THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID WORK S PUBLISHED BT H. BAILLIERE, 219, REGENT STREET, London, [Sent Free on Receipt of the Pi~ices.] Anatomy (The) of the External Form of the Horse, with Explanations by JAMES I. LUPTON, V. S. The Plates by Bagg. Part I., containing 9 Plates and Explanations. Large folio. Price, plain, .1 lls. 6d. ; on India paper, 2 5s. This Work will be completed in Two Parts, consisting of 18 to 20 Plates, with their Explanations, and one volume 8vo. of Text, giving the Study of the External Form of the Horse and the Physiology of Locomotion. A Practical Treatise on Coal, Petroleum, and other Distilled Oils. By A. GESNER, M.D. 8vo., with 20 Woodcuts. New York, 1861. 7s. 6d. Compendium of Human Histology. By C. Morel. Illustrated with 28 Plates. Edited by W. H. VAN BUREN, M.D. 8vo. New York, 1861. 14s. Illustrated Manual of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. By BERNARD AND HUETTE. Edited with Notes and Additions by W. H. VAN BUREN. 8 vo with 113 Plates, half bound morocco, gilt top. 1861. Plain, 2 4s. ; Coloured, 3 4s. American Medical Times. Published Weekly in New York, and received in London free. Subscription for the year, 1 5s. Bell (A. N.) Knowledge of Living Things, with the Law of their Exist- ence. 12mo., with 2 coloured Plates, and 60 Wood Illustrations. New York, 18CO. 7s. 6d. Canton (A.) The Teeth and their Preservation, in Infancy and Manhood to Old Age. 12mo. with Woodcuts, 4s. Flourens (P.) On Human Longevity, and the Amount of Life upon the Globe. By J. P. FLOURENS, Perpetual Secretary to the Academy of Sciences, Paris. Edited by W. C. MARTEL. 12mo. London, 1855. 3s. Kaemtz. A Complete Course of Meteorology. By L. F. Kaemtz, Professor of Physics at the University of Halle. With Notes by CH. MARTINS, and an Appendix by L. LALANNE. Translated, with Additions, by C. V. WALKER, 1 vol. post 8vo. pp. 624, with 15 Plates, cloth boards. 1845. 12s. 6d. Knox (E.) Man: his Structure and Physiology popularly explained and demonstrated, by the aid of 8 moveable dissected coloured Plates, and 5 Woodcuts. 2nd Edition, revised. Post 8vo. London, 1858. 10s. 6d. Moquin-Tandon. Manual of Medical Zoology: being a Detailed Description of Animals useful in Medicine, and the Species hurtful to Man ; with General Considerations on the Organization and Classification of Animals, and with a Resume of the Natural History of Man. Edited, with Notes nnd Additions, by T. HULME, Esq. With 124 Wood Engravings, post 8vo. 1861. 12s. 6d. Owen Odontography ; or, a Treatise on the Comparative Anatomy of the the Teeth, their Physiological Relations, Mode of Development, and Micros- copical Structure in the Vertebrate Animals. By RICHARD OWEN, F.R.S., Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Paris and Berlin; Hunterian Professor to the Royal College of Surgeons, London. This splendid work is now completed. 2 vols. royal 4to., containing 168 Plates, half-bound russia. London, 184045. 10 10s. Reduced to 6 10s. Eichardson (B. W.) On the Medical History and Treatment of Diseases of the Teeth and the Adjacent Structures. 8vo. 1860. 8s. 2 Works Published ly H. Bailliere, 219, Regent Street. Quekett (J.) lectures on Histology, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, containing Elementary Tissues of Plants and Animals, the Structure of the Skeletons of Plants and Vertebrate Animals. 2 vols. illustrated by 340 Woodcuts. London, 1852, 1854. 1 8s. 6d. Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope. Illustrated with 11 Steel Plates and 300 Wood Engravings. 8vo. 3rd Edition. London, 1855. 1 Is. Trousseau and Beveil The Prescriber's Complete Handbook: the Prin- ciples of the Art of Prescribing, with a List of Diseases and their Remedies, a Materia Medica of the Medicines employed, classified according to their Natural Families, with their Properties, Preparations, and Uses, and a Concise Sketch of Toxicology. By M. TROUSSEAU, Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris, and M. REVEIL. Edited, with Notes, by J. B. NEVINS, M.D. London, 1852. Roan limp, 6s. 6d. Day (G. E.) Chemistry: in its Relations to Physiology and Medicine. By GEORGE E. DAY, M.D., Professor of Medicine in the University of St. Andrews. 8vo. illustrated with Thirty Engravings. 1. GUI (J. B.) Epitome of Practical Surgery. 32mo. 1860. Is. Cooper and Suckley. Natural History of Washington Territory : Minne- sota, Nebraska, Oregon, and California. 4to. with 55 Plates and a Map. 2 10s. Ganot. Elementary Treatise on Physics. Edited on the Ninth Original Edition by Dr. ATKINSON. With 500 Illustrations. Post 8vo. 1861. (In the Press.} Technology ; or Chemistry applied to the Arts. By Knapp, Richardson, and H. WATTS. Vol. IV., 8vo. containing the Alkalies and Acids. Illustrated with Wood Engravings. (In the Press.} Jones (J.) The Natural and Supernatural: or, Man Physical, Apparitional and Spiritual. 500 pages, 1860. 10s. 6d. Fau. The Anatomy of the External Forms of Man, for Artists, Painters, and Sculptors. Edited with Additions by R. KNOX, M.D. 8vo. text, and 28 4to. plates. London, 1849. Price Plain, 1 4s ; Coloured, 2 2s. Chemical Society (Quarterly Journal of the). 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1848 60. Vols. 1 to 7 have been reduced to 8s. each ; Vols. 8 to 13, 13s. each ; or in Quarterly Parts, price 3s. each. Prichard. The Natural History of Man; comprising Inquiries into the Modifying Influences of Physical aad Moral Agencies on the different Tribes of the Human Family. By JAMES COWLES PEICHARD, M.D., F.R.S., M.R.I. A., Corresponding Member of the National Institute, of the Royal Academy of Medicine, and of the Statistical Society, &c. 4th Edition, revised and enlarged. By EDWIN NORRIS, of the Royal Asiatic Society, London. With 62 plates, coloured, engraved on steel, and 100 engravings on wood. 2 vols. royal 8vo. elegantly bound in cloth. London, 1855. 1 18s. Six Ethnographical Maps. Supplement to the Natural History of Man, and to the Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, folio, coloured, and 1 sheet of letter-press, in cloth boards. 2nd Edition. London, 1861. 1 4s. Graham. Elements of Chemistry ; including the Application of the Science in the Arts. By T. GRAHAM, F.R.S., L. & E., Master of the Mint, late Professor of Chemistry at University College, London. 2nd Edition, revised and enlarged, copiously illustrated with woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo. 1850, Berkeley (Eev. J. M.) Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany. 8vo. Illus- trated with 127 Woodcuts. 1857. 1. ELEMENTS OP MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. BY A. MOQUIN-TANDON, MEMBER OF THE ACADEHT OF SCIENCES, AND OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEHT OF MEDICINE ; PHOFE880B OF MEDICAL NATUBAL HI8TOBY TO THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE AT PABIS. With One Hundred and Twenty-four Illustrations. TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY ROBERT THOMAS HULME, M.R.C.S.E., F.L.S, LECTUREB ON DENTAL SURGERY; 1EB OF THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTS OF ENGLAND. LONDON : H. BAILLIERE, PUBLISHES, 219, REGENT STREET. NEW YORK : BAILLIERE BROTHERS, 440, Broadway. PARIS : J. B. BAILLIERE & FILS, Rue Hautefeuille. MELBOURNE : FERDINAND F. BAILLIERE. MADRID : BAILLY BAILLIERE, Calle del Principe. 1861. PRINTED BY W. H. COX, 5, GBEAT QUEEN STSEET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS. EDITOR'S PREFACE. THE intimate relations which exist between the various de- partments of Zoology and practical medicine render a work embracing these subjects of considerable value to the medical man. This is especially the case in a country like England, possessing numerous colonies scattered over the surface of the globe, in one or other of which the young practitioner is frequently destined to commence his career of responsibility and usefulness. At the present time there is no standard work in the English language upon Medical Zoology, the only book especially devoted to this subject being Dr. Stephenson's Medical Zoology and Mineralogy, which was published as far back as 1832. The numerous treatises on Materia Medica refer only to those animals which are employed as remedial agents, while the writers on practical medicine seldom give more than a mere outline of the Entozoa and of those Animals which are injurious to man. The work of M. Tandon contains a more complete account of the Human Entozoa, and of those Animals which are either in- jurious or beneficial to man in a medical point of view, and is furnished with a larger number of illustrations, than any previous publication on the same subject. In the translation the text and arrangement of the original work have been closely followed; only a few passages and two short chapters, the one on " False," and the other on M351S63 IV " Fabulous Helmintha," have been omitted. The place of these omissions has been more than occupied by other matter ; all which additions are distinguished by being placed in brackets. The weights and measurements have been reduced from the French to the English scale, and are generally given in parts of the pound avoirdupois, or in fractions or decimals of the English inch. The principal responsibility which the Trans- lator has taken upon himself in the way of alteration has been the addition of the passages already referred to. Some of the numerous synonymes of the names of the animals which M. Tandon has included in his work have been omitted, as being of little use to the student and apt to produce confusion. In one or two instances a different name has been made use of to the one proposed by the author ; in all such cases the one adopted is that by which the animal has been generally known in England, and of which the use has been recently confirmed by its being retained in Kiichenmeister's Manual of Entozoa- In no department of Zoology has greater confusion arisen from the want of a uniform nomenclature than in Helminthology. The Translator desires to return his best thanks to Professor Quekett for the information he kindly afforded him, particularly with regard to the Bothriocephalus latus ; an obligation which will be found specially mentioned in its proper place. His ac- knowledgments are no less due to Mr. Chatto, the librarian of the College of Surgeons, for his ready and valuable assistance in searching for names and references in the books of the library. The illustrations have been accurately copied by Mr. Joyce from the original wood cuts, and three additional en- gravings have been added from other sources. 21, JOHN STREET, BEDFORD Row. AUTHORS PREFACE. THESE Elements of Medical Zoology have been written principally for the use of those who are intended for the pro- fession of medicine or the practice of pharmacy. I have been desirous of including within the limits of a small volume, a clear and comprehensive description of those portions of Zoology which have any bearing upon medical science. In such an undertaking there were two errors to be guarded against. One was to avoid entering too much into the details of either Comparative Anatomy or of Zoology. The majority of students are already bachelors of science, and, therefore, possess a general knowledge of the structure and classification of the Animal Kingdom. I did not consider that it fell within the limits of the present work, when speaking of the CantJia- rides, for example, to enter into a minute account of its ner- vous system, or when describing the Viper, to dilate upon the affinities of the genus or the family to which it belongs. The other error was not to describe at too great length the parts of animals or their products which are employed in medicine, and thus to infringe upon another department. Most authors who have written upon Medical Zoology have adopted a purely Zoological arrangement. This plan un- doubtedly possesses the advantage of imparting to their works a more scientific and less arbitrary arrangement, but, neverthe- less, it has also certain disadvantages ; it subordinates the Medical Zoology too much to Zoology proper, and deprives it VI PKEFACE. of that professional spirit which should govern all the studies of either a medical or a pharmaceutical school. A writer on Medical Zoology, who arranges his chapters according to the " Animal Kingdom," of Cuvier, for example, will be compelled to speak of the Quadrumana and of the Lepidoptera, merely because these animals constitute two important divisions in the Zoological series. But the medical practitioner and the phar- maceutist make no use of either Monkeys or Butterflies. . . If on the other hand the writer adopts a Zoological plan, but omits those divisions or families in which the medical practitioner has no direct interest, his arrangement becomes disconnected and incomplete, and ceases in fact to be an arrangement. Again, there are animals distinguished from each other by their characters and structure, which the Zoologist places in dif- ferent groups, often far apart, but which the medical practi- tioner, on the contrary, brings together for the purpose of studying them collectively, in consequence of the organs they inhabit, the diseases they give rise to, or the remedies which they require. Such is the case with the Internal Parasites, animals which are dispersed through the system of the Zoo- logist, but which are associated in the works of medical authors. 1 These considerations have induced me to adopt an arf ange- ment founded upon the characters of the animal or its Medico- Zoological relations. Such an arrangement is more practical than scientific ; but it is simple, convenient, and well adapted for the purposes of medical or of pharmaceutical study, and avoids leading the reader into details which are foreign to his daily occupation. I shall briefly point out the order and the family to which each animal belongs, and as the commencement of the work contains a special chapter on the subject of classification, it will 1 Under the name of Entozoa or Helmintha. PEEFACE. VU be ea?y for the student, who desires further information upon this point, to ascertain either the class or the branch to which the animal belongs, and even to learn the affinities and the differences which arise from such an arrangement compared with other arrangements. Many animals and many animal productions, which were formerly in use, are no longer employed in medicine. These might have been omitted, but as it is useful to have a know- ledge of this ancient Materia Medica, and to be acquainted with the history, the revolutions, and the progress of therapeutics, I have given a short description of these animals and of their productions in a separate chapter. For a long time Medical Zoology was made to include only those animals or those parts of animals which are employed as remedies. Thus, in the Materia Medica of Linnaeus about thirty pages are occupied with the animals which, in his time, were employed in medicine (Cantharides, Leeches, Cochineal insect). Bernard Peyrilhe, in his Lectures on Medical Natwral History (first edition), has devoted forty-six pages to the description of these animals, but he has somewhat extended the list and includes the Internal Parasites, as the Toenice, the External Parasites, as the Lice, and also those animals which, without being parasites, injure man either by sucking the fluids of his body or by their poisonous properties, such as the Flea and the Viper. Medical Zoology ought also to include the Natural History of man, and should investigate some of those more difficult questions which are merely touched upon by the sciences of anatomy and physiology. This important division of the sub- ject has not been neglected. In a still more extended sense Medical Zoology should embrace the relations which exist between the various branches of the science of animals, and the different departments of the healing art. Thus Zoological anatomy, physiology, teratology, Vlll PKEFACE. and pathology are intimately connected with human anatomy, physiology, teratology, and pathology, and are capable, in many instances, of elucidating, or even of explaining, some of the important problems connected with them; but to have ex- amined such matters in an efficient manner would have led me beyond the intentions of the present work. I shall commence with the Natural History of Man or An- ihropology. Under this head I shall examine the principal characters of our species, its perfection, its accidental degra- dations, its unity, its races, and the manner in which it has been classified by various writers. This will be followed by a summary of the organization and classification of the animal kingdom. I shall then describe, under the following heads : I. Animals and the actual products employed in medicine. II. Noxious animals, but which are not poisonous nor yet parasites. III. Poisonous animals. IY. External parasites or Epizoa. V. Internal parasites or Entozoa. PARIS, September I, 1859. CONTENTS. PAET THE FIKST. NATTJBAL HISTOBT OP MAN, OB ANTHBOPOLOGY. Page CHAPTER I. CHARACTERS OF MAN - - 1 CHAPTER IL ANATOMY OF MAN - 3 CHAPTER IH. OF A SUPPOSED WILD MAN - 19 CHAPTER IV. THE UNITY OF THE HUMAN SPECIES - 25 CHAPTER V. OF THE RACES OF MAN - - 27 CHAPTER VL THE HUMAN KINGDOM * 35 SECOND PAHT. MEDICAL ZOOLOGY PEOPEB. BOOK I. Organization of Animals - -37 I. Organs and functions of nutrition - 42 II. Organs and functions of reproduction - 46 1U. Organs and functions of relation - 49 BOOK n. Classification of Animals - - 52 I. Ancient - 52 IL Linnanis - - - - -53 III. Lamarck ... 55 IV. Cuvier - - 56 V. Present state - 58 BOOK III. Animals and the Animal products employed in medicine - - - 63 SECTION 1. Animals or Animal Productions formerly employed in Medicine ----- 64 SECTION IL Animals and Animal Productions occasionally em- ployed in Medicine - - - 68 CHAPTER I. ANIMALS EMPLOYED WHOLE - 68 I. Scink - - - 68 II. Wood Lice 69 IU. Cochineal Insect - - - - 71 CONTENTS. Page CHAPTER II. ANIMALS EMPLOYED IN PART 80 I. Pachydermata - - - 80 II. Sepiadae - 81 III. Snails - 83 IV. Oysters - 86 V. Coral - - 87 VI. Sponge 89 CHAPTER III. ANIMAL PRODUCTS - 91 I. Spermaceti ~ 91 II, Bile - - 95 in. Crabs' eyes 96 IV. Spider's web - 98 SECTION III. Animals or Animal Productions which are con- stantly employed in Medicine - -100 CHAPTER I. LIVER OIL - - 100 I. Oil from the liver of the Cod - 101 II. Oil from the liver of the Skate - - 105 III. Oil from the liver of the Shark - 108 CHAPTER II. MUSK - 110 I. Musk - 110 II. Civet - 114 III. Beaver 118 IV. Hyraceum - 122 V. Ambergris 125 CHAPTER III. VESICATING INSECTS - 127 I. Cantharides - 128 II. Mylabris - 134 III. Cerocoma - 135 IV. Meloe - 136 CHAPTER IV. Leeches - 137 CHAPTER V. Galls - - 148 I. Galls - - - - H8 II. Cases - 154 CHAPTER VI. THE TREHALA 156 SECTION IV. Animals or Animal Products employed as Acces- sories in Medicine - - - - 159 I. Bones ... 159 II. Blood - - 160 III. Flesh 162 IV. Albumen - - - - 179 CONTENTS. XI Page V. Gelatine 179 VI. Fat . 186 VII. Oils - 188 VIII. Milk . 189 IX. Eggs - . 193 X. Honey . 195 XI. Wax . . 206 XII. Hair and other Corneous substances - . 210 BOOK IV. Noxious Animals, but wliicli are not poison- ous nor yet Parasites - - 212 CHAPTER I. ANIMALS NOXIOUS DURING THEIR LIVES - 212 I. Serra-salmes - - - - 214 II. Hsemopis - 215 III. Cimicidae - - - 219 IV. Nepa . 226 V. Hippoboscidse - 227 VI. Tsetse - . -228 VII. Gnats - - - 230 VIII. Stinging Animals - 234 IX. Larvae of Flies - - - 237 X. Other Insects which may be accidentally introduced into the natural cavities of the body . 242 CHAPTER II ANIMALS INJURIOUS AS FOOD . 244 BOOK V. Poisonous Animals . . 247 SECTION I. Animals which convey their poison by the mouth 247 CHAPTER I. POISONOUS ANIMALS WITH FANGS - 248 I. Vipers 248 II. Foreign Serpents . 255 CHAPTER II. POISONOUS ANIMALS ARMED WITH ANTENNA IN THE FORM OF CLAWS, OR WITH FOOT JAWS - 260 I. Spiders 260 II. Scolopendra - . - 265 SECTION II. Animals which inoculate their poison by means of a special organ - 268 CHAPTER I. ORNITHORYNCHUS . 268 CHAPTER II. SCORPIONS . . 270 CHAPTER III. HYMENOPTERA - . 275 I. Bees - - - ' - 275 II. Humble Bee . 279 IIL Wasps - - - 279 Xll CONTENTS. Page SECTION HL Animal poisons 281 Humours analogous to poisons ... 287 BOOK VI. External Parasites or Epizoa - - 291 SECTION I. Epizoa living on the skin % - - 291 CHAPTER I. LICE - - - 291 CHAPTER II. COMMON FLEA - - 297 CHAPTER III. CHIGOE - - 300 CHAPTER IV. TICKS - - 302 CHAPTER V. ARGADES - - 304 CHAPTER VI. HARVEST BUG - - 305 SECTION II. Epizoa living beneath the skin - 307 CHAPTER I. SARCOPTUS - - 307 CHAPTER II. ACAROPSE - 319 CHAPTER III. DEMODEX .... 320 CHAPTER IV. SOME OTHER SPECIES OP ACARI - - 323 BOOK VII. Internal Parasites or Entozoa - 324 SECTION I. Insect Entozoa - - 325 (Estridea - -. 325 SECTION II. Crustaceous Entozoa - - 329 Linguatula - - - - - 329 SECTION III. Entozoic Worms or Helmintha - 330 CHAPTER I. ASCARIDES .... 335 CHAPTER II. OXTURIS - 343 CHAPTER III. TRICHOCEPHALUS - - 348 CHAPTER IV. ANCTLOSTOMUM ... 353 CHAPTER V. STRONGYLUS .... 355 CHAPTER VI. SPIROPTERA - - 359 CHAPTER VII. FILARIA - 359 CHAPTER VIII. THECOSOMA - - 368 CHAPTER IX. FLUKES - - 370 CHAPTER X. FESTUCARIA ... 375 CHAPTER XL T^NIA - - - 376 CHAPTER XII. BOTHRIOCEPHALUS - - 386 CHAPTER XIII. CYSTIC HELMINTHA - - - 391 L Cysticerci - 391 H. Echinococci - - 394 III. Acephalocysts ... 394 IV. Transformations of the Cystic Helmintha 395 CHAPTER XIV. ZOOLOGICAL VIEWS - - 403 SECTION IV. Infusorial Entozoa - - ^405 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Fig. Page Fig. Page 1. Head of European - 5 37. Dragon Leech 140 2. Head of Negro 5 38. Jaws of a Leech - 142 3. Abd-el-Kader - 28 39. Leech bite - 144 4. Yeh - - 29 40. Cynips - - 149 5. Soulouque . 30 41. Terebra of Cynips 149 6. Head of Negro 30 42. Common Gall - - 151 7. Scink - 68 43. Section of Gall 151 8. Wood-louse 70 44. Chinese Gall - - 155 9. Armadillo - 70 45. Turpentine Gall - - 156 10. Cochineal insect 72 46. Larinus of the Trehala - 157 11. Kermes - 77 47. Trehala - 157 12. African Elephant - 80 48. Helix pomatia - - 175 13. Helix pomatia . 84 49. Common Sturgeon 183 14. Cachalot 92 50. Sperm Whale - - 189 15. Greenland Whale - 93 51. Common Bee - 197 16. Whalebone plates - 93 52. Mouth of Bee - 201 17. Crabs 'eyes - 97 53. Leg of Bee - - 207 18. Cod - 101 54. Whalebone - 211 19. Thornback Ray - 106 55. Hsemopis - 215 20. Squalus Acanthias 109 56. Jaw of Hsemopis - 216 21. Musk Deer - Ill 57. Common Bug - 220 22. Musk apparatus 112 58. Rostrum of Bug - 221 23. Musk sack - 113 59. Reduvina 222 24. Civet .... 115 60. Rostrum of Reduvina - 223 25. Civet apparatus - 116 61. Notonecta - 224 26. Zibeth .... 117 62. Rostrum of Notonecta - 225 27. Beaver - 118 63. Nepa - - 226 28. Apparatus of the Castor 120 64. Rostrum of Nepa - 227 29. Glands of the Castoreum - 120 65. Horse Fly - - 227 30. Daman .... 123 66. Beak of Horse Fly - - 228 31. Cantharides - 129 67. Tsetse - - 228 32. Mylabris 134 68. Trunk of Tsetse - 229 33. Cerocoma - 135 69. Gnat - - 230 34. Meloe .... 137 70. Proboscis of Gnat - - 231 35. Grey Leech - 139 71. Proboscis in action - 232 36. Green Leech- 140 72. Stinging hairs . 235 XIV LIST OF ILLTTSTEATIONS. Fig. Page 73. Portuguese Man of War - 236 74. Larvae of Ely - 237 75. Hominivorous Ely - - 238 76. Common Viper - 248 77. Vipera Ammodytes - - 250 78. Vipera Pelius - - 250 79. Head of a Viper - - 250 80. Poison apparatus - 251 81. Cerastes JEgyptiacus - 256 82. Crotalus Durissus - 256 83. Poison fang - - - 258 84. Mouth of Spider - - 261 85. Gland and Claw of Spider 261 86. Scolopendra - 266 87. Head and claw of Scolo- pendra - 266 88. Common Scorpion - - 272 89. Gland and spine of Scor- pion - 272 90. Poison apparatus of Bee 275 91. Head Louse - - - 292 92. Kostrum of Head Louse 294 93. Body Louse - - - 294 94. Pubic Louse - - 296 95. Flea - - - - 298 96. Mouth of Elea - - 299 97. Female Sarcoptus - - 310 98. Male Sarcoptus - - . 312 99. Rostrum of Sarcoptus - 313 Fig. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. Page Grooves formed by the Sarcoptus - - - 316 Acaropsis - - - 319 Demodex - - 321 Linguatula ... 330 Ascaris - - 336 Structure of Ascaris - 338 Oxyuris - - - 343 Trichocephalus - - 349 Ancylostomum Duodenale 354 Strongylus - - - 356 Head and tail of Strongylus 357 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. Filaria - - - 363 Fluke - - - - 370 Common Tsenia - - 376 Head of Tsenia - - 377 Segment of Tsenia - 379 Sexual organs of Tsenia - 381 Bothriocephalus latus - 387 Head of Bothriocephalus 388 Segments of Bothrioce- phalus - .-- 389 Sexual organs of Both- riocephalus - - 390 Cysticerci - - - 393 Echinococci - - 395 Acephalocysts - - 396 Trichomonas vaginalis - 408 ELEMENTS OF MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. PART THE FIRST. NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN, OR ANTHROPOLOGY, CHAPTER I. CHABACTEES OF MAN. MAN is the chief of living beings. Buffon considered him as the only animal with two hands and two feet. Blumenbach gave as his attributes : the erect position and the possession of two hands.* Other writers have combined these characters and have said of man : Situs erectus, manus du 5 7 at 7 2 1 lOff 7 10 3 1 13A- 13 to 15 3 1 ,i 15i2 13 15 1 22 16 20 3 1 30J 20 , 30 11 1 35JS 20 30 4 1 33^ 30 , 40 6 1 37 T lie had gained two inches, and after he was dead he measured eight feet four inches. He died in 1783, aged only 22 ; his death was hastened by excessive drinking, to which he \v:is always addicted. None* of his family were of more than ordinary stature.] The varieties of the human race which differ most as re- gards height are the Boschesmans and the Patagonians. Putting aside the exaggerated statements of some travellers, \vc find that the proportion of their heights is as 8 to 27. 1 [Darwin, in his interesting narrative of the voyage of the Beadle, when speaking of the Patagonians, says: "Their height appears greater than it really is, from their large i;iianaro mantles, their long flowing hair, and general figure: on an average their height is about six feet, with some men taller and only a few shorter; and the women are also tall; ai together, they are certainly the tallest race we anywhere Ban .- The skeleton of a male Boschesman in the College of Surgeons (Xo. 5,357) measures four feet five inches from the vertex to the sole of the foot. If we assume that there is the same relative difference between the length of the skeleton and the body of the Boschesman as there was in the case of O'Byrne (viz., the one twenty-fifth of the whole height), then the owner of the foregoing skeleton must have been four feet seven inches high.] The average weight of mankind, without reference to age or sex, is 1151bs. avoirdupois. That of a man is 1211bs., and that of a woman, llOlbs. Man attains his greatest weight at about forty years of age, and begins to diminish very perceptibly at sixty. The average weight of the old person, in both sexes, is about the same as that of the individual at nineteen years of foot to the tips of his fingers 6*560 feet, and from the sole of his foot to the umbilicus 3'280 feet. (Silbermann.) 1 It has been calculated that the difference in size between the Shetland pony and the large English brewer's horse is as I to 27. Thus the varia- tion in the size of the human race is eight times less than what occurs in the horse. 2 Charles Darwin, M.A., F.R.S. : Journal of Researches into the Natural IHstnry and Gcoloyy of the Countries visited during the Voyage of ff.M.S. Beagle round the World, p. 232. 2nd edit. London, 1845. 16 ANATOMY OF MAN. [M. Quetelet l has given the following table of the variation in the weights of full-grown and well-formed persons in kilo- grammes ; the value of the number in avoirdupois has been placed beside them, omitting fractional parts when under half a pound. Male weight . Female Maximum. Minimum. Medium. kil. Ibs. av. 98-5 218 93-5 206 kil. Ibs. av. 49-1 108 63-7 140 kil. Ibs. av. 637 140 55-2 121 A healthy child begins to talk when he is from twelve to fifteen months old, the first sound which he utters amongst nearly all nations and in almost every language are the syl- lables ba, pa, ma, because they are the sounds which are most easily pronounced. Some children will articulate very dis- tinctly at two years of age, and will repeat nearly all that is said to them ; but the majority do not talk until they are two years and a half old, and frequently not until much later. (Adanson.) When the body has attained its full height and size, it begins to spread and to become fat. The minute vessels are gradually filled up, the solids are rendered more dense, and after a life of longer or shorter duration, passed amidst more or less excitement and anxiety, there comes old age, feebleness, decrepitude, and death. (Cuvier.) According to Duvillard (1806) the average duration is 28J years. According, however, to the more recent statistics, it is 33-63 years. Men who have passed the average period of life usually attain to 70 years of age. Persons who live to a hundred are exceedingly rare, and still more so those who exceed that age. [The returns of the Registrar General's Fifth Annual Report show, that in England the average duration of life at birth is 41'18 years ; and in children wiio have attained the age of one year it is 47'7l years for the male, or 48*55 years for the female ; and for all children without reference to the sex it is 48-13 years. The following remarks are taken from Dr. Tanner's work on the diseases of children : 2 " Let us suppose," says this writer, " that 100,000 chil- dren were born alive on the 1st January, 1841 ; and that 1 " Annales d' Hygiene Publique" &c., torn. x. p. 27. 3 Op. cit, p. 6. ANTHROPOLOGY. 17 they were the offspring of all ranks and classes of Englishmen. From the usual proportion of the two sexes registered, it will appear, that 51,274 were boys, and 48,726 girls. Of the 100,000 children, 14,631 have perished during the first year, leaving 85,369 alive on the 1st January, 1842; they were exactly a year old, and are placed against the age ' 1 ' in the table. On the 1st January, 1843, the survivors were two years old, and in number 80,102 ; so that 5,267 have died in the second year. On 1st January, 1846, the fifth birthday was attained, and there were 74,20]. living. Consequently, in the first five years, 25,799 children out of 100,000 have died. During the next five years, when the children leave home more, and when as it appears from the parliamentary returns great numbers pass part of the day at school, the mortality becomes considerably less, so that we find 70,612 alive at the age of ten ; while from ten to fifteen the loss is small, 68,627 living to the latter age. The loss of life among girls now becomes rather greater than among boys, and it continues so for the eusuing five years, when both sexes are more detached from the care of their parents, and the majority pursue the professions or trades by which they afterwards gain a livelihood. The mortality appears to increase rather rapidly from twelve to fifteen ; and then at a slow regular rate from the age of fifteen to fifty-five : 66,059 attained the age of twenty. It was stated that 51,274 boys were born alive to 48,726 girls; but the mortality in infancy is greater among boys than girls ; so that 31,958 males attain the age of twenty-five, and 31,623 females attain the age of twenty- four. This is about the average age of marriage in England, and the number of the two sexes is then nearly equal. The chance of living from twenty-five to forty-five is rather in favour of English women ; the violent deaths of men counter- balancing the dangers of child-bearing. At the age of sixty 37,996 will be still alive, while 24,531 attain the age of seventy ; i. e., 11,823 men, and 12,708 women, the mortality of the latter being less than that of the former after fifty-five. At the age of eighty, there is but little doubt that about 9,000 of the 100,000 will still be found alive ; but after this period the observations grow uncertain, although we may calculate that 1,140 will attain the age of ninety, 16 will be centena- rians, and 1 man and 1 woman, out of the 100,000, may remain to complete their one hundred and fourth year. "For convenience of reference, these calculations are arranged in the following table, which also contains a register c 18 ANATOMY OF MAN. showing the expectation of life ; i. e., the mean number of years which, at any given age, the members of a community, taken one with another, may expect to live. The mean duration of life is found by adding the age to the expectation of life : thus, the mean duration of a boy's life at five years is 5 -f- 49-64=54-64. The probable duration of life is the age at which a given number of children born into the world will be reduced one half; so that there is an equal chance of their dying before or after that age. Thus, out of 51,274 males and 48,726 females, a total of 100,000 new-born infants, about one-half of each sex will have died before completing the age of forty-five ; so that the probable lifetime of an infant at birth is 45 years. LIFE TABLE FOR ENGLAND. Age. Living. Males. Females. Expectation of Life. Persons. Males. Females. 100,000 51,274 48,726 41-18 40-19 42-18 1 85,369 43,104 42,265 47-13 46-71 47-55 2 80,102 40,388 39,714 49-19 48-82 49-57 3 77,392 39,018 38,374 49-89 49-52 50-29 4 75,539 38,064 37,475 50-11 49-74 50-48 5 74,201 37,385 36,816 50-01 49-64 50-38 10 70,612 35,564 35,048 47-44 47-08 47-81 15 68,627 34,573 34,054 43-74 43-35 44-13 20 66,059 33,324 32,735 40-34 39-88 40-81 25 63,295 31,958 31,337 36-99 36-47 37-52 30 60,332 30,473 29,859 33-68 33-13 34-25 35 57,172 28,867 28,305 30-40 29-83 30-99 40 53,825 27,145 26,680 27-14 26-56 27-72 45 50,301 25,311 24,990 23-86 23-30 24-43 50 46,621 23,376 23,245 20-55 20-02 21-07 55 42,796 21,355 21,441 17-16 16-68 17-63 60 37,996 18,808 19,188 14-00 13-59 14-40 65 31,852 15,589 16,263 11-20 10-86 11-52 70 24,531 11,823 12,708 8-78 8-51 9-03 75 16,664 7,867 8,797 6-74 6-53 6-92 80 9,398 4,316 5,082 5-07 4-92 5-20 85 4,021 1,780 2,241 3-75 3-64 3-83 90 1,140 481 659 2-74 2-68 2-77 95 174 69 105 2-13 2-22 2-06 100 16 7 9 104 2 1 1 OF A SUPPOSED WILD MAN. 19 " This table reads thus : Of 100,000 births, 51,274 will be male children, and 48,726 females ; of which number 85,369 will be alive at the end of one year, or 43,104 males, and 42,265 females. So again, of the 100,000, one male and one female will live to the age of 104. " To learn the expectation of life the table should be read as follows : At birth, a child's expectation of life is 41*18 years ; if a boy, 40*19 years ; if a girl, 42 '18 years. Again, at the age of 40, a person's expectation of life is 27'14 years; hence the mean age to which persons who attain the age of 40 live, is 40+27'14=67-14 years."] The period when man is capable of reproducing his species is that of puberty ; this occurs at from twelve to sixteen years in the male, and from eleven to fourteen in the female. The circumstances being otherwise the same, this period occurs earlier in hot climates than in those which are temperate, and in the latter sooner than those in which are cold. Puberty is the spring-time of human life. Up to this period nature has only supplied the child with what was necessary for its nourishment and for its growth. His life has been confined to himself, he has been incapable of transmitting it ; but the moment when puberty arrives he has acquired, not only all that is necessary for his individual existence, but he can also impart existence to others. (Adanson.) This superfluity of life, which seeks to extend itself without, is marked by several signs, such as a change in the voice, the growth of the beard, the enlarge- ment of the throat, and the development of the sexual organs. CHAPTER III. OF A SUPPOSED WILD MAN. DOES man exist, or has he ever existed, in a wild state ? The answer is, and should be, in the negative. Man {Homo sapiens) is essentially a social being. 1 If when he first appeared upon the earth, he remained for a time in the so called state of nature he must rapidly have emerged from that condition. But this early stage of society was never similar or analogous to the kind of life which is lea by even the most perfect of the 1 Zuov iroXirtKbv. (Aristotle.) c 2 20 ANTHROPOLOGY. mammalian animals. The least enlightened populations, and the lowest islanders, have always presented themselves in the con- dition of a society more or less perfectly organized ; sometimes even remarkably so, and manifesting, not only a craving for civilization, but also the capacity of attaining it. In fact, even in the smallest tribes, it is easy to recognise the presence and influence of those important moral instincts which relate to family, to property, and to religion. Human society is essentially distinguished from every association of animals, such as those of beavers, bees, or ants, both by the motives which produce it, the advantages which are derived from it, and by its progress towards per- fection. (Eullier.) It is with regret that we find a great naturalist admitting for the noblest of living beings the existence of a savage type (ferus), 1 to which he gives as characters the quadrupedal station, the absence of speech, and a covering of hair (tetrapus, mutus, hirsutus)* Several writers have published apocryphal histories of miserable individuals belonging to our species, who, having been abandoned either through poverty or crime, have lived in woods, and caverns, amidst the beasts of the fields. These persons, having lost the power of speech, could only utter discordant and inarticulate sounds, and approached to a state of imbecility. It would be folly to seek with Lamettrie, 3 in these rare and happily exceptional cases, the primitive type of the human race. These degenerated beings are physical and moral aberrations from the normal or civilized man, and not individuals who have returned to the primitive condition from which civilization originated. LinnaBus mentions nine of these cases ; but he does not inquire into their origin, their authenticity, or their scientific value ; he gives them without order or date, and without detail or comment. All these unhappy beings are children, not a single adult is amongst them ; 4 a very remarkable circum- 1 Homoferus (Linn.) non est varietas. (Exerleben.) 2 Aristotle and Pliny also believed in the existence of a wild type of the human race. 3 De Lamettrie has related several examples, and from them he has drawn the six characters which he assigns to man in a state of nature. 4 Larrey has spoken in a vague manner of a wild man whose skeleton he saw at Wilna. His description, which was probably taken from some hasty notes made at the time, seems to have been written under the pre- OF A SUPPOSED WILD MAN. 21 stance, and one which shows that a state of isolation is not that which is adapted to our species. Some of these children have been found with herds of sheep and oxen, and others even amongst wolves and bears ! It is on this account that Linnaeus has characterized them by epithets indicative of their singular association (juvinis ovinus, bovinus, lupinus, ursinus). When we inquire into the origin of these cases, we are astonished at the contradictions, the falsehoods, and the absurdities which we meet with. The following are two of the best authenticated examples : The Young Girl of Champagne, and the Young Savage of Tarn. 1. The young girl of Champagne (puella Campanica, Linn.) had lived in the woods, in the midst of the wild animals, but it was not known what were the circumstances which led to this. She was captured and taken to a chateau in the neighbourhood where she was brought up. She resided for a long time in Paris, and was known by the name of Mademoiselle Leblanc. We are indebted for her history to M. Racine. In the month of September, 1731, the servants of the Chateau de Sogny, near Chalons-sur-Marne, one night per- ceived a sort of phantom on an apple-tree in the garden ; they approached without noise and succeeded in surrounding the tree. But, suddenly, the phantom leaped over their heads, then over the wall of the garden and fled to the woods, where it mounted a large tree. The master of the chateau directed his servants, with the assistance of the country people, to cut down the tree ; it was necessary to serve several in the same way, in consequence of the phantom throwing itself from tree to tree. It was suspected that it was a young savage of the female sex, and the people endeavoured to pursuade her to descend. The mistress of the chateau, thinking that hunger and thirst would soon induce her to do so, ordered a bowl of water and some food to be placed at the trunk of the tree. The young girl, for such it proved to be, tempted by the sight, partly descended and then remounted. At length she came down and proceeded to drink ; she performed this act by dipping her chin in up to the mouth, and swallowed the liquid in the same manner as a horse. When she was secured, the nails both of her hands and feet were very long and exceedingly strong, giving her great facility in grasping the branches of the trees, and probably assisting her to destroy the wild animals. The colour of her body was conceived notion that the skeleton bore a strong resemblance to that of the Orang-utan ! 22 ANTHEOPOLOGT. of a blackish cast, but this disappeared with the change in her mode of living. Taken to the chateau, she immediately seized upon some raw fowls, which the cook had in his hands. She was not acquainted with any language, or articulate sound, but merely uttered harsh gutteral cries. She was, however, able to imitate the voices of certain quadrupeds and birds. In winter time she was compelled to cover herself with the skins of animals ; but at all seasons of the year she must have worn a girdle, to which she attached a short round club, which she made use of to protect herself from the wild beasts. She once, as she afterwards related, felled a wolf with a single blow on the head. When she killed a hare with her stick, she skinned it and eat it ; when, however, she had hunted one down, she opened a vein with one of her nails, drank the blood and threw the rest away. Her mode of running was very surprising ; there appeared to be scarcely any motion in her feet and body, so that she seemed to glide along rather than run. She exhibited the same agility in swimming and secured fish by diving. She ate the latter with great relish. She was able to remain a long time beneath the w r ater, so that one would have supposed that the water was her natural element. "When she acquired the power of speech, she related that she had lost a companion of her own age, with whom she used to live. They were both swimming in a river (no doubt, the Marne) when they heard a noise which induced them to dive : it was a sportsman, who having mistaken them at a distance for water-fowls, had fired at them ; they came out some way off and went into a wood, where they found a ehaplet, which both of them wanted for the purpose of making themselves bracelets, her sister having struck her on the arm, she returned it by a blow on the head, so violent, that as she expressed it her sister became red. Prompted by that natural impulse which leads us to succour those of our own kind, she immedi- ately went in search of a tree which yielded a gum that, according to her, would cure the injury she had inflicted ; when she returned her wounded companion was gone, and she never saw her again. The exact age of the girl could not be ascertained, nor the locality from whence she had come. When questioned by signs as to where she was born, she pointed to a tree. She gave the persons, however, to understand that she had traversed a great expanse of water. Condamine conceived the idea of ascertaining the place of her birth, by presenting to her the OF A SUPPOSED WILD MAN. 23 roots and the fruits of various American plants, in the hope that she might recognise amongst them some of the objects which she had seen in her childhood, but the experiment was unsuccessful. For a long time she refused to be clothed. At Paris she was placed in a convent, a solitude which was very different from that of the woods, and rendered her extremely melancholy. This girl was not an idiot like most of the wild children which have been described by writers. She knew how to cover herself with skins to protect her from the cold, and could arrange them with skill. She had made a belt in which to place her stick ; she entertained the idea of ornamenting herself with a chaplet ; she desired to cure the wound she had inflicted on her sister, and she was acquainted with the virtues of a certain gum. Has the most perfect and the most exalted of the mammalia ever exhibited such signs of intelb'gence, or such a combination of ideas, as was presented by this unhappy girl, who, from having been deserted, had fallen into her degraded condition? 2. The young boy of Tarn, commonly called the wild boy of Aveyron, was the subject of public curiosity at the beginning of the present century. All Paris went to see this unfortunate being. He had received the name of Victor. The Abbe Bonnaterre and Dr. Itard, have each of them published a full and most interesting account of him. The child was eleven or twelve years old, and had been seen several times in the wood of Lacaune (Tarn) tearing up the ground in search of potatoes, which he eat raw ; he also collected acorns and chesnuts ; he slept upon dry leaves, and upon any one approaching would climb into the trees. Towards the end of the year 1799 he was met by two sportsmen, who managed to secure him. The child was quite naked, and his habits most disgusting ; he was ferocious and irritable, he was subject to spasmodic movements, which were often of a convulsive character, and he balanced himself to and fro like the animals in a menagerie. He would endeavour to scratch those who thwarted him, but he evinced no kind of affection, or recognition of those who had charge of him. He appeared to be indifferent to almost everything, but continually endeavoured to escape from the habitations of men, in order that he might return to the woods. He was incapable of uttering any sound, and the nervous system was probably diseased. 24 AKTHEOPOLOGT. This unhappy being was taken to a village in the neighbour- hood. He contrived to escape at the end of a week, and regained the mountains, where he wandered about for fifteen months, covered only with a ragged shirt, enduring the most bitter cold and the most intense heat. He was again captured upon his entering a lone house in the Canton of Saint Sernin, most probably being driven to it by want of food. He was taken to the hospital of Sainte Affrique, thence to Rodez, and lastly, by the order of the minister, to Paris. He arrived in the capital towards the end of the year 1800. His height was about four feet three inches ; his skin was white and delicate ; his hair was of a dark chesnut colour ; his face was rounded, his physiognomy agreeable, but with little expression ; his eyes were deep set and black, and the eye- lashes largely developed ; the nose long and somewhat pointed; his smile was pleasing ; the tongue was without any malfor- mation. His body was covered with scars and lacerations from the spines and branches of the trees. At the upper part of the trachea was a transverse mark, about an inch and a half long, which seemed to have been caused by some cutting instru- ment ! Pinel regarded the little savage of Tarn as a miserable idiot, attacked by an incurable disease, and pronounced him to be incapable of instruction, or of becoming fitted for society. Dr. Itard did not agree with this opinion, he ventured to entertain some hopes of him, and endeavoured to bring him up in an establishment for the deaf and dumb. He has published a long account of the results which were obtained at the end of nine months. It must be admitted, that, in spite of the apparent satisfaction of the doctor, these results were far from brilliant. All that can be said is, that the little savage was not entirely wanting in intelligence. But the purely animal functions predominated in him over all others, and his look had always a certain amount of vacancy, which is well expressed in the engraving of his portrait. His voice was never capable of producing more than certain discordant and almost inarticulate sounds. He manifested great dislike to sitting in a chair, or sleeping in a bed. He often crawled on his knees, almost in the manner of a monkey. It was with difficulty that he was taught to walk slowly. For a long time he refused all food, either raw or cooked. OF A SUPPOSED WILD MATT. 25 He smelt all his food before eating it. He had not the slightest idea of modesty. One morning after a fall of snow he uttered a cry of distress, and quitting his bed ran first to the window, then to the door, then impatiently from one to the other, and at last escaped, half dressed, into the garden. There he manifested his joy by the most piercing cries, rolled himself in the snow, and gather- ing it up in handfuls swallowed it with an incredible avidity. (Itard.) The origin of this child is uncertain ; it was suspected that he had been deserted when he was between four and five years of age, and that he had, therefore, passed seven years in the forests. Some persons, who were worthy of credit, declared that he was the legitimate child of a notary, who had been inhumanly abandoned, because nature had deprived him of the power of speech. Whatever he might have been, Pinel has justly observed that the child was an idiot ; but in the history of this idiot there are two circumstances related by Dr. Itard, well deserving of attention : 1. The child sometimes went by himself into the garden belonging to the establishment of the deaf and dumb, and seating himself on the edge of a reservoir, his balancing motion gradually diminished, and his body became perfectly quiet ; his countenance then assumed all the appearance of a profound and melancholy revery ; he would remain in that state for hours, closely watching the surface of the water, upon which, from time to time, he would cast the fragments of the dried leaves. 2. If during the night the bright rays of the moon entered his chamber he seldom failed to rise and place himself before the window ; there he would remain standing during a con- siderable part of the night, motionless, his neck extended, and his eyes fixed upon the distant view illuminated by the moon, in a state of ecstatic contemplation ! . . . Has anything ever been observed in the most intelligent monkey which could be compared to the state of revery exhibited by this diseased and idiot child ? 26 ANTHBOPOLOGT. CHAPTER IV. THE UNITY OF THE HUMAN SPECIES. inhabits all the climates of the earth, with the ex- ception of those of the polar regions. The populations of the various countries present certain differences in the form of the head, the expression of the countenance, the height of the body, the proportions of the limbs, the characters of the hair, the quantity of the beard, and in the colour of the skin. Nevertheless there exists but one species of man, and the populations of every country and of every period have descended from a common stock. Some naturalists have endeavoured to establish several distinct species of men. Linnaeus in his Systema Natures (1766) admits two species of men, the Homo Sapiens and the Homo Troglodytes, tinder the latter title he includes the Albino ; these, however, are persons in a state of disease, and in the present day they are not regarded as even constituting a variety. Linnaeus imagined that this supposed second species lived in caverns, and for this reason he bestowed upon it the name of troglodytes, charac- terizing it by the epithet of nocturnal (nocturnus). At the end of his Mantissa plantarum altera, which appeared five years after the twelfth edition of the Sy sterna Natures, the illustrious naturalist of Sweden committed the serious error of including in the genus Homo an ape, the Gibbon of Buffon, which he names Homo Lar ; l "a surprising error committed by a great genius, which should never find imitators." (Pouchet.) Virey (1821) also admitted two species of men, distinguished by the difference of aperture in the facial angle ; in the one it varies between 85 and 90 ; in the other between 75 and 82. In the apes it never exceeds 40. These two species of men include six races characterized by their colour, and these again comprise eleven sub-races, which are arranged according to the regions they inhabit. Desmoullns (1824) divided the genus man into eleven species more or less distinct ; the characters he gives them are often established with considerable ability, but they are always insufficient to induce us to reject the unity of the human race. He names these species : 1st, the Celto-Scyth-Arabs ; 2nd, the Mongols ; 3rd, the Ethiopians ; 4th, the Euro- Africans ; 5th, the Austro- Africans ; 6th, the Malays or Oceanians ; 7th, the 1 Pithecus Lar, Geoff. Saint-Hilaire ; Simia Lar, Gmelin ; Simia Ion- gimana, Schreb. ; Hylobates Lar, Bory de Saint- Vincent. OF THE EACES OF MAN. 27 Papons; 8th, the Negro-Oceanians; 9th, the Australasians; 10th, the Columbians ; llth, the Americans. Bory de Saint- Vincent (1825) goes even farther than Desmoulins ; he admits fifteen species of men. These are : 1st, the Japetic; 2nd, the Arabian; 3rd, the Hindoo; 4th, the Scythian ; 5th, the Sinic (Chinese) ; 6th, the Hyperborean ; 7th, the Neptunian; 8th, the Australasian; 9th, the Columbian; 10th, the American ; llth, the Patagonian ; 12th, the Ethio- pian ; 13th, the Caffre ; 14th, the Malanian ; 15th, the Hot- tentot. He arranges these fifteen species into two tribes : 1st, the LEIOTEIX, or those with smooth hair ; this division includes the Japetic, Arabian, Hindoo, Scythic, and Sinic species belonging to the Old World ; the Hyperborean, Neptunian, and Australa- sian species, common to the Old and the New, and the Colum- bian, the American and the Patagonian species, peculiar to the New World ; 2nd, the OULOTBIX, or those with crisp hair, con- taining the Ethiopian, Caffre, Malanian, and Hottentot species. In the present day man is generally regarded as constituting a simple species, in which all the individuals are capable of mingling indiscriminately, and are able to produce an offspring which is as fruitful as its parents. CHAPTER V. OF THE EACES OF MAN. WHILE fully admitting the unity of the human species it is impossible not to perceive the existence of numerous distinctions between the various nations which people the globe, and of hereditary peculiarities which are more or less permanent. It is a matter of convenience to designate these particular modi- fications by the title of race, and thus, while maintaining the unity of the species, to recognise the existence of varieties. These races are sometimes propagated and preserved by the act of generation, while at other times they become united together, and are transformed by intermixture. The idea of these modifications is extremely ancient. Moses, and at a later period Ephorus of Cumae, divided mankind, the one into three races, after the three sons of Noah ; the other into four, after ihefour cardinal points. Linnaeus recognised four varieties of his Homo sapiens, cor- responding to the four quarters into which, in his time, the earth was divided. 1 1 His variety, monslrosus, cannot constitute a race. 28 AKTHEOPOLOGT. Blumenbach proposed to establish five races : 1st, the Cau- casian ; 2nd, the Mongolian; 3rd, the Ethiopian; 4th, the American ; 5th, the Malay. M. Dumeril makes six : 1st, the Caucasian or Arab-Euro- pean ; 2nd, the Hyperborean ; 3rd, the Mongolian ; 4th, the American ; 5th, the Malay ; 6th, the Ethiopian or Negro. Bory de Saint-Vincent, whom we have previously seen dis- tinguishes fifteen species of men, admits also the existence of races and sub-races. Thus the Japetic, to which we belong, is divided as follows : Japetic species. A. Gens togata. B. Gens braccata. ( a. Caucasian Race (western). ( b. Pelasgic Race (southern). c. Celtic Race (western). d. Germanic Race (northern). 1st variety. Teutonic. 2nd variety. Sclavonic. Many naturalists, of whom we are one, admit with Cuvier three principal races: 1st, the White or Caucasian; 2nd, the Yellow or Mongolian ; 3rd, the Slack or Ethiopian. The Caucasian Race (fig. 3) occupies the whole of Europe, Fiar. 3.Abd-el-Kader. OF THE EACES OF MAN, 29 the North of Africa, and Western Asia as far as the Ganges. It appears to have descended from the mountains of the Cau- casus, from whence it derives its name. The head is oval, and the forehead well developed, the eyes are placed horizontally, the cheeks scarcely project, the jaws are but little advanced, the hair is long and smooth, and the skin is of a pinkish white. This race is the most intelligent. The Mongolian Race (fig. 4) is found in Eastern Siberia, Fig. 4. Yeh. Kamtschatka, Russian America, China, Japan, and the Ladrone and Phillipine islands. It seems to have originated in the Altai mountains. The face is flattened, the forehead low, oblique, and square set ; the eves straight and oblique, the cheeks projecting, the hair straight and black, the beard thin, and the skin of an olive colour. The Ethiopian Race (fig. 5) inhabits Africa to the south of the Atlas mountains. It principal centre is Ethiopia, to which it has given its name. The skull is compressed (fig. 6), the nose flat, the jaws pro- jecting, the lips thick, the hair woolly and crisp, and the skin more or less black. This race is the least intelligent. There are several intermediate varieties between these three races distinguished by characters more or less strongly marked; 30 ANTHROPOLOGY. Fig. 5. Soulouque. these may be regarded as sub- races. This has induced some ethnologists to enumerate as many as eleven varieties or sub-varieties of the human race. To the Cau- casian, Mongolian, and Ethio- pian they have added the Alleg- hanian, American, Hyperborean, Malay, Australasian, Malanian, Hottentot, and Cajfre races. These divisions are contained in the most recent and important works which have been published in this science. Their distinctive characters accord very closely to their geographical distribution. The following is a summary of the characters of the several sub-races of mankind as presented by my friend M. Is. Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire, in his last course of lectures before the Faculty of Sciences at Paris. I have arranged them in very nearly the same manner as this learned naturalist. f^pss? ( copper coloi OF THE EACES OF MAN, 31 TABLE V. Synoptical Table of the Human Eaces. or swarthy, beard 1. CAUCASIAN. coloured, beard scanty 2. Alleghanian. ! copper coloured 3. American. tawny (small stature) ... 4. Hyperborean f-with the axis slightly yellow ( oblique . . 5. Malay. eyes Iwith the axis very oblique . . 6. MONGOLIAN. Hain verv depressed (skin blackish). Lower limbs very slender 7. Australian. very f black. ) very slender . 8. Malanian. crisp depressed ) Lower ^ Nose. Skin. j limbs. ) well developed . 9. ETHIOPIAN. (.tawny 10. Hottentot. projecting (skin bronzed) 11. Caffre. [Dr. R. GK Latham, the latest English authority on the races of men, in his work on the " Varieties of Man " has divided the human species into three primary varieties, the Mongo- lidae, the Atlantidae, and the Japetidae. In his " Varieties of the Human Species," published in Orr's " Circle of the Sciences," l he has arranged them into nine principal groups. Before enumerating these, it is necessary to observe that Ethnological facts are either physical or moral : physical, as when a class is determined from the colour of the skin ; moral, as when one is determined from the purity or impurity of the habits. Moral characteristics are either philological (that is, con- nected with the language), or non-philological (that is, not so connected). The variations which occur in the different languages allow of their being arranged under the four following heads : 1. Aptotic (from a not, &nd.ptosis a case). Languages with- out inflections and monosyllabic, as the Chinese : 2. Agglutinate. Languages which are inflectional, but which have become so from the juxtaposition or composition of different words. 3. Amalgamate. Languages with inflections, which cannot be shown to have originated in separate and independent words. 1 Vol. i. p. 308. 32 ANTHBOPOLOGY. Anaptotic (from ana back, and ptosis a case). Languages which, like the English, once possessed inflections, but have fallen back or lost them. G-BOUP 1. Physiognomy : Mongol. Language : Monosyl- labic. Area: Ladakh, Bulistan (or Little Tibet), Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim, Butan, Northern India, Arakhan, the Burmese Empire, Siam Cambojia, Cochin China, Tonkin, China, the Islands of Adaman, Nicobar, Carnicobar, Hainan, and the Mergui Archipelago. Divisions: Tibetan (or Bhot), Siamese (or Thay), Burmese, Peguan (or Mord), Kambogian Anemitic (or Cochin Chinese), Chinese; various tribes imperfectly dis- tributed and described as Sub-Himalayans, Nagas, and Sifan ; Mincopie (or Adaman Islanders), and Nicobarians. GrROUP 2. TAUBAINANS. Physiognomy: Mongol. Lan- guage : Agglutinate. Area : Mongolia, Mantshuria (the parts north of Pekin the valley of the river Amur, Selinga, or Sag- halin), Siberia, Independent Tartary, Chinese Tartary, Turkis- tan, Anatolia, Roumelia (or Turkey in Europe), parts of Bo- khara, Persia, Armenia, Syria, the Crimea, Lapland, Finland, Esthonia, Livonia, the Russian governments of Archangel, Olonetz, Novrogood, St. Petersburgh, Tver, Taroslav, Vologda, Permia, Viatka, Kazan, Simbirsk, Saratov, Astrakhan, Cau- casus, Nizhninovogorod, Penza, Tambov, Hungary, the Kurile Isles, Japan, Kamskatka. Divisions : 1. The Mongolian Stock ; 2. The Tungusian Stock ; 3. The Turk Stock ; 4. The Ugrian Stock ; 5. The Peninsular Stock. GrBOUP 3. THE CAUSACIAN STOCK IN THE LIMITED MEAN- ING OF THE TEBM (DioscuBiAN Latham). Physiognomy: European rather than Mongol. Language : Monosyllabic rather than European. Area : Caucasus. Divisions : 1. The Circassian ; 2. Mizhjeji, The Irou ; 4. The Georgians ; 5. The Lesgians ; 6. The Armenians. GrBOUP 4. THE PEBSIAN STOCK. Physiognomy: Caucasian rather than Mongol. Language : in its present state with but few inflexions. Area : Kurdistan, Persia, Beluchistan, parts of Bokara, the Kohistan of Cabul, Kafrestan. Divisions : Kurds, Persians, Biluchi, Afghans (Pushtu), Paropamisans (popula- tions of Kaffristan and the Kohistan of Cabul). GrBOUP 5. THE INDIAN STOCK. Organization referable to two types : in one the skin is dark, the face broad, the features coarse ; in the other, the features are regular, the head dolikho- kephalic, the skin brunette rather than black. Language: Modified by foreign admixture ; most so in the northern parts of India. Area : India, Ceylon, the Maldive islands, parts of OF THE RACES OF MAN. 38 the Monosyllabic frontier, the mountains of the southern parts of Beluchistan, i. e., the country of the Brahui. GROUP 6. THE OCEAN GROUP. Area : The Peninsula of Malacca, Sumatra, Java, and the chain ending in Timor and Eotti ; Borneo, and the chain leading to the Philippines ; the Philippines ; the Bashi and Babyani Isles ; Formosa, Celebes, and the Moluccas; the islands between Timor and New Guinea; Madagascar. GROUP 7. THE AMERICANS. Area : The Aleutian Isles, North and South America ; remarkable for the comparative absence of domestic animals. Physiognomy : Modified Mon- gol ; the departure from the type being the most marked on the water system of the Mississippi and the coast of the At- lantic, Languages : Agglutinate. Dr. Latham remarks upon this series that he finds " no such misgivings as to the origin and affinities of the great American group as find place in most works on the subject." He neither finds difficulty in connecting them with the Old World, nor doubt as to the part thereof from which they came. Thus he finds in North Eastern Asia just what the a priori probabili- ties of the geographical relations of the two continents indicate. His reasons for thus making short work of a hitherto long question, lie in the recent additions to our geographical and ethnograpical knowledge for the parts to the west of the Eocky Mountains, for the northern parts more especially ; for Kussian America, for New Caledonia, and for the Oregon. It is only lately that we have known much of these districts, espe- cially in respect of their ethnology. More than this, it is only recently that the Far West of the parts between the Eocky Mountains and Atlantic has been at all carefully explored. What followed from this want of information ? It followed, as a matter of course, that our notions of the so- called Eed Man of America were formed upon the Indians of the Alleghany Mountains, the Mississippi, and the St. Law- rence. But these were extreme samples ; samples of the American in his state of greatest contrast to the Asiatic. No wonder, then, that the connection between them was mysterious and uncertain. If investigators doubted, the want of data justified them. The populations which were the likeliest to supply the phenomena of transition were unknown or neglected. Again, there was only one population common to the Old and New World. This was the Eskimo, a population which at one and the same time occupies the Aleutian Islands, the Peninsula of Alinska, the Island of Kadiak, the greater part of 34 ANTHROPOLOGY. [Russian America, the coast of the Arctic Sea, Greenland, and Labrador. Here it comes in contact with the so-called Eed Indian of the Algonkin class. Now, between this so-called Eed Indian of the Algonkin class, and the Eskimo in geographical contact with him, there is a broad line of demarcation a line of demarcation so broad as to suggest the idea of contrast rather than connection. Hence, as long as we studied America on its eastern or At- lantic side, we got nothing from the Eskimo ; nothing from the fact (apparently so important) of his being common to the two hemispheres, and (as such) being likely to supply the con-> nectinglink between them. He was anything but such a link. He was rather a knife to separate than *a band to bind. Yet, on the Western or Pacific side of the continent, this same Eskimo so graduates into the American Proper, and the Indian Proper so graduates into the Eskimo, as to make the distinction between the two groups as difficult as, on the east, it had been easy." l GROUP 8. THE AFRICAN STOCK.' Organization : Head rarely other than dolikho-kephalic ; hair rarely straight, always, with individuals resident on their native area, black ; skin dark, in certain localities attaining the maximum amount of blackness. In such cases the hair is crisp, and the lips thick ; i. e., the physiognomy is Negro. Languages : Aggluti- nate. Area : Africa, minus the Island of Madagascar (wholly or in part), plus Arabia and parts of Persia and Syria. GROUP 9. THE EUROPEAN GROUP. Physiognomy: Cau- casian in the w^ider and more inconvenient sense of the term. Languages : Either unplaced, or Indo-European (so called). Area : Western, Central, and Southern Europe. Divisions : A 1, The Basks ; E 2, The Skipitar ; C 3, The Kelts ; D 4, The Greeks and Latins ; 5, The Sarmatians ; 6, The Germans. The three divisions marked D are easily, conveniently, and accurately looked on as sections of some higher denomination species (so to say) of a genus. To this most writers add the Kelts ; some the Albanians. All exclude the Basks. The name of this higher class, when it is limited to the divisions under D, is Indo- Germanic ; when extended to D and C as well, Indo-European. The present writer objects to it in either form ; holding it to be a word as erroneous and incon- venient as Caucasian in the wide sense of the term. Each, how- ever, keeps its place and must be used, however unfit for use.] 1 Opus tit, p. 349. THE HUMAN KINGDOM. 35 CHAPTER VI. THE HUMAN KINGDOM. NY naturalists have regarded man merely as an animal ; although it is true, they have pronounced him to be the most perfect and thejirst of animals. Linnaeus and his school 1 place man in a distinct genus under the name of Homo. This genus is the first of the order An- thropomorpha or Primates of the class Mammalia, which is it self the first of the animal kingdom. According to Cuvier (1800), M. Dumeril (1806), Ch. Bonaparte (1839), and Lesson (1840), man should be placed apart in a separate family. The two first and the last designate this family by the name of Bimana, and the'third by that of Hominides. Blumenbach (1779), Illiger (1811), and Blainville (1816), arrange man in a distinct order ; this order is termed inermis by the first, erecti by the second, and man by the third. Ac- cording to Zenker (1828), and Carus (1834), he constitutes the Class Homo. A small number of philosophical naturalists have regarded man, not as the head of the animal kingdom, but as constitu- ting one of the great divisions of nature ; they did not, how- ever, give to this division the title of kingdom. Amongst these are Aristotle, Albert le Grand, Neander (1585), Ozanam (1691), Ch. Bonnet (1764), Adanson (1772), Daubenton (1782), Herder (1784), Vicq d'Azyr (1792), Geoffroy Saint- llilaire (1794), Lacepede (1799), and others. Voltaire seems to have been the first who looked upon man as constituting a srjturatr kingdom? (Is. G-eoffroy Saint-Hilaire.) De Braban9ois (1816), Treviranus (1820), and Fabre d' Olivet (1822), admitted this kingdom; but they named it, the first, moral kingdom, the second, human kingdom (Mens- chenreich), and the third, regne nominal. The Abbe Maupied (1851) substituted for these titles that of social kingdom. Most naturalists and ethnologists of the present day have adopted this moral, human, or hominal kingdom. Amongst 1 See amongst others Erxleben (1777), Gmelin (1788), Fischer (1829). a HE (the Eternal artificer) has bestowed upon man organization, feeling, and reason ; upon animals feeling, and that which we term instinct ; and upon vegetables organization only. His power, therefore, acts continually over these THREE KINGDOMS. (Voltaire, edit. Pallisot, Paris, 1792, torn, xxxvi. p. 628.Dialvyue et entrttiens pliilosophiques, Sophronime et Adelos.) D 2 36 ANTHKOPOLOGY. them, it is sufficient to mention the names of MM. Is. Greof- froy Saint- Hilaire, Grimaud, Hollard, Horaninow, Longet, Lordat, Neas d'Esenbech, Jean Baynaud, Bunge, and Serres. Considered in regard to his organization, man approximates closely to the mammalia ; but, considered with respect to his intelligence, he is far removed from them. If we wish to obtain a correct knowledge of his zoological relations, and of his proper classification, we must contemplate him in both points of view that is to say, in his entirety. Pascal has said : " Man is neither angel nor beast, but belongs to both." In establishing a distinct kingdom for the reception of man, and in placing it immediately above the animal kingdom, the lord of creation is not confounded with the beasts, and yet he is always in close affinity with the mammalia ; that is to say, with the most perfect of the vertebrated animals. Amongst living beings, or *in the organic world, there are therefore three kingdoms : the vegetable, the animal, and the nominal. In the first, says M. Is. G-eoffroy Saint-Hilaire, LIFE is alto- gether vegetative ; in the second, to the vegetative life is added animal life ; in the third, to the vegetative and animal life is superadded the moral life. It may be said, the plant lives, the animal lives and feels, but man lives, feels, and thinks. In the first kingdom life is simple, in the second twofold, and in the third threefold. Vegeta- Itility, anamality, and humanity, are three terms which succeed each other in a progressive order, as simple as it is logical. It is a series, in which, not only can none of the terms be trans- posed, but in which neither can any of them be added to. We have no conception of anything in the organic word below the plant, and what organized being are we able to imagine higher than man ? There may be degrees in the development of the vital, the sensitive, and the intellectual faculties ; but there is no intermediate condition between living and not living, between feeling and not feeling, and between thinking and not thinking. (Is. Greoffroy Saint-Hilaire.) Man is the highest and ultimate term of creation. He occu- pies the summit of the living pyramid. In the kingdom which he constitutes (HOMINAL), there is but one genus (HOMO), and in this genus but one species (SAPIENS). This species presents three varieties or principal races (CAUCASIAN, MON- GOLIAN, and ETHIOPIAN), and eight sub-varieties or secondary races (Alleghanian, American, Hyperborean, Malay, Australian, Melanian, Hottentot, and Cqff're). SECOND PAET. MEDICAL ZOOLOGY PROPER, BOOK I. ORGANIZATION OF ANIMALS. ANIMALS are living beings, containing a large amount of nitrogen, having the power of digestion, and possessed of sensation and locomotion. Like all living beings, the body of an animal is the seat of a double and continuous internal movement of molecular com- position and decomposition (Blainville), by means of which it incorporates into its substance materials derived from without, and which take the place of other particles that are discharged from within ; in this way every part of the body is insensibly renewed. This double movement, by which the individual per- petually takes from and gives to the external world, is one of the distinctive characters of life. The duration of life in each species is definitely fixed, but circumstances may prolong it, or accidents or disease may shorten or arrest it. Life presents a series of phenomena, which are capable of transmission. Every animal receives it from an animal, or from two animals denominated its parents ; for life comes from life. (Cuvier.) That portion of the animal which is capable of becoming a new individual is called a germ, and the separation of this con- stitutes its birth. So long as life continues, the body undergoes a series of changes, which mark what is termed its ages. The time which elapses between the birth of an individual and the period when he attains his normal size is his youth; his increase during this interval determines his amount of growth. When he has attained his full dimensions, the time during which his body and his energies appear to remain in a stationary con- dition, constitutes his adult age. Lastly, the time during which he becomes enfeebled, and his body seems to diminish, forms the period of his old age. 38 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. At a certain stage of their existence all animals are capable of producing their like ; and they thus transfer to other animals that life of which they are permitted to have the temporary enjoyment. When life ceases, the animal is said to be dead. To be born, to live, to reproduce, and to die, are four characters which are common to all living beings. After death, the physical and chemical laws, which have previously been rendered subservient to the life of the in- dividual, now become predominant, and the constituent ele- ments of the body are speedily decomposed. All animals are ultimately composed of Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, and Nitrogen, which constitute their essential chemical ingredients. [There are, however, several other elementary bodies which enter in larger or small quantities into the composition of different animal structures. Miiller enumerates seventeen as having been met with in the animal kingdom : 1. Oxygen. 2. Hydrogen. 3. Carbon. 4. Nitrogen. 5. Sulphur, met with principally in the hair, albumen, and brain. 6. Phosphorus . . in the bones, teeth, and brain. 7. Chlorine ^ 8. Fluorine MIST - the teeth and hone, 11. Calcium 12. Magnesium J 13. Manganese ) f d . ^ hair> 14. Silicum j 15. Iron . . in the blood, pigmentum nigrum. niBromL.} in some marine animals.] The four elementary substances above mentioned combine in various ways and in different proportions ; they give rise to a liquid element and to certain solid elements, which form the foundation of the general structure of animals, or of their organization. The liquid element is the blood; the solid elements are the tissues. The blood, or nutrient fluid, is a liquid of a more or less intense red, sometimes of rose, lilac, yellow, blueish, or even 1 Elements of Physiology, by J. Miiller, M.D. Trans, by W. Baly, M.D. 2nd edit. vol. i. p. 2. London, 1840. ORGANIZATION OP ANIMALS. 39 green colour, at other times it is almost colourless [as in most of the inverteb rated animals]. Examined beneath the micro- scope it is seen to consist of two portions, a yellowish trans- parent liquid, the serum, and of solid corpuscles, of a more or less regular form, the globules. These globules are extremely small. They are of a circular form in nearly all the Mammalia, oval in the Reptilia, and always flattened. Their surface is smooth, rarely granulated (framboisee). They contain a central spot, surrounded by a kind of dark border. In the higher animals the globules are composed of a nucleus (noyeau), and an envelope. The latter is much the largest, and generally forms a more or less attenuated border around the nucleus. In the lower animals, particularly those with colourless blood, these two parts cannot be distinguished. [The exceptions to the circular form of the blood corpuscles of the mammalia occur in the Camel and the Llama ; in these animals the globules are elliptical like those of birds and the cold-blooded Vertebrata. This peculiarity of the Camelidae was first pointed out by Handle. There is a considerable difference in the size of the blood globules in the different Mammalia, a fact which should be borne in mind in reference to the opera- tion of transfusion. According to Mr. Grulliver l the average diameter of those of man is the -3-3^ of an inch, that of the Elephant as much as -JTTT ^ an i ncn > while in those of the Napu musk deer it is not more than T?TITT an( ^ sometimes as small as j^^o of an inch. Miiller says the diameter of the red globules in Man varies between the ^ 1 3- to -3 ff Vr of an inch. In others of the Mammalia the diameter of the blood globules ranges between the extreme dimensions which are given above. There is, however, no absolute relation between the size of the animal and that of his blood globules ; thus they are nearly the same in the Horse as in the Bat ; while in the Sloth they are larger than those of the Ox. Mr. Grulliver has pointed out that in investigations of this kind it is necessary to compare together those animals which most resemble each other in their organi- zation, and which consequently belong to the same natural family. By proceeding in this manner, he believes he has been enabled to detect a certain relation between the size of the individual and that of the blood corpuscles. Thus, in the class Mammalia, the Elephant and the Whale possess the largest globules; whilst the Chevrotain, the most diminutive of the Huminants, has the smallest. 1 See Gerber's Anatomy by Gulliver. Appendix, p. 5 et sequent. 40 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. The following is the description which Kolliker has given of the human blood globule in his Manual of Microscopic Anatomy. 