UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF Received .../.+..&.-.--- Accessions No . ..... ^....0..... Booh No . .../.-. vts&* SCHOOL PHYSICS A NEW TEXT-BOOK FOR HIGH SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES BY ELROY M. A VERY, PH.D., LL.D. | AUTHOR OF A SERIES OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE TEXT-BOOKS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOS SHELDON AND COMPANY NEW YORK AND CHICAGO *DK. WERY 1 3' PHYSICAL SCIENCE SERIES. FIRST PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. SCHOOL PHYSICS. ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. COMPLETE CHEMISTRY. This contains " The Elements of Chemistry," with an additional chapter on Hydrocarbons in Series, or Organic Chemistry. It can be used in the same class with " The Elements of Chemistry." COPYRIGHT, 1895, BY SHELDON AND COMPANY. TYPOGRAPHY BY J. 8. GUSHING & Co., NORWOOD, MASS. PREFACE. IN this book will be found an unusual number of prob- lems. It is not intended that each member of each class shall work all of the problems. It is hoped that they -are sufficiently numerous and varied to enable you to select what you need for your particular class. Xo author can make a comfortable Procrustean bedstead. For several years there has been a growing tendency in the high schools of the country to indulge in laboratory methods. An effort has been made to adapt this book to such needs. The author has no sympathy with the idea that the pupil should have set before him the impossible task of rediscovering all the physical truths known to modern science. Even were there no other obstacle, indi- vidual life is too short, and but a small part of that short period can be given to a high-school course in natural philosophy. Nor has he any more sympathy with the notion that the high-school laboratory should attempt the full work of the technological school. High-school lab- oratory work has its limitations in the capacities of the pupils, in the time at their disposal, in laboratory equip- ment, etc. Still it affords a needed variation from the old method in which the author stated facts ex cathedra, 673158 4 SCHOOL PHYSICS. to be accepted and memorized by the pupils, and from the less objectionable plan in which the teacher performed all the experiments and the pupil simply observed and admired. Pedagogic practice, having swung from one end of the arc to the other, is now settling down to the golden mean. May it prove that in its excursions it held fast to all the good it found and left the rest behind. If, at the beginning of an experiment, John Tyndall could ask, " For what shall I look ? " we may be permitted to suggest that the pupil, ignorant of scientific truths and experimental methods, and without manipulatory skill, needs a text-book something like this to save even his laboratory practice from degenerating into chaotic waste. An effort has been made by the author of this book to introduce the pupil into what is a new world to him, to give him a few elementary lessons in the ways of that world, trusting that, in later years, other hands will guide him over more rugged paths and into higher realms. But, no matter how well an author's work may have been done, it can never take the place of the living and live teacher; it may be a help, but it certainly cannot be a substitute. Each pupil is expected to perform as many of the labo- ratory exercises as possible. The classroom work must be kept ahead of the laboratory work; i.e., the pupil must come to the laboratory with some knowledge of the principles involved in the work that he is required to perform. Even then, there will be a grievous waste of time and effort unless the teacher is judicious, vigilant and firm. For instance, it will not be easy, at the begin- ning, to lead pupils to appreciate the importance of mak- PREFACE. 5 ing all measurements as accurately as possible with the given instruments, and to realize that there is value in repeated measurements of the same quantity. Much of the benefit to be derived from laboratory practice hangs upon the cultivation of habits of accuracy of observation, the formation of habitually systematic methods, and the development of an ability to reason from observed partic- ulars to general laws. The ability to generalize from observed phenomena should not be expected of many, and must not be demanded. The divisions of the class for laboratory practice should be so small that the teacher may get to each pupil at short intervals to check gross errors at the beginning, and thus prevent much waste of time. Ten or twelve is perhaps a fair limit for the size of such divisions. Pupils should be taught neatness and dexterity of manipulation, held to a rigid accountability for the care and condition of all appa- ratus used by them whether it belongs to them or to the school, required to make accurate notes of their work as it proceeds, and encouraged to' write them up neatly and fully in note-books of prescribed form. They should be taught to put their records into tabular form when the nature of the work will permit such a form of record. Additional to all of this is the work of enforcement; questions, discussions, supplementary experiments, and problems. All of this demands so much of time and enthusiasm from the teacher, that the school authorities ought not to forget that " to give good instruction in the sciences requires of the teacher more work than to give good instruction in mathematics and the languages," and that " the teacher should be absolutely at liberty, not only 6 SCHOOL PHYSICS. during the physics hours, but also during several other hours of the week, to arrange for and to direct the experi- ments, unvexed by any care of schoolrooms or of pupils save those actually engaged in laboratory work." If the school has not a regularly equipped physical laboratory, as is desirable, a room should be set aside for the exclu- sive use of classes in experimental physics, and fitted for such use as well as the circumstances of the case will allowc The author has taken special pains to select experiments and exercises that may be performed with simple and in- expensive apparatus, and many of them have been devised expressly for this work. The author has not disdained any aid that he could draw from any source, but he cheerfully acknowledges his especial obligation to Professor Barker's " Physics," the Harvard College pamphlet, and its ampli- fication in the admirable work of Messrs. Hall and Bergen. Special acknowledgments are also due to Professor Dayton C. Miller of the Case School of Applied Science, who has read the work in manuscript and in proof-sheets ; to Mr. George T. Hanchett of Pawtucket, R. I., for valuable assistance in the chapter on Electricity and Magnetism; and to Mr. Henry C. Muckley, assistant superintendent of the public schools of Cleveland, for his many valuable sug- gestions, and for his aid in correcting proof. To the many others who have given assistance in many ways, the author tenders assurances of grateful appreciation. The author would be glad to receive any suggestions from any who may use this book, or to answer any inquiries concerning the study or apparatus. He may be addressed at Cleveland, O. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. MATTER. PAGE I. DOMAIN OF PHYSICS ; DIVISIONS OF MATTER ... 9 II. PROPERTIES OF MATTER ....... 16 III. CONDITIONS OF MATTER 38 CHAPTER II. MECHANICS., I. MOTION AND FORCE ........ 57 II. WORK AND ENERGY 83 III. GRAVITATION 95 IV. FALLING BODIES 106 V. PENDULUM 118 VI. SIMPLE MACHINES 127 VII. MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS 150 VIII. MECHANICS OF GASES 179 CHAPTER * in. ACOUSTICS. I. NATURE OF SOUND, ETC. ....... 201 II. VELOCITY, REFLECTION AND REFRACTION .... 218 III. CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES ....... 226 IV. CO-VIBRATION 244 V. LAWS OF VIBRATION 258 7 g CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. HEAT. PAGE I. NATURE OF HEAT, TEMPERATURE, ETC 270 II. PRODUCTION AND TRANSFERENCE OF HEAT .... 276 III. EFFECTS OF HEAT 283 IV. MEASUREMENT OF HEAT 299 V. RELATION BETWEEN HEAT AND WORK .... 306 CHAPTER V. RADIANT ENERGY. I. NATURE OF RADIATION 312 II. LIGHT : VELOCITY AND INTENSITY ..... 314 III. REFLECTION OF RADIANT ENERGY ..... 326 IV. REFRACTION OF RADIANT ENERGY ..... 347 V. SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. ...... 368 VI. INTERFERENCE, DIFFRACTION, POLARIZATION, ETC. . . 393 VII. A FEW OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS 400 CHAPTER VI. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. I. GENERAL VIEW : A. STATIC ELECTRICITY . . . . , .412 B. CURRENT ELECTRICITY ...... 433 C. MAGNETISM . . . . . . . 454 II. ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION, ETC. 478 III. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS 523 IV. SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY 543 V. ELECTROMAGNETIC CHARACTER OF RADIATION . . . 579 APPENDIX 591 INDEX ,597 CHAPTER I. MATTER. I. DIVISIONS OF MATTEK. THE DOMAIN OF PHYSICS. "Read Nature in the language of experiment." 1. Science is classified knoivledge. General information is valuable, but it is only when facts are classified that the knowledge becomes scientific knowledge. 2. Matter is anything that occupies space or '-''takes up room." Its existence is made known to us through the senses. Substances are the different kinds of matter, as water, wood, silver, etc. A body is any separate portion of matter, as a book, a table, or a star. Structure of Matter. Experiment i. Heat the mercury in the bulb of a common ther- mometer. The bulb remains full, but the liquid rises in the tube. There seems to be more mercury than there was before. How can this be ? There must be a greater number of molecules, the molecules must be larger, or they must be further apart. Experiment 2. Make a common goose-quill pop-gun. Notice that when you use it the air confined between the two wads is compressed, or made to occupy about half its original space. The air particles were reduced in size or in number, or were crowded together more closely. Perhaps the matter of which a body is made does not actually Jill all the space which the body seems to occupy. 9 10 SCHOOL PHYSICS. Experiment 3. Rub the smooth handle of a fine awl over a piece of fine wire gauze, and the gauze seems to present a continuous sur- face. Perhaps it is the fault of the instrument in your hand, and not the fault of the gauze. Rub the point of the awl over the gauze, and you soon find openings between the metal threads. But the openings are there, whether you can feel them or not. Experiment 4. Rub the point of a fine sewing needle over the surface of a window pane. The glass seems to be continuous in its structure, and the needle cannot get through. Perhaps it is the fault of the instrument you are using. Try one more delicate. Let a ray of light fall upon the glass, and it easily finds a passageway between the solid molecules. Rays of light are often used by scientific men as instruments for their work. 3. Structure of Matter. Many facts, some of which will be considered later, indicate that matter is not con- tinuous ; that any sensible portion of it is a group of very small particles ; that no two of these are in actual con- tact; and that the minute particles of each group are held together by certain attractive forces, to which we must give careful consideration and earnest study. (a) When you look at a brick wall from a considerable distance, it has an apparent uniformity of structure. You cannot see that it is made of many bricks, separated by mortar-filled spaces. This is the fault of your sense of vision. As you come nearer, you see what you did not see before, the individual and separated bricks. But such is the structure of the tvall, ivhether you can see it or not. 4. Divisions of Matter. Matter exists in atoms, mole- cules, and masses. It is very important that we clearly understand what these words mean, or we shall have trouble in trying to understand much that is to follow. 5. An Atom is the smallest quantity of matter that can enter into combination and thus form molecules and masses. It is the chemical unit of matter, and is considered iixdi- DIVISIONS OF MATTER. 11 visible. In nearly every case, an atom is a part of a molecule. (a) We may say that atoms are the smallest particles of matter that can exist. They seldom exist alone, but quickly unite with others like themselves to form elementary molecules, or with others unlike themselves to form compound molecules. For example, one atom of oxygen combines with another like itself to form an elemen- tary molecule of oxygen, while one atom of oxygen combines with two of hydrogen to form a compound molecule of water. There are more than seventy kinds of atoms now known. 6. A Molecule is a quantity of matter so small that it cannot be divided without changing its nature. It is the physical unit of matter, and can be divided only by a chemical process. Atoms make molecules ; molecules make masses. (a) A molecule is so very small that the smallest particle of matter visible in the best of modern microscopes contains millions of mole- cules. If a drop of water could be magnified until it appeared to be as large as the earth on which we live, each molecule in the drop thus magnified would still look smaller than a base-ball. Even in dense solids, molecules are separated by spaces that are large as compared to their own size. Tait assumes it as probable that the molecule itself does not occupy so much as five per cent, of its share of the whole space. This signifies that the distances between molecules is about three times the diameter of a molecule. (fe) Some compound molecules are very complex. The common sugar molecule contains forty-five atoms of three kinds. Elementary molecules make elementary masses or substances. Compound mole- cules make compound masses or substances. The nature of the mole- cule determines the nature of the substance. (c) Molecules are believed to be in ceaseless motion, but ever sub- ject to the constraining action of certain molecular forces. Many of the phenomena observed in matter are due to these molecular motions, as will more clearly appear further on. 7. A Mass is any quantity of matter that is composed of molecules. Masses are elementary or compound. An 12 SCHOOL PHYSICS. elementary substance is called an element. There are as many elements as there are kinds of atoms. Compound substances are innumerable. (a) We may take a lump of salt, which is a mass, and break it into many pieces ; each piece will be a mass. We may take one of these pieces and crush it to finest powder ; each grain will still be a mass. We may imagine one of these grains of powdered salt to be divided into so many parts that any further division will change them from salt to something else ; these particles of salt, so small that further division would change their nature, are molecules. If one of these molecules is divided, it ceases to be salt ; we have instead an atom of sodium and an atom of chlorine. (6) The quantity of matter constituting a mass is not necessarily great. A drop of water may contain a million animalcules. Each animalcule is a mass as truly as the greatest monster of the land or sea. The dewdrop and the ocean, clusters of grapes and clusters of stars, are equally masses of matter. (c) The term " mass " also has reference to the quantity of matter in a body. This double use of the word is unfortunate. 8. Forms of Motion. It is probable that each of these three divisions of matter has its own form or mode of motion. The motion of a mass is often called molar or mechanical motion. The motion of a bullet is an example. The motion of the molecules in a mass constitutes heat. If a bullet strikes a target, the shock that destroys the molar motion of the bullet increases the vibration of the molecules of which the bullet is composed. These molec- ular vibrations constitute heat. When a bullet is thus stopped, it is heated, and the production of heat is ex- plained only in this way. These molar and molecular motions give to matter the power of doing work, the scientific name of which power is energy. The motion of atoms within the molecule has not been proved. DIVISIONS OF MATTER. 13 (a) Fancy a million flies surrounded by an imaginary shell. If each fly represents a molecule, the contents of the shell represent a mass. Imagine this shell to be thrown through the air. The motion of the shell represents molar motion- As the shell is moving through the air, the flies are moving slowly among themselves within the shell. This motion of the flies represents molecular motion, and is a very dif- ferent thing from the motion of the shell. When the shell strikes the ground, the molar motion is destroyed, but the molecular motions are increased, for the flies are set in much more rapid motion by the shock. This is just about what happens when the bullet is fired against a target. Changes in Matter. Experiment 5. Hold a piece of platinum wire in the flame of an alcohol or of a Bunsen lamp. It becomes hot, glows, emits light. There has been a change in the platinum. Remove the wire and allow it to cool. Can you see that the wire was permanently changed in any way by the experiment ? Experiment 6. AVith forceps, hold a piece of magnesium wire in the flame of an alcohol or of a Bunsen lamp. It becomes hot, glows, emits light. At the end of the experiment do you notice any perma- nent change in the magnesium wire? 9. Physical and Chemical Changes. Any change that alters the constitution of the molecule, and thus affects the identity of the substance, is a chemical change. Other changes in matter are physical changes. 10. Phenomena, etc. Any directly observed change in matter is a phenomenon. A supposition (or scientific guess) advanced in explanation of phenomena is an hypothesis. The value of an hypothesis increases with the variety of the phenomena for which it can offer an exclusive explanation. As this variety increases, the hypothesis rises to the rank of a theory. When the theory has acquired so high a degree of probability that it is 14 SCHOOL PHYSICS. accepted by the judicious as an established truth, i.e., when it is easier for men to believe it than to doubt it, it becomes a law, e.g., the law of gravitation. In the words of Mr. Huxley, " Law means a rule which we have always found to hold good, and which we expect always will hold good." Force. Experiment 7. Mount each of two 4x8 inch boards on the trucks of a pair of roller skates (preferably with ball or roller bearings), adjusting the parts so that the two carriages will run in straight lines when set in motion on a level surface. See that the bearings are well oiled. Provide two smooth, straight boards, 6 ft. x 6 in. Cut two wooden blocks with thickness equal to the elevation of the body of the carriage; i.e., so that they may just Slip under the mounted boards when the carriages rest on smooth surfaces. Nail one of these blocks across the face of each of the smooth boards at its end. Raise the MG. 1. other end of one of the boards a little, until by trial you find that one of the carriages will roll down the incline with a velocity as nearly uniform as is attainable, thus eliminating largely the resist- ance due to friction. Fasten the board in this position. Similarly adjust the other board to the other carriage, and place it side by side with the first board. If the second carriage runs less freely than the first, the second board will require a greater incline than the first board. Provide two pieces of elastic tape or of black-rubber tubing, each | of a yard long. Stitch or clarnp together one end of each. Stretch the joined pieces, and fasten their free ends at points 3 yards apart. Tf the pieces stretch unequally, trim the edges of the stiffer piece until the seam that joins the two pieces shall be midway between the fixed ends. Loosen the fastenings at the ends of the tape, and rip the seam at the middle ; the tensions of the two pieces, when equally DIVISIONS OF MATTER. 15 stretched, will pull with equal forces. Tack bne end of each elastic to the top of one of the blocks at the lower end of the smooth board, and the other end of the elastic to the under side of the board that consti- tutes the body of the carriage that was adjusted for that board ; the elastic, when stretched, will be parallel to the long board. Similarly fasten the other elastic to the other block and carriage. Load one carriage with a chalk box filled with iron nails, scraps of lead, or other heavy material ; load the other with a box of chalk. Draw the car- riages toward the upper ends of their respective boards so as to stretch the elastics considerably and equally ; release them at the same time, and notice the speeds at which they are drawn by the equal forces. Try to find some relation between the two velocities and the weights of the two loaded carriages. Transfer part of one load to the other carriage until they will be moved with equal velocities, and determine the approximate relation between the weights of the two loaded carriages. 11. Force. Every phenomenon necessarily implies a change ; every change necessarily implies a cause. The causes that produce phenomena, or changes in matter, are called forces. The word " force " is difficult of satisfactory definition. As generally used in physical discussions, force signifies the immediate cause that produces, or tends to produce, a change in the velocity or direction of motion of a body ; i.e., a push or a pull. Pushes are often called pres- sures ; and pulls, tensions. Forces act on matter. Equal forces produce equal velocities when applied for the same length of time to equal masses. Matter may now be defined as that which can exert force or be acted on by a force. (a) If the intensity of a force varies in successive intervals of time, it is said to be variable ; if its intensity does not change, it is said to be constant. Forces acting between masses of matter separated by sensible distances are called molar forces; e.g., gravitation. Forces acting between molecules separated by insensible distances are called molecular forces ; e.g., cohesion. Forces acting between the atoms of molecules are called atomic forces ; e.g., chemism. 16 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 12. Experiments. A physical experiment is the produc- tion of physical phenomena under conditions that are con- trolled by a scientific student. It is a question addressed to Nature in the only language that she understands. The value attached to her replies involves a firm belief in the " constancy of nature;" i.e., that under the same physical conditions the same physical results will always be produced. Its purpose is to discover or to illustrate some physical truth. (a) If the experiment simply shows how something acts, it is qualitative ; if it shows how much something acts, it is quantitative. 13. Physics is the branch of science that treats of the laws and physical properties of matter and of those phenomena that depend upon physical changes. It is essentially an experi- mental science. With the explanation that energy signifies the power of doing work, physics, in its most general sense, may be defined as the science that treats of matter and energy. II. THE PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 14. Properties of Matter. Any quality that belongs to matter, or is characteristic of it, is called a property of mat- ter. Any property that can be shown without a chemical change is a physical property. 15. Extension is that property of matter by virtue of which it occupies space. It has reference to the qualities of length, breadth, and thickness. It is an essential prop- erty of matter, involved in its very definition. (a) All matter must have these three dimensions. We say that a line has length, a surface has length and breadth ; but lines and sur- faces are mere conceptions of the mind, and have no material exist THE PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 17 ence. The third dimension, which affords the idea of solidity or volume, is necessary to every form of every kind of matter. 16. Measurement of Extension. There are two linear units in use in this country, the English yard and the international meter. From these are derived units of area and of volume. 17. The Yard is the distance between two certain marks on gold plugs set in a certain bronze bar, when the bar is at a temperature of 62 F. This bar is kept in the Tower of London. (a) The divisions of the yard, as feet and inches, together with its multiples, as rods and miles, are in familiar use. The units of sur- face are squares whose sides are some one of the units of length, as the square yard or the square mile. The units of volume are cubes whose edges are some one of the units of length, as the cubic yard or the cubic inch. (6) The standard gallon contains 231 cubic inches. 18. The Meter. The international meter is the dis- tance between two certain lines on a certain platiniridium bar, when the bar is at the temperature of C. It is equal, as nearly as can be ascertained, to 39.37 inches, or "three feet, three inches and three eighths." This bar is kept at Sevres, near Paris. Like the Arabic system of notation and the table of United States money, the divi- sions and multiples of the meter vary in a tenfold ratio, hence some of the great advantages of the system based upon it. This system is in familiar use by the people of most of the civilized countries of the world and by scientists of all nations. The scientific unit of length is the centimeter, the one-hundredth part of the meter. (a) The United States government very carefully preserves, at the office of standard weights and measures in Washington, three accu- rate copies of the international meter. These are authorized by 18 SCHOOL PHYSICS. congress as the standards of length for this country. The length of the yard is determined by the relation above stated. .001 m. = 0.03937 inch. .01 m. = 0.3937 " .1 m. = 3.937 inches. m. = 39.37 m. = 393.7 " m. = 328 feet 1 inch. m. = 0.62137 mile. m. = 6.2137 miles. 19. Metric Measures of Length. Ratio = i : 10. f Millimeter (mm.) = DIVISIONS. \ Centimeter (cm.) = { Decimeter (dm.) = UNIT. Meter (m.) = 1. Dekameter (D?n.) = 10. MULTIPLES. Hekt meter (Hm.) = 100. Kilometer (Km.) = 1000. Myriameter (Mm.) = 10000. The table may be read, " 10 millimeters make 1 centimeter, 10 centimeters make 1 decimeter," etc. The denominations most used in practice are printed in Italics. The system of nomenclature is very simple. The Latin prefixes milli-, centi-, and deci-j signifying respectively .001, .01, and .1, and ' already familiar in the mill, cent, and dime of United States money, are used for the divisions ; while the Greek prefixes deka-, hekto-, kilo-, and myria-, signifying respectively 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000, are used for the multiples of the unit. Each name is accented on the first syllable. 20. Metric Measures of Surface and of 5 Volume. As with English measures, the metric units of surface and volume are surfaces or cubes whose sides or edges respectively are some one of the units of length, as the square meter or the cubic centimeter. For square measures, the ra- tio is 1 : 10 2 = 1 : 100 ; thus, one hundred square millimeters make one square centi- meter, etc. For cubic measures, the ratio is 1 : 10 3 = 1 : 1000 ; thus, one thousand cubic centimeters make one cubic deci- FIQ. 2. meter, etc. THE PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 19 21. Metric Measures of Capacity. Ratio = i : 10. For many purposes, such as the measurement of articles usually sold by dry or liquid measure, a smaller unit than the cubic meter is desirable. For such purposes, the cubic decimeter has been selected -as the standard, and when thus used is called a liter (pronounced leeter). In value it is intermediate between the liquid and the dry quarts. CMilliliter (ml.) = 1 cu. cm. = 0.061022 cu. in. DIVISIONS, -j Centiliter (d.) = 10 " = 0.338 fluid oz. [ Deciliter (.) = 100 " = 0.845 gill. UNIT. Liter (f.) = 1000 " = 1.0567 liquid qta. f Dekaliter (Z>/.) = 10 cu. dm. = 9.08 dry qts. MULTIPLES. \ Hektoliter (HI.) = 100 " =2 bu. 3.35 pks. [ Kiloliter (JO.) = 1 cu. m. = 264.17 gals. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Apparatus, etc., Needed. A notebook made of good paper, and having some of its pages ruled in little squares ; paper; pencil ; a school rule ; a yardstick graduated to eighths of an inch ; a meter stick grad- uated to millimeters ; a quart measure ; a liter measure ; a glass vessel graduated to cubic centimeters, i.e., a graduate (see Fig. 3). 1. With a yardstick, measure the length of your laboratory. 2. From the table given in 19, compute the equivalent of that length in meters and decimals thereof. 3. With a meter stick, measure the length of your laboratory, and compare the result with that obtained by computation. 4. With a meter stick, measure the door of your laboratory, and make an outline sketch thereof, using the scale of 1 : 20. 5. With a yardstick, measure the width of your laboratory. Draw a ground plan of the room, using the scale of one inch to the yard. 6. Make the necessary measurements and compute the capacity of the room (a) in cubic feet, (b) in cubic meters, (c) in gallons, (d) in liters. 7. With the meter stick, measure the length of this leaf of your book. Place the stick on its edge so as to bring the graduation as close as possible to the object to be measured. Bring, not the end of / 20 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the rod, but one of the centimeter marks, even with one end of the leaf, and from the stick read the length of the page accurately to 0.1 mm. You can divide the smallest division on the scale into tenths by the eye. 8. As an exercise in subdividing distances by the eye, let the teacher draw a tine line, curved or straight, on cross-section paper, designate certain lines as axes of coordinates, and require each pupil in succession to record in tabular form the locus of each point where the given line crosses one of the lines ruled on the paper. 9. Make two fine marks with a sharp knife on a table-top or other board, as far apart as is convenient, the distance being more than a meter. Measure as accurately as possible the distance between the marks, estimating fractions of millimeters to tenths, and expressing the results in meters. Do this ten times. Measure the same distance in inches, estimating fractions of the smallest division on the scale to tenths. Express these results in inches and decimals of an inch. Do this ten times. Divide the average number of inches by the average number of meters ; the quotient will be the number of inches in a meter. Express in millimeters the measures that you took in meters, and divide the average number of millimeters by the average number of inches; the quotient will be the number of millimeters in an inch. Compare your re- sults with the table given in 19. 10. With the graduate, measure 250 cu. crn. of water, and pour it into the liter measure. See how often you can repeat the work without overflowing the measure. It will require careful attention to tell just when the water level reaches the required mark. The liquid climbs up the sides of the glass, so that it is difficult to tell where the water-level really is. The eye of the observer should be placed on the level of the required mark 011 the graduate. 11. Compute the number of cubic centimeters in a quart. Test your result by the actual measurement of water or of dry sand. Impenetrability. Experiment 8. Pass a funnel (or a funnel-tube) and a bent tube, as shown in Fig. 4, through the cork of a bottle. Be sure that all joints are air-tight. The delivery-tube is best made of glass, which THE PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 21 may be bent when heated to redness in an alcohol or gas flame. Place the end of the delivery-tube in a tumbler of water. Pour water through the funnel. As it runs into the bottle, air will be forced out, and may be seen bubbling through the water in the tumbler. Directions for glass working may be found in Avery's Chemistry, Appendix 4. Experiment 9. Thrust a lamp chimney into water. The water will rise inside the chimney, entering at the lower end, and, pushing the air out at the top. Repeat the experiment, closing the upper end of the FIG. chimney with the hand (or use an inverted tumbler). The water cannot rise as before, because the vessel is filled with air that cannot escape. 22. Impenetrability is that property of matter by virtue of which two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time. (a) Illustrations of this property are very simple and abundant. Thrust a finger into a tumbler of water ; it is evident that the water and the finger are not in the same place at the same time. Drive a nail into a piece of wood; the particles of wood are either crowded more closely together to give room for the nail, or some of them are driven out before it. Clearly, the iron and the wood are not in the same place at the same time. The familiar method of measuring the volume of an irregular solid by immersing it in a liquid and then measuring the volume of the liquid displaced by it, implies the impen- etrability of matter. 23. Mass and Weight. The mass of a body is its quantity of matter. The weight of a body is, in general terms, the measure of the earth's attraction for it. The weight of a body varies as its mass, and with the posi- tion of the body relative to the earth's surface. The mass of a given body is constant ; its weight is not. The word " mass " signifies matter ; the word " weight " signifies force. 22 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (a) If the given body could be carried to the moon, its weight there would be the measure of the attraction existing between the body arid the moon ; but as the mass of the moon is less than that of the earth, the attraction between the body and the moou would be less than that between that body and the earth. The mass of the given body would be the same as it was on the earth, but its weight would be less. 24. Measurement of Mass and Weight. Unfortunately we still have two systems of measurement, one practically limited in use to the United States and the British Em- pire ; the other, international. The English unit of mass is the quantity of matter contained in the avoirdupois pound. The international unit of mass is the kilogram, a certain piece of platiniridium deposited at Sevres, near Paris. For many scientific uses, this unit is too large ; and the gram, which is the one-thousandth part of the kilogram, is generally used. (a) The mass of a gram was intended to be, and is very nearly, equal to the quantity of matter in one cubic centimeter of distilled water at the temperature of 4 C. As with the meter, the United States _WEIGHS e. : |H9il,mL government carefully pre- serves a standard kilo- gram. (6) The units of weight measure the attractions of the earth for these FIG. 5. units of mass, and receive the same names. Under like conditions, a comparison of weights may be substituted for a com- parison of masses, since at any one place the weight varies as the mass. Unfortunately we have in common use pounds Troy, avoir- dupois, and apothecaries', the use varying with the nature of the transaction. On the other hand, the kilogram is definite, having but a single value. THE PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 23 25. Metric Measures of Weight. [ Milligram (?ng.) = j Centigram (eg.) = v. Decigram Gram f Dekagram I Hektogram (Hg.) = ] Kilogram (Kg-) I Myriagram (a) A five-cent nickel coin weighs five grams, of water weighs one gram. DIVISIONS. UNITS. MULTIPLES. Ratio=i: 10. 0.0154 grain. 0.1543 1.5432 grains. 15.432 0.3527 oz. avoirdupois. 3.5274 2.2046 Ibs. (Mg.} = 22.046 A cubic centimeter CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. How much water by weight will a liter flask contain? 2. If sulphuric acid is 1.8 times as heavy as water, what weight of the acid will a liter flask contain ? 3. If alcohol is 0.8 times as heavy as water, how much will 1,250 cu. cm. of alcohol weigh ? 4. What part of a liter of water is 250 g. of water? 5. What is the weight of a cubic decimeter of water? 6. What is the weight of a deciliter of water? 7. How many gallons of water may be held by a vessel 18 x 19 x 20 inches in dimensions ? 8. How 7 many liters of water may be held by a vessel measuring 25 x 35 x 75 cm.? LABORATORY EXERCISES. -Additional Apparatus, etc. A fairly delicate balance (see Fig. 6) ; English and metric weights ; two rectan- gular wooden blocks, 2x3x4 inches ; an iron ball an inch or two in diameter ; a base- ball ; a croquet ball ; a pair of compasses with pencil point ; a pen- knife ; a teacupful of lead bullets; a bottle; wire. 1. Measure the mass FlG - 6 - of each of the three balls in English weight units. 24 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 2. Compute the metric equivalents of these three weights. 3. Weigh the three balls, using metric standards, and compare results with those found by computation. 4. Place a meter stick on the table, and by its edge place two rectan- gular blocks (chalk boxes will answer for rough work). Place a cro- quet ball between the blocks. Move the blocks as near each other as possible with the ball between them, keeping one face of each block in contact with the straight edge of the meter stick, (a) What is the diameter of the ball? (6) What is the^area of its surface? 5. (a) In similar manner, measure the diameter of a base-ball, (ft) On paper, draw a circle of that diameter, (c) Compute the area of that circle, (rf) With a sharp penknife, cut out the circle, and pass the base-ball through the hole. 6. (a) In similar manner, measure the diameter of the iron ball. (&) Compute its volume, (c) Compute the weight of the same volume of water, (d) Measure out and weigh that volume of water, and com- pare its weight with the computed result, (e) Iron is how many times as heavy as water? (y) Place the iron ball in a tumbler or beaker filled with water ; catch and measure the water that runs over. () The form and structure of crystals are of great importance to the chemist and the mineralogist, as the nature of many substances may be ascertained thereby. (See definition of " crystallography " in " The Century Dictionary.") LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Bottles containing concentrated solu- tions of potassium nitrate (saltpeter) and of ammonium chloride (sal ammoniac) ; several pieces of window glass 4 or 5 inches square ; a magnifying lens, preferably mounted (the glasses used in botanical study will answer admirably); a Bunsen or an alcohol lamp; test- tube ; iodine ; Hessian crucible ; brimstone ; saucer ; bottle ; round or ' rat-tail " file ; Florence flask ; corks and cork-borers ; glass tubing ; retort-stand ; two plain tumblers of thin glass and of the same size ; waste- jar. 1. (a) Slowly warm a piece of thoroughly cleaned glass over the lamp ; hold the glass horizontal, and pour a little of the solution of saltpeter upon it. Move the glass quickly so as to spread the liquid over its surface, and then, hold it over the waste-jar so as to drain off the surplus* solution. When a cloudy patch appears on the glass, examine it carefully through the lens, make a drawing of what you see, and label it " KNO 3 Crystals." 42 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (&) Take a similar course with the other solution, and label the drawing NH 4 C1 Crystals." 2. Drop a single crystal of iodine into the bottom of a test-tube (Fig. 20), and heat it gently. After the tube has been well filled with the beautiful iodine vapor, allow it to cool. With a p| magnifying lens, examine the iodine crystals that form on the walls of the test-tube. 3. Melt about 200 g. of sulphur (brimstone) in a Hessian crucible (Fig. 21), and allow it to cool until a crust forms over it. Through a hole pierced in this crust, pour out the still liquid sulphur. When the crucible is cool, break it, and with a magnifying glass examine the needle-shaped sulphur crystals with which it is lined. The crucible may be saved by pouring all of the melted sulphur into a pasteboard box, and allowing ' the crystals to form there. 4. Fill a clear glass tumbler with fresh hydrant or well water. Fill a similar vessel with water that has recently been w T ell boiled. Set both in a moderately warm, quiet place, and let them stand over night. Examine the walls of the two tumblers, and account for the difference in their appearance. 5. With a round file, work a notch in the edge of a saucer, and a hole about a centimeter in diameter in the middle of the bottom. Invert the saucer in an earthenware or tin pan, and cover it with water. FlG 2 i. Fill a bottle with water, and stand it upside down with its mouth around the hole in the saucer. Fill a Florence flask with water, and, holding it under water, close its mouth with a cork carrying a bent glass delivery-tube. Keeping the flask and tube full of water, thrust the free end of the tube through the notch in the edge of the saucer, and FlG 22 place the flask on the retort- stand. Be sure that flask, tube, and bottle are full of water. Heat the flask carefully until the water has boiled for several minutes. The collection bottle will be found to THE THREE CONDITIONS OF MATTER. 43 contain something besides water ; it is air. Can you imagine whence it came ? Repeat the experiment with water that has been recently boiled in an open vessel. Do you collect any air now ? Perhaps the boiling of water expels air that it holds in solution. Think about it. Has your work given you any information as to the solubility of air in water ? As to the porosity of water ? Superficial Molecules. Experiment 28. Fill a tumbler brimming full of water. With a pipette (Fig. 23), add more water, drop by drop and patiently, until the water in the tumbler is actually heaped up higher than the edges of the glass. Try to imagine an invisi- ble skin stretched over the liquid surface to keep it from overflowing the edge of the tumbler. Experiment 29. Carefully place a fine sewing needle upon the surface of water. With care, and perhaps repetition, the needle may be made to float. If you have serious trouble in mak- FIG. 24. i n g ik float, draw it between the fingers or wipe it with an oily cloth. A hair-pin bent slightly near the tips may be used to lower the needle so that neither end shall F IG< 23. touch the water before the other. Closely examine the surface of the water. Notice that the needle rests in a little depression or bed, just as it would if the surface of the water was a thin skin or membrane. Experiment 30. Blow a soap-bubble without detaching it from the pipe or tube. Leave the tube open, and notice that the film contracts, diminishing the size of the bubble, and expelling some of the air from it. The current of air from the interior of the bubble may be made to deflect the flame of a candle. Experiment 31. Float two sewing needles on the. surf ace of water about a quarter of an inch apart, and let a drop of alcohol fall upon the water between them. Notice that the needles separate as if they had been supported on a stretched membrane, and the membrane had been cut so that its parts might separate, each carrying its needle with it. 44 SCHOOL PHYSICS. Experiment 32. Drop a few small pieces of camphor upon the surface of clean, warm water. Notice their peculiar gyratory motions. Experiment 33. Moisten a small bit of paper, and stick it to the concave side of a watch crystal near the edge, as an indicator. Dip the part of the convex surface on the side indicated by the paper into alcohol, so that not more than a sixth of the rim shall be wet. Hold- ing the crystal so that the adhering drop of alcohol shall be under the paper bit, float it on the surface of a shallow dish of water a foot or more in diameter. The glass will skim across the surface of the water with the segment that was wet with alcohol astern. 44. Superficial Films. The molecular forces of a liquid are strikingly manifested at its surface, so that every liquid may be regarded as bounded by a superficial film. This film is physically different from the interior of the liquid mass, and is a seat of energy. Two of the properties of these films are called surface viscosity and surface tension. 45. Surface Viscosity. The superficial film of a liquid is, as a rule, exceedingly viscous as compared with the inte- rior mass. It is comparatively hard to move or break. To this toughness of the superficial film, the floating of a needle or the walking of an insect on water must in part be ascribed, for the depth of the dimple is not sufficient to account for the support afforded to so heavy a body. A solution of soap in water has greater surface viscosity than has pure water, hence its adaptability to the formation of bubbles. (a) The surface viscosity of a solution of gum arabic. is sufficient to enable frothiug when the solution is shaken, but not enough for the formation of bubbles ; that of water is so little that pure water will not froth; and that of alcohol is so* eminently feeble that alcohol is often used in pharmacy to mix with superficially viscous liquids for the purpose of checking or preventing frothing. To the same prop- erty is attributed the smoothing of a rough sea by pouring oil upon THE THREE CONDITIONS OF MATTER. 45 it. The new surface is comparatively rigid, and is not so easily broken into surf. 46. Surface Tension. Experiments show that a liquid surface (as the surface that separates waterfront air, or oil from water) is in a state of tension similar to that of a mem- brane stretched equally in all directions. This tension is practically independent of the form of the surface. It depends on the nature and temperature of the liquid, diminishing as the temperature rises. Pure water has a surface tension higher than that of any other substance that is liquid at ordinary temperatures, except mercury ; hence the mixture of any other liquid with water lessens the surface tension of the water, as was shown in Experi- ments 31 and 33. (a) In a liquid film, such as a soap-bubble, " it is possible that no part of the liquid may be so far from the surface as to have the poten- tial and density corresponding to the interior of a liquid mass;" i.e., the film may be mostly surface. The exterior and the interior surfaces of the bubble act like two sheets of india-rubber stretched equally in length and breadth. Their tendency to con- tract forces air from the interior of the bub- ble, and repays the work performed, or energy expended, in increasing the surfaces when the bubble was blown. Surface tension may be studied under very favorable conditions by using soap or collodion films. If a rough- ened ring is dipped into a strong solution of Castile soap, to which FIG. 25. FIG. 26. 46 SCHOOL PHYSICS. glycerin has been added, a plane film will be found stretched across it. To such a ring, tie a loop of thread and secure another film, as shown in Fig. 25. With a hot wire, puncture the film inside the thread loop, and the tension of the film will pull the thread outward in all directions, as shown in Fig. 26. Such films may be made to stretch themselves in singularly beautiful forms on wire skeletons of cubes, pyramids, cylinders, etc. (6) The tension of the superficial film tends to reduce the contained liquid to the form that gives the greatest volume with the least area of surface ; hence the spherical form of soap-bubbles, air-bubbles in water, raindrops, shot, etc. The various forms assumed by liquid masses under the influence of surface tension are conveniently studied by relieving them of the influence of gravity by floating them in liquids of their own density, and with which they will not mix. Thus, one may make a mixture of alcohol and water of the same density as olive oil. Masses of olive oil placed in such a mixture will neither rise nor sink. If left free, they will assume the globular form. When limiting conditions are imposed upon them, they assume geo- metrical forms of great interest, all having the smallest superficial area possible under the conditions imposed. (c) When camphor floats on water, solution is likely to take place more rapidly on one side of each piece than on the other. The sur- face tension becomes weaker where the camphor solution is the stronger; and the lump, being pulled in different directions by unequal surface tensions, moves in the direction of the strongest tension, i.e., toward the side on which the least camphor is dissolved. If a drop of ether (a very volatile liquid) is held near the surface of water, its vapor will condense on the surface of the water, weakening the surface tension there. Surface currents may be noticed flowing in every direction from under the drop of ether. Capillarity. Experiment 34. Partly fill a' thin, clean beaker with water, and a similar beaker with clean mercury. Notice that the upper surfaces of the two liquids are level except at the edges near the glass. Notice, fur- ther, that the water is lifted at the edge by the glass, and that the mercury is depressed. Experiment 35. Support a clean glass rod vertically in the water, and notice that the liquid is lifted by the rod, as shown at a in THE THREE CONDITIONS OF MATTER. 47 Fig. 27. Remove the rod. Notice that it is wet. Wipe the rod dry, and place it similarly in the mercury. Notice that this liquid is de- pressed by the rod. Remove the rod, and notice that it was not wetted by the mercury. Smear the glass rod with oil, and place it in the water, as before. Notice that the water is depressed thereby. Remove the rod, and notice that it is not wetted by the water. Place a clean strip of tin, FIG. 27. lead, or zinc, in the mercury. Notice that the mercury is lifted. Remove the strip, and notice that the strip was wetted by the mercury. - 47. Capillary Attraction. The excess of the attraction of one of two fluids, one of which is generally air, for the wall of a vessel with which they have a common line of contact, is called capillary attraction; it is proximately accounted for by surface tension. The common surface of the wall and of the more attracted fluid makes the acuter angle with the common surface of the fluids. The truth suggested by our experiments is general : all liquids that wet the sides of solids placed in them will be lifted^ while those that do not will be pushed down. Experiment 36. So place two small, clean glass plates in a shallow dish of clean water, that the angle included between the plates shall 48 SCHOOL PHYSICS. be very acute, and that the edges in contact shall be vertical. The vertical edges not in contact may be held apart by a thin strip of wood placed between them, the whole being held together by a rubber band placed horizontally around the plates. Notice the rise of the liquid between the plates, and the outline of the hyperbola traced upon them by the surface of the lifted liquid. Experiment 37. Wet the inner surfaces of several clean glass tubes of small and different diameters (1 mm. and less) to remove the adhering air-film. Support the tubes vertically in pure water. Notice that the water rises in the tubes, as shown at b in Fig. 27 ; that, the less the diameter of the tube, the greater the elevation of the water ; and that the free surface of the water in the tube is concave. Remove the tubes, and similarly support them in clean mercury. Notice that the mercury is depressed in the tubes, as shown at c in Fig. 27 ; that, the less the diameter of ths tube, the greater the depres- sion ; and that the free surface of the mercury in the tubes is convex. Experiment 38. Make a tapering capillary tube by drawing out a glass tube that has been heated to redness. Clean the tube thor- oughly, and into its larger end introduce a drop of water. - + Jiliiiii Notice the concave form of the two free liquid surfaces, and the motion of the water toward the smaller end of the tube. Empty the tube, and intro- F IG . 28. duce a drop of mercury into the smaller end. Notice the convex form of the two free liquid surfaces, and the motion of the mercury toward the larger end of the tube. 48. Capillary Tubes. The rise of liquids in capillary tubes is explained by the action of cohesion as a force act- ing at insensible distances, and producing a tension of the superficial film of the liquid. This tension produces an upward pull where the liquid surface is concave, and a downward pressure where the liquid surface is convex. The effect of this tendency is, in the case of water, partly THE THKEE CONDITIONS OF MATTER. 49 to neutralize the downward pull of gravity. The follow- ing facts have been experimentally established: (1) Liquids ascend in tubes ivhen they wet them, i.e., when the liquid surface is concave; and they are depressed when they do not wet them, i.e., when the liquid surface is convex. (2) The elevation or the depression varies inversely as the diameter of the tube. (3) The elevation or the depression decreases as the tem- perature rises. (a) The extreme range of the forces that produce capillary action seems to lie between a thousandth and a twenty-thousandth part of a millimeter. Familiar illustrations of capillary action are numerous, such as the action of blotting-paper, sponges, lamp-wicks, etc. Absorption. Experiment 39. Fill a large test-tube with dried ammonia (see Chemistry, 67) by displacement over mercury. Heat a piece of FIG. 29. charcoal to redness, and plunge it into the mercury. When it is cool, slip it under the mouth of the test-tube, and let it rise into the ammonia 50 SCHOOL PHYSICS. atmosphere. Notice that the mercury rises in the tube as if the gas was absorbed by the charcoal. 49. Absorption. Some solids have the power of taking up or absorbing gases. Thus, a porous body like charcoal has the ability to condense on its surface a large quantity of some gases through the molecular attraction exerted between its surface and the molecules of the gas. Box- wood charcoal is able thus to absorb ninety times its volume of ammonia gas. This absorption is increased by pressure, and decreased by a rise of temperature. Diffusion. Experiment 40. Half fill a jar with water. Through a long- stemmed funnel (Fig. 30) reaching to the bottom of the jar, pour a strong aqueous solution of copper sulphate (blue vitriol). The plane of separation be- tween the colored and the colorless liquids is clearly visible. Allow the jar to stand undis- turbed for several weeks, observing it from day to day. The plane of demarcation be- tween the strata becomes blurred, the liquids mix, the solution becomes uniform. Experiment 41. Partly fill a test-tube or other tall glass vessel with water tinted with blue litmus. Through a funnel-tube reach- ing to the bottom of the vessel, drop a little strong sulphuric acid. Notice the reddish color (caused by the action of the acid on ::: JP IG 3Q the litmus) moving slowly upward. Experiment 42. Wet the inner surface of a clear tumbler or beaker with strong ammonia water, leaving a few drops of the liquid in the bottom. Cover it with a sheet of writing paper. Moisten the inner surface of a like vessel with strong hydrochloric (muriatic) acid. Invert the second vessel over the first, mouth to THE THREE CONDITIONS OF MATTER. 51 mouth, so that the contents of the two vessels shall be separated only by the paper. Each vessel is filled with an invisible gas. Remove the paper, and notice that the invisible gases quickly diffuse into each other and form a dense cloud. If two bottles are filled with different gases, as oxygen and hydrogen, and the bottles con- nected 'by a glass tube two or three feet long, with the bottle con- taining the lighter gas FlG 31 (hydrogen) above the other, the gases still mix by diffusion through the tube, but the process, of course, requires more time. Experiment 43. Cement a small porous battery-cup to a large funnel- tube, mouth to mouth. Pass the end of the funnel-tube snugly through the cork of a bottle, B, partly filled with water, and provided with a delivery- tube, d, drawn out to a jet, as shown in Fig. 32. When a bell-glass, C, contain- ing hydrogen is placed over the porous cup, that gas diffuses inward so much more rapidly than the air can diffuse outward, that an increased pressure is exerted on the surface of the water. If all the joints are tight, water will be thrown from the jet. The experiment may be simplified by allowing the tube to dip into .water in an open vessel. Bubbles will then rise through the water. 52 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 50. Diffusion. The gradual and spontaneous mixing of two fluids that are placed in contact is called diffusion. It takes place without application of external force, and even in opposition to the force of gravity. It is explained only by the motions and attractions of the molecules of the two fluids. (a) Some liquids, such as mercury and water, do not mix at all when placed in contact. Other liquids, such as chloroform and water, mix only in certain proportions. The chloroform takes up a little water, and the water takes up a little chloroform, but even the two mixed liquids will not mix. Still other liquids, and all gases, mix in all proportions. When two such fluids are placed in contact, diffu- sion begins of itself, and goes on continuously until the fluids are in a state of uniform mixture. (5) Even with our most powerful microscopes, we cannot follow these motions or detect any currents. The motions are molecular, not molar. 51. Kinetic Theory of Gases. A perfect gas consists of free, elastic molecules in constant and rapid motion. Each molecule moves in a straight line and with a uni- form velocity, until it strikes another molecule or the vessel in which the gas is contained. When these mole- cules encounter each other, they behave much as billiard balls would do if no energy were lost in their collisions. Each molecule travels a very small distance between one encounter and another, so that it is every now and then changing its velocity both in magnitude and direction. The magnitude of the velocity may be computed, and one direction is just as likely as any other. (a) One result of this motion of free molecules is, that, if in any part of the containing vessel the molecules are more numerous than in a neighboring region, more molecules will pass from the first region into the second than will pass in the opposite direction ; i.e., the gas THE THREE CONDITIONS OF MATTER. 53 will diffuse itself equally through the vessel. Even when two gases are placed in the same vessel, each gas diffuses itself in the same way that it would if the other gas was not present ; but the molecules of the two gases will encounter each other, and every collision will check the process. Thus the interdiffusion of two gases is slower than the equalization of the density of a single gas. It is said that in a given vessel a given stage in the diffusion of liquids requires as many days as a like stage in the diffusion of gases requires seconds. (6) A second result is, that the blows that the molecules thus strike upon the walls of the containing vessel are so numerous, that their total effect is a continuous, constant force or pressure. Osmose. Experiment 44. Tie a piece of wet parchment-paper over the mouth of a large funnel-tube, and pour a saturated solution of copper sulphate into the stem of the tube until the liquid a little more than fills the bulb. Support the funnel-tube in a clear glass vessel of water, adjusting the height of the tube so that the two liquids shall stand at the same level. Watch the apparatus, and soon you may notice that the bluish tint appears in the water in the outer vessel, and that the liquid is rising in the stem of the funnel-tube. Evidently both liquids are passing through the parchment membrane, the greater flow being inward. 52. Osmose. The tendency of fluids to pass through porous partitions and to mix is called osmose. (a) "When two solutions differing in strength and composition are separated by a porous diaphragm, they pass with unequal rapidities. The action of the fluid that passes with the greater rapidity is called endosmosis ; that of the other fluid is called exosmosis. (ft) Soluble substances have a wide range of diffusibility. Bodies of rapid diffusibility through porous membranes, like common salt and sugar, generally have a crystalline form, and are called crystalloids. Bodies of slow diffusibility through porous membranes generally have the amorphous, glue-like character that gives them the name of colloids. Colloids are often separated from crystalloids by placing the mixture in a vessel having a parchment-paper bottom, and sus- pending it in another vessel containing water. This process is called dialysis. 54 SCHOOL PHYSICS. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. What is science ? 2. What is matter? 3. Define the several divisions of matter. 4. What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory? 5. (a) What is a gram? (6) A liter? 6. On what property of matter does compressibility depend? 7. If you thrust a knitting-needle into a mass of dough, is the hole thus made a pore ? What is a pore ? 8. What is the difference between a fluid and a liquid? 9. Are molecules of water larger or smaller than those of steam ? Give a reason for your answer. 10. Are intermolecular spaces greater in water or in steam ? Give a reason for your answer. 11. Considered with reference to the three conditions of matter, are cohesion and heat cooperative, or antagonistic ? 12. Why can you not blow a soap-bubble with pure water ? 13. Tell how, with two pieces of glass and a plate of water, you can produce a hyperbolic curve. 14. Upon what property do most of the characteristic properties of matter depend? Name five universal and three characteristic prop- erties of matter. Define inertia. 15. State definitely how you could separate a solution of loaf-sugar from a solution of gum-arabic with which it was mixed. What is the name of the process employed? After such separation, how could you separate the sugar from its water of solution ? 16. Find out how many pounds you weigh. Express that weight in kilograms. 17. State the kinetic theory of gases. 18. Does the number of steps that a man takes in traveling a mile vary directly or inversely with the length of the steps ; i.e., does nccl or ncc- ? 19. If No. 27 spring-brass wire breaks under a load of 15 pounds, calculate the breaking strength of No. 25 brass wire. (See table of wire-gauge numbers in the appendix.) 20. If No. 27 spring-brass wire has a breaking strength of 15 pounds, and No. 30 annealed iron wire one of 5 pounds, compute the ratio be- tween the tenacities of spring-brass and of annealed iron. THE THREE CONDITIONS OF MATTER. 55 LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Draughtsman's triangle; proportional dividers ; cardboard ; Castile soap ; glycerin ; glass funnel ; rubber tubing ; clay pipe ; a good balance that weighs to centigrams, and has a centigram u rider ; " a silver coin ; nitric acid ; salt ; ammonia water. 1 . Press one side of the triangle firmly against the edge of a ruler resting on a sheet of paper. Trace a pencil line along one of the other sides of the triangle. Without allowing the ruler to move, slide the triangle along its edge, and trace another line along the other edge, as before. In like manner draw several more lines, all of which will be parallel. 2. Draw AB, a line 7.3 cm. long. Divide it into 5 equal parts. From A draw an indefinite straight line, AX, making an angle of 30 or 40 degrees with AB. Set the dividers to any convenient length, say 2 cm., and, measuring from A, lay off on AX as many equal distances as the number of parts into which AB is to be divided ; i.e., 5 such equal distances. Mark these equidistant points on AX, in succession, a, b, c, d, and e. Draw the straight line Be. Using the triangle and rule as in Exercise 1, draw lines through d, c, b, and a, parallel to Be. These parallel lines will divide AB into 5 equal parts, as required. With the dividers, test the equality of the several parts of AB. 3. Divide a line 7 cm. long into 3 equal parts. Set the index of the proportional dividers at the division on the scale for thirds. Open the dividers until the points of the longer legs rest upon the ends of the given line. The distance between the points of the shorter legs may be laid off in succession from one end of the given line, which will thus be divided into thirds, as required. 4. Carefully heat a tumbler, and half fill it with boiling water. Cover it with cardboard. Invert a second tumbler over the first. Watch the apparatus for a few minutes. If you notice any change in the appearance of the upper tumbler, find out whether it is due to a change in the inner or the outer surface of the glass. What prop- erty of the cardboard is thus illustrated ? 5. Make of No. 24 iron wire a skeleton of a square pyramid with edges 5 cm. long, and attach a handle, as shown in Fig. 33. Also make two wire rings 56 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 6 cm. in diameter and with wire handles. Make a soap-bubble solu- tion as follows : Dissolve 10 g. of Castile soap, in fine shavings, in 400 cu. cm. of warm water, recently boiled, shaking the mixture from time to time. When the soap is dissolved, allow the solution to stand for several hours. Pour off the clear liquid, and to it add 250 cu. cm. of good glycerin, shaking the two thoroughly together. (a) Slip a piece of rubber tubing over the shank of a glass funnel about 10 cm. across the top. Dip the edges of the funnel into the solution, catch a film, and blow as large a bubble as you can. (&) Blow a bubble with a common clay pipe. Detach it from the pipe, and catch it on one of the iron rings. Bring the other ring into contact with the bubble on the other side, and draw the bubble into cylindrical form. (c) Immerse the pyramidal frame into the solution, and try to secure a film on each side, thus forming a hollow, regular penta- hedron. 6. Weigh accurately a clean United States silver coin, which is an alloy containing ten per cent, of copper. Place two or three drops of strong nitric acid on the coin, and allow it to stand until the action of the acid on the coin seems to cease. Wash the coin thoroughly in a tumbler of pure water. Measure the water in the graduate (cubic centimeters), and determine the number of drops in a cubic centi- meter. Divide this water into two equal parts. To one part, add a few drops of a strong solution of common salt (brine) ; the milky appear- ance indicates the presence of a silver compound. To the other part of the water, add a few cubic centimeters of ammonia water ; the blue tint indicates the presence of a copper compound. Weigh the coin again, and ascertain how much of it was eaten off. Compute the weight of silver and of copper in each drop of the measured liquid. CHAPTER II. MECHANICS: MASS PHYSICS. I. MOTION AND FORCE. 53. Mechanics is the branch of physics that treats of forces and their effects. (a) Mechanics is commonly divided into kinematics and dynamics, and the latter into statics and kinetics. Some of these distinctions seem "artificial, unscientific, and confused," and they will not be rigidly observed in the present book. 54. Motion, Velocity, and Acceleration. Motion is change of position. A body lias a motion of translation when any point in it moves along a straight line, and a motion of rotation when any point in it describes a circular arc about some other point in it as a center. Velocity is rate of motion, and its magnitude is expressed by say- ing that it is such a distance in such a time, as ten miles an hour, or one meter a second. Velocity may be uniform or variable. The velocity of a body at any instant is the distance it would pass over in the next unit of time if left wholly free from any outside influence. Thus, the velocity of a falling body at the end of the third second of its fall is the distance it would pass over in the fourth second if it could be freed from the attraction of 57 58 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the earth and the resistance of the air. A variable velocity is accelerated or retarded. The change of velocity per unit of time (i.e., the rate of change of velocity) is called acceler- ation. Acceleration is positive or negative (+or ) respectively as the velocity is accelerated or retarded. If the acceleration remains constant, the velocity is uniformly accelerated or retarded according to the algebraic sign of the acceleration. (a) A body passing over unit of space in unit of time has unit velocity. The velocity per second multiplied by the number of seconds measures the distance traversed in any given time by a body moving with a uniform velocity. Representing these functions by I for distance, v for velocity per second, and t for time counted in seconds, we have I = vt. (1) From this fundamental formula we derive algebraically the fol- lowing : v = -, and t = -. t v If two of these values are known, they may be substituted in one of these formulas, and the third value obtained thence. If a body moves at the rate of 50 feet per second for 12 seconds, and the distance traversed is desired, formula (1) is applicable : l = vt; I = 50 x 12 ; 1 = 600, the number of feet. (6) Represent constant acceleration by a. In t seconds, a body starting from rest will have acquired a velocity represented by at. v = at. ^ (2) This is the formula for a body starting from a state of rest, and hav- ing a uniformly accelerated velocity. Half the sum of the initial and the final velocities is the average velocity. In the case now under consideration, the initial velocity was zero, and the final velocity was at ; therefore, the average velocity of a body starting from rest, and gaining a velocity uniformly accelerated for t seconds, is - or \ at. MOTION AND FORCE. 59 The average velocity multiplied by the number of time-units equals the distance traversed ; therefore, / = \ at x t, or / = *<<. 4^v ( 3 > From this formula we derive algebraically the following: a = *l, and i =JH Equating the values of t in equations (2) and (3), we may deduce the following : 2a (c) To find the distance passed over in any particular unit of time, it may be necessary to subtract the distance traversed in t 1 units, from the distance traversed in t units, the whole time. Representing this distance traversed in a single time-unit by I', we have therefore, /' = * a(2 1 - 1). ^^^U^^Jf 5 ) (c?) Suppose that a body moving with a uniformly accelerated velocity starts from rest and passes over 7 meters in the first second. How far does it move in the next 3 seconds? If the body moves 7 meters in the first second under the conditions stated, its average velocity for that second is 7 meters, and its velocity at the end of that time is 14 meters. All of this velocity is gained in this single second ; hence, a = 14. Starting from rest, it moves 4 seconds-, hence, t = 4. Substituting these values in formula (3), 'l = %at*rl = % x 14 x 16 = 112, the distance passed over in 4 seconds. From this, subtract the dis- tance passed over in the first second, and we have 105, the number of meters passed over in the second, third, and fourth units of time, as called for. This solution illustrates the method of applying physical formulas to the solution of physical problems. (e) For want of a fixed point for reference, it is impossible to determine absolute motion. All the members of our solar system have very complicated motions, and the most distant stars seem to have a general drift through space. We are therefore obliged to deal exclu- sively with relative motion. Unless otherwise specified, the motions 60 SCHOOL PHYSICS. spoken of in this book are relative to some point on the earth. The point from which motion or its measurement starts is called the origin. 55. Laws for Accelerated Motion. From the foregoing we derive the following laws for the motion of bodies starting from rest, and having a uniformly accelerated velocity : (1) The velocity at the end of any unit of time equals acceleration multiplied by the number of time-units. (For- mula 2.) (2) Acceleration equals twice the distance traversed in the first unit of time ; when t = 1, formula (3) becomes 1 = a. (3) The distance traversed in any single unit of time equals half the acceleration multiplied by one less than twice the number of time-units. (Formula 5.) (4) The total distance traversed in any given time equals half the acceleration multiplied by the square of the number of time-units. (Formula 3.) 56. Graphic Representation of Motions. A straight line may definitely represent uniform motion in a straight line, the direction of the line indicating the direction of the motion, and the length of the line representing the mag- nitude of the motion. (a) Any convenient unit of length may be chosen to represent any unit of velocity, but, when the scale has been determined, it should not be changed in any given discussion. For example, two motions, one having an easterly direction and a magnitude of 10 yards per second, and the other having a southerly direction and a magnitude of 15 yards per second, may be fully represented by a horizontal line 2 inches long and a vertical line 3 inches long, the chosen scale of MOTION AND FORCE. 61 magnitudes being 5:1; i.e., each inch of the length of either line representing a velocity of 5 yards per second. (6) In indicating a line by the letters at its extremities, the order of the letters is that in which the line is to be drawn. 57.- The Composition of Motions. A motion may be the resultant of two or more component motions, as the motion of a person who is walking on the deck of a moving ship. Under such conditions, several distinct cases may arise. (a) When two motions have the same direction, the magnitude of the resultant motion is the sum of the magnitudes of the components, and the direction will be unchanged ; e.g., when the brakeman on a railway freight train that is running from Cleveland to Buffalo, at the rate of 20 miles per hour, runs at the rate of 4 miles per hour along the car-tops toward the locomotive, he is really approaching Buffalo at the rate of 24 miles per hour. (ft) When two motions have opposite directions, the magnitude of the resultant motion will be the arithmetical difference of the magni- tudes of the components, and the direction will be that of the greater component ; e.g., when the brakeman above mentioned runs toward the rear of the train, he is approaching Buffalo at the rate of 16 miles per hour. (c) When two component motions have different directions, the finding of the resultant involves the application of a principle known as the parallelogram of motions. The lines that properly represent the components are made adja- cent sides of a parallelogram. The diagonal drawn from the angle included between these sides represents the resultant in both magnitude and direction. Thus, let AB and AC represent the two component motions. Draw BD and CD to complete the parallelogram. From A, the included angle, draw the diagonal AD. This diagonal will be a complete graphic representation of the re- sultant. The resultant will be greater than the difference between 62 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the components, and less than their sum. If each component had a velocity of 25 meters per second, which was represented by lines 25 millimeters in length, and AD has a length of 45 millimeters, then the result of compounding the two as indicated will be motion with a velocity of 45 meters per second, and in the direction of A D. (rf) When the included angle, as BAC, is a right angle, the re- sultant line is the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, and its magnitude will be the square root of the sum of the squares of the components. When the components are equal, and include an angle of 120 degrees, the resultant divides the parallelogram into two equi- lateral triangles, and is equal to either of the components. In other cases the magnitude of the resultant may be determined by a careful construction of the parallelogram and a careful measurement of the diagonal, or, more accurately, by the processes of plane trigonometry. (e) When there are three or more components, the resultant of any two may be compounded with a. third ; the resultant thus obtained may be compounded with a fourth component ; etc. The diagonal of the last parallelogram thus constructed will represent the resultant of all the components. 58. The Resolution of Motions. The converse of the process described in the last paragraph, i.e.. the finding of two or more motions that may be substituted as an equivalent for a given motion, is called the resolution of motions. It most frequently consists in finding the sides of a parallelogram the diagonal of which represents the given motion. (a) It is evident that, for a given diagonal, an infinite number of parallelograms may be constructed. (6) When the direction of the two components or the magnitude of the two components is prescribed, or the direction and the magni- tude of one of the components are prescribed, the problem becomes determinate. 59. Momentum. So far, motion has been considered, with reference to its speed and direction. But the result of the action of a force upon a body depends upon the MOTION AND FORCE. 63 mass of the body as well as upon its velocity. If m represents the mass of the body, and v its velocity, the product, mv, will represent its quantity of motion. This product is called momentum. (a) The momentum of a body having a mass of 20 pounds and a velocity of 15 feet is twice as great as that of a body having a mass of 5 pounds and a velocity of 30 feet. NOTE. The expression "mass into velocity," or "mass multiplied by velocity," need not disturb the pupil's ideas. The multiplier must be abstract, and the product must be of the same kind as the multipli- cand. Still, by a sort of ellipsis, the abbreviated phrase means the same as the longer one, and is more commonly used. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Find the momentum of a 500-pound ball moving 500 feet a second. 2. By falling a certain time, a 200-pound ball has acquired a velocity of 321.6 feet. What is its momentum? 3. A boat that is moving at the rate of 5 miles an hour weighs 4 tons ; another that is moving at the rate of 10 miles an hour weighs 2 tons. How do their momenta compare? 4. What kind of motion is caused by a single, constant force? Illustrate your answer. 5. A stone weighing 12 ounces is thrown with a velocity of 1,320 feet per minute. An ounce ball is shot with a velocity of 15 miles per minute. Find the ratio between their momenta. 6. An iceberg of 50,000 tons moves with a velocity of 2 miles an hour. An avalanche of 10,000 tons of snow descends with a velocity of 10 miles an hour. Which has the greater momentum? 7. Two bodies weighing respectively 25 and 40 pounds have equal momenta. The first has a velocity of 60 feet a second. What is the velocity of the other ? 8. Two balls have equal momenta. The first weighs 100 Kg., and moves with a velocity of 20 m. a second. The other moves with a velocity of 500 m. a second. What is its weight? 9. Three men start from Cleveland: the first goes 10 miles east- ward; the second goes 15 miles southward; the third goes 18 miles 64 SCHOOL PHYSICS, southwesterly. Represent these journeys by lines, using a scale of 1 inch to 3 miles, and indicating directions by arrowheads. 10. A railway train moves at the rate of 40 miles an hour. Express its velocity per second in feet. 11. If the mean distance of the earth from the sun is 92,390,000 miles, and it requires 16 minutes 36 seconds for a ray of light to pass over the diameter of the earth's orbit, what is the velocity of light, expressed in miles per second? 12. A body at rest receives a constant acceleration of 20 feet per second. How far will it move in 6 seconds, and what will be its velocity at the end of that time ? 13. Draw a circle and ascertain its area. (See appendix.) 14. Find the volume of a sphere that will just pass through the circle that you draw. 15. If the breaking weight of Xo. 27 spring-brass wire is 15 Ibs., determine the diameter of a wire of the same material and quality that can just carry a load of 50 Kg. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. A. protractor; a metric rule; three balls ; an elastic cord. 1. Draw a circle 3 inches in diameter, and divide its circumference into arcs of 10 degrees each. 2. Draw a triangle with a base line 7.27 inches long, and with angles at the extremities of this line measuring 23 and 32 degrees respectively. Measure the altitude and compute the area of the triangle. 3. Two forces, capable of giving a certain body velocities of 35 m. and of 56 m. respectively, act on that body at an angle of 25 degrees with each other. Determine the magnitude of the resultant velocity, and its direction relative to that of the smaller component. (In your drawings represent the direction of each velocity by an arrowhead.) 4. Resolve a velocity of 50 m. into two components that make with its direction angles of 20 and 45 degrees respectively. Use a scale of 1 : 500. Determine the magnitude of each component. 5. Resolve a velocity of 20 m. into two components with magni- tudes of 13 and 17 m. respectively. Use a scale of 1 : 200. Determine the angle that each component makes with the given velocity. 6. Resolve a velocity of 35 m. into two components, one of which MOTION AND FORCE. 65 shall have a magnitude of 24.5 m., and make an angle of 63 degrees with the given velocity. Use a scale of 1 : 350. Determine the mag- nitude of the other component and the angle included between the two components. 7. Draw two lines bisecting each other at right angles, and mark the ends of the lines to represent the cardinal points of the compass, as in a map. From the intersection of the two lines draw another line to represent the velocity of a United States cruiser steaming south of southeast at the rate of 19 miles an hour. Determine the rate of the southerly and the easterly motions of the ship. Record on your diagram the scale used. 8. Carefully weigh a meter of Xo. 30 copper wire, such as was used in Exercise 10, p. 35, and from the data ascertained in that exer- cise calculate the length of a piece of such wire that would just break under its own weight when suspended by one end. 9. From the table given in the appendix, ascertain the diameter of Xo. 30 wire. Calculate the breaking strength of a copper rod 1 sq. cm. in cross-section, the quality of the copper being the same as that of the wire used in Exercise 8. 10. On a level table, connect two balls of equal mass by an elastic cord or band. Separate the balls until the cord has been stretched to about double its ordinary length, and mark the positions of the balls. Release the balls simultaneously, and mark the place where they meet. If they meet midway between their positions as first marked, show that the given force has produced equal momenta in the two baUs. 11. Repeat Exercise 10, using balls one of which weighs twice as much as the other. If one ball moves twice as far as the other, show that 1 = 21'; v = 2v' ; mv = 2mv' = mV. 60. Laws of Motion. The following propositions, known as Newton's Laws of Motion, are so important, and so famous in the history of physical science, that they ought to be remembered by every student : (1) Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change that state by an external force. 5 66 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (2) Every change of motion (momentum) is in the direc- tion of the force impressed, and is proportionate to it. (3) Action and reaction are equal and opposite in direc- tion. 61. First Law of Motion. The first law of motion results directly from inertia, and suggests the following definition : Force is that which changes or tends to change a body's state of rest or motion. (a) It is impossible to furnish perfect examples of this law, because all things within our reach or observation are acted upon by some external force. 62. Second Law of Motion. The second law of motion is sometimes given as follows : A given force will produce the same effect, whether the body on which it acts is in motion or at rest ; whether it is acted on by that force alone or by others at the same time. In the law as given by Newton ( 60), the word " motion " is doubtless used in the sense of "momentum." (a) The law as given by Newton points out that forces may be compared by comparing the momenta that they produce in equal times. Representing force by /, mass by m, and acceleration by a, we have/= ma. If the forces act on equal masses, the changes of momenta will vary with the changes of velocity, i.e., as the acceleration ; hence, the acceleration that a force generates may be used to measure that force (see 106). 63. Elements of a Force. In treating of forces, we have to consider three things : (1) The point of application, or the point at which the force acts. MOTION AND FORCE. 67 (2) The direction, or the right line along which it tends to move the point of application. (3) The magnitude, or value when compared with a given standard, or the relative rate at winch it is able to produce motion in a body free to move. 64. Measurement of Forces. It frequently is desirable to compare the magnitudes of two or more forces. That they may be compared, they must be measured; that they may be measured, a standard of measure or unit of force is necessary. Units of force are of two kinds. 65. The Gravity Unit. A force may be measured by comparing it with the weight of some known quantity or mass of matter. Although the force of gravity varies at different placee, this is a very simple and convenient way, and often answers every purpose. The gravity unit of force is the weight of any standard unit of mass, as the kilogram or pound. (a) As the force of gravity exerted upon a given mass is variable, it will not suffice, when scientific accuracy is required, to speak of a force of 10 pounds, but we may speak of a force of 10 pounds at the sea-level at New York City. 66. The Absolute Unit The absolute unit of force is the force that, acting for unit of time upon unit of mass, will produce unit of acceleration (i.e., change of velocity}. The foot-pound-second (F.P.S.) unit of force is the force that, applied to one pound of matter for one second, will produce an acceleration of one foot per second. It is called a poundal. The centimeter-gram-second (C.G.S.) unit of force is the force that, acting for one second upon a mass of one SCHOOL PHYSICS. gram, produces an acceleration of one centimeter per second. It is called a dyne. (a) Absolute units are invariable in value. Gravity units may easily be changed to absolute units. At New York the force of gravity acting upon one pound of matter left free to fall will produce an acceleration of 32.16 feet per second for every second that it acts; consequently, at New York a force of one pound equals 32.16 poundals. Since the same force produces an acceleration of 980 centimeters per second, it appears that the weight of a gram at New York corresponds to a force of 980 dynes. (6) A force is measured in poundals or dynes by mul- tiplying the number of units of mass moved by the number representing the acceleration produced, only such units being used as are indicated by the initials F.P.S. or C.G.S. respectively. The acceleration may be determined by di- viding the total velocity that the force has produced by the number of seconds that the force has acted. (c) The simplest way of measuring a force is to use a dynamometer, of which the spring-balance (Fig. 35) is a familiar example. The dynamometer may be graduated in pounds, grains, poundals, or dynes. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. A railway train 120 yards long moves at the rate of 30 miles an hour. How long will it take to pass completely over a bridge 120 feet long? 2. At the sea-level at New York a force of 25 pounds equals how many poundals? 3. Under the same conditions, a force of 5 Kg. equals how many dynes? 4. A poundal equals how many dynes? 5. Compare the momentum of a 64-pound cannon ball moving with a velocity of 1,300 feet per second, with that of an ounce bullet moving with a velocity of 400 yards per second. 6. If a beam 3 m. long, 10 cm. wide, and 5 cm. thick, is bent 0.5 cm. by a certain load, how much would a similar beam 4 in. long be depressed by the same load? 7. What property of matter is illustrated in the removal of dust from a carpet by beating? FIG. 36. MOTION AND FORCE. 69 67. Graphic Representation of Forces. Forces may be represented by lines, the point of application determining one end of the line, the direction of the force determining the direction of the line, and the magnitude of the force determining the length of the line. (a) It will be noticed that these three elements of a force ( 63) are the ones that define a line. By drawing the line as above indicated, the units of force being numerically equal to the units of length, we have a complete graphic representation of the given force. The unit of length adopted in any such representation may be determined by convenience; but, the scale once determined, it must be adhered to throughout the prob- lem. Thus, the diagram represents two forces applied at the point B. These forces act at right angles to each other. The arrowheads indi- cate that the forces represented act FIG. 36. from B toward A and C respec- tively. The force that acts in the direction, BA, being 20 Ibs., and the force acting in the direction, SC, being 40 Ibs., the line, BA, must be one-half as long as BC. The scale adopted being 1 mm. to the pound, the smaller force will be represented by a line 2 cm. long, and the greater force by a line 4 cm. long. 68. Resultant Motion. Motion produced by the joint action of two or more forces is called resultant motion. The single force that will produce an effect like that of the component forces acting together is called the result- ant. The single force that, acting with the component forces, will keep the body at rest is called the equilibrant. The resultant and the equilibrant of any set of component forces are equal in magnitude, and opposite in direction. The point of application, direction, and magnitude of each of the component forces being given, the direction 70 SCHOOL PHYSICS. and magnitude of the resultant force are found by a method known as the composition of forces. Experiment 45. Suspend two similar spring-balances, A and B, from any convenient support, as shown in Fig. 37. From the wooden rod carried by their hooks, suspend a known weight. Be sure that the dynamometers hang vertical, and therefore parallel. Record the readings of the dynamometers. Carefully measure the distances, CD and DE, and record them. E If the dynamometers are accurate, the work has been carefully done, and the weight of the rod is incon- siderable, the results should show that W = A + B, and that - = B CD If the weight of the rod is considerable, place the rod in the hooks, and notice the readings of the dynamometers. Then hang the weight from the rod, and represent the increase in the readings by A and B. The result should be as given above. 69. Composition of Forces. Under composition of forces there are several cases, of which the more im- portant are the following : (1) When the component forces act in the same direction and along the same line. The magnitude of the resultant is then the sum of the given forces. Example : Rowing a boat down-stream. (2) When the component forces act in opposite directions and along the same line. The magnitude of the resultant is then the difference between the given forces. Motion will be produced in the direction of the greater force. Ex- ample : Rowing a boat up-stream. MOTION AND FORCE. 71 (3) The resultant of two forces that act in the same direc- tion along parallel lines has a magnitude equal to the sum of the magnitudes of the components, and its point of applica- tion divides the line joining the points of application of the components inversely as the magnitudes of said components. This principle is illustrated by Experiment 45. (4) When two equal parallel forces act at different points on a body and in opposite directions, the arrangement consti- tutes what is called a couple. It produces rotary motion, and the components can have no resultant. (a) If a magnetic needle is placed in an east and west position, the attraction of the north magnetic pole of the earth attracts one end of the needle and repels the other with equal parallel forces, the effect of which is to turn the needle upon its pivot until it is in a north and south position. The attraction and the repulsion constitute a couple. (5) When the component forces have a given point of application (i.e., when they are " concurring forces"} and act at an angle with each other, as when a boat is rowed across a stream, the resultant may be ascertained by the "parallelogram of forces." 70. Parallelogram of Forces. In the diagram, let AB and AC represent two forces acting upon the point, A. Draw the two dotted lines to complete the parallelogram. From A, the point of applica- \ ^\\ tion, draw the diagonal, AD. c FJQ This diagonal will be a com- plete graphic representation of the resultant. If two forces, such as those represented in the diagram, act simultane- 72 SCHOOL PHYSICS. ously upon a body at A, that body will move over the path represented by AD, and come to rest at D. The process is very similar to the composition of motions mentioned in 57. (a) When the two component forces act at right angles to each other, the determination of the numerical value of the resultant is like that of finding the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle ; it is the square root of the sum of the squares of the two components. (See 57, d.) Experiment 46. The principle of the parallelogram of forces may be verified as follows : H and K represent two pulleys that work with very little friction. Fix them to the frame of the blackboard. Knot together three silk cords ; pass two of them over the pulleys ; suspend three weights, P, Q, and R, as shown in the figure. R must be less than the sum of P and Q. When the apparatus has come to rest, take the points, A and B, so that AO : BO : : P : Q. Complete the parallelogram, A OBD, by drawing lines upon the board. Draw the diagonal, OD. It will be found by meas- urement that AO : OD : : P : R ; or that BO : OD : : Q : R. Either equality of ratios affords the verification sought. FIG. 3<). Experiment 47. Modify the experiment by supporting two spring- balances, A and B, from P and S, two nails in the frame of the black- board. Hook them with a third dynamometer, C, into a small ring, Z, as shown in Fig. 40. Pull steadily on / in some downward direc- tion. Mark on the board the centers of the rings, Z and /, and record the readings of the three dynamometers. Remove the apparatus, and through the points indicated draw on the board the lines, ZP, ZS, and ZI. Using any convenient scale, lay off the lines, ZE, ZA, and ZI, proportional to the readings of the respective dynamometers. Complete the parallelogram, ZETA. Draw the diagonal, ZT, meas- ure its length, and determine the magnitude that it represents accord- ing to the scale adopted. If the work has been accurately done, ZI and ZT will be equal in value, and form a straight line. ZT MOTION AND FORCE. 73 is the resultant, and Zl is the equilibrant, of the components, ZE and ZA. Place the apparatus horizontal and repeat the work. FIG. 40. 71. Composition of More than Two Forces. If more than two forces concur, the re- sultant of any two may be com- bined with a third, their resultant with a fourth, and so on. The last diagonal will represent the resultant of the given forces. As is indicated by Fig. 41, it is not necessary that all of the forces act in the same plane. FIG. 41. 74 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 72. Resolution of Forces. The operation of finding the components to which a given force is equivalent is called the resolution of forces. It is the converse of the composition of forces. Represent the given force by a line. On this line as a diagonal, construct a parallelogram. An infinite number of such parallelograms may be constructed with a given diagonal. Other conditions must be added to make the problem definite. (See 58, 5.) (a) By way of illustration, let it be required to resolve a force of 20 pounds into two components that act at right angles to each other, one of them to be a force of 12 pounds. The problem is to construct a rectangle one side of which shall measure 12 units, and the diagonal of which shall measure 20 units. Draw a vertical and a horizontal line intersecting at A. From A, measure off 12 units on the vertical line, thus securing the point, B. From B, draw a line, BX, parallel to the horizontal line that passes through A. From A as a center, and with a radius equal to 20 units, describe an arc cutting BX at a point, which mark C. From C, draw a line parallel to AB, and intersecting the horizontal line drawn through A at a point, which mark D. AB and AD will be the components sought. 73. Third Law of Motion. Examples of the third law of motion are very common. When we strike an egg upon the table, the reaction of the table breaks the egg. The action of the egg may make a dent in the table. The reaction of the air, when struck by the wings of a bird, supports the bird if the action is greater than the weight. The oarsman urges the water backward with the same force that he urges his boat forward. In springing from a boat to the shore, muscular action tends to drive the boat adrift ; the reaction, to put the passenger ashore. These illustrations suggest the idea that every action of a force develops another force opposite in direction, so that two forces, instead of one, are apparently in action. MOTION AND FORCE. 75 Reaction. Experiment 48. Make a railway of two wooden strips 1^ inches by i inch, and about 6 feet long, fastened together by three or five crosspieces, as shown in Fig. 42. The distance between the rails should be about an inch. Place the railway on a board, and fasten down the middle crosspiece with a screw. Spring up the ends, and support them by books or wooden blocks. At the toy shop, get several large glass marbles, or other elastic balls, and place them on the middle of the railway. Bring one ball to the highest point of the track, and let it roll down against the others. Ball No. 1 gives its motion to No. 2, and comes to rest ; No. 2 gives it to No. 3, and in FIG. 42. turn comes to rest. The energy is thus passed through the line to No. 7, which is driven some distance on the up grade, as to the posi- tion shown by the dotted line at 8. From 8, this ball rolls down grade, and passes its energy along the line, forcing No. 1 up the grade to a lesser distance than before. The balls will repeat their motions several times, until they are finally brought to rest by friction, etc. Experiment 49. Repeat Experi- ment 48 after replacing the middle ball by a lead ball of the same size. Experiment 50. This action of ivory or glass balls is due to the fact that they are elastic, and are flattened by the blow. To show that this is so, smear a flat stone or iron plate with paint. Before the paint becomes dry, place one of the glass balls on the smeared surface, and notice the size FlG ^ of the round spot thus made. Then drop the ball from a height of several inches, and notice that the spot is larger* than before. 76 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 74. Elasticity and Reaction. The effects of action and reaction are modified largely by elasticity, but never so as to destroy their equality. (a) From any convenient support, as the door-frame, hang, by strings of equal length, two clay balls of equal mass, or two such bags of shot or of sand, so that they will just touch each other. If one is drawn aside and let fall against the other, both will move forward, but only half as far as the first would had it met no resistance. The gain of momen- tum by the second is due to the action of the first. It is equal to the loss of momentum by the first, which loss is due to the re- action of the second. (6) If two glass or ivory balls, which are elastic, are similarly placed, and the experiment re- peated, it will be found that the first ball will give the whole of its motion to the second, and re- main still after striking, while the second will swing as far as the first would have done if it had met no resistance. In this case, as in the former, it will be seen that the first ball loses just as much momentum as the second gains. These balls may be suspended by gluing a narrow strip of leather to each, leaving a little loop at the middle of the strip for the fastening of the string. 75. Reflected Motion is the motion produced in a body by the reaction between it and another body against which it strikes. A ball rebounding from the wall of a house or from the cushion of a billiard table is an example of reflected motion. FIG. 44. MOTION AND FORCE. 77 76. Law of Reflected Motion. The angle, ABD, in- cluded between the direction of the moving body before it strikes the reflecting surface, and a perpendicular to that surface drawn from the point of contact, is called the angle of incidence. The angle between the perpendicular and the direction of the moving body after striking is called the angle of reflection. When the bodies are perfectly elastic, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, and lies in the same plane. When the elasticity of the bodies is imperfect, the angle of reflection is greater than the angle of incidence. If a glass or ivory ball is shot from A against an elastic surface at B, the center of the semicircle, it will be reflected back to O, making the angles, ABD and CBD, equal. If the ball or the body at B is not perfectly elastic (e.g., if a lead ball is used), the path of the ball after reflec- tion will make with the normal line, BD, an angle greater than ABD. 77. Curvilinear Motion. When a ball at the end of a string is whirled around the hand, there is a consciousness of a pull on the string. A moment's observation and reflection impress one with the fact that the ball is de- flected by the tension of the string from the rectilinear path which it tends to follow in accordance with the first 78 SCHOOL PHYSICS. law of motion, and is thus constrained to move in a curved line. There are evidently two forces involved in the pro- duction of such a motion, a tangential component, which sets the ball in motion ; and a centripetal component, as exhibited in the tension of the string. The resistance offered by the body to its deflection from a rectilinear path is due to its inertia, and is commonly called by the ill-chosen name " centrifugal force." From this point of view, centrifugal force may be defined as the reaction of a moving body against the force that makes it move in a curved path. (a) Examples and effects of this so-called centrifugal force maybe suggested as follows: the sling, wagon turning a corner, railway curves, water flying from a revolving grindstone, broken fly-\vlieels, erosion of river-beds, a pail of water whirled in a vertical circle, the inward leaning of the circus horse and rider, the centrifugal drying apparatus of the laundry or the sugar refinery, difference between polar and equatorial weights of a given mass, elongation of the equatorial diameter of the earth, etc. (ft) " The student cannot be too early warned of the dangerous error into which so many have fallen who have supposed that a mass has a tendency to fly outwards from a center about which it is revolv- ing, and therefore exerts a centrifugal force which requires to be balanced by a centripetal force." Tail. 78. Measurement of Centrifugal Forces. The laws of centrifugal force may be studied or illustrated by means of the whirling table and accompanying apparatus, some of which is represented in Fig. 46. It may be shown that Centrifugal Force = in which m represents the mass of a body moving in a cir- cular path ; v, its velocity ; and r, the radius. Of course, the numerical result will represent absolute units of force. MOTION AND FORCE. 79 Tliis formula justifies the following laws of centrifugal force : (1) The force varies directly as the mass. (2) The force varies directly as the square of the velocity (radius being constant). (3) The force varies inversely as the radius (velocity being constant). FIG. 46. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Represent graphically the resultant of two forces, 100 and 150 pounds respectively, exerted by two men pulling a weight in the same direction. Determine its value. 