 9 1340 MIDDLETON (Thomas) The Phoenix, as it hath bcono * sundrie times acted by the Children of Paules, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1630 >/j- 1341 - Another copy, calf, extra, large margin, 4to. Lond. 1630 1342 Michel mas Terme, title soiled, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1630 1343 - Mad World My Masters, a Comedy, half calf, 4to. Lond . 1640 1344 - A Game at Chess, as it was acted nine days together at the Globe on the Bankside, tw title, saved, 4to. Lond. 1624 This very curious and rare old play was suppressed, and the authors and actors imprisoned, as they had presumed to introduce on the stage the persons of the King of Spain, Count Gondomar, and the Bishop of Spalatro, whose portraits are on the frontispiece. Sir M. Sykes copy sold for (>/. 2s. Gd. ; Rhodes for 41. 14s. (id. ; and Towneley s for 41. 15s. 1345 Fletcher and Jonson, Widdow, a Corned ie, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1652 1346 - and (\V. Rowley). The Changeling, 4to. 1652 1347 - The Spanish Gipsie, a Comedy, 4to. 1661 1348 - Mayor of Quinborough, a Comedy, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1661 1349 -- Another copy, half vellum, 4to. Lond. 1778 1350 - Tragi-Comedie, called the Witch, 8vo. boards, uncut. 1778 Only 100 copies printed by Mr. Reed for presents. To this curious old play Shakspeare was greatly indebted for his Witches in Macbeth, &c. " Humor, wit, and elegance are to be found in the comedies of Middleton, and occasionally a pleasing interchange of elegant imagery and tender sentiment." Drake s Shakspeare and his times. MINSHULL (J.) Rural Felicity, Sprightly Widow, She Stoops to Conquer, and Merry Dames, Svo. N. Y. 1801-5 1352 MR. TURBULENT, or the Melanchollicks, a Comedy, as it was acted at the Duke s Theatre, 4to. interleaved, half calf. Lond. 1682 /z. 1353 MODERN Drama, vol. III., &c., 3 vols. 1354 MOLIERE, Les (Euvres de, avec des Remarques, &c., splendid old quarto edition, with plates to each 2>lay, ly Boucher, &c., elegant copy in French, cf. gt., 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1734 / . _ 1355 MOLIERE (.7. /?.) ftfuvres, 4 vols. ISmo. calf. Utrecht, 1713 100 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1356 MOLTERE, the Works of, the French Text with an English Translation on the opposite page, 10 vols. 12rno., \v\ih plates to each Play by Hogarth, &c., old calf, neat, scarce, the only English translation. Lond. 1755 1357 MOLIERE, French and English, vol. 8, 12mo. 1739 1358 MOLIERE, The Metamorphosis, or the Old Lover Out witted, a Farce, 4to. setued. Lond. 1701 1359 MONCRIEFF (W. T.\ Selections from the Dramatic Works of, cloth, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851 1360 MONTI (Vincenzo), Tragedie, editio revista e corretta dall autor, port. Firenze 1822 ; Lamento del Tasso di Lord Byron, recato in Italiauo de Michele Leoni, Pisa 1818, in 1 vol. large paper, uncut, half morocco, 8vo. v. y. 1361 - - Tragedie, 8vo. vellum. Firenzi, 1825 j 1362 MOORE (Sir Thos.) Mangora, King of the Timbusians, or the Faithful Couple, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1718 The scene of this curious play is laid in Spanish America. The charac ters are Spaniards and Indians. 1363 MODERN British Drama (Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces), 5 vols. royal 8vo. boards, Vignettes. Lond. 1811 This very capital selection made by Sir Walter Scott, is ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS SCENIC PLATES. See also Lot 1572. <,/,/- 1364 MORAL Plays Keep Your Temper; Fate of Ivan; Miss Betsy Bull, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1832 \j-y 1365 MORE Ways than One, and other Plays, 8 vols. , ,, 1366 MOTTEUX, Loves a Jest, a Comedy, 1696 ; The Novelty, Every Act a Play, 1697 ; Beauty in Distress, 1698; Island Princess, 1699 ; Four Seasons, or Love in Every Age, 1699 : Arsinoe, 1705 ; Thomyris, 1707 ; Love s Triumph, 1708; 8 vols. 4to. sewed. Lond. 1367 - Loves a Jest, a Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1696 1367* - Island Princess, 4to. 1669 y 1368 MOTTLEY. The Imperial Captives, a Tragedy, 8vo. / Lond. 1720 1369 MONTAGUE (W.) The Shepheard s Paradise, a Comedy, J _ privately acted before the late King Charls, by the Queen s Majesty and ladies of honour, scarce, 8vo. Lond. 1659 1369*MorjNTFORT (W.) Successful Strangers, a Tragi-Co- medy, 4to. 1690 1370 MOWATT (A C.) Armand, presentation copy, with Au thor s Autograph, pp. 60, 12rno. Lond. 1849 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DHAMAS, ETC. 101 1371 MUNDAY (Anthony), John a Kent and John a Cumber, a Comedy, edited by J. P. Collier (Shakspeare So ciety), 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1851 1372 - Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntington ; Mun- day and Chettle s Death of Kobert, Earl of Hunting- ton, both edited by J. P. Collier. Lond. 185:5 1373 MYSTERIES: Early Mysteries, and other Latin Poems of the XII. and XIII. Centuries, from original MS:,* &c., edited by T. Wright, half calf . Lond. 1845 N ABBES (Thomas), Playes, Maskes, Epigrams, Elegies, and Epithalamiums, collected into one volume, 1(531); Tote n ham -Court, a pleasant Comedy, 1(539 ; Micro- cosmus, a Morall Maske, 1637; Hannibal and Scipio, an Historical Tragedy, 1637 ; The Spring, a Maske, 1639; Unfortunc Mother, a Tragedie, 1640; Pride, a Comedie, 1640, in 2 vols. 4to. half calf . Lond. v. y. 1375 NABBES Microcosmus, 4to. 1772, and the Bride, 4to. 1640, 2 vols. in 1, half calf. Lond. v. d. 1376 NASH (7%.), Dido, Queen of Carthage, 1594; Tho Tragedy of Pierce Penniless; An Almond for a Par rot, reprint, 3 vols. Lond. v. d. 1377 NEVILLE (Henry), Shuffling, Cutting, Dealing, in a Game at Pickquet, being acted from the year 1653 to 1658, as it was acted by Oliver Protector and others with great applause, 4to. uncut. Lond. 1659 / J~# 1378 NEW British Theatre, a collection of Original Dramas, Valpy, 4 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1814 NEW-MARKET Eayre, a Tragi-Comedy, called, or a Parliament Out-Cry of State Commodities; (Actors names, Fairfax, Crum, their wives, Ireton, Mild may, Skippon, Pride, &c.,) 4to. half vellum, privately print d. 1649 Written by some loyalist to satirize the Parliamentarians. 1380 NEW Theatrical Dictionary and Alphabetical Catalogue of Dramatic AVriters, 12mo. half calf \ Lond. 1792 1381 NOTA (Alb.) Commedie, 4 vols. cf. 12mo. Milan, 1821 1381* (EoiPUS, a Tragedy, by Dryden and Lee, 4to. 1679 1382 O KEEFE (John), Dramatic Works, Author s own edi tion, 4 vols. 8vo. calf, extra. Lond. 1798 1383 OLD English Plays, a selection from Early Dramatic Writer4by Dilke), 6 vols. 8vo. large paper, half calf , fine copy. A desirable accompaniment to Dodsley s collection. Contains Plays by Chapman, Marstou, Rowley, Tonrneur, Lily, &c., not reprinted in Dodsley, or any of the modern collections. 102 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1384 OLDMIXON (John), Amintas, Grove, and Governor of Cypress, 4to. half calf . 1698-1703 1385 Governour of Cypress, a Tragedy, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1703 1S86 OLD Plays, a Select Collection, 12 vols. imperfect, 12mo. " Lond. 1780 1387 ORRERY (Boyle, Earl of), Six Plays, folio, half calf . Lond. 1694 1388 ORRERY (Earl of), Herod the Great, and Killigrew (T), The Prisoners, 1664, 2 vols. folio. Lond. v. d. _ 1389 OTWAY (Thomas), Works of, consisting of Plays, Poems, and Letters, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1812 r# 1390 Alcibiades, a Tragedy, 1675 ; Don Carlos, Prince of Spain, a Tragedy, 1679 ; Titus and Bere nice, a Tragedy, 1677; Friendship in Fashion, a Co medy, 1678 ; History and Fall of Caius Marius, 1692 ; The Orphan, 1696 ; Souldier s Fortune, 1683 ; Atheist, 1684; Venice Preserved, 1704; Heroick Friendship, 1719 ; all original editions, collected by W. E. Burton, 2 vols. 4to. half hound, calf. Lond. 1391 Venice Preserved, and The Soldier s Fortune, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1681-2 J 1392 - - The Atheist, or the Second Part of the Sol dier s Fortune, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1684 " Next to Shakspeare, the greatest genius that England ever produced in Tragedy." Goldsmith. J?/ 1393 OWEN (Robert), Hypermuestra, or Love in Tears, a Tragedy, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1703 // 1393* P. (L), LANGUISHING Lady, a Pastoral, 12mo. unbound, Lond. 1718 /< 1394 PADLOCK (The), A Comic Opera, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1768 - <f& 1394* PARNELL, A very Good Wife, 4to. half calf 1693 /^ 1395 PALAPRAT, CEuvres de, 18mo. La Haye, 1797 , 1396 PATHOMACHIA, or the Battell of Affections, shadowed by a faigned Siedge of the Citie of Pathopolis, a Comedy, 4to. 1690 j 1397 PATRIOT (The), or the Italian Conspiracy, a Tragedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1703 1398 PAULDING (J. K. & W. 1.) American Comedies, 12mo. boards. ** Phil. 1847 1399 Another copy, 12mo. Ids. Phil. 1847 / 1399* PAYNE (Am*/), The Morning Rambles and The Just General, 2 vols. 4to. half vellum 1673 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DKAMAS, ETC. 103 1-iOO PEATS ( 11".) Love in its extasic, or the large Preroga tive, a kind of Royall Pastorall, cut, close, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1041) ./2- 1401 PEELE (Geo.) Dramatic Works, edited, with Life and Notes, by Dyce, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. Pickering, 182U " Peele and Marlowe were the contemporaries of Shakspeare ; both lm<l exqniste feelings for Poetry, and excelled in description, to which the former lent beauty, the latter sublimity. 1 Uijj onl. XT" 1402 PKPOLI (Akss.) Tragedie, 8vo. Parma, 1783 .j~& 1403 PERCY (Win.) Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errants, or the Bearing Down the Irene, a Comedye and the Faery Pastorall, or Forest of Elves, 4to. half calf. 1824 Two most curious early English Dramas, printed from the original MS. found in the lloxburghe collection. Dent s copy sold for Jt 3 11s. 1404 PELITOT, Kepertoire Generale du Theatre Francais ou Collection ties Chefs d (Euvres Dramatique, c., beau tiful edition, with fine engravings, d~c., to each play, 23 vols. Svo.jinc copy, full calf gt. contents lettered on each vol. Paris, 1803 1405 PLEASANT conceited Comedy, How a Man May Choose a Good Wife from a Bad, interleaved, half caff, 4to. Lond. 1021 1406 Another copy, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1634 1407 PHILIPS (Katiuirine), Poems, to which is added Cor- neille s Pompey and Horace, Tragedies, port, half calf, folio. Lond! 1078 , j 1408 PICCOLOMINI (Akss.) Comedia, 24mo. vilnm. Venecia, 1012 PLAYS BOUND IN VOLUMES, AND IN PARCELS, SOME CURIOUS AND SCARCE. 140U PLAYS, Tragedies, Comedies, &c., a very large collec tion of all the most popular Dramatic pieces which have been collected together at various times, alto gether about 300, with list of contents in each volume, by Arch-deacon Wrangham, 59 vols. 8vo. v. y. 1410 A large collection of popular plays in the time >? ^ of George III., almost all corrected for the stage, many by the late W. E. 13. half morocco, 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. v. y. t/ ^/ 1411 Alexander the Great, 5 vols. Manuscript Plays. / /d 1-412 Alfred the Great, 22 Plays, unbound. 104: OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PRAMAS, ETC. 14:13 PLAYS, Alfred, Donna Charitea, and Blue Beard, three privately printed and acted plays, in 1 vol. 12rno. morocco extra, from Lord Ellcsmerds collection. 1841-8 Art of Poetry and Plays, 8 vols. odd. 12mo. //- 14:15 - Barnett (Moses), The Tempest as a Lyrical Drama, 1850 ; Marriage Trump, by T. Hey wood ; Love s Mistress, by do. ; Plays and Poems, by Mar- ston; The Shade of Alex. Pope; Harlequin, Dr. Faus- tus; the Bard of Love, 7 poems, 8vo. v. p. # 1416 - Belles Stratagem, Blind Boy, Caelia, Gazette Extraordinary, and the Rivals, 8vo. half calf . v. d. JS~ 1417 - Bohemian (The), &c., 11 plays. ( /j 1418 - Brothers, Ways and Means, Don John, School for Friends, and Zoriuski, 8vo. half morocco. 1777, &c. ./Z 1419 - - The Carib Chief, &c., 17 vol. plays, 12rno. ,&(, 1420 f -frt<4-* Child of Passion, &c., 12 plays. 1421 -- Clandestine Marriage, 1766 ; Magic Picture, altered from Massinger by Bate; Ahab; Fall of the Mogul; Elfrida; Edwy ; and Trip to Scarborough, 8vo. half calf \ v. d. 1422 -- Comedies, by Dryden, Beaumont, and Fletcher, Crown, &c., 8 plays, small 4to. Lond. v. d. J~V 1423 --- Conscious Lovers, &c., 10 vols. <f6 1424 -- Counterfeit, a Farce, &c., in all 20 vols. * ^2 1425 -- Deserter, Three Weeks after Marriage, &c., 12mo. //-r 1426 -- Drummer, &c., 9 vols. , ^ 1427 -- The Triumphs of Virtue and Fruitless Eevenge, by Scott, 4 vols. 4to. paper. Lond. 1697 ,/2. 1428 --- Esop, a Comedy, and three others, small 4to. Lond. 1697 1429 -- First Love; Count of- Narbonne; Vimonda; jfj~~ Word to the Wise ; Siege of Sinope ; Sultan ; Law of Lombardy ; Douglas and Percy, in 1 vol. 8vo. half calf. v. d. 1430 - False Delicacy and others. 1431 - Independent Patriot, 1737 ; The Knights, 1754 ; Livery Bake, 1733, 3 vols. in 1, half calf . v. d. 1432 -- King Lear, Lord Cromwell, Venice Preserved, Morning Bride, Lady Jane Gray, Jane Shore, and Don Sebastian, 18mo. calf. 1733, &c. The Orphan, Governour of Cyprus, by Old- inixon ; The Cornish Comedy, 3 vols. 4to. half calf. Lond. v. d. OLD ENGLISH AND FOUKION DKAMAS, ETC. 105 1434 PLAYS, Lease and Release, 7 plays. 1435 - - Love s Mistress, &c., 10 plays. 1430 ^o 1485 Comedies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Farces, and Operas, a large collection (over 8,000) arranged in parcels of from 25 to 100 in each lot, further particulars at the time of sale. Many of these plays are prompt-books, and have the autograph altera tions of W. B. Wood and W. E. Burton. 1480 Mai vina, Three Strangers, Benyowsky, Death of Ugolino, Saracens and Cantostarlos, Narrative of the Material Facts in relation to the Building of the Two Great Frigates, 8vo. v. d. 1487 The Man s Bewitched, Beau s Duel, Abra-Mule and Xerxes, 12mo. calf. 1737, &c. 1488 Odd vols. of, 8 vols. IGmo. bound. 1489 Paris and London, 9 plays, various. 1490 - The Distrest Mother, a Tragedy, by Mr. Philips, 1712, La Creole, 2 vols. 4to. half vellum. Lond. and Paris 1491 (Pix, Mrs. Mary), The Innocent Mistress, 1697; The Deceiver Deceived, 1698 ; The False Friend, 1(599. 3 vols. in 1, 4to. half vellum. Lond. ^ 1492 - various, 12mo. bound, 1 vols. v. d. >/& 1493 various, 16mo. 8 vols. v. d. 1494 and Farces, a collection bound in 21 vols. 12mo. nearly all printed at Dublin, including many curious and rare local and provincial pieces not otherwise to be found, half calf . v. y. 1495 Polly, Wedding Day, Robin Hood, Songs in Jack the Giant Killer, and Chrononhotonthologas 8vo. half calf . v. d. 149G Prince (The) is Come, a Farce; 20,000, or London Love, 2 vols. in MS. 1497 Remorse, by S. F. Coleridge, editor of the Black Prince, The Drummer, Haunted House, Maid of the Mill, Tarrataria, Dido, 6 vols. 12mo. Lond. v. d. 1498 Reparation, Step-Mother, Cabin Chief, The Sultan, Siege of Cuzco, Feudal Times, Self-immola tion, Prince of Tunis, 1 vol. 8vo. half calf. 1773, 1823 . s 1499 - Riches, The Exile, Emelia Galotti, Bondman, Maid of Ilonour, Fatal Dowry, Foundling of the Forest, Man and Wife, Venani, New Way to Pay Old Debts, Alfonso, and Free Knight, 8vo. calf. Phil. v. d. 106 OLD ENGLISH AND FOKE1GN DRAMAS, ETC. 1500 PLAYS, Einaldo and Armida, by Dennis, &c. 4 plays, 4to. Lond. v. d. 1501 Select Plays, 8 vols. 12rno. Lond. v. d. / < 1502 Talfourd s Athenian Captive, Knowles Maid of Mariendorpt (autograph of Knowles), St. Leon, Jones Spartacus and Bird s Cosmo, 1 vol. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1835-38 /2- 1503 Tempest, How to Grow Wise, and The Devil to Pay, 3 vols. in 1, calf. 1785 1504 - - Tracy s Penander, Gibber s Papal Tyranny, Mitchell s Fatal Extravagance, Hospital for Fools, T. Gibber s Lover, Timon in Love, Universal Passion. 1505 Twelfth Night, The Confederacy, Douglas, and Ju /r\Vho s the Dupe, 18mo. cloth. Boston, 1823 1506 Veteran, The Beggar s Opera, Guy Mannering, Duenna, Waterman, Purses, Broken Sword, Musical Lady, and The Woodman s Hut, 8vo. half -calf. v. d. 1507 - Venice Preserved and others, 9 vols. 1508 Collected by W. E. Burton, &c., 16 vols. 12mo. 1509 Whims and Oddities, 10 vols. 1510 Young s Kevenge, Kevised by J. P. Kemblc; the Poetical, by Dr. Johnson; the Cabinet, by Thomas Dibdin; the Grecian Daughter; All in the Wrong, a Comedy; Isabella, or the Fatal Marriage; Man of the World, 7 vols. 12mo. Loud. v. d. 1 /.f~ 1511 POCAIIONTAS, a Historical Drama, sewed, Svo. N. Y. 1837 ,// 1512 PORTER (Ifrnry), The Two Angry Women of Abiug- tou, edited by Alexander Dyce, half calf . 8vo. Lond. 1841 /./j1513 - (27<os.) The Villain, The French Conjuror, a Comedy, and two others, 2 vols. 4to. half calf . Lond. 1678 1514 POWELL (George), Alphonse King of Naples, a Tra gedy, 1691; Very Good Wife, a Comedy, 1691; Treacherous Brothers, a Tragedy, 1696; Imposture Defeated, or a Trick to Cheat the Devil, 1698; Cornish Corned v, 1696; Bonduca, altered by Powell, 1696; Brutus of Alba, 1697; Collected in 1 vol. half calf . 4to. Lond. 1515 (6r.) A new Opera called Brutus of Alba, sewed, 1697; Cornish Comedy, sewed, 1696; Alphonse King of Naples, seived, 1691; A Very Good Wife, half calf. 1693, 4to. Lond. OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 107 1510 POWELL (Th.) The Blind Wife, or the Student of Bonn, 8vo. Loud. 1843 1017 PRESTON (Thomas), A Lamentable Tragedie, mixed full of pleasant mirth, containing the Life of Cam- bises King of Percia, from the Beginning of his Kingdome unto his Death, &c. Ultick Ccttcr, sewed, imprinted by Edward Allde. Lond. v. d. BindKVs copy sold for JC12 15s. At Sotheby s, 1821, it sold for .15. Written about 15l>l. Langbaine imagines Shakspeare meant to ridicule this performance, when, in his play of Henry IV., Part I., Act II., he makes Falstaff talk of speaking in KIIKJ Cambyses rein. 1518 PROLOGUES and Epilogues, Collection of more than 2 800 (including all those written by Garrick), with Notes, &c., by Griffith, 4 vols. 12mo., fine character portraits, calf, gilt. Lond. 1779 //" 1519 PROVERBES Dramatiqucs, Manuel de, 12mo. boards. 1830 ,7s~ 1520 QUARLES (Francis), The Virgin Widow, a Comedio, 4to. Lond. 1050 t fZ 1521 QUEENE of Arragon, by W. Ilabington and others. 6 Plays, in 2 vols. small 4to. Lond. 1040-1702 1522 BALPH Roister Doister, a Comedy, Udal, and the Tragedy of Gorbodne, by Norton and Sackville, edited by W. D. Cooper, 8vo. tS/iakspeare Society, Lond., 1847 1523 RAMSAY (Alien}, Gentle Shepherd, a Scots Pastoral Comedy, 12mo. Edin. 1770 1524 RANDOLPH ( Tltomas], Poems with the Muses, Looking- Glass, and Amyntas, &c., wants front., 12mo. Lond. 1008 /j 1525 Aristippus, or the Joviall Philosopher, Demon stratively proving that Quartes, Pintes, and Pottles, are sometimes necessary authors in a Scholar s Library, to which is added the Conceited Pedlar, sewed, uncut, 4to. Lond. 1030 / , 1520 The Jealous Lovers, by Reviere, half red morocco, extra, 4to. Camb. 1032 4*4* 1527 Pleasant Comedie, entitled Hey for Honesty Down with Knavery, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1051 1528 BAVENSCROFT (Edward), The Dramatic Works of, being v.jj a collection of the Original Quartos collected and col lated by W. E. Burton, 2 vols. 4to. half calf \ neat. v.y. / Z- 1529 The Anatomist: or, the Sham Doctor, a Farce, 8vo. sewed, unnit. Lond. 1807 108 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. XT* 1530 EAWLINS (Thomas), Rebellion, a Tragedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1646 1531 Tom Essence : or, the Modish Wife, a Comedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1677 1532 EEPERTOIRE General du Theatre Francais, 66 vols. 12mo. half morocco. Paris, 1818 /"1533 Dramatique de la Scene Franchise, 176 num- tf//- ) bers, sewed, 18mo. Bruxelles, 1829 I 1534 Dramatique, 8 vols. 18mo. Bruxelles, 1830 /</Z 1535 de Theatre de Moderne, 8 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1827 -,//"" 1536 REVENGE (The), or Match in Newgate, a Comedy, small 4to. boards. Lond. 1680 ,// 1537 RIDER (W.) The Twins, a Tragi-Comedy, acted at the Private Ilouse, Salisbury Court, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1655 1538 ROCHESTER (Earl of), Yalentinian, a Tragedy, as acted . j/j at the Royal Theatre, with a long and very curious preface concerning the author and his writings, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1685 1539 Roux (A. A.) Louise Necker, a Comedy, 12mo. N. Y. 1850 1540 ROWE (Nicholas), Ambitious Step-Mother, 1701 ; Tamer- Ian e, aTragedy, 1703; Fair Penitant, a Tragedy, 1703 ; The Biter, a Comedy, 1705; Ulysses, 1706; Royal Convert, a Tragedy, 1708 ; Tragedy of Jane Shore, n. d.; Tragedy of Lady Jane Gray, 1715; original edi tions, 2 vols. half calf, 4to. Lond. v. y. 1541 ROWLEY (Samuel), When you see Me you know Me, or the Famous Chronicle History of King Henry the Eighth, &c., woodcut of Henry VIII, 1632; The Noble Souldier, or a Contract Broken Justly Revenged, a Tragedy, 1634, both interleaved, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1542 ROWLEY ( William), A New Wonder, A Woman Never Vext, a Comedy, 4to. Lond. 1622 1543 All s Lost by Lust, a Tragedy, 4to. Lond. 1633 t> 1544 A Match at Midnight, a Comedie, 4to. Lond. 1633 tf 1545 A Shoo-maker a Gentleman, a Comedy, 4to. Lond. 1638 / 1546 Birth of Merlin, by William Shakespear and J W. Rowley, half russia, 4to. Lond. 1662 The following plays were written in conjunction with others. OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. !" .> 1547 ROWLEY, Day and Wilkins, The Travailes of the Three English Brothers : Sir Thomas, Sir Anthony, and Mr. Robert Shirley, as it is now played by her Majesties Servants, interleaved, sew<d, 4to. Lond. 1007 ^^_ 1548 and Middleton, A Fane Quarrell, with new additions of Mr. Chaugh s and Trimtram s Roaring and the Baud s Song, 4to. Lond. 1022 x 1549 and Middleton, A Courtly Masque, The Device called The World Tost at Tennis, curious old woodcut, 4to. Lond. 1040 4? 1550 and Middleton, Changeling, as it was acted (with great applause) half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1053 , ^/ 1551 Massinger and Middleton, Excellent Comedy, called the Old Law, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1050 1552 and Webster, Cure for a Cuckhold, a pleasant Comedy, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1001 1553 and Webster, Thracian Wonder, a comical History, by T. Webster and W. Rowley, seived, 4to. Lond. 1001 1554 and Middleton, Spanish Gipsie, 4to. Lond. 1053 1555 and Ileywood, Fortunes by Land and Sea, a Tragi-Comedy, by Ileywood and Rowley, 4to. Lond. 1655 1556 Search for Money, 12mo. Percy Society, 1840 / v 1557 RUGGLE (Qeorg>), Ignoramus, Comedia, large paper, 12mo. half calf. Westminster, 1731 . 7j~~ 1558 Ignoramus, a Comedy, Latin and English, with Notes, Glossary and Life, by J. S. Hawking, frontis piece after Stothard, old calf, 8vo. Lond. 1787 "This comedy was playecj by the Students at Cambridge, before King James I. It was composed with a view to ridicule the common Law and Lawyers of England, a subject extremely agreeable to James, who detested all laws the people had any hand in framing." " The English Notes and Glossary contain a fund of information on his torical, philological, and legal points." 1559 RUTTER (Joseph), Shepheard s Holy Day, 1635 ; The Cid, Tragi-Comedy, 1650; The Cid, 1650, with the original, by Corneille, 1000, 3 vols. uniform, half calf, 12mo. Lond. v. y. 1500 RYLEY (S. W.) Roderic Random, a comic Opera, and the Civilian, a Musical Farce, and several comic Songs, 12mo. half calf. Iluddersficld, n. d. 1561 RYMER (Thomas), Edgar, or the English Monarch, seic&l, 4to. Lond. 1078 1502- - Another copy, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1678 110 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. / 1563 S. (S.) The Honest Lawyer, acted by the Queene s (* Majestie Servants, interleaved, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1616 // 1564 SAGGIONE (J.) The Temple of Love, &c., 5 Plays in 1 vol. Lond. 1706 1565 SAMPSON (William), The Vow Breaker, or the Faire Maide of Clifton, Nottinghamshire, 4to. Lond. 1636 1566 SAVAGE (Richard), Tragedy of Sir Thomas Overbury, Svo.fajfcalf. Lond. 1724 1567 SAUNDERS (().) Tamerlane the Great, a Tragedy, inter leaved, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1681 1563 SAVINON (Don ^Antonio), Eoma Libre, Tragedia, 18mo. red morocco. Cadiz, 1812 1569 SCHILLER (F.) Don Carlos, translated, 8vo. Bait. 1834 1570 SCHILLER S William Tell and other Poems, by W. Peter, 18mo. Phila. 1840 1571 SCOTT (T/iomas), Unhappy Kindness, or a Fruitless Kevenge, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1697 1572 SCOTT (Sir W.) Ancient British Drama, 3 vols. royal 8vo. half calf. (See Lot 1363.) Lond. 1810 This collection is chiefly founded on the old plays of Dodsley, to which are added a large number not included in that collection, but which have kept possession of the stage, and are still popular. 1573 SECOND Maiden s Tragedy, from the MS. in the Lans- down collection, sewed, 12mo. Lond. 1804 1574 SEDLEY (Sir Chas.) Bellamira, 4to. 1687 1575 Anthony and Cleopatra, a Tragedy, h alf calf, 4to. Lond. 1677 1576 The Mulberry Garden, a Comedy, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1673 1577 SELECT Dramatic Pieces, viz : Boarding School Miss, One and All, Disguise, Musico, Who s Afraid, and the Bulse, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1787 1578 SELECT London Stage, a collection of the most reputed Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, Melo-Dramas, Farces, and Interludes, 8vo. cloth. Lond. n. d. 1579 SETTLE (Elkanah), Cambyses, King of Persia, a Tra gedy, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1691 1580 Conquest of China by the Tartars, a Tragedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1676 1581 - - Female Prelate, being the History of the Life and Death of Pope Joan, a Tragedy, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1680 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. Ill ^ JV , 15S2 SETTLE (Ettanah), The New Athenian Comedy, half vellum, 4 to. Lond. 1093 1583 The World in the Moon, an Opera, half calf, 4to. Lond. 16 ( J7 1584 - The City Ramble, or Play-house Wedding, a Comedy, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1711 For an account of this author (who was the last of the City Poets) vido ./"/^^D lsraeli s Curiosities. 1585 SHADWELL (CftarZea), Fi ve Play a The Hasty Wedding, The Sham Prince, Rotherick O Conner, King of Con- naught, The Plotting Lovers, Irish Hospitality, half calf, 12 mo. 1720 1586 SHADWELL (Thomas), Royal Shepherdess, 16G9; Sullen Lovers, 16(58; Humourists, 1671; Epsom Wells, 1673; Psyche, 1675; The Libertine, 1676; The Virtuoso, 1691; Timon of Athens (altered from Shakspeare), 1673, in 1 vol. half calf ; The Miser, 1691; True Widow, 1679 ; Squire of Alsatia, 1688 ; Busy Fair, 1689 ; Scowrers, 1691, all unbound, forming vol. 2, 4to. London, v. y. 1587 -- Timon of Athens, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1588 - Lancashire Witches, Amorous Bigot, Woman Captain, and Libertine, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1691 to 1705 Epsom Wells, a Comedy, 4to. boards. Lond. 1676 Squire of Alsatia, a Comedy, many alterations and corrections in an old hand, calf, 4to. Lond. 1688 This play is full of the slang of the day. " The plays of Shadwell have in them fine strokes of humour ; the cha racters are often originals, strongly marked, and well sustained." SHAKSPEARE and Shakspeariana. See separate headings : SHAKSPEARIAN GALLERY, Statues, Busts. See Curi osities, &c. .&0 1591 SHARPE S British Theatre, beautifully printed, 18 vols. 24mo. calf. Lond. Whittingham, 1805 1592 SHARPE (Lewis), The Noble Stranger, as it was acted at the Private in Salisbury Court, interleaved, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1640 .^^-1593 SHARPHAM (Edward}, The Fleire, a Comedy, no title, 4to. half vellum. Lond. x^-jV 1594 -- Another edition, fine copy, interleaved. 1615 <7. j~Z> 1595 - -- Cupid s Whirligig, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1616 (This play has been attributed to Shakspeare.) 112 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1596 SHEPPEARD (S.) Committee Man Curried, a Comedy, 4to. Lond. 1647 This is a satire, and surreptitiously printed. 1597 SHERBURNE (Edward), Troades, or the Eoyal Captives, -/ J a Tragedy, translated from Seneca, 8vo. interleaved in 4to. Lond. 1679 / /2- 1598 SHERIDAN (R. B.) Dramatic Works, edited by Leigh Hunt, royal 8vo. Lond. Moxon, 1846 ^?< x 1599 School for Scandal, interleaved, 18rno. sheep. 1786 This edition was privately printed ; the present copy wants the last leaf, but the matter is supplied in MS. by the Author, Hon. R. B. She ridan. " Whatever Sheridan has done has been par excellence, always the best of its kind. He has written the best comedy (School for Scandal) ; the best drama (The Duenna) ; the best farce (The Critic) ; and the best address (Monologue on Garrick) ; and to crown all, deli vered the very best oration (the famous Begum Speech) ever con ceived or heard in this country." Byron. 1600 SHERLEY (Sir Anthony, Sir Robert, and Sir Thomas), The Three Brothers Travels in Persia, Eussia, Tur key, Spain, &c., portraits, calf, 8vo. Lond. 1828 1600a SHIRLEY (Henry), The Martyr d Souldier, as it was ,,,. sundry times acted with generall applause, at the Pri- **?ffi vate House in Drury Lane, and at other Publicke Theatres, interleaved, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1638 ^J?f 16006 Another copy, half calf , ib. ib. ^jr 1600c Another. / . 1600c? SHIRLEY (James), Dramatic Works and Poems of, /& J* w ith his Life, &c., edited by Wm. Giffbrd and Eev. A. Dyce, large paper, 6 vols. royal 8vo. portrait, half calf , lettered contents. Lond. 1833 " Shirley claims a place among the worthies of this period, as the last of a great race, all of whom spoke nearly the same language, and had a set of moral feelings and notions in common." diaries Lamb. 1600e The Wedding, acted at the Phenix, 1st edi tion, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1629 /Z- 1600/ Another edition, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1633 yz- 1600^7 Another edition, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1660 ^f 1600A Grateful Servant, 4to. interleaved. 2f~ 1600 Changes, or Love in a Maze, a Corned ie, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1632 J""^ 160Q/ Another copy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1632 /j~~ 1600& Contention for Honour and Riches, a Masque, 4to. seived. Lond. 1633 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 113 1601 SniHLKY (James), The Witty Fair One, 4to. half mo- rf>cco. Lond. 1(533 1002- - Triumph of Peace, a Masque, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1633 1603 Bird in a Cage, a Comedie, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1633 // 1604 Tray tor, a Tragedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1635 .jj 1605 Lady of Pleasure, a Comedie, 4to. served. Lond. 1637 V/ 1606 Another copy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1637 /& 1607 Young Admiral!, 4 to. sewed. Lond. 1637 // 1 608 - - The Example, a Tragi-Comedy, 4to. Lond. 1637 1609 - - Gamester, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1637 1609* Royal Master, 4to. interleaved. 1610 Duke s Mistress, a Comedie; Autograph of, and Notes by O. Gilchrist, interleaved, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1637 1611 Another edition, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1638 1612 Maide s Revenge, a Tragedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1639 I 1613 - - Tragedie of Chabot, Admirall of France, by Chapman and Shirley, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1635 1614 The Ball, a Comedie, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1639 1615 A Pastorale, called the Arcadia, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1640 1616 Humorous Courtier, a Comedy, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1640 , / , / 1G17 Opportunitie (no title), 4to. saved. Lond. 1640 \ ioi8 St. Patrick for Ireland, sm-/,4to. Lond. 1640 1619 Love s Crueltie, a Tragedy, seived, 4to. Lond. 1640 1620 Constant Maid, a Comedy, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1640 1621 Coronation, written by John Fletcher, inter leaved, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1640 1622 Brothers, a Comedie, s&ved, 8vo. Lond. 1652 1623 Sisters, a Comedie, sewed, 8vo. Lond. 1652 1624 Doubtful Ileire, a Tragi-Comedie, sewed, 8vo. . Lond. 1652 VI (525 Cardinal, a Tragedie, seivcd, 8vo. Lond. 1652 1625* The Imposture, 4to. interleaved. 1625f Court Secret, 4to. interleaved. 1625:}: Gentleman of Venice, 4to. interleaved. - Politician, a Tragedy, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1655 114 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 1627 SHIRLEY (James), Cupid and Death, a Masque, 4to. half calf. 1659 1628 - Honoria and Mammon, 8vo. Lond. 1659 1629 Eoyal Master, and Maid s Revenge, and Love s Mistress, by Hey wood, in 1 vol. half calf, 8vo. reprints. Lond. 1792-3 1630 -- Plays of, The Duke s Mistris, Love Tricks, The Example, 3 vols. 4to. interleaved. Lond. 1637 Shirley and his wife both died from fright, within twenty-four hours, at the great fire in London, 1666, after having removed from his house in Fleet Street to St. Giles in the Fields. , 4 1 1631 SIEGE and Surrender of Mons, a Tragedy-Comedy, ex posing the Villany of the Priests, and the Intrigues / of the French, half calf , La. 4to. Lond. 1691 1^32 SIR GYLES Goose-Cappe, a Comedy lately acted with great applause at the private house in Salisbury Court, half calf , interleaved, 4to. Lond. 1635 1633 Six Old Plays, on which Shakspeare founded his Mea- sure for Measure, Comedy of Errors, Taming of the Shrew, King John, Kings Henry IV. and V., and King Lear. See also under Shakspeariana. 1634 SMITH (Edmund], Phaedrus and Ilippolitus, a Tragedy, half calf, La. 4to. Lond. 1707 1635 --- (TF.) Hector of Germany, or the Palsgrave, Prime Elector, a new play, an Honorable History, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1615 >j?0 1636 SMOLLETT (T.) The Reprisal, or the Tars of England, a Comedy, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1757 * /-Z. 1637 SOPHOCLES Electra and (Edipus, translated by Theo bald, 2 vols. 12mo. 1714-15 //. 1638 SOUTHERNE (Thomas), Plays, first collected edition ly Evans, 3 vols. half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1774 Disappointment, or the Mother in Fashion, a Play, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1684 Oroonoko, a Tragedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1696 1641 - Fate of Capua, a Tragedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1700 1642 - Money the Mistress, a Play, half calf j 8vo. Lond. 1726 1643 SPANIARDS in Peru, expressed by Instrumentall and Vocall Mtisic, and by Art of Perspective in Scenery, represented daily at the Cock-pit, in Drury Lane, at three afternoons punctually, ^io. half calf . Lond. 1648 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 115 SPANISH Exile, a Play, 12mo. pp.38. Charleston, 1844 1645 STAPYLTON (Sir Robert), The Slighted Maid, 1603; Step-Mother, a Tragi-Comedy, 1664; Tragedio of llero and Leander, 1609, in 1 vol. lialf calf. 4to. Lond. v. y. 1646 STKELE (Sir Richard), Dramatiok Works, Conscious Lovers, Funeral, Tender Husband, Lying Lover, half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1736 1647 The Funeral, or Grief a-la-mode, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1704 1648 Lying Lover, or the Ladies Friendship, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1704 //" 1649 Another copy, 4to. half vellum. Lond. 1704 #/ 1650 Ladies Friendship, served, 4to. Lond. 1704 1651 STEPHENS (0.) Dramas for the Stage, comprising Nero and Sensibility, Tragedies; Self-Glorification, a Chi nese Play; Rebecca and her Daughters, a Comedy; Philip Basil, or a Poet s Fate, etc., 2 vols. 8vo., only 150 copies privately printed. 1846 "Genins there is in George Stephens." Times. t>^ 1652 - - (John), Cinthia s Revenge, or Menander s Ex- tasie, interleaved, half calf . 4to. Lond. 1613 /S" 1653 STEPMOTHER, by the Earl of Carlisle, Svo. half calf . 1800 /f7 1654 STERLINE (William Alexander, Earl of) Recreation of the Muses, Four Monarchicke Tragedies, Doomes- day, &c., folio, half calf . Lond. 1635 1055 STOCK Plays, Oxberry s edition, 6 vols. 16mo. Bost. 1832 1656 STRUTT (Joscpli\ Test of Guilt, a Dramatic Tale, loards, 4to. Lond. 1808 SUCKLING (Sir John), Fragmenta Aurea, a collection of all the Incomparable Pieces of, The Tragedy of Brenneralt, The Goblins, a Comedie, Aglaura, Poems, Letters, etc., 8vo. calf, gilt, first edition scarce. Lond. 1658 1658 Poems, Plays, Letters, &c., Svo. half calf. Dub. 1766 As a writer, Sir John Suckling will command admiration, so long as a taste for whatever is delicate and natural in poetry shall remain. In description of feminine grace and beauty he is peculiarly happy ; and his ballads and songs, the grace and elegance of which*, says Mr. KHis, aro inimitable, will render his fame imperishable. 1059 Aglaura, 1st edition, interleaved, half calf. Lond. 1638 116 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. X/~~ 1660 SUCKLING (Sir John), The Discontented Colonell, sewed, 4to. Lond. n. d. 1661 Selections from the Works of, with a Life of the Author, with Critical Eemarks on his Genius, by Eev. Alfred Suckling, royal Syo.port. half calf . Lond. 1836 This darling of the muses was worthy to be crowned with a wreath of stars. Winstanley. 1662 SWETNAM (Joseph), The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women, or the Vanity of Them, Chuse You Whether, wood cut, 1667; Swet- J7> nam, the Woman-hater, Arraigned by the Women, a new Comedie, wood cut, 1620, in 1 vol. loth very scarce, half calf . 4to. Lond. v. y. <&7 1663 SWINY (Owen Mac}, Camilla, an Opera, boards, 4to. Lond. 1706 ? / 1664 Pyrrhus and Demetrius, an Opera, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1709 1665 TAYLOR (Roberf), The Hogge hath lost his Pearle, a , .. Comedy, divers times publikely acted by several Lon don Prentices, 4to. half russia. Lond. 1614 This scarce and very curious old play is enumerated by Beloe as not among Garrick s rare plays in the British Museum. 1666 TATE (Nahum), Ingratitude of a Commonwealth, or the /<s ! Fall of Caius Martius Coriolanus (altered from Shaks- peare), with Songs set to Music, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1688 ./4 1667 Island Princess, or the Generous Portugal, a Comedy (altered from Beaumont and Fletcher), sewed, 4to. Lond. 1669 /# 1668 Cuckold s Haven, or an Alderman no Conjuror, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1685 . / 6 1669 Injured Lover, or the Cruel Husband, a Trage dy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1707 */v 1670 Another copy, half calf. Lond. 1671 - Brutus of Alba ; Loyall General, 1680 ; History of Eichard the Second, 1681 ; History of King Lear, 1681, OjU fine copies from LuttercTs Collection, the two last altered from fihukspeare, sewed, 4to. Lond. v. y. 1672 TATHAM (John), Distracted State, a Tragedy, written 1641, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1651 1673 Scots Figgaries, or a Knot of Knaves, a Com edy, seived, 4to. Lond. 1652 1674 The Eump, or Mirror of the Late Times, a Comedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1661 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. 117 1075 TAYLOR (//.) Ilenry tho Fair, 4to. N. Y. 1843 + 7f~ 1076 TEATRO Coraico di Augusto Bon, calf, 12mo. Milan, 1823 Sj? 1077 TEATRO Italiano, vellum, 12mo. Verona, 1723 / l __ 1078 Italiauo Antico, 10 vols. half bound, fine por traits. Milano, 1808 ** A very excellent collection, containing tho whole of tho comedies of I ietro Arotino, and the principal dramatic pieces of Allemaiini, Ariosto, Berui, Chiabrera, Dolce, Uiraldi Cinthio, Tasso, and other equally esteemed authors. " Reuueil recherche, et peu commun." Jirunct. , %~~ 1079 TERENCE S Comedies, translated by Cooke, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1749 1080 Comedies, translated by G. Colman into famil- iar blank verse, illustrated ivith portraits, 2 vols. half calf, 8vo. Lond. 1768 " A better translation can scarcely be expected ; it is such as Terence deserved, and done by a uiaii of almost ejual comic powers with him self. Clarke. 1081 THEATRE Burlesque, 2 vols. ISmo. Paris, 1840 ?.?j~- 1082 Complet des Latins, par J. B. Levee, et le / Monnier, half calf , 15 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820 Composed of the following authors in Latin and French : Flautus, 8 vols. by Levee ; Terence, 3 vols. by Monuier ; Seneca, 3 vols. by Levee ; Fragments of Eunius, &c., 1 vol. by the same. 1083 Do la Foire, ou 1 Opera Comique, les meilleurcs pieces qui ont etc reprcsentces aux Foircs do St. Ger main et de St. Laurent, 9 vols. 12 mo. numerous en gravings with the music of the songs, fine impressions, old calf gt. curious. Amsterdam, 1723 1084 Espagnol, Lope de Vegd, traduit en Francais, half morocco extra, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827 ftf 1085 Franais Repertoire, par Lepeintre, 1 to 4; 8 to 30 , 34 to 30 ; 38 to 40 ; 42 to 47 ; 02 to 67 ; 72 to ///* ^ 5 78 an ^ 80 Fin de Repertoire 2 to 10 ; 13, 15, 27 and 41 ; Fin 2nde ordre, odd vols. sewed, 18mo. ^ 1080 THEOBALD (L.) The Fatal Secret, a Tragedy, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1735 ^J~~~1G87 THOMPSON (7?-) German Theatre, translated by B. Thompson, cl. vols. 12mo. Lond. 1811 .^j 1088 - - Another copy, Ids. vols. 12mo. Lond. 1811 1089 THURMOND (George), Harlequin Doctor Faustus, with the Mask of the Deities, half calf, 8vo. Lond. 1724 2_ 1090 THYESTES, a Tragedy, translated out of Seneea, to which is added Mock Thyestes in Burlesque, half calf, 12mo.. Lond. 1074 118 OLD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN DRAMAS, ETC. .// 1691 TIMON of Athens, &c., 6 old plays. 693 TOMKIS, Albumazar, a Comedy, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1634 1694 TOURNEUR (Oyril), The Revenger s Tragedy, Atheist s Tragedy, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1780-92 1695 TRAGEDIES, by Dennis, N. Tate, J. Shirley, and Hop kins, 4 vols. 4to. paper. Lond. 1637 to 1700 1696 A Collection of, in three thick vols. 8vo. half morocco. 1798, &c. 1697 TRAFP (Joseph), Tragedy of Saul, 1703; Abra-Mule, 1704, first edition in 1 vol. half calf , 4to. Lond. v. y. 1698 TRIAL for Murder: or, the Siege of Calais Besieged, 4to. Lond. 1765 1699 TRIUMPHS of Virtue, a Tragi-Comedy, 4to. half calf . 1697 1700 TRUE and Exact Catalogue of all the Plays and other Dramatick Pieces that were ever yet printed in the English Tongue in Alphabetical order, continued down to April, 1732, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1732 / <- > 1701 TUKE (8!) Adventures of Five Hours, a Tragi-Comedy, interleaved, half calf , folio. Lond. 1663 Pepys favorite play. See his Diary. **-*- 1701* VALIANT Welshman, a Tragi-Comedy, 4 to. 1615 2 6 z~ 1702 VANBRUGH (Sir John), Plays, 2 vols. half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1719 >2J~~ 1703 VERBRUGGEN (Jo/in), New Opera called Brutus of Alba, half calf, 4to/ Lond. 1697 . J -fS" 1704 VOLTAIRE, Theatre Choisi, half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut, 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831 2 *^ 1705 (M. de), The Dramatic Works of, translated by Downman and Williams, 2 vols. 8 vo. half calf, very neat. Lond. 1781 Contains (Edipus, Brutus, Mariamne, Death of Csesar, the Tattler, Nanine, the Prodigal, the Coffee House, Lord of the Manor, &c. ^-Zf" 1706 W. (J) The Valiant Scot, a Play, fine copy, scarce, 4to. Lond. 1637 From the History of Sir W. Wallace, dedicated to the Marquis of Hamil ton by Wm. Bowyer. /2- 1707 WALKER ( William), Victorious Love, a Tragedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1698 ^f~~ 1708 WALLER (Edmond), Pompey the Great, a Tragedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1664 1709 WARD (//em-?/), Works of, consistingof Dramatic Pieces, Poems, Prologues, Epilogues, Epigrams, Epitaphs, Songs, Tales, &c., 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1746 OLD ENGLISH AND FOHEIGN DUAMAS, ETC. 119 1710 WEBSTER (John), Dramatic Works Complete, edited by Dyce, best edition, scarce, 5 vols. 12 mo. half calf . Load., Pickering, 18?0 A very elegant edition of the works of Webster, who is allowed to be one of tho tin.-t of the Elizabethan dramatists, and scarcely inferior to Shakspeare. 1712 - (John and T. Dekker), Westward Hoe, acted at St. Paule s, sewal, 4to. Lond. 1607 Northward Hoe, sewed, 4 to. Lond. 1607 (John), Devil s Law-Case, or when Women goe to Law the Devil is full of Business, a Tragi-Comedy, 4to. SL-wed. Lond. 1623 First edition, and very scarce. Field s copy sold for XI 10., and Inglis for 1 5s. 1715 (and W. Rowley), Thracian Wonder, a Comical History, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1661 1716 White Devil, or the Tragedy of Paulo Giordano Ursin, Duke of Brachiano, &c., /uilfcalf, 4to. Lond. 1631 *W 1717 The Dutchesse of Malfi, a Tragedy, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1640 rJ 1718 Duchess of Malfi, reconstructed by II. II. Home, folio, half calf . Lond. 1850 ^ j 1719 WEST (Richd. Lord Clwn. of Ireland), Hecuba, a Tra gedy, as played at Drury Lane, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1726 1721 WESTON (Jo.) Amazon Queen, or the Amours of Tha- lestrius, a Tragi-Comedy, 4to. sewed. Lond. 1667 1722 Another copy, half calf . Lond. 1667 1723 WUEELWRIGIIT S Comedies of Aristophanes, translated into blank verse, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Oxford, 1837 1724 WHITE (T.) Old English Drama, reprints of, rare old plays, 4 vols. half calf . Lond. 1830 1725 WILD S Dramas, ISrno. half morocco. Lond. 1805 1726 WILKINS (G.) Miseries of Inforst Marriage, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1637 1727 Another copy, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1637 1728 WILSON (Arthur), The Inconstant Ladie; with long Appendix, 4to. half calf. Oxford, 1811 1729 WILSON (John), The Cheats, a Comedy, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1664 1730 Another edition, 4to. Lond. 1693 1731 Andronicus Comnenius, a Tragedy, 4to. " Lond. 1664 ^732 WiLYBeguil d, a wittie Cornedie, half calf, no title, 4to. Loud. 1606 120 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. 1783 WINDSOR Castle, and others, 2 vols. of Plays. 1734 WISEMAN (Jane), Antiochus the Great, or the Fatal Relapse, sm. 4to. half calf . Lond. 1702 1735 Wit and Science, a Moral Play, edited by Halliwell, half calf, 8vo. Lond. 1848 1736 WOLSELY S Yalentinian, a Tragedy, 4to. title cut, scvjed. Lond. 1737 WRIGHT (Thomas), The Female Vertuosos, a Comedy, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1693 1738 Another copy, unbound. Lond. 1693 /a 1739 WYCHERLY ( William), Plays, 2 vols. half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1720 J# 1740 - The Plain-dealer, a Comedy, half vellum, 4to. Lond. 1694 j?6 1741 - Another edition, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1686 f# 1742 Love in a Wood, or St. James Park, a Comedy, half vellum, 4to. Lond. 1694 " As long as Men are false and Women vain, Whilst gold continues to be Virtue s Bane, ?n pointed satire Wycherly shall reign." Evelyn. 1743 Zoucn (Richard), The Sophister, a Comedy, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1639 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. See also HISTORY OF THE STAGE, BIOGRAPHY, &c. /. 4 1743* ACTORS by Daylight, or Pencillings in the Pit, 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. half calf . Lond. ,^//- 1744 ADDISON (Joseph), Life of, by Miss Aiken, illustrated by many of his Letters and Private papers never be fore published, 8vo. half calf . Phil. 1846 " Her book contains the first complete life of Addison ever put forth. As a literary biography it is a model ; and its pages are besides en riched by many hitherto unpublished letters of Addison." Athenaeum. , fj 1745 ALFIERI ( Vittorio), Autobiography, translated by Lester, 12mo. N. Y. 1841 /<- , 1746 ALLEYN (Edward, founder ofDulwich College), Memoirs of, by Collier, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1841 /^lr~1747 BADDELEY (Sophia, actress), Memoirs of, by Elizabeth Steele, 6 vols. bound in 3, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1787 ^-f~Z> 1748 BAKER (David Ersldne), Companion to the Play-house, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1764 BAKER Biographia Dramatica, vide Bibliography, Lot 553. IWAMATIC lilOailAPIIY. 121 1749 BANNISTER (John, comedian), Memoirs of, by Adolphus, 2 vols. Svo. ha?/ calf. Lond. 1839 1750 BARNUM (P. T.) Life of, written by himself, cloth, 12mo. Kedtield, 1855 1751 BARHYMORE (Earl of), Life of, by Anthony Pasquin (John Williams), 8vo. half calf, portrait. Lond. 1793 1752 BELL S Lives of the most Eminent and Scientific Men of Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1839 1753 BRUMMELL (Geo.) Life of, commonly culled Beau Brum- mell, by Jesse, 8vo. Phil. 1844 ^- 1754 BELLAMY (Gtorye Anne), Apology for the Life of, written by herself, 6 vols. in 3, 12rno. half calf Lond. 1785 " Apology ! this lewd female should have termed it a sort of defence of her long course of licentious infamy." / S& 1755 BERNARD (John}, Retrospections of the Stage, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1830 -, 1756 BETTERTON (Thomas, tragedian), Life of, written by himself, portrait, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1710 / * ^1757 BETTY (Henry West, the Young Roscivs), Memoirs of the Life of, 12mo. half calf \ Liverpool, 1704 3 -> 1758 BILLINGTON (J/rs.) Memoirs of, by herself, 8 vo. half calf. Lond. 1792 / 1759 BOOTH (Barton, comedian), Life of, Svo. half calf. Lond. 1733 1760 - - Another copy, vnlonml. 1733 1 BOYLE Family (Earls of Orrery), Memoirs of the, by E. Budgell, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1737 . 7j 1762 BRITISH Theatre, containing the Lives of the English Dramatic Poets, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1752 1763 BUNN (Alfred), Old England and New England, in a Jt^ series of views taken on the spot, 2 vols. in 1, 12rno. W-cMh. Lond. 1853 J* yj~ 1764 - The Stage, both before and behind the Cur- ^ / tain, 3 vols. 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1840 1765 BURNEY (Dr.), Life of Metaslasio, with translations of his principal Letters, portraits, 3 vols. 8vo. boards. 1766 BUTLER (Frances Anne Kemble, now Mrs.) Journal, 2 vols. Svo. half calf. Phil. 1835 1767 BYRON (Lord), Letters and Journals of, edited by Thos. Moore, 2 vols. Svo. half calf. N. Y. 1830 Xz_1768 CATLEY (Ann, Actress), Life and Memoirs of, by Miss Ambross, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 122 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. 1769 CHARKE (Charlotte, Actress, Daughter of Colly Gibber), Narrative of the Life of, by herself, 12 mo. half calf. Lond. 1755 - j~3" 1770 Another edition, 12mo. half bound. Lond. 1827 A singular piece of autobiography, full of the vicissitudes of life arising from a wild and dissipated disposition, and so unsuitable to her sex. 1771 GIBBER (C.) An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Gibber, written by himself, and interspersed with Characters and Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contem poraries, the whole forming a complete history of the stage for the space of forty years, &c., portrait, uncut, with a MS. Index, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1740 1772 Another copy, unbound, 4to. Lond. 1740 1773 Another edition, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1822 " One of the most amusing specimens of biography in the language, and the best history of the English stage during the time." 1774 - - (Theophilus), The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the Time of Dean Swift, com- ^/ < , piled from ample materials scattered in a variety of books, and especially from the MS. notes of the late /y . ingenious Mr. Coxeter and others, collected for this ^design, 5 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1753 Contains the lives and curious particulars relative to obscure poets, no where else to be found. / JV 1775 Letter to David Garrick, Life of Barton Booth, and other tracts, plates, 8vo. Lond. v. d. 1776 GLAIRON (Ilyppolite, the famous Actress), Memoirs of, / ^ by herself, translated from the French, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1800 1777 COLMAN Family, Memoirs of the, by R. B. Peake, in cluding their Correspondence with the most Distin guished Personages of their Tim es, ports. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1841 1778 COOKE (George Frederick), Memoirs of, by W. Dunlap, with Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries, 8vo. half calf. 1813 1779 CONGREVE (William], Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Amours of, by Charles Wilson, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1730 ^ 1780 CONSTANTINI, Vie de Scaramonche, 12mo. half calf . Brusselles, 1699 v 7/"~~1781 COWELL (Joe, Comedian), Thirty Years Passed Among the Players of England and America, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1824 DRAMATIC HIOGRAl HY. 123 1782 CROUCH (Afrs., Actress), Memoirs of, including a Retro spect of the Stage during the Years she Performed, by M. J. Young, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf , neat, fine jwrts. 1806 >rf2. 1783 CRUSI us (L.) Lives of the Roman Poets, containing a critical account of them and their writings, with large quotations of their most celebrated passages, &c., in 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1733 & # 1784 CUMBERLAND (Richard, Dramatic Author), Life of, by William Mudford, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1812 1785 DIIIDIN (Charles, Actor), The Professional Life of, >4j written by himself, with 600 of his songs, 4 vols. 8vo. half calf, jjortrail and sixty plaies by his daughter. Lond. 1803 x p.* 1786 (Thomas), Reminiscences, comprising his Cor respondence with Sheridan, G. Colman, Whitbread, Douglas Kinnaird, P. Moore, &c., i>ortrait, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. 1827 This work abounds in lively Theatrical Anecdotes, curious secrets of tho Green Room, accounts of the destruction. by fire of Coveut Garden and Drury Lane Theatres, &c. 1787 DRYDEN (John), Life of, 12mo. half calf. Lond. n. d. ,jsj 1788 DYER (Robert), Nine Years of an Actor s Life, cloth, 12mo. Lond. 1833 //d 1789 EBERS (John), Seven Years of the King s Theatre, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1828 1790 ECCENTRICITIES of J. Edwin, the Comedian, with several hundred original Anecdotes, &c., by Ant. Pasquin [J. Williams], 2 vols. 12mo. half calf . Dublin, 1791 1791 EGAN (Pierce), Life of an Actor, with numerous Jine spirited engravings, highly cofand, royal 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1825 1792 ELLISTON (R. W., the celebrated Comedian and Man ager of Drury Lane Theatre), Memoirs of, by G. Ray mond, 2 vols. 8vo. Jine portrait and humorous illustra tions, by Geo. Oruikshank, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1846 " Great wert thou in thy life, Robert William Klliston. Joyousest of once embodied spirits ! whither at length hast thou flown ? Magnificent were thy caprices on this Globe of Earth." Charles Lamb. . j-% 1793 EVERARD (Edward Coke, Comedian), Memoirs of an Unfortunate Son of Thespis, being a Sketch of his Life, by himself, half calf, 12mo. .Edin. 1818 7j^ 1794 FENNELL (James), Apology for the Life of, 8vo. half calf. Phil. 1814 124 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. 1795 FOOTE (Samuel), Memoirs, with a collection of his Bon Mots, -Anecdotes, Opinions, &c., and Three Dramatic Pieces not in his Works, by W. Cooke, portrait, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. N. Y. 1806 1796 GALT (John), Lives of the Players, and Biography of //,, -?j~ the most Distinguished Actors and Actresses of the English Stage, 2 vols. post 8vo. half calf, gilt. Lond. 1831 1797 GARRICK (David}, Private Correspondence with the /most Celebrated Persons of his Time, illustrated with Notes and Biographical Memoir by Boaden, portrait, 2 very large thick vols. royal 4to. half calf . 1831 A most amusing and interesting collection of upwards of 2,000 letters by the most eminent men and women of the time in which Garrick lived. / SZ? 1798 Life of, by Arthur Murphy, 8vo. half calf . Dub. 1801 , f. 1799 Memoirs of the Life of, by Thos. Davies, inter spersed with Characters and Anecdotes of his Thea trical Contemporaries, including a History of the Stage for Thirty-Six Years, 12mo. half calf . Bost. 1813 7-f~~ 1800 GOLDONI (Carl), Memorie di, 3 vols. 8vo. half boards. Prato, 1822 1801 GOLDONI S Memoirs, forming a complete History of hj s Lif e an( j Writings, Translated by Black, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. 1814 "The Memoirs of Goldoni are more truly dramatic than his Italian Comedies." Gibbon. An admirable specimen of Autobiography. s? (-,, 1802 GOLDSMITH (Oliver), Life of, by Prior, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1837 These volumes will ever constitute one of the most precious " wells of English undefiled." Quarterly Review. <?__ 1803 GOETHE, Characteristics of, from the German of Talh Von Muller, with Notes, original and translated, illustrative of German Literature, by Sarah Austin, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1833 1804 Autobiography of, by Park Godwin, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. N. Y. 1846 1805 GRIMALDI (Joseph, Clown), Memoirs of, by Dickens, illustrated by Cruilcshank, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1838 1806 GUIZOT S Corneille and his Times, elegantly printed in large type, thick 8vo. cloth. 1852 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. 125 1807 UAULEY (George, Davits), Biographical Sketch of the Life, Education, and Personal Character of William Henry West Betty, the young Roscius, 8vo. half calf. Lond . 1804 1808 HENDERSON (John), A Genuine Narrative of the Life and Theatrical Transactions of, 8vo. sewed. Lond. 1778 *^S~ 1809 Letters and Poems of, by Ireland, 12mo. half calf. Dublin, 1786 1810 HILL (B. E.) Playing About, or Theatrical Anecdotes and Adventures, with Scenes of a general nature from the Life, in England, Ireland, and Scotland, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1811 HILL (G. II., called Yankee Hill), Life and Recollec tions of, by W. K. Northall, 12 mo. cloth. N. Y. 1850 1812 HOLBERG (Lewis), Memoirs of, by himself, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1827 2- 1813 IIoLCROFT (Thomas), Memoirs of, written by himself, in 3 vols. 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1816 1814 Narrative of Facts relating to a Persecution for High Treason, with an Address to the Jury and the Defence, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1795 INCHBALD (Mrs.) Memoirs of, by Boaden, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1803 JOHNSON (Dr.) Account of the Life of, by Miss Hill Boothby, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1805 1817 Russell s Life of, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1847 1818 Lives of the Poets, with Annotations, by Mrs. Thrale (Piozzi). The Lives of the most eminent English Poets, with Critical Observations on their works, by Samuel Johnson, in 4 vols. 8vo. (portrait after Reynolds). First edition, in the original old coif binding. Lond. 1781 In the whole range of English literature it would, perhaps, be impossible to select a more intrinsically valuable and gratifying literary gem than the present. It is the copy of Dr. Johnson s Lives of the Poets, presented to his friend, Mrs. Thrale, and enriched throughout with copious notes and annotations by her, which are entirely unpub lished. The late editions of " Boswell s Life" have shown the eagerness with which every scrap relating to Dr. Johnson has been collected and cherished, though often of trivial value ; while these volumes present an untouched mine of entirely new material, from one, of whose house he was so long an inmate, and who soothed with feminine attention and the luxuries of wealth the declining years of the "Colossus of Literature." It may be doubted whether an equally valuable addition to our knowledge of Dr. Johnson is in existence. On the lly-leaf of vol. 1 is the signature "//. L. Thrale, 126 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. 1781," and the notes with which the margins abound appear to have been written on various perusals between that time and 1817, (which is the last date noticed), four years previous to Mrs. Piozzi s death, in 1821, in her 82d year. In a note to Boswell, Mr. Croker says of Mrs. Piozzi s hand, " Her writing is an almost perfect speci men of calligraphy, and this power remained unimpaired to the last years of her long life ;" a fact to which these volumes testify indeed some of the later notes are almost microscopic, though per fectly clear and legible. The notes, which are many hundreds in number, and of various extent, from a few words to a long para graph, may be roughly classed as unpublished anecdotes of Dr. Johnson, anecdotes of English literary men and their works, derived from a constant intercourse with the highest sources of information, and original critical remarks, &c., by Mrs. Piozzi herself, frequently displaying great vivacity and talent. A specimen or two, chiefly of the first class, is given merely to show their character and import ance : "When I expressed my grief and anger at seeing Young s character so mangled, (by Herbert Crofts, who supplied the Life in Johnson s Col lection), Why, pry thee, my dear, (says Dr. Johnson), why didst not do it thyself? I did not possess any materials for such a work, was my reply. Nor I, (answered Johnson), and I was glad of good help. So now, let s hear no more on t. " Life of Youny, vol. iv., p. 359. " When Johnson had finished his preface to Shakspear, Mr. Thrale said, Oh, sir, you have driven Pope quite into shade. I fear not, sir, was our doctor s reply, the little fellow has done wonders. " Pope, vol. iv., p. 73. " Dr. Johnson requested Lord Westcote, in my hearing, to write this life (Lord Lyttleton) for him, (though I am sure he neither loved nor esteemed the man.) Lord Westcote declined the work, with many complimentary expressions ; said his dear brother was in the best possible hands, &c. ; and after it was written flew in a rage, and ran to Mrs. Montagu, complaining of Dr. Johnson, who sat still and laughed at my Lord Parenthesis, as he called Billy Lyttleton." Lyttleton, vol. iv., p. 489. " The beauty who is totally free from disproportion of parts and fea tures, cannot be ridiculed by an overcharged resemblance, &c., Johnson," finely said, and accurately illustrated; and it was John son s conversation opinion, too. He liked Mr. Thrale, he said, because he had no trick about his manner, no emphasis in his talk ; he could no more be taken off (as the phrase is) than Beauclerc. And what, sir, (said I,) do you think, then, of your favorite, Bur- ney ? Oh, (said he,) Burney could not be taken off, certainly, because he is all trick. " Dryden, vol. ii., p. 121. " Dr. Johnson was very angry that he was not called upon by Garrick to write the Ode, (in the Shakespeare Jubilee,) which for that rea son he always ridiculed." Dryden, vol. ii., p. 110. "I have heard Dr. Johnson say, what tis plain he would not write, how Parnell could not get through a sermon, without turning his head, even in the pulpit, to drink a dram." H. L. P., 1802. Parnell, vol. ii. p. 306. " Richardson quotes as Otway s lines, verses now well known to be Shakespeare s ; but to Garrick, that mine of mercury striated with gold, we owe the revivification of Shakespeare, though none of us had influence enough with Dr. Johnson to make him confess it in his Preface or Notes. Mr. Thrale would not try Garrick had re- DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. 127 fused him a favor. He wonld not patronize Poll Hart, who after ward married Reddish." Otiray, vol. i., p. 340. For a very curious anecdote of Rochester, see vol. i., p. 301 ; and of Thomson, vol. iv., p. 271 ; which would take too much space to extract. It ia hoped that the above specimens, out of some hundred notes, will be sufficient to give an idea of the value of this Unique Contribution to the Literary History of England, and Memorial of one of her Greatest Writers. 1819 JOHNSON (Samuel), The Life of, by James Boswell, edited by J. W. Croker, Variorum Edition, including the Tour to the Hebrides, Johnson s Diary of his Tour in Wales, Unpublished Letters, and two Supple mentary Volumes of Johnson iana, from various sources, edited and arranged by T. Wright, 10 vols. 12mo. ivith 50 beautiful Plates, Portraits, Views, Fac similes, &c. half calf . Lond. 1848 " Boswell s Life of Johnson is one of the best books in the world. It is assuredly a great, a very great book. Homer is not more decidedly the first of Heroic poets Shakspeare is not more decidedly the first of dramatists Demosthenes is not more decidedly the first of ora tors, than Boswell is the first of biographers. He has distanced all his competitors so decidedly, that it is not worth while to place them ; Eclipse is first, and all the rest, nowhere. We are not sure that there is in the whole history of the human intellect so singular a phenomenon as this book. Many of the greatest men that have ever lived have written biography Boswell has beaten them all." Macattlay, in Edinburgh Review. 1820 JOHNSONIAXA: a Collection of Miscellaneous Anec dotes and Sayings, gathered from nearly a hundred different publications, and not contained in Boswell s Life of Johnson, edited by J. W. Croker, M. P., fcap. 8vo. half calf. 1845 This entertaining collection comprises the whole of the two supple mentary volumes of Croker s edition of Boswell s Life of Johnson. 1821 JONSOX (Ben) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, with an abstract of the lives of Somerset and Buck ingham ; collected from the writings of the most emi- fj> nent historians, and interspersed with the pasquils of those times ; to which are added two Comedies (wrote by Ben Jonson, &c., and not printed in his works), called the Widow and Eastward lloe, 12mo. scarce, calf. Dublin, 175(> 1822 JORDAN (Ifrs.) Boaden s Life of, including original / . Private Correspondence and Anecdotes of her Con- ^ ^ temporaries (Duke of Clarence, &c.) portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1831 4* > 1823 KKAN (Etlmnnl), Life of, 2 vols. 8vo. lalfcalf. Lond. 1835 128 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. 1824 KELLY (Michael), Keminiscences of, and Anecdotes of 2,2^j Distinguished Personages, Political, Literary, and Musical, 2 vols. post 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1826 " The best addition to our Theatrical History since Colley Gibber ;" it was, in reality, written by Theodore Hook. \-<? 1825 KEMBLE (John Philip), Memoirs of, by Williams, 12 mo. sewed. Lond. 1817 1826 Life, including a History of the Stage from the time of Garrick, by J. Boaden, 2 vols. royal Svo.half calf. 1821 1827 KOTZEBUE (Augustus Von), Sketch of the Life and Literary Career of, written by himself, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1827 1828 LEMAZURIER (P. D.) Galerie Historique des Acteurs Theatre Frangais depuis 1600, Jusqu a nos jours, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf . Paris, 1810 1829 LEWIS (MonJc), Life and Correspondence, with many st SP pieces in prose and verse never before published, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and fac- simile, half calf . 1839 " I d give a world of sugar cane, Mat Lewis were alive again." Byron. The "wonder-working Lewis," as he was styled by Byron, was the friend and associate of nearly all the most celebrated men of his day. " Crammed full of anecdotes as these volumes are theatrical, political, and literary there is not a dull page throughout." Court Journal. / < N 1830 LIVES of the English Dramatick Poets, begun by Lang- baine, continued by Gildon, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1698 " Of all the early catalogues of the English Stage, Langbaiue s is the only one to be relied on implicitly for it s fidelity. Lowndes. 1831 LIVES of British Dramatists, by miscellaneous authors, in 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Phil. 1846 1832 MACKLIN (Charks), Memoirs of the Life of, by Kirk- man, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1799 1833 MACREADY (Mrs.) Memoirs of, 8vo. Chicago, 1857 ,// /# 1834 MALIBRAN (Madame), Memoirs of, by the Countess de Merlin, 2 vols. 12mo. cl&th. 1840 " These Memoirs of this extraordinary woman are full of interesting de tails, much of which is entirely new to the public : the Letters and Anecdotes are characteristic and amusing." - iff 1835 MASSINGER (Philip), Account of the Life and Writings of, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1789 /<> 1836 MILTON (John), Life of, by C. Simmons, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1822 /- 37 1837 MATHEWS (Mrs.) Anecdotes of Actors, with other De- sultory Recollections, &c. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1844 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. 120 1838 MAT HEWS (Charles, the Comedian), Memoirs, including his Autobiography and Diary, Anecdotes of his Con- temporaries, American Tours, &c., edited by Mrs. Mathews, portrait and plates, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1838 A rare book, a book of jest and anecdote. The eccentricities of old Johnny Winter tho natty neatnesses of Column the practical jesting of Hook these, and the passing glances at Curran, Kemblo, the Prince Regent, Q. Charlotte, &c., are given in excellent style. " Indeed it is heaped up and running over with anecdotes of tho most singular and diverting nature." Athenaeum. 1839 MILLER (D. P.) Life of a Showman, 12mo. s<wed. Lond. 1849 1840 MoLk, Mumoires de, precedes d une notice sur cet acteur par MTienne, 8vo. half calf . Paris, 1826 1841 MOORE (7 T .) Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence, edited by Lord John Russell, complete, with copious Index, fwrtraifs and vignettes, 8vols. post Svo. cloth. An exceedingly interesting work, abounding in anecdotes and sketches of the principal literary and political persons of tho present cen tury. 1842 MORE (Hannah), Life of, by Thompson, Svo. half calf , 2 vols. in one. Phila. 1838 1843 Mow ATT (Anne Cora, Actress), Autobiography of, or eight years on the stage, port., cloth, 12 mo. Bost. 1854 1844 MOZART, Life of, by Holmes, 12mo. half calf . N. Y. 1845 * y 1845 MUNPEN (Joseph, Comedian), Memoirs of, by his Son, / Svo. fine portrait, half calf. Lond. 1844 " He is not one, but Legion, not so much a comedian as a company," &c. C. Lamb. 1846 MURRAY (Arthur), Life of, by Jesse Foot, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1811 fj 1847 NASH (Rd.Masir of the Ceremonies at Bath), Life of, Svo. calf. Lond. 1762 1848 O NEILL (Miss), Memoirs of, containing her public character, private life, and dramatic progress, by J. C. Jones, portrait, royal 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1816 1S49 O KEEFE (Jo/m, (he celebrated Dramatist), Recollections of the Life of, including Anecdotes of Royal, Noble, and Distinguished Persons, fine portrait, 2 vols. Svo. half calf. 1826 The above work is full of entertainment ; introducing nearly all the gay celebrities of the last and present age. OLDFIELD (Ann<\ Actress), Faithful Memoirs of the Life of, Svo. li ilfcalf. Lond. 1751 9 130 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. //,j^> 1851 OXBERRY S New Series of Dramatic Biography and Green Boom Spy, 6 vols. 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1825 ^J~& 1852 PALMER (John, Actor), A Monody on. Ed. Forrest s Oration, &c., &c., 8vo. v. p. / ,/J~~1853 PARKER (George), Life s Painter of Variegated Charac ters in Public and Private Life (Cant Dictionary, Free masonry, &c.), 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1789 1854 PARSONS (William, Comedian), Life of, by Bellamy, Qvo.halfcalf. Lond. 1795 1855 PAYNE (J. II., The American Roscius), Memoirs of, with Criticisms on his Acting in the various Theatres of America, England, and Ireland, also the Plays of Belisarius, &c., 8vo. hoards. Lond. 1815 6 PETITE, Biographic des Acteurs et Actrices des Thea tre Franchise, half calf , 32mo. Paris, 1826 . 7r 1857 POPE (Alexander), Life of, by Owen Kuffhead, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1769 j, 1857*PoWERS (Tyrone), Impression of America during the years 1833-5, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Lond. 1836 Poor Powers, who was lost in the steamship President. & 1858 QUINN (James, Actor), Life of, no title, half calf , 12mo. Lond. 1859 EEEVE (John), Life of, by Douglas Banister, portrait by Wayeman, sewed, 8vo. Lond. n. d. 1860 KEYNOLDS (F., Dramatist), Life and Times, with Anec- dotes of his Contemporaries, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1827 l8Ql EOBINSON (Mrs.) Memoirs of, by herself, half bound, 12rno. Lond. 1826 Better or worse known as the Mistress of George IV. 1862 KOCHESTER (Earl of), Familiar Letters by, with letters by Thos. Otway and Mrs. K. Philips, 2 vols. 12mo. doth. Lond. 1697 1863 KOSSINI (G) Vie de, par un Dilettante, 12mo. half calf. Anvers, 1859 1864 EYLEY (S. W.) The Itinerant, or Memoirs of an Actor, 5 vols. half calf, 12 mo. Phil. 1810 1865 SAVAGE (Richard, Poet), Account of the Life of, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1744 1866 SCHILLER (Frederich), Life of, 8vo. half calf . N. Y. 1837 1867 SCOTT (Sir Walter), Life of, by Lockhart, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1839 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. 131 / /2-. 1868 SHERIDAN (Mrs. Frances, mother of R. 11. Sheridan), Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, by her grand daughter, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1824 J.J ff 18G9 SHERIDAN (Richard Hrinsky), Life of, by Thomas Moore, original 4to. edition, ivith fine portrait of S/uri- dan, Fac Similes, etc., half caff. Lond. 1825 "This is as magnificent a piece of biography as wo have in our lan guage." Monthly Rev. 1870 SHARP (J.) Les Petites Aventures do, professeur de- physique Amusante, 8vo. calf. Bruxelles, 1789 1871 SIDDONS (Mrs.) Life of, by Campbell, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1834 "The life of Mrs. Siddons, the imperial Queen of Tragedy, is brief and beautiful, full of spirited details, amusing anecdotes and interesting incidents, which are most agreeably and eloquently told. There is nothing heavy or cumbersome in the biography to mar the interest, or to fatigue the mind of the reader ; for the style is marked by a sprightly simplicity that now and then, unknown to the author, bor rows the modest grace of unaffected eloquence." 1872 - Memoirs of, by James Boaden, with Anecdotes of Authors and Actors, fine portrait after Lawrence, 8vo. half calf. Phil. 1827 1873 SMITH (Sol., Comedian), Theatrical Apprenticeship and Anecdotal Recollections, 12rno. half calf. Phil. 1846 1874 ST. ALBANS (Miss Mellon, afterwards Duchess of), Me moirs, by Mrs. C. Baron Wilson, portraits, 2 vols. post 8vo. half calf j scarce 1839 "A most interesting life of this very extraordinary woman, whose career was so plethoric of good fortune, and whose singular destiny placed her in so many and such varied situations." , 2-0 1875 STOCKDALE (Percival), Life and Memoirs of, written by himself, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1809 ,r? 1876 SUMBELL (Mrs., late Wells], Memoirs of, by herself, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1811 ^.r-1876* Another copy. 1811 / . . 1877 TAYLOR (J.) Records of my Life, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . 1832 fj- 1878 THEATRICAL Biography of the Principal Performers of the Three Theatres Royal, 2 vols. half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1772 1879 THESPIAN Dictionary, or Lives, Productions, &c., of /. f fZ, all the Principal Managers, Dramatists, Composers, Commentators, Actors and Actresses, thick 12mo. neatly bound, 22 ^>orfr2 te, including Kenille and Afrs. Siddons. 1805 "A very satisfactory and authentic wor.k." 132 EGYPT AND THE HOLY LAND. THEATRICAL Times, a Weekly Magazine of Thespian Biography, 2 vols. royal 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1847 1881 TOBIN (John), Memoirs of, by Miss Benger, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1820 1882 VEGA (Lope de), The Life of, and account of his Writ ings, by Lord Holland, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1806 1883 YESTEIS (Madam), Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of, portrait, 8vo. sewed. N. Y. n. d 1884 WEMYSS (F. C.) Twenty-six years of the Life of an Actor and Manager, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. N. Y. 1847 WESTON (Thomas, Comedian), Memoirs of, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1776 1886 WILES (Robert, Comedian), Life of, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1733 1887 WILKINSON (Tate, Patentee of the Theatres Royal, York and Hull), Memoirs of his own Life, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf scarce. York, 1793 " If I had held my Pen but half as well as I have held my Bottle, what a charming hand I should have wrote by this time." Motto of title page. 1888 YANKEE Hill, Life and Recollections of, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1850 1889 ZCHOKKE (Heinrich), Autobiography of, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1845 DUELS AND DUELLING. 1890 C. (T.) A Discourse of Duels, small 4to. boards. Lond. 1687 1891 CHALMERS (Rev. Peter), Two Discourses on the Sin, Danger, and Remedy of Duelling, 16mo. Edin. 1822 1892 MASSALI (Antonii), Contra usum Duelli, small 4:to. sheep. Roma3, 1554 1893 MILLINGEN (J. #.) History of Duelling, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1841 1894 SABINE (Lorenzo}, Notes on Duels and Duelling, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1855 SAVIOLE, vide Shaksperiana. EGYPT AND THE HOLY LAND. See also ANTIQUITIES. 1896 ADDISON (0. (7.) Damascus and Palmyra, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1858 . jfj1897 ANNALS of the Jewish Nation during the Period of the Second Temple, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1832 EMBLEMS. 1 .:.". /. J? 1903 1898 COOLEY (J. Eichi j), American in Egypt, with Rum- blcs through Arabia Petnua and the Holy Land i:i 1839-40, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1841 1899 EDREIII (Rabbi Itfosts), Account of tlje Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, settled beyond the River Sambatyon, in the East, 8vo. map, &c n half calf % gilt. Lond. 1830 1900 EXPEDITION to Egypt, 12mo. sheep. 1803 *t 1901 EOTHEN, or Traces of Travel brought Home from the East, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1850 >tffl 1902 GEUAMB (Baron}, Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Mount Sinai, 2 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1840 HISTORY of Egypt, Treating of the Pyramids, the Inundation of the Nile, according to the Opinions and Traditions of the Arabians, 12rno. half calf. Lond. 1672 1904 MAUNDEVILE S (SirJ.) Voiage and Travaile (MCCCXXII. / - J2> & c -) which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem and the Marvaylcs of Inde, &c., edited by llallivvcll, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1839 Our earliest prose author of any consideration, and our very first narrator of travels. J? 1905 PKIME ( IF. C.) Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia, 8vo.clol/i. N. Y. 1857 #f~ 1906 RENNEL (Major], Dissertation on the Topography of the Ancient Babylon, 4to. Lond. 1813 /jj 1907 RICH (C. J.) Babylon and Persepolis, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1839 ?f 1908 SEYMER (John Gunning), The Romanqe of Ancient Egypt, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Lond. 1835 y. ^./~~1909 SHARPE (&) History of Egypt under the Ptolemies, 4to. clotii. Lond. 1838 - * j 1910 TRAVELS of Alladin, Sultan of Egypt, 2 vols. EMBLEMS. 1911 ALCIATI (Andria), Emblemata denuo ab ipso Auetore recognita, 8vo. vellum, neat, ivith 215 wood-cut emblems. Lugd., Rovilinm, 1550 1912 BOUDIN (J.) Iconologic, ou explication nouvelle de Plusieurs Images, Emblemes, &c., figures by C. Ripa, \ folio. Par. 1644 Brunei puts this under Boudard. ~ 1913 BuRGUNDIA (Antonius a.) Mundi Lapis Lydices, sive vanitatas per vanitatem falsa accusata et convicta, beautiful plates, one torn, and title ivanliny, 4to. Antv. 1639 / EMBLEMS. 1914: CAMERARII (J.) Symbolarum ac Emblematum Ethico- Politicorum, 12mo. calf. Mogunt, 1702 1915 CATS (J.) Zinue, en Minne Beeldcn, Selfstryd, a work on emblem^ and other works, many curious plates, 12mo. vellum. Amst. 1717 1916 DARET, Le Doctrine de Moralitd, 100 fine p lales by Otko Vceniis, folio. Paris, 1646 This large paper copy includes ten books in the finest condition. 1917 DARET S Doctrine of Morality, with descriptions, Eng lish and French, and verses by De Gomberville, por trait and 103 fine engravings, folio, calf gilt. Lond. 1726 These engravings exhibit a very curious picture of human life, accord ing to the Stoic philosophy. 1918 GOMBERVILLE (Talasws Bosilides a) Doctrine of Mo- rality, translated by T. M. Gibbs, 103 fine plates, calf, folio. Lond. 1721 1919 JUNII (Hadriani), Emblemata; Antv. Plant in, 1565 Ovidii Mataraorphoses, illustrate, I. Sprengiani, Francof, 1563, in 1 vol. loth works illustrated by beautiful woodcuts, old calf, 8vo. v. y. 1920 QUARLES (Francis), Emblems Divine and Moral, 12mo. half morocco. N. Y. 1816 The best proof of Quarles merit is the rarity of copies not worn to rags. He possesses much genuine fire, happy similes, admirable epithets, compound words, smooth versification, and keeps one in perpetual alarm. 1921 EICHARDSON (George, Architect), Iconology, a collection of emblematical figures, containing four hundred and twenty-four remarkable subjects, moral and instruc tive, &c. engraved by Mai pas, Bartolozzi, W. Sharpe Hall, &c. 4 books in 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1779 With particular explanations of the figures, their attributes and sym bols, from classical authors, &c. This work will be found extremely useful to artists, as it gives the re ceived or established figures of all the virtues, vices, qualities, muses, seasons, senses, arts, sciences, and other matters of which the personifications are ideal. 1922 SCHOONHOVII (Florentii Goudani), Emblemata, partirn Moralia partirn etiam Civilia, 4 to. vellum, wants one leaf. Amsterdam, Elzevir, 1626 1923 SMIDS (Lud.) Emblemati Ileroica, fig. de Schronebeck, 8vo. calf. Amsterdam, 1712 SYMBOLA Divina et Ilumanas Pontificum Imperatori- urn Begun, numerous beautiful engravings by Egedum SadeLr, 3 vols. in 1, folio old calf . Francof. 1601 ENGLAND, CIIKONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. 135 1025 VAENI (Olhonis), Etnblomata Iloratiana, in Latin, Ger man, French, and Dutch, 103 curious p kites, 12rno. Amsterdam, 1784 1025* VIEW of the Human Heart, in a scries of allegorical designs, illustrative of the Evil Passions, Svo. board }. Loud. 1S32 ENGLAND. CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, PARTICULAR LIVES, GOVERNMENT, BIOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, &c. 1020 ANDREWS (J. P.) History of Gt. Britain connected with the Chronology of Europe, with Anecdotes of the Times, Lives of the Learned and Specimens of their Works, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, russia. Lond. 1704-5 1927 BAKEH (R.) Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the Time of the Roman Government unto the Death of King James, folio, no title. Lond. 1641 1020 Another edition, to which is added the Reigns of King Charles the First and of Charles the Second, folio, plates. Lond. 1606 A book rendered familiar to most readers, from Addison in his Roger do Coverley, it has been the delight of the English peasant from its first appearance to the present day. Formerly one of the most popular of our Chronicles, no less than twelve editions having been printed, the author has modestly informed ua that if all other Chronicles were lost, posterity would be sufficiently informed by reading his own. Anthony Wood, Daines Harrington, and Alex. Chalmers speak favorably of his labors. 1030 BURTON (Richard) The Wars in England, Scotland, / r and Ireland, or an Impartial Account of all the Bat tels, Sieges, and other remarkable Transactions, from 1025 to 1660, ivith curious cuts, first edition, V2mo.calf. 1681 1031 BRIEF Account of the Morall and Political Acts of the Kings and Queens of England, Svo. calf. Lond. 1703 1^32 CABINET History of England, copper plate edition, Svo. calf. Lond. n. d. ^ _ 1033 COTTON (Sir Robert), Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London from King Edward the Second unto Richard the Third, by Prynne, small folio, calf. Lond. 1657 " This Abridgement records the substance of Acts of Parliament, and other particulars that are not extant in print among the Statutes or the Parliament Rolls." MS. note on title. fj~~ 1034 DANIEL (Samuel), Collection of the Historic of Eng land, engraved title, folio, half calf . 161S " Written with a freedom from all stiffness and a purity of style which hardly any other work of so early dato exhibits." Hallam. 136 ENGLAND, CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. 1935 FROISSART S (Sir John), Chronicles of England, France, and Spain, and adjoining Countries, translated by Mr. Johnes of Hafod, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. doth. 1839 The period embraced in this amusing work is from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the Coronation of Henry IV. Mr. Johnes has prefixed a Life of the Author, an Essay on his Works, a Criti cism on his History, and a Dissertation on his Poetry. Sir Walter Scott, in his "Tales of My Landlord," thus speaks of the above "Did you ever read Froissart ?" "No," said Morton. "I have half a mind," said Claverhouse, " to contrive you should have six months imprisonment in order to procure you that pleasure. His chapters inspire me with more enthusiasm than even poetry itself. And the noble Canon ; with what true chivalrous feeling he confines his beautiful expressions of sorrow to the death of the gallant and high-bred Knight, of whom it was a pity to see the fall, such was his loyalty to his King, pure faith to his religion, hardi hood towards his enemy, and fidelity to his lady-love." 1936 Chronicles of, 74 illuminated plates to illus trate Froissart, printed in gold and colours, being fac similes from the drawings in the illuminated copy at the British Museum, and Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris, in impl. 8vo. half red morocco, gilt edges. 1846 The illuminations are admirably execiited, and highly characteristic representations of authentic costume, &c. 1937 GRANGER (Rev. J.) A Biographical History of Eng land from Egbert the Great to the Revolution; con sisting of Characters disposed in different classes, and adapted to a methodical Catalogue of engraved British Ileads, interspersed with Anecdotes and Memoirs of a great number of Persons not to be found in any other Biographical work; with up wards of 400 additional Lives, fifth edition, 6 vols. 8vo. calf, fine copy. Lond. 1824 " I have no hesitation in designating Granger s a delightful and instruc tive book; and considering that he may be said to have first walked the field alone, it is surprising what he has done. His Catalogue of engraved British Heads is immense, his style is always clear, pointed, and lively." Dibdin. 1938 GRAFTON S Chronicle History of England, to which is added his Table of the Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of the City of London, 2 vols. 4to. half calf \ Lond. 1809 1939 HALL (Edward), Chronicle, containing the History of England during the reign of Henry the IV. and the , succeeding Monarchs, to the end of the reign of "? Henry the VIII., carefully collated with the editions of 1548 and 1550, edited by Sir H. Ellis, 4to. half ca\f. Lond. 1809 Shakspearo was much indebted to this Chronicle. ENGLAND, CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. 137 HOLINGSHED S Chronicles, vide Shakspeariana. 1940 HIGDEN (Ramtlph), Polychronicon, containing the Berynges and Dedes of many Tyrnes, fol. Ulack tetter, calf, in fine clean slate, ivanls two last leaves. Wynken de Worde, MDCCCCXCV. A most desirable specimen of Wynken de Worde s press, and of Eng lish typography in the XV. century. 1941 - Polychronicon, conteyning the Berynges and Dedes of many Tymes, ivith curious old wood cuts, thick folio, newly bound in antique calf extra, (jilt leaves, fine copy. Southwcrkc, P. Treveris, MDXXVII. "A splendid and rather uncommon impression. Indeed the volume is in every respect a curiosity ; and enables us, perhaps, with some degree of certainty, to date the origin of Viynettcs in this country in which the Human Figure is introduced. On the reverse of fol. 182 is a representation of a Battle ; the first which I have met with in this country on an enlarged scale, having the arms designated by the respective standards and pennons which they bore." Dibdin. 1942 KENNETT (Dr.) Complete History of England, with the Lives of all the Kings and Queens, from the earliest accounts to the time of the death of William III.; containing also a faithful account of the Affairs of State, Ecclesiastical and Civil. The wliole illus trated by a series of very fine portraits, 3 vols. folio, caff, fui ! copy. Lond. 1706 This History forms a collection of various authors, arranged and con tinued from Charles I. to William III. by Bishop Kenuett ; amongst them are Milton s History of England up to the Conquest, Daniel s Lives of the Norman Kings, Huntingdon s Edward IV., Sir Thomas Moore s Lives of Richard III. and Edward V., Lord Bacon s Henry VII., Lord Herbert s Henry VIII., Camden s Annals of Elizabeth. Of the " Complete History of England usually attributed to Up. Kennett, I have little hesitation in affirming, that considering the interesting materials of which it is composed, it must be entitled to a conspi cuous place in the library of the careful collector." Dibdin s Lib. Comp. 1943 KIMBER (Edward), History of England, as well Civil as Ecclesiastical, from the earliest period to the 7 Twelfth Parliament, together with the History of Scotland and Ireland, &c., also of the Settlement, Progress, &c., of the British Empire in America, plates, 10 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1766 1944 LARREY (Af. dc), Histoire d Angletcrre, d Ecosse, et d Irlande. With many portraits, 4 vols. folio, calf. Eotterd. 1707 This work has a dissertation on the origin of Parliaments, combating the opinions of Spelman, I rynue, and Brady. 138 ENGLAND, CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. 1945 MACAULAY (Catherine), History of England, from the Accession of James the First to the elevation of the House of Hanover, 5 vols. 4to half calf . 1763 Written with great spirit and ability, and full of the freest, noblest sen timents of liberty. 1946 MOLEVILLE (Bertrand cfc), Chronological arrangement of the History of Great Britain, from the Romans to George III., 4 vols. royal 8vo. splendid large paper copy, calf extra. Lond. 1811 1947 MONBTRELET S Chronicles, from the year 1400 to 1467, and continued by others to 1516; translated by Col. Johnes. 2 vols. irnpl. 8vp. cloth/ 1840 J^Z,^/~^ These Chronicles commence at the e^act -period where Froissart finishes. They relate not only to the affairs of France, but also to those of England, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, and some other parts of Europe. Monstrelet s Chronicles are real history, wherein are found all the characteristics of historical writing. He traces events to their source, developes the causes, and follows them with the minutest details ; and what renders these Chronicles infinitely precious is, his never- failing attention to report all Edicts, Letters, Treaties, etc. as proofs of the truth of the facts he relates. 1947*NAVAL Chronicle, complete from its commencement in 1799 to 1816 inclusive, illustrated with many fine portraits and engravings of Sea Fights, &c., 36 large vols. royal 8vo. halflound. 1799-1816 This very interesting work gives the fullest and most graphic accounts of the brilliant exploits of the British Navy during 16 years, with Me moirs of the Commanders, Officers, &c., including many no where else published ; also Naval Tales, Anecdotes, Obituaries, &c. Amongst the biographies will be found Admiral Earl Howe, Sir C. Knowles, Lord Bridport, Lord Rodney, Lord Nelson, Earl of St. Vincent, Lord Graves, Cornwallis, Lord Anson, Lord Keith, Lord Hood, Collingwood, Lord Gambier, Sir C. Hardy, Sir C. M. Pole, Earl of Nottingham, Lord Seymour, Sir .1. Moore, Lord Duncan, Sir Sidney Smith, Sir Hyde Parker, Lord Keppel, Lord Mulgrave, Sir G. Pocock, Lord Rad stock, Sir R. Onslow. Earl of Northesk, Sir E. Pellew, Capt. M. Seymour, Lord Gardner, Sir R. Dacres, Sir R. Calder, Capt. Flinders, Lord Hawke, Willet Payne, Capt. Brodie, " Harvey, " Ellison, " Jervis, Sir E. Gough, Sir E. Hamilton, Sir R. Curtis, Sir P. Parker, Sir N. Dance, Hon. Rich. Walpole, Sir H. R. Popham, Sir T. Duckworth, Lord Cochrane, Hon. J. Forbes, Sir Cloudesly Shovel, and many others. ENGLAND, CHKONULOUY AND (iUNKUAL 111STUKY, ETC. 139 1048 NKTHKIICLIFT S Collection of One Hundred Character istic and Interesting Autograph Letters, written by Itoyal and Distinguished Persons of Great Britain, 1 roin the 15th to the latter part of the 18th Century, copied in perfect facsimile from the originals, with explanatory Letterpress and Translations, largo 4 to. Lond. 1835 Indispensable to the autograph collector. 1949 PICTORIAL History of England, being a History of the People as well as a History of the Kingdom, illustra ted with 2000 wood-cuts and plates of Monumental lleeords; Coins; Civil and Military Costume; Do mestic Buildings, Furniture, and Ornaments; Cathe drals and other works of Architecture; Sports and other illustrations of Manners; Mechanical Inven tions ; Portraits of Eminent Persons ; and Remarkable Historic Scenes, by George L. Craik and Charles Macfarlane, assisted by other Contributors, 8 vols. super-royal 8vo. cloth. 18-19 " The Pictorial History of England* now before us seems to be the very thing now required by the popular taste of the present day ; adding to the advantage of a clear, historical narrative, all the varied illus trations of which the subject is capable. Almost every page in the earlier volumes is enriched with appropriate wood-cuts generally of able execution dresses, arms, industrious employments, sports, copied from illuminated manuscripts of the periods to which they belong." Edin. Review. 1950 POLYDORI Virgilii, Ilistoria Anglica), folio, limp villnm. Basil, 1548 Polydore Virgil, who came to England in the retinne of Cardinal for- neto, to collect the Papal tribute called Peter-Pence, and whose fine and elegant style as a Latinist is preferred to almost any of his con temporaries, recommended himself so much to Henry VIII. that the King promoted him to several church preferments, and among others to the rich Archdeaconry of Wells. In this work will be found the origin of various religious rites and cere monies. 1951 RAPIN and Tindal s England: The History of Eng land, by M. Rapin de Thoyras ; translated and con tinued to the Reign of George II. by N. Tindal, 4 vols. folio, illustrations by Virtue and Houbrakcn Heads and Monuments of the Kings, Portraits of Il lustrious Persons, Maps, Military Plans, Medallic History, &c., half calf . Lond. 1743 " Let me assure the well educated and tasteful collector of books, that he can have no brighter or more desirable ornament in the histori cal department of his library than the folio edition of Kapin and Tiudal, adorned by the heads of Virtue and Houbrakeu." LHUlin. 