LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class OEPT. rV4?>8 WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES. BOARD OF TRADE (LABOUR DEPARTMENT). REPORT '8 CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES UNITED KINGDOM WITH STATISTICAL TABLES. io both gjouscs of -parliament bii ffiomtmmfo ot JJJis Jftajestg. LONDON : PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONEBY OFFICE, BY DAELING & SON, LTD., 34-40, BACON STREET, E. And to be purchased* either directly or through any Bookseller, from : & SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, E.(! and 32, ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W.; or OLIVEE & BO YD, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, 116, GRAJ-TON STREET, DUBLIN. 1901. Pod. 698.1 Price Is. 2k/. SALE OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. The under-mentioned Firms have been appointed sole Agents for the sale of Govern Publications, including Parliamentary Reports and Papers, Acts of Parliament, Record Office Publications, &c.. &c., and all such works can be purchased from them either directly or through retail booksellers, who are entitled to a discount of 25 per cent, from the selling prices : IN ENGLAND : For all publications excepting Ordnance and Geological Maps, the Hydrogr;i- Works of the Admiralty, and Patent Office Publications: Messrs. EYHE AND SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, E.G. For Hydrographical Works of the Admiralty : Mr. J. D. POTTER, 145, Minories,E.O. Patent Office Publications are sold at the Patent Office. For all Publications excepting the Hydrographical Works of the Admiralty, Patent Office Publications, and Ordnance and Geological Maps : IN SCOTLAND : Messrs. OLIVER AND BOYD, Edinburgh. IN IRELAND : Mr. E. PONSONBY, 116, Graf ton Street, Dublin. ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND : There are Agents for the sale of these Maps in most of the chief towns. Copies can also be ordered at many Head Post Offices, and through any Bookseller, or from the Director-General Ordnance Survey, Southampton ; or, in the case of Ireland, from the Officer in Charge Ordnance Survey, Dublin. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUBLICATIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND : The Agents for the sale of Ordnance Survey Maps are also, as a rule, agents for the sale of Geological Survey Publications. The following is a list of some of the more important Parliamentary and Official Publications recently issued Parliamentary : Statutes Public General, Session 1900, Sess. 2, and 1901. With Index, Tables, &c. Cloth. Price 3s. Second Revised Edition. A.D. 1235-1713 to A.D. 1872-1883. XVI. Vols. P- Revised Editions. Tables showing subsequent Repeals, effected by Acts of Session 63 & 64 Viet. 1900. Pri< Statutes in Force. Index to. 17th Edition. To end of 1 Edward VII. (1901). 2 Vols. Price Ws. 6d. The Statutory Rules and Orders revised. Statutory Rules and Orders, other than those of a Local, Personal, or Temporary Character, issued prior to 1890, and now in force. Vols. I. to VIII. Price 10-s. Statutory Rules and Orders other than those of a Local, Personal, or Temporary Character. With a List of the more important Statutory Orders of a Local (Jh:< arranged in classes : and an Index. Roy. Svo. Boards. Issued in the j 1891, 1892, 1893. 181)4. 1895. 1890, 1897. 1898, 1899, and 1900. Pric- Statutory Rules and Orders in force on 31st December 1899. Index to. Pric Statutory Rules and Orders, 1901. Registered under the Rules Publication Act, 1893. In course of issue. Acts of Parliament, Local, and Private, Session 1901. In course of issue. [Cd. 416.] EDUCATIONAL SUBJECTS. Special Reports. Vol. IV. Canada, Newfoundland. &c. Price 4s. Qd. [Cd. 417.] Do. Vol. V. Cape Colony, Australia, &c. Price 4s. [Cd. 418.1 ' Do. Vol. VI. Preparatory Schools for Boys. Price 2.?. 3*rf. [Cd. 419.] TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL EDUCATION in East Prussia, Poland, Galicia, Silesia, and Bohemia, by James Baker, F.R.G.S. Price Qd. [Cd. 638.] LOCAL TAXATION. ROYAL COMMISSION. Final Report as to England and Wales. Price Is. Qd. [Cd. 668.] FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. Report of Chief Inspector. Year 1900. Price 6s. kl. [Cd. 692.] ARSENICAL POISONING (FOOD, BEER, AND OTHER DRINKS). First Report of Royal Commissioners. Part I. Price 2d. [Cd. 726.] FISHERY BOARD FOR SCOTLAND. Report on Scientific Investigations. Year 1900. Price 4s. 9+. "\ Pri<>, 9*. '.: WOKKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES. ^. BOARD OF TRADE (LABOUR DEPARTMENT). REPORT ON WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, WITH STATISTICAL TABLES. to totf) Bouses of parliament tg dTomntantr ot LONDON : FEINTED FOE HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONEEY OFFICE, BY DAELING & SON, LTD., .34-40, BACON STREET, E. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYEE & SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, 1 and 32, ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W.; or OLIVEE & BO YD, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. LCd. cc Is. 1901. each year, 1888 to 1899 40 {Membership, Capital, Sales, &c. for each year, 1896 to 1899, grouped by Industries ... ... ... 42 {Amount of Profit allotted to Mem- bers, Customers, and Workers for each year, 1896 to 1899 ... 48 oo n oim MTTTTVO. J Membership, Capital,' Sales, &c. for \ each year, 1883 to 1900 51 f Division of the total Membership at the end of 1899 between Em- 21 PT AssTFir ATTON OF MPM Payees, other Individual Members * 1EM ^ and Societies respectively, to- gether with the percentage of Individual Members who were Employees 52 [ Number and percentage of the 24. MEMBERSHIP OP EMPLOYEES 4 Employees who were also Mem- ( bers at the end of 1899 68 f Division of the Share and Loan j Capital held by Members between 25 DIVISION OP SHARE AND ! Individuals and Societies, to- LOAN CAPITAL ] gether with the amount and per- I centage held at the end of 1899 [_ by Employees 54 f Proportion of the Committeemen 2fi COMPOSITION OF MAXAnr I and Directors who at the end of COMMITTEES 1899 were employees, other indi- ES vidual members, and representa- tives of Societies respectively ... 55 OTHER SUMMARY TABLES. I Value of Goods purchased by Dis- 27 PrrRfTTARFfi tributive Societies and by the ......... } English Wholesale during the ( years 1895-99 ......... 56 28 PROFIT STTARTNO WITH FM \ Amount and Percentage on Wages PLOYFF? 1 of Profit allotted to Employees in ......... I 1899 ............ 57 29. CO-OPERATIVE INSURANCE ( Membership, Capital, Income, &c. SOCIETY ......... | for each year, 1869 to 1900 ... 68 qo T rnTTTFR THA ,j ( Amount of In vestments by certain 30. INVESTMENTS 5 OTHER THAN clagges of Societieg in ^^ of the - ( years 1895-99 ......... 60 qi INVESTMENTS TV HnimF i Nnmber of Societies owning House PROPERTY 1 Property let to Members, or sold, '" ( for each year, 1896 to 1899 ... 61 {Amount of Subscriptions by certain classes of Societies to various pur- poses for each year, 1895-99 ... 62 {Number, Membership, &c., of Co- operative Credit Banks in 1898 . and 1899 ............ 65 35. BDILDIKQ SOCIETIES X CONTENTS. No. of Table. Page. f Number and Amount of Liabilities of Incorporated Societies for each year, 1886 to 1899 64 Number and Percentage of Societies in 1897. classified by average Liability on Shares per Member, arranged in Groups of Counties 6( Number of Societies in 1897, Mem- bership, and Liabilities on Shares, classified by average Liability on 36. J L. Shares per Member 67 S7 LOAN SOCIETIES ^ Number, Membership, &c. for each 61 ' ***** 1 year, 1883 to 1899 68 DETAILED TABLES. {Membership and Sales, for certain years, of all Societies existing at the end of 1899 70 ( Capital and Sales, for certain years, 39. PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES ...< of all Societies existing at the ( endof!899 160 {Particulars for 98 Associations for Production in Great Britain in 1898 184 for 240 Associations for Production at the end of IKQQ IfNumber of Incorporated Societies in each County in 1897, grouped according to Average Liability on Shares per Member ... ... 104 |> BUILDING SOCIETIES ... Number) Membership and Liability on Shares of Incorporated j Societies in each County in 43.J I 1897 210 APPENDICES. I. CO-OPEBATIVE CONGRESSES 217 II. HOURS OF LABOUR OF EMPLOYEES OF RETAIL DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES IN 1896 218 III. RULES FOR A CO-OPEBATIVE PUODUCTIVE SOCIETY 219 IV. PRINCIPAL BOARD OF TRADB PUBLICATIONS ON LABOUR QUESTIONS 260 REPORT ON WORKMEN'S CO-OPERA- TIVE SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. To THE COMMISSIONER FOB LABOUR. SIR, THE Statistical Tables appended to this Report deal with the undertakings carried on upon Co-operative lines, which are owned and managed mainly or entirely by working-men. Without attempting to lay down any strict definition of Co-operation, it will be sufficient to note that the main character- istics of the Workmen's organisations, which form the subject of this Report, are, speaking generally, of the following nature, though it should be understood that all the characteristics, which will be enumerated, will not be found present in each and every one of these organisations, some associations possessing certain only of the distinctive features of Industrial Co-operation : DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OP A WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. 1. Membership is open to all comers, the committee of the Society, however, usually having the right to veto the admission of any persons whose membership is regarded as likely to be detrimental to the interests of the Society. Subject only to this qualification, the share-list of a workmen's Co-operative Society is never closed. 2. The shares in a workmen's Co-operative Society (which are invariably issued at par value) are in all cases of small amount (usually l), and may generally be paid-up by small weekly or quarterly instalments, or even by the automatic accumulation of the sums accruing to the holder as his share in the profits of the Society, without the necessity for any cash payment beyond a trifling amount paid on allotment. 3. The bulk of the share capital is withdrawable at short notice. A certain number of the Societies, however, compel each member to hold at least one transferable share (which can be realised only by sale). 4. In these Societies, almost without exception, each individual possesses one vote, irrespective of the number of shares held by him. In cases, in which share capital is owned by other Societies, these Societies are usually allowed extra votes in proportion to the amount of share capital held by them. Xll REPORT. 3. Proxy voting is almost unknown in these Societies. 6. The return on share capital is in most cases limited to a fixed rate of interest (usually 5 per cent, per annum). The surplus profits remaining after the payment of the fixed rate of interest on share capital are distributed in certain agreed pro- portions, in some cases between the customers of the Society, in others between the customers and the employees, in others again between the customers, the employees, and the shareholders, but in no case do the shareholders receive, in right of their capital, the whole of the profits. 7. Publicity of accounts is a universal feature. As a rule, the statements of accounts issued by the Societies are detailed and complete. 8. The Societies are, with few exceptions, formed under laws specially passed to meet the requirements of the industrial classes and not under the Companies Acts, as ordinary joint- stock undertakings. VARIOUS CLASSES OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES. There is a considerable variety in the objects, constitution and methods of working of the different Societies. The Societies in Ireland present so many features of a distinct nature from those found in Societies in Great Britain that it has seemed convenient to deal separately with the Irish Societies. This Report is accordingly divided into the following Sections : 1. Distribution in Great Britain by : Retail Distributive Societies. Wholesale Societies. 2. Production in Great Britain by : Retail Distributive Societies. Wholesale Societies. Associations for Production. Corn Mill Societies. 3. Co-operation in Ireland. 4. The Provision of Dwellings by Co-operative Societies. 5. Associations for Credit : Building Societies. Co-operative Credit Societies and Banks. Labour Loan Societies. 6. Co-operative Insurance. 7. Propagandist Organisations. In regard to these different classes of Co-operative Associa- tions a brief explanation is given in this Report, which will CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION IN GREAT BRITAIN. Xlll enable the reader to perceive the functions performed by each ; and a series of Statistical Tables follows, which will serve to show the extent of their operations and to elucidate various important points in relation to their organisation. In an Appendix the constitution of a typical Society is illustrated by setting forth the Model Rules for an Industrial and Provident Productive Society, published by the Co-operative Union. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION IN GREAT BRITAIN. Workmen's Retail Distributive Societies. These associations vary in size from the Leeds Industrial, General with its membership of 48,000, its capital of 733,664, and its D annual sales of 1,473,702, down to the Society at Forth in Scotland, which has 10 members, but possesses no capital, whether share or loan, the 10 members sending a periodical order for goods to the Scottish Wholesale Society, to be delivered at the house of one of their number, where a meeting is held, and the goods distributed among the members.* CONSTITUTION AND METHOD or WORKING. With the exception of the older Societies, established before Rules - the foundation of the Co-operative Union (see p. xliv), most of the Societies of the class now under consideration work under model rules prepared by the late Mr. Edward Yan- sittart Neale, General Secretary of the Union, these being adapted to local requirements by special rules prefixed to the model rules (see p. 219). Membership in these associations is invariably open (subject Memberslll P- to election by the Committee of Management) to all persons of either sex over 16 years of age. Each member of a Society of this class is entitled at the Votin g quarterly or other meetings of its shareholders to one vote only, p( this voting power being entirely irrespective of the number of shares which he may happen to hold. Voting by proxy is practically unknown among these, as among all other types of workmen's co-operative associations in this country. The executive body, managing the affairs of these Societies, Committee of under the general supervision of the shareholders' meetings, is a Mana s ement - * For details in respect to the membership and sales of the different retail distributive Societies see Table 38, p. 70. X1T REPORT. Committee, usually consisting of from ten to fifteen members, elected by the shareholders in general meeting (male and female members of the Society being equally eligible). The usual practice is for a portion only of the Committee to retire at one time, this arrangement being made with a view to preserving continuity of policy in administration. Retiring committeemen and officers (secretary, treasurer, auditors, &c.) are usually eligible for re-election. In a certain number of Societies, how- ever, the rules provide that a member, who has served on the Committee for a given period, usually three years, shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of one year. It is urged, in defence of this practice, that it prevents the committeeman from acquiring the habit of looking at the interests of the members from a merely official point of view, and that it enables a larger number of members to obtain a close acquaintance with the man- agement and business of the Society. Against this view it is contended that it is unwise to render it impossible by rule for the members to re-elect a committeeman who has acquired experience, and has possibly shown considerable administrative ability and earnestness in the work of the Society. In most Societies the services of the Committee are unpaid ; but in some of the larger Societies a small fee (sixpence to one shilling per meeting) is given as an allowance for out-of-pocket expenses. The office of secretary except in the case of the large Societies is seldom one carrying with it a salary sufficient to enable the holder of it to devote his whole time to the work of his office. A very large part of the secretarial work of co- operative Societies is done by secretaries engaged in other occupations during the day, who regard the work which they do for their Society as occupation for their leisure hours in the evening, and are very frequently willing to perform this work without remuneration. A secretary is subject to periodical retirement and re-election or otherwise by a general meeting. The office of treasurer is usually subject to the same conditions as that of a secretary ; but of late years there has been a tendency to abolish the office of treasurer, and to substitute the Society's Bank as treasurer. CAPITAL. Amount. The total capital of these Societies at the end of 1899 amounted to 22,282,473, of which 18,925,270 was share capital, 2,516,691 loans and deposits, and 840,512 reserve and insurance funds. Shares. Shares in these Societies are ot the nominal value of l, and may be paid in full on allotment or by instalments, usually of 3d. per week per share. Frequently in large Societies a first subscription of one shilling is the only payment in cash required, the balance due in respect of the member's liability in respect of his share being provided by crediting his share account with the CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION IN GREAT BRITAIN. XV sums to which he becomes from time to time entitled as his share in the profits. The Industrial and Provident Societies Acts prohibit any member from holding shares to a nominal value exceeding 200 ; but loan capital may be invested up to any limit fixed by the rules of the Societies. In many of the older Societies the capital has increased beyond the Society's requirements, and in these cases the amount of share capital that may be held by the member has been limited by the rules to 100 or less, in some cases to 10. The first share taken up by a member is usually a transferable share (with which he can part only by finding another person to take his place in the share register), the Society usually affording facilities for the ready transfer of the share to a new member. Subsequent shares may be withdrawable (the holder having the right to the repayment of the amount paid-up on his share at short notice). In many Societies withdrawable share capital is regarded by the members as in the nature of a savings bank account, drawn upon from time to time when cash is needed. The return on share capital in the retail distributive Societies Interest on is always confined to a fixed rate of interest, generally 5 per cent. are aplta ' per annum. In recent years owing to the increase of capital beyond immediate requirements the interest on share capital has in many Societies been reduced to 4 per cent, and in some even lower, and frequently varies as between the different share- holders, those making purchases from the Society to a large amount being allowed a higher rate of interest upon their capital than those whose dealings with the Society have been on a smaller scale. Not only, indeed, does the interest on share capital vary in many instances with the amount of purchases according to a sliding-scale, but the view that the Society exists in the interest of the consumer as such, and not of the investing capitalist, is held so strongly in a number of Societies, that in these associations members, who do not purchase goods up to a certain value, are required to forego all interest whatever on their shares, or are even compelled to withdraw from membership. In many cases members, who have already paid up their shares in Accumula- full, voluntarily allow the interest on their shares and the dividend p 0n . ^ , on their purchases to be regularly added to their share account ; and Members. in this manner by the accumulation of dividends and compound interest they have acquired the full limit of share capital permitted by the Acts, or by the rules of the Society, and when this limit has been reached, the money, as it becomes due, is credited as loan capital advanced by them to the Society. It is this process of transfer of interest and dividends to share and loan capital that has led to the large accumulation of capital in the retail distributive Societies, and has given them the character of an automatic savings bank, in which a member's capital is constantly increasing without any actual investment being made by him directly out of his ordinary XVI REPORT. income. The account books of almost every old-established Society would show numerous instances of members who, having invested in cash only one or two shillings, and having in the course of a number of years withdrawn many pounds sterling, still have a substantial balance standing to their credit. Another reason, which accounts for the steady growth of capital in these Societies, must be looked for in the provisions of the Acts which permit Societies to receive deposits of not more than 105. in one sum or more than 20 in all from any one person, withdrawable at not less than two days' notice. Investments. As already stated, the Societies, as a whole, possess consider- ably more capital than is required for their present business ; and frequent conferences are held in various parts of the country to discuss the best method of utilising the surplus. At the end of 1899 a total of 9,850,140 was invested by retail distributive Societies otherwise than in their own business. Of this amount, 3,816,087 was re-invested in other Co-operative Societies, including the Wholesale Societies, the Corn Mills and other productive Societies, while 4,465,041 was invested in House Property, partly let to members and partly held on mortgage as security for advances made to members, the balance being invested in various cotton-spinning, railway and canal undertakings and other concerns. SALES AND SOURCES OF SUPPLY. The total sales in 1899 of the 1,429 retail distributive Societies in Great Britain amounted to 44,985,490, upon which after allowing for all expenses, but not interest on shares there remained a profit of 7,021,534. If to this profit we add the trade expenses, amounting to 3,276,714, we get the gross profits, and deducting these gross profits from the sales as given above, we get 34,687,242 as the wholesale value of the goods sold in the year. The Annual Report of the Co-operative Union for 1900 shews that the purchases of 887 Societies from co- operative sources (the Wholesale Societies, the Corn Mills, and other Co-operative manufacturing Societies) in 1899 amounted to 16,022,315 ; assuming that the remaining Societies which made no return purchased from co-operative sources in the same proportion, we get a total of about 19,500,000 ; and if to this we add the further sum of 3,906,385, the value of the goods produced by the retail Societies themselves,* we obtain a total of 23,500,000 as the value of goods produced or purchased from co-operative sources. Thus, to the extent of some 68 per cent, of their business, these Societies, carrying out the intention with which they were formed, are engaged in distributing articles obtained from co-operative sources, and to this extent they * As to production by retail distributive Societies see p. xxv. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION IX GREAT BRITAIN, xvii are able to exercise some degree of control over the industrial Conditions under which these goods have been pro- duced. Of the retail distributive Societies, 1,369, comprising 88 per cent, of the total membership of Societies of this class, were at the end of 1899 members of the wholesale Federations, and obtain from these organisations the whole or part of the goods with which they supply the requirements of their customers. There are still, however, some Societies which prefer to obtain the whole of their supplies in the open market a circumstance for which various causes are assigned, and which forms a constant subject for discussion at gatherings of working-men co-operators* DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS. On balancing the accounts of a Society it is usual for the Dividends. Committee, having ascertained the amount of disposable profit after paying all expenses and providing for the fixed rate of interest on shares to bring to the members at a general meeting a recommendation that the balance after providing for reserve fund, charitable grants, or an educational fund be divided among the customers (whether members of the Society or not) as a dividend of so much in the l upon the purchases made by them from the Society during the period to which the profit relates, non-members receiving one-half the rate given to members. Goods are sold to the general public at the same prices as to members, every customer being given at the time of purchase a metal or other token representing the value of his purchase. These tokens are returned at the end of a quarter or half-year, when they are accepted as evidence of the amount of the purchases from the Society made by the person presenting them, and form the basis of calculation in ascertaining the sum due to him as his share in the profits of the Society. The average rate of dividend to members has for several years past been about 2.v. 8()() Societies at the end of 1898 had established "Penny Hanks" for the encourage- ment of saving, especially among the children of members, the total amount standing to the credit of depositors at the end of 1898 being upwards of ">0(),00(). Interest at the rate of 4J per cent, per annum is usually credited upon the quarterly balances of depositors. CREDIT BY SOCIETIES. Ready-money trading has always been held up as an important principle among co-operators, and the rules of many Co-opera- tive Societies expressly prohibit credit being given to members. Returns published in recent years prove, however, that there has been considerable departure from this principle, the Report of the Co-operative Union for 1899 stating that no less than CO-OPERATIVE DISTUIttUTrOX IX GREAT BRITAIN. KlK 928 retail distributive Societies in Great Britain gave credit for some period, or to some limit of amount (in some cases to the extent of a certain proportion of the share capital held by the customer). Efforts are being made by some of the leading co-operators to induce the Societies to abandon altogether the practice of allowing credit. But there appears to be some diffi- culty in doing this ; and the total amount owing by customers to retail distributive Societies is stated by the Co-operative Union to have risen from 398,340* for 776 Societies at the end of 1895 to 576,91 3f for 928 Societies at the end of 1899. It should be stated, however, that the rules of Co-operative Societies usually give the Society a lien upon a member's share capital for debts due by such member to the Society, and that to this extent the Societies are secured against loss by bad debts. REMUNERATION AND HOURS OF LABOUR OF EMPLOYEES. While the administrative work of the Societies is retained in the hands of elected representatives, the technical and business part of the work is done by permanent employees, engaged usually on salary or wages, in the same manner as persons rendering similar services are remunerated by private employers. The engagement and discharge of the manager, shop assistants and other employees is almost always left in the hands of the Committee, the selection of an employee being frequently made upon the recommendation of the manager, or of a sub-committee appointed to make the necessary inquiries. It is, however, not uncommon in small Societies, when first established, for even the work of distributing the goods among the Society's customers to be done in the evening by members of the Committee in rotation and without remuneration. No statistics exist in relation to the rates of wages paid to Wages, their employees by distributive Co-operative Societies. Returns published by the Co-operative Union show, however, that the total salaries and wages paid in 1899 by retail distributive Societies averaged 4'3 per cent, upon the total sales. Profit-sharing with employees is not generally adopted by Employees' the retail distributive Societies, returns published by the Co- p r ^^ operative Union for 1899 showing that 234 Societies only in Great Britain, employing a total of 13,149 persons in their distributive and productive departments (out of a total of 1,4*29 Societies, with 5*2,338 employees), had allotted to em* ployees profits amounting to a total of 28,855. Of these, 187 Societies in England and Wales, with 9,921 employees, allotted 17,254 to them (an average of 4*8 per cent, upon the total wages, 361,350, paid to them), and 47 Societies in Scotland, * Sff page 221 of Report of Co-operative Congress, 189G. t v 247 ,1900. 3207 XX REPORT. employing 3,228 persons, allotted l 1,001 (this being equal to 11*0 per cent, upon the 105,730 paid in wages to these employees). (Xr Table 28, p. 57.) Hours of With respect to the hours of labour prevalent among the employees of these Societies, the latest analysis of the working hours of employees engaged in the distributive departments of associations of this class is contained in the " Labour Gazette " for October 1897 (p. 292), these details being based on returns made by the Societies for 1896. In the inquiry then carried out it was ascertained that the average working hours of 27,712 distributive employees of 1,123 Societies were 33*6 hours per week, compared with 54'3 in the year 1895. (*SVr Appendix II., p. 218.) SOCIETIES FORMED AND DISSOLVED. During the 20 years 18SO 91), 850 new retail distributive Societies were formed, and 500 were dissolved, or amalgamated with others, or had ceased to exist (m-c 'Fable 3, p. 0). The Wholesale Societies.* FORMATION AXD OBJECTS. The English and Scottish Wholesale Societies are federa- tions (mainly of retail distributive Societies) formed for the purpose of enabling co-operators to make their purchases in an advantageous manner, avoiding competition among themselves in the open markets, and to overcome the difficulties caused, especially in the early days of the Co-operative movement, by the opposition of private traders, who brought pressure to bear upon the wholesale merchants to prevent the supply of goods to co- operative Societies. It was also seen that federations with a large trade, besides, in many cases, purchasing directly from the producer, might eventually set up workshops to produce for themselves the goods required by their members. Previous attempts to form Wholesale Societies had been made in Liver- pool in 1832 by the Owenite Co-operative Societies, and in 1850 by the Christian Socialists in London, but both had failed after a short period, mainly owing to the state of the law, which gave the Societies little or no control over the working of the experiments. A further attempt in the same direction was made in 1855 by the Rochdale Pioneers Society, which established a wholesale department for the supply at wholesale prices of the neighbouring Societies, and this also, from various causes, failed after a brief existence. FOJ- Irish Wholesale Societies sec section dealing with Ireland, p. xxxi. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION IN GREAT BRITAIN. XXI The Societies then Commenced an active agitation for such an alteration in the law as would enable them to establish, and effectively control, federations for their common benefit. The Industrial and Provident Societies Act of 1862 gave this power, and resulted in the establishment of the present English Whole- sale Society in 1863, and of the Scottish Wholesale Society in 1868. In the English Society membership is confined to Societies Conditions of registered (with limited liability) under the Industrial and Pro- Membership, vident Societies Acts or the Companies Acts. They are required to hold three 5 shares for each 20 (or fraction of 20) members, and are entitled to one vote for each 500 (or fraction of 500) members for whom they have taken up shares. The Scottish Wholesale Society admits as members only Societies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts (excluding Societies dealing in intoxicating liquors), who are required to hold one l share for each of their own members, and have one vote by right of membership, an additional vote for the first 1,000 of purchases made in the preced- ing year, and a further vote for every complete 2,000 of purchases beyond that amount. In addition to admitting Societies to membership, this Society has, since 1892, permitted its employees to become holders of from five to fifty shares of 1 - each, and they are entitled to send one representative to the general meetings, with an additional representative for every 150 employees who become shareholders. No employee, however, ran hold any office in the Committee or be an auditor of the Society. At the end of 1900, 320 of the employees (out of a total of 6,091) were shareholders, holding 6,481 shares, upon which 5,246 was paid-up, and, in addition, 14,820 of the loan capital of the Society belonged to its employees members and non-members together- the balance-sheets not showing separately the amount belonging to each class. In both Societies a first deposit of one shilling upon each share taken up is required, the balance being paid up by the accumu- lation of interest on capital and dividend upon purchases. Both Societies are managed by Committees elected by the Management, members, a small proportion retiring each quarter, but being eligible for re-election. Both Societies hold quarterly meetings, to which members are entitled to send delegates corresponding in number to the votes to which they are entitled. By right of the shares which they hold, the employees of the Scottish Society have a claim to be represented at general meetings of the Society by delegates, each having one vote, the number to which they are at present entitled being three. In England the quarterly meeting is divided into a series of meetings, held in various parts of the country, Societies having XX11 REPORT. the right of sending their delegates to any one of such meetings as may be convenient to them, the same agenda of business being con- sidered at each, and the votes given at each meeting being added together and the result declared according to the total numbers. At alternate quarterly meetings of both Societies a detailed statement of accounts and balance-sheet for six months is sub- mitted to the delegates for approval. The two Societies render considerable assistance to each other, and in certain departments have joint buyers and depots, of which they share the expenses and management. At the present time arrangements are in progress for creating a legal partner- ship between the two Societies for the purpose of carrying on certain businesses in common. CAPITAL AXD SALES. The English Society commenced business in 18(54 with 50 members (Societies comprising a total membership of 17,54.0) and a paid-up capital of 999, and the Scottish Society commenced business at the end of 1868 with a capital of 1,795. Their progress may be seen from the following Tables.* \o of Capital S;ik:s. 1870 18SO 1890 1900 English Wholesale Society, 209 <;<>! '.Ml 1.07S n,i<;4 .-,(;:,. s:> I l,474,4ftti 3.187.945 g 677734 7.129,1173 187(1 1880 1 S90 1900 .Scottish Wholesale Societ H;I 2;n 288f A 12,543 11(1.179 575.322 ,>7(i,765 105.25(1 SI 5,222 2J75.<)Ol :..!(;:',.(;:! i Most of the business of the Wholesale Societies is conducted in premises owned by them, the English Wholesale Society having, up to the end of 1900, expended a total of 1,980,803 * See also pp. 18-23 and 32-37. | In addition. 320 employees of the Society were members at the end of 1900. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION IN GREAT BRITAIN, xxiii in land, and buildings and fixtures, and the Scottish Society 847,129. The English Society owns in its Shipping Department seven steamships, acquired at a total cost* of 82,778, the whole of which has been written oft' by depreciation.* Both Societies have established workshops for the manufacture of various articles required by the members. An account of these will be found at p. xxvii. in the section dealing with Co-operative Production. The Societies carry on jointly numerous purchasing depots in foreign countries, the value of the foreign produce imported direct by the English Society f in 1900, as shown by its balance-sheet, amounting to 4,818,310. In the same year it purchased goods from Co-operative Productive Societies in the United Kingdom to the value of 178,6074 The Society owns an estate of 741 acres in Shropshire, part of which it cultivates, growing fruit and other produce for its jam factory and distributive departments, and part is let to tenant farmers. At a recent meeting of the Society it was decided to convert a mansion and grounds which form part of the estate into a convalescent home for members of Co-operative Societies holding shares in the Society. The Scottish Society also rents a farm of 280 acres, which it uses for raising live stock for its own use and for sale to its members. PROFITS AND PROFIT-SHARING WITH EMPLOYEES. In each of the Wholesale Societies the return on share capital Division of is limited by rule to o per cent, per annum. The surplus remaining after paying this interest and after meeting all charges, and such grants for special purposes as may be sanctioned by the general meetings, is (subject in the case of the Scottish Society to the payment of a share in profits allotted to the employees) distributed among the customers as a dividend upon their purchases upon the same plan as that adopted by the Retail Societies, which form the membership of the Wholesale Societies. Non-rnembers of the Wholesale, as of the Retail Societies, receive dividend at one-half the rate paid to members. Upon the question of profit-sharing with the employees the Profit- two Societies have riot adopted the same policy. The English Society does not now share profits with employees, but the Scottish Society, as already indicated, does. As to the Shipping Department of the English Co-operative Wholesale Society sc< Table 8, p. 21. j- The corresponding particulars relating to the Scottish Society are not published. XXIV REPORT. On the English Society deciding in 1873 to establish its own workshops for production, the members, upon the recommendation of the Committee, adopted a scheme under which a dividend was to be paid to the employees based partly upon the profits made by the Society and partly*upon an increase in sales. When the dividend upon purchases paid to members reached 2d. in the , the employees were to receive 2 per cent, dividend upon their wages, and an additional ^ per cent, for each increase o T>d. in the in the dividend upon purchases, until the dividend upon wages reached a maximum of 4 per cent. In addition, when the sales of the Society for the year ave'raged 2 per quarter per head of the total membership of the shareholding societies, a further dividend of 1 per cent, upon wages was to be paid, with an additional J per cent, for each increase of 2s. 6d. per head in the average sales up to a maximum of 3 per cent, upon wages. This arrangement applied to all employees of The Society, whether engaged in its productive or its distributive departments. In 1876 the Committee of the Society reported that tin- dividend system had not given satisfaction, and recommended its discontinuance, this course being adopted at a general meeting of delegates by 150 votes to 78. In 1882 the Committee introduced into certain departments a system in the nature of profit-sharing, under which a dividend was to be paid, based upon an increase in sales and decrease in expenses, subject to a certain minimum of profit being shown on the working of the department. Tin's was extended to a larger number of employees during 1SS.5 : but in 1SS6 the Committee again reported to the members upon the question, with the result that it was abandoned, and no further steps have been taken as regards profit-sharing with employees. Profit-sharing was originally adopted by the Scottish Society in 1870, the scheme providing that its employees (all of whom were employed in distribution) should receive a dividend on their wages at double the rate of dividend paid to members on purchases. In 1883 the Society commenced production, and in 1884 this arrangement as to bonus was replaced by one which set aside the double claim of the employees, and recognising a difference between workers in the distributive and productive departments, established a differential rate. Under this, the distributive employees received the same rate of bonus as was the rate of dividend on members' purchases, and the rate of bonus to productive workers was determined by the net aggregate profit made in the manufacturing departments only. This arrangement was again revised in 1892, when the Society decided to pay to all its employees, whether employed in its distributive or its productive departments, a bonus on wages at the same rate as the dividend on purchases paid to members, it being required that one-half of each worker's bonus shall be retained and CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION IN GREAT BRITAIN. XXV placed to his credit in a special fund called the Bonus Loan Fund. This Fund, which at the end of 1900 amounted to a total of 14,820, receives interest at the rate of 3 per cent, per annum, and, except with the consent of the Committee, deposits with the Fund are only withdrawable after the expiration of three months from the date of the employee leaving the service of the Society. BANKING DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH SOCIETY. The English Society has a Banking Department* with which, in 1900, 621 Co-operative Societies transacted their ordinary hanking business. The total receipts of this Bank for the year 1900 amounted to 62,860,006, and the profits, after meeting all charges (including interest upon the capital employed in this Department), amounted to l 1,445. These profits are distributed among the customers of the Bank in proportion to the business done with it, non-members receiving a dividend at one-half the rate of that paid to members. In 1900 the rate of dividend to members was one per cent, upon the average debit and credit balances. CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION IN GREAT BRITAIN.} Co-operative production is carried on in various forms, which Classification may be conveniently grouped into four classes. A r ranged adopted in according to volume of production, these are : Class I. The Productive Departments of Workmen's Ketail Distributive Societies. Class II. The Productive Departments of the English and Scottish Wholesale Societies. Class III. The Associations for Production established mainly in the interests of the Employees. Class IV. The Corn Mill Societies. Class I. The Productive Departments of Workmen's Retail Distributive Societies. This section of production has hitherto attracted little attention from writers on Co-operation, doubtless o\ying to the absence of statistics, and to the informal manner in wJiich, in many cases, it ;: Sec Table?, p. 20. f For Production in Ireland, see under Co-operation in Ireland, p. xxxi. XXVI UEPO&t. Extent of Production. has been commenced and carried on. Thus, when a distributive Society has found that members buying boots from it required repairs, or in some cases boots specially made to measure, a boot- maker has been employed, the materials supplied and the wages paid to him charged to the general expenses of the Society, while the receipts for the sale of the goods produced by him have been put into the till of the distributive department, and no separate accounts of the transaction kept. Other classes of production have subsequently been undertaken in a similar manner, and there are at present several Societies producing goods to a considerable value which do not keep separate accounts of their production, and are compelled to estimate its value when filling up the Returns made to the Labour Department. In a certain number of cases Societies, now classed as distributive, commenced their operations, not by distribution but by production. This is the case in regard to the Society at Leeds, which commenced with a flour mill, and has added its many other departments (distributive and productive). Although co-operative production by retail distributive Societies has certainly been carried on to some extent for the past fifty years, no records exist as to the extent to which it was carried on until 1893, when for the first time Returns were systematically collected from the Societies by the Labour Department of the Hoard of Trade. The results of this inquiry were published in the "Labour Gazette " in 1894; and the inquiry has been repeated and the results published annually since that date. For the year 1899 Returns were received from 616 Societies, employing 13,810 persons in their productive departments. The estimated value* of the total output during that year amounted to 3,906,38,5, or 36 per cent, of the total production by co-operators in the United Kingdom, the goods so produced being transferred to the'distributive departments of the Societies. Employees' Rates of wages and hours of work of employees engaged in am? share o?' Production carried on by retail distributive Societies are usually profits' those prevailing in the district in their trade. The Returns for 1899 show that 65 of the 616 Societies gave a share of profits to their productive employees, amounting to a total of 3,717, or an average of 6'7 per cent, upon the wages paid by them ; but in no case is it clear that the amount so given was fixed in proportion to the financial results of the working of the productive department. Frequently the rate upon wages of the dividend paid is identical with the rate of dividend paid ^ to members on purchases from the distributive departments. The great majority of the Societies, however, accept the principle The value at which goods were charged to the distributive departments on transfer from the productive departments. In some cases this value was estimated, no exact accounts being kept by the Societies*. CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION IN GREAT BRITAIN. XXV11 that, where the consumer provides the capital, by means of which that which he requires can be. made for him, the profit is a fund distributable neither among capitalists nor workmen, but among the consumers: and in these Societies, accordingly, no form of profit-sharing with employees is practised. On pp. 28-31 will be found a Table showing for the four years industries 1896-99 the various industries carried on by the productive carried on - departments of retail distributive Societies, together with the number of persons employed, the amount paid in wages, and the value of the productions, grouped by industries. Class II. The Productive Departments of the Wholesale Societies. The English and Scottish Wholesale Societies carry on Extent of production mainly for the requirements of their distributive Production, departments. These in turn distribute the goods produced to the retail distributive Societies, which comprise the membership of the Wholesale Societies. (In recent years, however, both Societies have obtained contracts for the supply of certain of their productions to municipal and other public authorities.) The following Table shows the. value of the productions trans- ferred by the productive to the distributive departments of the Wholesale Societies during each of the years 1880, 1890, and HMO, the total for 1900 being equal to HJ'4 per cent, of the distributive sales of the two Societies : .nngnsj Year. No. of Pro- ductive Employees. i oocieiy. >>COt'US] i society. J.OtaiS, -DO No. of Pro- ductive Employees. till nuciutic^. Value of Pro- ductious. No. of Pro- ductive Employees. Value of Pro- ductions. Value of Pro- ductions. 1880 080 118,601 Not Commenced 680 118,604 1890 1,969 341.277 1,024 119.627 2,993 460,904 1900 7,462 2,718,434 4,069 1,446,596 12,131 4,165,030 Unlike the balance-sheets of many of the Retail Societies, the Wholesale Societies' accounts show in considerable detail the financial working of their several productive departments, in- cluding the (so-called) "profit" or "loss" resulting therefrom. Although there is no actual sale of the goods when transferred from the productive to the distributive departments, and there- fore no real profit, the goods so transferred are charged to the distributive departments at prices agreed upon between the managers of the respective departments, and the " profit " thus XXV111 REPORf. Character of Societies. Age. Value of Productions shown is regarded by the Societies as a reasonable test of the efficient management of their various productive departments. On pages 32 and 33 will be found Tables showing for each year since the commencement of production by the Wholesale Societies the number of persons employed, the amount of capital employed, the value of the goods produced and other particulars, including, in the case of the Scottish Society, the amount of profit allotted to the employees as dividend upon their wages : and on subsequent pages are Tables showing for four years similar particulars for groups of the industries carried on by the Societies. Class III. Workmen's Associations for Production Established mainly in the Interests of the Em- ployees. The Societies of this class vary considerably in character, and. with certain exceptions, may be regarded as the outcome of the movement in favour of associations for production in the interest of the producers initiated by the Society for Promoting Working Men's Associations in 1850-52, continued by the advocacy of the late Edward Vansittart Neale, Thomas Hughes, and their co-workers, and at present curried on by "The Labour Associa- tion for Promoting Co-operative Production based on the Co-partnership of the Workers,"' and by the Co-operative Union. Of the 132 associations for production at work in (ireat Britain at the end of 1899, 59 only (45 in England and 14 in Scotland) were in existence in 1889 : ,30 (16 in England and 14 in Scotland) in 1S79 : and 17 only (5 in England and 12 in Scotland) in 1869: and of these hist, 11 were Scottish Bread Baking Societies, all of which are organisations of consumers, some dating back to the early years of the century. These 1.32 associations, which at the end of 1899 employed 8,011 persons, produced goods during that year amounting in value to a total of 1,573,121, which were sold mainly to retail distributive Societies, many of which are shareholders in the associations.* MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL. On pp. 52-55 will be found Tables showing for 121 of these which Em- Associations the number of employees of Societies belonging to ployees share the class here referred to who were members of the Societies in capital and employing them, the amount of share and loan capital held by these employees at the end of 1899, and the number of employees who were members of the Management Committees of the Societies employing them. From these it appears that, of the total individual membership of these associations in Great Britain, control. For particulars as to the membership, capital, sales and profits of the associations for production for a series of years see Table 18, p. 38. CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION IX GREAT BRITAIN. XXIX 15 per cent, only consisted of employees, and that these employees held between them about 9 per cent, of the total share and loan capital of the associations. It should be remembered, however, that the influence of the employees in controlling the action of these associations cannot be measured by the proportion of capital held by them, as, owing to the general adoption of the principle of one man, one vote, an employee with a single l share has usually the same voting power as the largest shareholder. On the other hand, the employees take a much greater share in actual manage- ment than is represented by the above proportions. Thus out of the total number of committeemen engaged in managing the associations, nearly 30 per cent, are employees. If we classify the sales of the associations according to the Classification constitution of the Management Committees, we find that of the ot So etie j| total sales of the 1 32 associations, valued at 1,573,121, 696,436, ^titution or 44 per cent., was attributable to 20 associations, in which the of Manage- whole or the majority of the members of Management Committees conunittee? svere representatives of retail distributive Societies ; 332,403, or 21 per cent., to 66 associations, in which the whole or the majority were individual members other than employees; 391,834, or 25 per cent., to 29 associations, in which the whole or the majority were employees; and the remaining 152,448, or 10 per cent., to 17 associations, in which no one of the classes named had a majority, or as to the constitution of the Committee of which no information is forthcoming. Out of the 132 associations 54, with about 53 per cent, of the total sales, were known at the end of 1899 to have no employees on their Management Committees. From this analysis it appears that, so far as the particulars can be obtained, about a quarter of the total production by these associations is due to associations, the Management Committees of which are effectively controlled by the employees, and about two-thirds to associations, the management of which is practically in the hands of persons other than employees. It should, however, be remembered that, even in associations of the latter type, the interests of: the employees are to some extent represented by reason of the fact that many of the individual members of these associations, who are not in the employment of these Societies, are, as a fact, workmen employed in the same industries by other employers and who have become members of the co-operative association partly out of sympathy with the system and partly in the expectation that they will themselves become employees of the association as its trade extends and more employees are required. PROFIT-SHARING. Of the 132 associations making Returns for 1899, 100 have adopted rules providing for the sharing of profits with their employees, and 32 have no provision on this point. ing with employees. XXX REPORT. Of the associations which provide for profit-sharing, 26* sus- tained a loss during the year, 8 used the profit of the year in writing oft' previous losses or bad debts, and 18 made DO Return as to the amount of their profits allotted to employees. Of the remaining associations, 46 in England, employing 4,282 persons and paying in wages during the year 216,089, allotted a total of 12,779 as dividend on wages, f and 22 of these associations also allotted 1,089 to Provident Funds for the benefit of the employees, the total of 13,868 being equivalent to 6*4 percent. upon the wages paid. In Scotland three associations, employing 1,265 persons, and paying during 1S!)9 a total of 65,1.'J5 in wages, reported that they had allotted a, total of 4,854 us a dividend upon the vvagesf of their employees, and in addition 131 was allotted to a Provi- dent Fund for the benefit of the employees bv one association, paying 4,S2l in wages, the total of 4,985 being equivalent to 7*1 per cent, upon the wages paid. The rules of the associations usually provide that a certain stated percentage of the ''net profit'" shall be allotted to the employees. As, however, the charges to he made upon gross profits, before u net profit" is arrived at, vary considerably in different associations, it lias not been found practicable to show in tabular form the. proportion 8 allotted by each association ; but on page 184 will be, found a Table compiled from the balance-sheets and Returns of the associations, showing the actual amounts allotted for various purposes bv the associations making Returns for the year 1898, and also the amount paid in wages and salaries bv these Societies in that year. SOCIETIES FOUMED AND DISSOLVED. On page 6 will be found a Table showing the number of workmen's associations for production, classified by groups of trades, which have been formed during the 20 years 1880 99, together with the number dissolved or which have ceased to exist during the same period. Class IV. Workmen's Corn Mill Societies. This class consists of eight Corn Mill Societies which like the retail and wholesale Societies are worked in the interests of the consumers. The total sales in 1900 amounted to 1, 226,995. J One Society which sustained a loss on the whole year's working allotted 2 as dividend on wages out of the profits of the first half -year. f Payable in cash or credited as shares in the Society. J For details with regard to the membership, capital, sales and profit of tlje Corn Mill Societies w Table 22, p. 51. GO-OPERATION IN IRELAND. XXXI Two Societies, with sales amounting' to 178,167, are purely Constitution federations, one of 10 and the other of 40 retail distributive of Societies. Societies. Of the remaining six, two, with sales amounting to 25,350, consist wholly of individuals, and four, with total sales of 1,023,478, have a mixed membership consisting of 363 retail distributive Societies and 4,567 individuals. In six of the eight societies, with sales of 1,201,645, the Committee of Management consists entirely of representatives of shareholding Societies ; in the two smallest, with sales of 25,350, the Committees consist wholly of individual members, none of Avhom are employees. Three of the mills have a total of 26 employees holding shares, but none of them have any employees sitting on their Committees. One only, with sales amounting to 68,500, gives any share of profits to the employees. The greater part of the profits of these mills, after paying Division of a fixed rate of interest on share capital, is returned to the customers as a dividend upon purchases in the same manner as is done by the wholesale and retail distributive Societies. On page 190 will be found a Table showing the manner in which the profits of seven of the eight mills were divided in 1898. The remaining mill did not make any profit on the working of this year. CO-OPERATION IN IRELAND. The Co-operative Movement in Ireland is almost entirely a History of growth of the past twelve years. Movement. In 1888 there were only ten workmen's Co-operative Societies at work in Ireland, these being retail distributive Societies, doing a total trade in that year of 34,273. In the autumn of 1888 a largely attended conference of co-operators was held at the Irish Exhibition in London, under the Presidency of the Earl of Aberdeen, to consider the subject of " Co-operation as a means of improving the condition of " Irish industries," papers upon that subject being read by Mr. Benjamin .[ones* and Mr. K. B. O'Callaghan. As the out- come of the discussion, a committee was appointed "to endeavour "to carry the system of Co-operation into practical operation " among the Irish agricultural and industrial classes." An " Irish Industrial Co-operative Aid Association " was formed, which for several months carried on an active propa- ganda in Ireland, subsequently handing over its work to the Co-operative Union, which undertook to form an Irish section The Manager of the London Branch of the English Co-operative Wholesale Society. XXX11 of its organisation, and to provide the necessary funds for the work. The elected members of the Irish Section included the Hon. Horace Plunkett,* the Secretary being Mr. R. A. Anderson. An active propaganda was carried on by the Union in favour of Co-operative Dairies, based on the general lines of the Danish Co-operative Dairies, which had in recent years almost driven Irish butter out of the English markets. The farmers, a large proportion of whom are small tenants who carry out with their own hands the whole or the bulk of the work on their farms, being assisted by their families, and- employing but few hired servants, were invited to subscribe capital in -1 shares, for the purpose of erecting dairies provided with the latest machinery and equipments for making butter of a uniform quality. It was suggested that one share should be taken up for each cow owned by the member, but no fixed rules were laid down on this pdint. Model rules, based upon those usually adopted by British Co-onerative Societies, were prepared by the Union. These pro- vided that eaeli Society should be managed by a Committee elected by the members, each member having one vote, irre- Division of spective of the amount of capital held by him. The profits, after Profits. interest had been allowed on capital at the rate of 5 per cent., were to be divided at an equal rate per .) The workers employed by the Society in proportion to the wages earned by them. The profits so allotted were not in the first instance to be paid in cash, but, in the case of members under clause (a), were to be credited to the member as share capital until the shares applied for by him were fully paid, and were afterwards to be paid in rash, and, in the case of the workers under clause (/>), were to be accumulated as a loan to the Society at such rate of interest as the general meetings of members should direct, such loan being withdrawable only in the event of the employee being in dis- tressed circumstances, or leaving the employment of the Society. f Societies at At the end of 1894 there were 47 Societies at work, with total work in 1894. sa ] es during the year amounting to 268,333. These consisted of 33 dairies, with sales amounting to 158,300, 13 retail distributive Since appointed Vice President of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. f In the rules of the Societies registered during the past three or four years it is provided that ten per cent, of the surplus profits, remaining after paying the fixed interest on capital, shall be divided among the employees of the Society as a dividend upon their wages and credited to them as transferable shares in the Societies, and that suppliers of milk, &c., who are non-members, shall receive a dividend on the value of their supplies at one-half the rate paid to members. CO-OPERATION IX IRELAND. XXXlll Societies, with sales amounting to 45,175, and one Society, formed as an agency for marketing the produce of the dairies, with sales during the year amounting to 64,858. During this year (1894) it had been found that the machinery of Action of the Co-operative Union, with its central office in Manchester, was "^^f ri< not sufficiently elastic to meet the requirements of the organisers Organisation in Ireland, and a new Society had been formed and registered Society. for organisation and propaganda under the name of the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society, the Hon. Horace Plunkett becoming President, and Mr. R. A. Anderson, Secretary. This Society appealed to the public for funds to enable it to continue the work, and enlisted the services of numerous helpers who had not hitherto taken part in co-operative work. It has occupied itself with spreading co-operative principles and teaching the best forms of organisation and of keeping accounts, and has organised a staff of auditors for the Societies. It has given technical instruction in the best methods of developing the business of the Societies formed by its advice, but has not in any case given them financial assistance. The Irish Agricultural Organisation Society has, up to the present, avoided any advocacy of retail distributive Societies, confining its efforts to the promotion of Societies which will assist Irish men and women to improve their efficiency as pro- ducers, to secure the profitable marketing of their produce, and to obtain, of the highest quality and at the lowest prices, raw materials and implements for production. As a result of its work, the number of Societies in Ireland at the end of 1899 had increased to 388. Of these, 115 had not commenced business at the end of the year, or failed to make a Return. The remaining 273 Societies at work were made up as follows : Description of Society. Number. Sales in 1899. Production Dairying Societies 123 & '615,026 Miscellaneous Societies Distribution Retail Distributive Societies ... Agricultural Societies 4 17 74 3,638 61,956 62,652 Poultry Societies 6 3,261 Home Industries, etc., Societies Irish Co-operative Agency Society ... Irish Agricultural Wholesale Society 5 1 1 3.438 159,209 36,697 Total Production and Distribution Credit Banks 231 42 945,877 5,720* Total Societies and Business 273 951,597 Societies at work in 1899. Co-operative Production in Ireland is different in method from Co-operation as generally understood in Great Britain. Irish * Amount of loans granted to members during 1899. 