University of California Berkeley From the papers of WILLIAM MCDEVITT History of Wyoming AND (The Far West) Embracing an Account of the Spanish, Canadian and American Explorations; the Experiences and Adventures of Trappers and Traders in the Early Days; Including Events of the Oregon Emigration, the Mormon Movement and Settlements, the Indian Tribes, their Manners and Customs, and their Wars and Depredations on the Overland Trail, etc., etc. INTERSPERSED WITH Personal Reminiscences of Pioneers With Numerous Engravings BY Dr. C. G. Coutant IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT To Librarians and Collectors: An Unknown History of the West, by an Eminent Authority, printed some fifteen years ago, has just been discovered. This work is of the highest importance to all students of Western History, and must form a necessary part of any collection relating to the Early History, Explora- tion and Development of these Vast Regions. The Author spent a life-time in gathering his ma- terials, in the sifting of Early Narratives and Manu- scripts and in collecting from remaining Pioneers, per- sonal accounts of adventure and experience during the "Early Day." The book is an Octavo, of 712 pages, substantially bound, illustrated with 2 maps and 76 portraits and views, many of wMch are Rare, and secured, as the author states, with great difficulty. An examination of the following pages, in which we give the Contents of this volume, will show in the fewest possible words, its character, scope and importance. History of Wyoming (and the Far West) By C. G. Coutant CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE Introductory Remarks 17 Grand Possibilities Mineral Wealth Backbone of the Continent Fountain Head of Mighty Rivers Boundaries Names of Rivers and Mountains. CHAPTER II Spanish Occupation 23 The Claims of the Spaniards Regarding the North- wesV-What Different Writers Say Where Did the White Blood of the Mandans Come From? Relics of Iron Tools Found in Northern Wyoming and Montana Evi- dences of Mining and Agriculture Carried on Probably in the Seventeenth Century The Subject Referred to Fu- ture Historians. CHAPTER III French Canadian Explorations 33 The De la Verendryes Lead an Expedition from Can- ada to the Headwaters of the Mississippi Across to the Missouri into the Yellowstone and Wind River Countries Turned Back by the Shoshones, Who Persuade the Ex- plorers That They Will be Killed by the Sioux at South Pass Eleven Years Spent in the Wilderness Return to Montreal Second Expedition Is Prevented by the Death of De la Verendrye Unprincipled Politicians Rob the De la Verendrye Family and Get Their Hands in the Coffers of the King Fur Trade Under English Ownership of Canada American Revolution Leads to Great Changes in the Fur Trade. 4 HUDSON BOOK CO. CHAPTER IV The First American Explorers 43 History of Western Course of Empire Thomas Jefferson Becomes a Leader and Finally Succeeds in His Cherished Scheme of Sending Expeditions up the Head- waters of the Missouri to Search For a Gateway Through the Rocky Mountains The Lewis and Clark Expedition They Winter at the Mandan Village on the Upper Missouri in 1804 In 1805 Spend the Winter at the mouth of the Columbia Return to St. Louis in 1806. CHAPTER V The Famous John Colter 61 The First American to Enter Wyoming A Member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition Remains in the Vicin- ity of the Yellowstone From 1806 to 1810 He Traps Along the Big Horn, Big Wind River, and Crosses the Range to the Pacific Slope in 1807 Returns by the Way of the Yellowstone National Park, of Which He Was the Discoverer His Adventure With the Blackfeet A Race for Life Relates His Story to Captain Clark, Bradbury and Others. CHAPTER VI Ezekiel Williams' Party 70 They Follow Up the Yellowstone and are Attacked by Blackfeet Cross Over to the Big Horn and go South Reach the Sweetwater Another Attack by Indians Re- treat South Across the Laramie Plains and Reach