2. In similar manner, represent the resultant of the same forces when the men pull in opposite directions. Determine its value. 3. Suppose an attempt is made to row a boat at the rate of 4 miles an hour directly across a stream flowing at the rate of 3 miles an hour. Determine the direction and velocity of the boat. 4. A flag is drawn steadily downward 64 feet from the masthead of a moving ship. During the same time, the ship moves forward 24: feet. Represent the direction and length of the actual path of the flag. 5. A sailor climbs a mast at the rate of 3 feet a second. The ship is sailing at the rate of 12 feet a second. Over what space does he actually move during 20 seconds? 6. A foot-ball simultaneously receives three horizontal blows, one from the north, having a force of 10 pounds ; one from the east, having 80 SCHOOL PHYSICS. a force of 15 pounds ; and one from the southeast, having a force of 25 pounds. Determine the direction of its motion. 7. Why does a cannon recoil or a shot-gun "kick" when fired? Why does not the velocity of the gun equal the velocity of the ball? 8. If the river mentioned in Exercise 3 is a mile wide, how far did the boat move, and how much longer did it take to cross than if the water had been still ? 9. A plank 12 feet long has one end on the floor, and the other end raised 6 feet. A 50-pound cask is being rolled up the plank. Resolve the gravity of the cask into two components, one perpendicular to the plank, to indicate the plank's upward pressure ; and one parallel to the plank, to indicate the muscular force needed to hold the cask in place. Find the magnitude of this needed muscular force. 10. To how many poundals is a force of 60 pounds equal ? 11. To how many dynes is a force of 60 kilograms equal? 12. What is meant by a force of 10 pounds? To how many poundals is it equal ? 13. A force of 1,000 dynes acts on a certain mass for one second, and gives it a velocity of 20 cm. per second. What is the mass in grams ? Ans. 50. 14. A constant force, acting on a mass of 12 g. for one second, gives it a velocity of 6 cm. per second. Find the force in dynes. 15. -A force of 490 dynes acts on a mass of 70 g. for one second. What velocity will be produced? Ans. 7 cm. per second. 16. Show how the principle of resolution of forces and the prin- ciple of the 'couple may be applied to explain the action of a windmill. 17. Determine, in absolute units, the centrifugal force of a 10- pound body moving with a velocity of 20 feet per second, in a circle of 5 feet radius. Ans. 800 poundals. 18. Without drawing a diagram, find the numerical value of the resultant of two concurrent forces of 5 Kg. and 12 Kg. respectively, acting at right angles to each other. 19. Resolve a force of 30 pounds into two component forces acting at a right angle, one of them being a force of 18 pounds. 20. Determine the point of application of the resultant of two forces of 8 and 11 pounds respectively, acting in the same direction along parallel lines 57 inches apart. 21. A railway train is moving southeastward at the rate of 30 miles MOTION AND FORCE. 81 an hour, (a) How fast is it moving eastward? (&) How fast is it moving southward? 22. A mass of 10 Kg. moves with a velocity of 20 m. a second in a circular path with a radius of 10 m. What is its centrifugal force? 23. (a) What will be the effect upon the motion of a boat if air is blown directly against the sail from a huge bellows placed astern ? (6) What will be the effect if the air is drawn in by a valve under the bellows, and forced out directly backward ? LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Two small pulleys that work with very little friction; two good spring-balances; a fish-line or other stout, flexible cord ; a sheet of paper ; four thumb-tacks ; boards ; hammer and nails ; brace and bits ; hand-saw. 1. Bore a small hole through a meter stick at the middle of its length and near one edge. Through this hole, pass a wire nail of such size that it may carry a good load and yet allow the stick to turn freely upon it as an axis. Make a stout wire clevis that shall come down on each side of the stick and support each end of the nail without rubbing the sides of the stick. Through the upper part of the clevis, pass the hook of a spring-balance, and support the dyna- mometer so that the stick may hang at an elevation convenient for ob- servation. As the stick hangs in the clevis with the hole near its upper edge, load one end of it with putty until the stick hangs horizontal. Note the reading of the dynamometer. Over each end of the stick, slip a loose single loop of silk thread, the weight of which may be ignored; from them hang unequal but known weights. Shift the position of the weights until the loaded apparatus hangs in equilib- rium. Note the distance of each loop from the middle of the stick, and the reading of the dynamometer. Determine the ratio between the sum of the two suspended weights and the difference between the two observed readings of the dynamometer. Using the scale of 1 to 10, draw a horizontal line to represent the meter stick, and mark its middle point F. On this line, represent the points of application of the two suspended weights, and mark them P and W. Using any convenient scale, draw lines from P and W, and place arrowheads to represent the forces acting at those points. In similar manner, draw and mark a line to represent the equilibrant of those forces. Add a reference to the paragraph of this book that treats of the subject chiefly illustrated by this exercise. 6 82 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 2. Two forces pulling toward the east act on two points of a rigid body 5 feet asunder. Represent this body by a vertical line, on which locate the two points of application, using the scale of an inch to the foot. One of these forces has a magnitude of 7 pounds, and the other has one of 11 pounds. Using the scale of a half-inch to the pound, draw graphic representations of these forces, their resultant and their equilibrant. 3. Arrange apparatus as shown in Fig. 39. Make P equal 5 pounds, and Q equal 7 pounds. Add unknown weights at li until the cords, OH and OK, include an angle that is acute or not very obtuse. Back of the cords around 0, support a board of such thickness that the face of the board shall j ust touch the cords. With thumb-tacks, fasten a sheet of paper to this board ; and on the paper, with rule and pencil, draw lines from in the direction of H, K, and R. Using the scale of a half-inch to the pound, represent forces acting from along the lines, OH and OK, with magnitudes of 5 and 7 pounds respectively. Complete the parallelogram, and draw the diagonal, OD. Lay off from 0, and on the line, OR, a distance equal to OD. Which line on your paper represents the gravity of the unknown weight? From the length of this line compute the mass of R. Place R on the balance or hang it from the spring-balance, and thus determine its mass by weighing. Compare these two results. Does OD form a continua- tion of the straight line, ROf If it does not, your work has been ill done. If ROD is a straight line, what does OD represent? 4. Provide two strings, each about a foot long. Tie one end of one string to the ring of a spring-balance. Tie one end of the other string to the ring of another spring-balance. By these strings, sup- port the dynamometers from nails driven at points about one corner of the blackboard, and corresponding more or less closely to H and K in Fig. 39. Cut off two pieces of cord, each about 2 feet long. Tie a small loop that will not slip at each end of each cord. Pass the first cord through the loop at one end of the second cord. Pass the loops at the ends of the first cord over the hooks of the two dyna- mometers. To the free end of the second cord, attach a weight of 10 pounds. The loop at the upper end of the cord that carries the weight will slip along the length of the cord that joins the dyna- mometers until the apparatus is in equilibrium. Place the board carry- ing a fresh sheet of paper as was done in the last exercise. On the paper, mark three intersecting lines as indicated by the strings between the dynamometers and the load, and mark their common point of WORK AND ENERGY. 83 intersection 2T, as in Fig. 40. Prolong the vertical line upward 5 inches to a point, which mark T. Construct the parallelogram of which ZT is a diagonal, and the two sides of which, meeting at Z, coincide with the lines already drawn upon the paper. Mark the left-hand corner of the parallelogram E, and the opposite corner A . What does Z T represent ? What is the scale adopted ? On that scale determine the magnitudes represented by the lengths of ZE and ZA. Compare these magnitudes with the readings of the dynamometers, and determine the magnitude of the error of your work. Record a reference to the paragraph in the text-book illus- trated and approximately verified by this exercise. 5. Change the point of support of one of the dynamometers so as to increase the angle included between the component forces. Repeat the experiment. 6. Change the point of support of one of the dynamometers so as to make the angle between the components very acute. Repeat the experiment. Compare the diagram made with those made in Exer- cises 4 and 5. 7. Without using a protractor, lay off an angle of 60. 8. Two forces, of 7 and 16 units respectively, have a resultant of 21 units. By construction and measurement, determine the angle between the two components. II. WORK AND ENERGY. 79. Work. In physical science, the word "work" signifies the overcoming of resistance of any kind. Work implies a change of position, and is independent of the time taken to do it. When a force causes motion through space, i.e., when it moves a body, it is said to do work on that body. When the expansive force of steam presses against the piston of an engine and overcomes the resist- ance, i.e., when it moves the piston, it does work. (a) A man who is supporting (not lifting) a heavy weight may be putting forth great effort, but he is not doing work in the scientific sense of that expression. 84 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 80. Units of Work. It is often necessary to represent work numerically ; hence the necessity for a unit of meas- urement. Four work-units are in use ; viz., the foot-pound and the kilogrammeter (which are gravitation units), and the foot-poundal and the erg (which are absolute units). (1) The foot-pound is the amount of work required to raise one pound one foot high against the force of gravity. It is the unit in common use among English-speaking engineers. See Appendix 1. (2) The kilogrammeter is the amount of work required to raise one kilogram one meter high against the force of gravity. (3) The foot-poundal is the amount of work done by a force of one poundal in producing a displacement of one foot. It is numerically equal to the foot-pound multiplied by the acceleration of gravity expressed in feet per second ; thus, at New York, a foot-pound is equivalent to 32.16 foot-poundals. (4) The erg is the amount of work done by a force of one dyne producing a displacement of one centimeter. It is the unit in common use among scientists. Since there are 980,000 dynes in the weight of one kilogram of matter at New York, a kilogrammeter there equals 98,000,000 ergs. A foot-poundal is equivalent to 421,402 ergs ; a foot-pound is equivalent to 32.16 times that many ergs. (a) To get a numerical estimate of work done, we multiply the number of units of force by the number of units of displacement : Work done =fi. Since the resistance overcome is numerically equal to the force acting, the work done may be computed by multiplying, in a similar manner, the resistance by the space : Work done wl. WORK AND ENERGY. 85 In this formula, w represents the resistance ; and Z, the length or dis- tance. When the body is simply lifted against the force of gravity, w represents weight. A weight of 25 pounds raised 3 feet, or one of 3 pounds raised 25 feet, represents 75 foot-pounds. A weight of 15 kilograms raised 10 meters represents 150 kilogram meters. 81. Activity and Horse-Power. In measuring work done, no consideration is given to the time taken. In considering an engine or other agent that is to do the work, the time required is a very important thing. The activity of an agent is the rate at which it can do work, and is measured by the work it can do in unit time. The unit in most common use for the measurement of activity is the horse- power. It represents the ability to do 550 foot-pounds per second. TT p _ pounds x feet ~~ 550 x seconds' (a) The practical unit of electrical activity is the watt, which is^ equal to 10 7 ergs per second. One horse-power equals 746 watts, or 746 x 10 7 ergs per second. 82. Energy is the power of doing work, and is possessed by bodies by virtue of work having been done upon them. If a falling cannon ball can overcome a greater resistance than a flying base-ball, it has more energy ; more work was done upon it. The two fundamental ideas with which physics concerns itself are matter and energy. (a) " We are acquainted with matter only as that which may have energy communicated to it from other matter. Energy, on the other hand, we know only as that which, in all natural phenomena, is con- tinually passing from one portion of matter to another. It cannot exist, except in connection with matter." Maxwell. 86 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 83. Types of Energy. It is a general and familiar fact that bodies in motion can do work on other bodies. A camion ball falling toward the earth has energy, because of its mass and its velocity. Even before it began to fall, it had a power of doing work, because work had been done in lifting it into its elevated position. Thus there are two types of energy, which may be designated as energy of motion and energy of position. Energy of motion is called kinetic energy ; energy of position is called potential energy. Energy that is not kinetic is potential. (a) A falling weight or running stream possesses energy of motion ; it is able to overcome resistance by reason of its mass and velocity. On the other hand, before the weight began to fall, it had the power of doing work by reason of its elevated position with reference to the earth. When the water of the running stream was at rest in the lake among the hills, it had a power of doing work, an energy that was not possessed by the waters of the pond in the valley below. In either case, work had to be done to lift the body into its elevated position, and thus to endow it with potential energy. In bending a bow, or in elongating the spring of a dynamometer, or in winding up a watch, work is performed in distorting the bow or the spring, and, by virtue of this distortion, the instruments possess potential energy. (6) Kinetic and potential energies are interconvertible. Imagine a ball thrown upward with a velocity that will keep it in motion for two seconds. At the end of one second it has lost some of its initial velocity, and hence some of its kinetic energy ; but it has gained an elevated position, and has therefore acquired some potential energy. This -potential energy just equals the loss of kinetic energy, and exists by virtue of that loss. At the end of another second it has no ve- locity, and, therefore, no kinetic energy. But the energy with which the ball began its upward flight has not been annihilated ; it has been wholly converted into potential energy. If at this moment the ball is caught, all of the original kinetic energy may be kept in store as potential energy. (c) If we ignore the disappearance (not loss) of the energy expended in overcoming the resistance of the air, the ball would, when permitted to fall, reach the level from which it started with its WORK AND ENERGY. 87 original velocity and kinetic energy. At the start, at the finish, or at any intermediate point of either its ascent or descent, the sum of the two types of energy is the same. It may be all kinetic, all potential, or partly both, but the sum of the two is constant. (rf) The pendulum affords a good and simple illustration of kinetic and potential energy, their equivalence and convertibility. When the pendulum hangs at rest in a vertical position, as Pa, it has no energy at all. Considered as a mass of mat- ter separated from the earth, it cer- tainly has potential energy; but considered as a pendulum, it has not. If we draw the pendulum aside to b, we raise it through the space, ah; that is, we do work upon it. The energy thus expended is now stored up as potential energy, ready to be reconverted into energy of the kinetic type, whenever we let it drop. As it falls the distance, Aa, in passing from b to a, this reconversion is gradually going on. When the pendulum reaches a, its energy is all kinetic, and just equal to that spent in raising it from a to b. This kinetic energy now carries it on to c, lifting it again through- the space, ah. Its energy is again all poten- tial, just as it was at b. If we could free the pendulum from the resistances of the air and friction, the energy originally imparted to it would swing to and fro between the extremes of all potential and all kinetic; but, at every instant, and at every point of the arc traversed, the total energy would be an unvarying quantity, always equal to the energy originally exerted in swinging it from a to b. Velocity and Energy. Experiment 51. Into a pail full of moist clay or stiff mortar, drop a bullet from the height of one yard. Xotice the depth to which the bullet penetrates. Drop the bullet from a height of four yards. It will strike fche clay with twice the velocity ( 107) and penetrate four times as far as it did before. This suggests that perhaps an increase in the velocity of a given body increases the energy of that body more rapidly than it increases the momentum; that the mass being the same, the energy varies as the. square of the velocity ; E cc v 2 . 88 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 84. Relation of Velocity to Energy. Any moving body can overcome resistance, or perform work ; it has energy. We must acquire the ability to measure this energy. In the first place, we may notice that its defi- nition indicates that it may be measured by the units used in measuring work; i.e., in units of force and displacement. In the next place, we may notice that the direction of the motion is unimportant. A body of given weight and velocity can at any instant do as much work when going in one direction as when going in another. This energy may be expended in penetrating an earth-bank, knocking down a wall, or lifting itself against the force of gravity. Whatever the work actually done, the manner of expend- iture does not change the amount of energy expended. We may therefore find to what vertical height the given velocity would lift the body ( 110), and thus determine its energy in foot-pounds or kilogr ammeters. 85. Kinetic Energy Measured in Gravitation Units. Representing the weight of a body by w, and the vertical height to which its velocity can carry it by Z, it is evident that the kinetic energy can do wxl units of work. When we come to study the laws of falling bodies, we shall find that l =W in which g represents the acceleration due to gravity, i.e., 32.16 feet or 980 cm. (see 107, c?). Substituting this value of I in the equation given above, we have 2 Kinetic Energy = . WORK AND ENERGY. 89 If w is measured in pounds and v in feet, this measures the energy in foot-pounds ; if w is measured in kilograms and v in meters, it measures the energy in kilogram- meters. (a) In measuring work, we consider resistance and the distance through which it is overcome ; in measuring energy, we consider the force and the distance through which it acts. A foot-pound of energy is the amount of energy that must be expended in doing, or that is capable of doing, a foot-pound of work. Similarly, a kilogrammeter of energy is the amount of energy that must be expended in doing, or that is capable of doing, a kilogrammeter of work. 86. Kinetic Energy Measured in Absolute Units. We have already seen ( 62, a) that a force may be measured by the momentum it produces. /= ma- But the measurement of work ( 80, a) introduces the additional factor, ?, representing the number of units of displacement. Introducing this factor into the equation above, we have, for work or kinetic energy, K.E. =fl = mal In 54 (6) we have '*=#' 2a Substituting this value of I in the second member of the equation above, we have (a) If m is measured in pounds and v in feet, this formula gives a numerical expression for foot-poundals ; if m is measured in grams and v in centimeters, it gives that expression in ergs. Foot-poundals may be reduced to foot-pounds by dividing by 32.16, the value of g; ergs may be reduced to kilogrammeters by dividing by 98,000,000. 90 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 87. Potential Energy Measured. In the case of a body raised above the surface of the earth, its potential energy may be measured, (1) In gravitation units, by the product w x h. (2) In absolute units, by the product m x h x g. 88. Conservation of Energy. In 83 (d) it was stated that, were it not for friction and the resistance of the air, the pendulum would vibrate forever ; that the energy would be indestructible. Energy is withdrawn from the pendulum to overcome these impediments, but the energy thus withdrawn is not destroyed. What becomes of it will be seen when we study heat. The truth is that en- ergy is as indestructible as matter; this is what is meant by the conservation of energy. (a} Energy cannot be created ; it cannot be destroyed. Taking the universe as a whole, its quantity is unchangeable. For the present we must admit that a given amount of energy may disappear, and escape our search, but it is only for the present. We shall soon learn to recognize the fugitive even in disguise. (/;) Transformations of energy are constantly recurring, and it is the prime duty of every student of physical science to watch for them and to try to recognize them in every phenomenon. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. What is the horse-power of an engine that will raise 8,250 pounds 176 feet in 4 minutes ? 2. A ball weighing 192.96 pounds is rolled with a velocity of 100 feet a second. How much energy has it ? A ns. 30,000 foot-pounds. 3. A projectile weighing 50 Kg. is thrown obliquely upward with a velocity of 19.6 m. How much kinetic energy has it? 4. Two bodies weigh 50 pounds and 75 pounds respectively, and have equal momenta. The first has a velocity of 750 feet per second. What is the velocity of the second ? 5. A body weighing 40 Kg. moves at the rate of 30 Km. per hour, Find its kinetic energy. WORK AND ENERGY. 91 6. What is the horse-power of an engine that can raise 1,500 pounds 2,376 feet in 3 minutes? Ans. 36 H.P. 7. A cubic foot of water weighs about 62 \ pounds. What is the horse-power of an engine that can raise 300 cubic feet of water every minute from a mine 132 feet deep. 8. A body weighing 100 pounds moves with a velocity of 20 miles per hour. Find its kinetic energy. 9. A weight of 3 tons is lifted 50 feet, (a) How much work was done by the agent ? (6) If the work was done in a half minute, what was the necessary horse-power of the agent ? 10. How long will it take a 2-horse-power engine to raise 5 tons 100 feet? 11. How far can a 2-horse-power engine raise 5 tons in 30 seconds? 12. What is the horse-power of an engine that can do 1,650,000 foot-pounds of work in a minute ? 13. What is the horse-power of an engine that can raise 2,376 pounds 1,000 feet in 2 minutes? 14. If a perfect sphere rests on a perfect horizontal plane in a vacuum, there will be no resistance, other than its own inertia, to a force tending to move it. How much work is necessary to give to such a sphere, under such circumstances, a velocity of 20 feet a second, if the sphere weighs 201 pounds? Ans. 1,250 foot-pounds. 15. A railway car weighs 10 tons. From a state of rest it is moved 50 feet, when it is moving at the rate of 3 miles an hour.. If the resistances from friction, etc., are 8 pounds per ton, how many foot- pounds of work have been expended upon the car ? (First find the work done in overcoming friction, etc., through 50 feet, which is 50 foot-pounds x 10 x 8. To this,, add the work done in giving the car kinetic energy.) 16. Determine, by the composition of forces, whether three con- curring forces with magnitudes of 5, 6, and 12 pounds, respectively, can be in equilibrium. 17. Explain why a soap-bubble blown at one end of a tube con- tracts, and forces a current of air out of the other end of the tube. 18. A railway train moves past a station at the rate of 20 miles an hour. A mail agent throws out a parcel, in a direction perpen- dicular to the track and with a horizontal velocity of 20 feet per second. Determine the velocity of the parcel at the beginning of its flight. 92 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 19. A constant force acting on a mass of 15 grams for 4 seconds gives it a velocity of 20 cm. per second. Find the magnitude of the force in dynes. 20. A 250-pound projectile is fired from a 12-ton gun with an initial velocity of 1,420 feet per second. Determine the velocity of the gun's recoil. 21. What is the centrifugal force of a 20-pound mass moving uni- formly once in 5 seconds around a circle 6 feet in diameter? 22. A man pushes at the rear of a street car and in the line of its motion with a force of 50 pounds. How much work does he per- form while the car moves 10 feet? 23. A man pushes at one corner of the rear platform of a street car with a force of 50 pounds, and in a direction that makes an angle of 45 with the car's line of motion. How much work does he perform while the car moves 10 feet ? 24. A man pushes directly against the side of a street car with a force of 50 pounds. How much work does he perform while the car moves 10 feet along the track? 25. A man pushes against the corner of the front platform of a street car with a force of 50 pounds, and in a direction that makes an angle of 135 with the track. How much work does he perform while the car moves forward 10 feet? 26. Determine the magnitude of the kinetic energy of a body having a mass of 50 pounds, and a velocity of 30 feet per second, (a) in gravitation units ; (6) in absolute units. 27. If a man does 1,056,000 foot-pounds in a working day of 8 hours, what horse-power represents his working power? Ans. & H.P. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Whirling table (Fig. 46) and attach- ments ; wooden blocks ; rubber cord ; speed counter. 1. Determine the ratio between the circumferences of the driver wheel and the follower (i.e., the two wheels that carry the belt) of the whirling table by counting the revolutions made by the spindle, c, while the large wheel revolves once. 2. To the whirling table, attach a disk on which rests a ball. Rotate the apparatus and make a record of the consequent phenome- non. Connect the ball by a stiff elastic cord to the center of the WORK AND ENERGY. 93 disk. Rotate the apparatus with increasing speed, and make a note of what takes place. (See Fig. 48.) 3. To the whirling table, attach a frame carrying two tubes contain- ing mercury and water, and supported at an angle, as shown in Fig. 49. Rotate the ap- paratus rapidly, and make a record of any- thing peculiar that attracts your notice. FlG 48 4. To the whirling table, attach the appa- ratus consisting of flexible hoops, as shown in Fig. 50. The hoops are firmly fixed at the bottom, but the central spindle passes freely through FIG. 49. the holes where the hoops cross each other at the top. Rotate the appa- ratus rapidly, and record any result noticed that has any bearing on the shape of the earth. 5. Replace the flexible hoops by an inflexible iron ring about a foot in diameter. From the upper point of this ring, suspend successively a skein of thread, a looped chain, and a globular glass vessel contain- ing some mercury and some ink-colored water. In each case, rotate the apparatus, and record your observations, as you are supposed to do in all such cases. 6. From the extremities of different axes, suc- cessively suspend wooden solids of various geo- metrical forms ; e.g., sphere, oblate spheroid, prolate spheroid, cylin- der, etc. Rotate and record as, before. 7. To the whirling table, attach the frame carrying two balls of equal mass (see Fig. 46) free to slide on a wire, and connected by a thread. By trial, find a position for the balls such that the joined balls will be on opposite sides of the center of rotation, and yet not slide toward either end of the wire when the spindle is put in rapid rotation. Measure the distance of each ball from the center of rota- tion. What is the tendency of each ball ? What case under com- position of forces is thus illustrated? 8. Change the balls for two joined balls of unequal but known masses. Place them one on each side of the center of rotation, and so that they will retain their positions when the spindle is rapidly rotated. When these positions have been determined, measure the FIG. 50. 94 SCHOOL PHYSICS. distances from the center of rotation to the centers of the two balls, arid see how the ratio between the distances compares with the ratio between the masses of the balls. What do you suppose to be the purpose ol this exercise? 9. Fig. 51 represents a very valuable attachment for the whirling table. A ball of known mass slides on a horizontal wire. To this ball is attached a flexible cord that turns around a pulley at the bot- tom, divides into two, passes over the pulleys at the top, and carries adjustable and slotted disk weights. The middle cord passes through the slots of the weights. The cord and the center of the disks must lie in the center of rotation. Rotate the apparatus with gradually increasing speed until the outward pull of the ball just begins to lift the load. Keeping this speed con- stant, count the number of revolu- tions that the driving wheel makes in 10 seconds. Find the average of several such trials. Measure the horizontal distance between the cen- ter of the ball and the axis of rota- tion, and thence compute the velocity of the ball in the recent trials. Compare the result with the formula given in 78. Repeat the experi- ment, using a " speed counter " to determine the number of revolutions made by the spindle in 10 seconds, and computing anew the velocity of the ball. Replace the ball by one twice as heavy and at the same distance from the center of rotation. Double the load carried by the vertical cords. Counting as before, determine the rate of rotation necessary to lift the load. Compare the result with the first law given in 78. Determine the load that may be lifted by the ball when the driver makes twice as many revolutions as before; when it makes three times as many revolutions. Compare results with the second law given in 78. Taking any of these trials as a standard for comparison, move the ball to a point twice as far from the center of rotation, and turn the driving wheel half as fast. How will the two velocities of the ball compare? At this slower rate of rotation, determine the load that may be lifted. Compare the result with the third law given in 78. FIG. 51. GRAVITATION. 95 Tabulate all of your results as usual. 10. Float upon water two blocks of wood, one of which is twice as heavy as the other. Connect them by a stretched rubber cord. Release the blocks, and they will move toward each other, but with unequal velocities. Determine how much faster one moves than the other, and compare their momenta. 11. On a page of cross-section paper (i.e., paper ruled in squares 1 mm. or 0.1 inch on a side, which can be purchased at nearly any optician's) select arbitrarily some corner of a square ; mark it 0, and call it "the origin of coordinates." Mark the right-hand end of the horizontal line passing through the origin, X, and the left-hand end of the same line, X'. Call the line, X'X, " the axis of abscissas." Mark the upper end of the vertical line passing through the origin, Y, and the lower end of the line, Y' . Call the line, Y' Y, " the axis of ordinates." From 0, count off, on the axis of abscissas, three vspaces to a point, which mark M. On the vertical line, measure two spaces upward to a point, which mark P The distance OM is called "the abscissa " of the point, P. The distance MP is called " the ordinate " of the point, P. Negative abscissas would be measured from O toward X', and negative ordinates would be drawn downward from the axis of abscissas. Using the same axes of coordinates, locate points having co- ordinates with the following values: Points, a b c d Abscissas. -3 -2 2 Ordinates. 12 4 -1.3 Points. A bscissas. Ordinates. e 4 -2 / 6 -2.4 g 8 -2.67 h 10 2.86 Through the points thus located, draw a line with as nearly uniform a curve as III. GEAVITATION, ETC. 89. Gravitation. Every particle of matter in the uni- verse has an attraction for every other particle. This attractive force is called gravitation. 96 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (a) Gravitation is unaffected by the interposition of any substance. During an eclipse of the sun, the moon is between the sun and the earth. But at such a time, the sun and earth attract each other with the same force that they do at other times. (6) Gravitation is independent of the kind of matter, but depends upon the quantity or mass, and the distance. Mass does not mean size. The planet Jupiter is about 1,300 times as large as the earth, but it has only about 300 times as much matter, because it is only 0.23 times as dense. 90. Law of Gravitation. The mutual attraction between two bodies varies directly as the product of their masses, and inversely as the square of the distance between their centers of mass. For example, doubling this product doubles the attraction ; doubling the distance, quarters the attraction ; doubling both the product and the distance halves the attraction. (a) Represent the attraction between two units of mass at unit distance by a. Then, in the case of two bodies containing respectively m and n units of mass, the attraction of either for the other at unit distance will be mna. If the distance be increased to d units, the attraction will be ^ (&) Notice that this attraction is mutual. The earth draws the falling apple with a force that gives it a certain momentum; the apple draws the earth with an equal force, that gives to it an equal momentum. 91. Gravity. The most familiar illustration of gravitation is the attraction between the earth and bodies upon or near its surface. This particular form of gravitation is commonly called gravity. Its measure is weight. Its direction is that of the plumb line, i.e., vertical. FIG. 52. UNIVERS; DEPARTMENT OF GRAVITATION. 97 92. Weight. As the mass of the earth remains con- stant, doubling the mass of the body weighed doubles the product of the masses, and consequently doubles the weight. When we ascend from the surface of the earth, there is nothing to interfere with the working of the law of universal gravitation ; but when we descend below the surface, we leave behind us particles of matter the attrac- tion of which partly counterbalances that of the rest of the earth. The weight of a body at one place on the surface of the earth differs from its weight at another place, because the earth is not a perfect sphere and its density is not uniform. 93. Law of Weight. Bodies weigh most at the surface of the earth. For bodies in the earth's crust, the weight varies approximately as the distance from the center. For bodies above the earths surface, the weight varies inversely as the square of the distance from the center. (a) Let the heavy black line of Fig. 53 represent a spherical shell of uniform thickness and density with bodies at c and e within the shell, and at i and n, without the shell. For such conditions, these propositions have been established : (1) The attraction of the matter com- posing the shell draws bodies within the shell, as at c and e, equally in all direc- tions. (2) The attraction of the matter com- posing the shell pulls bodies outside the shell, as at t'-or n, just as it would if the FIG. 53. entire mass of the shell were concentrated at its center, c. In assuming that such a shell with a radius of 4,000 miles repre- sents the earth, we ignore the variation between polar and equatorial 7 98 SCHOOL PHYSICS. diameters, the variation in the density of the earth's crust, and the possible variation of its thickness. Still, make the assumption. Then, at a depth of 15 miles, a body weighing 100 pounds at the surface would weigh about 100 pounds x f j$$. At an elevation of 4,000 miles above the surface (8,000 miles from the center), it would 4000 2 weigh 100 pounds x - = 25 pounds. oUOU CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Suppose the earth to be solid. How far below the surface would a 10-pound ball weigh only 4 pounds ? Solution. As the weight is to be reduced six tenths, it must be carried 0.6 of the way to the center. Ans. 4,000 miles x 0.6 = 2,400 miles. 2. On the same supposition, what would a body weighing 550 pounds on the surface of the earth weigh 3,000 miles below the sur- face? A ns. 137^ pounds. 3. Two bodies attract each other with a certain force when they are 75 m. apart. How many times will the attraction be increased when they are 50 m. apart? Ans. 2. 4. Given three balls. The first weighs 6 pounds, and is 25 feet distant from the third. The second weighs 9 pounds, and is 50 feet distant from the third, (a) Which exerts the greater force upon the third? (&) How many times as great? Ans. f. 5. A body at the earth's surface weighs 900 pounds. What would it weigh 8,000 miles above the surface ? 6. How far above the surface of the earth will a pound avoirdu- pois weigh only an ounce ? Ans. 12,000 miles. 7. At a height of 3,000 miles above the surface of the earth, what would be the difference in the weights of a man weighing 200 pounds and of a boy weighing 100 pounds? Ans. 32.65 pounds. 8. Find the weight of a 180-pound ball 2,000 miles above the earth's surface. 9. (a) If the earth was solid, would a 50-pound cannon ball weigh more 1,000 miles above the earth's surface, or 1,000 miles below it? (&) How much ? 10. If the moon was moved to three times its present distance from the earth, what would be the effect (a) on its attraction for the earth ? (6) On the earth's attraction for it ? 11. A team pulling northeast with a force of 800 pounds, moves a GRAVITATION. 99 railway car 12 feet along a track running north. How much work is done by the team ? 12. How far above the surface ot the earth must 2,700 pounds be placed to weigh 1,200 pounds? Ans. 2,000 miles. 13. What effect would it have on the weight of a body to double the mass of the body and also to double the mass of the earth? , 14. A 50-pound ball moving with a velocity of 75 feet per second strikes a 200-pound ball squarely, and rebounds with a velocity of 25 feet. What velocity was given to the 200-*pound ball by the collision ? 94. Center of Mass. A body's center of mass is the point about which all the matter composing the body may be balanced. It is also called the center of inertia. In some cases it is also the center of gravity. (a) The force of gravity tends to draw every particle of matter toward the center of the earth, or downward in a vertical, line. We may, therefore, consider the effect of this force upon any body as the sum of an almost infinite number of parallel forces, each, of which is acting upon one of the particles of which that body is composed. We may also consider this sum of forces, or total gravity, as a result- ant force, GP, acting upon a single point, just as the force exerted by two horses harnessed to a whiffletree is equivalent to another force equal to the sum of the forces exerted, by the horses, and applied at a single point at or near the middle of the whiffletree. This single point, G, which may be re- garded as the point of application of the force of gravity acting upon a body, is called the center of mass of that FlG 54 body ; in other words, the weight of a body and its mass may be considered as concentrated at a single point. (&) When a body is acted on by any force, there is, owing to the inertia of each particle, a series of reactions in the opposite direction, the resultant of which has its application at a point called the center of inertia. 100 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (c) Any force acting on a body at its center of mass tends to pro- duce a motion of translation in the direction of that force ; but, if the force acts on the body at any other point, it and the reaction at the center of mass form a couple that tends to produce rotary motion ot the body. (d) In a freely falling body, no matter how irregular its form or how indescribable the curves made by any ot its projecting parts, the line of direction in which the center of mass moves is a vertical line. 95. To find the Center of Mass. In a body suspended from a point, the center of mass will be brought as low as possible, and will, therefore, lie in a vertical line drawn through the point of support. This fact affords a ready means of determining this point experimentally. (a) Let any irregularly shaped body, as a stone or chair, be sus- pended so as to move freely. Drop a plumb line from the point of suspension, and make it fast or mark its direction. The center of mass will lie in this line. From a second point, not in the line already deter- mined, suspend the body; let fall a plumb line as before. The center of mass will lie in this line also. But to lie in both lines, it must lie at their intersection. (&) If a flat piece of cardboard can be balanced on the point of a pin, its center of mass lies vertically above the point of support, midway between the two sides of the cardboard. When a body is of uniform density and regular shape, its center of mass and its center of figure will coincide $ e.g., the center of mass of a sphere of uniform density is at its center of volume. FIG. 55. 96. May be Outside the Body. In some bodies, as a ring or box or hollow sphere or cask, the center of mass GRAVITATION. ', does not lie in the matter of which the body is com- posed. (a) This fact may be illustrated by the " balancer," represented in Fig. 56. The center of mass lies a little above the line joining the two heavy balls, and thus under the foot of the waltzing figure. But the point, wherever found, will have the same properties as if it lay in the mass of the body. 97. The Base. The side on which a body rests is called its base. If the body is supported on legs, as a chair, the base is the polygon formed by joining the points of support. 98. Equilibrium. A body sup- ported at a single point will rest in equilibrium when a vertical line pass ,, , n, . FIG. 56. ing through its center 01 mass, i.e., the line of direction, also passes through the point of support. A body supported on a surface will rest in equilibrium when the line of direction ( 94, d) falls within its base. In general terms, a body is in equilib- rium when the resultant of all the forces acting on it is zero. The center of mass will be supported when it coin- cides with the point of support, or is in the same vertical line with it. When the center of mass is supported, the whole body is supported and rests in a state of equilibrium. (a) When the line of direction falls without the base, weight and reaction of support become forces that form a couple and overturn the body. SCHOOL PHYSICS. Experiment 52. With the point of a penknife blade, make a hole of 2 or 3 mm. diameter in the large end of an egg. In the small end, prick a pinhole. Blow the- contents of the shell out through the larger hole. Rinse and dry the shell. Drop a little pulverized rosin or melted sealing wax through the larger hole into the smaller end of the egg. Support the egg in a small tin can (that may be obtained from any kitchen) or in any other convenient way, and pour a few grams of melted lead through the larger hole and into the smaller end. The lead will not run out through the pinhole even if the rosin or sealing wax is not used. The larger hole may be neatly concealed with a piece of thin paper put on with flour paste. Try to make your " magical egg " lie on its side. 99. Kinds of Equilibrium. There are three kinds of equilibrium : (1) A body supported in such a way that, when slightly displaced from its position of equilibrium, it tends to return to that position, is said to be in stable equilibrium. Such a displacement raises the center of mass. (2) A body supported in such a way that, when slightly displaced from its position of equilibrium, it tends to fall further away from that position, is said to be in unstable equilibrium. Such a displacement lowers the center of mass. (3) A body supported in such a way that, when displaced from its position of equilibrium, it tends neither to return to its former position nor to fall further from it, is said to be in neutral or indifferent equilibrium. Such a displacement neither raises nor lowers the center of mass. 100. Stability. When the line of direction falls within the base, the body stands ; when without the base, the body falls over. The stability of a body is measured by the amount of work that must be done to overturn it. This GRAVITATION. 103 amount may be increased by enlarging the base, 01 by lowering the center of mass, or both. (a) Let Fig. 57 represent the vertical section of a brick placed upon its side, its position of greatest stability. In order to stand the brick upon its end, g, the center of mass, must pass over the edge, c ; that is to say, the center of mass must be raised a distance equal to a the difference between ga and gc, FlG - 57 - or the distance, nc. But to lift g this distance is the same as to lift the whole brick vertically a distance equal to nc. Draw similar figures for the brick when placed upon its edge and upon its end. In each case, make gn equal to ga, and see that the value of nc decreases. But nc represents the distance that the brick, or its center of mass, must be raised, before the line of direction can fall without the base and the body be overturned. To lift the brick, or its center of mass, a small distance involves less work than to lift it a greater distance. Therefore, the greater the value of nc, the more work required to overturn the body, or the greater its stability. But this greater value of nc evidently depends upon a larger base, a lower position for the center of mass, or both. (6) When the body rests upon a point, as does the sphere, or upon a line, as does the cylinder, a very slight force is sufficient to move it, no elevation of the center of mass being necessary. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Why does a person stand less firmly when his feet are parallel and close together than when they are more gracefully placed ? 2. Why can a child walk more easily with a cane than without ? 3. Why will a book placed on a desk-lid stay there, while a marble will roll off? 4. Why is a ton of stone on a wagon less likely to upset than a ton of hay similarly placed ? 5. If a falling body near the surface of the earth gains an accelera- tion of 32.16 feet, what would be its acceleration 240,000 miles from the center of the earth ? 6. A body is simultaneously acted upon by two forces, one of which would give it a velocity of 100 feet per second northward, while the 104 SCHOOL PHYSICS. other would give it a northeasterly velocity of 75 feet per second. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant velocity. 7. A given force, acting for ten minutes upon a body weighing 100 pounds, produces a velocity of a mile a minute. Determine the mag- nitude of the force in poundals. 8. How many gallons of water, each weighing 8 pounds, can a 100- horse-power engine raise to a height of 200 feet in 10 hours ? 9. Why have the Egyptian pyramids great stability ? 10. Why is it easier for a baby elephant than for a baby boy to learn to walk ? 11. Where is the axis of rotation of a carriage wheel? Where should the center of mass of a carriage wheel be ? 12. A boy placed a step-ladder as shown in Fig. 58, and it stood. Why? He then climbed to its top, and it fell. Why? LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Plumb bob; chalk; cardboard; box as described below ; screw-eye ; mortar. 1. Drive small tacks into the frame of a slate at adjacent corners. Tie the middle of a stout thread to one of the tacks. Fasten a small weight to one end of the thread, and support the apparatus from the other end. Mark on the slate the direction in which the thread crosses it. Similarly support the slate by the other tack, and mark the direction of the thread by another line. Place the intersection of the two lines over the end of the finger, and see if the slate is bal- anced. The point thus located approximately represents what? 2. Cut a rectangle from cardboard. Draw its two diagonals. Balance the cardboard to see how near the center of mass coincides with the center of area. Can the center of mass lie on the surface of such a body ? 3. Drive a wire nail into a vertical support, and cut off the head of the nail. Bore several holes through an irregularly shaped board near its edges. Using one of these holes, hang the board on the nail. From the nail^hang a chalked plumb line. When the plumb line has come to rest, " snap " it so as to make a vertical line on the board. Change the position of the board, the nail passing through another GRAVITATION. 105 of the holes. Chalk the line, suspend and "snap" as before. Place the intersection of the two chalk lines over the end of the finger, and see if the board then balances. Using another hole, similarly chalk another line, and see if the three lines have a common point of inter- section. 4. Fill a box, about 2x4x8 inches (a shallow cigar box will do), with stiff mortar, and nail down the cover. Stand it on end, so that the 8" edges will be vertical. (It is common for architects and mechanics to indicate "feet" by one tick, and "inches " by two ticks, as in the preceding sentence.) Insert a small screw-eye or hook at the middle of one of the 4" x 8" surfaces ; it will be approximately on a level with the center of mass. Tack a small wooden strip to the table, at the foot of this side, to keep the box from slipping when pulled. Tie one end of a cord to this screw-eye, and the other end to the hook of a spring-balance. Hold the dynamometer so that its axis and the string lie in a straight line that is perpendicular to the side of the box. Carefully observing the scale of the dynamometer, pull steadily until the box falls over. Record the maximum reading of the scale. On one of the 2" x 8" faces, draw and bisect a diagonal. What is the difference between half the length of the diagonal and half the height of the box as it was standing? Record that differ- ence. What does it represent? Instead of using the spring-balance, one may pass the cord over a pulley adjusted at the level of the screw-eye, attach a scale-pan of known weight to the free end of the cord, and add weights until the box begins to overturn. If the screw-eye pulls out, pass a cord or wire around the box at the proper level, and attach the other cord to it at the proper place. A wire with a loop at one end may be passed through the box from one face to the opposite side, and there made fast before filling the box. The loop will then take the place of the screw-eye. It is especially desirable thus to connect the opposing 2" x 4" and the 2" x 8" faces. Place the box so that its 4" edges shall be vertical. Ascertain and record the force necessary to overturn the box by a horizontal pull, as before. On one of the 2" x 4" faces, draw and bisect a diagonal. Find how much the semi-diagonal exceeds 2", the semi-altitude of the box. Record this difference. Transfer the screw-eye to the middle of one of the 2" x 8" sides, and place the box with its 8" edges vertical. Ascertain and record 106 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the force necessary to overturn the box, as before. On one of the 4" x 8" faces, draw and bisect a diagonal. Find how much the semi- diagonal exceeds 4", the semi-altitude. Record this difference. Place the box so that its 2" edges shall be vertical. Ascertain and record the force necessary to overturn the box, as before. Find how much the semi-diagonal of the 2" x 4" face exceeds 1", the semi- altitude. Record this difference. Transfer the screw-eye to the middle of one of the 2" x 4" sides, and place the box with its 4" edges vertical. Ascertain and record the force necessary to overturn the box, as before. Find how much the semi-diagonal of a 4" x 8" face exceeds 2", the semi-altitude, and record that difference. Place the box so that its 2" edges shall be vertical. Ascertain and record the force necessary to overturn the box, as before. Find how much the semi-diagonal of the 2" x 8" surface exceeds 1", the semi- altitude, and record that difference. Weigh the box. Multiply its weight by the excess of the semi- diagonal over the semi-altitude in each case. What do these products represent? What do they measure? If weight is measured in pounds and decimals thereof, and diagonals and altitudes in feet and decimals thereof, these products will represent what kind of units ? Compare these several products with the corresponding forces used in overturning the box. Do you discover any relation between them ? 5. Cut a piece of board 20" long, 3" wide at one end, and 7" wide at the other end. Find a point on the surface of the board as near as possible to the center of mass, and over it paste a patch of black paper an inch in diameter. On the same side of the board, and a foot or so from the other paper, paste a patch of red paper about 2" in diameter. Toss the board up edgewise in the open air, so that it will turn end over end, carefully observing the motion of the two paper patches relative to each other. Record and explain what you see. IV. FALLING BODIES. 101. Freely Falling Bodies. When a body is left un- supported and free to move under the influence of the force of gravity and without any resistance, it is a freely falling body. FALLING BODIES. 107 (a) Unless the body falls from a very great ^height, the change in the intensity of the attraction due to the change of distance from the center of the earth is so small that it may, without sensible error, be disregarded. It is, therefore, common to consider gravity a constant force ; hence, if we ignore the resistance of the air, the laws for fall- ing bodies will be the same as for uniformly accelerated motion. Experiment 53. From the upper window, drop simultaneously an iron and a wooden ball of the same size. Be careful that your fingers do not " stick " to one ball longer than to the other. Notice that the two balls of different weight strike the ground at practically the same time. 102. Velocities of Falling Bodies. When a feather and a cent are dropped from the same height, the cent reaches the ground first. This is not because the cent is heavier, but because the feather meets with more resistance from the air in proportion to its mass. If this resistance can be removed or equalized, the two bodies will fall equal distances in equal times, or with the same velocity. The resistance may be avoided by drop- ping them in a glass tube from which the air has been removed. The re- sistances may be nearly equalized by making the two falling bodies of the same size and shape but of dif- ferent weights, as in the preceding experiment. FIG. 59. Experiment 54. Tack a strip of wood half an inch square to the straight edge of a plank 16 feet long. 108 SCHOOL PHYSICS. Fasten metal strips an inch wide to the sides of the wooden strip so as to make a double-track way which should be straight and smooth. Divide the edge of the plank on one side of the track into 16 foot-spaces, plainly marked. Raise one end of the plank a foot higher than the other. Place a glass or an iron ball at the top of the inclined track. Notice how often the classroom clock ticks in a second. Place a finger on top of the ball, thus holding it ready for a start. Repeat the word " tick " in unison with the clock until you " feel " the rhythm of its swing, and, just at the moment of a " tick," lift the finger from the ball, which will begin to roll down the track. Notice and record the position of the ball at the end of successive seconds. To locate the ball at the end of the allotted period, place on the upper side of the half-inch strip a wooden block just wide enough to hold its position, and just thick enough to produce an easily audible click when struck by the ball. By trial, place this block so that the tick and the click shall coincide. Repeat your ob- servations, and average the results of similar trials. The greater the number of carefully conducted trials, the more valuable will be your averages. The ball will roll down the inclined plane, about 1 foot in the first second, 4 feet in 2 seconds, 9 feet in 3 seconds, 16 feet in 4 seconds, etc. The average results may be tabulated as follows : Number of Spaces fallen Velocities at the End Total Number of Seconds. each Second. of each Second. Spaces fallen. 112 1 234 4 35 6 9 47 8 16 / 2<-l 2t t* Representing the velocity gained each second (acceleration) by a, and, consequently, the value of each of our spaces by a, we have, from the above, the already familiar formulas, V = \a (2z 1); v = at; (see 54). 103. Unimpeded Fall. By giving a greater inclination to the plane used in Experiment 54, the ball will roll more rapidly, and our unit of space will increase from one foot, as supposed thus far, to two, three, four, or five feet, FALLING BODIES. 109 and so on ; but the number of such spaces will remain as indicated in the table above. By disregarding the resist- ance of the air, we may say that when the plane becomes vertical, the body becomes a freely falling body. Our unit of space has now become 16.08 feet, or 490 centi- meters. It will fall this distance during the first second, three times this distance during the next second, five times this distance during the third second, and so on. 104. Galileo's Device. The laws of accelerated motion, as given in 55, were first experimentally verified by Galileo. To avoid the difficulty of accurate observation of the very rapid motion of a freely falling body, he used an inclined plane, down the groqved edge of which a heavy ball was made to roll. (a) Let AB represent a plane so inclined that the velocity of a body rolling from B toward A will be readily observable. Let C be a heavy ball. The gravity of the ball may be represented by the ver- tical line, CD. But CD may be resolved into CF, which represents a force acting perpendicular to the plane and producing pressure upon it but no motion at all, and CE, which represents a force acting par- allel to the plane, the only force of any effect in producing motion. , It may be shown geometrically that EC:CD::BG:BA. By reducing, therefore, the inclina- tion of the plane, we may reduce the magnitude of the motion-producing component of the force of gravity, and thus reduce the velocity. This will not affect the laws of the motion, that motion being changed only in amount, not at all in character. 105. Atwood's Device. The At wood machine consists essentially of a wheel or pulley, R, over the grooved edge 110 SCHOOL PHYSICS. of which are balanced two equal weights suspended by a long silk thread which is both light and strong. The axle of this wheel is preferably sup- ported upon the circumferences of four friction wheels, r, r, r', r', for greater delicacy of motion. As the thread is so light that its weight may be disregarded, it is evident that the weights will be in equilibrium whatever FIG. HI. ,T . ... mi . their position. This apparatus is supported upon a pillar seven or eight feet high. A weight or rider placed upon one of the weights pro- duces motion with a moderate but uniformly accelerated velocity. (a) Suppose that the balanced masses weigh 49.5 grams each, and that the rider weighs 1 gram. The total mass moved is 100 grams, and the force acting is the weight of 1 gram. When this force of 1 gram moves a mass of 1 gram (freely falling body), it produces a velocity too great for easy observation ; when the same force acts on the mass 100 times as great, it produces a velocity only T 7 as great as it pro- duced in the other case, when the gram mass fell alone. Thus we may produce variations in acceleration as we desire. 106. Acceleration Due to Gravity. In the latitude of New York, a freely falling body gains a velocity of 32.16 feet, or 980 centimeters, during the first second of its fall. It makes a like gain of velocity during each subsequent second of its fall. This distance is, therefore, called the acceleration due to gravity, and is generally repre- sented ly the letter g. 107. Formulas for Falling Bodies. Since the motion of a freely falling body is uniformly accelerated motion, the FALLING BODIES. Ill formulas for freely falling bodies may be derived from those for uniformly accelerated motion ( 54) by substitut- ing the definite quantity, , etc. The resistance of the air modifies the nature of the curve somewhat. The horizontal distance, GE, is called the range of the projectile. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. What will be the velocity of a body after it has fallen 4 seconds? Solution : v=gt = 32.16 x 4 = 128.64. Ans. 128.64 feet. 2. A body falls for several seconds. During one of these seconds it passes over 530.64 feet. Which one is it ? Solution : /' = ^(2 1 - 1) 530.64 = 16.08 x (2 1 - 1) ; .-. t = 17. Ans. 17th second. 3. A body was projected vertically upward with a velocity of 96.4 feet. How high did it rise ? v 96.48 g -32.16 ~ 6 ' = 16.08 x 9,= 144.72. Ans. 144.72 feet. FIG. 63. Salmon:- 4. How far will a body fall during the third second of its fall ? 5. How far will a body fall in 10 seconds? Ans. 1,608 feet. 6. How far in 1 second? Ans. 4.02 feet. 7. How far will a body fall during the first second and a half of its fall? 8 114 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 8. How far in 12| seconds? 9. A body passed over 787.92 feet during its fall. What was the time required? Ans. 7 seconds. 10. What velocity did it finally obtain ? 11. A body fell during 15^ seconds. Give its final velocity. 12. In an Atwood machine, the weights carried by the thread are 7| ounces each. When the "rider," which weighs one ounce, is in position, what is the acceleration ? 13. A stone is thrown horizontally from the top of a tower 257.28 feet high, with a velocity of 60 feet a second. Where will it strike the ground? Ans. 240 feet from the tower. 14. When a fishing line with a heavy sinker is thrown into a stream with a rapid current, it often is carried down stream to the full length of the line, and held suspended in the water. Draw a diagram showing the forces acting on the sinker, and how equilibrium is se- cured. Neglect the buoyancy of the water. 15. A body is thrown directly upward with a velocity of 80.4 feet, (a) What will be its velocity at the end of 3 seconds, and (6) in what direction will it be moving ? 16. In Fig. 63, what is represented by the following lines: Fl? Fa? Aa? Fc? Ddf 17. A body falls 357.28 feet in 4 seconds. What was its initial velocity? Ans. 25 feet. 18. A ball thrown downward with a velocity of 35 feet per second reaches the earth in 12| seconds, (a) How far has it moved, and (&) what is its final velocity? 19. (a) How long will a ball projected upward with a velocity of 3,216 feet continue to rise? (6) What will be its velocity at the end of the fourth second ? (c) At the end of the seventh ? 20. A ball is shot from a gun with a horizontal velocity of 1,000 feet, at such an angle that the highest point in its flight is 257.28 feet. What is its range? Ans. 8,000 feet. ^ 21. A body was projected vertically downward with a velocity of 10 feet. It was 5 seconds falling. Required the entire space passed over. Ans. 452 feet. 22. Required the final velocity of the same body. Ans. 170.8 feet. 23. A body was 5 seconds rolling down an inclined plane, and passed over 7 feet during the first second. Give (a) the entire space passed over, and (6) the final velocity. 24. A body rolling down an inclined plane has, at the end of the FALLING BODIES. 115 first second, a velocity of 20 feet, (a) What space would it pass over hi 10 seconds ? (&) If the height of the plane was 800 feet, what was its length? Ans. (6) 1,286.4 feet. 25. A body was projected vertically upward, and rose 1,302.48 feet. Give (a) the time required for its ascent, and (ft) the initial velocity. 26. A body projected vertically downward has, at the end of the seventh second, a velocity of 235.12 feet. How many feet did it traverse in the first 4 seconds? Am. 297.28 feet. 27. A body falls from a certain height; 3 seconds after it has started, another body falls from the height of 787.92 feet. From what height must the first fall if both are to reach the ground at the same instant? Ans. 1,608 feet. 28. A body falls freely for 6 seconds. What is the space traversed during the last two seconds of its fall ? 29. When a body is thrown upward, does its velocity vary directly or inversely with the number of time-units it has been rising ? 30. See definition of "parabola" in the dictionary. When would the curved line, FCE in Fig. 63, become parallel with the vertical line, FG? LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Inclined track; iron balls; pendu- lum; electromagnets; a voltaic battery; turnbuckle; blade of hack- saw ; screws ; screw-driver ; needles ; thread. 1. Graduate to centimeters the edge of the plank used in Experi- ment 54, using the part outside the track that was not graduated to feet. Elevate one end of the plank as in that experiment. On the vertical face of a movable wooden support, and more than a meter from its foot, tack a horizontal strip of soft wood, the thick- ness of which is not less than the radius of the iron ball mentioned below. Into the vertical face of this strip press a stout needle nearly to its eye. The hole through the needle should be vertical. An inch or so above the needle set a common screw. Fasten one end of a thread that will pass through the eye of the needle, and having a length of about 110 cm., to a small iron ball. Pass the other end of the thread through the eye of the needle, fasten it to the screw, and wrap it around the screw until the center of the ball hangs about a meter below the needle. Instead of using the needle as above described, a small, firm cork 116 SCHOOL PHYSICS. may be fastened to the vertical face of the strip, and a threaded needle drawn vertically through the middle of the cork. The thread may then be fastened to the screw, although the cork will probably pinch it firmly enough to support the ball. Such cork supports are easily provided, and convenient for quick adjustment. Swing the ball as a pendulum, and count the number of times it passes through its arc in 60 seconds. If the number of swings exceeds 60, turn the screw so as to unwind some of the thread, and increase the distance between the ball and the needle, or the under side of the cork. Swing the ball and count as before, continuing the adjustment until the ball makes 60 swings in 60 seconds. Place the pendulum so that as it swings, and as the ball rolls down the inclined track, both may be observed at the same time. With the assistance of a friend who understands such things, fix two electromagnets that are on the same circuit so that their attrac- tion will hold an iron ball at the upper end of the inclined track, and the iron pendulum-bob at one end of the arc through which it is to swing. Close the circuit of the battery, and bring the two iron balls into their respective positions, separated from the magnets only by bits of thin paper. The attraction of the magnets will hold the balls, one at the top of the track, and the other at the end of its arc. Break the circuit, and the two iron balls will be released simulta- neously. By trial, adjust the inclination of the track so that the ball will roll the whole length in 4 seconds, as measured by the swings of the pendulum. By repeated trials, verify the accuracy of the figures in the second and fourth columns of the table given in Experiment 54. 2. From the frame of a small pulley running with little friction suspend a weight of about 2 pounds. Place the wheel of the pulley so that it will run on a No. 10 wire tightly stretched between oppo- site sides of the laboratory, one end of the wire being a little higher than the other. The wire may be tightened with a turnbuckle. Just above the wire, and parallel with it, stretch a cord. From the upper end of the wire start the pulley with its load, and note the point where it is at the end of 3 seconds. If the distance traversed in the 3 seconds is not at least 9 feet, increase the inclination of the wire. Mark the point where the pulley is at the end of the third second by a strip of paper hung from the cord so that its lower end will be struck by the top of the pulley as it passes. Mark the point on the cord above the starting point of the pulley by tying a thread FALLING BODIES. 117 there. Divide the intervening distance into 9 equal parts. Hang similar paper strips from the cord, at distances of 5 such equal parts and of 8 such equal parts above the strip already hung, and of 7 such equal parts and 16 such equal parts below it. Swing the pendulum that vibrates seconds. As its thread passes a vertical line on the wooden support drawn downward f rom the needle, start the pulley, and see if it taps the 'successive strips as the pendu- lum successively passes the vertical line. If the weight carried by the pulley is of iron, the weight and the pendulum-bob may be simul- taneously released as in Exercise 1. XOTE. A good Atwood machine is an expensive piece of appa- ratus, and unfortunately many schools and laboratories have none. If any particular school 'is thus equipped, the teacher should provide for its use in the verification of the laws of falling bodies, the approx- imate determination of the acceleration due to gravity, etc. 3. Modify Experiment 53 by using two iron balls of different mass supported by the attraction of two electromagnets that are in the same circuit. Tie the magnets to a stick, and hold them and the magnetically supported balls from an upper window. When you are sure that the balls are at the same level, break the circuit. A co- worker standing on the ground will report whether the different masses make the journey in the same time. 4. A ball is thrown horizontally with a velocity of 20 feet a second. Using any convenient scale and the cross-section paper, map the posi- tion of the ball at the end of half seconds for 5 seconds. Bend the thin blade of a hack-saw or other flexible bar so that its edge will pass through as many of these points as possible. Along the side of the blade, trace a pencil mark to represent the path of the ball. See Ex- ercise 11, p. 95, and compare your curve with Fig. 63. If any point thus located lies much out of the curve, reexamine your work for that point. On your diagram, lay off and measure coordinates for the point that represents the position of the ball at the end of 3.25 seconds and 5.5 seconds from the beginning of its fall. Compare the results of your work with corresponding results obtained by computation. In tracing the curve, run the pencil to the lower end of the saw blade. 5. From a rectangular wooden block about 30 x 23 x 4 cm., cut a semi-cycloid, thus shaping the piece marked B in Fig. 64. Cut a groove in the curved edge, and fasten the block against the black- board so that its long edge shall be vertical. A small ball that has rolled down the cyeloidal path will be projected with a con- 118 SCHOOL. PHYSICS. stant horizontal velocity and an accelerated vertical velocity. Let one of two pupils working together adjust, by repeated trials, a ruler so that the projected ball will just touch it, and thence determine and mark the point passed over by the center of the ball. In this way determine the loci of points sufficiently numerous to plot on the blackboard the path described by the center of the projected ball. From the center of the ball at the lowest point of its cycloidal path draw a horizontal line, and mark oif a num- ber of equal spaces upon it. These will represent the horizontal motions of the ball in equal intervals of time. From each division on this line, draw a vertical line, /, to the plotted path, and measure the lengths of these lines. They represent the spaces fallen in the several intervals of time. Show that, for each interval of time, jr IG 54. / = kt z , k being some constant. If the horizontal intervals are made equal to the horizontal speed of the ball per second, k will equal \ g. From the measurements made on the blackboard, plot the curve on cross-section paper. V. THE PENDULUM. 112. A Simple Pendulum is a single material particle supported by a line without weight, and capable of oscil- lating about a 'fixed point. Such a pendulum has a theoretical but not an actual existence. Its prop- erties may be approximately determined by experi- menting with a small lead ball suspended by a fine thread. 113. Motion of the Pendulum. When the pendulum is drawn from its vertical position, the force of gravity, MGr, THE PENDULUM. 119 FIG. 65. is resolved into two components, one of which, MC, pro- duces pressure at the point of support, while the other, MH, acts at right angles to it, producing motion toward N. As the pendulum approaches iV, its kinetic energy increases. This energy carries the weight beyond N toward 0, against the action of the continually increasing compo- nent, OP. By the time the pen- dulum has arrived at 0, its kinetic energy has been wholly trans- formed into potential energy. Then OP pulls the weight toward N again, transforming the poten- tial energy into kinetic, which, in turn, carries the weight once more toward M. Thus the pendulum oscillates for an indefinite time by the alternate action of gravity and its acquired energy of motion. 114. Definitions. The motion from one extremity of the arc through which a pendulum swings to the other is called an oscillation. The "time occupied in moving over this arc is called the time or period of oscillation. The angle measured by half this arc is called the amplitude of oscillation. The trip from M to is an oscillation. The angle, MAN, is the amplitude of oscillation. (a) The motion from M to and back again, one " swing-swang," is sometimes called a " complete vibration." The time occupied by the round trip, or in passing from any point to its next passage in the same direction through the same point, is sometimes called a " com- plete period." 120 SCHOOL PHYSICS. Experiment 56. Suspend three lead bullets and a small iron ball as shown in the accompanying figure. The lengths of the threads, measured between the points of support and the centers of the balls, should be as 1: |-: ^; e.g., 1 yard, 9 inches, and 4 inches respectively. Set one of the pendulums swinging through a small arc, and count the oscillations made in 10 seconds. Set the same pendulum swinging through a somewhat larger arc, and count the oscillations as before. Record and compare results. Repeat the experiments with each of the pendulums, recording and comparing results in each case. Note the effect of amplitude or of mass on the period of oscillation. From your notes, or by fresh experiment, determine the period of each pendulum, and observe the relation between the period of oscil- lation and the length of the pendulum. Place a magnet under the iron ball, so that when the latter swings it will just clear the end of the magnet. Swing the iron pendulum, and count the number of oscillations made in 10 seconds. The attraction of the magnet being added to that of the earth, the acceleration is increased and the period is lessened. 115. Laws of the Pendulum. When the amplitude of oscillation does not exceed three degrees, the period of oscillation depends mainly upon the length of the pen- dulum and the acceleration due to gravity. Representing period by , and length by I, the relation is expressed by the formula FIG. 66. The following laws are consistent with this formula and with the results of numberless experiments : (1) At any given place, the vibrations of a given pen- dulum are isochronous, i.e., are made in equal periods. THE PENDULUM. 121 (2) The period of oscillation is independent of the mate- rial or the mass of the pendulum. (3) The period of oscillation varies directly as the square root of the length. (4) The period of oscillation varies inversely as the square root of the acceleration. 116. The Compound Pendulum. Any pendulum other than the simple or ideal pendulum is a compound pendulum. In its most common form, it consists of a slender rod, flexible at the top, and carrying at the bottom a heavy mass of metal known as the bob. 117. The Seconds Pendulum. At any given place, a seconds pendulum is one that makes a single oscillation in a second. At the sea-level, its length is about 39 inches at the equator and about 39.2 inches near the poles. Its value at the sea-level at New York may be found by making =1, and ^=980.19 cm., in the formula and solving the equation for the value of I. (a) The length of the seconds pendulum being known, the length of any other pendulum may be found when the period of oscillation is given, or the period of oscillation may be found when the length is given. As the seconds pendulum is inconveniently long, use is often made of one one-fourth as long, which oscillates in half seconds. Center of Oscillation. Experiment 57. Drive a small wire nail through a flat board of any form, at some point near its edge, as shown in Fig. 67. Hold 122 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the ends of the wire by the finger and thumb, and allow the board to hang in a vertical plane. Fasten a small bullet to the end of a thread, and pass the thread over the wire so that the bullet hangs close to the board. Move the hand that sup- ports the wire horizontally and in the plane of the board. Board and bullet will swing as pendulums. If one swings more rapidly than the other, lengthen or shorten the string until they swing together. With the thread at this length, and board and bullet hanging in equilibrium, mark the point on the board opposite the center of the ball. Holding the board by the wire as before, move it with varied, sudden, and irregular motions in the plane of the board. The bullet will not quit the marked place on the board. FIG. 67. 118. Centers of Suspension and Oscillation. In every pendulum not simple, the parts near the center of suspen- sion tend to move faster than those further away, and force the latter to move more rapidly than they other- wise would. Between these, there is a particle that moves, of its own accord, at the rate forced upon the others. This particle fulfills all the conditions of a simple pendulum that has the period of the compound pendulum. Its position is called the center of oscillation or percussion. (a) Fig. 68 represents a wooden bar, suspended so as to have freedom of motion about the point S, which thus be- comes the center of suspension. G indicates the center of mass, and O the center of oscillation. S and are inter- changeable ; i.e., if the pendulum is suspended from its center of oscillation, the period remains the same. FIG. 08. 119. The Real Length of a Pendulum. If we consider the length of the compound pendulum to be the distance THE PENDULUM. 128 between the centers of suspension and oscillation, all the laws of the simple pendulum become applicable to the compound pendulum. 120. Uses of the Pendulum. -- The continued motion of a clock is due to the force of gravity acting upon the weights, or to the elas- ticity of the spring. But the weights have a tendency toward positively accel- erated motion, and the spring toward negatively accelerated motion. Either defect would be fatal in a timepiece. The properties of the pendulum set forth in the first law -enable us to regulate this motion, and to make it available for the desired end. The pendulum is also used to deter- mine the relative and absolute accelera- tion of gravity at different places, and in this way the figure of the earth. Having at any given place a pendulum of known length, its period may be determined and the value of g computed from the formula given in 115. FIQ 69 (a) A pendulum has a strong tendency to maintain its plane of oscillation, a fact that has been used in the experimental demonstra- tion of the rotation of the earth upon its axis. The chief function of the wheel-work of a clock is to register the number of the vibrations of the pendulum. If the clock gains time, the pendulum is length- ened by lowering the bob ; if it loses time, the pendulum is shortened by raising the bob. 124 SCHOOL PHYSICS. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. No. INCHES. OSCILLATIONS. PERIOD. No. CM. OSCILLATIONS. PERIOD. 1 9 20 per min. 9 11 99.33 ? ? 2 ? 30 " 9 12 9 9 2 sec. 3 30 ? ? 13 9 9 2 min. 4 16 ? ? 14 24.83 ? 9 5 ? 9 | sec. 15 9 8 per sec. ? 6 9 ? 5- min. 16 397.32 9 ? 7 39.37 ? per min. 9 17 11.03 9 9 8 9 10 9 18 ? 9 10 sec. 9 10 V per sec. 9 19 2,483.25 9 9 10 9 1 per min. 9 20 9 9 4 sec. 21. How will the periods of oscillation of two pendulums compare, their lengths being 4 feet and 49 feet respectively? Ans. As 2 : 7. 22. Of two pendulums, one makes 70 oscillations a minute, the other, 80 oscillations a minute. How do their lengths compare? Ans. As 64 : 49. 23. If one pendulum is 4 times as long as another, what are their relative periods of oscillation? 24. The length of a seconds pendulum being 39.1 inches, what must be the length of a pendulum to oscillate in second ? 25. How long must a pendulum be to oscillate (a) once in 8 seconds? (b) In i second? 26. How long must a pendulum be to oscillate once in 3^ seconds? 27. Find the length of a pendulum that will oscillate 5 times in 4 seconds. Ans. 25.02 -f inches. 28. A pendulum 5 feet long makes 400 oscillations during a certain time. , How many oscillations will it make in the same time after the pendulum rod has expanded 0.1 of an inch? 29. At Paris, g = 981 cm. Determine the length of the seconds pendulum at that place. 30. A lead ball is suspended as a pendulum. From the center of the ball it is 83 inches to its center of suspension. The pendulum oscillates 206 times in 5 minutes. From the formula given in 115, determine the acceleration due to gravity at the time and place of the experiment. Ans. 32.188 feet. THE PENDULUM. 125 LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Wooden bars, etc., for pendulums; a pendulum-clock ; a piece of sheet iron ; mercury ; a telegraph sounder or an electric bell. 1. Set up a pendulum of length as great as you can conveniently. Set up another that oscillates just twice as often in a given time. Determine the ratio between the lengths of the two pendulums. Shorten the shorter pendulum until it oscillates three times as fast as the other. Determine the relative lengths as before. Shorten the shorter pendulum again until it oscillates four times as fast, and find the ratio as before. In your notebook, record the data obtained, using the following form, and placing the ascertained ratios in the places of x, y, and z : Relative Numbers Relative of Oscillations. Lengths. 1 .1 2 x 3 y 4 z 5 ? 6 * Can you see any law or rule governing in such cases? Try, with- out experiment, to put the proper figures in the places of the two interrogation points. 2. Set up the pendulum used in Exercise 1, p. 115, or a similar one, and adjust its length so that it will oscillate 60 times in 60 seconds. The eye of the needle should be not much larger than is necessary for the thread used. Measure the distance from the center of the bob to the needle. From the data thus secured, compute the value of g. 3. Set up a similar pendulum, but with a shorter thread. Adjust the length of the pendulum by turning the screw until the pendu- lum oscillates 60 times in 30 seconds. Measure the length of the pendulum. Compare its period with that of the one used in Exer- cise 2. Compare its length with that of the one used in Exercise ?. How do these comparisons tally with the statement made in 115 (3) ? 126 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 4. Shorten the thread of the pendulum used in Exercise 3 until the pendulum oscillates 60 times in 20 seconds. Measure the length of the pendulum. Compare its period with that of those used in Exercises 2 and 3. Compare its length with the lengths of those. How do these results conform to the law referred to above ? 5. Using these pendulums successively, test the accuracy of the law given in 115 (1). 6. Using either of these pendulums and another prepared by you for that purpose, test the accuracy of the second law given in 115. 7. On a stout thread, fasten 5 or 6 lead bullets at successive inter- vals of 10 cm., and suspend the combination as a pendulum. Swing it as a pendulum. Does the string retain its rectilinear form while the compound pendulum is oscillating? Account for any observed difference in this respect between this pendulum and those previously used. 8. Through the laboratory meter stick or a similar strip of wood, drill or burn a small hole 3 cm. from one end. Using this as a center of suspension, locate the center of oscillation. Determine the real length of the meter-stick pendulum. Suspend a bullet by a single thread, and adjust its length so that it will swing with the same period as the meter-stick pendulum. Compare the length of this pendulum with the distance between the centers of suspension and oscillation of the other pendulum. 9. Remove the dial of a clock, and study the movements of the escapement (mn in Fig. 69), and of the escapement wheel, R. What does it enable the lifted weights or the coiled spring of the clock to do to the pendulum ? What does it enable the pendulum to do to the weights or the spring? What would happen to the weights or to the spring if the escapement should be suddenly removed? What would happen to the pendulum if the escapement should be removed? How many times must the pendulum oscillate that the escapement wheel may turn around once ? 10. Suspend a^heavy metallic ball by two fine wires that are gripped at the lower horizontal edge of a metallic clamp. To the bottom of the ball, solder a short pointed iron or platinum wire. (See Fig. 44.) Make a slight depression in a small plate of sheet iron, and solder a small copper wire to the plate. Fasten the plate beneath the pen- dulum bob so that the wire pointer will just touch a drop of mer- cury placed in the depression in the plate. The mercury globule SIMPLE MACHINES. 127 should be so placed that when the pendulum swings, its pointer shall, at each oscillation, touch the mercury, but not the plate. Connect the wire that is soldered to the plate with one pole of a voltaic cell or battery. Connect the other pole of the battery through a tele- graph sounder or single-stroke electric bell with the end of the pendu- lum wire where it protrudes above the supporting clamp. Swing the pendulum. As the pointer passes through the mercury, it will " close the circuit " of the battery, and the sounder will click or the bell will strike. Adjust the length of the pendulum until it gives 60 sig- nals in 60 seconds. Make this pendulum a permanent feature of the laboratory. 11. From a board, cut two isosceles-triangular pieces with sides of 4 and 24 inches. Insert a small screw-eye at the pointed end of one, and another screw-eye at the middle of the 4-inch side of the other. Suspend the wooden pieces by the screw-eyes, and swing them as pen- dulums. Determine the period of each, and thence compute the real lengths of the two pendulums. VI. SIMPLE MACHINES. 121. Machines. In mechanics, the word " machine " signifies an instrument for the conversion of motion or the transference of energy. Thus, a machine may be designed to convert rapid motion into slow motion ; e.g., a crowbar. There are six simple ma- FlG - 70 - chines, the lever, the wheel and axle, the pulley, the in- clined plane, the wedge, and the screw. 122. Weight and Power. The action of a machine involves two forces, the weight and the power. The 128 SCHOOL PHYSICS. power signifies the magnitude of the force that acts upon one part of the machine ; the weight signifies the magnitude of the force exerted by another part of the machine upon some external resistance. The general problem relating to ma- chines is to find the ratio between power and weight ; i.e., to determine the " mechanical advantage" of the machine. (a) It is common in elementary discussions to neglect friction, and to assume that the parts of the machine are perfectly rigid and without weight. 123. A Machine cannot Create Energy. No machine can create or increase energy. In fact, the use of a machine is accompanied by a waste of the energy that is needed to overcome the resistances of friction, the air, etc. A part of the energy exerted must, therefore, be used upon the machine itself, thus diminishing the amount that can be transmitted or utilized for doing the work in hand. 124. General Laws of Machines. The operations of a machine are subject to the principles of " the conservation of energy ; " the work done by the power equals the work done on the weight. (1) The power multiplied by the distance through which it moves equals the weight multiplied by the distance through which it moves: Pl = Wl'. (2) The power multiplied by its velocity equals the weight multiplied by its velocity : Pv= Wv' . 125. Efficiency of Machines. As was hinted in 123, part of the work done upon a machine is expended in over- coming resistances that correspond to waste, resistances SIMPLE MACHINES. 129 other than that which the machine was designed to over- come, .such as friction, etc. The ratio that the useful work done by the machine bears to the total work done on the machine is called the efficiency of the machine. If this ratio could be brought up to unity, we should have a perfect machine, the impossible thing that would supply " per- petual motion." (a) Whenever we find that a machine does less work than was done upon it, we should bear in mind that the missing energy has not been destroyed. Mechanical energy has been transformed into a familiar form of molecular energy, and exists somewhere in the form of heat. 126. Impediments to Motion. The impediments to motion most frequently met in the use of machines result from rigidity or from friction. The first of these is fa- miliarly illustrated in the stiffness of a pulley rope. The second will receive further consideration in the following paragraph, Due allowance must be made for these hin- drances in all close calculations of the useful work of any machine. If the machine is designed merely to support a load, the greater the impediments, the less the power required ; if the machine is designed to move a load, the greater the impediments, the greater the power re- quired. 127. Friction is the resistance that a moving body meets from the surface on ivhich it moves, and may be rolling or sliding. It is due partly to the adhesion of bodies, but more largely to their roughness. Friction proper is independent of the velocity of the motion and of the area of contact. It depends upon the nature of the two surfaces and upon the pressure upon them, and varies 130 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 71. directly as such pressure. The quotient arising from dividing the force necessary to keep the body in motion by the normal pressure that the body exerts on the surface over which it moves, i.e., the ratio be- tween the friction and the pressure, is called the co- efficient of friction. (a) Friction is generally lessened by polishing and lubricating the surfaces that move upon each other, and often by making the two bodies of different material. The axles of railway cars are made of steel, the boxes in which they turn are made of brass, the surfaces are made smooth and kept oiled. In spite of all these precautions, the axle often becomes heated by friction to such an extent as to render it necessary to stop the train. 128. A Lever is an inflexible bar freely movable about a fixed axis called the fulcrum. Every lever is said to have two arms. The power arm is the perpendicular distance from the fulcrum to the line in which the power acts ; the weight arm is the perpendicular distance from the ful- crum to the line in which the weight acts. If the arms are not in the same straight line, the lever is called a bent lever. (a) There are three classes of levers, depending upon the relative positions of power, weight, and fulcrum. Fia. 72. (1) If the fulcrum is between the power and weight (PFW), the SIMPLE MACHINES. 131 lever is of the first class (Fig. 72) ; e.g., crowbar, balance, steelyard, scissors, pincers. (2) If the weight is between the power and the fulcrum (P WF), the lever is of the second class (Fig. 73); e.g., cork-squeezer, nut- cracker, wheelbarrow. ^r (3) If the power is between the p weight and the fulcrum (WPF), the lever is of the third class (Fig. 74) ; e.g., fire-tongs, sheep- shears. FIG. 74. FIG. 75. (b) In the bent lever, represented in Fig. 75, and acted upon by two forces not par- allel, the arms are not FP'and FW,butFP and FW. 129. Mechanical Advantage of the Lever. The gen- eral laws of machines may be adapted to the lever as follows : A given power will support a weight as many times as great as itself as the power arm is times as long as the weight arm. (a) The ratio between the arms of the lever will be the same as the ratio between the velocities of the power and the weight, and the same as the ratio between the distances moved by the power and the weight. If the power arm is twice as long as the weight arm, the power will move twice as fast and twice as far as the weight does. The power and weight are inversely proportional to the corresponding arms of the lever : P: W::WF:I>F. The power multiplied by the power arm equals the weight multi- plied by the weight arm : P x PF = W x WF. NOTE. In all experimental work, the lever should be loaded so as to be in equilibrium before the power and weight are applied. It is 132 SCHOOL PHYSICS. to be noticed that, when we speak of the power multiplied by the power arm, we refer to the abstract numbers representing the power and power arm. We cannot multiply pounds by feet, but we can multiply the number of pounds by the number of feet. 130. The Moment of a Force with respect to a given point is its tendency to produce rotation about that point, and is measured by the product of the numbers represent- ing respectively the magnitude of the force and the perpen- dicular distance between the given point and the line of the force. (a) In the case of the lever represented in Fig. 72, the weight arm is 8 mm., and the power arm is 30 mm. Suppose that the power is 4 grams and represent the weight by x. Then the moment of the force acting on the power arm will be represented by (4 x 30 =) 120, and the moment of the force acting on the weight arm by 8 a:. 131. Moments Applied to the Lever. Sometimes several forces act upon one or both arms of a lever, in the same 1V or in opposite direc- tions. Under such & 20 1 Jg r s r 1 30 circumstances, the c \ d \ / Zever m7 50 in equi- i% s 2^ ifc librium when the sum of the moments of the forces tending to turn the lever in one direction is equal to the sum of the moments of the forces tending to turn the lever in the other direction. Representing the moments of the several forces acting upon the lever represented in the figure by their respective letters and numerical values, b+ c +d=a+e+f or c + d a = e-\-f b. 30 + 30+40 = 30 + 25+45. 30 + 40-30 = 25 + 45-30. SIMPLE MACHINES. 133 132. The Balance is essentially a lever of the first class, having equal arms. The beam carries a pan at each end, one for the weights used, the other for the article to be weighed. (a) Dishonest dealers some- times use balances with arms of unequal lengths. When buying, they place the goods on the shorter arm ; when selling, on the longer. The cheat may be exposed by changing the goods and weights to the opposite sides of the balance. The true weight may be found by weighing the article first on one side and then on the other, and taking the geo- metrical mean of the t\vo false weights ; that is, by finding the square root of the product of the two false weights. (6) The true weight of a body may be found with a false balance in another way. Place the article to be weighed in one pan, and counterpoise it, as with shot or sand placed in the other pan. Remove the article, and place known weights in the pan until they balance the shot or sand in the other pan. These known weights will represent the true weight of the article in question. 133. Compound Lever. Sometimes it is not convenient to use a lever sufficiently long to make a given power support a given weight. A combination of levers, called a compound lever, may then be used. Hay scales may be men- tioned as a familiar illustration of the compound lever. In this case we have the following statical FIG. 78. law : 134 SCHOOL PHYSICS. The continued product of the power and the lengths of the alternate arms, beginning with the power arm, equals the continued product of the weight and the lengths of the alter- nate arms, beginning with the weight arm. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. If a power of 50 pounds acting upon any kind of machine moves 15 feet, () how far can it move a weight of 250 pounds? (b) How great a load can it move 75 feet? 2. If a power of 100 pounds acting upon a machine moves with a velocity of 10 feet per second, (a) to how great a load can it give a velocity of 125 feet per second? (6) With what velocity can it move a load of 200 pounds ? 3. A lever is 10 feet long with its fulcrum in the middle. A power of 50 pounds is applied at one end. (a) How great a load at the other end can it support? (6) How great a load can it lift? Ans. (b) Anything less than 50 pounds. 4. The power arm of a lever is 10 feet. The weight arm is 5 feet, (a) How long will the lever be if it is of the first class? (6) If it is of the second class? (c) If it is of the third class? 5. A bar 12 feet long is to be used as a lever, keeping the weight 3 feet from the fulcrum, (a) What class or classes of levers may it represent? (b) What weight can a power of 10 pounds support in each case ? 6. The length of a lever is 10 feet. Four feet from the fulcrum and at the end of that arm is a weight of 40 pounds ; two feet from the fulcrum, on the same side, is a weight of 1,000 pounds. What force at the other end will counterbalance both weights? Ans. 360 pounds. 7. At the opposite ends of a lever 20 feet long, two forces are act- ing whose sum is 1,200 pounds. The lengths of the lever arms are as 2 to 3. What are the two forces when the lever is in equilibrium? 8. The length of a lever is 8 feet, and its fulcrum is in the center. A force of 10 pounds acts at one end ; 1 foot from it is another of 100 pounds ; 3 feet from the other end is a force of 100 pounds. The direction of all the forces is downward. Where must a downward force of 80 pounds be applied to balance the lever ? Ans. 3 feet from the fulcrum. SIMPLE MACHINES. 135 9. The length of a lever, ab, is 6 feet. The fulcrum is at c. A downward - force of 60 pounds acts at a ; one of 75 pounds, at a point, d, between a and c, 2|- feet from the fulcrum. Required the amount of equilibrating force acting at 6, the distance between b and c being f of a foot. 10. On a lever, ab, a downward force of 40 pounds acts at a, 10 feet from fulcrum, c; on the same side, and 6| feet from c, a 56-pound force, d, acts upward. The distance, 6c, is 3 feet. A downward force of 96 pounds acts at b. (a) Where must a fourth force of 28 pounds be applied to balance the lever, and (6) what direction must it have ? 11. A beam 18 feet long is supported at both ends. A weight of 1 ton is suspended 3 feet from one end, and a weight of 14 hundred- weight 8 feet from the other end. Give the pressure on each point of support. Ans. 2,288| pounds at one end. 12. The length of a lever is 3 feet. Where must the fulcrum be placed so that a weight of 200 pounds at one end shall be balanced by 40 pounds at the other end ? 13. In one pan of a false balance, a roll of butter weighs 1 pound 9 ounces ; in the other, 2 pounds 4 ounces. Find the true weight. 14. A and B, at opposite ends of a bar 6 feet long, carry a weight of 300 pounds suspended between them. A's strength being twice as great as B's, where should the weight be hung? 15. A and B carry a quarter of beef weighing 450 pounds on a rod between them. A's strength is 1| times that of B's. The rod is 8 feet long. Where should the beef be suspended? 16. The length of a lever is 16 feet. At one end is a weight of 100 pounds. What power applied at the other end, 3^ feet from the ful- crum, is required to move the weight? 17. A power of 50 pounds acts upon the long arm of a lever of the first class. The arms of this lever are 5 and 40 inches respectively. The other end acts upon the long arm of a lever of the second class. The arms of this lever are 6 and 33 inches respectively, (n) Figure the machine, (b) Find the weight that may be thus supported, (c) What power will support a weight of 4,400 kilograms? 18. A uniform bar of metal 10 inches long weighs 4 pounds. A weight of 6 pounds is hung from one end of the bar. Determine the position of the fulcrum upon which the loaded bar will balance. 136 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 70. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. A handful of wheat; weights made of bags containing sand ; a tin can of known weight to serve as a scale- pan ; wooden bars, blocks; and board as described below ; plumbago powder; a stout coverless dry-goods box to replace the frame shown in Fig. 81, and a wooden cylinder about 8 inches in diameter and long enough to reach across the box from side to side. 1. Weigh five samples of wheat, each containing 20 grains. Deter- mine the w r eight of the average grain of wheat and the number of such grains of wheat in a bushel of 60 pounds. 2. Support a wooden bar, prefera- bly graduated (the yardstick or the meter rod will answer ad- mirably), by a pin and clevis at the middle of its length, as shown in Fig. 79. Put the bar in equilibrium (as in all such experimental cases), and provide stops 2 or 3 inches below each end of the bar to limit its oscillations. Support equal and known weights by thread loops at equal distances from the middle of the lever, and compare the reading of the dynamometer with the sum of the suspended weights. Do they agree ? If not, why not ? Make the necessary cor- rection. 3. Modify the apparatus used in Exercise 2 by removing the dynamometer and adding a coun- terpoise, as shown in Fig. 80. Re- place the weight at A with one twice as heavy, and shift its position until the bar is in equilibrium. Note the distances of C and B from 0. Using either form of ap- paratus, load the two arms of the lever with weights of varying ratios, FIG. 80. SIMPLE MACHINES. 137 and note the agreement or disagreement of your results with the sev- eral statements made in 129 and 131. 4. Provide two additional fixed pulleys and use the apparatus in an experimental verification of the equations given in 131. 5. Take two points at slightly different distances from 0, the ful- crum of the balance-beam. Suspend an unknown weight from one of these points, and counterpoise it with known weights at the other point so taken. Verify the statements made in 132 (a). 6. From one of the points taken as directed in Exercise 5, sus- pend a tin can, and put the lever in equilibrium. From the other of those two points, suspend a body of unknown weight, and find its true weight by the process of double weighing, as described in 132 (&). 