140 ENGLAND, CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. ,/27 1952 RANDALL (M. I).} History of England, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1829 1953 EAPIN S Acta Eegia, or an Account of Treaties, Let ters and Instruments, between the Monarchs of Eng- / land and Foreign Powers, published in Rymer s Fae- dera, which are the basis of English History, 4 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 172(5 1954 REPORTS of the Commissioners upon the Public Records of Great Britain, 4 vols. folio. Lond. 1801-37 // .. "A treasure of Historical Information. Vol. 3 is a collection of all the plates from the various works published by the Commission, and contains 86 of the finest fac similes ever made. " These Reports are particularly interesting to those who have occasion to search after the Records of the Kingdom, and contain much im portant and truly valuable information. The plates of fac similes will prove highly useful to those engaged in deciphering old Re cords, Deeds, &c. 1955 TURNER (Sharon), History of the Anglo-Saxons from /, f$ the Earliest Period to the Norman Conquest, 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840 " There is good information to be found in the book of the laws, lan guages, and manners of the Anglo-Saxons, their religion and their superstitions ; the constitution of their government, their kings, their poetry, literature and arts. These are all subjects very in teresting, and can only be exhibited by an antiquarian who, Mr. Turner, offers them so completely and agreeably." Prof. Smyth. 1956 SLATYER (W.) Pala3 Albion, or the History of Great Britaine from the first peopling of this Island to this present Raigne of our happy and peaceful Monarke K. Jarnes, printed by W. Stansby, for Ric. Meighen and are to be sold at his shop at St. Clement s Church, fine engraved frontispiece, fine, clean copy in the original binding, rare, folio, calf. Lond. 1621 *#*Sold iu. Sir M. M. Sykes sale for 4 4s., and priced in Bib.-Ang- Foet, 3 3s. 1956~ x ~Si EED s Chronicle, or the History of Great Britaine under the Conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Norrnans; the Originals, Manners, Habits, Warres, Coines, Scales, &c. &c., folio, calf, Gibbons copy, large paper, very rare. Lond. 1627 " Speed was a person of extraordinary industry and attainments in the study of antiquity." Nicholson. J/ 1957 SIEGE of Calais, by Edward of England, 12 mo. calf, Lond. 1740 , ^j 1958 RICHARD II., Life and Reign of, by a person of quality, 12mo. vellum. Lond. 1681 ENGLAND, CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. 141 1959 IDOL of the Clownca, or Insurrection of Wat the Tyler, with his fellow kings of the commons, against the /*( English Church, the king, the lawes, nobility and ^" gentry, in the fourth yeare of King Richard the 2d, Anno. 1381, with Lidgate s leaf of Black Letter Poetry, rare, fine copy. Lond. 1654 " This volume contains a vast deal of curious information, and was much read at the time." 1960 HALSTEAD (C. A.) Life and Times of Richard the Third, as Duke of Gloucester and King of England: in 4 m which all the Charges against him arc carefully in vestigated and compared with the Statements of the Contemporary Authorities, portraits and other illus trations, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844 " Many new lights are thrown on the career of Richard, many new facts elicited, and the injustice of four centuries vindicated by this in trepid and indefatigable champion of historical truth." Metropolitan Magazine. I960*- - Idem, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1844 1961 WALPOLE (Horace), Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard 3rd, 4to. 2>htles, calf, wants all after page 50. Lond. 1768 " A masterpiece of historical criticism." 1962 GOODWIN (Thos.) History of the Reign of Henry V. of England, jMrlrait, folio, calf. Lond. 1704 "Compiled from goal authorities." Xicholson. . / Z- 1963 BLUNT (Rev. P. J.) The Reformation in England, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1837 j?._2j-"1964 FENN S (Sir John), Original Letters of the Paston Family, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Ed ward IV. and V., Richard III., and Henry VII., by various persons of Rank and Consequence, 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Lond. 1787 A most singular and valuable work, containing many curious anecdotes relative to this turbulent and bloody, but hitherto dark, period of history, and elucidating not only public matters of state, but like wise the private manners of the age, &c. &c. J-, 1965 HARINGTON (Sir John), Nugaj Antique; a Collection of Papers in Prose and Verse, written in the reigns of Henry VIII. to James I., 3 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1792 The first volume comprises a brief view of the state of the Church of England as it stood in the reigns of Elizabeth and James, being a Character and History of the Bishops, written for the use of I rinco Henry upon occasion of that proverb " Henry the Eighth pulled down monks and the cells, Henry the Ninth should pull down bishops and their bells." 142 ENGLAND, CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. 1966 HAYWARD S (/Sir J.) Life and Raigne of King Edward VI., fine portraits by Vavghan and Pass, small 4to. vellum. Lond. 1630 1967 Annals of the First Four Years of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 4to. cloth. (Camden Society), Lond. 1840 1968 HEYWOOD (Thos.) England s Elizabeth, her Life and Troubles, rare and curious. Lond. 1634 1969 NAUNTON (Sir Robt.) Fragmenta Regalia, or Observa tions on the late Queen Elizabeth, her Times and Favorites, with autograph of " G. Furman," small 4to. half morocco, rare. Lond. 1642 1970 A TRUE RELATION of the Facts and Circumstances of the Intended Riot and Tumult on Queen Elizabeth s Birth-Day, 12mo. half roan. Lond. 1711 J*-- 1971 MEMOIRS of the Peers of England during the Reign of King James I., numerous fine portraits inserted, 2 vols. 4to. half morocco. n. d. /JV 1972 SANDERSON (W.) Charles I, Complete History of the Life and Reign of his Majesty, from his Cradle to his Grave, with fine portrait by Faithorne, thick folio, half calf. Lond. 1658 - J^ 1973 CHARLES I., Trial of, for High Treason before the High Court of Justice, with additions, by J. Nalson, LL.D., 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1740 / <-> 1974 Eikon Basilike, the Pourtraiture of his Sacred Majesty in his Solitude and Sufferings, 8vo. old binding. Lond. 1648 1975 Eikon Basilike, the Portraiture of his Sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Sufferings, post 8vo. plates, calf. 1648, Reprinted, Lond. 1824 " Had it appeared a week sooner, it might have preserved the king s life, so extraordinary was the effect it produced. Fifty editions appeared in one year." Laing. 1976 Hollingworth (Rich.) Death of Charles I. proved to be downright Murder, 1693 ; Walker, True Account of the Author of a Booke entituled Eikon Basilike, &c., 1693 ; Ludlow (Gen.) Truth Brought to Light, or the Gross Forgeries of Dr. Hollingworth Detected, &c., 1 693, see MS. notes by Furman, in 1 vol. 4to. Lond. v. y. , /"/ 1977 CLARENDON S History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, illustrated with 88 portraits of the person ages referred to therein, folio, calf. jBp. (Tarns copy, Oxford, 1732 "One of the n oldest historical works of the English nation." Lord Jeffrey. ENGLAND, CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. H3 1978 WORDSWORTH (C/mst.)V.T).," Who Wrote EikonBasi- like?" Considered and Answered, in Two Letters to the Archbishop of Canterbury, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1824 ** Who wrote Eikon Basiliko " is a question that has not yet received a satisfactory answer. "This work has, however, been attributed to Dr. Gauden, who was incapable of writing the book, though not of disowning it." Disraeli. 1979 BURTON (John), Genuineness of Lord Clarendon s His tory of the Rebellion Vindicated, 8vo. seioed. Oxford, 1744 1980 CAULFIELD (J.) High Court of Justice, comprising Me- moirs of the Principal Persons who sat in Judgment on KingCharles the First and Signed his Death War rant, illustrated ivith their j>ortrails, autoijrapJis, and seals collected from authentic materials, 4to. boards. Lond. 1820 1981 MEMOIR of King Charles I. and the Loyalists who suf fered in his Cause, illustrated with tlteir portraits from Vandyke, 4to. boanh, iinrut, large paper. Lond. 1798 1982 CATTERMOLE (Rev. It.) Illustrated History of the Great Civil War of the Times of Charles I. and Cromwell, with 30 highly finished engravings on steel, after Cat- termole, by llolls, Wellmorc, IIoll, Heath, Varral, and other first-rate artists, imperial 8vo. cloth. 1845 ** This is unquestionably the most perfect illustrated volume of an historical character which has ever been published. 1984- - Another copy, 4to. cloth, gilt. n.d. , j-p 1985 MAY (Thomas), History of the Long Parliament, edited by F. Maseres, with Life of May, 4to. portrait and plate, half calf. Lond. 1812 "This history is written with much temper, moderation, and judgment, and with great vigor of style and sentiment." Lowndes. The great Lord Chatham considers this " a much honester and more in structive book of the period than that of Lord Clarendon." ^.( 1986 CABAL: sive Scrinia Sacra, Mysteries of State and Government, in Letters and Negotiations of Illus trious Persons and Great Ministers, Foreign and Do mestic, from Henry VIII. to Charles I., small 4to. " An important and valuable collection, constantly referred to by writers on the Reigns of Elizabeth, James I., &c. 1^87 BATE (Geo.) Elenchus motuum nuperorum in Anglia simul ac juris liegii et Parliamentario brevis Nar- ratio, jwrtrait of Charles /., 12mo. Lond. 1063 Bp. Warburton says this if a book wortli reading. 144 ENGLAND, CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. ~ 1988 BOLTON S Nero Caesar, or Monarchic Depraved, an His torical Work, dedicated to the Duke of Buckingham, engraved title by Delaram, folio, calf. 1627 Contains interesting description of Roman Britain. CROMWELL AND THE COMMONWEALTH. 1989 NOBLE (Mark), Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Cromwell, as also the Lives of such persons as were distinguished by the Cromwells, plates, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1787 1990 BURTON (T.) Cromwellian Diary, with an Historical Introduction and Notes, by J. T. Eutt, plates, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1828 The very curious and important manuscripts from which these volumes were printed, were discovered among the papers of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and owe their publication to the same assiduous bibliographer who brought to light the Memoirs of Evelyn and Pepys. 1991 CROMWELL (Oliver), A Short Critical Eeview of the Political Life of, &c., by a gentleman of the Middle Temple, 12mo. old calf. Lond. 1747 1992 CROMWELLIANA, a Chronological Detail of Events in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged, from 1642 to his Death, 1658, with a Continuation to the Restora tion, plates, folio, large paper, boards. 1810 One of the most interesting works relating to this very celebrated man, taken from the tracts, newspapers, &c. &c., of the period, by Stace, and containing many curious and authentic anecdotes, &c. &c., not generally known. 1993 ALLEN (William, i. e. Col. Silas Titus}, Killing noe Mur der, briefly discoursed in three Questions, &c. half morocco, 4to. 1689 The real author of this famous pamphlet, which is said to have struck such a terror into the mind of Cromwell as to render the concluding part of his life miserable, was the celebrated Col. Titus Loundes. , /?j 1994 AGATHOCLES, the Syracusan Tyrant, or the Life of Agathocles (e. i. 0. Cromwell), with some reflections on the practices of our Modern Usurpers, curious plate, containing a portrait of Cromwell, inscribed " Tyrannus" 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1661 This book, intended as a parallel to Cromwell, was written by R. Per- rinchief ; the portrait is an adaption of the copperplate of Edward Waterhouse, a furred cap being the alteration. 1995 PETERS (Hugh), Historical and Critical account of, after ^ ^ the manner of Mr. Bayle, by Wm. Harris, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1751 ENGLAND, CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. 145 1996 PETERS (Hugh), History of, with an Appendix, by the Kev. Samuel Peters, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. half calf. 4 N. Y. 1807 CHARLES IL, RESTORATION, &c. -~ 1997 MONARCHY Revived, being the Personal Memoirs of " i Charles the Second, from his Earlier Years to the Restoration, with 1-i portraits, 8vo. boards, uncut. 1822 1998 REGICIDES and Murderers, an exact and most impartial accompt of Twenty-Nine, and of his late Sacred Ma jesty (Charles I.), small 4to. calf. Lond. 16GO ^ 1999 SPEECHES and Prayers of Harrison, Cooke, Hugh Pe ters, Scott Scroop, Axtell, Clement, Jones, and Hacker, at their Execution 1660; also the Speeches, Discourses, and Prayers of Col. John Berkstead, Col. John Okey, and Mr. Miles Corbet, upon the 19th of April, being the day of their suffering at Tyburn, together with the Occasion and Manner of their taking in Holland, etc. 2 vols. in 1, small 4to. old calf. 1660-62 An universal feeling of sadness appeared among the spectators of their several deaths. They were all quartered aud their several quarters taken back to Newgate to be boyled. %* Sold in Bindley s sale for 1 7s., and in Towneley s for 1 9s. 40 2000 BURNET (Bp.) History of his Own Time, 2 vols. folio, calf, first edition. Lond. 1724 Bishop Atterbury said on the appearance of this edition, " Damn him, he has told a good deal of truth, but where the devil did he find it?" "Burnet s History of His Own Times is a truly valuable book." Cole ridge. tfj 2001 KING James IT., True Account and Declaration of the Horrid Conspiracy against, folio, calf. Lond. 1685 2002 ABDICATED Prince, or the Adventures of Four Years, a Tragi-Comedy, surreptitiously printed, 4to. Lond. 1696 Relating to James the 2d, and the Duke of Monmouth, Father Peters, &c. 2003 NOBLE (Mark), House of Stuart, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1795 2004 JESSE S Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate, ./we engravings, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1840 " Without it no library can be complete." Times. JAMEISON S Beauties, vide Lot 678*. 10 146 ENGLAND, CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. 2005 THOMSON S (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745, portraits, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth; Lond. 1845 " This useful and interesting,work may assert its place in the standard literature of the country." Lit. Gaz. 2007 ESSEX S Innocency and Honour Vindicated, or Murther, Subornation, Perjury, and Oppression justly charged on the Murtherers of that Noble Lord and true pat riot, Arthur, (late) Earl of Essex, rare and curious, 4to. boards. Lond. 1690 2008 D ORLEANS (P. J.) History of the Eevolution in Eng land, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1722 2009 SAMSON (P. A.) Histoire de Guillaume III., 3 vols. 12mo., vellum, numerous portraits and plates. La Hay, 1703 2010 ENGLAND S [Remembrancer, ISmo. old calf. Lond. 1713 2011 WALPOLE S (Horace) Memoirs of the Last Ten Years of the Eeign of George II. eleven fine portraits, 2 vols. royal 4to. half calf, uncut. 1822 " The most valuable addition made to English Memoirs since the publi cation of Burnet and Clarendon, and we know of no works in our language that contain such minute and circumstantial details from an eye-witness of so many persons remarkable in our history." Edinburgh Review. 2012 COURT and Times of George IV., Diary illustrative of, by Lady Charlotte Bury, Maid of Honour to Queen Caroline, with Original Letters by Q. Caroline, Prin cess Charlotte, &c., 4 vols. boards. Phil. 1838 A most remarkable work, comprehending the Secret History of the Courts ; full of curious and authentic anecdotes, related by a per son conversant with the scenes she describes. 2013 GRANT British Senate, 2d Series of Eandom Eecol- lections, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1838 2014 JOURNAL of the Movements of the British Legion, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1836 2015 STAR Chamber, Outline of its History and account of its Jurisdiction, and other pieces, 4to. 1833 Jfl 2016 BURTON S Historical Works History of the Kingdom of Scotland, by Eichard Burton, 4to. ; Historical Ee- marks on the Ancient and Present State of London and Westminster; History of the House of Orange; and of King William and Queen Mary ; History of the Kingdom of Ireland, 4 vols. in 1, 4to. reprinted from the original editions, numerous curious cuts, half morocco. Lond. 1810 ENGLAND, CIWONOLOOY AND GENERAL HISTORY, ETC. 147 2017 BUADY, Clavis Calendaria, or a Compendious Analysis of the Calendar, with Ecclesiastical, Historical, and Classical Anecdotes, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1815 2018 REGNAULT (L\) Annual History of the English Govern ment, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1843 2019 JONES (C. C.) Recollections of Royalty, 2 vols. 8vo. 7m If morocco. 1828 2019a RITSON (J.) Letters, with a Memoir, by Sir H. JSI icolas, 2 vols. 12 mo. cloth. Long., Pickering, 1833 20196 GORDON (D.) General History of the Lives, Trials, and Executions of all the Royal and Noble Personages that have suffered in Great Britain and Ireland for High Treason or other Crimes from Henry VIII. to the present time, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, numerous portraits, fine copy. Lond. 1760 2019c WOOLRYCII (//. TV.) Life of Judge Jeffreys, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1852 2020 CUNNINGHAM (0. G.) Lives of Illustrious Englishmen, from Alfred the Great to the Latest Times, with fine scries of portraits, 8 vols. in 4, half calf.* Glasgow, 1836 " Embodying the history of England in the lives of Englishmen and the nearest approach compatible with truth, to the historical plays of Shakspeare, and the historical novels of Scott. We warmly recom mend the work as a mine of valuable information presented in the most attractive form." Tail s Edin. Mag. 2021 ENGLAND S Worthies, under whom all the Civil and Bloody Warres, since Anno 1642 to Anno 1647, are related, by John Vicars, with copies of the 18 rare por traits after Hollar, <r., 12 mo. half morocco. 1819 Copies of the original edition sold at from 1G to 20. 2022 RICRAFT S Survey of England s Champions, with 20 fine portraits of the most celebrated Personages con nected with the Civil War, whose Lives are given, 8vo. half morocco, uncut 1810 Reprinted from the rare edition of 1647, which has sold for 33. 2023 GEORGEAN Era: Memoirs of the most Eminent Per- sons who have flourished in Great Britain, 4 vols. 8vo. boards. Lond. 1832 2024 GILPIN ( Wm.) Lives of John WiclifT and of the most Eminent of his Disciples, 8vo. calf. 1705 148 ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, WALES AND IRELAND. ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, WALES AND IRELAND. TOPO GRAPHY AND ANTIQUITIES, LONDON AND WESTMINSTER, CHAN NEL ISLES, FOREIGNERS TRAVELS IN. 2025 BARBERS S Isle of Wight, illustrated by 45 fine steel plates (including a portrait of Her Majesty) with a Map of the Island, and Dr. Mantell s Geological Map, 8vo. cloth, gilt. 1850 2026 BEATTIE (Dr. W.} Castles and Abbeys of England, royal 8vo. cloth, 250 plates, imperfect. Lond. D. d. 2027 BEAUTIES of England, or a Description of the Public Edifices, Palaces, Noblemen s and Gentlemen s Seats, &c., numerous plates, 2 vols. Svo. old calf. Lond. 1773 2028 BRAYLEY and Britton, Durham, Topography and History of, 8vo. hoards. Lond. n. d. 2029 Cambridge, Topography and History of, Svo. hoards. Lond. n. d. 2030 BURTON (William), Commentary on Antoninus, his Itinerary, or Journies of the Romane Empire, so far as >J~fi it concerneth Britain, with the scarce portrait and map by Hollar, beautiful copy, folio, original binding. Lond. 1658 This writer is highly commended, by Ant. & Wood. 2031 CANTERBURY, a Collection of Tracts relating to the City of; including the Book of Chronicles, by an Old Woman, Life of Betty Bolaine, Essay on Cour- tenay, &c., 8vo. boards. Lond. 1836 ,ffl 2032 COMPTON (Th.) North Cambrian Mountains, oblong 4to. half calf. 1816 J/ 2033 CROSBY, Gazetteer of England and Wales, 12mo. Lond. 1818 //" 2034 DARELL (Rev. W.) History of Dover Castle, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1797 . // 2035 DOVER and Dover Castle, 12mo. hoards, imperfect. 1828 ../27 2036 DUGDALE S England Delineated, vols. 1, 2, and 5, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. v. d. ~ 2037 ENGLEFIELD (Sir H.) Walk Through Southampton, Svo. morocco, fine plates of its antiquities. Southampton, 1805 2038 FITTLER (J.) Views of the Public Buildings, &c., of Newcastle upon Tyne, oblong 4to. n. d. ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, WALES AND IRELAND. 2039 FOSBROKE (71 D.) British Monachism, or Manners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of England, plates, half calf, royal 8vo. Lond, 1843 / /Z-. 2040 HARRADEN (R. B.) Cantabrigia Depicta, containing an Historical and Descriptive Account of the most Picturesque and Interesting Edifices in the Univer sity of Cambridge, with Views of each, 35 fine line engravings by Byrne, calf, 4to. Lond. 1811 2041 HONE S Every Day Book and Table Book; Everlasting Calendar of Amusements, Times and Seasons, and complete History of the Year, 3 vols. 8vo. engravings by Cruikshank) d c. boards. Lond. 1850 " I like you and your book, ingenuous Hone, In whose capacious, all-embracing leaves, The very marrow of tradition s shown, And all that Ilistory much that Fiction weaves." Charles Lamb. 2042 HOWITT (IFro.) Visits to Remarkable Places, Old Halls, Battle Fields, c. 2d series, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1842 , , /0 2043 OLD ENGLAND, a Pictorial Museum of National Anti quities, Regal, Ecclesiastical, Baronial, Municipal, and Popular, with 3000 wood cuts, and 24 coloured engravings, 2 vols. folio, cloth. xrL/^v/^eX 1845 The engravings embrace Druidical Remains, Cathedrals, Churches, Cas tles, Mansions, Sepulchral Monuments, Portraits, Famous Localities, the Great Seals and Arms of the Monasteries, &c. 2044 LIVERPOOL Riots, Report of the Proceedings of the Trial before Sir Robert Graham, 8vo. Liverp. 1810 2045 MARTIN S Civil Costume of England, from the Con- quest to the present period, a series of sixty-one plates, (mostly portraits of royal and noble persons,- drawn from Ancient Manuscripts, Tapestries, &c.,) beautifully illuminated in gold and colors, royal 4to. cloth. Lond. 1842 This elegant work, executed by two sons of the celebrated painter, John Martin, Esq., is the only one which presents the authentic costumes of various ranks of society, from the Norman Conquest to the pre sent day. It is especially valuable to artists. Martin and Strutt s Works are the principal authorities for English Costume, and have, of late, been largely consulted for Uer Majesty s splendid Bal Masque. 150 LONDON. 2016 REPRINTS- of Bare Tracts, and Imprints of Ancient Manuscripts, &c., chiefly illustrative of the History and Biography of the Northern Counties, beautifully printed on fine thick paper, withfac simile titles, initial letters in colours, &c,, forming 7 vols. post 8vo., com plete, with general titles and contents, boards, uncut, (pub. at 7 7s.) Newcastle, 1844-49 This Collection comprises no less than 62 Tracts of the most interesting kind, edited by Mr. M. A. Richardson, assisted by several anti quaries in the northern counties. Only 100 copies of the Collection were printed, which were all sold by the printer before he sailed for Australia. 2047 SPRAT S (Bp.) History of the Royal Society of Lon don, plates, 4to. calf, neat. 1722 " One of the few books, which selection of sentiment and elegance of diction have been able to preserve." Chalmcr s Bioy. Die. 2048 STRUTT (Joseph], Dresses and Habits of the People of England, from the Establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time; with an Historical and Critical Inquiry into every branch of Costume : new and greatly improved edition, with Critical and Explanatory Notes, by J. R. Planche, Esq., F. S. A., 2 vols. royal 4to., 153 colored plates, half morocco. 1842 2049 Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Eng land, containing Authentic Portraits of all the Monarchs from Edward the Confessor to Henry VIII., and many Eminent Persons, and Contempo rary Paintings of Important Events, 72 beautifully colored plates, royal 4to. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1842 Uniform with Strntt s dresses. 2050 SPORTS and Pastimes of the People of England, edited with Index, &c., by W. Hone, 140 curious cuts from ancient illuminations, large paper, the cuts colored, imp]. 4to. sheep. 1801 LONDON. " I pray you let us satisfy our eyes With the memorial and things of fame That do renown this city." 2051 AINSWORTH (Wm. Harrison), The Tower of London, a Historical Romance, ill. by Geo. CrucJcshank, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1845 LONDON. 151 2052 BEE (Jo/m\ Living Picture of London, from 1828, 18tno. cloth. Lond. 2053 BAYLEY (J). Tower of London, History and Antiqui- f f j/\ ties of, with Memoirs of lioyal and Distinguished * Personages, highly finished engravings, 2 vols. 4to. half morocco. 1821 2054 BRAYLEY, Brewer, and Nightingale, Beauties of Lon don and Middlesex, 125 plates, 5 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1810 2055 BRIEF History of Christ s Hospital, 12mo. "boards. Lond. 1820 /. ty 2056 CHRONICLES of London Bridge, by an Antiquary, / numerous wood cuts, half morocco. Lond. 1827 One of the most curious and interesting antiquarian books upon London ever published. 2057 DUGDALE ( William), History of St. Paul s Cathedral, in London, from its Foundation to these Times, &c., edited by Ellis, 6 parts, folio, unbound. Lond. 1814 (2058 GRANT S Every-day Life in London, 12mo. Phil. 1839 2059 GRANT, Great Metropolis, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1838 2060 GRANT S Sketches of London, 2 vols. 12 mo. Phil. 1839 2061 HUGHSON (Z>.) Walks through Islington, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Lond. 1817 2062 IRELAND (S.) Picturesque Views in the Inns of Court, royal 8vo. boards, uncut. 1800 2063 JESSE (J. If.) Literary and Historical Memorials of London, maps and plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 1847 A very entertaining work, containing anecdotes of every remarkable locality, and also of the eminent inhabitants of the metropolis. 2064 JONES, Views of London in the 19th Century, 4to. Lond. 1827 2065 KNIGHT S Pictorial History of London, Ancient and Modern, extensively embellished with fine woodcut illustra- * tions of the buildings, objects of art and interest, proces sions and customs, antiquities, <tc., 6 vols. roy. 8vo. 1841 One of the most delightful works on London ever published, comprising a vast amount of topographical and antiquarian information, detailed in a lively and pleasant manner. * _ 2066 LAMBERT S History and Survey of London and its Environs from the earliest period, numerous engravings and portraits, 4 vols. 8vo. slieep. Lond. 1806 152 LONDON. 2066*LONDON Strew d with Rarities, or It cannot Rain but it Pours, (an account of the arrival of a White Bear in Bishopgate Street, the Copper Farthing Dean, the Singing Woman, the Wild Man, &c.,) 8vo. 1726 2067 LONDON and its Environs Described, containing an Account of whatever is Remarkable in the City and 20 Miles Round, many plates, several of ivhich are addi tional, 6 vols. Svo. calf. neat. Dodsley, 1761 This work contains much curious information not to be found elsewhere, especially lists of celebrated collections of pictures, viz : Devonshire House, Foot s Cray Place, Blackheath, Sir Gr. P. Turner, &c. 2068 SELECT Views of London, cold, plates, royal 8vo. Lond. 1816 2069 DEFOE S History of the Great Plague of London, in 1665, front. Svo. calf. 1819 A fictitious narrative so well drawn, however, that Dr. Mead supposed it genuine. 2070 MAHEW S (Henry) London Labor and London Poor ; a Cyclopedia of the condition and earnings of those that will work, those who cannot work, those that will not work, woodcuts of the streets-folk of London, 2 vols. in numbers. The further publication of this work was interdicted by the authorities. 2071 MALCOM (./. P.) Anecdotes of the Manners and Cus toms of London during the XVIII Century, including the Charities, Depravities, Dresses, and Amusements of the Citizens during that Period, 45 plates, some colored, 2 vols. Svo. calf. 1810 This work is full of biographical notices, curious anecdotes, local pecu liarities, charters, presentments, &c. 2072 MALCOLM (J. P.) Miscellaneous Anecdotes of the Man- ners and History of Europe, with Reigns of Charles II., James II., William III., and Queen Ann, Svo. half calf. Lond. 1811 2073 NOORTHOUCK (John), History of London, including Westminster and Southwark; to which is added a Survey of the whole, describing the Public Buildings, late Improvements, &c., thick 4to. numerous plates. Lond. 1773 2074 PENNANT (Thos.) Antiquarian and Picturesque Account of London, with numerous portraits and engravings of famous Buildings, &c., 3d edition, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1793 " Pennant s account of London is one of the most pleasing topographical performances that ever appeared in any language." BosweWs Life of Johnson. WESTMINSTER. 153 2075 PENNANT (Thos.) Antiquities of London, nnd Anec dotes of Eminent Persons, 8vo. half calf , 55 plates. Lond. 1814 2076 PERCY (S. and It.) London, or Interesting Memorials of its Rise, Progress, and Present State, portrait and engravings, 3 vols. ISmo. calf. 1824 2077 ROSCOE (T.) Account of the London and Birmingham Railway, illustrated, 8vo. cloth. Lond. n. d. 2078 SMITH (Albert), Gavarni in London : Sketches of Life and Character, with Illustrative Essays by Popular Writers, 4to. half calf , extra. Lond. 1849 2079 SMITH (J. T.) Antiquities of London and its Environs, 96 fine engravings of Old Houses, Monuments, Sta tues, &c., many of which no longer exist, impl. 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1791 2080 Streets of London, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1849 WESTMINSTER. 2081 WESTMINSTER: Antiquities in Westminster Abbey, , ;f Ancient Oil Paintings, and Sepulchral Brasses, from drawings by Harding, and Descriptions by Thomas Moule, folio. Lond. 1825 2082 WESTMINSTER : Brief Account of Ancient and Modern Westminster, 8vo. pp. Lond. 1839 " If you ask a well-educated American, when ho visits England, what objects in the mother country have impressed him most, he will an swer, " ITS CATHEDRALS." Place him in York-minster, or West minster Abbey, and he no longer thinks of comparing England to America : the reliijio loci makes itself felt ; it awakens in him an ancestral feeling of which he was before unconscious, and he then begins to understand that, in the thoughts and emotions which carry us back to past ages, and connect us with the generations which are gone, there is something more soothing, more salutary for the heart, and more elevating also, than in all the anticipations with which a young and emulous nation looks onward to the fu ture." (Southey? in) Quarterly Review. 2083 HISTORY of the Famous Election for Westminster, be- tween Fox, Admiral Hood, and Sir Cecil Wray, in- eluding all the Electioneering Squibs, Satires, &c., and 16 large caricature plates by Gilray of the beautiful Dutchess of Devonshire (who was so active a can vasser for Fox. See Wraxall s Memoirs, &c.) 4to. boards, scarce. Lond. 1784 154 WESTMI & STER. 2084 LYSON S Environs of London, with the Additional Middlesex Parishes, with fine impressions of the nu- & - merous engravings of Buildings and Antiquities, 5 vols. royal 4to. boards. 1800-11 Few topographical works possess so much merit as this, and no pains or expense were spared to obtain authentic information. 2085 LYSONS Britannia Depicta, a Series of Views of the .. 7 most Interesting and Picturesque Objects in Great Britain, from Drawings by Hearne, Farrington, &c., engraved by Scott, Middiman, Pye, &c., with Descrip tions, 6 parts, in 1 vol. oblong folio, containing 129 fine copper-plate, engravings, half morocco. 1806-18 This series of views was published to illustrate Lysons Magna Britan nia, and contains the Counties of Bedfordshire, Berks, Bucks, Cam bridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, and Derbyshire, being all published. //J 2087 MACKENZIE (A. Slidell), The American in England, 2 vols. 12mo. roan, gilt. N. Y. 1835 2088 MUDIE (R.) Channel Islands, plates, royal 8vo. Winchester, n. d. * ~ 2089 PICTURESQUE Tour of the Eiver Thames, illustrated by ~. upwards of 100 highly finished wood engravings, steel plate engravings by Cooke and others, royal 8vo. calf, gilt. Lond. 1845 Full of entertaining anecdotes and descriptions ; a delightful Guide-book to Richmond, Windsor, and Hampton Court. 2090 EOBY (7.) Traditions of Lancashire, Historical, Le gendary, and Eomantic, 3 vols. small 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1841 " Tales that are as true as History, and yet possess the animation of Romance." 2091 TINDAL ( Win.) History and Antiquities of the Abby and Borough of Evesham, 4to. half calf . Evesham, 1794 2092 WALKS and Talks of an American Farmer in England, 8vo. K Y. 1852 2093 WESTALL ( W. and Samuel Owen), Picturesque Views on the Kiver Thames, cloth, 24 plates, colored, imperial 4to. Lond. 2094 BORDERER S Table Book, or etching of the local his tory and romance of the English and Scottish borders, with 900 wood-cuts, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. Newcastle, 1846 EUROPE. FABLES. 155 EUROPE. See also ENGLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, GREECE, &c. 2095 BREVAL (./.) History of the IIousc of Nassau, 8vo. half bound. Loncl. 1734 2096 BURTON (Richard), History of the House of Orange, rejyrint, 4 to. 1814 2097 SOUTHEY S (7?.) Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish, 8vo. clot/i. Lowell, 1840 "This i3 certainly one of the moat interesting productions of the Spanish mind ; it gives a full length picture of Spain in those dark ages in which the costume of other countries is so indistinct and con fused." 2098 GLEANINGS in Europe, England, by an American, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1837 2099 GLEANINGS in Europe, Italy, by an American, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1838 2100 Noah (Jf. J/.) Travels in England, France, Spain, and the Barbary States, 8vo. N. Y. 1819 FABLES. -&j 2101 jEsor: Mythologia ./Esopica, in qua yEsopi et aliorum Fabulra, Gr. et Lat. cura J. Niveleti ; 12mo. numerous plates, half calf. Francof. 1610 /7 r* 2102 Fables, paraphrased in verse and adorned L with sculptures by John Ogilby, many fine plates, 2 vols. half calf , folio. Lond. 1665 / - 2103 Fables of, and other eminent Mythologists, with morals and reflexions by Sir Koger L Estrange, binding brolon, folio. Lond. 1704 2104 : Fabula3 cura Desbillons ; accesserunt plus // . /_ CLXX., nova3, numerous beautiful etchings by Egidius Yerhelst, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Mannh. 1768 "Verhelst was an artist of celebrity, and is noticed by Bryan (Stanly s edition) ; these plates are singular, as many of those having figures are in the full costume of George II., and ^Esop is represented with an eyeglass looking at some others wearing spectacles, in court dresses, with cocked hats, bag-wigs, and pig-tails." 2105 Fabulae; 41 beautiful etchings by G. Kartsch, vellum, clasps, 18mo. no title. 2106 in Rhyme and others, 4 vols. 8vo. 2107 Junior in America, being a series of fables written for the people of the U. S., in America, half calf, 12mo. N. Y. 1834 156 FACETLE. 21.08 AYRES (Philip), Mythologia Ethica, or Three Centuries of .ZEsopian Fables in English Prose, done from ^Esop, Phasdrius, Camerarius, and others, curious cuts, 8vo. Lond. 1689 Rare, not in Lowndes. 2109 DRYDEN (J.) Fables, Ancient and Modern, translated into verse from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer, with original poems, folio, old calf. Lond. 1700 2110 F^ERNI, Fabuloe Centum ex antiquis Auctoribus Delectae et a Gab. Fasrne carminibus explicata3, 100 plates after Titian, calf, extra, 4to. Eomse, 1565 Editione originale, recherchee et peu commune. 2111 F^ERNI (6r.)Fabula3 Centum; Cent Fables Choisies des ~ Anciens Auteurs, raises en Yers Latins, et traduites en Frangais par Perrault, royal 4to. 100 plates, calf. Lond. 1743 2112 FONTAINE (J. de la}, Fables avec figures de Simon et Coiny, 6 vols. sewed, 12mo. Paris, 1796 " Edition ornee de jolies gravures." Brunei. 2113 Excerpta en Fables Choisies, avec des notes nouvelles, &c., par de la Harpe, 8vo. N. Y. 1810 2 114 NORTHCOTE S Artist s "Book of Fables," comprising a Series of Original Fables, illustrated by 280 exquisitely beautiful engravings on wood by Harvey and other emi nent artists, post 8vo. cloth. 1845 * # * The late Mr. Nortlicote bequeathed upwards of three thousand pounds to his executors for the purpose of bringing out this volume, and the whole sum was expended on it. \f~fi 2115 PH^EDRI, Fabulee, edit. J. Lawrentio, 8vo. vellum. Amst. 1672 2 2116 WALLBRIDGE (A.) Bizarre Fables, a Series of Eccentric ? Ilistoriettes, 40 wood-cuts, cloth, 12mo. Lond. 1843 FACETIJE. Let those laugh now who never laugh d before, And those who always laugh d now laugh the more. i. e. Let those bid now who never bid before, And those who always bid give one bid more. , .^ 2117 ABEILLARD and Heloisa, a Nineteenth and Familiar History of the Lives and Loves of, by Eabelais, Jr., in Yerse, plates, boards, 8vo. Lond. 1819 - / 2- 2118 A BECKETT (Gilbert A.) Comic Blackstone, sewed, 12mo. Phil. 1846 FACETIJK. 157 2119 ABOLPIIUS, Ilistoire dcs Diablcs Modcrnes, 12mo. pr. Cleves. 1771 2120 ADVENTURES of a Batcliclor, or Stolen Vigils, half calf, 12mo. Phil. 1837 2121 Black Coat, containing a Series of Remarkable Occurrences and Entertaining Incidents, scarce, 12mo. Edin. v. d. 2122 - Lazarillo De Tonnes, plates, half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1821 For wit, spirit, and fun, there is nothing like it. Lazarillo presents the very pattern of a good knave, the perfection of trickery. 2123 - - Signor Gaudcntia di Lucca, half calf , 12mo. Lond. 1821 2124 To the Moon and Other Worlds, 8vo. Lond. 1836 2125 ALMANACK du Diable, contenant des predictions tres curieux et absolument infaillables, pour 1 annee, 1738. Aux. Enfers, n. d. 2126 of the Month, a Review of Everything and Everybody, edited by Gilbert Abbot a, Beckett, wood- aits, 2 vols. 18mo. cloth. Lond. 1846 2127 ALEMAN (Matheo), The Rogue, or Life of Guzman do Alfarache, translated by James Mabbe, 1634; The Spanish Bawd, represented in Celestina, or the Tragicke-Comedy of Calisto and Melibea, in 1 vol. half calf] folio. Lond. 1631-4 "The Spanish Proteus, which, though writ, But in one tongue was formed with the world s wit ; And hath the noblest mark of a good booke, That an ill man doth not securely looke Upon it ; but will loathe or let it passe As a deformed face doth a true glasse." Ben Jonson. The most ample portraiture of the Catariberas or the gayer one of Picaros, that is to be found in Spanish Literature. It was very successful falling in with the vices and humors of the times of the loose Court .of Philip III. after the hypocrisy and constraints of the last dark years of Philip II. 2128 AMERICAN Bards, a Satire, 8vo. Phil. 1820 2129 Comic Annual, plates, 12mo. Bost. 1831 2130 Miscellany, or Popular Tales, Essays, Sketches, Poetry, and Jeux d Esprit, by Transatlantic Authors, royal 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1840 7 2131 - Museums, or Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitives, Pieces in Prose and Verse, 7 vols. boards, 8vo. Phil. 1781 ,/, 158 FACETS. 2132 ANSTEY (G.) New Bath Guide, 12mo. Lond. 1773 Dodsley declared the Bath. Guide was the most successful work he had ever published. 2133 APECIAN Morsels, or Tales of the Table, Kitchen, and Larder, by Dick Humbbergius Secundus, illustrated, Svo.halfcl. N. Y. 1829 2134 APULEIUS Metamorphoses, or the Golden Ass, a free translation reprinted from the scarce edition of 1709, 2 vols. 8vo. new half calf , gilt. 1822 This is modern Apuleius the actors monks and nuns a scandalous book. 2135 ARTHUR O Leary, His Wanderings and Ponderings in Many Lands, illustrated by George OruikshanJc, 8vo. Lond. 1845 2136 Ass on Parnassus, and from Scotland Ge-ho ! ! Comes S-T/ Roderigh Vichneddy Dhu, ho! Jerve!!! or a Poem entitled, What are Scot s Collops? a Prophetical Tale in imitation of the Lady of the Lake, 18mo. Phil. 1815 2137 ASTONISHING History and Adventures of Miss Betsy Warwick, the Female Rambler : The Life of Fanny Nugent, 8vo. half morocco. Manchester. 2138 ATHENIAN Oracle, with the Supplement and History of the Athenian Society (by J. Dunton); also, Athen ian Sports (very free), together, 6 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt. 1707-28 These volumes comprise an entire collection of all the valuable Questions and Answers in the Old Athenian Mercuries, also Two Thousand Paradoxes merily Argued to Amuse and Divert the Age Appari tions, Adultery, Beauty, Polygamy, Mary-land, a Strange Account, are Quaker Marriages Lawful, &c. &c. No man sees but he that is stark blind ; the Restored Maidenhead, or a Marryed Woman may be Twice a Virgin ; the Virgin Paradox, or a Young Lady may Love and Hate the same Person at the same time ; the Living Shrew, or the Kindest Women are the most Cruel, &c. 2139 ATTACHE, or Sam Slick in England, 8vo. Phil. 1843 2140 AUTHENTIC Memoirs, Memorandums, and Confessions of the King of the Swindlers, 8vo. boards. Lond. n. d. 2141 BACHELOR Butterfly, &c., other comicalities. N. Y. n. d. 2142 BACON (Dr.) Humorous Ethics, an Attempt to Cure the Vices and Follies of the Age, by a Method Entirely New, in Five Plays, &c., 8vo. calf. Lond. 1775 FACKriJK. 159 2143 BARBER (John), Impartial History of the Life, Charac ter, Amours, Travels, and Transactions of, portrait inserted, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1741 2144 BARLOW, Hasty-Pudding, a Poem, in three cantos, written in the Savoy, 1795, 12 mo. half morocco. N. Y. 1796 // 9 2145 BATTERSBY (John), Tell-tale Sophas, an eclectic Fable, 3 vols. (vols. 2 and 3) 12mo. Lond. 1814 ,// 2146 BAYLEY (P. Hai/nes), David Dumps; or the Budget of Blunders, a tale, 12mo. half calf. Phil*1888 2147 (F. W. N.) New Tale of a Tub, an Adventure in Verse, with illustrations designed by Lieut. J. S. Cotton, 4to. cloth, gilt. Lond. 1845 2148 (P. Haynes), Weeds of Witchery (in verse), ludicrous plates, 4to. Lond. 1837 2149 BEHN (Mrs. Aphra), Seventeen Histories and Novels by, 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1718 "A very curious collection, illustrative of the license of the times," scarce. /,. 2150 BEN SADDI (Nathan), The Chronicle of the Kings of England, ivritten in the manner of the ancient Jewish historians, 8vo. Newport, It. Island, 1744 2151 BERESFOKD (James), Miseries of Human Life, or the Groans of Sam Sensitive and Tim Testy, with a few Supplementary Sighs from Mrs. Testy, in 12 Dia logues, 2 vols. 12 mo. calf] extra. 1806 To peruse these amusing Dialogues is certainly not one of the Miseries of Human Life. 2152 Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1810 2153 Sequel to the Antidote, &c. 12mo. boards. 1811 *& 2154 Miseries of Human Life, vol. 2, 12mo. boards. 1826 / x 2155 BERGERAC Satyrical Characters and Handsome Des criptions in Letters, translated from the French, 8vo. Lond. 1658 An account of this singular and amusing work will be found in the Retrospective Review, I. 279-87. 2156 BERTIN (Le. Cliev. de) (Euvres, 2 vols. 18mo. old French calf, gill. Paris, 1791 2157 BIOGRAPHICAL Sketches of Eccentric Characters, 18mo. half calf. Bost. 1832 /? ~? 160 FACETIAE. 2158 BIOGRAPHIE des Prefets, Biographic des Cardinaux, Archeveques, &c., Biographic des Souveraines du XIX Siecle, in 10 vols. 32mo. 1826 2159 BLANCHARD (Laman), Sketches from Life, with a Memoir by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, 3 vols. 12mo. engravings by G. Cruikshank, cloth. 1849 A charming work, full of wit and wisdom, humour and pathos an admirable companion for a wet day or long journey, for there is something to suit every temper and season. There are upwards of .,100 Essays, Tales, and Sketches. 2160 BOCCACIO Decameron, translated, with 21 plates, 12mo. doth. Lond. 1850 - Idem, vide Shakspeariana. 2161 BOCCALINI (Trajan), Advertizement from Parnassus, with the Politick Touchstone, translated by H. Carey, Earl of Monmouth, folio, with autograph of H. Drake, Commentator on Shakspeare. Lond. 1674 2162 BOSTON Book, being specimens of Metropolitan Litera ture, cloth, post 8vo. Bost. 1850 2163 BOWER of Bliss, and other Amatory Poems, including the Loves of Abelard and Heloise, 8vo. Ids. uncut. Lond. 1814 /t- 2164 BOWL of Punch, or Selections from the London Chari vari, illustrations by Leech, &c. 12mo. sewed. Phil. 1844 2165 BOYLE (/foZ^.) Yoyages and Adventures of, interspersed with the Story of Mrs. Yillars, 12mo. old calf. Lond. 1771 2166 BRACKENRIDGE (H. H.) Adventures of Captain Far rago, 12mo. sewed. Phil. n. d. 2167 - Adventures of Major O Kegan, 8vo. sewed. Phil. 1856 2168 BRANDT (Sebastian), Ship of Fooles, wherein is shewed the Follie of all States, imperfect at beginning and end, translated by Barkely, bad copy, folio, half calf. Lond. n. d. The design of this most curious and amusing work was to ridicule the prevailing follies and vices of every rank and profession, under the allegory of a ship freighted with fools : and in this metrical trans lation Barclay has given a variety of characters drawn expressly from his own countrymen, and added his advice to the various fools, which possesses at least the merit of good sense and morality. ^.J 2169 -- Narren Speel-Schuyt, one hundred wood-cuts, and same designs as in Barclay s translation, half russia, 4to. Leyden, 1610 FACETS. 161 2170 BRAITHWAIT (Richard, the Facetious Poet), Drunken Barnaby a Journal, Travels to the North, &c., with / J? Bessy Bell, and Chevy Chase, in Monkish Latin Rhyming Verse and English, 12mo. rare. Lond. 1723 " An exquisite piece of humorous drollery." <JJ- 2171 BREMOND (H. ) The Pilgrim, a Pleasant Piece of Gallantry, 18mo. calf. Lond. 1684 , *0 2172 BRITISH Apollo, containing about 2000 Answers to Curious Questions in most Arts and Sciences, Serious, Comical, and Humorous, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1708 The " Notes and Queries" of the last century. 2173 BROUGHAM (John), Basket of Chips, plates, post 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1855 217-1 BROWN (Tom), Works, Serious and Comical, with a Key to all his Writings, to which is prefixed a Cha racter of Mr. Brown, by Drake, 4 vols. 12mo. fronts., calf, nt. Dub. 1778 " An Author, who disgraced great natural talents, humour and erudi tion, by an unhappy taste for ribaldry and libertinism." His works are valuable historically for their vivid pictures of English life, in all its coarseness, &c., during the "Augustan Age" of Queen Anne. 2175 BUCKINGHAM (John Sheffield, Duke of), Works, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1729 2176 BURKE (Edmund), The Wisdom and Genius of, with a Summary of his Life, 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1844 2177 BURNHAM (George P.) The History of the Hen Fever, a Humorous Record, illustrated, cloth, 8vo. Boston. 2178 BURNETT (Tlwmas), A Second Tale of a Tub; or, the History of Robert Powell, the Puppet-Showman, post 8vo. old calf , front. Lond. 1715 A Satire on Sir Robert Walpole. 2179 BURROUGHS (Steplicn), Memoirs of the Notorious, 2 vols. in 1, 18mo. hoards. Bost. 1832 2180 BUSSI-RABUTIN, Lettres, et Lettres Nouvcllcs, avec les Responses, 6 vols. 12mo. calf. Amst. 1768 For the liberties this witty author and courtier took with the characters of the French ladies, and his allusions to the partiality of Louis XIV. for Mad. de la Valliere, he was committed to the Bastile. 2181 BUSTLE, a Philosophical and Moral Poem, paper, 12mo. Boston, 1845 ,/_ 2182 BURLESQUE Translation of Homer, in Verse, 4to. Lond. 1774 " This clever and amusing, but rather too broad performance was written by Thos. Brydges, Ksq." Lowndes. - Another copy. Vide lot 2344. 11 162 FACETLE. / 2183 BURTON ( W. K) Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor of / America, Ireland, Scotland, and England, 600 engrav- j n g 8} 2 vols. cloth, royal 8vo. N. Y. 1857 \ 2184 - Cyclopedia of Wit and Ilumor, many plates, &c., 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1858 2185 BURTON S Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor, Nos. 1 to 24, wants 2, 4, 5, 8, 1119 Nos. //-2186 do. 12 to 2413 Nos. / 2187 do. 12 to 2413 Nos. 2188 do. 12 to 2413 Nos. V 2189 - do. 3 Nos. sunds., 1 Lot. 2190 BURTON (W. K) Waggeries and Vagaries, snved, 12mo. Phila. 1848 #, ffl 2191 BUTLER (Samuel), Hudibras, original plates by Hogarth, stained, 12 mo. calf. Lond. 1726 2192 BUTLER (W.A)Barnum s Parnassus, 12mo. N.Y.1850 2193 BUTLER (W. A.) Nothing to Wear, an Episode of City Life, cuts, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1857 2194 BYRONIANA, Bozzies and Piozzies, half calf , 8vo. Lond. 1825 2195 CABINET of Momus, a choice selection of Humorous Poems, from Peter Pindar, Swift, &c., half sheep, 12mo. Phila. 1827 2196 CABINET Satyrique ou recueil des vers piquans et //r~?r~~ gaillards de ce temps, 2 vols. 12mo. morocco, extra gilt leaves, beautiful copy, scarce. Imprime au Mont Parnasse, 1697 /># 2197 CALLOT (Jaques), Miseries of War, a series of plates, good impressions, mounted and bound, an oblong 8vo. 2198 CAMBRIDGE Tart, Epigrammatic and Satiric Effusions, yf~ &c., Dainty Morsels served up by Cantabs on various occasions, fcap. 8vo. half calf . 1823 2199 CARICATURES by Heath and others, French and English, colored and plain, a large lot. 2200 CARICATURE Magazine, by Woodward, 2 odd vols. 2201 JOURNAL de Caricatures, 2 vols. fol. /?/. cf. Paris, 1830-2 Complete copy of tins famous series till stopped by the Government, apparently it lias belonged to the Artist himself (Mr. Philipon), as it contains the original sketches made by him in the Court of Justice when defending himself against the charge of caricaturing Louis Philippe under the form of a Pear. 2202 CARICATURES and Colored Engravings, a collection of, 25 in 1 vol. oblons 4to. FACETL*:. 163 2203 CATULLUS, Adventures of, and History of his Amours ^ with Lesbia, intermixed with choice Poems, thick 12mo. old calf, frontispiece, scarce. 1707 ,//" 2204 CAUDLE (J//v>\) Curtain Lectures (Douglas Jerrold), &c., 12mo. CERVANTES, vide Novels. 2205 CHAPELLE (De la), Le Ventriloque ou 1 cngastrimythe, old French calf, 12mo. Lond. 1772 2206 CHRONICLES oi Pineville, illustrated, sewed, 12mo. Phila. yf- 2207 CHARACTER of a Towne Misse, Printed by W. L. 1675 ; The Towne Misses Declaration, an Apology, or an Answer to the Character of a Towne Misse, printed for J. T. 1675, very rare, not in Lowndes, two tracts in one vol., fine copies, from the Library of Thos. Jolley, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1675 2208 CHEAP JOHN, the Chapman, the History of, containing above a hundred rnerry exploits done by him, 12mo. half calf. Glasgow, 1803 COBBLERIANA, vide Shakspeariana. COLLET, Relics of Literature, vide Shakspeariana. . /2- 2210 COLMAN (George the Younger), The Lady of the Wreck, or Castle Blarncygig, 12mo. half calf. Bost. 1812 . /j 2211 Poetical Works of, edited by E. D. Ingraham, 12mo. cloth. Phila. 1834 2212 COMIC Almanack, edited by Horace Mayhew, B. /, 2J~~ Brough, &c., with most humorous coloured and other engravings by G. Cruikshank, 10 vols. 12mo. v. d. This is without exception the most humorous and witty series of books ever published. Every page is redolent of fun, heightened by the inimitable illustrations of George Cruikshauk. . .. 2213 COMIC Latin Grammar, a new and facetious introduc tion to Ihe Latin tongue, with numerous illustrations, cloth. Lond. 1840 /j"~" 2214 COMIC Miseries of Human Life, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. n. d. J* 2215 COMIC Wandering Jew, 8vo. pp. 104. N. Y. 1847 2216 COOMBE (Wm.) English Dance of Death, from the de signs of Thomas Rowlandson, with Metrical Illustra- tions by the Author of " Doctor Syntax," seventy-two colored plates of the Dance of Death by Rowland- son, 2 vols. royal 8vo. scarce Lond. 1815 This is the chef d ocuvre of Coombe and Rowlandson. Rhyme and Art go hand in glove together. The very bones of grisly death dance in apt unison to the poet s measure. Author and Artist are both xcelU-nt most xc>llent. 164 FACETIAE. 2217 COOMBE (Wm.), The Dance of Life, by the same author /?_ and artist, uniform with the above, complete, royal 8vo., 26 colored plates, extra gilt. Lond. 1817 2218 History of Johnny Quse Genus, the little Foundling of the late Doctor Syntax, a Poem, 8vo., /?__ . with numerous coloured laughable plates by Kow- landson, scarce. Lond., AcJcermann, 1822 " Coombe, as is well known, lived a lively frolicsome life, full of ups and downs. In this work he is supposed to have included a portion of his own biography." 2219 Tours of Dr. Syntax, Search of the Pictures que, &c. (in Hudibrastic Verse), illustrated with hu mourous coloured engravings by Eowlandson, 2 vols. royal Svo. half calf, imperial edition. 1813 2220 CORNU-COPIE, Pasquil s Night-cap, or Antidote for the Head-ache, 1612, half morocco, reprint, 12mo. Chiswich, 1819 2221 COTTON (Charles) The Genuine Works of, containing Scarronides, or Yirgil Travestie, Lucian Burlesqued, Wonders of the Peake, The Planter s Manual, with many curious cuts, engraved by the best artists, Svo. calf, neat. 1771 2222 COYNE (S. J.) Pippins and Pies, or Sketches out of School, illustrated, sewed, 12mo. Lond. 1855 2223 COZZENS (F. S.) The Sparrowgrass Papers. 2224 CROCKETT S (Col.) Exploits and Adventures in Texas, written by himself, cloth, 12mo. Phil. 1827 CROWQUILL vide Seymour. /?( 2225 CRUIKSHANKIANA, a most singular and extensive col- / lection of his comic sketches, folio, 81 plates. Lond. n. d. CONTENTS. Travelling in England, Ditto in France, Dancing Dolls, Dancing Lessons, Chess, to Calais ; from the West Indies, November Fog, Gout, Stale Mate, Check Mate, Money Hunting, English Manners and French Politeness, Radical Parliament, Breaking up, Black Monday, Party of Pleasure, Raining Cats, Dogs, &c. ; Return from Paris, London Dandies, Sailor s Progress, and numerous others ; also, Deighton s London Nuisances ; each design inimitable in character and execution, affording a stern Moral, in the most effective manner, a neverfailing source of Amusement. 2226 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) Three Courses and a Dessert with Decorations, by, Svo. half roan. Lond. 1830 2227 - Comic Album, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1832 2228 Table Books, edited by Gilbert Abbott a Becket, royal 8vo. Lond. 18-15 // J> 7 FACETIAE. 105 2229 CRUIKSHANK (#>.) Illustrations of Humphrey Clinker, Roderick Random, Peregrine Pickle, &c., 41 plaics, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1836 2230 CUPID and Psyche, Loves of, translated from Apuleiua and Fontaine by Lockman, 8vo. Lond. 1744 2231 CUNNINGHAM (J. W.) Sancho, or the Pro verb! alist, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1883 2232 - (Piter), Story of Nell Gwyn and the Sayings of Charles the Second, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1852 ? 2233 CURIOSITIES for the Ingenious Selected from the most Authentic Treasures of Nature and Art, illustrated, boanls, 12mo. Lond. 1822 , J? 2234 DAN MARBLE, a Biographical Sketch, 12mo. sewed. Phila. n. d. 2235 DANCE of Death, La Socialisme Nouvelle, Danse des 4 ~2 Morts confreur et Dessinue, par A.Rethel,lithographido * par A. Collette, 6 plates. Paris, n. d. - viile Coombe and Holbein. 2236 DASHES of American Humor, 12mo. N. Y. 1853 2237 D ARNAY (M.) Private Life of the Romans, boards, 12mo. Edin. 1808 2238 DAVENPORT (R. A.) Common-Place Book of Epigrams, 18mo. Edin. 1825 2239 DAVENPORT S Exquisite Effusions of Wit and Humor, Nos. 2, 5, 7, 12 mo. Lond. v. y. 2240 DE VADE, (Euvres Choises de, 8vo. Paris, 1834 2241 DEATH S Doings, consisting of Numerous and Original Compositions, thirty plates after R. Dagky, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Bost. 1828 DECKER S Gulls Handbook, vide Shakspeariana. 2242 DEFOE (Z) /), The Consolidator : or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon, translated from the Lunar Language by the author of the True- Born Englishman, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1705 This prose satire contains the first hints of many of the ideas which Swift afterwards embodied in t>ulliver, and also a great many sly hits at all the authors of the time, from Dryden to Tom D Urfey. 2243 - Ancient and Modern History of the Devil, 12mo. sherp, 2 vols. in 1. Phil. 1837 2243* DE LA MOTTE ROULLANT, Les Facetieux Deviz des - J~& Cent et Six nouvelles Nouvelles, tres recreatives pour reveiller les bons efjoyeux esprits Fran^oys, calf, fine copy, very rare, 18ino. Lyon, 1576 This edition was not known to Bruiiet. <// 166 FACETIAE. 224-1 DEMOCRITUS Bedivivus, sivc Campus Becreationum Ilonestarum cum Exorcismo Melancholias, 18mo. with the sphere. Amst. 1649 2245 DIABLE (Le\ a Paris, Paris et les Parisiens, Texte par George Sand, Ldon Gozlan, F. Soulie, etc., illustrations par Gavarni, 2 vols. royal 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1845 This fine work is illustrated most profusely and beautifully. ;/^ 2246 DICKENS (Charles), Picnic Papers, by various hands, illustrated by CruiJcshank, cloth, 8vo. Lond. 1841 ;/Z 2247 - Public Life of Mr. Tulrumble, once Mayor of Mudfog, boards, 12mo. Phil. 1837 2248 DIOGENES, About 120 Numbers of, a Parcel. v. d. 2249 DISCOURSE (^4), of Drinking Healths, by Peter, Lord Bishop of Cork and Bosse, 12 mo. old calf. Lond. 1716 2250 D IsRAELi (John), Flim-Flams, or the Life and Errors of my Uncle, 3 vols. no vol. 3, half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1806 2251 Dix HUIT, Scenes d Amourettes, 4to. colored plates. Paris, n. d. 2252 DOESTICKS, History and Records of the Elephant Club, compiled from authentic documents now in the pos session of the Zoological Society, 8vo. N. Y. 1857 2253 DODSLEY (R.) Trifles, viz : The Toy Shop, The King and the Miller of Mansfield, The Blind Beggar, &c., 8vo. calf. Lond. 1745 / J~Z> 2254 - Fugitive Pieces on several subjects, by several authors, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1761 *#* A curious collection, containing " A modest defence of gaming," " A project for raising an Hospital for decayed authors," Vindication of Natural Society, by Bolingbroke, Fragments of Ancient Poetry col lected in the Highlands, Hentzner s Journey into England in the year 1598, Spence s Parallel, Lucina sine Concubitu, proving that Women may conceive without Commerce with Man, &c. &c. i /2- 2255 DOMESTIC Miseries, oblong 4to. 6 plates. Lond. n. d. 2256 DORAN (Dr.) Table Traits with something on them, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1855 2257 DOWNING (Major Jack), Letters of, to his old friend Mr. Dvvight, of New York, illustrated, cloth, 12mo. N. Y. 1836 2258 DROZ (F. X. J.) Art of being Happy, translated by T. Flint, 12mo. sewed. Lond. 1834 2259 DRUDGE, (The), or the Jealous Extravagant, a Piece of Gallantry, 12mo. old calf. Lond. 1673 FACKTLK. 107 2200 DUNLAP ( W.) Thirty Years Ago, or the Memoirs of a Water Drinker, 2 vols. cloth, 12mo. N. Y. 1850 2201 D URFKY (Thomas), Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy, being a collection of the best Merry Bal lads and Songs, fitted to all Humours, having each their proper tune, together with his several Orations, spoken by himself on the stage, 5 vols. 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1712 This facetious writer, who possessed a double genius for Poetry and Mu sic, was well adapted for these " pleasaut and divertivo mementos of his t inn-. In his dedication lie says, I have added 100 new pieces, hoping they will happily be received by you when read, or performed in your merry and vacant hours. 2202 - Comical History of Don Quixote, as it was acted at the Queen s Theatre, autograph of 0. Vertue, Ivth parts calf. 4to. Lond. 109-i Tom Durfey was censured for the looseness of this piece. J& 2203 (T 7 .) Tales, tragical and comical, 8 vo. calf, fine copy, scarce. Lond. 170-1 / J~<9 22G4 (Tow), New Operas, with Comical Stories and Poems, 8vo. calf, fine copy. 1721 Containing the Two Queens of Brentford, Grecian Heroine or Fate of Tyranny, Athenian Jilt, or the Intriguing Cullies, Plague of Imperti nence, Love the Best Philosopher, etc. <^? 2205 DUMPLINGS, a Learned Dessertation on, with a Word upon Pudding, and many other useful Discoveries, of great benefit to the public, 12rno. calf. Lond. 1726 /<- > 2206 EBHIETATIS Encomium, or the Praise of Drunkenness, wherein is proved the Necessity of frequently getting Drunk, and that the Practice is most Ancient, Primi tive, and Catholic, 12mo. original edition, calf gilt, scarce. Pinted for E. Curll, 1723 f ^ 2207 EGAN (Pierce), Anecdotes of the Chase, the Turf, the Road, and the Stage, thirteen colored plates, 8vo. calf extra. Lond. 1827 2268 Life in London, Day and Night Scenes, Kam- bles and Sprees through the Metropolis of Jerry Hawthorn and Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, coforedplates by Cruikshank, royal 8vo. 1821 2209 Finish to the Adventures of Torn and Jerry, and Logic, illustrated by R. Cruikshank, plates colored, boards, royal 8vo. Lond. ELECTRIC Telegraph of Fun, illustrated by Alfred Crowquill, 12mo. Lond. 1852 168 FACETIAE. 2271 ELOGE dc 1 Enfer, Ouvrage Critique, Ilistorique, et Moral, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf . La Haye, 1759 2272 ENCYCLOPAEDIA of Wit, thick 18mo. imperfect, n. d. 2273 ENGLISH Spy, original work, Characteristic, Satirical, x# ^p and Ilumorous, comprising Scenes and Sketches in every rank of Society, &c. colored plates, <&c. by R. Cruilc- shank, 2 vols. royal 8vo. Lond. 1825 2274 Entertaining Medley, a Collection of Genuine Anecdotes, Stories, Frolick of Wit and Ilumour, &c. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1767 2275 ERRATA, or the Works of Will. Adams, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. N. Y. 1823 2276 ERASMI (Disid.) Morias Encomium, Stultitiae laus, figures Holbenianes adornate Holbein Delin, C. M. Sculp, portraits of Erasmus and Holbein, old calf, fine copy, 8vo. Basil, 1676 Archdeacon Wrangham s copy, with his autograph and MS. notes. 2277 ERASMUS, L Eloge de la Folie, trad, du Latin par Gucn- deville, plates, 12mo. 1761 2278 EPIGRAMS, Collection of, with a Critical Dissertation on this species of Poetry, 2 vols. 12mo. calf, rare. 1735 " How does the little Epigram delight, And charm us with its miniature of -wit." *x* A collection of nearly 1000 singular and curious epigrams. 2279 Collection of, calf. 12mo. Lond. 1727 / < . 2280 EPIGRAMMATIST S Annual or Humourist s Almanac, half morocco, 32mo. Lond. 1833 2281 ESSAYS, Moral, Philosophical and Stomachical, on the important subject of Good Living, 12mo. Lond. 1823 /Z. 2282 ETIQUETTE for Ladies, 24mo. cloth. Phil. 1836 2283 EUNUCHISM Display d, Describing all the different sorts of Eunuchs, by a Person of Honour, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1718 FABLIAUX, or Tales abridged from French Manu scripts of the XII and XIII Centuries, by Le Grand, translated into English verse by G. L. Way, 3 vols. half morocco, 8vo. Lond. 1815 2286 FACETIOUS Tracts 1. On Heads ; 2. Battle of the Authors; 3. Artificer s Looking Glass, and six others, 8vo. half calf \ Lond. 1785 V.r 2287 FACES in the Fire, by Eedgap, illustrated, 12mo. cloth. T J ] Lond. n. d. FACETIAE. 109 2288 Facetiae Cantabrigicnses, consisting of Anecdotes, X, ^& Smart Sayings, Satires, Retorts, &c., by Celebrated Cantabs, 12mo. 1836 2289 FANCIKS of a Whimsical Man (by John S. Taylor), post 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1852 2290 FASUION, or the Art of Making Breeches, 8vo. pp. 19. Phil. 1800 2291 FEAST of the Poets, with Notes, and other Pieces in Verse, 12mo. boards. N. Y. 1814 2292 FEMALE Favorites, A History of Marie de Padilla, Livia, Julia Farnesa, Agnes Sorel and Matilda, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1772 2293 FESSENDEN (T. 0.) Terrible Tractoration, 12mo. boards. N. Y. 1804 2294 FEMALE Jockey Club, or a Sketch of the Manners of the Age, the Three Parts Complete, thick 8vo. 1794 This famous satirical work in which are brought forward all the most distinguished personages of the day, has been attributed to GK Can ning. 2295 Fifteen Comforts of a Good Parliament, and the Fif teen Plagues of a Bad One, 12mo. sewed. Lond. 1711 / /J~~ 2296 FOOLS and Jesters, and Tarleton s Jests (Shak. Socy.), 8vo. half calf. 1844 2297 FOREIGN Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robin son, being the llistory of what they saw, and did, in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Itaiy, by Rich ard Doyle, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1855 2298 Fosdick (W. 17.) Arill and other Poems, illustrated with designs ly Dallas, 8vo. N. Y. n. d. 2299 FOUNDLING Hospital for Wit, intended for the re ception and preservation of such Brats of Wit and Uumour whose Parents chuse to drop them ; con taining Satires, Odes, Ballads, Epigrams, &c., 6 vols., together with the New Foundling Hospital, 4 vols. in all 10 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1785 A collection of Fugitive Pieces, Humorous and Satirical Poetry, Lam poons, &c., during the times of Wilkes, Lord North, and the Ameri can War. 2300 FRANCAISES (Is) ou XXXIY. examples choises dans les Mceurs actuelles propre a diriger les filles, les femmes, les epouses et les meres, beautiful plates, 4 vols. 12mo. calf. Neufchatel, 1786 2301 FRENCH BITE (Tin), or Adventures of the Marquess /^ Dul Bruce, his several memoirs and warme intrigues, curious frontispiece, 8vo. Jialfcalf. Lond. 1753 170 FACETIAE. 2302 FRIAR Gerund (The History of the Famous Preacher); otherwise called Gerund Zotes, translated from the Spanish, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1772 This celebrated Satire on the Fathers of the Dominican and Mendicant orders, written by Father Isla, a Jesuit, caused probably a greater sensation than any work of the kind which ever issued from the press. Denounced in unmeasured terms by the Bishops and the greater part of the Clergy, while upheld stoutly by the Inquisition it came before the general council of Castile, by whose orders it was rigorously suppressed. Copies are now rare. 2303 FUN and Earnest, by the author of Musings of an Invalid, &c. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 2304 G. (/.) Parson s Horn-Book. Contents Churchman s Alphabet, Chapter on the Church, " Simony Hall," &c. plates, 8vo. Dub. 1831 2305 GASCOIGNE (George), A Delicate Diet for Daintie Mouthde Droonkardes, 8vo. pp. 24. Lond. 1789 2306 GAVARNI in London, Sketches of Life and Character, edited by Albert Smith, plates ly Vizetelly, royal 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1849 >7s~ 2307 GELLI (Sig. Giovanni Battista}, The Circe of, from the Italian, by Mr. Thos. Brown, 8vo. old calf. Lond. 1702 , ?c~ 2308 GIFFORB S Baviad and Mrcviad ; Pasquin versus Faulder, Epistle to Peter Pindar, Byron s English Bards and Scotch Keviewers, 18rno. Lond. 1827 2309 GOMBERVILLE (Mar. k Roy di), La Cytherde, 4 vols. 8vo. calf. Paris, 1642 2310 GOODFELLOW S Calendar and Almanack of Perpetual Jocularity, &c. 12mo. boards. Lond. 1826 2311 GOODRICH (S. G.) Sketches from a Student s Window, post 8vo. cloth. Bost. 1841 2312 GORDON (Thomas, Esq^) Cordial for Low Spirits, being a Collection of Curious Tracts, 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1763 2313 GRAND Historical Pictures, a series of comical plates, 4to. cloth. Lond. n. d. # 2314 GRAND Master, or Adventures of Qui Hi in Hindos- tan, a Iludibrastic Poem, in eight cantos, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1816 2315 GRATIAN (Baltasar), The Compleat Gentleman, by. T. Saldkeld, from the Spanish, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1730 2316 GRAVES (Richard), Spiritual Quixote ; or summer s ramble of Mr. Geoffrey Wildgooso, a comic romance, 3 vols. 12mo. calf. Dodsley, 1754 FACETLK 171 2317 GREAVES (Jo/t)i), Miscellaneous Works, a description of the Pyramids in Egypt, Discourse of the Horn an Foot of Denarius, Description of the Grand Seignor s Seraglio, &c., edited by T. Birch, plates, 2 vols. calf, 8vo. Lond. 1737 2318 GHEEN Room Gossip: or, Gravity Gallinipt, a Galli maufry consisting of Theatrical Anecdotes, lion Mots, Chit-Chat,Drollery Entertainment, Fun, Gibes, Humor, Jokes, Kickshaws, Lampoons, Mirth, Nonsense, Ora tory, Pans, Qaizzery, Repartee, Stories, Tattle, Vocality, Wit, Yawning, Zest, got up to guile Gymnastical and Griuiocratic Governments, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1809 #2 2319 GRIGGS (William N.) Celebrated Moon Story, with its Origin and other Incidents, cloth, 12mo. N. Y. 1852 2320 GROSE (Captain), Dictionary of Buckish Slang, Uni- verscly Wit and Pickpocket Eloquence, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1811 " Ken ye aught of Captain Grose ?" Burns. 4 <!r-2321 GUZMAN (Aleman, of Alfarachc), Pleasant Adventures of, 3 vols. half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1816 Contains a fund of acute and comprehensive observations on almost every rank in society. 2323 II. (P.) Essay on Laughter, half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1709 2324 HALIBURTON (Jud<jc\ Bubbles of Canada, 12mo. Phil. 1830 2325 -- The Clockmakcr, or Sayings and Doings of Sam l Slick, 12mo. Phil. 1840 2326 - Another copy. 2327 Traits of American Hurnor, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1852 2328 HANDBOOK of Humbug, seiced, ISmo. Lond. 1848 of Swindling, by the late Barnabas Whitefeather, edited by Jackdaw, illustrations ly Phiz, sewd, 12 mo. Lond. 1839 X AT 2330 HARRISON ( W. 77.) The Humourist, a Companion for the Christmas Fireside, fifty engravings after Rowlandson, 12mo. Lond. 1831 HARVEY S (G.) Pierce s Supererogation, or the New Praise of the Old Ass (Book III.), also a new letter of noble contents, &c., half morocco, 1593; reprinted, 1815. Only 250 copies of this reprint were published. 172 FACETIAE. 2332 HANGER S (Celebrated Colonel George, afterwards Lord Coleraine) Life, Adventures and Opinions, to which is added Advice to the Prelates, Advice to the lovely Cyprians, History of the lovely ^Egyptia, Paragon of the Egyptian Eace, the Author s Marriage with her and her Cruel Infidelity and Elopement with a Travel ling Tinker, and a History of the King s Bench written during the Author s Custody, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, scarce. 1801 " A very curious book ; the author served with distinction in the Ame rican war, and on the death of his brother succeeded to the title of Lord Coleraine." 2333 HEADS of the People, or Portraits of the English, with a Biographical History of the most Noted Characters, by Douglas Jerrold, Lemon Eede, Leigh Hunt, etc., 83 characteristic engravings by Kenny Meadows, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 A very curious work relative to the people of London. 2334 HISTOTRE d une Epingle, colored plates, 4to. Paris, n. d. 2335 HISTORY of the Grand Viziers, Mohamet and Achmet, 12rao. old calf. Lond. 1677 2337 - Eoyal Malady, with Stricture on Home Tooke, respecting Mrs. Fitzherbert, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1789 2338 HOFFMAN (E. T. A.) Devil s Elixir, from the German, 2 vols. 12mo. Edin. 1824 . j-y 2339 HOGARTH, The Eake s Progress, or the Humours of Drury Lane, a poem in eight cantos, illustrated with eight plates which are stolen from HogartKs designs, but altered, Svo. cloth. Lond. 1735 The book is a description of a Young Man About Town, in 1735, and very rare. 2340 HOOD S (Thos.) Comic Annual, /w?? of humorous engrav ings, 12mo. 1834 Who has not laughed with laughter-loving Hood ? 2341 Endless Fun, or a Comic Annual, 12mo. Phil. 1838 2342 Tylney Hall, cloth, 12mo. N. Y. 1835 2343 Humorous Poems, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1856 2344 HOMER Travestie, a Burlesque Translation of Homer s ^ Iliad, in Verse, numerous curious etchings, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, lest edition. 1797 Said to be written by T. Bridges ; full of wit and humor, but which often transgresses the bounds of decency. Another copy, vide Lot 2182. FACKTIJB. 173 2345 HORACE in London, 12mo. boards. 1813 A series of clever parodies and imitations of the Odes of Horace by tho Messrs. Smiths, the talented authors of " Rejected Addresses." ./?. 2346 in New York, Part I. all published, by James M. Campbell, sewed, 12 mo. N. Y. 1826 2347 HUARTE (c/.)The Examination of Men s Wits, in which by discovering the varietie of natures is shewed for ? Tf what profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein, by John Iluarte, translated out of tho Spanish tongue by M. Cammillo Camilli, Englished out of his Italian by B. Carew, Esq., 4to. Lond. 1616 > // - T~2348 IlUARTES, Tryal of the Wits, translated by Bellamy, 8vo. Lond. 1698 2349 HUMOURIST, being Essays upon several Subjects, viz. / v News Writers, Enthusiasm, the Spleen, Love, History of Miss Manage, Ghosts and Apparitions, &c., Punish ment of Staying Home on Sunday, 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1724 / , 2350 HUMORIST, edited by Theodore Hook, 12mo. half cloth. Phil. 1837 .<?./~~2351 HUMPHREY (Ravelin), The Lucubrations of, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1823 x/~~2352 HUNT (Leigh), Bucchus in Tuscany, from the Italian, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1825 , /?_ 2353 Poetry of, Wit and Humor, 12mo. N. Y. 1846 /.jj) 2354 A Jar of Honey from Mount Ilybla, illustrated by Doyle, 8vo. ill. boards, gilt. Lond. 1848 - -Selections from the English Poets, Wit and Humor, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1854 2356 IMITATIONS of Celebrated Authors, or Imaginary re jected Articles, in Prose (by Lamb, James and Horace Smith, Professor Wilson, Uazlitt, Leigh Hunt, &c.), post 8vo. cloth. 1844 2357 INGOLDSBY Legends ; or, Mirth and Marvels, new edi- tion, with all the humorous plates by George Cruik- shank and John Leech, >KvolV post 8vo. cloth. 1856 " We cannot open a page of the book that is not sparkling with its wit and humor, that is not ringing with its strokes of pleasantry, sa tire, &c." Examiner. 2358 INVESTIGATOR (The), An Essay on Ridicule, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1753 2359 JACK RANDALL S Diary of Proceedings at the House of Call for Genius, edited by Mr. Breakwindow, 12mo. laards. Lond. 1820 174 FACETIAE. 2360 JERROLD (Douglas), Collected Works, 22 Nos. 8vo. wants parts 17, 22, and after 24. Lond. 1851 2361 . Wit, arranged by his Son, 12rao. Boat. 1858 JEST BOOKS. Vide LOTS 33H TO 339T. 2362 JOCKEY Club, or a Sketch of the Manners of the Age, / + some curious Amorous Gallantries of the D ke of C r ce, D ke of Y k, P of W 1 s, and other Aristocratics, 8vo. scarce. 1794 2363 Another copy. Lond. 1794 2364 JOKEBY, a Burlesque on Kokeby, 12mo. Bost. 1813 2365 JONES (J. B^) Adventures of Colonel Gracchus Van- derbomb, also the Exploits of Mr. Numerius Plutarch Kippe, post 8vo. Phil. 1852 2366 JORROCK S Jaunts and Jollities; or, The Hunting, Shooting, Kacing, Driving, Eating, and other Exploits of that Eenowned Sporting Citizen, John Jorrocksof St. Botolph s Lane, &c. 2 vols.l2mo. half cloth. Phil. 1838 2367 KELLEY (J. F.) Humors of Falconbridge, a Collection of Humorous and Every -day Scenes, 8vo. cloth. Phil. n. d. 2368 KETT (Rev. II.) Flowers of Wit, or a Collection of Bon Mots, &c. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. half morocco. Lond. 1814 KISSES, vide Secundus. 2369 KOCK (G. Paul de), The Modern Cymon, from the "Jean," 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Phil. 1833 2370 Barber of Paris, 2 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1839 2371 Translations of Eose-Marie, &c. 8vo. half mo rocco. N. Y. 1846 The most lively, piquant, and witty of the modern French novelists. , j/2- 2372 LA SILHOUETTE, revue Satirique Encyclopedie de 1 a- , propos, 4to. half calf . Paris, 1845 . S/ 2373 LACONICS, 2 odd vols. 12mo. cloth. 4 y 2374 LADY and the Saints, in three Cantos, ten vignettes by E. Cruikshank, 12mo. cloth, Lond. 1839 s ?*- 2375 LAIRD of Logan, or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the wit and humour of Scotland, cloth, 12mo. Glasgow, 1845 2376 L IsLE des Hermaphrodites, Nouvellement Descou- verte, 24mo. calf, wants title. Paris. 2377 L ANE Promeneur, ou Crites promenez, par son ane, par Gorsas membre de la Convention, decapite*, 1793, sewed, 12mo. Pampelune chez Democrite, &c. 1788 FACETS?. 175 2378 LAUGH and be Fat, or the Merry Companion, contain ing great variety of comical and diverting stories, &c., 12 mo. Lond. n. d. 2379 LAUGHTER, Essay on, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1769 2380 LAY of the Scottish Fiddle, attributed to Sir \V. Scott, 12mo. N. Y. 1813 2381 LAZARILLO de Tormes, Vida del, 12mo. Mad. 1811 2382 - the Adventures of, translated by D. Kowland, portrait and plates, 12mo. half calf, reprint. 1821 " The man whose picture here you see, A thousand pranks has played, A rogue he was, and none could be More dextrous at his Trade." 2383 LANCERS (Tlic\ or the Memoirs of Lady Sarah B., and the Countess P., 8vo. calf. Lond. 1709 2384 LE GRAND : Fabliaux or Tales, by the Anglo-Norman Trouveurs of the 14th Century, from the collection of M. Le Grand, translated with notes, by G. L. Way and George Ellis, 2 vols. royal 8vo. half calf, gilt, cuts by Beicick. Lond. 1800 2385 - Tales of the Minstrels, translated from the French, calf, 12mo. Lond. n. d. 2386 LE MELANGES: Chateau des Demons, Nouvean petit catc chisme poissard pour le Carnaval, Diablo Fourru pratout recueil de bons tours de Moines et Nonains, 1 vol. half morocco, 18mo. Par. v. y. 2387 LE SAGE : Les Aventures de M. Rob. Chevalier dit de Beauchene, 2 vols. 12rno. Maestrecht, 1780 2388 LE Roux: Dictionnaire Franchise, Comique, Satyrique, Critique, Burlesque, Libre et Proverbiale, best edition, 2 vols. half gr. morocco, uncut, gilt tops, 8vo. Pampelune, 1786 "The most complete edition." Brunei. 2389 L ESTRANGE (/?.) Five Love Letters, from a Nun to a Cavilier, with the Cavilier s answers, 18mo. cloth. Lond. 1693 2390 LETTER Bag of the Great Western, or Life in a Steamer, 12mo. Phil. 1840 LIFE in London vide Egan, Lot 2268. 2391 LITERARY Lounger, half cloth, 8vo. Lond. 1826 2392 LOWELL (J. JR.) The Biglow Papers, edited with Notes, Glossary, and Index, by II. Wilbur, 12mo. Boston, 1854 Z. 2393 - - Fable for Critics, 12mo. boards. N. Y. 1848 , & 176 FACETLE. 2394 LLOYD : The Legend of Captain Jones, relating his strange adventure at sea ; his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear ; his furious battel with his six and thirty men against the army of eleven Kings, with their overthrow and deaths; his relieving of Kemper Castle ; his strange and admirable sea fight, with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand soldiers, &c. &c., 8vo. Lond. 1766 2395 LOVE in Captivity, or future felicity anticipated, in a series of eccentrical epistles between several cele brated Heroes and amorous British Beauties bound to Botany Bay, 8vo. unbound, 1787 /, _ 2396 LOVE and Madness, a story too true, in a series of let- * J0 ters, 8vo. half sheep. Lond. 1780 Relating to the murder of Miss Martha Reay, who was the mistress of the Earl of Sandwich, and shot by the Rev. John Hackman. 2397 LUNN (J.) Horas Jocose, or the Doggerel Decameron, 12mo. half morocco. Lond. 1823 2398 M. (R.) Scarronides, or Yirgile Travestie, a Mock-Poem, being a continuation of the former story, pristine state, 12mo. Lond. 1665 2399 MACK (Doctor Elenczer), Cat Fight, a mock heroic Poem, plates, half calf, 12mo. K Y. 1824 2400 MACKENZIE (R. Sheltori), Bits of Blarney, cloth, 8vo. N. Y. 1854 2401 MALCOLM (J. P.) Historical Sketch of the Art of Cari caturing, with Graphic Illustrations, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1813 2402 MAGINN ( W.) Fraserian Papers, 12 mo. cloth. N. Y. 1857 2403 O Doherty Papers, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. K Y. 1853 2404 MAJOR Jones Travels, and other Humorous Books, 16 vols. 12mo. v. d. 2404*MANDEVILLE (M.) Fable of the Bees, or Private Weak- nesses Public Benefits, with Essay on Charity, and Charity Schools, &c., 2 vols. calf. Edin. 1772 " Had Shakspeare written a book on the motives of human actions, it is extremely improbable that it would have contained half so much able reasoning on the subject as is to be found in the Fable of the Bees." Macaulay. 2405 MANLEY (Madame), L Atlantis con tenant les Intrigues politiques et Amoureuses de la Noblesse D Angle- terre, &c., 3 vols. 12mo. sh. a Londres, 1714 FACETIJE. 177 2406 MARTINEAU (1Iarricl\ Sketches from Life, platen, cloth, 12mo. Lond. 1856 2407 MASQUES Arrachcs (les) ou vies privces do L. E. Henri Vander-Noot et van Eupen, &c., par Jacques le Sueur, 2 vols. in 1, 18mo. Lond. 1790 2408 MASSE (E. N.) Amours et Intrigues des Pretres Fran- cais, 18mo. Paris, 1837 2409 MATHXWS (Cornelius), Moneypenny, or the Heart of the World, boards, 12mo. Lond. n. d. 2410 MATIIEWS Comic Pieces, Songs, &c., 20 Tracts, v. d. 2411 MAXIMS of Kit Larcosso, the Lord Mayor s Fool, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1840 2412 MAYiiEw(/7orace), Model Men Moulded by, sculptured by II. G. lline, seiutd, 12mo. N. Y. 6 2413 Letters at the Pastry- Cook s, illustrated, po. 8vo. Lond. 1854 2414 MAYER (Joh. Godofr.}, Historia Diaboli, seu commcn- tatio de Diaboli, 8vo. half calf . Tubing. 1780 2415 MERRY Tales of the Three Wise Men of Gotham, edited by the author of John Bull in America, boards, 12mo. N.Y. 1820 " 2416 MEMOIRS of an Old Wig, boards, unciit, p. 8vo. Lond. 1815 2417 MIDNIGHT Merriment, or a Nocturnal Ramble through St. Giles , containing a funny but faithful picture of that quarter, I2mo. frontispiece, rare tract. n. d. 2418 MISCELLANEA Aurea, or the Golden Medley, consisting of a Voyage to the Mountains of the Moon, Account of Bad and Good Women, &c., 8vo. scarce. Lond. 1720 Some of the letters are curious, " On Players, Love is a Warfare, That our sleeping hours are as valuable as our waking," &c. 2419 MIRROR of Merit and Beauty, 18mo. N. Y. 1808 2420 MOULINET (A 7 ", de), Vraye Histoire Comique de Fran- cion, 2 vols. cf. gilt, 12mo. Leyde, 1721 242Q*MisCELLANiES, Llistory of the Tea Plant, Tributary Lines to the Memory of the Princess Charlotte, Man in the Moon, Non mi ricordo, and several political squibs on George the 4th, by Hone, and other tracts, in all 16, icilli MS. list of contents, 8vo. Lond. v. y. 2421 MODUS Salium, a Collection of such Pieces of Humor as Prevailed at Oxford in the Time of Anthony ii Wood, sewed, 12mo. Oxford, 1751 12 178 TACET:LE. 2422 MOMUS at Home, or a Feast of Good Things for the Merry and the Melancholy, by a bon-vivant, cloth, 12mo. Ithaca, 1842 2423 MONASTIC Life, Meliton, 1 Apocalypse de Meliton, ou Revelations des Mysteres Cenobitiques, scarce, 12mo. 1665 2424 MONCRIEF ( W. T.) Old Booty, a Serio-Comic Sailor s Tale; Sunday under Three Heads, as it is, as Sab- bath bills would make it, as it might be made ; Mat thews Comic Annual, by Pierce Egan ; Margate, a humorous poem, in 1 vol. wood-cuts, 12mo. cloth. Lond. v. y. 2425 MOORE (A.) Annals of Gallantry, or the Conjugal Moni- tor, being a collection of Curious and Important Trials for Divorces, 2 vols. half morocco. Lond. 1814 /Z- 2426 - (Thomas), Fables for the Holy Alliance, Rhymes on the Road, &c., boards, 12mo. Lond. 1823 2427 MOORE S New Miscellany, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1750 2428 MOUSE-TRAP, To the Majesty of the People, The Chris- tian Political Mouse-Trap, or the World Reformed, by Order, Truth, and Good Humour, curious, 8vo. paper. Lond. 1790 2429 MRS. PECK S Pudding, by Tom Hood, a Humorous Paper by Charles Dickens, and a Dramatic Sketch by Sir E. L. Bulwer, sewed, 12mo. N. Y. 1845 2430 MULOCK (Miss), Olive, the Ogilvies, 1854 ; Agatha s Husband, 1853 ; Head of the Family ; Avilliou, 1854, &c., in 1 vol. 8vo. N. Y. v. y. 2431 MY Own Home and Fireside, being illustrative of the speculations of Martin Chuzzlewit & Co., 12mo. Phil. 1846 2432 NEAL (Joseph C.) Peter Ploddy and Peter Faber, 2 vols. ^ 12mo. Phil. n. d. NEW Foundling Hospital, vide Lot 2299. ^S~ 2433 NEW Journey to the World in the Moon, sd. 8vo. Lond. 1741 2434 No Jest like a True Jest, 2 vols. 2435 No-SLUR Else-Slur, a Dancing Poem, by Nobody ; Life of Tom Thumb, &c., 6 tracts, 12mo. v. p. 2436 NOEL (Hath.) Conversations on Love and Gallantry, originally in French, 18mo. calf. Lond. 1676 2437 NONPAREIL, or the Quintessence of Wit and Humor, being a choice selection of those pieces that were most admired in the ever-to-be-remembered Midwife, or Old Woman s Magazine (by Smart), 12 mo. Lond. 1757 FACETS. 179 2433 NOUVEAUX Contes a rirc, et aventurcs plaisantes do ce Terns, 12mo. half morocco. Breux. 1723 2439 NUITS de Paris, ou Spcctatcur Nocturne, 10 vols. 1 2 mo. sewt d. (Par.) 1788 2440 NUTS and Nut Crackers, illustrated ly Phiz, 12mo. cl., gilt leaves. Lond. 1845 2441 ODDITIES of London Life, 2 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1838 2442 CEuVRES choisies de Vadd et de ses imitateurs, con- tenant different sujets pour les Ilalles, Ports, Marches, &c., Le Bavard universel ou le Farceur sans parcil, DCS Calembourgs cornme s il en pleuvait deluge do traits d esprit, &c., in 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, v. y. 2443 OLIO (The), Collected by a Literary Traveller. (Con tents Joe Ilaynes, Strong Lines, Macklin s Shy- lock, Journey to Dublin, &c.) 12mo. cloth Bost. 1833 .// 2444 ORIENTAL Chronicle of the Times, by Confucius, the Sage, curious Political Work, luit/i caricature irtatc, 12mo. half calf] gill. Lond. n. d. 2445 OSTEWALD (Rev. J. F.) The Nature of Unclean ness Considered, and a Discourse on the Nature of Chas tity, 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1708 2446 OUFLE (J/0H*.) A History of the Ridiculous Extra vagances of, from the French, 8vo. old calf. Lond. 1711 2447 OXFORD and Cambridge Nuts to Crack, or Qiyps, Quirks, &c. of Oxford and Cambridge Scholars, illus trated, 12 mo. cloth. Lond. 1835 2448 The Oxford Sausage, or Select Poetical Pieces, written by the most celebrated Wits of the Univer sity, numerous curious cuts. 1764 This celebrated jeu-d esprit is generally considered to have been the work of Wart on. 2449 PADLOCK Open d, or Mungo s Medley, a collection of miscellaneous pieces, in prose and verse, serious and comic, &c. 1771 ; Letters addressed to Clarinda by Robert Burns, Dublin, 1816; Midnight Assassin, and other pieces, in 1 vol. 12mo. half calf . 2450 PAMPHLETS, Le Dragon, Fine Etchings, Paris, 1839 ; Fantasies Artistiques, sqr., Widow Rugby s Ilusband, Race in Kentucky, 4 vols. (Curious), Three Jacks of Rosemary Lane; Adventures of John Daniel, Bamiylde Moore Carew ; The Dancing Master, 12mo. half cl. Lond. 180 FACETIAE. 2452 PAMPHLETS, Odes, and Epistles ; A Letter to the Club at White s, by Mumford; Papers Pro and Con; The Amours of Zeokinizul, &c. Svo. old calf. Lond. 1739 &c. 2453 Torpedo (The) (by Jas. Perry, Esq.) ; Electric Eel, by do.; The Inamorata, to the author of the Electrical Eel, by a Lady ; Adam s Tail, or the First Metamorphosis, said to be by Perry, 4 vols., rare tracts, 4to. Lond. 1774 2454 Bozzy and Piozzy, by Peter Pindar, 1786; Epistle to James Boswell, Esq., by Pindar, 1786. 2455 PARNASSUS in Pillory, a Satire by Motley Manners, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1851 2456 PARTERRE du Paruasse* Frangois par M. Bonafons, 12mo. Amst. 1709 2457 PASSE-Temps-Eoyal de Versailles, les Amours secretes de Madame de Maintenon, suivi de nouveaux Mo- moires tres-curieux, 18mo. Col. 1712 2458 PATIN (Guy) L Esprit de; tire* de ses conversations, &c., portrait, 12mo. Amst. 1700 2459 PEDRILLE del Campo, la vie de, Roman comique, par M. T., G. D. T., plates, &c., 12mo. Amst. 1720 2460 PERCY Anecdotes, to which is added American Anec dotes, 2 vols. half calf, 8vo. K Y. 1832 2461 PERRAULT (Ch.) Contes du Temps Passe, royal Svo. half mor. Paris, 1843 2462 PERSONAL Adventures of " Our Own Correspondent" in Italy, 8vo. K Y. 1852 2463 PETRONII Arbitre, Satiricon, cum Petronium Frag- mentis, 12mo. Helenope, 1610 2464 PHANTASMAGORIA of Fun, edited and illustrated by A. Crowquill, 2 vols. po. 8vo. Lond. 1843 2465 PHENIX (The), or a Eevival of scarce and valuable Pieces from the remotest antiquity down to the pre sent times, being a collection of Manuscripts and printed Tracts, nowhere to be found but in the closets of the curious, 2 vols. Svo. calf 1707 // 2466 PHENIX, vol. 1, Svo. calf. 1707 2467 PHILADELPHIA Book, or Specimens of Metropolitan Literature, cloth, Svo. Phil. 1836 2468 PHILIPAN (Ch.) Les Compensations, a collection of amusing caricatures, &c., 4to. Paris, n. d. 2469 PHILOSOPHY of Kissing Anatomically and Physiolo- gically Explained, with illustrations, cloth, ISmo. N.Y. FACKTM4. 1 1 . 2-170 PHILOSOPHY, Mock and Absurd, or a Word to the Reasonable, by one who salutes all, 12mo. hxirds. Bost. 1811 2-171 PUYSIOLOGIE du Ridicule, ou suite d observatious, par une soeiete de gens Ridicules, half morocco, 12mo. Brux. 1833 2472 PIECE of Family Biography, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1799 2473 PILLS, Poetical, Political, and Philosophical, prescribed for the purpose of purging the publick of piddling philosophers, or puny poetasters, of paltry politicians, and petty partisans, by Peter Pepperbox, Poet and Physician, boards, 12mo. Phil. 1809 2474 PINDAR (Peter, i.e. Dr. WalcoiC), The original editions ^ severa l f hi 8 Satyrs with caricatures, Bozzy and Piozzi, plate, in 1 thick volume, 4to. Lond. v. y. 2475 PINDARIANA, or Peter s Portfolio, unbil. Dublin, 1795 2476 PINDAR (P<ter), The Works of, with a portrait, 8vo. sh. Phil. 1835 PLAISIRS de 1 Amour ou rccueil de contes, histoires et poemes galans, 2 vols. ^)fa^s, 12mo. calf. 1782 2478 PLURIBUSTAH, a Song that s by no Author, " a deed without a name," illustrated by Q. R. Philander Doe- stick, P. B., (in verse), doth, 12mo. N. Y. 1856 2479 POCKET Miscellany in Prose and Verse, 12mo. sh<:ep. Phil. 1798 2480 POETICAL Farrago, being a miscellaneous assemblage of Epigrams and other jeux d esprit, 2 vols. calf, extra, 12mo. Lond. 1794 2481 POETICAL Tit Bits, or Leaves from Momus s Day- Book, by Moncrief, Pierce Egan, Dibdin, &c., 40 humor ous engravings, cloth, 12mo. Lond. 1840 2482 POETICAL Vagaries of a Knight of the Folding Stick, of Paste-Castle, to which is annexed the History of the Garret, &c., 18mo. Gotham, 1816 2483 POINTS of Misery, Humour, &c., illustrated by George Cruikshank, royal 8vo. lialfcalf, gilt, "most spirited etchings" scarce. Lond. 1823 2484 POLITICAL History of the Devil, interspersed with many of the devil s adventures, a description of the devil s dwelling" vulgarly called hell, by D. Defoe, calf, 12mo. Lond. 1754 2485 POOLE (John), Sketches aud Recollections by, Svo. Phil. 1835 182 FACETIAE. 2486 POLYANTHEA (The), or a collection of interesting Frag ments in Prose and Verse, 2 vols. calf. Lond. 1804 2487 POLYANTHOS (The), a Periodical Publication, Oct. 1812 to Sept. 1813, 2 vols. half calf , 8vo. Boston, 1814 2488 PoMPADOUR (Marchioness de, Mistress to the French King), History of, 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. Lond. 1760 2489 PORTRAITS of Famous London Courtezans, by Holbein, with their terms, small 4to. half morocco. Lond. n. d. 2490 POTIPHAR Papers, reprinted from Putnam s Monthly, ^\ 8vo. N. Y. 1858 /./T~ 2491 POWELL (The), Count de Foix, a Tale, 8vo. / \ Lond. 1842 \ 2492 PRIAPEIA, sive diversorum poetarum ad Priapurn lusus. cum comment Gasp. Scioppii, etc., accedunt Jose Scaliger in Priapeia comment, original bindiny, rare, 8vo. Patav, 1664 2493 PRIMAUDAYE (Peter de la), The French Academic, wherein is discoursed the institution of Maners, &c., dedicated to the most Christian King, Henry III., 8 vo oldsluep. Lond. 1601 < /^ 2494 PUCKLE (James), The Club, or a Gray Cap for a Green Head, a Dialogue between a Father and Son, illus- trattd, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1710 - 2495 Another edition, 12mo. Lond. 1834 , ^ / 2496 PUNCH, or the London Charivari, 128 Nos. 4to. v. d. / ( 2497 Another lot, 4to. n. d. ./>s~ 2498 PUNCH and Diogenes, 2 vols. ^.io. folded. 2499 PUNCHIANA and other Pieces, from Punch, 9 vols. 12mo. v. d. 2500 PUNCH S Snapdragons for Christmas, sewed, 12 mo. Lond. 1844 2501 Guide to the Chinese collection, woodcuts, 12mo. Lond. 1844 2502 - Medical Student and other Pieces, 9 vols. 12 mo. v.d. 2503 Almanacks, 1842 to 1851, 4to. Lond. 1852 2504 QUEVEDO (Francisco de}, Six Visions of Hell, being satires of the corruptions and vices of all degrees of mankind, plates, calf, 12mo. Loud. 1756 2505 Visions, translated by W. Ellio t, 12 mo. Phil. 1832 " Quevedo was one of the best writers of the age, his Humorous Pieces have a certain ease and pleasantry peculiar to themselves." FACETIJS. 2506 QUILLET (Claudius), Callipocdia, a Poem, with his Life, by Bayle, trauslated by Kowc, 8vo. old calf, (jilt, scarce, and curious. Lond. 1712 2507 QUINZK Joycs do Mariage, Gothic kttcr, imprimo a Paris par Jchan Preperel, dcmcurant sur le pont Notre Dame a lymage Sainct Laureate, reprint by Teohener, square 8vo. red morocco, extra, uncut. Paris. 2508 Joies de Mariage, only 106 copies printed, yel low morocco, square 8vo. Paris. 2509 QUODLIBET: Containing some Annals thereof, and an authentic account of the origin and growth of the Borough, cloth, 8vo. Phil. 1840 2510 Another Copy, cloth, 8vo. Phil. 1840 2511 RABELAIS (Francis), Works, or the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantuaand Pantagruel, translated by Sir T. Urchard and Matteux, 5 vols. in 4, 12mo. Lond. 1694 " I could write a treatise in praise of the moral elevation of Rabelais s Works which would make the Church stare and the conventicle groan, and yet it would be the truth. I class Rabelais with the creative minds of the world Shakspeare, Dante, Cervantes, &c." Coleridge. 2512 RABELAIS the younger, ISmo., no title. 2513 RABUTIN (Bussy), Ilistoire Amoreusc des Gaules, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1829 /, VT 2514 RADCLIFFE (A.) The Ramble, an anti-heroick Poem, together with some Terrestrial Hymns and Carnal Ejaculations, printed for the author, and are to be sold by Walter Davis in Amen Corner, 1682 ; Ovid Tra- vestie, a burlesque on Ovid s Epistles, by Alexander Radclifte, of Gray s Inn, printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judge s Ilead in Chancery Lane, near Fleet Street, 1681, scarce, in the original Hading, 8vo. Lond. 1681-82 2515 RAYMOND (0.) Drafts for Acceptance, 18mo. N. Y. 1856 2516 REACH (Angus B.) Claret and Olives, from the Garonne to the Rhone. 2517 Man in the Moon, with illustrations, vols. 3, 4 and 5, cloth, 12mo. Lond. 2518 REAL Life in London, or the Life and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin Tom Dashall, through the Metropolis, numerous colored plates, 2 vols. cloth, 8\o. Lond. 1831 184: FACETING. 2519 EEMARKABLE Satires, Causicade, Triumvirade, Porcu- pinade, Processionade, Piscopade, Scandalizade, and the Pasquinade, with notes variorum, calf, 8vo. Lond. 1760 2520 REPOSITORY of Anecdote and Wit, containing Smart Sayings, Singular Adventures, Eccentric Biography, Curious Incidents, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. boards, uncut. Lond. 1784 2521 EEVERIES of an Old Maid, embracing Important Ilints to Young Men, 43 engravings, 12rno. N. Y. 1856 2522 EEVERIE, or a Flight to the Paradise of Fools, 2 vols. calf, 12rno. Dub. 1762 2523 EEYNOLDS (George W. M.) Alfred do Eosan, or Adven tures of a French Gentleman, half calf, 12mo. Phil. 1839 /? __^ 2524 EEPTON (Humphrey) Odd Whims and Miscellanies, by the author of the Works on Landscape Gardening, 2 vols. 8vo. large paper copy, colored plates, calf. Lond. 1801 All anmsing and well written book, in winch first occurs the story of the Bashful Man. 2525 EICHELIEU (Mademoiselle de), Travels and Adventures, who made the Tour of Europe, dressed in Men s Clothes attended by her Maid Lucy, as her Valet-de- Chambre, 3 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1744 *** These are, indeed, the marvellous adventures of a most remarkable Woman. 