the Headwaters of the South Platte Comanches Attack the Party and Kill all But Three Williams Returns to St. Louis and the Two Others go to Southern California The Leader Again Visits the Sweetwater in 1809. CHAPTER VII The Astoria Expedition 74 The Tonquin Sails For the Mouth of the Columbia Wilson P. Hunt Organizes a Land Expedition and Goes up the Missouri The Party Reaches the Country Which Is Now Wyoming Numerous Attempts Made to Cross the Big Horn Mountains Finally Ascend the Middle Fork of the Powder River and Reach the No Wood Journey Up the Big Horn and Big Wind Rivers Cross Sheridan Pass to the Headwaters of Green River First View of the Grand Tetons Crossing the Green River Valley They Reach the Headwaters of the Columbia. 862 HEWITT PLACE, NEW YORK CITY 5 CHAPTER VIII Astorians (Continued) 85 Hunt and His Party Follow Down the Mad (Snake) River They Reach Henry's Fort Build Canoes and At- tempt the Further Journey by Water Three Hundred and Forty Miles Below Again Take to the Land Great Suffering of the Party Through Hunger and Cold At Last Reach the Falls of the Columbia Balance of the Journey Made by Canoes Arrival at Astoria. CHAPTER IX Conditions at Astoria 91 Arrival of the Tonquin David Stuart's Expedition to Establish a New Trading Post David Thompson, of the Northwest Company, Comes Down the Columbia to Plant the British Flag at the Mouth of that River, But Is Too Late Disaster to the Tonquin and the Murder of Her Crew by Indians Mr. Lewis' Terrible Revenge Indians at Astoria Held in Check by Threats of Spreading Small- pox Among Them Arrival of the Beaver From New York Departure of Hunt For New Archangel and the Sand- wich Islands Treachery of McDougal Abandonment of Astoria. CHAPTER X Great Overland Trail Discovered 101 Robert Stuart and His Little Band of Six Pass Around the South End of the Wind River Range during the Early Winter of 1812 Discovery of the Sweetwater River and Passage Down That Stream They Camp at Bessemer for the Winter Leave Their Winter Camp For Fear of Indians Great Suffering of the Party as They Journey Down the Platte Discovery of the Platte River Canon Second Winter Encampment Journey Down the River in the Spring of 1813. CHAPTER XI Ashley's Trappers 119 Trapping on the Yellowstone, Big Horn, Big Wind, and Other Sources of the Missouri Names the Sweet- water and Changes the Name Spanish River to Green River Employs Over Three Hundred Trappers His Ex- pedition to Salt Lake Marvelous Success As a Fur Trader Makes a Fortune and Sells Out to Sublette, Campbell, Bridger and Others His Speech to the Moun- tain Men Changes the Character of the Trapper by 6 HUDSON BOOK CO. Mounting Him on Horseback A Lifelong Personal Friend of Every Trapper Who Shared With Him the Dangers of the Mountains Author's Tribute to the American Trapper. CHAPTER XII Fur Trappers and Traders 130 Captain William Sublette Succeeds General Ashley He Organizes the Rocky Mountain Fur Company With Jedediah S. Smith, David E. Jackson and Others as Part- ners Brilliant Campaign Planned and Carried Out Names Jackson's Hole and Lake Introduces Wagons Into the Service in Wyoming Captain Nathaniel J. Wyeth Battle of Pierre's Hole Death of Vanderberg Bridger's Affair With the Chief of the' Blackfeet Success Attends the Fur Trade. CHAPTER XIII Captain Bonneville 148 Leaves Fort Osage With Twenty Wagons and One Hundred and Ten Men Reaches the Platte River Below Grand Island Scott's Bluffs and Origin of the Name Follows the North Fork of the Platte Crosses Over to the Sweetwater Experience of Tom Cain Rejoicings After Crossing the Continental Divide Fontenelle Over- takes the Bonneville Party Arrival at Green River Fortifies His Camp Free Trappers Visited by Blackfeet. CHAPTER XIV Bonneville Sends Out His Trappers 157 Various Detachments in the Field Main Party Pass Through Jackson's Hole and Pierre's Hole on the Way to Solomon River Meets the Nez Perces His Opinion of This Tribe Experiences During the Winter Rendezvous