3207 XXXIV KEPORT. Dairying Societies arc, in the main, combinations of small farmers engaged Societies. [ u producing as individuals the raw material milk which is made into butter by the employees of the co-operative Societies which they have established for this purpose, and of which they do not themselves propose to become employees. The actual employees of the dairies are comparatively few in number, the average number per dairy in 1899 being about five. It may, perhaps, be suggested that the members who supply the milk to their Society, and who themselves, through their Committee, fix the price they receive for it, and share the profits of its manufacture into butter in the shape of a dividend upon the value of the milk so supplied, may be regarded as to some extent employees of the Society, and in any case occupy a position markedly different from that of the non-employee members of a British productive association. Agricultural The Agricultural Societies, which arc next in numbers to the dairies, are associations for the combined purchase of the requirements of their members especially the requisites of production, such as seeds, manures, agricultural implements, per cent, per annum upon the security of the title-deeds of house property purchased or built by the Societies for selling or letting to their members. Many Societies have, as a consequence, prepared schemes for giving to their members the advantage of the Wholesale Society's offer. Returns collected by the Co-operative Union show that up to the end of 1899, 224 Co-operative Societies making Returns had expended a total of 5,147,526 in the provision of dwelling- houses for their members. Of this amount, 917,397 has been expended by 179 Societies in building 4,247 houses of the average value of 216, all of which are owned by the Societies and let to members. Eighty- nine Societies have expended 827,823 upon the building of 3,709 houses of tho average value of 223, which have been sold to members, and 139 Societies have advanced 3,402,306 upon 16,082 houses, which have been built or purchased by members, the average amount lent per house being 211 10s. Ten of the Societies advance up to 95 per cent, of the value of the houses mortgaged, 59 Societies advance up to 90 per cent., and the remaining Societies advance various other proportions from 50 to 92^ per cent. The rate of interest charged for advances by 34 per cent, of the Societies is 4 per cent, per annum ; by 27 per cent, of the Societies 5 per cent. ; while the interest charged by the ASSOCIATIONS FOR CREDIT. XXXV11 remaining Societies is at various other rates, in no case, how- ever, reaching 5 per cent. With few exceptions the terms of repayment of advances range from 2s. to 5s. per week per 100 advanced. On p. 61 will be found a Table showing the amount invested in house property at the end of each of the years 1896-99 by Co-operative Societies of different types. Part of this money has been lent to members on the security of mortgages on their dwelling-houses, and part expended on houses which remain the property of the Societies, and are let at weekly or yearly rentals to members. In addition to such investment by the ordinary Co-operative Other Land Societies, there are a number of Land and Building Societies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts which carry on the business of buying and selling land and houses. There is, however, no information available as to the extent to which these are purely trading societies of investing capitalists, or workmen's co-operative organisations. The Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies shows that at the end of 1899 there were 125 of such Land and Building Societies, returning a membership of 15,367, a total capital due to share- holders and depositors of 926,405, and total receipts for the year amounting to 343,022. Another group of Societies, whose operations bear indirectly upon the housing question, are the Building Societies dealt with in the following section on Co-operative Associations for Credit. S FOR CREDIT (INCLUDING B UlL D ING SOCIETIES). Workmen's associations for credit in the United Kingdom may Classification conveniently be divided into three classes, viz. : - Class 1. Building Societies registered under the Building Societies Acts. Class 2. Credit Societies and Banks registered under (//) the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts and ((>) the Friendly Societies Ad. Class 3. Labour Loan Societies, certified under the Loan Societies Act. XXXV111 REPORT. The Returns for the year 1899 showed that the number of associations, with their membership and funds, was as follows : No. of Associations Making Returns. Total Membership. Funds. Building Societies : - V3H8O.) Incorporated 2.325 551,210 45,752,251 (//.) Unincorporated ... G5 51,771 15,024,257 Credit Societies and Banks ... 55 3.81)2 48,165 Labour Loan Societies Totals 2<;<) 31.542 24(1,30(5 2,714 638,415 (n,OF>4. ( .!7'.t Building Societies. General Building Societies, although not usually recognised as part of description. t j ie or g an ised Co- Operative Movement, are in the main Co- operative Credit Societies, and therefore come within the scope of the present Report. They are largely used by workmen for obtaining advances with which to purchase a dwelling-house, the repayments by instalments of such advances being usually spread over a term of from 10 to 20 years. A certain proportion of the Societies undoubtedly consist largely of capitalists who use them simply as a means of investment, as will be seen by the large average amount of capital per member shown by some of the Societies for the year 1897, as classified in Tables 35 and 36 (pp. 66, 67). A large number of the Societies, however, consist mainly of members with a small average amount of capital ; and these may fairly be classed as workmen's organisations. (a.) INCORPORATED SOCIETIES. Definition. The Societies dealt with in Table 34, (p. 64) are in- corporated under the Building Societies Acts, the purpose of such Societies being defined as " to raise by the subscriptions of " the members a stock or fund for making advances to members " upon security of freehold, copyhold, or leasehold estate, by way '* of mortgage." Registration. A Society for the purposes of a Building Society must, if it consists of more than 20 members, register itself under the Building Societies Acts, or the Companies Acts. ASSOCIATIONS FOR CREDIT. XXxix The capital of these Societies need not be fixed, and may be Capital, withdrawable. The membership consists of two classes of members, investing Membership. and borrowing ; but the annual Returns published by the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies do not distinguish between these, and the proportion of one class to the other is therefore not aseertainable. At the end of 1899 there were 2,394 in- corporated Societies on the register, 2,325 of which, with a total membership of 551,210, made Returns to the Chief Registrar, the total share capital due to members being returned at 31,645,414. The Returns from these Societies for the year 1897 have been Average analysed on pp. 06 and 67 with, the view to showing what pro- s ^ ar . e . portion of the Societies consisted of members with small invest- pe ^ member, ments. It will be seen that out of a total of 2,455 Societies the average liability on shares in 1,503 of the Societies, with a total membership of 308,537, was 26 per member. (/>.) UNINCORPORATED SOCIETIES. The Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies shows that, in addition to the incorporated Societies, there were -in existence in 1899, 73 unincorporated Societies, of which 65 made Returns, showing a total membership of 51,771, with a total share capital ol 3,460,790. This class of Society is, however, steadily decreasing in numbers, owing to the fact that no new unincorporated Societies can be registered, and to the dissolution from various causes of those already in existence. Co-operative Credit Societies and Banks. Although Credit Societies and Banks form a prominent feature of the Co-operative Movement in foreign countries, they have until the last few years been almost unknown in that of the United Kingdom. There is indeed still considerable prejudice against them existing among the members of Co-operative Societies, owing apparently to the belief that facilities for obtain- ing credit are contrary to the principles of Co-operation as advocated in this country. At the end of 1899 there were only 82 registered Co-operative Number Credit Societies or Banks in the United Kingdom, of which 12 registered; were registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, and 70 as specially authorised Societies under the Friendly Societies Act. The Societies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Societies Acts have rules, in which their object is usually stated ^g^Jjf to be the carrying on of the business of bankers, and which dustrial and contain provisions that the profits of the Society shall be divided Provident between members, borrowers, employees and reserve funds. Societies Acts. xl REPORT. The members of these Societies are in each case required to hold at least one share of the nominal value of l, and the liability of members is limited to the amount of the shares held by them. Societies Xhe remaining 70 societies, registered under the Friendly Societies Act, set forth their objects as being- Friendly " To create funds by monthly or other contributions, to be lent out Societies Act. to, or invested for, members of the Society, or for their benefit, pursuant to the Statute 38 and 39 Vic. cap. 60, and to the special authority of 16th May, 1876, provided that every loan shall, in the opinion of the Society, hold out a sufficient prospect of repaying itself by the production, business, or economy which it will enable the borrower to effect." Nature of The rules provide that a memjber must be (1) a householder membership. or OCCU pi er o f l an d i n the parish, whose liability is not already pledged by membership of a similar association, who applies for and is elected to membership by the Committee ; (2) any person owning land in the parish who applies for and is elected to membership by the Committee, and (8) any person who shall guarantee a certain sum in favour of the Bank and is accepted as a member. Except in the case of guarantor members, every member of the Society is equally with every other member jointly and severally liable for all debts incurred by the Society, and for any loan which members or their sureties fail to pay, but' each member is liable only for debts incurred and loans advanced during his membership. Capital. Unlike the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, the Friendly Societies Act does not require the holding of a share as a condition of membership of a Society ; and members of these Societies do not necessarily invest any capital in the Society, which may carry on its work with an overdraft from an ordinary bank obtained upon the joint guarantee of the members, or with donations, or with deposits obtained at interest, or, as in the case of some Societies in Ireland, with a loan from the Congested Districts Board. The rules, however, provide that a general meeting may determine to require an entrance fee not exceeding o.s., and the taking up of a share of the value of l, as a condition of membership, and in this event members not complying with these requirements may be removed from membership after any liabilities on their part to the Society already incurred have been discharged. On p. 63 will be found a Table showing the transactions of all the Societies known to be at work in 1898 and 1899. It will be seen that the majority of the Societies are in Ireland, where the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society has actively promoted their establishment, and where it is claimed that they have been of considerable service in supplanting the expensive system of borrowing previously prevailing among the small farmers. ASSOCIATIONS FOR CREDIT. xli The special features of the Banks registered under the Friendly Speeial Societies Act are (1) that the principle of unlimited liability has been adopted, which, as is urged by the promoters, induces care on the part of the members in granting loans ; (2) that the work of the bank is confined to a small area, such as the village, parish, &c., thus ensuring that the character and needs of members wishing to borrow are known to the committee which has to consider applications ; (3) that loans are granted only for a specific reproductive purpose, and for a fixed period ; and (4) that the work of the bank is usually carried on by unpaid committeemen and officials, the total expenses including interest on capital of the 42 Banks at work in Ireland during 1 899 being only 146. Labour Loan Societies. On p. 68 particulars are given for seventeen years of the Returns Definition. made by Loan Societies certified under the Loan Societies Act, 1840.* The object of these Societies is defined as "the estab- lishing a fund for making loans to the industrial classes, and taking payments of the same by instalments." Some of these Societies are philanthropic in character, the funds being subscribed by benevolent persons in order to render assist- ance in very poor districts ; others are of a mutual character, the funds being subscribed by workmen, many of whom are at times themselves borrowers, and the loans being made only to members ; others, probably few in number, are little more than private businesses in which a small number of capitalists invest their capital, lending it at interest to the general public. Little power of control is given by the Act to members of these Societies, and they are not even entitled to demand copies of the rules (although they have the right to inspect these at the office of the Society), or copies of the balance-sheets. The funds and property of the Societies vest in the trustees for the time being, for the benefit of the Society and its members, and the Society can sue and be sued in the names of its trustees. Unlike the credit Societies referred to above (p. xxxix), no conditions as to the purposes for which loans are required are made in the case of these Societies, the only requirement being that the security offered shall be sufficient. For this reason Loan- Societies have not been without their disadvantages ; and they have many opponents, owing to the belief that in some cases they have been a direct encouragement to borrowing for thriftless objects. The Act prohibits more than 12 per cent, per annum being Interest charged as interest on loans to borrowers ; and the Society must * limited by Act of Par- This Act duuti nut apply to Scotland or Ireland. liament. xlii REPORT. adopt a scheme under conditions set forth in the Act, under which borrowers may repay their loans. On the whole, the co-operative character of these Societies is slight, and the control of the members over the management very small. They are steadily decreasing in number, as will be seen by the Table on p. 68. Business In 1865 Keturiis were made to the Registrar of Friendly done. Societies by 856 Societies, the number of borrowers in that year being 170,318, who at the end of the year had in their hands no less than 518,866, the total amount circulated by the Societies during the year being 857,844. In 1899, the latest year for which particulars have been published, the number of Societies had decreased to 269, the number of borrowers to 55,420, the amount in their hands at end of the year being 193,385, and the amount of loans granted during the year 312,342. An analysis of the Returns for 1S99 made by the (liief Registrar of Friendly Societies showed that of the 269 Societies, 12 had funds amounting to an average of 193 per member, but that the remaining 257 Societies averaged only 6 per member, these doubtless being composed mainly of workmen. CO-OPERA T1VE IM*riiAX( ' K. The Co-operative Insurance Society, the statistics of which will be found on p. 58, was established in 1S67, and was registered under the Companies Acts, it not being possible at that date to register a Society for carrying on the business of insurance under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts. During 1H99 the Society was registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, the law as amended now permitting the business of insurance to be carried on by registered Industrial and Provident Societies. Objects of the The Society was formed by co-operators for the purpose of Co-operative Q\ j nsurm cr against fj^g any property, whether belonging to its Insurance \ / J J 1 . J ' Society. members or not, (2) guaranteeing the honesty of persons employed by Co-operative Societies and (3) insuring the lives of members of Co-operative Societies. It was originally proposed to dispense with agents, and to carry on the. whole business upon a profit-sharing basis (a portion of the surplus profits remaining after paying a fixed rate of (> per cent, on the shares being intended to be divided between the policy-holders). But in 1872, three years before the first and only division under the profit- sharing rule, it was found necessary to appoint agents, their commission being payment for local work, just as office expenses were payment for central work. CO-OPERATIVE INSURANCE. xliii The rule just referred to required the directors to divide, in 1875, such portion of the Society's surplus as they deemed advis- able. To induce Societies to join as shareholders and policy- holders, a division had been promised ; but, Avhen the time came, it was not found advisable to divide a larger amount than would give to policy-holders eightpence in the pound on premiums received, and one-third of 1 per cent, to shareholders, in addition to their fixed rate of interest, while 109 was credited to the reserve fund. Very soon afterwards it was found that, after paying the usual rates of commission to agents, and providing for the very con- siderable fluctuations year by year, and in groups of years, in the proportion of claims to premiums, it would be unwise to divide any surplus in the fire and fidelity departments. And in 1887 a new rule was adopted, providing that " the balance of premiums received for the company's fire, fidelity, and life insurance policies, after paying or providing for all claims and expenses in respect thereof, shall severally constitute three separate funds for such insurances respectively, neither of which shall be available for the payment of a dividend to shareholders as such.!' At the end of 1900 the Insurance Society had 456 Co-operative Share- Societies holding its shares, of which 81 were in Scotland, and holders, there were also 93 individual shareholders. Over 1,000 Co- operative Societies are insured by the Society. At the end of 1 900 the subscribed share capital of the Society share Capital was 48,140, of which 10,797 only had been paid-up, but its and Funds. accumulated funds had reached the sum of 99,794, being separated as follows : Life Assurance Fund ... ... ... 28,232 Fire Assurance Fund ... ... ... 48,757 Accident and Fidelity Assurance Fund 6,583 General Keserve Fund ... ... ... 14,000 Undivided Balance 2,222 ^99,794 The shares are 1 each, and interest is paid annually at the rate of 6 per cent. Since the amount called-up on the shares is only 4s. per share, the payment to shareholders is equal to 4 per cent, upon their paid-up capital, and ^ per cent, on the amount of their liability in respect of the portion not yet paid-up. Each Society is entitled to one delegate, or one vote, for every 50, or fractional part thereof, paid by it in respect of the premiums on insurances effected by it in the preceding year with the Insurance Society. The smallest number of shares that may be held by any one Society is five, on which l must be paid on application. REPORT. PR OP A G AND 1ST O H GANItiA TIOXH. There are seven central organisations for purposes of propa- ganda and organisation and the defence of co-operative interests. These are : Co-operative Union ... ... ... Long IMillgate, Manchester. Labour Association ... ... ... 15, Southampton Row, London, W.C. Co-operative Productive Federation 39, Cambridge Street. Leicester. International Co-operative Alliance 15. Southampton Row, London, W.C. Irish Agricultural Organisation So- 22, .Lincoln Place, Dublin. eiety. Women's Co-operative Guild ... Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland. Scottish Co-operative Women's Guild 1, Orwell Terrace, Edinburgh. The Co-opera- The Co-opcmtirc Union was formed in 1869, and at the end of 011 " 1900 comprised 1,108 Co-operative Societies with a total member- ship of 1,620,185. No Society can be admitted as a member of the Union unless its management is of a representative character, nor unless it accepts the following " as the principles by which all its business transactions should be guided the desire to pro- mote the practice of truthfulness, justice, and economy, in production and exchange (1) By the abolition of all false dealing, either (a) Direct, by representing any article produced or sold to be other than what ii is known to the producer or vendor to be ; or (//) /ndircri, bv concealing from the purchaser any fact known to the vendor material to be known by the purchaser, to enable him to judge of the value of the article purchased : (2) By conciliating the conflicting interests of the capitalist, the worker, and the purchaser, through an equitable division among them of the fund commonly known as Profit : (3) By preventing the waste of labour now caused by unregu- lated competition." The Union is governed by an Annual Congress* and by a Central Board consisting of 63 representatives, elected by the Societies situated in each of seven sections into which the United Kingdom is divided for purposes of organisation. The representa- tives elected by each section are responsible for the work of the Union within their section, the members of all the sections meeting twice a year as a Central Board for deciding questions affecting the Movement as a whole. The executive management is under the control of a United Board, consisting of thirteen members representing the seven <; ' For number of delegates to, and Associations represented at Congresses of the Co-operative Union in IHGO-l'.HId z<-c Appendix I., p. 217. PROPAGANDIST ORGANISATIONS. xlv Sectional Boards, and various other committees are elected for special purposes. The various sections of the Union are again divided into smaller districts, each with its honorary secretary and district committee, who keep in close touch with the Societies included in their respective districts, holding conferences and meetings to discuss matters of local interest. The Union, by this network of committees, is able to keep a close watch over the interests of its members. It provides speakers for propagandist meetings and conferences, gives free legal advice to its members, and advice as to all the details of management of a Co-operative Society, and acts generally as the representative of the interests of Co-operative Societies. It has established two Scholarships at the University of Oxford in the names of Edward Vansittart Neale, late General Secretary of the Union, and Thomas Hughes. These scholar- ships are open to the sons of members of Co-operative Societies which subscribed to testimonials to these tAvo workers in the movement. Considerable attention has been given during recent years to the guidance of Societies in the expenditure of their grants for educational purposes, an effort being made by the Union to induce Societies to expend their grants not only in teaching the history and principles of Co-operation, but in teaching the duties of citizenship in its various aspects. The Union is supported by the annual subscriptions of its members, the total amount subscribed for this purpose in 1900 being 7,211. In connection with the Union a Joint Committee of Trade J int Com Unionists and Co-operators has been formed consisting of four co-operators elected by the Central Board and four trade unionists Unionists elected by the Parliamentary Committee of the Trade Union and Congress. Co-operators, The following statement of the objects of this Committee is extracted from a recent report : (1) The object of the Committee is to arbitrate upon mj (lignite which may unfortunately arise between co-operative Socicti a*ed on the Co-partnership of the Workers is an organisation consisting mainly of individual members, but including also 63 co-operative pro- ductive Societies which have accepted the principle of " Labour Co-partnership," i.e. (as officially defined in the journal of this Association) " the system under which, in the first place, a sub- stantial and known share of the profit of a business belongs to the workers in it, not by right of any shares they may hold, or any other title, but simply by right of the labour they have contributed to make the profit ; and in the second place, every worker is at liberty to invest his profit or any other savings in shares of the Society or Company, and so become a member entitled to vote on the affairs of the body which employs him." It is supported by subscriptions and donations which amounted in 1899-1900 to S27, and is managed by a Central Committee elected at its annual meeting. The Association is actively engaged in advocating the adoption of the principle of Labour Co- partnership by private employers, and the formation of associa- tions for production upon the same lines, and in advising and helping its members in matters of machinery and propaganda. It also promotes an annual exhibition of the products of associations for production. The Co-operative Productive Federation is an organisation con- sisting of 58 Productive Societies united together for mutual assistance in opening up new markets for their productions, and in obtaining new capital for such of its members as are in need of it. It is managed by a Committee of representatives of the Federated Societies, who are elected at its annual meeting, and its work is carried on in close connection with the La) join- Association. At the end of 1900 the Federation had a total share and loan capital of 4,287, of which 4,157 was invested with Productive Societies. The International Co-operative Alliance was established in 1895 with the object of making known the co-operators of each country and their work to the co-operators of all other countries, " to elucidate by international discussion and correspondence the nature of true co-operative principles," and " to -establish com- mercial relations between the co-operators of different countries for their mutual advantage." Its membership consists of indi- viduals and Societies subscribing annually to its funds. It con- venes periodical International Congresses of Co-operators, at which a Central Committee representative of various countries is elected. The management of the Alliance is conducted by an Executive Bureau (elected by the Central Committee) which meets in London, one of the two Hon. Secretaries of the Alliance being the General Secretary of the Co-operative Union of the United Kingdom, PROPAGANDIST ( ) U(i AN IS ATK >NS. xlvii The //v.>7< .. \,r, u ; 0*4 504,891 84^31 2,W53,681 18641 :',<.<:', 127,873 0-4 593,828 74,741 2,724,768 I885t 402 122,898 !i'4 728,426 90,480 :^t?:?9,or)2 1868f 4tU 142,258 liTi 953,922 97,976 4,320,831 W67t 575 188,078 in; 1,380068 117,599 5,780,266 IHfiSt 117:1 I'll, 781 0*7 1,711,643 177,706 7,1>,.'M) 1869f 7H4 229,86] 0*7 1316,672 179,054 7,3r)3,363 1870f 746 243,786 ITS 1,932,072 185,955 7^42,023 1871t 741 265,782 0U 2,207,809 205,181 8,660,81] 1872 930 328,608 1-tl 2^91^47 ;!:ui,L ; i5 l'L J 3,460,003 131,159 14yB85,S6B 1874 1,001 102,946 w :^778,L J (;n 195,908 15,152,136 1S75 1,128 166,663 1-4 t.161,350 696338 17,242,055 1876 1,112 493,100 IT. 4,980,159 754,523 18,559,47] 1877 1,100 515*369 i'fi 5,326^65 897,522 20,140,014 1878 1,128 646,470 1U ;-,-.(),-,.", 1 982,796 19,751,470 1879 1,080 662,306 re 5^32^81 1.030.52C 18^14,298 1880 1,108 Wfi,21 1 T7 5,996^40 1,121,20] 21,435,942 :;; This Table includes all the various classes of Societies Shown in detail in Table 2, the Retail and Wholesale t Previous to 1872 the figures arc for England and Wales only. DISTRIBUTION AND PRODUCTION. PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES 1862-99. WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES of the UNITED KINGDOM,! MEMBERSHIP to the TOTAL POPULATION. Year. Number of Societies making Returns. Members. Capital. Amount of Sales.* Number in Societies making Returns. Percentage to Population of United Kingdom. Share. Loan. 1881 1,166 625,682 1'8 6,448,036 1,330,964 23,232,879 1882 1,074 623,202 1-8 6,733,092 1,271,952 24,156,818 18S3 1.08:5 647,176 I'B 6,990,483 1.405,500 25,696,547 1884 1,167 717,301 2D 7,357,787 1,650,312 27,011,064 1885 1,189 768,401 2-1 8,241,348 1,715,341 27,463,466 1880 1,198 796,951 2'2 8,717,803 1,902,472 28,820,931' 1887 1,205 851,157 2'3 9,398,450 1,900,645 30,244,565 1888 1,263 891,077 2'4 9,757,269 2,119,633 33,632,282 1889 1,370 887,788 2-6 10,428,814 2,26:>,788 36,914,730 1890 1,820 985,096 2-6 11,3-13,094 2.610,542 38,656,495 1891 1,408 1,069,480 2-8 12,432,003 2,859,534 44,460,726 1892 1,541 1,153,916 3'0 13,458,416 3,153,518 47,163,066 1893 ] ,f,fi2 1,198,499 w 13,879,571 3,308,493 46,851,623 1894 1,588 1,245,066 3'2 14,615,675 3,432,118 46,946,55?. 1895 1,615 1,311,14?, 3-4 15,675,585 4,030,394 49,926,781 1896 1,664 1,399,891 3'5 17,042,725 4,095,622 54,431,922 1807 1,708 1,511,423 3'8 18,095,483 4,764,375 59,660,828 1898 1,767 1,593,600 4-0 19,273,142 4,78 614 63,409,972 18!'9 1,802 1,677,018 41 20,891,745 5,473,737 67,915,937 except as regards the value of 1he goods produced by the Productive Departments of Distributive Societies. 3207 A 2 SUMMARY TABLES. SUMMARY BY CLASS TABLE 2. MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL. AMOUNT of SALES, and other particulars distinguishing- DISTRIBUTIVE and PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES, for the Class of Society. Number of Societies to which the following particulars relate. Number of Members. Individuals. Other Societies* Distribution. Retail 1446 1,618,461 311 51 8,64(1 1,111(1 1,079 29(1 28 -17 English Wholesale Scottish Irish \gricultural Wholesale 1 1 Co-operative Agency ,, Agricultural 1 74 Poultry and Home Industries. &c. Total Distribution j ^p, 9 Production. By Product ira Societies : Hreadbaking and Food Preparation Corn Millinf 11 1,535 1,517 1,623,476 1,545,046 1,444 1,426 22 x 7,812 5.172 19,451 15,46!', 367 414 111 3,209 Irish Dairying Other Manufacturing Societies ( 1899 By Distributive Societies : Retail 114 1 267 48.198 II II 3,900 3,620 tilt;? I II Knglish Wholesale Scottish To1n , (1899 I 1898 Total Production . . | *f q^f f -| jr Total Distribution and Production j 18;) 618* II ! 885 865 w 9 .. 1,802 1,671,674 3 -. 1.7C.7 1,588,551 5.344 5.046 * The same Society may hold shares in several others, and may therefore be counted t In some eases the number oi' employees was not stated, and an estimate has been J Loss. These Societies are also shown in the totals above for Distribution, but are only counted I) Included under head of Distribution. [ The goods produced by the wholesale and retail distributive Societies are not usually sold ** 'I he particulars relating to production by distributive Societies are included under the DISTRIBUTION AND PRODUCTION IN 1809. OF SOCIETIES FOR 1899. relating- to WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM, year ended DECEMBER SlST. 1899, with corresponding totals for 1SJ)S. Capital. Amount of Sales during 1899. Profit, including interest on Shares, but not on Loan Capital. Number of persons directly employed by the Societies.! Class of Society. Share and Loan. Reserve and Insurance. X. Distribution. 21,453,542 841,082 45,047,446 7,025,748 43,103 Retail. 1,338,161 635,736 14,212,375 258,205 2,995 English Wholesale. 799,006 176,806 5,014,189 169,660 1,177 Scottish 4,168 2,494 14,161) 330 972 36,697 159,209 62,652 1JB91 1,059 928 2 15 86 Irish Agricultural Wholesale. Irish Co-operative Agency. Irish Agricultural. 821 95 6,699 192 Not stated. Poultry and Home Industries, &c. Total ( 1899 Distribution \ 1898 Production. 23,612,358 21,0*5,214 1,655,021 1,488,302 64,539,267 ii' 1,1 184,799 7,454,503 6,843,567 47.378 41,639 By Productive Societies : 263,212 422,247 19,545 16,742 466,139 l,184,HHf) 57,521 66,956 1,202 376 Breadbaking and Food Preparation. Corn Milling. 101,952 111,449 615,026 5,283 646 Irish Dairying. 628,276 49,418 1,110,620 57,473 6,953 Other Manufactur- ing Societies. Total { Uy Distributive Societies: 1,415,687 1,297,758 96,154 86,8(53 3,376,670 3,325,173 187,233 168,538 9,177 8,359 II II 3,906,;!85 II 13,810 Retail. 855,604 II 2,272,031 68,153 7,382 English Wholesale. 481,833 II 1,286,153 55,433 4,224 Scottish Total l 1 ^ 9 Total ( 1899 Production. ( 1898 Total Distribution \ 1899 and Production. I 1898 1,337,437 1,270,784 !! I 7,464,569T 6,875,4251 123,586 95,167 25,416 21,745 2,753,124 2,5(58,542 ** ## 10,841,239 10,200,598 310,819 263,705 34,593 30,104 26,365,482 24,251,756 1,751,175 1,575,465 75,380,506 70,285,397 7,765,322 81,971 7,107,272 74,743 several times in this column, made. once in the grand totals. direct by the productive departments, but are transferred to the distributive departments, head of Distribution, and accordingly no total can be given. 6 SUMMARY TABLES. DISTRIBUTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE TABLE 3. TABLE showing separately for ENGLAND and WALES, SCOTLAND and DUCTIVE SOCIETIES FORMED and DISSOLVED in the Number of Societies Formed. Number of Societies which have ceased to exist. 1880 to 1884. 188.1 to 1889. 1890 to 1SS.4. 1895 to 18J9. Totals for 2 ) Years. 1880 1885 18, Mi to to to 1884. 1889. 1894, 1895 to 1899. Totals for 20 Years. ENGLAND AND WALES. Associations for Distribu- tion : Wholesale Distributive Societies. - - - - - 1 - - - 1 Eetail Distributive So- cieties. Total Distribution Associations for Produc- tion : Building trades . . 160 217 224 127 728 728 121 98 14:? 121 48S 160 217 224 127 125 2 98 143 121 437 ., 8 19 12 41 8 17 27 Mining and quarrying .. - - 1 1 1 - - - 1 Metal, engineering, and shipbuilding. 2 10 10 31 5 ; 10 4 21 Textiles 2 10 'A B 20 1 2 6 6 15 Clothiiifi : -Boots and shoes, 4 IS 28 7 54 - 1 14 16 31 Tailoring, dre^s jind mantle makinir. 1 2 B 3 15 2 3 6 11 Hat and t-ap making - - 1 1 - - 1 - 1 Farming, dairying, and lishing. 9 3 7 ti 19 1 1 4 8 9 Printing an 1 allied trades. 4 6 9 18 - 3 3 6 Woodworking and fur- nishing. 2 4 13 9 24 1 9 8 18 Brickmaking, glas-^, and pottery. 1 2 3 - - 1 1 Breadmaking and food preparation. 5 2 6 13 - 1 3 9 7 Corn mills - 1 - - 1 1 3 2 2 8 Bass dressing, mat an 1 brush making. - 2 1 3 6 - 1 2 3 Leather trades 1 1 4 6 11 - 2 - 4 6 Transport Total Production . . Totals, England and Wales. - - 2 1 3 261 1 - 1 - 2 17 177 66 108 70 12 15 65 75 196 167 654 233 332 197 989 137 113 208 SOCIETIES FORMED AND DISSOLVED. 7 SOCIETIES. SOCIETIES FORMED AND DISSOLVED. IRELAND, the XUAIBER of WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE and PRO- UNITED KINGDOM during the TWENTY YEARS 18HO-KS'.)'J. Number of Societies Formed. Number of Societies which have ceased to exist. 1880 1885 1890 1895 Totals 1880 188.") 1890 1895 Totals to to to to for to to to to for 184. 1881). 1894. 1899. 20 Years. 1884. 1889. 1894. 1899. 20 Years. SCOTLAND. Associations for Distribu- tion : Iletail Distributive So- f>2 39 19 18 128 23 17 14 50 74 Total Distribution . . 52 39 19 18 128 ~2lT ~~17 Tr~20 74 Associations for Produc- tion : Mining and quarrying . . 1 1 1 1 Metal, engineering, and _ 1 1 _ 1 1 shipbuilding. Textiles 2 1 3 1 J Q 4 Clothing: Boots and 1 1 __ i 1 shoes. Tailoring, dress and 1 1 _ _ 1 1 mantle making. Farming, dairying, and 1 l 3 ' 1 2 3 fishing. Printing and allied > - 2 trades. Woodworking and 1'ur- - 1 - 1 nishincr. Brickmaking, glass, and 1 1 1 pottery. Breadmaking and i'ood 1 3 4 1 1 5 7 Total Production . . 1 2 11 3 17 3 2 3 12 20 Totals, Scotland .. 53 41 30 21 145 26 19 17 32 94 IRELAND. i 1 1 Associations for Distribu- tion : Wholesale Distributive ' 1 1 2 _ Societies. Retail Distributive 5 8 7 7 27 4 5 3 12 Societies. Agricultural u- 1 94 95 _ _ tive Societies. Poultry Distributive _ 20 20 Societies. Home Industries So- . 14 14 1 1 cieties. Miscellaneous H 3 Total Distribution .. 5 8 9 139 161 - 4 5 4 13 Associations for Produc- tion : Textiles 1 :\ 4 1 1 Farming, dairying, and 1 1 42 159 203 1 8 29 38 fishing. Printing and allied __^ 1 1 _ Total Production . . 2 1 42 163 208 __ 1 8 29 39 Totals, Ireland 7 9 51 302 369 ~Tr~i~ 13 j 33 52 Totals, Distribution, United Kingdom. Totals. Production, United 217 20 264 69 252 161 284 236 1,017 486 148 16 119 18 162 76 145 574 116 226 Kingdom. Gnnd Totals, United King- dom. 237 333 413 520 1,503 164 isT 2G8 261 00 TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR RETAIL DISTRIBUTION.- TABLE 1. MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL. SALES, and other particulars relating to the UNITED ENGLAND Year. No. of Societies making 1 Returns. No. of Members in the Societies making Returns. Capi Share. tal.* Loan. 1881 764 475,474 4,980,329 529,130 1882 832 528,541 5,776,766 501,540 1 883 804 543,910 5,878,950 548,302 1884 869 608,523 (1.007,105 030.022 188") 883 644.140 (i. 857,478 600,220 issti 87(1 663,609 7,185,139 MiS.OOO 1S87 874 7 11. S3:, 7.707.040 035,917 1888 in: 74 I.SIM; S. 025, 900 730,592 188!) 1,008 796,987 8. 52 5.2 7 5 680,525 1890 954 818,592 9,223,662 743.317 L891 1.017 885,745 10.057.537 703,813 1892 1,126 957,935 10,795,528 847.505 181)13 1.127 990,813 11,031,664 801.737 181)4 1.124 1,026,169 11.503,010 779,950 1895 1,116 1,074,534 12,318,505 1.015,012 1890 1,127 1,140,530 13,324,002 902,829 18!) 7 1,121) 1.215,291) 14,189,530 1,115.209 IP 9 8 1,124 1.273,872 15,137.497 1,247,129 1891' 1.134 1,337,669 10,411.202 1,458.290 XOTE. The figures for 1881-90 have been compiled from an Analysis of Co-operative Union, but those from 1897 are based UT on Returns made direct to regards membership and sales in 1899 are not based on the detailed Table on required for this Table. * Exclusive of Reserve and Insurance Funds. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION. MEMBERSHIP. CAPITAL, SALES, &c. WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS for RETAIL DISTRIBUTION in the KINGDOM. AND WALES. Amount of Sales. Trade Expenses, including Interest on Capital. Amount devoted to Education. Total Amount of Capital invested otherwise than in Trade. Year. Amount. Percentage on Sales. & . & 13,140,798 905,162 6-9 12,281 3,147,887 1881 15,231,008 1,046,485 6 -9 14,037 3,447,324 1882 15,637,038 1,129.440 7-2 14,810 3,633,41^ 1883 16,509,053 1,161,210 7-0 17.952 3,848,859 1884 16,576,879 1.241.686 7-5 19,172 4,352,68(5 1885 16,910,89? 1.073,278 6-3 18,324 3,?37,383 1886 17,706,597 1.153,969 6'5 19,450 3,593,807 1887 19,233,187 1.207.31)2 6-3 22,098 3,794,831 l sss 21,327,972 1.2 ( .i:5. 74 3 (i-l 23,225 4, 17!). Si: 1 . 1889 22,032.827 1 ,365,606 6-2 24,660 4,410,808 1890 25,059,107 1,553,290 1 (51)8,54:) 1.763,840 6-2 6-4 6'8 27,118 28.661 28,802 I.H02.102 5.255.757 5.226,439 1891 1892 1893 2(5.422,777 25,974,276 2(5.204 824 1,863,425 7-1 32,209 5,239,132 1894 27,315.591 1,996,619 7-3 35,974 5.780,911 ] 895 211,460,048 2.171,267 7-4 39,783 5,767,175 1896 31,797,430 2,805.956 8-8 44,0(57 6,324,283 1897 33,581,525 3.015.4.")!) 9-0 44,992 6,736,925 198 3:>, 4 14. 55 7 3/224,112 9-1 48,525 8,023,217 1899 the Animal Reports of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies made by the the Co-operative Union, and upon Balance Sheets of Societies. The figures as pp. 70-159, but on the Returns from tho=e Societies that gave all the particulars T?>>v OF THE. UNIVERSITY 1 10 SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR RETAIL DISTRIBUTION.- TABLE 4. MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL. SALES, aud other particulars relating in the UNITED SCOT- Year. No. of Societies making Returns. Xo. of Members in the Societies making Returns. Cap] Share. tal.* Loan. 1881 200 71,238 397,142 142,635 1882 202 69,319 403,189 141,298 1888 J4o 83,066 517,761 188,203 1884 252 92,093 583,105 209,849 ) SH5 257 101,948 619,018 233,034 1886 269 110.022 728/717 287,465 1887 272 115,651 791,626 272,787 1888 '277 124,270 877.037 300.607 1889 279 134,733 91)2,2]:; 325,962 1890 275 141,758 1,083,448 389,006 1891 281 157,889 1.251,402 430.722 1892 284 167,757 1,408,955 479,696 1893 283 176.333 1.492,407 526.412 1894 284 184.448 1,613,992 569,228 1895 288 198. C.M' 1,798,397 639,076 1896 287 213.491 2,054,495 612,403 1897 299 247,559 2.121,403 918,T78 1898 296 258.9GO 2,280,361 1,004.114 1899 295 272,651 2,514,008 1,058,395 NOTE. The figures for 1881-96 have been compiled from an Analysis of Co-operative Union, but those from 1S97 are based upon Returns made direct to * Exclusive of Reserve and Insurance Funds. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION. 11 MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, &C. continued. to the WORKMEN'S CO-OPEKATIVE ASSOCIATIONS for RETAIL DISTRIBUTION KINGDOM continued. LAND. Amount of Sales. Trade Expenses, including Interest on Capital. Amount devoted to Education. Total Amount of Capital invested otherwise than in Trade. Year. Amount. Percentage on Sales. 2,251,829 140,364 6-2 437 270,711 1881 2,31)0,504 129,167 5'5 671 292,680 1882 2. 879.465 157,814 5'5 874 336,427 1883 3,036,958 180,287 5-9 1,059 373,906 1884 3,270,710 196,019 6-0 1,332 516,553 1885 3,464,373 196,465 5-7 1,414 324,036 1886 3,628,385 198,850 5-5 1,644 298,692 1887 4,719,746 214.778 4-6 1,847 299,077 1888 4,523,820 235,241 5-2 2,067 381,921 1889 4,815,910 252,748 5-2 2,633 458,840 1890 5.508,962 286,736 5-2 2,865 531,417 1891 5,886,421 317,782 5-4 3,629 666,112 1892 5,913.984 346,774 5-9 3,439 695,527 1893 5,992,395 371,625 6-2 4.018 822,269 1894 6.532,656 408,652 6-3 5,020 991,550 1895 7,152.932 454,909 6-4 5,901 1,372,603 1896 8,277,580 631,361 7'6 7,327 1,543,841 1897 8,939,733 723,487 8-1 7,364 1,491,737 1898 9.570,933 785,579 8-2 7,633 1,826,923 1899 the Annual Reports of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies made by the the Co-operative Union, and upon Balance Sheets of Societies. SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR RETAIL DISTRIBUTION.- TABLE 4. MEMBERSHIP. CAPITAL. SALES, and other particulars relating to the UNITED IRE- * Year. Number of Societies making- Returns. Number of Members in the Societies making Returns. Capi Share. tal.* Loan. 1881 7 500 2,775 1882 9 741 2,508 loo 1883 7 649 2,0:^:5 loo 1884 7 666 2.1-20 100 1886 8 684 2,404 162 18X6 9 777 2,794 22S 1887 7 T.87 2.i:i2 2!) ! 1888 lo 1.127 3,725 624 1889 10 1,280 3,620 100 1890 11 1,266 3,633 202 1891 9 1.041 3,867 218 1892 10 1,188 . 4,194 243 1893 11 1,948 5,288 727 1894 13 2,328 6,860 DOS 1895 13 1.77S 6,723 256 1 896 1 I 1,925 7,138 541 1897 14 2.680 7,785 1,017 1S98 ir, 2,74:; 8,552 1.71 1 1899 17 3,141 8,753 2,828 OTHER CLASSES OF 1895 6 (i(il 1 1 9 387 18% 3-1 3,919 2,204 1 .525 1897 41 :;,144 2,233 5. '.M 7 1898 77 11.150 3,659 7,4lii 1899 85 !U55i> 3,572 11.415 YoV. The figures for the years 1881 to 1891 have hern cnnipilnl from Report Registrar of Friendly Societies, the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society. * Exclusive of Reserve and Insurance Funds. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION. 13 MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, &C. continued. the WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS for RETAIL DISTRIBUTION in KINGDOM LAND. Trade Expenses, Total Amount of including Interest on Capital. Amount devoted to" Amount of Capital invested Year. Sales. Amount. Percentage on Sales. Education. otherwise than in Trade. 19,058 1,039 6-6 3 8 1881 24,744 1,758 7-1 1882 23,501 1,388 5-9 52 1883 23,9211 2,385 10-0 57 1884 24,754 1,596 6'4 426 1885 31,163 1,811 5-8 123 1886 23,22f, 1,442 6-2 100 1887 34,273 2,286 6-7 7 122 1888 35,448 2,491 7-0 207 1889 38.901 2,014 5'2 172 1890 31,332 1,892 6-0 150 1891 35.336 2.173 6-1 1,442 1892 37,630 2,266 6-0 3,315 1893 45,175 2,776 6-1 1,397 1894 52,427 3,423 6' 5 1,405 1895 51,878 3.224 6-2 49!) 1896 53,599 3.011 5-6 3 381 1897 60,245 5,589 9-3 28 1,623 1898 61,956 5,830 9-4 27 921 1899 DISTEIBUTIVE SOCIETIES.t i 5,288 168 3-2 7 1895 41,883 3,045 7-4 1896 47,215 2,080 4-4 89 1897 63,201 3,693 5-8 194 1898 69,351 3.577 5-2 167 1899 of the Co-operative Union, since the latter date from Returns made to the Chief and Returns made direct t > the Department. t Agricultural. Home Industries, and Poultry Societies Cin Ireland). 14 SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR RETAIL DISTRIBUTION*. TABLE 4. MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, and other particulars relating to the UNITED UNITED Year. Number of Societies making Returns. Number of Members in the Societies making Returns. Capital.f Share. Loan. A 1881 971 .-,47,212 5,380,246 671,771 1882 1,043 598,601 6,182.463 702,938 1883 1,051 627,62.-> 6,398,744 736,605 ISSJ 1,128 696,282 6,652,890 840,571 1885 1,1 is 746,772 7..10S.9MI) 833.416 ] >s<; 1,148 774,408 7,916.650 956.293 1887 1,158 828,073 8,561,098 908,998 1888 1,204 867,223 8,906,662 1 o3l.s:>:} 1 SS9 1,297 932,000 9,521,108 1,006,587 1890 1,240 961,616 10,310,748 1,132,585 1891 1,307 1.044,675 11,312,806 1,194,753 1892 1,420 1,126,880 12.208,677 1,327,444 1898 1,421 1,169,094 12,529,359 1.388,876 1 894 1,421 1,212,945 13,183,868 1,350.152 1 895 1,423 1,275,655 14.124,104 1,654,731 1896 ] ,462 1,359,866 15,888,499 1,517,298 1S97 1,483 1,468,682 16,320,961 2,040,951 1898 1,513 l,544,72r, 17,430.009 2,260,448 1899 1,531 1,623,111 18,937,595 2,530,934 Xolr. See Notes to Tables for * Including the Other Classes of Distributive t Exclusive of Reserve CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION. 15 MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, &c. continued. the WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS for RETAIL DISTRIBUTION in KINGDOM continued. KINGDOM. Amount of Sales. Trade Expenses, including Interest on Capital. Amount devoted to Education. Total Amount of Capital invested otherwise than in Trade. Year. Amount. Percentage on Sales. & 15.411,185 1,046,565 6-8 12,721 3,418,606 1881 17,586.256 1,177,410 6-7 14,708 3,740,004 1882 18,540,004 1,288,642 7-0 15,684 3,969,891 1883 19,569,940 1 .343,882 6-9 19,011 4,222,822 1884 19.872,343 1,439,251 7-2 20,504 4,869,665 1885 20,400,433 1.271,554 6-2 19,738 3,661,542 1886 21,358,207 1,354,261 6-3 21,094 3,892,599 1887 23,987,206 1,424,456 5- It 23,952 4,094,030 1888 25.887,240 1.531,475 5-9 25,292 4,561,941 1889 26,887,638 1,62*0,86$ 6-0 27,293 4.869,820 1890 80,599,401 1.841,918 6-0 29.983 5,433,669 1891 32,344,534 2,018,500 6-2 32,290 5,923,311 1892 31,925,896 2,112,880 i 6-6 32,241 5,925,281 1893 32.242.394 2.237,82(5 6-9 36,227 6.062,798 1894 33.905,962 2,408,862 71 40,994 6,773.873 1895 36,715,191 2,632.445 7-2 45,684 7,140,277 1896 40,175,774 3,442.408 8-6 51,397 7,868,594 1897 42,644,704 3,748,228 8-8 52,384 8,230,479 1898 45.116,797 4,019.098 8-9 56,185 9,851,228 1899 England. Scotland, and Ireland. Societies in Ireland shown on pages 12-13. and Irsurance Funds. 16 SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR RETAIL TABLE "*. RATES of DIVIDENDS upon PUKCHASES paid to MEMBERS by WHOLESALE SOCIETIES) for the [Compiled from the Balance Number of Societies making returns Membership 825 1 004 00") 809 1 141 258 940 1 '-* r )7 461 Total amount paid in dividend Average rate of dividend received by members per of purchases. . (I- 2 7 : | X. (1 2 71 Number of members in Societies paying no dividend. 1,442 870 5,267 Number of members in Societies pavintr a, dividend per fallinir within the following limits! : fid. and under 2,398 6,504 Over Or/, n ml up to lx 10454 11,410 10,760 1*. l.v. M 30,317 25371 32,00] - l.8d. 2x 108,012 127,741 194^)57 2.v. 2x.iW 175,771 187,329 217,069 .. 2*.6d 3.v 119378 427,284 506,082 3x. ., ;!x. tw 182,369 253,692 189JB08 3x. (W. ,. 4x 4.s- .. 6f),728 10067 9&58S 12,703 Percentage of members in Societies paying no ' dividend. Per- centage. ifl Per- centage. irl Per- cenl irl Percentage! of members in Societies paying a dividend per falling within the following limitsf : 0*2 0'4 Over 6(7. and up to lx. . . ro I'D ini , lx. lx. Q<1. .. 3*0 2'2 2T> l.s*. 6(7. 2x. 10-6 111 15T 2x. 2*. 6<7 17'5 16-4 17'3 2x.6cZ. 3x 41-8 37T> 10-2 3x. 3*.8d 18-2 22-3 13-5 , 3*. 6J. 4,v. 6T> ro 8'4 0'8 8-3 ro 100-0 100-0 100-0 * Not t The rates of dividend taken are those paid upon the main volume of trade. In a such as butchery, drapery, &c. With few exceptions, the societies paid a dividend to CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION. 17 DISTRIBUTION .DIVIDENDS. ASSOCIATIONS for DISTBIBUTION in the UNITED KINGDOM (excluding the 4th QUAETEB of the YBABS 1895-1900. Sheets of the Societies.] 1898. 1899. 1900. 1,114 ' 1,108 1,144 Number of Societies making returns. 1,432,058 1,604,194 1,618,798 Membership. 1,401,066 1,498,349 1,667,431 Total amount paid in dividend. s. d. 2 U s. d. 2 7* e. d. 2 74 Average rate of dividend received by members per of purchases. 12,269 9,395 6,627 Number of members in Societies paying no dividend. Number of members in Societies dividend per falling within the limitst: paying a following 6,906 4,297 4,589 Qd. and under. 16,477 20,077 20,457 Over Qd. and up to Is. 55,337 50,572 76,471 Is. l8.6d. 222,802 247,148 264,335 ls.6d. 2s. - 243,032 237,046 293,635 2s. 2s. 6d. 544,754 601,528 596,019 2s. 6d. 3s. 189,277 197,564 205,784 3s. 3s. Qd. 127,903 120,089 130,481 3s. Qd. 4s. 14,301 16,478 20,400 ., 4s. Per- centage. 0-9 Per- centage. 0-6 Per- centage. 0-4 Percentage of members in Societies dividend. paying no Percentage of members in Societies dividend per falling within the limitsf : paying a following 0-4 0-4 0-3 Qd. and under. 11 i-o 1-3 Over Qd. and up to Is. 3'9 3'7 4'7 ,. Is. ls.M. 15'6 15-7 16-3 Is.Qd. 2s. 17'0 ' 16-8 181 2s. 2s. Qd. 38-0 381 36'8 2s. Qd. 3s. 13-2 13'7 12-7 3s. 3s. Qd. 8'9 8'9 81 3s. Qd. 4s. i-o 11 1-3 4s. lOO'O lOO'O lOO'O ascertained. few cases higher or lower dividends were paid upon purchases from minor departments non-memln at one-half the rates paid to members. SSOT 18 SUMMARY TABLES. ENGLISH WHOLE- DISTRIBUTIVE TABLE 6. MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, and other particulars relating to the DISTRIBUTIVE of the [Compiled from the published ear. Number of Members in Share- holding Societies. Capital. Sales. Rate of Dis- tributive Expenses per of Sales. Average Divi- dend paid per on j^ales. Amount trans- ferred to Reserve and In- surance Funds. Share* Loan.* Eeserve and Insur- ance Funds. Total. d. d. +1864 18,337 2,455 - 2,455 51,857 T7 14 - 1865 24,005 7,182 - 7,182 120,754 1'7 N - 1866 31,030 10,968 82 11,050 175,489 2-1 3 234 :1867 59,349 ^ 11,276 . 14,355 682 26,313 331,744 2'2 3 450 1868 74,737 14,888 16,059 1,115 32,062 412,240 1-9 2| 416 1869 79,245 16,556 22,822 1,280 40,658 507,217 21 li 542 1870 89,880 19,015 22,323 2,826 44,164 677,734 1-9 2| 1,620 1871 114,588 24,410 25,768 1,910 52,088 758,764 21 2i 1,036 1872 134,276 31,352 112,589 2,916 146,857 1,153,132 2'6 2i 3,243 1873 168,985 48,126 147,949 3,969 200,044 1,636,950 3-0 2 922 1874 198,608 60,930 175,494 8,758 245,182 1,964,829 3'4 2 5,461 1875 249,516 78,249 261,614 14,744 354,607 2,247,395 3'4 2i 7,826 51876 276,522 94,590 264,287 24,108 382,985 2,697,366 3'7 2| 4,925 1877 274,649 103,091 242,736 27,898 373,725 2,827,052 3'6 2 579 1878 305,161 117,657 246,739 32,518 396,914 2,705,625 3'7 24 5,970 1879 331,625 130,615 276,570 42,045 449,230 2,645,331 3'7 2i 8,060 1880 61,523 146,061 315,351 57,988 519,400 3,339,681 3'4 21 10,651 1881 367,973 156,052 339,454 37,170 532,676 3,574,095 3'4 2$ 7,672 NOTE. The English Society is a Federation which at the end of 1900 * Previous to 1867 the division of share and loan capital is not stated. t 30 weeks. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION. 19 SALE SOCIETY. DEPARTMENTS. DEPARTMENTS of the ENGLISH CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE SOCIETY from the commencement Society. Accounts of the Society.] Tear. Number of Members in Share- holding Societies. Capital. Pales. Rate of Dis- tributive Expenses per of Sales. Average Divi- dend paid per on Sales. Amount trans- ferred to Reserve and In- surance Funds. Share. Loan. Reserve and Insur- ance Funds. Total. d. d. 1882 404,006 171,940 368,419 43,431 583,790 4,038,238 3'4 H 3,416 1883 433,151 186,692 408,110 48,610 643,412 4,546,889 3'4 N 3,176 1884 459,734 207,080 439,313 59,438 705,831 4,675,371 3'5 2| 6,431 1885 507,772 234,112 459,168 82,282 775,562 4,793,151 3'6 * 17,713 1886 558,104 270,679 497,663 106,173 874,515 5,223,179 3'7 3* 22,546 1887 604,800 300,953 511,998 125,998 938,949 6,713,235 3'9 i 12,186 1888 634,196 318,583 541,878 149,318 1,009,779 6,200,074 4'0 25 16,298 51889 679,336 342,218 607,589 187,096 1,136,903 7,028,944 4'0 N 18,907 1890 721,316 434,017 697,108 215,475 1,316,600 7,429,073 4-0 S 20,982 1891 751,269 473,956 629,719 261,689 1,365,364 8,766,430 3'9 Bj 15,847 1892 824,149 523,512 565,663 292,662 1,381,837 9,300,904 4'2 H 7,511 1893 873,698 570,149 520,341 291,670 1,382,160 9,526,167 4'5 H W5* 1894 910,104 598,496 580,376 320,020 1,498,892 9,443,938 4'6 21 26,092 1895 930,985 635,541 520,457 365,967 1,521,965 10,141,917 4'6 3i 37,424 1896 993,564 682,656 531,920 437,491 1,652,067 11,115,056 4-6 *j 28,045 1897 1,053,564 728,749 544,541 489,253 1,762,543 11,920,143 4'9 21 r 8,338 1898 1,118,158 775,536 502,547 559,282 1,837,365 12,574,748 4'8 ,: 3*J 36,618 1899 1,179,609 821,224 516,937 635,736 1,973,897 14,212,375 4-7 43 63,843 1900 1,249,091 883,791 539,101 735,991 2,158,883 16,043,889 4'7 4 48,210 included 1,078 Co-operative Associations, comprising 1,219,091 members, t 65 weeks. 63 weeks. || 50 weeks, If Taken from reserve and insurance fund. WOT B 2 SUMMARY TABLES. ENGLISH WHOLESALE SOCIETY. BANKING DEPARTMENT. 7. NUMBER of SOCIETIES BANKING with the WHOLESALE SOCIETY, RECEIPTS of the DEPARTMENT, PROFIT, RESERVE FUND, and ASSETS for each of the YEARS 1881- 1900. (Compiled from the published Accounts of the Society.') Year. No. of Current Accounts Receipts. Profit after paying Interest on Capital. Bank Reserve Fund. Assets. Current Accounts. Other Receipts. Total. lLoans and Advances on Securities. Cash Balances and other Assets. Total. 1881 136 6,328,132 5,592,282 11,920,414 1,336 589 116,684 179,185 295,869 1882 137 6,861,965 6,293,016 13,154,981 1,127 1,249 83,050 131,206 214,256 1883 156 7,471,675 6,914,951 14,386,626 2,440 1,471 81,591 215,642 297,233 1884 174 7,911,715 7,036,960 14,948,675 1,572 2,391 94,286 343,859 438,145 1885 181 7,978,919 7,123,806 15,102,725 2,346 3,323 109,208 346,986 456,194 1886 198 8,550,043 7,549,505 16,099,548 3,014 4,696 127,672 273,013 400,685 1887 210 9,312,252 8,064,163 17,376,415 4,222 6,437 132,527 212,193 344,720 888 226 10,039,279 8,699,475 18,738,754 4,984 9,033 131,787 255,226 387,013 389 248 11,383,954 9,651,633 21,035,587 3,834 9,317 122,290 455,541 577,831 S90 263 12,440,739 10,888,771 23,329,510 3,845 9,958 129,068 702,713 831,781 391 286 14,193,488 12,992,004 27,185,492 5,193 11,168 149,856 492,176 642,032 392 314 15,326,524 13,659,721 28,986,245 7,309 13,059 137,951 467,672 605,623 !93 350 15,617,434 13,679,185 29,296,619 6,800 15,702 153,646 624,952 678,598 894 370 16,206,378 14,392,373 30,598,751 5,319 6,104 121,202 765,523 886,725 895 389 17,786,992 16,039,161 33,826,153 5,078 7,535 374,784 744,970 1,119,754 .896 4J;1 19,778,941 18,025,791 37,804,732 8,321 20,058 681,381 604,136 1,185,517 897 460 21,975,553 20,125,398 42,100,951 10,033 23,414 748,483 243,764 992,247 .898 511 24,260,932 22,119,295 46,380,227 11,245 43,887 908,106 391,507 1,299,613 1899 584 28,311,202 25,666,816 53,978,018 12,146 46,480 1,149,707 171,234 1,320,941 1900 621 83,358,151 29,501,855 62,860,006 11,445 47,043 1,255,409 138,950 1,394,359 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION. 21 ENGLISH WHOLESALE SOCIETY. SHIPPING DEPARTMENT. TABLE 8. NUMBER and TONNAGE of SHIPS owned by the SOCIETY ; the SHIPMENTS (in TONS) ; the RECEIPTS for FREIGHTS, CARRIAGE, and COM- MISSION ; the Amount of WAGES paid to the CREWS ; the DEPRECIATION charged to EXPENSES ACCOUNT, and the PROFIT or Loss before paying INTEREST on CAPITAL for each of the years 1881-1900. (Compiled from the published Accounts of the Society.*) Year. Steamships. Shipments during Year. Receipts : Freights, Carriage, and Com- mission. Wages paid to Officers and Crews. Depre- ciation charged to Expenses Account. Profit (+)or Loss ( ) before paying In- terest oni Capital. No. Gross Tonnage. Tons. 1881 .. 2 906 41,571 30,961 2,191 815 + 13 1882 .. 2 908 48,352 37,748 2,622 980 + 530 1883 3 1,506 106,383 67,447 3,205 1,133 1,913 1884 .. 4 1,888 111,401 64,741 4,271 1,452 - 731 1885 4 1,888 107,006 70,157 5,428 ],917 + 588 1886 .. 5 2,581 111,968 64,932 5,794 2,017 + 3,047 1887 5 2,581 134,317 78,642 6,799 2,643 + 2,465 1888 .. 5 3,016 145,941 84,740 7,301 2,810 4- 2,344 1889 .. 6 3,911 158,213 92,255 7,819 3,249 + 7,052 1890 6 3,911 174,137 100,521 9,287 4,779 + 7,638 1891 .. 6 3,911 164,313 98,612 9,669 6,391 + 2,032 1892 7 3,964 137,667 88,112 9,496 6,415 - 2,985 1893 .. 7 3,964 139,817 96,036 9,651 8,429 5,878 1894 7 3,964 178,976 107,261 9,937 6,450 - 72 1895 8 4,047 176,931 108,027 9,640 6,423 - 4,300 1896 .. 7 3,449 167,523 104,644 8,375 4,240 - 677 1897 .. 7 3,449 171,173 117,262 8,230 4,168 + 1,803 1898 7 3,564 178,511 123,878 8,262 3,287* + 3,259 1899 7 3.564 133,491 132,995 8,149 4,087 + 5,256 1900 7 3,652 194,066 137,241 7,664 6,561 + 3,532 * In addition to the amount here shown, a further sum of 16,711 was written off the value of the ships out of the general trading profits of the year, reducing the value of shipa in the accounts of the Society to nil, subsequent additions and repairs being written off eaoh year. 22 SUMMARY TABLES. SCOTTISH WHOLESALE SOCIETY. TABLE 9. MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, and other particulars relating to SOCIETY from the [ Compiled from the Tear. Number of Members in Share- holding Societies. Capital. Sales. Bate of Distri- butive Ex- penses per of Sales. Average Divi- dend paid per on Sales. Amount trans- ferred to Reserve and Insur- ance Funds. Share* Loan.* Reserve and Insur- ance. Funds. Total. d. d. T1868 Not stated 1,700* 95: 1,795 9,697 3'8 49 1869 ii 6.075J 100: 6,175 81,094 3-0 tt 63 1870 12,433 110 12,543 105,250 3'5 4| 324 1871 - 3,894 13,195 920 18,009 162,658 3'2 Bi 678 1872 18,708 7,883 23,017 31 30,931 262,531 3-1 41 471 1873 21,271 10,636 27,330 12,467 50,433 384,489 31 41 214 1874 24,651 10,788 37,096 1,098 48,982 409,947 3-9 i 945 1875 27,112 13,556 23,850 19,345 66,751 430,169 3'9 4 94*1 51876 29,008 12,946 51,751 2,522 67,219 457,529 3'9 4 119 1877 31,945 14,958 64,514 3,097 72,569 589,221 3-5 4 675 1878 34,830 16,548 63,077 3,549 83,174 600,690 4-0 4 462 1879 36,008 17,330 70,141 6,606 93,077 630,098 4'2 4f 2,055 1880 41,584 19,160 82,614 8,405 110,179 845,222 3'7 H 2,798 **1881 49,073 22,418 104,496 8,799 135,713 986,647 3'8 6 392 1882 53,684 25,093 132,049 12,287 169,429 1,100,689 4'2 5i 3,490 1883 59,529 27,950 151,487 14,559 193,996 1,253,154 4-2 6! 2,271 NOTE. The Scottish Society is a Federation which at the end of 1900 included 288 members of the Society. * Previous to 1871 the division of share and loan capital is not stated. Taken from reserve and insurance funds. 5 61 weeks. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION. 23 DISTRIBUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. the DISTRIBUTIVE DEPARTMENTS of the SCOTTISH CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE commencement of the Society. Accounts of the Society.'] Year. Number of Members in Share- holding Societies. Capital. Sales. Bate of Distri- butive Ex- penses per of Sales. Average Divi- dend paid per on Sales. Amount trans- ferred to Reserve and Insur- ance Funds. Share. Loan. Reserve and Insur- ance Funds. Total. & d. d. 1884 65,331 31,015 193,260 17,473 241,748 1,300,332 4'5 Bi 2,004 1885 70,066 34,257 225,510 21,255 281,022 1,438,220 4'5 61 3,783 tt!888 79,874 56,234 237,769 25,567 319,570 1,857,152 4'7 6* 4,213 1887 87,220 61,884 259,044 32,652 353,580 : 1,810,016 4'7 61 7,085 1888 96,521 68,841 280,612 36,875 386,328 1,963,854 4'8 6J 4,223 1889 107,004 76,556 325,811 44,177 445,544 2,273,782 4'6 6i 7,303 1890 117,664 84,455 390,860 52,883 528,198 2,475,601 4'8 7 8,705 1891 131,086 95,378 435,622 64,940 595,940 2,828,037 4'8 61 8,964 1892 139,022 129,973 473,856 73,649 677,478 3,104,768 5-0 6f 12,301 1893 149,164 144,075 503,028 85,349 732,452 3,135,562 5-5 6* 11,201 1894 159,820 157,208 468,896 65,728 691,832 3,056,583 5'9 6 || 19,621 1895 171,985 169,906 590,527 78,931 839,364 3,449,462 5'4 7 13,203 1896 189,763 187,848 591,800 103,766 883,414 3,822,581 5'2 71 24,834 1897 211,859 211,489 554,902 123,567 889,958 4,405,854 5'2 8 19,801 1898 223,699 223,932 485,890 147,107 856,929 4,692,330 5-7 7 23,540 1899 240,873 242,010 556,996 176,806 975,812 5,014,189 5'5 8 29,699 1900 251,376 254,113 670,525 213,425 1,138,063 5,463,631 5'5 8 36,619 Co-operative Associations, comprising 251,376 members ; 320 of its employees were also lounts. ft 60 weeks. t 13 weeks only. t Approximate amounts. I 50 week* "53 week* 24 SUMMARY TABLES. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTION. IRISH WHOLESALE SOCIETIES. TABLE 10. MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES and other particulars relating to the CO-OPERATIVE WHOKESALE SOCIETIES in IRELAND. [Compiled from the published Accounts of the Societies and from special information furnished by them.~\ (I.) IRISH CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY. Tear. Number of Members in Share- holding Societies. Capital. Sales. Bate of Dis- tributive Expenses per of Sales. Average Divi- dend paid per on Sales. Amount trans- ferred to Reserve and Insur- ance Funds. Share. Loan. Reserve and Insur- ance Funds. Total. & d. d. 1893* 138 542 680 45,575 7-0 1894 138 1,442 1,580 64,858 5-9 1895 Cannot 201 1,793 1,994 77,606 6-5 1896 be 270 2,128 2,398 110,726 7-6 1897 stated. 239 2,242 2,481 116,238 6-1 1898 352 2,000 2,352 133,011 6-2 1899 375 2,119 330 2,824 159,209 5-9 330 1900 404 866 1,628 2,898 177,205 6-1 1,298 (II.) AGRICULTURAL WHOLESALE. Number Capital. Rate of Average Amount trans- Year. of Members in Share- holding Societies. Share. Loan. Eeserve and Insur- ance Funds. Total. Sales. Dis- tributive Expenses per of Sales. Divi- dend paid per on Sales. ferred to Reserve and Insur- ance Funds. d. d. 1897* ) Cannot 312 312 14,441 6-0 \ be 1898 ) stated. 1,861 579 200 2,640 40,006 5-6 *i 200 1899 3,271 2,493 1,676 4,168 36,697 14-6 1900 3,323 3,034 2,289 5,323 36,764 12-1 NOTE. The Irish Co-operative Agency consisted at the end of 1899 of 47 agri- cultural and dairying societies, and the Agricultural Wholesale at the end of 1900 of 29 agricultural and dairying societies. * Commencement of business. SUMMARY TABLES. CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. 