2526 EIDLEY (James}, The Schemer, or Universal Satirist, by Helter Van Skelter, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1763 2527 EILEY (//. II.) Puddleford Papers, or Humors of the West, illustrations, Svo. N. Y. 1857 2528 EGBERT Macaire et Son Ami Bertrand, 18mo. half mo rocco. Paris, 1841 2530 EOBINSON, Intriguing Milliner and Attorneys Clerks, a mock Tragedy, 12mo. half calf . Lon<jl. 1738 2531 EOLLIAD (The), Probationary Odes for the Laureate- ship, and Political Miscellanies, with Criticisms and Illustrations, Svo. calf. Dublin, 1797 An extraordinary collection of jeu d esprits of the age just preceding the Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. /. ^ > J~~2532 EUSSEL (G.) Works of, including a translation of the Lcttres Galantes of Fontenelle, 2 vols. Svo. calf. Cork, 1769 PACKTljK. 185 2533 SALONS Cclebrcs, par Airs. Sophie Gay, half morocco, 12rno. I .rux. 1857 rant of Conceites, Maxirnies, and Poleticke Deuiscs, selected and gathered together by Francisco Sansovi- no, wherein is set forth sundrye excellent and wise sentences, worthie to be regarded and followed, trans lated by Captaine Hitchcock, with a woodcut of his coat of arms, a fine co}>y of a very rare book, IHack Ccttcr, 4to. Edward Allde, Lond. 1590 Lowndes says 1596, and that it sold for Jt4 7s. in Towuley s sale. 2537 SAILLIES d Esprit ou choix curieux de traits utiles et Agreables pour le Conversation, cntrelassds d His- toires Singuliers, d Anecdotes Intcreportcs, &c. pour Gayot de Pitaval, 2 parts in 1, 8vo. Paris, 1727 2538 SCARRON, Novels Translated by John Davies, of Kid- welly, portrait, calf, 8vo. Lond. 1683 2539 - Roman Comique, 4 vols. in 2, 12mo. calf. Paris, 1820 2540 Sixteen Engravings after Marillier to illustrate any edition of the Roman Comique, 8vo. Paris, 1832 " That pleasantly extravagant book, the Comic Romance, has more of the Knidish cast of humor than any other work of the same country." Retrospective Review. 2541 SCRIBE (Eugene), Proverbcs et Nouvellcs, 12mo. Paris, 1840 2542 SECUNDUS (7.) The Basia, or Kisses of, with his Epi- thalamium, &c., the Latin Text and English Transla tion in Verse, with his Life, 12mo. plate. Dub. 1787 2543 SECRET Memoirs of the Court of Petersburg, and par ticularly during the end of the Reign of Catharine II., 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1802 2544 History of the Loose and Incestuous Loves of Pope Gregory VII. and Richelieu, 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1722 2545 SEYMOUR S Humorous Sketches, comprising 86 carica ture etchings, illustrated in prose and verse, 8vo. half mssia, neat. Lond. 1841 2546 Comic Album, 18mo. cloth. Lond. n. d. 2547 SIIILLABER (II. P.) Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partingtou and other Members of the Family, cloth, 8vo. N. Y. 1854 186 FACETIAE. 2548 Six Hints to Bachelors, or the Secret of Happiness, 8vo. Bost. 2549 SKETCHES from St. George s Fields, by Georgione Di Castel Chiuso, in verse, hoards, uncut, 12mo. Lond. 1820 . J*7 2550 SMITH (Albert), The Wassail-Bowl, cuts, 2 vols. cloth, post 8vo. Lond. 1843 < J<? 2551 - (Ben.) The Motley Book, a Series of Tales and Sketches, plates, cloth, 8vo. N. Y. 1838 1/3 2552 Gaieties and Gravities, a Series of Essays, Comic Tales, &c., 2 vols. half calf , 12 mo. Phil. 1825 , // 2552* - (Sydney), Wit and Wisdom, calf, 12mo. N. Y. 1856 SOUTHEY, The Common-Place Book, edited by his son- in-law, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1849 2554 SPECIMENS of Marcaronic Poetry, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1831 2555 SPENCE, Pig s Meat, or Lessons for the Swinish Multi tude, 2 vols. 12mo. half bd. Lond. n. d. 2556 SPETTE (Ant. Mar.), La Sage-Folio, Fontaine d Allegr esse, mere de plaisir, et reyne de belles hurneurs, trad. par Marcel, rare, 2 vols. crimson morocco, extra fine copy, 12rno. Lyon, 1628 2557 SPIRIT of the Public Journals, a Selection of Jeux d Esprits from the Journals printed in 1824, loith ex planatory notes and plates, 8vo. Lond. 1825 , /7 2558 SPOUTER S Companion, or Theatrical Remembrancer, together with the Spouting Club in an Uproar, &c. &c., half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1786 *2- 2559 SQUATTER Life and Backwoods, 2 vols. 1847 , ?% 2560 and other Humorous Works, 7 vols. 12mo. v. d. 2561 STAMFORD Toasts, or Panegyrical Characters of the Fair Ones Inhabiting the Good Town of Stamford, in Lincolnshire, etc., by Mr. Pope,not the undertaker, 12mo. Lond. 1726 2562 STATE Triumvirate, a Political Tale, and the Epistles of Brevet Major Pindar Puff, 12mo. N. Y. 1819 2563 STEPHENS (//.) Comic Natural History of the Human Race, colored caricature plates, royal 8vo. cloth. Phil. n. d. 2564 STERNE, Funeral Discourse Occasioned by the Much Lamented Death of Mr. Yorick, sewed, scarce. Printed at Aretywlis, Capital of Eutopia, 1761 I . 2565 STEVENS (Oeo. Alex.) Lecture on Heads, with additions by Mr. Pilon, larqc paper, lialf russia. 8vo. Lond. 1799 2500 sus, calf Choice Spirit Chaplet, or a Poesy from Parnas- If. 12mo. Whitchavcn, 1771 y^ 2507 The Adventures of a Spcculist: or, a Journey through London, with a Life of the Author by the Editor, 2 vols. half calf. Lond. 1788 These amusing ami scarce volunus contain a picture of the manners, fashions, and amusements of the Metrojtolis about a century ago. The chapters are entitled a Visit to the Fleet Visit to Bedlam Authentic Life of a Woman of the Town Description of what Covent Garden Was, and what it Is. The whole singularly curious and interesting. 2508 Distress upon Distress, or Tragedy in True Taste, a Heroi-Comi-Parodi-Tragcdi-Fareical Bur lesque, "8vo. Lond. 1752 2509 -Court of Alexander, an Opera, 8vo. Lond. 2570 STRAY Subjects arrested and bound over, being the Fugitive Offspring of the Old Un and the Young Un, illustrated by Darley, 8vo. sewed. Phil. 1848 2571 STUDENT S Common Place Book, or Selections on Life, Manners, and Literature, 12rno. boards. Edin. 1820 2572 STULTIFERA Navis, or the Modern Ship of Fools, 12mo. Phil. 1807 A smart original Poem, with notes, in which the author (the late inge nious W. II. Ireland, the framer of the celebrated Shakspeare pa pers). Among the 3(5 sections satirized by his pen are " Foolish and Unprofitable Books," " Of Fools who collect Old Books and Prints," "Of Foolish Antiquaries," &c. &c. 2573 SURE Guide to Hell, in seven sections to Parents, to Youth, &e., by Beelzebub, 8vo. calf. Lond. n. d. 2574 SwiFT and Pope Supplement to their Works, now first collected into one volume, 12mo. calf. Dub. 1732 2575 SYLVIUS (Eneas), The History of the Amours of Count . Schlick, Chancellor to the Emp. Sigismund, 8vo. Lond. 1708 SYNTAX S Tours, vide Coombe, lots 2500 to 2500. 2570 TAKINGS, or Scenes in the Life of a Collegian, a Poem, 30 engravings by Dagky, half calf. Lond. 1821 2577 TALES of a Parrot, from the Persian of Pooti Nameeh, 8vo. boards, uncut. Lond. 1792 +> 2578 TALES of Humour, Gallantry, and Romance, selected and translated from the Italian, post 8vo. ivood-cuts, boards, invent. Loud. 1824 Contains a story of the Merchant of Venice, &c. 188 FACETIAE. j ^ 2579 TALE of the Basyn and the Frcre and the Boy, edited by Wright, square 12mo. half morocco. Loud. 1886 2580 TALE (A), and no Tale : That is to say, A Tale, and no Tale of a Tub, thin 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1715 2581 TARANTULA (The), or Dance of Fools, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. Lond. 1809 2582 THACKERAY (W. If.) Rose and the Ring, cuts, square 8vo. N. Y. 1855 2583 English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1854 2584 - - Yellowish Papers, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 2585 Kickleburys on the Rhine, 12mo. sewed. N. Y. 1851 ^/^ 2586 THEOPHRASTUS, Characters of, illustrated by Physiog nomical Sketches, &c., woodcuts, cloth, 12mo. Lond. 1831 / ^ 2587 THOMAS of Reading, or the Sixe Worthie Yeomen of the West (by Thos. Deloney), from the edition of 1632, edited by W. J. Thorns, 12mo. Lond. Pickering, 1827 . 7c~ 2588 THORPE (T. B.) The Hive, or the Bee-Hunter, 12mo. plates, cloth. N. Y. 1854 THREE Courses and a Dessert, the decorations by Geo. Cruikshank, 8vo. Lond. 1830 See also under Cruikshank. 2590 Tickler (The), a Newspaper from January 23, 1811, to ^" April 21, 1813, with a few numbers of Folwell s Spirit of the Press, folio. Phil. 2591 TIM BOBBIN S Human Passions Delineated, 44 colored 4 /, ^ plates, containing upwards of 120 droll, satirical, and / humorous figures, illustrative of the passions, with verses, royal 8vo. half morocco. 1773, rep. n. d. [1846] A very clever and humorous work in the style of Hogarth. .%f~ 2592 TIN Trumpet, or Heads and Tails for the Wise and / Waggish, by the late Paul Chatfield, M. D., portrait, 12mo. Phil. 1836 This clever work is attributed by some to Sir F. Head, and by others to James Smith, one of the authors of the Rejected Addresses. 2593 Tis Merry when Gossips meet, curious woodcut, 8vo. half calf . //,/ Reprinted for J. Deane, 1843 This scarce little dialogue has been attributed to Samuel Rowlands, and it is valuable as a lively satiric picture of female manners in the middle class of society at that period. Very few copies reprinted. F ACETIC. 180 2594 TORPEDO, a Poem, by James Perry, Editor of the Morning Chronicle. 1777 2595 ELECTRICAL Eel, a Poem. 1777 2596 ELEGY on the Death of the Electrical Eel, a Poem, 4to. Lond. 1779 2597 TOUR of Doctor Prosody in Search of the Antique and Picturesque, through Scotland, the Hebrides, the Orkney, and Shetland Isles, twenty humorous plates, colored, half calf, 8vo. Lond. 1821 2598 TRACTS, a volume containing, among others, Grubb Street Miscellany, 1731, several literary prospectusses, and Life of John Hales, of Eton, half calf, 8vo. Lond. 1719 2599 TRACTS, containing Pope s Literary Correspondence, Vol. 2, 1735; Life and Ileroick Actions of the Eighth Champion of Christendom, wood-cut, 1739 : No Fool like the Old Fool, 1731; Virgil s Husbandry, 1724, in 1 vol. Svo. v. y. 2000 TOUR of Doctor Syntax in search of the Picturesque, designs by Crowquill, cuts, damaged, 12mo. cloth. 1844 See also Lots 2216 to 2219. 2601 TRAVELS in America, by George Fribbleton, ex-barber to her Majesty (dedicated to Mrs. Trollope), 12mo. N. Y. 1853 2602 TRUE Politeness, or Etiquette, sewed, 12mo. Boston, 1846 2603 TOURNAMENT of Totenham and the Feest, edited by Wright, reprint in black letter, 12mo. half morocco. Lond. 1836 2604 UNCLE Sam s Recommendations of Phrenology to his Millions of Friends, cloth, 12mo. N. Y. 1842 2605 VOLTAIRE, La Pucelle d Orleans augmentee de cinq chants nouveaux et de Notes, 8vo. hf. cf. Lond. 1766 2606 W. ( TF.) New help to Discourse, or wit, mirth, and jollity intermixed with more serious matter, 12mo. binding loos*. Lond. 1672 2607 WAGSTAFF S (W.) Works, with Life, portrait and two curious plates, to Tom Thumb and Crispin the Cobler, Svo. neat. Lond. 1726 " Valued in his profession admired for his wit and facetiousuess." *%T~ 2608 WARD (Ned], Helter-Skclter, or the Devil upon two Sticks, a Comedy, as it hath been acted between High- Church and Low-Church in most Taverns about London (satirical), half calf, Roxburgh copy,4.lo. Lond. 1704 190 FACETIAE. 2609 WARD (Thomas), England s Keformation, from the time // / ^ ^ Henry VIII. to the end of Oates s Plot, a Poem in four cantos, calf, 12mo. Lond. 1715 " Full of impious abuse put in a strain apt enough to take with those who are disposed to divert themselves with a show of wit and humour, dressed up to make the Reformation appear both odious and ridiculous." Bp. Burnet. ,,% 2610 WARWICK (Eden), Nosology, or Hints on Noses, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1848 2611 WATMOUGH (Edward C.) Scribblings and Sketches diplomatic, piscatory, and oceanic, cloth, 12mo. Phil. 1844 2612 WEWITZER (JR.) School for Wits, containing a choice collection of Bons-Mots, Anecdotes, Epigrams, &c., half morocco, 12mo. Lond. 1815 2613 WHITEHEAD ( W.) The Nymph of Bristol. 1751 2614 WHORE S (The) Khetorick, calculated to the meridian of London, and conformed to the Eules of Art, with portraits of noted Courtezans and Procuresses, 4to. half morocco, uncut, (very few copies printed?) Lond. 1683 ; Keprinted at Edinb. 1836. " A very singular and amusing performance, written with infinite ability, and valuable from the exposure it affords of Cyprianic diplomacy." 2615 WIELAND, Socrates out of his Senses, or Dialogues of Diogenes of Sinope, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. Newburg, 1797 2616 WHIMSICAL History of some parts of the Iron Age, set forth in a predictical manner. Lond. 1707 2617 WITS of Men, a Discourse concerning the different, 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1669 *if* Locke is said to have taken several of his ideas from this Tract. Translated from Huarte. 2618 WITTY Apophthegms delivered by King James, King Charles, the Marquess of Worcester, Lord Bacon, and Sir T. Moor, 12mo. Lond. 1669 2619 WILSON (John), Noctes Ambrosiana, 4 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Phil. 1843 /f 7) 2621 YANKEE Doodle, 2 vols. 4to. 1st vol. cloth, 2d vol. sewed. N. Y. 1843 2622 YANKEE Notions, a Medley, by Timo. Titterwell, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1838 . Another copy. 2623 YANKEE Story Teller s Own Book, 13mo. Phil. n. y. 2624 YANKEE Stories, &c., 5 vols. 12mo. v. d. FINK ARTS. 191 2625 YATES (E. If. and R. R. Brough), Our Miscellany, 12rno. boanis. Lond. 185(3 YoRK-shire-Ale, The Praise of, with the Humours of most sort of Drinkers, 16rno. half calf. Dublin, 1719 FIXE ARTS. ARCHITECTURE, PAINTINO, BOOKS OF PRINTS, EMBLEMS, FABLES, <fcc. For Music, vide HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 2627 ALBUM of Drawings, oblong 8vo. Phil. n. d. /./2~ 2628 AMERICAN Art Union Journal, 18 parts. 2629 ANNALES du Salon de Gand et de L Ecole Moderne des Pays-Bas, 8vo. half calf . Gand. 1823 2630 ART Union Journal, fine plates, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1848 2631 Journal for 1850-51, 48 parts, 4to. Journal for 1854, 12 parts, 4to. Journal, 25 Nos., various dates. 2634 BAGLlONE(G r eo.)Le Vite de Pittori Scultavi et Archi- tetti, Roma, 1643 ; Bellori (G.) Vita di Carlo Maratti Pittore, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. calf. Roma, 1732 2636 BARRY (J.) Cartoons: A Series of Etchings, from his original and justly celebrated Paintings in the Great Room of the Society of Arts, Adelphi, atlas folio, containing fifteen very large and highly finished etchings, with a fine etching of Barry s picture of Pandora by Schiavonetti, neatly half bd. 1808-10 This series of Paintings by Barry is one of the glories of the English School. Introduced are the portraits of a vast number of eminent individuals : the above desirable copy has the usually deficient plate of " Pandora," by Schiavonetti, on India Paper. 2637 BOOK of Art, Cartoons, Frescoes, Sculpture and Deco rative Art, as applied to the New Houses of Parlia ment, 111 plates, 4to. cloth, gilt. Lond. 1846 2638 of Beauty for 1837, by the Countess of Bles- sington, plates, post. 8vo. Lond. 1837 4?639 BOYDELL (J. d- J.) Catalogue of the Pictures of, 4to. Lond. 1803 ;. ,,. 2640 BRYAN S (R.) Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, new edition, corrected, greatly enlarged, and con tinued to the present time, with the addition of more than 1300 articles, by George Stanley, Esq., complete in one large volume, impl. Svo. numerous 2>l ites of monoyrams, cloth. Lond. 1849 192 FINE ARTS. 2641 BUCHANAN ( IF.) Memoirs of Painting, with a Chrono- logical Ilistory of the Importation of Pictures by the yf Great Masters into England since the French Revo lution, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. 1824 2642 CABINET of Modern Art, edited by A. A. Watts, 3d series, 8vo. boards, uncut 1837 2643 CASTLES, A Scrap Book, with a large collection of prints of Ancient Castles in England, Ireland, and Scotland, &c. pasted in it, 4to. boards. 2644 CATALOGUES of Sales of Oil Paintings, &c., about 50. 45 CAULFIELD (/.) Calcographiana : The Printseller s . Chronicle, and Collectors Guide to the knowledge and value of British Portraits, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1814 CHALCOGRAPHIMANIA, vide Ireland. $ <--^ 2646 CHINESE Drawings on Rice Paper of Landscapes, Shells, Insects and Flowers, 3 vols. oblong 4to. </> 2647 CHOICE Examples of Art Workmanship. Lond. 1849 2648 CorpEK-Plate Magazine, or Elegant Cabinet of Pic- 7f~ turesqe Prints, consisting of sublime and interesting views in Great Britain and Ireland, beautifully en graved, 5 vols. oblong 4to. morocco, extra. Lond. n. d. Fine old Plates by Grignon, Watts, Cooke, &c., after Lebrun, Moreau, Kneller, Eisen, Sandby, and others. >/2- 2649 COTTINGHAM (L. N.} Catalogue of his Museum of Mediasval Art, 4to. Lond. 1850 ^ , /j~"~2650 CRUIKSHANK (G. ) Essay on the Genius of, with numer ous illustrations of his works (from the Westminster Review) with additional etchings, 8vo. cloth. / Lond. 1840 /* #2-+ 2651 CUMBERLAND (G.) Essay on the utility of collecting the best works of the Italian School ; accompanied by a Critical Catalogue, with interesting anecdotes of the engravers, 4to. boards. Lond. 1827 /*/ 2652 CUNNINGHAM (A.) Gallery of Pictures, 12 parts, royal Qvo.fine impression of the plates. /. , 2653 Du FRESNOY (G. A.) Art of Painting, translated by Dryden, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1716 The preface contains a parallel betwixt poetry and painting. 2654 DUNLAP ( TF.) History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Designers of the United States, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, very scarce. N. Y. 1834 2655 EDWARDS (E.) Anecdotes of Painters who have resided or been born in England, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1808 Intended as a continuation of Walpole s Anecdotes of Painting. FINE ARTS. 193 /.// 2656 EVANS (E.) Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, 8vo. boards. Lond. n. d. 2657 FABLES: Gabrielis Firni, Cremonensis, Fabula) Cen tum, 4to. calf. Lond. 1743 2658 FERGUSON (Jac.) Historical Inquiry into the true prin ciples of Beauty in Art, more especially with refer ence to Architecture, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1849 2659 ENGRAVINGS from a collection of pictures by the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch Masters, exhibiting at the Saloon of Arts, with Biog. and Critical Notices, &c., by Gillow, 4to. 90 fine etchings by Vendramini and Aglio, with descriptions, half morocco, top edge gilt, scarce. Lond. 1818 2660 FIELDING (T. II.) Art of Engraving, with the various modes of Operation, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1844 2661 - - on the Knowledge and Restoration of Old Paintings, and the means of judging between copies and originals, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1841 2662 FINDEN S Views of Ports, Harbors, Watering Places, and Fishing Villages on the English Coast, containing highly-finished engravings after Harding, Creswick, Cooke, Bartlett, &c., vol. 1, 4to. 1838 2663 FLATTER S Compositions from Milton: The Paradise Lost of Milton, Illustrated in a Series of Fifty-Four Plates of the Human Figure, for the Use of Sculptors, Artists, &c., by J. J. Flatters, Sculptor, with 54 beau- ful outline engravings, with Quotations in English and French, folio, half morocco, uncut. 1851 2664 FLAXMAN (#.) Atlante Dantesco, 120 fine etchings, 4to. Milan, 1822 2665 Compositions from Dante; 111 plates in outline, oblong folio. Carlsruhe, n. d " Flaxman has translated Dante Lest, for lie has translated it into the universal language of nature." Lord Byron. 2666 FLAXMAN et SCHULES, Sujets de 1 Illiade et 1 Odyssec d llomere, royal 8vo. Carlsruhe, n. d. " Flaxman s unequalled Compositions from Homer, ^Eschylus, and Ilesiod, have long been the admiration of Europe ; of their simplicity ami beauty the pen is quite incapable of conveying an adequate impres sion." Sir Thomas Lawrence. 2667 GODEY S Gallery of Splendid Engravings, royal 8vo. sew il Phil. n. d. 2667*FLEURY (Claude) Traito du Choix ct dc la methode des etudes, 12 mo. Paris, 1740 13 i V 194 FINE ARTS. 2668 FROMMEL ((7.) Dreissig Ansichten Griechenlands zu den Werken Griechischer Autoren, 3 parts, royal 8vo. Carlsruhe, 1830 2669 FLINDALL (J. M.} Amateur s Pocket Companion, 18mo. boards. Lond. 1813 2670 - Amateurs Pocket Companion, interleaved, 1813 2671 GAVARDS (Ch.) Galerie Historiques de Versailles, fine etchings, 8vo. boards. Paris, 1838 2672 GLANCES at the Metropolis, a hundred illustrated Gems, 4to. morocco. N. Y. n. d. This volume contains one hundred fine English Engravings, with one hundred business puffs ; cost one hundred dollars. 2673 HAMILTON ((7.) English School of Painting and Sculp ture, 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1833 2674 HAKDING S Landscape Illustrations of the Tourist in Italy, 74 plates in 2 portfolios. 1833 HAYLEY (Wm.) Life of George Eomney, vide Komney. 2675 HEATH (Chas.) Book of Beauty, 1837-45, 10 vols. 8vo in silk and morocco. Lond. v. d. 2676 Book of Beauty for 1849, 8vo. silk. Lond. 1849 / S2 J?677 HOGARTH (W.) Works, 79 Plates published by Sayer, folio, half calf. Lond. 1768 -, f7? 2678 - Works, from the Original Plates, restored by James Heath, Esq. K. A., with the Addition of many subjects not before collected, to which is prefixed a Biographical Essay on the Genius and Productions of Hogarth, and Explanations of the Subjects of the Plates, by John Nichols, 119 large Plates, atlas fol. half russia. 1812 Published at 31 10s. ; and the impressions are very much superior to the usual copies now offered for sale, which have been worked off more recently. Hogarth is indispensable in the library, and is still unrivalled as a drawing-room table-book. 2679 Graphic Illustrations of, from Pictures, Draw ings, and Scarce Prints in the Possession of Samuel Ireland, upwards of 100 Plates, imperial 4to. large paper, cloth. 1794 An indispensable companion to every edition of Hogarth, containing matter nowhere else to be found. The subjects of the plates and letterpress are particularly interesting. " I was pleased with the reply of a gentleman, who being asked which book he esteemed most in his library, answered Shakspeare ; being asked which he esteemed next best, replied, Hogarth. " Charles Lamb. " To the student of history, these admirable works must be invaluable, as they give us the most complete and truthful picture of the man ners, and even the thoughts, of the past century." Thackeray. FINK ARTS. 195 2680 ITooARTH ( TI r .) Illustrations of, ? . e. Hogarth Illustrated from Passages in Authors he never read, and could not understand, portrait insi-rled, 8vo. Lond. 1816 2681 Morali/ed, by Mr. Trusler, upwards q/ 78 plates, **- brilliant impressions, 8vo. calf, extra gilt. Lond. 1831 * # * While I moralize I study to explain, and while I explain I study to moralize. The prints in this exceedingly protty edition combine much spirit and delicacy. 2682 Biographical Anecdotes of, with Catalogue of his Works, by J. Nichols, third edition, enlarged, por trait, thick 8vo. calf. Lond. 1782 " Necessary to the completion of the Literary Anecdotes to which it was originally intended as a Note." 2683 HOLBEIN (Hans) Alphabet of Death, illustrated with old borders engraved on wood, with Latin sentences and English Quatrains, selected by Anatole do Mon- taiglon, 12mo. Paris, Didot, 1856 2684 Dance of Death, with an Historical and Liter ary Introduction by an Antiquary, small 8vo. with 54 engravings, being the most accurate copies ever executed of these gems of Art, morocco extra, gilt leaves, 8vo. Lond. 1849 " The designs are executed with a spirit and fidelity quite extraordinary. They are indeed most truthful." Athcnsettm. " Ces 53 Planches de Schlotthauer sont d une exquise perfection." JLanglois, Essai sur les Dances dcs Marts, 1852. HURET (Gregoire), vide Lot. 2737. , J7 2685 ILLUSTRATIONS to the Book of Exodus, oblong 4to. Lond. 1830 . ,// 2686 ILLUMINATED Calendar for 1846, on card board, coloured, splendidly bound in kid, inlaid with blue and gold, 4to. Lond. 1846 This choice book is copied from the Hours of the Duke of Anjou, and is a fine example of art, at a period when such works were rare. j , _ 2687 IRELAND (IF. II.) Chalcographimania, or the Portrait -* Collector and Printseller s Chronicle, with infatuations of every description, a humorous Poem in four books, with copious Notes explanatory by Satiricus Sculptor, Esq., portrait of Will So?ners, half morocco, 8vo. Lond. 1814 This was written by W. II. Ireland, the Shakspearean forger. It is a clever satire on the extravagant prices given for single prints, and upon the eccentricities of all the printsellers and auctioneers of the day. 196 FINE ARTS. 2688 JACOB ET SERE, Histoire des Corporations Ouvrieres, le Livre d Or des Metiers, Nos. 1 to 133, numerous illuminated illustrations. Paris, v. d. A most beautiful work, now in course of publication. It is a perfect cyclo paedia on the subject of which it treats, and the engravings are pub lished in a style commensurate to the importance of the work. 2689 JAMESON (Mrs.) Sacred Legendary Art, 2d edition, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1850 2690 Legends of the Monastic Orders, 2d edit., 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1852 .zr~ 2691 - Legends of the Madonna, Svo.cloth. Lond. 1852 " Few subjects are of greater interest than the history of Sacred and Legendary Art. It is the symbolism of the Christian faith, a record of the hate which persecuted, of the constancy which overcame, of a gloomy fanaticism, and the subjugation of the old mythology that had peopled space with life and mystical predominance, by another of a purer nature, through the medium of similar agencies Mrs. Jameson has shown great qualifications in its composition. Her reading is extensive, and confirmed by a personal knowledge of the best works of Art in the most valuable public and private galleries." AT" 2692 - Memoirs and Essays, Illustrative of Art, Litera ture, and Social Morals, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1846 2693 Companion to the Private Picture Galleries in London, containing accurate Catalogues arranged Al phabetically, preceded by a Historical and Critical Introduction, and an Essay on Art, Artists, Collectors, and Connoisseurs, post 8vo. cloth. 1844 " Mrs. Jameson knows her subject thoroughly, and is so skilful a mistress of language, that few who care about painting will lay down the volume when once taken up." Athenseum. 2694 - Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art in and near London, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1845 " Pleasant to read, useful to consult, and valuable as a vade mecuni to the visitor." Spectator. 2694*LACROix (M. Paul], Le Moyen Age, et Le Eenais- sance, .Histoire et Description des Moeurs et Usages du Commerce, et de 1 Industrie, des Sciences, des Arts, des Litteratures et des Beaux Arts en Europe, 4to. half morocco. J /-^^- Paris, 1848 This superb work contains many hundred illustrations, large illumina tions in gold and colors, wood engravings, &c. It is the most richly embellished work ever published relating to the Middle Ages. Each subject as Costume, Architecture, Poetry, Illuminated Manuscripts, Arms and Armor, Sculpture, Enamels, Romances of Chivalry, Paint ing, Stained Glass, &c. has a separate dissertation devoted to it, by the most competent literary men best acquainted with it ; forming a perfect encyclopaedia of the Middle Ages. The richness and quan tity of the plates must be seen to be appreciated. In no other country than France could such a work be produced. KINK ARTS. ..// 2695 JOURNAL of Design, 9 Parts, 8vo. 60 plates. Lond. 1849 2696 LA FAGE (Ramon), Recueil de 123 pieces d aprcs ses dessius, grav. par Andrau Simoneau, etc., folio, calf. Paris, 1689 2697 ETRURIA Pittrice ovvero Storia della Pittura Toscana ; de dotta dai suoi monumenti che si esibiscono in Stampa del Secolo X. sino al presente (en Italien et en Fran9ais, la description par Lastri), 2 vols. folio, half morocco. Firenze, 1791-5 This work is now exceedingly scarce ; it comprises 120 large engravings, and an equal number of vignettes, all engraved in the best Italian style. 2698 LE BLANC, Ilistoire des Peintres de toutes les Ecolcs depuis la renaissance jusqu a nos jours, avec notes, recherches, &c., in 279 numbers, jwrtrails of the artists, ami specimens of their ivorks, folio. Paris, n. d. This most beautifully illustrated work is a history of the painters of all nations with examples of each artist, and contains lives and speci mens of the most famous works of Murillo, Teuiers, Ruysdael, Valen tin, Boucher, Veniet, Rubens, and others ; it is not yet completed. ^ 2699 LE BRUN Travestied, or Caricatures of the Passions, ^ " by Woodward and Rowlandson, 20 spirited plates, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1800 * ^ 2700 LESTER (C. E.) Artists of America, a Series of Bio- graphical Essays of American Artists, ivith portraits and sted plates, 8vo. N. Y. 1846 /f# 2701 LONDON Art Union Prize Annual, vol. 3, folio, cloth, (jilt. J 2702 MAGAZINES of the Fine Arts and Journal of Literature and Science, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1833 2703 MALCOLM (J. P.) Historical Sketch of the Art of Cari caturing, with graphic illustrations, 4to. half calf. Lond." 1813 2704 MARCENAY De Ghuy, (Euvres de, contenant differens Morceaux d llistoires, Portraits, Paysages, Batailles, etc., imperial 4to., with above 50 remarkably fine engravings by this elegant artist, after paintings by Poussin, Vandyck, Rembrandt, and others, including portraits of Charles I., the Maid of Orleans, Sully, &c., fine impressions, half morocco, folio. Paris, 1755 2705 MIFFLIN (J. K) On the Fine Arts in America, an Address, pp. 19, 8vo. Phil. 1833 2706 MOSES (//.) Engravings of Benjamin West s Pictures, 4to. Lond. 1811 37 198 FINE ARTS. 2707 MODERN Gallery of British Artists, consisting of a / - Series of Engravings of their most admired Works, with illustrative descriptions, 4to. cloth, gilt. Lond. 1836 2708 MUSEUM of Painting and Sculpture, or Collection of the Principal Pictures, Statues, and Bas-Eeliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe, 17 vols. crown 8vo. containing 1150 outline plates by Reveil, with de scriptions in French and English l>y Duchesnc, uncut. Paris, 1820-33 This valuable work contains 1200 outline engravings, executed in a mas terly style of art, and will be found extremely useful as a book of reference to tlie amateur and collector of pictures. ^ 2709 NASH S Characteristics of British Palaces of the Olden ^ ^ Times, with Descriptions by Mrs. S. C. Hall, in verse and prose, 13 large and fine colored plates, illustrative of interesting events in history, royal 4to. cloth, gilt leaves. 1849 y . _ 2710 NOLLEKINS and his Times, comprising his Life and Memoirs of Contemporary Artists, from Koubiliac, Hogarth, and Reynolds, to Fuseli, Flaxman, and Blake, by J. T. Smith, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. 1829 A delightful book ; in it will be found some curious anecdotes of George III., Princess of Wales, Lords Mansfield and Londonderry, Sir P. Lely, Pitt, Fox, Garrick, Mrs. Siddons, Mr. Coutts, Barry, Bannister, Dr. Johnson, Goldsmith, Burney, Wolcott, Gainsborough, and a host of other celebrities. j-Jf 2711 PAYNE S Universum, or Pictorial World, edited by G. C. Edwards, 4to. cloth, gilt. Lond. n. d. ry.j-T} 2712 PERELLE, Les (Euvres de, Yues Nouvelles des plus beaux Lieux de France et d ltalie, oblong 4to. Paris, 1685 A collection of one hundred and sixty views of landscapes, gardens, ruins, &c., by this celebrated French engraver, in a folio volume. Perelle is the Hollar of France, both in his style of engraving, and the esteem with which his views are held. ( / c~~ 2713 PICART(#.) Impostures Tnnocentes, ou recueild estampes gravees dans le gout de differens maitres celebres, des trois ecoles, par B. Picart, folio, 80 fine plates engraved in exact facsimile of the original drawings (hence the name), fine impressions, half calf, rare. Amst. 1734 2714 PLANS of Temples, &c. 4to. no title. Lond. 1795 FINK AUTO. l ( Ji) 2715 RAPHAEL S Cupid and Psyche, les Amours deCupidon et Psyche; Gravees d apres les dessins de Raphael, avec le Poeme de La Fontaine, royal folio, 32 beauti ful plates by Frayonard) Ac. half morocco gilt. s Paris, 1820 " See the beautiful Allegoric Tale of Cupid and Psyche in Apuleius, the tasks imposed on her by the jealousy of her Mother in Law and tho agency by which they are at length self-performed, are noble in stances of that hidden wisdom, where more is meant than meets the ear. " Coleridge. 2710 RAPHAEL, Cattermole (Revd. R.) Book of the Cartoons of, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1846 Richardson, speaking of the Cartoons, piously exclaims, " God be praised that wo have so near us such an invaluable blessing." " Ille hie est Raphael, timuit quo sospite vinci Rerum magna parens, et moriento rnori." Epitaph at Rome. 2717 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua), Works, Deluding his Dis- courses, Commentary on Fresnoy, Art of Painting, &c., with Explanatory Notes, and Life by Edward Malone, Esq., 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, half calf 1798 Tliis copy belonged to the celebrated artist who is so well known as tho illustrator of Blair s Grave, and other works. It is illustrated with very numerous MS. notes, written with all the spirit of a good hater and excessively vituperative ; the following note is written on the title page : "This man was hired to Deprave Art." This is the opinion of William Blake, my proofs are given in the [follow ing] notes. The reader is referred to the work, it is full and run ning over with marginal notes, all written in the spirit already indicated. " Blake is a real name I assure you, and a most extraordinary man he is, if he be still living. He is tho Blake whose wild designs accom pany a splendid edition of Blair s Grave. He paints in water colours marvellous strange pictures visions of his brain, which he asserts that he has seen. They have great merit. I have heard of his Poems, but have never seen them. There is one to a tiger, which I have heard recited, beginning : Tiger ! Tiger ! burning bright, Through the deserts of the night, &c. which is glorious. But, alas, I have not the book, and the man is flown, whither I know not to Hades, or a madhouse but I must look on him as one of the most extraordinary persons of the age." C. Lamb. "The most original, and in truth the only new and original version of tho Scripture idea of Angels which I have met with, is that of Wil liam Blake, a poet painter, somewhat mad as we are told, if indeed his madness was not rather the telescope of truth, a sort of poetical clairvoyance, bringing the unearthly nearer to him than to others." J/rs. Jameson s Sacred and Legendary Art. Of Reynolds, however, it may not be amiss to say with Sotheby: " Hail ! guide and glory of the British School, Whose magic line gave life to every rule." 200 FINE ARTS. / >, 2718 EHEINESCHES Jahrbuch, fine lithographic illustrations. Koln, 1846 2719 EICHARDSON S Catalogue of Portraits, India Drawings, ^~ 4 ^ &c., with the Prices and Buyers at Auction. 1799 2720 EOBINSON S Designs for Lodges and Park Entrances, 48 plates, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1837 2721 EOMNEY (George), Life of, by William Hayley, illus trated by numerous fine examples of his Works, 4to._/me copy, calf. Chichester, 1809 He was famous in his profession, and it was his great right to be so. 2722 EUBENS (P. P.) His Life and Genius, translated from the German of Dr. Waagen, by Noel, edited by Mrs. Jameson, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1840 2723 SANDKART (J. de) Sculpture Veteris Admiranda sive delineatio vera perfectissimarum Statuarum, folio, calf. Norimb. 1680 Jf 2724 L Academia Todesca della Architettura, Scul- tura et Pittura, folio, vellum. 1675 All the works of Sandrart are held in great esteem. 2725 SCRAP BOOK, 4to. containing a great variety of miscel laneous prints, some very old and scarce, Theatrical, &c. 2726 SCOTT (Sir W.) Book of Waverley Gems, in a series of engraved illustrations of Incidents and Scenery in Sir Walter Scott s Novels, fine impressions, thick paper, cloth. 8vo. Lond. 1848 /2 2727 SERIE Degli Momini I Piu Illustri nella Pittura, Scul- tura Architettura con i Loro Eloge, i Eitratti incisi in Eome, Cominciando dall suo prima Eestaurazione Sino ai Tempo Present!, .12 vols. 4to. vellum, contain ing over 300 fine portraits. Firenzi, 1769 Sold for 5 5s. at the Penelli sale. /2- 2728 SHEE (Martin Ar.) Ehymes on Art, or a Eemonstrance of a Painter, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1815 /r^ 2729 SMITH (John), Catalogue Eaisonno of the Works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters, with Biographical Notices of their principal Pictures, a Statement of the Prices at which they have been sold, and the Galleries or Collections in which they are at present ; Names of the Artists by whom they have been engraved ; and Notices of the Scholars and Imitators, complete with Supplement, in 9 large vols. royal 8vo. 7 vols. in half morocco, 1 vol. 8vo. and Supplement in cloth. Lond. 1829-42 This elaborate work, by Mr. Smith, the eminent picture dealer, is indis pensable to the collector of pictures. FINE ARTS. 201 2730 STATUES: Delle Antichc Statue Grechc c Romane, che nell Antisala della Libreria cli San Marco, e in altri luoghi pubblice di Vinezia si trovano, 100 plates, 2 vols. in 1, folio. Venezia, 1740 Jh.sfl 2731 - - A largo collection of Ancient Statues, Busts, Illustrative of Ancient Sculpture, from Examples in the British Museum, &c., all proofs before letters, in cluding many private plates, folio. n. d. 2732 STOTHARD (Titos.) Life of, with Personal Reminiscences, by Mrs. Bray, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1851 2733 STOWE Catalogue, priced and annotated by II. R. Fow ler, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1848 2734 STRAWBERRY Hill : Catalogue of the Contents as sold by George Robins, 1842, with the printed prices, also a Catalogue of the Engraved Portraits, copiously and beautifully illustrated, half red morocco (jilt leaves, ,4to. Lond. 1842 /c.-^ 2735 TAYLOR: History of the Fine Arts in Great Britain and Ireland, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1841 " The best View of Modern art." United Service Gazette. - 273(3 TEMPLE of The Muses, or the Principal Histories of Fabulous Antiquity, represented in 00 Sculptures, by the famous engraver, Bernard Picart, folio, fine earl// impressions, rare, calf. Amst. 1733 &--~* 2737 THEATRUM Dolorum Tesv Christe Dei-IIominis pro Hominibus Patientis, a series of 26 very fine engrav ings, by Huret, neatly mounted and bound in royal large folio vol. half morocco, from La Forest s collec tion. Paris, 1664 e f~ 2738 TIBALDI (Pelhgrino, e Nicolo Abbati), Le pitturc esis- tenti nell Institute di Bologna, descritte ed illustr. da Giam. Pietro Zanetti, fine plates, folio, half morocco. Venezia, 1756 Vendu, 75 fr. La Valliere, 60 fr. St. Ceran. , J & 2739 TOPHAM (J".) Description of an Ancient Picture in Windsor Castle, representing the Embarkation of Henry VIII. Lond. 1787 /. JJ 2740 TURNBULL (Dr. Geo.) Treatise on Ancient Painting : its Progress and Decline among the Greeks and Romans, and connection with Poetry and Philosophy, folio, 50 fine plates of ancient frescoes, etc., including the Aldobrandiui Marriage, and other celebrated works, half calf. Lond. 1744 / /? 202 FRANCE. , //" 2741 VAN ROY (J. J) Vie de Pierre Paul Rubens, 8vo. Bruxelles, 1840 ^/j"~2742 VERSAILIARUM Consecrata Memoria, Monicart et Le Tertie, 2 vols. 4to. 100 fine plates. 1720 2743 WALPOLE S (R.) Anecdotes of Painting in England, with some account of the principal artists, and incidental notes on other arts, collected by the late Mr. George Virtue, digested and published from his original MSS., with considerable additions by Rev. James Dallaway, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1849 " In the good old times of Bibliomania, this work would have walked, of its own accord, into the mahogany book cases of half the collec tors of London." Dibdin s Bibliomania. 2744 WANDERINGS of a Pen and Pencil, by Palmer and Crowquill, royal 8vo. cloth. 1846 2745 WARE ( William), Lectures on the Works and Genius of Washington Allston, 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1852 2746 WEST (Benj) A Gallery of Pictures painted by ; En graved in outline, by H.Moses, large paper, folio, half calf. Lond. 1811 2747 WHITE (R. G) Companion to the Bryan Gallery of Christian Art, presentation copy with autograph, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 2748 WINKLES S English Cathedrals, Architectural and Pic turesque illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales, 186 plates beautifully engraved, with historical and descriptive accounts, 30 parts. 1851 This beautiful and interesting work contains twenty-eight Cathedrals, whilst that of Britton illustrates but fourteen. 2749 WOOD (J.) Origin of Building, or the Plagiarism of the Heathens detected, in 5 books, folio, half calf. Bath, 1741 2750 YOUNG (John), Catalogue of the Pictures at Grosvenor House, etchings, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1821 2751 YOUNG (J) Catalogue of Pictures (Leicester Gall.), with etchings of the whole collection, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1825 2752 ZIEGLER S Views of the Lodges, &c., in Windsor Park, folio, half morocco. Lond. 1839 FRANCE. 2753 ARNOULD et Prejol, Histoire de Bastile, numerous fine plates, 2 vols. in 1, half calf ] 8vo. Paris, 1844 . 7 FRANCE. 203 BLANCHARD (P.) Beautes do rilistoire de France, 12mo. Paris, 1810 2755 CARR (Sir J.) Stranger in France, 8vo. half calf . * Lond. 1807 2756 CARREL, History of the Counter Revolution, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1846 2757 Another Copy. 1846 2758 CARICATURES, a Collection of 24, illustrative of the French Revolution, 12rno. sewed. Lond. 1831 2759 CAUSSIDIERE (Citizen, ex-Prefect of Police, and Repre sentative of the People), Memoirs of, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1848 Contains a full account of the Revolution of 1848. / /2- 2760 CHAMBRAY (M. de) Ilistoire de la Expedition de Russie, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1825 4^ - 2761 DANIEL (Gabriel), Ilistoire de la Milice Francoise,;>fafes, 2 vols. 4to. old calf. Amst. 1724 2762 CHATEAUBRIAND (J/. (/<-) The Congress of Vienna, com prising a portion of Memoirs of his own times, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Lond. 1838 2763 COBBETT (J. P.) Ride in France, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1844 2764 LA CIIAIZE (Pere Confesscur da Roi Louis AYK) Ilis toire du, 18mo. calf. Cologne, 1693 2765 COMINES (Messire Philippe de), Memoires contdnant 1 histoire des Rois Louis XI. et Charles VIII. 1464- 1498, folio, half calf. " Comines was long in the service of Charles le Terrible, last Duke of Burgundy, and of Louis XI., King of France." " Le Sire de Comines ecrivit des beaux recits, et 51 porta des jugumens sur les princes de son temps avec tant de reflexion et de sagesse que la posterity les adopta presque entitlement." Barante. 2766 CROWE (E. E.) History of France, 3 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1836 2767 DEWINT (P.) Vicinity of the River Rhone displayed, plates engraved by Cooke, oblong 4to. Lond. 1823 >J7 2768 DUMOURIER (Oenl.) Memoirs of, written by himself, translated by John Fcnwick, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. sheep, pp. 260. Phil. 1794 , jy 2769 DUNCAN (Jon.) The Religious Wars of France, 12 mo. cloth. Lond. 1840 , ?.j~ 2770 FOSTER and ENGLISH S French Revolution of 1848, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1848 204: FRANCE. 2771 FRANCE and Napoleon s Second Reign, collection of Works on, Visit to Paris, and Paris Re-visited, by John Scott ; Paul s Letters to his Kinsfolk; Eustace s Letters from Paris ; Shoberl s Account of Waterloo, &c., in 4 vols. 8vo. half calf. L ond. 1815 2772 FRANCE Illustrated from Drawings by Allom, with // ,y, descriptions by G. N. Wright, beautiful engravings of Landscape Scenery, Antiquities, Architecture, &c., fine early impressions, 3 vols. 4 to. gilt leaves. 1850 ^/T 7 2773 FRENCH Revolution, Journees Illustrees de la Revolu tion de ; 1848. /~~ 2774 FROISSART S Chronicles of England, France, and Spain, translated by Johnes, 2 vols. cloth. Lond. 1849 " Froissart is a historian consulted and cited by every writer whose subject leads him to the period in which he wrote ; he is the chief, if not the only authentic source of information we are possessed of with regard to one of the proudest and most striking portions of our national annals. Even the readers of novels and romances, if ever they have in the course of their lives read anything of real history, must be gratified and even charmed with Froissart, for there is as much gallantry, love, and adventure, in the Chronicles of Froissart, as in any romance, Don Quixote scarcely excepted." Quarterly Review. i/0 2775 GLEIG (G. #.) Story of the Battle of Waterloo, 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 1847 // 2776 HEAD (Sir F.) A Faggot of French Sticks, 12 mo. N. Y. 1852 .-> 2777 HISTORICAL Collection of the most Memorable Acci dents and Tragicall Massacres of France, under the Reigns of Henry II., Francis II., Charles IX., Henry III., and Henry IV. (by Thos. Tymme), folio. Lond. 1598 2778 JANIN (Jules], L Hiver et L Ete a Paris illustre es par M. Eugene Lami, 2 vols. 4to. cloth, gilt. Lond. n. d. 2779 JOBSON (D. W.) History of the French Revolution, Svo. cloth. Lond. 1853 <<fj~~ 2780 LA VALLIERE (Mme. de\ Vie Penitente de, par Mme. de Genlis, 12mo. calf. Paris, 1807 2781 LABAUME (K) Napoleon s Campaign in Russia, Svo. sheep. 1817 2782 LAMARTINE (A. de\ History of the French Revolution of 1848, 2 vols. 12mo. Bost. 1849 2783 LANGON (Baron), Evenings with Cambaceres, Arch- Chancellor of the Empire, second Consul of the French Republic, Reminiscences of the Imperial Court, &c., 2 vols. half calf, gilt. Lond. 1837 FRANCE. 205 2784 LONG (George), Pictorial History of France and its 4 _ Revolutions (comprising the period 1789 to 1848), impl. 8vo. ivithjine portraits, awl numerous large wood cuts, after designs by llarrey, cloth. Lond. 1850 , ^/ 2785 L URNE, Des Stuarts et des Bourbons, ou Le Fond de mer Conscience, 8vo. Paris, 1815 2786 MATHIEU, The Heroyk Life and Deplorable Death of the Most Christian King Henry the Fourth ; addressed to his immortal memory by P. Mathieu, Councellor and Historiographer of France, translated by Ed. Grimeston, Esq., portrait, printed by Gto. Ekl, scarce, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1612 %* At the end is a poem of 27 pages, "The Tropheis of the Life and Tragaedize of the Death of that Vertuous and Victorious Prince Henry the Great, late of France and Navarre," by losvah Sylvester. 2787 MEMOIRS of Madame de la Rochejacquelin, and History of the Insurrection in La Vendde, by herself, with Introduction, &c., by Sir Walter Scott, 8vo. map of the seat of war, half calf , gilt. Edin. 1817 2789 MISCELLANEOUS Remains of Cardinal Perron, President Thuanus, &c., 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1707 2790 MEMOIRS of Philip de Comines, Lord of Argenton, with his Life, etc., calf, 8vo. Lond. 1674 "The memoirs of Comines make an epoch in historical literature; if Froissart be reckoned the Livy of France, she had her Tacitus in P. de Comines." Hallam. 2791 MERIMEE (Prosper), Chronicle of the Times of Charles the 9th, Translated from the French of, 8vo. N. Y. 1830 2792 MUSEUM Parisien Histoire Physiologique^Pittoresque, Philosophique et Grotesque, de toutes les betes curi- euses de Paris, &c., par M. Louis lluart, 350 vignettes, royal 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1841 2793 MOORE (//. N.) The Reign of Terror to the Fall of Robespierre, 16mo. cloth. Phil. 1846 2794 NAPOLEON, The Court of: or, Society under the First Empire, by Frank B. Goodrich (Dick Tinto), idth colored portraits on steel of its Beauties, Wits, and Heroines, royal 4to. morocco. N. Y. 1857 2795 - Gallery, Parts 24, 615, 12mo. Lond. v. d. 2796 and his Times, by Caulincourt, Duke of Vin- cenza, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Phil. 1838 2797 in the Other World, written by himself and found near his Tomb at St. Helena, by Xongo, Tec, Foh, Tehi, Mandarin, 8vo. half calf, gilt, curious. Lond. 1827 Another copy, half morocco. Lond. 1827 206 FREE MASONRY. 2799 NAPOLEON, Museum, The History of France Illustrated from Louis XIV. to the end of the Reign and Death of the Emperor, by J. Sainsbury, with facsimiles of autographs, &c., thick impl. 4to. half morocco. 1844 Privately printed ; this is by far the most interesting and extensive col lection of the relics of Napoleon, comprising Marbles, Bronzes, Gems, Decorations, Medallions, Drawings, Pictures, State Papers, Coins, Medals, &c. Presentation copy from the author to J. H. Hackett, Esq., with autograph letter. 2800 - - III. Briffault (F. T.) The Prisoner of Earn, Authentic Detail of the Captivity and Escape of Prince Napoleon Louis, 12mo. doth. Lond. 1846 2801 ORLEANS (Duke of), Memoir of the Regency of, during the Minority of Lewis XV th. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1732 2802 PARIS, Bretez Plan de Paris grave, par C. Lucas, 20 fine large plates, folio, calf. 1739 </lr 2803 - Curiosities de Paris, Versailles, etc., 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1778 ^/^ 2804 PETRE (Chevalier), Histoire des Guerres de la Vendee, royal 8vo. Paris, 1851 ^ // 2805 PICTURES of the French, a Series of Literary and Graphic Delineations of French Character, by Jules Janin, Balzac, Cormenin, and other celebrated French authors, royal 8vo. illustrated by upwards of 230 hu morous and extremely clever wood engravings, cloth. Lond. 1840 2806 RITCHIE (Leitch), Wanderings by the Seine, twenty en gravings from drawings l>y t7! W. M. Turner, 8vo. Lond. 2807 SANDERSON (J.) Sketches of Paris, in familiar letters to his friends, 12 mo. Phil. 1838 2808 TROLLOPE (Mrs.) Paris and the Parisians, 2 vols. 1835, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1836 2809 TUSSAUD (Mme.) Memoirs of the French Revolution, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1839 2810 WILSON ( W. JR.) Records of a Route through France and Italy, with Sketches of Catholicism, cloth, 8vo. Lond. 1835 FREE MASONRY. ,/-/" 2811 CARLISLE (Rich.) Manual of Masonry, 2 vols. 16mo. cloth. Lond. 1836 // 2812 COLE (Samuel), The Free Mason s Library, or General Ahiman Rezon, 8vo. sheep. Bait. 1826 GERMANY. 207 2813 EARLY History of Free Masonry, illustrated by an English Poem of the Fourteenth Century. With Notes and Glossary by Ilalliwell, post 8vo. 184-1 "There is nothing in this Karly History that the initiated will regret to read, and we trnst that it will bo read, not merely looked at, by the most discerning Masons." Frtematon t Quarterly Review. 2814 FELLOWS (John), An Exposition of the Ancient Mys teries and Free Masonry, 8vo. half cloth. N. Y. 1835 2815 FREE MASONRY, a Poem in three Cantos, showing it to be a deadly foe to equal liberty, and circumstances relative to the Abduction of Capt. Morgan, 12mo. boards. Leicester, 1830 //2- 2816 CARBONARI ; Memoirs of the Secret Societies of tho South of Italy, curious Lithograjths, 8vo. boards. Loud. 1821 /-/2- 2817 KNAPP (Sam. Z.) The Genius of Masonry, in three Lectures, 12mo. half cloth. Prov. 1828 PARKER on Free Masonry, vide Lot 1853. GERMANY AND HOLLAND. /s,r~ 2818 BATAVIA Sacra, numerous brilliant portraits, folio, calf. 1714 . fir 2819 BEIIRENS (77.) The Natural History of Hartz-Forest in His Majesty K. George s German Dominions, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1730 2820 BRACHELIUS (Adolp.) Ilistoria nostri Temporiis, dat is Geschiedens onfes Tigdts., 1018-1654, thick 18mo. half morocco. Rotterdam, 1656 2821 CARR (Sir J.) Tour Through Holland, 8vo. she. p. Phil. 1807 2822 CHARLES V. Emperor of Germany; Edicts in German. folio, old calf . Worms, 1521 2823 CHAUCHABDS, Germany, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1800 2824 HISTORICAL and Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes, selected from the Correspondence of Baron de Grimm and Diderot and Duke of Saxe Gothe, between 1770 and 1790, translated, 2 vols. Svo. half calf . Lond. 1814 2825 KUGIILER, (F.) Pictorial History of Germany during the Reign of Frederick the Great, including a complete History of the Silesian Campaigns and the Seven Years War, royal Svo. with over 500 woodcuts, doth. Lond. 1845 208 GREECE AND THE LEVANT. 2826 HANECONII (Martini}, Fresca, seu de Viris rebusque Frisian illustribus, the prints cut out and mounted, / t ffl with a portrait of Haneconius by P. A. Harling, about 54 portraits, including Charles V., Philip II., Albert and Isabella, very curious, 4to. Franck. 1620 2827 HOWITT ( W.) Life in Germany, or scenes, impressions, y . and every-day life of the Germans, illustrated with x> -4t> numerous engravings, 8vo. half calf, extra. Lond. 1849 </J 2828 - (Wm.) Rural and Domestic Life in Germany, 2 vols. 8vo. Phil. 1843 /4?J 2829 LK Bas Allemagne, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf ". Paris, 1838 , 2830 NETHERLAND Historian (The), True and exact relation of the Wars between the French King and the States General of the United Provinces, 12mo., 60 curious plates by Romain de Hooghe, &c., calf, rare. Amsterdam, 1675 .7j" 2831 MAGNUS (Olaus), Beschreibung allerley Gelegenheyte, Sitten, Gebrauchen und Gewonheyten der Mitnach- tigcn Volker in Sweden, Elst unnd Westgothen, Norway, &c., curious wood cuts, 8vo. stamped binding, hogs skin. Strazburgh, 1657 / - 2832 EHINE (Tlie), its Scenery and Historical and Legendary Associations, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1845 /SV 2833 EOSCOE (Thos.) Belgium, or Picturesque Tour, 16 fine steel plates, by Allan, royal 8vo. silk, gilt. 1841 / f r 2834 STRAD.E (Famianus) de Bello Belgico decades duse, 13 fine plates, 18vo. calf. Romee, 1654 / -,rffi 2835 STOPENDAEL (Daniel), Les delices du Water Graess ou diemer, mer pres de la ville d Amsterdam, Dutch and French, 60 plates, beautifully engraved, with descrip tions by Broueriers, calf, folio. Amsterdam, 1775 GREECE AND THE LEYANT. /. 2836 ANDERSON (R.) Observations upon the Peloponnesus and Greek Islands, 12mo. boards. Bost. 1830 ,,.f f r 2837 BYRON (Lord}, Journey to Greece, 12mo. calf, gilt, extra. Paris, 1825 <^J 2838 CRCESUS, King of Lydia, History of, 12mo. sheep. / Edin. 1755 . 2839 DODWELL (Ed.) Views in Greece, engraved from the collection of drawings made in that country by Dod- well & Pomardi, 30 fine coloured plates, description in French and English, folio, green morocco. Lond. 1821 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS AND TRANSLATIONS. 209 2840 GILLIES History of Greece, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1841 2841 LETTRES Atheniennes per M. Christophe, 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Paris, 1805 2842 OLIN (Stephen), Greece and the Golden Horn, plates, cloth, post 8vo. N. Y. 1854 2843 ROSTAGNA (<7. 7?.) Viaggi del Marchese Gloron Fran- cesca Villa in Dalmatia e Levante con la distinta rcla- tione de successi in Candia, 4to. plates. Torino, 1608 Cos relations curieuses ont eut beaucoup de succes, 011 les a douuees deux fois eu Franc.ais. 2844 VOIAGE do Levant Fait par le Commandemcnt du Hoy en 1 annee 1021, par le Sr. D(u) C(astel), 4to. vellum. Par s, 1629 2845 WORDSWORTH S Greece, 8vo. imperfect. 1840 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS AND TRANSLATIONS. 2846 ANACREON Convivialia Semiambra Gr. et Lat. edente Spalletti, plates, boards, royal folio. Roma3, 1781 " This very splendid edition is printed from an ancient MS. of the tenth century. The type, comprehending the first sixteen pages, is a fac simile of the Vatican MS." Dibdin. 2847 ANACREON, illustrated by Sir R. Ker. Porter, with translations, 22 beautifully spirited engravings of Amatory Subjects, fine copy in green velvet, 4to. Lond. 1805 ?7j"" 2848 AITIAN, Auncient Historic and exquisite Chronicle of the Romanes Warres, both Civile and Foren, written by that noble orator Appian, of Alexandria, and translated by W. B., Jjluck cttcr, calf, fine copy, 4to. Lond. 1578 Heber s copy, with his note. /Z- 2849 ARRIAN S Voyage of Alexander, translated by Fal coner, 4to. Oxford, 1805 2850 C^ESARIS, Commentarii, wood-cuts, 18mo. Lugd. 1546 2851 CAESAR S Commentaries, first four Books, translated by J. Mair, calf, 12mo. Edin. 1777 2852 Translated by Martin Bladen, plates, calf, 8vo. Lond. 1705 2853 CICERO, Those fiue questions which Marke Tullye Cicero disputed in his Manor of Tusculanum; written afterwards by him, in as many bookes, to his friend and familiar, Brutus, in the Latin tounge and nowc oute of the same translated and Englished by lohn Dolman, studente and felowe of the inner temple, imprinted at Lodo by Thomas Marshe, rare, fine copy, UlaClt Setter, 8vo. Lond. 1561 14 210 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS AND TRANSLATIONS. 2854 CLASSICAL Manual, being a Mythological, Historical, and Geographical Commentary on Pope s Homer and Dryden s ^Eneid, cloth, 8vo. Lond. 1833 2855 CURTIUS, History of the Wars of Alexander, trans lated by J. Digby, 2 vols. calf, 12mo. Lond. 1726 2855* DIBDIN (T. F.) Introduction to the Classics, cloth, 8vo. Lond. 1827 s, 2856 DIOGENES Laertius, de vitis dogmatis et apophtheg- matis, clavorum Philosophorum ; G k et Lat., ed. Meimobii et Gale, with 24 fine portraits, 2 vols. calf, scarce, 4to. Amst. 1694 For an account of the peculiarities of this excellent and beautiful ed. see Bibliog. Diet., vol. 3, p. 126. " By far the most critical and perfect edition." Dibdin. 2857 DIONYSIUS Halicarnassensis, Eoman Antiquities, trans lated with notes and dissertations by Spelman, 4 vols. half calf , 4to. Lond. 1758 " A faithful and elegant translation, accompanied with very learned and valuable notes and useful dissertations." Clarke. 2858 EPECTETI Enchiridion, Latinis versibus adumbratum, per Edvardum Ivie, vellum, 8vo. Oxford, 1715 2859 GREEK Anthology, chiefly by G. B urges, A. M.; with Metrical Versions, by various Authors, cloth, post 8vo. Lond. 1846 2860 HERODOTUS : New and Literal Version by Gary, cloth, post 8vo. Lond. 1850 2861 HESIOD, The Works of, translated from the Greek, by Mr. Cooke, portrait, rare, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1763 HOMER, vide Chapman, in Old English Poetry. / , N 2862 HOMER ; The Iliads and Odysses of Homer, translated out of Greek into English, by Thomas Hobbes, of Malmsbury, &c., printed for Will Crooke at the Green Dragon without Temple-Barre, scarce, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1677 v/^ 7 2863 Iliad, literally translated into English Prose, post 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1850 / ?J 2864 - Odyssey, 5 vols. sewed, uncut, 12mo. Lond. 1758 2865 HOMERIC Ballads and Comedies of Lucian, translated by W. Maginn, annotated by K. S. Mackenzie, cloth, post 8vo. Eedfield, 1856 2866 HOMER, Koliades (C) Ulysse-Hornere, ou de veritable auteur de 1 Iliade et de 1 Odyssce, hoards, impl. folio. Paris, 1829 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS AND TRANSLATIONS. 211 2867 HOMEK; Enquiry into the Life and Writings of, 8vo. vigntile plutes, calf, gilt. Lond. 1736 "A fine effort of geuius and learning." Gibbon. 2868 Satire on the translations of, half calf \ 8vo. Lond. 1733 2869 - Vindication of, by J. B. S. Morritt, &c., 4 vols. 4to. York, &c., 1798 2870 IIoRATius : Forma Minima, inor. gt, 32mo. Scdani, 1627 " Tlii8 edition is the smallest yet published ; it is printed in a very minute character, and is now extremely rare." Moss. This rare little edition used fonnerly to sell for upwards of 5. 5s. 2871 HORACE: Translated by P. Francis, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Valpy, Lond. 1831 HORACE vide Fanshawe, &c., Old English Poetry. 2872 CASCALES (Sig. Francisco), Tablas Pocticas Iloratii Q. Flacci, &c., 8vo. calf. Madrid, 1779 2873 JUSTINUS: Uistoriariumex TrogoPompeio, lib. XLIV., cum notis Isaac Vossii, 18mo. Elzevir, Amst. 1656 2874 JUSTIN : The Historic of Justine, containing a narra tion of kingdomes, from the beginning of the Assy rian Monarchy, unto the reigne of the Emperour Au gustus, translated by G. W. Lond, printed by W. Jaggard, 1606 ; Suetonius Historic of the Twelve Caesars, Emperours of Home, translated by Philemon Holland, London, printed for Matthew Lownes, .1606; 1 vol. original binding, broken, fine copies, folio. 2875 JUVENAL Satires, literally translated into EngKsh Prose, 12mo. Oxford, 1841 2876 LIPSII (Just.) Opera Omnia, folio, calf, 4 vols. in 3, cx-officina Plantin. Antv. 1634 2877 LIVY : Romane History, also the Breviaries of L. Florus, translated by Philemon Holland, old calf] folio. Lond. 1600 "A most accurate translation." Lowndes. 2878 Romische Historic, curious wood-cuts, old oak binding, folio. Mentz, 1514 2879 LONGINUS on the Sublime, translated by W. Smith, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1752 2880 On the Sublime, a translation of, by a Graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1823 2881 LUCAN S Pharsalia, containing the Civill Warres be tween Caesar and Pompey, translated into English by Sir Arthur Gorges Knight, folio, fine copy, calf, extra, rare. Lond. 1614 "Sir Arthur Gorges is the character meant for Alcyon in Spenser s Colin Clouts come home again." .SW long MS. note in this copy. 212 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS AND TRANSLATIONS. /^ 2882 LUCAIN, La Pharsale de, 12mo. calf. Paris, 1682 // , . 2883 LUCIAN. Works translated by Dry den, 4 vols. old calf, 8vo. Lond. 1711 Lucian was the Voltaire of Antiquity nothing was sacred from his Satire. // ^/ 2884 Part of Lucian made English, from the ori- ginall, in the yeare 1638, by Jasper Mayne, to which are adjoyned those other Dialogues of Lucian, trans lated by Hicks, old calf, folio. Oxford, 1663 - t // 2885 LUCRETIUS de Natura Rerum, an Essay on the first book of, interpreted and made English Yerse by J. Evelyn, frontispiece by Hollar, calf, 8vo. Lond. 1656 2886 Literally translated into English Prose, with Notes, by the Rev. J. S. Watson, to which is adjoined the Metrical Version of John Mason Good, cloth, post 8vo. Lond. 1848 2887 LUCREZIA della Natura delle cose, Tradotta da Alles- sandro Marchetti, 2 vols. half calf , plates, after Cochin, 8vo. Amst. 1756 A beautiful copy of the best edition of this most elegant and esteemed book. " II semble que Lucrece ait transmis son genie a M. Marchetti ; ou re- tronse dans le Poeme Italien les memes beautes, les m&mes graces, la mfime energie ; qiion admire dans le Latin." Journal des Scavans. OVID, see also Grower & Jones in English Poetry. 2888 OVIDIUS de Arte Amandi et de remedia amoris, fine clean copy, in boards, P. Marechal, folio. MCCCCXCVII /% 2889 OVID S Epistles, Translated by Sir Carr Scrope, Bart. Dryden, Pooley, Tate, Mrs. Behn, Rymer, Settle, Otway, Butler, and others, frontispiece, original bind ing, good copy, 8vo. Lond. 1809 / J7 2890 OVID, Metamorphoses, Latin and French, by Du Ryer, fine plates, folio. Bruxelles, 1677 if ?J~ 2891 OVIDI, Metamorphoseon, fine plates after Sandrart, by Englebrecht, folio, calf. Noribergas. ^ -^ 2892 OVID S, Metamorphosis, translated by George Sandys, plates, old calf, folio. Lond. 1640 Sandys is pronounced by Dryden to be the best versifier of the last age, and Pope affirmed that English Poetry owed much of its present beauty to his translations. </s 2893 Metamorphoses, Literally translated, cloth, post 8vo. Lond. 1847 -//" 2894 Tristia, First Book Translated by F. Arden, boards, 8vo. N. Y. 1821 2895 - - Another copy. /./7 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS AND TRANSLATIONS. 213 2896 OVID S Ileroides, Amours, Art of Love, &c., translated, frontispiece, cloth, post 8vo. Lond. 1846 2897 - Fasti, Tristia, Epistles, &c., Literally translated, plates, cloth, post 8vo. Lond. 1846 2898 FEUSII, Satyricon ed. Casauboni, 8vo. vellum. Paris, 1615 2899 PERSIUS, Satires of, in English Verse, by T. Brewster, calf, 12mo. 1751 "A correct, easy, and elegant version." Lowndes. 2900 PLADTI (If. Accid.) Lingua) Lat. facile Princeps ; Comcc- dia9 viginti; vivis pene imaginibus, recens excultrc, una cum luculentissimis commentariis Bernardi Sara- ceni, Jo. Pet. Valise, etc., nee non observationibus, Pii Bononuenfii Ugoletii et Grafaldii Scholis, etc., very fine copy, clean, and filled with splendid wood-cuts, very rare, calf, folio. Venetiis, 1578 This edition has never been described by any Bibliographical writer ; the copy in the Vatican library was for a long time supposed to be the only one in existence. 2901 PLINY, Historic of the World, translated by Philemon Holland, title and 10 leaves in vol. 1 damaged, 2 vols. in 1, folio. Lond., Adam Islip, 1601 "All the philosophy which could be collected within the precincts of the Roman Empire, in its largest circle, and from the labors of anterior time, Pliny embodied in his work." Turner. The only complete translation of this " Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World." 2902 QUINTIUS Curtius, History of the Wars of Alexander the Great, translated by John Digby, revised ly W. Young, 2 vols. calf, 12mo. Lond. 1747 1^7 2903 Boss (A.) Mystagogus Poeticus, or the Muse s Inter preter, Explaining the Historicall Mysteries and Mys- ticall Histories of the Ancient Greek and Latin Poets, &c. &c., 8vo. original binding, beautiful copy, 12 mo. Lond. 1653 j> 2904 SALLUSTIUS cum Comentar, Ven. 1511; Guarini Para- lella ex. Plutarch, Brix. 1498 ; Statii Opera, cum Coment., Ven. 1498, in 1 vol. folio. v. y. , 2905 SKNBCA, Tragedias, decira, 4to. co^ Plautin Auto. 1576 2906 - - The Works of Lvcivs Annaevs Seneca, newly enlarged and corrected by Thomas Lodge, calf, folio. Lond. 1614 214 GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS AND TRANSLATIONS. 2907 SOPHOCLES, Tragcedia? VII. Gr. et Lat. cum omnibus / /^ Grsecis Scholiis, et annotationibus H. Stephani, folio, old calf, gilt leaves, very neat. Paris, H. Stephani, 1568 This handsome volume belonged to Edward Gibbon, the historian, and has his book plate. " An edition," says Harles, " at the present day both rare and held in great estimation." " To each page are affixed the Scholia of the old Roman edition of 1518, and those of Turnebus edition, corrected by Stephens." Dibdin. J&. //V 2908 - - Electra, by Theobald, 8vo. Lond. 1714 2910 SUETONIUS, cum comment Beroaldi, folio, old calf. Paris, 1512 / ( 2911 TERENTII Corncedi8e,adoptimorum Exemplarium fidem recensitas ; Accesserunt Varise Lectiones, 2 vols. 8vo. large paper. Lond. Sandby, 1751 " A beautiful and correct edition, adorned with engravings, representing the masks worn by the Actors in the different plays. At the end are several important various readings." Dr. A. Clarke. This is one of the Sandby classics. " The large paper copies, which are chiefly sought after, present to the eye one of the most splendid classical works this country has produced." Dibdin. /&# 2912 TERENTIUS, ad fidem Optimorum Editionem recensitus (edid. Brunck), finely printed in large and beautiful type, royal 4to. half calf . Basil, J. DeeJcer, 1797 This edition is very sumptuously executed with great typographical luxury. /^T~ 2913 TYPHIODORUS, Destruction of Troy, translated by J. Merrick, 8vo. calf. Oxford, 1739 2914 VIRGIL, Opera, splendidly printed, with plates by Hollar, /^ iffi Faithorne, Lombart, and others, morocco, extra gilt leaves, a superb volume, folio. Paris, typograph. regia, 1641 /.,r# 2915 VIRGILII, Opera, plates, vellum, folio. 1725 /^ 2916 Opera ex Cod. Mediceo Laurentiano descripta, ab Antonio Ambrogi, cum Versione Italica, loith nu merous fine plates, from the celebrated Vatican Codex 3 vols. royal folio, morocco. Romoo, 1763 " A very sumptuous edition." Dibdin. $ 2 f~ 2917 VIRGIL, Bucolica et Georgica, 100 beautiful plates, by Robert Edge Pine, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1774 "This work was left unfinished by Old Pine, and was published by his son Robert ; it is valuable chiefly for the elegance of the plates." Dibdin. // 2_ 2918 VIRGIL, Works of, translated by Lord Maitland, with preface by Dryden, 2 vols. 12mo. half morocco. Lond. u. d. " Not mentioned by Lowudes." GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS AND TRANSLATIONS. 215 21)19 VIRGIL S ^Eneidos: Thirtcenc Bookes of, the first twelve beeing the Worke of the Divine Poet Virgil x < / Maro, and the tliirteenth the Supplement of Mapluuus Vegius, translated by Phaer and Twyne, black letter, 4to. calf, extra, morocco back, very scarce. Bernard Also}), Lond. 1620 -,,/</ 2920 VIRGIL, translated by Ogilby, half morocco, 12mo. Lond. 1049 2921 THEOBALD (J.) The Second Book of Virgil s ^Eneid, in 4 Cantos. 2922 MARTIN (John}, Dissertations and Critical llemarks upon the ^Eneids of Virgil, 12mo. half sheep. Lond. 1770 - 2923 VIRGIL ^Eneas, his Descent into Hell, as it is inimi tably described by the Prince of Poets in the sixth of his ./Eneis, made English by John Boys, Esq., of Ilode-Court, together with an ample and learned Comment upon the same, wherein all passages Criti cal!, Mythological!, Philosophical!, and Historical, are fully and clearly explained ; to which are added some certain Pieces relating to the Publick written by the Author, rare, 4to. old calf. Lond. 1061 Triced in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 3 3s. Orf. / %r 2924 FROMMEL (C.) 50 Bilder zu Virgils ^neide China Ilistorisch, Komautisch, Moralisch 2 vols. in 1, 4to. half bound. Carlsruhc, n. d. ^f 2925 VIRGIL S Works, translated into English Verse, by Pitt and "Warton, with the Latin Text ; Observations by Iloldsworth and Spcnce; Warburton s Disserta tion on the Sixth Book of the ^Eneid, &c., plates, 4 vols. Svo. old calf. Loud. 1753 " Ail excellent translation of Virgil, illustrated with explanations of tho difficult, and many curious and useful observations on the beautiful passages in them." Monthly Review. ./ ??- 2926 XENOPIION S Treatise of Hovsholde, imprinted at Lon don in Fletestrete, by Thomas Berthelet, Printer to the Kynge s Most Noble Grace, very rare, fine copy, small Svo. calf, Ulacft Setter. Lond. 1537 *,* On the back of the title is the following address " To the Reder." " This Boke of Householde, full of hyghe wisedom, written by the noble philosopher Xenophon, the Scholer of Socrates, the whiche for his swete eloquence, and incredyble facilitie, was surnamed Musa Attica, that is to say the songe of Athenes ; is ryght counynly translated out of the Greke ton go into Englysshe, by Gentian Ileruet at the desyre of Mayster Geffrey Pole, whiche boke for the wealtho of this realme, I deiue very profitable to be red. 216 HERALDRY. 2927 XENOPIION, The Minor Works of, 8vo. half cl. Lond. 1813 2928 XENOPIION S Expedition of Cyrus into Persia, trans lated from Xenophon by E. Spelman, plates, 8vo. Lond. 1811 See OLD ENGLISH POETRY. HERALDRY. See also PAGEANTS. 2929 FAVINE (Andr.), The Theater of Honour and Knight hood, or a Compendious Chronicle and Historie of the whole Christian World, calf, folio. Lond. 1623 " This work is the most valuable treatise we have in English upon the . foreign Orders of Knighthood. There are other discussions upon Ceremonies, Combats, Precedence, &c., equally worthy the attention of the antiquary and historian." Lowndes. 2930 NICOLAS (Sir Harris), History of the Orders of Knighthood of the British Empire, with an Account of the Medals, Crosses, and Clasps which have been conferred for Naval and Military Services, together with a History of the Order of the Guelphs of Hano ver, 4 vols. impl. 4to. splendidly printed and illustrated by numerous fine ivoodcuts of Badges, Crosses, Collars, Stars, Medals, Ribbands, Clasps, &c., and many large plates illuminated in gold and colours, portrait of Queen Victoria, cloth. 1842 " Sir Harris Nicolas has produced the first comprehensive History of the British Orders of Knighthood ; and it is one of the most elaborately prepared and splendidly printed works that ever issued from the press. The author appears to us to have neglected no sources of information, and to have exhausted them, as far as regards the general scope and purpose of the inquiry. The graphical illustra tions are such as become a work of this character upon such a sub ject ; at, of course, a lavish cost. The resources of the recently re vived art of wood-engraving have been combined with the new art of printing in colours, so as to produce a rich effect, almost rivalling that of the monastic illuminations. Such a book is sure of a place in every great library. It contains matter calculated to interest ex tensive classes of readers, and we hope by our specimen to excite their curiosity." Quarterly Review. 2931 WATERHOUSE (K) A Discourse and Defence of Arms and Armory, showing the Nature and Rises of Arms an Honour in England from the Camp, the Court and the City, fine frontispiece, clean copy in the original bind ing, rare, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1660 HISTORY IN GENERAL. 217 2931* VKRTOT (J/bns. D.) The History of tho Knights of Malta, illustrated with the heads of the Grand Afasters, /& and luilh maps and plans of Malta, and a complete in dex to the whole, 2 vols. folio, calf, very fine copy. Lond/1728 Reader, if you wish to realize what zeal, valor, fortitude, determination, and it may be fanaticism, can accomplish, read this renowned his tory of the still more renowned "Knights of Malta." It is illus trated with 70 fine portraits and 5 maps. HISTORY IN GENERAL. See also UNDER VARIOUS COUNTRIES. 2032 AUSTRIA and the Austrians, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 , J*/ 7 2933 BKACHELII (A.) Ilistoriarum nostri temporis, many fine portraits, vellum, ISmo. Ainst. 1659 /^ 2934 BRYANT (Jacob}, Observations and Enquiries relating to various parts of Ancient History, 4to. calf. Camb. 1707 2935 CHRONOLOGY, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1833 2936 DICTIONARY of Universal History, 18mo. half calf . Lond/ 1823 2937 HISTORICAL Cabinet, 12mo. sheep. N. Haven, n. d. > (7> 2938 HONORIUS Augusta, duncnsis, Christianas, ad Solitarii quandani de ymagine mundi, folio, red morocco gilt, fine large margin, all the initials illuminated, some richly so, 46 leaves, 30 lines each, 131ack Ccttcr. Nuremberg, Ant. Kolurycr, MCCCCLXXII ^ - 2939 ILLUSTRATED llecord of Important Events in the An nals of Europe during the Years 1812-13-14 and 15, colored plates, impe. folio, rnssia extra. Lond. 1815 2940 LLOYD (L.) The Marrow of Historic, or the Pilgrimage of Kings and Princes, &c., collected by one Lodowick Lloyd, one of the Gentlemen in Ordinary to Queen Elizabeth, and corrected and revived by E. C. A. M. rare, !3lcuk Ccttcr, 4to. Lond. 1653 29-11 MEXIA (Pedro}, Time s Storehouse, being the learned collections, judicious readings and memorable obser vations, not only divine, moral and philosophical, but also poetical, martial, historical and allegorical, by P. Sansovino, many curious plates of Knighthood, &c., en graved title, calf, folio. Lond., Wm. Laggard, 16.19 " This work contains much curious matter, the result of various and ex tensive reading, related in the quaint style of that age." Lowndes. 2942 MIRROR of Time, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. 1834 218 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 2943 MISCELLANEOUS Observations and Opinions on the Continent, fine plates^ large paper, boards. Lond. 1835 2944 MORE (I.) A table from the beginning of the world to this day, wherein is declared in what yeere of the world everything was done, &c., sene and allowed by publike authoritie, printen by John Legate, prin ter to the Universitie of Cambridge, scarce, 8vo. Cambridge, 1593 2945 MUNSTERI (Seb.) Comographia Universalis, many hun dred curious woodcuts, including several large folding views of cities, towns, maps, &c., with those of the British Isles, very thick folio, halfrussia, ivants title. Basil. 1550 This curious ancient Cosmography extends to 1333 pages, and exhibits a very singular picture of the different nations of the world in the XVIth century ; many of the woodcuts were engraved by R. Man uel, an artist of considerable merit, vide Strutfs Dictionary of Engravers. 2946 PRICE S Essays on the History of Arabia, 4to. boards. 1824 2947 PRIDEAUX (J.) Introduction to Histories, 4:to.calf. Oxford, 1655 2948 KAYMENT on Miraculous Events, 12 mo. half morocco. Lond. 1801 2949 SHALLUS (F.) Chronological Tables, 12mo. sheep, scarce. Phil. 1817 2950 TAYLOR, (W. C.) The Eevolutions, Insurrections, and Conspiracies of Europe, 2 vols. cl. Lond. 1843 2951 TEGG (Tim.) Dictionary of Chronology, 12mo. cloth. London, 1835 2952 TOONE (W.) Chronological Historian, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1826 2953 VALCKENIER (P.) Das Verwirrte Europa oder Po- licsche und Ilistorische, 10 vols. in 3, folio, numerous fine portraits and plates. Amst. 1677 2954 WILLIAMS ( W.) Primitive History from the Creation to Cadmus, 4to. boards, uncut. 1789 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 2957 ACTOR (The), A Peep Behind the Curtain, being passages in the lives of Booth and some of his Contemporaries, 8vo. N. Y. 1846 2958 Remonstrance, &c., 5 tracts,! vol. half calf, v. p. 2959 Brainard s Remains, &c., 6 vols. various, 12mo. HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 210 2900 ADDISON (J.) Cato, a Tragedy, 4to. 1713, and six Tracts relating to the same, scarce, in 1 vol. 4to. v. y. 29(31 ADVENTURES of an Actor; comprising a Picture of the French Stage during fifty years, edited by Th. Hook, 2 vols. post 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1842 2902 of an Actor in the character of a Merry Andrew, a Methodist Preacher, and a Fortune-teller, 12mo. Lond. n. d. 2963 - - of a Dramatist on a Journey to the London Managers, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf \ Lond. 1813 2964 ALBUM of the Cambridge Garrick Club, portraits and autographs, 12mo. half calf . Camb. 1836 2965 ALACCI (Lione), Drammaturgia, (an alphabetical list of Plays), 4to. half calf . Venez. 1755 2966 ALWYN, or the Gentleman Comedian, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1780 2967 AMERICAN Actors, 21 portraits of, 4to. Circa, 1827 2968 ANECDOTES Dramatiques, 3 vols. 12mo. half calf. Par. 1775 2969 ANGELO S Pic-nic, or Table-talk, including -numerous recollections of public characters who have figured in some part or another of the Stage for the last 50 years, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1834 2970 - Another copy. Lond. 1834 / j- 2971 ANNALES Dramatiques, ou Dictionnaire General des Theatres, par une Societe de gens lettres, 9 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1808 2972 AUGER (//.) Physiologic du Theatre, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1839 2973 AUTHENTIC Memoirs of the Green Room, including Sketches Biographical, Critical, and Characteristic, 2 vols. in 1, 18mo. half calf . Lond. 1806 2974 AUTOGRAPH Signatures of many celebrated Actors and other Persons connected with London Theatricals prior to 1833, cut from the Register of Drury Lane Theatre, wherein they were required to write their names. Tliis interesting volume is fully authenticated l>y Mr. J. H. Hackett, who presented it to Mr. Burton. These autographs are neatly mounted in 8vo. size. 2975 AUTOGRAPHS, Theatrical, pasted in an oblong 8vo. v. y 2976 BALLETS, Weaver s Dramatic Entertainment on the Fable of Orpheus and Eurydice, 1718, and Loves of Venus and Adonis, as performed at the Theatre in Drury Lane, 1724, in 1 vol. 12mo. half calf. Lond. v. y. 220 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 2976* BAKER, Biographica Dramatica, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. 1782 2977 BAYLEY (F. W. H.) Wake of Extasy, a memory of Jenny Lind, plates, 4to. Lond. 1848 2978 BEARD and Shebbeare, Letters which have passed between, sd. 8vo. Lond. 1767 2979 BEAUCHAMPS (M. de), Recherches sur les Theatre de France, 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1735 2980 BECKET (A.) Dramatic and Prose Miscellanies, edited by Dr. Beattie, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Lond. 1838 2^81 BECKETT (Q. A. a) Quizziology of the British Drama, / 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1846 2$81*BETTERTON (Thos.) History of the English Stage. Lond. 1740 2982 BLASIS (C.) Code of Terpsichore, the Art of Dancing, comprising its Theory and Practice, &c., translated by Barton, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1830 2983 BOUTERWEK (F.) History of Spanish Literature, with Notes by Eoss, port. 8vo. cloth. 1847 The best history of Spanish literature. 2984 BOWEN (Capt.) Statement of facts in answer to Mrs. Gunning s Letters to His Grace the Duke of Argyll. Lond. 1791 2985 BRANDON, Statement of facts relating to Covent Garden Theatre, sd. 8vo. Lond. 1823 /^ 2986 BRAZIE, Histoire des Petits Theatres de Paris, 2 vols. in 1, 18mo. half calf . Paris, 1838 J$ 2987 BRITISH Theatrical Gallery, a collection of whole length Portraits, with Biographical Notices by D. Terry, prints colored, 4to. Lond. 1825 /J" 2988 BROUGHAM (L.) Bunsby Papers, 2d series, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1856 </_ 2989 BROWN (John), The Stage, a Poem, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1819 //C 2990 BRUNSWICK Theatre, Destruction of; Four Discourses on the Stage, &c. &c., 5 tracts, 12 mo. v. p. 2991 BUCKINGHAM (Duke of) Eehearsal, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1735 2992 BUNN (Alf.) Old England and New England, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1853 2993 BURTON S Theatre, Play Bills, bound in 10 long vols. 2994 Play Bills for 1855, bound. 2995 CASE of the Stage in Ireland, sd., 8vo. Dub. n. d. HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 221 , *r~ 2996 CASTIL, Blaze, La Danse, ct Lcs Ballets, 12mo. half calf. Paris, 1832 . /$ 2997 CHIARA (P.) llosara, or the Adventures of an Actress, 3 vols. in 1, half calf. Lond. 1771 2997* CHAPMAN (J. K.) The Court Theatre, a complete His tory of Theatrical Entertainments, Dramas, Masques, and Triumphs, at the English Court, from the time of King Ilenry VIII. to the present day, including the series of Plays performed before Her Majesty at Windsor Castle, Christmas, 1848, 1849, containing many curious particulars of our Early Dramatic Lite rature and art, with highly finished and beautiful engra vings on steel, by Findtn, Ac., small folio, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1852 / .#- 2998 CHETWOOD ( W. R.) A General llistory of the Stage, from its Origin in Greece down to the Present Time, with the Memoirs of most of the principal performers that have appeared on the English and Irish Stage for these last fifty years, &c., scarce, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1749 2999 CIBBER (Colly), An Apotogy for the Life of, written by himself, interspersed with Characters and Anecdotes, &C^ portrait^ 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1822 One of the most interesting and readable autobiographies ever written, a model of that style of literature. ***"Th best book ever written on the subject of the theatre." Dunlap. 3000 - The Tryal of, Remarks on, 1718; The Egotists, 3 tracts, 8vo. calf. 3001 (Tluophilus), Epistle to David Garrick, sd. 8vo. Lond. 1755 3002 CLIVE (J/rs.) Case of, Submitted to the Publick, sd. 12mo. Lond. 1844 3003 COLMAN (Francis, and George Colman, the Elder), Letters Addressed to, from Various Celebrated Men, with annotations and remarks, by George Colman, the younger, 4to. Lond. 1820 3004 COMPANION to the Theatre, 2 vols. half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1747 222 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. CONTROVERSY. CONTROVERSY BETWEEN THE SUPPORTERS OP THE STAGE AND THOSE WHO ATTACKED IT ON THE GROUND OF IMMORALITY AND PRO FANITY, &C. 3006 ANSWER to the Question, Is it Lawful to go to Plays ? 1757 ; Sermon on the Stage, 1759 ; Observations on the Drama; Lawfulness of the Stage, 1787, 4 tracts, 8vo. Lond. 3007 BEDFORD ( A.) Evil and Danger of Stage Plays, showing their Natural Tendency to Destroy Religion and In troduce a General Corruption of Manners, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1705 3008 CAFFARO (Father), Defence of the Drama, half calf, 12 mo. N. Y. 1826 3009 CALCRAFT (John William}, A Defence of the Stage: or, an Inquiry into the Eeal Qualities of Theatrical En tertainments, 8vo. half calf . Dub. 1839 Presentation copy to J. W. Wallack, with author s autograph. 3010 CLARK (Samuel), The Fatal Vespers, a true and full Narrative of that Signal Judgment of God upon the Papists by the Fall of the House in Black Friers, London, upon the 5th of Nov., 1623, 4to. paper. Lond. 1657, Reprinted, Lond. 1817 3012 COLLIER (J.) A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, together with the sense of antiquity upon this argument, Svo. half calf. Lond. 1698 3013 The Stage Acquitted, a full answer to Mr. Col lier ; A Vindication of Charles I., 1699 ; A Defence of Dramatic Poetry, 1698 ; Amendment of Mr. Colliers Citations, 1698, 3 vols. in 1, Svo. half calf . v. d. 3014 CONSIDERATIONS on the Stage, 1809; An Impartial Appeal ; Rebellion, or All in the Wrong, portrait of Kemble, &c., 4 tracts, Svo. Lond. 3015 COOPER (Tho.) The Arte of Giving, describing the trve nature and right vse of liberality, &c., rare, 12 mo. calf, neat. Lond. 1615 *#* Dicing, carding, cocke-fighting, beare-bayting, stage-playes, &c., are called " a practice of Satan to hinder bounty, by enticing men to exhaust their estates in vnlawfvll recreations." 3016 DRAKE (Jas.) Ancient and Modern Stages surveyed, in answer to Collier s view, Svo. half calf . Lond. 1699 3016 x "DouGLAS, a Tragedy; Tracts against Douglas; Tracts against the Stage; Twelve Tracts, Svo. Lond. v. d. HISTORY OF THE STAGE. CONTROVERSY. 223 3017 FILMER (Dr.) Defence of Plays, or the Stage Vindicated, against Collier, I2mo. half calf, Lond. 1707 //2- 3018 LAW ( Wm.) The Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainment fully Demonstrated, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 172G ?- 3019 Another edition, 12mo. Lond. 1705 3020 MANSEL (It.) Free Thoughts upon Methodists, Actors, and the Influence of the Stage (autograph of the author, Hill), 1814 ; Short struggle for Stage or no Stage, in answer to Best s Sermon, Sheffield, 2 vols. in 1, half calf. v. d. 3021 NORTIIBROOKE (John), Treatise, wherein Dicing, Daun- cing, Vain Playes, or Enterludes, and other Idle Pas times, &c., commonly used on the Sabbath Day, are reproved, 8vo. half calf. 1843 3022 MOSER (Justus), Harlequin, or a Defence of Grotesque Performances, by Mr. Justus Moser, Councellor of the most high Court of Justice of Osnabruck, &c., trans lated by Warnecke, 12mo. Lond. 1706 3022* ORDINANCE of the Lords and Commons for the Utter Suppression of all Stage Playes and Interludes, five other ordinances, 3 tracts, small 4to. full calf, very scarce. Lond. 1047 3023 PRYNNE S ( Wm.) Ilistrio-Matrix, the Player s Scourge, or Actor s Tragedie, showing that Stage Playes (the very Pompes of the Divell) ere Sinfull, Heathenish. Lewde, Ungodly Spectacles, &c., thick 4to. pp. 1050, original old calf , very neat, with Mr. William Prynne- his Defense of Stage Plays, 4 leaves. 1049 Prynne, for writing this extraordinary attack against " Plays, Interludes, and all the Pompes of the Divell," was tried in the Star Chamber, and sentenced " to have his book burnt by the common hangman, to be put from the Bar, to be forever incapable of his profession, to be turned out of the Society of Lincoln s Inn, to be degraded at Ox ford, to stand in the pillory both at Westminster and in Cheapside, to lose both his ears, one at each place, to pay a fine of 5,000, and to suffar.perpetual imprisonment." Unfortunate Wm. Prynne to re ceive such recompense for this his principal and daring work, and to swell and fortify which he had carefully read hundreds of old Latin Authors, and made more than One Hundred Thousand refer ences to their pages. 3024 RAINOLDES (D.) The Overthrow of Stage Playes, by the way of controversie betwixt D. Gaiger and D. Kainoldes, &c., wherein it is manifestly proved, that it is not onely unlawful! to bee an actor, but a beholder of these vanities, rare, 4td. Oxford, 1021) 224 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 3025 KICHMOND, Calamity at, 1811, and 6 Tracts on the American Stage, 8vo. v. d. 3026 STAGE Condemned (the) 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1698 Written in support of Collies ; this copy has the Autograph of Sophia Hume, the Quaker Authoress. (?) 3027 STAGE (The) The High Road to Hell, &c., 1767 ; Thea trical Entertainments consistent with Society, Moral ity and Eeligion, in answer to the Stage, and 1768 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. L. v. d. 3028 STEELE (Sir Richard), The Theatre with the Anti-The atre, &c., illustrated with historical anecdotes, by John Nichols, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1791 3029 STYLES (John), Essay on the Character and Influence of the Stage on Morals and Happiness, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1807 3030 SUTOR (A) Essay on the Stage (Contra), 12mo. half calf. Aberdeen, 1820 3031 THEATRICAL Amusements : A Treatise on the Propriety of, in a Christian Community, 18mo. privately printed, Madras, 1826 ; Turnbull (Rev. R.) The Theatre in its Influence upon Literature, Morals, and Religion, Hartford, 1837 ; 2 vols. in 1, 18mo. half calf . v. d. 3032 Tracts against the Theatre, 12mo. v. y. 1765 3033 against the Theatre, small 8vo. Lond. v. y. 3034 VANBRUGH ; A Short Vindication of the Relapse, and the Provoked Wife from Immorality and Prophane- ness, (in reply to Collier) 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1687 3035 VINDICATION of the Stage, in answer to Collier, 4to. pp. 29, half calf. Lond. 1698 3036 WITHERSPOON (J.) Serious Enquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Stage, half calf, 12mo. N. Y. 1812 Z-^ 3037 COOKE S Illustration to the British Theatre, 58 fine plates, 8vo. half calf. . Lond. n. d. 3038 CRY (The), A New Dramatic Fable, 3 vols., vols. 1 and 3, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1754 >/^ 3039 [CROKER] Familiar Epistles to Frederich J[one]s, Esq., on the Present State of the Irish Stage, 18mo. half calf. Dublin, 1804 </J^ 3040 CUMBERLAND (J.) Theatrical Illustrations, 18mo. half calf. Lond. n. d. #J 3041 DANIEL (6%), Merrie England in the Olden Time, with humorous engravings, by J. Leech, 2 vols. post 8vo. 1842 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 225 y,/2_ BARLEY S Grecian Drama; a Treatise on the Dramatic Literature of the Greeks, 8vo. calf. Dublin, 1840 Contains a larger quantity of well-arranged matter than any single work hitherto published on the same subject. 3043 DAVIES (T.) Dramatic Miscellanies, including Critical Observations on the Plays of Shakspeare, Anecdotes of Dramatic Poets, Actors, &c., 3 vols. post 8vo. half calf, gilt. 1785 3044 DEBURAU: Ilistoire du Theatre, a Quatre Sous, pour faire suite a 1 llistoire du Theatre Franc,ais, par Jules Janin, 18rno. half calf . Bruxellcs, 1836 3045 DIBDIN (Charles), Complete History of the English Stage, 5 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1800 3046 DIBDIN (T.) Last Lays of the Last of the Three Dibdins, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1883 3047 DIBDIN ( <?.) Devil s Pocket-book, 8 Nos. half calf. 8vo. Lond. 1786 3048 DRAKE (N.) Shakspeare and his Times, royal 8vo. half calf. 1- 3049 DRAMA Recorded, .or Barker s List of Plays, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1814 3050 Complete History of the, from the earliest period to the present time (by Dramaticus Censor), 8vo. Lond. 1793 8051 DRAMATIC Rights, or Private Theatricals and Pic-nic Suppers, Justified by i air Argument, by W.Cutspear, 8vo. sewed. Lond. 3052 DRAMATIC Scorpion, a Satire, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1818 3053 DRURY Lane Play Bills for, 1827-8, in sheets. 3054 DUBLIN in an Uproar, or the Ladies Robb d of their Pleasure, being a full and impartial account of the late remarkable tumult that happen d at the Dublin Theatre, sewed, 8vo. Dublin, n. d. 3055 DUNLAP S ( 17.) Ilistory of the American Theatre, Svo. half calf \ interleaved. Lond. 1833 The biographical sketches, criticisms, scenes, anecdotes, and facetiae con tained in this volume, will render it exceedingly popular ; while, with the theatrical reader, the work will take a much higher grade, as affording a full and impartial history of that most checkered of all pursuits, the drama and its votaries. 3056 EDWARDS, Letter to Mr. Woodward on his Triumph over the Inspector, Svo. sewed. Lond. n. d. 15 226 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. / /, 3057 EDWIN (J.} Eccentricities, collected from his MSS., and enriched with several hundred original anecdotes, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1770 //^ 3058 EGAN [Pierce], Book of Sports and Mirror of Life ; embracing the Turf, the Chase, the King, and the Stage; with Original Memoirs of Sporting Men, &c., half calf . Lond. 1831 . J? 3059 EGERTON S Theatrical Eemembrancer, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1778 *^/,r~ 3060 ELLISTON (R. W. and others], Pamphlets on the London Theatre, various 4, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1818 , /. 3061 ESSAY upon the Present State of the Theatre in France, England, and Italy, 12mo. Lond. 1760 <^r~ 3062 ESSAYS on Theatrical Performers, 12mo. half calf : Lond. 1807 3063 FENNELL (James], Statement of Facts relative to the late Disturbances at the Theatre Eoyal, Edinburgh, 8vo. sewed. Lond. 1788 3063*FLEURY, Memoire de la Comedie Francaise, 1757 a 1820, 6 vols. 12mo. half calf. Bruxelles, 1835 3064 FLOWERS for Genius (Miss Heron], gathered on the Shores of the Pacific, 8vo. San Francisco, 1854 3065 FOOTE (Horace], Companion to the Theatre, and Manual of the British Drama, 18mo. half calf \ Lond. 1829 3066 FOOTE (S.) Letter to, and Tracts on, 3 tracts, 8vo. v. d. 3067 FOREST Divorce Case, 8vo. K Y. 1852 ../- 3068 FRENCH Stage, Tracts on the, 12mo. Paris, 1751 ^ 3069 GAISFORD (John], Theatrical Thoughts by, and Conun drums sent to him on the occasion of his Benefit, 8vo. half calf. Montreal, 1848 V^ 8070 GALLINI (Giovanni-Andrea), Treatise on the Art of Dancing, 8vo. Lond. 1762 GARRICK (David], Private Correspondence, vide Dra matic Biography, lot 1797. / /Z- , 3072 GARRICK, D ry L ne P yh se Broke open in a Letter to Mr. G ; 1748 Life and Death of D. Garrick, Esq., and Ed. Alley n, v. 1779, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. half calf . v. d. 3073 GARRICKIANA : Letter to David Garrick ; Love in the Suds, 1772 ; Two Letters to Garrick, 1773 ; Garrick s Looking-Glass, a Poem; Pursuit after Happiness, a Poem ; Ode to Dragon ; Funeral Eulogium of Gar rick ; Monody on Garrick, &c.; 8 tracts, in 1 vol. 4to. full calf. Lond. HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 227 3074 GARRICKTANA : The Farmer s Return, 1702, plate after Hogarth by Da sire ; The Goddess of Health, a Poem, by Garriek, 1771 ; An Epistle to Garrick, by E. Lloyd, 1773; Pursuit after Happiness, 1777; Verses to the Memory of Garrick, 1779; Elegy on the Death oi David Garriek, 1779 ; Dialogue between the Earl of C d and Mr. Garriek, 7 rare and curious tracts, 4to. Lond. .