1 The red globules, when examined individually, present the following structure : Their form is mostly that of a biconcave or flat circular disc, with rounded margins, and they accord- ingly appear to the observer to vary in shape, according as their surfaces or their sides are directed towards him. In the former case they are pale yellow, circular corpuscles, which almost always have a slight central depression, and this some- times has the aspect of a clear central spot, sometimes of a dark central body, according as the corptiscle is in or out of the focus of the microscope ; the appearance in the latter case is apt to be confounded with that of a nucleus. When seen from the side, however, the blood corpuscles show themselves as dark red-shaped structures, of the form of an elongated narrow ellipse, or like a biscuit seen edgewise. With regard to their intimate structure, every blood globule consists of a very- delicate yet tolerably firm and elastic colourless cell membrane, composed chemically of a protein substance nearly allied to fibrine ; contained in this envelope is a viscid coloured sub- stance, which in the separate blood globules appears yellow, and is composed principally of globuline and hcematine. In the adult, the contents of the blood globule present no trace of morphological particles of granules, or of a cell nucleus ; they are accordingly true vesicles, and on that account, as well as from their shape not being globular, the name of " blood cells " is to be preferred. The elasticity, softness, and pliability of their envelope are so considerable, that they ere enabled to accommodate themselves to vessels which are narrower than their own diameter, and for the same reason, when they are elongated, flattened, or otherwise altered in form by pressure under the microscope, they are able to resume their previous shape. The blood globules are rendered the more capable of adapting themselves to the vessels, by the fact that their surface is quite smooth and slippery, so that they easily glide along the similarly constructed walls of even the narrowest capillaries. In examining the blood corpuscles the nature of the fluid in which they are immersed must be borne in mind. If placed in water, the specific gravity of which is less than that of the 1 Manual of Microscopic Anatomy, by A. Kolliker. London, I860, p. 518-19. ORGANIZATION OF ANIMALS. 41 serum of the blood, they become biconvex in consequence of the water passing into the envelope by endosmose. If, on the other hand, the fluid should be denser than the serum, as in the case of a strong saline or saccharine solution, the corpus- cles part with a portion of their contained fluid by exosmosis, they put on a shrivelled aspect, and become granulated on their surface ; this shrivelled appearance may again be got rid of by diluting the menstruum and reducing its specific gravity to the lowest point. 1 ] The organic tissues are three in number : 1st, cellular tissue ; 2nd, muscular tissue ; and 3rd, nervous tissue. Cellular or areolar tissue is composed of numerous Camellse, which by their interlacement intercept a number of open spaces termed cells. The whole of this tissue has been compared to a sponge having the form of the entire body, and in which the other parts of the animal are placed. When this cellular tissue becomes condensed it forms layers of greater or less extent (membranes), or tubes more or less ramified (vessels), or fila- ments of greater or less thickness (fibres) . Muscular tissue is composed of bundles of fibres, striated or smooth, sometimes dotted, which have the property of con- tracting with more or less force. Nervous tissue, sometimes called medullary matter, may be compared to a soft pultaceous mass, in which may be distin- guished a number of microscopic fibres and vesicles of various forms 2 containing a fatty substance (medullary nervous matter), which readily changes into globules. Some writers admit other organic tissues as distinct from cellular ; such, for example, as the fatty, glandular, and the elastic tissues. The fat fy or adipose tissue consists of vesicles having ex- tremely delicate, colourless walls, filled with an oily fluid, which is generally of a yellow colour. This fluid solidifies after death in consequence of the diminished temperature. Glandular tissue presents an infinity of minute delicate ramified tubes, which by their interlacing constitute a paren- chyma of a peculiar nature. All these tubes unite into a common duct. Elu I Mandibles 2. BIRDS. \ ( lii S Lungs 3. AMPHIBIA. B , A 1 COJ "j Branchiae 4. FISHES. / , ., 5 Antennas 5. INSECTS. 2 Tentacles 6. WORMS. The classification of Linnaeus is extremely important, in consequence of its scientific character, its simplicity, and its convenience. It affords an excellent summary of all that was known at the time of its appearance, and has served as the starting-point for the various classifications which have been proposed since the period of this illustrious naturalist. It is, however, very evident that the first four classes of this classification are much more closely allied to each other than the fourth is to the fifth, or the fifth to the sixth. The last is moreover composed of very heterogeneous elements. It con- tains, for example, the Leeches and the Earth Worms, which are far more intimately allied to Insects ; and the organization of the Cuttle Jishes and the Slugs is much more complicated than that of the Worms, properly so called, and is more allied to that of Fishes than of Corals. III. LAMARCK. Lamarck, taking as his basis the presence or absence of the skeleton and the structure of the nervous system, divided animals into those without vertebrae or the Invertebrata, and into those with vertebrae or the Vertebrata. 1 The first he subdivided into the apathetic, which included part of the Vermes of Linnaeus, and into the sensitive, which included the remainder of the Vermes and the Insecta of the same author. The vertebrata he termed intelligent animals, which corresponds to the first four classes of Linnaeus. Lamarck commenced with the simplest animals, and gradually proceeded to those which were more elevated in the scale of organization ; thus following an inverse order to that of his predecessor. [The taking these supposed endowments of the animals as the ground of classification was quite inadmissible, and hence the groups of Apathetic, Sensitive, and Intelligent animals have never been adopted. The grouping together of the first four 1 Aristotle had termed these animals animals provided with blood. [Lamarck's division of the animal kingdom into the Vertebrata and into the Invertebrata, corresponds to Aristotle's Enaima and Anaima.] 56 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. classes of Linnaeus, under the title of the Vertebrata, has remained a permanent acquisition to science.] IV. CUVIEE. Profiting by the observations of his prede- cessors and his own researches into the organization of the animal kingdom, Gr. Cuvier revised, corrected, and perfected the classification of Linnaeus. Like Lamarck, he recognised the resemblanc'e which existed between the first four groups, and united them under the name of Vertebrata, giving to this assemblage the title of branch. From the Vermes he separated such animals as the cuttle-fish, the snail, and the oyster, to form a second branch, which he termed Mollusca. Amongst the worms he discovered a small group with red blood (leeches and earthworms ; these he associated with the insects, and formed of them a third branch, the Articulata. The majority of the remaining Vermes having the parts of their bodies arranged like rays around a common centre, he named them Radiata. In Cuvier's classification there are, therefore, four principal branches the Vertebrata, the Mollusca, the Articulata, and the Radiata. The first group includes the Monkeys, the Dog, the Beaver, the Whale, the Birds, the Tortoises, the Frogs, and the Fish. The second contains the Poulps, Cuttlefish, Calamary, Snails, Slugs, Oysters, and Mussels. In the third are the Leeches, Earth-worm, Crayfish, Crabs, Spiders, Cantharides, and Bee. Lastly, in the fourth are the Star-fish, Tape-worm, Thread-worm, Corals, and Sponges. The following are the characters of each of these branches : 1. Vertebrata. Animals symmetrical, consisting of two similar halves. Body supported by an internal skeleton, com- posed of a number of separate pieces placed one over the other (vertebra), forming a spinal column and canal, terminating anteriorly in the head and posteriorly in a coccyx or tail. Digestive canal complete ; jaws two in number, one either before or above the other. A special organ of respiration frequently double ; lungs or branchiae. Heart thick, muscular, frequently with four cavities, never less than two ; blood red, Avarm or cold. Nervous system cerebro-spinal ; five senses. Limbs usually four, never more. exes separate. 2. Mollusca. Animals seldom,symmetrical ; that is, they are composed of unequal portions. Body soft and without any internal skeleton, but covered with a cutaneous envelope pro- vided with a particular fold (mantle), and often containing calcareous masses called shells. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 57 Digestive canal complete ; jaws one, two, or three in number, horny, sometimes rudimentary, and at other times wanting. A special respiratory organ sometimes pulmonic, sometimes branchial. Heart with two or three cavities ; blood colourless or of a bluish cast, always cold. Nervous system ganglionic, rarely symmetrical, and with no abdominal chain ; organs of the senses only slightly developed. Limbs imperfect or absent, often consisting 01 a large fleshy disc, at other times of a byssus, but never of wings. Sexes separate, or united in the same individual ; in the latter case two animals mutually im- pregnate each other, or one animal may suffice of itself. 3. Articulata. Animals symmetrical ; that is, composed of two similar halves ; marked by a series of transverse constric- tions, which divide them into a number of segments, giving them the appearance of being formed of a series of rings. Body with no internal skeleton, but covered with a hard integument (dermal skeleton), which is either calcareous or corneous. Digestive canal complete ; jaws often four in number, always lateral. Heart replaced by a dorsal vessel, blood generally colourless, sometimes pinkish, cold. Respiratory organ mostly consisting of tracheae. Nervous system ganglionic, always symmetrical, with an abdominal chain ; organs of the senses only partially developed. Limbs perfect, with ginglymoid articulations, generally six in number, sometimes two or four wings. Sexes almost always separate. 4. Radiata. Animals symmetrical, but not formed of two similar halves, generally consisting of parts having a radiated arrangement. Body soft, without either an internal or external skeleton. The animals sometimes live in societies, and secrete a horny or calcareous axis. Digestive system extremely simple ; sometimes consisting of a sac with two openings, at other times with only one. No heart. Circulatory system reduced to a few rudimentary vessels, blood colourless and cold. No special organ of respi- ration. No encephalon or oasophageal ring, rarely ganglions, sometimes nerves ; no organs of the senses. Limbs repre- sented by filamentary processes. Sexual organs very imper- fect, often reduced to a simple ovary ; many reproduce by gemmation and fission. This classification may be tabulated as follows : , . 1. VERTEBRATA. f binary I " I no skeleton. . 2. MOLLUSCA. Form I Body ] (segments 3. ARTICULATA. (radiated . 4. RADIATA. MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. This classification, like that of Linnaeus, proceeds from the complex to the simple ; but it is more even, regular, and natural. If the Mollusca were all formed of two dissimilar halves like the Snails, and if all the Radiata had a strictly radiated disposition, the classification of Cuvier might be symbolized by the four following figures, each of which corresponds to one of his branches : G 1. VERTEBRATA. 2. MOLLUSCA. 3. ABTICTJLATA. 4. EADIATA. PEE SENT STATE. The investigations of modern anatomists and systematists have introduced some slight modifications into the Cuverian distribution ; but these changes refer rather to the orders than to the branches, to the details rather than to the general arrangements. Although the names have been often changed, the principal groups have remained almost or entirely the same. Every one recognises the Vertebrata of Cuvier, or of Lamarck, in the Osteozoaria of De Blainville j 1 his Mollusca in Malacozoaria of the same writer ; 2 his Articu- lata in the Entomozoaria ; 3 and his Radiata in the Actinozo- a/ria ; so that it is still the classification of Cuvier which pre- vails. 4 Nevertheless, this classification is far from perfect. If the 1 These are the Myeloneura of Ehrenberg, and the Hypocotyledones of Yan Beneden. 2 M. Van Beneden has united them to the Radiata under the name of Allocotyledones. 3 There are the Epicotyledones of M. Yan Beneden. 4 Mr. Milne Edwards has introduced some important changes. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 59 JlloUusca seem more allied to the Yertebrata in respect to some parts of their organization than the Articulata, the latter certainly resemble them much more with respect to their faculties and their embryology, a fact which both Lamarck and De Blainville were fully conscious of. The division, Itadiata especially, has been the subject of a great number of criticisms. It includes animals which are fixed to the earth after the manner of vegetables and also locomotive animals, animals which have organs of the senses and those that are without them. There is no appearance of radiation in the Thread-worms or in the Flukes ; nevertheless, these animals have been placed in the same division as the Sea Hedge-hogs and the Corals. The Tape-worms and the Bothriocephala have segments placed end to end; why are they not arranged amongst the Articulata ?> A circumstance of the utmost importance, but one which has not been sufficiently considered in the classification of animals, is, on the one hand, their state of isolation or associa- tion, and, on the other, the unity of the organisms or their repetition. Zoologists have long since shown that certain animals, as the Polyps for example, possess a kind of life very different from that of ordinary animals, inasmuch as, instead of being isolated, numbers of them are grouped together and live in societies. Linnaeus terms them animalia composita. Cuvier, speaking of these associations, says, " The individuals are asso- ciated in large numbers to form compound beings." There are, therefore, isolated or solitary animals, and compound or associated animals. Again, between these two kinds of ani- mals there are others which are intermediate, and which present neither the perfect isolation of the first, nor the multi- plicity of the second. Natura non facit saltus ! Such, for example, is the worm. Philosophical anatomy has taught us that this annelid is composed of segments or articulations placed in a linear arrangement, in each of which the same organs are regularly repeated. It is a series of particular organisms, each of which has a nervous centre, digestive, vas- cular, secreting, and reproductive organs. It may be termed a distinct series of animals, symmetrically and longitudinally arranged, but intimately united and governed by a common life. These special organisms have received the name of Zoonites. (1826.) Various physiological experiments have shown that it is possible, artificially, to render each organ- ism more independent of the whole, and to a certain extent 60 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. to isolate the particular life of the zoonites from that of the common life of the general association. Nature even goes further, and in the tape-worm 1 exhibits these zoonites disengaging themselves, and becoming isolated at a certain stage of their existence. The same animal thus furnishes science with a kind of synthesis and analysis. Lamarck perfectly understood the difference which sepa- rated a vertebrated animal from an insect when he arranged these animals in two series : the Inarticulata (that is to say, the solitary animals, and the Articulate (that is, the zoonites). But this illustrious naturalist appears to have lost sight of this fundamental idea, when he associated the polype or compound animals with Inarticulated animals. I have therefore divided the animal kingdom into three sub- kingdoms: I. The Isolated animals; II. Zoonite animals; III. The Associated animals. I divide the sub-kingdoms into six branches, according to the characters of their nervous systems, which may be cerebro-spinal, ganglionic, rudimentary, or wanting. I have retained, as far as possible, the names generally admitted, especially those of Cuvier and De Blain- ville. ANIMALS. 1st Sub-Kingdom. 2nd Sub-Kingdom. 3rd Sub-Kingdom. ISOLATED. ZOONITES. ASSOCIATED. 1st. Branch. VERTEBRATA or OSTEOZOARIA. (Musk deer. Cod.) 2nd Branch. 4th Branch. MOLLUSC A ANNELIDA or or MALACOZOARIA. ENTOMOZOARIA. (Cuttlefish. Oyster.) (Blistering beetle. Leech.) 3rd Branch. 5th Branch. 6th Branch. HETEROMORPHA KADIATA ZOOPHYTA or or or PROTOZOARIA. ACTINOZOARIA. PHYTOZOARIA. (Ascidia. Volvox.) (Star-fish. Sea hedgehog.) (Coral. Sponge.) 1 Linnaeus has said of the Tcenias : " Animalia kcec sunt composite, simplici catena .... latente intra singulum articulum animalculo cum sua fructificatione." He adds elsewhere : " Omnis articidus propria vita gaudet." Vallisneri, Lamarck, and Duvernoy believed in the polyzoic nature of the Tcenias and similar animals. MM. Leuckart, Eschricht, Steenstrup, Van Beneden, and Siebold, have illustrated the multiplicity of their organisms. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 61 Amongst these branches, those of the Vertebrata and Mol- lusca of Cuvier remain almost without alteration. The Annelida represent the articulata of the great naturalist with the addition of the intestinal worms ; but his fourth group haa been altered and subdivided. Blainville had previously formed it into two sub-kingdoms : the Actinomorpha or the Radiata, properly so called, and the Heteromorpha or Heterozoaria. I have adopted this division ; but I have considered it better to separate the truly associated animals from those which, like the Tcenias and the Star-fishes, already begin to show a state of fusion ; in other words, into the radiated zoonites and into the compound animals composed of distinct individuals. A mere inspection of the table shows that a linear arrange- ment of the branches and classes cannot be natural. If we follow the order of the figures placed before each branch, the AniifJiJa are separated too far from the Mollusca, and especially from the Vertebrata. If, on the other hand, a linear arrange- ment is adopted, and the Articulata are placed after the Mol- lusca, and the Radiata after the Heteromorpha, the latter are arranged at too great a distance from the Mollusca, and the Radiata too far from the Annelida. The three groups of ISO- LATED or SINGLE animals (I., II., and III.) form a natural series. We pass in a natural manner from the first to the last through the Mollusca. The animals having a ganglionic nervous system (II. and IV.) are brought together on a horizontal line, and the question of the preeminence of the Mollusca or of the Annelida, decided sometimes in favour of the first (Cuvier), sometimes in favour of the second (Carus), obtains a solution. Blainville arranged these animals below the Vertebrata, giving to each the same rank ; that is, he placed them at an equal distance. My method differs slightly from his, inasmuch as I place the Annelida at a somewhat greater distance. If in some respects the Mollusca are endowed with a less perfect organization and with a lower grade of instinct than the latter, yet on the other hand they are single animals and not zoonites. The animals with a rudimentary nervous system, or in which it is wanting, offer so many points of resemblance that they are arranged in a horizontal series (III., V., and VI.), which is quite as natural as that of the vertical series of the isolated animals. We pass from the Heteromor- pha to the Zoophytes by means of the Radiata or Actinozoaria. The following is the number and arrangement of the classes contained in each of the branches : 62 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. ANIMALS. 1st Sub-Kingdom. ISOLATED. Classes. I.-VERTEBRATA (Allantoidians. or J OSTEOZOARIA. j Anallantoi- ( dians. TT ,.. C Mollusca II. MOLLUSCA \ ^ nna ^, r Ol or MALACOZOARIA. J properly so called. ^Conchifera. III. HETEROMORPHA TMalacozoaria. or PROTOZOARIA. ^Sarcodaria. 1. MAMMALIA (Musk deer). 2. AVES (Common fowl). 3. REPTILIA (Viper). 4. BATRACHIA (Frog). 5. PISCES (Cod). 6. MYELAIRIA* (Lancelet). 7. CEPHALOPODA (Cuttlefish). 8. PTEROPODA (Clio borealis). 9. GASTEROPODA (Slug). 10. ACEPHALA (Oyster). 11. TUNICATA 2 (Ascidia). 12. INFUSIORIA 3 (Volvox). IV. ANNELIDA or ENTOMOZOARIA. V. EADIATA or ACTINIZOARIA. 2nd Sub-Kingdom. ZOONITES. f 1. INSECTA (Cantharides). IArticulata ) 2. ARACHNIDA (Scorpion), properly so 1 3. CRUSTACEA (Crayfish), called. ( 4. ROTIFERA (Wheel aenimulis). Vennes. 5. ANNELIDA (Leech). ( 6. NAM ATOIDEA (Threadworm). Helminthes. < 7. TREMATODA (Fluke). ( 8. CESTOIDEA (Tapeworm). I . ... 9. ECHINODERMATA (Star-fish). 3rd Sub-Kingdom. ASSOCIATED. VI. ZOOPHYTES or PROTOZOARIA. 1. ASSOCIATED properly so called 5 (Botryllus). 2. BRYOZOA. 3. POLYPIPERA (Corals). 4. SPONGIARIA (Sponge). 1 Is. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, C. Bonaparte. 2 First section of the Shelless Acvphala of Cuvier. 3 Homogeneous Infusoria of Cuvier. 4 Turbellaria of some writers. 5 Compound Acephala of Cuvier. 63 BOOK III. ANIMALS AND THE ANIMAL PBODUCTS EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. IN the earlier ages of medicine, the remedies derived from the animal kingdom were exceedingly numerous. It is only necessary to examine the catalogues which have been left us by the ancients to be convinced of this fact. These catalogues, which were mere compilations of receipts, contain the most extravagant remedies, brought together without any order; and, generally speaking, unaccompanied by any critical remarks. Physicians having made the organization of man the sub- ject of their special study at a very early period, it is hardly to be wondered at if they sought to obtain from his body various remedies against disease. Man was long regarded as an animal par excellence, and it was, therefore, thought that this animal ought naturally to furnish a number of valuable medicines. Amongst other ancient remedies which were seriously recommended, was the use of tanned human skin as a belt, the nails and ha irs either burnt or distilled, 1 the teeth, brain, saliva, 9 wax, 3 urine,* the excrements, the fat (especially of a person who had been hanged), the blood of a man who had been beheaded drank while it was still warm, 5 and filings of the human skull (hominis cranium raspatum) I Lemery observes, " The skull of a person who has died a violent death forms a quicker and better remedy than that of a person who has died from a lingering disease, or who has been taken from a cemetery, because the first contains all his spirits, while in the others they have been exhausted either by the disease or by the earth." Boyle believed that powdered human skull, applied to the skin, had permanently cured him of bleeding from the nose. 1 The hair of children eased the gout; that of adults was employed against the bite of a dog ! '* The saliva of a man who had fasted was a specific against the poison of serpents ! . . . 3 Wax cured the sting of the scorpion f 4 The urine of eunuchs rendered women fruitful ! 5 At Rome, the warm blood of the gladiators was ordered in various diseases ! In Egypt, kings attacked with elephantiasis were ordered baths of human blood ! 64 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. The progress of medical science and of common sense has long since freed us of these therapeutical extravagancies. 1 SECTION I. ANIMALS OE ANIMAL PEODTJCTIONS FOEMEELY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. A LAEGE volume might be formed of the statements which are to he found in different authors, relating to the animals or their productions which were formerly used in medicine, but which are now abandoned. Linna3us very properly discarded many of the false and absurd statements of his predecessors. But one is surprised to find still included amongst his Materia Medico, the fat of the wild cat (cati sylvestris axungia), the testicles of the horse (equi testiculi) and the penis of the whale (ceti priapus) / . . . The most celebrated men have always, to a certain extent, been enslaved by the prejudices of their time. The ancient therapeutists often sought for what they termed correspondence between the disease and the remedy, but it is impossible to conjecture what were the relations upon which they founded the virtues of many animal substances. Thus, in spitting of blood, they recommended the patient to drink kid's blood mixed with vinegar ; in diseases of the kidneys they prescribed the back of a hare to be eaten raw or cooked, but without touching it with the teeth ; in diseases of the spleen, they applied the spleen of a dog over the region of the affected organ ; in disorder of the liver, they ordered the dried liver of a wolf in wine sweetened with honey, or that of an ass bruised in honey with two parts of celery and three nuts ! . . . The following are some of these therapeutic agents which belonged to the ancient medical zoology, arranged in three series : I. THE ENTIEE ANIMAL. 1st. Simply opened or bruised. Bat, mole, pigeon, toad, tree-frog, spider, scorpion. 2nd. Dried or reduced to powder. Hedge-hog, thVmouse, water-wag-tail, wren, goat sucker, plover, snake, 1 See the work of J. W. Pauli, entitled, De medicamentis e corpore humano desumptis, merito negligendis. Lipsire, 1721 ; in-4. ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS, ETC. 65 toad,i earthworm, bug, cricket, grasshopper, ant 3rd. Calcined and reduced to ashes. Badger, mouse (mm combustus), crow, cuckoo, kingfisher, lizard, salamander, slug, scaraboeus. 4th. Infused in water. Magpie (aqua picarum composi- tum), swallow (aqua hirundinum). 5th. Soiled in milk. Toad. 6th. Infused in oil. Dog (oil of young dogs)* fox, hawk, cameleon, scorpion (oil of Matthiole), cockroach, earthworm. 7th, Distilled. Ants (water of magnanimity) . II. BONES of the dog, wolf, hare (astragalus), horse, stag, eagle (skull, vertebra), toad (left humerus), carp, shad, and whiting. III. BLOOD of the bat, lion, dog, mole, weasel, hare, rat, horse, ass, elephant, rhinoceros, bull, camel, stag, goat, gold- finch, lark, pigeon, cock, pheasant, quail, ostrich, swan, duck, tortoise, lizard, frog, tree-frog, and snake. IV. FAT of monkey, dog, wolf, fox, wild cat, hedge-hog, badger, rabbit, hare, marmot, beaver, porcupine, dormouse, ass, elephant, stag, fallow-deer, camel, eagle, falcon, kite, common fowl, pheasant, cassowary, heron, frigate bird, pelican, lizard, snake, frog, tree-frog, 3 carp, pike, eel-pout, and lamprey. V. COVERING. 1st. Skin of mole, horse, ass, rhinoceros, eagle, tench, and eel. 1 Zwelfer states that cakes (a) composed of the toad preserved him from the plague, and that the same remedy had relieved, and even cured, some of his domestics and friends of malignant diseases. Van Helmont also applied this singular remedy to the skin. * Catettos recens natos numero ires, in three or four pounds of olive oil. Some used them while they are alive (vivos), others after they were dead (necator). * Oligans Jacobaeus pretends that the fat of the tree-frog causes teeth which have been rubbed with it to fall out without pain. (a) The term cake has been used instead of the obsolete word troche, by which the older pharmaceutists designated certain compounds com- posed of various powders, made up with any convenient medium, not con- taining sugar, into little cakes of various forms, and afterwards dried. The word trochiscus or troche is derived from trochos, a wheel, the cakes being very often made up into that shape. See the section on the so-called crabs' eyes, p. 96. 66 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. 2nd. Hair of cat, fox, hare, horse, ass, elephant, goat, camel. . 3rd. Feathers of eagle, lark, partridge. . VI. SHELLS. 1st. Univalves snail, rudimentary shell of slug, whelk, dentalium. 2nd. Bivalves common mussel. 3rd. Epiphragma of the large Roman snail. 4th. Pearls of the pearl oyster and the mussel. VII. NTJTEITITE ORGANS. 1st. Jaws of the pike, trout. . 2nd. Teeth of wolf, badger, wild hoar, cod, &c. 3rd. Tongue of grouse, flamingo. . 4th. Stomach of hedge-hog, pigeon, common fowl, crane, ostrich, eel-pout. . 5th. Intestines of wolf. . 6th. Spleen of dog, ass. . 7th. Liver of wolf, mole, bear, badger, weasel, otter, hare, porcupine, elephant, goat, roebuck, eagle, swan, duck, lizard, frog, eel. . 8th. Kidneys of ass. . 9th. Lungs of fox (pulmones preparati), weasel, hare, Pig- 10th. Heart of monkey, lion, mole, stag, crow, peewit, kingfisher, toad. . VIII. BTLE, URINE, EXCREMENTS. 1st. Sile of monkey, cat, dog, hedge-hog, martin, weasel, bear (fel inspissatum), hare, ass, pig, elephant, goat, roebuck, fallow-deer, camel, eagle, peewit, nightingale, bee-eater, pheasant, partridge, crane, wood-cock, snipe, tortoise, lizard, frog, salmon, pike, carp, eel-pout, eel. . 2nd. Urine of ass, mule, rhinoceros,, cow, goat, stag, camel, lizard. . 3rd. Excrements of cat, dog {fed upon bones), 1 wolf, fox, martin, weasel, hare, mouse, 2 ass, mule, pig, elephant, ox, sheep, goat, roe-buck, fallow-deer, camel, eagle, hawk, crow, kite, pee- wit, swallow, 1 Album grcecum, spodium grcecum, album canis, nihil album, cynoco- prus. Libavius gives the method of preparing and preserving the album grcBCum. 2 Album nigrum stercus nigrum } muscerda. ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS, ETC. 67 cuckoo, pigeon, common fowl, peacock, quail, bustard, swan, goose, tortoise, lizard. 1 . IX. ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION. 1st. Testicles of badger, weasel, otter, horse, ass, hare, common fowl. . 2nd. Penis of ass, bull, stag (priapus cervi), whale, sea tortoise. . X. EGGS. 1st. Covering of the eggs of the frog. 2 . 2nd. Entire eggs of lizard, barbel, pike, cuttle- fish. . 3rd. Shell of crow, common fowl, quail, ostrich. . XI. ORGANS OF RELATION. 1st. Brain of badger, hare, stag, camel, eagle, hawk, crow, pee- wit,, common fowl, partridge. . 2nd. Eye of hare, quail, crane. . 3rd. Ear-bone of carp, whiting, cod, pike. . 4th. Foot of hare (leporis tali). . 5th. Hoof of horse, mule, ass, elephant, rhinoceros, tapir, elan (ungula preparata)? . 6th. Claws of hawk. . 7th. Claws of crab. . XII. ACCESSORY ORGANS. 1st. Horn of rhinoceros, ox, sheep, goat. . 2nd. Appendages of flying stag (horns). . XIII. VARIOUS PRODUCTION. 1st. Suet of sheep. . 2nd. Dried tears of stag. . 3rd. Ink of cuttle-fish. . 4th. Cocoons of silk- worm (English drops), spider (Montpellier drops). . 5th. Bezoars. A. Stony (intestinal concretions) * of the monkey, wild boar, 5 Indian hog, 6 ox, 7 1 See the Stercoral Pharmacopeia of C. F. Paullini (Hcilsame Drek-Apo- theke, Frankfort, 1696, in-8). a Ranarum sperma exsiccatum, sperma ranee. * It was especially the hoof of the left foot which was employed. 4 The name bezoar is given to calcareous masses, more or less solid, generally formed of concentric layers, and found in the stomach, intestines, and urinary passages of quadrupeds. * Pig stone, lapis porcinus. c Malacca stone, lapis porci Malacensis, yellow bezoar. The bezoar of Ceylon (lapis porci Ceylanici) was larger and not so scarce. * Masang de vaca, Indian yellow, glate stone. F 2 68 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. goat of Peru, 1 ibex, 2 camel, serpent, 8 viper. 4 B. Hairy (agagrophiles) 5 of liorse, ox, and sheep. SECTION II. ANIMALS AND ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS OCCASIONALLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. CEBTAIN animals and animal productions formerly in use are still occasionally, though very rarely, prescribed by medical men. They may be divided into three groups : 1st, Animals em- ployed whole ; 2nd, Parts of animals ; 3rd, Animal productions. CHAPTER I ANIMALS EMPLOYED WHOLE. THESE animals are : 1st, the ScinTc ; 2nd, Wood Louse ; 3rd, Cochineal Insect. I. Scink. The Scink of the pharmaceutist 6 is a small Saurian reptile Fig. V.ScinL belonging to the family Scincoides; it is very common in 1 Western bezoar. 2 Oriental bezoar, green resinous bezoar. 3 Serpent stone, cobra de capetto. 4 Bezoar of France. 4 Concretions which form in the stomach and intestines of various quad- rupeds, from the accumulation of hairs swallowed by the animals in licking themselves. The hairs become felted together in balls. 6 Scincus ojficinales, Schreb. (Lacerta Scincus, Linn.). The Arabs term it el Adda. ANIMALS OCCASIONALLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 69 Nubia, Abyssinia, Egypt, Arabia, and in the south of Algeria and Morocco. The body is from nine to twelve inches in length ; it passes gradually into the tail, which is thick and conical, and forms nearly one third of the entire length. The colour of the animal is of a silvery yellow, with dark transverse bands. The muzzle is wedge-shaped. The teeth are small, close set, and pointed. The feet are short, the toes free, flat, and un- guiculated. Before it is brought to Europe it is dried, the intestines having been previously removed, and the end of the tail cut off. The space that was occupied by the intestines is filled with aromatic plants, and it is then wrapped up in leaves of worm- wood. The Scink was long regarded as a most useful and valuable remedy. In the Materia Medica it was said to be stimulant, restorative, and antisyphilitic, but especially serviceable in restoring the powers of the body when they had been ex- hausted by voluptuous indulgences. 1 (Dioscarides.) It entered into the composition of several complicated formulae. The common Lizard 2 has been proposed as a substitute for the Scink. A species of Anolis* and an Iguana,* have also been mentioned for the same purpose. Very recently Dr. Gosse, of Geneva, has advocated the therapeutic properties of the Scinks. He maintains that the ancients were justified in employing them, and that these animals possess powerful stimulant and sudorific properties, which might be usefully employed in various diseases. II. Wood-lice. Under this name of Wbodlice 6 are included two small 1 Corpus ojficinale pro aphrodisiaco, Linn. 8 Lacerta ayilis, Linn. [The common lizard of this country is not the Lacerta agilia of Linnaeus, but the Zootica vivipara of Bell, or scaly lizard of Pennant. See Bell's Brit. Reptiles.] 3 Anoliv* bullaris, Cuv. [This species was first described by Catesby in his Natural History of Carolina, under the name of the Green lizard ; it is a very beautiful species, of a greenish gold colour.] 4 Iguana delicatissima, Laur. (/. nudicollis, Cuv.). 8 The Saurians are not the only reptiles whose medicinal virtues have been extolled. The old therapeutists made use of a volatile salt containing a powder composed of vipers, also cakes (see note, p. 65), as well as a wine, a syrup, a jelly, and an oil. The fat of these animals was recommended in nervous affections, and was considered to be a good cosmetic. * Onisci, Asdli. 70 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. species of isopod Crustacea, belonging to the family of the Oniscidae: the common Wood-louse (fig.^8), and the officinal Armadillo (fig. 9). 1st, The common Wood-louse J is constantly found in cellars, in the crevices of walls, under stones, and in old wood. The body is oval, oblong, of a grey colour, and composed of a number of imbricated rings. It has four antennae, the lateral ones being provided with eight joints. It is provided with two pointed ap- pendages at its posterior extremity. Fig 8 Wood-lice avoid the light and frequent damp Wood-louse, situations, where they feed upon decomposing animal and vegetable matters ; their walk is naturally slow, but they can move quickly when irritated. When alarmed they have the singular power of rolling themselves up into a bail ; they are ovoviviparous. At birth the young have only twelve feet [the adult animal has fourteen, one pair being attached to each of the seven rings, which form the thorax] . 2nd, The officinal Armadillo 2 is met with in France, but it belongs especially to Italy. The Armadillo is closely allied to the preceding species. The rings are smooth and polished, and of a grey colour. The lateral antennas have only seven joints. The posterior appendages of the body are not pro- jecting. The medicinal properties of the Wood-louse and the Armadillo were long spoken of in high terms. Those individuals were preferred, which lived on walls and on stones covered by saline particles. Galen speaks Y\g. 9. of their beneficial effects in obstructions of the Armadillo. abdominal viscera; Baglivi considered them as lithontriptics, Yallisneri as antiscorbutic, and Geoffrey as anti-rheumatic. . . . Most writers have mentioned them as being aperient, laxative, and diuretic. It has been ascer- tained that they contain the hydrochlorates and nitrates of potash and lime, which may possibly explain their former reputation in medicine. These minute Crustacea entered into the composition of numerous prescriptions. Patients swal- 1 Oniscus asellus, Linn. In the old pharmacopeias it was called Cutio and Porcellio. " Armadillo officina some resemblance to gelatine and mucus. M. Oscar Figuier thinks that the properties of these molluscs are partly owing to an oil with a sulphurous odour, which may be extracted by means of ether, and to which he has given the name of Jielicine. He recommends that this principle should be re- tained as much as possible unaltered in all the pharmaceutical preparations. According to a recent analysis of M. Grobley, helicine cannot be considered as a proximate principle ; it does 86 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. not contain sulphur ; it consists, like human venous blood, of oleine, margarine, cholesterine, lecithine, and cerebrine. 1 In a work presented some months back to the Academy of Medicine, M. Eugene Founder has examined the proportions of mucilage, of iodine, of sulphur, and of phosphorus, which are contained in snails. He shows that these proportions vary according to the localities in which animals live and according to the nature of their food. He is of opinion that these principles might be artificially increased, and that the animals might even be made to assimilate other principles, such as doses of opium, belladonna, digitalis, and of arsenic. It is known that these molluscs can feed without inconveni- ence upon various substances, which exercise a more or less decided action upon man. M. Ghatin considers that the Limneus stagnalis of our ponds and marshes may be substituted for snails in the formation of syrups and lozenges. It is true that this mollusc has less mucilage, but an equal weight of them contains four times as much iodine. The English obtain from Prince's Island a large species of Achatina (A. carinata), which they have introduced into Europe as a remedy in phthisis. IV. Oysters. Oysters are acephalous conchiferous molluscs, with only one adductor muscle (Monomyaria) ; they belong to the genus Ostrea, which may be regarded as the type of the family Ostreidse. The body of the animal is of an oblong oval form, flat, often irregular, and covered by a thick mantle, which is fringed at its margins. The mouth is furnished with elongated trian- gular palpi. No foot. The branchiae are large curved, nearly equal, the external shorter than the internal. The shell is attached, bivalved, irregular, foliaceous, rough, and generally thick ; upper valve short, flat, and moveable ; lower valve larger and convex. Hinge toothless. Ligament partly in- ternal, and inserted on both sides into an oblong cavity. Oysters live near the shore, at moderate depths, where the water is tranquil. They are sometimes developed in vast numbers, forming what are termed oyster banks. Some of these banks are miles in extent, and seem to be inexhaustible. 1 Dr. Lamare has recently recommended helicine in phthisis. ANIMALS EMPLOYED IN PAHT. 87 In 1819, a bank was discovered near one of the islands of /(aland, which for the space of a year supplied the inhabitants of the Low Countries with such abundance of oysters, that the price of these shell-fish fell to tenpence a hundred ; as, how- ever, this bank happened to be situated almost on a level with low water, the winter being very severe, it was entirely destroyed. (Deshayes.) Of all shell-fish, oysters are probably those whose faculties are the most limited. Fixed to the rock or to some sub- marine body, the only food which they obtain is that which is brought to them by the currents of the ocean, and they give no other signs of life than that of opening and closing their valves. Nevertheless, it appears that under certain circum- stances they may have the power of removing themselves from the spot to which they have been attached. These animals are androgynous, but the male and female organs do not perform their functions at the same time. The seminal fluid makes its appearance before the ova. The young oysters are lodged in the mantle of the mother, from whence they sally forth and swim around her, by means of their vibratile cilia, but take refuge between the maternal valves on the approach of the slightest danger. The shell of the oyster, like all others, consists of carbonate, with a small quantity of phosphate, of lime ; it was formerly extolled as a powerful absorbent and antiacid, and even as a lithontriptic. The shells were calcined and reduced to a very fine powder. In the present day the carbonate of lime or of magnesia is used instead. They are still, however, used in the preparation of certain dentifrices. If, however, the valves of these molluscs are but little thought of as a remedy, the animal on the contrary is highly prized as an article of food. The oyster fishery has for many years been an important branch of industry and commerce. These molluscs will be noticed again when speaking of the flesh of animals. V. Coral. Red coral 1 is a marine production, distinguished by its hardness, its capability of receiving a high polish, and by its fine red colour. Coral is found attached to rocks at the bottom of the sea. 1 Corallium nobile (Gorgonia nobilis, Ellis ; Isis nobilis, Linn.; Coral- Hum rubrun, Lamk.). 88 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. It is met with in different parts of the Mediterranean and in the Red Sea ; it exists at various depths, but never less than three yards, nor more than three hundred. Coral was for a long time regarded a marine plant ; it is now known to be the production of polyps which live in societies. When seen in the ocean this kind of coral resembles the trunk of a small leafless shrub. The central part of the coral is as hard as marble, and its surface is marked by parallel but irregular striae. This axial portion is covered by a soft fleshy layer, formed of delicate membrane and fibres reticulated together, and inclosing a number of glandular bodies, filled with a milky fluid, which seem to unite it to the calcareous portion. In the fleshy mass are depressions in which the bodies of the polyps are lodged ; these consist of a globular portion which is fixed, and of a free exsectile cylindrical portion terminated by* a mouth sur- rounded by eight tentacula or arms, which are notched at their margins. The Coral from the coasts of France is considered to have the brightest and deepest colour, probably because it is more carefully selected than that of other countries. That of Italy rivals it in beauty ; that of Barbary is larger, but not so bril- liant. Five varieties of coral are known in commerce, and are distinguished by the following fanciful titles : 1, The Froth of mood; 2nd, The Flower of Blood ; 3rd, 4th, and 5th, Blood of the First, Second, and Third quality. According to Yogel Coral contains nearly four-fifths of its weight of carbonate of lime; it also contains magnesia and oxide of iron. [Witting states that 100 grains of red coral yield the follow- ing constituents : Carbonate of lime 83-25 Carbonate of magnesia 3 '50 Oxide of iron 4-25 Animal gelatine and sand 775 Loss , . , , . 1-25 100-00] Coral was formerly employed medicinally, and was looked upon as a tonic and an absorbent. M. Desbois, of Hochefort, pretends that it is tonic, because its colour is owing to a martial principle, that is to say, to a salt of iron ; but there are so many better ways of administering this metal that the sooner the pretended tonic properties of coral or its colouring ANIMALS EMPLOYED IN PAET. 89 matters are forgotten, the better. It has, moreover, been shown that this colour does not depend upon iron, but upon a red matter containing nitrogen, similar to that which deco- rates various shells, and which is deprived of all colour by the action of the feeblest acids. (Fremy.) With regard to its absorbent properties, there are several bodies which are better adapted for this purpose, so that even in this respect coral could not long continue to be used. The old practitioners administered coral in the form of a powder, bolus, electuary, as a drink, and as a tincture ; they also made use of a magestry or precipitate of coral, which was held in considerable repute. Lemery considered it adapted to renovate the heart. At the present time, coral is only used as a mechanical agent for the purpose of cleaning the teeth. It can only act very slightly as an absorbent, and still less as a tonic. Other species. The old Materia Medica also included Black coral, the Oorgonia Antipathes of Linnaeus, and "White coral, which was a mixture of Oculina and the Caryophyllia ; the Oculina virginea (Lamk.) being the species which was princi- pally made use of. Tne same virtues were attributed to these corals as to the Bed. The Black coral is distinguished from the Eed by the horny nature of the stem, and by its flexibility and smoothness. White coral differs still more ; the axis is stony or calcare- ous, but the polyps are contained in lamellated star-like cavities, and not in the fleshy cortical substance. VI. Sponge. Sponge consists of aggregations of animals belonging to the class of Polyps. The species which is best known is the common domestic sponge or Spongia officinalis. Like the corals it is an inhabitant of the sea ; it is very abundant in the Mediterranean, especially around the islands of the Grecian Archipelago. It is found attached to the rocks where they are least exposed to the action of the waves and currents. The Common sponge presents itself in masses of various forms and sizes ; it is of a brown colour, and composed of a light elastic and resisting tissue, which is traversed in every direction by numerous interspaces. This tissue consists of delicate flexible interlaced fibres provided with pores (oscula, 90 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. Lamk.) and irregular canals, which communicate freely with each other. In this tissue there is found a number of silicious or calcareous particles (spicula), having a slender, simple, or tricuspid form. In its living state the Common Sponge is covered with mucous layers consisting of a kind of animated jelly. The most opposite opinions have been entertained with regard to the nature of sponges. Amongst the ancients, some regarded them as plants ; others as being of a twofold nature, that is to say, as vegetables which served as a residence for certain polyps. Dioscorides, Pliny, and their commentators, have divided Sponges into males and females. Rondelet, the two Bauhins, Bay, Tournefort, Vaillant, Marsigli, and others, have placed them in the vegetable' kingdom ; while Nieremberg, Peyssonel, Tremblay, Ellis, Lamouroux, and others, have main* tained their animal nature. In the present day, the latter opinion is generally admitted to be the correct one. Five different hypotheses have been held as regards this animal nature : 1st. That the fibrous portion and the muco-gelati- .nous layer constitute a single animal. 2nd. That the muco- gelatinous layer alone forms the animal. 3rd. That the sponge is a compound being, consisting of an aggregation of polyps, living in the substance of the enveloping muco-gelatinous sub- stance. 4th. That these polyps exist only in the interspaces of the fibrous mass. 5th. That the polyps are found both in the muco-gelatinous layer and in the fibrous mass. The fourth hypothesis is the true one. The animalcules of the Sponges are a species of membranous tubes, capable of extending and retracting themselves. They have been compared to polyps deprived of tentacles and reduced to their most simple conditions. Sponges have yellow or whitish seed-like eggs, from which non-ciliated embryos are produced, in the interior of which contractile cells become developed, and subsequently spicules, which are ultimately covered with vibratile cilia. (Lieberkuhn, Bowerbank.) Several of these embryos unite together to form a colony, in which their individuality becomes exceedingly in- distinct. Sponge is composed of an animal matter which has been compared to albumen and to mucus (Jibroine, Mulder). It is soluble in sulphuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids, and in liquor potassa. These solutions give a precipitate with nut- galls. Besides carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, sponge contains iodine, sulphur, and phosphorus. It also contains ANIMALS EMPLOYED IN PAET. 91 bromine, carbonate, and phosphate of liine, sea salt, and traces of silica, magnesia, and alumina. Formerly Sponges were strongly calcined, or they were made hot and then reduced to a powder, which was used as a remedy in goitre and scrofula. Its curative properties were owing to the presence of iodine. 1 Sponges were also used in surgery, to dilate certain wounds or natural cavities. For this purpose the sponge when per- fectly dry was dipped into melted wax and then compressed between two iron plates until cold, the pieces of sponge pre- pared in this manner were called tents. Every one is acquainted with the numerous domestic pur- poses for which sponge is used. Other species. Besides the last species, which is known in common as the Fine Syrian Sponge, there are seven others : 1st. Fine Archipelago Sponge, which is probably only a variety of the former; it is used for domestic purposes; it is also employed in the manufacture of porcelain and in litho- graphy. 3rd. Fine hard Sponge, commonly called Grecian Sponge; this is employed for domestic purposes, and also in certain manufactures. 4th. White Sponge of Syria, called also Venetian Sponge ; this is made use of for the same pur- poses as the former. 5th. Gelatine (geline) Sponge, which comes from the coast of Barbary. 6th. The Brown Sponge of Barbary, also called Marseilles Sponge, the Sponqia communis of naturalists ; this is used for cleaning rooms and similar pur- poses ; it is fished on the coast of Tunis. 7th. The Sponge of Salonica (Grervais, Van Beneden). CHAPTER III. ANIMAL PEODUCTS. THE animal productions which require to be noticed are: 1st, Spermaceti; 2nd, Bile; 3rd, Crabs' eyes; 4th, The Web of the Spider. I. Spermaceti. Spermaceti is a substance which is obtained from several 1 In ancient pharmacy the burnt bodies of the Alcyonia were also em- ployed, the same virtues being attributed to them as to the sponges. The species which was principally used was the Alcyonium Lyncurium of Lamouroux, commonly called the Sea quince or Sea orange. 92 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. species of cetacean mammals, particularly from the cachalot or spermaceti whale. It is also obtained from the common or Greenland whale. 1. The Great Cachalot (PJiyseter macrocephalus, Linn.) is an enormous animal, 1 which is met with in all parts of the ocean. Anderson measured one which was 70 feet in length. This mammal (fig. 14) is of a blackish blue colour, darkest on the back [the under surface is whitish, and also around the eyes] ; the head is very large, especially at its anterior part. The upper jaw has no teeth, or if they are present they are quite rudimentary and hidden in the gum. The lower jaw is narrow and about three feet shorter than the upper ; it is provided on each side with from twenty to thirty cylindrical slightly curved teeth on either side. The vent is single, and not double, as in most of the Cetacea. The eyes are projecting and placed on eminences. The dorsal fin is reduced to a callous prominence. The tail is bilobed and is very flexible. Fig. 14. Cachalot. The Cachalot in swimming usually produces a foaming of the water, showing its back and the fleshy eminence which sur- rounds the vent ; its movements are not rapid. [Beale states, that when undisturbed the animal passes tran- quilly along, just below the surface of the water, at the rate of about three or four miles an hour, its progress being effected by a gentle oblique motion of the tail from side to side ; when proceeding at its usual rate, the body lies horizontally ; the water by its progress being somewhat disturbed, is known by the whalers under the name of " "White water ;" in this mode of swimming it is able to obtain a velocity of about seven miles an hour. "When it swims at a more rapid rate, the action- of the tail is altered, the water is struck directly upwards and downwards, and each time the blow is made with the inferior 2 Longitudo scepe sexaginta pedum (Linn.). ANIMALS EMPLOYED IN PAET. surface, the head sinks down eight or ten feet, and when the blow is reversed it rises out of the water presenting to it only the sharp cut-water portion.] 2. The Greenland Whale (Balcena Mysticetus, Linn.). This animal is usually regarded as the most voluminous of the Cetacea, and therefore, of all known animals. 1 Its dimensions Fig. 15. Greenland WJiale. have, however, been greatly exaggerated. Scoresby, who was present at the capture of three hundred and twenty-two indi- viduals, has never seen one which measured more than from sixty -five to seventy feet in length. 2 Its greatest circum- ference is from thirty to forty feet. The Whalebone Whale has no teeth, but there are rudiments of these organs in the lower jaw of the young animal. (Greoffroy Saint-Hilaire.) The upper jaw is keel-shaped, and is provided on each side with a series of thin transverse plates, upwards of three hundred in number, composed of the baleen or whalebone (fig. 16). These plates terminate at their in- ferior margin in a fringe of coarse hair. The tongue is fleshy and very thick. The Fig. 16. Whalebone Plates. animal has no dorsal fin. The Whale is an inhabi- tant of the Arctic regions. The species which is met with in the South Atlantic ocean, the Balcena Australia of Kleir, or Whale of the Southern Ocean, differs essentially from that of the North, the Balcena mysticetus ; it is the smallest of the two 1 Maximus omnium animalium (Linn.). Linnaeus assert* that they occasionally attain the length of 100 feet (scepe IQQpedum). 94 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. species, usually measuring from thirty-five to forty-five feet, but frequently extending to fifty. 3. Spermaceti. This substance is found in the cellular tissue which separates the membranes of the brain in the Cachalot. The whole of the upper portion of the skull consists of large cavities covered in, and separated from each other, by cartila- ginous walls. It is in these cavities that the spermaceti is con- tained. ! The cavity which is occupied by the encephalon appears relatively small to the entire volume of the head. Camper found in a head, measuring eighteen feet long, that this cavity was only twelve inches in width, nine in length, and seven in depth. In the living animal the spermaceti is dissolved in an oily liquid, but in the dead animal it becomes solidified. This is purified by being squeezed through coarse bags ; it is then boiled in an alkaline ley, which frees it from any remaining oil ; it is then washed and melted. In a Cachalot from the Moluccas, which was sixty-four feet long, M. Quoy calculated there were twenty-four barrels of spermaceti, each containing two hundred and seventy-five pounds, so that the entire quantity amounted to more than six thousand six hundred pounds. The spermaceti of commerce and of the pharmaceutists is a white, friable substance, soft to the touch, and breaking into shining greasy-looking scales. It melts at 113 Fah. Boiling alcohol will dissolve the one seven hundredth of it. Chemists have long regarded spermaceti as a compound body, saponifiable by the action of alcohol, and to a certain extent analogous to the neutral fats. 2 M. Heintz, in works which he has recently published, assigns a more complicated composition to the substance. M. Chevreul obtained from spermaceti a peculiar body, to which he gave the name of cetine. This is a white, laminated, friable substance, which melts at 120 Eah., and has no action on litmus. Boiling alcohol will dissolve two and a half parts of it. Spermaceti was formerly administered in diseases of the lungs and kidneys. In the present day it is no longer used internally, but it enters into the formation of certain cerates or pomades, which are applied to cracked breasts and to the pustules of small pox ; it is also employed in the manufacture of Hp salve. [There are two preparations of spermaceti in the London 1 Spermaceti e ventriculis cerebri, Linn. 9 Chevreul, Dumas, Peligot, Lawrence, Smith. ANIMALS EMPLOYED IN PAET. 95 Pharmacopeia, the Ceratum Cetacei and the Unguentum Cetacei; they are both composed of spermaceti, white wax, and olive oil, the latter being the softest in consequence of the smaller quantity of wax and larger quantity of spermaceti, which is used in its preparation. They are employed as dressings for blisters and excoriated surfaces.] II. Bile. Bile is a fluid which is secreted by the liver, and is received into a special receptacle termed the gall bladder, from whence it passes into the duodenum. Some of the mammalia are un- provided with this bladder, and the bile does not then remain for a time in the liver, but is immediately discharged into the intestine. Bile is a limpid viscous fluid, heavier than water, usually of yellow or green colour, having a faint nauseous odour, which, by a certain change, approaches to that of muse, and a sweetish but at the same time a bitter taste. It may be evaporated without undergoing decomposition, The bile of the Ox is sometimes employed in the form of an extract. Its specific gravity is 1*026 at a temperature of 42 Pah. When warmed in closed vessels bile becomes thickened, froths up, solidifies, and forms the substance known as extract of bile ; it readily mixes both with water and alcohol. [Ox BILE (Fel Bovinum, seu Tauri). An extract of Ox bile was formerly used in medicine, and it has been lately reintro- duced. Dr. Copland l says he has made use of the inspissated Ox gall for many years with advantage. He recommends it in mesenteric affections, and has found it exceedingly useful where the secretion of the bile has been deficient and the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal irritable and relaxed. Dr. Clay, 2 of Manchester, says, " its effect upon the system is not purgative ; but it acts as a mere solvent of the material contained within the intestinal canal ; producing no excitement to propel ; but by liquifying the mass facilitates its excretion." It acts as an aperient, and may be given in doses of 3j to Jj daily.] Bile contains 7 per cent, of solid matter, which is held in solution by mucus ; it consists of two nitrogenous soaps, having a sweet but, at the same time, bitter taste ; the choleic of soda and the tauro-choleic of soda. The first, the biline of Berzelius, is the most abundant ; it contains an organic crystallizable 1 Die. Pract. Mcd. vol. ii. p. 725. Med. Times, 1842. 96 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. acid, which has no sulphur amongst its constituent elements. The second is present in smaller quantities ; its acid is un- crystallizable, and contains sulphur. Besides these substances, bile contains oleic and margaric acids, cholesterine, some colour- ing matter, and certain salts. The bile of the sheep, the dog, and the cat differ slightly from that of the ox. III. Crabs' -eyes. The great reputation which crabs' eyes formerly enjoyed as a medicine, has greatly diminished since the commencement of the present century. The River Crab or Cray-fish (Astacus fiumatilis) is a decapod crustacean, which inhabits the rivers and brooks of Europe. It hides itself beneath the stones at the bottom, or in the hollows of the banks. It seldom comes out of its hiding-place, except for the purpose of procuring its food, which consists of the dead bodies of submerged quarupeds, fishes, molluscs, the larvae of insects, worms, and all kinds of decomposing animal matter. The Cray-fish is an animal with an elongated body, varying in colour, according to the locality from which it comes, from a greenish or clear brown to a blueish green. The head is confounded with and united to the thorax. The carapace is semi- cylindrical, and terminates anteriorly in a curved pointed rostrum, which is marked in the centre with a transverse groove. The rostrum is dentated laterally, and has a double tooth on the upper part of its base. The four antenna? are thin and setaceous ; the external large, and supported upon a pedicle with three joints ; the internal short and bifid. The eyes are hemispherical, and their diameter is not greater than that of their pedicles. The mouth is furnished with six pairs of modified limbs ; the first pair has received the name of mandibles, and the last that of foot jaws. The abdomen (im- properly termed the tail) is large, composed of six segments, and curved inferiorly. The first pair of thoracic limbs are much larger than the others ; they are of unequal size, and are armed on their inner edge with fine teeth ; they support a pair of strong pincers, of which the external joint is fixed, while the internal, which is much the smallest, is moveable. The four last pairs of limbs are slender, and of nearly equal size ; the second and third are also each of them provided with a pair of pincers ; but in these it is the external joint, and not the internal, which is moveable. The five pairs of abdominal ANIMALS EMPLOYED IN PAET. 97 or fttlse feet are adapted for swimming. The tail is formed of five large plates, rounded at their margins and ciliated; the ex- ternal plates are divided into two distinct pieces by a transverse suture. The Crabs moult at the end of the spring. These Crustacea copulate with their abdomens opposite to each other. Two months afterwards the female lays her eggs. The eggs, varying in number from twenty to tarty, are collected together in bundles, and fixed to the false feet, by means of a slender flexible pedicle, which is slightly enlarged at its base. The eggs are spherical and of a reddish brown colour. The females carry these grape-like bodies about with them until the young are hatched. When the Orals are about to cast their shell, two calcareous masses are found in the lateral compartments of the stomach. These bodies have received the name of crabs' eyes. 1 They disappear after the moult has taken place. Reaumur ascertained that they served for the formation and hardening of the new skin. It appears, in fact, that the pouches of the stomach, whirh have just been mentioned, shortly before the casting of the shell occurs, secrete the calcareous salts, which exist in excess in the blood, and form these stony masses. At a later period the stones are gradually dissolved and serve to calcify and harden the new skin. These concretions (fig. 17) are round bodies, convex on one side, and flattened on the other, compressed, narrow at their edge, and marked on one side with a circular groove. These masses are hard, smooth, and white, consisting of super-imposed layers of carbonate of lime and of a certain quantity of mucus. It is their form and the circular groove which have obtained for them the name of crabs' eyes. Their diameter varies from Fig. 17. Crabs' eyes. seven to fifteen lines in diameter, and their weight from seven and a half to twenty-two and a half grains. M. Gruibourt has noticed that when these concretions are placed in boiling water they become of a rose colour, which is a modification of the colour that the shell acquires when similarly treated. The crabs' stones which are most esteemed come from Astrakan. They have been prescribed as absorbents in acidity of the stomach. They were reduced to a powder, washed, 1 Crabs' ttones, concrementa seu calculi cancrorum. H 08 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. ground with a small quantity of water, mixed into a paste, and made up in the form of lozenges, which were then dried and known as prepared crabs' eyes. Formerly these lozenges (called trochisci) entered into the composition of a number of pharma- ceutical preparations, which are no longer in use. Other substances producing the same effects, and more certain in their action, have been substituted for the crabs' eyes ; as, for example, chalk and magnesia. Some dentists still make use of these concretions in the manufacture of dentifrices. IV. Spider's Web. Spiders, or more correctly speaking the Araneidte, constitute a numerous tribe belonging to the class Arachnida. Linnaeus placed them all in the genus Aranea, and classed them with the insects. There are more than two hundred species in the neighbourhood of Paris. These animals have the head united to the thorax, the abdomen distinct, and supported upon a short pedicle. The abdomen is very large, especially in the females ; the skin is soft and flexible. Spiders have six or eight simple eyes in the form of hemispherical tubercles, which shine in the dark like those of cats. They have eight long slender legs, terminating in the male in two notched claws, and in the females in a single one. The organs of generation are placed in the former sex on either side of the head at the extremity of the palpi. [Only a portion of the generative organs are situated at the extremity of the palpi, consisting of a kind of vesiculae seminalis or sperm reservoirs, and of the intromittent organ. The true testicles are placed in the abdomen, between the lobes of the liver. They consist of two long simple interlaced caeca, from which two deferent canals pass to the anterior part of the under surface of the abdomen, and terminate by two approximate orifices, or else by a common opening between two apertures, which lead to the pulmonary organs. During the breeding season these testicles are found laden with spermatozoa in various stages of development. These must be first transferred to the extremity of the palpi, and afterwards applied to the vulva of the female. 1 The female organs are found at the middle and inferior part of the abdomen near to its commencement.] 1 See Owen Lectures on the Invertebrata, p. 460, 2nd edition, London, 1855; also Siebold Anatomy of the Invettebra ta, edited by W. T. Burnett, M. D., p. 394, London, 1854. ANIMALS EMPLOYED IN PAET. 99 These animals are exceedingly ferocious and cruel, so that even the season of love does not alter the savageness of their nature. The males, which are much smaller and feebler than the females, are compelled to approach them with great caution. " One day," says De Geer, " I witnessed a male gently approaching his female, who was tranquilly reposing in the centre of her web ; he made use of all the usual precautions, and several times retreated as if from fear. . . At length he placed himself beneath her, but at the cost of his life, for in a moment the female seized him with her claws, which she had only to close upon him ; she then enveloped him in her threads, and began to suck his blood. " I declare," he adds, " the spectacle filled me with a kind of horror and indignation." Some females carry their eggs under their abdomen. Others, when the young are hatched, place them on their back. Most of the spiders can form a web, either for the purpose of ensnaring their prey, or for protecting their eggs. Every one is acquainted with the web of the spider. The silk of which it is composed is secreted by irregular grape-like glands. (Treviranus.) From these glands nine pairs of tortuous canals are given off, which ultimately terminate in small reser- voirs, in which the silky material is perfected. The three central pairs of reservoirs are the largest ; the middle ones are placed very obliquely ; the others are arranged nearly transversely. The excretory canals of the three central pairs are nearly straight and parallel ; those of the remaining six are narrower and more or less tortuous. All of them converge to the posterior part of the abdomen. Beneath the anus there may be observed six fleshy pro- jections arranged in pairs ; they are cylindrical or conical, and pierced at their extremities with an infinite number of minute apertures. These are the spinnarets. The two upper pro- jections are the largest, the two inferior the smallest, and those in the middle the least prominent. While in the body of the animal the material for the forma- tion of the thread is a viscous liquid. This substance is transformed into a glutinous thread, which becomes firm as it dries. Each thread, although extremely delicate, is, nevertheless, composed of as many filaments as there are pores in the different spinnarets. Some Spiders form a large triangular horizontal web, with a small tubular chamber in one of the angles. Others construct a loose net-work, which is placed vertically, and in the centre ii 2 100 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. of which they remain motionless. There are some which cover up a hole in the wall or the rock with a silken covering. Others construct an extremely delicate net-work, from which they hang suspended. Others throw off long threads, which trail along from the hinder parts of their bodies. Certain tropical spiders weave a net sufficiently strong to entangle some of the smaller birds, and even to offer a certain amount of resistance to man. It is needless to repeat all the marvellous statements which have been made upon the medicinal properties of the Spider's web. Formerly it was used as a cataplasm in hysteria. They were administered internally in the form of pills in fever. The celebrated Montpellier drops were obtained from them by distillation, and were recommended as a preventative to apoplexy. If the web of the Spider is ever employed in the present day, it is for the purpose of arresting hoamorrhage from the capillary vessels. 1 SECTION III. ANIMALS, OB ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS, WHICH AEE CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. THE animals, or animal productions, which are endowed with medicinal properties, and which are capable of exercising a decided influence over our bodies, and are therefore constantly employed in medicine, are but few in number. These therapeutic agents will be arranged in seven divisions: 1. Liver oil. 2. Music. 3. Vesicating insects. 4. Leeches. 5. Galls. 6. Trehala. CHAPTER I. LITER OIL. some years the oil from the livers offish have been frequently administered, so that its manufacture and commerce 1 The two-spined ant, Formica bispinosa (Oliv.), of Cayenne, constructs with the down which accompanies the seeds of a cotton tree (probably the Bombax globosum, Aubl.,) a nest composed of a very fine kind of felt which is used with astonishing success in stopping haemorrhage. (Lescalier.) ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 101 have lately become of considerable importance. It is stated that on the coast of Malabar alone, in the year 1854, 721,095 gallons were exported, estimated in the official documents at the value of 517,167 francs. I. Oil from the Liver of the Cod. 1. COD. Oil from the liver of the Cod 1 is principally furnished by the common Cod, Gadus Morrhua (Linn.), Morrhua vulgaris (H. Cloq.). This well-known fish belongs to the order Malacopterygii subbrachiata, and to the family Gadidae. It inhabits every part of the Northern ocean, between the 40 and 70 of latitude. An incalculable number are found every year on a submarine mountain, known as the Bank of Newfoundland, which extends for one hundred and fifty leagues in front of the island of the same name. England employs 10,000 men in this fishery. Thirty-six millions of Cod are salted on an average every year. One man will sometimes take from three to four hundred in a day, occupied from morning to night, in throwing his line, and in withdrawing the captured Cod. This fish is distinguished for its astonishing fecundity. Leeuwenhoek calculated that each female con- tained 9,344,000 germs. The germs or roe furnish a kind of caviare. [True caviare is the salted roe of the Sturgeon ; it is much esteemed by the Russians, and is imported as a luxury into this country, but is an oily unwholesome kind of food.] The Cod (fig. 18) varies in length from three to four and a half feet, and measures about one foot in circumference; it weighs from fifteen to more than twenty pounds. [The weight of the common cod varies between twelve and eighty, or a Fig. 18. Cod. hundred pounds ; see Griffiths's Cuvier.] The body of the fish is elongated, smooth, of a greyish yellow colour, brown on the 1 Oleum jecoris Morrhua, or oleum Aselli majoris, of the older writers. 102 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. back, white on the ventral surface, and marked with a white line on either side. Its head is strong and compressed, the mouth large, and the lower jaw provided with a single barb. It has three dorsal and two anal fins. The thoracic fins are slender and pointed ; the caudal fin is not forked. The Cod is a most voracious animal ; it feeds on fish, more especially on the herrings, and on various Crustacea and molluscs. 2. Oil. The liver of the Cod is very voluminous, and fur- nishes a large quantity of oil. This oil was formerly employed for the purposes of illumin- ation, and in the manufacture of chamois leather ; but it was used in a very impure state, not being obtained exclusively from the Cod, but mixed with oil from the Shark, Tunny, Conger eel, and many other fishes. Since this oil has been employed in medicine the great object has been to procure it free from all such admixtures. Besides the common Cod, this kind of oil may be obtained from several other fishes, which were formerly arranged in the same group with it, and which have similar characters and properties. The genus Gadus of Linnaeus having been broken up by modern ichthyologists, unfortunately for science the name has disappeared, whereas it should have been retained for the group to which the typical species belongs. The following are, however, the other Gadoids, which principally furnish the Cod liver oil, or oleum jecoris Morrhuce ; the Dorse* the Haddock, 2 the Catalan, 3 the Hake* the Whiting, 5 the Coal-fish? the Ling? the Torsk? and the Bur- lot$ The flesh of these species is usually esteemed as food, both fresh and salted. Cod liver oil is brought from Dunkirk, Ostend, England* and Holland. Large quantities are manufactured at Bergen, in Norway (Jongh), also on the islands of Lofodes and St. John, in Newfoundland (Hogg). Prom the latter locality alone there were exported in 1823, 415,000 kilogrammes of oil, 1 Gadus Callarias, Linn. (Morrhua Callarias, Cuv.) 2 Gadus JEglefinus, Linn. {Morrhua JEglefinus, Cuv.) 3 Gadus minutus, Mull. {Morrhua minuta, Cuv.) *Merlucius vulgaris , Cuv. (Gadus Merlucius, Linn.) 5 Merlangus vulgaris, Cuv. (Gadus Merlangus, Linn.) 6 Merlangus Carbonarius, Cuv. (Gadus Carbonarius, Linn.) 7 Molva vulgaris, Cuv. (Gadus Molva, Linn.) 8 Brosmius vulgaris, Cuv. (Gadus Brosme, Mull.) 9 Lota vulgaris, Cuv. (Gadus Lota, Linn.) ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 103 and in 1828, 1,395,000 kilogrammes. Each kilogramme weighs 2'20531bs. avoirdupois. There are three varieties of Cod liver oil : 1. The White ', 2. The Brown, and 3. The Black. The first is the colour of Madeira wine, or of a golden yellow, and has little or no odour. The second has the colour of Malaga wine, or is of a pale brown ; the odour is more strongly marked, and its con- sistency is thicker than that of the first. The third is of a clear chocolate or dark brown colour ; it has a very strong odour, and is still thicker than the second. The White oil is that which is obtained first, by simply allowing the livers to drain in tubs pierced at the bottom with a number of holes, or provided with stopcocks, or they are placed in a kind of cage whose sides are formed of coarse linen cloth ; the quantity which is procured of this kind of oil is equal to about half the weight of the livers employed. The blood and other impurities sink down, and the oil floats at the top. The Brown oil is that which is separated afterwards, when the substance of the liver is beginning to decompose. The separation of the oil is sometimes hastened by pressure. The Black oil is that which is obtained by boiling the livers in water, and by pressing out all the oil that remains in the putrid mass from which the two previous kinds have been extracted. All these oils have undergone more or less fermentation, and, in the latter case, the oil has also been subject to the influence of heat. In commerce, there is a fourth quality of the oil, called in England the pale, and in France the white. This variety has a yellow tinge, of the colour of champagne ; it has very little odour or taste. It is the spontaneous production of the first stage of decomposition which the livers undergo at the ordi- nary temperature of the atmosphere, between the time of the fishing and the operation of extracting the oil. There is sometimes an interval of several days, which is a sufficient time for the commencement of decomposition. It is only within these few years that these four kinds of oils, especially the three first, have been met with in a pure state in the stop of the druggist. They are now clarified and decolorized by chemical processes, rendered more limpid and less nauseous, part of their characteristic odour being removed, and probably at the same time some of their properties ; they are also mixed with other oils. The consequence of this is, 104 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. that many of the white or blanched oils of commerce are of very slight medicinal value. Dr. Eleury has justly observed that all the processes of extraction, which have been just mentioned, depend upon the putrefaction and fermentation of the livers, and that this is the source of the dark colour, the nauseous odour, and repul- sive flavour of the oil. He has therefore proposed a new method of preparation, which yields an oil that is clearer, has less smell, and is better flavoured, and, above all, produces it in greater abundance. This method consists in taking the fresh livers, washing, and then draining them, and putting them in a pan, in which they are submitted to the action of a hot water bath. In about twenty minutes the oil begins to swim at the top. The operation lasts about three quarters of an hour. There remains in the pan a quantity of refuse, which is strained through a flannel or coarse cloth ; this part of the process may be aided by gently pressing the strainer. Mr. Hogg also prepares an oil from the fresh livers, but he employs a vessel with a double bottom, and instead of hot water he heats his apparatus by means of steam. His oil is paler, more limpid, more transparent, and of a lighter yellow than that which is called white oil. It has the smell of the fresh fish, and has scarcely any taste. It is known as Hogg's golden green oil. (Jongh.) Lastly, Dr. Delattre, of Dieppe, conceived the idea of guarding the livers from the action of the atmosphere during the extraction of the oil. For this purpose he has constructed an apparatus consisting of three large earthen vessels of a globular form, which are half buried in a large sand bath, heated by means of a thermo-syphon. These vessels communicate with a reservoir, from which a current of carbonic acid gas is given off, which expels the air from them. The sand-bath is not heated until all the air has been expelled. The use of this apparatus prevents the formation of oleic, sulphuric, and phosphoric acids. M. Delattre distinguishes five varieties of Cod liver oil. 1st. The Virgin; 2nd. The Pale yellow; 3rd. The White; 4th. The Brown ; and 5th. The Black oil. He has deposited selected samples of these five varieties in the museum of the Faculty of Medicine. The virgin oil is obtained by exposing the fresh livers, immediately after their extraction from the fish to a dry heat of the temperature of 104 Fah. The yellow and white oils are procured, the first by a temperature of 122 Fah., and the second by a temperature of from 140 ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 106 Fah. to 158 Fah. The brown oil is obtained from livers which have been kept three or four days ; and the black from those which are from ten to fifteen days old. According to M. Delattre the brown oil is the only one which should be used for medicinal purposes. The virgin oil is an unnecessary refinement. The yellow and the white have no better qualities than the brown ; while the black, containing choleic and acetic acids, has a disagreeable acridity, which should cause it to be rejected. Cod liver oil, however it is obtained, should have the charac- teristic odour of the sardine and a fresh flavour, without any acrid taste ; at a temperature of 59 Fah. it should stand at 392 of Lefebvre's oleometer. When a few drops are poured on to a piece of glass placed upon white paper, on adding a very small quantity of concentrated sulphuric acid, it should produce a carmine tint, inclining to the colour of catechu. (Gobley.) Cod liver oil is a compound of oleine, of margarine, chlorine, iodine, bromine, sulphur, phosphorus, and of various acids ; there is also found a small quantity of lime, magnesia, and soda, and a particular principle called Gaduine. Gaduine is a colouring matter, which is at first yellow, but becomes gradually darker upon exposure to the air. It is soluble in alkalies. Some writers have endeavoured to refer the medicinal pro- perties of Cod Liver Oil to the presence of iodine, and for this reason the proportion in which this substance is present has been very carefully inquired into. According to M. Berthi, there is 4*7 grs. in every 2*2 Ibs. avoirdupois. According to more recent analyses, it is not more than 4 grs., but the quantity varies in different samples of the oil, and according to the time of year. The latter is the proportion which is found in the yellow oil. In the white oil there was found 3*9 gr., in the brown oil 37 gr., and in the black oil only 3'6 gr. (Delattre.) Some practitioners consider that the bromine and the phos- phorus may account for the action of this substance. Soubei- ran says that a great part of its medicinal virtues depends upon the oil itself, and upon the aromatic and sapid bodies which are mixed with it. II. Oil from the Liver of the Skate. Several physicians have proposed to substitute the oil pro- cured from the liver of the Skate for that which is obtained 106 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. from the liver of the cod. They have even insisted upon the superiority of the latter for medicinal purposes ; this supposed superiority depended partly upon the fact that the oil from the liver of the Skate was prepared with greater care, and was less repugnant to the patient, than the commercial oil derived from the liver of the cod, which was thick and black. (Gruibourt.) It was also supposed that skate oil contained more iodine than that of the cod. Experience has shown that this is not the case. 1. Rays. The Rays are fishes belonging to the order Selachia and to the family Raiidse ; they may be recognized by the flattened form of their bodies, which resembles a disc, arising from the enormous size of their pectoral fins, which join each other anteriorly, and extend backwards along the sides of the abdomen as far as the ventral fins. The eyes are placed on the dorsal surface of the disc ; while the mouth, the branchial apertures, and the nostrils' are on the abdominal. This kind of oil is obtained principally from the Thornback, the Skate, the Sting Ray, and the Eagle Ray. The following is a brief summary of their characters : ( no spinp . I T> v ( armed with prickles 1. Thornback. Tail m< C ' ' j unarmed .... 2. Skate. ( moderate .... 3. Sting Ray. .| verylong! m . . 4. Eagle Hay. The Thornback, Raia clavata (Linn.), from the shores of the Mediterranean, is of a brown colour, spotted with white and bkck. The body attains a length of twelve feet. . ig.TJwrnback Ray. ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 107 The Skate (Eaia Satis, Linn.) is a lozenge shape. The back is rough. It is larger than the preceding. Some have been caught weighing as much as eighty-five pounds. [Cuvier says, more than two hundred pounds.] Its liver yields a large quantity of oil. The Sting Ray (Eaia Pastinaca, Linn.) is not uncommon in the Mediterranean. The head is heart shaped ; its body is of a brown or livid green colour above, and white below. It does not weigh more than from four to six pounds. The Eagle Bay (Eaia Aquila, Linn.) In this species the pectoral fins do not extend around the head, which is left free ; and the tail is extremely narrow and long, and has been com- pared to a whip. This species is found in the Ocean and in the Mediterranean sea. 2. The Oil Skate Oil is of a clear yellow, or of a light golden colour : sometimes it has an orange or reddish tint. It has the same density as that from the cod, but not so strong a flavour. This oil is manufactured on the coast of Normandy. When pure it is known in commerce as Eouen oil. It is sometimes mixed with cod oil. Skate oil may be manufactured by the pharmaceutist. Two methods have been recommended. In the one the livers are boiled in water and the oil is collected, which swims at the ton ; in the other, which is that of M. Gobley, the livers are cut in thin slices, and then warmed in a vessel until the oil has separated. The liquid, which is obtained by this means, is then strained through a woollen cloth, making use of slight pressure. It seems to the writer that it would be better to prepare this oil in the same manner as that of the cod, either by means of a water bath, as in the plan pursued by M. Fleury, or by means of a vapour bath, as in that of Mr. Hogg's, taking care, according to the method of M. Delattre, to make use of glass globes instead of pans. MM. Girardin and Preissier have compared together the oils obtained from the liver of the Skate and from that of the Cod. The first preserves its normal yellow colour in a stream of chlorine even at the end of half an hour, while the second rapidly assumes a dark brown tint. Skate oil becomes of a clear red by the action of cold sulphuric acid, and the mixture when shaken acquires at the end of a quarter of an hour a dark violet colour ; while the oil from the cod rapidly turns black. These characters are far from being constant. According to M. Personne skate oil contains less iodine 108 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. than the cod oil. One litre or T67 of a pint, prepared by direct heat, yielded M. Grobley 3 '85 of a grain of iodide of potassium. This chemist was unable to find any trace of phosphorus. M. Delattre in some recent analyses obtained the following results : 1st. That the proportion of iodine in skate oil is one half the quantity of that in the cod oil. 2nd. That the sulphur is one quarter less. 3rd. That the phosphorus, on the contrary, is one third more. The oil of the skate is very mild, and infants of a month old are perfectly able to bear it. (Delattre.) III. Oil from the Liver of the Shark. Dr. Collas has published an interesting account in the Revue Coloniale upon the medical and surgical employment of this oil in the French establishments in India. 1. Shark. The Sharks, like the Bays, belong to the order Selachia. The genus Squalus contains a large number of species, all of which are distinguished by the length of their bodies, and by the possession of a large muscular tail. The snout is supported by the cartilaginous processes which are appended to the anterior part of the skull ; the branchial apertures are placed at the sides of the neck ; the eyes are also situated on the lateral parts of the head ; the pectoral fins are of moderate size. These animals sometimes acquire a very large size ; they are extremely voracious, and their gluttonous appetite leads them to seek with avidity after every kind of living prey. The majority are ovoviviparous ; some of them discharge their eggs surrounded by a horny case. The genus Squalus, like the Baiidse, belongs to the tribe of cartilaginous fishes ; it seems, therefore, logical to admit a priori that the oil obtained from their liver should possess the same qualities as that from the latter group. But even sup- posing that Shark oil is inferior, it is not less important to know that, in case of necessity, it may be substituted for that of the Bay or the Cod family. (Collas.) The Sharks are a very common fish, and are easily captured ; they frequent the shores, and are seldom found in the open sea. In the tropics, however, they are met with at a great distance from land. In the bays they are said to live in shoals. There are several species which are capable of yielding the oil. Dr. Delattre has obtained it from the Squalus Acanihias (fig. 20), from the lesser spotted Dog fish {Squalus catulus } Linn.), ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 109 from the Humantis of Laciepede (or Squalus centrina, Linn.), from the Monk fish (Squalus Squatina, Linn.), the Squalus Mus- tclus, Linn., and from the Fox Shark (Squalus vulpes, Grmel.). Fig. 20. Squalus Acanthias. 2. OH. Dr. Collas gives the following directions for the extraction of the oil from the liver of the shark. After care- fully washing the liver and removing the gall bladder, it is cut in pieces and boiled in water in a large earthen vessel for nearly an hour. The fire must not be too fierce. The liquid is to be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon. When the oil floats at the surface it is removed. The residue is allowed to remain for a couple of days in an open vessel. The liver is then boiled over again and the oil removed as it swims at the surface. These oils are next filtered in order to free them from im- purities. Shark's liver oil has a fine amber colour, like pale brandy. At a temperature of 86 Fah. it is perfectly limpid. Its smell and taste resemble that of cod oil. When it is left undisturbed for some time it throws down a considerable quantity of stearine, which appears as a white granular substance. Dr. Collas has given it the name of squalin, in order to distinguish it from the ordinary stearine of commerce. He believes that this sub- stance might be useful as the medium for applying certain topical remedies, which are used in the treatment of wounds and ulcers. He recommends it as a substitute for certain local applications, which are made use of in diseases of the skin. Squalin does not seem to become rank like lard. It has also a much greater consistence than the latter kind of grease, which becomes fluid at the ordinary temperature of Pondi- cherry, and which requires to be mixed with suet in order to give it the consistency of pomade. According to Dr. Delattre the active principles are present in larger proportions in the oil of the shark than in that of the cod ; it is richer in iodine and in phosphorus, but it contains less bromine and sulphur. The increase in the quantity of iodine is double what is lost in the bromine. 110 MEDICAL ZOOLOGT. Compared with the oil from the ray it contains one and a half times more iodine, and only one-fifth less phosphorus. CHAPTER II. MTJSK. IN Medical Zoology the name of musk 'bearing is given to those animals which furnish medicine with the peculiar sub- stance known as musk, and some other analogous productions. True musk, and the substances which have the closest re- semblance to it, such as civet and castor eum, are secreted by special organs. Hyraceum, which differs from the former in several respects, is furnished by the digestive organs. It is the same as regards ambergris. All the animals which produce musk, or a substance re- sembling musk, belong to the class Mammalia. 1 We shall examine in a separate chapter each of the following substances : 1. Musk ; 2. Civet ; 3. Castoreum ; 4. Hyraceum; 5. Ambergris. I. Musk. 1. The Animal. The musk deer (Moschus moscMferus, Linn.) 2 is a mammalian animal belonging to the order Eu- minantia, and to the family Moschida. It inhabits the mountains and wooded districts of Thibet and China. Buffon has described one of these animals, which 1 Secretions resembling musk are found in some other mammalia, as for example in the Genette, the Desman, the Badger, the Musaraigne, the Musk Rat, the Ondatra, and the Musk Ox. The Crocodile also gives off an odour of musk. The same is the case with the fluids of several of the Cephalopoda, and with that of some insects, especially the Aromia moschata ; but neither these animals nor their secretions have been made use of as antispasmodics. The tail of the Desman of Muscovy, or Musk Hat of Russia (Mygale Muscovita, Geoffr.), is sought for as a perfume. It owes its odour to a substance which is secreted by two small follicular f lands placed at its base. The odour is so strong that it penetrates the esh of the pike and other fish which have fed upon this animal. Pallas states that a thermometer which he had made use of for ascertaining the temperature of an individual remained impregnated with it for fourteen years. 2 In China its common name is Che-hiang, that is to say, the Deer which discharges an odour ; it is also called Xe. It is the Toorgo or the Gifar of the Tartars, the Kudari of the Calmucs and Mongols, the Dsaanja of the Tungusians of the Yenisey, the Uoude of those of the Baikal, the Dsehija of those of the Ceuta, the Gloa or Glao, or Altah, of the Tanguts of Thibet, the Bjos of the Ostiaks, the Kaborga of the Russians of the Yenisey, and their Saiga on the borders of the Baikal. ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. Ill Fig. 21.- The Musk Deer. the Duke of Vrilliere preserved for three years at his chateau of the Hermitage near Versailles, where the creature seemed to have become acclimated. This animal (fig. 21) is about the size of a young roebuck six months old. The colour of the skin is blackish with a mixture of yellow and red- dish brown. It, however, varies considerably ; in the young animal it is of a red- dish grey, with patches of white arranged in lines, while in the old it is of a blackish brown colour. The most constant character of the fur throughout the life of the animal is the pre- sence of two white bands bordered with black, and enclosing between them a black band, which extends along the under part of the neck from the throat to the chest. The tail and a heart-shaped space around it are naked in the male, and always moistened with a strong smelling humour. On the other hand, the females, during the whole of life, and the males, up to two years of age, have the tail covered with hair on its upper part, and with wool on its under part. The animal has no horns. The mouth opens as far back as the molar teeth. The male has two canines in the upper jaw developed into the form of tusks ; these teeth project externally on each side of the mouth; they pass downwards, curving backwards, and have the posterior edge adapted for cutting. The eyes are propor- tionally of a large size, and have a long narrow pupil. The ears are moderately long, covered externally with reddish black hair, and internally with long grey hairs. The hinder limbs are longer and stronger than the anterior. An im- portant osteological character is the presence of a slender fibula, extending from the head of the tibia to the extremity of the astragulus. The feet are small. The anterior have two spurs which touch the ground, the external being the largest. The posterior have two unequal hoofs, the internal being much longer than the external. The Musk Deer is a timid, nocturnal mammal, very rapid in its course ; it has a leaping motion something like that of the 112 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. hare ; it leads a solitary life, except in autumn ; it feeds upon the leaves, bark, and roots of trees ; its flesh is good to eat. Musk apparatus (fig. 22). This consists of a sac, which is only present in the male ; it is placed on the median line of the abdomen, between the navel and the orifice of the prepuce, but nearest to the latter. This sac is of a rounded oval form, flat on its superior or adherent surface, but convex and covered with hair on its inferior or free surface. In the adults this sac is from two to three inches long, an inch and a quarter to two inches in width, and from seven to ten lines in depth. When the skin is removed two bundles of muscular fasciculi are seen, which pass from the groin and surround the sac. (Pallas.) Immediately beneath is the proper envelope of the sac com- posed of three separate membranes. The first (fibrous coat of Pereira) has, on its external surface, some longitudinal folds, and in its interior numerous depressions ; it receives branches from the iliac artery. (Pallas.) The second (pearly coat of Pereira) is thin, whitish, and with external projections, which correspond to the excavations of the first membrane ; it has also numerous grooves, which are traversed by blood vessels. Lastly, the third (Epidermoid coat of Pereira) is still more delicate than the second; some have supposed they could distinguish an external silvery layer, and an internal layer of a reddish brown or yellowish colour. On the inner surface of c 6' Fig. 22. Musk Apparatus.* the sac are strongly marked folds and excavations. Each ex- cavation contains two or more oval corpuscles of a yellowish or reddish brown colour. These small bodies are glands for the secretion of the musk. They appear to be composed of a very 1 a, musk sac cut vertically ; b, its orifice ; c, orifice of the prepuce with its brush of airs ; d, the glans traversed by the filiform prolongation of the urethra ; e, testicle. ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 113 thin membrane, containing a brownish coloured substance. Towards the middle of the external or convex surface of the sac is a short canal, which passes obliquely, is about a line in width, and has its internal opening surrounded by a number of converging hairs. A little behind this orifice is that of the prepuce, a kind of slit bounded by a brush of red-coloured nairs. Musk. In the living animal the musk has the consistence of honey, is of a brownish red colour, and has a very strong odour. The Chinese missionaries pretend that this secretion drives the carnivorous animals from the musk deer and thus serves it as a means of defence. Pallas supposes that this matter is intended to excite voluptuous feelings in the female during connection. It appears that during this act, the musk sac is compressed, and that a portion of the semifluid matter escapes and lubri- cates the organ of the male. Oken compares musk to the sebacious matter secreted by the prepuce. When the musk is dry it becomes almost solid, granular, and of a very dark brown. It feels unctuous and fatty to the touch. It has a bitter and aromatic taste. Its smell is still exceedingly powerful ; a very small quantity will scent a large mass of any substance, and it will be retained for a long time. The scent is agreeable when much diluted. Each sac (fig. 23) does not contain more than 370 grains in the adult, and 123 grains in the old animal. Two kinds of musk are known in commerce: 1st. The Tonquin or Chinese Musk ; and 2nd. The Kabardin or Russian musk. The Tonquin is more highly estimated than the Kabardin. This substance is not always sur- rounded by the natural sac, and drug- gists therefore distinguish between mu*k in the sac and musk out of the sac. Musk contains ammonia, a volatile oil, stearine, oleine, cho- lesterine, an oil united with ammonia, gelatine albumen, fibrine, a substance soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol, hydro- chlorate of ammonia, and several other salts. (Blondeau and Guibourt.) According to Dr. Hanle, bitter almonds, when mixed with a solution containing musk, entirely neutralize the odour of the latter. It appears, however, that the odour is not destroyed since it returns to its original strength when the I 114 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. hydrocyanic acid is dissipated. The golden sulphuret of an- timony, when mixed with musk, also removes its odour. Kermes mineral gives it a smell of onions. (Bley.) The Arabs were the first who introduced musk into medicine. Musk is adulterated by introducing earth, sand, and even iron and lead into the sac. Sometimes the scent is replaced by dried blood, muscle, gelatine, wax, asphalte, styrax, benzoin, &c. [Musk is a remedy but little used in the present day. It acts as a stimulant on the nervous and vascular systems, but is liable to produce eructation and derangement of the stomach. It may be given in substance, either in the form of boluses, or suspended in water by means of saccharine or mucilaginous substances. Its dose is from eight to fifteen grains. (Pereira.)] 2. Other species. Three other species of deer are mentioned as capable of yielding musk : 1. The Napu. 2. The Kran- chil. 3. The Ohevrotain of the Altai, The Napu (Moschus Javanichus, Baffles) is found in the woods of Java and Sumatra, where it feeds on the berries of a species of Ardisia. It is twenty -one inches long and fourteen high ; the colour is brown mottled with black on the back, grey mixed with white on the flanks, and white on the abdomen and the inner parts of the thighs. At the posterior angle of the lower jaw is a white line which extends to each side of the chin. A black line unites the eye with the nostrils. Its horns are short and straight. The tail is tufted, and white at its termination as well as below. 2. The Kranchil (Moschus Kranchil, Eaffles) inhabits the forests of Sumatra, where it feeds upon the fruit of the Gmelina mllosa; it is sixteen inches long and ten inches in circumference. The fur is of a reddish brown, passing into black on the back, and white on the inner parts of the thighs. The|line on each side of the jaw reaches as far as the shoulder. It has no black line between the eyes and the nostrils. The tail is tufted, and white at its termination. 3. The Chevrotain of the Altai (Moschus Altaicus, Esch.) in- habits, as its name implies, the Altai mountains. (Jobst.) It has two white lines on its neck. II. Civet. The Civet belongs to the genus Viverra of Cuvier, forming part of the digitigrade division of the Carnivora. It is charac- terized by the possession of three false molars [premolars of Owen] above, and four below, of which the anterior are some- ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 115 times lost, two large tubercular teeth [molars of Owen] above, and one below in all forty teeth. This genus comprises two species which require to be noticed. 1st. The Common Civet ; 2nd. The Zibeth Civet. Common Civet (fig. 24). The Common or true Civet (Viverra Civctta, 1 Schreb.) inhabits Guinea, Congo, and Ethiopia. This small mammalia is about twenty-eight inches long, independent of the tail, and from ten to fourteen inches high at the shoulders. It has been compared to a fox, but it is longer and does not stand so high. The hair is coarse and long, forming a kind of crest on the back, which becomes blended with the tail ; this crest rises up when the civet is irritated. The fur of the animal is of a dark brown, varied with patches and bands of a blackish brown. The spine of the back is of a black brown colour, and the flanks are irregularly spotted with the same. These patches become converted into hlurk bands on the chest, the shoulders, and the buttocks. Two oblique bands of this colour are seen on the sides of the neck ; Fig 24. Civet. they are separated from each other by an interval of a greyish white colour. The head is elongated and of a whitish colour but the circumference of the eyes, the cheeks and the chin, are brown, as well as the feet and the posterior half of the tail ; the latter has three or four light coloured rings towards its base. The muzzle of the Civet is pointed, but rather less so than that of the Fox ; the animal has long whiskers, and a tail shorter than its body. These animals are very ferocious, but are, nevertheless, 1 In Darfour it is called Gatt (cat) by the Arabs, and Mzouron by the Negroes. It is also called Kaukau in Ethiopia, Nzime or Nxfusi in Congo, and Kastor in Guinea. I 2 116 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. brought up in a domesticated state. They possess great activity and run like a dog. Their eyes shine in the dark. During the night they hunt after small quadrupeds and birds. Civet apparatus (fig. 25.) -This consists of two sacs, situated in the neighbourhood of the genital organs. They are present in both sexes. These sacs are each about the size of an almond. The inner surface is pierced with a number of apertures communicating with the glandular follicles, which secrete the scent. The follicles are surrounded by a very vascular membrane. A muscle covers the whole and has the power of compressing the secreting follicles as well as the sac, and thus expels the civet, The sacs open into a kind of cloaca or shallow pouch, placed between the anus and the genital organs. Besides the scent glands, there is, also, on each side the anal orifice, a small opening from which a blackish and very offensive humour is discharged. This opening communicates with a round gland smaller than that which produces the civet. Civet scent. Civet l is an unc- tuous substance of a fatty resinous nature, which is at first semifluid and of a yellow colour, but after- wards becomes very thick and of a brown colour. It has a dis- agreeable ammoniacal odour, often very strong, resembling a mixture of musk and fecal matter. Its taste is acrid and burning. Civet is composed of ammonia, elaine, stearine, mucus, resin, a volatile oil, a yellow colouring matter of subcarbonate and phos- phate of lime and of oxide of iron. (Boutron-Charlard.) The Civet is reared in a domestic state in various parts of Africa, for the sake of its perfume. Some dealers have as many as three hundred. They are fed exclusively upon flesh, which gives a strong penetrating odour to the perfume. (Aucapitaine.) Every eight days the contents of the sac are scraped out by means of a Fig. 25. Civet apparatus? 1 Zebed of the Arabs ( Viverreum, Gerv.). 8 a a, glands which secrete the civet; their orifices opening into the pouch ; c c, anal glands ; d d, their orifices ; e, anus ; f, vulva ; g, clitoris. ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 117 small spoon, or a hollow piece of bamboo, the animal having been previously secured. 2nd. ZIBETH CIVET (fig. 26). The Zibeth Civet or Zibeth (Viverra Zibetha, Linn.) * inhabits the Molucca and Philippine islands. The animal is from twelve to sixteen inches long, and thir- teen inches high ; the fur is of a yellowish grey, marked with a number of black spots, sometimes so close together as to form lines, especially towards its posterior part. The tail is black along the whole of its upper part, but marked with black and white along the sides, giving it the appearance of half rings ; the abdomen is grey ; a black band commences behind the upper part of the ear, describes the segment of a circle as far as the fore limb, and forms the boundary of the spotted portion, separating it from the pure white of the sides and under part of the neck. Another band, somewhat larger, com- . - ' - . . Fig. 26. Zibeth. mences at the base of the ear, taking the same curve as the first, from which it is separated by a white band of equal width, and then unites with that from the opposite side under- neath the neck. A third descends vertically, a little below the ear. Lastly, a fourth, which divides the grey of the cheeks from the white of the neck, corresponds to the ascending por- tion of the lower jaw. The animal is nocturnal ; it appears to be omnivorous, but gives the preference to fruits. The Zibeth diifers from the Civet, principally by the absence of the dorsal crest, by the shortness of its fur, by the lateral bands of the neck, and by the half rings on its tail. The animal is bred like the Civet, and its perfume is collected in the same manner; it is afterwards spread out on the leaves of the pepper plant, in order to separate the hairs from it ; it is also said to be washed with salt and water or with lemon juice, before it is packed up in leaden boxes. The scent of the Zibeth resembles that of the Civet. Both 1 It is the Goot or Boar of the Arabs, and the Sawadu Punee of the Malabare. 118 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. these substances are adulterated with laudanum and storax ; at other times with dried blood, grease, oil of nutmegs, and a small quantity of musk. III. The Beaver. ANIMAL. The Beaver (Castor Fiber, Linn.) belongs to the order Eodentia and to the family Sciurida. This animal inhabits the uncultivated districts of Canada and Siberia. A few are found in Prussia, in Poland, and in France, where it is named Bievres. It is supposed that the small river called Bievres, which empties itself into the Seine, at Paris, owes its name to its having been formerly frequented by these animals. The last Beavers which were met with in France were found upon the banks of the Rhone and the Grardon. Some writers consider that the Beaver of France is a different species from that found in Canada. The Beaver (fig. 27) is from three to four feet in length from the muzzle to the end of the tail, and from twelve to sixteen inches in width across the chest ; the fur consists of two kinds of hair, the one close set, very fine, and of a grey colour ; the other longer, coarser, and of a brown colour. The head resembles that of the Marmot ; it is nearly as long as Fig. 27. Beaver. it is wide ; the ears are short ; each jaw has ten teeth, con- sisting of two incisors and four molars on each side. In a skull of the Canadian Beaver (No. 2160), in the College of Surgeons, the lower incisor measured 4| inches in the curve of the tooth, while the upper incisor from the same head was only 3| inches. All these teeth are bevelled off from within outwards so as to form a cutting edge ; they are of a dark yellow colour on their anterior surface, and white internally. The crowns of the molars are flat and impinge vertically upon each other ; they may be described as a lamina of bone folded ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 119 upon itself so as to form three indentions on the outer edge and one on the inner ; in the lower teeth this arrangement is reversed. (Cuvier.) The mammae are four in number, two of which are situated between the anterior limbs near the neck, and two on the chest. The feet have five short toes, quite distinct, and provided on the fore limbs with very strong claws, those on the hind limbs are longer and are united by an intermediate membrane. The tail is oval, flat, thick, and covered with scales. This tail answers at the same time the purposes of a trowel and an oar ; the animal constantly making use of it in swimming, and also to mould the earth with which constructs its habitation. Beavers resemble land animals as regards the anterior parts of their bodies, and aquatic animals with respect to the posterior parts. During the summer time they live solitary or in couples in holes near the water. At the approach of winter, they assemble in large numbers on the borders of the river or lake. If the water is smooth and undisturbed they build their huts on the banks; if, however, the water is swift and shallow, they first construct a strong dam across it, formed of fallen trees, branches, stones, and mud ; the whole being covered with a solid outer layer. The side of the dam next the stream is always perpendicular, while the opposite one is shelving. When it is built up the Beavers form their huts against it; they are made of the same materials, only of a smaller size ; there are several stages of them ; each is suffi- ciently large to contain eight or ten Beavers. The works are carried on only during the night, and executed with surprising rapidity. Yet the only implements which the Beavers possess are the'ir claws, their teeth, and their tail. l When they have completed their dam and their dwelling-places, they lay up a store of bark for the winter and shut themselves in their houses. Castor apparatus (fig. 28). The castor is secreted by two large glands placed in the neighbourhood of the sexual organs. The ancients mistook these glands for the animal's testicles. Beneath the tail of the Beaver is a shallow pouch, which may be compared to the cloaca of the bird (Adanson), and into which the arms and genital organs open. The anal orifice appears behind quite at the commencement of the tail. In the middle on either side are the openings of several small glands, termed the anal glands, which secrete an oily, yellow, disagree- able fluid, distinct from the castoreum. These glands are 1 " A rchitectura in construendo domos ad ripas superat omnium animalium excepta hominis." (Linn.) 120 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. oblong, lobed, and are each accompanied by one or two acces- sory glands. In front of the pouch is the genital orifice, which communicates with the preputial canal. The latter is cylindrical, and covered with small papilla?, which are pointed, of a blackish colour, and are directed backwards. It is to the right and left of this groove that the glands are placed which secrete the castoreum. These glands consist of two oval, pyri- form sacs of unequal size, which open into the preputial groove by two large orifices. Those of the adult animal are at least three inches in length, and sometimes as much as five ; they are larger than the testicles, and cannot be confounded with them. Moreover, they are present in the female as well as in the male, but they are some- what less developed. The outer surface is irregular, and in the in- terior are a number of delicate csecal processes which secrete the casto- reum. Castoreum. In the living animal the castoreum is an almost fluid unctuous substance of a strong penetrating and even foetid odour. 77 \ Fig. 29. Glands of the castoreum: . -"-' n, Fig. 28. Apparatus of the castor. 1 1 a a, castor glands ; b b, their orifices in the preputial canal ; c, the penis with its peculiarly formed prepuce ; d, opening of the preputial canal; e e, anal glands; ff, their orifices; g, anus ; h, part of the tail ; z, prostate; k k, Cowper's glands; / /, the vesiculae seminales ; m m, different canals; n n, the testicles ; o, the bladder. 8 a a, dried glands of the castoreum ; 6, a portion of the preputial canal. ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 121 The castoreum of commerce is dried in the two sacs still united together (fig. 29). These sacs are pyriform, elongated, some- what compressed and wrinkled, of a blackish brown colour ex- ternally, and of a yellow or reddish brown internally. When cut into their contents resemble a compact resinous mass, intermixed with membrane or with whitish fibres. Its odour is very penetrating, and almost foetid; its taste is acid and bitter. Castoreum varies in value, according to its age, and to that of the animal which furnished it, and possibly according to how near the creature was to the period of heat. It loses its qualities very rapidly when kept in a moist situation. Linnaeus believed that this substance was better when obtained from Beavers which had fed principally on the bark of the poplar. M. Paul Gervais, having had the opportunity of dissecting Beavers from the Ehone, was struck with the resemblance between the odour of their castoreum and that of the young shoots of the willow-tree, or of its bark when macerated. These trees form a large portion of the food of the Beaver. There are two qualities of castoreum : 1. American ; 2. Russian. The first is divided into Canadian castoreum and Hudson's l)ay castoreum. Castoreum contains castorine, a volatile oil, salicine, carbolic acid, benzoic acid, albumen, a fatty matter, mucus, carbonate of ammonia, and the salts of soda and potash. Castorine was discovered by Brandt and Bizio ; it crystallizes in long diaphanous crystals and fasciculi ; its odour is the same as that of the castoreum ; it has a coppery taste. It is insoluble in cold alcohol and in water, but dissolves in boiling alcohol and volatile oils. Castoreum is adulterated in various ways : 1. The sacs are opened and the scent removed, its place being supplied with dried blood, galbanum, or gum ammoniacum. 2. Artificial sacs are manufactured with the scrotum of the goat, or from the gall-bladder of various animals ; in this case the sac is falsi- fied as well as its contents. Castoreum is administered in several ways in injections, in drinks, and in pills. From this substance is prepared a dis- tilled water, a common tincture, an aetherized tincture, and a syrup. [Castoreum was formerly employed in certain derangements of the nervous system, such as hysteria, apoplexy, &c. It was also supposed to exert a special influence over the uterus, and 122 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. was used to promote the lochial discharge, and for the expulsion of retained placenta. In the present day it is but little em- ployed, being generally regarded as an almost inert remedy. It is best given in substance, either reduced to powder, or in the form of a pill. The dose should be at least 3ij. (Pe- reira.) The London Pharmacopoeia contains a tincture of Castor (Tinctura Castorei), which is made by macerating two ounces and a half of castor in two pints of rectified spirits for fourteen days and then straining. This preparation, says Pereira, con- tains only half a drachm of castor in one fluid ounce of the tincture, and it would, therefore, be necessary to administer two ounces of the tincture to give a medium dose of castor (3j). The dose directed in the Pharmacopeia is xx ni to f3ij.] IV. The Hyraceum. ANIMAL. The Daman of the Gape l (Hyrax Capensis, Ehr., Cavia Capensis, Pall.). This animal was regarded by Pallas and Erxleben as a Eodent, and by Cuvier and Illiger as a Pachy- derm. M. Is. Greoifroy Saint-Hilaire, founding his opinion upon its organization and habits, considered it as forming the connecting link between these orders. The toes have irregular corneous formations, partly resembling hoofs and partly claws. The Daman inhabits the Cape of Good Hope, Abyssinia, and even as far as Lebanon. It never descends into the plains. This small mammal (fig. 30) is the size of a Marmot. (Pallas.) "With the exception of not having a horn it is almost a Rhino- ceros in miniature. (Cuvier.) Its form is heavy, short, and low on its feet. The fur consists of long, close-set, soft, silky hair, and of very fine scanty woolly fibres. Its general colour is of a greyish brown. The head is thick and terminated by a short thick muzzle. The ears are short, round, and bordered by fine hairs ; the neck is short and wider than it is long. The upper jaw has two strong incisors, which curve downwards ; in the young animal there are two very small canines ; the lower jaw, 1 Commonly called Badger of the rocks (Klipp-daas, Klip-dasje, or Klip-dasse) or Marmot of the Cape. The Abjssinians call it Gihe accord- ing to Shaw, and Ashkoko according to Bruce ; the Libanians, the sheep of Israel (Gannim Israel. ~) ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 123 Fig. 30. Daman. somewhat shorter than the upper, has four in- cisors, but no canines. (Cuvier.) On the upper lip are a number of long stiff black hairs. There are also a quantity of large hairs beneath the eyebrows and beneath the throat. The abdo- men is very wide. The palms of the feet are naked and covered with a soft skin. The fore feet have four toes, and the hind feet only three ; these toes terminate in small round hoofs, excepting the innermost toe of the hind foot, which is armed with an oblique hooked claw. There is no visible tail; the coccyx is reduced to a small tubercle. There are three mammae on each side, of which the anterior is axillary, and the two others inguinal. The Daman is a very active animal and cleanly in its habits ; although naturally savage and timid, it is easily tamed, and is even capable of forming attachments. Its food consists of the fruits and roots of aromatic plants ; it is particularly fond of the Oyclopia qenistoides, an elegant shrub belonging to the family of papilionacese. Origin ofhyraceum. This substance is found in small masses on the sides of rocky mountains, in the clefts of the rocks, in caverns, and in those places generally which are frequented by the Damans. The inhabitants collect these fragments while they are fresh, soft, and somewhat glutinous. Sparmann, Thunberg, Burchell, and Lichtenstein, all agree in regarding the Daman of the Cape as the animal which pro- duces the hyraceum. But how is this substance formed ? Is it by special glands aa in the Musk-deer, the Civet, and the Castor ? The anatomy of the genital organs, which has been published by Pallas, is opposed to this conclusion. Is the hyraceum merely the dried urine of the Daman ? According to Sparmann and Thunberg the Dutch call this sub- stance Badger's urine (Dassen-pissat or dasjespis) ; they believe that the Damans have the habit of always discharging their urine in the same place, and that the urine in drying deposits a certain substance, which gradually condenses and ultimately 124 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. forms the hyraceum. It will be presently seen that this ex- planation is to a certain extent correct. Krauss suspected that it might be the menstrual discharge of the animal, but there is nothing to confirm this notion. Dr. Edward Martiny considers the Jiyraceum as the secretion of the preputial glands, and probably also of largely developed vaginal glands. But these glands would not have been over- looked by Pallas in his dissections. Several modern writers admit, and it appears to the author correctly, that this substance is nothing more than the excre- ments of the animal mixed with its urine which have been deposited and dried in the crevices of the rock, and in caverns frequented by the animal. (Pereira, Yerreaux.) The ex- amination of the Jiyraceum made by L. Soubeiran, and its analysis by Schrader and by Eeichel, fully confirm this view of the matter. Hyraceum. This is a solid, hard, heavy substance, of a blackish brown colour, with certain portions clearer or more brilliant, and having a resinous appearance. It can be cut with a knife and softened between the fingers. It has some resemblance to the bdellium of India and to black myrrh. (G-uibourt.) "When exposed to a moist atmosphere it softens and becomes more or less glutinous. Its odour is strong and disagreeable, somewhat analogous to that of castoreum, but not so strong, and somewhat urinous. Its taste is bitter, astrin- gent, and acrid. Hyraceum is very soluble in water, to which it imparts a yel- low colour, especially when the water is hot ; it leaves a clear brownish yellow coloured residue. It is but partially soluble in alcohol, and in ether, to which it imparts a very light yellow tint. (L. Soubeiran.) When examined by the microscope it is found to contain particles of plants ; as for example, the husks of grasses, frag- ments of cellular and fibrous tissue, and portions of tracheal vessels. There are also present hairs, particles of silicious sand, and granules of uric acid. (L. Soubeiran.) Chemical analysis shows that hyraceum contains a yellow colouring matter soluble in common alcohol and in water, a brown matter soluble in water, a green resin soluble in alcohol, a small quantity of fatty matter, and a large amount of insoluble residue, containing the remains of vegetable fibres and quartz. (Schrader.) The liyracewm of commerce is packed in cylindrical tin boxes, each containing about a pound. ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 125 This substance has been proposed as a substitute for casto- reum ; some years ago it was brought into use in consequence of the high price of castoreum. At the present nme it is very rarely employed, and in all probability it will shortly be numbered with those substances which, after having been boasted of as panaceas, have been rejected from the list of the Materia Medica. (L. Soubeiran.) V. Ambergris. 1. Origin of Ambergris. Various hypotheses have been put forward with respect to the origin of Ambergris. Avicenna and Serapion assert that it is a balm which grows upon the rocks, in the same manner as mushrooms do upon trees, and which afterwards falls into the sea. Cardan pretends that it is the dried saliva of the sea-cow. Fernandez Lopez considers it to be the excrements of certain birds which had fed upon odoriferous plants. Others have regarded ambergris as the condensed froth of the sea, or as a kind of greasy earth which has become hardened, as bitumen, as a species of resin, as a kind of gum, as the sperm of the whale, or as the excrement of crocodiles, &c. Virey pronounces ambergris to be a species of adipocire arising from the decomposition of various odoriferous Poulps, which reside in the open sea. A circumstance which appeared to give some support to this suggestion, was the discovery on several occasions of horny mandibles in the interior of the pieces of amber precisely similar to those of the Cephalopoda. Pelletier and Caventou, who have given a good analysis of ambergris, describe it as a biliary calculus. Serval Marel has the credit of first recognizing the true source of this odoriferous substance. According to this writer it is produced by several large animals of the whale species. It is a residue of digestion, a kind of intestinal cal- culus or coprolite. This statement has been confirmed by Swediaur and by Kome Delile. It is known that the Japanese call ambergris, ki'iixura no fuu; that is to say, excrement of the whale. (Ksempfer.) Ambergris forms in masses in the alimentary canal of the Cachalots, 1 and is discharged with their excrements. Some 1 See p. 92, and Fig. 14. 126 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. persons consider that this substance is a normal production of all the Cachalots ; others suppose that it is a morbid and, con- sequently, art* accidental formation. The Cachalots are capable of furnishing it in large quantities. A whaleman obtained forty-four pounds from the intestines of one individual, and one hundred and fourteen from those of another. Ambergris is sometimes found floating on the sea, at other times on the shore, mixed with the excrements of the Cachalots, occasionally, as has just been mentioned, in the intestines them- selves. This substance is regularly collected on the coasts of Japan, of the Molucca islands, of India, of Madagascar, and of Brazil. When the Cachalots are opened the ambergris is found in the caecum, and never in any other part of the intes- tinal canal. The food taken by these Cetacea seems to influence the formation of the ambergris. It appears that there are some species of Poulps (Eledons) which have the odour of musk ; that the Cuttle-fish and other molluscs, and even small fish, which have not been properly digested, give rise to this sub- stance. It is known that amongst these animals there are some which exhale a musk-like odour. When the American fishermen discover ambergris in any part, they immediately conclude that it is frequented by some of the Cetacea. Some have supposed that only the Cachalot has the property of producing ambergris ; others, with more reason, admit that it is produced both by the Cachalot and the Balaena. The principal species which produce it are the PTiyseter macrocephalus l and the JSalcsna mysticetus. z 2. AMBERGRIS (ambra cinerea). This is a tolerably hard, solid substance, of a greasy waxy nature ; it is lighter than water, and melts at a low temperature. Its colour is a greyish black, sometimes yellow or brown ; it is often covered with a white efflorescence, which forms on its surface and penetrates some little distance into the interior. Ambergris has a mild sweet odour, which extends to a considerable distance, and scarcely any taste. It is more or less soluble in water and in alcohol, according to its state of purity. Ambergris forms irregular masses, sometimes composed of concentric superimposed layers, and at other times of small irregular roundish grains. In the interior there are occasion- 1 See p. 92, and Fig. 14. 2 See p. 93, and Fig. 15. ANIMALS CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED IN MEDICINE. 127 ally found the remains of molluscs and of fishes, such as the mandibles, scales, and bones. The masses are generally from two ounces to a pound in weight. They are, however, found weighing as much as from ten to twenty pounds. A spermaceti whale which was stranded in 1741 near Bayonne, had a mass of amber in its interior which weighed more than ten pounds, Masses have been mentioned of from one to more than two hundred pounds weight. The East India Company, in 1695, had a mass weighing one hundred and sixty pounds. In 1721, Valmont de Bomara saw a mass of more than two hundred pounds in weight. Another has been mentioned weighing eight hundred and sixty-six pounds, which, however, seems scarcely credible. Ambergris contains ambreine, a sweet balsamic alcoholic ex- tract, with benzoic acid, aqueous extract, benzoic acid, and chloride of sodium. (John.) Ambreine was discovered by MM. Pelletier and Caventou ; its properties are analogous to those of cholesterine, This sub- stance is white, insipid, has a sweet smell, and is insoluble in water, but dissolves in alcohol and ether. It has been stated that Foxes are very fond of ambergris, and that they come down to the coasts in search of it, eat it and return it in the same state as they swallowed it with regard to its perfume, but altered in colour. This propensity is supposed to account for the existence of pieces of whitish ambergris which are found at some distance from the sea on the Landes of Aquitain and which the inhabitants term Fox amber (Bory) ? [In England ambergris is only used as a perfume.] CHAPTER III. YESICATING INSECTS. VESICATING or blistering insects are those which have the power of producing a vesicular inflammation of the skin. These insects are valuable external agents. They are rarely ad- ministered internally. The blistering insects consist of Cantharides, belonging to the order Coleoptera and to the tribe Heteromera. These insects originally formed a portion of the genus Meloe of Linnaeus, characterized by a rounded thorax and an inflected 128 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. head. This group has been divided into thirteen genera. The blistering insects form nine of these genera, of which four are more important than the others, and require to be par- ticularly noticed. These genera are: 1. Cantharides; 2. My- labra ; 3. Cerocoma ; 4. Meloe. The characters which dis- tinguish them are principally furnished by the wings and the antennae. The following is a summary of these characters. x normally developed . ( filiform ........ 1. Cantharides. Antennas . absent .............. 4. Meloe. The five remaining genera which possess more or less vesicat- ing properties are Ifycleus, Decatoma, Lydus, (Enas, and Te- traonix. Dorthes asserts that the ancients employed the caterpillar of the Phalcena Pityocampa as a substitute for the Cantharides. 1 I. Cantharides. 1. COMMON C ANT H ABIDES (Cantharis vesicatoria, Lat.). 2 This insect is the principle blistering agent in use. Aldrovandus, Johnston, G-esner, and others have described under the name of Cantharides several different species of coleoptera, sometimes even insects belonging to other orders. 1. Habitation. Cantharides are common in the southern countries of Europe. They are found on the ash, lilac, privet, and jasmine. They are also met with on the elder, rose, apple, willow, and poplar trees. Bichard found them on the honey- suckle and on the chamaecerasus. Others have observed them, but more rarely, on the walnut, the cynoglossus (dog's tongue), and even on wheat. They often assemble in large numbers, and devour the leaves of the plant very rapidly. Paul Her- mann saw a large ash entirely destroyed by being deprived of its leaves by these insects. 2. Description. The Common Cantharides (fig. 31) isl a coleopterous insect, measuring from six to eleven lines ' in length, and from one to two lines in breadth. Its body is elongated and cylindrical ; the head is large and cordiform ; it 1 According to Hentz, there is in the United States a species of Spider ( Tegenaria medicinalis,W&lck.) which the inhabitants use as a blistering agent This species is common in the neighbourhood of Philadelphia. Similar properties are attributed to the Clubio medicinalis, Walck. a Lytta visicatoria, Fabr., Meloe vesicatorius, Linn., commonly called Can- tharides of the shops .Spanish fly, Cantharides fly. BLISTEKING INSECTS. 129 Fig. 31 . Cantharides. 1 is furnished with long filiform antennae, composed of eleven joints. The thorax is nar- rower than the base of the head ; it is small, and has the prothorax almost square. A deep furrow is seen on the middle of the head and of the thorax. The elytra are as long as the abdomen, flexible, covered with tine markings, and provided with two longi- tudinal nervures along the in- ner margin ; they cover up the membranous and transparent wings. The feet are slender, and the filiform tarsi termi- nate in a pair of very curved hooks which are covered with thick-set hairs on their .under surface. There are five joints in the tarsi of the two first pairs of feet, and only four in the last. The body and the elytra are of a golden green colour with a metallic lustre, but the antenna are black. The animal gives oif a very strong, disagreeable, poisonous odour, which spreads to a great distance. The males are smaller than the females. Audouin has given an accurate description of the copulation of these insects, which he witnessed on the branch of a lilac tree. The male harasses the female, who at first sluggishly opposes him, but afterwards offers an active resistance. He then mounts on her back and seizes her antenna? with his fore feet. On the first joint of the tarsus of these feet there is a deep groove, and on the tibia a strong spine or hook, which, when the joint is flexed, enters the groove and forms a complete ring. It is with this kind of pincers that the male grasps the antenna? of the female, which he pulls and handles like a pair of horns. Having thus obtained the mastery, the act of copulation soon takes place. It lasts for about four hours. At the end of this time the female, who has hitherto remained immoveable, and apparently indifferent, struggles violently. The male, who is weakened, falls off, and the intromittent organ is torn away and remains in the vagina of the female. 1 a. Several eggs adhering together, magnified; 6, a single egg more highly magnified. 130 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. After copulation the females bury themselves in the earth, where they lay a considerable number of small eggs ; these are cylindrical, somewhat flattened at their sides, slightly curved, of a yellowish colour, and agglutinated together (fig. 31 a, b). The larvae which issue forth have a soft elongated body, of a yellowish white colour, composed of thirteen segments and provided with six short scaly feet; the head is rounded, furnished with two small filiform antennae, and a mouth armed with two strong jaws and four palpi. Some writers assert that the larvae feed upon roots ; others believe that they are para- sites. Adanson says that they devour the ants. 3. Collecting. The collecting of the Cantharides takes place early in the morning before sunrise, while the animals are still in an enfeebled state. For the purpose of collecting them, large cloths are spread at the foot of the trees and shrubs, which are then well shaken. Some writers recommend the persons who are engaged in collecting the insects to provide themselves with a mask and gloves. These precautions are, however, altogether useless. (Berthoud.) For the purpose of destroying the Cantlmrides they are steeped in boiling water or in hot vinegar, or they are exposed to the vapour of the latter after being placed in linen bags, or on horse-hair sieves. M. Lutrand recommends their being exposed to the vapour of chloroform. They are afterwards placed in a dry big room. In the process of drying the insects lose considerably in weight, so that each insect weighs very little more than a grain. They are preserved in stoppered bottles. In choosing Cantharides those that are fresh, dry, and whole should be selected. When they are three or four years old they are liable to be attacked by several small insects, which entirely destroy them, devouring even the elytra and the other hard parts. Even the best closed vessels will not always pre- serve them. They are eaten by a small coleopterous insect, the Anthrenus muscGorum, by the Ptinea, and by the Dermestes. Various means have been proposed for preserving them, but unfortunately they are often insufficient. Camphor, which is effectual for the moths, is of no use in the case of the Anthrenus. Murcury placed at the bottom of the bottle is said to be an excellent means of preservation. (Soubeiran.) [Dr. Pereira says he has found the addition of a few drops of acetic acid an effectual remedy against the attacks of the mites (Acarus domesticus) .] BLISTEBINO INSECTS. 131 The Cetonia aurata, Linn., and the Callichroma muscata are often found mixed with Cantharides, as well as a species of Chrysomela. (Emmel.) [These insects are mixed by the dealers with the Cantharides for the purpose of fraud ; they have no blistering properties, and are easily distinguished by the form and proportions of their bodies.] 4. Active part. The ancients believed that the vesicating properties of Cantharides resided in the hairs which cover their bodies. The active principle of these animals, Cantharidin, was discovered by Robiquetinl840. This principle is a white crystallisable substance, with an extremely acrid taste. "When applied to the skin it rapidly raises a blister ; taken inter- nally it is a virulent poison. Cantharidin is fusible, very volatile, and is entirely dissipated when exposed to the air at the ordinary temperature. It is insoluble in water, but dis- solves in alcohol, more so in hot than in cold. Ether also dis- solves it. Is the cantharidin distributed indiscriminately throughout all parts of the animal? Hippocrates considered that the antennae, the head, the elytra, tne wings, and the feet are inert, and recommended that they should be rejected. Schwilgue has revived this opinion. Linnaeus, on the contrary, maintains that the vesicating property resides nearly equally in every part of the insect. H. Cloquet and Audouin are also of this opinion. M. Farines, however, has stated that a blister made from the powdered antennae, elytra, wings, and feet, after being applied for thirty hours, produced no effect. M. Berthoud in some recent experiments found that 3858 grains troy (250 grammes) of the thorax and the abdomen, which he terms soft parts, yielded 6' 5 grains of cantharadin ; and that 1929 grains (125 grammes) of the antennae, heads, elytra, wings, and feet, which he terms corneous parts, yielded "817 grains, which is in the proportion of 4 to 1. Do Cantharides lose their vesicating properties by age? Foster assures us that when these insects have fallen into the condition of dust their remains have no action. Dumeril, on the other hand, has successfully employed Can- Ihar'ulcK which had been preserved for twenty years. We must not suppose, as some pharmaceutists have done, that the active principle of these insects is not eaten by their parasites ; if this were really the case, the Cantharides which had been attacked by them, instead of losing their qualities, would, on the contrary, become more active. Observation shows that the excrement K 2 132 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. and remains of these parasites have no vesicating properties, and as they become mixed with the fragments of the Cantharides, the refuse which remains in the bottles can have but a very slight action. According to M. Farines, the properties of the dust of the worm-eaten Cantharides, compared with the ordi- nary powder, diminish in the ratio of 7 to 10^. On the other hand, Robiquet, M. Gruibourt, and Virey, in analysing this dust, have found but a very small quantity of cantharidin. M. Berthoud obtained T45 grs. of cantharidin from 1929 grs. of dust; that is, about three fifths the quantity which would be furnished by the same weight of sound Cantharides. It is, therefore, evident that the remains of the worm-eaten insects would not be altogether inert. 1 2. OTHEK, SPECIES. The genus Cantliaris contains a large number of species. Dejean enumerates thirty ; and Audouin raises the number to sixty-four. It is, however, very rarely that any other species is employed than the one which has just been spoken of. In the South of France, a species termed Cantliaris dubia, Fabr., Lytta dubia of Oliver, is found on the lucern. The body of this insect is black, and the head of a reddish colour, divided into two portions by a longitudinal black line* According to M. Courbon the punctated Cantharis, Lytta adspersa, King, Epicauta adspersa, Dej., from Montevideo, is an excellent vesicant, and acts more quickly than the common Cantharis. The latter' species lives on the beetroot ; it is from T 5 ^ to -^ of an inch in length. The head, thorax, and abdomen are of an ashen grey colour, covered with small black spots. The antennae are black, and the feet of a reddish colour. Other Cantharides have been mentioned possessing vesicating properties, as for example that of Syria, Lytta Syriaca, Fabr., and a species from Arabia, which lives on wheat, Lytta segetum, Fabr. ... M. Leclerc describes in his thesis (1835) seven species, whose properties he had experimented upon. . . M. Courbon has also enumerated two species of Cantharis, the Epicauta cavernosa, Reiche, and the Lytta vidua, Klug, (Causima vidua, Dej.,) both from the neighbourhood of Montevideo. [There are five preparations of Cantharides in the London Pharmacopieia. 1 M. Limousin-Lamotte announced to the Pharmaceutical Society of Paris, that blisters made from the worm-eaten remains had acted well. This statement was strongly contested, but was subsequently confirmed by M. Dubuc. BLISTERING INSECTS. 133 1. ACETUM CANTHARIDIS (Epispasticum), Vinegar of Can- tharides (Epispastic). Take of Cantharides rubbed to powder ^ij ; acetic acid Oj. Macerate the Cantharides with the acid for eight days, frequently shaking ; lastly press and strain. This is used as an extemporaneous blister. 2. TINCTURA CANTHARIDIS, Tincture of Cantharides. Take of bruised Cantharides 3 iv ; proof spirit Oij. Macerate for seven days, then press and strain. The action of this preparation is diuretic and stimulant ; the dose is mlO to 3j. It should be given in some demulcent liquid, as barley water or linseed tea. Its effects on the bladder must be carefully watched. (Pereira.) It is occasionally used externally as a rubefacient. 3. CERATUM CANTHARIDIS, Cerate of Cantharides. Cantha- rides rubbed to a very tine powder 3j ; spermaceti cerate ^vi. Add the Cantharides to the cerate, softened by heat, and mix. This is used to promote a discharge from a blistered sur- face and to stimulate issues and indolent ulcers. It is a more powerful preparation than the next, which is used for the same purpose, and consequently it is more liable to affect the bladder, and to produce inflammation of the lymphatics and general irritation. 4. UNOUENTFM CANTHARIDIS, Ointment of Cantharides, Cantharides rubbed to a very fine powder J iij ; distilled water Jxij : cerate of resin Ibj. Boil the water with the Cantharides down to one half and strain. Mix the cerate with the strained liquor, afterwards let it evaporate to a proper consistence. This is milder but less efficacious than the former. 5. EMPLASTRUM CANTHARIDIS, Plaster of Cantharides. Take of Cantharides rubbed to a very fine powder Ibj : wax and suet each Jviiiss; resin Jiij ; lard ^vj. To the wax, suet, and lard, liquified together, add the resin previously melted, then remove them from the fire, and a little before they con- crete, sprinkle in the cantharides and mix. " In making blistering plasters, care must be taken not to add the cantharides while the melted lard is quite hot, as the heat greatly injures the vesicating powers of the insect. For a similar reason the plaster should be spread by the thumb, a heated spatula being objectionable. To prevent the blister moving after its application to the skin, its margin should be covered with adhesive plaster. In order to guard against any affection of the urinary organs, place a piece of thin book muslin or silver (tissue) paper between the plaster and the skin. The efficacy of the blister depends on the fatty matter dissolving the Cantharidin and transuding through the muslin MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. or paper. Some recommended the paper to be soaked in oil, which is supposed to dissolve the cantharidin. Now oil, not being misciblewith the blood, is not readily absorbed; and hence it is supposed arises its protective influence. The usual time requisite for a blistering plaster to remain in contact with the skin is twelve hours ; the vesicle is then to be cut at its most depending part and dressed with spermaceti ointment. When we wish to make a perpetual blister, the cerate of cantharides is employed as a dressing, or, if we wish to excite less irritation and prevent the possibility of the urinary organs being aifected, the cerate of savin." (Pereira.)] II. Mylabris. The number of insects belonging to the genus Mylabris is very considerable. Oliver has described something like sixty. At the present time there are nearly two hundred. There are few groups in which the species have been more confounded together, or in which the synonyms are in greater confusion. (G-uerin.) The body of these insects is generally black. Some have the elytra of a dark yellow with black bands or spots. These insects are very timid, and when it is attempted to capture them they fold up their feet and antennae, and, falling down, assume the appearance of death. 1. THE MYLABRIS or THE CHICORY (fig. 32), Malylris cichorii, Fabr., Meloe cichorii, Linn. This species is the one which is best known, and which has been most carefully examined. It is supposed to be the insect which Dioscorides and Pliny have mentioned under the name of Cantharis. Habitat. This Mylabris is found in several of the warm parts of Europe. It resides on the flowers of the wild chicory, and on several other plants belonging to the family composite. Description. The elytra are of an obscure yellow, with three large, somewhat zigzag, black bands. The first band is interrupted and some- times reduced to three or four spots. This species of Mylabris is employed in Italy Fig. 32. Mylabra. Greece, Egypt, and as far as China. Some writers, however, think that the one found in France is different from that of China, and that the latter alone consti- tutes the true Mylabris of the chicory. The others form one or two distinct species. It is at least certain that Linnaeus has confounded several species under the name of Meloe cichorii. BLISTERING INSECTS. 135 2. OTHEB SPECIES. The species most nearly allied to the Mylabris of the Chicory are : 1. The variable Mylabris, Mylabris variabilis, Pall., to which Dr. Bretonneau has drawn attention. 2. The Mylabris of Sida, Mylabris Sida, Fabr., M. pustulata, Oliv., is a large species which lives in China, and forms an extensive article of commerce. According to Soubeiran it is largely employed in Germany, where it is imported by the English merchants. 3. The Blue Mylabris, Mylabris cyynescens, Illig., has been recommended by M. Farines, a pharmaceutist of Perpignan. The following are the distinctive characters of these three species compared with those of the common species. s bands . / ochre yellow \ ITU.*. Jw;,*u A (interrupted I, Mylabris cickorii. Having \ Elytra .j First band J entire . . ^ Mylabris wriabili*. I ( reddish brown 3. Mylabris Sida. ^ points 4. Mylabris cyynescens. According to Dr. Collas, the Indian Mylabris, Mylabris Indica, FussL, M. punctum, Fabr., is successfully employed at Pondicherry. M. Guerin-Meneville has mentioned as a vesicating insect the Mylabris of the olive tree, Mylabris olea, Chevrol, which is found in Algeria. 1 III. Cerocoma. The Cerocoma of Schoeffer (fig. 33) Cerocoma Schcefferi, Fabr. Meloe Schoefferi, Linn., is a small insect which lives on the ^niiniuese, umbellifer, and the composite. It buries its head in the flowers. It is found in the neighbourhood of Paris. The insect is from five to seven lines in length ; it is covered with down, and is of a golden green colour ; the head is small and black ; the thorax is of the same colour, while the antennae and the feet are yellow ; the elytra -are the same length as the abdomen, and are very flexible. The animal is an active flyer. There are several other species belonging to the genus Cerocoma in France, in Spain, and in the East, but their vesicating properties have not Fig. 33. been investigated. Cerocoma. 1 The remedy for hydrophobia, which was administered at the monastery of Phaneromana, not far from Eleusis, according to M. Ch. Laurent, was 136 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. IV. Meloe. The name of Meloe is given to insects allied to Mylabra and Cantharis ; they are remarkable for the shortness of the elytra and the absence of wings. These insects are generally of a black colour, but this is often mixed with shades of green and blue. The elytra are frequently punctated or rough. The Meloe are very fertile. Grodard saw a female deposit in two layings 2212 eggs. The eggs are very small. When the larvae are born they attach themselves to hyme- noptera, which are searching for food ; by this means they are transported to the nests of the bees, where they continue to live and complete their development. According to M. Fabre the larvae of the Meloe pass through four distinct forms before arriving at the pupa stage; these consist of the primitive larval form, of a second larval form, of a pseudo chrysalis, and of a third larval form. The primitive larva is coriaceous, and attaches itself to the hymen op tera ; the object of this is that the larva may be transported to a cell containing honey. When it reaches a cell it devours the egg of the hymenoptera. The second larva is soft, and differs altogether externally from the first ; it feeds upon the honey. The pseudo chrysalis has the body covered with a corneous integument, and is deprived of motion ; it is half invaginated in the cast-off skin of the second larval form. The third larval form resembles the second ; it is half enclosed in the cast-off integument of the pseudo chrysalis, as the latter was in those of the second larval form. After the latter stage the metamorphoses follow the usual course ; the larva becoming a true pupa, and the pupa a perfect insect. When a Meloe is irritated or attempted to be captured, it discharges from the joints of its legs a viscid, acrid liquid, of a yellow colour, and having the odour of amber or of violets. An entomologist, at Montpellier, who had incautiously handled some of these insects, had his hands the next day covered with pustules. MM. Amoreux and H. Cloquet, however, assert that they have often handled them without experiencing any ill effects. the Mylabris bimaculata, Oliv , pounded up with the Cynanchum excelsum, a plant belonging to the family Asclepiadaceae, and 'upon which the in- sect lived. This pretended specific must be classed with the innumerable remedies which have been proposed without the least success against this fearful disease (Dumeril), amongst which are also found the Cetoinia aurata, the Proscarabceus, and the Tdophora. LEECHES. 137 SPECIES. Four species of Meloe are more particularly made use of; the following is a short summary of their characters : .,. , ( the middle (dark violet) . 1. Meloe proscarabxus. /-thick j the apex (deep black) ^ m % Meloe rugosus . j the whole (greenish black) . 3. Meloe variegatus. (filiform < notched (deep black with red ( bands) 4. Meloe maialis. 1. The Meloe Proscarabceus, Linn., (fig. 34) has the elytra slightly rugose. It is very common in France. The Meloe Gallics, Dej., ap- pears to be a variety. 2. The Meloe rugosus, Marsh, has the elytra extremely rugose. It is not un- common in the south of France, as for example in the environs of Montpellier. 3. The Meloe variegatus, Donav., has the elytra slightly rugose. It is found in the neighbourhood of Paris. 4. The Meloe maialis, Linn., is dis- tinguished from the three previous spe- cies by the presence of transverse bands . q^ t> i \ j/i i i mi -fife- ** of a red colour on the abdomen. This insect is found in Spain. The use of the following species has also been recommended : the Meloe autumnalis, Oliv., which is found in the neighbour- hood of Paris ; the Meloe pimctatus, Oliv., under which title two species have been confounded, viz., the Tuccius of Rossi, and the coriarius of Hofmansegg ; and the Meloe Algeria, Linn., which inhabits Sardinia. CHAPTER IV. LEECHES. LEECHES are abranchial Annelida belonging to the family Hirundinidae and to the genus Hirudo. They are found in ponds, ditches, marshes, streams, and rivulets. The body of these animals is elongated, flattened, gradually narrowed anteriorly, and obtuse posteriorly ; it is soft, viscous, and slippery to the feel, and is composed of ninety-five equal and very distinct rings, which project at the sides. Leeches, when 138 MEDICAL ZOOLOaT. they contract their bodies, assume the form of an olive. Their colour is more or less of a greenish cast. The back has six parallel longitudinal bands of a reddish or brownish hue, spotted with black, continuous or intercepted, and sometimes reduced to mere points. The ventral surface is either of a uniform colour or spotted with black, and bordered on each side by a straight or undulating band of the same colour. The anterior extremity is provided with an oral sucker, not very concave, and with the upper lip almost lancet-shaped. Within the mouth are three jaws furnished with minute teeth. The eyes are ten in number, but are hardly visible ; they are placed on the upper lip, where they form a curved line, the six anterior being the largest. The posterior extremity of the body is also terminated by a round obliquely placed sucker, at the base of which and at its upper part is the anal orifice. Leeches are androgynous. The sexual orifices are placed on the anterior third of the belly ; the male orifice between the twenty-seventh and twenty- eighth ring, and the female five rings farther back. The first is a minute pore, surrounded by a thickened margin, and the second a small transverse slit. The copulation of these animals is double. In the act two individuals approach each other; their bellies are placed opposite to each other, but in the contrary direction, so that the oral sucker of each is turned towards the anal sucker of the other. In this position the leeches unite with each other and copu- lation takes place. The period of gestation lasts from twenty-five to forty days. When a leech is impregnated an enlargement takes place around the sexual apertures, which has received the name of the girdle or clitellum. At the time of laying their eggs the Leeches come from the water and seek for some moist earth, where they can make a hole or gallery; they then discharge from their muciparous sacs a clear white and transparent liquid. (Ebrard.) This froth has all the appearance of white of egg after it has been beaten up. (Wedecke.) The animal, by a series of contractions of the anterior part of its body, facilitates the discharge of this fluid (Ebrard), and becomes entirely surrounded by it. The clitel- lum swells, and a pellicle is formed upon its surface. The worm appears to suffer, it twists about in every direction, the posterior part of its body remaining almost stationary and serving as the point of resistance. At the end of a certain time, the leech quickly withdraws its head from the pellicle before mentioned, and at the same time this is detached from LEECHES. 139 the clitellum. The Leech then extricates itself backwards from this kind of membranous case. It thus forms an oval sac, open at each end. The two orifices are then closed up by a thick brown mass. Before the animal comes out of the case, it has deposited a number of small eggs, accompanied by a large quantity of albuminous matter. The sac becomes more solid, assumes a darker colour, and forms a closed capsule (embryophore, Fermond). This kind of shell is not analogous to the covering of the eggs of the other oviparous animals; it is a simple secretion from the skin; a kind of structure which reminds one of the caducous membrane of the mammalia. The frothy matter surrounding the shell dries, becomes of a reddish colour, then brown, and ultimately forms a spongy net- work, which transforms the capsule into a species of cocoon. The mere drying of the frothy mucus would not suffice to form the tissue of which we have been speaking. It is pro- bable that the capsule exercises some influence on its forma- tion, for the spongy tissues always begin to be organized from within outwards, so that the deepest portion is often found converted into the spongy tissue, while the superficial portion still remains in the frothy state. If the transformation into the spongy tissue arose solely from drying, it is evident that this change should commence on the exterior. (Weber.) Possibly the deposition of the frothy matter takes place at intervals, and the part which is not dried, is that which is last secreted ? Each Leech produces two cocoons, rarely three. Every cocoon encloses from ten to eighteen eggs. Chatelain has counted as many as twenty-one, and Charpentier twenty-six. The eggs are hatched between the twenty- fifth and twenty-eighth day. (Achard, Chate- lain.) The temperature seems to exercise some influence on their development. At this time the young Leeches force off the flaps or opercula at the extremities of the capsule, pass through the spongy tissue, sometimes winding their way through the different laminae, and emerge at various parts of the Yig. 35. surface. Grey Leech. 140 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. At birth the leeches are about ^ of an inch in length. They are filiform, transpa- rent, of an ashen colour approaching to white ; some have a reddish cast. Their eyes are easily distinguished at the end of a few days ; the dorsal bands or spots make their appearance ; and by degrees the young animal assumes the livery of its parents. During the first days, when the young Leeches are alarmed or are pursued by their enemies, they return to their cocoon and hide themselves in the spongy tissue. 