25 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. GENERAL SUMMARY. TABLE 11. NUMBER of PERSONS EMPLOYED in PRODUCTION by, and TOTAL VALUE of PRODUCTIONS of WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM making RETURNS in the Years 1895-99. [Compiled from the published Accounts of the Societies, and from special information furnished by them.'] Year. ASSOCIATIONS FOR DISTRIBU- TION. ASSOCIATIONS FOR PRODUC- TION. Grand Total. Retail Societies. Wholesale Societies. Total. Corn Milling Societies. Other Forms of Produc- tion. Total. 1895 NUMBER OF RETURNS. 494 2 496 9 170 179 875 1896 495 2 497 9 190 199 696 1897 580 2 582 9 212 221 803 1898 613 2 615 8 242 250 865 1899 1895 616 2 618 8 259 267 885 NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED IN PRODUCTION. 8,854 6,684 15,638 404 6,716 7,120 22,658 1896 9,398 8,588 17,986 394 7,381 7,775 25,761 1897 10,934 9,353 20,287 405 7,868 8,273 28,560 1898 12,008 9,737 21,745 391 7,968 8,359 30,104 1899 13,810 11,606 25,416 376 8,801 9,177 34,593 VALUE OF GOODS PRODUCED.* 1895 2,356,405 1,570,598 3,927,003 957,906 1,393,928 2,351334 6,278,837 1896 2,650,183 2,119,228 4,769,411 1,070,543 1,597,825 2,668,368 7,437,779 1897 3,297,816 2,905,167 6,202,983 1,264,402 1,763,976 3,028378 9,231,361 1898 3,683,529 3,191,896 6,875,425 1,408,646 1,916,527 3,325,173 10,200,598 1899 3,906,385 3,558,184 7,464,569 1,184,885 2,191,785 3,376,670 10,841,239 In the case of the wholesale and retail distributive societies the goods are not usually sold by the productive departments, but are transferred to the distributive departments. 36 SUMMARY TABLES. CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION - TABLE 12. TOTAL PRODUCTION by WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES for DISTRIBUTION engaged in I. Classified by Industry, r and Sex. [Compiled from the published Accounts of the Societies Industries. Number of Societies Persons employed in Production at end of 1899. Total Sales, and Transfers from Productive to Dis- tributive Depart- ments in 1899. Men. Women. Young Persons under 18 years of age. Total. Per Cent, of Grand Total. Amount. Per Cent, of Grand Total. Building 62 1,910 1 121 2,032 6-9 314,182 2'9 Mining and quarrying 3 350 - 10 360 I'O 36,500 0-3 Metal, engineering and shipbuilding. 29 678 96 163 937 2-7 131,087 11 Textile 28 889 1,296 439 2,624 7'6 536,300 4'9 Clothing : Boots and shoes 372 5,587 1,479 1,428 8,494 24-5 1,214,958 11-2 Tailoring, mantle and shirtmaking. 236 2,615 2,440 883 5,938 17'2 648,959 6'0 Dressmaking and mil- linery. 238 8 1,870 988 2,866 8'3 183,320 1-7 Farming, dairying, and fishing. 175 979 227 67 1,273 3'7 952,707 8'8 Printing and allied trades. . 17 661 287 323 1,271 3'7 193,955 11 Woodworking and fur- nishing. 25 757 64 138 959 2-8 122,677 11 Soap and candle making . . 2 190 36 140 366 1-0 266,241 2-5 Food Preparation : Bread making and confectionery. 466 3,353 513 635 4,501 13-0 2,604,493 24-0 Oorn milling .. 24 801 30 20 851 2'5 2,784,761 25-7 Other foods .. 31 393 547 185 1,125 3'2 488,934 4'5 Tobacco 4 103 229 130 462 1-3 298,525 2'8 Bass dressing, brush and mat making. 7 80 32 15 127 0-4 24,143 0-2 Leather 4 53 1 1 55 0'2 10,293 O'l Other industries Totals : United Kingdom 3 50 18 18 ( 86 ( 2661 j ro 28,904 ! 3 885* 19,457 9,166 5,704 ( 34,327 { 266 ] lOO'O 10,841,239 100*0 Some societies carry on two or more trades and are entered t These employees were not classified CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. 27 EMPLOYEES AND PRODUCTION in 1899. and PRODUCTION in the UNITED KINGDOM in 1899, together with NUMBEB of EMPLOYEES PRODUCTION. II. Classified by Groups of Counties. and ft .-"in special information furnished by them.'] Groups of Counties. Num- ber of So- cieties. Persons employed in Production at end of 1899. Total Sales, and Transfers from Productive to Distributive Departments in 189y. No. Per Cent, of Grand Total. Amount. Per Cent, of Grand Total. ENGLAND AND WALES. Noi ".era Counties Tor' ?bire . 81 103 116 2,220 3,783 11,800 6'4 10-9 34-1 489,901 1,520,251 3,640,594 4*5 14-0 33-6 Lancashire and Cheshire North and West Midlands 106 3,030 8-8 707,729 6-6 South Midlands and Eastern 00 2,043 5-9 442,012 41 South-Eastern 33 277 0-8 125,956 11 London (12-mile radius) 23 470 1-4 163,237 1-6 Southern and Western 20 271 0-8 124,864 1-2 Wales and Monmouth TOTALS : ENGLAND AND WALES SCOTLAND. 9 80 0-2 34,898 0'3 580 23,974 69-3 7,249,442 66-9 Northern Counties 78 1,651 4-5 491,767 4'5 Southern Counties TOTALS: SCOTLAND IRELAND. Leinster . . 100 8,278 23'9 2,481,366 22*9 178 9,829 28*4 2,973,133 27-4 14 47 49 17 91 302 276 122 0'3 0-9 0'8 0-3 67,336 287,769 171,416 92,143 0-6 27 1-6 0-8 Munster Ulster Connaught TOTALS : IRELAND Totals : United Kingdom 127 790 2-3 618,664 6-7 885 84,593 100*0 10,841,239 100*0 under several heads, consequently this oolumn doea not add up. according to age or sex. 28 SUMMARY TABLES. PRODUCTION CARRIED ON BY TABLU 13. NUMBER of SOCIETIES established primarily for RETAIL DISTRIBUTION employed in PRODUCTION, the TOTAL VALUE of the PRODUCTIONS transferred to WAGES for PRODUCTION in each of the [Compiled from special Returns made to the 1896. 1897. Industries. No. of Societies making returns. No. of Persons em- ployed in Pro- duction. Total Amount paid in Wages. Total estimated Value of Produc- tions. No. of Societies making returns. No. of Persons em- ployed in Pro- duction. Total Amount, paid in Wages. Total estimated Value of Produc- tions. ENGLAND Building .. Metal 22 2 478 5 34,475 195 85,575 367 20 2 602 7 38,304 176 75,729 322 Textile 6 297 8,646 64,024 3 291 10,135 60,536 Clothing: Boots and shoes Tailoring Dressmaking and 214 108 129 1,646 1,355 1,166 88,421 73,581 24,812 200,162 174,420 64,447 258 133 158 1,938 1,586 1,338 108,234 91,029 29,515 264,011 225,834 94,974 millinery. Shirtmaking .. 1 2 35 212 5 12 289 1,333 Farming Woodworking and furnishing. 28 133 1 6,085 20 30,801 30 29 153 79 7,220 3,448 36,212 5,455 Food preparation : Corn milling 13 157 12,215 443,968 14 154 11,905 539,566 Bread making and 239 1,156 66,708 700,153 290 1,394 82,228 925,597 confectionery. Other foods 74 2,896 43,063 10 66 3,287 46,096 Brush and mat making 1 8 670 2,936 1 9 707 3,106 TOTAL 368* 6,478 318,759 1,790,158 441* 7,629 386,477 2,278,771 SOOT- Building 4 39 2,862 4,836 4 19 2,607 5,928 Metal 1 6 266 328 1 6 269 336 Clothing : Boots and shoes Tailoring Dressmaking and 53 42 45 318 682 793 17,006 33,449 15,984 35,375 81,926 52,600 66 54 48 384 787 882 20,057 40,494 17,176 40,725 95,907 54,023 millinery. Shirtmaking . Farming 2 39 1,711 9,420 2 40 1,710 9,190 Woodworking and furnishing. Food preparation : Corn milling Bread making and 113 10 1,035 824 64,872 22,232 652.892 ~125 1,169 75^070 789,113 confectionery. Other foods 3 18 1,010 23,823 TOTAL 126 2,919 136,974 859,609 139* 3,305 158,423 1,019,045 Some societies carry on two or more trades, and M-J entered CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. SOCIETIES FOR RETAIL DISTRIBUTION. which were returned as also engaged in PRODUCTION, with the NUMBER of PERSONS the DISTRIBUTIVE DEPARTMENTS of these SOCIETIES, and the TOTAL AMOUNT paid in Years 1896, 1897, 1898, and 1899. Department by the Societies. ,] 1898. 1899. No. of Societies making returns. No. of Persons em- ployed in Pro- duction. Total Amount paid in Wages. Total estimated Value of Produc- tions. No. of Societies making returns. No. of Persons em- ployed in Pro- duction. Total Amount paid in Wages. Total estimated Value of Produc- tions. Industries. AND WALES. . 29 6 731 24 51,572 1,292 98,221 2,536 39 1,075 27 66,687 1,531 138,017 3,479 Building. Metal. 9 274 8,486 49,653 10 313 11,131 64,257 Textile. Clothing : 267 146 2,086 1,693 108,372 94,224 266,487 221,970 270 158 2,223 2,005 126,041 112,539 300,765 299,393 Boots and Shoes. Tailoring. 178 1,498 32,697 103,320 179 1,737 37,004 123,222 Dressmaking and millinery. 7 18 421 1,618 7 33 469 2,170 Shirtmaking. 36 10 187 117 8,203 6,907 43,880 11,483 38 16 195 188 8,995 11,639 46,491 22,108 Farming. Woodworking and furnishing. 14 171 13,735 597,580 14 163 17,464 572,486 Food preparation*: Corn milling. 293 1,501 92,047 1,106,041 306 1,682 104,357 1,109,002 Bread making and 18 90 4,515 43,838 19 112 4,903 43,694 confectionery. Other foods. 2 19 1,318 6,694 2 20 1,329 7,143 Brush and mat making. 460* 8,409 423,789 2,553,321 459* 9,773 504,089 2,732.227 TOTAL. LAND. 12 106 4,454 11,853 12 128 9,470 20,129 Building 2 8 388 476 Metal. Clothing : 77 62 426 901 23,473 46,648 47,927 106,780 77 64 414 997 23,355 52,856 47,138 110,819 .boots and shoes. Tailoring. 53 907 20,018 58,326 58 1,111 23,377 60,098 Dressmaking and millinery. 1 2 22 32 2 5 36 68 Shirtmaking. 2 43 1,737 9,429 2 38 1,682 9,389 Farming. 1 2 130 1,192 Woodworking and furnishing. Food preparation : _ Corn milling. 135 1,184 78,741 872,859 141 1,302 89,319 897,029 Bread making and 4 30 1,795 23,002 7 32 2,088 27,820 confectionery. Other foods. 153* 3,599 176,888 1,130,208 157* 4,037 202,701 1,174,158 TOTAL. under several heads, consequently this column does not add up. 30 SUMMARY TABLES. PRODUCTION CARRIED ON BY SOCIETIES TABLE 13. NUMBER OF SOCIETIES established primarily for RETAIL DISTRIBUTION employed in PRODUCTION, the TOTAL VALUE of the PRODUCTIONS transferred paid in WAGES for PRODUCTION in each of the Industries. 1896. 1897. No. of Societies making returns. No. of Persons em- ployed in Pro- duction. Total Amount paid in Wages. Total estimated Value of Produc- tions. No. of Societies making returns. No. of Persons em- E loved i Pro- duction. Total Amount paid in Wages. Total estimated Value of Pro- ductions. UNITED Building 28 617 37,337 70,411 24 621 40,911 81,657 Metal 3 10 461 695 3 13 445 658 Textile 6 297 8,646 64,024 3 291 10,135 60,536 Clothing : Boots and shoes 267 1,962 105,427 235,537 324 2,322 128,291 304,736 Tailoring 160 2,037 107,030 256,346 187 2,373 131,523 321,741 Dressmaking and millinery. 174 1,959 40,796 117,047 206 2,220 46,691 148,997 Shirtmaking 1 2 35 212 5 12 289 1,333 Farming 30 172 7,796 40,221 31 193 8,930 45,402 Woodworking and furnishing. 1 1 20 30 7 79 3,448 6,455 Food preparation : Corn milling 14 167 13,039 466,200 15 164 12,729 561,798 Bread making and confectionery. 353 2,192 131,632 1,353,461 415 2,563 157,298 1,714,710 Other foods .. 9 74 2,896 43,063 12 74 3,503 47,687 Brush and mat making To TAL 1 8 670 2,936 1 9 707 3,106 495* 9,398 455,785 2,650,183 580* 10,934 544,900 3,297,816 NOTE: IRELAND. A return received from one society in Ireland for the year 1896, having a bread 416. This return is included in the summary for the United * Some societies carry on two or more trades, and are entered CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. 31 FOR RETAIL DISTRIBUTION continued. which were returned as also engaged iu PRODUCTION, with the NUMBER of PERSONS to the DISTRIBUTIVE DEPARTMENTS of these SOCIETIES, and the TOTAL AMOUNT Years 1896, 1897, 1898, and 1899 continued. 1898. 1899. Industries. No. of Societies making returns. No. of Persons em- ployed in Pro- duction. Total Amount paid in Wages. Total estimated Value of Pro- ductions. No. of Societies making returns. No. of Persons em- Eiffo d - duction. Total Amount paid in Wages. Total estimated Value of Pro- ductions. KINGDOM. 41 837 56,026 110,074 51 1,203 76,157 158,146 Building. 6 24 1,292 2,536 9 35 1,919 3,955 Metal. 9 274 8,486 49,653 10 313 11,181 64,257 Textile. Clothing : 344 2,512 131,845 314,414 347 2,637 149,396 347,903 Boots and shoes. 208 2,594 140,872 328,750 222 3,002 165,395 410,212 Tailoring. 231 2,405 52,715 161,646 237 2,848 60,381 183,320 Dressmaking and millinery. 8 20 443 1,650 9 38 505 2,238 Shirtmaking. 38 230 9,940 53,309 40 233 10,677 65,880 Farming. 10 117 6,907 11,483 17 190 11,769 23,300 Woodworking and furnishing. Food preparation : 14 171 13,735 597,580 14 163 17,464 572,486 Corn milling. 428 2,685 170,788 1,978,900 447 2,984 198,676 2,006,031 Bread making and confectionery. 22 120 6,310 66,840 26 144 6,991 71,514 Other foods. 2 19 1,318 6,694 2 20 1,329 7,143 Brush and mat making. TOTAL. 613* 12,008 600,677 3,683,529 616* 13,810 706,790 3,906,385 making department, showed one man employed, th Kingdom. For 1897, 1898, and 1899, no returns were receiv under several heads, consequently this column does not add up. uced 32 SUMMARY TABLES. PRODUCTION CARRIED ON BY SOCIETIES ENGLISH WHOLESALE SOCIETY. GENERAL SUMMARY. TABLE 14. NUMBER of EMPLOYEES engaged and AMOUNT OP CAPITAL employed in PRODUCTION, VALUE of PRODUCTIONS, and AMOUNT of EXPENSES of the MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENTS of the ENGLISH CO-OPERATIVE WHOLE- SALE SOCIETY in EACH YEAR from COMMENCEMENT of MANUFACTURING. [ Compiled partly from the published Accounts of the Society and partly from information specially supplied by the Society.'] Year. Number of Persons employed in Produc- tion at enc of Year. Average Amount of Capital employed. Value of Productions at Cost. Expenses (excluding materials used). Amount of Productive Wages. Other Expenses.* Total Expenses, including Productive Wages. 1874 220 18,100 54,784 11,279 2,444 13,723 1875 320 25,000 76.403 18,547 3,146 21,693 1876 400 35,000 85,894 22,747 3,967 26,714 1877 450 44,800 97,642 25,111 4,769 29,880 1878 470 45,200 101,397 27,600 5,142 32,742 1879 659 45,100 103,587 29,593 4,957 34,550 1880 680 46,454 118,340 32,465 5,568 38,033 1881 689 47,370 133,106 37,747 5,847 43,594 1882 713 48,413 149,053 42,601 6,196 48,797 1883 933 47,769 144,244 38,680 8,257 46,937 1884 965 * 55,527 160,757 44,112 9,923 54,035 1885 979 65,613 171,441 46,689 11,584 58,273 1886 996 69,864 184,789 50,967 14,087 65,054 1887 1,110 78,093 196,448 54,151 16,386 70,537 1888 1,405 106,256 231,570 65,367 19,424 84,791 1889 1,758 114,732 282,709 79,606 21,452 101,058 1890 1,969 127,866 350,630 97,793 23,240 121,033 1891 2,823 271,033 583,480 116,617 38,122 154,739 1892 3,278 359,808 816,348 141,329 55,391 196,720 1893 3,054 397,141 729,144 124,007 60,854 184,861 1894 3,265 392,210 783,778 138,360 64,478 202,838 1895 3,933 571,613 914,048 164,582 75,783 240,365 1896 5,277 663,975 1,234,750 239,730 102,523 342,253 1897 5,653 709,778 1,572,807 284,964 115,018 399,982 1898 5,955 794,635 1,909,649 266,493 128,680 395,173 1899 7,382 855,604 2,223,694 356,447 136,596 493,043 1900 7,462 1,029,062 2,626,516 370,371 193,050 563,421 * Including property, and interest on capital (all of -which is treated as loan capital), depreciation of expenses of management, Ac. CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. 33 FOR WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION. SCOTTISH WHOLESALE SOCIETY. GENERAL SUMMARY. TABLE 15. NUMBER of EMPLOYEES engaged and AMOUNT of CAPITAL employed in PRODUCTION, VALUE of PRODUCTIONS, and AMOUNT of EXPENSES of the MANUFAC TURING DEPARTMENTS of the SCOTTISH CO-OPERATIVE WHOLE- SALE SOCIETY, together with the AMOUNT distributed to such EMPLOYEES as BONUS,* in EACH YEAR from COMMENCEMENT of MANUFACTURING. [Compiled partly from the published Accounts of the Society and partly from information specially supplied Ijy the Society.'] Year. Number of Persons employed in Pro- duction at end of year. Average Amount of Capital em- ployed. Value of Produc- tions at Cost. Expenses (excluding Materials used). Amount distributed to Productive Employees as Bonus on Wages.* Amount of Pro- ductive Wages. Other Ex- penses, t Total Expenses including Pro- ductive Wages. Amount. Amount in Pence per of Wages. *. 1883 73 1,401 4,094t 2,357 177 2,534 1884 104 2,439 4,927t 2,371 399 2,770 1885 377 7,924 21,705J 7,883 1,067 8,950 1886 427 14,083 45,646 15,401 1,761 17,162 1887 473 13,729 46,441 16,864 1,783 18,647 816 H 1888 693 23,341 57,833 21,597 2,647 24,244 629 7 1889 783 35,078 78,047 28,150 4,229 32,379 1,017 81 1890 1,024 47,124 113,449 38,520 5,676 44,196 1,753 11 1891 1,350 75,169 183,156 48,080 9,326 57,406 1,803 9 1892 1,700 101,017 260,270 61.293 13,643 74,936 2,321 9 1893 1,684 137,304 293,089 68,260 18,137 86,397 1,778 6J 1894 1,931 248,994 346,838 74,604 23,229 97,833 1,843 6 1895 2,751 294,906 684,284 113.210 40,802 154,012 3,275 7 1896 3,311 353,904 831.282 131,995 47,454 179,449 4,262 8 1897 3,700 396,666 1,263,897 166.544 58.229 224,773 6,031 8 1898 3,782 476,149 'l. 287,903 174,373 69,655 244,028 5,082 i 1899 4,224 481.833 1,282,911 195,487 72,482 267,969 6,514 8 1900 4,669 538,702 1,460,307 215,548 85,682 301,230 7,179 8 * In the case of the English Co-operative Wholesale Society no bonus on wages is paid to workers. t Including interest on capital (all of which is treated as loan capital), depreciation of property, and expenses of management, &c. t "Making up " only for the distributive departments. The amount of bonus to workers in the manufacturing departments previous to 1887 is not obtainable. 3207 C SUMMARY TABLES. PRODUCTION CARRIED ON BY SOCIETIES ENGLISH WHOLE- DETAILED STATEMENT, TABLE 16. NUMBER of EMPLOYEES engaged and AMOUNT of CAPITAL employed in DEPARTMENTS of the ENGLISH CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE [ Compiled from information Expenses (excluding Materials .Number used). Industries. of Persons employed in Produc- tion at end of year. Average Amount of Capital employed. Value of Produc- . tions at Cost. Amount of Productive Interest, Deprecia- tion, Ad- ministra- tion, and Total Expenses, including Productive Wages. other Wages. Expenses. 1897. Building 501 4,367 112,692 49,509 3,126 52,635 Textiles ( woollen and worsted 131 16,287 23,783 6,111 3,846 9,957 cloth ). Clothing : Boots, shoes, and currying. . 2,594 210,259 341,453 121,611 27,236 148,847 Tailoring (excluding value 864 25,139 64,738 35,231 4,662 39,893 of cloth). Mantles, shirtmaking, &c.. . 150 10,379 23,107 4,336 2,035 6,371 Printing and bookbinding . . ir.o 22,884 17,445 8,771 3,095 11,866 Woodworking and furnishing Soap, candles, &c. 119 217 18,732 91,701 12,457 124,630 6,555 8,515 1,930 14,150 8,485 22,665 Food preparation : Corn milling 174 158,119 536.481 13,595 22,812 36,407 Bread, biscuits, sweets, &c. . 283 32,486 48,066 9,935 9,815 19,750 Preserves and pickles 238 66,863 81,951 10,693 8,307 19,000 Cocoa and chocolate 63 13,370 14,297 2,871 2,090 4,961 Lard and butterrnaking . Brush, bedding, &c., making . 128 41 35,219 3,973 . 163,070 8,637 4,878 2,353 11,619 295 16,497 2,648 Total, 1897 5,653 709,778 1,572,807 284,964 115,018 399,982 1898. Building 372 219 4,151 29,039 86,104 54,530 35,016 8,427 3,177 5,294 38,193 13,721 Textiles (woollen and worsted cloth). Clothing : Boots, shoes, and currying . . Tailoring (excluding value 2,525 718 206,032 30,012 300,842 57,918 102,678 33,302 26,576 4,934 129,254 38,236 of cloth). Mantles, shirtmaking, Ac... 195 11,644 26,980 5,285 2,266 7,551 Printing and bookbinding . . Woodworking and furnishing Soap, candles, Ac. 270 99 256 29,016 19,113 104,992 32,371 13,839 154,939 10,531 0,923 10,378 4,767 1,991 15,179 15,298 8,914 25,557 Food preparation : Corn milling 179 118,430 582,208 13,256 19,794 33,050 Bread, biscuits, sweets, &c. . . 307 47,500 94,418 11,241 11,596 22,837 Preserves and pickles 260 91,890 171,215 11,769 9,685 21,454 Cocoa and chocolate 85 13,208 23,982 3,053 3,113 6,166 Lard and buttermaking . . Tobacco (28i weeks only) . . 254 175 67,036 19,014 246,640 57,102 9,260 3,082 18,H90 1,420 27,650 4.502 Brush, bedding, &c., making. . 41 3,558 6,561 2,292 498 2,790 Total, 1898 5,955 794,635 1,909,649 266,493 128,680 395,173*" * For 12 months' working, except that in 1897, as to Textiles, Printing and Preserves (whole Textiles (39,517), Printing, and Preserves (whole amount) CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. 35 FOE WHOLESALE SALE SOCIETY. CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRIES. PRODUCTION, VALUE of PRODUCTIONS, and AMOUNT of EXPENSES of the MANUFACTURING SOCIETY in each of the Years, 1897, 1898, 1899, and 1900. specially supplied by the Society. ] Industries. Number of Persons employed in Produc- tion at end of year. Average Amount of Capital employed. Value of Produc- tions at Cost. Expenses (excluding Materials used). Amount of Productive Wages. Interest, Deprecia- tion, Ad- ministra- tion, and other Expenses. Total Expenses, including Productive Wages. Building Textiles ( woollen and worsted cloth). Clothing : Boots, shoes, and currying Tailoring (excluding value of cloth ). Mantles, shirtmaking, &c.. . Printing and bookbinding . . Woodworking and furnishing Soap, candles, &c. 1899. 421 247 2,847 1.089 297 361 108 288 163 377 281 108 451 310 39 3,894 34,828 197,163 30,453 14,253 53,406 17,637 111,306 105,037 42,587 100,295 10,670 95,326 35,848 2,841 76,499 63,938 402,734 69,878 33,424 44,880 17,432 214,907 553,259 101,323 159,662 28,538 295,477 155,016 6,727 37,796 11,765 142,080 42,706 8,200 18,009 7,473 15,053 16,934 14,723 14,167 3,622 12,77(i 8,710 2,428 1,492 6,045 23,874 4,663 2,195 7,755 1,726 15,386 20,254 12,838 9,455 3,023 23,963 3,404 523 39.288 17,810 165,954 47,369 10,395 25,764 9,199 30,444 37,188 27,561 23,622 6.645 36,739 12,114 2,951 Food preparation : Corn milling Bread, biscuits, sweets, &c. Preserves and pickles Cocoa and chocolate Lard and buttermaking . . Tobacco Brush, bedding, &c., making. . Total, 1899 Building Textiles (woollen and worsted cloth). Clothing : Boots, shoes, and currying. . Tailoring (excluding "value of cloth). Mantles, shirtmaking, Ac. . . Fruit farming Printing and bookbinding . . Woodworking and furnishing 7,382 855,604 2,223,694 356,447 136,596 493,043 1900. 302 244 2,585 1,206 399 52 4(55 87 288 238 403 300 116 360 380 37 3,884 37,566 211,370 37,672 19,582 7,975 64,401 14,251 134,698 155,110 53,370 103,<'64 ' 13,189 115,129 56,034 1,767 52,887 61,816 424,053 101,947 57,387 4,674 64,077 14,090 272,130 656,743 122,649 155.314 32,766 386,738 i 212.509 i 6,736 27,869 10,984 137,555 55,499 13,373 1,835 19,994 6,236 14,901 18,528 11,985 13,686 4,362 15.298 12.54K 2,720 3,590 7,138 33,372 7,008 3,060 2,765 11,349 1,906 21,357 29,350 19,314 13,903 2,640 29,816 5,973 509 31,459 18,122 170,927 62,507 16.433 4,600 31,343 8,142 36,258 47,878 34,299 27,589 7,002 45,114 18,519 3,229 Food preparation : Corn milling Bread, biscuits, sweets, &c. Preserves and pickles Cocoa and chocolate Lard and buttermaking . . ' Tobacco Brush, bedding, &c., making Total, 1900 7,462 1,029,062 2,626,516 370,371 193.050 563,421 amount), Boots (33,994) and Bread (44,464), the figures Booiw (55,034) and Bread (89,574), to 15 months. relate to 9 months, and in 3207 2 36 SUMMARY TABLES. PRODUCTION CARRIED ON BY SOCIETIES SCOTTISH WHOLE- ! DETAILED STATEMENT. TABLE 17. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES engaged and AMOUNT of CAPITAL of the MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENTS of the SCOTTISH CO-OPERATIVE [Compiled from information Number of Persons Average Value Expenses (excluding Materials used). Industries. em- ployed in Produc- tion at end of Year. Amount of Capital Em- ployed. of Produc- tions at Cost. Amount of Produc- tive Wages. Other Ex- penses.* Total Expenses, including Productive Wages. 1897. Building 2117 2,21(8 1 1,332 24,887 685 25,572 Textiles (woollen and 133 32,970 2H.W3 8,280 4,176 10,456 worsted cloth). Clothing : Boots and shoes 1,206 59,400 160.414 51,920 6,672 58,592 Tailoring 539 10,738 43,896 16,465 1,888 18,353 Shirt and mantle mak- 331 8\992 23,599 9,358 1,667 11,1125 ing, &c. Farming 7 4,198 9,755 436 483t 919 Printing and bookbinding LSI 11,217 24,664 7,447 2,013 {, Kill Woodworking and furnish- 347 18,979 25,915 12,251 2,914 15,165 ing. Soapmaking 38 1,587 2^07 450 308 758 Food, Ac. preparation : Corn milling Preserves and confec- 154 198 150.233 33,897 588,835 85,025 9,444 8,363 23,669 5,176 33,113 11,539 tionery. Tobacco 125 32,298 125,5! is 5,294 2,569 7,86,'? Brush making 46 5,H:>,2 0,760 2,016 522 2,538 Other trades 288 24,059 92,784 1:5,933 5,487 19,420 Total, 1897 3,700 396,666 ; 1,263,897 166,544 58,229 224,773 i 1898. Building 259 3,441 25,576 17,283 728 18,011 Textiles (woollen and 139 34,701 40,166 6,392 4,088 111,481! worsted cloth). Clothing : Boots and shoes 1,105 66,958 162,799 54,024 7,666 61,690 Tailoring 496 6,741 31,184 16,464 1,475 17,939 Mantles, shirtmaking, 271 5,685 15,505 7,581 1,004 8,585 hosiery, &c. Farming 10 4,600 5,716 441 462f 903 Printing and bookbinding Woodworking and furnish- 177 288 11,539 21,213 27,985 33,083 8,261 13,951 2,030 3,436 10,291 17,387 ing. Soapmaking 65 30,579 31,981 3,189 3.970 7,159 Food, &c. preparation : Corn and meal milling 151 172,906 568,089 11,618 27,127 38,745 Preserves and confec- 242 33,464 100,092 8,766 6,639 15,405 tionery. Tobacco 135 40,226 126,248 5,690 3,030 8,720 Brush making 27 7,225 6,128 1,909 688 2,597 Other trades 417 36,808 113,351 18,804 7,312 26,116 Total, 1898 3,782 476,149 1,287,903 174,373 69,655 244,028 * Including interest on capital, depreciation of property, and f No interest was charged to this department, CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. 37 FOR WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION continued. SALE SOCIETY. CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRIES. employed in PRODUCTION, VALUE of PRODUCTIONS and AMOUNT OF EXPENSES WHOLESALE SOCIETY in each of the Years 1897, 1898, 1899, and 1900. specially supplied by the Society.^ Number Expenses (excluding of Persons Average Value Materials used). Industries. em- ployed in Produc- tion at Amount of Capital Em- ployed. of Produc- tions at Cost. Amount of Produc- tive Other Ex- penses.* Total Expenses, including Productive end ot Year. Wages. Wages. 1899. Building 196 6,721 36,240 22,039 820 22,859 Textiles (woollen and 146 33,265 33,645 6,709 4,479 11,188 worsted cloth). Clothing : Boots and shoes 1,310 68,760 188,179 60,132 8,271 68,403 Tailoring 464 5,663 31,917 15,584 1,262 16,846 Mantles, shirtmaking, 635 18,831 49,798 18,179 2,883 21,062 hosiery, &c. Farming Printing and bookbinding Woodworking and furnish- 9 206 341 4,008 10,007 24,882 4,493 29,229 42,540 438 8,904 18,099 504f 2,041 4,296 942 10,945 22,395 ing. Soapmaking 83 35,165 38,754 3,430 5,094 8,524 Food, &c., preparation : Corn and meal milling 149 156,181 468,142 11,082 25,154 36,236 Preserves, pickles, and 231 33,841 89,773 8,565 6,830 15,395 confectionery. Tobacco ; 128 11,511 127,600 5,530 3,085 8,615 Butter and margarine i 2.~ 9,028 35,614 1,340 874 2,214 making, &c. Other foods .. .. 15:? 2(1,394 76,726 i 6,308 4,958 11,266 Brush making til 6,996 7,378 2,144 701 2,845 Other trades 108 6,580 22,883 7,004 1,230 8,234 Total, 1899 4,224 481,833 1,282,911 195,487 72,482 267,969 1900. Building Textiles (woollen and 222 9,729 149 33,928 37,970 34,034 18,350 6,810 1,109 4,819 19,459 11,629 worsted cloth). Clothing : Boots and shoes 1,379 78,643 230,040 66,426 9,361 75,787 Tailoring 544 11,085 35,256 18,697 2,119 20,816 Mantles, shirtmaking, 748 30,732 67,951 23,217 4,617 27,834 and hosiery. Farming 7 3,893 5,540 432 478 910 Printing and bookbinding 216 10,961 30,978 9,735 2,324 12,059 Woodworking and furnish- 418 38,575 51,960 21,937 6,441 28,378 ing. Soapmaking 68 44,034 48,127 3,661 6,094 9,755 Food preparation : Corn and meal milling 153 158,013 487,995 11,553 27,278 38,831 Preserves, pickles, and 238 31,372 88,989 9,287 6,465 15,752 confectionery. Tobacco 134 ! 38,016 144,258 5,741 3,307 9,048 Butter and margarine 29 ' 11,982 55,442 1,710 2,588 4,298 making, &c. Other foods 205 ; 24,593 109,758 8,450 6,547 14,997 Brush making 43 i <>,556 7,192 2,292 819 3,111 Other trades 116 ; 6,590 24,817 7,250 1,316 8,566 Total, 1900 4,669 j 538,702 1,460,307 215,548 85,682 301,230 expenses of management, &c. 38 SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR PRODUCTION. TABLE 18. MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, and the DIVISION of a certain PRODUCTION (exclusive of Corn Mills, for [Compiled from the Returns Year. X umber of Societies making- Returns. Number of Members in the Societies making Returns. Capital. Amount of Sales. Share. Loan. Reserve and Insurance Funds. 1882 16 2,251 e 63,558 24,370 3,182 137,848 1883 18 2,800 82,163 42,143 5,182 188,532 1884 24 3,016 88,193 48,319 6,417 216,828 1885 26 8,587 76,888 57,492 7,556 234,980 1886 35 4,613 89,21)5 62,927 7.889 265,274 1887 39 6,139 94,799 75.239 12,116 306,580 1888 45 5,702 106,213 93,832 12,759 344,288 1889 59 7,750 131,127 138,711 18,665 550,314 1890 66 9,139 158,032 1 IS, 103 22,135 668,487 1891 88 10,447 188,662 182,758 26,252 861,914 1892 108 12,707 226,784 227,845 26,559 1,005,152 1893 128 15,719 267,458 254,264 31,172 1,090,185 1894 157f 24,630} 387,649 384,462 47,635 1,400,139 1895 170 27,110t 371,714 321,383 44,325 1,393,928 1896 190 31,311} 409.612 360,313 51,793 1,597,825 1897 212 34,300} 452,719 452,322 59,909 1,763,976 1898 :^42 41,074} 466,437 400,369 72,870 1,916,527 1899 259 46,212} 514,857 478,583 79,412 2,191,785 * The figures for 1894 to 1899 have been compiled from balance-sheets f The increase is mainly due to a larger number of returns from Baking } Of these totals 2,529 in 1894, 2,695 in 1895, 2,935 in 1896,3,133 in 1897, CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. 39 MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, &C. portion of the PROFIT of the WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS for which see p. 51) in the UNITED KINGDOM. made to the Co-operative Union.*]' Profit. Distribution of Profit by certain of the Societies. Amount, Por Amount allotted to including (since L er- centage Number of Total of Year. 1893) Interest on Shares but not on Loans. on Share and Loan Capital. Societies making Re- turns. Members (on Capital). Customers (on Pur- chases). Workers (on Wages). the three preceding columns. 5,523 6'3 No Returns. 1882 9,258 7'4 No Returns. 1883 9,111 6-7 13 3,429 1,334 546 5,309 1884 9,933 7-4 16 9,506 2,126 1,470 13,102 1885 11,719 7-7 23 12,100 2,696 1,599 16,395 1886 12,661 7'4 No Returns 3. 1887 15,061 7-5 21 6,896 3,468 1,854 12,218 1888 26,194 9-7 31 8.G01 5,612 3,708 17,921 1889 38,837 12-7 36 10,777 11,333 4,747 26,857 1890 47,810 12-9 42 11,746 17,608 5,043 34,397 1891 46,975 10-4 43 12,187 19,279 5,742 37,208 1892 46,103 8-8 49 12,709 18,644 5,832 37,185 1893 65,707 8-5 51 13,283 21,553 6,338 41,174 1894 85,299 12-3 56 13,640 26,575 9,647 49,862 1895 81.117 10'5 73 20,875 42,471 11,250 74,596 1896 96,784 10-7 79 20,037 52,590 13,150 85,777 1897 103,404 11-9 86 23,539 47,696 14,094 85,329 1898 120.277 12-1 83 24,850 65,482 17,633 97,965 1899 and returns sent direct to the Department by the Societies concerned. Societies than in previous years. 3,209 in 1898, and 3,486 in 1899, were Societies and not individuals. 40 SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOE PRODUCTION - TABLE 19. DISTRIBUTION in GROUPS of INDUSTRIES and TOTAL SALES of the WORKMEN'S p. 51) in the UNITED KINGDOM in each [Compiled from the Returns made Industries. 1888. 1889. 18 No. of Socie- ties. 90. Sales. 18 No. of Socie- ties. 91. Sales. 1892. No. of Socie- ties. Sales. No. of Socie- ties. Sales. No. of Socie- ties. Sales. ENGLAND AND WALES. Building 1 79 2 21,332 3 30,849 4 26,960 2 25,493 Coal mining - - - - - Quarrying . . .... 1 10,034 1 13,766 1 13,344 1 16,104 1 13,868 Metal, engineering and ship- building. Textile 9 10 22,316 158,811 12 12 27,146 200,991 13 13 34,693 248,656 13 13 43,202 261,515 14 16 43,893 297,155 Clothing : Boots and shoes 8 36,769 10 66,779 10 76,240 15 118,303 16 134,622 Tailoring, &c - - - - - - - - - - Hat and cap manufacture - - - - - - 1 5,352 1 5,677 Farming, dairying and fishing 5 6,864 5 7,355 4 5,924 4 9,097 6 15,272 Printing and allied trades . . 3 54,721 3 60,095 3 67,830 3 72,555 3 76,091 Woodworking and furnishing o 5,139 3 4,781 5 5,514 4 20,478 8 21,123 Brick making and pottery . . - - - - 1 7 1 11 1 5 Bread making and food preparation. Bass dressing, mat and brush making. 2 9,022 3 2 13,241 1,825 3 2 1 18,241 5,454 400 3 1 20,617 400 2 2 2 1 14,851 1,248 1,139 926 Miscellaneous Total SCOTLAND. 41 303,755 53 417.311 59 507,152 63 594,594 75 651,363 Quarrying - Textile 2 1 1 32,062 o 8,469 2 1 1 36,600 1,278 9,270 3 1 1 49,772 3,680 10,081 3 1 1 61,064 4,434 9,487 3 1 1 74,164 7,649 7,954 Printing and allied trades . . Bread making and food preparation. Miscellaneous Total IEELAND. : 2 85,855 2 97,802 3 142,122 3 2 161,945 3,108 4 40,533 6 133,003 7 161,335 8 217,107 10 254,820 Embroidery and lace making - - - - - - 17 50,213 23 98,969 Pig feeding Printing and allied trades . . Total TOTAL, UNITED KINGDOM - - - - - - - 17 50,213 23 98,969 45 344,288 59 550,314 66 668,487 88 861,914 108 1,005,152 * The figures for 1894 to 1899 have been compiled from balance-sheets and CO-OPEKATITE PRODUCTION. 41 SALES GROUPED BY INDUSTRIES. CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS for PRODUCTION (exclusive of Corn Mill?, for which see of the Years 1888 to 1899, so far as returned. to the Co-operative Union *~\ 11893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. No. of Socie- ties. Sales. No. of i Socie- ties. Sales. No. of Socie- ties. Sales. No. of Socie- ties. Sales. No. of Socie- ties. Sales. No. of Socie- ties. Sales. No. of Socie- ties. Sales. . 3 23,835 9 17,548 8 18,385 8 19,859 8 30,406 10 39,586 -9 ._ 43,264 - - - - - 1 6,331 1 7,210 1 6,519 1 18,893 1 19,504 1 18,369 1 21,647 1 23,698 1 25,291 1 27,013 13 44,844 14 47,454 16 60,230 16 75,771 16 75,866 19 90,263 19 106,523 17 311,699 13 491,553 15 324,518 15 343,023 15 321,787 14 284,406 12 295,247 25 122,000 26 154,435 24 171,109 24 178,048 24 195,247 24 233,844 23 272,925 1 6 6,412 17,172 6 8,079 4 13,850 4 20,360 3 25,397 3 31,959 4 45,895 5 15,592 7 17,544 7 21,066 10 28,880 9 29,674 10 30,132 4 81,132 7 64,043 8 83,617 10 89,165 12 96,902 11 100,342 11 103,890 8 . 26,642 8 29,321 8 25,860 7 28,151 8 33,069 8 36,460 6 41,854 3 19,413 2 22,760 2 25,692 2 30,803 2 21,007 1 8,280 2 28,216 3 16,800 6 25,294 6 29,829 5 33,692 5 36,651 6 40,095 8 47,402 2 3,376 2 5,272 2 6,611 3 6,193 2 5,219 2 3,859 3 4,400 2 1 4,114 2,457 2 8,708 3 19,737 4 22,198 5 20,842 5 15,750 3 8,019 89 698,789 101 909,563 104 815,351 106 889,976 112 921,302 114 947,019 112 1,060,299 1 1,702 1 2,101 1 2,440 1 2,219 1 3,613 1 3,968 3 71,801 2 75,869 3 90,218 1 72,019 1 72,851 1 72,780 1 75,672 1 10,516 1 8,978 1 11,786 1 13,007 - - - 1 8,961 1 9,016 3 12,175 3 12,620 3 13,392 2 12,093 3 13,757 5 162,127 18 236,711 19 270,674 20 320,961 18 391,427 15 421,152 14 418,737 2 1,147 - , - 1 272 - - 1 455 - - 1 688 12 254,552 23 332,276 28 387,226 26 421,047 24 480,344 19 509,638 20 512,822 1 1,267 2 ' 878 2 1,605 3 2,119 21 136,844 33 158,300 38 191,351 56 285,190 71 358,247 106 456,643 123 615,026 - - - - 1 345 2 762 - - - - - - - 1 2,443 1 1,622 1 1,519 27! 136,844 33 158,300 38 191,351 58 286,802 76 362,330 109 459,870 127 618,664 128 1,090,185 157 1,400,139 170 1,393,928 190 1,597,825 212 1,763,976 242 1,916,527 259 2,191,785 returns sent direct to the Department by the Societies concerned. 42 SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR PRODUCTION-MEMBERSHIP, TABLE 20. MEMBERSHIP. CAPITAL, SALES, and PROFIT of the WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE UNITED KINGDOM in each of the [Compiled from Balance Sheets and special Return* ENGLAND Number of Mem- bers in Societies Canital. Profit, Number of making Returns. i Amount including Interest Industries. Societies of on making Returns. Indivi- duals. Societies. Share. Reserve Loan i and In ~ suranoe i Funds. Sales. Shares but not on Loans. 1896. Building 8 1,191 4 2,432 1,712 858 19,859 1,387 Quarrying 1 137 4 8,000 - 670 21,647 1,630 Metal, engineering and shipbuilding. 16 1,069 263 20,284 11,312 3,963 75,771 3,799 Textile 15 950 103,274 87,616 12,541 343,023 12,247 Clothing : Boots and shoes . 21 3,549 292 31,296 22,787 3,266 178,048 6,721 Tailoring, &c. . . 4 667 81 4,593 5,154 230 20,360 1,127 Farming, dairying, 7 658 62 12,715 1,456 565 21,066 1,225 and fishing. Printing and allied 10 1,082 549 34,906 29,340 6,312 89,165 5,728 trades. Woodworking and 7 347 53 9,524 21,750 558 28,151 88 furnishing. Brick making and ) 1,053 50 18,527 11,219 360 30,803 9,603* pottery. Bread making and 5 672 113 11,030 3,048 1,805 33,692 2,291 food preparation. Bass dressing, mat 3 179 18 1,466 440 291 6,193 41* and brush making. Leather 4 339 8 4,338 2,122 126 22,198 375 Total, 1896 .. 106 13,768 2,447 262,385 197,956 31,545 889,976 27,068 1897. Building 8 1,268 4 3,617 4,232 1,062 30,406 1,627 Coal mining and .) 159 4 8,272 1,066 691 30,029 2,770 quarrvins. Metal, engineering 16 1,047 327 21,674 13,208 4,233 75,866 3,481 and shipbuilding. Textile. 15 2,916 1,012 116,706 108,068 14,251 321,787 6,947 Clothing : Boots and shoes 24 3,522 361 34,870 32,804 3,785 19f>,247 9,343 Tailoring, &c. . . 3 582 104 5,893 6,458 463 25,397 1,396 Farming, dairying, 10 848 57 14,974 2,857 605 28,880 1,464 and fishing. Printing and allied 12 1 1,192 560 35,684 31,855 6,682 96,902 4,973 trades. Woodworking and 8 372 56 9,972 23,613 1,167 33,069 718 furnishing. Brick making and 2 1,057 51 19,290 13,911 32 21,007 4,259* pottery. Bread making and 5 683 114 10,830 3,569 1,560 36,651 2,558 food preparation. Bass dressing, mat 2 139 1 1,382 301 284 5,219 J and brush making. Leather 5 434 16 5,312 3,055 222 20,842 259 Total, 1897 . . 112 14,219 2,667 288,476 244,997 35,037 921,302 31,276 Loss. t The total -wages paid by CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. CAPITAL, SALES, &c., GROUPED BY INDUSTRIES. ASSOCIATIONS for PRODUCTION (excluding Corn Mills, for which sec p. 51) in the YEARS 1896, 1897, 1898, and 1899. tent to the Department by the Societies concerned.] AND WALES.' Number of Mem- ,_ J * Number of bers in Societies making Returns. Capital. Amount Profit, including Interest Societies making lleturns. Indivi- duals. Societies. Share. Loan. Reserve and In- surance Funds. of Sales. on Shares but not on Loans. Industries. 1898. 10 1,482 7 5,174 9,140 1,849 39,586 2,343 Building. 2 327 8,467 1,243 1,823 32,501 2,830 Coal mining and quarrying. 19 14 1,200 2,833 348 1,036 23,220 110,547 13,149 67,432 4,499 15,189 90,263 284,406 5,640 7,735 Metal, engineering and shipbuilding. Textile. Clothing : 24 3,619 347 38,814 46,216 4,354 233,844 11,577 Boots and shoes. 3 752 147 8,081 7,028 738 31,959 2,226 Tailoring, Ac. 9 11 691 1,207 56 561 16,798 36,367 3,418 36,837 837 7,604 29,674 100,342 1,263 6,271 Farming, dairying, and fishing. Printing and allied trades. 8 386 60 10,750 25,196 1,551 36,460 507 Wood-working and furnishing. 1 314 12 2,208 4,035 611 8,280 755 Brick making. 6 1,066 121 12,808 5,418 2,051 40,095 3,420 Bread making and o 140 1 1,226 423 261 3,859 food preparation. 215* Bass dressing, mat and brush making. 5 372 15 4,825 4,892 302 15,750 177* Leather. 114 14,389 2,711 279,315 224,427 41,669 947,019 44,175 Total, 1898. 1899.1 9 1,570 , 9 6,621 9,123 2,284 43,--'64 345 Building. 2 332 .. 8,554 3,242 2,326 32,532 950 Coal mining and quarrying. 19 1,346 369 28,913 13,585 5,798 , 106,523 7,316 ; Metal, engineering 12 2,639 1,070 112,431 86,175 15,145 295,247 16,822 and shipbuilding. Textile. Clothing : 23 3,699 357 43,527 41,175 5,713 272,925 15,349 Boots and shoes. 4 933 185 9,689 8,222 1,356 ! 45,895 4,154 Tailoring, Ac. 10 711 57 12,764 7,378 892 ! 30,132 823 Farming, dairying, and fishing. 11 1,208 568 37,682 37,144 6,828 ; 103,890 6,650 Printing and allied I trades. 6 349 63 10,768 26,150 2,190 41,854 759 Woodworking and furnishing. 2 345 77 12,116 12,096 700 28,216 1,947* Brick making and 8 1,558 144 20,039 8,889 2,546 47,402 4,083 pottery. Bread making and food preparation. 3 136 15 1,131 324 274 4,400 31* Basa dressing and brush making. 3 209 5 2,261 1,620 241 8,019 447* Leather. 112 15,035 2,919 306,496 255,123 46,293 1,060,299 54,826 Total, 1899. these Societies in 1899 amounted to 344,928. SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR PRODUCTION. MEMBERSHIP, TABLE 20. MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, and PROFIT of the WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE UNITED KINGDOM in each of the Industries. Number of Societies making Returns. Number of Mem- bers in Societies making Returns. Capital. Amount . of Sales. Profit, including Interest on Shares but not on Loans. Indivi- duals. Societies. Share. Loan. Reserve and In- surance Funds. Quarrying Textile Farming Printing and allied trades. Bread making and food preparation. Total, 1896 . . Quarrying Textile Printing and allied trades. Bread making and food preparation. Boot making Total, 1897 . . Embroidery and lace making. Dairying Pig-feeding Printing and allied trades. Total, 1896 . . Embroidery and lace making. Dairying Pig feeding. Printing and allied trades. Total, 1897 .. SCOT- 1896. 1 1 1 3 20 47 1,311 233 325 8,227 8 253 45 74 104 237 21,070 5,779 6,651 85,562 X 169 35,767 8,266 12,463 94,641 140 2,279 1,150 10,983 2,440 72,019 13,007 12,620 320,961 161 4,616 263 805 44,423 26 10,143 484 119,299 151,306 14,552 421,047 50,268 1897. 1 1 3 18 1 47 1,417 351 7,095 8 2li2 67 116 *a 20,653 10,518 89,156 46 218 37,787 7,300 1I6,L'21 101 2,797 3,050 11,113 2,219 72,851 13,392 391,427 455 48* 4,611 1,204 57,579 34* 24 8,910 453 129,612 191,529 17,391 480,344 63,311 IRE- 1896. 1 56 1 28 4,078 359 4 81 27,489 358 362 10,589 100 5,696 1,267 285,190 345 26 3,937 18S* 58 4,465 4 27,928 11,051 5,696 286,802 3,781 1897. 2 71 2 1 73 6,592 1,342 31 13 83 33,904 441 203 394 14,331 216 855 70 7,411 878 358,247 762 2,443 50 2,360 202* 11* 76 8,038 13 34,631 15,796 7,481 362,330 2,197 Low. t TueTotarwajfea paid lay the Scottish Societies iu 1899 amounted CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. CAPITAL, SALES, &C., GROUPED BY INDUSTRIES continued. ASSOCIATIONS for PRODUCTION (excluding Corn Mills, for which see p. 51") in the YEARS 1896, 1897, 1898 and 1899 continued. Number of Societies making Returns. Number of Mem- bers in Societies making Returns. Capital. Amount of Sales. Profit, including Interest on Shares but not on Loans. Industries Indivi- duals. Societies. Share. Loan. Reserve and In- surance Funds. LAND. Quarrying. Textile. Farming. Printing and allied trades. Bread making and food preparation. Total, 1898. Quarrying. Textile. Printing and allied trades. Bread making and food preparation. Laundry. Total, 1899. Embroidery and lace making. Dairying'. Pig-feeding. Printing and allied trades. Total, 1898. Embroidery and lace making. Dairying. Pig feeding. Printing and allied trades. Total, 1899. 1898. 1 1 2 15 48 1,463 129 6,427 12 290 61 119 306 30,621 10,124 95,008 776 38,781 7,425 101,696 103 2,771 3^490 14,843 3,613 72,780 12,093 421,152 102 4,606 1,151 50.268 19 8,067 482 136,059 148,678 21,207 509,638 56,127 1899.t 1 ] 3 11 i r )'2 1,490 340 8,254 12 297 H2 123 40 .mi :U),8-H 10,764 101,536 1,230 X, 817 40,403 7,236 132,748 1,545 127 2/.21 2,945 16,999 3,908 75,672 13,757 418,737 688 135 5,704 1,115 53,438 342* 20 8,136 554 144,693 182,749 22,592 512,822 60,050 LAND. 1898. 2 106 1 58 15,321 30 15 85 49,368 1,610 389 26,725 150 36 9,956 1,605 456,643 1,622 82 3,594 574* 109 15,409 16 51,063 27,264 9,994 459,870 3,102 1899.1 3 123 1 72 19,451 32 10 3 88 61,970 1,610 384 39,982 315 78 10,449 2,119 615,026 1,519 242 5,283 194* 127 19,555 13 63,668 40,711 10,527 618,664 5,401 to|82,856, and by the Irish Societies to 22,245, 46 SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR PRODUCTION. MEMBERSHIP, TABLE 20. MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, and PROFIT of the WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE UNITED KINGDOM in each of the UNITED Number of Mem- bers in Societies Capital. Profit, Number of making Returns. Amount including Interest Industries. Societies making Returns. Indivi- duals. Societies. Share. Loan. [Reserve and In- surance Funds. of Sales. on Shares but not on Loans. 1896. Building 8 1,191 4 2,432 1,712 858 19,859 1,387 Quarrying 2 184 12 8,237 169 810 24,087 1,791 Metal, engineering and shipbuilding. 10 1,069 263 20,284 11,312 3,963 75,771 3,799 Textile 17 4,164 1,203 124,425 123,745 14,820 416,309 16,889 Clothing : Boots and shoes 24 3,549 292 31,296 22,787 3,266 178,048 6,721 Tailoring, &c. . . 4 667 81 4,593 5,154 230 20,360 1,127 Farming, dairying, 65 5,328 111 46,341 20,411 6,261 319,608 5,243 and fishing. Printing and allied 19 1,407 623 41,557 41,803 7,462 101,785 6,533 trades. Woodworking and 7 347 53 9,524 21,750 558 28,151 88 furnishing. Brick making and 2 1,1153 50 18,527 11,219 360 30,803 9,503* pottery. Bread making and 25 8,899 217 96,592 97,689 12,788 354,653 46,714 food preparation. Bass dressing, mat 3 179 18 i,ii;n 440 291 6,193 47* and brush making. Leather 4 339 8 4,338 2,122 126 22,198 375 Total, 1896 . . 190 28,376 2,935 409,612 360,313 51,793 1,597,825 81,117 i 1897. 1 Building 8 1,268 4 3,617 4,232 1,062 30,406 1,627 Coal mining and 3 2i} 12 8,511 1,284 792 32,248 2,721 quarrying. Metal, engineering and shipbuilding. 16 1,047 327 21,074 13,208 4,233 75,866 3,481 Textile 18 4,406 1,274 l-H',,442 146,240 17,118 395,516 11,608 Clothing : Boots and shoes 25 3,522 361 3I,1>16 32,804 3,785 195,702 9,309 Tailoring, itc. . . 3 582 104 5,893 6,458 463 2597 1,396 Farming, dairying, 83 8,782 70 49,319 17,404 8,016 387,889 3,622 and fishing. Printing and allied 16 1,574 627 46,405 40,010 9,732 112,737 6,166 trades. Woodworking and 8 372 56 9,972 23,613 1,167 33,069 718 furnishing. Brick making and 2 1,057 51 19,290 13,911 32 21,007 4,259* pottery. Bread making and 23 7,778 230 99,986 149,793 13,003 428,078 60,137 food preparation. Bass dressing and 2 139 1 1,382 301 284 5,219 1* brush making. Leather 5 434 16 5,312 3,055 222 20,842 259 Total, 1897 . . 212 31,167 3,133 452,719 452,322 59,909 1,763,976 96,784 t The total wages paid by these Societies CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. 47 CAPITAL, SALES, &c., GROUPED BY INDUSTRIES continued. ASSOCIATIONS for PRODUCTION (excluding Corn Mills, for which see p. 61) in the YEARS 1890, 1897, 1898, and 1899 continued. KINGDOM. Number of Mem- bers in Societies Capital. Profit, Number of making Returns. Amount including Interest Societies making Returns.! Indivi- duals. Societies. Share. l Loan. Reserve and In- surance of Sales. on Shares but not on Industries. Funds. Loans. 1898. 10 1,482 7 5,174 9,140 1,849 ; 39,586 2,343 Building. 3 375 12 8,773 2,019 1,926 36,114 2,932 Coal mining and quarrying. 19 1,200 348 23,220 13,149 4,499 ' 90,263 5,640 Metal, engineering 17 4,354 1,326 141,253 106,602 17,996 358,791 and shipbuilding. 12,423 Textile. Clothing : 24 3,619 347 38,844 46,216 4,354 233,844 11,577 Boots and shoes . 3 752 147 8,081 7,028 738 31,959 2,226 Tailoring, &c. 110 16,012 71 66,166 30,143 10,793 486,317 4,857 Farming, dairying, and fishing. 14 1,366 623 48,101 44,412 11,096 114,057 6,848 Printing and allied trades. 8 386 60 10,750 25,196 1,551 36,460 507 Woodworking and furnishing. 1 314 12 2,208 4,035 611 8,280 755 Brick making. 21 7,493 240 107,816 107,114 16,894 461,247 53,688 Bread making and food preparation. 2 140 1 1,226 423 261 3,859 2/5* Bass dressing, mat and brush making. 5 372 15 4,825 4,892 302 15,750 177* Leather. 242 37,865 3,209 466,437 400,369 72,870 1,916,527 103,404 Total, 1898. 1899.t 9 1,570 9 6,621 9,123 2,284 43,264 345 Building. j 3 384 12 8,873 4,059 2,453 36,500 1,085 Coal mining and quarrying. 19 16 1,346 4,201 369 1,367 28,913 143,363 13,585 126,962 5,798 17,744 106,523 373,038 7,316 22,768 Metal, engineering and shipbuilding. Textile. Clothing : .23 3,699 . 357 43,527 41,175 5,713 272,925 15,349 Boots and shoes. 4 933 185 9,689 8,222 1,356 45,895 4,154 Tailoring, *tc. 133 20,162 67 74,734 47,360 11,341 645,158 6,106 Farming, dairying, and fishiner. 16 1,580 653 50,056 44,725 9,773 119,166 7,641 Printing and allied 1 rades. 6 349 | 63 10,768 26,150 2,190 41,854 759 Woodworking and furnishing. 2 345 77 12,116 12,096 700 28,216 1,947* Brick making and pottery. 22 7,812 267 121,575 141,637 19,545 466,139 57,521 Bread making and food preparation. 3 136 15 1,131 324 274 4,400 i* Bass dressing and brush making. 3 209 5 2,261 1,620 241 8,019 447* Leather. 1 40 1,230 1,545 - 688 34H* Laundry. 259 42,726 3,486 514,857 478,583 79,412 2,191,785 120,277 Total, 1899. in 1899 amounted to 450,029 48 SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR PRODUCTION.- TABLE 21. AMOUNT of PROFIT allotted to MEMBERS, CUSTOMERS, and PRODUCTION (excluding Corn Mills) in GREAT BRITAIN [Com-piled from Balance Sheets and special Returns ENGLAND Industries. Number of Societies making Returns. Amount of Profit allotted to Total of three preceding columns. Members (on Capital). Customers (on Purchases). Workers (on Wages).* Building 1896. 5 117 211 466 794 Quarrying 1 1,600 - - 1,600 Metal and engineering 10 1,190 1,033 1,223 3,446 Textile 10 7,639 3,547 1,747 12,933 Clothing : Boots and shoes 14 2,259 1,467 2,209 5,935 Tailoring 1 323 436 375 1,134 Farming, dairying, and fish- ing. Printing and allied trades 4 4 489 2,041 827 636 489t 3,504 Woodworking and Furnish- ing. Bread making and other foods 1 4 249 490 1,083 150' 249 1,723 "Bass dressing and brush making. Leather Total, 1896 Building 1 2 42 87 - 52 51 94 138 57 16,526 8,604 6,909* 32,039 1897. 6 & 106 240 463 809 Quarrying 1 1,200 - 1,200 Metal and engineering 10 1,379 801 658 2,838 Textile 9 5,125 3,299 1,383 9,807 Clothing : Boots and shoes .. 16 1393 1,677 3,188 6,758 Tailoring 1 473 537 527 1,537 Farming, dairying, and fish- ing. Printing and allied trades . . 4 4 867 2,150 907 695 867f 3,752 Woodworking and furnish- ing. Bread making and other foods 3 4 301 538 1,352 159 301 2,049 Bass dressing and brush making. Leather Total, 1897 1 3 21 162 14,215 - 25 46 162 30,126 62 8,813 7,098* * In addition to the amounts shown above, 856 in 1896, 779 in 1897, 847 in 1898, and t In addition to this amount, 58 in 1896, 134 in 1897, and 126 in both 1898 and 1899, value of milk supplied to the Society. i In addition to this amount, 124 in 1898 and 607 in 1899 was allotted to Sick and Old CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. 49 MODE OF DISTRIBUTION OF PROFIT. WORKERS respectively, by WORKMEN'S Co OPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS for each of the Years 1896, 1897, 1898, and 1899. srnt to the Department 1>ij the Societies concerned.'} AND WALES. for Amount of Profit all otted to Number ~f Total of Industries. OI Societies making Eeturns. Members (on Capital). Customers (on Purchases). Workers (on Wages)* three preceding columns. 1898. Building 7 294 339 596 1,229 Quarrying 1 2,400 2,400 Metal and engineering 13 1,626 1,009 1,568 4,203 Textile 6 4,749 3,158 1,198 9,105 Clothing : Boots and shoes 15 2,364 1,330 4,825 8,519 Tailoring, &c 2 644 567 517 1,728 Farming, dairying, and fish- 4 1,199 . l,199f ing. Printing and allied trades . . 7 2,169 854 712 3,735 Woodworking and furnish- 5 477 6 6 489 ing. Brick making 1 210 - - 210 Bread making and other foods 6 783 1,909 193 2,885 Leather 2 79 5 37 121 Total, 1898 69 16,994 9,177 9,652* 35,823* . 1899. Building 5 268 258 511 1,037 Quarrying 1 2,400 2,400 Metal and engineering 12 1,871 1,179 2,257 5,307 Textile 8 4,934 3,912 1,803 10,649 Clothing : Boots and shoes 15 3,146 2,753 6,079 11,978 Tailoring, &c 2 797 1,181 1,012 2,990 Farming, dairying, and fish- 4 853 1 854f ing. Printing and allied trades . . 5 2,220 840 751 3,811 Woodworking and furnish- 4 433 433 ing. Brick making 1 181 83 264 Bread making and other foods 6 923 1,987 230 3,140 Bass dressing and brush making. 2 36 - 12 48 Leather 1 8 40 48 Total, 1899 66 18,070 12,110 12,779* 42,959: 1,089 in 1899, was allotted to Provident Funds for the Workers. was allotted by one Dairying Society in England to its members as a bonus on the Age Pension Funds. 3207 D 50 SUMMARY TABLES. ASSOCIATIONS FOR PRODUCTION. MODE OF DISTRIBUTION OF PROFIT -continued. TABLE 21. AMOUNT of PROFIT allotted to MEMBERS, CUSTOMERS, and WORKERS respectively, by WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS for PRODUCTION (excluding Corn Mills) in GREAT BRITAIN, for each of the Years 1896, 1897, 1898, and 1893 continued. SCOTLAND. Industries. Number of Societies making Returns. Amount of Profit allotted to Total of three preceding columns. Members (on Capital). Customers (on Purchases). Workers (on Wages).* 1896. Quarrying 1 26 102 128 Textile 1 982 2,552 516 4,050 Printing 2 618 618 Bread making and confec- tionery. Total, 1896 1897. Textile 12 2,723 31,315 3,723 37,761 16 4,349 33,867 4,341* 42,557 1 3 1,366 760 2,367 467 4,200 760 Printing Bread making and confec- tionery. Total, 1897 1898. Quarrying 13 3,698 41,410 6,685 00,691 17 5,822 43,777 6,052* 55,651 1 33 47 80 Textile 1 1,5(11 2,187 442 4,133 Printing 2 1,005 1,005 Bread making and confec- tionery. Total, 1898 1899. Quarrying 13 4,003 36,332 3,953 44,288 17 6,545 38,519 4,442* 49,506 I 25 74 99 Textile Printing 1 3 12 1,600 790 4,305 2,630 40,742 494 4,286 4,724 790 -19,393 Bread making and confec- tionery. Total, 1899 17 6,780 45,372 4,854* 55,006 * In addition to the amounts shown above, 153 in 1P8, 1-19 in 1837, 113 in 1898, and 131 in 1899, was allotted by one Society to a Provident Fund for its workers. CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTION. 51 CORN MILLING SOCIETIES. TABLE 22. MEMBEBSHIP, CAPITAL, SALES, and PROFIT of the WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE CORN MILLING SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM (excluding the MILLS of the CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE and RETAIL DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES). [JBased upon Reports of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies, upon Returns made to the Co-operative Union and {since 1893) upon Returns sent direct to the Department by the Societies concerned. ,] Year. Number of Socie- ties making Re- turns. Number of Em- ployees. Number of Members in Societies making Returns. Capital. Amount of Sales. Profit, including (since 1893) Interest on Shares, but not on Loan Capital. Indi- viduals.! So- oieties.f Share. Loan. Reserve and In- surance Funds. 1883 13 V ^/ 361,354 67,847 10,392 1,344,229 48,382 17,039 1884 13 - 17,099 379,109 70,961 11,331 1,228,939 44,213 1885 13 - 17,088 387,191 66,223 6,366 1,119,660 29,276 1886 13 - 16,924 384,945 64,093 6,778 1,064,363 29,305 1887 11 - 16,884 379,716 53,545 2,410 1,041,027 34,214 1888 12 - 17,058 356,970 51,317 5,838 1,136,802 43,044 1889 12 - 16,855 358,805 53,584 8,937 1,158,923 40,689 1890 11 - 13,123 354,292 67,603 13,061 1,212,547 53,371 1891 1892 11 11 ; 13,123 ^ 361,281 370,470 73,859 97,945 15,905 13,077 1,411,589 1,394,306 74,140 57,574 12,509 423 1893 10 - 11,862 422 368,392 107,415 13,482 1,124,574 37,834 1894 9 - 6,775 405 355,981 87,565 11,107 946,510 43,742 1895 9 404 6,622 410 374,119 74,984 17,627 957,906 33,378 1896 9 394 6,956 402 373,840 74,284 13,189 1,070,543 63,596 1897 9 405 6,373 412 381,024 62,973 14,031 1,264,402 62,596 1898 8 391 5,643 411 374,955 55,997 13,993 1,408,646 65,134 1899 8 376 5,472 414 373,191 49,056 16,742 1,184,885 66,956 1900 8 429 5,347 413 353,234 44,950 12,914 1,226,995 65,452 * The number of employees before 1895 is not stated. T The division of Society and individual members previous to 1892 is not obtainable 3207 Di2 52 SUMMARY TABLES. CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP. TABLE 23. DIVISION of the TOTAL MEMBERSHIP of 240 CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS for PRODUCTION at the end of 1899 between EMPLOYEES, OTHER INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS, and SOCIETIES respectively, together with the percentage of INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS who were EMPLOYEES of the ASSOCIATIONS. [ Compiled from a pedal Returns made to the Department ~by the Societies.'] Industries. Number of Asso- ciations to which the par- ticulars relate. Membership. Percentage of Individual Members who are also Em- ployees. Individuals. Socie- ties. Total. Em- ployees. Others. ENGLAND. Corn Mills 8 24 5,448 414 5,886 0*4 Percentages 0'4 92-6 TO 100-0 Building 8 176 1,334 8 1,518 11-7 Metal, engineering and ship- building. Textile 18 12 276 915 1,051 1,724 369 1,070 1,096 3,709 20-8 34-7 Clothing ; Boots and shoes 21 1,082 2,223 357 3,662 32'7 Tailoring, &c 4 404 529 185 1,118 43-3 Farming, dairying, and fishing . . 10 6 705 57 768 0'8 Printing and allied trades 9 129 941 568 1,638 121 Woodworking and furnishing . . 6 88 261 63 412 25-2 Brickmaking and pottery 2 21 524 77 422 61 Bread making and food prepara- tion. Bass dressing and brush making 7 3 60 20 1,376 116 108 15 1,544 151 4'2 14-7 Leather Totals, England 1 21 99 5. 125 17-5 101 3,198 10,683 2,882 16,763 ! 23*0 Percentages SCOTLAND. - Wl 63-7 17-2 100-0 Bread making and food prepara- tion. Printing and allied trades 14 3 18 8 6,236 332 123 82 6,377 422 0-3 2'4 Miscellaneous Totals, Scotland 3 90 1,452 349 1,891 5-8 20 116 8,020 554 8,690 1*4 Percentages IEELAND. 1'3 93-3 6-4 lOO'O - Lace and embroidery making . . 3 40 32 72 55-6 Dairying 107 40 17,610 9 17,659 0-2 Printing and allied trades Totals, Ireland 1 - 32 3 35 I - 111 80 17,674 12 17,766 0*5 l'eri:::iit 10.933.267 1,808,755 10.802,210 1,825,518 10,989,826 2,025,007 11,249,862 2.177,546 To depositors and other creditors. For balance of unappro- priated proilt.J: Total Liabilities. \ Number of Societies making Returns. 41,401,633 40,597,050 42,944,903 42,246,792 42,424,752 43,103,422 LAND. 123 136 159 157 144 136 Liabilities : 809,879 812,312 1,158.665 1,258,211 1,294,700 1,322,680 On shares. 194,274 34,015 128,767 51,629 203,952 7f>,036 255.55,1 83,853 227,105 101,728 262,959 110,587 To depositors and other creditors. For balance of unappro- priated proflt.t Total Liabilities. Number of Societies making Returns. 1,038,168 992,708 1,437,653 1,597,619 1,623,533 1,696,226 LAND. 54 56 56 60 62 65 Liabilities : 476,869 597,284 515,308 621,820 644,803 646,720 On shares. 42,151 5,293 117,910 45,551 . 40,038 36,672 156,917 60,49.1 207,174 62,990 235,395 70,488 To depositors and other creditors. For balance of unappro- priated profit.t Total Liabilities. Number of Societies making Returns. 524,313 760,745 592,018 839,232 914,967 952,603 KINGDOM. 2,390 2,373 2,564 2,514 2,425 2,325 Liabilities : 30,370,091 30,031,109 31,876,854 31,499,095 31,349,422 31,645,414 On shares. 10,684,754 1,909,269 10,459,339 1,860,055 11,177,257 1,920,463 11,214,682 1,969,866 11,424,105 2189,725 11,748,216 2,358,621 To depositors and other creditors. For balance of unappro- priated profit.^ Total Liabilities. 42,964,114 42,350,503 44,974.574 44,683,643 44,963,252 45,752,251 t Figures for 1889 and 1892 cannot be given. J Including reserve funds. For the year 1895, returns received from Unincorporated Societies showed their liabilities to be 13,208,683, for 1896, 11,422,883, for 1897, 12,595,164, for 1898, 14,049,722, and for 1899, 15,024,257. 3207 66 SUMMARY TABLES. BUILDING SOCIETIES IN 1897. TABLE 85. XUMBER and PERCENTAGES of INCORPORATED BUILDING SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM in 1897, classified according to the AVERAGE LIABILITY on SHARES per MEMBER, arranged in G-ROUPS of COUNTIES. [Compiled from the Third Annual Ht'port of the Chief llegintra)' of Friendly Societies. In the case of 59 Societies the full particular*; necexxa nj for this Table were not 37 r>4 ti 249 5 35 30 34 21 52 5 1 183 23 36 36 63 62 1% : 5i!l 18 532 I'd 24 i 1 1 38 28 07 ' ~ 2 210 8 17 18 20 14 17 - 96 19 '22 1!' 22 8 27 3 - 120 2; 51 ::; 12 13 17 5 153 11 ir. ' in 3 1 in g 1 58 196 404 304 336 263 683 224 45 2,455 PERCENTAGES. Northern Counties , . 77 23T> 11-8 7-2 7-2 19T> 17-2 5'9 1000 Yorkshire, Lancashire 6'6 15-5 13-3 13-1 !'S 31T) 8f> ro lOO'O and Cheshire. North and West Midland 9'2 20-1 137 ix-n 111) 217 2-4 100-0 Counties. South Midland and East- 27 19-1 ! 16'5 18'6 11T 28'4 27 0-5 lOO'O ern Counties. London 41 6-8 6'8 n-8 117 36'8 18-6 3-4 lOO'O South-Eastern Counties . . 97> 11-4 11-4 18-1 13-3 31-9 3-4 i-o lOO'O Southern and Western 8*3 177 18-8 20-8 14T. 177 2-1 _ lOO'O Counties. Wales and Monmouth- 1:78 18-4 15-8 18'4 ; ii-15 22T> 2T> ._ lOO'O shire. Scotland. 19MI 35-3 1.70 7'8 ,ST, 11-1 :;:! : lOO'O Ireland 19'0 27'6 1?2 5'2 3'5 17'2 8-6 17 lOO'O Total 8'0 16'5 12'4 13'7 10'7 27*8 9*1 1'8 lOO'O BUILDING SOCIETIES. BUILDING SOCIETIES IN 1897. 67 TABLE 36. NUMBER. MEMBERSHIP, and LIABILITY ON SHARES of INCORPOR- ATED BUILDING SOCIETIES in the UNITED KING-DOM in 1897, classified according to the AVERAGE LIABILITY on SHARES per MEMBER. [Compiled from the Third Annual Report of the Chief Registrar of Frietiflly Societies. In the case of 59 Societies the full particular* necessary for this Table ire re not 8. MEMBERSHIP and Amount of SALES, in each of the undermentioned Years, existing at the RETAIL DISTRIBUTIVE each of the undermentioned Years, existing at the [Cunt-piled fro/it ilic Ann mi I ltefnr/tx of flu 1 Chief Registrar of FrJaidli/ Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. I 1899. NORTHERN COUNTIES i Durham. . Annfleld Plain 1870 - 357 830 2,040 306 4,305 4,484 4,571 4,:iS2 4,197 Barnard Castle 1862 * * 231 199 280 460 494 500 531 582 Bearpark Colliery 1885 218 167 172 161 150 152 Birtley District 1861 426 1,218 748 1,175 1,565 2,043 2.121 2.217 2.2111 2.351 Bishop Auckland Blaydon District Boldon 1860 1858 1873 728 1,663 2,839 2,637 168 4356 2,041 251 6,226 4,163 728 8.541 4.378 906 10,399 4.313 984 10^33 4,679 1,031 11,455 4,960 1.098 11.'.)! 18 1 2,5.19 5.307 1.12:. 1,199 Brandon and Byshottles 1882 l"5 525 1.1! It' JIM 975 8!'.* 985 Burnoyflekl District .. 188.1 _ 8-0 1,104 1.115 1,167 1-105 1,200 Chester-le-Street 1862 1.H75 2,215 2,941 3,B03 3.716 !.',( Hi -1.339 1,121! -1.570 Ui'H Consett 1S63 584 1,402 1,306 1,438 1.51:5 I.' 1 . 17 1,731 1,803 1.782 1,83d Cornforth and Coxhoe 1870 :i!7 579 2.23 ! 2,543 2,223 2.257 2.104 2.2H7 Craghead and Holmside Crook and Neighbour- hood. Darlington 1885 1864 807 2,350 1,055 V 3,595 2.<52 3.113(1 276 4,921 4,575 2S2 5,006 5,089 5,10.) 5.257 5,091 0,1179 Dunston District 1860 12il }*7 }\* 203 188 127 160 185 102 Durham Equitable .. 1861 1M7 1,849 2.7:!7 2,113 2. 120 2,18(1 2.l5f 1 2.330 2,350 Ea-ington Lane 1874 - * 284 112 493 480 456 448 -101 428 Esh 1870 .".11 5!5 708 370 677 688 735 7(51 780 Felling 1861 321 884 559 715 526 561 686 819 Felling Shore. Heworth Shore, and Bill Quay. Gateshead Hartlepools Haswell 1860 1881 1882 1866 241 1,339 1 1!' 710 2,364 1,013 ir. 1 4,091 2,501 757. 7,727 733 3.578 632 8,727 1,926 3,396 357 10,579 4,192 2,960 377 11,031 4 "."7 396 11,161 114 11,174 1.1,479 5.729 2,922 ;;;i79 3,157 3,5ol Hebburn Colliery 1884 136 424 179 597 Hetton Downs 1863 297 511 1,017 1,344 1,318 1,627 1,634 1,591 1.094 1,744 Jarrow and Hebburn . . 1861 394 l,05< 1,874 1,845 H.I 11 3,028 :!,208 :?.5L'. ; ! 3.759 4,029 Laadgate 18711 315 405 405 399 761 820 869 889 Low Moorslcy .. Marsden 1868 1893 104 248 374 482 279 275 208 286 232 244 177 2- HI I'll' Middleton in Te-jsdale 1812 1 .ii:0 88:5 1,102'.t i,28'.i J.:;o8 i.::io 1,383 I.:;: 1 :'. Murton Colliery. . 1877 - 218 321 totals o 520 690 711 710 751 NOTE.- No totals are given to this Table, as the ' Ihe fuluums for the several years would not particular 71 SOCIETIES. as can be as f 1899. ir.*, supplemented by information specially supplied hi/ t/te $ocieJie#.~ so far as can be ascertained, of all the WORKMEN'S CO-OPEKATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES end of 1899. SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. NORTHERN COUNTIES Durham. 12,885 26,039 71,470 148,232 191,662 199,363 210,073 209,550 216,640 AnnfieJd Plain. * 5,162 3,962 6,074 8,683 9,580 iV.i>2 11,158 11,516 Barnard Castle. 8,796 7,058 7,174 6,734 5,480 6,694 Bearpark Colliery. 15,434 41,868 28,426 52.207 70,779 98,659 112,298 115,343 118,919 132,178 Birtley District. 15,744 67,744 85,812 117,787 133,263 89,391 5,975 8,570 198,783 266,886 157,850 157,161 24,569 38,374 301,152 140,789 39,684 327,197 362,870 150,892 168,700 42,319 48,221 392,134 180,713 51,013 412,074 Bishop Auckland. 1911,261 Blaydon District. 53,623 i Boldon. ': : 11,047 15,782 37,461 47,299 53,754 44,405 ; 4t;,22H 54,545 59,880 i 48,566 60,422 51,620 64,540 Brandon and Byshot- . ties. Burnopfield District. 81,453 77,109 96,213 129,244 194,823 196,871 195,230 212,584 227,858 235,623 Chester-le-Street. 21,112 61,876 31,436 43,164 61,517 56,394 62,2.39 62.695 64,911 83,082 Consett. 9,567 16,307 67,589 103.938 86,993 81,545 81,649 i 83,013 86,761 Cornforth and Coxhoe. 