on Green River in 1833 Stories of His Several Leaders Scenes at the Rendezvous A Digression by the Author, in Which He Tells of the Relations Between Captain Bonneville and Washington Irving Valuable Services Rendered the Government. CHAPTER XV Bonneville Leaves Wyoming 171 Furs Collected, Convoyed to the Big Horn and Shipped by Bull Boats Interesting Incidents of the Journey North Discovery of the Great Tar Spring Dangers and Diffi- culties of the Return Trip Discovery of the Big Hot Spring Near the Present Site of Fort Washakie Captain 862 HEWITT PLACE, NEW YORK CITY 7 Bonneville Attempts to Work His Way Through the Wind River Range Ascent of Mount Bonneville Toilsome Journey Discovers a Community of Beavers Returns to His Caches on Green River by Way of South Pass Crosses the Wind River Range at the Head of Green River Many Incidents of His Second Journey to the Columbia Last Winter in the Mountains Rendezvous in the Wind River Valley Returns to Civilization. CHAPTER XVI Sketches of Trappers and Traders 188 Trappers First Permanent Settlers in Wyoming Personal Mention of Jim. Beckwourth Nathaniel J. Wyeth James Bridger Kit Carson Jedediah S. Smith Joshua Pilcher George W. Ebberts Robert Newell Captain William Sublette Thomas Fitzpatrick Frapp Jervaise Fontenelle Jennings LeRoy Ross Sinclair Brothers Dripps Vasques Goodale Pappen Tulleck. CHAPTER XVII Opening of First Highway 1835-1843 207 The Missionaries, Parker and Whitman, Pass Up the Platte, Sweetwater, and Reach Green River Dr. Whit- man Returns to the States A Romantic Wedding Tour First Two White Women in Wyoming Remarkable Fourth of July Celebration at South Pass Grand Recep- tion Given the Pioneer Women at Green River Arrival in Oregon Perilous Ride of Dr. Whitman Passes Through Wyoming With a Thousand Settlers The Indian Massacre The Hero of Western Civilization. CHAPTER XVIII Father Peter De Smet 229 His Arrival in Wyoming and Passes Up the North Platte and Sweetwater The Flatheads Meet Him at Green River Wonderful Interest Shown by the Indians In This Priest He Tells of His Experiences and Future Labors Many Visits to Wyoming Incident Among the Crows Supposed Knowledge of Gold in the Big Horn Mountains His Death at St. Louis What Is Thought of Father DeSmet in Wyoming. CHAPTER XIX Fremont's Explorations 238 The First Military Expedition to Visit Our State The Main Detachment Follows the North Platte to Fort 8 HUDSON BOOK CO. Laramie Fremont, With a Small Party, Visits Fort St. Vrain and Passes North to Fort Laramie Description of the Fort as It Appeared in 1842 Indians Invite Them to Partake of a Dog Feast Indian Chiefs Warn the Party that if They Go Further West, They Will Be Killed Fremont's Speech of Defiance Expedition Goes For- ward Observations Regarding Formations, Soils, Cli- mate, Etc. CHAPTER XX Fremont's Explorations (Continued) 255 Meets a Band of Ogalalla Sioux Discouraging Re- ports of the Condition of the Country Severe Drought and a Grasshopper Plague Advised to Give up the Ex- pedition Boldly Pushes Forward Journey Up the Sweet- water Crosses South Pass Penetrates the Wind River Range Climbs Fremont's Peak The Return Journey Engraves a Cross on Independence Rock More Carefully Explores the North Platte Returns to Fort Laranpe Follows the Platte to the Missouri Goes Down the Miss- ouri in a Ten-Oared Boat Arrives at St. Louis. CHAPTER XXI Fremont's Second Expedition 274 The Start From the Missouri Follow the Kansas River Command Divided Explorations in Colorado Two Divisions Meet at Fort St. Vrain Twenty-Five Men With the Baggage Go By Way of Fort Laramie to Fort Hall Fremont and Thirteen Men Explore Laramie Plains and Proceed Westward to Eastern Rim of Red Desert Proceed North to Sweetwater Journey to Bear River Explore Great Salt Lake Join Balance of Command at Fort Hall Explorations in Oregon Winter Campaign in the Mountains of California Third Exploring Expedition and Experiences in California Fourth Exploring Ex- pedition Great