1. SPECIES. Writers have described not less than fifty different species of Leeches; many of these are, however, mere varieties not distinctly characterized. In a recent work the number is reduced to seventeen, and even of these more than half are still very imperfectly known. There are three principal varieties of Leeches employed in France. These are : 1st, The Grey Leech; 2nd, The Green Fig. 36.- Green Leech. Leech; 3rd, The Dragon Leech. The fol- lowing is a summary of their characters : Lateral Bands straight. Belly / ~ spotted. not spotted. 1. Grey Leech. 2. Green Leech. zigzag. 3. Dragon Leech. [True English or Speckled .Leech.} 1. The Grey or Medicinal Leech, Hirudo medicinalis, Linn., Sanguisuga medicinalis, Sav., (fig. 35) is an inhabitant of Europe and certain parts of northern Africa. The body is olive green, mixed with grey. On the back are six rusty red longitudinal stripes ; the sides are olive green. The belly is spotted with black. 2. The Green or officinal Leech, Hirudo officinalis, Moq., Sanguisuga officinalis, Fig. 37 .Dragon Leech. Sav., (fig. 36) is found in the same LEECHES. 141 localities as the former. The body is of a clear olive or green colour. The back has six rusty red longitudinal bands, generally continuous. The margins are of an olive colour both on the back and on the belly. This species differs but very little from the Grey Leech. 3. The Drat/on or Trout Leech, Hirudo troctina, Johns., Snm/niaufja interrupts, Moq., (fig. 37,) is found in Algeria and the whole of Barbary. The body is of a clear brilliant green colour. The back has six rows of spots, which are generally very distinct ; the margins are of an orange or reddish colour. The belly is sometimes spotted with black, sometimes not. The last species has been long regarded as being of an in- ferior quality ; but recent experiments have shown that it is quite as good as the Grey Leech. (Milton, Tripier.) These three leeches offer numerous varieties, which have been described in special monographs on the subject. The colours of the bands, the way in which they are intercepted, and the form of the spots, have been made the ground for giving a number of names which are quite undeserving of serious attention. The climate, the water, and the soil seem to in- fluence these points of difference. Leeches are sometimes named after the country from which they come ; thus we have the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Hungarian, the African, the Algerian, and the Morocco Leech. The merchants divide the Leeches into small, middle sized, and large. The very small are called threads (flets) ; those which are just born sprouts (germemont); and the very large ones cows (vaches). The dealers often gorge the Leeches, before selling them, with blood from the slaughter-houses, and thus convert the filets into small ones, and the small ones into the middle-sized. Some years back, under the name of Hcementeria, M. Fillippi introduced a new genus of American Hirundinida3, which differs from the ordinary Leeches in the structure of the mouth; this organ is provided with a stiff, pointed, small, protrusile sucker instead of the three jaws. This learned zoologist has described three species: the Hcementeria Ghiliani, H. Mexicana, and //. officinalis. The first is found in the river Amazon, the other two in Mexico. The advantages offered by these species will be referred to subsequently. 2. Action on Man. It has been long known that Leeches can pierce the skin of man, and of other vertebrata, for the purpose of sucking their blood. The attention of observers \\ as directed at a very early period to the organs with which these creatures are enabled to inflict their wounds. But the 142 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. first naturalists were unprovided either with the microscope or the magnifying glass, and these organs of the Leech are very small and deep-seated. Arnaud de Velleneuve believed that the Grey Leech had a small proboscis in its mouth, similar to that of the Gnats ; Gesner supposed that it was armed with a cleft and tubular tongue. Poupart imagined that the animal had no cutting instruments, and that it caused deep lacerations by a violent sucking action. Bondelet is one of the first who pointed out the presence of three small teeth or jaws ; his knowledge of them was, however, very imperfect. Muralto examined them more carefully. Dom Allou, Morand, Braun, Kunzemann, and Brandt have described the jaws of the Leech more or less correctly. 1. Jaws (38). The jaws of the Leech are three in number placed longitudinally: one superior and median, two others inferior and lateral. If the oral sucker is laid open, these organs are found closely approximated at their posterior ex- tremity and diverging at their anterior. The jaws of the Leech are semicircular, thin, cartilaginous, moderately strong, smooth and whitish bodies, having one straight margin, which is fixed, and provided with a process firmly imbedded in the muscles, while a second margin is free, rounded, and cutting. The process enlarges after its commencement, but is not branched. The convex border is provided with a row of teeth arranged close together. Dom Allou and Carena believed there were two rows of teeth ; this, however, was an optical illusion, caused by the curious form of these small bodies. M Brandt has only represented thirty-five teeth ; the writer has counted from forty-six to eighty-three ; the average number is from sixty- six to sixty-seven. These teeth are chevron-shaped like the letter V reversed ; they are ar- ranged parallel to each other and are placed across the cutting edge of the jaw (fig. 38), having their angle turned towards 1 a, oral sucker; d, oral sucker opened to show the three jaws ; c, jaw magnified, seen in profile; d, portion of a jaw highly magnified, so as to show the chevron-shaped denticles. Fig. 38. Jams ofaLeech. ] LEECHES. 143 the axis of the mouth. Viewed sideways, the teeth appear like a number of elongated processes, blunted and swollen at their bases, pointed at their summits, and arranged symmetri- cally like the teeth of a comb, but with a slightly radiated dis- position. Viewed from above, and under a low magnifying power, their basal enlargements appear like two rows of parallel projections. The denticles are unequal in size, the smallest being placed anteriorly. They increase in volume from before backwards, that is to say, towards the deepest part of the mouth. The two extremities of the jaws have no teeth. These denticles have been compared physiologically to the incisors of the mammalia. The jaws are lodged in a kind of depression of which the margins barely rise above them. Each jaw is provided at its base with a small fasciculus of muscular fibres, which diverge backwards and are intermingled with the muscles of the pharynx (fig. 38, b) . There is also observed in the tissue of these organs fibres, some of which are transverse and pass from one extremity to the other, while others are longitudinal and oblique, and pass from each denticle to the base of the jaw. A little in front of the jaws, in the interior of the sucker, is a strong tendinous ring, which forms the circumference of the mouth. 2. The manner of biting. When the Leech is about to bite it elongates the oral sucker ; it then contracts the extremity of the two lips, which become everted. The upper is a little more shortened than the lower, so that the organ ceases to be elongated, and becomes more or less circular. The Leech then draws a small papiliform piece of the skin into its mouth. (Poupart.) The three jaws are brought forwards ; they emerge from their cases, and are closely applied against the little papiliform portion of the skin. The muscular fibres of the sucker and the tendinous ring on its inner surface then contract and act alternately. At the same time, the special muscles of the jaws draw them forcibly from before backwards, and the pro- cess of skin is wounded in three places. The denticles at the posterior extremity commence the incision, these being the strongest and the sharpest. The points of resistance are the rings of the sucker which at that time are drawn very closely together, and are firmly applied to the surface of the skin. 144 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. In biting, the jaws act like small dentated wheels cut in halves, or like very fine curved saws. The teeth of the Leech being so much softer than those of other animals, one is surprised to find bodies which have so little firmness producing such deep incisions. Blainville thinks that the fibrous cartilaginous tissue of the denticles owes its rigidity to the contraction of their muscular fibres, and this opinion is probably correct. If the transverse fibres and the longitudinal fibres, which cross them, are made to contract at the same time, the jaw must necessarily become rigid. More- over, the longitudinal fibres passing obliquely, the effect of their contraction must be to elevate and render the points of the chevron-shaped denticles more projecting. The person who is bitten has at first a sensation of pressure on the part where the Leech has fixed itself. This increases, and is soon followed by a sharp acute pain, resembling a com- bination of pricking and tearing. 3. The wound. The wound of the Leech has a triradiate form produced by the three linear incisions, uniting in a com- mon centre, and forming three nearly equal angles with each other (fig. 39). Aldrovandus has given a perfectly correct description of the wound. 1 In consequence of the lines enlarging towards the centre, and their margins being somewhat p. 39 undulating (the wound being rather jagged than Leech-bite. cleanly cut), and as the little crust which covers them passes slightly beyond their edges, it often happens that the three angles are partially filled up, and the wound becomes somewhat of a triangular form. Sometimes the wound inflames and loses its proper form ; it may also give rise to a slight suppuration, or even to a partial erysipelas. The H&menteria which have been mentioned previously do not produce a true bite. According to the experiments of M. Craveri, their wound is small and leaves no traces behind. ( ! ) 4. Suction. After a Leech has punctured the skin, the mouth, aided by the muscular fibres which constitute the sucker, and especially the ring by which it is surrounded, per- forms the act of suction. Morand pretends that the anterior sucker acts like a pump, and that it is aided by the tongue, which performs the part of 1 " Sugendo trifidum vulnusculum imprimunt, ita ut radii ab uno centra terni cequts distantes procedant." LEECHES. 145 a piston. Unfortunately for this explanation Leeches have no tongue ; Morand having mistaken for the latter organ the suboesophageal ganglia placed on the exterior of the oesophagus. Durondeau believed that the whole of the digestive system from the tail to the head served to draw the blood. But one simple fact suffices to destroy this theory ; it is this that when a Leech is cut in two, it will still continue to perform the act of suction. Moreover, the structure of the alimentary canal is physically opposed to this general act of imbibition. The experiments of Swayne and Johnson have shown that in the operation of which we are speaking the animal does not withdraw its jaws from the wound, as many writers have asserted. We admit this fact, which we have also verified, but we believe that the muscular fibres which draw the jaws backwards and press them together towards a common centre, relax a little, the jaws then return to the beginning of the in- cisions, and as they diverge leave the centre of the wound exposed. This part of the wound is the largest and the deepest, and is that which principally furnishes the current of blood. 3. The quantity of Hood drawn. Writers have never been agreed as to the quantity of blood which a Leech is capable of drawing. Tyson remarks that this animal eats more than its own weight at a meal. He compares it to a silk- worm, which, in the course of a day, will consume a quantity of leaves of a greater weight than its own body. Ray says, that a Leech weighing 60 grs. will suck up three times that quantity of blood ; while Adanson states that one weighing 30 grs. will absorb 240 grs., that is to say, eight times its own weight. Simon Bonnet believed the average quantity to be from 92 grs. to 138 grs. ; but as a considerable quantity of blood oozes from the wound, if left to itself the patient probably loses from 118 grs. to 277 grs. of blood. According to M. Alphonse Sanson one Leech will consume 247 grs. ; according to my own calculations it would be 231 grs. Braun has remarked that the quantity of blood sucked up does not increase in proportion to the size of the animal. According to this writer a young Leech will consume three times its weight, and a full-grown one only twice its weight. According to M. Alphonse Sanson the small will consume three times and four-fifths ; the middle sized small four times and two-thirds ; the middle sized large seven times ; and the L 146 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. large five times and one-third of their own weight. I have repeated these experiments with the following results. M. Sanson experimented on six individuals ; my calculations are based upon the results obtained from twenty individuals. Small Leeches, two and a half times ; the small middle-sized, four times ; the large middle-sized, five and a half times ; and the large, five times and one eleventh part of their own weight. "We find, therefore, that the middle sized large Leeches are those which relatively consume the largest quantity of blood. [Pereira says, " the quantity of blood a leech is capable of drawing varies considerably. I believe four drachms to be the maximum. On an average I do not think we ought to estimate it at more than one drachm and a half. Of course this has no reference to that lost after the animal has fallen oif, which varies according to the vascularity of the part ; in children being oftentimes very considerable. When the leech has had sufficient it drops off"; but it is said if the tail be snipped, the animal will continue to bite, the blood passing out posteriorly as fast as it is taken in by the mouth. I have tried several, but they usually let go their hold the instant the tail is cut. H. Cloquet has made the same remark.] 1 These results, however, will vary with the species and race of Leech employed ; according also as to whether the indi- viduals are strong or unhealthy ; as to whether they are par- tially gorged or not, and also as to whether they have come direct from the waters of their native marshes, or from the artificial reservoir of a chemist's shop. The digestive system of the Leech consists of eleven pairs of gastric pouches. These pouches increase in size as they proceed backwards, the last pair being very much larger than those which precede them. This arrangement accounts for the large quantity of blood which these animals are capable of retaining. Eor a long time it was the custom to throw away all Leeches which had been used, but they are now disgorged and preserved for a future occasion. This disgorgement can be accomplished in various ways, as with salt, alum, sugar, ashes, tobacco, ipecacuanha, chalk, lime, charcoal, sawdust ; or with salt and water, sea water, dilute vinegar, wine, beer, infusion of absinth, &c. Some have recommended friction, pressure, or even puncturing the animal. One of the best methods of disgorgement is to place the Leeches in a solution composed of 1 Pereira, Materia Medico,, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 2197, 3rd ed. London, 1853. LEECHES. 147 sixteen parts of sea salt to one hundred of water at a tempera- ture of between 104 Fah. and 113 Fah. The Leeches are then pressed gently, and afterwards placed in fresh water. In some places the Leeches are simply thrown into the re- servoirs, where they are left for some months. The gorged Leeches are excellent for the purpose of repro- duction. 3. HIRUDINICULTTTRE. The enormous consumption of Leeches and their increasing scarceness have induced persons to rear them artificially. Hirudiniculture has for some years been an important branch of commerce, particularly in the Gironde and some other districts of the southern departments. The Leeches are placed in large artificial marshes, in which the water is always kept at a uniform level. Care is taken to place a supply of clay or of peat at the bottom and on the margins. Aquatic plants are also provided for the purifica- tion of the water and on which the Leeches can rub them- selves or take refuge. M. Vayson, of Bordeaux, has recently suggested a small domestic marsh (a vaysonier), which will be exceedingly useful to the pharmaceutist and to persons who are desirous of raising Leeches on a small scale. This apparatus consists of a common earthen vessel, having the form of a truncated cone reversed. The lower part is perforated by a number of holes, but not so large as to allow of the Leeches passing through them ; the vessel is then filled with peat earth, and a number of Leeches are placed upon it, which embed themselves in the earth. The upper opening of the vessel is then covered up with a piece of coarse canvas. When it is desired to send the leeches to a distance the earth is made as damp as possi- ble, and the vessel is packed in a box or wicker basket. When it is only wanted to preserve the animals, the lower part of the vessel is placed in water to the depth of about four inches, and the creatures are left to themselves. In conse- quence of the infiltration, the lower layers of the peat are soon saturated with water, while the upper portion is almost dry. The Leeches know perfectly well how to choose between these two extremes the layer which is best adapted for them, anfl form in it galleries, in which they live, grow, and produce their cocoons. The vaysonier will answer both for the pre- servation, the conveyance, and reproduction of the Leeches. L 2 148 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER V. GALLS. Galls l are excrescences or growths of the tissues of plants arising from the puncture of certain insects, and which are destined to lodge and nourish their larva. These excrescences are hollow and consist of an astringent tissue. They may be divided into two kinds : 1. Galls ; 2. Cases. The first are more or less of a round form, have very thick walls, and are produced by different species of Cynips. The second are more or less elongated, have very thin walls, and are produced by different species of Aphides. I. Galls. 1. CYNIPS. The Cynips are minute Hymenoptera, belong- ing to the subdivision Terebrantia and to the family Pupivora. These insects have the head very small and the thorax dilated superiorly ; they look as if they were deformed ; the abdomen is compressed into a keel and cutting on its under surface, obliquely truncated, and obtuse at its termination. The Cynips puncture the plants by means of a special in- strument; and introduce one or several eggs into the small cavity they have formed. The eggs soon increase in size ; the larva? have no feet, but are often provided with fleshy tubercles in place of them. The larvae are enclosed in the gall, which grows around them, and where they remain for five or six months ; some of them undergo their metamorphoses in this kind of prison, while others issue forth and bury themselves in the earth. Cynips of the common gall Cynips gallcetinctoria, Linn, (fig. 40). This is one of the most interesting of these small insects. It is of a pale yellow colour, and is covered with a whitish silky down ; the under surface of the abdomen is black and shining; the nervures of the anterior wings are brown. Terebra (fig. 41). The instrument by means of which the insect punctures the plant and produces the gall is only present in the female. It is a kind of auger or borer placed at the extremity of the body, having a curved form, and lodged 1 These formations belong to botany as well as to zoology. GALLS. 149 in the interior of the abdomen; its posterior extremity is placed beneath the anus, in a central canal, between two long ciliated valves, each of which forms a half sheath. The borer Fig. 40. Cynips. Fig. 41. Terebra of Cynips* looks as if it consisted of a single and very delicate seta (Latreille), but when magnified it is seen to be composed of three capillary pointed threads, of which the central is some- what longer than the two lateral. The Cynips thrust this instrument into the tissues of the plant. When a twig or a leaf has been punctured, the nutrient juices flow towards the wound, and an excrescence is formed, which gradually increases in size and hardness. 2. GALLS. There are few plants which do not haveyaZfo, but they are found more especially on the oak, poplar, elm, birch, pine, rose-tree, ivy, &c. These excrescences have sometimes only a single cavity, in- habited by one larva ; at other times there are several cavities, either communicating with each other or separate, and form- ing the dwelling-places of a similar number of larva. The larva gradually consume the interior of their house, without however destroying it, as the latter continues to increase in proportion to the growth of the insect. Eeaumur noticed that the kind of insect exercised great influence over the form and consistency of the gall, so that where there are several of these excrescences growing on the same leaf, some may be woody, others herbaceous ; some smooth or tuberculated, while others are granulated or haired. In a medical point of view galls may be divided into the common or true galls and into the hairy galls or bedeguars. 1. True galls. These well-known productions are of a more 1 A, extremity of the abdomen, magnified ; a, terebra ; b, the valves ; B, the terebra separate and still more magnified ; a, the three threads of the terebra ; b b, the valves. 150 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. or less rounded form, regular or irregular in shape, and more or less solid. The best known is the Aleppo gall 1 (fig. 42), which is found on the dyers' oak, Quercus infectoria. It is produced by the species of Cynips which has been previously spoken of. This gall is about the size of a nut ; it is heavy, and of a globular form ; the surface is smooth, but presents here and there some irregular tubercles. Its colour is a blackish or yellowish green ; it has strong astringent pro- perties. Care is taken to gather the gall before the insect has escaped. The galls, which are left on the trees, and which are col- lected after the escape of the Cynips, may be recognized by the presence of a round hole, which is made by the insect, and by their lightness. These galls are only slightly astringent, and are of a lighter colour (white galls). The best galls come from Syria; those of Smyrna or the Morea are larger, but lighter, and not so good in quality. When a gall is cut through there is seen 1, a small cavity in the centre, in which is the larva; 2, a not very thick, light, spongy layer, of a yellow or brown colour in its sub- stance, but white at the surface around the central cavity ; this layer contains a small quantity of starch (Gruibourt), and appears intended for the nourishment of the insect ; 3, three or four large cavities, which appear to be formed by the separation or folding together of certain fleshy curved scales ; these provide for the respiration of the larva ; 4, another sub- stance which is present in large quantities, and has a compact radiating structure, which when magnified is seen to be made up of shining particles ; 5, an external green layer containing chlorophus and a volatile oil. The different species of oak produce a great number of galls more or less resembling the common gall? Some of these have been carefully examined. The smooth gall, which Heaumur termed gall of the petiole of the oak, grows on the young branches of the English oak (Quercus sessiflora, Smith), in the neighbourhood of Paris, and on those of the Quercus Pyrenaica, Willd., near Bordeaux. It is from T 6 ^ to T 8 ^ of an inch in diameter ; it is light, spherical, without tubercles, of a reddish colour, and of a spongy texture. 1 Commonly called nutgall, painter's gall, Levant gall, and black or green gall. 2 The other galls owe their origin to different species of Cynips ; amongst them is that of the common oak (C. quercus folii, Linn.), and that of the C. quercus togoe of Fabricius. GALLS. 151 Sometimes it contains only a single cavity, while at other times there are three or four, and the same number of Cynips. With this species may be associated the round galls on the leaves of the oak, tnose which Reaumur terms currant galls, and the gooseberry seed galls, which only differ in respect to their size. Fig. 42. Common Gall. Fig. 43. -Section of Gall. 1 The crowned gall is probably produced by the buds being puncturing at an early stage of their development. Its form is spherical, and it has a short pedicle ; above there is a crown of blunt spines or tubercles. Such is the small crowned gall of Aleppo. The horned gall of M. Guibourt appears as if it were attached by its centre to a very young branch. It is irregular, and seems to be formed by the union of several bodies, which are dilated at their bases, and horned at their summits. It is light, woody, of a yellowish colour, and hollowed internally into a number of chambers, each of which is surrounded by a 1 a, the cavity; 6, nutritive layer; c, air chambers; d, radiated sub- stance; e, envelope. 152 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. radiating substance. Each chamber opens externally by a separate aperture. The gall of Hungary, called also gall of Piedmont, is an irregular excrescence, which grows on the acorn of the English oak, after the ovary has been fecundated. The gall sometimes occupies half the cup, while the remainder of the acorn grows beside it ; at other times, it occupies the whole cup. In the centre of the gall is a small cavity, surrounded by a layer of half-woody matter ; air enters the cavity from its summit. The squamous gall, which E/eaumur called artichoke gall, is also found on the English oak. It resembles the cone of the hop ; it arises from the abnormal development of the in- volucrum of the female flower previous to fecundation. Internally, there is a kind of woody receptacle, which Eeaumur compared to the lower part of the artichoke ; this also arises from the excessive development of the base of the involucrum. The receptacle projects slightly at the margin, which gives it a cup-like appearance. 1 The characters of the several galls which have been men- tioned might be arranged as follows : of one piece Galls ' regular {tubercular . . 1. Aleppo. non- tubercular . . 2. Smooth. non- spherical 3. Crowned. ( with horns 4. Horned. I YULJU llUrilB ". J.J.1SI IIKU,. ir (without horns 5. Hungarian. 6. Squamous. Nutgalls contain tannin, gallic, ellagic, and luteogallic acids ; chlorophyl, a volatile oil, extractive matter, woody fibre, gum, starch, liquid sugar, albumen, and various salts, amongst others the gallates of potash and lime. Berzelius also admits the presence of a small quantity of pectic acid, and combined with the tannin. M. Pelouze has carefully studied the tannin obtained from nutgalls. It is a solid, colourless, inodorous, non-crystallizable substance ; it has an astringent but not bitter taste ; it red- dens litmus ; it is very soluble in water, but scarcely at all so in ether ; and it gives a black or green precipitate with the 1 Tournefort states that at Scio the galls of Salvia pomifera, Linn., are collected for the purpose of making a kind of sweetmeat of them. Accord- ing to Lesson the same might be done with those of the ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea, Linn.). GALLS. 153 salts of the peroxide of iron. It is one of the most powerful astringents known. Nutgalls or tannin are made into pills, into an ointment, an electuary, and into various drinks and gargles ; from them is prepared the antihoemorrhdidal ointment of Cullen, and a powder for the purposes of embalming. [There are three preparations of galls ordered in the Pharmacopoeia. 1. DECOCTUM GALLJE, Decoction of Galls. Bruised galls Jijss ; distilled water Oij. Boil down to a pint and strain. Employed as a chemical antidote and test. 2. TINCTURA G-ALLjE, Tincture of Galls. Bruised galls Jv ; proof spirit Oij. Macerate for seven days, then press and strain. A powerful astringent. Dose from f3ss. to f3ij. Diluted with water, it forms a useful and convenient astrin- gent, gargle, and wash. (Pereira.) 3. UNGUENTUM GALL.E COMPOSITTJM, Compound oint- ment of Galls. Finely powdered nut-galls 3vj; lard Jvj. powdered opium 3 iss. Eub together. Astringent. Used in hremorrhoidal affections. Mixed, says Pereira, with zinc oint- ment it is applied to piles after the inflammatory stage is passed.] 2. Bedeyuars. 1 This name is given to galls which are covered with numerous close-set fibres or hairs. The bedeguars which are best known are those of the rose tree ; they are caused by the Oynips TOSCB of Linnaeus (Diplo- lepis ros&, Oliv.), a small hymenopterous insect of a shining black colour, with the feet and abdomen, excepting at its ter- mination, of a feruginous brown colour ; the wings are trans- parent, and of a smoky hue. * MM. Brandt and Eatzebourg have given a good description of them. The bedeguars are round or oval, more or less irregular, ex- crescences, sometimes resembling medlars (Blanchard) ; they are covered with filiform or scale-like processes ; they are often branched, and are of a green, reddish, or purple colour. In the interior are a number of larvae living in separate cells, which are each provided with hard thick walls ; in these the insects pass the winter as pupae. 1 Commonly called soft apples, or vegetable sponges. [In some parts of England they are called Robin's cushion.] 2 In these excrescences there is often found the Diplolepis bedegaris of Oliver, a small insect of a bright golden green colour ; this is a parasite on the first. 154 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. Formerly bedeguars were employed in medicine on account of their stringent properties. II. Cases. The cases or vesicles (folliculi, Linn.) not only differ from the galls by their less rounded form, their thinness, and the kind of insect which gives rise to them, but also with regard to their cavity, which is always much larger, and is capable of containing an entire colony of the insects. 1. APHIDES. The aphides or plant-lice which reside in the cases are small hemiptera, belonging to the subdivision Homoptera, and to the family of the Hymenelytra. The body is soft and ovate ; the head small, with the antennae longer than the body ; the second segment of the thorax is large and elevated; the elytra and the wings membranous. At the extremity of the abdomen are two hollow tubercles, from which a saccharine fluid is discharged. These insects feed upon the juices of the plants, upon which they live in large numbers. In spring and summer each colony contains demi-pupa, which are apterous, but afterwards acquire wings, and other individuals who are always apterous. All these individuals are females, who are ovoviviparous without previous copulation. The young emerge from the posterior part of the abdomen of the mother. The males only ap- pear towards the close of summer ; these are also apterous ; they impregnate the last generation, which is produced by the preceding individuals ; these impregnated females are ovi- parous. The influence of a single impregnation extends over several generations to the number of eight or nine. (Bonnet, Duvau.) The Aphides multiply enormously. Reaumur calculated that five generations proceeding from a single mother, if no obstacle intervened, might give rise to the astounding number of 5,904,900,000 individuals. Rostrum. This organ, which is nearly perpendicular, arises from the under surface of the head, between the anterior pair of limbs ; it is composed of three joints. The animal uses it to puncture the leaves and young twigs of the plant. 1 2. Cases. One of the most curious of these formations is that which is known as the Chinese gall (fig. 44) . a 1 The disease of certain trees, known as honey dew, is produced by dif- ferent species of Aphides. 8 In China it is commonly called Yen-fou-tsze. GALLS. 155 This case grows on the leaves of Distyliitm recemosum, Zucc., 1 a large tree of Japan, belonging to the family hamamelida. (Decasaine.) 2 According to M. Guibourt it is also developed on the buds of the tree. The insect which produces these cases belongs to the genus Aphis, or to one which is closely allied to it (Doubleday) ; it has been named Aphis Chinensis, Bell. It is a minute ovate insect, truncated posteriorly with moderately long antennae, composed of five unequal joints. The Chinese Galls are large: some equal a chesnut in size, others the closed hand. (Duhalde.) Their form is an irregular oblong, with angular protuberances, which sometimes have the appearance of horns ; some are single, others are bifurcated, and occasion- ally they are divided into three or more lobes. The colour of these cases is at first a dull green, it then becomes yellow, and ultimately of a reddish grey. The sur- face has a soft feel like that of velvet ; when examined by a lens it is seen to be covered with a very short compact down. The cavity of the excrescence is very large, arising from the thinness of its walls (TST to -h of ^ inc ^). Tne tissue of which it is composed is firm, hard, and brittle. When one of these galls is broken it has a whitish, translucent, and re- sinous appearance. Its taste is astringent without any flavour or smell of resin. (Guibourt.) The inner surface is covered Fig. 44. Chinese Gall. with a substance, having a chalky appearance. (Pereira.) In the interior is found the remains of a large number of Aphides. The Chinese galls are gathered in before the occurrence of frost ; the insects which they contain are destroyed by exposing them to the vapour of boiling water. These cases are of great use, and are held in high estimation in China as a powerful astringent, not only for medical pur- poses, but also for dyeing. Allied to the Chinese galls me certain excrescences which are found in the East, and also in the South of France, and which are produced by another species of Aphis: these are the 1 Commonly called in Japan Ou pey-tse, Ou-pei-tse, Woo-pei-tse. 9 According to M. Schenk it is a terebinthaceae, the fihus semialata, Murr. var. /3 Osbekii DC. 156 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. vesicles or galls of the pistacias. These false galls are found on the Pistacia vera, P. Terebinthus, and the P. Lentiscus. The insect which produces them is the Aphis Pistacite, Linn., a small black insect, with a roughened thorax, very long legs, and white wings. 1 The cases from the pistacias are at first of a green and afterwards of a red colour, mammelated, light, with a turpentine flavour, and very astringent. They are distinguished into three kinds, according to their form : the siliquose, which grow at the extremity of the branches ; the globular, which occur on the peduncles ; and those which are formed like a cushion on the surface of the leaves. The first are sometimes three inches in length and resemble the pod of a leguminous plant. They are known in Judea under the name of caroub. The second and third often resemble the fruit of the turpentine tree. These are known under the name of baisonges? These excrescences are eaten by the inhabitants of the East. They are often employed as a substitute for the common Fig.45. TurpentineGall ga u S) an d they are also used as a red dye. CHAPTER VI. THE TREHALA. THE treJiala or tricula 3 is a singular case which is well known at Constantinople and in some some parts of the East. At the last great exhibition some of these cases were sent from Turkey by M. Delia Sudda as a particular species of manna, without any other explanation appended to them than the word trehala. This production is described in the Persian Pharmacopeia 1 It is probable that Linnaeus has included several species under the same name, and that this character is peculiar to the lentiscus. 8 In the Levant the Arabs call them egi, engi, or basengi, and the Turks GALLS. 157 of brother Ange, of Toulouse, under the name of sckakar tigal i which means sugar of nests. It was at first supposed that the trehala was obtained from an onopordon. It was afterwards ascertained that it grows on the branches of a Syrian echinops. (Decaisne.) It is produced by an insect, and is found principally in the desert between Aleppo and Bagdad. (Bourlier.) 1. LABINUS. This insect is neither a Cynips nor an Aphis, but a tetramerous Coleoptera belonging to the family Rhyn- cophora. It belongs to the genus Larinus, and has been named by M. Chevrolat Larinus subrugosus. It is closely allied to the Larinus onopordonis, Grerm. The Larinus subrugosus (fig. 46) is of an oblong form and of a black colour. It has a projecting snout, to the middle of which the antennae are attached. The elytra cover the whole of the posterior part of the abdomen; they are oblong, and terminate each in a soft and slightly recurved point. Their surface is marked by ten punctated lines, which commence at the anterior margin and unite before reaching the opposite ex- tremity. Fig. 46. Larinus of the Trehala. 1 Fig. 47 . Trehala.' 2. THE CASE (fig. 47). This is of an oval form, and 1 a, the case ; A, Larinus subrugosus at the time of its escape. 1 a, trehala before the escape of the insect ; 6, a vertical section of one of the cases. 158 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. attached in the direction of its length to a branch of the tree. Its greatest diameter measures from T 6 ff to T ^ of an inch in length; its external surface is very irregular, and of a light grey colour. The under surface is flattened and marked by a deep groove where it was attached to the branch. When separated a large circular hole is found at one extremity, by which the insect escaped. The cavity of the trehala is large, and the perfect insect is often found in it just ready to escape. The internal surface is smooth and of a whitish or reddish colour. Its tissue is not very thick ; it is irregular, hard, and has an amylaceous appearance. It cracks when bitten, has a sweet taste, and yields mucilage. In water at the ordinary temperature the trehala swells, but only partially dissolves, and changes into a mucilaginous mass. Iodine changes it to a blue colour, and in some cases to that of red wine. Analysis shows that it contains gum, a particular kind of starch which is much less soluble in water than that from the potato, and a new kind of crystallizable sugar, analogous to that from the sugar-cane, but much more solid ; M. Berthelot has given this the name of trehalose. It is during the larval stage of its existence that the Larinus sulrugosus constructs this curious kind of case. Does the trehala result solely from a wound inflicted by the insect ? Is it an excrescence similar to the galls produced by the Cynipidse, and to the cases of the Aphides ? or is it a nest which is made by the Larinus ? M. Guibourt admits the second mode as the way in which it is formed. A circum- stance which supports this opinion is the fact that the trehala is not attached by a point or a pedicle like the galls, but is fixed along its whole length by the groove which embraces the point of support. It appears that the larva of the Larinus collects a considerable quantity of saccharine and amylaceous matter, which it procures from the echinops, and that it con- structs its dwelling by disgorging this matter and moulding it with its rostrum. M. Bourlier thinks that the formation of the sugar, which is found in the case, might be explained by the presence of albu- minous matters in the saliva with which the insect binds together the starchy materials. Brother Ange and M. Guibourt think that the nest serves the Larinus for a habitation during the whole of its life ; I BONE. 159 am, however, inclined to believe with M. Bourlier, that the insect emerges after it has assumed its perfect form. If it were otherwise, how could copulation take place, since each case contains only one individual? Moreover, most of the nests which I have examined were pierced at one end and were empty. The trehalas are generally collected before the animal has escaped. In Turkey and Syria a decoction is made of the nests of the Larinus by breaking up about an ounce of them, placing the pieces in a pint and a half of boiling water, and stirring them for a quarter of an hour. This preparation is given to persons in affections of the respiratory organs, particularly those who are attacked with bronchitis. The trehala is also employed as food. The use of it is as universal in the East as that of salep and tapioca is in France. 1 SECTION IV. ANIMALS OE ANIMAL PRODUCTS EMPLOYED AS ACCESSORIES IN MEDICINE. THERE are certain animal productions which are made use of rather as food than as remedies, and are interesting as a matter of hygiene rather than of therapeutics. It is true they sometimes enter into the formation of various medicines, but it is only as the medium through which the more active principles are administered ; some of them are used merely to extract, clarify, or colour other medicines. These substances may be arranged under twelve heads : 1st, bones; 2nd, blood; 3rd, flesh; 4th, albumen; 5th, gelatine; 6th, fat; 7th, oil; 8th, milk; 9th, eggs ; 10th, honey ; llth, wax ; 12th, the hair, and other corneous parts. I. Bones. | Bones are employed in the manufacture of gelatine. There are two methods of extracting it. The first, which is the pro- cess of Papin, consists in breaking the bones in pieces and 1 A closely allied insect, the Larinus odontalgicvs of Dejean, out of which the genus Rhinocellus has been formed, has obtained a reputation as an odontalgic. (Gerbi, Latrcille.) Some species of Carabidoe, Chrysomelidce, and Cochinellidce have been mentioned as possessing similar properties. (Caradori, Hirsch.) 160 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. boiling them at a temperature over 212 Pah. ; this is done by placing them in an air-tight vessel termed a digester. [If such a vessel is half-filled with water and exposed to the heat of the fire, the steam which is formed has no means of escape, and therefore presses upon the water and prevents the further formation of steam till the temperature of the water rises above the boiling point]. In the second, the chondrin is first deprived of the phosphate and carbonate of lime by the action dilute hydrochloric acid, and is afterwards converted into gelatine by prolonged boiling under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere. This method is not so good as the former. When bones are calcined in closed vessels they leave a residuum of charcoal, and about seven tenths of their weight of calcareous salts. This charcoal is known as animal charcoal or bone black. It is impregnated with sulphuret of calcium, and empyreumatic matters, which enable it to decolorize liquids, but it imparts to them a disagreeable flavour. To deprive it of these matters, it must be acted on by hydrochloric acid, which not only frees it from all smell, but at the same time increases its decolorizing properties. It is well known that animal charcoal is used for the pur- pose of decolouring various liquids, and especially syrups. M. Lebourdais has recently employed it in the extraction of the alkaloids. The bones of the sheep are said to be more easily acted on by acids, and is therefore recommended for the preparation of phosphorus. II. Blood. The ancients recommended the use of the blood of animals, and even of man, in certain diseases. We have previously stated that the use of this fluid is entirely abandoned in the present day. 1 The blood of the mammalia and of birds is eaten after it has been prepared in various ways, more particularly after it has been coagulated and mixed with spices. Mood is employed in the preparing and clarifying syrups, by calcining it with the phosphate of lime, the chalk, and. especially the potash of certain varieties of animal charcoal which possess decolorizing properties in an eminent degree. Decomposed at a red heat with iron and carbonate of potash, Hood, like all nitrogenous animal substances, produces ferrocy- anuret of potassium. 1 See page 63. BLOOD. 161 The serum of the blood has been largely employed in paint- ing. (Carbonel.) Mixed with quick lime or with slacked lime reduced to powder, and to a suitable consistence, it forms a kind of glazing which resists the action of the sun and the rain. [The Animal Charcoal, Carlo animalis of the Pharmacopoeia, is directed to be prepared from bullock's blood by fire. Transfusion. The idea of injecting the blood of a living animal into the body of another appears to have been first suggested by a celebrated G-erman chemist, Libavius, at the commencement of the 17th century. The operation was first actually performed in London by Lower on a dog in 1665, and for the first time on the human subject by a medical man in Paris of the name of Denis in 1667, the blood which he made use of being that of the sheep. Several fatal accidents having followed the operation, it was forbidden to be used in France by a decree of parliament, except by the previous permission of the faculty of medicine at Paris, and from that time it fell into disrepute. It was again brought into notice by Dr. Blundell in 1818, and a paper has recently been published by Dr. Waller * in the Transactions of the Obstetrical Society, advocating the use of Transfusion in certain cases of haemorrhage. It appears that in 1785 Dr. Harewood, afterwards professor of anatomy at Cambridge, drew attention in his "Thesis on TIM us fusion of Blood " to the value of this remedy in cases of haemorrhage. He, however, asserted that the blood of an herbivorous animal might be substituted for that of a car- nivorous animal, and vice versa, without injury. Dr. Blundell, 2 on the contrary, maintained that the blood which is made use of must be from the same species of animal as that into which it is to be injected. Various experiments have now shown that this is the case, and that, although the injections of the blood of a different species may revive the animal for a time, it ultimately dies. This result may be accounted for by the difference which has been shown to exist in the size of the blood globules of different animals. Prevost and Dumas found that when the blood of the cow or the sheep was injected into cats or rabbits, the exsanguinated animals at first revived, but did not ultimately recover ; the temperature of the body speedily diminished, the pulse became rapid, other fatal >\ inptoms came on, and the animals died almost always before 1 Transactions of the Ohstetriccil Society of London, 1859, vol. 1, p. 61. 2 Researches Physiological and Pathological, 1824 ; see also Medico- Ckirurg. Trans., 1818, vol. 9, p. 56. M 162 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. the sixth day. Blundell met with the same results from in- jecting human blood into the veins of a dog, while, on the other hand, he kept a dog alive for three weeks without food by the daily injection of a few ounces of the blood of one of its own species into the jugular veins. " Of all cases of haemorrhage," says Dr. Waller, " none seem more favourable for a trial of this operation, than those which occur during the puerperal state, which from their severity are termed floodings." In performing the operation three things are necessary to be observed : First, that great care be taken to get rid of any air that may be contained in the syringe ; secondly, to introduce the blood very slowly, experiments having proved that a sudden and large supply overwhelms the action of the heart, and causes immediate death ; thirdly, to wait a few minutes between each injection. The syringe used by the author is lined with tin, and is capable of containing two ounces of fluid ; it is furnished with a long tubule for the convenient in- jection into the vein ; a funnel communicates with the barrel of the syringe, through which the blood passes without being received into an intermediate vessel. It is seldom, if ever, necessary to inject a large quantity of blood : it is better to discontinue the operation as soon as the rally is decisive, and there is no returning collapse. In one case attended by the author, four ounces only were sufficient to produce this eifect. As a general rule, from eight to twelve ounces may be safely injected]. III. Flesh. The flesh of animals is of the utmost importance in hygieine and in medicine. It varies both as regards its nutritive pro- perties and as to the easiness with which it is capable of being digested. Meat contains a variable amount of: 1st, substances con- taining a proteine base (Albumen, fibrine, and caseine) ; 2nd, felatine ; 3rd, fatty matters ; 4th, osmazome. Albumen, brine, and caseine are more or less easy of digestion, but have no great nutritive properties. Grelatine is a food which is easy of digestion, but neither has this much power of nu- trition. Fatty substances are difficult of dtgestion and contain very little nutriment. Osmazome or extract of meat is a food easy of digestion and of excellent properties. The meat which man makes use of may be arranged into seven principal groups : 1, Meats properly so called; 2, the FLESH. 163 flesh of poultry ; 3, of game; 4, of fish; 5, of Mollusca; 6, of Articulata ; 7, of Radiata. Those animals whose flesh is only eaten occasionally, and as it were exceptionally, have been omitted, as, for example, the Turtles, several large Reptiles, Frogs, and some Insects. Amongst these animals the principal are the fresh or green Turtle, Chelonia Midas, Latr., which is so common in certain portions of the Atlantic ocean, the Iguanas of the Antilles and Brazil, Iguana delicatissima, Laur., tuberculata, Laur., cornuta, Lacep., ccerulea, Daud., sndfasciata, Brongn., the Basilisk of the Moluccas, Basilicus cristatus, Bory, the migratory locust, Grryllus migratoritis, jEgyptius, and Tataricus, Linn., &c. 1. Meats properly so called, or butcher's meats, are five in number, and stand in the following order as regards their capability of digestion : 1. Mutton ; 2. Beef; 3. Lamb : 4. Veal ; 5. Pork. The muscle or flesh of these animals contains in every 100 parts : Water. Albumen. Gelatine. Mutton .... 71 parts. 22 parts. 7 parts. Beef 74 26 6 Lamb .... 75 27 6 Veal 75 19 6 Pork 76 19 5 Very young animals yield a food which is easy of digestion, but which has little nutriment ; this arises from their flesh con- taining a greater proportion of gelatine and fat, but less albumen, fibrine, and osmazome. Old animals yieH the nutritive elements, but are difficult of digestion ; their fibrine having become hard and dense, and their osmazome more abundant. The sucking pig is, however, less digestible than the mature animal, which is owing principally to the prepon- derance of the gelatine. The part of the animal tissues, which is most easy of digestion and the most nutritious, is the muscular fibre or fibrine ; after that the liver, kidney, pancreas, and brain ; and lastly, the tendons, aponeuroses, and lungs. [Raw Meat. This was first recommended by Professor "Weisse, 1 of St. Petersburgh, in the diarrhsea of children, which occurs during weaning. " Two teaspoonfuls," says Dr. Tanner, 2 " of finely chopped beef or mutton may be given daily to a child one year old : and if it crave for more, and evidence is afforded 1 Journal fur Kinderkrankhecten, herausgegeben von F. J. Behrend uml A. Hildebrand, vol. 4, p. 99, Berlin, 1845. * Opus jam cit, p. 345. M 2 164 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. of its digestion, the quantity may be increased. It is very remarkable that debilitated children, who refuse all other kinds of food, will eagerly take this ; but as the strength is regained the desire for it passes away."] The quantity of meat consumed in France in 1830 has been estimated at 907,152,619 Ibs. troy, of which 764,875,059 were furnished by the pig, ox, sheep, and goat (J. Eeynaud) ; the names are arranged in the order of their importance. [In London it is difficult to ascertain the quantity of meat, fish, and poultry which is brought for the supply of its two million and a half of inhabitants. The following calculations, which are taken from Dr. Wynter's interesting work, " Curiosities of Civilisation," can only be regarded as approxi- mations to the truth ; but in every case there is little doubt they are below the actual amount which is consumed. According to the official account the number of live stock exhibited at Smithfield in 1853 was : Oxen, 294,571 ; sheep, 1,150,060 ; calves, 36,791 ; pigs, 29,593. Total, 1,893,888. But this is far from giving a true idea of the whole amount brought into London. Much stock arrives in the capital which never enters the great mart. A more correct estimate of the flocks and herds which are annually consumed in London mav be gathered from a report of the numbers transmitted by the different lines of railway, compiled from official sources by Mr. Ormanby, the cattle-traffic manager of the North Western [Railway. Oxen. Sheep. Calves. Pigs. Total for 1853. 3y Eastern Counties - - 81,744 277,735 3,492 23,427 386,398 L. & N. Western - - 70,435 248,445 5,113 24,287 348,280 Great Northern - - - 15,439 120,333 563 8,973 145,308 Great Western - - - 6,813 104,607 2,320 2,909 116,649 L. & S. Western - - 4,885 100,960 1,781 516 108,162 South Eastern - - - 875 58,320 114 142 59,451 London & Brighton & S Coast | 863 13,690 117 54 14,724 Sea from North of Eng- land & Scotland - - 14,662 11,141 421 3,672 29,896 Sea from Ireland - - - 2,311 3,472 21 5,476 11,280 Imported from the Continent 55,065 229,918 25,720 10,131 320,834 Driven in by road, and from the neighbourhood ol the metropolis (ob- (.69,096 462,172 62,114 48,295 641,647 tained from the toll-gate { lessees) --'-- ; Total - - - 3-22,188 1,630,793 101,776 127,852 2,182,609 FLESH. 165 The following table, obtained from the daily bills of entries at the Custom House, shows the continental sources from whence London derives a portion of its food. From Oxen. Sheep. Calves. Pigs. Total. TTnllnnil 40,538 9,687 4,366 449 105 100 17 3 55,065 172,730 7,515 37,443 12,006 224 24,280 60 1 1,244 135 9,370 632 129 246,918 17,062 42,442 13,699 593 100 17 3 Hanseatic Towns - - Russia Total - - - 229,918 25,720 10,131 320,834 In addition to the live cattle which are thus brought to the London markets, there is a large quantity of country killed meat conveyed by the railways to the dead meat markets, the principal of which are Leadenhall and Newgate markets. According to the returns obtained from the different railway companies, the following was the weight of country killed meat conveyed by the undermentioned lines : Eastern Counties . . i . . 10,398 tons. North Western ...... 4,602 Great Western 5,200 Great Northern 13,152 South-Eastern 1,035 South- Western 2,000 Brighton and South- Coast . . / 100 36,487 Thus no less than 36,487 tons of meat are annually "pitched" at Newgate and Leadenhall markets. As the Scotch boats convey about 700 tons more, there are at least 37,187 tons of country killed meat brought to London by steam. Taking into account the quantity of meat derived from all sources, Dr. Wynter gives a summary of the grand total in the following table : Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Pigs. XT 156,000 5,200 468,000 41,600 31,200 31,200 101,776 31,200 Live stock brought to London Total supply of live stock and meat 161,200 322,188 509,600 1,630,793 31,200 127,852 483,388 2,140,393 132,976 159,052 166 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY This, he says, he is convinced is still below the truth, for it does not include the country killed meat sold at Farringdon and Whitechapel markets. The total value of this enormous supply of flesh cannot be much less than fourteen millions annually.] 2. The flesh of poultry is obtained principally from four species, which stand in the following order as regards their easiness of digestion: 1, the Fowl; 2, the Turkey ; 3, the Duck ; and 4, the Goose. These birds afford a fibre which has but little density, a very slight quantity of gelatine, and not much osmazome. Their flesh is easy of digestion. According to Brande 100 parts of the fowl yield 73 parts of water, 20 of albumen, and 7 of gelatine. Like butcher's meat, the younger the animal the greater ia the digestibility of these birds. Domestication generally renders the flesh tenderer, and more easily acted on by the gastric juice. When these birds are shut up and gorged they grow to a large size, and become charged with fat. Occa- sionally some of their organs, especially the liver, become hypertrophied (Geese, Ducks). The tissues are then more and more indigestible. 3. Game. The principal species amongst the mammalia are the 1, Goat, Cervus capreolus, Linn. ; 2, the Hare, Lepus timidus, Linn. ; 3, the Babbit, Lepus cuniculus, Linn. ; and amongst the birds 1, the Partridge ; * 2, the Pheasant, Phasiamts Colchicus, Linn. ; 3, the Grouse ; z 4, the Pigeon ; 3 5, the Woodcock, Scolopax rusticola, Linn. The flesh of game is generally easy of digestion; but that of the birds with long beaks must be excepted ; it contains very- little gelatine or fat. To secure its being easily digested it must, however, be taken in moderate quantities. In 1857 Paris alone consumed poultry and game to the value of 17,052,013 francs. [The great emporiums for game and poultry in London are Leadenhall and Newgate markets. It is impossible to obtain anything like an acurate account of the quantity consumed in 1 In France there are four species of Partridge : the Common Partridge, Perdix cinerea, Lath., the Guernsey Partridge, P. sexatilis, Mey., the Red Partridge, P. rubra, Briss., and the Rock Partridge, P. petrosa, Lath. The latter is of rare occurrence. 2 In France there are three species of Grouse : the Wood Grouse, Tetrao Uroyallus, Linn., the Black Cock, T. tetrix, Linn., and the Common Grouse, T. tagopus, Linn. 3 In France there are four species of Pigeons : Columba palumbus, C. (Enas, C. Livia, and C. Turtur. FLESH. 167 the metropolis. The following estimate was given to Dr. Wynter l by a dealer who turns over 100,0002. a year in this trade. As the list takes no account of the quantity which goes direct to the retailer, nor of the thousands sent as presents, it must fall short of the actual consumption. Grouse 100,000 Partridges 125,000 Pheasants 70,000 Snipes 80,000 Wild Birds (mostly small) 150,000 Plovers 150,000 Quails 30,000 Larks 400,000 Widgeon 70,000 Teal 30,000 Wild Ducks 200,000 Pigeons 400,000 Domestic Fowls .... 2,000,000 Geese 100,000 Ducks 350,000 Turkeys 104,000 Hares 100,000 Babbits 1,300,000 Total 5,759,000] 4. Fish. Man uses a great number of fish as articles of food. Amongst these animals twelve principal species require to be mentioned; these are 1, Common Whiting, Merlangus vulgaris, Cuv. ; 3 2, the Hake, Merlucius ttulgaris, Cuv. ; 3, the Cod, Morrhua vulgaris, H. Cloq. ; 4, the Sole, Solea vulgaris, Cuv. ; 5, the Plaice, Platessa vulgaris, Cuv. ; 6, the Trout, Salar Awonii, Valenc., Salmo fario, Linn. ; 7, the Pike, Esox Lucius, Linn. ; 8, the Carp, Cyprinus carpio, Linn. ; 9, the Turbot, Rhombus mctximus, Cuv. ; 3 10, the Salmon, Salmo Salmo, Valenc. ; 11, the Mackerel, Scomber Scomberus, Linn. ; 12, the Herring, Clupea harengus, Linn. According to Brande, 100 parts of haddock yield 82 parts of 1 Curiosities of Civilization, by Andrew Wynter, M.D., p. 224, London, 1860. 2 The Coal Fish, M. Carbonarius, Cuv., and the Pollock, M. Pollachius, are also used as food. 3 The Sole, Plaice, and Turbot are commonly known as flat fish. Others of these fish which are eaten, are the Brill, Rhombus vulqaris, Cuv., and the Flounder, Platessa Flesus, Cuv. 168 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. water, 13 of albumen and fibrine, and 5 of gelatine ; and the sole 79 parts of water, 5 of albumen and fibrine, and 6 of gelatine. Placed according to their facility of digestion, fish might be arranged in the following manner: 1, Sea fish with white flesh ; 2, Flat fish also with white flesh ; 3, Fresh water fish ; 4, Fish with red flesh. The flesh of these animals usually contains less nourishment than that of the other vertebrata. 1 5. Flesh of Mollusca. Amongst these animals are 1, Oysters ; 2, Veneridoe ; 3, Mussels ; 4, Snails ; 5, Various other fluviotile and marine species. These animals are arranged in the order of their capacity for digestion. The species of Oysters 2 which are eaten in France, on the Atlantic coasts, are the Common Oyster, Ostrea edulis, Linn. ; and the Horse Oyster, 0. Hippopus, Linn. ; on the Mediterra- nean coasts, the Mediterranean Oyster, O. rosacea, Fav. non Desh., O. Mediterranea of M. de Serres, and the 0. lacteola of Moquin Tandon. In Corsica is eaten the 0. lamellosa, Brocchi. There is also found in the Mediterranean the crested oyster, 0. cristata, Born, and the plicated oyster, 0. plicata, Chemn. Under the name of the Common Oyster are included several varieties ; for those of Cancale of Marennes, and of Ostend, are altogether different from each other. At Eome the Oysters from the Lucrin lake were held in high estimation (nobilissimus cibus). Nero preferred those from Corsica. Naples obtains Oysters from the lake Fusaro, which enjoy a certain reputation. (C0ste.) Excellent Oysters are found in Algeria, near Bone. Those from the coast of Languedoc are of an inferior quality. At Paris and in the north of France there is an enormous consumption of Oysters from Marennes, Cancale, and Ostend. Fresh Oysters are easy of digestion provided they are not eaten in too large quantities. Their capability of digestion is owing to the salt water they contain and to the bile which is present in their largely developed liver. Oysters are generally eaten entire and while they are still alive. 3 Some persons reject the beard and fringes of the mantle in the larger varieties, and eat only the central portion. Saw Oysters are a delicate, savoury, and strengthening kind 1 In 1857 Paris alone consumed fish to the value of 9,169,547 francs. 2 See page 86. 3 Vivoe epvlce, Linn. FLESH. 169 of food. Adolphe Pasquier and Sainte Marie have recom- mended them as remedies. They are suitable in dyspepsia and in chronic affections of the digestive organs, and even in diseases of the chest. They are often recommended to the convalescent. Cooked Oysters are indigestible. Ostreaculture. The artificial production of Oysters has become an important branch of industry. 1 As far back as the time of Eondelet, the art of sowing these molluscs was known. In the present day this art has become greatly developed, and the multiplication of these animals is carried on on a large scale. The natural banks are divided into several portions, which are successively fished, and then allowed to repose for some time, in order that the animals may be replenished. Means are also taken to favour and hasten this process. Besides this, artificial banks are formed, which, like the natural banks, are divided into separate portions. The Oysters are placed in large reservoirs, where they grow and become of a green colour; this is called bedding the Oi/xti-rs. At Marennes these reservoirs are termed claires. They are like a number of fields, which have been inundated, placed along the banks of the Seudre ; they differ, however, from the ordinary beds or reservoirs, inasmuch as they are not covered by the tides. (Coste.) An oyster, six to eight months old, when placed in the claires, requires two years before it arrives at its proper size and condition. By far the greater portion of those which are eaten never arrive at this state. The full-grown oyster when placed in the reservoirs becomes of a green colour in a few days. (Coste.) The green colour of the Oyster does not affect the whole of the animal. It shows itself more particularly on the four branchial folds ; there are also traces of it on the inner surface of the first pair of labial palpi, on the external surface of the second, and in a part of the alimentary canal. For a long time it was supposed that the green colour of the Oysters was owing to the soil of the reservoirs, to the decom- position of the ulva and other water plants, or to a diseased condition of the liver, a kind of jaundice, which imparted a green colour to the parenchyma of the breathing organs. Graillon asserted that it arose from one of the naviculsB, Vibrio ostrearius, which penetrated the substance of the animal. Bory de Saint- Vincent proved that this vibrio was not natu- rally of a green colour, but, that under certain circumstances, 1 In 1857 Paris consumed 2,033,379 francs worth of oysters. 170 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. it became coloured like the Oyster, and by the same means. According to this naturalist, the green colour depends upon a molecular substance (the green matter of Priestley), which becomes developed in all waters under the influence of light. According to M. Valenciennes, this colour is caused by a peculiar animal production differing from every organic sub- stance which has hitherto been examined. M. Berthelot has analyzed this substance, and finds that it does possess peculiar characters. It does not resemble either the colouring agent of the bile, of the blood, or of any of the ordinary organic colouring substances. These green molecules enter the branchi* during the act of respiration, where they become arrested, and ultimately gorge, obstruct, and colour the organ. At the same time, one of the principal functions of the body being interfered with, the animal becomes distended and subject to a kind of anasarca, which renders its tissues more tender and more delicate. 1 [The London market 2 is principally supplied with Oysters from beds at Whitstable, Rochester, Milton, Colchester, Burn- ham, Eaversham, and Queenborough, all artificial beds, fur- nishing natives. Those of the river Crouch, or Burnham oysters, are pre-eminent for their marine flavour ; probably on account of the facilities for rapid importation of them in fine condition. Besides these, considerable quantities of sea oysters, or those which grow upon natural beds, and which are sometimes called rock oysters, are brought from various parts of the coast. The sea oyster is often, before being brought to market, kept for a time in artificial beds to improve its flavour. Much of the quality depends on the ground and condition of the beds, and oysters of different years from the same place often vary materially in this respect. They are considered full grown for the market when from five to seven years old ; sea oysters at four years. The age is shown by the annual layers of growth or shoots on the convex valve. Up to three or four years, each annual growth is easily observed, but after their maturity it is not so easy to count the layers. Aged oysters become very thick in the shell. In the neighbourhood of fresh water the oyster grows fast, and improves in body and flavour. In London the chief consumption of the common or rock oyster is from the 4th of August to January, and of natives 1 See p. 86. 8 A History of British Mollusca and their Shells, by Edward Forbes and Silvanus Hanley, vol. 2, pp. 313319, London, 1853. FLESH. 171 from October to March. The consumption is said to be greatest in the hottest months after the commencement of the oyster season ; the warmer the weather, the more oysters are consumed. They are brought to market in craft of various sizes ; they are packed in bulk closely in the hold ; in some cases a cask of salt water is kept, from which to sprinkle them superficially. Those that come by rail are packed with their convex shells downwards, in bags and barrels. From the boats they are transferred to the salesmen, who keep them in a little salt and spring water, and shift them every twelve hours. Some pretend to improve them by "feeding" them with oatmeal. Oysters, like other bivalves, live chiefly on infusoria. The quantity consumed annually in London varies in different seasons. One informant states twenty thousand bushels of natives, one hundred thousand bushels of common oysters, to be about the mark ; another estimates the quantity sold in the season, from the 4th of August to the 12th of May, to be nearly one hundred thousand London bushels, each bushel being three Manchester or imperial bushels ; and that about thirty thousand bushels of natives are sold during the same period by various companies. During the season com- mencing on August the 4th, 1848, and ending May 12th, 1849, M. Wickenden estimates about one hundred and thirty thousand bushels of oysters to have been sold in London, though of that quantity about one fourth was sent away to various parts of the United Kingdom and the Continent. Oysters of good repute are fished in the neighbourhood of the Channel Islands. There are two oyster-banks, the one off Guernsey, and the other off Jersey. The former is of little importance ; the latter of considerable value. They belong to the region of oyster-banks, which extends along the coasts of Normandy and Brittany. Dr. Knapp states that the number annually procured here for the use of the Channel Islands and English markets cannot be less than eight hundred thousand tubs, each tub containing two English bushels ; and in some years thrice that quantity is believed to be procured from those banks during the season. As many as three hundred cutters have been employed upon them dredging. The oysters, on the Jersey bank, are of large size, and are sold at from five to seven shillings the tub, or from three to four pence per dozen. The oyster-fishery of most consequence in Scotland is that of the Frith of Forth. The oyster beds there extend about twenty miles, from the Island of Mucra to Lockenzie, and are 172 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. dredged in from four to six or seven fathoms water. The price varies, wholesale (1853), from two shillings to two shillings and sixpence the hundred ; the retail price from two and sixpence to four shillings and sixpence, or even five shillings. Mr. Greorge Moffat, fish dealer in Edinburgh, esti- mates the number of oysters dredged in the Eorth in the season at 2,027,520 ; only three fourth parts of which, how- ever, it is believed, are sent to Edinburgh, being 1,520,640. The same gentleman has calculated that 7,346 oysters are daily consumed in Edinburgh during the season, from the beginning of September till the end of April. On both sides of Ireland oysters abound in many places. There are oyster beds in the Shannon, said, in 1836, to yield a revenue of 1,400Z. annually, and to employ seventy men and sixteen boats.] The Veneridce and the Mytilidce are far from being held in such repute as Oysters. These mollusca are eaten both raw and cooked. The Veneridce are collected in considerable quantities, and are eaten by the poorer classes. It is principally two species which are fished: the Venus virginea, Linn., and the Venus decussata, Linn., which is some- what smaller than the former. The Common Mussel, Mytilus edulis, are sought after in many countries. An apothecary of Orleans has published a work on the employment of these mollusca in affections of the air passages. Other salt and fresh water bivalves are eaten, as the Clams, Razor-fishes, Scollops, Cockles, Sfc. [In England the common Mussel l is much used in many places for food, and still more for bait. Dr. Knapp, of Edinburgh, has given a very interesting account of the quantities of this animal destroyed annually in the neighbour- hood of that city. " As an article of food," he states these cannot be used fewer than ten bushels per week in Edinburgh and Leith, say for forty weeks in the year, in all 400 bushels annually. Each bushel of mussels, when shelled and freed from all refuse, will probably contain from three to four pints of the animals, or about 900 or 1000, according to their size. Taking the latter number, there will be consumed in Edinburgh and Leith about 400,000 mussels. This is a mere trifle com- pared to the enormous number used as bait for all sorts of 1 Forbes and Hanley, Opus cit, vol. 2, p. 174. FLESH. 173 fish, especially haddocks, cod, ling, halibut, plaice, abate, whiting, &c. In Newhaven alone there are four large deep-sea fishing boats, which generally go out three times a week, and fish for about thirty weeks in the year, excluding Sundays and bad weather. Each of these boats carries eight men, with eight lines of 800 yards in length, which, at a low calculation, take 1200 mussels to bait each time they are used ; so that each boat will use 28,800 mussels per week, equal to 864,000 per annum. There are sixteen smaller boats, whose consumption of mussels comes to 3,456,000. The total consumption of mussels for bait annually in Newhaven alone may be reckoned at 4,320,000. At all the other fishing stations in this district a similar use is made of these abundant and prolific shell-fish, so that Dr. Knapp calculates that thirty or forty millions are used for bait alone by the fishermen of this district each year. The best mussels at Newhaven are fished in three fathoms of water, and are sold at Sd. per basket, each containing nearly a bushel. Supposing each bushel contained 1000 mussels, this quantity would be worth more than 1300Z. The common Cockle is a species of shell-fish held in little or no estimation by the rich, but to the poor it is in some parts almost a necessary of life, and in others it affords them a cheap and palatable luxury. The following remarks are taken from the authors already quoted : The edible Cockle, Cardium edule, inhabits most parts of the British coast, especially where there are large tracts of sand. The variety most common in our markets rarely exceeds an inch and four-fifths in length by an inch and a half in breadth, and comes in most instances from estuary sands. Every where this excellent mollusk is sought after for food, and it is one of the most savoury of its tribe ; indeed, preferred by many persons to the oyster. It is equally good raw and cooked, dressed either by roasting or boiling, and gives a delicious flavour to fish sauce. In times of scarcity Cockles have afforded valuable supplies of food for the poor, and in the Zetland isles bushels of their shells may be seen near cottages. Lieut. Thomas informs us that in Sanda, among the Orkney isles, during the late failure of the potato crop many of the poorer people subsisted almost entirely on Cockles. The following estimate of the quantity of fish of all kinds which are brought to the London market, is quoted from Mr. Muyhew's "London Labour and London Poor" byDr.Wynter, 1 ' Opus tit, p. 21 -2. 174 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. who remarks upon it, that the figures seemed to him to be so enormous, that he hesitatingly submitted the table to one of the largest salesmen, who assured him that it was no over- statement. Description of Fish. No. of Fish. Weight of Fish. WET FISH. Salmon and Salmon Trout (29,000 boxes, 14 406,000 3,480,000 Live Cod (averaging lOlbs. each) 400,000 4,000,000 Soles (averaging lb. each) - 97,520,000 26,880,000 Whiting (averaging 6oz. each) 17,920,000 6,720,000 Haddock (averaging 2lbs. each) 2,470,000 5,040,000 Plaice (averaging lib. each) Mackerel (averaging lib. each) Fresh Herrings (250,000 barrels, 700 fish per 33,600,000 23,520,000 33,600,000 23,520,000 barrel) .... . 175,000,000 42,000,000 Ditto in bulk ... - 1,050,000,000 252,000,000 Sprats .... - . ... 4,000,000 Eels from Holland (principally), England, and Ireland (6 fish per Ib.) - I 9,797,760 C 1,505,280 ( 127,680 Flounders (7200 qrtns. 36 fish per qrtn.) 259,200 43,200 Dabs (7500 qrtns. 36 fish per qrtn.) 270,000 48,750 DRY FISH. Barrelled Cod (15,000 barrels, 40 fish per barrel ------- 750,000 4,200,000 Dried Salt Cod (5lbs. each) - 1,600,000 8,000,000 Smoked Haddock (65,000 barrels, 300 fish per barrel) -.----. i Q P\nn nnn i n oon ooo Bloaters (265,000 barrels, 150 fish per barrel) U7/)00 JOOO 10,'eooiooo Ked Herrings (100,000 barrels, 500 fish per barrel) ------- 50,000,000 14,000,000 Dried Sprats (9,600 large bundles, 30 fish per bundle) ------- 288,000 96,000 SHELL FISH. 4Qf> soft nnn , Lobsters (averaging lib. each fish) 1 ',200^000 1,200,000 Crabs (averaging lib. each fish) - 600,000 . Shrimps (326 to a pint) .... 498,428,648 , Wilks (227 to half bushel) .... 4,943,200 Mussels (1000 to half bushel) 50,400,000 Cockles (2000 to half bushel) 67,392,000 t Periwinkles (4000 to half bushel) 304,000,000 The species of Snails which are sought for in Prance are, in the North, the Edible snail, Helix Pomatia (fig. 48) ; the Wood snail, H. Sylvatica, Drap. ; and the Grove Snail, H. nemoralis, Linn. At Montpellier, the common snail, If. aspersa, Mull. ; FLESH. 175 the H. vermiculata, Mull. ; the H. Pisana, Mull. ; and even 1 the II. variabilis, Drap. In the department of the Vaucluse, the Fig. 48. Helix pomatia.* H. aspersa, H. vermiculata, H. Pisana, H. variabilis, the Heath snail, H. ericetorum, and sometimes the H. Algira, Linn. In Provence, the species just enumerated, and in addi- tion H. aperta, Born, and H. melanostoma, Drap. In certain localities the Helix cespitum and H. lineata are also eaten ; and in others the H. hortensis, Mull., and H. arbustorum, Linn., or Shrub snail. All these snails do not produce exactly the same kind of flesh. Epicures set great store by the Helix vermiculata, which is known at Montpellier by the name of the Morgueta (modest), because it draws itself far into its shell. The H. natica is con- sidered still more tender and delicate ; it is called in Provence Tapada (closed), on account of the calcareous lid which closes up the shell. The species which is hardest is the Helix pomatia. Snails are principally collected towards the close of winter, before they have taken fresh food. It is said that those in- dividuals which inhabit elevated situations are the best ; it is also asserted that the animals retain the flavour and perfume of the plants they have eaten. This is, no doubt, the reason why the Snails of certain countries, or of certain districts, are held in high repute. The flesh of Snails is generally tough and insipid. It is necessary to prepare them with strong seasonings, as with plenty of ham, anchovies, parsley, aromatic herbs, pepper, or garlic. It is moreover a kind of food which digests but slowly. 1 The animal extended, with a separate view of the jaw. .176 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. At various periods considerable pains have been taken to obtain these mollusks in large quantities. The Romans kept them in pens called cochlearia. (Yarron.) 1 They were fattened with various plants. A small quantity of wine and some laurel leaves were added to give them a better flavour. The pens were situated in moist shady places, and were surrounded by a ditch or wall. Pliny has not forgotten to transmit to us the name of the person who invented the cochlearia?- Addison has given a full description of that of the capuchin monks at Fribourg. Besides these, many of the marine Gasteropods are eaten, as, for instance, some of the Murecidce, Turbos, LittorinidaB, uc- cinidcB, Strombidce, and Patellidce. 