17,174 7,092 77,864 16.144 99,291 24,782 148,065 41,172 * 221,269 72,948 22.879 202,124 84,955 22.516 202,272 87,640 26,076 213,716 94.582 27,760 224,277 103,654 28,614 233,728 '106,003 Craghead and Holm- side. Crook and Neighbour- hood. Darlington. 3,715 4,937 4.206 6,093 5,025 3,151 3,887 6,195 5,757 6,0*6 Dunston District. 23,841 48,714 48.834 72,411 54,881 61,968 62,982 68,355 70,679 71,887 Durham Equitable. * 8,000 15,381 19,054 16,448 16,041 16,886 19,930 17,717 Easington Lane. 13,537 i 21,178 23,773 14,755 23,706 25,293 28,954 32,369 34,658 Esh. 9,602 * 18,599 25,170 16,256 17,541 17,064 19,366 20,123 23,830 Felling. 6,744 21,660 38,161 97,331 22,138 24,881 19,027 184,523 268,720 ' 301,347 12.729 335,241 13,531 364.1117 14,342 359,619 14,765 361,339 16,195 374,687 Felling Shore. He worth Shore and Bill Quay. Gateshead. 13,498 46,681 102,338 106,375 124,349 107,244 161,408 Hartlepools. 9,969 33,377 79,678 115.341 116,527 124,047 i 126,289 129,442 i:',2,!'(i:5 131,007 Haswell. * 11,921 13,462 15,322 15,760 17,026 19,570 Hebburn Colliery. 8,592 17,681 39,125 46,175 37,173 49,336 60,578 60,425 65,463 72,776 Hetton Downs. 9,492 32,093 72,508 45,186 101,465 81,975 95,302 112,015 121,057 134,013 J arrow and Hebburn. - 12,277 14,407 15.085 18,685 32,577 35,750 38,452 41,518 44,157 Leadgate. 3,942 10,105 10,699 13,218 16,656 8,792 8,169 9,955 12,021 13,023 Low Moorslcy. - - - - 13,281 11,204 9,491 9,355 10,143 Marsden. 19,236 26,462 31,329 30,792 34,086 34,062 37,079 39,252 38,655 Middleton in Teesdale. be comparable. 8,434 The w 12,924 hole va 21,072 _ ue of t 27,798 be Tab] 31,942 3 consist 34,887 s in th< 39,850 3 record 44,023 oi the Murton Colliery, membership and sales of Societies, stated. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Durham- continued. Newbottle 1868 450 782 900 1,432 1,554 900* 1,002 1,160 1,240 1,370 New Brancepeth 1877 160 253 394 482 490 580 567 532 Pelton Fell Pittington 1877 1874 t 108 257 103 543 111 727 293 910 320 829 273 929 242 1,004 241 1,057 Ryhope and Silks- worth. Seaham Harbour 1865 1868 231 114 242 360 406 315 988 930 2,151 1,411 2,656 1,544 2,738 1,550 3,019 1,657 3,339 1,800 3,505 1,890 Sherburn Hill Shotley Bridge 1874 1862 289 t 523 115 500 336 483 514 429 668 490 714 503 753 518 737 512 800 532 South Hetton .. 1898 - - _ _ 76 87 South Shields 1880 139 1,307 718 640 745 955 1,075 1,200 Stanhope and Weardale 1865 98 203 170 319 684 895 937 987 1,053 1,108 Station Town 1884 - - 293 894 1,140 1,108 1,099 1,087 1,094 Stockton 1866 702 1,902 1,832 2,325 :',.;-,< i;j r>,r>20 6,174 6,944 7,399 7,747 Sunderland 1859 1,860 2,078 2,119 4,222 6,855 9,545 10,638 11,563 12,590 Swalwell District 1S03 111 298 295 27x :M:! 281 290 298 317 358 Tantobie 1861 466 576 ir,3 392 423 503 522 528 528 r* i Tow Law and District Tudhoe Colliery 1865 1884 290 328 274 384 t 437 932 821 844 020 |J2!> 878 670 915 703 984 827 Tyne Dock 1861 260 411 1,276 2,083 2,182 1,737 1,700 2,005 2,069 2,135 Washington Chemical Works. West Cornforth 1863 1893 87 29 56 114 205 262 383 272 434 283 530 266 585 270 592 West Pelton District . . 1869 t 320 735 U9S 1,428 1,416 1,369 1,384 1,381 1,387 West Stanley .. .. 187(5 567 960 1,160 2,106 2,248 2,383 2,472 2,fill Willington 1872 sea 308 320 12-1 (it!) 670 862 1,012 1,127 Windy Nook 1874 - 66 282 584 770 835 884 916 966 1,005 Northumberland. Allendale 1874 t 156 217 195 213 *217 219 234 251 Ambie 1880 277 445 717 792 804 816 867 Ashingtou 1876 186 llj'.t 1,037 1,385 1,412 1,603 1,777 2,015 Ashington Equitable .. 1890 -- 1S2 402 399 432 587 508 Ashington Powder and Candle. Baekworth 1899 1803 300 470 276 271 284 424 450 480 509 646 534 Backworth Powder and Candle. Bebside 1880 1873 : 264 276 137 368 133 Hi) 135 500 142 490 160 506 154 I: 1 :-! 171 501 Bedlington 1861 114 991 881 836 1,360 1,570 1,569 1,574 1,601 1,597 Broomhill 1871 221 261 411 506 817 807 814 812 936 * Society reconstructed in 1894. t Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Durham continued. 14,189 34,891 25,949 35,978 50,990 34,479* 36,923 47,365 52,965 63,066 Newbottle. 4,890 9,263 16,943 25,686 26,892 28,693 32,581 31,861 New Brancepeth. 4,238 4,693 6,132 15,704 16,141 15,554 14,779 14,768 Pelton Fell. t 8,926 17,854 31,102 40,744 38,373 42,017 49,973 54.116 Pittington. 8,038 2,939 10,023 11,849 16,344 11,766 35,533 27,883 85,460 41,477 117,769 58.872 117,491 58,131 128,754 59,644 152,632 70,298 154,430 77,653 Ryhope and Silks- worth. Seaham Harbour. t 4,907 12,116 27,035 35,779 36,116 36,352 37,394 42,115 Sherburn Hill. 7,869 21,408 ] 9,077 18,159 15,173 14,583 15,531 15,861 16,137 16,604 Shotley Bridge. - - - - - 534: 2,605 South Hetton. 2,047 22,813 14,922 15,914 18,490 23,552 28,434 31,345 South Shields. 2,216 4,478 3,503 6,810 15,623 18,994 19,044 19,727 21,732 24,207 Stanhope and Weardale . - - - 8,824 33,425 48,622 44,747 45,427 43,664 47,529 Station Town. 16,615 59,448 42,746 38,872 84,157 137,053 157,007 185,375 197,052 212,226 Stockton 36,333 57,802 54,298 56,626 86,353 136,940 210,041 263,240 262,869 283,046 Sunderlaml. 2,776 9,577 9,318 8,932 9,977 8,409 9,160 9,561 10,990 13,418 Swalwell District. 19,569 24,825 17,538 14,773 19,634 24,875 24,618 24,644 24,246 24,809 Tantobie. 10,040 11,874 10,032 8,251 14,728 21,234 23,468 24,882 27,808 30,879 Tow Law and District. ... - - t 33,373 19,813 20,707 24,532 26,987 31,816 Tudhoo Colliery. 7,807 10,729 31,381 52,425 55,585 37,186 42,519 52,500 61,494 61,307 Tyne Dock. 3,022 3,445 2,396 4,640 7,158 9,539 12,197 10,632 10,364 11,660 13,513 10,543 23,849 9,908 23,997 Washington Chemical Works. West Cornforth. t 13,408 28,282 53,873 74,489 69,212 67,206 71,235 72,493 80,979 West Pelton District. 23,412 40,643 63,152 125,856 130,627 144,221 153,868 162,067 West Stanley. 11,667 6,607 11,712 16,528 25,466 26,703 35,234 44,474 52,492 Willington. t 9,238 21,384 32,013 32,905 37,053 39,440 41,919 44,675 Windy Nook. Northumberland. - t 3,934 3,817 3,119 3,483 3,518 3,507 3,724 4,212 Allen dale. - - - 7,389 13,859 26,398 28,583 30,254 32,178 35,195 Amble. _ 7,394 19,103 50,741 75,109 73,703 77,516 89,658 106,575 Ashington. - ~ - - 2,930 21,382 21,658 22,241 27,709 33,159 Ashington Equitable. 13,592 23,254 10,787 10,429 12,837 21,247 23,106 26,171 28,352 3,181 34,158 Ashington Powder and Candle. Backworth. 12,812 11,357 810 14,826 1,020 23,857 885 24,647 974 25,030 1,1.92 24,700 1,279 26,064 1,588 26,887 Backworth Powder and Candle. Bebside. 11,708 40,974 21,717 33,119 70,450 75,094 67,726 67,962 72,417 81,286 Bedlington. 7,625 11,464 18,093 24,048 29,889 30,598 29,184 28,789 32,834 Broomhill. ; 12 weeks' trading only. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. t~> MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Northumberland con t. Gambols District .. 18C;' Hi!) 267 213 250 308 393 373 379 387 388 Choppington I860 172 570 251 (!!!) 462 483 165 4(U 483 450 Olive 1871 273 m 366 573 61,", 6(1,", 595 607 Coanwood .. .. 1862 214 326 2m 3ii5 298 268 244 237 2U 227 Cowpen Quay Central 181 i! 337 593 617 766 759 933 933 1.102 1,1 -U 1,270 Coxlodge and Fawdon L899 268 Cramlington District .. 1861 952 2.036 1,238 2,061 2,042 2,727 2,790 2,838 2,860 2,91 Hi Fourstones and Ne\v- 1862 IIS brough. (ircenhead .. .. 1871 211 193 174 200 169 252 163 218 290 304 23,0 231) 283 222 3,05 228 Guidcpost .. .. 1875 153 305 232 286 291 263, 299 328 Halt fistic .. .. 1S6S 114 216 297 300 10,1 387 :','.' 131 191 554 Ilaydon Bridge . . . . 1 875 - - 115 175 278 258 261 258 253 259 Hedgeley 1898 -- - - - * 105 Hexham and Acomb .. 1871 77 62 178 221 L'3,o 2!1 256 275 Howick 1895 - - - - 11", 1-.2 200 i:18 Longhirst 187 111 I'.l 139 117 110 94 8.1 74 72 Ne \vbif_-Lcin District .. i"i>3 1 II 375 .".in 172 528 624 lif.S 6'.i5 752 KIT. Newcastle-on-Tyne . . 18 V.i ifiiiis 3.37.-. 3,521 7.: 'S2 1(1.089 12.711 13.718 11,812 15.73-7 16,752 New Delaval 1832 272 387 327 504 57'. l 662 666 669 669 684 North Shields . . I860 811 1.H81 1,340 2,091 1,8' 6 1.651 1.618 1.7'.I9 1,933 2,149 IVi/swood .. 1 8! 14 - - - - 308 340 342 351 392 Radcliife 1872 - 119 121 119 I'M 213 208 221 230 261 St. Anthony's 1X75 - 13, 103 111 15i, 180 194 202 222 256 Seaton Delav;il District 1801 5: '7 '.13,2 1,148 1,330 1,363 1.599 1,517 1,449 1,493 1,587 Seaton Hirst Provident 1809 - - - - - - 175 Seghill 1873 Hill 1 18 352 327 3H6 345 355 360 3,82 Shire Moor .. .. 1870 15! r,l 566 833 HI 15 814 I! Ill 749 Throckley District .. !89i' To'-rston Terrace and 1891 Broomhill. Tweedside .. .. 1861 179 578 ('.:,! 713 976 700 125 1.323 758 815 819 873 118 1,679 12.) i_v> 1,376 1.163 123 1,582 Walker 1870 175 583, 938 1.209 1,389 1.430 1,491 l..'li'.i 1,624 Wallsend 1862 738 1.1193, 1,181 1,872 2.217 2,397 2,52!) 2.0 III 2,9:5:? 3.275 West Wylam ami 1'rud- 1872 255 5 Id hoe Whitileld 1862 118 105 110 514 118 73,", 114 1,203 101 1.319 1,K ! 1,508 1,639 95 Widdrington Willington Quay and Howdon. 1872 1861 13,7 94 193 139 i:;o 184 148 150 534 183 75(1 194 840 229 964 256 1,1190 271 1,208 Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Northumberland cow t. 5,141 11,729 7,925 9,086 11,540 19,233 18,687 18,890 20,130 19,986 Cambois District. 19,104 23,373 7,843 12,781 19,753 20,128 17,202 17,545 18,486 19,463 Choppington. 8,722 12,393 7,111 12,925 19,260 19,207 19,085 20,107 20,479 Olive. 5,234 8,374 7,800 8,507 6,656 6,143 6,054 5,658 5,440 5,429 Coanwood. 9,943 20,531 18,739 20,368 22,421 27,166 27,030 28,815 31,707 36,947 Cowpen Quay Central. - 7,215 Coxlodge and Fawdon. 42,270 93,966 47,706 83,046 91,27.") 117,721 116,544 128,315 138,224 146,198 Cramlington District. 4,011 5,570 * 3,688 4,136 3,454 4,717 5,700 4,702 6,373 7,045 6,658 6,927 6,959 7,775 7,193 7,728 7,096 8,182 Fourstones and New- brougb. Greenhead. 4,851 6,871 8,936 11,347 10,398 10,564 11,859 14,111 Guidepost. 2,307 i 5,002 6,48;") 7,402 7,909 6,764 7,642 8,888 10,653 12,229 Haltwhistle. 3,165 3,050 4,175 4,373 4,537 4,460 4,618 4,572 Haydon Bridge. ! - - - 1,082 Hedgeley. - * 2,408 2.219 3,764 4,367 4,454 5,153 5,768 5,796 Hexham and Acomb. _ _ _" - 2,441 4,215 5,213 5,788 Howick. 4,290 4,608 5,336 i 4.843 4,061 3,272 3,219 2,996 2,748 Longhirst. 4,340 13,810 9,902 18,805 22.951 27,419 27,811 30,793 34,599 38,581 Newbiggin District. 72,298 112,286 109,787 312729 1380,901 383,985 422,751 481,413 486,603 525,119 Newcastle-on-Tyne. 11,853 21,381 15,867 i 23,938 30,822 32,710 31,583 31,740 32,057 34,463 New Delaval. 23,869 36,989 49,335 55,796 28,074 37,050 39,367 42,719 53,925 65,275 North Shields. _____ 16,017 14,992 14 977 15,713 19,096 Pegswood. ! 3,772 3 ; 912 3,882 5,077 9,488 9,606 9,444 10 ; 609 12,360 Radcliffe. 409 3,449 3,095 4,891 5,479 6,220 6,782 7,471 9,104 St. Anthony's. 18,608 46,552 47-273 56..086 74,178 90,758 83,146 82,742 86.879 94.949 Seaton Delaval District. ! _ 5,360 Seaton Hirst Provident. 6,242 5,507 11,242 i 13,024 11,770 12,984 14,118 15,261 16,772 Seghill. - 5,932 10,910 i 22,591 27,120 24,493 25,760 29,530 40,783 Shire Moor. 28,633 31,503 35,760 :',!Ur>3 45,440 Throckley District. 10,686 13,567 14,758 16,403 22,707 5,812 38,479 5,765 40,348 5,688 5,324 45,759 50,767 4,863 51,907 Togston Terrace and Broomhill. Tweed side. 5,202 18,520 29,640 44,229 47,003 52,915 60,359 60,259 66,317 Walker. 24,815 35,668 60,522 65.263 74,842 64,258 76,123 84,190 95,060 112,775 Wallsend. i 8,595 24,460 18.404 i 30 102 l.lHJH 2,350 2,763 3,148 2.082 44,865 2,616 48,009 55,435 60.739 2,651 ; 2,678 2,850 64,397 2,910 West Wylani and 1'rud- hoe. Whitfleld. 3,348 4,11-1 1,815 5,564 6,728 i 7,126 8,966 , 10,668 11,813 i Widdrington. 1,720 6,099 f>,:'.84 3,659 19,672 27,253 30,240 36,072 39,439 46,046 Willington Quay and Howdon. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870.1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Cumberland. 1 Alston 1865 139 241 274 260 304 347 350 348 352 365 Aspatria Industrial . . 1865 180 444 490 700 1,016 1,116 1,066 1,050 1,032 1,074 Carlisle South End . . 1861 1,386 : 1,641 2,084 2,741 3,171 4,007 4,011 4,397 4,816 5,237 Cleator Moor 1858 1,437 2,175 3,120 3,468 4,500 4,427 4,508 4,638 4,840 5,119 Dalston 1866 130 155 157 231 290 435 444 441 422 402 Egremont 1859 436 548 565 822 1,056 1,040 1,052 1,075 1,106 1,123 Harrington 1883 - 169 233 193 388 199 183 186 Houghton 1875 79 100 98 96 93 96 ill) 92 90 Keswick 1889 - 389 610 616 625 628 668 Lazonby and District . . 1887 109 268 281 2i)0 298 304 Longtown 1864 85 156 ' ; ' J 4 'SO',! '!7 r > 120 435 450 460 483 Maryport 1858 400 5211 900 1,300 1,500 2,322 2,5116 2,705 2.972 3,294 Millom < 1870 - ,",i;i 637 !i71 1,281 1.1:18 1.527 1,622 1,690 1,761 Naworth Collieries 187.". in,') 531 667 71" 712 73d 724 7 in 746 Nenthead 1869 101 10!) 103 92 88 83 86 87 92 92 Penrith 1890 - - 91 103 103 111 107 168 Upperby 1833 53 51 58 76 106 114 114 99t 86 96 Warwick Bridge 1865 208 150 148 132 116 129 128 120 115 100 Workington Beehive . . 1884 * 715 984 1,077 1,145 1,184 1,240 Workington District . . 18t if. 181 312 334 413 664 816 915 1,121 1,105 1,271 Wy ndham Row 1866 115 15 )!) (i!5 84 96 126 108 111 Westmorland. Burneside 18li(l ,",7 5!) 5li 5i! 71 111 lllj 122 128 132 Kendal 18(32 558 IU8 912 1,250 l.:m 1.565 1,70H 1.770 1,788 1,814 Kirkby Stephen 1867 1W 143 158 21 HI 277 331 337 333 334 340 Langdale and Neigh- 18S3 53 80 144 155 Ifift 117 151 bourhood. Taylor's Industrial 1878 i::o 109 95 64 D2 53 47 46 Tebay 1864 75 1 1.", 137 1111 207 223 222 222 2!!3 242 Win dermere District .. 1865 81 107 193 198 248 261 282 296 305 302 Yorkshire. Addingham 1884 - 88 118 190 206 220 234 246 Allerton Industrial 1868 138 348 300 181 143 240 256 269 297 310 Altofts !8(J7 c.r, 136 311 377 482 370 348 233 199 238 Baildon Industrial 1871 335 351 302 397 384 390 397 402 404 Bailiffe Bridge Mutual 1895 73 71 63 62 Coal. * Not stated. t Return for period 5th April to 30th November. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 77 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Cumberland. 1,830 3,651 4,585 3,681 4,554 4,829 4,936 5,316 5,393 6,008 Alston. 3,277 7,156 9,464 13175 21,244 26,475 19,440 18,877 17,062 18,475 Aspatria Industrial. 45,631 57,788 73,503 87,779 106,112 108,237 106,690 120,185 136,849 149,240 Carlisle South End. 51,816 86,713 18,259 106,213 144,694 122,412 123,968 130,898 135,723 144,152 Cleator Moor. 3,815 3,990 3,933 5,181 j 6,343 7,772 7,810 7,361 7.287 7,846 Dalston. 16,102 20,134 17,826 17,611 28,218 24,490 26,543 28,635 28,451 29,525 Egremont. - 5,144 5,956 3,803 4,217 4,503 4,326 4,076 Harrington. 1,108 2,553 2,556 2,876 2,717 2,461 2,730 2,660 2,681 Houghton. 6,347 11,652 12,564 13,176 14,157 14,786 Keswick. - 3,696 7,553 8,102 8,123 8,450 9,137 Lazonby and District. 1,584 3,471 5,384 7,370 8,960 8,542 9.069 9,181 9,625 9,590 Longtown. 5,986 9,971 20,122 36,696 64,295 59,659 55,624 62,380 66,960 75,056 Maryport. 8,297 17,427 23,435 36,969 32,165 36,780 43,339 47,458 48,784 Millom. 15,476 18,519 19,615 19,971 18,877 18,292 17,751 18,'J65 20,401 Naworth Collieries. 2,036 2,298 2,031 1,108 1,370 1,395 1,521 1,505 1,494 1,624 Nenthead. 1,376 934 1,484 1,434 1,373 3,031 Penrith. 2,038 2,553 2,728 2,192 2,847 2,895 2,878 l,291f 2,330 2,165 Upperby. 6,339 7,044 6,240 5,042 5,153 3,663 3,763 3,687 3,540 3,354 Warwick Bridge. # 19,540 19,600 25,240 26,663 27,264 28,628 Workington Beehive. 3,970 5,531 6,462 6,983 15,130 17,947 22,053 27,961 2S,455 31,388 Workington District. 2,506 1,512 1,608 2.045 2,124 1,228 1,284 1,491 1,775 1,759 Wyndham Row. Westmorland. 1,397 1,810 2,003 1,810 1,995 2,802 3,428 3,837 3,760 4,049 Burneside. 10,269 11,592 17,690 22,925 22,995 32,292 34,526 38,837 40,204 39,860 Kendal. 2,515 2,984 4,697 4,713 5,736 6,402 6,226 5,633 5.860 5,444 Kirkby Stephen. _ 2,109 2,168 3,829 3,977 4,204 3,746 3,712 Langdale and Neigh- bourhood. 4,807 2,609 1,855 1,099 948 811 718 556 Taylor's Industrial. 2,145 2,695 3,342 5,368 6,335 M67 6,337 5,816 6,556 7,234 Tebay. 2,631 3,098 4,179 3,959 5,202 4,156 4,392 4,744 4,547 4,514 Windermere District. Yorkshire. 1,648 2,450 4,222 4,645 4,573 5,077 5,114 Addingham. 3,646 9,970 6,681 5,072 6,ir>o 7,133 7,526 7,894 8,303 8,774 Allerton Industrial. 3,245 5,924 11,360 14,353 18,702 13,198 11,241 8,336 7,695 9,457 Altofts. 12,120 7,931 7,233 ,S S7 4,818 7,083 6,327 4,.",SHi 4,535 4,188 4,299 4,199 Batty eford Self-Help. 3,171 2,8 10 2.764 2,854 2,948 3,036 3,537 3,486 3,270 Beehive Industrial (Cowling). ~ : 3,992 4,430 4,636 4,445 4,442 4,319 Beeston. 4,9:11 5,921 6,286 5,158 6,317 0,HMi 6,640 7,160 7,515 Bentham Industrial. - - - - - - - t Beverley and District. 26,182 46,446 61,758 57,847 65,939 07.!>;>:?,W;i 134,271 llM,7i>2 L'3'.i.nsii 278,349 313.817 Brightside and Car- brook/ 1,667 2,746 4,558 6,087 6,100 6,478 7,260 7.883 Brockholes Industrial. - 5,491 8,970 7,906 11,046 9.805 10,249 11,140 12,053 12.364 Buttershaw Industrial. 3,063 5,986 5,174 j 5,078 ! 4,781 5. 1 '.HI r..mi7 5,054 4,988 Carleton Industrial. 7,130 * 4,752 2iU!'H 2:>>,m 20,2117 31,030 34,876 40.154 Castleford Industrial. 5,420 7,786 19.1(11 32,516 32.(ini! 38,050 42,842 4f,,78r>3 676 744 753 775 802 795 795 Goole & District Provi- 1883 386 600 740 777 815 844 915 dent. Grange Moor Co-opera- 1853 39 55 83 89 116 110 111 111 111 111 tive. Grange Moor (Flockton) 1867 60 80 52 73 70 66 66 66 66 72 United. Grasscroft Industrial 1858 250 267 291 279 287 292 297 297 301 (Saddleworth). Great Horton Industrial 1859 783 905 1,173 i 1,470 2,796 2,966 3,204 3,481 3,651 3,900 Greenfield 1856 401 472 550 552 529 530 545 550 568 592 Greengates and Apper- 1871 52 109 181 209 272 305 370 410 431 ley Bridge, Eccleshill. i Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 81 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Yorkshire cont. 2,150 4,530 4,090 3,648 3,020 703 2,020 788 2,051 1,115 1,992 1,492 1,937 1,846 1,804 Cowling and District Coal. Cowms Industrial. * 8,599 10,281 11,270 12,456 11,224 10,370 10,336 10,426 10,517 Cragg Vale Industrial. 1,306 1,255 2,352 3,307 3,646 4,852 5,642 6,416 6,878 6,935 Crigglestone Industrial. 8,634 1,214 13,353 3,012 13,755 3,115 13,124 3,089 14,841 3,140 15,806 3,268 17,600 3,782 18,001 4,321 19,263 4,861 20,277 5,532 Crosland Moor Indus- trial. Cross Hills. 2,527 2,560 1,759 1,653 * 1,753 261 2,152 188 2,173 209 2,597 172 2,763 154 2,959 Cross Hills Industrial Coal. Dalton. 9,945 14,850 16,277 20,861 19,922 20,917 21,606 21,324 21,749 Delph Industrial. 4,784 9,236 7,052 10,068 11,073 9,730 11,593 9,820 13,346 9,910 16,128 10,040 19,044 11,495 Denaby Main Indus- trial. Denholme Industrial. 28,777 101,203 139,086 138,377 178,474 235,592 248,825 249,697 250,748 249,932 Dewsbury Pioneers. 5,809 7,556 8,885 10,043 11,184 9,909 10,652 10,496 10,701 10,660 Diggle Industrial. - - -" - 2,301 1,952 1,757 1,777 1,719 1,664 Dobcross. 3,328 3,235 3,818 3,898 3,519 3,331 3,613 3,727 3,967 4,183 Dogley Bar. 8,038 24,378 47,441 58,166 77,148 131,504 143,639 159,660 166,397 162,985 Doncaster Mutual. 1,699 1,874 1,757 3,459 2,592 4,514 4,763 5,055 5,361 5,547 Driffleld Working Men's. 2,044 12,663 2,702 17,959 1,861 26,475 2,977 24,291 7,020 26,087 7,425 26,854 8,231 27,033 11,074 27,857 12,807 Drighlington Indus- trial. Earby Industrial. : 2,903 3,592 11,119 21,151 76,098 1,261 95,917 1,300 128,057 1,181 157,719 1,104 161,278 1,157 Ecclesall Industrial (Sheffield). Eccleshill Coal Supply. 5,479 10,854 3,140 4,237 6,037 5,243 6,505 7,081 8,536 9,638 Eccleshill Industrial. 2,772 5,250 5,059 7,123 8,555 6,952 7,600 8,367 10,258 11,393 Emley Industrial, 3,817 3,420 2,466 3,106 3,482 2,963 2,998 2,844 Escrick and District. 6,337 8,093 8,237 7,498 9,142 9,096 11,278 11,040 11,365 11,446 Farnley. 1,434 1,687 2,701 4,421 5,070 5,041 5,443 6,095 6,748 Flockton Industrial. 1,250 5,061 4,292 4,660 5,648 5,623 6,131 6,053 6,157 Gargrave Industrial. - - * 6,358 7,351 8,398 8,923 8,656 Golcar Central. - - - 12,779 15,802 13,330 15,862 17,805 19,493 20,652 Golcar Co-operative. 3,313 11,083 17,394 18,164 23,760 21,242 23,138 25,779 25,055 25,342 Gomersal Industrial. 2,676 2.376 * 23,798 12,654 3,196 4,307 7,698 24,214 15,949 3,504 2,556 9,874 29,269 23,869 6,239 3,929 2,971 9,975 38,781 20,220 11,029 3,998 2,959 8,568 87,284 16,191 11,160 3,088 2,089 9,577 77,643 16,128 11,572 3,192 2,247 9,515 87,087 17,168 11,534 3,231 2,346 9,533 95,350 17,441 11,973 3,700 2,630 10,088 100,289 19,221 14,255 4,049 2,909 10,363 104,899 19,861 Goole and District Pro- vident. Grange Moor Co-opera- tive. Grange Moor (Flockton) United. Grasscroft Industrial (Saddleworth). Great Horton Indus- trial. Greenfield. 1,193 3,010 4,300 5,058 6,171 7,291 8,965 10,425 9,445 Greengates and Apper- ley Bridge,Eccleshill. 320T CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. IN MEMBERSHIP. Name of H Co-operative CM S Society -S ci^ 02 H 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Yorkshire cont. Greetland, West Vale, 1894 i , 290 134 101 i 123 133 and Stainland Coal. Grosmont 1867 72 | 171 133 269 322 201 214 232 252 261 Guisborough 1874 240 261 355 315 329 354 388 415 Guiseley Industrial . . 1864 292 330 313 389 499 645 685 702 765 801 Hain worth Industrial. . 1863 * 21 22 23 24 21 20 17 17 16 Halifax Brotherhood . . 1896 137 154 164 Halifax Coal 1887 583 1,101 1,077 1,086 1,084 1,072 Halifax Industrial 1851 6,465 8,313 6,735 7,890 8,700 9,349 9,996 10,472 11,170 11,744 HandsworthWoodhouse 1861 * 104 84 86 123 105 144 300 343 450 Harrogate and District 1887 383 1,094 1,419 1,709 1,957 1,887 Ha worth 1861 398 577 677 736 762 686 699 760 830 898 Hsbdun Bridge Indus- 1848 925 1,257 1,477 1,576 2,070 2,350 2,420 2,600 2,658 2,700 trial. Heckmondwike.. 1860 2,353 4,076 5,439 5,623 6,602 7,436 5,954 6,246 6,515 6,849 Heptonstall 1860 308 413 439 468 488 451 444 421 414 415 Hep worth 1840 122 168 179 195 215 320 346 370 383 397 Highburton 1856 67 102 112 115 112 103 101 101 100 108 Hillhouse 1860 272 658 950 1,272 1,672 1,648 1,781 1,846 1,905 1,986 Hinchclifle Mill, Holm- 1870 118 230 499 558 630 639 607 578 601 firth. Hipperholme Working 1893 21 22 23 22 19 Men's Coal. Hohnfleld Coal .. 1875 248 362 560 523 505 483 437 428 Holmfield Industrial . . 1879 - - 86 156 164 204 211 212 210 219 Holmfirth Boot and Shoe.f 1895 Honley 1839 315 490 540 710 713 818 863 886 915 936 Horbury 1866 147 335 534 670 839 961 973 1,018 1,017 1,023 Huddersfleld 1860 935 2,341 5,961 7,684 9,694 10,468 11,149 11,604 11,950 12,182 Illingworth 1863 146 128 131 120 142 200 213 229 237 236 Ingleton 1876 - - 117 163 153 176 190 197 205 212 Ingrow 1898 - - - '- * 67 Junction House (Slaith- 1873 172 357 420 398 407 420 434 422 414 waite). Junction Industrial 1857 167 184 280 277 320 322 325 331 317 326 (Delyjh). Keighley .. 1860 376 1,173 1,896 3,524 4,735 6,000 6,223 6,519 6,836 7,420 Kilnhurst 1860 157 232 188 290 489 644 680 704 680 694 Kingston-upon-Hull . . 1890 264 649 655 1,000 1,254 1,667 Kippax 1867 161 254 238 231 262 361 406 494 504 550 Kirkburton 1860 168 270 266 250 240 236 236 220 220 220 Kirkheaton (Field Head ) 1834 168 196 190 205 213 196 198 206 213 221 Lane Dyehouse (Hud- 1861 * 156 251 204 276 370 373 369 357 354 dersiield). Lane Ends (Keighley ) . . 1876 110 138 184 191 188 192 187 195 Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 83 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 2,871 5,526 4,261 10,834 10,539 619 5,081 526 5,322 547 5,753 665 6,507 757 6,120 Yorkshire cont. Greetlanti. West Vale and Stainland Coal. Grosmont. - 8,118 7,440 14,829 11,712 11,611 12,727 14,128 15.037 Guisborough. 5,218 7,830 5,846 7,488 11,646 14,001 15,229 16,777 18,036 19,860 Guiseley Industrial. # 933 750 612 573 582 509 454 472 521 Hainworth Industrial. 2,041 1,885 2,019 Halifax Brotherhood. 2,628 3,768 3,545 3,587 3,654 4,015 Halifax Coal. 181,597 270,499 207,539 226,175 241,459 255,557 286,769 321,627 344,819 355,651 Halifax Industrial. * 1,713 1,868 2,943 4,902 2,053 14,504 2,965 20,575 7,064 25,941 9,846 27,334 12,893 29,030 Handsworth Wood- house. Harrogate and District. 11,593 20,518 22,539 20,969 21,316 14,768 16,808 19,392 23,107 26,817 Haworth. 31,365 84,714 41,726 128,815 41.721 146,028 42,986 138.951 61,642 163,482 72,710 148,884 74,509 157,807 76,688 160,444 78,820 166,224 81,141 174,515 Hebden Bridge Indus- trial. Heckmondwike. 9,849 12,400 12,868 12,473 12,814 11,853 11,779 11,803 11,487 11,619 Heptonstall. 6,686 9,442 8,349 7,433 7,872 11,153 12,544 13,420 14,785 15,318 Hepworth. 2,867 4,132 3,456 3,088 2,833 2,191 2,433 2,475 2,777 2,791 Highburton. 10,601 25,881 27,892 34,182 42,435 41,218 45,609 45,013 45,889 46,324 Hillhouse. - 4,691 8,330 1,498 16,762 2,143 13,517 4,097 7,669 315 2,093 15,070 198 1,999 15,180 204 1,807 15,805 155 1,511 15,724 129 1,498 Hinchcliffe Mill, Holm- flrth. Hipperholme Working Men's Coal. Holmfleld Coal. -' - 2,281 3,595 4,479 5,883 5,857 5,598 5,216 5,388 Holmfleld Industrial. 7,840 12,588 15,663 15,494 21,093 716 22,494 977 23,843 965 25,909 1,490 27,921 1,660 28,872 Holmfirth Boot and Shoe.f Honley. 3,584 7,329 13,801 15,448 18,376 19,549 21,623 24,927 25,290 25,727 Horbury. 35,132 68,713 170.165 181,736 294,388 292,567 323,354 341,677 354,256 361,465 Hudclersfleld. 4,575 3,674 3,438 2,328 3,188 5,036 5,516 5,532 5,962 4,913 Illingworth. - - 3,414 4,311 5,126 5,077 5,204 5,287 5,267 5,401 IngJeton. - - * 1,761 Ingrow. 6,333 12,985 4,694 7,495 46,295 10,222 14,520 63,710 11,457 13,149 101,010 11,294 15,745 146,693 10,608 13,231 170,006 11,271 13,671 180,714 11,747 13,113 187,208 11,789 12,656 198,232 11,623 11,866 203,877 Junction House (Slaith- waite). Junction Industrial (Delph). Kcighley. 7,056 9,268 4,528 11,703 20 : 038 21,756 23,414 23,448 23,194 23,035 Kilnhurst. - 1,42] 5,810 8,419 12,887 19,939 25,018 Kingston-upon Hull. 3,606 7,115 5,727 4,586 5,976 9,145 11,290 14,551 16,052 16,226 Kippax. 5,048 8,162 7,328 6,224 5,717 4,931 3,536 4,526 4,908 5,098 Kirkburton. 7,181 8,156 6,377 6,302 9,717 2,709 5,901 5,555 3,565 7,420 8,008 5,818 6,049 1 9,407 5,657 5,882 9,554 5,653 6,098 9,296 5,044 6,532 9,470 5,345 i 6,673 9,648 5,651 Kirkheaton (Field Head). Lane Dyehouse (Hud- derstield). Lane Ends (Keighley). t A Federation of. Distributive Societies. 3307 F 2 84 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Oo-operative Society. ! "1 OP MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Yorkshire cont. Leeds Household Coal. . 1894 22 37 44 38 49 Leeds Industrial 1847 3,969 15,986 18,430 23,564 26,846 33,122 35,041 39,143 42,972 45,439 Leeds Railway Servants 1893 195 187 161 151 146 Coal. Leeds Trade Union 1890 44 49 52 53 45 Lees and Cross Roads . . 1861 156 302 359 383 * 459 472 496 489 499 Lepton Field 1860 119 139 148 145 . 130 99 99 100 100 100 Lepton Town Bottom . . 1869 54 75 96 90 99 117 112 111 113 111 Linthwaite 1859 * * 243 296 440 485 483 479 493 500 Liversedge 1885 300 690 742 790 818 847 Loftus 1874 * 258 370 760 1,043 1,140 1,250 1,299 1,366 Longwood Industrial . . 1859 270 380 436 480 533 553 559 537 560 576 Low Wortley 1853 * 187 265 381 558 883 921 907 926 942 Luddenden 1865 336 380 427 474 515 543 544 536 535 522 Luddenden Foot 1860 490 550 490 453 462 450 465 466 471 476 Marsden 1859 284 313 326 446 527 540 542 565 664 707 Marske-by-the-Sea . . 1873 154 153 126 232 260 284 297 334 329 Masborough 1869 109 753 1,037 1,369 1,975 3,023 3,184 3,391 3,592 4,242 Meltham Industrial . . 1861 307 394 559 685 808 846 886 909 928 930 Meltham Mills .. 1827 * 102 113 140 132 127 141 139 171 Mexborough 1861 100 232 242 368 373 454 497 566 755 1,015 Middlesbrough .. 1867 63 1,112 1,520 3,472 4,587 4,924 6,019 7,398 8,404 9,598 Middlestown 1868 32 68 97 247 448 510 518 542 592 611 Midgley 1861 351 * 393 351 340 414 422 417 436 438 Milnsbridge 1872 218 383 516 468 518 540 552 558 621 Mirlleld Industrial 1861 20 341 609 899 904 972 1,027 1,027 1,017 1,062 Mirfleld Perseverance.. 1886 428 426 544 626 648 695 Morley 1866 438 881 2,430 3,354 , 4,529 5,292 5,561 6,011 6,031 6,198 My tholmroyd 1861 394 523 443 511 538 517 507 532 574 577 Netherthong 1881 125 160 186 180 190 195 200 New Road Side (In- 1863 131 247 227 249 283 317 320 340 357 365 grow). i Northallerton 1893 246 274 317 354 386 North Bierley Coal 1892 248 242 206 195 170 (Low Moor). North Ormesby Coal . . 1892 124 170 276 382 521 Northowram Coal 1892 77 97 111 109 105 Oakworth 1862 193 320 337 333 322 311 325 333 340 343 Ossett 1861 844 1,314 1,551 1,752 2,010 2,173 2,264 2,356 2,437 2,521 Oughtibridge 1860 * 35 91 200 278 336 355 376 383 389 Oxenhope.. 1868 84 156 163 142 153 168 176 182 180 181 * Not stated. MEMBEBSHIP AND SALE8. SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 156 282 576 653 437 Yorkshire cont. Leeds Household Coal. 74,100 390,645 412,225 495,297 693,070 883,924 957,334 124,095 ,250,452 1,337,222 Leeds Industrial. : : : 516 1,860 433 2,509 420 2,959 333 2,910 292 4,033 Leeds Bailway Servants Coal. Leeds Trade Union. 4,169 8,899 11,090 11,342 * 14,543 15,349 16,448 16,963 16,820 Lees and Cross Eoads. 4,310 5,146 5,524 4,726 3,733 2,915 3,198 3,263 3,076 2,947 Lepton Field. 2,566 3,597 3,838 3,446 3,392 3,600 3,672 3,530 3,900 4,094 Lepton Town Bottom. 10,825 10,154 15,468 15,060 15,458 15,649 16,098 17,495 Linthwaite. 7,575 14,791 16,934 18,204 17,937 17,513 Liversedge. - 5,732 7,454 19,568 28,788 32,618 37,717 41,224 42,815 Loftus. 4,272 8,594 11,677 14,000 16,642 14,203 15,658 15,882 18,206 19,414 Longwood Industrial. * 4,339 7,557 8,354 10,931 20,675 23,855 21,932 21,175 20,857 Low Wortley. 10,515 12,369 11,710 13,065 14,104 15,008 15,818 15,956 16,228 15,353 Luddenden. 13,087 14,978 10,966 10,289 11,779 11,054 11,936 12,316 12,595 12,927 Luddenden Foot. 9,507 9,304 9,881 12,561 19,284 19,537 20,585 16,813 25,508 25,981 Marsden. - 3,359 2,329 3,195 6,758 8,402 9,117 10,388 12,098 12,506 Marske-by-the-Sea. 3,000 19,642 26,713 36,038 65,746 92,630 99,561 110,179 118,090 142,529 Masborough. 10,534 18,474 23,755 25,969 32,283 33,259 35,054 36,020 36,384 37,211 Meltham Industrial. 5,616 4,885 5,668 4,409 4,628 5,008 5,133 5,423 Meltham Mills. 2,610 7,446 7,078 8,987 8,690 8,110 9,520 11,615 15,870 24,854 Mexborough. 3,484 35,786 40,838 88,007 123,096 107,018 129,195 167,798 193,944 210,299 Middlesbrough. 1,618 4,423 6,825 10,745 18,595 17,156 19,378 22,306 23,600 24,461 Middlestown. 11,738 12,560 8,992 8,990 8,708 9,174 9,693 9,758 10,102 Midgley. 7,017 16,029 16,915 13,392 15,452 16,396 16,941 17,401 19,438 Milnsbridge. 730 9,990 24,215 26,877 26,221 27,333 28,884 28,901 24,489 26,713 Mirfleld Industrial. - - - 11,273 12,066 13,243 14,294 15,943 16,007 Mirfleld Perseverance, 12,627 28,924 76,680 75,444 115,393 121,996 134,777 137,603 136,323 148,128 Morley. 10,442 13,565 12,017 14,364 15,528 13,041 13,808 14,760 15,782 15,386 Mytholrnroyd. - - 3,208 3,856 4,596 4,567 4,946 5,412 5,587 Netherthong. 4,024 6,180 5,504 5,565 8,419 8,090 3,101 8,817 3,819 10,141 4,593 11,024 5,575 10,951 5,941 New Eoad Side (lu- grow). Northallerton. : 1,228 1,301 1,161 1,405 909 1,811 835 2,131 755 2,453 North Bierley Coal (Low Moor). North Ormesby Coal. - - 425 479 482 457 474 Northowram Coal. 4,381 8,818 7,914 6,782 7,065 6,691 7,057 7,276 7,620 7,855 Oakworth. 16,294 24,791 43,165 49,622 50,543 64,410 67,083 68,565 71,452 76,456 Ossett. * 1,533 3,145 5,863 8,981 9,883 10,007 10,824 10,723 10,059 Oughtibridge. 2,346 5,248 6,244 3,999 5,562 6,159 6,202 6,691 6,664 6,583 Oxenhope. 86 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE (SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Yorkshire cont. Paddock (Hill Top) .. 1872 194 165 312 390 380 337 340 840 360 Park Gate and Berry Brow. Peckett Well 1867 1876 * 384 473 126 650 130 611 134 569 155 595 151 586 153 593 147 604 143 Pickering and District 1898 110 142 Pontef ract 1886 415 1,178 1,426 1,734 2,014 2,137 Pudsey Coal 1894 - t 402 453 473 491 Queensbury 1855 823 903 946 910 1,365 1,612 1,765 1,801 1,931 1,908 Eavensthorpe 1866 * 257 206 187 241 216 221 264 315 410 Bavensthorpe (Mir- fleld) Self Help. Bawdon 1862 1865 302 134 820 189 833 295 1,049 399 805 719 1,088 1,126 1,222 1,179 1,221 1,215 1,138 1,250 1,071 1,273 Biccall 1878 48 70 98 112 114 111 110 111 Bipon and District 1896 228 311 429 565 Bipponden 1832 223 273 252 367 441 499 505 501 553 562 St. Paul's Coal (Halifax) 1894 - 335 379 413 483 549 Salterf orth 1896 - 29 49 56 60 Scape Goat Hill.. 1880 - 97 155 195 224 228 239 251 257 Scarborough and Dis- trict. Scar Wood OoaU 1893 1874 6 336 6 448 6 542 6 599 6 681 6 Scissett 1860 130 105 208 327 454 493 526 526 533 Sedbergh (New) 1897 - - - - 60 64 Selby 1898 - - 208 271 Settle 1861 186 248 248 250 340 404 414 428 443 444 Settrington 1874 46 44 54 54 54 55 56 54 Sheepridge 1856 151 180 185 188 186 191 190 196 193 200 Sheffield 1865 358 1,312 4,738 3,540 1,755 1,295 1,251 1,297 1,213 1,080 Shelley 1861 80 134 202 251 291 326 339 337 318 316 Shepley 1861 92 136 230 196 210 184 185 202 212 250 Siddal 1869 108 122 206 262 234 247 256 259 274 Silsden 1874 V- 470 512 549 585 598 629 604 630 Skelmanthorpe .. 1866 18 71 88 136 155 166 177 219 244 266 Skelton 1873 169 * 578 816 911 987 1,026 1,035 1,039 Skinningrove 1874 196 288 362 388 443 470 495 520 Skipton Industrial 1861 220 265 272 300 801 900 952 1,024 1,070 1,102 Slaithwaite 1858 400 690 1,144 1,363 1,526 1,626 1,674 1,724 1,795 1,866 South Crosland and Nether ton. Southowram Coal 1840 1894 258 352 358 432 468 48 474 44 480 47 485 44 500 41 Sowerby Bridge Indus- trial. Stainland and Holy well Green. 1860 1861 2,558 418 2,822 553 2,319 564 2,603 527 2,835 688 3,128 722 3,188 743 3,314 751 3,342 769 3,360 722 * Not stated. t Commenced business, December, 1895. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 87 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 6,396 4,888 7,429 9,417 7,956 7,721 7,682 8,639 8,800 Yorkshire con t. Paddock (Hill Top). # 12,647 13,425 3,836 14,916 3,347 17,180 3,581 16,276 3,781 16,691 3,846 17,825 3,974 18,288 3,986 19,237 4,141 Park Gate and Berry Brow. Peckett Well. - - 1,196 2,654 Pickering and District. - - - - 6,346 23,178 28,272 30,419 35,752 38,024 Pontefract. - - - - t 1,413 1,509 1,496 1,506 Pudsey Coal. 27,120 30,100 29,521 27,108 38,378 47,042 52,776 58,401 63,474 55,256 Queensbury. * 9,621 6,068 5,106 6,128 3,922 4,673 5,141 6,102 7,153 Eavensthorpe. 8,677 3,545 29,718 5,309 25,876 7,787 28,406 9,060 21,844 17,168 28,711 26,682 34,503 27,445 31,245 28,444 27,324 28,782 25,012 28,279 Kavensthorpe (Mir- fleld) Self Help. Rawdon. - - 2,051 2,085 2,318 2,146 2,117 2,046 2,079 2,097 Eiccall. - - - - 2,104 3,127 5,161 6,792 Ripon and District. 7,635 7,091 5,743 8,196 9,896 10,236 10,635 11,111 12,396 15,356 Ripponden. 710 943 524 1,020 1,625 1,350 2,105 1,674 2,284 St. Paul's Coal (Hali- fax). Salterforth. 1,822 4,070 5,645 5,974 6,385 7,022 7,641 8,252 Scape Goat Hill. : * 5,536 4,227 5,525 6,118 6,169 7,563 5,925 8,851 6,463 10,357 7,493 Scarborough and Dis- trict. Scar Wood OoaLJ 2,602 3,626 5,982 9,417 12,143 13,101 13,932 14,621 14,750 Scissett. - - - ~ - - - - 748 1,336 Sedbergh (New). - - - - - - - 1,423 3,836 Selby. 3,763 5,773 4,282 4,540 7,117 7,985 8,360 9,319 9,703 9,522 Settle. - * 1,204 1,264 1,302 1,008 933 944 948 849 Settrington. 6,680 8,582 7,896 6,930 6,647 5,939 5,760 5,805 5,865 5,859 Sheepridge. 7,069 20,484 79,168 24,136 19,444 16,933 16,651 15,910 12,949 8,173 Sheffield. 2,720 4,130 6,387 6,214 7,249 7,512 7,688 7,460 7,419 7,271 Shelley. 4,766 5,392 5.995 4,034 3,596 2,620 3,474 3,919 4,790 5,021 Shepley. 3,314 * 2,854 4,733 4,977 5,201 5,401 5,879 6,055 6,391 Siddal. * 9,149 11,604 16,256 11,978 13,113 12,997 13,167 13,858 Silsden. 2,340 3,081 3,564 3,235 3,781 3,779 4,011 5.460 5,673 5,896 Skelmanthorpe. - 4,362 13,692 28,558 26,050 29,602 33,398 32,574 32,687 Skelton. - * 5,205 7,412 12,998 12,502 15,248 16,141 17,242 17,990 Skinningrove. 5,014 6,476 6,235 5,634 19,850 24,284 27,602 29,734 31,485 33,460 Skipton Industrial. 10,965 21,706 38,218 44,602 54,823 56,132 60,243 64,092 65,547 68,524 Slaithwaite. * 10,306 10,943 10#19 14,564 16,026 357 17,040 323 17,337 335 17,889 321 18,569 277 Soutb Crosland and Netherton. Southowram Coal. 63,542 8,433 77,224 10,840 77,932 10,588 85,764 9,660 98,348 12,806 105,358 16,792 110.387 17,897 111,143 18,910 109,707 19,000 109,832 19,269 Sowerby Bridge Indus- trial. Stainland and Holy-well Green. t A Federation of Societies. 5 Return for period ending 28th October, 1899. 88 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE! SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1 Yorkshire cont. Stanbury 1890 _ _ 112 126 116 125 135 135 Stanningley and Dis- trict Coal. Steeton 1893 1873 66 120 166 233 * 253 900 266 1,002 279 930 292 824 313 Stocksbridge 1860 164 569 670 1,010 1,380 1,818 1,920 1,960 2,095 2,222 Sutton Mill (Skipton). . 1861 97 146 131 153 214 277 280 281 298 306 Sutton Mill, Cross Hills, and District Coal. Tadcaster 1872 1898 : 190 163 141 203 284 274 281 277 t 286 215 Thirsk 1871 $ 212 212 161 164 212 267 283 Thornes 1876 183 257 445 468 461 460 469 515 Todmorden 1846 1,150 2,033 2,470 2,912 3,438 3,534 3,592 3,607 3,669 3,701 Tong Park (Baildon) .. 1869 82 84 45 57 90 81 78 73 75 83 Upper Hopton 1875 76 123 130 128 131 135 135 119 Uppermill (Oldham) .. Upper Town 1860 1872 477 740 * 209 710 221 730 284 808 287 814 291 800 316 793^ 353 835 361 Wainstalls and District 1869 155 175 195 181 180 212 219 205 212 222 Wakutield Borough . . 1867 93 273 315 236 468 560 533 548 531 539 Wakefleld Industrial . . 1867 255 727 1,444 2,465 3,275 4,119 4,271 4,543 4,700 4,880 West Bowling (Brad- ford). West Yorkshire Coal Federation.: Wharfedale Coal 1862 1895 1893 82 203 453 741 894 987 9 1,135 10 1,285 10 150 1,340 14 166 1,298 16 184 vVhitby 1866 855 449 732 691 724 897 967 974 1,012 1,056 Wibsey Slack Side . . 1877 108 130 254 322 330 357 426 453 Wilsden 1863 100 204 234 240 284 315 322 305 300 291 Windhill 1864 1,105 2,676 1,362 2,236 3,800 4,800 5,040 5,230 5,370 5,380 Wooldale 1886 150 442 462 488 484 484 York 1859 # 186 190 1,282 3,750 4,640 5,200 5,800 6,666 Lancashire. Accrington 1887 528 560 640 693 778 800 Accrington and Church 1860 2,352 3,899 4,387 6,232 6,662 7,226 7,444 7,263 7,394 7,551 Adlington 1872 162 130 153 348 368 405 431 478 Ains worth 1864 153 218 246 242 247 257 257 265 269 266 Ainsworth, Bury New Eoad. Ashton-under-Lyne . . 1866 1857 49 740 59 732 55 1,003 103 1,692 148 2,047 181 3,051 192 3,423 211 3,679 212 3,796 204 3,813 Backbarrow, Leven Valley. 3acup 1866 1847 40 2,225 93 2,794 118 3,011 140 2,803 97 2,741 103 2,625 " 113 2,586 125 2,614 122 2,663 119 2.692 Bacup Conservative . . 1869 266 756 945 979 592 671 646 651 614 579 Bagslate 1856 140 266 256 320 373 436 452 454 448 459 Bamber Bridge .. 1861 70 68 94 96 123 135 132 110 121 122 Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND BALES. 89 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Yorkshire co nt. 1,305 4.513 4,420 4,435 4,559 4,418 Stanbury. _ _ _ _ # 2,540 2,608 2,290 2,350 Stanningley and Dis- trict Coal. 2,868 2,930 3,440 5,018 5,714 6,114 6,592 7,003 7,369 Steeton. 7,157 22,723 17,117 30,139 42,322 45,923 49,945 54,176 60,687 62,579 Stocksbridge. 3,521 4,819 4,032 3,569 5,289 6,092 5,974 5,766 6,281 6,898 Sutton Mill (Skipton). _ 1,196 567 662 976 1,169 1,114 1,145 1.117 1,212 Sutton Mill. Cross Hills, and District Coal. t 3,450 Tadcaster. * 2,340 2,917 2,567 2,676 3,000 3,901 3,443 Thirsk. 6,746 6,651 10,373 10,025 9,310 9,738 10,964 11,788 Thornes. 42,664 67,178 88,830 102,336 128,389 127,266 127,728 127,926 130,099 133,859 Todmorden. 1,730 3,375 1,589 2,038 3,177 2,486 2,487 2,206 2,630 2,884 Tong Park (Baildon). 3,161 4,051 4,584 3,696 3,735 3,832 4,092 3,550 Upper Hopton. 12,644 22,219 * 22,466 21,692 24,911 25,043 24,996 24,651 25,658 Uppermill (Oldham). * 5,812 5,943 8,849 7,077 7,215 7,667 8,919 10,394 Upper Town. 5,864 6,216 8,112 6,002 6,837 6,791 7,279 7,364 7,818 7,879 Wainstalls and District. 3,054 9,950 10,676 6,233 11,658 12,058 12,195 11,995 11,533 11,222 Wakefleld Borough. 5,923 17,626 35,052 58,024 79,178 86,528 92,450 109,814 116,869 121,191 Wakefleld Industrial. 2,177 4,500 11,662 15,072 27,599 23,697 27,024 30,932 33,327 31,514 West Bowling (Brad- ford). 3,129 12,527 16,203 18,069 18,867 West Yorkshire Coal Federation.^ * 205 208 399 Wharfedale Coal. 4,609 8,721 15,269 10,849 10,928 13,330 13,742 13,842 14,723 15,096 Whitby. - 2,902 3,957 9,024 10,080 10,780 11,480 13,370 13,127 Wibsey Slack Side. 2,752 5,078 5,906 4,939 7,857 7,731 7,690 7,673 7,458 7,673 Wilsden. 28,473 70,204 46,829 67,695 124,420 123,744 134,143 134,361 136,212 139,870 Windhill. 3,595 10,473 11,226 12,008 12,715 12,897 Wooldale. 2,837 2,767 17,768 65,361 91,392 107,822 120,645 140,212 York. Lancashire. 5,384 9,385 .10,406 11,758 13,809 18,389 Accrington. 84,843 161,864 157,288 208,307 199,550 217,537 229,485 236,104 228,290 227,841 Accrington andChurch 4,220 3,243 2,907 9,527 9,302 10,489 11,109 11,827 Adlington. 3,930 5,397 6,740 5,332 5,355 5,241 5,758 5,801 5,675 5,791 Ainsworth. 1,749 2,750 1,904 3,637 5,377 4,568 4,806 5,193 5,331 4,976 Ainsworth, Bury New Road. 13,768 18,614 29,186 41,831 56,113 80,911 96,321 112,925 124,087 121,932 Ashton-under-Lyne. 906 1,786 2,630 3,011 1,560 2,432 2,707 3,127 3,183 2,860 Backbarrow, Leven Valley. 93,104 123,972 124,750 93,674 88,079 83,115 83,974 82,597 83,204 84,718 Bacup. 6,699 25,705 23,885 17,930 16,900 15,410 14,302 13,488 13,095 12,014 Bacup Conservative. 3,799 7,993 6,037 6,559 5,964 8,682 9,407 9,437 9,199 9,005 Bagslate. 3,755 3,494 7,271 7,166 8,651 6,123 6,104 7,409 7,341 7,314 Bamber Bridge. t Not commenced business. A Federation of Societies. 90 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Lancashire cont. Bamfurlong 1887 - 353 518 490 447 467 518 Barrow 1860 375 540 737 1,180 3,802 4,542 4,973 5,518 5,902 6,504 Barrowford 1847 227 192 188 231 382 445 459 407 400 449 Beswick 1892 - - - - - 735 1,148 1,582 2,038 2,505 Billington and Whalley 1871 - 96 132 133 206 283 306 326 331 329 Blackburn Bank Top . . 1860 * 351 340 1,091 722 836 i 988 1,032 1,066 1,129 Blackburn Excelsior . . 1872 135 144 280 310 281 269 255 258 264 Blackburn Industrious 1860 128 349 332 651 828 575 2,606 561 544 549 Boos. Blackley 1861 821 1,006 1,207 1,577 2,159 2,736 2,864 3,097 3,334 3,288 Blackpool 1885 - - - - 420 2,154 2,435 2.789 3,223 3,667 Blackrod 1861 191 253 186 208 168 183 193 236 258 247 Blakey Moor 1861 725 684 621 1,125 1,660 2,530 2,678 2,643 2,397 2,325 Bolton (Great and 1859 2,358 3,646 8,547 12,141 15,080 21,218 22,226 22,818 23,027 24,792 Little). South 1880 60 58 58 60 60 60 60 Bridge End Progression- ists (Todmorden). Brierfleld 1851 1866 596 178 701 218 703 355 650 412 677 560 673 893 677 983 676 1,034 670 1,046 684 1,083 Brooksbottoms .. 1879 - - 153 154 128 135 137 135 146 150 Broughton-in-Furness 1891 - - - - 118 128 132 135 142 Bryn Gates (Bamfur- 1894 _ _ _ _ 134 141 156 174 197 long). Burnley Equitable 1860 593 693 1,305 3,985 7,522 10,105 10,584 10,727 10,947 11,496 Bury 1856 5,850 7,700 8,594 10,079 9,972 10,524 10,751 11,103 11,400 11,545 Carnforth 1885 - - - 230 625 920 951 1,049 1,117 1,140 Cawl Terrace (Clough- 1851 496 565 557 470 508 573 588 607 608 617 fold). Chorley 1887 748 1,724 1,857 1,870 1,842 1,951 Churchtown 1868 41 240 550 864 1,100 ],916 2,067 2,146 1,909 1,857 Clayton-le-Moors 1860 186 527 692 793 874 953 1,009 1,076 1,162 1,229 Clifton 1858 179 157 250 353 347 349 360 390 396 391 Clitheroe 1861 393 566 507 508 443 425 417 384 397 468 Colne and District 1870 - 76 173 290 1,167 2,231 2,538 2,831 3,009 3,136 Crawshawbooth 1854 285 258 371 485 595 633 650 657 670 665 Crompton (Shaw) 1851 693 1,024 1,525 1,853 2,050 2,204 2,197 2,220 2,219 2,225 Daisyfield (Blackburn) 1861 1,133 1,741 1,510 1,484 2,247 2,521 2,606 2,688 2,777 2,917 Dalto n-in-Furness 1861 1,184 1,912 2,411 2,916 2,914 2,594 2,656 2,761 2,799 2,844 Darwen 1860 1,909 2,878 3,054 3,193 3,235 3,781 3,952 4,212 4,418 4,672 Dearnley and Feather- 1872 _ 145 100 106 117 104 106 106 101 100 stall. Denton and Haughton 1867 105 507 537 531 701 769 808 864 871 940 Didsbury and Barlow 1868 * 90 * 100 56 49 59 84 99 96 Moor. Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 91 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Lancashire cont. 14,222 19,953 19,024 17,491 16,689 19,846 Bam furlong. 0,494 13,665 19,734 22,202 91,900 101,743 117,296 133,996 149,681 172,002 Barrow. 7,907 7,217 6,928 6,677 8,702 10,962 10,911 10,503 9,753 10,273 Barrow ford. 10,800 16,538 25,383 33,919 43,947 Beswick. 2,859 4,017 3,351 3,681 7,758 8,964 9,678 10,227 10,275 Billington and Whalley. * 9,991 6,902 22,944 21,873 23,992 29,261 32,985 34,107 34,105 Blackburn Bank Top. 3,695 3,802 10,471 12,055 11,068 10,634 10,044 9,498 9,469 Blackburn Excelsior. 4,331 11,806 8,213 15,205 20,546 13,584 91,340 12,398 11,435 11,355 Blackburn Industrious 23,807 29,684 32,123 34,235 48,453 63,284 67,567 71,258 75,224 74,326 Bees. Blackley. 9,326 58,044 73,504 84,845 90,114 97,798 Blackpool. 9,682 13,489 10,016 10,039 7,465 6,395 7,687 9,713 10,851 10,876 Blackrod. 19,000 20,051 20,554 31,110 43,712 63,940 72,383 71,211 62,047 55,872 Blakey Moor. 38,907 70,286 179,391 324,474 428,529 569,213 586,385 581,797 580,968 643,448 Bolton (Great and Little). 1,423 U87 1,080 1,056 1,176 1,092 1,455 Bouth. 23,090 26,021 22,530 20,819 22,591 21,868 21,374 21,430 20,333t 22,670 Bridge End Progres- 4,319 5,816 8,696 8,858 16,028 23,826 27,149 30,415 31,961 31,348 sionists (Todmorden). Brierfield. 7,089 6,723 4,985 6,016 5,977 5,559 5,757 5,864 Brooksbottoms. 1,337 1,551 1,774 1,969 1,977 Broughton-in-Furness. 6,453 6,476 6,014 7,946 9,136 Bryn Gates (Bamfur- 6,092 23,652 39,300 99,045 256,530 337,389 360,951 363,413 371,075 379,691 long). Burnley Equitable. 154,758 212,874 231,918 252,147 262,418 278,275 289,551 301,694 311,991 315,948 Bury. 3,034 17,390 23,739 27,036 30,228 31,899 33,489 Carnforth. 13,730 16,786 13,558 11,121 13,105 13,080 13,356 13,770 14,712 16,110 Cawl Terrace (Clough- fold). 16,666 45,126 50,660 52,019 52,713 59,515 Chorley. 2,760 13,780 19,332 19,808 29,872 35,078 35,119 37,282 38,527 35,518 Churchtown. 4,646 15,977 19,189 24,650 25,081 29,381 32,858 35,766 38,732 41,164 Clayton-le-Moore. 6,768 7,095 12,952 18,130 14,194 15,215 15,230 15,842 16,904 16,744 Clifton. 12,581 18,643 12,135 7,606 7,120 6,011 6,275 6,322 6,714 8,699 Clitheroe. 3,409 6,863 8,427 31,859 60,616 69,698 85,367 93,414 99,472 Colne and District. 11,011 10,441 15,816 16,841 21,359 20,736 21,859 22,273 22,152 22,131 Crawshawbooth. 31,256 49,247 65,260 59,034 66,611 56,340 57,812 57,543 54,252 57,291 Crompton (Shaw). 31,346 60,552 47,520 42,204 59,883 91,195 91,340 94,811 95,527 101,839 Daisyfield (Blackburn), 30,094 51,478 73,346 74,656 77,459 69,912 73,387 76,703 80,830 84,143 Dalton-in-Furness. 59,582 102,987 88,328 91,037 110,695 140,255 146,591 163,196 174,646 182,394 Darwen. 4,455 2,949 3,529 3,505 2,937 3,303 3,645 3,097 2,334 Dearnley and Feather- stall. 2,211 14,176 15,907 14,720 24,089 24,130 27,290 28,950 29,239 31,876 Denton and Haughton. * 2,124 2,583 1,840 1,322 1,776 2,285 2,956 3,058 Didsbury and Barlow Moor. t Eleven months' trade. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Lancashire cont. Droylsden 1861 413 1,101 1,455 2,035 2,415 2,688 2,925 3,254 3,470 3,691 Eagley 1859 199 302 391 414 536 650 686 694 673 650 Earlestown 1860 290 322 668 855 925 944 1,005 1,140 1,327 1,525 Eccles 1857 1,540 3,317 3,612 4,127 6,027 7,491 8,288 8,742 9,287 9,869 Edenfleld 1859 161 220 245 218 *196 196 196 193 204 228 Ed g worth 1860 118 295 294 301 333 400 421 436 445 450 Egerton 1865 164 216 174 218 273 275 275 272 270 273 Failsworth 1859 1,500 2,200 3,938 3,960 4,136 5,504 5,704 5,868 J 6,530 6,840 Farnworth and Kearsley 1873 - 874 1,508 2,159 3,050 4,005 4,300 4,415 4,509 4,690 Firgrove 1852 136 185 193 163 160 147 148 133 130 125 Fleetwood 1880 - - - 281 454 1,064 1,177 1,271 1,376 1,440 Foxdale (Isle of Man).. 1880 - - - 177 205 205 Furness and South Cumberland. Fylde (Kirkham) 1880 188 76 182 269 253 450 417 492 335 634 335 615 337 622 340 639 343 670 Garston 1884 - - - 146 415 683 723 738 744 740 Grange-over-Sands . . 1882 - - - 164 174 236 255 253 245 242 Great Harwood 1859 572 584 690 850 1,143 1,596 1,750 1,975 2,150 2,285 Gregson Lane 1880 - - - 146 117 83 79 78 82 90 Grimshaw Park (Black- burn). Haslingden Conserva- tive. Haslingden Grane 1860 1880 1890 499 1,175 896 1,091 425 1,229 422 58 1,543 304 54 1,688 317 58 1,676 321 57 1,637 326 54 1,631 315 50 Haslingden Industrial 1850 751 1,416 1,554 1,593 1,974 2,287 2,313 2,312 2,349 2,382 Haughton Green 1875 - 131 269 446 501 498 501 491 505 526 Hawkshead and Dis- trict. Healey (Rochdale) .. 1880 1857 * 492 465 145 394 148 403 134 371 142 380 149 378 154 389 169 376 Heapey 1876 - - 96 109 164 229 242 248 246 244 Helmshore 1861 200 250 238 219 277 266 287 287 309 317 Heywood 1850 1,043 1,822 2,118 2,843 3,478 3,918 3,926 3,909 3,959 4,005 Higham 1875 54 74 68 106 81 88 108 104 100 Higher Hurst 1862 234 340 474 557 699 900 972 980 1,031 1,086 Higher Walton .. 1876 - - 218 233 230 234 233 229 233 228 Hindley 1872 - 260 359 335 568 832 778 695 730 917 Hindsford 1886 - - - - 164 168 200 194 228 335 Hoddlesden 1860 36 171 176 247 287 319 317 315 322 307 Horwich 1862 123 168 242 282 800 1,361 1,544 1,745 1,848 1,978 Hulme Pioneers (Man- chester). 1870 97 154 238 312 341 341 340 341 341 Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 93 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Lancashire cant. 11,111 30,833 34,191 45,880 63,465 66,685 78,563 90,266 96,413 103,240 Droylsden. 6,755 9,907 14,008 14,926 17,750 23,690 26,259 25,499 24,131 23,038 Eagley. 10,111 6,719 15,163 14,301 18,367 15,993 17,258 21,520 26,161 35,179 Earlestown. 46,679 116,173 105,205 ] 14,938 183,763 212,379 250,499 267,499 282,068 302,053 Eccles. 4,259 6,454 6,068 4,608 4,799 4,611 4,859 4,850 5,087 5,916 Edenfleld. 3,770 10,455 7,477 7,536 9,013 12,986 13,467 14,670 15,396 14,937 Edgworth. 6,109 7,922 5,706 7,000 8,695 8,173 8,575 8,713 8,734 9,036 Egerton. 35,325 52,496 100,603 111,468 114,192 156,970 165,170 169,063 194,632 202,709 Failsworth. 3,947 22,423 5,522 49,075 5,456 68,377 3,654 104,586 3,613 125,342 3,235 138,440 3,237 148,019 2,897 140,834 2,466 148,911 2,655 Farnworth and Kears- ley. Firgrove. 6,157 9,162 26,118 27,592 30,462 34,560 36,298 Fleetwood. 4,160 # 4,158 4,150 4,146 Foxdale (Isle of Man). 1,884 4,005 7,295 10,070 14,868 13,053 18,728 12.594 23,665 12,668 22,507 13,751 22,875 15,250 25,608 16,205 26,296 Furness and South Cumberland. Fylde (Kirkham). - . 1,878 8,447 8,431 9,400 10,910 9,940 9,103 Qarston. 3,576 3,620 6,635 7,166 6,601 5,838 5,387 Grange-over-Sands. 15,122 17,660 17,620 25,573 33,247 49,732 56,776 64,234 75,376 81,483 Great Harwood. 5,806 5,467 4,840 4,823 5,078 5,333 5,652 Gregson Lane. 15,718 31,686 20,891 22,944 4,111 26,022 3,864 1,072 37,092 3,931 1,984 43,816 3,670 1,941 44,026 3,615 1,907 43,234 3,488 1,951 43,544 3,243 1,697 Grimshaw Park (Black- burn). Haslingden Conserva- tive. Haslingden Grane. 22,802 42,170 48,669 42,824 53,710 64,207 66,224 58,657 55,603 56,534 Haslingden Industrial. - 2,359 8,742 16,180 18,682 15,792 16,178 15,741 16,559 18,111 Haughton Green. 14,895 17,257 18,546 4,367 12,244 3,049 12,347 2,716 11,507 2,821 11,768 3,141 12,133 3,714 12,299 4,209 12,722 Hawkshead and Dis- trict. Healey (Rochdale). - - 3,796 3,389 6,137 7,818 8,426 8,916 9,184 9,093 Heapey. 5,570 5,405 4,792 5,749 7,401 7,311 7,912 8,487 9,020 9,181 Ilelmshore. 42,910 68,540 80,467 85,784 105,025 113,800 117,032 120,037 125,074 128,589 Heywood. 919 1,665 1,642 2,248 1,944 2,105 2,710 2,837 2,483 Higham. 7,388 11,007 11,780 17,170 25,354 31,885 35,993 37,294 39,986 43,188 Higher Hurst. - - 7,507 7,731 9,477 8,723 8,182 8,489 9,022 9,063 Higher Walton. - 8,758 7,470 3,250 11,138 15,758 16,807 15,084 15,360 20,426 Hindley. - - 4,264 3,739 5,008 5,220 6,434 9,220 Hindsford. 2,610 9,000 8,212 11,525 14,992 14,838 15,666 15,229 15,658 15,493 Hoddlesden. 2,664 3,262 4,468 5,550 17,563 34,725 41,248 48,385 51,237 52,452 Horwich. 4,060 4,550 6,250 7,316 7,461 7,599 7,151 7,li9 6,807 Hulme Pioneers (Man- chester). 94 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Lancashire cnnt. Hulton and Chequer- bent. Hurst Brook 1890 1861 105 115 87 122 63 172 135 283 132 309 143 351 146 426 149 487 Kirkby-in-Furness 1861 165 176 284 340 362 365 366 362 368 378 Knuzden Brook.. 1861 104 116 94 91 102 125 136 139 135 131 Lancaster and Skerton 1860 1,567 2,238 2,696 2,776 4,752 5,917 6,311 6,856 7,379 8,046 Lane Bottom 1860 106 120 118 130 .129 120 108 107 109 106 Laxey (Isle of Man) In- dustrial. Laxey (Isle of Man) Old Eqtiitable. Lees 1870 1873 1851 * # * 300 120 315 135 337 341 * 374 190 800 405 195 768 412 190 758 431 190 748 441 195 775 Leigh 1858 2,178 3,161 3,271 3,603 3,971 6,247 6,576 7,091 7,446 7,914 Ley land and Farington 1875 - 165 299 367 531 688 691 795 769 803 Littleborough 1851 892 1,170 1,484 1,564 1,376 1,258 1,265 1,156 1,172 1,277 Little Hulton .. 1873 - 166 206 391 539 578 594 600 612 622 Little Lever 1865 220 234 218 210 332 456 457 460 459 469 Liverpool (City of) 1886 - - - 88 330 463 430 944 1,215 Liverpool Provident . . 1851 617 216 183 144 111 96 96 95 95 94 Livesey (Moorgate Fold). Longridge 1860 1874 128 100 * 144 492 144 563 155 811 184 887 187 914 227 953 269 938 288 962 Love Clough 1861 166 252 259 352 380 386 383 380 384 367 Lower Darwen .. 1861 165 183 201 184 214 217 223 224 230 234 Lower Darwen Con- servative. Lower Holker (Cam- forth). Lowton Common 1874 1872 1847 * * 41 44 120 47 37 134 58 25 124 72 27 124 86 26 124 91 .26 121 103 25 112 132 26 105 131t 18 Lumb United 1872 124 144 147 162 160 131 140 152 119 Manchester Railway Coal. Manchester and Salford 1895 1859 4,400 5,345 11,092 12,055 11,936 11,782 189 12,009 188 12,348 175 12,848 179 13,500 Middleton and Tonge . . 1850 820 1,174 1,254 1,490 1,550 1,660 1,816 1,939 2,112 2,294 Millgate Volunteer 1861 172 236 362 336 365 341 305 323 348 350 Milnrow 1897 - - - - - - - 214 232 228 Milnrow Conservative 1874 239 251 378 502 572 591 597 699 Moorside Provident (Swinton). Mossley 1856 1856 153 1,201 205 1,454 218 1,758 276 2,333 312 2,584 395 2,831 400 2,910 415 2,951 430 3 ; 000 453 3,020 Nangreaves 1880 60 38 45 45 45 48 45 Nelson 1860 324 500 1,077 1,725 3,001 4,897 5,336 5,430 5,405 5,782 New Hey Industrial . . 1881 - - - 144 180 310 402 435 436 446 New Hey Provident . . 1898 - - - - - - - 55 62 New Moston 1889 f 100 144 168 186 184 188 Oldham Equitable 1850 1,961 3,020 5,578 8,038 9,399 11,374 11,542 11,900 11,549 11,950 * Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 2,250 3,727 2,876 3,199 866 4,750 4,775 7,740 4,697 8,059 5,284 9,451 6,500 13,744 7,012 16,776 Lancashire eont. lulton and Chequer- bent, lurst Brook. 3,443 5,058 8,693 8,333 8,298 7,527 7,843 8,351 8,598 8,885 irkby-in-Furness. 3,784 4,629 3,125 2,722 3,931 4,206 4,577 4,786 4,947 4,815 Knuzden Brook. 33,068 49,154 59,479 48,254 82,672 83,877 91,739 04,314 16,191 32,320 Lancaster and Skerton. 3,224 4,945 3,773 3,309 3,029 2,928 2,875 2,812 2,853 2,803 Lane Bottom. - * 8,670 5,600 * 10,194 6,500 13,824 11,372 11,477 5,100 16,023 11,237 5,100 15,136 12,049 5,008 13,798 13,939 5,572 13,776 13,795 5,500 14,049 Laxey (Isle of Man) In- dustrial. Laxey (Isle of Man) Old Equitable. Lees. 52,446 05,747 127,283 09,790 52,900 53,675 262,283 301,172 310,425 327,002 Leigh. 2,453 8,045 7,265 9,972 14,585 14,828 16,839 18,235 19,344 Leyland andFarington. 29,698 43,517 50,284 51,004 36,466 36,051 36,353 34,703 39,244 43,284 Littleborough. 5,908 ;7,389 12,743 18,224 16,365 16,846 18,512 19,322 19,293 Little Hulton. 6,420 5,005 4,152 3,535 7,551 12,431 12,582 13,228 12,491 12,450 Little Lever. 1,049 5,864 7,376 7,612 11,002 20,819 Liverpool (City of). 1,933 2,132 1,135 848 820 93 72 50 21 * Liverpool Provident. 3,806 4,646 4,857 11,748 4,807 13,013 4,961 19,166 5,272 20,877 5,408 22,130 6,650 23,024 7,918 24,083 8,549 25,039 Livesey (Moorgate Fold) Longridge. 6,190 10,760 11,08-1 14,332 15,377 15,125 14,744 15,088 14,578 13,982 Love Clough. 6,124 6,144 5,715 5,027 5,729 6,372 6,549 6,769 7,024 7,222 Lower Darwen. * 1,848 1,770 3,098 1,666 1,317 3,259 2,131 760 2,995 2,126 659 2,796 1,850 547 2,864 1,758 555 2,850 2,258 597 2,832 2,954 521 2,802 2,277 423 Lower Darwen Con- servative. Lower Holker (Cam- forth). Lowton Common. 4,918 4,993 4,608 5,662 4,786 4,455 3,556 3,580 3,660 Lumb United. 73,833 104,121 242,966 232,997 282,956 265,982 358 274,859 573 291,288 562 295,805 656 313,301 Manchester Railway Coal. Manchester and Salf ord. 25,000 35,209 39,684 42,524 53,356 51,437 56,746 63,171 70,365 79,037 Middleton and Tonge. 5,670 8,553 12,433 10,067 13,679 10,540 10,641 10,582 11,840 12,122 Millgate Volunteer. 3,251 4,708 5,009 Milnrow. 5,556 5,787 11,308 14,478 16,780 18,906 18,947 20,379 Milnrow Conservative. 5,060 43,575 7,329 64,477 6,606 70,611 8,086 78,071 9,637 91,077 12,255 95,300 13,143 97,139 14,349 98,701 15,065 98,586 15,951 100,558 Moorside Provident (Swinton). Mossley. 1,506 971 1,041 1,050 1,008 1,055 1,028 Nangreaves. 8,662 12,855 29,558 40,005 76,262 164,419 181,236 180,603 174,345 185,397 Nelson. 3,615 4,817 7,779 10,401 12,722 12,847 13,722 New Hey Industrial. 561 1,213 > New Hey Provident. 2,010 3,696 4,669 4,916 5,399 5,404 New Moston. 75,658 126,833 172,589 227,873 254,074 263,909 272,099 284,405 301,331 298,053 Oldham Equitable. t Return for nine months ended 4th October, 1899, 96 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Lancashire cont. Oldham Industrial . . 1850 3,214 5,836 7,263 9,419 10,566 13,035 13,429 13,027 13,575 14,295 Oswaldtwistle .. 1866 194 470 587 623 737 1,042 1,083 1,116 1,147 1,161 Over Darwen Provident 1869 198 358 637 846 1,131 1,378 1,331 1,303 1,270 1,259 Padiham 1869 123 312 425 679 1,298 1,402 1,516 1,738 1,907 1,987 Park Lane 1877 - 119 175 469 897 904 957 984 837 Pendleton Penny Bridge .. 1860 1873 378 1,527 54 2,267 57 5,192 77 9,0*69 86 13,541 77 14,873 77 16,368 88 16,405 103 16,524 102 Perseverance (Darwen) 1888 - - - - 59 73 54 50 56 58 Preston 1873 1,468 1,807 2,934 8,953 8,922 9,012 9,253 9,868 Prestwich 1861 1,193 1,557 1,991, 2,020 2,289 2,690 2,463 2,490 2,638 2,695 Eadcliffe and District. . 1891 - - - - - 75 80 80 79 81 Radcliffe and Pilkington 1859 1,286 2,211 2,700 3,307 4,283 4,442 4,480 4,346 4,395 4,460 Ramsbottom Conserva- tive. Ramsbottom Industrial 1869 1858 182 1,639 244 2,246 297 2,468 211 2,520 2,690 88 2,279 90 2,288 86 2,344 74 2,373 76 2,384 Rawtenstall Conserva- tive. Rawtenstall Industrial 1872 1850 1,095 368 1,419 620 1,358 696 1,100 711 1,054 937 528 952 545 944 554 955 563 1,024 565 Rhodes (Middleton) . . 1861 391 561 649 665 702 902 948 972 996 1,053 Ribchester 1876 - - 52 110 124 147 142 141 140 140 Ringley and Kearsley.. 1866 193 375 373 370 450 468 452 479 507 Rishton 1863 186 367 455 602 740 766 766 750 746 842 Rochdale Conservative 1869 1,118 1.385 1,130 994 1,184 1.310 1,361 1,371 1,370 1,655 Ro3hdale Pioneers 1844 5,562 8,415 10,613 11,084 11,352 12,584 12,719 12,775 12,685 12,736 Rochdale Provident . . 1870 4,030 2,867 3,385 4,458 5,170 5,357 5,637 6,043 6,605 Roe Green 1858 130 121 144 156 160 155 153 154 155 155 Roy ton 1857 397 615 858 1,030 1,116 1,328 1,359 1,410 1,457 1,481 Sabden 1870 - 154 230 310 318 306 323 326 321 331 St. Helen's 1884 - - - 1,053 2,798 4,771 5,291 5,848 6,262 6,833 Sawrey 1876 - - 158 253 250 256 262 269 281 270 School Lane, Walton-le- Dale. Shaw Progressive 1872 1895 127 260 305 242 332 105 335 131 402 158 369 184 365 191 Shawforth 1860 224 iV.t 222 207 198 265 313 350 374 370 Skelmersdale 1890 52 244 270 439 545 694 Small Bridge 1870 - 300 262 231 194 190 194 195 216 227 Snv thy Bridge .. 1873 - 143 135 203 230 198 208 197 202 190 Stacksteads 1850 896 1,252 1,280 1,100 764 560 550 547 501 497 Steps (Small Bridge) .. 1849 361 221 263 265 255 289 336 336 3HO 335 Summerseat and Brooksbottom. 1861 150 146 154 151 143 152 158 147 143 * Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND BALES. 97 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society, . 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. & Lancashire cont. 123,468 253,438 303,012 330,038 345,335 382,066 392,484 393,759 419,284 443,716 Oldham Industrial. 4,951 15,187 20,379 23,840 28,841 37,547 40,239 42,150 43,600 45,013 Oswaldtwistle. 4,778 * 12,442 8,649 23,562 10,177 23,958 16,936 30,804 32,133 27,494 40,782 28,074 41,817 26,413 42,334 26,346 46,625 24,782 46,450 Over Darwen Provi- dent. Padiham. - 5,178 5,812 22,776 28,969 33,369 36,123 35,704 36,391 Park Lane. 7,908 29,683 50,680 114,297 240,827 339,650 376,711 412,106 396,474 393,734 Pendleton. - 1,408 1,187 1,625 1,744 1,469 1,604 2,106 2,517 2,432 Penny Bridge. - 2,522 2,987 2,376 2,095 2,277 2,224 Perseverance (Darwen). 33,480 31,065 65,789 116,402 187,727 198,204 189,614 189,189 203,518 Preston. 31,052 45,477 49,117 47,050 58,581 61,226 63,802 65,410 69,732 69,125 Prestwich. - 1,354 1,248 1,000 1,106 1,133 Radcliffe and District. 39,492 4,251 48,985 76,065 . 3,097 71,928 87,260 2,451 77,907 98,626 1,787 71,655 140,261 77,096 136,501 1,493 64,508 139,773 1,551 67,231 133,400 1,398 69,327 137,674 1,272 70,701 138,600 1,357 74,093 Eadclifle and Pilking- ton. Bamsbottom Conserva- tive. Bamsbottom Industrial. 29,113 7,116 35,530 15,158 25,650 16,395 16,842 20,227 15,140 26,255 12,819 28,509 13,028 27,400 12,444 26,344 12,161 28,833 12,146 Bawtenstall Conserva- tive. Eawtenstall Industrial. 13,969 21,365 21,993 17,655 17,978 26,073 28,177 28,701 30,016 29,709 Ehodes (Middleton). 1,602 2,576 3,199 3,163 3,029 2,931 2,875 3,138 Eibchester. * 6,488 11,429 9,046 9,067 12,958 14,779 15,131 15,161 15,803 Eingley and Kearsley. 4,809 12,345 o 17,614 20,793 16,520 19,948 20,654 20,322 23,538 Eishton. 21,693 26,716 17,674 15,238 18,572 19,741 9,252 15,481 11,494 7,910 Eochdale Conservative. 222,138 305,657 283,655 252,072 270,583 290,057 292,336 294,650 287,289 282,381 Eochdale Pioneers. 67,465 67,392 65,825 86,042 92,426 104,042 115,543 124,527 140,321 Eochdale Provident. 4,612 6,171 5,832 5,579 5,942 5,433 5,352 5,420 5,910 5,904 Roe Green. 8,566 20,414 25,693 25,103 32,379 38,326 38,660 40,643 44,437 44,653 Royton. 3,795 6,414 8,229 6,476 6,949 7,410 6,715 7,026 7,367 Sabden. - 14,158 68,849 105,059 107,931 131,626 148,038 165,153 St. Helen's. - 5,251 4,483 4,638 3,903 3,751 3,721 4,168 4,266 Sawrey. 4,565 10,543 14,424 12,172 18,821 t 18,992 2,125 17,642 2,175 16,678 3,155 16,314 3,125 School Lane, Walton-le- Dale. Shaw Progressive. 8,624 10,385 7,733 8,349 7,856 8,187 10,258 11,394 12,419 12,316 Shawforth. 367 5,543 7,227 8,737 11,001 14,459 Skelmersdale. - 8,667 7,371 5,189 4,619 3,870 4,226 4,204 4,285 4,447 Small Bridge. 4,777 4,735 5,795 6,510 5,217 5,443 5,730 5,520 5,449 Smithy Bridge. 29,085 38,395 34,311 23,243 20,588 16,956 16,976 16,846 16,548 15,114 Stacksteads. 11,132 7,136 8,138 7,422 5,8?3 6,673 7,576 7,796 7,382 7,455 Steps (Small Bridge). 3,983 * 4,513 4,950 4,785 5,608 6,144 6,167 5,876 5,985 Summerseat and Brooksbottom. t Not commenced business. 8207 98 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Tear of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Lancashire -cont. 8 warthmoor and Ulver- ston. Swinton 1861 1851 211 126 610 133 1,212 * 1,325 256 1.362 302 1,534 234 1,535 235 1,531 228 1,551 200 1,635 206 Tottington Industrial . . 1861 525 765 885 989 1,026 1,033 1,049 1,013 1,016 1,033 Tottington Equitable . . 1899 70 Toxteth (Liverpool) . . 1891 - 1,437 1,579 1,664 1,677 2,462 Trawden 1866 * * 99 128 ' 130 145 157 148 138 138 Tunstead 1860 404 514 560 592 429 399 395 394 391 395 Turn 1883 - 87 82 83 88 97 97 90 Tyldesley and District 1885 - 461 652 710 795 876 955 Upper Swinton 1858 129 85 166 300 230 268 275 267 247 239 Walkden 1870 337 527 1,193 1,470 1,321 1,348 1,386 1,444 1,568 Walmer Bridge 1861 33 35 42 46 76 108 105 112 125 136 Walsden (Hollins) 1849 320 424 408 433 478 557 578 597 599 594 Wardle 1860 264 361 314 312 308 232 229 248 252 248 Warrington 1860 472 1,203 1,229 1,607 3,308 5,956 6,027 6,219 6,363 6,432 Water Peace and Safety (Rossendale). Waterf oot 1852 1860 233 535 186 816 155 984 137 877 149 762 175 580 184 569 196 524 197 509 194 490 Waterloo 1862 314 458 519 659 694 637 681 727 775 790 West Houghton Friendly 185S 391 385 355 522 727 804 874 907 934 976 West Houghton United 1871 - 162 290 588 730 874 75 880 938 1,037 Wheatley Lane 1875 - 29 76 71 78 91 124 135 134 134 Wheelton 1866 67 124 88 78 77 88 94 96 107 115 Whiston 1876 - 60 106 246 430 424 373 251 286 White Coppice .. 