Suffering of the Party and Eleven Deaths Fremont's Public Services. CHAPTER XXII Discoveries in Yellowstone Park 286 Joseph Meek Strays Into the Park in 1829 and Tells What He Saw An Unknown Explorer in 1833 Writes the First Description of Geysers Jim Bridger in 1850 Takes His Friends to See the Curiosities at the Head of the Yellowstone, Which He Had Been Telling About for Twenty-five Years Reynolds' Expedition in 1860 Is Pre- vented by Deep Snow From Entering the Geyser Coun- 862 HEWITT PLACE, NEW YORK CITY g try Numerous Prospectors See the Thermal Springs and Geysers The Folsom Expedition of 1869 Organiza- tion of the Washburn Expedition in 1870. CHAPTER XXIII History of Fort Laramie 296 A Noted Post in the Wilderness Story of Jacques Laramie Naming Laramie River Robert Campbell Builds Fort William Name Changed to Fort Laramie Purchased by Milton Sublette, Jim Bridger and others Sold to American Fur Company Becomes the Capital of the Wilderness Palmy Days at the Old Trading Post Important Station on the Overland Trail Closing Days of the Fur Traders at Fort Laramie. CHAPTER XXIV History of Fort Laramie (Continued) 310 Purchase of Fort Laramie by United States Govern- ment The Price Paid The First Garrison Reinforce- ments Rebuilding of the Fort Scurvy Attacks the Soldiers Cholera at Scott's Bluffs Captain Ketchum Re- lieves Major Sanderson as Commander American Fur Company Retires Down the River to Scott's Bluffs Emi- grant Trains Indians for the Most Part Peaceable Valuable Services of American Fur Company to Emi- grants Treaty of 1851. CHAPTER XXV History of Fort Laramie (Continued) 320 Unpleasant Side of the Service at Fort Laramie Shut up in the Wilderness Gloom and Despondency Insolent Savages Indians Severely Punished Lieuten- ant Grattan and Thirty Soldiers Massacred Sioux Tribes on the War Path Fort Laramie Reinforced Major Hoff- man Takes Command The Sioux Make War on Emigrant Trains Sir George Gore's Hunting Expedition Bridger Becomes Guide Terrible Conditions Along the Overland Trail Government Urged to Protect Emigrants War Department Aroused at Last. CHAPTER XXVI The Oregon Emigration 330 Dr. Elijah White's Train of 1842 Trials and Tribu- lations by the Way Fitzpatrick the Guide Emigrants of 1844 Extravagant Prices at Fort Laramie That Year One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-five People Go to Oregon in 1844 Senator Benton's Prophecy 10 HUDSON BOOK CO. The Business of the Trail in 1845 The Rush in 1846 Indians Say White Men Are as Numerous as the Leaves of the Forest Scenes at Fort Laramie Increasing Emi- gration of 1847-8 The "Days of Forty-Nine." CHAPTER XXVII Mormon Emigration 340 Brigham Young's Pioneer Train An Incident on the Eastern Border of Wyoming Arrival at Fort Laramie Crossing the Platte Above Caspar With Boats and Rafts The Train Crosses South Pass Reaches the Big Sandy and Green River Jim Bridger Meets Brigham Young The Stop at Fort Bridger Train Passes Out of Wyom- ing Arrival in Salt Lake Valley Incidents Connected with the Mormon Settlement Character of Brigham Young. CHAPTER XXVIII History of Fort Bridger 349 First a Trappers' and Traders' Rendezvous Bridger Builds a Block House The Bridger and Vas- quez Partnership The Mormons Settle Around the Fort In 1853 Rebuilt in 1855 Occupied by Government Troops, Winter of 1857-8 Troops on Short Rations Captain Marcy's Winter Journey Fort Rebuilt by the Government Practically Abandoned in 1861 Judge Carter Organizes a Company of Mountineers to Garrison the Fort California and Nevada Volunteers Occupy the Post From 1862 to 1866 Arrival of United States Troops to Replace Volunteers Troops Protect Overland Stages and Engineers of Union Pacific Railway Abandoned in 1890. CHAPTER XXIX Events on the Overland 359 What Came of Fremont's Explorations Hockaday and Liggett's Monthly Stage from the Missouri to Salt Lake Fort Kearney, South Pass and Honey Lake Wagon Road Winter Camp in the Wind River Valley Colonel F. W. Lander and