7. Get a board 4 or 5 feet long and about 1 foot wide ; also a wooden block about 2x4x8 inches. Plane the board on one side, and the block on one of its 2 x 8 inch and on one of its 4 x 8 inch faces. Insert a small screw-eye or screw-hook at the middle of one of its 2x4 inch faces. Weigh the block. Attach a cord to the screw- eye so that the block may be drawn lengthwise on the board, the other end of the cord being attached to a spring-balance or to a scale- pan, as shown in Fig. 71. Place the board horizontal, with its rough surface up. Place the 2x8 inch rough surface of the block on the board, and draw the block, using the spring-balance or sufficient weights, and keeping the cord horizontal. Ascertain what force is necessary to start the load. Determine the force that will just main- tain the sliding motion while you keep tapping on the table. Deter- mine the coefficient of friction for these two surfaces. Find the averages of several tests. Place the block upon its 4x8 inch rough surface, and repeat the work. How does the coefficient of friction now compare with that obtained in the first set of tests ? Turn the board over, and place the 2x8 inch smooth face of the block upon it. Make a similar set of tests. Place the block on its 4x8 inch smooth face, and make another set of tests. How does the coefficient obtained in the last set of tests com- pare with that of the third set ? How do the coefficients of the third and fourth sets compare with those of the first and second sets? Repeat the third and fourth sets of tests with weights on the blocks so that the load moved shall be successively 2, 3, and 4 times the weight of the block. 138 SCHOOL PHYSICS. Smear the smooth surfaces of the board and the block with pow- dered graphite or plumbago, such as is sold for chains of bicycles, and repeat the tests with the heavier loads previously used. Record all of the conclusions that you draw from this series of experiments. 8. Place the block with its broad and smooth face upon two round lead pencils that lie parallel upon the smooth face of the board. Determine the coefficient of rolling friction, and compare it with the coefficient of sliding friction for the same surfaces. 9. Wind the draw-cord several times around a cylinder, and arrange apparatus as shown in Fig. 81. Load the cylinder with four equal weights carried on cords, so that the weight of the cylinder and its load shall equal the weight of the block and some one of its loads as used in Exercise 7. Determine the coefficient of roll- ing friction, and compare it with that obtained for sliding friction FIG. 81. i i under an equal pressure. 10. Prepare a slightly tapering pine rod about 15 inches long and about 1 inch square at the larger end. Balance it upon a knife-edge or other sharp support to determine the distance of the center of mass from the- ends of the rod. The block marked A in Fig. 17 will answer as a fulcrum for this and the other purposes of this exercise. Indicate the line of support by a pencil mark across the rod. Weigh the rod accurately. Half an inch from the heavy end of the rod, suspend by a thread loop a weight of 20 grams, and so adjust the fulcrum that the lever thus loaded will balance. In all such cases, see that the fulcrum- edge is exactly crosswise the length of the lever. Measure the dis- tances between the fulcrum and the weight, and the fulcrum and the center of mass. Determine the moment of the 20 grams and of the weight of the lever, and see how the two compare. Shift the position of the 20 grains weight, and repeat the work. Increase the suspended weight to 25 or 30 grams, and repeat the previous tests. Record your conclusions. 11. Suspend a weight of 100 grams 5 centimeters from one end of a meter bar, and a weight of 500 grams 5 centimeters from the other end. Find the point from which the bar thus loaded must be sus- pended in order that the " system " may just balance. From the SIMPLE MACHINES. 139 principles of 94 and 131, calculate the weight of the meter bar. Verify the result by actual weighing. 134. The Wheel and Axle consists of a wheel united to a cylinder in such a way that they may turn together on a common axis. It is a modified lever of the first or second class. (a) Considered as a lever, the fulcrum is FlG 82 at the common axis, while the arms of the lever are the radii of the wheel and of the axle. The usual arrangement is to take ac, the radius of the wheel, as the power arm, and axle, as the weight arm. FIG. 83. , the radius of the 135. Mechanical Advantage of the Wheel and Axle. Evidently, what was said concerning the advantage of the lever is equally ap- plicable here : or P : W:: W F : PF, P: W'.'.r-.R, the radii of the wheel and of the axle respec- tively being represented by R and r. But r : R : : d : D, and r : R : : c : C. In other words, the mechanical advantage of this machine equals the ratio between the radii, diameters, or circumfer- ences of the wheel and of the axle. FIG. 84. 140 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 85. 136. Modifications of the Wheel and Axle. It is not necessary that an entire wheel be present, a single spoke or radius being sufficient for the application of the power, as in the case of the windlass (Fig. 84) or the capstan (Fig. 85). (a) In the differential or Chinese windlass, different parts of the cylinder have different diameters, the rope winding upon the larger and unwinding from the smaller parts. By one revolution, the load is lifted a distance equal to the difference between the circumferences of the two parts of the axle. (6) The advantage of the wheel and axle may be increased by combining several, so that the axle of the first may act on the wheel of the second, and so on. The arrange- ment is closely analogous to the compound lever. The transmission of motion may be effected in three or more ways : (1) By the friction of their circum- ferences, as in some sewing machines. (2) By bands or belts, as in a turning lathe, bicycle, or sewing machine. (3) By teeth or cogs, as in Fig. 86. In any case, the advantage may be computed by applying the general laws of machines ( 124). CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. The pilot wheel of a boat is 3 feet in diameter; the axle, 6 inches. The resistance of the rudder is 180 pounds. What power applied to the wheel will move the rudder ? 2. Four men are hoisting an anchor of 1 ton weight. The barrel of the capstan is 8 inches in diameter. The circle described by the handspikes is 6 feet 8 inches in diameter. How great a pressure must each of the men exert ? FIG. 80. SIMPLE MACHINES. 141 3. With a capstan, four men are raising a 1,000-pound anchor. The barrel of the capstan is a foot in diameter. The handspikes used are 5 feet long. Friction equals 10 per cent of the weight. How much force must each man exert to raise the anchor ? 4. The circumference of a wheel is 8 feet; that of its axle, 16 inches. The weight, including friction, is 85 pounds. How great a power will be'required to raise it ? 5. A power of 70 pounds, on a wheel whose diameter is 10 feet, balances 300 pounds on the axle. Give the diameter of the axle. 6. An axle 10 inches in diameter, fitted with a winch 18 inches long, is used to draw water from a well, (a) How great a power will it require to raise a cubic foot of water which weighs 62 pounds ? (6) How much to raise 20 liters of water ? 7. A capstan whose barrel has a diameter of 14 inches is worked by two handspikes, each 7 feet long. At the end of each handspike a man pushes with a force of 30 pounds ; 2 feet from the end of each handspike a man pushes with a force of 40 pounds. Required the effect produced by the four men. 8. How long will it take a horse, working at the end of a bar 7 feet long, the other end being in a capstan which has a barrel of 14 inches' diameter, to pull a house through 5 miles of streets, if the horse walks at the rate of 2| miles an hour? 9. Give a good definition and illustration of "inductive reasoning." (Get your information from any available source, but get it.) 137. A i_ FIG. Pulley is a wheel having a grooved rim for carry- ing a rope or other ^yj\ line, and turning on an axis carried in a ; frame, called a pulley block. The pulley is fixed if the block is stationary (Fig. 87) ; the pulley is movable if the block moves during the action of the power (Fig. 88). FIG. 88. 142 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (a) The pulley is a lever with equal arms of the first or second class, but, when it moves, the attachments of the forces are moved. The underlying fact that enables the pulley to afford any me- chanical advantage is the uniformity of the tension of the cord in all of its parts, the pulley itself serving only to diminish the friction. FIG. 89. 138. Systems of Pul- leys. Combinations of pulleys are made in great variety. In the forms most commonly used, one continuous cord passes around all the pulleys. Fre- quently two or more sheaves are mounted in the same block and turn on the same axis, as in the common block and tackle, shown in Fig. 90. FIG. 90. FIG. 91. (a) Another arrangement, sometimes seen on board merchant ships, requires a separate cord for each pulley. (See Fig. 102.) (&) In the differential pulley, an endless chain is reeved upon a solid wheel that has two grooved rims and is carried in a fixed block above, and upon a pulley below, as is shown in Fig. 91. The two rims of the single wheel in the upper block have dif- ferent diameters, and carry projections to keep the chain from slipping on them. When the chain is pulled down until the upper wheel turns once upon its axis, the chain between the two pulleys is shortened by the difference between the circumferences SIMPLE MACHINES. 143 of the two rims of the upper wheel, and the load is lifted half that distance. This device avoids the use of inconveniently long ropes or chains. In Fig. 91, the hoisting apparatus is hooked into the triangu- lar frame of a traveler which is supported by rollers on the rail- way overhead. 139. Mechanical Advantage of the Pulley. With the ordinary arrangement of pulleys, like the block and tackle, the part of the cord to which the power is applied carries but a part of the load, the magnitude of that part varying inversely as the number of sections into which the movable pulley divides the load. With pulleys thus arranged, a given power will support a weight as many times as great as itself as there are parts of the cord sup- porting the movable block. W=Pxn. (a) In the case of the differential pulley, the mechanical advan- tage may be determined by the laws given in 124. (6) In all experiments to determine the mechanical advantage of a system of pulleys, as in all similar experiments, see that the apparatus is in equilibrium before applying P and W. 140. An Inclined Plane is a smooth, hard, inflexible surface, inclined so as to make an oblique angle with the horizon. (a) When a body is placed on an inclined plane, the gravity pull is resolved into two component forces. One of these acts perpen- dicularly to the plane, producing pressure on it, the other compo- FIG. 92. nent tending to produce motion down the plane. To resist this last-mentioned tendency, and thus to hold the body in its position," a force may be applied in three ways : 144 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (1) In a direction parallel to the length of the plane. (2) In a direction parallel to the base of the plane; i.e., hori- zontal. (3) In a direction parallel to neither the length nor the base. 141. Mechanical Advantage of the Inclined Plane. The mechanical advantage to be derived from the use of an inclined plane varies with the three conditions above given. 20 Kg. 10 "Kg. FIG. 93. (1) When a given power acts par- allel to an inclined plane, it will sup- port a weight as many times as great as itself as the length of the plane is times as great as its vertical height. (2) When a given power acts horizontally, it will sup- port a weight as many times as great as itself as the horizontal base of the plane is times as great as its vertical height. (3) When the power acts in a direction parallel to neither the length nor the base, no law can be given. The ratio of the power to the weight may be determined trigonometrically, or, with approximate accuracy, by resolving the force of grav- ity, the construction and measurement being care- fully done. (a) In Fig. 9, LM repre- sents an inclined plane on which a ball is to be supported by a force acting parallel to the plane. Represent the gravity of W by the vertical line, WC, and SIMPLE MACHINES. 145 resolve it into two components. WD produces pressure on the plane, and WB draws the body down the plane. A force represented by WB', the equilibrant of WB, will just balance the downward pull of WB, and hold the ball in position. From the similarity of the tri- angles, CWB and LMN, it may be proved that WB : WC : : MN : ML. Careful construction and measurement will give the same result. But WB, or its equal, WB' } represents the power, and WC represents the weight of the body. MN represents the height of the plane, and ML its length. Therefore P : W : : h : I. By similarly resolving the force of gravity into two components, one perpendicular to the plane and the other horizontal, the second law as given above may be established. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1 . With a fixed pulley, what power will support a weight of 50 pounds? 2. With a movable pulley, what power will support a weight of 50 pounds? 3. With block and tackle, the fixed block having four sheaves and the movable block having three, what weight may be supported by a power of 75 pounds ? If an allowance of | is made for friction and rigidity of ropes, what is the maximum weight that may be thus supported ? 4. With a system of five movable pulleys, one end of the rope being attached to the fixed block, what power w T ill raise a ton ? 5. If, in the system mentioned in Exercise 4, the rope is attached to the movable block, what power will raise a ton? If an allowance of 25 per cent is made for friction and rigidity of ropes, what power will be required ? 6. With a pulley of six sheaves in each block, what is the least power that will support a weight of 1,800 pounds, allow- ing for friction? What will be the relative velocities of P and W? 10 146 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 7. Figure a set of pulleys by which a power of 50 pounds will support a weight of 250 pounds. 8. A boy who can lift only 100 pounds wishes to put a barrel of flour (196 pounds) into a wagon-box 5 feet above the ground. He backs the wagon to one end of a plank 20 feet long and weighing 125 pounds. Show that he can, without help, use the plank as an inclined plane for his purpose, and state how much force he exerts (a) in getting the plank into position, and (6) how much in lifting the flour? (c) How much work does he perform in lifting the flour ? Am. (a) 62| pounds; (b) 49 + pounds. 9. How much energy must be expended to pull a 100-pound weight up an inclined plane 10 feet, the vertical ascent accomplished being 6 feet, and the coefficient of friction being 0.2? 10. The base of an inclined plane is 10 feet ; the height is 3 feet. What force, acting parallel to the base, will balance a weight of 2 tons? 11. An incline has its base 10 feet ; its height, 4 feet. How heavy a ball will 50 pounds power roll up ? 12. How great a power will be required to support a ball weigh- ing 40 pounds on an inclined plane whose length is 8 times its height? 13. A weight of 800 pounds rests upon an inclined plane 8 feet high, being held in equilibrium by a force of 25 pounds acting parallel to the base. Find the length of the plane. 14. A load of 2 tons is to be lifted along an incline. The power is 75 pounds. Give the ratio of the incline that may be used. 15. A 1,500-pound safe is to be raised 5 feet. The greatest power that can be applied is 250 pound's. Give the dimensions of the shortest inclined plane that can be used for that purpose. 16. A weight of 400 pounds is being raised by a block and tackle. One end of the rope is fastened to the upper block. Each block has two sheaves and weighs 10 pounds. What is the pressure on the support of the upper block ? Disregard the weight of the rope. Ans. 522 pounds. 142. A Wedge is a triangular prism of hard material, fitted to be driven between objects that are to be sepa- rated, or into anything that is to be split. It is simply a movable inclined plane, or two such planes united at their SIMPLE MACHINES. 147 bases. The power is generally applied in repeated blows on the thick end or "head." For a wedge thus used, no definite law of any prac- tical value can be given, further than that, with a given thickness, the longer the wedge, the greater the mechanical advantage. FIG. 95. 143. A Screw is a cylinder, generally of wood or metal, with a spiral ridge (the thread) wind- ing about its circumference. The thread works in a nut, within which there is a cor- responding spiral groove to receive the thread. That the screw is a modified inclined plane, may be shown by winding a triangular piece of paper around a cylinder, FIG. 97. as shown in Fig. 98. (a) The power is generally applied by a wheel or a lever, and moves through the circumference of a circle. The distance between two consecutive turns of any one continuous thread, measured in the di- rection of the axis of the screw, is called the pitch of the screw. (6) The screw is largely used where great FIG. 99. resistances are to be overcome, as in raising buildings, compressing hay or cotton, propelling ships, etc. It is also used in accurate FIG. 98. 148 SCHOOL PHYSICS. measurements of small distances, of which application the sphe- rometer, and the micrometer calipers, afford good illustrations. 144. Mechanical Advantage of the Screw. With the screw, a given power will support a weight as many times as great as itself as the circumference described by the power is times as great as the pitch of the screw. 145. Compound Machines. We have now considered each of the six traditional simple machines. When any two or more of these machines are combined, the me- chanical advantage may be found by computing the effect of each separately, and then compounding them ; or by finding the weight that the given power will support, using the first machine alone, considering the result as a new power acting upon the second machine, and so on. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. A bookbinder has a press, the screw of which has a pitch of i of an inch. The nut is worked by a lever that describes a circumference of 8 feet. How great a pressure will a power of 15 pounds applied at the end of the lever produce, the loss by friction being equivalent to 240 pounds ? 2. A screw has 11 threads for every inch in length. If the lever is 8 inches long, the power 50 pounds, and friction absorbs ^ of the energy used, what resistance may be overcome by it? 3. A screw with threads lj inches apart is driven by a lever 4| feet long. What is the mechanical advantage of the apparatus? 4. How great a pressure will be exerted by a power of 15 pounds applied to a screw whose head is 1 inch in circumference, and whose threads are $ of an inch apart ? 5. At the top of an inclined plane that rises 1 foot in 20 is a wheel and axle. The radius of the wheel is 2| feet; radius of axle, 4| inches. What load may be lifted by a boy who turns the wheel with a force of 25 pounds ? SIMPLE MACHINES. 149 6. In moving a building, the horse is harnessed to the end of a lever 7 feet long, acting on a capstan barrel 11 inches in diameter. On the barrel winds a rope belonging to a system of 2 fixed and 3 movable pulleys. What force will be exerted by 500 pounds power, allowing for loss by friction ? 7. In raising a building, why do the men who work the jackscrews pull upon the levers by a series of jerks instead of steady pulls? W LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus. Pulleys and cords that are strong enough to support at least 100 pounds.* 1. Experimentally determine the ratio of power to weight with pulleys arranged as shown in Fig. 100. 2. Determine the loss due to friction and to the rigidity of the ropes used in Exer- cise 1. 3. Experimentally deter- p IG JQQ mine the ratio of power to weight with pulleys arranged as shown in Fig. 101. 4. Show how the work done at P, in Exercise 3, compares with the work done at W, and account for any difference if you find any to exist. 5. Experimentally Determine the ratio between P and W with pulleys arranged as shown in Fig. 102. Determine the static law of such a combination. 6. The height of an inclined plane is its horizontal base. A globe weighing 250 Kg. is sup- ported in place by a force acting at an angle of 45 with the base. The pressure of the globe upon the plane is less than 250 Kg. By construction and measure- ment, determine the magnitude of the support- ing force. Fm. 102. 150 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 7. With the conditions as given in Exercise 6, except that the pressure of the globe upon the plane is more than 250 Kg., determine the magnitude of the supporting force. 8. Place the board used in Experiment 7 so that it may be used again as an inclined plane. Tie one end of a cord to the carriage used in the same experiment, and the other end to a spring-balance. The dynamometer and the cord are to be used in pulling the carriage up the incline. Varying the load and the inclination of the plane in each case, verify the statements made in 141. Be sure that the board does not bend or sag under the load. Watch for error in the zero point of the balance when held in^ different positions, and, if any is detected, make correction for it. To determine the correction to be made for friction, find first the pull necessary to move the carriage up the incline at a uniform speed, and then the pull which will allow it to move down the incline at a uniform speed. The difference be- tween these two pulls will be twice the force required to overcome the friction, and the average of the two pulls will be the force that would be required if friction could be eliminated. 9. Arrange an inclined plane so that its base shall be 1| times its height. Draw a diagram for the resolution of the force of gravity and determine the tendency of a ball that weighs 7^ pounds to roll down the plane, and the pressure of the ball on the plane. Suspend the ball by two spring-balances, so that one of them is drawn par- allel to the plane and the other perpendicular to it when the ball is just lifted off the plane. Note the reading of the dynamometers and compare them with the computed results. VII. THE MECHANICS OE LIQUIDS. 146. Compressibility and Elasticity of Liquids. Liquids are nearly incompressible. When the pressure is removed, the liquids regain their former volume, showing thus their perfect elasticity. The practical incompressibility of liquids is of great mechanical importance. THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 151 Liquid Pressure. Experiment 58. Fill a small bottle with water, hold a Prince Rupert drop in its mouth, and break off the tapering end of the " drop." The whole " drop " will- be instantly shattered, and the force of the concussion transmitted in every direction to the bottle, which will be thus broken. These " drops " are not expensive. Experiment 59. Tie a piece of thin sheet rubber (such as you can get from the druggist or dentist, or from a broken toy balloon) over the large end of a lamp-chimney. Reinforce the other end by wind- ing upon it a dozen turns of wrapping twine, and fit it with a fine- grained cork or rubber stopper through which passes snugly a bit of glass tubing. (See Chemis- try, Appendices 4 [6] and 9.) Connect the glass tubing and a supported funnel by two or three feet of rubber tub- ing. Fill the apparatus with water, loosening the cork for F IGi N)3. a moment to allow the escape of air. See that the funnel is still half full of water and elevated above the chimney. Notice the effect of the water pressure on the sheet rubber. Hold the chimney in various positions, keeping the center of the sheet rubber at a uniform distance below the level of the funnel, and notice whether the elastic sheet is stretched more or less when the liquid pressure upon it is horizontal, upward, or down- ward. Then try it at varying distances below the level of the water in the funnel, and determine whether such vertical distance or "head" has any relation to the pressure. Experiment 60. To the cork of Experiment 59, fit a bit of glass tubing that has been drawn to a jet at the outer end. Hold the chimney in different positions and at different depths, adding water as may be necessary to keep a constant level in the funnel. 147. Transmission of Pressure. Fluids transmit pres- sures in every direction. (a) Fig. 104 represents a number of balls placed in a vessel. Imagine these balls to have perfect freedom of motion and perfect 152 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 104. elasticity. It is evident that if a downward pressure, say of 10 grams, is applied to 2, it will force 5 and 4 toward the left, and 6, 7, and 8 toward the right, thus forming lateral pressure. This motion of 5 will force 1 upward, and 9 downward, etc. Owing to the perfect elasticity and freedom of motion, there will be no loss, and the several balls will be moved just as if the original pres- sure had been applied directly to each one. The pressure will be thus transmitted to all of the balls without loss, and the total pressure exerted on the sides of the vessel will equal 10 grams multiplied by the number of balls that touch the sides. It makes no difference with the result whether the pressure exerted by 2 was the result of its own weight only, this weight together with the weight of overlying balls, or both of these with still additional pressure. (6) Disregarding viscosity, we may consider a fluid to be made up of molecules having the perfect elasticity and freedom of motion assumed for the balls just discussed. Hence, when pressure is applied to one or more of the molecules of a fluid, the pressure will be trans- mitted as now explained. 148. Pascal's Law. Pressure exerted anyivhere upon a liquid inclosed in a vessel is transmitted undiminished in all directions, and acts with the same force upon all equal sur- faces, and in a direction at right angles to those surfaces. (a) Provide two communicating tubes of unequal sectional area. When water is poured into these, it will stand at the same height in both tubes, a fact which of itself partly confirms the law above given. If, by means of a piston, the water in the smaller tube is subjected to pressure, the pressure will force the water back into the larger tube, and raise its level there. To prevent this result, a piston must be FIG. 105. THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 158 fitted to the larger tube, and held there with a greater force. If, for example, the smaller piston has an area of 1 sq. cm., and the larger piston an area of 16 sq. cm., a weight of 1 Kg. may be made to support a weight of 16 Kg. 149. The Hydraulic Press. - Pascal's law finds an important application in the hydraulic press, in the more common forms of which the pressure of a piston operated by a lever is transmitted through a pipe to a piston of larger area. The press is represented in section by Fig. 107, and in per- spective by Fig. 108. (a) If the power arm of the lever is ten times as long as the weight arm, a power of 50 Kg. will exert a pressure of 500 Kg. upon the FIG. 10G. FIG. 107. water beneath the piston, a. If this piston has a sectional area of 1 sq. cm., and the piston in B has an area of 500 sq. cm., then the pres- 154 SCHOOL PHYSICS. sure of 500 Kg. exerted by the small piston will produce a pressure of 500 Kg. x 500 or 250,000 Kg. upon the lower surface of the large piston. FIG. 108. Pressure due to Gravity. Experiment 61. Make a small hole in the bottom of a tin fruit- can or similar vessel. Push the can downward into water until the open mouth of the can is " near the water's edge." The liquid will spurt upward through the hole in a little jet. Why? Experiment 62. Get a lamp-chimney, preferably cylindrical. With a diamond or a steel glass-cutter, cut a disk of window glass a little larger than the cross-section of the lamp-chimney. Pour some fine emery powder on the disk, and rub one end of the chimney upon it, thus grinding them until they fit accurately. With wax, fasten a THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 155 thread to the center of the ground surface of the disk, and draw that surface against the ground end of the chimney. Holding the chimney in the hand, or supporting it in any convenient way, place it in water as shown in Fig. 109. The upward pres- sure of the water will hold the disk in place. Pour water carefully into the tube; the disk will fall as soon as the weight of the water in the chimney, plus the weight of the disk, exceeds the upward pressure of the water. FlG Experiment 63. Into a U-tube, pour enough mercury to fill each arm to the depth of 3 or 4 cm. Place the U-tube upon a table, and hold it upright by any convenient means. Back of it, and resting against it, stand a card having a horizontal line, a, drawn on it to mark the level of the mercury in the two arms of the tube. To one arm, attach the neck of a funnel by means of a bit of rubber tubing. The funnel may be held by the ring of a retort stand. Pour water slowly into the funnel until it is nearly full, and mark the level of the water by a suspended weight or other means. In one arm, the mercury will be depressed below the line marked on the card; in the other arm, it will be raised above it an equal distance. Mark these two mercury levels by dotted horizontal lines on the card. Re- move the funnel and replace it by a funnel- or thistle-tube, making the connection by means of a per- forated cork. Pour water into the funnel-tube until it stands at the level indicated by the suspended FIG. 110. weight, being careful that no air is 156 SCHOOL PHYSICS. confined in the tubes. Although much less water is in the funnel-tube than was in the funnel, it forces the mercury into the position indi- cated by the dotted lines on the card. The downward pressure of the water in each case is measured by a mercury column with a height, ce, equal to the vertical distance between the two dotted lines. Experiment 64. Provide several glass vessels, open at each end, and having equal bases, but varying shapes and capacities. In any convenient way, support one of them, as M in Fig. 111. Close the lower end of the vessel with a glass or metal disk, ground to fit it FIG. 111. water-tight, the disk being supported by a thread carried from one end of a balance-beam. Place known weights in the scale-pan at the other end of the beam, so that the disk shall be held firmly in place. Pour water carefully into the upper or open end of the vessel, until the pressure loosens the disk and allows a little to escape. By an index rod, suspended weight, or other convenient means, mark the upper level of the water at the moment when some of the liquid begins to escape below. Repeat the experiment with the other ves- sels in succession, using the same counterpoise in each case. The disk will be loosened when the water has reached the marked level, THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 157 although the quantity of water used varies. The glass vessels for this experiment may be easily secured by using glass tubing, a glass funnel, corks, lamp chimneys, etc. (See Avery's Chemistry, Appen- dix 4.) 150. Liquid Pressure due to Gravity. The downward pressure of a liquid is independent of the shape of the containing vessel and of the quantity of the liquid. It is proportional to the depth of the liquid and the area of the base. 151. Rules for Liquid Pressure. (1) To find the downward or the upward pressure on any submerged horizontal surface, find the weight of an imaginary column of the given liquid, the base of which is the same as the given surface, and the altitude of which is the same as the depth of the given surface beloiv the surface of the liquid. (2) To find the pressure upon any vertical surface, find the weight of an imaginary column of the liquid, the base of which is the same as the given surface, and the altitude of which, is the same as the depth of the 'center of the given surface below the surface of the liquid. (a) A cubic foot of water weighs 62.42 Ibs. or about 1,000 oz. Liquid Level. Experiment 65. Remove the jet from the cork used in Experi- ment 60, and insert in its place a glass tube about two feet long. Holding the chimney on the table-top with this glass tube upright, fill the apparatus with water. Does the water stand at a higher level in the funnel, or in the tube V Raise and lower the funnel, and for each position notice the relation between the liquid levels in the funnel and the tube. 158 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 152. Communicating Vessels. When any liquid is placed in one or more of several vessels communicat- ing with each other, it will not come to rest un- til it stands at the same height in all of the ves- sels. This principle is embodied in the familiar expression, "Water seeks its level." The princi- ple is illustrated, on a large scale, in the sys- tem of pipes by which water is distributed in FIG. 112. cities. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. What will be the pressure on a dam in 20 feet of water, the dam being 30 feet long? 2. What will be the pressure on a dam in 6 m. of water, the dam being 10 m. long? 3. Find the pressure on one side of a cistern 5 feet square and 12 feet high, filled with water. 4. Find the pressure on one side of a cistern 2 m. square and 4 m. high, filled with water. 5. A cylindrical vessel having a base of a square yard is filled with water to the depth of two yards. What pressure is exerted upon the base ? 6. A cylindrical vessel having a base of a square meter is filled with water to the depth of 2 meters. What pressure is exerted upon the base ? 7. What will be the upward pressure upon a horizontal plate a foot square at a depth of 25 feet of water ? 8. What will be the upward pressure upon a horizontal plate 30 cm. square at a depth of 8 m. of water? THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 159 9. A square board with a surface of 9 square feet is pressed against the bottom of the vertical wall of a cistern in which the water is 8 ; ^ feet deep. What pressure does the water exert upon the board ? 10. A cubical vessel with a capacity of 1,728 cubic inches is two- thirds full of sulphuric acid, which is 1.8 times as heavy as water. Find the liquid pressure on one side of the vessel. 11. A conical vessel has a base with an area of 237 sq. cm. Its altitude is 38 cm. It is filled with water to the height of 35 cm. Find the pressure on the bottom. A ns. 8,295 g. 12. In Exercise 11, substitute inches for centimeters, and then find the pressure on the bottom. 13. What is the total liquid pressure on a prismatic vessel con- taining a cubic yard of water, the bottom of the vessel being 2 by 3 feet? 14. The lever of a hydraulic press is 6 feet long, the piston rod being 1 foot from the fulcrum. The area of the tube is half a square inch ; that of the cylinder is 100 square inches. Find the weight that may be raised by a force of 75 pounds. 15. What is the pressure on the bottom of a pyramidal vessel filled with water, the base being 2 by 3 feet, and the height 5 feet ? 16. What is the pressure on the bottom of a conical vessel 4 feet high, filled with water, the base being 20 inches in diameter? 17. At what depth in water will the liquid pressure be 1 Kg. per square centimeter? 18. A closed cylindrical vessel 30 cm. high is filled with water. At the middle of its height, a bent tube communicates with the in- terior of the vessel. Water stands in this tube at a height of 50 cm. above the middle of the opening into the cylinder. What is the liquid pressure per square centimeter on the upper end of the cylin- der? On the lower end? 19. An upright cylindrical jar having a base of 100 sq. cm. and a height of 20 cm. is filled with water. An open tube 1 sq. cm. in cross-section passes through the cover, rises 30 cm. above it, and is filled with water, (a) What is the weight of the water in the jar and tube? (6) What is the liquid pressure on the square centimeter of the base that lies exactly beneath the tube? (c) What square centimeter of the base has a greater pressure ? (c?) A less pres- sure? 20. (a) In the case of the jar and tube described in Exercise 19, what is the liquid pressure upon that square centimeter of water at 160 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the level of the under side of the cover and beneath the tube? (6) Is the liquid pressure against each square centimeter of the cover greater, or less, than this ? (c) What is the total liquid pressure against the cover ? 21. In the case of the jar and tube considered in Exercise 20, sub- tract the total liquid pressure against the cover from the total liquid pressure against the base, and compare the result with the weight of the water in the jar and tube. LABORATORY EXERCISES. A dditional Apparatus, etc. Stout glass tubing ; an acid bottle ; a wine bottle; linseed oil; rubber stoppers; mercury; tall hydrometer jar. 1. Bend a piece of glass tubing into the shape shown in Fig. 113, and support it upright in any convenient way. If you remove the top and bottom from a box, and cut a slot in one of the remain- ing sides, you will have a cheap and convenient support, Remove the funnel from the apparatus used in Experiment 59, and connect the rubber tubing to the glass tube at B. Half fill the 5 tube with water colored with red ink, and it becomes a pressure gauge. The two liquid levels will lie in the same horizontal plane. Mark this level on the open arm of the gauge, and make it the zero of a scale extending upward. Remember that an eleva- tion of the liquid level above the zero mark measures half the difference between the two liquid levels of the gauge. Place the chimney in water at such a depth that the liquid pressure exerted upon the rub- ber diaphragm, and transmitted through all the coil- ings of the rubber tubing, shall depress the surface at m and raise that at n, until the difference of their FIG. 113. levels, on, is, say, 1 cm. Note the depth of the dia- phragm below the level of the water. Hold the chim- ney in as many different positions as is convenient, but with the center of the diaphragm at the same depth, and note the reading of the gauge. Sink the chimney to a greater depth until on becomes successively 2 cm., 3 cm., etc., up to the limit of the gauge. Compare your results with 147 and 150, and indicate any and all of the statements therein made that your work confirms. THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 161 2. Cut the bottoms from a large bottle, and from another bottle of about equal height but much less diameter. Close their mouths by corks perforated by bits of glass tubing. Support the bottomless bottles by thrusting their necks downward through two holes bored in the top of a box. With rubber tubing, connect the glass tubes that pass through the corks, making thus two communicating vessels. Half fill the bottles with water, and mark the liquid level on each bottle. Pour a measured quantity of oil into the smaller bottle until it forms a layer several centimeters thick. The water-levels have been changed. Pour measured quantities of the oil into the other bottle until the water is restored to its marked levels. How do the thicknesses of the two oil layers compare ? How do the volumes of the two oil layers compare? How would the ratio between the weights of these oleaginous additions differ from the ratio between their volumes? With the calipers, measure the internal diameters of the two bottles ; compute the cross-section areas of the two oil cylinders. How does the ratio between these areas differ from the previously determined ratios for volume and weight ? How does the downward pressure per square centimeter in one branch correspond to the pressure per square centimeter in the other branch ? 3. Provide a stout glass tube of the shape shown in Fig. 114. Pour mercury into the upper end until it stands at a depth of 1 or 2 cm. in the bend at a. Provide a hydrometer jar with a depth as great as the length, ce, and nearly fill it with water. Lower the long leg of the tube into the water about ^ of its length. Measure the vertical distance between the levels of the water within and without the tube, and call it w. Measure the ver- tical distance between the two mercury-levels, and call it m. Lower the tube until f of the long arm is in the water. Determine the distance between the two water- levels, and call it w 1 ; determine the difference in the two mercury-levels, and call it m'. Lower the tube until the bend at c rests on the edge of the hydrometer jar, and, as FIG. 114. before, determine the differences of the water-levels (to") and of the mercury-levels (m"). What does the difference in the mercury-levels in each case represent ? From the data secured, test the equality of these ratios : = = / if you find that the quan- tities are proportional, finish the following incomplete expression 11 162 SCHOOL PHYSICS. of the relation : In the body of a liquid, the upward pressure varies as ... 4. Considering m, m', and m" as abscissas, and w, w', and w" as ordinates, give a graphic representation of the data obtained in Ex- ercise 3. Is your line straight, or curved? If it is straight, what does that fact show? If it is curved, what does that fact show? Principle of Archimedes. Experiment 66. Suspend a stone or brick by a slender cord or fine wire from the hook of a spring-balance, and note the reading of the scale. Transfer the suspended load from air to water, and note the reading. Transfer the load to a strong brine, and note the read- ing. Transfer the load to kerosene, and note again the reading. It seems as if the liquids help to support the stone, with a buoyant force of varying magnitude. Experiment 67. From one end of a scale-beam, suspend a cylin- drical metal bucket, b, with a solid cylinder, a, that fits accurately FIG. 115. into it hanging below. Counterpoise with weights (shot or sand) in the opposite scale-pan. Immerse a in water, and the counterpoise THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 163 will descend, as if a had lost some of its weight. Carefully fill 6 with water. It will hold exactly the quantity displaced by a. Equilibrium will be restored. Experiment 68. For rough work, a spring-balance may take the place of the beam-balance ; a tin pail may take the place of b ; a piece of stone suspended beneath the pail by strings tied to the ears of the pail may take the place of o; a larger tin pail filled with water and set in a tin pan may take the place of the vessel of water shown in Fig. 115. Note the weight of the smaller pail, with and without the suspended stone. Lower the apparatus so that the stone shall be immersed in the water, and note the reading of the scale. Determine the loss of weight resulting from the immersion of the stone. The volume of water forced from the pail and caught in the pan is equal to what other volume ? Remove the pan, immerse the stone as before, pour the water from the pan into the upper pail, and note the read- ing of the scale. To what other reading is it equal? To what is the weight of the water displaced by the stone equal ? Experiment 69. Modify the experiment again as follows : Instead of the suspended bucket, b, place a tumbler upon the scale-pan. In- stead of the cylinder, a, suspend any convenient solid heavier than water, as a potato. Counterpoise the tumbler and the potato with weights in the other scale-pan. Provide an overflow-can by inserting a spout about 6 cm. long and 7 or 8 mm. in diameter in the side of a vessel (as a tin fruit-can) about an inch below the top of the can. This spout should slope slightly downward. Fill the can with water and catch the overflow from the spout in a cup. Throw away the water thus caught. Wait a minute for the spout to stop dripping and then carefully immerse the potato in the water of the can, catching in the cup every drop of water that overflows. Wait a minute for the spout to stop dripping. The equilibrium of the balance is destroyed, but it may be restored by pouring into the tumbler the water that was dis- placed by the potato and caught in the cup. -Experiment 70. Provide a wooden cube just 5 cm. on an edge. Coat it with shellac varnish, or dip it into hot paraffins. - Weigh it; also weigh a saucer. Place a beaker or tumbler in the saucer, and fill it with water. Stick two pins or needles into one face of the cube, and, using them as handles, immerse the cube in the water of the beaker. Remove the beaker, and weigh accurately the saucer and its liquid contents. Pour the water from the saucer into a graduate, and 164 SCHOOL PHYSICS. measure it in cubic centimeters. How does its volume compare with the volume of the wooden cube ? What should that quantity of water weigh according to 24 (a) ? Subtract the weight of the saucer empty from the weight of the saucer with the liquid overflow. How do these two weights of the water compare? Has your work been well done? The weight of the wood is what fractional part (expressed decimally, of course) of the weight of the water ? 153. Archimedes' Principle. -(- It is evident that, when a solid is immersed in a fluid, it will displace exactly its own volume of the fluid.J Immerse a solid cube one centi- meter on each edge in water, s,o that its upper face shall be level and one centimeter below the surface of the liquid, as shown in Fig. 116. The lateral pressures upon any two opposite vertical surfaces of the cube, as a and 5, are clearly equal and opposite. Their resultant is zero. They have no tendency to move the solid. The vertical pressures on the other two faces, c and d, are not equal. The upper face sustains a pres- sure equal to the weight of a column of water having a base one centimeter square (i.e., the face, d) and an altitude equal to the distance, dn. This imag- inary column of water has a volume of one cubic centimeter and a weight of one gram. The FIG 11(J downward pressure on d is one gram. As the face, c, has the same area and is at twice the depth, the upward pressure upon it is two grams. The resultant of the two vertical and opposite forces acting on the cube is an upward pres- THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 165 sure of one gram; i.e., the cube is partly supported by a buoyant force of one gram, which is the weight of the cubic centimeter of water that it displaces. No matter what the depth to which the block is immersed, this net upward pressure, or buoyant effect, is always the same. This truth, discovered by Archimedes, may be stated thus :/A body is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid that it displaces. \ Hence the apparent weight of a body in a fluid (e.g., water or air) is less than its true weight. This buoyant effect is often spoken of as a "loss of weight." (a) In the above discussion, the effect of atmospheric pressure is left out of the account. It affects equally the top and bottom of the tjlock. Flotation. Experiment 71. Place the tin can mentioned in Experiment 69, upon one scale-pan, and fill it with water, some of which will over- flow through the spout. Do not let any of the water fall upon the scale-pan. When the spout has ceased dripping, counterpoise the vessel of water with weights in the other scale-pan. Place a floating body on the water. This will destroy the equilibrium, but water will overflow through the spout until the equilibrium is restored. This shows that the floating body has displaced its own weight of water. Experiment 72. Place a fresh egg in a vessel of fresh water ; it is a little heavier than the water, and will sink. Place it in salt water ; it is a little lighter than the brine, and will float. Carefully pour the fresh water on the salt water in a tall, narrow vessel. Place the egg in the water ; it will descend until it reaches a layer of the liquid with a density like its own, and there it will float. 154. Floating Bodies. When a solid is immersed in a liquid it falls under one of three cases, according as the weight of the solid is less than, equal to, or greater than that of the displaced liquid. In the first case, the buoyant 166 SCHOOL PHYSICS. effect of the liquid ( 153) exceeds the weight of the body, and the body rises to the surface and floats. In the second case, buoyancy and weight are equal and op- posite, and their resultant is zero ; the body is in equi- librium in any part of the liquid. In the third case, the weight exceeds the buoyancy, and the body sinks. But in any case, Archimedes' principle is strictly true. A floating body is only partly immersed, and the volume of liquid displaced by it is only a fraction of its own volume. In order that it may float at rest, the forces acting upon it must be in equilibrium ; i.e., the upward and the downward pressures must be equal. Conse- quently, the law of flotation is : fA floating body will sink in a liquid until it displaces a weight of the liquid equal to its own weight.) (a) Sometimes a heavy substance is given such a shape that it displaces enough of a lighter fluid to float thereon. Thus, an iron kettle or an iron ship floats on water, although iron is much heavier than water. (6) Just as the gravity of a body may be considered as acting upon a single point called the center of mass, so the buoyant effort of a fluid may be considered as acting upon a single point called the center of buoyancy. The center of buoyancy is situated at the center of mass of the displaced fluid. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. How much weight will a cubic decimeter of iron lose when placed in water ? 2. How much weight will it lose in a liquid 13.6 times as heavy as water? 3. If the cubic decimeter of iron weighs only 7,780 g., what does your answer to Exercise 2 signify ? 4. How much weight will a cubic foot of stone lose in water ? 5. If 100 cu. cm. of lead weighs 1,135 g., what will it weigh in water? THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 167 6. If a brass ball weighs 83.8 g. in air, and 73.8 g. in water, what is its volume ? 7. A cubical vessel 20 cm. on an edge has fitted into its top a tube 2 cm. square and 10 cm. high. Box and tube being filled with water, (a) what is the weight of the water ? (6) What is the liquid pressure on the bottom of the vessel ? (c) If the weight and pressure differ, explain the difference. 8. In Fig. 117, the line, ABC, represents the surface of water that has been distorted from its level condition. Show what force acts on any water particle in the distorted surface, as the one at B, and moves it so that the surface becomes level. At what moment does that force vanish ? FIG. 117. 155. Density and Specific Gravity. The density of a substance is its mass per unit of volume. The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio betiveen the weight of any volume of the substance and the weight of a like volume of some other substance taken as a standard; i.e., it is the ratio of its density to that of some standard substance. For solids and liquids, the standard is distilled water at its temperature of maximum density (4 C. or 39.2 F.); for gases and vapors, the standard is hydrogen or air under a barometric pressure of 76 centimeters, and at the temperature of C. (a) Since the weights of bodies are proportional to their masses, specific gravity is equivalent to relative density. The term " density " has nearly displaced " specific gravity " in scientific works. (6) To illustrate, in the simplest way, what is meant by density (i.e., specific gravity), suppose that 1 cu. cm. of marble weighs 2.7 g. Since 1 cu. cm. of water weighs 1 g., the marble is 2.7 times as heavy as water, volume for volume. In shorter phrase, the density of marble is 2.7. To avoid the difficulty of obtaining just a unit volume of the substance, the principle of Archimedes is utilized, as will be illus- trated. 168 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 156. To Find the Density of a Solid Heavier than Water. The most common way of determining the density of such a body, if it is insoluble in water, is to find its weight in air (w) ; find its weight when im- mersed in water (w')\ divide the weight in air by the loss of weight in water. w FIG. 118. D = w w (a) This method is illustrated by the following example : (1) Weight of the solid in air (w} 113.4 g. (2) " " " " " water (w'} 79.14 g. (3) " " equal bulk of water (to to') ... 34.26 g. (4) Density the solid (l)-(3) . 3.31 157. The Hydrometer. Instruments called hydrometers are made for the more convenient determination of den- sities. There are hydrometers of constant volume, and hydrometers of constant weight. The Nicholson hydrom- eter of constant volume is a hollow cylinder carrying at its lower end a basket, d, heavy enough to keep the apparatus upright in water. At the top of the cylinder is a vertical rod carrying a pan, a, for holding weights, etc. The whole apparatus must be lighter than water, so that a certain weight ( W) must be put into the pan to sink the apparatus to a fixed point marked on the rod (as , is covered with a top, !T, which protects the wheel from the vertical pressure of the water. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. NOTE. Be on the alert to recognize Archimedes' Principle in dis- guise. Consider the weight of water 62^ pounds per cubic foot. 1. What is the density of a body that floats with half of its vol- ume under water ? 2. Assuming the density of aluminium to be 2.6, determine the weight of an aluminium sphere 25 cm. in diameter. 3. A piece of metal weighing 52.35 g. in air is placed in a cup filled with water. The overflowing water weighs 5 g. What is the density of the metal ? 4. A solid weighing 695 g. in air loses 83 g. when weighed in water, (a) What is its density ? (b) How much would it weigh in alcohol that has a density of 0.792 ? 5. A 1,000-grain bottle holds 708 grains of benzoline. Find the density of the benzoline. 6. A solid that weighs 2.4554 ounces in air, weighs only 2.0778 ounces in water. Find its density. 7. A specimen of gold that weighs 4.6764 g. In air, loses 0.2447 g. weight when weighed in water. Find its density. 8. A ball weighing 970 grains, weighs in water 895 grains, in alco- hol 910 grains. Find the density of the alcohol. 9. A body loses 25 grains in water, 23 grains in oil, and 19 grains in alcohol. Required the density of the oil and of the alcohol. 10. A body weighing 1,536 g., weighs in water 1,283 g. What is its density? 174 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 11. Calculate the density of sea water from the following data : Weight of bottle empty 3.5305 g. " " filled with distilled water . . 7.6722 g. " " " sea " . . 7.7849 g. 12. Determine the density of a piece of wood from the following data : weight of wood in air, 4 g. ; weight of sinker, 10 g. ; weight of wood and sinker under water, 8.5 g. ; density of sinker, 10.5. 13. A piece of a certain metal weighs 3.7395 g. in air; 1.5780 g. in water; 2.2896 g. in another liquid. Calculate the densities. of the metal and of the unknown liquid. 14. Find the density of a piece of glass, a fragment of which weighs 2,160 grains in air, and 1,51 1 grains in water. 15. A lump of ice weighing 8 pounds is fastened to 16 pounds of lead. In water, the lead alone weighs 14.6 pounds, while the lead and ice weigh 13.712 pounds. Find the density of the ice. 16. A piece of lead weighing 600 g. in air weighs 545 g. in water, and 557 g. in alcohol. Find (a) the density of the lead ; (&) the density of the alcohol ; (c) the volume of the lead. 17. A person can just lift a 300-pound stone in the water. What is his lifting capacity in the air (density of the stone, 2.5) ? 18. A liter flask holds 870 g. of turpentine. Required the density of the turpentine. [In the next two exercises, the weight of the empty flask is not taken into account.] 19. A liter flask containing 675 g. of water had its remaining space filled with fragments of a mineral, and was found to weigh 1,487.5 g. Required the density of the mineral. 20. A liter flask was four-fifths filled with water; the remaining space being filled with sand, the weight was found to be 1,350 g. Required the density of the sand. 21. A weight of 1,000 grains will sink a certain Nicholson hydrom- eter to a mark on the rod carrying the pan. A piece of brass plus 40 grains will sink it to the same mark. When the brass is taken from the pan and placed in the basket, it requires 160 grains in the pan to sink the hydrometer to the same mark on the rod. Find the density of the brass. 22. A Fahrenheit hydrometer, which weighs 2,000 grains, re'quires 1,000 grains in the pan to sink it to a certain depth in water. ' It re- THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 175 quires 3,400 grains in the pan to sink it to the same depth in sulphuric acid. Find the density of the acid. 23. A certain body weighs just 10 g. It is placed in one of the scale-pans of a balance, together with a flask full of pure water. The given body and the filled flask are counterpoised with shot in the other scale-pan. The flask is removed, and the given body placed therein, thus displacing some of the water. The flask, being still quite full, is carefully wiped and returned to the scale-pan, when it is found that there is not equilibrium. To restore the equilibrium, it is necessary to place 2.5 g. with the flask. Find the density of the given body. 24. What would a cubic foot of coal (density, 2.4) weigh in a solu- tion of potash (density, 1.2) ? 25. 500 cu. cm. of iron (density, 7.8) floats on mercury. With what force is it buoyed up? 26. A piece of cork weighing 2.3 g. was attached to a piece of iron weighing 38.9 g. Both were found to weigh in water 26.2 g., the iron alone weighing 33.9 g. in water. Required the density of the cork. 27. A piece of wood weighing 300 grains has tied to it a piece of lead weighing 600 grains ; together they weigh in water 472.5 grains. The density of lead being 11.35, (a) what does the lead weigh in water? (&) What is the density of the wood? 28. A Fahrenheit hydrometer weighs 618 grains. It requires 93 grains in the pan to sink it to a certain mark on the stem. When wiped dry and placed in olive oil, it requires only 31 grains to sink it to the same mark. Find the density of the oil. 29. A platinum ball weighs 330 g. in air, 315 g. in water, and 303 g. in sulphuric acid. Find (a) the density of the ball ; (&) the density of the acid ; (c) the volume of the ball. 30. A hollow ball of iron weighs 1 Kg. What must be its least volume to float on water ? 31. A body whose density is 2.8 weighs 37 g. Required its weight in water. 176 SCHOOL PHYSICS. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. A piece of rock-salt ; naphtha ; pine rod, loaded and graduated as described below ; rectangular prism of hard wood ; piece of brimstone ; bottle with ground-glass stopper ; kerosene ; wooden cylinder and support ; Y-tube ; pinchcock. 1. Determine the density of two solids heavier than water, the solids being supplied by the teacher. 2. Determine the density of a solid lighter than water. 3. Determine the density of an unknown liquid without using a specific-gravity flask or a hydrometer. 4. Rock-salt is soluble in water, and insoluble in naphtha. Deter- mine the density of a specimen of rock-salt. 5. Determine the density of a liquid, using a specific-gravity bulb. 6. Redetermine the density of one of the solids used in Exercise 1, using a Nicholson hydrometer. 7. Get a rectangular block of hard wood about 5x6x7 centime- ters. The exact dimensions are not essential. Weigh the block on a spring-balance suspended from some firm support (not held in the hand). Measure the dimensions of the block as accurately as possible, and compute its volume in cubic centimeters and cubic inches. Determine the weight of the block in grams per cubic centimeter, and in ounces per cubic inch. 8. Provide a water-proofed wooden cylinder about 1 cm. in diam- eter and about 20 cm. long, and a support for holding the cylinder upright in the water in such a way that it may easily move up and down without tipping much from a vertical position. Accurately measure the length of the cylinder. When the cylinder is floating upright in water, joggle it a few times, and see that it comes to rest each time at the same depth. Accurately measure the length of the submerged part of the cylinder, and from the two measurements, com- pute the density of the cylinder. 9. Make a rod of white pine or other light wood, just 1 cm. square and about 30 cm. long. Graduate one side of the rod to millimeters, with the zero of the scale at the loaded end. In one end, bore a hole, and pound in enough sheet lead to make the rod stand on end when floated in water and with about half of it immersed. Fill the rest of the cavity with putty, and dip the rod into hot paraffme. Place the rod in water, and read from the scale the depth to which it sinks. THE MECHANICS OF LIQUIDS. 177 Using it as a hydrometer of constant weight, determine the density of alcohol and of a 20-per-cent solution of common salt. 10. Paste a strip of writing paper around the upper end of the rod used in Exercise 9, one edge of the paper overlapping the end of the stick so as to make a small cup. Float the rod as before, and place enough shot or sand in the cup to bring one of the graduations ex- actly to the water-level. Add successively weights of 1 g., 2 g., 3 g., etc., and at each addition, note how much the rod sinks. Record the teachings of the experiment. 11. Fill the tin can used in Experiment 69, until water overflows through the spout. Weigh a small beaker, and place it under, the spout. Weigh a piece of^ roll sulphur (brimstone) about 5 cm. long, suspend it by a fine thread, and lower it into the water in the tin can, catching in the beaker every drop of water that overflows. Weigh the beaker with its liquid contents, and by subtraction find the weight of water it contains. Suspend the sulphur by the thread from the scale-pan, and weigh it in water. Record your data as follows : (a) Weight of sulphur in air = ? (6) Weight of beaker = ? (c) Weight of beaker and water = ? (rf) Weight of displaced water (c-Z>) =? (e) Weight of sulphur in water = V (/) Loss of weight in water (a e) = ? Compare (e?) with (/), and record the fact thus indicated. From the recorded data, determine the density of the sulphur. 12. Provide a bottle that will hold two or three ounces of water, and that has a ground-glass stopper ; a thread with which to suspend the bottle ; a cloth with which to wipe the bottle ; a delicate spring- balance ; water ; kerosene. Without any other apparatus or supplies, determine the density of the kerosene. 13. Fill a bottle like that used in Exercise 12 with water, and put the stopper firmly into place. Without removing the stopper or add- ing to your material, determine the density of the kerosene. 14. Get a glass U-tube with an internal diameter of 8 or 10 mm. and having arms that are close together and about 50 cm. long (see Fig. 110) ; a meter stick graduated to millimeters ; a small funnel for pouring liquids into the U-tube ; some support that will hold the U-tube upright; water; kerosene. Without additional material, determine the density of the kerosene. 12 178 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 15. Get a lead or glass Y-tube (i.e., a three-way tube), each arm of which has a length of about 5 cm., and an internal diameter of about 5 mm. ; two pieces of glass tubing each having an ex- ternal diameter about equal to that of the Y -, and a length of 50 cm. ; two pieces of rubber tubing about 5 cm. long, for connecting the two straight tubes to the Y-tube ; a piece of rubber tubing about 10 cm. long to attach to the other arm of the Y-tube, and a pinchcock IG ' ' (see Chemistry, Appendix 20) or other device for clos- ing the free end of the tube; the meter stick used in Exercise 14 ; two tumblers ; water ; kerosene. Without additional material, deter- mine the density of kerosene. Make any necessary corrections for capil- lary action. Remember that you can easily suck air from or through the apparatus. 16. Using the apparatus shown in Fig. 110, and a meter stick, de- termine the density of mercury. 17. Wind closely 10 m. of No. 22 spring-brass wire upon a rod about 3 cm. in diameter, and suspend the spiral thus formed in front of a ver- tical meter stick or other scale, as shown in Fig. 125. To the lower end of the spring, the extremity of the wire having been bent into a horizontal index, attach two small scale-pans arranged so that one shall be about 10 cm. below the other. Place a glass of water upon an adjustable stand or easily mov- able blocks so that the lower pan may be kept immersed while the upper pan is always above the water. In the upper pan, place a small solid that will sink in water, and note the elongation of the spring as in- dicated by the movement of the index over the scale, lowering the THE MECHANICS OF GASES. dish of water as may be necessary to keep the lower pan submerged and freely suspended. Then place the solid in the lower pan, and similarly weigh it in water. Determine the density of the solid. 18. Place a 1-gram weight in the upper pan of the Jolly balance described in Exercise 17, and note the elongation of the spring. Assuming that the spring will stretch proportionally for other loads, obtain in grams the two weights of another small solid that will sink in water, and determine its density. 19. Place a cork in the upper pan of the Jolly balance, and a sinker in the lower pan, and weigh them. Fasten the sinker to the cork, place both in the lower pan, and weigh them. Determine the density of the cork. 20. Remove both pans from the Jolly balance, and suspend the glass stopper of a bottle from the lower end of the spring. With this apparatus, determine the density of kerosene. VIII. THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 163. Pneumatics is the branch of physics that treats of the mechanical properties of gases, and describes the ma- chines that depend for their action chiefly on the pressure and elasticity of air. (a) As water was taken as the type of liquids, so atmospheric air will be taken as the type of gases. All statements made in Section VII. concerning fluids, apply to gases as well as to liquids. NOTE. It is taken for granted that the school has an air-pump, an instrument that will soon be described, and the simpler pieces of apparatus that generally accompany it. Weight of Air. Experiment 73. On a delicate balance, carefully weigh a thin glass or metal vessel that will hold several liters, and that may be closed by a stopcock. Pump the air from the vessel, close the stop- cock, remove the vessel from the pump and carefully weigh it again. 180 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 120. Its loss of weight measures the weight of the air removed. If more convenient, the following may be substituted for the foregoing: Into a half-liter Florence flask, put about 100 cu. cm. of water. Place the flask on a sand-bath and boil the water. The steam will expel the air from the flask. After the boiling has continued for some time, remove the lamp, and, when the boiling has ceased, loosely cork the flask. Cool the upper part of the flask by putting a wet cloth around it ; the water will boil again. Then tightly close the flask with a rubber stopper. When the flask has cooled to the temperature of the room, shake it. The peculiar " water-hammer " sound of the water indicates a good vacuum in the flask. Weigh the flask and its contents. Loosen the cork and weigh again. The increase of weight is the weight of the air admitted to the flask. Subtract the volume of the water from the capacity of the flask to find the volume of the air thus weighed and compute the weight of the air per cubic centimeter. Record the readings of the thermometer and barometer at the time and place of the experiment. Experiment 74. Draw out a piece of glass tubing to a jet, and push it through a perforation in a cork that snugly fits a bottle. Slip a short piece of snugly fitting rubber tubing over the outer end of the glass tubing, and insert the cork so that the jet shall project into the bottle. Remove by suction as much air as possi- ble from the bottle, pinch the rubber tubing tightly, place it under water, and remove the pressure. Something will force water into the bottle, forming the " fountain in vacuo," as shown in Fig. 127. FIG. 127. Experiment 75. Fill a tumbler with water, place a slip of thick paper over its FIG. 128. mouth and hold it there while the tumbler is inverted ; the water will be supported when the hand is removed from the card. THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 181 Experiment 76. Over the upper end of a cylindrical receiver, tie tightly a wet bladder or sheet of writing paper and allow it to dry. Then exhaust the air. The bladder will be forced inward, bursting with a loud noise. Replace the bladder with a thin sheet of india-rubber. Exhaust the air. The rub- ber sheet will be pressed inward, and nearly cover the inner surface of the receiver. Experiment 77. The Magdeburg hem- ispheres are accurately fitting, metallic vessels, generally three or four inches in diameter. Their edges are provided with projecting lips, and fit one another air-tight ; FiaTl29. the lips prevent sidewise slipping. Grease the edges to make more sure of a tight joint, fit the hemispheres to each other, and exhaust the air with a pump. Close the stop- cock, remove the hemispheres from the pump, attach the second handle, and, holding the hemispheres in dif- ferent positions, try to pull them apart. When you are sure that the pressure that holds them together is exerted in all directions, place them under the receiver (i.e., the bell-glass) of the air-pump, and ex- haust the air from around them. The pressure seems to be removed, for the hemispheres fall apart of their own weight. Experiment 78. Connect the lamp- chimney apparatus used in Experi- ment 59 by a thick-walled rubber tube, and partly exhaust the air with FIG. 130. the air-pump or by suction. Hold the chimney in different positions, and notice that the pressure that pushes in the rubber diaphragm is exerted equally in all directions. Any change of pressure will be shown by a change in the form of the rubber cup. 182 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 164. The Air. These experiments show that air has weight, that it exerts great pressure at the surface of the earth, and that this pressure is transmitted equally in all directions, in accord with Pascal's law. Under ordinary atmospheric conditions, a liter of air weighs about 1.3 grams ; a cubic foot weighs about an ounce and a quarter. As the atmospheric pressure is due to the weight of the overlying air, it follows that atmospheric pressure must decrease as we ascend from the sea-level. Atmospheric Pressure. Experiment 79. Into one end of a piece of stout glass tubing about 1 m. long, and with a bore of about 1 cm., closely press a good cork or rubber stopper. Fill the tube with water ; close the open end with the forefinger ; invert the tube over the water-bath, and, when the end is under water, remove the finger. Note whether the water falls away from the corked encl of the tube. Loosen or remove the cork, and note the result. Experiment 80. Fill with mercury a stout glass tube closed at one end and about 50 cm. long ; a long " ignition tube " will answer. Invert it at the mercury-bath as shown in Fig. 131. Note whether the mercury falls away from the closed end of the tube. Experiment 81. Select a stout glass tube about 80 cm. FlG 131 long, several millimeters in in- ternal diameter, and closed at one end. Twist a piece of paper into the shape of a hollow cone, and, using it as a funnel, fill the tube with mercury. With an iron wire, THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 183 remove any air-bubbles that you see in the tube. Close the open end with the finger, and invert the tube at the mercury-bath, as shown in Fig. 131. When the finger is removed, the mercury falls away from the upper end of the tube, and finally comes to rest at a height of about 30 inches (or 76 cm.) above the level of the mercury in the bath, leaving a vacuum at the upper end of the tube. This historical experiment was first performed in 1643, by Torricelli, Galileo's pupil. If the tube is supported upright, the height of the sustained mer- cury column may be found to vary from day to day. If it is placed under a tall bell-glass and the air exhausted, the column will fall as the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the mercury decreases. Experiment 82. Modify the last experiment by selecting a tube open at both ends. Thoroughly soak in water such a membrane as comes tied over the stoppers of perfumery bottles, and tie it tightly over One end of the tube. When the membrane is thoroughly dry, fill the tube with mercury, and invert it at the mercury-bath as before. After measuring the height of the supported liquid column, prick a pinhole through the membrane, and notice what takes place. 165. Atmospheric Pressure. In spite of the tendency of liquids to seek their level, we see that something sup- ports a liquid column of great weight in the Torricellian tube. The removal of the air from the surface of the mercury in the bath shows that the pressure of the atmos- phere is this supporting force. Since the size of the tube will not affect the height of the column, we may assume that the tube has a cross-section of one square centimeter. Then the supported mercury will measure 76 cu. cm. As the density of mercury is 13.596, this quantity of mercury will weigh 13.596 times 76 grams. The weight thus sustained shows that the atmospheric pressure at the sea- level is approximately 1,033.3 e^raflis per square centimeter, or 14.7 pounds per square inch. For rough work or " in round numbers," it is often said that this pressure, which is called 184 SCHOOL PHYSICS. an atmosphere^ is a kilogram per square centimeter, or fifteen pounds per square inch. (a) Pascal carried a Torricellian tube to the top of a mountain, and there found that the mercury column was three inches shorter, showing that, as the weight of the atmospheric column diminishes, the counter- balanced column of mercury also diminishes. He then took a tube 40 feet long, and closed at one end. Having filled it with water, he inverted it over a water-bath. The water in the tube came to rest at a height of 34 feet. The weights of the two columns were equal. Experiments with still other liquids gave corresponding results, all of which strengthened the theory that the supporting force is atmos- pheric pressure, and left no doubt as to its correctness. (6) Since mercury is more than ten thousand times as heavy, bulk for bulk, as air under the ordinary conditions of temperature and atmospheric pressure, a mercury column about 76 cm. (or 30 inches) tall is able to counterbalance an air column of equal cross-section reaching from the bottom to the top of our atmosphere. 166. The Barometer. A Torricellian tube, firmly fixed to an upright support and properly graduated, constitutes a mercurial barometer. The zero of the scale is at the surface of the mercury in the cistern. (a) When scientific accuracy is required, the cistern of the barometer is made with a flexible leather bottom that can be raised or lowered by a screw until the surface of the mercury just touches the point of an in- dex, with which the zero of the scale coincides. For the more accurate reading of the scale, some instruments are provided with verniers. In every case, the extreme height of the convex surface of the mercury should be taken, and, if the scale has no vernier, the divisions of the scale should be subdivided by the eye as accurately as possible. The height of the barometer is, in such cases, corrected for temperature, for variations of graV- ity, for capillarity, for expansion of the scale, for eleva- tion above sea-level, etc. FIG. 132. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 185 (6) The aneroid barometer is an easily portable instrument, and avoids the use of any liquid. It consists of a circular metallic box, exhausted of air, the corrugated dia- phragm of which is held in a state of tension by springs. Varying atmos- pheric pressures cause movements of the diaphragm. These movements, being multiplied by delicate levers and a fine chain wound around a pinion, move the index pointer over a graduated scale. Such barometers are made so delicate that they show a difference in atmos- pheric pressure when transferred from an ordinary table to the floor. Their very delicacy involves the necessity for careful usage or frequent repairs. FIG. 133. 167. Barometric Variations. Observation shows frequent variations in the barometric readings. Some slight changes are found to be periodic, but the greater changes follow no known law. The util- ity of a barometer depends largely upon the fact that these irregular variations correspond to changes in the pressure of the air column that rests on the surface of the mercury in the cistern, and, therefore, signal coming meteorological changes. 0) The falling of the mercury generally indicates the approach of foul weather; a sudden .fall denotes the coming of a storm. The rising of the mercury indicates the approach of fair weather or the " clearing up " of a storm. (6) Sometimes the "barometer falls" and the looked-for storm does not appear. In such a case, it should be remembered that the barometer announced only a diminution of atmospheric pressure, and that we, influenced by experience, inferred the coming of a storm. Barometric declarations are reliable; inferences from those declara- tions are subject to error. (c) The barometer is also used for the approximate determination - of altitudes above sea-level. 186 SCHOOL PHYSICS. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Give the pressure of the air upon a man the surface of whose body is 20 square feet. 2. A soap-bubble has a diameter of 4 inches. Give the pressure of the air upon it. 3. What is the weight of the air in a room 30 by 20 by 10 feet? 4. What will be the total pressure of the atmosphere on a deci- meter cube of wood when the barometer stands at 760 mm.? 5. How much weight does a cubic foot of wood lose when weighed in air? 6. (a) What is the pressure on the upper surface of a Saratoga trunk 1\ by 3 feet? (b) How happens it that the owner can open the trunk ? 7. (a) What effect would it have Upon the height of the barometer column if the barometer tube was enlarged until it had a sectional area of 1 sq. cm. ? (6) Assuming that the density of mercury is 13.6, and that the barometer stands at 760 mm., what is the atmospheric pressure per square centimeter of surface? Ans. 1,033.6 g. 8. A certain room is 10 m. long, 8 m. wide, and 4 m. high, (a) What weight of air does it contain? (6) What is the pressure upon its floor? (c) Upon its ceiling? (d) Upon each end? (e) Upon each side? (/) What is the total pressure upon the six surfaces? (g) Why is not the room torn to pieces ? 9. An* empty toy balloon weighs 5 g. When filled with 10 1. of hydrogen, what load can it lift ? A liter of hydrogen weighs 0.0896 g. Elastic Force. Experiment 83. Tightly close the opening of a toy balloon, foot- ball, or other rubber bag, only partly filled with air. Place it under the receiver of an air-pump, as shown in the accompanying figure, and ex- haust the air from the receiver. The flexible wall of the bag will be pushed back by the in- numerable impacts of the moving molecules against the confining surface. The observed phenomenon is in strict accord with the kinetic theory of gases, 51. Experiment 84. For the rubber bag of Ex- periment 83, substitute successively a dish containing soap-bubbles, THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 187 and a bottle with its mouth opening under water in a tumbler. Ex- haust the air as before, and notice the effect of the molecular impacts on the liquid walls of the confined air. Experiment 85. Half fill a small bottle with water, and close the neck with a cork through which a small tube passes. The lower end of this tube should dip into the liquid ; the upper end should be drawn out to a jet. Apply the lips to the upper end of the tube, and force air into the bottle. Experiment 86. Place the bottle, arranged as above described, under the receiver of an air-pump, and exhaust the air from the receiver. Water will be driven in a jet from the tube. Experiment 87. Apparatus dealers supply " bursting squares " made of thin glass, and sealed F ~ under the ordinary atmospheric pressure. Place one of these " squares " upon the plate of the air- pump, cover it with wire netting as a protection against accident, and over all place a bell-glass. Exhaust the air from the bell-glass, and the elastic force of the air confined in the square will burst the thin glass walls FIG. 136. outward. 168. Elastic Force of Gases. When a glass vessel (see Fig. 126) is open, the atmospheric pressure on the outer surface is exactly balanced by the pressure on the inner surface. Closing the stopcock will not destroy the equality of pressures ; the elastic force of the confined gas will just equal the pressure of the surrounding atmosphere. If the stopcock is closed when the gas is under a pressure of two atmospheres, the equality will still continue, each being about thirty pounds per square inch. In neither case will the vessel be subjected to any stress by the gas within or without. The elastic force of a gas supports and equals the pressure exerted upon it. 188 SCHOOL PHYSICS. Relation of Volume to Pressure. Experiment 88. Provide a stout glass tube more than a meter long, bent as shown in Fig. 137, the short arm being closed. Pour a small quantity of mercury into the tube so that its surfaces in the two tubes are in the same horizontal line. By holding "the tube nearly level, bubbles of air may be passed into the short arm or from it until the desired result is secured. The air in the short arm will then be under a pres- sure of one atmos- phere. Fasten the tube to an upright support, and place a scale graduated to millimeters by each arm, the zero of each scale being just at the mercury levels. Pour mercury into the long arm of the tube, thus increasing the pres- sure on the air con- fined in the short arm. When the ver- tical distance between the levels of the mer- cury in the two arms is one fourth the height of the baro- metric column at the time and place of the experiment, the pres- sure upon the confined air will be f atmos- pheres, i.e., a pressure of about 95 cm. of mercury ; the elastic force of the confined air just supports this pressure, and must, therefore, be atmospheres ; the volume of the confined air is f what it was under a pressure of one atmosphere. Tf more mercury is added FIG. 137. THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 189 until the vertical distance between the two mercurial surfaces is half the height of the barometric column, the pressure and the elastic force will be f atmospheres, or about 114 cm. of mercury; the volume of the confined air will be f what it was under a pressure of one atmosphere. When mercury has been poured into the long arm until the vertical distance, CA, is equal to the height of the barometric column, the pressure will be two atmospheres, or about 152 cm. of mercury, and the volume of the confined air will be half what it was under a pressure of one atmosphere. Experiment 89. Nearly fin the barometer tube used in Experi- ment 81, or a similar tube more than half as long and graduated to cubic centimeters, with mercury, and invert it over a mercury-bath as shown in Fig. 138. Lower the tube into the tank until the mercury within the tube and without it is at the same level. The confined air is under the same pres- sure as the external air; e.g., 76 cm. of mer- cury. Note the volume of the confined air. Raise the tube until this volume of the confined air is doubled, and measure the height of the mercury column in the tube. It will be found that the confined air is under a pressure half that of the external air; e.g., 38 cm. of mer- cury. Addenda. Suppose the volume of gas con- fined in each of the last two experiments meas- ured 5 cm. under a pressure of one atmosphere. Arrange the data just obtained in the following form, and complete the table : Pressures. 76 95 114 152 38 Volumes. 5 4 10 Products. 380 FIG. 138. 169. Boyle's Law. When the temperature remains constant, the volume of a gas varies inversely as the pres- 190 ' SCHOOL PHYSICS. sure upon it; i.e., the product of a given volume of gas by its pressure is constant. Vcc , or V x P = a constant quantity. (a) Later experiments have shown that Boyle's law is only approximately true, and that all gases deviate from it as they near the point of liquefaction. This law is often called Mariotte's. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Under ordinary conditions, a certain quantity of air measures one liter. Under what conditions can it be made to occupy (a) 500 cu. cm.? (b) 2,000 cu. cm.? 2. Under what circumstances would 1 cubic foot of air, at the freezing temperature, weigh about 2 ounces? 3. Into what space must we compress (a) a liter of air to double its elastic force? (6) Two liters of hydrogen ? 4. A barometer standing at 30 inches is placed in a closed vessel. How much of the air in the vessel must be removed that the mercury may fall to 15 inches? 5. A vertical tube, closed at the lower end, has at its upper end a frictionless piston that has an area of 1 square inch. The weight of this piston is 5 pounds, and it confines 24 cubic inches of dry steam, (a) What is the elastic force of the confined steam ? (6) If the piston is loaded with a weight of 10 pounds, what will be the volume of the confined steam? 6. Mercury stands at the same level in both arms of a tube like that shown in Fig. 137. The barometer rises, and thereupon is noticed a difference in the heights of the two mercury columns in the J-tube. In which arm does the mercury stand the higher ? Why ? Siphon. Experiment 90. Place a pail of clean water on the table, and an empty water pail on the floor. Place one end of a piece of thick- walled rubber tubing, about a yard long, in the water. Hold the other end of the tubing below the level of the table-top, and fill the tube with water by suction. Notice the transfer of water from one pail to the other. Be careful that the flexible walls of the tubing do THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 191 not close upon each other at the edge of the upper pail, and thus cut off the flow. Experiment 91. Change the positions of the pails, placing the one containing water on the table. Gradually lower the rubber tub- ing into the water, allowing air to escape from the upper end as water enters at the lower end. When the tube is filled with water, pinch one end of it tightly, and carry it below the level of the table-top. Raise and lower this end of the tubing to see if the distance of the opening below the edge of the upper pail has anything to do with the rate of flow. Experiment 92. Using a bent glass tube of small internal diame- ter and two tumblers or bottles, arrange apparatus to transfer water from a higher to a lower level, essentially as in Experiment 91. Put the apparatus in operation on the plate of the air-pump, cover it with a bell-glass, and quickly exhaust the air. The flow of liquid ceases, but begins anew when air is again admitted. 170. The Siphon is essentially a tube with unequal arms, used to carry liquids from one level, over an elevation, to a lower level by means of atmospheric pressure. It is generally set in action by filling it with the liquid, closing its ends, placing the end of the shorter arm in the liquid to be moved, bringing the end of the longer arm to a lower level, and then opening the ends. The flow will continue until the liquids stand at the same level, or until air enters the tube at the end of the shorter arm. 171. Explanation of the Siphon. The vertical distance from the level of the upper liquid to the highest point of the tube (ab) is the length of one arm (see Fig. 189) ; the vertical distance from the highest point of the tube to the lower end of the tube, or to the level of the liquid into which it dips (cd), is the length of the other arm. The second of these must exceed the first. Consider the horizontal layer of molecules in the tube 192 SCHOOL PHYSICS. d; J at the levels, a and d. The atmospheric pressures, whether direct or transmitted by the liquids in accordance with Pascal's law, will be upward and equal ; represent them by p. The weight of the water in the short arm produces a downward pressure at a; represent this by w. The resultant of these forces acting at a is p w. Similarly, the weight of the water in the long arm produces a down- ward pressure at represent this by w' The resultant of these forces acting at d is p w'. These two re- sultants act against each other, pw being the greater. The result- ant of these resultants is their difference ; (p w) (p w')=w f w. Thus we see that the liquid is pushed through the tube by a net force equal to the weight of a liquid column whose height is the difference between the two arms of the siphon. (a) Suppose the siphon to have a cross-section of 1 sq. cm. ; that db = 10 cm. ; that cd = 22 cm. Then the upward pressure at a and at d will be 1,033 g. ; the downward pressure at a will be 10 g. ; the down- ward pressure at d will be 22 g. Then p w = 1,023 g. ; p w' = 1,011 g. The resultant of these two upward and antagonistic pres- sures (w' w) is a force of 12 g. tending to push the water from a to d. (6) If the downward pressure at a is as great as the atmospheric pressure, the liquid will not flow. Hence, the elevation over which water is to be siphoned must be less than 34 feet. FIG. 139. THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 193 Pumps. Experiment 93. Every one knows that a liquid may be sucked up through a straw or other tube. Modify the familiar experiment by passing a glass tube snugly through the cork of a bottle. Fill the bottle with water, and close it with the perforated cork. Be sure that no air is left in the bottle. The tube should dip an inch or so into the water. Try to suck water from the bottle. 172. The Lift Pump or suction-pump consists of a cylinder or barrel, piston, two valves, and a suction-pipe, the lower end of which dips below the surface of the liquid to be raised. The piston works practically air-tight in the cylinder, and has an outlet- valve that opens upward. The inlet-valve is at the upper end of the suction-pipe, and also opens upward. When the piston is drawn upward, its valve is closed by the pressure of the air above, and a partial vacuum is formed in the cylinder below. The elastic force of the air in the cylinder being thus reduced, the atmospheric pres- sure forces water up the suction-pipe, driving the air above it through the lower valve. When the piston is pushed down, the inlet- valve is closed, and the confined air escapes through the outlet-valve. As the piston continues its work, the air is gradually removed from the cylinder and suction-pipe, and the transmitted pressure of the atmosphere pushes the water up to take its place and to restore the disturbed equilibrium. 13 FIG. 140. 194 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (a) Theoretically the piston may be 34 feet above the level of the water in the well, but, owing to mechanical imperfections, the prac- tical limit for a pump lifting water by suction is about 28 vertical feet. The height to which water may be lifted above the piston depends only upon the strength of the pump and the power applied. 173. pump The Force Pump. The operation of the force- is similar to that of the suction-pump. The outlet- valve generally opens from the cylin- der, the piston being made solid. When the piston is raised, water is forced into the barrel by atmospheric pressure. When the piston is forced down, the inlet-valve is closed, the water being forced through the other valve into the discharge-pipe. When next the pis- ton is raised, the outlet-valve is closed, preventing the return of the water above it, while atmospheric pressure forces more water from below into the barrel. FIG. 141. (a) For the purpose of securing steadiness for the stream as it issues from the delivery- pipe, the water usually passes into an air-chamber. The elasticity of the confined and compressed air largely takes up the pulsating effect due to the successive pushes of the piston, and forces the water from the nozzle of the delivery-pipe in a continuous stream. Fire- engines and nearly all steam-pumps have such attachments. 174. The Air Pump is an instrument for removing a gas from a closed vessel. Fig. 142 shows the essential parts of one of the many forms. (a) The glass receiver, jR, fits accurately upon the ground plate. The edge of the receiver is often greased to insure an air-tight joint. THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 195 From R, a tube, , leads to the cylinder, C, in which moves a piston, P. Two valves open from the receiver. The outlet-valve, v', is in the piston ; the inlet-valve, v, may be carried by a rod that passes through the piston. Of course the piston, valve, and all sliding parts of the pump, must work air-tight. A down-stroke of the piston carries down the valve-rod, and closes v ; the elastic force of the air confined beneath P opens v', and some of the air escapes to the upper side of the piston. The next up-stroke of the piston closes v' and lifts the valve-rod, and thus opens v. The upward motion of the valve-rod is closely limited by a shoulder near its upper end, the piston sliding upon the rod during the greater part of its up-and-down movements. The air that FIG. 142. passes up through v f is forced out through an opening (preferably closed by a valve) at the top of the cylinder, and the elastic force of the air in R and t fills again the lower part of C. By the continued working of the piston, the mass and the elasticity of the air in R are reduced, a vacuum being approached more and more closely. As only a fractional part of the residual air is removed at each stroke, a per- fect vacuum is out of the question ; moreover, there is a limit arising from the unavoidable imperfections of the apparatus. (6) In Fig. 142, F is a glass vessel communicating with the re- ceiver. It contains a siphon-barometer or mercurial gauge to indi- cate the degree of rarefaction obtained. A stopcock at S, when turned one way, cuts off communication between C and R, thus 196 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 143. reducing the risk that air will reenter the receiver ; when turned the other way, it readmits air to R. 175. The Condensing Pump is an instrument for com- pressing a gas into a closed vessel, as in pumping air into a pneumatic tire of a bicycle, or oxygen or hydro- gen into the cylinders commonly used for stereopticon purposes, or charging water with carbon dioxide for sale as "soda water." (a) It differs from the air-pump chiefly in the facts that the valves are made strong enough to endure high pressures, and that they open toward the re- ceiver. For some purposes, the piston is made solid, and both valves are placed at the bottom of the cylinder, as shown in Fig. 143. The stopcock at R is closed while the pump is in operation. By con- necting each of the lateral tubes with a closed tank, gas may be transferred from one to the other. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. How high can water be raised by a perfect lift-pump, when the barometer stands at 30 inches ? The density of mercury is 13.6. 2. If a lift-pump can just raise water 28 feet, how high can it raise alcohol having a density of 0.8 ? 3. Water is to be taken over a ridge 12.5 m. higher than the surface of the water, (a) Can it be done with a siphon ? Why? (6) With a lift-pump? Why? (c) With a force-pump ? Why ? 4. Will a given siphon carry water over a given elevation more rapidly at the top, or at the bottom, of a mountain? Why? 5. If water rises 34 feet in an exhausted tube, how high will sulphuric acid (density, 1.8) rise under the same circumstances ? 6. The "sucker" consists of a circular piece of thick leather with a string attached to its middle. Being soaked thoroughly in water, it is firmly pressed upon a flat stone to drive out all air from between the leather and FIG. THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 197 the stone. Unless the stone is too heavy, it may be lifted by the string. Is the stone really pulled up, or pushed up ? Explain your answer. 7. If the capacity of the cylinder of an air-pump is that of the receiver, (a) what part of the air will remain in the receiver at the end of the fourth stroke of the piston? (6) How will its elastic force compare with that of the external air ? 8. How high can a liquid with a density of 1.35 be raised by a perfect lift-pump -when the barometer stands at 29.5 inches? 9. Over how high a ridge can water be continuously carried in a siphon, the mini- mum standing of the barometer being 69 cm. ? 10. What is the greatest pull that can be resisted by Magdeburg hemispheres (a) 4 inches in diameter? (&) 8 cm. in diameter ? 11. How can you arrange a single lift- pump to raise water from the bottom of a well 50 feet deep ? 12. Construct the apparatus shown in Fig. 145, filling each of the three bottles half full of water. Be sure that all joints made by the corks of the three bottles are FIG. 145. air-tight. Blow into the tube, /, until a jet is formed at n. plain the continued action of the apparatus. EX- LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Small test-tube; pen-filler; sulphuric ether ; pinchcock ; lead counterpoise. 1. Partly fill two bottles with water. Con- nect them by a bent tube that fits closely into the mouth of one, and loosely into the mouth of the other. Place the bottle under the receiver and exhaust the air. Note and record what takes place. Admit air to the receiver. Note and record what takes place. Write an explana- tion of the phenomena. FIG. 146. 198 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 2. Fill a test-tube with water and invert it in a tumbler of water. With a pen-filler, introduce a few drops of sulphuric ether, a very volatile and extremely inflammable liquid, into the test-tube. The ether will rise to the top of the tube. Place the tumbler and the test- tube under the receiver and exhaust the air. The water in the test- tube falls. Readmit air to the receiver, and note the contents of the test-tube. Record your conclusions concerning the effect of pressure upon the molecular condition of sulphuric ether. 3. With a short piece of rubber tubing, connect the short arms of two |_-shaped glass tubes, and set up the apparatus as a siphon. While the water is flowing, perforate the rubber wall between the glass tubes. Note and explain the effect. 4. With apparatus like that used in Experiments 88 and 89, and noting the reading of the mercurial barometer at the time, verify Boyle's law between the limits of half an atmosphere and two atmos- pheres, by showing the constancy of the product of volume into pressure. 5. Fill the U'tube used in Experiment 63 with mercury to a depth of about 30 cm., and attach a rubber tube about 40 or 50 cm. long firmly to one end of the tube. Force air steadily from the lungs through the rubber tube ; pinch the tube tightly ; rest ; increase the pressure on the mercury if you can without injury or pain ; close the rubber tube with a pinchcock; and compute your maximum "lung power " in pounds per square inch. 6. With the same apparatus, suck air from the tube, and compute your maximum "force of suction " in pounds per square inch. Explain the use of quotation marks in the last sentence. 7. With the same apparatus, measure the pressure under which illuminating gas is delivered at the laboratory. Will you get more accurate results by using mercury, or water ? 8. What objection is there to using the same apparatus for measur- ing the pressure under which water is supplied at the laboratory? Devise some means for that problem, and solve it. 9. Repeat Experiment 73. Determine the capacity of the vessel used. Compare the reading of the pressure-gauge of the air-pump with that of the barometer at the time of the experiment, and deter- mine what part of the air in the vessel was removed. Determine the density of air under the thermometric and barometric conditions of the experiment. If you have no vessel like that mentioned in Experiment 73, use a 2-liter bottle, connecting its rubber stopper THE MECHANICS OF GASES. 199 with the pump by a thick-walled rubber tube. After exhaustion, close the tube with a pinchcock. Make all connections air-tight, using glycerin for that purpose. Be sure not to omit any of the apparatus from one weighing, that is included in the other. 10. Fill with mercury the tube used in Experiment 81, and by direct weighing and measurement, determine the weight of the mer- cury per centimeter of the length of the tube. Measure the length of the barometric column in the same tube and compute the weight of the mercury supported by atmospheric pressure. 11. Make a siphon with parallel arms, each about 50 cm. long, by bending a piece of glass tubing twice at right angles. Place one branch of the tube in a large vessel of water at least 40 cm. deep, and support the siphon so that its short arm shall be 10 cm. long. (See 170.) Start the siphon by suction, and measure with a graduate the water that flows in two minutes. Determine the difference between the lengths of the two arms. Raise the siphon until its short arm is 15 cm. long. Set the siphon in action. Measure the water that flows in two minutes, and determine the difference between the lengths of the two arms, as before. As this difference decreases, does the amount of water delivered also decrease? Continue the work, successively testing with short arm lengths of 20, 25, 30, 40, and 45 cm. Tabulate your results. What is the relation between rate of flow and the difference in the lengths of the two arms of the siphon ? 12. Using the differences in lengths of the arms as ordinates, and the rate of flow as abscissas, map the line that represents this relation. From this line, measure the abscissa of the point that has an ordinate corresponding to a length of 35 cm. for the short arm of the siphon, and determine the rate of flow that it represents. Set the siphon used in Exercise 11 so that its short arm shall measure 35 cm., and by direct experiment test the accuracy of the result computed from the curve. 13. With the apparatus used in Experiment 88, measure the com- pression of the air confined under different pressures until the excess of mercury in the long arm is about equal to the barometric column. Avoid touching the short arm, or in any way changing the tempera- ture of the confined air. From the data thus obtained, map upon cross-section paper a line representing the relation between volume and pressure. Let each vertical division of the paper represent a pressure of 2 cm. of mercury, and each horizontal division a com- 200 SCHOOL PHYSICS. pression of 0.5 cm. Is the line thus mapped a straight line? If so, what does that show? If the line is curved, what does the .varying down- ward slope indicate ? From the line as drawn, do you conclude that equal increments of pressure produce equal compressions, or otherwise? 