177 26 30 30 32 32 25 28 32 Whitefleld and Uns- worth. Whitewell Bottom 1874 1876 : 273 501 186 510 193 695 217 876 218 894 220 900 L'C6 887 253 892 247 Whittle-le-Woods 1890 122 197 203 214 212 212 Whitworth (Kochdale) 1850 696 950 933 903 792 714 735 750 782 776 Wigan 1889 576 1,805 1,933 2,618 3,342 4,258 Wine wall (Colne) 1866 57 86 99 108 138 176 178 213 228 243 Withnell 1861 41 250 260 339 394 405 440 445 455 Woolfold 1865 * 455 613 640 624 636 641 643 625 Cheshire. Birkenhead 1891 - 1,053 1,428 1,482 1,626 1,797 Broadbottom 1870 - 310 349 391 294 313 302 305 364 366 Bromborough Pool 1856 94 107 118 122 121 130 142 142 142 140 Chester 1884 -- - 244 412 649 957 1,377 1,820 2,134 Not rtaUd. MEMBERSHIP AND BALES. 99 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Lancashire-con*. 3,913 3,849 13,111 4,968 29,841 5,151 30,448 9,758 33,771 10,575 37,557 6,716 37,380 6,432 38,278 6,183 40,876 6,147 44,893 6,242 Swarthmoor and Ulver- ston. Swinton. 14.842 21,753 28,409 27,665 25,989 22,276 23,839 24,869 26,295 27,520 Tottington Industrial. 1,027 Tottington Equitable. 28,232 29,982 33,754 35,590 42,636 Toxteth (Liverpool). * * 4,168 4,063 3,659 3,310 3,365 3,330 3,106 3,161 Trawden. 15,654 17,774 14,769 9,381 9,989 11,058 11,742 12,070 12,613 12,573 Tunstead. 2,193 2,554 3,170 3,157 3,503 3,668 3,352 Turn. 11,539 18,937 22,917 26,399 28,010 30,468 Tyldesley and District. 1,053 3,843 4,945 9,718 7,892 8,045 8,165 7,686 6,748 6,736 Upper Swinton. - 13,165 16,960 36,037 49,556 39,862 41,772 44,562 47,458 52,852 Walkden. 753 643 819 692 1,381 2,070 2,087 2,180 2,805 3,066 Walmer Bridge. 11,153 14,124 12,784 13,189 16,898 19,700 20,951 22,226 22,222 21,483 Walsden (Hollins). 10,456 14,414 11,506 10,558 11,559 6,662 5,927 5,820 6,728 6,693 Wardle. 9,782 24.559 26,043 37,198 75,408 73,533 77,020 81,409 90,163 92,109 Warrington. 8,023 11,718 6,376 25,908 4,486 33,859 3,879 20,957 5,698 12,702 6,534 10,889 6,144 11,501 6,261 11,178 6,565 10,873 6,700 10,681 Water Peace and Safety (Eossendale). Waterfoot. 9,196 18,820 19,326 19,987 22,278 17,819 19,153 20,761 26,505 27,024 Waterloo. 13,794 13,462 5,062 398 11,488 9,518 2,644 16,491 19,979 2,039 28,000 28,613 2,670 29,830 35,256 3,524 32,537 36,600 4,433 33,706 37,027 4,761 39,260 39,287 4,646 41,555 43,401 4,699 West Houghton Friendly. West Houghton United. Wheatley Lane. 1,522 2,887 2,851 2,311 2,330 2,228 2,249 2,427 2,770 3,045 Wheelton. - 3,518 4,971 9,588 14,707 15,413 10,406 7,089 7,895 Whiston. - - 1,059 1,197 1,034 1,044 1,020 995 1,064 1,082 White Coppice. 6,674 12,927 6,914 11,842 6,206 17,006 6,506 23,133 6,996 23,589 6,878 22,549 6,897 22,221 7,764 22,153 8,072 Whitefleld and Una- worth. Whitewell Bottom. - - - t 5,777 6,698 6,781 7,111 7,412 Whittle-le-Woods. 21,228 31,366 35,832 30,396 26,656 21,377 22,040 23,152 25,618 26,328 Whitworth (Rochdale). - - - 8,055 31,304 40,581 58,575 82,318 109,837 Wigan. 1,734 2,490 2,959 2,712 3,519 4,081 4,583 5,413 6,041 6,426 Winewall (Colne). 13,133 12,315 12,129 * 11,243 11,821 13,113 12,802 13,113 Withnell. 6,028 9,511 12,333 13,002 13,019 14,715 16,386 16,729 16,798 15,547 Woolfold. Cheshire. - - 18,458 24,830 26,806 29,510 31,364 Birkenhead. - 9,275 11,?94 11,150 9,070 7,199 5,548 4,234 3,046 2,720 Broadbottom. 4,106 5,453 5,630 6,436 6,229 5,404 5,757 5,906 6,602 6,757 Brom borough Pool. 4,117 6,393 9,827 13,764 21,772 33,682 45,384 Chester. 3207 t'Not commenced business. 100 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Oo-operative Society. ! Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Cheshire cont. Congleton 1830 382 830 1,002 1,332 1,370 1,546 1,630 1,600 1,655 1,757 Ore we Friendly.. 1815 889 1,302 2,050 3,021 4,498 5,021 5,647 6,500 7,095 7,575 Disley 1862 35 86 89 138 136 177 174 168 179 197 Ellesmere Port .. 1899 - 128 Employes Provident, Port Sunlight. Hazel Grove 1897 166 r J 168 354 505 757 848 845 841 179 960 175 811 274 814 Hollingworth 1860 240 548 570 750 756 758 754 738 731 743 Hyde 1862 1,469 1,742 1,629 2,147 2,604 2,406 2,445 2,467 2,470 2,537 Macclesfleld 1855 683 1,658 2,163 2,963 3,072 3,202 3,417 3,528 3,559 3,596 Malkin'sBank .. 1873 29 34 40 58 72 76 69 68 73 Northwich 1689 166 274 317 370 433 460 Poynton and Worth . . 1861 133 138 206 208 233 294 304 312 327 340 Runcorn 1862 444 928 1,302 1,340 1,400 4,105 4,036 4,230 4,684 5,049 Sandbaoh 1860 123 347 565 756 910 1,191 1,249 1,298 1,342 1,313 Stalybridge 1859 498 803 1,662 2,595 2,910 2,903 3,164 3,358 3,565 3,791 Stockport Great Moor 1832 40 48 86 *136 177 217 223 233 238 252 Stockport Industrial .. 1860 1,004 1,537 1,727 1,750 3,791 5,709 5,958 6,170 6,249 6,350 Styal 1873 114 133 185 180 205 218 213 218 213 Whaley Bridge .. 1860 188 339 280 325 518 528 539 546 547 584 Winnington 1883 - 158 330 993 1,050 1,248 1,274 1,426 Winsford 1860 311 656 934 1,318 1,326 1,249 1,113 1,082 Woodley 1859 206 308 222 325 355 381 337 347 345 347 NORTH & WEST MID- LAND COUNTIES. Leicestershire. Ansty 1885 73 139 242 251 258 274 279 Ashby-de-la-Zouch .. 1887 102 240 246 259 263 243 Barwell 1871 249 218 250 300 320 320 330 350 300 Broughton Astley 18F6 88 111 115 122 126 121 Burbage .. 1873 199 259 306 368 397 414 428 432 440 Coalville 1882 143 509 1,222 1,510 1,834 2,064 2,282 Cosby 1888 - 98 132 136 139 141 147 Croft 1884 - 104 91 107 119 135 147 158 Earl Shilton 1872 120 262 360 236 232 198 181 182 176 Enderby 1868 112 231 320 411 522 469 487 524 588 625 Fleckney 1865 86 114 121 159 181 229 248 264 268 276 Glenfleld 1881 94 108 159 167 179 202 218 Great Glen 1866 70 96 123 88 88 84 84 85 90 Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 101 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Cheshire con t. 7,557 25,335 32,822 37,351 42,311 44,363 50,098 46,239 48,338 52,870 Conglaton. 43,395 74,399 106,405 130,554 186,809 174,716 202,436 243,313 ,270,420 293,588 Crewe Friendly. 1,252 2,991 2,151 3,325 3,664 4,541 4,533 4,719 5,021 5,603 Disley. - - - - - - 448 Ellesmere Port. 4,560 10,212 16,801 21,813 27,944 28,098 28,267 2,894 28,623 6,165 28,412 6,923 29,746 Employes Provident, Port Sunlight. Hazel Grove. 9,340 15,431 22,841 23,620 27,846 26,839 26,336 24,169 23,419 23,982 Hollingworth, 40,020 48,784 52,893 48,647 64,229 62,382 63,079 65,134 66,156 69,042 Hyde. 12,705 33,632 49,618 59,650 71,614 80,985 90,751 95,822 96,473 98,766 Macclesfleld. 1,191 1,277 ' 1,506 2,332 2,171 2,064 1,866 1,932 2,023 Malkin's Bank. 2,353 3,827 4,886 6,849 8,180 8,990 Northwich. 4,491 4,704 7,873 8,123 10,705 11,714 12,130 12,842 13,239 13,763 Poynton and Worth. 6,832 29,823 52,535 68,656 76,255 88,485 86,261 93.537 103,632 120,117 Buncorn. 3,803 11,045 17,429 20,762 25,914 28,084 28,943 31,868 31,255 31,866 Sandbach. 19,098 30,008 43,239 64,635 72,240 60,802 70,089 77,631 84,765 90,827 Stalybridge. 1,425 1,547 2,455 4,010 5,060 7,442 7,431 7,546 7,789 8,371 Stockport Great Moor. 34,551 45,951 33,018 39,256 88,718 135,745 137,168 137,764 135,652 129,348 Stockport Industrial. 5,660 5,121 5,420 4,987 5,448 5,772 6,369 6,613 6,524 Styal. 5,937 10,088 6,405 9,972 14,041 16,039 16,801 16,748 17,440 18,580 Whaley Bridge. 4,327 11,058 29,306 31,343 35,892 35,167 39,838 Winnington, 6,639 * * 8,274 23,997 26,650 25,420 24,343 19,671 18,629 Winsford. 5,187 7,065 5,528 9,592 10,507 8,509 9,065 8,962 8,369 8,860 Woodley. NORTH & WEST MID- LAND COUNTIES. Leicestershire, - - 571 2,269 3,614 3,168 3,584 3,912 4,001 Ansty. - 1,568 3,803 4,520 4,102 4,739 4,420 Ashby-de-la-Zouch. - 4,819 5,815 5,782 6,834 9,005 9,954 11,782 12,564 13,314 Barwell. - 1,142 1,411 1,443 1,593 1,647 1,628 Broughton Astley. - 3,779 4,616 5,064 4,977 5,180 5,515 5,640 5,885 6,740 Burbage. - 2,579 10,934 23,840 29,815 40,064 51,412 56,391 Ooalville. - - 1,579 2,276 2,452 2,629 2,483 2,497 Cosby. 2,465 2,821 2,743 3,288 3,588 4,048 4,164 Croft. - 2,263 5,579 6,470 3,754 3,045 2,962 3,028 2,977 2,779 Earl Shilton. 1,728 4,854 6,977 11,296 13,612 11,809 11,678 13,037 15,890 16,352 Enderby. 1,524 2,544 2,709 3,215 3,523 5,052 5,681 6,175 6,124 6,935 Fleckney. - 1,819 1,921 2,515 2,630 2,962 3,457 3,404 Glenfleld. 1,571 2,345 3,219 2,508 * 1,919 2,022 2,189 2^150 2,186 Great Glen. 102 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Tear of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Leicestershire cont. Great Wigston 1867 127 266 344 460 592 743 829 955 1,043 1,115 Groby 1876 77 90 89 105 130 139 129 145 Hathern 1872 98 154 160 153 171 169 169 171 174 Hinckley and District 1861 250 400 422 490 616 634 643 661 671 678 Htmcote 1892 " 75 85 86 89 96 Kirby Muxloe 1897 65 80 Leicester 1860 1,924 6,072 6,371 7,600 7,279 8,684 9,408 9,723 9,918 10,371 Leicester Railway Coal 1894 248 249 287 293 251 Loughborough Indus- trial. Loughborough Work- ing Men's. Market Harboro' 1859 1865 1862 325 25 218 202 96 276 221 91 356 209 115 419 85 231 484 122 248 640 138 258 653 164 256 694 194 261 732 215 282 830 Markfleld 1867 39 84 93 97 83 102 99 104 115 127 Melton Mowbray 1894 117 140 161 209 300 Mount Sorrel 1881 31 61 134 161 207 216 225 Oadby 1867 30 53 57 102 158 163 189 205 211 198 Quorndon 1862 28 52 46 43 108 195 181 176 162 Eatby 1873 61 98 77 * 55 82 116 145 140 Bothley 1898 49 67 Sapcote 1886 * 119 131 120 117 119 Sheepshed 1865 107 188 317 398 428 517 582 630 634 647 Stoney Stanton New . . 1884 - * 132 115 115 134 129 130 Whetstone 1888 - - - - 73 113 118 124 126 128 Rutland. Oakham 1899 - - - - - - - - - 165 Lincolnshire. Boston 1880 300 288 863 1,320 1,421 1,590 1,719 1,816 Bourne 1894 - 36 52 65 79 69 Gainsborough 1872 358 778 730 1,257 1,995 2,115 2,194 2,182 2,251 Granfcham Equitable . . 1872 - 284 381 778 919 1,269 1,451 1,589 1,619 1,619 Grantham Coal 1893 _ 255 215 198 134 131 Great Grimsby 1892 _ 2,082 2,005 2,329 2,778 3,305 Hack thorn and Cold Hanworth. Lincoln 1886 1861 850 1,714 2,103 4,016 65 6,123 62 8,485 58 8,753 55 8,753 55 9,100 56 9,520 Louth 1887 342 400 460 529 566 581 Nocton 1869 28 20 12 8 5 5 5 5 5 4 Saxby 1881 - 48 47 45 45 42 43 44 Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 103 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Leicestershire cont. 2,310 5,912 7,716 11,435 13,874 16,284 18,190 21,691 23,760 25,388 Great Wigaton. - - 1,859 2,053 1,754 2,345 2,991 3,303 3,248 3,210 Groby; - 2,288 4,014 3,191 3,254 3,803 3,666 3,538 3,824 3,568 Hathern. 7,331 10,486 17,008 18,687 24,396 26,472 28,180 29,179 29,619 31,411 Hinckley and District - - - 1,707 1,810 1,958 2,106 2,269 Hun cote. - - - 667 1,595 Kirby Muxloe. 32,316 150,008 124,231 151,177 124,160 165,519 187,670 201,953 204,955 213,280 Leicester. - - 526 594 564 456 464 Leicester Railway Coal. 3,240 658 3,622 4,293 2,601 4,613 4,180 1,759 1,985 2,516 6,292 6,481 1,359 5,329 6,974 1,995 5,262 11,675 2,221 5,270 12,651 2,567 5,491 12,827 2,828 5,659 13,241 3,110 5,895 17,942 Loughborough Indus- trial. Loughborough Work- ing Men's. Market Harboro'. 636 1,905 4,005 2,294 2,881 3,426 3,504 3,608 3,808 3,383 Markfleld. 1,425 1,424 1,809 2,438 4,141 Melton Mowbray. 456 1,272 3,173 4,098 4,880 5,445 5,953 Mount Sorrel. 741 1,428 1,706 2,208 2,708 2,587 3,049 3,501 3,789 3,404 Oadby. 640 1,521 1,234 1,151 2,530 3,823 2,807 2,668 2,544 Quorndon. - 1,280 2,183 1,024 * 707 1,212 1,770 2,356 1,997 Ratby. - - 530 w Rothley. * 1,364 1,442 1,318 1,285 1,280 Sapcote. 1,979 3,925 6.004 5,643 8,293 11,986 13,719 15,032 16,359 19,491 Sheepshed * 1,500 1,527 1,726 2,186 2,317 2,328 Stoney Stanton New. - - - 1,866 3,083 2,979 3,048 2,964 3,203 Whetstone. Rutland. - - - - - - - - - 1,300 Oakham. " Lincolnshire. - 2,519 4,828 12,419 15,695 17,700 28,609 32,530 32,034 Boston. - 209 386 573 596 532 Bourne. - 8,854 16,616 10,662 23,704 48,690 54,379 59,201 58,039 57,022 Gainsborough. - 6,349 9,162 20,357 21,377 26,017 29,468 34,014 35,690 34,998 Grantham Equitable. - - 435 397 353 304 306 Grantham Coal. 39,136 36,906 39,599 59,947 68,772 Great Grimsby. 16,018 39,060 54,220 95,145 1,147 147,557 1,059 176,615 1,038 183,723 746 185,271 1,102 192,643 1,059 205,402 Hackthorn and Cold Hanworth. Lincoln. - - 4,369 4,924 5,929 7,821 8^90 8,848 Louth. 673 660 411 242 167 160 172 165 160 146 Nocton. 1,835 1,497 1374 1,545 1,517 1,630 1,721 Saxby. OF THE UNIVERSITY 104 OO-OPBBATIVB DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Oo-operative Society. YearofEstab- j lishment. MEMBERSHIP. L870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Lincolnshire cont. Scunthorpe 1874 - 87 144 248 497 817 945 1,138 1,324 1,508 Spalding 1891 - - - - 200 251 316 373 432 Nottinghamshire. Annesley Colliery 1871 - 249 371 489 , 662 512 482 544 571 587 Bingham and District 1899 46 Blyth, Nornay and Dis- trict. Bnlwell 1897 1872 : 259 346 512 502 583 791 351 937 51 1,041 51 1,102 Calverton 1868 125 137 147 165 165 170 176 176 179 Cinder Hill 1872 - 85 119 137 229 454 512 537 592 772 Cropwell 1874 - * 70 70 66 56 46 40 35 30 Edwinstowe 1895 - 87 110 143 167 223 Hucknall Torkard 1864 354 626 601 794 1,183 1,769 1,890 1,987 2,138 2,286 Key worth 1875 - * 33 35 43 72 76 76 83 93 Kirkby-in-Ashfleld . . 1890 539 617 747 722 857 Lenton and Notting- ham. Lowdham 1863 1873 1,321 4,146 96 5,016 173 5,076 166 4,908 144 4,808 147 4,844 152 4,727 153 4,800 154 4,934 159 Mansfield 1864 650 800 1,100 1,075 1,193 1,411 1,511 1,603 1,693 1,819 Netherfleld 1884 - 422 772 818 859 963 1,068 Newark 1877 248 424 733 684 594 585 567 543 New Basf ord 1866 180 258 331 398 533 637 686 695 727 802 Pleasley Works . . 1865 86 89 106 170 47 53 55 53 50 49 Radcliffe-on-Trent . . 1874 95 199 187 186 224 238 249 253 255 Betford 1872 354 505 523 495 485 463 467 453 452 Ruddington 1860 147 262 284 317 343 353 377 405 443 466 Selston 1872 . - 62 75 120 136 262 279 312 341 384 Southwell 1880 28 24 21 20 19 17 13 Stanton Hill 1886 206 307 345 454 563 621 Staplef ord 1872 253 340 502 599 865 942 1,000 1,048 1,107 Sutton-in-Ashfleld 1863 398 715 855 1,012 1,166 1,022 982 934 798 798 Sutton Bonnington 1874 56 60 65 57 60 64 67 71 Woodborough 1872 36 61 65 39 42 45 54 60 63 Worksop 1866 53 78 131 359 996 1,558 1,634 1,660 1,698 1,750 Derbyshire. Bolsover 1893 - 209 261 354 436 723 Borrowash 1874 93 116 158 139 167 173 168 184 225 Brassington 1892 63 65 74 71 70 Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND BALES. 105 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. & Lincolnshire con t. 1,300 2,860 7,223 10,624 15,223 18,451 23,315 27,446 40,736 Scunthorpe. - - - - - 1,858 2,187 2,715 3,422 4,276 Spalding. Nottinghamshire . - 8,409 11,788 14,616 19,175 14,428 12,827 14,135 15,620 17,375 Annesley Colliery. - - - 216 Bingham and District. __ 6,295 7,491 10,166 12,812 15,866 21,429 464t 25,139 2,269 28,698 1,423 30,769 Blyth, Nornay and Dis- trict. Bulwell. 1,902 2,957 * 2,371 2,800 2,873 3,088 3,018 3,379 3,601 Calverton. 3,528 4,631 3,470 5,989 11,741 13,412 14,647 16,617 20,424 Cinder Hill. 1,600 2,038 2,113 1,903 2,013 2,085 2,249 2,154 Cropwell. - 2,484 3,874 4,306 4,576 6,036 Edwinstowe. 8,461 17,282 13,374 17,040 31,414 48,620 52,646 57,164 59,835 65,290 Hucknall Torkard. - 106 609 1,088 1,130 1,724 2,015 1,810 1,950 2,286 Keyworth. - 11,565 14,630 15,370 18,162 23,321 Kirkby-in-Ashfleld. 26,987 93,729 2,601 57,744 4,793 26,175 4,030 31,251 3,764 41,949 3,765 44,005 3,814 48,095 3,829 48,542 3,859 51,582 4,073 Lenton and Notting- ham. Lowdham. 11,106 16,444 27,369 12,804 24,193 38,842 39,980 44,342 48,998 50,595 Mansfield. - - - * 8,563 16,202 17,811 19,810 22,295 24,979 Netherfleld. - - 3,571 5,357 9,911 7,105 7,549 6,961 7,072 6,865 Newark. 3,972 4,445 6,387 6,879 7,900 11,288 12,646 15,935 16,636 18,332 New Basford. ' 2,515 2,650 4,925 5,340 1,569 1,624 1,647 1,566 1,419 1,432 Pleasley Works. - 2,719 7,681 6,823 5,794 8,078 7,855 8,118 7,825 7,603 Badcliffe-on-Trent. - 7,118 10,760 9,112 8,941 6,553 6,481 6,588 6,008 5,963 Eetford. 4,363 7,122 8,007 8,416 9,373 10,203 11,499 12,513 13,125 13,083 Buddington. - 1,853 2,247 2,397 3,945 5,965 6,276 6,995 7,840 9,005 Selston. - - - 695 554 370 382 449 441 470 Southwell. 5,174 8,870 10,344 12,730 15,235 17,340 Stanton Hill. - 7,345 9,608 12,392 16,469 22,053 24,873 27,558 31,555 34,770 Stapleford. 7,740 12,745 18,381 15,694 17,151 14,165 16,674 16,151 15,177 14,311 Sutton-in-Ashfleld. - * 1,108 967 1,222 648 833 1,028 1,160 1,200 Button Bonnington. - 1,080 1,530 1,480 954 809 828 1,051 1,229 1,309 Woodborough. 1,491 * 3,127 6,606 23,189 34,973 36,242 39,366 42,769 45,547 Worksop. Derbyshire. - - 8,158 7,895 11,701 15,712 24,000 Bolsover. - * 2,817 3,135 2,527 2,584 2,726 2,895 3,158 3,840 Borrowash. 1,065 1,122 1,222 1,295 1,235 Brassington. t Returns for 9fh October, 1897, to 10th January, 1808. 106 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Tear of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Derbyshire cont. Chesterfield 1894 - - 202 168 151 160 177 Chisworth 1869 52 Ill 90 121 153 152 150 150 152 158 Clay Cross 1860 201 439 452 375 441 746 676 673 686 683 Clown 1889 136 227 229 251 257 277 Codnor Park and Iron- ville. Compstall 1866 1851 97 479 174 859 157 1,464 246 2,060 '398 2,409 415 1 Of if* j.,yyo 437 2,114 435 2,138 450 2,170 ,95 2,296 Derby 1850 1,371 1,992 4,270 4,772 7,330 9,697 10,350 11,587 12,460 13,179 Dove Holes 1868 101 233 249 187 169 253 284 300 320 350 Draycott and Wilne . . 1873 94 97 133 121 118 136 145 135 130 Eckington 1874 68 81 248 281 282 296 318 330 Glossop "Dale 1866 624 895 1,110 1,517 1,954 1,957 1,985 2,008 2,081 2,166 Great Rocks 1884 - 58 115 182 180 177 188 160 Hadfield 1856 540 588 1,264 1,598 1,634 1,692 1,690 1,627 1,573 1,558 Hadfleld and Holling- worth Coal. Hasland 1873 1880 : * 2,348 154 2,390 154 2,450 274 2,460 283 2,381 272 2,304 288 2,301 317 Hayfleld 1865 56 239 400 505 601 619 604 601 594 586 Ilkeston 1887 391 1,023 1,014 1,129 1,142 1,453 Killamarsh 1891 312 320 320 308 330 Langley Mill and Alder- car. Langwith 1875 1891 87 121 565 1,349 2,001 184 2,142 200 2,352 196 2,660 213 2,902 303 Lea and Hollo way 1860 210 249 190 250 205 171 182 194 214 234 Lcng Eaton 1868 183 541 938 1,108 1,309 1,923 2,571 2,849 3,195 3,519 MatlockBank .. 1863 193 214 267 308 337 420 434 455 539 586 Measham 1893 - 99 111 124 126 140 Melbourne 1886 127 198 213 230 230 206 Milford J872 103 99 97 182 218 219 120 260 290 New Mills 1860 291 575 757 839 1,147 1,396 1,403 1,448 1,483 1,506 Peak Forest 1867 43 69 * 59 68 67 66 66 65 67 Pilsley 1878 - - 67 62 88 217 253 268 276 300 Pinxton 1865 27 56 42 102 200. 410 395 423 458 443 Pioneer (Staveley) 1897 - - * 36 40 Pleasley and Pleasley Hill. Ripley 1886 1860 306 850 1,943 2,716 205 3,636 374 4,857 408 5,443 427 5,936 463 6,228 520 6,856 Sandiaore 1872 145 155 237 240 239 261 279 299 313 Shirebrook and Dis- trict. Staveley Town 1899 1867 42 27 * 152 160 210 270 310 289 75 302 Tibshelf 1894 150 185 196 212 219 * Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 107 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 18J98. 1899. 2,843 2,257 2,640 3,016 3,f>84 Derbyshire cont. Chesterfield. 1,448 3,165 3,010 3,456 4,374 4,135 4,301 4,188 4,602 4,642 Chisworth. 6,049 13,873 17,359 8,201 10,236 20,342 16,809 14,613 16,430 18,731 Clay Cross. - 2,930 5,712 7,395 7,894 8,667 10,054 Clown. 2,785 12,545 5,667 24,494 5,217 34,294 6,500 41,840 11,052 49,902 9,295 51,618 9,939 55,139 11,099 59,684 12,873 58,585 14,876 60,313 Codnor Park and Iron- ville. Compstall. 29,036 52,176 116,613 110,828 180,204 242,936 261,598 310,775 327,223 350,322 Derby. 3,813 7,658 4,345 2,870 3,189 5,682 5,986 6,363 6,814 7,020 Dove Holes. - 2,138 2,120 2,317 1,592 1,723 2,279 2,794 2,468 2,085 Dray cot t and Wilne. - * 2,131 1,514 4,600 5,151 4,955 5,350 5,889 5,835 Eckington. 15,692 29,433 33,522 41,834 61,262 59,948 59,399 66,296 66,274 66,318 Glossop Dale. - - 1,479 1,949 3,487 3,106 3,007 3,139 3,613 Great Rooks. 16,707 15,506 37,393 40,405 43,222 40,331 38,911 35,036 34,491 35,503 Hadfleld. * 4,973 1,746 7,116 1,832 7,645 5,592 7,500 6,079 7,138 5,858 6,821 6,212 7,506 6,234 Hadfleld and Holling- worth Coal. Hasland. 2,176 6,688 10,508 10,568 13,327 12,677 12,957 14,394 13,785 13,525 Hay field. - 7,190 22,021 21,501 25,665 29,920 37,016 Ilkeston. - 7,606 7,134 7,618 8,795 8,575 Killamarsh. 1,300 2,530 11,779 37,029 51,692 6,844 52,866 7,988 60,853 8,580 72,120 9,964 85,383 11,905 Langley Mill and Alder- car. Langwith. 4,684 6,808 4,840 6,321 4,393 3,106 3,556 3,827 4,446 f>,068 Lea and Holloway. 4,948 20,129 33,034 31,340 42,213 61,878 74,345 87,666 97,829 110,522 Long Eaton. 3,941 8,746 6,966 6,385 6,684 8,411 8,600 9,531 10,847 12,402 Matlock Bank. - 1,970 2,277 2,497 2,795 2,934 Measham. - - 2,925 4,445 3,963 4,292 2,855 1,620 Melbourne. - 2,947 2,660 1,851 4,029 5,708 5,349 5,843 6,271 6,412 Milford. 5,887 11,415 15,676 21,685 28,479 33,679 33,830 34,508 34,351 35,965 New Mills. 1,787 2,442 1,879 1,915 2,251 2,301 2,294 2,331 2,487 2,234 Peak Forest. - 2,545 2,244 2,469 6,182 7,441 8,335 8,446 9,970 Pilsley. 1,874 3,129 2,496 4,115 7,170 10,137 9,946 10,230 10,840 11,281 Pinxton. - - - * 1,421 1,273 Pioneer (Staveley). 6,607 20,615 49,873 63,089 8,465 88,222 13,448 128,560 16,982 141,789 16,888 161,841 17,043 175,147 18/J34 199,916 Pleasley and Pleas) ey Hill. Ripley. 3,614 4,915 5,093 6,017 6,375 7,077 8,114 9,124 9,659 Sandiacre. 1,250 1,417 7,820 7,916 6,130 8,448 9,310 10,019 496f 10,334 Shirebrook and Dis- trict. Staveley Town. 3,261 3,904 4,315 4,505 4,782 Tlbshelf. t Throe months' trading; 108 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Derbyshire cont. Whitehough 1876 - 79 108 119 140 140 160 160 167 Whittington and Dis- trict. Youlgreave 1886 1872 . * 87 155 135 227 81 316 85 347 98 363 125 381 132 396 Gloucestershire. Bream 1895 - - 53 69 77 78 79 Bristol and District . . 1884 - - 75 681 1,219 1,740 2,604 2,595 3,278 Cainscross and Ebley . . 1862 134 135 199 321 711 1,408 1,604 1,710 1,833 2,029 Cinderford 1874 - 40 112 461 416 728 804 831 918 1,021 Coin Independent 1875 - - 100 107 122 147 154 161 168 168 Down Ampney .. 1873 - 38 34 55 62 47 47 47 41 33 Frampton Cotterell and District. Gloucester 1894 1860 1,388 1,886 2,951 225 5,589 98 5,825 123 6,002 166 6,337 203 6,552 254 6,842 Lechlade 1886 - - - 18 J 173 145 160 162 131 Lydney 1887 - - - - 180 227 245 259 279 270 Pillowell and Yorkley 1892 - - - 47 47 49 61 64 Shirehampton and Avonmouth. Stroud 1892 1882 496 1,190 148 1,515 159 1,820 186 2,080 209 2,244 231 2,390 Tidenham 1890 - - 84 144 138 137 137 124 Tortworth 1867 123 * 39 41 40 35 36 39 39 44 Upper Lydbrook 1880 - - 31 48 117 100 152 151 131 145 Herefordshire. Hereford 1886 - - - 277 234 290 284 309 311 Shropshire. Bourton 1866 65 79 71 62 60 56 59 57 58 56 Burwarton 1881 - - - 63 98 112 112 112 112 104 Iron Bridge and Coal- brookdale. Oakengates 1862 1892 226 177 139 100 125 218 194 241 219 298 250 417 280 442 316 Oswestry 1870 - 123 118 89 229 405 420 468 495 483 Frees 1892 - - - 185 192 232 262 280 Shrewsbury 1894 - - - - - 298 355 494 540 600 Tibberton 1876 - - 62 52 53 45 44 46 46 50 Wellington 1893 87 82 96 86 58 Whitchurch 1896 - - - - - - 190 285 339 371 Staffordshire. Burton-on-Trent 1890 - - 470 1,300 1,701 2,018 3,360 2,700 Butt Lane 1879 - - 45 145 324 633 660 653 624 390 Cannock and District.. 1889 190 356 378 385 390 420 Notitated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 109 SALES. Name of 1 Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. * 2,293 2,770 3,770 3,290 3,996 4,329 4,707 Derbyshire cont. Whitehough. 4,328 6,976 2,392 9,643 1,374 10,400 1,832 11,713 2,163 12,102 2,772 13,252 2,809 14,203 Whittington and Dis- trict. Youlgreave. Gloucestershire. - 328 1,386 1,774 1,922 1,717 Bream. 755 8,807 15,090 23,007 32,149 43,916 54,215 Bristol and District. 3,828 3,670 4,820 5,965 16,739 29,202 35,079 39,601 42,229 45,410 Cainscross and Ebley. 2,981 12,754 12,574 18,152 18,529 19,638 23,556 27,045 Cinderford. 2,284 1,962 2,705 2,907 3,141 3,445 3,616 3,874 Coin Independent. 723 691 889 1,037 1,008 626 766 500 293 Down Ampney. 25,735 50,922 69,890 3,122 112,880 2,336 97,376 2,733 105,388 3,493 120,269 4,933 128,041 6,856 131,453 Frampton Cotterell and District. Gloucester. 2,112 1,548 1,187 1,904 2,069 2,060 Lechlade. 3,674 4,674 4,964 5,419 5,413 4,491 Lydney. - - - - - 1,426 1,479 1,919 2,265 2,157 Pillowell and Yorkley. : : : 7,755 23,141 3,469 32,936 3,895 40,084 5,069 47,857 5,686 51,258 6,154 53,054 Shirehampton and Avonmouth. Stroud. 1,549 2,648 2,664 2,621 2,670 2,290 Tidenham. 2,846 901 849 841 836 922 929 914 1,019 Tort worth. - - 634 1,816 5,743 3,766 3,472 1,745 1,791 2,539 Upper Lydbrook. Herefordshire. - 4,570 4,358 3,599 3,741 4,929 6,102 Hereford. Shropshire. 1,818 2,786 1,976 1,364 1,259 1,094 1,140 1,031 1,163 1,173 Bourton. - - 3,399 3,755 3,333 3,169 3,376 3,100 2,859 Burwarton. 6,020 3,281 2,781 1,940 2,620 4,988 2,133 6,378 2,804 8,088 3,704 10,214 4,927 11,062 6,261 Iron Bridge and Coal- brook dale. Oakengatee. - 3,384 1,405 1,163 4,007 6,692 7,261 8,368 9,752 7,737 Oswestry. - - 2,469 2,725 3,110 3,693 3,702 Frees. - - 3,777 6,190 10,587 11,075 11,035 Shrewsbury. - - 1,844 1,284 1,110 1,049 986 1,047 1,089 1,179 Tibberton. - - - - 1,081 897 1,154 878 631 Wellington. - - - - 2,344 4,399 4,963 5,513 Whitchurch. Staffordshire. - - - 6,165 23,560 29,785 38,610 46,419 53,288 Burtc n -on-Trer it. - 2,005 3,958 12,923 16,086 15,134 12,936 10,395 11,493 Bufct Lane. 2,744 6,295 6,355 7,297 8,243 8,424 Cannock and District. 110 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Staffordshire cont. Cobridge 1899 Cradley Heath and Dis- trict. Hanley 1895 1895 : : : 218 27 349 35 498 37 539 29 409 27 Hollington 1890 32 124 128 127 130 131 Leek and Moorlands . . Lichfleld 1859 1889 151 197 276 509 562 95 625 176 711 180 699 180 710 180 780 180 May field 1867 122 93 107 123 162 193 200 204 209 210 Newcastlo-under-Lyme Rugeley 1894 1896 : : : : 160 169 174 133 250 133 345 100 466 Silverdale 1861 201 410 323 308 376 403 405 420 465 477 Soho 1887 109 184 269 340 350 510 Stafford 1860 340 701 567 1,031 1,018 1,028 1,109 1,191 1,191 1,248 Stoke-on-Trent .. 1888 500 186 200 120 130 135 Stone 1875 230 240 380 453 447 437 443 499 Tipton 1871 190 156 196 469 935 943 949 892 56i) Walsall 1886 _ 150 420 378 385 412 609 Wednesbury 1886 - 30 40 48 66 106 120 Wednesbury and Dis- trict, New. Wheaton Aston 1895 1867 87 89 86 125 68 179 68 294 55 354 57 401 57 Whitmore Reans Coal. . 1893 72 62 64 61 58 Willenhall 1898 - 77 58 Wolverhampton and District. 1885 - 79 1,126 1,300 1,436 1,424 1,434 Worcestershire. Aston Fields 1896 98 131 169 203 Church Lench 1872 * 49 * 59 35 34 37 37 37 Dudley 1872 376 173 782 5,199 5,400 5,506 5,650 5,749 5,829 Evesham 1894 - 410 464 530 560 566 Halesowen and Hasbury 1871 206 346 449 445 470 444 440 444 421 Kidderminster .. 1865 998 1,761 2,845 2,189 1,854 1,813 1,859 1,929 1,976 2,121 Malvern Coal 1883 : 38 35 33 43 41 42 35 Malvern Industrial . . 1895 47 43 50 53 81 Redditchf 1888 . 287 386 388 389 389 Ten Acres and Stirchley Street. Wilden Tin Works 1875 1877 . 168 72 165 * 241 380 8 415 15 525 14 800 8 1,050 7 Worcester, New 1881 - 660 1,151 1,492 1,541 1,672 1,750 1,728 Warwickshire. Alcester 1875 48 271 520 911 1,247 1,381 1,493 1,586 1,523 Atherstone 1888 170 190 200 202 200 199 Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. Ill SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Staffordshire- cont. Cobridge. 2,195 294 5,862 514 9,622 1,065 9,730 676 6,508 383 Cradley Heath and Dis- trict. Hanley. - - - - 275 1,460 1,501 1,530 1,757 1,777 Hollington. 3,538 5,634 7,723 9,253 11,188 12,601 14,098 13,531 14,520 Leek and MoorlandB. 946 911 725 514 455 365 Lichfleld. 2,726 2,397 3,618 3,651 4,918 5,484 5,567 5,854 5,936 5,959 May field. : : : : 1,914 2,567 1,015 2,418 3,745 1,590 6,873 1,718 9,627 Newcastle - under - Lyme. Rugeley. 5,486 11,235 8,832 7,293 10,248 10,378 11,243 11,877 13,741 14,973 Silverdale. 2,415 3,717 5,431 7,631 9,920 10,687 Soho. 10,863 20,356 14,665 22,308 20,987 21,810 22,712 24,123 25,751 25,899 Stafford. - 5,343 3,090 3,631 3,186 2,952 3,203 Stoke-on-Trent. - 5,540 5,256 9,044 8,183 7,856 6,693 5,605 7,458 Stone. 4,536 3,607 3,416 7,521 13,752 14,123 13,653 11,174 10,152 Tipton. - - 1,994 5,817 5,640 6,012 7,839 11,887 Walsall. - 193 870 1,026 1,562 2,012 2,400 Wednesbury. 1,562 * 832 870 845 803 2,143 683 3,799 729 5,421 814 5,644 895 Wednesbury and Dis- trict, New. Wheaton Aston. - - 360 316 538 564 208 Whitmore Eeans Coal. 364 413 Willenhall. - - 163 18,480 21,518 23,222 20,516 19,111 Wolverhampton and District. 752 1,877 2,781 3,744 Worcestershire. Aston Fields. - * 1,973 1,588 1,297 1,354 1,428 1,455 1,432 Church Lench. - 7,927 2,237 13,245 82,451 41,691 40,185 47,802 52,746 51,377 Dudley, - - 5,293 7,335 8,979 9,790 8,711 Evesham. 18,516 5,762 32,328 9,894 59,352 12,100 40,418 10,232 46,153 8,795 37,653 9,311 40,184 9,843 45,954 10,589 45,905 10,707 52,512 Halesowen and Has- bury. Kidderminster. - 90 105 103 123 130 133 128 Malvern Coal. - - 303 614 748 1,137 1,493 Malvern Industrial. - 4,005 3,033 3,291 3,466 2,519 * Redditch.t : 3,092 2,000 2,068 4,386 * 6,674 646 7,811 722 10,555 631 15,764 564 20,271 568 Ten Acres and Stirchlev Street, Wilden Tin Works. - - - . 10,756 23,189 26,505 27,666 32,344 34,828 34,107 Worcester, New. Warwickshire. - 1,953 9,238 12,258 22,568 32,615 36,718 40,706 43,855 41,548 Alcester. 2,132 3,801 4,185 4,414 4,298 3,770 Atherstone. t Dissolved 1900. 112 CO-OPBBATIVB DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Warwickshire cont. Bidford 1873 - 100 152 205 223 353 373 381 387 400 Birmingham Central (Midland). Birmingham Industrial 1882 1881 507 1,169 392 1,811 437 2,063 366 2,441 404 2,856 418 3,280 430 3,766 Blue Lias (Stockton) .. 1889 - - - - 71 86 95 78 100 99 Broad well 1873 33 44 32 21 26 26 26 20 Coventry 1867 131 252 889 864 1,200 2,320 3,011 3,986 4,435 4,638 Eathorpe and Marton 1887 - - - - 77 120 124 122 123 113 Qaydon 1892 - - - - - 37 32 44 50 46 Harbury 1865 96 256 464 718 759 753 716 725 731 748 Kenil worth 1873 * 262 337 480 373 360 357 352 359 Lockhurst Lane, Foles- hill. Long Itchington 1832 1876 84 122 261 53 300 104 357 117 463 127 507 124 551 122 621 117 646 116 Napton 1885 - 51 135 113 114 121 123 120 Nuneaton 1884 200 533 1,290 1,560 1,958 2,100 2,380 Pailton 1873 * 58 54 50 43 42 40 87 38 Paradise, Foleshill 1873 36 41 59 55 46 50 52 60 63 Rugby 1862 182 590 968 1,382 1,868 2,665 2,878 3,120 3,380 3,608 Southam 1868 156 210 177 170 224 206 211 227 239 213 Stoneleigh 1867 131 107 109 109 113 137 140 140 139 130 Stoney Stanton Road, Foleshill. Stratford-upon-Avon .. 1832 1886 * * 129 210 86 220 148 259 248 423 521 488 555 556 597 579 673 579 715 Tamworth 1875 - - - 505 1,086 1.171 1,398 1,590 1,782 SOUTH MIDLAND AND EASTERN COUNTIES. Middlesex.! Staines and Egham . . 1880 - 253 341 644 728 731 722 750 Yiewsley and W. Dray- ton. 1894 167 167 167 208 229 Hertford.! Berkhampstead 1883 - 159 346 401 414 446 484 509 Croxley 1888 - 92 119 111 117 119 117 Hitchin 1897 - - 214 230 Hoddesdon 1868 30 41 54 69 90 81 88 93 96 102 Eadlett 1885 - - 78 74 77 83 95 92 Redbournll 1897 - - - - - 72 70 St. Andrew's (Watford) 1895 J 216 284 423 536 Tring 1866 74 191 436 617 556 603 634 696 790 837 ' Not stated. t Except such Societies as are included in the London district. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 113 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 4,200 5,217 4,818 4,900 7,091 7,394 7,802 8,348 8,749 Warwickshire cont. Bidford. : 6,968 19,012 7,169 20,345 5,376 26,244 6,019 30,539 6,595 39,014 7,414 44,407 6,215 46,798 Birmingham Central (Midland). Birmingham Industrial. - - - 800 1,515 1,560 1,491 1,720 1,792 Blue Lias (Stockton). V 925 800 626 499 541 510 535 474 Broadwell. 2,217 5,639 14,916 13,000 22,259 40,953 57,999 82,851 88,132 85,752 Coventry. - - 1,320 1,968 1,865 1,642 1,597 1,615 Eathorpe and Marton. - - 375 326 502 563 683 Gaydon. 2,830 6,576 11,365 16,772 15,873 15,132 14,820 15,129 16,154 16,053 Harbury. - 4,747 6,055 9,644 4,327 4,153 4,184 3,848 3,740 Kenilworth. 2,639 3,603 7,443 1,615 6,702 1,909 8,359 2,061 9,818 2,228 11,038 2,346 13,490 2,004 14,595 1,885 14,627 1,669 Lockhurst Lane, Foles- hill. Long Itchington. - 1,147 1,757 1,169 1,203 1,154 1,040 1,189 Napton. - 2,954 11,733 29,279 36,843 46,150 49,614 55,175 Nwneaton. - 9 2,735 2,060 1,701 1,519 1,316 1,228 1,318 1,184 Pailton. - 1,384 1,821 1,862 1,737 1,219 1,491 1,706 1,938 1,963 Paradise, Foleshill. 3,408 12,481 30,544 36,137 49,558 73,059 84,459 90,419 99,501 102,673 Rugby. 3,000 4,219 3,551 2,787 3,572 2,929 3,086 3,425 4,027 4,090 Southam. 2,387 2,933 3,035 3,524 3,423 3,424 3,453 3,678 3,907 3,632 Stoneleigh. 744 5,994 1,334 4,869 3,096 6,057 5,047 8,973 7,099 10,947 7,964 15,212 8,799 13,475 9,665 12,378 9,992 Stoney Stanton Road, FoleshilJ. Stratiord-upon-Avon. - 10,681 24,162 25,773 31,496 37,098 40,423 Tamworth. SOUTH MIDLAND AND EASTERN COUNTIES. Middlesex.! - - 4,116 6,226 10,749 13,127 13,397 13,372 13,956 Staines and Egham. 852 857 981 1,339 2,432 Yiewsley and W. Dray- ton. Hertford.! - - 2,943 7,303 9,232 10,187 11,506 13,146 14,408 Berkhampstead. - - 1,458 2,481 2,986 3,146 2,776 2,851 Croxley. - - - 3,859 3,601 Hitchin. 594 1,262 2,092 1,853 2,212 2,222 2,357 2,618 2,656 2,652 Hoddesdon. - 1,598 1,917 1,881 1,781 1,965 1,875 Radlett. - - - - - 289 902 315 Redbourn.H - f 5,943 7,704 10,731 8,968 St. Andrew's (Watford) 1,997 3,431 7,827 10,914 7,831 10,237 10,675 12,734 14,778 15,770 Tring. ^Commenced business 16th November, 1895. || Wound up in 1900. Five months' trading. 3207 H 114 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Tear of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Buckinghamshire. Aston Clinton 1872 - 64 11 45 49 58 52 49 44 45 Aylesbury 1889 150 348 430 503 538 587 Bletchley and Fenny 1884 231 354 391 372 387 387 402 Stratford. Chesham 1875 39 50 204 390 535 563 580 589 617 Granborough 1880 24 27 28 28 29 33 33 High Wycombe 1897 - - - 271 323 328 Ivor* 1897 - - - - - 101 t Newport Pagnell 1866 48 41 33 29 29 30 32 37 36 35 Olney 1897 - - - 52* 69 Ravenstone 1862 95 96 73 75 80 78 74 73 68 65 Shenley and Loughton 1899 - - 23 Slough 1892 - 436 530 600 615 640 Stony Stratford 1873 - 87 131 131 250 389 392 396 401 402 Swanbourne .. ' .. 1868 65 64 65 58 70 68 68 68 66 61 Wolverton 1874 111 130 220 501 787 804 806 875 886 Wolverton Mutual 1898 - - - - - - - - 1,578 1,533 Oxfordshire. Banbury 1866 793 1,270 1,180 1,228 1,537 2,041 2,175 2,330 2,422 2,521 Chipping Norton 1866 143 410 597 730 951 1,060 1,074 1,072 1,120 1,238 Middleton Stoney 1882 68 74 54 64 65 77 81 Oxford 1872 610 1,362 1.317 1,606 2,004 2,121 2,316 2,375 2,577 Shir burn 1869 55 44 49 43 36 41 39 37 37 59 Steeple Aston . . 1872 - 100 114 125 116 197 205 213 220 224 N orthamptonshire. Blakesley 1889 - - - - 43 66 62 64 61 62 Bozeat 1863 124 133 91 156 107 84 82 86 87 80 Braefleld 1859 145 181 159 185 455 168 174 175 183 210 Brington 1862 95 110 119 99 96 96 97 91 96 89 Brixworth 1866 117 125 158 198 228 229 234 244 234 244 Bugbrooke, New 1884 - - t 54 22 18 16 14 13 Burton Latimer.. 1888 - 78 188 210 224 237 272 Clipstone 1879 31 28 32 30 28 30 34 30 Cogenhoe 1886 84 97 107 102 100 108 Daventry 1859 298 352 349 416 461 606 663 686 693 707 Denton 1875 37 29 53 59 61 58 58 58 57 Desborough 1863 58 97 171 309 454 623 633 641 668 748 * Winding up in 1900 : t Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 115 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890 1895. 1896. 1397 1898. 1899. Buckinghamshire. 1,410 971 813 990 992 995 882 792 708 Aston Clinton. 1,955 6,023 7,364 8,519 9,005 9,983 Aylesbury. _ 4,345 6,841 3,772 3,260 3,719 3,881 4,598 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford. 93 627 3,104 6,492 9,752 9,942 10,157 10,774 9,947 Chesham. 289 306 298 359 441 493 452 Granborough. - - - 1,539 3,481 3,965 High Wycombe. - - - 1,978 t Iver* 1,007 1,010 887 701 709 936 904 942 897 828 Newport Pagnell. - - - - 843 722 Olney. 2,219 2,202 1,011 989 1,261 1,208 1,145 1,193 1,146 1,019 Eavenstone. - 52 Shenley and Loughton. 6,874 8,193 9,665 10,782 10,437 Slough. 1,102 3,170 3,044 5,846 7,519 8,011 8,175 8,882 8,734 Stony Stratford. 1,112 1,166 1,042 840 938 673 698 749 738 597 Swanbourne. 1,034 1,315 2,999 8,004 11,476 12,176 13,623 13,656 12,753 Wolverton. - - - - - - - - 3,587 8,682 Wolverton Mutual. Oxfordshire. 15,171 27,739 33,826 42,595 64,740 67,901 69,765 76,495 80,706 77,927 Banbury. 3,321 9,270 13,848 14,254 23,458 26,035 25,416 27,043 27,802 29,262 Chipping Norton. - 2,240 L843 1,745 1,795 1,844 1,702 1,974 Middleton Stoney. - 10,354 32,874 22,950 33,976 39,234 41,289 45,559 51,476 53,465 Oxford. 1,340 1,314 1,393 1,191 875 752 676 688 737 701 Shirburn. - 1,808 2,196 2,922 2,362 4,220 3,981 4,088 4,399 4,191 Steeple Aston. N o r th ampt onshir e . - - 395 900 921 1,125 1,227 1,157 Blakesley 4,015 5,341 4,341 5,255 4,214 3,751 3,756 4,301 4,400 3,658 Bozeat. 3,958 4,636 4,469 472 8,602 3,406 3,527 3,613 3,849 4,126 Braefleld. 2,244 2,759 2,602 1,834 1,497 1,412 1,390 1,338 1,417 1,504 Brington. 2,454 2,712 3,561 3,895 3,779 3,720 4,249 4,347 4,758 4,812 Brixworth . - - t 1,341 632 506 521 527 393 Bugbrooke, New. - - 1,619 3,522 4,961 5,559 5,792 6,025 Burton Latimer. 848 649 680 608 640 699 805 707 Clipstone. - 1,707 1,845 1,986 1,938 1,474 1,449 Cogenhoe. 4,685' 6,141 6,145 8,081 7,957 11,816 13,781 13,984 13,907 12,884 )aventry. - 387 649 873 1,179 904 886 849 872 885 )enton. 897 2,038 4,674 8,465 14,218 15,591 14,905 15,470 15,803 17,896 )esborough. t Beturn for year ended 31st March, 1899. 320T H 2 116 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Northamptonshire cont. Earl's Barton 1860 180 249 356 419 445 500 512 526 500 534 East Haddon 1863 107 74 66 * 44 55 56 49 46 53 Ecton 1863 57 77 * 54 87 97 93 87 94 98 Finedon 1868 34 64 266 335^ 469 568 586 610 640 665 Gayton 1886 52 57 57 54 49 20 Hackleton Progression- 1860 99 98 Ill 114 124 137 135 137 131 136 ists. Harleston 1886 97 111 113 119 114 113 Harpole 1863 199 202 261 628 613 570 570 505 481 500 Hazelbeach 1872 - 54 52 55 53 20 20 21 18 20 Higham Ferrers 1890 48 197 214 229 246 255 Irchester 1864 31 114 154 182 180 237 240 L'77 276 276 Irthlingborough 1885 - 116 188 223 290 ; 356 426 Kettering 1865 138 523 1,004 1,618 2,370 3,500 3,808 4,001 4,610 5,120 Long Buckby 1858 278 * 342 372 455 511 553 555 560 571 Moulton 1862 149 94 87 93 108 194 204 206 217 214 Northampton .. 1870 - 60 114 734 1,134 1,086 987 950 947 760 Oundle 1866 80 68 91 88 133 140 144 129 122 111 Peterborough 1877 - - 796 1,088 2,754 4,394 5,156 5,761 6,379 7,102 Pitsford 1864 63 88 8(1 50 52 64 70 75 73 74 Raunds Distributive . . 1891 30 432 515 563 614 Ringstead . 1894 15 101 107 115 114 Roade and District . . 1899 - - - 24 RnthweU 1860 229 298 327 383 424 518 538 559 572 584 Rushden 1877 168 248 400 702 858 930 940 935 Thrapston 1897 - 84 104 134 Walgrave 1892 82 91 95 95 109 Welford 1862 61 61 47 39 37 32 32 29 29 27 Wellinghorough 1873 ire 210 290 533 1,184 1,296 1,499 1,721 1,980 West Haddon 1864 M 60 115 108 118 139 141 142 130 134 Wollaston 1876 70 172 292 369 409 440 500 527 Woodford 1896 - 46 54 62 79 Wootton 1896 49 82 121 131 Yardley Hastings 1874 75 100 159 198 216 223 227 226 226 Huntingdonshire. Huntingdon 1886 284 337 367 384 400 417 St. Ives 1889 136 284 257 318 344 361 St.Neots 1882 - - * 231 290 290 289 292 288 Not stated, MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 117 SALES. Name of Go-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1380. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. H orthamptonshir e cont. 3,035 4,218 7,393 6,586 9,412 11,566 12,666 113,465 13,085 13,424 Earl's Barton. 634 754 1,557 * 733 960 898 905 914 990 East Haddon. 885 1,435 * 715 1,351 1,609 1,518 1,543 1,595 1,567 Ecton. 1,094 1,945 8,120 10,793 14,287 14,175 14,770 15,836 17,170 18,368 Finedon. - - 1,005 632 643 740 771 292 Gayton. 2,031 1,905 2,501 1,994 1,779 2,294 1,993 2,390 2,031 2,316 1,996 2,334 2,022 2,525 2,044 2,540 Hackleton Progression- ists. Harleston. 4,598 5,344 6,885 14,429 14,974 13,889 13,099 12,191 11,695 11,770 Harpole. - 802 917 1,032 972 548 439 397 500 512 Hazelbeach. - - - 404 2,792 3,536 4,120 4,416 4,759 Highanx Ferrers. 3,204 4,931 5,907 5,707 5,764 8,983 8,729 9,755 9,486 9,694 Irchester. - - - 3,133 4,567 5,194 8,071 11,124 13,003 Irthlingborough. 1,740 9,053 16,645 28,569 45,180 65,860 77,387 86,087 95,602 103,542 Ketteririg. 8,130 * 12,531 10,591 12,912 13,163 13,553 14,413 15,343 16,115 Long Buekby. 2,752 2,180 2,787 2,100 1,880 3,748 3,718 3,708 3,793 3,802 Moulton. - 1,466 2,829 9,228 14,041 6,434 5,268 6,298 7,586 8,796 Northampton. 1,982 2,530 2,472 2,104 2,400 2,055 1,907 1,898 1,837 1,527 Oundle. 18,343 20,018 57,240 97,273 120,002 138,357 157,807 168,294 Peterborough. 1,334 1,713 1,266 507 759 985 1,033 1,222 1,272 1,230 Pitsford. - - 16,742 8,517 10,244 12,857 15,430 Raunds Distributive. - - 4,397 1,471 1,454 1,588 1,799 Eingstead. - - - 39 Eoade & District. 3,614 5,638 6,307 6,954 9,888 11,786 12,558 12,008 12,125 12,819 Bothwell. - 3,402 3,732 9,248 17,011 22,270 23,524 21,084 19,888 Eushden. - - - 538 1,399 1,659 Thrapston. - 1,013 1,360 1,507 1,591 1,509 Walgrave. 1,270 1,625 887 742 811 501 531 464 479 388 Welford. - 5,058 6,741 6,658 12,067 23,790 26,680 33,104 40,979 45,578 Wellingborough. 1,332 1,288 2,366 1,945 1,518 1,777 1,699 1,854 1,922 1,830 West Haddon. 1,592 3,875 8,678 11,713 12,986 13,542 15,250 15,754 Wollaston. _ 1 _ 309 770 942 1,304 Woodford. - 274 1,462 2,455 2,843 Wootton. 806 2,140 3,441 2,925 3,521 3,661 4,151 4,369 4,460 Yardley Hastings. Huntingdonshire . - 4,118 5,527 6,300 6,865 6,967 6,667 Huntingdon. - 2,388 3,688 3,793 4,823 5,823 5,780 St. Ives. I 4,035 3,530 3,779 3,961 4,136 4,049 St. Neots. 118 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. ! Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Bedfordshire. Arlesey 1876 - 122 144 211 399 438 349 347 373 Aspley Guisef 1887 - - 60 66 66 66 66 Bedford 1886 - - 434 640 709 804 924 984 Biggleswade 1894 - - 163 250 287 305 341 Leigh ton Buzzard 1884 - - 455 552 570 591 593 594 Luton 1883 90 170 457 596 729 767 770 Sharnbrook 1886 65 58 64 69 72 Silsoe 1876 92 124 202 280 302 310 312 321 Studham 1896 - - - - - - 21 28 105 125 Cambridgeshire. Burwell 1890 - - - 68 220 229 250 267 276 Cambridge 1868 93 172 281 902 1,264 1,610 1,757 1,988 2,330 2,413 Ely 1887 208 287 325 373 379 382 Sawston 1867 127 226 274 352 539 646 683 696 726 42 Soham 1890 109 192 189 189 180 125 Whittlesford .. 1891 110 109 108 103 101 Willingham 1895 70 102 108 101 82 Wisbech 1886 - - - - 143 314 342 370 365 360 Essex. Braintree & West Essex 1864 44 228 351 521 660 815 921 1,004 1,043 1,096 Brentwood 1894 177 233 246 373 221 Chelmsf ord 1867 257 201 396 510 626 1,374 1,550 1,732 1,842 1,892 Coggeshall 1897 - + 66 81 Colchester & East Essex 1861 489 456 865 1,551 2,210 3,706 4,119 4,463 4,673 4,782 Earl's Colne 1884 73 124 152 156 162 179 185 Epping 1894 133 164 205 232 240 Grays 1866 97 298 395 1,043 1,256 2,148 2,285 2,312 2,379 2,606 Halstead 1860 131 217 307 409 679 732 757 797 848 843 Harwich & Dovercourt 1875 199 491 731 697 898 952 1,039 1,055 1,069 Hatfield-PeverilH 1892 55 57 50 * Maldon and Heybridge 1873 197 313 447 627 671 702 717 735 745 Southend 1890 302 307 305 286 320 Terling 1876 120 149 230 130 136 140 144 140 Tiptree 1875 119 135 190 296 313 335 359 374 Tollesbury & District . . 1899 - - - - 115 Withham 1887 - - 147 150 168 189 225 222 * Not stated. t Winding up in 1900. Eegistry cancelled in 1900. MEMBERSHIP AND BALES. 119 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Bedfordshire. - - 2,299 2,524 3,145 7,249 8,380 10,459 7,197 7,371 Arlesey. - - - - 913 797 791 794 751 127 Aspley Guise.f - - - 6,660 8,097 9,797 11,699 12,038 12,423 Bedford. - - - 1,495 2,942 3,418 3,059 3,432 Biggleswade. - - * 7,855 9,043 9,519 9,481 9,545 9,229 Leighton Buzzard. - - 790 2,507 6,023 7,752 10,062 10,589 10,976 Luton. - - - * 1,013 917 1,082 1,045 959 Sharnbrook. - 1,213 1,519 2,559 3,607 4,051 3,904 3,985 3,915 Silsoe. - - 349 646 1,187 1,865 Studham. Cambridgeshire. 1,136 3,641 3,935 4,955 6,330 6,140 Burwell. 1,431 2,714 4,981 17,806 25,465 39,904 45,183 51,474 53,343 51,513 Cambridge. - - - 3,610 3,988 4,632 4,954 5,361 5,422 Ely. 2,637 4,401 5,143 7,135 9,746 11,206 11,832 12,504 13,489 13,469 Sawston. - - 1,850 3,166 2,912 1,779 1,812 1,505 Soham. - - 1,480 1,331 1,256 1,157 1,495 Whittlesford. - - J 1,622 1,637 1,375 1,253 Willingham. 6,321 8,758 8,708 9,371 9,639 10,275 Wisbech. Essex.? 1,770 4,660 6,435 8,976 11,327 14,098 17,816 20,332 21,071 22,269 Braintree & West Essex. - - 1,572 2,877 2,820 2,866 3,068 Brentwood. 4.482 3,648 7,337 8,203 10,780 23,603 27,562 31,864 33,369 36,161 Chelmsford. ? 790 902 Coggeshall. 7,573 7,966 14,261 27,975 47,215 75,764 86,460 98,467 106,751 107,865 Colchester & East Essex. - - 851 1,870 2,072 2,372 2,602 2,830 3,004 Earl's Colne. - - - 2,126 2,760 3,209 4,056 4,288 Epping. 2,829 8,634 13,500 37,179 38,969 59,367 63,299 65,410 68,520 76,403 Grays. 2,298 3,338 5,639 8,996 12,757 12,798 14,466 15,725 21,534 14,941 Halstead. - 3,296 10,256 18,188 16,468 24,260 26,612 30,667 31,809 32,369 Harwich & Dovercourt. - _ 848 801 651 262 * Hatfleld-Peveril. - 3,598 5,392 7,748 9,488 10,193 10,956 11,434 12,039 11,464 Maldon and Heybridge. - - - 5,827 5,589 5,805 4,876 4,812 Southend. - 2,160 2,652 3,538 1,806 1,902 2,035 2,111 2,182 Terling. - - 3,381 3,342 3,757 6,659 7,027 7,302 8,030 8,156 Tiptree. - - - 1,153 Tollesbury & District. 1,703 1,675 1,753 2,502 3,264 3.338 Witham. t Not commenced business. Except such Societies as are included In the 'London district. 120 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Tear of Estab- lishment.. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Suffolk. Assington .. 1863 97 83 71 79 76 65 67 67 67 30 Beecles 1879 125 301 441 637 679 704 733 760 Brandon 1873 89 86 75 68 60 105 127 144 150 Bury St. Edmunds 1864 92 172 178 182 419 595 615 623 656 668 Finborough 1881 49 # 71 61 63 68 44 Haverhill 1882 1868 1892 183 627 1,555 323 2,150 507 2,709 683 3,079 118 769 3,203 151 841 3,260 148 921 3,420 129 973 3.606 137 Lakenheath Lavenham 1898 - t 72 Leiston 1861 149 167 246 279 299 366 375 387 410 428 Lo westof t 1890 428 512 525 555 594 Newmarket 1899 - 300 Stowmarket 1889 79 389 406 418 426 447 Sudbury 1892 73 74 76 77 77 Walton 1867 99 151 171 185 259 247 266 261 284 271 Wickham Market 1890 121 311 335 349 365 387 Woodbridge 1887 - - - - 103 104 116 129 142 154 Norfolk. Attleborough 1898 36 36 Colkirk 1885 45 68 67 67 67 73 Cromer 1898 _ _ 96 185 Diss 1898 _ _ _ 83 117 East Dereham 1895 _ 115 104 122 110 102 Great Yarmouth 1888 _ 107 86 112 130 135 145 King's Lynn 1888 312 647 779 885 968 1,025 Melton Constable 1898 - 109 168 Norwich 1875 229 713 1,588 3,548 4,271 4,419 4,615 4,829 Sheringham 1896 84 120 167 212 S waff ham 1887 95 177 187 192 192 192 Thetford 1861 141 256 472 676 844 1,176 1,208 1,256 1,292 1,333 Wymondham .. 1891 - - - - - 129 150 168 197 225 LONDON (12 mile radius). Addington 1881 26 20 20 19 19 19 18 Anchor 1881 93 219 444 600 646 568 643 Battersea and Wunds- worth. Bowes Park 1854 1889 180 401 721 1,004 1,299 128 1,157 250 1,374 250 1,540 230 1,473 235 1,199 228 Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 121 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1 | Suffolk. 2,373 1,698 1,900 2,065 1,768 1,559 1,432 1,169 1,060 920 Assington. - - 1,869 6,353 9,754 12,499 13,244 14,012 15,274 15,620 Beecles. - 2,183 2,399 2,403 1,747 1,060 1,123 1,854 2,334 2,461 Brandon. 1,832 2,864 2,915 2,378 5,290 7,331 7,734 7,621 8,431 8,897 Bury St. Edmunds. 909 1,167 1,204 1,128 1,175 1,052 Finborough. - 5,749 11,413 17,366 20,336 22,694 26,167 26,479 Haverhill. 2,609 9,221 33,543 44,795 57,742 61,408 63,247 66,527 71,729 78,299 Ipswich. - 2,382 2,713 2,648 1,960 2,653 Lakenheath. ' t 401 Lavenham. 2,629 3,906 4,307 4,021 4,760 6,734 6,763 7,024 7,070 7,148 Leiston. 6,382 7,995 8,109 9,192 9,700 Lowestoft. 2,264 Newmarket. 771 6,654 6,277 4,996 5,213 5,745 Stowmarket. 575 599 673 790 759 Sudbury. 1,526 3,256 3,200 3,407 4,780 4,168 4,724 5,307 6,169 6,251 Walton. - 363 4,861 5,174 5,472 5,934 6,146 Wickham Market. - - - - 930 1,546 1,832 2,115 2,287 2,383 Woodbridge. Norfolk. 30 358 Attleborough. 1,191 1,432 1,244 1,190 1,180 1,180 Oolkirk. t 1,548 Cromer. 258 1,041 Efiss. 905 1,415 1,531 1,383 1,103 East Dereham. 908 712 1,134 1,435 1,398 1,762 Great Yarmouth. - - 4,058 9,477 11,597 13,893 15,619 16,729 King's Lynn. - - * 2,174 Melton Constable 3,044 10,321 27,719 70,252 96,278 108,444 112,218 123,029 Norwich. 67 1,680 2,316 3,053 Sheringham. ' 949 2,274 2,538 2,536 2,357 2,524 Swaffham. 3,712 7,006 11,866 15,651 19,974 26,054 26,646 28,505 29,845 31,276 Thetford. - - - - 1,907 2,676 3,200 3,959 4,425 Wymondham. _ 746 761 1,086 1,175 1,255 1,175 1,214 LONDON (12 mile radius). Addington. - 1,967 2,652 4,977 5,562 6,931 6,624 8,256 Anchor. 9,003 13,146 18,917 22,103 26,560 1,392 23,989 2,937 26,289 2,556 27,375 2,327 24,223 2,919 17,108 3,413 Battersea and Wands- worth. Bowes Park. t No business done during 1898. 122 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1 1899. London cont. . Brixton Industrial 1862 512 296 688 654 * 537 537 537 537 423 Brixton Eesult 1864 211 297 274 288 272 220 226 219 222 238 Bromley 1882 - - *- 308 1,000 1,662 1,821 1,906 1,874 1,917 Chelsea and Fulham . . 1882 - - - 537 982 920 926 934 934 900 Co-operative Brother- hood Trust. Co-operative Institute 1897 1877 : : p * 73 63 17 63 66 65 94 68 Cottage 1884 18 20 13 13 13 13 13 Croydon Industrial 1887 - 347 307 320 343 417 476 Croydon Coal 1894 ; 8 16 16 16 13 East End 1874 - 70 29 29 28 28 28 East Greenwich.. 1887 303 200 213 214 235 249 East London 1873 228 155 160 190 153 149 139 125 116 Edmonton 1888 501 618 734 813 954 Enfleld Highway 1872 - 94 119 210 586 895 1,000 1,106 1,145 1,235 EnfleldTown .. 1889 - - - - 304 386 436 493 508 545 Esp6rance Stores 1899 93 Euston 1885 254 339 408 433 440 465 481 Gordon League 1893 416 210 2C3 206 199 Hampton and New Hampton. Harrow Road and Queen's Park. Hendon 1879 1893 1874 - 79 120 76 180 266 108 120 232 121 504 236 1>] 5:; 271 170 604 311 177 660 366 High Barnet 1893 - - 270 345 359 376 386 London Cab 1894 - - - 100 94 109 123 162 London Perseverance . . 1891 115 101 100 90 112 London United 1897 48 112 132 New Cross and Dept- ford. Norwood 1899 1890 : Ill 151 181 205 226 29 230 Penge and Beckenham 1879 78 355 407 443 448 518 595 629 People's 1894 1,013 2,808 3,385 3,134 1,617 Railway Clearing House 1868 210 305 425 524 526 546 552 558 556 696 Rotherhithe and Dis- trict. Southall 1899 1890 : : : 312 361 383 397 145 414 South London 1878 104 348 78 83 113 126 146 South Tottenham 1897 - - 94 95 Stratford 1860 439 942 2,007 3,406 5,338 5,780 6,122 6,759 7,365 8.230 Button 1893 168 230 270 268 270 University Club 1888 - - - 818 574 582 555 558 652 * Not stated. t Return for period ending 20th October, 1899. Society wound up in 1900. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 123 SALES. Name of Co-operative Sdciety. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. London cont. 9,980 5,466 13,181 7,961 2,049 1,727 1,221 928 616 Brixton Industrial. 3,513 5,426 5,208 5,052 3,728 2,145 2,208 2,190 2,225 2,278 Brixton Result. 5,878 21,672 37,206 40,176 41,390 40,519 43,102 Bromley. - 6,745 14,595 7,730 7,321 7,484 5,368 2,150f Chelsea and Fulham. _ _ _ _ 1,117 4,453 6,085 Co-operative Brother- hood Trust. * 2,729 2,681 2,851 2,636 2,637 Co-operative Institute. 986 1,824 152 159 237 387 290 Cottage. - - 3,724 3,267 2,954 3,420 4,439 5,569 Croydon Industrial. - - - - 1,107 446 40 J 42 Croydon Coal. 4,056 * * 2,767 3,028 4,102 4,101 4,364 East End. - - - - 3,665 1,922 2,168 2,403 2,855 2,967 East Greenwich. 3,597 1,853 2,835 3,708 3,036 2,882 2,989 2,610 2,400 East London. - 7,689 10,481 13,031 11,431 12,571 Edmonton. - 1,803 2,205 4,434 13,252 19,574 27,155 29,290 30,576 31,099 Enfleld Highway. - - - - 4,396 6,133 8,945 10,598 10,873 11,264 Enfleld Town. 255 Esperance Stores. 4,322 8,237 13,081 13,841 14,627 14,893 14,614 Euston. - - - - - 1,843 1,016 838 884 609 Gordon League. _ 1,690 2,566 3,792 4,159 5,002 5,425 5,582 Hampton and New Hampton. 3,836 5,334 5,878 5,910 6,288 Harrow Road and Queen's Park. 2,975 2,937 4,495 4,715 5,174 6,342 7,703 8,880 Hendon, - 3,748 5,466 5,685 5,588 5,432 High Barnet. - 651 760 833 1,589 4,149 London Cab. ' - 747 621 570 776 1,162 London Perseverance. - - - - 305 677 929 London United. - New Cross and Dept- i'ord. 1,095 1,764 2,022 2,534. 2,726 2,962 Norwood. - - 1,489 7,005 6,875 7,647 8,206 10,376 12,255 12,290 Pengeand Beckenham. - - - 4,591 14,820 21,713 20,510 13,963 People's. 2,954 4,154 12,244 16,762 21,246 21,846 21,493 22,071 21,448 22,715 Railway Clearing House. 533 Rotherhithe and Dis- trict. 7,729 8,271 8,448 7,474 5,382 SouthalL - 1,698 4,991 * 941 1,027 1,440 1,898 2,167 South London. - - - 450 723 South Tottenham. 10,426 23,880 63,997 92,029 154,292 136,775 147,947 176,571 178,365 196,972 Stratford. - - - 1,828 2,490 3,508 2,292 2,266 Sutton. 12,196 5,390 5,319 4,935 3,822 2,554 University Club. t No business done during 1898. Not commenced business. 124 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Oo-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. London cont. Wealdstone and Har- 1891 _ 236 186 192 200 196 row. West London 1893 230 340 428 513 556 Willesden and District 1899 203 Willesden Junction . . 1886 139 173 183 199 220 226 Wimbledon and Merton 1888 430 733 765 791 794 793 Wood Green 1888 - - - - 301 725 851 917 1,070 1,203 Woolwich (Boyal Ar- senal.) Workers' Coal 1868 1893 55 470 1,757 3,865 7,510 7,992 54 9,251 54 10,957 49 13,040 49 14,424 49 SOUTH-EASTERN COUNTIES. Surrey.* Caterham 1875 _ 40 83 236 242 224 246 248 248 245 Epsom 1889 - - - - 217 315 372 427 461 495 Godalming 1897 - - - - - - 187 235 314 Gomshall 1891 - - - - - 160 187 206 208 223 Guildf ord 1891 614 683 727 749 764 Leatherhead 1892 - 214 238 258 262 266 Beigate 1863 191 136 150 273 460 625 729 806 892 989 Surbiton 1880 - - 83 96 175 228 211 210 227 244 Woking, Horsell, and District. 1899 159 Kent.* Ashford 1887 542 846 931 980 1,011 1,075 Bexley Heath 1887 - - - - 80 42 42 42 43 42 Borough of Gravesend 1884 - - 283 1,138 1,617 1,670 1,816 1,859 1,874 Canterbury 1889 - - - 218 361 430 546 601 631 Chatham 1890 - - - 652 691 776 857 980 Cliff e-at-Hoo 1888 - - - - 130 247 289 305 344 366 Grays 1870 - 40 99 245 599 490 470 447 446 447 Crockenhill 1890 - - - - 28 62 66 61 69 69 Dartford 1888 209 156 179 195 240 324 Faversham 1874 244 575 851 1,098 1,058 1,059 1,068 1,146 1,191 Folkestone 1866 272 282 486 921 1,747 2,145 2,225 2,337 2,439 2,681 Greenstreet 1876 133 243 284 357 361 348 349 366 Maidstone 1887 - - - 255 236 242 255 252 260 New Brompton 1867 : 110 301 305 1,465 2,193 2,180 2,383 2,662 3,025 Bainham 1896 - - - - - - 224 250 267 282 Bamsgate 1890 292 314 350 382 422 * Except such Societies as are included in the London district. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 125 SALES. Name of Co- operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897 1898. 1899. London cont. 3,069 2,090 3,423 4,038 3,497 5,062 3,222 5,625 1,350 6,725 Wealdstone and Har- row. West London. - - - 860 Willesden and District. - - - 3,419 3,117 4,127 5,017 5,520 5,598 Willesden Junction. : 5,082 3,803 10,045 8,851 10,058 9,970 9,571 12,251 8,330 14,042 5,747 15,527 Wimbledon and Mer- ton. Wood Green. 879 8,222 ;?4,7:!4 72,120 132,697 147,806 259 174,249 106 202,266 108 253,488 145 289,820 141 Woolwich (Royal Ar- senal). Workers' Coal. SOUTH - EASTERN COUNTIES. 345 2,433 4,876 3,025 3,770 4,004 4,011 3,521 2,789 Surrey.* Caterham. - - - - 2,554 6,126 7,686 9,144 10,196 11,295 Epsom. - - - - - 824 3,112 4,952 Godalming. - - - - - 3,261 4,216 4,707 5,503 5,784 Gomshall. - - - - 9,336 11,770 14,297 14,508 16,809 Guildford. - - - - - 3,867 3,809 4,244 4,178 3,607 Leathern ead. 2,483 2,038 3,694 5,401 9,700 13,634 16,209 18,879 20,319 23,993 Reigate. - 606 1,443 2,205t 3,456 3,135 2,826 3,105 3,062 Surbiton. 399 Woking, Horsell, and District. Kent.* - - - - 8,151 13,557 15,027 16,286 16,722 18,459 Ash ford. - - - 1,257 1,090 1,157 1,204 1,358 1,099 Bexley Heath. - - 7,466 35,584 45,572 49,329 54,984 56,742 53,330 Borough of Gravesend. - - - 2,186 5,186 6,233 9,563 10,987 10,070 Canterbury. - - - - 9,520 10,194 12,146 14,177 15,723 Chatham. - - - 3,552 5,826 7,337 8,042 8,705 9,194 Cliffe-at-Hoo. - 3,078 5,278 6,681 13,040 8,607 8,690 9,545 9,345 9,078 Grays. - - - 1,030 2,204 2,119 2,482 2,170 2,126 Crockenhill. - 2,467 2,652 3,361 3,774 4,267 6,046 Dartford. - 4,667 16,850 24,044 36,169 27,502 28,282 31,736 34,238 34,932 Faversham. 4,578 3,844 10,599 16,831 38,499 37,686 40,295 43,860 49,168 54,118 Folkestone. - 3,940 6,225 5,810 7,733 8,214 8,773 9,578 10,475 Greenstreet. - - - 4,150 2,230 2,373 1,925 1,725 2,256 Maidstone. * 3,977 8,109 6,237 32,729 44,006 44,626 50,565 58,261 68,059 New Brompton. - - - - 3,283 6,905 7,257 7,322 Rainham. 4,187 4,594 5,093 5,842 5,982 Ramsgate. t Return for nine month* ended 31rt December, 1890, I Not stated. 126 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. i . E/J G MEMBERSHIP. Name of w | Co-operative Society. O pj 1- 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Kent* cont. River and District 1880 - - 68 269 1,212 1,455 1,770 2,048 2,240 2,450 Rochester 1884 - - - 720 1,495 1,018 1,078 1,157 1,259 1,384 St. Peter's Thrift, Tun- 1887 30 33 33 34 34 35 bridge Wells. Sevenoaks 1896 174 298 358 Sheerness 1849 4DI 582 1,114 1,421 11584 1,657 1,707 1,735 1,748 1,759 Sheevness Economical 1816 196 273 469 806 1,021 1,273 1,334 1,405 1,469 1,502 Sittingbourne 1874 - 153 490 626 786 1,603 1,477 1,531 1,576 1,709 South Darenth 1882 - - - t t 127 135 135 121 125 Tonbridge 1896 - - - - - - - 64 80 114 Tunbridge Wells 1887 - - 275 321 354 345 348 345 Walmer and Mongeham 1888 145 221 213 260 235 273 Sussex. Arundel 1870 - 148 204 271 306 347 398 443 455 466 Brighton 1888 - . -- - - 449 334 356 445 550 640 Crawley and Weld 1888 - - - - 118 180 180 190 204 228 Eastbourne 1891 - - - - - 343 340 352 366 314 East Grinstead 1892 50 50 45 80 178 Hastings and St. 1887 _ 346 252 253 259 266 273 Leonards. Hay ward's Heath 1893 156 210 243 284* 321 Horsham 1868 192 234 241 554 630 540 508 503 508 510 Lewes 1865 253 226 274 297 391 504 592 673 720 737 Newhaven 1884 36 340 459 499 584 616 655 Hampshire. Basingstoke 1892 153 152 161 185 268 Cowes 1893 - - - - - 193 340 459 548 659 Eastleigh 1892 - - - - - 184 252 268 H44 451 Eastleigh Fuel 1891 - - - 449 462 t 425 425 Forton Coal 1889 - - 696 1,081 1,092 1,114 1,133 1,135 Portsea Island 1873 - 85 529 1,746 3,267 3,010 3,415 3,744 3,967 4,090 Portsmouth Dockyard 1890 _ _ 1,230 547 640 707 793 864 Coal. Shanklin 1875 55 t 95 182 272 304 330 367 402 Southampton 1887 - - - - 131 548 718 835 894 970 Berkshire. Aldermaston 1869 t 28 41 47 54 78 76 81 77 75 Maidenhead 1899 - I - 249 Reading 1860 333 538 1,386 1,909 3,284 3,390 3,577 3,823 4,147 4,670 .* Except such Societies as are included i the London district. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 127 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Kent* cont. 915 3,981 21,412 29,442 36,540 43,339 48,357 56,473 River and District. 14,088 23,535 18,359 19,560 22,731 27,045 29,671 Rochester. : : 327 740 631 639 2,773 615 5,412 527 7,285 St. Peters Thrift, Tun- bridere Wells. Sevenoaks. 16,492 20,305 40,500 46,372 49,676 50,738 52,805 53,222 54,205 55,692 Sheerness. 6,538 5,687 13,883 22,844 24,616 27,539 28,569 33,795 37,732 35,079 Sheerness Economical. t 13,696 19,120 22,735 52,659 55,208 56,218 60,394 65,284 Sittingbourne. t t 3,774 4,325 3,609 2,916 2,721 South Darenth. 10 338 1,568 Tonbridge. 3,195 3,978 3,885 3,329 1,936 1,375 Tunbridge Wells. - - - 2,122 3,604 3,541 3,808 4,230 4,897 Walmer and Monge- ham. Sussex. 2,834 6,663 6,892 5,595 9,016 10,766 11,783 12,538 12,029 Arundel. 3,417 3,860 4,476 5,807 8,319 11,200 Brighton. 2,955 3,164 3,117 3,195 3,094 3,352 Crawley and Ifleld. 5,291 5,459 4,624 3,292 1,989 Eastbourne. 530 654 852 1,189 2,344 East Grinstead. 4,756 1,936 2,104 1,884 2,801 1,843 3,535 2,192 4,278 2,238 4,580 Hastings and St. Leonards. Hayward's Heath. 3,531 3,201 4,741 9,415 10,517 2,531 2,542 2,693 2,416 1,639 Horsham. 4,946 3,168 4,395 3,538 3,962 7,642 9,355 10,760 11,344 11,330 Lewes. - - - 590 5,844 9,971 10,753 12,277 17,344 17,894 Newhaven. Hampshire. - 3,013 2,603 3,068 3,996 5,393 Basingstoke. - 2,595 4,918 7,332 9,466 11,655 Cowes. - - 2,574 3,812 4,239 5,845 8,046 Eastleigh. 1,094 1,250 t 1,541 1,198 Eastleigh Fuel. 1,364 t 2,556 2,698 2,719 3,014 Forton Coal. _ 1,677 10,171 33,300 49,085 50,326 60,326 67,028 69,818 68,872 Portsea Island. : 1,890 7,578 4,593 2,812 6,109 7,155 6,741 7,666 7,321 7,354 7,620 7,099 8,142 6,942 8,660 Portsmouth Dockyard Coal. Shanklin. 1,907 7,957 9,426 12,083 11,692 12,661 Southampton. Berkshire. t 1,274 1,597 1,728 1,935 2,572 2,740 3,199 2,994 2,783 Aldermaston. 1,429 Maidenhead. 4,148 7,672 30,811 34,499 47,731 38,318 43,034 48,981 55,293 63,954 Reading. t Not stated. 128 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870 1875, 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Berkshire co 'it. Snnningdale and Dis- trict. Windsor 1899 1893 208 242 315 413 90 525 Wittenham 1869 43 117 124 86 73 63 62 59 58 57 Yattendon 1883 - - - 41 61 72 81 86 90 SOUTHERN & WEST- ERN COUNTIES. Wiltshire. Bradford- on-A von 1860 193 286 257 220 248 391 447 490 513 563 Chippenham 1890 - - - - 156 254 324 430 546 604 Devizes 1898 - - - - - - 96 115 Kingshill 1880 76 110 147 161 210 250 292 Mere and District 1890 52 81 86 96 104 120 New Swindon Indus- trial. New Swindon Provi- dent. Salisbury 1860 1853 1886 294 424 250 801 250 888 278 925 576 813 150 585 1,280 266 614 1,404 231 662 1,534 366 702 1,632 436 708 1,655 495 Trowbridge 1861 421 640 1,033 1,507 1,596 1,650 1,661 1,687 Warminster 1888 t 130 158 192 232 269 Wilton Sidney Herbert 1867 289 230 190 213 214 191 195 196 198 209 Dorsetshire. Childe Okef ord 1884 115 175 155 177 182 178 175 Dorchester 1897 J 87 97 Parkstone and Heather- lands. Weymouth 1892 1867 88 90 127 254 27- 200 218 199 211 229 216 233 230 220 248 Devonshire. , Ashburton 1884 78 107 123 116 107 94 Barnstaple 1867 255 230 230 264 286 325 338 346 Bidef ord 1872 - 133 175 194 330 289 272 279 291 314 Brixham 1890 53 149 168 222 292 371 Buckfastleigh 186,9 80 106 251 355 505 579 596 612 617 632 Colyton 1894 - - - - - 44 70 82 82 80 Cullompton 1894 - - - - - 65 82 100 90 112 Exeter 1884 180 1,144 1,500 1,630 1,715 1,857 1,830 Exmouth 1899 - - 133 Lee Moor 1887 90 88 88 185 196 198 Newton Abbot 1880 58 274 426 499 554 624 680 613 North Tawton 1884 45 79 117 121 125 121 123 Not stated. f Not commenced business. MEMBERSHIP AND SALE8. 129 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Berkshire cont. : : : 1,866 2,326 3,880 6,102 t 8,423 Sunningdale and Dis- trict. Windsor. 1,145 2,316 1,675 1,822 1,767 1,503 1,496 1,580 1,609 1,778 Wittenham. 1,775 2,248 2,071 2,453 2,412 2,407 Yattendon. SOUTHERN & WEST- ERN COUNTIES. Wiltshire. 2,608 5,991 4,659 2,938 3,924 7,054 8,259 9,594 9,999 9,987 Brad ford-on-A von. 1,030 3,533 4,824 7,474 9,380 10,642 Chippenham. 357 1,411 Devizes. 1,166 1,132 1,518 1,555 1,977 2,655 2,392 Kingshill. - 450 1,466 1,654 1,764 2,057 2,334 Mere and District. 6,926 5,678 3,128 10,013 3,053 10,301 3,953 7,119 10,821 6,680 2,031 6,887 8,000 2,941 6,420 8,922 4,227 6,247 10,835 4,817 6,033 13,938 5,818 5,351 11,118 6,903 New Swindon Indus- trial. New Swindon Provi- dent. Salisbury. 8,651 12,966 13,952 16,452 21,805 30,548 34,539 33,081 35,015 34,686 Trowbridge. - t 2,752 3,227 4,083 4,881 5,697 Warminster. 5,479 5,241 4,533 4,099 3,752 2,750 2,915 3,025 3,140 3,189 Wilton Sidney Herbert Dorsetshire. - 1,774 3,421 3,218 2,840 3,083 2,925 2945 Childe Okeford. - * f 1,237 1,168 Dorchester. 2,589 2,962 5,980 7,446 6,361 3,414 5,474 3,419 6,009 2,062 6,537 1,906 6,998 1,921 7,460 Parkstone and Heather- lands. Weymouth Devonshire. - * 1,960 2,632 2,744 2,802 2,556 2,281 Ashburton. 2,673 # 4,000 1,880 3,299 3,445 4,005 4,183 3,972 Barnstaple. - 2,203 4,069 3,223 6,333 3,725 3,476 3,567 3,571 3,586 Bideford. - - - 120 1,687 1,882 2,597 3,773 4,982 Brixham. 756 881 5,072 5,603 11,833 14,138 14,107 14,997 15,214 15,423 Buckfastleigh. - - - 493 649 809 977 852 Colyton. - - - 203 395 566 662 1,003 Cullompton. - 792 1,220 15,651 17,626 20,441 20,171 19,449 Exeter. - - - - - - - 523 Exruouth. - - - 4,075 4,463 4,810 5,644 6,326 6,112 Lee Moor. - 351 4,362 537 7,040 771 6,610 763 7,662 741 9,594 792 10,594 775 9,843 111 Newton Abbot. North Tawton. J Commenced business December, 1897. 