the Shoshone Indians Russell, Majors and Waddell, the Freighters Daily Stage Line The Pony Express Fight Between the Shoshones and Sioux War Chief Washakie's Eldest Son Construction of the Telegraph Line. CHAPTER XXX Changing the Overland Trail 374 Ben Holliday Becomes Proprietor of the Stage Line Shoshones Capture all the Horses For a Distance of 862 HEWITT PLACE, NEW YORK CITY j i 200 Miles The Mormon Battalion Arrival of Volunteer Troops The Emigrant Road Expedition Colonel P. Edward Connor Takes Charge of the Military District of Utah Fort Douglass Located Fort Bridger Garrisoned Mormon Effort to Have Troops Removed From Fort Douglass Colonel Connor's Letter to the War Depart- ment Removal of the State to the Laramie Plains and Bridger Pass Route Whiskey Gap Named Thorough Equipment of the Holliday Line. CHAPTia.., XXXI Indian Depredations on the Overland 390 Colonel Connor's Winter Campaign Battle of Bear River Two Hundred and Twenty-Four Indians Killed Colonel Connor Made a Brigadier General Southern Utes Go on the War Path Additional Troops Asked For General Connor Makes a Statement to the War De- partment Regarding the Mormons Major Wynkoop Ordered to the Overland Trail Hostiles Attack Sweet- water Station Utes Attack Stage Station on Laramine Plains The Bannocks and Snakes Want Peace Wyom- ing Attached to the Military District of Colorado Utes Sue for Peace in Utah The Career of the Notorious Joseph A. Slade in Wyoming His Execution by Vigilan- tes in Montana. CHAPTER XXXII Indian Troubles on the Overland 406 Events of 1864 A Glance Backward The Crow Country The Crow Character What Robert Campbell Says of Them The Bozeman Road The Man Who Laid It Out and His Death Overland Stage Company Com- plains General Connor's Policy With the Indians Suc- cessful Return of Stolen Property General Connor Ordered to Protect the Overland From Salt Lake to Fort Kearney Mormons Attempt to Have Camp Douglass Removed General Connor's Trouble With the Mormons The Outlook for 1865. CHAPTER XXXIII The Bloody Year on the Plains 422 Indians Become Experts in Killing and Robbing Hostilities Open on January 7 Captain O'Brien's Des- perate Fight Against Overwhelming Numbers The Burning of Julesburg Station The Attack on Mud Springs Station Colonel Collins Brings Relief Fight at Rush Creek Destruction of the Telegraph Line Colonel Collins Returns to Fort Laramie His Recommen- dations to the Government Organization of the Depart- 12 HUDSON BOOK CO. ment of the Plains General Connor Placed in Command Indians Attack Deer Creek Station Colonel Moon- light's Expedition to Wind River Renewed Trouble at Julesburg Capture of Two Face and Blackfoot Their Execution at Fort Laramie Rescue of Mrs. Eubanks ..The Schuyler Coif ax Party. CHAPTER XXXIV The Bloody Year on the Plains (Continued) 445 Headquarters Removed From Denver to Julesburg Colonel Moonlight Places Additional Troops on the Tele- graph Line District Inspectors Appointed Command- ers of the Different Posts Indians Attack Rock Ridge and Sweetwater Stations Attack and Burning of St. Mary's Station Affair at Platte Bridge Trouble at Sage Creek, Pine Grove and Bridge Pass Stations Second At- tack on Sage Creek Station The Stage Company Refuses to Run Coaches Soldiers Mutiny So-Called Friendly In- dians Mutiny Colonel Moonlight's Troubles General Con- nor Getting Ready For a Campaign on Powder River Troops Delayed By Bad Roads Additional Troubles on the Telegraph Line and the Stage Route Across Laramie Plains Niobrara and Montana Wagon Road. CHAPTER XXXV The Bloody Year on the Plains (Continued) 469 The Massaacre at Platt Bridge Lieutenant Caspar W. Collings Goes Out to Insure the Safety of a Wagon Train and Is Killed Together With Eight of His Men and Seven More Wounded Twenty-One Men Belonging to the Wagon Train Are All Killed But Three Three Thousand Indians Threaten Platte Bridge How Fort Caspar Re- ceived Its Name Able Letter on the Indian Question by Major General John Pope Indian