14. Using a lead ball as shown in Fig. 147, counterpoise the globe of Ex- periment 73, "filled with air and with stopcock closed. Cover the apparatus with a bell-glass and exhaust the air. The globe seems to be heavier than the ball which previously balanced it. Record a description and explana- tion of what you do and of what fol- lowed. FIG. 147. CHAPTER III. ACOUSTICS: MASS PHYSICS. I. THE NATURE OF SOUND, ETC. 176. Sound is the mode of motion that is capable of affect- ing the auditory nerve. (a) We have to deal with sound only as a physical phenomenon ; not as a physiological or psychological process. Cause of Sound. Experiment 94. Suspend a small pith-ball so that it shall rest lightly against the edge of a bell or bell-jar. Strike the bell so that it will give forth a sound. Such a bell or a tuning-fork may be sounded by tapping it with a hammer made by slipping a piece of rubber tubing over a stout iron wire, or by thrusting the handle of a cheap tapering pen-holder into the hole at the center of a circular eraser. A better way, however, is to make it vibrate by drawing a resined violin-bow across the edge or end. Xotice that the ball acts as if the edge of the bell was in vibration. Touch the edge of the sounding bell lightly with the finger-nail. Experiment 95. Sound a tuning-fork and just touch a water surface with one of its prongs. Notice the spray. Experiment 96. The chimneys of student-lamps often break at the contracted part near the bottom. Close such a broken chimney at the broken end with cork or wax. At the toy store, buy a wooden whis- tle like that shown in the rIG. 14o. upper part of Fig. 148, and cut it off at the point indicated by the dotted line between the first 201 202 SCHOOL PHYSICS. and second finger-holes. Fit the end of the whistle into the opening of a cork that will tightly close the open end of the broken chimney. Inside the tube, place a small quantity of precipitated silica, a very light powder that you can buy from a dealer in chemical supplies, or a like quantity of the dry dust obtained by filing a cork. Close the tube with the cork and whistle, hold the tube horizontal and shake it endwise so as to distribute the powder evenly, and then blow the whistle. The powder is agitated in a peculiar manner, rising in thin ver- tical plates, and coming to rest in little piles transverse to the axis of the tube. Was the motion of the air in the tube one of vibration, or one of translation? Experiment 97. Grasp one end of a straight spring made of hickory or steel in one end of a vise, as shown in Fig. 149. Pluck the free end of the spring so as to produce a vibra- tory motion. If the spring is long enough, the vibrations may be seen. Lower the spring in the vise to shorten the vibrating part of the rod, and pluck it again. The vibrations are reduced in amplitude, and in- creased in rapidity. Continued shortening of the spring will render the vibrations invisible and audible ; they are lost to the eye, but re- vealed to the ear. 177. Cause of Sound. From these experiments, it is reasonable to conclude that sound is caused by the rapid vibrations of a material body. In fact, all sounds may be traced to such vibrations. Bodies that emit sounds are called sonorous. (a) A glass plate that has been blackened by holding it over a petroleum or a camphor flame maybe arranged so as to slide easily in the grooved frame, F. A triangular piece of tinsel or a short piece FIG. 149. THE NATURE OF SOUND, ETC. 203 of the hairspring of a watch attached by wax to the end of one of the prongs of the fork will make a good style for our purpose. When the fork is made to vibrate, the style placed against the smoked plate, 150. and the plate drawn along rapidly in the grooves, the undulating line traced on the glass represents the vibratory movement of the prong. Wind or Wave? Experiment 98. Provide a tube four or five yards long, and about four inches in diameter. A few lengths of .common spout from the tinner's will answer. Furnish it with a funnel-shaped piece, having an opening about an inch in diameter. Place the tube on a table with a candle flame opposite the opening at B. With a book, strike a FIG. 151. sharp blow upon the table opposite the opening at A. The flame will be agitated and perhaps blown out. Something went from A to B. Did it go through the tube ? Experiment 99. Close the opening at A and repeat the experi- ment; the flame is not put out. Remove the tube and repeat the blow; the flame is not put out. Experiment 100. Replace the tin tube by a rubber tube of the same length and with an internal diameter of about 10 or 15 mm. Insert the neck of a funnel at the end of the tube at A. Get a few inches of glass tubing that will fit snugly into the rubber tubing. Heat the 204 SCHOOL PHYSICS. middle of the glass in a flame until it softens. Slowly draw the ends asunder until the softened part is reduced to a diameter of about 2mm. Break the tube at this narrow neck and push the large end of one piece into the rubber tube at B. Place a small flame opposite the small opening of the glass tube. Strike a blow in front of the funnel at A and notice that a puff or pulse of air blows the flame. Make a loose loop in the rubber tube and repeat the experiment. Clap the hands at A and notice the series of puffs at R. While an assistant is clapping his hands at A, pinch the rubber tube. Notice that the puffs at B cease while the tube is thus pinched, and reappear as soon as the tube is released. The tube is necessary. Whatever agitated the candle flame did go through the tube. Was this something a wind, or a wave ? Experiment 101. Replace the tin tube. Dissolve as much potas- sium nitrate (saltpeter) as you can in half a cupful of hot water. Soak a piece of blotting-paper in this liquid and dry it. This "touch- paper " burns with much smoke but no flame. Burn the paper in the tube near A, filling that end of the tube with smoke. Repeat Experi- ment 98. No smoke issues at B ; it ivas not a wind that passed through the tube. 178. Propagation of Sound. Sound is ordinarily propa- gated through the air. Tracing the sound from its source to the ear of the hearer, we may say that the first layer of air is struck by the vibrating body. The particles of this layer give their mo- tion to the particles of the next layer, and so on until the particles of the last layer strike upon the drum of the FIG. 152. ear. (a) This idea is beautifully illustrated by Professor Tyndall. He imagines five boys placed in a row, as shown in Fig. 152. "I sud- THE NATURE OF SOUND, ETC. 205 denly push A ; A pushes B and regains his upright position ; B pushes C ; C pushes D ; D pushes E ; each boy, after the transmission of the push, becoming himself erect. E, having nobody in front, is thrown forward. Had he been standing on the edge of a precipice, he would have fallen over ; had he stood in contact with a window, he would have broken the glass ; had he been close to a drumhead, he would have shaken the drum. We could thus transmit a push through a row of a hundred boys, each particular boy, however, only swaying to and fro. Thus also we send sound through the air, and shake the drum of a distant ear, while each particular particle of the air concerned in the transmission of the pulse makes only a small oscillation." The Medium of Sound. Experiment 102. Place a small music box or alarm clock on a thick layer of felt, cotton wool, or other inelastic material on the plate of the air-pump, and cover it with a bell-glass. Exhaust the air and notice that while the motion of the mechanism is plainly visible, the sound is scarcely audible. Experiment 103. In a large glass globe provided with a stopcock, suspend a small bell by a thread. Pump the air from the globe ; shake the globe, and notice that the sound of the bell is very faint. Re- admit the air; shake the globe, and notice that the sound of the bell is heard distinctly. A large, wide-mouthed bottle, with a perforated rubber stopper, rubber tubing, and pinchcock, may be substituted for the globe and stopcock. See Experiment 73. Experiment 104. Fill a tumbler with water and place it on an empty crayon box. Stick the stem of a tuning-fork into a small wooden disk, sound the fork, and hold it with the disk resting upon the surface of the water. The vibrations will be transmitted by the water, and the sound of the fork will be heard as if coming from the box. Other liquids may be similarly tested. Experiment 105. Provide a wooden rod about half an inch square and five or six feet long. Place one end of this rod (preferably made of light, dry pine) agamst the panel of a door; hold the rod hori- 206 SCHOOL PHYSICS. zontal, and place the handle of a vibrating tuning-fork against the other end. Notice the sound given out by the panel. The common " string telephone " is a more familiar illustration of the transmission of sound by a solid. 179. Sound Media. Any elastic substance may be the medium for the transmission of sound. Liquids and solids are better conductors of sound than gases are. The scratching of a pin may be heard through a long wooden beam ; and the gentle tap of a hammer, through a water- pipe a mile or more in length. The nature of the vibra- tions in sound-media demands careful consideration. Vibratory Motion. Experiment 106. Grip one end of the meter stick in a vise, as shown in Fig. 149. Pluck the free end, and notice that the vibrating end returns periodically to the starting point. Suspend a lead bullet by a long thread, swing it as a pendulum, and notice that the ball returns periodically to the starting point. Swing the ball as a conical pendulum, and notice that the ball, moving in a circular path, returns periodically to the starting point. Twist the torsion al pendulum (Experiment 17), and notice that the index returns periodically to the starting point. Experiment 107. Fasten an elastic cord to a ball, or buy a " return ball " at a toy shop. Hold the end of the cord in one hand, and, with the other hand, pull the ball down and let it go. The ball swings up and down in the direction of the length of the cord. Notice that the speed of the ball varies much as does that of a common pendulum, and that the ball returns periodically to the starting point. 180. Vibrations. When the parts of a body move so that each returns periodically to its initial position, the body is said to be in vibration. The motion made in the interval between two successive passages in the same direction through any position is called a vibration. The vibration may be transverse, torsional, or longitudinal, the classifi- THE NATURE OF SOUND, ETC. 207 cation having reference to the direction of the vibration relative to the length of the vibrating body. (a) A vibration is analogous to a double or " complete " oscillation, as defined in 114 (a). When the reciprocating movement is com- paratively slow, as that of a pendulum, the term " oscillation " is commonly used ; the term " vibration " is generally confined to rapid reciprocations or revolutions, as that of a sonorous body. The three kinds of vibration have the same manner of moving, the changes in velocity being the same as take place in the swings of a pen- dulum. Pendular Motion. Experiment 108. Let a pupil take a ball-and-thread pendulum to the further side of the room. With a slight circular motion of the hand that supports the end of the thread, let him cause the ball to move in a circular path, thus forming a conical pendulum. When the speed of the ball has become uniform, count the swings that the ball makes around the circle in 30 seconds. Then place your eye on a level with the ball and observe it ; i.e., look at the ball along a line of sight that is in the plane of the circle. The ball will appear to move from side to side in a straight line that coincides with a diam- eter of the circle, and to vary its velocity as a common pendulum does. Xext, swing the same ball as a common pendulum, and count the vibrations that it makes in 30 seconds. A conical pendulum and a common pendu- lum of the same length have the same period. When the common pendulum is viewed from beneath, i.e., when the line of sight is in the plane of vibration as before, the bah 1 again appears to move in a straight line and with a like varying velocity. This apparent motion and its relation to the real motion are very interesting and instructive. Let the circle shown in Fig. 154 represent the path described by the conical pendulum; then will the diameter, A G, represent the apparent rectilinear path. Suppose that the ball goes around the circle in two seconds. Divide the circumference into any number of equal parts, as 12. The ball will move over each of these equal arcs in of a 208 SCHOOL PHYSICS. second. To one who is looking at this motion in the plane of the paper, the ball appears to go from A to B while it really goes from A to b; it appears to go from B to C while it really goes from b to c; etc. When the ball is at d, it is moving across the line of sight, and, therefore, appears to have its greatest velocity, just as a common pendulum does, at the middle of its arc. When it is at A or G, it is moving in the line of sight, and, therefore, appears to be at rest, although it is really moving with its uniform velocity. From a study of the figure, it will be seen that the ball appears to go from A to G and back in the two seconds in which it really goes around the circle. The unequal lengths, AB, BC, . . . FG, give a fair idea of the varying speed of a common pendulum. 181. Simple Harmonic Motion. If, while a particle moves in the circumference of a circle with uniform ve- locity, a point moves along a fixed diameter of the circle so as always to be at the foot of a perpendicular drawn from the particle to the diameter, as described in Experi- ment 108, the motion of the point along the diameter is called a simple harmonic motion. The radius of the circle, or the distance from the middle to the extremity of the swing, is called the amplitude of vibration ; the time inter- vening between two passages of the particle in the same direction through any point is called the period of vibra- tion. Wave Forms. Experiment 109. Drop a pebble into a tub of water. Waves will be seen moving on the surface of the water from the center of dis- turbance, and in concentric circles, toward the sides of the tub. A small cork floating on the surface rises and falls with the water, but is not carried along by the advancing waves of troughs and crests. Experiment no. Tie one end of a soft cotton rope about 20 feet long to a fixed support, and hold the other end in the hand. Move the hand up and down with a quick, sudden motion, so as to set up a THE NATURE OF SOUND, ETC. 209 series of waves in the rope, as shown in Fig. 155, in which each curved line may be considered an instantaneous photograph of a rope thus shaken. FIG. 155. 182. Waves of Crests and Troughs. When a person sees waves approaching the shore of a lake or ocean, there arises the idea of an onward movement of great masses of water. But if the observer watches a piece of wood floating upon the water, he may notice that it merely rises and falls without approaching the shore. Again, he may stand beside a field of ripening grain, and, as the breezes blow, he will see a series of curved forms or waves pass before him. There is no movement of mat- ter from one side of the field to the other ; the grain- ladened stalks merely bow and raise their heads. Most persons are familiar with similar wave movements in ropes, chains, and carpets. Each material particle has a simple harmonic motion, vibratory, not progressive. The only thing that has an onward movement is the pulse or ivave, which is only a form or change in the relative posi- tions of the particles of the undulating substance. (a) By fixing a pencil at the end of a lath firmly held at the other end, and vibrating in a horizontal plane, the pencil may be made to mark a nearly straight line, ab, on a sheet of paper or cardboard. By moving the paper while the rod is vibrating, the pencil may be made to trace a sinusoidal curve or wavy line like that shown in Fig. 156. The construction of such a curve, and its relation to the simple har- monic motion of the pendulum, will be further illustrated in the exercises. The distance from crest to crest (1 to 5), or from trough to 14 210 SCHOOL PHYSICS. trough (3 to 7), or from any point to the next point at which the vibrating particle was in the same stage of vibration or in the same phase (A to 4, or 2 to 6, or 4 to J3), is called a wave-length. Evidently, FIG. 156. the disturbance, i.e., the wave, advances just one wave-length in the time required for one vibration; this time is called the vibration- period. Experiment in. Make a spiral spring about 12 feet long by closely winding Xo. 18 spring-brass wire on a rod about half an inch in diameter. Fasten one end of the spiral to a hook on the wall, or clamp it in a vise, and tie short pieces of bright-colored strings into several of the coils. Holding the other end of the spiral in the hand, insert a finger-nail or knife-blade between two turns FIG. 157. of the wire near the hand, and pull one of them further from the other. Suddenly release the coil, and a pulse will run along the spiral. Each coil swings to and fro, the coils being crowded closely together at one place, and more widely separated at another, as shown in Fig. 157. Experiment 112. Tightly tie a sheet of writing paper over the large end of the tube used in Experiment 98, and hold a candle flame in front of the small end. Tap the paper diaphragm, and notice the consequent flickering of the flame. 183, Waves of Condensation and Rarefaction. The advancing paper diaphragm or other vibrating body crowds the layers of air immediately in its front, thus setting up a condensation or push along the length of the tube, as explained in 178. When the paper swings with THE NATURE OF SOUND, ETC. 211 its pendulum-like motion in the opposite direction, the nearest layers of air follow it, thus setting up a rarefac- tion. As the paper diaphragm continues to vibrate, a series of condensations and rarefactions is sent along the tube, as shown in Fig. 158, which compare with Fig. 154. The air particles are crowded unusually at A and 6r, where their velocity is the least, and are separated more widely at D, where their velocity is the greatest. Just as a water FIG. 158. wave consists of two parts, the crest and the trough, so a sound wave consists of two parts, a condensation and a rarefaction. The particles in a sound wave move with simple harmonic motion forward and backward in the line of propagation, and not across it. The vibrations are longitudinal, not transverse. (a) A series of complete sound waves, such as would be set up in the open air, consists of alternate condensations and rarefactions advancing in the form of concentric spherical shells, at the common center of which is the sounding body. Any radius of the sphere is a line of propagation of the sound. (6) The distance from any point to the next point that is in the same phase, as from condensation to condensation or from rarefaction to rarefaction, is a wave-length. The wave advances one wave-length in the time required for one vibration, or in a wave-period. (c) A sinusoidal curve like that shown in Fig. 156 is commonly used to represent a sound wave. The parts above the horizontal line represent condensations, while the parts below that line represent 212 SCHOOL THYSICS. rarefactions. Perpendicular distances, from the curve to the line A B, i.e., ordinates, show the relative amount of condensation or rarefac- tion at any point of the curve; but it must not be inferred that ampli- tudes are as great relative to wave-lengths as would be indicated by the curves. The curve is merely a symbol for the sound wave, not a picture of one. (d) Fig. 159 represents apparatus devised by Mach for the illus- tration of the pendular motions of the particles of a medium trans- mitting waves of any kind, longitudinal or transverse, stationary or progressive. A wooden framework about 2.2 m. long and 1.2 m. high is arranged to support 17 or more pendulums with bifilar suspensions 0.9 m. long. At the top of the frame are two parallel bars joined by FIG. 159. pivoted crossbars, after the manner of the familiar parallel ruler, and so that they may be separated about 10 cm. One string of the bifilar suspension of each pendulum is fastened to the inner face of the fixed bar, and the other string to the inner face of the movable bar. When the two bars are as far apart as possible (as shown in the figure), the balls can swing lengthwise of the frame ; i.e., longitudinally. When the two bars are brought close together the balls can swing only transversely. THE NATURE OF SOUND, ETC. 213 A light frame worked by the foot-lever carries a wave "pattern." The holes in this pattern are at varying distances from each other, one part representing a rarefaction and another part representing a condensation, as is clearly shown in the figure. When the pattern is raised by the lever, the pendulums may be placed in the holes. When the pattern is lowered, the balls swing longitudinally, their relative motions representing a stationary sound wave, such as the wave in an organ-pipe, and giving a vivid idea of the alternate condensations and raref actions. A block, shown at the lower right-hand part of the figure, may be drawn along the framework by the string attached to it. This block has upon its upper surface a groove of such depth that, as it is drawn under the balls from one end of the row to the other, each ball is pulled from its position of rest and released as the block passes under it. Thus is produced the form of a progressive wave of condensation and rarefaction. The two bars that support the pendulums may be brought together so that the balls can swing only transversely, and the pattern pre- viously used may be replaced by the sinusoidal pattern that represents one complete wave. Such a sinusoidal pattern is shown in the figure. When this pattern is raised by the foot-lever and the balls placed in the holes and the pattern then dropped, the pendular motions give a clear representation of a stationary transverse wave. A long board, just wide enough to reach from the pattern supports to the top of the balls may be placed on edge so that all of the balls are pushed about 10 cm. to one side of their positions of rest. When this board is drawn endwise, the balls are successively re- leased, and the pendular motions represent a progressive transverse wave. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. State clearly the difference between a transverse and a longitu- dinal wave. Illustrate. 2. The velocity of sound being given as 1,145 feet per second, what is the wave-length of a tone due to 458 vibrations per second ? 3. It is a common experiment for one of two boys in swimming to hold his head under water while another at a distance strikes two stones together under water. The loudness of the sound heard by the first boy is painful and sometimes injurious, even when the dis- 214 SCHOOL PHYSICS. tance is so great that the sound would be scarcely heard in the air. Explain. 4. If a blow is struck with a hammer upon one end of a long iron pipe, a listener at the other end may hear two sounds instead of one. Explain. 5. What is the difference between the physical and the physiologi- cal definitions of the word " sound " ? 6. What is the difference between an oscillation and a vibration? 7. What is the difference between a motion of translation and one of vibration ? Illustrate. 8. Why is the motion of a particle of the medium through which a sound is passing properly described as " pendular " ? 9. How does a pendular motion differ from a simple harmonic motion ? 10. What word accurately describes the curve that is used as a symbol of a sound wave ? LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. A wooden rod about half an inch square and 12 feet long ; cardboard ; India ink ; drawing instruments ; heavy plank and blocks ; hinge ; clock spring ; pocket tuning-fork. 1. Draw a graphic representation of a series of waves of troughs and crests as follows : With a radius equal to the amplitude of vibration, draw a circle. Draw its vertical diameter, A I. Beginning at A or 7, divide the circumference of the circle into any number of equal parts, say 16. Through these divisions draw horizontal lines intersecting A I at the points B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, and prolong them indefi- nitely. See Fig. 154. Similarly extend tangents to the circle at A and /. On the extension of the line passing through E, the center of the circle, lay off successively 16 equal parts. Consider the beginning of the first of these equal parts as the origin of co-ordinates, and number thence the successive divisions on the axis of abscissas, from 1 to 16 inclusive. Through these 16 points, draw vertical lines, ter- minating the successive verticals at the points where they intersect the successive horizontal lines. Mark these successive intersections 1', 2', 3', etc., to 15'. Then the ordinates of V and T will be equal to EF; those of 2' and 6' will be equal to EG; those of 3' and 5' will be equal to EH, and that of 4' will be equal to El. The ordinates of 8' and 16' will be zero. The ordinates of 9' and 15' will be nega- THE NATURE OF SOUND, ETC. 215 tive and equal to ED ; those of 10' and 14' will be negative and equal to EC ; those of 11' and 13' will be negative and equal to EB; that of 12' will be negative and equal to EA . Join these several loci by drawing a curve through them, and we have the wavy line known as a sinusoidal curve, the outline of the wave as required. What is the distance from O to 16 called? What is the distance from 4 to 4' called ? What is the point 4' called ? What is the point 12' called ? Can you see any connection between the motion of a drop of water in an oscillatory wave and the motion of a pendulum ? 2. Slightly stretch a solid rubber cord about 0.5 cm. in diameter between a hook in the ceiling and another in the floor. With a ruler, tap the cord near the lower end, timing the blows so that the cord shall vibrate as a whole. Count the number of vibrations made in 60 seconds. Repeat the test twice and determine the average of the three trials. Tap the cord more rapidly until it vibrates in two segments. Repeat the test and determine as before the average number of vibrations made in 60 seconds. Similarly, make the cord vibrate in three and then in four seg- ments, recording the numbers of vibrations as before. Measure the length of the cord between the hooks, tabulate the segment-lengths and the numbers of vibrations per second for each of the four tests. Determine the relation between the segment-lengths and the vibration- numbers. 3. Hold one end of a slender wooden rod between the teeth, while another pupil holds the stem of a vibrating tuning-fork against the other end of the rod. See if the fork is audible without the inter- vention of the rod. 4. Cut a slit 1 mm. x 4 cm. in a postal card. Place a ruler below Fig. 156 and parallel with the printed lines. Place the edge of the card against the edge of the ruler, so that the slit shall be at right angles to the line, AB, at its end. AB should show through the slit at its middle point. Slide the card with steady motion along the edge of the ruler, observing the apparent motion of the black line seen through the slit. How does that apparent motion up and down the slit compare with the simple harmonic motion of the pendulum? 5. From a piece of stiff cardboard, cut a disk 31 cm. in diameter, and from its center draw a circle 0.5 cm. in diameter. Divide the circumference of this little circle into twelve equal parts, and number the points of division consecutively from 1 to 12. With dot 1 as a 216 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 160. center, draw a circle with a radius of 7.5 cm., using the pen-compasses and India ink. With dot 2 as a center, draw a circle with a radius of 7.8 cm. With dot 3 as a center, draw a circle with a radius of 8.1 cm. Continue to draw such eccentric circles, using the numbered dots in succession as centers and in- creasing the radius by 0.3 cm. each time. Go thus around the little circle twice, when you will have 24 circles drawn upon the cardboard, as indicated in Fig. 160. Cut a hole exactly at the center and mount the disk upon the spindle of a whirling table. Cut a narrow slit about 10 cm. long in a card, and hold it so that the slit lies parallel to a radius of the disk and close to it. The short arcs of the circles seen through the slit look like a series of dots, each of which may be taken to represent an air particle. Still viewing the dots through the slit, rotate the disk and you will get a very vivid idea of the way in which air particles actually move when set in motion by a sound wave. 6. From a two-inch plank, cut a baseboard about 75 x 20 cm. To one edge of this base and about 20 cm. from one end, screw an upright, and at the upper end of the upright support a short hori- zontal shelf, one edge of which shall be over and parallel with the middle line of the base- board. Paste one end of a small strip of stout paper to one end of a piece of glass about 15 cm. long and 10 cm. wide, so that the projecting part of the paper may serve as a handle for mov- ing the glass, which is to be lightly smoked. Provide a wooden block shaped like that shown in Fig. 161, the greatest length of which is about 30 cm. long and the thickness of which at the part marked a is about 2.5 cm. The several faces of the thicker part of this block have holes, into any one of which the handle of a tuning- FIG. Nil. THE NATURE OF SOUND, ETC. 217 9 FIG. 1(>2. fork may be driven. The face, i, carries a hinge for fastening the block to the baseboard, and near the end of a is a large screw-eye extending into the baseboard. Fig. 162 shows a pendulum sup- ported from the edge of the shelf already men- tioned. The pendulum is made of a straightened piece of clock-spring with a lead bullet-bob at the lower end. The under side of the bob carries a style. This pendulum will vibrate across a line drawn along the middle of the baseboard. Place the smoked glass on the baseboard so that its length shall be parallel with the length of the board, and so that the pendulum shall hang near the end that carries the paper strip. Drive the handle of the tuning-fork into the hole in the block at the face marked t, and fasten the block at the other end of the smoked glass so that the style at the end of the fork shall come as near as possible to the style of the pendulum, and shall swing parallel with it when prong and pendulum are both in motion. Adjust the height of the shelf so that the pendulum wijl be long enough to make between 100 and 150 complete oscillations per minute. Then adjust the pendulum at the clamp on the edge of the shelf so that the style carried by the bob may just touch the glass and cut a line on its smoked surface. Accurately count the number of vibrations that the adjusted pendu- lum makes in a minute. Loosen the screw at the further end of the block that carries the fork, and adjust the height so that the style at the end of the prong just grazes the surface of the glass. Tack a thin strip of wood at the long edge of the glass to serve as a guide for the latter. Set pendulum and fork in vibration and quickly draw the glass lengthwise. From the two traces on the glass, count the num- ber of vibrations of the fork that correspond to one vibration of the pendulum, and thence compute the vibration-number of the fork. 218 ' SCHOOL PHYSICS. II. VELOCITY, REFLECTION, AND REFRACTION OF SOUND. Experiment 113. Provide three similar rubber tubes, each about 3 m. long; fill one of them with sand, and with equal tension stretch the three side by side, suspended between supports at their ends. Strike the two empty tubes simultaneously with a ruler and near one end ; notice that a wave runs along each tube to the other end where it is reflected; the waves return to the starting point at practically the same time; they travel with equal velocities. Increase the tension of one of the tubes and repeat the experiment. The increase of the elastic force increases the velocity of the wave. Similarly, send a wave along the sand-filled tube, and notice that the waves travel per- ceptibly more slowly in the heavier tube. 184. The Velocity of Sound depends upon two considera- tions, the elasticity and the density of the medium. It varies directly as the square root of the elasticity, and inversely as the square root of the density. (a) In solids, elasticity is measured by the modulus of elasticity (E), which is the reciprocal of the coefficient of elasticity (e). In liquids and gases, elasticity is measured by the resistances they offer to compression. (6) The velocity of the wave motion may be found by multiplying the wave-length by the number of vibrations per second, or the wave- length may be found by dividing the velocity by the number of vibra- tions. (c) Careful experiment has established the fact that the velocity of sound in air at the freezing temperature (0 C. or 32 F.) is about 332 m., or 1,090 feet per second. Oxygen is sixteen times as dense as hydro- gen. Under the same pressure, the elasticity is the same ; hence, sound travels four times as fast in hydrogen as it does in oxygen. A change of pressure on a gas will change elasticity and density equally, and, therefore, will not affect the velocity of sound transmitted by the gas. If a confined portion of any gas is heated, its elasticity is in- VELOCITY, REFLECTION, AND REFRACTION. 219 creased without any change of density. Hence, a rise of temperature without barometric change increases the velocity of sound in the air. The added velocity is about 0.6 m., or 2 feet for each degree that the centigrade thermometer rises ; or 0.33 m. or 1.12 feet for each degree that the Fahrenheit thermometer rises. (rf) Owing to the high elasticity of liquids and solids as compared with their densities, they transmit sound with great velocities. In water at 8 C., sound travels at the rate of 4,708 feet per second, and the velocity is considerably affected by changes of temperature; in glass, the velocity is 14,850 feet, and in iron it is 16,820 feet ; in lead, a metal of high density and low elasticity, the velocity of sound is 4,030 feet per second. Reflection. Experiment 114. Repeat Experiment 110, and notice that the waves successively started by the hand are turned back at the other end of the rope and meet the advancing waves. When any part of the rope is equally urged in opposite directions by a direct and a re- flected wave, the resultant of the two forces is zero, and the rope at that point remains at rest. Experiment 115. Slip the loops at the ends of the wire spiral used in Experiment 111 over hooks screwed into the sides of two boxes. Separate the boxes so as to support and slightly stretch the spiral, fastening the boxes by nailing them down or by loading them with sand. Start a pulse in the spiral, and notice that the wave runs to the other end, is turned back or reproduced in the same medium, moves along the spiral to its starting point, and so continues its jour- neys to and fro until its energy is dissipated. It looks as though a wave motion might be reflected ( 76) as well as a motion of trans- lation. Experiment 116. Hold a lamp reflector or other large concave mirror directly facing the sun, so as to bring the rays of light to a focus. Move a piece of paper until you find the place where a spot on the paper is most brilliantly illuminated by the reflected rays, and measure the distance of this focus, F, from A, the center of the re- flector (see Fig. 163). At some point, W, between F and C, the center of curvature of the reflector, hang a loud-ticking watch, and hunt for the point, X, at which the ear can most distinctly hear the ticking. 220 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 163. Use a glass funnel as an ear-trumpet. Keep watch and ear in these positions, and have the reflector removed. The ticking will be faint or inaudible. 185. Reflection of Sound. When a sound wave strikes an obsta- cle, it is reflected in obedience to the principle given in 76. Fig. 164 represents two parabolic reflectors, mn and op. It is a peculiarity of such reflectors that rays starting from the focus, as F, will be reflected as parallel rays, and that parallel rays falling upon such a reflector will converge at the focus, as P '. Hence, two such reflectors may be placed in such a position that sound waves starting from one focus shall, after two reflections, be converged at the other focus. By such means, the ticking of a watch may be made audible at a distance of two or three hundred feet. Two reflectors so placed are said to be con- jugate to each other. This principle underlies the phe- nomena of whispering galleries. 186. An Echo is a sound repeated by reflection so as to be heard again at its source. If the direct and reflected sounds succeed each other with great rapidity, as will be the case when the reflecting surface is near, the \L FIG. 1(54. VELOCITY, REFLECTION, AND REFRACTION. 221 echo obscures the original sound and is not heard dis- tinctly. Such indistinct echoes often interfere with distinct hearing in large halls and churches. Multiple or tautological echoes are due either to independent re- flections by bodies at different distances, or to successive reflections, as between parallel walls. (a) The time interval between a sound and its echo is the time required for a sound to travel twice the space interval between the source of the sound and the reflecting body. Suppose that a person can distinctly pronounce five syllables in a second. While one sylla- ble is being spoken, the sound waves that constitute the first part of the syllable will have traveled one-fifth of 1,120 feet or 224 feet. If these waves are to be brought back to the ear of the speaker imme- diately after the syllable is completed, the reflecting surface should be about 112 feet distant. If it is nearer than this, the reflected sound will return before the articulation is complete and confusedly blend with it. If the reflector is 224 feet distant, there will be time to pronounce two syllables before the reflected wave returns. The echo of both syllables may then be heard ; and so on. Refraction. Experiment 117. Fill with carbon dioxide a large rubber toy bal- loon or other double- convex lens having easily flexible walls. Suspend a watch, and place your- self so that you can just hear its ticking. Have the gas-filled lens moved back and forth in the line between watch and ear until the ticking is much more plainly heard. Use a glass funnel as an ear-trumpet. 187. Refraction of Sound. As explained in 183 (a), the lines of propagation of sound are ordinarily radial or FIG. 222 SCHOOL PHYSICS. divergent. When such waves pass obliquely from one medium to another of different density, the line of propa- gation is bent, as will be more fully explained in the chapter on Light. This bending of the lines of propagation is called refraction. Such lines may be made less diver- gent or even converging, as in Experiment 117, and the energy of the waves concentrated at a focus. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. If 18 seconds intervene between the flash and report of a gun, what is its distance, the temperature being C.V 2. Steam was seen to escape from the whistle of a locomotive, and the sound was heard 7 seconds later. The temperature being 15 C., how far was the locomotive from the observer ? 3. What is the length of sound waves propagated through air at a temperature of 15 C. by a tuning-fork that vibrates 224 times per second ? 4. Determine the temperature of the air when the velocity of sound is 1,150 feet per second. 5. Why will an open hand or a palm-leaf fan held back of the ear often aid a partly deaf person in hearing a speaker ? 6. A shot is fired before a cliff and the echo heard 6 seconds later. The temperature being 15 C., determine the distance of the cliff. 7. A musical instrument makes 1,100 vibrations per second. Under what conditions will the sound waves be each a foot long ? 8. How many vibrations per second are necessary for the formation of sound waves 4 feet long, the velocity of sound being 1,120 feet? Determine the temperature at the time of the experiment. 9. Taking the velocity of sound as 332 m., determine the length of the waves produced by a body vibrating 830 times per second. 10. When the velocity of sound is 1,128 feet, determine the rate of vibration of the vocal cords of a man whose voice sets up waves 12 feet long. 11. A person stands before a cliff and claps his hands and hears an echo in | of a second. Determine the distance of the cliff from the man. 12. A sportsman fires his gun and 2 seconds later hears its report VELOCITY, REFLECTION, AND REFRACTION. 223 the second time. The temperature being C., how far away is the reflecting surface ? 13. A stone is dropped down the shaft of a mine and 5 seconds later is heard to strike the bottom. The temperature being 15 C., what is the depth of the mine ? 14. Why does sound travel more rapidly through the iron of a pipe than it does through the air contained in the pipe? 15. From the cyclopedia, cull the story of the prison built by Dio- nysius, the Syracusan tyrant, and explain its remarkable acoustic properties. 16. Two single-stroke electric bells on the same circuit are made to strike 5 times a second. When the bells are at the same distance from the hearer, 5 strokes per second are heard ; when one of them is about 112 feet further away than the other, 10 strokes per second are heard ; and when one of them is about 22-4 feet further away than the other, only 5 strokes per second are heard. Explain. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. A seconds pendulum; spy glass or opera glass; heavy hammer; long measuring tape; thermometer; two pis- tols ; two or more good watches ; cardboard ; toy trumpet ; a few lengths of tin water-spout. 1. Let two pupils, A and B, take positions about 900 feet apart, so that each can see the other. Let A set up a seconds pendulum with a heavy bob painted white, so that it shall swing across the line extending from him to B. Drive a stake beneath the pendulum bob, or indicate its lowest position in some other way that may be seen by B. Swing the pendulum, and, just as the pendulum passes the verti- cal, strike a board, stone, or anvil with a hammer that carries a white cloth, so that its motion may be easily visible. B observes these motions through a spy glass and shifts his position from time to time, signaling for other hammer strokes, until his distance from A is such that the sound produced when the pendulum passes the vertical in one direction is heard when the pendulum passes the vertical in the other direction. Mark the position of B. Measure the distance between A and B, and note the reading of the thermometer. If the wind is not blowing, this distance roughly indicates the velocity of sound in air at the observed temperature. It will be well to check the result obtained by reversing the experiment. Let A swing the pendulum. Let B watch it until he feels the motions, and then strike 224 SCHOOL PHYSICS. a blow just as the pendulum passes the vertical. If A does not hear the sound just as the pendulum next passes the vertical, let him signal .B to come nearer or go further away, continuing the work until the sound moving from B to A comes in on time. Let B measure the distance between" his two stations, and thence determine the distance of his second position from A. The average of the two distances between A and .B may be taken as the velocity of sound in still air at the temperature observed. If your result differs much from the velocity as computed from the data recorded in 184 (c), you may know that your work has not been well done. NOTE. Exercises 1 and 2 may not be practicable in the immediate vicinity of a city school, but it is well worth the effort to make a Sat- urday scientific class-excursion into the country, for the purpose of executing them. If the experiments are performed in the cool air of a frosty morning, and repeated in the warmer air of early afternoon, a change in the velocity of the sound will be observed. 2. Place two pupils, C and Z>, each of whom has a pistol and a watch, and knows how to take care of them, a long distance apart, but in sight of each other. Let half of the pupils who have watches accompanv C; the others who have watches should go with D. Let C fire his pistol, D and his party noting the interval between the appearance of the flash and the hearing of the report. Take the average of the observations made by the different members of the party, excluding any observation that differs very widely from most of the others. Then let D fire his pistol while C and his party observe the interval and determine their average. Measure the dis- tance between the stations occupied by C and D, and note the read- ing of the thermometer. Record the average of the two averages as the time required for sound to travel that distance at that tempera- ture. From such data compute the velocity of sound per second under the conditions of the experiment. 3. On opposite sides of the center of a disk of cardboard about 15 inches in diameter, cut out two sectors, as shown in Fig. 166. Mount the disk on a whirling table. Sit beside the apparatus, so as to turn the driving wheel with one hand, and with the other hold a. toy trumpet so that its axis shall be inclined to the surface of the disk, about midway between center and circumference. Rotate the disk steadily and sound the trumpet at the same time. Let other pupils take positions in a distant part of the room, as indicated by the law of reflected motion, so that the sound waves from the trumpet reflected CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES. 225 by the disk will reach their ears. When the sectors pass before the mouth of the trumpet, the sound will become softer, and when the cardboard re- flector passes, the sound will become stronger. Record a description and explanation of the experiment. 4. On a table like that shown in Fig. 45, lay two tin tubes, each about 150 cm. ,' . ,. FIG. 166. long and 10 cm. in diameter. A few lengths of water-spout will answer. The axes of the tubes should lie on radial lines (like BA and BC) that make equal angles with the radius, BD, drawn perpendicular to the reflecting surface at B. If you have no such table, draw the radial lines on any table-top, and properly place a piece of glass, as at B, to serve as a reflector. Suspend a watch at the outer end of one of the tubes and hold the ear at the outer end of the other tube. Notice the intensity of the sound caused by the ticking of the watch. Shift the inner end of one of the tubes from its position. Listen again and notice the relative intensity of the sound. III. CHAKACTEEISTICS OF TONES. 188. Differences in Tones. Sound waves differ in respect to amplitude, length, and form. These differences in the waves give rise to corresponding differences in the sensations that they produce. Variations in amplitude correspond to differences in intensity or loudness ; differences in wave-length correspond to differences in pitch ; differences in wave-form correspond to differences in timbre or musical quality. Intensity. Experiment 118. Set a tuning-fork in feeble vibration by striking it gently ; the sound that you hear will be faint. Strike the fork a 15 226 SCHOOL PHYSICS. harder blow ; its prongs will vibrate with more energy and the sound that you hear will be louder. Gently pluck a guitar string; it vibrates to and fro across its place of rest, striking feeble blows upon the air and sending sound waves to the ear. Pluck the same string more vigorously ; it vibrates with greater amplitude, striking the air with greater energy and sending to the ear sound waves of greater intensity than before. 189. Intensity and Amplitude. The intensity of a sound depends primarily upon the energy of vibration of the sonorous body, and thence on the amplitude of the vibrating particles of the sound medium. The greater the amplitude, the greater the energy and the louder the sound. (a) If the amplitude of the vibration of a sonorous body is doubled, the velocity with which it swings will be doubled, for the vibrations are as strictly isochronous as the oscillations of a pendulum. Since energy varies as the square of the velocity, it follows that the intensity of sound varies as the square of the amplitude. Since energy varies as the mass, it follows that the intensity of sounds generated in gases of little density (see Experiments 102 and 103) will have less intensity than sounds generated in heavier gases like air and carbon dioxide. (&) If a smoked glass is drawn very slowly under a style carried by a prong of a vibrating tuning-fork, as shown in Fig. 150, the soot will be scraped from the glass and the area thus cleaned will be tri- angular. As the sound of the fork grows feebler, the swings of the prong become shorter and the trace tapers off. Experiment 119. Whisper into one end of a length (50 feet) of garden hose. A person listening with his ear at the other end of the hose can distinctly hear what is said although the sound is inaudible to a person holding the middle of the hose. 190. Intensity and Distance. In the open air, a sound wave expands as a spherical shell, and its energy is dis- tributed among the increasing number of air particles that constitute these successive shells or spherical surfaces. This number of air particles varies as the square of the CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES. 227 radius of the sphere. The energy of any given number of these air particles must, therefore, vary inversely as the square of such radius ; in other words, the intensity of sound varies inversely as the square of the distance from the sonorous body. (a) If the sound wave is not allowed to expand as a spherical shell, its energy cannot be thus diffused and its intensity will be conserved. Hence, the efficiency of speaking-tubes and speaking- trumpets. (6) The law above given is true only when the distance is so great in comparison with the dimensions of the sounding body that the latter may be considered a center from which sound waves proceed along radial lines. A person 10 feet from a passing railway train does not hear a sound four times as loud as that heard by a person 20 feet from the train. Experiment 120. Strike a tuning-fork held in the hand. Notice the feeble sound. Strike the fork again and place the end of the handle upon a table. The loudness of the sound heard is remarkably increased. Experiment 121. Strike the fork and hold it near the ear, count- ing the number of seconds that you can hear it. Strike the fork again with equal force ; place the end of the handle on the table and count the number of seconds that you can hear it. 191. Intensity and Area. When a vibrating body is small or thin, the particles of the air readily flow around it instead of being set into vibration by it. Hence, the sound of a small tuning-fork is feebler than that of a large one. When the sonorous lody has a large surface, its vibra- tions set up well-marked condensations and rarefactions, and the consequent sound is correspondingly intense. (a) In the sonometer, piano, violin, guitar, etc., the sound is due more to the vibrations of the resonant bodies that carry the strings than to the vibrations of the strings themselves. The strings are too thin to impart enough motion to the air to be sensible at any con- 228 SCHOOL PHYSICS. siderable distance ; but as they vibrate, their tremors are carried by the bridges to the material of the sounding apparatus with which they are connected. These larger surfaces throw larger masses of air into vibration and thus greatly intensify the sound. It necessarily follows that the energy of the vibrating body is sooner exhausted. (6) The intensity of tones is also affected by resonance and inter- ference, as will be subsequently explained. Pitch. Experiment 122. Draw a finger-nail across the tips of the teeth of a comb, slowly the first time and rapidly the second time. Xotice the difference in the sounds produced. If one is louder than the other, is that the only difference? Experiment 123. The Savart wheel, shown hi Fig. 167, consists of a heavy metal toothed wheel that may be put in rapid revolution by pulling a cord wound upon its axis. Set such a wheel in rapid motion and hold the edge of a card against its teeth. As the speed of the wheel diminishes, the shrill tone produced by the rapid vibrations of the card correspondingly falls in pitch. Experiment 124. From a piece of stiff card- board, cut a disk 8| inches in diameter. From FIG. 167?" *h e same center, draw four circles with radii of 2 inches, 2f inches, 3| inches, and 3f inches respectively. Divide the inner of these circumferences into 24 equal parts, the second into 30, the third into 36, and the fourth into 48. At each division, punch a T 3 g-inch (5 mm.) hole. Cut a hole at the center and mount the perforated disk on the spindle of a whirling table, and you have a simple .form of the siren. See Fig. 168. Rotate the disk slowly, blowing meanwhile through a tube of about T Vinch bore, the nozzle of the tube being held opposite the interior ring of holes. As each successive hole comes before the end of the tube, a puff of air goes through the disk. As the speed of the disk increases, the puffs become more frequent, and finally blend into a whizzing sound in which the ear can detect a smooth tone. As the disk is given an increasing velocity, this tone rises in pitch. With a CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES. 229 given rate of rotation of the apparatus, the pitch will rise as the tube is moved outward in succession from the inner to the outer circle of perforations. Does it not appear that the pitch of a sound rises with the fre- quency of the vibrations that produce it? 192. Pitch is the char- acteristic of a sound or tone by which it is rec- ognized as acute or grave, high or low. It depends upon the rapid- ity of the vibrations by which the sound is produced ; the more rapid the vibrations, the higher the pitch. (a) Since, in a given me- dium, all sounds travel with the same velocity, the rate of vibration determines the wave-length. If the sounding body vibrates 224 times per second, 224 waves will be started each second. If the velocity of the sound is 1,120 feet, the total length of these 224 waves must be 1,120 feet, or the length of each wave must be 5 feet. If another body vibrates twice as fast, it will crowd twice as many waves into the 1,120 feet ; each wave will be only 2$ feet long. Thus, wave-length may be used to measure pitch ; the greater the wave-length, the lower the pitch. (6) If the sounding body and the listening ear approach each other, the sound waves will beat upon the ear with greater rapidity. This is equivalent to increasing the rapidity of vibration of the sound- ing body. The opposite holds true when the sounding body and the ear recede from each other. This explains why the pitch of the whistle of a railway locomotive is perceptibly higher when the train is rapidly approaching the observer than when it is rapidly moving away from him. FIG. 168. 230 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 193. The Range of Hearing of different persons varies. The lower limit for 'most persons is probably represented by about 30 vibrations per second, although some experi- menters place it at 16 vibrations. Similarly, the upper limit varies from 38,000 to 41,000 vibrations per second. Tones of musical value lie between the limits of 27 and 4,000 vibrations per second. (a) Everybody understands the differences in the range of the human voice, that one can sing bass and another one soprano, the dif- ference depending upon the rate of vibration of the vocal cords. It is equally true, but not equally well known, that some persons are unable to hear low sounds that are distinctly audible to most persons, while the hearing apparatus of others is unable to respond to sounds of high pitch or short wave-length, which are easily heard by the greater number. Some persons whose hearing is considered fairly sensitive have never heard the shrill chirping of the cricket. 194. An Interval is the difference or distance in pitch between two tones, and is described by the ratio between the vibration-numbers of the two tones. Thus, the interval of an octave is represented by the ratio 2 : 1 ; a fifth, 3:2; a fourth, 4 : 3 ; a major third, 5:4; and a minor third, 6:5. 195. A Musical Scale is a definite, standard series of tones for artistic purposes, and lying within a limiting interval. In constructing such a series, the first step is the adoption of such a limiting interval for the division of the possible range of tones into convenient sections of equal length. In modern music, this limiting interval is the octave. 196. The Gamut. Starting from any tone arbitrarily chosen, and called the keynote, the interval of an octave CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES. 231 may be traversed by seven definite steps, thus giving a series of eight tones that are very pleasing to the ear. The eighth tone of this group becomes the first tone (i.e., the keynote) of the group or octave above. The inter- vals between these tones are not equal, as will soon appear more clearly. This familiar series of eight tones is called the gamut or major diatonic scale. The series may be repeated in either direction to the limits of audible pitch. The names and relative vibration-numbers of these tones, and the intervals between them, are as follows : Relative Absolute Syllables Relative Vibration M n ^ I BE m 9 ; 1 1 m ff -1 1 8 C 4 do 48 2 *7 names J- * ' 123 C 3 D 3 E 3 do re mi 24 27 30 1 I 1 4 F 3 fa 32 f i 5 6-7 G 3 A 3 B 3 sol la si 36 40 45 t * names vibration- numbers . i-ratios Intervals t (a) The initial tone or keynote of such a series may have any number of vibrations, and whatever pitch is assigned to C, the num- ber of vibrations of any tone may be found by multiplying the vibration-number for C by the vibration-ratios given above. Physi- cists assign to C 3 , sometimes called " middle C," 256 vibrations per second (256 = 2 8 ). Musicians and makers of musical instruments in this country and Europe have adopted the "international pitch," which gives for standard A$, 435 vibrations per second. This cor- responds to 258.6 vibrations for C 3 ( 198). (6) When two tones with vibration-numbers as 1 : 2 are sounded together, the character of the combination is the same as that of either tone alone. It is the interval most readily produced by the human voice, and seems to have a foundation in nature ; such an interval is called an octave. When three tones with vibration- numbers as 4:5:6 are sounded together (e.g., C, E, (7), a new 232 SCHOOL PHYSICS. quality seems to be added, and the combination produces a very pleasing sensation. The tones are in harmony, or in accord with each other. Such simultaneous sounding of three or more concordant tones constitutes a chord, of which there are several kinds. The three tones above mentioned (i.e., C, E, G) constitute a major chord. A combination of three tones with vibration-numbers as 10 : 12 : 15 (e.g., E, 0, B) constitute a minor chord. 197. Diatonic Scales. The major diatonic scale is built upon three major chords, and the minor diatonic scale upon three minor chords, with the octave of the various tones. (a) The method of building up the major diatonic scale is as fol- lows : Assign to Cs, as the first of three tones with vibration-num- bers as 4:5:6, any number of vibrations, as 256 per second. Its octave will have 512 vibrations; and the tones of the major chord will have respectively 256 x f , 256 x f , 256 x f , vibrations per second. Designating these four tones by their absolute names, we have : C 3 Z> 3 E s F s G 3 A 3 B 3 C 4 256 ? 320 ? 384 ? ? 512. Taking Ct as the third tone of another major chord, we have : 4:5:6 = ?:?: 512 = 341 : 426| : 512. Assigning the two vibration-numbers thus found to Fs and As, we have : C s Z> 3 E s F 3 Gs A 3 3 C 4 256 ? 320 341| 384 426f ? 512. Again, starting with Gz = 384, as the first tone of another major chord, we have the series : 4 : 5 : 6 = 384 : ? : ? = 384 : 480 : 576 . The tone with 480 vibrations will be called Bs, as it lies between ;, those already called A 3 and C. The last tone, having 576 vibrations, ' must be placed beyond C*4, but the tone an octave lower, with a vibration-number half as great, 288, falls between C$ and E s . This lower tone we will call D s . CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES. 233 The three chords and the complete series formed from them, in musical notation, with their respective vibration-numbers, which will be found to be in the ratios already given, are: s C 3 D 3 E 3 F 3 G 3 A 3 B 3 C 4 256 288 320 341.3 384 426.6 480 512 (6) A minor diatonic scale may be constructed from three minor chords, founded upon any assigned pitch, in the same manner as described above for the major scale. 198. Chromatic Scale. In music, other tones of the simple scale already described are needed as the beginnings of similar diatonic scales. For instance, D 3 may be used as the keynote. With this, three chords may be formed, using the intervals 4 : 5 : 6, as follows : 4 : 5 : 6 = 288 : 380 : 432 4 : 5 : 6 = 384 : 480 : 576 4:5:6 = 432:540:2 x 324. The new complete series is : A i <> a* <> B, <> D 4 288 324 380 384 432 480 ,540 576. Thus four new tones are introduced by using D 3 as the keynote. Any other tone of the first scale, or any of these new tones, may be used as new keynotes. If we form the twenty-four scales ordinarily used in music, twelve major and twelve minor, no fewer than seventy- two tones, within the limits of the octave, will represent them. To use so many tones in each octave of keyed instruments, such as the piano and organ, is a practical 234 SCHOOL PHYSICS. impossibility. As many of these tones differ from each other but little, musicians have agreed to make a com- promise by giving up the simple perfection of the inter- vals of the chords described, and to divide the octave into twelve equal intervals, called semi-tones. The series of thirteen semi-tones, separated by the twelve equal intervals, constitutes the modern chromatic scale. (a) The eight tones nearest those already described are named as we have already designated them, while the five interpolated tones, corresponding to the black keys on the piano keyboard, are called sharps of the tones immediately below them or flats of the tones next above them. The compromising process between theory and practice, or the principle by which the octave is divided into twelve equal intervals, is called equal temperament. In this system, the only perfect interval is the octave, and all chords are slightly " out of tune." (6) The interval in this scale is ^/o = 1.05946. Any tone being given, the next above is found by multiplying by 1.05946, or the next below by dividing by the same number. The equal tempered chro- matic scale founded upon the international pitch, A 3 = 435 vibrations, as universally used in music, is as follows : n u. G & J C 3 C 3 3 D 3 D 3 S E 3 F 3 F 3 3 G 3 G 3 S A 3 A 3 S B 3 C 4 258.6 274.0 290.3 307.5 325.8 345.2 365.8 387.5 410.6 435 460.9 488.3 517.3 Tones and Overtones. Experiment 125. Repeat, Experiment 114, using the soft cotton rope or the long wire spiral used in Experiment 115. By properly timing the motion of the hand, the rope may be made to vibrate as a whole. Doubling the rapidity of motion of the hand, the rope or spiral divides itself into two vibrating segments, separated from each other by a point of apparent rest called a "node." Trebling or quadrupling the rapidity of the motion of the hand causes the rope or spiral to divide into three or four segments separated by a corre- sponding number of nodes. In each case, the period of the hand UNIVERSITY OF CALfFORWA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES. 235 must synchronize with that of the rope or spiral and of the several segments, but by a little practice one may so time the motions of the hand as to bring out the segmental vibrations just described. Experiment 126. Bow or pluck the string of a sonometer (see Fig. 171) near its end, thus setting it in vibration as a whole. The FIG. 169. string will have the appearance of a single spindle as shown in Fig. 169, and will sound the lowest tone that it is capable of produc- FIG. 170. ing. Lightly touch the wire at its middle point with the tip of the finger or the beard of a quill; the wire will vibrate in halves (Fig. 170) FIG. 171. and sound a tone an octave above that previously heard. Sound the sonometer again, touch the string as before, and try to distinguish 236 SCHOOL PHYSICS. both tones as coming simultaneously from the apparatus. Again set the string in vibration and touch it at one-third its length. The vibrating string di- vides into thirds as shown in Fig. 171, v n and emits a tone that ==H * == =-B the trained ear recog- FlG 172 nizes as the fifth of the octave above that first sounded. Probably both sounds will be heard at the same time. In similar manner, a string sufficiently long may be made to vibrate in any aliquot part of its whole, as fourths, fifths, ninths, tenths, etc. The string should be touched at n and bowed at v, as shown in Fig. 172. 199. Fundamental Tones and Overtones. The tone that is sounded by a body vibrating as a whole, i.e., the lowest tone that such a body can produce, is called its fundamental or primary tone. The tones produced by the vibrating seg- ments of sonorous bodies are called overtones, partial tones, or harmonics. The partial tones are named first, second, third, etc., in the order of their vibration-numbers, begin- ning with the fundamental. (a) It is customary to regard both ends of the string as nodes. The points of greatest vibration, midway between the nodes, are called anti-nodes. If little A-shaped riders, made of slips of paper bent in the middle, are placed on a string and the string is then made to vibrate in segments, the riders at the nodes will remain in position while those at the anti-nodes will be thrown off as shown in Fig. 171. (b) The interval from the fundamental to the first overtone is an octave ; to the second, an octave and a fifth; to the third, two octaves; to the fourth, two octaves and a major third ; to the fifth, two octaves and a fifth, etc. 200. Quality or Timbre is the characteristic by which we distinguish one tone from another of the same intensity CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES. 237 and pitch. The middle C of a piano is essentially different from the same tone of an organ, and any tone of a flute is distinguishable from any tone of a violin. The physical basis of quality is wave-form, and is due to the number, relative intensities, and relative phases of the overtones that accompany the fundamental. (a) The well-trained ear can detect several tones when a piano- key is struck. In other words, the sound of a vibrating piano-wire is a compound tone (see Experiment 138) . The sound of a tuning- fork is a fairly good example of a simple sound. By sounding simul- taneously the necessary number of forks, each of proper pitch and with appropriate relative intensity, Helmholtz showed that the com- pound sounds of musical instruments, including even the most wonderful one of all, the human voice, may be produced synthetic- ally. Simple tones lack the richness that is so highly prized in musical instruments. (6) The way in which a single string can simultaneously give rise to several tones, i.e., how the segmental vibrations are imposed upon the fundamental, may be explained as fol- lows : In Fig. 173, AB A^^ represents a string Fio. 173. which, when vibrating as a whole, sounds its fundamental, and assumes the form A CB. Fig. 17-i represents the same string sounding its fundamental and its first overtone. In this case the fundamental is represented by the dotted line, while -U^ _ the resultant com- ^ ""^>>g pound tone is repre- F m sented by the continu- ous line, *A CB. While AB vibrates as a whole, its halves, AC and CB, vibrate in opposite directions, and with doubled rapidity. Fig. 175 represents the compounding of the same fundamental with its second over- tone. The fundamental is represented by the dotted line as before, FlG - 175 - 288 SCHOOL PHYSICS. while the resultant compound tone is represented by the continuous line, ADD'B. While A B vibrates as a whole, its thirds, AD, DD', and D'J3, vibrate in alternately opposite directions, and with trebled rapidity. The difference in the three wave-forms is manifest in the figures. Such combinations may be made in almost endless variety, each combination representing a compound tone that varies from all of the others. 201. The Graphic Method of studying sounds, which fairly meets even the exacting demands of physicists, and is largely used by them, may be briefly explained thus: Suppose the smoked plate of Fig. 150 to be a sheet of smoked paper fastened upon the surface of a cylinder that is so mounted that, when it is turned by a crank, the screw cut upon the FIG. 176. . ,, ,. , axis moves the cylinder endwise, as shown in Fig. 176. Such an instrument is called a vibroscope. (a) When the style *of a vibrating tuning-fork just touches the paper, and the crank is turned, the vibrations will be traced in the form of a sinusoidal spiral upon the smoked surface, the amplitude, length and form of each wave being truthfully recorded. The cylin- der may be turned by clockwork. By counting the number of waves traced in one second, we obtain directly the vibration-number of the fork. By various ingenious and delicate devices, the wave-forms that correspond even to a very complex tone may thus be secured for study or illustration. Such a record may be written parallel with that of a tuning-fork of known frequency (i.e., vibration-number), and com- parative study thus facilitated. For instance, if the record of a phonautograph (see dictionary) shows that while the fork recorded CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES. 239 70 vibrations, a singing voice recorded 180, and the vibration-number of the fork is known to be 100, a simple proportion (70 : 180 : : 100 : x) shows that the vibration-number of the voice was 257i, indicating FIG. 177. a tone almost identical with that of middle C of the pianoforte. Fig. 177 shows traces of several compound tones, each written below the sinusoidal tracing of the tuning-fork. Manometric Flames. Experiment 127. From an inch board, cut a strip, A, 2 inches wide and 10 inches long. Cut another block, B, 2 inches square. Placing the point of an inch center-bit an inch from the end of A, bore a shallow hole, about |- of an inch deep, in one side of the strip. Bore a similar hole at the middle of one side of B. Place the point of a |-inch center-bit at the center of the shallow hole in A, and bore a hole through the wood. Bore two T 3 g-inch holes from the bottom of the shallow hole in B and through the wood, one directly through the block at the center, and the other obliquely downward from the lower edge of the hole. Stretch a piece of gold- beater's skin, or of the thinnest sheet rubber you can find (toy balloon) over the mouth of the shallow hole in B, gluing it there. Spread glue over the face of A around the shallow hole and screw A and B together, so that the two shallow holes shall come face to face with the elastic membrane between them. The " manometric capsule " is complete. Xail the other end of .4 to a base board, as shown in Fig. 178. Set a glass tube, e, into the i-inch hole of A, making the joint tight with a strip of paper smeared with glue and wrapped about the end of e before it is forced into the hole. Attach one end of a piece of large-sized rubber tubing to the glass tube, 6, and the other end to a trumpet made by rolling up a piece of cardboard into 240 SCHOOL PHYSICS. a cone about 8 inches long and 2 inches across the mouth. Into the T 3 g -inch hole at the middle of B, tightly fit a glass tube, bent and drawn to a jet at the outer end. Into the other T 3 g-inch hole of B, tightly fit a straight glass tube, c, that may be connected with the house supply of illuminating gas. Turn on the gas and light it at the jet. If the air of the room is still, the flame will be compara- tively steady. Hold a vibrating tuning-fork at the mouth of the trumpet, and notice the flickering of the flame. This flickering of the flame is the thing that we are to study, and its cause ought to be clearly apparent to the pupil. From a board of an inch thick, 4 inches wide, and a foot long, cut a square piece marked M, and the tw r o attached spindles, H and K. Taper the spindles so that the whole piece may be easily twirled, as shown in the figure. The blunt point of the shorter spin- dle should rest in a shal- low pit, on a firm support. To the opposite sides of M, fasten, with tacks at the lower edge and with thread wound along the top and bottom borders, two pieces of thin silvered glass, thus completing the "revolving mirror." The support of the mirror should be at su,ch a height that the flame may be seen reflected from the middle of the mirror. Rotate the mirror and notice that the steady flame appears as a luminous ribbon of uniform width. If the flame is agitated by the wind from the mirror, shield the flame with a lamp chimney. While twirling the mirror, sing into the mouth of the cone, and notice that the image becomes indentated, each tongue indicating an increase of pressure on the diaphragm of the capsule. Each projection of the image corresponds to the condensation of a sound wave, and each depression to the rarefaction. FIG. 178. CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES. 241 FIG. 179. FIG. 180. The vibration of the flame may be seen without using the mirror, by quickly turning the head from side to side while looking at the flame, an interesting experiment. Experiment 128. While the mirror is rotating, sound a tuning- fork at the mouth of the trumpet, and notice that the image resembles Fig. 179. Then sound a tuning-fork that is an octave higher and notice that the image resem- bles Fig. 180, in which twice as many tongues as before are crowded into the same space. Experiment 129. Remove the large rubber tubing and connect e with two trumpets, using a T-pipe or a Y-tube. Sound the two forks just used, and hold each at the mouth of a trumpet, so that their respec- tive waves may be blended before they reach the diaphragm of the capsule. The image will re- semble that shown in Fig. 181. Evidently this figure could not have been made by a simple vi- bration. The alternate con- densations sent out by the fork of higher piteh unite with the condensations sent out by the fork of lower pitch, thus making the flame jump higher by their combined action on the diaphragm. NOTE. By singing different vowels to different tones, many dif- ferent images may be produced in the rotating mirror. 202. The Optical Method of studying sounds is well illustrated by Mayer's adaptation of Koenig's manometric flames, as employed in Experiment 127. This method, like the graphic, has the advantage of being independent of the sense of hearing. When the "manometric cap- 16 FIG. 181. 242 SCHOOL PHYSICS. sule " is connected by the tube, e, with a Helmholtz resonator ( 205, <#,), the flame will respond to the tone that affects the resonator. By using a series of such resona- tors in connection with the flame and mirror, the analysis of compound tones is made possible even for one who is deaf. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. If a musical sound is due to 144 vibrations, to how many vibra- tions will its third, fifth, and octave, respectively, be due ? 2. If a tone is produced by 264 vibrations per second, what number will represent the vibrations of the tone a fifth above its octave ? Ans. 792. 3. A given tone is found to be in unison with the tone emitted by the inner row of holes of the siren described in Experiment 124 when the disk is turned at the uniform rate of 640 times in 30 seconds. Assigning 256 vibrations for middle C, name the given tone. 4. The vibrations of two tuning-forks are simultaneously recorded by avibroscope. Comparison shows that 9 waves of one occupy the same space as 15 waves of the other. If the fork of lower tone is marked D, what should the other fork be marked? 5. Determine the vibration-number for each tone of a gamut the keynote of which has 261 vibrations. 6. Is there any difference in the pitch of a locomotive whistle when the locomotive is standing still, when it is rapidly approaching the observer, and when it is rapidly moving from him? If so, describe and explain it. 7. What is the vibration-number of the tone G next preceding that of a " violin- J. " fork of 440 vibrations ? 8. Why does the sound of a circular saw cutting through a board fall in pitch as the saw enters the board? 9. If an observer should approach a sounding organ-pipe with the velocity of sound, what would be the effect upon the pitch of the tone ? 10. If an observer should recede from the source of a musical tone with a velocity a little less than that of sound, what would be the effect upon the pitch of the tone? 11. Suppose that when an orchestra has nearly finished a per- CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES. 243 formance, an observer should move away from the orchestra with a velocity twice that of sound. Describe his relation to the sounds previously executed by the orchestra. 12. A tube about 6 feet long is mounted at its middle on an axis that is perpendicular to the length of the tube. A reed is fixed at one end of the tube and may be sounded by air forced into the tube through an aperture at its axis of rotation. The tube is sounded while in rotation. An observer standing in a prolongation of the axis of rotation hears a tone of constant pitch. An observer standing in the plane of rotation hears a tone of varying pitch. Explain the difference. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Cardboard ; punch. 1. Using the graphic method, show that the two prongs of a tuning- fork are moving in opposite directions at any given instant. 2. Make another disk for the siren used in Experiment 124, making eight circles of holes, each circle having in order the number of holes indicated by the relative vibration-numbers given in 196. Put this disk upon the whirling table and rotate it at such a uniform speed that the puffs made by the inner circle of twenty-four holes shall give a smooth musical tone. Move the nozzle of the tube through which you blow over the several circles in succession and name the familiar series of tones that you hear. 3. Figure 182 represents two sets of sound waves with like periods and phases but dif- ferent amplitudes. Draw a single curve to represent the re- sultant of the two series, remembering to make the ordinates of the resultant equal to the algebraic sum of the corresponding ordinates of the constituents. 4. Figure 183 represents two such wave systems meeting in opposite phases. Draw the resultant curve and tell how the sound it represents corre- FIG. 183. sponds to the sound represented by the resultant drawn in Exercise 3, and how it differs. 244 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 5. Figure 184 represents two wave systems of equal periods and amplitudes but of ,B opposite phases. Draw the resultant FlG - 184 - and describe in a single word the sonorous effect that it represents. 6. Bow a sonometer-string vigorously, and while it is sounding lessen the tension. Explain the discordant groan-like sound that is produced. 7. Arrange apparatus as required by Exercise 4, page 225. To the outer end of one of the tubes connect, by a funnel, a piece of large- sized rubber tubing about a yard long and thrust the shank of a glass funnel into the outer end of the rubber tubing. At the outer end of the other tube, place the tube, e, of the manometric capsule and arrange apparatus as described in Experiment 127. Light the flame and rotate the mirror. Have a vibrating tuning-fork at the mouth of the glass funnel, and notice, directly and by reflection, the agitation of the flame. Shift the position of one of the tubes so that the angles of incidence and reflection shall be unequal, and repeat the experiment. IV. CO-VIBRATION. Experiment 130. Support a soft cotton rope several yards long between two fixed supports, as the opposite sides of the room, or the floor and the ceiling. With a ruler, strike the rope a blow near one end so as to form a crest, as shown in Fig. 185. Vary the tension of the rope if necessary, until the crest is easily seen. Notice that the crest, c, travels from A to B, where it is reflected back to A as a trough, t. Strike the rope from above and thus start a trough which will be reflected as a crest. Experiment 131. Start a trough from A. At the moment of its reflection as a crest at B, start a crest at A as shown in Fig. 186. The CO-VIBRATION. 245 two crests will meet near the middle of the rope. The crest at the point and moment of meeting results from L and under an atmospheric pressure of 30 inches, measures 100 cubic inches; what will be its volume at 40, under a pressure of 28 inches? Solution : First suppose the pressure to change from 30 inches to 28 inches. The air will expand, the two volumes being in the ratio of 28 to 30 ( 171). 100 cu. in. x f f = 107} cu. in. Next, suppose the temperature to change from to 40. The expansion will be $$ of the volume at ; the volume of the air at 40 will be l/^ times its volume at 0. 107^ x !/,% = 122fff. Am. 122fff cu. in. Alternate Solution : 28 : 30 1 273 : 273 + 40 j : 9. At 150, what will be the volume of a gas that measures 10 cu. cm. at 15? 273 + 15 : 273 + 150 : : 10 : x. Ans. 14.69 cu. cm. 10. If 100 cu. cm. of hydrogen is measured at 100, what will be the volume of the gas at - 100? 273 + 100 : 273 - 100 : : 100 : x. Ans. 46.37 cu. cm. 11. A liter of air is measured at and 760 mm. What volume will it occupy at 740 mm. and 15.5? EFFECTS OF HEAT. 287 740- 760 + ! :: 1,000 :*. Ans. 1,085.34 cu. cm. 12. A rubber balloon that has an easy capacity of a liter contains 900 cu. cm. of oxygen at 0. What will be the volume of the oxygen when it is heated to 30? Ans. 998.9 cu. cm. 13. A certain weight of air measures a liter at 0. How much will the air expand on being heated to 100? Ans. 366.3 cu. cm. 14. A gas has its temperature raised from 15 to 50. At the latter temperature, it measures 15 liters. What was its original volume ? Ans. 13,374.6 cu. cm. 15. A gas measures 98 cu. cm. at 185 F. W r hat will it measure at 10 C. under the same pressure? Ans. 77.47 cu. cm. 16. A certain quantity of gas measures 155 cu. cm. at 10, and under a barometric pressure of 530 mm. What will be the volume at 18.7, and under a barometric pressure of 590 mm. ? 17. A gallon of air (231 cubic inches) is heated, under constant pressure, from to 60. What is the volume of the air at the latter temperature? Ans. 281.77 cu. in. 18. The bulb and tube of an air thermometer were filled with boil- ing water. The bulb being placed in water that contained ice, the level of the water in the tube fell for a time and then rose. Explain. At what temperature did the contraction cease and the expansion begin ? Liquefaction. Experiment 186. Place snow or finely broken ice and a thermom- eter in a vessel of watea The thermometer will fall to the freezing- point, but no further. Apply heat, so as to melt the ice very slowly, and stir the mixture constantly. The temperature does not rise until all of the ice is melted, or it rises so little that we may feel sure that there would be no rise if each particle of water could be kept in contact with a particle of ice. Experiment 187. Put a little water into a beaker, and determine its temperature. Add a small quantity of sodium sulphate, and stir with a thermometer. Notice the fall of temperature during the process of solution. Repeat Experiment 26. 233. The Liquefaction of a solid is effected by fusion or by solution. In either case heat is required to overcome 288 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the force of cohesion, and disappears in the process. Sometimes the absorption of heat involved in the lique- faction is disguised by the evolution of heat due to chemical action between the substances used. () The action of freezing-mixtures, e.g., one weight of salt and two or three of snow or pounded ice, depends upon the fact that heat is absorbed or disappears in the solution of solids. Solidification. Experiment 188. Place a thermometer in a small glass vessel containing water at 30, and a second thermometer in a large bath of mercury at 10. Immerse the glass vessel in the mercury. The tem- perature of the water gradually. falls to 0, when the water begins to freeze, and its temperature becomes constant. The temperature of the mercury rises while the water is freezing. 234. Solidification. When a liquid changes to a solid, the energy that was employed in maintaining the charac- teristic freedom of molecular motion against the force of cohesion is released and appears as heat. The amount of heat that reappears during solidification is the same as that which disappears during liquefaction. 235. Laws of Fusion. It has been found by experi- ment that the following statements are true : (1) A solid begins to melt at a certain temperature that is invariable for a given substance under constant pressure. This temperature is called the melting-point of that sub- stance. In cooling, such liquids solidify at the melting- point. (2) TJie temperature of a melting solid or of a solidify- ing liquid remains at the melting-point until the change of condition is completed. EFFECTS OF HEAT. 289 (3) Substances that contract on melting have their melt- ing-points loivered by pressure, and vice versa. (a) It is possible to reduce the temperature of a liquid below the melting-point without solidification, but when solidification does begin, the temperature quickly rises to the melting-point. Vaporization. Experiment 189. Pour a few drops of ether upon the bulb of a thermometer, or into the palm of the hand, and notice the rapid fall of temperature. See that there is no flame near enough to ignite the inflammable vapor. Experiment 190. Wet a block of wood and place a watch-crystal upon it. A film of water may be seen under the central part of the glass. Half fill the crystal with sulphuric ether, and evaporate it rapidly by blowing over its surface a stream of air from a small bellows. So much heat disappears that the watch-crystal is frozen to the wooden block. Experiment 191. In a vessel of sulphuric ether, place a test-tube containing water. Force a current of air through the ether. (Fig. 222.) Rapid evaporation is thus produced and, in a few minutes, the water is frozen. See Exercise 2, page 198. 236. Vaporization is the process of converting a substance, especially a liquid, into a vapor. This change of con- dition may be effected by an addition of heat, or by a diminution of pressure, or both. When it takes place slowly and quietly, the process is called evaporation. When it takes place so rapidly that 19 FIG. 290 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the liquid mass is visibly agitated by the formation of vapor bubbles within it, the process is called ebullition^ The heat that produces the change of condition disappears in the process. 237. Condensation. The liquefaction of gases and va- pors is effected by a withdrawal of heat or by an increase of pressure, or both. In either case, the energy that was employed in maintaining the aeriform condition is released and appears as heat. The amount of heat that reappears during liquefaction is the same as that which disappears during vaporization. 238. Laws of Evaporation. Experiments show that the rapidity of evaporation (1) Increases with a rise of temperature. (2) Increases with an increase of the free surface of the liquid. (3) Increases as the atmospheric or other pressure upon the liquid decreases, it being very rapid in a vacuum. (4) Increases with the rapidity of change of the atmos- phere in contact with the liquid. (5) Decreases with an increase of the vapor of the same substance in the atmosphere in contact with the liquid. (a) Water may be frozen by its own rapid evaporation under a low pressure. When liquefied carbon dioxide is relieved from pres- sure, it evaporates very rapidly ; the correspondingly rapid absorption of heat reduces the temperature to about 90, and freezes much of the gas to a snow-like solid. By evaporating liquefied hydrogen, a tem- perature of 243 has been obtained. 239. Dew-Point. A space is said to be in a state of saturation with respect to a vapor when it contains as EFFECTS OF HEAT. 291 much of that vapor as it can hold at that temperature. The vapor then has the maximum elastic pressure for that temperature. The quantity of vapor required for satura- tion increases rapidly with the temperature. When a body of moist air is cooled, the point of saturation is gradually approached; when it has been reached, any fur- ther cooling causes a condensation of the vapor to dew, fog, or cloud, according to circumstances. The tempera- ture at ivhich this condensation occurs is called the dew- point. An instrument for determining the ratio between the actual amount of water vapor present in the air, and that required for saturation is called a hygrometer. The branch of physics that relates to the determination of the humidity of the atmosphere is called hygrometry. (a) The ratio between the amount of watery vapor present in the air and the quantity that is required for saturation at the temperature of observation is called the relative humidity. This ratio is generally expressed in percentages, as 75 per cent, or 0.75. Boiling-Point. Experiment 192. In a beaker half full of water, place a thermom- eter and a test-tube half filled with ether. Heat the water. When the thermometer shows a temperature of about 60, the ether will begin to boil. The water will not boil until the temperature rises to 100. The temperature will not rise beyond this point. Experiment 193. Place a thermometer in a metal dish half filled with water, and place a lamp beneath the dish. Be careful that the bulb of the thermometer is covered with water, and that it is not less than FIG. 223. 4 or 5 cm. above the bottom of the vessel. Notice the rise of the thermometer. Soon the formation and condensation of minute steam-bubbles in the liquid will produce the peculiar sound known as singing or simmering, the well-known herald of ebullition. 292 SCHOOL PHYSICS. Finally, the water becomes heated throughout, the bubbles increase in number, grow larger as they ascend, burst at the surface, and disappear in the atmosphere. Notice that the temperature remains stationary after ebullition begins. Experiment 194. When the water used in Experiment 193 has partly cooled, dissolve in it as much common salt as possible, heat it again, and notice that it does not boil until the temperature is notice- ably higher than before. 240. Laws of Ebullition. It has been found by experi- ment that the following statements are true : (1) A liquid begins to boil at a certain temperature that is invariable for a given substance under constant conditions. This temperature is called the boiling-point of that substance. In cooling, such vapors liquefy at the boiling-point. (2) The temperature of the boiling liquid or of the lique- fying vapor remains at the boiling-point until the change of condition is completed. (3) An increase of pressure raises the boiling-point, and vice versa. (4) The boiling-point is affected by the character of the surface of the vessel containing the liquid, an effect of cohesion. (5) The solution of a salt in a liquid raises its boiling- point, additional energy being required to overcome the cohe- sion involved in the solution. (a) It is possible to heat water above its true boiling-point without ebullition, by confining the steam and thus increasing the pressure, but when the pressure is relieved, the superheated vapor immediately expands and its temperature is reduced. Hence, in determinations of the boiling-point, the thermometer is never immersed in the liquid but in the vapor just above it. Strictly speaking, the boiling-point is the temperature at which the elastic force of the vapor is equal to the pres- sure of the atmosphere. EFFECTS OF HEAT. 293 (&) The temperature of the water in a steam-boiler is higher than 100 whenever the pressure (recorded by the gauge) is greater than one atmosphere. At ten atmospheres, the temperature is about 180. Owing to the effect of atmospheric pressure upon the boiling-point of water, the latter may be used in the determination of altitudes above the sea-level. A thermometrical barometer for this purpose consists of a portable apparatus for boiling water, and a very sensitive ther- mometer, and is called a hypsometer. (c) A drop of water on a smooth metal surface at a high tempera- ture may rest upon a cushion of its own vapor, without coming into contact with the metal. A liquid in this spheroidal state is at a tem- perature below its boiling-point. When the metal cools so that the vapor pressure will not support the globule, the liquid comes into contact with the metal surface, and is converted into steam with great rapidity. Many boiler explosions are due to such causes. (d) Whenever the boiling-point of a substance is lower than its melting-point, the substance vaporizes directly without previous lique- faction. Such a change is called sublimation. The pressure at which the melting-point and the boiling-point of any substance coincide is called the fusing-point pressure. If the fusing-point pressure of a solid substance is greater than the atmospheric pressure, it will sublime when heated unless the pressure upon it is increased. Carbon dioxide sublimes under any pressure less than three atmospheres. Conversely, if the fusing-point pressure is less than the atmospheric pressure, sub- limation may be secured by reducing the pressure. Iodine sublimes at pressures less than 90 mm. of mercury, and* ice can not be melted at a pressure of less than 4.6 mm. Such sub- stances evaporate at tem- peratures below their melting-points. Distillation. Experiment 195. Partly fill with strong brine a Florence flask the cork of which carries a delivery-tube and a ther- FIG 9 294 SCHOOL PHYSICS. mometer. Pass the delivery-tube through a " water jacket/' J, kept cool substantially as shown in Fig. 224. Heat the liquid in the flask until it just boils, and taste the distilled water that collects in R. Experiment 196. Place a teaspoonful of alcohol in a saucer and apply a flame; the alcohol burns. Mix 50 cu. cm. of alcohol and 50 cu. cm. of water. Test a teaspoonful of the mixture as before ; it does not burn. Place the rest of the mixture in the flask of the appa- ratus described in Experiment 195, and heat the mixture to about 90 C. See if the liquid that collects in R will burn. If it will not/ empty the contents of R into F, and interpose between F and / a bottle that is partly immersed in a bath of boiling water and repeat the experiment. 241. Distillation is an application of volatilization and subsequent condensation for various purposes, such as the extraction of the essential principle of a substance from the liquid in which it has been macerated. (a) The most common distillation process consists in placing the distillable liquid in a metal retort, generally made of copper. When heat is applied, vapors rise into the movable head of the retort, the neck of which is connected with a spiral tube called the "worm." The worm being kept cool by flowing water, the vapors of the more easily volatile constituents of the liquid pass into it, are condensed, and make their exit as a liquid, while the solid and non-volatile liquid constituents remain behind in the retort. The whole apparatus is called a " still." (b) Fractional distillation is the process of separating liquids that have different boiling-points. The mixture is heated in a retort that allows constant observation of the temperature, and the distillates obtained between certain temperatures are collected separately. The most volatile constituent of the mixture will be found chiefly in the " fractions " first collected. By redistillation of the first fraction, this more volatile liquid may be obtained in comparative or absolute purity. EFFECTS OF HEAT. 295 CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. At high elevations, water boils at temperatures too low for ordi- nary culinary purposes. How may persons living there heat water sufficiently for boiling meats and vegetables ? 2. For the extraction of gelatine from bones by the action of hot water, a higher temperature than 100 is required. How may the water be heated sufficiently for such purposes ? 3. In sugar refining, it is desirable to evaporate the saccharine liquid at a temperature considerably lower than 100. Indicate a way in which this may be done. 4. Under ordinary pressure can ice be made warmer than ? 5. Solid type-metal floats on melted type-metal. Does melted type-metal expand or contract on solidifying? What effect has this quality upon the use of the metal in making type ? 6. At the summit of Mount Washington, water boils at a tempera- ture of about 94 ; at the summit of Mont Blanc, at 86 ; at the level of the Dead Sea, at 101. Explain these differences in the boiling- points of water. 7. If the smooth, dry surfaces of two pieces of ice are pressed together for a few seconds, the pieces will be frozen together when the pressure is removed. Explain this result, which is called regelation. 8. When the air of a room is artificially heated, the temperature may become considerably higher than the dew-point of the air in the room. Under such circumstances, the rapid evaporation of moisture from the person causes a disagreeable sensation in the lips, tongue, skin, etc. How may sucfi results be avoided ? 9. Sulphur begins to melt at 115. At what temperature does melted sulphur begin to solidify ? 10. How may sea-water be made fit for drinking? 11. A drop of water may be placed on a very hot platinum plate, and the plate so held that a candle-flame may be seen between the water and the plate. Explain. 12. How may a thermometer, a fire, and a dish of water, be used to determine the elevation of a place above the sea-level ? 13. Water standing in a slightly porous vessel acquires a tempera- ture lower than that of the surrounding atmosphere. Explain. 14. The temperature of islands and of the borders of the ocean and great lakes is more equable than that of inland regions of the same latitude. Point out the dependence of this fact upon the physi- cal properties of water. 296 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 15. The inner surface of the upper part of a bottle that contains iodine or gum-camphor is generally covered with minute crystals. What conclusion concerning the physical properties of iodine and camphor do you draw from this fact ? 16. What effect has the humidity of the atmosphere upon the dew-point ? LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Two air thermometers; kerosene; hy- drometer jar with perforations and jacket; candle; expansion appa- ratus as described below ; one of the thin, nickel-plated, brass vessels, larger at the top than at the bottom, such as are sold at hardware stores as lemonade " shakers." 1. Connect a small glass funnel by rubber tubing to the stem of an air thermometer. (Fig. 224.) The diameter of the bulb should be 4 or 5 cm. and the bore of the stem, 3 or 4 mm. Pour water into the funnel and work it down with a wire until the bulb is full and the liquid stands at the height of about 2 cm. in the stem. Similarly, fill a like bulb with kerosene. Immerse both bulbs in water almost boil- ing-hot. Notice the liquid levels in the stems at the instant of im- mersion and a few minutes later. Record all of your conclusions from the observed phenomena, not omitting to state what was measured by the rise of the liquids in the stems. 2. Drill a hole through the wall of a tall hydrometer jar near its top and another near the bottom. Close the holes with perforated corks carrying thermometers, so that the bulbs of the thermometers shall be inside the jar. Fill the jar with ice-cold water and notice that the thermometers give like readings. As the water is warmed to the temperature of the room, observe the thermometers, record your observations, and explain any change in the thermometric readings, and any difference between the readings of the two thermometers. 3. Around the middle of the hydrometer jar mentioned in Exer- cise 2, place a jacket and fill the jacket with a mixture of finely broken ice and salt. Record and explain changes in thermometric .readings as before. 4. On a day when the doors and windows are closed, ascertain the temperature of the laboratory near the ceiling and near the floor. Record your observations and explain any difference that you find. 5. On a day when the air in the laboratory is warmer than that outside, stand an outer door slightly ajar, and with a candle flame, EFFECTS OF HEAT. 297 seek for inward and outward air-currents. If you find them, explain their production and show that they have an important relation to artificial ventilation. 6. Half fill a Florence flask with water. Boil the water until the steam drives the air from the upper part of the flask. Cork the flask so that no air can enter, and quickly remove the lamp. Support the inverted flask upon the ring of a retort stand and place a pan below it. By this time, the water will have stopped boiling. Pour cold water upon the flask. Record and explain the consequent phe- nomena. Without again heating the water, repeat the drenching several times and finally immerse the flask in cool water. 7. Get a cylindrical tube, cd (Fig. 225), made of " galvanized " iron or other sheet metal. It should be about 2.5 cm. in diameter and about 60 cm. long. Near each end of the tube, insert a tube about 6 mm. in diameter and about 3 cm. long, as shown at a and i. At the middle of the main tube, insert a tube about 1.5 cm. in diameter and about 1 cm. long, as shown at e. Get a brass tube about 6 mm. in diameter and about 6 mm. longer than the tube, cd. Solder a fine steel wire in a FIG. 225. diametral position across one end of the brass tube. Accurately measure the length of the brass tube and place that tube inside the larger tube so that it shall be supported by short perforated corks that close the ends of the latter. The end that carries the steel wire should be at the end of the jacket marked c. Upon a baseboard about 1 m. long and 15 cm. wide, erect five posts, s, x, m, n and w. As m and n are to carry the brass tube and its jacket, they have V-shaped notches at their upper ends ; m is made a few millimeters longer than n, so that the water of condensation will run out at i. A common flat- headed screw is set in the vertical face of w so that, when the jacket is in position, the end of the brass tube will rest against the head of the screw. The distance between w and x is such that the latter may carry a right-angled lever, I, with its short arm resting in a vertical 298 SCHOOL PHYSICS. position against the wire soldered to the end of the brass tube. This lever may be made of a tapering piece of wood about 1.5 cm. square near the fulcrum end. A " machine " screw set into the face of x makes a good fulcrum. The short arm of the lever should be faced with a metal strip, the free surface of which lies in a vertical line through the center of the fulcrum when the long arm is horizontal. A metal casting of the shape indicated by Fig. 226, Fi 226 t ~" J * S Desirable f r carrying the index- arm of the lever. The lever should turn upon the fulcrum screw by its own weight but without looseness. The post, s, carries a millimeter scale over which the long arm of the lever moves. The large tube may be kept from turning upon its axis by a peg inserted in x, to which the tube at a may be tied. Place the large tube in position. Adjust the brass tube so that it projects about 3 mm. at each end and so that the steel wire is hori- zontal. When the short arm of the bent lever rests against the steel wire, adjust the screw in w until the long arm of the lever is hori- zontal. Pass the bulb of a thermometer through a perforated cork that closes the short tube at e; do not let it touch the brass tube. Place a tumbler below the exit tube at i. Connect the inlet tube at a, by a piece of rubber tubing 75 or 80 cm. long, to the boiler described in Exercise 3, page 275, and shield the adjusted apparatus from the heat of the lamp and boiler. Then measure the horizontal distance from the center of the fulcrum screw to the edge of the millimeter scale from which readings are to be taken, and the verti- cal distance from the center of the same screw to the steel wire at the end of the brass tube, and find the ratio between the two dis- tances. This ratio should be not less than 20. Note the reading of the scale and the temperature inside the jacket. Generate steam in the boiler and let it flow through the jacket for a few minutes after the mercury has ceased to rise in the thermometer. When the movement of the long arm of the lever ceases, take the readings of the millimeter scale, the thermometer, and the barometer. Test the accuracy of the thermometric reading by the temperature as computed from the boil- ing-point of water at the observed atmospheric pressure. Detach the rubber tube at a and allow the apparatus to cool. Press the brass THE MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 299 tube against the head of the screw in w and see if the index returns to its original position, as it should. From the data obtained, calcu- late the coefficients of linear and cubical expansion for brass. Represent the actual elongation of the bar by e ; the temperature observed at the beginning of the experiment by t ; the highest tem- perature by t' ; the length of the brass tube before heating by I; and the coefficient of linear expansion by k. Then we have, by definition : * = (t'-t)i' whence e = k (i '~ lm This last algebraic expression shows why k is called a coefficient. 8. Determine the boiling-point of a saturated solution of saltpeter. 