^ff 3075 GAULTTER Garguille, Rencontre de Gautier Garguille avec Taburin en 1 autre monde, et les entretiens qu ils ont eus dans les Champs Ely sees sur le nouveaute s do ce temps, Par. 1034. Apologie de Guillot Gorjio ad- dressde a tous les beaux esprits, Par. 1634 ; 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1634 "All the works of this facetious person," says Brunet, "are rare." 3076 GENEST (Rev. John), Some Account of the English Stage, from the Restoration, 1660, to 1830, 10 vols. Svo. Bath, 1830 This copy is inlaid with fine writing paper, and illustrated by a profu sion of prints and portraits. The characters of all the Plays are * published in this work, and all the original Actors aro named, which makes it a very useful book of reference. tf? 3077 GILLILAND (Tho.) The Dramatic Mirror and History of the Stage, Dramatic Writers, and Distinguished Performers, 2 vols. I2mo.fine portraits, half calf. Lond. 1808 3070 Elbow Room, a Pamphlet containing remarks on the shameful increase of the private boxes of Covent Garden, 8vo. sd. Lond. 1804 3080 GODWIN (Par/fee), Vala, a Mythological Tale, 4to. half calf. N. Y. 1851 3081 GRATIANI (O.) II Cromvele Tragedia, 5 fine plates of scenes, 4to. half calf. Bologna, 1671 3082 GREEN-Room, Secret History of, containing Authentic and Entertaining Memoirs of Actors and Actresses, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. 1792 Best edition, containing anecdotes omitted subsequently. 3083 HAVE At You All, or the Drury Lane Journal, by Roxana Termagant, &c., Svo. half calf . Lond. 1752 ./ 7 30S4 HAWKINS ( Wm.) Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse, with Strictures on the principal Performers of the two Theatres, 12mo. half calf . 1775 228 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 3085 HAIVIBURGISCHE Dramaturgic, 8vo. half calf. , Hamburg, 1767 /// 3086 HAWKINS (T.) Origin of the English Drama, illustrated in its various species, viz. Mystery, Morality, Tragedy, and Comedy, by Specimens from our earliest Writers, with Notes, 3 vols. 8vo. calf. Oxford, 1773 J2 3087 HENSLOWE S Diary, (Shakspearean Society,) 8vo. half calf. 1845 S& 3088 HERVEY (Ch.) The Theatres of Paris, illustrated with original portraits of eminent living Actresses by Lacauchie, royal 8vo. half morocco. 1846 / . 3089 Another copy, without plates, 8vo. Paris, 1847 * 3090 HILL ( ) Actor, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1750 ^/z~ 3091 HIPPISLEY (J. 77.) Chapters on Early English Litera ture, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1837 3092 HISTOIRE du Theatre Francois, 9 vols. 12mo. half calf . Paris, 1745 3093 HISTOIRE du Theatre de L Opera Comique, 2 vols. 12rao. half calf. Paris, 1770 3094 HISTRIONIC Topography, or the Birthplaces, Resi dences, and Funeral Monuments of the most distin guished Actors, plates by Storer, description by Brewer, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1818 HONE S Works, vide Lot 2041. 3096 HITCHCOCK (Robert), Historical View of the Irish Stage, from the earliest period to the close of the season, 1788, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf . Dub. 17b8 3097 HOLBROOK, The Dramatist, or Memoirs of the Stage, sd. 8vo. Birmingham, 1809 < >, 3098 HOUSSAYE (Arsene), Philosophers and Actresses, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. Redfield, 1852 .// 3099 IFFLAND (A. W) Theorie der Schauspielkunst fur ausiibende, Kunstler und Kunstfreunde, 18mo. half calf. Berlin, 1815 3100 I CAPO d Opera del Teatro antica e moderna, 12mo. half calf. Yenez. 1789 3101 ITALIANS (The), A Defence of Kean ; Reply to; Thea tre Revolution ; 4 tracts, 8vo. Lond. 3102 INIGO Jones, a New Life of, by P. Cunningham ; Remarks on his Sketches for Masques and Dramas by Planchd; Five Court Masques, edited from the original MSS. of Ben Jonson, J. Marston, &c. by J. P. Collier, fac similes of drawings and portrait, Svo. half calf. 1848 II ISTOR Y OF THE STAG K. _ J . 3103 KEMP S Nino Days Wonder, performed in a Dauncc from London to Norwich, with Notes by Dycc, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1840 310-1 KALIDASAS Urvasi, a Drama, with notes by Ballcnsen, from the Sanscrit, 8 \ o. half calf . St. Petersburg, 1840 3105 LANDHIANA (Paoli), Osservazioui sui difetti predotti nci Theatre dalla, Milan, 4to. Milan, 1811 3106 LANGBAINE S (0.) Account of the English Dramatic Poets, Svo.caZA 1091 " Of all the early catalogues of the English Stage, Langbaine s is the only one to be relied on implicitly for its lidelity." Lowndea. 3107 LEE (Hy.) Memoirs of a Manager, or Life s Stage with New Scenery, 2 vols. 12mo. half morocco. Taunton, 1836 3108 LESPES (Leo), Les Mysteries du Grand Opera, 8vo. half calf. Paris, 18-13 ,Jy 3108* LETTERS which passed between Mr. West Digges, Comedian, and Mrs. Sarah Ward, 1752-59, 8vo. half calf. Edin. 1833 Only one hundred copies printed ; contains much curious information relative to dramatic a Hairs at Edinburgh. .**/ 3109 LEWIS (O. L.) Comic Sketches, or the Comedian his own Master, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1804 <~ j~~ 3110 LONDON Theatres, a Poem, and 4 others, 5 tracts, 8vo. Lond. / -> 3111 LUCAS (Uippolytc), Ilistorie Philosophique et Littcraire du Theatre Frau<jais, 12mo. half calf . Paris, 1843 i>112 MACKLIN (Charles, Comedian), Apology for the Conduct of, sc/. 12mo. Lond. 1773 3113 MAGASIN Pittoresque, profusely illustrated with ivood- cute, 21 vols. paper, royal 8vo. Paris 3114 MANIERE de Juger des Ouvrages du Theatre, MS. of the XVIII. Century, small 4to. half calf . *~ 3115 MARSHALL (Thomas), Lives of the most Celebrated Actors and Actresses, 12mo. ha if calf . Lond. 1847 X2- 3116 MATHEWS (J/. Chas.) Lettre aux Auteurs Dramatiques de la France, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1852 *-- 3117 MAXWELL (Caroline), The Actress, or Countess or no Countess, a novel, 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1823 ^V~3119 MOORE (//. N.) Fitzgerald and Hopkins, or Scenes and Adventures in Theatrical Life, 8vo. half calf . Phil. 1847 3120 NORTH ALL (IF. A".) Before and Behind the Curtain, 12rno. half calf. N. Y. 1851 230 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 8122 NOTES on Ben Jonson s Conversations with "Wm. Drummond, of Hawthornden, 8vo. half calf, Shaks- peare Society. Lond. 1842 3123 OPERAS, Enquiry into; The Opera Glass, &c., 3 tracts, 8vo. Lond. 3124 OPERA, The Spleen, in Four Cantos; The Orange Girl at Foote s ; The Opera, a Poem ; the Opera Kumpus, 4 tracts, 1768 to 1783, 4to. Lond. 3125 OULTON (W. C.) History of the Theatres of London, containing an Annual Register of all the new and revived Tragedies, Comedies, &c., 2 vols. half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1796 3126 Beauties of Modern Dramatists, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1800 3127 OULTON S Hist. Stage, additions to, by Egerton, 12mo. Lond. 1803 3^8 OXBERRY (W.) Actor s Budget of Wit and Merriment, consisting of Monologues, Prologues, Epilogues, Tales, Comic Songs, Jests, &c., half calf, 12 mo. Lond. 3129 - - Dramatic Chronology, containing the Names, Dates of Births, &c., of all the Actors and Actresses up to 1849, 12mo. half calf . 1849 3130 PALMER (John), Like Master Like Man, a novel, pre faced by George Colman, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf \ Lond. 1811 3131 Trial of John Palmer, Comedian. Lond. 1787 3132 PAMPHLETS on London Theatres, Eoyal, 8vo. 1809-10. Lond. 3133 Letters to Mrs. Bellamy and Mrs. Siddons ; Foote and Ilaynes Trial ; Fanny Ellsler, &c., 5 tracts, 8vo. v. p. 3134 A Poem to the Memory of Mrs. Gibber, 1766 ; The Theatres, by Sir M. Nipclose, 1772 ; The Eastern Theatre Erected, 1788 ; Verses to Mrs. Siddons, 1782, 4 tracts, 4to. Lond. 3135 Twenty-Six Old and Curious Tracts on the Stage, in 5 vols. Lond. v. d. 3136 The Theatres, a Poetical Dissertation, plates; The Cap, a Satiric Poem, by Peter Pindar ; Theatrical Portraits; A Trip to Parnassus, 4 tracts, 1781 to 1788, 4to. Lond. 3137 Poetical Tracts on the Stage, 8vo. Lond. 3138 Historical, Critical, and Moral Dissertations on Masquerades, 4 pamphlets. 1751 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 231 3139 PELLICER (D. C.) Tratado Historico sobrc cl Origin y progrcsos de la Comedia y dol Ilistrionismo en Espauo, ISmo. half calf. Madrid, 1801 /< -> -31-10 PERCY, Anecdotes of the Stage, ISmo. half calf . Loud. 1822 3141 PETTUS & ARRIA, a Tragedy, to which is prefixed a letter to T. Sheridan on the present state of the English Stage, 8vo. pp. VIII. 76. 3142 PLAY Bills of the Theatre Royal, Newcastle, Svo. half calf. Newcastle 3143 PLAYHOUSE Pocket Companion, a Theatrical Vadc Mecurn, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1779 3144 PLAYERS (The), a Satyr, 1733 ; Catalogue of Theatrical Curiosities, 1748 ; Dramatic Rights, or Private Thea tricals, 1802 ; and two other tracts, 8vo. half calf . v. d. 3145 PROLOGUES and Epilogues Celebrated for their Poetical Merit, 12mo. Oxford (1789) 3146 PUNCH and Judy, with illustrations by George Cruik- shank, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1828 3147 REBELLION (77*0, or an Account of the Late CivilWars in the Kingdom of Eloquence, 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1704 3148 RICCOBONI (Low s), Histoire du Theatre Italien depuis la decadence de la Comedie Latine ; avec un Catalogue des Tragedies et Comedies, &c., Svo. calf, very neat, 17 fine 2^oti S of costumes, &c. Paris, 1728 3149 REES (/.) Dramatic Authors of America, 12mo. Phil. 1845 /<- 3150 RICH S Register, or An Account of Plays acted at the New Theatre in Lincoln s Inn Fields, 1714; neat manuscript, curious, 4to. half calf . 3151 RITCHIE (Mrs.) Mimic Life, or Before and Behind the Curtain, 12mo. ckth. Bost. 1856 3152 ROBSON ( Wm .) The Old Play Goer, 12mo. half calf, Lond. 1846 3153 RYAN (Richard), Dramatic Table Talk, plates, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1825 3154 SCARRON (If.) Comic Romance, Translated by Oliver Goldsmith, 2 vols. Lond. 1775 3155 SECRET History of the October Club, half morocco, by Mackenzie, Svo. Lond. 1711 3156 SISMONDI, Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe, translated by Roscoe, 2 vols. Svo. half calf. N. Y. 1827 282 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 3157 SKETCH of the History of the Theatres in the United // fj, States. This work is in manuscript, neatly written, and contains many curious reminiscences of the N. Y. Theatres, 2 vols. 4to. half calf. , J 3158 SMITH (//. and J.) Eejected Addresses, half calf, 12mo. Bost. 1841 3159 Sol. Smith s Theatrical Apprenticeship, sewed 12mo. Phil. n. d. 3160 Six Tracts on the Stage. 8vo. v. d. 3161 STATEMENT of the Differences existing between the Proprietors and Performers of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, 8vo. sewed. Lond. 1800 3162 STEVENS (G. A.) Dramatic History, Master Edward (Shutcr). Miss Ann (Catley], half calf , 12mo. Lond. 1785 3163 STEELE (Sir R.} Epistolary Correspondence, edited by John Nichols, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1809 3164 TASTE of the Town, 8vo. Lond. 3165 THEATRE of the Greeks, 8vo. half calf. Camb. 1825 Contains a great body of information relative to the Rise, Progress, and Exhibition of the Drama, and an account of Dramatic Writers from Thespis to Menander. 3166 THEATRE (The}, Nos. 1 to 11, 12mo. Lond. 1851 3167 THEATRICAL Bouquet, an Alphabetical Arrangement of Prologues and Epilogues, 12mo. Lond. 1778 3168 THEATRICAL Budget, a Peep into the Green-room, colored prints, 12 mo. N. Y. 1828 3169 THEATRICAL Contribution of "Jacques" to the United States Gazette, ISrno. half calf . Phil. 1826 3170 THEATRICAL Dictionary, containing an account of all the Dramatic Pieces that have appeared from the com mencement of Theatrical Exhibitions to the present time, half calf , 12mo. Lond. 1792 3171 THEATRICAL Journal, N. American Miscellanies, Beck- et s Dramatic Works, 3 odd vols. 3172 THEATRICAL Portraits, and other Poems, half calf, 12rno. Lond. 1822 3173 THEATRICAL Portraits, small, whole lengths, neatly en graved, Garrick and others, mounted, in 8vo. Sayer, cxc. Lond. 1769 THEATRICAL Portraits, &c., see Prints. _ 3174 THEOPHRASTUS, Characters of, translated from the Greek, and illustrated by physiognomical sketches, royal Svo. half calf. Lond. 1824 3175 THESPIAN Preceptor, 12rno. Bost. 1810 HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 233 3176 TiiEW(ir.) Poems on Various Subjects, chiefly thea trical, half calf, 8vo. Lond. 1825 3177 TOBY S Character of Sir Rich d Steele, &c., 4 tracts, 8vo. Lond. 3178 TOUCHARD LAFOSSE (0.) Chroniques, Secretes et Ga- lantes de 1 Opera, 1007-18-15, 2 vols. half calf, 8vo. Paris, 184(5 ,/ J"^ 3179 TRACTS, Mrs. Galindo s Letter to Mrs. Siddons; Trial of Wright v. Barham, for Crim. Con., and Love Let ters of Mrs. Piozzi to W. A. Conway, 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. half calf . v. d. J? - 3180 TRACTS on the Stage, Three Sermons on ; Three Tracts and Addresses on; Old Tracts on, by Mrs. Howe and others, 4 vols. Lond. v. d. 3181 VAUXHALL Papers, edited by Bunn and Crowquill, 12 mo. half calf. 1841 Jf 3182 VICTOR (#.) Original Letters, chiefly on Dramatic Sub jects, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1770 / J~~ 3183 History of the Theatres in London and Dublin, from 1730, 3 vols. 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1741 v/J"~ 3184 VILLANUEVA (M. G.) Origin, epocas y progresses del Teatro Espanol discurso Historica y un Cornpendiode la Historia General de los Teatros hasta la era pro- sente, 8vo. Madrid, 1802 j >/?... 3185 WALKER (J. C.) Ilistorical Memoir of Italian Tragedy, from the earliest period to the present time, with spe cimens and Analysis of the most celebrated Tragedies and Biographical Notices of the principal tragic writers of Italy, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1790 " Many notices of scarce Dramas may be gleaned from this work, as tho author seems to have laboured with just and exemplary diligence in the illustration of his subject. 1 Loicndes. Contains the Adamo of Andreini, from which Milton is said to have taken the idea of Paradise Lost. *SJ 3180 WATERS (E.) Statement of Matters relative to the King s Theatre, seiued, 8vo. Lond. 1818 ,j"# J187 WIHNCOP (77*os.) Scanderbeg. a Tragedy, with a List of Dramatic Authors and their Lives, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1747 The list of plays is by John Mottley, anthor of Joe Miller. //?.- 3189 WHYTE (Samuel), Collection of Poems, including the Theatre, a didactic essay, plates, half calf \ uncut, 8vo. Dub. 1793 George Washington and several American ladies and gentlemen grace the subscription list to this interesting volume. 234 COSTUME ANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, ETC. 3190 WILKES (Mr.) A General View of the Stage, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1759 3191 WILLIAMS (David) Letter to Gar rick on his conduct as Actor and Manager at Drury Lane, with a preface and notes, 4to. sewed. Lond. //"" 3192 WILLIAMS (J.) Pin-basket, or Children of Thespis, half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1797 2j 3193 WILSON (H. H) Theatre of the Hindus, Malati and Madhava, or the Stolen Marriage, translated from the Sanscrit by H. II. Wilson, Vikrama, Urvasi, Sig. Calidarsas, 8vo. Calcutta, 1826 3194 WOODWARD (Henry, Comedian), Letter to John Hill, sewed, 8vo. Lond. 1752 3195 Another copy, 8vo. Lond. 1752 # y 3196 YATES Kemiriiscences, or Etchings of Life and Cha- / racter, as performed at the Adelphi Theatre, coloured plate, sewed, 12mo. Lond. COSTUME ANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, AND THEAT RICAL. 3200 AFRICAN Costume, Description of the Manners and ^ Customs of the Moors in Zahara, and of the Negro Nations, 45 coloured plates, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 3201 BAXTER (Thomas), Illustration of Egyptian, Grecian, and Koman costume, in 40 outlines with descriptions, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1810 3202 BEDOLLiERE(.EVm7eafe Id), Les Industrie, les metiers, et " professions en France, avec cent dessins par H. Mon- nier, 87 plates, half calf , 8vo. Paris, 1842 3203 BONNARD (C.) Costumes Ilistoriques des XIII. XIV. et XV. Siecles, extraits des Monuments les plus , authentiques de Peinture et de Sculpture, dessines et grave s par P. Mercuri, 2 vols. royal 4to. half calf, extra, 200 plates finely coloured. Paris, 1829 Only a small number of copies were issued of this superb publication they are already very scarce. The plates are very correctly drawn, and illuminated to resemble the original miniatures and paintings. 3204 BOOK of Costume, from the earliest period to the pre- sent time, by a Lady of Eank, illustrated with upwards of 200 beautiful engravings on wood by Linton, 8vo. half calf. 1847 The drawings are very artistical, and universally allowed to be the best yet produced in the department of Costume. COSTUME ANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, ETC. 235 3205 BOUTELL (C.) Monumental Brasses of England, 149 fine wood engravings^ with descriptions, lary<st paper, xx \ printed in folio, to range with Dugdale, &c., half calf, extra, pub. at <5 5s. 1849 " Tlie amount of information conveyed in moderate compass, in the. above attractive work, renders this collection of examples of Cos tume, of Decorative Designs, and of Heraldry, highly acceptable. They are marked by minute and faithful exactness, and thuir variety is striking." Archieol. Journal.. J-J 6 3206- - Another copy, 8 vo. Lond. 1849 3207 BRADFORD S Sketches of the Country, Character, and ^.j"{> Costumes of Portugal and Spain, made during the Campaign in 1808-9, folio, 56 fine coloured plates, half calf. Lond. 1810 / %T~ 3208 BROUGHTON (T. 7>.) Costume, Character, Manners, Do mestic Habits, and Religious Ceremonies of the Mah- rattas, 14 coloured plates, 4to. Lond. 1813 3209 BUSBY S Costume of the Lower Orders of London, 4to. 24 icell engraved portraits, with Biographical Anec dotes, half calf. Lond. 1819 3210 COLOURED Drawings from Characters in the French Ballet, 132 plates, in the style of Watteaux, from Gar- rick s collection, thick 4to. *f - 3211 COLLECTION de Portraits des Artistes des Theatres de Paris, 71 portraits, fol. Paris. 6 * -\ 3212 COLLECTION of the Dresses of different nations, ancient and modern, particularly old English dresses, alter the designs of Holbein, llollar, Vandyke, and others, with an account of the authorities from which the figures are taken, and some historical remarks on the subject, to which are added the habits of the principal characters on the English stage. Published by Thomas Jeffreys, Geographer to the Prince of Wales. 4to. half calf . Lond. 1757 Lowndes says the original price of this cnrions work was 20. 3213 COSTUMES of Austria, China, Switzerland, Russian Em pire, Turkey, and Great Britain, upwards of 290 beautifully coloured plates, with descriptions, 6 vols. royal 8vo. 1813-14 A choice series of these valuable and interesting works, published at upwards of 30. 1 3214 of the British Peasantry, Lithographs colored by hand, 21 plui>s, half calf , extra, folio. Lond. *7j 3215 et Annales des grands Theatres de Paris, co- lond-plates, half calf, 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1786 236 COSTUME ANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, ETC. 3216 COSTUMES du Moyen Age, d Apres les Manuscrits, les peintures, et les Monuments, contemporains, 2 vols. 14 colored plates, royal 8vo. half calf , extra. Bruxelles, 1847 3217 - Civile et Militaires de la Monarchic Francois, depuis 1260 jusqu a 1820, 880 colored plates of cos- tume,arranged chronologically, 2 vols. imperial 4to. Paris, 1820 An interesting series of characteristic plates after Le Combe, lithographed bj Delpech. Valuable as illustrations to the Autograph collector. J~~~ 3218 - Francois depuis Clovis, jusqu a nos jours, par Cluguy, 160 colored plates, 2 vols. half calf , 8vo. Paris, 1834 J/ - 3219 - delaCour Fran^ais, ivhole length portrait, colored, 4to. Paris, 1854 ^S0 3220 - of the Levant, Cent Estampes, qui represen- tent les differentes Nations du Levant, avec deux nouvelles Estampes de Ceremonies Turques, 102 large and finely executed engravings of Costumes, by Scoten, &c., royal folio, half calf. Paris, 1714 One of the grandest of the old works of costume. J J <t> 3221 - - du Quadrille Historique des Modes Franchises, depuis Francois ler jusqu a nos jours, 17 plains ex quisitely colored, folio, half calf . Paris, 1831 This splendid work was published at 5 guineas. . //? 3222 - of the Netherlands, 18 colored plates, 18mo. Lond. of the Russian Empire, colored plates, descrip tions, in English and French, 70 plates, half calf, folio. Lond. 1814 3225 - Suisses: Nouvelle Collection de Costumes Suisses des XXII. Cantons; collection of the most original and interesting Swiss Costumes, drawn from nature; 60 exquisite and beautifully colored plates of Female Costume, ISmo. Zurich. It requires long and careful inspection to decide whether these are not the most highly-finished drawings, so perfectly are they colored by hand. .8226 -- of Tuscany, 40 plates, royal 4t.o. Paris, n. d. " 3227 -- de Theatre Frangais, a collection of 44 colored plates of Actors and Actresses in Character, 1 vol. half calf, large 4to. Paris, v. y. COSTUMEANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, ETC. 237 , 3228 COSTUME, Sixteen Prints, Cries of Holland, colored, 4to. n. d. /J? -effl 3229 COTMAN S Engravings of the Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk, tending to illustrate the Ecclesi astical, Military, and Civil Costume of former ages, as well as to preserve Memorials of the most ancient Families in those Counties; with letter- press Descrip tions, an Introductory Essay on Sepulchral Memorials, by several eminent Antiquaries, and a general Index, new and greatly enlarged edition, containingan Appen dix to the Monumental Effigies in Norfolk, and numer ous unpublished Brasses, in all 173 plates, two of which, being enamelled brasses, are splendidly illuminated, 2 vols. folio, large paper, half caff . Lond. 1839 "Cotman s work on Sepulchral Brasses is by far the most important publication on the subject." Dawson Turner. The stylo on which Mr. Cotman s Etchings are executed will be of it self a sufficient inducement to procure them a place in every good library. * * * His work on Sepulchral Brasses will be found parti cularly valuable to the Genealogist and the Antiquary." Uj>cott\i English Topography, ^./Z - 3230 COUTS (Joseph), Practical Guide for the Tailor s Cutting- room, 44 plates, royal Svo. half calf, extra. Lond. ^f.^j-^ 3231 CUYES of London, drawn by M. Lauron, containing 74 plates, several of noted characters: Jacob Hall, the liope Dancer, Clarke, the Posture master, Mrs. Cres- well, the old Bawd, John Kelsey, the Quaker ; all no ticed in Grainger, rare. Lond. 1711 Duke of Graftou s copy. / . ?. 3232 CUMBERLAND (0.) Outlines from the Ancients, 81 plates, Svo. Lond. 1829 7j ^333 DAY and Davies Illustrations of Mediaeval Costume in England, collected from MSS. in the British Museum, 20 colored plates, with descriptions, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1850 / j~& 3234 DETAILS of the Historical Bal Costume, given by the Queen at Buckingham Palace, wood-cuis, 4to. Lond. 1845 FAIRHOLT (F. W.) Costume in England, a History of Dress from the Earliest Period to the XlXth Century, with Glossary of Terms, and upwards of 600 beauti ful wood engravings, Svo. cloth. Lond. 1S4G This interesting volume comprises the Early Britons, the Romans in Britain, the Anglo-Saxons and Danes, the Normans, the IMantage- nets, York and Lancaster, the Tudors, the Stuarts, William III. to 1800. 238 COSTUME ANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, ETC. 3236 EGYPTIAN Costume : Explanation of a series of prints ? t yj relative to the Manners, Customs, &c., of the present inhabitants of Egypt, from drawings by Dalton, 22 plates, folio, half calf . n. d. J> _ , 3237 FICORONII (F.) Dissertatio de Larvis Scenicis etFiguris Comicis Antiquorum Komanorum, 4to. 85 plates of Masks, etc. half calf . Eome, 1754 3238 FOSBROKE (T. JD.) Synopsis of Ancient Arms and Ar mour, plates, 4to. Lond. 1824 3239 - Synopsis of Ancient Costume : Egyptian, Greek, Koman, British, Anglo-Saxon, Norman and English, 71 figures, half calf , extra, 4to. Lond. 1825 FLATTER S Milton, vide Lot 2663. / > 3240 FRAGONARD (Alex.) Eecueil de divers Sujets dans le style Grec. Paris, 1815 /-/7J~ 3241 FRENCH Costume, Theatrical, &c., colored plates, 4to. /? . __ 3242 FRENCH Theatrical Costume, numerous colored plates, royal 8vo. Par. n. d. // i^ 3243 FROISSART Illuminated Illustrations of, a series of fac-similes from the drawings of the Illuminated Co pies in the British Museum, the Bibliotheque Royale at Paris, &c., 74 plates, printed in gold and colours. 2 vols. in one super-royal 8vo. hf. bd. uncut. Lond. 1844 3244 GALERIE Theatrale ou Collection des Portraits en Pied des principaux Acteurs des trois premiers Thea- de la Capital, 3 vols. 4to. 144 colored plates, half morocco. Par. n. d. 3245 GALLERIE des Artistes, Dramatiques Composee, de 80 Portraits et Notices, 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Par. n. d. ?j~ 3246 GUERARD (/.) Annales de la Danse, et du Theatre, 8 fine colored plates, folio, half morocco. Paris, n. d. *? . 3247 HOPE (Thos.) Costume of the Ancients, illustrated in upwards of 320 beautifully engraved plates, contain ing representations of Egyptian, Greek, and Eoman Habits and Dresses, 2 vols. royal 8vo., new edition, with nearly 20 additional plates, bds. 1841 " The substance of many expensive works, containing all that may be necessary to give to artists and even to dramatic performers and others engaged in classical representations, an idea of ancient cos tumes, sufficiently ample to prevent their offending in their per formances by gross and obvious blunders." J~y 3248 HISTORIE des Modes Franscaises, ou revolutions du Costumes in France, half calf , 12mo. Amst. 1773 <? //*"" COSTUME ANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, ETC. 239 3249 ITALIAN Costume, a volume containing 24 original drawings, by M. D. Vito, beautifully colored, and a few prints, in all 35, folio. v. y. 3250 LAMBUANZI (Greg.) Delicia) Theatrale Cinquenti Balle de diversi Nation, a series of 50 engraved plates of droll ballet figures, with music at the top of each plate, half calf, 4to. Norimb, 1716 3252 LANE (R. J".) Portraits of Charles Kemble in various Characters, folio, half morocco. 1840 3253 LAONICI, Histoire de la decadence de 1 Empire Grec, et establissement de celuy des Turcs. trad, par V. Bar- bonnois, &c., plusieur descriptions des accoustremens tant des magistrats, et officiers de la Porte de 1 Empe- reur des Turcs, curious whole length portraits, in all 100 plates, fol. Par. 1616 3254 LECOMTB, Costumes de Theatre de 1600 a 1820, 104 colored plates, 4to. Par. 3255 LECOMTE (77.) Costume de TEurope, 90 colored plates of the Peasantry of Russia, Sweden, France, etc., 4to. Par. 1819 3256 LENS (Andre), Le costume ou essai sur les habillementa et les usages de plusieurs Peuples de 1 Antiquite, prouvd par les Monuments, numerous plates, 4to. 7m// calf. Liege, 1776 3257 LEWIS (J. 0.) The Aboriginal Portfolio, a series of portraits and memoirs of the N. A. Indians, 9 parts, folio. Phil. 1833 Jj tj 3258 MARTIN (Charles and Leopold), Civil Costume of England, from the Conquest to the present period, a scries of sixty- one plates (mostly portraits of royal and noble persons, drawn from Ancient Manuscripts, Tapestries, &c.), beautifully illuminated in gold and colors, royal 4to. half calf . Lond. 1842 This elegant work, executed by two sons of the celebrated painter, John Martin, Esq., is the only one which presents the authentic costumes of various ranks of society, from the Norman Conquest to the pre sent day. It is especially valuable to artists. 3259 MASON (Q. 77.) Costume of China, 60 colored plates, fol. half calf. Lond. 1799 MASQUE Saal, upwards 0/200 singular engravings in Comedy, a.nd Masquerade, fol. half vellum. Beyrouth, 1729 240 COSTUME ANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, ETC. 3261 MEYRICK S (Sir S. It.) Painted Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour, a Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Eeign of Charles II., with a Glossary, &c., by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, LL.D., F.S. A., &c., new and greatly improved edition, corrected and enlarged throughout by the Author himself, with the assistance of Literary and Antiquarian Friends (Albert Way, &c.), 3 vols. impl. 4to., illustrated by more than 100 plates, splendidly illuminated, mostly in gold and silver, exhibiting some of the finest specimens existing in England, also a new plate of the Tournament of Locks and Keys, neatly half bound, morocco. 1844 Sir Walter Scott justly describes this collection as "the incomparable Armoury." " This most superb Archaeological work is animated with numerous novelties, curious and historical disquisitions, and brilliant and recondite learning. Learning going to Court in the full, rich cos tume of the Order of the Garter. Plates as fine as the monuments of Westminster Abbey. Really and truly the work is admirably executed, and deserves every eulogy." Edinburgh Review. 3262 Engraved Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour, a series of 154 very highly finished Etchings of the Collection at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire, engraved by Joseph Skelton, and accompanied by Historical and Critical Disquisitions by the possessor, Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, LL.D., &c., in 2 vols. impl. 4to. portrait, half bound, morocco, uncut, top edges gilt. Oxford, 1830 " We should imagine that the possessors of Dr. Meyrick s former great work, would eagerly add Mr. Skelton s as a suitable illustration. In the first they have the History of Arms and Armour; in the second work beautiful engravings of all the details. " This work cannot fail to be highly acceptable and useful to the Anti quary, Historian, and Artist. The plates are executed in outline, with a truth and delicacy that cannot be too highly praised." CenCs Mag. 3263 Costume of the Original Inhabitants of the British Islands, and the Gothic Nations, 24 beauti fully colored plates, fol. half calf . Lond. 1821 3264 MILITARY Costume of Turkey, 30 colored plates, folio. Lond. n. d. ~ 3265 Costume of Bengal ; Line of March of a Bengal Regiment of Infantry, panoramic shcrt. 3266 MONNIER (//.) Galerie Theatrale, 24 colored plates, obi on or 4to. Par. COSTUME ANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, ETC. 241 3267 MILLER (Capt.) The Mock Gladiatory Manly Art of Self-defence, designed and engraved by Seotin and Gravelot. 31 fine figures of Miller and his pupils, very scarce, fol. Lond. 1759 3268 MOORE, Lalla Roukh, Divertissement m61d da chants et de Danses execute au chateau do Berlin, Jan. 24, 1822, 23 colored plates, 4to. Berlin, 1822 3269 MORELLI (Cosimo), Pianta, e spaciato del nuovo Teatro d lmola, &c., 20^<-5, la fol. Roma, 17tO 3270 MODERN Costume. Scrap-Book ; Plates of, Lond. v. d. 3271 NICOLAI (AT.) Costume of Turkey, many wood-cuts, aft> r Titian, 4to. Antorff, 1577 3272 PANTHEON Charivariquc, collection des Portraits- charges d artistes, journalistes, auteurs dramatiques, musiciens, acteurs, &c., 90 most amusing plates, fol. half calf. Par. 1838 3273 PINELLI (Bart.} Nuova Racolta di Costumi Pittorcschi, 50pfotes, half calf , oblong 4to. Home, 181<> 3274 Twelve Etchings of Picturesque Costumes of Rome ; Adventures of Mazzaroni, an Italian Bandit, in all 27 plates, folio. Roma 3275 PLANCHE (J. /?.) History of British Costume, 12mo. iMlf calf. Lond. 1834 3276 PYNE (W. II.) Costume of Great Britain, 60 colored plates, folio. Lond. 1808 3277 RACINE (Jean), Theatre de Ornd de cinquante sept, estampas, after Prudhon, GeVard, Girodct, Chaudet, Scrangeli, &c., plates finely engraved, calf, extra, folio. Paris, 1813 3278 REHBERG (Frederick), Lady Hamilton s Attitudes, taken from nature, 26 outline jpfates of figures and drapery from ancient statues, &c., in 1 vol. 4to. cloth. 3279 REFTON on Female Head Dress, 1835; Observations on the Fashion of Hats, &c., 1831 ; Douce on Female Head Dress, 1796, plates, in 1 vol. half calf, 4to. Lond. v. y. 3280 SATCHWELL (R.) Scripture Costume, plates, colored, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1819 3281 SERE (Ferd.) Histoire du Costume, etde 1 Arneublement en Europe, 120 parts, 4to. Paris, 1856 This splendid work, now in course of puMication, is full of most IxMiitiful engravings, highly colored and illuminated (after the antique), of Costumed, Furniture, Antiquities, Vertu, etc. etc. 10 242 COSTUME ANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, ETC. 8282 SCULPTURE, Specimen of the Works of the best An cient and Modern Sculptors, 16 plates. Lond. n. d. 3283 SHAW S Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, from the VII. to the XVII. Centuries, with an Histo rical Introduction and Descriptive Text to every Illus tration, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. consisting of 85 copperplates, 1 elaborate woodcuts, a profusion of beautiful Initial Letters, and examples of curious and singular ornament, enriching nearly every page of this highly decorated work, the plates colored, half calf, extra. . 1843 " The illuminations consist of colored plates, copied with fidelity from pictures, colored glass, jewelled ornaments, pieces of ancient armor, weapons, domestic ornaments, costumes, reliquaries, mitres, sceptres, crowns, &c., ard form a perfect museum of the curiosities of the curious vestiges of 500 years. The letter-press, by the eminent antiquary, Mr. Thomas Wright, explains the history, the use, and the application of all these things, and whether as a book of refer ence for artists, of instruction for antiquaries, or of illustration for those who read history, is important and almost indispensable for a right understanding of the subject on which it treats." Times, Jan. 29, 1844. 3284 SMITH (C. II.) Ancient Costume of Great Britain and Ireland, from the VII. to the XVI. Century, selected from rare specimens and accompanied with suitable descriptions, illustrated by upwards of 60 brilliantly colored and illuminated portraits, folio, half crimson morocco, gilt. 1848 This work abounds with full length figures dressed in sumptuous robes, heightened with gold and various brilliant colors, showing the vari ous costumes of those periods. The illustrations are all taken from acknowledged authorities, but are arranged with artistic and pictorial taste, divested of that hard stiff manner which renders so many works on costume so unattractive to all but the professional student. 3285 (J. T.) Cries of London, portrait and 30 fine etchings of the most remarkable itinerant traders, of Ancient and Modern Times, from rare engravings and from the life, with Descriptions by J. B. Nichols, royal 4to. cloth. Lond. 1839 3286 SOLVYN S (of Calcutta) Costumes of Indostan, 60 colored plates, folio. //Z-, 3287 SPANISH Costume, Colecion de Trajes de Espaiia, 70 colored plates, 4to. Lond. J -Jfl 3288 STONE (J/rs.) Chronicles of Fashion, from the Time of Elizabeth, illustrative of Manners, Amusements, Ban quets, Costume, &c., numerous engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846 COSTUME ANCIENT, NATIONAL, CIVIL, ETC. 243 3280 STRUTT S (Joseph) Drosses and Habits of the People of England, from the Establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time, with an Historical and Critical Inquiry into every branch of Costume; new and greatly improved edition, with Critical and Ex planatory Notes by J. K. Planche, Esq., F. S. A., 2 vols. royal 4to. 153 plates, ha IL found olive morocco, gilt top, uncut. s+y sy* 1842 3290 Regal Costume; the Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England, containing the moat Authentic Representations of all the English Monarchs from Ed ward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth, together with many of the Great Personages that were eminent under their several Reigns, taken from Coeval autho rities preserved in the Public Libraries and Cathedrals of Great Britain, new and greatly improved edition, with Critical and Explanatory Notes, by J. R. Plancho, royal 4to. illustrated by 72 engravings, carefully copied from ancient ^fanuscripts, Monuments, etc., all splendidly illuminated^ half bouiui oliye rmrocco, top gilt, uncut. S;y*>yt< ^- 1842 3291 Sports and Pasumea of the People of England, edited with Index, &c., by W. Hone, 140 curious cuts- from ancient illuminations, large paper, the cuts colored, impl. Svo. 1845 3293 TERENTII Comocdia) rccens. Cocquelinus, 2 vols.plates, half calf, la. folio. Romao, 1767 Not only valued as an excellent edition, but for its splendid plates of costume. 3294 FOURTEEN Colored Drawings of Theatrical Costume, 4 to. 3295 VficfcLLio (Caisan), Ilabito Antichi et Monderni di tutti il Mondo, about 420 ivood-cuts drawn by Titian, old vellum, 8vo. Venet. 1598 3296 YOSY S Switzerland and its Costume, containing an Account of all the Nineteen Cantons, a Description of Geneva, Neufchatel, the Boundaries, Road over the Simplon, with much useful information for Travellers, interspersed with Historical Anecdotes, Local Customs, Traditions, Superstitions, &c., awl illustrated by 50 beautifully colored plates of tiiciss Costume, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1815 244 HISTRIONIC ART, GESTURE, AND ACTION, ETC. HISTRIONIC ART, GESTURE, AND ACTION ELOCU TION, ORATORY, RHETORIC, &c. 3297 ACTING, An Essay on the Science of, by a Veteran Stager, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1828 3298 AUSTIN (Gr.) Chironomia, Treatise on Rhetorical Deli very, and Investigation of the Elements of Gesture, 4to. plates, the most elaborate work on the subject, half calf. Lond. 1806 3299 BELL (Sir Chas.) Essays on the Anatomy of Expres sion, fi ne plates, large paper, 4to. Lond. 1806 3299* BURGER S Leonardo und Blandine, ein Melodram, 2 vols. small 4to. with 160 remarkably clever etchings of Theatrical Scenes and Attitudes, and descriptive letter press by Von Groz, half morocco. Augsburgh, 1783 This is undoubtedly the most elaborate work ever attempted on theatrical representation, elocution, &c., as the plates represent every attitude, gesture of the dialogue, &c., which occurs through the whole play. Scarce and curious. 3300 BROWNSMITH (J.) Dramatic Timepiece, or Perpetual Monitor, being a calculation of the length of time every Act takes in the Performing, 18mo. half calf. Lond. 1767 3301 DE JORIO (And.) La Mimica degli Antichi Investigata nel Gestire Napoletano, royal 8vo. half calf. Napoli, 1832 3302 DHANNETAIRE (If.) Observations sur 1 Art du Comedien, 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1775 From J. P. Kemble s library, with his arms on side. 3303 DWYER (J. H.) Essay on Elocution, 12mo. half calf. Albany, 1853 /2- 3304 - - Another copy. 1844 ,>f 3305 ENGEL (J/.) Idees sur le Gest et 1 Action Theatrale ; Suivies d une Lettre, du meme Auteur, sur la Pein- ture Musicale. Le tout traduit de 1 Allemand. Avec trente-quatre Planches, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Paris, 1788 3306 ESSAY on the Science of Acting, by a Veteran Stager, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1828 307 HEPELIN (Abbott of Aubignac), Whole Art of the Stage ; Rules of Dramatic Art, &c., large 4to. half calf . Lond. 1684 "A work displaying considerable learning." Lowndes. 3308 HOLMES (John), The Art of Rhetoric made Easy, 8vo calf. Lond. 1739 INDIA. 24") 3309 How (J. W. A) Practical Elocutionist, 12mo. Phil. 1S57 3310 MAVHEW (Ed.) Stage Effect, or the Principles which Command Dramatic Success in the Theatre, 18mo. half calf. Lend. 1840 3311 MURDOCH (J. R) and W. Russell, Orthophony, or Vocal Culture in Elocution, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1845 3312 REMOND, Le ComeVlien Ouvrage divise en deux partcs, Sainte Albino (M. Remond), Svo. half calf. Paris, 1825 3313 REDE (L. T.) Road to the Stage, or Instruction for Obtaining Theatrical Engagements, 18mo. half calf. Lond. 1835 3314 SIDDONS (Henry), Practical Illustrations of Rhetorical Gesture and Action adapted to the Drama. &c. by Henry Siddons, 70 fine plates expressive of tlie Passions, and representing Theatrical Costume, cuts, &c., half calf . Lond. 1822 3315 VAXES, or the Philosophy of Madness, being an Ac- count of the Life, Actions, Passions, and Principles of a Tragic Actor, part 1, all published, 7 plates, by T. Landseer, 4to. Lond. 1840 X/"~3310 WALKER (J.) Rhetorical Grammar, 12mo. 1737 INDIA. / 3317 BURTON (R. F.) Goa and the Blue Mountains, Svo. cloth. Lond. 1851 3318 COLEMAN (Ch.) Mythology of the Hindus, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1832 3319 COUTUMES des Indiens Orientaux, Conformit<? de, par Mr. de la C****, 16mo. calf. Brux. 1704 \J / 3320 EARL (G. W.) Eastern Seas, or Voyages and Adven tures in the Indian Archipelago in 1832, 1833, and 1834, 8vo. cloth. 1837 /2. 3321 FORREST (Lieut. Col) Month s Ramble through part of the High Pyrenees, Svo. plates by J. D. Harding, all pub. Lond. n. d. .70 3322 HAMILTON (F.) Account of the Kingdom of Nepal, and of the Territories annexed to this Dominion by the House of Gorkha, map and plates of the Himalaya Mountains, &c., 4to. half calf . Edinb. 1819 JJ323 HINDOSTAN, the Shores of the Red Sea and the Hima laya Moun tains, illustrated in a series of views, with description by E. lioberts, 2 vols. 4to. cloth, gilt. Lond. u. d. 246 IRELAND. 3324 INDIA and Canton, Elliot s Views in, with Historical and Descriptive illustrations, royal 8vo. Lond. 1838 3325 MILL S History of British India, 6 vols. 8vo. half calf. 1826 " Mill s History of British India is one of those rare works destined to immortality." Athenscam. 3326 EAFFLES (Sir Stamford}, History of Java, its Antiqui ties, Literature, Commerce, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. and 4to. atlas of engravings by Daniell, cloth. Lond. 1844 3327 EOBEKTS (Ed.) Embassy to the Eastern Court, 8vo. doth. N. Y. 1837 3328 THUGS, or Secret Murderers of India ; illustrations of the History and Practices of the Thugs ; and Notices of some of the Proceedings of the Government of India for the Suppression of the Crime of Thuggee, from the papers of Captain Sleeman,2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1839 3329 TAVERNIER (J. B.) Les Six Voyages de, 4to. old calf , stained. Paris, 1677 " Tavernier will always continue among the most valuable travellers iu the East." Pinkerton. >/2. 3330 URQUHART (D.) Spirit of the East, 2 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1839 8331 WATTS (Talbot), Japan and the Japanese, 8vo. N. Y. 1852 3332 WILSON (II. H.) History of British India, vol. 1, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1845 IRELAND. 3333 AINSWORTH ( Wm.) An Account of the Caves of Bally- bunion, County Kerry, plates, 8vo. Dub. 1834 J^ 3334 ANCIENT Irish Histories of Spencer, Campian, Han- mer, and Maryborough, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. half morocco, uncut, from Goff s Library. n. d. J fl 3335 BARRLNGTON (Sir Jonah), Personal Sketches of his own Times, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 -&0 3336 NORBERRY (Bob), or Sketches from the Note Book of an Irish Pteporter, curious plates, 8vo. cloth. Dub. 1846 3337 CARLETON (Wm.) The Black Prophet, a Tale of Irish Famine, 12mo. col. boards. Lond. 1847 CARLETON ( W. H.) Neal Malone, and other Tales of Ireland, in 2 vols. 12rno. half cloth. Phil. 1839 3339 CARK (J.) Stranger in Ireland, 8vo. Phil. 1806 IRELAND. 247 8340 CLONEY (T/ios.) Personal Narrative of those Transac- /. tions in the County Wcxford, in which the Author * was Engaged during the awful Period of 1798, 8vo. boanls. Dub. 1832 . ^ 3341 CROMWELL (Thos.) The Druids, a Tragedy, with Notes on. the Antiquities and Early History of Ireland, 8vo. board*. Lond. 1832 A ^ 3342 DAVIS (Sir John), Disco verie of the true Causes why Ireland never was subdued nor brought under the obedience of the Crown of England until the begin ning of his Majesties raigne, 18mo. calf. Lond. 1747 3343 UALL (Mr. and Mrs. S. C.) Ireland, its Scenery, Charac- * ter, Legends, Tales, &c., with upwards of 500 beau tiful engravings on steel and wood, by Creswick, llarvcy, &c., 3 large vols. royal 8vo. doth. n. d. This very beautiful work forms a complete cyclopedia of Ireland, its to pography and picturesque scouery, antiquities, political state, and amusing traits of the manner, customs, and superstitious of its peasantry. 3344 HALL (Mrs. S. C.) Lights and Shadows of Irish Life, 2 vols. 12mo. half cloth. Phil. 1838 3345 IRISH Iludibras, or The Fingallian Prince; taken from the Sixth Book of Virgil s yEneids, and adapted to the present times, fine clean copy, scarce, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1689 3340 KING (Dr. William, Record- Keeper in Trelunl), Remains, containing miscellaneous pieces in Verse and Prose, with t/te portrait by M. v. Guchl, scarce, Svo. calf. Lond. 1732 3347 O FLANAGAN, The Blackwater in Munstcr, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1844 3348 O REGAN ( Wm.) Memoirs of the Life of J. P. Curran, Svo. boards. Lond. 1817 *7# 3349 PICNICS, or Legends, Tales, and Stories of Ireland, in 2 vols. 12mo. half cloth. Phil. 1837 3350 SAMPSON ( WilUam\ Memoirs of, with a Sketch of the History of Ireland, Svo. sliecp. Leesburg, Va. 1817 3351 VALLANCEY (Ch.) Vindication of the Ancient History of Ireland, Svo. Dublin, 1786 3352 WALKER S Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards, and on the dress, armour, and weapons of the Ancient Irish, &c., uncut, wWi all the plates, 4to. half morocco. 1786 3353 WILLIAMS (E.) Political History of Ireland, Svo. N. Y. 1843 248 ITALY, ROME, ETC. ITALY, ROME, &c. See also ANTIQUITIES. 3354 ADVENTURES of a French Serjeant during his Cam paigns in Italy, Spain, &c., 12mo. boards. Phil. 1826 3355 BARBAULT, les Plus Monuments de Eome ancienne ou recueil des plus beaux morceaux de 1 antiquite", Eo- maine, 128^9/a/es, folio, vellum. Eome, 1761 3356 BARDI, Views in Venice, oblong 4to. half morocco. Firenze. 3357 BATTISTA NANI, History of the Affairs of Europe in this present age, but more particularly of the Eepub- lick of Venice, Englished by Sir E. Honey wood, folio, half calf. Lond. 1673 3358 BOISSARDI (T. T. et Aliorum), Eomanse Urbis Topo- graphia et Antiquitates, 6 vols. in 3, vellum, illustrated with elegant figures by Iheod. de Bry, folio. Francof. 1597-1602 This elegant work contains over 500 fine engravings of Tombs, Statues, and Topographical Antiquities. 3359 BROCKEDON S Italy, Classical, Historical, and Pictur esque, with Descriptions, 60 highly finished engravings from drawings by Stanfield, Roberts, Prout, &c., impl. 4to. morocco gilt. 1847 3360 CORIO (Bernardi), L Historia de Milano, 4to. vellum. Venezia, 1554 3361 CORLEONE et Veronese, Delle Magnificenze de Eoma, Antica e Moderne, 10 vols. in 4, oblong, half calf . Eome, 1747 3362 ELLET (Mrs. E. F.} Scenes in the Life of Joanna of Sicily, 12 mo. cloth. Boston, 1840 3363 FLORENCE Views of all the celebrated buildings in Florence, ninety-two plates, proofs, half morocco, oblong 4to. n. d. 3364 GUICCIARDINI, History of the Wars of Italy, translated into English by G. Fenton, folio, calf. Lond. 1599 " This historian represents man in his darkest colors. Their drama is terrific. The actors are monsters of perfidy, of inhumanity, and inventors of crimes which seem to want a name. They were all princes of darkness, and that age seemed to afford a triumph to Manichism. The worst passions were called in by all parties." D Israeli. 3365 GALANTI (Ma.} Napoli e Contorni, plates, 8vo. half calf. Napoli, 1821 HISTORY of the Triumvirates of Eome, translated by Thos. Otway, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1686 JEST HOOKS. 249 3367 ITALY, France, and Switzerland, illustrated^ 4to. morocco, Lond. n. d. 3308 L ATI I M, A Description of, or La Campagna de Roma, 4to. cl. Lond. 1805 3369 MACERONE (Fr.) Interesting Facts relating to the Fall and Death of Joachim Murat, King of Naples, 8vo. Ifoards. Lond. 1817 7.J& 3370 NAPIER S (Onpt.) Florentine History, from the earliest Records, 6 vols. post 8vo. clot/i. Moxon, 1846 A valuable historical work, and the best history of Florence In the English language. >s& 3371 SCIILOSSER, History of Rome, translated from the Ger man, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1837 ,/. s 3372 SELECT and Choyce Observations, containing all the Romane Emperors, by II. Leigh, portraits inserted, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1657 v 3373 TYROL, Allom s Views in the, 8vo. calf t gilt. Lond. n. d. ^ 3374 TOPFFER Nouveau voyages en Zlgzajfl numerous fut o woodcuts, royal 8vo. half morocco. 1854 2 f ,3375 VEDUTE de Venezia, A Series of Large and Splendid * ^" Engravings, Views in Venice, representing Public Festivals, Solemnities, Pageants, Ceremonies, &c., on a large scale, with an infinity of figures, &c., bound in one volume, oblong folio, half calf , rare, v. y. /0 ;5;>76 VIAGGIANA; or Detached Remarks on the Buildings Pictures, Statues, Inscriptions, &c., of Ancient and Modern Rome, 12mo. boards. Loud n. d. JEST BOOKS. 3377 AMERICAN Joe Miller, with humorous illustrations, half calf, 24mo. Phil. 1839 3378 ARISTOPHANES, being a classic collection of true Attic AVit; containing Jests, Gibes, Bon-Mots, &c., port, of Foote, scarce, 12 mo. Lond. 1768 3379 Attic Salt-Cellar, or Funny Magazine, No. 1. 18mo. Phil. 1842 / < - 3380 BEN Johnson s Jests, or the Wit s Pocket Companion, 12mo. half morocco, rare. 1 7 3381 BEN Johnson s Last Legacy to the Sons of Wit, Mirth, and Revelry, Complete Jests, Riddles, Epigrams, &c. half calf, scarce, 8vo. Loud. 1756 250 JEST BOOKS. 3382 BuTTON-Maker s Jests, wants title, half calf, scarce, 12mo. Lond. George III. was called tlie Button-Maker. 3383 DANIEL Gunston s Jests, &c., 12mo. Lond. 1780 3384 DOCTOR Merry-Man, or Nothing but Mirth, being a posie of pleasant poems and witty Jests, half calf, scarce, 12mo. Bow Churchyard, n. d. 3385 GALLERY of Literary Morceaux, containing innume rable Anecdotes and Jests, 18mo. 1835 3386 GEMS of American Wit and Anecdotes, or the Ameri can Joe Miller, 32mo. cloth. Lond. 1839 3387 GRAS et Maigre, ou nouveau Merdia-Pissa-Foirilleyala, veritable code et art des crieurs pisseux et foireux, 18 mo. sewed. n. d. ~ 3388 HENRY the Great, Collection of some brave actions and memorable sayings of, written in French by the Bishop of Kodez, 12mo. Lond. 1688 3389 IRISH Miscellany, or Teagueland Jests, being a com- pleat collection of the most profound puns, learned bulls, elaborate quibbles, &c., by natives of Teague land, third edition, wiih the portrait of Joe Miller as Teague in the Committee, very rare, 12 mo. calf. Lond. 1749 3390 JOCORUM atque seriorum cum-novorum, turn selecto- rura atque memorabilium recens, Othone et Mclandris, 3 vols. in 2, 18rno. vellum. Francof. 1626 3391 JOE MILLER S Jests, or a collection of the most brilliant Jests, and the most pleasant short stories in the English language, with considerable additions, origi nal Edit, by J. Motley, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 3-J92 Complete Jest Book, 12mo. cloth. Bohn, Lond. 1835 /-- 3393 MEIER S Merry Philosopher; or Thoughts on Jesting, 12mo. calf. Lond. 176-1 Dr. Shaw, the celebrated traveller, warmly recommended the perusal of this book to persons of literature and taste, and such was his fear of losing it, that he sent over to Germany for duplicates of the original. 3394 MERRY Fellow s Companion, or American Jest Book, containing a choice selection of Anecdotes, Bon-Mots, Jests, Kepartees, Stories, &c., 12mo. very rare. Harrisburg, 1797 3395 IRISH Diamonds, or Irish "Wit and Blunders, by John Smith, plates, 12 mo. 1847 JUKISPUUOKNCK. 251 3390 THEATRICAL Jester, or Green Room Witticisms, &c., iincnt, rare, 12mo. Lond. circa, 1770 3397 TOM PAINE S Jests, being an entirely new and seleet collection of Patriotic Bon-Mots, Repartees, &c., never before printed, 8vo. Phil. 17 ( J-1 JURISPRUDENCE. 33D8 BALDI de U bald us di Peruzxio, a learned Lawyer of the 14th Century, born in Perugia, died 1400, aged 7(3; a work on Jurisprudence, got/tic letter, apud Johui: de Colon et apud \Nicholaurn Jenson, large f ol. Home, MCCCCLXXXI. 3309 BLOUNT S Law Dictionary, folio, calf. Lond. 1070 3400 BROWN (D. P.) The Forum, vol. 2, 8vo. cloth. rtiil. 1856 J/ 3402 GKOTII (//.) de Jure Belli ac Pacis, Svo. old calf. Amst. 1G70 "The first example of a philosophical statement of National Law." Tennenan. SS~ 3403 INSTRUCTOR Clericalis; Directing Clerks in the King s Bench, &c., 8vo. calf. Lond. 1(597 /^T~ 3404 KINNIE (Asa), The most important parts of Black- stone s Commentaries in Question and Answer, Svo. sheep. N. Y. 1838 Questions and Answers in Law, alphabetically arranged, with references to the most approved au thorities, 11 vols. 8vo. shtep. 1852 fS~ 3400*- Law Glossary, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 3^07 LAW and Lawyers, or Sketches and Illustrations of Legal History and Biographv, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1840 3408 LIBER Intrationum Omnibus Legum Angliae, folio, JLJltuk teller. Lond., ILnry Smyth, 1540 This most curious and rare book is one of the earliest Law Books of Great Britain. 3409 MAGNA Charta, cum Statutis turn Antiquis, turn re- centibus maxim opere animo tenendis, earn noniter excusa et summa diligentia ernendata et correcta, 18mo. calf, black letter. Lond. 1002 Although the title of this book is in Latin, many of the statutes are in French and English. ?S~~ 3410 MONTESQUIEU, Comrncntarie sur 1 Esprit de Lois, par Tracy, 8vo. ca!f. Paris, u. d. 252 LITERATURE. 3411 O BRIEN (Ed.) The Lawyer his Character and Rule of Holy Life, after the manner of Herbert s Country Parson, 12mo. cloth. Lond. Pickering, 1843 3412 PEEL S (Sir Robert) Acts, Alphabetically Arranged, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1830 3413 PRECEDENTS : A Booke of Presidents, exactly written in Manner of a Register, Newlie Corrected, with Ad- dicions of Divers Necessarie Presidentes, etc. 18mo. old calf, black letter. Lond. 1583 3414 STORY (Joseph), A Familiar Exposition of the Consti tution of the United States, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1840 3415 TAYLOR (Alfred /S.) Elements of Med. Jurisprudence, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1843 3416 YOUNG Lawyers Recreations, 12mo. old calf. Lond. 1694 LITERATURE. See also BIBLIOGRAPHY. 3417 ART of Criticism, or the Right Method of Making a Right Judgment upon Subjects of Wit and Learning, 8vo. calf. Loud. 1705 /%~~~ 3417*ATHEN^EUM, a Journal of Literature, 44 Nos. 4to. v. d. ?,j~Z> 3418 BELOE ( W.) The Sexagenarian, or Recollections of a Literary Life, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1817 " This work contains many amusing anecdotes of the author s literary contemporaries ; and the freedom of his strictures is remarkable." Allibone s Diet, of Authors. 3419 BERINGTON (Rev. Joseph), The Literary History of the Middle Ages, with portrait, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1846 A work of great merit, comprising a pleasant succession of notices on the chief writers of the continent from the fall of the Roman Em pire. 3420 BIOGRAPHICAL Dictionary of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland, comprising literary me moirs and anecdotes of their lives, and a chrono logical register of their publications, etc., including notices of some foreign writers, etc., 8vo. Lond. 1816 "As accurate a list of the works of the authors living in 1816, as could possibly be compiled." Lowndes. 3421 BOWLES (Jas.) Letters to Dr. Percy on Don Quixote, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1777 J" 7 3422 BROWNE (R. W.) History of Classical Literature, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1852 LITERATURE. 268 , 3423 BACON (Francis), The Two Bookes of, on the Profi- jj cience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Humane, 1st edition, small 4to. sheep, scarce. Lond. 1005 342-4 BUCHAN (Earl of), P^ssays on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher, of Saltoun, and Thomson, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1702 />/<$ 3425 BURNET (George), Specimens of English Prose Writers from the Earliest Times to the Close of the 17th Cen tury, with sketches, biographical and literary, includ ing an account of books as well as their authors, with occasional criticisms, &c., 3 vols. half calf] scarce. Lond. 1807 "We regard these volumes as worthy of no small commendation." Monthly Review. 3426 CARPELL on Language, and Croke on Rhyming Latin, 2 vols. 1828 3427 CRAIK (0. L.) Sketches of the History of Literature and Learning in England, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1844 3427* CHITICK, Modest, or Remarks upon the most Eminent Historians, by one of the Society of Port Royal, 16mo. calf. Lond. 1689 3428 CLARK (WilUs Gaytonl), The Literary Remains of the late, including the Ollapodiana Papers, sheep, 8vo. N. Y. 1855 3429 CURTIS (G. T.) Treatise on the Law of Copyright, 8vo. sheep. 1847 3430 D ISRAELI (7.) Curiosities of Literature, royal 8vo. cloth. 1844 3431 (/!) Curiosities of Literature, 2d series, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1824 The Literary Character Illustrated, 2 vols. half calf. Lond. 1822 3433 DUNLAP (John), History of Roman Literature, from its earliest period to the Augustan age, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Phil. 1827 3434 DUYCKINCK (E. A. & G. L.) Cyclopaedia of American Literature, embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and selections from their writings, from the earliest period to the present day, 225 portraits, 425 antografths, and 75 vieics of colkyes, 2 vols. royal Svo./bWa*. N. Y. 1855 3435 ECCENTRICITIES of Life and Literature, 3 vols. Bost. 254 LITERATURE. 3435* EnwARi>s(/) Memoirs of Libraries, including alland- book of Library Economy, 2 vols. royal 8vo. Loud. 1859 This important work has been in preparation during upwards of thirteen years. Neither France nor Germany can boast of a work treating the subject with a similar comprehensiveness ; and in England the work has certainly had no predecessor. The volumes contain the following illustrations : eight copper-plates of the manuscripts of Herculaneum ; thirty-four wood-cuts of interiors and exteriors of celebrated libraries ; eight plates of fac-similes of the types em ployed by early printers ; seven chromo-lithographic plates of book binding, St. Augustine s Monastery, Canterbury, and several plans of ancient libraries. 3436 FIFTY Years Eecollections of an Old Bookseller, Svo. cloth. Lond. 1837 3437 GAUTRUCHE (P.) L Histoire Poetique, 18mo. calf. Amst. 1712 J7 3438 GILFILLAN (George), Third Gallery of Portraits, cloth, post Svo. N. Y. 1855 3439 GILMAN (S.) Contributions to Literature, cloth, post 8vo. Boston, 1856 3440 GRANT (James), Walks and Wanderings in the World of Literature, 2 vols. 12rno. boards. Phil. 1840 f? 3441 GRISWOLD (R. W.) Prose Writers of America, with a Survey of the Intellectual History, Condition, and Prospects of the Country, Svo. cloth. Phil. 1851 This interesting work comprises upwards of 70 biographical notices of American writers, with selections from their writings. J j " 3442 HALL (Th.) Vindicia3 Literarum, 18mo. old calf. Lond. 1655 The author was a Puritan Divine, highly commended by Calamy. 3443 HARLEIAN Miscellany, Collection of Scarce, Curious, and Entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, selected from the Library of Lord Oxford, with Historical, Political, and Critical Annotations, by Oldys, 12 vols. Svo. (the only octavo edition}, half morocco, gilt. Lond. 1808 " I hardly know of any one collection, or set of volumes, likely to be pro ductive of more varied entertainment." Dibdin. 3444 HAYWARDE (R.) Prismatics,/^ wood engravings, 12rno. N. Y. 1854 3445 HALES (Richard), Remarks on the Arabian Nights, Svo. sheep. Lond. 1797 3446 HOMER, Enquiry into the Life and Writings of, Svo. calf. Lond. 1735 LITERATURE. 265 3447 IRELAND (IF. 77.) Scribbleomnnia, or the Printer s . . Devil s Polichronicon, a Sublime Poem, by Anser Pen-Drag-On, Esq., "Cacoethes scribendi," 8vo. boards. Lond. 1815 The witty writer in his apology for A preface says : "Sampson slow his thousands with the jaw bom- of an ass ; then wherefore should not I perform similar exploits with the quill of a goose ?" 3448 KAMES (Lord), Elements of Criticism Abridged, by John Frost,<cp. Phil. 1833 .?J~ 3449 LANDOK ( Walter &tvage), Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen, 3 vols. doth, 8vo. Lond. 1826 /S2 3449* 2d Series, 2 vols. cloth, 8vo. Lond. 1829 3450 MADDEN (R. /if.) The Infirmities of Genius, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Phil. 1833 3451 MENZEL S History of German Literature, translated with Notes by T. Gordon, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1840 "There is no higher name in the living literature of his country than Menzel; his History of German Literature is eloquent and popular nt the same time." Blackirood s May. , 3452 MIRROR of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, * " icitJi innumerable engravings, from its Commencement in 1823 to December, 1831, plates, 17 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. v. y. "The Mirror, with its choice engravings and inexhaustible varieties, is the most entertaining publication of the day." Atlas. "A storehouse of curious antiquarian knowledge. It has gone on im proving from year to year. Penny Magazine. 3453 MORGAN (/.) Phoenix Britannicus, 1 vol. 4to. calf. 1732 3454 MORRISON (R.} IIora3 Sinicai, translations from the pop ular Literature of the Chinese. Lond. 1812 NEELE (//.) Literary Remains, consisting of Lectures on English Poetry, Tales, &c., 8vo. she>p. N. Y. 1829 3457 POOLE, Index to Periodical Literature, 2d and greatly enlarged edition, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 This most valuable book is now out of print. Its utility is inestimable. 3458 PRINCE (J. H., Bookseller) Life, Adventures, Pedestrian Excursions, and Singular Opinions of, ivith portraits, IZmo.calf. Lond. 1807 3459 Ox BERRY (William), Comedian, The Flowers of Litera ture, a Collection in History, Biography, Poetry, and Romance, yEne portrait or Kcan, 4 vols. half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1822 256 LITERATURE. 3460 LETTERS from an English Traveller in Spain, in 1788, on the Origin and Progress of Poetry in that King dom, portraits of the Poets, 8vo. boards. Lond. 178 L X ./7 5461 MASKELL (Rev. W.) History of the Martin Marprelale Controversy, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, portrait, 8vo. cloth. Lond., Pickering, 1845 3462 MASSEY ( W.) Origin and Progress of Letters, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1768 3463 MATHIAS, Pursuits of Literature, a Satirical Poem, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1812 3464 Another edition, boards, 8vo. Lond. 1801 3465 MEMOIRS of Literature, containing a large account of many valuable Books ; also New Memoirs of Litera ture, Containing a large account of new Books (by Michael de la Roche), together, 14 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1722-5 3467 NOTES and Queries, 38 Nos. 4to. v. d. 3468 PHILADELPHIA Book, or Specimens of Metropolitan Literature, Svo.full morocco, gilt edges. Phil. 1836 8469 RELIQUIAE Antique, Scraps from ancient MSS., illus trating chiefly Early English Literature and the English Language, edited by Wright and Halliwell, scarce, boards, 8vo. Lond. 1839-1845 3470 RESPUBLICA Literaria, or the Republic of Letters, being a Vision, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1727 3471 REVUE Literaire Francaise, several odd vols. 3472 ROBERTS (W.) History of Letter Writing, from the earliest period, 8vo. cloth. Pickering, 1843 " Mr. Roberts deserves credit for the diligence with which he has sought out original documents, many of which throw important light on this interesting portion of our history." Athenaeum. 3473 SOANE (67.) New Curiosities of Literature and Book of the Months, with several beautiful engravings after the great masters, 2 vols. cloth. Lond. 1849 This is a work of popular information and amusement, containing a full and authentic record of the National Customs, Superstitions, Sports, &c., traced up to their earliest origins. 3474 SAUNDERS, Salad for the Solitary, looodcuts, 8vo. N. Y. 1856 J<f 8475 - Salad for the Social, woodcuts, 8vo. N. Y. 1856 8476 SPENCE (Joseph], Anecdotes, Observations, and Charac ters of Books and Men, collected from the Conversation of Mr. Pope, with Notes by Singer, 8vo. Lond. 1820 " One of the most entertaining volumes of literary anecdote imaginable, which furnished Johnson with much of his biography of Pope and his contemporaries." Dibdin. , / MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS, ETC. 257 3477 SMITH (C. J.) Historical and Literary Curiosities, con sisting of Fac-similes of interesting Autographs, Scenes of remarkable Historical Events and interest- ing Localities, engravings of Old Houses, Illuminated and Missal Ornaments, Antiques, &c. 100 plates, some illuminated, thick 4to. half morocco, Roxburgh style. Lond. 1840 This is a very curious and interesting volume, including many objects not elsewhere represented. The plates are executed in a most artistic style. 3478 SAINT- PELAIE ; Literary History of the Troubadours of the 12th and 13th centuries, 8vo. Lond. 1779 3479 STILLINGFLEET (Benjamin), Literary Life and Select Articles, plates, 3 vols. calf, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1811 The Author was a distinguished Botanist. 3480 SYDNEY (Sir P.) Defence of Poetry, and Observation on Poetry and Eloquence, from the Discoveries of Ben Jonson, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1787 3481 TAYLOR (IF. of Noncick), Historic Survey of German Poetry, interspersed with various translations, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1830 3482 TIMPERLY, Encyclopedia of Literary and Typographi cal Anecdotes, cloth, royal 8vo. Lond. 1842 This comprehensive and truly valuable compilation the labor of a prac tical printer contains a vast fund of useful and curious matter, collected from every available source, and classed in such a man ner, as to give an interesting account of the history of Printing, Anecdotes of Books, and Booksellers, notices of early Bibles, &c. 3483 TEGG (77<tw.) Remarks on Taliburd s Speech on Copy right, pp. 23, 8vo. Lond. 1837 3484 TOWNLEY (James), Introduction to the Literary His- tory of the Bible, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1828 WRIGHT (Thos.) Essays on Subjects connected with the Literature, Popular Superstitions and History of England, in the Middle Ages, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1846 3486 WILLIS S Monthly Price-Current of Books, 84 Nos. 4to. v. d. MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS, REVIEWS ANNUALS, &c. 3487 AINSWORTH (W. H.) Magazine, from 1842 to 1844, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. v. y. 3488 AMERICAN Review, a "Whig Journal of Politics and Literature, 1845, 2 vols. Svo. N. Y. v. y. 17 258 MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS, ETC. 3489 AMERICAN Whig Keview, 12 Nos. 3490 ANNUAL Scrap Book, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1838 <J/ 3491 ATLANTIC Souvenir, 18rno. calf. Phil. 1826 { Sfl 3492 BEE (Ihe), or Literary Weekly Intelligencer, 1791 to 1813, edited by J. Anderson, 18 parts, 8vo. half calf. Edinb. 1791, &c. 3493 BENTLEY S Miscellany, 1838 to 1842, 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. v. y. 3494 Idem, 45 Nos. odd, 8vo. / , 3495 BLACKWOOD S Edinburgh Magazine, 15 volumes, 8vo. sheep. N. Y. 1833-1842 3496 Edinburgh Magazine, 150 Nos. 8vo. N. Y. v. d. BRITISH Almanac and Companion, 1829-53, and Index to the same, 26 vols. 12mo. cloth. Lond. v. d. /8498 BURTON (W. E^) Gentleman s Magazine, or American j Monthly Review, 7 vols. 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1837-40 )3498*Ditto 3 vols. 2 calf, 1 half calf. 3499 Gentleman s Magazine, 370 odd Nos. sc?. 8vo. N. Y. 3500 CHRISTIAN Keepsake, 1838, 9 40, 3 vols. morocco, Uncling loose, plates. 3501 DICKENS (Charles), Household Words, 27 Nos. 8vo. sd. Lond. 3502 EDINBURGH Review, from 1802 to 1840, 71 vols. 8vo. cloth, from 1841 to 1850 in 21 Nos. Lond. v. y. /&-, 3503 Review, 40 Nos. odd. N. Y. v. d. #& 3504 Review, Selections from, edited by Cross, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 3505 Review, Selections from, 5 Nos. odd, 8vo. Lond. 1835 3506 FOREIGN Quarterly Review, 1827 to 1846, 37 vols. 8vo. half calf \ Lond. v. y. 3507 Monthly Review, 20 Nos. Phil. n. d. 3508 FRIENDSHIP S Offering, 18mo. bds. plates. Lond. 1826 3509 Offering, 1827-36, 12mo. bds. 12 vote, fine plates. Lond. v. d. 3510 GENTLEMAN S Magazine, 9 vols. 8vo. v. d. 3511 SELECTION of Curious Articles from the Gen tleman s Magazine- (Historical, Classical, Biographical, Critical, &c.), edited by J. Walker, 4 vols. 8vo. half vellum. Lond. 1809 The plan of this work was suggested by the historian Gibbon, who says that " The Gentleman s Magazine contains a great number of liter ary, historical, and miscellaneous articles of real value, which might be revived to great advantage if properly chosen and classed." MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS, ETC. 259 3512 GENTLEMAN S Magazine, edited by W. E. Burton, from July 1837 to July 1840, 6 vols. 8vo. calf and half ml f. -fr7#**r+) Phil. v. y. // 3513 OILMAN (0.) Lady s Auuuul Kegister, 12mo. cloth. Bost. v. y. //2. 3514 GODEY (L. A) Lady s Book, vols. 2, 9, 10, 12, and 14, royal 8vo. calf. v. d. 3515 Lady s Book, 100 odd Nos. Phil. v. d. 3516 GRAHAM S .Magazine, 6 parts, 8 vo. x?.^/- 3517 HARPER S New Monthly Magazine, from 1852 to 1855, from vol. 6 to vol. llth, 6 vols. royal 8vo. N. Y. v. y. 3518 HARPER S New Monthly Magazine, 70 odd Nos. from 1851-9, 8vo. N. Y. v. d. 3519 HEATH S Book of Beauty for 1833-34-35,3 vols. Svo. half morocco. Lond. 3520 HUNT (Leigh), Journal, 150 parts, Svo. N. Y. v. d. 3521 - - The Indicator, 2 vols., and 5 others, 7 vols., cl. N. Y. 3522 ILLUSTRATED London News, a large parcel of, about 300 Nos. - 3523 INTERNATIONAL Magazine, 25 Nos., Svo. N. Y. v. d. 3524 JERROLD (Douglas), Illuminated Magazine, Vol. 1, May to October, half calf, 4to. Lond. 1843 </<? 3525 KIRKLAND (Mrs.) Union Magazine, Vols. 1, 2, and 3 in 1 vol. 1847 /J0 3526 KNICKERBOCKER Magazine, 5 vols. Svo. v. d. /// 3527 KNICKERBOCKER Magazine, 37 Nos., various. v. d. /2- 3528 LADIES Companion, vol. 18, royal Svo. half calf . 1843 /0.S0 3520 LADIES Monthly Museum, or Polite Repository of Amusement and Instruction, 130 Nos., Svo. 3530 LESLIE (Miss), The Gift, a Christmas and New Year s Present for 1839, 40, 45, and 48, 12mo. roan. Phil. v. d. 3531 LITERARY Museum, or a selection of scarce old Tracts, Svo. sheep. Lond. 1792 3532 McJiLTON & Arthur s Baltimore Literary Monument, 8 Nos. Bait. v. d. -^.r 3533 MAGAZINES, various, Svo. luilf calf. 1813 - Jf 3534 MAGAZINES, various, 3 lots. 3535 MUSEUM of Nature and Art, 4 vols. /J -//353G NEW Monthly Magazine, 1831, 36, 39 and 40, 5 odd vols. half calf . /2- 3537 NEW York Mirror, Lot of Nos. of. 3538 NEW Sporting Magazine, 12 vols. Svo. half calf, gilt. S^stfs 1831-37 3539 NEW York Review, 20 parts. N. Y. v. d. 260 MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS, ETC. 3540 REPUBLIC of Letters, in 50 odd Nos. v. d. NORTH American Review, 1820 to 1832, and various Nos., in all 35 vols. 8vo. half bound. Boston, v. y. / #<f 3542 British Review, various Nos. odd, 8vo. N. Y. v. d. S- /.T~3543 ODD Fellow s Offering for 1850-51-52, highly finished engravings, 12 mo. half morocco, extra gilt. N. Y. /^ 3544 OLIO (The), or Museum of Entertainment, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. n. d. 3545 (The), vol. 10, 8vo. half morocco. 1833 PARTERRE (The), 3 vols. 8vo. n. d. /./"/ 3547 PENNY Magazine, for 1833,4, 5, 7, 8, and 9, 6 vols. royal 8vo. half calf. v. d. 3548 PHILADELPHIA Saturday News, folio, half calf . . 1836 3549 POLITICAL Magazine, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1781-2 ?,/2_ 3550 PORTFOLIO and Companion to the Select Circulating Library from January to June, 1835, January to June, 1836, 2 vols. Select Library or Companion to the Portfolio, 1835 to 1837, 5 vols., in all 7 vols. half morocco, uniform, 4to. Phil. f/ 3551 PUTNAM S Monthly, 38 odd Nos. from 1853-57, illus trated, sd. 8vo. 3552 QUARTERLY Review, 1809 to 1834, 51 vols, 8vo. half morocco, not uniform. N. Y. v. d. 3553 _ 50 parts odd, 8vo. _ N. Y. v. d. 3554 RETROSPECTIVE Review (consisting of Criticisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from Curious, Useful and Valuable Books), 16 vols. 8vo. complete, half calf, scarce. 1820-28 An excellent review of early, rare, and curious literature, by Sir Harris Nicholas, Southerne, Judge Talfourd, &c. " To this work is mainly owing the increased interest shown in the study of Old English Literature, which forms so remarkable a character istic of the intellectual taste of the present era. The sixteen vol umes contain reviews and analyses, with copious extracts of several hundred rare and curious, old books, including a very extensive series of the early English poets." 3555 - Review (New), consisting of Criticisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from curious, useful and valuable Old Books, 6 parts, 8vo. 1853-54 An admirable accompaniment and continuation of the old series, in 16 vols. ; the articles are of the same length and character. 3556 ROYAL Magazine or Quarterly Bee, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1750 MAN, MENIAL PHILOSOPHY, ETC. 261 3557 SARTAIN S Magazine, for 1849, 50, 51, 52, 4 vols. plates, royal 8vo. Phil. v. y. 3558 Sii AWE S London Magazine, a Parcel. 3559 TOKEN and Atlantic Souvenir, 8vo. Bost. 1838 3560 TOKEN and Souvenir, 3 vols. 12mo. v. d. 3561 TOWN and Country Magazine, vols. 14 and 16, 8vo. half calf. 1782-4 /J? 8562 UNITED States Democratic Review, 15 Nos. N. Y. v.d. / w 3563 WEEKLY Amusement (Thr), 8vo. half calf . 1764 //0 3564 WESTMINSTER Review, various Nos. 8vo. N. Y. v.d. . jj 3565 WUITLAW (A.) Republic of Letters, a Selection in Po etry and Prose, 4 vols. 12mo. doth, imperfect. Glas. 1835 3566 WORLD (The), for 17531755,2 vols.impl. 8vo. uncut. MAN, MENTAL PHILOSOPHY, &c. /2- 3567 ALLEN (Col Ethan), Reason the only Oracle of Man, 12mo. cloth, soiled. N. Y. 1836 3568 ANALOGIES of Organized Beings, 8vo. cloth. Loncl. 1831 3569 ANCIENT Fragments from the Chinese, Persian, &c. 12mo. boards. N. Y. 1835 3570 B. (IF.) Philosopher s Banquet, newly furnished and decked forth, ISmo. calf. Lond. 1633 3571 BACIIE (Alex. Dallas), Report on Education in Europe, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1839 3572 BARLOW (John), Connection between Physiology and Intellectual Philosophyj 12mo. cloth. Lond. Pickering, 1842 3573 BARTLETT (J.) Aphorisms on Man, Manners, Princi ples, and Things, 18mo. sheep. Portsmouth, 1810 3574 BEATTIE (Jas.) Essay on Truth, 12mo. cloth, ailt. Lond. 3575 BLAKEY (Robt.) An Essay on Moral Good and Evil, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1831 3576 BLAKEY (R.) History of Moral Science, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Edin. 1836 3577 BOISSARDI (J. I.) Theatrum Vitas Humanae, illustrated with curious plates, and portrait of Boissard, 4to. n. d. 3578 BRAITUWAIT (ltd.) Essays upon the Five Senses, 4to. boards. Lond. reprint, 1815 3578*BUBTON (Asa), Essays on some of the first Principles of Metaphysicks, Ethicks, and Theology, sh&p, 8vo. Portland, 1824 J7 262 MAN, MENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ETC. 8579 BURTON (Robert), The Anatomy of Melancholy, last edition, with the original symbolical frontispiece, the quotations translated, author s life, &c v Svo. cloth. * J&+ Lond. 1830 3580 BURTON, Anatomy, &c., abridged, Svo. calf. Lond. 1801 " Tis a book so full of variety of reading, that gentlemen who have lost their time and put to a push for invention may furnish themselves with matter for common or scholastical discourse and writing." Anthony <J Wood. 3581 CAMPBELL (John), Negro-Mania, being an Examination of the various Races of Men, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1851 3582 CAPACITY and Extent of the Human Understanding, exemplified in the extraordinary case of Automa- thes, a young Nobleman who was accidentally left, in his infancy, upon a desolate Island, and continued nineteen years separate from all human society, 12rno. sheep. Lond. 1747 *#* This book is mentioned by Gibbon, and noticed in Retro. Review. W. E. B. />T~ 3583 CARDELL (Win. S.) Essay on Language as connected with the Faculties of the Mind, and as applied to things in Nature and Art, sm. Svo. N. Y. 1825 3585 CLIFFORD (Martin), An Apology for the Discourse of Humane Reason, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1670 3586 CLULOW (William B) Aphorisms and Keflections, cloth, 8vo. Lond. 1843 3587 COMBE (Gfco.) On Man, Foster on Decision of Cha racter, and three other Works, Svo. cloth. N. Y. 1885 3588 COMBE (George), Lectures on Moral Philosophy, cloth, Svo. Boston, 1840 8589 COOPER (Miss) Rhyme and Reason of Country Life, Svo. cloth. N. Y. 1854 3590 CORY (J. P.) Metaphysical Inquiry into the Method, Objects, and Result of Ancient and Modern Philo sophy, 12mo. cloth. 1833 3591 DELEUZE (J. P. F.) Animal Magnetism, 12mo. Prov. 1837 3592 DODSLEY (Robt.) Economy of Human Life, illustrated by Harding, 12mo. boards, and Dean s Phil, of Life, 2 vols. Lond. 1806 3593 EDMONDS and Dexter on Spiritualism, Svo. cloth. ^-^ N. Y. 1853 3594 FORNEY (Mr.) History of Philosophy, 12mo. Glas. 1767 MAN, MENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ETC. 263 3595 GERARD (Prof.) Essay on Taste, and Dissertations on do. by Voltaire, D Alcmbcrt, and Montesquieu, 8vo. calf. 1759 3596 HAI Ebn Yokdban, The Improvement of Human Itea- son, exhibited in the Life of, how by meer light of nature to attain to the knowledge of God, translated from the Arabic, by S. Oeklcy, Svo. ;;?/&, calf, rare. Lond. 1708 3597 HELVETIUS, (Euvres complettes, 5 vols. calf, 12mo. Lond. 1780 3598 HISTORY of Man, or the Wonders of Human Nature in relation to the Vices and Defects of the Sexes, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. half calf. Edin. 1770 3599 UUTON (Ph.) Manual of the Physiology of Man, 12mo. sheep. Phil. 1828 3600 HUME (David), Treatise on Human Nature, 3 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1739 3601 INSANE (The) World, Svo. boards. Lond. 1818 3602 JONES (*SYfas), Practical Phrenology, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1836 3603 LEMBERG (Krilz\ Posthumous Works of, or the Won ders of Magnetism, Svo. boards. Bost. 1843 -SJ 3604 LOCKE (John), Philosophical Works of, with a Prelimi nary Essay and Notes, by J. A. St. John, 2 vols. half calf, portrait. Lond. 185-1 3605 MACMAUON (T. O Brien], An Essay on the Depravity of Human Nature against Hume and others, 16mo. Lond. 177-i 3606 MAGNETISM in its Higher llelations to Humanity, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1846 3t 07 MANDEVILLE (Bernard), World Unmasked, or the Philosopher the Greatest Cheat, to which is added the State of Souls Separated from their Bodies, trans lated from the French, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1736 3608 MORISON (Alex.) Outlines of Mental Diseases, plates, ^ Svo. boards. Lond. 1829 3609 MUSEUM (The), or Man as he is, boards, 12 mo. Lond. 1814 3610 NEWNHAM (W.) Human Magnetism, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1845 3611 NORRIS (John), An Essay towards a Theory of the Ideal or Intelligible World, 2 vols. calf, Svo. Lond. 1701 The chief of the English Platonic philosophers. 264: MAN, MENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ETC. / i , 36 12 PHILOSOPHY, Vite de Philosophis Moralissime, et delle loro elegantissime sententie (Sine Loco). (1551) / , 8613 PICKERINGS, History of the Races of Man, edited by Ilall, cloth, post 8vo. Lond. 1851 g _ , 8614 EOGERS (T.) The Anatomie of the Minde, a Philoso- phicall Discourse, newlie made and set forth by T. R. very rare, from the library of Richard Farmer , with his autograph. J3iflcfc Cettcr, 8vo. half calf . Lond., A. Maunscll, 1576 *** Following the Preface is a poem of " losua Hutten to tlie Booke," after which is " Abraham Fowler s needeles Haedera," a curious poem, which concludes with the following lines : " The wyse that reade these fruitfull lines, Where luckie blisse doth lurke, Wyll wishe with mee, God guide his head, That framde so fay re a worke." /./0 3615 SARRAZIN (Gen.) The Philosopher, or Historical and Critical Notes, fine portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. , Lond. 1812 3616 SAVEREIN (J/.) Ilistoire des Philosophes Modernes, 4 vols. in 2, small folio, calf. Paris, 1761 3617 SENAULT (J. F.) Use of the Passions, put into English, by Henry, Earl of WonmovLthj portrait by Marshal, 8vo. Lond. 1671 X/" 3618 SPURZHEIM (J. G.) On Insanity, by Dr. Brigham, 8vo. cloth. Bost. 1835 /J~~ 3619 STONE ( W. J).) Letter to Brigham on Animal Mag netism, 8vo. K Y. 1837 - J / 3620 STRENGTH and Weakness of Human Reason, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1737 / J7 3621 STRODE (Sir Geo.) The Anatomy of Mortalitie, small 4to. calf. Lond. 1632 .70 3622 TOWNSHEND (Rev. 0. Hare), Facts in Mesmerism, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1844 J # 8623 TRACTS on Magnetism, 10 pamphlets. / ,. v 3624 TRANSMIGRATION, an Essay of, in Defence of Pytha goras, fine portrait, 12mo. old calf. Lond. 1692 3625 WATTS (Dr. Isaac), Logic, or the Right Use of,*8vo. old calf. Lond. 1745 3626 (Rev. Joshua), Remarkable Events in the His tory of Man, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1825 x 7 ./" 3627 WILKINS (Bp.) Mathematical and Philosophical Works, 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1802 e/7"~3623 Mercury, or the Secret and Swift Messenger, showing how a man may, with privacy and speed, communicate his thoughts to a Friend at any dis tance, with portrait, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1694 MUSIC. 265 3629 ZIMMERMAN on Solitude, 12mo. embossed, she<p. N. Y. 1840 3630- - Another edition, 8vo. Lond. 1804 MUSIC. 3631 ANTHEMS, a collection of, by Composers of the Madri- galean Era, edited by Kimbault, 4to. Lond. n. d. 3632 BEETHOVEN, Life of, including his Correspondence and Remarks on his Musical Works, edited by J. Moscheles, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1841 3633 BENNET (J.) Madrigals for Four Voices, edited by E. J. Hopkins, 4to. Lond. n. d. 3634 BLOW (Dr. John], Amphion Anglicus, containing com positions for one, two, three, and four Voices, with Accompaniments of Instrumental Music, &c., folio, fine portrait, calf. Lond. 1700 " So, whilst Apollo s race can sing, Great Blow will be true Musick s King ; While silver Thames does ebb and flow, Drink, drink a health to famous Blow." Tom Durfey. 3635 BRITISH Musical Miscellany, or Delightful Grove, cele brated English and Scotch Songs, by the best Masters, small 4to. 6 vols. in 3, half calf . Lond. 3635* BURNEY (Chas.} General History of Music, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Period, 4 vols. 4to. half calf, fine plates by Bartolozzi and others, from designs by Cipriani. Lond. 1777 Sir "William Jones says : " Dr. Burney gave dignity to the character of the modern musician, by joining it with that of the scholar and philosopher." 3636 BUSBY (Thos.) Concert Room and Orchestra Anecdotes of Music and Musicians, 3 vols. small 8vo. with 16 plates, scarce, half calf. 1825 y 3637 (Z?r.) General History of Music, from the Earliest Times, with the Lives of Eminent Composers and Musical Writers, Specimens, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, gilt. Lond. 1819 Condensed from the works of Sir John Hawkins and Charles Burney. 3638 BURNEY (Dr.) Account of the Musical Performances in Westminster Abbey and Pantheon, in Commemora tion of Handel, plates l>y Bartolozzi, 4to. half calf 1785 266 MUSIC. o 8639 BYRD ( Wm.) Book 1 of Cantiones Sacra), edited by Wm. Horsley, 4to. Load. n. d. / ^ 3640 - A Mass for Five Yoices, edited by Rimbault, 4to. Lond. 11. d. *./r~3641 CALLCOTT (Dr.) A Musical Grammar in four parts, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1817 SJ 3642 CATEL, Treatise on Harmony, 12mo. Bost. 1832 *- J~& 3643 CHEKRON et Fayolle, Dictionnaire Historique des Mu- siciens, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1817 3644 CLIO and Euterpe, or British Harmony, collection of celebrated Songs and Cantatas, curiously engraven and embellished with designs to each Song, 2 vols. royal 8vo. 400 curious plates, showing the dresses, manners, &c. of the time, calf, rare. Lond. 1762 3645 COLLIER (Joel), [i. e. John Bicknell], Musical Travels through England, 1774; Joel Collier, Eedivivus, 1818, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. half calf . v. d. " The Musical Travels of Joel Collier, in which, a slight attempt is made to ridicule Johnson, was ascribed to Soame Jenyns, but was written by Mr. Bicknell." Croker s BosweWs Johnson. " The object of this jeu d esprit was to ridicule Dr. Burney. * * The family of Mr. Bicknell endeavoured to buy up all the copies." Dr. Fletcher. 3646 CORNWALL (N. E) Music, as it was, and as it is, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1851 3647 DICTIONARY of Musicians, from the Earliest Ages, to- ,4: gether with upwards of a Hundred Original Memoirs of Living Musicians; History of Music, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. 1824 This work comprises the most important Biographical contents of the works of Gerber, Choron, Count Orloff, Dr. Burney, Sir John Haw kins, &c. / c 3648 DOWLAND (J.) First Book of Songs or Ayres, of Four Parts, edited by W. Chappell, 4to. Lond. n. d. 3649 EASTCOTT (Rev. JR.) Sketches of the Origin, Progress, and Effects of Music, with an Account of the Ancient Bards and Minstrels, 8vo. half calf . Bath, 1793 3650 ELLET (Mrs. E. F.) Nouvellettes of the Musicians, por traits, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1851 3651 ESTE (Tfios.) Whole Book of Psalms, with the Tunes, in Four Parts, edited by Rimbault, 4to. Lond. n. d. ,/3r~3652 FORDE (Wm.) An Essay on the Key in Music, 8vo. boards. Lond. MUSIC. 207 3053 GARDINER (William), The Music of Nature, or an at tempt to prove that what is passionate and pleasing / <- ^ in the art of Singing. Speaking, and Performing upon musical instruments, is derived from the sounds of the animated world, with curious and interesting il lustrations, 8vo. cloth. Bost. 1850 * 3054 GIBBONS (O.) First Set of Madrigals, edited by Sir Geo. Smart, 4to. Lond. n. d. / <- 3055 -- Fantasies, in Three Parts, i>y llimbault, 4to. Lond. n. d. HANDEL (G. F.) Memoirs of the Life of, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1700 3057 HAWKINS (Sir John), General History of Music, 5 vols. 4to. plates, half calf. 1770 Hawkins s History having met with littlo success when first published public attention being at the same time engrossed with Buruey s work only a small number of copies were sold, and the value, as a vast storehouse of curious and interesting information, of Haw kins s work having in recent times been proved, the commercial value has in consequence risen considerably, as complete copies are now very rare. / l - 8058 HAYDN and Mozart, Lives of, translated from the French of Bombet, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1818 S Sd 3059 HAYLEY (W.) The Triumph of Music, a Poem, 1804, 2 vols. 4to. / c- . 3000 HILTON (/.) Ayres or Fa Las for three Voyces, edited by J. Warren, 4to. Lond. n. d. 3001 HOGARTH (G orge), Memoirs of the Musical Drama, 2 vols. 8vo. illustrated by capital portraits, including Madame Mara, Farinelli, Dr. Arne, Mrs. Billington, Catalan!, &c. cloth. 1838 3002 - Musical History, Biography, and Criticism, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1838 3003 HOOD (Geo.) History of Music in New England, 12mo. r cloth. Bost. 1846 <fr 3004 - - Another copy. Bost. 1846 t ?y 3005 LUNN (//. C.) Musings of a Musician, 12mo. Lond. 1849 >#~ 3606 MITFORD (W.) Inquiry into the Principles of Harmony in Language, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1804 /, , j]067 MORLEY (Thos.) First Set of Ballets, edited by Kim- bault, 4to. Lond. n. d. ^70 3608 MOZART, (Euvres. in partitiones Quatuor. Tome II., 8vo. boanls. Paris. ^ 3669 MUSICAL Carcenet, 12mo. N. Y. 1832 , ^2^3070 MUSICAL Companion ibr the Flute, sq. 12mo. Loud. , 268 MUSIC. 3671 MUSES Delight, Songs, Duetts, &c. 8vo. calf. Liverpool, 1754 3672 MUSICAL Miscellany, a Collection of choice Songs, set to the Violin, &c., by the most Eminent Masters, 6 vols. 12mo., and curious collection of old English ballads, with the music, calf, scarce. Lond. 1729 An immense variety of the popular airs and melodies of the day, with curious anecdotes. Zr~ 3673 World, a Eecord of Musical Science, Litera ture, and Intelligence, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1836 ;/^ 3674 Music, &c. 4 vols. t //- 3675 NIGHTINGALE (The), a Collection of Songs set to Music, selected by S. Larkin, 12mo. Portsmouth, 1804 ^. s 3676 OPERAS, a Collection of old Italian and English Operas, comprising the Operas of Almahide, Clotilda, Hydas- pes, Etearco, Einaldo, Arsinoe, Camilla, Temple of Love, Rosamond (by Addison), &c,, including those sung at the Introduction of the Italian Opera into England, by Scarlatti, Bononcini, &c., with all the songs of Sig. Nicolini, Mrs. Tofts, and other Artistes of the time, as mentioned in the Tatler, Spectator, &c , 2 vols. with Frontispieces and Embellishments, in the original binding, lettered on the side, very scarce, if not unique, folio. Lond. 1708-10 ^ 3677 PARKE (H. P.] Musical Memoirs, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Lond. 1830 / /2-, 3678 PARTHENIA ; or the first Musick ever printed for the Virginals, edited by Rimbault, 4to. Lond. n. d. . /# 3679 PILKINGTON (H. W.) Musical Dictionary, 12mo. boards. Bost. 1813 jj 3680 Another copy, 12mo. 1813 3681 PURCELL (H.) Orpheus Britannicus; a Collection of . the Choicest Songs, with Symphonies, a Thorough "4^~" Bass, &c., for each, folio, portrait, fine copy, old calf, gilt edges, scarce. Lond. 1706 " An admirable Collection, Purcell is as much the Pride of the English nation in Music as Shakspeare in the Drama, or Newton in Sci ence." Dr. Burneij. /*- 3682 Bonduca, a Tragedy, edited by Rimbault, 4to. Lond. n. d. /"^ 3683 Dido and ^Eneas, a Tragic Opera, edited by G. A. Macfarren, 4to. Lond. n. d. /<- 3684 Ode for St. Celia s Day, edited by Rim bault. Lond. n. d. NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 269 3685 QUARTERLY Musical Magazine and Review, 10 vols. royal 8vo. half calf \ Lond. 1818, &c. 8686 RIMBAULT (E. F.) Bibliotheca Madrigalania, 8vo. Lond. 1847 ,/<---> 3687 SOCIAL Companion, a Collection of Songs, with plates, 4to. calf, no title. - SJ \^688 THOUGHTS on the Use and Advantage of Music and other Amusements, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1765 /- , 3689 WEELKES (7%.) First Set of Madrigals, edited by E. J. Hopkins, 4to. Lond. v. d. / > 3690 WILBYE (J.) First Set of Madrigals, edited by Jas. Turle, 4to. Lond. n. d. . /2_ 3691 WILLIS (N. P.) Memoranda of the Life of Jenny Lind, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1851 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 3692 ADVENTURES of Robin Day, 2 vols. cloth, 12mo. Phila. 1839 3693 AGATIIONIA, a Romance, 12mo. Ids. Lond. 1844 8694 AINSWORTH (IF". //.) Jack Sheppard, a Romance in 2 vols. 12mo. half cloth. Phila. 1839 3695 - Saint James s, or the Court of Q. Anne, 3 vols. 12mo. Ids. Lond. 1844 - 3696 - - Windsor Castle, Illustrated by Cruikshank, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1843 </2- 3696* Another copy, imperfect. Lond. 1846 3697 ALEXANDER (Gab.) Wallace, the Hero of Scotland, and other Tales, 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. 3698 ALMACK S, a Tale of English Society, 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. 1855 3699 AMATONDA, a Tale from the German of Anton Wall, 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1811 3700 AMERICAN Lounger, his. 12 mo. Phila. 1839 . <//" 3701 ARNAUD (J/.) Abbey of La Trappe, 12mo. Dublin, 1792 -^7 3702 ARTHUR CARRYL, a Novel, Cantos 1st and 2d, Odes, Epistles, to Milton, Pope, Juvenal, the Devil, &c., 8vo. N. Y. 1841 J? 3703 ARNOLD (T.) Dramatic Stories, by, 3 vols. Ids. 12mo. Lond. 1832 - /J" 3704 ATTORNEY (The) or the Correspondence of John Quod, illustrated, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 3705 ARTHUR (7! /V.) Ten Nights in a Bar Room, 12mo. clotl,. N. Y. 1854 270 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 3706 BABBLER (The), a selection of Essays, 2vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1767 3707 BALDWIN (Joseph T.) The Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1854 3708 BARLETTA (Challenge of), a Historical Eomance, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1845 3709 BONDMAN (The), a Story of the Times of Wat Tyler, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1833 3710 BARHAM (Rev. Richard) Cousin Nicholas, illustrated, 12mo. cloth. Buffalo, 1856 3711 BARNES (Josiah). The Old Inn, or the Travellers En tertainment, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1855 3712 BAYLY (T. H.) Kate Leslie, 2 vols. 12mo. Ids. Phila. 1838 3713 BECKFORD (W.) Yathek, 12mo. boards. Bait. 1834 3714 BELL-SMITH Abroad, 12mo. cfof/4. N. Y. 1856 3715 BEHEMOTH, a Legend of the Mound Builders, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1839 3716 BEHN (Mrs. Aphra), Histories and Novels, 8vo. calf, scarce. Lond. 17 18 /z, 3717 BENNETT (Emerson), The Border Eover, 12mo. ckth. Phil. 1857 ^ 3718 BLACKBEARD, a Page from the Colonial History of Philadelphia, in 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1835 3719 BLACKWATER Chronicle, a Narrative, &c., 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 3720 BLESSINGTON (Lady), Works, Two Friends, the Ee- pealers, Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman, &c., 2 vols. in 1, cloth, royal 8vo. Phil. 1838 3721 - Confessions of an Elderly Lady and Gentleman, in 2 vols. boards, 12 mo. Phil. 1838 3722 - - The Governess, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Phil. 1838 3723 BRECKENRIDGE S Modern Chivalry, or New Orlando Furioso, illustrated, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Lond. 1844 3724 BRONTE (Anne), Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 1848 3725- (Charlotte), Shirley, I2mo. cloth. N. Y. 1857 3726 BROWN (C. S.) Edgar Huntley, 12mo. boards. Bost. 1827 8727 BROWNE (J. Ross), Yusef, or the Journey of the Frangi, 12mo. cloth, illustrated. N. Y. 1853 3728 BULFINCH (Thomas}, Age of Chivalry, Part 1 ; King Arthur and his Knights, Part 2 ; Mabinogeon, or Welsh Popular Tales, plates, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1859 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 271 3729 BURTON, or the Sieges, a Romance, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1888 3730 BULWER LYTTON (Sir K) Pelham, Disowned, Devereux, Paul Clifford, Eugene Aram, Pompeii, Uienzi, Pilgrims, Falkland, Leila, withplates; Ernest Maltravers, Alice, Lucretia, Zanoni, Last of the Barons, Harold, Night and Morning, Caxton s Calderon, My Novel, 6 vols. half morocco, uniform, 8vo. v. y. 3731 - - Last Days of Pompeii, cloth, 8vo. N. Y. 1834 /.# } 3732 Ernest Maltravers, Alice, and Rienzi, 6 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 1837 3733 Eva and Pilgrims, 12mo. Leipsic, 1842 3734 (Lad j), Behind the Scenes, 12mo. 3 vols. in 1, cloth. N. Y. 1854 -/z~ 3735 CABINET Album, a Collection of Original and Selected Literature, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1830 3736 CABINET Minister, 2 vols. cloth, 12mo. N. Y. 1839 3737 CAMPERDOWN, or News from our Neighborhood, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1836 3738 CAMPBELL (Akx.) Sketches of Life and Character, half roan, 12mo. Edin. 1842 3739 CAPITALIST (The), and other Tales, 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. 1843 3740 CARLEN (Emille F) The Whimsical Woman, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1854 3741 CARLETON (W. II.