8207 130 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Devonshire -cont. Paignton 1893 117 137 222 325 402 Plymouth 1859 568 1,400 5,154 7,769 13,972 16,955 17,627 19,421 20,385 22,383 Plympton 1890 - - - - 420 500 540 580 630 Princetown and District 1892 - - - - 160 194 212 230 248 South Hams 1898 * 68 Teigmnouth 1898 - 158 254 Tiverton .. 1868 98 108 97 103 347 473 562 629 604 651 Torquay 1890 93 120 97 166 253 378 Totnes 1898 - - - - - - 52 103 Cornwall. Delabole 1891 168 198 215 231 234 East Cornwall .. 1862 153 236 109 85 106 130 130 135 137 122 Falmouth 1867 232 292 377 337 383 331 331 333 341 350 Menheniot 1869 35 63 94 124 173 252 241 245 243 250 Pensilva 1878 138 128 144 145 142 140 138 121 Railway Terrace, St. Oleer. Saltash 1874 1890 t 109 113 100 101 239 100 268 98 276 98 272 89 299 St. Cleer 1867 105 220 217 327 320 328 328 337 340 358 Tokenbury Corner Coal 1875 - - t t 273 286 293 283 278 269 Somersetshire. Bath 1894 249 324 385 443 380 Bedminster 1882 ^ 91 754 1,735 2,040 2,412 2,796 2,379 Bridgwater 1891 - - 204 210 316 439 593 Burnham 1892 - - 61 60 59 59 61 Butleigh 1880 - - 129 153 164 157 153 148 152 Chard 1866 405 733 776 978 1,056 1,097 1,100 1,126 1,118 1,103 Cheddar and District . . 1889 - - 59 Coleford 1873 100 136 173 269 378 393 395 400 370 Crewkerne and District 1886 211 332 341 354 355 353 East Harptree 1899 - - - - - 82 Frome 1892 - 254 299 312 294 261 Keynsham 1894 - 46 54 62 65 64 Milborne Port 1878 t 46 124 127 124 104 117 117 Oakhill 1896 170 203 158 161 Portishead 1894 141 163 173 178 178 Eadstock 1868 164 268 385 477 1,125 1,495 1,552 1,702 1,794 1,835 Not commenced business. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 131 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Devonshire cont. - - - - 1,280 1,622 2,937 5,659 7,233 Paignton. 11,431 30,053 99,319 122,983 212,113 274,485 304,404 334,797 350,356 374,164 Plymouth. - - - 9,023 10,484 12,104 12,571 13,176 Plympton. - - 3,423 4,299 5,540 6,280 6,900 Princetown and District. - - - - * 1,047 South Hams. - - - - 947 2,575 Teignmouth. 1,583 1,410 1,739 1,513 5,553 7,405 8,661 11,697 10,527 10,799 Tiverton. - - - 62 898 1,558 2,566 4,999 6,199 Torquay. - - - - 144 854 Totnes. Cornwall. - - - 2,943 3,520 4,225 4,556 4,625 Delabole. 3,589 6,894 2,028 2,241 2,743 2,508 2,516 2,751 2,827 2,512 East Cornwall. 2,330 2,887 3,288 2,371 2,135 1,759 1,811 2,247 2,215 2,255 Falmouth. 921 1,432 2,008 1,723 2,893 3,985 3,296 3,319 3,203 2,845 Menheniot. - 3,802 2,470 2,397 2,382 2,240 2,217 1,786 1,754 Pensilva. : t 3,337 2,732 2,078 1,433 2,081 1,298 2,345 1,280 2,640 1,336 2,612 1,238 2,626 Railway Terrace, St. Cleer. Saltash. 2,287 5,373 4,212 4,621 3,866 3,371 3,320 3,578 3,708 3,719 St. Cleer. t t 2,005 1,269 1,129 1,456 1,590 1,307 Tokenbury Corner Coal. Somersetshire. - 2,914 4,304 4,539 4,153 4,319 Bath. - - 2,230 14,272 31,478 41,411 50,387 61,194 47,590 Bedminster. - - 2,764 3,049 4,658 7,812 '9,803 Bridgwater. - 1,133 988 957 856 851 Burnham. - - 1,953 2,547 2,104 2,106 2,228 2,414 2,391 Butleigh. 7,211 11,332 11,960 11,893 10,312 15,311 15,731 17,825 18,609 18,339 Chard. - - 210 Cheddar and District. 2,620 3,578 4,632 8,039 9,999 9,930 9,901 9,827 8,972 Coleford. - - 5,891 8,812 8,842 9,057 8,854 8,944 Crewkerne and District. - - 1,979 East Harptree. - 4,349 5,308 5,898 5,307 4,551 Frome. - 538 882 1,006 848 855 Keynsham. t 2,997 4,759 2,512 2,359 2,332 2,663 2,968 Milborne Port. - - 1,805 3,473 3,103 2,324 Oakhill. - 2,828 4,011 3,962 3,881 4,280 Portishead. 4,066 6,563 6,047 8,298 22,626 29,366 31,840 36,919 42,528 43,411 Eadstock. t No" saor I 2 132 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Tear of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Somersetshire cont. Shepton Mallet .. 1861 241 354 393 386 483 501 497 506 521 520 Street 1865 113 153 189 335 399 364 382 392 404 407 Taunton 1889 - - - - 256 702 800 927 1,071 1,161 Twerton 1889 - - - - 420 908 1,060 1,169 1,233 1,229 Wellington 1831 ' 764 810 850 889 970 Weston-super-Mare . . 1896 118 190 275 Yeovil 1889 187 518 629 738 737 777 Aberdare 1869 250 304 232 250 360 735 823 915 929 1,076 Abergwynfl 1896 60 70 136 154 Abersychan British and Talywain. Alltwen and Pontar- dawe. Barry and District 1889 1876 1890 - - 205 230 182 340 229 406 175 293 429 160 343 460 150 397 478 284 431 518 225 Barry Dock Trading and Builders. Blaenau Festiniog 1899 1891 : : : : : 294 241 254 257 t 243 Blaenavon 1889 906 907 944 931 864 909 Blaengarw 1889 t 156 178 224 234 282 Blaina 1872 * * 331 998 2,037 2,268 1,551 1,610 2,089 Briton Ferry 1893 194 209 263 313 347 Brymbo 1874 134 201 202 237 347 353 356 360 318 Bryn Colliery 1865 96 82 63 52 49 50 51 63 63 64 Buckley 1889 89 99 , 99 99 99 103 Cardiff 1885 224 211 203 199 191 193 Chepstow 1896 04 114 121 Chirk Green 1898 - - 99 165 Cwmavon 1866 44 67 39 20 * 13 12 12 13 11 Cwmbach 1859 381 842 939 1,580 1,862 2,708 2,834 2,902 2,837 3,159 Cwmbran and Pont- newydd. Cwmbwrla 1890 1889 * 100 160 125 164 121 174 125 171 128 175 Owmtylery 1888 97 227 247 304 303 324 Cymmer 1898 - 27 71 Cynffil 1891 59 64 73 56 48 Cynlais 1894 54 57 63 70 74 Dowlais 1895 - 195 221 198 219 Duffryn 1895 542 530 547 596 Ebbw Vale 1899 - - - - - - 225 Not stated. t Not commenced business. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 133 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. & Somersetshirecon*. 4,654 6,981 7,247 6,555 8,689 7,171 7,683 8,123 8,767 8,578 Shepton Mallet. 2,546 4,783 4,810 7,013 7,198 5,076 4,948 5,421 5,383 5,230 Street. - - - - 3,301 10,598 12,574 15,664 19,182 20,125 Taunton. 6,249 11,754 14,470 17,739 18,456 18,042 Twerton. 13,292 14,322 16,098 17,503 17,760 Wellington. 453 1,792 2,603 Weston-super-Mare. - - - - 2,233 5,489 6,863 7,633 10,553 9,850 Teovil. WALES AND MON- MOUTH. 8,289 8,512 3,469 6,091 10,852 30,336 33,205 33,667 32,867 39,262 Aberdare. - - 654 1,496 2,995 3,382 Abergwynfl. - - 5,205 6,462 2,208 10,800 5,203 12,171 5,413 6,489 12,128 4,507 9,131 13,072 2,678 9,214 13,481 1,558 13,715 14,887 1,672 Abersychan British and Talywain. Alltwen and Pontar- dawe. Barry and District. : : : : 3,279 3,369 3,280 3,043 t 3,141 Barry Dock Trading and Builders. Blaenau Festiniog. - 22,165 30,108 35,858 34,670 28,268 39,856 Blaenavon. - t 6,835 8,180 10,646 9,582 11,962 Blaengarw. - 5,848 6,200 14,124 32,923 47,439 58,395 67,725 57,238 86,563 Blaina. - 3,969 3,877 5,185 6,649 7,131 Briton Ferry. - 2,880 1,583 1,184 3,257 6,294 5,960 5,305 5,574 3,600 Brymbo. 3,352 2,865 1,546 1,080 1,148 1,489 1,567 1,697 1,636 1,674 Bryn Colliery. - - 3,076 2,410 2,309 2,678 3,397 3,767 Buckley. - - 5,100 2,132 1,952 1,475 1,627 323 Cardiff. - - - 1,567 2,052 2,065 Chepsto-w. - - 659: 3,400 Chirk Green. 1,706 495 205 * 126 156 91 134 84 Cwmavon. 29,754 49,445 58,198 90,941 103,886 136,918 135,652 141,144 117,172 151,639 Cwmbach. : * 3,468 3,541 3,882 3,234 3,748 3,996 2,321 3,404 3,224 3,892 Cwmbran and Pont- newydd. Cwmbwrla. - - 2,435 7,794 8,887 11,244 7,996 10,123 C-wmtylery. - - - 594 1,905 Cymmer. - 1,556 1,611 1,896 2,034 2,064 Cynfal. - - 1,481 1,824 1,835 1,980 2,130 Cynlais. - - - 2,120 2,952 2,616 2,706 Dowlais. - - 23,728 22,927 18,006 26,757 Duffryn. - - - 1,202 Ebb-w Vale. t 17 weeks' trade. Commenced business December, 1896. 134 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. i . Name of in"o MEMBERSHIP. Co-operative Society. sj f 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Wales and Monmouth emit. Ewloe Place 1889 95 85 86 89 90 Ferndale 1880 - 689 1,226 * 1,222 936 1,078 1,270 Flint and Oakenholt . . 1891 127 130 116 132 180 Garndiffaith and Varteg 1889 146 177 187 208 226 252 Glamorgan 1885 320 580 620 620 620 700 Glyncorrwg 1892 109 115 118 118 120 Gwersyllt and Sum- 1899 24 merhill. Hawarden and District 1896 59 66 84 103 Leeswood 1891 46 42 47 55 64 Llanbradach 1898 * 51 Llanelly 1896 92 119 172 210 Llanhilleth 1895 51 80 92 122 130 Llanidloes 1888 153 196 202 205 217 232 Llantrisant and Ponty- 1896 119 148 177 191 clun. Mardy 1898 t 89 Merthyr 1893 19 7 7 7 7 Mold Junction 1894 120 133 137 140 170 Nantymoel 1885 162 91 115 156 240 354 Neath Abbey and Ske- 1891 150 138 135 164 209 wen. Neath Industrial 1892 417 408 392 401 373 Newport 1861 240 457 590 767 1,022 1,637 1,883 2,039 2,142 2,211 Newtown .. 1876 264 346 380 400 432 476 492 543 New Tredegar and Dis- 1893 _ 91 91 140 151 185 trict. New York, Penmaen- 1881 123 131 215 240 265 276 276 mawr. Onllwyn 1891 39 40 40 40 40 Pantdu 1864 90 88 78 79 83 80 80 93 98 107 Pant-y-Fownog 1883 59 56 57 58 61 62 Pembroke Dock 1888 444 869 885 893 902 885 Penarth and District .. 1887 178 460 502 521 569 645 Penrhiwceiber 1885 193 210 207 228 173 180 Penygraig 1891 98 94 104 105 103 Pontardulais 1890 86 70 70 70 70 Pontrhydyfen 1863 70 81 70 71 80 89 86 86 86 86 Pontyberem 1891 91 100 110 130 152 Pontycymmer 1899 - - - 103 Pontypridd 1899 - - - Pontyrhyl 1896 - - - 40 46 58 Not stated. t Not commenced business, MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 135 SALES/ Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. ! Wales and Monmouth cont. 2,669 2,517 2,449 2,667 2,554 E-wloe Place. 30,365 62,239 31,373 45,095 54,096 57,244 Ferndale . 1,998 2,163 2,148 2,412 3,418 Flint and Oakenholt. : : 3,336 5,775 4,735 12,056 5,371 "11,196 6,422 11,503 5,826 12,324 8,447 13,703 Garndiffaith and Var- teg. Glamorgan. 4,753 5,162 5,591 5,727 5,700 Glyncorrwg. 1,168 1,984 2,598 i 3,308 Gwersyllt and Sum- hill. Hawarden and District. 1,068 1,131 1,315 1,725 2,154 Leeswood. 1,877 Llanbradaeh. 1,575 1,609 2,242 3,353 Llanelly. 649 1,971 3,173 3,728 4,605 Llanhilleth. 2,292 2,717 2,812 2,914 2,806 3,009 Llanidloes. 1,072 2,699 3,534 t 3,983 1,380 Llantrisant and Ponty- clun. Mardy. _ _ _ _ 207 114 42 19 67 Merthyr. 3,548 4,898 5,031 4,602 5,699 Mold Junction. 6,294 3,221 3,823 5,464 6,502 12,353 Nantymoel. : : 4,309 7,559 5,231 5,215 5,389 3,227 6,066 3,397 7,601 3,686 Neath Abbey and Ske- wen. Neath Industrial. 4,622 10,744 15,834 23,613 24,129 32,845 37,708 39,920 39,296 39,328 Newport. 4,342 4,275 6,015 6,250 6,825 8,070 8,712 9,287 Newtown. - - - 2,697 3,110 4,322 5,253 804 3,123 6,073 670 3,098 7,698 200 3,053 7,677 * 4,645 7,608 + New Tredegar and Dis- trict. New York, Penmaen- mawr, Onllwyn. 2,858 4,055 2,775 2,895 3,062 3,287 3,560 3,541 3,658 3,997 Pantdu. 2,922 2,155 1,925 2,189 2,362 2,318 Pant-y-Fownog. . 9,362 18,461 20,024 19,780 20,481 19,443 Pembroke Dock. 4,344 10,557 10,797 11,346 13,220 15,372 Penarth and District. 5,459 5,522 5,487 5,655 5,375 6,124 Penrhiwceiber. 3,381 3,975 5,819 4,964 6,451 Penygraig. . 1,537 1,314 1,215 1,272 1,143 Pontardulais. 2,598 3,106 2,597 2,455 2,762 2,775 2,850 2,985 2,976 3,013 Pontrhydyfen, - - 3,360 3,814 4,268 5,355 6,334 Pontyberem. _ 2,143 Pontycymmer. _ _ * Pontypridd. - - - 1,142 1,595 1,910 Pontyrhyl. t No business done. 5 Commenced business, December, 1896. 136 OO-OPBRATIVB DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Tear of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Wales and Monmouth cont. Port Nant 1880 - 27 27 32 31 33 29 29 Queensferry and Dis- trict. Raglan 1896 1873 ~ * 7 7 10 10 * 10 152 10 199 9 316 9 Resolven 1876 - 102 49 21 35 66 33 33 31 Senghenith 1898 - - - - 39 64 Ton Industrial .. 1889 - - - - 286 300 304 343 366 508 Tondu and Aberkenflg 1894 145 152 155 153 155 Treboeth 1894 132 152 198 237 339 Trecynon and Cwm- dare. Treharris 1866 1889 348 # 210 436 106 504 203 416 210 336 227 376 240 412 262 Treorky 1868 58 152 140 348 667 858 857 915 960 1,051 Trimsaran 1890 60 61 65 72 82 Wrexham 1890 - - 208 559 665 673 407 406 Ynysybwl 1889 - 126 206 219 238 231 249 Tnyshir and Watts Town. 1888 180 130 100 110 121 200 SCOTLAND-SOUTH. Airdrie Fleshing 1898 - - - - - * 6 Annbank 1897 - - * 320 419 Anniesland 1869 215 262 330 338 295 308 319 328 330 Ardrossan 1870 194 * 305 414 540 600 660 704 796 Armadale 1873 74 261 420 533 536 670 624 649 742 Auchenheath . . 1861 220 332 356 354 343 349 348 354 384 Auchinleek 1890 130 281 290 311 316 380 Avonbank 1871 170 144 166 154 458 510 674 785 858 Barrhead 1861 665 1,012 1,640 1,723 1,764 1,807 1,866 1,936 2,107 Bathgate 1859 620 772 674 637 723 791 810 814 907 Beith 1868 * 439 507 646 670 672 680 680 685 Bellshill and Moend . . 1888 225 247 428 636 604 644 Blantyre 1883 274 361 480 560 620 725 900 Bo'ness 1861 250 570 806 1,033 1,115 1,889 1,097 1,117 1,134 1,058 Bonnyrigg 1856 - 152 252 351 385 352 341 353 327 371 Bridge of Weir .. 1873 - 85 126 170 170 200 212 232 260 260 Bridgeton Old Victual- ling. Broxburn 1800 1879 651 801 625 262 669 728 1,201 993 1,023 1,221 1,056 1,307 1,134 1,354 1,146 1,380 1,268 1,473 Burnbank 1882 264 224 371 320 422 501 620 Busby 1861 165 160 ISO 241 305 374 384 384 387 372 NOTE. No official returns were published for Scotland for the year 1870. * Not stated. t Not commenced business. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 137 SALES. Name of Oo-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1S96. 1897. 1898. 1899. Wales and Monmouth cont. 744 702 930 1,020 1,064 965 868 Port N ant. . 400 250 169 t 210 2,948 200 4,434 190 6,926 125 Qneensferry and Dis- trict. Raglan. 5,360 4,062 1,846 1,791 1,761 1,672 1,411 1,525 Resolven. - 797 1,533 Senghenith. 9,950 11,904 12,345 13,015 12,695 18,362 Ton Industrial. - - 3,569 3,540 3,701 3,421 3,432 Tondu and Aberkenflg. 3,397 3,468 4,505 4,911 6,668 Treboeth. 17,110 7,682 19,485 1,576 20,160 6,963 17,201 6,773 14,085 6,688 16,745 6,798 18,182 8,186 Trecynon and Cwm- dare. Treharris. 4,376 7,186 7,541 14,933 34,438 42,555 41,233 43,768 38,131 48,270 Treorky. 2,959 3,282 3,292 3,207 3,140 Trimsaran. 1,181 6,867 7,365 7,171 7,233 6,563 Wrexham. 3,353 8,424 8,894 10,008 8,542 11,571 Ynysybwl. 8,827 6,206 3,509 4,821 4,497 8,062+ Ynybhir and Watts Town. SCOTLAND-SOUTH. - - * 7,316 Airdrie Fleshing. - t 6,465 10,805 Annbank, - 9,316 12,456 13,756 14,658 12,868 12,707 13,560 13,527 14,991 Anniesland. - 5,416 * 9,600 13,120 17,576 20,275 21,905 24,745 26,821 Ardrossan. - 3,115 11,323 15,823 29,206 23,676 25,510 27,801 30,161 37,952 Ar ma dale. - 11,169 15,527 17,459 18,618 15,278 16,034 15,584 16,068 15,953 Auchenheath. - 1,981 9,117 10,528 11,996 11,952 15,239 Auchinleck. - 5,658 4,786 5,682 5,096 15,330 17,686 25,532 30,141 33,771 Avonbank. - 21,134 30,749 52,829 62,270 63,655 70,573 71,621 74,046 80,098 Barrhead. - 17,068 25,943 23,833 24,421 30,103 33,238 37,151 36,955 38,643 Bathgate. - 14,275 12,840 18,655 15,517 16,802 19,628 20,589 22,275 Beith. - 7,524 6,712 13,038 22,748 23,890 22,497 BellshillandMossend. - 8,572 14,052 18,237 22,587 28,258 34,387 48,639 Blantyre. 6,000 14,620 30,625 33,123 38,898 38,349 41,304 46,095 45,566 41,829 Bo'nesa. - 7,405 14,001 16,311 12,813 11,788 12,718 12,977 12,511 10,575 Bonnyrigg. - 2,986 4,714 6,065 5,483 7,285 8,565 9,739 11,220 9,953 Bridge of Weir. 33,209 49,021 34,471 11,154 36,467 35,418 71,683 52,179 61,874 55,045 66,944 57,995 70,178 56,580 70,199 64,786 74,436 60,580 Bridgeton Old Victual- ling. Broxburn. - - - 9,046 7,748 14,604 12,555 16,068 21,445 29,834 Burnbank. 4,244 6,677 7,199 10,124 13,830 15,929 16,893 17,256 17,335 15,955 Busby. I Return for period ending 28th February, 1900. A Federation of Societies. 138 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Scotland South cont. Gadder 1862 100 75 98 87 153 178 180 180 185 204 Calderbank 1874 65 35 110 175 187 191 182 190 273 Cambuslang 1884 124 300 461 557 694 810 872 Carluke 1862 191 * 281 .377 432 429 433 493 4C6 Carrick Provident 1882 182 220 377 406 414 414 433 Oarronbridge 1880 168 217 227 236 239 241 250 245 Carstaira Junction 1870 70 108 164 208 265 267 268 270 266 Cathcart 1862 100 130 91 73 196 245 268 280 273 Catrine 1866 213 222 394 498 557 569 569 574 553 Ohapelhall 1872 120 107 230 279 686 656 661 532 492 Ohapelton 1872 37 84 85 88 73 82 78 78 85 Chryston 1888 93 136 152 123 114 100 Clarkaton 1872 90 67 87 59 51 47 49 48 81 Oleland 1878 59 280 383 374 391 416 420 435 Coalburn 1895 ' 73 157 209 274 394 Coatbridge 1871 - 249 538 846 2,114 2,991 3,089 3,338 3,693 4,193 Cobbinshaw 1899 48 Co-vr lairs 1881 - 365 1,477 2,669 3,066 3,396 3,554 3,655 Orofthead 1873 151 285 427 534 522 532 557 588 617 Crosshouse 1863 454 407 452 326 406 495 558 583 528 Dalbeattie and District 1899 * Dalkeith 1861 340 274 505 535 592 626 661 703 744 Dalmellington 1879 113 149 180 285 290 295 297 303 Dairy 1878 87 298 250 200 200 201 205 207 Dalziel 1860 39 140 429 973 1,918 2,800 3,021 3,191 3,570 4,027 Darngavil 1874 * * 88 91 46 46 57 71 Darvel 1840 282 275 400 515 740 760 790 799 805 Douglas Park 1885 94 142 240 240 234 230 240 Douglas Provident 1892 92 94 98 100 97 Douglas Water (Rigside) 1879 64 56 61 55 50 56 68 131 Dreghorn 1876 164 234 308 463 458 455 405 433 Dumfries and Maxwell- town. Dykehead and Shotts. . 1847 1886 * * 335 682 147 599 458 646 509 691 622 695 725 633 845 Earlston 1883 70 58 155 185 220 256 245 East Kilbride 1862 66 100 118 110 145 144 145 150 146 Edinburgh Northern . 1866 105 416 1,256 1,367 2,322 2,445 2,611 2,767 2,965 Fergushill 1878 - - 111 138 179 188 189 173 177 186 Not tated. 'MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 139 SA.LES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. i Scotland South cont. 5,000 5,313 5,829 7,830 8,690 8,822 11,141 11,622 12,078 12,314 adder. 3,352 1,784 3,755 9,467 9,827 9,789 11,449 10,676 14,055 Calderbank. - 3,421 8,999 16,667 18,853 24,698 28,960 33,670 Cambuslang. 7,383 9,117 13,336 16,531 17,537 17,040 17,823 20,468 Carluke. 4,855 6,744 14,000 15,827 16,255 15,946 14,557 Carrick Provident. 1,708 4,339 4,653 4,239 4,085 4,185 4,279 4,131 Carronbridge. 2,981 4,535 6,855 7,352 10,265 10,527 10,272 10,862 10,676 Carstaire Junction. 6,719 6,466 1,513 2,746 5,311 6,993 7,918 8,309 8,308 Cathcart. 5,162 4,962 9,940 12,086 10,815 11,462 12,319 13,405 13,423 Catrine. 5,859 5,091 11,203 15,643 29,265 28,674 27,818 23,005 20,894 Chapelhall. 1,524 3,525 2,256 2,342 1,836 1,926 1,952 1,967 1,942 Chapelton. 3,587 4,295 3,799 3,513 2,572 3,250 Chryston. 2,307 3,789 4,598 2,733 2,358 2,417 2,540 2,325 3,617 Clarkston. 1,970 13,038 19,453 12,000 12,364 15,169 16,303 18,565 Cleland. 261 2,808 5,670 8,857 12,781 Coalburn. 9,366 23,948 39,338 105,665 142,677 154,100 165,136 178,594 205,645 Coatbridge. - - 1,010 Cobbinshaw. 9,868 61,570 105,828 123,456 148,073 154,996 169,212 Cowlairs. 4,915 12,633 15,068 27,348 21,871 22,785 24,264 27,002 30,940 Crofthead. 20,440 11,003 12,748 8,598 12,892 14,513 17,359 18,289 20,230 Crosshouse. - - - - - Dalbeattie and District. - 11,992 9,381 22,520 24,648 25,128 26,146 30,008 31,430 23,691 Dalkeith. 2,730 4,451 6,337 9,808 10,963 11,700 12,980 13,190 Dalmellington. -- - 2,577 8,660 7,866 5,219 5,261 5,669 5,815 5,624 Dairy. 1,550 4,616 18,153 44,261 96,612 130,162 143,775 162,390 184,579 223,834 Dalziel. - * * 4,645 2,579 2,429 1,611 1,897 3,274 Darngavil. - 9,625 9,512 11,946 16,402 19,436 20,444 22,091 24,358 22,886 DarveL 1,932 6,994 10,897 8,851 9,298 10,272 10,104 Douglas Park. 2,130 2,116 2,585 2,967 3,189 Douglas Provident. : 2,877 4,709 2,255 6,641 2,246 11,038 1,492 15,903 1,494 15,252 1,612 16,371 2,037 16,120 3,846 15,878 Douglas Water (Big- side). Dreghorn. * * 5,193 12,224 5,943 12,935 14,494 14,521 17,994 16,654 25,306 17,947 30,751 14,141 40,786 Dumfries and Maxwell- town. Dykehead and Shotts. - - 1,790 1,462 3,850 4,858 5,680 6,492 6,398 Earlston. - 2,684 2,888 3,606 3,230 4,458 4,286 4,473 5,099 4,350 East Kilbride. - 4,313 11,457 32,022 38,927 69,963 75,390 79,844 83,317 91,049 Edinburgh Northern. 3,221 4,815 6,526 5,381 5,694 6,014 6,135 6,506 FergushilL 140 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Scotland South cont. Firth of Clyde .. 1892 - - - - 133 168 232 272 281 Forth Provident 1887 - 10 9 8 8 10 Galashiels Coal 1887 657 780 823 663 252 210 Galashiels Co - opera- 1842 735 921 964 1,325 1,213 1,279 1,333 1,259 1,166 tive. Galashiels Waverley .. 1867 192 641 643 1,042 1,320 1,435 1,455 1,338 1,143 1,042 Galston 1862 306 302 410 581 776 838 924 971 1,011 Gavieside 1873 23 61 102 90 83 75 77 68 61 Gilbertfleld 1884 135 243 322 337 344 370 370 Glasgow Drapery and 1885 30 301 339 320 409 469 Furnishing. Glasgow Eastern 1865 * 414 614 1,593 5,264 6,351 6,550 5,548 5,870 Glenboig 1885 - - 56 126 156 125 145 172 178 Glenbuck 1887 - - - 128 138 140 137 138 139 Glengowan 1886 - - - - 141 243 240 256 277 284 Glespin 1882 - - - 51 99 68 65 66 70 71 Gorebridge 1864 - 50 150 209 431 474 468 474 532 600 Govan Old Victualling 1873 - 172 199 229 201 271 286 283 282 275 Greengairs 1882 - - - 90 207 138 145 154 128 154 Greenock Central 1880 - - 71 360 898 1,433 1,511 1,603 1,813 2,018 Greenock East End .. 1875 - 71 142 307 408 400 386 376 360 408 Greenock Industrial . . 1870 78 77 220 296 404 433 476 587 574 Greenock United 1897 - - t2 14: 15} Haddington 1867 242 418 486 613 790 862 900 943 968 Hallside 1887 145 187 197 197 210 218 Hamilton 1861 366 76 104 310 439 440 428 459 491 Hamilton Central 1879 52 262 469 797 911 948 1,001 1,263 Hamilton Palace 1886 - - 170 230 241 250 270 289 Hawick 1839 708 1,428 1,657 2,034 2,915 3,531 3,638 3,816 3,750 3,838 Hillwood 1879 - 155 460 383 462 460 486 514 545 Holygate 1888 - - - 165 241 244 263 266 264 Howwood 1872 - 48 80 85 81 103 120 117 105 106 Hurlet and Nitshill . . 1872 71 86 181 212 211 226 236 242 233 Hurlford 1871 245 256 394 603 650 620 693 704 684 Innerleithen 1851 81 147 220 234 320 338 338 337 342 Irvine and Fullarton . . 1873 111 110 122 63 137 184 198 240 416 Jedburgh 1866 - 176 199 228 334 518 549 544 600 490 Johnstone . . . . , 1866 300 458 615 731 768 1,039 1,104 1,197 1,245 1,279 Juniper Green .. 1876 64 153 328 457 478 522 514 626 Not stated. t Societies, not individuals. t Three of these were Societies. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 141 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1975. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Scotland South cont. - - - 3,013 4,025 6,432 7,338 4,287 Firth of Clyde. - - - - * 181 100 85 81 144 Forth Provident. - - 2,962 2,897 2,646 2,926 4,477 4,102 Galashiels Coal. 21,784 37,584 30,001 46,526 44,008 50,061 51,423 48,940 44,805 Galashiels Co - opera- tive. 6,112 21,855 22,577 39,019 55,845 55,259 57,052 52,140 47,009 40,308 Galashiels Waverley. - 9,408 9,968 17,258 26,661 24,719 28,618 33,793 39,788 43,3] 1 Galston. 1,761 3,448 6,320 5,210 3,472 3,270 3,473 - 3,110 2,496 Gavieside. - - 3,410 9,098 14,547 15,505 17,759 20,349 23,034 Gilbertfleld. 30,915 40,860 47,866 48,923 52,445 62,767 Glasgow Drapery and Furnishing. * 11,882 16,081 44,376 143,285 162,424 170,946 180,803 195,361 Glasgow Eastern. - - 615 7,856 7,179 7,044 8,138 9,447 13,656 Glenboig. 3,820 3,851 3,784 3,854 4,012 4,285 Glenbuck. 5,455 7,954 7,584 8,770 9,103 9,444 Glengowan. 1,619 2,346 1,678 1,894 2,037 2,366 2,515 Glespin. 2,799 7,417 10,697 23,137 27,017 24,786 25,317 28,951 33,385 Gorebridge. 6,579 6,736 6,859 5,592 11,230 12,581 12,582 12,755 12,292 Govan Old Victualling. 3,866 9,417 5,777 5,266 6,473 6,566 6,484 Greengairs. - 1,113 8,155 28,228 41,757 44,105 49,211 55,766 62,187 Greenock Central. 1,121 6,823 9,580 13,841 14,156 13,241 13,807 12,921 14,664 Greenock East End. 2,455 2,639 5,970 8,051 10,948 10,455 12,508 15,925 19,974 Greenock Industrial. - - - - - 434 1,670 5,643 Greenock United. 6,983 13,000 12,438 17,286 18,506 20,870 22,324 27,048 28,265 Haddington. - - - 4,765 8,939 10,693 11,954 12,640 13,533 Hallside. - 9,479 1,079 3,534 11,171 12,805 11,679 12,500 14,981 18,158 Hamilton. - - 1,610 8,674 19,146 29,246 31,759 33,685 39,941 51,651 Hamilton Central. - - - . 7,340 9,968 10,167 11.918 14,304 17,943 Hamilton Palace. 21,885 63,907 66,279 88,698 125,224 121,220 125,182 126,240 127,401 124,199 Hawick. - - 5,056 17,327 10,676 13,826 14,713 15,513 16,830 17,217 Hillwood. - - 5,412 7,897 7,887 9,490 9,376 8,200 Holygate. - 2,241 2,615 3,565 3,888 4,490 4,666 5,182 4,365 4,344 Howwood. - 2,159 2,360 6,454 9,380 7.328 9,063 10,532 11,598 11,039 Harlot and Nitahill. - 11,571 8,043 12,105 15,205 11,599 13,571 16,687 18,690 24,739 Hurlford. - 3,109 4,453 8,186 11,053 16,110 16,921 15,694 16,230 16,968 Innerleithen. - 2,694 1,186 2,395 1,438 3,289 4,416 4,794 7,215 11,338 Irvine and Fullarton. - 5,205 6,048 6,9-14 11,019 13,500 13,108 13,486 13,109 11,238 Jedburgh. 8,720 18,468 25,869 28,229 28,861 37,236 40,399 44,388 45,153 45,655 Johnstone. 2,776 7,211 15,746 21,273 23,980 27,782 28,634 21,658 Juniper Green. This Society is partially a Federation, the number of Society members in 1899 being 39, and of individuals, 430. 142 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Tear of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Scotland South cont. Kelso 1875 - 104 205 174 156 149 147 153 161 163 Kilbarchan 1872 109 240 344 365 400 424 445 461 469 Kilbirnie 1872 - 94 179 284 545 594 734 871 875 892 Kilmarnock Equitable 1860 * 1,356 1,820 1,962 2,185 3,595 3,617 4,121 4,568 4,895 Kilwinning 1867 180 85 78 - 235 304 312 352 368 397 Kinuing Park 1871 - 190 300 805 4,156 9,008 10,397 12,269 12,898 13,205 Kirkconnel 1895 - - - t 78 97 104 109 Lanark 1862 217 52 519 600 653 796 775 795 884 864 Langholm 1873 221 364 472 459 444 453 461 448 438 Largs 1886 - - 114 126 123 120 116 120 Larkhall 1879 - 129 83 48 388 413 442 477 521 Larkhall Victualling . . 1821 - 330 377 412 438 544 584 649 666 688 Law 1880 - - - 214 240 154 162 167 157 175 Leadhills 1869 86 60 118 152 155 156 154 150 Leavenseat 1871 60 59 49 76 74 75 68 63 69 Leith Provident.. 1878 389 1,159 2,401 4,517 4,720 5,058 5,484 5,915 Linwood 1871 125 107 161 189 170 179 203 227 226 Lithuanian Provident. . 1899 364 Lochwinnoch .. 1873 60 73 107 117 117 126 139 109 115 London Road, Glasgow 1872 263 175 376 516 687 911 976 989 1,023 Mauchline 1863 159 248 300 397 417 472 495 513 516 517 Moffat Mills 1867 36 36 83 100 120 120 110 109 109 Muirkirk 1884 141 384 569 576 591 595 548 Multitubular 1899 67 Musselburgh and Fish- errow. Newarthill 1862 1887 : 247 611 400 485 197 1,110 224 1,213 232 1,409 268 1,510 312 1.748 322 New Cumnock 1889 192 222 281 309 312 330 Newmains and Oam- busnethan. Newmilns 1885 1856 240 330 98 545 232 745 383 860 396 893 475 905 513 916 656 938 Newton 1886 241 300 295 296 317 308 Newton Mearns 1886 161 170 162 150 163 175 Niddrie 1886 204 187 238 240 265 199 Norton Park 1881 - 838 971 1,080 1,092 1,134 1,151 1,121 Oakbank 1872 - 112 163 245 282 303 315 301 296 280 Old Cumnock 1891 126 144 135 136 149 Overtown 1887 130 187 191 159 139 147 Paisley Equitable 1858 * 245 293 560 753 1,261 1,402 1,460 1,468 1,498 * Not stated. t No business done. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 143 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Scotland South cont. - 1,252 5,545 4,340 3,745 2,896 2,608 2,695 2,570 2,669 Kelso. - 4,988 8.8U6 13,810 15,134 15,833 17,040 18,384 20,404 19,293 Kilbarchan. - 2,598 5,649 9,614 21,728 24,116 28,800 34,688 36,735 38,388 Kilbirnie. 14,298 37,929 46,458 49,559 62,902 90,116 96,245 112,814 126,557 139,275 Kilmarnock Equitable. 4,965 2,327 2,248 7,630 10,118 12,634 13,112 15,449 17,162 Kilwinning. 4,705 6,903 17,036 105,208 264,476 319,990 391,665 432,177 439,933 Sinning Park. - - - - t 1,812 2,391 2,724 2,823 Kirkconnel. 6,808 1,673 13,569 17,216 17,857 21,958 22,982 23,913 27,212 28,703 Lanark. 6,231 13,302 15,776 13,476 16,394 17,646 18,008 17,562 16,656 Langholm. - - - - 2,028 1,694 1,980 2,240 2,341 2,516 Largs. *- - 3,30 2,683 1,551 12,113 12,609 13,005 16,564 24,056 Larkhall. 15,872 15,589 16,802 18,368 18,406 20,708 22,554 28,706 33,104 Larkhall Victualling. 9,884 10,815 7,479 7,489 8,534 8,533 8,116 Law. - 2,751 1,644 4,232 4,894 4,979 5,274 5,330 4,685 Leadhills. 2,479 2,439 2,288 3,292 2,951 2,669 2,483 2,380 2,366 Leavenseat. - 8,581 27,215 67,161 132,338 147,549 160,523 175,487 184,535 Leith Provident. 6,649 5,485 10,301 10,377 8,372 8,950 9,405 11,459 11,225 Linwood. - - - 925 Lithuanian Provident. 1,465 1,649 2,534 2,520 2,365 2,561 2,470 2,367 2,681 Lochwiniioch. 7,011 6,572 8,231 15,300 22,502 25,151 32,331 37,009 39,187 London Road, Glasgow. 5,100 9,253 10,069 10,759 9,747 11,719 12,656 12,918 12,670 12,346 Mauchline. 1,684 1,716 4,860 5,303 6,185 6,379 6,087 5,647 6,186 Moffut Hills. - ~ - 1,291 9,889 17,253 17,632 17,542 18,720 21,200 Muirkirk. - - - - - - - - - 601 Multitubular. 11,978 25,549 14,075 18,586 10,258 41,792 9,030 46,471 9,543 56,884 12,173 64.731 13,606 74,424 16,082 Musselburgh and Fish- errow. Newarthill. - - - - 4,377 6,371 8,335 9,855 10,021 10,847 New Cumnock, : 8,140 13,213 2,223 18,453 12,133 27,699 19,149 28,992 19,296 29,430 20,450 28,983 23,862 26,333t 30,297 28.536J Newmains and Cam- busnethan. Newmilns. 9,828 12,561 11,045 11,375 13,886 13,795 Newton. - - 5,516 6,310 6,162 6,170 6,663 6,888 Newton Mearns. - - - 9,238 6,795 7,051 8,758 9,227 10,403 Niddrie. - - 21,371 29,608 31,016 33,762 37,286 37,744 37,692 Norton Park. - 5,554 7,516 11,791 15,351 13,989 14,153 13,782 12,544 10,830 Oakbank. - - - - - 2,450 4,071 4,602 4,311 5,142 Old Gumnock. - - - - 4,800 7,699 7,887 7,898 6,108 6,782 Overtown. 4,253 7,666 11,208 18,441 28,353 39,832 45,292 44,448 46,890 48,955 Paisley Equitable. Eleven mouths' trade. 144 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Tear of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Scotland South cont. Paisley Provident 1868 120 423 1,334 2,136 3,789 4,230 4,471 4,268 4,383 4,560 Parkhead and West- 1831 _ 159 218 345 290 618 662 647 346 399 rnuir. Patna 1884 1893 101 135 104 185 145 181 160 155 150 140 151 143 Peacock Cross Peebles 1872 - 30 * 281 "343 467 519 567 638 621 Penicuik 1860 584 960 1,497 1,492 1,762 1,797 1,742 1,673 1,705 Plains 1883 80 130 133 134 149 143 153 Pollokshaws 1864 * * 190 282 743 718 738 * 851 Port Glasgow (Fore St.) 1886 - - - - 363 442 465 515 544 606 Port Glasgow Provi- dent. Portobello 1879 1864 . 203 80 204 210 289 650 400 590 456 540 469 665 627 730 662 799 558 Possil Park 1890 - - 329 406 391 385 331 Prestonpans 1869 - 67 97 180 261 317 328 376 400 445 Progress (Glasgow) . . 1895 - - - - - 213 359 479 671 871 Renfrew 1873 - 28 68 149 323 387 474 693 651 719 Riccarton Junction . . 1870 59 71 54 39 60 62 48 48 53 Rosewell 1861 90 100 82 91 196 241 250 258 260 Rutherglen 1873 - * 249 294 316 397 394 395 401 412 St. Cuthbert's, Edin- burgh. St. George's, Glasgow . . 1859 1871 * 550 53 1,425 99 1,964 300 7,011 1,444 13,197 5,798 14,466 7,080 15,850 8,988 17,557 9,872 19,359 10,600 St. Rollox, Glasgow . . 1860 322 203 120 510 1,432 1,759 2,405 2,700 2,565 Scotstoun and White- inch. Selkirk 1889 1846 203 786 698 138 696 421 789 598 891 739 946 849 967 871 978 Selkirk Equitable 1880 - 20 142 228 323 336 336 406 386 Shettleston 1882 - 229 553 1,202 1,425 1,486 1,628 2,010 Springfield 1881 - - - 42 39 36 40 36 30 35 Stevenston 1872 - 90 170 110 211 269 365 470 629 583 Stonefield 1884 - - 150 315 288 290 298 331 368 Strathaven 1867 - 107 195 218 250 353 353 318 348 344 Tarbrax 1891 - - - 115 117 115 100 116 Thornliebank 1861 174 279 320 325 387 444 459 482 488 483 Tollcross 1861 160 265 284 368 418 395 429 455 481 507 Tranent 1862 * 584 726 933 870 1,132 1,181 1,195 1,197 1,279 Troon 1864 * 216 236 237 279 304 322 336 330 Uddingston 1861 44 51 69 202 564 565 586 620 751 Underwood Coal (Paisley). Uphall 1872 1872 - 251 38 61 167 204 172 222 244 136 222 181 233 205 246 211 246 213 * Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES, 145 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. |i Scotland South- cont. 2,248 14,045 44,328 81,337 124,934 127,668 133,884 146,507 146,950 148,106 Paisley Provident 1 8,129 | 8,317 12,258 1 1,069 i 16,551 17.571 12,070 11,588 14.377 Parkhead and West- muir. 3,010 6,595 ! 4,502 6,374 7,680 7,003 6,129 Patna. - - - 4,906 4,763 5.201 5,145 5,374 Peacock Cross. 1,030 * 12.1 120 14,513 21,679 25,133 24,106 29,630 30.192 Peebles. 28.242 39,64(1 85,036 65.348 . 70.700 72,606 74.428 72,951 78,597 Penicoik. 3.519 6.429 5,578 5.440 6,451 5,762 7.055 Plains. # 5,5 19 8,758 2.1.9:)7 28,861 26,941 * 27,359 Pollokshaws. - - - - 13.289 12,619 14.062 17.145 19,277 21,265 Port Glasgow Fore St.). _ 1,643 4.537 13.63(1 12.792 13,339 14,404 16,661 19.372 Port Glasgo\v Provi- dent. 7,618 12,310 12,105 13.672 16.209 17,029 17,694 19,775 21,947 20,839 Portobelio. - - - - - 11,000 14.550 15.119 15,753 11,941 Possil Park. 2.5.->o 3,587 7,233 8.9 Jl 11.736 12.992 14,132 16,816 18,195 Preston pans. - - - - 1,794 7,630 13.020 17,829 21,485 Progress (Glasgow) 1.469 2.730 6.496 16.004 20,392 25,365 28,758 i 31,838 34,145 Renfrew. 2,757 2.969 2,170 1.358 1.972 1.845 1.781 1,860 1,913 Riccarton Junction. run G.OJ7 5,136 5. 4' 11 0,440 10.793 11,777 ! 12,456 12,677 Rosewell. - * 13.613 15,909 16.042 18.218 17.467 17.668 17,406 17,952 Rutherglen. 13.977 35.N4H Hi.7;iO 214.235 437,857 ; 490,871 561.816 622,155 676.661 St. Cuthbert's, Edin- burgh. u9 2,113 5,134 25.118 156.570 198,656 252,876 317,727 339,4*8 St. George's, Glasgow. 4,83n 1,674 2,699 9.770 29,317 38,470 55,464 69,236 70,739 St. Rollox, Glasgow. _ .*, _ 4.870 13.681 20,501 27.927 30,561 26,324 Scotstoun and White- inch. 28,24fi 28.701 22.871 20.290 29.625 33.-.09 33,812 32,740 31,400 Selkirk. - - t 4.105 7.108 10.' 164 10,489 11.714 12,121 10,629 Selkirk Equitable. - - - 8.288 19.987 38.-W4 43/J86 48.677 52,983 63,012 Sheltleston. - - - 2,237 2.300 i sr>5 2.035 2.027 1.628 1,752 Springfield. 2.06.'? 5,232 2Jm 7,412 9.1(19 11.920 15.733 18.S65 20,889 Stevenston. - - - 5.981 ' 10.485 11.794 13.0H7 15,s33 16,192 1S.20G Stonofleld. 2.412 368 4811 6.198 9.1 '69 11.233 10,814 11,377 10,171 Strathaven. - ' - - - ; - 0,082 6.941 7,003 6,16(5 6.265 Ta rbrax. 4.n: 8,635 10.224 12,834 16,597 19,560 0,701 21,939 22,873 22,194 Thornliebank. I5.ii! MI 12,577 13,169 ' 16,269 : 19,631 115.031 18.871 20.233 21,729 23,796 Tollcross. 19,074 26.603 36.58(5 39,944 44,168 45.313 48.334 54,171 60,657 Tranent. 1.210 4,478 5,373 5.192 5.457 5,718 5,922 5,975 Troon. 2.1011 2,410 2.678 i 8,345 20.820 ; 25,214 2U.291 29.372 33,480 Uddingston. 1,742 4.616 12,?80 13,901 13.314 l'V-75 17,835 20,760 Under.wood Coal (Paisley). 1.856 ::.r.'.>r, 12,85', 6.892 4.248 5,510 6,316 15,388 6,447 Uphall. t Not commenced business, 32Q7 146 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. MEMBERSHIP. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Scotland South con t. Walkerburn 1863 _ HI 178 247 275 288 293 293 288 281 "Wanlockhead 1871 180 266 290 ! 343 368 323 323 316 309 West Barns 1874 43 91 1*1 84 72 86 94 101 in? West Benhar 1885 301 726 862 952 852 902 West Calder 1875 64 339 751 * 1,774 2,493 2,725 2,824 2,786 2.997 Wishaw 1883 - 194 246 459 665 802 944 S GOTLAND-NORTH. Aberdeen Northern .. IBM 1, 586 j 3,832 6,775 I'.llf. 10,568 13,437 14.002 15,098 15.798 16,665 Aberuthveu .. .. 1870 - IS 51 72 65 68 68 70 69 66 Alloa .. .. .. 18,12 423 7t;i US I l.tiTt; 2,280 2,901 2,930 3,040 3,196 3,298 Alva Bazaar . . . 1845 - * 680 196 783 814 826 773 766 780 Arbroath (.High Street) 1863 - 397 435 809 1,000 1,096 1,197 1,247 1,239 1.2,"1 Arbroath Equitable .. 1833 520 8-20 1451 1,106 992 993 1,061 1,083 1,131 1,154 Arbroath Friendly Coal 1865 3,296 3,382 3,671 3,242 2,935 2,937 3,0(11 3,051 3,189 ArbroathUnited Butcher 1 S:i:> - - - 12: 12: 12; 12J 12: Arbroath West Port . . 18:U 976 t36 1,673 1,902 2,217 2,206 2,229 2,230 2,280 2,272 Anchterarder Feus .. 1862 102 126 132 130 186 198 212 209 2- Hi Auohterarder Provi- 188 j 1 J 1'J dent. Auchtermuchty . . .. 18lf> 292 2nd 189 2ti2 249 191 834 179 269 181 262 183 3S7 179 260 170 268 Auchtermuchty Coal . . 1857 211 195 187 186 186 185 185 183 Banchory .. ....! 1874 ' 220 355 450 370 369 367 393 391 Banff 1863 lf>G 232 542 231 287 275 263 * * Bannoekburn .. .. 1830 139 537 539 580 782 848 925 963 93 Banton 1896 38 46 4f> 50 Blairdardie 1874 63 100 106 70 97 W> 88 77 73 Blairgowrie 1834 130 140 176 167 174 197 205 Bonnybridge 1863 * 264 311 512 622 639 665 635 730 Brechin Equitable 1881 - 867 975 1,252 1,525 1,705 1,740 1,750 1,803 1,813 Brechin United 1833 - * * 1,242 1,266 1,080 1,100 1,120 1,217 1,264 Bridge of Allan 1883 - 130 84 97 95 90 86 88 Buckhaven 1869 136 * 167 470 628 643 650 661 708 Burntisland 1884 220 264 173 198 219 226 232 Cambusbarron 1864 * 163 184 166 134 134 126 * Camelon 1857 165 228 347 448 588 687 723 774 837 Campbeltown 1886 159 197 222 256 276 291 Carnonstie Association 1862 861 879 905 928 1,003 1,030 1,067 1,070 1,065 Not stated. t Fron? 30th September, 1874, to 28th September, 1875. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 147 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. ' Scotland South cont. - 5,425 10,720 : 13,152 17,488 18,900 18,871 18,322 18,499 18,361 Walkerburn. - 3,034 5,882 5,720 6,311 6,394 6,399 6,779 7,314 7,195 Wanlockhead. ! 1,217 3.184 2,789 2,838 2,001 2,281 2,583 2,863 3,135 West Barns. - - - - 11,287 20,196 22,155 28,717 29,898 35,864 West Benhar. - 1,358 15,353 36,323 93.172 119,606 129,461 138,905 140,920 149,876 West Calder. _ 4.725 8,860 17,351 26,956 31,733 35,370 Wishaw. SCOTLAND-NORTH. 31,594 79,578 151,475 228,503 261,424 328,721 361,213 404,281 444,951 462,149 Aberdeen Northern. - 1,804 1,357 1,915 1,364 1,785 1,847 1,980 1,799 1,692 Aberuthven. 9,143 25,000 33,907 47,103 69,845 96,846 97,411 102,212 108,433 114,385 Alloa. 13,674 15,861 23,326 21,017 22,513 22,043 21,944 23,427 Alva Bazaar. - 9,658 11,231 21,443 23,843 25,802 28,066 27,997 28,859 27,537 Arbroath (High Street). 14,566 19,915 27,715 27,447 17,727 17,480 18,989 20,433 22,957 23.452 Arbroath Equitable. 9,105t 7,638 7,609 8,357 6,894 6,863 7,007 6,940 7,596 Arbroath Friendly Coal. 27,502 44,651 44,743 47,961 53,503 2,974 48,404 8,195 49,142 8,061 48,809 7,474 48,443 6,587 46,366 Arbroath United Butcher. Arbroath West Port. 2,000 2,656 2,745 2,673 3,540 3,644 4,045 4,068 4,136 Auchterarder Feus. 4,518 6,319 4,417 7,640 4,068 5,708 4,262 6,538 3,458 5,097 3,461 5,396 3,268 6,047 3,119 6,256 2,968 6,555 Auchterarder Provi- dent, Au htermuchty. * 910 1,035 826 951 774 889 808 951 Auchtermuchty Coal. * 3,645 5,978 4,936 4,704 4,801 4,905 5,082 5,028 Banchory. 3,328 4,823 7,373 3,403 2,616 2,157 1,852 * * Banff. 22,969 22,879 21,732 17,862 25,552 30,699 34,701 39,132 41,239 Bannockburn. - 1,009 1,920 2,06i 2,199 Banton. 2,760 3,245 4,394 4,559 3,823 3,312 3,363 2,596 2,240 Blairdardie. - 3,604 3,850 4,603 4,477 4,745 5,048 5,325 Blairgowrie. - * 26,863 * 10,707 38,412 13,424 30,712 27,452 24.066 35,966 25,041 28.869 34,890 24,577 29,154 35,050 24.997 29,756 36,226 25,958 29,273 37,224 28,885 32,478 35,400 28,827 Bonnybridge. Brechin Equitable. Brechin United. - 3,259 3,214 3,5.54 3,695 3,685 3,489 3,604 Bridge of Allan. 6,720 * 4,969 7,186 18,772 10,079 27.368 4,21)0 23,517 4,830 25.301 5,537 27,843 6,225 31,229 6,491 Buckhaven. Burntisland. * * 5,423 7,459 6,369 3,654 1,425 1,291 d Cainbusbarron. 6.156 9,318 14,637 22,084 29,450 32,776 38,031 38,418 43,071 Caraelon. - 23,588 20,241 19,155 4,108 19,887 5,407 20,801 5,989 20,802 6,444 22,108 7,085 21,661 7,616 20,279 Campbeltown. Carnoustie Association. 3207 i Three Societieg and nine individuals. K 2 148 CO-OPERATTVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. i Year of Estab- lishment. MEMBERSHIP. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 189G. 1897. 1893. 1899. ! Scotland North -cont. ) Carnoustie Equitable . . 1886 - - 217 271 298 292 329 346 Carron 1871 - 141 187 17d 181 239 266 | 293 317 371 Carronhall and Kin- naird. Clackmannan 18(51 1865 184 194 HiH 27 181 2117 352 838 348 281 -47 278 246 289 184 280 i.;.; 3o7 Clydebank 188b - - - 127 43(1 930 1.200 1,437 1.5(15 1.0S3 Coalsnaughton .. 1872 - 88 Hill 201 1 2211 157 16.') 102 L6fl 190 Coalsnaughton Indus- trial. Coaltown of Wemyss . . 1893 I Hill 60 78 82 101 85 IMC 95 ] - * 102 4H 40 41 44 42 Falkland 1813 - 152 137 124 120 92 91 BO 92 8^ ForfarCoal .. .. 1S72 - 821 544 950 1,060 1.025 1.007 1.024 1.1157 1,053 Forfar East Port Saving Forfar Free Trade Saving. Forfar High Street . . 1873 1850 1848 - 210 232 229 239 19G 207 * 160 372 302 183 421 285 168 464 289 125 513 285 125 568 274 111 501 268 Forfar Northern Saving 1874 - 228 330 300 323 324 319 300 276 271 Forfar Victoria Coal . . 1880 - - - 405 658 739 7 i t 675 703 665 * Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 149 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1375. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Scotland North cont. - - 7,198 6,259 6,855 7,467 8,680 8,737 Carnoustie Equitable. - 4,21!) 6,450 7,136 8,686 10,689 12,257 14,836 15,125 18,753 Carron. 6,501 4,376 4,697 818 8,168 9,111 7,192 11,988 4,380 12,331 4,259 11.907 4,273 12,226 5,148 12,899 6,802 13,991 Carronhall and Kin- naird. Clackmannan. - - - 4,828 16,721 40,314 59,154 67,249 66,076 77,467 Clydebank. - 4,238 6,420 8,591 10,869 6,808 6,459 6,926 8,06',) 9,843 Coalsnaughton. 2,261 2,423 8,48 S 3,515 4,318 3,929 3,716 4,296 3,474 4,763 3,472 5,500 3,778 6,098 Coalsnaughton Indus- trial. Coaltown of Wemyss. -* 3,!44 * * 2,558 * 1,556 * * 1,597 Comrie Village. - 2,685 1,779 1,685 2,041 2,310 3,031 3,891 4,611 Condorrat. 1,108 7,455 18,732 21,493 20,372 16,617 1H.22II 16,389 22,059 Cowdenbeath. - 137 2,888 6,086 4,855 3,131 3,578 3,465 3,332 2,744 Crieff. 8,248 2,200 1,788 4,672 5,990 6,388 7,081 8,274 8,989 Cumbernauld. - 1,410 1,675 1,987 2,353 2,513 2,488 Cupar. - - 1,757 7,280 10,345 10,695 11,819 13,022 12,687 11,809 Dalmuir. 3,458 ,,,, 2,977 18,864 8,857 12,511 1,573 21,492 2.122 29,113 2,086 32.630 2,313 36,711 2,338 41,216 2,561 43,656 Deanston. Denny and Dunipace. - - 5,788 7,178 8,958 9,088 10.252 11,395 12,601 14,481 Don. - 38. i!2 82,085 58,900 83.261 87,866 90,957 101.199 108,445 113,246 Dumbarton. - - - - 5,619 6,937 6,870 6,85a 6,982 7,571 Dunblane. - - - - - 2,376 5.410 5,65S Dundee (City of). 4,541 211,57'.' 48.847 1,715 120,957 1,618 216,808 1,478 248,921 2,003 266,378 2,473 251,393 3,311 261,505 Dundee and District Coal. Dundee Eastern. - 5S,87'J 78,788 I0l.i'85 141,865 166,665 175,875 189,281 204,708 219.775 Dunfermline. - e 2,2118 1,284 895 576 663 710 694 636 Dunning. - - - - 1,563 12,088 13,844 11,753 9,154 8,471 Duntocher &Hardgate. - * 27,918 13,683 8,896 10,195 11,080 12,650 13,738 Dysart. - * 8,818 4,285 6,345 6,124 6,826 7,616 7,911 East Wemyss. - 928 1.921 2,092 2,287 2,454 2,604 2,267 Eden vale. - # 1,785 . 831 768 792 900 838 Elgin Store Company. - 8,988 8,442 2,152 2,715 2,483 2.575 2,267 2,495 2,500 Falkland. - 848 1.8H9 2.482 3,116 3,102 2,856 3,153 3,155 3,223 Forfar Coal. - 5,591 7,83? * 5,686 7,185 3,527 6,880 v 4,054 8,210 6,770 3,214 8,~24 5.623 3,019 9,905 5,463 2,590 11,336 5,500 2,388 11,384 5,428 2,129 10,948 5,109 Forfar East Port Sav- ing. Forfar Free Trade Sav- ing. Forfar High Street. - 6,050 4,617 6,617 858 7,373 1,746 7,175 1,879 7,140 1,656 6,865 1,827 6,666 1,887 6,042 2,199 Forfar Northern Sav- in?. Foriar Victoria Coal. 150 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. Name of Co-operative Society. Scotland North cant. Forfar West Port Sav- ing. Forfar West Town End Freuchie Equitable Freuchie New Friockheim Gallatown Grahamston and Bains- ford. Grangemouth .. .. Gnardbridge Hardgate HillofBeath .. Kelty Kettle Kilsyth Kingseat Kinross Kirkintilloch .. Kirkland Kirriemuir Larbert Lassodie Laurieston Lennox Lennoxtown Leslie Leslie and District Lochgelly Longcroft Markinch Menstrie Methil Millport Milntravie Monifieth Coal .. Montrose Baking and Trading. Muthill of Estab- ^hment. MEMBERSHIP. r 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1838 - 185 238 210 179 216 226 232 234 237 1881 - 273 326 308 312 312 _:',' 292 1842 154 157 127 138 165 161 160 158 149 18:6 95 94 98 102 109 111 1892 185 203 217 209 187 1881 72 220 259 279 284 316 343 1861 305 347 7'.'3 1,014 1,510 1,61!) , 1,758 1,892 2,137 1864 385 667 883 886 . 860 880 965 1.022 1,074 1897 118 128 144 150 153 1897 57 7f> 83 1895 110 158 154 156 168 1873 84 169 388 539 972 925 912 969 1,039 1843 'KM 247 241 199 204 205 209 213 220 1862 115 94 78 109 23 '. 260 309 264 280 1885 '.(> 141 lltf. 191 186 15*1 207 1865 1 10 170 103 121 ir, 111 124 13f> 133 18S2 _ _ 316 471 Otlt 711 H25 938 1,070 im 150 110 129 104 69 7r, (5i 58 80 132 130 147 153 Connaught. i Ballinagleragh . . 1898 t (.) AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. OTHER CLASSES OF DISTRI- Ulster. Aughnacloy 1896 - t 25 21 J Bally connell 1896 - * 43 43 43 Dromore (co. Down ) . . 1897 - - 104 106 Kingscourt 1897 - 48 * Lisburn 1897 _ _ * Londonderry 1895 * 66 81 96 * Lower Lecale 1895 30 70 82 83 * Tullyvin 1898 - - - - - - - - 71 Leinster. Aghaboe 1897 61 61 Ballinagore 1895 - 217 242 181 185 186 BaUybrittas 1896 80 135 * * Not stated. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 155 SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1897. ! 1898. 1899. ! | i IRELAND coHt. Leinster. 1,408 730 683 548 560 555 343 Balbriggan. - 1,015 836 916 974 883 Charlesfort. 7,860 8,000 9,517 11,231 9,195 * 6,060 5,649 Dunsany. 2,716 * 1,530 1,553 1,728 Fenagh. 1,687 1,374 * 2,141 1,878 * 2,450 Greenore. 2,050 9,292 10,255 8,848 10,642 11,660 11,433 11,400 10,377 11,084 Inchicore. - 1,410 1,533 1,783 1,855 2,040 Milford. - - - - - 607 North Dublin. - 1,189 2,645 2,996 3,297 3,605 Summerhill. Munster. - - - 2,679 2,566 Ballinamona. 1,114 2,176 * 2,101 1,716 194 Doneraile. _ 1,467 1,151 1,604 1.670 1,963 Limerick. 2,974 2,640 2,474 3,508 3,508 4,151 4,377 4,588 Shamrock. Connaught. . t # Ballinagleragh. BUTIVE SOCIETIES IN IRELAND. (a.) AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. Ulster. - - - t t 75 + + Aughnacloy. - - - * 70 34 9 Ballyconnell. - - - - 1,467 1,355 * Dromore (co. Down). - - - - 390 * * Kingscourt. - - - - - 985 Lisburn. - - - - - * 1,269 1,980 2,266 * Londonderry. - - - - - t 1,239 1,448 306 Lower Lecale. - 165 * Tullyvin. Leinster. - - - - - 325 378 * Aghaboe. - - - - 2,597 4,368 3,893 2,740 2,622 Ballinagore. 1,383 2,262 ' * Ballybrittas. t Not commenced business. t Society not at work. 156 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. Membership. Sales. 1896. 1897. 1898. ! 1899. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. i IRELAND -cunt. (a.) AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES c.onL Leinster co/tt. Ballycarney 1899 - 9 If) I Clonroche 1899 - - i t County Meath 1891) - "- t t Cro^spatrick 1ST) '" j- !!9l 341 369 390 Cullohill 1897 i 75 t ! 560 t Doncttrhniorc 1896 t I * * f f 1 Donaghpatriek 1895 57 6:: 63 88 ."..1112 3,150 3,784 4,620 Dunleer 1896 is :;r, 1 270 372 t Edenderry . . 1896 61 71 SS 96 2.436 3,894 1,699 5,588 Enniscorthy .. 1895 t 611 685 704 5.IU8 8,030 11,502 13,425 Galmoy 1895 111 111 116 109 791 556 11' 1 333 Gathabawn 1898 26 28 t \ 167 166 r t Iverk 1898 101 103 2,171 Johnstown .. . . . IST> sii S7 '"' -)- 535 527 '">- t Kilmessan 1S91 51 51 54 66 1,22;; l.nis 991 859 New Ross 1896 9 9 9 t li:i 109 71 t North Ki Ida re- 1898 10 j 121 1,211 1,616 Kathmolyon 1S97 ion 103 105 1,2M 2,6ir. 2,629 Skierke 1898 101 125 441 119 Tullamore District 1897 111 118 118 977 950 in*; Urlingford 1S95 136 H'i 72 62 798 616 601 591 Wexford KS96 > 7S J-2 82 * 310 314 252 Munster. Adare 1897 108 111 116 537 710 B7i Castleiney 1896 56 56 f\fi 50 1HS 187 231 207 Clonlisk 1895 88 1 T' 1 nS 164 5111 945 1,106 839 Gortnahoe ' 1895 124 131 133 136 1,223 481 442 328 T 'sh nnon 1896 '>"> 28 29 271 225 251 Killeagh 1896 * 39 t t * 311 t t Killodiernan and Monsea.. 1898 ' - 65 69 - - 513 734 Loughmore 1896 72 78 70 72 5n 389 488 416 Lower Ormond 1896 * 73 75 t * 1,228 903 t Moycarky 1896 106 106 115 117 1,307 1,226 1,311 1,407 Moyne 1895 121 120 130 140 1,181 i 1,207 1,220 1,275 * Not commenced business. f Not stated. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 157 Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. Membership. Sales. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. IRELAND-^. ! (a) AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES cont. Munster cont. New Inn 1899 18M7 - - * 94 t - * 936 t New Quay Slumagarry 1896 t t t t t t t t Two Mile Borris 1895 t 108 135 135 t 972 876 | $01 Connaught. Ahasoragh 1898 144 255 _ 240 432 Avdr.-ihan 1897 - 206 t - * 1,038 t Balla 1898 1898 : 75 119 t 73 698 t Bally glass Ballymacward Ballymanagh . . . .. 1898 1899 1897 - Ill 108 111 110 41 187 - * 241 672 HI 141 787 Ballysakeery Baagh Bohola 1897 1895 1898 1898 1899 t 153 01 161 180 206 174 178 163 215 185 143 t * 294 886 233 355 295 706 204 281 309 C48 Burriscarra Caltra Cam Cappagh 1898 - - 129 129 - 244 142 Cknkeenkerril 1897 - 80 81 83 - 190 259 183 Crossboyne .. 1898 - - * t - * t Crossmolina 1899 - 71 - 254 Derrybrien 1898 - - 57 t 77 t Drum 1899 - - - 141 - - - 272 Dysart 1899 - - - 88 - - - 265 Enniscrone 1897 47 64 68 - 336 48G 495 Geesala , 1898 - - * t - - * t Glenamaddy 1897 - 72 107 107 - 213 + Glenhest 1899 - - - 50 - - - 90 Hollymount 1898 118 t - 293 t Kileonnell Kilfian 1898 1899 1898 - - 98 t 58 t - - 252 t - 06 t Kilkerrin Killaroran 1898 205 239 359 548 Killaser 1895 t 1:77 199 t t 32 233 t i Society not at work. 158 CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. MEMBERSHIP AND RALES. Name of Co-operative Society. Year of Estab- lishment. Membership. Sale 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. IRELAND-CO/^. (a.) AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES cont. Connaught cont. Killinney 1898 87 t 439 t Kilronan 1898 - 127 127 - 39 75 Kiltartan 1897 86 94 103 * 443 397 Lackan 1899 56 140 Lahardane 1899 30 62 Mayo Abbey 1898 - 84 88 - 277 228 Msnlough 1898 - - 242 244 - - 640 665 Monivea 1898 - - 490 391 - 2,188 2,214 Mount Ballew 1898 - 222 t - - 614 t Moygownagh 1898 - - 79 84 - - 354 427 Newbridge 1898 - - 105 t - - 217 t Oranmore 1897 94 93 100 - * 449 416 Saint John's, Leearrow Tisara 1899 1899 1898 - - 220 93 137 215 - - 449 311 499 440 Tourlestrane Tourmakeady 1898 - 84 - * 194 Tyaquin 1897 - 51 72 77 - 317 322 Tynagh and Killimore 1898 - - 131 t - 367 t (&.) POULTRY SOCIETIES. Bunlin, Cratlagh and Milford . . 1899 t - t Carrigart 1899 - - t - t Clonbrock and Castlegar 1898 - 224 290 - 766 1.128 Clonmany 1899 - - t - - t Cloughjordan 1898 t t t t Collooney District 1899 - 139 - - 136 Cratloe 1898 t - * t Desertlyn 1899 - - t t Desertmartin 1899 - - - 73 - - 462 Dunbreen Glassan 1899 1898 1899 - 160 7 169 t - - 342 44 1,430 t Glenvar and Killygarvan Kincaslagh 1899 t - - t Kinvara 1898 - 30 32 - 558 t Lettermacaward 1899 t - t * Not commenced business. t Not stated. CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES. MEMBERSHIP AND SALES. 159 Name of Co-operative Sooiety. Year of Estab- lishment. Membership. Sales. 1836. 1897. 189 3. 1899. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. (ft.) POULTRY SOCIETIES con t. Mallow 1898 - - 136 t - 828 t Nenagh 1898 200 t - 69 t Newmarket 1899 - t - - t Pallas 1898 ~~ ! ~~ 36 t - - 141 t Tamney . . . . . 1899 22 __ Bl (f.) HOME INDUSTRIES. i Ballinagleragh Home Industries 1896 t 148 98 t t t 11 t Beechmount ,. 1899 - - - 57 - - - 42 Carna 1898 * t * t Castlehaven Gardening Indus- 1899 . 60 _ 9 tries. Clifden Home Industries .. 1898 t t 18 t Coonian 1899 - 36 - 100 Cross tnaglen 1897 - t 18 t t 384 t Killian 1898 - t - * t Kilmuckridge 1898 t t - t t Leighlin 1898 - 32 32 - 130 183 Moan Cross 1899 - t - t Pullathomas 1898 - 225 t - * t TCossmuck 1898 - - 20 t - - 20 t (fl.) MISCELLANEOUS. Carriekmacross Lace 1897 t 36 40 20 3o4 793 Irish Needlework 1898 - 34 40 1,421 1,921 Monaghan Lace 1899 t - t I Society not at work. 160 PRODUCTIVE TABLE 39. CAPITAL and Amount of SALKS, in each of the undermentioned Years, so far the end [Compiled from the Ann mil Llrhn-nx of tlir CJiii-f 'Rryixtnn of Prtendly Societies^ supplemented (These Societies generally provide in their Rules for the sharing of Group of Trade and Name of Society. Year of Estab- li*hment. TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. i- , England and Wales. BUILDING Barry Building and Contracting. Cambridge Builders .. 1899 j - 1895 : : ~~ : 88 212 261 L'S- 2t it Co-operative Builders i London ).| Derby Builders .. USB 18, u 5.008 1,984 :'..!''. 3.998 1.418* :wti 77:'. 921 1,799 1,758 8 General Builders (Lon- don). Hull Builders .. 1882 1898 2!l 1 451 608 1.772 3.1117 4.837 61 6,19fl 225 Kettering Builder-* .. 1H94 - - - -- f7S 896 1.924 3.988 4.337 4,893 Leeds Builders .. 1899 - - - - - - - - - t Leeds Plasterers Will - - 93 ;: Leicester Builders 1 SUti - 450 4,371 4,2111 North Shields Builders L899 - - l Oxford Builders and Decorators. Plymouth Decorators.. 1SS9 1898 Til 127 lie US S 129 2.T 128 SO 17 I 1 .'*', 4(1 74 210 134 288 179 Tvneside Asso-i;ited 1S99 Builders. 269 MINING AND England and Wales. Coal Miners' Brother- hood (Derby). Hu/t'lri/ J'nrk (Jiiarri/ . . IK', Hi ws 12,631 11,355 10 jsn 10,626 9J&3 8,946 1.338 IS. 670 8f,!Jl 1,710 9,8tS S.79C 10,326 Scotland. Ccndorrat Quarrying .. 1892 192 275 441 546 558 1,185 1,203 England and Wales. METAL, ENGINEERING, AND (a.) ENGINEERING. G eneral E o grmeers ( Lon- don ). Keiphley Ironworks .. 1894 1885 2^55 4,21 f, 5.617 5,785 6,208 282 6,399 298 0,819 302 6,775 462 6,908 572 10,943 Leicester Engineers . . 1894 - 185 420 533 881 1,065 1,188 NOTE. ID this Table are included figures for 1899 respecting a few Societies which were received too available for the Summary Tables the figures for the previous year were interpolated in those * Not included in Summary Tables. iSfeeNote. t Only commenced business at end of 1899. 161 SOCIETIES. aa can be ascertained, of all the WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES existing at of 1899. by the Ittiportt of the Co-operative Union, and by Returns sent direct to the Department ,~\ profits with their Employees. Those printed in italics do not.) SALES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. TRADES. England and Wales. _ _ t Barry Building and 431 2,353 778 739 Contracting. Cambridge Builders. 30,059 25,945 24,937 23,140 14,099 7,150 8,792 11,868 9,438 9,344 Co-operative Builders (London).J 5 Derby Builders. _ 5 5 5 62 5,561 6,940 10,431 General Builders (Lon- don). 5 1,515 Hull Builders. - - II 7,358 7,837 7,713 9,050 9,052 Kettering Builders. - - t Leeds Builders. - - 1,604 Leeds Plasterers. - - - 1,690 9,973 7,204 Leicester Builders. - - - t North Shields Builders. 688 747 557 687 580 403 654 724 1,814 3,417 Oxford Builders and Decorators. 9 135 172 179 357 476 895 Plymouth Decorators. 667 Tyneside Associated Builders. QUARRYING. England and Wales. - - - - - 6,331 7,210 5,519 Coal Miners' Brother- hood (Derby). 16,364 16,105 13,869 18,894 19,504 18,369 21,309 23,698 25,291 27,013 Howley Park Quarry. Scotland. 1,229 1,702 1,801 2,522 2,215 3,613 3,968 Condor rat Quarrying. SHIPBUILDING TRADES. England and Wales, (a.) ENGINEERING, _ 484 172 379 614 628 General Engineers) (London). 4,167 5,628 5,362 5,740 5,410 6,445 7,109 7,686 8,672 9,851 Keighley Ironworks. 74 656 1,166 1,579 1,460 1,750 Leicester Engineers. Jateto be used in preparing the Summary Tables. In a few cases in which returns for 1899 were not 3207 t In consequence of heavy losses, this Society was reconstructed in 1894. Not commenced business. || Not stated. 162 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES E a TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). Group of Trade and rl Name of Society. jr 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. METAL, ENGINEERING, AND England and Wales cont. (7.) ENGINEERING cont. London Electrical En- 1897 * 28 781 gineers. Long Eaton Engineer- 1898 202 271 ing. (&.) SHIPBUILDING. Medway Barge Building 1892 66 382 480 539 878 1,108 1,237 1,406 Union Shipbuilding 1869 120 120 428 120 120 300 627 (Blijth). (c.) OTHER METAL TRADES. Alcester Needle Makers 1888 677 1,070 1,396 1,693 2,224 3,415 3,690 3,753 3,576 3,446 Andrews Watchmak- 1898 _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 500 390 ing (Coventry). Bromsgrove Nail For- 1887 264 323 516 518 515 506 516 567 744 645 gers. Calderdale Clog Sun- 1892 507 574 716 751 839 899 919 837 dries. Co-operative Padlock (Walsall). 1873 2,086 3,536 5,426 5,341 5,934 5,742 6,998 7,536 7,254 6,989 Coventry Watch 1876 2,361 2,654 2,850 2,723 2,532 2,347 2,339 2,592 2,616 2,731 Dudley Bucket and 1888 837 1,096 1,254 1,164 1,891 2,432 3,839 4,568 5,232 7,109 Fender. Midland Tin - plate 1887 831 917 926 938 1,067 032 971 1,003 1,184 1,091 Workers (Birming- ham). National Horseshoeing 1898 * J (London). Northern Iron and Tin- 1895 1,147 1,853 2,246 2,302 3,073 plate (Durham).^ Sheet Iron Workers 1890 780 1,219 J 1,525 1,585 1,616 1,641 1,804 1,862 2,343 (Cradley). Sheffield Cutlery 1873 634 775 909 964 1,017 1,075 1,417 1,460 1,524 1,545 Trade Union Cutlery 1898 _ 51 360 (Sheffield). Trade Unionists' Sheep 181)4 727 2,231 2,825 3,501 3,179 2,830 Shear (Sheffield). TEXTILE England and Wales. Airedale Worsted 1872 4,060 4,233 4,456 4,604 5,181 5,571 7,323 7,446 7,837 7,976 Burnley Self-Hclp 1886 6,753 7,191 8,029 7,797 8,176 13,614 22,060 44,533 22,682 36,959 Colne Vale Woollen . . 1898 - - - ' 83 Delph and District 1889 * 51 305 345 377 960 1,383 1,537 1,616 1,612 Woollen. Eccles Manufacturing. . 1861 20,747 23,084 22,436 22,625 22,197 22,073 21,327 21,352 20,670 20,421 Hebden Bridge Fustian 1870 33,672 34,910 35,526 38,731 40,072 40,076 40,851 42,162 40,385 41,321 Leek Silk Twist.. 1874 1,716 1,954 2,127 2,358 2,553 . 3,025 3,864 4,238 4,423 5,027 * Not commenced business. f Not included in Summary Tables, See Note on pp. 160-1. CAPITAL AND SALES. 163 SALES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. SHIPBUILDING TRADES-cow*. England and Wales cant. (n.) ENGINEERING cont. _ _ _ _ * * * London Electrical En- gineers. 912 1,083 Long Eaton Engineer- ing. (&.) SHIPBUILDING. 9 842 2,245 676 361 1,500 573 1,575 Medway Barge Build- ing. * J 1,025 1,146 68S 1,358 940 3,135 2,120 Union Shipbuilding (Blyth). (c.) OTHER METAL TRADES. 421 699 1,079 1,915 2,315 2,622 2,738 2,838 2,978 3,231 Alcester Needle Makers. _ _ 955 Andrews Watchmak- 424 398 959 1,518 1,216 1,292 1,572 2,053 1,850 1,969 ing CCoventry.) Bromsgrove Nail For- frers. 1,035 1,431 1,787 1,990 2,284 2,414 2,785 2,859 Calclerdale Clog Sun- dries. 12,784 14,722 13,703 14,087 10,025 14,048 16,483 14,953 16,671 17,647 Co-operative Padlock (Walsall.) 4,304 3,515 2,734 2,826 2,600 3,387 3,958 3,534 3,857 3,666 Coventry Watch. 5,499 6,842 7,408 8,525 10,340 11,960 14,380 15,806 18,586 24,200 Dudley Bucket and Fender. 3,332 3,612 4,559 4,412 3,771 3,956 4,089 3,264 2,251 3,100 Midland Tin - plate Workers (Birming- ham). j National Horseshoeing (London). 1,072 1,998 2,669 3,682 Northern Iron and Tin- plate (Durham). 982 4,466 + 4,819 3,438 6,039 7,963 8,658 11,270 13,850 Sheet Iron Workers (Cradlev). 1,944 2,112 1,954 1,T>10 1,531 1,663 1,745 1,812 1,758 1,600 Sheffield Cutlery. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 193 Trade Union Cutlery (Sheffield). 4,649 9,245 6,183 10,144 12,564 Trade Unionists' Sheep Shear (Sheffield). TRADES. England and Wales. 12,463 13,463 13,918 13,871 16,254 17,308 19,071 19,348 17,017 18,704 Airedale Worsted. 41,614 51,952 57,229 57,085 51,143 60,657 78,524 66,228 62,061 47,649 Burnley Self-Help. 15 Nil Colne Vale Woollen. * * 257 199 652 859 881 831 1,121 1,060 Delph and District Woollen. 22,486 20,450 18,004 17,217 16,914 17,214 18,134 19,950 17,001 17,365 Eccles Manufacturing. 37,404 39,248 39,759 39,891 40,317 39,823 46,646 42,708 44,599 44,224 Hebden Bridge Fustian 7,883 8,985 9,662 8,600 10,421 11,298 12,230 14,527 15,040 17,685 Leek gilk Twist. % Not stated. A Federation of Distributive Societies. 3207 L 3 164 CO-OPEBATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES, A r~^ TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). Group of Trade and rl Name of Society. sl f-l tfl o*"" 1 H 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. TEXTILE England and Wales con t. Leek Trimming 1896 - - - 494 687 701 881 Leicester Hosiery 1876 13,936 5,074 15,074 16,872 16,872 24,983 31,787 42,494 43,057 45,819 Macclesfleld Silk 1888 2,716 6,183 8,896 9,203 9,400 12,539 23,549 22,511 21,671 23,217 Nelson Self-Help 1888 2,248 3,529 4,045 4,360 4,541 4,003 5,110 5,188 5,207 4,872 Sheepsfted Hosiery 1881 171 276 175 184 189 198 197 202 is05 07* Wigston Magna Hosiers 1896 66 83 216 William Thomson 1886 17,184 17,280 17,860 18,038 19,144 21,089 23,168 24,378 24,032 25,430 & Sons (Huddersfleld). Scotland. Paisley Manufacturing 1862 23,574 34,165 44,421 50,949 64,659 56,291 59,116 70.237 72.173 73,768 Scottish Laundry 1898 - - - - - - - - 1 2,775 Ireland. Brookeboro' Lace 1899 - - - 2 Irish Embroidery 1895 _ _ 443 496 490 488 (Dalkey). Toughal Lace . . 1897 ~ ~ 51 20 60 England and Wales. CLOTHING (a) BOOTS AND SHOES. Bozeat Boot and Shoe 1884 765 576 576 723 686 722 884 829 812 778 Bristol Pioneers' Boot 1888 441 826 853 805 824 1,264 1,149 1,251 858 1,016 and Shoe. Broughton Boot and 1897 * 22 85 Shoe. Burton Latimer Boot 1889 503 690 919 844 981 1,039 11062 1,188 1,298 1,320 and Shoe. Desborough Boot and 1892 84 84 460 82C 1,545 2,044 2,487 2,959 Shoe. Finedon Boot and Shoe 1886 1,539 2,127 2,897 2,680 2,573 3,065 2,807 3,359 4,514 5,271 Glenfleld Progress Boot 1892 _ 93 263 333 410 969 1,620 1,987 2,337 and Shoe. Higharn Ferrers Boot 1892 + + 415 604 573 711 715 1,032 and Shoe. Kettering Boot and 1888 1,978 2,781 3,816 4,845 5,722 7,448 9,258 11,241 12,132 13,117 Shoe. Leicester Anchor Boot 1893 i _ 304 815 891 1,113 1,756 2,610 6,451 and Shoe. Leicester Co-operative 1886 4,281 5,093 7,008 9,451 11,993 21,956 20,498 ^6,341 25,186 27,505 Boot and Shoe. Leicester Self Help . . 1895 198 336 610 900 Long Buckby Boot and 1897 134 191 188 Shoe. Midland Boot (Welling- 1896 826 1,047 1,762 borough). Nantwich Boot and 1890 394 762 763 611 784 777 1,482 1,564 1,455 1,562 Shoe. Northamptonshire Pro- ductive (Woilaston.) 1881 1,754 1,964 2,549 2,078 905 2,213 1 1,987 1,863 2,168 2,920 Not included in Summary Tables. See Note on pp, 160-1. f Not stated. CAPITAL AND SALES. J65 SALES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. I 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. TRADES cont. England and Wales cont. 87 602 1,1/4 1,543 Leek Trimming. 16,776 21,172 26,266 32,702 36,791 42,169 48,886 53,594 57,752 67,461 Leicester Hosiery. 1,225 3,371 14,978 26,746 22,306 28,107 29,903 25,255 20,513 24,856 Macclesfleld Silk. 26,692 26,624 25,081 23,891 25,860 25,855 28,551 24,869 25,386 27,428 Nelson Self-Help. 26 5 t t t mi. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Shecpshcd Hosiery. * + 164 Wigston Magna Hosiers. 25,945 30,127 31,949 27,639 27,704 25,985 31,181 24,942 22,708 27,108 William Thomson & Sons (Huddersfleld). Scotland. 44,575 48,425 53,403 52,527 57,239 61,331 67,453 72,851 72,780 75,672 Paisley Manufacturing - - - - - - t 688 Scottish Laundry. Ireland. _ _ _ 40 Brookeboro' Lace. - - - - - - 1,267 399 994 1,194 Irish Embroidery CDalkey). ~ 133 611 885 Youghal Lace. England and Wales. TRADES. (a) BOOTS AND SHOES. 3,117 3,614 3,467 3,193 2,937 2,840 1,964 1,981 2,101 2,210 Bozeat Boot and Shoe. 1,998 4,250 3,096 2,625 2,655 2,658 2,536 2,460 2,239 2,641 Bristol Pioneers' Boot and Shoe. + + 44 Broughton Boot and * + Shoe. 1,356 2,709 2,254 1,610 1,412 1,813 1,953 1,425 1,196 1,369 Burton Latimer Boot and Shoe. t 433 2,460 4,039 7,189 7,743 10,447 12,826 Desborough Boot and Shoe. 19,881 20,627 18,492 11,503 14,431 12,140 9,077 10,359 18,783 19,967 Finedon Boot and Shoe. : 1,545 3,123 4,040 5,3553 5,448 7,109 8,112 Glen field Progress Boot and Shoe. i t 1,082 3,395 4,378 3,980 5,027 6,260 Highain Ferrers Boot and Shoe. 9,516 14,196 18,512 19,640 22,501 26,256 29,205 32,925 34,712 38,475 Kettering Boot and Shoe. 2,210 2,391 4,122 4,415 6,543 9,511 16,286 Leicester Anchor Boot and Shoe. 18,663 17,389 32,337 32,994 36,379 38,391 47,297 46,863 45,325 47,008 Leicester Co-operative Boot and Shoe. 957 2,008 2,302 4,440 Leicester Self Help. _ 80 527 552 Long Buckby Boot and Shoe. - - _ - 1,888 4,647 3,916 Midland Boot (Welling- borough). 91 2,324 3,114 2,879 3,141 3,746 4,101 4,387 4,243 4,771 Nantwich Boot and Shoe. 11,627 16,983 16,305 6,862 11,518 12,416 5,535 8,927 14,681 14,938 Northamptonshire Pro- ductive (Wollaston) + Not commenced business. 166 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. Tear of Estab- lishment. TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. England and Wales cont. CLOTHING () BOOTS AND SHOES cont. c Norwi cli Boot and Shoe 1835 367 355 355 358 1,365 137 501 583 592 588 Raunds Productive . . 1886 815 1,602 1,784 2,096 2,143 2,596 2,225 2,869 3,907 4,378 Rothwell Boot and Shoe 1892 - - * 34 376 919 1,147 2,443 2,864 3,290 St. Crispin (Raunds) . . 1891 - * 290 512 520 885 1,271 2,597 4,264 5,495 Sperope Boot 1891 - 207 336 791 914 1,930 2,715 3,031 2,962 3,329 Union Boot and Shoe (Kettering). Walgrave Productive . . 