9. Put a little water at the temperature of the laboratory into a nickel-plated cup, the outer surface of which should be brightly polished. Breathe upon the polished surface, and notice that the moisture-film is evanescent. Place the bulb of a thermometer in the water and add ice. Stir the mixture continually. Note the temperature of the cooling water at the moment when the moisture- film clearly appears on the outer surface of the cup at a point that cannot be affected by your breath. K the ice is not all melted, remove the residue from the cup. As the water slowly warms, note the temperature at which the moisture-film begins to disappear. Take the mean of the two observed temperatures and call it the "dew-point." To your other records, add your observation of the weather and the out-door temperature. IV, THE MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 242. Calorimetry is the process of measuring the amount of heat that a body absorbs or gives out in passing through a change of temperature or of physical condition. 243. A Thermal Unit, or a heat-unit, is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of water one degree. The unit most commonly used is the 300 SCHOOL PHYSICS. quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water from to 1. This water-gram-degree unit is called a therm, or a small calory. (a) A large calory is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water from to 1. Unless otherwise specified, the calory mentioned in this book is the small calory. 244. Latent Heat. In considering changes of condition of matter, we have spoken of the disappearance and re- appearance of heat. When heat thus disappears, molec- ular kinetic energy is transformed into the potential form ; when it reappears, the reverse transformation takes place. Because this molecular kinetic energy affects temperature, it is called sensible heat. Because this molecular potential energy does not affect temperature, it is called latent heat. (a) So much of the added heat as is used to increase the rapidity of molecular motions is kinetic and appears as sensible heat. So much of it as is used to oppose cohesion (disgregation) and to overcome pressure becomes potential, and disappears as latent heat. When ether evaporates, the potential energy needed to establish the aeriform condition is obtained by the transformation of kinetic energy and at the expense thereof; hence, the disappearance of sensible heat, or the fall of temperature. When steam is condensed, the potential energy that is no longer required to maintain the aeriform condition is transformed into kinetic energy; hence, the increase of sensible heat. These terms, " sensible " and " latent," are reminiscences of the old theory that heat is a kind of matter. Experiment 197. Add a kilogram of finely broken ice (0) to a kilogram of water at 80. The ice will melt, and the temperature of the two kilograms of water will be about 0. The 80,000 calories given out by the hot water were used in simply melting the ice. 245. The Latent Heat of Fusion of a substance is the quantity of heat that is required to melt one gram of the substance without raising its temperature ; i.e., the quantity THE MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 301 of heat that is expended in the molecular work involved in the change from the solid to the liquid condition. The latent heat of fusion of ice is about eighty calories. Ice at + latent heat of fusion = water at 0. (a) From the above statement it necessarily follows that the heat required to melt any weight of ice would warm 80 times that weight of water one degree, or the same weight of water 80 degrees, provided there was no change of physical condition. Experiment 198. To the end of the delivery- tube of a Florence flask containing water, attach a " trap " like that shown in Fig. 227, so that the water that condenses in the delivery-tube may be retained in the trap. (Instead of using the trap, th'e delivery-tube may be kept hot by a steam-jacket, for which purpose the apparatus shown in Fig. 224 or Fig. 225 may be easily adapted.) Boil the water, and when steam passes rapidly from a, the lower tube of the trap, dip a into a beaker of known weight and containing water of known weight and temperature. The temperature of the water in the beaker should be considerably lower than that of the room, and the end of the tube that leads steam from the trap to the beaker should not dip into the w r ater so much that the con- densation of the steam may not be plainly heard. The beaker should be covered with a piece of cardboard, perforated for the admission of the tube, a, and of the thermometer, and should be shielded from the heat of the lamp and flask. After the flow of steam has been continued for some time, remove the beaker, stir its contents with the thermometer FIG. 227 thoroughly, and take the temperature quickly but carefully. Ascertain the exact increase in the weight of the water in the beaker, and compute the amount of heat derived from the conden- sation of each gram of steam. Suppose that at the beginning of the experiment the water in the beaker weighed 400 g., and had a tem- perature of 0, and that at the end of the experiment the weight ,was 420 g., and the temperature 30. The 400 g. of water received 12,000 calories that came from the 20 g. of steam. In cooling from 100 to 30, the condensed steam parted with 1,400 calories. The remaining 10,600 calories came from the latent heat of the steam ; i.e., each gram of steam at 100 gave out 530 calories in condensing to water at the same temperature. This result is subject to correc- tion for radiation, absorption, etc. 302 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 246. The Latent Heat of Vaporization of a substance is the quantity of heat that is required to vaporize one gram of that substance without raising its temperature. The latent heat of the vaporization of water is about 537 calories. Water at 100 -f latent heat of vaporization = steam at 100. (a) From the above statement it necessarily follows that the heat required to vaporize any weight of water would warm 537 times that weight of water one degree, or n times that weight of water - degrees, provided there was no change of physical condition. Experiment 199. Cut a piece of sheet lead about 5 x 30 cm., wind it into a loose roll, and suspend it by a thread in a vessel of boiling water. In a few minutes the lead will have the temperature of 100. Transfer the lead to a thin metal vessel, containing a weighed quantity of water sufficient to cover the lead, and of known temperature. Stir the water with a thermometer, and note the temperature of the water when it reaches its maximum. Multiply the weight of the warmed water by its increase of temperature, to ascertain the number of calories transferred by the lead. Divide the number of calories by the fall of the temperature of the lead, to find the heat capacity of the lead roll. Divide this capacity by the weight of the lead, to find the specific heat of lead. Remember that, for work of precision, such results would have to be corrected for radiation, absorption by the vessel, etc. 247. The Specific Heat of a substance is the ratio between the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of any weight of that substance one degree, and the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the same weight of water one degree. It indicates the number of calories absorbed or emitted by one gram of that substance while under- going a change of one degree of temperature. THE MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 303 (a) The force of cohesion differs considerably for different sub- stances. Consequently, when heat is added, the part thereof that is employed against cohesion in giving new positions to the molecules, and that is thus transformed from kinetic to potential energy (i.e., from sensible to latent heat), is different for different substances. The quantities of sensible heat remaining after such transformations being thus different, the several substances have different specific heats. (b) The specific heat of hydrogen is 3.409 ; of ice, 0.505; of steam, 0.48; of oxygen, 0.2175; of iron, 0.1138; of lead, 0.0314. Water in its liquid form has a higher specific heat than any other substance except hydrogen. Experiment 200. Pour 400 cu. cm. of water at the temperature of 20 into 400 cu. cm. of water at the temperature of 60, and con- tained in a thin liter flask. The temperature of the mixture will not vary much from 40. Remember that allowance must be made for loss of heat by radiation and for absorption of heat by the vessel. The cool water gains and the warm water loses equal amounts of heat; i.e., 8,000 calories; the thermal capacity of water is practically the same at different temperatures. 248. The Thermal Capacity of a body is the number of calories required to raise its temperature one degree. It is the product of the mass into the specific heat, and has direct reference to the amount of heat the body absorbs or gives out in passing through a given range of tempera- ture. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. One kilogram of water at 40, 2 Kg. at 30, 3 Kg. at 20, and 4 Kg. at 10, are thoroughly mixed. Find the temperature of the mixture. Ans. 20. 2. One pound of mercury at 20 was mixed with one pound of water at 0, and the temperature of the mixture was 0.634. Calcu- late the specific heat of mercury. 3. What weight of water at 85 will just melt 15 pounds of ice at 0? Ans. 14.117 pounds. SCHOOL PHYSICS. 4. What weight of water at 95 will just melt 10 pounds of ice at - 10? Am. 8.947 pounds. 5. What weight of steam at 125 will melt 5 pounds of ice at - 8, arid warm the water to 25 V 6. How many grams of ice at can be melted by 1 g. of steam at 100? 7. Equal masses of ice at and hot water are mixed. The ice is melted, and the temperature of the mixture is 0. What was the temperature of the water ? 8. Ice at is mixed with ten times its weight of water at 20. Find the .temperature of the mixture. Ans. 11 nearly. 9. One pound of ice at is placed in 5 pounds of water at 12. What is the result? 10. What temperature will be obtained by condensing 10 g. of steam at 100 in 1 Kg. of water at 0? 11. A gram of steam at 100 is condensed in 10 grams of water at 0. Find the resulting temperature. A ns. 58 nearly. 12. If 200 g. of iron at 300 is plunged into 1 Kg. of water at 0, what will be the resulting temperature? Ans. C.67. 13. A body with a weight of 80 g., and a temperature of 100, is immersed in 200 g. of water at 10, and raises the temperature of the water to 20. What is the specific heat of the body ? 14. How many pounds of steam at 100 will just melt 100 pounds of ice at 0? Ans. 12.55 + pounds. 15. What will be the result of mixing 5 ounces of snow at with 23 ounces of water at 20? 16. What weight of steam at 100 would be required to raise the temperature of 500 pounds of water from to 10 ? A ns. 7.97 pounds. 17. What weight of mercury at will be warmed one degree by placing in it 150 g. of lead at 300? 18. If 4 pounds of steam at 100 is mixed with 200 pounds of water at 10, what will be the resultant temperature ? 19. A pound of sulphur can melt only one-fifth as much ice as a pound of water at the same temperature. What does this show con- cerning the specific heats of water and sulphur ? 20. Explain the difference between thermal capacity and specific heat. 21. If there was no water on the earth, would the differences in temperature between day arid night, and between summer and winter, be greater or less than they now are ? Why ? THE MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. 305 22. From a good dictionary or any other available source of infor- mation, get an idea of the operation of an ice-machine or of a refrigerating machine, and then show that when work is done upon a gas there is an increase of sensible heat, and that when work is done by a gas there is a decrease of sensible heat. 23. Tubs of water are sometimes placed in cellars to "keep the frost away " from vegetables, the f reezing-point of which is a little below 0. Explain the effect of the water in this respect. 24. The cylinder of a pump that forces air into the pneumatic tire of a bicycle is heated in the process. Explain. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. 1.5 Kg. of mercury; 5 balls of dif- ferent metals, each about an inch in diameter ; a cake of beeswax ; a copper dipper as described below; 1 pounds of Xo. 13 shot; ice or snow. 1. Pour quickly, and through the shortest possible air space, 1.5 Kg. of mercury at 100, into 500 g. of water at 0. Stir the liquids thoroughly together with a thermometer, and, from the resultant temperature, determine the specific heat of mercury. 2. Place small and similar balls made severally of iron, copper, tin, lead, and bismuth, in a bath of linseed oil, and heat them to a tem- perature of 180, or 200. When they have all had time to acquire the temperature of the bath, wipe them dry, place them upon a cake of beeswax about half an inch thick, and, from what you see, arrange the five metals in. the order of their several specific heats. 3. Provide a sheet-copper dipper, 4 cm. in diameter, and 10 cm. deep, and encircled about 2 cm. from the top by a flat flange of the same material, and about 4 cm. wide. A handle should be fastened to this flange. Accurately deter- mine the weight of the " shaker " used in Exercise 9, page 299, which we shall hereafter call a calorimeter. H*T OOft Into the dipper, put about 500 g. of very fine shot that has been accurately weighed. Fill the cylindrical part of the boiler described in Exercise 3, page 275, to the depth of about 6 cm. with water, and cork the side tube, a. Place the dipper in the boiler, the flange of the dipper resting upon the top of the boiler. Cover the dipper with a piece of cardboard that has a hole, through which push the bulb of a thermometer down into the shot. Boil the 20 306 SCHOOL PHYSICS. water, stir the shot frequently and thoroughly with any convenient instrument, and observe the rise of temperature of the shot. Put about 100 cu. cm. of water into the calorimeter. Cool the water with ice or snow until its temperature is 7 or 8 degrees below that of the laboratory. When the mercury column of the thermome- ter becomes stationary, note the temperature of the shot. Remove the thermometer, and allow it to cool in air to about 40, and then ascertain the temperature of the water in the calorimeter, stirring the water with a thermometer until the thermometer and all parts of the water have a uniform temperature. In the meantime, stir the shot at frequent intervals. Bring the mouth of the dipper to the mouth of the calorimeter, and quickly pour the shot into the water, being care- ful not to spill the shot or to splash the water. Stir the' shot and water quickly and thoroughly, and take the temperature of the con- tents of the calorimeter. Weigh the calorimeter and its contents, and, deducting the weights of the vessel and the shot, ascertain the weight of the water heated by the shot. From the data now secured, calculate the specific heat of lead. Remember that for work of pre- cision, corrections would have to be made for the loss of heat by radiation, and by absorption by the calorimeter, etc. 4. Repeat Exercise 3, using brass-filings instead of shot. V. THE RELATION BETWEEN HEAT AND WORK. 249. Correlation of Heat and Mechanical Energy. - When heat is produced, some other kind of energy disappears, and vice versa. The most important of these transformations are those between heat and mechanical energy. We are able to effect a total conversion of mechanical energy into heat, but we are not able to bring about a total conversion of heat into mechanical energy. Experiment 201. Pass a bent glass tube through the air-tight cork of a flask half full of water, and let it dip beneath the surface of THE RELATION BETWEEN HEAT AND WORK. 307 the water. Heat the flask. The heat will raise some of the water to the end of the tube, where it may be caught as shown in Fig. 229. Experiment 202. To the spindle of a whirling-table, attach a brass tube about 10 cm. long and closed at the lower end. Partly fill the tube with alcohol and cork the open end. Press the tube between two pieces of board hinged together as shown in Fig. 230. The grooves on the inner faces of the boards should be faced with leather. Rotate the apparatus, pressing with the clamp upon the tube. Friction transforms the mechanical energy into heat, and the vapor from the alcohol thus boiled may drive out the cork with explosive violence. FIG. 229. FIG. 230. 250. Joule's Principle. The disappearance of a definite amount of mechanical energy is accompanied by the produc- tion of an equivalent amount of heat. 251. The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat signifies the numerical relation beticeen work-units and equivalent heat- 308 SCHOOL PHYSICS. units. The quantity of heat that will raise the tempera- ture of one pound of water one Fahrenheit degree is equivalent to about 778 foot-pounds. For centigrade degrees the equivalent is 1.8 times as great, or about 1,400 foot-pounds. The mechanical equivalent of a calory is about 427 gram-meters, or 4.2 x 10 7 ergs. 252. The Heat Equivalent of Chemical Union has a determinative relation to the comparative fuel-values of substances. (a) The numerical values given below indicate that the combustion of a given weight of the substance in oxygen yields heat enough to warm so many times its own weight of water one centigrade degree, or 1.8 times that many Fahrenheit degrees. For example, the com- bustion of a gram of pure carbon develops 8,080 calories : Hydrogen . Petroleum 34,462 12,300 Carbon 8,080 Alcohol 6,850 253. The Steam Engine is a powerful device for utiliz- ing the energy involved in the elasticity and expansive force of steam as a mo- tive power. It is a real heat-engine, transform- ing heat into mechanical energy. In its modern forms, it has many com- plicated accessories for increasing its efficiency and adapting it to the special uses to which it is put, but the funda- mentally important parts are the cylinder, piston, and slide-valve, diagrammatically FIG. 231. THE RELATION BETWEEN HEAT AND WORK. 309 represented in Figs. 231 and 232, in which the steam- chest is represented as being at a distance from the cylinder, simply for the purpose of making clear the com- municating steam passages. The piston, P, is moved to and fro in the cylinder by the pressure of the steam which is applied to its two faces alternately. This alter- nate application of the steam pressure is effected by the slide-valve, inclosed in a steam-chest, and moved by the valve-rod, R. The slide-valve covers the exhaust-port, N, and one of the other two ports, A and B. (a) Steam from the boiler enters the steam-chest at M. When the valve is in position, as shown in Fig. 231, " live " steam passes through the induction-port, A, into the cylinder, and pushes the piston, as indicated by the arrows, forcing out the " dead " or ex- haust steam by the eduction- port, B, and the exhaust-port, N. As the piston nears the end of its journey in this direction, the valve- f\ M rod, R, is moved by an "eccen- trie," or other device, and shifts the valve into position, as shown in Fig. 232. This movement of the slide-valve changes B to an induction-port, by which "live" steam is admitted to the other face of the piston, pressing it in the direction indicated by the arrow, and forcing the " dead " steam out through A and N. Then the slide-valve is pushed back to its former position by the rod, R. and the alternating movement of the piston thus continued. The piston-rod and the valve-rod work through steam-tight packing boxes. (b) The outer end of the piston-rod carries a transverse bar or cross-head that slides between two guide-bars, so that the motion of the piston-rod is always along the axis of the cylinder. The same FIG. 232. 310 SCHOOL PHYSICS. end of the piston-rod is pivoted to a pitman or connecting-rod, the other end of which is attached to a crank on the shaft. The pitman receives the reciprocating motion of the piston-rod, and imparts a rotary motion to the crank-shaft. This shaft carries a heavy fly- wheel, the accumulated energy of which carries the shaft across the two " dead-points " when the piston is at one end or the other of the cylinder. The fly-wheel otherwise tends to steadiness of motion, and often serves as a belt-pulley. In large engines, the length of the cylinder is generally horizontal. (c) When the exhaust steam escapes through N into the air, the engine is said to be a "high-pressure " or a "non-condensing" engine; when it is led to a chamber and there condensed by a spray of cold water for the purpose of removing the back pressure of the atmos- phere, the engine is said to be a "low-pressure" or a "condensing" engine. As the water is pumped from the condenser, a partial vacuum is maintained. Sometimes the engine expands its steam in two, three, or four successive stages, and in two, three, or four distinct cylinders, the first taking steam directly from the boiler, and the others taking it from the exhaust-port of the cylinder working at the next higher pressure. Such engines are called respectively, "double-expansion," "triple-expansion," and "quadruple-expansion" engines. The live steam may be cut off from the cylinder during the latter part of the travel of the piston, leaving the steam in the cylin- der to expand with decreasing pressure to the end of the stroke. The point of " cut-off " may be fixed, as at three-fourths of the stroke, or it may be variable with the nature of the work. In the latter case, the cut-off device may be adjusted automatically. (d) More heat is carried to the cylinder of a steam-engine than is carried from it. The piston does work at every stroke, and every stroke annihilates heat. With a given supply of steam, the engine will give out less heat when it is made to labor than when it runs light. () With all of its merits and all of its improvements, the modern steam-engine utilizes less than 15 per cent of the heat energy devel- oped by the combustion of the fuel. (y*) Good steam-engines are now easily accessible from nearly every school, and should be studied in detail, and by direct inspection. The action of the pitman, the crank, the crank-shaft, the fly-wheel, and the dead-points may be illustrated by almost any sewing- machine. THE RELATION BETWEEN HEAT AND WORK. 311 CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Show that the high latent heat of water has an important rela- tion to the fact that when the temperature of the atmosphere rises above 0, all the ice and snow of winter do not melt in a single day. 2. If a cannon ball weighing 192.96 pounds, and moving with a velocity of 2,000 feet per second, could be suddenly stopped and all its kinetic energy converted into heat, to what temperature would that heat warm 100 pounds of ice-cold water ? Solution : K.E. = f^ = 192.96 x2000 = 12j000)000) the number of 'g oi.oz foot-pounds. Division of the number of foot-ponnds by 778 gives the number of heat-units (pound-Fahrenheit) developed. This number divided by 100 gives the number of heat-units for each pound of the water, and consequently the number of Fahrenheit degrees that it will raise the temperature. This, added to 32, the initial temperature, will give the temperature called for. 3. A steam-engine raises 8,540 Kg. to a height of 50 m. How many calories are thus expended ? 4. One gram of hydrogen is burned in oxygen. To what tempera- ture would a kilogram of water at be raised by the combustion ? 5. From what height must a block of ice at fall that the heat generated by its collision with the earth would just melt it if all of the heat was utilized for that purpose ? 6. Show that to raise the temperature of a pound of iron from to 100 requires more energy than to raise 7 tons of iron a foot high. 7. To what height cpuld a ton weight be raised by utilizing all the heat produced by burning 5 pounds of pure carbon ? Ans. 28,280 feet. 8. Find the height to which it could be raised if the coal had the following percentage composition : carbon, 88.42 ; hydrogen, 5.61 ; oxygen, 5.97. 9. With what velocity must a leaden bullet strike a target that its temperature 'may be raised 100 by the collision, supposing all its energy of motion to be spent in heating the bullet ? (Specific heat of lead, 0.0314; a Danish astron- omer noticed that the interval between successive eclipses as ob- served was longer during the half year when the earth was passing from conjunction to opposition, as from E to E', than it was when the earth was passing over the other half of its orbit, as from E' to E. If, when the earth was at E, the time of successive eclipses was com- puted a year in advance, the eclipse observed six months later when the earth was at E', seemed to be 16 min. 36 sec. behind time, the time apparently lost being regained in the next six months. This led irre- LIGHT : VELOCITY AND INTENSITY. 321 sistibly to the conclusion that it requires 16 inin. 36 sec. for light to pass over the diameter of the earth's orbit from E to E'. This dis- tance being approximately known, the velocity of light is easily com- puted. The velocity of light has been measured by other means, giving results that agree substantially with that above recorded. Intensity of Illumination. Experiment 210. Make three cardboard screens, A, , and C, respectively 5 cm., 12 cm. and 17 cm. on a side. Draw a line parallel to each edge of B and C, and at a distance of 1 cm. therefrom, thus inscribing squares 10 cm. and 15 cm. on a side. Divide the smaller in- scribed square into four squares, each the size of -4, and the larger inscribed square into nine such squares. Mount the three screens so FIG. 237. that they stand upright with their middle points at the height of the cleared spot on the lamp-chimney used in Experiment 206. Instead of the asphaltum coat on the lamp-chimney, a perforated cardboard screen may be used as sl/own in Fig. 237. The screens may be con- veniently supported by soft-wood rods, each having a fine slit sawed in one end and a sewing-needle thrust half-way into the other end. Place A about 30 cm. from the perforation. Set C, parallel to A and at such a distance that the shadow of A just covers its nine squares. Then place B so that the shadow of A just covers its four squares. Determine the relative distances of A, B, and C from the source of light. Remove A and notice that the light that previously fell upon it now falls upon B. Remove the second screen and notice that the light that previously fell upon A and B now falls upon C. 267. The Intensity of Radiation that falls upon a sur- face 21 322 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (1) Varies inversely as the square of the distance betiveen this surface and the source of radiation. (2) Varies with the angle that the incident radiation makes with this surface, being at a maximum when the surface is perpendicular to the direction of propagation. (a) In Experiment 210, the light that fell upon A was diffused over four times the area at B, at twice the distance ; and nine times the area at C, at three times the distance. With the same quantity of light diffused over nine times the area, the intensity of the illumi- nation, i.e., the quantity of light per unit of surface, is only 1 as great. Photometry. Experiment an. Arrange apparatus in a darkened room as shown in Fig. 238, where S represents a screen of white paper or cardboard, and jR, a small rod placed upright a few inches from S (a cheap pen and pen-holder, or a lead pencil held by a bit of wax on the table will answer). The two flames should be on opposite sides of a plane per- pendicular to the screen and passing through R, and at equal angular distances from it ; they should be at the same level, and the flat lamp- FIG. 238. wick should stand diagonally to the screen. Place C about 20 inches from S, and move L until the two shadows upon S nearly touch and are of equal darkness. The candle and the lamp are now throwing equal amounts of light upon the screen. If the distance from S to L is twice that from to C, then L is four times as powerful a light as C ; if the distance is three times as far, L is nine times as powerful. Apparatus thus used constitutes a Rnmford photometer. LIGHT : VELOCITY AND INTENSITY. . 323 Experiment 212. Drop some melted paraffine upon a piece of heavy, unglazed white paper, making a spot about an inch in diameter. Remove the excess of paraffine with a knife, and heat the spot with a flat-iron or can of water. Support the paper as a vertical screen. When the paraffined disk is viewed by transmitted light, it appears brighter than the surrounding paper ; when viewed by reflected light, it appears darker. Place a lighted standard candle (see 268) at one end of a table, and a lamp or gas-flame at the other end. Place the screen between them, and arrange the pieces so that the middle points of the candle flame, the translucent disk, and the lamp-flame are in a straight line that is perpendicular to the screen. If the lamp- flame is flat, set it diagonally to the screen. Move the screen along the line between the candle and the lamp until its two sides are equally illuminated ; i.e., until the paraffined spot is invisible, or until the contrast between it and the rest of the screen is the same on both sides when viewed at the same angle. Find the ratio between the distances of candle and lamp from the screen, and square the ratio to find the candle-power of the lamp. Apparatus thus used constitutes a Bunsen photometer. 268. Photometry is the measurement of the relative amounts of light emitted by different sources. The usual process is to determine the relative distances at which two sources of light produce equal intensities of illumina- tion. The standard in general use is the light given by a sperm candle (of the size known as " sixes ") when burn- ing 120 grains per hour. The result is expressed by say- ing that the light tested has so many candle-power. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Describe the shadow cast by a wooden ball (a) when the source of light is a luminous point ; (6) when the source of light is a white- hot iron ball smaller than the wooden ball; (c) when it is of the same size ; (e?) when it is larger. 2. Do sound waves or water waves the more closely resemble waves of light? Why? 3. State clearly your idea of the carrier of radiant energy. 324 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 4. Explain the formation of inverted images by small apertures. 5. Draw figures to illustrate the effect that doubling the distance of an opaque body from a source of light has upon the shadow of the former. 6. A coin is held 5 feet from a wall and parallel to it. A luminous point, 15 inches from the coin, throws a shadow of it upon the wall. How does the size of the shadow compare with that of the coin ? 7. An opaque screen, 3 inches square, is held 12 inches in front of one eye ; the other eye is shut ; the screen is parallel with a wall 100 feet distant. What area on the wall may be concealed by the screen ? 8. A standard candle is 2 feet and a lamp is 6 feet from a wall. The shadows on the wall are of equal intensity. What is the candle- power of the lamp V 9. An electric arc lamp 100 feet north of me and one 200 feet south of me illuminate opposite sides of a sheet of paper in my hand and render invisible a grease spot on the paper. How do the illuminating powers of the lamps compare ? 10. If you hold a sheet of paper with a greased spot on it between you and the light, the spot will look lighter than the rest of the sheet. Why is this ? 11. If you hold the sheet in front of you when you are turned away from the light, the spot will look darker than the rest of the sheet. Why is this ? 12. Study the shadows cast by an electric arc lamp, and write a very brief description of the penumbra of the shadows. 13. Describe the shape in space of the umbra and the penumbra of the moon's shadow. Draw an illustrative figure. 14. When has an umbra an infinite length, and when a finite length ? 15. The length of the umbra of the moon's shadow is a little longer than the radius of the moon's orbit. On the figure drawn for Exercise 13, indicate the position in space occupied by your city (a) when a total eclipse of the sun is visible there ; (b) when a partial eclipse of the sun is visible there. 16. What does the great velocity of light indicate as to the density and the elasticity of the ether ? LIGHT: VELOCITY AND INTENSITY. 325 LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. A chalk-line; a standard candle; five " Christmas" candles ; cardboard, 20 x 30 cm. ; a slender wooden rod ; two small kerosene lamps ; two pieces of looking-glass, 10 cm. square, tied to the vertical faces of two rectangular blocks. 1. Place a yardstick vertically against the wall of the room. Hold one end of a foot rule at the eye, sight along the upper side of the rule, and bring it into line with the lower end of the yardstick. Keeping the rule in this position, hold a lead pencil vertically across its further end so that the upper end of the pencil is in line with the upper end of the yardstick. Carefully measure the length of the part of the pencil that projects above the rule, and compute the distance of your eye from the yardstick. 2. From a point on a blackboard or floor, draw two lines that diverge 1 inch in 10 feet, and make them as long as possible. It will be convenient to use a chalked line for this purpose. The included angle will represent (fairly well) the angle subtended by the diam- eters of the moon and the sun as observed from the center of the earth. "With the apex of the angle as a center, draw a circle 4 inches in diameter to represent the earth . At the distance of 10 feet, draw a circle 1 inch in diameter to represent the moon. Imagine the long lines extended until they have diverged sufficiently to include between them a circle 400 inches in diameter to represent the sun. Compute the distance of the center of this circle from the apex of the angle. Assume the diameter of the earth to be 8,000 miles. From the figure as thus completed in imagination, compute the diameters of the moon and of the sun, and their distances from the earth. Shade the tri- angular space between the moon and the center of the earth. Is it possible for the moon's umbra to envelop the whole earth ? Under the assumed conditions, what phenomenon would be seen by an observer looking toward the inoon from the portion of the earth's surface included in the shaded triangle? By an observer on the earth's surface just outside that shaded part? 3. Arrange a Rumford photometer by setting up a rod 20 cm. long and 1 cm. in diameter, 5 cm. in front of a white cardboard screen 20 cm. tall and 10 cm. wide. Mount a short candle upon a wooden block, and four other candles of the same kind and length in a straight row upon another block. Place the block with the single candle on one side of the median plane, and the block with the four candles 326 SCHOOL PHYSICS. on the other side. The outside candles of the set of four should be equally distant from the rod. After the candles have burned for some minutes, carefully trim their wicks so that the flames shall be of the same size. Stand in the median plane and so adjust the distance of the single candle as to get shadows of equal intensity as described in Experiment 211. Measure and record the distances of the two sources of light from the screen and compare the result with the statements of 267. 4. Instead of the candles of Exercise 3, use two small kerosene lamps. Place them at equal distances from the rod, and turn the edges of their flames toward the rod. Turn one of the flames down until the shadows are of equal darkness. Turn one lamp so that the side of its flame is toward the rod. Fix the attention on the middle of the blurred shadow. If the two shadows are of equal darkness, record the fact. If they are not, move one of the lamps until they are. Then measure and record the distance of each lamp from its shadow. Record your conclusions as to the perfect transparency of a lamp-flame. 5. Using a Bunsen photometer, compare the illumination of the four candles used in Exercise 3 with that of a standard candle. Interchange the positions of the lights, and record the average distances. 6. Place two plane mirrors so that an observer standing in the plane of the screen can simultaneously see the images of both faces of the paraffined spot, and compare them for equality of illumination. Thus, determine the candle-power of a kerosene lamp. III. REFLECTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. Experiment 213. Paint the outside of a pint tin-pail with lamp- black, and fill the vessel with hot water. Support the pail a few inches above the table and, on the table near by, lay a sheet of tin-plate. Be- tween the pail and the sheet, place a glass or wooden screen that has an aperture about 2 cm. in diameter so that radiant energy from the pail may pass through the aperture and fall upon the tin reflector on the table. Place one bulb of a differential thermometer so that the energy radiated directly from the pail will be cut off by the screen, while that reflected by the sheet of tin, in accordance with the law REFLECTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 327 FIG. 239. stated in 76, will fall upon it. Notice the effect of the reflection. Move the bulb out of the line of reflection, and notice the effect. Experiment 214. About two feet from an air thermometer, place an inverted flower-pot. Midway between the two, place a board or glass screen that reaches from the table to a height of several inches above the bulb of the air thermometer. Upon the flower-pot, place a very hot brick. Notice that the heat of the brick has little effect upon the ther- mometer. Then hold a sheet of tin-plate over the screen so that energy radiated oblique- ly upward from the brick may be reflected obliquely downward toward the thermometer. By properly adjusting the position of the reflector, the thermometer may be quickly affected. 269. Reflection of Radiant Energy is the sending back of incident ether waves by the surface on which they fall into the medium from which they come. The reflection may be irregular or regular. (a) The proportion of the incident energy that is reflected in- creases with the angle o incidence and with the degree of polish of the reflecting surface, and varies according to the nature of the reflecting substance. NOTE. The laboratory should be provided with a porte-lumiere, which consists of a plane mirror so mounted and fitted with adjust- ing appliances that the direction of light reflected from the mirror may be easily controlled. The mirror is placed on the outside of the shutter of a darkened window and operated from within, sunlight being reflected through the aperture in the shutter. Experiment 215. Let a beam of light pass through an opening in the shutter of a darkened room, and fall upon a sheet of drawing paper lying on the table-top. The light will be scattered, and will illuminate the room. With a hand mirror, reflect the beam down- ward into a tumbler of water into which a teaspoonful of milk has been 328 SCHOOL PHYSICS. stirred. The milky water will scatter the light, and illuminate the room as if it was self-luminous. 270. Irregular Reflection or Diffusion results from the incidence of radiant energy upon an irregular surface, as is illustrated by Fig. 240. Bodies are made visible to the eye mainly by the light that they thus diffuse. FIG. Li.). Experiment 216. Repeat Experi- ment 215, allowing the beam of light to fall upon a mirror instead of drawing paper. Most of the light will be reflected in a definite direction, and will brilliantly illuminate a small part of the enclosing wall. Reflect the beam downward into a tumbler of clear water ; the tumbler will be visible but the room will not be illuminated as it was by the milky water. 271. Regular Reflection results from the incidence of radiant energy upon a polished surface. When a beam of light falls upon a mirror, the greater part of it is reflected in a definite direction as is illus- trated by Fig. 241, and forms an image of the object from which it came. A perfect mir- ror would be invisible. FIG. 241. Law of Reflection. Experiment 217. Provide a semi-circular table like that shown in Fig. 45. With a sharp knife, cut a line on the silvered surface of a piece of looking-glass about 5 x 10 cm., perpendicular to one of the long edges, and at its middle point. With a thread or fine rubber band, fasten the reflector to the vertical face of the block at B so that the lower end of the line on the looking-glass shall rest upon the normal line, DB. Place a lighted candle at one end of a radius, REFLECTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 329 as at j4, and set one of the postal card screens used in Experiment 204, near the edge >f the table, and so that light from the candle will pass through the hole and fall upon the line marked on the mirror. Similarly, place a like screen on the other side of BD, and move it about until, when looking through the hole in it, an image of the hole in the screen near A is seen in the mirror directly in line with the knife-mark on the mirror. Mark the points on the table directly under the perforations in the screens, and through them draw radial lines. From the graduated edge of the table or with a protractor, ascertain which of these radii makes the greater angle with the radius, BD, perpendicular to the face of the mirror. Experiment 218. Using the screens and blocks provided for Experiment 204, arrange apparatus as shown in Fig. 242. At the middle of the middle block, place a bit of window glass, m, painted on the under side with black varnish. On the blocks that carry the screens, place bits of glass, n and o, of the same thickness as the black mirror. Light from the candle will pass through A, be reflected at m, and pass through B. Place the eye in such a position that the spot of light in the mirror may be seen through B. Mark this spot with a needle held in place by a bit of wax. Place a piece of stiff writ- ing paper upright FlG L>42 upon m and n, mark the positions of B and of m, and draw on the paper a straight line joining these two points. The angle between this line and the lower edge of the paper coincides with the angle Bmn. Reverse the paper, placing it upon m and o. It will be found that the same angle coincides with A mo. The complementary angles, A mo and Bmn, being thus equal, the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. 272. Law of the Reflection of Radiant Energy. The angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are equal, and lie in the same plane. 330 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 273. Explanation of Reflection. Consider a beam of light as made up of a number of ether waves moving for- ward in air and side by side, as represented by the rays A, B, and C. Imagine a plane, MN, normal to these rays, attached to the waves and moving forward with them. Such a plane is called a wave-front. It continues parallel to itself and moves forward in a straight line. As the wave-front advances beyond MN, the ray, A, strikes the reflecting surface, RS, and is turned back into the air in accordance with the law just given. In the interval of time that passes before the ray, (7, arrives at P, the ray, FIG. 243. A, traveling with unchanged speed as before, passes over the distance, MO, equal to the distance, NP. This changes the direction of the plane that is attached to the waves, and sets it in the new position indicated by OP. Lines drawn from M, Q, and P, perpendicular to OP, will represent the new direction of propagation, i.e., the paths of the reflected rays. From Fig. 243, it may easily be proved that the angles of incidence and of reflec- tion are equal. 274. Apparent Direction of Bodies. Every point of a visible object sends a cone of light to the eye. The pupil of the eye is the base of the cone. The point always REFLECTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 331 appears at the real or apparent apex of the cone. If the path of the light from the point in question to the eye is straight, the apparent position of the point is its real position. If the path is bent by reflection, or in any other manner, the point appears to be in the direction of the light as it enters the eye. Experiment 219. Place a jar of water 10 or 15 cm. back of a pane of glass placed upright 011 a table in a dark room. Hold a lighted candle at the same distance in front of the glass. The jar will be seen by light transmitted through the glass. An image of the candle will be formed by light reflected by the glass. The image will be seen in the jar, giving the appearance of a candle burning in water. The same effect may be produced in the evening by partly raising a window, and holding the jar on the outside and the candle on the inside. This experiment suggests an explanation of many optical illusions, such as " Pepper's ghost," etc. 275. Plane Mirrors. If an object is placed before a plane mirror, a virtual image ap- pears behind the mirror. Each point of this image seems to be as far behind the mirror as the corresponding point o'f the object is in front of the mirror. Hence, images seen in still, clear water are inverted. (a) In Fig. 244, AB and AC repre- p IG 244. sent any two luminous rays proceed- ing from A and incident upon the plane mirror, MR. From the points of incidence, draw the perpendiculars, BG and CF. Draw BE so that the angle, GBE, is equal to the angle, GBA . Then will BE represent the path 'of the light reflected at B ( 272). Similarly, draw CD to represent the path of the light reflected at C. Prolong DC and EB 332 SCHOOL PHYSICS. until they intersect at a. Draw A a. From this figure, it may be proved geometrically that A IB is a right angle and that A I = al. 276. The Construction for the Image produced by a plane mirror depends upon the fact that the image of an object may be located by locat- ing the images of a number of well chosen points in the sur- face of the object. (a) In Fig. 245, OB represents an arrow in front of the mirror, MR. From the ends of the arrow, draw OC and BD perpendicular to the face of the mirror, and prolong them indefi- nitely. Take oC equal to OC and bD equal to BD. Join o and h. The image is virtual, erect (i.e., not inverted), and of the same size as the object. Experiment 220. Hinge together two rectangular pieces of look- ing-glass, each about 7x10 cm., by pasting cloth along two short edges, and set them on the table with an angle of 906 between them. Set a " Christmas " candle or a bright-headed pin between the mirrors and about 3 cm. from the apex of the angle, and count the visible images. Reduce the angle to 60, and count the images. Reduce the angle to 45, and count the images. 277. Multiple Images. By placing two plane mirrors facing each other, we may produce an indefinite series of images of an object between them. Each image acts as a material object with respect to the other mirror, in which we see an image of the first image, etc. When the mirrors are placed so as to form with each other an angle that is an aliquot part of 360 degrees, the number of images is one less than the quotient obtained by dividing four right angles by the included angle, provided that quotient is an even number. REFLECTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 383 (a) The mirrors will give three images when placed at an angle of 90 ; five at 60 ; seven at 45. When the mirrors are placed at right angles, the object and the three images will be at the corners of a rectangle as shown at A, a, a' and a". Experiment 221. Let a small beam of light fall per- pendicularly upon a concave mirror. Strike two black- F! G 24(5. board erasers together in front of the mirror, and notice that the light converges at a point not far from the mirror. 278. A Focus is a point at which light converges, in which case it is called a real focus ; or it is a point from which light appears to proceed, in which case it is called a virtual focus. 279. Concave Mirrors are generally spherical; i.e., the reflecting surface is a small part of the inner surface of a spherical shell. The center of the sphere, (7, is the center of curvature of the mirror. J., the middle point of the mirror, is called the center or vertex of the mirror. Any straight line passing through C to or from the mirror is called an axis of the mir- ror. ACX, the axis that passes through J., is called the principal FIG. 247. ax * s > a ^ other axes are called secondary axes. The angle, MCR, is called the aperture of the mirror. A concave mirror 334 SCHOOL PHYSICS. increases the convergence or decreases the divergence of light that falls upon it, as is shown in Fig. 248. iiilffllllllllllllllllllllllil FIG. 248. Experiment 222. Arrange conjugate parabolic reflectors of pol- ished brass as shown in Fig. 164. Place a hot iron ball at one focus, and a bit of gun-cotton that has been blackened with lampblack at the other focus. Repeat the experiment, holding a differential ther- mometer so that one bulb will be at the focus, the second bulb being in a direct line with the ball and, therefore, nearer to it. Notice which bulb receives the more heat. 280. The Foci of Concave Mirrors may be in front of the mirror, in which case they are real; or they may be behind the mirror, in ivhich case they are virtual. (a) The location of these foci gives rise to several cases : (1) The incident rays may be parallel to the principal axis, as they will be when the radiating point is at an infinite distance. Solar rays are practically parallel. Suppose a spherical mirror of small aperture to be held facing the sun. The ray that follows the principal axis will fall upon the mirror perpen- dicularly at A , and be reflected back upon itself. Other rays will be re- flected as shown in Fig. 249, inter- secting at F, a point midway between C and A. This focus of rays JI >\ \ ,-A ^C c*^s S^J ^ / '~^J FIG. / 249. / REFLECTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 335 FIG. 250. parallel to the principal axis is called the principal focus of the mirror. The distance, FA, is called the principal focal length or distance of the mirror. (2) When the rays diverge from the center of curvature they strike the mirror perpendicularly, and are reflected back upon themselves. The radiant point and the focus coincide. (3) When the rays diverge from a point beyond the center of curvature, as B, the focus falls on the same axis, at a distance from the mirror greater than that of the principal focus, and less than that of the cen- ter of curvature. If the radiant point is at B, the focus falls at 6, as shown in Fig. 250. (4) When the rays diverge from a point at a distance from the mirror greater than that of the principal focus and less than that of the center of curvature, we have the converse of the third case. The focus falls on the same axis beyond the center of curvature. If the radiant point is at b (Fig. 250), the focus falls at B. Foci that are thus interchangeable are called conjugate foci. (See 185.) This illustrates " the principle of reversibility." (5) When the rays diverge from a point at a distance from the mirror less than that of the principal focus, the reflected rays diverge as if from a point back of the mirror. This point, 6, is a virtual focus. (6) When the rays diverge from the principal focus, the reflected rays are parallel and there is no focus, real or vir- tual. This is the converse of the first case. (6) The convergence of parallel rays at the principal focus is only approximately true with a spherical mirror ; it is. strictly true with a parabolic mirror. In order thaj the difference between the spherical and the parabolic mirror may be reduced to a minimum, the aperture 336 SCHOOL PHYSICS. of the former should be small. The light from a luminous point at the focus of a parabolic mirror is reflected in truly parallel lines. The head lights of railway locomotives are thus constructed. Para- bolic mirrors would be more common if they were less expensive. (c) The sum of the reciprocals of the conjugate focal distances is equal to the reciprocal of the principal focal distance. Representing the radius of curvature by r, the distance of the luminous point from the mirror by/, and the distance of the focus from the mirror by/', 1 1 2 Concave Mirror Images. Experiment 223. In a dark room, hold a candle between the eye and the concave side of a bright silver spoon held a little ways in front of the face. Notice that the inverted image of the flame is in front of the spoon. Place the spoon between the flame and your face but so as to allow the face to be illuminated by the candle. Notice the image of the observer. Experiment 224. Place a concave mirror facing the sun, and hold a bit of paper so that its illumination by the reflected light is of the greatest intensity obtainable, thus locating the principal focus of the mirror. Measure this focal distance. Then stand directly in front of the mirror and at a considerable distance from it. Notice that the image of yourself is inverted, diminished and real. If you are not sure that the image is real, have some one hold his outspread fingers between the image and the mirror. Approach the mirror, and notice that your image increases in size until your eye is at the center of curvature. Continue your approach, and notice that when your eye is between the center of curvature and the principal focus, no image is to be seen. The image is behind you and, therefore, invisible. When your eye is between the principal focus and the center of the mirror, your image is erect, magnified and virtual. Experiment 225. In front of a concave mirror, and at a distance equal to the radius of curvature, place a box that is open on the side toward the mirror. Within this box, hang an inverted bouquet of bright-colored flowers. The observer should stand in front of the mirror and some ways back of the box. By giving the mirror a cer- tain inclination, easily determined by trial, an image of the invisible REFLECTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 337 bouquet will be seen just above the box. A glass vase may be placed upon the box to hold the imaged flowers. Experiment 226. Place a lighted candle in front of a concave mirror so that the flame is in a secondary axis of the mirror, and at a distance greater than the focal length and less than the radius of curvature. Place a tracing-cloth or oiled-paper screen as shown in Fig. 252, and, with a blackened card, shield it from the direct light of the candle. Adjust the positions of the candle and the screen until a FIG. 252. t good image of the former is projected on the latter. If the outer edge of the image is indistinct, place before the mirror a paper cur- tain with a circular opening of such size that the aperture of the exposed part of the mirror does not exceed 10. Xotice that the image is less intensely illuminated, but that its outline is more sharply defined. 281. Images formed by Concave Mirrors consist of the conjugate foci of the several points in the surface of the object presented to the mirror and may, therefore, be real or virtual. The construction of figures to illustrate the 22 338 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 253. formation of images under different conditions may be easily performed by selecting a few determinative points, as the ends of an arrow, and determining the foci of those points under the given conditions. (a) The focus of each point chosen may be determined by tracing- two rays from the point, and locating their real or apparent inter- section after reflection by the mirror. The two rays most convenient for this purpose are the one that lies along the axis of the point, and the one that lies parallel to the principal axis of the mirror. The first of these is reflected back V NJif upon itself, and the focus ^ r must, therefore, lie in that line. The other is reflected through the principal focus, and the construction of equal angles of incidence arid reflec- tion is, therefore, unnecessary. The process is illustrated in Fig. 253. Following the order of the cases discussed in 280, it will be found that : (1) When the object is at a distance so great that the incident rays may be considered parallel (e.g., solar rays), the image is formed at the principal focus. (2) When the object is at the center of curvature, the image is real, inverted, of the same size as the object, and at the center of curvature. (3) When the object is at a distance from the mirror somewhat greater than the center of curvature, as beyond C, the image is real, inverted, smaller than the object, and at a distance from the mirror greater than that of the principal focus and less than that of the center of curvature, as between F and C. (4) When the object is at a dis- tance from the mirror greater than that of the principal focus and less than that of the center of curvature, as between F and C, the image is real, inverted, larger than the object, and FIG. 254. REFLECTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 339 at a distance from the mirror greater than that of the center of curvature, as beyond C. This is the converse of the third case. (5) When the object is at a distance from the mirror less than that of the principal focus, as between F and A, the image is virtual, erect, and larger than the object. (6) When the object is at a distance from the mirror equal to that of the principal focus, the reflected rays are parallel and no image is formed. This is the converse of the first case. 282. The Spherical Aberration of a concave mirror is the deviation of some of the reflected light from the focus, FIG. 255. as is shown in Fig. 255. It arises from the curvature of the mirror, and causes an indistinctness or blurring of the image. Parabolic mirrors are free from this defect ; spherical mirrors are partly freed from it by reducing their apertures so that the curvature conforms closely to the curvature of a paraboloid. Experiment 227. Hold the convex side of a bright silver spoon toward you, and bring the spoon and a candle into the positions de- scribed in Experiment 223. Xotice that the erect image of the flame is back of the spoon. Place the spoon between the flame and your face but so as to allow the face to be illuminated by the candle. Notice the image of the observer. 340 SCHOOL PHYSICS. L' x 283. A Convex Mirror is generally a part of the outer surface of a spherical shell. It increases the divergence, or decreases the con- vergence of light that falls upon it. The foci are virtual ; the prin- cipal focus is midway between the center of >., the intersection of this line with the circumfer- ence of the outer circle, draw A K, the line sought. Drawing pq, vw, and mn perpendicular to CD, it may be shown geomet- rically that sin LAC mn 4 TT-TT; : o' the index of refraction for air and water. sin KAD pq 3 (/) If the ray passes in the opposite direction, i.e., from water into air, the process is the reverse of that just indicated. Let KA repre- sent the incident ray. Through p, draw pv. Through u, draw EA and prolong it to L. AL is the direction sought. In some cases it will be more convenient to use the equivalent process of continuing KA to 0, drawing oi parallel to CD, and drawing the refracted ray from A through {. ((7) According to the forms and relative positions of their refract- ing surfaces, there are thDee kinds of refractors ; plates, prisms and lenses. Total Reflection. Experiment 233. Place the bottle used in Experiment 231, upon a block on the table. Invert the card so that its horizontal slit is near the bottom of the bottle. Place a mirror on the table and close to the card. With a hand-mirror, reflect a sun-beam downward upon the mirror on the table so that it will be reflected obliquely upward, passing through the slit in the card and through the water toward i. Diffuse crayon-dust through the air near the bottle, and notice the refraction of the beam as it leaves the water. Bring the slit gradually higher, changing the position of the hand mirror so that, as the rays 352 SCHOOL PHYSICS. pass through the slit and upward through the water to i, the angle of incidence is gradually increased. Notice that the angle of refraction increases more rapidly than the angle of incidence. As the angle of incidence changes from 47 or 48 to 49 or 50, closely observe the refracted light which approaches the refracting surface more and more closely. When the angle of incidence has a certain magnitude, the refracted ray coincides with the surface of the water ; i.e., the angle of refraction has reached its maximum value, 90. If the angle of incidence is still further increased, the light cannot emerge at i, but will be reflected downward as if the plane between the water and the air was a perfect mirror. Experiment 234. Place a bright spoon in a tumbler of water with the handle leaning from you. Hold the tum- bler considerably above the level of the eye. Notice that you see not only the lower part of the spoon in the water but also an image of the shank of the spoon above the upper surface of the water. The free liquid surface glistens and reflects as does a mirror. 285. Total Reflection. When a ray of light passes obliquely from a medium of higher to one of lower refractive power, the angle of refraction is always greater than the angle of incidence. FIG. 201. The angle of incidence may be in- creased until the angle of refraction is 90, as repre- sented by the ray, DFM. A further increase in the angle of incidence cannot result in an increase of the angle of refraction. Con- sequently, the ray cannot obey the laws of refraction, i^=^^s-<^_ ^ j N FIG. 262. REFRACTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 353 but does obey the laws of reflection as represented by the ray, DGrO. It is totally reflected at the point of incidence back into the former medium. The angle of incidence at which the effect changes from refraction to internal re- flection is called the critical angle. (a) The magnitude of the critical angle varies with the media employed. For (air and) water, it is about 48^; for crown-glass, about 41 ; for diamond, about 24. The reflection is called " total " because all of the incident light is reflected, which is never the case in ordinary reflection. (&) To construct the critical angle, draw concentric circles as in Fig. 260, the ratio of their radii being the index of refraction for the media used. Remember that the emergent ray must graze the surface of the water, and reverse the process described in 284 (/). At the point where AN intersects the inner circle, erect a perpendicular. The point where this normal intersects the outer circle will lie in the prolongation of the ray incident at A. 286. Cause of Refraction. It is easy to conceive of the motions of the ether as being hindered by the particles of the matter that is permeated by the ether. Thus, when ether waves that constitute light are transmitted through glass, they, are hindered by the molecules of the glass, and im- part some of their motion to those molecules ; i.e., a FIG. 263. part of the light is absorbed. 23 When a beam of light, as 354 SCHOOL PHYSICS. represented by the rays A, B, and (7, moves forward in the air, the wave-front, JZV(see 273), continues parallel to itself and moves forward in a straight line. As the wave-front advances beyond MN, the ray, A, enters the glass, while B and are still in the air. The advance of A in the glass is retarded by the glass so that, while C is passing in air from NtoP, A traverses the shorter path, MO. This retardation of A and the corresponding re- tardation of B change the direction of the plane that is attached to the waves, and set it in the new position indicated by OP. All of the rays having entered the glass, the wave-front again moves forward in a straight course, normal to OP, representing the new direction of propagation. In passing into the glass the direction of the beam was changed, a direct result of a change of speed at the surface of the glass. This phenomenon is called refrac- tion. The beam was bent toward a perpendicular to the bounding surface, RS. When the beam emerges from the glass, similar changes will take place in inverse order, and the beam will be bent from the perpendicular to the refracting surface. () The index of refraction is numerically equal to the ratio between the velocity of the incident light and the velocity of the refracted light. Refraction by Plates. Experiment 235. Draw a straight line of such length that it ex- tends both ways beyond the ends of a piece of thick plate-glass placed upon it. Look obliquely through the glass and from the side of the line, and notice the apparent displacement of the part of the line seen through the plate. 287. Refraction by Plates. When radiant energy passes through a medium bounded by parallel planes, the refrac- REFRACTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 355 tions at the two surfaces are equal and contrary in direction. The direction after passing through the plate is parallel to the direction be- fore entering the plate ; the rays merely suffer lateral aberration. Objects seen obliquely through such plates appear slightly dis- placed from their true position. FIG. 264. 288. A Prism is a transparent body with two refracting surfaces that lie in intersecting planes. The angle formed by these planes is called the refracting angle. (a) Let mno represent the principal section of a prism. A ray of light from L is refracted <^ at a and b, and enters I j \^- the eye in the direction '\ bE. The object, being seen in the direction of the ray as it enters the eye, appears to be at I. An object seen through a prism seems to be moved in the direction of the refracting angle ; the FIG. 265. rays are bent away from the refracting angle. (&) Cathetal prisms readily yield the phenomena of total reflection as shown in Fig. 266, and are often used when light is to be turned through a right angle. v Experiment 236. Make a monochromatic light by sprinkling a little table-salt on the wick of an alco- hol lamp. Place the flame on the level of the per- foration in one of the postal card screens used in Experiment 204. Back of this screen, place another so that the FIG. 266. 356 SCHOOL PHYSICS. light from the lamp passing through the perforation of the first makes a spot on the second. Mark the position of the spot. Behind the first screen and close to it, hold a glass prism with its refracting edge uppermost, horizontal, and parallel to the screen. Adjust its height so that the rays passing through the perforation also pass through the prism. Notice that the spot of light on the second screen is moved downward. Mark the new position of the spot. 289. The Angle of Deviation of rays thus refracted is the difference in direction between the incident and emer- gent rays. In Experiment 236, this angle may be roughly described as the angle between lines drawn from the perforation in the first screen to the two marked positions of the luminous spot on the second screen. In Fig. 265, imagine La extended until it intersects El at x. The angle Lxl is the angle of deviation. The angle varies with the magnitude of the refracting angle of the prism, its index of refraction, the wave-length of the light used, and the angle of incidence. Other conditions being simi- lar, a prism gives the least deviation when the angles of incidence and of emergence are equal. (a) The position of a prism for minimum deviation is easily deter- mined by looking through it at an object, as in Fig. 265, and turning the prism until the changing apparent position, I, comes to a stand- still, and begins to move backward. 290. A Lens is a transparent body the two refracting surfaces of which are curved, or one of which is curved and the other plane. Lenses are generally made of crown- glass which is free from lead, or of flint-glass which con- tains lead and has greater refractive power. The curved surfaces are generally spherical. (a) With respect to their surfaces, lenses are of two classes, with three varieties of each : REFRACTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. (1.) Double-convex, (2.) Plano-convex, (3.) Meniscus, converging. 357 I Thicker at the middle than at the edges ; FIG. 267. The double-convex (biconvex or magnifying) lens may be taken as the type of these ; its effects may be considered as produced by two prisms with their bases in contact. (4.) Double-concave, ] (5.) Plano-concave, [ Thinner at the middle than at the edges ; (6!) Concavo-convex, J diver ^ n g' The double-concave (biconcave) lens may be taken as the type of these ; its effects may be considered as produced by two prisms with their refracting edges in contact. (6) A double-convex lens may be described as the part common to two spheres that intersect each other. The centers of the limiting spherical surfaces, as c and C, are ...-" "-, -'"" the centers of curva- ture. The straight line, XY, passing through the cen- ters of curvature is the principal axis of the lens. In the piano-lenses, the principal axis is a line drawn from the center of curvature normal to the plane surface. A point on the principal axis so taken that rays passing through it pierce parallel elements of the refracting surfaces is called the optical center. A ray passing through the optical center suffers no change of direction other than a slight lateral aberration that may be disre- garded. When the two spherical surfaces are of equal curvature, thy 358 SCHOOL PHYSICS. optical center is at equal distances from the two faces of the lens, i.e., at its center of volume. For the piano-lenses, the optical center lies on the curved surface ; for the meniscus, it lies outside the lens and on the convex side ; for the concavo-convex lens, it lies outside the lens and on the concave side. Any straight line, other than the principal axis, passing through the optical center is a secondary axis. (c) To trace a ray through a lens, we have only to apply the prin- ciples already explained. For example, let LN represent a glass bi- convex lens (index of refraction, f) with centers of curvature at C and C", and AB, the incident ray. From B as a center, draw the arcs, mn and op, making the ratio of iheir radii equal to the index of refraction, i.e., 2 : 3. Draw the normal, C'B. Draw st parallel to C'B. Draw the straight line tBDy ; BD is the path of the ray through the lens. From D as a center, draw the arcs, uv and wx, using the same radii as for mn and op. Draw the normal, CD. Draw yz parallel to CD. Draw DzA', the path of the ray after emergence. Experiment 237. Hold one of the large lenses of an opera glass or optical lantern in the sun's rays. Notice the converging pencil formed by the light (after passing through the lens) as it passes through air made dusty by striking together two blackboard erasers. The focus and its distance from the lens may be seen. Measure this distance. Hold a similar lens by the other, face to face. Notice that the light after passing through both lenses converges more quickly, lessening the distance of the focus from the lens. 291. The Foci of Convex Lenses may be determined experimentally, but some of their properties are more con- KEFKACTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 359 veniently studied by the diagrammatical tracing of rays in accordance with the principles and processes already studied. To locate the focus for light diverging from any point, it is necessary to determine the point of inter- section of two emergent rays. The problem is much simplified by considering the axis that passes through the point of divergence as the path of one of these rays. (a) For converging lenses, the reciprocal of the principal focal dis- tance equals the sum of the reciprocals of any pair of conjugate focal distances. 1_1 !_ f~P + P r (6) Experimental work with convex lenses, and a careful study of this formula, develop frequent analogies to the phenomena of concave mirrors, and give rise to several cases as follows : (1) When the incident rays are parallel to the principal axis, their focus is called the principal focus. With a biconvex lens of crown- glass (index of refraction, f) the principal focus is. at the center of curvature, i.e., the focal length of the lens is equal to the radius of curvature. With a plano-convex lens, the focal length is twice the radius of curvature. In either case, the focus is real. (2) When the incident rays diverge from a point more than twice the focal distance from the lens, a real focus is formed on the other side of the lens, and at a distance greater than the focal length and less than twice the focal length. (See A and A', Fig. 269.) (3) When the incident rays diverge from a point at twice the focal distance from the lens, a real focus is formed on the other side of the lens and at the same distance from it. These two points, as c and c' in Fig. 269, are called secondary foci. (4) When the incident rays diverge from a point distant from the lens more than the focal length and less than twice the focal length, a real focus is formed on the other side of the lens and at a distance greater than twice the focal length. This is the converse of the second case. Two foci that are thus interchangeable, like A and A' in Fig. 269, are called conjugate foci. The secondary foci are con- jugate. (5) When the incident rays diverge from the principal focus, the 360 SCHOOL PHYSICS. emergent rays will be parallel, and no focus, real or virtual, will be formed. This is the converse of the first case. (6) When the incident rays diverge from a point nearer the lens than the principal focus, the emergent rays are still diverging, and a virtual focus is formed back of the radiant point. (7) When the incident rays are converging, a real focus is formed on the other side of the lens at a distance less than the focal length. This is the converse of the sixth case. (ft) Each pupil should draw a figure to illustrate each of the fore- going cases. 292. The Foci of Concave Lenses may be located by processes already studied. Such lenses have their centers of curvature, their primary and secondary axes, and their optical centers the same as convex lenses. (a) For diverging lenses, the reciprocal of the principal focal dis- tance equals the difference of the reciprocals of any pair of conjugate focal distances. 1=1-1 / P / (&) Experimental work with concave lenses, and a careful study of this formula, develop frequent analogies to the phenomena of convex mirrors, and give rise to several cases as follows : (1) When the incident rays are parallel to the principal axis, the emergent rays diverge as if they came from a virtual focus, which is called the principal focus. With a biconcave lens of glass (index of refraction, f), the principal focus is at the center of curvature. With a plano-concave lens, the focal length is twice the radius of curvature. (2) When the incident rays are diverging, the focus is virtual and at a distance from the lens less than the focal length. As the radiant point approaches the lens, the focus also approaches the lens. (3) When the incident rays are converging, the effects are varied according to the degree of convergence. If the point of convergence is nearer the lens than the principal focus, a real focus will be formed at a distance greater than the focal length of the lens. If the point of convergence is at the principal focus, the emergent rays will be parallel, and no focus will be formed. If the point of convergence is further from the lens than the principal focus, a virtual focus will be formed. REFRACTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 361 (&) Each pupil should draw a figure to illustrate each of the fore- going cases. Images. Experiment 238. Repeat Experiment 228, and measure the focal length of 'the lens. Experiment 239. Place a candle, a convex lens, and a screen in line as shown in Fig. 270, the distance of the candle from the lens FIG. 270. being a little greater than the focal length of the lens. Adjust the position of the screen until a sharply defined image of the candle is projected upon it. Place the eye back of the screen and have the screen removed ; the inverted image may be seen suspended in mid-air. Burn touch-paper under the image, and notice its projec- tion on the screen of smofce. Replace the screen first used. Experiment 240. With candle and screen in positions as described in Experiment 239, adjust the position of the lens so that the flame and the image of the flame are of the same size. Measure the dis- tance of the screen from the candle, and compare a quarter of that distance with the focal length of the lens. 293. Images Formed by Lenses consist of the conjugate foci of the several points in the surface of the object pre- sented to the lens and may, therefore, be real or virtual. The construction for such images is closely analogous to the process employed with mirrors. 362 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (a) The focus of each point chosen may be determined by tracing two rays from the point, and locating their real or apparent intersec- tion after emerging from the lens. The two rays most convenient for this purpose are the one that lies along the secondary axis of the point, and the one that lies parallel to the principal axis of the lens. For example, from A and E, extremities of an arrow, draw the secondary axes, AOa and EOe. From A, draw AB parallel to the E FIG. 271. principal axis, XY. Determine the direction of BD by construction. From D, draw the path of the emergent ray through the principal focus, F. It intersects the secondary axis at a, the conjugate focus of the radiant point, A. In similar manner, the conjugate focus of the point, E, may be located at e. The points, a and e, mark the ex- tremities of the image of the object, A E. (b) An examination of Fig. 271 shows that the linear dimensions of object and image are directly as their respective distances from the center of the lens ; they will be virtual or real, erect or inverted, ac- cording as they are on the same side of the lens, or on opposite sides. Experiment 241. Select a large biconvex lens, and cut a card- board disk of the same diameter. Punch a ring of small holes near the circumference of the disk, and cut a hole about 2 cm. in diam- eter at its center. Cut a notch in the border of one of the small holes as a distinguishing mark. Place the lens in the path of a beam from the porte lumiere, and cover one of its faces with the perforated disk. Hold a screen near the lens and so that the refracted rays fall upon it. Slowly move the screen away from the lens until you find the focus of the light that passes through the small holes. Moving the screen still further, you will find another focus for the light that passes through the central opening in the disk. Notice REFRACTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 363 that the rays that pass through the marginal holes cross before reaching the screen, and form a ring of luminous spots around the central image. 294. Spherical Aberration. The rays that pass through a spherical lens near its edge are deviated more than those that pass nearer the center. They, therefore, con- verge nearer the lens. This unequal deviation is called spherical aberration. The indefiniteness of focus causes a blurring of the image. In practice, the marginal rays are often cut off by an annular screen called a diaphragm, or the curvature of the lens is lessened toward its edge. A lens thus corrected for spherical aberration is called aplanatic. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Remembering the varying density of the earth's atmosphere, draw a diagram showing that the sun may be seen before it has as- tronomically risen, and after the true sunset, i.e., after it has dipped below the western horizon. 2. (a) Name, and illustrate by diagram, the different classes of lenses. (6) Explain, with diagram, the action of the burning-glass. 3. Draw circles so that parts of their circumferences may represent the curved surface of a^ meniscus, a biconcave, and a concavo-convex lens. 4. (a) Describe the phenomena of total reflection. (7>) Show, with diagram, how the secondary axes of a lens mark the limits of the image. 5. Construct the critical angle for air and water. 6. Show how a beam of light may be bent at a right angle by a glass prism. 7. Trace a ray through a biconcave lens, using the process em- ployed in 290 (c) for the biconvex lens. 8. Trace a ray through a biconvex lens for the location of its principal focus. 9. Trace a ray through a biconcave lens for the location of its principal focus. 364 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 10. Through what point does the line joining the conjugate foci of a convex lens always pass ? 11. Construct the images formed by a convex lens under the six following cases and describe each image : (a) when the incident rays are practically parallel; (6) when the object is a little beyond a secondary focus ; (c) when the object js at a secondary focus ; (e?) when the object is between secondary and principal foci ; (e) when the object is at the principal focus ; (/) when the object is between the principal focus and the lens. 12. (a) The focal distance of a convex lens being 6 inches, deter- mine the position of the conjugate focus of a point 12 inches from the lens, (b) 18 inches from the lens. 13. The focal distance of a convex lens is 30 cm. Find the con- jugate focus for a point 15 cm. from the lens. 14. If an object is placed at twice the focal distance of a convex lens, how will the length of the image compare with the length of the object ? 15. A small object is 12 inches from the lens; the image is 24 inches from the lens and on the opposite side. Determine (by con- struction) the fdcal distance of the lens. 16. A candle-flame is 6 feet from a wall ; a lens is between the flame and the wall, 5 feet from the latter. A distinct image of the flame is formed upon the wall, (a) In what other position may the lens be placed, that a distinct image may be formed upon the wall ? (6) How will the lengths of the images compare V 17. Why does a sphere under water look like a spheroid V 18. When clear glass is pounded into small particles, it becomes opaque. Explain. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Lenses ; spy-glass ; wooden cubes grooved and fitted as described in Exercise 12. 1. Trace a ray passing obliquely from air into glass (index of refraction, 1.5). 2. Trace a ray passing obliquely from glass into air. 3. Trace a ray passing obliquely from air into water (index of refraction, 1.3). 4. Trace a ray passing obliquely from water into air. 5. Trace a ray passing obliquely from air into diamond (index of refraction, 2.5). REFRACTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 365 6. Trace a ray passing obliquely from water into glass. 7. Trace a ray passing through water toward air so that the angle of incidence is 50. (See 285, a.) 8. Hold a test-tube partly immersed in water so that its length is slightly inclined from a vertical. Look down through the water upon the immersed part of the air-filled tube, and notice that it looks like highly polished silver. Fill the test-tube with water, and write an explanation of the change in its appearance. 9. Make a concave air-lens and place it in water. Make a con- vex water-lens and place it in air. Compare the effects of the two lenses upon beams of light that pass through them. 10. Adjust a candle-flame and a screen on opposite sides of a bi- convex lens so that a sharp image of the flame is projected on the screen when flame and screen are at equal distances from the lens. Record the focal length of the lens, the names of the positions occu- pied by flame and screen, and a description of the image. Exchange the positions of the flame and the screen, and test the principle of " reversibility." Slowly diminish the distance between lens and can- dle until it is impossible to place the screen so as to obtain an image. Measure this distance, compare it with the focal distance of the lens, and indicate the significance of the comparison. With the lens at four different distances from the screen, form images. In each case, measure the linear dimensions of flame and image, and the distances from the lens to flame and image. Find the ratio between the dis- tances and the corresponding dimensions, and compare the ratios. 11. Focus a spy-glass or small telescope on an object a mile or more distant. The rays coming from the object to the eye will be practi- cally parallel. Place a lens, the focal length of which you are to measure, in front of the telescope. Paste a small-type newspaper- clipping on a piece of cardboard, and look at it through the telescope and lens. Adjust the position of the cardboard so that the printing appears distinct. Measure the distance of the cardboard from the lens. Obtain the average of several such trials. Record a discussion of the proposition that this average distance is the focal length of the lens. 12. Provide two wooden cubes with edges about 4 cm. long and- with the grain of the wood, cut in each block a groove about 2 cm. deep and wide enough to admit the edge of the meter rod as shown in Fig. 272. Provide common screws so that the blocks may be fixed in any position on the rod. Provide a circular biconvex spec- 366 SCHOOL PHYSICS. tacle-lens having a known focal length of not less than 12 cm. and not more than 16 cm. Mount this lens on one of the grooved blocks, e. It may be held in place between slotted brass strips each fastened to the block by a screw. Upon the other block, mount a cardboard screen about 8 cm. square. This screen, s, may be carried in a groove sawed across the block, a. As an object the image of which is to be projected upon the screen, cut a small cross in the varnish on the lamp-chimney or in the paper cylinder mentioned in Experiment 206. Give the top of the cross some distinguishing shape or mark so that you can tell whether its image is erect or inverted. Support the meter rod horizontally so that the center of the lens shall be at the height of the center of the cross, and so that m, the end of the meter rod, shall be just under the cross. Set the screen at a distance from the cross equal to about three times the focal length of the lens. Slide the lens along the rod, seeking for it a position that gives upon the screen a clear image of the cross. If no such position for the lens can be found, move the screen 1 or 2 cm. further from the object, and renew the search for the desired position of the lens. If neces- sary, move the screen further and further from the object until you are able to place the lens so that a distinct image is obtained. When it is found, record a description of the image, as erect or inverted, and magnified, diminished, or the same size. Read from the rod the dis- tance from the cross to the lens, and enter it as the first number in a second column headed " Object-distances." Make a corresponding entry of the distance from the screen to the lens in a third column headed "Image-distances." Without changing the image-distance, try to secure a distinct image with the lens in any other position. If you can, make the three entries as before. When you have exhausted the possibilities of object-distance with this first image- distance, move the screen 10 cm. further from the cross, secure a good image, and record the description and distances as before. Move the FIG. 272. REFRACTION OF RADIANT ENERGY. 367 screen 10 cm. further from the cross, adjust the lens, and make the record as before. Continue the work until you have recorded at least five pairs of distances. Compare your results with those of Exercise 11, p. 364. To your tabular-record, add a fourth column, each entry in which is the sum of the two recorded distances. Such sums will represent the distances of image from object. Head the column " Total distances." In a fifth column, enter the quotients obtained by dividing the several total distances by the focal length of the lens. Try to get a quotient as small as 3, and if you fail, give a good reason for your failure. Using the records made in this exercise, test the accuracy of the statement that the reciprocal of the focal length equals the reciprocal of the object-distance plus the reciprocal of the image-distance, or of the equivalent statement that the product of the object and image distances equals the sum of those distances multiplied by the focal length. If you were told that in such an experiment the object-distance was 20 cm. and the image-distance 60 cm., could you theoretically determine any other object-distance and image-distance for the same positions of object and screen? 13. In similar manner, experimentally determine the effect that the position of the object has upon the character of the images formed by a concave lens, and write a brief discussion of the results attained. 14. Focus a magnifying glass on a finely divided decimeter scale. Hold a similar scale at the distance of distinct vision (about 25 cm.). With one eye, look through the lens at the first scale and with the other eye look directly at the other scale. By continued trial, the eyes will become accustomed to the unusual conditions, and the two images will appear as if one was superposed on the other. Then count how many divisions of the magnified scale correspond to a certain number of divisions of the other scale. Divide the latter number by the former to determine the magnifying power of the lens. 15. Determine the focal distance of the lens used in Exercise 14 and call it f. Call the distance taken in that exercise as the distance of distinct vision, v. Determine the value of --f 1 and compare it with the magnifying power of the lens as determined in Exercise 14. 868 SCHOOL PHYSICS. V. SPECTKA, CHROMATICS, ETC. Analysis. Experiment 242. Admit a sunbeam through a small opening in the shutter of a darkened room. In the path of the beam, place a prism, as shown in Fig. 273. Instead of the colorless image of the FIG. 273. sun at E, there appears upon the white screen a many-colored band changing gradually from red at the lower end, through all the colors of the rainbow, to violet at the upper end. Experiment 243. Paste a strip of white paper 3 x 0.2 cm. upon a black card. Upon a similar card, paste, end to end, strips of red, of white, and of blue paper, each 1 x 0.2 cm. In a well-lighted room, place the first card with the white strip vertical. Hold a prism with its refracting edges vertical, and look through it at the white strip. On its way to the eye, the beam of white light from the strip will be separated into differently colored parts. You will see a colored band instead of the white strip. Similarly, view the tri-color strip on the other card, and carefully compare the three colored bands that cor- respond to the three parts of the strip. 295. Dispersion. The separation of differently colored rays by refraction is called dispersion. Experiment 242 shows that white or colorless light, like that of the sun, is SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 369 a mixture of radiations of varying color and refrangi- bility. The differences in deviation arise from differ- ences of wave-length, the angle of deviation increasing as the wave-length diminishes. 296. Spectra. The many-colored image of the sun pro- jected on the screen in Experiment 242 is called a spectrum. It is called a solar spectrum when the source of light is under consideration, and a prismatic spectrum when the method of producing it is under consideration. Most in- candescent bodies emit light of varying wave-length and refrangibility. (a) These prismatic colors are generally described as violet, in- digo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. The initial letters of these terms form the meaningless, mnemonic word "vibgyor." FIG. 274. In fact, the gradations of color are imperceptible. The differently colored images of the sun overlap, as shown in Fig. 274. Conse- quently, such an opening in the shutter gives an impure spectrum. Synthesis. Experiment 244. Repeat Experiment 242, and hold a second prism in a reversed position close behind the first. The light dispersed by the first prism will be reunited by the second, and emerge as colorless light. The two prisms have the effect of a plate with its refracting faces parallel. Experiment 245. Let light that has been dispersed by a prism fall upon an achromatic convex lens as shown in Fig. 275. It will be re- fracted to a focus and recombined to form white light. Hold a card 24 370 SCHOOL PHYSICS. between the prism and the lens so as to cut off the red light and notice the focus of what remains. Similarly cut off the violet light, FIG. 275. and again notice the focus of what remains. A concave mirror may be used to reflect the light to a focus instead of using the lens as above described. Experiment 246. Make a "Newton disk," painting the prismatic colors in proper proportion as indicated by Fig. 276, or pasting sectors of properly colored paper upon cardboard. Tt is bet- ter to divide the surface given to each color into smaller sectors arranged alternately as shown in Fig. 277. Fasten this disk to a large top, or to a whirling table, and cause it to revolve rapidly. The 1 blends the colors, and the disk appears grayish FIG. 276. FIG. 277. " persistence of vision white. Disks about 15 or 20 cm. in diameter may be cut from colored paper, and a hole cut at the center of each of such size that the disks may be slipped over the spindle of the whirling table. By cutting each along a radial line, the several disks may be worked into each other as shown in Fig. 278, and in such a way as to expose the several colors to view in any desired FIG. 278. proportion. SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 371 Experiment 247. Hold a hand mirror near the dispersing prism so as to reflect the refracted light to a distant wall or ceiling. Give a rapid, angular motion to the mirror so that the spectrum moves to and fro very quickly in the direction of its length. The spectrum changes to a band of white light with a colored spot at each end. 297. The Composition of White Light. We have now shown, by both analysis and synthesis, that white light is composed of the prismatic colors. We have decomposed white light into its constituents, and recombined these constituents into white light. Experiment 248. With a double-convex lens in a darkened room project on the screen an image of the aperture in the shutter. The white image will be fringed with color. 298. Chromatic Aberration. Because of their greater refrangibility, the focus of the violet rays is nearer the lens than the focus of the red rays, as illustrated in Fig. 279. If the screen is as near the lens as the focus marked v, the outer fringe is j .j. ,1 . (. - FIG. 279. red ; if the screen is as far from the lens as the focus marked r, the outer fringe is violet. This difference in the deviation of differently colored rays is called chromatic aberration. (a) A double-convex lens of crown-glass may be combined with a plano-concave lens of flint-glass so as to overcome the dis- /v\ persive effect for some of the colors without overcoming / \ i the converging effect. As such a compound lens forms an image that is nearly free from the fringe of spectral colors, it is called an achromatic lens. Experiment 249. Gradually raise the temperature of FIG. 280. a pi a ti num wire by an electric current. The first radia- tions emitted are those of " obscure heat " ; i.e., they affect the nerves 372 SCHOOL PHYSICS. of general sensation only. The vibrations increase in frequency and amplitude with the temperature, and, at about 525, the eye perceives the wire as a dark red line. As the temperature continues to rise, waves of shorter and shorter wave-length are added, while those previously emitted are increased in amplitude. The wire succes- sively appears orange and yellow and then becomes white hot, the light emitted being exceedingly complex. 299. Color is a property of light, and depends upon wave- length. Thus, the relation between color and light is the same as that between pitch and sound. (a) The wave-lengths that correspond to the several prismatic colors as they appear in the solar spectrum are as follows : Violet, 4,059 Indigo (violet-blue), 4,383 Green, 5,271 Yellow, 5,808 Orange, 5,972 Red, 7,000 Blue (cyan-), 4,960 These magnitudes are for the middle points of the several colors, and represent ten-millionths of a millimeter. Light of only one wave- length is said to be monochromatic or homogeneous. (&) An incandescent body emits light with wave-lengths that grade imperceptibly from values less to values greater than any of those given above. When the wave-lengths are much less or greater than those above given, the radiation is incapable of exciting vision. Within the limits of visibility are an indefinitely great number of wave-lengths, and a correspondingly great number of colors. When light of all grades of refrangibility within these limits is blended, as it is in sunlight, the resultant effect is white or colorless light. When the light that corresponds to some of the prismatic colors is wanting, the resultant effect of blending what is present is colored light. Many artificial lights are deficient in some of these wave-lengths. (c) Since the wave-length for the extreme red is approximately twice that of the extreme violet, it may be said that the range of the visible spectrum is only about one octave. The full spectrum, from the extreme ultra-violet to the longest waves yet recognized, embraces more than seven octaves. These invisible spectra have been explored with delicate thermoscopes and by photography. Wave-lengths twenty times that of the visible red, and corresponding to the temperature of melting ice, have thus been detected in the radiation of the surface of SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 373 the moon. The method of phosphorescence is also employed, while fluorescence is made use of in studying the ultra-violet region. (of) Every sensation of light that the human eye experiences is the effect of impressing about five hundred trillion (5 x 10 14 ) waves upon the ether each second. If the frequency of the ether waves is much lower, the result is chiefly heat. Color of Bodies. Experiment 250. Repeat Experiment 242, and hold a piece of deep red glass between the slit in the shutter and the prism. Notice that the intensity of illumination is reduced less in the red than in any other part of the spectrum. Experiment 251. Paste three strips of paper, one white, one vermilion-red, and one aniline-violet, each about 3 x 0.2 cm., upon sheets of black cardboard. Successively place these strips in a strong light, and look at them through a prism held with its refracting edge parallel to the length of the strips. Carefully compare the coloring of the images of the three strips thus viewed. Experiment 252. Paint three narrow strips of cardboard, one vermilion-red, one emerald-green, and the other aniline-violet. Be sure that the coats are thick enough thoroughly to hide the card- board. When dry, hold the red strip in the red of the solar spectrum ; it appears red. Move it slowly through the orange and yellow ; it grows gradually darker. In the green and colors beyond, it appears black. Repeat the experiment with the other two strips, and carefully notice the effects. Experiment 253. Make a loosely wound ball of candle-wick ; soak it in a strong solution of common salt in water ; squeeze most of the brine out of the ball ; place the ball in a plate, and pour alcohol over it. Take it into a dark room and ignite it. Examine objects of different colors, as strips of ribbon or cloth, by this yellow light. Only yellow objects will have their usual appearance. Experiment 254. In a clear tumbler or large beaker of water, dissolve a little white castile soap, or stir a few drops of an alcoholic solution of mastic. Hold the vessel in the hand, and examine the liquid by transmitted sunlight. Notice that it appears yellowish-red. In a small test-tube, either liquid will appear colorless. Place a black 374 SCHOOL PHYSICS. screen behind the vessel and examine the liquid by reflected sunlight. Notice that it appears blue. 300. The Color of a Body depends upon the light that the body reflects or transmits to the eye. The color of the light thus sent to the eye depends partly upon the nature of the incident light, and partly upon the nature of the body. Some bodies have a power that may be described as selective absorption, reflecting or transmitting light of certain wave-lengths, and absorbing the others. When a house is painted yellow, the painters lay on not a yel- low color but a substance that absorbs from sunlight all the colors except yellow. If the light incident upon a body has only the wave-lengths that the body absorbs, the body can send no light to the eye and, therefore, appears black. (a) A red ribbon is red because it reflects light of the particular wave-length that corresponds to the sensation of redness, and absorbs the rest. A white ribbon is white because it reflects the same propor- tion of all the light that constitutes sunlight. A piece of blue glass is blue because it transmits or reflects light of the particular wave- length that corresponds to the sensation of blueness, and absorbs the rest. Glass that absorbs none of the incident light is colorless. (&) The earth's atmosphere freely transmits yellow and red light, and freely reflects blue light after the manner of the solutions used in Experiment 254. The blue of the sky is due to light thus reflected. When the sun is near the horizon, its light traverses a thicker layer of air than it does at noon. Hence the predominance of yellow and red in the light of the morning and evening hours. Complementary Colors. Experiment 255. Repeat Experiment 246, and receive the red and orange light upon a prism of small refracting angle placed behind the lens. The prism will deflect the red and orange, and form a reddish colored image at n. The violet, indigo, blue, green, and SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 875 FIG. 282. yellow light, not caught by the prism, will unite at / to form a greenish image. When the prism is removed, the reddish light that fell at n, and the greenish light that fell at /, unite to form white light. By shifting the position of the prism, other parts of the beam may be de- flected to the side, giving rise to various pairs of colors, as orange and blue, etc. Each of these pairs of colors has this property in common, that when united they form white light. Experiment 256. Again repeat Experiment 246, holding a paper screen in front of the lens. Mark the positions of the yel- low and blue parts of the spec- trum on the paper, and cut narrow slits across the spec- trum so as to allow the yellow and the blue light to pass through the lens. These two simple colors will be blended by the lens, forming a light that is nearly white. The effect of mingling any two colors may be determined in this way. Experiment 257. Lay a piece of blue paper and a piece of yellow paper, each about 5 cm. square, jiipon a black horizontal surface and about 5 cm. apart. Hold a piece of plate glass 10 or 15 cm. above the colored papers and in a vertical plane that passes between them. Looking obliquely downward, you may see one of the papers by light that the glass transmits, and an image of the other paper by light that the glass reflects. By trial, you can find positions for the glass and eye such that the object seen by the transmitted light and the image produced by the reflected light overlap each other with a blending of their colors. 