} Father Butler and the Lough Deard Pilgrim, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Phil. 1$39 3742 CARLETOX ( IF). Father Butler, 12mo. cloth. Dublin, 1839 ^ 3743 The Black Prophet, Roby the Rover, &c. f 3 vols. in 1, half morocco. N. Y. - 3744 CERVANTES (Miguel de), Vida y LTechos del ingenias Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, 4 vols. 4to. uncut. Lond. 1738 /z~ 3745 History of that valorous and witty knight- errant Don Quixote of the Mancha, translated by T. Shelton, old calf, folio. Lond. 1652 - 3746 Don Quixote, translated from the Spanish, and Account of the Author s Life, by Dr. Smollett, 2vols. 4to. splendid old edition, ivith 28 fine plates ly Hay- man (" The Ktothardof the day"), calf. Lond. 1755 J7 3747 Don Quixotte de la Mancha, by Chas. Jarvis, Esruillustrated by Tony Johannot, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 272 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 3748 CERVANTES (Miguel de}, Don Quixotte, another edition, 4 vols. in 1, half calf. Lond. 1792 3749 Les principales avantures de 1 admirable Don Quixotte reprdsentdes en figures par Coypel, Picart and others, with explanations, 31 plates, 4to. La Haye, 1746 This is an elegant volume of illustrations. See also Prints. 3750 CERVANTES El Buscapie, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1849 3751 CHANNER (Capt.} Arethusa, Jack Adams, and the Spitfire, 6 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1837 3752 CHANTICLEER, A Thanksgiving Story, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1850 3753 CHANTICLEER, &c., 4 vols. cloth, 12mo. 3754 CHATEAUBRIAND (Vicomte dc}, Aben-IIamet, a Eo- mance, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1826 3755 CHILDE KoclifTs Pilgrimage, and other Tales, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1834 8756 CHOLLERTON, A Tale of our Own Times, by a Lady, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1846 3757 CHORLEY (W. F.} Sketches of a Sea-port Town, boards. 12mo. Phil. 1836 3758 CLARK (Louis Gaylord}, Knick Knacks from an Edi tor s Table, presentation copy, autograph of the author, plates, 12mo. N. Y. 1853 3759 CLEMENT FALCONER, or Memoirs of a Young Whig, 12mo. half cloth. 3760 CLARKE (Mary Coivden}, Kit Barn s Adventures, 12mo. cloth, plates. Lond. 1849 3761 CLUB Book (The), being original Tales, 2 vols. 12mo. soiled. N. Y. 1831 3762 Another Copy, 2 vols. in 1. K Y. 1836 3763 COLLINS (Wilkie}, The Dead Secret, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1857 3764 CONE Cut Corners, The Experiences of a Conservative Family in Fanatical Times, 12mo. cloth. 1ST. Y. 1855 3765 COOPER (J. F.} Homeward Bound, Outward Bound, Pioneers, Prairie, and Deerslayer, 8 vols. 12 mo. Phila. 1838-9 3766 Last of the Mohicans, &c., 7 vols. 12mo. v. d. 3767 CRUIKSHANK S (George} Omnibus, Illustrated with 100 Engravings on steel and wood, cov. loose. Lond. 1842 3768 CRYSTALINA, a Fairy Tale, by an American, 12mo. N. Y. 1816 8769 CURTIS (G. W.} Lotus Eating: a Summer Book, and Prue and I, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1852 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 273 8770 DAY S History of Sandford and Merton, plates, Svo. cloth. N. Y. 3771 DE FOE (D.) Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Slot/lard s plates, 2 vols. royal Svo. large paper, half morocco. Lond. 1820 3772 DENISON (Mrs. Mary A) What Not, 12 mo. cloth, illus trated. Phila. 1855 - 3773 DESBORDES-BALMORE (Madame) Le Salon de Lady Betty, Mceurs Anglaises, 2 vols. 18mo. Brux. 1888 3774 Dnu (H len), Stanhope Burleigh, The Jesuits in our Homes, doth, Svo. N. Y. 1855 3775 DICKENS (G) Hard Times, Haunted Man, Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, 4 vols. 8vo. N. Y. v. d. 3776 Pickwick Papers, < xtra set of plates, half moroc co, Svo. N. Y. 1842 3777 - Oliver Twist, plates, cloth, 8vo. N. Y. 1842 3778 Master Humphrey s Clock, illustrated by T. Sibson, 40 2>lates. Lond. 1840 3779 David Copperfield, 2 vols., Bleak House, 2 vols. sewed, 4 vols. Svo. N. Y. 1853 \ 3780 - Dombey and Son, 15 Nos. 1817 60 3781 Little Dorritt, 20pto, cloth, 12mo. Phila. v. d. Jf~ 3782 DISRAELI (/".) Romances by, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1799 .74 3783 DISRAELI (#.) Works of, in 1 vol. royal 8vo., cloth, Phila. 1837 3784 DIVERTING History of John Bull and Brother Jona than, by Hector Bulbus, cloth, 12mo. N. Y. 1835 3785 DIXON (Ed. 1L, M. D.) Scenes in the Practice of a N. Y. Surgeon, illustrated, IZmo.ckth. N. Y. 1856 3786 DUMAS (Alex.) Monte Cristo, Edm.Dantes, Adventures of a Marquis, Paul Jones, Three Guardsmen, Three Mousquetaires, Bragclonne, Iron Mask, La Vallicre, Memorandums of a Physician, Queen s Necklace, Six Years Later, or the Bastile, Countess de Charney, Iron Hand, Isabel of Bavaria, Two Dianas, Mar guerite de Valois, Forty-five Guardsmen, Diana of Meridor, Thousand Phantoms, Silvandire, Genevieve, Secret Belt, Devil s Wedding Ring, Ascanio, D Har- menthal, Regent s Daughter, Amaury, Fernando, Sketches in France, Corsican Brothers, Act of Corinth, Cecilia, Jailor s Daughter, George, Cele brated Crimes, collected in 15 vols. Svo. half morocco. 18 / /< 274 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 3787 DOESTICKS, a "Deed without a Name," perpetrated by, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1856 3788 DUKE of Monmouth, in 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Phil. 1837 3789 DUMAS (Alex), The Conscript, a Tale of the Empire, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1856. 3790 DUNLAP (William), Archers, or Mountaineers of Swit- zerland, 8vo. sd. N. Y. 1796 3791 EDGEWORTH (Maria), Castle Eackrent and Irish Bulls, 2 vols. in 1, half sheep. N. Y. 1834 3792 ELKSWATAWA ; or the Prophet of the West, a Tale of the Frontier, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1836 3793 ELLEN GRANVILLE, by a Lady of Kank, 2 vols. 12mo. half cloth. Phil. 1838 3794 EVELYN (Chetwood), After Dinner Table-talk, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1850 3796 FAIR Puritan, Foresters, and Martin Faber, 3 vols. 24mo. cloth. v. d. 3797 FAMILY Quarrels, &c., 3 vols. 8vo. 3798 FELLOW Commoner, or Eemarkable Escapes of a Predestinated Eogue, in 2 vols. 8vo. half cloth. Phil. 1838 3799 FIELDING, or Society, Atticus, or the Eetired States man, and St. Lawrence, in 3 vols. 12mo. hoards. Phil. 1837 3800 FENELON (La Mothe), Avantures de Telemaque fils d Ulysse, a magnificent edition, with plates by Picart, Gunst, Drevet, and others, 4to. Amst. 1734 3802 FIRST of the Knickerbockers; a Tale of 1673, and Eose Clark, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1848-56 3803 GALT (/".) The Entail, or the Lands of Grippy, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. N. Y. 1823 3804 GAYTON (Edmund), Pleasant Notes upon the History of the renowned Don Quixote, original edition, folio, half calf . Lond. 1654 3805 GETTING Along, a Book of Illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 1855 3806 GENTLEMAN Jack, &c., Novels, 8 vols. odd. 3807 GILMAN (Caroline), Eecollections of a Southern Ma tron, 12mo. sewed. Charleston, 1852 3808 GEORGE a Green, Pindar of the Town of Wakefield, 12mo. London, Pickering, 1827 /z. 3809 GLASCOCK (Capt. fi.N) Land-Sharks and Sea-Gulls, in 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Phil. 1838 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 275 3810 GOETITE, Wilhclm Mcistcr s Apprenticeship, 12mo. clotli. Bohn, 1855 3811 GOLDSMITH (Oliver), Vicar of Wakeficld, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1850 /JS 3812 GRAZZINI (A. F.) Prima e seconda cena Novelle, 8vo. half calf, uncut. Milan, 1810 3813 GRIFFIN (tferaW), Works: Life, by his Brother; Tales of the Monster Festivals, 4 vols. ; Tales of the Jury Room ; Duke of Monmouth ; Poems and Sonnets, 8 vols. 12mo. cloth. Lond. 18-42 3814 GREENE (Nathaniel), Tales from the German, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1837 3815 HANNAY (t/as.) Sketches in Ultra Marine, 12mo. cloth. x Lond. 1854 <*6 3816 HARRY Coverdalc s Courtship, &c. f 2 vols. paper. N Y. X2. 3817 HARRY Austin, or Adventures in the British Army, in 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Phil. 1838 ,63 3818 HAWTHORNE (Nat//.) Twice told Talcs, 2 vols. cloth. Bost. 1854 X?. 3810 HERALD (Tin), or Patriot Proclaimed, a collection of Essays, 2 vols. 12 mo. caff. 1758 3820 HERBERT (//. W.) Roman Traitors and Warwick Wood lands, 3 vols. 1850 3821 HERBERT (Henry\ Warwick Woodlands, or Things as they were there 20 Years ago, by F. Forrester, illus trations, post Svo. Phil. 1850 3322 HINKLEY (J.) History of Rinaldo Rinaldini, 2 vols. 18mo. cloth. Phil. 1841 3823 HOLBERG (Louis), Niels Klun s Journey under the Ground, curious plates, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1845 3824 HOFLAND (J/rs.) Czarina, Unloved One, Daniel Denni- son, Svo. naif morocco. v. d. 3825 HOLE (R.) Arthur, or the Northern Enchantress, Svo. calf. Lond. 1789 -3826 HOOK (Theodo.) Sayings and Doings, Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Pascal Bruno, Gurney Married, and Cousin Geoft ry, 8 vols. 12mo. v. d. 3827 HIGHWAYS and Byways, or Tales of the Roadside, by Grattan, complete, in 3 vols. 12mo. boards. Boston, 1840 3828 HORACE Vernon and Ilooton s Colin Clink, 2 vols. 12mo. 1830 3820 HOWARD Pinkney, and Hewitt s Wood Leighton, 4 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1844 276 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 3830 IIUET (Monsieur), A Treatise on Eomances and their Originals, from the French, 18mo. calf. Lond. 1672 /Z. 3831 HUNGERFORD (James\ The Old Plantation, 12mo. doth. N. Y. 1859 /2- 3832 INGLIS (Henry D.) The New Gil Bias, or Pedro of Penaflor in 2 vols. half doth, 12mo. Phila. 1833 3833 Eambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote, plate by Cruikshank, doth, 8vo. Lond. 1837 3834 IRVING (TV.) Wolfert s Boost, doth, 12mo. N. Y. 3835 JACK CONNOR, the Child of Twenty Fathers, 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1753 3836 JAMES (G. P. ft.) Philip Augustus; Eichelieu ; Mary of Burgundy ; Collegians, Gentlemen of the Old School ; Gypsy ; Forest Days ; False Heir ; Arrabel Stuart ; Eose D Albret ; Gowrie ; Castle of Ehren- stein ; Agincourt ; Smuggler ; Arrah Neil ; Beau- champ; Heidelberg; Convict; Stepmother; Sir T. Broughton ; Old Oak Chest ; Thirty Years ; Eussell ; Marc Graham ; A Whim ; Last of the Fairies ; Wood man ; Forgery ; Henry Smeaton ; Commissioner ; The Fate ; Aims and Obstacles ; Pequinillo ; Life of Vi cissitudes ; Agnes Sorel ; Book of the Passions ; Coeur de Lion ; Henry Masterton ; Ancient Eegime ; Charles Tyrrell, collected in 14 vols. half morocco uni form, 8vo. v. y. // 3837 JAMES (G. P. R. Esq.) Gentleman of the Old School, in 2 vols., and Diary of an Ennuyee, 3 vols. v. d. 12mo. doth. N. Y. 1839 3839 JANE LOMAX, or a Mother s Crime, 2 vols. 12mo. half doth. Phila. 1838 3840 JERROLD (Douglas), Men of Character, 3 vols. 12mo. boards, plates. Lond. 1838 /2- 3841 JERROLD ( W. B.) The Disgrace of the Family, illus trated, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1848 3842 JOHNSON (Charles], Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea, with curious and interesting anecdotes of the most noted persons in every rank of life, 2 vols. small 8vo. sheep. Bait. 1816 " A masterly but caustic satire, written by Charles Johnson." Lowndes. 3843 KENNEDY (George), Horse Shoe Eobinson, 2 vols. cloth, 12mo. Phila. 1856 3844 KINGSLEY ( Charles ), Sir Walter Ealeigh and his Times, 12mo. doth. Bost. 1859 3845 Two Years Ago, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1859 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 277 3846 KINGSLEY (George], Alton Larke, Taylor and Poet, an Autobiography, 12mo. doth. N. Y. 1850 3847 KNOTT (//. J.) Novellettes of a Traveller, or Odds and Ends, taken from the Knapsack of Thomas Sin gularity, 2 vols. cloth, 12mo. N. Y. 1834 3848 LANDOR ( Walter Savage), Pericles and Aspasia, 2 vols. ckth, post 8vo. Phil. 1839 3849 LANDON (L. E.) Works, containing Romance and Reality, Franccsca Carrara, Traits and Trials of Early Life, Ethel Churchill, Book of Beauty, &c., 2 vols. in 1, cloth, royal 8vo. Phil. 1838 3850 LELAND (Ghas. G.) Meister Karl s Sketch Book, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1855 3851 LEMON (A fork), Betty Morrison s Pocket-Book, and other articles in prose and verse, sewed, 12 mo. Lond. 1856 3852 LE SAGE, Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane, translated by Smollett and illustrated by Gigoux, 2 vols. cloth, 8vo. Lond. 1836 3853 - Les Adventures de Monsieur Robert Chevalier dit de Bcauchene Capitaine de Filibusters dans la Nouvelle, France, vol. 2, half roan, 12mo. M^estricht, 1780 3854 Devil on Two Sticks, with cuts, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1778 3855 Asrnodeus, or the Devil on Two Sticks, illus trated by Johannot, cloth, royal 8vo. Lond. 1841 3856 LESLIE (Miss), Althea Vernon, and Pencil Sketches, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1838 3857 LEVER (Charles), Jack Ilinton, Neville, Tom Burke, Knight of G wynne, Charles O Malley, Arthur O Leary, Horace Templeton, Kate O Donohue, Maurice, St. Patrick s Day, Dodd Family, collected together and bound in 6 vols. half morocco, 8vo. t N. Y. v. y. 3858 LIBRARY of Choice Reading, &c., 37 Nos. 12mo. 3859 LIGHT and Darkness, and 3 others, 12 mo. paper. N. Y. 1855 3860 LITERARY Morceaux, 16mo. cloth. Lond. 1835 3861 LODORE, and 2 others, 3 vols. half bound, 12mo. N. Y. 1835 3862 LOFTY and the Lowly, &c. 6 vols. odd, 12mo. 3863 LONG Engagements, a Tale of the Afi ghan Rebellion, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1846 3864 LONGFELLOW (//. W.) Hyperion, a Romance, in 2 vols. boards. 8vo. N. Y. 1839 278 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 3865 LOGAN, The Master s House, a Tale of Southern Life, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1854 8867 LOVER (Samuel), Barney O Eeardon, Handy Andy, Treasure Trove, Eory O More, Tom Crosbie, 2 vols. half morocco, 8vo. N. Y. ef# 3868 LUSIGNAN, or the Abbaye of La Trappe, 4 vols. 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1801 / , 8869 MAGINN (Wm) John Manesty, The Liverpool Mer chant, 2 vols. cloth. Lond. 1844 ^/- 3870 MAN of Two Lives (The), A Narrative written by him self, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Lond. 1828 J? 8871 MANNELLA, The Executioner s Daughter, a Story of Madrid, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1837 if? 8872 MANY Colored Life, or Tales of Woe and Touches of Mirth, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1842 ./# 3873 MAIDEN and Married Life of Mary Powell, and Debo rah s Diary, 2 vols. royal 8vo. Bost. Jf~ 3874 MARET S L Ariane, 4to. old calf. Paris, 1643 , ^r~ 8875 MARCOTTI (L) The Blackgown Papers, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1846 /,^^ 3876 MARRY ATT (Capt) Peter Simple, Jacob Faithful, Pirate, Three Cutters, Moonshie, Naval Officer, King s Own, Newton Forster, Pacha of many Tales, Japhet, Sea King, Poor Jack, Joseph Eushbrook, collected in three vols. 8vo. half morocco. Lond. v. y. to/lT 3877 (Capt) Complete Works. 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo. N. Y. -^ f r 8878 (Capt.) Jacob Faithful, Naval Officer, and Phantom Ship, 4 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1839 . ^y 3379 Qlla Podrida, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1849 , yj~~ 8880 Pirate and Three Cutters, wants plates, Svo. cloth. Lond. n. d. . /2L 3881 MAURICE (Jacques), K. N. Pepper, and other condi ments, 12rno. cloth. N. Y. 1859 /< , 3882 MAXWELL (W. II) Land and Sea, Bivouac, or Stories of the Peninsular War, 4 vols. boards. Phil. 1837 J 3883 - (W. H) Novels and Stories, 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Phil. / , , 8884 MAYHEW, Brothers, Plague of Life, Whom to Marry, &c., Svo. half morocco. N. Y. .< 3885 MELVILLE (Herman), The Confidence Man, 12mo. ckth. N. Y. 1857 4*3 8886 - - (Herman), The Piazza Tales, 12mo. ckth. N. Y. 1856 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 279 3887 MELVILLE (Herman), Redburn; His First Voyage, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1849 3388 MEPIIISTOPHILES in England, or the Confessions of a Prime Minister, in 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Phil. 1835 , / J 3889 MILLER (T.) Fair Rosamond, or Days of K. Uenry, 2d 12mo. half cloth. Phil. 1839 3390 MITCHELL (J. K.) Indecision, a Talc of the Far West, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1839 3891 MITFORD (J/. A.) Country Stories, 12mo. boards. , Phil. 1838 <^ 3892 MOISSY (J/. de.) Les Jeux, de la petite Thalie, 12 mo. half bound. Berlin, 1773 / 3893 MORGAN (Lady, and Sir T. Charles), The Book with out a name, 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 1841 J/ I 3894 MONKLAND (Mrs.) Elvira the Nabob s Wife, 2 vols. ) 12mo. boards. Phil. 1839 ( 3895 MY Aunt Pontypool, in 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Phil. 1836 3896 NEAL (J.) Down Eastcrs, in 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1853 3897 NEAL (J. C.) Charcoal Sketches, or Scenes in a Me tropolis, plates by D. C. Johnson, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1838 3898 Another copy, imperfect. 1838 3899 NOVELS and Tales, 10 vols. 8vo. 3899* NEAL(o;-cO, A Romance, The Wizard s Grave, 12mo. cloth, N. Y. 1834 3900 NEWCASTLE (Margaret, Duchess of), The Descriptuui of a New World, called the Blazing World, written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, and Excellent Princesse, The Duchess of Newcastle ("dear old Madge New castle," Charles Lamb), folio, old calf, gilt, very rare. Loud. 1666 " The first part is Romancical, the second Philosophical, and the third is merely Fancy, or, as I call it, Fantastical." Preface. J%. 3901 NINETEENTH Century, &c., 26 vols. of pamphlets. . ?j 3902 NORTH (W.) Slave of the Lamp, and Nix s Mate, 3 vols. N. Y. 1855 /&- 3903 NOVELISTS Magazine, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1833 ^ *& 3904 NOVELS, a select collection of, 4 vols. 12mo. halfbivl. Lond. 1720 //^ 3905 NOVELS, from the French, Cinq Mars, &c., 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. j//, j,f 3906 NOVELS, Translations, &c., 5 vols. half morocco, 8vo. N. Y. NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 3907 NOVELS, American, 2 vols. 8vo. Jtalf morocco. 3908 NOVELS, Various, 16 vols. 8vo. v. d. 3909 O HARA Family, Bit o Writin , and other Tales, 4 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1838 Jo 3910 OLD Commander, Outlaw s BrH.e, Our Folks at Home, and Only Daughter, 6 vols. v. d. 3912 OUT of the Depths, and others, 14 vols. 8vo. 3914 PALMERIN of England, excellent and stately History of the famous and fortunate Prince Palmerin of Eng land, translated by Anthony Munday, first and second parts in 2 vols. 4to. 33lcttfe Setter, vellum, fine copy, very rare, printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, in Grub strete. Lond. 1639 " Let Palmerin of England be preserved and kept as a singular piece, and let such another case be made for it as Alexander appropriated to preserve the works of Homer." Don Quixote. 3915 PARDOE (3/w-s), River and the Desert, and City of the Sultan, 4 vols. 12mo. Phil. 1838 3916 PARIS, or the Book of the Hundred and One, 2 vols. 12mo. half cloth. Bost. 1833 3917 PARTERRE (The), or Universal Story Teller, illustrated by engravings by /SI Williams, cloth, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 3918 PERCY (Stephen), Robin Hood and his Merry Foresters, plates, square 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1845 3919 PERILS of Pearl Street (TV*), 12mo. cloth; and Pen- ruddock, 3 vols. N. Y. 1834 J2 3920 PERTET, Contes, 8vo. Lond. 1843 ^^ 3921 PETER Pilgrim, or a Rambler s Recollections, in 2 vols. cloth, 12mo. Phil. 1838 /2~ 3922 PETIT (Lazie), Household Mysteries, 12mo. cloth. N.Y.1846 3923 PHANTASMION, Prince of Palmland, 2 vols. 12mo. half morocco. N. Y. 1839 3924 PHCENIX (The), or the History of Polyarchus and Argenis, from the Italian, 4 vols. cloth, 12mo. Lond. 1772 3925 PH(ENISCIANA, or Sketches and Burlesques, 12mo. doth. /z_ 3926 PILKINGTON (J/rs.) History of the Rockinghams, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1810 JP 3927 PICKERING S Nan Darrell. Prince and the Pedlar, Ruins of Prague, Pure Love, and Precaution, 8 vols. v. d. JS~ 3928 PILGRIM (The), or a Picture of Life in a Series of Let ters, 2 vols. calf, 12mo. Lond. NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 281 3929 POE (Ednar A.) Talcs of the Grotesque, 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 3930 POTTER (Man/) Pheleg Van Trundalc, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1858 <?S" 3931 PRESBURY (B. F,$ The Master, or Love and Liberty, 12mo. ckth. Bost. 1859 4? 3932 PRAIRIE Scout, or Agatone the Renegade, a Romance of Border Life, half cloth, 8vo. N. Y 3J33 PsALMANAZAR(G r <?or^), An Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa, with the Formosan Alpha bet, 8vo. calf. Lond. 170-1 SJ" 3934 QUADROONS, or St. Michael s Day, 2 vols. 12mo. Itonrds. N. Y. 1841 . Sj? 3935 QUAKER City and Others, Seven Pieces. v. d. 3936 QUOD Correspondence, or the Attorney, 2 vols. 12mo. half cloth. Lond. 1842 < .?" 3937 RAMBLES and Surprising Adventures of Captain Bolio, 32 engravings, 12 mo. cloth. Lond. 1839 3938 READE (C.) Love me Little, &c., and White Lies, 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 1859 3939 REID (Capt. Afayne), The Scalp-Hunters and Rifle Rangers, 2 vols. 12mo. 1846 ^ REYNOLDS (G. W. If.) Works Collected : Pickwick Abroad, or a Tour in France, 1839; Life in Paris; Life in London ; Ellen Munroe ; Parricide ; Faust ; Court of London ; Rosey Forster ; Caroline of Bruns wick ; Venetia Trelawney ; Mysteries of London ; Joanna ; Rosa Lambert ; Kenneth ; Royal Favorite ; Rival Beauties ; Glencoe ; Pope Joan ; Esther de Medina ; Reformed Highwayman ; Necromancer ; Rye House Plot ; Gypsey Thief ; Angela Wildon ; Timothy s Book Case ; Seamstress ; Mary Price ; Eustace Quentin ; First False Step ; Robert Macaire ; Lord Saxondale ; Count Christoval ; Soldier s Wife ; Bronze Statue ; Rose Somerville ; Banker s Daugh ter ; Old London ; Loves of the Harem ; Omar Pa sha, 22 vols. half morocco, uniform, 8vo. v. y. 3941 REVERIES of a Bachelor, by Ik. Marvel, 12mo. N. Y. 1850 3942 REYNARD the Fox, Everdingen s History of Reynard the Fox, Z plates, cloth, 4to. Lond. 1846 3943 RICHARD of York, or the White Rose of England, 3 vols. 12mo. boards. Lond. 1832 3944 RILEY (H. //.) Puddleford and Its People, illustrated, 12mo. clot/i. N. Y. 1854 282 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 3945 EITSON (Joseph), Fairy Tales, now first collected, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1831 3946 EGBERT the Deuyll (Duke of Normandy), 12rao., reprint by Pickering. Lond, 1837 3947 KocniETTi (Joseph), Lorenzo and Oralaska, from Casal, 12mo. half doth. Winchester, 1835 3948 EOMANCE of Octavian, Emperor of Eome, 12mo. boards. Oxford, 1809 3949 EOMANS Populaires Illustros, par Bertoll, 2 vols. 4to. Paris, n. d. 3950 EOUE and Eobber, 4 vols. boards, 8vo. Phil. 1836 3951 EOWCROFT (Charles), Tales of the Colonies, 12mo. c?o/i. Lond. 1847 3952 SACCIIETTE (Franco), Novelle, 3 vols. halfrussia, uncut. Milan, 1804 3953 SAGE (Le\ The Adventures of Gil Bias, translated by Smollett, illustrated by CruikshanJc, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1833 3954 SAINTINE (Af. D.) Picciola, or Captivity Captive, half cloth, 12mo. Phil. 1838 //2- 3955 ST. PIERRE, Paul and Virginia, embellished with illustra tions and engravings in tint, 8vo. cloth, gilt. 3956 Paul and Virginia, Elizabeth, and Indian Cot tage, 24mo. cloth. Lond. 7 SAM Slick in Texas, Piney Woods Tavern, 12rno, cloth. Phil. 1858 J"3 3958 SAND (Geo.) Indiana, a novel, &c. 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. /~6 3959 SCATTERGOOD Family, 7 vols. 3960 SCOTT (Sir Walter), Tales of, 12mo. paper. Paris, 1829 3961 SCUDERY (Monsieur de), Artamenes, or the Grand Cyrus, that Excellent Eomance in Ten Parts, 10 vols. old calf, ruled, 12mo. Lond. 1691 3962 SEVARAMBIANS, The History of the, a People of the South Continent, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1738 " There is a, want of moral and religious feeling in the book ; but it is no ordinary work." Southey. 3962* SEVEN Wise Men of Eome, Hysteria septem sapientii Eome; gothic letter; no pagination or signatures, half calf, 4to.; no place nor date: a note by Dr. Kloss states it to have been printed at Daventrie, 1475, by Eichard Paffractium. 3963 SHANDY McGuire, &c., 2 vols. 12mo. N. Y. 1848 3964 SIIELTON (F. W.) Up the Eiver, wood cuts, 12mo. N. Y. 1850 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 283 J0. 3065 SiiEi i ARD Leo and Scourge of the Ocean, 4 vols. 12nio. cloth. Lond. 1836 ?J &J(J6 SIDNEY (Sir Philfp), The Countesse of Pembroke s Arcadia, now the eighth time published, with some new additions, first four haves torn, old calf, folio. Lond. 1G33 " Among the contemporaries of Shakspeare, no one has so closely ap proached his peculiar excellencies or so nearly resembled him in some Hi his superlative endowments, as thu author of thu Arcadia " Rctrotpective Review. / ,j// 3UC7 SiMs(lF. (7.)Yemassee, Border Beagles, Itichardllurdis, Damsels of Darien, 6 vols. 12rno. 1831) . ^j 3008 SISTER Anne, and others, 1 lot. j j 3000 SMEDLEY, Frank Farleigh, and other Tales, 5 vols. in 1, half morocco. N. Y. */. 3070 SMITH (Albert), The Pollbctou Legacy, IGmo. Lond. 1857 /Zr~ 3071 The Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole, illustrated lnj Leech, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1851 . /(/ 3072 SMITH (Horace], Adam Brower, and other Tales, 8vo. half inorocco. N. Y. ^tr~ 3073 SMOLLETT, The History and Adventures of an Atom, wants title p. of vol. 1, 2 vols. 12mo. sh<ep. Lond. 1700 /j~ 3074 SOUTIIEY (liobt.) The Doctor, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1830 /J 3075 SOUTHWOKTH (Mrs.) The Missing Bride, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1855 /./ 3070 SOUVESTKE (Emili), Leaves from a Family Journal, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1855 /Z-, 3077 SPANISH Student, Stories, &c. 3 vols. various. *j- 3078 Si ENDLEu s Jew, Jesuit, Invalid, 8vo. half roan, N. Y. 1844 * /J-- 3070 STEPHENS (Ann S.) The Old Homestead, cloth, post 8vo. N. Y. 1855 /0 3080 STONE ( 17. L.) Tales and Sketches, such as they are, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1834 / 3081 STORIES of a Bride, 2 vols. 12mo. half roan. N. Y. 1830 /J~~ 3082 STOWE(//. .Zfoc/icr), The May-Flower, and Miscellaneous Writings, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1855 Jo 3983 Dred, 2 vols. 12rno. cloth. Bost. 1856 ^ 3084 STRANGER S Grave (The), 12rno. half sheep. Bost. 1824 *?^/ 3085 SUE (fin yew), Mysteries of Paris, Wandering Jew, &c. 3 vols. setevd. N. Y. 1843 284 NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, ETC. 3986 SUE (Eugene}, Martin the Valet ; Mary Lawson ; Wan dering Jew ; (Therese Dunoyer ;) First Love ; Mys teries of Paris ; Gerolstein ; Hotel Lambert ; The Heaths ; Fortune-Teller ; trodolphin Arab ; Sea Tales ; De Survilles ; Children of Love ; Mysteries of the People; Hercules Hardy; Zulieka; Female Blue- Beard ; Matilda ; Temptation ; Capital Sins ; Pride ; Envy; Anger; Voluptuousness, &o., collected in 9 vols. 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. v. y. 3988 SULLIVAN (Robert}, Flittings of Fancy, 2 vols. 12mo. half cloth, boards. Lond. 1837 3989 TALES of College Life, and The New Tale of a Tub, 2 vols. sq. paper. Lond. 3990 TEMPLE of Gnidus, and Arsaces and Ismenia, 12mo. Lond. 1797 3991 THACKERAY (W. M.} Vanity Fair, Pendennis, New- comes, Henry Esmond, Sketches in Ireland, Great Hoggarty Diamond, collected in 5 vols. 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. v. y. 8992 History of Pendennis, in 5 parts, 8vo. N. Y. 3993 The Confessions of Fitz-Boodle and Yellow- plush Correspondence, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1852 3994 THORPE (T. J5.) The Hive, or Bee-Hunter, a Repository of Sketches, wood-cuts, 12 mo. sewed. N. Y. 1855 3995 TIECK (Ludwig\ Tales from the "Phantasms," &c. 12 mo. cloth. Lond. 1855 3996 TOM BROWN S School Days at Rugby, by an Old Boy, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1859 3997 TOM CRINGLE S Log, 2 vols. 12mo. 2d series, cloth. Phil. 1833 3998 Log, and others, 12 vols. 8vo. 3999 TOUGH Yarns by the Old Sailor, in 2 vols. 12rno. boards. Phil. 1835 *J0 4000 TROLLOPE (A.) Doctor Thome, a Novel, 12 mo. cloth. N. Y. 1858 // 4001 Two Flirts, or Adventures in a Country House, &c., and Tutti Frutti, 3 vols. Phil. 1838 4002 Two Years Before the Mast, 16mo. cloth. N. Y. 1841 4003 VANDELEUR, or Animal Magnetism, 2 vols. 12 mo. boards. Phil. 1837 4004 VOLTAIRE (if. de) Romances, Novels, and Tales, 2 vols. 12mo. half sheep. Lond. 1806 OCCULT SCIENCES. 28C >/? 4005 WARNER (J/m), Hills of the Shatemuc, 12mo. doth. N. Y. 1855 ff 4006 WARREN (Samuel), Ten Thousand a Year, 6 vola. 12mo. Phil. 1840 *%r 4007 Diary of a Late Physician, 3 vols. 16mo. cloth. N. Y. 1854 *^7 4008 WANDERING Jew, 9 parts, 8vo. N. Y. 1842 4009 WEBBER (C. TF.) Tales of the Southern Border, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1855 >/j~~ 4010 \VENTZ (Sara A.) Smiles and Frowns, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1837 #& 4011 WIDOW Bedott Papers, by Francis M. Whinker, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1850 <?& 4012 WIKOFF (Henry), My Courtship and its Consequences, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1855 4013 WILLIS (N. P.) Al Abri, or the Tent Pitch d, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1839 4014 Fun-Jottings, 12rno. cloth. N. Y. 1853 4015 People I have Met, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1850 4016 - - Romance of Travel, 12mo. doth. N. Y. 1840 </2- 4017 WILSON (John\ The Trials of Margt. Lyndsay, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1845 JT~ 4017* - Recreation of Christopher North, Svo. cloth. Bost. 1854 4018 WISE (Lieut.) Tales for the Marines, 12mo. cloth. Bost. 1855 /& 4019 WOMAN of the World, 2 vols. boards, 12mo. Phil. 1838 x^ 4020 YEAST, a Problem, from Fraser s Magazine, 12 mo. cloth. N. Y. 1851 ^ 4021 YOUNG America, &c., 23 Nos. v /^ 4022 ZSCIIOKKE (Heinrich), Alamontade and Dead Guest, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1845 OCCULT SCIENCES. 4023 AUBREY S (,/.) Miscellanies upon various Subjects, neio edition, with Life, 8vo. calf, scarce. Lond. 1721 A most amnsing collection of Fatalities, Omens, Dreams, Apparitions, Spirit Rappings, Prophecies, Magic, Visions, Converse with Angels and Spirits, Second Sight, Ecstacy, &c. 24 BLAGRAVE S^ Introduction to Astrology, Svo. calf. Lond. 286 OCCULT SCIENCES. 4025 BARRETT S (Francis) Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer ; a Complete System of Occult Philosophy, in Three Books ; The Sciences of Natural Magic ; Alchemy, or Hermetical Philosophy; The Nature, Creation, and Fall of Man ; The Constellatory Practice, or Talis- manic Magic ; Magnetism and Cabalistical, or Cere monial Magic, &c., curious coloured engravings, 4to. calf, extremely rare. 1801 //J~~ 4026 CALMET (Augustine), Phantom World, edited by Christ mas, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1850 Are profoundly interesting, inasmuch as the great and mysterious sub jects of Astrology, Magic, Dreams, and Mesmeric Wonders are treated of in a way without a parallel. 4027 FAGE (John, Practitioner in Astrology), The Sicke-men s Glasse, whereby one may give a true but infallible judgment of the life or death of a sicke bodye, &c., I31ack Cctter, rare, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1606 4028 GADBURY (Sir John), The Works of that most excel lent Philosopher and Astronomer, collected into one entire volume, 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1683 4029 GAFFAREL (J.) Unheard of Curiosities concerning the Talismanical Sculpture of the Persians, the Horo scope of the Patriarchs, and the Beading of the Stars, sm. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1650 "A feast for an occult philosopher." Dr. A. Clarke. 4029* GLANVIL (Joseph), Saducisimus Triumphatus, or a full and plain Evidence concerning Witches and Appa ritions, in eight curious Tracts, with additions, &c., by Henry More, D. D., 8vo. calf. Lond. 1700 A notice of this work, written to prove the existence of witches, will be found in the Retros. Rev., vol. 5, p. 87. /, 4030 HILL (Tho) The Schoole of Skil, containing 2 Bookes: I. Of the Sphere ; II. Of the Elements, &c., diagrams, small 4to. sheep, !31cuk cttcr. Lond. 1599 /. 2f~~ 4031 HISTORY of Magic, containing the Autograph of Eobert Southey, 1799 wants title half sheep, 12mo. Lond. 1588 / > 4032 HUTCHINSON (Francis, D. D), An Historical Essay on Witchcraft, 8vo. old calf. Lond. 1718 " This work contains much interesting matter, and developes many cele brated impostures a curious catalogue of the poor wretches burnt . as witches." Lowndes. / <^Z_ 4033 INDIGINE (Joannes), Chiromanzey, Physionomey, Na tural Astrology, Natural Influence of the Planets, &c., curious ivood-cuts of Palmistry, &c., by Lucas, in German, hoards, sm. folio. Franckfort, 1523 PAGEANTS, DONATIONS, FUNERALS, ETC. 287 4034 LAMENT of Quinton McKcll of Iron Gray, Soothsayer, 16mo. privately printal. N. Y. 1858 4035 LiciiTENi ERGER (Mamies), Prognostication, 4to. half calf. 1488 4036 MAGIC, Pretended Miracles, &c., ISmo. cloth. Lond. 4037 MATHBW (Rfchd.) The Unlearned Alchymist; His Antidote, or an explanation of the use, virtue, and benefit of my Pill, together with a precious Pearl in the midst of a Dung-hil, 16mo. old caff] torn. Lond. 1663 4038 MERLIN S Prophecies and Predictions, small 4to. caff. Lond. 1651 4039 MYSTERIES of Magic, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. boards. Bost. 1888 4040 WEIDENFELD (J. G.) Four Books, concerning the secrets of the Adepts, or of the use of Lully s Spirit of Wine, &c, 4to. cay. Lond. 1685 WITCHCRAFT, Three reprints of curious old Tracts relative to the execution of Witches, 8vo. sewed. Lond. v. y. PAGEANTS, CORONATIONS, FUNERALS, FEASTS, PROCESSIONS, PRO GRESSES, MASKS, MYSTERIES, SCENIC PANORAMAS, AQUATIC EXCURSIONS, FIREWORKS, BATTLES BY LAND AND WATER, TRIUMPHAL ARCHES, &c. JJ~~ 4052 ANCIENT Mysteries Described, Especially the English Miracle Plays, plates, 8vo. Lond. 1823 -j& 4053 BOCHII (J.) llistorie narratio Profectionis et inaugura- tionis Albert! et Isabella, Oultremanni at the end, beautiful plates, folio. Plantin, Ant. 1602 #z_ 4054 BUSENELLO (Oio. Francesco) Prospective of the Naval Triumph of the Venetians over the Turks, translated by T. lliggons, calf, 8vo. Lond. 1658 Bach verso is divided by a crown and harp, a crown and fleur de lis, a crown and rose, it is dedicated to the celebrated Venetian Painter, Liberi, who is eulogized by Edmund Waller in some congratulatory verses at the beginning. < ^ 4055 CHINA, Suite de seize Estampes representant les Con- \ quetes de 1 Empereur de la chine, oblong folio, curi ous plates. Paris, 1785 56 COLLECTIONS Relative to Claims at the Coronations of Several of the Kings of England, beginning with King Richard II., 8vo. half caff \ Lond. 1838 288 PAGEANTS, DONATIONS, FUNERALS, ETC. /4057 CORONATION, Faithful account of the Processions and Ceremonies observed in the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England, &c., edited by Thomson, ad ditional plates and MS. notes, 8vo. Lond. 1820 4057* CORONATION Service by T. Silver, Oxford, 1831, in 1 vol. half calf , 8vo. v. y. 4058 CORONATION, Walker (Sir Edw.} Circumstantial Ac- count of the Preparations for the Coronation of King Charles the Second, plates, half calf, royal 8vo. Lond. 1820 4059 CORONATIONS, Form and Order of the Coronation of King Charles II. as it was done at Scoon, January 1, 1651, by Eobert Douglas, 1660, Vinke s Eeason of Faith, a Sermon, 1659, Rainbow s Funeral Sermon of the Countess of Pembroke, 1677, and many others, in 1 vol. 4to. Lond. v. y. 4060 CORONATION, Account of the Ceremonies observed at the, MS. title, 1727, Fireworks in St. James Park for the Peace of 1748, in 1 vol. 4to. Lond. v. d. 4061 CORONATIONS, Ceremonies at the Coronation of Charles VI., Emperor of Germany, in German, several fine Portraits and large print of the Procession, folio. Frankf. 1712 4062 DANIEL (Samuel), Tethy s Festival, or the Queene s Wake, to solemnize the Creation of the High and Mighty Prince Henry, Prince of Wales, half calf, very rare, 4to. Lond. 1610 4063 DEKKER (Tho.) The Magnificent Entertainment given to King James, Annie his wife, and Henry F. the Prince, upon the day of his Majesties triumphant pas sage (from the Tower) through his honourable Citie and Chamber of London, 1603, with the Speeches and Songes delivered at the severall Pageants, 4to. Lond. 1604 A volume of the greatest rarity. Beloe heard of this as one of Dekker s works, but he had not seen any copy, (Ance, vol. 2, p. 158.) Rhode s copy sold for 16. The Bib. Ang. Poetica prices it at 8 8s. //2~, 4064 EGLINTOUN Tournament, a Righte Faithfull Chronique of the Ladies and Knights who gained worship at the Grand Tourney holden at his Castle by the Earl of Eglintoun, 12mo. half morocco. 1820 ,_/./"/ 4065 FUNERAL Procession of Anne, Princess Royal of Great Britain, Dowager of Orange and Nassau, beau tifully engraved by Fokke, description in French and Dutch, large folio, 8vo. Gravenhage, 1759 PAGEANTS, CORONATIONS, FUNERALS, ETC. 289 4066 HEHA^ (C. O.) Inscriptiones et Symbola, 8vo. calf, numerous beautiful plates. Noribergiu, 1721 4067 HONK ( IK.) Aucient Mysteries, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1823 4068 JONSON (Ben), B. Jon: his part of King James, his Roy all and Magnificent Entertainment through his Ilonorable Citie of London, Thurseday, the 15th of March, 1603; so much as was presented in the first and lat of their Triumphall Arch s, 1604 ; A Parti cular Entertainment of the Queene and Prince, their Highnesse, at Althrope, Lord Spencer s, June 25th, 1603, as they came first into the Kingdom; in 1 vol., portrait of Ben Jonson by Vertue, also a very rare print of James I., on horseback, with view of London and London Bridge in the background, inserted, 4to. Jialf morocco, Duke of Roxburgh s fine copy, very scarce. Lond. 160-i 4069 LAUDER (Sir T. Dick), Memoirs of the Royal Progress of Queen Victoria in Scotland, 4to. half calf . Edinb. 1843 4070 Louis XV.: Sacre de Louis XV. Roy de France, &c., upwards of 50 very large and finely executed engrav ings of the ceremonies, processions, costumes, portraits, &c., original impressions, imp. folio, calf. Paris, 1722 The whole text of this interesting volume is engraved and printed on one side only, and each page surrounded by an engraved border. 4071 MARKLAND (Abraham), Poems on his Majestie s birth and restauration ; his Highness, Prince Rupert s, and his Grace, the Duke of Albemarle s, Naval Victories; the late great Pestilence and Fire of London, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1667 4072 MARRIAGE du Prince Guillaume avec la Princesse Rende de Lorraine dans la ville de Munich 1 an 1568 : a series of engravings after Van Sickel, beautifully coloured in the style of the time, with a MS. title, on vellum, 15 plates carefully mounted, large folio, half calf. 1569 Highly interesting for the Costume, &c. t^ 4073 MARRIAGE of Ferdinand and Maria ; Descrizione delle Feste Celebrate in Parma 1 annio 1769 ; per le Au- guste Nozze di sua Altezza, Reale 1 Infante Don Ferdinando colla reale Archiduchessa Maria Amalia, 40 plates, folio, half calf. Parma, n. d. This splendid volume was printed at the Royal press for presents only, 19 290 PAGEANTS, CORONATIONS, FUNERALS, ETC. 4074 MARRIAGE of Napoleon ; Description of the ceremo nies and fetes which took place on the Marriage of Napoleon and the Empress Marie Louise, folio, large and fine outline plates, by Percier and Fontaine, of the splendid ceremonies, festivities, &c., folio, half calf . Paris, 1810 4075 MURAT (M.) Kites of Funeral, Ancient and Modern, translated by P. Lorain, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1683 />?. ?S~ 4076 NICHOLS (J.) The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth, 3 vols. 4to. boards. Lond. 1823 *** Nearly all the copies of the third volume were accidentally des troyed by fire. 4077 Progresses, Processions, Festivities, and Pa geants of King James I., his Queen, Family, arid Court, plates, 4 vols. 4to. half calf extra. Lond. 1828 " The title-page of this work conveys a very imperfect idea of its con tents, for instead of being a mere account of the progresses and fes tivities produced for the amusement of James L, it is in fact the domestic history of his reign. The research and tact which have been displayed in procuring and in dovetailing the discordant materials have seldom been equalled ; and it would be difficult to name a compilation that will better repay perusal, though its chief value is as a book of reference for every person and circumstance connected with that reign." Retrospective Review. 4078 (John Gough), London Pageants ; Part I Ac- /,j J count of Sixty Koyal Processions and Entertainments in the City of London: No. II a Bibliographical List of Lord Mayors Pageants, interleaved, royal 8vo. Lond. 1831 4079 OGILBY (J".) Coronation of Charles II. The Enter tainment of Charles II. in his Passage through the City of London to his Coronation. Containing an account of the whole Solemnity, the Triumphal Arches, Procession, Cavalcade, &c., by John Ogilby, folio, fine plates by Hollar, including portraits of the distinguished men. Nobility, &c., calf, scarce. Lond. 1662 "A splendid volume, published at the King s command." 4080 PEACHAM (Henry), Period of Mourning, disposed in sixe visions in memorie of the late Prince (Henry), with nuptiall Hymnes in Honour of the Marriage of Frederick Count Palatine and the Princess Elizabeth, 1613, reprint, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1789 4081 ACCOUNT of the Bevels at Court in Queen Elizabeth s and King James s Eeigns, Extracts from, with Intro duction and Notes by P. Cunningham, 8vo. 1842 PAGEANTS, CORONATIONS, FUNERALS, ETC. 291 4082 ROBIN S Panoramic Representation of the Queen s , >V- Coronation, Procession from the Palace to the Abbey, June 28th, 1838, colored, in an octavo cas<: Lond. 1888 4093 ROMANI (Lauri), Antiquis Urbis, splendor, 166 plates of Triumphal Arches, oblong 4to. Rom. 1612 4094 RUBENS, Pompa Introitus Ferdinandi Austriaci His- paniarum Infantis, in Antverpiam, atlas folio, consist ing of 43 very large plates of Triumphal Arches, etc., engraved by Tkulden, after paintings by Rubens. Antv. 1635 4095 SANDFORD (F.) The History of the Coronation of King James II. and his Queen, folio, 30 fine plates of Uie Ceremonial Procession (mchuKng many portraits of the nobles, etc.), Regalia, Rejoicings, <c.,fme impres sions, calf. Lond. 1687 ^j 4096 SHARP (7%.) Coventry Mysteries. The Pageants or Dramatic Mysteries anciently performed at Coventry by the Trading Companies of that City; with a Dis sertation illustrative of the Vehicle, Characters, and Dresses of the Actors, compiled, in a great degree, from sources hitherto unexplored ; to which arc added the Pageant of the Shearmen, the Taylors Company, and other Municipal Entertainments of a Public Nature; an Essay on Minstrels and Waits, and a Glossary ; the whole embellished by copper-plates and wood-cuts (only 250 copies printed), royal 4to. lialf calf. 1825 "The volume abounds with ingenious illustrations of many of those national and local customs, which are among the happiest associa tions of our younger years, the minstrels, waits, and puppets, which our infant feelings welcomed in their turn. The work is a most laborious and valuable addition towards a complete history of the early drama and the stage, and Mr. Sharp was eminently qualified to undertake and execute the arduous task, for which lie is entitled to the gratitude of the literary world." Retrospective Review. ffl 4097 SYLVESTER (Joshua), An Elegie and Epistle consola- torie against immoderate sorrow for the immature decease of Sir William Sidney, Knight, &c., half morocco, 4to. scarce. Lond. 1613 4098 THOMSON (Richard), Faithful Account of the Proces sions and Ceremonies observed in the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England, plates, impl. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1820 292 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4099 TOURNEUR (Cyril), Grief on the Death of Prince of Henrie, expressed in a broken Elegie, according to the Nature of such a Sorrow, 4to. Lond. 1613 t_ 4100 VANDER MEULLN, a large folio volume of 36 folding plates of Scenery, Battle Pieces, Pageants, &c., after this celebrated master, illustrative of scenes in the life of Louis XI Y. of France, folio, calf. POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN See also AMERICAN POETS, No. 235 TO 338. "Of battaile and of chivalry, Of ladies love and druerie, Anon I wol you tell." Chaucer. /lf" 41 01 ADONIS (Imitation du Chant huitieme de 1 Adone du Cavalier Marin), beautiful frontispiece, title, and vignettes, sheep, 8vo. Paris, 1775 /2. 4102 AKENSIDE (Mark], The Pleasures of Imagination, 18mo. sheep. N. Y. 1813 4103 ALEXANDER (W., Earl of, Sterline), Eecreation with the Muses (Tragedies and Poems), old binding, folio. Lond. 1637 j 4104 AIKIN (e7.) Essays on Song-writing, with a collection of such English songs as are most eminent for poetical merit, a new edition, with additions and corrections and a supplement, by R. H. Evans, uncut, 8vo. Lond. 1810 4105 ALLOT (Robert], England s Parnassus, or the choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poetical J /7y/~ Comparisons, Descriptions of Beauties, Personages, Castles, Palaces, Mountaines, Groves, Seas, Springs, Rivers, &c., edited by Park, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1814 The Roxburghe copy of the original edition of this volume sold for 21. It contains productions of Shakspeare, Spenser, Sidney, Drayton, Marlowe, Dekker, Davis, Marston, Chapman, Constable, Harrington, Lodge, Higgons, Gascoigne, Green, Peele, Middleton, Fraunce, Wat son, Surrey, Wyat, Turberville, Churchyard, Daniel, Markham, Fair fax, Storer, Bastard, Weever, Kyd, Sackville, Fairfax, Warner, and many others. 4106 ANCIENT Metrical Tales, chiefly from original sources, edited by C. Hartshorne, M. A., post 8vo. half mo rocco. Pickering, 1829 Includes King Athelstane, K. Edward and the Shepherd, Florice and Blancheflour, Robin Hood, Cockwold s Dance, Doctour Double Ale, and several others. POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 293 , A^ 4107 ANACREON, done into English out of the original Greek, attributed to Cowley, also to F. Willis; see MS. note, 8vo. half morocco. Oxford, 1083 >/J~~~ 4108 ANCIENT Gothic Church, and other Poems, 12mo. his. Lond. 1842 ^J 4109 ANOMALIC.E, being Desultory Essays, 18mo. half calf. Whitby, 1798 Xr~~ 4110 APOSTATE, Ecclesiastic, a Poem on the Rev. Mock- Pa triot Parson ll[or]ne. 1774 . ^SS~ 4111 ARDEN (F.) Ovid s Tristia, first book translated by, 8vo. boards. N. Y. 1821 * x 4112 ARMSTRONG (J.) Miscellaneous Works, 2 vols. 12mo. caff. Lond. 1770 4113 ARIOSTO (L.) Orlando Furioso, 6 vols. 16mo. sewed. Venezia, 1811 - 4114 Orlando Furioso, translated by Sir John Ilar- ington, plates, folio, half calf. Ludgate, 1591 / ZJ~~ 4115 Orlando Furioso, beautiful edition, printed by Baskerville, with fine plates by Bartolozzi, Grignon, &c. royal 8vo. calf. Birmingham, 1773 " I never see, or even think of the lovely edition of Baskerville, without the most unmixed satisfaction. Paper, Printing, Drawing, Plates, all delight the eye and gratify the heart of the thorough-bred biblio- manical virtuoso." Dibdin. " Ariosto has been, after Homer, the favorite poet of Europe. His graco and facility, his clear and rapid stream of language, his variety and beauty of invention, his very translations of subjects, so frequently censured by critics, but artfully devised to spare the tediousnoss that hangs on a protracted story, left him no rival in general popu larity. Above sixty editions of the Orlando Furioso were published in the sixteenth century. There was not one, says Bernardo Tasso, of any age, or sex, or rank, who was satisfied with a single perusal." Uallam. 4116 BAKER (JR.) Cato Variegatus, or Catoe s Morall Dis- tichs, translated and paraphrased, with variations of expressing in English verse, rare, 4to. Lond. 1636 Bibliotheca Anglo- Poetica, 1 18s. ./Z- 4117 BARBER (A. #.), Fruit Garden, a Poem, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1754 4118 BARN- YARD Rhymes, showing what opinions the Tur key, the Cock, the Goose, and the Duck entertain on Allopathia, Ilomopathia, Electro-Galvanism, and the Animalculre Doctrines, royal 8vo. sewed. N. Y. 1838 4119 BATTLE of Talavera, a Poem, sewed, 8vo. Lond. 1819 294 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4120 BEAUMONT (Sir John), Bosworth Field, with a taste of the variety of other poems, set forth by his sonne, Sir lohn Beaumont, rare, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1629 *#* Following the dedication are commendatory verses by Ben Jonson, Michael Drayton, Francis Beaumont, and others. Dr. Kippis says, " It is plain that there was great harmony in his versification, and that it was much above the general cast of the age." Priced in the Bib. Ang. Poet. 2 5s., and sold in Lloyd s sale for 2 3s. S-J f 4121 (Joseph, M. A., and ejected Fellow of St. Peter s Coll., Cambridge), Psyche, or Love s Mysterie, in XX Cantos, displaying the Intercourse betwixt Christ and the Soule, folio, half calf . Lond. 1648 Pope is reported to have said of this work, " there are in it a great many flowers well worth gathering ; and a man who has the art of stealing wisely, will find his account in it." " One of the most extraordinary Poems in this or any other language." Southey. 4122 BELLMAN S (The) Treasury, containing above one hun dred verses, fitted for all humors and fancies, and suited to all times and seasons, 12mo. very scarce, calf. Lond. 1707 4123 BELL S British Poets, Index to (being vols. 57 and 58), 18rno. boards. 1780 4124 BERANGER (P. J. de), CEuvres completes, illustrees, par Grandville, plates, half morocco, uncut, royal 8vo. Paris, 1811 4125 BERNARD (Richard, of Epworth, Lincolnshire), Terence in English, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1641 .. Jj" 4126 BROOME (Wm.) Poems on Several Occasions, 8vo. calf, ruled. Lond. 1750 J/ 4127 BOILEAU, Le Lutrin, an Heroick Poem, Englished by N. O., sewed, 4to. Lond. 1682 s^f 4128 BOOK of Poetry, 18mo. calf extra,. Phil. n. d. 4129 BOWDLER (Miss), Poems and Essays of the late, 18mo. boards. Lond. 1834 V/J""~ 4130 BOYS (John), .ZEneas, his Errours, or his Voyage from Troy into Italy, an Essay upon the Third Booke of Yirgil s ^Eneis, by John Boys, of Hode Court (Kent), 12mo. Lond. 1661 . t r# 4131 BRETT (Arthur), Threnodia, on the Death of Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1660 / /2- 4132 BRINSLEY (J.) Translation of Virgil s Eclogues, with his Booke de Apibus, concerning the Government and Ordering of Bees, 4to. Lond. 1633 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 295 4133 BRAITHWAIT (Richard), Arcadean Princess, or the Tri umph of Justice, front, by Marshall, old binding, 12mo. Lond. 1635 4134 BROME (Z7.) The Poems of Horace, consisting of Odes, Satyres, and Epistles, rendered into English verse by several persons, old calf, fine copy in its pristine state, slightly wormed, portrait of Brome by Loggan, and of Horace by Dunskdl, scarce, 8vo. Lond. 1666 ** The translators to this volume were Brome, Cowley, Ben Jonson, Sir Thomas Hawkins, Sir Richard Fanshawe, &o. Lloyd s sale, 1 18s. Bib. Anglo-Poet. 4 4. 4136 BRITISH Muse, or Tyranny Exposed, a Satire, occa sioned by all the fulsom and lying Poems and Elegies that have been written on the Death of King James (2nd), with a smart Poem on the Generous articles of Limerick and Galway, 4to. sewed. Lond. (1691) 4137 BROOKS (James G.) Anniversary Poem before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa, New Haven, 8vo. sewed. 1826 v/7^ 41 38 BROWNE ( William), Britannia s Pastorals, frontispiece by Hole, sm. folio, cloth. Lond. 1613 With commendatory poems by Drayton, Selden, Davies of Hereford, Wither, Ben Jonson, &c. A copy of this scarce edition of this highly interesting poetical volume sold for 3 5s. at Biudley s sale, and for 3 :!>-. at Nassau s. <vT" 4138* Britannia s Pastorals, edited, with Notes, &c., by Rev. H. Thompson, reprint, half morocco. 1845 "No book contains more original and accurate images, drawn from rural life and scenery. Remarkable for opulence, richness, and propriety of phrase." Retrospective Review. 4139 BRUNONIAD, an Heroic Poem, 4to. half calf . 1789 4140 BRUNSWICK (TIu>\ a Poem, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1829 4141 BUCK (Geo.) The Great Plantaganet, or a continued succession of that royall name from Henry the second to our sacred soveraigne King Charles, rare, 4to. Lond. 1635 Sold in Bindley s sale, 4 ; Bib. Anglo-Poetica, 4 10s. /7 4142 BULTEEL (John), A new collection of Poems and Songs, written by several persons; never printed before, rare, 8vo. Lond. 1674 i^r~4143 BULWER LYTTON S (Sir E.) New Timon, a Poetical Romance, small sqr. 8vo. Phil. 1846 "One of the most remarkable poems of the present generation." Sun. ~- X *;./-* . 296 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4144 SURGES (Sir T. B.) Eichard the 1st, a Poem, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1801 4145 BURTON (Johannes deMaplederham),Sa.CQTdosPa,T(Kcia\is Eusticus, a Latin poem, 8vo. sewed. Oxon. 1757 4146 BUSH (H.) Yestriad, a Poem, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1819 4147 BURNS Works, Yol. I., &c., 14 vols. // ^ _ 4148 BUTLER S Hudibras, edited by the Kev. T. Nash, D. D., illustrated by 60 engraved portraits, and numerous fine wood-cuts, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1845 *V* " The introduction of so many portraits of interesting personages, must give the best recommendations these volumes can obtain to the library of the man of taste." Art Union Journal. -,/J~ 4149 BYRON (Lord), Works, by J. W. Lake, 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1858 J 4150 Works, 8 vols. 18mo. cloth. Phil. 1839 .J/o 4151 Bride of Abydos, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1813 , <?/ 4152 The Siege of Corinth, a Poem, 12mo. sheep, torn. N. Y. 1816 /.J# 4153 BYRON COLIN (A.) Historical Illustration of Lord Byron s Works, in a series of Etchings, ^plates, royal 8vo. Lond. 1833 4154 CAMOENS (Louis de), The Lusiad, or Portugal s Histori cal Poem, newly put into English by Eichard Fan- shaw, Esq., calf. Lond. 1655 //7 4155 Lusiad, translated by Mickle, 4to. Oxford, 1776 The Portuguese regard Camoens as their Virgil, Horace, Ovid, and Mar tial. The subject of it is the conquest of the East Indies by the Portuguese ; Vasco de Gama is the hero. He has the tender romance of Tasso, the picturesque of Ariosto, and connects these with the dignity of the heroic poet. - 4156 CAREW (Thomas), Poetical Works, with Introduction, finely printed, 8vo. 12s. Edinb. 1824 Only 125 copies printed from the rare original edition of 1640. / Jj 4157 Poetical Works of, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1845 " Carew is pre-eminently beautiful, and deservedly ranks among the earliest of those who gave a cultivated grace to our Lyric Poetry." Campbell. " Sprightly, polished, and perspicuous, every part of his works displays the man of sense, gallantry, and breeding." Headly. 4158 CARLISLE (Earl of] Tragedies and Poems, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1800 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 297 , Jfa 4159 CANE (Affss}, now Mrs. "NVinscom, Poems on Various Subjects, 12mo. Bristol. CARTWRIGHT ( Wm.} Poems, vide Lots 928 and 929. ft- 4161 CASIMERE, The Odes of Casimere, translated by G. II. [Ilils] ; frontispiece by Marshall, very scarce, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 164(5 >/z 4162 LYRIQUES, Opuscules presentes a Lady Nelson, par M. Ceby, 12mo. bds. a Londres, 1801 4163 CHAPMAN (Cfeo.) Seaven Bookes of the Iliades of Ilomere, Prince of Poets, translated according to the Greeke in judgement of his best commentaries by George Chapman, Gent, printed by lohn Windet, and are to be solde at the signe of the Crosse-keyes near Paules wharfe, extremely rare, 4to. half russia. Lond. 1598 ** This varies so considerably from the translation in folio that it may almost be considered a distinct work. Bright s copy sold for jCti (5s. Pope says of Chapman s Homer : " There is a daring fiery spirit that animates his translation, which is something like what one might imagine Homer himself would have writ before he arrived to years of discretion." " Brave language are Chapman s Iliades !" Bolton s Hypercritica, " Neither Warton, nor Ames, nor Herbert are acquainted with this edi tion." MS. Note. " Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold, Then felt I like some watcher of the skies, When a new planet swims into his ken." Keats. - 4164 Funeral Song on the Death of Henry Prince of Wales, sewed, 4to. Kent, 1818 4165 CHAMBERLAYNE (Wm.) Pharonnida, an Heroiek Poem, 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco. 1820 Southey, in a note to his " Joan of Arc," calls Chamberlayne a poet who has told an interesting story in uncouth rhymes, and mingles sub limity of thought and beauty of expression, with the quaintest con ceits and most awkward inversions. 4166 CHATTERTON (Thos.) Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley and others, in the fifteenth century, 8vo. half calf . Cambridge, 1794 4167 TYRWHITT (T.) A Vindication of the Appendix to the Poems called Rowley s, in reply to answers of the Dean of Exeter, Jacob Bryant, Esq., and a third anonymous writer, with some further observations upon these poems, and an examination of the evidence which has Seen produced in support of their authen ticity, portrait, uncut, 8vo. Lond. 1782 " The marvellous boy who perished in his pride." Wordsworth. 298 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4168 CHAUCER S (Geffray) Workes, newlye printed, with dyvers Workes whych were never in print before, folio, JJlacfc etter, rough calf (wood-cut of the Knighfs Tale and the Squire s Tale wanting ; also the leaves after T. T.),fine tall copy. Lond. W. Bonham, 1542 First complete edition of the entire works. //<-,- ^ 4169 CHAUCER (6 f .) The Workes of Geffrey Chaucer, newlie . printed with diuers addicions, which were neuer in print before, with the siege and destruccion of the worthy citee of Thebes, compiled by John Lidgate Monke of Berie, as in the table more plainly doeth appere ; Wood-cuts of the Pilgrims, very rare, Slack etter, folio. Lond. 1561 This scarce edition was edited and greatly enlarged by J. Stowe and James Shirley, who had painfully collected the works of Chaucer, Lydgate, and other writers. 4170 CHAUCER The Works of our Ancient and Learned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, edited by Thomas Speght, a very fine sound copy of this early and rare Slack ctter edition, old calf, gilt, with portrait. Lond. 1598 4171 CHAUCER S Poetical Works, with an Essay on his Lan guage and Versification, Notes and Glossary by Tyr- whitt, portrait, royal 8vo. half calf . Moxon, 1843 " In elocution and elegance, in harmony and perspicuity of versification, he surpasses his predecessors in an infinite proportion ; his genius was universal, and adapted to themes of unbounded variety, and his merit was not less in painting familiar manners with humour and propriety, than in moving the passions, and in representing the beautiful or grand objects of nature, with grace or sublimity." Warton. 4172 CLEAVLAND Clievelandi Vindiciae, or Clieveland s genuine Poems, Orations, and Epistles, purged from the many false and spurious ones which had usurped his name, and from innumerable errours and corrup tions in the true copies, &c., portrait, scarce, 8vo. Lond. 1677 Bib. Anglo-Poet., 1 11s. 6d. *#* Fuller says of Cleaveland that he was " a general artist, pure Latinist, exquisite orator, and excellent poet. All his poems are incompar able, so that to praise one, were to detract from the rest." While the first edition and sheets of Paradise Lost were slowly struggling through the mists of bigotry and party prejudice into public reputa tion, the poems of Cleveland were poured forth in innumerable im pressions. The reverse is now the singular contrast ; and Cleveland has had the fate of those poets, described in Johnson s Life of Cowley, who, paying their court to temporary prejudices, have been at one time too much praised, and at another too much neglected. POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 299 /j~0 4173 CHURCHILL S (C.) Poems, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. 1768 "Churchill has an exclusive right to the title of the British Juvenal." Headley. "Charles Churchill, the most striking personification of John Bull."- Vide Gilfjillan s Gallery of 1 ortraits. 4174 CLEVELAND (John), Character of a London Diurnal, with several! select Poems, aewtd, 4to. Lond. 1647 4175 CLIFFORD (A.) Tixall Poetry, with Notes and Illustra tions by Arthur Clifford, Esq., fine, frontispiece, 4to. half morocco. Edin. 1813 * # * Containing poems by Sidney Godolphin, Sir Richard Faushawu, Wal ler, Nat Lee, Dryden, &o. COKAIN, vide Drama, Lot 965. 4/->fZ 4176 COLERIDGE (S. T.) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, 25 poetic and dramatic scenes by D. Scott, large folio, cloth. Edin. 1837 /^4 4177 CONSTANT Nymph (Tht), or the Rambling Shepherd, a Pastoral by a person of quality, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1678 COOPER S Muses Library, vide Shakspeariana. 4178 CORBET (Bishop), The Poems of, from the Edition of 1648, with Life, Biographical Notes, <kc. by Octavius Gilchrist, post 8vo. calf. Lond. 1807 " The Poems of this great prelate, from their humorous merriment and pointed terseness, have more of a modern cast than any other works of the Elizabethan Age." 4179 COSTELLO (L. S.) Specimens of the early Poetry of France, from the time of the Troubadours or Trou- veres to the Reign of Henry Quatre, plates, cr. 8vo. cloth. 1835 ^fj~ 4180 COTTON (Charls) Burlesque upon Burlesque, or the Scoffer Scoft, being some of Lucian s Dialogues newly put into English fustian, for the consolation of those who had rather Laugh and be Merry than be Merry and Wise, vellum, 8vo. Lond. 1675 " This volume of Poems by the coadjutor of Isaac Walton, in the cele brated work upon angling, is of uncommon occurrence." . t r& 4181 COWLEY (A) The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley, consisting of those which were formerly printed and those which he designed for the press, now published out of the author s original copies, folio, half morocco. Lond. 1681 300 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. CoWLEY 0^-)> Works, with Life by Clifford, portrait, 3 vols. 12mo. half morocco. Loud. 1721 A very complete edition of this Poet, with necessary Tables and divers Poems of eminent persons in praise of the author ; and other consid erable additions and improvements. / <- N 4183 - Select Works of, with Preface and Notes by the Editor (Bishop Hurd), 2 vols. small 8vo. calf gt. best Edition. Lond. 1772 " In all our comparisons of taste, I do not know whether I have ever heard your opinion of a poet very dear to me, though now out of fashion Cowley." C. Lamb to Coleridge. 4184 COXE (A. <7.), Saul, a Mystery, 12mo. vel. N. Y. 1845 4185 CROOKED Sixpence, and 2 other Poems, 4to. 1743 4186 CREECH (T.) Translations of Horace by T. Creech, half morocco, 8vo. Lond. 1684 4187 CUNNINGHAM (A.) Sir Marmaduke Maxwell, &c., 8vo. boards. Lond. 1822 4188 DALE (Rev. Thomas}, The Poetical Works of, 12 mo. cloth. Lond. 1836 4189 DALLAS (R. 0.) Poems, Lucretia and Moral Essays, with a Vocabulary of the Passions, 4to. calf. Lond. 1797 4190 DANIEL (Samuel), First Foure Bookes of the Civile Warres betweene the Houses of Lancaster and Yorke, two titles, 4to. half morocco, excessively rare. Lond. 1595 "Sold at Sotheby s for 12."Lowndes. 4191 - History of the Civil Wars between the Houses of York and Lancaster, published by John Daniel, his brother, 12mo. half morocco. Lond. 1767 4192 - The whole Workes of, in Poetrie, newly aug mented, folio, fine copy, in crimson morocco, extra gilt, most rare. Lond. 1602 First complete edition sold at Bright s sale for 15. " We find both in his poetry and prose such a legitimate and rational flow of language as approaches nearer the style of the 18th than the 16th century, of which, we may safely assert, that it will never become obsolete. He certainly was the Atticus of his day." Headley. " For sweetness and rhyming second to none." Drummond. 4193 DAVENANT (Sir William), Gondibert, an Heroick Poem, 4to. half morocco, gilt. Lond. 1654 Priced 1 Is. in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. Davenant was the godson of Shakspeare, and poet-laiireat to Charles I. and II. He lived in habits of intimacy with Endimion Porter, Suck ling, Carew, Habingtou, and other poets and wits of the time. POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 301 4194 DANTE, La Comedia Divina col Commenta di Ch. Lan- dino, folio, old vellum. MCCCCXCVII. This edition is not noticed by Burnet or Watts. Landino is one of tlie most prized of the old commentators. " Landino, in his commentary on Dante, has preserved the remembrance of many historical facts, and related many circumstances indis pensably necessary to the explanation of the divine coinedia. His industry in the execution of a task so grateful to his countrymen, was rewarded by the donation of a villa or residence on the Hill of Casentino, in the vicinity of Florence, which he enjoyed under the sanction of a public decree." Roscoe s Lorenzo. This is also curious as being one of the first books in which copper-plates were introduced. y 3<?^ 4195 The Divina Coramedia of Dante Alighieri, consisting of the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, translated into English verse, with preliminary es says, notes, and illustrations, by the Rev. Henry Boyd, portrait, uncut, 3 vols. 8vo. boards. Lond. 1802 Bought at the Fonthill sale, 2. " The secular aims, the greedy avarice, the nepotism, the shameful vices of the Popes whom Dante accuses and he assailed none but wicked Popes were all the more hateful to him, because they polluted the sanctity of the Church, while they inflamed the discords of his country. Such were the views which have caused Dante to be ranked as a partisan of the Ghibellines, although he repudiated and it may be said with high reason the charge of party declar ing that * rectitude [see this passage in the treatise " De Vulyari Eloquio" ], meaning inexorable justice was his sole guide. " Athenaeum. J? - 4196 DA VIES (Sir John), Nosce Teipsum. This oracle ex pounded in two elegies: I. Of Humane Knowledge; II. Of the Soule of Man, and the Immortalitie thereof; printed by Richard Field, for lohn Standish, very rare, 4to. Lond. 1602 ** See Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, where the 8vo. edition of 1G19 was priced at 6 Gs. " A noble monument of learning, acuteness, command of language, and facility of versification." G. Ellis. * -.{? 4197 DAY (John), New Spring of Divine Poetrie, Acrostic Dedication to Mistress Ann Budge, 4to. 1637 A very entertaining and scarce volume of Sacred Poems ; containing The Worlde s Metamorphosis, Christ s Birth and Passion, and vari ous other Meditations. Priced in the Bibliotheca Auglo-Poetica, 4 4s. See the Gentleman s Magazine for Jan. 1850. 4198 DELONEY (Thomas), Strange Histories, consisting of Ballads and other Poems, 1607, half morocco, reprint, 12mo. Lond. 1841 4199 DIBDIN (C.) Young Arthur, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1819 302 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. /_ ,? 4200 DODD (Dr., the unfortunate), Poems by, " privately printed for the Author," post 8vo. calf, gilt, scarce. Lond. 1767 *t-J f r~ 4201 DODSLEY S Collection of Poems, by several hands, 6 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1763 " The most popular poetical Miscellany ever published in England. Last edition was published in 1782." Vide " Notes and Queries," vol. 2, p. 274. 4202 DRAYTON (Michael), England s Heroical Epistles, in the stile of Ovid s Epistles, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1 697 " Drayton is a sweet poet." Coleridge. 4203 DRUMMOND (W., of Hawthornden), Select Poems of William Drummond ; Life, by Sanford ; Select Poerns, by Giles and Phineas Fletcher, from Campbell ; Select Poems, by William Habington ; and Life, by Thomas Campbell, &c., in 1 vol. 12mo. unbound. n. d. 4204 Poetical Works, now first published entire, edited by W. B. Turnbull, fcap. 8vo. fine portrait, cloth. 1856 " The sonnets of Drummond," says Mr. Hallam, " are polished and ele gant, free from conceit and bad taste, and in pure, unblemished English." 4205 DRYDEN (John), Works of, 2 vols. folio, calf. 1701 4206 - The Medall, a Satyre against Sedition, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1682 4207 Absalom and Acb.itopb.el, a Poem, folio, half morocco. Lond. 1682 The Works of, now first collected, illustrated with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, and a Life of the Author, by Walter Scott, Esq., 18 vols. 8vo., vide Lot 1063. Lond. 1808 "The style of Dryden was very superior to anything England had seen. .... .He seems to have formed himself on Montaigne, Balzac, and Voiture ; but so ready was his invention, so vigorous his judgment, and so complete his mastery over his native tongue, that in point of style, he must be reckoned above all three. He had the ease of Montaigne without his negligence and embarrassed structure of periods ; he had the dignity of Balzac, with more varied cadences and without his hyperbolical tumour ; the unexpected turns of Voi ture, without his affectation and air of effort." Hallam. 4207* - Tears of the British. Muses on the Death of John Dryden, Esq., folio, half morocco. Lond. 1700 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 803 4208 Du BARTAS (G. Salust, Lord}, Bartas; liis Devi no Weekes and Workes, translated and dedicated to the King s most excellent Majesty, by Josuah Sylvester, with portrait, 4 to. half morocco. 1611 " This work, says Dunster, contains the prtma stamina of Milton s Paradise Lost. " Both the version of Sylvester, and his original poems, published with it, are remarkable for their inequality ; for great beauties and glar ing defects. His versification is sometimes exquisitely melodious, and was recognized as such by his contemporaries, who distinguished him by the appellation of silver-tongued Sylvester." Drake. See Gentleman s Magazine, Aug. 1800, and Campbell s Specimens. 4209 DUNKIN ( 17.) Works, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Dublin, 1770 4210 DURFEY (Thomas), Butler s Ghost, or Iludibras the Fourth, with Reflections on their Times, 8vo. shc<p. Lond. 1082 DURFEY, sec also Lots 2260 to 2264, 3000 to 3005. 4211 EDWIN and Angelina, sewed, 8vo. N. Y. 1797 4212 ELLIS (G.) Specimens of early English Metrical Ro mances, to which is prefixed an historical introduction on the rise and progress of romantic Composition in France and England, &c n frontispiece, &vo. first edition, calf, scarce. Lond. 1790 4213 ELLIS: Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, with an historical introduction, 3 vols. crown 8vo. calf. 1805 CONTEXTS : Merlin ; Morte Arthur ; Guy of Warwick ; Sir Bevis of Hamp- toun ; Richard Cceur de Lion ; Roland and Ferragus ; Sir Otuel ; Sir Ferumbras ; Seven Wise Masters ; Florice and Blauncheflonr, Robert of Cysille ; Sir Isumbras ; Sir Triamour ; Ipomydon ; Layle Fraine ; Sir Eglamour of Artois ; Sir Eger, Sir Grahame, and Sir Gray Steel ; Sir Degore ; Roswel and Lillian ; Amys and Amylion. 4214 FALCONER (Wm.) Shipwreck, by Win. Falconer, best edition, with fine marine plates, by Dodd, royal 8vo. 1811 *#* With the exception of Lord Byron, whose description of a shipwreck in Don Juan is only made more horrible by the mocking spirit of the narrator, we believe Falconer is almost the only poet who is any way successful in putting Sea life into verse, and making its perils and vicissitudes the subject of a poem. 4215 FANSHAWE (Sir R.) Selected parts of Horace, Prince of Lyrics and of all the Latin Poets, the fullest fraught with excellent morality ; concluding with a piece out of Ausonius, and another out of Virgil, now newly put into English, rare, 8vo. Lond. 1052 304: POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4216 FANSHAWE (SirR.) Guarini s II Pastor Fido, The Faith- ful Shepheard, with an addition of divers other Poems, etc., rare, large copy, with both the titles, and portrait by Cross, in the original morocco binding, gilt edges, 4to. Lond. 1648 4217 FARE (Edw.) Select Poetry, chiefly sacred, of the reign of King James the First, Selections from one hun dred different authors, 12mo. half morocco. Cambridge, 1847 4218 Another copy, cloth. Cambridge, 1848 4219 FELLOWS (John), The History of the Old and New Testament attempted in easy verse, 4 vols. 12mo. plates, calf. Lond. n. d. 4220 FERGUSON (Sobt.) The Works of, with an Essay on his Genius and Writings, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1851 4221 FLETCHER (Thomas), Poems on several occasions, and Translations wherein the First and Second Books of Virgil s ^Eneis are attempted, in English, scarce, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1692 4222 FLEMING (Arthur), Virgil : The Georgiks of Publius Virgilius Maro, otherwise called his Italian Hus- bandrie, gramaticallie translated into English meter, by A(rthur) F(leming), Slack Cctter, very rare, 4to. printed by T. O., for Thomas Woodcock. Lond. 1589 See the Bib. Ang. Poet., where a copy of this extremely rare book, want ing the last leaf, is priced j15 15s. 4223 FLUGEL (Dr. J. G.) Flowers of German Poetry, 12mo. cloth. Leip. 1835 4224 FONTAINE, Tales from, First Epistle of Horace, &c., 1 2mo. half calf. Lond. 1762 4225 FRY (John), Select Poems, and Poems to Mrs. Mon tagu, various. 4226 FULGOSI (Baptistd), Anteros, curious wood-cut, small 4to. sewed, Impressum Mediolaniper L. M. Pachel, MCCCCLXXXXVI. Ce livre rare renferme deux dialogues contre 1 amour ecrits en Italien, mele de passages late au verse du titre, est une figure en bois, &c. See Brunei. 4227 FUGITIVE Pieces : Parnassian Shop, Valesco, Ferdinand Frank, Keliquias Juveniles, by Watts, 5 vols. 12mo. &c. GASCOIGNE S Works, vide Shakespeariana. 4228 GAY (Mr. J.) The Shepherd s Week, in Six Pastorals, and 4 other pieces, 12mo. half calf , torn. Lond. 1721 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 805 /~ 4229 GLANVILLE (John], Odes of Horace, imitated with re lation to his Majesty (William III.) and the Times, 8vo. Lond. 1690 ?r" 4230 GOMERSALL (Robert), Poems by, 12mo. half morocco. Lond. 1633 Priced 3 3s. in the Bib. Ang. Poet. , J 42? 1 GOSPEL Tragedy (T/ie), an Epic Poem in Four Books, 12mo. sheej). Worcester, 1795 S /2~ 4232 GOULD (R.) Ludus Scacchia, a Satyr, with other Poems, Printed by A. Af., for Robert Clavcl, at the sign of the Peacock in St. PauVs Church-yard, scarce, 8vo. half calf , stained. Lond. 1675 %*The "other Poems" are "The Cyprian Virgin," "Strada s Nightin gale," etc. / < ^ 4233 Poems, chiefly consisting of Satyrs and Satyr- ical Epistles. Clean copy, in the original binding, scarce, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1689 Includes " The Scourge for ill Wives," " Satyr on Women," and other curious Poems. (//* 4233* GOWER, Ovid s Festivall or Romane Calendar, trans lated into English Verse equinumerically, by John Gower, calf, 12 mo. Camb. 1640 A rare edition of this famous version, by the friend and contemporary of Chaucer. ^ 4234 GRAY S (Tho.s.) Poems, 8vo. boards, with portrait. 1784 X 4235 Elegy on a Country Churchyard, 8vo. cloth. Phila. 1841 X# 4236 Murray (John, Bookseller), Letter to W. Mason concerning his Edition of Gray s Poems, seived, 18mo. Lond. 1777 4237 GREEN (Rob.) Philomela, the Lady Fitz Water s Night ingale, 4to. boards. Lond. 1814 -/&" 4238 Four Letters and Certain Sonnets, especially touching Robert Greene and other parties by him abused, London, imprinted by John Wolfe, 1592, 4to. half morocco, reprinted at the private press of Longman d Co. Lond. 1814 ^^ 4239 GREEN (M.) Spleen and other Poems, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1796 4240 GREVILLE (Fulke, Lord Brook>), Remains of, being Poems of Monarchy and Religion, 8vo. 1670 " Dryden formed his tragic style more upon Lord Brooke than upon any other writer." Southey. 20 806 POETKY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4241 GRIFFIN (B.} Fidessa, more Chaste than Kinde; a Col lection of Sonnets, 8vo. half morocco. (Reprint of 1596,) 1815 Only One Hundred Copies of the reprint, with preface by the Rev. Dr. Bliss. Of the original work, it is believed that only two copies are in existence. In Longman & Co. s Catalogue, this reprint was marked 2 2s. Remarkable as containing a Sonnet adopted by Shakspeare or imitated from him. 4242 HALL (Bishop), Satires and other Poems, edited by Peter Hall, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1838 4243 HASLEWOOD (Joseph), Ancient Critical Essays upon English Poets and Poesy, by Puttenham, Gascoigne, Harvey, Spenser, K. James, Webb, Harrington, Meres, Campion, Daniel, and Bolton, edited by Hasle- wood, woodcut portrait of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. 4to. calf, morocco backs. Lond. 1811-15 Only 200 copies of these very curious Essays, some of which are of the greatest rarity, were printed, and nearly all the second volumes were destroyed at Bensley s fire. Published at 6 6s. in bds. 4244 HARTSHORNE S Ancient Metrical Tales and Komances, from MS. sources, William and the Werwolf, King Athelstan, Florice and Blanchefleur, <c., small 8vo., half morocco. Pickering, Lond. 1829 4245 HEADLEY S Select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry, with remarks and a Biographical Sketch, by the Eev. Henry Kett, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. half morocco. 1810 " It shows research and discrimination, the preface abounds with curious learning and original thinking." Dr. Parr. " The work of a poetical and highly polished mind, which co-operated with Percy s Reliques in drawing attention to the then neglected Elizabethan poets." Bib. Manual. 4246 HEYNES (Thomas), Triumphs of Eoyalty in the person of King Charles II., a Poem, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1683 4247 HERRICK (R.) Hesperides, or Work both Humane and Divine, portraits, 2 vols. half calf , 12mo. 1844 His flowers are not tied up into garlands, nor his fruit crushed into bas kets, but spring living from the soil in all the dew and freshness of youth. 4248 HEYRICK (Tho.), Miscellany, Poems, &c., fine, clean copy, in the original binding, scarce, 4to. calf. Cambridge, 1691 *%* Priced in Bib. Ang. Poet. 1 5s. POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 307 4249 HEYWOOD (T/iomas), Troia Britannica, or Great Bri- taine s Troy, a Poem, divided into XVII. several Cantos, intermixed with many Pleasant Poetical Tales, folio, half ca\f. Lond. 1609 A most interesting collection of poems delating to Trojan and early British history. 4250 UOLYDAY (Barten\ Survey of the World, calf, 12mo. Oxford, 10(31 Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 3 3s. / < N 4251 - Juvenal and Persius, translated and illustrated as well with sculpture as with notes, singular plates, folio, old calf. Oxford, 1673 A writer of great learning and acnteness, whose translation and notes were so highly approved of by Dr. Johnson that ho intended to re- publish it. "Juvenal s genius from his unknown clime, Came to the study, to impart his sense." . J^ 4252 - - Persius, his Satires translated into English, 12 mo. half morocco. Oxford, 1616 ^./j 4253 HOMER, Iliads of, translated by George Chapman, in troduction by W. Cooke Taylor, wood- cuts after designs by Flaxman, 2 vols. cloth, Svo. Lond. 1843 HOMER, vide Chapman, Lot 4163. 4254 HOOD (Thos.) Poems, 12mo. boards. Phil. 1827 4255 HOPKINS (Charles), Epistolary Poems on several occa sions, Svo. half morocco. Lond. 1694 4256 HOPKINS (John}, Amasia, or the Works of the Muses, a collection of Poems, 3 vols. in 1, portraits by Van Hove, half morocco, Svo. Lond. 1700 4257 HORACE, Select parts of, translated into English Verse, by Richard Fanshawe, original binding, Svo. fine copy. Lond. 1652 Nassau s copy sold for a guinea. //2_ 4258 HOWELL (James), Grecian Story, being an Historical Poem, in five books, to which is annexed the Grove frontispiece, containing portrait, 4to. calf, extra. Lond. 1684 / ^ 4259 Dodona s Grove, or the Vocall Forest, with frontispiece, folio, half calf . Lond. 1640 / 4260 HOWARD (Sir Robt.) Poems, viz.: A Panegyrick to the King, Songs and Sonnets, The Blind Lady, a Comedy, The fourth book of Virgil, Statius his Achilleis, with annotations, A Panegyrick to general Monck, scarce, Svo. half morocco. Lond. 1660 Priced in the Bib. Anglo-Poetica, 1 10s. 308 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4261 HUDDESFORD (Geo) The Wiccamical Chaplet, a se lection of Original Poetry, I2mo. Lond. 1804 4262 HUNT (L) Amyntas, a Tale of the Woods, from the Italian, 12mo. Lond. 1820 4263 HYMN to the Nymph of Bristol Spring, 4to. 1751 4264 HYMN to the Dryads. 1796 4265 [JACOB S] Poetical Eegister, or the Lives and Charac ters of all the English Poets, with an account of their Writings, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1723 4266 JONES (John), Ovid s Invective or Curse against Ibis, faithfully and familiarly translated into English Verse, both pleasant and profitable for each sort, sex, and age, 8vo. Oxford, 1658 *#* Scarce. Priced in Bib. Ang. Poetica, JE3 3s. -ffl 4267 KEMBLE (John Philip], Fugitive Pieces, 8vo. morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy. York, 1780 Excessively rare, being most rigorously and anxiously suppressed by the author, who boasted to a gentleman (to whom in vain he offered 10 10s. for his copy) that he had succeeded in destroying all the impressions but four copies. 4268 KENSINGTON Garden, a Poem, 4to. Lond. 1722 < <^<? 4269 KILLIGREW (Anne), Poems, brilliant portrait ly Beckett, folio, half calf. 1686 *-* "There are very few books in English poetry more rare than this." MS. Note. " Hear then a mortal muse thy praise rehearse In no ignoble verse, But such as thine own voice did practice here." Dryden s Ode on the Death of Mrs. Anne Killigrew. , h r~ 4270 LEAPOR (Mrs.) Poems, 8vo. uncut. Lond. 1748 Mrs. Leapor s genius must appear extraordinary to those who reflect that she was a poor uneducated girl, the daughter of a gardener in low laboring life. Her aunt was housekeeper to a gentleman of letters, and as Mrs. Leapor was fond of reading, the aunt supplied her with books from her master s library. She died at 25 years of age." MS. in the handwriting of Horace Walpole in the book. J~J~~~ 4271 LESLY (Gr.) Israel s Troubles and Triumphs, or, the History of their Dangers in and Deliverance out of Egypt. As it is recorded by Moses in Exodus, and turned into English Verse. Printed for the author, and sold by Nicholas Woolf, at his house in Star Court, Cheapside, original binding, rare, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1599 *** " Hearken to a Verser, who may chance Rhime thee to Good, and make a bait of Pleasure." J7 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 309 4272 LLOYD (John), Song of Songs, being a Paraphrase of the Canticles of Solomon, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1082 4273 LODGE (7 J hos.) Glaucus and Silla, with other Lyrical and Pastoral Poems, with a Preface by S. W. Singer, 8vo. boards. 1589, reprint Chisivick, 1819 Tliis elegant volume includes all Lodge s verses from his various prose works. Ouly 250 copies printed. 4274 - A Fig for Momus, with an Autograph Note of Sir Alex, Boswell, 4to. morocco, reprinted at the A uch inleck press. 1818 Some of the poems in this volume are inscribed to Master E. Dig. (Digby) ; to reverend Colin (qu. Speuser ?) ; to Master Samuel Daniel, Bolton, and Draytoii. ,^V^ 4275 LYDGATE (J. Afonk of Bury), Life and Death of Hector, his most famous Acts at the Siege of Troy, &e., last three leaves restored in fac simile, folio. Lond., T. Purfoot, 1614 "This modern versification from the heroic couplet into six line stanza is generally attributed to T. Heywood ; Fuller and other writers mistaking it for the original are amazed that the language is so much more intelligible than that of Chaucer." Dr. fanner. 4276 LYTERIA, a Dramatic Poem, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1854 ?./? 4277 MACAULAY; Lays of Ancient Home, 4to. calf, gilt edge. Phil. 1853 " These Lays will add to Mr. Macaulay s great reputation. A stirring fancy, a fine imagination, run freshly and frankly through them, with the right homely, hearty wilfulness of the genuine ballad style. Life and passion are in every one of them." Examiner. /</ 4278 MACKAY (Charles), Songs for Music, Day and Night, by Allingham, 2 vols. 18mo. Lond. 4279 MARMION S (SJmkerly) Cupid and Psiche, or, an Epick Poem of Cupid and his Mistress, as it was lately presented to the Prince Elector, reprinted at Chisivick, 4to. 1820 The original edition of this curious and elegant poetical fable sold at Sotheby s, in 1817, for Jt- G IGs. 6d. ^ 4280 MASON (William), The English Garden, a Poem, 18mo. cloth. Lond. 1819 4281 MAITLAND, Virgil translated by, with a Prefatory Notice by Dryden, 2 vols., vide 2918. Not mentioned by Lowndes. 310 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. . , 4282 MAY (Tho.), Keigne of Henry II., written in seaven bookes, by his Majestie s commands, very fine copy of this interesting historical poem, 8vo. bound in calf extra. 1633 ?J> 4283 - Victorious Eeigne of Edward III., written in seaven bookes, by his Majestie s commanding im pression of the scarce portrait, fine copy, 8vo. brown calf extra. 1635 Inglis copy of this interesting historical poem sold for 2 12s. 6d., and Bindley s for 2 10s. These two highly esteemed historical poems were written by the express command of Charles I. 4284 Epitome of English History, wherein arbitrary government is displayed to the life, in the ille gal transactions of the late times, under the tyrannick usurpation of Oliver Cromwell, &c., in prose, very scarce, not mentioned by Lowndes, curious copper-plates, 12mo. calf. Lond. z_ 4285 liucan s Pharsalie; or the civill warres of Rome between Pompey the Great, and Ivlivs Caesar. The whole ten Bookes Englished by Thomas May, Esquire, fine engraved title, clean copy, in the original , binding, first edition, rare, 8vo. Lond. 1627 2- 4286 Continuation of the subject of Lucan s Histori- call Poem on the death of Julius Cassar, 2nd edition, fine copy, vellum, original state, 12mo. Lond. 1633 & 4287 - Lucan s Pharsalia, or the civill warres of Rome, betweene Pompey the Great and Ivlivs Cassar, the whole tenne bookes Englished by Thomas May, Esq. A continuation of the subject of Lucan s his torical poem, till the death of Julius Cassar, engraved title and portrait, pristine state, 8vo. Lond. 1635 4289 Mirror of Minds, or Barclay s Icon animorum, (prose,) 12 mo. calf. Lond. 1633 & 4290 Virgil s Georgicks, Englished by T. May, calf extra, gilt, sm. 12mo. Lond. 1628 Headley speaks very highly of May as a poet. He says, " His battle- pieces highly merit being brought forward to notice ; they possess the requisites in a considerable degree for interesting the feelings of an Englishman ; while in accuracy they vie with a gazette, they are managed with such dexterity, as to busy the mind with un ceasing agitation, with scenes highly diversified and impassioned by striking character, minute incident, and alarming situation, &c. fa 4291 M DONOUGH (Capt. Felix], Gratitude, a Poetical Essay, with other poems and translations, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1825 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4292 MILTON (John), Paradise Lost, in 12 Books, plates by N. Burghers, alter designs by Sir J. Medina, folio, half morocco. Lond. 1(392 -1293 The Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton, con taining Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Sarnson Agonistes, and his Poems on several occasions ; to- gether with explanatory notes on each book of the Paradise Lost, and a table never before printed, by Patrick Hume, portrait, and illustrated with singular plates by Medina, Lens, &c., folio, half morocco. Lond. 1695 " Hume s very elaborate commentary may bo considered as the first at tempt to illustrate an English Classic by copious and continued notes." Drake. 4294 Paradise Lost, a Poem, in 12 Books, illustrated, 2 vols. 4to. calf. Lond. 1749 4295 Paradise Lost, with Notes, by John Marchant, 18mo. old calf. Lond. 1751 . ./^> 4296 Paradise Lost, plates, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1751 - 4297 Paradise Lost, ^)7afcs, 2 vols. 8vo. large paper, calf. Lond. 1802 .*? j # 4298 - Paradise Lost, translated into fifty-four designs, by J. J. Flatters, Sculptor, folio, beautiful outline plates. Lond. 1843 Published at 10 guineas. .fj 4299 II Paradiso Pcrduba, 2 vols. 12mo. Parigi, 1758 . J j 4300 The Fall of Man, or Milton s Paradise Lost, in prose, with critical and explanatory Notes, translated from the French, plates, old binding, scarce, no title. n. d. The Notes in this " singular performance," as it has been called, are very copious. " Above all the poets of this age, and in the whole range of English po etry, inferior only to Shakspeare. The first two books of his great epic are especially remarkable for their grandeur and sublimity; he invested his creations with the classic spoils of the mythology and superstitions of the ancient pagans, commingling with them the truths of the Christian religion." Chambers. " He possesses sublimity enough to command our fear, and gentleness enough to awaken our affection. He unites the fancy of Spenser to the majesty of ^Eschylus, and the delicate finish and grace of Ca- nova to the bold and sweeping outlines of Michael Angelo. The humblest thought, subjected to the alchemy of Milton s genius, be came transmuted into something precious and costly. He was an enchanter who changed all the earthen edifices of the imagination into pure gold." 312 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4301 MILTON (John), Paradise Lost, with illustrations de signed and engraved by J. Martin, impl. Svo. half morocco. Lond. 1849 " More original, more self-dependent than RafFaelle or Michael Angelo, they perfected the style of others Martin borrowed from none." Sir E. L. Bulwer Lytton. 4303 L Allegro, and II Penseroso, 30 fine etchings, as published by the Art-Union of London, folio, Ids. Lond. 1848 4304 MINOT (Lawrence), Poems on interesting events in the reign of Edward the 2nd, written in 1352, published by Eitson, with a preface, dissertations, notes, and a glossary, 1st edition, very rare, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1795 4305 MOLLINEUX (Mary), Fruits of Eetirement, or Miscella neous Poems, Moral and Divine, 18mo. half morocco. Lond. 1702 4306 MOORE (Thos.) Lalla Eookh, illustrated by Heath, royal 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1838 4307 MONTGOMERY (J.) Abolition of the Slave Trade, a Poem, with fine portraits of Wilberforce, Clarkson, and Granville Sharp, and 9 beautiful engravings after Sir E. Smirke, royal 4to. half calf . 1814 J7 4308 MORFORD (//.) The Eest of Don Juan and Others, 9 parts, odd. v. d. - /LT~ 4309 MUSE S Farewell to Popery and Slavery, or a collection of miscellany poems, satires, songs, &c., made by the most eminent wits of the nation, as the shams, in trigues, and plots of Priests and Jesuits gave occasion, Svo. fine copy, old calf. Lond. 1690 #/ 4310 NAPOLEON Ballads, by Bon Gaultier; The Poetical Works of Louis Napoleon, sewed, Svo. N. Y. 1852 4311 NEWTON (Thos.) Seneca, his Tenne Tragedies, trans lated into Englysh by Thomas Newton, U13TU ffitttf f, half calf j imprinted by Thomas Marshe. Lond. 1581 Bindley s copy sold for 5 15s. Qd. 4312 NIBELUNGEN Lied, Svo. Berlin, 1848 The Nibelungen Lied is the grandest poem produced in Europe during the Middle Ages, and justly considered the best Epic Poem of the German Literature. Original and German translations are placed on opposite pages, to facilitate the study of the Old German ; all the more difficult words are found in the Glossary. 4313 NICHOLS (John), Collection of Poems, with Notes, Biographical and Historical, 12mo. calf. 1780 Mr. Nichols was assisted by Bp. Percy in making this elegant selection of English Poetry. POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 313 */tr~ ^^ NORMANDY (Marquis of), Essay on Poetry, Greenwich Hill, by Manning, &c., folio, half morocco. Lond. 1691-1700 /r t ?9 4315 NUTBROWNE Maid, from the earliest edition of Arnold s Chronicle, edited by T. Wright, square 12mo., half morocco. Lond. 1836 " 4316 Another copy, 12mo. Lond. Pickering, 1836 Very few copies of these curious pieces were printed from the original MSS., edited with copious Introductory Notes and Glossaries by T. Wright. 4317 OOILVIE (J.) Poems, 2 vols. 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1769 4318 OLDUAM (John), Poetical Works and Remains, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1695 The Poems of Oldham consists of Satire, Pindarics, occasional verses, and translations from Catullus, Ovid s Art of Love, &c. His spirited Satyrs gained for him the appellation of " the English Juvenal." ^- 4319 OGILBY (J.) Homer, his Iliads translated, adorned with sculpture and illustrated with annotations, by John Ogilby ; Homer, his Odysses translated, adorned with sculpture and illustrated with annotations, by John Ogilby, Esq., &c., portraits and numerous fine plates by Hollar and Lombart, 2 vols. folio, old calf. Loud. 1660-69 Sold at the Fonthill sale, with the Virgil, for 8. Pope frequently spoke, in the later part of his life, of the exquisite pleasure which the perusal of Ogilby s Homer and Sandys Ovid gave him, when a boy at school. /2 -, 4320 OSSIAN : Mackenzie (Henry), Report of the Committee of the Highland Society of Scotland, appointed to inquire into the nature and authenticity of the Poems of Ossian, half morocco, 8vo. Edin. 1805 #/ 4321 Progress of Dulness, 12mo. Carlisle, 1797 <. 4322 OVERBURY (Sir Thomas), A Wife now the Widow of, being a most exquisite and singular Poem of the choice of a Wife ; whereunto is added many witty Cha racters and Conceited Newes, small 4to. calf, very scarce. 1632 Priced in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 4 4s., and sold at Lloyd s sale for 2 2s. j~& 4323 PEELE (George), A Farewell, entituled to our Famous and Fortunate Generalls* of our English Forces ; Syr John Norris and Syr Francis Drake, Knights, and all theyr brave and resolute followers, whereunto is an nexed a Tale of Troy, copied and spelling modernized, in the handwriting of A. Dyce, 4to. half morocco, from the edition printed in 1859 314: TOETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4324: PALINGENIUS (M.) Zocliake of Life, wherein are con tained twelve severall labours, pointing out most lively the whole compasse of the World, &c., trans lated out of Latine into English, by Barnabie Googe, the title-page a fac simile, by Harris, I3iack ettcr, 4:to. calf, extra, fine copy, very rare. Robert Robinson, Lond. 1588 Valued at 6 6s., Bib. Anglo-Poetica. " Googe s Zodiac of Palingenius was a favorite performance, and is con stantly classed with the poetical translations of the period, by co- temporary critics. The work itself was written by G. A. Manzolius, and contains sarcasms against the Pope, the Cardinals, and the Church of Rome." Ellis. Warton speaks very highly of the original work, both as regards its de sign and execution. The same elegant critic also observes that " Googe seems chiefly to have excelled in rendering the descriptive and flowery passages of this moral Zodiac ;" and also, " it must be confessed that there is a perspicuity and freedom in Googe s versi fication." / < 4325 PROCTOR (Thomas), Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant In ventions, reprint, 4to. lialfcalf. Lond. 1814 j, ffl 4326 PEARCH S Collection of Poems, being a continuation to Dodsley s Collection, 4: vols. 12mo. half bound, queer copy. 1775 4327 PEGGE (Mr.) Observations on Dr. Percy s Account of Saxon Minstrels and others, curious antiquarian pieces, 4to. 1766 4328 PERCY S Keliques of Ancient English Poetry, consist ing of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other pieces of our Earlier Poets, together with some few of later date, 3 vols. half calf , 12mo. 1844 " But above all, I then first became acquainted with Bishop Percy s Re- liques of Ancient Poetry. The first time, too, I could scrape a few shillings together, I bought unto myself a copy of these beloved volumes ; nor do I believe I ever read a book half so frequently, or with half the enthusiasm." Sir W. Scott. *3S~~ 4:329 PERU, a Poem, by Helen M. Williams, 4to. Lond. 1784 / { 4330 PHAER and Twyne : The xiii. Bookes of Aeneidos, the first twelue beeinge the woorke of the diuiue Poet Virgil Maro, and the thirteenth the Supplement of Maphaeus Yegius, translated into English Yerse by Thomas Phaer, .Esquire and Thomas Twyne, Doctor in Physicke, original binding, large copy, beau tiful state, 33littk Ccttcr, 4to. calf, very rare, by William How. Lond. 1584 * # * First edition, with the supplement of Maphaeus Vegius. POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 315 4331 PHAER (Thos.) Another edition, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1596 4332 PICKERING (Amelia), Sorrows of Werter, a Poem, 4to. Lond. 1788 4333 PIERS Ploughman: The Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman, edited with Notes and Glossary, by Wright, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1856 Robert Longlande, author of the poem called the Vision of Pierce Plow man, a secular priest, and a fellow of Oriel College, at Oxford. He flourished about the year 1350. This Poem is a satire on the vices of almost every profession ; but particularly on the corruptions of the clergy and the absurdities of superstition. These are ridiculed with much humor and spirit, couched under a strong vein of alle gorical invention. 