1895 1887 t 1,199 1,345 1,383 1,321 1,372 520 1,306 802 1,246 1,030 1,584 2,008 2,034 (b) OTHER CLOTHING. Hamilton Shirtmaking (London). Kettering Clothing 1893 1893 : : : 20 1,200 5 1,501 3,899 5 9,282 6 12,552 6 14,191 8 13,181 Kettering Corset 1897 - - - - 1,000 1,650 5,530 Maison Esperance (Lon- don). 1899 548 England and Wales. AGEICULTUEE Assington Agricultural 1883 3,094 3,374 3,381 3,381 3,381 3,655 3,461 3,704 3,708 3,669 Hraiidsby Dairy .. 1894 - - 220 340 310 428 588 48S Coin St.Aldwyn's Farm- ing. Hcsscnfurd Dairy 1894 1896 : : : 1,043 1,121 1,094 198 1,428 350 1,350 345 Lampeter Agricultural 1899 - - * Mashamshirc Dairy 1897 - 780 1,195 1,419 North Seaton Farming 1873 508 525 513 535 547 553 599 626 587 582 Pioneer Fishing (North Shields). Shipston-on-Stour Dairy 1884 1S91 4,342 4,327 235 6,287 377 8,630 669 7,653 673 9,115 761 8,201 741 9,891 SOI 12,047 691 10,966 691 Shell dale Dairy .. 1S91 - 300 353 224 183 366 S02 398 459 601 Smeaton Creamery . . 1899 - - - 913 Ireland. (a) CO-OPERATIVE DAIRIES. Abbeydorney 1895 319 625 724 1,339 1,563 Alta villa 1894 - - 300 374 439 427 437 321 Ardagh 1S91 - 738 1,292 1,428 1,144 1,155 1,168 1,432 1,249 1,340 Ardfert 1895 - - - - 1,715 1,001 769 1,046 Not commenced business. $ Six months' trade, t Not stated, CAPITAL AND SALES. 167 SALES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. TRADES cont. England and Wales. cont. () BOOTS AND SHOES cont. 2,012 1,975 1,983 1,914 2,108 .2,273 2,401 2,127 2,317 2,616 Norwich Boot and Shoe. 11,871 14,530 13,973 9,328 14,400 16,742 8,210 10,688 18,744 22,910 Eaunds Productive. * * 1,471 6,300 9,433 11,652 10,475 8,739 Roth-well Boot and Shoe. * 444 2,530 5,066 5,418 6,638 8,161 21,766 23,906 St. Crispin (Raunds). - 1,658 6,384 4,671 4,928 6,576 6,323 7,588 7,226 9,735 Sperope Boot. _ 992 3,610 6,297 8,889 Union Boot and Shoe (Kettering). t 6,707 4,671 3,759 4,511 5,401 4,331 3,090 4,108 12,315 Walgrave Productive. (ft) OTHER CLOTHING. _ 200J 474 525 t 568 598 685 Hamilton Shirtmaking (London). ' 4,422 11,532 18,895 24,677 27,868 36,774 Kettering Clothing. - - - * 3,493 7,573 Kettering Corset. _ 863 Maison Esperance (London). AND FISHING. England and Wales. 1,119 1,315 1,217 1,318 877 918 1,032 1,019 1,423 920 Assington Agricultural. - - - * 1,218 2,383 2,629 3,210 2,458 Brandsby Dairy. _ _ _ 555 568 532 773 616 Coin St. Aldwyn's Farm- ing. 896 954 911 Hessenford Dairy. - - * Lampeter Agricultural. - - - 302 1,474 1,065 Mashamshire Dairy. 649 650 774 683 700 681 623 633 647 673 North Seaton Farming. 3,270 5,268 7,382 8,398 9,660 8,182 8,811 11,419 12,541 13,400 Pioneer Fishing (North Shields). 647 1,393 1,765 3,046 3,533 3,323 3,456 3,876 Shipston-on-Stour Dairy. 1,356 3,382 3,729 3,461 3,749 4,149 4,574 6,196 6,949 Skelldale Dairy. - 264 Smealon Creamery. Ireland. (a) CO-OPERATIVE DAIRIES. - - - 2,772 5,602 8,393 9,783 9,850 Abbeydorney. - 1,486 2,893 2,504 2,740 2,489 2,593 Altavilla. 1,935 8,750 7,294 6,770 9,346 9,067 7,975 8,157 8,445 Ardagh. - 4,643 5,461 5,921 6,696 Ardfert. This Society is now working without capital, its machines, Ao., having been given to it. All the receipts for work done are divided among the employees. 168 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. Year of Estab- lishment. TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. AGEICULTUEE AND Ireland cant. (a) CO-OPERATIVE DAIRIES cont. | Ardpatrick 1890 504 835 545 1,549 1,574 548 1,806 1,846 t Ballinamult 1895 - t 854 923 917 Bally canew 1895 - . - 429 1,412 1,437 1,751 Ballyhahill 1890 - 430 733 613 613 855 958 815 860 903 Ballyhale 1895 - - - 259 429 1,005 040 1,138 Bally longford 1895 - - - 1,383 777 692 904 1,003 Ballypatrick 1893 - 353 454 608 603 619 674 640 Bally william 1894 - - 487 594 562 782 865 Bulgaden 1891 - 419 779 419 589 803 700 662 715 f Carrigeen 1895 - 465 1,089 1,196 1,146 1.525J Cavan Creameries 1899 - - * Clouncagh 1891 318 551 372 384 944 1,024 1,013 1,047 1,090 Donevailo 1891 - 1,578 1,582 1,432 1,382 1,296 1,068 1,032 1,032 Drumclift'o 1895 288 695 987 1,197 1,288 Drumlease 1895 269 236 231 t East Muskerry . . 1893 - - 41 480 t 859 857 829 809 Enniscorfchy Skimming 1899 _ t Station. Feenagh 1891 303 431 499 347 651 861 776 1,054 1,034 Gaultier 1894 813 1,087 1,109 1,272 1,474 Glen of Aherlo-w 1892 290 320 693 806 758 712 688 726 Glen william 1891 383 1,046 374 720 797 902 966 1,093 963 Glin 1891 867 850 764 806 746 605 737 829 811 Granagh 1890 553 815 554 451 403 565 685 763 447 Grange 1891 864 1,298 1,771 2,210 2,230 2,309 2,462 2,461 Grangemockler 1894 291 444 583 700 629 768 Inch.. 1895 555 730 804 702 Kilcorney 1891 605 569 569 665 562 658 583 604 512 Kildysart 1891 * 294 442 t t 495 589 t Kilmacow 1895 211 285 t 383 383 Kilmanagh 1895 888 1,034 1,475 t Labasheeda 1891 188 746 693 590 659 536 699 551 513 Liscarrol 1890 _ 354 722 631 933 737 604 825 743 796 Lissarda 1832 _ 263 446 608 536 720 542 605 671 Lombardstown 1890 _ 348 717 525 790 509 1,082 1,853 2,245 2,281 Milford 1891 297 891 1,076 1,034 1,034 919 843 781 730 * Not commenced business. CAPITAL AND SALES. 169 SALES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 189S. 1899. FISHING-conJ. Ireland cont. (a) CO-OPERATTVE DAIRIES con t. - 4,235 9,156 11,205 10,104 10,167 9,417 11,271 8,176 t Ardpatrick. - - - - t 3,641 2,720 3,177 Ballinamnlt. - - - - 3,143 4,105 5,085 6,959 Ballycane-w. - 2,615 3,742 4,484 4,779 6,481 5,644 6,058 6,539 6,661 Ballyhahill. - - - - - 2,490 3,143 4,237 3,996 4,568 Ballyhale. - - - - 865 3,711 5,173 4,980 5,166 Ballylongford. - -- - 2,036 3,189 2,317 2,566 3.339 2,812 1,948 Ballypatrick. - - - * 863 3,185 2,785 2,439 3,150 Ballywilliatn. - 3,799 6,455 8,066 6,220 6,913 7,223 7,023 4,684 t Bulgaden. - - - - - 582 4,862 5,755 6,656 7,193: Carrigeen. - - - - - - * Cavan Creameries. - 1,829 5,968 5,929 6,150 7,667 9,889 10,399 10,593 10,476 Clouncagh. - * 2,071 5,288 6,627 6,858 5,480 5,010 4,067 4,268 Doneraile. - - - - - 221 5,335 7,077 6,509 6,920 Drumcliffe. - - - - - 1,859 2,150 1,478 t Drumlease. - - - * 1,492 t 3,062 3,476 3,691 2,839 East Muskerry. , _ t Enniscorthy Skim- ming Station. 1,888 4,195 5,917 9,020 10,642 12,402 11,933 10,588 10,997 Feenagh. - - - - 71 4.596 6,671 6,455 6,129 Gaultier. - - 2,239 5,711 5,745 6,354 6,988 6,667 8,160 9,473 Glen of Aherlow. * 2,554 4,972 5,148 6,989 6,438 7,199 8,134 9,889 Glenwilliam. - 1,259 3,278 3,331 2,718 3,972 4,323 5,263 5,176 4,867 Glin. - 2,958 6,142 5,852 4,803 4,398 6,950 7,985 7,698 7,952 Granagh. * 3,154 12,125 14,346 13,785 16,103 14,108 10,617 9,753 Grange. - - - 1,539 4,878 5,334 6,744 6,684 7,667 Grangemockler. - - - - - - 1,869 3,522 3,935 4,693 Inch. - 1,283 3,671 3,398 2,400 2,049 2,223 2,301 2,228 2,339 Kilcorney. * * 1,613 1,442 t t 1,181 790 t Kildysart. - - - - - 1,814 2,430 t 2,128 2,718 Kilmacow. - - - - 6,372 8,181 7,602 7.868J Kilmanagh. - 1,436 2,146 2,315 2,308 2,408 2,396 2,732 1,991 1,623 Labasheeda. 3,871 4,324 5,240 4,901 8,260 9,723 11,216 10,140 7,735 Liscarrol. - 797 2,649 2,236 3,214 3,967 6,485 6,595 7,363 Lissarda. - 3,740 5,155 6,785 8,006 12,840 17,621 17,199 19,339 19,583 Lombardstown. 256 1,923 2,336 2,145 2,319 2,002 7,735 6,897 4,948 Milford. t Not stated. Not included in Summary Tables. See Note on pp. 160-1. 170 CO-OPEBATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. Year of Estab- lishment. TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Ireland cont. AGRICULTURE AND (a) CO-OPERATIVE DAIRIES cont. Milltown 1895 - - - - - 266 493 608 688 1,017 Mourne Abbey 1895 - - - - - 392 665 735 894 941 Muckalee 1891 - 680 898 1,336 1,992 1,734 1,696 1,723 1,722 Mullinahone 1893 - - 266 ' 428 428 684 462 506 506 Newcastle West 1891 - 513 G72 592 593 634 731 745 944 t Newtown Sandes 1895 - - - - 738 734 1,148 1,138 Rathduft 1895 - - - 749 90 t t Shanagolden 1890 - 513 829 1,035 863 836 956 1,036 1,019 1,077 Windgap 1893 - - - * 614 875 1,119 1,142 1,317 1,504 (&) AGRICULTURAL AND DAIRYING SOCIETIES. Acbonry 1897 - - - - - - - 771 1,443 Aghadowey 1898 - - - - - - - - * 1,379 Ahogbill 1899 - - - - - - - - - 221 Albany 1898 - - - - - - - 247 452 Ardstraw 1898 - - - - - - - - 303 329 Augher 1899 - - - - - - * Ballaghadereen . . 1898 - - - - - - - - 669 t . Ballinarnallard .. 1897 - - - ~ - - - 339 663 1,215 Ballinfull 1897 - - - - - 492 632 804 Ballintrellick 1897 - - - - 415 380 1,079 Ballycroy 1898 - - - - - - - - * Ballyhar 1898 - - - - - - 945 Ballymote 1897 - - - - - - - 706 1,198 t Bally rashane 1896 - - - - - - - 890 1,117 1,161 Bally vistea 1896 - - - -- - - 472 521 619 796 Barndarrig 1896 - - - - - - - 396 557 603 Bekan 1899 - - - - - - - - Belleek 1899 - - ~ - - 728 Belmullet 1898 - - - - t Beragh 1897 - - - - - - - 433 945 Blackwaterto wn 1899 - - - - * Boherlahan 1898 - 81 211 Boyle 1898 - - 1,147 930 Brackey 1898 - - - 131 239 Callan Calverstown 1899 1898 : : 9 153 t Castlecaulfleld .. 1898 - * 846 Not commenced business. CAPITAL AND BALES. 171 SALES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. FISHING-co^. Ireland con t. (a) CO-OPERATIVE DAIRIES cont. - - - - 2,099 3,996 3,907 2,865 3,267 Milltown. - - - 4,412 6,830 9,277 5,742 5,082 Mourne Abbey. - * 1,969 2,549 4,498 3,853 3,543 3,569 4,273 4,103 Muckalee. - - - 3,101 5,554 5,230 5,728 7,577 7,167 7,396 Mullinahone. - 1,802 3,912 3,196 4,236 7,509 7,052 6,774 5,692 t Newcastle West. - - - - - 4,327 6,609 6,781 6,245 Newtown Sandes. - - - 1,088 1,448 t f Rathduff. - 2,056 4,521 5,376 5,282 5,878 7,115 8,840 9,069 10,697 Sbanagolden. - - - * '5,396 8,842 8,349 9,074 10,060 12,564 Wind gap. ( 6) AGRICULTURAL AND DAIRYING SOCIETIES. - - - - - - - - 3,895 7,005 Achonry. - - - - - - 3,086 Aghadowey. - - - - - - - - 363 Ahoghill. - - - - - - - 199 1,645 Albany. - - - - - 655 2,527 Ardstraw. - ~ - - - - - - * Augher. - - - - - - 2,793 t Ballaghadereen. - - - - 403 3,802 6,758 Ballinamallard. - - - - - 688 3,163 3,011 Ballinfull. - - - 287 2,812 3,539 Ballintrellick. - - - - - - - - * * Ballycroy. - - - - - * 3,268 Ballyhar. - - - 3,551 10,050 t Ballymote. - - 1,650 3,673 5,849 Bally rashane. - - - 4,275 8,079 6,973 7,487 Ballyvistea." - - - - - - - 919 2,840 3,914 Barndarrig. - - - - - - - - - * Bekan. - - - - - - - - 532 Belleek. - - - - * t Belmullet. - - - - - - - - 2,352 5,308 Beragh. - - - - - - - - - * Black waterto w n. - - - * 2,386 Boberlahan. _ - - - - 2,270 3,810 Boyle. - - - - - - - - 328 1,416 Braekey. - - - - - - - 5,509 Callan. - - 4. - - * t Calverstown. , * 2,617 Castlecaulfleld. t Not stated. 172 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. Tear of Estab- lishment. TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Ireland con*. AGRICULTURE AND (6) AGRICULTURAL AND DAIRYING SOCIETIES cont. Oastleda-wson . . 1898 516 Castleisland 1896 500 400 400 400 Claregalway 1899 - - t Cleenish 1897 - * Clones 1897 595 769 Clonoe 1899 t Clonoulty 1898 - - - 435 1,003 Cloughmills 1899 * Coagh 1896 632 735 464 Collooney 1897 - - - 4,105 4,890 Cookstown 1896 - 726 574 660 County Monaghan 1899 - I Croghan 1898 732 1,055 Crumlin 1897 1,452 1,689 Curglasson 1898 - - 442 Derrygonnelly 1898 - - - 519 831 Desertmartin 1898 - - - 29 t Doons 1897 - 357 673 592 Dromahair 1897 - 471 732 1,552 Dromard 1898 - * t Drombane 1896 - 25 913 881 1,406 Dromore 1899 - I Druinlegagh 1898 - - 131 t Drumquin 1898 - - - - - - - - * 813 Duneane 1897 - - - - - - - 640 986 Dungannon 1899 - 282 Erne 1898 * 725 Fairymount 1898 - - - - - - - - Fennor 1899 - - - - - - - - * Ferns 1899 - - - t Finn Valley 1898 - - * E93 Fintona 1895 141 347 450 307 Five Mile Town.. 1898 1,231 Freshf ord 1896 - - - - - - 486 532 970 t Garrison 1899 - - - Garvagh 1899 - 469 Not commenced business. t Not stated. CAPITAL AND BALES. 173 SALES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1398. 1899. FISHING-conf. Ireland cont. (&) AGRICULTURAL AND DAIRYING SOCIETIES cont. * 1,067 Castledawson. - - - - 1,014 4,994 3,346 2,910 Castleisland. - - - - - t Claregalway. - - - - - - - * Cleenish. - - - - - 922 3,942 Clones. - - - - - - - t Clonoe. - - - - 858 11,085 Clonoulty. - - - - - - * Cloughmills. - - - - 1,612 4,724 8,109 Coagh. - - - - - 2,709 10,441 Collooney. - - - - - 2,636 2,158 2,275. Cookstown. - - - - - + County Monaghan. - - - - 1,872 3,755 Croghan. - - - - 2,695 t Crumlin. - - 2,007 Curglasson. - - - - 2,647 8,627 Derrygonnelly. - - - - 265 t Desertmartin. - - - - - - 1,337 2,826 2,981 Boons. - - - - a 2,692 6,736 Dromahair. - - - j- * t Dromard. - - 317 4,037 11,135 10,788 Drombane. - I Dromore. - - - - - 647 t Drumlegagh. - - * 1,477 Brumquin. ~ - - 1,585 4,286 Buneane. - - - - - 832 Bungannon. - - - - 2,928 Erne. - - - Fairymount. - - Fennor. - - - t Ferns. - - - - - * 2,049 Finn Valley. - - 467 2,000 2,447 2,766 Fintona. - - - * 3,723 Five Mile Town. - - - 2,612 3,112 4,553 t Freshford. - - - - - * Garrison. 862 Garvagh. 1 Only commenced business at end of 1899. Not included in Summary Tables. See note on pp. 160-1, 174 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. Year of Estab- lishment. TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Ireland con t. AGRICULTURE AND (6.) AGRICULTURAL & DAIRYING SOCIETIES cont. Gowna 1898 - * t Great Northern 1898 - - 1,183 t Gurteen Harp 1897 1897 - - - - - - - 146 440 435 652 593 663 t Horn Hill 1899 Irvinestown 1897 - - - - - 757 1,003 Kells 1898 - - * Kenneigh 1899 - - - - - - - : Killasnet 1899 - - - - - - - - * Killeshandra 1696 - 1,013 1,538 1,793 Killeter 1898 364 664 Killyman 1898 - - - 1,978 Kilmactranny 1898 - - - 544 710 Kilmeedy 1896 - 285 1,288 1,163 1,096 Kilmoyler 1899 - - Kilnamartyra 1899 - '- - - Kilross 1896 - 450 519 t 111 Kiltoom 1899 t Kinawley 1898 - t Kinlough 1897 - 1,019 1,120 Knockyicar 1898 - 520 838 Lagan 1896 500 909 897 1,355 Lisnaskea 1898 - * 828 Lissan 1898 * t Longford 1895 630 684 710 782 Loughgall 1899 - - t Macroom 1899 - - - - - - - - - 716 Monageer 1899 - - - - - - - * Moneymore 1896 - * 361 564 Mossgrove 1898 - - - - 77 194 Mountjoy .. 1898 - - - - 447 476 Moycullen 1898 - - - - - - - * * Newmills 1898 - - - - - 304 481 Newtownsaville 1899 - - - - - - - * North Oappagh 1897 - - - 540 328 376 Not commenced business. t Not stated. Only commenced business at end of 1899. CAPITAL AND SALES. 175 SALES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. FISHING-eon*. Ireland con/. (6.) AGRICULTURAL & DAIRYING SOCIETIES cont. * t Qowna. 1,105 t Great Northern. 358 622 3,524 Gurteen. 567 1,588 2,838 Harp. t Horn Hill. 1,492 3,839 Irvinestown. * * Kells. _ _ t Kenneigh. _ Killasnet. _ 4,620 9,730 14,509 Killeshandra. _ 1,517 4,397 Killeter. _ * 1,808 Killyman. _ _ 2,168 4,473 Kilmactranny. - - 4,864 5,431 6,122 7,699 Kilmeedy. - - * Kilmoyler. _ _ t Kilnamartyra. - - 3,062 5,259 t 6,301 Kilros9. _. t Kiltoom. _ _ * t Kinawley. -i 2,360 4,554 Kinlough. _ 1,701 3,994 Knockricar. 246 4,192 6,342 7,240 Lagan. _ * 2,154 Lisnaskea. * 1,088 Lissan. 1,577 1,283 1,777 2,492 Longford. t Lough gall. _ 35 Macroom. _ _ _ * Monageer. _ * 3,425 11,285 Money more. _ 982 2,651 Mossgrove. - 831 2,644 Mountjoy. - * Moycullen. - 342 1,263 Newmills. - - - * Newtownsaville. - - - - - - - * 1,450 2,458 North Cappagh. 5 Not included in Summary Tables. See Note on pp. 160-1. 176 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. Group of Trade and 02 +J g TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). Name of Society. 2! Si $~ 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Ireland cont. AGRICULTURE AND (Z>.) AGRICULTURAL & DAIRYING SOCIETIES cont. Omagh 1897 - - 633 688 695 Outrath 1899 Pettigo 1899 ' 232 Pomeroy 1897 - 698 891 Ramelton 1898 - t 656 Riverstown 1897 - -- 864 904 Rock 1898 - ' 174 296 Shaneragh 1897 - - - - 362 679 681 Silvermines 1896 - - - 308 330 909 478 Sooey 1897 - - 371 614 1,035 Spamount 1897 - - 427 835 594 Springfield 1897 - . 815 2,091 Springmount 1896 - - 889 1,167 1,113 Tartaraghan 1899 46|| Toames 1898 - - - 412 288 Upper Church . . . ; 1899 Urney 1899 - - 32|| Whealt 1899 - t Whitecrosa 1898 t 955 PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, AND England and Wales. Blackpool Union 1896 _ 917 1,465 1,615 1,767 Printers. Bookbinders' Co-opera- 1885 419 412 412 400 398 396 396 418 419 400 . -tive (London). Co-operatwe Newspaper 1871 4,953 5,042 6,770 13,059 20,383 17,624 17,321 16,679 17,201 21,685 (Manchester).^ Co-operative Printing 1869 26,092 27,817 29,334 25,973 28,168 39,915 46,446 48,468 54,060 48,760 (Manchester.) Co-operative Type- 1896 54 108 120 137 writers' (London; Coventry Printing 1896 42 28 70 Darwen Printing and 1899 _ 16311 Publishing. Derby Printers' 1899 ~ t Hull Printers .. 1897 - 438 403 566 Leicester Printing 1892 335 746 1,118 1,625 2,448 3,372 3,681 4,763 Manchester Labour Press 1893 - - 587 1,700 1,112 1,839 2,264 2,342 2,479 Nottingham Printing . . 1895 - - - - - 216 316 382 806 866 Not stated. t Not commenced business, % Four months' Vorking, CAPITAL AND SALES. 177 . SALES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. 1390. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1394. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1399. FISHING-con*. Ireland cont. (b.) AGRICULTURAL & DAIRYING SOCIETIES cont. - - - - 760 2,966 3,334 Omagh. - - - - - - - * Outrath. - - - - - - - - 324 Pettigo. - - - - - - - 657 3,303 Pomeroy. - - - - - - - - t 863 Bamelton. - - - - - - - 3,758 6,779 Biverstown. - - - - - - - 447 * Bock. - - - - - - _ 833 3,236 5,298 Shaneragh. - ... - - 2,051 3,992 4,404 4,967 Silvermines. - - - - - - - 1,848 6,920 9,281 Sooey. - - - - 1,287 5,122 10,457 Spamount. - - - - - _ - 1,411: 8,151 Springfield. - - - - - - 3,687 3,722 4,616 Springmount. - - - - - t Tartaraghan. - - - - - 1,5(57 4,707 Toames. - - - - - - - - * Upper Church, - - - - - ~ - t Urney. - - - - - - t 2,882 Whealt. Whitecross. PUBLISHING TRADES. England and Wales. 593 6,448 588 6,354 618 8,327 673 8,473 740 7,427 766 7,413 551 848 7.983 2,009 836 8,811 1,310 797 11,760 2,041 753 12,273 Blackpool Union Printers. Bookbinders' Co-opera- tive (London ). Co-operative, Newspaper 58,492 63,148 64,618 66,448 51,440 68,644 67,310 73 72,667 157 218 76,475 182 742 78,246 197 720 Co-operative Printing (Manchester). Co-operative Type- writers (London). Coventry Printing. 111 t Darwen Printing and Publishing. Derby Printers. - - - - - - - f 645 1,125 Hull Printers. - t 607 1,117 2,072 2,451 3,096 3,769 .1,187 Leicester Printing. - - - '3.95 2,251 3,250 3,696 3,160 2,9S1 1,741 Manchester Labour Press. 133 553 950 1,421 1,406 Nottingham Printing. A Federation of Societies. 3207 Not included in Summary Tables. See Note on pp. 160-1. M 178 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. Year of Estab- lishment. TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, AND England and Wales- cow t. ft Photographic Co-opera- tive (Maidstone). Plymouth Printers 1893 1899 - : : 34 159 155 177 181 152 161 Scotland. Edinburgh Printing 1873 16,643 16,760 16.330 15.431 14.781 19,144 19.523 211,111 20,396 19,864 Labour Literature (Glax (JOW). Scottish Co-operative Newspaper (Glantjotr). 1891 1893 - 114 153 362 357 t . 656 75 819 124 613 144 737 643 822 259 Ireland. Irish Co-operative News- paper (Dublin). 1895 757 1,058 1,762 1,955 England and Wales. WOODWORKING AND Bolton Cabinet-makers 1892 - - 40 231 296 505 672 794 1,015 1,116 Bradford Cabinet- makers. Bristol Pianoforte 1890 1893 112 469 1.01)2 2.597 3,044 1,396 4,497 1,325 5,152 1,275 5.425 1,565 5,691 5,817 1,649 l.t'f.l Halifax Cabinet Mann - facturers. Household Furnishing (Newcastle-on-Ty ne ). Newcastle - on - Tyne Cabinet-maJtera Staveley Bobbin .. 1899 1873 1892 1880 15,785 2,622 15,657 2,473 If>.f,fi7 I!'.' 8,483 18,661 57 8J73 It;.:",!!) 87 2,323 18,31.4 132 2,359 22,166 207 8,816 21,274 222 t 26,243 27.687 327 517 2.325 2,320 England and Wales. POTTERY AND BRICK- Brownfield's Guild Pot- tery (Stoke-on-Trent).|| Kent Brickmaking (Teynham). 1892 1892 - - 13,915 * 15,925 2,431 16,839 2,712 21,435 5,024 25,272 4,834 26,620 6,613 6,854 18,098 6,814 England and Wales. (a) CORN MILLING. FOOD PREPARA- Colne Valet 1888 14,630 16,128 16,148 15,920 16,966 19,260 22,382 23,689 I 24,109 23,723 Derwrnf*!. .. 1872 29,313 31,860 33,471 34,yw 34,381 34,708 34,292 29,081 28,857 29,547 Halifax 1847 97,680 100,657 98,189 96,858 93,452 100,609 97,112 103,834 102,416 106,965 Northallerton 1857 2,334 1,861 1,706 2,139 1,450 4,136 3,442 4,150 :,. ixu 5,12;; Ripon and Bishoptun 1854 1,530 2,040 2,003 2,079 2,100 2,508 2,726 8,174 3,598 3,727 Rochdale District.. 1850 86,898 93,122 103,358 101,741 95,438 95,870 95,446 93,352 88,880 81.048 Sowerbu Bridge United District. Stnr(Oldham) .. 1854 1868 125,207 65,394 125,028 65,531 124,218 85,293 126.368 93,780 123,575 84,863 126,900 76,477 t24,112 75,483 121,683 74,537 139,316 72,941 117,775 68,081 * Not commenced business. t Not stated. J Six weeks' trade. CAPITAL AND SALES. 179 SALES. Group of Trade and Name of Society. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. PUBLISHING TRADES -cont. England and Wales cont. - - - 73 109 200 235 260 201 * Photographic Co-opera- tive (Maidstone). Plymouth Printers. Scotland. 10,081 9,487 7,954 8,1'fil 8,357 9,676 10,428 10,623 10,572 10,497 Edinburgh Printing. - 195 977 873 2,140 t 1,943 556 1,517 678 1,619 1,150 1,490 1,521 1,695 1,565 Labour Literature (Glas- gow). Scottish Co-operative Newspaper (Glasgow). Ireland. - 1,079 2,443 1,622 1,519 Irish Co - operative Newspaper (Dublin). FURNISHING TRADES. England and Wales. 32; 1,099 2,360 2,863 3,845 4,591 4,311 4,648 Bolton Cabinet-makers. 212 1,875. 2,384 4,622 3,515 481 4,484 1,025 5,130 958 3,793 863 4,619 994 5,588 969 Bradford Cabinet- makers. Bristol Pianoforte. 10,246 3,589 14,255 4,090 11,948 502 3,874 10,547 1,128 2,590 11,295 1,994 2,569 10,541 2,138 2,491 12,510 2,275 3,059 15,998 3,018 2,511 18,366 4,014 2,414 t 22,658 5,525 2,466 Halifax Cabinet Manu- facturers. Household Furnishing (Newcastle-on-Tyne). Newcastle - on - Tyne Cabinet-makers. Stavcley Bobbin. MAKING TRADES. England and Wales. - - * 19,100 308 20,292 2,467 21,739 3,665 26,912 3,742 16,130 4,877 8,280 19,752 8,464 Brownfleld's Guild Pot- tery (Stoke-on-Trent).|| Kent Brickmaking (Teynham). TION TRADES. England and Wales. (ID COKN MILLING. 51,944 58,126 48,648 41,974 38,372 40,897 45,332 48,702 61,370 63 ; 019 Colne Vale.f 103,474 118,754 97,068 91,969 80,373 88,864 88,S83 102,382 112,840 104,144 Derwennt.^ 212, 167 275,902 277,970 2 18, :}<)() 181,453 190,593 227,031 286,523 314,563 277,867 Halifax. 9,739 9,549 9,017 6,762 5,417 5,997 8,614 11,688 14,774 16,106 Northallcrtu//. 5,799 7,396 7,071 C.98S 6,825 7,321 7,327 8,057 9,481 8,535 Eipon and Bishopton. 236,635 315,599 256,261 1X5.641 168,290 180,050 178,405 205,929 \ 205,440 160,132 Rochdale District. 473,790 72,1137 526,904 45,428 457,674 197,630 388083 179,186 300,826 154,719 287,490 -312,717 151,944 179,835 378,788 208,204 429,^03 260,875 341,035 214,047 Sowerby Bridw United District. Star (OldJtam). 3207 Registered under Companies Act. II Reconstructed under Companies Act in 1898. 1 A Federation of Distributive Societies. M 2 180 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. M si* TOTAL CAPITAL (SHARE, LOAN, AND RESERVE). Group of Trade and H irViin Share and Loan Capital ' hlp - held by Members. Em- ployees Group of Trade and Name at Individuals. Individuals. of Society. work on .ue- cember 31st, 1899. Em- ploy- ees. Others. So- cieties. Total. Em- ployees. Others. Societies. BUILDING TRADES. ENGLAND AND Cambridge Builders 4 63 1 64 22!) 24J Do-operative Builders (Lon- 65 84* 1 85 107 1 don). General Builders (London) . . 37 12 783 2 797 140 5,307 408 Hull Builders 23 18 67 - 85 68 157 Kettering Builders 38 27 169 3 199 334 2,321 466 Leicester Builders 32 19 135 o 156 386 1,430 156 Oxford Builders & Decorators 20 13 38 - 51 58 134 - Plymouth Decorators 5 3 78 - 81 16 102 - Total 204 176 1,334 8 1,518 1,169 9 731 1,054 METAL, ENGINEERING AND SHIPBUILDING. a.) Enyiitt'eriiHj General Engineers (Lon- 8 1 114 6 121 4 439 120 don). Keighley Ironworks 17 25 201 73 388 111; 2,131 6,363 Leicester Engineers 11 8 104 9 121 LOO l'J5 593 .) Shipbuilding Medway Ship, Barge, Ac., 7 10* 90 5 105 1)1 1,060 176 Btiilding. Union Shipbuilding 11 1 fi 7 2dli 330 (Blyth). (<;.) Other Metal Trades Alcester Needle Makers. . 25 6 113 56 174 75 2^38 850 Andrews Watchmaking L6 6 8 1 15 300 80 10 (Coventry). Bromsgrove Mail Forgers 70 38 85 2 125 307 332 5 Calderdale Clog Sundries If 6 22 21 49 75 349 298 Co-operative Padlock 183 76 13 10 99 2,086 543 2,093 (Walsall). Coventry Watch 41 40 45 27 112 487 827 775 Dudley Bucket & Fender 123 24 30 61 115 1,701 1,946 3,185 Midland Tin-plate Work- 19 1 f>6 11 68 6 158 790 ers (Birmingham). Northern Iron and Tin- 32 53 53 3,003 plate (Durham). Sheet Iron Workers 54 _ 14 14 2,048 (Cradley). ' Sheffield Cutlery 5U 12 25 23 60 65 70 970 Trade Union Cutlery 12 2 83 1 86 7 153 200 (Sheffield). Trade Unionists' Sheep 72 20 42 11 73 204 862 645 Shear (Sheffield). Total 801 276 1,051 369 1,696 5,854 14,351 20,076 * These members are ordinarily employed by the Society, 193 OF MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL AND MANAGEMENT. PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM, between SOCIETIES, EMPLOYEES, of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES of the Societies. sent to the Department by the Societies.'] Number of Members of Management Committee \vho were Loans of Non- Members, including Bank Overdraft. Total Share and Loan Capital. Em- ployees. Other Indivi- dual Represen- tatives of Total. Group of Trade and Name of Society. Members. Societies. WALES. BUILDING TRADES. & 10 263 - 10 10 Cambridge Builders. 168 6 1 7 Co-operative Builders (Lon- don). 344 6,199 1 10 11 General Builders (London). - 225 4 5 - 9 Hull Builders. 1,035 4,156 6 4 10 Kettering Builders. 2,141 4,103 6 6 12 Leicester Builders. 1 193 4 3 - 7 Oxford Builders & Decorators. - 178 1 6 7 Plymouth Decorators. 3,531 15,485 28 45 - 73 Total. METAL, ENGINEERING AND SHIPBUILDING. (a.) Engineering 9 572 _ 8 8 General Engineers (Lon- don). 1,506 10,446 1 2 7 10 Keighley Ironworks. 1,188 2 6 1 9 Leicester Engineers. (b.) Shipbuilding 1 1,328 1 5 1 7 Medway Ship, Barge, &c. Building. 420 1 6 7 Union Shipbuilding (Blyth). (c.) Other Metal Trades 183 3,446 - 7 - 7 Alcester Needle Makers. 390 3 5 _ 8 Andrews Watchmaking 1 645 4 4 - 8 (Coventry). Bromsgrove Nail Forgers. 722 - 2 6 8 Calderdale Clog Sundries. 8 4,730 9 9 Co-operative Padlock (Walsall). 2,089 6 1 7 Coventry Watch. 186 7,000 7 6 - 13 Dudley Bucket & Fender. 137 1,091 5 2 7 Midland Tin-plate Work- 3,003 8 8 ers (Birmingham). Northern Iron and Tin- 2,048 7 ._ 7 plate (Durham). Sheet Iron Workers (Cradley). ~ 1,105 4 4 8 Sheffield Cutlery. 360 1 5 5 11 Trade Union Cutlery (Sheffield). ~ 1,711 3 4 7 Trade Unionists' Sheep GVAo* /'QV.-flR.l^ \ 2,013 42,291 38 77 34 149 hnear (oneinelci). Total. although they were not 8S07 all so employed on December 31 at, 1899. 194 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. TABLE 41. DIVISION of the MEMBERSHIP and CAPITAL, at the end of 1899, of 240 and other INDIVIDUALS, together with the COMPOSITION Num- of Membership. Share and Loan Capital held by Members. Em- ployees Group of Trade and Name of Society. at work Individuals. Individuals. on De- cember 31st, 1899. Em- ploy- ees. Others. So- cieties. Total. Em- ployees. Others. Societies. ENGLAND AND TEXTILES. Airedale Worsted 36 36 103 206 350 202 1,361 5,178 Burnley Self-Help 150 80 259 38 377 1,349 21,773 13,837 Delph and District Woollen. . 8 7 72 9 88 52 286 1,168 Eccles Manufacturing 89 8 215 23 246 268 14,603 4,499 Hebden Bridge Fustian 348 314 200 338 852 9,462 11,594 11,196 Leek Silk Twist 81 48 39 20 107 890 981 2.714 Leek Trimming 15 ID 73 3 86 29 165 635 Leicester Hosiery 321 207 224 357 788 3,319 9,251 30,126 Macclesfleld Silk 162 44 280 35 359 162 4,506 13,980 Nelson Self-Help 135 41 21 - 62 3,852 1,020 - Wigston Magna Hosiers 6 2 38 1 41 10 105 100 Wm. Thomson & Sons (Hud- 107 118* 195 40 353 8,448 8,309 5,165 Total 1,458 915 1,724 1,070 3,709 28,043 73,954 88,598 CLOTHING TRADES. (a.) Boots and Shoes . Bozeat 26 28* - 28 557 - - Broughton 15 15 47 - Burton Latimer 13 3 11 14 947 373 Desborough 1(17 S3 76 26 185 730 1,043 990 Finedon 143 28 28 4,590 105 - Glenfleld Progress 59 47 103 14 164 440 1,126 468 Higham Ferrers 36 32 32 6 70 * 376 230 220 Kettering 203 194 387 137 718 2.496 5,437 3,999 Leicester Co-operative . . 247 247 641 130 1,018 4,800 10,000 6,500 Leicester Self-Help 35 28 45 3 76 77 232 314 Long Buckby 2 - 83 83 188 - Midland Boot (Welling- 36 12 118 1 131 46 62f> 1,003 borough). Nantwich 49 27 111 2 140 135 547 111 Northamptonshire Pro- 155 138 3 12 153 2,104 142 170 ductive (Wollaston). Norwich 16 13 169 2 184 31 289 88 Baunds Productive 183 39 39 3,719 - - Both well 32 25 161 4 190 178 1,335 1,386 Sperope 60 39 70 19 128 745 951 1,277 3t. Crispin (Baunds) 18 39* 39 4,028 - Union Boot and Shoe 46 43 198 1 242 273 884 1 (Kettering). Walgrave Productive 71 17 - 17 2,034 Total 1,537 1,082 2,223 357 3.662 28,306 23,554 16,527 * These members are ordinarily employed by the Society, CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL AND MANAGEMENT. 195 PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES in the UNITED Kix .DOM, between SOCIETIES, EMPLOYEES. of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES of the Societies cont. Number of Members of Management Committee who were Loans of Non- Members, including Bank Overdraft. Total Share and Loan Capital. Em- ployees. Other Indivi- dual Represen- tatives of Total. Group of Trade and Name of Society. Members. Societies. WALES cont. TEXTILES. 220 6,961 4 6 10 Airedale Worsted. - 36,959 1 3 3 7 Burnley Self-Help. 106 1,612 5 2 3 10 Delph and District Woollen. 1 19,371 1 6 1 8 Eccles Manufacturing. - 32,252 4 6 10 Hebden Bridge Fustian. 79 4,664 3 6 - 9 Leek Silk Twist. 32 861 8 2 10 Leek Trimming. 1 42,697 2 7 4 13 Leicester Hosiery. 4,569 23,217 - 4 3 7 Macclesfleld Silk. - 4,872 9 9 Nelson Self-Help. 1 216 2 7 - 9 Wigston Magna Hosiers. 3,002 24,924 3 2 4 9 Wm. Thomson & Sons (Hud- rlorefrolrl ^ 8,011 198,606 26 53 32 111 CLCrSHGlCl ). Total. CLOTHING TRADES. (a.) Boots and Shoes 221 778 7 7 Bozeat. 38 85 6 6 Broughton. - 1,320 3 2 5 Burton Latimer. 1 2,764 12 3 15 Desborough. - 4,695 9 - 9 Finedon. 46 2,080 11 3 14 Glenfleld Progress. 51 877 9 1 - 10 Higham Ferrers. - 11,932 15 - 15 Kettering. 4,977 26,277 10 4 14 Leicester Co-operative. 277 900 11 1 - 12 Leicester Self-Help. - 188 1 10 - 11 Long Buckby. 88 1,762 3 6 2 11 Midland Boot (WelJing- borough). 623 1,416 8 2 10 Nantwich. 58 2,474 6 1 - 7 Northamptonshire Pro- ductive (Wollaston). 152 560 5 8 13 Norwich. 139 3,858 11 _ 11 Eaunds Productive. 391 3,290 6 5 1 12 Eothwell. 27 3,000 12 2 14 Sperope. 1,128 5,156 11 11 St. Crispin (Eaunds). 882 2,040 13 3 16 Union Boot and Shoe ('Ketterinsr). 2,034 9 - 9 Walgrave Productive. 9,099 77,486 172 57 3 232 Total. although they were not all so employed on December 31st, 1899. 3307 N 196 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. TABLE 41. DIVISION of the MEMBERSHIP and CAPITAL, at the end of 1899, of 240 and other INDIVIDUALS, together with the COMPOSITION Num- ber of Membership. Share and Loan Capital held by Members. Em- ployees Group of Trade and Name at Individuals. Individuals. of Society. work on De- cember 31st, 1899. Em- ploy- ees. Others. So- cieties. Total. Em- ployees. Others. Societies. CLOTHING TRADES cont. ENGLAND AND (b.) Other Clothing. Hamilton Shirtmaking 7 7 7 * * (London). Kettering Clothing 300 300 371 152 823 2,149 6,131 3,486 Kettering Corset 106 86 121 33 240 192 1,708 326 Maison Esperance (Lon- 18 11 37 48 11 460 - Total 431 404 529 185 1,118 2,352 8,299 3,812 AGRICULTURE AND FISHING. Assington Agricultural 10 3 222 56 281 12 2,385 1,083 Brandaby Dairy 3 70 70 414 - Coin St. Alclwyn's Farming.. 9 2 67 69 107 973 - Hessenford Dairy 1 12 12 209 - Mashamahire Dairy 1 23 23 21 - North Seaton Farming 3 130 130 - 356 - Pioneer Fishing (North 40 78 1 79 8,316 2,650 Shields). Shipston-on-Stour Dairy .. 4 1 50 51 5 686 Skelldale Dairy 5 38 38 122 - Smeaton Creamery 3 - 15 - 15 - 913 - Total 79 6 705 57 768 124 14,395 3,733 PRINTING AND ALLIED TRADES. Blackpool Union Printers . . 16 6 177 3 186 55 1,482 230 Bookbinders' Co-operative 8 3 76 79 4 391 (London). Co-operative Newspaper (Manchester). 30 - - 326 326 - - 21,640 Co-operative Printing (Man- 459 85 368 205 658 906 8,251 27,296 chester). Co-operative Typewriters 3 3 21 1 25 29 105 1 (London). Hull Printers 9 3 14 1 18 197 184 26 Leicester Printing 41 18 176 20 214 194 3,138 1,290 Nottingham Printing 10 9 80 11 100 61 431 277 Photographic Co-operative nVTairlstnrm'l 2 2 29 1 32 84 74 1 i i>j.(j;iu.SLOne ). Total 578 129 941 568 1,638 1,530 14,056 50,761 WOODWORKING AND FURNISHING. Bolton Cabinet-makers 35 22 15 4 41 333 190 467 Bradford Cabinet-makers . . 31 6 29 43 78 41 476 4,299 Bristol Pianoforte 5 2 12 1 15 1,173 224 1 Household Furnishing (New- 169 14 65 14 93 100 3,820 700 castle-on-Tyne). Newcastle-on-Tyne Cabinet- 48 34 42 1 77 142 215 20 makers. Rtaveley Bobbin 24 10 98 10 S 322 1,401 * Total 312 88 261 63 412 2,111 6,326 5.487 * This Society has no paid-up share or loan CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP CAPITAL AND MANAGEMENT. 197 PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM, between SOCIETIES, EMPLOYEES, of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES of the Societies cont. Number of Members of Management Committee who were Loans of Non- Members, including Bank Total Share and Loan Capital. Em- Other Indivi- Represen- tatives Tntfll Group of Trade and Name of Society. Overdraft. ployees. dual of -LOUcLl. Members. Societies. WALES con t. CLOTHING TRADES cont. (&.) Other Clothing. * * 7 7 Hamilton Shirtmakingr (London). 269 12,035 10 1 11 Kettering Clothing. 3,180 5,406 6 3 1 10 Kettering Corset. 471 2 7 9 Maison Esperance (Lon- don) 3,449 17,912 25 10 2 37 Total. AGRICULTURE AND FISHING. 189 3,669 3 4 7 Assington Agricultural. 74 488 8 8 Brandsby Dairy. 26 1,106 8 8 Coin St. Aldwyn's Farming. 136 345 6 6 Hessenford Dairy. 1,408 1,429 7 7 Mashamshire Dairy. - 356 11 11 North Seaton Farming. 10,966 8 8 Pioneer Fishing (North Shields). 691 12 12 Shipston-on-Stour Dairy. 67 179 7 7 Skelldale Dairy. - 913 - - - - Smeaton Creamery. 1,890 20,142 70 4 74 Total. PRINTING AND ALLIED TRADES. - 1,767 8 1 9 Blackpool Union Printers. _ 395 2 4 6 Bookbinders' Co-operative (London). 21,640 12 12 Co-operative Newspaper (Manchester). 5,840 42.293 4 23 27 Co-operative Printing (Man- chester). 2 137 2 7 9 Co-operative Typewriters (London). 139 546 3 5 1 9 Hull Printers. - 4,622 3 6 9 Leicester Printing. 769 3 8 11 Nottingham Printing. - 159 1 4 5 Photographic Co-operative ([BtTcLicl stone) 5,981 72,328 14 46 37 97 Total. WOODWORKING AND FURNISHING. 4 994 5 1 1 7 Bolton Cabinet-makers. 1,001 5,817 1 8 9 Bradford Cabinet-makers. 2 1,400 2 5 7 Bristol Pianoforte. 21,347 25,967 - 2 4 6 Household Furnishing (New- castle-on-Tyne). 140 517 6 1 7 Newcastle-on-Tyne Cabinet- makers. 500 2,223 1 9 10 Staveley Bobbin. 22,994 36,918 14 18 14 46 Total. capital, its working plant having been given to it. .198 CO-OPEEATIVB PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. TABLE 41. DIVISION of the MEMBERSHIP and CAPITAL, at the end of 1899, of 240 and other INDIVIDUALS, together with the COMPOSITION Num- ber of Membership. Share and Loan Capital held by Members. Em- ployees Group of Trade and Name of Society. at work on De- cember 31st, 1899. Individuals. So- cieties. Total. Individuals. Societies. Em- ploy- ees. Others. Em- ployees. Others. POTTERY AND BRICK- ENGLAND AND MAKING. Brownfields Guild Pottery 266 26 65 91 5,212 12,886 (Stoke-on-Trent). Kent Brickmaking (Teyn- 51 21 298 12 331 99 1,755 4,169 Total 317 21 324 77 422 99 6,967 17,055 BREAD AND FOOD PRE- PARATION. Alfred Joint Stock (Ashford, 12 1 216 _ 217 5 2,230 Kent). Associated Beverage (Not- 8 2 161 16 179 32 1,601 2,510 tingham). Blackpool Mineral Water . . 4 2 448 450 6 3,028 Co - operative Sundries 84 53 183 87 323 245 4,556 6,954 (Droylsden). Greenwich Industrial 4 102 102 894 Licensed Trade Supply 9 _ 203 _ 203 2.951 (Coventry). Nottingham Operative 2 2 63 5 70 8 137 42 Total 123 60 1,376 108 1,544 291 15.397 9,506 BASS DRESSING AND BRUSH MAKING. British Bone Brush Manu- 12 2 37 1 40 2 42 272 facturers (London). Co-operative Bass Dressers 14 13 71 84 80 803 (London). Huddersfleld Brush Manu- 10 5 8 14 27 49 92 Ill Total 36 20 116 15 151 131 937 383 LEATHER TRADES. London Leather Manufac- 24 21 99 5 125 523 2,106 687 CORN MILLS. ColneVale 29 39 39 - 16,644 Derwent 28 10 10 - 29,547 Halifax 76 20 1,069 97 1,186 422 56,242 46,077 Northallerton 9 690 690 1,747 Ripon and Bishopton 11 92 _ 92 - Rochdale District 71 559 80 639 36,518 43,120 Sowerby Bridge United 95 _ 2,310 132 3,042 50,838 5",407 District. Star (Oldhain) 57 4 128 56 188 155 8,'J17 58,159 Total .. 376 24 5,448 414 5,886 577 154,041 250,954 Total, England and Wales 6,276 3,222 16,131 3,296 22,649 71,110 ! 344,114 468,633 CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL AND MANAGEMENT. 199 PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM, between SOCIETIES, EMPLOYEES, of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES of the Societies cont. Number of Members of Management Committee who were Loans of Non- Members, including Bank Overdraft. Total Share and Loan Capital. Em- ployees. Other Indivi- dual Kepresen- tatives of 1 Total. Group of Trade and Name of Society. i Members. Societies. WALES cont. POTTERY AND BRICK- MAKING. & 18,098 7 7 Brownflelds Guild Pottery (Stoke-on-Trent). 91 6,114 2 5 7 Kent Brickmaking (Teyn- 91 24,212 - 2 12 14 Total. BREAD AND FOOD PRE- PARATION. 65 2,300 9 9 Alfred Joint Stock (Ashford, Kent). 23 4,166 9 9 Associated Beverage (Not- tingham). 818 3,852 1 9 10 Blackpool Mineral Water. 42 11,797 1 6 7 Co - operative Sundries (Droylsden). 894 12 12 Greenwich Industrial. 1 2,952 3 3 Licensed Trade Supply (Coventry). 17 199 2 5 3 10 Nottingham Operative. 966 26,160 3 48 9 60 Total. BASS DRESSING AND BRUSH MAKING. 1 317 2 1 5 8 British Bone Brush Manu- _ 883 6 3 9 facturers (London). Co-operative Bass Dressers (London). 3 255 8 8 Huddersfleld Brush Manu- 4 1,455 8 12 5 25 Total. LEATHER TRADES. 1 3,317 4 5 - 9 London Leather Manufac- CORN MILLS. 6,359 23,003 8 8 Colne Vale. - 29,547 12 12 Derwent. 2,144 104.885 _ 13 13 Halifax. 1,602 3,349 _ 18 _ 18 Northallerton. 1,223 1,704 _ 24 _ 24 Ripon and Bishopton. 4,410 84,048 _ 11 11 Rochdale District. 637 108,880 _ 3 10 13 Sowerby Bridge United Dis- trict. 300 66,831 - - 9 & Star (Oldham). 16,675 422,247 - 45 63 108 Total. 74,705 958,562 332 488 215 1,035 Total England and Wales. 200 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES. TABLE 41. DIVISION of the MEMBERSHIP and CAPITAL, at the end of 1899, of 240 and other INDIVIDUALS, together with the COMPOSITION Group of Trade and Name of Society. Num- ber of Em- ployees at work on De- cember 31st, 1899. Membership. Share and Loan Capital held by Members. Individuals. So- cieties. Total. Individuals. Societies. Em- ploy- ees. Others. Em- ployees. Others. SCOT- QUARRYING. Oondorrat Quarrying TEXTILE. 45 16 36 12 64 796 122 175 Paisley Manufacturing 320 74 1,416 297 1,787 531 11,380 19,455 Scottish Laundry Total .. PRINTING AND ALLIED TRADES. Edinburgh Printing 35 40 40 1,230 355 74 1,416 337 1,827 531 11,380 20,685 80 3 122 26 151 375 10,342 1,219 Labour Literature (Glasgow) 15 5 210 17 232 25 482 298 Scottish Co-operative News- paper (Glasgow). Total .. BREAD AND FOOD PREPARA- TION. Abernethy 2 39 39 147 97 8 332 82 422 400 10,824 1,664 4 120 120 100 Alva 10 3 681 2 686 5 6,521 180 Auchterarder 4 263 263 706 - Bainsford and Grahamston.. 32 - 1,819 1 1,820 12,699 50 Burntisland 5 2 275 - 277 3 1,381 - Carronshore 7 - 252 252 1,397 - Chapelhall 24 8 8 - 4,860 Dairy 6 343 343 262 - Glasgow United 900 102 102 4,576* - 129,646 Hamilton 41 1 2 7 10 1 360 8,279 Kettle 8 4 401 405 12 1,244 Newburgh and Mount Pleasant. Stenhousemuir, East 4 13 3 290 856 1 293 857 6 531 7,300 50 Tillicouitry Total .. Total Scotland .. 13 5 934 2 941 10 8,351 40 1,071 18 6,236 123 6,377 4,613 40,852 143,105 1,568 116 8,020 554 8,690 6,340 63,178 165,629 This amount is invested by an Employees' Bonus Investment Association, which consists entirely of CLASSIFICATION OP MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL AND MANAGEMENT. 201 PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM, between SOCIETIES, EMPLOYEES, of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES of the Societies cont. Loans of Non- Members, including Bank Overdraft. Total Share and Loan Capital. Number of Members of Management Committee who were Group of Trade and Name of Society. Em- ployees. Other Indivi- dual Members. Represen- tatives of Societies. Total. LAND. 43 1,136 4 7 - 11 QUARRYING. Condorrat Quarrying. TEXTILE. 39,881 71,247 5 6 11 Paisley Manufacturing. 1,545 2,775 9 9 Scottish Laundry. Total. PRINTING AND ALLIED TRADES. Edinburgh Printing. 41,426 74,022 - 5 15 20 5,068 17,004 1 6 7 17 822 7 4 11 Labour Literature (Glasgow) 27 174 12 12 Scottish Co-operative News- paper (Glasgow). Total. BREAD AND FOOD PREPARA- TION. Abernethy. 5,112 18,000 1 13 16 30 25 125 12 12 70 6,776 9 9 Alva. 706 11 - 11 Auchterarder. 528 13,277 13 13 Bainsford and Grahamston. 5 1,389 12 12 Burntisland. 1,397 11 - 11 Can-onshore. 1,087 5,947 3 8 11 Chapelhall. 262 12 - 12 Dairy. 40,566 174,788 - 12 12 Glasgow United. 2,749 11,389 15 15 Hamilton. 93 1,349 11 - 11 Kettle. 225 537 7,575 17 9 : 17 9 Newburgh and Mount Pleasant. Stenhousemuir, East. 366 8,767 11 11 Tillicoultry. Total. Total, Scotland. 45,714 234,284 - 131 35 166 92,295 327,442 5 156 66 227 employees of this Society who are represented at its meetings by the delegates of their Association. 202 CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES, TABLE 41. DIVISION of the MEMBERSHIP and CAPITAL, at the end of 1899, of 240 and other INDIVIDUALS, tog-ether with the COMPOSITION Group of Trade and Name of Society. * Num- ber of Em- ployees at work on De- cember 31st, 1899. Membership. Share and Loan Capital held by Members. Individuals. So- cieties. Total. Individuals. Societies. Em- ploy- ees. Others. Em- ployees. Others. Dairy Societies. IEE- ULSTER. Antrim 10 , 289 289 1,254 Armagh 4 - 247 - 247 - 354 - Oavan 17 1 743 1 745 1 1,628 25 Donegal 17 - 545 545 -- 1,756 Fermanagh 45 1,117 - 1,117 - 3,611 - Londonderry 34 730 4 734 - 3,001 80 Monaghan 4 - 92 - 92 - 403 - Tyrone Total (46 Societies) LEINSTER. Carlow 89 5 2,803 4 2,812 5 7,891 60 220 6 6,566 9 6,581 6 19,898 165 4 27 - 56 432 - 56 432 - 688 3,028 - I Kilkenny Longford 4 - 103 - 103 - 730 - Wexford 4 - 111 - 111 - 682 - Wicklow Total (8 Societies) .. MUNSTER. 4 - 65 - 65 - 549 - 13 - 767 - 767 - 5,677 - Cork 39 2 415 417 11 3,622 - Kerry Limerick 34 56 70 1 665 567 971 - 666 567 972 10 5 4,275 7,739 5,148 - Tipperary Waterford Total (38 Societies .. OONNAUQHT. 5 - 68 - 68 - 591 - 204 4 2,686 - 2,690 26 21,375 Leitrim 11 530 530 1,017 Mayo 8 780 - 780 - 1,321 - Roscommon Sligo 18 74 ~iTT f 30 984 5,297 : 984 5,327 30 2,226 6,378 Total (15 Societies) .. Total Dairies .. 30 7,591 - 7,621 30 10,942 - 578 40 17,610 9 ' 17,659 62 57,892 165 Miscellaneous (4 Societies) . . Total Ireland Grand Total, United Kingdom 144 40 64 3 107 13 269 1,761 722 80 17,674 41,825 12 17,766 75 58,161 1,926 636,188 8,566 3,418 3,862 49,125 77,525 465,453 The Societies in Ireland being small in size, they have been grouped into CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERSHIP, CAPITAL AND MANAGEMENT. 203 PRODUCTIVE SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM, between SOCIETIES, EMPLOYEES, of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES of the Societies cont. Loans of Non- Members including, Bank Overdraft. Total Share and Loan Capital. t Number of Members of Management Committee who were Group of Trade and Name of Society.* Em- ployees. Other Indivi- dual Members. Represen- tatives OI Societies. Total. LAND. i 1 Dairy Societies. 1,642 2,896 39 39 ' ULSTER. Antrim. " 601 955 - 24 - 24 Armagh. 139 1,793 - 26 2 28 Cavan. 1,080 2,836 - 72 - 72 Donegal. 3,810 7,421 119 - 119 Fermanagh. 1,447 4,528 87 12 99 Londonderry. 366 769 12 - 12 Monaghan. 5,253 14^38 13,209 1 341 14 356 Tyrone. Total (46 'Societies). LEINSTEtl. 34,407 1 720 28 749 - 688 13 13 Carlow. - 3,028 - 52 - 52 Kilkenny. 50 780 - 15 - 15 Longford. 682 - 12 - 12 Wtxford. - 549 10 - 10 Wicklow. Total (8 Societies). MUNSTER, 50 5,727 - 102 - 102 2,015 6,648 69 69 Cork. >J 2,286 6,571 1 85 - 86 Kerry. 563 8,302 ' 82 - 82 Limerick.' 2,473 7,626 1 137 - 138 Tipperafy. 298 889 - 10 - 10 ' Waterfofd. Total (38 Societies). CONNAUOHT. 7,635 29,036 2 383 - 385 1,472 2,489 32 - 32 Leitrim. - 1,321 . 12 - 12 Mayo. 590 2,316 83 - 83 Roscommon. 5,958 12,366 - 166 166 Sligo. Total (15 Societies). Total Dairies. 8,020 18,992 293 - . 293 30,043 88,162 3 1,498 28 1,529 384 2,427 8 14 - 22 Miscellaneous (4 Societies). Total Ireland. Grand Total, United Kingdom. 30427 90,589 11 1,512 28 1,551 197,427 1,376,593 343 2,156 309 2,813 the Counties and Provinces named above, and are not shown individually. 204 BUILDING SOCIETIES IN 1897.-AVERAGE TABLE 42. NUMBER of INCORPORATED BUILDING SOCIETIES in the on SHARES [Compiled from the Third Annual Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Table were not given County. Number of Societies in which the Average Under 10. 10 and under 20. 20 and under 30. 30 and under 40. 40 and under 50. Total under 1 50. ENGLAND. Bedford 3 1 4 2 10 Berkshire 1 ' 1 2 2 6 Buckingham 4 2 5 2 13 Cambridge 6 3 3 1 13 Cheshire 7 11 9 6 9 42 Corn-wall .. .. .. 2 4 1 2 9 Cumberland 2 4 6 2 1 15 Derby 1 2 3 6 6 17 Devon.. 3 2 7 11 6 29 Dorset 4 1 4 9 Durham 13 33 9 10 11 76 Essex 5 4 7 6 22 Gloucester 8 8 1 6 6 29 Hampshire 9 7 6 14 3 39 Hereford 1 - 3 - 4 Hertford 2 3 3 4 12 Huntingdon- 1 - - - 1 Kent 6 4 9 13 9 41 Lancashire 24 65 66 56 39 250 Leicester 1 7 8 3 2 21 Lincoln 1 5 3 7 2 18 London 22 36 36 63 62 219 Middlesex 1 6 6 7 4 23 Monmouth 3 2 3 3 1 12 Norfolk 2 1 3 1 - 7 Northampton - 2 6 3 2 13 Northumberland .. 2 15 8 2 3 30 Nottingham 1 3 1 1 3 9 Oxford - 3 1 4 Rutland - 1 - - 1 Shropshire 1 1 2 - 2 6 Somerset 2 5 8 6 4 24 Stafford 4 8 6 8 9 35 205 LIABILITY ON SHARES PER MEMBER. UNITED KINGDOM in 1897, classified according to the AVERAGE LIABILITY per MEMBEK. Societies. In the case of 59 Societies the full particulars necessary for this in tlie Report. ~\ Liability on Shares per Member was : 50 and under 100. 100 and under 200. 200 and over. Total 50 and above. Grand Total. County. ENGLAND. 4 4 14 Bedford. 9 9 15 Berkshire. 1 1 14 Buckingham. - - 1 1 14 Cambridge. 25 - 25 67 Cheshire. 9 Cornwall, 5 2 - 7 22 Cumberland, 5 - - 5 22 Derby. 4 - - 4 33 Devon. 2 1 3 12 Dorset. 18 13 6 87 113 Durham. 21 5 26 48 Essex. 7 2 9 38 Gloucester. 16 3 19 58 Hampshire. 3 - - 3 7 Hereford. 4 - 4 16 Hertford. - - - 1 Huntingdon. 20 2 2 24 65 Kent. 147 47 9 203 453 Lancashire. 2 2 23 Leicester. 6 1 7 25 Lincoln. 196 99 18 313 532 London. 8 8 31 Middlesex. 6 6 18 Monmouth. 6 6 13 Norfolk. 6 6 19 Northampton. 18 23 7 48 78 Northumberland. 6 - - 6 15 Nottingham. 1 - - 1 5 Oxford. - - 1 Eutland. 3 - - 3 9 Shropshire. 9 - - 9 33 Somerset. 13 2 15 50 Stafford . 206 BUILDING SOCIETIES IN 1897. TABLE 42. NUMBER of INCORPORATED BUILDING SOCIETIES in the on SHARES County. Number of Societies in which the Average Under 10. 10 and under 20. 20 and under 30. 30 and under 40. 40 and under 50. Total under 50. ENGLAND cont. | Suffolk 2 2 1 _ 7 i Surrey 5 5 4 2 4 20 Sussex 7 4 7 10 28 Warwick 3 12 . 7 5 6 33 Westmorland 3 2 1 6 Wiltshire 1 2 I - 2 6 Worcester 3 3 2 6 2 16 York 11 22 9 21 14 77 Berwick TOTAL: ENGLAND WALES. 140 314 255 302 241 1,252 Anglesey .. .. 1 - - - - 1 Brecknock - 1 1 - 2 Cardigan - 1 - - ... 1 Carmarthen 2 3 3 2 - 10 Carnarvon 3 1 2 2 8 Denbigh 1 - 1 Glamorgan 9 13 10 14 6 52 Merioneth - - 1 - 1 Pembroke TOTAL: WALES SCOTLAND. 1 1 2 16 20 16 19 7 78 Aberdeen 4 2 2 1 2 11 Argyle - 1 - - 1 Ayr 3 5 1 9 Banff - - 1 1 2 Clackmannan - I 1 Dumbarton - 2 2 4 Dumfries ~" 2 1 3 AVERAGE LIABILITY ON SHARES PER MEMBER. 207 UNITED KING-DOM in 1897, classified according to the AVERAGE LIABILITY per MEMBER continued. Liability on Shares per Member was : 50 and under 10.'. 100 and under 200. 200 and over. Total 50 and above. Grand Total. County. ENGLAND cont. 1 1 8 Suffolk. 9 2 11 31 Surrey. 13 13 41 Sussex. 7 1 - 8 41 Warwick. 6 Westmorland. 2 1 3 9 Wiltshire. 2 - 2 18 Worcester. 28 7 1 36 113 York. 2 2 2 Berwick. 635 211 44 890 2,142 TOTAL : ENGLAND. WALES. 1 1 2 Anglesey. , , 2 Brecknock. . 1 Cardigan. - 10 Carmarthen. 3 1 4 12 Carnarvon. 2 - 2 3 Denbigh. 15 2 17 69 Glamorgan. - - 1 Merioneth. - - 2 Pembroke. 21 3 - 24 102 TOTAL: WALES. SCOTLAND. 11 Aberdeen. 1 ; Argyle. 1 1 ) Ayr. - _ 2 Banff. 1 ; Clackmannan. 1 ' 1 5 Dumbarton. . j- 3 Dumfries. 208 BUILDING SOCIETIES IN 1897. TABLE 42. NUMBER of INCORPORATED BUILDING SOCIETIES in the on SHARES Number of Societies in which the Average County. Under 10. 10 and under 20. 20 and under 30. 30 and under 40. 40 and under 50 Total under 50. SCOTLAND cont. Edinburgh 2 2 1 3 8 Elgin 1 __ 1 Fife 2 5 1 3 2 13 Forfar 1 5 . 6 11 Haddington Inverness - 1 1 Lanark 8 19 5 1 33 Linlithgow 1 - 1 ] 3 Nairn 1 1 Peebles 1 1 Perth 2 3 Renfrew 3 4 2 1 1 11 Roxburgh 1 - - - 1 Selkirk 1 1 1 3 Stirling 4 3 1 1 9 Wigtown 1 1 TOTAL: SCOTLAND .. 29 54 23 12 13 131 IRELAND. Antrim 6 12 5 2 2 27 Armagh - - - - - - Cork 1 - 1 Down Dublin 1 1 1 - - 3 Limerick - - - - - Londonderry 4 2 4 1 - 11 Louth - - - - - - Wicklow TOTAL : IRELAND 11 16 10 3 2 42 UNITED KING- ) DOM . . ) 196 404 304 336 263 1,503 AVERAGE LIABILITY ON SHARES PER MEMBER. 209 UNITED KINGDOM in 1897, classified according to the AVERAGE LIABILITY per MEMBER c-ontinncd. Liability on Shares per Member was : 50 and 100 and under under 100. | 'JOO. 200 and over. Total 50 and above. Grand Total. County. SCOTLAND cont. 4 1 5 13 Edinburgh. 1 - 1 2 Elgin. 1 - 1 14 Fife. - 1 1 12 Forfar. 1 - - 1 1 Haddington. - - ' 1 Inverness. 5 3 8 41 Lanark. - - i 3 Linlithgow. - - 1 Nairn - - . | - 1 Peebles. - - 3 Perth. 1 - 1 12 Renfrew. - - 1 Roxburgh. 1 - 1 4 Selkirk. 1 1 10 Stirling. - - 1 Wigtown, 17 5 - 22 153 TOTAL: SCOTLAND. IRELAND. 3 1 1 4 31 Antrim. - - j - - Armagh. 1 - 1 2 3 Cork. - - i - Down. 4 2 6 9 Dublin. - ; Limerick. 2 2 - 1 4 15 Londonderry. - - - Louth. Wioklow. 10 5 1 16 58 TOTAL : IRELAND. 683 224 45 952 2,455 ) UNITED KINQ- j DOM. 3207 210 BUILDING SOCIETIES IN 1897.-NUMBER, TABLE 43. NUMBER, 'MEMBERSHIP, and LIABILITIES on SHARES of INCORPOUATED LIABILITY on SHARES fd from -the -Third Annual lieport of the Chief Registrar of Fi-ict/t//// ?/v/r not ;//reti County. Societies whose average Liability on Shares per Less than 50. 50 and under 100. Number of Societies. Number of Members. Total Liability on Shares. Number of Societies. Number of Members. Total Liability on Shares. ENGLAND. Bedford Ill 2,025 55,705 4 499 30,651 Berkshire 6 1,0(56 37,823 9 1,284 96,313 Buckingham 1.1 2,107 W.919 1 60 3,250 Cambridge IS 1,576 29,817 - __ - Cheshire 42 6 f 80 159,577 25 3,492 232.1S1 Cornwall 9 i,sr,r> 13,009 - - Cumberland .. .. lf 3,002 (15,712 5 2,467 157,690 Derby 17 3,170 88,255 r ( 2,736 171,738 Devon.. 89 7,754 230,008 4 478 28,084 Dorset !l 1,911 50,121 >2 833 82^05 Durham .. .. .. Essex 78 22 2.1 ]i;,i)3'.i 4,013 7,528 882,307 117,890 136,455 18 21 7 4,468 2,325 4,022 331,312 169,976 248,361 Gloucester Hampshire 11! 1 8,161 136,701 it; 2,305 140,525 Hereford 4 Ml 15,192 :< 368 19,621 Hertford 12 1,653 51,522 4 851 85315 Huntingdon 1 304 4,882 - Kent 41 6,711 190,504 20 4,368 305,053 Lancashire 250 40,416 1,031,825 147 33,795 2.408,426 Leicester 21 15,959 577,770 2 152 9,129 Lincoln 18 o 700 ,1 -JW 63,781 6 1,397 112,638 London 219 33,101 i 1,009,141 196 4ti,772 3,444,621 Middlesex 23 2,954 84,979 8 1,095 6^,293 Monmouth 12 1,'.<41 34,984 6 875 74,824 Norfolk 7 1,065 24,992 6 970 63,438 Northampton 13 2,616 73,749 6 605 43,205 Northumberland .. .. 30 5,1193. 116,437 IS 2,761 233,794 211 MEMBERSHIP AND LIABILITIES ON SHARES. BUILDING SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM in 1897, classified according- to the AVEBAGE per- MEMBER. Societies. In the case of' 59 Societies the full particulars necessary for this in the Report.'] Member was All Societies. County. 100 and above. Num- ber of Socie- ties. Number of Members. Liabilities to Share- holders. Num- ber of Socie- ties. Number of Members Total Liability on Shares. Total. Average per Member. ENGLAND. - ' - 14 2,524 86,356 34 Bedford. : : .: 15 14 2,350 2,467 134,136 73,199 57 30 Berkshire. Buckingham. i i 700 14 1,577 30,517 19 Cambridge. - - 67 9,572 391,758 41 Cheshire. - ' 9 1,855 23,009 12 Cornwall. 2 2,209 241,164 2'2 7,678 464,596 61 Cumberland. - - 22 5,9(6 259,993 44 Derby. ! 76 11,190 33 12 8,232 2,820 258,092 123,576 31 44 Devon. Dorset. 19 3,264 622,377 113 23,771 1,335,996 56 Durham. 5 241 30,348 48 6>,79 318,214 48 Essex. ' o 1,675 169,117 38 13,225 553,933 42 Gloucester. 3 251 30,055 58 8,717 313,281 36 Hampshire, - -'; 7 839 34,713 41 Hereford. - 16 2,504 117,337 47 Hertford. - - - 1 304 4,882 16 Huntingdon, 4 203 33,303 65 11,282 528,860 47 Kent. 56 10,426 1,370,701 4f>3 84,637 4,810,952 57 Lancashire. - ' -' 23 16,111 586,899 36 Leicester. 1 118 14,853 25 4.237 191,275 45 Lincoln. 117 31,005 4,043,123 532 110,968 8,496,885 77 London. ^ - - - - 31 4,049 153,272 38 Middlesex. - 18 2,816 109,808 39 Monmouth. - - 13 2,035 88,430 43 Norfolk. - 19 3.221 116,954 36 Northampton. 30 9,114 1,527,808 78 17,868 1,878,039 105 Northumberland. 3207 02 212 BUILDING SOCIETIES. TABLE 43. NUMBER, MEMBERSHIP, and LIABILITIES on SHARES of INCORPORATED LIABILITY on SHARES Societies whose average Liability on Shares per Less than 50. 50 and under 100. County. i Number of Societies. Number of Members. Total Liability on Shares. Number of Societies. Number of Members. 1 Total Liability on Shares ENGLAND cont. . Nottingham 9 821 20,634 6 3,581 237,710 Oxford 4 528 6,833 1 135 11,288 Rutland 1 117 3.317 - Shropshire 6 1,029 19,961 3 337 22,146 Somerset Stafford 24 36 6,327 1(1,215 172,131 303.S49 9 13 1,885 4,481 131 663 I 238,095 Suffolk 7 i',363 34,435 1 98 6,211 Surrey 20 2,191 55,040 9 2,49 j 172,398 , Sussex 23 8,002 103,828 13 2,971 181,840 Warwick S3 9,650 227,729 7 7,824 6(37,205 Westmorland 8 922 26.-I43 - - Wiltshire .. .. .. 6 1,471 27,! 14 3 2 907 54,784 Worcester 16 5,295 170,125 2 593 35,112 York 77 22,118 635,600 28 31,983 2,144,254 Berwick-upon-Tweed . . TOTAL : ENGLAND . . WALES. - - - 2 812 '12.409 1,252 245,678 6,670,997 635 176,473 12,495,224 Anglesey 1 44 67 1 190 -10.229 Brecknock 2 228 5,842 - - Cardigan 1 127 1,501 Carmarthen 10 1,410 29,737 - Carnarvon Denbigh 8 1 1,940 317 33,640 1,563 2 1,474 2.6G9 ' 81,938 148,7511 Glamorgan 5.' 10,300 197,151 15 4,656 323,178 Merioneth 1 157 3,964 - Pembroke .... TOTAL: WALES.. SCOTLAND. 2 1,437 50,625 - - 78 15,955 324,090 21 8,989 564,095 Aberdeen 11 4,011 102,956 - Argyle 1 204 3,851 - - Ayr 9 . 9,231 33,226 1 72 4,672 MEMBERSHIP AND LIABILITIES ON SHARES. 213 BUILDING SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM in 1897, classified according to the AVERAGE per MEMBER continued. Member was All Societies. County. 100 and above. Num- ber of Socie- ties. Number of Members. Liabilities to Share- holders. Num- ber of 1 Socie- i ties. Number of Members Total Liability on Shares. Total. Average per Member. ENGLAND cont. 15 4,402 258,344 59 Nottingham. 5 663 18,121 27 Oxford. 1 117 3,317 28 Eutland. - - 9 1,366 42,107 31 Shropshire. 33 8,212 303,794 37 Somerset. 2 3,229 361,302 50 17,955 953,246 53 Stafford. - - 8 1,461 40,846 28 Suffolk. 2 186 20,380 21 4,875 247,818 51 Surrey. 41 5,973 288.674 48 Sussex. 1 33 5,207 41 17,513 9(0,141 51 Warwick. -- 6 922 26,446 29 Westmorland. 1 715 76,762 9 3,093 159,489 52 Wiltshire. 18 5,888 | 205,237 35 Worcester. 8 7,576 907,045 113 61,677 ! 3.686,905 6 York. - 9,465,435 2 212 12,409 59 Berwick-upon-Tweed. TOTAL: ENGLAND. WALES. 255 70,822 2,142 492,473 28,631,656 58 . - 2 234 10,296 44 Anglesey. - _ 2 223 5,842 26 Brecknock. 1 127 1,501 12 Cardigan. - 10 1,410 29,737 21 Carmarthen. 1 69 12,041 12 3,483 127,619 37 Carnarvon. 3 2,986 150,313 50 Denbigh. 2 530 76,403 69 15,486 596,732 39 Glamorgan. - - 1 157 3,964 25 Merioneth. - 599 2 102 1,437 50,625 35 38 Pembroke. TOTAL: WALES. SCOTLAND 3 88,444 25 543 976,629 11 4,011 102,956 26 Aberdeen. - - - 1 10 204 2,303 3,851 37,898 19 ; ie : Argyle. Ayr. 214 BUILDING SOCIETIES. TABLE 43. NUMBER, MEMBERSHIP, and LIABILITIES on SHARES of INCORPORATED LIABILITY on SHARES County. Societies whose average Liability on Shares per Less than 50. 50 and under 100. Number of Societies. Number of Members. Total Liability on Shares. Number of Societies. Number of Members. Total Liability on Shares. SCOTLAND coat. Banff .. 2 545 18,912 - Clackmannan 1 281 2,683 - - | Dumbarton 4 L084 20,629 1 259 17,956 ! Dumfries 8 641 20,461 -. - - Edinburgh 8 1,481 51,348 4 1,539 115,607 Elgin 1 339 3,759 1 67 3,329 Fife 19 5,654 151,346 1 49 2,59l ; Forfar 11 2,946 49,031 - - - Haddiagton - ,- - 1 26 2534 Inverness 1 114 1,690 - - - Lanark 33 7,727 114,030 5 1,174 75,318 Linlithgow Nairn 3 1 1 336 67 129 9,061 2,823 .1 5, ( .i3i - - - Peebles Perth H 841 i.t;97 - - Renfrew 11 3,324 19,050 1 748 63,477 Roxburgh 1 341 3,128 - - - Selkirk 3 r.ii 12,115 1 665 63,9:53 Stirling 9 2,182 28.H22 1 1,1119 55,124 Wigtown TOTAL: SCOTLAND .. IRELAND. Antrim 1 131' 115 1,628 - - - 35,436 703,708 17 5,708 404,644 27 7,861 127,051 3 517 41,661 Armagh - - - - - - Cork 1 414 5,968 1 80 5,019 Down - - - - - - Dublin 3 1,339 22,86'J 4 1,255 89,986 Limerick - . - - - - Londonderry 11 1,854 27,524 2 415 27,582 Louth - - - - Wicklow .. TOTAL: IRELAND TOTAL: UNITED KING- J DOM .. .. j 183,405 7,882,200 - - 42 1.503 11,468 308,537 10 83 2,267 164,248 193,437 13,628,211 MEMBERSHIP AND LIABILITIES ON SHARES. 215 BUILDING SOCIETIES in the UNITED KINGDOM in 1897, classified according to the AVERAGE per MEMBER continued. Member was All Societies. County. 100 and above. Num- ber of Socie- ties. Number of Members. Liabilities to Share- holders. i Num- berof Socie- ties. Number of Members Total Liability on Shares. Total. Average per Member. SCOTLAND cont. - - 2 545 18,912 35 Banff. 1 281 2,683 10 Clackmannan. . 5 1,343 38,585 29 Dumbarton. 3 641 20,461 32 Dumfries. 1 310 35,635 13 3,330 202,590 61 Edinburgh. 2 406 7,088 17 Elgin. _ 14 5,703 154,040 27 Fife. 1 303 51,621 12 3,249 .100,652 31 Forfar. - 1 26 2,534 97 Haddington. 1 114 1,590 14 Inverness. 3 469 62,603 41 9,370 251,951 27 Lanark. 3 335 9,661 29 Linlithgow. - - - 1 67 2,823 42 Nairn. ; - - - 1 429 15,934 37 Peebles. i 3 841 6,097 8 Perth. 12 4,072 112,527 28 Renfrew. ; 1 341 3,1-26 9 Roxburgh. ! 4 10 1,209 3,291 76,078 83,946 63 26 Selkirk. Stirling. - 1 115 1,628 14 Wigtown. TOTAL: SCOTLAND. IRELAND. 5 1,082 149,859 153 42,226 1,258,211 30 1 48 8,717 31 8,426 177,429 21 Antrim. - - - - - Armagh. 1 15 3,943 3 509 14,930 29 Cork. _ | _ _ Do\vn. 2 1,230 139,349 9 3,824 252,197 66 Dublin. ' - - - - - - - Limerick. 2 950 114,455 15 3,219 169,561 53 Londonderry. - - - - Louth. - - - - - Wicklo\v. TOTAL : IRELAND. ( TOTAL : UNITED KING* i DOM. 6 2,243 266,464 58 15,978 614,117 38 269 74,246 9,970,202 2,455 576,220 31,480,613 55 217 APPENDIX I. CONGRESSES. NUMBER of DELEGATES to, and of SOCIETIES represented at, each ANNUAL CO-OPERATIVE CONGRESS from the beginning of the present series. [Counted from the Reports of the Co-operative Union.'] Year. Where held. No. of Delegates. No. of Societies and Associations represented. 1869 68* 58* 1870 Manchester ... .. ... 77* 35* 1871 Birmingham .. 113* f 1872 Bolton 93 51 1873 Newcastle ... .t. 132 98 1874 Halifax 189 97 1875 London .. ... ... ... ... 114 81 1876 Glasgow . ... 115 93 1877 Leicester ... 163 109 1878 Manchester ... ... ... ... 266 164 1879 Gloucester . . .. ... 122 85 1880 175 113 1881 Leeds .. ... ... 272 154 1882 Oxford 217 141 1883 Edinburgh 383 246 1884 Derby . ... ... ... 425 235 1885 Oldham 551 255 1886 Plymouth 434 232 1887 Carlisle . ... 428 217 1888 Dewsbury 540 246 1889 Ipswich ... ... ... ... ... 393 206 1890 Glasgow . ... 607 311 1891 Lincoln 531 256 1892 Rochdale ... ... ... . . ... 758 346 1893 Bristol 588 286 1894 Suuderland 660 309 1895 Huddersfield 786 346 1896 Woolwich . 865 413 1897 Perth 822 353 1898 Peterborough .. ... ... 932 414 1899 Liverpool ... ... ... 1,176 492 1900 Cardiff 954 431 * These figures arc approximate only, the distinction between delegates and visitors not having been recorded. t Not obtainable. 218 APPENDIX II. HOURS OF LABOUR NUMBER of HOURS PER WEEK WORKED by the EMPLOYEES of RETAIL DISTRIBUTIVE SOCIETIES in GREAT BRITAIN in 1896. [Compiled from, Returns made to the Co-operative Union. ~\ Number of Hours worked per week, exclusive of meal times. Total. 48 and under. Over 48 and up to 51. Over 51 and up to 54. Over 54 und up to 57. Over 57 and up to 60. Over 60. Number of Societies NUMKKII OK EM- PLOYEES. DISTRIBUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. 74 64 236 408 229 112 1,123 England and Walos 2^62 1,787 5,371 0463 2,484 652 22.0(11) Scotland Total, Great Britain ]'Ki;('K\T.\ci<; OK EMPLOYEES. 140 512 2,299 2,832 1,721! 10,889 31 ili 121 6.7W 2,693 8,203 2,850 773 27,712 England and Wales 11-0 i 81 2CI m; 111 3tl 100*0 Scotland Total, Great Britain Number of Societies NUMBER OF EM- PLOYEES. 2-8 9'7 '.ni 8'3 m 29'6 3(1-3 39*3 6'4 10'3 2'] 2'8 100=0 lOO'O PRODUCTIVE DEPARTMENTS. 40 48 164 155 83 32 522 England and Wales 861 463 1,956 2,768 632 125 6,805 Scotland Total, Great Britain PERCENTAGE OF EMPLOYEES. 32 828 1,262 936 14 646 21 3,093 893 1,291 3,218 3,704 146 9,898 England and Wales 127 6-8 28'7 40-7 9-3 T8 100-0 Scotland Total, Great Britain i-o 26-8 40-8 30-3 0-4 6'5 0-7 100-0 100-0 9'0 13'1 32'5 37'4 If 219 APPENDIX III. GENERAL RULES FOR AN INDUS- TRIAL AND PROVIDENT PRODUC- TIVE SOCIETY. The following- General Rules for an Industrial and Provident Productive Society were originally pre- pared for the use of Co-operative Societies by the late Mr. Edward Vansittart Neale, and are published by the Co-operative Union. They are here re-printed in order to give an idea of the Regulations under which many Co-operative Societies are carried on, but it must be understood that they are in no way official. The General Rules are subject to Special Rules, by means of which Societies adopting- them can adapt them to local requirements, by providing- that certain General Rules shall be modified or cancelled. A specimen page of such Special Rules is appended, to show the method by which the General Rules are so altered or cancelled. 220 RULES OP THE LIMITED (a) The rules hereto annexed, entitled " General Rules for an Industrial and Provident Society," numbered 1 to 138, shall be the rules of this Society, subject to the Special Rules thereof. (6) The rules next following, numbered I. to VI., are the Special Rules of the Society, whereto the General Rules therein referred to are respectively subject, and the interpretation clause thereof applies. THE SPECIAL RULES OF THE SOCIETY. I. General Rule 3. The name of the Society is the LIMITED. II. General Rule 3. The special objects of the Society are to carry on the trade of III. General Rule 4. The Registered Office of the Society shall be at , in the county of IV. General Rule 69. The word u ten," in the fourth line of the General Rule, shall read " five." V. General Rules to , both inclusive, shall not apply to this Society. VI. General Rule 114. After providing for the charges in the General Rule the profits of the Society shall be allotted as follows : GENERAL RULES FOB AN INDUSTRIAL AND PROVIDENT PRODUCTIVE SOCIETY. To be Registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893. FORM . 222 OENEttAL RULES. CHAPTER 1. GENERAL QUALIFICATION AND INTERPRETATION. 1. Qurilifi-Mtion. Every rale herein contained shall, be .subject to qualification by any special rule* of the society referring to it by its number, and shall be deemed to be adopted by the society in so far only as is con- sistent with such qualification. 