301. Complementary Colors are any two colors the blending of which produces ivhite light. If all the colors of the solar spectrum are divided into two parts and the colors in each part are blended, each resultant color evi- 376 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 283. dently has what the other needs to make white light. Either of such colors is said to be complementary to the other. When complementary colors are placed in prox- imity, each heightens the effect of the other, by contrast. (a) Any two colors standing opposite each other in Fig. 283 are complementary to each other. If such colors are blended, the resultant is white light; if any two alternate colors are blended, the resultant will be the color that appears between them in the figure. Experiment 258. Cut holes 8 cm. in diameter at the middle of two boards each 18 x 10 cm. and, in each case, re- move part of the strip remaining at the middle of one of the long edges. Thinly coat the circular edges with melted beeswax or paraffine. Provide four pieces of clear window glass, 10 x 18 cm., and fasten one of them with marine glue to each side of each board, thus covering the open- ings. The glue and the surfaces to be joined should be heated. The glue may be thinned, if necessary, with naphtha. Fill one of these " chemical tanks " with a solution of copper sulphate, and the other with a solution of potassium dichromate. Kepeat Experiment 242, and hold the yellow solution between the shutter and the prism. Notice that the solution absorbs the radiations of shorter wave-length and thus cuts the violet, indigo and blue from the spectrum. Change the tanks, and notice that the blue solution absorbs the radiations of greater wave-length and thus cuts the yellow, orange and red from the spectrum. If both solutions are interposed, the green alone will be freely transmitted. Experiment 259. With a yellow-colored crayon, draw a broad mark on the blackboard. Along the same line, draw a similar mark with a blue crayon. Also mix a small quantity of chrome-yellow with a like quantity of some ultramarine-blue pigment. The blend- ing of the blue and the yellow colors in Experiment 256, gave a white; the blending of the yellow and the blue pigments gives a green. SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 377 302. Mixing Pigments is a very different thing from mixing colors, as has just been illustrated. In the ma- jority of cases, the scattering of incident light takes place not only at the surface of bodies but also at distances below the surface. This distance is generally small but in some cases it is considerable. When sunlight falls obliquely upon a piece of blue glass, part of the incident light is reflected at the anterior surface of the glass ; the color of this reflected light is white. Another part of the incident light is reflected from the posterior surface ; the color of this light that has twice traversed the thick- ness of the glass is blue, the radiations of other wave- lengths having been absorbed. The difference in the colors may be seen by receiving the reflected light upon a screen. In the case of pigments, most of the scattered light comes from below the surface. In Experiment 259, the yellow pigment removed most of the violet, indigo and blue by such absorption. The blue pigment similarly removed most of the yellow, orange and red. (Compare Experiment 258.) The radiations that escaped both were of the particular wave-length that constitutes green : ffl&tt- Experiment 260. Fill the bulb of an air thermometer with clear water. Cut a circular opening (somewhat smaller than the bulb) in a large sheet of cardboard. Reflect a sunbeam into a darkened room so that it shall pass through the opening in the cardboard and fall upon the water-filled bulb. Adjust the position of the bulb until circular spectra are thrown by the bulb back upon the cardboard screen. 303. A Rainbow is a solar spectrum formed by water- drops. The necessary conditions are : 378 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (1) A shower during sunshine. (2) That the observer shall stand with his back to the sun, and facing the falling drops. (a) The center of the circle of which the rainbow forms a part .is in the prolongation of a line drawn from the sun through the eye of the observer. This line is called the axis of the bow. (b) Often, a second bow is visible. The inner or primary bow is much brighter than the other; the outer or secondary bow has the order of colors reversed, as indicated in Fig. 284. (c) The rays of sunlight incident upon the rain-drops are refracted as they enter the drop, internally reflected, and chromatically dis- persed, as illustrated in Experiment 260. The drop at V has an angu- lar distance of 40 from EO, the axis of the bow, and sends violet rays to the eye at E, and red rays below the eye. Other drops, at the same angular distance from EO, send vio- let light to the eye and, therefore, form a violet-colored circular arc of which V is the radius of curvature. Similarly, the angle of deviation for red rays is such that the drop, R, at an angular distance of 42 from EO, sends red rays to the eye of the observer and violet rays above the eye. Other drops at the same angular dis- tance send red light to the eye and, there- fore, form a red-colored circular arc, of which OR is the radius of curvature. The primary bow, therefore, has an angular width of 2, the other prismatic colors ranging in regular order between the violet and the red. (d) The secondary bow involves two reflections within the rain- drops, as shown at r and v. The drops that send these rays to the eye are at the angular distances of 51 and 54 respectively from EO. As some light is lost at each reflection, the secondary bow is fainter than the primary. Pure Spectra. Experiment 261. Cut a very narrow slit, 2 or 3 cm. long, in a piece of tin or of tin-foil, and fasten the sheet over the opening in the shutter of a darkened room so that the slit shall be horizontal. Hold a prism about 1.5 m. from the slit and with its edges horizontal. Looking FIG. 284. SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 379 through the prism at the slit, turn the prism about its axis until the colored image of the slit is at the least angular distance from the slit itself. The colors of the image will show with a greater distinctness than before observed. Experiment 262. Change the position of the tin-foil used in Ex- periment 261, so that the slit shall be vertical. Using a convex lens with a focal distance of about 30 cm., project an image of the slit upon a white screen at a considerable distance. Place a glass or a carbon disulphide prism near the lens, and between it and the screen. See that its edges are vertical, and that it is properly placed for mini- mum deviation. Shift the position of the screen so that the rays from the prism fall normally upon it, but keeping it at the same distance from the lens. The spectrum visible upon the screen will be more distinct than any before observed. 304. A Pure Spectrum is made up of a succession of colored images with little or no overlapping. The first requisite in preventing the overlapping, like that of the impure spectrum described in 296 (a), is that the slit be very narrow. (a) A spectroscope is an instrument used to produce a spectrum of the light from any source, and for its study. It affords a delicate means of chemical analysis and is one of the most powerful aids to modern science. In one of its simple forms it con- sists of, (1) A collimator, C, a tube with an ad- justable slit with par- allel edges at the outer end through which the light enters, and at the other end a collimating lens that brings the rays into a parallel beam. (2) A prism, P, or a series of prisms, that receives the radiation from C, and disperses it, thus forming a spectrum. FIG. 285. 380 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (3) A telescope, jT, through which the magnified image of the spec- trum is viewed. The spectrum is received directly upon the retina of the eye and may be distinctly seen even when the radiation is feeble. It is often necessary to determine the position of certain lines that appear in the spectrum ( 307). In such cases, the spectroscope is provided with a third tube that carries a collimatinglens, and a trans- parent plate on which a fine scale has been engraved. Light, as from a candle, enters the outer end of this tube, passes from the collimat- ing lens at the inner end, and is reflected from the face of the prism so that it enters the telescope with the light that is being examined. Thus the spectrum and the image of the scale are viewed simultane- ously and in close juxtaposition. A pocket form of the spectroscope, often called a direct-vision spectroscope, has two telescoping tubes. The inner tube carries a series of three or more prisms made of different kinds of glass, and so placed as to overcome the deviation of the light from a straight path and yet to preserve the dispersion. The outer tube carries an adjustable slit for the admission of light which, after dispersion, is received by the eye at the other end of the instrument. Such an in- strument is not very expensive, and may be made to answer for the purposes of this book. Spectrum Analysis. Experiment 263. Examine a candle-flame with a spectroscope, and notice that the colored spectrum is continuous through all the prismatic colors. Evidently, the radiation is extremely complex. Experiment 264. Dip a platinum wire or a strip of asbestos into a solution of sodium chloride (common salt), and hold it in the almost colorless flame of a Bunsen burner. The sodium vapor colors the flame yellow. Examine this sodium flame with a spectroscope, and notice that the spectrum consists of a bright yellow line instead of the continuous multi-colored band. If your spectroscope was of high dispersive power, it would show that the sodium line is really double. These two fine lines represent wave-frequencies of 508.3 x 10 12 and 509.3 x 10 12 respectively. If the flame is similarly colored with a solution of chloride of lithium, the bright line spectrum will have a carmine color. If the flame is colored with strontium nitrate, the crimson flame will yield a spectrum composed of bright lines the colors and positions of which are different from those of either of the spectra previously examined. If the flame is colored with a mix- SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 381 ture of these three substances, the spectrum will show all of the bright lines previously observed. 305. Spectrum Analysis. It has long been known that when certain substances are heated they give colored flames, the yellow of sodium, the lilac of potassium, etc., being familiar. Each of the chemical compounds used in Experiment 264 has a metallic base, sodium, lithium, or strontium. The vapors of these metals yielded the spec- tra observed. Like tuning-forks, free molecules have definite vibration-periods; e.g., the ether waves set up by incandescent sodium have the same frequency whether the sodium is solar, stellar or terrestrial. The character- istic frequency of the radiation thus established deter- mines the relative position of the corresponding spectrum. As the spectra of such substances are characteristic, i.e., no two of them are alike, they may be used for the identi- fication of the several substances that produce them. This method of analyzing composite radiations, or of iden- tifying substances by the spectra of their incandescent vapors, is catted spectrum analysis. (a) As a condition necessary for the production of the spectrum, the temperature must be so high that the substance to be examined may be vaporized, disassociated, and made incandescent. If a com- pound gas or vapor is not disassociated at the temperature employed, it gives its own spectrum instead of the spectra of its constituent elements. Having mapped the spectra of all known substances, the presence of new lines in any spectrum would indicate the presence of a substance previously unknown. The quantity of material required for such examination is exceedingly small, a hundred-millionth of a milligram of strontium giving the spectrum characteristic of that element. The chemist is thus provided with a method of qualita- tive analysis of far greater power than any previously known. By it, the chemistry of the stars has been studied, and the extreme gen- erality of the diffusion of the elements in nature has been shown, 382 SCHOOL PHYSICS. and several new elements have been discovered. The method has been successfully applied in the industrial arts. Experiment 265. Remove the objective from an optical lantern ( 323). From the lantern, send a beam of electric or calcium light through a narrow vertical slit in a tin screen. Beyond the screen, place a double convex lens to receive the light that passes through the slit. Beyond the lens, place a prism so as to throw a spectrum on a screen still beyond. Place a Bunsen burner or an alcohol lamp be- tween the lantern and the slit and, in its almost colorless flame, hold a bit of sodium. The metal will burn giving an intense yellow to the flame. Notice that the yellow of the spectrum, instead of being more intensely illuminated, is marked by a dark band. Then hold a piece of tin between the lantern and the flame and so as to cut off the light of the lantern from the upper part of the slit. The upper part of the slit is now traversed by light from the sodium-colored flarne, and the lower part of the slit by light from both the lantern and the flame. The image of the slit is inverted, and two parallel spectra are thrown on the screen. One of these is the bright-line spectrum of sodium ; the other shows a dark line on a continuous spectrum. Notice that the bright line of one spectrum falls in the same relative position as the dark line of the other spectrum. Experiment 266. Place some common salt on the wick of an alcohol lamp. The sodium of the salfr will give a yellow tinge to the flame. Let a beam of electric or calcium light pass through this yellow flame and fall upon the collimator slit of the spectroscope ; study its spectrum. A dark line crosses the spectrum, which thus be- comes discontinuous. Shut off the lantern light, and the sodium flame again gives its bright-line spectrum as before. Turn on the lantern light, and remove the sodium-colored flame. Notice that the spectrum is continuous. Replace the sodium flame, and notice that the dark line of the discontinuous spectrum falls in the same rela- tive position as the bright line of the sodium spectrum, just as if the sodium vapor absorbed light of the same refrangibility as that it emits. 306. Kinds of Spectra. From the foregoing, it appears that a spectrum may be continuous or discontinuous, and that a discontinuous spectrum may be a bright-line spec- trum or a dark-line spectrum. For obvious reasons, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA dark-line spectra are sometimes called reversed spectra, or absorption spectra. 307. The Fraunhofer Lines. A spectrum of sunlight is crossed by dark lines, many hundreds of which have been counted and accurately mapped. The more conspic- uous of these dark v .. ,. FIG. 286. lines are distin- guished by letters of the alphabet, as shown in Fig. 286. A few of these dark lines in the solar spectrum are due to absorption in the earth's atmosphere, but by far the greater number originate in the selective absorption of the solar atmosphere itself. (a) In accordance with the principles illustrated by the experiments immediately preceding, and as more fully explained in the paragraph immediately following, it is supposed that the nucleus of the sun would give a continuous spectrum if it was not surrounded by gases and metallic vapors that absorb some of the rays to which their own spectra correspond. Just as the D-line corresponds to sodium, so the greater number of the Fraunhofer lines have been identified in the spectra of known terrestrial substances. The presence of at least thirty-six elements in the sun's atmosphere has been thus established, the identity of the absent wave-frequencies indicating the identity of the absorbing media. (6) The indices of refraction given in 284 (c) are for light that has the particular wave-frequency that corresponds to the Fraunhofer D-line. 308. Laws of Spectra. The following laws have been established : (1) Incandescent solids and liquids give continuous spectra. This is true of vapors and gases also when they 384 SCHOOL PHYSICS. are under great pressures. The spectrum from the flame of a candle, of kerosene, or of illuminating gas is con- tinuous, being due to the incandescent carbon particles suspended in the flame. (2) Incandescent rarefied vapors and gases give discon- tinuous spectra consisting of colored bright lines or bands. These lines or bands have a definite position for each sub- stance and are, therefore, characteristic of it. Thus the sodium spectrum consists of bright yellow lines, corre- sponding in position to the D-line as shown in Fig. 286. (3) If light from an incandescent solid or liquid passes through a gas at a temperature lower than that of the incan- descent body, the gas absorbs rays of the same degree of refrangibility as that of the rays that constitute its own spectrum. This absorption is somewhat analogous to that mentioned in 204. The result is a spectrum continuous except as interrupted by dark lines that occupy the po- sition that the bright lines in the spectrum of the gas itself would occupy. Thus, the emission spectrum of sodium corresponds in position to the D-line ; the sodium flame absorbs light of the same refrangibility, and its absorption spectrum falls in the same position. (a) If the source of radiant energy under spectroscopic examina- tion is approaching the observer, the effect of the motion will be the same as if the wave-length was shortened ; the characteristic lines will be moved toward the violet end of the spectrum. If the source of radiation is moving from the observer, the opposite effects will follow. Compare 192 (6). Such displacement of spectra lines has enabled investigations of the motions of even the " fixed " stars. Experiment 267. Hold a pane of glass between the face and a hot stove; the glass shields the face from the heat of the stove. Hold the glass between the face and the sun ; the glass does not shield the face from the heat of the sun. SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 385 309. Thermal Effects may be detected throughout the length of the visible spectrum and beyond in each direc- tion, i.e., in the infra-red spectrum and in the ultra-violet spectrum. The infra-red radiation is of longer, and the ultra-violet radiation is of shorter wave-length than that of any part of the visible spectrum. The former is present in the spectrum from any hot body ; the latter, in that from a body at a high temperature, as the incan- descent carbons of an arc electric light. When radiant energy is considered with reference to its heating effects, it is sometimes called "radiant heat," a term that is evi- dently misleading, but that has acquired a good foot-hold in the literature of science. Similarly, the radiation of the infra-red region is spoken of as "obscure heat." (a) Lenses and prisms of rock-salt are generally" used in the study of the heating effects of radiant energy, as glass absorbs much of the energy of the longer ether waves, as was shown in Experiment 267. When a solar spectrum is produced with a rock-salt prism, the maxi- mum heating effect is found in the infra-red region, but with a normal spectrum (diffraction-spectrum, 315), the maximum heating effect coincides somewhat closely with the maximum luminous effect. (6) When the heating effects of radiant energy rather than the luminous effects are under consideration, the ability freely to trans- mit the ether waves constitutes diathermancy ; the corresponding inability constitutes athermancy. In other words, diathermanous corresponds to transparent, and athermanous to opaque. Glass, water and alum transmit light, but absorb nearly all of the energy radiated from a vessel filled with boiling water, i.e., they are transparent and athermanous. A solution of iodine in carbon disulphide is opaque and diathermanous. Dry air is very diathermanous ; watery vapor is decidedly athermanous. 310. Theory of Exchanges. All bodies at tempera- tures above absolute zero must radiate energy that may be converted into heat. When two bodies at different 25 386 SCHOOL PHYSICS. temperatures are placed near each other, one gains and the other loses heat by radiation until both ha^e the same temperature. Each radiates to the other, but while the inequality of temperature continues, the hotter body gives more than it receives, and vice versa. This is a brief statement of Prevostfs theory of exchanges. Absorption, etc. Experiment 268. When there is snow on the ground, and the sun is shining, spread a piece of white cloth and a similar piece of black cloth on the snow, and notice whether the snow melts more rapidly under one than under the other. Experiment 269. Focus a sunbeam on the clear glass bulb of an air thermometer, and notice the feeble effect produced. Coat the bulb with candle soot, and repeat the experiment. Notice the greatly in- creased effect. Experiment 270. Secure two similar pieces of tin-plate at least 10 cm. square. Coat one face of one of the pieces with lampblack (candle-soot). Support the two plates, with the painted surface ver- tical, facing the other plate, and about 10 cm. from it. With small bits of shoemaker's wax, fasten a small ball to the middle of the outer face of each plate. Hold a hot bod} T , as a " soldering iron," midway between the plates. Xotice which ball first falls. Repeat the experiment several times to make certain whether the effect was accidental or due to the lampblack. Experiment 271. Provide two bright tin cans of the same size and shape. In the cover of each, make a hole and insert the bulb of a chemical thermometer. Blacken the outside of one can with lampblack. Fill both cans with hot water from the same vessel and, consequently, of the same temperature. At the end of half an hour, pass the bulb of the thermometer through the holes in the covers, and ascertain the temperature of the water in each can. It will be found that the blackened can has radiated its heat more rapidly than the other. Fill both cans with cold water, and set them in front of a hot fire or in the sunshine. The temperature of the water in SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 387 the blackened can rises more rapidly than that of the water in the other can. 4 Experiment 272. Secure a piece of stoneware (Fig. 287) of any black and white pattern. Xotice carefully what parts absorb the most radiant energy. Heat the plate intensely, view it in FIG. 287. a darkened room, and notice carefully what parts radiate the most energy (Fig. 288). FIG. 288. 311. Radiation, Reflection and Absorption. -- Bodies differ greatly in absorbing power. From the nature of the case, a good absorber is a poor reflector. Lampblack is a substance of maximum absorbing and of minimum reflect- ing power. Further than this, the emission and the ab- sorption of radiant energy go hand in hand, good absorbers being good radiators, and good reflectors being poor radiators, and vice versa. 312. Chemical Effects may be detected throughout the length of the visible spectrum and beyond in each direc- tion. The chemical changes upon which ordinary pho- tography depends are most stimulated by the violet and ultra-violet rays ; this, however, is not true of all chemical changes, and even infra-red photography has been accom- 388 SCHOOL PHYSICS. plished. By exciting molecular agitation of the molecules of sulphide of zinc with an electric current of about 10,000 alternations per second, Nikola Tesla demon- strated, in 1894, the actinic value of u cold rays" by taking photographs by phosphorescent light. (a) It, therefore, appears that the long-time division of the spec- trum into three parts, heat, light and actinism, was ill founded ; that from one end of the spectrum to the other, the radiation differs intrin- sically in wave-length only; and that the observed diversity of effect is due to the character of the surface upon which the radiation falls. (b) Lenses and prisms of quartz are generally used in the study of the chemical effects of radiant energy as they absorb less of the energy of the short ether waves than do those of glass. 313. Change of Vibration-Frequency. When solutions of certain substances, such as esculin and sulphate of quinine, are exposed to ultra-violet radiation, the solu- tions lower the rate of vibration to that of an opalescent blue light. This property of lowering the vibration- frequency of ultra-violet radiation to the range of vision is called fluorescence. Another class of substances, such as the sulphides of barium, calcium, and strontium, are luminous when carried from sunlight into a dark room and, for a long time after, present the general appear- ance of a hot body cooling. This property of shining in the dark after exposure to light is called phosphorescence. What is correctly termed phosphorescence has nothing to do with phosphorus, the luminosity of which in the dark is due to slow oxidation. The radiations that excite this luminosity are those of high wave-frequency, so that phos- phorescence is a species of fluorescence that lasts longer after the excitation has ceased than the species just described. The property has been taken advantage of for SPECTRA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 389 the production of what are called "luminous paints." The luminous rays of an electric arc may be absorbed by a solution of iodine in carbon disulphide, and the residual infra-red rays reflected or refracted to a focus. A piece of platinum or of charcoal at such a focus of non-luminous radiation may be heated to incandescence. This raising of the vibration-frequency of infra-red radiation to the range of vision is called calorescence. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Why is the rainbow a circular arc instead of a straight band? 2. What does a wave-length of red light measure in centimeters ? 3. Taking the velocity of light to be 186,000 miles per second and the wave-length of green light to be 0.00002 of an inch, how many waves per second beat upon the retina of an eye exposed to green light ? 4. How may spherical and chromatic aberration caused by a lens be corrected? . 5. What name is given to the differential deviation by refraction of rays of different wave-frequencies? 6. Why is a rainbow never seen at noon ? 7. Describe Fraunhofer's lines, and tell how they may be pro- duced. 8. Under what circumstances will a spectrum be (a) continuous, ( &) bright-line ; (c) dark-line ? 9. Why do not the sun's rays heat the upper atmosphere of the earth as they pass through it ? 10. Show that the glass walls and roof of a greenhouse are a trap for solar heat. 11. Why is it oppressively warm when the sun shines after a sum- mer shower ? 12. Why is there greater probability of frost on a clear than on a cloudy night ? 13. Explain the fact that the glass of a window may remain cold while the sun's radiations are pouring through it and heating objects in the room. 390 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 14. What is meant by the statement that water is transparent and athermanous ? 15. What is meant by "radiant heat," and what by "obscure heat"? Why are these terms objectionable? 16. How can you cut out the short-wave radiations of an arc elec- tric lamp? How can you cut out the long-wave radiations? 17. Why does a polished tea-urn remain warm longer than a similar one with a roughened surface ? 18. Explain the apparent unsteadiness of an object seen across the top of a hot stove. 19. Show that the watery vapor in the atmosphere acts as a blanket for terrestrial objects. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Porte-lumiere or optical lantern ; crown- glass, flint-glass, and carbon disulphide prisms ; a wooden block, grooved and painted black ; cyan-blue and orange colored glass; pic- ric acid ; copper sulphate ; ammonia water ; fine platinum wire ; in- duction tube ; voltaic cell ; Pliicker-tube ; two Leslie cubes ; pane of window glass about 9 x 12 inches; lampblack; India-ink; tin-foil; white-lead; chemical tank; alum; iodine; carbon disulphide. lw Cut a very narrow slit with straight, smooth edges in a piece of cardboard. Fasten the cardboard across the opening of a porte- lumiere or an optical lantern, with the slit vertical. With a convex lens that has a focal distance of about 30 cm., project an image of the slit upon a white screen at a considerable distance. Place a prism (60) of crown-glass between the lens and screen, close to the lens and with its edges vertical. Turn the prism about its axis until it is in the po- sition of least deviation. Without changing its distance from the lens, set the screen so that the light re- fracted by the prism falls perpendicu- larly upon it. Describe the image and mark on the screen its limits, and the FIG. 289. position of any characteristic points. Replace the crown-glass prism succes- sively with flint-glass and carbon disulphide prisms, and note any changes in the spectrum. Set a second prism near the first and with SPECTEA, CHROMATICS, ETC. 391 its base turned the same way, as shown in Fig. 289, so that the disper- sion effect of the second may be added to that of the first, and note any changes in the spectrum. 2. Shorten the slit used in Exercise 1 and hold the second prism with its edges perpendicular to the edges of the first, so that the differ- ently colored light emergent from the first shall be received upon a face of the second, each color by itself. See if these rays of differing wave-lengths are refracted equally by the second prism. 3. Arrange apparatus as described in Exercise 1, and cut a narrow vertical slit from the screen so that light of some one color may pass through the slit. Receive this light upon a prism behind the screen, and see if there is any further dispersion, or any production of new colors. Explain the result of your experiment. 4. Cut a slit 2.5 cm. long and 2 mm. wide in each of two pieces of black cardboard, and support the two cards in a groove cut in a blackened piece of wood. The width of the groove should be just twice the thickness of the cards, so that the distance between the slits may be adjusted by moving the cards in the groove. Repeat Experi- ment 245, and hold the perforated cardboard screen between the lens and the prism, and adjust the slits so that light of only two colors falls upon the lens. Note the color of the spot formed by the synthesis of these colors. Try other pairs of colors, and note the resultant color in each case. Especially, try to find as many combinations as possible that yield white light. 5. Place the three disks represented in Fig. 278 upon the whirling table, and fasten them in position.. Turn the spindle rapidly, and note the color of the blending. Change the proportions of the exposed colors, and blend them again. Continue the work with a view of determining the accuracy of the statement that any color of the spec- trum may be produced by the composition of these three colors. 6. With a variety of similar disks, demonstrate the effect of blend- ing complementary colors. 7. Admit two sunbeams to a darkened room, and cause them to overlap on a white screen. Hold a piece of blue glass so that one of the beams passes through it. Pass the other beam through a piece of glass so chosen that the blending of the two colored beams pro- duces a white spot on the screen. Shut off one of the beams, and determine the effect of sending the other through both of the pieces of glass. 8. While observing the solar spectrum with a spectroscope, hold a 392 SCHOOL PHYSICS. piece of cyan-blue glass over the slit of the instrument, and note the effect. Then try a piece of orange-colored glass. Then study the effect when the two pieces are superposed in front of the slit. Suc- cessively try test-tube portions of a solution of picric acid, and of an ammoniacal solution of copper sulphate. 9. Make a loop about 2 mm. in diameter at the end of a fine platinum wire. Fuse a small bit of common salt into this loop. Place an alcohol flame just beyond the slit of a spectroscope. Hold the bead of salt in the edge of the flame nearest the spectroscope and a little below the level of the slit. Examine the spectrum, and map the position of any bright lines that you observe. Devise some way of producing dark lines that occupy the same positions in the spec- trum. 10. With an induction coil, illuminate a Pliicker-tube containing some known gas, and examine its spectrum with a spectroscope. Record a description of the spectrum. (See 506.) 11. Make a cubical metal vessel with edges of about 7 or 8 cm., and vertical faces made respectively of polished brass, sheet lead, bright tin-plate, and tin-plate that has been coated with lampblack. Leave a small opening in the upper face. Such a vessel is called a Leslie cube. Fill it with water, and bring the temperature to 10. Place the cube 3 or 4 cm. from an air thermometer or from one bulb of a differential thermometer, and note the effect upon the thermom- eter. Raise the temperature successively to 20, 30, 40, etc. ; bring, it .within the same distance of the thermometer, and note the effect in each case. Record a comparison of the readings of the mercury thermometer in the cube with the indications of the air thermometer, and a clear statement of the relation between them. 12. Repeat one of the tests of Exercise 11, and then interpose a pane of window glass between the cube and the thermometer. Explain the effect produced by the screen. 13. With the same apparatus, test the absorptive powers of tin-foil, lampblack, India-ink, and white-lead by successively coating the bulb of the air thermometer with such substances. 14. Test the radiating powers of tin, lampblack, India-ink, and white-lead by successively turning faces of the Leslie cube thus coated toward the bulb of the air thermometer, being careful that the tem- perature and the distance of the cube are the same in each instance. Try to find some relation between the absorbing powers and the radi- ating powers of these several substances. Also similarly test the INTERFEKENCE, DIFFRACTION, POLARIZATION. 393 radiating powers of faces of the cube that have been coated with unglazed white paper and with white cotton cloth. 15. Repeat Experiment 228, holding a " chemical tank " (see Ex- periment 258) so that the sun's rays shall pass through the two circu- lar windows before they fall upon the lens. Fill the tank with a solution of alum in water, and repeat the experiment. Determine the effect, if any, that the presence of the tank, empty or filled, has upon the result at the focus. Empty out the alum-water and fill the tank with a solution of iodine in carbon disulphide, and repeat the experi- ment. VI. INTERFERENCE, DIFFRACTION, POLARIZATION, ETC. Experiment 273. In any convenient clamp, firmly press together the centers of two pieces of clean, thick, plate-glass. Look obliquely at the glass, and a beautiful play of colors will be seen surrounding the point of greatest pressure. If the glass is illuminated by the monochromatic light of a sodium flame (see Experiment 253), yellow bands separated by dark bands will be seen. 314. Interference of Light. We have seen that two wave-motions may combine in such a way as to neutralize each other ( 206), and that such an interference is a peculiarity of wave -motion,. The fact that light may thus neutralize light is strong confirmation of the wave-theory. (a) In the historical experiment of which Experiment 273 is a modification, a plano-convex lens of little curvature was pressed upon a flat piece of glass. When looked at from above, the center of the lens thus - I ' used is surrounded by rainbow-like bands t ^""""" f ( """"' of color, known as Newton rings. Of the light that falls vertically upon the lens, FIG. 290. some is reflected at the curved surface, and some from the upper surface of the plate under the lens. These latter rays have to traverse twice the wedge-shaped film of air be- tween the lens and the plate. Whenever the thickness of the air- film is such that the two sets of reflected waves unite in opposite 394 SCHOOL PHYSICS. phases, interference is the result. If the apparatus is observed by white light, and the red rays are destroyed at a certain distance from the center of the lens, the color perceived at that distance will be complementary to the destroyed red, and will form a circular green band. If the apparatus is observed by red light, a dark ring will ap- pear at the same distance. At another distance from the center of the lens, the violet rays will be destroyed, and the circular band seen at that distance will be due to the combination of the other constit- uent rays of the light used. (&) Interference colors similarly produced by reflection are often seen in soap bubbles, in small quantities of oil that have been spread over large sheets of water, in mica, selenite, ice, and other crystals. Certain striated surfaces, like those of mother-of-pearl, some kinds of shells and feathers, etc., owe their beautiful colors to the interference of reflected light (see 315, 6). Diffraction. Experiment 274. With a fine needle, rule a number of fine parallel lines upon a piece of glass that has been coated with India-ink. Take pains to cut through the ink to the glass. Cut a slit 2 mm. wide in a black card, and hold it at arm's length in front of a flame. Hold the glass close to the eye and, through the scratched lines, look at the slit. Notice the series of spectra on each side of the slit. Experiment 275. Throw a sunbeam through a very small opening in the shutter of a darkened room. Receive the beam upon a convex FIG. 291. lens of short focal length, placing a piece of red glass between the aperture and the lens. Place an opaque screen with a sharp edge beyond the focal distance of the lens, as at a, so as to cut off the lower part of the cone of homogeneous light, and project the upper part thereof upon a screen at b. A faint light is seen on the screen below the level of a and, therefore, within the geometrical shadow. The part of the screen immediately above the level of a contains a series of dark and light bands, as shown at B, which is a front view of the screen at b. INTERFERENCE, DIFFRACTION, POLARIZATION. 395 315. Diffraction. When water waves strike an obstacle, part of the energy of the wave is expended in producing a second set of waves that seem to circle outward from the side of the obstacle as a center. The original wave (primary) passes directly onward, while the secondary waves wind around behind the obstacle. In similar man- ner, sound bends around a corner, but sound-shadows may be produced if the wave-length is sufficiently small, or if the obstacle is of great size compared with the length of the sound waves. So ether waves are modified when they traverse a minute opening or narrow slit, or impinge upon an obstacle, e.g., a hair, so small as to be comparable with the wave-length. The phenomena are identical when the scale of the ex- periment is the same. If a beam of monochro- matic light is passed through a narrow slit and received upon a screen in a dark room, a series of alternately light and dark bands or " fringes " is seen ; if white light is employed, a series of colored spectra is obtained. Thus it appears that, under proper conditions, rays may be bent and caused to penetrate into the shadow. The interference-phenomena resulting from this action are called diffraction. (a) As the primary and secondary waves cut each other, they unite at some points, crest with crest and, at other points, crest with trough. At the latter points, we have interference of light and the effects of colors produced thereby as explained above. The halos sometimes seen around the sun and moon are due to the diffraction of light by watery globules in the atmosphere. The colors often seen on looking through a feather or one's half-closed 396 SCHOOL PHYSICS. eyelashes at a distant source of brilliant light are also due to diffraction. (&) When lines are ruled on the surface of glass, the ruled lines become opaque, the spaces between them remaining transparent. A system of close, equidistant, parallel lines ruled on glass, or on polished (speculum) metal, constitutes a diffraction grating. Lines are ruled for this purpose at the rate of 10,000 to 20,000 or even 40,000 to the inch. Such gratings yield interference or diffraction spectra, which are much used in spectroscopic work, and afford a simple means for measuring the wave-length of ether vibrations. In these spectra, the colors are distributed in their true order and extent according to their differences in wave-length; while, in prismatic spectra, the less re- frangible (red) rays are crowded together, and the more refrangible B C D E F O H,. H,H., B C D E F G FIG. 293. (violet and blue) are correspondingly dispersed. For this reason, the diffraction spectrum is called a normal spectrum. The upper part of Fig. 293 represents a normal spectrum, and the lower part, a prismatic spectrum. Comparing the two, the "irrationality of dispersion" of the prismatic spectrum is seen. 316. Irradiation is the apparent enlargement of a strongly illuminated object when seen against a dark ground. Thus, when the two equal circles shown in Fig. 294 are care- fully observed in a FIG. 294. J good light, one seems to be larger than the other. INTERFERENCE, DIFFRACTION, POLARIZATION. 397 (a) Irradiation increases with the brightness of the object, diminishes as the illumination of the object and that of the field of view approach equality, and vanishes when they become equal. This effect is very perceptible in the apparent magnitude of stars, which look much larger than they otherwise would ; also in the appearance of the new moon, the illuminated crescent seeming to extend beyond the darker portion, as if the new moon was holding the old moon in its arms. Polarization. Experiment 276. While looking through the plates of a pair of tourmaline tongs, turn one of the plates in its wire support. The intensity of the light transmitted will vary as the plate is turned. When little or no light is transmitted, the FIG. 295. plates are said to be " crossed." Experiment 277. Write your name on a sheet of paper, and cover it with a crystal of Iceland spar. The lines will appear double, as shown in Fig. 296. Place the crystal over a dot on the paper, hold the eye directly over the dot, and slowly turn the crystal around ; one of the two images of the dot will revolve about the other image. Prick a pin-hole through a card, and hold the card against one side of the crystal, look through the crystal at the pin-hole, and rotate the crystal as before. Experiment 278. Look through one of the plates of the tourmaline tongs (Fig. 295) at the two images of the dot formed by the double refraction of the Iceland spar as described in Experiment 277. One of the images will be much fainter than the other. Turn the tourma- line plate slowly around, and notice that one image grows fainter and the other brighter, the maximum brightness of one being simultane- ous with the extinction of the other. FIG. 296. 398 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 317. Polarization of Light. Common white light is a highly complex form of radiant energy, comprising not only an indefinite number of wave-lengths, but also an in- definite number of modes of ether vibration. When a rope is shaken as described in Experiment 110, the vibra- tions of the wave thus produced will lie in a vertical plane ; when the hand is moved horizontally, the vibrations will lie in a horizontal plane. It thus appears that a transverse wave is capable of assuming a particular side or direction ; a longitudinal wave is not. In like manner, a single row of ether particles engaged in propagating a linear trans- verse wave may describe any one of a variety of paths, each perpendicular to the line of propagation of the radia- tion. For example, each particle may vibrate in a straight line, parallel to the wave-front and indiffer- ently in any plane about the line of propa- gation, as represented in Fig. 297. If all the ether particles in the row under consid- eration successively vibrate along lines lying in the same plane, the radiation is said to be plane- polarized, and the wave thus constituted is called a plane-polarized wave. A change ~by which the transverse vibrations of luminous waves are limited to a single direc- tion is called polarization of light. This change may be produced in several ways. (a) Light may be polarized : (1) By reflection from the surface of glass, water, and other non- metallic substances. The degree of polarization reaches its maxi- mum when the angle of incidence lias a certain value depending upon the substance, and called the angle of polarization. For glass, this angle is 54^. (2) By transmission through a series of transparent plates of INTERFERENCE, DIFFRACTION, POLARIZATION. 399 glass placed in parallel position at the proper angle to the inci- dent ray. (3) By double refraction, as in the case of Iceland spar or of a plate cut in a certain way from a tourmaline crystal. A beam of light, falling upon such a crystal, is generally split into two parts polarized at right angles. One of these parts obeys the regular law of refraction, and is called the ordinary ray ; the other does not, and is called the extraordinary ray. A prism of Iceland spar prepared in such a way that one beam of polarized light is totally reflected and extinguished, w^hile the other beam passes through as polarized light, is called a Nicol prism. Xicol prisms and tourmaline plates are largely used in experiments with polarized light. (6) Light that has passed through a tourmaline plate differs so much from ordinary light that it may be stopped by a similar plate, as was seen in Experiment 276. For the sake of simplicity, imagine the indifferently placed planes of vibration, as represented in Fig. 297, to be resolved into two that lie at right angles to each other, as shown in Fig. 298. Then the action of the first tourmaline plate may be compared to that of a vertical-bar grating that allows the vibrations in a vertical plane to pass, but absorbs the vibrations that lie in a horizontal FIG. 298. plane. Evidently, the vibrations that pass one such grating, as T, will pass others similarly placed, but will be stopped by one that is crossed, as at T' . The part of the beam that lies between T and ^represents plane polarized light. (c) Polarized light presents to the unaided eye the same appear- ance as common light. An instrument for producing and testing polarized light is called a polariscope. It consists of two characteristic parts; one, used to produce polarization and called the polarizer ; the other, used to test or to study the polarized light and called the analyzer. Apparatus that serves for either of these purposes will serve for the other. The Xicol prism is generally preferred for both purposes. Some of the color-effects due to the interference of polarized light are very beautiful. (rf) The plane of polarization may 'be rotated by passing plane- polarized light through certain substances, some substances producing a right-hand rotation and others a left-hand rotation. This property of polarized light has been applied to the estimation of the commercial 400 SCHOOL PHYSICS. value of sugar by the amount of rotation produced by a solution of it of known strength. The devices for the precise measurement of the amount of rotation involve advanced scientific principles. When plane polarized light is passed through a plate of quartz cut perpen- dicularly to the axis, the plane of polarization is turned through an angle that varies with the thickness of the plate and the wave-length of the light. Thus, if a pebble spectacle-lens is placed between crossed tourmaline plates, the dark field is brightened, and generally colored, by the transmitted light. (e) Light may be circularly and elliptically polarized as well as plane polarized. Note. For a fuller discussion of the polarization of radiant energy, the pupil is referred to some special work on Light. The subject is interesting and the phenomena are beautiful. VII. A FEW OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Experiment 279. Stick two needles into a board about 6 inches apart. Close one eye, and hold the board so that the needles shall be nearly in range with the open eye and about 6 and 12 inches respec- tively from it. One needle will be seen distinctly while the image of the other will be blurred. Fix the view definitely on the needle that appears blurred and it will become distinct, but you cannot see both clearly at the same time. Experiment 280. Cover half of a white sheet of paper with a sheet of black paper. Fix the eye intently on the middle of the white surface for fifty or sixty seconds. Keep the eye fixed on the same point, and suddenly remove the black paper. The newly exposed part of the sheet appears more brilliantly illuminated than the other. Experiment 281. Stick a bright red wafer upon a piece of white paper. Hold the paper in a bright light and look steadily at the wafer, for some time, with one eye. Turn the eye quickly to another part of the paper or to a white wall, and a greenish spot, the size and shape of the wafer, will appear. The greenish color of the image is complementary to the red of the wafer. If the wafer is green, the image afterwards seen will be of a reddish (complementary) color. A FEW OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 401 Experiment 282. Close one eye and try to thread a needle. Bend a stout wire at a right angle, and try to pass one end of it through a ring held at arm's length, one eye being closed. Experiment 283. Prick a pin-hole in a card, hold it near the eye, and look through the pin-hole at a pin held at arm's length. As the pin is slowly moved toward the eye, the visual angle ( 318, e) increases and the pin seems to grow larger. 318. The Human Eye, optically considered, is an ar- rangement for projecting inverted, real images upon a screen made of nerve filaments. This image is the origin of the sensation of vision. The luminous waves transfer their energy to the nerve filaments, they transmit it to the brain and, in some mysterious way, the sensation follows. (a) The most essential parts of this instrument are contained in the eyeball, a nearly spherical body, about an inch in diameter, and capable of being turned considerably in its socket by the action of various muscles. It is represented in section from front to back by Fig. 299. The greater part of the outer coat is tough and opaque, and is called the " white of the eye " or the sclerotic coat, S ; the front part of the coat is a hard, transparent structure called the cornea, C. The cornea is more convex than the rest of the eyeball, and fits into the scle- rotic as a watch-crystal does into its case. The chief part of the second tunic of the eye is the choroid coat, N, which is opaque and intensely black, and absorbs all internally re- F IG 299. fleeted light. The third or inner tunic is the retina, R, an expansion of the optic nerve which enters the eyeball from behind. These several tunics or coats form a kind of camera filled with solid and liquid refractive media. The crys- talline lens, L, a solid biconvex body, is suspended in the middle of this camera and directly in the axis of vision. Its shape is shown 26 402 SCHOOL PHYSICS. in the figure ; it tends to flatten with age. With its capsule, it divides the eye into two compartments, and is chiefly instrumental in bring- ing the rays of light to a focus on the retina. The larger chamber of the eyeball is filled with a transparent, jelly-like substance, F, that resembles the white of an egg, is called the vitreous humor, and is enclosed in the delicate hyaloid membrane, H. The chamber between the cornea and the lens is filled with a more watery liquid, the aqueous humor. This anterior chamber is partly divided into two compart- ments by an annular curtain, /, called the iris. This curtain is opaque, and its color constitutes the color of the eye. The circular opening in the iris is called the pupil The iris acts as a self-regulat- ing diaphragm, dilating the pupil and thus admitting more light when the illumination is weak ; contracting the pupil and cutting off more light when the illumination is strong. (ft) That vision may be distinct, the image formed on the retina must be clearly defined, well illuminated, and of sufficient size. With- out our consciousness, the muscular action of the eye changes the curvature of the crystalline lens so that rays from near or distant objects may be focused on the retina. Instead of moving the screen, the refractive power of the lens is changed. This power of " accom- modation," or automatic adjustment for distance, is limited. When a book is held close to the eyes, the rays from the letters are so divergent that the eye cannot focus them upon the retina. The near point of vision is generally about 3| inches from the eye. As parallel rays are generally brought to a focus on the retina when the eye is at rest, the far point for good eyes is infinitely distant. Owing to the small size of the pupil, rays from a point 20 inches or more distant are practi- cally parallel. The near point of some eyes is less than 3J- inches, while the far point is only 8 or 10 inches. Such eyes are myopic and their owners are near-sighted; the retina is too far back, the eyeball being elongated in the direction of its axis. The remedy is in concave glasses. The near point of some eyes is about 12 inches and the far point is infinitely distant. Such eyes are hypermetropic and their owners are far-sighted. In such eyes the retina is too far forward, the eyeball being flattened in the direction of its axis. The remedy is in convex glasses. When the diminished power of accommodation for near objects is an incident of advancing years, and due to the progres- sive loss of elasticity in the crystalline lens, the eyes are presbyopic and their owners are old-sighted. The cause of the difficulty is different from that of far-sightedness, but the remedy is the same. A FEW OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 403 (c) The impression upon the retina does not disappear instantly when the action of the light ceases, but continues for about an eighth of a second. The result is what is called the persistence of vision. If the impressions are repeated within the interval of the persistence of vision, they appear continuous. This phenomenon is well illustrated by the luminous ring produced by swinging a firebrand around a circle, and in the action of the common toy known as the thaumatrope or the zoetrope. (W) The retina is thickly studded with microscopic projections called rods and cones, the terminal elements of the optic nerve. According to a theory that is as yet purely provisional, these end- organs are tuned to sympathetic vibrations with the ether vibrations that severall} T correspond to violet, green, and red ( 299, a), and by combining these effects in suitable proportions, the several color- sensations are produced. When any of these end-organs are inopera- tive or when they are not equally sensitive, the person is affected with color-blindness, i.e., he is unable to recognize certain colors, generally red. Sometimes these terminal elements seem to become tired of vibrating at a given rate and thus to become insensible to a certain color. (See Experiments 280 and 281.) Hence, what is known a subjective color is due to a retinal fatigue. In the middle of the retina and in the axis of the eye is a little rounded elevation called the yellow spot or macula lutea. It is the most sensitive part of the retina. On the nasal side of the yellow spot is the entrance of the optic nerve and its central artery. As this part of the retina lacks the visual function that characterizes the rest of its surface, it is called the blind spot. (c) The estimation of distances by the eye is a matter of judgment and is chiefly based upon experience. This experience relates to the amount of muscular effort exerted in adjusting the eye for distinct vision, and in turning the two eyes inward so that their axes meet at the object, thus forming the optical angle (see Experiment 282) ; to the comparison of the angle formed by lines drawn from the extremities of the object to either eye and called the visual angle with the visual angle subtended by objects of known size and distance ; and to the observation of changes of color and brightness produced by the varying thickness of the air through which the object is viewed. (/") The estimation of the size of distant objects is also a matter of judgment, based upon the known or supposed distance of the object. The ratio between the size of object and image equals the ratio 404 SCHOOL PHYSICS. between the distance of each from the lens, and the mind uncon- sciously bases its conclusions on this fact. Stereoscopic Effect. Experiment 284. Close the left eye, and hold the right hand so that the forefinger hides the other three fingers. Without changing the position of the hand, open the left and close the right eye. The hidden fingers become visible in part. It is evident that the images upon the retinas of the two eyes are different. Experiment 285. Place a die on the table directly in front of you. Looking at it with only the left eye, three faces are visible, as shown at A, Fig. 300. Looking at it with only the right eye, it appears as shown at B. If, in any way, we combine two such draw- ings, so as to produce images upon the retinas of the two eyes like those pro- duced by the solid object, we obtain the idea of solidity. A. r. B FIG. 300. 319. The Stereoscope is an instrument for illustrating the phenomena of binocular vision, and for producing from two nearly similar pictures of an object the effect of a single picture with the appearance of relief and solidity that pertains to ordinary vision. (a) The stereoscopic view or slide shows, side by side, two pic< tures taken under a slightly different angular view. It is the office of the stereoscope to blend these two pictures. As in ordinary vision, each eye sees only one of the pictures, but the two images conveyed to the brain unite into one. The diaphragm, Z), prevents either eye from seeing both pictures at the same time. Rays of light from B are refracted by the half-lens, FIG. 301. E' t so that they seem to come from C, beyond the plane of the A FEW OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 405 pictures. In the same way, rays from A are refracted by E so that they also seem to come from C. The two slightly different pictures, thus seeming to be in the same place at the same time, are success- fully blended ; the picture " stands out," or has the appearance of solidity. 320. The Photographer's Camera corresponds to the camera-obscura described in 265. ' A darkened box, DE, adjustable in length, takes the place of the darkened room, and an achromatic convex lens is substituted for the aperture in the shutter. (a) A ground-glass plate is placed in the frame at E, which is adjusted so that a well-defined inverted image of the object in front of A is projected upon the glass plate as shown in Fig. 302. This adjustment is completed by moving the lens and its tube by the toothed wheel at />. When the focus- ing is satisfactory, A is cov- ered, the ground-glass plate is replaced by a chemically pre- pared sensitive plate, A is un- covered, and the image pro- jected on the chemical film. - F IG . 302. The chemical changes that the light produces in the film are made visible by a process called "developing," and made permanent by a process called "fixing." Microscope. Experiment 286. Provide two small biconvex lenses about 4 cm. in diameter, one with a focal length of about 3 cm. and the other with a focal length of about 5 cm. Mount each by inserting its edge in a slit in a large cork. Place a small bright object in front of the lens of shorter focal length and close to it, and adjust a screen on the other side of the lens so that a sharp image of the object will be projected on it. Place the other lens back of the screen, and at a distance from it less than the focal length of the 406 SCHOOL PHYSICS. lens. Remove the screen, and look through the second lens toward the first. Adjust the second lens until you can see a virtual image of the real image of the object. 321. A Microscope consists of a lens or a combination of lenses used to observe small objects, often so minute as to be invisible to the unaided eye. (a) The simple microscope is generally a single convex lens, and is often called a magnifying glass. The object is placed between the lens and its principal focus. The lens increases the visual angle. The image is virtual, erect, and magnified. (b) The magnifying power of a lens is the ratio between the length of the object and the length of its image. (c) The compound microscope consists essentially of two lenses or systems of lenses. One of these, 0, called the objective, is of short focus. The object, AB, being placed slightly beyond the principal focus, a real image, cd, magnified and inverted is formed. The other lens, E, called the eyepiece or ocular, is so placed that the image, cd, lies between it and its focus. A magnified, virtual image of the real image, cd, is formed by the eyepiece and seen by the observer at ab. Eye- piece and objective are placed at op- posite ends of a tube and are generally compound, the objective consisting of two or three achromatic lenses, and the eyepiece of two or more simple lenses. The instrument varies widely in con- struction, and is often provided with many accessories or special devices ap- plicable to particular uses. Experiment 287. Using a biconvex lens about 10 cm. in diameter and with a focal length of about 40 cm., project a sharp image of a distant object on a screen. Back of the screen, place the lens of A ^FEW OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 407 3 cm. focal length that was used in Experiment 286. The distance of the lens from the screen should be less than the focal length of the lens. Remove the screen, and look through the second lens toward the first. Adjust the second lens until you can see a virtual image of the real image of the object. 322. A Telescope is an instrument designed for the obser- vation of distant objects, and consists essentially of an objective for the formation of an image of the object and of an eyepiece for magnifying this image. The optical parts are generally set in a tube so arranged that the distance between the objective and the eyepiece may be adjusted for distinct vision. A telescope is refracting or reflecting according as its objective is a convex lens or a concave mirror, and astronomical or terrestrial accord- ing as it is designed for the observation of celestial or terrestrial objects. (a) The astronomical refractor consists essentially of a large convex lens objective of long focus, and a convex lens eyepiece of short focus, FIG. 304. as is shown in Fig. 304. The objective is made large that it may collect many rays, to the end that its real and diminished image, ab, may be so bright that it may be considerably magnified without too great loss of distinctness. This real image formed by the objective is magnified by the eyepiece, as in the case of the compound microscope. The visible image is a virtual image of the real image. (J) The spy-glass or terrestrial telescope avoids the inversion of the image by the interposition of two double-convex lenses, m and n, 408 SCHOOL PHYSICS. between the objective and the eyepiece. The rays diverging from the inverted image at / cross between m and n, and form an erect, magni- fied, virtual image at ab. FIG. '305. (c) The Galilean telescope has a double-concave eye-lens that inter- cepts the rays before they reach the focus of the objective. The rays from A, converging after refraction by 0, are rendered diverging by FIG. 300. C; they seem to diverge from a. In like manner, the image of is formed at b. The image, ab, is erect and very near. Two Galilean telescopes placed side by side constitute an opera-glass. (e?) The reflecting telescope has as an objective a concave mirror, technically called a speculum. The images formed by the speculum are brought to the eyepiece in several different ways. Sometimes the FIG. 307. eyepiece consists of a series of convex lenses placed in a horizontal tube, as shown in Fig. 307. The rays from the mirror may be re- A FEW OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 409 fleeted by a cathetal prism, TOW, and a real image formed at ab. This image is magnified by the eyepiece, and a virtual image formed at cd. The Earl of Rosse built a telescope with a mirror that was six feet in diameter, and had a focal distance of fifty-four feet. (e) The magnifying power of a telescope depends upon the ratio between the focal length of the objective and that of the eyepiece, and may be changed by changing one eyepiece for another. Optical Projection. Experiment 288. Reflect a horizontal beam of sunlight into a darkened room. In its path, place a piece of smoked glass on which you have traced the representation of an arrow, AB (Fig. 308), or written your auto- graph. Be sure that every stroke of the pencil has cut through the lamp- black and exposed the glass beneath. Place a convex lens beyond the pane of FIG. 308. glass, as at L, so that rays that pass through the transparent tracings may be refracted by it, as shown in the figure. It is evident that an image will be formed at the foci of the lens. If a screen, SS, is held at the positions of these foci, a and &, the image will appear clearly cut and bright. If the screen is held nearer the lens or further from it, as at S f or S", the picture will be blurred. 323. The Optical Lantern is an instrument for project- ing on a screen magnified images of transparent photo- graphs, paintings, drawings, etc. (a) The light is placed at the common focus of a concave mirror, and of a convex lens called -the condenser. A powerful beam of light is thus thrown upon 6, the transparent object, technically termed a " slide." A compound objective, TO, is placed at a little more than its fecal distance beyond the slide. A real, inverted, magnified image of the picture is thus projected upon the screen, S, The tube carrying 410 SCHOOL PHYSICS. m is adjustable, so that the foci may be made to fall upon the screen, and thus render the image distinct. By inverting the slide, the image FIG. 309. is seen right side up. Solar and electric microscopes act in nearly the same way, the chief difference being in the source of light. An opti- cal lantern is often called a magic lantern. (6) Two matched lanterns placed so that their images coincide constitute a stereopticon. The use of such an instrument avoids the delay and unpleasant effect of moving the pictures across the screen in view of the audience when the slides are changed, and enables the production of many interesting " dissolving " effects- that are impos- sible with a single lantern. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Two pieces of heavy plate-glass, about 8 cm. square ; a small iron clamp ; three spring clothes-pins ; a spectacle-lens made of quartz, and a similar one made of glass. 1. In a good light, press together two pieces of clean plate glass with a clamp at their centers, and explain the appearance of colors in the glass. 2. Spring a clothes-pin upon each of three corners of the glass plates used in Exercise 1, and support the plates by an iron clamp at the fourth corner. Let a beam of sunlight from the porte-lumiere fall upon the face of the plate so as to make the angle of incidence 45. Receive the beam reflected from the plate upon a convex lens so that an image of the opening in the shutter will be projected on the screen. Vary the pressure at the clamp, and explain the change of colors on the screen. A FEW OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 411 3. Look through the two plates of the tourmaline tongs (Fig. 295) at the bright sky. Turn one of the plates in its supporting ring and observe the changes of brightness. When the plates are so adjusted that the view through them is the darkest, slip successively between them a quartz spectacle-lens and a similar lens made of glass, noting the effect of each, and explaining the effect of one. 4. Project a solar spectrum upon a white screen, and look at it in- tently for 50 or 60 seconds. Then have some one suddenly cut off the light that yields the spectrum, and turn up the lamp or gas-light. During these changes, keep your eyes fixed on the screen watching for any change that may take place in the appearance of the spectrum. Describe and explain any such change that takes place. 5. Fasten a thread to a disk of paper of some bright color. Place this disk upon a sheet of white paper and in a strong light. Look intently at the colored disk for 20 or 30 seconds. Suddenly pull away the colored disk without moving the eye. Describe and explain the after-image. 6. While a friend is looking intently at a distant object, look obliquely into his eye, holding a candle-flame on the other side of it. If the flame is properly held, three images of it will be seen ; one erect and bright, reflected from the cornea; another erect and less bright, reflected from the anterior surface of the crystalline lens ; and a third, inverted, reflected from the posterior-surface of the lens. When the eye that is being studied changes its adjustment for the observation of an object held near it, the first image of the candle- flame is unchanged, while the second and third become smaller, the change being greater in the second than in the third. 7. Close the left eye and look steadily at the cross below, holding the book about a foot from the face. The dot is plainly visible as well * as the cross. Keep the eye fixed on the cross and move the book slowly toward the face. When the image of the dot falls on the " blind spot " of the eye, the dot disappears. Hold the book in this position for a moment and see if the changing convexity of the crystalline lens throws the image of the dot off the blind spot, making the dot again visible. CHAPTER VI. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. (Ether Physics continued.) I. GENEKAL VIEW. A. STATIC ELECTRICITY. 324. Electricity is the common cause of a large variety of phenomena, including apparent attractions and repul- sions of matter, heating, luminous and magnetic effects, chemical decomposition, etc. (a) The true nature of electricity is not yet well understood. Lit- tle more can be said at this point than that it is the agent upon which certain phenomena depend, and that " it behaves like an incompressible fluid filling all space and yet entangled in an ether that has the rigidity necessary to propagate the enormously rapid and minute oscillatory disturbances that constitute radiation, while, at the same time, it allows the free motion of ordinary matter through it." (6) The phenomena of electricity are generally classified as static or dynamic, and considered under the heads, frictional electricity or current electricity. Owing to their common cause and for reasons of convenience, little effort will be made to maintain the distinction in this work. (c) "Experiments with electricity produced by friction are very beautiful and of great theoretical interest, but many of them are troublesome to perform, and their practical importance is very small." Experiment 289. Draw a silk ribbon about an inch wide and a foot long between two layers of warm flannel and with considerable friction. Hold the ribbon near the wall, and notice the unusual at- traction. Place a sheet of paper on a warm board, and briskly rub it with india-rubber. Hold it near the wall, as you did the ribbon, and notice the effect. 412. STATIC ELECTRICITY. 413 FIG. 310. Experiment 290. Cut a number of pith-balls about 1 cm. in di- ameter. Whittle them nearly round, and finish by rolling them between the palms of the hands. Cover one of these balls with gold-leaf, suspend it by a silk fiber, and call it an electric pendulum. Briskly rub a stout stick of sealing-wax with warm flannel, and bring it near the electric pendulum. Xotice the attraction. Experiment 291. To the middle of a straw about a foot long, fasten with wax a short piece of straw as shown in Fig. 311. Fasten two disks of bright-colored paper at the ends of the straw, and balance the apparatus upon the point of a sewing-needle, the other end of which is thrust into the cork of a glass vial. Rub the Q * O sealing-wax as before, and hold it near one of the paper disks. The straw may be made to follow the wax round and round. A paper hoop or an empty egg-shell may be made to roll after the rubbed rod. Experiment 292. Repeat the last two experiments, using a glass rod or tube that has been rubbed with a silk pad. The ends of the glass should be rounded or smooth; a long ignition- tube will answer. The effect may be increased by smearing lard on one side of the pad, and applying a coat of the amalgam that may be scraped from bits FIG. 312. of a broken looking-glass. Small scraps of paper, shreds of cotton and silk, feathers and II FIG. 311. 414 SCHOOL PHYSICS. gold-leaf, bran, sawdust, and other light bodies may be similarly attracted. Experiment 293. Place an egg in an egg-cup, and balance a yard- stick upon it. The end of the stick may be made to follow the rubbed rod round and round. Place the blackboard pointer or other stick in a wire stirrup (Fig. 313) or stiff paper loop suspended by a stout silk thread or a narrow silk ribbon. It may be made to imitate the actions of the balanced yardstick. Experiment 294. Suspend the rubbed sealing-wax or glass rod in the stirrup, and hold the pointer or your hand near it. Evidently the action is mutual, i.e., each body attracts the other. FIG. 313. 325. Electrification. Bodies that are endowed with the power of attracting other bodies as just illustrated are said to be electrified. Any substance may be electrified by suit- able means. The state or condition thus established is called electrification, and may be brought about in a variety of ways. Experiment 295. Support a meter stick upon a glass tumbler. Bring an electrified glass rod to one end of the stick, and hold some small pieces of gold-leaf or paper a few centimeters under the other end of the stick. The gold-leaf or paper will be attracted and repelled by the stick as it previously was by the glass itself. The electrifica- tion passed along the stick from end to end. 326. Conductors and Insulators. Substances that easily permit the transference of electrification along them are said to be good conductors. No substance is so good a conductor as not to offer some resistance to the transfer. No sub- stance is so poor a conductor that the electrification cannot be forced through it, but there are some that offer resistances STATIC ELECTRICITY. 415 Conductors. Salt water. Metals. Charcoal. Vegetables. Animals. Graphite. Acids. Linen. Cotton. so great that they are called insulators, or non-conductors. A conductor supported by an insulator is said to be insu- lated. An insulated body that is electrified is said to have a charge, or to be charged. (a) In the following table, the substances named are arranged in the order of conductivity: Dry wood. Glass. Paper. Sealing-wax. Silk. Vulcanite. India-rubber. Insulators. Porcelain. (6) The fact that a conductor in the air may be insulated shows that air is a non-conductor.* Dry air is a very good insulator (at least 10 26 times as good as copper), but moist air is a fairly good conductor. All experiments in static electricity are, therefore, more successfully performed in clear, cold weather when the atmosphere is dry. Resist- ance and conductivity will be 'more specifically considered in subse- quent pages. (c) A medium intervening between two electrified bodies, i.e., a substance, solid, liquid or gaseous, through or across which electric force is acting, is called a dielectric. The dielectric plays an important part in the phenomena of electrification. Kinds of Electrification Experiment 296. Suspend several pith- balls by fine linen threads from an insu- lating support, and touch them with an electrified rod. The rod repels the balls, and the balls repel each other. Experiment 297. Electrify a suspended pith-ball by contact with a rubbed rod. Notice that the ball is repelled by the rod, and attracted by the cloth with which the rod was rubbed. Experiment 298. Bring an electrified glass rod near a pith-ball electroscope as before, and notice that, after contact, the FIG. 314. 416 SCHOOL PHYSICS. ball is actively repelled. Similarly charge a second ball with an electrified rod of sealing-wax. Bring the two balls near each other, and notice their mutual attraction. Charge the two balls as before. Bring the glass rod near the ball that is repelled by the sealing-wax, and notice the attraction. Bring the sealing-wax near the ball that is repelled by the glass rod, and notice the attraction. 327. Opposite Electrifications. As just illustrated, electrification may be manifested by repulsion as well as by attraction, and is of two kinds, opposite in character. The electrification developed by rubbing glass with silk is called positive ; that developed by rubbing sealing-wax with flannel is called negative. Bodies similarly electri- fied repel each other; bodies oppositely electrified attract each other. (a) The statement that there are^ two kinds of electrification does not necessarily imply that there are two kinds of electricity. It is, however, very convenient to speak of one kind of electrification as caused by a charge of one kind of electricity, and the other kind of electrification as caused by a charge of an opposite kind of electricity. (&) Any substance mentioned in the following electric series is posi- tively electrified when rubbed with any substance that follows it, and negatively electrified when rubbed with any substance that precedes it in the list : 1. Cat's fur, 5. Glass, 9. Vrood, 13. Resin, 2. Flannel, 6. Cotton, 10. Metals, 14. Sulphur, 3. Ivory, 7. Silk, 11. Caoutchouc, 15. Gutta-percha, 4. Quartz, 8. The hand, 12. Sealing-wax, 16. Gun-cotton. Thus, cat's fur is always positively electrified, and gun-cotton nega- tively, when rubbed with any other substance mentioned in the list. Glass is positively electrified when rubbed with silk, and negatively when rubbed with flannel. (c) The electrification of the rubbed body is equal in amount to that of the body with which it is rubbed, but opposite to it in character. 328. Electrification by Conduction is the process of charging a body by putting it in contact with an electrified STATIC ELECTRICITY. 417 body. The charge thus produced is of the same kind as that of the communicating body. 329. The Electroscope is an instrument for detecting and testing electrification. The electric pendulum, or the bal- anced straw of Experiment 291, constitutes a simple and efficient electroscope. The gold-leaf electroscope represented in Fig. 315 is a common form of a more sensitive instrument. A metal- lic rod passes through the cork of a glass vessel, and terminates on the outside in a ball or a disk. The lower end of the rod carries two strips of gold-leaf or of aluminium-foil that hang parallel and close together. When an electrified object is brought near the knob or into contact with it, the metal strips below become similarly charged and are, therefore, mutually repelled. (a) A proof-plane may be made by cementing a bronze cent or a disk of gilt paper to a thin insulating handle, as a glass tube or a vulcanite rod. Slide the disk of the proof-plane along the surface of the electrified body to be tested, and quickly bring it into contact with the knob of the gold- leaf electroscope, the leaves of which will diverge. Positively charge the proof-plane by contact with a glass rod that has been electrified by rub- bing it with silk, and transfer the second charge to the electroscope. If the leaves diverge more widely, 27 FIG. 315. 418 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the first charge was positive. If the leaves collapse, repeat the test, using the negative charge from a rod of sealing-wax rubbed with flan- nel instead of the positive charge from the glass rod. If the leaves are thus made to diverge more widely, the first charge was negative. 330. Electrical Units. There are two systems of elec- trical units derived from the fundamental " C.G.S." units, one set being based upon the attraction or repulsion ex- erted between two quantities of electrification, and the other upon the force exerted between two magnet poles. The former are termed electrostatic units; the latter, elec- tromagnetic units. Distinctive names have not yet been adopted for the electrostatic units. 331. The Electrostatic Unit of Quantity is the quantity of electrification that exerts through the air a force of one dyne on a similar quantity at a distance of one centimeter. The force may be attractive or repulsive. 332. Law of Electric Action. The force that is mutu- ally exerted between two charges varies directly as the product of the charges, and inversely as the square of the distance between them. The two charges are supposed to be collected at two points.- Distribution of the Charge. Experiment 299. Make a conical bag of linen, supported, as shown in Fig. 317, by an insulated metal hoop five or six inches in diameter. Electrify the bag. A long silk thread extending each way from the apex of the cone will enable you to turn the bag inside out without discharging it. Test the inside and outside of the bag, using the proof -plane. Turn the bag and repeat the test. Whichever surface of the linen is external, no electrification can be found upon the in- STATIC ELECTRICITY. 419 side of the bag. Vary the experiment by the use of a hat sus- pended by silk threads. Notice that the greatest charge is obtained from the edges; less from a curved or flat sur- face ; none from the inside. Experiment 300. Fasten one edge of a large sheet of tin-foil to a horizontal glass rod or tube. Connect a lower cor- ner of the tin-foil by a fine wire to the knob of an electroscope. Charge the tin-foil lightly, and notice the divergence of the leaves of the electroscope. Slowly turn the rod so as to roll the tin-foil upon it. As the area of the electrified surface is reduced, notice the increase in the divergence of the leaves. Experiment 301. Prick a pin-hole at each end of an egg, and blow out the contents of the shell. Paste tin-foil or Dutch-leaf smoothly over the entire surface of the empty shell. Fasten the two ends of a white silk thread with wax near the ends of the shell, so that the shell may be suspended with its greater diameter horizontal. Charge this insulated egg-shell conductor. With a proof-plane, carry a charge from the side of the conductor to the knob of the gold-leaf electroscope, and notice the degree of divergence of the leaves. In like manner, carry a charge from the smaller end of the conductor, and notice the greater divergence jpf the leaves. Experiment 302. Cement the end of a small glass tube to the middle of a pin, and hold the head of the pin against the knob of a gold-leaf electroscope. Observe the collapse of the leaves. 333. Distribution of the Charge. As the electrification is self-repulsive, the charge lies wholly upon the outer sur- face. The amount of electrification per unit of surface is called the surface density. Whenever a charge is com- municated to a conductor, the electrification distributes itself over the surface of the conductor until it reaches a condition of equilibrium. A change in the area of the surface works a corresponding change in the surface 420 SCHOOL PHYSICS. density, as was shown in Experiment 300. The distri- bution is a function of the surface, independent of the substance of the conductor, and greatest where the curva- ture is the greatest. On a sphere, the density is uniform ; on an egg-shaped conductor, it is greatest at the smaller end. (a) Since any charge is self -repulsive, there must be, at every point of the surface of a charged conductor, an outward pressure against the surrounding dielectric. The surface density increases with the curvature, but the repulsion increases still more rapidly, varying as the square of the density. When the density becomes about a hundred electrostatic units per square centimeter, the electrification cannot be retained upon the conductor, and sparks fly into the sur- rounding air. The discharge takes place most readily where the density is the greatest; i.e., where the curvature is the greatest, as at a point. Since the air in contact with such a point is similarly electrified, and, therefore, repelled, an air-current passes from the point, and the charge is dissipated by convection. As a general thing, points and sharp edges are avoided in apparatus for use with static electricity, but they are sometimes purposely provided. 334. Process of Electrification. When two dissimilar substances are brought into contact and then separated, they are equally and oppositely electrified. If the substances are poor conductors, they must be rubbed together ; i.e., con- tact must be made at every point in order to secure elec- trification over the entire surface. If the substances are good conductors, the opposite and equal electrifications flow to the point last in contact, and pass by conduction from one to the other. Evidently the resultant, in this case, is zero. 335. Electrification and Energy. When two dissimilar substances are brought into contact, they become oppositely electrified. When they are subsequently separated, work STATIC ELECTRICITY. 421 is done against their mutual electric attraction. This work represents the increased potential energy of the system. That energy is at zero when the bodies are in contact, and at its maximum when they are at an infi- nite distance from each other. If the charged bodies are similarly electrified, work is done against their mutual electric repulsion. Then the potential energy of the system varies from zero at an infinite distance between the bodies to a maximum when the two are in contact. 336. Electrical Field and Lines of Force. The space surrounding an electrified body and through which the elec- trical force acts is called an electrical field of force. We may imagine lines drawn in this field, each indicating the direction in which a unit of electrification would move if placed in the field. Evidently, we may draw an indefi- nite number of such lines, but in order to "map" an elec- trical field and to show the relative intensity of different parts of it, it has been agreed that one line shall be drawn through each square centimeter of surface for each dyne of force exerted in the field. "" If one such line representing a force of one dyne cuts each square centimeter of surface, thp field is said to be of unit intensity; i.e., a unit of electrification in a field of unit intensity would be acted upon by a force of one dyne tending to move it along a line of force. (a) We may further imagine two electrified bodies as immersed in an electrical field of force, and connected by elastic lines of force that tend to shorten and that are self-repellent. In such a field, there will be a stress parallel to the lines of force, and of the nature of a tension ; also a stress perpendicular to the lines of force, and of the nature of a pressure. 422 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 337. Potential. In a general way, it may be said that potential represents degree of electrification, or that it is the relative condition of a conductor that determines the direction of a transfer of electrification to it or from it. The direction of the transfer depends, not upon quantity or upon surface density, but upon relative potential. (a) In dealing with masses of matter and the force of gravitation, it is easy to understand that the potential energy of a unit mass at a given point is an attribute of that point, and that the condition at the point is due only to the existence of attracting bodies, and is the same whether the unit mass is actually there or not. This attribute of the point is called the gravitation potential at the point. The potential at a point is zero when a unit particle if placed there would have no potential energy, as when the point is at an infinite distance from all attracting masses. Similarly, if a charge is placed anywhere in an electrical field, it has a potential energy due to the work done upon it in carrying it thither. This attribute of the point is called the electrical potential at the point. The charge thus placed is subject to the action of the electrical force that tends to move it to another point where its potential energy will be less; i.e., to move it from a point of higher to a point of lower potential. An electrostatic unit difference of potential exists between two points when an erg of work is involved in moving unit charge from one point to the other. (6) Relative potential is analogous to level. As the sea-level is taken as the zero from which altitudes are measured, so the surface of the earth is taken as the zero of electric potential. As water tends to flow from higher to lower levels, and as heat tends to flew from places of higher to places of lower temperature, so electrification tends to flow from places of higher to places of lower potential until an equalization is reached.^ In the latter case, the flow is called a current of electricity. If the quantity of electrification is limited, the current is temporary, as in the discharge of a Ley den jar. If the difference of potential is maintained, the current is continuous, as in the case of a voltaic cell. 338. Equipotential Surfaces. Surrounding a unit posi- tive charge as a center, there is a surface such that it will STATIC ELECTRICITY. 423 FIG. 318. require the expenditure of an erg of work to carry a unit negative charge from the center to any point of that sur- face, as from A to P. Further from the center, there is another surface such that it will f s' >., require the expenditure of an erg of work to carry a unit negative charge from the first surface to the second, as from P to Q ; i.e., such that there is unit difference of potential between the two surfaces. Such surfaces as these, throughout which the potential is everyivhere the same, are called equi- potential surfaces. Such surfaces are everywhere perpen- dicular to the lines of force that cut the electrical field. (a) When a charge is moved from any point to another point in the same equipotential surface, no work is done upon it. When a charge is moved from one such surface to another, the work done is indepen- dent of the path of transfer. If such a surface was to be rendered impene- trable, a particle could lie upon it without tendency to move along it in any direction. If any two points in such a surface were to be joined by a conductor, no flow of electrification would take place. The closed lines in Fig. 319 are equipotential lines drawn, of course, upon equipotential surfaces, about two similarly electrified spheres, the quantity of electrification at A being twice that at B. The lines radiating from A and B represent lines of force. Experiment 303. Charge a gold-leaf electroscope positively until its leaves diverge slightly. Similarly charge a like electroscope until its leaves diverge widely. The potential of the second charge is FIG. 319. 424 SCHOOL PHYSICS. higher than that of the first. Connect the knobs of the two electro- scopes by an insulated conductor. The change in the divergence of the leaves shows that electrification has passed from a place of higher to a place of lower potential. 339. Electromotive Force. Whenever a positive charge is placed upon a conductor, it raises the potential at the point of application, and there is a flow of electrification until the surface of the conductor is an equipotential surface. If two conductors at different potentials are connected by a wire, a transfer of electrification will take place until the difference of potential disappears. What- ever its nature, the agency that tends to produce such a transfer is called electromotive force. Electrostatic Induction. Experiment 304. Electrify a glass rod by rubbing it with silk, and bring it near the electroscope but without making contact. The leaves diverge. When the rod is removed, the leaves fall together. Repeat the experiment, holding a glass plate between the rod and the electroscope. Experiment 305. Bring a metallic sphere positively charged near an insulated cylindrical conductor with hemispherical ends and provided with pith-ball and linen thread electroscopes as shown in Fig. 320. The divergence of the pith-balls shows electrification at the FIG. 320. ends but not at the middle of the conductor. With the proof-plane and gold-leaf electroscope, examine the condition of the conductor at the points A, B, and m, and compare your results with the representations in the figure. Remove the sphere from the vicinity of the conductor, or discharge it by touching it with the hand. All signs of electrification on the conductor disappear, showing that the charges at A and B were opposite and equal. STATIC ELECTRICITY. 425 Experiment 306. Electrify the insulated conductor, AB, as in Ex- periment 305. Touch it with the finger, thus connecting it with the earth and making it of indefinite length ; its positive electrification is so diffused as to be insensible. Remove first the finger and then the electrified sphere. The negative electrification being no longer held at A by the attraction of the positive electrification at C, diffuses itself over the cylinder, and the balls at each end of the cylinder diverge, all being charged negatively. Experiment 307. Suspend two egg-shell conductors (see Experi- ment 301), as shown in Fig. 321. Be sure that the shells are in contact. Bring an electrified glass rod near one of them, and slide one of the loops along the sup- porting rod until the shells are about 10 cm. apart. Hold the electrified rod be- tween the shells. It will attract one and repel the FlG 321 other, showing that they are oppositely electrified. Bring the shells into contact again, and charge them similarly, as indicated in Experiment 306. Experiment 308. Charge one of the egg-shells of Experiment 307, and suspend it above the knob of a gold-leaf electroscope and at such a distance that the leaves of the latter diverge but slightly. Provide a plate of beeswax or of sulphur, the thickness of which is a little less than the distance between the shell and the knob, and pass a gas flame over its surface to remove all electrification from it. Hold the plate between the shell and the electroscope without touching either. The leaves of the electroscope diverge more widely, as if the electric force passed more readily through the plate than through the air. 340. Electrification by Induction. The collapse of the leaves of the electroscope in Experiment 304 showed that there was no transfer of electrification from the rod to the electroscope. Whenever an electrified body is brought into the vicinity of an unelectrified conductor, thus placing 426 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the latter in an electrical field, and subjecting the inter- vening dielectric to a condition of strain, the unelectrified conductor becomes electrified. A dissimilar electrification appears on the side nearer the electrifying conductor, and similar electrification upon the further . side. Electrifi- cation produced in this way, by the influence of an electrified body and without contact with it, is called electrification by induction. (a) A charged body surrounded by a dielectric (e.g., the air) in- duces an equal and opposite charge on the inner surface of the en- closure containing the charged body and the dielectric (e.g., the walls of the room). An induced charge is opposite in kind to the charge of the inducing body. (ft) The amount of inductive effect that takes place across an intervening medium depends upon the nature of that medium ; it is a function of the dielectric. The relative powers of different sub- stances to transmit electrical inductive effects is called specific inductive capacity, or the dielectric constant. The introduction of a dielectric plate increases the inductive effect when the dielectric constant of the plate is greater than that of air. Experiment 309. Charge a gold-leaf electroscope to a high poten- tial, i.e., until its leaves diverge widely. Bring the electric pendulum of Experiment 290, or a similar metallic ball similarly suspended, into contact with the knob of the electroscope, and notice the diminished divergence of the leaves. The charge being distributed over a larger surface, the potential is lowered. 341. The Capacity of a conductor is the amount of elec- trification required to raise its potential from zero to unity, i.e., the ratio of its charge to its potential. The unit of capacity is the capacity of a conductor that requires unit quantity to produce unit difference of potential ; it is called a farad; one-millionth of a farad is called a micro- farad. The capacity of a simple conductor is dependent upon its size and shape, and upon the form and position STATIC ELECTRICITY. 427 of neighboring conductors that may act upon it induc- tively. (a) Under like conditions, the capacities of spheres are propor- tional to their radii. Experiment 310. Spread a sheet of tin-foil upon a pane of glass supported on a tumbler. Charge the tin-foil by repeated sparks from . the electrophorus (404) until it will receive no more. Count the number of sparks that the tin-foil will receive. Experiment 311. Lay a sheet of tin-foil upon the table so that it will be in electrical connection with the earth. Over it place the glass and foil used in Experiment 310. ' Charge the upper sheet as before, and notice that it will receive a much greater number of sparks. Touch the lower sheet of tin-foil w r ith a finger of one hand, and the upper sheet with a finger of the other hand, thus discharging the apparatus. A pricking sensation will be caused by the discharge. 342. A Condenser consists of a pair of conductors slightly separated by a dielectric. If one of these conductors is connected to earth, it requires a much larger quantity of electrification to raise the potential of the other from zero to unity, i.e., the capacity of the other is greatly increased. A condenser is, therefore, a~device for increasing the elec- trical density without increasing the potential, i.e., for accumulating a large charge with a small electromotive force. The smaller the distance between the conducting surfaces, the greater the capacity of the condenser. (a) When a charge is given to a conductor on one side of the dielectric, it induces an opposite charge in the conductor on the other side, as in Experiment 305. By their mutual attraction, these op- posite charges are "bound" at the surface of the dielectric, thus leav- ing the first conductor free to receive another charge, which acts inductively upon the second conductor as the original charge did; and so on, successively. This process necessarily results in an increasing strain of the dielectric ; an over-charge may break it. 428 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (6) The nature of the dielectric has a great effect on the capacity of the condenser. The specific inductive capacity of a dielectric may now be defined as the ratio of the capacity of a condenser with air insulation to the capacity of a similar condenser using the dielectric in question. For instance, changing the dielectric from air to ebonite more than doubles the capacity of the condenser. (c) Condensers of the flat type (Fig. 322), consisting of tin-foil conductors separated by thin, flat dielectric sheets (usually of mica), are much used. To obtain large area, and hence great capacity, they are arranged alternately in two series. A condenser of this type (Fig. 323), having a capacity of one micro- farad, weighs 6 or 7 pounds. The plug- serves to connect the coatings when the instrument is not in use. Fia. 322. FIG. 323. 343. The Ley den Jar. The most common and, for many purposes, the most convenient form of condenser is the Leyden jar. This consists of a glass jar, coated within and without for about two-thirds its height with tin- foil, and a metallic rod that communi- cates by means of a small chain with the inner coat, and terminates above in a knob or a disk. The upper part of the jar, and the wooden or ebonite stopper that closes the mouth of the jar and supports the rod, are generally coated with sealing-wax or shellac- varnish to lessen the deposition of moisture from the air. Evidently, it may be considered as a flat condenser rolled into cylindrical form. (a) The jar may be charged by holding it in the hand as shown in FIG. 324. STATIC ELECTRICITY 429 Fig. 324, or otherwise placing the outer coat in electrical connection with the earth, and bringing the knob into contact with a charged body. If the outer coat is insulated so that the repelled electrification cannot pass to the earth, the jar cannot be very highly charged. To discharge the jar, pass a stout wire through a piece of rubber tubing and bend it into a V shape, or. in some other way, provide the wire with an insulating handle. Bring one end of the wire into contact with the outer coat, and then bring the other end into contact with the knob. It is well to provide the wire " discharger " with metal balls at its ends. (&) That the phenomenon of electrification pertains to the dielec- tric and not to the conducting plates may be shown with a Leyden jar with movable coats. The parts being put together in proper order and the jar charged, the inner coat, C, is re- moved with a glass rod, and the glass vessel, B, lifted from the outer coat, A. Tests show that A and C are not electrified, and that B is electrified. By placing thumb and forefinger on the inner and the outer surfaces of B, a slight shock may be felt. When the parts are put together, the condenser is highly electri- fied, and may be discharged in the usual way. After a Leyden jar is discharged, a "residual charge " gradually accumulates, as if the glass was strained and slowly returned to its normal condition. The time-interval required for the residual charge is lessened by tapping the jar and thus facilitating the molecular readjust- ments. The metallic coats simply provide the means for the prompt discharge of the super- ficial layers of the molecules of the dielectric. (c) A number of Leyden jars having their coats connected constitutes an electric battery. FIG. 325. 344. Nature of Electricity. The phenomena of electrifi- cation indicate that electricity is a perfectly incompres- sible substance of which all space is completely full, and the question arises, is it not identical with the ether? It has recently been suggested that the ether is made up 430 SCHOOL PHYSICS. of two equal opposite constituents, each endowed with inertia, and connected to the other by elastic ties which the presence of gross matter generally weakens and some- times dissolves, and that these two constituents of the ether are positive and negative electricity. According to this provisional hypothesis, and the general belief of physicists, electricity is a form of matter rather than a form of energy. A full discussion of the ultimate nature of electricity is beyond the province of this book, but it is safe for us to say that electricity is that which is transferred from one body to another in the process of electrifying them. 345. Theory of Electrification. When electricity is transferred from one body to another and the bodies are separated (see 334 and 335) against their mutual attraction, the intervening medium is thrown into a state of strain indicated by the lines of force. This state of strain in the dielectric constitutes electrification. Whatever the real nature of electricity, and whether the phenomena of attraction and repulsion are explained on the hypothesis that the elastic ether is strained by the separation of the electrified bodies and tends to recover its normal condition, or on any other hypothesis, electrification results from work done, and is a form of potential energy. CLASSROOM EXERCISES 1 . How can you show that there are two opposite kinds of electri- fication ? 2. How would you test the kind of electrification of an electrified body? 3. (a) What is a proof -plane ? (&) An electroscope ? (c) Describe one kind of electroscope, (d) Another kind. STATIC ELECTRICITY. 431 4. Why do we regard the electrifications produced by rubbing two bodies together as opposite and equal? 5. Why is it desirable that a glass rod used for electrification be warmer than the atmosphere of the room where it is used ? 6. Two small balls are charged respectively with + 24 and 8 units of electrification. With what force will they attract one another when placed at a distance of 4 centimeters from one another? Ans. 12 dynes. 7. If these two balls are then made to touch for an instant and then put back in their former positions, with what force will they act on each other? Ans. Repulsion of 4 dynes. 8. At what distance from a small sphere charged with 28 units of electrification must you place a second sphere charged with 56 units that one may repel the other with a force of 32 dynes? Ans. 7 cm. 9. (a) Having a metal globe positively electrified, how could you with it negatively electrify a dozen globes of equal size without affecting the charge of the first? (6) How could you charge posi- tively one of the dozen without affecting the charge of the first? 