4334 PLAUTUS Comedies: Amphitryon, Epidicus, and Ru- dens, made English with critical remarks upon each Play, 12mo. Lond. 1716 _ 4335 POEMS by Eminent Ladies, 12mo. calf. 1755 " We allow d you Beauty, and we did submit To all the Tyrannies of it. Ah, cruel Sex ! Will you depose us too in Wit?" Cowley. 2_ 4336 POEMS and Translations, half morocco, 8 vo. Lond. 1683 4337 POEMS: Monody on Mrs. Margaret Wellington, who died 1760; Verses to Mrs. Siddons, 1782; Three Poems, by Percival Stockdale, 1784; Epistle from Jas. Surface, 1780 ; The Struggles of Sheridan, 1790, 4to. Lond. ?J~~ 4338 POEMS and Miscellanies, 4to. half calf . v. d. 4339 POEMS A curious collection bound in 1 volume, con taining Cleaveland s Character of a London Diurnal, two editions, 1647 ; Answer to Waller s Painter, 1667 ; Denham s Cooper s Hill, 1642 ; Elegy on Sir John Sutlin (Suckling), 1642 ; Great Assizes of Apollo (by Geo. Wither), 1645 ; War Horns make room for Bucks with Green Bows, 1682 ; Mundas Muliebris, or the Ladies Dressing Room, with the Fop-Dictionary, &c., morocco, 4to. Lond. v. y. 4340 POEMS, A collection of, by several hands, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Dub. 1789 4341 POEMS Epistle to a Friend, by McIIenry; The So liloquy, a Poem ; Liberty, a Poem, by Thomson ; The Pulpit Fool, a Satyr ; The Trial for Murder, a Poem, 5 vols. 4to. Lond. v. d. 316 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4342 POEMS, by Colgan, Hoffman, Quin, Bennett, Duck, ^^ Doolittle, Hunt, Duganne; On the 1st of May ; To a Great Player, 10 vols. various. 4343 POEMS Gotham, a Poem; Epistle to Hogarth, by C. Churchill; Independence; P. Pindar s Odes to Mr. Paine, author of the Rights of Man, 1 vol. 4to. half calf. Lond. 4344 POEMS Gratulatio Acad. Cantab, de pace seren, Reg. Anne Auspiciis, 1713 ; Eusdon s Letter to Addison ; Sewell s Epistle from Hampstead ; The Conversation ; Collins Mistakes ; Oats and the Dunghill, and the Woman of Taste, folio. v. d. ,/<*> 4345 POEMS The Fate of Le welly n, a "Poem, 1777 ; Ob servations on English Poetry, 1782 ; Ode on the Royal Nuptials, 1761 ; Ode to Sir Peter Warren, 1747 ; Ode to the Incarnation, 1744, 5 pamphs. 4to. Lond. ^ 4346 POEMS Ode to the Genius of the Lakes, 1780 ; Poems, by Oram ; Song of the King, by Lord Thurlow, 1824 ; Painting, a Poem in 4 Cantos, 1794 ; Congratulatory Odes, by R. Southey, 1814, 5 pamphs. 4to. Lond. 4347 POEMS Psyche, a Dramatic Poem ; Barnum s Par nassus ; Present State of Wit ; Quarter Day, 4 vols. paper, various. 4348 POEMS Porcupine s Pelagius; The Piscopade, a Poem, 1748 ; Patriotism, a Mask-Heroic, in 5 Cantos, 1763 ; Probationary Ode, 1786 ; Poems, 1768, 4 pamphs. 4to. Lond. 4349 POEMS Pye (H. James), Carmen Seculare for 1800 ; Smith (C.) Elegiac Sonnets; An Essay on Ancient and Modern Poetry ; Battle of the Nile ; Sonnets to Eminent Men, 5 vols. 4to. 4350 POEMS translated from the Asiatic language, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1777 fs~~ 4351 POEMS upon several occasions and to several Persons, by the author of the Censure of the Rota, a scarce poetical volume, 8vo. Lond. 1675 ?7 4352 POET S Ramble after Riches, or a Night s Transactions upon the Road Burlesqued, &c., scarce, 4to. Lond. 1691 60 4353 POEMS of the Earls of Roscommon, Dorset, Halifax, and Sir Samuel Garth, 18mo. calf. Lond. 1750 4354 POEMS for Cold Weather, 4to. Lond. 1785 4355 POEMS, consisting of Indian Odes, 1775, 4to. POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 317 4356 POETRY of the World (The), 12mo. calf, 2 vols. in 1. Lond. 1795 . S2. 4357 POETRY Difference between Modern and Ancient, 4to. n. d. 4358 POOLE (J.) The English Parnassus, or a Help to English Poesie, containing a collection of all the rythming monosyllables, the choicest epithets and phrases, with some general forms upon all occasions, subjects, and themes, alphabetically digested, &c., rare, plate, 8vo. fuilfcalf. Lond. 1678 Valued in the Bibliotheoa Auglo-Poetica at 1 5s. 4359 POPE S (Alex.) "Works, edited by W. Roscoe, lest library edition, 8 vols. doth, 8vo. Lond. 1847 " Pope is the greatest moral poet of all times, of all climes, of all feelings, and of all stages of existence. The delight of my boyhood, the study of my manhood, perhaps, if allowed me to attain it, he may be the consolation of my ago. His poetry is the Book of Life." Lord Byron. 4360 POPE (J/r.) The Rape of the Lock, 2d ed. curious plates, paper. Lond. 1714 The enlarged edition with the addition of the machinery. 4361 (Alex.) The Dunciad, being vol. 6 of his works, 18mo. calf. Lond. 1754 4362 Miscellaneous Poems, 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1726 4303 The Shade of, by Matthias, 2 tracts, Svo. 1799 4364 PRAED (W. 31.) Poetical Works, 12mo. Redfidd, 1854 4365 PRIESTLEY, The Sadducees, a Poem, 4to. 1778 4366 PUTTENHAM (G<o.) The Arte of English Poesie, Con- triued into three Bookes, the first of Poets and Poesie, the second of Proportion, the third of Ornament, por trait of Queen Elizabeth, from the library of Thos. Jolley, Esq., original edition, very rare, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1589 *** Wood hints that " some have thought the book was written by Sir Philip Sidney, and Wharton has inferred from many passages that it was written much earlier than 1580. Oldys in 1736 spoke of this Treatise as then very scarce, and added " / never saw but one of them, and this was in the curious library of James West." The Roxburghe copy sold for 16 5a. 6d., and Col. Stanley s for 21. Mr. Gilchrist has drawn an able and comprehensive character of this work. He observes, " this is on many accounts one of the most curi ous and entertaining, and intrinsically, one of the most valuable books of the age of Elizabeth. The copious intermixture of contem porary anecdote, tradition, manners, opinions, and the numerous specimens of coeval poetry, nowhere else preserved, contribute to form a volume of infinite amusement, curiosity, and value." 318 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4367 QUARLES (Francis}, Divine Poems, original binding, 8vo. Lond. 1638 4368 - Divine Poems, History of Jonah, Esther, Job, &c., half calf, 8vo. Lond. 1717 4369 - Feast for Wormes, half calf ] 12mo. Lond. 1664 " Quarles is an author not of such little merit as generally has been sup posed ; he is often eloquent, and sometimes extremely pathetic." Todd. 4370 KIMBAULT (Edward F.) Cock LorelFs Bote, &c. 4371 KAYMOND (Gee.) Chronicles of England, a Metrical History, fine portrait of Queen Elizabeth, 8vo. cloth. 1842 /4372 KICHARD de Hampole, Stimulus Conscientias, or the , //? I Prick of Conscience, an unprinted English Poem of / ) the 14th Century, edited by Yates, &c. Lond. 1829 (4372* RICHARDS (Geo.), Modern France and Matilda, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1795 -j. 4373 RITSON (Joseph), Robin Hood, a collection of all the ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, now extant rela tive to that celebrated English Outlaw, 2 vols. half morocco, 12mo. Pickering, Lond. 1832 4374 -- - Pieces of ancient popular Poetry, half morocco, Pickering, Lond. 1833 4375 RIVAL Beauties, 4to. 1774 4376 ROBIN Hood s Garland, being a complete history of all the notable exploits performed by him and his merry men, 28 plates, 12mo. half calf . York 4377 ROBERTS (Dr.) Poems by, on the Existence of God, &c. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1785 4378 ROBINSON (Mrs. Mary), The Poetical Works of, with fine portrait by Reynolds (the " Perdita" of George 4th), 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1806 Many very beautiful Sonnets, Poems, and Translations, from Petrarch, &c., occur in this interesting and popular collection. y-J~& 4379 ROMAN de la Rose, par Guillaume de Lorris et Johan de Meun. (Eg cst le Hommant be la Hose, lout Tart 5 1 amour cst endose. Gothic Letter, commencing sheet B., woodcuts, old calf, folio. Paris, 1531 " This famous poem is esteemed by the French the most valuable piece of their old poetry, and Chaucer s translation caused it to be equally valued in England." Warton. POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 319 X 4380 ROLLIAD, or Probationary Odes for the Lanrcatcship, 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1795 7j- 4381 ROSCOE ( Wm. G) Poems by, 12mo. Lond., W. Pickering, 1834 4382 ROSCOMMON (Earl of), Poems, Art of Poetry, by the Duke of Buckingham, and Poems by Richard Duke, half morocco, 8vo. Lond. 1717 4383 Essay on translated Verse, sewed, 4to. Lond. 1684 4384 ROWE (Mrs) Poems on several occasions, written by Philomela, first edition, clean copy in the original binding, rare, 8vo. Lond. 1696 * # * Philomela was the poetical name of Mrs. Elizabeth Singer, afterwards Mrs. Rowe. Several of the poems were omitted in the subsequent editions, as savoring too much of the heat of youth. See Dunton s Life and Errors. J.fy 4385 RYAN (Richard), Poetry and Poets, 3 vols. half calf. 12mo. Lond. 1826 *Sj 4386 S. (S.) Loyal and impartial Satyrist, containing eight Miscellaneous Poems, Ghost of an English Jesuit, Looking on Father Petre s Picture, Grand Decision to the Memory of Cranmer, True Christian Philosopher, Comical Cabal, &c. half calf , 4to. Lond. 1694 4387 SACKVILLE (Thomas, Earl of Dorset), Poetical Works of, containing Gorboduc, and Induction and Legend of / 2* /ju- x Henry, Duke of Buckingham, half calf , 12mo. Lond. 1820 4388 SADDUCEES, a Poem, 4to. Lond. 1778 4389 SANDYS (George), Ovid s Metamorphosis, translated into English Verse by George Sandys, engraved title by Cccill, original calf binding, fine copy with Autograph of Sir II. Peyton. Lond. 1626 George Sandys, the 6th son of Bishop Sandys, succeeded his brother Edwyn as Treasurer of Virginia, where he finished this " compo sure," dedicating it to King Charles the First (who had just come to the throne as Sandys returned) ; he says it was " snatcht from the howers of night and repose, for the day was not mine, but dedi cated to the service of your Great Father, and yourselfe." His learning and virtues were not only commended by Lord Falkland and other contemporaries but by Dryden, who called him " the best versifier of the age," and by Pope, who declared that " English Poetry owed much to the beauty of his translations." , / z_ 4390 SCHILLER (Fred) Don Carlos, a Dramatic Poem by, 12mo. cloth. Bait. 1834 <?J 4391 SCHOOL of Politicks; or the Humours of a Coffee- House, sewt-d, 4to. Lond. 1691 320 SCOTCH POETRY. 4392 SCOTT (Mr.) Heaven, a Vision, 1760; Plane Truth, a Satire, 1748 ; The Pluralist, a Poem, 1769 ; Pleasures of Melancholy, 1747; The Pasquinade, with Notes Variorum. 1753 SCOTCH POETRY. 4393 ANDERSON (Patrick, Physician to Charles 2.) Picture of a Scottish Baron Court, a Dramatic Poem, half moroc co, 12mo. Edinb. 1821 4394 BARBOUR S Bruce, The Life and Acts of the most Vic torious Conqueror, Eobert Bruce, King of Scotland, by John Barbour, Archdeacon of Aberdeen, by Pinkerton, 3 vols., calf. Edinb. 1770 Copied exactly from the edition printed by Andro Hart in 1620. " Bar bour adorned the English language by a strain of versification, ex pression, and poetical imagery far superior to his age." Warton. 4395 CHALMER S (George) Poetic Kemains of some of the Scottish Kings, now first collected, portrait of James I., of Scotland, and fac-simile of his handwriting, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1824 4396 DRUMMOND ( William of Hawthornden) Poems of, with Life by Peter Cunningham, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1833 " The great excellence of Drummond is unaffected feeling and unaffected language." Retrospective Review. j- 4397 DuNBAR(TK), Select Poems, 18mo. Perth, 1788 "The greatest poet that Scotland has produced." G. Ellis. ./^ 4398 FALLS of Clyde, or the Fairies, 8vo. calf. Edinb. 1806 4399 HOGG (James) Poetical Works, in 4 vols. 12mo., boards, uncut. Edinb. 1822 J 7 4400 Songs by the Ettrick Shepherd, 12 mo. N. Y. 1832 4401 PINKERTON (J.) The Bruce ; or, the History of Eobert I. King of Scotland, written in Scottish verse by *v John Barbour. The first genuine edition, published from a manuscript dated 1489, with notes and glossa ry, beautiful vignettes, fine copy, 3 vols. 8vo. half mo rocco. Lond. 1790 4402 PINKERTON S Collection of Scottish Poems, 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Lond. 1786 4403 SCOTCH Poetry, a Collection of Original Poems by Eobert M. Blacklock and other Scotch gentlemen, 12mo. calf. Edinb. 1760 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 321 tj / 4404 SCOTIA S Bards, Selections from Scottish Poetry, from the earliest to the present times, with engravings, 8vo. cloth, gilt. 1854 / J0 4405 STRUTHKRS (John), Poetical Works of, comprising the Peasant s Death, the Poor Man s Sabbath, the Plough, Dychmont, &c., &c., with an Autobiography, 2 vols. small 8vo. " They are good works, and the works of a good man, who deserves well of his country, and whose name will not soon pass into oblivion." Scottish Guardian. 4406 SEARCH after Claret, or a Visitation of the Vintners, a Poem, in two Cantos, half calf] 4to. Lond. 1091 * # * Numerous London Taverns and Signs are named in these two Can tos, with the names of the landlords. 4407 SECUNDUS (J.) Basia, or the Kisses, Latin and English Verse, 12mo. Lond. 1G31 . J& 4408 SEDLEY (Sir Charles), Miscellaneous Works of, con taining Satyrs, Epigrams, Court-characters, &c., to which is added the death of Marc Anthony, a Tra gedy, edited by Capt. Ayloffe, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1702 J?J~~ 4409 SEQUEL to Don Juan, 8vo. cloth. Lond. n. d. 4^10 SHERBURNE (Edward), Poems and translations : Amor ous, Lusory, Morall and Divine, frontispiece, half morocco, extra, scarce. Lond. 1651 Priced in the Bibliotheca Anglo- Poetica, JE1 11s. 6d. 4411 Seneca-Troades, or the Royal Captives, a Tra gedy, translated by Edward Sherburne, original bind ing, 8vo. Lond. 1679 4412 SKELTON (John, Poet Laureat to Henry VIII) Poetical Works, (The Bowge of Court; Colin Clout: Why come ye not to Court, His Celebrated Satire on Wolsey; Philip Sparrow; Elinour Rummyng, &c.) with Notes, and an Account of the Author, by Rev. A. Dyce, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. 1843 " The power, the strangeness, the volubility of his language, the auda city of his satire, and the perfect originality of his manner made Skelton one of the most extraordinary writers of any age or coun try." Southey. " Old Skelton s Philip Sparrow is an exquisite and original Poem." Coleridge, 4413 SMART ((7.) Eternity of the Supreme Being, 4to. Camb. 1750 4414 SMITH (ff. and J.) Poetical Works, post 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1857 21 322 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4415 SLATYER ( Wm.), False- Albion : The History of Great Britaine from the first peopling of this Island to the present raigne of our happy and peaceful Monarke K. James, in English and Latin Yerse, folio, frontis piece containing several portraits, calf. 1621 A book of great intrinsic worth and rare occurrence. Anthony a Wood says that the author was " in good esteem for his knowledge in English history and his excellent vein in Latin and English poetry." See Dr. Dibdin s Library Companion. Sir M. Sykes copy sold for 4 4s. 4416 SMYTH ( Wm.) English Lyrics, 18mo. Lond. 1801 4417 SOLIMANI (Julii), Elogia, Ducum, Kegum, inter regum, qui Boemis, prsefuerunt, beautiful miniature engrav ings of the Dukes and Kings of Bohemia to Ferdi nand III., vellum, 4to. Pragee, 1629 4418 SOTHEBY ( W.) Oberon, a Poem, from the German of Wieland, 18mo. Lond. 1844 4419 SOTHEBY (Wm.) Farewell to Italy, and Occasional Poems. 1818 4420 SOUTHEY (Robert, Poet Laureat], Poetical Works, col- ^^lected by himself, sheep, royal 8vo. N. Y. 1856 4421 SOUTHWELL (Robert}, St. Peter s Complaint and other Poems, also Sketch of the Author s Life, by W. Jos. Walter, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1817 4422 Mary Magdalen s Funeral Tears for the Death of the Saviour, reprint of the original, thick paper, rare, square 8vo. boards. Lond. 1823 4423 SPENSER (Edmond), Faerie Queene, disposed into XII. Bookes, fashioning twelve Morall Yertues, folio, ** curious wood-cut ornaments, calf. Lond. M. Lowndes, 1609 This is the first edition of Spenser s Faerie Queene in folio : and also the first complete edition of the poem, as it contains six leaves at the end entitled " Two Cantos of Mutabilitie, which, both for Form and Matter, appeare to be parcell of some following Booke of the Faerie Queene, under the Legend of Constancie, never before imprinted." This edition is so scarce that Lowndes was unable to quote the sale of any copy in the very numerous catalogues he referred to. " Spenser s works are an inexhaustible mine of the richest materials, forming, in fact, the very bullion of our language ; and it is to be lamented that they are so rarely explored for present use." Headley. 4424 SPENSER (Edmund), Workes of, edited by Todd, royal 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1845 The merits of Spenser are of so decided and exalted a nature, as to place him in spite of every deduction in the same class with Homer, Dante, Shakspeare, and Milton. Drake s Shakspeare and his Times. POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 323 4425 SPENTSER (Kdmnnd), An Essay on the Life and Writings of, by John S. Hart, royal 8vo. half morocco, gilt edges. N. Y. 1847 4420 STATE Poems; Howe on the sickness and recovery of Sir Robert Walpole; Ramble between Belinda, a Demi- Prude, and Cloe, a Court Coquette, &c., 8vo. served. Lond. 1710 4427 STEPHENSON (J. Half) Crazy Tales, 4to. half calf . , Lond. privately printed, 1702 S0 4428 SUE (Eugene), The Preludes, a collection of Poems, fiw vig. 12mo. seiocd. N. Y. 1840 4429 SUCKLING (John), Fragmenta A urea, a Collection of all the incomparable pieces written by, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1048 " For a perfect specimen of those men of wit and pleasure who wero altout town during the first Charles s time commend us to Sir John Suckling." 4430 SUKEY (a Poem on the Philosophy of the Mind, &c.), 8vo. snced. Baltimore, 1821 4431 SYLVESTER (e7.)The Parliament of vertues Royal, sum moned in France, but assembled in England, for nomi nation, creation, and conformation of the most excel lent Prince Panaretvs. A praesage of Pr. Dolphin ; a portrait of Pr. Henry; a promise of Pr. Charles; also the Second Sitting of the Parliament of vertues, translated and dedicated to his Highness, by losvah Sylvester, &c., 2 vols. 12mo. half morocco. Lond. 1614 /-/2-. 4432 TALE of the Basyn and the Frere and the Boy, black letter, two early Tales of Magic, from MSS. in the Library of the University of Cambridge, edited by T. Wright, sq. 12mo. half calf . Pickering, Lond. 1830 / /Z ,-, 4433 Another copy, sqr. 12mo. half morocco. Pickering, Lond. 1830 4434 TASSO S Aminta, Englisht, with Ariadne s Complaint, in imitation of Auguillara, written by the Translator of Tasso s Aminta (John Reynolds), 4to. with engra vings on the title-page, seioed. 1028 A verj scarce poetical volume. At the end of the Aminta is a poem of "Venusses search for Cupid." 4435 (T) Godfrey of Bovlogne, or the Recouirie of Jerusalem ; done into English heroicall verse by Edward Fairfax, gent., and now the second time imprinted and dedicated to his highnesse, together with the life of the said Godfrey, portrait by W. Pass, rare, fol. half morocco. Lond. 1024 White Knight s sale, 2 L2s. &d. Bib. Anglo-Poet, JE2 2s. 324 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4436 TASSO (Torquato), La Gerusalemme Liberata, with very fine portraits, 2 vols. Firenze, 1820 4437 Godfrey of Bulloigne, or the recovery of Jer usalem, in English verse, by Edward Fairfax, with Essay by Leigh Hunt, and lives by C. Knight, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. 1846 The masterly version of Fairfax, which for the last half century has been most undeservedly neglected, has not hitherto been superseded by any posterior attempts. Drake. 4438 TATE (Nahum\ Collection of Poems by several hands, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1685 4439 TAYLOR (John, the Water Poet), Workes, being sixty- three in number,* collected into one volume by the author, with sundry new additions, corrected, revised, and newly imprinted, frontispiece wanting, and corners of the bottom leaves mildewed, fol. very rare, calf, extra. Lond. 1630 A copy of this volume produced fifteen guineas, at Col. Stanley s sale. Dibdin. An extremely curious collection, including, among other witty pieces, his Pennilesse Pilgrimage, or Journey (without money) from London to Edinborough the Praise, Antiquity, and Commodity of Beggerie, Beggers, &c. Of all the oddities of his day, the greatest was Taylor the Water-Poet. He was a slang fellow, and a Skelton in his way. His pieces are replete with bizarre and barbarous wood-cuts. / & 2- 4440 Suddaine turne of Fortune s wheele, edited by Halliwell, 4to. half morocco. Brixton Hill, 1848 , J tf 4441 THYNN (Francis), Debate between Pride and Lowliness, reprinted from the edition of Charlwood, edited by J. P. Collier, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1841 , //" 4442 THYNNE (Thomas, of Longleat, killed by Count Konig- smarcJc), Directions to Fame, about an Elegy on the late ; and an Eulogy on other most famous English worthies, seiued, 4to. Lond. 1682 /< 4443 THOMSON S Castle of Indolence, 12 beautiful illustrations in outline by W. Rimer, oblong folio, with the Poem, cloth. 1845 . ;j 4444 TICKELL (Mr.) The Project, a Poem, 4to. 1778 .//""- 4445 TILLBROOK (Rev. S.) Eemarks on Southey s Vision of Judgment, 8vo. paper. Camb. 1822 TIXALL Poetry, vide Clifford, Lot 4175. j^ 4446 TIPPER (E.) The Pilgrim s Viaticum ; or, the Destitute, but not Forlorn ; being a Divine Poem, digested from meditations upon the Holy Scriptures, original blue morocco binding, gilt edges, very rare, 8vo. Lond. 1698 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 325 ,iffl 4447 TODD (Henry J.) Illustrations of the Lives and Writ ings of Gower and Chaucer, portrait, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1810 4448 TOWN Council (The), a Poem, 4to. 1774 . /*_ 4449 TRESHAM (Henry), Rome in the 18th Century, a Poem. 1799 4450 TRIBE of Levi, a Poem.yZwe copy, 4to. half calf . Lond. 1691 ^6 4451 TRIBE of Issachar, or the Ass Couchant, a Poem, sa- tyrical, wood-cut of Passive Obedience and Non- resistance, boards, uncut, 4to. Lond. 1691 4452 TRISTAN: Recueil de ce qui reste des poemes relatifs a ses aventures, pub. par Michel, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Londres, Pickering, 1835 4453 TRIUMPH of Isis, an Elegy, 4to. n. d. /;? 4454 TRIUMPH of Infidelity, a Poem (dedicated, to Voltaire), 8vo. half morocco. In the world, 1788 4455 TUPPER (J/ar/m F.) Hymn for All Nations, in 72 Lan guages, curious, 8vo. paper. Lond. 1851 4456 TURNER (Sharon), Inquiry respecting the early use of Rhime, 4to. (Soc y of Antiq). 1802 /.^/ 4457 TUSSER (Thomas\ Five Hundred Points of Good Hus bandry, edited by William Mavor, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1812 4458 VAIL (John Cooper), Poems, sewed, 8vo. N. Y. 1851 y .j-j . 4459 VICARS (J.) The XII JSneids of Virgil, the most re nowned laureat prince of Latino poets, translated into English deca-syllables ; engraved title, are to be sold at the Angell in Popeshead alley, 12mo. half morocco. Lond. 1632 4460 VIDA S Art of Poetry, translated into English Verse, ISmo. calf. Lond. 1742 4461 VOLTAIRE La Pucelle D Orleans, plates, calf, 8vo. 1762 /y 4462 W. (J.) English Iliads, or a Sea-Fight, received in a Poem, occasioned by the death of a person of honour, slain in the late war between the English and Dutch, 4to. calf. Lond. 1674 %* The author seems to have served under Lord Maidstone, the person alluded to in the title. /# , 4463 WALLER (Edmund), Poems, the Works of, in verse and prose, published by Mr. Fenton, Tonson s sjtlendid quarto edition, with portraits, vignettes, tail pieces, &c. by Virtue, half morocco. Lond. 1729 " Fenton s beautiful edition of this book has Virtue s best portrait of Waller, and other appropriate decorations from his brilliant graver." Dibdin s Library Companion. 326 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 4464 WALLER S (Edmund], Passion of Dido for translated by Waller and Godolphin, 12rao. half morocco. Lond. 1658 4465 - Poems, &c., upon several occasions and to several persons, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1682 " When lie published these pieces he surprised the town as if a tenth muse had been newly born to cherish drooping poetry." Clarendon. 4465* WALKER (Elias), Enchiridion of Epictetus, translated frontispiece by Faithorn, half morocco. 8vo. Lond. 1695 4466 WALTERS, The Poet, a Metrical Komance of the Seven teenth Century, Svo. half morocco. Phil. 1840 4467 WARNER S Albion s England : a Historic of the same Kingdom from the Original, a Poem, with an Epitome in Prose, 4to. half morocco, scarce. Lond. 1612 The title and 6 leaves in the beginning, and last leaf, made good with MS. This highly esteemed epitome of British History contains much good poetry and curious information. Priced in the Bibliotheca Anglo- Poetica 5 5s. ; and sold at Townsley s sale for 6 6s. "His tales, though often tedious, and not unfrequently indelicate, abound with all the unaffected, inardent, and artless ease of the best old ballads, without their cant and puerility." Headley. 4468 WARTON (Thomas), History of English Poetry, includ ing the Notes of Kitson, 4 vols. Svo. half calf. Lond. 1840 " The most singular combination of extraordinary talents and attain ments, uniting the deep and minute researches of the antiquary with the elegance of the classical scholar, and the skill of the prac tised writer ; the style vigorous and manly, the observations acute and just, and the views of the subject extensive and accurate." Sir Egerton Brydges. 4469 - Observations on the History of Poetry, 4to. 1782 4470 - Observations on the Fairy Queen of Spenser, 2 vols. Svo. half calf , Lond. 1801 4471 WATTS (Isaac), The Psalms of David, imitated in the Language of the New Testament, 16mo. calf. Lond. 1765 4472 - Hymns and Spiritual Songs, in three Books, 18mo. calf. Lond. 1781 4473 WEBER (H.) Battle of Flodden Field, a Poem of the 16th Century, plates, Svo. calf. Edin. 1808 - Another copy, Svo. half morocco. 1808 POETRY OLD ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND FOREIGN. 327 447-4 WEAVER (7!) Plantagenets Tragicall Story, or the Death of King Edward the Fourth, with the unna- tural voyage of Richard the Third, through the Ked Sea of his Nephew s Innocent Blood to his Usurped Crowne, a Poem, 8vo. with rare port, ly Marshall, cf. Lond. 1649 Lloyd s Copy of this scarce and elegant Poem sold for JC3 15s. ,/2- 4475 WEBSTER (John), A Monumental Columne erected to the living memory of the ever glorious Henry Prince V of Wales, cloth, 4to. Lond. 1613 , f f^> 4470 WUITEHEAD( Wm. Poet Laureat), Plays and Poems by, 2 vols. 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1774 ^S 4477 WILD (Dr.) Home llhym d to Death, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1683 4478 WILSON (John], Lines to the Memory of Jas. Graham, 4to. 1811 4479 City of the Plague, and other Poems, 8vo. cloth. Edin. 1817 4480 WINDSOR Stag, a Poem founded on Fact. 1777 / < 4481 WITHERS (Gco.) Abuses Strypt and Whipt, or Satyri- cal Essays, in Verse, 8vo. half calf] MS. Title. Lond. 1617 CONTEXTS : Epigrams Abuses Strypt and Wln pt The Scourge, with a curious wood-cut of a wild man or Satyr called" Vice s Executioner" Certaine Epigrams to the King, theQueene, the Prince, &c., to whom the Author gave any of his Books (including one :o Henry Earle of Southampton and another to William Earle of Pembroke) Prince Henries Obsequies or Mourneful Elegies upon his Death. It was for writing these spirited satires that Withers was committed to the Marshalsea, where he continued for several mouths. 4482 WITHER (G.) Prosopceia Britanuica, or Britain s Genius, or Good Angel, personated, reasoning and advising touching the games now played and the adventures now at hazard in these Islands, presaging also some future things, a Poem, Svo. soiled copy, half morocco. 1648 One of the scarcest of this author s numerous pieces, containing many striking passages and poetic personifications. Towneley s copy sold for 3 13s. 6d. 4483 Vaticinium Votivum, or Palaemon s Prophetick Prayer, lately presented privately to his now Majestic in a Latin poem, and here published in English, to which is annexed a paraphrase on Paulus Grebne- rus s prophecie, with several elegies on Charles the First, the Lord Capel, the Lord Francis Villiers, very rare, 8vo. 1649 328 POLITICS AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. 4481 WITHER (<7.) Speculum Speculativum, or a Considering Glass, being an inspection into the present and late sad condition of these nations, with some cautional expressions made thereupon immediately after his Majesty s restoration, in verse, 8vo. half russia, scarce. Lond. 1660 This may be esteemed as one of the most curious of the author s nume rous works, containing extracts, hymns, &c., selected from several of his former works. 4485 WRIGHT (Abraham}, Parnassus Biceps, or several choice Pieces of Poetry, composed by the best wits that were in both the Universities before their disso lution, half calf , 12mo. Lond. 1656 In an Epitaph on some bottles of Sack and Claret laid in sand, page 63, he says : " A dozen Shakespears here inter d do lye, Two dozen Johnson s full of Poetry." 4486 YALDEN (Tho.) On the Conquest of Namur, half mo rocco, folio. Lond. 1699 4487 ZOUCHE (Richard), The Dove, or Passages of Cosmog raphy, reprinted from the original edition of 1613, with a Memoir, and Notes collected and arranged by Richard Walker, 8vo. half calf. Oxford, 1839 POLITICS AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. ^jr~ 4488 BELLENDENUS, a Free Translation on the Preface to, containing animated strictures on the great political characters of the present time, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1788 t /^- 4489 BENTHAMIANA, edited by 3. II. Burton, 8vo. cloth. Phila. 1844 -.J~~ 4490 BROUGHAM (Lord), Opinions of on Politics, Theology, Law, &c., 2 vols. 12mo., cloth. Phila. 1839 ef# 4491 CLAIMS of Labour, an Essay on the Duties of the Em ployers and Employees, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1845 4492 COOKE (G. W.}, The History of Political Parties in England, from the Rise of the Whig and Tory inter ests in the Eeign of Charles Second, to the passing of the Reform Bill, with Biographical Sketches of the Ministers of State, &c., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 /2- 4493 D ANVERS (Caleb), a Dissertation upon Parties, 12mo. half cloth. Dub. 1735 4494 Sedition and Defamation Displayed in a Letter to the Author of the Craftsman, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1731 POLITICS AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. 329 4495 DEFOE (/>.), True Born Englishman and 2 others. 17(55, &c. 4496 FRENCH Louse, History of a, or the Spy of a new Species in France and England, giving a Key to the chief events of the year 1780, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1780 4497 GOVERNMENT, an Examination of the Patriarchal Scheme of, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1750 4498 GRANT (e/.) The Bench and the Bar, 2 vols., boards. Phila. 1836 Comprising biographical, professional and anecdotal sketches of upwards of seventy of the most legal men of the da/. 4499 HARRINGTON (James), The Commonwealth of Oceana, first edition, folio, calf. Lond. 1656 / s # 4500 Oceana and Other Works, with an account of his Life by J. Toland, portrait, old calf, folio. Dub. 1737 " According to Home, it is the only valuable model of a Commonwealth that has ever been offered to the public." Loivndes. <s# 4501 JUNIUS, Coventry s Critical Inquiry into the Author of, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1825 -f~ 4503 LIGHT (Col. Alex. IF.), a Plan for the Amelioration of the Poor, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1831 4-2- 4504 MALTHUS (T. R), Political Economy, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1826 u^ 4505 MARKHAM (Gerv.\ Way to get Wealth, containing six principal Vocations or callings, in which every good Husband or House-wife may employ themselves, 4to. calf. Lond. 1638 ^ Zr~ 4506 MORE (Sir Thomas), Utopia, or the Happy Republic, a Philosophical Romance. The New Atlantis by Lord Bacon, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1838 " We cannot appreciate too highly the spirit and originality of More s Utopia." Hallam. 4507 POLITICAL Curiosities, including an account of the state of affairs in Europe, 12mo. sheep. Phil. 1796 4508 Pamphlets for the years 1733, 4, 5, 9, the Contents written at the end of each vol. 8vo. calf. Lond. 4509 Pamphlets, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 4510 RALEIGH (Sir Walter), The Mysteries of State Dis- cabinated in Political and Polemical Aphorisms, published by John Milton, Esq., port. 18mo. half calf . Lond. 1658 330 PORTRAITS. 4511 RICARDO (D.) Principles of Political Economy, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1817 J/ 4512 = Value; The Nature, Measures, and Causes of, in reference to Ricardo and others, 8vo. Lond. 1825 4513 ROBE S Patriotic Wolves, 12 mo. Edinb. 1797 /J7 4514 SCUDDERY (Mons. de\ Curia Politic, or the Apologies of several Princes justifying to the World their most eminent actions, folio, old calf. Lond. 1673 tf# 4515 SEDGWICK (T.) Public and Private Economy, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1839 * /- 4516 TAYLOR (James), View of the money system of Eng land from the Conquest, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1828 vS^r 4517 TRACTS, a volume in which among others are the trial of Sir Chaloner Ogle, 1743 ; Letter to Thomas Carte, Historian, 1743 ; Memoirs of Card. Fleury, 1743. 4518 UTOPIA; Memoirs of a certain Island adjacent to the Kingdom of, by a celebrated author of that country, 12mo. old calf. Dublin, n. d. 4519 VOLNEY, Ruins of Empires, 16mo. half cloth. Bost. 1835 PORTRAITS COLLECTIONS OP, see also ENGRAVINGS. 4520 BINET (S.) Vies des Principaux Fondateurs des Reli gions de 1 Eglise, 40 beautiful old portraits, engraved by G. and F. Qalle, small 4to. Anvers, 1634 4521 BIOGRAPHICAL MIRROR (The), by Harding, comprising a Series of Ancient and Modern English Portraits of Eminent and Distinguished Persons, with Memoirs, upwards of 150 fine plates from scarce pictures and prints, 3 vols. in 1, 4to. Lond. 1795 One of the best and most interesting portrait galleries, comprising for the most part portraits of distinguished persons of whom no other engravings are extant, and fac-similes of rare prints in the museums of eminent collectors. It forms an admirable companion to any History of England, the works of Pepys, Evelyn, &c. /"-../ 7 4522 BOYDELL S Heads of Illustrious Persons ; Mary Queen of Scots, by Bartolozzi, &c., with biographical ac counts of each, by John Watkins, large folio, half morocco. Lond. 1811 4523 BRITISH Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, series of 150 fine engravings of the most eminent persons now living or lately deceased, in Great Britain, with Memoirs, 2 vols. fol. half morocco, fine impressions. Lond. 1822 The portraits in this noble work, with few exceptions, do not occur in any other collection. : ro in RAITS. 331 4524 BROMLEY (77.) Catalogue of Engraved British Por traits from Egbert, &c., 4to. half calf. Lond. 1793 //./J~ 4525 BYRON Gallery, a Series of Ideal Portraits, Illustra tive of Byron s Works, royal 8vo. morocco.* Lond. n. d. 4526 C.ESARS, Twenty-four heads, from Julius to Alex. Sev- erum, 4to. Venet. apud Donatum Btrlellum, folio. Venet. 1579 4527 CATALOGUE of a collection of Portraits, with prices, 8vo. half calf . j 4528 CATALOGUE of Sir W. Musgrave s collection of Por traits, priced, 8vo. half calf . n. d. 4529 CATALOGUE of the Townely Granger collection of Por traits, 8vo. Lond. 1828 4530 CATALOGUE of S. Tyssen s collection of Portraits, 8vo. Lond. 1802 4531 CAULFIELD (James), Gallery of British Portraits, large paper proofs, a few scarce prints inserted, Charles \st by Smith, Death Warrant of Charles 1st, &c., large folio. Lond. 1814 4532 Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters of Remark able Persons, from the Reign of Edward III. to the Revolution, upwards of 100 portraits of eccentric and notorious persons, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. Lond. 1813 CALCOGRAPHIANA, vide Lot 2645. ^ /_. 4533 COOPER and Page, Fifty Wonderful Portraits engraved by, from authentic originals, 4to. boards. Lond. 1827 /a/"^ 4534 FRENCHMEN, a collection of Portraits of, 4to. Paris, n. d. * -#2^ 4535 GALLERY of English and Foreign Portraits, with Me moirs, published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 168 Jiw portraits, brilliant impres sions, 7 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1833-37 This interesting series is engraved in the highest style of art, in the same manner as Lodge s Portraits, to which it forms a very desira ble companion. The Memoirs are well written ; some have been attributed to the pen of Lord Brougham. 4536 Another copy, 7 vols. cloth. 1833 4537 HARDING S (E.) Portraits of George the Third and all the Royal Family, folio, green morocco, silk linings, fine copy. Lond. 1806 4538 HISTORIC Gallery of Portraits and Paintings, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. n. d. HOLBEIN S Portraits, vide Shaksperiana 4978. 332 POKTKAITS. 4539 lIouBRAKEN and Vertuc s Heads of Illustrious Persons vv of Great Britain, with their Lives by Birch, 100 large and splendid portraits, folio, calf. 1813 .cTfl 4540 - - De Levens, Beschryvingen der Nederlandsche Konst Schilders en Konst Schilderessen, met een uytbreyding over de Schilder-konst der ouden, door J. C. Weyerman, 4 vols. 4to. boards, uncut, brilliant plates. 1729 -eftf 4541 ITALIANS; Portraits of celebrated Italians, after draw ings by Bettoni, beautifully engraved; amongst them are Bartolozzi, Raffaelle Morghen, Canova, and many others, about 40 in all, in one volume, 4to. __ 4542 KAY (John), Series of Original Portraits and Caricature Etchings (chiefly of Scotchmen), 2 vols. in 4 parts, royal 8vo. Edinb. 1842 4543 KIT-CAT Club, Portraits of the celebrated Persons composing the Kit-Cat Club, 48 fine large mezzotinto portraits from the original paintings by Sir Godfrey o. Lond. 1821 " The Kit-Cat Club generally mentioned as a set of wits, were, in reality, the Patriots that saved Britain. Horace Walpole. 4544 LODGE (Ed.} Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, engraved from authentic pictures in the galleries of the Nobility, and the Public Collections of the Country, with Biographical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions, 10 vols. imperial 8vo. fine impressions, cloth, gilt. 1840 " Such a union of various talents, such a gallery of illustrious dead, was scarcely ever before presented to the public, in colours almost as vivid and sparkling as if the originals occupied the canvas whence their copies were taken." Dibdin. 4545 NATIONAL Portrait Gallery of Illustrious and Eminent Personages, chiefly of the 19th century, 4to. cloth, gilt. Lond. v. d. 4546 PEKRAULT (1/r.) Les Hommes Illustres de France, 89 beautiful Portraits of celebrities of the 17th and 18th centuries, fine impressions, folio, calf. Paris, 1696 There is no previous work to be put in competition with it ; the principal engravers were Edelinck and Nanteuil, and they are worthy of the illustrious characters whose physiognomy will go down to posterity from the magic of their gravers. Dibdin. J" - 4547 PHYSIOGNOMICAL Portraits of Distinguished Charac ters, from undoubted originals, engraved in the line manner by the most eminent British Artists, with Biographies, royal 8vo. half morocco. 1824 With respect to the plates it is a very desirable copy. SCOTLAND. 4548 PORTRAITS of the British Poets, from Chnucer to Cow- per and Beattie, 140 highly finished engravings by Finden, Warren, Pye, &c., India proofs, large paper, 2 vols. folio, fuilf morocco, gilt top. \^ 1\ This charming work, which is as interesting as it is beautiful, was pub lished at no less a sum than 32. It is the only complete series in an elegant form, and is adapted to illustrate all edition* of the poets, from octavo to folio size. 4549 PORTRAITS of the Princes of Holland ; Principes IIol- landiao, Zelandiao, &c., incisi et descripti auspiciis I. Scriverii ; imp. folio, 38 unusually large and remark ably fine portraits, after Titian, Rubens, and others, engraved by Visscher, Zoutman, &c., brilliant im- pnssions. Harhem, 1650 One of the finest series of Historical Portraits ever executed, which quite puts to shame the miniature undertakings of the present day. 4550 PORTRAITS of Famous Men. 4551 SCOTT (Sir TV.) Portrait Illustrations of the Waverley Novels, with Landscape Illustrations, royal 8vo. half morocco. Tilt, Lond. 1834 x/y 4552 THANE (J.) British Autography, a collection of au thentic Portraits and fac-similes of the handwritings of Royal and Illustrious Personages, 3 vols. 4to. con taining about 250 Portraits and as many Autographs, fine copy, half morocco. Lond. n. d. 4553 27 additional Portraits, folio. Lond. n. d. Many of these portraits and autographs are from originals never before engraved, and not to be found in any other publication ; the impres sions in this volume are far superior to those usually seen. 4554 VKNETIANA (Augustino), Illustrium Virorum extant in Urbe, 52 fine Portraits, folio, calf. Roma, 1569 4555 WOODBURN S Gallery of Rare Portraits, comprising 200 fine Portraits of celebrated Englishmen, engraved by Cecil, Delaram, Faithorne, Vertue, White, &c., 2 vols. 4to. morocco gilt, gilt leaves. 1816 An admirable series of portraits illustrative of Clarendon and Burnet, printed either from the original plates or in exact fac-simile of the rare originals. Published at 15 guineas in boards original sub scriber s copy ; complete sets are now of rare occurrence, aa the book is generally cut up for illustration. For Portraits of Actors, Literary Characters, Illustrious and Noted men, see PRINTS, &c. at the end. SCOTLAND See A FEW UNDER ENGLISH TOPOGRAPHY. 4556 ABERDEEN, Sum Notabill Thinges Excerpit from the Auld Recordes of the lion. Citie of Aberdeen, 1565- 1635, 8vo. calf. Edin. 1834 334 ^GOTLAND. 4557 BEATTIE (Dr.) Illustrated in a Series of Views, with descriptions, upwards of 100 highly finished engrav ings from drawings by Bartlett, good impressions, 2 vols. 4to. original edition, half morocco, gilt leaves. Virtue, 1836 4557* BOSWELL S Journal of Johnson s Tour to the Hebrides, 8vo.calf. Lond, 1813 4558 HIPPOLYTUS, Earl of Douglas, History of, 8vo., wants title. 4559 MARY Q. of Scots, Collections relative to the Funeral of, 8vo. boards. Edin. 1822 4560 MISCELLANEA Scotica, a collection of Tracts, relating to the History, Antiquities, Topography, and Litera ture of Scotland, 4 vols. 12mo. boards, uncut. Glasgow, 1818 4561 MURRAY S Scotch Scenery, part 1, 4to. 4562 RITSON (Joseph), Annals of the Caledonian Picts and Scots, and of Strathclyde, Cumberland, Galloway and Murray, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, uncut. Edinb. 1828 4563 Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls, post 8vo. cloth, uncut. Lond. 1827 #2- 4564 STATUS Regni Scotise et Hiberniae diversorum dicto- rum, 24mo. Elzevir, Lugd. 1627 4565 SCOTLAND Delineated, a series of beautifully executed lithographic views of the magnificent scenery of the Highlands and Lowlands, including some views of the picturesque Street-architecture of the Cities and Towns, after the original drawings by Turner, Koberts, Stanfield, Creswick, Harding, &c., with His torical, Antiquarian and Descriptive Letter-press, by J. P. Lawson, mounted on drawing boards, and co lored equal to the original drawings, in 6 parts, large folio. Edin. v. d. This truly superb work forms a complete Gallery of the grand and pic turesque scenery of Scotland, including nearly all the ancient castles, abbeys, mountains and rivers, which have been immortalized in the works of Sir Walter Scott. *r& 4565* SCOTLAND, Selection of Views in, 8vo. half calf . 1794 M 4566 WALLACE (Svr William), The History of the Life and Adventures of, 8vo. boards. N. Y. 1820 SHAKSPEARIANA BURTONENSIS; BEING A CATALOGUE OF THE EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF OP THE LATB W. E. BURTON, ESQ., OF NEW YORK. FORMING PART OF HIS VERY EXTENSIVE AND UNIQUE HISTRIONIC LIBRARY ARRANGED UNDER TI1E FOLLOWING HEADS : 1. SEPARATE PLAYS; original editions and reprints; subsequent editions, alterations, adaptations, translations, Burlesques, Ac. arranged as in the collected editions of bis works. 2. POEMS AND SONNETS, Ac. 3. DOUBTFUL AND SPURIOUS PLAYS. 4. COLLECTED EDITIONS OF ALL EIS PLAYS ; embracing all the first four folio editions and reprint of the first; and all the editions "cum notis variorum, * from Rowe to Halliwell. 5. SHAKSPEARIANA consisting of almost all the Biographers, Commentators, Imitators, Glossaries, Indices, Illustrations, Portraits, and Prints ; with all old and modern authors who have from time to time alluded to, elucidated the text (or attempted to do so), by shedding their little lustre upon the brightest literary star that ever shone beneath the canopy of Heaven. 6. SHAKSPEARIAN RELICS; Statues, Busts, Models, casts of his Monument and Bust at Stratford, Ac., including Clara Fisher s Museum, and the CELEBRATED MULBERRY-TREE TEA CADDY, one of the choicest souvenirs of the Tree in existence ; and perfectly unique. NEW YORK: JOSEPH SABIN AND CO. I860. SHAKSPEARIANA. ORIGINAL PLAYS AND SUBSEQUENT EDITIONS, ALTERA TIONS, ADAPTATION OF PLAYS ON THE SAME SUB- JECT; OPERAS, BURLESQUES AND TRANSLATIONS. 4567 SHAKESPEARE ( Wm.) Twenty of the Plays of Shake speare, being the whole number printed in quarto, during his lifetime or before the restoration, collated when there were different copies, and published from the originals, by Geo. Stecvens, Esq., 4 vols. scarce, half morocco, gilt top, quarto. Lond. 1766 Nassau s sale, JC2 7s. White Knight s, JC2 8s. THE TEMPEST 4568 Tempest, altered from Shakespeare by Dryden and Davenaut, three editions, 4to. half morocco. 1676, 1690, 1695 / Jz_ 4569 Tempest, or the Enchanted Island, altered by J. P. Kemble, with additions from Dryden and Davenant, sewed, 8vo. Lond. 1806 4570 Tempest, an Opera, altered by Garrick, Songs from Shakespeare, Dryden, and others, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1756 /*?J 4571 Virgin Queen, or a Continuation of the Tempest, altered from Shakespeare by Waldron, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1707 Barnett (J/.) The Tempest, as a Lyrical Drama, 8vo. / Vide Lot 1415. 1856 . /<?- 4573 La Tempesta, an Opera, founded on the Tempest of Shakespeare, 4to. Phil. 1850 MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR 4574 First Sketch of the Merry Wives of Windsor, the novels on which it is founded, with an Introduction and Notes, Svo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1842 99 338 ORIGINAL PLAYS. COMEDY OF ERRORS ^r 4575 Comedy of Errours, altered from Shakespeare, by T. Hull, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1793 / ,f~ 4576 The Twins, or Which is Which, altered from Shake speare s Comedy of Errors, by W. Wood, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, large paper. Edinburgh, 1780 LOVE S LABOUR LOST J, 7s~ 4577 Love s Labour Lost, a wittie and pleasant Comedie, written by Wm. Shakespeare, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1631 ^/&~ 4578 Love s Labour Lost, an old edition, wants title, &c., all after signature K 2, 4to. half calf \ MIDSUMMER NIGHT S DREAM 4579 Midsummer Night s Dream, altered from Shake speare, by George Colman, two editions, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1763, 1777 /*?f~ 4580 Midsummer Night s Dream, altered and new songs added by F. Reynolds, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1816 , J? 4581 Midsummer Night s Dream, alterations, additions, and new Songs. Lond. 1816 /* 4582 Midsummer Night s Dream, altered from Shakes peare by Garrick, with several new Songs, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1763 , ^^ 4583 Another copy, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1763 / . /Z~ . 4584 Fairies (The), An Opera, altered from Midsummer Night s Dream, with Songs from Shakespeare, Mil ton, Waller, Dryden, Lansdowne, Hammond, etc., 8vo. unbound. Lond, 1755 4585 Another copy, 8vo. Lond. 1755 4586 Midsummer Night s Dream, with illustrations, de signed and modelled by W. Boynton Kirk, for a dessert service, manufactured by Kerr, Binns & Co., for the Dublin Exhibition of 1853, thirteen plates, 8vo. cloth, gilt. 1853 TAMING OF THE SHREW 4587 Old Taming of a Shrew, upon which Shakspeare founded his Comedy, reprinted for the Shakspeare Society, from the edition of 1594, 8vo. half mor. gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1844 4588 A Cure for a Scold, a ballad Farce, in 2 acts, altered from Taming the Shrew, by T. Worsdale, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1735 ORIGINAL PLAYS. .",.",9 MERCHANT OF VENICE 4589 Merchant of Venice, by William Shakspeare, with Notes and Illustrations of various Commentators, 12mo. boards, uncut. Dublin, 1805 4590 Jew of Venice, a Comedy, altered from Merchant of Venice by Lord Lansdown, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1701 ALL S WELL THAT ENDS WELL 4591 All s Well that Ends Well, a Comedy, by William Shakspeare, 8vo. Lond. 1709 4592 All s Well that Ends Well, altered by J. P. Kemble, 8vo. Lond. 1793 j, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING 4593 Universal Passion, a Comedy, altered from Much Ado About Nothing, by James Miller, 8vo. huff morocco, gilt top. Lond. 17. >7 As You LIKE IT 4594 Caldecott (T.) Hamlet and As You Like It, speci mens for an edition of Shakspeare, one hundred co2nes privately printed. "Lady Jones, with Mr. Crowe and Mr. Caldecott s best respects," royal 8vo. lialf morocco, uncut, top edges gilt. Lond. 1819 4595 Love in a Forest, altered from As You Like It by Mr. Johnson, sewed. Lond. 1723 MEASURE FOR MEASURE 4596 Measure for Measure, or Beauty the Best Advocate, altered from Shakspeare, with additions of several Entertainments of Music, by C. Gildon, 4to. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1700 CYMBELINE 4597 Cymbeline, altered by \V. Hawkins, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 17~> . translated into German, sec Kaufrnann. 4598 Eccles (Ambrose}, The Plays of Lear and Cymbelino, with Notes and Illustrations of various Commen tators, to which are added, Kemarks by the Editor, 2 vols. 1794; the Comedy of The Merchant of Venice, Dublin, 1805, together 3 vols. 8vo. pri vately printed, fine paper, uncut, half green morocco, lop edges gilt, scarce. Lond. v. y. 340 ORIGINAL PLAYS. WINTER S TALE 4599 Winter s Tale, a Play, altered from Shakspeare by Charles Marsh, 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1756 MACBETH 4600 Macbeth, a Tragedy, by Shakspeare, imperfect, wants all after page 64. Lond. 1673 4601 Macbeth, a Tragedy, altered by Sir William Dave- nant, two editions in one vol., 4to. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1674 4602 Macbeth, a Tragedy, with Notes by Henry Eowe, two editions in one vol., 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. York, 1797 4603 Shakspeare s Macbeth, revised by J. P. Kemble, author s copy, 8vo. 1813 4604 Macbeth, with German Notes, by N. Delius, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Bremen, 1841 in German, see Kaufmann. 4605 Macbeth Travestie, a Burlesque, in 2 vols., by the author of Mammon and Gammon, two works in one vol. 12mo. half morocco. 1847, 1850 KING LEAR 4606 King Lear, altered by N. Tate, four editions in one vol. 4to. half morocco, gilt top. 1681-89, 1699-1702 4607 King Lear, altered by George Colman, 8vo. Lond. 1768 /./ 2 4608 King Lear, altered by Colman, 8vo. half morocco, gilt. Lond. 1768 by Eccles, see under Cymbeline. KING JOHN 4609 Shakspeare ( W.) The first and second part of the troublesome raigne of John, King of England, 4to. very rare, half calf . Lond. 1622 -4610 Pieces of Antient English Poesie ; The troublesome Eaigne of King John, by Shakspeare; Marston s Metamorphosis of Pigmalion s Image and Satires, 12mo. Lond. 1764 4611 First and Second Part of the troublesome raigne of John, King of England, by Shakspeare, imprinted at London, reprint, 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. 1764 ORIGINAL PLAYS. 311 KING JOHN continued. . , 4012 Papal Tyranny in the Reign of King John, a Tra gedy, altered by Colley (Jibber, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1745 *.Sfl 4(313 King John, altered by R. Valpy, as it was acted at Reading School, London, Svo. Lond. 1803 4014 Kynge John, A Play, in two parts, altered by John Bale, 4to. half morocco, gilt top, reprint. Loud. 1838 RICHARD THE SECOND -1015 Life and Death of King Richard the Second, with New Additions of the Parliament Scene and the deposing of King Richard, by William Shakspeare, Jolly s copy, 4to. half calf , rare. Lond. 1034 J&~y-ftr.- KING IlENRY THE FOURTH 4017 Historic of Henry the Fourth, with the humorous conceits of Sir John Falstaffe, newly corrected by Wm. Shakspere, 4t% half calf, very scarce. Lond. 1039 ? ,Jj~~ 4018 King Henry the Fourth, with the Humours of Sir John Falstaffe, a Tragi-Comedy altered from Shak spere, by T. Betterton, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1700 jz_ 4019 Sequel of Henry the Fourth, with. the Humours of Sir John Falstaffe and Justice Shallow, altered by Betterton, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. n. d. 4020 Kenrick, Falstaff s Wedding. A Comedy, Sequel to the second part of King Henry the 4th, in imitation of Shakspere, 12mo. half morocco, gilt. Lond. 1700 4021 Another edition, half morocco. Lond. 1773 y. /z__ 4022 Henry IV., Svo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1845 KING HENRY THE FIFTH 4023 Lord Orrery, History of Henry the 5th, and the Tragedy of Mustapha, Son of Soliman the Mag nificent, pp. 44, folio, half morocco. Lond. 1090 KING HENRY THE SIXTH 4024 The First Sketches of the second and third parts of Henry the Sixth, edited byJ.O. llallivvcll, Svo.hnlf morocco. Loud. 1843 J 7 / 342 ORIGINAL PLAYS. KING HENRY THE SIXTH continued. 4625 Eichard, Duke of Yorke, or the Contests of Yorke and Lancaster, as altered from Shakespeare s three parts of Henry the 6th, by Soane, 12mo. half mo rocco, gilt top. Lond. 1817 KING KICIIAKD THE THIRD ? , /2_ 4626 King Richard the Third, revised by Colley Gibber, and adapted to the Stage by J. P. Kemble, his own copy, with MS. notes by himself. 8vo. Lond. 1811 4627 Eichard the Third, from a Collection of Plays acted in Paris, sevxd, 8vo. 1828 //2~ 4628 True Tragedie of Eichard the Third, from a unique copy, and the Latin Play of Eichardus Tertius, from a manuscript edited by Baron Field, 8vo. half mo rocco, gilt top. Lond. 1844 ^ fZ> 4629 Eichard the Third, Travestie, with annotations, 12mo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1816 KING HENRY THE EIGHTH 4680 Henry the 8th, altered from Shakespeare, by Grove, with several plates and portrait, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1758 - 4631 King Henry the Eighth, revised by J. P. Kemble, Author s copy, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1804 J 7 4632 Bokcr (George II.) Anne Boleyn, a Tragedy. Phil. 1850 PERICLES, PRINCE OF TYRE __ 4633 Late and much admired Play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre ; with the true relation of the whole His tory, Adventures, and Fortunes of the saide Prince, written by Wm. Shakspere, 2d edition, 4to. half morocco, very rare. Lond. 161 ( J / ^_ 4634 Old Plays Pericles, Prince of Tyre, printed 1714; The London Prodigal, Thomas, Lord Cromwell, . The Puritan, and the Tragedy of Locrine, plates, 12mo. half calf . // -j ^ 4635 Kertland ( W.) Foster-Child, or the Prince of Corinth, / a Tragic Play, founded on (and adapted to the stage from) Shakspeare s Tragedy of Pericles, 4to. MS. 1820 TITUS ANDRONICUS /. & z_ 4636 Titus Andronicus, or the Eape of Lavinia, altered from Shakspere by Edward Eavenscroft, 4to. half morocco, gill top. Lond. 1687 ORIGINAL 1 LAYS. 343 TKOILUS AND CKESSIDA 4638 Troilus and Cressida; or, Truth Found Too Late; altered from Shakspere, by Dryden. Lond. 1(57 ( J 4639 Troilus and Cressida; or, Truth Found Too Late; altered by John Dryden, 4to. half morocco, gill top. Lond. 1(579 4640 Troilus and Cressida, with an Introduction, and Notes Critical and Illustrative, by the Author of the Dramatic Censor, pamphlet. Lond. 1774 See Chaucer s Troilus and Cressida, translated by Kinaston. Lot 4817. TIMON OF ATHENS 4641 Timon of Athens, the Man-IIater, altered from Shakspere by Thos. Shad well; two editions, first edition, 1678 ; second edition, 1703-4, 4to. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1678-1703 4642 Timon of Athens, altered from Shakspere by T. Love, half morocco, gilt top, 8vo. Lond. 1768 X- J~0 4643 Timon of Athens, a Tragedy, altered from Shakes peare by Cumberland, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1771 < /2. 4644 Timon, a Play, edited by Alexander Dyce, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1842 JULIUS C.ESAR 4645 Julius Ccesar, a Tragedy, by Wm. Shakspere, paper. Lond - IG(JI NTONY AND CLEOPATRA 4646 Antony and Cleopatra, a Tragedy, altered by Sir Charles Sedley, Bart., half calf. Lond. 1677 4647 Another copy, sewed. Lond. 1677 4648 Antony and Cleopatra, Historical Play by Shakes peare, edited and fitted for the stage by abridging only, &c., by Edwd. Capell, 12mo. russia, scarce. Lond. 1758 4649 - Idem, half morocco, gilt top, 12mo. Lond. 1758 CORIOLANUS 4650 Coriolanus, A Tragedy, altered by James Thomson, 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1749 4651 Coriolanus, or the lloman Matron, a Tragedy, altered from Shakspere by T. Sheridan, 12 mo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1789 4652 Coriolanus, or the Roman Matron, altered, sewed, 110 title. 344: ORIGINAL PLAYS. KOMEO AND JULIET 4653 Romeo and Juliet, a Tragedy, altered from Shakes- , t^_^ peare by T. Gibber, to which is added a serio-comic apology for part of the life of Mr. T. Gibber, Comedian, written by himself, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1748 4654 Borneo and Juliet, altered from Shakspere by Gar- rick, with notes and portrait, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Birmingham, 1770 4655 Romeo and Juliet, a Comedy, from the Spanish of Lopez de Vega, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1770 /< 2 J~~ 4656 Julietta, translated from the Italian of Count Luigi da Porta, two versions in one vol. HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK 4657 Tragical Historic of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, by Win. Shakespeare, 4to. 1603, reprint from the only known copy, it exhibits extraordinary variations from the received text, 8vo. half morocco, top edge gilt. Lond. 1825 4658- - Another copy, half calf. Lond. 1825 /// _ 4659 Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, by Wm. Shakspere, small 4to. crown morocco, rare. Lond. 1637 4660 Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, by Win. Shakspere, 8vo. Lond. 1703 4661 Hamlet, Caldecott, (T.} see As You Like It. 4661* Hamlet and As You Like it, a specimen of a new edition of Shakspeare, by Caldecott, half morocco, top edge gilt, royal 8vo. Lond. 1832 4662 Hamlet, a Dramatic Prelude, altered by James Rush, 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Phil. 1834 . 4663 Ducis. Amleto, Tragedia, ad irnitazione della Inglesc di Shakespear, printed on blue paper, 8vo. Yen. 1774 /Z- 4664 Valletta (Ignazio) Amleto, ricata in Italiano. 1839 A-nother-co-py. 4666 Cellenio (Inarco) Hamlet, Tragedia, con traducida c ilustrada con la vida de el autor, y notas criticas, 4to. ha{f morocco. Madrid, 1738 4667 Poole Hamlet Travestie, in Three Acts, with bur lesque annotations, after the manner of Dr. Johnson and George Steevens, and the various Commenta tors, 12mo. half calf. 1817 DOUBTFUL AND SPURIOUS 1 LAYS. 345 HAMLET continued. 4008 Hamlet Travestie, a Burlesque in 2 acts, with notes, 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Oxford, 1849 OTHKLLO, ou THE MOOR OF VENICE -1069 Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice, as it hath beene divers times acted at the Globe and at the Black Friers by his Majesty s Servants, written by Win. Shakespeare, 4 to. half calf, cut close, rare. Jrrrr-* J*r Lond. 1022 4670 Othello, 4to. pp. 76. Lond. 1095 ^ _ 4071 Moor of Venice, with two Essays on Shakespeare, by Wolstenholme Parr. 8vo. half morocco, g. t. u. Lond. 1795 4672 Othello Travestie, with Burlesque Notes in the man ner of the most celebrated commentators, and other curious appendices. 12mo. half morocco, a. t. u. Lond. 1813 4073 Another copy, sciced. 4074 Jenncns (C harks), Shakspcarc s Tragedies, King Lear, Othello, Julius Ciesar, Macbeth, and Hamlet, collated with the old and modern editions, 2 vols. half morocco. Lond. 1770-3 -1075 Kauffmann (PAtTtjp), Lear und Macbeth, 12mo. half morocco, g. t. Berlin, 1830 4076 Othello und Cymbeline, 12mo. half morocco, ;/. t. 1830 4077 Kemble s (J. P.} Editions, altered for representation, 7 vols. 8vo. half morocco, I. c. Lond. v. y. 4078 Valetta, Ignazio, Giulio Cesare, Coriolano, y Otello, ricata in Italiano, 12mo. half morocco. Firenzi, 1821) 4079 Valpy (A .) Alterations of some of ShakSpeare s Plays, 8vo. Reading, n. d. DOUBTFUL AND SPURIOUS PLAYS. 4080 SIMMS (W. G.) A Supplement to the Plays of William Shakespeare; comprising the seven Dramas which /, . j?j- ^/^ have been ascribed to his pen, but are not included with his writings in modern editions, &c., edited, with notes and an introduction to each Play, by W. Gil- more Sirnrns, Esq., portrait and engravings, tmcnt, half morocco, royal 8vo. N. Y. 1848 346 DOUBTFUL AND SPURIOUS PLAYS. FAIRE EM 4681 A pleasant Comedie of Faire Em, The Miller s Daughter of Manchester, with the Love of William the Conqueror, ascribed to Wm. Shakspeare, scarce, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1631 FIFTH OF NOVEMBER 4682 Or the Gunpowder Plot, an Historical Play, sup posed to be written by Wm. Shakspere, paper. Lond. 1830 MERRY DEVIL OF EDMONTON // - 4683 Merry Devel of Edmonton, said by Kirkham to be by Shakspere, 4to. very rare. Lond. 1617 4684 Merrie Devill of Edmonton, reprint of an Elizabethan Drama, by an unknown author, 12mo. Lond. 1780 " I wish it could be ascertained that Drayton was the author, it would add a worthy appendage to his renown." C. Lamb. 4685 Life and Death of the Merry Devill of Edmonton, with the Pleasant Pranks of Smug the Smith, Sir John, and Mine Host of the George, about the stealing of venison, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1819 MUCEDORUS 4686 A most pleasant Comedie of Mucedorus, the King s Sonne of Valencia, and Amadine, the King s Daugh ter of Aragon, with the Merry Conceits of Mouse, amplified with new Additions, as it was acted be fore the King s Majestie at Whitehall, on Shrove Sunday Night, by his Highnesse s Servants, usually playing at the Globe, very delectable and full of conceited mirth, 4to. half calf , very neat, and scarce. Lond. 1668 Malone attributes this very rare and curious old Play or Droll to R. Green ; but by others it is attributed to Shakspeare. OLDCASTLE 4687 First part of the True and Honorable History of the Life of Sir John Oldcastle, the Good Lord Cobham, written by Wm. Shakspere, fine copy, very rare, 4to. morocco. Lond. 1600 4688 Two Noble Kinsmen, written by Mr. John Fletcher and Mr. Wrn. Shakspere, the first edition, 4to. half calf. 1634 SlIAKSl EARE. POEMS, SONNETS, ETC. 847 4689 Whole Contention betweene the Two Famous Houses of Lancaster and York, divided into two parts, and newly corrected and enlarged, written by Wm. Shakspere, 4to. very scarce. Lond. J. P. 1619 . / 7 4689* Double Falsehood, or The Distrest Lovers, written originally by Wm. Shakspere, revised by Theobald, first edition, published 1728, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. SIIAKSPEARE. POEMS, SONNETS, Ac. j 4690 SHAKSPEARE, all the Miscellaneous Poems of Wm. Shakspeare, which were published by himself in the year 1009, and now correctly printed from those editions, 2 vols. 12mo. half morocco , gilt top. Lond. 1710 4691 Poems by Wm. Shakspeare, with portrait, 12mo. morocco. Evans, Lond. n. d. 4692 - -Poems by William Shakspeare, with illustra tive remarks, original and select, to which is prefixed a sketch of the Author s life, plates, uncut, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1804 An elegant and copiously annotated edition by an unknown author. Another copy, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1804 Poetical Works, containing Venus and Adonis, Rape of Lucrece, Sonnets, Passionate Pilgrim, and A Lover s Complaint, printed and embellished wider t/ir. direction of C. Cooke, plates, calf, 18mo. Lond. 1797 4695 Sonnets, pp. 80, 18mo. half morocco. Ball, Arnold & Co., Lond. 1840 4696 Songs of Shakspeare, illustrated by the Etching Club, lar<je paper, beautiful designs, half calf . Lond. 1843 4697 Songs and Ballads of Shakespeare, illuminated by T. W. Gwilt Mapleson, Esq., 4to. half morocco. N. Y. n. d. 848 SHAKSFEAHE. COLLECTED EDITIONS. SHAKSPEARE COLLECTED EDITIONS. 4698 SHAKESPEARE S (Mr. William) COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES, PUBLISHED ACCORDING TO THE TRUE ORIGLNALL COPIES, FIRST EDITION, exceedingly rare, folio, printed by Isaac Jaggard and Ed. Blount. 1623 This copy has the original portrait by Droeshout, inlaid in a title, which is fac-similied by the inimitable Harris ; the verses in front, also the last leaf, are by the same hand ; otherwise it is as fine a copy as is generally seen measures 12| inches high by 8j wide, red morocco, extra, with gilt fillets inside, and gilt leaves, bound by Bedford. " Twenty-two out of the thirty-six Plays in this volume had never pre viously been published in any form whatever ; of these it is the parent text ; this circumstance alone imparts an extraordinary and inestimable value to this edition." 4698* SHAKESPEARE S COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGE DIES, THE CELEBRATED FAC-SIMILE REPRINT OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION, with fine portrait after DroeshouCs engraving, folio, calf extra, printed by Ed. and J. Wright. Lond. 1807 JTJ 4699 SHAKESPEARE (Mr. William) COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES, PUBLISHED ACCORDING TO THE TRUE ORIGINALL COPIES, THE SECOND IMPRESSION, printed by Thomas Cotes for William Ashley, 8vo. Lond. 1632 This copy has the original title, with the portrait by Droeshout pieced at the bottom, and the inside ; otherwise it is a tall and remarkable fine copy and such as is not commonly seen for sale, elegantly bound in Russia, gilt leaves, 13^ h>gh by 8j wide. This rare edition, which at one time was thought to be more intrinsically valuable than its predecessor, is one of the best printed books of the period. A leaf with ten metrical lines, signed " B. I." (Ben Jonson) "To the Reader," precedes the title page, in the centre of which is a portrait of Shakespeare by Martin Droeshout, the lines opposite referring to the same thus commencing : " The figure that tbou here seest put, It was for gentle Shakespeare cut." This portrait has always been looked upon as the most satisfactory likeness of our Immortal Bard. Stevens copy sold for 18 18s., and at Mr. Dunn Gardner s sale it brought 18 10s. 4700 SHAKESPEARE S (Mr. William] COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES, PUBLISHED ACCORDING TO THE TRUE ORIGINALL COPIES, THE THIRD IMPRESSION, original portrait and title, beautifully inlaid, the verses a re print and part of the last leaf inlaid otherwise a very good copy, printed for Philip Chetwind. Lond. 1663 It is 13| inches high by 8|, beautifully bound in Russia, gilt leaves, and was formerly in the possession of J. W. Cole, the lessee of the Theatre Royal, Dublin. This is considered of greater rarity than even the first edition, an account SHAKSPEARE. COLLECTED EDITIONS. 349 of the greater portion of the impression having been destroyed in the great fire of London. There is another third edition with the date 1664, but the one of 1603, as above, is the scarcest of all. The publishers of the fourth edition in 1685, appear to have considered the destruction of the third edition so extensive as to entitle them to treat it as a non-entity; and accordingly say on their title-page, "unto which is added Seven / lays never before printed in Folio," though they had been previously printed in the third a certain proof of its great rarity even in those days. 4701 SHAKESPEARE S (Mr. William) COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES PUBLISHED ACCORDING TO THE TRUE ORIGINAL COPIES, UNTO WHICH IS ADDED SEVEN PLAYS NEVER BEFORE PRINTED IN FOLIO, THE FOURTH EDI TION, portrait l>y Droeshout and verses bemath, a fine tall copy 14$ by 9J, Russia extra, gilt leaves, printed for H. lleringman, E. Brewster, and 11. Bently, &c. Lond. 1085 The same portrait was used for this edition as the third, after having been retouched ; it has occupied the upper part of a leaf preceding the title having the initial lines beneath it. The work is printed in a large size, the prefatory matter occupying only four pages. Mr. Dunn Gardner s copy sold for 13. This fourth edition, see above, contains the Seven Doubtful Plays, Pericles, London Prodigal, History of Lord Cromwell, Sir John Oldcastle, The Puritan Widow, A Yorkshire Tragedy, and Locrene. ?<S~ 4702 SHAKSPEARE S Dramatic "Works, revised, with Life by N. Howe, portrait and numerous fine plates of charac ters by Vandergucht, Duchange, &c., large paper, 7 vols. half morocco, gilt top, scarce. Lond. 1709 The first 8vo. edition, and the first edition of Shakspeare, with plates. 4703 - Plays and Poems, by Alexander Pope, collated and corrected by him by the former editions, with Notes, printed in large type, fine portrait by Vertue, 7 vols. 4to. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1725 The seventh volume to this edition was added by Dr. Sewell. It con tains Shakspeare s Poems, with Gildon s Essay on the Stage, and Remarks on Shakspeare. This volume is now rare. This edition is much esteemed for its correctness and notes. " The most striking instance of the growing popularity of the great Bard, was the enterprise of employing Pope to edit this first splendid edi tion of his works. 750 copies were printed at 6 6s. ; but so little were the public prepared to sustain the undertaking, that the bulk of the edition was sunk among the booksellers to 16s. a copy." Johnson s Lives. 4704 - - Collated and corrected by the former editions by Alexander Pope, 8 vols. 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1728 The head of Shakspeare in this edition is said by Boaden to be that of King James. 350 SHAKSPEARE. COLLECTED EDITIONS. 4705 SHAKSPEARE The Works of, collated with the oldest copies, with Critical Notes, by Lewis Theobald, curious plates to each play, showing the theatrical costume of the day, large paper copy, with numerous MS. notes by the learned Sty an Thirl by, 7 vols. half morocco, "* /%<> gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1733 j-& 4706 Works, revised and corrected by Sir T. Han- rner, printed in large type, with plates by Gravelot after Hayman s designs, 6 vols. 4to. half morocco, gilt top. Oxford, 1744 -i 4707 Dramatic Works, with Glossary and various Readings, by Sir T. Hanmer, finely printed in large type with the series of engravings by Gravelot, from Ilayman s celebrated designs, large paper, 6 vols. royal 4to. half morocco, gilt top. Oxf. Clar. Press, 1771 Particularly esteemed for its exceedingly large and beautiful type. A copy of this edition was used by Mrs. Butler (Fanny Kemble) at her "Shakspeare Readings." // J/ 1 4708 The Works of; the genuine text (collated with all the former editions, and then corrected and amended) is here settled ; being restored from the Blunders of the first Editors, and the Interpolations of the two last, with a Comment and Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by Mr. Warburton, portrait by Vertue, 8 vols. 8vo. half morocco, top gilt. Lond. 1747 The present copy has MS. notes by the learned Styan Thirlby ; it for merly belonged to Sir Edward Walpole, who lent the sixth volume to Dr. Samuel Johnson, which volume the Doctor did not return. 4710 Dramatic Works, Dr. Johnson s Original Edi tion, with his Notes, and Illustrations of various Com mentators, portrait by Vertue, 8 vols. 8vo. half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut. Lond. 1765 4711 Mr. William Shakespeare, his Comedies, His tories, and Tragedies, set out by Himself in quarto, or by the Players his Fellows in folio, and now faith fully republished from those editions, with an Intro duction, whereunto will be added Notes Critical and Explanatory, and a body of various Readings intire, by Capell ; Prolusions, or Select Pieces of Ancient Poetry, etc., printed by Dryden Leach, fine copy, beautifully printed on fine paper, 10 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1768 *** Sold in Reed s Sale for 5 17s. 6d., and in White Knight s for 11. " Mr. Capell, I call the patron of Shakspeare ; they who are acquainted with his Critical Writings will not scruple with me to pronounce him the Father of all legitimate commentary on Shakspeare." Pursuits of Literature. SHAKSPEARE. COLLECTED EDITIONS. 351 VV - -. 4712 SHAKSPEARE, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, to which are added Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Stevens, with an Ap pendix, revised and augmented, 10 vols. and 2 vols. Prolegomena 12 vols. half morocco, uncut, very rare in this state, 8vo. Lond. 1778-80 This is the celebrated edition edited by Dr. Johnson, and is esteemed one of the best variorum editions of the last century. ^ 9. J*Z) 4713 - Dramatic Works, Bell s excellent edition, large paper, with the various Prefaces, Dissertations, and Variorum Notes, numerous fine Portraits, and up wards of 100 beautiful Engravings of Scenes and Characters, proofs, 20 vols. post 8vo. whole bound purple morocco, (jilt Laves, contents lettered, fine copy. 1786-8 4714 - Idem, Vol. 1, 18rno. 1788 J~# 4715 - Dramatic Works of, with Notes by Joseph Kann, A. M., 6 vols. half morocco, gilt top, 8vo. Oxford, 178G /Z 4716 - Playsand Poems, with a historical account of the English Stage, by E. Malone, portraits, 10 vols. fine paper, half morocco, stilted to match the large 8vo. set. Lond. 1790 . /?_ 4717 - First American Edition, Johnson, vol. 1. Phil. 1795 _ 4718 - Works, Bellamy s Edition, 8 vols. Portrait, Two Plates to each Volume, very rare, half morocco, cut, top edgi-s gilt, 8vo. Lond. 1796 4719 - Works, Kobinson s Edition, 7 vols., large paper, beautifully printed, very rare, not mentioned in Ilalli- well s Shaksperiana, half morocco, royal 8vo. Lond. 1797 4720 - Plays and Poems, from the text of Steevens, Robinson s Edition, no Notes, 8 vols. calf, 8vo. Lond. 1797 4721 - Basil Edition, with corrections and illustra tions of various commentators, and the whole of the curious Prolegomena, Notes. &c., supposed to be edited by the celebrated Isaac Eeed, 23 vols. half morocco, gilt top, 8vo. Basil, 1800 By a typographical error, the date of the first volume is MDCCCC. 4723 - - Works, Miller s Edition, 2 vols. royal 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1806 352 SHAKSPEARE. COLLECTED EDITIONS. 4722 SHAKSPEARE S Dramatic Works, Bensley s fine Library Edition, handsomely printed on thick paper, 8 vols. Svo. half morocco, gilt top, contents lettered. 1803 An excellent edition from the text of Steevens, with Life by Chalmers, and select Notes from the best Commentators. 4724 Dramatic Works, with Notes of various Com mentators, edited by Manley Wood, illustrated with numerous beautiful Engravings by Warren, Neagle, &c., large paper, 14 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Kearsley, 1806 An elegant and scarce edition ; the engravings are from designs by Stothard, Burney, Hamilton, Tliurston, Loutherbourg, and other eminent painters. 4725 Pl a y s j printed from the Text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed, Portrait and numerous beautiful vignette Plates to each Play, from designs by Smirke, Stothard, Westall, Thompson, lloward, Cook, &c., engraved by Fittler, Heath, Anker, Smith, and other eminent engravers, 6 vols. royal 8vo. large paper, half bound dark green morocco, uncut, top edge gilt. Lond. 1807 This edition is most beautifully printed by Ballantyne. The text, which is singularly correct, was edited by Sir Walter Scott. Copies on large paper are very scarce. Sabiue s sold for 12 16s. 4726 Dramatic Works, Ayscough s Edition, with the celebrated Index to the remarkable Passages and Words, fine Portrait by Sherwin, 3 vols. royal 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1807 4727 Dramatic Works, Portrait and Plates after Thurston, 12 vols. 12mo. large paper, uncut, half morocco, and stilted to Svo. Lond. Tegg, 1812 4728 Plays, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, to which are added Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens, revised and augmented by Isaac Eeed, including the two vols. of Prolegomena, with a Glossarial Index, 21 vols. Svo. portraits and plates, russia, extra, gilt. 1813 Perhaps this may be esteemed as the best and most useful of all the edi tions of Shakspeare. The proof sheets were most carefully cor rected by Mr. Harris, librarian of the Royal Institution. This excellent variorum edition includes the Doubtful Plays, Complete History of the Stage, a copious Glossarial Index, &c. //- S7 4729 - - Dramatic Works, Wittingham s Edition, 24mo. 7 vols. India paper, half morocco. Chiswick, 1814 SHAKSPEARE. COLLECTED EDITIONS. 353 4730 SHAKSPEARE S Dramatic Works, edited by Isaac Reed, 10 vols. Svo. Itoanh. N. Y. 1817 j7.J$ 4731 - Dramatic Works, Oxberry s Edition, the only one which is faithfully marked with stage business and stage directions, capital Portraits of the principal actors, in character, 4 vols. 12mo. half morocco. Lond. 1818-23 2 SIIAKSPEARE (William) WORKS, BOYDELL S SPLENDID EDITION, 9 VOLS. FOLIO, CIIOICE PROOFS OF ALL THE PLATES AND A SET OF THE ETCHINGS, MOST ELEGANT LY BOUND IN MOROCCO, GILT LEAVES. Lond. 1802 Miss BoYPBLL g OWN copy. Tliese plates were all selected by the niece of the publisher, and it is presumed this is the choicest copy of tho work extant, the result of one of the most patriotic and sumptuous undertaking! that ever emanated from the liberality and spirit of any publisher before Alderman Boydell ; combining at the same time employment and the greatest encouragement to every one concerned, from the elevated genius of the palette and maule-stick to the hum ble wielder of the folding stick. 4733 SIIAKSPEARE (17.) BOYDELL S LARGE SET OF ILLUSTRA TIONS TO, CONSISTING OF ONE HUNDRED, AFTER THE PAINTINGS OF THE MOST CELEBRATED ARTISTS OF THE DAY; ENGRAVED BY SlIARPE, IlALL, BARTOLOZZI, SCHIAVONETTI, STOWE, OGBORNE, MlDDIMAN, AND OTHERS. THE WHOLE BEING THE MOST CHOICE PROOFS THAT EVER CAME FROM THE PLATES. They are accompanied by tho etchings of every print, with some varia tions. It is not usual to find more than eighty etchings in a set, but in thjp instance the set is complete within one or two, which is sufficiently or more than compensated, by the variations of Kisn LEAR by SHARPK and others, all in the lirst state as they were printed, loose in a portfolio with wrappers. This splendid work is a noble monument to the genius of Shakspeare, formed by the united efforts of the most renowned British artists, aided and directed also by the munificence of Alderman Boydell. Among the paintings engraved in this superb series of illustrations are the works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Romney, Opie, Smirke, Northcote, Stothard, Fuseli, Hamilton, Tresham, Westall, and other first rate British artists. 4734 BOYDELL S Shakspeare, a lot of odd sheets, letter-press. 4735 SIIAKSPEARE (W.) Plays and Poems of, with Life of the Poet, and enlarged History of the Stage, with all the Prefaces and Essays of the various Commentators, Malone s edition, edited by James Boswell, 21 vols. including the 2 vols. of Prolegomena. Lond. 1821 s7 ?/ Dramatic Works and Poems, with Life, Vari orum Notes, and Preface by the Rev. W. Harness, 3 fine jwrtraits of Shakspeare^ 8 vols. Svo. half morocco, gill top. 1825 354 SHAKSPEARE. COLLECTED EDITIONS. 4736 SHAKSPEARE, Leipsic edition in English, old calf. 1824 4737 Dramatic Works, Pickering s beautiful edition, 11 vols. post, 8vo. half calf. Loud. 1825 4738 The Works of, Pickering s Diamond edition, the smallest ever published, portrait from the print by Droeshout, 9 vols. 48mo. morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1825 *#* This beautiful edition of Shakspeare was published under the patronage of Earl Spencer, and is one of the finest specimens of typo graphy ever produced. 4739 - Plays, edited by Bowdler, with all the passages omitted which cannot be read aloud with propriety, 10 vols. 18mo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1827 This admirable edition has met with deserved eulogy from all classes. The works of Shakspeare are now accessible to the domestic circle in a form which is free from the impurities of thought and expres sion sanctioned by the license of the times in which he lived. 4740 Works of, with his Life, by Dr. Symmons, and notes and illustrations, by S. W. Singer, Esq., Whit- tingham s beautiful Chiswick edition, 60 plates, 10 vols. 12mo. elegant copy, in half morocco, gilt top, uncut, and contents lettered, very scarce, a large portion of the edition being lost by fire. Lond. 1826 4741 The Dramatic Works of, portrait, 60 exquisite woodcuts, 8vo. morocco, gilt top. Chiswick Press, Whittingham, 1827 Very scarce. Like all the books that came from the celebrated " Chis wick Press," this is a beautiful specimen of typography and wood engraving. 4742 Dramatic Works, with editorial and glossarial notes, a sketch of his Life, and an Essay on his writings, newly arranged by C. H. Wheeler, 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1827 4743 Dramatic Works, from the text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reid, uncut, half morocco. Lond., Jones, 1830 / 4744 Slater (K) Select Plays for Schools, selections from Shakspeare, 12mo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1836 4745 Works, with the various Headings, Notes, His tory of the early English Stage, and Life, by J. Payne Collier, fine portrait, 8 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1844 The text in this edition is formed from an entirely new collation of the old editions ; it is the approved text of one who has dedicated much time and research to the subject. SIIAKSPEARE. COLLECTED EDITIONS. 355 4746 SIIAKSPEARE, Bell s edition, with plaits ami vignettes, 7 vols. 48 mo. half morocco. 4747 Baudry s edition in English, 9 vols. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Paris, 1843 S" 4748 Baudry s edition by Campbell, many plates and cuts, half morocco, gilt top, royal 8vo. Paris, 1848 - 4749 Dramatic and Poetical Works, with Life by Barry Cornwall, and Notes by the best Commentators, illustrated edition, ivith nearly 1000 engravings, from designs by Kenny Meadoivs, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. half morocco, gilt tops, fine uncut copy, PRINTED ENTIRELY ON INDIA PAPER, ONLY TWELVE COPIES so PRINTED. Lond. 1843 4750 Plays and Poems, Valpy s Cabinet Pictorial edition, with Life, Glossarial Notes, &c., and 171 plates engraved on steel after designs of the most distin guished British artists, 15 vols. post 8vo. half Id. morocco, contents lettered. Lond. 1843 " This is at once the most delightful and elegant form in which Shaks- pearo has ever appeared." Morning Post. - 4751 Dramatic "Works and Poems complete, with 40 portraits of the Heroines, 8 vols. large paper, half S2 4/J f morocco top gilt. Bost. 1850 ^%r- 4752 - Works, Hudson s edition, vols. 1 and 3, cloth. Boston and Cambridge, 1851 4753 Knights cabinet edition of the Works of Wil liam Shakspere, Studies of Shakspere, Poems and notes, uncut, 12 vols. in 6, morocco gilt, 16mo. Lond. 1851 4754 Halli well s Folio. The Works of William Shakespeare, the Text formed by a new collation of the early editions, all the Novels and Tales on which the Plays are founded, copious Archaeological anno tations, and essay on the formation of the Text and a Life of the Poet, by J. O. Halliwell, F. R. S., nu merous plates, fac-similes, wood-cuts, accurately taken from original sources, an original subscription copy, folio, half bound. 1854-6 The eighth and ninth volumes of the magnificent work are just ready. The purchaser of this copy will have the right of continuation to the whole work without further payment. Only l. r >0 copies are printed, and a number being assigned to every copy, the limit is most strictly maintained. All the engravings are also destroyed, so that the work must always be-rising in price. 356 SHAKSPEARE. TRANSLATIONS. SHAKSPEARE S Plays, new Lansdowne edition, the Text from the early and best impressions, with Glossary, highly finished port, by Kobinson, after that by Droe- shout, thick 8vo. 1852 This elegant edition is printed in a novel and convenient style, the names of the characters being put at full length, in the centre of the text, in red ink. , 4756 - Dramatic AVorks ; the Text regulated by the old copies, and by the recently discovered Folio of 1632, containing early MS. emendations, edited by J. P. Collier, portrait of Shakspeare copied from the Folio Edition of 1623. Lond. 1853 ?J~ 4757 - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, from the text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed, with Glossorial Notes, Life, etc., a new edition, by William Ha/litt, Esq., The Supplementary Works of Shake speare, comprising his Poems and Doubtful Plays, etc., 5 vols. 12mo. doth, gilt. Lond. 1853 4758 - Dramatic Works, with Introductions and Notes by J. O. Halliwell, 80 plates, including Photographs of E. Forrest, Charles Kean, Phelps, Harley, Back- stone, and other eminent Actors, in character, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. in parts, half calf . 1858 4759 - The Plays of, with his Life, illustrated with many hundred wood-cuts from designs of Meadows, Harvey, and others, edited by Gulian C. Verplanck, with Notes, &c., 3 vols, royal 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. 1847 TRANSLATIONS. 4760 LA EOCHE (Benf.} Shakespeare, QBuvres completes, edi tion Illustree, royal 8vo. Paris, n. d. 4761 - Another edition with preface, by Alexander Dumas, 2 vols. royal 8vo. half morocco gilt. Paris, 1844 4762 MICHEL (L.} ffiuvres Completes de Shakespeare, 3 vols. //7t ""royal 8 vo. half morocco. Paris, 1837 4763 - Tragedia di, 14 vols. small 4to. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Verona, 1817 4764 SHAKSPEARE, Dramatische Werke ubersetzt von A. W. Schlegel and Ludw. Tieck, 12 vols. with fine steel engravings, half morocco, gilt top. Berlin, 1839 This translation into German by Schlegel and Tieck of the works of the great British Bard is a poetical production of the highest merit. In no other living language could Shakspeare s work be rendered similar to this translation. SHAKSl EAUIANA. 867 4765 SIIAKSPEAUE, Another edition, 12 vols. sewed. Berlin, 1850 4760 Schauspiele, neue gans ungear beitete ausgabe von J. Z. Eschenburg, 2 vols. thiek 8vo. thick paper, half morocco, gilt top. Zurich, 1780 /4707 - - Ueber, W. Shakspeare Joh. Zoach, Eschcn- 1 burg, portrait, 8vo. lialf morocco. Zurich, 1787 / 4708 Eschenburg, Werke uud Genius von Shakes peare, 8vo. half morocco. Zurich, 1787 4709 lEuvres, traduites de 1 Allemand, par Mde. Elise Voi art. Paris, 1826 4770 Venus und Adonis, Tarquin und Lukrezia zwei gedichte Von Shakespeare, ans dem Englischen ubersetzt II. C. Albrecht (with the English text), 8vo. half calf. Halle, 1783 SIIAKESPEARIANA. 4772 ALEYN (C.) The Historic of that wise and fortunate Prince llenrie of that name, the seventh king of Eng land, with that fumed battaile fought between the sayd king Henry and Richard the Third, surnamed the Crookbacke, upon Hcdmoore Heath, neere Bos- worth, in verse, scarce, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1683 Sold in Nassau s sale, 2 2s. Dodweswell, 2 12*. Qd. 4773 AMERICAN Whig Review, December, 1851, 8vo. N. Y. 1851 Containing an article on some Shaksperian and Spenserian MSS. 4774 ANNOTATIONS, Illustrative of the Plays of Shakes peare, by Johnson, Steevens, Malone, Theobald, War- burton, &c., 2 vols. in 1, uncut, half morocco, top edges gilt, 8vo. Lond. 1819 4775 ASCHAM (R.) The Schole-master, or plaine and perfite way of teaching children to understand, write, and speak the Latin Tong, Jjlacll Hetter, 4to. Lond. Jolm Daye, 1589 " A book that will be always useful, and everlastingly esteemed on account of the good sense, judicious observations, excellent charac ters of ancient authors, and many pleasant and profitable passages of English history, which are plentifully sprinkled therein." Dr. Campbell. AUBREY S Miscellanies, vide Lot 4023. AYSCOUGH (.) Index to the remarkable passages and words made use of by Shakespeare, calculated to point out the different meanings to which the words were applied, also the Dramatic Works of Shakes peare, together, 3 vols. calf, scarce, 8vo. vide 4726. 358 SHAKSPEARIANA. 4777 BABES in the Wood, Old English Ballad, with coloured illustrations, by the Marchioness of Waterford, 4to. morocco. BAKER S Biographia Dramatica, vide Lot 350. 4778 BANCROFT (Thomas), Two Books of Epigramraes, half morocco, 4to. scarce. Lond. 1639 Sold in Lloyd 10 10s. Priced in the Bib. Anglo-Poet. 20. This rare volume contains 481 Epigrams and Epitaphs. The writer was a contributor to " Lachrymae Musarum," 1650, in which his poem is thus inscribed : To the never-dying memory of the noble Lord Hastings, &c., the meanest son of the Muses consecrates this Elegie." In the first Book occur two Epigrams on Shakespeare. " Shooke thy Speare" seems to allude to his crest, which was a Falcon sup porting a Spear. 118. To Shakespeare. Thy Muses, sugred dainties seeme to us Like the fam d Apples of old Tantalus ; For we (admiring), see and heare thy straines, But none I see or heare, those sweets attaines. 119. To the Same. Thou hast so us d thy Pen (or shooke thy speare), That poets startle, nor thy wit come neare. 4779 BARRISTER S (A.} Tour for Genealogy, containing curi ous fragments from a MS. collection, ascribed to Shaks- peare, also Brewer s Histrionic Topography, 2 vols. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, Lond. 1811-18 4780 BARTON (T. P.} MS. List of Shakespeariana, in the possession of, 4to. Mr. Barton s is the finest collection in the United States, and perhaps scarcely second to any other collection. 4781 BEAUTIES of Shakespeare, selected from his Worksyto which are added the Principal Scenes in the same author, rough leaves, half green morocco, top edges gilt, 12mo. Lond. 1811 4782 BECKET (A.) Shakespeare s Himself Again, or the language of the poet asserted being a full but dis passionate examen of the readings and interpreta tions of the several editors ; the whole comprised in a series of notes, sixteen hundred in number, with Autograph of the Author, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1815 4783 BEE (The), Or a Companion to the Shakspeare Gallerv, 8vo. Lond. 1789 4785 BELL Introduction to Shakespeare s Plays ; contain ing an essay on oratory (taken from Bell s edition). 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1773 Portraits of Shakespeare and Garrick. SHAKSI EAKIANA. 359 4786 Bmcii (IF. T\ An Inquiry into the Philosophy and lleligion of Shakspeare, 12 mo. cloth. Loud, 1848 4787 BLOUNT (T. P.) De lie Poetica: or Remarks upon Poetry, with characters and censures of the most con siderable Poets, ch-an copy, scarce, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1694 %* Containing characters of Chaucer, Shakespeare, Spenser, Sidney, Ben .IMII-H. Milton, Cowley, Waller, Donne, Suckling, c. x^X^ 4788 BOADEN (J.\ A letter to George Steevens, containing a critical examination of the papers of Shakespeare: published by Mr. Samuel Ireland, to which are added extracts from Vortigern. (Interleaved and MS. notes by the author.) Svo.half calf. Lond. 1796 ^ > 7j- 4789 - An Enquiry into the authenticity of various pictures and prints, which, from the decease of the poet to our own times, have been offered to the public as portraits of Sliakspeare, &c., 5 portraits, fine im pressions, proof, large pa f>er, uncut, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1824 4789* Idem, boards, uncut, 8vo. Lond. 1824 4790 On the Sonnets of Shakespeare, identifying tho person to whom they are addressed, and elucidating several points in the poet s history, uncut, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1837 J7 4791 BOCATIUS, Tragedies of all such Princes as fell from theyr estates through the mutability of Fortune, trans lated by John Lydgate, Moncke of Bury., in verse, morocco, gilt leaves, fine copy, curious plates, folio. Lond. 1554 *** There are, perhaps, few Looks that have had so great an effect on the early literature of England as the present volume. Its popu larity during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries is shown by the numerous Manuscripts and editions, and to this popularity we owe the Mirror for Magistrates, written on the same plan, and intended as a continuation of it ; the Legends and Barons Wars of Drayton, the Civil Wars of Daniel, the Legend of Wolsey, by Storer, and other Poems on the same model ; but it is the Dramatic muse of the coun try that is chiefly indebted to it ; since to it we trace the origin of the Historic Drama, which, rising in the Ferrex and Porrex of Sack- ville and Norton, acquired such strength in the hands of Marloe, and ultimately blazed forth with such splendor in the pages of Shake speare, extremely rare. * # * Sold in the Roxburghe sale for III. 11s., and in the Towneley for 10/. 