6. Flesh of Articulata. Amongst these animals is the Cray- fish, Astacus fluviatiles ; 3 2, the Prawn, Palasmon serratus ; 3, the Common spiny Lobster, Palinurus vulgaris ; 4, the Lobster, Jlomarus vulgaris ; 5, the Common shore Crab, Carcinus Mcenas. The flesh of all these animals is hard and fibrous, and is apt to resist the action of the gastric juice. Nevertheless, that of the Cray-fish is not very difficult of digestion ; but the other species, especially the Lobsters and the Crabs, are frequent sources of indigestion. [Enormous quantities of Lobsters are consumed in London; they are taken on various parts of the English coast, particularly on rocky shores. From the southern and western coasts a con- siderable number are constantly sent off to the London markets, by the South- Western Railway from Southampton, and by the Great Western from Bristol ; also by steamers from Guernsey and Jersey ; and again from the coast of Ireland to Liverpool. From the coast of Scotland, the Orkney and Lewes islands, it is computed that not less than 150,000 reach the market at Billingsgate ; but the principal supply is from Norway, from whence there is sent not less than 600,000. There is often in the season a supply at Billingsgate of not less than from 20,000 to 25,000 lobsters in one day]. 4 7. The flesh of Hadiata. Amongst this group are several species of the Sea Hedge-hog. The inhabitants of Provence and of Languedoc are fond of the Echinus esculentus, Linn. ; E. lividus, Deslong. ; and IE. granularis, Lamk. The latter 1 Coclilearium vivaria (Pliny). 2 He calls him Fulvius Hispinus. 3 See p. 96, M. Lereboullet has recently described two new species, A. longicornis and A. palUpes. 4 A History of British Crustacea, by Thos. Bell, p. 243, London, 1848. FLESH. 177 species is also procured on the coasts of Naples and La Manche. In Corsica and Algeria the Echinus melo, Lamk., is made use of. Some species of Holothuria are also eaten at Naples, the Holothuria tubulosa, Blainv. ; at the Ladrone islands, the H. Gruamensis, Quoy and Graim ; and in China, the Trepang, H. edulis, Less. BROTH. The flesh of animals serves for the preparation of />/v>M.s-, a liquid and very nourishing kind of food, which is ex- tremely useful both to the invalid and to the convalescent. Broth is an aqueous solution, the base of which consists of some kind of flesh ; it is made by boiling the meat for a long time over a slow fire. Broth always contains gelatine, fat, and osmazome. Some vegetables, such as carrots, turnips, or lettuces, are generally added, which somewhat alter its com- position. The broth which is principally used is made from Beef. The more this kind of food is concentrated the greater is the amount of nourishment which it contains ; 220 Ibs. of meat will yield two hundred basins of broth of more than half a pint each, or altogether 176 pints of broth, and 110 Ibs. of the boiled meat. Broth is also made from bones, to which a small quantity of meat is added and a large quantity of vegetables. The quantity procured from the bones is to that which is obtained from meat as 3 to 2. One hundred pounds of meat, of which a quarter is employed to make broth, with two pounds and a quarter of gelatine obtained from bones, will give two hundred basins of broth and eleven pounds of boiled meat ; while the remainder would furnish forty-four pounds of roast meat. [In cases of irritable stomach, where the ordinary kinds of food cannot be retained, as, for instance, in the obstinate nausea and vomiting which sometimes accompany pregnancy, a preparation known under the name of Liebig's New Soup for Invalids is recommended as being often tolerated when every other kind of food is rejected. It is made as follows : Take -5- Ib. of newly killed beef or fowl, chop it very fine, add 1 Ib. of distilled water, four drops of pure muriatic acid, 34 to 67 grains of common salt, and stir well together. After an hour the whole is to be thrown on a conical hair sieve, and the fluid allowed to pass through without any pressure. The first thick portions which run through are to be returned to the sieve, until the fluid filters through quite clear. On the flesh residue in the sieve pour slowly -| Ib. of distilled water, and let it percolate through. There will be thus obtained rather more than a pound of cold fluid (cold extract of flesh) 178 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. of a red colour, and possessing a pleasant taste of soup ; of which from one tablespoonful to a cup may be taken at pleasure. It must not be warmed, since it is rendered muddy by heat, and deposits a thick coagulum of albumen and the colouring matter of blood. When the flavour is thought disagreeable it may be concealed by the addition of a little claret]. 1 There are several other kinds of broth which are occasionally made use of ; these are : 1. Veal broth. This contains only a small quantity of gelatine, of fat, and of osmazome, and is not very nourishing. It is employed as a drink rather than as food. When much diluted it constitutes Veal water. A broth is also prepared from the lungs of the calf. 2. Chicken broth. This contains gelatine, a small quantity of fat and of osmazome. It is still lighter and less nourishing food than the preceding. 3. Tortoise broth is prepared rom the flesh of the Testudo Grtfca, Linn., of the T. Mauritania, Dumer, and of the T. marginata, Schcepf. These species are terrestrial, and common in Algeria ; the third is also found in the Morea. Some of the fresh water tortoises may be substituted for them, such as yel- low Tortoise, Testudo Europcea, Gray, from the south of Europe, or the Emys Caspica, Schw., and the E. Sigris, Dumer ; the one inhabits the eastern parts of Europe, and the other Spain and Algeria. 4. Viper broth, Vipera Aspis, Merrem, is made from the animal after the head, skin, and intestines have been removed. This broth was formerly regarded as a powerful remedy in obstinate gonorrhoea, and as capable of restoring the powers of the body when they have been exhausted by excess. It is nearly banished from the list of materia medica. 5. Frog broth. This contains gelatine and a small quantity of osmazome. It is insipid, and has very little nutriment. It is considered to be a cooling diet : it is made from the green or common Frog, Rana esculenta, Linn., and also from the Rana temporaria, Linn. : 125 grammes or 1928 grains of frog's thighs are put into 500 grammes or four times the same quantity of water. [The common Frog of this country is the Eana tem- poraria : the R. esculenta, or edible Frog, does not exist in England.] 2 On the Signs and Diseases of Pregnancy, p. 392, by T. H. Tanner, M. D., London, 1860. ALBUMEN. 179 6. Snail broth. This is even less nourishing than the last. In the north of France it is made from the large Helix pomntia; in the south from H. aspersa and vermiculata ; l in the Isle of France the Namcella elliptic^ Lamk., is made use of for this purpose. 7. Oyster broth. This is regarded as a restorative and an aphrodisiac. 5 8. Gray-fish broth. This also ranks as a restorative, and was formerly recommended in phthisis, in leprosy, and other cutaneous affections. 3 IV. Albumen. Albumen is a colourless, inodorous, and tasteless substance, which is coagulated by heat. This coagulation commences at a temperature of 104 6 Fah., but it is not complete except at a temperature of from 140 to 158. "When its solution is rxtivmely diluted, heat does not thicken it; but by boiling and evaporating it in vacua a residue is obtained of insoluble tillnnnen. Alcohol precipitates albumen from its solutions. If water is poured upon the precipitate, a portion of it is redissolved ; another portion is converted into coagulated iillniuirn. The latter contains all the properties of fluid albu- men, except its solubility. Albumen contains a small quantity of sulphur and of phosphorus. It is very useful in the treatment of the first stage of poisoning from the salts of copper and of mercury. Mixed with a large quantity of water it is successfully employed as an emollient. Some practitioners have recommended it in the treatment of certain cases of yellow fever. Mixed with oil it is stated to relieve the pain in parts which have been burnt ; it has also been administered in diseases of the eyes. In some cases of fracture the limb is surrounded by lint bandages soaked in albumen ; it has been used as a dressing for slight exco- riations of the skin. It is, however, principally employed for clarifying wine, beer, and vegetable juices. Its nutrient pro- perties, either alone or in combination with other animal principles, have been previously noticed. 4 V. Gelatine. This substance is obtained by boiling the skin, ligaments, tendons, membranes, cellular tissue, or bones of animals in 1 Seepages 83, 174. a See pages 86, 168. 3 See page 96. * See page 1 62. N 2 180 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. water. 1 It is first obtained in solution by evaporation ; it is then concentrated, and as it cools it forms a tremulous jelly, and becomes gelatine. A question arises as to whether gelatine exists ready formed in the animal structures which yield it, or whether the com- position of these structures is changed by the action of the boiling water ? The latter opinion appears to be the most probable ; but the alteration is a simple molecular movement, for the composition of gelatine is the same as that of the tissue from which it is derived. Pure gelatine is solid, but its hardness and consistence vary greatly; it is heavier than water, semi-transparent, colourless, inodorous, and tasteless. It possesses great ad- hesive properties, and it is from this substance that common glue, Flanders glue, 2 mouth glue, and food lozenges are made. Gelatine is only slightly soluble in cold water, but readily dissolves in boiling water. In order that a hot solution should form a jelly in cooling, it must contain at least 2^ parts of gelatine to every 100 of water. If it is boiled too long a certain quantity of water becomes united with the gelatine, which in consequence is changed, and will no longer form a jelly. Gelatine is partially soluble in dilute, but not in strong alcohol ; it is precipitated by tannin. Ligaments and tendons by boiling yield a kind of gelatine, to which Mudler has given the name of chondrin. It differs principally from ordinary gelatine in not being precipitated by tannin. It is chiefly the mammalia which furnish the gelatine of commerce and of pharmacy. The purest gelatine is known under the name of grenetine [from Grenet, the name of the maker] ; it is more especially employed in pharmaceutical preparations. STAG'S HORN (cornu Germ). During the summer the fur of the common Stag is of a yellowish brown colour, with a black line along the back, while the sides of the animal are marked with numerous pale spots. In winter time it is of a uniform greyish brown colour. The rump, the buttocks, and the tail are always of a pale reddish colour. The head of the Stag is provided with horns, which were formerly used in the manufacture of medicated jellies and of emollient drinks. The horns are shed every year during the spring and are 1 See page 159. [ 2 This is a very pure kind of glue, made from young animals.] GELATINE. 181 re-produced in the summer. At first the new horns are simple protuberances, and are known by the name of dags, but as they grow they branch into a number of projections termed antlers. The extremities of the antlers are known in pharmacy as horn tips. In the fourth year the horn terminates in an expansion termed the palm, which is provided with a number of points. The burr is a rough channelled projection at the base of the horn. The female of the Stag or Hind has no horns. The horn tips are divided into small fragments by means of a knife or a file. They are then boiled for some time in water, to which they give up their gelatinous principle. Isinglass is now generally substituted for Stag's horn. Besides gelatine, Stag's horn furnished several other pre- parations, which are now rarely made use of. These were : 1. Volatile essence of Stag's horn, which is only an oleaginous subcarbonate of ammonia. 2. Volatile oil of Stag's horn ; this is very similar to Dippel's animal oil, and consists essentially of subcarbonate of ammonia. Stags' horns were also calcined (cornu ustum), ground up, and made into lozengea. [A preparation of this kind is still retained in the Pharma- copeia. CORNTJ USTUM, Burnt horn. Burn pieces of horns in an open vessel until they become perfectly white ; then powder and prepare them in the same manner as directed with respect to chalk, In the older editions of the Pharmacopeia this preparation was termed Cornu Gervi ustum and Cornu Cervi calcinatum, and was accordingly directed to be made from Stags' horns. This substance is sometimes used in the manufacture of tooth powder ; it contains a large quantity of phosphate and a small quantity of carbonate of lime ; it can only act mechani- cally as a fine powder, and is in no respect superior to the common prepared chalk.] The same uses were formerly made of the horns of the Elk, C. Alces, Linn. ; the Fallow Deer, C. Dama, Linn. ; and of the Rein Deer, C. Tarandus, Linn. ISINGLASS. Isinglass or Fish glue is the prepared air blad- der or swimming bladder of the Sturgeon. The Sturgeons ( A Irijiriivrr) belong to the cartilaginous fishes and to the iamily Sturionida. The flesh of these animals is held in high estimation. Their fecundity is extraordinary ; a single female has been known to contain 1,467,857 eggs. When these masses of eggs or 182 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. ovaries are salted, they form the article of food known as caviare. The species from which isinglass is principally procured is the Huso or Great Sturgeon. It is also obtained from the Sewruga, the Sterlet, and the Sturio or common Sturgeon. The following is a summary of the characters of these four species : (entire The lips] Snout (cleft short The Huso. straight and narrow . The Sewruga. curved and broad . . The Sterlet. The Sturio. The Huso, Acipenser Huso, Linn., inhabits the tributary streams of the Caspian and Black seas. It is sometimes pro- cured in the Po. The back is of a dark blue, almost black colour, and the belly of a clear yellow ; the body is long, the head large, and the snout very obtuse. It is from 10 ft. to 16 ft. long, and weighs upwards of 200 Ibs. ; it has been known to measure as much as 30 ft., and to exceed 2000 Ibs. in weight. The Sewruga, A. stellatus, Pallas, inhabits the rivers which empty themselves into the Black and Caspian seas, particularly the Volga and the Danube. The back is of a brown colour, and the belly white. It is seldom more than 3| ft. in length. The Sterlet, A. Ruthenus, Linn., is found in the Caspian sea, in the Volga and the Ural. It is distinguished by the black colour of its back, by its yellow plates, and by its white belly shaded with pink ; its upper and caudal fins are grey, and the lower red. The plates which cover the body are arranged in three rows. It is of the same size as the previous species ; it is very rare to meet with individuals 4-J ft. in length. Its weight is from 30 Ibs. to 37 Ibs. The Common Sturgeon, A. Sturio, Linn. (fig. 49). This species is found in various parts of the ocean, in the Medi- terranean, the Red, the Euxine, and the Caspian seas. In the summer time it ascends the great rivers, particularly the Volga, the* Danube, the Po, the Garonne, the Loire, the Rhine, &c. (Lacepede.) [This species has been caught in the river Thames.] The plates on the body are arranged in five longitudinal rows. Individuals are commonly met with varying from 13 ft. to 16 ft. in length. One which was captured in the Loire, and presented to Francis I., measured nearly 20 ft. ; some are said to have measured 25 ft. GELATINE. 183 In the preparation of isinglass, the air bladder of the Sturgeon is first well cleaned, stripped of its external mem- brane, which is of a dark brown colour, and freed from all the blood which it contains. It is then split open longitudinally, Fig. 49. Common Sturgeon. cut up into pieces, washed, kneaded by the hands, made up into different forms, and afterwards left to dry gradually in the shade. Four kinds of raw isinglass are known in commerce : 1. Lyre Ixint/lass {long and short staple of English market]. This con- sists of small cylinders folded upon themselves so as to bear a rude resemblance to an ancient lyre. 2. Heart-shaped isinglass [also known as long and short staple]. This only differs from the former as to the manner in which the cylinders are folded. 3. Book isinglass. This consists of layers folded into squares and joined together by means of a steel which passes through them. 4. Leaf isinglass, which only differs from the former in the folds being separate. The first is the purest and the most valuable. Isinglass is also sold in the form of tablets. This is of less value than the other kinds, and is made by boiling the fins, heads, and other parts of the Sturgeon, and then spreading them out on boards. Isinglass is bleached by means of sulphurous acid. "When cut up into long strips, a very excellent kind of fish-glue is made from it, which is known as English glue. From purified isinglass is also formed another kind of fish- glue, known as glass glue or vitreous glue (vitreuse'). It is calculated that 1000 large Sturgeons yield 264 Ibs. of isinglass, which is about 4 oz. 3^ dr. for each individual. The Sterlets would not produce more than 80 Ibs., which is about one-third of the former quantity. Isinglass is principally obtained from the parts of Russia on the borders of the Caspian Sea. The Dutch were formerly 184 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. largely engaged in this kind of manufacture, but the article was of an inferior quality. Isinglass is almost entirely composed of an animal substance which is readily converted into gelatine. Isinglass is light, coriaceous, of a whitish colour, semi- transparent, and bears some resemblance to parchment ; it is tasteless, inodorous, and insoluble in cold water, but dissolves in boiling water, and forms a transparent jelly in cooling. Fifteen grains of isinglass are sufficient to impart a firm con- sistence to an ounce of water. Besides the various species of Sturgeon, isinglass may be obtained from the air bladder of several other fish, as this organ always contains a large quantity of gelatine ; but this kind of isinglass is of an inferior quality to that from the Stur- geon. Thus it is obtained from some of the Siluridce ; and at Lyons a very transparent vitreous-like isinglass is made from the scales of the Carp. An inferior kind of isinglass is known in commerce, which is made from the air bladder of the Cod, and also a false isinglass manufactured from the stomach of the calf. Pereira has described a kind of false isinglass from Para, which is nothing more than the ovary of some large fish, probably, he says, of the Sudis Gig as. Isinglass is used for the purpose of clarifying numerous liquids. [Court or Black sticking Plaster is made with a solution of isinglass and tincture of benzoin laid upon black sarsenet.] It is employed in the making of jellies, syrups, and blanc- mange. [Considered medicinally, it is emollient and demul- cent. It is employed, dissolved in water or milk, and rendered palatable by acid and sugar, as a nutritious substance for invalids and convalescents. (Pereira.)] Hippocolle is a kind of glue made from the skin of the Ass, 1 which comes from India and China, it is obtained from the car- tilages of the Ass and the Zebra; it answers for the same purposes as isinglass. It is considered to be a mild astrin- gent. SKIN. The skin of some of the mammalia is made use of for several purposes. That of the Chamois, Antilope rwpicapra, Pall., is valuable on account of its great pliability ; it is used for the purpose of 1 It is also known under the name of hockiak or hokiak. The^Chinese call it nyo-kiceo or hoki-hao. It is a strongly aromatised gelatine. GELATINE. 185 separating mercury from other metals ; by straining, the mer- cury passes through the pores of the skin while the impurities are retained. That of the Gazelle, Antilope Dor cos, Pall., is used for packing the hepatic and socotrine aloes of commerce. The skin of the Sheep, Ovis Aries, Linn., according to the mode in which it is prepared, furnishes parchment and chamois and morocco leather. In pharmacy it is used for the making of plasters. NESTS OF ESCULENT SWALLOW. The nests of these birds may be associated with isinglass, which they closely resemble in their appearance. The birds belong to the family of the Hirundinidae. There are five species of the Esculent Sicallow ; four of which belong to the Indian Archipelago. Only one species is found in the Isle of France. The principal species are the Common Esculent Swallow, 1 distinguished by a white patch at the base of the tail feathers, and the fucus-eating swallow, 2 which is of a uniform brown colour. The nests have an oval cup-like form, they are from 2 to 2 inches in length and about an inch and a half in width. They are firmly attached to the rock. They have a yellow colour, are semi-transparent, and of a firm and tenacious con- sistence. The free edge of the nests is somewhat thickened, their surface is rough, and when broken they present a vitreous-like fracture. They are formed in successive layers. Many naturalists have supposed that these nests were com- posed of the remains of certain fish, or of the mucilage of various Zoophytes ; others have believed that the birds formed them from the juice of a tree, with the fronds of lichens, or from gelatinous sea weeds. It is now ascertained that at the period of nidification the birds disgorge a viscid humour, which is secreted by the salivary glands or by the follicles of the crop ; 3 it is analogous to the fluid with which the European swallows cement the clay of which their nests are constructed. 4 There are three gatherings of the nests in a year. Those which are intended for the first laving of eggs are the purest and the most valuable ; those which belong to the last are 1 Callocalia esculenta, Gray, Hirundo esculenta, Linn. 2 Callocalia fuciphaga, C. Bonap., Hirundo fucifaga, Thunb., Callocalia nidifica, Gray. 3 E. Home, Blyt, Laidley, Itier. 4 According to a Chinese physician these nests are formed of the con- solidated (jastric juice without any admixture. (Itier.) 186 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. mixed with feathers and fragments of vegetation. In some there are found portions of algae and lichens. (Gruibourt.) It is probable that the nests of the different species do not resemble each other. The material of which the nests are composed is insoluble in cold water, but softens by moisture ; it dissolves in boiling water in the same manner as gelatine. Every 100 parts contain 90'25 of animal matter and some salts. (Miiller.) The nests are supposed to possess restorative properties. (Cuvier). They are used for the purpose of making soups and various kinds of ragouts. They are also prepared like mushrooms. Their substance softens and resembles vermicelli. VI. Fat. Eat is a secretion of the adipose tissue of animals. It exists in considerable quantities beneath the skin, on the surface of the muscles, in the omentum, at the base of the heart, and around the kidneys. It becomes fluid at a temperature of from 59 to 104 Eah. The fat of the Pig has received the name of hog's lard, this term being more especially applied to it after it has been purified. The fat of the Sheep is termed suet. Eat is freed from the foreign matters with which it is mixed by cutting it into small pieces, melting it at a moderate tem- perature in water, then pouring it off" and filtering it through a fine cloth. Some persons recommend that the water in which the melting takes place should have a certain quantity of sulphuric acid mixed with it. [Many plans of purifying fats have been proposed ; one of the best is to mix two per cent, of strong sulphuric acid with a quantity of water, in which the tallow is heated for some time with much stirring ; to allow the materials to cool, to take off the supernatant fat, and re-melt it with abundance of hot water. 1 ] Eat is usually of a softish consistence, but varies in this respect according to the animal, and according to the part from which it is obtained. It is lighter than water, colourless, or of a yellow tint, sometimes odorous, sometimes inodorous, and has a bland insipid taste. It is essentially composed of elaine, a body which is liquid at a temperature of 46 Eah., and is only slightly soluble in alcohol even when boiling, and of stearine, which melts at a temperature of 100 Eah., [Brande says about 110 Eah.,] and is still less soluble in alcohol. Acted upon by a solution of caustic potassa these substances 1 See Ure's Die. of Arts and Sciences, art. Fat FATS. 187 are converted into two acids : oleic acid, which is principally derived from the elaine, and margaric acid, which appears to be formed in a great measure by the stearine. Lard is a white, soft, semi-transparent fat, with little or no smell ; it melts at about 80 Fah. [In order to separate this fat from the membrane in which it is contained, it is melted over a slow fire, then strained through flannel or linen, and poured while liquid into a bladder, where it solidifies on cooling (adeps prceparatus) . Occasionally salt is added to preserve it; but unsalted lard should be employed for medicinal purposes. By melting in boiling water, lard may be deprived of any salt which may have been mixed with it. While solidifying, lard should be kept stirred, to prevent the separation of the stearine and elaine. (Pereira.)] Suet is a white hard fat ; it melts at from 98 to 125 Fah. Beef fat is of a pale yellow colour ; it has scarcely any smell, and melts at 100 Fah. Bear's fat is of a yellowish white colour, semi-fluid, of a peculiar odour, and has a nauseous taste. Goose fat is of a yellow colour and has a disagreeable smell ; it melts below 80 Fah. Ostrich fat, StrutJiio Canulus, Linn. This is a fine, white, firm fat, with only a slight odour resembling that of the pre- ceding ; it melts at about 79 Fah. l (Duroziez.) Writers mention several other kinds of fat, which were formerly used in medicine ; a list of these has been given in the first book of this work. 2 Lard is used in the manufacture of the various kinds of oint- ments and pomades. After a certain time fat undergoes a change ; it turns yellow and becomes rancid. 3 In order to prevent lard from turning rancid, it should be carefully covered up and kept in a cool place. M. Deschamp (d* Avallon) recommends that it should be impregnated with the odoriferous and resinous principles of the buds of the poplar or with benzoin. The first process consists in adding from twelve to one hundred of the buds. This fat is of a green colour, and cannot, therefore, be used for making white pomades. It becomes of an orange colour when mixed with an alkali. Benzoinated fat is prepared by heating in a water-bath for two or three hours four parts of pounded benzoin in 100 1 An Ostrich will supply nearly one-third of its weight of fat. (Gosse.) See p. 65. 3 MM. Fl. Prevost and Em. Rousseau state that the fat of the Ostrich has very little tendency to become rancid. 188 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. parts of fresli fat, and stirring while cooling. This fat becomes rancid sooner than that which has been mixed with the buds of the poplar. M. Soubeiran proposes to substitute, for the benzoin, the balsam of tolu, which is left in the preparation of the syrup. One hundredth part by weig;ht of the tolu dissolved in alcohol is to be mixed with the lard ; it is then to be warmed and stirred for the purpose of evaporating the spirit. Lard is adulterated with inferior kinds of fat and with salt. Plaster of Paris is also sometimes mixed with lard. The two last adulterations are easily detected by melting the lard in water; the salt is dissolved, and the plaster is precipitated. (ChevaUier.) VII. Oils. Animal oils J are fatty substances characterised by the great fusibility remaining liquid at a temperature below 60 or even 50 Eah. Animal oil is produced in great abundance by the Whale and the Porpoise. Whale oil, known under the name of Fish oil, is obtained from the Common Greenland Whale* and by the Rorqual, species of Whales in which the skin of the throat and the belly is arranged in folds or plicae. The fat or blubber of these ani- mals is first cut away with enormous knives ; it is then divided into smaller pieces, packed in casks, and afterwards melted. This kind of oil is thick, of a dark brown colour, and has a rancid fishy smell ; it becomes congealed at a temperature of 32 Fah. The Whale produces an enormous quantity of oil ; a single individual is capable of yielding a ship's cargo. 3 [A ship's cargo will, of course, vary with the size of the vessel and the quantity of oil, with the species of whale and the age and size of the individual ; but, after making all allowance for the difference which may arise from these causes, the above statement seems exaggerated. The largest cargo ever known by Dr. Scoresby to have been brought to this country, was that by Captain Souter, of the Resolution, of Peterhead, in 1814. It consisted of forty-four whales, yielding two hundred and ninety-nine tons of oil, which sold at 9,368 : and adding the whalebone and the bounty, which was at that time allowed to whaling vessels by the government, the entire returns amounted to 11,000. The total value of the British whale- 1 Seep. 101. 2 See p. 92. 3 Pinguedo copiosissima, ut ex unico scepe oneretur navis, Linn. OILS MILK. 189 fishery for the same year, which was a very favourable one, was 700,000.] The oil of the Porpoise, Delphinus globiceps, Cuv., is of a citron colour, and its sp. gr. 0'91 at a temperature of 68 Fah. It is very soluble in alcohol. It contains less cetine 1 than whale oil, and much more phocine. According to M. Berthelot the latter principle forms a tenth part ; in another species, probably the Delphinus marginatus, JDuvern., the same chemist found only the one hundredth part of this substance. In other Cetacea there are only traces of phocine. Oil is obtained from the Dugong and the Spermaceti whale* Oil is also found in the organs or in the productions of some other animals ; as, for instance, in the yelk of birds' eggs; this is easily extracted by compression. In the distillation of nitrogenised organic matters, such as blood, bones, muscle, &c., a very thick, brown, extremely fetid oil is obtained. "When this has been distilled several times, it Fig. 50. Sperm Whale. forms a colourless liquid, which has long been known as Dip- pel's animal oil ; it was formerly in great repute in the treat- ment of diseases of the nervous system. vm. Milk. Milk is an emulsive fluid, which is secreted by the mammary glands of the female mammalia. It is a white, opaque, some- what viscid fluid, with an agreeable odour, which is dissipated by heat, and has a mild sweet taste. Milk consists of a mucilaginous solution, which holds in suspension a fatty matter composed of small spherical globules. 1 See p. 94. 2 See p. 92. 190 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. It is composed of caseum or caseine, albumen, butter, sugar of milk, and several salts. When milk is evaporated, as in boiling, or even in warming it, a pellicle forms on the surface, and if this is removed it is replaced by a second. This pellicle is almost entirely com- posed of caseous matter and of cream. The principal milks are those of the Cow, the Sheep, the Goat, the Woman, the Ass, and the Mare. 1. Cow's milk has a density of 1*0324. It is of a yellowish white colour, very opaque, and with a sweet taste. It contains in every 1000 parts, 885 parts of water, 35 of soluble and in- soluble caseous matter and albumen, 30 of butter, 40 of sugar of milk, of the phosphates of lime, magnesia, potash, soda, and iron, of the chlorides of potassium and sodium, and of soda. "When milk is left undisturbed its surface becomes gradually covered with a thick, unctuous, yellow layer ; this is cream ; it consists of large globules, which, when united by the process of churning, forms butter. The cream separates but slowly, in consequence of its density differing but little from that of the milk ; it is composed of butter (lutyrum) and of milk. When agitated the butter separates and leaves a fluid termed "butter- milk. This liquid contains all the elements of the milk, but only a very little caseum, and a large proportion of butyric acid. When nearly all the cream has been removed, it is skimmed milk ; when this is left to itself acetic and lactic acids are formed and coagulate the casein. A clear yellow liquid with a sweet taste then separates, which is termed whey. The coagulation of the caseous matter (curds') is usually accom- plished by artificial means. When milk is filtered it leaves behind it the insoluble caseous matter and the fat globules ; a clear fluid passes through, which becomes thickened and coagulated by heat in proportion to the quantity of albumen which it contains. The caseous matter or casein exists in considerable quantity in milk under the form of very minute globules ; it is insipid and inodorous. Its composition is the same as that of albumen. Butter, 1 or the fatty matter of milk, is met with in the form of globules, varying in size from 3 p o ^ TWo"o o" ^ an i nc h. It is composed of three fatty bodies : oleine or elaine, stearine, and butyrine. 1 In Paris there was consumed, in 1857, 10,551,366 francs worth of butter. MILK. 191 Sugar of milk or salt of milk (lactine) is solid, of a sweet flavour, and with no smell. It crackles between the teeth. It crystallizes in white, semitransparent, regular prisms. At the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere water will dissolve one ninth part of its weight. Occasionally a small quantity of blood is found in milk. (Lepage.) More rarely there is also found infusorial animalcule which change its colour. 2. Sheep's milk has a density of 1*0409. It gives more cream and butter than that of the Cow; but its butter is softer, and melts more easily, while its casein is more greasy and more viscid. 3. Goat's milk has a density of 1*0340. It gives off the odour of the goat. Its fatty matter is thick, and its butter firm and white, but is less in quantity than in the two previous milks. 4. Human milk has a density of 1*023. It contains a con- siderable quantity of sugar of milk and very little caseine. The latter is very soft, viscous, and tremulous. This milk con- tains a good deal of cream. 5. Ass's milk has a density of 1*0355. It has the same con- sistence, smell, and taste as human milk. It contains less cream, and what there is is not so thick ; its butter is soft, white, and insipid ; its casein is less in quantity, and soft. 6. Mare's milk has a density of 1*0346. It contains very little butter; its casein is soft, and its serum tolerably abundant. The Kalmucks, by acidulating and fermenting this milk, obtain from it araka. (Pallas.) LACTODENSIMETEB. Quevenne has invented an instrument for the purpose of determining the density of milk, which he terms a lactodensimeter. It is an areometer. The density of water being 1000, the average density of pure milk from the Cow is 1031, and when the cream has been separated 1033 (the temperature being 59 Fah.). As a matter of convenience the two left hand figures are omitted. Thus, when the instrument marks 25 or 30 degrees, it shows that the density of the milk which has been examined is 1025 or 1030, or in other words that a litre (1*760 pint) of the milk weighs either 1025 grammes (2 Ibs. 8 oz. 478 grs. Troy), or 1030 grammes (2 Ibs. 9 oz. 65 grs. Troy). The density of milk which has not been deprived of its cream should vary between 29 and 33 degrees, that of skimmed milk between 32*5 and 37'5. The addition of one tenth part of water to milk will lower the in- dicator three degrees, and in skimmed milk 3*25. CBEAMOMETEB. This is another instrument proposed by 192 MEDICAL ZOOLO&Y. Quevenne. As skimmed milk becomes more dense, its pro- perties may be changed by removing a portion of the cream, and then adding a certain quantity of water. Unfortunately this is what happens every day. The lactodensimeter will not detect this double fraud, but the creamometer will. The latter instrument consists of a kind of gage, of a tolerable size, and divided into 100 parts. This is allowed to remain in the fresh milk for twelve hours. The cream gradually rises to the surface. The average quantity of cream is 11 to 12 for every hundred parts of milk. All milk which yields a less quantity than this has been more or less deprived of its cream. One of the inconveniences of this instrument is that it only affords the required information after the lapse of twelve hours. It has been recommended to substitute for it simple agitation. A given quantity of milk is to be boiled for ten minutes, taking care that it is continually shaken during this time. It is then placed in a flask. When it is cooled down to 4 Fah., the mouth of the vessel is closed, and it is well shaken until all the butter is separated. It is then strained through a fine cloth. The butter is then to be washed, pressed, and weighed. Every litre (1*760 pint) of milk ought to yield at least 30 grammes of butter (462 '6750 grs. Troy). LACTOSCOPE. This instrument is intended in certain cases to indicate the richness of the milk in butter. It was invented by M. Donne. Its action depends upon the opacity which the liquid receives from the presence of the fat globules. The instrument consists of two plain glasses, between which the liquid is placed ; the instrument is then examined in a dark place by the flame of a candle through this layer. The glasses are separated from each other until the opacity is such that the flame ceases to be visible. The thickness of the layer which is required to produce this result should be thinner in proportion to the quantity of fatty matter present. One of the glasses is fixed ; the other on a moveable foot, one turn of which corresponds to a thickness of -^^ of an inch. The cir- cumference is divided into fifty equal portions, which constitute degrees ; a good milk should mark 34 degrees. Unfortunately for the accuracy of the lactoscope, the opacity of the milk does not depend only upon the fat globules, but also upon the caseine held in solution : it also depends upon the various substances which are introduced by the dealers. Adulteration. Of late years the adulterations which are practised on milk have been carefully inquired into. One EGGS. 193 ])l:in is to remove the cream, and then mix the milk with \\atrr ; in order to restore to it its opacity and consistence, as well as to remove the blue tint which is induced by the adul- teration, sugar, glucose, farina, and dextrine are added ; various other substances are also made use of, such as infusions of rice, barley, &c. ; gummy and albuminous matters, fish glue, liquorice juice, the colouring matter of the marigold, and baked carrots. (Chevallier.) Preservation. The lower the temperature the better milk keeps ; but in order to preserve it for any length of time various plans have been proposed. 1. Concentrate the milk to one third or one half; put it into well-stoppered vessels and expose them to the heat of a water bath for a period of two hours. (Apperfs process.) 2. Evaporate at a low temperature, and drive in air, which facilitates its thickening. ( Gallais's process.) 3. The foregoing processes are now abandoned. The follow- ing are much better : To every litre (1760773 pint) of milk add from 75 to 80 grammes (1157 to 1234 grs.) of sug;ar. It is then concentrated in a flat-bottomed vessel in which the liquid is kept constantly moving in order to prevent the form- ation of a pellicle. When it has become reduced to one-fifth of its original volume, it is put into tin boxes, which are then treated according to Appert's method. (Lignac's process.) 4. The milk is charged with carbonic acid by the same kind of machine as is used in the manufacture of Seltzer water ; it is then placed in bottles in the usual manner. (Bethel's process.) 5. Lastly, milk is preserved without the addition of any foreign substance, and without the abstraction of its cream, or the evaporation of its aqueous particles. It is simply placed in a tin vessel which is provided with a pewter tube. This is warmed for three-quarters of an hour in a water bath for the purpose of expelling all the air, and the tube is then hermeti- cally closed by means of pincers. (Malm's process.) IX. Eggs. The eggs which are employed in medicine are those of the common fowl, Phasianus Gallus, Linn. Every egg consists of a calcareous covering or shell ; of a semi-opaque membranous envelope which covers the internal surface of the shell ; of the glairy ligaments or chalazce which connect the envelopes with their contents ; of the white or albumen, a transparent liquid with a very slight tint of a greenish yellow, and which is contained in a loose cellular o 194 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. tissue, varying in density in the different layers ; of the yel- low or viiellus, a globular opaque mass of a golden yellow colour surrounded by a very delicate membrane, the vitelline membrane, and suspended in the midst of the albumen ; lastly, of the germ of the bird or cicatricula, a small white body which adheres to the yelk. A hen's egg contains on an average 367 grs. Troy of the white, and 324 grs. Troy of the yelk. The shell is composed of animal matter, carbonate of lime, a small quantity of carbonate of magnesia and of phosphate of lime, with slight traces of an oxide of iron. Sulphur is present in the animal matter and becomes liberated in the form of sulphuretted hydrogen, when shells which have been previously calcined are acted upon by the stronger acids. The internal membrane appears to be of an albuminous nature. (Vauquelin.) This also contains a small quantity of sulphur. It readily dissolves in liquor potassse without pro- ducing ammonia. White of egg consists of a solution of albumen, with the presence of certain salts, a small quantity of sugar and pro- bably also of carbonate of soda. It almost entirely dissolves in either cold or tepid water, leaving only a few particles of membrane. In boiling water the albumen becomes coagulated, and forms a white compact mass. The yelk consists of a large quantity of water, of vitelline, of margarine, and of oleine, of a viscous matter, of cholesterine, of osmazone, of a colouring matter, of the salts usually present in animals, and contains traces of lactic acid. (Grobley.) The oil of the yelk is composed of oleine, margarine, of a small quantity of cholesterine, and of colouring matter. There are two kinds of colouring matter in the yelk; the one is red, contains iron, and resembles the colouring matter of the blood ; the other is yellow, and appears to be analogous to the colouring matter of the bile. Eggs are said to Refresh when they have not been laid more than two days in summer or six in winter. Eggs change in proportion to the length of time they have been laid. The evaporation of the water in their interior takes place through the pores of the shell, and forms a space at one extremity (air chamber). If the white of an egg is coagulated which is not fresh, when the shell is broken a depression is seen at one end. When eggs have been laid some time the chalazae become relaxed, and lose the power of supporting the yelk ; the latter, in con- EGGS. 195 sequence of its greater specific gravity, falls to the lowest part. Farmers and egg-merchants ascertain this fact by examining the t'4i; before a lighted candle, or by the light of the sun. Fresh eggs, when gently shaken in the direction of their length, give no evidence of any internal displacement. Stale eggs, on the contrary, give rise to a slight shock, arising from the displacement of their contents. M. Delarue, of Dijon, has given the following directions for ascertaining whether an egg is fresh or not: Dissolve eight ounces of common salt in 1/760 pint of water, and when the water is dissolved place the egg in the solution. If it has been laid the same day it goes direct to the bottom of the vessel ; if not, it does not sink so far ; and if it is three days old it floats in the liquid ; if it is more than five days old it comes to the surface, and the shell projects in proportion to the age of the egg. J\(/f/s may be preserved fresh for a whole year by covering the pores of the shell with varnish, with a layer of wax, or with some fatty substances. Cadet G-assicourt recommends the cf/i/x to be placed in a vessel in layers, and then to pour iu lime water, containing a small excess of the powdered lime, so that the eggs shall be covered to the depth of from six to seven inches of the liquid. It is supposed that, in this case, a deposit of carbonate of lime takes place, which fills up the pores of the shell, render- ing it thereby impermeable to air, and so preserving the animal matter in its interior. The following process has been proposed by M. Delarue : Take 1543 grs. of slack lime for every 200 eggs. Mix with the lime, as intimately as possible, 154 grs. of powdered sugar; the whole is then to be placed in sufficient water to cover the eggs. In fifteen days the operation is completed. The small quantity of saccharate of lime which is formed penetrates the shell, and prevents the entrance of air. The Chinese place their eggs in water holding in solution a tenth part of sea salt until their density becomes greater than that of the liquid. Eggs may also be preserved by pkcing them in ashes, dry sand, bran, millet seed, saw dust, powdered charcoal, &c. The parts of the egg which are employed in medicine are the white and the yelk. The white is used for clarifying syrups and many other liquids; this effect is produced by its coagulation by the heat from the liquid, or by the acids or the spirit contained in it. The coagulated albumen forms a kind of mesh, which, as it o 2 196 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. sinks to the bottom of the liquid, carries the impurities with it. 1 The yelk enters into the formation of certain emulsions. It serves for making emulsions with resins, gum resins, and volatile oils. The yelk can be perfectly mixed with water. Eggs form a valuable and plentiful source of human food. The annual consumption of hens' eggs in Paris is about 115 for each individual. 2 In the rest of France, especially in the country places, this number is doubled. It is calculated that 7,231,160,000 eggs are consumed in France independent of those which are exported to other countries, or which are used for the purpose of hatching. [The white of egg is a valuable remedy in cases of poisoning by bichloride of mercury, sulphate of copper, and bichloride of tin. Its efficacy in these cases depends on the combination of the albumen with the oxide or chloride of the metal. (Pereira.) There is no necessity of separating the white from the yelk, as the latter is efficacious as well as the former. Eggs beaten up with warm water, and to which a small quantity of brandy or port wine has been added, and then flavoured with sugar or nutmeg, are valuble adjuncts to the dietary of the sick room. The MISTUKA SPIBITTTS VIIST GALLICI consists of Brandy and Cinnamon Water each f^iv, the Yelks of two Eggs, Purified Sugar ^ss, Oil of Cinnamon ttiij. Mix. This pre- paration is stimulant and restorative, and is used in the last stage of low fevers and in cases of exhaustion. The dose is from f^ss to fjiss.] X. Honey. The honey-producing animals are Bees, Wasps, and some allied insects. The Aphides also secrete a sweet fluid by means of a pair of abdominal glands which communicate with two tubes on the upper surface of the abdomen. It is stated that honey has been found in the galleries of certain exotic species of Ants, but it is doubtful whether they have not stolen it from some other animals. However this may be, the most perfect melliferous animals are the Sees. 1. Sees. The Common or Honey Bee, Apis Mellifica, Linn., is an insect belonging to the order Hymenoptera, and to the family Anthophila. 1 Seep. 179. 2 In 1857 Paris consumed eggs to the value of 9,524,111 francs. HONEY. 197 The See appears to have come originally from Greece, from whence it has been transported to the different parts of Europe. Every one is familiar with these insects ; the body is covered with liairs, is of a brownish Ijlack colour and is marked with a transverse greyish band on the abdomen. The antennae are filiform and shorter than the combined length of the head and the thorax. The simple eyes are arranged in the form of a triangle, placed in the females on the forehead, and in the males on the vertex. Bees live in societies called swarms. When one of these swarms is artificially lodged it constitutes a hive. Each swarm constructs a very peculiar and complicated nest. It consists of partitions composed of hexagonal cells. These par- titions are arranged perpendicularly; each consists of two rows of cells placed opposite each other and connected together by their bases, so that the cells themselves are placed horizontally. Each partition with its double series of cells forms a comb. It is in the interior of these cells that the eggs are deposited and the food is stored up. Each swarm consists of three kinds of individuals : 1, a female ; 2, males ; 3, neuters or workers (fig. 51). Fig. 51. Common Bee. 1 The female which the ancients called a king, but which is iimv known as the queen, is found solitary in every swarm ; she is large, strong, and has an elongated body ; she possesses a sting, and upon her devolves the laying of the eggs. 1 Common bee a, male or drone ; b, female or queen ; c, worker or neuter. 198 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. The males or drones vary in number from 500 to 1000 in each swarm. They are smaller, less robust, and have a shorter abdomen than the female. They have no sting. Their office is to impregnate the female. The workers or neuters number from twelve to twenty or even thirty thousand in each hive, and are the smallest mem- bers of the community. The working bees have a sting. The duties of these are to take charge of the eggs and of the young, and to construct the combs. They generally divide these labours amongst them : some attend exclusively to the young these are the nursing bees ; others collect the nectar and pollen of the flowers and form from them the honey and the wax, construct the combs, and lay up a supply of food these are the wax workers. Many writers regard the associations of Sees as a republic. Linnaeus terms the government a gynocratic republic. This celebrated naturalist believed that the queen is guarded from sight by the workers, and that she is not able to emerge from her dominions ; this, however, is an error. The associa- tion of Sees appears rather to be a true monarchy, at the head of which is placed a sovereign, who is the only one of her sex, and who is solely engaged in laying eggs. But who governs the society ? It governs itself ; each sex, each individual instinct- ively, necessarily, and blindly executes the functions which are assigned to it ; and each displays the same zeal, skill, and per- fection in the fulfilment of its duties. Copulation takes place at the beginning of summer, out of the hive. The female rises into the air until she is lost to sight, surrounded by a crowd of males. (Huber.) One only of the latter is summoned to partake of her favours. This male usually belongs to another hive. (Hamet.) The female soon returns, bearing at the extremity of her abdomen the genital organs of the male. As soon as the female is impregnated, and the males are no longer of any use to the community, the workers wound them with their stings, and put them to death. This slaughter usually takes place in the month of August, when the vicinity of the hive is covered with the dead bodies. Two days after the queen has been impregnated she begins to lay her eggs, and becomes the object of the attention and solicitude of the entire colony. The workers clean her by rubbing her with their probosces, and from time to time pre- sent her with the honey with they have disgorged. There are several layings. Reaumur has calculated the HONEY. 199 number of eggs which the female can lay in the course of three weeks at 12,000. She generally deposits from 200 to 400 a day. 1 The eggs are oblong, slightly curved, attenuated at the extremity, by which they are attached to the cell, and are somewhat transparent. These eggs produce workers and a single female. It has been recently stated, that the queen has the power of laying eggs before copulation as well as after it has taken place, when the seminal fluid has lost its fecundating powers, but that these eggs only give rise to males. It is also supposed that, after she has been fecundated, she can prevent the seminal fluid from coming in contact with the eggs, and that she can thus deposit male germs at her pleasure. The neuters are imperfect females ; that is to say, individuals who have been arrested in their development, and do not possess the copulative vesicle. Nevertheless, under certain cir- cuinstances they do lay eggs, but they are always male eggs. Suitable cells are prepared for the reception of the new generation. Each egg has its particular cell. The cells which are intended for workers are regular and perfectly equal polyhedra. Those for the males are somewhat larger, are less regular, nearly cylindrical, and as if they were engine-turned. The male cells are dispersed amongst those of the workers. The cells for the females hang down. The eggs are hatched at the end of four or five days, when there comes forth a small whitish larva, composed of fourteen segments with a corneous head and no feet. The larva remains motionless within its cell. The workers feed it with a mixture of honey and pollen, of which the quantity varies according to the age of the individual. Five or six days after they are born, the period for their metamorphosis has arrived, and the workers then closefup the mouth of the cells with a convex lid or cup of wax. The larvae spin around their bodies a covering of silk, and at the end of three days they are transformed into nymphs. When they have remained in this state seven days and a half, they undergo their last metamorphosis, and are changed into Bees. They then eat their way through the^ lid, and emerge from their cells. The males are twenty-one days from the time they are hatched until they assume their perfect state. The females are thirteen days. The nature of the food exercises great influence over the duration of this period. By varying the 1 Linnaeus says that each queen lays 40,000 a year. 200 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. food of the larvae, the workers can at their option produce workers or queens ; that is to say, females whose development has been arrested, or females who are normally developed. When a swarm has lost its queen, the workers demolish several of the ordinary cells for the purpose of forming a royal cell. A larva is placed in this, and after being fed on the necessary kind of food, instead of producing a working bee, it is transformed into a queen. When the young bees have come forth, the workers im- mediately clean out the cells, and prepare them for the reception of another set of eggs. This, however, is not the case with the royal cells ; these are destroyed, and fresh ones formed for every laying. When a queen is born in a hive, a great agitation is per- ceived, and the whole colony appears to be in motion ; on the one hand, the old queen endeavours to reach her new-born rival for the purpose of plunging her sting into her body, while on the other hand crowds of workers interpose to defend her. Some are charged with wax, and seem desirous of enclosing the new queen in her cell, and to provide for her safety by making her a prisoner. In a short time the old queen issues forth from the hive, with all the appearance of anger, and is accompanied by a large number of the com- munity. She and her partisans assemble together at some distance from the old hive, and become the founders of a new colony. The young queen remains behind, and is soon at the head of a numerous society by the successive development of the larvae belonging to her generation. In this manner a young swarm is produced, which take possession of the first hive. If two or three queens are born at the same time, they wage War against each other until only one of them is left alive, who, having conquered her rivals, becomes the sovereign of the new society. When a second *queen is introduced into a hive, she is either destroyed by the legitimate sovereign, or by a number of the workers, who precipitate themselves upon her, and plunge tl^eir stings into her body. (Huber, De Beauvoys.) Sometimes one colony will attack another in order to rob it of its provisions. If it should be victorious, the honey belonging to the enemy is carried off, and transferred to their own hive. Sees pass the winter in a torpid state. It has recently been proposed to preserve them during their lethargy in a kind of pits. HONEY. 201 2. ORGANS WHICH FORM THE HONEY (fig. 52). Sees are furnished with a proboscis, which is the homologue of the lower lip of other insects. Swammerdam thought the pro- boscis was tubular, and perforated at its extremity, and that thus it was organised to draw up the juices of the flower after the *manner of a pump. According to this celebrated anatomist the most external pieces, which form the case, served only to separate Fig. 52. Mouth. 1 the petals, while the inner por- tions were intended to compress the tube, and cause the ascent of the sugared fluid. This suction was favoured by the pressure of the atmosphere, and by the dilitation of the abdomen, which formed the vacuum of the pump. Eeaumur has given a more correct account of this apparatus and of the functions which are performed by the different pieces. He has shown that the proboscis is a kind of velvetty tongue, which by its movements becomes charged with the honeyed liquor ; that this fluid then passes between the external pieces or jaws, and thus gains an opening at its base, which had escaped the notice of Swammerdam. It appears, therefore, that the instrument with which the Sees collect the honey is not entitled to be termed a, proboscis. Entomologists have named it the ligula. The ligula is a long, lancet-shaped, slender, obtuse body, marked with transverse lines, and covered with hairs, which are directed from the base towards the apex. It is contracted at its commencement, and appears to be articulated by a pedicle, which is short and truncated anteriorly, while poste- riorly it is attenuated, and then suddenly dilated. On either side of the contracted portion are two appendages, paraglossa, having the form of short obtuse processes furnished with hairs. Further back, where it becomes dilated are the labial palpi. These are longer than the paraglossa, but shorter than the tongue ; they pass from behind forwards, and from within to without ; they dimmish in size towards their termination, and 1 A, mouth of a working bee ; a, ligula ; b b, paraglossa ; c c, labial palpi; d d, the jawg ; B, mandible of a worker. 202 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. are composed of a number of unequal joints. Still further back are the narrow lancet-shaped jaws, looking as if they were provided with a median nervure. The opening of the mouth is situated at the upper part of the base of the tongue ; it is of a moderate size, and is closed by a small fleshy triangular lobe, which Reaumur 1 named the tongue. This aperture, which is the opening of the pharynx, communicates with a dilated esophagus. When a Bee is compressed between the fingers drop of honey often issues from this spot. The nectar of flowers and the various sweet vegetable juices after they have been imbibed and swallowed by the Bee become modified in the stomach (Reaumur), and transformed into honey. This is disgorged and deposited by the animals in particular cells prepared for the purpose in the layers of the comb. 3. HONEY. Honey (mel) is a sugared, perfumed, semifluid substance of the consistence of syrup, and of a more or less golden yellow colour. The collecting of the honey takes place during the months of September and October. There are various ways of ob- taining it. The old method was not without danger to the operators as well as to the Sees. The head was covered with a mask, the hands with gloves, and the legs with cloths. The hive was then smoked. When the Sees, having been driven out by the smoke, had assembled at the top of their abode, the hive was turned topsy-turvy. The combs had then to be cut away, and, in order that the insects should not be injured in the operation, they were compelled to retire further off by again smoking them by means of a piece of smouldering tow or linen fixed to the end of a stick, so that it could be directed towards the comb to which the Sees had attached themselves. This method was exceedingly detrimental to the multiplication of the Bee's. In the present day a different plan is adopted. In the evening the hive is gently raised from its support, laid upon its side, and left in this position during the night. Early the next morning an empty hive is rubbed with honey, and fixed with its opening upwards ; the other hive is then placed upon it, so that the two openings correspond. By this means the full hive is placed below the other in a reversed position ; it is then struck repeatedly with a small stick, and the animals, in consequence, pass into the upper hive. When all or the 1 Epipharynx or epigloxsa (Savigny). HONEY. 203 greater number of the Sees are supposed to have entered the empty hive is detached, and placed where the full hive had been removed from. The latter is then reversed upon a cloth, on which the combs fall. The Bees which remain behind are driven oif, either by moving them with a feather, or by smoking them. .Some recommend the fumes of tobacco, and others that of chloroform. In order to extract the honey from the combs they are placed upon sieves, or in coarse sacks, and exposed to a slight heat, or simply to the warmth of the sun; a viscous fluid drains from them, which is known as virgin honey ; it is the most pure and the most valuable. When no more honey comes away the combs are broken up, and then allowed to drain again, and this time the heat is somewhat increased. After this the combs are pressed, care having first been taken to remove the eggs. By this means a larger supply of honey is obtained, but of an inferior quality, holding in sus- pension a certain amount of extraneous matter, which either swims at the top or sinks to the bottom. The honey must be left some time to settle, and then skimmed and carefully poured off. The less heat and the less amount of pressure which are used the better the honey. Good honey is soft, of a pale yellow colour, with granular particles dispersed through the semifluid portions. It is entirely soluble in water, and capable of undergoing alcoholic fermentation. It has a bland, sweet, pleasant, and more or less aromatic flavour. Writers distinguish six kinds of honey : 1. that from Mount Hymetta, from Mount Ida, from Mahon, and from Cuba ; 2. that of Narbonne ; 3. that of Gatinais ; 4. that of Saintonge ; 5. that of Burgundy ; 6. that of Brittany. The honey from Mount Hvmetta was celebrated in' the earliest ages of the world. Martial, Horace, and Silius Italicus have extolled its flavour and its perfume. It is a white, liquid, and transparent honey. Narbonne honev enjoys a well-merited reputation in phar- macy. It is somewhat solid, of awhitish colour, very granular, with a strong smell and an aromatic taste, which is occasionally slightly pungent. It contains a small quantity of wax and acid. This honey comes almost exclusively from the little town of ('ill-lucres. The honey of Gatinais is next in esteem after that of 204 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. Narbonne. It is not so granular as the latter, and is of a darker colour, and less aromatic. It has a pale yellow tint, and a very sweet taste. It comes from that portion of the depart- ment of Seine et Marne which is to the south of the Seine, and from a part of Orleans. It is often sold in Paris under the name of Narbonne honey. It is the best for the preparation of syrups. Saintonge honey is very thick, less granular than that from Narbonne, but nearly as white. It has a strong aromatic odour and an agreable flavour. It is very similar to that from Gatinais, but it is not of so deep a colour. This honey is principally employed in the country where it is produced. Burgundy honey is held in less repute than the former kinds. The honey of Brittany is the most inferior of all. It is of a brown red colour. It has a sharp taste, and a smell re- sembling gingerbread, which sometimes is not at all agreeable. It contains a fusible granular matter, soluble in water and in alcohol. It is seldom employed in medicine. It is especially reserved for veterinary purposes. The nature of the flowers influences the colour, taste, perfume, and other qualities of the honey. Some honeys are almost white ; others are of a golden yellow, red, fawn, brown, and even black colour. A Bee belonging' to Madagascar and the Isle of Bourbon (Apis unicolor, Latr.) produces a green honey. 1 The honey prepared from the nectar of the labiata is generally very much perfumed ; that from the South of France appears to owe its good qualities to the great number of these plants, which are found in that part of the country. The aromatic odour which characterises the honey from the neigh- bourhood of Montpellier, particularly that from the sources of the Lez, appears to be owing to this circumstance. Sauvage states, that having planted a hedge of rosemary before a hive, of which the honey had no particular smell, from that time it became perfumed. M. Biot noticed in the Balearic isles, and De Candolle in the Corbieres, near Narbonne, that the honey of these countries owed its superiority to the same family of plants. Olivier has stated, that the honey of Upper Provence, which is of an excellent quality, is collected from lavender. The good qualities of Cuban honey arise from the orange 1 It is obtained from the Mimosa heterophytta and from the Weirmanna glabra. HONEY. 205 flower. Bosc states that the deliciousness of the honey from the neighbourhood of the orangery at Versailles is owing to the same cause. It is said that it is the black or buck wheat which gives the inferior qualities to the honey of Brittany. The makers of gingerbread at Rheims are said to pay a higher price for the honey which is obtained in the spring from the willows, than that which is obtained in autumn from the buck wheat. (Allaire.) The aromatic flavour and odour of the honey from Gatinais appear to depend upon the flowers of the saffron, which are produced in large quantities in that country. The yew, according to Virgil, and the box tree, according to Pliny, imparted a better flavour to the honey of Corsica. Aristotle pretends, that at a certain period of the year the honey from the neighbourhood of the Caucasus rendered those who ate it insensible. Xenophon and Diodorus of Sicily relate that the soldiers became furiously intoxicated after eating the honey in the neighbourhood of Trebizond. These si att -11 KM its have been confirmed by several modern writers. Tournefort believes that these deleterious properties are owing to the flowers of the Azalea Pontica ; others that they depend in a great measure on the Rhododendrum Ponticum. Gulden- staedt tasted some honey which was collected from these shrubs. It was of a dark brown colour, with a bitter taste, and caused deafness and giddiness. Smith Barton has de- scribed the symptoms produced by a poisonous honey found in South Pensylvania, near the Ohio. During his voyage to the Brazils, Auguste de Saint-Hilaire remained in a state of delirium for several hours from only taking two teaspoonfuls of a mild pleasant honey gathered by a bee, Polistes Leche- guana, A. St.-Hil. ; from a species of fir tree, the Pallulinia australis. Various writers have published cases which show that honey collected from narcotic or poisonous plants may produce nausea, colic, and even actual poisoning. Lambert says that the honey collected from a certain tree in Colchis produced vomiting. Labillardiere suspects that the poisonous effects in Asia Minor are caused by the Cocculus suberosus. In Brazil a drink called grappe is concocted from wild honey and certain fruits, which causes vomiting. (Houlox Baror.) The honey from Pensylvania, South Carolina, Georgia, and the two Floridas, when it has been collected from the Kalmia ai/ig. 61. than it is long, of a yellowish grey anteriorly, and of a Notonecta. dark grey posteriorly. The elytra are about the same length as the abdomen, and of a greenish grey colour, with black spots on their anterior margins ; the wings are mem- branous, of the same length as the elytra, and of a white colour ; the four anterior feet are short, and constructed in the usual manner ; the posterior are double their length, they are strongly ciliated, and their tarsi are unprovided with hooks ; the hinder limbs act as oars. The abdomen is black above, and greenish grey at the extremity. The Water Bugs in the various stages of larva, nymph, and perfect insect, feed upon small aquatic insects, which they 225 seize with the hooks of the anterior feet and pierce with their beak. These animals are exceedingly voracious, and when other insects are not present they will devour their own species. They have a very singular mode of swimming, placing themselves on their backs, and generally in an inclined position. From this circumstance they have received the name of Notonecta, which literally means back swimming. The head is somewhat higher than the rest of the body when the animal ascends through the water, and a little lower when it remains at the surface or when it descends ; while in the act of swimming, the anterior limbs are placed against the thorax and only the posterior pair or oars are in motion ; when, however, the animals are on the mud at the bottom of the water, or on a leaf, or when they are walking, it is the anterior feet which are brought into use, the posterior remaining motionless, and trailing after the insect. De Geer has described the male organs of the Water Bug ; they are contained in the last segment of the abdomen. If the belly is compressed, a large scaly piece issues forth of a black colour and cleft at its extremity ; at this part a portion is seen projecting from between two plates, which is the penis. In the act of copulation the male and the female place themselves side by side, the male being somewhat the lowest; they swim about joined together in this manner with great swiftness. The eggs are deposited on the stems and leaves of aquatic plants, and even on the epidermis of the insects ; they are oblong, cylindrical, and of a yel- low colour ; they are hatched at the commencement of spring. The young larvae immediately begin to swim about ; they resemble the per- fect insect, only they have no wings. The nymph have rudiments of the wings. Mouth (fig. 62). The beak is very strong and about T V of an inch in length; it has an elongated conical form and is composed of four joints, of 1 A, head seen in profile ; a, rostrum ; b, first joint ; c, second joint ; d, third joint ; e, terminal joint ; /, rudiment of the upper lip ; B, rostrum separate ; C, seta with fringed margin; D t one of the two straight setae. Q Fig. 62. Nostrum. 1 226 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. which the first is thick, the third the longest, and the last very slender and not very pointed. The sucker is formed of a short, pointed, superior piece, and of three slender sharp-pointed setae as long as the case. One of them is ciliated on one side and plumose towards its extremity. Action on man. The Notonecta bite strongly, but these insects do not emerge from the water, and consequently, unlike the Ruduvina, they do not enter into houses ; they are only to be feared when the hand is incautiously placed into the element in which they reside; the pain they occasion is tolerably acute. As the insects which are attacked by the Notonecta soon die, some writers have supposed that they discharge a poisonous fluid into the wound ; but where is this poison organ to be found ? Is it not the saliva which, in this case, also exercises a poisonous influence ? IV. Nepa. The Grey Nepa, Nepa cmerea, Linn., (fig. 63,) commonly called Water Scorpion or Water Spider, is a Hemipterous insect belonging to the section He- teroptera and to the family Hydrocores. It is common throughout the whole of France [and England], where it lives in ditches, marshes, and other pools of fresh water. The body is three-quarters of an inch long, of an oblong oval form, very depressed, and of an ashen colour, with red on the upper part of the abdomen; it terminates in a tail consisting of two slender filaments, which are tubes, through which the animal breathes. The antennas are short, three-jointed, and cleft; the thorax is nearly Fig. 63. Nepa. square ; the elytra are horizontal, coriaceous, and of a dingy grey ; the anterior limbs have the coxae short, and the thighs large and terminated by strong pincers, which give the insect some resemblance to the scorpion. The Nepa swims slowly and with difficulty (Lamk.), it often walks at the bottom of the water ; it comes forth at night time, and flies with great agility. The eggs resemble small grains surrounded by seven bands ; the insect deposits them on the stems of the water plants. The larvae are hatched in the middle of summer ; they differ from the perfect insect in the absence of wings and of the abdominal filaments ; the nymphae are provided with elytra. HIPPOBOSCID.E. 227 Mouth (fig. 64). This consists of a curved rostrum, placed almost perpendicularly (Lamk.) ; it is short, conical, pointed, and tolerably stout ; the rostrum is composed of three joints, of which the second is the longest. It encloses four slender pointed threads ; two are provided on one side with a kind of straight narrow blade, and are very finely notched towards the base ; the others are finer, and have also a narrow edge, but less developed than in the former ; one of them is provided at its termination with a number of fine hairs directed from behind for- wards. Action on man. The Nepa bite very sharply, and cause a good deal of pain; the wound is not dangerous. Fig. 64. liostrum. t V. Hippoboscidae. The Horse Fly, Hippobosca equina, Linn., (fig. 65,) is an insect belonging to the order Diptera, and to the family Pupipara. This insect settles on horses and cattle, generally beneath the tail near the anus ; they select the parts which are devoid of hair. Description. The Horse Fly is of a brown colour mottled with yellow and white ; it has a small head, a short thorax, and a flat abdomen ; the antennae have the form of tubercles, and are immersed within the head; the eyes are compound and occupy the entire side of the head ; it has no simple eyes ; the wings are horizontal, obtuse, partially cross each other, Fig. 65. Horse Fly. and extend beyond the abdomen ; the bal- ancers are placed beneath two flattened scale-like eminences ; its limbs are well developed, and give the animal something of the appearance of a spider. These insects walk quickly and often sideways ; their flight is abrupt and rapid. The female lays neither an egg nor a larva, but a true nymph ; 1 A, Rostrum seen from the side; a, first joint; A, second joint; c, ter- minal joint ; B, rostrum separate ; C, setae contained in the rostrum ; a, one of the two setae with a lateral blade; b, ciliated seta; c, non-ciliated seta. Q 2 228 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. this is of a large size, and fills up the whole of the abdomen ; its skin hardens after it is born. The Horse Fly emerges from the nympha by detaching a portion of the envelope. (Reaumur.) Mouth (fig. 66) . This consists of a short, straight, cylindrical beak (haustellmn), formed by the union of two modified palpi ; these resemble a pair of small blades, or coriaceous valves ; they are flat, oblong, straight, and terminate in a rounded extremity ; they arise from the clypeus, which is hollowed out at its lower border, pass parallel to each other, and then form by their re- union a semitube, which covers the sucker. The sucker is a large filiform, cylindrical, curved process, which commences from a kind of bulb in the mouth ; this apparently simple process consists of two setae, one superior, one inferior ; the first has a canal on its under surface which covers over the second. It is with this instrument that the Hippobosca so torments horses and cattle as to drive them frantic ; it punctures the skin and eagerly sucks Fig. QQ.-Beak. their blood. Action on man. According to the experience of Reaumur, the Hippobosca is as eager after the blood of man as of the other mammalia. The same naturalist assures us that its bite is not more acute than that of a flea ; Reaumur is, however, mistaken in this respect, as the bite of this insect is very painful. VI. Tsetse. The Tsetse or Tzetse (fig. 67) is a very formidable Ely which inhabits Africa. Bruce, who met with it in Abyssinia, has given a bad drawing of it, but has correctly described its habits. 1 MM. Arnaud, Livingstone, Oswald, L. de Castelnau, and Anderson, have collected many curious details concerning this insect. Mr. Westwood has given a very good de- scription of it. The Tsetse belongs to the genus Glossina. Fig. 67. Tsetse. It is named the Siting Glossina, Glossina morsitans, Westw. 2 1 Mr. Anderson has given a very correct drawing of the insect in the Cosmos. 8 This insect is called Zebud in the Chaldean version of the Bible, Zimb in the Arabian version, and Tsaltsalya in the Ethiopian; the Greeks give it the name of Cynomya, and the Negroes of Tse-Tse. TSETSE. 