10. Suppose two similar conductors to be electrified, one with a positive charge of 5 units and the other with a negative charge of 3 units. They are made to touch each other. When they are sepa- rated, what will be the charge of each? Ans. One unit of positive electrification. 11. In what way may an electric charge be divided into three equal parts ? 12. When a pin or needle is held with its point near the knob of a charged gold-leaf electroscope, the leaves quickly collapse. Explain. 13. A Leyden jar standing on a plate of glass cannot be highly charged. Why? 14. Will you receive a greater shock by touching the knob of a charged Leyden jar when it is held in the hand or when it is stand- ing on a sheet of glass? Explain. 15. Imagine that the knob of a gold-leaf electroscope is connected by wire to the knob of a Leyden jar, and that a given amount of elec- trification is communicated to the knob of the jar. Will the diverg- ence of the leaves of the electroscope be greater when the jar is held in the hand or when it is standing on a sheet of glass ? Explain. 16. Show by a diagram that electrostatic induction always precedes electric attraction, and explain why the repulsion between the opposite electrifications does not neutralize the attraction. 432 SCHOOL PHYSICS. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. A rubber comb; metal pipe; tin pail. 1. Quickly pass a rubber comb through the hair and determine whether the electrification of the comb is positive or negative. 2. Provide an insulated egg-shell conductor as described in Experi- ment 301, which the teacher will electrify by induction, using a glass rod that has been rubbed with silk or with flannel. Determine the kind of electrification of the conductor experimentally, and thence deter- mine theoretically whether the glass rod was rubbed with silk or with flannel. 3. Show that an electric charge is self -repulsive by blowing a soap- bubble on a metal pipe and then electrifying it. Compare the change in the size of the bubble with that noticed in Experiment 30. 4. Bring an electrified body near the knob of a gold-leaf electro scope ; touch the knob with the finger ; remove the finger ; remove the electrified body. Bring a rod that is positively charged near the knob and, from the increased or diminished divergence of the leaves, deter- mine whether the electrification of the first body was positive or nega- tive. 5. Twist some tissue paper into a loose roll about six inches long. Stick a pin through the middle of the roll into a vertical support. Present an electrified rod to one end of the roll, and thus cause the roll to turn about the pin as a horizontal axis. Give this piece of apparatus a scientific name. 6. From a horizontal glass rod or a tightly stretched silk cord, sus- pend a fine copper wire, a linen thread, and two silk threads, each at least a meter long. To the lower end of each, attach a metal weight of any kind. Place the weight supported by the wire upon the disk of a gold-leaf electroscope. Bring an electrified rod near the upper end of the wire ; the gold leaves diverge instantly. Repeat the experi- ment with the linen thread; the leaves diverge soon. Repeat the experiment with the dry silk thread ; the leaves do not diverge at all. Rub the rod upon the upper end of the silk thread; no divergence follows. Wet the second silk cord thoroughly, and repeat the experi- ment; the leaves diverge instantly. Record the teaching of the experiment. 7. Prepare two wire stirrups, A and B, like those shown in Fig. 313, and suspend them by threads. Electrify two glass rods by rub- bing them with silk, and place them in the stirrups. Bring A near B. CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 433 Notice the repulsion. Repeat the experiment with two sticks of seal- ing-wax that have been electrified by rubbing with flannel. Notice the repulsion. Place an electrified glass rod in A, and an electrified stick of sealing-wax in B. Notice the attraction. Give the law illus- trated by these experiments. 8. Place a gold-leaf electroscope inside an insulated tin pail and electrify the pail. Describe and explain the indications given by the electroscope. 9. Insulate a tin pail, and run a fine wire from its edge to the knob of an electroscope. Suspend a metal ball by a silk thread, electrify it, and lower it into the pail without contact. Notice and account for the divergence of the leaves of the electroscope. Touch the pail with a finger. Notice and account for the collapse of the leaves. Remove the finger and withdraw the ball. Notice and account for the diver- gence of the leaves. If the ball is negatively charged, what is the final charge of the electroscope? B. CURRENT ELECTRICITY. Experiment 312. Partly fill a tumbler with a solution made by slowly pouring one part of sulphuric acid into ten parts of water. Place a strip of zinc, 1 x 10cm., in the tumbler of dilute acid, and notice the bubbles that rise. Apply a flame to them as they reach the surface of the liquid, and notice that they burn with slight puffs. Hydrogen is evolved by the chemical action between the zinc and the acid. Experiment 313. Take the zinc from the tumbler of acid and, while it is yet wet, rub thereon a few drops of mercury, thus amalga- mating the zinc. The amalgamated surface will have the appearance of polished silver. Replace the zinc in the acid, and notice that no bubbles are given off. Place a copper strip, 2 x 10 cm., in the solution, being careful that it does not touch the zinc. No bubbles appear on either the copper or the zinc. Bring the strips together at their upper ends as shown in Fig. 326. Bubbles now arise from the cop- per. Connect the metals above the liquid by a piece of copper wire about No. 18. The same results are FIG. 326. observed. 28 434 SCHOOL PHYSICS. NOTE. Always make such connections secure, metal to metal, and with large area of contact. Each metal strip may be bent at the top so as to clasp the edge of the tumbler, leaving the part on the inside long enough to reach very nearly to the bottom. 346. Suspicion. It seems as though a metallic contact is necessary to bring about this phenomenon of bubbles on the copper. We have a complete circuit of materials, copper strip, wire, zinc strip, and acid. Perhaps we do not see all that is taking place in the system. Experiment 314. Solder a wire 50 centimeters long to each strip. This gives a better electrical contact than simply twisting the wire about the strip. Place the strips in the acid, and bring the free ends of the wires into contact with the tongue, one above and one below it, being sure that there is no acid on the wires. A bitter, biting taste is felt. Make sure that this taste disappears when either strip is removed from the solution ; when either wire is disconnected from the tongue ; or when the circuit is broken at any point. Experiment 315. Hold the two wires over a compass-needle as shown in Fig. 327. No change appears. Bring the two ends of the FIG. 327. wire into contact, and thus close the circuit. The needle instantly flies around as though it was trying to place itself at right angles to the wire. Break the circuit, and the needle =^ N swings back to its north and south posi- tion. Twist the wires together, and bend the conductor into a loop so that the cur- rent passes above the needle in one direc- tion and beneath the needle in the other direction, as shown in Fig. 328. The de- FIG. 328. flection of the needle will be greater than before. If the wire is formed into a loop that makes several turns about the needle, the deflection will be CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 435 greater still. Continued investigations with this simple apparatus will show that the hydrogen bubbles cling tenaciously to the copper, and that, by this "polarization of the cell," its electrical power is much diminished. Experiment 316. Put the cover of a tin spice-box into a fire and thoroughly melt the tin coating from the iron plate. The cover thus prepared is to be used as a mold for casting a zinc plate 6 mm. thick. Place the mold on a fire-shovel and hold it over a hot fire, preferably a gas or gasoline burner. Fill the mold with zinc clippings, and when they have melted, place in the liquid metal a copper wire about 28 cm. long, bent as shown in Fig. 329. Turn out FIG. 329. the flame and al- FIG. 330. low the zinc to cool. Remove the zinc plate from the mold. If the work has been properly done, the hook of the wire will be embedded in the zinc, and the straightened wire will support the plate from its edge as shown in Fig. 330. Smooth the rough edges of the plate with a file, and amalgamate the zinc with mercury. Invert a ^common tumbler on a square board of soft pine, about 1.5 cm. thick, and large enough to serve as a cover for it. Run a pen- cil around the edge of the tumbler and draw the diagonals of the in- scribed and circumscribed squares, as shown in Fig. 331. Bore holes FIG. 331. FIG. 332. as shown at a, &, c, and d just large enough to admit an electric (arc) light carbon. Cut four such carbons to lengths that are equal and less than the depth of the tumbler. If the carbons are copper-coated, 436 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 333. dissolve the copper with nitric acid from all of the rod except 1.5 cm. at the upper end. Insert one end of each carbon into one of the holes, and connect the four carbons by a copper wire as shown in Figs. 332 and 333. Pass the wire of the zinc plate through a small hole at the middle of the board, so that the plate may be suspended in the tumbler as shown in Fig. 334. Wedge the wire in place. Be careful that the wire from the zinc does not touch the wire from the carbons on the top of the cover. It will be well to insulate the former wire, by slipping over it a piece of soft rubber tubing of very small bore and two or three inches long. The tubing may be held in place by a kink in the wire. Wire that has been insulated with cotton and paramne may be used for supporting the zinc, the end that is to be embedded in the zinc being scraped bare before the casting. Prepare a solution as follows : slowly pour 167 cu. cm. of sulphuric acid into 500 cu. cm. of water, and let the mixture cool. Dissolve 115 g. of potassium dichromate (bi- chromate of potash) in 335 cu. cm. of boiling water, and pour the hot solution into the dilute acid. When this liquid is cool, fill the tumbler about two-thirds full with it, and place the carbons and zinc therein. Adjust the height of the plate as shown in Fig. 334, and be sure that the zinc does not touch any of the carbons. The zinc and carbon should be kept in the fluid no longer than is necessary. It is well to pro- vide a second tumbler in which to drain them. Each pupil should make at least one of these cells ; he will find three or four of them very useful. The cost of the cell need not exceed twenty-five cents. Using this cell, repeat Experiment 315. Notice the direction of the deflection of the needle. Reverse the cell connections, and notice that the needle deflects in the opposite direction. FIG. 334. CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 437 347. Certainty. We are now sure that something un- usual is going on in the wire. This something is called a current of electricity. Its exact na- ture is not yet known, but much has been learned about its properties and the laws by which it is governed. There is a difference of potential between the plates, and the chem- ical action between the liquid and one or both of the plates, or some other cause, tends to maintain that FIG. 335. difference. The containing vessel, the plates, and the exciting liquid constitute a voltaic cell. 348. Direction of Current. We cannot conceive a cur- rent without direction. The actual direction of current- flow is not known, but, for the sake of convenience and uniformity, electricians assume that the current flows from the carbon through the wire to the zinc, and from the zinc through the liquid to the carbon. 349. Plates, Poles, etc. The entire path traversed by the current, including liquids as well as solids, is called the circuit. The plate that is the more vigorously acted upon by the liquid is called the positive plate ; the other is called the negative plate. The free end of the wire attached to the negative plate is called the positive pole or electrode ; that of the wire attached to the positive plate is called the negative pole or electrode. When the two electrodes are joined, the circuit is closed ; when they are separated, the circuit is broken. When several cells are connected so that the positive plate of one is joined 438 SCHOOL PHYSICS. to the negative plate of the next, as zinc to carbon, and so on, as shown in Fig. 336, they are said to be grouped or joined c ' ^- ' *- in series. When all z "T" j ( c of the positive plates M^O""" are connected on one FlG - 336 ' side, and all of the negative plates are connected on the other side, as shown in Fig. 337, the cells are said to be joined in parallel, or in multiple arc. A number of cells joined in either way is called a vol- taic battery. (a) The nomenclature of plates and poles is a little perplexing, but the possible confusion may be avoided by remembering that in any part of an electric circuit, a point from which the current flows is called positive ( + ) and. a point toward which the current flows is called negative ( ). NOTE. The representation of the zinc and carbon plates, as at Z and C in Fig. 336, is the conventional way of representing a voltaic cell. Experiment 317. Provide a flat piece of soft pine wood about 10 cm. square and 3 cm. thick, and wind on evenly one layer of No. 16 cotton-covered or insulated copper wire, covering the whole block. Secure the two ends of the wire by double- pointed tacks. Place a small pocket compass upon the block thus wound, and turn the block until the coils of FIG. 338. wire are parallel to the needle when the FIG. 337. CURRENT ELECTRICITY 439 circuit is open. Then pass a current through the coil. The deflec- tion of the needle is much stronger than before, although, owing to the weakening of the cell, the deflection falls off after a time. The instrument we have made is called a galvanoscope. If a pocket com- pass can be spared for this exclusive use, it is well to mount it in a grooved block, and to attach the terminals of the wire to the bases of two binding posts, as shown in FIG. 339. Fig. 339. Experiment 318. Interpose 20 feet of No. 30 (or finer) iron wire in the circuit of a voltaic cell. Connect it so that the current will flow from the carbon through the galvanoscope, through the iron FIG. 340. wire, and back to the battery. In other words, connect the wire and galvanoscope in series. The deflection will be less than before. Keep the current on just long enough to read the galvanoscope; otherwise, the diminished deflection may be due more to the weak- ening of the cell than to the interposition of the wire. 350. Resistance. The interposition of the iron wire appears to diminish the electrical effect, or to resist the current flow. This property exists in all substances, and its manifestation is accompanied by a transformation of electrical energy into heat. The property of a conductor 440 SCHOOL PHYSICS. by virtue of which the passage of an electric current through it is diminished, and part of the electric energy dissipated is called resistance. (a) We know nothing of the nature of electrical resistance, and perhaps can best define it, as we soon shall ( 361, c), in terms of dif- ference of potential and current strength. (b) The word " resistance " is also applied to a material device, such as a coil of wire, introduced into an electric circuit on account of the resistance that it offers to the passage of the current. Experiment 319. Provide 20 feet of No. 30 iron wire, 20 feet of No. 30 copper wire, 60 feet of No. 30 iron wire, and 20 feet of No. 20 iron wire. Repeat Experiment 318 20 FT. NO. 20. USON 20 FT'. NO. so.' COPPER z^F w ith eacn f these wires, in each BO FT. NO. so.' .RON R o . \ case notin g ^6 deflection of the galvanoscope, G. Each wire may be coiled on a board, care being taken that adja- cent coils do not touch. Coiled or FIG. 341. uncoiled, the wires may be con- nected as in Fig. 341, and the free end of F touched at 1, 2, 3, and 4 successively. Give the cell a moment's rest between successive contacts. 351. The Ohm is the practical unit of resistance. It is the resistance of a column of pure mercury one square mil- limeter in cross-section and 106.3 centimeters long, and at a temperature of 0. A thousand feet of No. 10 copper wire, or 9.3 feet of No. 30 copper wire, has a resistance of very nearly an ohm, an important "rough and ready" standard. (a) The ohm has been repeatedly determined by societies and con- gresses of electricians. The British Association determined its mag- nitude with great care, but there was an error in the method that long passed unnoticed. The international ohm, denned above, is equal to 1.013+ B.A. ohms. Resistance boxes and other apparatus measuring in B.A. ohms are common; their results should be cor- rected as above indicated. CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 441 (6) A million ohms is called a megohm ; one-millionth of an ohm is called a microhm. 352. Laws of Resistance. Three important laws have been experimentally established : (1) Other things being equal, the resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to its length. (2) Other things being equal, the resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its area of cross-section, or to the square of its radius or diameter. (3) Other things being equal, the resistance of a wire de- pends upon the material of which it is made. At a given temperature, resistance is directly proportional to a con- stant that is different for different substances. (a) This constant, K t is called the specific resistance or the resistivity of the material. The specific resistance of a substance is the resistance at C. of a cubic centimeter of the substance, i.e., of a conductor made of the substance, 1 cm. long and 1 sq. cm. in cross-section. It varies widely with temperature and other considerations, and is prac- tically measured in microhms. The reciprocal of resistivity is called conductivity, and is measured in a unit called the mho. Tables of resistances, etc., are given in the appendix. (&) The laws of resistance may be expressed algebraically as fol- lows : **% in which R represents the resistance of the wire in ohms ; K, the resis- tivity of the material; and I and r, the length and radius in centi- meters. Experiment 320. Heat a long, fine iron wire to dull redness by an electric current, and dip a loop of the hot wire into ice-cold water. The resistance of the cooled part of the wire is lessened, the current is increased thereby, and the uncooled part of the wire becomes highly incandescent. 442 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 353. Effect of Temperature on Resistance. The resist- ance of metals and of most other substances increases as the temperature rises. But the resistance of some sub- stances, notably carbon and electrolytes, is lowered by heating. The " cold " resistance of the carbon filament of an incandescent electric lamp is much greater than the resistance of the same filament when the lamp is lighted. (a) Suppose a wire at any point to become reduced to half its diameter. The cross-section will have an area as great as in the thicker part. The resistance here will be 4 times as great, and the number of heat units developed will be 4 times as great as in an equal length of the thicker wire. But 4 times the amount of heat spent on \ the amount of metal will warm it to a degree 16 times as great. In other words, the heat developed by a given current in different parts of a wire of uniform material and varying size is inversely pro- portional to the fourth power of the diameters. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. What is the resistance of a No. 10 copper wire 1,000 feet long? (Consult the table in the appendix.) 2. What is the resistance of 800 feet of German silver wire, No. 4 ? 3. What is the resistance of 750 feet of iron wire, No. 8? 4. What is the resistance of 350 feet of silver wire, No. 14? 5. What is the resistance of 6,050 feet of copper wire, No. 25? 6. There is a " fault " in a telegraph line 3,590 feet long and made of No. 14 iron wire. By means of electrical instruments, it is found that the resistance of the wire from one end to the fault is 1.75 ohms. How far is the fault from the end of the line ? 7. What is the resistance of the whole line mentioned in Exer- cise 6? .8. How far away would the fault have been, had the line been of No. 14 copper wire ?/ 9. Determine the diameter of a copper wire that has a resistance of 2 ohms per thousand feet. 10. What is the resistivity of a wire 50 mils in diameter, 900 feet long and having a resistance of 46.2 ohms? Of what material men- tioned in the table on page 593 might the wire be made ? CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 443 354. Analogy. In many respects, it is convenient to compare the flow of electrification through a wire to the flow of water through a horizontal pipe. Such a compari- son yields the following analogues : Functions. Pressure. Quantity. Rate of flow. Resistance. Work. Rate of work. Hydraulic Units. Head in feet. Pound. Pounds per second. Xo definite unit. Foot-pound. Foot-pounds per second, or horse-power. Electromagnetic Units. Volt. Coulomb. Coulombs per second, or ampere. Ohm. . Joule. Volt-ampere, or watt. 355. The Volt. Just as a head of water supplies a hydraulic pressure that causes the liquid to flow through a pipe in spite of friction, so there is an electrical pressure that forces a current through a conductor in spite of its resistance. As hydraulic pressure might be called water- moving force, so electrical pressure is called electromotive force (E.M.F.). The unit of electrical pressure is called the volt, and is almost the same as the electromotive force of a cell consisting "of a copper and a zinc plate immersed in a solution of zinc sulphate. . (a) The E.M.F. of a Daniell cell is about 1.1 volts ; of a fresh chromic acid cell, 2 volts ; and of a Leclanche cell, 1.5 volts. The E.M.F. of a Carh art-Clark standard cell (see Fig. 342) is 1.44 volts at 15; conversely, a volt is about 0.7 of the E.M.F. of a Carhart-Clark standard cell at that temperature. A standard cell should never be used on a closed circuit. Experiment 321. Prepare a block for a gal- vanoscope, winding it closely with ten layers of No. 34 insulated copper wire, thus making an FIG. 342. 444 SCHOOL PHYSICS. FIG. 343. instrument of high resistance. Arrange a circuit as shown in Fig. 343, employing about ten feet of No. 30 iron wire. As the copper wire, /, is slid along the iron wire from a to #, the deflection of the galvanoscope will decrease. 356. Difference of Potential. When the stop-cock of a vessel like that shown in Fig. 344 is closed, water will stand at the same level in the vertical tubes, a, 6, and c. There is no differ- ence of pressure at dif- ferent points along the tube B, and, therefore, no flow of water. When the stop-cock is opened, the pressure at C is relieved, and the greater pressure at the bottom of A results in a flow along the horizontal pipe. I c The variations in liquid pressure at different points along B is now shown by the differences of level in C a, b, and c (Fig. 345). The pressure becomes less as we pass from A toward C. The analogous phenome- non is shown in Experiment 321, where the galvanoscope reveals the differences of electric pressure, or potential, at different points of the circuit. (a) Difference of potential is a different thing from electromotive force. The electromotive force of a circuit is the total electrical pres- FIG. 344. FIG. 345. CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 445 sure existing therein, while the difference of potential is merely the difference of electrical pressure between two points on the circuit. A generator of electricity for arc lights may have an electromotive force of 3,000 volts, while the difference of potential between the terminals of an arc lamp in circuit with it is only 45 volts. Experiment 322. Connect several similar cells in series, as shown in Fig. 346. Put a Xo. 40 iron wire, wn, and a larger copper wire, 'ef, in circuit as shown. Slide the end of the copper wire along the iron wire from n toward m until the latter becomes red hot. HHhHHH 357. The Ampere. In Ex- periment 322, we gradually FIG reduced the length of the cir- cuit, and thus reduced its resistance. As the resistance was reduced, the electromotive force of the battery sent a correspondingly increased current through the wire. This increase of current strength was manifested by the increased heating effect. The unit of rate of flow, or cur- rent strength, is the ampere, which may be defined as the current flowing in unit of- time (second) through a wire having unit resistance (ohm), and between the two ends of which unit difference of potential (volt) is maintained. (a) A 1-ampere current passes a coulomb of electricity each second, and will electrolytically deposit 0.001118 of a gram of silver, or 0.0003287 of a gram of copper in a second. A thousandth of an ampere is a milliampere. 358. The Coulomb. Just as quantity of water may be measured in pounds, so quantity of electrification is meas- ured in coulombs. The coulomb may be defined as the quantity of electrification carried past any point by a 446 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 1-ampere current in one second. The unit is rather large for practical purposes, and is but little used. 359. The Joule is the electrical unit of ^vork, and repre- sents the energy of one coulomb delivered under a pressure of one volt, or the work done in one second in maintaining a current of one ampere against a resistance of one ohm. Joules = volts x coulombs. It is equivalent to 10 7 ergs. 360. The Watt is the unit of electrical activity or power, and represents the rate of working in a circuit when the electromotive force is one volt and the current is one ampere. One horse-power equals 746 watts. Watts volts x amperes. It is equivalent to 10 7 ergs per second. 361. Ohm's Law. Representing current strength by C, voltage by E, and resistance by R, the numerical re- lations of these functions of an electrical current are ex- pressed by the formula, T> /~f \j O Any two of these being known, the third may be found. (a) Applied to an electric generator (as a dynamo or voltaic cell), we may represent the resistance of the external circuit by R and the internal resistance of the generator itself by r. Then = ^R Thus, if the E.M.F. of a chromic acid cell is 2 volts, the internal resistance of the cell is 1.5 ohms, and the wire resistance is 0.5 ohms, C= 1.5 + 0.5 The cunrent strength will be 1 ampere. CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 447 (6) Representing algebraically the definition of the watt, we have W=ExC. (1) Substituting, in this equation, the above given value of E, we have W=RxC*. (2) Substituting, in the same equation, the above given value of C, we have (c) In the light of Ohm's law, resistance might be defined as the ratio between E. M. Y. and current strength, or as electric pressure divided by electric flow. 362. Joule's Law. The work done by an electric cur- rent is equal to the product of the strength of the current, C; the fall of potential, E; and the time, t. W= CEt. Since, by Ohm's law, E = (7/2, we have the following equivalent expression : W= C*Bt. If E is measured in volts, C in amperes, and R in ohms, W will be expressed in joules per second, or watts. Since a small calory equals 4.2 joules, in which formula,* H represents the number of small calories. Experiment 323. Join equal lengths of iron wires of different sizes end to end, and pass a gradually increasing current through them. The smallest wire will be most heated. Experiment 324. Join, end to end, equal lengths of iron and cop- per wires of the same size, and increase the current that passes through 448 SCHOOL PHYSICS. them until the iron wire is red-hot. Ascertain the thermal condition of the copper wire. Experiment 325. Send the current of a few cells in series through a chain made of alternate links of silver and platinum wires of the same size. The platinum links grow red-hot, while the silver links remain comparatively cool. The specific resistance of platinum is about six times that of silver, and its specific heat is about half as great ; hence, the rise of temperature in wires of equal thickness traversed by the same current is about twelve times as great for platinum as for silver. Experiment 326. Pass a suitable current through a long, fine iron wire, and thus heat it to dull redness. By means of a sliding contact, progressively shorten the iron wire part of the circuit, as in Experi- ment 322. As the resistance decreases, the current increases, until the iron wire that remains in circuit is melted. 363. Distribution of Heat in the Circuit. Since, at any instant, the current strength is uniform at every part of the circuit, it follows from the last formula given in 362 that the heat developed in any part of the circuit will be proportional to the resistance of that part of the circuit. As the fall of potential is proportional to the resistance, the heat energy developed in any part of the circuit is pro- portional to the fall of potential through that part of the circuit. 364. Shunts. When part of a circuit consists of two branches, each branch is said to be a shunt to the other. The current flowing through such a circuit will divide, CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 449 part of it going one way, and the other part the other way. (a) Under such circumstances, the current that flows through the branches will be inversely proportional to the respective resistances of the branches. To illustrate, suppose that the branch that carries the galvanometer, G, has a resistance of 900 ohms, and that the branch that carries the coil, 5, has a resistance of 100 ohms. Then 0.9 of the current will flow through 5, and 0.1 through G. (b) The introduction of a shunt lessens the resistance of the cir- cuit. The conductivity of the circuit between a and b is the sum of the conductivities of the two branches, and conductivity is the re- ciprocal of resistance. Representing the resistance of the branched circuit by R, that of one branch by r, and that of the other branch by /, we have = - H ; whence R = R r r' r + r / For instance, in the case of the galvanometer and the coil above mentioned, R = 90 x 10 = 90, the number of ohms. 900 + 100 CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. A copper wire is carrying a 5-ampere current. The resistance of this wire is 2 ohms. (a) How many volts are necessary to force the current through the wire? Solution : E = C x R = 5 x 2 = 10, the number of volts. (6) How much energy is consumed in the wire ? Solution : W = E x C = 10 x 5 = 50, the number of watts ; or W = R x C 2 = 2 x 25 = 50, the number of watts. 2. An incandescence lamp is connected with an electric generator (dynamo) 300 feet away by a Xo. 18 copper wire that is carrying a 1-ampere current. A fine coil galvanoscope, used as described in Ex- periment 321, would show differences in potential between the ends of the two wires running to the lamp, and between the two terminals of the lamp itself. What is the loss of voltage due to the line? 29 450 SCHOOL PHYSICS. Solution : The table of resistances given in the appendix shows that the resistance of the 600 feet of wire is 3.83466 ohms. E=C x R = l x 3.83466 = 3.83466, the number of volts. If the lamp took 1 ampere at 100 volts, the line loss would be nearly 3.8 per cent. 3. What would be the proper size of copper wire to supply a group of lamps 400 feet away, and taking 15 amperes, so that the line loss shall be 2 volts. Solution : The resistance of the line would be, R = = = 0.1333, the number of ohms. C 15 Itc resistance in ohms per foot must be (0.1333 -=- 800 =) 0.0001666, and the resistance per 1,000 feet, 0.1666 ohms. From the table, we find that No. 2 is the nearest size of wire. 4. The wire loss of an electric motor is 156 watts. If the resistance of the motor is 2 ohms, what current flows ? Solution : W = R x C 2 ; C = <%/ = 8.83, the number of amperes. 5. How many foot-pounds per minute equal a watt? A us. 44.236. 6. How many horse-power will be absorbed by a circuit of arc lamps, taking 9.6 amperes at 2,900 volts pressure ? Ans. 37.32 H.P., nearly. 7. If the electric generator that develops the current described in Exercise 6 wastes 10 per cent, of the power delivered to it, how much work was done upon it? Ans. 41.46 H.P. 8. A group of incandescence lamps absorbs 21 amperes. The line loss is limited to 1.5 volts. (a) What is the resistance of the line ? Ans. 0.07143 ohms. (6) How many watts are lost? Ans. 31.5 watts. (c) If the line is 800 feet from source of supply to lamps, what is the nearest size of copper wire to use ? Ans. No. 0000. 9. An incandescence lamp absorbs 0.5 amperes at 110 volts, and gives out 16 candle-power. An arc light absorbs 10 amperes at 45 volts, and produces 2,000 candle-power. Which light is the more economical? Determ. ..,5 the electrical energy per candle-power ab- sorbed by each? Ans. Incandescence, 3.4375 watts; arc, 0.225 watts. 10. Which has the more energy, an arc light generator capable of CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 451 delivering 10 amperes t at 900 volts pressure, or an electro-plating machine that produces 1,800 amperes at a pressure of 5 volts ? 11. What mechanical horse-power is necessary for 50 incandescence lamps, each taking 0.5 amperes at 110 volts, allowing 10 per cent loss for transformation from mechanical into electrical energy ? Ans. 4.09 H.P. 12. What energy is absorbed by a coil of wire of 23 ohms resist- ance, through which 3.5 amperes is flowing? Ans. 281.75 watts. 13. A coil of wire of resistance 37 ohms is subjected to a pressure of 110 volts. What energy is expended? A ns. 327.02 watts. 14. A dynamo receives 525 H.P. of mechanical energy, and delivers 350,000 watts at a pressure of 10,000 volts. The line that completes the circuit has a resistance of 14 ohms, (a) Determine the current strength. (b) What is the line loss in volts? (c) in watts? (rf) What is the efficiency of the dynamo ? LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Mercury; sulphuric acid; nitric acid; copper sulphate ; glass tumblers ; porous cup ; a zinc and a copper plate ; sheet lead ; sheet iron ; tin-plate ; galvanoscope. 1. Put the cell described in Experiment 313, with clean and unamal- gamated plates into circuit with a galvanoscope. Xotice the move- ment of the needle, tap the galvanoscope lightly, and record the position in which the needle comes to rest. Observe for a minute what takes place at the surface of .each plate. Amalgamate the zinc plate, carefully remove any adhering mercury drops, replace the zinc in the acid, being careful that it is as far from the copper as it was before. When the circuit is again closed through the galvanoscope, record the deflection of the needle, and observe for a minute what takes place at the surface of the plates. At intervals of two minutes, record the successive deflections of the needle. If any bubbles are visible on either or both of the plates at the end of ten minutes, rub them off without removing the plates from the acid. Take care that no mercury comes in contact with the copper, and record the deflection of the needle. Remove the copper plate from the acid, rub it thoroughly, replace it in the acid, and record the deflection of the needle. Remove the copper plate again, dip it into nitric acid, and amalgamate it. Put it back into the acid, and record the deflection of the needle. Record the teachings of your experiment. 452 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 2. Solder one end of 50 cm. of insulated copper wire, No. 20, to one end of a zinc plate 10 cm. long, 2.5 cm. wide, and 0.5 cm. thick. Similarly, solder a like wire to a piece of sheet copper 10 cm. square. Weigh the plates and their wires carefully to 0.1 of a gram. Put the zinc plate into a porous cup about 10 cm. deep and 4 cm. wide, and nearly fill the cup with dilute sulphuric acid. Put the cup into a glass tumbler about 10 cm. deep and 8 cm. wide. Pour a satu- rated solution of copper sulphate into the tumbler until it stands at the same level as the acid in the cup. Amalgamate the zinc, and put it back into the acid. Clean the copper plate, bend it so that it will partly encircle the porous cup, and put it into the copper sulphate solution. Put the cell into circuit with a low resistance galvanoscope. Watch carefully for bubbles on this copper plate. Record the deflec- tion of the needle at intervals of five minutes for half an hour. Take the cell to pieces and clean its several parts. Weigh the plates care- fully as before. Name the cell, and compare the constancy of its cur- rent with that of the cell used in Exercise 1. Account for any change in the weight of either plate. 3. Cut 2 x 10 cm. strips of zinc, lead, iron, copper, and tin-plate, and provide a carbon plate or half of an electric light carbon rod, and attach to each a copper wire 40 or 50 cm. long. Successively use dif- ferent pairs of these as plates of similar voltaic cells, connect each cell with the galvanoscope, determine and record the direction of the cur- rent and the magnitude of the deflection, and make as many different combinations as possible. Arrange the given materials in an electro- motive series, i.e., so that if any two are used as plates of a voltaic cell, the current will flow through the wire from the former to the latter. When the series is completed, using dilute sulpuric acid as the excit- ing liquid, go over the work again using a dichromate solution, and ascertain whether any change in the series is required. 4. Wind four or five layers of No. 20 insulated copper wire upon the edge of a board 25 cm. square. Slip the wire from the board, and tie together the several turns of the wire at the corners of the rectangle. Bend one end of the wire into a hook and solder it to the middle of the pointed half of a sewing-needle as shown at m in Fig. 348. Straighten the other end at a right angle, as shown at n. Bend a narrow strip of brass at a right angle, and in one arm make an indentation that will hold a globule of mercury. Support the brass L with the indented arm horizontal, and from it hang the wire rectangle. A globule of mercury insures a good connection at m, and the straightened part of CURRENT ELECTRICITY. 453 the wire dips into a cup of mercury at n. Adjust the form of the sup- porting hook so that the sides of the rectangle are vertical or hori- zontal, and place the face of the rectangle in a north and south plane. Pass the current of a bat- tery of 3 cells through the appara- tus, and notice that the rectangle turns into an east and \vest plane. Reverse the current and notice the effect. Make a record of this motion of the wire rec- tangle, and reserve it for future study. 5. Wind four or five layers of No. 20 insulated copper wire upon the edge of a board 10 x 20 cm. Slip the wire from the board, and tie as directed in Exercise 4. FIG. 348. Place this coil in the circuit be- tween the battery and the mercury cup at n, Fig. 348. Call the larger wire rectangle A, and the smaller one B. Hold B with one of its 20 cm. sides vertical and near one side of A. Record the effect as manifested by the motion of .4, when the current flows upward through the adjacent sides of the two rectangles ; when the current flows downward through both ; and when it flows upward in one and downward in the other. Formulate a general expression of the ac- tion of parallel currents upon each other, (a) When they flow in the same direction. (&) When they flow in opposite directions. The consideration of the interaction between currents as herein illustrated constitutes the subject-matter of electrodynamics. 6. Hold the rectangle B of Exercise 5 within A so that a long side of the former makes an angle with the lower side of the latter. Record the effect. Change the angle several times, recording the effect in each case. Formulate a general expression for the mutual action of currents that are not parallel (a) when they flow toward the point of intersection or from it ; (b) when one flows toward the intersection and the other from it. 7. Wind some Xo. 16 insulated copper wire into a close spiral about 4 cm. in diameter and 15 cm. long. Bend its ends as indicated in Fig. 349. Put it into the circuit of the battery as directed for the 454 SCHOOL PHYSICS. rectangle of Exercise 4 and hold a bar magnet near one of its ends. Trace the current through the solenoid. 8. Pass two stout copper wires sepa- rately through a cork about 2 cm. in diameter. About 2 cm. from the smaller end of the cork, connect the copper wires with a short piece of very fine iron wire. FIG. 349. Wrap the edge of a strip of paper about 5 cm. wide around the cork so as to make a paper cup with the iron wire inside. Fill the cup with fine gun- powder, and close the other end with a cork or a paper cap. Place this torpedo at a safe distance, connect it by stout copper wires to a voltaic battery, and send through the wires a current that will heat the iron wire and explode the torpedo. State some industrial application of electricity that is illustrated by this exercise. Cut the leading wires at three or four points and join them with short pieces of fine iron wire. Tie the fuse of a fire-cracker around each piece of iron wire, and send a current that shall ignite all of the fuses. 9. Make a torpedo similar to the one described in Exercise 8. In- stead of interposing the high-resistance iron wire, bend the copper wires until their ends nearly but not quite touch. Place the torpedo at a safe distance, lay leading wires, and explode the torpedo by a spark from an induction coil or an electric machine ( 403, 405). C. MAGNETISM. Experiment 327. Wrap a piece of writing paper around a large iron nail, leaving the ends of the nail bare. Wind fifteen or twenty turns of stout copper wire around this paper wrapper, taking care that the coils of the wire do not touch each other or the iron. It is well to use insulated wire. Put this spiral into the circuit of a voltaic cell, and dip the nail into iron filings. Some of the filings will cling to the ends of the nail in a remarkable manner. Upon breaking the circuit, the nail instantly loses its newly acquired power, and drops the iron filings. Experiment 328. Draw a sewing-needle four or five times from eye to point across one end of the nail of Experiment 327, while the current is flowing through the wire wound upon it. Dip the needle MAGNETISM. 455 into iron filings. Some of the filings will cling to each end of the needle. - Experiment 329. Cut a thin slice from the end of a vial cork and, with its aid, float the needle of Experiment 328 upon the surface of water. The needle comes to rest in a north and south position. Turn it from its chosen position and notice that, after each displacement, it resumes the same position, and that the same end of the needle always points to the north. Experiment 330. Break the tangs from a few flat, worn-out files. Smooth the ends and sides of the files on a grind-stone. Get some good-natured dynamo tender to magnetize these hard-steel bars and three or four stout knitting-needles. You can magnetize the needles yourself by winding upon them successively, evenly, and from end to end, a layer of insulated Xo. 20 wire, and sending a current from a voltaic battery through the wire. Freely suspend these permanent magnets at a considerable distance from each other and so that each can turn in a horizontal plane. The knit- ting-needles may be thrust through two corners of triangular pieces of paper to the third corner of which the end of a horse- hair is fastened by wax. The heavier mag- nets may be placed in stout paper stirrups similarly supported, or they may be floated upon water, as shown in Fig. 350. The suspended magnets will come to rest in a north and south line. Mark the north-seeking end of each magnet so that it may be distinguished from the % other. Experiment 331. Suspend a bar of iron as you did the magnets in Experiment 330. Bring one end of a magnet near one end of the iron bar, and notice the attraction. Try the other end of the iron bar. Bring the other end of the magnet successively near the two ends of the iron bar, noticing the effect in each case. 365. A Magnet is a body that has the property of attract- ing iron or steel, and that, when freely suspended, tends to take a definite position, pointing approximately north and south. 456 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (a) One of the most valuable iron ores is called magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ). Occasional specimens of magnetite attract iron. Such a specimen is called a lodestone. It is a natural magnet. (&) Artificial magnets have all the properties of natural magnets, and are more powerful and convenient. They may be temporary or permanent. Temporary magnets are made by passing electric cur- rents around soft iron, as in Experiment 309, and are called electro- magnets. Permanent magnets are made of hardened steel, as in Experiment 328. The most common forms of artificial magnets are the bar magnet and the horseshoe magnet. The first of these is a straight bar of iron or steel ; the second is U -shaped, as shown in Fig. 351. Several similar thin steel bars, separately magnetized and fas- tened together side by side and with like poles in contact, constitute a compound magnet. A piece of iron placed across the two ends of a horseshoe magnet is called an armature. The process of making a magnet is called magnetization. 366. Magnetic Substances. It appears to be clearly established that all matter is subject to the magnetic force as universally as it is to the force of gravitation. Substances that are attracted, as iron is, are called para- magnetic ; substances that are repelled, as bismuth is, are called diamagnetic. Paramagnetic substances are some- times called magnetic. Diamagnetic substances are more numerous than paramagnetic substances ; diamagnetic effects are more feeble than paramagnetic effects. 367. Magnetic Poles. When a bar magnet is dipped into iron filings, the magnetic effect is seen to be at maxi- mum at the ends of the bar, and to diminish rapidly toward the middle, at which point no filings are sustained (see Experiment 328). The ends of the freely suspended magnet also point toward the poles of the" earth. These ends of the magnets are called poles, and the magnet is said MAGNETISM. 457 to exhibit polarity. A distinguishing mark is put on the end that turns toward the north, and that end is called the marked, north-seeking, or + pole. The other end is called the unmarked, south-seeking, or pole. A unit magnetic pole is a pole that exerts a force of one dyne upon a like pole at a distance of one centimeter. i (a) For purposes of discussion, a theoretical magnet is assumed, long and indefinitely thin and uniformly magnetized. Such a magnet may be looked upon as a pair of poles united by a bar exerting no action, the whole magnetic effect being concentrated at the poles. When it is freely suspended, the line that joins the poles is called the magnetic axis. Magnetic Needles. Experiment 332. Repeat Experiment 29 using the sewing-needle of Experiment 329. The needle will assume a north and south position. Experiment 333. Straighten a piece of watch-spring about 15 cm. long by drawing it between thumb and finger. Heat the middle of this steel bar to redness in a flame and bend it double. Bend the ends back into a line with each other, as shown in Fig. 352. Magnetize each end sepa- rately and oppositely. Wind a waxed thread around the short bend at the middle to form a socket, and balance the needle upon the FIG 352 point of a sewing-needle thrust into a cork. A little filing, clipping, or loading with wax may be necessary to make it balance. The needle will point north and south. Experiment 334. Pass a knitting-needle through a small cork from end to end and so that the cork shall be at the middle of the needle. Thrust a sewing-needle or half of a knitting-needle through the cork at* right angles to the knitting-needle to serve as an axis of support. Place* the ends of the axis upon the edges of two glass goblets or other convenient objects. Push the knitting-needle through the cork until it balances upon the axis like a scalebeam. Magne- 458 SCHOOL PHYSICS. tize the knitting-needle, and notice that the marked end seems to have become heavier. 368. Magnetic Needles. A small bar magnet suspended in such a manner as to allow it to assume its chosen position relative to the earth is a magnetic needle. (a) The needle may turn in a horizontal or in a vertical plane. It it turns freely in a horizontal plane, it is a horizontal needle; e.g., the mariner's or the surveyor's com- pass. If it turns freely in a vertical plane, it constitutes a dipping-needle (Fig. 353). A magnetized sewing-needle, suspended at its center of mass by a fine thread or hair FIG. 354. or an u n- twisted fiber will serve as a dipping-needle. Two magnets fastened to a common axis and with their poles reversed constitute an astatic needle (Fig. 354) . An astatic needle assumes no particular direction with respect to the earth if the two needles are equally magnetized. FIG. 353. Magnetic Field. Experiment 335. Lay a bar magnet on the table between two wooden strips of the same thickness as the magnet. Cover the mag- net with a sheet of paper or cardboard, or a plate of glass. With a dredge-box or muslin bag, sprinkle uniformly over the plate the finest filings of wrought iron that you can obtain. Gently tap the plate to facilitate the movement of the filings. They will arrange themselves in lines that seem to proceed from the poles, to curve outward through the air, and to complete their circuit through the magnet, as shown in Fig. 355. Place a short magnet (e.g., a piece MAGNETISM. 459 of a magnetized sewing-needle suspended by a silk fiber) just above the filings, and move it into different positions. At every point, the """' '" V; -'--^--^- : - -".::. ./--;..-::;.;/;.'::;: . l >.>-.iPV:: ;i if FIG. 355. magnet will place itself parallel to a tangent to the curves, with its marked end always pointing in the same direction relative to the curves. Experiment 336. Similarly map out the "magnetic phantom" ^^^gvjgp'- FIG. 356. curves when the opposite poles of two bar magnets are brought near each other. The result will be like that represented in Fig. 356. The 460 SCHOOL PHYSICS. lines from one magnet seem to interlock with those from the other as if by mutual attraction. Experiment 337. Similarly produce the phantom when the like poles of two bar magnets are brought near each other. The result will be like that represented in Fig. 357. The lines now seem to repel each other. 369. Magnetic Field and Lines of Force. The space surrounding a magnetized body and through which the magnetic force acts is called a magnetic field. The iron filings could not have arranged themselves in their definite phantom curves except under the action of some force or forces. We may imagine lines drawn in the magnetic field, each indicating the direction in which a marked pole would move. Such lines are called magnetic lines of force. They are assumed to flow from the marked to the un- marked pole outside the magnet, and in the opposite direction inside the magnet, so as to form closed loops, or complete circuits. By agreement among physicists, as many lines are drawn through each square centimeter MAGNETISM. 461 of surface as there are dynes in the force of that part of the field. Each line, therefore, represents a force of one dyne, and the closeness of the lines indicates the intensity of the field. (a) A number of lines of force traversing a magnetic field is called a flow or Jinx of force. The unit of Jinx is called a weber, and represents one line of force. A flux of 10,000 lines of force would be a flux of 10,000 webers. The unit of strength of field, or intensity of flux, is called a gauss, and represents the number of lines of force per square centi- meter. With a flux of 24,000 w : ebers in 12 square centimeters, the intensity of flux would be 2,000 gausses. A field is of unit strength when a unit magnetic pole placed in it is acted upon with a force of one dyne. A pole which when placed in a field of unit strength, is acted upon by a force of one dyne is sometimes said to be of unit magnetic mass. (b) By agreement, the direction in which a marked pole would move in a field is called positive. When a magnet is placed in a magnetic field, the marked pole tends to move in a positive direction, and the unmarked pole in a negative direction. The total effect is that of a couple, and tends to produce rotation. The universal tendency of a magnetic needle thus to turn upon its pivot so as to place its axis in a north and south line indicates that the earth is surrounded by a magnetic field. (c) The magnetic action that takes place in a magnetic field has been happily illustrated by supposing the lines of force to be stretched elastic threads that tend to shorten along their lengths, and that are self-repellent. Compare 336 (a). This conception of magnetic lines of force suggests that unlike poles ought to attract each other (see Fig. 356), and that like poles ought to repel each other (see Fig. 357). ( tne co ^ s around the two ends of the bent iron core are so wound that if the coil should be straightened either coil would appear as a continuation of the other, FIG. 370. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSJCS MAGNETISM. 473 i.e., the current would circle around the core in the same direction in the two coils. Such magnets are often made by connecting an end of the core of one spool-shaped magnet, by a straight soft iron bar called a yoke, to one end of the core of a sim- ilar magnet, a screw passing through the bar into an end of each straight core. The two spools are then con- nected as above indicated. (c) To produce the best effect, the resistance of the electromagnet should be equal to that of the rest of the cir- cuit. If several electromagnets are used on the same circuit, the sum of their resistances should equal the resistance of the rest of the circuit. (d) If the iron of the magnet core is of commercial quality, it is not wholly demagnetized when the current is interrupted. The mag- netization thus retained after withdrawal from a magnetic field is called residual magnetism. 382. Ampere's Theory of Magnetism. As an electric current is surrounded by a whirl of lines of magnetic force, so we may conceive a magnetic line of force as surrounded by an electrical current-whirl. This would imply, as Ampere long ago suggested, that magnetism is simply a vortical electric current, and that a magnetic field is something like a whirlpool of electricity. Fig. 371 represents a vertical conductor carrying an electric current, and surrounded by a mag- netic line of force, which is in turn sur- rounded by electric whirls ; the magnetic line of force is an electric vortex-ring. It is not difficult to conceive the vortex-ring as made up of ether whirls. As the phenomena of magnetism belong to the molecules, these electrical whirls must be rotations perpendicular to the magnetic axes of FIG. 371. 474 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the molecules. Ampere's theory supposes that electric currents circle round the molecules of a magnetic sub- stance, thereby polarizing them, and that when all these magnetic axes face in the same direction the substance is magnetically saturated. (a) The great importance of the relation between magnetic lines of force and electric currents will appear more plainly in the following section. Terrestrial Magnetism. Experiment 358. Place a small dipping-needle over the marked end of a long, horizontal bar magnet, and move it slowly toward the other end of the bar, observing the changes in the position of the dipping-needle. Similar changes would be observed if you could carry the dipping-needle from far southern to far northern latitudes. Experiment 359. Take a bar of very soft iron about 75 cm. long, and make sure by trial that its ends will not attract bits of soft iron. Then hold the bar in a meridian plane, and with its north end depressed below the horizon a number of degrees approximately corresponding to the latitude of the place of the experiment, i.e., give it the position of a dipping-needle. Tap the rod on its end with a mallet or wooden block, and test it for magnetic polarity. 383. Terrestrial Magnetism. A magnetic field is recog- nized by the fact that it gives a definite direction to a magnet freely suspended in it. The directive tendency of the compass, and other phenomena, show that the earth is surrounded by such a field. In fact, these phenomena are such as might be expected if we knew that a bar magnet four or five thousand miles long extended nearly north and south through the earth's center. This terres- trial magnetism is explained as being due to equatorial electric currents produced by the action of the sun, and modified by the motion of the earth. MAGNETISM. 475 (a) The angle that the axis of a dipping-needle makes with a horizontal plane is called the inclination or dip of the needle. The dip is 90 at the magnetic poles of the earth, and at the magnetic equator, and, at any given place, does not differ greatly from the latitude. Lines passing through points on the earth's surface where the inclination has the same value are called isoclinic lines. The inclination of the needle is subject at most places to secular, annual, and diurnal changes. (6) The magnetic poles of the earth do not coincide with its geo- graphical poles and, consequently, in some places, the magnetic needle does not point to the geographical north. The angle that the axis of a compass-needle makes with the geographical meridian at any place is called the declination or variation of the needle at that place. When the marked end of the needle lies east of the meridian, the variation is easterly, and vice versa. Lines drawn through places on the earth where the declination is the same are called isogonic lines, as is shown in Fig. 372. The par- ticular isogonic line for which the declination is zero is called an agone or an agonic line. These lines are very irregular, being apparently affected by local conditions. The Ameri- can agone, in 1890, entered the United States near Charleston^ passed through the mountains of North Carolina and West Virginia, and near Columbus, Toledo, and Ann Arbor, and is FIG. 372. slowly moving westward. The declination of the needle is subject to periodic changes, secular, annual, and diurnal, and to irregular variations or perturbations. The mariner or the surveyor must recognize not only the declination of his needle but also the changes in its declination. (c) The magnetic intensity of the earth is also an element that varies from point to point at the same time, and from time to time at the same place. Lines drawn through places on the earth where the force of terrestrial magnetism is the same are called isodynamic lines. 476 SCHOOL PHYSICS. (d) The determination of these three magnetic elements is the object of governmental magnetic surveys. () The observed coincidences between magnetic storms, i.e., sud- den disturbances of the earth's magnetism, and solar storms indicate a connection, the nature of which is not yet well understood. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. What part of a magnet might properly be designated by the term equator ? 2. Explain the increase of lifting power manifested in Experi- ment 357. 3. How can the intensity of different parts of a magnetic field be roughly estimated from the behavior of a magnetic needle ? 4. Show that the influence of the earth's magnetism upon a mag- netic needle is merely directive. 5. If a wire coil of 220 turns carries a 3-ampere current, what is its magnetomotive force? Ans. 829 + gilberts. 6. A rectangular bar of steel 1x3 cm. and 30 cm. long, is bent into a circle, and upon it is wound 40 turns of wire. A o-ampere current is passed through the wire, (a) Determine the M.M.F. (6) Assume the reluctance to be 0.00593 oersteds, and divide the M.M.F. by the reluctance to determine the flux of force in webers. (c) Determine the intensity of flux in gausses, (d) Assume the permeability to be 1,684 and determine the reluctivity, (e) Divide the M.M.F. by the length of the bar to determine the magnetizing force in gausses. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. A collection of bar magnets ; a hack-saw blade ; several sheets of paper about 50 cm. square ; a compass with a needle 2 or 3 cm. long. 1. By observations of the North Star or in any other convenient way, mark a true north and south line on the laboratory table. Place a magnetic needle in this line, and determine the direction and mag- nitude of the declination. 2. Float a magnet on water as shown in Fig. 350. The float should be the lightest that will carry the load with safety, and the body of water should be so large that surface tension will not urge the float toward the side of the vessel. When the magnet is at rest near the MAGNETISM. 477 middle of the liquid surface, determine the tendency of the magnet to drift toward the north or south. Repeat the experiment with a variety of magnets, and try to find one that always floats in one direction, i.e., one in which the marked pole is stronger or weaker than the other. If you cannot find such a magnet, strongly magnetize the blade of an old hack-saw, and test it on the float. If you have not yet found that for which you seek, break the blade in the middle, and test each half. If necessary to the success of your search, break one of the halves in two, and repeat the tests. Make very careful notes of any magnet that you find to have more magnetism of one kind than of the other. 3. Fasten a large sheet of paper upon the table-top. Place a bar magnet about 20 cm. long and 1 sq. cm. in cross-section upon the middle of the paper with its marked end pointing toward the north. Place a small compass on the paper at the northeast corner of the magnet, move it away from the magnet in the direction in which the marked end of the needle points, tracing upon the paper the path of the middle point of the compass, and indicating by arrow-heads upon the line thus traced the direction in which the compass is moved. Continue the movement of the compass, continually changing the direction of the motion of the compass as indicated by the direction in which the marked end of the needle points, until the traced path reaches the edge of the paper or returns to the magnet. Repeat the work, starting near the same corner but 1 cm. nearer the middle of the magnet. Taking the successive starting points nearer and nearer the middle of the magnet, continue to draw such lines until you come within about 3 cm. of the middle of the bar. Similarly, trace an equal number of lines on the other side of the magnet. The curves may be traced in an " off-hand " way, their general character being of more importance than exact details. Trace the outline of the mag- net on the paper, and indicate its polarity. 4. Place the magnet used in Exercise 3 upon a clean sheet of paper, and with its marked end pointing toward the south. Trace lines as indicated in that exercise. 5. Place two similar bar magnets on a clean sheet of paper, parallel to each other, about 15 cm. apart, and with their marked ends point- ing toward the north. In manner similar to that prescribed for Exercise 3, trace the lines of force, including several lines between the two magnets. Compare this diagram with those drawn in Exercises 3 and 4, specify their characteristic features, and explain their significance. 478 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 6. Map a magnetic field as in Experiment 335. Carefully remove the rnagnet and wooden strips. Over the filings, carefully place a sheet of printing-paper that has been wet with a solution of tannin. Over this, place a sheet of heavy blotting-paper. Place a board on the blotting-paper and a weight on the board. When the printing-paper is removed, some of the iron filings will adhere to it. When the paper is dry, brush off these filings. The ink-like markings on the paper make a permanent copy of the map. II. ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION, ETC. 384. Introductory. We have seen that when two bodies at different electric potentials are connected by a conductor, an electric current transfers along the conductor the state of strain that constitutes electrification. If that strain is reproduced as fast as it is relieved, the difference of poten- tial will be constant, and the current will be continuous and uniform. The devices considered in the preceding section are incapable of producing a current adequate to the demands of the age in which we live. It is the pur- pose of this section to indicate how such currents are produced. 385. Voltaic Cells are among the most common and important of "electric generators," and have been devised in great variety. Some of them are dry, some have one liquid, and others have two. Some are constant and strong while they last, but require frequent renewals ; others are effective for short periods only, and require time for their own recovery. Each has its advantages ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 479 and its disadvantages, so that one is the better for one pur- pose, and another for another. (a) When commercial zinc is used as one of the plates of a cell, the chemical action shown in Experiment 312, and known as local action, contributes nothing to the current. It is probably due to the presence of particles of carbon, iron, etc., in the zinc. The zinc and these foreign particles in the zinc act as the plates of minute voltaic cells, the currents flowing in short circuits from the zinc through the liquid to the foreign particles, and thence back to the zinc. This local action is prevented by using pure zinc, or by amalgamating commercial zinc as in Experiment 313. (6) The polarization of the cell, i.e., the accumulation of the hydro- gen film on the negative plate, interferes with the action of the cell and diminishes the available current by increasing the resistance of the circuit, and by setting up a counter electromotive force that may reduce, stop or even reverse the flow of the current. The various devices for removing the hydrogen, or for preventing its accumulation, constitute the most essential differences between the diiferent forms of cells. These devices may be classified as physical (e.g., the mechan- ical agitation of the liquid, or the roughening of the plate to lessen the adhesion of the gas), and chemical (e.g., the use of some agent, like nitric or chromic acid or manganese dioxide, for the oxidation of the hydrogen before it reaches the negative plate). Note. The oxidation of hydrogen yields water. (c) A few forms of cells are mentioned, although it is impossible to give descriptions of all or many. For such descriptions, the pupil is referred to some technical work on the subject. (1) The Smee cell consists of a silver or a lead plate suspended between two zinc plates immersed in dilute sulphuric acid. Polariza- tion is partly prevented by giving the negative plate a rough coat of finely divided platinum. (2) The potassium dichromate cell (see Experiment 316) consists of zinc and carbon plates immersed in a solution of potassium dichromate in dilute sulphuric acid. The action of the sulphuric acid on the dichromate liberates chromic acid which oxidizes the hydro- gen, and thus prevents polarization. This cell is very convenient for quick use, and valuable for "all-around" work. It is sometimes called the Grenet cell. A similar cell that employs sodium dichromate 480 SCHOOL PHYSICS. instead of potassium dichromate is more enduring in its action. A solution of chromic acid is much used and is more economical than either. (3) In the Grove cell, a cylindrical plate of zinc is immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, and carries a porous cup that contains strong nitric acid in which a platinum strip is immersed. The hydrogen evolved at the zinc plate is oxidized by the nitric acid. (4) The Bunsen cell differs from the Grove in a substitution of carbon for platinum, and in the larger size of the plates. Like the Grove cell, it is little used, the fumes that come from the nitric acid being choking and corrosive. (5) In the Leclanche cell, a zinc rod is immersed in a saturated solution of ammonium chloride (sal-ammoniac). In this solution is also a porous cup that contains a bar of carbon tightly packed in a mixture of granular carbon and manganese dioxide. The hydrogen evolved is oxidized by the dioxide, but so slowly that the cell must be given frequent intervals of rest to recover from polarization. This cell is much used for working telephones, electric bells, etc., i.e., on circuits that are open most of the time. (6) The Daniell cell consists of a zinc plate immersed in dilute sul- phuric acid contained in a porous vessel outside of which is a perfo- rated copper plate surrounded by a solution of copper sulphate. The hydrogen is taken up by the sulphate before it reaches the copper plate. Polarization being wholly prevented, this cell is one of the most constant known. (7) The gravity cell is a modification of the Daniell. The liquids are kept separate by their different densities, thus dispensing with the porous cup. It is commonly used on closed circuits. This is the form of cell most used for telegraphic purposes in the United States. (rf) Every cell has an internal resistance that consists chiefly of the resistance of the liquid or liquids used. The voltage of the cell is largely taken up in overcoming this internal resistance, thus greatly lessening the energy available at the electrodes. If R is the resistance of the circuit outside the cell, and r is the resistance of the cell itself, then Ohm's law becomes c -. r+R Refer to Fig. 335, and notice that the liquid prism between the plates is part of the circuit ; that when the plates are separated, the length of the liquid conductor, and the internal resistance of the cell, are in- ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 481 creased (see 352) ; that when one of the plates is lifted partly from the liquid, the area of cross-section is reduced, and the resistance increased. Experiment 360. Upon each end of a 4-inch piece of soft, round iron-rod 1 inch in diameter, drive a vulcanite or hard-wood collar about 1 inches in diameter. Upon the spool thus formed, wind about 6 feet of No. 8 in- sulated copper wire, being care- ful first to insulate the iron core with paper. Fasten a rectan- gular piece of soft iron, a, to a piece of whalebone and sup- port it, as shown in Fig. 373, over M, the electromagnet just described. Place M in the circuit of a battery of six or more similar cells joined in series. The whalebone magnetoscope will enable you to make a rough estimate of the pull of the electromagnet. Experiment 361. Connect the cells of the battery in parallel, and repeat Experiment 360. Experiment 362. Make an electromagnet similar to that of Experi- ment 360, but using about 250 feet of No. 24 insulated copper wire, and with it, repeat Experiments 360 and 361. Experiment 363. Connect the terminals of the high resistance galvanoscope described in Experiment 321 to the poles of a single cell, and record the deflection of the needle. Next, put the galvano- scope in circuit with a battery of six similar cells joined in parallel, and record the deflection of the needle. Then put the galvanoscope in circuit with a battery of the same cells joined in series, and record the deflection of the needle. From the records, determine which method of joining cells is most effective with a high external resistance. 386. Advantages of Grouping in Parallel. Some of the foregoing experiments indicate what is a general truth, that, \vhen the external resistance is small, the grouping of electric generators in parallel will give a greater cur- rent than will a series grouping of the same generators. 31 482 SCHOOL PHYSICS, (a) With such a grouping, the available difference of potential between the terminals of the system is not increased, but the internal resistance is diminished (see 448). For instance, with n cells thus grouped, we have j? C= It is evident that the less the value of R, the greater will be the effect of n in increasing the value of C. 387. Advantages of Grouping in Series. Our experi- ments also indicate that when the external resistance is great, the grouping of electric generators in series will give a greater current than will a parallel grouping of the same generators. () With such a grouping, the voltages of the several generators are added together for the total available difference of potential, and the internal resistances are added together for the total internal resist- ance of the system. With n cells thus grouped, we have C= nE nr + R It is evident that when R is small, the effect of n upon the value of C must also be small, but that when R is large, the effect of multiplying r is more than counterbalanced by the corresponding multiplication of E. (b) Having a given number of similar cells and a certain known external resistance, the maximum current may be obtained by joining the cells in such a way as to make the resistance of the battery as nearly equal as possible to the resistance of the external part of the circuit. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. Determine the current strength of a battery of five cells joined in parallel, each having an E.M.F. of 2 volts and an internal resistance of 0.5 ohms, (a) when the external resistance is 0.1 ohm ; (6) when the external resistance is 500 ohms. Ans. (a) 10 amperes. (&) Nearly 0.004 amperes. 2. Determine the current strength of a battery made up by coupling ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 483 the same 5 cells in series, (a) when the external resistance is 0.1 ohm ; (b) when the external resistance is 500 ohms. Ans. (a) 3.846 + amperes. (b) 0.0199+ amperes. 3. Connect in parallel 8 voltaic cells, each having an E.M.F. of 2 volts, and an internal resistance of 8 ohms, the total external resistance being 16 ohms. Determine the current strength. Ans. 0.1176 amperes. 4. Compute the current strength of the same 8 cells connected in series. Ans. 0.2 amperes. 5. Compute the current strength of the same 8 cells when joined in two rows, each row being a series of four cells, and the rows being joined in multiple arc. Ans. 0.25 amperes. 6. Each of ten given cells has an electromotive force of 1 volt and an internal resistance of 5 ohms. What is the current strength of a single cell, the external resistance being 0.001 of an ohm ? Ans. 0.19996 + amperes. 7. The ten cells above mentioned are joined in parallel. The external resistance is 0.001 of an ohm. What is the current strength of the battery? Ans. 1.996 + amperes. 8. The ten cells above mentioned are joined in series, the external resistance remaining the same. What Is the current strength of the battery? Ans. 0.19999 + amperes. 9. What is the current strength given by one of the above men- tioned cells when the external circuit has a resistance of 1,000 ohrns? Ans. 0.00099502 amperes. 10. When the ten cells are joined in parallel with an external resist- ance of 1,000 ohms, what is the ampere yield of the battery? Ans. 0.0009995 amperes. 11. When the ten cells are joined in series with an external resist- ance of 1,000 ohms, what is the current strength of the battery? 12. Six cells, each having an E.M.F. of 2 volts and an internal resistance of 0.8 of an ohm, are joined in series. When the circuit is closed, the wire connections aggregate 6 feet of No. 8 copper wire, (a) What is the total resistance of the circuit? (6) What is Lhe cur- rent strength of the battery? Ans. (a) 4.80386 ohms. (6) 2.498 amperes. 13. Suppose the same six cells to be joined in parallel, the wire resistance being the same as before, (a) What is the total resistance of the circuit? (b) What is the current strength of the battery? Ans. (a) 0.1371 ohms. (b) 14.6 amperes. 484 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 14. The terms "tandem" and "abreast" are sometimes used to describe the methods of grouping cells that we have studied. Which term refers to grouping in series? 15. Two voltaic cells give equal currents on "short circuit," i.e., when the external resistance is very small. How can you experimen- tally ascertain whether their electromotive forces are equal? 16. Review Laboratory Exercises 4 and 7, page 453, and indicate the direction of the magnetic lines of force of the rectangle, of the solenoid and of the magnet, and show how they may be made to account for the observed phenomena. Electromagnetic Induction. Experiment 364. For a galvanoscope more delicate than any we have yet used, procure two soft pine blocks, 4 cm. square and 2 cm. thick. On the square faces of each, nail or glue a thin piece of wood, 6 cm. square. (These pieces may be cut from a cigar box.) The channel around the edges of the blocks will be 2 cm. wide and 1 cm. deep. Through the middle of each block, from face to face, bore a hole at least 1.5 cm. in di- ameter. Wind the grooves full of No. 36 insulated cop- per wire, and mount the blocks, A and B, on a base- board with their opposing faces about 1 cm. apart, as shown in Fig. 374. Connect the wires of the two coils so that a current flowing through the wire will circle around the coils in the same FIG. 374. direction; i.e., connect them in series. Straighten and magnetize four or five pieces of watch spring each 1.5 cm. long, and fasten them with thin shellac varnish to the back of a piece of looking glass, 1.5 cm. square and as thin as you can get. See Fig. 375. From a support made of brass wire, suspend the mirror, M, by a strand of silk, the lightest that will carry the load. A single silk fiber may be strong enough. The mirror when suspended should hang midway between the two coils, and directly in line with the holes through the two coils. So adjust the base of the galvanoscope that ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 485 the coils are parallel to the mirror when the latter is freely suspended between them, and protect the apparatus from air currents by a glass cover. A feeble current pass- ing through the coils will deflect the delicately suspended needles, as was roughly illustrated in Experiment 315. By placing a bar magnet on the table so as partly to neutralize the directive ten- dency of the terrestrial magnetism, the sensitive- ness of the galvanoscope may be increased. Stick a pin into the end of the base-board and in line with the centers of the openings in the coils, as appears more plainly in Fig. 376. The eye may be so placed that the pin will cover its image in the mirror. The slightest deflection of F _ the mirror will be manifested by the destruction of this coincidence. Indicate the polarity of the suspended magnets by marking the letters N and S near the edges of the base-board FIG. 376. between the coils .4 and B. Put the galvanoscope into circuit with a single cell, and note the deflection of the mirror. Record on the base-board of the instrument the fact that " This instrument shows a deflection of the J\ T end of the needle toward the east when the zinc plate of a cell is connected with the free terminal of coil B (or of -A, as the case may be). Experiment 365. Make a coil of wire with many turns of No. 36 insulated copper wire, as shown at H in Fig. 376. The coil should 486 SCHOOL PHYSICS. have an internal diameter of about 3 cm., and a cross-section area of at least 1 sq. crn. Connect the terminals of the coil with the ter- minals of the galvanoscope. Level the galvanoscope, and see that its needle-mirror is freely suspended as directed in the preceding- experiment. Thrust the end of a bar magnet at least 1.5 cm. in diameter into the coil, H, thus filling the coil with lines of force. An electric pulse deflects the mirror of the galvanoscope. That the deflecting current was of momentary duration is shown by the fact that the mirror returns to its first position. When it has come to rest, remove the magnet from the coil. The mirror is turned the other way and comes to rest as before, thus showing that the direction of the second current was opposite to that of the first, and that its duration was but momentary. Repeat the experiment, making the motions of the magnet more rapid. Notice that the pulses are more marked than before. Repeat the ex- periment again, using a low resistance solenoid that carries a current of electricity, as shown in Fig. 377, instead of the bar magnet. Then place the solenoid inside the coil, //, and break, and make the battery circuit. Place a soft iron rod inside the solenoid and again break and make the circuit, noticing any increase in the deflections of the needle. That the galvanoscope may be free from disturbing magnetic influence, see that all knives, keys, watches and other articles of iron or steel are kept at a considerable distance from it, and that the coil, H, is so far removed that the magnet or the solenoid may not have any perceptible direct influence upon it. It will be well to wind the wire of the coil, H, upon a spool as shown in Fig. 378. 388. Induced Currents. When the number of mag- netic lines of force that pass through a closed coil of wire is changed, as in Experiment 365, pulses of electricity are generated in the coil. The rapidity with which the coil is filled or emptied has a marked effect upon the intensity of the pulses generated. These momentary currents are said to be induced in the coil; i.e., they are induced currents. ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 487 Experiment 366. Connect the coil, H (Fig. 376), to the galvano- scope, G. Make another coil of No. 20 insulated copper wire, the same size as H, and call it A. Connect A with the battery, and deter- mine, by the corkscrew rule, which side of it is north, and so mark it. Consider the deflections of G to the right as + , and deflections to the left as . Consider lines of force going through H from its upper side as + , and lines that flow in the opposite direction as . Bring the north end of a magnet to the coil, H. " " south " " " " " " " " " " north side of the coil A to the coil, H. " " south " " " " " " " " " Lay A, north side down upon H, and make the circuit. "A, " " " " " " break " " " A, south " " " " " make " " 1 " ' " break " " In each of these cases, record the deflection of G, and the direction of the lines of force passing through H. When a magnet is used, the direction of the flux may be determined by the marked polarity of the magnet. When the coil, -4, is used, the direction of the flux may be determined by the corkscrew rule. Remember that there can be no deflection of G without a change in the number of lines of force in H. In each case, record your answer to these two ques- tions : (1) Was there an increase or decrease in the flux of force in Hf (*2) What deflection of G results from an increase of that flux in H, and what from a decrease ? Experiment 367. Place a soft iron core in the coil H as shown in Fig. 378, and repeat Experiment 366. Notice that the deflections are now much more marked. FIG. 379. FIG, 378. Experiment 368. Place the coil, H, in circuit with a telephone 488 SCHOOL PHYSICS. receiver instead of the galvanoscope. When the circuit of A is made or broken, a distinct click may be heard in the receiver which is a delicate detector of pulses of electricity. One may be bought at a low price, or borrowed. 389. Laws of Induced Currents. The following laws have been established : - (1) An increase in the number of the lines of force pass- ing through a closed coil induces a current in one direction through the wire of the coil; a decrease in the number of the lines of force induces a current in the other direction. (2) The electromotive force of the induced currents de- pends upon the rapidity of change in the number of lines of force that pass through th3 coil. 390. The Magneto. A number of permanent magnets might be fastened to a wheel so that the revolution of the wheel would carry the ends of the magnets in front of a closed coil of wire, corresponding to the coil, H, of our recent experiments. As each magnet approaches the coil, a current would be generated within the coil ; as it recedes from the coil, a current of opposite direction would be generated in the coil. We should thus obtain an alter- nating current of electricity from mechanical power. Such a device for inducing electric currents in wire coils or bob- bins, by variations in the relative positions of the coils and of permanent magnets, is called a magneto-electric machine, or simply a magneto. (a) The fundamental process in the generation of electric currents from mechanical power consists in revolving closed conductors in a magnetic field in such a way as to vary the number of lines of force passing through them, i.e., by successively filling and emptying closed coils. The mechanical motion may move the coils, or the source of ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 489 the magnetic flux, or it may simply move a mass of iron that forms a ready path for the lines of force. The magneto made it practicable to obtain electric currents from mechanical power, an advance step because mechanical power is cheaper than the chemicals used in a voltaic battery. The magneto is of great historical interest, but it has been largely displaced by the more efficient dynamo. 391. The Dynamo, or dynamo-electric machine, differs characteristically from the magneto in that the former employs a field of force due to the influence of electro- magnets, while the latter utilizes permanent magnets. 392. The Simple Dynamo. Of course, it makes no difference whether the coil or the flux of force moves, provided that the num- ber of lines of force that pass through the coil is continually changing. Suppose a single loop of wire to turn upon a hori- zontal axis, and between FIG. i>60. the opposite poles of two magnets, iVand $, as shown in Fig. 380. When the loop stands in a vertical plane, as indicated by the heavy black line, the magnetic lines of force between the pole-pieces thread through the loop in the greatest possible number. When the loop has been turned upon its axis through ninety degrees, until it lies in a horizontal plane, as indi- cated by the dotted lines in the figure, the lines of force run parallel to the plane of the loop, and none thread through it. During this quarter revolution of the loop, the number of lines of force that pass through the loop was decreasing, and an electric current was thereby in- 490 SCHOOL PHYSICS. duced in the loop, as indicated by the arrows. During the next quarter revolution of the loop, the number of lines of force threading the loop was increasing, but as they passed through the loop from the other side, the current induced in the loop had^the same direction as before. During the next half revolution, the induced current will flow through the loop in the opposite direction. The current, therefore, reverses twice for each revolution of the loop. 393. The Direct Current Dynamo, one of the most im- portant of the modern, practical devices for the trans- formation of mechanical into electrical energy, consists essentially of three parts : an armature made of coils of wire, which may be revolved in a magnetic field, and thus successively filled with lines of force and emptied of them ; a commutator for giving a uniform direction to the alter- nating currents induced in the coils by their rotation in the field of force ; and a large electromagnet as a source of flux of force. 394. The Armature. If the revolving coil is composed of many turns of wire instead of a single loop, the electro- motive force generated by the revolution will be multi- plied by the number of turns. If the loop is filled with soft iron, which has a greater magnetic permeability than air, the number of lines of force gathered into the space traversed by the coil will be increased, and the electric effect thereby augmented. A soft iron cylinder or ring upon which coils of insulated copper wire have been wound and arranged for rapid rotation in a magnetic field is called an armature. (a) The Siemens or shuttle armature, represented in Fig. 381, ELECTRIC GEJsTJRATORS, ETC. 491 consists of a coil of wire wound in two broad grooves plowed on op- posite sides of an iron cylinder. Such armatures are largely used in the magnetos used for " calling up " on telephone circuits, but they are not well adapted for large currents, because the " local currents " FIG. 381. (often called Foucault currents) generated in the iron core absorb energy, and transform it into heat. This heat increases the internal resistance of the coil, and is objectionable in other ways. Moreover, with such an armature, the current falls to zero twice every revolu- tion and, for many purposes, such a current is useless. (ft) The drum armature differs from the shuttle armature chiefly in that it employs many coils instead of one. The cylindrical iron core is made of thin disks of soft iron insulated from each other, thus min- imizing the " local currents " and the heating effects thereof. The insulation for this purpose sometimes consists of tissue paper, some- times of varnish, and sometimes only of the oxidation on the surfaces of the metal. On the cylinder thus built up, many separate coils are wound lengthwise, as is shown in Fig. 382. These separate coils are FIG. 382. joined in series, and the several junctions connected to insulated bars, the extremities of which are grouped around the shaft of the arma- ture as shown at the left of the figure. Brass bands around the out- side of the cylinder hold the coils in place. (c) The Brush or ring armature consists of eight or more coils wound in grooves upon an annular core, as shown in Fig. 383. The core is laminated, i.e., built up by winding a thin band or ribbon of 492 SCHOOL PHYSICS. soft iron in successive layers, each layer being insulated from the next. The wedge-shaped projections that separate the coils are made by thin pieces of iron placed cross- wise between successive layers of the long band as the ring is built up. Coils radially oppo- site are joined in series, and the terminals of each such pair are carried to the commutator on the shaft of the armature. (d) Armature coils are some- times wound upon arms or spokes that project radially from a central hub, or are set in succession on the face of a disk and near its circumference. FIG. 383. 395. The Commutator. If the connections of the arma- ture coils are reversed at the moment when the current in the coils is reversed, the induced currents will all flow in the same direction in the external circuit. The special device for thus changing the connections of armature coils is called a commutator. (a) The commutator of the Siemens armature consists of the two halves of a metal collar around the armature shaft, and two metal strips or " brushes." The two halves of the collar, i.e., the " commutator segments," m and n, are separated from the shaft, s, that carries them by a bush- ing of insulating material, and are sepa- rated from each other as shown in Fig. 384. One end of the armature coil is connected with one segment, and the other end with the other segment. The brushes, bb', are held by fixed supports so that their free ends rest FlG - 384 - lightly on the segments. The points of contact are diametrically opposite. ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 493 Consider b and b' the terminals of the dynamo, and that they are connected by a wire that constitutes the external circuit. Remember that m and n are connected through the armature coil. Assume that the connections of the terminals of the armature coil with the commu- tator segments are such that current flows through the coil and passes out by way of n and b. As the armature is turned a little further, the current in the coil is reversed, and flows out through ?;i instead of n. But the same rotation of the shaft that carries both the armature and the commutator has now brought m into contact with b so that the current continues to flow through b which thus remains the -f ter- minal as long as the shaft is turned in the direction indicated by the arrow. (6) There are many different ways of connecting armature coils with their commutators, each one of which may call for careful study. The following may be taken as typical of most of them : in Fig. 385, the numbered loops represent the armature coils joined in series as in the ring armature. The heavy broken circle represents commutator segments on which rest the ends of the brushes, b and b'. The brushes divide the coils into two sec- tions. In the figure, coils numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 constitute the right-hand sec- tion, and coils 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 1 constitute the left- hand section. The six coils of each section are connected in series, and the two sec- tions are connected in par- allel. As the armature turns between the pole-pieces, N and S, and in the direction indicated by the arrow, the currents induced in the coils of the right-hand section will flow in the direction indicated by the arrow- heads. At the same time, the currents induced in the coils of the left-hand section will flow in the opposite direction, as indicated by the arrow-heads. Imagine a current returning from the external circuit and entering the generator at b', the negative terminal. It will find two paths of equal resistance, one through the right-hand section, and the other through the left-hand section. In either case, the direction of the current freshly induced in those sections coincides FIG. 385. 494 SCHOOL PHYSICS. with its own. It, therefore, divides itself equally between the two paths and flows from the generator at b, the positive terminal. 396. The Field Magnet. The electromagnet that sup- plies the flux of force must have a current to excite it. This current is sometimes supplied from an outside source, as is dia- grammatically shown in Fig. 386. Such a dynamo is said to be separately excited. Often all of the current from the armature is carried around the coils of the field magnet, thus forming a series dynamo, as is shown in Fig. 387. Sometimes a part of the current from the armature is carried through a shunt circuit consisting of many turns of. wire that is smaller than the wire of the main circuit, as is shown in Fig. 388. Such a dynamo is said to be shunt wound. Sometimes, for purposes of regu- lation, the field magnet is encir- cled by both series and shunt coils, as is shown in Fig. 389, or by either of those with a separately excited coil. Such a dynamo is said to be compound wound. For arc lighting, a current that is constant under vary- FIG. 386. FIG. 387. ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 495 ing load is needed ; it is generally secured by a " regu- lator" connected with the dynamo, as shown at R in Fig. 442. The regulator may be automatic in its action. For incandescence lighting, a potential that is constant under varying load is needed ; it is generally secured by compound winding. SHUNT CIRCUIT FIG. 388. FIG. 389. (a) When the armature of a "self exciting" dynamo, i.e., one that has not an exciting current from^an external source, is put in motion, the feeble residual magnetism of .the cores of the field magnets induces feeble currents in the armature coils. These currents flow around the magnets, intensifying their power, and thus increasing the E.M.F. of the machine. The current thus strengthened further energizes the field magnet. Thus, the machine "builds up" its current until the magnets have reached the limit of excitation. Many dynamos, especially those used for the generation of alternating currents, have more than two pole-pieces. (6) Lines of force generated by the field magnet, and that do not pass from pole to pole, are termed the stray-field or the leakage lines. The stray-field between the pole-pieces and the bed-plate of a dynamo may become the source of serious loss and annoyance. (c) Fig. 390 represents the Brush dynamo complete. A shaft runs through the machine from end to end, carrying a pulley, P, at one end, a commutator, c, at the other end, and a wheel armature, R, at 496 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the middle. The armature carries eight or more helices of insulated wire, H H, connected in pairs as described in 394 (c) . As the shaft is turned by the action of the belt upon the pulley, the armature and the commutator are turned with it. The armature coils are thus carried rapidly across the four poles of the field magnets, MM, FIG. 390. traversing the intenser parts of the magnetic field, and cutting the lines of force. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. What is an induced electric current? How is it produced? 2. How are induced currents made continuous? 3. Give some proof that the condition of a wire when it closes an electric circuit is different from the condition of the same wire when the circuit is open. 4. Why are the field magnets of dynamos generally provided with iron cores? 5. What advantage is there in making the field-magnet cores of cast iron instead of pure soft iron ? 6. Upon what does the E.M.F. of a dynamo depend? 7. What is the difference between a magneto and a dynamo? 8. When a dynamo is in operation, its field magnets are likely to become heated. Does this increa >e or diminish the efficiency of the machine, and why ? 9. How are the field magnets of a shunt-wound dynamo energized? ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 497 LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. A 1-ohm resistance coil of No. 30 iron wire ; a resistance coil of No. 30 German-silver wire ; two magneto- scopes; voltaic cells; plates of antimony, and of zinc, and of copper; a copper cartridge-shell ; hydrochloric acid ; pieces of electric light carbon; a telephone receiver; German-silver wire; two semicircles of soft iron ; an iron rod 45 cm. long; a brass tube, and one of rubber. 1. Given the two electrodes of a concealed voltaic battery, deter- mine which of the wires is connected to the zinc plate. 2. Connect a Leclanche cell and a freshly prepared dichromate cell in parallel, and place a galvanoscope in the circuit, between the carbons, (a) Determine and record the direction of the current. (&) Place the galvanoscope between the zincs, and determine the direc- tion of the current, (c) Why should this current flow? (rf) Is it advisable to connect cells that are dissimilar in parallel, and why? (e) Suppose the E.M.F. of the dichromate cell to be 2 volts, and that of the Leclanche cell, 1.42 volts. Suppose the resistance of the dichro- mate cell to be 0.6 of an ohm, that of the Leclanche cell to be 0.8 of an ohm, and that of the wire and galvanometer to be 1 ohm. What is the resultant current in the system? Remember that when two electromotive forces are in opposition, their difference is all that is available. 3. Prepare a voltaic cell by immersing a strip of amalgamated zinc in a copper cartridge-shell filled with dilute sulphuric acid. Connect this cell in parallel with a large copper and zinc pair and, by means of the galvanoscope, determine whether either cell forces current over into the other. Make several trials, using acid of the same strength in both cells. If carefully done, it will be found that the E.M.F. 's are nearly equal. 4. Form a cell with antimony and copper plates, and dilute sul- phuric acid. Insert a galvanoscope in the circuit. Note and record the deflection. Prepare a jar of dilute hydrochloric acid. Lift the plates from one jar to the other without otherwise changing the apparatus. Note and record the deflection. Which is attacked more vigorously by sulphuric acid, antimony or copper ? Which by hydro- chloric acid? 5. Provide a glass tube about 1 cm. internal diameter. Insert a wire in each end, and fill the tube with pieces of pounded electric light carbqn. Pass a current from a cell through the apparatus, interpos- 32 498 SCHOOL PHYSICS. ing a low resistance galvanoscope. By means of a wooden rod, com- press the powdered carbon. Why is the deflection largely increased ? Why is a low resistance galvanoscope used? 6. Calculate the length of No. 30 iron wire that has a resistance of 1 ohm. Procure the wire, and wind it on a board, being careful that adjacent turns do not touch. With this addition to your apparatus, determine whether the resistance of a telephone receiver is greater or less than an ohm, and whether it differs much or little from an ohm. 7. Wind 4 ounces or more of No. 30 insulated German-silver wire upon a spool. Connect this bobbin in series with a single cell and a low resistance galvanoscope. Record the deflection of the latter. Change the low resistance block of the galvanoscope for one of high resistance. Again note and record the deflection. Explain the increased deflection of the needle that accompanies the increased resistance of the circuit. 8. Prepare two semicircles of |-inch soft iron rod, two inches in diameter, and file the faces smooth, so that they will fit together nicely. FIG. 391. Prepare two bobbins of approximately equal weight, one made of about 20 turns of No. 16 wire, and the other of No. 30 wire, both insulated. Slip the bobbins on one of the iron semicircles. Connect the terminals of the fine wire coil to those of the mirror galvanometer (see Experiment 364). Arrange the galvanometer so that the mirror ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 499 reflects its beam upon a ground glass scale about a meter away, as shown in Fig. 391. A thin line of black paint drawn vertically across the center of the mirror will aid in exactly locating the spot of light upon the scale. Connect the terminals of the coarser coil to those of a single cell. Open and close the primary circuit, and note the magnitude of the kick of the galvanometer. Repeat with the other half of the ring in place, and notice that the deflection is increased. Explain this increase, remembering the effect of permeability upon the number of lines of force in a magnetic circuit. 9. Take a rod of iron \ of an inch in diameter and 18 inches long, and wind upon one end a primary, such as was used in the ring of Exercise 8 ; upon the other end of the rod, wind a secondary coil. By means of opening and closing the primary circuit, and noticing the deflection of a galvanoscope properly connected to the secondary, determine at what points along the rod the lines of force are the greatest in number. Why is the maximum deflection found when .the primary and secondary are close together? On paper, map the lines of force as you think they must exist in space. Cover the primary coil with a piece of glass, and pass a current of ten or more amperes through it. Sprinkle the glass with filings, and prove or dis- prove your theory. 10. Clamp to a vertical board two magnet bobbins (see Exercise 12) joined in series as shown in Fig. 392. Support one end of the arma- ture, bm, by an elastic band, ab. Pass a current through the bob- bins, and notice the pull upon ab. Looking at the upper ends of the bobbins, notice whether the current circles around the two bobbins in the same direc- tion or not, as clockwise or counter-clockwise. Turn one of the bobbins upside down, changing the connections in this respect. Ascertain which connection gives the greater pull upon the armature, bm, and, with the bobbins thus joined, bring the movable soft iron yoke, cd, into position as shown in the figure. Explain why this improves the magnetic circuit, so that the upper armature is pulled harder than before, and probably drawn down FIG. 392. 500 SCHOOL PHYSICS with a sharp click. Remember that all magnetic circuits tend to con- tract themselves, and to make their reluctance as small as possible. 