5*. &2_ 4792 BOSWELL (J(ts.) Biographical Memoir of Edmond Ma- lone not published, presentation copy, with author s signature, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Loud. 1814 360 SHAKSPEARIANA. / - , 4793 BOCCACIO (J.) The Novels and Tales of the renowned John Boccacio, the first refiner of Italian prose ; con taining a hundred curious Novels, by seven honorable ladies, and three noble gentlemen, framed in ten days, woodcut title, fine copy, old calf, folio. Lond. 1620 The first English version of Boccacio, with curious wood-cuts ; rare. " Boccacio s soul was deeply imbued with the poetry of feeling and imagination, and this faculty is traced in his prose works far more than in his poetical compositions. In attentively perusing the De cameron, we not only admire the great versatility of the author s genius, combined as it is with an expert and decided hand in the management of details, but discover, besides a certain fixed design in plan and arrangement, a distinctly conceived and general ideali ty, framed and executed with judgment and intelligence." Schlegel. //I... 4794: BOURNE (A. V.) Poemata ; Poems English and Latin (Ode Magistri Gulielmi, Shakespear, &c.) 12 mo. 3s. 60?. Lond. 1734 What a sweet, unpretending, pretty-mannered, matter-ful creature ! Suckling from every flower, and making a flower of everything. His diction all Latin, and his thoughts all English. Bless him ! Charles Lamb. 4795 BOWDLER (Thomas), A Letter to the Editor of the British Critic, occasioned by the censure pronounced in that Work on Johnson, Pope, Bowdler, Warburton, Theo bald, Steevens, Eeid, and Maloiie, &c., uncut, 8vo. half morocco, top edge gilt. Lond. 1823 4795* BOYDELL Graphic Illustrations of the Works of Shakespeare, consisting of a series of prints, forming an elegant and useful companion to the various edi tions of his works, 100 large plates, fine impression, fine copy, 2 vols. folio, loards, uncut. Lond. 1793-1802 4795f Another and smaller edition, 100 plates, 4to. morocco. 4796 A Catalogue of the Pictures, &c., in the Shake speare Gallery, Pall-Mall, fine copy, 8vo. half morocco, . uncut, top edge gilt. Lond. 1790 4797 BRIEFE and True Relation of all what hath happened unto His Princeley Excellencie, Counte Maurice, of Nassau, Translated out of the Netherlandish Tongue according to the Coppie, printed by Hans Moermans. Hereunto is also annexed, the victorious taking of the strong cittie of Alba-regalis in the Nether Hun- garie, by the Christians, with MS. notes and signature of Wm. Shakspere, 4to. calf. Lond. 1601 This is one of the pseudo Shakspearian library books, having a poem, notes and signature, pretending to be the handwriting of Shak- speare, by W. H. Ireland. SUAKSPEARIANA. 801 -1798 HISTRIONIC Topography, or the Birth-places, Resi dences, and Funeral Monuments of the most distin guished Actors, many interesting plates, 1 vol. large paper, not mentioned by llalliwell, 8vo. half morocco uncut. Lond. 1818 ^799 BRITTON (Jolm), Remarks on the Life and Writings of William Shakespeare, only 25 copies, printed 1814. Remarks, &c., revised and much enlarged, by J. Brit- ton, not printed for sale, 1818. Remarks on the Monu mental Bust of Shakespeare at Stratford on Avon, WOod-ClltS, PRINTED ON INDIA TAPER. "Jos. llasklCOod, Esq., from J. Britton, as a choice specimen of Typo graphy," 1816. Another copy on common paper, 1816, all presentation copies from J. Britton to Jos. Hasle- wood, icith the original Autograph Letters, and the follow ing Portraits inserted Copy of the Droeshoul Head, ly Swaine, ON INDIA PAPER: Chandos Portrait, after Humphrey, by Scriven, ON INDIA PAPER ; View of Shakespeare s House ; Mezzotint Portrait by Turner ; Bust by Scriven, after Boaden, ON INDIA PAPER ; Copy of the Portrait by Afarshall, ON INDIA PAPER ; Mezzo- (into by W. Ward, from the Bust, in 1 Vol. half green morocco, toj) edges gilt, Unique, 8vo. Lond. Whittingham, v. d. 4800 - Remarks on the Life and Writings of Wm. Shakspeare, only 25 copies printed, a presentation copy from the Author, 12mo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1814 4S01 BRUNI, Epistole Ileroiche Poesio del, Libri Due, La Madrc Hebrea, Caterina D Aragona, &c., many fine 2>latcs, 18mo. vellum, fine copy. Roma, 1627 Oue of the Epistles la to " Catarina D Arragona del Arrige VIII. Re D Inghiltaria," another "Cleopatra ad Octavio Cesare." 4802 -BuNBURY (Miss), The Star of the Court, or the Maid of Honor, and Queen of England, Anne Boleyn, 12mo. half morocco. Lond. 1844 /?J~~ 4803 BURLESQUE Annotations on Shakspeare, with Bon Mots, Jeux d Esprits, &c v of celebrated characters, Specimens of a Jest Book, by Marcus Spermaceti the Elder, 12mo. half morocco, gilt lop. Lond. 1810 4804 CALDECOTT, see As You Like It and Hamlet, separate Plays. 362 SHAKSPEARIANA. 7-/ "7 4805 CAPELL S (E.) Notes and Various Readings to Shakes peare, 3 vols. 4to. portrait, half morocco, uncut, printed for the Author. 1779-1800 " Mr. Capell, the editor, I call the Patron of Shakespeare. They who are acquainted with his critical writings on Shakespeare, and his accurate researches into this species of Antiquity, will not scruple with me to pronounce him the Father of all LEGITIMATE Commentary on Shake speare." Matthias. 4806 CAPELL (E.) Prolusions or select pieces of ancient poetry, compiled with great care from their several originals, and offered to the publick as specimens of the integrity that should be found in the editions of worthy authors, in three parts; containing: I. The Not-browne Mayde, Maister Sackvilles induction, and Overburys Wife. II. Edward the Third, a play thought to be writ by Shakespeare. III. Those ex cellent didactic Poems, entitled Nosce Teipsum, written by Sir John Davis, with a preface, scarce, a very large copy, rough leaves, with the initials of Capell, 8vo. Lond. 1760 Roxburghe sale, 1 12s. Bib. Anglo-Poet, 1 15s. White Knight s, 2 10s. 4807 CATALOGUES of the extensive Libraries, in print and MS. of Farmer and Steevens, with prices and names, portrait of Farmer, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1798 4808 CATALOGUES of the Libraries of Mr. John Field and Jadis, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1827 CATALOGUES, see Halliwell. 4809 CATALOGUES of Dodd, Steevens, and Sabine s collection of Books, with portraits, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1797 4810 CATALOGUE of valuable [Shakespearian Books], Svo. half morocco, gilt top. 1826-31 /7 4811 CATALOGUE of a portion of the Library of an eminent collector, sold by Sotheby, Svo. Lond. 1820 With many Shakespearian articles. 4812 CATALOGUE of part of John Tyrrel s " Shakespeariana," purchased by H. Rodd, and sold by him to W. E. Burton, 8vo. interleaved, half morocco, gilt leaves, only four copies printed on thick paper. Lond. 1850 SIIAKSPEAUIANA. 4813 CHALMERS (Geo.) Another account of the incidents from which the title and a part of the story of Shake speare s Tempest were derived, and the true era of it ascertained : evincing the original connection of the royal family with the poet s drama, only 40 copies printed, rare, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1815 Sold at Rhodes sale, for 3 13. Gd. 4814 An apology for the believers in the Shake speare papers, which were exhibited in Norfolk-street. A Supplemental apology for the believers in the Shakespeare papers, being a reply to Mr. Malone s answer, which was early announced but never pub lished ; with a dedication to Geo. Steevens, and a postscript to T. J. Mathias, 2 vols. uncut, 8vo. with AIS. note and cuttings from Magazines inserted. y^ *b^^ Lond. 1798 " It cannot be denied that, in both these volumes, there is a great mass of curious and useful intelligence, relating to Shakespeare ; and, have them you must. " Library Companion. 4815 CHAUCER (G.) The workes of our ancient and learned English Poet Geffrey Chaucer, newly printed. In this impression you shall find these additions 1, His portraiture and progeny shewed ; 2. His lite collected ; 3. Arguments to every booke gathered ; 4. Old and obscure words explained; 5. Authors cited by him declared ; 6. Difficulties opened ; 7. Two bookes of his never before printed. Printed by Adam Islip, at the charges of Bonham Norton, full length port., &c., rare, Uiack Ccttcr, folio, half calf. Lond. 1598 4810 Godwin s Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, the early English Poet, including Memoirs of his near friend and kinsman, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, with sketches of the Manners and Opinions, Arts and Lite rature of England, in the fourteenth century, portraits, 2 vols. 4to. uncut, boards. Lond. 1803 Fonthill sale, 1 18s. Edward s, 1 12*. 4817 Troilus and Cressida Amorum Troili et Cres- seida3, libri duo priores Anglico-Latini (published by Sir Francis Kinaston, the English text on the right, the Latin translation on the left), rare, JLJUuk cttcr, 4to. Oxon. 1635 Gordonstown sale, 2 4s. " The Troilus and Cressida of Chaucer, is the most beautiful Diary of Love ever written." Hartley Coleridge. 364 SIIAKSPEARIANA. 4818 CHEDWORTH (John Lord), Remarks, Critical, Con jectural, and Explanatory, upon some of the obscure passages in Shakspeare s Plays, with remarks upon the explanations and amendments of the commenta tors in the editions of 1785, 1790, 1793, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1805 Only one hundred copies, privately printed, all for presents. 4819 CLARKE (Mrs. C.) Complete Concordance to Shakspeare, a Verbal Index to all the Passages in his Dramatic Works, with plate of Shakspearian currency, Mrs. Clarke inserted, and a MS. list of Errata by Mr. Bur ton, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1846 4820 Account of a Testimonial to, royal Svo. pri vately printed, 1ST. Y. n. d. 4821 Another copy. 4822 Shakspeare Proverbs, or the Wise Saws of our Wisest Poet, collected into a Modern Instance. 4823 Lives of Shakspeare s Heroines, twelve num bers, sewed. N. Y. 1855 4824 CLEOPATRA : La Vita di Cleopatra reina d Egitta, delle Conte Giulio Landi con una oratione in lode dell ignoranza, fine clean copy, half morocco, gilt top. Venezia, 1551 -1825 COBLERIANA: or, the Cobbler s Melody, being a Col lection of Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse, Serious and Comic, front, (containing a Ballad on the Criticisms on the new edition of Shakspeare, &c.), 2 vols. 12mo. calf, fine copy, very scarce. Lond. 1768 " To Mr. G. Garrick the gift of the Author, Dec. 1768." 4826 COLLECTANEA SHAKSPERIANA MSS., a very valuable work, 4 vols. folio. 1445-1796 This is perhaps the most extensive collection of memoranda ever got to gether towards furnishing material for a life of the Immortal Bard. The documents from which many of these extracts are taken, are dated from 1445 to a more recent period ; they are all neatly mounted and on good paper, in four large volumes folio, and substantially bound in full calf. To a future biographer or editor of the Works of Shakspeare, these papers would no doubt be of great value and assistance. 4827 COLLET S Eelics of Literature, folding plates, charac teristic signatures; a very curious and interesting volume, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1823 CONTENTS. The Praise of Kissing, by various authors ; Roger Payne, the Eccentric Bookbinder ; Singular Instance of a Man Selling his Body ; Eccentric Advertisements ; Ancient Value of Books ; Book De stroyers ; Singular Surnames, Epitaphs, Mottoes, Epigrams, Window Gleanings, &c. &c. SHAKSPEARIANA. 365 /,jj 4828 COLLIER (J. P.) The History of English Dramatic Po etry to the time of Shakespeare, and Annuls of the /~-tf./"~ V / Stage to the Restoration, 3 vols. Svo. half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt. Lond. 1831 J?-J V 4829 - - Memoirs of the Principal Actors in Shakes peare s Plays, Svo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 184G ^ _ 4830 - New Particulars Regarding the Works of Shakespeare, in a letter to the Kev. A. Dyce, only filly copies printed, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1836 , 4831 - - Notes and Emendations from the Early MS. Corrections in the Second Folio Edition, in the pos session of J. P. Collier, fac-simile of the MS., 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1853 An indispensable accompaniment to the Works of Shakspeare. t ^f 4832 - The Poetical Decameron, or Ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and Jarnes I., 2 vols. 8vo. uncut. Edinb. 1820 This copy once belonged to Charles Lamb. Reasons for a new edition of Shakspeare s Works, containing notices of the defects of former impressions, and pointing out the lately acquired means of illustrating the Plays, Poems, and Biography of the Poet; also, Postscript to the Child s own Book (a Satire on the Reasons), 2 vols. in 1, Svo. half mo rocco, gilt tor), uncut. Lond. 1841 4834 - Shakespeare s Library: a Collection of the Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories, used by Shakespeare as the foundation of his Dramas, now first collected, and accurately reprinted from the ori ginal editions, with introductory notices, 2 vols. Svo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1843 *** Containing Reprints of Greene s Pandasto, 1588 ; Lodge s Rosalynd, 1592; Hystorie of Hamblet, 1608; Appoliuus, the Prince of Tyr, from Gower s Confessio Amnntis; Rhomeo and Julietta, from P<njn- ter s Palyce of Pleasure, 1567 ; Promos and Cassandra, 1582 ; Queene Cordilla, 1587 ; &c. &c. 4835 -- Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers Company, of Works entered for publication between 1557 and 1587, with Notes and Illustrations, 2 vols. Svo. half ca If (Shakspeare Soc.). 1848 A work of great value to all interested in bibliographical pursuits ; many of the Old Ballads are printed entire, and are of the utmost rarity. 366 SHAKSPEARIANA. 4836 COLLINS (Rev. Mr.) A Letter to George Hardinge, Esq., on the subject of a passage in Mr. Steevens Preface to his Impression of Shakespeare, 4to. scarce. Lond. 1777 4838 - - Another copy, 4to. Lond. 1777 839 COOPER (E.) Muse s Library, being a choice collection of the best Ancient English Poetry, from the time of Edward the Confessor to the reign of King James the First, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1738 Include Poems by Langland, Gower, Chaucer, Lydgate, Barclay, Shak- speare, and a host of others, with Lives and Characters of the prin cipal Old English Poets. J? - 4840 COURTENAY (T. P.] Commentaries on the Historical Plays of Shakespeare, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1840 *#* Originally published in Hook s New Monthly Magazine, from June 1838, to March 1839, under the title of " Shakspeare s Historical Plays considered Historically." Jf 4841 COVENTRY Mysteries (The), edited by Halliwell, with fac-simile, 8vo. half morocco. 1841 A careful edition of the most interesting collection of the old Miracle Plays and Mysteries extant. It throws great light upon the origin and early history of the Drama. CRAFT (Zachary), vide Kelsall, Lot 5009. 4842 CRANMER (Archbishop), Answer to a Craftie and So- phisticall Cavillation devised by Stephen Gardiner, against the true and godlye Doctrine of the Holy Sacrament, folio, calf, Slack Cetter. Lond. 1580 4843 CRITICAL Eeflections on the Old English Dramatic Writers, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1761 ^f//2^ 4844 CROFT (John), Annotations on the Plays of Shakespear (Johnson and Steevens edition), 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. York, 1810 Jl J~& 4845 DARCIE (Aim.) Annales. The True and Eoyall History of the famous Empresse Elizabeth, and all the memora ble things of her reign, small 4to. engraved title, calf. Lond. 1625 ^fS 4846 DAVIS (Thomas), Dramatic Miscellanies, consisting of critical observations on several Plays of Shakspeare, with a review of his principal characters and those of various eminent writers, as represented by Garrick and others, with Anecdotes of Dramatic Poets, Actors, etc., 3 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. Lond. 1784 SHAKSFKAKIANA. 367 4847 DAVIES (John], Microcosmos, The Discovery of the Lit tle World, with the government thereof, 4to. pp. 300, calf] gilt, fine copy, printed by Joseph Sanies. Oxf. 1003 Two dedicatory Sonnets commence the volume ; the first, " To my Most Deere and Dread Soveraigne James, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, Franco, and Ireland, be all heavenly and earthly happinesse." The second, "To the Sacred Queenoof England s most excellent Maiestie," after which commendatory verses in Latin by J. Sandford, Robert Burrell, &c. At the end of Microcosnios is a poem of 22 pages, entitled "An Extasie," numerous dedicatory Sou- nets to the Nobility, and others. A writer in the European Magazine for Sept. 1793 (supposed to be Goo. Steevens), suggests that Davies was an associate of Shakspeare s, p. 215, note c, of his Mu rocosmos ; where the initials " W. S. and H. B." occur, must doubtless have been intended for William Shak- speare and Richard Burbage, the latter of whom, in Oldys s MS. notes on Langbaine, is supposed to have been the painter of the Duke of Chandos picture of our Bard. The same writer adds : " It is highly gratifying to observe that every new discovery tends to confirm the opinion, that Shakspeare was as estimable for the good ness of his private life as he was superior in genius to every one of his contemporaries." Priced in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 10 10s. 4848 DECKER (T.) Gull s Horn Book, new edition with notes, /&/ &c., by Dr. Nott, -ito.fine copy in russia. 1812 This work affords a greater insight into the fashionable follies and domes tic life of Q. Elizabeth s day, than any other we have ; it is the chief source from whence Sir W. Scott drew his descriptions of Lon don life, &c., in the Fortunes of Nigel. DENNIS (Mr.) Essay on the Genius and Writings of Shakspeare, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1712 4850 DESTRUCTION of the ancient and famous City of Troye, and Chronicle of the Wars between the Grecians and the Trojans, &c., written by Daretus, a Trojan, and Dictus, a Grecian ; both present in the wars, &c., 4to. UlciCU JLCttcr, in 3 vols. half calf, rare and curious. Lond. 1607 " In the absence of Homer, the Trojan story was kept alive in the middle ages in the two Latin pieces attributed to Dares Phrygius and Dic tus Cretensis, from whence this old Romance is taken. Shakespeare derived his Troilus and Cressida from an earlier edition of it." War ton. 4851 DEVERELL (Robert}, Hieroglyphics, and other Antiqui ties. In treating of which, many favorite Pieces of Butler, Shakspeare, and other great writers in Prose and Verse are put in a light now entirely new, by Notes, occasional Dissertations, and upwards of 200 en gravings in ivood and copper, 6 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, i-xtrrnu ly curious, rare. Lond. 1816 368 SHAKSPEARIANA. 4852 DIALOGUE between King Richard the 3d* and his adopted Son, Richard the 4th, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1744 4853 DICTIONARY of Quotations, in three parts, part the first, Shakspeare, 12mo. uncut, half morocco, top edges gilt. Lond. 1824 4854 DODD ( Wm.} The Beauties of Shakspeare, regularly selected from each Play, with a general index, digest ing them under proper heads, illustrated with ex planatory notes, and similar passages from ancient and modern authors, 2d edition, scarce, 2 vols. 12 mo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1757 4855 - - Third edition, with the Author s last correction, 3 vols. 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1780 Best edition, with the suppressed ironical dedication to Lord Chesterfield ; and additions both in the passages and notes. 4856 Another edition, with Index, and illustrated, 18mo. Lond. 1824 4857 DOLBY (Thos.) The Shakespearian Dictionary, forming a general index to all the popular expressions and most striking passages in the works of Shakespeare, from a few words to fifty or more lines ; an appropri ate synonyme being affixed to each extract, with a reference to the context. The whole designed to introduce the beauties of Shakespeare into the familiar intercourse of society, portrait of Shakespeare, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1832 4858 Another edition, 12mo. morocco extra. Phil. 1851 4859 - Another copy, 12mo. half morocco. Phil. 1851 4860 DOUCE (F.) Illustrations of Shakespeare, and of ancient manners, with dissertations on the clowns and fools of Shakespeare, on the collection of popular Tales en titled Gesta Romanorurn, and on the English Morris- dance, engravings, uncut, scarce, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1807 " I look upon this work as a sort of Hortus Shakspearianus ; the research and learning bestowed on it are immense." Dibdin. Combe s sale, .2 2s. ; Nassau s sale, 2 12s. Gd. 4861 Another edition, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1839 " Replete with tasteful illustration and curious research." Dibdin. SIIAKSPEARIANA. 3G9 4862 DRAKE (A r .) Shnkspcarc and his Times, including tho Biography of the Poet, Criticisms on his genius and writings, a new chronology of his Plays, a disquisition on the object of his Sonnets, and a history of the ^tf/s manners, customs, and amusements, superstitious, ^^" poetry, and elegant literature of his age, portrait, uncut, 2 vols. 4to. half morocco, gill top. Lond. 1817 " A masterly production, the publication of which will form an epoch in the Shakspearian history of this country. No work has hitherto appeared, and we may venture to pronounce that none can in future be produced, in which so much agreeable and well digested informa tion, respecting Shakspeare and his times will be found." Gentle man s Mag. Strettell^ sale, JC5 15s. Gd. 4863 Idem, inlaid in folio drawing paper. 4864 DRAKE (Nathan), Shakespeare s Character and Genius, by Coleridge, Campbell, Lessing, Lamb, Warton, Mackenzie, Dryden, Goethe, Sir Walter Scott, &c. &c., with Essay and Notes by Dr. Drake, UNCUT, half morocco extra, top edges gilt, 8vo. Lond. 1828 "A valuable accompaniment to every edition." 4865 - - Noontide Leisure, or Sketches in Summer, including a Tale of the days of Shakspeare, 2 vols. 12mo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1824 4867 Du Bois (Edward), The Wreath, composed of selec tions from Sappho, Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, to which are added some remarks on Shakspeare, with frontispiece, half morocco, gilt top, 8vo. Lond. 1799 , ^/^i 4868 DUCK (Arthur), Life of Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury, who lived in the times of Henry V. and VL, Kings of England, translated from the Latin, 8vo. portrait. 1699 /./Z_ 4869 DUFF (Wm.) Essay on Original Genius, on the Fine Arts and Poetry, 1767. Critical Observations on the Writings of the most celebrated Geniuses in Poetry, 1770, half morocco, top edges gilt, cut, and stilted, 8vo. Lond. v. y. 4870 DUNLOP (J.) History of Fiction, being a critical account of the most celebrated Prose Writers of fiction, from the earliest Greek romances to the Novels of the pre sent day, 2 vols. Phil. 1842 <" - r -4S71 DUPORT (Paul}, Essais Litteraires sur Shakspere, ou Analyse Raisonnde, scene par scene de toutes les pieces de cet auteur, 2 vols. half morocco, top edges gilt, uncut, 8vo. Paris, 1828 " A Block-head par excellence." C. Knight. 24 370 SHAKSPEARIANA. 4872 DYCE (A.) Remarks on Mr. J. P. Collier s and Mr. C. / Knight s Editions of Shakespeare, 8vo. uncut, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. Moxon, 1844 / <__ 4873 Remarks on Mr. J. P. Collier s and Mr. C. Knight s Editions of Shakspeare, uncut, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1844 " A plague o both the Houses." Mercutio. " 4874 EDWARDS (Thos.) The Canons of Criticism and a Glos sary, being a Supplement to Mr. Warburton s Edition of Shakespeare ; The Trial of the Letter Y, alias Y. and Sonnets, LARGE PAPER, seventh edition, UNCUT, half green morocco, top edges gilt , 8vo. Lond. 1768 4875 EFFIGIES Poetics, or the Portraits of the British Poets, illustrated by Notes, Biographical, Critical, and Po etical, 2 vols. 4to. half russia. Lond. 1824 - 4876 EGERTON Papers (The), Collection of Public and Pri vate Documents, illustrative of the Times of Elizabeth and James I., edited by J. Payne Collier, 4to. contains papers of great interest relating to Shakspeare and the early Drama, cloth. Lond. 1840 4877 ESSAYS by a Society of Gentlemen, at Exeter, on Literary fame and the Historical characters of Shak speare, &c v half morocco, gilt top, 8vo. Exeter, 1796 //2L 4878 ESSAYS on Shakspere, Queen Elizabeth, &c., LARGE PAPER, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1789 / , 4879 ETYMOLOGIST (The), A Comedy in 3 Acts, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1785 Very satirical on Shakespeare s Commentators. 4880 EVANS (John), Progress of Human Life , Shakespeare s Seven Ages of Man, illustrated by a series of extracts in Prose and Poetry, WOOD- CUTS, presentation copy, UNCUT, half morocco, lop edges gilt, 12 mo. Chiswick, 1818 / ./^ 4881 Idem, 12mo. boards, UNCUT. Lond. 1823 / j-& 4882 EXHIBITION of the Shakspere Gallery at Pall Mall, London ; list of prices attached, 8vo. Lond. 1805 S J 4883 FAIRHOLT (F. W.) Home of Shakespear, illustrated, 33 plates, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1847 ?7j 4884 FARMER (Richard), Essay on the learning of Shak- * speare, first edition, Camb. 1767 ; second edition, with large additions, thick paper, Camb. 1767 ; third edition, presentation copy, with autograph, " For Edward Ma- lone from R. Farmer," Lond. 1789, in 1 vol. half mo rocco, top edge gilt, 8vo. Lond. v. d. SHAKSPEARIANA. 371 4885 FAMILIAR Verses, The Ghost of Willy Sh.ikspcnro to Sammy Ireland, sewed, 8vo. Lond. 1790 4886 FARREN (#.), Observations on the Laws of Mortality and Disease of, with an Appendix containing illustra tions of the progress of mania, melancholia, crazy ness, and demonomania, as displayed in Shakspeare s characters of Lear, Hamlet, Ophelia and Edgar, 1829. Essay on the Character of Shylock, 1833 ; Madness of Hamlet (Lond. Mag), 1824; Madness of Ophelia (Lond. Mag), 1824; Ilamlet s Soliloquy, &c., with MS. notes, in 1 vol. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. v. y. 4887 FELTON (Sam.), Imperfect Hints towards a new edition of Shakespeare, both parts, uncut, half morocco, top edges gilt, rare, 4 to. Lond. 1787-8 4888 FIDDES (Dr. R), The Life of Cardinal Wolsey, folio, fine portraits by Vertue, and plates, splendid copy on large paper, calf gilt. Lond. 1724 As a Collection of Facts this work is highly valuable. 4889 FISHER S Warwickshire Antiquities. A Series of Ancient Allegorical, Historical, and Legendary Paint ings in Fresco, discovered on the walls of the Chapel of the Holy Cross, at Stratford-upon-Avon ; ancient Seals, Stained Glass, &c. ; 56 elaborate engravings, mostly coloured in imitation of the originals ; also, a View of the Guild Chapel, and the adjoining house in which Shakspeare lived. Edited by John Gough Nichols, Esq. ; royal folio, half boards, morocco, (pub. at 101 10s.) 1836 " These ancient fresco paintings are especially curious, as having been executed in England in an age of which, according to the opinion of Walpole, in his History of Painting, no specimens of the Art exist ed." Gentleman s Magazine. Z> 4890 FLOWERS of Shakespeare, Illustrations of those named by Shakespeare, coloured, 4to. cl. gilt. 1846 4890* FLORIO (J.) Queen Anna s New World of Words, or Dictionarie of the Italian and English Tongues, col lected and newly much augmented by lohn Florio, reader of the Italian vnto the soueraigne maiestie of Anna, &c. : whereunto are added certaine necessarie rules and short observations for the Italian Tongue, folio, calf. Lond. 1688 " For the variety of words was far more copious than any extant in the world , at that time." Ant. A Wood. " Florio is Shakespeare s llolophernes, in Love s Labor Lost." 372 SHAKSPEARIANA. __ 4891 FLETCHER (6r.) Studies of Shakspeare, with Observa- / S~" tions on the Criticism and Acting of his Plays, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. 1847 Includes the Plays of King John, Macbeth, Cymbeline, As You Like It, Much ado about Nothing, and Romeo and Juliet. tf s 4891* FORTESCUE (Thomas ), The Foreste, or Collection of Historyes no lesse profitable than pleasant and neces sary, doone out of French into English, with table, 4to. morocco, fine copy. Lond. 1576 The genius of these Tales may be discerned from their history. The book is said to have been written in Spanish, by Pedro de Mexia, thence translated into Italian, thence into French by Claude Cruget, a citizen of Paris, and lastly into English, by Thomas Fortescue. Townley s copy sold for 4 17s. Gd. ; Bindley s, 4, and White- knight s, 5 15s. 6d. 4892 GALERIE des Personages de Shakspere, reproduits dans les principales scones de ses pieces, Paris ; beauti ful illustrations, twenty-five plates, par Pichot, royal 8vo. morocco, gilt. Lond. 1844 /* 4893 GARRICK (D.), The Interview, or Falstaff s Ghost, a Poem inscribed to D. Garrick, Author s copy, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1766 4894 GASCOIGNE (George) Whole Woorkes of, newlye com- pyled into one volume : that is to say, his Flowers, Hearbes, Weedes, The Fruits of Warre ; the Gome- die called Supposes ; the Tragedie called Jocaster ; the Steele Glasse ; the Complaint of Philomene, &c., and the Pleasure at Kenilworth s Castle, JBinck Ccttcr very rare, interleaved, in 4 vols. 4to. imprynted by Abell Jcffes. Lond. 1587 This rare and valuable work is quoted as having been sold as high as 27 6s. and is marked at 35, in the Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica. Gasco gne s Works should always form part of a Shakspeare library. In the Taming of a Shrew, Shakspeare has borrowed considerably from Gascoigne s comedy of the Supposes. " Shakspeare," says Mr. Chalmers, " obviously borrowed the names of two of his char acters from the Supposes of Gascoigne, which was first acted in 1564, and published among his Workes in 1575 and 1587, adopting, moreover, from Gascoigne s comedy sentiments and language." Such was the opinion also of Mr. Gifford, Warton, Dr. Farmer, &c. The Supposes was the first comedy written in English prose. 4895 GESTA Eomanorum, (Botl)ic Ccttcr, very rare, calf, an tique, 4to. Circa, MCCCCLXXIII 4896 GESTA Romanorum, translated from the famous Latin collection of Monkish Stories, with Notes, &c., by C. Swan, 2 vols. 12mo., half morocco, scarce. Lond. 1824 Shakespeare and several of our most celebrated Dramatists have been indebted to this work for the plots of their most admired plays. SIIAKSPEARIANA. 373 4897 GHOST of Richard the 3d, a Poem printed 1614, and founded upon Shakspeare s Historical Play, reprinted from the only known copy in the Bodleian Library, with notes by J. P. Collier, Svo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1844 4898 GILCHRIST ((9.), Examination of the Charges main tained by Malone Chalmers and others of Ben Jonson s enmity towards Shakespeare, Svo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1808 4899 GILDON (C.} Letters and Essays by several Gentlemen and Ladies, with remarks on Rymer s Criticism on Shakespeare, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1696 The Complete Art of Poetry, in six parts, of J"? the nature, use, excellence, rise, and progress of Poe try, &c. ; at the end Shakcsperiana, or the most beau tiful topics, descriptions, and similes that occur throughout all Shakespeare s play, 2 vols. 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1718 4904 Remarks on the Plays of Shakspeare, large paper, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1725 2.. - 4905 Rise and Progress of the Stage, large paper, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1725 J> S~> 4906 GILLILAND (TVios.), Dramatic Mirror, containing the History of the Stage and of Country Theatres, includ ing a critical account of all the Dramatic writers from 1660; and also of the most distinguished performers from the days of Shakspeare to 1807, embellished ivith 17 elegant engravings, and portrait of author, Svo. 2 vols. uncut, half morocco, top edge gilt. Lond. 1808 ^ j 4907 GOWRIE Conspiracie, a Discourse of the unnaturall and vyle Conspiracie, attempted against the Kings Majesties Person, at Saint Johnstown, upon Tvvysday the fifth of August, 1600, 4to. half mor. Lond. 1603 One of the earliest accounts of this remarkable conspiracy, and written in a very clear and elegant dialect, sold at Gordoiistoun sale, for 1 13s. / < , 4908 GRAVES (FT. If.), An Essay on the genius of Shake speare, with critical remarks on the characters of Romeo, Hamlet, Juliet, and Ophelia: together with some observations on the writings of Sir Walter Scott, to which is annexed a letter to Lord - , con taining a critique on taste, judgment, and rhetorical expression, and remarks on the leading actors of the day, uncut, Svo. half morocco, gilt top. Loud. 1826 fa-. 4909 - Another 1 Copy. 1826 374 SHAKSPEARIANA. 4910 GREENE (Robert), Greene s Arcadia, or Menaphon : Ca- milaes Alarum to slumber Euphues in his melancholy Cell at Silexedra, wherein are descyphered the varia ble effects of Fortune, the Wonders of Love, the Triumph of inconstant Fortune, 4to. boards. Lond. 1814 Interspersed with poems, and published by Thomas Nash, with a long and very curious preface To the Gentlemen Students of both Universi ties, with a lash at some vaine- glorious tragedians, and at Kydd s old Play of Hamlet : there are. also interesting allusions to many of the poets and literary men of the time. 4911 Pleasant and delightful History of Dorastus and Fawnia, pleasant for age to shun drowsie thoughts, profitable for youth to avoid wanton pastimes, and bringing to both a desired content, half morocco, gilt top, 4to. Lond. 1703 " The origin of the Winter s Tale." 4912 GREY (Z.) Critical, historical and explanatory notes on Shakespeare, with emendations of the text and metre, printed for the author, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait inserted, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1751, 1754, 1755 4913 Kemarks upon a late edition of Shakespeare s (Warburton s), with a defence of Sir T. Hanmer, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1751 GRIFFIN S Fidessa, vide Lot 4241. 4914 GRIFFITH (Elizabeth), Morality of Shakespeare s Dramas Illustrated, portrait, uncut, half morocco, top edges gilt, 8vo. Lond. 1775 4915 GRINFIELD (Thos.) Eemarks on the Moral Influence of Shakespeare s Plays, with illustrations from Hamlet, engravings, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1850 4916 GROVE (J.) History of the Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey, Prime Minister to Henry VIIL, includes the whole of Cavendish s Life of Wolsey, fine portraits and plates, by Vertue, &c., half morocco, gilt top, 8vo. Lond. 1742 " One of the most interesting and valuable specimens of biography in the English language." Lowndes. 4917 GUIZOT (M.) An Essay on the Life and Works of Shakespeare and his Times, with Notices of his Con temporaries, the Literature and the Drama of the Period, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1852 An elegant and valuable contribution to Shakesperian Literature and the Drama. SHAKSl EARIANA. 375 GUTIIRIE ( Wm.) An Essay upon Tragedy, with remarks upon the Abb& le Blanc, and observations on the English Stage, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. [1750J 4219 Another copy, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. [1750] 4920 HALFORD (Sir Henry), Essays and Orations, with an account of opening the tomb of K. Charles L, 1833 ; Education and Conduct of a Physitian, 1831 ; On the Deaths of Eminent Persons, 1835 ; On the Deaths of Eminent Philosophers of Modern Times, 1836, &c., in 1 vol. uncut, half morocco, top edges gilt, 8vo. Lond. v. y. 4921 HALL (Edward), Chronicle; the Union of the two noble and illustre Famelies of Laucastre and Yorke, long in continual discussion, from the reigne of Henry IV., to that of Henry VIII., the undubitable flower and very heire of both the sayd linages, folio, BlnrU Ccttcr, wants -i front leavesand Index, after " Edelfert," ?6Tio~halfcalf. 1570 It is to this Chronicle that Shakspeare is chiefly indebted in his Histori cal Plays, for not only the incidents, but frequently the very words of his characters. See Courtnay s Commentaries on Shakspeare s Historical Plays. Col. Stanley s sold for JE30 10s. and Heathcote s for 33 2s. / _ 4922 HALLIWELL (J. 0.) An Account of the only known Manuscript of Shakespeare s Plays, comprising some important variations and corrections in the Merry Wives of Windsor, obtained from a play-house copy of that play recently discovered, seivcd, uncut, half morocco, gilt lop, 8vo. Lond. 1843 .Xr~ 4923- Curiosities of Modern Shakespearian Criticism, 8vo. * <>< ^ Lond. 1853 / 2 ^"-4924 - Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of Shake speare, Svo. half morocco, gill top. Lond. 1845 /. z 4925 An Introduction to Shakspeare s Midsummer Night s Dream, UNCUT, Svo. half morocco, gilt top, Lond. 1841 4926 - A New Life of Shakespeare, including many particulars respecting the Poet and his Family, never before published, illustrated with 76 Engravings on wood, of objects, most of which are new, from Draw ings by Fairholt, Svo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1848 This work contains upwards of forty documents respecting Shakespeare and his family, never before published, besides numerous others indi rectly illustrating the Poet s Biography. All the anecdotes and tra ditions concerning Shakespeare are here, for the first time collected, and much new light is thrown on his personal history, by papers exhibiting him as selling Malt and Stone, &c. 376 SHAKSPEARIANA. 4927 HALLIWELL (J". 0.) A New Boke about Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon, 4to. curious wood-cuts and facsimiles, ONLY 75 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED, namely, 50 on ordinary paper, and 25 on thick paper, and this copy is No. 5 of those so printed, half morocco, gilt top. 1850 This volume contains several curious, hitherto inedited, documents relating to Shakespeare and his Family, with facsimiles of the Poet s Marriage-bond with Anne Hathaway, &c. But what will render it of great interest to American readers, are Illustrations and Notes to Washington Irving s celebrated paper on Stratford-on-Avon. The illustrations include views of the Red Horse Inn, the " little parlour" in which Mr. Irving took up his above, the Jubilee Amphi theatre, the Room in which Shakespeare was born, and the Shop and Room at the birth-place ; Charlecote, the Clerk s Dwelling, Exterior and Interior ; Shakespeare s Matchlock, Hamlet s Sword, the Friar s Lantern, the Keeper s Lodge at Charlecote, and other scenes men tioned by Mr. Irving. 4928 On the Character of Sir John Falstaff, as origi nally exhibited by Shakespeare in the two parts of King Henry IV. ; presentation copy from the author to his brother, 12mo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut, only one hundred copies printed. Lond. 1841 4929 Shakespeariana, a Catalogue of the early Edi tions of Shakespeare s Plays, and of the Commenta ries, and other publications illustrative of his Works, uncut, 8vo. half morocco, top gilt. Lond. 1841 Indispensable to everybody who wishes to carry on any inquiries con nected with Shakespeare, or who may have a fancy for Shakesperian Bibliography. Spectator. 2 2 J~~ 4930 Another copy, with list of Works relating to Shakespeare, on sale by J. Eussel Smith ; Letters from Lord Jeffrey to Mr. Spalding, on Shakspeare, 1836 ; Catalogue of Shakspearian Books, &c., pos sessed by H. Jadis, Esq., privately printed in 1 vol. Svo. v. y. This copy has many MS. notes, numerous additions and corrections in the hand-writing of the late W. E. Burton. 4^ <2-T~ 4931 Account of his Collection of Antiquities, 1 Coins, MSS., Rare Books, Ancient Documents, and other Reliques, illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare, wood-cuts, large paper, royal 4to. 1852 Only 80 copies privately printed. 1 fj~~ 4932 HALPIN (Rev. ^.) Oberon s Vision in Midsummer Night s Dream, illustrated by a comparison with Lylie s Endymion, 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1843 SHAKSPEARIANA. 877 4933 HALSTED (C. A) Life and Times of Richard the Third, as Duke of Gloucester and King of England, in which all the charges against him are carefully investigated and compared with the Statements of the Contempo rary Authorities, Portrait, and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1844 "Many new lights are thrown on the career of Richard, many now facts elicited, and the injustice of four centuries vindicated by this intrepid and indefatigable champion of historical truth." Metro politan Magazine. 4934 HAMMOND (//. 7.) Architectural Antiquities and Pre sent State of Crosby Place, 4to. cloth, 15 plates. Lond. 1844 4935 HANMER (Sir Thomas, Speaker of the House of Commons, and Editor of SKalapearei, Correspondence, with a Memoir of his Life, edited by Sir II. Bunbury, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1838 Some interesting letters of Pope, Young, Oarrick, and others ; also other matter regarding Sir T. Hanmer s Edition of Shakespeare will be found in this volume. 4936 HOARDING S Shakspcare s Dramas Illustrated by an As semblage of Portraits, Views, &c., with Biographical and Topographical Accounts, 2 vols. 4to. large paper, ^ 150 fine plates by Harding, of all the Historical Cha racters and Localities of Shakspeare s Plays, half calf cjctra. Lond. 1811 " This rare and valuable Work is supplementary to the Editions of the Great Bard," and forms an appropriate companion to all. **937 HARDINGE (George), Miscellaneous Works, in Prose and Verse, portrait, 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco, top edges gilt. Lond. 1818 4938 Memoir and Essays on Shakspeare, from his Works, portrait, 3 vols. half morocco, top edges gilt, un cut. 1818 4939 Another Essence of Malone, or the " Beauties" of Shakspeare s Editor, both parts, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. 1801 4940 HARRIS (J.) Fac-similes of all the known Autographs of Shakspeare, from the originals in the Will, &c., also done upon a larger scale, showing at one view the manner in which the Poet invariably spelt his name, done by J. Harris, who is so well known for his accuracy in making fac-similes, on a sheet to suit a folio or 8vo. 378 SHAKSPEARIANA. 4941 HARRISON (Mr.) The Infant Vision of Shakspeare, with an Apostrophe to the Immortal Bard, and other Poems, 1 vol. 4to. large paper, half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1794 4942 HART (J. C.) Romance of Yachting, 12 mo. half mo rocco, gilt top. K Y. 1848 4942*HARVEY (Gabriel), Four Letters and Certaine Sonnets, especially touching Robert Greene and other Poets by him abused, 4to. (reprint of 1592). Lond. 1814 " There is no tract in the English language which contains so many con temporary literary notices of the Elizabethan reign." Lowndes. HARVEY (G.) Pierce s Supererogation, vide Lot 5633. 4943 HAWKINS (T.) Origin of the English Drama, illustrated in its various species, viz. Mystery, Morality, Tragedy, and Comedy, by Specimens from our earliest Writers, with Notes, 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Oxford, 1773 4944 HAYWARD (Sir John], Annals of the First Four Years of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, edited by Bruce, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1840 4945 HAYLEY (W., Cowper s Friend), Memoirs of his own Life and Writings, edited by the Rev. J. Johnson, fine portraits, 2 vols. 4to. half calf. Lond. 1823 These interesting memoirs include extracts from his Private Corres pondence, and unpublished Poetry, Memoirs of his Son, T. A. Hayley, the young sculptor, notices of Cowper and his Friends, &c. 4946 HAZLEWOOD (Joseph), A Collection of Scraps and Cut tings, illustrative of Shakspeare, collected by Mr. H., all neatly mounted, unique, 8vo. calf, gilt. n. d. 4947 HAZLITT (W.) Characters of Shakspeare s Plays, 8 vo. half mor. gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1818 4949 HEATH (C.) Portraits of the Female Characters in Shakspeare s Plays, 45 very beautiful and highly finished line engravings by C. Heath, from drawings by the best Artists, royal 8vo. half mor. gilt edges. Lond. 1847 4950 A Revisal of Shakspeare s Text, wherein the alterations introduced into it by the more modern Editors and Critics are particularly considered, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, with portrait. Lond. 1765 . 4951 HENTZNER (Paul), Journey into England in 1598, translated by Horace Walpole, with Sir R. Naunton s Fragmenta Regalia, 8vo. portraits and plates, half mor. gilt top. Lond. 1797 " Honest Hentzner sets down the peculiarities of Englishmen in the Reign of Elizabeth with the same accuracy that Cap t. Hall describes the Loo Choo Islanders." Retrospective Review. SIIAKSPEARIANA. 379 4952 HERBERT (Edward Lord, of Cherbury), The Life of, with his Correspondence, &c., 8vo. Italj calf, (jilt. *- Lond. 1826 " The earliest and most curious specimen of autobiography known in our language." //%_ 4954 HEYWOOD, First and second parts of King Edward the 4th, reprinted from the unique black letter first edition of 1600, collated with one other in black letter, and with those of 1619 and 1626, with an In troduction and notes, by Barrow Field, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1842 /-- 4955 HIFFERNAN (P.) Dramatic Genius in five books, the first Book delineates the plan of a permanent Temple to be erected to the memory of Shakespeare, prose and verse, very curious, half morocco, gilt toj), 8vo. Lond. 1772 2J~~* 4956 HIPPISLEY (J. //.) Chapters on Early English Litera ture, uncut, half morocco, top edges gilt, 8vo. Lond. 1837 HISTRIO-MASTIX, vide lot 1204. ^ 4958 HOLBEIN S Portraits of the Court of Henry the Eighth, a series of 80 exquisitely beautiful plates, engraved by Bartolozzi, Cooper, and others, and printed on tinted paper in imitation of the original and very highly finished drawings preserved in the Royal Col lection at Windsor, with Historical and Biographical letter-press by Edmund Lodge, Esq., Norroy King of Arms, F.S.A. &c., published by John Chamberlaine, Esq., late Keeper of the Royal Collection of Drawings and Medals, impl. 4to. elegantly hf. bd. turkey morocco, full gill, edges gilt nil round, with glazed paper, to the platts (pub. at 15 15s.) Lond. 1828 This fine work was published under the patronage of K. George IV., with whom it was a special favorite. z- 4959 HOWARD (F.) The Spirit of the Plays of Shakespeare, exhibited in a series of outline plates, illustrative of the story of each Play, 483 outline engravings on India paper, 5 vols. in 8 parts, uncut, 4to. half morocco, top gilt. Lond. 1827-33 Published at 25 4s. 4960 - (77.) A Visionary Interview at the Shrine of Shakespeare, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1756 > 4961 HOWARD S Outlines to Much Ado, Merry Wives, Mea sure for Measure, and Richard II., 2 parts, 4to. Loud. 1828 380 SHAKSPEARIANA. 4962 HOLINSHED (Ralph), Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, now newlie augmented and continued, with manifold matters of singular note and worthie mernorie, to the year 1586, by John Hooker and others, 3 in 2 large thick vols. folio, IHack Cctter, old calf. 1586-7 This second and best edition of this very valuable work upon English history, was supervised, corrected and enlarged by Abraham Flem ing, and his brother Samuel assisted in compiling the indexes (a very laborious work), and made other improvements. " The Chronicle of Holinshed merits a high title. It is more full and complete than any of its predecessors, and less loaded with trifling matter. The Description of England is the most interesting and valuable document, as a picture of the country, and of the costume and mode of living of its inhabitants, which the 16th century has produced." Dr. Drake. The great bard not only drevr his materials from this Chronicle, but used much of his actual language in the composition of his historical dramas. 4963 HOWITT S Homes and Haunts, or the Most Eminent British Poets, with numerous beautiful woodcuts of famous localities, dwellings, etc., 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1847 " The whole work is digested with ability and care. The numerous illus trations are chosen with infinite taste, and beautifully executed." Literary Gazette. 4964 HUCKELL (Rev. J.) Avon, a Poem, in three parts, 12mo. pp. 59. Stratford on Avon, 1811 2 4965 HUNDRED MERRY TALES (The), or Shakspeare s Jest Book, Ids. uncut, 12mo. 1831 / 7j 4966 HUNT (L.) The Liberal, verse and prose from the south, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1822 *x* This contains an essay on Shakespeare s Fools, Heaven and Earth a Mystery, &c. 4967 HUNTER (J.) Disquisition on the Scene, Origin, Date, &c., of Shakespeare s Tempest, privately printed, large paper, one of only two copies so printed ; see the at testation of W. Pickering on the flyleaf, morocco extra, sides richly tooled, gilt leaves, by Hayday, small 8vo. 1839 4968 New Illustrations of the Life, Studies, and Writings of Wm. Shakespeare, Supplementary to all the Editions, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1845 4970 HURDIS (Jas.) Cursory Remarks upon the Arrange ment of the Plays of Shakespeare, occasioned by read ing Mr. Malone s Essay on the Chronological order of those celebrated pieces, 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1792 SIIAKSPEARIANA. IRELAND S FORGERIES. 381 4971 ILLUSTRATIONS of Shakspearc and the British Drama, many cuts, 8vo. half morocco, gilt, uncut. Lond. 1831 4972 ILLUSTRATIONS of the Poets, from passages in the Life of Billy Vidkins, comic. Phil. 1849 4973 IRELAND () Picturesque Views on the River Avon, royal 8vo. with plates and wooilcuts illustrating Shake speare, large paper copy, half morocco. 1795 IRELAND S FORGERIES. ^ 4974 IRELAND ( IF. //.) Shakspeare Papers, " Copies of Docu ments printed in my Four Guinea work, with other correspondence never published, in the handwriting of my father, Feb. 28, 1824, W. H. Ireland." MS. 4to. half morocco. =. 4976 The Shakesperian Fabrications of Wm. Henry Ireland, 1796. " These are a part of the actual Pa pers written by Mr. Ireland, and given to me by the author, J. Caulfield." (The Printseller, author of Chalcographiana.) The original Forged Papers, Let ters, &c., very neatly mounted, &c., with references to the page in the Conl essions where each Document is described ; among others are the famous Profession of Faith by Shakespeare, on hearing which read, Dr. Parr exclaimed, " Sir, we have very fine passages in our Church Service, and our Litany abounds with beauties, but here, Sir, is a man who has distanced us alll" (see it printed in Confessions, p. 58), Love Letter to Anna Hathaway, Promissory Note to J. Hemingcs, Facetious Letter to Cowley the Comedian, &c., with tracings from actual signatures to show the difference, &c., bound in 1 vol. folio, half mor. unique. , 4977 SUAKSPEARE S KING LEAR. Transcript of the Tragedy of King Lear, copied verbatim et literatim from the spurious MSS. given in by me to my father by my sister Anna Maria Ireland, now Mrs. Barnard, W. H. Ireland, 1824," also Autograph of Wm. Upcot, folio, half mor. 4978 - Chalmers (O orne), Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare papers, 1797 ; Supplemental Apology, 1797; 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, uncut, with MS. notes and cuttings from Magazines inserted. Lond. 1797-8 382 SHAKSPEARIANA. IRELAND S FORGERIES. >-n 4980 IRELAND : Chalmeriana*, a Collection of papers literary and political, 8vo. half morocco, stilted (reprinted from the Morning Chronicle). Lond. 1800 //# 4981 Authentic Account of the Shakespearian MSS. 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1796 4982 Sale Catalogue of the Library of, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1801 4984 The Confessions of Wm. Henry Ireland, con taining the particulars of his fabrication of the Shake speare Manuscripts, together with Anecdotes and Opinions (hitherto unpublished) of many distin guished persons in the literary, political, and theatri cal world [fac similes], uncut, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1805 " The whole truth and nothing but the truth." 6 < v 4986 - Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the hand and seal of William Shakspeare, in cluding the tragedy of King Lear, and a small frag ment of Hamlet, from the original MSS. in the pos session of Samuel Ireland, of Norfolk Street, portrait and fac similes, uncut, 8vo. hoards. Lond. 1786 7 * s 4987 Another copy, 8vo. half morocco, uncut. " The premature exposure of this literary forgery stopped the publication of this edition. The Copper Plates, Letter-press, &c., were defaced, . , broken up and sold for waste metal, and every remaining copy was / J / ^///V4orn up. From this statement it naturally results, that only 122 copies are extant, being those furnished to the Subscribers, added to which the usual numbers were remitted to the Universities, &c., and about half-a-dozen presented by Mr. Samuel Ireland to particular friends, making a total of 138 copies, which are all that remain to commemorate that most celebrated Imposition." Vide Wilson s Shakespeariana. /2r~ 4988 Philalethes [Col F. Webb. ], Shakespeare s MSS., in the possession of Mr. Ireland, examined respecting the Internal and External Evidences of their Authen ticity, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1796 4989 MALONE (K} Inquiry into the authenticity of certain Miscellaneous papers and Legal Instruments, &c., at tributed to Shakspeare, 3 fac-similes of the hand writing of Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Southampton, large paper, 8vo. half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Lond. 1796 Author s presentation copy to Dr. Burney. 4990 PRECIOUS Kelics, or the Tragedy of Vortigern, re hearsed, written in imitation of the Critic, 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1736 SIIAKSI EARIANA. 883 /-/Z~ 49 91 IRELAND (#.) Mr Ireland s vindication of his conduct, respecting the publication of tho supposed Shake speare MSS., being a preface or introduction to a reply to the critical labors of Mr. Malone, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1796 4992 - An investigation of Mr. Malone s claim to the character of scholar or critic; being an examination into his enquiry into the authenticity of the Shake speare Manuscripts, paper, uncut, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1797 4993 IRELAND (W. II.) Vortigern, an Historical Play, repre sented at Drury Lane, April 2, 1796, as a supposed newly discovered Drama of Shakespeare, a new edi tion, with an original Preface, 8vo. /ac-simile, half mor. gill top. Lond. 1832 The Preface is both interesting and curious, from the additional informa tion it gives respecting the Shakespeare Forgeries, containing also the substance of his "Confessions." 4994 - Yortigern and Henry the II., 8vo. half mor. stilted. Lond. 1779 4994* ORIGINAL Letters of Sir John Falstaff, ISmo. half mor. Phil. 1813 2/4995 WOODWARD (G. M. Caricaturist), Familiar Verses from the Ghost of Willy Shakespeare to Sarnmy Ireland, to which is added Prince Robert, an Auncicnt Ballad, 8vo. half mor. Lond. 1796 4995* WYATT (J/.) A Comparative View of the Opinions of Mr. James Boaden (editor of the Oracle), in February, March and April, 1795, and of James Boaden, Esq. (author of Fontainville Forest, and of a letter to George Steevens, Esq.), in February, 1796, relative to the Shakespeare MSS., by a friend to con sistency, iincut, 8vo. half mor. gilt top. Lond. 1796 4996 -- Another copy, unbound. Lond. 1796 / /^_4996* JACKSON (Z.) Shakspeare s Genius Justified, being restorations and illustrations of seven hundred pas sages in Shakspeare s Plays which have afforded abundant scope for critical animadversion, and hitherto held at defiance the penetration of all Shak speare s commentators, with the original specimen pamphlet, 1818, half mor. top edges gilt, uncut, 8vo. Lond. 1819 * # * Many of the emendations made in Collier s celebrated original folio are to be found in Zachary Jackson s suggestions. 384 SHAKSPEARIANA. 4997 JAMESON" (Mrs.) Characteristics of Woman, 2 vols. ), small Svo. best edition; the only one embellished with the numerous and spirited etchings of the au thoress, mor. gilt top. Lond. 1832 , f jff 4998 JERNINGHAM (Edward), Poems, Shakspeare Gallery, &c., 2 vols. in 1, half mor. 12mo. Lond. 1796 / 2J~~ 4999 JONES (Inigo), Life of, by P. Cunningham, with Eemarks on his Sketches for Dramas, by Planche, and 5 Masques by Ben Jonson, etc., edited by Collier, fine portrait after Vandyke, and 15 fac-simile sketches, Svo. 1848 This biography is more complete than any former one, and abounds in curious information respecting the customs of the period. 5000 JORDAN (John), Welcombe Hills, near Stratford on Avon, a Poem, historical and descriptive, 4to. Lond. 1777 JUBILEE 5001 Colman (George), Man and Wife, or the Shakspeare Jubilee, Svo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1770 y?J~~ 5002 Garrick s Jubilee : Songs, Choruses, &c., half mo rocco. Lond. 1816 . ?j~~ 5003 Garrick Jubilee : Ode upon erecting a Statue to Shakspeare at Stratford-upon-Avon, 4to. half mo rocco. Lond. 1769 ,7j~~ 5004 Stratford Jubilee Comedy, Scrub s Trip, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1769 5005 Jervis (J.) Court Detail of the Ceremonies attending the Shakspeare Club at Stratford-on-Avon, 1827, with an Account of Garrick s Jubilee, paper, Svo. Stratford, 1827 5006 Jones (George, the American Tragedian), Jubilee Ora tion on Shakspeare, Author s copy, 12mo. half mo rocco. Lond. 1836 5007 Idem, 12mo. sewed. Lond. 1836 7j 5008 Account of the Second Commemoration of Shak speare at Straford, 1830, Svo. half morocco, gilt top. Leamington, n A. 5009 KELSALL (G.) The first sitting of the Committee on the proposed Monument to Shakspeare, carefully taken in short-hand by Zachary Craft, amanuensis to the Chairman, Svo. half morocco, gilt top. Cheltenham, 1823 SHAKSPKARIANA. 385 5010 KEMHLE (J. P.) Macbeth and King Richard the Third, an Essay in answer to .Remarks on some of the Cha racters of Shakspeare, uncut, 8vo. half mor., top nlge gilt. Lond. 1817 5011 Authentic Account of the Retirement of, from the Stage; including the Addresses, Criticisms, Poems, &c., and an Account of the Dinner, with two beautiful portraits of Kemble, 8vo. Ms. Lond. 1817 5012 KENILWOKTU, The Princelye Pleasures of, 8vo. pp. 29. Lond. 1821 5013 - Festivities; comprising Laneham s Description of the Pageantry, and Gascoigne s Masques, represented before Queen Elizabeth, 1575, with engravings, 8vo. half mor. Warwick, 1825 , ?T~ 5014 KENRICK S Review of Dr. Johnson s New Edition of Shakespeare, in which the Ignorance or Inattention of that Editor is Exposed, and the Poet Defended from the Persecution of his Commentators, with the rare leaf at the end of the Review, 8vo. half mor. Lond. 1764 Chalmers says this is by a young man at Oxford, named Barclay. KNIGHT ((?.) Studies of Shakspeare, forming a compa nion volume to the national edition of the Pictorial Shakspeare, fine frontispiece of portraits, 8vo. half mor. uncut. Lond. 1851 5016 - - Essay on Henry VI. and Richard III., with postscript, royal Svo. half mor. 1840 / 5017 LAMENTABLE and True Tragedie of M. Arden of Fe- versham, Svo. Lond. 1776 / ^f~ 5018 LAMB (Charles), Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who lived about the time of Shakspeare, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. N. Y. 1845 5019 - Tales from Shakspeare, designed principally for the use of Young Persons, by Miss and Charles Lamb, 20 large and beautiful wood-cut engravings by Harvey, fcap. Svo. half mor. gilt top. Lond. 1831 " One of the most useful and agreeable companions to the understand ing of Shakspeare which have been produced." 5020 LANGBAINE (Gerard), An Account of the English Dra- matick Poets, or some Observations and Remarks on the Lives and Writings of all those that have pub lished either Comedies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Pastorals, Masques, Interludes, Farces, or Operas, in the English Tongue, Svo. half mor. gilt top. Oxford, 1691 LE NEVE, vide Neve, Lot 5069. 25 386 SHAKSPEARIANA. 5021 LANDOR (W. S.) Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk, before the worshipful Sir Thomas Lucy, Knight, touching deer stealing on the 19th day of September, in the year of grace 1582, now first pub lished from original papers, to which is added a con ference of Master Edmund Spenser, a gentleman of note, with the Earl of Essex, touching the state of Ireland, A. D. 1595, uncut, 12mo. half mor. gilt top. Lond. 1834 5022 LENNOX (Mrs.} Shakspesre Illustrated, or the Novels and Histories on which the Plays of Shakspeare are founded, collected and translated from the original authors, with Critical Remarks by the Author of the Female Quixote, 3 vols. 12mo. half mor. gilt top, uncut, very rare in this state. Lond. 1753-54: 5023 LIDGATE (/".) The Life and Death of Hector one, and the first of the most puissant, valiant, and renowned monarches of the world, called the nyne worthies ; shewing his invincible force, together with the mar- vailous and most famous acts by him achieved and done in the great, long, and terrible siege, which the princes of Greece held about the towne of Troy, for the space of tenne years, and finally his unfortunate death after hee had fought a hundred mayne battailes in open field against the Grecians ; the which heerein are all at large described, engraved, title, folio, calf. Lond. 1614 Sold at Roscoe s sale, for 3 3s. This is a modernization of the ancient heroic couplet into six-line stan zas, amounting to 30,000 lines, printed in double columns, generally attributed to Thomas Hey wood. Warton, in his History of English Poetry, speaks with great praise of this famous old Poem. 5021 LINED on Shakspeare, one leaf. n. d. J~~ 5025 LIFE of Macbeth, containing a Key to his Character, 12mo. half mor. Lond. n. d. J~ 5026 LIFE and Death of Anne Bullen, Queen Consort of England, portrait, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1820 //? 5027 LONDON, Oblong Panoramic View of, by G. Visscherr, mounted in a portfolio, includes view of the Globe Theatre, &c. ?J 5028 LOVEDAY (Robert), Hymen s Pneludia, or Love s Mas terpiece, being that much admired romance entitled Cleopatra, written originally in French, now ren dered into English, folio, half morocco. Lond. 1674 SIIAKSPEAKIANA. 3S7 LOWNDES, Shakspcre and his Commentators, Extract ed from tlie Bibliographer s Manual, presentation copy from Lowndes to the Duke of Buckingham, with autograph, portrait of Shakspeare, etc., 8vo. half mo rocco. 1821 Only Twenty-five copies so printed. 5030 LUDERS (Alex.) Essay on the Character of Henry the Fifth, when Prince of Wales, front rough leaves, half morocco, top edge (jilt, 12 mo. Lond. 1813 /J~ 5031 LYLIE (John), Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit, very pleasant for all gentlemen to read, and most necessary to remember; Euphues and his England, &c., contain ing his Voyages and Adventures, with sundry pretty discourses of honest Love, &c., by John Lylie, small 4to., Bhick Ccttcr, fine copy, calf extra, gilt edges, rare. Lond. 1823 " All ! that I had with me ray Anatomy of Wit ! that all to be unpar alleled volume ! that quintessence of human wit ! that treasury of quaint invention ! etc. Sir Piercie Uliafton in " The Monastery." / 5032 Euphues and Lucilla, or the Friend and In constant Mistress, to which is added Ephoebus, &c., half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1716 The only Rare Poet of that time, the wittie, comicall, facetious, quick**, and unparalleled John Lyly. * * 5033 MACDONELL (P.) Essay on Hamlet, with copious origi nal notes, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1843 ^x, 5031 MADDEN (/ .) Observations on an Autograph of Sluik- spere, and the orthography of his name, communi cated to the Society of Antiquaries, by Sir Frederick Madden, in a letter to John Gage, Esq., half morocco, 8vo. Lond. 1838 5035 MAD Pranks and Merry Jests of Eobin Goodfellow, reprinted from the edition of 1628, with an introduction by J. P. Collier, 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1841 5036 MAGINN ( W.) The Shakspere Papers of the late Wil liam Maginn, annotated by Dr. Shelton Mackenzie, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1856 5037 MALONE (Edm.) Inquiry into the Authenticity of cer tain Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments published in 1795, and attributed to Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of Southampton, illustrated with fac-similes of their handwriting, largest paper, on which only 25 copies were printed for pre sents, Svo.fine clean copy, bds, uncut, rare. Lond. 1796 This was Malone s own copy with his Autograph, also that of the Klder Booth. It has extra proof plates. 388 SHAKSPEARIANA. 5039 MALONE (Edm.} Supplement to Johnson and Steevens, Edition of Shakspeare 1778, with the Appendix and Second Appendix (which is rare), containing the genuine Poems and Seven Plays that have been ascribed to him ; enriched with autograph letters and manuscript notes, by Steevens, Malone, Haslewood, and other commentators of the day, UNIQUE, 2 vols. in 3, half mor. uncut. 1780 , JZ_ 5040 -- A Letter to the Eev. Eichard Farmer, D. D., &c., relative to the edition of Shakspeare published in MDCCXC and some late criticisms on that work, large paper, 8vo. half mor., gilt top. Lond. 1792 ^? 2S~* 5041 - Life of William Shakspeare, with an Essay on the Phraseology and Metre of the Poet and his Con temporaries, by James Boswell, LARGE PAPER, ONLY 21 COPIES, NOT PRINTED FOR SALE, portraits on India Paper from Soaden s Enquiry added, 8vo. half mor., uncut. 1821 ** " This forms part of the 1st and the whole of the 2nd volume of Ma- lone s edition of Shakspeare, published in 1821, in 21 vols. 8vo. ; of this portion 21 extra copies were taken off at the express wish of the Editor, Jas. Boswell." / /2__ 5042 - Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage, of the Economy and Wages of the Antient Theatres in England, half morocco, stilted, gilt top. Basil, 1800 5043 MASON (J. M.) Comments on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, with an Appendix, containing some further observations on Shakespeare, extended to the late editions of Malone and Steevens, large paper, uncut, 8vo. half morocco, top gilt. Lond. 1798 / 2 f~ 5044 -- Comments on the several editions of Shake speare s Plays, extended to those of Malone and Steevens, uncut, 8vo. half morocco, top gilt. Dublin, 1807 Last and best edition, only 250 copies printed. - // Z 5045 MATHIAS Pursuit of Literature, a Satirical Poem, 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1798 5046 MEETING of Gallants at an Ordinarie, or the Walkes in Powles, from a Black Letter Copy, edited by Halli- weli, half morocco, 12mo. Lond. 1841 MIDDLETON (Thos.} Tragi-Comedie, called the Witch, vide Lot 1350. Oracle, 13 N. Y. 1855 SUAKSPEAKIANA. 389 5048 MILTON and Shakspcare. Essay on Milton by Lauder; and Whalley on Soakspeare, with several other Tracts, 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1750 bVW MILTON (John), History of England, from the first Tra- ditional beginning to the Norman Conquest, published from a copy corrected by the Author himself, folio, half mor. Amsterdam, 169-1 5050 MiKKOit for Magistrates The Falls of Unfortunate Princes, and Chronicle Historic (in verse), of Men of Note, &c., since the first entrance of Brutus into this Island, &c., new Edition, by Joseph Ilaslewood, 150 copies only printed, 3 vols. 4to. boards, uncut. Lond. 1815 " The popularity of this famous poetical miscellany, the work of the chief wits of the time, aud its influence on our national poetry, in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I., was very considerable. The Induction, by Lord Buckhurst, is conceived with the vigor of a creative imagination, and was the model of Spenser." Warton. 5051 MISCELLANEOUS Observations on the Tragedy of Ham let, scarce, sewed, 8 vo. Lond. 5052 MODERN Characters for 1778, by Wm. Shakespeare ; Shakespeare s History of the Times, or the Original Portraits of that Author adapted to Modern Charac ters, in one volume, 12mo, uncut, half morocco, top edges gilt. Lond. 1778 5053 MONTAGU (Ifrs.) An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakspeare, compared with the Greek and French Dramatic Poets, with some Remarks upon the Misrep resentations of Mons. de Voltaire, first Edition, uncut, 8vo. half mor. top gilt. Lond. 1769 , ^^ 505-1 s Sixth and best edition, corrected, to which are added Three Dialogues of the Dead, large paper, royal 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1810 / < 5055 MONTAGUE (F.) Ages of Female Beauty, fine steel plates, 4to. cloth. Lond. n. d. A pictorial adaptation of the " Seven Ages of Man." J -J?j 5056 MONTAIGNE, The Essays, or Morall, Politicke, and Militarie Discovrses of Lord Michael de Montaigne, Knight of the Noble Order of St. Michael, and one of the Gentlemen in Ordinary of the French King s chamber, &c., fine engraved title, folio, calf, gilt. Lond. 1632 Translated by " The still resolute lohn Florio," who is the original of Holofernes, in Love s Labour Lost. Shakspeare is supposed to have been familiar with an earlier edition of this translation. 390 SHAKSPEARIANA. 50&7 MONTREAL Shakspearian Club, Constitution and By- Laws of, 12 mo. 1847 5058 Annual Reports of, for 1845 and 1847, 2 vols. 12mo. v. d 5059 MORGANN (J/.) An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff, large paper, half mor. top gilt, uncut, 8vo, Lond. 1777 / 7s~~ 5060 An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff, thick paper, half mor. top gilt, uncut, 8vo. Lond. 1815 " A more honorable monument to the memory of Shakespeare than any which has been reared to him by the united labors of his commen tators." Dr. Symmons. , #2- 5061 MORRIS S Essay towards fixing the True Standards of Wit, Humour, Raillery, Satire, and Ridicule, to which is added an Analysis of the Characters of an Hu mourist, Sir John Falstaff, Sir Roger de Coverly, arid Don Quixote, 8vo. half mor. gilt top. Lond. 1744 5062 MOSES (//.) Illustrations of Ancient Costume, 4to. half mor. n. d. 5063 MOSSOP S Part of King John, MS., very curious, 4to. half mor. 1754 5064 MOULIN (/.) Omtrekken eener Algemeene Litteratuur over William Shakespeare en deszelfs werken, 8vo., only 103 copies, privately printed. 1845 A very copious list of all the English and Foreign Writers on Shakes peare, pointing out the particular Essays in larger works and peri odical literature. 5065 NARES (E.) Glossary of Words, Phrases, Names, Allu sions, Proverbs, &c., in the Works of English Authors, particularly Shakspeare and his Contemporaries, 4to. Ids. 1822 One of the most interesting and curious books of the kind ever pub lished, and by far the best and most useful work we possess for explaining and illustrating the obsolete language, and the customs and manners of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and it is quite indispensable for the reading of the literature of the Eliza bethan period. 5066 NAUNTON (Sir Robert], Fragmenta Regalia, Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, new edition, by Dodd, fine portraits, half mor. ^^^ Lond. 1824 5069 NEVE (Philip Le}, Cursory Remarks on some of the Ancient English Poets, particularly Milton, 8vo., scarce, half mor. gilt top. 1789 Not published. Two hundred copies only printed for presents to the author s friends. SHAKSPEARIANA. 391 5070 NEW Readings of Old Authors, a Scries of Humourous Illustrations of Shakespeare, by Seymour, 26 parts, 12mo. Lond. 1848 A master-stroke of rich humour, and the moral tendency unexceptiona ble. 5072 NICHOLAS (Sir Harris), Battle of Agincourt, and Expe dition of Henry V. into France, large paper 8yo. half mar. Lond. 1838 5073 OAKLEY (Ben.) Selections from Shakespeare, uncut, 12mo. half mor., gilt top. Lond. 1828 5074 OGILVIE (John D. D.) Poems on Several Subjects ; Day of Judgement ; Odes to the Genius of Shakespeare, &c., plates, royal 8vo. half mor. gilt top. Lond. 1704 5075 ORIGINAL Letters, &c., of Sir John Falstaff, selected from Genuine MSS. which have been in the posses- j sion of Dame Quickly and her Descendants near four hundred years, the second Kdition, dedicated to Mas- ^^/^ ter Samuel Ireland, 12mo. frontispiece, half mor. Phila. 1813 This very curious little book was the joint production of James White and Charles Lamb. ^Ye Talfourd s Life and Letters of Lamb. / J -) 5076 OUTLINES to the Tempest, twelve plates, 8vo. half mor. gilt to}). Lond. 1825 .7j 5077 PATTERSON (R.\ Letters on the Natural History of the Insects mentioned in Shakespeare s plays, with inci dental notices of the P]ntomology of Ireland, woodcuts, 8vo. half mor., top gilt. Lond. 1838 5078 PEARCE (William), Haunts of Shakespeare, a Poem, 4to. half mor. Lond. 1776 5079 PENDRAGON, or the Carpet Knight, his Kalendar, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1698 "A Poem in hudibrastic measure, intended as a satire on that active and mercenary writer in the cause of arbitrary power, Sir Roger L Es- trauge." Lowndes. The following quotation appears on the title : " Why let the Stricken Deer go Weep, The Hart ungall d go play, For some must watch while some must sleep ; So runs the world away." PKRHV (Xfs>p}*ei>) l Robin Hood and his Merry Foresters, plates. 1845 5081 PERRIN (J/.) Contes Moraux tires des Tragedies de Shakespeare, 12 mo. Lond. 1783 392 SHAKSPEAKIANA. 5082 PHILLIPS (Edward, Nephew of John Milton), Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum, containing the names and characters of all the English Poets from Henry III. to the close of Queen Elizabeth s reign, edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, presentation copy, half mor. Canterbury, 1800 5083 Another Edition, one hundred copies only printed, edited by Sir E. Brydges, 8vo. half mor., un cut. Geneva, 1826 " Contains criticisms far above the taste of the period, in which the hand of Milton may not obscurely be traced, as in the judgment on Shakespeare, Marlowe, &c." Warton. 5081 - - (Edward, Nephew of John Milton], The New World of Words, or a General English Dictionary, etc., frontispiece of portraits of Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney, Bacon, Selden, etc., folio, calf, neat. Lond. 1671 *** Among the names of Learned Persons contributory to this Work, are, Ashmole, Evelyn, Dugdale, Boyle, Isaac Walton, Col. Venables, &c. J~~~ 5085 PILGRIMAGE to Stratford-on-Avon, the Birthplace of Shakspeare, with portrait of Shakspeare, plates, 18mo. half mor. Lond. 1850 5086 PITMAN (Rev. T. j?.) Shakspeare, for Schools, with notes from the best annotators, half mor. t. g. 8vo. Lond. 1834 5087 PLANCHE (J. R.) Costume of Shakspere, Historical Tragedy of King John, selected from the best autho rities, 23 coloured plates, 12mo. half mor. g. t. uncut. Lond. 1823 5088 - - Costume of Shakspere s Tragedy of Othello and Comedy of the Merchant of Venice, selected from the best authorities, 24 plates, 12mo. half mor. g. t. Lond. 1823 /J~2> 5089 Costume of Shakspere s Tragedy of Hamlet, selected from the best authorities, 14 coTd plates, 12mo. half mor. g. t. Lond. 1825 X j"7 5090 Costume of Shakspere s Historical Play of King Henry the 4th, selected from the best authori ties, 22 cold plates, \1mo.halfmor.g.t. u. Lond. 1824 Costume of Shakspere s Comedy of As You Like It, selected from the best authorities, 19 coVd plates, 12mo. half mor. g. t. Lond. 1825 5092 - Midsummer Night s Dream, Songs and Duets, 1840, and the Fairies, 1755, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. half calf. v. d. SHAKSPEARIANA. 393 5093 PLUMPTRE (J.) Observations on Ilarnlet, and on the motives which most probably induced Shakespeare to fix upon the story of Amleth, from the Danish Chro nicle of Saxo Grammaticus, for the plot of that Tra gedy, being an attempt to prove that he designed it as an indirect censure on Mary Queen of Scots, 8vo. Cambridge, 1796 5094 Another copy, 8vo. half mor. 1790 5095 POETICAL Farago, A miscellaneous assemblage of epi grams and other jeux d esprits on Garrick s Picture, hung near the bust of Shakespeare, on Tibbald s (Theobald) pointing to Shakespear, on Shakespear and Voltaire, &c. 2 vols. in 1, half mor. g. t. 12mo. 1794 5096 POLIMANTEIA, or The Means lawful and unlawful to , judge of the Fall of a Commonwealth, against the frivolous and foolish Conjectures of this Age, where- unto is added a Letter from England to her three Daughters, Cambridge, Oxford, Inns of Court, and to all the rest of her Inhabitants, persuading them to a constant Unitie of what Religion soever they are, for the Defence of our dread Soveraigne, and native Country, most requisite for this Time wherein wee now live, 4to. half mor. g. t. Camb., J. Legate, 1595 This work is of interest as containing the earliest allusion to Shakspeare by name in the printed literature of England. 5097 PoLiTEurniA, Wit s Commonwealth, 3d edition, 12mo. by John Bodenham, printed by J. R.for N. Ling. Lond. 1598 5098 Another Edition, 12mo. calf , gilt, f. c. 1684 " A collection of sententious extracts from the Ancient Moral Philoso phers." Lovmdet. 5099 PORTO (Luigi da), Eomeo e Julietta, Storie de due Nobili Amanti con la loro pietosa morti, avvenuta gia in Verona, &c., e scritta da Luigi da Porto, a neat manuscript of 40 pages, half mor. 4to. 5100 PRICE (Thomas), Wisdom and Genius of Shakspeare, with select and original notes, and Scriptural refer ences, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1839 51$T PYE (//. J.) Comments on the Commentators on Shak speare, with preliminary observations on his genius and writings, and on the labors of those who have endeavored to elucidate them, with MS. notes by Judge Funnan, uncut, 8vo. half mor. g. t. stilled. Lond. 1807 394 SHAKSPEARIANA. 5103 PROSPECTUS of the Lansdowne Shakspere, 8vo. Lond. 1852 / < N 5104 QUELLEN des Shakespeare in Novellen, Marchen, und Sagen, 4 vols. 12mo. Berlin, 1831 5105 EALEIGH (Sir Walter), The Discoverie of the Empire of Guiana, with a relation of Manoa (which the Spaniards call El Dorado), and of the Provinces of Emeria, Arromaia, Amapaya, &c., performed in the year 1595, 4to. Lond. R. Robinson, 1596 Sold in Gordonstoun sale for JE3 ; Jadis, 3. From this rare tract Shakspeare derived his knowledge of the " still vexed Bermoothes." 5106 RECOLLECTIONS of the Scenic Effects of Covent Gar den Theatre, dedicated to Mr. Macready ; and outline illustrations of Werner, paper. Lond. 1839 2-4? 5107 RETZSCH Gallery to Shakspeare s Dramatic Works, in outlines, invented and engraved by Moritz Retzsch, 16 parts, oblong 4to. 1849 These beautiful plates illustrate Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, The Tempest, Othello, Merry Wives of Windsor, and King Henry IV. 5108 Gallerie de Shakspeare, 70 plates, with expla nations, translated from the German, oblong 8vo. Paris, 1828 5109 Outlines to Shakspeare, seventh series ; The Merry Wives of Windsor, 13 plates. Lond. 1844 5110 Outlines, Explanatory Letter-press only, 6 parts, 4to. cl. ^ Z6 5111 RETVRNE from Pernassvs, or the Scourge of Simony, publickly acted by the Students in Saint lohn s Col lege in Cambridge, rare, fine, copy, 4to. half mor. inter leaved. 1606 *K* Reprinted in " Hawkins s Origin of the English Drama," and is held in much esteem by the curious on account of its containing one of the earliest notices of Shakspeare : " Act I. Scene II. " Who loues Adonis loue, or Lucre 1 * rape His sweeter verse contaynes hart robbing life, Could but a grauer subiect him content, Without loue s foolish lazy languishment. " " Act IV. Scene III. *** " Few of the vniuersity pen plaies well, they smell too much of that writer Quid, and that writer Metamorphosis, and talke too much of Proserpina and luppiter. Why heres our fellow Shakespeare puts them all downe, I and Ben lonson too. that Ben lonson is a pestilent fellow, he brought vp Horace giuing the Poets a pill, but our fellow Shakespeare hath giuen him a purge that made him beray his credit." SHAKSl EAKIANA. 395 5112 RHODES (H r . 7?.) Sale Catalogue of the Dramatic Li brary of, 10 days sale, 8vo. half inor. Lond. 1825 5113 RICAKDI Maydiston : Alliterative Poem on the Depo sition of King Richard III., 4to. half mor. (Camden Society). Lond. 1838 /, / 5115 HIGH (Barnalnj), Eight Novels employed by English Dramatic Poets of the Keign of Queen Elizabeth, 8vo. lialf mor. vncut (Shakspeare Society). Lond. 1846 / < , 5110 RICHARDSON (IT.) Essays on Shakspcare s Dramatic Characters, of Richard the 3d, King Lear, and Timon of Athens, to which are added an Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare, and additional observations on the character of Hamlet, 2 vols. 18mo. calf. Lond. 1783 5117 -- Essays on Shakspeare s Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff, and on his Imitation of Female Characters, to which are added some general observa tions on the Studies of Shakspeare, lOrno. calf. Lond. 1785 5118- -- Another edition, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1781) / 3~? 5119 - - Sixth Edition, large paper, half mor. uncut. Lond. 1812 5120 RIDDLE (/". E.} Illustrations of Aristotle, from the Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, post 8vo. half mor. Oxford, 1832 / <_ _ , 5121 RITSON (J.) Remarks, Critical and Illustrative, on the Text and Notes of the last edition of Shakspeare, Svo. half mor. gill top, uncut. Lond. 1783 ^tf~ 5122 -- Cursory Criticisms on the edition of Shak speare published by Edmond Malone, 8vo. half mor. gilt top. Lond. 1792 The Quip Modest; Remarks on the Notes and Text of the last edition of Shakspeare, Svo. Jialf mor. uncut. Lond. 1788 / -^ 5124 RIMBAULT (E. F.) "Who was Jack Wilson, the Singer of Shakspeare s Stage ?" An Attempt to Prove the Identity of this Person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, A. D. 1644, 8vo. half mor. Lond. 1846 2 5125 RODD (Thos.) Traditionary Anecdotes of Shakespeare, />*. collected in Warwickshire in 1693, now first pub lished from an old MS., Svo. half mor. gilt top. 1838 5126 - MS. Essay on the Tempest, Svo. half m or. n.d. 5127 - (//.) Remarks on the Chandos Portrait of Shakspeare, only 50 copies printed for private distri bution, with a Letter, Svo. Lond. 1849 396 SHAKSPEAR1ANA. 5128 RODD (//.) Remarks on the Chandos Portrait of Shakspeare, not printed for sale, with a Letter by H. Rodd, 8vo. Lond. 1849 5129 Sale Catalogue of Rare Prints and Books, illustrative of the works of Wm. Shakspeare, includ ing the rare Portraits of the Bard, thick paper, Svo. half mor. (only four copies so printed.) Lond. 1850 /2_ 5130 RYMER (Thos.) Tragedies of the Last Age Considered, half mor. gilt, 12mo. Lond. 1678 5131 Short View of Tragedy, its Original Excellency and Corruption, Svo. calf. 1693 " Valuable for its historical matter ; one of the earliest criticisms on Shakespeare." Retrospective Rev. The works of Rymer form one of the most laughable and amusing com ments ever written upon Shakespeare. He has taken for his theme Othello, and after analyzing it through several pages, he winds up with the following summary : "There is in this play some burlesk, some humour, and ramble of comic wit some show and some mimickry to divert the spectators ; but the tragedy part is plainly none other than a bloody farce without salt or savour." ^/~~ 5132 SAVIOLO ( Vincentio), His Practice, in two bookes, the first intreating of the use of Rapier and Dagger ; the second of Honor and Honorable Quarrels, woodcuts, calf gilt, fine copy, 4to. John Wolfe, Lond. 1595 In the rule and order concerning the Challenger and Defender, it treats of " the manner and diversity of Lies," " Of Lies certaine," " Of con ditional Lyes," " Of tha. Lye in generall," " Of the Lye in particu lar." It is the book referred to by Touchstone in Shakspeare s " As You Like It." See Reed and Steevens Shakspeare, vol. 3, page 181. Sold at White Knight s sale for 5 15s. Qd., Stretell s, 5 15s. Qd., Stanley s 14 3s. Qd. Saviolo s Practice throws considerable light on the affected manners of the gallants in the days of Elizabeth, and elucidates several passages in Shakspeare and Ben Jonson. 5133 SAYER S Dramatic Characters, or Different Portraits of the English Stage in the days of Garrick, 12mo. 38 plates, calf, gilt, rare. Lond. 1770 5134 SCHOOL for Satire, a volume of satirical poems, ad dressed to the various commentators on Shakspeare, Capell s Ghost, and others, Svo. Lond. 1802 5135 SCHLEGEL (A. W.) A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, uncut, 2 vols. in 1, Svo. half mor. Lond. 1840 5136 SECRET History of Mackbeth, King of Scotland, taken from a very ancient original MS., 12mo. half mor. gilt. Lond. 1708 /? SHAKSPEARIANA. 397 5137 SECRET Passion, by the author of Shakspcare and his Friends, 3 vols. 8vo. half mor. uncut. Lond. 1844 5137* TALKS from the Gesta Romanorum, 12mo. half mar. N. Y .1845 5138 SELOUS Outline Illustrations to Shakspeare s Tern pest, 12 plates, 4to. Lond. 1825 SEVEN AGES OF MAN. See Lots 5147 to 5152. 5139 SEYMOUR (E. II.) Remarks, critical, conjectural, and explanatory, upon the Plays of Shakespeare; result ing from a collation of the early copies with that of Johnson and Steevens, edited by Isaac Reed, Esq. ; together with some valuable extracts from the MSS. of the late Right Honorable John Lord Chedworth, &c. uncut, 2 vols. 8vo. half mor. Lond. 1805 5140 - (//.) Humourous Readings of Shakspeare, the four series complete, upwards of 200 exceedingly hu mourous and clever draivings on ston< , by this eminent caricaturist, 2 vols. 12mo. scarce, half mor. 1841 Nothing so redolent of frolic, mirth, and fun, has ever hefore emanated from the brains of any one man ; Alfred Seymour is the modern Hogarth. 5141 SHAKSPEARE Calendar, or Wit and Wisdom for every day in the year, edited by W. C. Richards, 12 mo. N.Y. 1850. , 5142 - - and his Times, Criticisms on his Genius and Writings, a new Chronology of his Plays, a Disquisi tion on the Objects of his Sonnets, and a History of the Manners, Customs, Amusements and Superstitions of his age, by Dr. N. Drake, port, and fac similes of autographs, 2 vols. 4to. half mor. uncut. 1817 This masterly production contains a mass of agreeable and well-digested information ; and is particularly valuable for its full information on the contemporary writers and their works, the different editions, etc. ~~. 5143 - - Gallery, Illustrating the Plays of Shakspeare, with seventy-nine beautiful plates, large paper, 4to. half mor. Lond. 1839 2f~~ 5144 -- Historical Dramas, illustrated by Harding, authentic portraits of Royal and Noble Personages, Views of Towns, Castles, &c., by Schiavonetti and others, 2 vols. in 1, binding broken, 4to. Lond. 1811 5145 -- Illustrated by a Series of Portraits and Views, with Biographical Anecdotes, to which are added Portraits of Actors and Editors, one hundred and fifty-eight plates, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. n. d. *7c 398 SHAKSPEARIANA. 5146 SHAKSPEARE Illustrated, or the Novels and Histories on which the Plays of Shakspeare are founded, collected and translated from original authors by Mrs. Lennox, 3 vols. 12rno. half mor. uncut. Lond. 1753 5147 - Illustrative Index to, in MS. 8vo. 5148 -- Seven Ages of Mao, illustrated by Gilbert, Claxton, &c., 4to. Lond. n. d. 5149 --- Seven Ages of Man, illustrated with colored plates, folio, half mor. Lond. 1799 . > 5150 - Seven Ages, illustrated by 12 beautiful wood engravings after designs by Sir David Wilkie, Mul- /- J7 - ,/7//^eady, Leslie, Calcott, Constable, Collins, Sir Edwin Landseer, &c., 4to. cloth. Lond., Van Voorst 1840 , /2~ 5151 -- Maclise s beautiful designs to illustrate Shak- speare s Seven Ages, engraved by Goodall, 4to. Art Union, 1850 5152 -- Seven Ages of Man, with illustrations by Kenny Meadows, 8vo. unbound. 5153 - Jest Books, with Preface and Glossary, by S. W. Singer, the 3 parts complete in 2 vols. 8vo. (only 250 copies printed), half mor. Chiswick, 1814-16 CONTENTS : Tales and Quicke Answeres very mery and pleasant to rede, Berthelet, 1530 ; Supplement to the Tales and Quicke Answeres, Wykes, 1567 ; A Hundred Mery Talys, Rastell, 1529. The former book is most probably the one from which Benedick accuses Beatrice of stealing all her " good wit." 5153* -- Jests, or the Jubilee Jester, being a curious collection of Jubilee and Jovial Songs, frontispiece, half mor. rare, 12mo. J. Kobson, n. d. Priced 1 11s. Qd. in a recent English Catalogue. 5154 Laconics, a selection of Pithy Sentences, 12mo. scarce. Phil. 1853 / < - . 5155 -- Merry Tales, a new edition, 18mo. half mor. Lond. 1845 5156 --- Newspaper, folio. 5157 - and his Friends, 3 vols. 12mo. half mor. uncut. Lond. 1838 5158 -- Portfolio ; a Series of 95 Graphic Illustrations, after designs by the most eminent British Artists, including Smirke, Stothard, Stephanoff, Cooper, Westall, Hilton, Leslie, Briggs, Corbould, Clint, beautifully engraved by Heath, Greatbacli, Robinson, Pye, Finden, Ennleheart, Armstrong, Rolls, and others, India Proofs, folio, in a case, with leather back, stained. 7 SHAKSPEARIANA. 5159 SHAKSPEARE Repository, published by Fennel, 4to. 1853 51GO - Romances, collected and arranged by Shak- speare the 2d, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. half mor. g. t. Lond. 1825 5161 SUNDRY Scrap Prints and Cuttings, many illustrative of Shakespeare and his Works. 5162 SHAKESPEARE Society Papers, uncut, 4 vols. 8vo. half mor. Lond. 1844-5 5163 - - Will, copied from the original in the Preroga tive Court, preserving the Interlineations and Fac similes of the three Autographs of the Poet, with a few preliminary Observations, by J. O. Halliwell, 4to. half mor. gilt top, uncut. 1851 5164 SIIERLOCK (Martin), Letters from an English Traveller, / new edition with notes, Charles //ami s cojty, 8vo. half mor. Lond. 1780 5165 SHARPHAM (Ed.) Cupid s Whirligig, 4to. green mor. Lond. 1607 This play has been erroneously attributed to Shakespeare. 5166 SHORT (C.) Life and Humours of Falstaflf, a Comedy formed out of the two parts of Shakespeare s Henry the 4th and Henry 5th, 12mo. half mor., uncut. Lond. 1829 SlR Thomas More, a Play edited by A. Dyce, 1844 ; Marriage of Wit and Wisdom, an ancient interlude, edited by Halliwell, 1846, with illustrations to Shak- speare, in 1 vol. 8vo. half calf. Lond. v. y. 5168 Six old Plays on which Shakespeare founded his Mea sure for Measure, Comedy of Errors, Taming the Shrew, King John, K. Henry IV. and K. Henry V., King Lear, scarce, 2 vols. in 1, half mor., gilt top. Lond., J. Nichols, 1779 5169 SKOTTOWE (A.) The Life of Shakespeare; Enquiries into the Originality of his Dramatic Plots and Char acters; and Essays on the Ancient Theatres and Theatrical Usages, 2 vols. in 1, half mor., 8vo. Lond. 1824 5170 SONGS, Madrigals, and Sonnets ; a gathering of some of the most pleasant flowers of Old English Poetry, in cluding some of Shakespeare s, set in borders of coloured ornaments and vignettes, square 12mo., EVERY PAGE SURROUNDED WITH COLOURED BORDERS, half mor. Lond. 1849 400 SHAKSPEARIANA. 5171 SKEISTE (Geo.) The Genius of Shakespeare, a Summer Dream, presentation copy by the author, 4to. large paper, half mor. Lond. 1793 / N 5172 STAFFORD (Wm.) Compendium, or briefe examination of certayne ordinary complaints of divers of our Countrymen, in these our Dayes, by W. S. Gent, re print from the edition of 1581, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1751 Prefixed to this edition is a ridiculous preface endeavoring to show that the tract was written by William Shakspeare, Gent., edited by J. Nichols. 5173 SPOOR (Henrico), Decorum et Ileroum Virorum et Mulierum Illustriurn Imagines Antiquae, Illustrataa, 4to. vellum. Amsterdam, 1715 5174 STOKER (TAos.), Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey, reprinted from the editions of 1599, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1815 5175 TAYLOR (E.) Cursory Kemarks on Tragedy, on Shak speare, and on certain French and Italian Poets, prin cipally tragedians, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. 1774 5176 Another Copy. 1774 5177 Picturesque Beauties of Shakspeare, engraved on forty plates after Stothard and Smirke, by Taylor, beautiful impressions, with the letter-press uncut, 1783-4. Shakespeare Gallery, containing a Select Series of Scenes and Characters (with criticisms and remarks), by Singleton, 1792, 50 plates, PROOFS, in 1 vol. uncut, half morocco, 4to. Lond. 1783-4 J~& 5178 THEOBALD. Shakespeare restored ; or, a specimen of the many errours, as well committed as unamended by Mr. Pope in his late edition of this poet, designed not only to correct the said edition, but to restore the true reading of Shakespeare in all the editions ever yet published, scarce, 4to. half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1726 5179 THURSTON (T.) Illustrations of Shakspeare, thirty- eight engravings on wood, by Branston, from designs by T. Thurston, 8vo. Lond. n. d. 5180 TODD (H. J.) Illustrations of the Lives and Writings of Gower and Chaucer, collected from authentic docu ments, many plates, 4to. calf. Lond. 1810 5181 TRACTS on Warburton, New Dunciad, Horatian Canons, with several of Warburton s own Notes, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1750 // 7 SHAKSPEARTANA. 401 5182 TRACTS, Ilanmer s Letter on the Fools, Irving, Freron, &e., in 1 vol. half morocco. v. d. 5183 TREATISE on the Passions, with Critical Inquiry into the Theatrical Merit of Garrick, Quin and Barry ; the first considered in the part of Lear, the two last opposed in Othello, 8vo. half morocco. n. d. 5184 TWEDDELL (George), Shakespeare, his Times and Con temporaries, 12mo. half morocco. Lond. 1852 5185 Twiss (Francis), Complete Verbal Index to the Days of Shakspeare, adapted to all editions, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1805 Exceedingly scarce, nearly the whole impression having been destroyed at Beusley s fire. / < , 5186 TWYSDEN (Sir It.) An Account of Queen Anne Bullen, From a MS. in the handwriting of Sir Roger Twys- den, Bart., 8vo. half morocco. 5186*ULRici (Hermann), Shakspeare s Dramatic Art, and Relation to Calderon and Goethe, translated from the German, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1846 5187 UPTON (J) Critical Observations on Shakespeare, by John Upton, Prebendary of Rochester, first edition, with the reverie, or finely-imagined dream, which is omitted in the subsequent editions, Svo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1746 5188 Idem, 2d edition, large paper copy, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1748 5189 VIEWS in Stratford-on-Avon, and its Vicinity, Illus trative of the Biography of Shakspere, accompanied with descriptive remarks, by Wm. Rider, folio, half morocco. Lond. 1828 5190 VOLTAIRE (M. de)< Letters Concerning the English Nation, Svo. Lond. 1733 "Letter 18th, p. 166, contains strictures on Hamlet, Julius Cesar, &c. No Frenchman can either understand or appreciate Shakspeare." MS. note. VOLTAIRE S Letter to the French Academy, on the Merits of Shakspere, 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1777 5192 WALDRON (F. G) Shakspearian Miscellany, containing Scarce and Valuable Tracts, Poetry, and Biographical Anecdotes, fine portraits of Actors, by Harding and Schiavonetti, &c., 4to. half morocco, large paper. Lond. 1802 Includes, Euphnes Golden Legacie, Life and Miracles of the Prophet Abraham, from an Arabic MS. &c. 26 402 SHAKSPEARIANA. 5193 WALLACE (Jas.) Shakespearian Sketches, with MS. Notes, 12rno. half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1795 5194 WALKINGTON (Thomas), Optick Glasse of Humors, or the Touchstone of Golden Temperature; or, the Phi losopher s Stone to make a Golden Temper, 12mo. neat. Lond. 1664 Dr. Farmer, in his Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare, observes, " In the Merchant of Venice, the Jew, as an apology for his cruelty, re hearses many sympathies and antipathies for which no reason can be rendered. This incident is to be met with in the Optick Glasse of Humors." 5195 WALPOLE (Horace), Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Eichard III., plates, 4to. half mor. Lond. 1768 5196 WALPURGIS Night and Walpurgis Night-Dream, or Oberon and Titania s Golden Wedding Feast, 12mo. half mor. not published. n. d. 5197 WARD (Rev. J., Vicar of Stratford-on-Avon), Diary, from 1648 to 1678, edited from the original MS. by Dr. Severn, 8vo. half mor. gilt top. Lond. 1819 Ward was all but contemporary with Shakspeare ; and part of the work throws much light upon disputed portions of his biography, and elucidates that relating to his death, of which hitherto we have been in ignorance. 