Affairs Discussed by the Author Mistakes Made by the Government in the Management of the Indians General Connor Is Given a New Command General Wheaton Assumes Command of The District of Nebraska, With Headquarters at Fort Laramie Reduction of the Army on the Plains Its Effect on the Savages The Much Talked of Peace Con- ference to be Held at Fort Laramie, May, 1866. CHAPTER XXXVI The Bloody Year on the Plains (Continued) 491 Troops Operating Against Savages Divided Into Small Detachments Red Men Have Things Their Own Way Indian Affairs and the Indian Question The 862 HEWITT PLACE, NEW YORK CITY 13 Powder River Campaign Discussed and Determined by Generals Pope, Dodge and Connor General Connor Issues His Instructions to Colonel Cole and Makes Known His Plan of Campaign Departure of the Expedition Cap- tain George F. Price Left in Command at Fort Laramie Pope Abolishes the District of the Plains Assigns Con- nor to the District of Utah General F. Wheaton Assigned to the District of Nebraska With Headquarters at Fort Laramie Indian Depredations on the Telegraph and Mail Line After General Connor's Departure For Powder River. CHAPTER XXXVII Report of the Powder River Expedition 505 Captain Palmer's Diary The Army of Invasion Starts North Crossing the Platte at LaBonta's Ranch Incidents by the Way Building of Fort Connor A Run- ning Fight Twenty-Four Indians Killed A Skirmish Visits Lake De Smet Something About Jim Bridger Battle of Tongue River Exciting Scenes on the Field of Carnage The March Down Tongue River Anxiety About Colonel Cole's Command Scouring the Country For Indians Colonel Cole Heard From and His Troops Reported to Be in a Starving Condition He Fails to Meet General Connor at the Appointed Place of Ren- dezvous Return of the Various Commands to Fort Laramie. CHAPTER XXXVIII Thrilling Events of the Bozeman Road 541 Mountain District Organized Colonel H. B. Carring- ton Assumes Command Expedition Moves From Fort Kearney The Peace Conference at Fort Laramie Red Cloud's Position and Brave Words The March to Fort Reno The Building of the New Fort Selecting a Site For Fort Phil. Kearney Erection of the Post Commenced Conference With Hostiles First Encounter With the Savages Attack on Train at Clear Creek Lieutenant Daniels Killed Fort C. F. Smith located General Hazen Inspects the Posts Fort Phil. Kearney Practically Com- pleted October 31st. CHAPTER XXXIX Thrilling Events of the Bozeman Road (Continued) .560 Description of Fort Phil. Kearney Colonel Carring- ton's Address and Hoisting the Flag A Night Attack The Garrison Harassed by Night and by Day Fight of December 6th, Lieutenant Bingham and Sergeant Bowers 14 HUDSON BOOK CO. Killed The Fetterman Massacre Eighty-One Brave Men Meet Death Scenes at the Fort Burial of the Dead John Phillips' Daring Ride fdr Help His Arrival at Fort Laramie Reinforcements Go to Fort Phil. Kearney Suffering of the Troops From the Cold on the Journey A Review of the Causes Which Led to the Massacre. CHAPTER XL Red Cloud Continues the War 1867 580 Government Wants Peace Red Cloud Jubilant Brigadier General Wessels Takes Command of Fort Phil. Kearney Carrington Goes to Fort McPherson General St. George Cooke Removed and General Augur Assumes Command of the Department of the Platte Report of Congressional Committee on the Fetterman Massacre Red Cloud, With a Large Force Hovers About Fort Phil. Kearney Makes Preparations to Storm the Fort Major Powell's Desperate Fight With Red Cloud Indians Severely Beaten Recruits His Forces From Other Tribes Spotted Tail Punishes Deserters Building of Fort Fetterman Fort D. A. Russell Located. CHAPTER XLI Mistaken Policy of the Government 1868 598 Indians Continue Hostilities Record for the Month of March Peace Commissioners Assemble at Fort Laramie Red Cloud Agrees to Terms But Does Not Sign Six Hundred of His Warriors Dissatisfied and With- draw The Marauding Bands Continue the War Forts Reno, Phil. Kearney and C. F. Smith Abandoned Several Regiments