11. Prepare an exploring coil with several hundred turns of No. 30 insulated copper wire and an internal diameter of 5 cm. Place this coil in the field of a strong electromagnet, connect its terminals with those of a telephone receiver, and. make and break the magnet circuit. Determine the points where the flux is the heaviest by moving the coil about and repeating the experiment. Be sure to have the face of the coil at right angles to the supposed direction of the magnetic lines of force. Mount the coil on a stiff wire that passes through the center of the coil, and lies in the plane of the coil. The plane of the coil may be easily changed in the magnetic field by rolling the sup- porting wire between the thumb and forefinger. Place the face of the coil in the position that you think is at right angles to the lines of force in the location you have chosen. Make and break the magnet circuit, and notice the strength of the click. Now turn the coil a quarter turn and repeat. If you have estimated FIG 393^ rightly? there should now be no click. Place the magnet on a piece of paper, and draw a line under the coil parallel to its face whenever you find a position where no click occurs, and thus map out the field. Sprinkle the paper with filings, and verify your map. 12. Make two magnetoscopes like that shown in Fig. 373. An ordinary carriage-bolt about 7 cm. long may be used as the core, and a soft iron nut may answer as the armature. With the two magnet- oscopes, a voltaic battery, and a supply of insulated No. 20 copper wire, arrange apparatus so that you can exchange telegraphic signals with another pupil at another table, or in another room. 397. The Alternator is a dynamo designed for the gen- eration of alternating currents. It has collecting rings instead of a commutator so that the current is delivered just as it is generated ( 395), and a small direct current dynamo for energizing its field magnets, the pole-pieces of which are generally very numerous. Fig. 394 represents one form of the machine. ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 501 FIG. 31M. 398. Tesla's Oscillator is a combined prime motor and electric generator, and produces alternating currents with- out rotary motion of the generating coils. The motive force may be that of steam or of compressed air. The machine is represented in section by Fig. 395. The powerful field magnets, MM, are excited by a cur- rent from an outside FIQ. 395. 502 SCHOOL PHYSICS. source. The generating coils are mounted on the piston- rod, A, and rapidly vibrate back and forth in the direc- tion BB, and in the powerful magnetic fields, at HH. The oscillating piston-rod slides endwise in its supports at BB. The action of the motive power is somewhat peculiar, and depends largely on the inertia of the oscillat- ing parts. The stroke of the piston-rod is from g 1 ^ to f of an inch, according to the pressure used and the nature of the current desired. The output of the machine relative to its weight is exceedingly large, and the machine gives promise of commercial value. Experiment 369. Mount a metal clock-wheel upon wooden bear- ings, and solder to its axle a wire crank by which it may be turned. Provide two metal springs. The upper end of one should rest upon the toothed edge of the wheel, and " snap " from one tooth to the next as the wheel is turned. The upper end of the other should rest on the axle of the wheel. Consider the fixed ends of these springs as the terminals of this "interrupter." FIG 39G " *P\\.i ^is apparatus into the circuit with a voltaic battery and the gat vanoscope that has a coil of No. 16 wire. Turn the wheel, and no- tice the deflection of the needle. 399. Alternating Currents have some peculiar properties largely due to the constantly fluctuating field of force that surrounds their conductors. The pulsating current produced by the interrupter has many of the properties of the alternating current, and will facilitate our investi- gations. (a) The current does not wholly cease when the spring of the interrupter snaps from tooth to tooth. As the circuit is broken, the ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 503 encircling magnetic lines of force ( 382) are decreased in number, and that very decrease tends to continue the current as explained in 400. In brief, the current does not have time wholly to die away before the spring is on the next tooth of the wheel. Self-induction. Experiment 370. Double a piece of Xo. 24 insulated copper wire about 100 feet long, and wind it upon a wooden rod as shown in Fig. 397. Join the ends of this wire in the series circuit of the apparatus arranged for Experiment 369. Turn the wheel of the inter- rupter rapidly, and note the deflection of the galvanoscope. Remove the I J J J J J J J J J J _ I No. 24 wire from the circuit, straighten it, and wind it upon an iron rod so as to form an electromagnet. Put this electromagnet into the circuit, and repeat the experiment. Xotice that the deflection of the galvan- oscope is less, and that the sparks at the wheel of the intewupter are greater than before. Experiment 371. Place the coil and core of Experiment 367 in the circuit of a voltaic battery, and insert a galvanoscope as shown at G in Fig. 398. When the circuit is closed by depressing the key, K, part of the battery current is shunted from m to n through, the galvanoscope, and deflects its needle. Force the needle back to zero, and place some obstacle to prevent its moving again in that direction, but leaving it free to move in the opposite FIG. 398. direction. Break the circuit at K, and notice that the needle does swing in the opposite direction, showing that a current passed through it from n to m. This current was not the battery current, for the battery circuit was open. 400. Self-induction. When the number of lines offeree in a coil is increasing, an electromotive force opposite to that of the inducing current is established, thus weakening the di- rect current; when the number is decreasing, an electromotive 504 SCHOOL PHYSICS. force that coincides in direction with that of the inducing cur- rent is established, thus strengthening the direct current. In consequence of this, we may have an opposition to the current-How other than the resistance of the circuit, namely, the opposing, self-induced electromotive forces. The coil manifests a conservative tendency, opposing sudden changes. When the doubled wire of Experiment 370 was wound upon the wooden rod, every part of it lay adjacent to another part that was carrying current in the opposite direction. The magnetic lines of force generated by one part neutralized the lines of force that circled in the opposite direction around the adjacent part ; i.e. the circuit was non-inductive. In the other case, the lines of force circled in the same direction around adja- cent parts of the wire, and assisted each other in setting up an opposing, self-induced electromotive force that greatly weakened the current that produced them. In Experiment 371, the self-induced electromotive force gen- erated by the action of the several turns of the coil upon one another at the moment of opening the circuit acted through the coil in the same direction that the battery current did, and, consequently, sent an induced current through the galvanoscope in the opposite direction. (a) Such a coiled circuit is said to have a reactance. This reactance has much the effect of resistance, but it depends upon other considera- tions, chiefly the frequency of the pulsations, and upon a certain con- stant called the coefficient of self-induction. This coefficient depends upon the shape, coiling, and coring of the circuit and, in practice, is determined only by experiment. Self-induction coefficients are meas- ured by a unit called the henry. 401. Reactance and Impedance. As alternating cur- rents are fluctuating in value, their measure must be that UNIVERSITY OF DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOS ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 505 of averages. The chosen average is the square root of the arithmetical mean of the squares of all its values. This " square root of a mean square " applies to current and to voltage, and E. For a true alternating current (i.e. one that increases and diminishes by what is called the law of sines), the numerical relations may be repre- sented thus : + (2 TrnL)* in which R represents the ohmic resistance, n the fre- quency of alternation, and L the coefficient of self-in- duction. The expression 2 irnL represents the reactance. The apparent resistance, i.e., V J R 2 + (27rnZ) 2 , is called the impedance, and is measured in ohms. (a) The mathematical relations of resistance, reactance and impe- dance may be easily remembered by considering the first and second of these functions as the two sides of a right angled triangle of which the impedance is the hypothenuse, i.e. the " square root of the sum of the squares of the other two sides." Experiment 372. Wind about twenty turns of No. 18 insulated copper wire around a |-inch iron rod, or (preferably) around a bundle of iron wires, and put the coil into circuit with a pulsating current. The lines of force inside the coil and in the core fluctuate in value with the current. On the outside of this coil, and carefully insulated from it, wind 300 or 400 feet of No. 28 insulated copper wire. Place one of the terminals of this outer or secondary coil above the tongue, and the other terminal below it. When the pulsating current flows through the inner or primary coil, currents are induced in the second- ary coil, and produce distinct shocks in the tongue. 402. The Transformer. --By suitably winding and coring primary and secondary coils, an alternate current at one voltage may be received by the primary, and a current at a voltage higher or lower as desired delivered 506 SCHOOL PHYSICS. from the secondary. When the primary is made of a few turns of large wire, and the secondary is made of many turns of small wire, the voltage is increased, and vice versa. Coils so wound and properly cored are called trans- formers. (a) Transformers are largely used when currents of high voltage are to be carried great distances, and delivered at a pressure suitable for use. With a given resistance in the line, the loss in watts is less with a small current and high voltage than it is with large current and low voltage. With a given line loss, high voltage currents enable the use of small conductors, and copper wire is expensive. (6) When the electric energy is transformed from a current of low voltage and many amperes to one of high voltage and few amperes, the apparatus is called a " step up " transformer. Similarly, when the voltage is decreased, the apparatus is called a " step down " trans- former. 403. The Induction Coil is a modification of the appa- ratus used in Experiment 372, and is often called the Rhumkorff coil. Receiving a large current of small electromotive force, it delivers a small current at a high pressure, sometimes hundreds of thousands of volts, i.e., it is a " step up " transformer. (a) In the diagram shown in Fig. 399, M represents a core of iron FIG. 399. ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 507 wires upon which is wound a primary coil of coarse wire that is in circuit with the voltaic battery. In this primary circuit, are a com- mutator, c, for changing the direction of the current, and an automatic interrupter, b. Wound upon the primary coil, and very carefully in- sulated from it, is a M V, FIG. 400. secondary coil made of very many turns of fine wire, the termi- nals of which are marked T T . If the coil is designed to give sparks between T and T', the condenser, CC, is added. This con- sists of sheets of tin-foil separated by sheets of paraffined or shellac- varnished paper. The alternate sheets of tin-foil are joined in parallel; the two groups are connected to the primary circuit on opposite sides of the interrupter. The condenser is generally placed in the base that carries the coil. A simple form of the instrument is shown in Fig. 400. (b) The current passes through the commutator, c, up the post, A, through the adjusting screw, d, and across to the spring interrupter, b, which rests against the end of d, and is carried by another post, as shown in Fig. 400. Thence it passes to the primary coil, magnetizing the iron- core, and making its way back to the generator. The iron core thus magnetized attracts the soft iron hammer at the end of the spring, thus breaking the circuit at b. When the current is broken, the core is demagnetized, and the elasticity of the spring throws b against the end of d, again making the circuit. Thus the spring vibrates between the end of the core and the end of the screw, making and breaking the circuit with great rapidity, and inducing currents in the secondary coil. Owing to the permeability of the iron core which intensifies the flux of force through the coils, and to the great number of turns in the wire of the secondary coil, the electromotive force of the induced currents is very high. (c) The self-induction of the primary coil when the circuit is made at b develops a counter E.M.F. that opposes the battery current, and thereby lessens the E.M.F. of the induced current. When the circuit 508 SCHOOL PHYSICS. is broken, the counter E.M.F. reinforces that of the battery current, so that, for an instant, the latter may be increased by its own interrup- tion. One effect of this is to strengthen the sparks noticeable at b. (rf) One effect of the condenser is to make the interruption of the battery current at b more abrupt and, therefore, to increase the E.M.F. of the induced current. Immediately after the interruption of the battery current, the condenser sends a reverse current through the primary coil and battery, thus demagnetizing the core more rapidly, increasing the rate of change in the intensity of the flux through the coils and, in this second way, increasing the E.M.F. of the induced current. Consequently, the E.M.F. of the direct current induced in the secondary coil when the primary circuit is broken is higher than the E.M.F. of the reverse current induced in the secondary coil when the primary circuit is made. (e) The length of the spark depends upon the E.M.F. of the induced secondary current. The difference of potential necessary to produce a spark 1 cm. or more in length between parallel plates in air under ordinary barometric conditions is about 30,000 volts per centimeter. For shorter sparks, the difference of potential has a greater value. High Potential Phenomena. Experiment 373. Connect a voltaic battery with the primary of an induction coil. Bring the terminals of the secondary within a few millimeters of each other, and notice the rapid succession of sparks that strike across the gap filled with air, one of the best of insulators. With a good coil, plates of glass and other non-conductors may be thus perforated. We have not noticed this property of electricity before because we have not had a current of sufficiently high E.M.F. Experiment 374. In a shallow tin pan (e.g., a common pie-tin), melt equal quantities of rosin and shellac. Stir the substances to- gether, avoid ignition and the formation of bubbles, and, when the tin is filled, set it aside to cool. Cut a disk of sheet tin a little less in diameter than the resin plate, and fasten a piece of sealing-wax at its center for a handle. Whip the plate briskly with a catskin, or rub it with warm flannel. Place the tin disk upon the resin plate, and touch the former with a finger. Place a number of small bits of paper upon the disk. Lift the disk by its handle ; the charged paper bits are repelled. Bring a knuckle to the edge of the disk ; an electric spark may be seen. Such a discharge in air requires a force of about 130 ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 509 electrostatic units per centimeter of length, although the E.M.F. per unit length is greater for small than for great distances. The disk may be charged many times without repeating the excita- tion of the resinous plate. The apparatus may be im- proved by making the disk of wood, rounding its edge, covering it with tin-foil, and smoothing down the latter with a paper-folder or a finger- nail. 404. An Electrophorus consists of a plate of resinous material or of vulcanite resting on a metallic bed-piece, and a movable metallic cover provided with an insu- lating handle. It is used as illustrated in the preceding experiment. As the sur- face of the resin plate is uneven, the metallic cover touches it at but a few points ; as the material is non-conducting, scarcely any electrification passes from the former to the latter. The two disks and the thin layer of air between them constitute a condenser ( 342). The negatively elec- trified resin plate acts by induction on the disk, holding positive electrification " bound " at its lower surface, and repelling the negative which escapes through the finger. When the plate thus charged is removed from the resin plate, the bound electrification is set free. 405. Electric Machines for developing statical electrifi- cation in large quantities depend upon either friction or FIG. 401. 510 SCHOOL PHYSICS. induction for their operation, and are made in great variety. FIG. 402. (a) The friction al electric machine usually consists of a plate of glass, A, which is revolved between stationary cushions, Z>, the sur- + faces of which are cov- ered with amalgam. The parts of the plate thus positively electri- fied are successively brought between two metallic combs, F, the pointed teeth of which nearly touch the plate. The prime conductor, P, is electrified by in- duction, the negative electrification escaping by air-convection from the pointed teeth to the oppositely electri- fied plate, thus neutral- izing its electrification and leaving the prime conductor positively charged. The negative conductor, N, that carries the cushions is FIG. 403. ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 511 generally connected to earth, as shown in Fig. 402. The potential energy of the electrification thus obtained is the equivalent of the kinetic energy expended in turning the crank, minus that transformed into useless heat. (&) The induction machines may almost be described as continuous electrophori. The Wimshurst machine (Fig. 403), which may be taken as a representative of the class, consists for the most part of two equal glass disks that revolve in opposite directions. Sector-shaped strips of tin-foil are fastened to the outer surfaces of the plates, and act as car- riers of electrification and, when opposite each other, as field plates or inductors. Two conductors are placed at right angles to each other, obliquely across the plates, one at the front and the other at the back. The ends of these conductors carry tinsel brushes that lightly touch the sectors as they pass. The discharging circuit is provided with combs that face each plate, and that are connected with small Leyden jars. The distance between the balls of the discharging circuit may be regulated by insulated handles. This machine is almost wholly free from " weather troubles." The tin-foil strips or carriers on the rear plate of a Wimshurst machine are represented in Fig. 404 by the outer row of strips ; those on the front plate, by the inner row. The diagonal conductor that faces the rear plate is represented by cd ; the one that faces the front plate, by ab. The strips from which the arrows proceed are charged positively ; the others, negatively. The strips at the top of the rear plate are repre- sented in the diagram as being positively charged; those at the bottom as being nega- tively charged. These condi- tions are reversed for the front plate. The maximum charge upon one of the tin-foil strips or carriers is represented as six units. The opposite mo- tions of the two plates are represented by the two large, curved arrows. As the carrier at a moves into the position shown in the diagram, it comes under the inductive influence of the positively 512 SCHOOL PHYSICS. charged carrier opposite it on the rear plate. At this instant, it touches the brush of the diagonal conductor, and a transfer of posi- tive electrification from a to b leaves the carrier at a negatively charged. At the same instant and in the same way, the carrier at b is positively charged. Similar effects are also produced in the carriers at c and d. Thus, the carriers of both plates come to m and n, the combs of the discharging circuit, similarly charged, positively at n, and negatively at m. The inductive action of these carriers upon the discharging circuit electrifies its two sides oppositely. (c) The phenomena of static electricity that may be exhibited with a machine like that just described are very beautiful, and their study is very enticing. Some of them were known to man before the dawn of authentic history. Static electricity opens a field for deep study that has been of great value in theoretical research, and is now full of promise, but the greater and rapidly growing industrial importance of current electricity, and the necessary limitations of a work like this, compel the author to refer the pupil to other texts for a fuller discus- sion of the subject than he can give here. He does so with a feeling of sadness that utility should thus dominate beauty. High Voltage Currents. Experiment 375. AVind several turns of wire upon a piece of glass tubing inside of which is an unmagnetized sewing-needle. Discharge a Ley den jar through the wire, and test the needle to see if it has been magnetized. Experiment 376. Wind ten or more turns of insulated wire, No. 22, on the outside of a thin glass tumbler, being careful that the turns do not touch each other. A coating of shellac var- nish will help to hold the wire in place. Wind a smaller coil of ten or twelve turns of similar wire, bringing one end of the wire up through the coil, and being careful FIG. 405. that it does not touch any ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 513 of the convolutions. Tip the two ends of this wire with bullets, and adjust them so that they will be within about 1 cm. of each other. Place the second coil in the tumbler, as shown in Fig 405, and fill the tumbler with high grade kerosene. Connect n, the lower end of the outer wire, with the tin pan of the electrophorus. Charge the disk of the electrophorus, and discharge it through TO, the upper end of the outer coil. Notice the spark between the terminals of the inner coil. Support an iron rod inside the inner coil, being careful that it does not touch the wire. Repeat the experiment, and notice that the " striking distance " between the terminals of the inner coil may be increased. Experiment 377. Connect one terminal of the outer coil of the apparatus used in Experiment 376 to a terminal of the secondary of an induction coil. Set the latter in operation, and discharge the other terminal of its secondary into the other terminal of the outer coil of the tumbler. Notice the series of sparks between the terminals of the inner coil of the tumbler, and that the sparks there keep step with those of the induction coil. 406. Identity. The experiments just given indicate the remarkable similarity between current electricity at high voltage, and static electricity. Each can overcome the enormous resistance of an insulator like the air, and each lends itself to electromagnetic induction in the same way. Many facts tend inevitably to the conclusion that the two kinds of electricity are identical. Nature of Electric Discharge. Experiment 378. Let another pupil push a pin through a visiting card. Examine the card, and try to tell from which side of the card the perforation was made. Perforate the card by the spark of an induction coil, examine it carefully, and try to tell from which side the perforation was made. Similarly examine the perforations made in a card by the discharges of an electric machine, and of a Ley den jar. What do you infer from your comparison of the per- forations ? 33 514 SCHOOL PHYSICS. Experiment 379. Wind two or three layers of paper upon MN (Fig. 406), a bar of soft iron, and about fifty turns of No. 22 insulated copper wire upon the paper. Twist loops in the wire at A and B. Tip the ends of the wire with bullets, and bring them very near each other, as at C. Ground the wire at B, i.e., put it into electrical connection with the earth, and discharge the electrophorus or a Leyden jar into the loop at A . Notice the sparks at C. Experiment 380. Straight- en the wire of Experiment ooooooooooooc; c i FIG. 407. 379, and bend it into a long FlG 406 loop returning on itself as in Fig. 407. Adjust the knob terminals at c for the same distance as in Experiment 379. Ground b, and discharge the electrophorus or Leyden jar into a, as before. You will find great difficulty in getting a spark at c, and may not be able to do so at all. 407. Oscillatory Discharge. The sparks between the knobs, as observed in Experiment 379, show that, for some reason, the electricity preferred the path through the air at (7, with a resistance of millions of ohms, to the path through the wire coiled upon MN, with a resistance of only a small part of an ohm. If the flow of electricity from a point of high to one of low potential was of the nature of a direct current, it would have followed Ohm's law, and passed in the greatest quantity through the path of least resistance. The formula applicable in such a case, ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 515 offers no possible explanation of the phenomenon ob- served. On the other hand, if the flow was like that of an alter- nating current, it would be governed by the law that is expressed thus : - 0= The fact that in Experiment 380, the electricity flowed through the wire of IOAV resistance instead of forcing its way through the enormous resistance of the air as it did in Experiment 379, suggests that the impedance of the circuit coiled around the iron was the cause of the appar- ently paradoxical choice of path, for, when we got rid of that impedance, the choice was what we should have expected. If this hypothesis is correct, the impedance must have been very great. Studying the mathematical expres- sion for impedance, as given above, we notice that the value of R (the resistance of the wire) is too small to account for much of the great magnitude. The rest of the expression is the square of the reactance. Studying the values therein involved, we find that n is the only factor that can be great enough to account for the magnitude assumed for the impedance. This factor represents the frequency of -alternation, and its magnitude must be measured by hundreds of thousands in order that the impedance may be sufficiently great to force the flow through the enormous resistance of the insulating air as was done in Experiment 379. Recent investigations have done much to sustain con- 516 SCHOOL PHYSICS. elusions like those now indicated, and to justify the state- ment that in an electric discharge the flow surges back and forth thousands of times in the brief interval measured by the duration of the spark. This oscillatory movement is a basis of important investigations now in progress, and maps out the line by which static electricity may become a thing of practical utility as well as of phenomenal beauty. 408. Atmospheric Electricity. The surface of the earth is electrified. The electrification is generally negative but, in time of rain, it may become locally positive. Moreover, the electrical density varies greatly at different times and places. The origin of the earth's electrification is not known with certainty, but it " is influenced very largely, as it would seem, by external matter somewhere ; probably at a distance of not many radii from its surface." 409. The Electrical Function of Clouds seems to be to collect and to concentrate the diffused electrification of the atmosphere. Suppose a thousand spherical watery parti- cles, each having a unit charge, to coalesce to form a water- drop. The diameter of this drop will be ten times that of a single particle, its capacity will be ten times as great, but its charge will be a thousand times as great; in other words, its potential will be increased a hundred-fold. The condensation and aggregation of charged vapor parti- cles must result in the production of a very high potential. 410. A Lightning Flash is simply a disruptive discharge between two surfaces oppositely and highly electrified. The discharge may be from cloud to cloud, or from cloud to earth. The charged surfaces and the intervening air are analogous to a huge Ley den jar. Like the discharge ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 517 of the jar, the lightning flash is oscillatory. A lightning flash a kilometer long corresponds to a difference of potential of about thirteen million electrostatic units. (a) The sound that follows a lightning flash constitutes thunder. The sudden expansion and compression of the heated air along the line of discharge is followed by a violent rush of air into the partial vacuum produced. When the observer is about equally distant from the two surfaces between which the discharge takes place, a short and sharp thunderclap is heard ; when one end of the path of discharge is considerably further from the observer than the other, so that there is a perceptible difference in the time that the sound requires to reach the ear from the different parts of the path, there is a prolonged roll or rattle. Sometimes near-by hills and clouds reflect the sound so as to produce a continuous or rumbling roar. One-fifth the number of seconds that intervene between seeing the flash and hearing the roar approximately indicates the number of miles that the observer is from the discharge. (ft) The induced charge on the earth tends to accumulate on build- ings, trees, and other elevated objects, thus reducing the thickness of the dielectric, intensifying the attraction between the opposite elec- trifications, and increasing the liability of such elevated bodies. Sta- tistical studies seem to show a minimum liability to accident from lightning stroke in thickly settled communities, and that the danger in the country is five times as great as that in the city. Such studies have also shown that there is no foundation for the popular notion that "lightning never strikes twice in the same place" except the fact that lightning often leaves nothing to be struck a second time. At the same time, it is well to remember that "Heaven has more thunders to alarm than thunderbolts to punish," and that one who lives to see the lightning flash need not concern himself much about any personal injury from that flash. Experiment 381. Twist together two wires, one of iron and one of German-silver, and attach their free ends to the terminals of a galvanoscope. Heat the junction of the two wires. The deflection of the needle indicates that un electric current was generated. Cool the junction of the dissimilar metals with ice. The opposite deflection of the needle shows that the current now generated flows in a direc- tion that is the reverse of the first. 518 SCHOOL PHYSICS. 411. Thermo-electric Pile. Two dissimilar metals joined and used like those of Experiment 381, constitute a thermo-electric pair. Antimony and bismuth are the metals generally used for the purpose. Many such pairs connected in series and having their ends exposed constitute a thermo-electric pile. Such a pile with conical reflectors is repre- sented in Fig. 408. When its terminals are connected to the terminals of a delicate galvano- scope, the combination consti- tutes a thermoscope of great sensitiveness. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. 1. (a) How is impedance measured? (6) How is the coefficient of self-induction measured? (c) Upon what does the latter depend? 2. Show, by the formula for impedance, that the static discharge is of a rapidly alternating nature. 3. Explain self-induction. How does it interfere with the flow of an alternate current? 4. (a) Define reluctance, and write the mathematical expression therefor. (b) Show geometrically the relation between reactance, impedance and resistance. 5. Sketch the connections of the induction coil. Explain the action of the automatic current interrupter. 6. Describe the electrophorus, and explain its action. FIG. 408. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. A gold-leaf electroscope in which the knob shown in Fig. 315 is replaced by a metal disk about 15 or. 20 cm. in diameter; 50 small glass tumblers; sheet zinc; sheet copper; tin plate; Geissler tube ; an incandescence electric lamp ; rosin or pitch. ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 519 1. Place 50 small glass tumblers in a circle. Into each tumbler, put a small strip of clean zinc, and a similar strip of copper. Nearly fill each tumbler with water, and connect the battery in series. Solder a thin copper wire about 50 cm. long to the zinc plate at the end of the series, and a similar wire to the copper plate at the other end of the series. Lay a 'sheet of thin paper that has been well soaked in melted paraffine upon the disk of a gold-leaf electroscope. Place an electrophorus cover upon the paraffined paper, thus making a con- densing electroscope. Bring one of the battery terminals into contact with the disk of the electroscope, and the other terminal into contact with the disk of the electrophorus. Remove the wires, and lift the electrophorus cover and the paper from the disk, thus reducing the capacity of the lower disk and raising its potential. If you notice any evidence of an electric charge on the leaves of the electroscope, determine whether that charge is positive or negative. 2. Substitute dilute sulphuric acid for the water that was used as the exciting fluid in the "crown of cups " of Exercise 1, and complete the circuit through a resistance of several hundred ohms. By a wire, connect a point in this circuit near the terminal zinc with the disk of the electroscope, arranged as in Exercise 1. Similarly, connect a point in this circuit near the terminal copper with the electrophorus cover. Try to charge the electroscope as in Exercise 1. If you suc- ceed, test the character of the charge, and record your conclusions as to a permanent difference of potential at different points in the'circuit of a voltaic battery. 3. Attach a Geissler tube to the secondary terminals of an induc- tion coil. Put the coil in operation, and notice the discharge through the tube, and the difference from its discharge through air. Measure the maximum length of the spark obtainable with the coil, and com- pare it with the length of the longest discharge that you can get through a Geissler tube. Present a magnet pole to the Geissler tube, and notice the deflection of the discharge. Re- verse the polarity of the primary of the in- duction coil. Xotice that the discharge is FlG 409 now deflected in an opposite direction. Does this throw any light on the question whether the alternating pulses of the induction coil are of equal 520 SCHOOL PHYSICS. strength or not? Study the discharge through the tube with refer- ence to the different appearances of the two ends of the tube. Reverse the coil, and notice the corresponding reversal in the positions of the violet tint and the scintillations. On reversing the coil, the lights in the tube reverse. If the tube was excited by a true alternate cur- rent, would such differences be noted ? 4. Suspend a tin plate about 10 cm. square from each binding post of the secondary of a strong induction coil, as shown in Fig. 410. Let the plates hang parallel to each other and about 8 cm. apart. Start the coil. Darken the room, and hold a small Geiss- ler tube in the electrostatic field of force between the plates, with the ends of the tube near but not touching FIG. 410. them. The tube glows brightly. Touch the plates with the ends of the tube. Notice the increased brightness. Quickly lay the tube in a dark corner, and notice the after-glow. 5. Grasp a 110-volt incandescence lamp firmly in the hand, keep- ing the fingers away from the brass cap. Let some one else charge the lamp with an electrophorous. Discharge the lamp by touching the brass cap, keeping an eye on the filament. When the discharge takes place, the filament swings around the bulb as if it were sweeping off the charge from the surface of the glass and delivering it to the cap. As there is danger of breaking the filament, it is well to use an old lamp. Repeat the experiment in the dark, and notice the brilliant glow of the lamp when discharging. 6. Paste strips of tin-foil on a microscope slide as shown in Fig. 411. Discharge the induction coil through these strips, and view the spark through the microscope with a f-inch or a 1-inch objective. Notice the general resemblance of the dis- charge to the discharge in a vacuum. Note the purple vaporous negative pole, and the scintillating positive pole, as shown in Fig. 412. Bring the pointed ends of the tin-foil strips on the slide as near together as you FIG. 411. ELECTRIC GENERATORS, ETC. 521 can without contact. Focus the microscope well, using a i-inch or a i-inch objective. Be careful that the discharge does not enter the end of the objective instead of leaping the gap between the strips, a possible circumstance that would not injure you as much as it FIG. 412. would your experiment. Watch the points through the microscope, turn on the current, and notice that the negative pole is rapidly eaten away. Quickly reverse the connections of the primary switch, and notice that what was the positive pole is now eaten away. 7. Connect the outside coating of a Leyden jar by a wire to one of the terminals of an induction coil. Bring the knob of the jar near the other terminal of the coil and allow sparks to pass between them for a minute. Remove the jar, and connect its two coatings with the fingers. A smart shock shows that the jar is charged. Bring the knob of the jar into contact with the free terminal of the coil instead of allowing the discharge to spark across. It will be found impossible thus to charge the jar. Why? 8. Support two metal balls, a and b (Fig. 413), between the terminals of an induction coil, put the coil in operation, and determine the limit- ing length of the discharge between the balls. Then connect a Leyden 522 SCHOOL PHYSICS. jar to the terminals, as shown in Fig. 413. Start the coil again, and notice that the spark will not strike across so long a gap, but that it is a much Hotter, " fatter " spark. Open the circuit at x, and insert the oil transformer of Exper- iment 376. It will be found to work in a satisfactory FlG - 413 - manner. 9. Devise a suitable experiment to determine whether the flame of a carbonaceous substance, e.g., rosin or pitch, or dry air is the better conductor for the high potential discharge between the terminals of the secondary of an induction coil. Describe the experiment in detail. To what conclusion does your experiment lead you? 10. On a thin hard rubber or glass tube 10 cm. long, wind evenly a layer of No. 16 insulated copper wire. Insulate it thoroughly, and wind on a secondary coil of ten layers of No. 30 insulated copper wire. Place the ends of the secondary wire above and below the tongue, or connect them to the terminals of a telephone receiver. Pass a battery current through the primary coil. On making and breaking the pri- mary circuit, electric pulses are detected in the secondary circuit. Place an iron core in the tube. The pulses are much increased in intensity. Why? Slip a brass tube over the iron core, place it in the rubber tube, and repeat the experiment. The pulses are now of the same intensity that they were before the core was inserted. Slit the brass tube along its length, and repeat the experiment. The pulses are now as strong as they were before the tube was used. Remember that the induced current acts in direct opposition to the lines of force inducing it, and tends to neutralize them. Such an induced current flows through the brass tube which corresponds to a closed secondary coil, absorbing energy, and tending, to neutralize the magnetic effect of the primary current. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS. 523 III. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS. 412. Electrostatic Units necessarily relate to quantity, potential difference, and capacity ; they have already been denned. Since Quantity = capacity x difference of potential, any one may be calculated when the other two are known. (a) For practical convenience, certain multiples and submultiples of these absolute C.G.S. units are in common use among electricians. Their names, and their values in absolute electrostatic units are as follows : Denomination. Quantity Potential difference Capacity Current Resistance Work (volt-coulomb) Activity (volt-ampere) Practical Units. Name. Coulomb Volt Farad Ampere Ohm Joule Watt Value. 3 x 10 9 x 10- 2 9 x 1C 11 3x 10 9 | x ID-" 10 7 ergs 10 7 ergs per second (6) Various methods have been devised for measuring electrostatic quantity, one of the simplest of which is with the Kinnersley electrical air-thermometer, shown in Fig. 414. When a spark passes between the balls within the larger tube, the confined air is expanded, and the liquid column in the smaller com- municating tube rises, and thus approximately indicates the quantity of the charge. (c) Instruments for measuring differences of potential by electrostatic action are called electrometers. The gold-leaf electroscope is an electrometer when it is used to indicate equality of potential by equality of divergence of the leaves ; or in that of two bodies dissimilarly electrified by bringing them into contact, and observing zero divergence. One of the best-known instruments of this class is Coulomb's torsion- balance, which consists essentially of a gilt ball, i, carried at the end FIG. 414. 524 SCHOOL PHYSICS. of a horizontal shellac needle that is suspended by a fine silver wire from the top of a tube that rises from the cover of the enclosing glass cylinder. A vertical insulating rod passing through the cover carries a handle, a, and a gilt ball, e, at its ends. The tube is turned until i just touches e. When the ball, e, is electrified, it repels i through a certain angle. This angle of deflection is ap- proximately proportional to the force of repulsion, and the force is proportional to the amount of electrification. As the capacity of the ball is constant, the charge that it receives must vary as the potential of the body by which it was charged. FIG. 415. 413. Electromagnetic Units constitute a system based on the electromagnetic actions of the current. The C.G.S. electromagnetic unit of quantity is the quantity which, flowing per second through a circular arc a centimeter in length and a centimeter in radius, exerts a force of a dyne on a unit magnetic pole at the center. The C.G.S. elec- tromagnetic unit of quantity has a value 3 x 10 10 times as great as the corresponding electrostatic unit, a ratio that represents the velocity of light. (a) This ratio or its square applies to the other units, so that, for the practical units, we have the following values in absolute electro- magnetic units : Coulomb Volt Farad 10- 1 10 8 io- 9 Ampere Ohm io- 1 IO 9 (6) The wonderful advance made in the last few years by electrical science is largely due to the adoption of' definite electrical units, and the general practice of making exact electrical measurements. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS. 525 414. The Galvanometer is an instrument for determining the strength of an electric current by means of the deflection of a magnetic needle around which the current flows. When a galvanoscope is provided with a scale so that the deflections of its needle may be measured, it becomes a galvanometer. (a) The astatic, galvanometer consists of an astatic needle supported by an untwisted liber so that one of its needles is nearly in the center of the coil through which the current passes while the other needle is just above the coil. When the deflec- tions of the needle are less than 10 or 15, they are very nearly proportional to the strengths of the currents that produce them. A current that de- flects the needle 6 is about three times as strong as one that deflects it 2. (6) The tangent galvanometer consists of a very short magnetic needle suspended so as to turn in a horizontal plane, and with its point of support at the center of a vertical hoop or FIG. 416. FIG. 417. coil of copper wire through which the current is passed. The diameter of the hoop or coil is not less than ten times the length of -the needle. Owing to the short- ness of the needle, pointers of aluminium or of glass fiber are generally cemented across it at right angles, as shown in Fig. 417. In use, the hoop is placed in the plane of the magnetic meridian, the current that is to be measured is sent through the hoop, and the deflection of the needle is read from the scale. The strength of the cur- rent is proportional to the tangent 526 SCHOOL PHYSICS. of the angle of deflection. For example, suppose that a certain cur- rent gives a deflection of 15, and that another current gives a deflec- tion of 30. The amperes are not in the ratio of 15 : 30 but in the ratio of tan 15 : tan 30. The values of such tangents may be obtained from a table of natural tangents. If a current of known strength, C, gives a deflection of m degrees, and another of unknown strength, x, gives a deflection of n degrees, the value of x may be found from the proportion, C : x : : tan m : tan n. A table of natural tangents is given in the appendix. (c) Any sensitive galvanometer, the needle of which is directed by the earth's magnetism, and in which the frame on which the coils are wound is capable of being turned round a vertical axis, may be used as a sine galvanometer. The coils are set parallel to the needle (i.e., in the magnetic meridian). The current is then sent through the coils, deflecting the needle. The coil is then turned until it over- takes the needle, which once more lies parallel to the coil. Two forces are now acting on the needle and balancing each other, viz., the directive force of the earth's magnetism, and the deflecting force of the current flowing through the coil. At this moment, the strength of the current is proportional to the sine of the angle through which the coil has been turned. The values of the sines may be obtained from a table of natural sines. Such a table is given in the appendix. (d) The mirror galvanometer (Fig. 391) has a very short needle rigidly attached to a small concave mirror that is suspended by a delicate fiber in the center of a vertical coil of small diameter. A curved magnet, carried on a vertical support above the coil, serves to counteract the earth's magnetism, and to bring the needle into the plane of the coil when the latter does not coincide with the magnetic meridian, or to direct it within the coil. A beam of light from a lamp passes through a small opening under a millimeter scale about a meter from the mirror, falls upon the mirror, and is reflected back upon the scale. The curved magnet enables the operator to bring the spot of refle6ted light to the zero mark at the middle of the scale. A current passing through the coil turns the needle and its mirror, thus shifting the spot of light to the right or left of the zero point. The current through the galvanometer may be reduced by shunt to any desirable extent, thus extending the serviceable range of the instru- ment. The apparatus was devised by Sir William Thomson, now ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS. 527 Lord Kelvin, for use in connection with the Atlantic cablo, and is exceedingly sensitive. The current produced by dipping the point of a brass pin and the point of a steel needle into a drop of salt water, and closing the external circuit through this instrument sends the spot of light swinging way across the scale. (e) In the Deprez-d'Arsonval dead-beat reflecting galvanometer, a movable coil is suspended between the poles of a strong, permanent U-magnet that is fixed. The coil consists of many turns of fine wire the terminals of which above and below serve as the sup- porting axis. Within the coil is an iron tube that is supported from the back, and that serves to concentrate the magnetic field. The passage of a current turns the coil, and sets it so that its plane encloses a larger number of lines of force. This movement of the coil turns the mirror by means of which the angles of deflection are read with a telescope and scale. When the , ., , ,, . FIG. 418. galvanometer is short circuited, the oscilla- tions of the coil induce currents that quickly bring it to rest. It is simple in construction, and almost wholly independent of the mag- netic field surrounding it. (/) In the differential galvanometer, the coil is made of two sepa- rate wires wound side by side. If two equal currents are sent through these wires in opposite directions, the needle will not be deflected. If the currents are unequal, the needle will be deflected by the stronger one with a force corresponding to the difference of the strengths of the two currents. It is much used in null methods of measurement. (' ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS. 535 it follows that if the resistances are adjusted so that the voltages are the same for both (i.e., no deflection at G) K will be directly propor- tional to Q. As the condensers discharge in the same time, their FIG. 427. capacities are proportional to the currents sent through r and r f . As these currents have the same E.M.F., each is inversely proportional to the resistances through which it flows. Hence K : K' : : r' : r. Three of these values being known, K is easily determined. 420. The Measurement of Magnetic Functions. Mag- netic flux is measured directly in webers by the use of a little exploring coil of many turns of fine wire connected to a ballistic galvanometer. The quantity of the current 536 SCHOOL PHYSICS. generated by suddenly jerking the exploring coil from the magnetic field is thus measured, and from this the number of lines of force is calculated. Magnetomotive force is usually calculated directly from the ampere-turns. Mag- netizing force is calculated by dividing the magnetomotive force by the length of the magnetic circuit in centimeters. Permeability is calculated directly from the quotient of the induction and the magnetizing force. Curves of per- meability may be determined for iron at various stages of magnetization, and each kind of iron nas its own curve. Such curves are largely used in dynamo design. CLASSROOM EXERCISES. / 1. Draw an illustrative diagram, and deduce the formula for the Wheatstone bridge. 2. Explain why an ammeter should have a low resistance, and a volt-meter a high resistance. 3. A volt-meter that has a resistance of 26,000 ohms indicates 37 volts, (a) What is the strength of the current ? (ft) What voltage would such an instrument indicate with a current of 3 milliamperes ? 4. Two volt-meters, one of which has a resistance of 25,000 ohms, and the other a resistance of 15,000 ohms, are connected in series across 110 volts. (a) What current flows through the system? (ft) What voltage does the first instrument indicate? (c) the second instrument ? Ans. (a) 0.00275 amperes; (ft) 68.75 volts; (c) 41.25 volts. 5. I have a volt-meter that measures up to 15 volts and that has a resistance of 3,500 ohms. I want to use it on a 115-volt circuit, and, therefore, put it in series with a resistance of 24,000 ohms. With the two thus connected, and with a voltage of 110, (a) What is the current strength? (ft) What is the indication of the volt-meter? (c) By what must the reading of the volt-meter be multiplied to get the actual voltage ? Suppose the voltage to be increased to 1 17. (d) What is the reading of the volt-meter? (e) Is there any change in the multiplier used to give the correct voltage ? ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS. 537 6. "What resistance must be put in series with the volt-meter of Exercise 5, so that the multiplier shall be 10? Ans. 31,500 ohms. 7. How many watts is taken by a station volt-meter that indicates 110 volts and uses a 0.002-ampere current? 8. I have an ammeter that indicates milliamperes up to 100. It has a resistance of 6 ohms. I desire to put it on a circuit that I know to have a current of 6 or 7 amperes. As the instrument will not safely carry more than 0.1 of an ampere, I put it in a shunt, as shown in Fig. 432. What must be the resistance of R, the other branch of the cir- cuit, so that the instrument shall have a multiplier of 100 ; i.e., so that a current of 6.5 amperes will produce a reading of 65 milliamperes ? Evidently, with such a current and with the shunts properly adjusted, 0.065 of an ampere will pass through the milliammeter, and 6.435 amperes through R. 9. At an electric light station, I am called upon to measure the resistance of one of the field-magnet coils of a dynamo. I have a volt- meter and an ammeter, and a small dynamo (the exciter of an alter- nator) that will furnish a 15-ampere current at any desired voltage from 150 to 225. With this outfit, how shall I measure the resistance of the coil ? 10. Draw a sketch of the connections of a series dynamo, and show how you would arrange a volt-meter to measure the voltage necessary to force the current through the field magnets. LABORATORY EXERCISES. Additional Apparatus, etc. Three Danisll cells ; galvanoscopes and galvanometers ; volt-meter ; ammeter ; resistance-box ; rheochord as described below ; current reverser ; 2m. of fine platinum wire ; double connector ; wires of unknown resistance ; Wheatstone slide-bridge as described below. 1. Solder one end of a piece of No. 20 insulated copper wire, 50 cm. long, to one end of a piece of zinc 10 x 2.5 x 0.5 cm., and amalgamate the zinc. Solder a similar wire to a piece of sheet copper 10 x 10 cm. Put the zinc into a porous cup 4 or 5 cm. in diameter and 10 cm. deep, and fill the cup to the depth of 8 cm. with dilute sulphuric acid. Put the copper plate into a glass vessel 7 or 8 cm. in diameter and 10 cm. deep, bending it slightly to fit the inner surface of the tumbler. Put the porous cup and its contents into the glass vessel, and fill the latter to the depth of 8 cm. with a saturated solution of copper sulphate. 538 SCHOOL PHYSICS. Connect the terminals of this Daniell cell with the terminals of a low resistance galvanoscope, and record, at intervals of 5 minutes for half an hour, the deflections of the needle. Ascertain whether the current strength is practically constant after the porous cup is wet through. 2. Make a resistance frame (rheochord) as follows: Nail two uprights, each 25 x 3 x 1 cm. to the edge of a plank 100 x 10 x 4 cm., and screw the ends of a meter stick to the upper ends of the uprights, as shown in Fig. 428. Set two small metal binding-posts at a, and another pair at the same level at 6. Set similar binding-posts, in pairs, at c, d, and e. Connect the base of the inner post at a with the base of the inner post at b by No. 30 German-silver wire. It is well to solder the wire to the posts. Lead a similar wire around the outer edges of the uprights, and connect its ends to the outer posts at a and b. FIG. 428. From one of the posts at c, lead a similar wire around both uprights to the other post at c. In like manner, connect the posts at d by No. 28 German-silver wire. In like manner, connect the posts at e by 10 turns of insulated No. 30 copper wire, laying the wire on carefully so as to prevent the current from leaking across from one turn to the next (short-circuiting). All of the posts should be firmly fixed, and the wire should be drawn tight. Near each corner of a wooden block about 10 cm. square, bore a centimeter hole, about a centimeter deep, and number the holes in succes- sion, 1, 2, 3, and 4. These holes are for mercury cups. Set sharp little spikes at the corners of the opposite face of the block, to fix it to the table wherever it is placed. Set metal binding-posts at FIG. 429. the corners of the block so that the ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS. 539 screw of each penetrates to one of the cups. Provide two stout copper wires, amalgamated at their ends, and bent so that they may connect any of the holes with either of the two adjoining holes. When mer- cury is placed in the cups, the block constitutes a "current reverser" or mercury commutator. Connect diagonally opposite mercury cups (as 1 and 3) of the com- mutator to the terminals of a Daniell cell. From one of the other cups (as 2), lead a wire to one of the terminals of a low resistance galvano- scope, and connect the other terminal of the galvanoscope to one of the binding-posts (at 6) of the rheochord. From the other binding- post at 6, lead a wire to the fourth mercury cup. The galvano- scope should be at least a meter from the other parts of the apparatus so that its needle may be unaffected by them, and the wires leading to and from it should lie close together. Connect the two binding- posts at a by a short, stout copper wire. Complete the circuit by placing the two bent copper wires so that one of them shall connect cups 2 and 3, while the other connects 1 and 4. Trace the direction of the current through the galvanoscope. Change the bent wires of the commutator so that one of them connects 1 and 2, while the other connects 3 and 4. Trace the direction of the current through the commutator. By this time, the porous cup of the cell will probably be wet through, and the current nearly constant. While the current is flowing through 200 cm. of No. 30 German- silver wire, record the deflection of the needle of the galvanoscope ; reverse the current and record the deflection ; record the average of the two deflections. With a copper wire or a double connector like that shown in Fig. 430, short circuit the two wires near a, so that the current shall flow through 180 cm. of the German-silver wire. Record the three deflections as before. Make similar successive records for 160, 140, 120, 100, 80, and 60 cm. of the German-silver wire, ending with the record for 200 cm., taken again to be sure that the current has not fallen off while the measurements were in progress. Tabulate FIG. 430. all of your records, and notice whether they indicate, in a general way, any dependence of electrical resistance upon the length of the conductor. 3. Using the apparatus arranged for Exercise 2, change the con- nections at the rheochord from b to d, so as to put the 200 cm. of Xo. 28 German-silver wire into the circuit. Record the deflection ; reverse 540 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the current, and record the deflection ; and record the average of the two deflections. Compare this average with the averages obtained in Exercise 2 for the several lengths of No. 30 wire, and estimate the length of the latter that has a resistance equal to that of the 200 cm. of No. 28 wire. Carefully measure the diameters of the two wires, and compute the ratio between the areas of their cross-sections. De- termine the relation between cross-section and resistance. 4. Using the apparatus arranged for Exercise 3, change the con- nections from d to c, and connect the two binding-posts at b by copper wires to the two binding-posts at d, so as to provide for the current, two equal parallel branches of No. 30 German-silver wire. Record the deflections before and after reversal, and their average, as before. Estimate the length of No. 30 wire, as used in Exercise 2, that has a resistance equal to that of the two 200-cm. pieces in multi- ple arc as used in this exercise. 5. Determine the length of No. 30 German-silver wire that has a resistance equal to that of 20 m. of No. 30 copper wire. 6. Wind into spiral coils two equal lengths (e.g., 1QO cm.) of fine platinum wire, and put them into the arms of a Wheatstone bridge. Balance the bridge. Heat one of the spirals in a Bunsen or alcohol flame, and notice that the deflection of the needle indicates that the balance has been destroyed. While the spiral is still heated, balance (roughly) the bridge again, and determine whether the resistance of the wire was increased or decreased by the rise of temperature. 7. Place in the circuit of the Daniell cell of Exercise 1, a galvano- meter, a set of resistance coils, and a conductor, X, of unknown resist- ance. Adjust the known resistances so that the needle shows a deflection of about 45, and record the exact reading. Remove X from the circuit. Add known resistances to make the deflection the same as before. Repeat the work twice, adjusting the known resist- ances so as to produce deflections of about 43 and 47, and take the average of the three totals of added resistance as the resistance of X. This is called the method by substitution. 8. To a table-top or other board, tack two stout metal strips, AC and BD, with a meter-stick between them, as shown in Fig. 431. Tack a similar metal strip, EF, 90 cm. long, in position as shown. Solder metal binding-posts at the ends of these strips, and at the middle of EF. The resistance of the strips is negligible. Tightly stretch a German-silver wire, No. 26, over the face of the meter stick, and solder it to the faces of the metal strips at r and s. One of the ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS. 541 terminals of a sensitive galvanoscope is to be connected to EF '; the other galvanoscope wire is to make a sliding contact with the Ger- man-silver wire, dividing it into two variable parts, m and p. Put the apparatus into the circuit of a voltaic cell, as shown in the figure. Interpose a conductor of unknown resistance at x and a known resist- ance of approximately the same value at n (the better this guess at the equality of resistances, the less the liability of error in the results attained). You have a AYheatstone bridge, easily comparable to FIG. 431. that shown in Fig. 425. Make the sliding contact at a point on rs that causes a deflection to the right, and note its position on the meter-scale ; find a position that causes a deflection to the left. As the point of contact at which the bridge will balance is between these points, it is easy to locate it definitely. When the contact is made at such a point on rs that there is no deflection of the needle, read the values of m and p, directly from the meter-scale, and determine the resistance of x. Repeat the work with two slightly different values for n, and take the average of the three computed values of x. Note. In practice, the galvanoscope should be placed at a distance from the rest of the apparatus, the connecting wires being kept near together. 9. Make a Daniell cell similar to that of Exercise 1, with cups of the same size but with plates of sheet metal and 10 x 0.5 cm. in size. Take care that the liquids are of the same depth in the two cells. Put the large-plate cell in circuit with a galvanoscope, inserting the commutator as in some of the preceding exercises. Set the plates as 542 SCHOOL PHYSICS. far apart as possible, and record the deflections before and after reversal, and their average. Repeat the work with the plates as near together as possible. Repeat both tests with the small-plate cell. Put 200 cm. of No. 30 German-silver wire into the circuit, and repeat the work with the two cells in succession. Repeat these latter tests, using a galvanoscope of higher resistance. From your record, deter- mine the effect of the size of the plates, and of the distance between the plates upon the current strength, and whether the addition of an external resistance has any effect upon the sensitiveness of the current to changes in the size and relative positions of the plates. 10. Replace the small plates of the cell described in Exercise 9 by plates like those of the cell of Exercise 1. Join the two like cells in parallel, and put into the circuit a galvanoscope, and 200 cm. of No. 30 German-silver wire. Record the deflections as previously directed. Make the tests with galvanoscopes of high and of low resistances. Repeat the tests with the cells joined in series. Remove the German- silver wire from the circuit, and repeat the tests. From your record, determine under what conditions it is better to join cells in pafallel, and when it is better to join them in series. 11. Join the two Daniell cells of Exercise 10 in parallel, and sub- stitute the battery for the unknown resistance, x, of Exercise 8. Remove the battery used in that exercise, or leave it open circuited at k (Fig. 426). Compare the resistance of the battery with that of the same cells in series, and with that of one of the cells. Note. The accurate measurement of the resistance of a cell on closed circuit is a difficult problem. 12. Place a volt-meter that indicates tenths of a volt in a shunt circuit around a resistance, R, as shown in Fig. 432. Assume that the resistance of the instru- ment is so high that the current shunted through it is negligible. Determine by computa- tion the resistance of R ->\A A/VV\/VV\A* when a 2-ampere cur- Fl 432 ren * flowing through it gives a reading of 0.2 at the volt-meter. Try to verify your result experimentally. Notice that the readings of the volt-meter multiplied by 10 give the current SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. strength in amperes. Determine the value that should be given to R so that the volt-meter may be used as an ammeter giving direct readings in amperes. Note. Many ammeters are made on this principle of shunning a high resistance galvanometer. IV. SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. Incandescence Lighting. Experiment 382. Place a few centimeters of No. 36 platinum wire across the terminals of a battery of several bichromate cells in series. The wire will be heated to incandescence, and may be melted. Lift one of the plates partly from the liquid, and notice the diminished brilliancy of the light emitted by the incandescent wire. By gradu- ally lowering the plate into the liquid as the cells weaken, the bril- liancy of the platinum wire may be kept nearly uniform. Notice the progressive oxidation of the wire. Try to continue the experiment until the wire breaks down by oxidation, noting the length of time taken. Repeat the work with No. 36 iron wire, and compare the lasting qualities of the two wires. 421 . Incandescence Lamps operate essentially on the prin- ciple illustrated in Experiment 382, the current being sent through some substance thaf, because of its high resistance, becomes intensely heated and brilliantly incandescent. The only suitable substance known for such a resistance fila- ment is carbon, which, carefully prepared and bent into a loop, is enclosed in a glass bulb from which the air is exhausted to prevent oxidation, i.e., combustion. At the best, the filament gradually deteriorates and finally breaks, thus ruining the lamp. The ends of the carbon filament are cemented to short plati- 544 SCHOOL PHYSICS. num leading-in wires that are imbedded in the glass by the fusion of the latter. These platinum wires are con- nected to the metallic fittings of the lamp in such a way that, when the bulb is screwed into its supporting socket, the connections are properly made. Some such lamps are provided with turn-offs, for open-circuiting the lamp. (a) As incandescence lamps are generally connected in parallel, as shown in Fig. 43-1, they require a heavy current at a comparatively 1_J 1 MAIN SWITCH FIG. 434. low voltage. Such currents require large conductors that are gener- ally made of copper. The "hot" resistance of the carbon filaments Caries from about 25 to 250 ohms, according to the voltage of the cur- rent and the candle-power of the lamp. In what is known as " the Edison" 3-wire system," two dynamos are connected in series, as shown in Fig. 435. The lamps on each side of the middle or neutral wire, SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 545 vnr N, are made as nearly equal as possible in number and resistance. When they thus balance, N carries no cur- rent, and the voltage of the second dynamo is added to that of the first. Under such con- ditions, the effect is the same as if the lamps of each pair were in series, the doubled re- sistance being met by the doubled potential difference of the two generators. Doubling thus the voltage doubles the current, and quadruples the energy delivered. This en- ables a division of the area of cross-section of the line-wires by 4, and results in a saving of f of the weight and cost of the mains. If lamps are turned out on one side of the mid- dle main, current flows along N to supply the required excess. Note. The arches at points where con- ductors cross each other in Fig. 434 indicate, FIG. 435. in the conventional way, that the wires cross without contact. Dynamos are often represented by commutator circles and brushes as shown in Fig. 435. (ft) With lamps placed in parallel, the greater the number of the lamps in use, the less the resistance of the circuit. The current is usually operated at 110 volts, and each 16-c.p. lamp takes about 0.5 of an ampere. The expenditure is, therefore, nearly 3.5 watts per candle-power. Evidently, an increase of current will increase the number of watts expended in the lamp, and the quantity of light pro- duced. The greater the number of watts expended, the higher the temperature of the filament, and the greater the efficiency of the lamp. But excessive temperatures weaken the filament and shorten its time of service, so that in practice efficiency is sacrificed to some extent for the sake of a greater durability. (c) The dynamos designed for direct use with such lamps are gen- erally shunt- or compound-wound. As they must deliver currents that are of constant potential but of strength that varies with the number of lamps in use, some regulating device is necessary for the shunt- wound dynamo ; the compound-wound dynamo is self-regulating. (rf) Incandescence lamps are often placed on the secondary circuit of a " step down " transformer, the primary cirquit of which carries 36 546 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the high-voltage current of an alternator. The primary coils of several transformers may be put in series, as shown in Fig. 436, or in multiple arc, as shown in Fig. 437. MAIN TO THE ALTERNATOR FIG. 436. (e) When electric lamps are supplied by an electric lighting com- pany, the customer sometimes pays a fixed rental per lamp per day. MAIN TO THE ALTERNATOR MAIN FIG. 437. and sometimes a certain price per watt-hour for the current actually delivered. For this purpose, a wattmeter, like that described in 414 (/), is often used ; the Edison meter depends upon the electro- lytic action of a part of the current that is shunted for that purpose. See 429 (a). Caution. In experimenting with an incandescence electric lighting current, remember that a low resistance placed across the mains will SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 547 receive an enormous current. Many a galvanoscope and other piece of apparatus has been ruined in this way. Never "ground" an electric lighting wire. The Electric Arc. Experiment 383. Connect one of the terminals of the battery to a small file, and draw the other terminal along the rough surface. A series of minute sparks is produced as the circuit is rapidly made and broken. When such a luminous effect is larger and more lasting, the band of light between the terminals is called an electric arc. F IG. 4oO. Experiment 384. Connect one end of a 3-pound coil of insulated copper wire, No. 20, to one of the mains of a direct current, incan- descence lighting circuit, and the other end to a short piece of No. 6 copper wire. Connect another piece of No. 6 copper wire to the other main. Bring the free ends of the No. 6 wires into contact, and slowly separate them. A flashing arc will follow the wires for a short distance and then break. Bring the wires into contact again, separate them, and try to maintain the arc. Notice that the arc is tinted green by the vapor of the copper. The wires will become hot and their ends will be melted. Experiment 385. Tip one of the terminals with a screw or other piece of steel, and connect the other-terminal to a block of commercial zinc. Set up an arc between the steel and the zinc. The pyrotechnic effect is very striking. Replace the steel and zinc with two pieces of electric light carbon. Notice that the terminals are not melted, and that the light is a brilliant white. View the arc through a piece of smoked glass, and try to discover, from their appearance, which of the tips is the hotter. 422. The Voltaic Arc is the most brilliant luminous effect of an electric current. When carbon rods that form part of the circuit of a strong electric current are sepa- rated, as in Experiment 385, their tips glow with a brilliancy greater than that of any other light under human control. 548 SCHOOL PHYSICS. and the temperature of the intervening arc is unequalled by that of any other source of artificial heat. (a) It is necessary to bring the carbons into contact to start the light. The tips of the carbons become intensely heated, and the car- bon begins to volatilize. When the carbons are separated, the current passes through this intervening layer of vapor and the accompanying disintegrated matter which acts as a conductor of very high resistance. The intense heat of the voltaic arc is due to the conversion of the energy of the current and not to combustion ; the arc may be pro- duced in a vacuum where there could be no combustion. (6) The constitution of the voltaic arc may be studied by project- ing its image on a screen with a lens. Three parts will be noticed : 1. The dazzling white, concave extremity of the positive carbon. 2. The less brilliant and more pointed tip of the negative carbon. 3. The globe-shaped and beau- tifully colored aureole surrounding the whole. (c) There is a transfer of mat- ter across the arc in the direction of the current, the positive carbon wasting away more than twice as rapidly as the negative. Most of the light is radiated from the cra- ter at the end of the positive car- bon. 423. The Arc Lamp is es- sentially a device for auto- matically separating the car- bons when the current is turned on, for " feeding " the carbons together as they are burned away at their tips, and, in some cases, for short- circuiting the lamp in case of irregularity or accident. FIG. 439. SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 549 Such lamps of from one to two thousand candle-power require an expenditure, at the dynamo, of about three- fifths of a horse-power per lamp. A common form of the arc lamp is shown in Fig. 440. I (a) In the arc lamp as ordinarily supplied for com- mercial uses, the distance be- tween the carbon tips is about | of an inch. Such lamps re- quire a current of from 9 to 10 amperes, and have a poten- tial difference between the carbons of 45 to 50 volts. They are generally operated in series, so that the current passes in succession through all the lamps on the circuit. The resistance of the circuit is thus increased by the suc- cessive addition of lamps. As many as 125 arc lamps have been worked in series. The E-.M.F. of the current re- quired is often 3,000, and occasionally 6,000 volts. Such currents must be handled with care, as dangerous results might follow ignorance or neglect. (6) The mechanism for separating and feeding the carbons consists chiefly of a clutch-washer, w, a clutch, c, and a solenoid or " sucking magnet," S, doubly and oppositely wound. One of these windings is of coarse wire in series with the carbons ; the other constitutes a high resistance shunt across the arc. The two cores of the solenoid and their connecting yoke move freely up and down, under the alternating influence of magnetic attraction and gravity. At the start, the carbons are in contact. When the current is turned on, FIG. 440. 550 SCHOOL PHYSICS. the series magnet lifts c ; c lifts one edge of to, thus causing it to clutch and to lift the rod that carries the upper carbon. The arc being Fia. 441. thus established, the greatly increased difference of potential between the arc terminals sends more current through the oppositely wound shunt circuit, thus weakening the lifting power of S. As the carbons wear away and the arc grows longer, the gradually increasing poten- tial difference between the terminals of the arc gradually forces more current through the shunt winding of the solenoid, antagonizing the lifting effect of the series magnet until gravity pulls down the cores and the clutch. When w falls into a horizontal position, it releases its grip on the carbon rod and allows it to slip down, thus reducing the length of the arc, strengthening the current through the series coils, and reducing the current through the shunt coils. Ihc clutch is immediately lifted and the fall of the carbon thus arrested. So delicately have these devices been adjusted that the feeding of the SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 551 carbons is as imperceptible as the movement of the hour hand of a watch. The current of the shunt circuit may be made to traverse an electromagnet at T, so that when the arc becomes abnormally long, as it will if the carbon does not feed properly, an iron bar pivoted at i is attracted until it closes a short circuit at m. R represents a resist- ance properly adjusted. In some lamps, the carbons are separated at the start, the shunt magnet brings them into contact, and the series magnet separates them, thus establishing the arc. The shunt then feeds the carbons as before. Sometimes the " sucking magnet " has but a single core. Many search lights are made without any auto- matic mechanism, the carbons being fed by hand. (c) Since arc lamps are operated in series, any particular lamp that is to be extinguished must be short-circuited. The dynamo is provided with appliances for maintaining a uniform current strength regardless of the number of lamps in use on its circuit. When the number of lamps is increased, the voltage of the dynamo is corre- spondingly increased. The connections of a system of arc lights are FIG. 442. diagrammatically shown in Fig. 442, in which m and n represent short- circuiting or cut-out switches ; C, the commutator of the dynamo; F, the field-magnet coils ; and R, a regulating resistance. Any lamp may be cut out by closing a switch at m. By closing the switch at n, the current is diverted from the field magnets. This destroys the mag- netic field and, of course, destroys the current. When n is open, the 552 SCHOOL PHYSICS. proportion of the current that is sent through F (and, consequently, the strength of the magnetic field) may be regulated by the resistance that is thrown into the shunt circuit at R. (d) Some arc lamps are made to operate on incandescence circuits at constant potential. They are extinguished by open-circuiting them. Incandescence and arc lamps are often operated from central lighting stations. Experiment 386. Separate the terminals of a bichromate cell in illuminating gas escaping from an ordinary burner. It will be dim- cult to make the spark light the gas. Interpose a large, low-resistance electromagnet in the circuit, and renew the attempt. Explain the increased magnitude of the spark. Try to light the gas with a spark from the electrophorus ; from an induction coil; and from a static electric machine. 424. Electric Gas Lighting is often effected by sparks from the interrupted circuit of a voltaic battery, in which circuit is a " kicking coil," as illustrated in Experiment 386, or by sparks from the secondary of an induc- tion coil, or from a machine for the generation of static electric- ity. Burners like that shown in Fig. 443 are connected in series in such a circuit. FIG. 443. 425. Electric Welding has be- come a common application of the electric current. A suitable transformer changes an alternating current of high voltage into a current of many amperes, the small electromotive force of which is adequate for the lo\v resistance of the metals to be welded. It is found that when metals thus heated are welded, the SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 553 union is unusually firm and perfect. When a weld so made is finished off with machine-tools, the line of union cannot be detected by the eye. Railway tracks are some- times made continuous by this process. Electric Motors. Experiment 387. Fasten 4 iron strips to the face of a wooden cylinder 4 cm. long and 6 cm. in diameter, parallel to the axis of the cylinder, and at equal distances from each other. Support the axle so that, as the cylinder turns, the iron strips will pass near the end of an electromagnet, as shown in Fig. 444. When the cylinder is ro- tated, a square nut on its axle acts as a cam, forcing the vertical spring to the right, and closing an electric circuit at the tip of the set-screw, s, four times for each revolution. The metal sup- port that carries s is connected to the binding-post, b. The metal support that carries the vertical spring is connected to one terminal of the electromag- net, the other terminal of which is connected to the binding-post, FIG. 444. a. The nut is set so that the cir- cuit is broken at s just as one of the iron strips on the face of the cylin- der comes to the end of the core of the magnet. The momentum of the rotating cylinder carries it over the dead point until the next corner of the nut forces the vertical spring into contact at s. The apparatus will be improved by placing a small fly-wheel at the other end of the axle. All of the metal parts, except the core of the magnet, and the 4 strips 011 the cylinder, would better be made of brass. Place this apparatus in the circuit of several cells joined in series, and set the cylinder in rotation ; adjust the position of the nut if necessary to secure a continuous motion. Experiment 388. Connect a small battery-motor (one may be bought for a dollar or less) to a number of cells joined in series, and 554 SCHOOL PHYSICS. interpose a low-resistance galvanoscope as indicated in Fig. 445. Hold the shaft of the motor to prevent its rota- tion, and note the reading of the galvano- scope. Then permit the motor shaft to revolve, and again note the reading of the galvanoscope. The resistance of the cir- cuit seems to be greater when the arma- ture is in motion than when it is at rest. 426. An Electric Motor is a de- vice for doing mechanical work at the expense of electric energy. As made for industrial use, it is generally similar to the dynamo in form and construction, and is often identical with it. The current from a dynamo, perhaps miles distant, is sent through the armature of the motor (the binding-posts of one machine being connected to the binding-posts of the other), and causes the motor armature to revolve in a direction oppo- site to that in which it would revolve if the motor was acting as a dynamo. This assumes that the motor is series wound. It thus appears that the motor is based upon the principle of the reversibility of the dynamo. The pulley on the armature shaft is belted or geared to other machinery. (a) When the armature of a dynamo revolves in the magnetic field, the motion develops a magnetic field for the armature coils that acts in opposition to that of the field magnets, thus opposing the motion of the armature and acting as an addition to friction, etc., as a drag or counter torque. Hence, the transformation of mechanical foot-pounds into electrical watts. Conversely, when a current is sent through the armature of a dynamo or motor at rest, the opposition between the magnetic field of the field magnets and the magnetic field of the armature coils produces a repulsion that causes the rotation of the armature. Hence the transformation of watts into foot-pounds. Any direct-current dynamo will act as an efficient motor when it is SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 555 supplied with a current of the same strength and potential as that which it yields when acting as a dynamo. (&) The E.M.F. of the inverse current generated in the armature acts in direct opposition to the E.M.F. of the direct current. Repre- senting the E.M.F. of the inverse current by , Ohm's law, as applica- ble to this case, is as follows : ^ _ E e R Evidently, it is not well to turn the whole voltage of the actuating current suddenly upon a motor; the full current might; do injury to the motor before its armature could acquire sufficient speed to produce the inverse E.M.F. (e) that is necessary to reduce the current to a safe magnitude. (c) Electric motors are made in great variety of form, and for almost countless purposes. In our cities and large villages, they are placed on the circuits of powerful dynamos at central "power houses," that correspond to electric lighting stations, and that are often iden- tical with them. The convenience, cleanliness and economy of the electric motor have led to its common use for the operation of light machinery, such as fly and ventilating fans, sewing machines, lathes, printing presses, etc. On the larger scale, the motor is used for the propulsion of street cars, and is even displacing the locomotive engine on some railways. As a generator and as a motor, the dynamo is revolutionizing more than one department of the industrial world. 427. An Electric Bell consists mainly of an electromag- net, E (Fig. 446), and a vibrating armature that carries a hammer, H, that strikes a bell. One terminal of the magnet coils is connected to the binding-post, and the other ter- minal to the flexible support of the armature. The arma- ture carries a spring that rests lightly against the tip of an adjustable screw at O. This screw is connected to the other binding-post. The bell is connected to a battery of 2 or 3 cells in series, a key, a push-button, P, or some other device for closing the circuit being placed in the line. (a) When the circuit is closed by pushing the button at P, the 556 SCHOOL PHYSICS. magnet attracts the armature and causes the hammer to strike the bell. This movement of the ar- mature breaks the circuit at C. E, being thus de- magnetized, no longer at- tracts its armature, which is thrown back against the end of the screw by the elasticity of the spring that supports it. It is then again attracted and re- leased, thus vibrating rap- idly and striking a blow upon the bell at H at every vibration (see 403, a). The rapidity of the strokes depends largely upon the FIG. 446. length of the pendulum-like hammer (see 115). 428. A Fire Alarm Box contains a crank which the person Avho " turns in " the alarm is to pull down once. This motion of the crank winds up a spr-ing that drives a train of wheel-work that puts in revolution a make-and- break wheel. The circumference of this wheel has a series of notches arranged to correspond to the number of the box ; e.g., if the number of the box is 371, there will be three notches, separated by a longer space from a succession of seven notches, which are followed at a simi- lar distance by one notch. This notched wheel and an arm that. presses upon the circumference of the wheel are in the circuit. When the wheel revolves, the circuit is broken as each notch passes under the arm. When the circuit is broken, an electromagnet at the fire station is demagnetized. The armature of the magnet is then drawn back by a spring, and strikes one blow upon a bell. A SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 557 single revolution of the inake-aiid-break wheel in the distant alarm box gives a succession of 3 strokes, 7 strokes and 1 stroke, thus indicating the number, 371. The wheel- work may turn the make-and-break wheel two or three times, thus repeating the alarm signal. The location of Box 371 being known, valuable time is saved in determining the vicinity of the fire. Electrolysis. Experiment 389. Put a solution of sodium sulphate, or any other neutral salt, that has been colored with an infusion of purple cabbage into a V-tube about 1.5 cm. in diameter, and supported in any con- venient way. Close the ends of the tube with corks that carry platinum wires terminating in narrow strips of platinum foil that reach nearly to the bend of the tube. Put this apparatus in the circuit of 2 or 3 cells joined in series. In a few min- utes, the liquid at the positive electrode will be colored red, and that at the negative elec- trode, green. If, instead of col- JT IG 447. oring the solution, a strip of blue litmus paper is hung near the positive electrode it will be red- dened, while a strip of reddened litmus paper hung near the negative electrode will be colored blue. These changes of color are chemical tests ; the appearance of the green or blue denotes the presence of an alkali (caustic soda in this case), while the appearance of the red denotes the presence of an acid. Experiment 390. Arrange apparatus as shown in Fig. 448. The glass vessel may be made from a glass funnel, or by cutting the bottom from a wide mouthed bottle, and may be supported in any convenient^ way. The platinum electrodes should be about 2 cm. apart and cov- ered with water (H 2 O) to which a little sulphuric acid has been added 558 SCHOOL PHYSICS. to increase its conductivity. Fill two test-tubes with acidulated water, and invert them over the electrodes. When the circuit is closed, bubbles of oxygen escape from the positive electrode, and bubbles of hydrogen from the negative. The volume of hydrogen thus collected will be about twice as great as that of the oxygen. When a sufficient quantity of the gases has been collected, they may be tested; the FIG. 448. hydrogen, by bringing a lighted match to the mouth of the test-tube, whereupon the hydrogen will burn ; the oxygen, by thrusting a splinter with a glowing spark into the test tube, whereupon the spark will kindle into a flame. If the gases thus separated are mixed, and an electric spark produced in the mixture, the ions will recombine with explosive violence. Experiment 391. Repeat Experiment 389, placing a solution of copper sulphate instead of sodium sulphate in the V-tube. When the circuit is closed, copper will be deposited upon one of the electrodes, while oxygen will be evolved at the other. Reverse the current, and notice the disappearance of the copper from the electrode where it was first deposited. Copper may be dissolved from the platinum foil with nitric acid if desirable. Experiment 392. Melt some tin, and pour the melted metal slowly into water. Dissolve some of this granulated tin in hot hydrochloric acid, and add a little water. Into this hot solution of tin chloride, introduce electrodes made of tinned iron (tin-plate) . Pass the current SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 559 of the battery joined in series through the liquid, and notice the remarkable tree-like growth of tin crystals. Modify the experiment by successively using solutions of lead acetate, and of silver nitrate. 429. Electrolysis, etc. The decomposition of a chemi- cal compound, called the electrolyte, into its constituent parts, called ions, by an electric current is called electroly- sis. When, for example, water is electrolyzed, the hydro- gen collects at the negative electrode, called the cathode ; such an ion is called a cation, and is said to be electroposi- tive. The oxygen similarly collects at the positive elec- trode, called the anode ; such an ion is called a anion, and is said to be electronegative. (a) In battery or in electrolytic bath, the metallic or electroposi- tive ion is carried with the current through the electrolyte. Simi- larly, when a chemical salt is electrolyzed, the metallic base is carried to the cathode, while the acid constituent appears at the anode. The amount of chemical decomposition effected in a given electrolytic bath in a given time is proportional to the current strength. This principle has been utilized in devices for the commercial measurement of electric energy. Experiment 393. Fasten a copper wire to a silver coin, and a similar wire to a piece of sheet copper of about the same size. Sus- pend the two pieces of metal in a tumbler containing a solution of copper sulphate. Connect the wire that carries the silver to the negative terminal of a strong battery of cells joined in parallel, and the other wire to the other terminal. Close the circuit, and notice that a firm, hard copper coating is deposited upon the silver. Reverse the current until the copper is remoyed from the silver. Then con- nect the cells of the battery in series, and notice that copper is depos- ited upon the silver as a spongy mass instead of a firm coating. 430. Electrometallurgy is the art or process of deposit- ing certain metals, such as gold, silver and copper, from solutions of their compounds by the action of an electric 560 SCHOOL PHYSICS. current. Its most important applications are electroplat- ing and electrotyping. In electroplating, an adherent film of metal is thus deposited on some other material (strictly speaking, on metallic substances only). In electrotyping, the metallic film deposited in the bath is not adherent. (a) For plating with gold, a solution of the cyanide of gold is generally used ; for plating with silver, a solution of the cyanide of silver is generally used. (b) The most common forms of electrotypes are copies of medals, jewelry, silverware, woodcuts, and pages of composed type. The metal most used is copper. The form to be copied is molded in wax ; the face of the mold is dusted with powdered plumbago, in order to make it a conductor; the mold thus prepared is immersed in a solution of copper sulphate, and subjected to the action of a current as illustrated in Experiment 393. When the copper film is thick enough (say as thick as an ordinary visiting card), it is removed from the mold, and strengthened by filling up its back with melted type-metal. The copper film and the type-metal are made to adhere by means of an alloy of equal parts of tin and lead. The copper-faced plate thus produced is an exact reproduction of the form from which the mold was made. When used for printing, it is more durable than the type from which it was copied. (c) Current for electrometallurgical processes is generally provided by specially constructed dynamos of low voltage. Such dynamos are called electroplating machines, or simply platers. Secondary Cells. Experiment 394. Arrange apparatus as in Experiment 390. After the passage of the current for a few minutes, disconnect the battery and put a galvanoscope in its place. The deflection of the needle shows that the " water voltameter " is developing an electric current, and illustrating the reversibility of electrolytic action. Experiment 395. Fit neatly to a large tumbler two pieces of sheet lead as large as can be used without contact between them. To each lead plate, solder a copper wire about 50 cm. long. Fill the tumbler SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 561 with dilute sulphuric acid. Connect the wires to the terminals of a high-resistance galvanoscope, and see if there is any deflection of the needle. Free one of the lead-cell wires from the galvanoscope. Put the lead-cell and the galvanoscope in series in the circuit of a battery of several cells joined in series. Xote the deflections of the galvano- scope needle for several minutes. Quickly throw the battery out of the circuit, and connect the lead-plate cell with the galvanoscope. Note the deflection of the needle, and the direction and permanency of the current now flowing from the^ lead-plate cell. Open and close this circuit to make sure that the deflection of the needle is caused by a current from the lead plates, and not by any sticking of the instru- ment. 431. A Secondary or Storage Battery is a combination of cells each of which consists essentially of two plates of metallic lead coated with red oxide of lead, and immersed in dilute sulphuric acid. Sometimes the oxide is plas- tered on the roughened surface of the lead, and some- times it is packed in little pockets made in the lead plates for that purpose. When such a cell is "charged" by passing an electric current through it, the electrolysis of the liquid liberates oxygen and hydrogen. One of these ions peroxidizes the coating of one of the plates ; the other ion reduces, i.e., deoxklizes, that of the other plate, thus storing up chemical energy to be given back as an electric current when the poles of the charged cell are con- nected, and the chemical action is reversed. Such a cell or battery is often called an accumulator. (a) In a charged secondary battery, the two plates are unlike, and the potential energy of chemical separation is converted into the kinetic energy of an electric current, just as with an ordinary or " pri- mary " battery. When a secondary battery has run down, the passage of a current through it will restore the plates to their former effective condition ; when a primary battery has run down, a current will not thus restore the plates. Thus, the great advantage of the secondary 36. 562 SCHOOL PHYSICS. cell lies in the fact that no costly materials are consumed, the lead and acid being as useful at the end of the operation as at the begin- ning, and the coal consumed for the operation of the dynamo that delivers the charging current being much less expensive than the zinc that is consumed in the primary battery. Owing largely to the mechanical weakness of the lead plates, the storage battery has not yet proved the commercial success that was expected a few years ago. (6) The secondary cell has a low internal resistance, and an E.M.F. of about 2 volts. (c) The condition of the plates of a charged secondary cell is closely analogous to that of the polarized plates of a primary cell. The ions have a tendency to reunite by virtue of their chemical affin- ity, and thus to set up an opposing E.M.F. , as was illustrated in Experiment 371. In the electrolysis of water, this E.M.F. is about 1.45 volts. Consequently, an E.M.F. of more than 1.45 volts is necessary for the decomposition of water. Telegraph. Experiment 396. Connect two telephone receivers, two batteries and two keys as shown in Fig. 449. Both batteries are on open circuit. When the key is depressed at 2 or 3, and thus raised at 1 or FIG. 449. 4, clicks will be heard at T and R. Trace the path of the current in each case. It would be easy to devise a code of signals for communi- cation with such apparatus between two distant stations. Experiment 397. Support a metal cylinder, C, upon an axle. Pivot a metal bar at a (Fig. 450) so that the style, s, at its other end may rest upon the cylinder. Connect battery wires to the axle of the cylinder, and at a, interposing a key, K. Make a paste by boiling starch in water. Dissolve about 3 g. of potassium iodide in 3 or 4 SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 563 en. cm. of hot water, aud add a little of the paste. Prepare a long ribbon of white paper, and soak it in the starch and iodide solution. While the paper is moist, fasten one end of it to a spool, S, and turn the handle so as to draw the paper between the style and cylinder. While the paper is moving over the surface of C, make and break the Fio. 450. circuit at K so as to inscribe a series of blue dots and dashes on the paper at s. With A' at one station and s at another, it would be easy for a person at K to send a dot and dash message to a person at s. Consult the code of signals given on page 564, and, with your appa- ratus, write the word Morse. Experiment 398. Arrange a line between two stations as shown in Fig. 451, using galvanoscopes, G and G', instead of the telephone receivers used in Experiment 396. Each of the keys consists of two metal springs (e.g., 1 and 2), which are fastened to a board at one end, FIG. 451. passing under the metal strip, n, with which they are in contact, and over the metal strip, ro. When any of these keys is depressed, it makes con- tact with m or m', and breaks contact with n or n'. When 1 is de- pressed, the needles at G and G' will be turned in one direction ; when 2 is depressed, the needles will be turned in the other direction. Simi- 564 SCHOOL PHYSICS. larly, depressing 3 or 4 will cause opposite deflections of the needles. Trace the course of the current for a depression of each of the four keys. Call a deflection of the needle in one direction a dot, and a deflection in the opposite direction a dash, and signal the word Kelvin. 432. The Electromagnetic Telegraph is a device for trans- mitting intelligible messages at a distance by means of interrupted electric currents. It consists essentially of a line-wire or main conductor ; a battery or dynamo for the generation of the current ; a transmitter or key ; and an electromagnetic receiving instrument. The use of the tele- graph on a commercial scale is chiefly due to S. F. B. Morse of New York. The system devised by him about 1844 is still in general use. (a) The Morse code of signals is as follows : LETTERS, ETC. FIGURES. a Tc u \ . b 1 i' '2 c - - - m w '4 d n X 4 e - o - - y. - .. 5 f J ~ P ~ & ~ - * g q If 7 h r - 8 f - - s f 9 j / . To prevent confusion, a small space is left between successive letters, a longer one between words, and a still longer one between sentences, thus : H e w 1 1 1 m a t ten (>) The line-wire is most commonly made of iron, coated with zinc or copper. It connects the apparatus at the several stations and is carefully insulated. When the stations are far distant from each other, the ends of the line-wire are connected to large metallic plates buried in the earth (see Fig. 457), or otherwise " grounded." Whether SOME APPLICATIONS OF ELECTRICITY. 565 FIG. 452. the earth is considered as a conductor, so that the part between the grounded plates constitutes the return part of the circuit, or as a great "reservoir of electricity" from which current is drawn at one end of the line and into which current is discharged at the other, its use greatly reduces the cost and the resistance of the circuit. (c) The battery generally consists of many gravity cells joined in series. A dynamo is often used instead. ( 2 . Volume of a sphere = |7r/t 3 = \irLP. Meters x 3.2809 = feet. Feet x 0.3048 ^ meters. Inches x 2.54 = centimeters. Cubic inches x 16.386 = cubic centimeters. Cubic centimeters x 0.06103 = cubic inches. Kilogrammeters x 7.2331 = foot-pounds. 2. Table of Materials in Electromotive Order. (Electrochemical Series.) DILUTE SULPHUEIC ACID. DILUTE HYDROCHLORIC ACID. SOLUTION OF SULPHIDE OF POTASSIUM. SOLUTION OF CAUSTIC POTASH. 1. Zinc. 1. Zinc. 1. Zinc. 1. Zinc. 2. Cadmium. 2. Cadmium. 2. Copper. 2. Tin. i 3. Tin. 3. Tin. 3. Cadmium. 3. Cadmium, i 4. Lead. 4. Lead. 4. Tin. 4. Antimony. .H 5. Iron. 5. Iron. 5. Silver. 5. Lead. J 6. Nickel. 6. Copper. 6. Antimony. 6. Bismuth. ^ 5 7. Bismuth. 7. Bismuth. 7. Lead. 7. Iron. = 5 8. Antimony. 8. Nickel. 8. Bismuth. 8. Copper. 5 9. Copper. 9. Silver. 9. Nickel. 9. Nickel. ' 10. Silver. 10. Antimony. 10. Iron. 10. Silver. I 11. Gold. 11. ... 11. . . 11. ... 12. Platinum. 12. ... 12. . . 12. ... 13. Carbon. 13. ... 13. . . . 13. . . . 591 592 SCHOOL PHYSICS. For any given solution, the farther apart any two materials are in the electromotive table, the stronger will be the electrical effect of a cell with plates made of such materials. 3. Table of Resistivities. Represent the length of a conducting wire measured in feet by /, its diameter measured in thousandths of an inch (mils) by d, and its resistance measured in ohins by r. In the formula K represents a constant that depends upon the material of the wire and, for the substances considered, is as given in the following table of resistivities: Silver 9.84 Copper 10.45 Zinc . . 36.69 Mercury 58.24 Platinum 59.02 Iron . . 63.35 German-silver .... 128.29 These values of K are computed for the temperature of 20. Thus the resistance of 1,000 feet of No. 0000 copper wire at 20, is 10.45 x 1,000 -4- 460 2 = 0.049 + ohms. 4. Dimensions and Functions of Copper Wires. In the table given on the next two pages, the second column gives the diameters in mils, i.e., thousandths of an inch ; the third column in millimeters. The fourth column gives the equivalent number of wires each one mil in diameter. By multiplying the numbers in the sixth column by 5.28, the resistances per mile may be found. The resistance for any other metal than copper may be found by multiplying the resistance given in the table by the ratio between the resistivity of copper and that of the given metal. The resistances given in the table are for pure copper wire. Ordinary commercial copper wire has a lower conduc- tivity than that of pure copper. Consequently, the resistances of such wires will be greater than those given in the table. APPENDIX. 593 Ml AXIOVdVQ i i ?b CM co 10 cc i i ci i^ CC b H 00 OO CC CJ ^ ^-, rt I O 1 I T3 s .2 * S ' I p CC ccooocoooocc> Si o ut c c cc o c^ tc c: -f Ct-CtClt^CC^Oi^^^Ci 8O P <5 O O O O Q O O O Q O .CDlOlC-^tTtl 38 594 SCHOOL PHYSICS. "*OOO-iOi Ib- GOl^COiO^OtKMfMCM I T-Hi IrH I I a M GO < <*OOOfcCO^*OOO T-I .COThCOCO.CM TH TH a H 1^05 20 H fMOi iT^i ( TH rH (M Ol CO o o o o o -T- IOO1 !^OOCMOOiO(MO (MOQOOiOiOCOCMGMt I rH T- I rHiOiOi It lCDOt>-(MOOCOl>-CO I O THiOOO- O COOST^CO kOrH CO CO CM (M (M CM O5OTH(MCO'^iOOl>.OOO5OrHCMCO-<^>OCOl.^GOO5O r-