5198 WARNER (R.) A Letter to David Garrick, Esq., con cerning a Glossary to the Plays of Shakspeare, on a more extensive plan than has hitherto appeared ; to which is annexed a specimen, author s copy, Svo.half mor. gilt top. Lond. 1768 5199 Another copy, 8vo. Lond. 1768 5200 WEAVER (T. W.) Plantagenet s Tragical Story, or the Death of Edward the 4th and Kichard the 3d, a Poem, by T. W., with portrait by Marshall, 12mo. half mor. Lond. 1649 By some of the bibliographers the author is said to have been Whitch- cot ; not improbable, as Thomas Whitchcot was Governor of Windsor Castle about this period ; and a portrait of him (painted in oil, with his own arms impaling those of his two wives in the corner), was sold a few years since, which corresponded exactly as to features, &c., with Marshall s engraving. 5200a WHALLEY (P.) An Enquiry into the Learning of Shakespeare, with remarks on several passages of his Plays, in a conversation between Eugenius and Nean- der, 8vo. half mor. gilt top. Lond. 1748 5200Z) WHATELEY (Thos.) Remarks on some of the Charac ters of Shakespeare, 8vo. half mor. Lond. 1785 5200c Second Edition. Oxford, 1808 SHAKSPEARIANA. 403 5200<Z WHATELEY (Thos.) Third edition, edited by Abp. Whately, 12ino. half mor. Lond. 1837 ^200e WHELER (A*. li.) Historical and Descriptive Account of the Birthplace of Shakspeare, with lithographic illustrations by C. F. Green, large paper, 4to. half mor. uncut. Stratford-on-Avon, 1824 5201 - - History and Antiquities of Stratford-on-Avon, with Life of Shakspeare, embellished with 8 engrav ings, 12rno. half mor. uncut. Stratford, n. d. f>202 - - Another copy, binding broken. n. d. ^ 5203 WHITE (Richard G.) Shakspeare s Scholar, being His torical and Critical Studies of his Text, Characters, and Commentators, with an Examination of Collier s Folio of 1032, presentation copy, 8vo. half mor. N. Y. 1854 5205 WHITER (TF.) A Specimen of a Commentary on Shak speare, containing Notes on As You Like It ; an attempt to explain and illustrate various passages on a new principle of criticism, &c. ; 8vo. half mor. gill top, uncut. Lond. 17 ( J4 5200 WiLSON(/.)Shakspeariana Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, &c., relating to Shakspeare, to which are subjoined an account of the early quarto editions of the great dramatist s plays and poems ; the prices at which many copies have sold in public sales ; together with a list of the leading and esteemed editions of Shakspeare s collected Works. Lond. 1827 5207 WILSON An Analysis of the Illustrated Shakspeare of Thomas Wilson, Esq., portrait of Harris, as Card. Wolsey, proof before the letters, rare, large paper, 4to. half mor. uncut. Lond. 1820 *** Of the large paper copies, only twenty-five were printed. On the back of the title-page is " An attested copy, Win. J. White, only twenty- five printed." The " Shakspeare" of which this is a description, was bound in twenty folio volumes, and contained fifteen hundred and twenty-five extra engravings, portraits, &c. 5208 WIVELL (A.) An Historical Account of the Monu mental Bust of William Shakspeare, in the Chancel of the Church at Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, with critical remarks on the authors who have written on it, plates, 8vo. uncut. Lond. 1827 4 5209 - Inquiry into the History, Authenticity, and Characteristics of the Shakspeare Portraits, with the Supplement, 20 portraits of Shakspeare, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Ms. Lond. 1827 404 SONGS, BALLADS, ETC. 5210 WoTY(TF.) The Stage, a Poetical Epistle, 4to. half mor. Lond. n. d. 02^. 5211 WRIGHT (Thomas), The Passions of the -Minde (from Haslewood s Library), 12mo. calf. Printed by V. S.for W. B., Lond. 1601 " Sometimes I have seen Tarleton play the clowne, and use no other breeches than such sloppes, or slivings, as now many gentlemen wear ; they are almost capahle of a bushel of wheate, and if they bee of sacke cloth, they would serve to carry mawlt to the mill," &c. p. 298. & N 5213 YOUTH of Shakspeare, or Love and Genius, by the Author of Shakspeare and his Friends, 3 vols. 12mo. half mor. gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1839 SONGS, BALLADS, &c.See also Poetry, &c. Antique Ballads sung to crowds of old, Now cheaply bought for thrice their weight in gold. 5214 AIKEN (J.) Yocal Poetry, or a collection of English Songs, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1810 5216 AIKIN S Essays on Song "Writing, with collection of English Songs eminent for merit, 12mo. hoards. Lond. n. d. 5217 AINSWOETH (W. H.) Ballads, Romantic, Fantastical, and Humorous, illustrated by John Gilbert, cloth, 12mo. Lond. 1855 <? 5218 Another copy. 5219 ANTHOLOGIE Francoise ou Chansons Choisies, depuis le XIII. Siecle jusqu & present, avec Les Chansons Joyeuses mises au Jour, with the music and engrav ings by Gravelot, 3 vols. small 8vo. calf. Paris, 1765 In the preface to the English Anthology by Ritson, it is said, the idea of that compilation originated from a sight of the elegant French Song Book, L Anthologie Franchise. 5220 BERANGER S Songs, with a sketch of his Life, 12mo. cloth. Lond. Pickering, 1837 BON Gaultier s Book of Ballads, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1852 5222 BOOK of British Ballads, edited by S. C. Hall, Esq., every page richly embellished with very highly- finished wood engravings, after designs by Creswick, Gilbert, Franklin, Corbould, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. half mor. Lond. 1844 5223 BRITISH Musical Miscellany, 6 vols. Qvo.calf Lond. n. d. SONGS, BALLADS, ETC. 405 5224 BROME (Alex.) Songs and other Poems, portrait, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1(568 5225 CHAMBERS (Robert), Popular Rhymes of Scotland, by, 12mo. halfmor. Edin. 1826 /# J 5226 CHANSONS Populaires, Edition Illustrde, Patriotique, Satirique Romances, Rondes et Complaintes, 3 vols. imp. 8vo. half mor. Paris, 1848 </J ~ 5227 COOKE (P. P.) Froissart Ballads, 12mo. boards. Phil. 1847 5228 COSTELLO (L. S.) Specimens of the Early Poetry of France, from the time of the Troubadours and Trou- veres to the reigne of Henri Quarto, plates, 8vo. cloth. Lond. Pickering, 1835 5229 DALRYMPLE (A.) Collection of English Songs, 8vo. halfmor. Lond. 1796 5230 DiBDiN((7.)Mirth and Metre, 18mo. sheep. Lond. 1807 (// 5231 DIBDIN (Thos.) Songs, Naval and National, with a Me moir and Addenda, illustrated by Cruikshank, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1841 5232 DODD (J. W.) Ballads of Archery, Sonnets, &c. 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1818 5233 Another copy, halfmor. Lond. 1818 5234 DYER (S.) Songs and Ballads, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1857 5235 EVANS (T.) Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative, with some of modern date, now first collected and reprinted from rare copies and MSS., with notes and vignettes, scarce, 4 vols. 8vo. half mor. Lond. 1784 Sold in Sir M. M. Syke s sale for 2 7s. *J0 5236 FRISKY Songster, a choice collection of Funny, Flash, and Love Songs, intended for Gentlemen s Parties only, 32 mo. cloth. Lond. 5237 HARE S Book of British Songs, plates, folio. Lond, n. d. </4 5238 HUDSON (Thos.) Comic Songs, 8 parts, 12mo. Lond. 1824 5239 KING (R. T.) Selection from the early Ballad Poetry of England and Scotland, half morocco, 12mo. Lond. Pickering, 1842 5240 LINEN (J.) Songs of the Sea Shore, &c., 2 vols. N.Y. . J ./~~ 5241 LONDON Singer s Magazine, 8vo. boards. Lond. n. d. _^ c / 5242 LONDON Vocalist, an extensive and superior collection of Songs, wood-cuts, half calf, 12mo. Lond. 5243 MCCARTY ( Wm.) National Songs, Ballads and other Patriotic Poetry, chiefly relating to the War of 1812, ISmo. boards, pp. 144. Phil. 1846 406 SONGS, BALLADS, ETC. 5244 MINSTRELSY of the English Border, being a collection of Ballads and Border Legends, with illustrative notes by Sheldon, beautifully printed in the old style by Whittingham, square 8vo. half morocco. 1847 " Mr. Sheldon is a Border enthusiast ; and he has done excellent and gentle service to his favorite and most romantic districts. Some curious ancient ballads are for the first time collected. The book is quaintly but beautifully printed in proper ballad size ; and the illus trative notes are full of information and interest." Examiner. /2~ 5245 - Another copy, cloth. Lond. 1847 ,ft> 5246 MIRTH and Meter, 8 vols. various. __ _ . 5247 MOTHERWELL ( Wm.} Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern, with an historical introduction and notes, cloth, 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1841 5248 NEWCASTLE Song Book, or Tyne Side Songster, Comic and Satirical Songs, in the Newcastle Dialect, 12mo. plates, cloth. Newcastle, 1842 5249 PARRY (J. D.) Legendary Cabinet, a collection of British National Ballads, Ancient and Modern, half morocco, 8vo. Lond. 1829 5250 POETRY of various Glees, Songs, &c., as performed by the Harmonists, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1798 / 2-. 5251 POLITICAL Ballads published in England during the Commonwealth, edited by T. Wright, half morocco, 12mo. Lond. 1841 / 2 S~ 5252 ROIBAULT (G. F.) A Little Book of Songs and Ballads, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1851 5253 KITSON (J.) Ancient Plays and Ballads, from the time of Henry III. to the Revolution, 2 vols. 8vo. half mor. Lond. 1829 " Ritson cannot be named without respect for his industry." Quarterly Review. Gammer Gurton s Garland, or the Nursery Parnassus, 12mo. half calf \ Lond. 1810 5255 RODD (Thomas], Ancient Ballads, from the Civil Wars of Granada to the Twelve Peers of France, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1803 5256 ROXBURGHE Ballads, edited by John Payne Collier, post 4to. beautifully printed by Whittingham, and embellished with 50 curious woodcuts, half Id. mor. 1847 Nearly all the ballads contained in this very interesting collection are unique. They are printed from the extraordinary collection which belonged successively to the Duke of Roxburghe and Mr. Bright. At the sale of Mr. Bright s library, in 1845, they produced JE535. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 407 5257 SONGS and Carols, printed from a manuscript in the British Museum, edited by T. Wright, ttlack tetter, lialf mor. sqr. 12mo. Lond. Pickering 1836 2258 - Another copy. Lond. 1830 5259 SONGS of Home and Happiness, 24m.o. Lond. 1851 5200 SONGS for the Nursery, woodcuts, cl. sqr. 12mo. Glasg. 1847 5261 SONGS, Odes, and other Poems, on National Subjects, part 3, Military, cl 12mo. Phil. 1842 5242 SONGS set to Music, a volume containing songs to the Opera of Arsinoe, Camilla, Thomyris, Temple of Love, Rosamond, Love s Triumph, in 1 vol. old calf, very rare, folio. Lond. T. Walsh, 1700 5263 SONG Books, various, a parcel of, 12mo. 5264 SONGS, a collection of, no title. 5265 STEVENS (G. A.) Lectures and Songs, 12rno. half calf. Lond. 1788 5266 TERPSICHORINA, or the Companion to the Opera, 18mo. 3 numbers. N. Y. 1828 5267 TURNAMENT of Totenham and the Feest, two early Ballads, printed from a manuscript preserved in the Public Library of the University of Cambridge, edited by T. Wright, Uliick Cetter, half mor. sqr. 12mo. Lond. Pickering, 1836 5268 UNIVERSAL Songster, or Museum of Mirth, forming the most Complete, Extensive, and Valuable Collec tion of Ancient and Modern Songs in the English language, containing upwards of 5000 Songs, ancient and modern, numerous comic illustrations by Cruik- shank, 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. oldcalf. Lond. 1825 5269 WAYS to Kill Care, a collection of original Songs, chiefly comic, by Young D Urfey, portrait, sheep, scarce, 12mo. Lond. 1761 5270 WHIMS of the Day, an entertaining selection of the choicest Songs, 4 vols. 12mo. calf, rare. Lond. 1790 r./^ 5271 WHISTLE Binkie, 24mo. cl 1846 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 5272 DE ROCCA (J/.) War of the French in Spain, 8vo. boards. 1823 5273 PRESCOTT ( W. II.) Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Bost. 1838 5274 ROBERTSON ( W.) History of Charles V., 4 vols. 18mo. Montrosc, 1818 408 SPORTS, GAMES, PASTIMES, ETC. 5275 SARRAZIN (Geo.) History of the War in Spain and Portugal, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1815 5276 TURGUET (L. de M.) Generall Historie of Spaine, folio, calf, Southey s copy. 1612 /JV 5277 TWIBS (JBic&dL) Travels through Portugal and Spain, map and plates, including the Madonna and Child, by Bartolozzi, fine impressions, 4to. Lond. 1775 / // 5278 WATSON (Bob.) History of the Eeign of Phillip II., 3 vols. 8vo., calf. 1779 SPORTS, GAMES, PASTIMES, &c. ,// 5278 ARRIAN on Coursing, the Cynegeticus of the Younger Xenophon, translated with Classical and Practical Annotations, Appendix containing some account of the Caves Yenatici of Classical Antiquity, 4to. cloth. Lond. 1831 /2- 52785 BERENGER (Si. Col. Baron de), Helps and Hints how to Protect Life and Property, with instructions on Kifle and Pistol shooting, 8vo. cl., plates. Lond. 1835 5278c BLOME (Richard), Gentleman s Kecreation in Arts and Sciences, Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawking, Fowl ing, &c., plates, half calf, dirty title and slightly damaged, folio. Lond. 1686 </7 5278c? Gentleman s Recreations Abridged, 8vo. old calf. Lond. 1697 7j-~ 5278e BOOK of Sports, reprint of the Book of Sports allow able by Elizabeth, James I., and Charles (lawful to be played on Sunday before the Puritanic days of Cromwell) long MS. note, sewed 4to. Lond. 1817 5278/ COMPLEAT Gamester ; or how to Play at Billiards, Trucks, Bowls, and Chess, with the Arts and Myste ries of Riding, Racing, Archery, and Cock Fighting, 16mo. sheep. Lond. 1676 5279 CRACKS of the Day, edited by Wildrake, portraits of 65 celebrated race horses, from 1S31 to 1840, finely en graved, cl., royal 8vo. Lond. circa 1840 5280 ELLIOTT ( Wm.) Carolina Sports, by Land and Water, 12mo. cl Charleston, 1846 5281 FIELD Book (The), or Sports and Pastimes of the British Islanders, 8vo. wants title. Lond. 1833 5282 HOYLE S Rules for Playing Fashionable Games, 18mo. sheep. N. Y. 1830 SPOUTS, GAMES, PASTIMES, ETC. 409 5283 FouiLLOUX (Jacques du Jean de Franchieres et autres) Venerie et Faucouncric, many wood cuts, green mor., extra gilt top, 4to. Paris, 1585 Tliis work is highly esteemed in France for its quaintness and simplici ty of style, its author may be styled the Nimrod of France. This is the first edition with the Music or Calls of the Chase. Brunei quotes it at 80 fr. 5284 JOHNSON (T. #.) The Shooter s Companion, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1834 5285 KRIDER S Sporting Anecdotes Illustrating the Habits of American Game, 8vo. cloth. Phil. 1853 5286 LAWRENCE (John), The Horse in all his Varieties and Uses, 12mo. sfi&p. Phil. 1830 5287 LLOYD (L.) Field Sports of the North of Europe, 2 vols. half russia. Lond. 1831 A */f 5288 LUDUS Schacchia?, Chesse-play, a game, both pleasant, wittie, and politicke; with certain briefe instructions thereunto belonging: translated out of the Italian into the English tongue; containing also therein, a pretty and pleasant poem of a whole game played at Chesse, written by G. B., 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1597 (Reprint Lond. 1810.) Large paper, only 25 printed. ^ 5289 MAXWELL (W. II.) Wild Sports of the West, with Legendary Tales, and Local Sketches, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1833 ^/ /# 5290 NATUUAL History, The Cabinet of American Rural Sports, with colored illustrations by Doughty, 2 vols. half roan, 4to. very scarce. Phil. 1830 / 2 - 5291 NEW Sporting Magazine from 1831 to 1837, 12 vols. 8vo. half calf . Lond. v. y. / 5292 PISCATOUIAL Reminiscences and Gleanings, by an old Angler and Bibliopolist, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1835 5293 RADCLIFFE S Noble Science (Foxhunting) for the Use of the Rising Generation of Sportsmen, royal 8vo., beautiful woodcuts of Hunting, Hounds, &c., cloth. Lond. 1839 5294 SALTER {T. F.) The Angler s Guide, with 88 fine cuts, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1833 5296 STUD Book, containing Pedigrees of English Race Horses, 3 vols. in 1, sheep. 1834 5297 VEXABLES (Col. Robert}, The Experienced Angler, 20 beautiful cuts on India paper, 8vo. half russia. Lond. 1827 410 THEATKES. THEATRES See also COSTUME. 5298 ARTAUD (F.) Description d une Mosaique represcntant des Jeux du Cirque, folio. Lyon. 1806 5299 BRAYLEY (E. W.) Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Theatres of London, views of the theatres by Havell, colored, 4to. Lond. 1826 5300 BURGESS (Rev. R.} Description of the Circus in the Via Appia near Rome, 12mo. half calf. Lond. 1828 5301 DESIGN for a New Theatre, Piazza, Tavern Houses, Buildings, and Streets, in Russell Street Proposal of Richard Brinsley Sheridan and Thomas Linley, Esq., for rebuilding. MS. on a large roll, with the auto graphs of many of the Proprietors, including Sheri dan, Holland, the Architect J. P. Kemble, George Grote, John Banister, Lancelot Shad well, and other celebrated men connected with the Theatre. 5302 DUMONT (Le Sieur], Parallele de Plans des Plus Belles Salles de Spectacles d ltalie et de France, avec des details de Machines Theatrales, 64 plates, 12mo. half calf. 1774 5303 FONTANI (Carlo], L Amfiteatro Flavio descritto e deli- neato, with 24: fine engravings, folio, calf. 1728 5304 ITALIAN Theatres, Descrizione del nuovo Siparo dell Teatro alia Scala, Milan, 1821, plate ; Morelli Teatro d Imola, Imola, 1793 ; Projetto per il nuovo Teatro da Fabbricarsi in Yenezia, 1790, in 1 vol. folio, several plates. v. y. 5305 KUSSEL (Mekhior), Theatralische Vorstellingen, 36 beautiful etchings of Theatrical Scenery, equal to Callot, oblong folio. 5306 Louis (J/.) Salle de Spectacle de Bordeaux, 22 plates, folio, half calf. Paris, 1782 5307 MAFFEI (Marquis S.} Compleat History of the Ancient Amphitheatres, particularly that of Verona, adorned ivith sculptures, 8vo. half calf . Lond. n. d. REMARKS on Theatres, and on the Propriety of Vault ing them with Brick and Stone, with Observation on the Construction of Domes and the Vaults of the Free and Accepted Masons, royal 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1809 y 5309 RICCABONI (L.) Historical and Critical Account of the Theatres in Europe, 8vo. Lond. 1741 THEATRICAL AND DRAMATIC CRITICISM. 411 5310 SANQUIRICO : A collection of Italian Aquatint En gravings of Drop Scenes, Tableaux, &c., oblong folio. 1823 5311 SAUNDERS (G.) A Treatise on Theatres, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1790 5312 Another copy, 4to. boards. Lond. 1790 5313 STEIIIENSON S Patent Theatre Machinery, 10 ^fotes, folio, half calf. n. d. 5314 THEATRUM lllustrata: Theatres of London at the time of Shakspeare, at some of which Shakspeare acted and was Manager, forming part of the celebrated publication, by Wilkinson, called Londina lllustrata, impl. 4to. Lond. 1825 / < 5314*WYAir (B.) Observations on the Design for the Thea tre Royal, Drury Lane, 18 2)lates, half calf , 4to. Lond. 1813 THEATRICAL AND DRAMATIC CRITICISM. See alxo HISTORY OF THE STAGE. 5315 ALGAROTTI (Count), An Essay on the Operas, trans lated from the Italian. Glasgow, 1768 s , - J ^ 5316 ACTED and Unacted Drama, Ilypercriticism Exposed, 1812 ; Beauties of Mrs. Siddons, 1786, &c. 5 Tracts, 8vo. Lond. / < 5317 BAKER (Sir R.) Theatrum Triumphans, or a Discourse of Plays, 18rno. calf. Lond. 1670 / v/y ^318 BARRETT (Rev. B.) Pretensions to a Final Analysis of the Nature and Origin of Sublimity, Style, Beauty, Genius, and Taste, with an Appendix Explaning the Causes of the Pleasure which is derived from Tragedy, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1812 . <-^ 5319 BETTY (H. West, The young Roscius), Three Tracts on, 8vo. v. d. 5320 BROWN (John), Letters upon the Poetry and Music of the Italian Opera, 18mo. half calf. Edin. 1789 5321 BYSTANDER (The), or Universal Weekly Expositor, by a Literary Association, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1790 5322 GIBBER, Egotist, or Colley upon Gibber, bein his own picture retouched to so plain a likeness that no one now would have the face to own it but himself, 8vo. Lond. 1743 5323 COOKE (TF.) Elements of Dramatic Criticism, with instructions for succeeding in the art of Acting, 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1775 412 THEATRICAL AND DRAMATIC CRITICISM. /- , 5324 COMIC Natural History of the Human Race, 8vo. half mor. Phil. n. d. This is a selection of the " Theatrical Genus," including Burton, Barnum, &c. #0 5324* Various numbers of the same. - 5325 COVENT Garden Journal, 2 \o\s.plates, large paper, half calf. Lond. 1810 5326 DAVIES (T.) Dramatic Miscellanies ; consisting of criti cal observations on several plays of Shakespeare, with a review of his principal characters, and those of various eminent writers, as represented by Mr. Gar- rick and other celebrated comedians, &c. uncut, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1784 5327 DIBDIN (C.) The Devil, a Review and Investigation of all Subjects whatever, vol. 1 (all pub.?) 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1786 " These papers are said to have been written by old Charles Dibdin ; the early ones made a great noise, and were eagerly sought after by the town, but the remainder were quite neglected. A collection of them is now very scarce." J. Hotten. 5328 DOWNES, Roscius Anglicanus, or an Historical Review of the Stage, with additions by Thos. Davies, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1789 5329 Drama, The Article "Drama," from the Encyclopedia Britannica, written by Sir W. Scott, 4to. half mor. 1819 5330 DRAMA (The), or Theatrical Pocket Magazine, contain ing Biog., Essays, Criticisms, Poetry, Reviews, Anec dotes, Bon Mots, Chit Chat, &c., 7 vols. 18mo. half calf. Lond. 1821-25 5331 DRAMATIC Apellant, vol. 1, 8vo. half calf, also nine Plays. Lond. 1808 /4^ 5332 DRAMATIC Censor, or Critical Companion, 2 vols. ,/?-/ , 18mo. half calf. Lond. 1770 /. / z 5333 DRAMATIC Literature, Report of the Select Committee on, half calf, folio. Lond. 1832 5334 DRAMATIC Magazine with Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829-30 5335 DRAMATIC Register for 1851 and 1852, in one vol., half calf , 12mo. Lond. n. y. 5336 DUTTON S Dramatic Censor, 1 vol. 8vo. Ms. Lond. 1800 5337 EVREMONT (*%.) Mix t Essays upon Tragedies, Come dies, Italian Comedies, English Comedies, and Operas, 4to. half calf. Lond. 1687 THEATRICAL AND DRAMATIC CRITICISM. 413 5338 FRANKLYN (T/i.) Dissertations on Ancient Tragedy, 1708 //?., 5339 GARDINER (John) on the Theatre, 8vo. Bost. 1792 . /^ 5340 GILDON (C.) Comparison between the Two Stages, 8vo. Lond. 1702 , % - 5341 HAZLITT (W.), Lectures on Dramatic Literature, 8vo. Lond. 1821 *?J~~ 5342 - Lectures on the English Poets, half calf, 8vo. Lond. 1818 <?r~ 5343 IIOLCROFT (27*0s.), The Theatrical Recorder, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1805 s/j? 5344 HUNT (Leif/h), Critical Essays on the Performers of the London Theatres, with Autograph of Baron Field, cafr , 12mo. Lond. 1807 . <? 5345 JONSON (#.), Remarks on Three Plays of, by John Upton, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1749 5346 LANGBAINK (Gerard), Momus Triumphans, or the .^2- Plagiaries of the English Stage exposed, frontispiece of the Dukes Theatre, Lincoln s Inn Fields, very rare. Lond. 1658 5346* LAW S, Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage Enter tainments, sewed, 12mo. Lond. 1726 5347 LETTER of Compliment to the Ingenious Author of a Treatise on the Passions, so far as they regard the Stage, 12mo. sewed. Lond. *i*J~~ 5348 LETTERS on the Drama, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1796 5o49 LETTERS on the Drama, 1796; Penn s (J.) Battle of Eddington, and Critical and Poetical Works, Poetical Miscellanies, Calsabigi s Letter to Alfieri on Tragedy, translated, 4 vols. in 1, 8vo. half calf . 1797, &c. , 7j ~~~ 5350 MACKLIN A Scotsman s Remarks on the Farce of Love a la Mode, 1760; Apology for the Conduct of Mr. Macklin, 1773, 2 tracts in 1 vol. 8vo. half calf. Lond. v. d. 5352 McDERMOT (J/.) Philosophical Enquiries into the Source of the Pleasures derived from Tragic representations, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1824 5353 MIRROR of Taste and Dramatic Censor, 4 vols. royal r*?**. 8vo. half calf. Phil. 1810-11 5354 MONTHLY Mirror (The), Reflecting Men and Manners, with strictures on their epitome, THE STAGE, numerous fine plates and portraits, 30 vols. 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1795-1810 5355 Another set, 28 vols. odd. v. d. 414 THEATRICAL AND DRAMATIC CRITICISM. 5^56 MUNDUS Dramaticus (The New Rosciatf), a Satire. Lond. 1852 / Z- 5357 PHILLIPS (E.) Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorurn, containing the Names and Characters of all the English Poets from Henry III. to Q. Elizabeth, edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, 8vo. half calf . Canterbury, 1800 5358 PIZARRO, a Critique on the Tragedy of, calf, 8vo. pp. 40. 1795 5359 PLUMTRE (,/.) Four Discourses on the Subjects Relat- ing to the Amusements of the Stage, half calf] 8vo. Camb. 1809 5360 PROMPTER (The), A Weekly Miscellany, devoted to Public Amusement, edited by C. Mathews. The Prompter s Whistle includes a Memoir of W. E. Bur ton, 12mo. half calf. N. Y. 1850 5361 BAMBLE (A) Among the Musicians of Germany, giving some account of the Operas of Munich, Dresden, Ber lin, &c., 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1828 5362 BAMBLER S Magazine and New York Theatrical Regis ter for 1809-10. N. Y. 1810 7s~~ 5363 REVUE Generale des Theatres de Londres et de Paris, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1819 >/e 5364 RYMER (T.} Short View of Tragedy, with some reflec tions on Shakespeare, half calf, 8vo. Lond. 1693 . 7^7 5365 ROWE (N.) Remarks on the Tragedy of Lady Jane Grey, and five others, 6 Tracts, 8vo. Lond. v. d. 5366 SCHLEGEL, Lectures on Dramatic Art, translated by Black, 2 vols. 18mo. half calf. Lond. 1840 5367 STAGE (The), A Weekly Magazine of Generalities, pts. 1 to 14, in 1 vol. impl. 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1849 5368 STYLES (John), Essay, or the Character and Influence of the Stage on Morals and Happiness, half calf, 12mo. Lond. 1807 5369 TALLIS Dramatic Magazine, 13 parts, royal 8vo. v. d. 5370 THEATRICAL Guardian, 4to half cl. Lond. 1791 5371 THEATRE (The], Or the Letters of Candidus on the Performance of the Edinburgh Stage in 1802, 18mo. half calf. Edinb. 1802 <& 5372 THEATRICAL CENSOR (The), by an American, 12 mo. half calf. Phil. 1805-6 /^ 5373 THEATRICAL Censor and Critical Miscellany, 8vo. half calf. Phil. 1806-7 6 7j~ 5374 THEATRICAL Inquisitor, or Literary Mirror, 15 vols. Svo. half calf. Lond. 1812-20 THEOLOGY. BIBLES AND BIBLE PLATES. 415 6375 THEATRICAL Journal and Musical Intelligencer, 9 vols. 8vo. half calf 1839-48 5376 THEATRICAL Observer, 3 vols. 18mo. half calf. Dublin, 1821 / , 5377 THEATRICAL Repertory, containing Criticisms on the Performances which were represented at Drury Lane and Covent Garden in 1801-2, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1802 5378 THESPIAN Magazine and Literary Repository, fiiie por traits by Conde, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1793 5379 THESPIAN Mirror, 13 numbers, with cutting from a Newspaper (The Post), stating the Editor was a boy 13 years of age, &c., half calf, 8vo. N. Y. 1806 5380 TIMOLEON, Remarks on the Tragedy of, wherein the Beauties and Errors are impartially considered, 8vo. pp. 28. [1697] v//~~ 5381 VOLTAIRE (M. de\ Critical History of Dramatic Poetry, 12mo. L(>nd. 1761 5382 WALURON (F. G.) Candid and Impartial Strictures on the Performers belonging to Drury Lane and Co- vent Garden, 8vo. Lond. 1795 WALKER S Italian Tragedy, vide Lot 3185. # & 5384 WEEKLY Amusement, from Dec. 1763 llQ5,lialf cal[\ 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. v. y. / 3 <? 5385 WHYTE (S.) Collection of Poems on Various Subjects, including the Theatre, a Didactic Essay, plates, 12mo. half calf. Dublin, 1792 THEOLOGY BIBLES AND BIBLE PLATES. . J # 5386 ALISON S Sermons, 2 vols. 8vo., boards. Edin. 1815 /-/<f~ 5387 APOCRYPHAL New Testament, 12mo. slip. Bost. 1832 / / : 5388 ARMENIAN Prayers, a Book of, rubricated 5389 ART of Contentment, by the author of The Whole Duty of Man, 12mo. calf. Oxford, 1675 5390 ASGILL S Argument on Eternal Life in Scripture, 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1700 5391 BATH-KOL, a Voice from the Wilderness, being an Ilumble Effort to Support the Sinking Truths of God against some of the principal Errors raging at this time, etc., 12mo. sh^ep. Bost. 1783 5392 BEDE (The Venerable), Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation from the coming of Julius Cesar till 731, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1723 2- 5393 BELLARMIN (Cardinal), The Peace of Rome, 8vo. Lond. 1838 416 THEOLOGY. BIBLES AND BIBLE PLATES. 5394 BENTHAM (Edvardi}, De Vita et Moribus Joh. Burtoni, 8vo. sheep. Oxon. 1771 5395 BIBLIA. BibliaHebraica eorumdum Latina interpretatio Xantis Pagnini, recentur B. A.Montani, Novum Tes- tamentum Grascum, in 1 vol. thick oak and hogskin bind ing, stamped, curious brass corners and clasps, fol. Antv. Plantin, 1584 5396 BIBLIA Latini, 8vo. Slatk cttcr, in double columns, wood cut initial heads, fine copy, hogskin. Lugd. (1514) 5397 BIBLE in English, Genevan Version, wants title, old calf, 4to. ajlacfe Setter. n. d. This is better known as the Breeches Bible. ^^ 5398 BIBLE, Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Tes taments and the Apocrypha, embellished with en gravings by eminent artists, from the designs of the most celebrated masters, ancient and modern, 6 vols. 4to. red morocco, 300 splendid plates, fine copy. Lond. 1815 ^ 5399 BIBLE, Devotional Family Bible, by A. Fletcher, beau tifully illustrated, imperial folio, in 100 Numbers com plete. Lond. n. y. 5400 BIBLE, The Holy Bible, in Irish and printed in Irish characters. Translated by Bp. Bedel, 12mo. Lond. 1830 5401 BIBLE PLATES, Sewel (A.) Historie des Olden en Newen Testaments, beautiful plates, folio, calf. 1722 5403 Neue Kiinstliche Figuren Biblisher Historien, Gruntlich von Tobia Slimmer Gerissen, one hundred and seventy-four woodcuts in woodcut borders, by J. F. G. M., fine impression, old calf, very rare, 4to. Basel, 1576 Historian Sacra? Veteris et Novi Testamenta, Figures of the Bible in which almost every history of the Holy Scriptures is described, explanations in verse in five languages, Dutch, Latin, German, French, and English, engraved by Matthew Merian, Nicholas Visscher, etc., 2 vols. in 1, calf, binding broken, folio. Amst. jt, J-7 5405 Sacred Histories of the Old and New Testa- / ment represented by very artificial figures, beautiful plates, with descriptions in English, Dutch, German, French, and Latin, folio. Amst. n. d. 5406 - Koyaumont (Sieur de\ History of the Old and New Testament, edited by Dr. Horneck, 260 Historical Sculptures, old red morocco, folio. Lond. 1705 THEOLOGY. BIBLES AND BIBLE PLATES. 417 5407 BIBLE PLATES, Luykcns, Prints to the Old and New Tes tament, 337 figures, 2 vols. vellum, 4to. Amst. 1712 Luykens are undoubtedly the most picturefKjne and effective of all the Old Scripture prints. . r >408 - , Saurin Discours Ilistoriques, Critiques, Theo- logiques, et Moraux sur les evenetnens les plus memorables du Yieux et du Nouveau Testament, numerous beautiful prints by Iloet, Iloubraken, and Picart, 6 vols. large paper, rich old calf, folio. Amst. 1720 ^j^ 5409 - , Figures du Nouveau Testament, ou sont repre- sentees la Vie et les Actions les plus remarquables de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ, depuis son incarnation jusqu a sa glorieuse ascension, woodcuts, folio. Paris, 1724 5410 - - , Illustrations to the Bible by Basnage and Alewyns, numerous fine plates, folio. Amst. 1721 5411 - , A large collection of Prints to illustrate the Old and New Testament, about 200 plates, large folio. ,/ / 5412 , Fine Engravings to Illustrate the Bible after de Vos, by J. Wiercx, folio. 5412* - , Franklin s Bible Cartoons illustrative of Scrip ture History, 1(3 plates, cloth, oblong 4to. N. Y. <*, ir~ 5413 BIBLE Illustrations by Westall, Martin, &c., a series of exquisite woodcuts with descriptive letter press, Svo. morocco. Lond, n. d. 2 5414 - , La Trobe (T. A.) Scripture Illustrations, being a series of engravings on steel and wood, illustrative of the Geography and Topography of the Bible, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1838 5415 - , Illuminated Illustrations of the Bible, a series of fac-similes of ancient MSS. beautifully reproduced in gold and colors, royal 8vo., in 12 parts. Lond. 1840 5416 BIBLIA, Critica Biblica, or a Depository of Sacred Literature, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1824 5417 BROWN S Concordance and other books, 4 vols. 12 mo. v. d. 5418 BLAKEY (/?.) Lives of the Primitive Fathers of the Christian Church, Svo. cloth. Lond. 1842 5419 BOETIUS De Consolatione Philosophia^, Rendorp copy, $5huh Better, folio, calf, fine copy. Basilic, 1570 5420 BOTT (Titos.) Answer to Warburton s Divine Legation of Moses, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1743 27 & 418 THEOLOGY. 5421 BROTHERS (Richard), The World s Dawn, or the Cabi- net of Fate Unlocked, containing all the Ancient and Modern Prophesies, dedicated to William Wilber- force, Esq., portraits, vol 1, 8vo. Ids. Lond. 1795 / -\ 5422 BRUNI (Conradi), De Hoareticis in genere, folio, rough calf. Mogunt, 1849 ^0 5423 BRYANT (Jacob), Observations, &c., 4 vols. 4to. Eton, 1795 5424 BTJRDER ( Win) Eeligious Ceremonies, or the Forms of Worship, 8vo. cl. Lond. 1841 5425 SURGES (Cornelius), A Sermon Preached to Parliament at the Fast, Nov. 17, 1640, small 4to. vellum. Lond. 1641 5426 BURNET (B) History of the Reformation, 2 vols. folio. Lond. 1715 5427 BURTON (Rev. Charles), Discourses on the Times, 8vo. cl. Lond. 1832 5428 GAUNTER (Roll.) Posthumous Records of a London Clergyman, 12rno. cl. Lond. 1835 5429 CAXTON A Lityll Treatise, shorte and abridged, spekynge of the arte and crafte to knowe well to dye, by Jhon Gerson ; printed by William Caxton, 1480 ; reprinted in fac-simile from the original edition in the British Museum, in small folio. Lond. n. d. *#* An exact fac-simile of the singular Black-Letter Types of the Fa ther of English Printing, so admirably executed as to have deceived several old Book Collectors. To increase the attraction of this volume, it has been done up in a Vellum Cover, on which is a fac simile of the " In Sponsalibus," or Marriage Service of the old Salisbury Missal, including the quaint old English forms (with the words Boner and Buxsom) printed in red and black letter ; also, the large wood-cut of the Crucifixion, from the Canon of the Masse, so rare, from the general destruction at the Reformation ; copied from the Mascall s almost unique copy of the first edition by Wyn- ken De Worde. 5430 CHAUVEAU (F) Fifty-six Plates to illustrate the Bible <r%J<> *-Lucan, &c., 8vo. Par. 5431 CHRISTIAN Keepsake for 1849, 8vo. half mor. Phil. 1849 5432 CHUBBE (Rev. John), Miscellaneous Tracts of, Rector of Whatfield, 2 vols. 18mo. calf. Ipswich. 5433 CLEMENT XI Present State of the Court of Rome, or Lives of the Present Pope and College of Cardinals, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1706 5434 CLERK (B.) De Curiali sive Antico, etc., 12mo. calf. Comt. 1713 THEOLOGY. 419 5435 GLISSOLD (Rev. Any.) Practical Nature of the Doc trines of Emanuel Swedenborg, 12 mo. cloth. Bost. 1839 5436 GOBBETT ( 17m.) Thirteen Sermons by, 16mo. cloth. N. Y. 1834 5437 COIT (T. 17.) Puritanism, or a Churchman s Defence against its Aspersions, 8vo. cl. N. Y. 1845 5438 COGITANS (John), The Spiritual Mustard-Pot, and an Essay on the Origin of Religion, 12 mo. bdn. Troy, 1824 5439 COLLIER (Jeremy), The Emperor Marcus Antonius His Conversation with Ilimself, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1708 5440 COUSTOS (John), The Mysteries of Popery Unveiled, by Anthony Gavin, 12mo. sheep. Enfield, 1821 5441 CROSS (Afarcus C.) Museum of Religious Knowledge, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1831) f~ 5442 GUSTOS (Henrici), Expositio super Oratione Dominica, et super Salutatione Angelica et super formulam Fidei Apostolica, written at Campen, 1415, large 4to. calf, neat. n. d. jT? 5443 DEMOUSTIER (C. A.) Lettres a Emile sur la Mytho- logie, 6 vols. oldfrench calf, 18mo. Paris, 181(5 ? 5444 DUNCAN (Jon.) The Religions of Profane Antiquity, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 5445 ECCE HOMO ! or a Critical Enquiry into the History of Jesus Christ, being a rational Analysis of the Gospel, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1813 5446 EUSEBII : Evsibii Cactariensis Episcopi Chronicon id est Temporvm Breviarvm incipit Foeliciter: Qvem Ilieronymvs, etc., iJlacft Ccttcr, very rare, fine, large, clean copy, printed in red and black, from the Library of Robert Chambers, with his book-plate, 4to. half calf. Venetiis, MCCCCLXXXIII 5447 EVANS (John), Sketches of all Denominations of Reli gion, 12mo. sheep. Burlington, 1812 5448 EVENING Hours with my Children, or Conversations on the Gospel Story, 4to. cloth. N. Y. 1855 5450 FELLTHAM (Owen), Resolves, Divine, Morall and Poli- ticall, 4to. calf] engraved title. Lond. 1647 5451 FINATI (Giovanni), Narrative of the Life and Adven tures of, edited by Barker, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf . 1830 The author assumed the name of Mahomet, and made campaigns against the Wahabens for the recovery of Mecca. 420 THEOLOGY. ,/^ 5452 FORTY Questions concerning the Soul, proposed by Dr. Walter, and answered by Jacob Behmen, 4to. half calf. n. d. /> 7S~ 5453 Fox (John), Book of Martyrs, edited by John Cum- mings, 3 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1845 " The Book of Martyrs was, and yet is, one of the most extraordinary and popular Church histories in the world." Dibdin. 5454 GENTLEMAN S Eeligion, in 3 parts, Natural, Doctrinal, and Practical, 16mo. vellum. Dublin, 1730 5455 GUEVARA, The Diall of Princes, compiled by the Eeuerende Father in God, Don Anthony, of Guevara Byshop of Guadix, Preacher and Chronicler to Charles the Fyst, Emperour of Kome, Englysshed oute of the Frenche, by Thomas North, seconde Sonne of the Lorde Northe, Eyght necessary and pleasant to all Gentylmen, and others whiche are louers of Vertue, Slack Cctter, very rare, fine copy, in the original wooden boards, covered with calf stamped binding, folio. John Waylande, Lond. 1557 *** With the Singular Dedication " To the Mooste hyghe and vertuouse Princesse Mary, &c." 5456 HALES (Mr. John), Golden Eemains of the Ever- memorable, with his Letters from the Synod of Dort, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1688 5457 HARCOURT (L. Vernon), The Doctrine of the Deluge, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1838 5458 HARRINGTON (Sir James"), Horse Consecrate, or Spi ritual Pastime, with the rare Portrait by Faithorne, small folio, calf. Lond. 1682 5459 HARRIS (T. S.) Arcana of Christianity, vol. 1, part 1, 8vo. cloth. KY.1858 5460 HOWITT (Wm.) Popular History of Priestcraft, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1834 5461 HROSUITE (sen ffrosvithce), Illustris Yirginis et moni- arlis Germanse Saxonicaorte (Opera) nuper aConrado Celte inventa, folio. Norimb. 1501 This rare volume is described by Brunet who says it sold for 4 16s. at Hibbert s sale. 5462 TNNES (John), On the Miracles, 24mo. Lond. 1815 / -j-# 5463 INQUISITION of Spain, the History of to the Eeign of Ferd. VII., half mor. Phil. 1847 / Z S~~ 5464 INQUISITION (Spanish), Eecords of Trans, from Original MSS. nt. half mor. 8vo. Bost. 1828 THEOLOGY. 421 5465 INQUISITION Mysteries of the Inquisition in Spain, with Historical Notes by Fereal, half inor. 8vo. Phil. 1845 5466 JENKYN ( Wm.) A Sleeping Sickness a Distemper of the Times, small 4to. calf. Lond. 1847 5467 JESUITS, Instructive and Curious Epistles from, 12mo. cloth. Dublin, 1839 5468 JOSEPHUS, Translated by Whiston, royal 8vo. cloth, plates. Lond. n. d. 5468a JESUIT S Morals, Practices of, demonstrated by many remarkable histories of their actions, translated from the French by John Evelyn, folio, calf. Lond. 1670 54686 KEBLE (Rev. T) Christian Year, 16mo. cloth. Phil. 1840 5469 KEITH (Rev. Alex.) Evidence of Prophecy, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1832 5470 KENRICK (Francis P.) A Treatise on Baptism, 12mo. cloth. Bait. 1852 5471 KNAPP (L.) Secret Discipline mentioned in Ancient Ecclesiastical History explained by Theodore Temple, 12mo. N. Y. 1833 ^ S~ 5472 KORAN (The), Translated from the original Arabic, with Explanatory Notes and a Preliminary Discourse by George Sale, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1844 " The Koran contains the most sublime poetical passages, far surpassing European poetry." Byron. 5473 LELAND (Rev. Dr.) View of Deistical Writers of Eng land, in last and present century, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1837 5474 L ESTRANGE (Roger), Interest Mistaken, or the Holy Cheat against the Presbyterians 12mo. half calf . Lond. 1661 5475 LEWIS (John), Ignis Cailestris, or an Interchange of Divine Love betweene God and the Saints, 1620 ; Perkins (W.) Foundation of Christian Religion, &c., 1651 ; Rules and Directions regarding the Lord s Supper, 1655, and other curious Tracts, in 1 vol. 18mo. Lond. v. y. 5476 LIFE of Jesus Christ, including his Apocryphal His tory, from the Spurious Gospels, unpublished MSS., 8vo. Ids. Lond. 1818 5477 MclLVAiNE s Evidences of Christianity, 12rno. Phil. 1857 422 . THEOLOGY. 5478 MAHOMET, Prideaux s, True Nature of Imposture Ex hibited, in the Life of Mahomet, 8vo. old calf. Lond. 1716 <^ 5479 MAHOMETISM fully Explained, translated by Mr. Mor gan, 8vo. Lond. 1723 7 5480 MICHELET, Spiritual Direction and Auricular Coufes- sion, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1845 5481 MISSIONARY Herald, 15 Nos., 8vo. N. Y. v. d. 5482 MOBERLY (Geo.) Sayings of the Great Forty Days, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1850 tf/ 5483 MUNTER (Dr.) Con version and Death of Count Struen- see. Lond. 1826 2- 5484 NASH (Thos.) Christ s Tears over Jerusalem, whereunto is annexed a Comparative Admonition to London, 4to. boards. Lond. 1815 5485 NEW Testament in Dutch, Psalms set to music, 24mo. n. d. 5486 NONIUS Marcellus, Peripateticus Tiburiensis, Doctri- nade proprietate sennonorum, etc. Extremely rare. From the Harleian Library. The Capitals rubricated, and a Bishop s Arms painted in the margin. Very fine, large, clean copy. Morocco extra, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, folio. Venetius, N. Jansen, MCCCCLXXYI *** Sir Mark Sykes copy sold for 6 15s. 5487 O. (J.) A Present for Teeming Women, 18mo. old calf, wants title. 5488 PALSY (Wm.) Natural Theology, 8vo. Ids. Lond. 1809 5489 PALINGENESIA, or the World to Come, 8vo. 1824 / < 5490 PAMPHLETS Eelating to the Church of England, small 4to. (autograph of G. Furman.) Lond. v. d. 5491 PARTRIDGE (J/.j Nunneries as they are, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1839 5492 PYRERIUS, Men before Adam, or a Discourse upon the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth verses of the fifth chapter of the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Eomans, by which are proved that the first men were created before Adam, rare, fine copy, calf, neat, 8vo. London, printed in the year 1656 5493 PETERS (Hugh}, A Dying Father s Last Legacy to an Only Child, written during his imprisonment in the Tower, 18mo. calf, with portrait, very scarce. Lond. 1660 THEOLOGY. 423 5494 PEREGRINI Sermones notables et Compendiosa de Templa et de Sanctu, 1495. Michaelis de Vngaria, Sermones Predicabiles, JjlflCll JtCtter, clasps, wooden- boards. Argent. MCCCCXC. 5495 PLATINA & SIR PAUL RYCAUT, Lives of the Popes of Rome, to the year 1682, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1704 5496 POOLE (Mutthew), A Dialogue between a Popish Priest and an English Protestant, 18mo. half calf. Lond. 1670 5497 POPERY, Tales about, being a History of Papacy in all ages, illustrated, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1842 5498 EMERLINE (O. D.) Frauds of Papal Ecclesiastics, 8vo. boards. N. Y. 1835 5499 PROPHETICAL Warnings of the Eternal Spirit, 16mo. half calf. Lond. 1708 5500 RALEIGH (W.) Sir Walter Rawleigh s Ghost, or his Apparition to an Intimate Friend, willing him to translate into English this learned book of L. Lessius, &c. Written against the atheists and polititians of these days, jwrtmit, 12mo. calf. Lond. 1651 5500* RENNEL (Major), On the Voyage and Place of Ship wreck of St. Paul, 4to. 1824 5500f REYNOLDS (John), The Triumphs of God s Revenge against the Crying and Execrable Sin of Murther and Adultery, many curious plates, 4to. Lond. 1(*79 5501 RUPP (J. D.) An Original History of all Denominations in the United States, 8vo. sheep. Phila. 1844 5502 SAINTS, Vies des S. S. Peres des Deserts et des Saints Solitaires, illustrated, 12mo. calf. Amst. 1714 5503 SCRIPTURE History, illustrated by beautiful engravvigs, 25 Nos., sqr. 12rno. Lond. 5504 SERMONS, A Collection of Twenty-Three Sermons, mostly preached by the Clergymen to the Parliament from 1647 to 1648, many of whom were ejected upon the restoration of Charles 2d, all fine copies, in 1 vol. 4to. Lond. v. y. 5505 SHEPARD (Thomas, of New England), The Parable of the Ten Virgins, reprinted and carefully corrected in the year 1695, small folio, half sJieep. 1695 5506 SOUTHWELL (/?.)The Triumphs over Death : or, a Con- solatorie Epistle for Afflicted Minds in the Affects of Dying Friends, 4to. boards. Lond. (reprint of 1595), 1814 5507 STOUGHTON (Rev. John), Fifteen Sermons upon Selected Occasions, small 4to. old calf. Lond. 1640 424 THEOLOGY. 5508 STRAIT Gate, Sorrowing yet Rejoicing, &c., 7 vols. ,J/ 5509 SWEDENBORG (Emanuel}, Treatise on Heaven and Hell, 8vo. boards. Chester, 1800 // 5510 TAYLOR (Isaac\ Fanaticism, 12mo. boards. 1824 ,/j 5510* "THINGS New and Old," for the Glory of God, 8vo. cloth. 1845 /Z- 5511 TODD (Rev. H. J.) A Vindication of the most Rev. Thomas Cranmer, 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1826 . /Z- 5512 TOOKE (A.) Pantheon, 12mo. Lond. 1810 2 , #$ 5513 TKOPHEA Ecclesise Anglieanae, seu Sanctorum Marty - rium antiquorum et recensior passiones a3re expresse a Joanne Baptista de Cavalerii, SQplates, vellum, folio, Rome, in collegio Anglico, 1584 This volume, which is very rare, belonged to Count Grassis, and has his autograph, also Gio. Cingari. The plates contain the Martyrdoms of Englishmen from the earliest period of Christianity to the deaths of Sir J. More, Bp. Fisher, Campion Sherman, and Briant. -/2- 5514 TURNLEY (Joseph}, The Spirit of the Vatican, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1845 . J# 5515 TYMME (Thomas), A Silver Watchbell, the Sound whereof is able to warn the most profane, worldly and careless Sinner to become a true Christian, &c., 12mo. vellum. Lond. 1614 < /2- 5516 VALE (G.) Fanaticism, its Source and Influence in the case of Matthias, 12mo. K Y. 1835 5517 WISE Virgin (The), A Wonderful Narration of the hand of God, in afflicting Martha Hatfield, 12mo. old calf. Lond. 1653 5518 UDALL (N.) Noli me Tangere is a Thinge to be Thovght on ; or, Vox carnis sacrse clamantis ad Altari ad Aquilam sacrilegam, Noli me Tangere ne te perdam, with the curious frontispiece by Marshall, clean copy, rare, 4to. Lond. 1642 5519 VOLTAIRE, Letters to, by certain Jews, 2 vols. in 1, sheep, 8vo. Cincinnati, 1845 5520 VOLTAIRE (M. de\ Philosophical Dictionary, in English, 6 vols. 12 mo. sheep. Lond. 1826 5521 WATSON (Ricttd), Apology for the Bible, sheep, 16mo. Cam. 1828 5522 - - Equanimity in Death, 4to. 1813 5523 WHOLE Duty of Man, Works of the author of, 12mo. Lond. 1682 "For my part," said Major Bellenden, "I have not read a book these twenty years except my Bible, the Whole Duty of Man, and Turner s Pallas Armanta." Old Morality. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN GENERAL. 425 5524 WOOLASTON (Wm.) Religion of Nature Delineated, 4to. calf. Lond. 1724 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN GENERAL. 5525 BROWN (Thos.) Wanderer in Norway, 12mo. boards. Lond. 1816 - 5525*BRY (Theodore and J. Israel efr), Twenty Plates to the Voyages to Candy, half green morocco, folio. Frankf. 1605 5526 Twenty Plates to the Voyage in Ternate, Patani, &c., half green mor. folio. ib. 1606 ^ y/ 5527 Voyages to Guinea, Twenty Plates to, half green mor. folio. ib. 1603 5528 GOLOWNIN (Capt.) Memoirs of a Captivity in Japan, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1824 5529 HARRIS (John), A Collection of Voyages and Travels, 2 vols. folio, calf. Lond. 1705 5530 HOLTHAUS Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor, 8vo. N. Y. n. d. 5531 LITHGOW ( W.) The Rare Adventures and painful pere grination of long nineteen years Travayles from Soot- land to the most famous Kingdoms in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 4to. no title, but has the curious frontis piece. Lond. 1632 5532 Another edition. Lond. 1722 The chief interest of this book consists in the Personal narrative of the author. See Retr. Rev. Vol. XI. 5532* QUIN S Steam Voyage down the Danube, 12mo. 1836 ; f# 5533 VAUGHAN (W. 0. #.) Voyages, Travels, and Adven tures of, 2 vols. 12mo. boards. Lond. 1760 ^ ( 5534 VOYAGES and Travels, a collection consisting of au thentic writers in our Tongue, which have not before been collected in English, and combined with others of note in other Nations and Languages ; the whole digested according to the parts of the World to which they particularly relate, illustrated with a great variety of cuts, prospects, ruins, maps, and charts, compiled from the Library of the late Earl of Oxford, 2 vols. folio, calf] Gibbons copy, best edition. Lond. 1745 \ 5535 WESTON (&) Englishman Abroad, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1824 426 TRIALS, CHIMES, POLICE, PRISONS, ETC. TRIALS, CRIMES, POLICE, PRISONS, &c. 5536 ADSHEAD (Jos.) Prisons and Prisoners, with illustra tions, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1845 5537 ALBOISB et Moquet, Les Prisons de 1 Europe, mag- nifiqne edition, 8 vols. 8vo. half mor., fine plates. Paris, 1845 ^J > 5538 ALHOY (Afaurice\ Les Bagnes, Ilistoire, Types, &c., profusely illustrated, 8vo. cloth. Paris, 1845 J* 5539 ALLIRY et Lurime, Prisons de Paris, 8vo. cl. Paris, 1846 ^ f f^ 5540 AMERICAN Criminal Tracts, 2 vols. neat half mor., 8vo. ^ ,, 5541 ANDRYANE (Alexander), Memoirs of a Prisoner of State in the Fortress of Spielberg ; translated by F. Prandi, 12rno. cloth. "Lond. 1838 5542 BARRINGTON (George), Account of a Voyage to New South Wales, History of N. S. Wales, including Bot any Bay, the Customs and Manners of the Natives, &c., 8vo. calf. Lond. By the famous Pickpocket, who was made superintendent of the Con victs, with his Life, Trial, Speeches, &c., scarce and curious. 5543 BECCARIA on Crimes and Punishments (attributed to Voltaire), 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1775 5544 BEE (The) Eevived ; or the Prisoner s Magazine, con taining the Greatest Curiosities in Prose and Verse, 12 mo. half boards. Lond. 1750 , 02 5545 BLANDY (Mary] Account of the Parricide of, and other Trials, 4to. Oxford, 1751, &c. 5546 GAUNTER (//.) Confessions and Crimes of Prisoners, 12mo. Phil. 1836 5547 CAUSES CELEBRES Ecclesiastiques, 18mo. ; wants title. 5548 CAUSES CELEBRES Nouvelles, 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1845 5549 CAUSES CELEBRES English, or Reports of Remarkable Trials, square 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1844 5550 CAUSES CELEBRES, Celebrated and remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, 6 vols. 8 vo. halfcf. Lond. 1825 5550* COLQUHOUN S Treatise on the Police and Crimes of the Metropolis, 8vo. bds. Lond. 1829 // 5551 CRIMES des Empereurs D Allemagne, avec cinq Gra- vures, 8vo. calf. A Paris, 1793 & 5552 CRIMES des Roisde France, 8vo. Paris, 1839 5553 CRIMINAL Calendar of the U. S., by Henry St. Clair, 8vo. Bost. 1835 , ^"7 V TRIALS, CRIMES, POLICE, 1 KISONS, ETC. 427 5554 CRIMINAL Recorder, or an Awful Beacon to the Rising Generation of both Sexes, 12rno. shap. Phila. 1810 5555 CUCKOLD S Chronicle (The), a Collection of Curious Trials in the 18th Century, half morocco, neat, wants title. Lond. 5555* DEATH Punishment, Articles on, vol. 2, 12mo. Lond. 1837 5556 DfiviLSof London, the Cheats and Delusions of Romish Priests and Exorcists, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1703 5557 DODD (Dr.) Full and Particular Account of the Life and Trial of Doctor Dodd, 12mo. Lond. 1777 5558 DUDLEY (Thos.), The Tocsin, or a Review of London Police Establishments, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1828 5559 DUMIIOUDER (Van Bragge) Joost de Practyke in Criminele Saecken, 12mo. vellum, curious wood cuts. Rott. 1628 5560 DYING Speeches and Behaviour of Several State Prisoners, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1720 5560* FORREST Divorce Case, Testimony in, 12mo. Phil. 1850 5561 FORREST Divorce Case, and other Pamphlets, 13 in all. /J J 5562 GILCHRIST (Jos. P.) Origin and History of Ordeals, Trials by Battle, &c., half Id. 8vo. Lond. 1821 / - > 5563 GORDON (Lady Duff), Criminal Trials, translated from the German, 12mo. cl N. Y. 1846 5564 HILL (Susannah), The Art of Strangling, illustrated with several Anecdotes, with Memoirs of S. Hill, and a Summary of her Trial at the Old Bailey, 8vo. half calf. Lond. 1791 5565 JARDINE (D.) Criminal Trials during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth and James 1., 2 vols. 12 mo. cl. Lond. 1847 5566 JOURNAL D Un Deporte non Juge ou Deportation, 2 vola.halfbd. Paris, 1834 5567 LIVES and Exploits of English Highwaymen, 12mo. cl. Lond. 1839 5568 KIRBY S Wonderful and Eccentric Museum, a Maga zine of Remarkable Characters, and Curiosities of Nature and Art, with portraits of eccentric and notorious persons, 3 vols. 8vo. cl. Lond. 1820 An extraordinary collection of curious biographies, narratives of credu lity, and superstition, &c. 5569 LEAHY (David), On the State of Crime in Ireland, 8vo. cl Lond. 1839 428 TURKEY. WALES. 5570 MITCHELL (James, a Conventicle Preacher), Trial of, 4to . Lond. 1684 5570* MYNSHUL (Geffray\ Essayes and Characters of the Prison and Prisoners, 12rno. bds. Edinb. 1821 5571 NEW Newgate Calendar, 12mo. bds. Lond. n. d. 5572 OLD Bailey Experience, or Criminal Jurisprudence, 8vo. sheep. Lond. 1833 5573 PELHAM (Camdcn), Chronicles of Crime, or the New gate Calendar, 2 vols. d. gilt, plates. Lond. 1841 J0 5574 PEUCHET (J.) Memoires des Archives de la Police de Paris, 6 vols. half calf, 8vo. Paris, 1838 5575 ROBIN HOOD, the Noble Birth and Gallant Achieve ments of this remarkable Outlaw, 12mo. Lond., Pickering, 1827 5576 SAMPSON (M. B.) Rationale of Crime, and its Appropri ate Treatment, 12mo. cl N. Y. 1846 5577 SELFRIDGE (Thos. 0.} Trial for Killing Chas. Austin, 8vo. Ids. Bost. 1805 5578 SELECT Trials at the Old Bailey, 4 vols. old calf. Lond. 1764 5579 SKETCHES of Popular Tumults, 12mo. cl. Lond. 1837 5580 STEWART ( Virgil A.) History and Adventures of, by H. R. Howard, 12mo. cl N. Y. 1846 5582 TRIAL of Bullions, Cobbett, Ward, and others, 7 pam- phlets. 5583 TRIALS for Murder, &c., 9 pamphlets. v. d. .// 5584 TRIAL of Algernon Sydney, Boroske, &c., 2 vols. 4to. Lond. v. d. x^r~ 5585 WHITEHEAD (C.) Lives and Exploits of English High waymen, Pirates, and Robbers, 12mo. cl Lond. 1839 TURKEY. 5587 KNOLLES, The General Historic of the Turks, from the original of their Empire fol. cuts, old calf. Islip, 1610 Called by Dr. Johnson the first of modern historians. 5588 LEWIS Views of Constantinople, folio, half morocco. 5589 RYCAUT (P.) History of the Turkish Empire, folio, calf. 1680 WALES See also ENGLAND. 5590 BENNETT (Q. J.) Pedestrian s Guide through North Wales, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1838 5592 PARRY (J. H.) Cambrian Plutarch, 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1834 WOMAN, MARRIAGE, ETC. 429 WOMAN, MARRIAGE, &c. J tjjr 5594 ALEXANDER (Wm.) History of Women, from the earliest antiquity to the present time, 2 vols. 8vo. calf Dublin, 1779 An account of almost every interesting particular concerning the sex among all nations. / 3 j 5595 ART of Engaging the Affections of Wives to their Husbands, 8vo. pp. 79. Berwick, 1793 5596 BERAND, Les Filles Publiques de Paris, 2 vols. 16mo. Brux. 1839 . j*# 5597 DIALOGUES Concerning the Ladies, to which is added An Essay on the Ancient Amazons, 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1785 , ^2., 5598 EDEN (Adam), A Vindication among the Ladies on foot, to abolish Modesty and restore the Native Sim plicity of going naked, by Adam Eden. 12mo. served. Lond. 1755 / Sz. 5599 ELLIS (Mrs.) The Women of England, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. cloth. Phila. 1839 *J*7 5600 ESSAY in defence of the Female Sex, with the Charac ters of a Pedant, Squire, Beau, &c., 12 mo. calf. Lond. 1697 x/~ 5601 FLAG (Wilson), Analysis of Female Beauty, 12mo. boards, Bost. 1834 5602 FRY (Caroling A Word to Women, 12mo. cloth. Phila. 1840 *J~P 5603 GUYON (AT. VAlle), Ilistoire des Amazones Anciennes et Modernes enrichie de Medailles, 2 vols. 12mo. calf. Paris, 1760 ^> ^_ 5604 HALE {Mrs. S. J.) Distinguished Women of every Age, with 230 portraits, 8vo. N. Y. 1853 HAYWOOD S Exemplary Lives of Nine Women, vide Lot. 1195. /StT" 5605 JAMESON (J/?-s.) Characteristics of Woman, Moral, Po etical, and Historical, with engravings, 8vo. morocco, gilt. N. Y. 1850 , J2- 5606 KAVANAGH(Jufta), Woman in France during the 18th Century, 12mo. cloth. Phila. 1850 / . 5607 LE MOYNE, Galerie des Femmes Fortes, ivith numtvous full length portraits, 2 vols. 12mo. in 1, calf, gilt. Paris, 1665 A rare edition, not generally noticed by Bibliographers ; the portraits in elude Mary, Queen of Scots, Eleanor of Castile, Princess of Wales, Joan of Arc. 5608 Heroic Women, translated, folio, old calf . n.d. 430 WOMAN, MARRIAGE, ETC. 5609 L EsTRANGE, Woman s Witchcraft, or the Curse of Coquetry, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1854 5610 MclNTOSH (M. J.) AVoman in America, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1850 5611 MADDEN (Theod.) Thelyphthora, or a Treatise on Fe male Ruin, in its causes, effects, &c., considered on the basis of the Divine Law, 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1780 The controversy which this singular work occasioned lasted long, and was carried on with great keenness in it the author maintains the lawfulness of polygamy as authorized by the Mosaic law, and there fore obligatory to Christians. /- // 5612 - - Hill (Rich.) The Blessings of Polygamy Dis played, in reply to THELYPHTHORA, 8vo. Ids. Lond. 1781 5613 MATTHEWS (RicKd), Act for Marriages in England, 12mo. Ids. Lond. 1837 * J 1 / 5614 MITCHEL (John), The Female; or, The Travels of Hephzibah, under the similitude of a Dream, many plates, 8vo. sheep. Lond. n. d. jfz- 5615 MORGAN (Lady), Woman and her Master, 2 vols. cloth. Phil. 1840 5616 POLLEN (Thomas), The Fatal Consequences of Adultery to Monarchies as well as Private Families, 12mo. bds. Lond. 1772 5617 POLYGAMY, Concubinage, Adultery, Divorce, &c., se lect and curious cases of, 12mo. Lond. 1736 5618 PROSTITUTION in Paris, 18mo. cloth. N. Y. 1845 5619 SAINTINE (X. B^) Woman s Whims, or the Female Barometer, translated by Fayette Robinson, cloth. 8vo. K Y. 1850 5620 SEGUR {J. A. de), Les Femmes, leur condition et leur influence dans 1 ordre social, 4 vols. 24mo. sewed. Bruxelles, 1827 SWEETNAM (John), Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, For ward, and Unconstant Women, vide Lot 1662. 5621 TAIT ( William), An Inquiry into the cause, extent, and consequences of Prostitution in Edinburgh, 8vo. cloth. Edinb. 1840 5622 TRACTS from 1714 to 1720, 2 vols., containing several scarce ones relative to the Chevalier St. George (the Elder Pretender); the Dying Speeches of Col. Henry Oxburgh, James Shepheard, &c. ; Dissertation upon Old AVomen, &c., 8vo. v. y. MISCELLANIES. 5023 WALKER (.4 tec.) Woman Physiologically considered ns to mind, morals, marriage, 12mo. btls. Lond. 1840 5024 - The Anthropological Works of, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1843 MISCELLANIES. 5G26 ADAGIA Nonnulla Latino Anglica, 12mo. sewed. Edinb. 1723 5027 ADMIRANDA rorum admirabilium encomia, sive diserta et amoena Pallas disserens seria sub ludicra specia, &c., 12mo. curious plates. N. Batavorun, 1070 502S ^ENEAS SILVIUS (Pope Pius 77.) ^Eneo Silvii Piccolo- nomini qui et Piua Secundus fuit Epistole in Cardi- nalatu edite Lege foeliciter ^Sotljic Cctter, 4to., no page, date, place, or signature. Mentioned by Brnnet, who calls it a folio, and says it sold for G7 francs at La Valliere s. This is a fine copy, from the Duke of Sussex s sale. 5029 ANALYST (The), A Collection of Miscellaneous Papers, 12mo. cl. Boston, 1840 5030 ANDERSON (J.S.Hf.) Addresses on Miscellaneous Sub jects, post 8vo. cl. Lond. 1845) 5031 ARCHAICA and Heliconia, containing reprints of rare old English pieces of Prose and Poetry, edited by Park, Sir Egerton Brydges, and Ilaslevvood, complete, in half mor. and Ids., uncut. 1814-15 This was published at one hundred dollars without the binding. But a limited number were printed, and it is daily becoming more scarce. The original works are so rare, that it is a question if they could ever be collected ; and if they could be got, the cost of them would almost purchase a tolerable library. The following is a list of the contents : ARCHAICA Greene s Philomela; Greene s Arcadia; South well s Triumph over Death ; Breton s Characters, and his Good and Bad ; Nash s Christ s Tears over Jerusalem ; Harvey s Four Letters and Sonnets touching R. Greene ; Harvey s Pierce s Supererogation ; Harvey s New Letter of Notable Contents ; Braithwaitc s Essay on the Five Senses. HEMCONIA Breton s Small Handfull of Fragrant Flowers; Proctor s Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions ; Breton s Flourish upon Fancy ; Handefull of Pleasant Delites, edited by C. Robinson ; Whetstone s Life and Death of Francis Karle of Bedford ; Phoenix Nest ; Barnes s Spirituall Sonnets ; Spirituall Sonnets by II. C. ; Churchard s Funeral of Sir F. Knowles ; Storer s Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey ; Allott s England s Parnassus ; Churchyard s Good-will ; Sad and Heavy Verses for the Losse of Archbp. Whit- gift, by Churchyard. In this set the Archaica is in 9 parts, boards, and the Heliconia 9 parts in 7 vols. half morocco; it will be sold as in 1(> vols. 432 MISCELLANIES. 5632 ANDREWS (J. P.) Anecdotes, Ancient and Modern, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1789 5633 ANDREW S Cesar, &c., 5 vols. J j^ 5634 BAUDII (D.) Epistolas et Orationes, 12mo. calf. Amst. Elzevir, 1662 5635 BEARDS Guhlingii (G. F.) Dissertatio de Barba De orum ejusdem, de causis Barbae Deorum, in 1 vol. 4to. half calf. Vitemb. 1725 Polonius. "This speech is somewhat too long." Hamlet. " It shall to the barber s with your beard." 5636 BELL (Major James), Letters from Wetzlar, written in 1817, 12mo. half roan. Lond. 1821 5636a BEASLEY (Rev. F. W.) The Duellist, a Poem, 12mo. Phil. 1841 5636J BOOK of Curtesye, edited by J. O. Halliwell, Svo.half mor. Lond. 1841 5637 BOWEN (B. B.) Blind Man s Offering, 12mo. cl. N. Y. 1853 5638 BRETON (Nicholas), Characters, and the Good and the Bad, 4to. pp. 37. Lond. reprint, 1815 5639 BRITISH Authors, and Children s Books, &c., 6 vols. 5640 BRITISH Essayists, edited by Alexander Chalmers, complete in 45 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1808 5641 BULLIONS Latin Reader, &c., 10 vols. 5642 BURGESS (George), The Last Enemy, 12mo. cl. Phil. 1850 A curious book on the various modes of death. 5642*BuRKE (Edmund), Works, 7 vols. 8vo. half calf. Bost. 1826 " Burke was a writer of the first class, and excelled in almost every kind of prose composition." Edinburgh Review. ^J"" 5643 BURTON (Edmund), Ancient Characters, deduced from Classical Remains, 8vo. calf. Lond. 1763 J-% 5644 BUTLER (Samuel), The Genuine Remains of, with notes by Robert Thyer, portraits and plates, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf , scarce. Lond. 1822 / 5645 CARLYLE (Thomas), Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, ^ ) 2 vols. cloth, 8vo. Boston, 1838 j 5646 Past and Present and 2 others, 3 vols. 12mo. / v. d. 1 5647 Sartor Resartus, cloth, 12mo. Boston, 1837 MISCELLANIES. 433 ^/^f" 5648 CAMPANUS (.7. A.) Opera Omnia contincntnr tractatus V., Orationes XV., Kpistolarurn IX., libri, Vita Pii, Ilistoria Brachii, Epigrammatum libri VIII., a Michaele Ferno, Meladioni, collecta ct edita; qui et auctoris vitam scripsit : cum signaturis. Characteri- bus Venetiis, Eucharius Silber alias Franck, Roma), folio, rare, fine, large, clean copy, in tfie original oaken binding covered with stamped calf, from the Library of the Duke of Sussex, with his Book-plate, folio. Venet. MCCCCXCV *** See tho Bibliotheca Spenceriana. c/Z? 5648* CASTIGLIONE (77 conte Baldcsare), Le sue opera volgare e Latino, recorrette ed. illustrate da G. A. G. Volpi, portrait, 4to. half russia. Padova, 1760 / < 5649 CATO Moralissimus, Elegantissimo Commento, Rob do Euromode, rare, jjlnck tetter, 8vo. Circa, MCCCCLXXXVI i2? 5650 COKE (Roger}, Detection of the Court and State of England, during the reigns of James I., Charles I. and II., and James II., also the Interregnum, 3 vols. 8vo. calf. Lond. 1719 " A sort of secret history, engaging to an Englishman, naturally inquisi tive, curious, and greedy of scandal." 5651 CLEMENTS (G.) Customs Guide, 12mo. Lond. n. d. . ^0 5652 COBBETT ( JFw.) Advice to Young Men, 18mo. doth. N. Y. 1831 **r 5G53 COLERIDGE (S. T.) Works, 8vo. sheep. Phil. 1843 ...?? 5654 COLTON Lacon, Vol. I., and other books, 12 vols. y^-f 5(555 COLMAN (Gco.) Works, Prose on several occasions ac- /<00 t^-> companied with some pieces in verse, 3 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1787 /f 5656 CONVERSATIONS on Nature and Art, 12mo. cloth. Phil. 1839 2j~~ 5657 COWLEY (Abraham], Prose Works of, 8vo. half caff. Lond. 1826 <*?/ 5658 DE FOE (Dl.) Works of, with his Life, by Chalmers, Prefaces, Notes, &c., by Sir Walter Scott and others, complete in 20 vols. 12mo. cloth. Oxford, 1840 This is the most complete edition of De Foe ever published ; it is now quite scarce. ,<<*" 5659 DE QUINCEY (Th.} The English Opium Eater, 16mo. boards. Phil. 1843 /ZL<? 5660 DESTOUCHES (J.) (Euvres choisies, 3 vols. 24mo. half mor. Paris, 1826 28 434: MISCELLANIES. 5661 Dinckmut Buch der Geschopffe, &c,, Printed with large grotesque type, numerous large en gravings, the full size of the page, illustrative of the " Mouth of Hell," " The Serpent tempting Eve," " The Confession," &c., extremely rare, fine large copy, folio, calf, antique style, red edges; Gedrucket und feliglichen volleu det discs buch von Conrado Dinck mut zu ulm an nechsten samstag nach sant Michels tag anno domini MCCCCLXXXIII. iar. io. Ulm. 1483 5662 EDWARDS (B. B.) Year Book, or Manual of Reference, 12mo. Phil. 1838 5663 ENGLISHMEN, The Candor and Good-nature of, exem plified, with Essays on the principal virtues prefixed, half sheep, 8vo. Lond. 1777 5664 ENGLISH and American Tracts, 24: pieces. v. y. 5665 ESSAYS from Montaigne, 12mo. sheep. Lond. 1800 5666 FERDOSAE, Episodes, the Shah Nameh, &c., royal 8vo. Lond. 1815 5667 FIELDING S (Henry) Works, 8 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt. Lond. 1771 " Of all the works of imagination to which English genius has given origin, the writings of Henry Fielding are perhaps most decidedly and exclusively her own." Sir Walter Scott. " The prose Homer of human nature." Lord Byron. 5668 FORDE (Thos.) Foenestra in Pectora, or Familiar Letters, 8vo. half bound. Lond. 1660 5669 GOOD Child s Library, 9 vols. sq. 12mo. coVd plates. Lond. 5670 HEDGE S Logic, and other Books, 9 vols. 5671 HEMAN S Eeader, &c., 7 vols. 5672 HOLY Trinity Guild, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. 5673 HOPKINS (John), Notions of Political Economy, 12mo. half calf. Bost. 1833 <?~& 5674 IRVING ( Washington}, "Works, 2 vols, cloth, royal 8vo. Phil. 1840 S./2r~ 5674* JUNIUS Letters, 12mo. half calf . N. Y. 1821 Z J"~ 5675 KRISS Kringle s Book and Hewitt s Picture Book, 2 vols. /Z- 5676 LADIES Companion, &c., 4 vols. . y^ 5677 LAMARTINE, ffiuvres Completes de, royal 8vo. Tournai, 1850 / f& 5678 LAMB S (Charles) Works complete, containing his Letters, Essays of Elia, Poems, Plays, &c., with Life of the Author, royal 8vo. cloth. Moxon, 1846 5680 LE Blazon des Heretiques, 8vo. halfmor., only 50 copies reprinted. Paris, 1833 MISCELLANIES. 435 5681 LOUNGER S Common-place Book, or Miscellaneous Col lections in History, Criticisms, &e., 2 vols. 12 mo. cloth. Lond. 1838 5083 LOWER (JA A.), English Surnames, Essays on Family Nomenclature, Historical, Etymological, and Humor- ous, with Illustrative Anecdotes, 2 vols. post 8vo. cuts, clolJi. Lond. 1850 568-i MERRYWATER(#)r<7f), Kings the Devil s Viceroys and Representatives on Earth, 8vo. half calf . Lond. 1838 568-i* MISCELLANEOUS Pamphlets, about 25 in a parcel, v. d. 5685 MURPHY (Arthur), Works of, complete, 7 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt. Lond. 1786 - 5686 MOORE (Chas^) A Full Inquiry into the Subject of Sui cide, to which are added two Treatises on Duelling and Gaming, 2 vols. 4to. sheep. Lond. 1790 " Au excellent work." Loivndes. 5686* Music Books, &c., 3 vols. v. d. 5687 NATIONAL Jubilee and others, 8 vols. 5688 NEVILLE (Henry\ Shuffling, Cutting, and Dealing in a Game at Pickquet acted from 1653 58, first edition, 4to. half morocco. Lond. 1659 So rare that it was reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany. 5689 NIMROD, A Discourse upon Certain Passages of History and Fable, 8vo. boards. Lond. 1826 5690 NOCTES VATICAN^,, 4to. vellum, uncut. Mediolani, 1748 5690* PAMPHLETS, Select: I. Sketches of Moscow and St. Petersburg, with nine colored engravings, by Paul Sverrin. II. Jefibry s Review of the Conduct of the Prince of Wales. III. The Riots in Birmingham, 1791. IV. The Case of Jane Marie and Cruelty of James Ross, 1808. V. Alex. Whistelo, a Black Man, being a remarkable caso of bastardy, 8vo. half bound. v. d. 5691 PECCORONE (IT) di Sig. Giovanni Fiorentino, 2 vols. half russia, uncut. Milan, 1804 ~ 5692 PEROTTI (Nicholai), Cornucopia), rare, Jine, large, clean copy, in the original oaken boards, slanged calf binding. Nicolai Peroti Eruditissimi uiri Cornveopirc seu comen- tariorurn lingua? Latinos. Impressorum Vcnetiis per Magistrum Paganiniumde paganinis brixiensum, folio. Venet. MCCCCLXXXIX - 5693 PERRIN S Fables, &c., 7 vols. / 2. - 5694 PUILOPOENA, or Friendship s Oflering, 4to. cloth, gilt. N. Y. 1854 436 MISCELLANIES. J7- 5695 PHONOGRAPHY and other Pamphlets, 17 vols. / x 5696 Picus MIRANDUL.^ (Joan, Francis), De appetitu, De ele- mentis, &c., elegant wood-cut titles by Holbein, with Ids name, sewed, 4to. Basil, 1568 5697 POE (K A.} Miscellaneous Works, vol. 4, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1858 5698 POLWHELE (Rev. R.} Reminiscences in Prose and Verse, 3 vols. in 1, 12mo. Lond. 1836 5699 PUCKLE (Jas.) The Club, or a Gray Cap for a Green Head, 18mo. cloth, gilt. Chiswick, 1834 5700 RALEIGH (Sir Walter), Remains of, 18mo. sheep. Lond. 1702 5701 QUARLES (Francis), Argalus and Parthenia, 8vo. half morocco. Lond. 1684 5702 RECORDE (Robert), Castle of Knowledge, containing the Explication of the Sphere, both Celestial and Material, &c., with sundry pleasant proofs, and certain new de nominations not written before in any vulgar works, fine copy, folio, calf, panelled. Lond., Reginald Wolfe, 1556 Fine and perfect specimen of old English typography. 5702* SABRINAE Corolla in hortulis Regiae Scholae Salopi- ensis contexuerunt tres viri floribus legendis. Editio Altera, 8vo. Lond. 1846 5703 ST. EVREMOND (M. de), The Works of, made English, with his Life, by Des Maizeux, and Memoirs of the Duchess of Mazarin, 3 vols. Svo. boards. Lond. 1722 " The fame of St. Evremond,as a brilliant star, during a long life, in the polished aristocracy of France and England, gave for a time a con siderable lustre to his writings, the greater part of which are such effusions as the daily intercourse of good company called forth." HALLAM. /^ 5704 SANDS (R. C.} Writings of, in Prose and Verse, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. half calf. N. Y. 1835 . /<? 5705 SEQUESTER (Vibius), de Fluminibus, Fontibus Lacubus, &c., ex recensione, F. Hesselii, 8vo. bright old calf gilt. Rotterd. 1711. /z. 5706 SCHILLER, Werke, vols. xi. and xii. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1858 5707 SMITH (Richard Perm), Miscellaneous Works collected by his son, Horace W. Smith, Svo. cloth. Phila. 1856 5708 SONDERLAND (J. _B.) Bilder und Randzeichnungen zu Deutschen Dichtungen, forty large and very elaborate and ornamental engravings, with Ballads, &c., royal folio. Dusseldorf, n. d. MISCELLANIES. 437 / 5701) SPECTATOR, Complete, with right 2iortrails, royal 8vo. cloth, Lond. 1850 X< x 5710 SCUDAMORE (Lord), Homer A-la-mode, a mock poem upon the first and second poems of Homer s Iliads. Oxd. 1005 /< - 5711 SUIT of Armour, for youth, plates, IZmo.fme caff. Lond. 1824 5712 SUMMER Book, 12mo. N..Y. 1851 5713 SUPPLICACYON for Beggars, reprinted from the original edition of 1534, 12mo. half mor. Lond. Pickering, 1845 5716 TOFTE (Robert), Honours Academic, or the famous pas- torall of the Faire Shepheardesse Julietta, with divers comicall and tragicall histories in prose and verse, hnJ/mor.fol. Lond. 1010 5717 TYLER (Robt.) Works, comprising the Last Man ; Ele ments of the Beautiful; and Death; 12mo. cloth. Phila. 1839 5718 VOLTAIRE, The Works of M. De Voltaire, translated from the French, with notes historical and critical, by Smollet, Francklin, and others, 24 vols. 12mo. calf. Lond. 1702-05 5719 WALPOLE (Horace, Earl of Olrord), Works of, edited by Robert Berry, Esq., containing his correspondence, lloyal and Noble Authors, Anecdotes of Painters, Tragedy of the Mysterious Mother, Castle of Otranto, Historic Doubts on Richard III., Description of Straw berry Hill, &c., with numerous plaks, portraits, views, cCr., 5 vols. 4to. half bound. Lond. 1798 Considerable portions of Walpole s writings aro not published in octavo, and can only be procured in this edition. 5720 WATERLOO, Guide to the Model of the Battle of, Maps and Plans, with other Pamphlets on Panoramas, Svo. haff bound. 5721 WHIGS and Democrats, a pamphlet, with others. MANUSCRIPTS, LETTERS, AUTOGRAPHS, &C. SOME OTHER CURIOUS MSS. WILL BE FOUND UNDER VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. 5722 STAR CHAMBER, Treatise of the Court of Starrechamber in a legible hand, 530 pages, folio ; at the end is a sheet entitled a Dissertation on the Old Court of Star Chamber, unbound. 5723 MISSAL, Part of an Old Missal, curious illuminated capitals of the XIY. century, 12mo. much worn. 5724 COMMON Place Book, Opening Address for the Coburgh Theatre, several comic songs, &c v cloth, 8vo. 5725 VENICE. Stolfi Chronica de Veneti, Manuscript from the Library of the Duke of Sussex, folio, half vel. 5726 POEMS and Songs, chiefly amorous and gallant, in an old hand ; the writer appears to be liichard Archard, from his name being written twice in the volume, 1650 and 1657, also several receipts and accounts of money paid to various persons at different times, old calf, clasps, 18mo. 5727 KEMBLE (J. P.] Project, or a New Way to fill an Empty Purse, a Ballad Farce, not printed, calf, 4to. i/ 5728 STAGE. Manuscript Tracts on the Stage, curious and old, 3 vols. 4to. / . 5729 DUBLIN Theatre, Diary of the Theatre in Dublin, 1733, neatly written, 4to. half calf. 5730 SIAMESE Manuscript, a Siamese Book of the Laws of Marriage, a good specimen of Siamese writing in an oblong volume, in folds, written with a soft white substance on black paper. A MS. note appended, describes it accurately. " Siamese MSS. are very seldom met with, and this is a good specimen." " The mighty King Ra-mah-te-bo-de-se-pram-chak-ra-pat-te-ra-chat-te - ra - cha - bo - pit, deigned to express his royal mind and set his seal to these laws, in the year 1904 of the Siamese era." MANUSCRIPTS, LETTERS, AUTOGRAPHS, ETC. 439 CURIOUS AND IMPORTANT LETTERS AND INSTRUCTIONS, <fec., TO AND FROM TIIE SECRET COMMITTEE OF CONURESS, IN THE WAR OF 1776. 5731 THOMPSON (Chas.) Extract from the Minutes of Con gress, by order of Congress, for appointing a Com missioner or Agent to the Courts of Vienna and Tuscany, signed by John Hancock and Secretary Thompson. 5732 FRANKLIN (Benjamin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Let), Autographs to a Document dated Paris, 1777, relative to taking the French ship Fortune by an American Privateer. 5733 DEANE (Silas), Letter in the handwriting of Silas Deane announcing the arrival of Dr. Franklin at Paris, with eulogium, &c. 5734 Letter to the Committee recommending the bearer, a French gentleman, named L. Dusauley, as a gentleman likely to be of good service to the cause of the Americans, in Silas Deane s hand. 1770 5735 JAY (John), Letter from Madrid, 1780, of three leaves, addressed to Silas Deane, partly in figures, which are deciphered by another hand, containing much im portant matter. 5730 DEANE (Silas), Letter and initials, to Messrs. Mor ris and Lee, &c., regarding a letter from Dr. Franklin, announcing two prizes, &c. 5737 Long letter respecting the Amphitrite, also reflecting on the conduct of Monsieur E. Du Coudray, directed to Messrs. Morris and others. <jfff38 TALLMADGE (B.) Letter to Mr. Deane from Bedford, Oct. 15, 1782, respecting the army and the enemy, "England expects a peace, but her pride and haughty spirit can hardly brook the idea of asking it at the hands of the Bourbon House." 5739 HANCOCK (John, and Charles Thomson, Se.c y), auto graphs to a printed circular relating to the fitting out vessels, &c. 5741 IZZARD (Rd.) to Henry Laurens, Esq., long letter of four leaves on large folio paper, full of interesting matter: "Mr. Lee assures me he has discovered that his de spatches to Congress have been opened by one of his colleagues. I think you will rejoice with rne that these gentlemen are soon to act in different depart ments," c. ,7j 440 MANUSCRIPTS, LETTERS, AUTOGRAPHS, ETC. 5742 DEANE (Silas), Letter to Dr. Franklin, Dickensbn, &c., Nov. 9, 1776, "a warr appears evidently at hand, and will, probably, be general; all Europe have their eyes on America," &c., not signed. y ^" 5743 Letter on the arrival of General Lee to Mons. Girard: "The British Ministry are resolved on something, I know not what, for in addition to the spies they already have in Paris, they have giv n one Col. Mercer, a Virginian, a pension of four hundred pounds per annum on condition of his receiving it in France, which is in effect to be rewarded and exiled at the same instant," &c., initials only. 5744 - A letter, not signed, sent by Mons. Brongiau, "a gentleman of family; his zeal for engaging in the American cause induces him to embark for our coun try, and to quit for the present his prospects of pre ferment here (Paris), which are very good." 5745 D HARCOURT (M.) Letter from Havre, August 17, 1777, to Mr. Deane. 5746 HANCOCK (John and Charles Thomson?) Attestation to a Resolution of the Commissioners of the Courts of France and Spain to consult together and prepare a Treaty of Commerce and Alliance, &c. 5747 DEANE (Silas), Letter dated Dec. 3, 1776, relating to ^ a P t - Burnell, lately seized by the English, Cher- bourg to his Excellency (President Hancock). " I sent forward your bills, a large part of which were protested, and that intelligence arrived of the loss of Canada," &c. " The late affair at Long Island, of which we had intelligence in October, and the burn ing of New York, the report of Tarleton s having crossed the lakes, &c., has absolutely ruined our credit," &c. 5748 - Advice of Sending One Thousand Pounds Sterling to Barnabas Deane, Esq. // 5749 Letter, Nov. 29, 1776, Recommending Col. Conway to (John Hancock). 5750 IZZARD (Ralph], Long and Important Letter on folio paper to Congress, April 11, 1778. 5751 DEANE (Silas), A Long and very Important Letter, Oct. 1, 1776. " The Ministry had become extremely uneasy at your absolute silence, and the bold assertions of the British ambassador that you were accommodating matters, aided by the black and villainous artifices of two of our countrymen here, had brought them to apprehend not only a settlement between the two countries, but the most serious consequences to the West Indies should we unite with Great Bri tain," &c. MANUSCRIPTS, LETTERS, AUTOGRAPHS, ETC. 441 6752 DEANE (Silas), Long Letter to Lord George Sackville Germaine, one of the Principal Secretaries of State to the King of Great Britain, Paris, 1777, relative to the seizure of the Snow, Dickenson, and other Ves sels, demanding a restitution of those Vessels, &c. 5753 DUPLICATE of a Letter written by Silas Deane, Nov. 6, 1770, with information and questions on a variety of subjects. 5754 DEANE (Silas), Dec. 3, 1776, Letter on the Loss of Canada, &c., and Postscript, in all six leaves. 5755 DEANE (Silas), Letter to Franklin, March 8, 1776. "Employ must be found for the forces of Great Britain out of tho United States of North America. The Caribs of Saint Vincent, if set a going, may be supplied through Martinico with stores. The Moun tain Negroes of Jamaica, if set a going, might employ a great num ber of their forces ; this is not employing slaves, which, however, the example of our enemies authorize," &c., not signed. To Messrs. Franklin, Harrison, &c., Oct. 8, 1770. 5756 Letter, Dec. 6, 1776, suggesting the employ ment of "the Ducdc Broglio to take the lead of your armies, and strike panic into their enemies," &c. 5757 DE VERGENNES, Letter to Mr. Deane, (March 26, 1778), on his Departure, " Hoping he will inspire the same sentiments in his own country as he has in France, assuring him of his true interest in his welfare and of that of his country," &c. 5768 CHALONER (John), Letter on Business to Barnabas Deane, April 27, 1782. 5759 HANCOCK (John and Charles Thomson), Signatures to Minutes of Congress, relating to Capt. Sullivan, and Lord Ilowe s meeting the Gentlemen of Congress, but not as Members of Congress, &c., Sept. 1, 1776. 5760 HANCOCK (John), Additional Instructions to Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deancand Commissioners from the United States of America to the King of France, Oct. 16th, 1776. 5761 Du COUDRAY (M.), Havre, 14 xbre., Letter on the De parture of Silas Deane, full of the highest esteem for himself and Dr. Franklin, also the esteem of the Due de Kochefoucault, his friend, &c. See 5737. 5762 DKANE (Silas), Recommendation of Mons. Ladarine to llichard Peters and one other. 442 MANUSCRIPTS, LETTERS, AUTOGRAPHS, ETC. 5763 BRITTON (JOHN), Two Notes to T. Hill, his Remarks on the Life and Writings of Shakspeare. 5764 NEWARK (THE STATE OF,) A Document on Parchment, Containing the Autographs of about 60 Attornies, who have sworn their allegiance to the State from 1790 to 1792. / s 5765 AUTOGRAPHS of Robert Carey, Earl of Monmouth, and W. Alexander, Earl of Sterling, part of a bill, 1618. //Z-. 5766 WM. CECIL, the Great Lord Burghley, Signature, dated 1598, (the year of his death,) and Ro. Cecyll, Lord Salisbury, his son, Signature to Official Documents. . <./& 5767 ROBERT CECIL, Earl of Salisbury, Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton, Gilbert Talbot, Earl of Shrews bury, autographs of. *tffi 5768 DOCUMENT on Parchment, for the Pay of the Board of Gentlemen Pensioners of Queen Elizabeth, signed by Lord Hunsdon. 5769 SIR Erasmus and Lady Dryden, Two Accounts to Lady-day 1709, and Michaelmas 1712. 5770 EPITAPH for Mrs. Creed (who founded a School at Ashton), by Mr. Jones. 5771 HENRY THE EIGHTH, King of England. Warrant to Sir Andrew Windsore, " Keeper of our Grete Ward robe," to deliver " seven broode yardes of clothe, for a gowne, to our well beloved Chaplain, Jeffrey TFm?," on vellum, ivith the King s full Signature, very rare. 5772 THOMAS HOWARD, Earl of Suffolke, Sir Fulke Greville (Lord Brooke), to part of a document, 1617. 5773 THOMAS SACKVILLE, Lord Buckhurst, (author of the Induction to the Mirror for Magistrates and Gorboduc " the best English Poet between Chaucer and Spen ser") Lord High Treasurer, Document and Signature, dated 1603, when he luas 75, (he died set. 80, 1608,) fine and rare. 5774 SALE of a Share of Covt. Garden Theatre, note of Buckstone. 5775 SOUTHAMPTON (Henry Wriothesley, Earl of, Patron of Shakspeare) Signature to a Receipt for Six Hundred Pounds, Received of Philip Burlamachi, for the Levy ing, Conducting, and Transporting the Regiment under his Command to the States of the United Provinces. 5776 SIR Christopher Wren, Signature to Receipt for <500. J~-/2- 5776* SONGS A MS. Collection of, containing many origi nal, by Mr. Burton and others, copied by him, includ ing some not adapted for the press. ENGRAVINGS. PRINTS, TIIKATRICAL PORTRAITS, PORTRAITS OF LITKRARY CHARACTERS AND CELEBRATED MEN, RARE ETCHINGS, PRINTS FOR BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATION, 8IIAK- 8PEARIAN SCRAPS, COSTUiMES, ETC. -yJ 5777 Portraits to Walpolc s Painters and Engravers. .?"/ 0778 Australian Views, by Captain Wallis, engraved by Preston, a convict, on the copper used to bottom ves sels 12 large plates, sewed, folio, Lond. 1820, dam aged by nails in the packing. 5779 Plates to Dibdin s Bibliographical Tour, proofs, rare 17 plates. 5780 Animal Kingdom, by W. Hawkins, arranged accord ing to Cuvier, colored, folio. 5781 Budget of Fun, a newspaper for 1831. 5782 Shakspeare, illustrations to, from Boydell 6 plates. 5783 Comic Natural History of Man, colored plates. 5784 Michael Angelo, Giulio llomano, David, Raphael, Poussin, and Tintoret, engraved by Perelle G plates, 5785 Views in Venice 20 plates. 5780 Art Union Prints, in outline 8 plates. 5787 Views in Florence, colored 10 plates. 5788 Plates to illustrate Ilichardson s History of Pamela, after Highmore, a very fine set and rare 12 plates. 5789 Dante, Tasso, Poliziano, Alfieri, and one other, en graved by Raphael Morghen, &c., all fine and rare 5 plates. This set was purchased at the sale of Dr. Jarvis s collection. 5790 Small German plates, neatly mounted on brown paper, to illustrate Shakspeare and Life of Frederick the Great 34 plates. 5791 Sacred Subjects, by old masters 10 plates. 444 ENGRAVINGS. 5792 Set of Pastoral Subjects, by Claudine Stella, sewed, jf oblong folio 15 plates. 5793 Portfolio of cuttings, scraps, play bills, notes, &c., one by Fanny Kemble. 5794 A very large number of Theatrical Portraits, Scraps, MSS., &c., loose in a Portfolio. ^4 /5795 Don Quixote, six plates after Coypel, very fine, and /< i one other 7 plates. - 32- 5796 Don Quixote, illustrations to, after Coypel, by Vander Gucht 24 plates. 5797 Ferogio; Une Annee de Voyage, &c. 17 plates. 5798 Decorations for Theatres, &c., German and Italian 19 plates. 5799 Planche (J. R.), Continental Gleanings, folio. 5800 Wilkie Gallery, 6 numbers, folio, containing 18 plates. 5801 Tower of London, after the fire in 1841, by Cater and Oliver. // 5801* Aldegraver, set of 12 plates of a Westphalia Wedding in 1538 1 wanting. / 5802 Views of London and Old London Bridge, copied from Visscher, &c. 8 plates. 5803 Drawings by W. Y. Ottley for the Tempest, &c. 5. 5804 Brady and D Avignon s Gallery of Illustrious Ameri cans, 12 numbers (No. 11 wanting), fine portraits, with memoirs. N. Y. 1849, &c. 5805 Royal Gems from the Galleries of Europe, with notes, by S. C. Hall 7 parts. ^ 5806 Conservatoire de Danse Moderne, colored plates. // 5807 Album of Villa Architecture, No. 1. J 5808 Portraits of Oxford Founders 24 plates. /J~ 5809 Ecclesiastical and other English Views, by Hearne and Byrne, &c. 33 plates. 5810 John Kemble, by Sharpe, proof; Charles Kemble, by Lane; and Garrick, by Laurie, all scarce, in a port folio 3 plates. 5811 Views of Egypt, and 3 of Obelisk, bound by Bleau, folio 27 plates. /. /_ 5813 Book-plates and Illustrations to Popular Authors a parcel. 5814 Turner and Girtin, River Scenery, in a folio 17 plates. 5815 Don Quixote, plates to, after Alken, engraved by Teitten. 5816 Views of Theatres, &c., some drawings a parcel. 5817 Foreign Theatres a large parcel. 5818 Life of Morland, by Blagden, large folio. Lond. 1806 ENGRAVINGS. 1 !. > Pictures of Life and Character, by John Leech, from Mr. Punch s collection, a series of comic pieces, oblong folio. SS~~ 5820 Another copy, imperfect. J/ 5821 Carter s Views in the Island of Barbadoes. JJ~ 5822 View of London before the Great Fire 2 sheets. / x /^ 5823 Person s Devil s Walk, by Landseer, curious and spirited etchings 10 plates. ~?-PP 5824 French Caricatures a parcel. ..2-x^ 5825 Spanish Costume, colored 10 plates. .^-*// 5820 Views of llerculanajum and Pompeii, by Roux 4 plates. ^ <^ 5827 Pond s Eccentric Characters, a series of etchings 24 plates. ^f-tfj 5828 Portraits of Siddons and Kemble, &c., after Lawrence 7 plates. *S/ 5829 Foreign Portraits, Salmasius and others a parcel. J~<f/ 5830 Illustrations to Shakspeare, inlaid, royal 8vo. in a green morocco cover. -?/3 5831 Another lot. 4^-^f 5832 Theatrical Characters, Kean, &c. a parcel. ./ ~SJ 5833 Literary Characters a parcel. / J2. 5834 Book plates and sundries. #s 5835 Book plates, &c., do. .^^/ 5836 Etchings by Prevost 8 plates. ^z~ 5837 Theatrical and scrap prints a parcel. s ^S 5838 Book plates a parcel. . ?*$< 5839 Theatrical plates and portraits a large parcel. X J<f 5840 Plates to Inchbald s Theatre, 8vo. *?<? 5841 Copies of rare prints from Ottley s work 30 etchings. J 46 5842 Corner s Portraits of Painters, on India paper a par cel. *J* 5843 Dusseldorf Kunster Album, Poesie. J" 5844 Views and scraps a parcel. ^/ 5845 Etchings, Ponte Salario, by Rosene, &c., 7. /^ 5846 Morning and Evening, after Tavernor. X-/^ 5847 King John Signing the Magna Charta, &c. 6 plates. / _ , 5848 Portraits of Celebrated Characters 8 plates. /js 5849 Campbell the Poet, Morton the Dramatist, Lawrence, Artist, Bannister, Comedian, all fine 4 plates. XV 5850 The Old Pretender and his Sister, Butler the Poet, &c., 14. 5851 Shakspearian Prints 3 plates. 5852 Do. and scraps. 5853 Portrait of Col. Charles May. 446 ENGRAVINGS. ,/z- 5854 Views in Italy 12 plates. - 585X5 The Denoument, &c. 2 plates. . J j 5856 Original Drawings by Kobell, Watelet and Spill- man, 4. </7 5857 Drawing of a Gleaner, G. T. Van Den Bergh, fine, 1. 5858 Nymphs Bathing; at the Toilet, &c, 1 plates. 5859 Labours of Hercules, after L. Giordani, &c. 12 fine etching. 5860 Miscellaneous Prints for scrapbook, &c. 20 plates. 5861 Concert of Birds, by Earlom, very fine, mezzotint en graving. J 5862 Conversations and other subjects 8 plates. /#- 5863 France Illustrated 6 plates. //j"~5864 Napoleon, Portraits and Prints, relating to 10 plates. -fa 5865 Napoleon s Coronation, colored 5 plates. j> 5866 Historical Events, a set of 12 colored plates. 5867 Historical Prints, 20 plates of his career. 5868 Philip 4th of Spain, Emperor Maximilian, &c., fine prints by Visscher, folio 20 plates. 5869 Declaration of Independence, after Trumbull and Key, 2. 5870 Costume of about 300 characters, on six sheets, 6. //2, 5871 John Gilpin, after Stothard. ,^^/ 5872 The Four Seasons, after Van Goyen, by Wierotter, and a set by Perelle 8 plates. /2-. 5873 Another set, very fine, by J. Van-der-Velde, 4. /,# 5874 Les Coulisses de L Opera, or Opera slips and Cirque Olympiques, colored 2 plates. JV 5875 Garrick, Palmer, Burton, and Webster as President, Abel Drugger, Subtle, and Fane, after Zofiany, fine, 1. #.& 5876 Outlines to Shakspeare 12 plates. /- 5877 Sir Walter Ealeigh and his Wife. /J 5878 Wouvermans, Les Capucins, very fine 2 plates. /.?<f~~ 5879 Breughel D Enfer, grotesques Diableries 2 plates. / ?s~ 5880 Lear, after West, by Sharpe and two others 3 plates. .^ 5881 Sportman s Bothie, &c. 2 plates. /// 5882 The Queen s Pets, and others 12 plates. /c/J 5883 Sporting Prints, finely engraved 19 plates. . #2- 5884 Seven etchings of Landscapes, by Koken, 7. . jr 5885 Another set, 7. .yd 5886 Singular Events, &c. 7 plates. ^ v_ 5887 Views in Italy 28 plates. . 6e 5888 Old Man and Woman, and Landscapes 4 plates. / 60 5889 Industry and Idleness, &c. a parcel. ENGRAVINGS. 447 5800 Banks of the Loire, by Perez, &c., various. 5891 Shakspeare s Statue, five; Portrait of Wallack, twelve in all 17 plates. 5802 Neapolitan Costume, a series of fine drawings, 15. 5803 Etchings by Salvator liosa and Poussin, 2. X S/7 5804 Etchings by Berghem and Kidinger 7 plates. 4/z. 5805 Etchings by Sebastian Bourdon, &c. 7 plates. >/S 5800 Theatrical Subjects Opiates. . s/ 5807 Will of John Duff; Original MS., Satyrical, 1. X >?^ 5808 Toper, after Gerhard Dow, and others 10 plates. ?S 5800 Miscellaneous, 8. 5000 Poussin, &c., various 4 plates. /Sf 5001 Ostade, Rubens, and Claude, rare etchings 3 plates. . ^<r~ 5002 Battle of Zutphen, after Cooper, 1. ^/ . N 5003 Woodcuts to Martin Luther s Bible, and numerous other wood cuts,initial letters, &c., mounted on oblong, blue paper, several hundred. 5004 Bible Prints, by Killian, neatly mounted a large parcel. 5005 Etchings by Ilutin 11 plates. 5006 Landscapes, by the Old Masters, Landscapes by Perellc, &c. 14 plates. /<a 5007 Painters Etchings, all fine, and scarce 33 plates. -,/"/? 5008 Lady Hamilton s attitudes 12 plates. 5000 Pinelli s plates to Berneris, "II meo Patacea" 52 plates. 5010 Venus and Cupid, by Bartolozzi and others, some fine and rare 11 plates. 5011 Berghem, &c., some scarce 13 plates. 5012 llaftaelle, Francia, Carlo Dolci, L. Caracci, &c., fine en gravings after celebrated pictures by 6. 5013 Eight prints colored and mounted, from Tomkin s Gallery. 5014 Maddox, the actor, balancing the straw (see Davies s Life of Garrick), scarce, Maddox, Liston, &c. parcel 5015 Foreign and English Views do. 5016 Theatrical do. 5017 Various Old Masters 6. 5018 Miscellaneous parcel. 5010 Heads to Birch s Lives of Illustrious Persons, engraved by Iloubraken and Vertue about 100. 5020 Foreign Portraits a large parcel. 5021 English Portraits do. 5022 Views Foreign and English do. 5023 Foreign Portraits do. 5024 English and Foreign Topography do. 5925 Portraits of Literary and other characters do. 148 ENGRAVINGS. 5926 English Portraits a large parcel. 5927 Do. Theatrical, &c. do. 5928 Do. do. 5929 Do. do. 5930 Portraits of Literary characters from the Monthly Mir ror about 100. 5931 Theatrical Portraits a parcel. / /w 5932 Foreign Portraits do. y./< 5933 English do. ^,^5934 Do. do. S& 5935 Do. do. ,/^ 5936 Nanteuiel, Portrait of Louis XIV., very large sheet, one of this artist s largest and choicest works, fine and very rare. 5937 Nanteuiel, Archbishop of Narbonne, fine 1. .j 5938 Two Bassi Eelievi, of a frieze, by Langor. y-^/5939 Nuptials 2. /S0 5940 Columbus, after Wilkie, fine 1. /sv 5941 Macbeth, after Znccarelli, by W. Woollett, very fine 1 /.X-/-5942 Holy Family, after Raffaelle, Schugler, very fine 1. - ?s~ 5943 Gates of Calais, Hogarth, scarce 1. 22? 5944 La Yierge aux Anges, after Titian, by Sadler, fine 1. /-if 5945 Garrick as Richard III. a~o 5946 Garrick as Macbeth, fine. J/ 5947 La Belle Ferronniere, colored 1. / - 5948 Laertes and Ophelia, after West 1. J? 5949 Death of Cardinal Wolsey 1. / .~ 7 / 5950 Macklin and Mrs. Pope as Shylock and Portia 1. /.sf 5951 Lear, etched by Barry 1. . /^ 5952 Garrick and Miss Bellamy as Romeo and Juliet, after Wilson, by Ravenet, fine 1. / fc - 5953 Timon of Athens, and 1 other 2. >&<> 5954 Ccesar and Cleopatra 1. w 5955 Falstaff and Recruits 1. ^ -/^ 5956 Bunbury s Illustrations to Shakspeare, a set inlaid to the size of Boydell s large series 20. ^ 5957 Garrick as Richard III. 2. 2 fj 5958 Garrick as Richard III., in the tent scene, by Hogarth, fine early impression, and very rare in this State 1. / 37 5959 Boydell. Shakspeare sacrificed by Alderman Boy dell, a large caricature, by Gillray, colored, very rare 1. Mrs. Pritchard as Hermione, after Robert IJdge Pine, by Aliamet, whole length, fine and scarce 1. 5961 Shakspeare Nursery, after B&zeli 1. 5962 Merry Wives of Windsor, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Page, after Cause, colored 1. U C BERKELEY LIBRARIES