Withdraw From the Plains General Sheridan Points Out the Mistakes of the Peace Policy of the Government Indian Troubles Renewed Schuyler Colfax's Message to the War Department Governor Hunt of Colorado Asks for Arms General Sherman's Reply Generals Sheridan and Custer Take the Field- Text of the Sioux Treaty Building of Fort Fred. Steele. CHAPTER XLII The Territory of Wyoming 1868 621 The Building of a Railroad Necessitates a Govern- ment The Name Wyoming and Its Origin The First Bill in Congress Dr. Hiram Latham Sent to Washington as an Agent of the People Circular Distributed Among the Senators and Members of the House of Represent- atives Bill Passes the Senate Difficulties Encountered 862 HEWITT PLACE, NEW YORK CITY 15 in the House It was Finally Passed and Signed by the President Territorial Officers Nominated by President Johnson But Not Confirmed by the Senate Bill Delayed Until General Grant Becomes President The Act Organ- izing the Territory. CHAPTER XLIII South Pass Gold Discoveries 1842-1869 636 A Georgian Makes the First Discovery in 1842 Thirteen Years Later Forty Men Arrived and Made Rich Discoveries Next Year They Are Driven Out of the Country by United States Troops The Attempts at Min- ing From 1858 to 1864 Lieutenant Brown's Discoveries Major Baldwin Outfits Two Prospectors Organization of the Lincoln Mining District Discovery of Carissa in 1867 Killing of Captain Lawrence and Tony Shields by Indians Mad Rush to South Pass in 1868 Numerous Rich Mines Discovered That Year Attack by Indians Building of Sawmills and Quartz Mills Discoveries of 1869 More Indian Depredations Murders of the Year Pioneers of the Camps. CHAPTER XLIV Building the Union Pacific 675 National Surveys Chartered by Congress Subsidy in Lands Government Bonds Loaned The Road a National Necessity Patriotic Private Citizens Furnish Money and Construct the Road The Government Secures Great Benefits For Which It Pays Practically Nothing Incidents in the History of Construction Marvelous Speed of the Track Layers A Well Organized Army of Builders Building Across Wyoming Bear River Riot Close of 1868. CHAPTER XLV Pioneers and Origin of Names 685 August Lucius, First Government Interpreter at Fort Laramie Sergeant Leodiger Schneider Ward and Guerrier and Other Post Traders at Fort Laramie James Baker Origin of the Name of Independence Rock Richard Wootten in Wyoming Origin of the Name Platte River B. F. Lowe, Henry Perri Old Trappers and Traders Origin of Names of Big Horn River and Mountains, Big Wind River, Wind River Range, Shoshone Range, Popo Agie Rivers, Teton Range and Peaks Climb- ing the Grand Teton. 16 HUDSON BOOK CO. As will be seen from the foregoing pages, the book is one which 1 will at once take rank with the first authori- ties, and indeed, for some phases of Western History and Incident, be the only source available. It was intended to supplement the work with a vol- ume of biographical sketches and an index, but these were never written, owing to the death of the author. It is however a matter of keen satisfaction to know that he was spared long enough to write the historical por- tion, and see a small edition issue from the Press. The Volume was then carefully stored away to await the preparation of these unwritten additions, and has remained, , from that day to this, in the vaults of a Western bank, hidden and unknown. We append below an Order Form which can be filled out and mailed and suggest that this be done AT AN EARLY DATE, as the edition is but a small one and the book one which is absolutely essential to any working library relating to the West. We will gladly forward the volume subject to ex- amination and approval. Very Sincerely, HUDSON BOOK COMPANY. Hudson Book Company, 862 Hewitt Place, Bronx New York City Dear Sirs : Please forward Copies, Coutant's History of Wyoming and the Far West. 8vo, pp. 712. illus. with 2 maps and 76 plates. Laramie, 1899. Price $5.00 per copy Delivered. (Name) (Address) (State)