2. Intt'i-prctfit/oii. In the construction of these Rules, including this rule, the following words and expressions have respectively the meanings following, unless the subject matter or context are inconsistent' there with: (1) Words importing the singular or plural number respectively include the plural and singular numbers ; words importing the masculine gender only include the feminine gender. (2) " The Act " means the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893. (3) " The Committee " means the committee of management, board of directors, or other directing body of a society or company. (4) A "company" means (1) any body corporate other than a society ; (2) any society authorised to sue or be sued by any person authorised to act in its behalf ; and a " society " means any society registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893, or deemed so to be. (5) "Lands" include tenements and hereditaments. (0) " He," " him," and " person " include a company or society. (7) " Nominal capital" means the amount of the shares allotted for the time being, and not paid off. (8) " The society " means the society named in the Special Rules. (9) "Special members" mean the persons by whom the Special Rules are signed, and any other persons whom those rules may declare to be included thereunder. (10) " The Special Rules " mean the rules prefixed hereto, whereby these rules are made rules of any society. (11) "The Treasury regulations" mean the regulations approved by the Treasury under the Act, or any Act relating to industrial and provident societies for the time being. NAME, OBJECTS, &C. MEMBERSHIP. 223 (12) In Ireland " bond " includes a judgment registered as a mortgage, or a mortgage deed affecting specified lands. (13) In Scotland "letters of administration" and ''probate" mean confirmation. CHAPTER II. NAME, OBJECTS, AND PLACE OF BUSINESS. 3. Name, Objects, and Powers of the Society. The name and special objects of the society shall be those stated in the special rules. The objects of the society shall include dealings of any description with land. The society shall have full power to do all things necessary or expedient for the accomplishment of all objects specified in its rules, including the power to purchase, hold, sell, mortgage, rent, lease, or sub-lease, lands of any tenure, and to erect, pall down, repair, alter, or otherwise deal with any building thereon. 4. Registered Office. Hmr to be Fixed. The registered office of the society shall be at such place in the United Kingdom as is mentioned in the special rules. It may be changed by a resolution of the committee. 5. Removal of Office, to be Notified. Notice of any removal of the office of the society shall be sent to the Registrar of Friendly Societies for the place where the office is established within fourteen days after such change, or such other time as may be required by the Treasury regulations, and in manner and form thereby prescribed. 6. Books of Account, &c., to be kept at Office. All books of account, securities, documents, and papers of the society, other than such (if any) as are directed by the committee to be kept elsewhere, shall be kept at the registered office, in such manner and with such provisions for their security as the committee from time to time direct. CHAPTER III. -MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 1. Members. 7. Who are Members. The society shall consist of the special members, and of all such other persons as the special rules direct, or the committee may admit. 8. Shares to be held In/ Members. Subject to the provisions of the Act, each individual member shall hold at least one transferable share, and each society or company one for such number of members as the general meetings may fix. The special members shall be deemed, without any special appli- cation, to hold such number of shares as an individual member is required to hold. 9. Payment on Application. Every person shall pay, on applying for admission, Is., for which he shall receive a copy of the rules. 224 GENERAL RULES. 10. Application by a Society or Company. Applications for admission by a society or company shall be in such of the forms, contained in Rule 124, as the case requires, and shall be for such number of shares at least as the rules require. 11. Application by an Individual. An application by an individual may be made either in the form contained in Rule 124, or by making such payment as is required upon an application for admission, and the signature of a receipt for a copy of the rules in the form contained in the said rule, either by the applicant or on his behalf. 12. How Applications sJinll bf dealt with. Every application for admis- sion shall be considered by the committee ,at its first meeting after it is made, or so soon thereafter as is practicable ; and if it is approved, the name of the applicant shall be entered on the list of members and the register of shares hereinafter mentioned, for the number and description of shares required to be held by the rules, or any larger number applied for and allowed to be held thereby, upon such approval and such confirmation thereof, if any, as the special rules may require. 13. Notice <>f Refusal or A<1 mixxion. Notice of the refusal of an applica- tion, or of the entry of the name of any applicant on the list of members, signed by the secretary, shall be sent to the applicant, at the address mentioned on the form of application or receipt, within one week after such refusal or entry is made. 14. Repayment of the Entrance Frr. The sum paid on an application for admission shall be repaid on demand to the person by whom or on whose behalf it was or purports to have been paid, within one calendar month after the date of the said notice, if the application is refused ; or if it is not granted within three calendar months after the application. 15. Appeal and Erasure of the Names of Applicants. In either of the above cases the person refused admission shall have the same right of appeal as is given by Rule 21. 16. How Forms to be referred to. The forms used on an application shall be numbered, and filed in the office of the society, and referred to in the list of members. 17. Married Women. A married woman may be a member and hold and deal with any shares or other interest in the society credited to her in England and Ireland as if she were unmarried, according to the provisions of the Married Women's Property Act, 1882, and in Scotland as is provided by the Married Women's Property (Scotland) Act, 1881. 18. Admission of Minors. A minor not under the age of sixteen years may be admitted as a member, and execute all instruments and give all acquittances necessary to be executed or given under the rules, but may not be a member of the committee, trustee, manager, or treasurer of the society. [See the Act, section 32.] 19. Withdrawal of Members and Partial Cessation of Membership. A. person, all of whose shares have been transferred, repaid, or forfeited under MEMBERSHIP. CAPITAL. 225 the rules, shall cease to be a member, and no member may vote at any meeting of the society, either personally or by deputy, if he holds less than the number of shares required to be taken up on admission ; or if he is in arrear of his subscriptions. Sec. 2. List of Members. 20. Where to be kept and Entries thereon. The committee shall keep at the registered office of the society, a list of the names, occupations, and addresses of all members, open at all convenient times to the inspection of the members and persons having an interest in the funds ; and each member shall give notice of any change affecting himself, or be subject to such fine not exceeding Is. as any ordinary business meeting may fix, provided that it is not retrospective. No person whose name does not appear on such list, other than a deputy, shall have any right as a member of the society ; and the committee shall cause to be erased therefrom the names of all such persons as cease to be members under these rules. 21. Claims to be Entered on, or Removed from the List. A person who claims to be placed or retained on, or removed from the list of members, shall apply in the first instance to the committee for that purpose, and if refused may appeal to the next ordinary business meeting held after the receipt of notice of such refusal, which may make such order on the matter as it thinks fit. CHAPTER IV. CAPITAL. Sec. 1. Share Capital. 22. Nominal Value. The capital of the society shall be raised by shares of the nominal value of 1, payable as to every share required to be held at the rate of not less than 5s. per quarter, with a fine of Is. per quarter on non-payment. 23. Instalments. Each instalment shall be payable at such place, on such days, between such hours, and to such persons as the committee from time to time fix. 24. Power to Pay in Anticipation. A member may pay the whole or any part of any instalment in anticipation of the period when it will become due ; and, if he holds more than one share not fully paid, may specify to which shares the payment shall be applied, otherwise it shall be distributed equally. 25. Cases of Distress. The committee may remit any fine incurred by non-payment of any instalment, if the non-payment appears to them to have arisen from sickness, distress, want of work, or any other sufficient reason, of which a written statement, signed by the defaulting member or some person claiming to act on his behalf, has been given to the secretary at the time when the payment ought to have been made. 26. Application of Dividends to Pay up Shares. The interest and dividends payable upon the share capital held by any member shall not be paid to him 3207 P 226 GENERAL RULES. until all the shares which he is required to hold are fully paid, but shall accumulate and be credited to him from time to time as share capital until such shares are paid up. 27. Allotment of Shares. The committee shall allot to all members other than the special members, upon their admission, or admission and approval as the case may be, such number of shares as they apply for, and shall similarly allot, from time to time, the shares applied for by any member, or required to make tho nominal value of his shares not less than the capital of the same name credited to him, provided that the number of shares so allotted does not raise the total investment of any member, except a society, to a sum exceeding two hundred pounds sterling. Sec. 2. Enforcement of Debts to Society. 28. Recovery of Sums due under Rules, and forfeiture of Shares. All sums due from any member, for subscriptions or otherwise, shall be recoverable from him, his executors or administrators, as a debt due to the society. The secretary shall lay before each ordinary business meeting a return of all such sums, and thereupon the meeting may (1) Direct the committee to take legal proceedings for the recovery thereof ; (2) If the sum is due in respect of a share, declare such share to be forfeited if any payment thereon has been in arrear for three calendar months. 'J;>. Effect, (Did /{r/iiixxfon <>f Forfeiture. Upon a declaration of forfeiture of a share, all sums paid or credited thereon shall become the property of the society ; but the forfeiture may lie remitted if the sum due is paid within one calendar month from the date of a notice of forfeiture, which shall be sent in each case to the registered address of the member within one week after the declaration of the forfeiture. Sec. 3. Loans and Deposits. 30. Loans on vltat security^ to what amount, and Jiow may be made : (1) The committee may obtain advances of money for the purposes of the society from time to time from any person, whether a member of the society or not, upon the security of bonds, or agreements, or promissory notes, or transferable preferential shares by or of the society, or of a mortgage either legal or equitable of any property thereof ; (2) The total amount so obtained shall not exceed for the time being any limit fixed by the Special Rules, and if no other limit is thereby fixed, twice the then nominal capital of the society, or any inferior limit fixed by a general meeting : (3) The committee may obtain any such loan on such terms as to the time and manner of repayment as it thinks fit ; (4) The rate of interest agreed to be given on any such advance shall not exceed 5 per cent, per annum ; INVESTMENTS. 227 (5) Any bond of the society may be made a specific charge upon any lands of the society specified therein or in any schedule thereto. But a separate register shall be kept of all such bonds ; (6) Any such bond or share may be issued, or note given, or agree- ment or mortgage made, as a continuing security to cover any sum not exceeding the limits aforesaid, due or to become upon the account of the society to any person with whom it may transact banking business ; (7) All such securities shall be made in such form, and shall be signed on account of the society by such persons as the committee direct from time to time. 31. Power to Receive Deposits. The committee may receive from any persons, whether members or not, on deposit, withdrawable on such notice, being not less than two clear days', as they fix from time to time, any sums, within the total limit mentioned in Rule 30, not exceeding 10s. in any one payment, nor 20 for any one depositor ; no repayment of capital shall be made while any claim due on account of any such deposit is unsatisfied. Sec. 4. Investments. 32. Power to Invest Surplus Capital. The committee may invest any part of the capital of the society as follows : (1) In advances to members on the security of real or personal property ; and (2) In or upon any security in which trustees are for the time being authorised by law to invest ; and (3) In or upon any mortgage, bond, debenture, debenture stock, corporation stock, annuity, rentcharge, rent, or other security (not being securities payable to bearer) authorised by or under any Act of Parliament passed or to be passed of any local authority as defined by Section 34 of the Local Loans Act, 1875 ; and (4) In the shares or on the security of any other society registered or deemed to be registered under the Act, or under the Building Societies Acts, or of any company registered under the Companies Acts, or incorporated by Act of Parliament or by Charter, provided that no such investment be made in the shares of any society or company other than one with limited liability ; and (5) If the society is not chargeable with income tax in pursuance of the Act, in any Savings Bank certified under the Trustee Savings Bank Act, 1863, or in a Post Office Savings Bank. 32A. Power to Vote in respect to Investments. The society may appoint any one or more of its members to vote on its behalf at the meetings of any other body corporate in which the society has invested any part of its funds, although such member or members may not personally be shareholders in such other body corporate. [See the Act, section 41.] 3207 P 2 GENERAL RULES. Sec. 5. Repayment of Capital. 33. Repayment Compulsory on Members. Subject to the payment of, or a sufficient provision for, all subsisting claims on the society, the committee may from time to time apply any moneys which they cannot profitably invest to pay off the excess of shares held by those who hold the largest number above those who hold the next largest. Provided that no member be required to accept less than the full sum paid upon each share paid off, and that the number of shares held by any member shall not be reduced below the number required, by the rules of the society, to be held. 34. Repayment nn HIP. R?.qnext of Mpmbrrx. Subject as aforesaid, the committee may, on the application of the holder of any share, repay any sum not exceeding the amount then credited thereon ; and shall repay the whole sum so credited in any case where they refuse to confirm the transfer of any such share which is fully paid up. ?>'). Xlui.-rpx ]\<'i>'U If. K.rlt/ifjHixkril. All such repayments shall be made on resolutions of the committee, which, with the receipts for the money pawl, shall 1)3 entered or referred to on the register of shares after mentioned, designating each share by the number to be given to it, and thereupon the shares in respect of which such payments are made shall be extinguished. 3('. Moneji* Lift u'/ttli tli' 1 .S'or /'/'/// after Xotia /,/' Repayment. If a member who has received notice that the committee is prepared to pay him off, leave the sum to be thus repaid in the hands of the society, he shall not be entitled to any interest thereon after the expiration of the time named in the notice of repayment. CHAP T E R V. S H A R E S. Sec. 1. Shares Generally. 37. Of What AWr//^/'o//x. All the shares of the society shall be transferable. 38. Where two or more Joint ] [older*. Shares may be held by two or more individuals jointly, either of whom may give a valid receipt for any interest or dividend payable thereon; and all notices relating to any such shares, given to such one as they jointly direct, and in default of any direction, to the one whose name stands first in the books of the society, shall be sufficiently given. 39. Limit to Dtr'xlend*. Dividends shall not be calculated on or for any fraction of 1. or of a calendar month. Sec. 2. Mode of Dealing with Shares. 40. Hmi- to be Allotted All shares allotted by the society shall be numbered continuously, and all such as are not taken to be held by the special members shall be allotted to the original holders thereof by the committee MODE OF DEALING WITH SHARES. 229 in the order of the numbers ; and all such as are taken to be so held by the special members shall be entered in the share register after mentioned, under the names of such members, in alphabetical order, by the order of the numbers, beginning with one. 41. Xharc. Register. The committee shall keep a share register, in which, under the number of each share, shall be entered the name of the member to whom it was originally allotted, or under whose name it is entered ; and if the share is cancelled, as is hereinafter provided, the date of such cancelling. 42. Share Ledger. The committee shall keep, as part of the share register, a ledger containing, in separate columns, under the name of each member, the numbers of the shares originally allotted to, or entered in the name of, or subsequently acquired by such member, with the dates of such allotments, entries, and transfers respectively, and a reference to the pages containing the names of the transferors ; the numbers of all shares transferred, with the date of such transfers respectively ; a reference to the pages containing the names of the transferees ; and such particulars of the amounts paid upon such shares as the committee direct. 43. Forms of Transfer. Transfers shall be in one of the forms herein- after contained, or as near thereto as the case allows ; they shall be numbered continuously, and shall state the number of each share trans- ferred ; and shall be executed by the transferor and transferee, and kept in the office of the society, and entered under their numbers in a register of transfers, with such other particulars as the committee direct : and the number of each transfer shall be entered in the share ledger, under the name of the transferor and the transferee 44. Registration of Tnntxfcr*. No transfer shall be registered unless it is properly stamped, nor if made by a member indebted to the society, without special order of the committee ; and until the transfer of a share is regis- tered, no right shall be required against the society by the transferee, nor shall any claim of the society upon the transferor be affected. 45. To ivhoi/i Tnmxfers may lie in. Any share may be transferred with the approval of the committee to any other member at the option of the transferor ; but if the transferee is not a member he must be approved of as a member by the committee, or the committee and a general meeting, according to the provisions of the rules relating to the admission of members before the transfer can be registered ; and if the rules require a member to hold more than one transferable share the transferee must acquire by the transfer, or by the transfer and allotment, the number so required to be held before the transfer can be registered. 46. Fee on Transfers. Upon each transfer of any share there shall be paid such fee, not exceeding 6d., as the committee may fix. 47. Payment of Stamp Duty by the Society. The committee may pay the stamp duty upon the transfer of any share which a member is required to hold, made for the purpose of enabling him to withdraw from the society. 230 GENERAL RULES. 48. Lien of Society on Shares. The society shall have a Jirst lien on the shares of any member for any debt due to it by him, and may set off any sum credited to the member thereon in or towards the payment of such debt. 49. Sale of Shares to Pay Debts. The committee may, in default of pay- ment by any member indebted to the society in any manner contrary to its rules, to an amount not less than three-fourths of the sum paid up for the time being on any transferable share held by him for fourteen days after notice to pay, sell and transfer in the books of the society such share to any person entitled to hold the same under the rules, for the best price obtain- able therefor, and apply the proceeds in or towards the discharge of the debt so due and any expenses incurred in or about the same, paying over the balance thereof, if any, to the member, without being responsible for any loss occasioned thereby. Any transfer so made shall extinguish all right of such member in the share so transferred, and shall operate as an original issue thereof, subject to the credit to be given to the purchaser for all payments previously made thereon. 50. Limit to Amount Expended on R''i>f Shares Paid Of. An entry of each share paid off under Rules 51, 52, or 53 shall be made in manner provided by Rule 35, and thereupon the share shall be extinguished. 55. Tmnxfrr to Make Membership. Every nominee or other person to whom any share is transferred under this section shall thereby become a member of the society, if not previously a member. 56. Joint Holders of Shares. On the decease of a joint holder of any share, it shall be transferred into the name of the survivor on his appli- cation. CHAPTER VI. GOVERNMENT & ADMINISTRATION. Sec. 1. General Meetings. 57. Ordinary and Special Meeting*. Meetings of the members shall be either general, which include (1) ordinary business meetings, (2) special general meetings ; or monthly. 58. Ordinary Business Meetings. The first ordinary business meeting of the society after it is established shall be held at such time as the special members fix, and the subsequent meetings at such times as the Special Rules determine, and if they do not direct otherwise, in eaih sixth and twelfth month after the first meeting, upon such days and hour.s as are fixed by the resolutions of any such meetings from time to time, and so far as no such resolution extends by the committee. 59. Monthly Meeti/igs. Monthly meetings shall be held as the ordinary business meetings direct, and shall have such functions as is so directed, and so far as no such direction extends the following functions : (1) To confirm or not the election of members and the transfer of shares, if the rules require such elections or transfers to be confirmed by a general meeting ; (2) To discuss the affairs of the society ; (3) To explain the principles and rules of the society ; GENERAL MEETINGS. 233 (4) To make suggestions for the consideration of the committee ; (5) To recommend the names of persons suitable for election as officers of the society. 60. Functions of Ordinary Business Meetings. The functions of ordinary business meetings shall be : (1) To receive from the committee, auditors, or any other officer of the society, reports upon the business of the society during the period embraced therein and the state of its affairs at the date thereof, which, except any such meeting directs otherwise, shall be made to every such meeting ; (2) To elect the committee, auditors, and other officers of the society, excepting those whose appointment is given by the rules to the committee ; (3) To transact any other general business of the society. 61. Time and Place of Holding such Meetings. Any ordinary business meeting may fix, from time to time, its place of meeting, which, where no other place is so fixed, shall be the registered office of the society. 62. Notice of Time and Place of Meeting. Such notice shall be given of the time and place of the first ordinary business meeting as the special members direct, and subsequently, notice of the time of every ordinary business meeting, and of the place where it is to be held if it be other than the registered office of the society, and, in case the meeting has to elect any officer of the society, of what officers are to be then elected, shall be given by fixing such notice conspicuously in the registered office and every place of business of the society for fourteen clear days before the day of the meeting, and otherwise, as such meetings may direct. 63. Special General Meetings. Special general meetings shall be convened by the secretary, either on an order of the committee, or upon a requisition signed by half the number of members if not more than forty, and twenty if forty or upwards, and shall be held as soon as is possible after the receipt of such order or requisition, and at the ordinary place and time of the business meetings of the society, unless any ordinary business meeting fixes any other place of meeting. G4. Notice of Special General Meetings. Notices convening a special general meeting shall state the time and place thereof, and every purpose for which it is convened, and shall be posted to the registered address of all the members not less than six clear days before the day of meeting, unless in any case of emergency where the committee unanimously direct a shorter notice to be given. 65. Where Members muy give Notice. If the secretary does not convene a special general meeting in manner required hereby, for seven clear days after a requisition therefor, signed as hereinbefore is provided, has been delivered at the office of the society, any of the requisitionists may give such notice of the meeting as is provided by Rule 64, and shall have a claim upon the society for all costs, if any, properly incurred in giving such notice. 234 GENERAL RULES. 66. Business of Special General Meetings. A special general meeting cannot transact any business not specified in the notice convening it, nor unless the notice convening it has been given according to the rules. But an ordinary business meeting may be made special for any purpose of which notice has been so given, provided that such business is not brought on until the ordinary business is concluded. 67. Quorum of General Meetings. An ordinary business or special general meeting may proceed to business if ten members are present within an hour after the time fixed for the meeting ; otherwise the meeting, if a special general meeting convened on the requisition of the members, shall be dissolved, but if an ordinary business meeting or a special meeting con- vened by order of the committee, shall -etand adjourned to the week follow- ing, at the same time, and shall be held at the principal place of business of the society, unless any resolution of an ordinary business meeting directs otherwise, in which case it shall stand adjourned to such place as is so directed ; and the meeting so adjourned may proceed to business whatever is the number of members present. No meeting shall become incompetent to transact business from the want of a quorum arising after the chair has been taken. 68. Power of Adjournment. Any general meeting, duly constituted, may adjourn to such place, at such time within thirty days as the members present direct, and may continue any such adjournment from time to time. No business shall be brought on at any adjourned meeting which could not have been transacted at the original meeting ; and the same notice shall be given of any meeting adjourned for more than fourteen days, as was required for the original meeting. 69. Quorum of Monthly Meetings. A monthly meeting shall be dissolved if such number of members are not present within such time after the hour of meeting as the meeting appointing them fixes, and subject thereto if ten members are not present within fifteen minutes. 70. Chairman of Meetings. Every meeting shall have a chairman, who shall not vote unless the votes are equal, when he shall have a casting vote ; and who, in the absence of the president of the society, shall be any member of the committee willing to preside ; and in the absence of any such member, such person as the meeting selects. 71. Votes of (1) Individuals , (2) Societies or Companies. (1) Each individual member present, who holds such number of shares as an in- dividual is required to apply for on admission, -and is credited in the books of the society with a sum equal to one share, and is not disqualified by Rule 19 ; and such one of the joint holders of the like number of shares credited with the like sum and not so disqualified as they appoint in writing, shall have one vote. Proxies shall be admitted only if the Special Eules so direct and under the conditions therein stated. (2) A society or company which holds such number of shares as it is required to apply for on admission, and is not in arrear of the subscriptions due thereon, may vote by a deputy, who shall have one vote. 72. How Votes shall be Taken. Votes shall be first taken by show of hands, unless a ballot on any question is demanded by five members present, GENERAL MEETINGS THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. 235 when they shall be taken by ballot as the committee fix. Subject to any special direction contained in any rule of the society or Act of Parliament, all questions shall be determined by a majority of votes. 73. Appointment and Powers of Deputies. A deputy shall be appointed by a resolution signed by the secretary and two members of the com- mittee of the society or company, and sent to the secretary of this society. He shall be taken to be a member of this society on behalf of such society or company, and shall be included in the number of members required to constitute a meeting ; and shall be competent during the con- tinuance of his appointment to do any act consistent therewith which could be done by an individual member ; and the appointment of a deputy shall be taken to continue until notice of the withdrawal of his appoint- ment, or of the appointment of some other deputy in his stead is so giwm as above stated. 74. Conduct of Members. The committee, if they find it requisite, may pass resolutions for regulating the conduct of members at meetings, or the time after which divisions shall not be taken ; which shall be binding on all the members, subject to any resolutions of the ordinary business meetings thereon. Sec. 2 The Committee of Management. 75. How Committee to be Formed. The business of the Society shall be conducted by a committee of management, which, until the first ordinary business meeting is held, shall consist of the special members, and after such meeting shall consist of such number of committee-men as the ordinary business meetings may fix from time to time, and subject thereto, of the president, and of four committee-men elected at such meeting. 76. Retirement and Re-eligibility of Committee-men : (1) At each ordinary business meeting one of the committee-men shall retire and another shall be elected : the order of retirement being fixed so far as is practicable by priority of election, but if necessary by ballot. A retiring committee-man shall be immediately re-eligible. (2) If a vacancy caused by the retirement of any committee-man is not filled up by the meeting by which it ought to have been filled under the rules, the retiring member may continue to act until the next ordinary business meeting. 77. Removal of Members of Committee. A committee-man maybe removed from office at any time by two-thirds of the members voting at a special general meeting, which may thereupon proceed to fill up his place by a vote of the majority of the members voting. 78. Qualification of a Committee-man. No person can be a committee-man who is not a member, and any person who becomes bankrupt, or is concerned in the profits of any contract made with the society, except as a member of any society or company which contracts with or does any work for it, shall thereupon vacate his office ; but no person shall be disqualified by accepting employment as a worker for the society. 236 GENERAL RULES. 79. Vacancies How to be filled vp. A vacancy in the number of com- mittee-men arising from any such disqualification as aforesaid, or the removal of any committee-man whose place is not filled up by the meeting by which he is removed, or the death, resignation, incapacity for acting, or refusal to act, of any committee-man, shall be filled up with some qualified person (1) if it arises in the interval between two ordinary business meetings, by the remaining members of the committee, or if not so filled, by the next meeting ; (2) if it arises at any such meeting, by the meeting, and in the last case any committee-man who may resign shall be immediately re-eligible. Every person so appointed, or elected by the meeting to fill any vacancy, shall be substituted for the member who has caused the vacancy, and shall retire from office at the time when such member would have retired. 80. General Powers of the Committee. Subject to the provisions as to the manager of the society hereinafter contained, the committee shall control all business carried on by or on account of the society. They shall from time to time engage, remove, or discharge all assistant managers, salesmen, or employes of any description, other than manual workers, required to conduct any such business, and fix their duties, salaries, or other remuneration, at such rates, and require them to give such [security, in such forms approved of by them, as they determine. They shall decide on the evidence to be produced for establishing the claim of any nominee, executor, administrator, or official trustee to any share in the society, and may institute, prosecute, compromise, or refer to arbitration any suit, debt, liability, or claim against, by, to, or on the society ; and in any case for which the rules of the society do not expressly provide, may exercise any power which could be exercised by the society in general meeting, other than such as by the law for the time being relating to Industrial and Provident Societies may be required to be exercised by such meetings, and so that in the exercise of any such power they do nothing inconsistent with the previous resolutions of such meetings. And all acts or orders done or given by the committee in the name and on behalf of the society under any power hereby given them, shall bind the society and every member thereof as fully as if they had been acts or orders of a majority of the members of the society, at a general meeting thereof, acting in exercise of the powers given them by the rules. 81. The Committee to Xummmi Mecthnjx, Pmride Books, <&<'. It shall be the duty of the committee, under such penalties, if any, as the Special Rules direct (1) To convene all meetings of the society according to the rules thereof, subject to the provisions hereinbefore contained as to special general meetings ; (2) To provide proper books for entering the accounts of all business carried on on behalf of the society, and the minutes of all meetings thereof, and of their own proceedings, and for making all such entries is are hereby required, or as any general meeting may direct ; (3) To provide such forms as are necessary in consequence of the provisions of the rules, and for the same being kept, made up, or used in such manner as in their discretion they think desirable ; COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. 237 (4) To provide a sufficient supply of copies of the annual returns and books of rules to comply with the directions of Rule 113. 82. The Committee to lay Statement of Accounts and Report before the General Meetings. The committee shall prepare a statement of the accounts of the society, in such form as the ordinary business meetings direct from time to time, and lay them, duly audited, by the persons appointed to audit the same, before each ordinary business meeting, unless such meetings direct otherwise, and in that case before such meeetings as they may direct, accompanied by a report on the position of the affairs of the society, signed by the chairman of the meeting at which such report is adopted. 83. Time, Place of Meeting, and Quorum of the Committee. The committee shall meet at such times and places as the ordinary business meetings direct, and, so far as no such direction extends, at such times and places as they determine ; but shall not proceed to business unless three members are present. No member of the committee shall vote on a question on which he is personally interested. 84. Fines for Non-attendance. The ordinary business meetings may impose fines on any member of the committee for non-attendance, provided that no such fine is retrospective. 85. Chairman of the Committee. Every meeting of the committee shall have a chairman, who shall be the president of the society if present, and in his absence such one of the members of the committee as they appoint. The majority of votes shall decide, and in case of an equality of votes the chairman shall have a second casting vote. 86. Special Meetings of the, Committee. A special meeting of the committee may be called by a notice in writing given to the secretary by two members one clear day before such time. The secretary shall communicate every such notice to all members of the committee as soon as possible after the receipt thereof ; and no other business shall be done at the meeting than the business named therein. 87. Appointment of Sub-commitfees. The committee may delegate any of the powers hereby given to them to a sub-committee of its own members, who shall, in the functions entrusted to them, conform in all respects to the instructions given them by the committee. Sec. 3. Officers of the Society. 8H. The President : (1) The president shall be elected at the first ordinary business meeting of the society after it is registered, and subsequently at the first ordinary business meeting in each year ; (2) He must be a member of the society, and shall be disqualified from office by the same circumstances which are disqualifications for a committee man, and shall be removable from office by such a majority as can lemove a committee-man ; 238 GENERAL RULES. (3) He shall be re-eligible, and if no successor is appointed on the termination of his office shall continue in office until the next regular period of election ; (4) A vacancy in his office shall be filled up at the next ordinary business meeting after it occurs, and if not then filled up by the members may be filled up by the committee ; but the person so appointed shall continue in office only till the regular time of election, subject to clause (3) ; (5) He shall take the chair, if present, at all meetings of the society or the committee ; and shall sign the reports to be laid before the meetings of the society, after they are approved of by the committee. 89. The Treasurer: (1) The ordinary business meetings may appoint and remove a treasurer of the society, who, subject to any direction given by such meetings (a) Shall supervise the accounts and payments of the society, which shall be entered in the books thereof as he from time to time directs, under the orders of the committee ; (/>) Shall lay before the committee at such times as they direct, and in default of any other direction at the first meeting in every month, a statement of the business of the society, showing such particulars as the committee require ; (c ) Shall discharge any other functions relating to the receipts or payments of the society, which the committee may direct. (2) Subject to any such appointment and direction, the committee shall make such arrangements for the discharge of the duties of treasurer as they think expedient. 90. The Secretary : (1) There shall be a secretary of the society, with the duties following : (a) He shall summon and attend all meetings of the society and of the committee, and of any sub-committee if so required by the committee, and shall keep minutes thereof in such manner as the committee direct ; (/>) He shall make such returns relating to the business of the society as the committee require ; (c) He shall have charge of the documents and other papers of the society, and if required by the committee shall keep the accounts in such manner as they direct ; (-mtioH of fours. The ordinary business meetings may from time to time remunerate the president, committee-men, or treasurer, for their services, in such manner and to such amount as they may think fit. 92. Accounts of and Security by Officers : (1) Generally. It shall be the duty of every officer of the society having the receipt or charge of money, or his executors or administrators, at such time as the society or the committee require, or upon demand, made, or notice in writing given or left at his last or usual place of residence, to give in his account, as may be required by the society or the committee, to be examined and allowed or disallowed by them, and on the like demand or notice to pay over all moneys and deliver all property for the time being in his hands or custody to such person as the society or the committee appoint. (2) It shall be the duty of every person holding any office touching the receipt or charge of any moneys of the society, under the penalty of 1, before entering on the execution of his office, either to enter into an agreement or to become bound, with or without a surety, as the committee require, in such forms as they approve from time to time, or to give the security of a guarantee society in such sum as they direct, for rendering a full and true account of all moneys received or paid by him on account of the society, at such times as the Special Rules fix or as the committee require, and for the payment of all sums due from him to the society. Sec. 4. Conduct of Business. 93. The Manac/cr. The committee shall appoint, at such salary as they determine, a general manager, who, subject to the resolutions of the committee from time to time, shall have the following powers : (1) He shall superintend the business of the society, receive and give receipts for all moneys due to it, engage and, with such consent as is hereinafter provided by Rule 99, discharge all workmen employed by it and regulate their wages, determine the price to be paid or charged for all goods bought or sold on its account, and, subject to the approval of the committee, make all contracts entered into on its behalf other than any contract relating to the purchase of land, which shall not be made except on a previous resolution of the committee. (2) He may give and take such credit as is usual in the trade, arid in the course of the business of the society may draw, accept, or endorse any bill of exchange on its behalf ; but shall not borrow money on its behalf, or in any other way pledge its credit, without the authority of the committee, 240 GENERAL RULES. (3) He shall, whenever required by the committee, report to it on any matter connected with the business of the society, and at the first meeting in every month shall make a regular report on the business of the society during the last month, containing all such particulars as the committee requires for the time being. (4) The manager may be a member of the committee. (5) The Committee may, by a vote of three-fifths of their number if not more than five, or two-thirds if over that limit, suspend the manager from the execution of his duties, until they can bring the question of the ground of such suspension before a special general meeting, which shall be convened with the least possible delay, and may either reinstate the manager or continue his suspension for the purpose of investigation, or by the vote of a majority of two-thirds of the members present remove him. ((!) The Committee shall provide for the discharge of the duties of the manager during such suspension, as last aforesaid, or any vacancy in the office. 94. Payment of Mimey* hi to Ilat/k. All moneys received from the members or otherwise on behalf of the society shall be applied for the purposes of the society as the general meetings direct from time to time, and subject thereto shall be placed to the account of the society with such bank as the committee select ; and if not impracticable with some banking society or company which is a member of the Co-operative Union, Limited ; and, if the moneys of the society cannot conveniently be thus disposed of, shall be kept in such custody as the committee direct from time to time. 95. Payment />// ('//j//fi llr'idcnrt' of Proceedings. The minutes of all meetings of the society or committee, containing such particulars as the committee direct from time to time, shall be regularly recorded by the secretary ; and the minutes of every monthly or ordinary business meeting of the society, and of every meeting of the committee, shall be read at the next of such meetings respectively, and signed by the chairman of the meeting at which they are so read, and the minutes of every special general meeting shall be read at the meeting of the committee following, and signed by the chairman of such meeting ; and all minutes so signed shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be taken as between the society and every member thereof to be a true statement of any matter therein contained, subject to the correction of any patent error. 102. What to be xnffi lie rul. The auditors shall audit the accounts of the society to be prepared by the committee as hereinbefore provided, for the period intervening from the formation of the society, or their last audit, to the beginning of the last calendar month previous to each ordinary business meeting, and shall lay before it a balance sheet of the receipts and expenditure of the society during the period to which the audit extends, and a statement of its assets and liabilities at the time of such audit, both signed by them, which shall specify the total amount of all moneys borrowed by the society, distinguishing the character of the securities on which each is obtained. (2) AnitiKil lit //(r//. The auditors shall examine the annual return after-mentioned, and verify the same, with the accounts relating there- to, and shall either sign the same as found by them to be correct, duly vouched, and in accordance with law, or specially report to the society in what respects they find it incorrect, unvouched, or not in accordance with law. [See the Act, section 14.] 106. J'oin'i-x <>!' flu- Amlitn,-*. The auditors shall be entitled to call for and examine any paper or document belonging to the sooie.ty, and shall make a special report to the society upon any matter connected with the accounts which appears to them to require notice. 107. An'itl< : d Account* fn lie ti/t/dli/f/ on 'the Menilx-rx. Every balance sheet signed by the auditors and approved of by the meeting to which it is presented shall be binding on all members of the society, excepting as to any error therein exceeding tl:o sum of ton pounds brought before the ordinary business meeting. AUDITORS INSPECTION Ob 1 ACCOUNTS ANNUAL RETURN. 243 108. Copy nfAi'rotittfx and Report. A copy of the last balance sheet of the society and of the report of the auditors shall be kept always hung up in a conspicuous place in the registered office of the society. [See the Act, section 16.] 109. RentUfier(tti.oH nf tin' Auditor*. The auditors shall receive such remuneration as the ordinary business meetings vote them from time to time. Sec. 2 Inspection of Accounts. 110. J\'Hjht nf Liix/fTl/on nf tiool'x : (1) Any member or person having an interest in the funds of the society may inspect his own account and the books containing the names of the members at all reasonable hours at the registered office of the society, or at any place where the same are kept, subject to such regulations as to the time and manner of such inspection as may be made from time to time by the general meetings of the society. (2) Any ten members, each of whom has been a member of the the society for not less than twelve months, may apply to the Registrar for the appointment of an accountant or actuary to inspect the books of the society and report thereon. Such accountant or actuary shall have power to make copies of any books of the society, and to take extracts therefrom, at all reasonable hours at the registered office of the society, or at any place where the books are kept. [See the Act. section 18 (1), (3)-] 111. Inspection of Affairs <>n Order nf the Registrar : (1) An application may be made under section 50 of the Act (a) Tft appoint one or more inspectors to examine into the affairs of the society, and to report thereon ; (h) To call a special meeting of the society in manner and for the purposes provided by such sections. (2) The application may be made by one-tenth part of the whole number of members, or if the society exceeds 1,000 members, by 100 members. (3) The application must bo supported by such evidence for the purpose of showing that the applicants have good reason for requiring such inspection to be made or meeting called, and are not actuated by malicious motives therein, and be made on such notice to the society as the Chief Registrar directs. (4) Unless the Registrar to whom it is made directs otherwise, all expenses of and incidental to any inspection or meeting ordered by him shall be defrayed out of the funds of the society. [See the Act, section 50.] Sec. 3. Annual Return. 112. Wltt- x. It shall be the duty of the committee to supply to every member or person interested in the funds of the society, on his application (1) Gratuitously a copy of the last annual return for the time being of the society. (See the Act, section 15.] (2) To every person on demand a copy of the rules, at such price, not exceeding one shilling, as the committee fix from time to time. [See the Act, section 10 (4).] CHAPTER VIII. PROFITS. Primary Charges. 114. The net profits of all business carried on by or on account of the society, after providing for the interest and dividend upon any loans or deposits, or guaranteed preferential share's, according to the rates respectively agreed to be paid, shall be applied as follows : (1) R<'iltu-iin of /-V,/VY/ N/O/-&, a'r. In reduction of the value of the fixed stock and plant of the society, at the annual rate of 10 per cent, on fixtures, and of 2^ per cent, on shops, warehouses, or other buildings ; (2) Reduction of Pri'limimiry Excuses. In the reduction of the preliminary expenses (if any) incurred in forming the society, and remaining unwritten off in its books, at such rate, being not less than 5 per cent, per annum, as the ordinary business meetings on the recommendation of the committee from time to time direct ; (3) D'cfilinff "// Xli.iiiT Cu^ittaL In paying this dividend according to the rate fixed by the Special Rules ; APPLICATION OF PROFITS. 245 (4) Rcwrcc Fund. In forming, by applying such percentage of the net profits us the committee determine, a reserve fund to which all fines shall be carried, applicable, by a resolution of the ordinary business meetings, on the proposal either of the committee or an individual member, and in regard to which notice has been given on the balance sheet (a} To the equalisation of dividends ; (6) To meet any other contingency affecting the business of the society ; (/) To any other purpose which the general meetings may from time to time direct, whether such purpose be charitable, philan- thropic, of public utility, or any other purpose whether within the objects for which the society is formed or not ; (5) Educational Fund. In promoting instruction, culture, or recrea- tion, by forming an education fund, to which "2^ per cent, of the net profits, or such other sum as any ordinary business meeting may vote, shall be carried ; (6) Congress F/oidm. In paying a subscription to the funds of the Co-operative Union, Limited, during such time as the society may continue a member thereof, according to the rules and orders of the Union ; (7) Nor/V// Fund. In promoting any social or provident purpose, including the formation of a sick and funeral fund, authorised by any special general meeting, or any two successive ordinary business meetings, by applying thereto such sums as the ordinary business meetings may vote. The application of the profits, subject to these charges, is to be dealt with by the Special Rules of the society. 115. Educational, Provident, and Social Ftouls : (1) Mode of l)eo-l/nf Aii>'drtorx. At the first or any subsequent general meeting of the society after it is registered, five arbitrators shall be elected, none of whom are directly or indirectly interested in the funds of the society. (2) Vi'^lc of XclrrttoH.hi any case of dispute the secretary of the society, or such other person as the committee direct, shall, in the presence of the complaining party or someone appointed by him, write the names of the arbitrators for the time being upon separate pieces of paper, and place them so that the names shall be concealed, from which the complaining party or his representative shall draw three, and the persons whose names are so drawn shall be the arbitrators to decide the dispute. (3) \''<<-. Two arbitrators shall be competent to hear and decide any question, but shall, before hearing ii, appoint an umpire, by whom, if they differ, the question shall be determined. (5) The costs of an arbitration shall be borne as the arbitrators direct, and each party shall deposit 10s., to abide their decision. 117. linn: a Memln'i- nnoj bf l-l,t-jiclh-d. A member may be expelled by the vote of two-thirds of the members present at a special general meeting of the society, upon a charge in writing of conduct detrimental to the society, communicated to him by order of the committee for one calendar month before the meeting. 118. Payment of Expelled JAWr. A member so expelled shall be paid the full sum paid on any shares in the society held by him at the date of the resolution for his expulsion ; and all transferable shares held by him shall be extinguished upon such payment being tendered, whether the member accept the tender or not ; and an entry referring to the minute of expulsion and the date of such tender shall be made on the register of shares under all such shares. ll'J. He-admission of Expelled Jh'/ttber. No expelled member shall be re-admitted except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present ut an ordiua-vy business meeting, on a motion of which notice has been given. ALTERATION OF RULES, &C. FORMS OK INSTRUMENTS. CHAPTER X. ALTERATION OF RULES. 120. Majority reqtiixife to mtilcc AUfi'oiioua. Any rule of the society not declared to be fundamental in manner hereinafter stated, may be rescinded or altered, or any new rule be made, by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at any special general meeting. 121. Fuii(l(nit<>)itl Rules. The Special Rules of the society may declare any rule of the society therein mentioned, including this provision, to be fundamental ; and no rule comprised in such declaration shall be rescinded or altered without such consent so given as is thereby specified. 122. Addition* or Alterations. Application for the registration of every addition, repeal, or alteration shall be made to the Registrar for the country where the society is established in manner and form required by the Treasury regulations, so soon as is practicable after the same has been made ; and a copy thereof shall be issued with every copy of the rules issued after the registration thereof. No amendment of rules is valid until registered. CHAPTER XL CHANGE OF NAMti, AMALGAMATION, CONVERSION INTO A COMPANY, & DISSOLUTION. 123. (1) Change of AVmr, J:c. The society may, by special resolution passed in manner prescribed by the Act : (a) Change its name, with the approval of the Registrar" in writing ; (A) Amalgamate with or transfer its engagements to any other society or company, or accept any such transfer ; (r) Convert itself into a company under the Companies Acts as in the Act prescribed. [See the Act, section 54.] (2) DixKoln'ifm. The society may be voluntarily dissolved : () By a resolution to wind it up, made as is directed in regard to companies by the Companies Act, 1862 to 1890 ; (/>) By an instrument of dissolution signed by three-fourths of tho members for the time being, and in the form prescribed by ^ hn Treasury regulations [See section f>8 (&).] CHAPTER XIL FORMS OF INSTRUMENTS. 124. Instruments xlmll luirc the following Forms. The instruments referred to in the proceeding rules shall be in the forms following, or as near thereto * The Chief Registrar in England, or the Assistant Registrar for Ireland or Scotland, if the society is registered and does business exclusively there. 2-J-S CJKXHKAL RULES. as the case allows. The date, the name of the society, and, if the case requires, an address to the committee shall in all cases be prefixed : (1) A/>/)/tfrtf/t>/( for Admission />// // Pui/iiit'iil ff Hull's. Received this day a copy of the rules of the above-named society, for which I have paid [<>n ticcnanl of llic undermentioned applicant^ the sum required to be paid on an application for admission to the society. Signature as above, or if the payment is made by any other person than the applicant, of this person, stating the name, address, and occupation of the applicant. (2) Application fur S/n/n'* !>// x- ferallc] or [ 1 3 1 9 1 2 6 2$ lOJf 1 7 2 1 1 5 1 10 1 5$ 6th (1898J C 9 434 5 1 9 7th (1S99) Cd. 309 1 in 8th , (1900) Standard Piece Rates (1893) (19<>0) Cd. 88 C._7,567-I Cd. 144 54 4 i ;.< 1 3 1 s In the United Kingdom. Letter Post. PUBLICATIONS ON LABOUR QUESTIONS. 251 PRINCIPAL BOARD OF TRADE PUBLICATIONS ON LABOUR QUESTIONS. ANNUAL AND SPECIAL REPORTS continued. Title of Report. Official Number to be quoted on Ordering. Price, exclusive of Postage. Price, including Postage.* Standard Time Rates (1893) (1900) C. 7.567-II Cd. 317 s. d. g. fl. 13 10 11 12 Rates of Wages paid in the United Kingdom in 1886 : Principal Textile Trades Minor Mines and Quarries By Local Authorities and Private Companies to Police, and to Workpeople employed on Roads, &c., and at Gas and Water Works. General Report Wages and Earnings of Agricultural Labourers in the United Kingdom. Weekly Hours of Labour in 1850, 1860, 1870, H.C. 375. 1890 74 C. 5,807 C. 6,161 C. 6,455 1 6 94 1 1 10 1 Of 1 3 C. 6,715 1 3 1 <> C. 6,889 4 3 4 ( J Cd. 346 3 4 3 8 1880, and 1890. Conciliation (Trade Disputes) Act, 1896 : 1st Report (Aug. 1896 June 1897) C. 8,533 3 4| 2nd (July 1897 June 1899) H.C. 275, 1899 2 2JJ 3rd (July 1899 June 1901) , H.C. 296, 1901 7 9 Strikes and Lock-outs, 1st Report on (1888) C. 5,809 10 1 Git 99 2nd , (1889) C. 6,176 1 3 1 6 j) 3rd . (1890) C._ 6,4 76 2 11 3 4 55 4th (1891) C. 6,890 4 4 4 9 u 5th (1892) C. 7,403 33 38 55 6th (1893) C. 7,566 2 4 1 2 8 j 7th (1894) C. 7,901 2 9 3 1 8th (1895) C. 8,231 2 4 2 8 55 9th (1896) C. 8,643 1 2 1 5 55 10th (1897) C. 9,012 1 1 1 4 51 llth (1808) C. 9,437 104 1 I* 9 9 12th (1899) Cd. 316 11 1 2 91 99 13th ,. (1900) Cd. 689 104 1 1| Trade Unions, 1st Report on C. 5,104 74 ' 94f 2nd (1887) C. 5.505 2 5 2 9 3rd (1888) C. 5J808 2 14 2 54 4th (1889 and 1890) C. 6,475 5 14 5 74 5th (1891) C. 6,990 2 4 2 8 6th (1892) C. 7.436 2 8 3 7th (1893) C. 7,808 2 3 2 7 8th (1894 and 1895) C. 8,232 4 4 4 10 9th (1896) C. 8,644 1 4 1 8 10th (1897) C. 9.013 1 44 1 84 llth (1898) C 9,443 1 64 1 10J 12th (1899) i Cd. 422 1 64 1 104 13th (1900) 1 Cd. -775 1 4 1 8 In the United Kingdom. f Letter Post. J Book Post. Some of the figures in this volume relate to 1891 and 1892. 252 PUBLICATIONS ON LABOUR QUESTIONS. PRINCIPAL BOARD OF TRADE PUBLICATIONS ON LABOUR QUESTIONS. ANNUAL AND SPECIAL REPORTS continued. Official Tit,e of Report. -*J& Ordering. Price, exclusive ' of Postage. Price, ncluding Postage.* Provision for Old Age Abroad s. d. C._9,414 3 *. d. 4f Profit-sharing, Report on (181*4) C. 7,458 010 1 1 " Gain-sharing " and certain other systems of Bonus on Production, Report on (1895). C. 7,848 6 8if Report on Contracts given out by Public Authorities to Associations of Work men (1896). C. 8.233 1 5 i y Report on Workmen's Co-operative Societies in United Kingdom. Cd. 698 1 2J 1 5^ Cost of Production in relation to Wages in certain Industries (1891). C. 0,535 1 7 i 11 Women and Girls, Employment of : Statistics of Employment of Women and Girls (1894). Changes in the Employment of Women and Girls in Industrial Centres (1898), Part I. Money Wages of Domestic Servants C. 7,564 C. 8,794 C. 9,346 8 6 3} lOJf 4if Employment of Children on leaving School (Upper Standards), Return of. H.C. 23, 1S99 6 8f Unemployed, Report on the Agencies and Methods for dealing with the (1893). C. 7,182 1 11 2 :< Alien Immigration : Alien Immigration into United States (1893)... Recent Immigration from Eastern Europe, Reports on the Volume and Effects of (1894). C. 7,113 1 7 1 1 11 1 3 Directory of Industrial Associations 1st edition (1900). 2nd editfon (1901) Cd. 120 (In the Press) 7* 10f * In the United Kingdom. f Letter Post. MINES in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man. List of, for 1900. Price 3s QUARRIES. Ditto. ditto. ditto. 1900. Price 4s. Gd- MINES ABANDONED. List of the Plans of. Corrected to 31st December 1900. Price Is. ACCIDENTS AT DOCKS, WHARVES, AND QUAYS. Report upon. Price Qd. Special Reports on Educational Subjects. Issued by Board of Education : PUBLIC LIBRARY AND PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Connection between. Price 2$d. HEURISTIC METHOD OF TEACHING. Price 3d. MODERN LANGUAGE TEACHING IN BELGIUM, HOLLAND AND GERMANY. Price tyd. SECONDARY SCHOOLS : IN BADEN. Price 5%d. IN PRUSSIA. Price 1*. UNIVERSITY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION IN FRANCE Price id. INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION IN WALES, AND THE ORGANISATION OF EDUCATION IN SWITZERLAND. Price Is. Id. SIMPLIFICATION OP FRENCH SYNTAX. 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OCEANIC DEPTHS AND SERIAL TEMPERATURE OBSERVATIONS RECEIVED AT THE ADMIRALTY DURING THE YEAR 190L Price 4. Ziocal Government Boards GENERAL SANITARY CIRCUMSTANCES AND ADMINISTRATION OP THE BOROUGH OP WEYMOUTH. Report on. Price &d. DIPHTHERIA IN, AND GENERAL SANITARY CIRCUMSTANCES AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE PRESTWICH URBAN DISTRICT. Report on. .Price 2d. Emigrants' Information Office, 31, Broadway, Westminster, viz.: COLONIES, HANDBOOKS FOR. April 1901. 8vo. Wrapper. No. 1. Canada. 2. New South Wales. 3. Yictoria. 4. South Australia. 5. Queens- land. 6. Western Australia. 7. Tasmania. 8. New Zealand. 9. Cape Colony. 10. Natal. Price Id. each. No. 11. Professional Handbook dealing with Prof essions in the Colonies. 12. Emigra- tion Statutes and General Handbook. Price 3d. each. No. 13 (viz., Nos. 1 to 12 in cloth). Price 2*. CONSULAR REPORTS, 1900. SUMMARY OF. America, North and South. July 1901. Price 2d. INTENDING EMIGRANTS, INFORMATION FOR : Argentine Republic, price 2d. 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Vols. : 81. 1888-9. 82". 1889-1890. 83. 1890-1. 84 1891-2. 85. 1892-3. 86. 1893-4. 87. 1894-5. 88. 1895-6. 89. 1896-7. Price 10s. each. Board of Trade Journal, of Tariff and Trade Notices and Miscellaneous Commercial Information. Published weekly Price Id. Index to Vols. 1 to 14. Price .2s. And to Vols. XV. to XX. July, 1893 to June, 1896. Price Is. tod. WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES BOARD OF TRADE (LABOUR DEPARTMENT). REPORT WORKMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, AVITH STATISTICAL TABLES, utcfo to both Bouses of parliament br> Command of ^)is Jft LONDON FEINTED FOE HIS M.\ STATIONERY OFFICE, BY DAELING & SON, LTD., 34-40, BACON STREET, E. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYEE & SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C. and 32, ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. ; or OLIVEE & BO YD, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1901, [Cd. 698.] Price Is. ,%/. 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