229 Nearly all the central countries of South Africa are more or less infested by the Tsetse; it is very common in all the countries situated to the north of Lake Ngami ; and is again met with in Soudan and in the tropical districts. This insect usually frequents the bushes and reeds on the borders of marshes. It is larger than the common fly, and of a whitish yellow colour ; the thorax is of a pale chesnut on its upper surface, is covered with grey hairs, and has four longitu- dinal interrupted black bands in the centre; its proboscis (fig. 68) is twice as long as the head, and is extremely slender; it resembles a fine corneous thread ; the palpi are straight, of the same length as the proboscis, and form a sheath for it ; the abdomen is of a light yellow with darker spots or bands ; the wings are smoke-coloured. The buzzing of the Tsetse is a mixture of a dull and a sharp sound, producing a very discordant noise ; this buzzing spreads a terror and dis- order amongst men and animals which even the wild beasts of the country when they are twice their number will not produce. (Bruce.) Its vision is extremely acute, and it darts like an arrow upon the animal that it intends to attack; it always makes its puncture between the belly and the thighs, T nk when a swelling soon rises up around the wound. The horse, the ox, and the dog, after they have been attacked by this insect, waste away and die in the course of a few days ; those which are fat and in good condition soon die, while the others drag on a miserable existence for some weeks ; three or four flies are sufficient to produce these disastrous results. The blood of the animals which die is altered and diminished in quantity ; the fat in the neighbourhood of the wound is soft, viscous, and of a yellow colour ; in general, some portion of the intestines is enormously swollen ; the flesh putrifies very quickly (Castlenau) ; and the heart, the lungs, and the liver are more or less affected. The goat is the only domesticated animal which can live with impunity in the midst of these flies ; dogs escape the danger when they are fed exclusively by means of the chase, but if these animals are fed with milk they invariably die ; on the contrary, the calf has nothing to fear so long as it sucks. The bite of the Tsetse is not dangerous to the wild animals ; 230 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. the elephant, zebra, buffalo, and the various kinds of antelopes and gazelles which abound in the countries inhabited by this fly, do not experience any ill effects from it. These insects do not bite when it is bright moonlight, or when the nights are very cold. Action on man. The Tsetse also attacks our species, but its action on man is attended with but little danger; its bite is very analogous to that of the gnat's, 1 but the pain does not last so long. (De Castelnau.) M. Arnaud, however, suffered for some months after being bitten by one of these insects. M. Chapman, one of those who have penetrated the furthest into the interior of South Africa, states, that whilst he was hunting, having a small hole in his dress made by a pin, he has often seen one of the Tsetse, which appeared to know that it could not penetrate his dress, dart down, and, without ever missing its mark, wound him through the undefended opening. Is the Tsetse a poisonous animal ? Its effect on the domesti- cated animals would appear to answer the question in the affirmative, but its action on man declares the contrary. How then are we to explain its fatal effects on cattle ? At the same time these results vary in different species, and in some they are of no consequence. VII. Gnats. The Gnats, Culex, are insects belonging to the order Diptera, to the tribe Nemocera, and to the family of the Culicidse. Linna3us assigned as their charac- ter the possession of se- taceous darts enclosed in a flexible sheath. 1. THE COMMON GNAT, (fig. 69), Culex pipiens, Linn., is the best known species. This insect has a long body and limbs, covered with hairs, and of a grey colour ; the antenn* are plumose in the males ; the eyes are large, and Fig. 69. Gnat. 1 converge posteriorly ; l See page 232. 8 A, Common Gnat ; B, its larva. GNATS. 231 the palpi are projecting, filiform, and covered with hairs ; the abdomen has eight browncoloured rings. These insects are very abundant, especially where there is much water. They assemble in swarms, which, as they ascend and de- scend, perform a variety of movements, and create a singing noise as they follow in the track of man and other animals. They are fond of blood, but they also suck the juices of flowers. Copulation takes place towards the close of the day. The female deposits her eggs on the surface of the water, and, crossing the hinder legs, arranges them beside each other in a perpendicular direction ; the eggs have the shape of a sugar- loaf, and the mass forms a small boat, which floats on the surface of the water ; each female lays about 300 eggs a year. The eggs are hatched in about two days ; the larvae abound in ponds, marshes, and stagnant waters, especially during the spring ; the head of the larva is provided with ciliated appen- dages, which enable them to procure their food ; the abdomen is long and cylindrical, and terminates in a respiratory tube. The animal suspends itself in the water with its head down- wards for the purpose of breathing. These larvae swim about by sudden darts ; when the water is disturbed they precipi- tate themselves with great rapidity to the bottom, with a zig-zag motion. (Lamark.) They change into nymphae, which can row themselves about by means of their tail and two fin-like appendages ; they have two corneous tubes beneath the thorax. Lamark cor- rectly observes that this second state of the Gnat is, properly speaking, neither a larva, a chrysalis, nor a nympha; all the metamorphoses take place in about three or four weeks. Mouth (fig. 70). Reaumur has given an admirable description of the mouth of the Gnat, and of the manner in which it acts. There is Fig. 70. Proboscis. 1 A, proboscis ; a, lower lip, forming a sheath ; b, jaws and mandibles, having the form of filaments united together ; c, upper lip, forming a fifth filiament ; d d, eyes ; e, head ; //, maxillary palpi ; B, separate filaments ; a, one of the two serrated filaments ; b, one of the two with lancet-shaped points ; c, upper lip, 232 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. a long, slender, projecting proboscis, composed 1, of a mem- branous cylindrical tube, terminating in two small lips, forming a slight enlargement or disc ; 2, of a sucker or dart formed by the union of five scaly and setaceous threads. The tube is cleft superiorly, forming a half canal, but the terminal lips are united above so as to form a ring around the dart ; of the five threads, two are terminated by a small lancet-shaped dilatation, two others have on their outer edge near the point very fine teeth directed from before backwards, while the fifth is seta- ceous and armed with fine spines throughout its entire length. Action on mem. The bite of the Gnat, which is scarcely felt in temperate climates, becomes unbearable in hot countries. These animals follow man everywhere ; they enter his houses, particularly at night, announcing their presence by a loud singing noise, and pierce his skin, which even his clothes are not sufficient to protect. When a Gnat has selected the part which he intends to suck, he applies the terminal expansion of the proboscis to the spot; he then thrusts out the dart from the centre of the expansion and penetrates the skin; in proportion as the dart is buried, the external protecting tube, whose ex- pansion is fastened around the wound, becomes longer than the portion which is not inserted (fig. 71, A) ; as the tube is cleft on its upper surface it opens from above downwards, leaving the dart exposed; it becomes bent and forms at first an arch, of which the dart is the cord ; it afterwards forms an angle, which is at first very obtuse, and afterwards very acute. At a certain time the head of the animal makes its nearest possible approach to the terminal expansion, and the groove forms between the latter and the bite a vertical fold (fig. 71, B). Amoreux regarded the Gnat as a poisonous insect; this is some- what doubtful, since there is no gland for the secretion of a poison. It appears, however, that when the animal has punctured the skin it disgorges into it a drop of fluid, which 1 A, proboscis when the setae are first introduced ; B, proboscis when the setae are completely immersed. Fig. 71. Proboscis in action. GNATS. 233 is probably saliva ; the setae which form the dart leave a narrow space between them, but sufficient to give passage to this fluid. It is through the same channel that the blood is pumped up by the insect. Reaumur believed that the saliva poured out by the Gnat is also intended to render the blood more fluid. M. Dumeril thinks that it first exercises a narcotic action, which momentarily deadens the local sensibility ; this enables the insect to suck without being perceived ; afterwards it gives rise to an acute inflammation accompanied with consider- able pain, and a small edematous spot, which every one is familiar with. Persons are sometimes completely disfigured by the bites inflicted by Gnats and the inflammation which accompanies them. These bites, when they are severe and numerous, produce restlessness and even fever ; the insupportable itch- ing caused by them compels the person to be perpetually scratching himself, but even this affords only a momentary relief; the more the person scratches himself the more the local inflamation and the pain seem to increase; the pain varies not only according to the size and vigour of the Gnat, but also according to the susceptibility of the part which is bitten. 2. OTHER SPECIES. The principal Gnats in France besides the Common Gnat are the Ringed Gnat, Culex annulatus, Fabr., which is of a brown colour with transverse bands of white, and the Culex pulicaris, Linn., which has no bands, but three indis- tinct spots. The latter is the largest ; it inhabits the southern parts, particularly in the neighbourhood of Cette. The Creeping Gnat, Simulium reptans, Latr., which is black with a white ring, and about the size of a flea, is common in Sweden, and forms the type of the genus Simulium. The Musquitoes of America are true Gnats ; those of the French Colonies appear to belong to the genus Simulium. The bite of these insects is extremely painful ; cloth clothes do not always preserve the person against their attacks. When these animals bite a person who is asleep he wakes up with his body covered with small pimples with a black spot, or a collection of dark serum in the centre surrounded by a ring of a deep fawn colour (Bouffiers) ; a severe itching is felt, the person scratches himself, the skin becomes abraided, and the inflammation continues to spread. In the moist forests of the Isle of France and of Mada- gascar, there is an insect which appears to be closely allied to the Gnats, whose bite also causes intolerable pain ; it is named Bigaye or Bizigaye. 234 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. In conclusion, it must be observed, that amongst the Diptera there are animals less known and less common than the Gnats which do not spare man when they have an opportunity of attacking him. Such is the case with the Autumn Fly, Conops calcitrans, Linn., which bites the legs, especially on the ap- proach of rain ; and also with the Breese Fly, Tdbanus bovinus, Linn. VHI. Stinging Animals. The caterpillars of several of the Bombycida, or nocturnal moths, called Processionary Moths, 1 which live in societies on the oak and the pine, protected bya silken covering, 2 are clothedwith fine hairs, which become blended with the covering of their nest and the tissue of their cocoons ; these fine hairs penetrate the skin, and cause great irritation and even swelling of the part. Other species which are mentioned as producing similar effects are the Bombyx of the oak, Phalcena quercus, Linn. ; a Liparis, Liparis auriflua, Ochsen, whose caterpillar resides in wood ; and a Lithosia, Lithosia caniola, Fabr., whose caterpillar lives on walls. The ancients were acquainted with urticating Caterpillars ; Dioscorides mentions them under the name of Eutoma; the Romans called them Eruca. "When Reaumur was engaged in studying the habits of the Processionary Moth, he experienced great irritation of the skin on his hands, fingers, and body, especially about the nostrils and around the eyes ; he was constantly sneezing, and could only partially open his eyes ; his skin became inflamed and covered with red patches and pustules; this state lasted for four or five days. "When these hairs, says Reaumur, become buried in the skin, they are like so many small spines, which it is very difficult to remove. On one occasion the celebrated naturalist inadvertently caused an exanthematous eruption on the neck and shoulders of four ladies who had assisted him in some of his experiments, yet the ladies had never touched either the caterpillars or their nests. Charles Bonnet, after taking some of these Caterpillars out of the water in which they had been drowned, found that his fingers became numbed ; they afterwards began to itch, fol- lowed by a burning sensation 'and swelling. Charles Morren made some experiments which proved the 1 The principal are the Processionary Moths, properly so called, Phalcena processioned, Linn., and the Pityocampa, Bombyx Pityocampa, God. 8 There are 600, 700, and even 800 in a nest. (Morren.) STINGING ANIMALS. 235 action of these hairs at a distance ; like Reaumur, he saw the particles of scales and hairs fly off into the air from the vessels in which the Caterpillars were kept ; these became dispersed about and produced the affection of which he speaks. These filaments are not the ordinary hair which covers the caterpillar, but are extremely small and invisible to the naked eye, and become detached when the animal changes into a chrysalis. (Eeaumur, Morren.) These hairs (fig. 72) are of various lengths, and are more or less pointed, but they often get broken and are trun- cated ; some are transpa- rent, others are somewhat opaque and marked with longitudinal stria3, or are finely punctated ; there are some which appear to be hollow, divided into compartments by trans- verse partitions, and filled with some peculiar sub- stance. Reaumur says he has seen a hair in the centre of each swelling. Do these hairs act merely in a mechanical manner, or has the matter which occasionally fills the interior of them anything to do with the irritation, as Charles Morren supposes ? Is it true that the presence of formic acid has been detected in many of them ? Whatever it may be, it is necessary to be on one's guard against the species of Caterpillars which have just been mentioned, and, generally speaking, of all those which are covered with hairs. M. Borkhausen does not hesitate to say, that when the irritating action of the Processionary Moths takes place in the interior of the lungs, or of the alimentary canal, that death may ensue ? The ancients employed urticating Caterpillars in the forma- tion of sinapisms. (Dioscorides.) Reaumur and Dorthes thought that when pounded they might, under certain circumstances, be made useful as a substitute for Cantharides. 1 * Certain marine animals, at the head of which are the Actinia and the Medusa, have more or less urticating properties. 1 See page 127. Fig. 72. Stinging Hairs. 236 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. These animals are commonly known by the name of Sea Nettle! A Cfyanea? of Pondicherry is particularly mentioned as one which secretes an extremely acrid and irritating fluid. The Physalia, or Portuguese Man of War, also causes a con- siderable amount of irritation ; it is provided with an oblique wrinkled crest, which stands up like a sail ; when they are taken hold of they produce a tolerably acute burning sensation, which continues for some time; sometimes it causes a feeling of faintness (Dutertre, Leblond) ; but generally speaking the effects do not extend beyond the hand. The commonest species is the Physalia pelagica, Bosc. The stinging apparatus of the Medusae consists of microscopic capsules situated in the skin, on which they form minute projec- tions ; they are principally noticed on the extremities of the long tentacles. These capsules are hard and transparent ; they con- tain a second thin and flexible membrane, at the bottom of which is a long slender thread coiled up when in repose ; this thread can emerge from the capsule, and its base is then seen to be provided with a number of sharp points like the barbs of a hook (hastce, Corda). Certain capsules have a small dart, which is provided with gland and lateral muscles. This apparatus serves the Medusa as a means of attack and defence. The burning sensation which these animals produce when they are touched, and which is most perceptible on the mucous membranes, has , been aptly compared to the effect of stinging nettles ; it may even give rise to vesications. The Khizostoma Aldrovandi, which lives in the Mediter- ranean, and that of Cuvier, JKhizostoma Cuvierii, found in La Manche, secrete a slime which is extremely irritating ; a single drop is sufficient to produce inflammation of the conjunctiva 1 The offspring of these animals are Polyps. * Medusa (Cyanea) Caliparea, Reyn. Fig. 73. Portuguese Man of War. OF FLIES. 237 and the eyelids ; this slime produces a number of small papillae on the hand, which are accompanied with an intolerable itching. IX. Larvae of Flies. The larvae of certain Flies often torment the human species. Mr. W. Hope has published an interesting work on the subject ; he has given the name of myasis to the disorders produced by these animals and other Diptera. 1. SPECIES. The larva which are most frequently met with in various parts of the body belong principally to four species : 1. The Flesh Fly; ^2. The Bluebottle Fly; 3. The Gol'den Fly; 4. The Hominivorbus Fly. The following is a summary of their characters : ( widely separated behind 1. Flesh Fly. P I very close behind black, abdomen blue with black bands . 2. Bluebottle Fly. { Thorax . . . golden green, abdo- men without bands 3. Golden Fly. dark blue, abdomen with purple bands. 4. Hominivorous Fly. The Flesh Fly 1 is very common, and is the largest of the four. Its body is of a golden yellow anteriorly, and covered with long, stout, black hairs ; the thorax is grey, with four longitudinal black bands ; the abdomen is of a shining black colour, with four square white spots on each ring. This insect flies rapidly, and produces a constant buzzing noise ; it is ovo viviparous. It hunts about for decomposing flesh for the purpose of depositing its larvae upon it. These are soft, whitish coloured grubs, without feet, terminating in a pointed extremity ante- riorly, but thick and truncated posteriorly. The mouth is a sucker, furnished with two hooks, adapted to tear and divide their food (fig. 74). The Blue or Meat Fly* is one of the largest species found in France ; its size is, however, Fig. 74. Larva of Fly. less than that of the Flesh Fly. The head is of a brown colour, 1 Sarcophaga carnaria, Meig., Musca carnaria, Linn. 9 Calliphora vomitoria, Rob.-Desv., Musca vomitoria, Linn., M. chrysoce' phala, De Geer. 238 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. with yellowish reflexions ; its presence is indicated by its loud buzzing noise ; its sense of smell is very acute, and it recognises the presence of meat, especially when it is fresh, at a long distance off. It is oviparous as well as the two following species ; its larva is called a maggot. The Golden Fly 1 is about the same size as the common house fly. It lays its eggs principally upon carrion. Its larvae devour dead bodies, even those which have been injected. (Raspail.) The Hominivorous Fly, Lucilia Jiotni- nivora, Coq. (fig. 75), inhabits Cayenne. It is about the third of an inch in length ; the palpi are of a yellow colour, and the Fig. 75. head very large ; the face is of a golden Hominivorous Fly. yellow, and the feet black ; the wings are transparent and smoke-coloured, especially towards their base. (Coquerel.) 2. ACTION ON MA.N. It is well known that the larva of the three first species of Flies which have been mentioned may be deposited and developed in wounds, and in the natural cavities of the human body. It is especially in hospitals that these untoward events take place. Several surgeons met with the same thing in Algeria and in the Crimea. Instances of the larvce of Flies being vomited or found in the stomach are not rare. Mr. Hope mentions seven or eight cases. 2 The presence of these animals in the intestines is less frequent. Brera mentions one example, and Mr. Hope a second. Latham found the larvce of a Fly in the maxillary sinus of a woman. Vohlfant and Mangles met with them in the frontal sinuses. A curious instance of the last kind has been published by Dr. Astros, of Aix. A woman, while sleeping in the open air, was attacked by Flies, which deposited their eggs, or their larvae, in her nostrils. For three days she felt a slight dull pain, which appeared to commence in the frontal sinus and extended to the right temple. The pain was followed by a tingling sensation, and a peculiar kind of noise, resembling that produced by an insect gnawing a piece of wood. The noise was heard by other persons besides the patient. For two days after bleeding at the nose, the patient discharged a considerable 1 Lucilia Caesar, Rob.-Desv., Musca Ccesar, Linn. * See Airel, Osiander, Phelsum, Joerdens. The larvae of the Musca meteorica, Fabr., is sometimes developed in the stomach of man. LARVJE OF FLIES. 239 number of the larvae of a Fly. As many as one hundred and thirteen were counted. 1 Dr. Chevreul, of Angers, saw ten of the larvae of a Flesh Fly come out of the ear-passage in a child of dirty habits. Ruysch found them in the urinary passages. Professor Lallemand extracted upwards of twenty of the same kind of larvae from the vagina of a female, who had had ulceration of the neck of the uterus for eighteen months. In 1826, at the Hotel-Dieu, at Montpellier, a student re- moved in the presence of M. Tandon thirty larvae of a Fly from a cancer at the bottom of the abdomen of an unfortunate patient who was dying. Andry, Panarolus, Lieutaud, Bertrand, Alibert, and others, have recorded similar instances. These examples are fortunately rare. The injuries which are inflicted by the hominivorous Fly are, however, more frequent. The larvae of this species are often met with in the nasal and frontal sinuses in Guiana. M. Coquerel met with a consider- able number in a condemned criminal, who was killed by them. Dr. Saint- Pair saw six similar cases in 1855 and 1856. Three of the patients died after great suffering ; two of them had the nose entirely destroyed, and the last escaped with only the mutilation of this organ. 2 At first the patients experience only a slight uneasiness in the nasal fossae. This is followed by headache and aedema of the parts about the nose, which extends more or less on to the face ; afterwards there is free haemorrhage from the nose and acute pain in the suborbital region, which the patients compare to being beaten with a hammer. Ulcerations subsequently occur on the nose, through which some of the larvae escape. The general symptoms are the same as those which accompany acute inflammation ; this is followed by erysipelas of the head and face, sometimes by meningitis, and lastly by death. In one of the cases recorded by M. Saint- Pair, 800 larvae were expelled by means of injections ; but it was impossible to get rid of them all. They soon gained the globe of the eye and crawled between the eyelids. The lower eyelid became gangrenous, and the inferior margin of the orbit was exposed. 1 M. Legrand du Saulle has recently communicated a similar instance to the Institut. It occurred in a young girl nine years of age, whose frontal ainusea contained a number of larvae which produced perpetual frontal head* ache, accompanied with convulsions, 3 Dr. Daniel has recorded another instance which was fatal, and in which the left ear was filled with larvse. 240 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. The larvae entered the mouth and eat away the gums, laying bare the superior maxilla. The patient died seventeen days after he had entered the hospital. Another patient, under the care of Dr. Chapuis, only lived between three and four days. More than one hundred larvae were found in the nasal fossae and in the pharynx. After death the mucous membrane of these cavities was found to be nothing but a black putrid mass. Can, however, the larvae of the Flies of our country, or of any other, penetrate the skin so long as it is healthy and the surface unbroken ? Unfortunately it is too clearly proved that these animals are capable of abraiding the skin. Leeuwenhoeck relates a case in which a number of tumours about the size of the end of the finger made their appearance on the leg of a lady ; the limb ultimately became of a monstrous size. In one of the tumours there was found some of the larvae of a Flesh Fly. M. Hope states an instance of a young man in Jamaica, who had larvae in the substance of the cheek and of the gums. It has just been seen that the larvae of the hominivorous Fly, after having destroyed the nasal fossae, produced similar ravages. Saltzmann saw a young man in the hospital at Strasburg whose whole skin was penetrated by thousands of larvce. In the groin and on the legs masses of flesh were completely de- stroyed. The left eye was eaten away. The patient died. In June, 1829, John Page, a pauper, died from the injuries inflicted upon him by the larvae of a Fly at Asbornby, in Lin- colnshire. The man was in the habit of strolling about the country, and subsisted on the pittance he obtained from door to door ; the support he usually received from the benevolent was bread and meat; and after satisfying the cravings of nature, it was his custom to deposit the surplus provisions, particularly the meat, betwixt his shirt and skin. Having a considerable portion of this provision in store so deposited, he was taken rather unwell, and laid himself down in a field ; when from the heat of the season at that time, the meat speedily became putrid, and was of course struck by the flies ; these not only proceeded to devour the inanimate pieces of flesh, but also literally to prey upon the living substance ; and when the wretched man was accidentally found by some of the inhabitants, he was so eaten by the maggots that his death seemed inevitable. The surgeon who saw him declared that his body was in such a state, that dressing it must be little short of instantaneous death, and in fact the man only sur- OF FLIES. 241 vived the operation a few hours. "White maggots of enormous size were crawling in and upon his body, which they had most shockingly mangled, and the removing of the external ones served only to render the sight more horrid.' M. J. Cloquet has published a still more remarkable case. A rag gatherer, about fifty years of age, was found sleeping in a ditch in the Boulevard of Paris, near Montfau9on, and taken to the hospital of St. Louis. The skin of his head was raised up in rounded tumours, which had irregular openings through which the flesh could be seen in a putrid state. An enormous number of the larvce of a fly were moving about inside the tumours. Fifteen to twenty of the larvae escaped from between his eyelids, which were swollen and closed up. The cornea were opaque and as well as the sclerotic had been perforated. The eyeballs appeared to be empty. Other Iarva3 issued from the nose and the ears. They were also lodged at the orifice of the prepuce and around the 'amis. The unhappy man personi- fied all the horrors of the affliction of Job. Never, says M. Cloquet, had I seen a spectacle more horrible or disgusting than this miserable being, devoured alive by these larvce of the carrion fly. The previous cases must remove any doubt as to the state- ment of Plutarch with respect to the great criminals, who, he says, were condemned by the kings of Persia, to be eaten alive by the larvae of Flies. The guilty person was placed between two boats of the same size, turned one over the other, the head, the hands, and the feet being left uncovered. His face was ex- posed to the sun, smeared with honey. The larvae which -were born penetrated into the flesh of the unhappy being. . .Mith- ridates, who was exposed by Artaxerxes Longimanus to this horrible punishment, lived for seventy days in the most cruel agonies. When the upper boat was removed all his flesh and his entrails were seen to be eaten away by myriads of worms. With the exception of the (Estridce, which will be noticed in another chapter, neither the Flies nor their larva can be regarded as parasites. They are never observed on man except by accident. Even the hominivorous Fly does not form an exception to this statement. Generally these larvce are introduced into our bodies, so to speak, in spite of themselves. In true parasitism, where one individual lives at the cost of 1 M. Tandon relates this case on the authority of M. Roulin, but it is originally recorded in Brown's edition of White's History of Selbourne, p. 114, London, 1840. (Ed.) E 242 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. another, the latter is not destroyed by it, except under peculiar circumstances. If it had been otherwise, the species of para- site, or of the animal which nourishes it, must necessarily have disappeared ; a fact which is contrary to the general laws of nature. Kunzmann correctly observes that the wounds made by insects for the purpose of feeding at our expense, are never followed by such serious consequences as those which they inflict upon us in self-defence. X. Other Insects which may be accidentally introduced into the natural cavities of the body. All that has been said in the previous chapter with reference to the introduction of the larvce of Flies into the natural cavities of man's body will also apply to other insects. As regards the latter, however, they are sometimes larvae and sometimes the perfect insect. It must also be observed, that these false parasites are not always carnivorous animals ; they are, therefore, not always able to nourish themselves at the expense of man's tissues, so that they soon perish for want of food. Their being placed in a locality which is not adapted for them is generally fatal. Many writers have mentioned cases of this kind. Fabricius, of Hilden, Tulpius, Lister, Paykull, Rosen, Thompson, Bate- man, Lemaout, and others, have given examples of them. The EpJiemerides des curieux de la nature contains some of these cases, and Mr. Hope has collected together all the instances of this kind, which appeared to him to be authentic. The cavities of the body, which are attacked by these animals, are first the alimentary canal, then the nostrils, the auditory canal, and the lachrymal duct. These insects belong especially to the Coleoptera, amongst which the principal that have been mentioned, are: Sphod- rus leucothalmus?- Clairv., the Dytiscus marginatus, the Oocypo- rus subterraneus* Fabr., the Pcederus elongatus, Fabr., the Staphylinus politus, the S. punctulatus, and the 8. fuscipes, Fabr., the Dermestes lardarius, Linn., the Geotrupes vernalis? Latr., the Slaps mortisaga* Oliv., the Tenebrio molitor, Linn., the Forficula auricularia and F. minor, Linn. Amongst the Myriopoda or thousand feet, the Geophilus electricus 5 has been particularly named. Carabus leucothalmus, Linn. Staphylinus subterraneus, Linn. Scarabceus vernalis, Linn. Tenebrio mortisaga, Linn. Scolopendra electricus, Linn. OTHEE INSECTS WHICH MAY BE INTEODUCED, ETC. 243 Amongst the Lepidoptera or Butterflies, have been men- tioned, the Aglossa pingualis and A. farinalis, Latr., and the Cabbage butterfly, Pieris brassicce, Schr. 1 Mr. Hope has given the name of canthariasis to the injuries produced by the Coleoptera and the Myriopoda ; Messrs. Kirby and Spence had previously given the name of solechiasis, or scholechiasis, to those which were caused by the Lepidoptera. It is easy to explain the entrance of those insects into the stomach and intestines, which feed upon lard, fat, flour, and other substances, which serve for food ; but it is more difficult to account for their introduction into the other natural cavities. The presence of these insects in the alimentary canal seldom produces much inconvenience, especially when the animals, or their larvae, are small and few in number. Sometimes they are partly or entirely digested, at other times they merely act as foreign bodies, deranging the stomach and the intestines. The Cantharides, the Mylabra, or the Meloe, when swallowed incau- tiously, or when they have been given for criminal purposes, may produce a kind of poisoning, and even death. Adult insects, which are rejected by vomiting, or which are passed by the bowels, never appear to have been long in the body, nor is there any evidence that it was there they underwent their metamorphoses. They have probably been swallowed after their transformation. The introduction of these larvae into the other natural cavities of the body is usually attended with serious symptoms. M . Scoutetten relates the case of a farmer of Metz, who ex- perienced a very disagreeable irritation in the nostrils, accom- panied with an abundant secretion of mucus. In addition to this he had frequent headaches, and the pain which was at first bearable soon became very severe, and increased in intensity with every paroxysm. The mucus discharge was mixed with blood and exhaled a fetid odour. This was followed by an involuntary discharge of water from the eyes, nausea, and vomiting. Some- times the pain was so intense that the patient was afraid he should lose his senses. The features became distorted, the jaws contracted, and the temporal arteries pulsated violently. 1 Papilio brassier, Linn. To what insect does the larva belong which takes up its abode in the cribriform-plate of the ethmoid bone, and produces the disease known by the name Peenash in the north-west of India? The larva is small, articulated, and terminates in a spiral tail ; the mouth and eyes are very distinct. (Taruck-Chander-Lahory.) E 2 244 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. The senses of hearing and of sight were so sensitive that the least noise or light was quite unbearable. At other times the patient became completely delirious, pressed his head between his hands, and did not know how to endure himself. These paroxysms occurred five or six times during the day, and as often during the night. One of them continued for fifteen days almost without interruption. After lasting a year, his sufferings were suddenly terminated by the expulsion of a living Scolopendra electrica 2i inches in length. 1 Mr. Hope only mentions one case of death caused by the presence of a meal-worm, Tenebrio molitor^ in the nasal fossae. CHAPTER II ANIMALS INJURIOUS AS FOOD, MANY animals are mentioned, whose flesh is injurious when taken as food, and which can produce symptoms resembling those of poisoning ; but these animals are not, correctly speak- ing, venomous or poisonous animals ; none of them are provided with a poison or with an organ for the secretion of poison. The majority only act in this manner under particular circum- stances. Others are rather indigestible than directly injurious. These animals consist of: 1, Fishes; 2, Mollusca ; and 3, Crustacea, 1. FISHES. It has long been known that many persons have been more or less ill after eating certain species of Fish. These disorders in some cases have terminated in death. Adanson saw negroes die after severe vomiting and convulsions from eating of the Ostracions or Trunk Fishes. Dr.Praeger men- tions four cases of poisoning followed by death, which happened to sailors, belonging to Danish, Dutch, and French vessels, from partaking of these fish. One of them had only eaten the liver. The Fish, nevertheless, are not poisonous animals. What then is the cause of their injurious effects ? 1. It has been supposed that it depended upon some morbid condition of the flesh, which predisposed it to undergo rapid decomposition (Burrows), and in consequence gave rise to symp- toms resembling poisoning. This opinion has been founded upon seeing half the fish, which was eaten while it was fresh, 1 A similar instance is recorded in Histoire de V Academic des Sciences for the year 1708, Paris, 1709, p. 12. ANIMALS INJURIOUS AS FOOD. 245 producing no ill effects, while the other half, which was eaten on the next day or the day after, has been followed by serious disturbances. The injurious effects which are produced by the Tunny, Thymnus vulgaris, Cuv., after its flesh has began to change, is well known. (Cuvier and Valenciennes.) 2. Other persons have believed that at the period of spawning, or at all times, the animal contains certain portions which cannot be eaten with impunity, while all the rest can. They endeavour in this way to account for the different effects which have been observed- For example, the Barbel is very injurious at the period of reproduction. Its injurious properties depend upon the ova, 1 M. Moquin-Tandon knew a young man at Toulouse, who had acute gastric pains, and who vomited a certain quantity of blood after eating half a Barbel. 3. Some naturalists have suggested that the injuries of Fish depended upon the substances upon which they had fed ; that they had swallowed mineral, animal, or vegetable sub- stances, which were of a dangerous nature. Some have spoken of submarine copper, sulphate of baryta, sulphate of iron, the salts of iodine, . its base, composed of cartilage and muscles; /?. poison apparatus; a, poison glands: 6, poison reservoir; c, its excretory canal ; dd, extremities of the two darts forming the sting ; e, the darts conjoined ; f, sheath of the sting opened above ; g, scaly appendages forming together a cleft piece ; T2 276 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. provided with it. The ancients believed that they were pro- vided with a sting, but that they disdained to make use of it. The poison apparatus consists of glands for secreting the poison, and of a sting for its inoculation. In order to under- stand the structure of these organs, the extremity of the abdomen must be carefully dissected. Glands. These organs are two in number, having the form of simple flexible tubes terminating in a blind extremity; 4 their ultimate structure resembles that of the salivary glands. . Each of these bodies gives rise to a small canal ; these canals unite together and form a single very tortuous duct, which opens into the reservoir ; this is a tolerably large oblong fusiform sac, some- times slightly constricted in its centre, and provided with very thin muscular membranes and contractile walls. At the oppo- site extremity of the reservoir is an excretory canal, which leads to the base of the sting . Sting. This is placed at the posterior extremity of the body. When not in use the sting is completely enclosed in the abdomen ; it can be protruded and retracted at the will of the animal, and can also be moved in any given direction so as to encounter the object which the insect is desirous of stinging. The sting of a Bee has been accurately described by Swam- merdam and E-eaumur ; it is composed of 1, a base ; 2, a case; 3, a dart. 1. The base consists of several cartilaginous pieces ; Swam- merdam reckons eight, and Reaumur six. Audouin observes that the latter writer overlooked two pieces which had been described by Swammerdam. M. Dumeril has recognized the presence of a ninth piece placed on the median line, and having the form of the letter V. The branches of the latter piece are directed forwards and articulated with the case; their office is, possibly, to draw the latter inwards. The other eight pieces are arranged four on each side ; they are united together by a strong membrane, and the whole constitutes a kind of envelope, which, by its external circumference, is at- tached to the last segment of the abdomen, while its internal surface surrounds the sting. Connected with the eight pieces are four muscles, two of which are protractors, and two retractors. h A, eight cartilaginous pieces which support the base of the darts and attach them to the abdomen ; 1 1, protractor and retractor muscles of these pieces ; A, extremity of a dart magnified to show the point and the teeth placed along its outer edge. 1 In some neighbouring genera the tubular glands are ramified. POISONOUS INSECTS. 277 Belonging also to the base of the sting are two long whitish membranous appendages, each of which is grooved, accompanies the sheath, and partly covers it. Swammerdam considers that these bodies are destined to move the case inwards and out- wards. Reaumur believes that they prevent the soft parts of the abdomen from coming in contact with the case, and vice versa. 2. The case is a horny covering, dilated towards its base, and gradually diminishing to the extremity, which is very pointed. The case is incomplete ; that is to say, it does not form a perfectly closed cylinder 5 it is a half canal, or is grooved, longitudinal, and inferiorly. 3. The dart is a double organ; it consists of two long delicate setae, which are received into the case, but do not entirely fill it ; they are placed close to each other on their inner surfaces, which are smooth, but traversed throughout their entire length by a delicate groove. The apices are extremely pointed, and furnished on their outer edges with ten small teeth directed from before backwards. These seta3 separate and diverge towards the base; they are articulated with the cartilaginous pieces ; they are accompanied on their under surface by the case, which also divides into two branches. 2. ACTION ON MAN. Wound. When aJBee wishes to make use of its weapon, it protrudes its sting by the contraction of the muscles which attach it to the last segment of the abdo- men. The case, which is pointed, penetrates the body which is attacked, and thus furnishes a point of resistance to the base. The muscles of the latter act upon the setae, w r hich are buried deeper in the skin, and are sometimes so firmly fixed by means of their teeth, that when the animal wishes to escape, the whole of the sting is torn from its body and mutilates the rectum and the oviduct ; the sting then remains in the wound, and the animal soon dies. In the act of penetration, the sting has a quivering motion, which lasts for some minutes. (Kunz- maun.) If the sting merely caused a puncture of the skin, the wound would not be followed by any injurious effects ; but the instrument discharges a certain quantity of poison. The n-srrvoir containing the poison contracts, and its contents are driven along the excretory canal, and enter the space produced by the divergence of the setae at their base ; it then passes along the canal formed between the setae, and by that means enters the wound. That it is the poison of the Bee, and not merely the wound, 278 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. which produces the pain and inflammation in the part, is proved by taking a small quantity of the fluid on the point of a needle and inserting it into the skin, when the same symptoms are immediately produced as those which arise from the wound made by the See itself. (Audouin.) Dr. Kunzmann has noticed that when the abdomen has been cut oif from a live See, twelve hours afterwards, the least touch is sufficient to cause the sting to protrude with the same force and rapidity as if the animal was still alive, and the person may be wounded just as effectually as when that is the case. The effect of the bite is usually slight, consisting of only transient pain ; sometimes, however, it causes swellings, papil- lary eruptions, erysipelas, and even a phlegmonous inflamma- tion, followed by suppuration and gangrene. When the sting remains in the wound, the irritation appears to be much greater than at other times. Fabrice, of Hilden, relates the case of a young girl who was wounded near the ear ; the swelling extended over the head, and was followed by an abscess. Zacutus saw the sting of a See produce gangrene around the wound. In the Raccoglitore medico di Fano is recorded the case of a man, thirty-six years of age, of a sanguine temperament, and athletic form, who was stung by three or four Sees on the back of the hand ; immediately his sight became dim, he lost his strength, and his body was covered with a profuse perspi- ration ; the face was greatly injected, there were violent pains in the head, a feeling of oppression, with general disturbance of the system, and the fear of death. He was put to bed, and an eruption of small vesicles, similar to those produced by a nettle, broke out on the lower extremities, accompanied with in- flammation and intense fever ; in an hour afterwards all these symptoms disappeared as if by magic. Debrest, de .Gusset, mentions the case of a villager, about thirty years of age, who was stung by a See below the eyebrow ; he fell to the ground, his face became inflamed, and, after losing a large quantity of blood from the nose, died in a few minutes. Is this case well authenticated ? It may be readily supposed that if a person is wounded by several Sees at once, if, for instance, he should be attacked by a swarm, that the results might be serious. (Amoreux.) In the Archives Generates de Medicine, is the case of a man POISONOUS INSECTS. 279 who died after being wounded by a number of Sees on the chest and face. 1 At the siege of Massa, the crusaders were attacked by swarms of Sees, which the besieged threw upon them with their hives. This novel kind of foe greatly incommoded the besiegers. Kunzmann recommends that in extracting the sting imme- diately after it has been inserted it should not be taken hold of by the dilated extremity of the sheath, which is always filled with poison, and would therefore communicate more of it to the wound ; it should be grasped below this part without com- pressing it as it is drawn from below upwards. II. Humble Bee. The Humble Bees are larger than the Bees, and are remark- able for their transverse upper lip, and for their false pro- boscis, which is shorter than the body. The principal species are the Lapidary or Red-tailed Bee ; the Moss or Carder Bee ; and the Common Humble Bee. The Red-tailed Bee, Bombus lapidarius, has the body black, with the last three segments of the abdomen red ; it makes its nest on the ground, at the bottom of old walls and between tones. The Moss or Carder Bee, Bombus muscorum, is of a yellow colour, with the hairs of the thorax of a fawn colour. The Common Humble Bee, Bombus terrestris, is black, with the posterior portion of the thorax and base of the abdomen yellow; the thorax is black, with a bright yellow band anteriorly ; the basal segment of the abdomen black, second yellow, third black, and the three posterior ones white. The sting of these insects is more powerful than that of the Bee, and occasions more pain and severe inflammation. The poison glands are not single, but double. In 1679, several persons in Poland were stung by large Humble Bees ; the wounds produced swellings and inflamma- tion, which could only be arrested by deep scarification. III. Wasps. The Wasps have their lower lip the same length as their mandibles, and their wings are folded up when in a state of repose. The two species which are to be guarded against in France [and also in England] are the Common Wasp and the Hornet. 1 Dr. Kunzmann mentions the death of a horse. 280 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. The Common Wasp, Vespa vulgaris, is rather less than an inch in length ; it is of a black colour, with yellow in front of the head, and a black spot in the middle ; it has several yellow spots on the thorax, and a band of the same colour, with three black spots on the posterior margin of each segment. The Hornet, Vespa Orabro, is more than an inch in length ; the head is of a fawn colour, with yellow in front ; the thorax black, marked with spots of a fawn colour; the abdominal segments of a blackish brown, with a yellow band with two or three black spots. The pain from the sting of the Wasp is sharp, but that from the Hornet is very severe. (Amoreux.) Reaumur tested the effect of these insects on himself and on his servant. " Being stung by a Wasp" says this celebrated naturalist, "I thought I might gain something from his infliction by bearing it with a good grace. I allowed the animal to wound me at his leisure ; when he had withdrawn his sting of his own accord, I irritated and placed him on the hand of a domestic, who was not expecting to be stung, but the wound did not cause him much pain. I then made the Wasp sting me a second time, when I scarcely felt it. The poisonous fluid was nearly exhausted by the former experiments, and I could not induce the Wasp to make a fourth wound. This experiment, and some others, which people will probably not care to repeat, have taught me that where the animals are undisturbed the sting is never left in the wound. The sting is flexible, and is not driven straight in, but forms a curved or zigzag wound. If the insect is compelled to withdraw it suddenly, the friction is sufficient to retain the sting, which is somewhat hooked, and tears it oft". On the other hand, if the animal is not disturbed it withdraws the sting gradually. The sting of the Hornet is more severe than that of the Wasp ; in this country, however, it is not of that importance which it is represented by some writers, who prescribe for it all the remedies which they make use of against the most dangerous poisons." A lady, says Eicherand, was wounded by a Hornet on the middle finger of the left hand. The pain was very severe ; in a few moments her whole body was swollen ; the skin became inflamed and covered with wheals, and a violent fever set in. Cabanis treated the patient successfully. In a few hours the swelling, redness, and fever subsided. On the fourth day, nothing remained of all this disturbance, but a small black spot which marked the situation of the wound. ANIMAL POISONS. 281 Haldanus relates a case where the wound of a Wasp, on the hand, was followed by a total prostration of strength and desquamation over the whole surface of the body. Lansoni speaks of a woman who was wounded on the cheek, and had, in consequence, an ulcer, which lasted for three months. Facts of this kind are far from common, and cases of death are still more rare. In 1776 a gardener at Nancy, when eating an apple, which contained a Wasp, was bitten on the soft palate. It produced a violent inflammation, pain, and great swelling. The man died in a few hours. Chaumeton mentions the case of a young man who was wounded in the throat by a Wasp, which he had not perceived, at the bottom of a glass. The effects were exceedingly rapid. The throat inflamed, and the young man died suffocated. In a communication from Montbard to the Patrie, of September 19th, 1858, it is stated, that "the youngest son of M. L., a brickmaker, died from the sting of a Wasp. The un- fortunate youth, who was sixteen years of age, was drinking from a bottle, when a Wasp, which he had not seen, got into his throat and wounded him. He died suffocated from the swelling, which ensued before any assistance could be pro- cured." Some of the cases which are related of severe injuries arising from the sting of the Bee are no doubt to be referred to those of the Wasp and Hornet. It is an old saying that the stings of twenty-seven Wasps are sufficient to kill a man, and those of six Hornets a horse. 1 SECTION III. ANIMAL POISONS. THESE poisons are fluids secreted by special glands and provide the animal with the means of attack or defence. A poison differs from a virus, in the latter being a morbid and accidental formation, transmitting the original disease from one individual to another, and which is reproduced by the disease it has occasioned. Poixons are diminished in intensity during their action, which 1 Several writers have related the case of a mare and her foal being de- stroyed by a swarm of Wasjts which the former had disturbed from near the bush to which she was fastened. 282 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. is always more or less prompt ; they are decomposed in the production of their specific effects. A virus remains for some time in a state of apparent inaction, to acquire after a longer or shorter time its greatest intensity ; it increases in viru- lence by the production of its morbid effects. 1 The ancients supposed that in poisonous animals there were two poles of antagonism, one of which was seated in the poison apparatus, the other in the head. Charras pretends that the disorder produced by the Viper consisted principally in its opening the door to the irritated spirits. The various poisons are not identical; there are probably several kinds ; some, even in very small quantities, produce great pain, while others cause only a very slight amount of pain. The danger of their inoculation is not in proportion to the ill effects they give rise to. Some act upon the entire organism, while others act only locally. There are those which are almost invariably fatal; while others only cause trifling disorders. Some writers have asserted that each poison according to its nature acts on a particular system of organs. The ancients believed that the poison of the Asp was somniferous. Fon- tana maintains that that of the Viper acts on the nervous system, and coagulates the blood. According to MM. Brainard and Burnett, that of the Crotalus disorganises the blood glo- bules, and renders the blood more liquid. According to Amoreux that of insects more especially affects the skin. In all cases the poisoning when it is virulent commences in the neighbourhood of the wound, from whence it spreads and becomes general. Death sometimes occurs very rapidly (Orotalus). In other cases it only takes place after a longer or shorter interval (Viper). Whatever may be the rapidity of the poisoning it is never instantaneous. There requires a certain time for the effects to be developed either in the part which was bitten or in the system generally. The action of these poisons varies very much according to circumstances which serves to explain some of the contradictions that are met with in different writers. Their action appears to be increased by an increase in the temperature, 2 by the 1 Linnaeus defines a poison as follows : " VENENUM est quod perexigua dos corpori humano ingestum aut extus admotum, vi quadam peculiar^ effectus producit violentissimos, qui in perniciem sanitatis et vitas tendunt." (Exanth. xiv.) 2 It is stated that in France the Viper is more to be dreaded in summer than in autumn. ANIMAL POISONS. 283 vigour and anger of the animal, and also at the period of heat. It is, on the contrary, diminished by cold, by weakness, by age, and by disease, and also when several wounds have been inflicted. The poisons are harmless when taken into the stomach, but they are dangerous when introduced by inoculation. The ancients were aware of this distinction. Celsus distinctly says that no injury arises from swallowing these poisons. 1 This fact was, however, only clearly established by the experiments of B/edi, Fontana, and Charras. It is also well known that boars and herons habitually feed upon Vipers without ex- periencing any inconvenience from it. The poisons do not lose their properties by drying. 2 Mangili killed pigeons with poison which had been dry for eighteen months. Naturalists and others with good reason dread wounds which might be caused by the fangs of the Crotalus or the Viper long after the animals have been dead. It is believed that immersion in alcohol does not destroy the noxious properties of the poison. M. Joly killed sparrows by wounding them with the fangs of a Viper, which had been pre- served in spirits. It appears, however, that long immersion in this fluid ultimately destroys the poisonous properties. Duver- noy having taken some of the poison from a Crotalus durissus, preserved in a jar, on the end of a lancet, and having introduced it under the skin of the ear and thigh of a rabbit, no effects were produced. 1. OPHIDIANS. The poisons of the Ophidia are the most terrible and the best known. That of the Viper was first thoroughly investigated by Eon- tana, who made more than six thousand experiments in reference to this subject. The quantity of poison contained in each apparatus of the Viper was estimated by Fontana at something more than ^ of a grain, or a grain and a half for the two. M. Tandon calcu- lates that there is as much as one grain in each. Into every wound the animal discharges about -^ of a grain of the poison. The poison of the Viper (venenum Viperai) when fresh has something of an oleaginous consistence. Bedi compares it to oil of sweet almonds. The poison is almost colourless, slightly opalescent by reflected light, or of a pale yellow colour. That 1 " Venenum serpentis non gustu, ted vulnere nocet." (Celsus.) Galen relates the case of a man whose servant was wishing to kill him gave him wine in which he had steeped a Viper, and this cured him of his disease. 1 M. Paul Gervais, however, states that he wounded a young dog with the fangs of a dried Crotalus, and that they produced no poisonous effects. 284 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. of the different species of Crotalus is green, and that of the Javelin snake transparent. (Gruyon.) At the moment of its secretion the poison of serpents is neither acid nor alkaline. According, however, to Dr. Rous- seau, that of a Crotalus slightly reddens the tincture of turnsole. The poison of the Viper has no distinct flavour. According to some it is at first insipid, but afterwards leaves a somewhat astringent taste in the fauces : according to others it possesses an intolerable acridity, which it is difficult to describe. 1 It has scarcely any odour. It falls to the bottom of water, in which it preserves its viscidity for some time, but is ultimately dissolved. When dried on a plate of glass it looks like a layer of gum full of cracks. In the dried state the poison dissolves in water ; but it is in- soluble in sulphuric and hydrochloric acids, which only acts partially upon it, and it assumes the condition of a liquid paste. It acts in the same manner with regard to nitric acid, except that it becomes somewhat yellower. The vegetable acids, the alkalies and oils, do not dissolve it. When heated it does not melt, but swells up, and becomes thick. Placed in contact with flame it does not ignite ; when thrown upon red-hot charcoal, it only burns when it has become carbonised in the same manner as occurs with vegetable matters. Prince Lucien Bonaparte has shown that the poison of the Viper consists essentially of a principle to which he has given the name echidnine or viperine. This principle presents itself under the appearance of a colourless, transparent, and rather thick varnish. It has no smell or positive flavour. It does not redden the tincture of turnsole, nor does it render the syrup of violets green. It has some resemblance to gum Arabic ; but it contains nitrogen. Dissolved in a solution of caustic potash, the hydrated binoxide of copper turns it of a beautiful violet colour, a phenomenon which also occurs with gelatine and albumen. The poison of the Viper appears to act much more powerfully on man than on animals. * It is injurious to all the warm-blooded vertebrata. The larger species do not die, but the small generally succumb. Thus the horse 2 almost always resists it, the sheep often, the 1 M. L.-A. de Montesquieu asserts that he has tasted it several times without ever finding that it had any distinct taste. 2 Bosc mentions the case of two horses which were bitten in America by the black Viper, the one on the leg, the other in the tongue. The first ANIMAL POISONS. 285 cat sometimes, 1 a pigeon dies in eight or ten minutes, and a sparrow in five. 8 The animals which are bitten in the chest, abdomen, liver, or intestines die in a short space of time. Animals wounded in the ears, the head, the periosteum, the dura-mater, the brain, the marrow of the bones, the cornea, or stomach, seldom manifest any appreciable phenomena. When the poison of the Viper is applied lightly to the abraided skin of a rabbit or a guinea pig, it is not followed by death ; applied to the muscular fibre or to the nerves, it pro- duces no effect. The poison of two Vipers injected into the jugular vein of a large rabbit produced death in less than two minutes, after giving rise to cries and convulsions. The blood becomes coagulated in the ventricles of the heart. The mysentery, the intestines, and the muscles of the abdomen are inflamed. The poison of the Viper does not produce any appreciable change when applied to the warm and palpitating parts which have been removed from an animal. The coldblooded vertebrata resist the effects of the poison longer than the warmblooded. A lizard died at the end of half an hour ; in the tortoise death ensues very slowly in whatever part the animal may be bitten. The common snake and the slow-worm are not affected by it. It is the same with the eel, the snail, and the leech. A Viper wounded by another Viper does not die. A Viper which sends its fangs into its lower jaw or any other part of its body, does not appear to be inconvenienced by it. 3 What is the quantity of the Viper's poison which is requisite to kill a man ? The two hundredth part of a grain inserted into the muscles is sufficient to destroy a small bird almost in- stantaneously ; it takes six times as much to kill a pigeon. Fontana calculated that it requires more than two grains to produce death in man. 4 As the whole apparatus only contains escaped with a swelling, which lasted for some days, and a weakness which continued for some weeks ; the second died in less than an hour. 1 Is it true, as stated by Lenz, that the Hedgehog may be bitten with impunity on the snout and lips, and even on the tongue] * Fontana says that small animals die in from fifteen to twenty seconds. * The bite of a Javelin Snake is equally harmless to himself. (Guyon.) A case is mentioned of a Rattle Snake dying from the effects of his own bite. (Halm.) 4 And eight for an ox. 286 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. two grains, 1 and that each wound only introduces the -^ of a grain, it would follow that a person might be bitten by several Vipers without dying, and that one could never cause death : this, however, is contrary to what has been observed. It has been shown that under certain circumstances a single wound may be fatal. The calculation of Fontana is, therefore, excessive. The poison of Serpents has been recommended in America as a remedial agent ; it has been pretended, that persons who were inoculated with it were secure against the yellow fever and the black vomit. Peyrilhe states, that the poison of the Viper has been tried in hydrophobia. He somewhat amusingly adds, " this remedy should only be used with the consent of the patient and the approval of the magistrate." M. Desmartis, of Bordeaux, submitted to the Academy of Sciences a memoir on the employment of poisons in medicine. He also recom- mends the bite of the Viper against hydrophobia. 2. AEACHNIDA. The poison of these animals has received but little attention. Orfila places that of Spiders amongst the list of septic poisons ; but he forms his opinion rather from its effects than from its nature. Fontana says, that of the Scorpion is white and viscid, and that when it is placed upon the tongue it produces a sharp and burning taste. This poison resembles gum. According to M. Blanchard it holds in suspension irregular granules ; it is acid, and reddens litmus paper. According to Amoreux, it acts on the cold-blooded animals in the same manner as on the other vertebrata. It has been seen that this is not the case with the poison of the Serpents. It is worthy of remark, that the poison of the Viper produces but little suffering when it is introduced into the tissues, even when it proves fatal, while that of the Araclinida occasions more or less pain, but seldom kills. M. Ozanam believes that he has recognized therapeutic pro- perties in the poison of the Arachnida, and that it is sometimes sudorific, and at other times anti-periodic. 3. INSECTS. Very little is known of the poison of the ttyme- noptera. Swammerdam believed that this poison was the bile of the animal. It is a clear, limpid fluid, which quickly coagu- lates when exposed to the air. It does not alter vegetable colours ; it appears to be slightly styptic. Swammerdam and 1 It has been previously mentioned that Fontana only estimated it at a grain and a half. ANIMAL POISONS. 287 Ludovic, having placed some of the poison on the tongue, experienced a bitter taste, which gradually became more acrid and penetrating, extended over the whole of the mouth, as far as the fauces, and produced a flow of saliva, as if they had been chewing pellitory root. Fontana declares that this poison acts on the tongue like a powerful caustic. Ludovic compares the sensation to that which is produced by nitric acid on the skin. Other writers describe it as a burning sensation. According to Adanson, the poison of the Bee is more active in the summer than in winter. Humours analogous to Poisons. The viscid exudation which lubricates the skin of the Toad, the Triton, and the Salamander, is at present regarded as a species of poison ; it appears to answer the purpose of repelling the enemies of those animals by its nauseous odour and disagreeable taste. 1 But these animals have no instrument for the inocula- tion of the fluid, and at the same time it is so situated that they cannot directly employ it as a means of attack and defence. 1. Toad. The humour of the common Toad, Sufo vulgaris, is secreted by cutaneous glands or pustules placed on the back and in the situation of the parotid gland. This is a thick, viscid, milky fluid, with a slight yellow tint and poisonous odour. It has a disagreeable, caustic, bitter taste ; it reddens turmeric ; it solidifies on exposure to the air, and when placed on a plate of glass it assumes a scaly appear- ance. It is soluble in alcohol, which shows that it is not an albuminous substance. According to Pelletier, it contains an acid, partly free and partly combined with a base. It is this acid to which it appears to owe its acrid properties. In the experiments of MM. Gratiolet and Cloez, birds, such as linnets and finches, which were inoculated with this fluid, died in about six minutes, but without being convulsed. These animals opened their beaks, and staggered as if in a state of drunkenness ; they lost the power of co-ordinating their move- ments. In a short time they closed their eyes, as if they were going to sleep, and fell down dead. These gentlemen ascertained that this fluid destroyed birds even after it had been dried. Two milligrammes (j^j gr.-) have destroyed a linnet in fifteen minutes. It acts equally after its acid has been saturated with potash. When a small quantity of the fluid is introduced beneath the 1 According to some writers it also serves to diminish the effect* of the sun's rays. 288 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. skin of smaller mammalia, such as the dog or goat, it kills them in less than an hour. M. Vulpian has repeated and varied these experiments with the common Toad and Natter Jack Toad, Bufo calamita. He experimented on dogs and G-uinea pigs, and proved that these animals died in from half an hour to an hour and a half. The symptoms which were noticed might be divided into several stages 1st, a period of excitement ; 2nd, one of depression ; 3rd, vomiting or attempts at vomiting ; 4th, intoxication in the dog, but convulsions in the Guinea pig, and then death. The fluid of the Toad acts as a poison on frogs, and generally kills them in the course of an hour. It is even sufficient if a certain quantity of it is spread on the back of these animals. The fluid has no action on the Toads themselves. This fluid acts powerfully on the heart, and arrests its move- ments. MM. Gratiolet and Cloez have noticed, in the dead bodies of birds, the singular fact that the semicircular canals of the ear are always filled with blood. It is asserted that in certain countries the Indians hunt after several species of Toads with pointed sticks. They transfix the animals with these sticks, and when they have collected a con- siderable quantity of them they place them before a large fire, but at a sufficient distance to prevent their being roasted. The heat excites the cutaneous secretion, which is collected by the Indians as it is discharged from the pustules for the purpose of poisoning their arrows. 2. Triton, or Aquatic Salamander, Triton cristatus. The humour of this species is secreted by numerous follicles which project along the sides of the neck, back, loins, and tail. When these wart-like bodies are pressed the fluid comes out in drops. The experiment succeeds better if the animal's body is pre- viously dried by wiping it with a cloth. The fluid is of a white colour, or of a very faint yellow, and somewhat thicker than milk. It gives off a poisonous, pene- trating, and disagreeable odour. When examined beneath the microscope it appears to consist of a number of oval globules. It thickens on exposure to the air, coagulates, and becomes of a yellow colour. It dries rapidly, and when in the dry state on a plate of glass, it appears cracked, like a thin layer of gum Arabic. 1 It does not readily mk with water ; it will do so par- 1 If a Triton is killed by immersion in alcohol, the middle parts of its body become covered with the milky fluid, which coagulates in the form of a very thin layer. This coating is thickest on the sides of the neck and. at the commencement of the tail. (H. Gosse.) POISONOUS ANIMALS. 289 tially, but soon forms an irregular coagulum. Alcohol coagu- lates almost the whole of it. 1 When the fluid is placed on the tongue, it does not at first produce any effect, but in the course of a few minutes a burning sensation is felt in the fauces. This fluid poisons much in the same manner as that of the Toad, but it also produces violent convulsions. With only a small quantity, M. Vulpian has succeeded in killing dogs, Guinea pigs, and frogs. This fluid acts less energetically than that of the Toad. Death took place in frogs only at the end of from six to twelve hours. When placed on the back of these animals it had no effect. (Vulpian.) Like the milky humour of the Toad, it acts powerfully on the heart, but it does not destroy its irritability so completely as the latter. The humour of the Tritons appears to have a stupifying rather than an exciting effect ; it does not produce either nausea or vomiting. Lastly, it has no action on the Tritons themselves. (Vulpian.) M. Philipaux, whilst making some experiments on -the Tritons, was suddenly attacked with inflammation of the con- junctiva, which lasted for two days. Two other persons, w r ho were wiping some Tritons, having got some of the water in which these animals were placed on their face and eyes, met with similar results. (Vulpian.) 3. Trrrrti/ridl Salamander, Salamandra maculata. This animal produces a milky fluid, which is principally contained in the warty tubercles on the loins. The humour resembles that of the Tritons. Lacepede says, that when a drop is placed upon the tongue it causes a burning sensation. Duges performed some ex- periments with this fluid. He gave pieces of bread and small quantities of honey, mixed with the fluid, to doves and sparrows, who eat them without experiencing any inconvenience. Duges therefore concluded that the fluid is not poisonous; but if the learned professor had administered the poison of the Viper or the Crotalus to these animals in the same way, he would have met with similar results. The injurious effects of the humour of the Salamanders are only produced when it is ino- culated into a wound, and so introduced into the circulation. 1 If a Triton is killed by immersion in alcohol, the middle portion of its body becomes covered with the milky fluid, which coagulates in the form of a very thin layer. This coating is thickest on the sides of the neck and at the commencement of the tail. (H. Gosse.) U 290 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. The experiments of MM. G-ratiolet and Cloez on the terres- trial Salamander, and which have since been repeated by M. Vulpian, leave no doubt as to the poisonous property of the milky fluid which is furnished by this animal. "When introduced beneath the skin of the wing or of the thigh of a small bird, such as a lark, for instance, it does not appear to act as a caustic. At first the animal seems not to be inconvenienced by it, but in the course of two or three minutes a singular disturbance is set up, the feathers are bristled, the bird staggers, opens its beak, and snaps it convul- sively. At the same time it becomes rigid, turns its head back- wards, utters plaintive cries, is agitated, and after rolling over several times it soon dies. (Gratiolet and Cloez.) A Yellow Hammer, inoculated in the thigh, died in twenty- two hours. A Chaffinch, inoculated under the wing, died in twenty-five minutes ; a pigeon, in twenty ; other birds, in six or seven minutes ; and a Yellow Hammer, in less than three minutes. In general death occurs the more speedily in propor- tion to the small quantity of blood which is lost. (Gratiolet and Cloez.) Experiments which have been tried on small mammalia have not been attended with the same results. Gruinea pigs and mice, which were inoculated in the thigh, in the course of ten minutes manifested great anxiety. At times the respiration was panting and painful. The animals continually fell off to sleep, but this was interrupted by slight convulsions, resembling elec- tric shocks. At the end of some hours these disturbances dis- appeared, and the animals recovered their usual state of health. Thus a quantity of the fluid which would have been sufficient to destroy a dove, only produced slight temporary convulsions in a mouse. But, a dove being much larger than a mouse, the reason of this difference can only be referred to the nature and organization of the animals acted upon. (Gratiolet and Cloez.) In conclusion, all birds which were subjected to the action of the fluid of this Salamander had epileptic convulsions, but did not die. The fluid of the Salamander is injurious to frogs, but pro- duces no effect on the Salamanders themselves. (Vulpian.) In general it appears to be less active than the fluid of the Toads or Tritons. During the whole period of its action, the disturbances of the heart are slight. EXTERNAL PARASITES. 291 BOOK VI. EXTERNAL PARASITES OR EPIZOA. As there are creatures termed Parasites, which live on the surface or in the interior of other animals, feeding upon their fluids, or upon the substance of their bodies, so, also, there are some which live at the expense of man. The human parasites are generally very small animals. Their species are not numerous, but the number of the individuals is sometimes appalling. . At different periods considerable importance has been at- tributed to these parasitic animals. An English medical writer who lived at the commencement of the last century, imagined that all diseases were to be referred to the presence of micro- scopic animals. 1 M. Raspail has lately advocated the same doctrine. In medicine the title of Epizoa is given to those Parasites which derive their nourishment from the skin ; they have also been named Ectozoa or Ectoparasites. Some of the Epizoa are born upon that part of the body on which they reside (Lice), while others come from without (Fleas). The Epizoa may be divided into two series : 1st, those which reside upon the surface of the skin ; 2nd, those which live in the interior of it. SECTION I. EPIZOA LIVING ON THE SKIN. THE Epizoa which live upon the skin are : 1, the Loiwe ; 2, the Flea; 3, the Chigoe; 4, the Ticks; 5, the Argas ; 6, the Harvest Bug. CHAPTER I. LICE. THE genus Louse or Pedicultis belongs to the order Hemip- tera, and to the family Rostrata. Its characters are antenna^ 1 In a summary of this work published by M. A. C. D., in 1726, there are 90 figures of insects, each of which it was imagined produced a different u 2 292 . MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. as long as the thorax ; a sucker inclosed in an inarticulated sheath, and armed with retractile hooks ; eyes, simple one on either side behind the antennae ; abdomen more or less notched at its margins ; three pairs of feet, and no wings. There are four species of Lice which infest the human sub- ject: 1. Head louse; 2. Body louse; 3. Louse of sick per- sons ; 4. Pubic louse. The following is a summary of their characters : !ash coloured (lobulated) . . I. Head louse. whitish. Abdomen j ^ouf ^ ~ pq ~\ persons. (rounded and confounded with thorax ... ... 4. Pubic louse. 1. HEAD LOTJSE (fig. 91). The head or common Louse 1 is commonly known, and has been figured in various works. This species, as its name implies, is found on the head in people who are neglectful of their person, and especially in children. It is, how- ever, never met with in very young children, as, for example, in those who have not been weaned. (Na- talis Gruillot.) The body of the insect is flat- tened and somewhat transparent, smooth in the centre, slightly wrin- kled at the sides, and of an ashen Fig. 91. Head Louse? grey colour, with patches of black in the neighbourhood of the stig- mata. When the animal is old or filled with food it has a red- dish tinge. On each side, there is, generally, an indistinct line divided into a number of small spots in the direction of the segments. The head is ovo-rhomboidal and has no palpi. The antennae are filiform, about the same length as the head, and composed of five nearly equal joints ; they are in a state of con- stant vibration when the animal is moving about. (De Geer.) The eyes are simple, round, black, and placed very far behind the antennae ; the thorax is nearly square, one fourth the length of disease ; such as measles, rheumatism, gout, pleurisy, jaundice, and whit- lows. With the exception of the itch insect, which appears to have been drawn from nature, all the others are purely imaginary beings. 1 PediculuH capitis, De Geer, P. humanus. Linn., P. cervicalis, Leach. 2 A, female seen from the back ; Z?, extremity of the abdomen in the male, showing its spur ; C, the egg or nit attached to a hair. EXTERNAL PARASITES. 293 the abdomen, rather narrower in front than behind, and divided into three divisions by shallow indentations ; the limbs consist of a hip composed of two pieces, a thigh, a leg, and a tarsus con- sisting of one large joint. The tarsus terminates in a stout hook, which is received into a notched projection ; the two together act like a pair of pinchers, and enable the animal to fix itself to the hairs. The abdomen is of an oral form, indented and lobulated at its margins. There are eight segments and sixteen stigmata. The tracheae are festooned, and may be seen through the skin, forming a number of curves, which alternate with the marginal lobes. Swammerdam suspected that Lice were andro- gynous, in consequence of Jiis having found ovaries in all those which he dissected. Adanson aud Lamarck fell into the same error. It would appear that Swammerdam had only met with the female. Leeuwenhoek determined the existence of the two sexes. The males have at the extremity of the abdomen, which is rounded, a horny, conical, recurved, pointed spur, with which thev can inflict a wound. This spur seems to be the sheath of trie genital organ. In the female the extremity of the abdomen is grooved, and during copulation she places herself on the back of the male. Lice are oviparous, and their eggs, which are found attached to the hairs, are termed nits (fig. 91, C). They are oblong or rather slightly pyriform, of a white colour, and open at their upper part. The young are hatched in five or six days ; they ca^t their skin several times, and, at the end of eighteen days, are capable of reproduction. A Louse has been known to produce fifty eggs in the course of six days, and there were others still re- maining in its body. 1 According to a calculation of Leeuwen- hoek's, two females might become the grandmothers of 10,000 lice in the space of eight weeks ; others have calculated that the second generation of a single individual might furnish 2500 lice, and the third generation 125,000 ; but the usual rate of reproduction does not advance with this frightful rapidity. 1. Mouth (fig. 92). In front of the head there is a short conical fleshy projection, containing a sucker (Rostrum) , which the animal can protrude and retract at pleasure. This sucker is only seen when in action. Leeuwenhoek has compared it to a fine thread ; but, contrary to his usual habit, he observed it but very imperfectly. 1 Swammerdam is stated to have found 54 eggs of different sizes in a single ovary. 294 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 92. Rostrum. 1 This organ is an obtuse, sub cylindrical sheath, capable of being dilated at its extremity, and then presenting six small hooks, which curve from before backwards, and which, from their position and direction, are evidently intended to retain the sucker in the skin. In the interior of the sheath are four capillary threads, which are round, very pointed, and closely packed together. This structure of the mouth confirms the opinion of Fabricius, who regarded the lice as degraded Hemiptera, deprived of wings. (Burmeister.) 2. Action on man. Lice puncture those parts of the skin covered with hair and suck up its juices by means of the ap- paratus which has just been described. It has been supposed that the itching which these insects produce is caused by the spur of the male, and not by the oral sucker, which belongs to both sexes. But if the creature first made a wound with its spur in order that it might subsequently introduce the sucker, then the female ought also to be provided with one. Accord- ing to the account of some writers the entrance of the sucker into the skin does not cause any sensation, unless it touches a nerve. Leeuwenhoek made the experiment on his own hand. Are we to believe, with Linna3us, 2 that in rainy weather these insects descend the sides of the head ? 2. BODY LOUSE (fig. 93). The Body or I clothes Louse 3 was for a long time confounded with the former. It was De Geer who first dis- I tinguished between the two insects. As its name implies, this Louse is found on I different parts of the body and on the clothes. It is somewhat larger, of a lighter colour, and less strongly marked than the common Louse. It has a uniform tinge of a dirty white colour. 4 The skin is not so hard, and the eyes are more prominent. (Olfers.) The junction of the thorax and abdomen is more constricted, and the former is scarcely one-third the size of the Fig. 93. Body louse. 1 A, buccai projection beginning to be everted ; B, the same fully ex- tended, and become converted into a tubular rostrum ; a, body of rostrum ; b, hooks at its extremity ; c, piercer, formed of four capillary threads. 2 " Instante pluvia, descendit ad latera capitis." (Linn.) 3 Pediculus corporis, De Geer, P. humanus, Linn. 4 A black variety is met with on the bodies of Ethiopians, Pediculus EXTERNAL PAEAS1TES. 295 latter. The marginal lobules are indistinct, and the feet are closer together and more slender. This species causes greater irritation than the former. 3. Lice of sick persons. 1 This name has been proposed fora louse which gives rise to a disease termed phthiriasis. MM. Alt and Burmeister have given a minute description of this species. It is of a pale yellow colour. The head is rounded. The antenna are longer, and the thorax larger than they are in the body Louse. The thorax is of a trapezoid form, and more than one-third the size of the abdomen. Its margins are nearly even. This species seems to differ in its habits from the other Lice, inasmuch as it introduces itself under the skin. It is as- serted that it deposits its eggs under the epidermis, and that each nest becomes a bullae or vesicle, from whence the young Lice escape as soon as they are hatched to spread and multiply themselves in the surrounding parts : in this way the disease continues to spread, and its severity increases with each suc- ceeding generation. (Raspail.) This disease has been mentioned by several writers. Forestus speaks of a young girl who was afflicted with it, and Borellus of a soldier. Bernard Valentin relates the history of a man forty years of age, who was troubled with an intolerable itching on all parts of his body, and with large tubercles, which were filled with an enormous number of Lice. Bremser once met with a mass of Lice in a tumour on the head. M. Jules Cloquet in another invalid found some thousands of these creatures in a sub-cutaneous cavity. Cazal quotes the case of an old man, sixty-five years of age, who could not scratch himself without a swarm of these insects issuing from his neck and shoulders ; they were renewed with an astonishing rapidity .... Dr. Jules Sichel, in 1825, published a monograph on pthiriasis, in which he enumerates the various parts in which this disease has made its appearance. Instances of death have been mentioned, but M. Bayer re- gards these cases as doubtful. If, however, we are to believe the ancient writers, the king Antiochus, the philosopher Pherecydes, Sylla the dictator, Agrippa, Valerius Maximus, the emperor Arnould, cardinal Duprat, and Philip the Second, king of Spain, died from this disease. Historians state that Lice were seen to issue from the body of Herod as a stream pubescent, y nigrescens, Olfers ; another of a brownish red has been found on the Greenland era. 1 Pediculu* tabetcentium, Alt, P. subcutaneus , Hasp. 296 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. issues from the earth. It is stated that Poucquau, bishop of Noyon, was covered with such multitudes that it was necessary to fasten his body in a leathern sack before he was buried. .(?) 4. THE PUBIC LOUSE l (fig. 94). This species, which is known by the common name of Crab Louse, attaches itself to the hairs of the sexual organs, the arm pits, and even of the eyebrows. 2 It is never met with in the head or in the beard. Hitherto it has only been found in the white races. Its body is large and de- pressed ; the thorax very short. The four posterior feet are Fig. 94. Pubic Louse. 3 tolerably large, recurved, and so arranged as to hook them- selves into the skin, so that it is extremely difficult to induce the animal to leave go its hold. 4 The eggs are oblong, and adhere to the hairs by an expansion which forms a sheath around them. The rostrum of this species is stronger than that of the other Lice. The skin is covered by small red-coloured patches. Animals which may be mistaken for Lice. The Lice of other mammalia and those particular forms of Lice belonging to the genus Bicinus of De Greer, which infest birds, may accidentally get upon man and cause more or less irritation, but in general this is all the injury they produce. The latter species have the mouth formed for biting, and are furnished with a pair of hooked mandibles. In some instances they can bite with considerable force and give rise to a number of round or oval red spots, but these are seldom accompanied by pustules or vesicles. The same thing may happen with certain arachnida belong- ing to the genus Dermanyssus of Duges. These vermin are met 1 Pedi&dus pubis, Linn., P. inguinalis. Redi, P. Morpio, Merrem, P. ferus, Olfers. Leach proposed to form it into a distinct genus under the name of Phthirus. 2 " They are found attached to the eyelids." (Celsug.) 3 a, an egg attached to a hair. 4 " They are so firmly attached to the skin that it is scarcely possible to detach them." (A. Pare".) EXTERNAL PABASITES. 297 with in hen-roosts and pigeon-houses, even long after the birds upon which they lived have ceased to frequent these places. Another species of arachnida belonging to the genus Gamasus of Latreille, gets upon the clothes, and from them upon the body; these animals do not fix themselves to one spot, but move about over the surface of the skin. Persons who are travelling in the country are occasionally tormented by them. The Ornithomya (Latr.), a species of fly infesting certain birds, may also gain access to man, and attach itself to his skin by means of its claws. CHAPTER II. THE COMMON FLEA. THE genus Pulex belongs to the Siphonoptera of Latreille, but is now approximated to the Diptera, notwithstanding that it is unprovided with wings. 1 This genus is characterised by a straight unjointed rostrum, which incloses two blades or lancets, and which is covered at its base by two scales ; the eyes are two in number, and scarcely project from the sides of the head ; the abdomen is compressed ; the limbs are six in number, and adapted for leaping. The COMMON FLEA a (fig. 95) has an oval compressed body covered with a strong chitinous integument of a shining red- dish brown colour. The body is invested with a kind of armour, and when it is crushed a slight noise is heard from the resistance and rupture of the skin. The greatest diameter of the Flea is from the back to the belly, which both terminate in a thin sharp edge. The body is divided into twelve segments, of which three form the short thorax and seven the abdomen. The head is small, compressed, rounded above, and forms a kind of hood. In front of this are two short, nearly cylindri- cal antennae, composed of four joints, of which the second is moderately long, and the third large and notched. When the Flea is moving about these organs are in a state of constant vibration ; but when at rest they are laid along the sides and in front of the head. (De Greer.) The eyes are simple, large, [ l Although the wings arc not functionally developed, traces of them are present in the form of a pair of small scales attached to the middle segment of the thorax, and of a much larger pair appended to the third segment of the thorax, which cover the sides of the first and part of the second abdo- minal segments. Ed.] 1 Pulex hominis, Duges, P. irritans, Linn., P. vulgaris, De Geer. 298 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. and round. Behind each there is a small aperture, which can be closed up by a moveable valve. The limbs of the Flea are long, strong, and spinous, and the tarsi five-jointed, ter- minating in a pair of strong claws. The anterior pair of limbs are placed at some dis- tance from the others, and are inserted almost immediately Fig. 95. Flea. 1 beneath the head. The pos- terior are the strongest, and enable the animal to accomplish leaps which are greatly dis- proportioned to the size of its body. The abdomen is very large, and each of its segments is composed of two pieces, a superior and an inferior ; this arrangement permits of the enormous distensions which the body undergoes after the ani- mal has been sucking the blood of its prey, or after impregna- tion. The penultimate ring of the body supports a number of very slender spines, which are inserted in a corresponding number of minute arcolse ; this segment has received the name of pygidiu/m. Fleas are bisexual. The male is only half the size of the female, and the back of the latter is the most convex. During copulation the abdomens of the insects are placed opposite to each other, the male being underneath. 2 The female lays eight to twelve smooth oval eggs ; they are slightly viscid, and of a white colour. De Greer detected a Flea in the act of depositing her eggs. This animal does not attach its eggs either to the hairs or to the skin, but drops them by chance upon the ground. (Eoesel.) The eggs roll about like globules of mercury. They are generally found in the crevices of the floor, in old furniture, in dirty linen, or in any place where filth has accumulated. 3 Along with the eggs there are found a quantity of dark pur- ple grains of various forms. These particles are not the excre- ments of the insect, but dried blood obtained at man's expence, and intended for the nourishment of the larvae. (Defrance.) At the end of four or five days in summer, and of eleven in winter, the larvae issue forth under the form of long cylindrical 1 a, male ; 6, female; c, egg. * " Femina in coitu ascendit in corpus maris.*' (Leeuwenhoek.) " Mas sub femina jungitur." (Linn.) 3 They have been met with beneath the nails of the feet. EXTEBXAL PABASITES. 299 worms, whose bodies are composed of thirteen segments plenti- fully furnished with hairs. The head is scaly, of a yellow colour, provided with antennae, and the posterior extremity of the body is furnished with two hooks. The larvae have no feet (Leeuwenhoek, Eoesel) ; but they are very active, twisting about in all directions, and moving along with the head erect (Defrance). At first they are white, but afterwards of a reddish colour. In eleven or fifteen days, according to the time of year, the larvae inclose themselves in a silky, oblong, whitish cocoon, within which they are trans- formed into pupae ; the latter are provided with limbs placed close to the sides of the body. (De- france.) It takes from twelve to fifteen days before the pupae become perfect Fleas. 1. Mouth (fig. 96). The beak or rostellum of the common Flea is placed almost perpendicularly ; w r hen not in use, it is curved slightly backwards and concealed between the long thigh joints of the anterior pair of limbs. The mouth consists of three parts : 1. An oblong plate (lower Up or labrum) supporting two palpi, each composed of four segments, of which the second is the largest. 2. Of an external articulated sheath, which supports and receives into a groove on its under surface a pair of lancets. The case is composed of two pieces (jaws) placed close toge- ther, oblong, concave, each supporting a palpus inserted very low down, and which is made up of four segments, of which the first is tolerably large. 3. Of two straight blades or long sharp lancets, with serrated margins. These lancets are employed in puncturing the flesh and in sucking. 2. Action on man. Fleas produce a disagreeable itching as Fig. 96. Parts of the Mouth. 1 1 A, head ; a, left jaw; b, the lancets or mandibles ; c, left labial palpus; d, maxillary palpi ; B, parts of the rostrum ; a a, maxilla or inferior jaws, each with its palpus ; b b, the lancets or mandibles ; c, lower lip, with its two palpi ; to cut. 310 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. transparent, of a white colour, a little opalescent, and has a pinkish tint. The dorsal surface is convex, and the ventral somewhat less so. The margin is slightly un- dulating, and the surface of the abdomen is marked by more or less parallel, irre- gular, but often curved, lines or ridges. The rostrum is anterior, small, and straight ; it is somewhat oval and obtuse ; at its commencement there are observed two hairs. The posterior part of the body is very obtuse, and often slightly indented to- wards the centre. The limbs are eight in Fig. 97. Female Sarcoptus. 1 number, two pairs in front, and two pairs placed farther back, and at some distance from the others. The limbs are short, conical, distinctly jointed, and furnished with stiif hairs of various lengths. The "two anterior pairs have the thighs divergent from each other ; the feet terminate in a very slender, straight, rigid, tubular portion, provided at its extremity with a vesicular cushion or sucker. This slender portion, with its sucker, has been named the ambulacrum (arotium). The four posterior legs terminate in a long, curved, pointed thread, of a brown colour, without any sucker ; these limbs are abdominal, and not thoracic, a very important and distinctive character. M. Bourguignon has ascertained that each limb consists of a hip, trochanter, small trochanter, thigh, leg, and tarsus. The body of the insect has a few hairs scattered here and there, and on its dorsal surface are three kinds of horny appen- dages or spines ; the first are arranged symmetrically on its central and posterior part ; these are fourteen in number ; they are of a conical form, are traversed by a canal, and fur- nished with a dilatation or basal follicle ; the second are smaller, and placed near the first ; the third are still more minute ; they are arranged in concentric lines, have no canal, and resemble conical pointed tubercles. 1 a, the egg. PARASITIC INSECTS. 311 The animal being soft, nature has furnished it with hard resisting parts, or apodemata, which perform the part of a skele- ton. These apodemata have a horny appearance, are of a dull red colour, and form a solid frame work, to which the muscles are attached. On examining the Sarcoptus on its ventral sur- face, there are seen three of these apodemata, of which the central one, which is placed longitudinally, performs the office of a sternum. Anteriorly it is bifurcated, and each branch again divides into two, the innermost of which unite to form a complete ring, while the external pass to the base of the limb. The lateral apodemata are analogous to the scaly pieces named epimera, which in many insects give insertion to the limbs. They are composed of a long, curved portion, and of two branches, the internal passing to the anterior limb, the external to the second limb. There are also epimera having a similar arrangement at the base of the posterior limbs. The digestive system of the Sarcoptus contains a mouth placed at the anterior part of the rostrum, and consisting of mandibles and maxillae, which will be presently described. It is probably these mandibles and maxillae that Leroy and Vandenkeck have spoken of as teeth. The mouth communicates with a long and straight oesophagus. Arrived at the anterior third of the body, this canal terminates in an oblique reniform stomach, transparent, and very difficult to be seen. (Wieger.) The intestine is short and slightly un- dulating; it contains a number of brown granules, which oc- casionally accumulate towards the commencement of the rectum. The latter is nearly a straight canal. The anus may be observed on the dorsal surface in the middle of the indenta- tion on its posterior margin. Neither stigmata nor tracheae are to be met with in the Sar- coptus. M. Bourguignon thinks that the animal respires by the mouth. It is more reasonable to suppose that in this kind of arachnida this function is fulfilled by means of the skin. In the centre of the anterior fourth of the body, and placed against the oesophagus, may be noticed a small, oblong, trans- verse mass, from whence a number of extremely delicate fila- ments radiate. This is the nervous system. In a state of repose the Sarcopti have their limbs retracted beneath their bodies, as under a carapace. When they walk they extend these organs, stretch out their ambulacra, and fasten their suckers. They can tunnel their way with con- siderable speed. M. Bourguignon considers that one of these insects could travel from the hand to the shoulder in less than ten minutes. 312 MEDICAL ZOOLO&Y. Fig. 98. Male. The Sarcopti are unisexual. The males (fig. 98) are scarcer than the females, the proportion being not more than one of the former to ten of the latter. We owe the discovery of the males to MM. Bourgogne and Lanquetin. The following are the characters in which they differ from the females ; they are smaller ('008 inch), more oblong, flatter, of a darker colour, and more active ; the rostrum is proportionally smaller and less triangular ; they have not so many horny appendages on the dorsal surface ; the anterior apode- mata extend beyond the anterior third of the body, reaching nearly to its centre; the posterior limbs are not so wide apart, and the epimera on each side are united together; the third pair of feet are furnished with longer hairs ; lastly, the fourth pair are much shorter, and have am- bulacra terminated by a sucker. The genital apparatus of the male is placed towards the middle of the body, near the third pair of limbs. It is sup- ported anteriorly by a median apodemata, which is articulated with those of the last pair of limbs. The male organ consists of a deferent canal; of three bifurcated portions, which re- present the testicles ; of one or two median glandular bodies, which probably fulfil the part of prostate glands ; and of a toler- ably long penis, contained in a groove. The male orifice opens a little in front of the posterior margin of the body. The vulva is placed on the ventral surface, at a short dis- tance from the sternal apodemeta: it is a slightly sinuous opening about '003 of an inch (Ch. Kobin) in length. It com- municates with a granular body, which is hardly discernible except at the period of reproduction. At the time of heat, the males quit their dwelling-places during the night to go in search of the females. They are much more active than the latter, running about from right to left, and occasionally fighting with each other. M. Bourguig- non once found two males and a single female in the same spot. The latter immediately began to fight, but as soon as they were aware they were discovered, they speedily took to flight. PARASITIC INSECTS. 313 These acari copulate belly to belly. (Worms.) A single union suffices for impregnation. When the eggs enlarge they are scattered through all parts of the body. The eggs (fig. 97, a) are quite enormous when compared with the size of the mother ; when laid, they are at least one-third the length of the animal. The female usually lays one egg daily, and has several layings in succession ; she can produce as many as twenty in the course of a month. The eggs are rarely placed in groups of three or four. When laid they are elipsoid or oval, slightly depressed, semitransparent, and have a whitish pearly look. They resemble the pearls of the Unio margaritifer. They measure '007 of an inch in the long diameter, and '003 of an inch in the short. It has been noticed that they are partly developed within the body. It is not until they have been laid ten or twelve days that they are hatched. At birth the Sarcopti are not more than '006 of an inch in length. They have six feet instead of eight, one of the pos- terior pairs being wanting. These larvae are very active, they shelter themselves beneath the loose particles of the epidermis, and seem incapable of boring a channel for themselves. At the end of some days they are somewhat swollen, the skin becomes first wrinkled, then torn, and afterwards falls off". An additional pair of feet are developed, and the animal arrives at its perfect state. 4. THE MOUTH (fig. 99). M. Ch. Eobin has carefully examined the rostrum of the Sarcoptus (head of Bourguignon). There is seen, first, a pair of strong oblong mandibles, carry- ing towards their extremity and on their upper side a small moveable hook ; this is pointed, somewhat curved, and when not in use it is received into an ob- lique groove, with irregular den- tated margins situated on the opposite side of the prolonged portion of the organ. This pro- longed portion, together with the hook just mentioned, acts like a pair of pinchers. Next are the maxillae ; these are small, narrow, and curved from without inwards. Their base is articu- Fig. 99. Rostrum. 1 lated to a small square piece, 1 A, the rostrum, from which the two mandibles have been removed ; a a, maxillae; 6, chin ; c c, the large maxillary palpi, with three joints, and bear- 314 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. the mentum or chin. Their free extremity is directed abruptly from within outwards. The palpi are large pieces, supported by the maxillae, curved, pointed, and composed of three unequal joints. The terminal joint, which is the smallest, presents ex- ternally a single long hair, while the middle joint has two. The lower lip is nearly triangular, and somewhat pointed. Towards its base and on both sides there is a very long hair ; above and near to its middle portion it is provided with a lancet-shaped tongue. The whole of the rostrum is surrounded at its commencement by a thin sinuous margin (camerostoma), This margin advances on to the sides of the palpi in the form of transparent membranous plates, which are as long as the organs themselves. It is these processes which have been mistaken sometimes for false palpi, and sometimes for lips. 5. ACTION ON MAN. The Sarcopti are found more especially upon the hands, in the intervals of the fingers, on the anterior surface of the wrist, on the penis, in the bend of the arm, on the breasts and on the abdomen in women, on the ankle, and, last, more rarely on other parts of the body, the face forming nearly always an exception. (Lauquetin.) Their presence is recognised by that of the grooves. The latter will be noticed presently ; their importance has been strongly insisted upon as a means of diagnosis by MM. Biett, Cazenave, and Piogey. The Sarcopti give rise to an intolerable itching, causing the patients to scratch themselves violently, and thereby increase the disorder of the skin. The disease produced by the Sar- copti has received the name of the itch. 1 The Sarcoptus of the itch is a nocturnal burrowing animal, and is admirably adapted for eating its way through our tissues, and living in them. Its great object, when it finds itself on the skin, is to discover a fitting locality for its habitation. It carefully explores the cracks and folds of the epidermis ; it taps the base of the hairs where the follicle has raised the cuticular covering (Bourguignon), and if the spot seems suitable it immediately sets to work. In the hollowing out of its gallery, the Sarcoptus is found to exhibit distinct preferences. It prefers the hands ; it is found in this part of the body seventy times out of a hundred ; it has been noticed eight times out of ten on the penis. (Piogey.) ing three hairs ; d, lower lip, with its small lancet-shaped tongue in the middle, and supporting two small hairs; J5, a mandible separated; a, its hook. 1 Psora, Linn., scabies, Sauvages, zoopsordermie, Piorry. PARASITIC INSECTS. 315 M. Bourguignon states that on the 4th of February, 1846, he placed a female on his left fore arm. The animal, having found a small portion of the epidermis detached between two hairs, immediately fixed itself, and in less than ten minutes had disappeared beneath the epidermis. But as the fore-arm was not to its taste, the mischievous Sarcoptus, availing itself of the sleep of the experimenter, during the night emerged from its retreat to seek its fortune in some other part of the body. When a Sarcoptus, after several attempts, has selected a locality which suits him, he elevates himself by the long hairs attached to the posterior feet, so as to place himself at a con- siderable angle with the skin, and with the rostrum placed below. This position facilitates the first incision of the cuticle, 1 and the rostrum is soon buried beneath the epidermis. The little miner continues working for about a quarter of an hour. At the end of that time, he withdraws himself: it might be supposed that he was about to select some other spot, but that is not the case ; it is a necessary and intentional proceeding. The animal next cuts the skin to the right and to the left of the part where he first commenced. (Bourguignon.) The object of this operation is easily understood as the original aperture would not allow its body to enter, which is so much larger than the rostrum. The Sarcoptus, therefore, enlarges the passage so as to allow of his passing in. From this time he is entirely buried in the skin, and does not again come out. He continues to excavate to the right and to the left of him, and in this way forms a curved passage. In this work the jaws and the palpi move horizontally, and the maxillse nearly vertically. M. Tandon does not consider that the hook be- longing to the latter can be used in the work of excavation, on account of its minute size (the supposed functions of this organ are spoken of subsequently) ; the lower branch, however, of the pincers may act as a kind of scoop. The first difficulties having been overcome the parasite now rapidly advances.* The horny appendage and the stiff hairs support him, and furnish him with points of resistance in his diminutive gallery. They are straightened out when the animal is at work, but are laid smooth when he advances. It is usually during the night that the animals are engaged in excavating their galleries. 1 " Arant enim semper inter cnticnlum et cutem" (Caaal.) 1 " Proyrediuntur quati Cuniculi." (Casal.) 316 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. The galleries (cwiculi, Mouffet) (fig. 100), have the appear- ance of white marks from one to two and a half lines in length, 1 and about two-thirds of a line in diameter. They resemble the kind of mark which is formed by a pin being drawn lightly over the skin. (Gaze- nave, Lanquetin.) It is not correct to com- pare them to a scratch. 2 These gal- leries are curved, un- Fig. 100. Groove. 9 dulating, or even angular ; when fol- lowing a natural fold of the skin they are straight. They never open into each other. The colour varies with the state of the patient. In young children and in persons with a delicate skin, the galleries appear of a greyish white ; in those who are dirty, and whose skin is hard and coarse, they become of a dark blackish colour. They also become of a particular colour in persons who are engaged in certain occupations. (Lanquetin.) At certain intervals, and generally where the furrows of the epidermis cross each other, the galleries are pierced by small openings, which allow the access of the external air, and mark the spot where the little miner has rested himself. These openings sometimes look like very small black dots ; it is through these that the young escape. Along the track of the galleries, or in its immediate vicinity, is a vesicle about the size of a grain of millet seed, rounded, pointed, and transparent at the summit, of a rose tint in the child, and of a dark red or brownish colour in the adult. Its base is sometimes surrounded by an inflamed areola, while at other times the part of the skin upon which it is placed is pale. These vesicles are sometimes apart, sometimes close together, and 1 It is said that at the period of laying the animal excavates with great activity, and that at that time the groove may attain the length of from four to five lines. 9 " Canaliculum longum instar sulculi relmquunt." (Casal.) 8 a, Sarcoptus at the end of its gallery; 6, the dead skin of the last moult ; c c, eggs, the first about to be hatched ; d d, excrements ; e, young or larva ; f, entrance to the gallery ; g g, small openings, through which the air gains access to the interior of the gallery. PAEASITIC INSECTS. 317 at the end of a certain time are often confluent. In their interior is a serous or viscous fluid, transparent, and of a yellow or rose colour ; sometimes there is also a small portion of blood ; it is then that the vesicle has a brownish tint. Occasionally the gallery passes over the vesicle and rests upon it, an arrange- ment which is easily understood, from the circumstance that the gallery is beneath the epidermis, while Jhe vesicle is beneath the derm or cutis. (Piogey, Lanquetin.) The vesicle is not always present, owing to its passing through its existence in four or five days, while the gallery lasts for several months. One end of the galleries terminates in a projection, which requires to be carefully studied. This projection 1 looks like a very small but well-defined white spot ; where this communicates with the gallery, the latter appears as if it were interrupted ; this arises from its being deeper at its termination. It is in this depression that the Sarcoptus is lodged, for it is never met with in the vesicle. (Renucci.) When the skin is carefully raised it points to the posterior part of the animal. It was in conse- quence of persons seeking for the Sarcoptus in the vesicle itself that they were unable to find it, and were therefore led to deny its existence. 2 The males do not form a gallery ; they are satisfied with ex- cavating a space sufficient to conceal themselves in ; they hide themselves beneath a raised portion of the epidermis, so small that it is scarcely visible to the naked eye. Their hiding-place is always near that of the female. (Lanquetin.) In order to obtain a Sarcoptus the epidermis must be torn away with a pin or a needle at about ^^ of an inch from the white spot ; the part must be dissected very gently towards the centre of the prominence already mentioned, the instrument must then be passed beneath the animalcule, and the creature carefully removed. (Benucci.) The only difficulty in the oper- ation is to avoid killing the Sarcoptus. When exposed, the little parasite looks like a grain of starch; he conceals his rostrum and his limbs beneath the carapace, and pretends to be dead ; if he is placed on the finger he remains for some time motionless, but he soon regains his liveliness and moves quickly away. (Eenucci.) Is the Sarcoptus of the itch a venomous animal ? M. Tandon 1 Acarian eminence. (Bazin.) 1 " Hoc obiter observandum Syrones, non in ipsia pustulis, sed prope habitant." (Mouffet, 1634.) " Acams sub ipsa pustula minime quaerendus est, sed longius recessit, sequendo rugam cuticulae observatur." (Linn.) 318 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. has no hesitation in believing that it is ; his jaws are miniature representations of the antennal pincers of the spiders ; they are provided with a moveable and pointed hook, which is received into a groove with dentated margins, and can be opened in accordance with the wants of the animal. In the spiders the two hooks which are external move almost horizontally from without to within, so as to antagonise each other, and so as to seize and pierce tfieir prey. In the Sarcoptus these organs are placed superiorly, and act from above downwards, but without antagonising, so as to bury themselves in the tissue and inoculate it with the poison. It has not, indeed, been proved that the hook of the parasite is perforated at its ex- tremity, 1 but it is reasonable to suppose that it is so ; since that of certain acari, animals which are closely allied to it, and whose mouth differs essentially from that of the Spiders, does present a small but distinct opening. (Easpail.) "When the Sarcoptus is working at its gallery it does not make use of its poison ; but when the animal stops in any part to eat, or for the purpose of depositing its eggs, it pierces the tissue with its jaws, and discharges some drops of liquid. This fluid acts like the poison of the Cynips, and produces a swelling or vesicle, which may be regarded as an animal gall: * this explains why the vesicles are situated deeper than the galleries. With regard to those which are not placed in the tracks of the latter, they probably arise from the absorption of the venomous fluid by the lymphatics. 6. OTHEE SPECIES. It has been supposed that in Norway there is another species of Sarcoptus peculiar to man, forming a different kind of gall, the animal producing thick scabs, which spread over nearly the whole of the body. Professor Boeck of Christiana observed three cases of this disease in 1852. The scabs presented masses of the Sarcopti, and of their excrements and eggs. M. Boeck found that these Sartopti did not differ from the species which has just been described. This view has been confirmed by the observations of MM. Cazenave, Chauzit, Lanquetin, Bourguignon, and Hebra. The Sarcopti of the mammalia differ from that of man ; thus the species belonging to the horse, of which a good representa- tion has been given by M. G-ohier and M. Easpail, has a very straight rostrum ; all the feet have carunculae, and at the same time two rigid hairs longer than the ambulacra. 1 I believe T once detected a small opening. (Moq. Tandon.) 2 "In ipsa pustula proyeniem dcposuit." (Linn.) PARASITIC INSECTS. 319 Can the itch of animals communicate itself to man ? M. Dumeril believes he has proved that a Phascolome from New Holland transmitted its itch to several persons who were employed in the Museum of Natural History. Other examples appear to show that the Sarcopti of the horse, the camel, the ox, the lion, the dog, and the cat, may be developed on man, and produce a cutaneous disease similar to that which occurs on the animal from which it had been taken. It has moreover been recently shown that the species of Sarcoptus which has hitherto been supposed to be peculiar to man is met with on the hog and the llama. (Lanquetin, Robin.) CHAPTER II. THE ACAEOPSE. ALLIED to the Sarcoptus is an animal discovered by Dr. Leroy de Mericourt in Newfoundland upon the person of an officer who had come from the Havannah, and of which he has published a description and drawing. M. Alexandre Laboulbene has provisionally arranged this acarus in the group Tyroglyphus, although he considers it must constitute a distinct genus. Before he was acquainted with M. Laboulbene's memoir, M. Tandon had named this animal in his lectures the Acaropse ; he therefore continues to speak of it under this title. DESCRIPTION. The Acaropse of Mericourt, Acaropsis Meri- courti, TyroglypJius Mericourti, Laboulb., Acaropsis pectinata, Moq. (fig. 101), is a small acarus, '02 7 of an inch in length, oval, covered with long flex- ible hairs, and of apale colour ; the rostrum (head, Laboulb.) is projecting, conical, and with a pointed prolongation ; the palpi are enormous, Fig. 101. Acaropsis. A, animal seen from its back ; B, right palpus. 320 MEDICAL ZOOLOGT. and greatly dilated at their base ; they form two oblong conical bodies, attenuated at their extremities, slightly curved, and their size is out of all proportion to that of the animal. These two palpi are extremely divergent ; at the extremity is seen 1, a kind of slender hook, slightly curved from without inwards, not very pointed, and possibly articulated and moveable ; 2, another hook placed internally, smaller and more slender, curved in the same direction, of an oval shape, very pointed, beautifully pectinated on its inner margin, and supporting at its base a slender curved hair, which surpasses it in length, and appears to be inserted on a small projection. The animal has no eyes ; the thorax is confounded with the abdomen ; the feet are eight in number, long, strong, and covered with hairs, but not having one third the thickness of the palpi. They seem to terminate in a rudimentary caruncule. The animal is undoubtedly an Acarus, but it is distinguished from all the known genera by the enormous development and size of its palpi, and by the singular pectinated organ by which they are terminated. The pointed rostrum appears to be com- posed of modified jaws, which are straight, pointed, and form a beak. Ought not the enormous didactile arms, described as palpi, to be considered as antennae converted into pincers ? 2. ACTION ON MAN. The Acaropsis Mericowrti was noticed in a patient with an exanthematous eruption. Three indi- viduals were procured from pus which was discharged from the ear after inflammation of the auditory canal. They seemed to have lived in the pimples on the skin surrounded by a serous H. j * quid. Was the animal really developed in the pimple, or did it come from without ? It is extremely probable that it is a species of Acarus peculiar to this exanthema. CHAPTER III. THE DEMODEX. THE Demodex folliculorum, Owen, Acarus folliculorum, Simon (fig. 102), was discovered almost simultaneously by M. Grustave, Simon, and M. Henle, in 1842. M. Dujardin has studied it upon his own person, and M. Gruby carefully examined it in 1846. PAEASITIC INSECTS. 321 Fig. 102. Demodex. 1 1. DESCRIPTION. The Demodex folliculorum is one of the lowest organised of the Arachnida, and has a worm-like form. It mea- sures from T Q to yfs of an inch in length, and from jfo to ^ of an inch in breadth. The body is somewhat flat- tened, of a greyish white and semi-transparent; the head is confounded with the thorax, and forms an oblong cephalothorax; the rostrum is small, and is composed of two lateral palpi with a sucker placed between them. The last or terminal joint of the palpi appears to be notched ; above the sucker is a triangular lip formed by two slender pieces placed close together; the abdomen, which is small in the young animal, is elongated in the adult, and gradually narrows and terminates in a point ; it might be. compared to a long tail, and gives the animal a vermiform appearance. When the Demodex is in motion, its diminutive feet are moved alternately and with great quickness; they are aided by the palpi and the rostrum, as well as by the vermicular contractions of the abdomen. The feet are eight in number, and are placed at equal intervals ; they are short, conical, and composed of three joints, of which the last is pro- vided with three hooks, one long and two short. The young animal has only six feet ; these organs are remarkable for their shortness, scarcely reaching to the margin of the cephalothorax ; they appear to be quite rudimentary, especially when they are compared with those of the Sarcopti. When examined under a microscope with a high power, the body of the Demodex presents a number of minute granules, and some roundish uneven transparent corpuscles, which are possibly the eggs or the extremely young animals. The Demodex is oviparous. The eggs are very large in pro- portion to the size of the animal; they are elongated and somewhat pointed at the ends. (Lanquetin.) M. Tandon examined one, shortly before it was hatched, when the feet and rostrum of the young animal could be seen within it. 1 A, animal seen from the abdomen ; B, rostrum ; C, egg. T 322 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. Three principal forms of this Acarus have been observed : 1, the cephalothorax, equalling one-third of the length of the abdomen, which is soft, terminated by a rounded extremity, and marked by fine transverse lines this is probably the typical form ; 2, the cephalothorax, as long as the abdomen or nearly so; 3, the cephalothorax longer than the abdomen, and the latter terminating in a point. 2. ACTION ON MAN. The Demodex occurs in both sexes and at every age, excepting that of the young infant. M. Simon found them in the nose, and M. Henle in the external auditory canal. They appear to be very common, since out of every ten individuals they will be found in at least one or two. M. Gruby states that he met with them in forty persons out of sixty. The Demodex is found in the normal or dilated ducts of the sebaceous glands, particularly in those of the alse of the nose ; they also live in the follicles of the hairs of the nose, especially those which are distended by epithelial cells, or by the accumu- lation of fatty globules ; lastly, they are found in the follicles of the hairs of the face, lips, forehead, and cheeks. The animals are placed parallel to the axis of the follicle with their heads directed towards the base of the sac. Persons whose skins are greasy and those who have freckles seem to be most liable to them. These Arachnida generally live in small communities; as many as from fifteen to eighteen may be found in a single follicle. The Demodex is entangled in the midst of the fatty and sebaceous matter. These animals do not cause any diseased action. When they are numerous the skin swells and becomes red and wrinkled ; the mouths of the follicles are much dilated, and there is a considerable amount of itching. In order to procure these animals it is sufficient to squeeze the parts which are affected by them between the fingers, and then to examine the expressed matter beneath the microscope. [The addition of a drop of sweet oil to the small particle of sebaceous or fatty matter in which the Demodex is enclosed facilitates the finding of the animal, and serves to free it from the extraneous matter.] In the dead body, sections of the skin may be made in the direction of the length of the follicles. PAEASITIC INSECTS. 323 CHAPTER IV. SOME OTHEE SPECIES OF ACAEI. THE Dermanysus ofBory, Dermanyssus Boryi, Grerv. This species of Arachnida was observed on a lady forty years of age, and has been described and figured by Bory de Saint- Vincent. The lady was troubled with a slight itching on every part her of body ; this gradually increased, and at length became unbearable ; whenever she rubbed or scratched the parts which were most irritable, a number of little acari, hardly visible to the naked eye, came forth ; the largest was not half the size of a tobacco seed ; they were of a brownish colour, and ran about by thousands in every direction. Several of them, when placed in a box on a piece of muslin, lived from forty-eight to fifty hours. Did these animals really come from the body of the person ? Was it not the same in this case as in a similar one related by M. Simon of a woman at Berlin, whose skin appeared to produce a number of small acari? It was found that they were the common Dermanyssus, Avium, which the woman got every day in passing through a hen-house. 1 2. The Dermanyssus of Busk. Is the acarus described by M. Busk to be considered as another species of Dermanyssus which is peculiar to man ? This creature was found in some large sores on the soles of the feet of a black sailor. The patient appeared to have contracted the disease by wear- ing a pair of shoes which he had lent to another negro, whose feet were ulcerated in a similar manner. The latter was an inhabitant of Sierra Leone, a circumstance which is remarkable in conjunction with the fact that in some water which was brought from the river Sirrae, on the coast of Africa, one very nearly perfect specimen, and fragments of others very similar to, if not identical with, the one noticed in the negro's foot, were found. 2 3. EUTARSUS CANCEIFOEMIS. This arachnida was noticed by Dr. Hessling in 1852, in a case of plica polonica. The animal has a rounded cordiform shaped body, very obtuse, and, as it were, hollowed out in front. The feet are close together, and somewhat curved. 1 See page 296. 8 Kuchenmeister, opus cit, vol. ii p. 242. T 2 324 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. 4. C(ELOGOTATmjs MOESITANS. This species was also found by Dr. Hessling under the same circumstances as the preceding. The body is* rigid, and somewhat pointed anteriorly and posteriorly. The feet are arranged in two groups, like those of the Sarcoptus, and armed with small hairs. M. Hessling does not consider that either of these insects is peculiar to the disease, but that it merely afforded a favour- able locality for their development. We find, therefore, that it is especially amongst the Acari that we meet with the cuticular parasites. Messrs. Kirby and Spence have proposed to designate the diseases which these animals give rise to by the general name of Acariasis. BOOK VII. INTEENAL PAEASITES OE ENTOZOA. THE study of the External Parasites naturally leads to that of the Internal Parasites. The number of the latter animals is very considerable, if we associate with the true Parasites the animals which accidentally suck our blood or devour our organs, creatures which are sometimes 1 even more formidable than those that we are about to describe. The Internal Parasites, that is to say, the animals which live constantly at the expense of man, either when he is in health or in a state of disease, are not numerous, nor need they alarm us, for the disorders which they give rise to are not in general very severe. Thus, as it has been mentioned elsewhere, 2 it is one of the conditions of para- sitism that the animal upon which the parasite lives must not be destroyed by it. We have seen that children sometimes support thousands of worms, and yet they do not appear to be ill. It is true that in many cases the parasite does not so much attack the organism in which it is placed as its superabundant products. (Beneden.) In medical Natural History the term Entozoa is given to those parasites which live in the cavities or tissues of the body. Some writers have proposed to call them Entoparasites. ' Most of the Entozoa are born externally, and are only intro- duced in man's body at some determinate period of their existence. These animals may be divided into four series 1. INSECT ENTOZOA ; 2. CEUSTACEOTJS ENTOZOA ; 3. ENTOZOIC WOBMS ; 4. INFUSOEIAL ENTOZOA. 1 See p. 239. 8 See p. 242. PA.EA8ITIO INSECTS. 325 SECTION L INSECT ENTOZOA. (Estridea. VETERINARY surgeons and entomologists have long known that the ox, sheep, horse, dog, 107 ._ Trichoceptialus* is difficult to detect. "Wrisberg believed he had seen a small tube at this part, but neither Muller, Rudolphi, nor Bremser, was able to discover it. The anus is placed quite at the posterior extremity of the body. The digestive canal forms almost a straight line from the mouth to the anus. The esophagus occupies the capillary portion. It must necessarily be of extreme tenuity. The remainder of the canal appears to be somewhat thicker, and as if it were muscular. According to Meyer there is no distinct gastric enlargement. The Trickocephali are unisexual. The males (fig. 107, a) are shorter than the females ; the thick portion of their body is proportionately long, and is bent into a spiral form. The spermatic vessels are situated posteriorly, and after pursuing a very tortuous course terminate at the anal aperture. At that part there is a small, subcylindrical, elongated sheath, which forms a cup at its termination, is semi-transparent, and forms a case for the spiculum. The latter is single, filiform, pointed, and capable of being retracted. The females (107, b) are always straight ; never spiriform like the males. This cir- cumstance at first led B/oederer, Wagler, and Wrisberg to look upon the two sexes as two distinct species. Pallas discovered the male in the Trichocephalus of a lizard, and described it under a specific name (Toenia spiralis) ; he also thinking that the spiral form indicated a distinct species. The oviduct is 1 a, male ; b, female ; c, cephalic extremity with the terminal mouth ; d, caudal extremity of the male with generative sheath and its spiculum ; e, an egg. 350 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. placed around the alimentary canal, and opens at the junction of the capillary with the thicker portion of the body. The eggs (fig. 107, c) are large in proportion to the size of the animal ; they are elliptical, and terminated at each extrem- ity by a small rounded nodule ; the shell is strong. According to the recent observations of M. Davaine, the eggs are not hatched in the intestine of man ; they are always expelled in the same condition as when they were laid. M. Davaine has succeeded in developing the eggs in water. At the end of six months the segmentation of the yelk com- mences, and the embryo makes its appearance two months later. To a certain extent it possesses the form of the adult ; it is about the -j^g- of an inch in length. TRICHINA. MM. Kiichenmeister and Weiland think that the larva of the Trichocephalus is probably the small encysted entozoa discovered in 1835 1 by Prof. Owen in the dead body of an Italian, who died in St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and to which he gave the name of Trichina spiralis. All the volun- tary muscles of the body were observed to be covered with minute white spots. Upon examining these granulations, Prof. Owen found that they were oval, and each containing a small worm. He considered the worm to be a new species, which was not referable to any known genera. Several in- stances of its occurrence have since been recorded by different observers. [It has been found in England, Germany, and Denmark.] The cysts are of an elliptical figure, with the extremities more or less attenuated ; they are always more opaque than the in- termediate part of the cyst, which is in general sufficiently transparent to show that it contains a minute worm coiled up. The usual size of the cyst is -^ of an inch in the long diameter, an( J __ of an inch across their middle part. (Owen.) Each cyst consists of two layers ; the external is produced by the diseased- tissue, and is surrounded by a vascular net work, while the interior is formed by the worm itself. (Luscha.) The worm has no organic connection with the cyst ; sometimes two Trichina, rarely three, occur in the same cyst. By cutting off the extremity of the cyst, which may be done with a cataract needle or a fine knife, and gently pressing on the opposite ex- tremity, the Trichina and the granular secretion with which it is surrounded will escape ; and it frequently starts out as soon as the cyst is opened. When first extracted, the Trichina is 1 Tiedeman noticed similar vesicles as far back as 1822. PABASITIC WOEMS. 351 usually disposed in two or two and a half spiral coils ; when straightened out it measures -^ of an inch in length, and -^ of an inch in diameter, and now requires for its satisfactory examination a magnifying power of at least 200 linear measure- ment. 1 The worm is cylindrical and filiform, minutely annulated, terminating obtusely at both extremities, which are of unequal sizes, tapering towards one end for about one fourth part of its length, but continuing of uniform diameter from that point to the opposite extremity, which is trilabiate. At this part, which is the mouth, a minute papilla is seen to form from time to time, and then disappear. (Luseha.) The oesophagus is very long, and extends nearly half the length of the body, a circumstance which should be borne in mind on account of its analogy with the organization of the Trichoce- pJialus. ACTION ON MAN. The TricliocepJialus is far from uncom- mon. It is found in France, England, Egypt, Ethiopia, and more rarely in Italy. In twenty-nine individuals of both sexes and various ages, who died in Dublin of different diseases, Mr. Bellingham met with it twenty-six times ; in seventeen bodies Mr. Cooper, of Greenwich, found it eleven times ; and in eighty individuals who died of cholera at Naples, Dr Thibault found it in all of them. M. Davaine calculates that in Paris one person in two is attacked by it. These worms are sometimes found in considerable numbers. As many as ninety-two were taken from the coecum of a woman, who died from colliquative diarrhoea. (Lobstein.) Bel- lingham found one hundred and nineteen in one body, and Rudolphi even as many as one thousand. The Trichocephalus inhabits the coecum, or as far as the commencement of the colon. Werner assures us that he has obtained it from the lower part of the ilium. Its anterior extremity is usually buried in the mucous mem- brane of the intestine, while the remainder of its body appears free in the midst of the mucous secretion. The animal is very common in persons attacked with typhus fever, but it is also found in a great number of other diseases. It is moreover met with in persons who are in perfect health. Its presence does not produce any serious disturbance, unless they are present in krge numbers. The history of the Trichina has been fully cleared up by the 1 Kich^rd Owen, F.R.S., Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy of the Invertebrata, p. 94, 2nd edit., Lond. 1855. 352 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. researches of Virchow and Leuckart, 1 and there is no longer any question as to its being a distinct species of entozoon. On feeding rabbits with food containing Trichince, Virchow 2 found that in three or four weeks the animal became thin and weak, and died in the course of five or six weeks after taking the food which contained the entozoa. When the body of such an animal is examined, the muscles are found filled with thousands of Trichina, and there is no doubt that death has been produced by the progressive atrophy of the muscular system, owing to the migrations of the Trichinae. When food containing Trichinae is swallowed, the entozoa become liberated from the muscular tissue in which they are lodged in the stomach, and from thence make their way into the small intestines. On the third or fourth day sperm cells and eggs are found, and the sexes have become distinct. Soon afterwards the eggs are fecundated, and are developed in the body of the females. The young are expelled from the vaginal aperture situated on the anterior half of the worm. Virchow has found them under the form of minute Filaria in the mesenteric glands and in the serous cavities, particularly those of the peritoneum and the pericardium ; they appear to traverse the intestinal walls, in all probability by penetrating, like the Psorospermia, the epithelial cells of the intestine. Virchow has been unable to detect them in the blood or in the course of the circulation. As they continue their migrations they are found in the primitive muscular fasiculi, where they are met with in con- siderable numbers three weeks after the food has been taken, and have attained nearly the same size as those which had been enclosed in the flesh eaten by the animal. In order to be certain that the animal was not already in- fested by the Triehince, Virchow, on several occasions before feeding the animal, excised and examined a portion of the muscles of the back, and was unable to find a trace of the entozoa, where they were afterwards so plentiful. The Trichina penetrate the primitive muscular fasiculi in succession. Behind them the muscle becomes atrophied while an irritation is excited around them, and on the fifth week they commence to be encysted, the sarcolemma becomes thickened and a cyst is formed around them. Virchow prosecuted his experiments by means of the muscles of a woman who had died in the same manner as has been 1 Gottingen Nachrichten, April 30th, 1860, p. 135. a Annales des Sciences Nat., tome xiii., serie 4me, 1860, p. 109. PABASITIO WOBMS. 353 mentioned with regard to the rabbits, and whose body pre- sented no other lesion than the presence of innumerable Tri- chinas. What is most important, is the fact that these entozoa may exist even in fatal numbers, and yet not be visible to the naked eye. This was the case with the body of the female mentioned above ; it is only when the cyst is in a very ad- vanced state of cretification that they are visible to the naked eye, and this may not take place for months after the animals are first encysted. The patient had been under the care of Professor Zeucher, of Dresden, and had been brought from the country. On making inquiries in the locality from whence the woman had come, Professor Zeucher found that a pig had been killed con- taining Trichina, and that the hams and sausages which had been made from it contained a large number of these entozoa. The butcher who had killed the animal and several other persons had had rheumatic and typhoid symptoms of greater or less severity, but no other person besides Professor Zeucher's patient had died in consequence.] CHAPTER IV. THE ANCYLOSTOMUM. THE genus Ancylostomum l is allied to that of Strongylus, which will be noticed in the next chapter ; it is characterized by having its mouth provided with a corneous armature. This genus includes only a single species. 1. THE ANCYLOSTOMUM DUODENALE, Kuch., Ancylostoma duodenale, Dub., was discovered, in 1838, by Dr. Angelo Dubini, in the body of a young peasant in the hospital at Milan. Description (fig. 108). The body of these entozoa varies from about two and a half to rather more than four and a half lines in length; it is nearly straight or slightly curved, cylindrical, and transparent at the anterior part, yellow, reddish, or brown pos- teriorly, and marked in the central portion with a small dark spot, which corresponds to the commencement of the intestine. The mouth is circular, and consists of a large horny capsule, which is obliquely truncated, and is furnished at its upper part with four strong teeth in the form of hooks, which curve towards its centre ; on the inferior portion are four small conical pro- 1 "A7trv\os curved, and (rrj/to mouth. A A 354 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. jections, which are probably organs of touch. The oesophagus is clavate, and the stomach globular, and of a dark colour. The male is from two and a half to about four lines in length, narrowed an- teriorly, and with the caudal extremity curved. At this part there is a sac with a membranous cup-like appendage, pro- vided with eleven radiating processes, five of which are placed on either side, and one in the centre ; all these processes are simple, except the central, which is bifur- cated. The spiculum is long and double. The female is somewhat larger than the male, measuring from three to four and a half lines in length. One male is found to three females. M. Dubini once found a pair in coitu ; the male was firmly attached by means of his caudal membrane around the vulva of the female. 2. ACTION ON MAN. Since his first discovery of the Ancylostomum, Dr. Du- bini has met with it twenty times in one hundred bodies. MM. Pruner, Bilharz, and Griesinger, found it at Cairo, in Egypt, and M. Eschricht met with it in Iceland. The Ancylostomum inhabits the duo- denum and the commencement of the jejunum. The number of individuals is sometimes very considerable. The worm is firmly attached to the mucous membrane by means of its hooks. Where it fixes itself there is a slight echymosis about the size of a lentil, in the centre of which is a white spot perforated in the middle. It is said that these entozoa sometimes give rise to intestinal haemorrhages. M. Dubini believes that when numerous they may destroy the patient. [Upon the latter point there seems to be no doubt. Grie- singer states that from the wounds formed by the worms blood often freely enters the intestines, and that such a piece of in- 1 Female Ancylostomum. 1, natural size ; 2, highly magnified ; a. mouth ; b, anus ; c, common opening of the organs of excretion ; d, vulva ; the convolutions of the genital tube are seen in the interior of body. Fig. 108. Ancylostomum Duodo- nale. 1 PARASITIC WORMS. 355 testine may be entirely filled with blood, which has flowed out of the punctured places. One consequence of this disorder is anaemia, and the same writer concludes that the chlorosis, so generally diffused in Egypt, which he had previously described as the Egyptian chlorosis, and which in a greater or less degree attacks at least one fourth of the population, is pro- duced by this worm. In the milder form of the disorder, there is paleness of the general integument and mucous membrane, palpitation of the heart, quick pulse, slight bodily lassitude without emaciation, and occasionally slight disturbances of the digestion (G-astro enteritis) occur. If this condition remains uncured for a long time it passes through many intermediate steps to the higher degree of the disorder, which closes as chlorotic marasmus. The disease often lasts for years, but in many cases its progress is very acute. Even with great care the individuals remain pallid, sickly, and miserable ; slight acute diseases, which make their appearance, are very serious, and at last dysentery carries off the patient. Only occasionally a patient recovers by a change of climate and all other conditions of life. Fatiguing labour and debilitating antiphlogistic treatment hasten the end. Or the patients die from diarrhaea general dropsy with- out albumen in the urine, &c., in spite of all the iron and wine.] l CHAPTER V. STRONGYLUS. THE genus Strongyht* was founded in 1788 by Otto Frederick Miiller in his Zoologia Danica. The characters of the Strongyli are as follows: The body elongated, cylindrical, and attenuated posteriorly ; the mouth has six tubercles ; the tail is simple in the female, but in the male it terminates in a cup, in the centre of which is the double penis. Lamark considers these animals as the most highly organized of the entozoa. The type of the genus was the species which is found in the horse, tne StrongylvA equinus of Miiller, or Strong yliis armatus of Kudolphi. 1 [Kiichenmeister, Opus cit, vol. i. pp. 386-387.] a s, cylindrical. A A 2 356 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. 1. THE STRONGYLUS or THE KIDNEY, Strongylus renalis, Strongylus gigas, Rud., Eustrongylus gigas, Dies., has been long known. Grmelin regarded it as an Ascaris, and made two species of it. Rudolphi recognized that the parasite belonged to the genus Strongylus of Miiller. Description. Strongylus renalis (fig. 109) varies in length from six to thirty-two inches ; it is said that it may even attain to the length of six feet ; its thickness is equal to that of a large quill, occasionally it is equal to the diameter of the little finger. Cuvier considered it was the most volumi- nous of all the intestinal worms. It is, in fact, the giant of the cylindrical entozoa. Bremser speaks of a Strongylus from the martin which was thirty-two inches in length; this was probably a different species. But if the kidneys of this small mammal could sustain a worm of such a size, there would be nothing surprising in finding one three feet long in the human subject. [A worm one foot eight inches in length, occupying the entire capsule of the left kidney, whose parenchyma was entirely de- stroyed by it, is in the Museum of the B/oyal College of Surgeons (No. 177a).] The body of the Strongylus renalis is cylindrical, and only very slightly attenuated at the two extremities ; the surface is smooth, and obscurely annulated. Bremser was not able to perceive the rings. "When alive it is of a reddish hue, either of a rose tint or of a more or less intense brick red colour. Some are of a blood red colour, but this tint is soon lost when the animal is placed in spirits of wine. The Strongylus renalis has no cephalic enlargement. The anterior extremity (fig. 110, a) is obtuse, and, as it were, truncated. ^ ^ is P^ced in its centre ; it is cir- cular, and surrounded by six tubercles. The alimentary canal is straight, and more or less striated transversely. Numerous filaments connect it to the subcuta- PARASITIC WO EMS. 357 neous muscular layer. The anus is situated at the extremity of the tail. The nervous system consists of a single nerve, of a dead white colour, passing along the ventral surface from the anterior to the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ posterior extremity; it is provided ^^^ with a series of ganglions, from rig. 110. titronqylus. 1 , . , i. r n^ which a number ot nervous fila- ments are distributed to the neighbouring parts. The Strongylus renalis is unisexual. The males (fig. 109) are smaller than the females. The dilated portions of their caudal extremity (fig. 110, b) has the form of a sucker, with a smooth even margin; in the centre is a projecting vesicle, from which a long double filiform penis emerges in the shape of two rigid and pointed threads. The female has no caudal dilatation; the tail is simply obtuse and slightly curved; the genital orifice is placed in front of the centre of the body ; the ovary is single, and has the form of a tube of considerable length ; it is estimated to be three or four times as long as the body. [It commences by an obtuse blind extremity close to the anal extremity of the body, and is firmly attached to the termination of the intestine ; it passes first in a straight line to the anterior extremity of the body, and when arrived within a short distance from the vulva is again attached to the parietes of the body, and makes a sudden turn backwards; it then forms two long loops about the middle of the body and returns again forwards, suddenly dilating into a uterus, which is three inches in length, and from the anterior extremity of which a slender cylindrical tube or vagina, about an inch in length, is continued, which, after forming a small convolution, terminates in the vulva at the distance of two inches from the anterior extremity of the body.] 2 This species has not been seen in coitu, but in a neigh- bouring species the sucker of the male was firmly applied against the female, and the two animals adhered strongly together. SECOND SPECIES. M. Diesing has described another species, under the name of Strongylus longevaginatus. 1 a, cephalic extremity, showing the six tubercles ; b, caudal extremity of the male with its pouch and the principal spiculum or penis. 9 Richard Owen, opus cit, p. 108; and Art. Entozoa, Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. ii. 1837. 858 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. This was found in 1845, in Transylvania, by Dr. Jovistis. The body is nearly even throughout its length, straight, and of a brownish white colour. The cephalic extremity is conical and truncated. The mouth is provided with six papilla?. The male is from -^ to T % of an inch in length, and -^ of an inch in breadth ; it is slightly attenuated anteriorly ; the tail is bent, and is provided with a subcampanulated bilobed pouch, each lobe consisting of three rays. There is only one filiform penis ; its sheath is composed of two long slender pieces with fine transverse stria?, and is of an orange colour. The female is two inches in length, and -fa of an inch in thick- ness ; it is attenuated anteriorly and posteriorly. The genital orifice is placed beneath the end of the tail. The Strongylus longevaginatus is ovoviviparous. The distinction between this species and the Strongylus renalis is very marked, so that M. Diesing has no hesitation in making these worms the types of two distinct genera. The first, Emtrongylus, contains the Strongylus renalis ; the second, Strongylus, applies to the Strongylus longevaginatus. The two genera are principally distinguished by the evenness of the male pouch and its having a double penis in the first, while it is bilobed and has only a single penis contained in a divided sheath in the second. 3. ACTION ON MAN. The Strongylus renalis, as its name implies, is found in the kidney. It is also found in the cellular tissue surrounding the kidney, and possibly in the midst of the neighbouring muscles. It is sometimes discharged with the urine, but that only happens with the young worm. Bremser has figured some small filiform worms, f of an inch in length, which had been expelled with the urine. He supposes, with reason, that they were imperfectly developed Strongyli. Dr. Artaud had a female under his care who discharged eleven of these worms through the urethra, and yet she con- tinued to live. The Strongylus of which he speaks often shows itself only in one kidney, the other remaining uninjured. It enlarges, becomes folded upon itself, causes the organ to swell and to become inflamed; it gradually destroys its substance and paralyses its functions, giving rise to the most frightful sufferings. Strongylus longevaginatus was met with in the lung of a child six years old, in whom there were several, some free, others adherent to the substance of the lung. .PABASITIC WOBMS. 350 CHAPTER VI. SPIBOPTEBA, THE genus Spiroptera established by Rudolphi is principally characterised by the tail of the male being twisted into a spiral form, and furnished with marginal appendages, between wnich the penis emerges. This genus comprises a large number of species which live in the bodies of the mammalia and of birds, and some few in those of fishes. M. Diesing enumerates fifty-eight species; only one of these has been found in man. 1. SPIBOPTEBA HOMINIS. This worm was discovered by Dr. Barnett, of London. Rudolphi gave it the name of Spirop- tera Ho minis, which has been adopted by MM. Dujardin and Diesing. Description. The Spiroptera is from eight to ten lines in length ; the body is narrow, cylindrical, and attenuated at both extremities. The head is truncated, and provided with one or two papillae. The tail in the male is provided on either side with a delicate membranous aliform expansion, between which is the spiculum, in the form of a pointed appendage ; the tail of the female is thicker, and has a short obtuse apex. The two sexes differ in length, the male being the smallest ; it is about eight lines in length, while the female is as much as ten. This entozoon is still imperfectly known. Dr. Brighton dis- covered a similar but larger animal in South America. M. Diesing regards it as a variety of Dr. Barnett's entozoon. ACTION ON MAN. The Spiroptera was discharged from the bladder of a female twenty-four years of age, who had been troubled for some time with retention of urine. Dr. Lanza and Lucarelli have since found this worm in the urine of another female. The larger variety from South America was discovered in the bladder of a female aged thirty-five. CHAPTER VII. TILABIA. 1. HISTOBT. The Filaria Medinensis has been known from the earliest times. The first person who appears to have mentioned it is Agartharchides, an historian and philosopher, born at Cnidus, and who lived between 140 and 150 years, B.C., at the time of Ptolemus Alexander. 360 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. Plutarch speaks of this entozoon in his Table Talk, where he says, " The people who live near the Red Sea are tormented by an extraordinary and hitherto unheard-of disease. Small worms issue from their bodies in the form of serpents, which gnaw their arms and legs ; when these creatures are touched they withdraw themselves, and insinuating themselves between the muscles give rise to horrible sufferings." Many medical men, who have not had the opportunity of examining the Filaria medinensis for themselves, and are only acquainted with it through the imperfect descriptions of the older writers, have put forward the most extravagant statements concerning this worm. Soranus maintains that it is a diseased nervous plexus ; Pollux says it is a corrupted nerve ; Ambroise Pare regards it as a tumour produced by an ebullition of the blood ; Gui de Chauliac sees in it a thickening of a vein ; Fragantius, a portion of Hack bile ; Bicherand, a fibrous concretion; J. D. Larrey, a quantity of atrophied cellular tissue. In 1752, Henri Grallandat gave some correct ideas concerning this worm; in 1830, Dr. Brulatour; in 1844, Dr. Maisson- neuve ; in 1858, Dr. Cezilly ; and recently, Dr. Thibaut and Dr. Benoit published minute details on the same subject. Lin- na3us placed this Helmintha in his genus Gordius. Muller having proposed the genus Filaria 1 for the reception of certain entozoa, the present worm has since been arranged in that group. The Filaria Medinensis, or Dracunculus? occurs in Arabia Petra, Senegal, Congo, on the coasts of Angola, in India, and America. It is exceedingly rare in Europe, and when it does occur it has been imported from one of the countries of which it is a native. 2. DESCEIPTIOK. The Filaria medinensis has a very simple organization. The animal varies much in length ; some have been mentioned which were not more than 4^ inches long, while Dr. Giutrac, of Bordeaux, received one from the Havannah which measured 19^ inches. Heath states that out of seventy- four cases the smallest had this length, while the longest 1 Filum, a thread, orfilarium, a ball of thread. 2 Filaria Medinensis, Gmel. (Gordius Medinensis, Linn., Filaria Dracun- culus, Brems.), commonly Worm of Medina, Guinea Worm, Worm of Senegal, Cutaneous Worm. It was the Aptutovrtov of the Greeks, a name which the Komans translated by the word Dracuncvlus, and the French by Dragon- neau. Amatus Lusitanus named it Vene mitena; Sloane, Vena Medini; and Kampfer, Dracunculus Persarum. It is called in Senegal, Soungouf; in Arabia, Farentit; in Persia, Pejunch ; in India, Narambo and Narampoo- Chalandy. PARASITIC WOBMS. 361 measured 8 feet. Some writers have recorded the existence of Eilaria which had attained the length of from 9| to 16 and even 30 feet. The latter measurements are evidently exaggerated. The body of this entozoon is slender, cylindrical, and some- what compressed ; it resembles the string of a violin. It is of the same thickness throughout its whole length, except at the pos- terior extremity, where it is somewhat attenuated. It is of an opaque milk-white colour, but becomes yellow when placed in alcohol. (E-udolphi.) On each side there is a longitudinal, greyish, semi-transparent line the j- 1 ^ of an inch in diameter. (Maisonneuve.) When examined by the microscope, the body of the animal is seen to be marked by numerous transverse lines. The anterior or cephalic extremity terminates in a bluntish. point having the form of a sucker. Kampfer describes thia pucker as a proboscis ; he says that the Persians call it the beard, and that when it is examined by the microscope it appears to be formed of hairs. According to Fermin, Hemersand, and Lachmund, the oral extremity supports two filaments which these writers regard as hairs or antennas. Bremser observes that these pretended filaments probably arise from some injury to the animal. May they not have mistaken the tail for the head, and the double penis for two antennae ? Adanson states that the mouth of the Filaria is provided with two obtuse points. M. Diesing describes this orifice as circular, and furnished with four spinules arranged crosswise. M. Maison- neuve declares that there are neither beard, points, or hooks. In the young animals (fig. Ill, a) which M. Tandon examined while alive with M. Ch. Kobin, the mouth did not offer any kind of appendage, but was provided with three small rounded nodules. The tail is short, obtuse, and always curved. The transverse markings are very distinct, especially on the concave side. According to Dr. Maisonneuve the body may be compared to a tube with thickish walls (about T -Jo of an inch), consisting of two membranes, the external hard and coriaceous, the internal thin, and readily separating into very delicate longitudinal filaments, but not easily torn in the transverse direction, In the interior of the body there is no canal or any distinct tube, but a whitish pulpy substance, which will be spoken of presently. Analogy would lead to the notion that this creature is organised with respect to its digestive organs in the same manner as all the internal worms, especially those which are 362 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. allied to it. On examining with M. Ch. Robin, young indivi- duals taken from the body of the parent while they were still alive, M. Tandon satisfied himself of the correctness of this; supposition. He distinctly saw the alimentary canal commenc- ing at the mouth, and passing without any convolutions to the anal orifice placed at the commencement of the tail. This canal consists of a narrow oesophagus, occupying half the length of the body. The oesophagus terminates in a canal of double its size, representing the stomach and intestines; this is slightly contracted posteriorly, and terminates in a pointed conical cul de sac, which opens at the base of the tail. When the Filaria contracts itself, the alimentary canal is seen to be unadherent to the cutaneous envelope ; its walls are thinner than those of the oesophagus ; the anus is transverse, and sur- rounded by a projecting contractile lip. Dr. Dariste and Doumeing have witnessed very distinct vermicular movements in the Filaria. Patients are said to feel the movements of the animal, which cause them considerable pain. M. Malgaigne has noticed that if the animal is drawn out and becomes broken off, that it suddenly retracts itself within the limb. He therefore observes that in order to extract the animal without difficulty it must be killed by means of some application. The Filaria medinensis is ovoviviparous and very prolific. (Jacobson, Eobin.) When the body of an adult specimen is opened it is seen to contain the pulpy matter which has already been referred to ; this substance, when examined by the microscope, presents, according to M. Guitrar, a multitude of transparent elongated depressed bodies, partly folded upon themselves, and which this gentleman regards as small unbranched vessels. M. Jacob- son has seen these transparent bodies moving rapidly about, and has recognised in them a prodigious number of small active worms. MM. Mac Clelland, Ch. Eobin, and Benoit, have confirmed this view of them. It appears that after the Filaria has been fecundated, that the excessive development of the generative organs, the exclusion of the eggs, and the growth of young, ultimately obliterate the alimentary canal, already singularly contracted in so slender an animal, and that the individual henceforth becomes converted into a thread-like sac filled with diminutive worms. When examined in the interior of the mother, the young (fig. Ill, A) are rolled up sometimes with the tail projecting,, and at other times coiled up. The body (fig. Ill, E) is not PARASITIC WORMS. 363 cylindrical, but flattened, Just before the period of birth the body is the ^Vo of an i^ in length, and the ToW m diameter. Its anterior extremity is somewhat nar- rowed, and terminates in a mouth provided with three tubercles (fig. Ill, a). The anus (fig. Ill, B and b) is situated about the posterior fourth of the body, where there is a slight enlargement. Prom this part the body suddenly contracts, and forms a very slender and very pointed tail. The tail is YoVo of an inch in length, not curved, somewhat rigid, but capable of being bent in every direction ; there is a marked dif- ference between it and that of the adult animal ; it bends abruptly opposite the anus after death. The surface of the body is finely ridged over the whole of its surface. These traces of segmentation are situated at regular distances from each other. The young worms will live for some days in water at the ordinary temperature. (Jacobson, Maissonneuve.) They move about in it with great rapidity. They may be left in a drop of water until it dries up so as to deprive them of motion, and they will subsequently recover their activity upon the addition of fresh water/six or twelve hours after their desiccation. (Deville, Robin.) In order that the experiment should succeed, it is necessary that the desiccation should be incomplete : when they have been rendered absolutely dry, they do not recover their vitality. 3. OTHEB SPECIES. Some writers have described three other species of Filaria living in man. These are : 1st. Filaria oculi (F. lachrymalis of some writers), which is not uncommon in the negroes on the Angola coast, where it is called Loa ; it is also met with at Guadeloupe ; it has been seen by Mongin at Cayenne, and by Blot at Martinique. This entozoon is from 1 inch and -fa to 1 inch and T 9 ^ in length, filiform, slender, pointed at one end, and obtuse at the other ; it is tolerably firm, and of a white or yellowish colour. 1 Young Filaria Medinensts.A, individual coiled up, as seen in the body of its parent ; B, the same uncoiled in a drop of water ; a, the head, with its three nodules and the mouth ; b, the commencement of the tail and the anus. Fig. 111. Filaria, 1 364 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. M. Gruyon approximates this animal to the Strongylus ; others consider it is a young Filaria medmensis. 2. The Filaria lentis, Dies. (M oculi kimani, Nordm.), noticed by M. Nordmann, in 1831. This species is from -^ to T 6 ^ of an inch in length, and the -g-i-o in width. The body is filiform, thickened posteriorly, and provided with a pointed tail ; it is transparent and partly coiled up in a spiral form. The alimentary canal may be seen through the integument, and is surrounded by the folds of the oviduct. This animal is very imperfectly known ; only the female has been seen. Is this species to be considered as really distinct from the preceding ? 3. Filaria lympliatica (Hamularia lymphatica, Treutl., Ten- tacularia subcompressa, Zeder, Trickosoma subcompressa, Biid., Filaria bronchialis, Dies.). This species was discovered in 1790, by Treutler, who formed a new genus for its reception, under the name of Hamularia, characterized by the presence of two. filamentary tentacula or oral hooks. Further observations have shown that in this case the tail was mistaken for the head, and the double male organ for appendages belonging to the mouth ; the new genus was therefore suppressed and the worm trans- ferred to the Filaria. This worm is from ^f to -J-J of an inch in length ; it is cylin- drical, filiform, slightly narrowed anteriorly, somewhat com- pressed at the sides, semi-transparent posteriorly, and of a blackish-brown colour with white spots. After it is dead the extremities are somewhat curved. The male possesses a double penis, which resembles a pair of slightly curved pointed booklets. According to M. Weinland this species does not differ from the Strongylus longevaginatus. 4. ACTION ON MAN. The negroes are often tormented with the Filaria Medinensis ; and Europeans who visit India are equally liable to its attacks. M'Gregor relates that an English regiment arrived at Bombay in the month of September, 1789 ; at that time not one of these men was attacked by the worms, but at the period of the monsoons 300 soldiers were ill with it. It has already been stated, that where the worm has been met with in Europe, the individuals had always come from the countries inhabited by the worm. Dr. Brulator met with two cases at Bordeaux ; both the patients had come from Bombay : the same was the case with a patient of Dr. Thibaut; Dr. PARASITIC WOBMS. 865 Maisonneuve noticed it in an old soldier who had resided at Senegal ; Professor Malgaigne in a sailor under similar circum- stances. Kaempfer has recorded the case of a man who was attacked with the worm long after he had returned from the coast of Africa, and who, up to that time, had never had the slightest symptom of the complaint. The Filaria Aledinensis lodges beneath the skin in the cellular tissue, and sometimes between the muscles. It most frequently selects some part of the lower extremities, such as the foot or leg, and works its way upwards towards the thigh. Ka3mpfer extracted two of these worms from the scrotum. Baillie has seen it in the testicle. The worm is also found, but more rarely, in the arm, elbow, neck, or even the head. Carter noticed it in the chin of a woman. M. Clot-bey met with it in the frenum of the tongue. In one of the plates belonging to the Voyage aux Indes orientales of Jean Hugens (Theodore de Bry's edition) is the representation of an Indian having a Filaria extracted from the leg by winding it round a stick, and another in whom it is being removed from the eye 1 by the same means. According to Dr. Cezilly, in Senegal, the Filaria is frequently developed in the parietes of the chest, principally upon the ribs. He once saw it in the mammary gland. Are we to admit, with Nysander, that the Guinea worm can introduce itself into the bones ? Out of 181 cases published by M'Gregor, the worm oc- curred 134 times in the feet, 33 times in the legs, 11 times in the thighs, 2 in the scrotum, and once in the hand. The worm has never been found in the visceral cavities. The Filaria Medinensis sometimes occurs singly, while at other times there are several of them. Heath noticed that out of 74 patients several had as many as two, three, four, or even five. Bosmann says they may amount to as many as nine or ten. Arthus mentions a case in which there were twelve. Chapotin treated a patient who had thirteen. Andry cites a case of twenty-three. Hemersand saw thirty in the cook of a vessel. Pouppee-Desportes mentions a case in which he counted fifty. The Guinea worm having gained an entrance into the body, takes a long time to become developed. This period varies from two months to a year or more. M. Maisonneuve men- tions an incubation of six months ; M. Ficipio one of eight ; M. Thibaut another of eight and a half; MM. Labat and 1 Is this the same, or is it not rather the Filaria oculis or F. lentit ? 366 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. Bernier mention a case in which this period extended over fifteen months ; and M. Cezilly has recorded cases in which two, nine, ten, fifteen, and sixteen months elapsed. Ksempfer speaks of a case in which two years had passed by. The presence of the Filaria is announced by a sensation of itching in the part ; at first this is slight, but it gradually in- creases until it becomes quite unbearable. The part affected resembles a varicose vein, and can be moved under the skin. This kind of subcutaneous knot gradually extends, and the pain becomes excruciating. Eor the greater part of the time there is no derangement of the general health, but sometimes there are shiverings alternating with attacks of heat. At other times there is fever and a feeling of anxiety. A small abscess forms, which is often pointed, and terminated by a vesicle or by a black point surrounded by a brownish areola. When it opens a kind of serous liquid, or sometimes a small quantity of pus, comes out, and occasionally a white slender thread. The tumour may be transformed into a diffuse inflammation, but this seldom happens. Is the presence of the Filaria ever fatal ? The cases which have been mentioned are rare, and, at the same time, inconclu- sive. Grallandat mentions the case of a negro who was attacked in the scrotum, and Clarke of a child who had Filarice in the right thigh and foot. Both these cases are imperfect, and it does not appear that death was caused by the worms. (Cezilly.) . The Filaria oculis resides in the lachrymal gland and in the globe of the eye. In 1768, Bajon extracted one of these worms from the eye of a young negress about six or seven years of age. Dr. Gruyon extracted another from the eye of a negress in Guinea. The worm is seen winding about and moving around the globe of the eye, in the cellular tissue which unites the con- junctiva with the sclerotic. Sometimes its presence does not occasion any disagreeable sensation (Bajon) ; while at other times it causes very acute pain (Mongin). Occasionally it is accompanied by a constant watering of the eye. The Filaria of the crystalline lens, as its name implies, is found in that part of the eye. It was found for the first time by M. Grsefe, after an operation for cataract in the liquor of Morgagni. M. Normann detected two Filarice coiled up together, by means of the microscope, half an hour after the operation. The following year the same observer met with another Filaria in a crystalline lens which had become opaque, and had been extracted by professor Jiingken. Lastly, PARASITIC WORMS; 307 M. Gescheidt, of Dresden, obtained it from the crystalline lens of a man sixty-one years of age, who had been operated on by Professor Ammon ; there were three specimens of the worm, of which one was coiled up in a spiral form. The Filaria lymphatica occurs in the bronchial glands. It was found in the body of a man aged twenty-eight, who died from phthisis, brought on by onanism, venereal excesses, and mercurial medicines. 5. GENERAL REMARKS. How do the Filarice introduce themselves into the human body ? Valmont de Bomare pretends that the Guinea worm is pro- duced by an insect which introduces its eggs beneath the skin. Dr. Chisalm also supposes that this Filaria is introduced in the form of an egg. It has been shown that this animal ia ovo viviparous. MM. Maisonneuve and Deville, when examining a furuncu- lous tumour produced by a Filaria, found in some a whitish looking fluid which came from thousands of small living worms, precisely resembling those which have been previously de- scribed. The young Filarice are therefore deposited in the part inhabited by their parents ; there they become developed, and thus render the disease more dangerous and more prolonged. But from whence do these worms come, and how do they gain access to the individual in whom they appear for the first time? The resemblance of the Guinea worm to the Gordius aquations or hair worm of our ponds and rivers led Meyer to suppose that the entozoon was the latter animal which had penetrated the cellular tissue. This opinion has been recently revived by Dr. Cezilly. Linnaeus had, however, already distinctly denned the two species, although he placed them in the same genus. This illustrious naturalist nevertheless supposed that the Filaria normally lived out of man's body in the morning dew, and that it introduced itself parasitically into the naked legs of the slaves. 1 This explanation is rendered extremely probable from what we know of the habits of the Gordim aquaticus, of several other species, and of the Mermis, which constitutes a closely allied genus. It is well known that these animala are erratic worms which reside in water or moist earth, that they afterwards introduce themselves into the body of an in- sect, where they undergo a certain amount of development, that they then emerge from the body of their victim, copulate, and 1 This is also the opinion of Joerdens, Chapotin, Leath, Ilcat, Oken, &c. 368 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. return into the water or into moist earth [where they deposit their eggs]. Dr. Carter believes that the Guinea worm is an inhabitant of marshes, and that it enters the body by penetrating the skin. He relates the case of a school at Bombay, of which the pupils went to bathe in a pond in the neighbourhood : out of fifty children twenty-one were attacked by the Guinea worm some of them had as many as four or five. In confirmation of this view may be adduced the case of the negroes, who, being in the habit of entering the water more frequently than the whites, and generally having their feet naked, are far more subject to the attacks of the worm than Europeans. It is difficult to explain how the young worms can penetrate the skin, since they have neither jaws, mandibles, or osseous pieces attached to the mouth. Some have supposed that the Guinea worm is taken into the body with the drink. 1 The larvaB are swallowed when the brackish waters of certain rivers are drank. Dr. Cezilly rejects this explanation on account of the absence of the worm in the visceral cavities, and because of their being constantly found in the subcutaneous cellular tissue ; there are, however, other worms which enter the body by means of the digestive organs, but which do not reside in them. CHAPTER VIIL THECOSOMA. THE existence of entozoa in the blood was long doubted, but in the present day it can no longer be questioned. These worms are even somewhat numerous, when considered in rela- tion to the entire animal series. They are found both in the Warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals, 2 and belong to genera which differ essentially from each other. These parasites are collectively termed the Hcematozoa, or Sanguicola? Amongst these parasites, the genus which forms the subject of the present chapter is one of the most curious. The animal which is the type of it was found in Egypt in 1851, by Dr. Bilharz, who regarded it as a species of Distoma. M. Weinland has formed a special genus of it, founded principally upon its unisexual character, and on the extraordinary difference which 1 Burckhardt, Bilharz. * They have been seen in the dog, rat, field mouse, horse, dolphin, seal, crow, rook, heron, lizard, frog, pike, tench, gudgeon, &c. 3 Under this term are included the Helmintha and Infusoria. PARASITIC WORMS. 369 exists between the male and the female. He gave the new genus the name of Schistozoma, a term which had been pre- viously applied by Greof. St.-Hilaire to a particular form of monster. M. Tandon therefore proposed for it the name of Tkecosoma. 1 1. THECOSOMA HJEMATOBIUM, Distoma Tiamatooium, Bilh. Dr. Bilharz first discovered the male of this curious species, and three months afterwards the female. The two sexes are so dissimilar, both as regards size and form, that they may easily be regarded as two distinct animals. The male carries the female in a kind of canal under its belly. Description. The male Thecosoma is from j% to -^ of au inch in length. It is soft, smooth, and of a white colour ; the anterior part (trunk) is depressed, and lancet-shaped; it is somewhat convex above, and plane or concave below ; the pos- terior part (tail) is round and eight or nine times longer than the trunk. In front of the cephalic portion is a kind of cup, placed somewhat inferiorly, and of a triangular form. Beneath the body is another cup, of the same size as the pre- ceding, but of a circular form. These two cups are covered with fine granules. The alimentary canal appears to be divided into two portions. Commencing from the vicinity of the cup, on the under sur- face of the abdomen, is a longitudinal groove, in which the female is lodged, like a sword in its sheath ; the cephalic portion is placed anteriorly, and the tail posteriorly, the latter being free. The genital pore of the male is situated between the groove and the tail. The female is much smaller than the male, especially with regard to its thickness, it being very slender, and somewhat transparent. The body is flattened, and does not consist of two distinct portions, like that of the male ; its tail has no groove. M. Taiidon believes that the sexes have been mistaken, and that it is the female which is the largest, and carries the male on the under surface of her abdomen. The presence of the two cups, or depressions, indicates its alliance with the genus Distoma. 2. ACTION ON MAN. The Thecosoma inhabits the vena porta), and the mesenteric, hepatic, and intestinal veins. The worm is by no means uncommon, since out of 363 autopsies, Dr. Griesinger met with it 117 times. It occurs most fre- quently from June to August, and is scarcest from September to January. 1 erj/cTJ a case, and (tupa a body. i; B 370 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER IX. TLUKES. ETEET medical man is familiar with the name of the liver Fluke, but few have had the opportunity of seeing it. Linnaeus at iirst regarded the Fluke as a Slug, while Goeze considered it to be a Planaria. In the Systema Naturce the great Swedish naturalist created the genus Fasciola 1 for the recep- tion of this entozoon and two other parasites, which are found in fish and in the calamary. He, however, confounded the human Fluke with that of animals Clericus and Doeveren showed that the human Fluke was different to that of the mammalia. Gmelin adopted this separation. Subsequently Retz (1786) and Zeder (1800) needlessly changed the name of Pasciola for that of Distoma. 2 1. LIVER FLUKE [Distoma hepaticum'], Fasciola Jiepatica, Linn., 3 is found in France. According to Moulin it is not un- common in Holland, Sweden, Norway, and even in Greenland. Description (fig. 112). The liver Fluke is from -5^ to ^ of an inch in length, rarely exceeding the latter measurement ; its breadth varies from -^ to -^ of an inch. The body is flat, oval, and somewhat oblong, more contracted anteriorly than posteriorly, and obtuse at its terminations ; the margins of the body are exceedingly narrow. Lin- na3us compares the animal to a pumpkin seed, Bremser to the blade of a lancet, and Cuvier to a small leaf. It is of a soft con- sistence, and of a greyish livid brown colour. The body is capable of contracting and ex- tending itself either partially or in its entire Fig. 112. Fluke, length, much after the manner of a leech, but with greater energy and regularity. The anterior part of the Fluke is contracted, and forms a kind of cylindrical neck, which is paler than the rest of its body, 1 Fasciola, a band. 3 This denomination is, moreover, incorrect, for these worms have not two mouths. F. Muller (1787) very properly restored the Linnaean name. 3 Fasciola hominis, Gmel., Distoma hepatica, Ketz., D. hepaticum, Abilg. [It is the Distoma hepaticum of English authors, a name which has also been retained by Kuchenmeister in his Manual of Animal and Vegetable Parasites], PARASITIC WOBMS. 371 and often of a yellowish white colour. At the anterior extre- mity is a cup-like depression (acetabulum) , directed obliquely downwards, and having a somewhat triangular form. Within this depression is the oral aperture. Towards the anterior third of the ventral surface, is another depression (fig. 112, a), whose position varies somewhat ; several writers have supposed that this was also perforated. According to some it was a second sucker, while others considered it was either the anus, or the aperture of the female organs. Linnaeus described the two cups as pores ; this opinion has been adopted by those helmintholo- gists who either proposed or accepted the inappropriate term of Distoma. Observation has shown that the second depression is not furnished with any opening, but is a shallow sub-triangular sucker, by means of which the animal attaches itself. Somewhat further back are some white opaque spots, and a fasciculus of vessels or tubes of a brown colour. The body of the Distoma has no visceral cavity ; it is a small parenchymatous mass, without any apparent muscular fibres, and is covered with a fine closely adherent skin. From the oral sucker an (esophagus passes off, which soon divides into two slender branches, which descend on either side of the abdominal cup. These branches approach each other, and communicate by a system of transverse vessels, and are then continued to the posterior extremity of the body. In their course the canals give off a number of branches from their exterior, which subdivide and terminate near the margins of the animal ; these branches are placed at an equal distance from the two surfaces of the body, and, what is remarkable, the ter- minal divisions are of nearly the same diameter as those which are first given off. Deslongchamps regarded the whole of this apparatus as a ramified intestine; it is rather a branching stomach, analogous to that of the small leeches, which are para- sitic upon the mollusca. There are as many branches as there are subdivisions, and an extremely delicate network of minute vessels are sent off, which ramify principally over the dorsal surface of the animal. These minute vessels communicate in the manner of veins, and give rise to a number of transverse branches, which communicate with a longitudinal vessel situated in the median line. The latter, which is of a large size, is regarded as an urinary apparatus ; it commences opposite the abdominal sucker, passes beneath the skin, and enlarges in its course to the posterior extremity of the body, where it termi- nates in an open orifice. The bile forms the exclusive nourishment of the Distoma. B B 2 372 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. This entozoon is androgynous ; MM. Mehlis and Blanchard have well described its double genital apparatus. A little in front of the abdominal sucker is a small elongated appendage (fig. 1.12, a), twisted once or once and a half times upon itself, and capable of being retracted ; this is the penis, which has been mistaken by some naturalists for a tentacle or cirrhus. Its base communicates with a pouch, which serves it as a case when it is retracted (receptacle of the cirrhus, Rudolphi). Passing backwards from the pouch is a straight canal, placed near the middle of the animal, which terminates in an oval seminal vesicle, filled with a white semifluid humour. A semi- nal duct, which is common to all the branches, secreting the white fluid, terminates at the posterior part of the vesicle. To the right and left of the vesicle there are also some after branches belonging to the testicle. More externally are two long canals communicating with the sheath of the penis ; these are probably deferent canals or accessory ducts of the testicles. Except at the period of reproduction, only a small opening is seen at the part which is occupied by the penis. The opening of the female organs is close to, and behind the base of, the male organ. According to Deslongchamps, it is difficult to perceive the opening, especially in the adult. The vulva communicates with an oviduct, which is at first situated in the median line, is slender and tortuous, but afterwards increases in thickness, becomes twisted, and forms several enlargements, which pass from right to left; it then again becomes slender, and placed in the median line, and reaches an oval cavity, which is possibly the uterus ; from behind this there passes off to the right and to the left two slender horizontal canals ; these soon divide into two portions, one of which passes forwards, and the other backwards, parallel to the margin of the animal. These canals give off a great number of branches externally, and represent the ovaries. The Distoma is oviparous ; its eggs (fig. 112, 5) are extremely small, elliptical, and semitransparent. At one end there is a kind of oblique lid. The Distoma undergo a very curious series of transformations; but these have only been traced in those species which do not infest the human body. At birth these worms have a ciliated body, resembling that of the infusoria ; in its interior another animal becomes developed, which has the form of a locomotive sac. These young sacciform larvae (nurses) continue to live for a certain time. They are sexless individuals, but can never- theless reproduce themselves by the process of gemmation ; they PARASITIC WORMS. 373 give rise to another series of beings of an oblong form, and pro- vided with a tail (Cercaria). The latter introduce themselves into the bodies of other animals, where they become transformed into the fully developed Fluke, capable of reproducing itself by a true act of generation. 1 2. OTHER SPECIES. Four other species of Fluke have been detected in the human body ; these are the Distoma Ianceolatum^ Distomum ophthalmobium, Distoma heterophyes, and the Distoma Buskii. The following are their characters, compared with those of the Distoma hepaticum : Inteat* I ramified 1. Distoma hepaticum. ( simple. , subanterior 2. Distoma ianceolatum. Abdominal sucker 1 ( subcentral, Undescribed species scarcely larger than the mouth. 3. Distoma ophthalmobium much larger than the mouth. 4. Distoma hcterophyes. 5. Distoma Buskii. Distoma Ianceolatum. 2 This species was first described by MM. Bucholz and Mehlis. It is rarer than the first, with which it has been often confounded. Chabert met with it in France, in a young girl twelve years of age, from whom he expelled a large number of the worms by the use of his empy- reumatic oil. The size of this Fluke is smaller than that of the Distoma hepaticum. Its body is from the f s to the ^ of an inch in length, and from -% to the -fa of an inch in breadth ; its form is lancet-shaped, it is very flat, tolerably transparent, and of a whitish colour. The oral sucker is proportionally larger than in the preceding species, and about the same size as the ventral sucker ; they are both circular. The intestines are straight and unbranched. The penis has not a spiral form. The eggs may be seen through the integuments, and are of a brown or black colour, according to their stage of development. Distoma ophthalmobium. M. Gescheidt, of Dresden, met with this species of Fluke once in Germany. This worm is from *009 in. to *196 in. in length, and '006 in. in breadth. The body is of a lanceolate oval form. The two suckers are circular ; the posterior is farther from the cephalic extremity than in the other species, being nearly in the centre of the body. 1 Steenatrup, Van Beneden, de Fillippi, Wagener. 3 Fasciola lanceolata, Moq. Tand. 374 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. Distoma Tieterophyes. 1 We are indebted to Dr. Bilharz for a knowledge of this curious species. He met with it twice in Egypt, in 1851. Thi is Fluke is about '039 in. in length, and '019 in. in breadth. The body is oval, somewhat more dilated at its posterior than at its anterior part, depressed, and of a reddish colour. It has a small funnel-shaped oral sucker, which opens more inferiorly than anteriorly. The ventral sucker is twelve times the size of the former. In consequence of the transparency of the animal the dilated oesophagus is seen anteriorly, and in the median line the uri- nary canals. The sac of the penis may be also seen, bearing a strong re- semblance to one of the suckers, surrounded by seventy-two horny filaments. The testicles are placed posteriorly. The eggs are of a red colour. Distoma Buskii. [In the winter of 1843, fourteen flukes were found by M. Busk in the duodenum of a Lascar who died in the Seaman's Hospital. There were none in the gall, bladder, or gall ducts. These flukes were much thicker and larger than those of the sheep, being from an inch and a half to near three inches in length. They resembled the Distoma hepaticum in shape, but were like the Distoma lanceolatum in structure ; the double alimentary canal, as in the latter variety, being not branched, and the entire space between it towards the latter part of the body being occupied by a branched uterine tube. Two specimens of this fluke are in the Museum of King's College] .2 3. ACTION ON MAN. The Liver fluke is found in the gall bladder, the hepatic ducts, and perhaps also in the substance of the liver. The presence of these animals produces great dilatation of the biliary ducts ; their internal surface becomes covered with a thick dark coloured mucous secretion. Some- times this mucosity hardens and becomes converted into a kind of osseous matter. Fortassin mentions the case of a woman in whose liver there were more than two hundred ^Flukes. Dr. Bilharz has described a curious disease which occurs at Cairo, produced by the presence of these entozoa, consisting of fungus-like excrescences of the mucous membrane of the bladder. According to M. Siebold, a Fluke has been seen in a tumour on the foot by Dr. Griesker. M. Dujardin says that 1 Fasciola heterophyes, Tand. 2 Kuchenmeister, opus jam cit, vol. i. p. 437. PABASITIC WOBMS. 375 this species was found on one occasion by M. Duval in the vena port. 1 The Distoma lanceolatum also inhabits the liver. The Distomum ophthalmobium lives between the crystalline lens and its capsule. Grescheidt once found four of these para- sites in the eye of a child five years old. The Distoma heferophyes was found on two occasions in large quantities in the intestines of a boy. The Distoma Buskii was found in the duodenum. CHAPTER X. FESTUCABIA. THE genus Festucaria* was first established by Schrank (1788). In 1800 Zeder gave it the name of Monostoma? which Kudolphi and other writers have adopted, although it is a more recent and less appropriate name. The genus Festiwaria differs from that of Distoma in the absence of the ventral sucker. In the previous chapter it was seen that this sucker had been mistaken for a mouth. Hence the reason of the name Distoma being applied to the Flukes, and that of monostoma to those parasites which were supposed to have only one mouth. In reality, both genera have but a single mouth. 1. FESTUCABIA LENTIS, Monostomum lentis, Nord. This small worm, which is very imperfectly known, is the only species which has been found in man. Description. The Festucaria lentis is '003 of an inch long. It might be mistaken for the Fasciola oculis. Its body is depressed, it has a single sucker, the mouth is anterior and terminal in its position, and there is a small anal pore towards the caudal extremity. Below and behind the oral sucker is the opening of the male genital organ, which consists of a protractile penis. Close to this is the opening of the female organs, which it is difficult to detect. ACTION ON MAN. All that is known about this worm is that it was discovered in Grermany, by Professor Jiingken, in the crystalline lens of an old woman who had cataract. He obtained eight specimens. 1 This example probably referred to the Tliecosoma hcematobium : see p. 369. * Probably from fettuca, a branch. Mows one, and aA.$? the head. PARASITIC WORMS. 387 female who was a native of Switzerland. Professor Quekett has kindly informed me that five other specimens have since been added to the collection. Three of these were purchased at the sale of the late Mr. Gardener's collection. One of them was said to have come from a person belonging to the Rus- sian embassy, another from a person who had been travelling in Switzer- land, and the history of the third was unknown. The fourth specimen oc- curred in the practice of Dr. Gull: the patient was a little girl five years old, who resided at Woolwich, where there is always a number of foreign sailors. The fifth came into the possession of Mr. Camplin, and was passed by a lady who was a native of Russia, and who, after a residence of some years in England, paid a temporary visit to her native country. In all the cases, therefore, in which the history of the disease can be traced, with the ex- ception of that which came under the notice of Dr. Gull, the Geographical distribution of the worm is most rigidly maintained. In the case of the child residing by the water-side, the presence of foreigners readily ex- plains the mode in which the worm might have been conveyed to this country, and impure drinking water would suggest itself as the means of transmission from one individual to another.] Description. The JBothriocepJialus lafus (tig. 117) is also one of the flat, articulated entozoa. Its usual length is from 6 to 20 feet. Bremser men- tions the case of a young Swiss who expelled three pieces, of which the longest measured twenty- five Vienna feet. Other writers mention 60 feet. Goeze asserts that he received a specimen from Bloch which measured c c 2 1 f * ! i | ' ' F -~4 \ 3 1 1 i I i % *!* i! i I s a ^ J , m m I Fig. 117. Botkriocepkahu atus. 388 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. more than 230 feet. Boerhave declares that he expelled a Bothriocephalus from a Eussian which was not less than 1200 feet in length ? The greatest width of this worm is from the 393 of an inch to the 1*220 of an inch. Eudolpbi, however, asserts that he saw one which was 3*296 inches in width. It is difficult to admit the correctness of this measurement. The JBothriocepJialus is generally of a greyish white or yel- lowish colour ; it never has the milky whiteness of a Tsenia. The middle of the last segments are more or less of a brown colour arising from the presence of the eggs. When this worm is put into alcohol it assumes a grey colour. From this cir- cumstance it received the name of Tcenia grisea, which was given to it by Pallas. The head of the BotJiriocephalus (fig. 118) is very small (about '093 inch), oblong, somewhat depressed, and obtuse ; there are two oblong, lateral depressions or pits placed opposite to each other, which Eudolphi justly regards as the oral apertures. [Kiichenmeister examined five heads of the Bothriocephali, only one of which was, however, tolerably iresh. The two lateral pits (the ana- logues of the sucking discs of the Tsenia) are fissuriform ; they appear, like the sucking discs on the feet of flies and mites, on leeches, &c., rather to affect the adhesion in accordance with the well-known laws of partial or total vacua, than to have anything to do with the nourish- ment, which is probably introduced through the entire skin. An actual opening on the head of the Bothrioceplialus could not be detected any more than in the other Cestoidea. 1 '] The neck is sometimes very apparent and distinctly developed, while at other times it can be scarcely discerned. Bremser has figured two heads with well-developed necks, and a third in which it is almost absent. The neck appears to possess no articulations, but by means of the microscope a number of closely arranged ridges can be per- ceived. The segments or zoonites are at first nearly square, but they soon become wider than they are long. At the posterior part of the body the transverse greatly exceeds the longitudinal Fig. 118. Head. 1 Kiichenmeister, opus cit. vol. i. p. 97. PARASITIC WORMS. 389 diameter (fig. 119). M. Eschricht calculated that a single Bothriocephalus contains 10,000 segments. At the posterior extremity of the animal there is sometimes observed a kind of incision or longitudinal rent, which divides the worm into two portions, and may give to this extremity the appearance of a head. Bremser has figured a portion of a Bothriocephalus with a fissure of this kind. At other times the rent is longer, and the worm appears to be furnished with two tails. M. Rayer has seen several examples of this. As in the Tsenia, filiform alimentary canals may be noticed at the anterior part, which pass in the length of the body. These canals can sometimes be seen through the skin. According to M. Blanchard, the Botli- riocephalus has a nervous system re- sembling that of the Taenia, but not so distinct. The animal contracts and dilates it- self in a very irregular manner, but its movements are generally sluggish. The head is said, however, to be distinctly movable. About the centre of the under surface of the segments (fig. 119) is an oval or conical papilla, provided with an aperture through which there emerges a small slender somewhat pointed body, which is regarded as the penis. Behind this body is another smaller pore without a papilla. This does not always exist ; it is supposed to be the vulva, and, like the penis, is not present in every segment ; the hermaphroditism of the animal is not there- fore uniform; it possesses some segments which are androgynous, while others are male and female. According to M. Eschricht, the penis is furnished with a small sheath and communicates with a tolerably long deferent canal ; this is folded several times upon itself, gradually increases in thickness, and terminates in a vesicula seminalis, having the form of an oval pouch. The testicle consists of white granules, and is furnished with three slender ducts, which terminate in the before-mentioned vesicle. The female organs are some- what more complicated ; the ovaries are oblong and very distinct, the oviduct presents itself under the form of a tortuous Fig. 119. Separate Segments. 1 1 a, male orifice with the penis ; b, vulva. 390 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. canal, especially at the period when the ova are mature. The uterus has two pouches or diverging horns, which communicate together. The eggs of the Bothriocephalus (fig. 120) are exceedingly numerous. According to M. Eschricht, each individual has as many as ten millions. The eggs are of an elliptical form; when highly magnified they appear to be filled with granules. The larva of the Bothriocephalus is un- known, as well as the circumstances under which it passes the first period of its exist- ence. The propagation of this entozoon is supposed to occur in the same manner as that of the BotkriocepkaU of other animals. The egg produces an asexual larva, pro- Fig 120. 1 vided with a pouch-like body; this larva Sexual Organs. lives for a time in the body of some animal, and subsequently introduces itself into the human body, and is there transformed into the perfect animal. 2 M. Van Beneden observes that the herbivorous mammalia have tape-worms which are not furnished with hooks, and that these animals cannot swallow the larvae of these worms with the flesh of other animals, as is the case with the carnivora. It is therefore possible that the human Bothriocephalus is produced from a larva which does not become encysted. 3 2. ANOTHER SPECIES. Mayor, of Geneva, has recognised two species of the Bothriocephalus latus, one with short the other with long segments. The first attains a length of sixty- five feet, and is about half an inch in width ; the segments are about '078 of an inch (two millimetres) in length. The second is not more than twenty-six feet long and about '354 of an inch in width ; its segments are '157 of an inch in -length. According to this gentleman, the oil of the male fern invariably expels the Bothriocephalus with the long segments, while that with the short segments usually resists it, and requires to effect its expulsion that the powdered root of this plant, or a decoction of the bark of the root of the pomegranate tree, should be employed. Zoologists consider that these sup- posed species are mere varieties of the large Bothriocephalus. 1 A, bisexual apparatus ; a, male orifice with the penis ; 6, testicle ; c, vulva; d, uterus with horns; e, tortuous oviduct; f t ovary; B, egg. 3 See p. 396. 3 See p. 399. PARASITIC WORMS. 391 3. OBSERVATIONS. On comparing the Bothriocephalus latus with the Tcenia communis, their distinctive characters may be arranged as follows : The Bothriocephalus 1, is of a grey colour; 2, it has an elongated head, without any terminal "enlargement or circlet of hooks ; 3, it is furnished with two elongated fossae ; 4, the segments are wider than they are long ; 5, the sexual orifices are central. The Tcenia 1, is white; 2, the head is globular, with a terminal enlargement and two circles of hooks ; 3, it has four rounded oscula; 4, the segments are longer than they are wide ; 5, the sexual orifices are marginal. ACTION ON MAN. Like the Tcenia, the BothriocepJialus inhabits the small intestines. The disorders which these worms produce, and the symptoms which indicate their presence, are the same in both species. The Tape worms without hooks belong to the herbivora, and those with hooks to the carnivora. In man, who is omnivorous, both species are met with. As a vegetable feeder he is tor- mented with the Bothriocephalus latus, and also with the Tcenia inermis, and as a flesh feeder with the Tania communis and the Tcenia nana. CHAPTER XIII. CYSTIC HELMINTHA. UNDER the name of Vesicular or Cystic Helmintha, 1 are included those entozoa which terminate in a vesicle, are con- tained in a cyst, or are composed of the latter only. The old writers gave them the name ofHydatids, orHydatid Worms. All these Helmintha are agamic, that is, are deprived of sexual organs. The reason of this will be seen hereafter. Zoologists have distinguished three genera of the Cystic Hel- mintha 1, the Cysticerci ; 2, the Echinococci ; 3, the Acepha- locysts. I. Cysticerci. The CrsTiCEBCi 2 are helmintha which are furnished with a caudal vesicle. They become developed in the cellular tissue of the muscles, 3 1 Cystica, Rud.; Verities vesicular es, Linn.; Blassenvurmer of the Germans. a KWTTIJ a bladder, and Ktpitot a tail. * Werner, Himley, Demarquay. 392 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. they have also been noticed in the liver, 1 the heart, 2 the choroid plexus, 3 the brain, 4 between the sclerotic and the conjunctiva, 5 and in the anterior chamber of the eye. 6 These animals are very minute, and are contained in a circular or oval cyst of a somewhat fibrous structure, which is developed at the expense of the organ which nourishes the parasite. This cyst contains a second, furnished with an open- ing, around which a third sac is adherent, and encloses the worm which is attached to it. (Follin, Eobin.) This sac is of a globular, oval, pyriform shape ; its parieties are thin, smooth, or granulated, semitransparent, of a whitish colour, and tolerably strong. The head and the neck are always contained in the vesicle, but they can be partly or entirely withdrawn at the will of the animal. The head is provided with four suckers placed on a similar number of projections, and with a terminal proboscis sur- rounded by a double circle of spines, just in the same manner as in the head of a Tsenia. The neck varies in length, and is formed of a number of closely arranged segments. When the head is retracted the opening has the appearance of a small navel, which appears to be surrounded with a kind of whitish coloured sphincter; beneath this spot is the re- tracted head and neck. There are three principal species of the Cysticerci : 1, Cesti- cercus celluloses; 2, Cysticercus tenuicollis ; 3, Cysticercus Acanihotrias. 1. The Cysticercus Celluloses (fig. 121)7 is not commonly met with in man ; it is supposed to be the same as the worm which is so frequently developed in the pig, and produces the peculiar affection which is known as measly pork ; it has also been noticed in the ox. The cysts measure from the '590 to the 787 of an inch in the large diameter, and from the '198 to the '236 in the small. The head has 32 hooks. 8 Some writers consider that the species which is met with in animals, and is furnished with from 26 to 28 hooks,9 is a different species from that which is found in man. 1 Leuckart. 2 Morgagni, Kudolphi, Bouillaud, Andral, Leudet. 3 Treutler, Fischer. 4 Euysch, Chomel, Dubreuil, Leudet, Calmeil, Bouchut. 5 Estlin, Hsering, Siebold, Cunier. 6 Soemmering, Lugan. 7 Tcenia celluloses, Gmel. ; Hydatigera celluloses, Lamk. ' Himley, Gervais, Ch. Kobin. 9 Davaine, Follin. PAEASITTC WORMS. 393 Fig. 121. Cysticerci* There is a variety (albopunctatus) which has a well-marked white spot at the opening of the vesi- cle. 1 The Cysticercus dicystus of Laennec which was found in the brain of a man who had died of apoplexy, and in which the body ter- minated in a double vesicle, must be re- garded as a mon- strosity. 2. The Oysticercus AcantJiotrias (Weinl.) or three-armed cysticercus, was found in 1845, at Richmond, in Virginia, by Professor Wyman, in the muscles of a woman fifty years of age, who had died of phthisis. It is nearly the '393 of an inch long without the vesicle, which resembles that of the Cysticercus cellulosa. It is characterised by having three kinds of hooks arranged in three rows, fourteen in each . row ; its suckers are visible to the naked eye, and its neck is distinctly articulated. M. Weinland proposes to found a separate genus on this species under the name of Acanthotrias. 3. The Cysticercus tenuicollis (Eud.) has been seen occasion- ally in the liver and in the mesentery, but only very rarely. Bosc and H. Cloquet have had the opportunity of examining it. It is also found in monkeys, horses, pigs, and oxen. The neck is long, round, and rugose. Its vesicle appears to be small in man, but in other animals it becomes very large. 3 The following species must be regarded as doubtful, the characters which have been assigned to them not being suffici- ently marked. 1. The Cysticercus hepaticus, Delle Chiaje, which resides in the liver, and has an oval elongated body. 2. The Oysticercus visceralis, Rud., which resides in the abdomen and the thorax, and has a globular body. 1 Tcenia albo punctata, Treutl. 1 A, animal withdrawn into its vesicle ; B t animal extended ; C, head and neck ; D, one of the hooks. 3 The Tsenia which produces this species is rety common in the animals which are slaughtered for food. It is also found in the butcher's dog and in the shepherd's dog. 394 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. 3. The Cysticercus Fischerianus, IJaenn., which has a very slender body and a pyriform vesicle. 4. The Cysticercus aorticus, Notar., which has an oval body and filiform hooks. 5. The Cysticercus vesicce, Crepl., in which the body is rudimental. In March, 1859, M. Kaeberle communicated to the Society of Natural History of Strasbourg, a description of what he considers to be two new species of Cysticerci the C. turbinatus and the C. melanocephalus. The first is characterised by the manner in which it is coiled up and by the possession of 32 hooks ; the second by a cephalic spot, and by having 24 hooks. Both animals were found in the brain. II. Echinococci. The EcHiNococci 1 are worms which are enclosed in very variable numbers in a membranous cyst (sporocyst). The Echinococcus kominis (fig. 122), Hud., has been described in several special memoirs. This worm is found in several organs, but more especially in the kidneys and lungs. Zeder met with it in the brain of a young girl Budolphi, Eschricht, and Lebert have seen it in the liver. Morgagni once found it in the heart. Ludersen mentions the case of a man aged 40, who had died of dropsy, and whose spleen was transformed into a large dilated sac, containing an enormous number of Echinococci. Collet has recorded the case of a woman, aged 47, who, in about four months, discharged 135 Echinococci in coughing. Albers and Boch have both seen a case of goitre which was occasioned by an Echinococcus. (Poster.) M. Grescheidt found it between the choroid and the crystalline lens. The cyst or capsule of the Echinococci varies generally in size. Some are not larger than a mustard seed, while others are of the size of a chicken's egg. This cyst causes the paren- chyma of the diseased organ to recede, and induces around it the formation of a new tissue, so that the hydatid is completely embedded in an adventitious cyst. These cysts are not always solitary. The shape of the cyst is globular, oval, or pyriform. It is composed of two membranes, the one enclosed in the other. The external (Hydatid of authors) consists of a structure which has the appearance of coagulated white of egg, without either fibres or cells, and is arranged in layers. (Davaine.) The in- 8 EXM* a hedgehog, and K&KKOS a grain. PARASITIC WORMS. 395 tmial cyst, corresponding to the germinal membrane of Goodsir, is formed of a fibrous tissue, with a number of elementary granules dispersed through it. In the interior is a clear limpid fluid, sometimes colourless, and at other times with a slight yel- low or reddish tinge. Small corpuscles, like Fig. 122. EchinocuccusS grains of sand, float free in the fluid; these are at first attached to the internal surface of the cyst by means of a very slender pedicle, which tears with great facility. (Davaiue.) When examined beneath the microscope, these corpuscles are seen to be elongated, more or less ovoid, globu- lar, or pyriform in shape, and depressed. Each of these is a small intestinal worm. Its anterior extremity is furnished, like that of the Cysticerci, or the Ta?nia, with four suckers and a double row of hooks. Germs are also developed on the exter- nal surface of the first membrane, and sometimes in its sub- stance. They usually become detached, like the first-mentioned bodies, when they have attained the size of a hemp seed. At the end of a certain time they form in their interior the second membrane, and it is from this that the young Echinococci are produced. (Davaine.) Some writers consider that the Echinococctts of the monkey, the dog, the ox, and the sheep, is a distinct species from that of man, and have given it the name of the Echinococcus veterino- rum, Rud. Others go even further, and admit that each of the animals which have been named is infested with a distinct species. III. Acephalocysts. The ACEPHALOCYSTS, Acephalocystis (fig. 123) ,* described by Laennec, are growths in the form of membranous cysts, but which are without head, mouth, or alimentary canal, even in the embryonal condition. 1 A, animal attached to the internal wall of the sporocyst, the head and neck retracted within its body; a, the head ; b, the mouths ; c, the circlets of hooks ; d, the proboscis ; e, the body ; /, the pedicle ; B, the animal de- veloped ; a, the head ; 6, the oscula ; c, the circle of hooks ; d, the proboscis ; e, the neck ; /, the body ; C, one of the hooks ; a, the claw ; 6, the guard ; c, the handle. 2 a priv. Kc

y ^ 1. PABAMECIUM. This genus consists of flattened oblong infusoria, provided with a longitudinal fold which leads to the mouth. The body is covered with fine cilia. On examining with the microscope some pus obtained from a small ulceration of the rectum, and the mucous secretion of this part of the intestines, in a sailor who had survived an attack of cholera, but who had subsequent derangement of the digestive organs, Dr. Malmstein, of Stockholm, found in these secretions, besides pus cells and blood globules, a large number of infusoria, which he has described and figured under the name of Paramecium coli. He afterwards observed the same infusoria in a woman who had chronic inflammation of the large intestines. The patient having died, M. Malmstein found the infusoria were more abundant on those parts of the mucous membrane which had undergone the least amount of change than where the disease was further advanced, or in the pus which it had given rise to. These animalculse are very active ; they present themselves in large numbers, as many as from twenty to twenty-five were found in a single drop of mucus. They die very quickly when removed from the intestine. 2. CEECOMONAS, Cercomonas Davainei, M. Tandon. M. Davaine, in 1853, discovered in the warm dejections of cholera patients a species of Cercomonas, which occurred in large numbers. PABASITIO WOBMS. 407 Subsequently the same gentleman met with this animalcule on two occasions in the evacuations of patients attacked with simple diarrhoea. The cholera was still prevalent. The animalcules are ^ of an inch in length. The body is ovoid or pyriform, but somewhat variable in shape, and very pointed at the two extremities. The integument is soft, and of a white colour. One or two very small corpuscles, or nucleolar bodies, may sometimes be seen in the interior. Anteriorly is a very slender, long, flexible vibratile filament, which commences abruptly from the anterior margin ; this is detected by the motion it produces in the water, but it can only be seen at intervals, and by prolonged examination. At the opposite ex- tremity is another filament, which is thicker at its commence- ment where it becomes blended with the posterior part ; it is about the same length or a little longer than the body ; it is rigid, nearly straight, and sometimes attaches itself to sur- rounding objects ; when this is the case the Cercomonas vibrates to and fro like the pendulum of a clock. The Cercomonads are extremely active, a circumstance which renders it very difficult to determine their characters. These animalcules die as soon as the fluids in which they are contained become cold ; this proves that their formation does not depend upon the decomposition of the fluids. They are true parasites, which live in the intestines of man when certain conditions are present that are requisite for their existence. (Davaine.) Another species of Cercomonas was found on one occasion in a young man in a well-marked case of typhoid fever, and with- out any symptoms of cholera. This was also discovered by M. Davaine. This second species differs somewhat from the first ; it is smaller and more oval ; its anterior cilium is of the same length and equally flexible ; it commences less abruptly. The caudal filament arises somewhat from the side; it is proportionally smaller, and is not blended with the posterior part of the body. This Cercomonas has an undulatory motion in the length of its body, which sometimes appears to be slightly wavy. This species might be termed the Cercomonas obliqua. 3. TRICHOMONAS, Trichomonas vaginalis, Duj. This species was discovered by M. Donne in the mucus of the vagina (fig. 124). The TricJiomonads assemble together and form irregular masses with the particles of thickened mucus. Some writers do not admit the animal nature of these minute 408 MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. objects. 1 They regard them as detached epethelial cells. Others have adopted the views of MM. Donne and Dujardin. 3 Some have even looked upon these animalcules as Acari. 3 Fig. 124. Trichomonas vaginalis. The TricJiomonas vaginalis is 1 3 inch in its long diameter. The "body is globular, oval, or pyriform, unequal, slightly granular, gelatinous, transparent, and colourless, or of a milky appearance. They often adhere to other bodies. They have an anterior flabelliform filament (sometimes two, rarely three), thick at its base, flexible, and about yoVo f an ^ ncn ^ n l en g*h ; there are also four or five short cilia placed on one side of it at its commencement. Some have assigned to this animalcule a small, oblique, ter- minal mouth. MM. Scanzoni and Kolliker have not observed it, but they believed they had seen a shallow, oblique groove at the anterior part, near the cilia. The Trichomonas vaginalis is not found in recently secreted mucus, but only in that which is beginning to decompose. "Whenever this animalcule is met with the vaginal mucus encloses bubbles of air, which give it a frothy appearance. (Donne.) [The Trichomonas vaginalis only occurs in women with gonorrhseal discharge, or with an abundant vaginal secretion mixed with mucus and pus corpuscles ; never in a normal and healthy vaginal secretion, but only in pathological conditions. The mucus, however, need not be frothy, as Donne supposes, so long as it is not quite normal. 4 ] 4. VIKGKULINA, Virgulina tenax. This animalcule is found in the tartar of the teeth. A small portion must be mixed with a drop of distilled water, which has been previously warmed, and examined with a magnifying power of from 400 to 500 diameters. These animalcules vary in size from the -J-^-Q of an inch upwards, and move about rapidly. (Mandl.) They are found in large quantities in patients who have been put upon a low diet for some months. They also form the greatest portion of thickened mucus of the tongue in persons who are troubled with indigestion. 1 MM. Labert, Yalentin, J. Yogel, Siebold, L. Wagner. 3 MM. Raspail, Scanzoni, Kolliker. 3 MM. Froriep, Ehrenberg. 4 Kiichenmeister, opus cit, vol. i. p. 7. PABASITIC WOBM8. 409 The Virgulina tenax has an elongated, membranous, trans- parent body, somewhat thickened, and truncated at its anterior part ; it is furnished with a tail one third or one fourth shorter than the body. M. M andl. is of opinion that these animalcules contain a cal- careous element in their tissues, which assists in hardening the tartar. 5. VIBRIO, Vibrio rugula, Mull. Leeuwenhoek first noticed this animalcule in his own digestions during a slight illness. Miiller, who has described and figured it, saw it by thousands in an infusion of flies. Dujardin found it in an infusion of crushed hemp seed, of Neufchatel cheese, of stale gelatine, and of the liver of the sheep. M. Pouchet detected it in the dejections of cholera patients, where it was present in myriads. It was not found in the romited matters. Dr. Hassall also found the Vibrios in the dejections of cholera, and in the intestinal secretions some time after death. These animalcules are hardly visible. They are from -5-^3-^ to Tff.ihnT. of an inch in length, and from -nnjfore to i60 ?oo6 of> an inch in width. (Dujardin.) The body is cylindrical, at- tenuated at each extremity, sometimes straight, sometimes with from five to eight inflexions, and semitransparent. Its vacuoles are distinct, globular, and hyaline. This animalcule moves about with great activity in an undu- lating or serpentine manner. Leeuwenhoek compared these movements to those of an eel. Some naturalists question the animal nature of these minute bodies. In all persons, whether ill or well, two other species of Vi- brios are met with in the mucus of the mouth, mixed with the scales of epithelium and large granular molecules. These are the Vibrio Bacillus and the Vibrio lineola of Miiller. The first is 10 1 66 of an inch in length, very flexible, and very slender, and contains a number of well-defined oval vacuoles. The econd, which measures about TfoW^ of an inch in length, is thick, somewhat bent, and the vacuoles are globular, but in- distinct. The blue and the yellow colours which, under some circum- stances, are found in milk, are caused by the Vibrio cyanogenus and the Vibrio xanthogenus of Fuchs. INDEX. Abd-el-Kader, 28. Acanthia ciliata, 222. lectularia, rotundata, 222. Acaridee, 307. Acaropsie, 307, 319. Mericourtii, 319. pectinata, 319. Acanthrotrias, 393, Acarus, 309. Americanus, 303. autumnalis, 305. . domesticus, 130. folliculorum, 319, 320 321. nigua, 303. reduvius, 302. ricinus, 302. scabei, 309. Siro, 309. Acephala, 51, 62, 86. Acephalocysts, 391, 395, 400, 402. Acetum cantharidis, 133. Achatina carinata, 86. Acipenser, 181. Huso, 182. Ruthenus, 182. stellatus, 182. Sturio, 182. Aconitum Napellus, 206. Actiniae, 235. Actinizoaria, 60, 62. Adipose tissue, 41. African, 34. Aglossa farinalis, 243. pingualis, 243. Alcyonium Lyncurium, 91. Album Greecum, 66. nigrum, 66. Albumen, 179. Alcyonia, 91. Alcyonium Lyncurium, 91. Allantoidians, 62. Allocotyledons, 58. Alimentary canal, 43. Ambergris, 110, 125, 126. Ambra cinerea, 126. Ambreine, 127. American, 26, 31, 33. Ammodytes, 249. Amphibia, 54. Anallantoidians, 62. Anatomy of Man, 3. Ancyclostoma, 333, 334. duodenale, 353. Ancylostomum duodenale, 353, 405. Angle, facial, 5. Andromeda Mariana, 205. Animal, definition of, 37. organization of, 37. Animal charcoal, 161. kingdom, 35. Annelida, 60, 137, 404. Anolius bullaris, 69. Ant, 65, 213. fire, 213. flaming, 213. red, 213. Antelope Dorcas, 185. rupicapra, 184. Anthremis musajorum, 130. Anthropomorpha, 35. Aphides, 154, 196. Aphis, 155. Chinensis, 155. Pistadee, 156. Apis Mellifica, 196, 275. unicolor, 204. Arachnida, 62, 98, 260, 286. Aranea, 98. diadema, 261 . Florentina, 260. guttata, 260. mactans, 261. Araneidse, 98. 412 I^DEX. Argades, 304. Argas, 291. of Persia, 304, Persicus, 304. Chinche, 304. marginatus, 305. Armadillo ofncinalis, 70. Aromia Moschata, 110. Articulata, 57, 60, 62. Arteries, 45. Artificial teeth, 81. Ascarides, 334, 335, 403, 404. Ascaris, 333, 335. alata, 340, 405. gigas, 335. marginata, 339. mystax, 340. - lumbricoides, 335, 405. vermicularis, 334, Asp, 248, 253, 282. Ass, 65, 66, 67. Astacus flaviatilis, 96, 176. Australian, 26, 31. Autumn fly, 234. Azalea Pontica, 205. Badger, 65, 66, 67, 110. Balaena Australis, 93. Mysticetus, 93. Balistes, 245. Barbel, 67, 245. Bat, 64, 65. Batrachia, 62. Bear, 66. Beaver, 65, 118, 119. Bedeguar, 149, 153. Bee, 275. eater, 66. humble, 275, 279. moss or carder, 279. red-tailed, 279. Beef, 163. Bezoars, 67, 68. Bigaye, 233. Bile, 95. Biline, 95. Bizigaye, 233. Blaps mortisaga, 242. Blattidae, 214. Blood, 160. - transfusion of, 161. Blood globules, 37, 40. Blumenbach characteristics of man, 1 ; races of men, 28. Boat-fly, 224. Bombycidse, 234. Bombus lapidarus, 279. muscorum, 279. terrestris, 279. Bombax globosum, 100. Bombyx Pityocampa, 234. Bone of cuttle fish, 82, 83. composition of, 83. Bones, 159, 160. Bone black, 160. Boschesman, 15. Bothriocephali, 397. Bothriocephalus, 332, 334, 386, 404. latus, 386, 405. Bothrops, 255, 257. Jararaca, 258. lanceolatus, 258. Bory de Saint Vincent races of men, 28. Brachinidae, 214. Brain, human, 5. average weight of, 5, 6, 7, 9. Branchiae, 45. Breeze-fly, 234. Brosmius vulgaris, 102. Bryozoa, 62. Buffon characteristics of man, 1. Bufo calamita, 288. vulgaris, 287. Bug, 65. ciliated, 222. common, 219. of miama, 304. round, 222. Burbot, 102. Bull, 65, 67. Bustard, 67. Butea frondosa, 78. Buthus Occitanus, 272. palmatus, 272. Butter, 190. Byron, brain of, 6. C. Cachlot. 92, 94, 126. Cactus Bonplandii, 71. cochinellifera, 71. opuntia, 71. INDEX. 413 Calculi cancrorum, 97. Callichroma muscata, 131. Calliphora vomitoria, 237. Callochalia esculenta, 185. fucifaga, 185. nidifica, 185. Calmar, 56. Calves, 164, 165. Camel, 65, 66, 67, 68. Cameleon, 65. Cantharidin, 181. Cantharides, 127, 128, 243. collecting of, 130. Cantharis dubia, 132. vesicatoria, 128. Capalan, 102. Caranx, 246. Carabidae, 214. Carbo animalis, 161. Carcinaa maenas, 176. Cardium edule, 173. Carmine, 76. Carp, 65, 66. Caryophyllia, 89. Cases, 154. Casowary, 65. Castoreum, 110, 119. glands of, 120. American, 121. Canadian, 121. Hudson's Bay, 121. Russian, 121. Castor Fiber, 118. Cat, 66. Caucasian race, 28, 30, 31, 82. Cavia Capensis, 122. Cavitaria, 404. Cellular tissue, 41. Celto-Scyth Arabs, 26. Cephalopoda, 110, 125. Ceratum cetacei, 94. Cerastes, 255. JSgyptiacus, 255. Persicus, 255. Cerate, 210. Ceratum, 210. Cercaria, 373. Cercomonas, 406, 407. Davainei, 406. Cerine, 210. Cerocoma, 128, 135. Scheefferi, 135. Ceroleine, Oervua Alces, 181. Cervus, Capreolus, 166. Dama, 181. Tarandus, 181. Cestoidea, 404. Cetacea, 92, 126. Cetonia aurata, 131, 136. Chamois, 184. Chevrotain, 114. Chigoe, 291, 300. Chinche, 304. Chinese gall, 154, 155. musk, 113. Chrysomela, 131. Cicada, 214. Cimex lectularius, 219. Civet, 110. scent of, 116. Classification of animals, 52 ; Aris- totle, 53 ; Linnaeus, 53; Lamarck, 55 ; Cuvier, 56 ; Moquin-Tandon, 62. Clubione medicinalis, 263. Clubiones, 261. Cobra de Capello, 259. Coccus cacti, 71. illicis, 77. lacca, 76, 78. Polonicus, 76, 78. Cochineal, 68, 71, 83. Cochinella, 76. Cockle, edible, 173. Cockroach, 65. Cod, 67, 101,102. oil, 103 ; varieties of, 103, 104. Coelognathus morsitans, 300, 324. Coenurus cerebralis, 402. Coluber Ammodytes, 250. Berus, 250. Conger eel, 102. Conops calcitrans, 234. Common gall, 148. Coral, 87. composition of, 88. varieties of, 88. Corallium nobile, 87. rubrum, 87. Cornu ustum, 181. Cow, 66. Crab, 97. land, 245. river, 96. Crabs' eyes, 97. stones, 97. Crane, 66, 67. 414 I^DEX. Cray fish, 96, 102. Creamometer, 191. Creeping gnat, 233. Cricket, 165. Cromwell, brain of, 5. Crotalus durissus, 256. - horridus, 256. miliaris, 256. Croton lacciferum, 78. Crow, 66. Crowned gall, 151. Crustacea, 62, 96, 213, 244. Cuckoo, 67. Cucumerini, 382. Cucurbitini, 382. Cucurbitins, 400, 401, 402. Culex annulatus, 233. pipiens, 230. Cuterebra noxialis, 325. Cuttle-bone, 82, 83. Cuttle-fish, 67, 81, 82. Cuvier races of men, 28. Cynanchum excelsum, 136. Cynips, 148, 149. gallse tinctorise, 148. quercus folii, 150. quercus tojae, 150. rosse, 153. Cysticerci, 391, 396, 398. Cysticercus, 401. Acanthrotias, 393. aorticus, 384. cellulosse, 392, 398,400, 402, 405. dicystus, 393. . . fasciolaris, 397, 402. Fischerianus, 394. hepaticus, 393. longicollis, 402. melanocephalus, 394. pisiformis, 402. tenuicollis, 393. turbinatus, 394. vesicse, 394. visceralis, 394. D. Daman of the Cape, 122, 123. Dasjespis, 123. Decatoma, 128. Decoctum gallae, 155. Delphinus globiceps, 189. Delphinus marginatus, 189. Demodex, 307, 320. folliculorum, 320, 321. Dentalium, 66. Dermanyssus, 296. avium, 323. Boryi, 323. of Busk, 323. Dermatophilus penetrans, 300. Dermestes lardarius, 130, 242. Desman, 110. of Muscovy, 40. Deutoscolex, 401. Diodon, 246. tigrinus, 246. Diplolepis rosae, 153. Dippel's animal oil, 189. Diptera, 227, 230, 237. Distoma, 333, 334, 404. Buskii, 373, 374, 405. hsematobium, 369. hepaticum, 370, 405. heterophyes,373, 374, 405, lanceolatum, 373, 405. opthalmobium, 373, 405. Distylium racemosum. 155. Dog, 65, 66. Dog-fish, 108. Dormouse, 65. Dorse, 102. Dracunculus, 360. Persarum, 360. Dsaanja, 110. Dsehija, 110. Duck, 65, 66. Dugong, 189. Dumeril races of man, 28. Dupuytren, brain of, 5. Dyticus marginatus, 242. E. Eagle, 65, 66, 67. ray, 106, 107. Ear, 50. Earth worm, 65. Echinococci, 391, 394,396, 398, 402. Echinococcus hominis, 394, 405. veterinorum, 395. Ectoparasites, 291. Ectozoa, 291. Eel, 65, 66. Eel-pout, 65, 66. INDEX. 415 Eggs, 193, 194, 195, 196. Eider duck, 211. Elementary bodies in animals, 88. Elephant, 65, 66, 67, 80. tusks of, 81. Elephas Africanus, 80. Indicus, 80. Emplastrum cantharidis, 133. Encephalon, 6, 7, 8. Entomozoaria, 404. Entozoa, 324, 330. Epeira, 261. Epicauta adspersa, 132. cavernosa, 132. Epizoa, 291. Erucse, 234. Ethiopian race, 29. Eustrongylus gigas, 356. Eutarsus cancriformis, 323. Eutoma, 234. Eye, 50. F. Facial angle, 5. in Chinese, 5. European, 5. Negro, 5. Falcon, 65. Fallow deer, 65, 66. Fasciola, 370. hepatica, 370. Fat, 186. Feathers, 211. Fel bovinum, 95. tauri, 95. Festicularia, 333, 334. Festucaria, 375, 404. lentis, 378, 404, 405. Ficus religiosa, 78. Indica, 78. Filaria, 333, 334, 359, 403. bronchialis, 364. dracunculus, 360. lachrymalis, 363. lentis, 364, 406. lymphatica, 364, 405. Medinensis, 360, 465. oculi, 363, 405. Fishes, 244. Flesh, 162. of articulata, 163, 176. jof fish, 163, 167. Flesh of game, 163, 166. of mollusca, 163, 168. of poultry, 163, 166. of radiate, 163, 176. Flamingo, 66. Flea, 291, 297. Flies, 213, 237. Fly, flesh, 237. bluebottle, 237. golden, 237. hominivorous, 237. Fluke, 370, 403. Forficula auricularia, 242. minor, 242. Fox, 65, 66. shark, 102. Frigate bird, 65. Frog, 67. G. Gaduine, 105. Gadus, 102. JSglefinus, 102. Brosme, 102. Callarias, 102. Carbonarius, 102. Lota, 102. Merlangus, 102. Merlucius, 102. minutus, 102. Molva, 102. Morrhua, 102. Galls, 100, 148, 149. Gall of Aleppo, 152. artichoke, 152. crowned, 152. gooseberry seed, 151. horned, 152. Hungarian, 152. Piedmont, 152. smooth, 152. squamous, 152. Gamasus, 297. Gasteropoda, 62, 83. Gasterostei, 397. Gastric glands, 44. Gazelle, 185. Gecarcinus ruricola, 267. Gelatine, 179, 180. Genette, 110. Geophilus electricns, 242. Geotrupes vernalis, 242. 416 INDEX. Glandular tissue, 41. Glossina morsitans, 228. Gnats, 230. Gnat, ringed, 233. Gneion, 246. Goat, 65, 66, 67. Goatsucker, 64. Goose, 211. Goldfinch, 65. Gordius, aquaticus, 367. Medinensis, 360. Gorgonia antipathes, 89. . nobilis, 87. Grasshopper, 65. Great cachelot, 92. Grebe, 211. Greenland whale, 93, 188. Green or officinal leech, 140. Grouse, 66. Guinea worm, 360. Gryllus J3gyptius, 163. .. . migratorius, 163. Tartaricus, 163. Haddock, 102. Hajmenteria, 141, 144. Ghiliani, 141. Mexicana, 141. officinalis, 141. Hsemopis, 215, 218. sanguisuga, 215. Hair, 210. Hairy galls, 149. Haje serpent, 259. Hake, 102. Hare, 65, 66, 67. Harvest bug, 291, 305. Hawk, 65, 66, 67. Heart, 45. Hedgehog, 64, 65, 66. Helicidse, 83, 84. Helicinea, 85. Hen, 211. Hermit crab, 247. Heron, 65. Helix, 83. Algira, 175. aperta, 175. arbustorum, 175. aspersa, 85. cespitum, 175. ericetorum, 175. Helix hortensis, 175. lineata, 175. melanostoma, 175. - nemoralis, 85. , Pisana, 175. Pomatia, 84, 85. stagnalis, 86. sylvatica, 174. variabilis, 175. vermiculata, 85. Helmintha, 330, 332, 334, 401, 402, 404. cystic, 391, 396. hydatid, 896. Hippobosca equina, 227. Hippoboscidae, 227. Hippocolle, 184. Hippopotamus, 81. amphibius, 81. tusks of, 81. Hirudo, 137. medicinalis, 140. ' officinalis, 140. sanguisuga, 215. troctina, 141. Hirundo esculenta, 185. fucifaga, 185. Hirundiniculture, 147. Holothuria edulis, 177. tubulosa, 177. Homarus vulgaris, 176. Homo, 2. ferus, 2. Lar, 26. sapiens, 2, 26. Troglodytes, 26. Honey, 196, 202. adulteration of, 206. bee, 196, 197. poisonous, 208. Horned gall, 157. Hornet, 279. Horse, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68. fly, 227. leech, 215, 216, 217, 218. Human kingdom, 35. Humantis, 109. Huso, 182. Hycleus, 128. Hydatids, 391,400. Hymenoptera, 148, 153, 196, 268, 275, 286. Hyraceum, 110, 122, 123, 124. Hyrax Capensis, 122. INDEX. 417 I. Ibex, 68. Iguana caerulea, 163. - cornuta, 163. delicatissima, 163. fasciata, 163. tuberculata, 1 63. Indian elephant, 80. hog, 67. ink, 82. Insects, 296. Intestines, 43. divisions of, 44. Isinglass, varieties of, 183. Isis nobilis, 87. Itch insect, 309. lulus, 268. terrestris, 268. Ivory, 80, 81. black, 81. Ixodes, 302. hominis, 303. Nigua, 303. Kicinus, 302. J. Jararaca, 258. Javelin bat, 212. snakes, 257. Jaws, 42. Jigger, 300. Juvenis bovinus, 2 1. lupinus, 21. ovinus, 21. ursinus, 21. Kabardin, 113. Kermes, 76, 77. Kingfisher, 66, 66. Kite, 65, 66. Kranchil, 114. Lactodensimetre, 191. Lactoscope, 192. Lamb, 163. Lamprey, 65. Lapis porci Ceylonici, 67. Malaccensis, 67. porcinus, 67. Lard, 186, 187, 188. Larinus odontalgicus, 159. subrugosus, 157. Lark, 65, 66. Latham on the races of men, 31, 32. Leblanc (Mademoiselle), 21. Leech, 100, 139, 142, 143, 144, 146. dragon, 140, 141. green, 100. grey, 139, 140, 141, 142. Leptus autumnalis, 305. Liebig's soup, 177. Life, average duration of, 17. table of, for England, 18. Ling, 102. Linnaeus characters of man, 2. on the races of men, 27. Lion, 65, 66. Linguatula, 329. denticulata, 829. Liparis auriflua, 234. . canifolia, 234. Liver, 44. Lizard, 60, 65, 66, 67. Lota vulgaris, 102. Louse, 291. body, 292, 294. head, 292. pubic, 292, 296. of sick persons, 292, 295. Lucilia hominivora, 238. Lungs, 45. Lydus, 128. LymncBus stagnalis, 86. Lytta adspersa, 132. dubia, 132. segetum, 132. Syriaca, 132. vidua, 132. Lac, 79. Lacerta agilis, 69. Scincus, 68. M. Macaque, 326. Magpie, 65. Male organs, 47. B E 418 INDEX. Malmignatte, 261. Man, 1. erect position, 11. height of, 14. original state of, 20. species of, 25, 26. weight of, 15. Mandibles, 42. Marabout, 211. Marmot, 65. Martin, 66. Maxillse, 42. Medicinal leech, 140. Medusae, 235. Meletta, 240. Meloe, 127, 123, 136, 243. Algeria, 137. autumnal is, 137. bimaculata, 136. cichorii, 134. Gallicus, 137. mailis, 137. Proscarabaeus, 137. punctatus, 137. rugosus, 137. Schsefferi, 135. variegatus, 137. Merlangus carbonarius, 102. vulgaris, 102. Merlucius vulgaris, 102. Mermis, 367. Milk, 189. preservation of, 193. of ass, 190,191. of cow, 190. of goat, 190, 191. of sheep, 190, 191. of mare, 190, 191. of woman, 190, 191. Millipedes, 265. Mistura spiritus Vini Gallici, 196. Mole, 64, 65, 66. Molva vulgaris, 102. Mollusca, 244, 246. Mongolian race, 29, 31, 32. Monk-fish, 109. Monkey, 65, 66, 67. Monostomum lentis, 375. Montpellier drops, 100. Morbus mucosus, 348. Morrhua JEglefinus, 102. Callarius, 102. minuta, 102. Moschus Altaicus, 114. Moschus Javanicus, 114. Kranchil, 114. moschiferus, 110. Mouse, 65, 66. Mucilage of snails, 86. Mule, 60. Musaraigne, 110, 213. Musca Caesar, 238. carnaria, 237. vomitoria, 237. Muscles, 51. Muscular tissue, 41. Musk, 100, 110. deer, 111,113, ox, 110. rat, 110. Musquitoes, 233. Mussel, 66, 246. common, 172. Mutton, 163. Mygale, 260, 262, 263. Muscovita, 110. Mylabris, 128, 134, 243. bimaculata, 136. cichorii, 134. cyanescens, 135. Indica, 135. olese, 135. punctum, 135. pustulata, 135. Sidse, 135. variabilis, 135. Myricine, 210. Mytilus edulis, 172. N. Naia, 255, 299. Naja Haje, 25. tripudians, 259. Napu, 114. Navicella elliptica, 179. Negro, 5. Nematoidea, 62, 604, 605. Nematoideum hominis viscerum, 330. Nepa, 226. cinerea, 226. Nervous system, 34. tissue, 41. Nightingale, 66. Noctonecta glauca, 224. Noxious animals, 212. Nutgalls, 153. INDEX. 419 0. Oculina, 89. virginea, 89. CEnas, 128. OEstridea, 325. (Estrus bovis, 326. Guildingei, 326. hominis, 326. ovis, 326. Oil, 188. of dugong, 189. of porpoise, 189. of whale, 188. Oniscus asellus, 70. Ophidia, 283. Opuntia cochenillifera, 71. Tuna, 7 1. vulgaris, 71. Orang-outang, 10. Organic world, divisions of, 36. tissues, 41. Organs of motion, 51. of nutrition, 42. of relation, 49. Ornithorynchus, 268. Ostracion, 244. Ostrea cristata, 168. edulis, 168. hippopus, 168. lacteola, 168. lamellosa, 168. Mediterranea, 168. plicata, 168. rosacea, 168. Ostreaculture, 169. Ostrich, 65, 66, 67, 187, 211. Otter, 66, 67, Ovis Aries, 185. Ox, 66,67, 68, 164, 165. gall, uses of, 95. Oxyporus subterraneus, 242. Oxyuris, 333, 334, 403. vermicularis, 343, 405. Oyster, 86, 168, 169, 246. P. Pachydermata, 80. Paederus elongatus, 242. Pagurus Bernhardus, 247. Palinurus vulgaris, 176. PaHulinia Australis, 205. Pancreas, 44. Papilio brassicse, 243. Paramecium, 406. coli, 406. Parenchyma, 404. Partridge, 66, 67. Peacock, 67. Pearl oyster, 66. Pediculus, 291. capitis, 292. cervicalis, 292. corporis, 294. humanus, 292. - inguinalis, 296. morphio, 296. pubescens, 294. pubis, 296. subcutaneus, 295. tabescentium, 295. Pee-wit, 66, 67. Pelias Berus, 240. Pelican, 65. Penguin, 211. Pentastoma, 376. Perdix cinerea, 166. petrosa, 1 66. rubra, 166. saxatilis, 166. Phalangioides, 261. Phalaena processionea, 234. quercus, 234. Phasianus Colchicus, 166. Gallus, 193. Pheasant, 65, 66. Pholci, 261. Phthiriasis, 295. Phyllostoma haustatum, 212. Physalia pelagica, 236. Physeter macrocephalus, 92. Pig, 66, 164, 265. stone, 67. Pigeon, 64, 65, 66, 67. Pithecus Lar, 21. Pike, 66, 67. Platessa flesus, 167. vulgaris, 167. Plover, 64. Polistes Lecheguana, 205. Porcupine, 65. Pork, 163, 165. Potentilla alba, 77. reptans, 77. Portuguese man of war, 286. Poulp, 56, 126. 420 INDEX. Processionary moths, 234. Protoglottis, 401. Protoscolex, 401. Ptinea, 130. Pulex, 297. hominis, 297. irritans, 297. penetrans, 300. vulgaris, 297. Pulmones preparati, 66. Pupipara, 227. Pupivora, 148. Pygocentrus, 214. Q. Quercus coccifera, 77. Pyrenaica, 150. sessiflora, 150. Quail, 65, 67. Quetelet weight of man, 16. Kabbit, 65. Races of men, 27. Eadiata, 57, 58, 61, 62. flesh of, 176. Raia Aquila, 107. batis, 107. clavata, 106. Pastinaca, 107. Rana esculenta, 178. temporaria, 178. Rat, 65, 213. Rays, 106, 213. Red coral, 83. Reduviidse, 222. Reduvina, 222. Reduvius personatus, 222. serratus, 224. Reproduction, modes of, 48. fissiparous, 46. gemmiparous, 46. organs of, 46. sexual, 46. Reptilia, 62. Respiration, 45. Rhamnus Jujuba, 78. Rhinoceros, 65, 66, 67. Rhizostoma Aldrovandi, 236. Cuvierii, 236. Rodentia, 118. Roebuck, 66. Rorqual, 188. Ruminantia, 110. Russian musk, 113. S. Salamander, 65, 87. Salamandra rnaculata, 289. Salar Ausonii, 167. Salivary glands, 44. Salmo fario, 167. salar, 167. Salmon, 66. Sanguisuga interrupta, 141. medicinalis, 140. officinalis, 140. Sarcophaga carnaria, 237. Sarcopsylla penetrans, 300. Sarcoptus, 307, 318. scabei, 309. Saunders (Mr.) eruption of molar teeth, 13. Scarabseus, 65. vernalis, 242. Scarus, 246. capitaneus, 246. Schistocephalus dimorphus, 397. Scink, 68. Scolices, 397. Scleranthus perennis, 77. Scolopendra, 265. cingulata, 265. electrica, 244. Scopoliana, 266. Scolopendridae, 260. Scomber Scombrus, 167. capitaneus, 246. Scorpio Europseus, 271. Occitanus, 272. palmatus, 272. Scorpion, 64, 65, 268, 270. African, 271. common, 271. palmated, 271. red, 271. Seed lac, 79. Segestria cellaris, 260. Sepia, 82. officinalis, 81. Sepiadae, 81. Sepiostaire, 82. INDEX. 421 Sepium, 82, 83. Serpent, 68, 248, 255. Serrasalmes, 214. Sewruga, 182. Shad, 65. Shark, 102. oil of, 108, 109. Sheep, 67, 68, 164,. 165. skin of, 185. Shell lac, 79. Sight, 49. Silkworm, 67. Simulium reptans, 233. Silphidee, 214. Size of foetus, 12, 14. Skate, 106, 107. oil of, 105, 106, 107. Skeleton, 52. Skin, 184. Slug, 65. Smell, 49. Smooth gall, 150. Snail, 66, 83, 174, 246. Snipe, 66. Solea vulgaris, 167. Solitary worm, 376. Soulouque, 30. Spermaceti, 91,94. Sphaerodus leucothalmus, 242. Sphyrsena Becuna, 246. Caracauda, 246. Spider, 64, 67, 98, 99, 262. cave, 260. web of, 91 , 98. Spiroptera, 333, 334, 359, 403. hominis, 359, 405. Spodium Graecum, 66. Sponge, 89. composition of, 90. nature of, 90. brown, 91. common, 90. fine Archipelago, 91. hard, 91. Syrian, 91. gelatine, 91. Grecian, 91. Marseilles, 91. Salonica, 91. white of Syria, 91. Spongia officinalis, 89. spiculae of, 90. Sporocyst, 394. Squalus, 108. Squalus Acanthias, 108. Catulus, 108. Centrina, 109. Mustelus, 109. Squatina, 109. Vulpes, 109. Stag, 65, 66, 67. horn of, 180. Staphilinus fuscipes, 242. politus, 242. punctatus, 242. Sterlet, 182. Stick lac, 79. Stickle back, 397. Stigmata, 46. Stomach, 43. Strobila, 401. Stronsrylus, 333, 334, 355, 403. - gigas, 356, 405. longivaginatus, 357, 405. renalis, 356, 405. Struthio camel us, 187. Sturgeon, 181. Sturio, 182. stellatus, 182. Suet, 186, 187. Bus scropha, 81. Swallow, 65, 66. esculent, 185; nests of, 185. Swan, 65, 66. Syrupus cocci, 76. T. Tabanus bovinus, 234. Table of the animal kingdom, 62. Tamia, 332, 334, 376, 404. Acanthotrias, 405. jEgyptiaca, 383. canina, 385. . Capensis, 384. communis, 399. crassipes, 402. crassicollis, 397, 402. cucumerina, 385. dentalis, 405. Echinococcus, 382, 383, 405. faenestrata, 382. flavopunctata, 382, 383, 405. inermis, 382, 384, 405. mediocanellata, 384. 422 INDEX. Teenia nana, 382, 383, 405. serrata, 385, 402. Solium, 376, 382, 405. tenuicollis, 405. tropica, 403. Teenioidea, 404. Tannin, 153. Tapeworm, 376. Tapir, 67. Tarantula, 263. Taste, 49. Teeth, 13. eruption of, 13. Tegenaria medicinalis, 182. Tench, 65. Tenebrio molitor, 242. Testudo Europea, 178. Graeca, 178. marginata, 178. Mauri tanica, 178. Tetrao lagopus, 166. tetrix, 166. urogallus, 166. Tetraonix, 128. Tetrarhynci, 397. Thecosoma, 333, 334, 368, 404. hsematobium, 369. sanguicola, 405. Theridian mactans, 261. Thornback, 106. Thread lac, 79. Ticks, 291, 302. Tick of wolf, 302. reticulated, 302. Tiedman on the human brain, 6. Tinctura cantharides, 133. castorei,122. Galte, 153. Tincture of cantharides, 133. of galls, 153. Titmouse, 64. Toad, 64, 65, 66, 287. common, 288. Natter Jack, 288. Tooth powder of French codex, 83. Torpedo, 213. Tortoise, 65, 66, 67. sea, 67. Touch, 49. Tracheae, 45, Transfusion, 161. Trahala, 100, 156, 157, 158, 189, Trahalose, 158. Tree-frog, 64, 65. Trematoda, 405. Trepang, 177. Trichina, 350. spiralis, 350, 405. Trichomonas, 406. vaginalis, 407. Tricocephalus, 333, 334, 348,351,403. dispar, 405. Tricula, 156. Triton, 289. custatus, 288. Trombediidse, 305. Trout, 66. Trunk-fish, 244. Tsetse, 228. Tunny, 245. Turbellaria, 404. Turbot, 167. Turpentine gall, 156. Tyroglyphus Mericourtii, 269. U. Unguentum cantharidis, 133. Gallae compositum, 153. V. Vampire, 212. Vampyrus spectrum, 212. Yegetable wax, 206. Vena Medini, 334. mitena, 334. Veins, 45. Veneridae, 172. Vermes accessorii, 331. cucumerini, 382. cucurbitini, 382. Vesicating insects, 100. Vespa Crabro, 280. vulgaris, 280. Vespertilio vampyrus, 212. Vibrio, 406. Bacillus, 409. cyanogenus, 409. lineola, 409. regula, 409. xanthogenus, 409. Victor, 23. Viper, 68, 248, 283. common, 248. Vipera ammodytes, 249. INDEX. 423 Vipera aspis, 248. Whalebone, 211. - Berus, 248. -- whale, 93. - lanceolata, 258. Whiting, 65, 67, 102. - Msegera, 258. Wolf, 65, 66. Virgulina, 406. Woodcock, 66. - tenax, 408. Woodlouse, 68, 69, 70. Viverra civetta, 115. Wren, 64. - Zibetha,117. Volvocidae, 396. Volvox, 60, 62. Y. Water scorpion, 226. -- wagtail, 64. Z. Wax, 206, 209, 210. - organs, 207. Zebra. 184. Weasel, 65, 66. Zebud, 228. Weight of brain, 7. Zebeth, 117. - of child at birth, 14. - scent of, 117. Wild boar, 81. Zimb, 228. - boy of Aveyron, 23. Zoonites, 59, 60, 62, 376, 402. - cat, 64, 65. Zoophyta, 60, 404. Whale, 64. Zoophytes, 61, 62, 245. Printed by W. II. COX, 5, Great Queen Street, W. C. I